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So I know that Nikki's drive has been a little bit of issue for us for well always, so after watching this video I decided that its \"Now or Never time\" and since it has been on my mind and on my list of \"To Do's\" this video could not have come at a better time. Time to stop being lazy Ashley! I also decided to include caliber in my drive training because well why not. He needs something more to do these days and I believe some tricks and more fun will make him a little happier!\n\nWhenever I take on something new I'm always amazed at how much I learn. The dogs always seem to get it but I'm always surprised when I see the outcomes.\n\nSo lesson 1 (for me of course!): This has to be done SEPARATELY. Nikki is such a.....well lets just say it....a jealous B****. Even though I love her she can not handle not having all of the attention all the time. If anyone has some insight on this matter please feel free to comment.\n\nI've also been thinking about my contacts with Nikki lately. They have always been weak which we all know is defiantly my fault but something that Silvia said that caught my attention was that she always trains running contacts and that a under confident dog should as well to keep up there speed. Now at this point I'm defiantly not looking for Nikki to become the fasted dog in the class, I'm just wondering if this will help her confidence out on course? Less to worry about for her and for me. Please feel free to comment on this matter as well!\nPosted by Ashley at 10:57 AM 1 comment:", "Sunday, December 4, 2011\n\nThe Next 3 Assignments.....\n\nSo recently, well since the move I should say, Nikki has regressed a bit back to her stressed out self. I defiantly do not blame her as this move has been very stressful. There is so much that has changed in her little world. She is in a new place with downstairs neighbours that make noise of course, we are  training in a new place with new people and new dogs and Stephen is working full time now so he's home a little less throughout the day which both dogs have defiantly noticed. My poor Nikki always reads a lot into how I'm feeling and even though I'm very glad to be back it is a little stressful at times. I put a lot of effort into my relationships with people and now that I've returned not all of them are same. Some are strained and some I'm starting again scratch due to events before I left.\n\nBut enough with all the ME crap! Nikki's agility demeanour had changed slightly so I have come up with a plan to A. make it more fun and B. bring us back up the level she was at before the move. Don't get me wrong we are not way behind or anything we are just having a few issues with a few things.\n\nSo the plan is .........\n\nA.It has been brought to my attention time and time again that Nikki's toy drive is defiantly lacking at times. So I've been shown a few ways on how it increase that drive and so far it looks like it is going to take a little work but I'm up for the challenge. This time I'm making sure I follow this one all the way through as I have a bad habit of quiting half way because its easier that way.\n\nB. Weaves - Nikki has been seriously lacking in her weaves. Missing poles all over the place. So I'm back to weave training again. If I learn to love the weaves, Nikki will learn to love the weaves or so I've been told.\n\nand C. the Table- Nikki was spooked off the table in the spring due to having her picture taking. Damn those camera's stealing her soul!!!! So now we are playing every table game under the sun!\n\nOf course there are a few more things we should be working on but 3 is enough for now as far as I'm concerned.  I'll keep our progress posted! I really want to see my Nikki come back from her regression and move even farther a head then before!!!! :)\nPosted by Ashley at 6:41 PM No comments:", "Sunday, November 20, 2011\n\nFinally.... it's about time!\n\nNikki at the Go Dog Go trial in august!", "Some great agility photos from the medicine hat trial!", null, null, "Sunday, July 10, 2011\n\nCatch up!!!!\n\nWow, this summer is flying by leaving me little time to blog. Time to play catch up.\n\nJune 26th to be exact!!!!\n\nNikki, Caliber and I went to practice our rally at the park. It was a ton of fun when the sun came out and Amanda actually got a few pictures of Nikki!!!", null, null, null, null, "She got a BIG celebratory kiss from me when she was done!!!!!!! What a good girl!!!!\n\nThen it was calibers turn, he did not to bad considering all the distractions", null, null, null, null, "He such a handsome boy!!!! What a great job he did!\nThanks for the awesome pics Amanda!!!!!!!\nI took off back home to visit my bestie Cathy!!!!!!! We had a fun filled weekend of shopping and partying!!!!! I miss her so much and I was so nice to see her!!!", null, "We had tons of fun at a concert on Canada day that my friends boyfriend plays in!!! It was a good night!", null, "I think i'm almost there.........\nOn July 6th Steve and I and the dogs took off to Waterton for the day. We had a great day hiking and eating lunch by the lake!!!", "We hiked up to one of the falls. Caliber stopped a few times along the to take a bit of a dip he was pretty hot!!!!", "I'm very cursed when it comes to Waterton, we were there for the 1st time a few years ago and I had fell really badly on my knee. I fell this time as well, right off the trial! Steve had to help me up. Luckily I only got a few bumps and bruises this time!!!\n\nWe stopped for the dogs to take a quick dip on the way back down, but they were more interested in hanging out with dad on the big rock!", "I did however get them cooled off by dragging them thru the lake!!!!!", "They were not too impressed !!!!!! but defiantly not as hot!!!!!!!\nAll in all it was a really great day, I love summer!!!!!!", "Well that's it I'm finally caught up!!!!! Until next time.........\nPosted by Ashley at 8:42 PM No comments:", "Sunday, June 5, 2011\n\nAn Olds Weekend", "Thursday, June 2, 2011\n\nWicked Weekend\n\nLast weekend Nikki and I were at a trial in Medicine Hat\n\n\" Starters Games Dog of Canada.\"", null, "I'm so PROUD of her!!!\n\nCheck out our Q snooker run:\n\nPosted by Ashley at 11:35 AM 1 comment:", "Sunday, May 22, 2011\n\nCaliber's Rally Obedience - Day 2\n\nPosted by Ashley at 9:46 PM 2 comments:", "Wednesday, May 18, 2011\n\nMy 1st post\n\nHello everyone! I'm very excited to start blogging about my adventures in life with my loving husband and my amazing Nikki and Caliber!\n\nTo catch you up to speed\nMy life became about everything dog when we adopted Nikki in 2008. We make a wicked agility team and have had a very awesome 2 years training and trialing! I could not imagine my life without her she brightens every day for me!\n\n \n \n\nThe world has been a scary place for her at times but with each day she is gaining more and more confidence and becoming a happier dog!  \n\nIn August of 2010 Caliber entered our life! He is a fun and lovable Karelian Bear Dog! I got a few interesting looks from a few people when I told them what breed came home with us, but it has been and awesome 9 months with him. He is teaching me to be more and more patient every day!\n\nWe have started into Rally Obedience and he has done really well so far! Just this past weekend he had his 1st show!!!! Two Q's! So pround of us!", null, "We both had fun, but he was pretty excited to go home!", null, "That's it for now, will be look forward to blogging more soon! Rally Video to come!!\nPosted by Ashley at 12:21 PM 3 comments:", null, "Nikki - ADC, SGDC, AGDC,", null, null, null], "url": "http://8pawsandcounting.blogspot.com/2011/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}, {"height": 565, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 166, "original_width": 250, "width": 569}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 166, "original_width": 250, "width": 569}, {"height": 569, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 166, "width": 378}, {"height": 569, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 166, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8c7d4a5df04abfdf1bcd9bf998040e7590a6899630690957d35d37ee7d45c182", "5f8316f2a417f932538387a40419991a43abd795e0e463e4733f3babd1042bbd", "0ceb3d9e630c37ac3afbdb6ece17c398ac0fc4f9967b0ca33b66f7fcb16e0f2b", "d67dec13b7ea2a0a44c923f7a2c2fdc9af8ca98e69838e23995412140f7c8d9d", "3fded88a8620732e2d18c11c85716c04dca6cfb906a370fb3ae8af9cad7c9401", "a4237d861983c0ca2a473d2b9ca72d4af046a3fd1a3ce4e1a8243a85e546fb5d", "2843ed707f640a3458dd8b7f67b69ede7bb6fe2852a769eaf26b28374a7405e6", "d42badf0567ea8883f20002b4cd0d16f86ef1663e7476650085f8e56fd9a7647", "8b686398277437d688928e6b015b3ddb01af1e2fbc85af08c38a098889c993b1", "699cfa4b0ec84071fe00c4df5b153c5118df687a201eddf9e60f6df0808b75db", "36a453d9a612511fd1f540e9183681d447ab28662a6ba031d2b0a802cf447c60", "27f44b69f7422c6dd18042ebc70100e4c130eb6dc4adbb89d8ffe68fcd1a15fa", "5104a370e9bf710f16ad99ee483c7d58eb6b28b940ffbe90d8385d4b9c4b2810", "8b5ea9b3f559c317215bd90a77582ec42453e5e80cc35eedbcb8fe1d1fdcf4e2", "f30f60e1a8eeabd84dd704e8859651518546d127b2e0715429f121985046b95b", "e078a4b6f9ab7e981b3bd3b928743192209f335d737d23e89c118c438dfc6760", "2d04163c35e42f5d61dafaf180ff3f8f34c64c2af36810593759a4a8204655b2", "31e9c27bc01c5601365bfd289ac5170e83da27ca8bedb3e3d3a9e94cda6ca038", "cab446cdb8b78f1320ba05107628bef100f29e21a0cbdb7a4512139f03fc6b89"], "__index_level_0__": 0, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://photos2.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/7/b/1/1/highres_441871505.jpeg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9262543320655824}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://911blogger.com/topics/meetup\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos2.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/7/b/1/1/highres_441871505.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://photos2.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/7/b/1/1/highres_441871505.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"highres\", \"rendered_width\": 625}, null]", "texts": [null, "brainphreak Sun, 05/27/2007 - 10:38pm\n\nSan Jose/South Bay California is Organizing! Join us!\n\nSlipgrid Thu, 10/19/2006 - 9:52pm\n\n9/11 Meetup Groups\n\nI just joined in on a meetup.com group for the first time. It was the 9/11 Truth group in Cincinnati. I met some really interesting people, and I hope more people who read this site will do the same. Right now we are working on getting some movies showen at local universities. I hope everyone here will visit the 9/11 Truth section of meetup.com, and join a group. If there is not a local group in your town, than create one. Really, it's a lot of fun, and you get to meet like minded people. Most people say, I understand the information, but now what? Join a group and get active. Also, if you run a blog or a 9/11 site, please link this groups front page: http://9-11.meetup.com/."], "url": "http://911blogger.com/topics/meetup", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 804, "original_width": 1072, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["e29e5f9cf533e3b8673b0dd805be02a07b00d500c28fa673289fbab2538ccef7"], "__index_level_0__": 1, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://a.abcnews.com/images/US/HT-St-Louis-Boy1-MEM-170517_16x9_992.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9343324303627014}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://abc7chicago.com/news/1705697/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/assets/news/global/images/nav/video-play.png\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/assets/news/global/images/nav/video-play.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"video play\", \"rendered_width\": 22, \"rendered_height\": 16}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://abc7chicago.com/news/1705697/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://a.abcnews.com/images/US/HT-St-Louis-Boy1-MEM-170517_16x9_992.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://a.abcnews.com/images/US/HT-St-Louis-Boy1-MEM-170517_16x9_992.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"HT St Louis Boy MEM\"}, null]", "texts": ["Today's Top Stories\n\nBoy, 12, killed in Barrington bicycle accident\n\nMonday, January 16, 2017\nA 12-year-old boy was killed in a bicycle accident in northwest suburban Barrington Saturday, Barrington Police said.\n\nJonathan Kallas was riding his bike in the 400-block of North Lake Zurich Road when he got in an accident and suffered a severe head injury.\n\nPolice and fire departments were dispatched to the 300-block of Sharon Drive and found Kallas, who was transported to Lutheran General Hospital for treatment. He died at the hospital from his injuries.\n\nBarrington Police said the death was accidental.\n\n\"We are saddened to share the tragic news that 7th grade Station Middle School student Jonathan (Jak) Kallas passed away over the weekend,\" said Barrington Schools in a statement.\n\nBarrington 220 District counselors and social workers will be at Station Middle School starting Tuesday to assist students who may need support.\nRelated Topics:\nnewsbicycle crashBarrington\n(Copyright ©2017 WLS-TV. All Rights Reserved.)\nLoad Comments\nNeed a story investigated? Contact the ABC7 I-Team\nWoman killed after apparently jumping from SUV in Aurora\nTillerson not sure of 'anything to apologize for' on Trump's sharing Israeli intelligence with Russia", null], "url": "http://abc7chicago.com/news/1705697/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 557, "original_width": 992, "width": 673}], "image_hashes": ["7d7f1db40aa519cc578d194f05df62690d53a56c91e7d7366c8959379b40c381"], "__index_level_0__": 2, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-k6v5ahcLoy8/UYOLlqflGZI/AAAAAAAACvU/kQI3vbV7Sn4/s400/2013-04-27-1676_q1.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7sLJDil5Zbc/UYOLsEo5YpI/AAAAAAAACvc/DIrej7xPOpg/s400/2013-04-27-1677_q1.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-o7QjB__wMyk/UYOLvoUa_KI/AAAAAAAACvk/4vTodXATdTA/s400/2013-04-27-1678_q1.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cpY3Nt65Sfs/UYOLzAmwdwI/AAAAAAAACvs/CFGDS-6kbpY/s400/2013-04-27-1679_q1.jpg", 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Cafe De La Paix is located in the quiet part of Marina mall, I really enjoy going there to have an amazing Turkish Coffee with some of their AMAZING desserts :D Makes me wanna fly..\nI totally fell in love with the chocolate Eclair , but the pistachio cake was ok", null, null, null, null, null, "Another WOW was the strawberry sponge cake, so moist, fluffy, fresh and light, which goes perfectly well with the amazing Turkish coffee they have.", null, null, "HEAVENLY!! Aint it !!??\nThe overall breakfast range they offer is good, but the Arabic Breakfast is simply amazing, pickled olives, feta and halloumi cheese, Labneh “more like sour cream”, and Foul “mashed fava beans with some veggies and olive oil” which is my favourite, so so soooooooooooooo darn good :D", null, "I don’t wanna talk a lot and be boring, here are the rest of the pics:\nThey have Chicken and cheese Crepe, I didn't like, so smelly and Yucky, but I LOVED the Spinach and Cheese Crepe, SO darn good :D", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "So!! Yeah, it is a good place to go and enjoy a quiet morning and chill.\nOhhhhhhhhhhh, here are some Pics of last night stuff that happened on my Birthday some silly surprises at work and from some of my silly friends :p It was an amazing Day", null, null, null, null], "url": "http://abudhabifood.blogspot.com/2013/05/cafe-du-la-paix-nice-for-breakfast.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 418, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 361, "width": 378}, {"height": 388, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 389, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 357, "original_width": 400, "width": 423}, {"height": 391, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 386, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 271, "original_width": 400, "width": 557}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 329, "original_width": 400, "width": 459}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 303, "original_width": 400, "width": 499}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, 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Uhlich.~", "Posted by Miss Kim at 7:41 AM", "Tinsie said...\n\nThat's a beautiful photo.\n\n9:30 PM", "Maria said...\n\nStunning photo and a great quote to match!\n\n2:54 PM", "Ginnie said...\n\nI LOVE LOVE LOVE your new look, Kim! WOW!\n\n5:51 PM", "GMG said...\n\n6:58 PM", "Di Mackey said...\n\nBeautifully captured!\n\n12:50 AM", "Hi Kim!\nThanks for the good wishes! Blogtrotter has some more Rural Iceland before the Blue Lagoon. Enjoy and have a fabulous week!\n\n12:51 PM", "eni said...\n\nfabulous portrait\n\n10:24 PM", "Geo said...\n\ngreat portrait capture!\n\nyou have very nice photos and thoughts on your blog!\n\nkeep them coming!\n\ncheers from Singapore!\n\n9:08 AM", "Sandu Grecu said...\n\nverry nice foto\n\n9:48 PM", "Blogtrotter is leaving Iceland, but before departing it shows you the incredible Blue Lagoon. Enjoy and have a fabulous weekend!\n\n11:52 PM", "traveler one said...\n\nThanks for all the lovely comments everyone... It gives me encouragement to keep on doing whatever it is I do :0\n\n10:29 AM", "American in Norway said...\n\nWOW... this what an A M A Z I N G photo! Beautiful....\n\n12:30 PM", "Lisa (aka LadyWanderlust) said...\n\nWhat a truly hauntingly beautiful young child. Her eyes just grab you and bring you in. She seems much older than the years she has.\n\n4:14 AM", "Nellie said...\n\nEyes are the windows of the soul, this soul is waiting to feel everything, it will pick and choose with clarity ,and hold and cherish and guard it for a very long time."], "url": "http://acrossthelana.blogspot.com/2009/08/girl.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 499, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["1425364a4408de0a5c58785725f0efa161ca209704b5f10d16a5dbef8e65f5c9"], "__index_level_0__": 5, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_-dN1DNSn-ws/RdFEmyLA-uI/AAAAAAAAAPI/U6nKSLt5Dco/s200/BSGFun.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9319326281547546}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://adhdguide.blogspot.com/2007/02/beacon-street-girls-book-series-with.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_-dN1DNSn-ws/RdFEmyLA-uI/AAAAAAAAAPI/U6nKSLt5Dco/s200/BSGFun.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_-dN1DNSn-ws/RdFEmyLA-uI/AAAAAAAAAPI/U6nKSLt5Dco/s200/BSGFun.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BSGFun\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://adhdguide.blogspot.com/2007/02/beacon-street-girls-book-series-with.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s101/blogusage/FFNetwork.png\", \"src\": \"http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s101/blogusage/FFNetwork.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FFNetwork\", \"alt_text\": \"Family-Friendly Blog\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "The Beacon Street Girls is a book series especially for tweens. It revolves around five girls who are best friends and the adventures they encounter. The author, Annie Bryant, chose to give one character, Maeve, a learning disability. The author researched the effects of dyslexia by interviewing girls that have the disability. She went further by speaking with experts in the field prior to writing the series. According to the author, the character of Maeve is one of the most popular in the series. It is the hope of the author that the book series (ten in all) will encourage tweens who have dyslexia. Also, it is meant to help other girls better understand the learning disability. To read an entire interview with Annie Bryant about The Beacon Street Girls books, go here. And, your daughters will enjoy visiting the BSG website. It \"offers online girls games, crafts, recipes, fun book series, free club, sweepstakes, contests + prizes for girls ages 9 - 13.\" Check it out!\n\nUpdated to add: This is a portion of an email I received about this post.\n\nHi Shane! I saw your post about the Beacon Street Girls. Thank you so much! I’m glad you found the Beacon Street Girls and Maeve. We’re trying to provide girls with positive media and strong role models, and we cover a lot of different issues – including Maeve’s dyslexia. Thanks again!\n\nBobbie Carlton\nDirector, Marketing B*tween Productions,\nHome of the Beacon Street Girls\n1666 Massachusetts Avenue,\nSuite 17Lexington, MA 02420\n\nShared by Shane H. at 11:34 PM", "Tags: books, dyslexia, girls, LD\n\n1 comment:\n\nAdd comment\nLoad more...\n\nThanks for sharing your thoughts. I love comments and feedback!", "Get Updates", "Subscribe to this blog", "Spread the Word", "Resources outside of the U.S."], "url": "http://adhdguide.blogspot.com/2007/02/beacon-street-girls-book-series-with.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 490, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 154, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a1eefe311121fa87cf08ffaf1b8147f73e3792b1795f2759a1ac7b17996d7771"], "__index_level_0__": 6, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-RtVUJ76ztKk/UMtx4SfusUI/AAAAAAAASVc/O2a8z-TkMYM/s640/IMG_6356.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-wmrYhliW480/UMtx40vM0UI/AAAAAAAASVg/E_be113ziEg/s640/IMG_6362.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CR9dE3H4rhk/UMtx8PQ_FUI/AAAAAAAASWI/ZEPxJI9isRE/s640/IMG_6373.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fPW6ovaq0aQ/UMtx580am_I/AAAAAAAASVw/CuhuDynJY5M/s640/IMG_6367.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Zl0OCPZwJV0/UMtx68XdHFI/AAAAAAAASV4/KTCTwjRWRNA/s640/IMG_6369.JPG", 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So many options, so many different flavors to try the gifting possibilities are endless.\n\nI was contacted to do a review of See's Candies for the holidays. Whether you have a favorite in mind, or just want to browse their large selection of Christmas Gifts, Hanukkah Gifts, Hostess Gifts or Stocking Stuffers, you will be impressed with the options. It used to be a tradition in my husband's family to receive a box of See's Candies Peanut Brittle every holiday. We could always look forward to that sweet and salty treat. Since our home is already bursting with \"stuff\", I always appreciate a gift that can be savored, but also doesn't take up more room in our home.\n\nI opted for three different candy assortments; Victoria Toffee, Eggnog Truffles and the Holiday Fancy Gift Box - Snowflakes. First let me introduce the creamy, rich Eggnog Truffles...", null, "I love eggnog, so this one I just had to try. Rich and creamy filling wrapped in white chocolate did not disappoint. These little beauties were rich enough that I couldn't have more than one in a sitting. The small box would make a lovely stocking stuffer or gift for a coworker.", null, "When I think of See's Candies I think about boxes of assorted chocolates, a real exploration for my tastebuds, so I had to get a gift box. The box didn't come with a flavor key, but the chocolates are in See's best-loved flavors with something in there for everyone. White chocolate, milk and dark, soft or crunchy this pregnant mama is keeping them all for herself. Well, I might share one or two with my husband.", null, "Each box of chocolates arrived in the mail packaged beautifully and in great condition. So, if you don't have a local See's Candies store near you, be sure to take advantage of all the great options available to order online.", null, "Last, but not least I sampled the Victoria Toffee, which has become my new favorite. I love the crunch of the buttery toffee, almonds and milk chocolate. Yum! I think this has replaced my beloved Peanut Brittle and satisfies both my need for something crunchy and sweet.", null, "With so many great options for gift baskets, business gifts or even the kids in your life, be sure to check out See's Candies website. Be sure to also check out the 'custom mix' boxes of chocolates you can hand select to please that person on your list.\n\nSweepstakes Alert!\nSee’s is currently running a sweepstakes thru 12/24. Enter to win prizes daily & a chance to win the Grand Prize – 1lb of chocolate a month for 30 years! Good luck.\n\n*Disclaimer - I received samples in exchange for an honest review. All opinions and experiences are my own."], "url": "http://adventuresinallthingsfood.blogspot.com/2012/12/its-so-sweet-to-share-sees-candies-has.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 427, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a7b5d370ef5d11b9c3783ec841be8163a998206a59a0e2ffae085d7cc691a319", "87c297bf974dc517815486692c239baad9600d8a19f91d21d4ebe34820d57540", "fbde5e6f5619d66622d4a6e755103e44c8aee7034758a049121544175f611b83", "dc1616b2fcb0364bdeaf7a399ecdd6f644fc86d2ef92ee8e17a325a990ef5b92", "1515293376b5b23f74f87fbdfeb63d6d8da2a79f09a3256a90aeb564f99e162d", "be053cbd0ede8054b003f7d46bb23611efe8d6e2b113c1f9af286d3b70ac5243"], "__index_level_0__": 7, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_i1XyD49lsEs/TKTffAFrCzI/AAAAAAAACc4/4sFDnKxMOVQ/s400/house.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_i1XyD49lsEs/TKTe8z-fqVI/AAAAAAAACcw/EPQMhbiwf5k/s400/treehouse.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_i1XyD49lsEs/TKTh06izufI/AAAAAAAACdA/XAwecNyMfLM/s400/Photo+on+2010-09-30+at+13.14+%234.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9395016431808472}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://afancyday.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-thursday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_i1XyD49lsEs/TKTffAFrCzI/AAAAAAAACc4/4sFDnKxMOVQ/s400/house.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_i1XyD49lsEs/TKTffAFrCzI/AAAAAAAACc4/4sFDnKxMOVQ/s400/house.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"house\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://afancyday.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-thursday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_i1XyD49lsEs/TKTe8z-fqVI/AAAAAAAACcw/EPQMhbiwf5k/s400/treehouse.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_i1XyD49lsEs/TKTe8z-fqVI/AAAAAAAACcw/EPQMhbiwf5k/s400/treehouse.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"treehouse\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://afancyday.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-thursday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_i1XyD49lsEs/TKTh06izufI/AAAAAAAACdA/XAwecNyMfLM/s400/Photo+on+2010-09-30+at+13.14+%234.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_i1XyD49lsEs/TKTh06izufI/AAAAAAAACdA/XAwecNyMfLM/s400/Photo+on+2010-09-30+at+13.14+%234.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Photo on at\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://afancyday.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-thursday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-U7IMdN68hQ0/VQnyswO0I8I/AAAAAAAAHkU/Cx_gqFoRaM0/s1600/IMG_9553.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-U7IMdN68hQ0/VQnyswO0I8I/AAAAAAAAHkU/Cx_gqFoRaM0/s1600/IMG_9553.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"Your Photo\", \"rendered_width\": 1600, \"rendered_height\": 1600}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://afancyday.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-thursday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_twitter.png\", \"src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_twitter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://afancyday.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-thursday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_instagram.png\", \"src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_instagram.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"instagram\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://afancyday.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-thursday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_facebook.png\", \"src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_facebook.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://afancyday.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-thursday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_bloglovin.png\", \"src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_bloglovin.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bloglovin\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://afancyday.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-thursday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_pinterest.png\", \"src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_pinterest.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pinterest\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://afancyday.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-thursday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_youtube.png\", \"src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/64_youtube.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"youtube\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["September 30, 2010\n\nhappy thursday!", null, null, "I'm really behind on updating our NYC trip. I will get on that. For now some pictures of the beautiful buildings. I love all the buildings in the city especially these hidden ones.\n\nIn other news David just got accepted to go to New York with the school in November. He will get to go to even more ad agencies and show his portfolio off. Sadly I can't go and trust me I am extremely jealous! But I am so proud of him and all the work he puts in!\n\nBeauty school is great, we are doing perms this and hair styling. I'm excited to move on from the perms and learn how to style! I love it more each day the school is so much fun it doesn't even feel like I'm going to school. I LOVE IT! now a cheesy picture of me", null], "url": "http://afancyday.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-thursday.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 566, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 267, "width": 378}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 267, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["f4560cef638a0d0bf8be592fed2b932049af5f68076bc165bd79f49a61e6591e", "8ee4b324b3221c9342a9b14407b5b16f26ef21f928df203d2a2c4e1647d9f33b", "ba7bffcbd376d1bc7eea00a9cdb37731ff3b4623e4274209ababa6a34c4e03f6"], "__index_level_0__": 8, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3wOjcsyAOI/AAAAAAAACnI/uXCH_Moy1xg/s400/mose.jpg", null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3vMPylqnII/AAAAAAAACnA/v1ziFH9iIoA/s320/evil+wine.jpg", null, null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3rU3OoRacI/AAAAAAAACmg/R7BbJ49GLQM/s320/McLaren.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3rMmrQtWBI/AAAAAAAACmY/-B2BM_LJZfY/s400/good_shepherd.jpg", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3quxD6hR3I/AAAAAAAACmQ/V74Udp8craM/s400/apostle+paul+rembrandt.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9559504389762878}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://against-heresies.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3wOjcsyAOI/AAAAAAAACnI/uXCH_Moy1xg/s400/mose.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3wOjcsyAOI/AAAAAAAACnI/uXCH_Moy1xg/s400/mose.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mose\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://against-heresies.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3vMPylqnII/AAAAAAAACnA/v1ziFH9iIoA/s320/evil+wine.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3vMPylqnII/AAAAAAAACnA/v1ziFH9iIoA/s320/evil+wine.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"evil wine\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://against-heresies.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3rU3OoRacI/AAAAAAAACmg/R7BbJ49GLQM/s320/McLaren.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3rU3OoRacI/AAAAAAAACmg/R7BbJ49GLQM/s320/McLaren.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"McLaren\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://against-heresies.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3rMmrQtWBI/AAAAAAAACmY/-B2BM_LJZfY/s400/good_shepherd.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3rMmrQtWBI/AAAAAAAACmY/-B2BM_LJZfY/s400/good_shepherd.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"good shepherd\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://against-heresies.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3quxD6hR3I/AAAAAAAACmQ/V74Udp8craM/s400/apostle+paul+rembrandt.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bDJGaj6-jOQ/S3quxD6hR3I/AAAAAAAACmQ/V74Udp8craM/s400/apostle+paul+rembrandt.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"apostle paul rembrandt\"}, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, February 24, 2010\n\nDealing with heresy in the Church: the Issues, etc. interview", "If you are interested you can have a listen to the interview I did with Issues, etc. on dealing with heresy in the Church here. Nice to have a bit of Coldplay for the introduction too. Take a look at the other interviews that they recently conducted.\n\nTodd, the host, asked some great questions, some of them would make for great discussion starters for small groups.\nPosted by Martin Downes at 5:54 PM 1 comment:", "Wednesday, February 17, 2010\n\nThe abiding relevance of the first commandment", null, "Here's Martin Luther on the first commandment from the Large Catechism:\n\nPosted by Martin Downes at 3:38 PM 2 comments:", "Some thoughts on theological labels (1)", null, "When that happens, being wise consumers, we don't take deep reassurance from the label that all things must be well because the wording is right. Instead we dispose of the faulty product, and rightly so. It is, after all, not what it claims to be. And not necessarily having all the knowledge or expertise that we need we are grateful for those who monitor and regulate these matters (like the Food Standards Agency who once pulled some Welsh lamb packed with veterinary drugs off the supermarket shelves...that would have livened up a Sunday afternoon).\n\nThis, after all, is what makes error plausible and dangerous. It is able to make inroads because the labels it carries appears to be perfectly normal. As Irenaeus of Lyon put it:\n\nLest, therefore, through my neglect, some should be carried off, even as sheep are by wolves, while they perceive not the true character of these men--because they outwardly are covered with sheep's clothing (against whom the Lord has enjoined us to be on our guard), and because their language resembles ours, while their sentiments are very different.\n\nJ. Gresham Machen was conscious of this issue during the Presbyterian conflicts of the 1920s and 1930s. His wise observations are still relevant today, the passage of time has not diminished their worth one bit:\n\nGresham Machen, God Transcendent, p. 44-5\nPosted by Martin Downes at 10:56 AM No comments:", "Interview at Issues, etc.", "Yesterday I recorded an interview at Issues, etc. (a Lutheran radio station based in Illinois). You can check them out here and I will post the link when it goes online. They asked some great questions, I can't vouch for the quality of the answers. On reflection there is always more that you could have said, or said in a different way...\n\nIt is a real privilege to have these opportunities that have come from the publication of Risking the Truth, and I grateful too for the ongoing work of Christian Focus in creating these opportunities.\nPosted by Martin Downes at 10:20 AM 1 comment:", "Tuesday, February 16, 2010\n\nAfter the Lord Mayor's show", null, "The demands of love and the pastor's calling", null, "To be a pastor is to be entrusted with a profoundly humbling office and task. You are to be a faithful undershepherd of that Great Shepherd of the sheep whom God brought back from the dead (Heb. 13:20). It is an inestimable privilege to feed, nurture, and care for those for whom the Good Shepherd died (John 10:11; Acts 20:28; 1 Peter 5:2-4) and to do that in a local setting where your life and theirs is bound together by mutual prayer, fellowship, love, witness, and suffering.\n\nThe fact that this is a task conferred not only by the body of elders and the consent of the congregation, but by the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28), is at turns, a deep source of joyful encouragement and a reality that provokes sober minded gratitude.\n\nWhat is set before you in your work could best be described as the demands of love. There must be a growing deepening love toward Jesus Christ out of which flows a gracious, patient, thoughtful love for his sheep (John 21).\n\nThese dimensions of love, toward the Lord in heaven and his people on earth in the local church, cannot remain strong, sincere and refreshed without that knowledge of the love of God toward us in Christ. And it is Christ crucified and raised, Christ clothed in the promises of his gospel, who must be the object of faith, and the source of our ongoing spiritual happiness.\n\nThe resources for the work are in him. Or perhaps it would be better to say that all the grace that we need for spiritual life and communion with God comes to us in union with Jesus Christ and is applied to us by his Spirit.\n\nThe demands of this love then, in the pastor's calling, must be constantly replenished and supplied by the outpouring of that love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit as he enables us to see by faith God's love demonstrated for us at the cross (Romans 5:5, 8). If we do not drink from this stream again and again all our labour in the gospel will be weakened. It is the love of Christ that is to compel us (2 Cor. 5:14).\n\nOne aspect of the demands of love is the guarding of the sheep from the danger of error. Heresy has a siren's voice and the devil uses its sweet sound to lure the Church away from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. A false Christ, who can never be the proper object of our affections, can never make the new Eve fruitful in the world (2 Cor. 11:2-4). That is why heresy is destructive, it cannot produce spiritual fruit, there is no power in it to bring a new creation.\n\nPastors, elders, the demands of love require you to protect the Church from heresies, even when people will call you unloving for criticizing the views of others. To do so, in our age, may well be called unloving, for our age has confused tolerance with love, but the insult is ill judged.\n\nProtecting the Church from error is a loving act, and, therefore, it must be done with the appropriate affections. We are not to love a fight, we are to fight because we are motivated by love.\nPosted by Martin Downes at 3:58 PM 2 comments:", "Indelibly woven into the fabric of the text", null], "url": "http://against-heresies.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 475, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 318, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 287, "original_width": 320, "width": 421}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 560, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 270, "width": 378}, {"height": 478, "original_height": 390, "original_width": 308, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["efa80e23dcb92f003a28b616bbf1cc7e9e6118e181998439be167f48bd0e9263", "34c233b33bcbfd18a9501315da7dfb7e85c451ec6cf58afa974e68171ff2738b", "e1fe6b5ede5ab5c8d4c13aa8320937086441b59db85d8575968159ecf7978a82", "b872617150187f4e82866fff9da346440c5b72eff81caf5f5eb068ea9e97dfca", "e3c075fcf38ce271ab92983fe59c62ca34002d43253cd6ae80cbdc54b37cf989"], "__index_level_0__": 9, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://i.imgur.com/qwFkl.jpg", "http://i.imgur.com/xUAqJl.jpg", "http://i.imgur.com/lsJ2jl.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9505072832107544}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://agoranetbook.kayno.net/2011/06/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.imgur.com/qwFkl.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.imgur.com/qwFkl.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"qwFkl\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://agoranetbook.kayno.net/2011/06/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.imgur.com/xUAqJl.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.imgur.com/xUAqJl.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"xUAqJl\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://agoranetbook.kayno.net/2011/06/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.imgur.com/lsJ2jl.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.imgur.com/lsJ2jl.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"lsJ jl\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Here is the info from VLC from analyzing the video:", null, null, null, "Ghostcat will eat your soul!\n\nJoeyjoejoe has provided even more videos. Thanks!\n\nWaveblazer demo on Kogan Agora 7″ Tablet\n\nTurbofly 3D demo on Kogan Agora 7″ tablet\n\nRaging Thunder 2 demo on Kogan Agora 7″ Tablet\n\nJoeyjoejoe has sent in a quick review of his new Kogan Agora Tablet. Thanks!\n\nJoeyjoejoe says:\nJune 11, 2011 at 4:25 am\nI just received my new 7″ Kogan Agora Tablet, its pretty sweet, touchscreen isn’t as responsive as I would like, I find myself pressing hard and licking the tip of my finger as it does not respond to my touch at times. Battery life seems considerably short, lucky to get half a day on a full charge (even when a majority of the time it was on standby)"], "url": "http://agoranetbook.kayno.net/2011/06/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 518, "original_width": 616, "width": 449}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["ce382253151c8dbd207c050018bc00d4306f6aa86ef0023a06fb84f772f4a402", "2da4552b7dc97a545a3184c544d7c5cd191fa214437f81d582de561836d8f0a7", "7818a55df9b8af806b113846d146f55769f43a77dad6e7f2d2e0f1927b0dd53f"], "__index_level_0__": 10, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wie6NbvUS7c/UAXrL52A_PI/AAAAAAAAAS8/-xll83-fWNI/s320/2012-07-016.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3-EoudtGZkI/UAXrNxHUhlI/AAAAAAAAATE/IwWjZUaUA2o/s320/2012-07-017.jpg", null, null, null, 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circumcision\n\n- The word 'feminist' is still used as an insult.\n\n- Less money for the same work\n\n- The idea that women HAVE TO shave.\n\n-The looks a woman still gets when she says that she doesn't like and/or doesn't want kids.\n\n- The threats and harassments Anita Sarkeesian gets because she announced that she wants to talk about how women are portraited in video games. She gets threats that include her being raped, beaten up and killed.\n\n-Gay women still have to fight against the stereotype that they are less of a woman than a straight woman.\n\n- The Pro Life movement\n\n- The feminist movement often got and gets involved in other important movements such as the anti- slavery movements back in the past, the LGBT movement etc.\n\nI leave you with this: It's a really good video about how female characters in comics etc. are often randomly killed in order to support the development of a male character.\n\nAre you a feminist?\nWhy do you think feminism is important?\n\nHave a great day,\nThe Countess\n\nPosted by The Countess at 11:25 No comments:", "My mother, what is happiness? My mother, what is Hell?\n\nPosted by The Countess at 04:30 2 comments:", "Labels: gothic, literature, poem\n\nThursday, 19 July 2012\n\nHistory Nerd Facts: Caesarean section\n\nDid you know the caesarean section is named after Gaius Iulius Caesar (yup, that one Roman guy who conquered Britain) because the legends say that he was born with the help of a caesarean section? I say legends because caesarean sections were deadly for the mother up until the Modern Era and Caesar's mother survived his birth.\n\nAnother random fact about Caesar: He was killed on the Ides of March 44 BC which is the 15th of March. That's my birthday!\nHere is a picture of his death. As terrible as it sounds: I quite like it!\n\nPosted by The Countess at 07:38 No comments:", "Tuesday, 17 July 2012\n\nA hat\n\nI feel that I should do a proper post but I have made sooo many typos in the last one that I have decided to just ramble a bit.\nYesterday, I tried to do an outfit shot. I suck at them...", null, null, "I love the hat, I got it from H&M a few days ago and even though I try not to buy at stores like H&M so often anymore because I do not agree with them as a company I just HAD to get this hat. It was broken, they would have thrown it away! I basically rescued it, I saved its life! It had emergency surgery and my glue gun and I were able to save it! I think I want to name it... I name all kinds of stuff. I'm writing this post on my notebook Tinkerbell.\n\nOk, enough talk of the crazy person, I guess...\nSleep well,\n\nPosted by The Countess at 15:57 2 comments:", "Liebster Award", "Thank you to The Cemetery Deamer for tagging me!\n\n11 things about me:\n\n1. I used to own more than 25 Barbie dolls as a child. I made up my own fairy tales where the Barbies were poor girls who would become rich and successfull because they are smart and talented.\n\n2. I would love to believe in something mythtical such as healing christals. I own christals but I don't believe they have any power over mind or body, they are just proof that nature is amazing in its wonders.\n\n3. Even though I don't want children I think I would be a great godmother.\n\n4. I have decided to stop buying make-up or nail polish for as long as possible because I simply own too much. Nobody needs 140 eyeshadows...\n\n5. I have never been to a funeral, lucky me!\n\n6. One of the nicest compliments I have ever been given is \"You should work with Tim Burton!\".\n\n7. When I die I want my organs to be donated and the useless rest to be cremated and burried under a tree. Resting under a tree just seems like a natural and peaceful thing.\n\n8. I met a nice old lady on the train some weeks ago and we talked a bit. She believed in horoscopes and when I told her that I cannot sleep well at full moon she answered \"Well, then you are certainly a water sign, right?\" I am Pisces...\n\n9. I have only been to five European capitals so far (Berlin, London, Paris, Prague and Budapest) even though I have been to more than 10 European countries. Fortunately, I will go to Stockholm and Tallinn this summer.\n\n10. One gothic stereotype that is very true about me is that I love patchouli.\n\n11. My father has black hair, my mother is a redhead, my sister is blonde and I am brunette.\n\n11 questions:\n\n1. Favourite sad song? Nothing Compares to You by Sinead O'Connor and Mad World by Gary Jules\n\n2. Favourite happy song? Bohemian Like You by The Dandy Warhols\n\n3. Sunrise or Sunset? Sunrise because I don't see it that often and it brings you in a great calm mood.\n\n4. Chocolate or sweets? Chocolate all the way!\n\n5. Band you most want to see live? Nirvana but that's not possible... So I'll pickMy Chemical Romance again.\n\n6. Most expensive impulse purchase? Uhm... A pair of platform shoes for about 50€ a few days after my Abitur (A-Levels). I saw them and decided that a 1.3 Abitur should be worth a treat!", "7. Dogs or Cats? Cats! They have personality. Dogs have that submissive attitude... Urgh!\n\n8. Beauty product you can't live without? Powder and black eyeliner. Oh, and nail polish!\n\n9. Night out or night in? Night in, I don't really go out.\n\n10. Shopping online or in person? Neither nor.\n\n11. Dream job? A writer.\n\nMy 11 questions for the people I tag:\n\n1. If you were given 100€ right now with the obligation that you have to buy something that makes you happy, what would you buy?\n\n2. Your favourite movie?\n\n3. If you could become any fictional character for a day who would you want to be?\n\n4. Is there an ethnical/political theme or agenda that is important to you?\n\n5. Fish or birds?\n\n6. Could you live for two weeks without your mobile nd the internet without feeling that you lose contact to people that are important to you?\n\n7. Favourite item of clothing?\n\n8. Have you been kind to a stranger this week?\n\n9. Do you like old buildings?\n\n10. Umbrellas or parasols?\n\n11. What was the last thing you have creativly made with your own hands?\n\nAaaand I tag in no particular order:\n\n1. Snow Lady\n2. Aristocratic Elegance\n3. Clementine Dahling\n4. Ariel\n5. Fräulein Nachtschatten\n6. Kristin\n7. HajaMiel\n8. Bianca\n9. Zelde\n10. Goldkind\n11. Corin\n\nPosted by The Countess at 13:19 10 comments:", "Friday, 13 July 2012\n\nHistory Nerd Facts: Elections in Medieval History\n\nIf one thinks of the medieval times one thinks of a whole bunch of thing: The plague, crusades, castles, knights... What one does not think of are elections. In fact there were elections in various parts of society and I thought I could tell you about some of them in more detail.\n\nThe election of the pope:\n\nThe pope of the catholic church has always been elected. In the early medieval times the pope always had to be a Roman and basically every person of importance in Rome was allowed to vote. This changed at the Third Lateran Council in 1179 where new rules were set. Since that point on every male catholic is theoretically able to become pope but only cardinals are allowed to vote. Also you need 2/3 of all votes to become pope now, before the council the \"smaller but wiser part\" could also choose who should become pope. Unfortunatel, nobody knows how the \"wiser part\" was defined. It was and is still important that en the end everyone agrees on the new pope because one needs the unanimitas (lat. unanimity) because it represents God's will. Social status and family backround has since then not been a real issue for the election of a new pope.\n\nThe election of the kings of the Holy Roman Empire:\n\nYes, the kings of the Holy Roman Empire were elected! At least theoretically. The only ones that were allowed to vote were the seven electors (germ. Kurfürst from the Old German word kur = Wahl (election)). The archbishop of Mainz first used to have what was called the prima vox (lat. first voice) which means that he could say who should become king and then the other six could only agree or...leave. Yup, seriously.Again the unanimitas was necessary. This rule was later changed with the Golden Bull of 1356, a decree which set rules for the election of the kings. Since then the archbishop of Mainz had the last vote because now 4 out of 7 votes were enough to elect a king so the last vote was the most important one.\n\nThere were many more elections in medieval times such as the election of abbots, bishops, mayors or in guilds but I am not going to describe them all because the two mentioned above are by far the most interesting ones. At least to me.\n\nLet me know how you liked this post, do you want to read more things like that or does history bore you?\n\nGood night,\nPosted by The Countess at 14:43 2 comments:", "Labels: history, History Nerd facts, nerd\n\nThursday, 12 July 2012\n\nThis summer\n\nToday I had two exams (Elections in Medieval History and Psychology) in a row which was really exhausting but now I only have to go to my Early Modern English class tomorrow and then I am free until Octobre. I do have another exam in September and there also is that paper about Clara Zetkin but all in all I have holidays! Hip hip hooray!\n\nIn order to celebrate that fact properly I have decided to share my list of things I want to do this summer in order to make the best out of it. The notes in italics show how far these projects have gone so far\n\n- go to Sweden and Estonia with my friend Imke\n-> everything is booked and fixed\n\n- read Edgar Allan Poe\n-> started reading his short novels\n\n- watch a play at a theatre in Cologne\n-> I have a double ticket...Since 2010...\n\n- visit a bunch of museums\n-> I went to the Cologne History Museum today after my exams\n\n- learn all elements of the periodic table\n-> I know about 25 right now\n\n- go to the Spa with friends\n-> We bought coupons months ago\n\n- stich more\n-> There are some vague ideas...\n\n- visit Aachen with the Count\n-> I have to wait until he has written all of his exams\n\n- create my family tree\n-> I downloaded a programme and put my 20 closest relatives in it.\n\n- go to the Botanic Garden of the Uni of Bonn\n-> Again, I have to wait for the count...\n\n- go to the opera for the very first time\n-> A friend told me she wanted to go with me\n\n- sew something\n-> I know i want a black skirt...\n\n- practice calligraphy\n-> bought a new quill and new ink in gold\n\nThe Cologne City Museum was amazing! I never went to a museum on my own without friends or family but i must say it was absolutely briliant! The museum is in the old Zeughaus which is the armoury.\n\nThey have an impressive collection of medieval and early modern art and parts of the museum are reserved for the themes jews in Cologne, women in Cologne, childhood in Cologne, the founding of the University or science. I loved some of the paintings and especially the two huge old globes that are part of the science exhibiton.\n\nThey also had to special exhibitons, one was about the Cologne painter and revolutionist of 1848/49 Wilhelm Kleinenbroich and the other one was about Cologne's Churches and their decorations. I liked the original exhibition better but those two were still really good.\n\nOne random fact I learned: In Early Modern times children up to six years were dressed in girl's clothes without any regard to their gender. There are some features and hints on painting though that declare a child as male or female. One feature for example could be a bird on the arm of the child which is a sign that the child is male.\n\nWhat are your plans for the summer? And what should I add to my list?\n\nPosted by The Countess at 14:04 No comments:", "Labels: history, museum, nerd, Summer\n\nFriday, 6 July 2012\n\nIt's a Lush life\n\nToday I went shopping because I needed some sandals. I didn't find any nice ones so naturally I bought something else. That's just how it works. I went to one of my favourite stores ever: Lush. I love everything about that brand: Their products are amazing, they smell gorgeous, 80% of them are vegan, the rest is vegetarian, none of them are tested on animals, the packaging is all recycled plastic and paper and many of the products come on solid form in order to avoid unnecessary packaging.\n\nThis time I bought the Stepping Stone foot peeling. I first was not really sure if I really wanted to get it because 5,50€ is not exactly cheap for me. In the end I still got it and I am really happy I did! It smells like lemon grass, perfect for summer and not only does it remove unnecessary skin cells but it also pampers the feet with oils. All in all, it is great!\n\nI have realized that I own quite  few things from Lush which is mainly because I just looooove what Lush does to your skin and hair and I just feel good knowing that my money goes to a brand that shares my ethnical values and helps spreading them. So I have decided to show you my little 'collection'.", null, null, null, null, "So far I have:\n\n- Ultimate Shine Shampoo Bar\n- Karma Komba Shampoo Bar\n- Seanik Shampoo Bar\n- Jungle Solid Conditioner\n-Veganese Conditioner (2nd bottle)\n- two samples of R&B Hair Cream\n\n- Stepping Stone Foot Peeling\n- Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter\n- Fresh Farmacy Cleanser\n- a sample of Karma Kream\n- two bath wands that were limited edition. The are mot on the picture because I forgot to get them out of the bath room. I got both of them for my birthday.\n\nIt sounds like alot, at least to me but many of those products were given to me as a present and I also got a gift card for Christmas. I am not one of those people who just go and spend 30e in a Lush store, I can't and and do not want to spend that amount of money on cosmetics. I basically go to Lush when I want to get a special treat for myself, it is always special to get in the store and choose a product.\n\nWhat about you, do you Lush? What do you think about the products, the brand, the ethnics?\n\nPosted by The Countess at 16:55 No comments:", "Labels: cosmetics, hair, Lush, shopping\n\nMonday, 2 July 2012\n\nEnglish Nerd Facts: Knicht\n\nI am not only a history student, I also study English. It isn't my native language but I still learned quite a few cool things, especially in my Old English and Early Modern English classes. So today I have a little fun fact for you:\n\nDid you know the Old English word \"knicht\" existed in Old German as well? It both meant \"horse rider\". That itself would not be very interesting, I admit. BUT:\nAs time went one the two languages developed and \"knicht\" became \"knight\" in English and \"Knecht\" in German. \"Knecht\" means \"farm labourer\" in English. So basically, the term has gone up in hirarchy in the English language while it has gone down in German. This difference in meaning can be found in nearly every single word that the two languages had in common and that changed meaning during the time."], "url": "http://ahandfulloffairydust.blogspot.com/2012/07/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 495, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 244, "width": 378}, {"height": 707, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 171, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 293, "original_width": 320, "width": 412}, {"height": 581, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 208, "width": 378}, {"height": 495, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 244, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 320, "width": 454}], "image_hashes": ["66bc763788b247f4332ed9c3e92aae9e24e361354d8f0eee4f327396a52cb8c4", "320a0c57d6f129dc4789859c9ca0021185cae82394b3e5ea6bd100032d27b006", "0540a61749ed4f09c4ab36982d3c0c0a46727247105daa2ce157008627833bcb", "92b3f99240fde82e27c98a756188f7e2852b463f13c32bd779aeb56b08363991", 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running the AC in October !  This is crazy - but expected for the south I guess.  Give me 50 degrees and MUCH cooler and I am a very happy camper.  Now, onto the beads....................:)\n\nAfter waiting to get a glass order and limited torch time, I have finally finished that special project I mentioned in a previous blog post.  This is something that could of been finished in about a weeks time if I had all the right glass in the first place.  Still, once I got that glass, I was extremely disappointed.  It did NOTHING I was hoping it would.  It didn't even match what I needed it for.  sigh.  Obviously I'm doing something wrong not to get the color it shows it's suppose to look like on the website.  I'll keep working on it.  :)  And if and when I get the needed color, I'll post all about it here.  lol !\n\nSo the project I worked on was a flower bouquet for that newly done bathroom.  I am pretty happy with how it turned out.  The photo is just below.  The bathroom colors are peach, chocolate and pale seafoam green.  The buish/green bell flower smack dab in the front center is the exact color of that seafoam green.  I am thrilled how the roses turned out and always love the bell flowers.  There are two critters in this bouquet, Blueboy worm and a very soft peach butterfly.  The main rose in the center is peach and the two on the sides are a very pretty pink with crimped petals.  I've added a few smaller pics of the side view and top view.  Just click on them to see a larger version.  The vase is a gorgeous sparkly deep brown with gold in it.  This is the 4th bouquet I've put together and I just have a lot of fun doing them.  :)  I can make one for you too.  Just contact me here by posting a comment or click on any picture in my Etsy shop to the right and send me a convo.  :)", null, null, null, "Finally, since I haven't been at the torch much, I've not been able to make too many Beads Of Courage Beads.  Only a few each torch session.  The bowl is filling up VERY slowly.  I'll have to take a day or two to get it filled and get it sent off.  They are STILL very much in need.  Pic below shows the few I've been able to get done.   Gotta get more done !", "That's all for now.  Thanks so much for coming by.  I hope you come back again very soon !\nThis weeks question:\nI make a lot of beads using MANY shades of one primary color.  Name that color and win this weeks giftee !\nPlace your guess in the comments section below.  Only one guess per visitor please.  First person to guess correctly wins however I will not post the winner until Saturday the 19th in the evening.\nNew rule:  Recent winners need to opt out for 2 weeks to be fair to all.  :)  Thanks for understanding."], "url": "http://allmybeads-debbie.blogspot.com/2013/10/mid-october-and-ready-for-fall.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 294, "original_width": 320, "width": 411}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 174, "original_width": 200, "width": 434}, {"height": 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It is one I would like to dispose of but the only thing I can do apparently is ignore it. The reason I have gone off this account is because it lets in all the spam, scam, and rubbish it can find. I don’t get that with Google!\n\nHaving both iPhone and iPad means there is no escape from the internet. I tried to remove the one I don’t like but in the end had to re-establish it because Apple preferred it that way. Apple simply wouldn’t recognise anything else for identification of yours truly. So it proved necessary to go back occasionally to see if there’s any rubbish to dispose of.\n\nI used the word rubbish without thinking, but little did I know the truth of it.\n\nOn the last visit I found an email from Netflix via iTunes confirming the purchase of a month’s worth of film viewing. Apparently the subscription would expire after a month and I needed to renew it. To do this I had to click the link!\n\nMy brain being what it is these days I panicked. Fortunately, I did nothing except contact Hannah (remember Hannah, former cleaner, now mother of new baby) and ask if her husband could sort it out. My panic was so great I couldn’t think straight.\n\nThe next day George and Hannah and Oooooh new baby arrived. George took a look at the email and immediately declared it was scam. He fed the email address into his own phone and came up with something other than what my email purported it to be. It had seemed so authentic (see picture, if it’s clear enough) but George declared it to be one big hoax.", null, "I don’t think I have ever trusted anything that comes into my email box and certainly I will never trust anything again, but I can understand the many newspaper reports on people – usually elderly - who have been taken in by such things. My warning to others is DON’T EVER TRUST ANYTHING THAT APPEARS IN YOUR EMAIL BOX.\nI will leave you now and set about changing all my passwords. Again!", "Posted by Valerie at 07:00", "Labels: email, scam, shock", "joeh said...\n\nGlad you did not click, These people need to be tracked down and prosecuted like the criminals they are. I get similar emails all the time from services I have never subscribed, otherwise I might not recognize them as scams. Now my rule is if they are asking me to click on a web site without prior warning it is a scam, pure and simple. No legitimate source will ask you to click a web site and feed in information without you having some prior knowledge.\n\n15 January 2017 at 14:09", "Ron said...\n\nValerie, I am so glad to read that you got this all sorted out, discovering that the email was in fact, a hoax!\n\nAmen! Can you believe how clever email spammers have gotten over the years?\n\nBack in November, I got an email from a bank here in Philadelphia, notifying me that my bank account had been hacked but the bank was able to stop it from happening. The email requested that I send them personal information so that they could use it to further protect my account with them. I immediately knew it was a hoax because I didn't even HAVE a checking/savings account with them, I bank with a completely different bank.\n\nIt's terrible to say, but we all have to be VERY careful with emails because people have gotten too clever in hacking our personal information.\n\nHave a lovely Sunday, my friend!\n\n15 January 2017 at 14:30", "Katie Eggeman said...\n\nI don't open anything that I don't recognize,my Yahoo account gets a lot of mail, I opened a gmail account and so far it is spam free, because I never shop with it.\n\n15 January 2017 at 14:37", "S. J. Qualls said...\n\n'THEY' will do or say anything to get you to click on their link. Sigh, almost enough to make a person give up on the 21st Century circus completely.\n\n15 January 2017 at 16:18", "Valerie said...\n\nJoeh, the trouble was that I did recognise Apple, because the particular server it came on was the only one that Apple uses. This is why I wanted to get rid of that particular server, but couldn't. I have had many such emails before but they were always recognisable as SCAM. Not this time, though.\n\n15 January 2017 at 18:43", "Ron, I think the internet is a dangerous place. I wonder how many people lose thousands because of it. I can usually spot danger when I see it but this time it seemed sooooo genuine. I panicked before I got round to working it out in my head! God bless Google but adopting a different approach.\n\n15 January 2017 at 18:46", "SJQ, I agree with you, it does make me think of giving up, least-ways the internet; maybe not the 21st century. YET!\n\n15 January 2017 at 18:48", "Katie, stick with your Google - it's safer. I haven't got a good word to say about Yahoo.\n\n15 January 2017 at 18:49", "Carole said...\n\nOh Valerie, I'm so glad that you knew to ask for help! It is infuriating that things like this can happen. When in doubt, don't click is a good rule of thumb.\n\nI once had my computer (Mac) freeze up on me with a message to contact Apple support at once for help. The message supplied the number I was supposed to call. Fortunately I checked on another source and found the correct number for Apple. I called and it turns out it was a scam.\n\nYou can never be too careful.\n\n15 January 2017 at 21:26", "Dan the Mountain Man said...\n\nValerie, I got the same email. I just ignore it too. I do not have an account with any of the companies listed in the email. I got to the point I rarely click on links in email even in one I trust and know are safe.\n\n16 January 2017 at 00:01", "Hi Carole, these scammers should be shot! The trouble with email is you don't know what's in it until you click on it. I never ever click on links but this one - from Apple, who I know - totally fooled me. Bah!\n\n16 January 2017 at 08:42", "Geraldine said...\n\nA lot of junk shows up in my many inboxes too. Always good to be cautious before clicking anything suspicious especially attachments. What really bugs me is being sent newsletters etc that I know I never actually signed up for. I am trying to unsubscribe from at least one of these nuisance lists, every day. It is helping.😂\n\n19 January 2017 at 05:52", "Geraldine, I must be getting a dab hand at unsubscribing now.... what a pain they are. I don't ask for any of them, yet they keep on coming. What I don't like is the way you (sometimes) click on 'unsubscribe' only to find yourself on their site answering questions about why you want to do it. Bah!\n\n19 January 2017 at 10:00", "CHARLIE - posing nicely", "Show 10 Show All", "Joe's 75th Birthday Picture", "Even the sun was shining!", "Another Charlie picture", "Meet Joe", "A pen and ink drawing by fellow blogger, John Bain"], "url": "http://allsortsforallsorts.blogspot.com/2017/01/what-shock.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 154, "original_width": 186, "width": 456}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0820701036d9c8735e04cb20640b95bcf383f15e63ff5bd2b1e91c3a8891bacc", "970d5492b3e4bf070945dc9031c858e984a511e9e557c47a855dc60f8ef646f2"], "__index_level_0__": 13, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eyaqrAFSTUs/VYv4-GUyT8I/AAAAAAAAGNw/cNwprRypmFg/s320/image-799546.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7868497967720032}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://alvinamusic.blogspot.com/2015/06/ripe-pear-fruit-isolated-on-white.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eyaqrAFSTUs/VYv4-GUyT8I/AAAAAAAAGNw/cNwprRypmFg/s320/image-799546.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eyaqrAFSTUs/VYv4-GUyT8I/AAAAAAAAGNw/cNwprRypmFg/s320/image-799546.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"image\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, June 25, 2015", null], "url": "http://alvinamusic.blogspot.com/2015/06/ripe-pear-fruit-isolated-on-white.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 382, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 316, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b6a791a572d713b540af59f51d2752451cac037ca00d39332778ee658d902ca2"], "__index_level_0__": 14, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEItoHsammI/AAAAAAAAFus/G0pemZ8_zJw/s400/DSC06626.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEItO3qO2ZI/AAAAAAAAFuk/EQW3lLDV0ps/s400/DSC06620.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEIsUnxan1I/AAAAAAAAFuU/nnEsy3X5ZqU/s400/DSC06630.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEIrsArRJvI/AAAAAAAAFuM/bAItWSg8Kfg/s400/DSC06627.JPG", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.966095507144928}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ambercox.blogspot.com/2010/07/holland-100.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEItoHsammI/AAAAAAAAFus/G0pemZ8_zJw/s400/DSC06626.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEItoHsammI/AAAAAAAAFus/G0pemZ8_zJw/s400/DSC06626.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ambercox.blogspot.com/2010/07/holland-100.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEItO3qO2ZI/AAAAAAAAFuk/EQW3lLDV0ps/s400/DSC06620.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEItO3qO2ZI/AAAAAAAAFuk/EQW3lLDV0ps/s400/DSC06620.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ambercox.blogspot.com/2010/07/holland-100.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEIsUnxan1I/AAAAAAAAFuU/nnEsy3X5ZqU/s400/DSC06630.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEIsUnxan1I/AAAAAAAAFuU/nnEsy3X5ZqU/s400/DSC06630.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ambercox.blogspot.com/2010/07/holland-100.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEIrsArRJvI/AAAAAAAAFuM/bAItWSg8Kfg/s400/DSC06627.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2tHYEftCSz0/TEIrsArRJvI/AAAAAAAAFuM/bAItWSg8Kfg/s400/DSC06627.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ambercox.blogspot.com/2010/07/holland-100.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/-d4dxLdN67Kg/Tk1gxq4UFwI/AAAAAAAAG9M/EwTw2-omSAs/s80/IMG_2423.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-d4dxLdN67Kg/Tk1gxq4UFwI/AAAAAAAAG9M/EwTw2-omSAs/s80/IMG_2423.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "They were fueled by GU and a passion for the wind in their bibs. They were incredible, they helped one another, and they all crossed the finish line together. 100 MILES! THAT'S REALLY FAR!", null, "Momo, Sarah, Amanda, Ruby and I were there to cheer them through the somewhat ambiguous finish line... If I were in charge (which I'm not) there would be fanfare, streamers, huge waving flags and a gigantic finish line banner for the finish. I guess this parking lot was okay too.", null, "So proud of our boys.", null, "Posted by amberWIRE at Saturday, July 17, 2010", "Chris cox said...\n\nthere should be raising of small children, and throwing of soft cheeses. as is tradition.\n\nJuly 17, 2010", "the deKorne family said...\n\nthat's so awesome! way to go to all your cyclists :)"], "url": "http://ambercox.blogspot.com/2010/07/holland-100.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1973daddc34ab16b843576f093a6b0f0918ad340ab653d427967cb09fef9f13f", "d0bcf826d5d1d1b3b08842f423717acc1db31ac63bc9ad419db4bc023be19dc6", "79fb9c6a230396137db538f1449536b78fe2a182677cc95125c64335de674bd9", "14132260df64dcce921b02525ca3e5cb214eda4e6e20a4380b3f61c62bedfb11"], "__index_level_0__": 15, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-no0BfXTm35g/TfoPCYOLW7I/AAAAAAAAAmE/s1mWpkOneig/s320/house.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9516232013702391}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://amittonmonologue.blogspot.com/2011/06/my-bags-are-packed-im-ready-to-go.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-no0BfXTm35g/TfoPCYOLW7I/AAAAAAAAAmE/s1mWpkOneig/s320/house.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-no0BfXTm35g/TfoPCYOLW7I/AAAAAAAAAmE/s1mWpkOneig/s320/house.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"house\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["16 June 2011\n\nMy bags are packed, I'm ready to go\n\nLovely little coincidence I realized: it's my movingversary!\n\nI am leaving on a jet plane in 9.5 hours to go stay here for six days.", null, "Minus the Honda Accord that was my transportation summer of '08. And minus the rhododendron bushes that were transplanted to the back yard.\n\nEleven years ago I left this house to go to that one (sans Honda and rhododendrons).\nBut they painted the house and ruined the yard. When we lived there it was white with black trim and had a lovely red front door. And the grass was alive. And there were flowers.\n\nSo I'm traveling on the same day to the same place, I'm just leaving this house instead."], "url": "http://amittonmonologue.blogspot.com/2011/06/my-bags-are-packed-im-ready-to-go.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["c961b863c061231cefc2b6bb9af4aa1086c53273c58c241ef9501c5e23aa142a"], "__index_level_0__": 16, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ogO5T_veVxI/WRdRZA2eoaI/AAAAAAAAFzg/EX3QjAgibWAmMPG__6ehQ5T-wiaq0r2QgCK4B/s1600/APoBcoverbig-265x420.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LNWhb2zhvLQ/WNMAXBacxYI/AAAAAAAAFxY/QCRThBdAgSw3CvJZzbembHQJTfBbdaRngCK4B/s1600/avonew.jpg", null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CJuZ4e-Mvug/WM2UCNI4PDI/AAAAAAAAFwo/7a-4QMk4in4HvydDbVK9DPv1vm6PJnmhQCK4B/s186/mosul.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DlXCZcGZmZU/WQZXUnBhLQI/AAAAAAAAFyY/ssBE7icyYZc0HlMgKQNVea4keVSrYr5nwCK4B/s1600/TSwebcover-260x420.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9017961621284484}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aplaceofbrightness.blogspot.com/2015/10/evidence-of-time-travelers-into-past.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ogO5T_veVxI/WRdRZA2eoaI/AAAAAAAAFzg/EX3QjAgibWAmMPG__6ehQ5T-wiaq0r2QgCK4B/s1600/APoBcoverbig-265x420.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ogO5T_veVxI/WRdRZA2eoaI/AAAAAAAAFzg/EX3QjAgibWAmMPG__6ehQ5T-wiaq0r2QgCK4B/s1600/APoBcoverbig-265x420.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"APoBcoverbig\", \"alt_text\": \"The First Novel in the Andrew Valquist Series: A Place of Brightness - Click to Begin the Adventure\", \"rendered_width\": 186, \"rendered_height\": 295}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aplaceofbrightness.blogspot.com/2015/10/evidence-of-time-travelers-into-past.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LNWhb2zhvLQ/WNMAXBacxYI/AAAAAAAAFxY/QCRThBdAgSw3CvJZzbembHQJTfBbdaRngCK4B/s1600/avonew.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LNWhb2zhvLQ/WNMAXBacxYI/AAAAAAAAFxY/QCRThBdAgSw3CvJZzbembHQJTfBbdaRngCK4B/s1600/avonew.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"avonew\", \"alt_text\": \"Read the Sequel to A Place of Brightness - Amor Vincit Omnia. Go Inside the Top Secret NSA\", \"rendered_width\": 186, \"rendered_height\": 262}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aplaceofbrightness.blogspot.com/2015/10/evidence-of-time-travelers-into-past.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vnnxmvh88uQ/WNL_qZaAakI/AAAAAAAAFxM/p3dgm-J7_pkVpKJhCrQc5LKiG1jHtmzbQCK4B/s1600/ISSbig-217x345.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vnnxmvh88uQ/WNL_qZaAakI/AAAAAAAAFxM/p3dgm-J7_pkVpKJhCrQc5LKiG1jHtmzbQCK4B/s1600/ISSbig-217x345.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ISSbig\", \"alt_text\": \"In Saecula Saeculorum - Go Back in Time to Ancient Rome on a Mission to Save the World!\", \"rendered_width\": 186, \"rendered_height\": 296}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aplaceofbrightness.blogspot.com/2015/10/evidence-of-time-travelers-into-past.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CJuZ4e-Mvug/WM2UCNI4PDI/AAAAAAAAFwo/7a-4QMk4in4HvydDbVK9DPv1vm6PJnmhQCK4B/s186/mosul.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CJuZ4e-Mvug/WM2UCNI4PDI/AAAAAAAAFwo/7a-4QMk4in4HvydDbVK9DPv1vm6PJnmhQCK4B/s186/mosul.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mosul\", \"alt_text\": \"I'm Keith Massey, Musician, Teacher, Author\", \"rendered_width\": 186, \"rendered_height\": 169}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aplaceofbrightness.blogspot.com/2015/10/evidence-of-time-travelers-into-past.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DlXCZcGZmZU/WQZXUnBhLQI/AAAAAAAAFyY/ssBE7icyYZc0HlMgKQNVea4keVSrYr5nwCK4B/s1600/TSwebcover-260x420.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-DlXCZcGZmZU/WQZXUnBhLQI/AAAAAAAAFyY/ssBE7icyYZc0HlMgKQNVea4keVSrYr5nwCK4B/s1600/TSwebcover-260x420.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"TSwebcover\", \"alt_text\": \"Lessons for Success from the World of Espionage\", \"rendered_width\": 186, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aplaceofbrightness.blogspot.com/2015/10/evidence-of-time-travelers-into-past.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/88x31.png\", \"src\": \"http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/88x31.png\", \"alt_text\": \"Creative Commons License\"}, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, October 21, 2015\n\nEvidence of Time Travelers into the Past?", "Anecdotally, people have found a few things from time to time that seem to imply that people from the future visited the past. An interesting example is the claim that human shoe prints are fossilized over trilobites.\n\nArchaeologists have found what seems to be a battery in a provably ancient stratum.", "I personally don't believe that time travel is possible and I don't believe it has ever happened. But that sure didn't stop me from writing a novel based on the premise. And that's because I think time travel is a deep human pre-occupation. We wish we could travel through time because as we go through life we invariably collect memories of things we botched and wish we could redo.", "My novel, In Saecula Saeculorum, describes a mission in which four young people are sent back in time to ancient Rome to retrieve information to hopefully save the modern world.\n\nIn this novel, however, the US and UK governments that control this technology are so concerned that other countries may find out they have time travel technology, that they refuse to send anything back in time that could be found later as evidence of time travel at all.\n\nTime travel is intriguing because we all look back on our lives and wish we had a do-over. As a personal admission, I can never forget the one that got away--the woman I should have loved more and yet so horribly wronged. I live with many regrets. But that's my journey...\n\nAnyway, any evidence that people traveled to the past will always tug at our hearts. It will always make us wonder, what if?...", "I'm Keith Massey, PhD\n\nSee my solutions to ancient riddles and mysteries.\n\nLet me help you learn a new language.\n\nWould you like something really fun to read?", null, "Paperback: $10.50 - Kindle: $3.50", null, "Paperback: $7.50 - Kindle $3.50", "Paperback: $11.50 - Kindle $3.50", "I'm Keith Massey, Musician, Teacher, Author", null, "Lessons for Success from the World of Espionage", null, "Part One: On a Plane to Baghdad\n\nPart Two: Arrival in Iraq\n\nPart Three: Telling my Mother\n\nPart Four: My Schedule and the Feral Cat\n\nPart Five: What's a Normal Deployment?\n\nPart Six: the First Attack\n\nPart Seven: the Secret of the Piss Bottles\n\nPart Eight: the Second Attack\n\nPart Nine: July 4th, 2004\n\nPart Ten: Memorial Day - My Guys\n\nPart Eleven: the Iraqi Weight Loss Plan\n\nPart Twelve: Tom\n\nPart Thirteen: the Food and Men who made it", "Proposed Solutions to Ancient and Modern Mysteries", "Blog Post Categories\n\nWhen I was in Iraq\n\nHistorical Mysteries\n\nFun with Latin\n\nMade in Wisconsin\n\nAutobiographical Anecdotes", "More Blog Post Categories\n\nMusic to Soothe Our Souls\n\nShort Stories\n\nFortune Favors the Brave\n\nMedia Reviews\n\nRandom Musings\n\nThe Paleo Diet", "Stream Latin Songs (Meaning, Songs in Latin)", "How did Spartacus really die?\n\n\"Strength and Honor\" in Latin\n\nThe Shugborough Inscription Deciphered (Video)\n\nAdventures in Sleeping - Lucid Dreaming\n\nThe Name of the Zodiac Killer: Deciphered! (Video)\n\nJingle Bells in Latin! (Video)\n\nThe Mystery of the Ezerovo Ring (Video)\n\nThe Last Days of Romulus Augustulus, the Last Roman Emperor\n\nThe Story of my 1st 200 Game in Bowling (Video)\n\nThe Saga of the Smuggled Meat (Video)\n\nHow do you say \"Snow\" in Latin?"], "url": "http://aplaceofbrightness.blogspot.com/2015/10/evidence-of-time-travelers-into-past.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 599, "original_height": 420, "original_width": 265, "width": 378}, {"height": 533, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1134, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 169, "original_width": 186, "width": 416}, {"height": 610, "original_height": 420, "original_width": 260, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["08341884db764345b674c841cec9e918a88c03f1bb62beaa6c61a2d6ff67f1aa", "b40df8dc9c55ef215d5b054fcb2b89a264670b69a7194372af9141dd6d32bc9c", "edaf996126c60d888cefe1aab9a0e25c36a8168eaef3c00d7e632bd130534db0", "b08dd75ec311a434c701fdf6e7439c908c096526f416db3f24edf65efe23456c"], "__index_level_0__": 17, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2DOV0rPPQ_c/VOE2XDGYn5I/AAAAAAAAFPE/hFCkKa-4RPQ/s350/Print%2B686.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.939070463180542}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://applesandasclepias.blogspot.com/2015_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2DOV0rPPQ_c/VOE2XDGYn5I/AAAAAAAAFPE/hFCkKa-4RPQ/s350/Print%2B686.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2DOV0rPPQ_c/VOE2XDGYn5I/AAAAAAAAFPE/hFCkKa-4RPQ/s350/Print%2B686.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Print B\", \"alt_text\": \"Okanagan Wildflower: Penstemon fruticosus\", \"rendered_width\": 350, \"rendered_height\": 263}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["After a one-day deluge last week, the plants (and weeds) are making great strides in this warm spring Summerland weather.  The tourists are roaming around our Bottleneck drive neighbourhood, with wine tour buses regularly passing our house (should I wave?).  I was too busy to photograph the irises as they bloomed in the last few weeks, but the cheddar pinks (Dianthus gratianapolitanus) are looking great in the perennial beds.  I appreciate their compact shape with a dense show of deep pink flowers over blue-green foliage.  I certainly would love to have more of these.\nIn the realm of edibles, the new apple nursery is now established with 4800 trees.  I believe these are called bench grafts, with the tops (scions) collected from Ambrosia trees early this year and grafted onto specific rootstock by a nursery in Summerland.  They looked like twigs going into the ground, but in the last week, have produced some leaves.  They will eventually be dug up and and moved to their final locations next spring, where they will grow as a high-density orchard.\n\nThe vegetable garden has produced a tidal wave of spinach, leaving us searching online for spinach recipes and blanching and freezing some for future use.  There will be spanakopita and spinach salad for every meal!  I've even tried playing YouTube Popeye videos for subliminal messages to the children.  I think smaller, spaced out successive plantings would have been better, but the initial garden efforts were a bit enthusiastic.  Next year, we will try for more self-control.\nSo far, the stock tanks are working well as raised beds.  We still have to hand-water them from the top, as not every plant will have deep enough roots to reach down to the damp soil closer to the reservoir on the bottom. I have faith that the tomatoes will eventually reach down and tap into the available water though.  They have big root systems.\nPosted by Gardenista at 10:33 PM No comments:", "Labels: Ambrosia apples, apple grafts, apple nursery, cheddar pinks, stock tanks, Summerland\n\nSunday, May 17, 2015\n\nVegetables Already!\n\nWe got a good rain overnight, which is the first significant rainfall we have had in months -- not really surprising in this semi-arid desert climate.  This will be good for BC's wildfires, though the lightning is still unwanted.\nThe stock tank raised beds are offering up some great spinach at the moment.  The only quandary is finding recipes for spinach that children find appetizing.  We will have to do some internet searching or hand it out free to willing friends and neighbours.\n\nI inter-planted the spinach with carrots so that the carrots will continue on when the spinach is done.  Of course, we planted \"rainbow\" colored carrots, as kids love the novelty of interesting colored vegetables.  I surely hope they EAT THEM too.\n\nTomato Time!\n\nI transplanted my tomatoes outside this weekend, filling another two stock tanks.  I am trying a variety of heirloom varieties, including Costoluto Genovese, Omar's Lebanese, Black plum, and Black cherry tomato.  I am also growing a hybrid cherry tomato called \"Jelly Bean\".  Besides its appealing name, it has good disease resistance and bears large clusters of oval-shaped fruits.  They grow very tall, so will be needing support systems.\n\nI was going to put all the tomatoes into the stock tanks, but Gardener-man appeared distressed when I mentioned driving tomato supports into the raised beds.  This is because there is a membrane separating the water reservoir on the bottom from the sand layer in the middle.  Also, all of my tomato plants are indeterminate (vs. determinate), which means that their vertical growth doesn't stop after reaching their genetically-determined height.  They will keep getting taller all season.  We will have to come up with a support system that is compatible with the stock tank raised beds.  However, \"Jelly Bean\" will go into the ground near the asparagus and have the benefit of underground drip-watering.\n\nMeanwhile, in the Flower Beds...\n\nMy Blanc Double de Coubert shrub rose is blooming and already dropping petals!  I was not prepared to have roses so early, but having moved from Saskatchewan makes these events seem astounding.  The rhododendrons around town are looking great and my still-tiny rhodos with white and red blooms are looking good, though barely visible except up-close.  The small-statured Rhododendron \"Baden Baden\" is in the rock garden and has already finished blooming, while  red \"Vulcan\" is presently looking great.  The \"Cunningham's White\" had an intermediate blooming time and is pictured here in this post.  I had a little panic episode this spring when I saw that the closed buds were PINK, but was relieved to see the flowers are indeed white.\n\nMy Allium \"Purple Sensation\" is the first bloomer of my ornamental alliums.  It will be finished before A. giganteum \"Globemaster\" blooms (which I am really excited to see, because it was never hardy in Saskatchewan).\n\nI thoroughly enjoyed the Summerland Ornamental Gardens plant sale last weekend.  I heard in advance that it was very popular and that one should get there early, which I did, despite a puking child.  However, getting there at the official opening time of 8 am doesn't get mean you get there before the crowds of people.  Gardeners must be early-rising and highly-competitive sorts, because I had to drive down to the far-away overflow parking spots.  I think the keen gardeners before me had lined up in the early morning.  Fortunately, I wasn't after the bedding plants.  I had my eye on some native perennials and a few other unusual plants, like Echium amoenum \"Red Feathers\", which is now planted in the \"desert bed\" with a variegated yucca.  Although I don't want to swell the crowds for next year's plant sale, I must say that the prices were quite good and the selection quite nice.  They even were prepared to take interact and credit card!\n\nPosted by Gardenista at 6:16 PM No comments:", "Labels: Allium, Rhododendron, spinach, stock tanks, Summerland Ornamental Gardens\n\nFriday, May 8, 2015\n\nLongleaf Phlox - Okanagan Wildflower", "Friday, May 1, 2015\n\nThe Season of Yellow Flowers\n\nCertain colors dominant short periods of time in the perennial garden.  Right now, the wild Arrowleaf Balsamroot is flowering in the hills around us and they look so bright and beautiful.  Did you know they are the official flower of Kelowna?\nMeanwhile, we have accumulated some composted manure in a square patch next to the stock tank raised beds and declared it a vegetable garden.  Sticks designate the places where I have planted corn and beans, the start of our traditional \"Three Sisters Garden\", a beneficial companion planting of traditional South American plants.\n\nSquash, cucumbers, and zucchini will fill the spaces between staggered stands of corn, which in turn will support bean plants.  The large leaves of the vine plants shades the soil, keeping it moist for the corn and beans.  We didn't make mounds for the corn, since we have a dry climate and the linked article above says that flat ground is better in dry areas.  We haven't had too much rain in April, so we will have to stay dedicated to the sprinkler for the germination period.\nThe daffodils are at the end of their season and the Aurinia saxatilis is forming carpets of blooms.  Several neighbours have stunning slopes entirely covered in these yellow flowers.  They are very hardy, require full sun, and can live in poor soils.  They probably seed out a bit, as I see them naturalized in rocky informal settings where they probably were never intentionally planted.  I would like to spread them all over my yard, because they look great and are so easy!  Elsewhere in the yard, the new growth on the Euphorbia polychroma is a similar bright yellow and quite striking next to contrasting purple Heuchera foliage or bright blue or pink spring flowers.\nNext in the garden season is...Irises!  Can't wait to see the show.\n\nI am hoping to go to the Summerland Ornamental Gardens spring plant sale this year.   They promise unusual plants and some interesting varieties of tomatoes, from what I can see on their Facebook page.  Besides being a great place to pick up uncommon plants not seen at garden centers, this is a fundraiser for one of my favourite gardens!  It should make for good Mother's Day shopping too!", "Posted by Gardenista at 5:58 PM No comments:", "Labels: Arrowleaf balsamroot, Aurinia saxatilis, spring plant sale, stock tanks, Summerland Ornamental Gardens\n\nOkanagan Wildflower: Penstemon fruticosus", null, "Seen at the base of Giant's Head Mountain."], "url": 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\"rendered_width\": 202, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, 5 June 2013\n\nWonderful Wales\n\nA couple of weekends ago we took a 'glamping' trip to Snowdonia - we've camped before in a small 2 man tent with not a lot of room, no electric hook up - which was all great fun but have decided to upgrade a bit, get a much bigger tent, so we can stand up!, electric hook up so we now have heating, a fridge and a kettle - wow what a difference!  We had quite a relaxing weekend, without our usual big mountain walks as I'm lacking in energy quite a bit at the mo - especially after the tougher than tough mountain marathon we did the weekend before!! Anyone who has iron deficiency anaemia will understand where I'm coming from! - anyway, the weather was glorious - we visited the Ugly House which I don't think is ugly at all, where I was thrilled to meet the lovely Huw Jenkins of Natur Cymru - see last post.", null, "our one walk was up Yr Eifl on the Llyn Peninsula - just glorious", null, "We visited the Glaslyn Osprey project but didn't see any ospreys unfortunately - I did get my paints out though while we were there and did a quick sketch of the view over to the Snowdon Horseshoe... the other painting below that is of the view from our glampy tent looking towards Moel Elio.", null, "I'm delighted to say that the painting of Ceulan did get sold and has raised over £100 for the Dyfi Osprey Project which I'm absolutely thrilled about - they do fantastic work there and I'm looking forward to visit in a couple of weeks - the painting should be arriving in his new London home today. Here he is again...", null, "On Sunday we travelled down to Skomer Island for the day and as well as the expected puffins we were thrilled to see short eared owls - more about Skomer in my next post..... have a wonderful day!\n\nPosted by Sharon Whitley at 07:59", "Welcome to my blog!!", "Find me on Facebook\n\nSharon's Art", "Promote your Page too", "Proud to be a member of the AAA", "Member of the Flintshire Visual Arts and Crafts Network", "Ramblings from the past"], "url": "http://aramblingartist.blogspot.com/2013/06/wonderful-wales.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 425, "original_width": 640, "width": 569}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 425, "original_width": 640, "width": 569}, {"height": 493, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 490, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 292, "original_width": 400, "width": 517}], "image_hashes": ["9befd85fe203485cbc212cb309e84232e084c300d6cd10682005c379d355c2c3", "4002877860906c1719ac4accc2d17da296fa4244957e2086a67946f3d7a2ebb1", "ecefa1b87b4d491e360fb05255883520f193da70a5838826688be04ab6f97b43", "92017061f7b37e44d8c5a162cf9a00549dd853dc886e3ea87bf3b99b1a0abf50"], "__index_level_0__": 19, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5ueevUR701roj0g8o1_500.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9531734585762024}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://archiveofourown.org/works/438520\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5ueevUR701roj0g8o1_500.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5ueevUR701roj0g8o1_500.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tumblr m ueevUR roj g o\"}, null]", "texts": ["Survival in Purgatory has some weird aspects.", null, "The Room by Gary Tonge\n\nWork Text:\n\nPurgatory is not just the forest. Sometimes they slip sideways into deserts, stretching flat and grey beneath a moonless sky. There is a river, sometimes, cutting black and swift between rocky cliffs as pale as bone. Dean does not need Cas’s warning not to drink.\n\nSometimes, not often, but sometimes, there are buildings. A whole city, once, rain-washed streets and flickering neon signs, where all the doors were locked and all the windows opaque as a cataract. Cas hurried them through, his wings flaring protectively (Dean can see them more and more the longer they stay.)\n\nEverywhere they go, monsters are waiting.\n\nDean has killed more bump-in-the-nights since they landed here than in his whole previous hunting career. Although killed is perhaps not the right term, since they only shudder and collapse and then get up again, if you give them long enough. That was downright disturbing, in Dean's opinion.\n\n(\"What the hell, they can't be killed?\" \"This is Purgatory, Dean. They are already dead. There is no where else for them to go.\")\n\nIt wore on him, the endless violence, the way that his own wounds closed up but still seemed to ache, so that he was always, always hurting. Occasionally, rarely, they come across a place that seems emptier than others, where they can breathe for a moment.\n\nRight now, it is a house, a ruin that nonetheless seems friendlier than the forest (again, forest) that they are making their way through. Cas pauses, head tilted back to observe the cupola at the top. The door sags open, revealing a shadowy interior.\n\nCas nods.\n\nInside, the white non-light spills through the windows in a way that almost seems normal. They make their way through empty rooms and hallways where the wallpaper peels in huge swaths and the plaster has fallen away from the lathes. There is a weird dry smell, something like old books and something like cloves. No dust rises at their footsteps.\n\n“Cas,” says Dean and his angel stops, looks at him. “Is this - are we safe here?”\n\nCas considers, his eyes flicking ahead to a narrow stair that rises past a high window. Broken boards litter the floor. “No,” he says. “But safer.”\n\n“Did someone used to live here?” Dean picks at the wallpaper. It was roses once, he can tell, but now there is nothing but a bare ghost of colour.\n\n“I don’t know.” Cas leads on, up the stairs.\n\nAbove, there are remnants of furniture, tables and chairs and in a large room with a domed ceiling, a massive bedframe with the mattress still intact. A tangle of bedclothes lays across it, and in the center of them, a large, dark stain.\n\nDean presses a fingertip to it, draws it away dry.\n\n“Blood,” says Cas briefly.\n\n“Human?” Dean asks and then feels stupid.\n\n“Unlikely,” says Cas.\n\nDean shivers and Cas moves in, wraps his arms around Dean and lays his head against Dean’s back. Dean relaxes minutely as warmth steals back into him.\n\n“How bad is it?” asks Cas.\n\n“Not too bad,” Dean says. “Couple minutes should do.”\n\n“By which you mean, you should have said something an hour ago, and will now need at least ten minutes,” Cas responds.\n\nDean makes a small, irritated noise and carefully, skittishly, lays his hands over Cas’s, where they are folded together on his ribs. The warmth intensifies. Tears prick Dean’s eyes, as they always do.\n\nPurgatory. Fucked up place. No need to eat, or sleep, or any of the other bodily bullshit, but he can’t go half a day without a hug. Tactile reassurance, as Cas calls it, which is better than his first label, bodily communion. First shakes, then dizziness, then cramping and chills and it was only because Cas thought he needed physical warmth that they’d discovered what the cure was.\n\n“This is not a place for humans,” Cas had said, tucking Dean’s trembling hands together against his chest and wrapping all his angelic limbs around Dean’s shuddering body.\n\n“So w-what?” Dean had managed. “I’m Purga-sick?”\n\n“As good a term as any. Now stop speaking.”\n\nIn a way, it had become something to depend on. In the absence of regular day/night cycles, or the need to sleep, their stops to hug it out lent a kind of rhythm to their travel. And Dean, though he would never admit it, looked forward to it with the sad eagerness of a starved puppy. Standing there in the weird abandoned bedroom, eyes shut, fingers gripping Cas’s a little too tightly, the solid presence of Cas along his back was like an anchor. The one thing left that was real, dependable.\n\nWhen he opened his eyes again, the bedroom had shifted into a cave, low and damp. And occupied.\n\n“Shit, we did a slip!” he said, groping for his knife.\n\nCas was already wheeling away, wings snapping open, angel blade bright in his hand.\n\nWerewolves, Dean thought, or maybe something else. Nothing looked the way it did back in the world, here, everything was stripped down to their essential natures. Teeth and claws and whip-fast lean muscle. He could hear the rustle of coat and feather as Cas let loose behind him. Shadows moved, and he let instinct take over, felt the knife catch and drag, felt the wind of a missed strike buffet his hair.\n\nI liked that house, he thought, absurdly, and then he killed, and killed, and killed."], "url": "http://archiveofourown.org/works/438520", "images_metadata": [{"height": 578, "original_height": 750, "original_width": 490, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["21142b08551c4369a608955e2d0095b9433070df58786a73d6ed9aba2a97015b"], "__index_level_0__": 20, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-c4yVY5egLfA/WNbqTasEPuI/AAAAAAAAB4I/Xs23rmgjO7IntQANM34ggred5UIpQM_YwCLcB/s320/c-emerson-universe-compressor.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9694000482559204}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://arielpaz8.blogspot.com/2013/03/who-needs-savior.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Rdw4PAn7SQM/VilRJ0JqJgI/AAAAAAAAAyc/_GrKoky-av8/s752/mindfulness.jpg.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Rdw4PAn7SQM/VilRJ0JqJgI/AAAAAAAAAyc/_GrKoky-av8/s752/mindfulness.jpg.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mindfulness\", \"alt_text\": \"Journey to Faith\", \"rendered_width\": 620, \"rendered_height\": 372}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://arielpaz8.blogspot.com/2013/03/who-needs-savior.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-c4yVY5egLfA/WNbqTasEPuI/AAAAAAAAB4I/Xs23rmgjO7IntQANM34ggred5UIpQM_YwCLcB/s320/c-emerson-universe-compressor.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-c4yVY5egLfA/WNbqTasEPuI/AAAAAAAAB4I/Xs23rmgjO7IntQANM34ggred5UIpQM_YwCLcB/s320/c-emerson-universe-compressor.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c emerson universe compressor\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://arielpaz8.blogspot.com/2013/03/who-needs-savior.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh5.googleusercontent.com/-U9eydTgFRfA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAy0/e4rPABds_SE/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-U9eydTgFRfA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAy0/e4rPABds_SE/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, March 31, 2013\n\nWho Needs a Savior?\n\nSeems every time I turn around there's more bad news. Friday, for example, one friend finished her last chemo treatment. She shared about the death of the wife of a mutual friend of ours. On my walk, a neighbor pulled up to tell me she was having surgery for bladder & kidney cancer. Then another girlfriend called to say she was sick so was cancelling Easter activities, her husband had just lost his job and they have two small children to care for. Can you think of someone who is not hurting in some way? Who does not need healing, grace, or forgiveness? Would anyone reject a miracle touch from God?\n\nMost people I know have a need. It may be a financial, physical, relational, or emotional need, but everyone has a need. We search for solutions in many places. Some seek solace in their jobs, others in food and drink. Still others busy themselves with activities, sports, or exercise. But at the end of the day, we come up empty-handed. Why? Because no one can provide the healing and the peace our souls long for. No one, that is, except Jesus.\n\nMany have scoffed and scorned him, even so far as nailing him to a wooden cross. The scorn and contempt continues today, doesn't it? Jesus, they say, is a crutch for the weak. Or Jesus was just a good man, a prophet. But they deny his deity. If you look at all the other religious figures in history, they are all dead and buried in a grave someplace. Not Jesus. His tomb is empty. Could it be, perhaps, that Jesus, too, was misunderstood? His mission was not to become a king or a conqueror as we think of in human terms. His mission was to redeem mankind, like sheep who have strayed, and reconcile us to the Father. \"For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” (Luke 19:10).\n\nWhat have you lost in this life, dear one? Perhaps you have suffered a loss of trust such as a divorce, an affair, or a betrayal. Maybe your confidence has been eroded by life or your faith shattered by pain, grief, or tragedy. Others have lost their direction, purpose, or forgotten the promises of God. The mountains in life can seem insurmountable at times, but remember Jesus' words. \"I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.\" (Luke17:20).\n\nJesus came to restore, redeem, and rebuild lives. He came not just to show us the error of our thoughts and ways, but to free us from them. He shed his blood so that we may have free access to God, the Father. \"We know that God doesn’t listen to sinners, but he is ready to hear those who worship him and do his will,\" says John 9:31. All of us have sinned (Romans 9:23). To say we are perfect and blameless is blatant denial. All I have to do is examine my thoughts and behavior for one day and the truth of my sin glares back at me.\n\nYet, until we comprehend the holiness of God we cannot fathom the depth of what Jesus did for us on the cross. This is not meant to put anyone on a guilt trip, for 'there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus\" (Romans 8:1). We all have faults and there is no shame in confessing them. I was convicted recently of trying to fight my battles on my own and I cried out to Jesus for forgiveness. I realized I cannot fight all these battles and I need more work in the surrendering area. But Jesus did more than open the path to God for us. He came to fill our deepest needs.\n\nDid you know that Jesus accepts us just as we are? He loves us UNCONDITIONALLY and isn't that what each of us is really looking for? To be loved and accepted unconditionally by another? The miracle we are looking for can be found at the foot of the cross. Will you draw near? Will you put your faith in the One who loves you so much he shed his blood for you? Until next time, my prayer is that the light and love of Christ will shine into your heart and you will know how truly loved you are this Easter. Happy Resurrection and here's to new life!", null], "url": "http://arielpaz8.blogspot.com/2013/03/who-needs-savior.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f6567c929f9d14ec10349436d18bb36644d856a5dd9d3f12e9377ff0631b9898"], "__index_level_0__": 21, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/340/1131/200/180px-Portrait_of_Red_Bird.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.960134744644165}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://armedvictim.blogspot.com/2005/07/historian-zen-proves-churchills-indian.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/340/1131/200/180px-Portrait_of_Red_Bird.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/340/1131/200/180px-Portrait_of_Red_Bird.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"px Portrait of Red Bird\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://armedvictim.blogspot.com/2005/07/historian-zen-proves-churchills-indian.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//photos1.blogger.com/img/182/6742/640/catprofile.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/img/182/6742/640/catprofile.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"catprofile\", \"alt_text\": \"My Photo\", \"rendered_width\": 46, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Based on a recently discovered archive of Native American history, historian Howard Zen has conclusively established that Ward Churchill is \"Indigenous\".\n\nCommenting on his research Zen said, \"Objectivity is impossible but I have proof that on his father's side of the family Mr. Churchill is directly descended from an American Indian that participated in the Boston Tea Party. In addition, I established ancestral links on his mother’s side of the family to Grey Owl, an important environmental activist that lived in what is now known as Canada. Grey Owl is a descendant of Wacousta. Wacousta was a close ally of Chief Pontiac and his life provided the inspiration for the famous Canadian biography by historian John Richardson.”\n\nZen continued, “I think it is easy to see that Mr. Churchill inherited many of his ancestor’s characteristics. For example, the Indians that participated in the Boston Tea Party were resisting a tyrannical government and Ward's forefathers were right there. Grey Owl dedicated himself to stopping the Canadian government from destroying Native lands making him an innovator in environmental protection. Wacousta spoke truth to power and waged armed struggle against many governments to remain free. I think the following short description of the book “Wacousta” goes a long way in explaining Ward's inherited behavior.\n\n\"Set on the northwest frontier during the Pontiac conspiracy of the 1760s, this story of false identity, wasted love, diabolic vengeance and unquenchable hatred articulates themes and mythologies relevant to French, British, Canadian and American history.\""], "url": "http://armedvictim.blogspot.com/2005/07/historian-zen-proves-churchills-indian.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 472, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1bb1efc0d14ee173bf6339e242a574e794ac005825e4809473228b43a6643390"], "__index_level_0__": 22, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://catalogue.swanngalleries.com//full//675/727675.jpg", null, "http://catalogue.swanngalleries.com//full//652/729652.jpg", null, "http://catalogue.swanngalleries.com//full//132/730132.jpg", null, 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The house, which is celebrating it diamond anniversary this year, has enjoyed several record-breaking sales already in their spring 2017 season.", null, "Marc Chagall, Four Tales from the Arabian Nights,  (Pre-sale estimate: $250,000 to $350,000)\n\nThe rare deluxe edition of Marc Chagall’s 1948 portfolio Four Tales from the Arabian Nights, of which only 11 were printed, topped the sale. The set belonged to the publisher of Pantheon Books, Kurt Wolff. The vibrant color lithographs include the 13th plate denoting the deluxe edition; still in the original case, the set sold to a collector for $269,000*.", null, "Edward Hopper, Evening Wind, etching, 1921. Sold March 2, 2017 for $149,000, a record for the print. (Pre-sale estimate: $50,000 to $80,000)\n\nEarly twentieth-century American prints saw competitive bidding and high prices. Edward Hopper’s rare 1921 etching Evening Wind sold for $149,000, nearly doubling its high estimate of $80,000.", null, "The American master was also represented in the sale by the 1921 etching Night Shadows, which went for $33,800.", null, "A premiere selection of prints by Hopper’s mentor Martin Lewis was led by the extremely rare aquatint Which Way?, 1932, which was purchased for $42,500, a record for the work.", null, "Further highlights by Lewis included the 1929 drypoint Bay Windows", null, "and 1916’s etching The Orator, Madison Square, each of which went for $27,500.", null, "Another highlight of the sale was Männlicher Akt (Selbstbildnis I), 1912, Egon Schiele’s first attempt at a printed self-portrait; the work brought $30,000.", null, "Orologi Molli, a watercolor by Salvador Dalí featuring one of his famous melting clocks, surpassed its high estimate to sell for $112,500. Another original, a pen and ink drawing by Paul Klee of prancing bulls, titled Drama in der Kuhwelt, 1915, reached $25,000.", null, "All four offered works by Mary Cassatt found buyers, including the rare circa-1902 drypoint Crocheting Lessons, which sold for $27,500.", null, "Another Cassatt, the color drypoint and soft-ground etching The Coiffure, circa 1891, broke its previous auction record to sell for $81,250.", null, "Etchings made by James A.M. Whistler during a 1879-80 trip to Venice performed well, including the luminous Upright Venice, at $70,000.\n\nTwo further prints from the same period each broke their previous auction records:", null, "The Garden reached $70,000,", null, "while San Biagio sold for $62,500.", null, "The complete set of 14 lithographs in Henri Toulouse-Lautrec’s Mélodies de Désiré Dihau, 1895, was sold for $30,000, a record for the work.\n\nThe next sale of Prints & Drawings at Swann Galleries will be Old Master Through Modern Prints on May 2, 2017. For more information, contact Todd Weyman at email@example.com.\n\nMore Sales Prices with buyer’s premium", null, "370    Pablo Picasso, Femme au fauteuil, No. 1, lithograph, 1948.                         $55,000 D", null, "502    Joan Miró, La Permissionaire, color aquatint and etching, 1974.                        $45,000 D", null, "411*    Henri Matisse, Études pour la Vierge, Visage, lithograph, 1950-51.                    $32,500 D", null, "575    Chagall, Roses et Mimosa, color lithograph, 1975.                             $25,000 D", null, "MARC CHAGALL Quai de la Tournelle.\n\nEstimate $25,000 - $35,000\nPrice Realized (with Buyer's Premium) $25,000", null, "Estimate $20,000 - $30,000\nPrice Realized (with Buyer's Premium) $23,750", null, "Price Realized (with Buyer's Premium) $18,750", null, "MARTIN LEWIS Rain on Murray Hill.", null], "url": "http://arthistorynewsreport.blogspot.fr/2017/03/auction-results-prints-drawings-at.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 489, 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I am a huge sucker for the weekend but who isn't right lol\nI thought I wanted to share with you lovely bloggerbugs some great quotes that might be able to get you through the rest of the week :)", null, "I hope you guys had a great week so far and an awesome kick ass weekend ahead\n\nand remember - JUST BREATHE! :)\n\nXoxo Mie\n\nIndsendt af Mie Nielsen kl. 21.24", "Etiketter: breathe, cute, dance, inspirational, laugh, live, love, quotes, sayings, sing, sweet, week, weekend\n\n2 kommentarer:\n\nSite views", "Mie Nielsen", "Opret dit badge", "Admirable women", "Versatile blogger award", "Liebster blog award", "Tell me about yourself award"], "url": "http://artofmi3.blogspot.com/2012/03/inspirational-quotes.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 407, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 297, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["53aa12e272ebcda7078d7d7414c8880118569d39f5b1fe8d2584a3e559b10722"], "__index_level_0__": 24, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", 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When people absorb this energy they become more than they can imagine. This bond between host and symbiote results in mutual evolution for both parties.\n\n\"Trespassing\" is an adult science fiction novel that follows the activities of the government agency charged with regulating the Elbie and the hosts who benefit from this unique relationship.\n\n\"This book, Trespassing by Pat Griffith, is a very interesting read about alien and human life crisscrossing in a way most science fiction has not previously explored.\" – Booklady, Amazon\n\nI wanted to create a life form that was made of pure energy. Because Elbie start out as just a form of energy they have no technology, culture, or religion. Everything they become is a result of their contact with people. Like all forms of energy they are bound by the laws of physics that dictate their behavior."], "url": "http://askdavid.com/reviews/book/science-fiction/7790", "images_metadata": [{"height": 605, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 312, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["43a97cecf095c73eed307dfb9d27409f0e01e7970ae458cdb1ea5dac4101eaca"], "__index_level_0__": 26, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nTsaw5qp6lU/T5DjkrUtYvI/AAAAAAAAFSc/e6HvTHXmqWA/s400/buttercup.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9106533527374268}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://athousandsheetsofpaper.blogspot.com/2012/04/whats-up-buttercup.html?showComment=1334940401587\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nTsaw5qp6lU/T5DjkrUtYvI/AAAAAAAAFSc/e6HvTHXmqWA/s400/buttercup.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nTsaw5qp6lU/T5DjkrUtYvI/AAAAAAAAFSc/e6HvTHXmqWA/s400/buttercup.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"buttercup\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://athousandsheetsofpaper.blogspot.com/2012/04/whats-up-buttercup.html?showComment=1334940401587\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hq4AKHdgsd0/V-3jLbvlgTI/AAAAAAAALCY/wgDTOs-vbLQMpQJ6PcLhM-XMsM4iQeSzgCK4B/s1600/winner.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hq4AKHdgsd0/V-3jLbvlgTI/AAAAAAAALCY/wgDTOs-vbLQMpQJ6PcLhM-XMsM4iQeSzgCK4B/s1600/winner.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"winner\", \"alt_text\": \"MFT 2016 Superstar\", \"rendered_width\": 230, \"rendered_height\": 230}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://athousandsheetsofpaper.blogspot.com/2012/04/whats-up-buttercup.html?showComment=1334940401587\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_7Jh55JtQQOE/S-zlF0PtyPI/AAAAAAAABDE/agGw7Qv4OfU/S230/copic-marker-colours.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_7Jh55JtQQOE/S-zlF0PtyPI/AAAAAAAABDE/agGw7Qv4OfU/S230/copic-marker-colours.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"copic marker colours\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 105}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://athousandsheetsofpaper.blogspot.com/2012/04/whats-up-buttercup.html?showComment=1334940401587\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zZj5PE-w2zk/WL-VHKpVueI/AAAAAAAALb8/AtEwjzFZ6IATLqu3cApvpCX70BXpxD2iwCK4B/s1600/7kidschallenge.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zZj5PE-w2zk/WL-VHKpVueI/AAAAAAAALb8/AtEwjzFZ6IATLqu3cApvpCX70BXpxD2iwCK4B/s1600/7kidschallenge.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"kidschallenge\", \"alt_text\": \"7 Kids Your Crafting Supply Store\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://athousandsheetsofpaper.blogspot.com/2012/04/whats-up-buttercup.html?showComment=1334940401587\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rw6NM2-6sNw/VoWtdI-LcTI/AAAAAAAAKPA/qmhoxil-6l8/s1600-r/TGF%2BDT.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rw6NM2-6sNw/VoWtdI-LcTI/AAAAAAAAKPA/qmhoxil-6l8/s1600-r/TGF%2BDT.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"TGF BDT\", \"alt_text\": \"2016 Greeting Farm DT\", \"rendered_width\": 125, \"rendered_height\": 207}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://athousandsheetsofpaper.blogspot.com/2012/04/whats-up-buttercup.html?showComment=1334940401587\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2LXE6V2paAg/Vn8UySmpGFI/AAAAAAAAKNk/CNF7sTlOgyk/s1600-r/stampinbells.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2LXE6V2paAg/Vn8UySmpGFI/AAAAAAAAKNk/CNF7sTlOgyk/s1600-r/stampinbells.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"stampinbells\", \"alt_text\": \"Stampingbella\", \"rendered_width\": 169, \"rendered_height\": 270}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Loving all the colors and of course a Fairwee pretty much fits anywhere.\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 6:09 AM", "Shazza said...\n\nthis is adorable x\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 9:31 AM", "Rhonda Miller said...\n\nSoo cute.\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 9:46 AM", "Amsing Family said...\n\nCute! I have not stopped by your blog for awhile and have enjoyed going through your last few posts. Your comment on the Miss Anya (with the basket)made me laugh, about how hard it was to not have everything linear... I can totally relate. But it looks great!\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 11:10 AM", "Maria Therese said...\n\nSo cute ♥♥\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 11:59 AM", "Leanne said...\n\nCute card Amy! She is one of my faves to color too. Nice set of flowers and the layout is fun. I adore that sentiment too.\nHave a great weekend!\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 9:02 PM", "Pöydän kulmalla näpertelijä said...\n\nSo pretty and cheerful! Love it!\n\nApril 20, 2012 at 11:44 PM", "Marianne said...\n\nThis is so sweet Amy!\nMarianne x\n\nApril 23, 2012 at 5:53 AM", "RiNNE said...\n\nAfter all these years, you are getting better and better with your choice of papers, Miss Paper Queen!! This card is a great example, I just love the one with circles!!!\n\nMay 4, 2012 at 2:34 AM", "Technique Videos", "MFT 2016 Superstar", "Sweet November Gal", "7 Kids Your Crafting Supply Store", "2016 Greeting Farm DT", "The Greeting Farm", "A Day for Daisies"], "url": "http://athousandsheetsofpaper.blogspot.com/2012/04/whats-up-buttercup.html?showComment=1334940401587", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 373, "original_width": 400, "width": 405}], "image_hashes": ["244ca5b87ee5c004d533215e0db1a397448e88576abdd62df2594a95848d8683"], "__index_level_0__": 27, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oBc94tUijBM/WR1omowU0PI/AAAAAAAABgI/uGDCbl3oSUYFR0i_6WBGuU2VTmvSy52hQCLcB/s320/gemsofopportunity2.jpg", null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cORksjflhFc/WR1oXs0a6BI/AAAAAAAABgA/IE4mt7E_A4cHjGlktW_gQTTeKdcZabKmwCEw/s320/Diverse_workers-500.jpg", null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-g4nkJfcW8lY/WR1ocJ6pTBI/AAAAAAAABgE/ufBYmhFCrmkQAvfpM1SBp7NUUnHLSKrgwCLcB/s320/Triple_Bottom_Line_graphic.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9529221057891846}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://atrayosoracle.blogspot.com/2012/12/human-resources-concept-compassionate.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oBc94tUijBM/WR1omowU0PI/AAAAAAAABgI/uGDCbl3oSUYFR0i_6WBGuU2VTmvSy52hQCLcB/s320/gemsofopportunity2.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oBc94tUijBM/WR1omowU0PI/AAAAAAAABgI/uGDCbl3oSUYFR0i_6WBGuU2VTmvSy52hQCLcB/s320/gemsofopportunity2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gemsofopportunity\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 212}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://atrayosoracle.blogspot.com/2012/12/human-resources-concept-compassionate.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cORksjflhFc/WR1oXs0a6BI/AAAAAAAABgA/IE4mt7E_A4cHjGlktW_gQTTeKdcZabKmwCEw/s320/Diverse_workers-500.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cORksjflhFc/WR1oXs0a6BI/AAAAAAAABgA/IE4mt7E_A4cHjGlktW_gQTTeKdcZabKmwCEw/s320/Diverse_workers-500.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Diverse workers\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 190}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://atrayosoracle.blogspot.com/2012/12/human-resources-concept-compassionate.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-g4nkJfcW8lY/WR1ocJ6pTBI/AAAAAAAABgE/ufBYmhFCrmkQAvfpM1SBp7NUUnHLSKrgwCLcB/s320/Triple_Bottom_Line_graphic.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-g4nkJfcW8lY/WR1ocJ6pTBI/AAAAAAAABgE/ufBYmhFCrmkQAvfpM1SBp7NUUnHLSKrgwCLcB/s320/Triple_Bottom_Line_graphic.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Triple Bottom Line graphic\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 226}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://atrayosoracle.blogspot.com/2012/12/human-resources-concept-compassionate.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ahpudTlSX5U/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAs8/z6jvRNqH5YU/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ahpudTlSX5U/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAs8/z6jvRNqH5YU/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My Photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, December 23, 2012\n\nGems of Opportunity: Human Resources Concept: \"Compassionate Dismissal\"", null, "Hello All,\n\nI Hope those dearest to you are enjoying this Holiday Season of festivities. Not to be a Grinch I wanted to share this concept to provide a mechanism to ease global \"Down Sizing\" of a labor work force. In this culture in America it may be a bridge too far to cross, but in other forward thinking nations this may be doable. Be this a Labor Union initiative or a particular corporation that actually cherishes the merit of their own employees. This concept is dedicated in memory to all Americans that have been shocked in this continuing aftermath of this \"Great Recession\" to being pink slipped.", null, "This is but one recent casualty of downsizing in America such as the \"Hostess Brand\" of baked goods. Where 18,500 employees lost their jobs last November when cut backs and a strike failed to resolve the deep cuts in pay being sought by the board of directors. Since this was a second round of cuts in recent years that the workforce refused to stomach, and with good reason.\n\nHostess Bankruptcy Judge Moves Forward With Liquidation After Mediation Fails\n\nIn light of all this turmoil my concept can be considered as a progressive safety net for employees in a capitalistic nation. Call it an added layer of unemployment insurance to insure future growth. Of labor productivity and fiscal responsibility with a compassionate touch. With the \"Triple Bottom Line\" (TBL) of People, Planet, and Profits in mind.", null, "Triple Bottom Line (TBL) Wikipedia\n\nOf course the term I'm inventing of \"Compassionate Dismissal\" may sound just as oxymoronic as \"President George W. Bush\" term of \"Compassionate Conservative\". We all know how well that turned out for America, it worked only in theory not in practice.\n\nThe Compassionate Dismissal unemployment insurance program would care for any recently unemployed member of society formerly employed in the private sector. Having worked at least one year for whatever company that hired them. Be they a full time, part time, or salaried employee in origin. Temporary workers or sub-contracted workers are excluded from this safety net social work force program. This version of the unemployment insurance program will only apply to medium large to mega transnational corporations. Small to lesser medium businesses are exempt from this program since they can not fully support such an insurance system. For it's part any such corporation that adopts this concept could in theory only fund it directly to a 75% hallmark. Workers that would be covered are blue and white collar workers that are non-executives of any such corporation. Since many executives are well paid with lucrative Golden Parachutes. Afforded to them as an exit package in compensation benefits upon dismissal.\n\nI'm going to outline a 7 step plan that will stimulate job growth in light of being dismissed at another firm.\n\nFirst, the tragedy of being shocked that to usually no fault of a workers performance such as wholesale downsizing. An employee is dismissed is gut wrenching to say the least. It can affect the psyche of the individual in the short term. However in those cases of insubordination or of a true lack of performance issue a former employee would be exempt from this benefit. Corporations that intentionally mis-label the dismissal of a former employee in order to cheat the worker of this benefit. Will open themselves to liabilities and potential civil lawsuits as an exploitative act.\n\nTo speak in brutally blunt terms this benefit is to fatten the calf for the slaughter. Which is in a generic down sizing of a work force all soon to be fired employees. Can immediately utilized a full 3 days of their vacation that was due to them if dismissal hadn't occurred. These vacation days will be paid where a Staycation or a mini-vacation in their own local community may be enjoyed. With hospitality vouchers to enjoy local attractions be they the: arts, restaurants, amusement parks, night life, etc... Such a benefit is bound to give a small bounce to the local economy when a mass lay off is in progress to the tourism dollars of a region.\n\nIt will also afford some quality time with one's family or friends with a looming dismissal on the horizon. Since it's the the company's dime per say, the sting or the shocking blow of a lay off is slightly misdirected in psychological terms to the employee. There's a reason why I call this concept \"Compassionate Dismissal\".\n\nSecond, after dismissal all former downsized workers of any said company will be afforded free counseling. Be it individual therapy or support group counseling up to a period of one year's time after loss of their job. Not all people will react well to the loss of employment especially if they have worked for over a decade at such a company. One's identity in relation of self-sufficiency especially for men will be a frightening prospect to confront due to dependents such as children. Internalization of emotions similar to the loss of a loved one may be experienced. In this case the grief counseling will be employment loss related.\n\nThird, provide a subsidy to extends one's corporate healthcare and dental plan 2 years after loss of work due to down sizing. In cases of poor performance or insubordination this subsidy can last only a full year instead. Again the mis-labeling of a former mass lay off of a work force in order to cheat former employees. Will open up a can of worms due to civil liabilities of work force discrimination. The unemployment insurance program will in part cover the monthly or yearly health and dental insurance plan premiums for the unemployed person. Be it a family plan or an individual plan, which ever was in effect upon dismissal.\n\nFourth, provide a free series at no cost of workshops including free study materials. For a former employee to update their resume or CV in relation to getting rehired elsewhere. Workshops can include several re-employability skills of: networking, job fairs, interview presentations, resumes / CV updating, etc... Many larger metropolitan regions provide such services already at no cost throughout the State. This thread of the safety net would add such former workers a direct funneling to such State workforce programs. Perhaps with added premium benefits on top of what the State already allocates for citizens.\n\nFifth, In conjunction with the fourth benefit the added incentives beyond what a regular citizen would otherwise get in looking for employment. Unemployed workers due to downsizing would receive job placement services when looking for re-employment. This can include being assigned to a Temp Job Agency whilst looking for a longer term employment elsewhere.\n\nSixth, those former employees that wish to update their skills in the workforce within their own present line of work, before dismissal occurred. Or those seeking entry into a different industry can attend free of charge a vocational technical Institute or a college campus. For a 2 year period covered as a subsidy under this unemployment insurance system for down sized employees. For those laid off due to poor performance having worked for a full year at said company. They are included in this benefit, however cases of insubordination this benefit is waived / voided for such a class of former workers. For down sized employees their tuition, class materials (books), and lab fees will be covered. Including public transportation passes (if needed) during the tenure of attending such an institution of higher learning. There would also be the placement service of Internships and Apprenticeships (like in Germany and Scandinavian countries utilize). When students are ready to be learning at the job site under a supervisory capacity.\n\nSeventh, following the similar gimmick of the so-called health discount plans marketed at Americans that usually can't afford healthcare in this country. Corporations that are part of this revitalized system of unemployment insurance. Will provide a free membership for a 2 year period under their own brand of a Consumer Discount Plan. Such a \"Consumer Discount Plan\" will behave somewhat like the identity protected EBT cards that offer food stamps and temporary cash benefits across America. The Consumer Discount Plan will offer the down sized work force discounts at a wide array of consumer retailers and services. Be it grocers or supermarkets, mass discounters like Walmart, clothing stores that are franchises or department stores like Sears, franchised restaurants be they fast food or dine-in casual, entertainment venues be they movie theaters, admission discounts at State or National parks, and auto repairs for instance.\n\nThis is to insure the purchasing dollar of the said unemployed down sized individual (most with dependents like children) stretches farther in a capitalistic market based society. The \"Consumer Discount Plan\" will be extended to such a class of unemployed citizens for a 2 year period. However not to being stigmatized like using the EBT card in America. The \"Consumer Discount Plan\" will be marketed towards all working employees within such a medium large to mega transnational corporation. Where their will be yearly membership dues in order to participate in such a consumer discount plan for their own households. Unlike the down sized class of former workers receive this incentive for 2 years as a benefit that is subsidized by their working berthen.\n\nSuch a \"Consumer Discount Plan\" can also be marketed via the particular brand of said company to the general consumer public. Thus collecting additional revenues in membership dues to help off set the subsidy for the down sized work force receiving such a benefit. Those corporations that adopt such a \"Consumer Discount Plan\" can be in competition in the market place against other corporate plans in existence. Where every year such consumer discount plans can be tweaked in benefits and/or new retailers being switched into and out of the plan. This consumer discount plan are direct discounts at point of sale and nothing to do with the point accumulating system of airline miles and such.\n\nNow to pay for such a revitalized unemployment insurance program for downsized individuals. Be it adopted by a TBL (Triple Bottom Line) corporation, or a progressive country like Germany or the Scandinavian countries that currently out pace America in worker protections and nationally increasing wealth in terms of GDP. Maybe the Chinese have the cajones where America has misplaced there's for the time being in this lost culture of our lost decade. (Sorry for the mini-rant since I'm passionate about such a social issue)\n\nIn order to fund such an unemployment insurance program wherever it is adopted in the world at large. Be it by a nation or a particular forward thinking corporation. I would utilize the \"Robin Hood Effect\" if you recall I mentioned those \"Golden Parachutes\". If many executives can be offered lucrative exit compensation packages earning multi-million American dollars. Since it came from the literal backs of their own corporate workforce such gained productivity should be cherished. By giving back to the merit of their own employees that keep things functioning to near working order. Let's call it a self imposed Tithe or internal tax where 10% of every golden parachute garners such a fee when utilized.  With the monies collected in membership dues from the \"Consumer Discount Plan\" marketed towards one's own employees, if not marketed towards the general consumer public. With any additional public government financing to fill in the gaps such a program can be fully funded.\n\nThis is what I envision about \"Compassionate Dismissal\" would entail as an unemployment insurance system. If and when utilized especially those that profess a TBL mind set of putting People first, than the Planet, and finally Profits as the \"Three Pillars\" within a society at large."], "url": "http://atrayosoracle.blogspot.com/2012/12/human-resources-concept-compassionate.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 320, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 190, "original_width": 320, "width": 636}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 226, "original_width": 320, "width": 535}], "image_hashes": ["c50f39eeb0db9ffec1f66061ba3d8d64d10ee70c9b26149d682beac5731bdd53", "872725e3e89e1f262cf5e7986efd5cd266d2e3fb8fd8124f52d4fc82e737cad4", "0041c988223eb43524b2c77e5535b6b5050f83de62539aae865ec3f77ee83252"], "__index_level_0__": 28, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2_SjxOGEzUE/SNvPnuMOd5I/AAAAAAAAA60/v_wa9T4PdwQ/s320/IMG_8965a.jpg", null, null, 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The weather has been glorious allowing us to be outside. We all know what will be upon us soon...so it's as if we are scurrying to spend every waking hour in the sunshine.", null, "chicks at the pumpkin farm\n\nThis weekend we were busy with baseball and hockey tryouts, golf, cornmazes and long walks.", null, "Autumn is my favorite time of year. The leaves have started to change and pockets of gold, red and orange are emerging through the blanket of green. I have many pictures to show you...so stay tuned!", null, "Matt took this one!\nPosted by Jane at 10:30 AM 8 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: Everyday musings, photography\n\nOkay I was tagged by Andrea! Have fun learning about me and play along if you like!\nHere are the rules:\n1. Link to the person who tagged you.\n2. Post the rules on your blog.\n3. Write six random things about yourself.\n4. Tag six people at the end of your post.\n5. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.\n6. Let the tagger know your entry is up\nRandom things about me.\n1. I have never been overseas because I have a fear of flying.\n2. I saw Princess Diana in Toronto years ago before she announced her separation from Prince Charles. She was so close to me I could have touched her. But of course I didn't because she was absolutely beautiful and then again you don't touch the Princess of Wales.\n3. I could eat pizza every single day of the year.\n4. I LOVE to yell at referees...but of course I don't...most times.\n5. I suck at drawing and my kids tell me so.\n6. I hated high school but LOVED college and I'm not talking the academic parts!\nSo there you have it!\nNow I have to go and attend to the children...what's that you ask? Did I say children? Why of course I did. Old hurricane Ike reared his ugly head in our neck of the woods last night and over 50,000 homes are without power...so that means NO SCHOOL!\nThe boys weren't even ready for a \"wind\" day. They are still in the \"I love school more than life itself\" mode.\nI hope and pray for the people that were in Ike's path. After last night, with sustained winds between 30-40 mph with gusts up to 60 mph, I can't even imagine what it must have felt like to be in the direct path.\nHopefully, relief will come quickly.\nPosted by Jane at 3:26 PM 3 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: general information\n\nThursday, September 11, 2008\n\nIn Preparation", null, "It's that time of year again...we are preparing for hibernation around here. Perusing hearty recipes, checking conditions of sweaters and socks, washing the blankets so they are ready for the beds! The leaves have started to turn and the mornings are cool. This is one of my favorite times of the year. In anticipation of the colder weather I have another pair of new socks!", null, "I think what I like most about Trekking XXL is the way it washes and wears. The yarn is so soft with each new wash. This might be one of my favorite colors too.", null, "Trekking XXL\n\ncolorway 83\n\n60 stitches\n\nsize 1 needles\n\nPosted by Jane at 4:24 PM 6 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: Everyday musings, knitting\n\nTuesday, September 9, 2008\n\nLunch Today!", null, "Found this in this month's Country Home...it was quite tasty and will definitely make it again! Enjoy!\nChicken Apple Salad Sandwich\nstart to finish 25 minutes\n\nmakes four sandwiches\n\nCombine first five ingredients together. In another small bowl mix next five ingredients together. Stir wet ingredients into chicken mixture. There you have it! Yum!", null, "As I was typing this I remembered a job I had in my late 20's when I needed a bit of extra cash. A well known chef in our city hired me to transfer all his recipes onto the computer. It was a pretty easy gig that got me a wonderful free meal and great money. Typing the fractions out, made me realized that it wasn't a job that I loved so it pushed me harder to find a better paying teaching position (is there such a thing?). I only wish that I had made a few copies of his recipes for myself. I hear he went on to own a wonderful well known restaurant and has made quite a name for himself.\n\nPosted by Jane at 4:25 PM 4 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: cooking and eating, general information\n\nSunday, September 7, 2008", "Finally, I got my rear in gear to put this all together. I'm too lazy to upload each picture individually so I just made one big collage. We had a great time this year in the Adirondacks. ALL family members that could visit... did. Allowing for many laughs!\nHighlights of our trip included:\n\nAnother vacation into the memory book!\n\nPosted by Jane at 8:49 AM 5 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: photography, vacations\n\nThursday, September 4, 2008", null, "Today the boys finally went back to school. I thought I would enjoy the day by myself but it was pretty lonely. We really had a fun summer together! Of course we had our ups and downs, but for the most part it was a summer of adventure and laughter! Just what a nine and eleven year old need on their summer vacation. Both love their new teacher and I believe this might be a good year for both boys!", null, "Our trip to the Adirondacks was eventful. Hopefully, I will be able to find some time to show you some of the highlights of our trip. Enjoy the scenery and I will be back soon."], "url": "http://atupperpond.blogspot.com/2008_09_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 493, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 245, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 256, "original_width": 320, "width": 472}, {"height": 495, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 244, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 198, "original_width": 320, "width": 610}, {"height": 560, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 216, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["53c4d6af1d9746251072eabb3e647eaa124c556980a99cc71da9c8de0bf3ebd4", "b0365e5381a4123b64b69172e90ee10cebfc3f90cff6f74b2fc77f39ddae0317", "77ca331cefd841e8c15de5b738fc6b26c6b389a40aa376773d668a753f34ed4e", "204c8fb04f4ed6a393338486f9229aad2c1e67203dba3a6f9e8356017f05beb8", "bedb17191827be3351a6cd4e7f9e796c4d4565519729b0c13277ea1d6dd4f3f6", "b188cb2ca8ce933ba91427178910647b0665d3cfe088365b2087fea08daebef7", "d03d0bfe48b0cf9268c948b504b389cda38b986d17cc8d64cdaf16cf29682970", "e1ec45468f4b99bede892a92d44076fb2bc4d0585be1c21609bc56db158cbbff", "a6e629226a25491837050e982ef4846d68b170cb2470e564a3cc27cde5d598bc", "27d688aa790a73828d6d39d765188985f81117df08d5ed24d4abdb1aecb21521", "3cd3633d14b40c0555b2372e2f31c5fd84fac03fcd870a7c2a5240f8379f3014", "2036df60d99938c018cf9b4b809ab286f5ed231597383e9421d4d5eb9b47c9c1"], "__index_level_0__": 29, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://i.eurosport.com/2011/06/02/728025-9386823-640-360.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9632906913757324}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://au.eurosport.com/football/la-liga/2010-2011/liga-boring_sto2818902/story.shtml\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.eurosport.com/2011/06/02/728025-9386823-640-360.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.eurosport.com/2011/06/02/728025-9386823-640-360.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Malaga VP warns of 'boring' Liga\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "By Reuters\n\n02/06/2011 at 19:18\n\nThe domestic dominance of Barcelona and Real Madrid will get boring in a few years and they will start to lose out on income from television rights, the vice president of La Liga rivals Malaga has warned.\n\nAbdullah Ghubn, who runs the Andalusian club on behalf of Qatari owner Sheikh Abdullah al Thani, said Barca and Real should agree a fairer distribution of TV cash to help level the playing field in Spain's top division.\n\nFootball's two richest clubs by revenue take around half the annual pot of 600 million euros (£527 million) for La Liga rights, giving them spending power to afford the transfer fees and wages commanded by the best players.\n\n\"Today people will be excited to see a 'Clasico' (Barca v Real game), next year the same but in a few years people will get bored of this because this is a league of two clubs,\" Ghubn told Reuters in an interview at Malaga's La Rosaleda stadium.\n\n\"So they will lose and tomorrow the audience will come down and some other league will be trying to rise up,\" he added.\n\n\"They will have less money from TV rights. They have to realise if they will not share the cake they will not get the cream.\"\n\nBarca and Real, who again finished the season out of sight at the top of the standings, negotiated their current TV deals individually, unlike in England and rival European leagues where clubs bargain collectively and income is shared more equitably.\n\nAn agreement the two giants brokered late last year with 11 other top-flight sides on sharing some of the TV cash from 2015 is likely to cement their advantage while helping the others only marginally, analysts have said.\n\nMalaga, who do not rely on TV money thanks to the sheikh's investment, was one of the club's who did not sign up and Ghubn said they had opted out because the accord set unacceptable limits on the smaller clubs.\n\nPerched on a white armchair in the club's corporate suite, the Libya-born 31-year-old, who is of Jordanian nationality, suggested Spain's football authorities needed to step in to enforce a fairer distribution.\n\n\"I don't think we'll see a solution soon to this issue because nobody can handle it,\" he said. \"If you have someone who can handle this and act as a judge, a person who could say how things should be it would be much better.\"\n\nMalaga, who were struggling financially before Sheikh al Thani stepped in, narrowly avoided relegation in the campaign just ended.\n\nA number of new arrivals in the January transfer window, including Brazil forward Julio Baptista, helped preserve their top-flight status and Ghubn said the club were aiming to qualify for Europe next season, when they will have a budget of around 100 million euros.\n\nThey have already begun strengthening coach Manuel Pellegrini's squad and will present new signing, 34-year-old Dutch striker Ruud van Nistelrooy, at a ceremony later on Thursday.\n\nThe former Manchester United and Real Madrid player spoke at a club event at the city's Picasso Museum on Wednesday, marking the signing of Malaga's partnership with UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.\n\n\"We are confident we can reach our goals because we know exactly how we can be strong and what we are missing,\" Ghubn said.\n\n\"We have no limited budget. You have to look for the right players to suit your project so you cannot be very specific on how much you have to spend.\"\n\nLocal media have reported Malaga are one of the clubs interested in signing Argentina midfielder Javier Pastore from Serie A side Palermo.\n\nThey are also chasing Valencia winger Joaquin and Osasuna's Spain defender Nacho Monreal, according to reports.\n\n\"The media was mentioning 120 names so I don't think we can go for 120,\" Ghubn said.\n\n\"Pastore is a good player, he's a very good player and he's a target for any club.\n\n\"We have many options. But this year we are going to have good players we are looking for specifically according to our system.\n\n\"We have a plan to do something very big and very huge so our dream is not limited to one level.\n\n\"We have an agenda, we have a philosophy, we have time to do something very special for this club.\""], "url": "http://au.eurosport.com/football/la-liga/2010-2011/liga-boring_sto2818902/story.shtml", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 640, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["895901ec27da2309de96aeb12fe69a04b6b28bdd0fd8862ea4f0f28c19ee21f9"], "__index_level_0__": 30, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-18YZDH65Rzc/TnOpGjextbI/AAAAAAAAAIM/CAyfM0Lqt5U/s250/102_2230.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MTLQm_SpLiM/T0vBa0fnX7I/AAAAAAAABbU/qiim66uYZS0/s280/393859_2944343086349_1194411020_32684271_869379013_n.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1OLqPTXZ4Wg/T4NoMSHPHuI/AAAAAAAABtk/mO8AIZ6Q1BU/s280/IMG_4913.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9736561179161072}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://auballble.blogspot.com/2011/11/theres-always-reason-behind-smile.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-18YZDH65Rzc/TnOpGjextbI/AAAAAAAAAIM/CAyfM0Lqt5U/s250/102_2230.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-18YZDH65Rzc/TnOpGjextbI/AAAAAAAAAIM/CAyfM0Lqt5U/s250/102_2230.JPG\", \"alt_text\": \"Bali. 9 September 2011. 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A smile which came from your lips. A smile which can also make others smile along with you. A smile which is incredible for changing a person's mood.\nA smile doesn't always mean that you're happy. A smile doesn't always show what's in your heart.\nYou can fake a smile. It might look sincere but the truth that it's fake.\nSometimes you have to keep smiling, so that other people won't see your sadness and won't feel your sadness.\nThat's a generous thing to do, although it hurts you so bad.\nOkay. Enough about the sad things. I wanna talk about the happy things.\nYou know that every single smile you saw from people around you has reason, right?\nThey might smile because they just got salary or got accepted in school or got a new job or their friends text/do something hilarious. After all, there's gotta be a reason for that smile.\nBut as long as I've been a teenager, some of my friends who can never stop smiling, amazingly have the same reason, which is falling in love or they just met their \"crush\".\nWell, that's true because that's also the reason why I smile.\nHow amazing right? Just by seeing or meeting someone, suddenly you smiled and you might acting like a lunatic.\nIt's kinda embarrassing when it happened when you walk by yourself on the street. You'd spread your smile to everyone who passing through or you'd smile and laughing and looking at your phone at the same time.\nYap! That's what love can do to you.\nHonestly, I would smile when you appeared in my mind. You e the reason for this smile. And you are the one who have to responsible for my awkward act, which made people staring at me, thought that I'm lost.\nYeah, I am lost. Lost in your heart. And I couldn't find the way out because I don't want to.\n(stop stop stop. we're out of track)\nI just want to say and to admit that every smile which you saw in everyone's face has a reason. No matter what it is, it's gotta be a good reason.\nAnd for me, you are the reason why I can smile even when I'm sad or even when I'm facing a very very tough challenge. But since you were there, I still can smile.\nBecause your smile is contagious. Every time I saw you smiling at me or just smiling, my lips got pulled and I smile.\nLike what Justin Bieber said,\"When you smile, I smile.\"\nSo, stand still in front of me, keep your smile, and make me smile along with you for the rest of my life.\nIf there's no you, there's no smile. If there's you, there will be joy fills my day.\nPosted by Aubrey Maria at Sunday, November 13, 2011", null, null, null], "url": "http://auballble.blogspot.com/2011/11/theres-always-reason-behind-smile.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 188, "original_width": 250, "width": 502}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 187, "original_width": 280, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 187, "original_width": 280, "width": 565}], "image_hashes": ["d2c43ba7bcb421ec706397ec96efef0b7a46511290490ddf45d88777442a621a", "96cf7679f4b3c2e389581b4f8e64b5ed9afa13ac4918a8525a262337efcb0e1e", "f212384f9ec3b4f778ae16a4b3b76a89ea398bf499af8de9fc08b7c68fbcb4b2"], "__index_level_0__": 31, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fMzbhuCRBrc/S4HuWHB-L_I/AAAAAAAAAHs/ThXTgLPP434/s320/godless.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_fMzbhuCRBrc/S4HoRdhzqII/AAAAAAAAAHk/8bVDFXxGmB8/s320/zorgamazoo.jpg", null, null, 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Chutengodians to worship the tower with him.  But soon what starts off as a harmless joke gets out of hand.\n\nDespite the absurd premise of a boy starting a religion around a water tower, this book is actually very believable.  When it comes down to it it's a book about a teenage boy questioning his religion and the very concept of belief.  The difference he makes between belief in a god and belief in religion is interesting.  It's also interesting to read about how his friends react, especially his obsessive friend Shin who actually seems to start taking the religion seriously.  The details are also great.  At the beginning of each chapter is an excerpt of the Chutengodian holy book.  It's far-fetched, sure, but not so far-fetched I couldn't see someone actually believing it.  The narration was also done well and I enjoyed watching Jason as he puzzled through these difficult issues and dissected the arguments of his father and others.  As Jason puts it: \"Being Catholic is hard.  Being ex-Catholic is even harder.\"\n\nGodless, by Pete Hautman.  ISBN: 0-689-86278-4\nPosted by Erica Bretall at 6:42 PM 0 comments", "If you're stuck in your room or you're stuck in a rut,\nIf your life needs adventure no if, and, or but,\nIf you love magical creatures and mysteries too,\nI've got just the right thing: read Zorgamazoo!", null, "If you want to read rhymes much better than mine: Pick up Zorgamazoo, don't waste any time!  Okay, I'm done.  I promise.  Sorry about that.  Zorgamazoo is a delightful rhyming romp that reminded me strongly of Dr. Seuss, except in long form.  It's apparently Weston's first novel and I'm eager for the next.  In addition to rhyming the novel does a lot of fun things with typography and has illustrations at the beginning of each chapter and all I could think of while I was reading it was how much fun it would be to read aloud.  I even imagined how I'd vary my voice to match each character and different typographic effects.  Another strong heroine in this one, although I think this book could easily be enjoyed by both sexes.  The book is fairly bursting with an exuberant spirit that is infectious and while not terribly deep it's certainly clever and I support its message whole-heartedly.\n\nZorgamazoo, by Robert Paul Weston.  ISBN: 978-1-59514-199-6\nPosted by Erica Bretall at 6:15 PM 0 comments", "The Diamond of Drury Lane", null, "Cat is an orphan, but she considers herself to be one of the luckiest people alive. You see, when her parents abandoned her she was left on the steps of the Theatre Royal on Drury Lane, and that's where she has lived ever since.  Life in the theatre is never boring, but it becomes even more exciting with the arrival of a diamond and two new friends--all of which seem to bring nothing but trouble into her life.  With dodging gang members on the street and nearly dying on wayward set pieces nowhere seems to be safe for Cat.  It's a good thing cats have nine lives because she'll need every one!\n\nI thoroughly enjoyed this book, although I'm admittedly more than a bit biased due to the book's setting in a theatre in 1790 England.  Cat's narration does get on my nerves at times when she decides to address her audience directly, but that doesn't happen very often and overall I like her spirit.  I also, of course, enjoyed the peek into theatre life at the end of the 18th century.  Cat curses a lot in her narration and she spends a lot of time interacting with gang members or attending boxing matches or other less-than-respectable activities but there's nothing really that bad about it and I think it would be fine for younger readers.  Especially because none of her cursing would be really recognizable to a child today and if there's anything I've learned it's that people seem to find cursing cute if it's from another time or place and this is from another time AND place so I don't anticipate parents having any problem with it.  The book is fun and has a strong female lead so I'd recommend it as a nice bit of light reading, especially to those with any interest in theatre.\n\nThe Diamond of Drury Lane, by Julia Golding.  ISBN: 139781596433519\nPosted by Erica Bretall at 5:57 PM 0 comments", "My One Hundred Adventures", null, "One summer twelve-year old Jane decides that she is ready for some adventure in her life, so she decides to pray for adventures to come--one hundred of them to be precise.  What follows is an unforgettable summer that changes her life forever.  From hot-air-balloon rides to all-night car rides Adventure follows her wherever she goes.  Unfortunately, so does Trouble.\n\nThis charming novel seems the embodiment of the old Oscar Wilde quote: \"When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers.\"  Jane lives in a small town in a house on the beach with her poet mother and her three younger siblings.  Over the course of the summer her mother's ex-boyfriends show up making her question how they live and who her father is and the local pastor takes her on bible-spreading missions that make her question religion as well.  She learns a lot of serious lessons for a girl her age, and while she is a bit precocious her narrative is believable throughout and perfect in its childhood logic.  A great book to read aloud to a child this summer or for a child to read themselves, although I'd say this book is definitely geared towards girls more than boys.\n\n\"It is inestimably comforting to have a friend, someone who is not horrified at you but with you.\"\n\n\"All our lives are mundane but all our lives are also poetry.\"\nMy One Hundred Adventures, by Polly Horvath.  ISBN: 9780375845826\nPosted by Erica Bretall at 5:33 PM 0 comments", "The True Adventures of Charley Darwin", "For most people the name Darwin brings to mind an old, serious-looking man with a long, white beard.  But what about Charley Darwin--the small boy who couldn't still still in class because he'd rather be collecting specimens outside?  Darwin's life was not always certain and the man who would go on to become one of the most important and controversial scientists of his day (and ours) was once a young man, unsure of himself and without a clue as to what he'd do with his life.  This book follows that boy from his days as a mediocre student worshiping his older brother who seemed much more likely to make something out of his life through his growth into the young man who joined the Beagle Expedition and set off on a trip around the world from which he knew he may never return.\n\nI read this book just a couple of days after Darwin's birthday and enjoyed it immensely.  It was easy to relate to the young Darwin and the picture of his life as a young boy was charming and surprising.  The book also seemed fairly well-researched while allowing for small discrepancies to augment the narrative, which is just how I like it.  What results is a fascinating portrait of a man and his time that provides a context to better understand both the man and his theories.  I found it interesting following him on his travels as his ideas grew and become more solid and certain and seeing just how his theory evolved (I couldn't resist).  Plus, I love it when novels have bibliographies in the back.\n\n\"Facts are unchanging but memories are mutable--sometimes sharp, sometimes out of focus, sometimes shadowy or absent altogether.\"\n\nTrue story: apparently Darwin almost didn't go on the Beagle Expedition because Captain FitzRoy believed in phrenology and din't like the look of Darwin's nose--who knew?  Although this is true I imagine the response Darwin uses in the novel that gets him on board is made up by the author: \"Well sir, I can tell you that my nose has been known to tell the most outrageous lies about me.\"  I like it anyway.\n\nThe True Adventures of Charley Darwin, by Carolyn Meyer.  ISBN: 9780152061944\nPosted by Erica Bretall at 5:18 PM 0 comments", "Sunday, February 14, 2010\n\nSo much for globalization\n\nSo today I read this article from Library Stuff in my feed burner because I thought it looked cute and it lead to a map of the birthplaces of the authors who make it onto the top 250 borrowed books list in the UK.  Then suddenly it wasn't just a cute use of google maps it was a commentary on today's reading preferences, and one that made me rather sad.\n\nI looked at the map and of the 250 books almost all of them appear to be written by writers from the UK or America.  There's 3 in Africa, 2 in Australia, 1 in New Zeland, 1 in Canada, 1 from Germany and 1 from Afghanistan.  Of those one of the African authors is Alexander McCall Smith who is of Scottish descent and attended the University of Edinburgh and currently lives in Scotland, so he's not that big of a stretch for the UK people to read.  Another, Philippa Gregory, also attended University of Edinburgh and while born in Kenya moved to England when she was two.  Her stories are mostly historical fiction set in Europe.  So, not a great case for the diverse tastes of the UK public.  Australia and New Zeland both have the union jack incorporated into their flag design, so they don't seem like they'd be a big stretch for the UK public either.  Canada and Germany are both western countries, so if we want to just look at non-western authors on the top 250 books list in the UK we are left with 2.  That's right, TWO!  Khaled Hosseini and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie who both moved to the United States in their teens, which means that unless one of the authors born in an English-speaking country decided to write something in another language there are no books in translation on the list and just the two non-western authors.  That is incredibly depressing.\n\nI'm not just upset because of some vague feeling of the importance of diversity, I'm upset because there is a whole world of wonderful literature out there that most people don't seem to know exists or at least don't bother to read because it is different.  But that is exactly why we should read it!  Not every country has the same narrative traditions.  They don't all tell stories in the same way or see life in the same way.  Sure, it may be difficult to read a book translated from another language and culture that you are unfamiliar with at first because it's not what you're used to.  It will seem foreign, because, well it is foreign. But if you stick with it long enough a magical thing happens and eventually it won't seem foreign any more.  Eventually it may even seem natural to you.  Eventually you may gain a whole new perspective on the world, a new window to look through, a new soul.  Eventually you may find you like that different kind of narrative, and even if you don't at least you'll have been exposed to it to say whether or not you like it.  At least you'll know that way of telling a story and seeing the world exists.\n\nGods' sakes what is the point of reading if not to explore new worlds?  Why read, heck why even bother living if not to grow, broaden your perspective, and learn new things?  I'm not saying every book you read should challenge you and make you grow because we all need a break and simple entertainment now and then but the percentage should be higher than 2 authors on a list of 250 books.  There's a whole world of different perspectives out there! Why waste the only life you've got living in just one?\n\nWith that in mind here are some recommendations of books written by authors outside of America and UK that I've read in recent years.  Check them out, buy them, give them to your friends, blog about them.  For heaven's sake do something with them because obviously whatever we have been doing in the past is not enough.", null, "This book, recommended to me by my friend Collin (you see recommending books to friends works! Go do it!) is hilarious.  It is full of a delicious dark humor and an utter absurdity that I just love. What is really great about this short story collection is that each one is so unique and has a slightly different tone.  Many of them are very short, too so it's a great book to read on short bus trips. The Bus Driver Who Wanted To be God & Other Stories by Etgar Keret.", "I actually liked this book better than Eva Luna. Another short story collection, but this one is completely different than the first I recommended.  These stories are much more narrative in nature and have a sense of magical realism rather than absurdism.  Still, great little stories and another new perspective. The Stories of Eva Luna by Isabelle Allende.", "This book I'd recommend to those people on the list who only checked out chick lit.  It does a great job of giving the reader a taste of life in another country and another perspective while remaining light.  What I loved about this book was that even though it's from Saudi Arabia it was the similarities that stood out to me.  It follows the lives of four women and their friendships and their loves and it's a story that's familiar enough to all women to be comfortable, but with that lovely freshness and unique flair that comes from an unfamiliar version of a favorite song.  The Girls of Riyadh by Rajaa al-Sanea", null, "One of my all-time favorite books.  I've mentioned magical realism and absurdism on this list and this one is surrealist.  If those all seem the same to you, trust me there's a difference.  That's a rant for a different blog post though.  I was able to relate to this one much easier than The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, although I enjoyed that one as well, because the protagonist is a teen coming of age rather than a man going through a mid-life crisis.  Plus, it has a librarian in it.  What more could I want? Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami.", null, "Another book that I think even the chick-lit crowd would enjoy.  It's been a while since I read this novel, but I remember loving the way she wove the recipes into the narrative of the story.  If you like cooking, or romance stories, or both, you'll love this one! Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel.", null, "Another magical-realism romance, so sue me.  It is valentine's day technically.  But it's not just a romance, it's a historical fiction, and an epic tale spanning the entire life of its characters, and boy howdy is there a lot of sex in it.  Trust me.  Actually this isn't one of my favorites on the list precisely because I found all the magical realism sex to be a bit of a turn off.  Come on, aren't you interested now?  Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.", null, "It's a murder mystery.  It's a historical fiction set in  16th century Istanbul.  It's about love.  It's about art.  It's told from the perspective of a murderer. And a corpse.  And a coin.  And the color red.  It's whatever you want it to be, baby.  It's another one of my all-time favorites, and it's not to be missed.  If you want a contemporary novel, try Snow (which is another one of my favorites, possibly because it includes actors).  If you want a more noir-style mystery try The Black Book.  Just try something by Orhan Pamuk because he's wonderful!  My Name is Red by Orhan Pamuk.", null, "You may have seen the movie.  The movie was crap.  Ignore it. Read the book.  Trust me.  It's not just about vampires and witches and warlocks and things that go bump in the night and the day.  It's about the nature of Good and Evil and Free Will.  It's about how the songs that come up on random on your ipod always match you mood.  It's about philosophy.  And it's about kicking ass and taking names.  Read it, read the sequels.  You'll get a hang of the crazy naming system eventually, I promise.  Then when you decided to tackle Anna Karenina (which you should!) you'll already be used to the names and you can enjoy it easier.  Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko\n\nThere, I've made it easy for you.  Read some of these, no research required.  And trust me, there's much more out there.  Really great stuff of all types.  You have no idea what you're missing, so go and explore from the comfort of your local library.  You'll thank me later (I prefer milk chocolate, with caramel but I'll take any kind really.)"], "url": "http://auldschoollibrarian.blogspot.com/2010_02_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 570, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 212, "width": 378}, {"height": 535, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 226, "width": 378}, {"height": 531, "original_height": 281, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}, {"height": 573, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 211, "width": 378}, {"height": 581, "original_height": 246, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}, {"height": 560, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 216, "width": 378}, {"height": 581, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 208, "width": 378}, {"height": 573, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 211, "width": 378}, {"height": 604, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}, {"height": 581, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 208, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3382a28a1a58ce18587c7b9345b4162566dff34f8794f12cc1e3b4e0a1bbee19", "a5b32e5672b0b0861368720d7637fb57cefd136dc0835ae50a2b0964b32094ef", "903f773124957973e31dcd4ab19b723e68cad34456f16fe9a7266d15391e7e6f", "b3f3fcdd06269208a7cf5060feac0d796516d969ab027143fff75c6cbcd7fd8f", "139d36acbb3793b6d7e009014c51020453b090107b7f24cff87445dce276ca1b", "eeee65176555c83b6b248f7bafad4adb133364205782dbe110d39db0e1f149dc", "3092d56badd40068dc2f66c49cade1075168a87d51bb47a1668451f290ef4881", "4b02c4bb6b9c8a5b7568f06368e6a7c4f978f05a2ed35b59c91c3f40b1682145", "8c36172e90d9a6709dd73d5b2fd9f2102e895a57c7a9ab8d2567b8aab2d56fdb", "c639362a003fee1cad98601375b6e8f241dd9f95edc0e7941151b8515640c298"], "__index_level_0__": 32, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclBwhNgtI/AAAAAAAAcoM/G7zDfznThPc/s400/IMG_4752.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclCDfG1dI/AAAAAAAAcoU/r3lyMHYoFpc/s400/IMG_4753.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclCW2w15I/AAAAAAAAcoc/H9uV60xi0JQ/s400/IMG_4754.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclCSjAWdI/AAAAAAAAcok/p6m5k6683nI/s400/IMG_4755.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8801858425140381}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://auntdebbisgarden.blogspot.com/2009/06/three-sisters.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclBwhNgtI/AAAAAAAAcoM/G7zDfznThPc/s400/IMG_4752.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclBwhNgtI/AAAAAAAAcoM/G7zDfznThPc/s400/IMG_4752.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://auntdebbisgarden.blogspot.com/2009/06/three-sisters.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclCDfG1dI/AAAAAAAAcoU/r3lyMHYoFpc/s400/IMG_4753.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclCDfG1dI/AAAAAAAAcoU/r3lyMHYoFpc/s400/IMG_4753.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://auntdebbisgarden.blogspot.com/2009/06/three-sisters.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclCW2w15I/AAAAAAAAcoc/H9uV60xi0JQ/s400/IMG_4754.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclCW2w15I/AAAAAAAAcoc/H9uV60xi0JQ/s400/IMG_4754.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://auntdebbisgarden.blogspot.com/2009/06/three-sisters.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclCSjAWdI/AAAAAAAAcok/p6m5k6683nI/s400/IMG_4755.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__ZjxtSrkthA/SiclCSjAWdI/AAAAAAAAcok/p6m5k6683nI/s400/IMG_4755.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, June 3, 2009\n\nThree Sisters", null, null, null, null, "If you want a child to eat squash, have them plant some. Here is Baby Monkey planting the three sisters bed tonight. He planted squash, beans, and corn. Do you see the problem in picture #2? I wonder how much corn actually got planted. Apparently seed corn is a snack for my youngest.\nThe three sisters planting style is beans, corn, and squash or pumpkins planted in hills together. I planted in this way for the first time last year. I usually have problems with squash bugs. Last year, I saw a couple, but they seemed confused and didn't cause any damage.\nThe garden is officially \"in\" now. I won't be planting anything else until the fall when I will replace any dead tomato plants.\nWe are growing cucumbers, peppers, herbs, black eyed peas, yard long beans, red noodle beans, mixed summer squash, twelve types of tomatoes, okra, and sweet potatoes."], "url": "http://auntdebbisgarden.blogspot.com/2009/06/three-sisters.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 356, "original_width": 400, "width": 424}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["39011808b14b13f8b2f9e1b3c1fc73ec47e9d67e9f97efe7c5c3ec8f8d26777e", "0e7f76367874344261e36d9b185038080684c78b25cc127823ac68c7b674cfff", "81c5199750f04b46da5c9c2992dd469920eba3c0ac0c11057c2f69fdc5ddc4b9", "a2314409bae85765ba8c10ad7621b21375f357d815663a84aea66be9ff6374fe"], "__index_level_0__": 33, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-uqiuYyhrqO8/TvH9t2ReQtI/AAAAAAAAAh8/BSZFg00nRIc/s400/scan0055.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9243813753128052}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://australia.urbansketchers.org/2011/12/circular-quay-sydney-alissa-duke.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-uqiuYyhrqO8/TvH9t2ReQtI/AAAAAAAAAh8/BSZFg00nRIc/s400/scan0055.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-uqiuYyhrqO8/TvH9t2ReQtI/AAAAAAAAAh8/BSZFg00nRIc/s400/scan0055.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"scan\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://australia.urbansketchers.org/2011/12/circular-quay-sydney-alissa-duke.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2659/4186496437_902ce3aaba_s.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2659/4186496437_902ce3aaba_s.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ce aaba s\", \"rendered_width\": 75, \"rendered_height\": 75}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, December 22, 2011\n\nCircular Quay, Sydney - Alissa Duke\n\nIt is December in Sydney and at last we have a little bit of sunshine in Sydney. I sketched this hurridly at Circular Quay. There was so much potential for things to draw and I tried to do it all ! The most exciting part was when the ship left the harbour at 6.30 and tooted three times loudly . We were on the Overseas Passenger Terminal deck at the time at a Christmas function. Champagne in one hand , we waved goodbye to the passengers onboard!", null], "url": "http://australia.urbansketchers.org/2011/12/circular-quay-sydney-alissa-duke.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 400, "width": 604}], "image_hashes": ["b90e5cf2e1261e796fed31aaa6fb2cf1824bbe194f4654b0ca3110bfed56044d"], "__index_level_0__": 34, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_HKPdbzarAE8/Sl3orCz2s7I/AAAAAAAAC_4/-QP9CDS6EUE/s320/IMGP0016.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_HKPdbzarAE8/Sl3ohC6jMRI/AAAAAAAAC_w/zeacxEmLV5M/s320/IMGP0018.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_HKPdbzarAE8/Sl3oPKbuJWI/AAAAAAAAC_o/QGI46SwLeXI/s320/IMGP0020.JPG", null, 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Then the heat wave came and I wouldn't dare turn on the burner even for a second. It is finally cooling outside (90 degrees), I ran out of laundry detergent, and I had a free 5 minutes, so today was the day. It really did only take 5 minutes. I shredded the soap with my food processor...quick and easy.", "There is probably five times more soap than this...", "This is the recipe I used...Little Birdie Secrets.\nToday is a big day! Mezmur's birthday! There will be a birthday post tomorrow.\nPosted by Autumn and Dan's family at 3:07 PM 5 comments:", "Wednesday, July 29, 2009\n\nNap Time Diaries\n\nToday at nap time...two dolls almost ready to be shipped out.", "Posted by Autumn and Dan's family at 12:53 PM 3 comments:", "Damn You Global Warming\n\nWhat do you do when it is over 100 degrees and you don't have air conditioning...slip and slide. Our s & s is a permanent fixture on our front lawn for the week. 107 degrees today? Seriously? On the list for today...stay cool anyway possible. I'm sure the slip and slide will get some use today too.", "Mez getting a push. P.S. she loved it.", "Uncle Aris.", "Uncle Aris' friends and our neighbors...", "Rhett's challenge...make it all the way to the end. He is getting good!", "Uncle Aris splashing Mez.", "Posted by Autumn and Dan's family at 6:50 AM 8 comments:", "Tuesday, July 28, 2009", "Limbs: stuffed", "Go check out my post on Bolt Neighborhood.\nPosted by Autumn and Dan's family at 1:14 PM 5 comments:", "Saturday, July 25, 2009\n\nWhistler of the Heavens", "Friday, July 24, 2009\n\nThere's a New Blog in Blogland\n\nFabric Napkins", "Thursday, July 23, 2009\n\nMezmur is Almost ONE", "I'm just a Mama holding on to babyhood a tiny bit longer.\nPosted by Autumn and Dan's family at 1:49 PM 9 comments:", "Tuesday, July 21, 2009\n\nTry It\n\nGrilled granny smith apples brushed with olive oil...", "...on a turkey burger...", "= another delicious thing from the grill.\nPosted by Autumn and Dan's family at 1:24 PM 5 comments:", "Monday, July 20, 2009\n\nBig Brother Fun\n\nLucky for Rhett we had an extra ticket for the Andrew Bird and The Decemberists concert. As you know he is a huge Jenny Connolly and The Decemberists fan. He always plays his keyboard and accordion to sound like Jenny Connolly. He is also a big Andrew Bird fan...so am I...Andrew Bird is in my top 3 favorites.", "Here is Rhett at the stage listening to Andrew Bird. He put on a very upbeat happy show.", "Rhett enjoyed his ice cream right before The Decemberists came out and it sure gave him the energy he needed to stay up late dancing.", "Rhett and Dan danced the whole concert. This is Rhett running circles around Dan. Rhett said, \"That was the best concert ever.\"", "So, Rhett has been amazing at balancing on his bike with no peddles for over a year. He could coast all the way down the block...as long as there was a slight hill. Thanks to our neighbors we got the second hand-me-down bike with peddles. Rhett has been nervous to get on it. I knew if he would just try it he would be able to do it. Well, Dan took him to the track on Saturday and by Sunday he was ready to ride with the Sunday Parkway, which was just a few houses away.", "Rhett rode 3-4 miles on Sunday! He fell, but got right back on his bike. He rode up hill and down hill with confidence. I'm a very proud Mama.", "It was a fun to give Rhett a little special attention last weekend. I think he had a great weekend too.\nPosted by Autumn and Dan's family at 7:59 AM 5 comments:", "Saturday, July 18, 2009\n\nKruger Farm Concert 2009\n\nMez had her first trip to a Krueger concert. After all the drama of...will he get the right permits to have concerts this year?...Krueger had the first concert of the year. Mezmur also had her first corn on the cob. I remember very well last year...longing for our baby girl. Thinking, she will be with us next year at Krueger Farms...and here she is...enjoying the corn, wide open spaces, music, and fun with her family.", "The sprinklers were on and Rhett was a little happy to be out on the farm too.", "The flip-flop-clan on the hayride plus one more.", "We hope there will be many more Krueger Farm concerts in Mezmur's future.\nPosted by Autumn and Dan's family at 9:59 AM 4 comments:", "Wednesday, July 15, 2009\n\nA Tuesday\n\nA friend did this a while back and I always thought it would be a fun idea. I woke up Tuesday and thought...that would be a fun thing to do today, because we don't have too many plans....our day sure got busier than I thought.\nRhett is the leader of our mornings. He is a creature of habit. Mornings start with a yogurt, tv, then breakfast...now, we begin a Tuesday in the life of us with yogurt on the family room floor.", "Next for this creature of habit...his shows. His only tv time is in the morning. We can be heard saying, \"Mezmur, stop watching tv.\" She loves her shows too....it is hard to shelter the second child from tv when the first child is a morning tv watcher.", "Breakfast today is a toaster waffle with whipped cream and berries...oh, and a few Joe's O's were given out too...to a baby girl.", "Then, while we clean up and I get Mez down for her nap Rhett is usually here with his guitar.", "Usually when Mez is asleep we try to do a \"big brother\" thing together. Today Rhett is picking mint for a treat we are going to make...", null, "...cantaloupe, mint, honey, and yogurt popsicles.", null, "Rhett got a little closer to his third surprise with his Summer Reading.", null, "Now that Mez is awake it is time for our first outing...taking Soft McSoft to get her sutures out.", null, "After we drop Soft off at home we make a stop at Bolt to drop off this Trapeze Sundress for a sample for the store. I'll be teaching this class in August!", null, "Now, home for lunch! Mez is eating carrots, pasta, and cantaloupe. Rhett eats cheesy chips and I eat my new favorite lunch...a tomato paste, mozzarella, and Parmesan quasadilla...oh, so delicious.", null, "Nap time...I'm working on a Trapeze Dress for myself with a few modifications.", null, "In order to give my brain and body a little rest I sat down to watch an episode on hulu and work on a couple rows of my sweater. No, I can't just sit and do nothing...", null, "Dinner was made before the kids woke up, because I knew we were going to have a busy afternoon. Black beans, chicken, zucchini from the garden put together in a Mexican casserole.", null, "The usual scene when I have to wake up Rhett.", null, "Rhett was excited to taste our treat after his nap...here is what he thought. Not a hit.", null, "The usual scene when Mama comes in after nap.", null, "Off to the park to play in the water with some of our favorite people.", null, "Back at home...this scene was right after I heard Rhett say, \"No! Snot Monster! You are going to get snot on me.\" Oh, sibling woes...", null, "After dinner, after daddy comes home, and after the chaos of getting ready to go...we go to swimming lessons. Oh, who knew zucchini from the garden would taste so good. Rhett doesn't usually eat zucchini, but from the garden?...he clears his plate.", null, "Mez cheers on her brother from Daddy's lap.", null, "Rhett loves his swimming lessons!", null, "Home from swimming with one down...\nDon't let this photo fool you. She woke up for another hour and a half after this sweet picture.", null, "Rhett and I read chapters 5 and 6 from My Father's Dragon.", null, "It's 9:00. Time for mom and dad to have a glass of wine and watch our show to unwind after a very busy day.", null, "Not shown...diapers were changed, a bath was given, tantrums were had, cats were fed, dishes were done, bottles were given...\nPosted by Autumn and Dan's family at 7:03 AM 14 comments:", "Family Photos Taken By", "Bringing Mezmur Home From Ethiopia!", "Then There Were Three"], "url": "http://autumnanddan.blogspot.com/2009/07/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 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Man, why do you continue to support the Castro regime? I don't get it. Kids can't wear bracelets that say \"cambio\"?\n\n7:41 AM", "leftside said...\n\nIt is not illegal to wear anything. No one was arrested. People were however questioned because the bracelets came straight from the United States Government (how did I know that?) The idea was hatched in Miami and shipped in the US diplomatic pouch (Herald reported this). A brilliant PR move, but something that Cuba has the right to investigate and put and end to. No interference of this sort is tolerated anywhere (taking or buying ANYTHING from the island of Cuba can make one guilty under the embargo, patriot act and god knows what else). If you've read the coverage of the story, you'll also know that many of those interviewed said the bracelet was just a fashion piece...\n\nWhat about these \"peaceful protest\" at UCV?\n\n9:16 AM", "Um, sorry but they were detained, not just questioned.\n\nAlso, did you hear about the church they bulldozed?\n\nI'm surprised you still support this regime.\n\nMario Hechavarria Driggs, Independent Journalist\nIt was destroyed with a Buldzer used by the polica, the local Church Evanglica Reform Apostlica, in the city of Santiago de Cuba, informed us by telephone from the eastern city, John Ramn Rivero Despaigne, human rights activist.\n\n\"The church is located in the streets Nico, # 3, in the village of El Salado. All its members are accused by the government of CIA agents. Pastor Alain Toledano continues to hold worship at the place where his was destroyed church, \"concluy Rivero Despaigne.\n\n5:37 AM", "Officers with the \"social scourge\" (Lacra Social) of the Ministry of Interior, arrested Yanisleydis Borges Lara, 19, and her friend, Gretter Hernandez, 16, for the \"crime\" of walking along the outside of the Spanish firm Sol-Melia's \"Havana Libre\" hotel.\n\nThe hotel, like all facilities in the tourism sector, are reserved exclusively for the enjoyment of foreigners and members of the power elite. Both youths were detained while under investigation, and today were to be prosecuted in court on charges of \"social dangerousness,\" which under the penal code carries a sentence of 1 to 4 years in prison.\n\nI'm surprised you still support this tourism apartheid and detentions based on social dangerousness.\n\n5:43 AM", "As to peaceful protests at UCV, it's clear that opposition students wired fired upon from the building, causing the reaction of the opposition to throw stuff at them.\n\nAlmost every instance of gun violence in Venezuela today (in political contexts) can be documented as Chavistas firing on opposition. Just about every...single...time.\n\n5:44 AM", "From the Directorio Democrático Cubano comes word that four youths, among them three members of the Cuban Movement of Youths for Democracy (MCJD) were arrested by state political police last night, November 29th. The activists were taken to the National Revolutionary Police Station \"Sanja y Dragones\" after having joined a sit-in demonstration that had been going on for more than a week outside the \"Aguilera\" National Revolutionary Police Station in central Havana. Protesters had gathered there to press for the release of jailed dissident Juan Bermudez Toranzo.\n\nThose arrested had earlier taken part in a press conference where 5,000 signatures supporting the \"University Students Without Borders\" project had been submitted before the public. The project advocates university autonomy through free expression and freedom of association at Cuban universities.\n\n3:15 PM", "The regime you support sure has been busy lately in Havana harrassing innocent folk. Not sure why you still support Rauel and Fidel, but I guess you have to stay consistent.\n\n\"Most of the arrests have been in Havana, but Cuban Democratic Directorate is reporting that thugs from State Security attacked and detained a group of about 20 people, including women and children, as they left a church in Santa Clara, where they had been fasting and praying for the release of dissidents arrested earlier.\"\n\n7:19 AM", "November 21: All arrested with Bermúdez Toranzo\nJuan Bermúdez Toranzo- still in custody at last report.\nGeorbis Ferrer Plana\nJosé Luis Rodríguez Chávez\nWilliam Cepero García\nOmar Osmany Varván del Pino\n\nNovember 27:\nManuel Pérez Soria- former political prisoner after hunger strike to protest gov't's failure to provide identity\npapers; arrested for lack of documentation; still in custody at last report.\nVladimir Alejo Miranda- interrogated, threatened for 6 or 8 hours and released.\n\nNovember 29: All three student leaders were part of the University student petition press conference.\nRolando Rodríguez Lobaina- still in custody at last report.\nEliécer Consuegra Rivas - deported to provinces Dec 4.\nGerardo Sánchez Ortega- deported to the provinces Dec.4.\n\nNovember 30:All arrested outside the Lawton police station where they were peacefully protesting the arrest of Juan Bermúdez Toranzo.\nYusniel Basterechea Quintana\nMiguel López Santos- held 24 hours and released at Km 17 on the national highway.\nArisnay Rodríguez Cruz\nJuan Alberto de la Nuez Ramírez- held 24 hours and fined.\nYunier Piedraita Santa Cruz -held 24 hours and fined.\nAlejandro Gabriel Martínez- held 24 hours and fined.\nYuris Barreras Sánchez- held 24 hours.\nCarlos Michael Morales- held 24 hours and fined.\nRaúl Pérez Gavilá- held 24 hours and fined.\nRogelio Hernández Mill\nAramis Sainz Sánchez\nTania Maceda Guerra- released at Km 17 on the national highway.\nJuan Carlos Gonzalez Leiva- released at Km 17 on the national highway.\nJesús Cordero Suárez.\n\nDecember 3: in Guantanamo\nJuan Carlos Hernández Hernández\nSalvador Benavides\n\nDecember 4: Political Police broke down the doors of a church and using tear gas arrested 20(?) dissidents who were praying for the release of political prisoners after a march of 18 blocks\n\nDecember 5: At the train station where they were accompanying Gerardo Sánchez Ortega.\nYorleinis Duvergel\nUnnamed others\n\n4:58 AM", "Cuban State Security attacked and arrested several dissidents, as they marched to a Catholic Church in Santiago de Cuba.\n\n\"They barged in spraying gas in the faces of people from those spray cans, and went about dishing out blows and shouting,\" said Jose Conrad the priest of Santa Teresita church.\n\n\"The repressors, headed by a lieutenant colonel and other state security officers, desecrated the church of Santa Teresita after kicking one of its doors open and savagely assaulting the peaceful dissidents,\" said Elizardo Sanchez, president of the Cuban Human Rights and National Reconciliation Commission."], "url": "http://aviewtothesouth.blogspot.com/2007/11/truth-about-recent-campus-violence-in.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 360, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 360, "width": 569}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 360, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["4a7196dfc624d0beb6094c51d83150ebb8142ba1fe80e871dfb4a7cbf6e48130", "ade0c25b6d187686411a6f76b8fab57380fc102cf66d6666e670848ce9fc3037", "7673bbe372a2605375af90403e584ce51c10fe45d2c2d49554a111bc1f253236"], "__index_level_0__": 36, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ttaslywEdA8/UvYoQJx_XOI/AAAAAAAALkw/tbrCwxrNxqA/s1600/Day+1+end+1cc.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-th-KWw9dmMQ/UvYoYyYUbPI/AAAAAAAALlE/rTNtr6PqnLk/s1600/River+Antoine+1cc.jpg", null, 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null, "Grenada has been invaded by so many European countries in its history,   The Spanish, English, and French had all colonized it at one point of time or an other.   In 1649, when France took full control of the island,   Grenada was the largest producer of sugar in the Caribbean and was one of the richest colonies of France.    In 1763, France yielded its control of Grenada to Great Britain.   The British ruled Grenada for more than 200 years. Finally on February 7, 1974, Grenada gained its independence from Great Britain.", null, "I had the privilege of spending a few days there last November.  I found this wonderful little island very to be attractive and a fun place to spend some time.  The history, rum, scenery and the people left me with a very warm and wonderful impression of the island.   I am looking forward to my return to the \"Spice Island\" in November for the Caribbean Rum and Beer Festival.\n\nCongratulations to  Grenada and its people for 40 years of independence and prosperity.   See you in November.  ;o)", null, "Top 10 Rum Blog", "WOW This was a Real Honor", "Have You Gotten YoursYet?", "Now there are two of them"], "url": "http://bahamabobsrumstyles.blogspot.fr/2014_02_08_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1059, "original_width": 1600, "width": 571}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1059, "original_width": 1600, "width": 571}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1059, "original_width": 1600, "width": 571}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 805, "original_width": 1600, "width": 751}], "image_hashes": ["4affdfbe981d9d2881aef0ca93a865251160b870d8faf3e0ece2c5f421b13dfd", "3e73b608c619aed7f628a9fdc1a21f6c51ca27afc5cd7cdb0b04115f0d0c8533", "b7ce24f692aa3ce97eff8f7663acdcaa087952822cb2688a379d244816f1d4d6", "f88bfe724cea308c05a67464c328bb6743c4e23c7737655463ad94ae51e22deb"], "__index_level_0__": 37, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_o-4QFg2DaZU/S6r8-ZVDGBI/AAAAAAAAAMo/twU2ykI8TMI/s320/Malouda-Drogba1.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8535807132720947}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ballsession.blogspot.com/2010/03/lampard-complement-goal-and-twice-goal.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_o-4QFg2DaZU/S6r8-ZVDGBI/AAAAAAAAAMo/twU2ykI8TMI/s320/Malouda-Drogba1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_o-4QFg2DaZU/S6r8-ZVDGBI/AAAAAAAAAMo/twU2ykI8TMI/s320/Malouda-Drogba1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Malouda Drogba\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Lampard complement goal and twice goal from Drogba and Malouda, tighten at the top of the Barclays Premier League\n\n- Drogba 32,\n- Malouda 50,\n- Malouda 60,\n- Drogba 77,\n- Lampard 90", null, "**Chelsea fired their Premier League title charge back on track with a comfortable moved into second place in the Premier League and to within one point of leaders Manchester United with an emphatic win at bottom club Portsmouth.\n\nDidier Drogba hard-kicked the ball into an empty net after David James tossed at thin air, in the 32 th minute Chelsea lead.\n\nIn the second half Lampard plays in Malouda down the left wing and into the box, he takes a touch, composes himself and smacks the ball into the net from a tight angle, James no chance, 2-0 Chelsea.\n\nChelsea could have added a third moments by Malouda thumps a rebound into the net after a Lampard shot is saved down low to his right by James but he can do nothing about the follow up and Chelsea are flying. 3-0 Chelsea.\n\nBlues add to their tally with Drogba grabbing his second of the goal with 15 minutes remaining. The Ivorian latched onto a diagonal ball before shrugging off Steve Finnan and firing the ball past James at his near post.\n\nIn the late minutes Frank Lampard scores for Chelsea completed a big victory at Fratton Park, tie up Manchester United's lead at the top of the Barclays Premier League."], "url": "http://ballsession.blogspot.com/2010/03/lampard-complement-goal-and-twice-goal.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 179, "original_width": 320, "width": 675}], "image_hashes": ["2fdaecf80768a1219691d2d13b5f867ce36e3abe17758b7ecfcdbe8c6470ac79"], "__index_level_0__": 38, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UHgMn5OG9Vc/Th8Hm8RHybI/AAAAAAAAIY4/pe8iwJ8Wc9I/s400/poem224.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7370753884315491}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bambooplum.blogspot.com/2011/07/lu-you-1125-1210.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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clothes, dust caked, wine stained,\nJourneying far, overwhelmed by grief.\nIn this life what am I?\nonly a poet\nstraddling a donkey\nEntering Sword Gate in a drizzling rain."], "url": "http://bambooplum.blogspot.com/2011/07/lu-you-1125-1210.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 466, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 324, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b05bb5cddafb8b30db8c8b61094988de9e25c2ac792cf75d9ec14ffe49122b5a"], "__index_level_0__": 39, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6gWrebCAfSc/VK2ZLWecF1I/AAAAAAAABRo/dtVbZdjsvEE/s1600/Mule-Deer.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9326213598251344}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://barbaraschilling.blogspot.com/2015/01/mule-deer.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6gWrebCAfSc/VK2ZLWecF1I/AAAAAAAABRo/dtVbZdjsvEE/s1600/Mule-Deer.jpg\", \"src\": 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out!"], "url": "http://barbaraschilling.blogspot.com/2015/01/mule-deer.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1400, "width": 490}], "image_hashes": ["17d7f7096a90f8759c1ce1eda1680412a0d1eafef861fbfb57120df4b20ea2b5"], "__index_level_0__": 40, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IjWx77PyWRQ/WEX01aQTIZI/AAAAAAAABSI/OfCtirzvQTIcZPRorSr7dGgy4wLB63qBQCLcB/s400/dreams.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9460710883140564}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bastionofliberty.blogspot.com/2016/12/greetings-from-fng.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IjWx77PyWRQ/WEX01aQTIZI/AAAAAAAABSI/OfCtirzvQTIcZPRorSr7dGgy4wLB63qBQCLcB/s400/dreams.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IjWx77PyWRQ/WEX01aQTIZI/AAAAAAAABSI/OfCtirzvQTIcZPRorSr7dGgy4wLB63qBQCLcB/s400/dreams.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": 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I've not been a regular here, so I ask the reader's pardon in advance in case I should inadvertently violate the Customs and Traditions of this Space. I went back and sampled the posts from the early days of the blog, and some more recent.\n\nI am familiar with the work and thought of your proprietor, the Rt. Hon. Francis W. Porretto; \"back in the day\" he was kind enough to allow me to bring my eclectic and ironic observations to Eternity Road. Fran is many things: He is large, he contains multitudes. While on that subject:\n\nBut they are not the Me myself.", null, "Here are some of the topics I look to cover here:\n\nWho is \"Me myself\" in the current age, the age of swipe right and plastic surgery and cyberbullying and Abilify and, soon, sexbots? Can a man be \"free\" when he has no core sense of himself from his family, his tribe, his nation, his religious faith? Can he have his \"liberty\" when his attention is being constantly, insidiously drawn to expertly-engineered advertising designed to make him feel a lack, a lack of something promised to be filled by just one more purchase of a product?\n\nWhat's needed more than anything else now is sanity, clarity, people trained to recognize the influencers and influences around them and be intelligent and masterful despite it. We have the power in our minds and index fingers to turn off the news, or mute it for awhile, to retrain our memories despite technologies that surely erode them, to rediscover the wisdom of our ancestors.\n\nIf we're to keep, renew and enlarge our liberty we must do more than battle in the public and political arena, though that, too, is important. I was a \"political professional\" for more than ten years, in the sense that politicians paid me to help get them elected, and subsequently to help them look good. That arena is important, but it's not everything; it may not, in the end be the most vital ground to win.\n\nIndividual liberty requires individuals, with a measure of steel in their spines. Or hammered iron. That's my take on one component that allows Liberty's Torch to continue to burn. I hope to make some small contribution here, in that regard.", "Posted by Robert Pearson", "Francis W. Porretto said...\n\nWelcome, Robert. Be sure to send me some material for the \"About Us\" page. And I'm not really that large, though I'll admit that I am trying to lose weight.\n\nDecember 5, 2016 at 7:30 PM", "Robert Pearson said...\n\nThat will be coming shortly, Fran. Some of it may even be true.\n\nDecember 5, 2016 at 7:58 PM", "ΛΕΟΝΙΔΑΣ said...\n\nWelcome back Robert. Did it get overly cold for you in the Northern climes? Glad to note your return. We are all a bit older. Myself so much so that I have surrendered the keys. Fran now and then allows me to look in that I may add pearls on behalf of Lacedaemon.\n\nDecember 5, 2016 at 10:20 PM", "Linda Fox said...\n\nWelcome aboard. I knew Fran was busy, and I hope you will be able to take some of the stress from him."], "url": "http://bastionofliberty.blogspot.com/2016/12/greetings-from-fng.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["deeb5589d7e30d361a6ae83436fa235f3189e9e4aa32893267d3813d6184423d"], "__index_level_0__": 41, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RG1eUx3BCqU/SKnnKhRw2uI/AAAAAAAAAnU/KcTfLVAnZJ8/s400/triton_iv2a.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_RG1eUx3BCqU/SKnpEuTT7dI/AAAAAAAAAnc/twzDfRdO6Fc/s400/triton_iv1b.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8961556553840637}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://beadabundant.blogspot.com/2008/08/triton-and-ivory-beads.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RG1eUx3BCqU/SKnnKhRw2uI/AAAAAAAAAnU/KcTfLVAnZJ8/s400/triton_iv2a.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RG1eUx3BCqU/SKnnKhRw2uI/AAAAAAAAAnU/KcTfLVAnZJ8/s400/triton_iv2a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"triton iv a\", \"alt_text\": \"Triton and Ivory Glass Beads/BeadAbundant\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://beadabundant.blogspot.com/2008/08/triton-and-ivory-beads.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_RG1eUx3BCqU/SKnpEuTT7dI/AAAAAAAAAnc/twzDfRdO6Fc/s400/triton_iv1b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_RG1eUx3BCqU/SKnpEuTT7dI/AAAAAAAAAnc/twzDfRdO6Fc/s400/triton_iv1b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"triton iv b\", \"alt_text\": \"Ivory and Triton Glass Beads/BeadAbundant\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, August 18, 2008\n\nTriton and Ivory Beads\n\nTriton and Ivory glass have an interesting chemical reaction when they're combined. A dark line forms along the outside edge of the Ivory, and the Ivory gets a crackled, organic look. This set has a Triton base with Ivory scroll designs, in my Etsy shop right now:", null, null], "url": "http://beadabundant.blogspot.com/2008/08/triton-and-ivory-beads.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 246, "original_width": 400, "width": 614}], "image_hashes": ["ea3b8bfd1127452c0221f5b78755b87c72564badedeb9433875fdf7d8f9c3472", "31e6aced4788bac4b6c6bfb66e6ff12164c1ef4f96615d3d514fe78c2826a752"], "__index_level_0__": 42, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-iTGi9QS1o-c/VV6iI8SYTQI/AAAAAAAABbU/qSi5QsyDxoEPlWSv0t1xM5gBWFpCRb2_ACKgB/s320/Decree%2BOf%2BHope%252C%2BBeth%2BFred%2BeBook%2B%25281563x2500%2529.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, "http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a587/writebeth/decree%20of%20hope_zpsw6oksfne.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9672818183898926}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bethfred.blogspot.com/2016_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-iTGi9QS1o-c/VV6iI8SYTQI/AAAAAAAABbU/qSi5QsyDxoEPlWSv0t1xM5gBWFpCRb2_ACKgB/s320/Decree%2BOf%2BHope%252C%2BBeth%2BFred%2BeBook%2B%25281563x2500%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-iTGi9QS1o-c/VV6iI8SYTQI/AAAAAAAABbU/qSi5QsyDxoEPlWSv0t1xM5gBWFpCRb2_ACKgB/s320/Decree%2BOf%2BHope%252C%2BBeth%2BFred%2BeBook%2B%25281563x2500%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Decree BOf BHope C BBeth BFred BeBook B\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bethfred.blogspot.com/2016_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vmCdDeAVg_g/Vw_kwTtQnQI/AAAAAAAABdo/_RYOqiKbggcSZ_9bDMF3tKReJtHXf5kvgCLcB/s200/Nine%2BCoaches.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vmCdDeAVg_g/Vw_kwTtQnQI/AAAAAAAABdo/_RYOqiKbggcSZ_9bDMF3tKReJtHXf5kvgCLcB/s200/Nine%2BCoaches.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Nine BCoaches\", \"rendered_width\": 120, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bethfred.blogspot.com/2016_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a587/writebeth/decree%20of%20hope_zpsw6oksfne.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a587/writebeth/decree%20of%20hope_zpsw6oksfne.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"decree of hope zpsw oksfne\", \"alt_text\": \" photo decree of hope_zpsw6oksfne.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bethfred.blogspot.com/2016_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a587/writebeth/othermarlowegirl_zps305b2b3d.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1285.photobucket.com/albums/a587/writebeth/othermarlowegirl_zps305b2b3d.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"othermarlowegirl zps b b d\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I put up a dummy post yesterday saying I was drafting like a maniac hoping to report I had a draft today. Yeah. That didn't happen. I wrote a whopping 200 words and spent most of the day getting life in place. I've been working a temporary day job since January which ended yesterday. The good news is I'll have more time to write. The better news is I've got things in order so that I can take a few months to find a job. The not so great news is it's going to take me even longer to be able to hire a publicist which I desperately need.\n\nMy goals for 2016:\nIncrease my count to a million by two hundred thousand words. (I estimate I've written about 50k this year. I'm going to have to write like mad through December which will be hard with everything going on.)\nGet romantic fiction published in woman's world ($800/short would help with next goal)\nMake $1,500/month writing at least one month this year.\nGet my thesis novel through the first pass\nComplete 20 graduate hours (I've completed 10. This will happen by December.)\nFind a new job (I quit the day job due to migraines). (I did this, but it was temp so now I have to do it again.)\nGet off Coke-Cola\nFind a better writing/life balance. (I either don't write at all or abandon other parts of life.) (Not happening)\nMake $500/month writing at least one month before June (This did not happen.)\n\nGoals for June:\n\nHow did you do in May? What are your goals for June?\nPosted by Beth at 9:44 AM 7 comments: Links to this post", "Friday, May 27, 2016\n\nUpdate Day\n\nSo. This is a dummy post. I will have my real update post up by 9 a.m. CST tomorrow. I'm drafting like a maniac today to get as close to done with a draft of this book as possible to have something to report.\n\nTomorrow after I post I'll be around to check blogs.\n\nLove you guys!\nPosted by Beth at 7:00 AM 4 comments: Links to this post", "Thursday, May 26, 2016\n\nTwilight: A Classic\n\nMy book of choice will forever be Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. For me, this book is magical. Before I found Twilight, I rarely read and when I did it was theme-packed literature commonly known as literary fiction.\nThen my husband rented a vampire flick he heard a lot of girls liked. His slasher flick sparkled, shined, and left me wanting more. I tore through the YA section of B&N. I wrote a horrible NA paranormal romance about the redemption of Judas before NA was a thing. I didn’t let anyone read it, but I kept writing romance. (And Judas is being redeemed through an MFA).\nMost readers will have a strong emotional response to a classic. Twilight can claim that. It inspired me, and it inspired a generation. A quick Google search lists pages of Twilight inspired blogs, weddings, tattoos, wedding cakes and fan-fiction including 50 Shades of Gray. A lot of people hate the book. That’s okay, because when they tell you how much they hate it, they get very detailed. They might not be willing to admit it, but the story and/or characters struck a chord or they wouldn’t be so vehement in their hatred of it.\nThe best reason to look at this book as a romance classic is because it “changed the landscape of romance.” (Regis pg. 107). As a middle school student reading YA, I loved The Face on the Milk Carton. Janie had a really good boyfriend and I wanted him. While I don’t think The Face on the Milk Carton was genre romance or even romantic suspense, it was the most romance filled thing my school library owned. So much so that they refused to order the sequel. After Twilight hit the market and sold well, YA romance exploded first in paranormal imitations followed by YA contemporary romance. Adults were reading YA romance, some stated it was more emotional because the emphasis was on the romance not the sex. In other words, it was sweet with strong emotional tension at a time when adult romance was not as sweet and filled with sexual tension. The Huffington Post slide show The Top 5 Reasons Women Love Twilight cites the Austenian feel in reason number one. The YA romance market bloomed so remarkably that NA grew out of it. Regis claims the author of a romance classic “innovated or perfected a main romance subgenre.” (Regis pg. 107). Meyer turned YA into a main romance subgenre.\nTwo other things stood out to me in nearly every book we read this semester: the characters were memorable and details were filled in so intricately we began to refer to it as a “slice of life.” As for memorable characters, the heroine was usually very strong and able to stand on her own. The heroines were so dynamic they could have easily been put in a non-romance and still survived the journey. I’m not convinced Jane Eyre didn’t survive a non-romance journey. The heroes were strong, emotionally closed off before falling for the heroine, protective, and committed. Though the protection and commitment displayed itself in different ways from Darcy who tracked down his arch enemy and paid him off to marry Lizzy’s sister and secure her standing in society to de Valmy who cruised the entire French countryside in search of Linda and her charge to Skimmerhorn who was physically protective of Dora. But actions made it clear the earlier men would have been physically protective if the need arose.\nWhile each story was unique, they were almost the same story of a wounded hero healed by a caring woman who would confront her own demons to be with him. There has been a lot of discussion as to whether Bella Swan is a strong heroine. Interestingly enough, many of the arguments used to say she is a weak heroine aren’t in the first book. (Later in the series, she allows Edward and Jacob to battle a vampire army for her, and she refused to terminate a pregnancy with her life on the line. I found that last choice very strong and a choice I hope I would be strong enough to make. As for allowing the men to fight her battle, it took a pack of werewolves and a coven of vampires to defeat the newborn army. Bella cut herself to change the direction Edward’s final battle was going, and I’m not sure what else she could have done). In Twilight, the first book of the series, a tracker vampire happens onto Edward’s baseball game and smells Bella. Edward’s protective reaction is a challenge to the tracker and he’s determined to hunt Bella down and drain her. Edward sends Bella to Phoenix with his brother and sister to protect her while he hunts for the tracker. But she thinks the tracker has her mom so she evades her assigned bodyguards and rushes to meet him alone, putting her life at risk. A bold move. The tracker nearly kills her, but Edward finds them and destroys the vampire. Edward is immortal and refuses to get close to people outside of his family both because he can’t risk the temptation of draining them and because they will die. He’s very similar to other heroes we have read. And Bella is strong enough to face a vampire while knowing she’s a tasty treat.\nThen there was the “slice of life” element that played through many of these books. The world of these characters and their typical day was so well portrayed that we could imagine ourselves in their lives. We could see their lives. From the dreariness of Rochester’s estate to the eccentricity of Dora’s theater company family, and the stylishness of her antique shop. When I chose this book for the final essay, “the slice of life” is what I hoped to learn how to write. As a reader, I tend to skip details. And many of the classics we read this semester were too detail heavy for me. I want dialogue, action, and kisses. I don’t care what color a dress is or how big an estate is. Twilight managed to give us these things without the details becoming cumbersome. Each character has vividly described unique traits that live off the page. And the haze of a constant cloudy overcast and bitter cold of a place that snows even in June is hard not to notice. Yet it never becomes overpowering enough to detract from the story.\nSome of the things that define a classic are outside of a writer’s scope of control. There is no way to know if a book will withstand the test of time until it has done so, although addressing universal themes and steering clear of time-marking technology might help with this. Likewise, we often mix elements of other genres in our work because most writers have more than one interest. Sometimes those things catch on. When this happens, elements of that work start to appear in other books of the genre. The work has expanded the genre. There is no way to predict that. The other alternative is that the things we mix fail or go unnoticed. While these are distinguishing characteristics of a classic, it’s important to focus on things we can control. That leaves us with the emotional reaction, memorable characters, the “slice of life” feel, and using familiar tropes.\nAs mentioned earlier, my thesis is about the redemption of Judas. In the first chapter he is at a strip club with his friend. A dancer falls and he comes to the rescue. She’s sassy and stubborn and he will protect her from that point on. Judas feels unworthy of affection and incapable of really loving because he knows he’s a traitor. His relationship with Reese/Rebecca changes all that. Rebecca is a runaway trying to graduate high school without anyone learning she’s an underage dancer at a strip club living on a stolen identity. She’s wanted for murder and smart enough to have avoided arrest so far. This plays on the tropes of an independent heroine and a protective hero and with redemption being a huge part of the story plays on a universal theme as well.\nHowever, in the early chapters Judas (who lives under the alias of Jacob) doesn’t come across as likeable. I’ve found that neither Darcy nor Edward Cullen come off very well in the opening chapters, but those books are limited to the female point of view, and Edward in particular is as mysterious as rude. His disdain for sitting by Bella and his effort to keep a distance is noticeable, leaving Bella to wonder what she’s done to offend him or what his problem is. Making Jacob’s internal dialogue more ambiguous may help some of his actions become questionable rather than absurd. It may also add suspense. Part of what keeps a reader engaged in Twilight is the desire to learn what is going on.\nAs far as the emotional reaction, I’ve got mixed feedback. Some people have found the story very emotional. One person said she couldn’t emotionally connect to the story because she hated Jacob. However, she used very emotional language to tell me how emotionally lacking it was. But I think making early internal and external dialogue less harsh and more ambiguous could strengthen the emotional impact.\nThe thing I need the most work on and something Meyer does so well is the “slice of life” embedding the right details at the right places. There are pages of description in the first chapter of Twilight. Most books would lose me after a few paragraphs of description, but phrases like, “It was there, sitting in the lunchroom, trying to make conversation with seven curious strangers, that I first saw them.”(Meyer Ch. 1). This sentence sparks the question who is them? And lets us know something will happen soon. A paragraph later comes the line, “But it was none of these things that caught, and held, my attention.”(Meyer Ch.1) This line adds suspense because we know we haven’t found the real focal point yet. Intertwining lines like these will allow me to flesh out settings and situations I’ve been afraid to due to a lack of action.\nTwilight expanded the terrain of romance and will withstand the test of time but the most important thing we can learn from it is to weave suspense into our description and to use the right details to brighten the worlds we build.\nWorks Cited\nMeyer, Stephanie. Twilight. New York: Hatchette Digital, 2005. Ebook.\nRegis, Pamela. A Natural History of the Romance Novel. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2007. Ebook\n\nWeight, Rachel. HuffPost Women. The Huffing Post, November 17, 2011. Web. May 4, 2016.\nPosted by Beth at 12:53 PM No comments: Links to this post", "Labels: romance classics, Twilight\n\nWednesday, May 11, 2016\n\nThings Change\n\nAre you a blogger/aspiring writer still struggling to get published? Awesome. My post isn't for you today. Read it anyhow. One day this might be you.", null, "Today I'm talking about the old writer's mentality versus the new writer's mentality.\nOld writers have a lot of experience. They've probably had their share of failures. They may have even had their share of successes. That's great. That's the goal. But if you've been writing longer than 5 years there is a good chance you came up under a different publishing model. You may have sent your work to an agent who sold it to an editor. Or you may have met an editor at a conference, queried directly and been published.\nIt still works that way. Sometimes. Or you self publish. Or you self publish until someone queries you. Or you self publish until someone queries you then self publish ebooks while traditionally publishing print for distribution. Or you self publish one genre while traditionally publishing another genre.\nHere's the point: things don't work the way they used to.\nBefore your publisher promoted you. Readers took their cues from publishers and critics.\nToday, publishers largely take their cues from reader. NA wasn't a thing. It blew up on Amazon. And for a while after that everyone in New York would still tell you it wasn't a thing. Till they started paying for it.\nLots of people in the blogosphere have been talking about clean romance since 2012 when 50 Shades of Gray came out and all of romance took a turn for the explicit side. And publishers have taken their cue from us. According to K-Lytics, Amazon just added a new sub-genre \"clean and wholesome romance\" (and I shifted the Marlowe Girls as soon as I woke up--that's the power of being indie). Harlequin put out a submission call for clean romance less than a month ago.\nThe point is writer's today can't ignore a subgenre or trend on Amazon because it's \"reader only\" or \"only on Amazon.\" Publishers don't set the rules anymore. Readers do. When you're doing a market analysis, you're not looking for a set of expectations from a publisher. You're looking for what is acceptable to readers. You can't wait for a traditional publisher to catch on, to change your roll. (I mean, I guess you could but what did you lose in the process)?\nAnd if you think about it what our readers thought probably should have always came before what our publisher thought. Except there was a middle man. The middle man is all but gone, and when he's there he's a puppet. He's hoping to package a book in turn for a profit. Nothing is wrong with packaging a book for a profit. But publishers aren't running things. You live in the New World Order of Publishing.\n\nOkay. Off my soap box.\nPosted by Beth at 1:08 PM No comments: Links to this post", "Saturday, May 7, 2016\n\n$5 Gift Card Give Away\n\nOkay, so I'm trying to kick off a mailing list to give free short stories and hold special contests for my readers. To get things started I've decided to choose one random mail list subscriber for a $5 Amazon gift card. The winner will be announced via a mail out on Wed. May 20th.\n\nIf you like cute romance stories please join!\n\nPosted by Beth at 8:45 AM 1 comment: Links to this post", "Labels: $5 amazon gift card give away, contest\n\nFriday, May 6, 2016\n\nDIY MFA Review: Nine Coaches Waiting", "I read Nine Coaches Waiting by Mary Steward for my romance classics class. This book was interesting to say the least.\n\"Linda Martin, an English woman is hired to be a governess for a young French boy. But a strange terror coiled in the shadows behind the brooding elegance of the huge Château Valmy. It lay there like some dark and twisted thing -- waiting, watching, ready to strike.\n\nWas it only chance encounter than had brought the lovely governess to the château? Or was it something planned? She only knew something was wrong and that she was afraid. She is unaware of the danger she faces or who to trust in order to protect the young heir. Now she could not even trust the man she loved. For Raoul Valmy was one of them -- linked by blood and name to the dark secrets of the Valmy past. \"\n\nSo Raul doesn't come in for like 75 pages, and I found those first 75 pages so incredibly boring. I mean there was enough going to to keep you interested but it didn't read like a romance. And that's usually a deal breaker for me. However, this was for class so no choice. Then Raul came in and he was hot, mysterious, a regular Edward Cullen. But then he disappeared again. WTF?\nBut then someone shot at the kid. Seriously. Someone shot at a kid. I have anxiety, so I freaked out. I had to get up and check on the ELF. Steward did an awesome job of the suspense. But I needed the romance. Then Linda has to flee with the kid and word on the street is Raul is involved. And this is romance, so he has to come back from that, but how do you come back from trying to kill a kid? This is where it became a must-read class or no class.\nRaul is innocent and he loves Linda. But this was covered too quickly. I needed more!\nBottom line: This is the where romantic suspense began. You like the Decree of Hope? This is where these books began.\nPosted by Beth at 12:00 AM 1 comment: Links to this post", "Labels: DIY MFA Review, Mary Stewart, Nine Coaches Waiting\n\nMonday, May 2, 2016\n\nLove In Bloom Writing for Woman's World #6\n\nWriting for Woman's World is a blog series in which I take apart Woman's World short romances in an attempt to write them better. This series was inspired by Kate.\n\nAlso, it's been brought to my attention that I published (and have been submitting to the wrong address). If you'd like to sub woman's world here is the correct info:\nEmail Patricia Gaddis at email@example.com.\n\nB: Jesse and her co-worker Alison are making bouquets for a wedding. Jesse is complaining about being single and Alison is trying to set her up with a customer.\n\nM: The customer's mother shows up to buy a plant for her son's birthday and request it be delivered personally by Jesse. Mom is willing to pay to have Jesse deliver it because her son has been mentioning the name for a year. Alison says she will take over from there. (And she does).\n\nE: Jesse goes to deliver the plant and while she's there a Thai delivery guy shows up. He says he has a bag of food for Chris and Jesse, and it has been paid for. The two realize they've been set up and Jesse apologizes. But Chris says he's not sorry. (Aww).\n\nDid you read this one? Have you been submitting to woman's world?", null], "url": "http://bethfred.blogspot.com/2016_05_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 604, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}, {"height": 602, "original_height": 499, "original_width": 313, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b9884f7d8661f2a8fde893294e658364740fd981f98c31c7ce59ca563ed0eaf1", "3f5e6a21e2579b0b1d65cd89842715c0d255bd711edfad8ab5983c8200a7a85a"], "__index_level_0__": 43, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cRazo_v9azk/VDKUK0-StZI/AAAAAAAAAyw/pBGm3xdr8Ek/s1600/If-I-Stay-1-Wallpaper-1900-x-1200-1024x646.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9824479818344116}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://between-my-lines.blogspot.com/2014/10/if-i-stay-buddies-say.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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vampires, crazy robot killers and mutated humans. I do well with these kind of books. I become addicted, excited, curious, eager to solve the mystery and I love some good action. And then I read If I stay.\n\nI read this book as a buddy read with my friend Penny and even if we both rated it with three stars, you’d be surprised to find out how our opinions differ. It will be fun!\n\nI started reading it, without having read the synopsis first so the crash was a huge surprise to me and I was like what? What is going to happen now? I kept reading the book, which is so beautifully written and pretty soon I realized that I had already read half the book. But wait … what had really happened?\n\nAthina convinced me to do a buddy-read with this book which I must admit had been sitting in my to-read shelf for quite some time. I had heard so many good things about it, I was prepared to be blown away but the truth is...I wasn't. You see, apart from the crash in the beginning nothing really happened! In the very few pieces of the book where we were actually in the present story, Mia was just wandering around the hospital doing nothing.\n\nI know what you mean. It’s kind of eventless but there were some parts I really enjoyed. Like the constant change between memories and reality. I think it was a good way to keep me interested enough to keep reading. I love these kind of switches in a book. I have to admit though that some parts were kind of dull. Don’t get me wrong, it was an emotional read and I could connect with Mia, a little, but I can’t help but wonder that something was missing, that it could be a little tighter. Maybe what I wanted to see was a reaction to the whole I’m having an out of the body experience. She seemed to take that pretty cool. I’d expected her to lose it, yell, stand before her family and wave her hands. Something to show them that she was there, to run around the hospital searching for her parents. Something.\n\nLet me help you here Athina. Mia didn't have any interesting reactions about the out-of-the-body experience because she was a boring character! I mean, instead of exploring the possibilities of this astral projection thing, she just sat around waiting for the Boyfriend or bringing back memories. Oh, the memories! I was so frustrated with this constant back-and-forth. Truth is that only 5% of this book is the current story. The rest of it is memories from Mia's entire life. And this 5% is cut into about twenty pieces, just a few lines to divide the different memories.\n\nBut without the memories there isn’t actually a book, right? I think that was inevitable. No?\nPersonally I was a little disappointed with Mia. I expected more action from her. I know that through the memories we saw her pain and desperation, but I wanted so see something in real life too. And that’s the main reason I gave this book three stars.\n\nThe only reason I gave this book three stars is because the Voice of the writer was pretty good. And probably because there were some scenes that made me quite emotional, none of which were Mia's though. They were mostly words or actions of some other character. And you are right Athina, without the memories this book would have been a big fat nothing. That's the point! And all those memories were actually one big exhortation towards Mia giving up. And that was my main problem with \"If I Stay\" since I like my MC's to be strong and witty, not sitting around waiting for someone else to decide for them.\n\nThe voice was really good, I agree, and that’s the reason the book was so easy to read and it confused me. I wasn’t sure if I liked it a lot or not at first. Did that happen to you too?\n\nPlus I’m thinking you weren’t so fond of Mia, right? Is she a let-me-slap her character?\n\nNow that you mention it, she actually is! I'm putting her on my let-me-slap-her GR shelf as we speak. As for the writer's voice, it was what kept me reading the book. That and the potentials of the idea. It just didn't turn out as promising as I'd thought. What did you think about the ending? For me it was very disappointing, Mia never actually made a choice. And to think the book was supposedly about choices!\n\nHmmm, I know! Reading the end, I frowned. Not because I didn’t like it, it was the perfect ending. I couldn’t think a better way to end this book, but it’s just that I wasn’t sure about Mia. The huge dilemma of this book is about Mia making a decision. What will she decide? Is she staying or not? So I expected the final moments that she would be divided, confused and panicked. I wanted to see her making that choice.\n\nThat's it! Here are our thoughts and I’m sure Penny didn’t go wild on that one. She can be very judgy, I’m telling you! :P I always love to tease her about that!\n\nFeel free to share your thoughts and even irritate Penny a little about this book. I’d love to see that! ;)"], "url": "http://between-my-lines.blogspot.com/2014/10/if-i-stay-buddies-say.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 646, "original_width": 1024, "width": 599}], "image_hashes": ["bfda46c9c7441e45a7c14c351b1451233a5284f40794ac456d423a2252e729c3"], "__index_level_0__": 44, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_0diTo96Sqfg/SoDoNK4AYLI/AAAAAAAACik/l9sGjrHHBYY/s400/l_159ed23a4e404a48aeaa7afc3c8be58c.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_0diTo96Sqfg/SoDoNVERZII/AAAAAAAACis/hx1TVNBckls/s400/l_ae9acb328771438ca811f0665ac6e4fa.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_0diTo96Sqfg/SoDoM2TuvgI/AAAAAAAACic/tjAZfBt-_q4/s400/l_12fde53bb405d1f7f95a80d0e23eb8eb.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.98464035987854}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://birdstootiredtofly.blogspot.com/2009/08/artist-profile-eddie-orso-revival-dear.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_0diTo96Sqfg/SoDoNK4AYLI/AAAAAAAACik/l9sGjrHHBYY/s400/l_159ed23a4e404a48aeaa7afc3c8be58c.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_0diTo96Sqfg/SoDoNK4AYLI/AAAAAAAACik/l9sGjrHHBYY/s400/l_159ed23a4e404a48aeaa7afc3c8be58c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"l ed a e a aeaa afc c be c\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://birdstootiredtofly.blogspot.com/2009/08/artist-profile-eddie-orso-revival-dear.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_0diTo96Sqfg/SoDoNVERZII/AAAAAAAACis/hx1TVNBckls/s400/l_ae9acb328771438ca811f0665ac6e4fa.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_0diTo96Sqfg/SoDoNVERZII/AAAAAAAACis/hx1TVNBckls/s400/l_ae9acb328771438ca811f0665ac6e4fa.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"l ae acb ca f ac e fa\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://birdstootiredtofly.blogspot.com/2009/08/artist-profile-eddie-orso-revival-dear.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_0diTo96Sqfg/SoDoM2TuvgI/AAAAAAAACic/tjAZfBt-_q4/s400/l_12fde53bb405d1f7f95a80d0e23eb8eb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_0diTo96Sqfg/SoDoM2TuvgI/AAAAAAAACic/tjAZfBt-_q4/s400/l_12fde53bb405d1f7f95a80d0e23eb8eb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"l fde bb d f f a d e eb eb\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://birdstootiredtofly.blogspot.com/2009/08/artist-profile-eddie-orso-revival-dear.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//bp3.blogger.com/_0diTo96Sqfg/SBZjzDTHf9I/AAAAAAAAAAU/1S_TlDzeKzw/S220-s80/Shawnclarke.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_0diTo96Sqfg/SBZjzDTHf9I/AAAAAAAAAAU/1S_TlDzeKzw/S220-s80/Shawnclarke.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Shawnclarke\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I've had the pleasure of sharing a few drinks with Eddie Orso in the past, and was excited to sit him down for an interview. We met up on College St, grabbed a bite to eat, and this was the result.", null, "So, you're cramming for a factor deadline right now?\n\nOur upcoming record, the songs are ready to go. and we're going to do the recording at my house. But we're trying to get factor money for gear. To rent gear, the engineer and stuff. All the recording I do now is at my house, so we need some dough to get that started.\n\nSo you're working on 3 tracks for the grant?\n\nYea. well it's funny, a lot of tracks are already done for the demo. But we changed the keys. I'd have the original drum track, but I'd have take anything out with notes in it. Shelley would come in and say, \"this needs to be a higher key, I can't sing this low\". Cause I'd write songs that suit my voice and I'd bring it to her, and we'd have to move it up. So I'm just going back now, and starting over, leaving the drum tracks and moving everything up.\n\nSounds like kind of a pain\n\nNo, it's great. It's good because the original demos, you learn a lot from. The songs have shaped a little more. it's good\n\nSo revival dear, the core is you and Shelley, but you get a revolving group of players?\n\nYeah, I\"ll have a keyboard player... at least 3 different keyboard players, a couple bass players. We usually have the same drummer. But it's really me and Shelley who have an invested interest in the band.\n\nAnd how do you guys organize it? does she write as well?\n\nShe does her own solo stuff. But we don't incorporate that into Revival Dear, because we have a specific sound from what I've written and she has a different style, so it doesn't really work that way.\n\nSo you do have to take a lot into account when writing these songs, keeping in mind what Shelley is doing\n\nOh, totally. It's like. Our manager will say \"we need another song featuring shelley that's more of a rock song\".. and I\"ll go home and write something specifically for shelley. Actually this new record is going to be called \"He Said, She Said\". It's pretty much a story between a man and a women, going back and forth. Every chorus, or pre-chorus at least, will have \"He Said, or She said\" in it. Like, \"And She said [Sings] be all mine tonight\". Or, I said or You said. Every song pretty much has that.\n\nSo it's going to be a pretty focused album in terms of content.\n\nVery. A lot of thought went into it. It's going to be a pretty short album, 10 songs, all about a man and a women. A back and forth Relationship.\n\nUsing a lot of personal content for that? Do you find you use a lot of your personal life?\n\nIt's funny, half way through a songs, I don't really know what I'm writing about. But by the time I'm done it, I'll be like \"oh, I can see it now!\" It's really weird. Seldom do I have an idea....like, I'm gonna write a song about my trip to Italy. I don't sit down and say, I want to write a song like that. I just write a song and whatever comes out, comes out.", null, "So what is the song writing process for you. You were saying you have a lot of time to work on songs... do you go in with the goal of writing a song, or just fuck around and see what happens?\n\nI just, for the first time, went up north to work on a farm. I was going to work on a farm during the day, I set a studio up in the cabin I was staying in. And, so I'd work during the day, for my food. and I\"d write music at night and record. That was my goal, I wanted to get inspired, I'd just come back from Italy, and I wanted to get away from Toronto for the summer. I went up there, and worked all day, and by the time that was done, I'd grab my guitar and say \"Oh, I'm supposed to write! I came up here to write!\" And nothing would come out. So I was there for a week or two, and I came home, I didn't write a single thing, I didn't even want to play. But I came home and it just poured out of me. SO, you can't plan it, You just can't.\n\nIt's going to come when it comes.\n\nYeah, and the songwriting process is always for me, it's a melody. No lyrics, no guitar part. I pretty much write 80% of my songs when I'm walking down the street. My phone has me walking singing a melody, and I'll go home and translate it.\n\nSo, you guys have a tour coming up?\n\nWe, pretty much toured November, to May. We were on tour that whole fall/winter/spring. We'd be on tour, and it's been 3 years since out last record, and it'd get to a point where people where wondering where the new CD is. We'd been there 6 times. We decided we're done touring. After May, we said, we aren't playing anymore, we're not playing in the summer, unless it's a festival, we're just going to work on new material. In September, we're going to do a hand full of Ontario dates. But we're just going to pretty much hammer out the album, and then go crazy.\n\nI saw that you're playing in Orillia soon, that's my home town, you're playing for the folk society. I did that gig a couple months back.\n\nOh, how is it?\n\nIt's great. It's really nice, not a big audience. It's a lot of middle aged people who come out, and there is a dinner... It was nice. Everyone was really nice, and paid attention and reacted when the should have... I really enjoyed it. You'll probably enjoy it.\n\nWe're doing those shows as a duo.\n\nIt'd suit a duo better, that gig.\n\nKinda make money too. When you have a band it gets expensive.\n\ndid you tour with band?\n\nWe've toured like... we'll do east coast... actually this is a pretty cool story, we toured with our band from Toronto, we did a handful of shows, Ottawa, Montreal, Quebec City, and we left them behind, they went home and we drove up to the Maritimes, we had a band in Halifax that learned our music. I'd sent them our music a month before, cause I'd met these musicians, and we said, \"We wish we could bring the band to Halifax, but we can't afford it..\" They said, send us the music we'll learn it, and we'll be your band. So we got there and had this rehearsal a few hours before the show. In this dungy Halifax rehearsal studio. Rocking up the set, jump in the van and play a killer set.\n\nIt must have been nice to change it up a bit.\n\nIt was great, they were a little more, like, Crazy Horse.... a little more rough around the edges. They were a little younger than the musicians we'd played with in Toronto. They were just awesome. It was actually so good, that we thought, it'd be cool to do a tour across Canada, and promote it where, anyone can be in Revival Dear. Have a Maritime Revival Dear, Central Canada, West Coast.\n\nIt's change up the monotony of touring,\n\nAnd it'd cost like a fraction.\n\nAnd they don't have to go far, spend money on gas.\n\nThey can go home after wards.\n\nYou guys have played around Canada a fair bit... you said you'd done the west coast 3 times?\n\nMaybe 4 times.\n\nWhat have you noticed about touring Canada, what towns seem to really get it for you?\n\nYeah... P.E.I, we had wicked experiences with thier hippy... They have this little back-country hippie scene, and we played a festival there. They're aweseome. Then you go to The Sea Horse in halifax, it's liek a Dakota Tavern kinda feel. What were some surprise shows? We had some really good shows in Winipeg. Vancouver is always good to us. Oh, and a hidden gem for all Canadian bands is Fort St. John. It's an oil town. The bar is called Egens. They put on amazing shows there. Free stay, they pay you well. They want original music. The pay very well up there.\n\nThat's surprising. You wouldn't expect such a scene an Albertan oil town\n\nI know. They've really created a great scene for themselves.", null], "url": "http://birdstootiredtofly.blogspot.com/2009/08/artist-profile-eddie-orso-revival-dear.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 262, "original_width": 400, "width": 577}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 285, "original_width": 400, "width": 530}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 368, "original_width": 400, "width": 410}], "image_hashes": ["72f89fb7658f3e8150e8bf4621afcfbf34026d9aa96bceeeef41c5a3136b15e8", "d49adf29578e2a94a588443960c1978fe926777559b717130947ae661007b590", "466fccad35f12f2fee5200e29bb5d90c8aba3b73d0e351b443f59b93f72b8985"], "__index_level_0__": 45, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-udlwnst5fkA/UQsyckhw8HI/AAAAAAAAARI/r_I_dfzC7Tg/s320/013.JPG", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wATjPMcGXQg/UQqbEfPwgxI/AAAAAAAAAQ0/9jqrUY_iT9Q/s320/009.JPG", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IKf9v8BLzuU/UQqahBAhFmI/AAAAAAAAAQs/8p6mYoGmhsw/s320/004.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WyY6aKZdoHc/UQqaTS8zWfI/AAAAAAAAAQU/YqHv4Uk04B4/s320/003.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rj1K0TuMYhc/UQqaQgrSi7I/AAAAAAAAAQM/woc946PN_No/s320/002.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OHcfrN98VA8/Si5b-V6xKPI/AAAAAAAAAAM/brXuXlalLrg/S271/026.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9851091504096984}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2013/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-udlwnst5fkA/UQsyckhw8HI/AAAAAAAAARI/r_I_dfzC7Tg/s320/013.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-udlwnst5fkA/UQsyckhw8HI/AAAAAAAAARI/r_I_dfzC7Tg/s320/013.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2013/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wATjPMcGXQg/UQqbEfPwgxI/AAAAAAAAAQ0/9jqrUY_iT9Q/s320/009.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wATjPMcGXQg/UQqbEfPwgxI/AAAAAAAAAQ0/9jqrUY_iT9Q/s320/009.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2013/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IKf9v8BLzuU/UQqahBAhFmI/AAAAAAAAAQs/8p6mYoGmhsw/s320/004.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IKf9v8BLzuU/UQqahBAhFmI/AAAAAAAAAQs/8p6mYoGmhsw/s320/004.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2013/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WyY6aKZdoHc/UQqaTS8zWfI/AAAAAAAAAQU/YqHv4Uk04B4/s320/003.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WyY6aKZdoHc/UQqaTS8zWfI/AAAAAAAAAQU/YqHv4Uk04B4/s320/003.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2013/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rj1K0TuMYhc/UQqaQgrSi7I/AAAAAAAAAQM/woc946PN_No/s320/002.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rj1K0TuMYhc/UQqaQgrSi7I/AAAAAAAAAQM/woc946PN_No/s320/002.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2013/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OHcfrN98VA8/Si5b-V6xKPI/AAAAAAAAAAM/brXuXlalLrg/S271/026.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OHcfrN98VA8/Si5b-V6xKPI/AAAAAAAAAAM/brXuXlalLrg/S271/026.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"MIKEY\", \"rendered_width\": 271, \"rendered_height\": 180}, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, January 31, 2013\n\nLilly and Pearl", null, "Pearl is on the left and Lilly is on the right-Pearl is Katahdin and Lilly is KatahdinXFlorida Native\nDare worked them with the whole group first and they were fine so I put them in the small pen and worked on his pace . I put Dually in there and worked them with him too and then I brought Edge in  to see what would happen.  He flanked around fairly widely and changed directions nicely.  He stopped  himself when I backed into a corner and at the end I actually walked around a  bit with them. That was the best he has worked on sheep and I was very happy with the sheep. Edge did chase Pearl into a corner but he got a rake on his head and let the sheep go.  He is really pressure sensitive and dives in, but not like Dually did as a pup or even like Dare.  Seems like he will be much more sensible about  handling it.\n\nPosted by Diane Menard at 10:16 PM 1 comment:", "my ART", null, "This is not finished yet.  But this is Dually in process. I have about 6 hrs in this picture with another 3 to go  , I would guess.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 11:26 AM 1 comment:", "Wednesday, January 30, 2013\n\nTHe rest of Joan's visit", null, null, null, "On MOnday, Joan and I looked at farms.  We drove around and checked out some farms that I hadn't seen before.  We ended up back at one I had looked at before on Henry J ave.  We found out that it had a new (not completely finished)one room apt. attached to it.   The house is still a mishmash, but I liked it better this time around.\nThen we went to some pawn shops and out to lunch and that took all day.\n\nTues we went to Universal Islands of Adventure.  The 2nd ride we went on was the Harry Potter ride and it made Joan sick. I just closed my eyes and I was fine. It was an okay park.  We stayed until around 3 and then drove home to make steak fajitas, but the damn grille wouldn't stay lit because it was so windy out.  We ended up cooking them on the stove.Tasty\n\nI dropped Joan at the airport this morning at 8am and then came back to get some big dog crates and drove up to Geneva to buy 2 sheep. They seem like nice sheep and they are in good shape  Then I took a long nap and got up and went to art class. Everybody is impressed with my Dually picture. It's not finished. I worked on his eyes and his other ear tonight. Takes a long time to do this stuff.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 10:40 PM No comments:", "Sunday, January 27, 2013\n\nVisit to sister Judi\n\nJoan and I left this morning around 8:30 and decided to take mostly backroads to Venice.  It took us a while but we saw some nice country. We  got to Judi's condo around noon .  She showed us around and they we drove around the complex to see the other units and then out to lunch. We went thru the small city of Old Venice (very nice little stores) and to the Intercoastal Waterway for a lunch on the canal.  It was a tasty lunch and we watched the boats go by and in some cases drive right up to the restaurant and tie up to come in and eat.   It was darn hot sitting there in the sun.\n\nBack to the condo where Joan insisted on changing the layout of Judi's living room.  It involved unplugging and moving the TV and cable service  Unforutuately it lefft Judi without  tv for  a while.  We had to talk her thru hooking it back up while we were driving back home. It took about 5 calls.\n\nBack to the trailer by 7: 30, leftovers for dinner and now we are watching Storage WArs and listening to it rain on the roof. (loud).\nPosted by Diane Menard at 9:33 PM No comments:", "Saturday, January 26, 2013\n\nSister arrives today!\n\nOk technically it's tonight 8pm.\n\nI worked Dare and Dually and they were both good boys today.  Dare was very good about stopping when I asked most of the time.  And Dually I worked on pushing him out to the fence for his flanks.  He comes in on balance constantly and I do want him to continue the flank when I ask him to do it.\n\nThen I went to Home Depot and picked up dog proof screening to repair the screen that Peaches went thru yesterday.  She can't control herself when someone shoots a gun and that happens daily here. Not for long, just a couple of shots, but that is all it takes.  You are supposed to remove the screen door and put it on a flat surface to insert the screen but I couldn't get the door off so I did it where it was.  It looks good and tight, but I am not going to be able to do the top of the door and that has holes too. It's sstill usable so maybe that will be a job for Ed when I get home.\n\nWe took 3 service dogs and Edge to Tractor Supply tonight to work them in the store. I put a head collar on Edge for the first time. He was not too bad.  I knew that would give him more to think about  and he would behave better and that is how it worked. Someone was selling GSD pups in the parking lot out of the back of their car.  Hmmm sure makes me want one. NOT.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 5:03 PM No comments:", "Friday, January 25, 2013\n\nRipley's Believe it or Not\n\nYesterday while Carol and Mike went back to Universal , went to Pilates and got my hair cut and  did laundry.  They were done around 3 so I met them at Ripley's and we went in.\n\nThe building supposedly fell into a sinkhole as they were finishing up construction, but not sure I believe that. Because if you pull Ripleys up on the internet, there are a few weird buildings.Anyway it was fun. I had a pretty server reaction to the \" crooked room\"  my brain did  not like that room at all. I didn't even have to go in it to get a reaction , I just had to look in it.  I was happy to get out of it.  We spent about and hour and a half maybe less and then went to dinner at Olive Garden.  Gotta love Olive Garden.  good salads!\n\nSo today, Carol and Mike came over to see where I was living before they returned home.  We went into St Cloud and I showed them one house I had looked at and then we went to lunch at Chimentos. Very good Italian place.  Carol and I walked around the center of town a bit.  Found an outstanding antique store.  Great quality stuff.  They left around 3 and here I am blogging.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 3:53 PM No comments:", "Wednesday, January 23, 2013\n\npilates and art class\n\nShe tried to kill me today at Pilates.  It was another private lesson and because she had to explain lesss, I had to do more.  I feel fine right now, but who knows what tomorrow will bring.  But I can join a class now, tues and thurs morning.  I actually broke a sweat today.  It does hurt my butt though laying on the \"reformer\".  I need to find a piece of flat foam that will make me more comfortable.\n\nArt class was fun.�� I got my project started and I like the way it looks already. Everybody is very supportive and they actually talk to each other.  Nice.   All older women, my age or younger or older and one older man. George who draws bunnies.  ?????\nPosted by Diane Menard at 9:54 PM No comments:", "Dinner out\n\nI met Carol and Mike last night for dinner and we went to a Mexican restaurant on International Drive in Orlando. Don Pablos.  It was very good.\n\nToday will be Pilates and errands and then my drawing class tonight. I hope the heat is on in that building  because it's kinda cold here this week.  I got my drawing board yesterday but none of the pencils I ordered. Hopefully they will come in the mail today. I also got my new laptop so I spent some time playing with that.  The camera downloaded really quickly onto it so that makes me very happy. I need to buy a thumb drive so I can download the old computer to the new one.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:25 AM No comments:", "Fence Fixing\n\nToday, I worked on the electric fence that comes out on the sheep field but it's really only needed on the horse field.  So I reconnected some wires and restrung some and joined everything together and found the electric fence tester out and tried to figure that out. Only got zapped once.  Tested everything and now the pony should stop rubbing on  the fences.\n\nThen we went to lunch. There is a nice Italian place in town.  They had very good Italian Wedding Soup.  Home again and I worked Dare and Dually. Dare was spot on today.  No hastles and no diving in and he took every command I gave him.   Dually didn't take his first down and I had to correct that and then I worked on a Stand, but my command is Stop and he keeps lying down when I say stop so I tried Stand and that seemed to work better. I  also worked on inside flanks  and That'll do.  When I say That will do to him , he usually ignores the first one and waits for the 2nd command so I popped him a couple of times.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:20 AM No comments:", "Monday, January 21, 2013\n\nThe last 3 days\n\nMy sister Carol. and my brother in law Mike are staying in Orlando for a week, so I spent Fri night with them. We went to dinner.\n\nSat I got up at Odark thirty and went to Palm Bay for an AKC judging seminar.  Not sure why it was called a judging seminar. She spent an inordinate amount of time telling all of us how to train our students and also a lot of time \"selling\" the AKC program.  Also half the day was spent on HT PT. Very little time on advanced work.  Only 1 hr on C course.  She did show a video of a very nice run that we were allowed to pick apart. It was eye opening. Made me question how Dare has Q'd ever on any course.\n\nSunday I worked DAre and Dually in the am on the sheep here and then I met Carol and we went to Leu Gardens in Orlando.  It was a very pretty place but not really in  bloom. Then we got take out from the Smokhouse and watched a little bit of the football game. Mike explained some things to me and it's the first time I have ever understood some of a football game.\n\nToday I am hoping we will go  buy some more sheep.", "Friday, January 18, 2013\n\nSure I know you are freezing up north, but today it started out 80 and sunny and went to low 70's windy and  overcast.  The wind was blowing so hard, the trailer was rocking. I had to close the doors and windows and make a cuppa.\n\nI went to a private Pilate class today on the \"reformer\".  I enjoyed it and I am feeling a little sore. I am going to attempt to go back 2 or 3x week.  Too novice to get in a class yet, but soon I hope  and I am going to drag Norma with me.\n\nI did a drive by on a 5 A  single wide mobile home today.  Property was completely fenced and usable and it had a good sized pond also garage/barn.  Price was $150\n\nThen I stopped and broke into another property that I have been eyeing for weeks.  It's a 3.12 Acres almost iin town with a nice sized barn and a screened in pool.  The house is a block home and it would be livable . The price is $169000 and it's bank owned.  I would really like this house.\n\nI checked on my new computer because it had not arrived and it turns out because I had different address for billing and for delivery , they cancelled the order and could not get a hold of me so now I have to reorder the damn thing.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 10:49 AM 1 comment:", "Wednesday, January 16, 2013\n\nnew class today\n\nI started an Art drawing class today.  It looks like it is going to be more like a coloriing and shading class, but what the heck it's something to do.  I decided instead of buying $130 worth of color  pencils I would stick with  $10 worth of just lead pencils. They shade well too and I have black and white dogs.\n\nI worked Dually and Edge today again. It was hard getting the sheep separated from the sick sheep. And then they broke threw the door once and tried to break thru the fence once too. Stupid sheep left a huge bend in the fence.  They didnt' get out though.  Edge  was much better today with the rake in my hand as opposed to the stock stick.  The sheep are not good for hiim though.  Gotta buy some better sheep.Would love to have some goats, but not sure I can find any without horns.\n\nI used my new little vac today too. Worked pretty good and made me feel better about keeping the trailer clean.\n\nDare is not touching his incision and will be cleared soon to run free again. Today I took him for a walk down the street. I signed up for and exercise class which will start tomorrow providing I can find the place.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 10:28 PM No comments:", "Tuesday, January 15, 2013\n\nAs I look around every day, I get annoyed that I can't get the trailer a little cleaner.  I can sweep but that still leaves a lot of dirt in other places that I cannot sweep.  Soo I went to Walmart and bougth a little handheld vacuum.  It's charging  right now. Can't wait to use it.  I know that is weird for me.  I'm sure it won't last.\n\nToday, I walked around and chopped out vile weeds on the property.  I'm sure I didn't get them all but I'm also sure they will be obvious when I do it again.  My shoulder started to get sore.\n\nI went to the local bank to open and account so the checks I had sitting around could get deposited.. Never know when you will need a good banker.\n\nI also signed up for a drawing class tomorrow night. I hope they have supplies because I don't have anything here.\n\nDare threw up on the bed last night, but he didn't touch his incision all night long.  Tonight, I think he will sleep in the crate just in case. He is a little depressed from staying inside and inactive so long.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:30 PM No comments:", "Monday, January 14, 2013\n\nPuppy day\n\nWe took a ride to Deland today to have the litter of Golden puppies that were whelped here evaluated and to pick up another pup being donated to Genesis assistance dogs.  That puppy cried all the way home and then she howled  for her littermates when she was out in the pen with the other pups. She appears to be quiet now at 10:30pm.  I can turn a fan on and drown out most noise anyway.\n\nWent to see Lincoln tonight and thought it was great.  I was not bored at all. I had to pay close attention to the movie to keep up. It was really good as a matter of fact.\n\nDare seems to be feeling better tonight and would like to go out and play(not).  I am going to let him sleep without his e collar on tonight because the thing really freaks him out .  I think that is why is tummy has been upset.  STRESS.\n\nJust got a flyer for another trial with 2 good judges in mid March.  Might have to stay a little longer.\n\nBTW  there is something blooming around here and it smells heavenly!\nPosted by Diane Menard at 10:32 PM No comments:", "wAHHH I'm hot\n\nIt's 81 inside and outside today. I could turn the AC on but I'm tired of sitting inside.  My new working pen is up and it's in the shade so I could go work a dog but I will wait until it cools off a bit.  2 in the aft is not a good time to do anything in Fla.\n\nOne of the houses I looked at when I first got here is back on the market. It's 5 good dry acres with a small pond , house  and barn.  The house was horrible. Bunch of rooms joined together in a bad way.  But ... it's nice land.  It is a real house, not a manutfactured home, but not sure if I could fix it.\n\nI have been working on the sanctioning form for the AHBA trial in June.  It's going to be course 3 HTAD SHEEP DUCKS  and JHD sheep --40 runs available.\n\nDr Cindy called to tell me about the MDR1 gene that I should get everybody tested for.  It is prevalent in aussies and collies and one of the drugs they react to is ivermectin and another is the ACE promazine that he had the bad reaction to.  Dare doesn't  have any reaction to the heartworm meds with ivermectin. The test is a swab and the lab that does it is in Wa.  It costs about $70/dog. Definitely must do 3 dogs.\n\nOk I worked Dually in the little pen on 2 crazy light sheep. They tried to kill themselves before we even walked in.  They aren't used to being worked in small spaces. Better get used to it.  Noticed that Dually does a nice calm away and stays out on the fence and the go bye is tighter and more frantic.  note to self-must do more go byes.\n\nEdge had trouble just walking out there. He is not very well leash broke and he is like walking a pig on a leash.  Lots of pulling and not much response.  Anyway I took him in the pen and walked him around and he was much better on the go bye side and terrible on the away.  Also worked downs which he does not want to do so I started walk ups and stops and outs and that'll do's.  He was better at the end and I only worked him 10 min or so .  I need a rake though.  I don't like the little stock stick with a baby.\n\nI rented a movie tonight from REdbox.  It's about a 100 day wild horse training competition.  Should be good.\n\nDare doesnt' feel good, He didnt 'eat all day and he threw up once today and tonght.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 7:58 AM No comments:", "Saturday, January 12, 2013\n\nWhy is  it that whenever I think something can't possibly go wrong it does?  I went to Tractor Supply with Clayton this morning. I actually met him there. I needed to buy some more cattle panels and some t posts  and Norma needed some horse panels and Clayton has the trailer that can haul the stuff. Anyway I went in and paid for everything and then I saw them loading the panels so I gave Clayton the receipt and I left. He came back with 30 wooden posts instead of t posts.  AGhhhh.\nSo I called Tractor Supply and asked them what tposts were and she said they were wooden posts (that's what Clayton said too) I countered with up north t posts are metal so she put me on hold and when she came back she said  Sorry --Ya no kidding , now the poor kid had to go all the way back and exchange all the posts.   Moral of the story, I should have stayed until they loaded everything and not left it to a kid.  A good kid , but a kid.\n\nSo now I have enough posts and panels to put a working pen up and we plan to do that tomorrow morning. I started it tonight. I had to restring some electric fence, but didn't finish it.\n\nDare is doing very well today. His incision is closed up already and he is  much less uncomfortable.  Not trying to get at it all the time and not swelling.\n\nI made a great Taco soup for dinner and we watched the move \" Away to Me\". They did a good job on it.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 9:26 PM 1 comment:", "Friday, January 11, 2013\n\nDare's Home!!\n\nOk he got home last night after dark and he was not a happy camper.  He was scootin and twirling tyring to see what was biting at his rear end.  He slept with me but he tried to get really close which is totally unlike him.  He looked a little swollen so when I got up I iced him a bit and the swelling really either was not there or went down consderably.  I tried the bite not collar on him all night and thought it was working but when I went in the house to talk to Norma, he completely pulled out all of his stitches. So now he has a inch and half open draining wound.  Better to leave it open anyway. Then it will heal from the inside out.  We gave him a shot of Banamine and tonite I am filling him with Rescue Remedy.  He seems to either be exhausted or calmer.  He  is lying down under my feet and most of the day he spent standing up.  Clayton also fllushed the area for me and gave him a shot of Pen.\n\nTalked to Dr Cindy tonight and she said she was working and training her puppy(the one that came in the plane with Edge).  She harassed me about getting a pen set up and to start working this pup.  I talked to Clayton and he is going to go to Tractor Supply either Sat or Sun and pick up some more panels.  Then I need some sheep.  Didn't get them this week, but Sherry Lee will be back from New Zealand on Sunday and then I can go talk to her about sheep.\n\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:11 PM No comments:", "Where's Dare?\n\nI let him go with Norma this morning to the clinic to be neutered at 7am  and it's 5:30 and they aren't back yet.  I know he is ok because she texted me at noon to say he was fine.  His tooth that he cracked trying to get out of a crate needs to be capped $$$$$.\n\nSo while I have been waiting I have been emailing all my students and settting up Jan's clinic in April and\nRogers' clinic in June.  I guess I need to start working on the paperwork for the one day AHBA trial that I will offer while Roger is here. (or there). I also went out and went grocery shopping and I picked up some RV cleaner and I washed half of the trailer. The half that was in the shade.  It's all in the shade now so I could go finish it but I dont' want to overextend myself haha.\n\nI also got shrimp for supper and wild rice.  It's a new recipe so we'll see if it's any good. And all the while I am watching world's worst tenants.  scary!!stuff!!\n\nAlso figured out today that Dually did finish his Int Cattle title last weekend.  Nice.\n\nHe's back and not very happy. Very thirsty. Keeps whining at me to go out so he can go to the pond.  He might as well be speaking English.  I gave him some water and spread it out over a few hrs.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:44 AM No comments:", "Wednesday, January 9, 2013\n\nTrip to Ikea\n\nWe went out today to check out another 2 animal shelters but there were no suitable dogs. We are looking for labs or lab crosses and they have to be young but not puppies. We did see 2 purebred black shepherds, a purebred rottie, pure boxer and 1 cute little mixed breed pup that probably weighed 3 lbs (small breed)Boy was he a cutie.  I think I could like a little one like that.\n\nSo we were in Orlando and had to wait to get into one of the animal shelters so we walked thru IKEA.  It was my first time in the store. I was more impressed with their stuff in person than I was when I looked on line at it.  I thought they might  have some cabinets that I could live with and I found a quartz countertop that I really liked. No kitchen sink though.\n\nWhen I got home and turned on the tv , the dish wasn't working .  I checked all the connections and the one on the tv was bent down.  Loose dogs got on top; of the receiver and probably tangled in the wires.  Fortunately , I had another cable and threw out the bent one and added the new one.\n\nDare's bloodwork came back today and he is good to go tomorrow. He is getting neutered.  I hope this is the right thing for him and it doesn't take anything away from him.  The vet is also going to look at his tooth that he chipped and seems to be bothering him.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 7:45 PM No comments:", "Ant update\n\nI bought some ant spray yesterday and I sprayed under the trailer and inside the storage areas where most of the ants seemed to be congregating. After I sprayed the first time the propane alarm went off and it would not shut off. Peaches hates that loud piercing whistle .  I tried to shut it off by using the breakers , but that didnt' work. Iguess I would have to pull out the \"correct\" fuse.  Not happening. So I waited it out , but I had to try to shut it off by unscrewing from the wall. What I did find out was that it was a plastic box that was really not connected to the front plate so putting it back together so that the lights on it actually work may not be possible. I think I need some glue and it may not be worth my while.  Anyway no ants on the floor this morning.\n\nNorma and I plan to go to the Orlando animal shelter to see if they have any suitable scent dogs for her to adopt today.\n\nyesterday I spent the morning arranging or 4 round bales of hay to be delivered to my friend who is taking care of 4 sheep and 3 goats of mine.  She was way overpaying for the hay she was getting and hence I was overpaying. I got her enough to last beyond me getting back home.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:12 AM No comments:", "Monday, January 7, 2013\n\nSteve Waltenberg 1 day clinic\n\nSteve was yesterday's judge and more than fair and took the workability of the stock into account. The one day was only $85 so I figured what the heck,another chance to work the cows.  I worked Dare first on 6 cows and he was My decorum. He worked those cows beautifully, back and forth along the fence and he took every flank and walk up I gave him. He truly looked trained.  LOL  He did dive in twice I think but he wasn't bad. Steve suggested working on his STops LOL. When I walked out , Steve looked at Dare and said That's a nice dog,  a   REallly nice dog.\n\nDually had all the rest of the turns.  Because  a number of people didnt show up , there were only 5 of us working dogs so we did get mulitple turns.  Dually dove in immediately and showed Steve the pressure issue we are working with.  We did put him in some pressure situations and asked him to deal with it. Once was the closed Y chute which we did with sheep first and then cattle. The sheep one we had done before and he was not half bad.  Cattle too.  Also worked a corner exercise with the sheep which I have certainly done but with a different thought in mind this time. It was just sending him around in the corner and ask while I am also in the corner with the sheep and then when he gets on balance asking (demanding)a stop.Dually dove thru behind us quite a few times before he got more comfortable and stopped doing it.\n\nThe last run was just working the cattle again and we just allowed him to see what he was going to do with the cattle. Once he brought them to us and once he drove them in a straight line right by us.\n\nWhy did it take 1.5 hrs to get home and only 70 miles but it took 3 hrs and 90 miles to get there?\n\nThe trailer was full of dead ants when I woke up this am and Edge and I are chasing ants tonight and killing them. New game..\nNot sure where they are coming from but will spray tomorrow.  I am not fond of bugs.\n\nPosted by Diane Menard at 11:30 PM No comments:", "Day 3 (another chance)  .. Dare ran first and he had trouble with the fetch.  They split back and he was busy sniffing so he let them and had to go to the corner and pick them up.   He brought  them up and around  the cone and we did a nice job on the y the z and the pen.  And then we had a mess taking them out of the pen.  They tried to bolt across the arena to the repen and Dare turned them back to me and back to 4 and they skimmed the cross drive and I had to bring them back to 5 and repen.  Even with that mess, he got an 84 and first place.\n\nDually’s run in Intermediate  was not too bad until the pen and I had another mess taking them out of the pen and trying to get to 4.  They bolted  and didn’t want to come back. I had to sandwich them between us at 5 to pull  them off the fence and get themback  across to 4 which we did and still didn’t’ get them thru the cross drive panels but did get to 5 .  He Q’d and  got 3rd place.\n\nDually had a nice ADVsheep run and Q’d but no placement.\nDare had a beautiful run going on.  2pts on the outurn lift and fetch. 2 on the Y  1 on the z and 3 on the hold pen and then taking them out of the pen he lost his friggin  mind.  I had him between me and the hold pen and I asked him to walk and he looked at me out of the corner of his eye and then the little bastard blew thru and yahooed on the cows.  I said down and he didn’t so I ran him down again and took him out.  It was more than that little yahoo that was going on. I kept trying to gain control and he just kept getting higher and higher until I knew it was not going to get pretty.  I was so mad at him.  He will be in isolation tonight but it’s too late , the trial is over.  He only needs one lousy leg and Dually is going to get it before him.\n\nTomorrow I am going to take part in the  cattle clinic with Steve Waltenburg.  Not sure If I will work both dogs or just one. It will depend on what he does and I wont’ screw Dually up but I will work Dare because I can’t screw Dare up.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 11:10 PM No comments:", "It was not a good day for the boys.  The cows were difficult. The group I had did not want to stay together and one kept splitting off. In retrospect, I should have left it and gone on without it, but this judge would have crucified me anyway.   Dually had a better run than Dare but we bobbled quite a bit at the Y chute and lost more than ½ our points so that screwed us.  I don’t remember bobbling that much but…   I scribed for the same judge this aft and she was pretty tough on some stuff.  Maybe a little heavy handed, maybe a lot.  The High in Trial dog only got  a 91 and her run was almost flawless.   Anyway as was scribing I noticed the judge taking points off line for weaving even though the stock never left the 12 ft corridor.  And no half points and not one cattle run qualified today. That should tell you something about  the judging.\n\nDually had a really nice sheep run but again lost a bunch of points on the Z cuz we happened to retreat and put them thru it after we had skimmed it. I didn’t mean to do  that but that is how it worked out. She would have Q’d us on our cross drive with 9 off (it was ugly) and we lost 0 on our hold and repen.   I was a bit disappointed we didn’t’ Q.\n\nDare’s sheep run started picture perfect, really nice outrun lift and then he  brought them to me a bit fast and things started to get out of control. Around the cone wide and I asked for a flank and a stop and got neither so I ran him down and left.  It was only going to get worse.\nTomorrow is another judge so hopefully we can do something with him.\n\nDinner out was good company at a less than stellar Mexican restaurant.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 11:09 PM No comments:", "Thursday, January 3, 2013\n\nWorking all dogs\n\nWe went to Sherry Lee's today to work and it's a lot of fun there because there is so much area to work in. I started with Dare on her A course which is quite large. Even the outrun is a challenge for the dogs because I just dont' normally have that space to work in.  Dare did well on his outruns going towards the draw.  I later changed where the sheep were and he had to go in the other direction. He started out really strong, but when he didnt' see the sheep at the 200ft mark which is what he is used to he assumed they werent' there and curved in and came back. I had to  out him and resend him a couple of times until he saw the sheep and after that he was fine.\n\nI worked Dually in the A course and he was ok.  Not as sharp as he needs to be.  I took him out in the 25 acre field to get a bigger outrun and those were nice.\n\nEdge got to work on the PT course which was way to big for him . I worked some Downs on line and some Stops and then I let him go. He disappoints me everytime I do that.  He breaks them up and then picks one off to chase back to me.  Not a good sign.  I got them all back to the corner and waited  and he just laid down sometimes turning away from the stock.  Not sure this is the right puppy for me.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 2:03 PM No comments:", "Wednesday, January 2, 2013\n\nWoke up to Disappointment\n\nToday  I had plans to go over to Sherry Lee's and work all the dogs, but Tracey just told me she can't do it today and then she told me what it was going to cost and I guess I am just as glad I can't go 2 days this week.Sherry has raised her rental prices to $35 per dog.  Yikes I could buy 2 sheep at the end of the week instead of working hers which I will plan to do when she gets back. I will probably buy them from her. She has katahdins and they look pretty healthy.\nSo what will we do today?  Norma wants to start going to Pilates so maybe we will look  into that option.\n\nSo I worked 5 dogs on scenting. I used salmon for the puppies and they did really well. I did both Edge and Seelah.  The last time thru, they both put their noses in all 5 buckets to check for scent.  I am going out to work Edge again in a little while.  The  older dogs were not as impressive. I am going to restart them with the scent samples and more food.  I think they were moved forward too fast.\n\nThen we went out to St Cloud for lunch and errands.   I was shown a low cost food store , the price of stuff here is outrageous.   2 cukes for $1.49, they were .50 ea at this place.\n\nBack to Publix to try and get my meds again. Don't ever come down with out a 6 mo supply of meds.  Gosh what a fiasco trying to get refills.\n\nPosted by Diane Menard at 7:13 PM No comments:", "Tuesday, January 1, 2013\n\nIn many ways, being a successful retiree is as challenging as being a successful doctor, engineer or business owner. You have to establish your priorities, set goals that make sense for you, and work at them.\n\nIt's sometimes hard to decide what your passion is too.  You have to have a passion to keep you interested,alert and active.  Dogs and dog training are my passions but sometimes that ebbs and flows too. It does help when your passion allows you to be social and sometimes I am in a social position and sometimes not so much.  Now here in Fla, it's a little less social because my circle of friends/acquaintences is so  incredibly small. If I had my own property then I could teach again but .. teaching here may be harder.  The sheep here are not useful, but I could definitely go buy some other ones.  I have been holding back on doing that because of the way the property is set up.  But I can change it if I want to spend some money here. When I get back from the trial this coming weekend, I think I will work on setting up some lessons on either sheep or goats.", null], "url": "http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2013/01/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 181, "original_width": 271, "width": 565}], "image_hashes": ["5d0c165e00b38affd46b1b0fec1a2ff4671fe537cdd3ec94a1c80d4bd0bbd131", "17d31cb1211111edf72523c41fea62bf17f94499d15b6b667b90f8ce66e1e279", "4aea76277f7fed5d9bc5fc268d4a7f1fc3a3dc23d70dea4795e8ba72d328a3dd", "1a36f520a310c868cf9a1961ca97e790444d14883b33cf413b1db7011846dfb3", 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There's a saying, \"The days are long, the years are short\" and I can only agree. While I remember everything about 2014, it seems to have whizzed by so quickly!", null, "Here is my 2015 planner. I still write everything down. I'm old school like that. I'm filling it with appointments, to do lists, blog posts, and article ideas. I'm also jotting down daily highlights I call, \"This Made My Day\" and \"The 5 Things I'm thankful for Today\". I'll begin and end each day with this journal of sorts.", null, "Here is a quote I found on Pinterest. I like it a lot. I hope you like it, too.\n\nMay you have a beautiful and blessed 2015!\n\nYour comments are very much appreciated!"], "url": "http://blah-to-tada.blogspot.com/2015/01/a-fresh-start.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1066, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 960, "original_width": 720, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["7844bf3dc8b7d6a6676e2ab7d3bf8620b7df4271cc408a8e2d8f287288a408ed", "47d2588a565ea99cc14dda084ba9939ae0cfaf8dd17bf75526bc56011ddfba44"], "__index_level_0__": 47, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388618545l/45183.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9370484352111816}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": 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E. Nesbit. 1907. 291 pages. [Source: Bought]\n\nI really enjoyed reading The Enchanted Castle by E. Nesbit. I had started this one at least twice before, but, I had never been in the right mood to properly appreciate this children's fantasy novel. I was in the right mood this time.\n\nIf you enjoy adventure fantasy novels, you'll probably enjoy spending time with Jerry, Jimmy, Cathy, and Mabel. Jerry, Jimmy, and Cathy are siblings. When these three first meet Mabel, they mistake her for a princess. At the time, they are having an adventure looking for an enchanted castle. So finding a princess within that castle makes complete sense! Mabel is actually the niece of the housekeeper. She confesses that a bit later on. That first meeting is magical enough! She shows them a secret room behind a paneled wall. This room is fabulous if you're looking for treasures. While in the room, the children find (and pick up) a ring. This ring is central to all their further adventures. And Mabel is their new best friend. She's always part of the group.\n\nThis one was a very fun read. It reminded me of why I love E. Nesbit in the first place. It wasn't a perfect novel. But flaws and all, it worked well enough for me. It was a joy to read of their adventures and misadventures. The ring gets them into trouble more often than it gets them out of trouble.\n\nFavorite quotes:\n\n“Go then, and be not more naughty than you must.”\n\n“If we were in a book it would be an enchanted castle — certain to be,” said Kathleen. “It is an enchanted castle,” said Gerald in hollow tones. “But there aren’t any.” Jimmy was quite positive. “How do you know? Do you think there’s nothing in the world but what you’ve seen?” His scorn was crushing.\n\n“I think magic went out when people began to have steam-engines,” Jimmy insisted, “and newspapers, and telephones and wireless telegraphing.” “Wireless is rather like magic when you come to think of it,” said Gerald. “Oh, that sort!” Jimmy’s contempt was deep. “Perhaps there’s given up being magic because people didn’t believe in it any more,” said Kathleen. “Well, don’t let’s spoil the show with any silly old not believing,” said Gerald with decision. “I’m going to believe in magic as hard as I can. This is an enchanted garden, and that’s an enchanted castle, and I’m jolly well going to explore.\n\n“I am so hungry!” said Jimmy. “Why didn’t you say so before?” asked Gerald bitterly. “I wasn’t before.” “Then you can’t be now. You don’t get hungry all in a minute. What’s that?”\n\n“Well, then — a detective.” “There’s got to be something to detect before you can begin detectiving,” said Mabel. “Detectives don’t always detect things,” said Jimmy, very truly. “If I couldn’t be any other kind I’d be a baffled detective. You could be one all right, and have no end of larks just the same. Why don’t you do it?” “It’s exactly what I am going to do,” said Gerald. “We’ll go round by the police-station and see what they’ve got in the way of crimes.” They did, and read the notices on the board outside. Two dogs had been lost, a purse, and a portfolio of papers “of no value to any but the owner.” Also Houghton Grange had been broken into and a quantity of silver plate stolen. “Twenty pounds reward offered for any information that may lead to the recovery of the missing property.”\n\nYou know pretty well what Beauty and the Beast would be like acted by four children who had spent the afternoon in arranging their costumes and so had left no time for rehearsing what they had to say. Yet it delighted them, and it charmed their audience. There is a curtain, thin as gossamer, clear as glass, strong as iron, that hangs for ever between the world of magic and the world that seems to us to be real. And when once people have found one of the little weak spots in that curtain which are marked by magic rings, and amulets, and the like, almost anything may happen.And what more can any play do, even Shakespeare’s?", "Labels: 1907, adventure, book I bought, books reviewed in 2014, children's classic, E. Nesbit Reading Project, family, J Fantasy, J Fiction", "Darla D,  1:49 PM\n\nOh, I love revisiting Nesbit's books. Glad you had the patience to go back when you were in the right mood for it. Your review made me feel like doing a reread sometime soon!\n\nJaina,  12:02 PM\n\nThis was a good book I read when I was younger. I love the quotes you chose, they really capture the feel of the book!", "2017 Challenges I'm Hosting", "Classics Club", "My List", "2017 Picture Book Challenge", "Link to sign-up page", "2017 Charity Challenge (Sign Up)", "2017 Share-a-Tea Challenge", "Linked To Sign Up Page", "Join the Victorian Reading Challenge", "Linked to sign up page", "Join the 2017 War Bingo Challenge", "click image to go to sign up post", "Challenge Participants", "2016 I'm Hosting These Challenges", "Subscribe to Becky's Book Reviews by Email", "Blogs I Read Most", "Goodread's 2017 Reading Challenge", "2015 Challenges", "Just Fooling Around 2015 Challenge List", "Review Policy\n\nI also review adult books.\n\nI am especially fond of:"], "url": "http://blbooks.blogspot.com/2014/11/the-enchanted-castle-1907.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 604, "original_height": 475, "original_width": 297, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6745585e5f40af421a67fe71632cc3a523dfc7e8061cdd43af633fc6e1dd6602"], "__index_level_0__": 48, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4174/34227977160_8df625bd8a.jpg", "https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4157/34227977250_92c5447d91.jpg", "https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4161/34227977290_e9612b986b.jpg", "https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4158/34227977430_fb064de54e.jpg", "https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4164/34227977620_7e3f34d2fa.jpg", "https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4167/34227977830_38f76b9f5c.jpg", "https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4185/34227978040_1325eee1f7.jpg", "https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4184/34572590046_2916fef30c.jpg", "https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4157/34227978310_f24edf417a.jpg", "https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4171/34227978490_5cfedd9311.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9172877073287964}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.cpco.on.ca/460-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4174/34227977160_8df625bd8a.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4174/34227977160_8df625bd8a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"df bd a\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.cpco.on.ca/460-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4157/34227977250_92c5447d91.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4157/34227977250_92c5447d91.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c d\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.cpco.on.ca/460-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4161/34227977290_e9612b986b.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4161/34227977290_e9612b986b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e b b\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.cpco.on.ca/460-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4158/34227977430_fb064de54e.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4158/34227977430_fb064de54e.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fb de e\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.cpco.on.ca/460-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4164/34227977620_7e3f34d2fa.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4164/34227977620_7e3f34d2fa.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e f d fa\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.cpco.on.ca/460-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4167/34227977830_38f76b9f5c.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4167/34227977830_38f76b9f5c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f b f c\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.cpco.on.ca/460-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4185/34227978040_1325eee1f7.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4185/34227978040_1325eee1f7.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eee f\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.cpco.on.ca/460-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4184/34572590046_2916fef30c.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4184/34572590046_2916fef30c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fef c\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.cpco.on.ca/460-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4157/34227978310_f24edf417a.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4157/34227978310_f24edf417a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f edf a\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.cpco.on.ca/460-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4171/34227978490_5cfedd9311.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4171/34227978490_5cfedd9311.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cfedd\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Medicine Wheel by Nicole Bell\n\nMedicine Wheel teachings provide insight into Indigenous knowledge and worldview. The Medicine Wheel diagram reviews the gifts of each of the directions as informed by Cree Elder Michael Thrasher.\n\nIn the east, the gift of vision is found, where one is able to see. In the south, one spends time in which to relate to the vision. In the west, one uses the gift of reason to figure it out. In the north, one uses the gift of movement to do or actualize the vision. In-depth searching for knowledge is what leads to wisdom.\n\nWisdom is achieved by first becoming aware of the learning through all the senses, requiring the learning to be introduced to the students in multiple modalities. Understanding is achieved by providing students with enough time to solidify the learning so that they are able to replicate the learning. A deeper understanding is achieved by students relating to the learning at a deeper level to become knowledgeable to the point that they are able to apply the learning in any situation. To say that the students have achieved wisdom requires that they are able to create some action with the learning and teach it to others.\n\nBuilding from these understandings, Indigenous knowledge embraced by Medicine Wheels can be defined as wholeness, interrelationships, interconnections, and balance/respect. Wholeness requires that we look in entireties; that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, yet the parts cannot be fully seen until the shape of the whole can be seen. Interrelationship requires that we establish a personal relationship with the “whole” – with all that surrounds us. In addition, we must establish a relationship with our whole being; this includes our spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional aspects. Interconnections create an environment which is mutually sustaining; where there is a transcending of logic and linear thought to reveal synthesis and dynamic interdependence. Balance and respect provide an order and structure to the whole and all its relationships and interconnections, while providing an appreciation for the “awe” of it all.\n\nWhile Indigenous worldview articulates that Indigenous people need to develop themselves, including their children, in a holistic way that addresses their spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental capacities, they need to address how to transmit learning through all of those personal aspects. The spiritual can be touched through ceremony, teachings, and stories. The physical can be transmitted through the land, while the emotional aspect can be developed through a balanced connection between the heart and the head. Mental capacities can be developed through ancestral languages and integrative learning.\n\nNicole Bell M.Ed., Ph.D.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://blog.cpco.on.ca/460-2/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 500, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 500, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 500, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 500, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 500, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 500, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 500, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 500, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 500, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 500, "width": 565}], "image_hashes": ["ba261d3785426ad0a4fefdc15e686537b51adc9729aef4c4c91c192476f79ddd", "4bee8b2a42522825e668ce9c49780640d43ca3b102a06441d67586f93ad05179", "2570635abec35bec38da6efcf62d4802efcd9ee8c9ca7ede50010ad1d6896537", "83641505a3eeda0dde2afdcc490bc5900715fa1c662d369775baf6cb9477803c", "4685bcc7a56a9914464caa708eff1869e801112157d74712c92af5a9d76786c0", "323e39d1a21e1c0d148e9eb39912ed9b0c70eb62569bba95a6227c7ff89ab77d", "bd58ad70e25f1b5df88fa3b7cf5cca7e9bdec5970ae19e9fd8264e7e88fc2602", "e378dc64acd855d0b2fd9966eef5316c60b7df371dbd73881b343f6583d528bc", "ada5fadc3f6c5540870b10eba64d70b6bce7c7a833c4d21772a152bc8c7eb30c", "f4ef5a129d101796232e2089c3b54beb2879dc45cded9f86ad209cc826d868f4"], "__index_level_0__": 49, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_7kuGo66xDMI/TOQfbp3qRSI/AAAAAAAAU3Q/pGhEFcnIcmI/s1600/nb-growl-action.png", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-H0HRhc5aZ3w/WN1Gpr27ARI/AAAAAAAAc3I/l-OVA6A8HOgQZ4V79ba-wKu5uDql-8zAgCK4B/s1600/uKRzz-Af.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9214994311332704}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.emilianbold.ro/2010/11/netbeans-growl-notifications.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_7kuGo66xDMI/TOQfbp3qRSI/AAAAAAAAU3Q/pGhEFcnIcmI/s1600/nb-growl-action.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_7kuGo66xDMI/TOQfbp3qRSI/AAAAAAAAU3Q/pGhEFcnIcmI/s1600/nb-growl-action.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nb growl action\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.emilianbold.ro/2010/11/netbeans-growl-notifications.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-H0HRhc5aZ3w/WN1Gpr27ARI/AAAAAAAAc3I/l-OVA6A8HOgQZ4V79ba-wKu5uDql-8zAgCK4B/s1600/uKRzz-Af.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-H0HRhc5aZ3w/WN1Gpr27ARI/AAAAAAAAc3I/l-OVA6A8HOgQZ4V79ba-wKu5uDql-8zAgCK4B/s1600/uKRzz-Af.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"uKRzz Af\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 120, \"rendered_height\": 120}, null]", "texts": [null, "Ubuntu extends and modified the specification a bit as well as define a quite nice design guideline document.\n\nGrowl defines the OSX notification standard which is generally similar to the Ubuntu version. Their documentation provides a nice overview of their API.\n\nNetBeans on the other hand has its own notification API in the via the OpenIDE AWT NotificationDisplayer API.\n\nThe problem is that all these are disconnected, but rather similar given the nature of the problem they are trying to solve.\n\nWhat I think NetBeans is missing on OSX is a proper Growl bridge. Also, the NetBeans API should be modified to discourage custom components as those aren't easy to bridge to something else.\n\nIt's rather hard to find Java bindings for Growl as the official implementation is deprecated.\n\nNext, I was able to find Grrrowl by Sonatype, which uses native code (via HawtJNI) and seems to be originally part of IntelliJ. There's also a fallback implementation to AppleScript which is nicely provided as pure Java scripting engine on an Apple JVM.\n\nThe problem with Grrrowl is that while it does display notifications quite nicely, it doesn't support any click handlers, so we won't be able to respond to user interaction.\n\nThe best implementation seems to be a very low-profile implementation by Michael Stringer, posted as stringbean on CocoaForge.\n\nMichael Stringer's version uses actual JNI and provides a click handler. This is what my implementation uses.\n\nObviously, it only works on OSX, specifically, Intel-based OSX (because that's what I used to build the native code).\n\nLet me know what do you think about it.", null], "url": "http://blog.emilianbold.ro/2010/11/netbeans-growl-notifications.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 226, "original_width": 310, "width": 518}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 512, "original_width": 512, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["514619adddbc7d5a05cc19c14d57daca357148a182d89587c720688eb1f5cffc", "b4b7c49ed22dc57432339c5575c95a82b7d8acc266bab56a7be7b15ebc551f70"], "__index_level_0__": 50, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6002/5888782489_c5e2258ee7_b.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5263/5890405727_a304c09df3_z.jpg", "http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6044/5890301718_0de6fe8d96.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5104/5890456187_870a04fb3b.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5261/5891176176_5a61e28e11_z.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9124053120613098}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://blog.flickr.net/en/2011/07/01/canada-day-2011/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6002/5888782489_c5e2258ee7_b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6002/5888782489_c5e2258ee7_b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c e ee b\", \"alt_text\": \"Patriot\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 834}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.flickr.net/en/2011/07/01/canada-day-2011/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5263/5890405727_a304c09df3_z.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5263/5890405727_a304c09df3_z.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a c df z\", \"alt_text\": \"Oh Canada!\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 490}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.flickr.net/en/2011/07/01/canada-day-2011/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6044/5890301718_0de6fe8d96.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6044/5890301718_0de6fe8d96.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"de fe d\", \"alt_text\": \"Royal Tour of Canada - Day 1 - Ottawa\", \"rendered_width\": 315, \"rendered_height\": 210}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.flickr.net/en/2011/07/01/canada-day-2011/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5104/5890456187_870a04fb3b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5104/5890456187_870a04fb3b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a fb b\", \"alt_text\": \"The Duke & Duchess of Cambridge with PM Stephen Harper\", \"rendered_width\": 315, \"rendered_height\": 210}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.flickr.net/en/2011/07/01/canada-day-2011/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5261/5891176176_5a61e28e11_z.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5261/5891176176_5a61e28e11_z.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a e e z\", \"alt_text\": \"Canada_Day\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 499}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.flickr.net/en/2011/07/01/canada-day-2011/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5301/5890975324_b9838cf9ed_z.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5301/5890975324_b9838cf9ed_z.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b cf ed z\", \"alt_text\": \"Happy Canada Day!\", \"rendered_width\": 612, \"rendered_height\": 612}, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, null, null, null, "Happy Canada Day to our neighbors up north. Here are a few scenes already uploaded from this years celebratio…OMG is that William and Kate!?!?\n\nPhotos from unDaily Power, Blazingstar, Maurice Li, R. A. Whittaker, sam_churchill, and happy apple."], "url": "http://blog.flickr.net/en/2011/07/01/canada-day-2011/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 492, "original_height": 1024, "original_width": 786, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 490, "original_width": 639, "width": 492}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 499, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 499, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 499, "original_width": 640, "width": 484}], "image_hashes": ["91fdf320e8f37a850c57d7d517188d41b662b9d8e9a3466e7f0e42f6d32cb864", "dd1324fac4cab2740bb61ac4f0c8a065d5b0b252057545442bbedf3d35d4d2d0", "290aff97df03f2798b2be55c7e84c7fa9b8cf63f17c6b71226a374adcb3b68c4", "5b7438d2e29107fbfab6578fef5e69fff480549e2e79571df2dc094ea85828d3", "6d649aaa17aaddba2f2c750f643d89770954d7e6614baaf444215fa510bcf606"], "__index_level_0__": 51, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rSwTc_Khq9Y/V35NvEH2KdI/AAAAAAAAEOs/KuQiUu43Gpc1JYfY_O4BEEBYvYbLagrGACLcB/s200/CC3080-4T.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8326658606529236}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.safecastle.com/2016/07/freeze-dried-salmon-fillets-while-they.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rSwTc_Khq9Y/V35NvEH2KdI/AAAAAAAAEOs/KuQiUu43Gpc1JYfY_O4BEEBYvYbLagrGACLcB/s200/CC3080-4T.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rSwTc_Khq9Y/V35NvEH2KdI/AAAAAAAAEOs/KuQiUu43Gpc1JYfY_O4BEEBYvYbLagrGACLcB/s200/CC3080-4T.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"CC T\", \"rendered_width\": 198, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.safecastle.com/2016/07/freeze-dried-salmon-fillets-while-they.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CxcxUn49V8k/V1s1tWLAeTI/AAAAAAAAEMk/BTZLzWfetMY5s31YNOsMBh7Km7jNnzf4gCK4B/s1600/kc.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CxcxUn49V8k/V1s1tWLAeTI/AAAAAAAAEMk/BTZLzWfetMY5s31YNOsMBh7Km7jNnzf4gCK4B/s1600/kc.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"kc\", \"alt_text\": \"Keep Calm\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.safecastle.com/2016/07/freeze-dried-salmon-fillets-while-they.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7xKyNvH7-r8/VryXLhIMZkI/AAAAAAAAEAo/PcMZr_ovVV0/s225/SB1_20_16_200x200.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7xKyNvH7-r8/VryXLhIMZkI/AAAAAAAAEAo/PcMZr_ovVV0/s225/SB1_20_16_200x200.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SB\", \"alt_text\": \"Crisis Preparedness Buyers Club\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.safecastle.com/2016/07/freeze-dried-salmon-fillets-while-they.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://seal-minnesota.bbb.org/seals/black-seal-96-50-safecastlellc-96175762.png\", \"src\": \"https://seal-minnesota.bbb.org/seals/black-seal-96-50-safecastlellc-96175762.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"black seal safecastlellc\", \"alt_text\": \"Safecastle, LLC is a BBB Accredited Business. Click for the BBB Business Review of this Emergency Disaster Preparedness Equipment & Supplies in Prior Lake MN\"}, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, July 07, 2016\n\nFreeze Dried Salmon Fillets (while they last)", null, "Current Production - By the Can or Case!\n\nThis is a first for us ... we've been waiting a long time to get our hands on freeze dried salmon fillets. Your discount? ... up to 13% with FREE shipping!\n\nThis is current production ... manufacture date of June 1, 2016. Plan on a shelf life of 25+ years. 10 salmon fillets per can. They average about 3-7 inches long and 2-3 inches wide and each fillet is the perfect serving size for a big eater.\nOh man, oh man, oh man, oh man - Salmon!"], "url": "http://blog.safecastle.com/2016/07/freeze-dried-salmon-fillets-while-they.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 379, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 199, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1911123fb339f8fc8b938f16188cd435f556c2b9e928eecc10f8ee78d30c2cc4"], "__index_level_0__": 52, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_BYqi-p2y8uk/ShTqWo7HaQI/AAAAAAAAAf4/n0aNYOFDX4g/s320/barnyardbed.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.929467499256134}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.sarabillustration.com/2009/05/barn-yard-bed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_BYqi-p2y8uk/ShTqWo7HaQI/AAAAAAAAAf4/n0aNYOFDX4g/s320/barnyardbed.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_BYqi-p2y8uk/ShTqWo7HaQI/AAAAAAAAAf4/n0aNYOFDX4g/s320/barnyardbed.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"barnyardbed\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.sarabillustration.com/2009/05/barn-yard-bed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ZsdfMo9zsEA/UOR0vDS5hlI/AAAAAAAABxo/iw2UWPfludc/s97/signature.png\", \"src\": \"https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ZsdfMo9zsEA/UOR0vDS5hlI/AAAAAAAABxo/iw2UWPfludc/s97/signature.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"signature\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.sarabillustration.com/2009/05/barn-yard-bed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-A9-B3h4x87w/VEp5ClQanxI/AAAAAAAACnk/H07ZFIbvai4/s1600/profilepic2014.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-A9-B3h4x87w/VEp5ClQanxI/AAAAAAAACnk/H07ZFIbvai4/s1600/profilepic2014.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"profilepic\", \"alt_text\": \"Sara Burrier\", \"rendered_width\": 230, \"rendered_height\": 230}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.sarabillustration.com/2009/05/barn-yard-bed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Z7ItxO8fO-A/UOxQ1ttLKrI/AAAAAAAAB3M/Vs6eB4kkFRw/s150/believestone.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Z7ItxO8fO-A/UOxQ1ttLKrI/AAAAAAAAB3M/Vs6eB4kkFRw/s150/believestone.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"believestone\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.sarabillustration.com/2009/05/barn-yard-bed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://fineartamerica.com/Blank.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://fineartamerica.com/Blank.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Blank\", \"alt_text\": \"Art Prints\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Barn Yard Bed | Watercolor, ink, white acrylic\n\nVery pleased to have this piece finished. A friend of mine commissioned me to do it for one of her children's book stories. It's a painting we both have been anticipating, her more so than me, and I'm so happy to have it finished and ready to hand over to her. She's been incredibly patient and awesome. It was a load of a project, so many characters and trying to still give expression across a bunch of animals that are asleep. On top of that, a night scene. I'm pleased with how it turned out too.\n\nNow off to bed, got lunch with her tomorrow and totally looking forward to meeting up and spending some time with her, talking about publishing and life."], "url": "http://blog.sarabillustration.com/2009/05/barn-yard-bed.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 255, "original_width": 320, "width": 474}], "image_hashes": ["e9083b27a8030a91137109dc471f17f6722ec9bf8285ec0f7b378a6c6a4992df"], "__index_level_0__": 53, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oU5KM63vmVM/URlVsZX-3fI/AAAAAAAABmo/sP5jvLIfHGA/s320/make1.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8870028257369995}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.stampingdetails.com/2013/02/make-n-take-monday-week-of-21113-happy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oU5KM63vmVM/URlVsZX-3fI/AAAAAAAABmo/sP5jvLIfHGA/s320/make1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oU5KM63vmVM/URlVsZX-3fI/AAAAAAAABmo/sP5jvLIfHGA/s320/make1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"make\", \"rendered_width\": 261, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Life at Stamping Details...\n\nTuesday, February 12, 2013\n\nMake 'n Take Monday week of 2/11/13 - Happy Valentine's Week!\n\nValentine's Day is this week!! Come in and see all the great items we have to make your own Valentine's Day cards. And make our Make 'n Take for this week.......", null], "url": "http://blog.stampingdetails.com/2013/02/make-n-take-monday-week-of-21113-happy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 461, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 262, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2853816d437ba1be9549f08b21b3b6ad62c30d653534c12e52f84c372aa78f9e"], "__index_level_0__": 54, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/makingsciencepublic/files/2017/01/Harpyie-600x300.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.915654957294464}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/makingsciencepublic/category/biotechnology/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/makingsciencepublic/files/2017/01/Harpyie-600x300.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/makingsciencepublic/files/2017/01/Harpyie-600x300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": 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surprising, as synthetic biology is supposed to be part of this new economy. In a blog post written in December last year the BBSRC’s Chief Executive Jackie Hunter pointed out that: …", "Advanced fermenters\n\nApril 16, 2015\n\nI recently dipped my blogging toe into the microbiome, lured there by Jon Turney’s book I, Superorganism. A few days ago, while trying to find an old email on a completely unrelated topic, I came across a comment by Denis Noble that he had sent me when we were corresponding about the microbiome in around …", "Risk assessment policy as regulatory science\n\nSeptember 15, 2014", "Fermenting thought: A new look at synthetic biology\n\nAugust 20, 2014\n\nI have become involved in a new project related to synthetic biology. The University of Nottingham has received funding for a big Synthetic Biology Research Centre. I am a social scientist within the new team and in charge of keeping an eye on ‘responsible research and innovation’. This is not what this post is about …"], "url": "http://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/makingsciencepublic/category/biotechnology/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 600, "width": 756}], "image_hashes": ["88c1faad9fccbb6f04ee0ec570b9bbebe97c0e42200d8851cc9e4dc11a1b77cc"], "__index_level_0__": 55, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-6uNvHFL1rPo/TytJIthb9uI/AAAAAAAAO50/yMU_sLnjVLA/s365/Sept%2B27%252C%2B2011.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ebUjxlGKNnU/Tit2qjS_-pI/AAAAAAAAO5A/ImpabR58G0s/s350/Family3.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xkT-topSqfE/Tit2fHPGinI/AAAAAAAAO44/FjVrY173VK4/s350/Family2.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SWSeoQ23okg/Tit1_028UDI/AAAAAAAAO4w/us62KmIXouQ/s350/Family1.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_zfKl8MDR2ug/SBd3dEexRJI/AAAAAAAAA1E/di5P3qSeamI/S269/engle5.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9565423130989076}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bmmberlin.blogspot.com/2009/10/witnessing-car.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-6uNvHFL1rPo/TytJIthb9uI/AAAAAAAAO50/yMU_sLnjVLA/s365/Sept%2B27%252C%2B2011.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-6uNvHFL1rPo/TytJIthb9uI/AAAAAAAAO50/yMU_sLnjVLA/s365/Sept%2B27%252C%2B2011.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Sept B C B\", \"alt_text\": \"September 2011\", \"rendered_width\": 365, \"rendered_height\": 243}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bmmberlin.blogspot.com/2009/10/witnessing-car.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ebUjxlGKNnU/Tit2qjS_-pI/AAAAAAAAO5A/ImpabR58G0s/s350/Family3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ebUjxlGKNnU/Tit2qjS_-pI/AAAAAAAAO5A/ImpabR58G0s/s350/Family3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Family\", \"alt_text\": \"June 2011\", \"rendered_width\": 350, \"rendered_height\": 234}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bmmberlin.blogspot.com/2009/10/witnessing-car.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xkT-topSqfE/Tit2fHPGinI/AAAAAAAAO44/FjVrY173VK4/s350/Family2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xkT-topSqfE/Tit2fHPGinI/AAAAAAAAO44/FjVrY173VK4/s350/Family2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Family\", \"alt_text\": \"May 2011\", \"rendered_width\": 350, \"rendered_height\": 254}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bmmberlin.blogspot.com/2009/10/witnessing-car.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SWSeoQ23okg/Tit1_028UDI/AAAAAAAAO4w/us62KmIXouQ/s350/Family1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-SWSeoQ23okg/Tit1_028UDI/AAAAAAAAO4w/us62KmIXouQ/s350/Family1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Family\", \"alt_text\": \"Spring 2011\", \"rendered_width\": 350, \"rendered_height\": 287}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bmmberlin.blogspot.com/2009/10/witnessing-car.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_zfKl8MDR2ug/THqXAPLe9iI/AAAAAAAAOyg/Pa9odTk1jqU/S220/Family+Pic+DC.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_zfKl8MDR2ug/THqXAPLe9iI/AAAAAAAAOyg/Pa9odTk1jqU/S220/Family+Pic+DC.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Family Pic DC\", \"alt_text\": \"Summer 2010\", \"rendered_width\": 147, \"rendered_height\": 220}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bmmberlin.blogspot.com/2009/10/witnessing-car.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_zfKl8MDR2ug/SBd3dEexRJI/AAAAAAAAA1E/di5P3qSeamI/S269/engle5.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_zfKl8MDR2ug/SBd3dEexRJI/AAAAAAAAA1E/di5P3qSeamI/S269/engle5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"engle\", \"alt_text\": \"Fall 2007\", \"rendered_width\": 269, \"rendered_height\": 192}, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, October 3, 2009\n\nWitnessing & The Car\n\nWe have two big prayer requests!", "Labels: Prayer Requests, Updates\n\nMiss Rowley said...\n\nvisiting from SITS...wishing you all the luck in the world I will pray for you...by the way you have a great blog i love the layout and colors. I enjoyed reading your blog so much....keep up the great work that you have been doing. :)\n\nOctober 5, 2009 at 4:19 AM", "September 2011", null, "June 2011", null, "Josefine's 2nd Birthday", "May 2011", null, "Mother's Day", null, null], "url": "http://bmmberlin.blogspot.com/2009/10/witnessing-car.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 243, "original_width": 365, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 233, "original_width": 350, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 254, "original_width": 350, "width": 520}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 287, "original_width": 350, "width": 460}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 193, "original_width": 269, "width": 526}], "image_hashes": ["087c8f2c08c9877c0d8676c69972ca473718454eae41addae23d8161467bdbaf", "8ff363bdd2e08e3fe4e040b941dfad362d1095f819d9bd8ea98ae2de1fa51cad", "eb1cc6bbe87843792d35f00615490c9305b8f9c242d736af959201e6009b4cbc", "02914788a4b3b48236c5f1c6710ac82aaa42a8ba7a46201878305e882925bbd2", "aab6c660c13d38673b00f999d048c80744a9e8ea37be46d86d56b6abf1f561d3"], "__index_level_0__": 56, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFAqhDNu3I/AAAAAAAAAFs/ma96akAxBG4/s400/patterson_bigfoot.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFA9KjDaII/AAAAAAAAAF0/b_oPYIaBwHM/s400/contrail2.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9562591910362244}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bonzophrenia.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFAJ_udu8I/AAAAAAAAAFc/gDEdOjki8-c/s200/steam2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFAJ_udu8I/AAAAAAAAAFc/gDEdOjki8-c/s200/steam2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"steam\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bonzophrenia.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFAX9Jf3mI/AAAAAAAAAFk/QQB004OwImE/s200/contrails.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFAX9Jf3mI/AAAAAAAAAFk/QQB004OwImE/s200/contrails.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"contrails\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bonzophrenia.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFAqhDNu3I/AAAAAAAAAFs/ma96akAxBG4/s400/patterson_bigfoot.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFAqhDNu3I/AAAAAAAAAFs/ma96akAxBG4/s400/patterson_bigfoot.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"patterson bigfoot\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bonzophrenia.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFA9KjDaII/AAAAAAAAAF0/b_oPYIaBwHM/s400/contrail2.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFA9KjDaII/AAAAAAAAAF0/b_oPYIaBwHM/s400/contrail2.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"contrail\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://bonzophrenia.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFBFxzMaNI/AAAAAAAAAF8/u6H0Rlw1lqU/s400/byron.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SaFBFxzMaNI/AAAAAAAAAF8/u6H0Rlw1lqU/s400/byron.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"byron\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bonzophrenia.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://lh5.ggpht.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SiGtiTVyI6I/AAAAAAAAANs/JW8CgL2Je3g/s144/hotmail.png\", \"src\": \"http://lh5.ggpht.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SiGtiTVyI6I/AAAAAAAAANs/JW8CgL2Je3g/s144/hotmail.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hotmail\", \"alt_text\": \"hotmail\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bonzophrenia.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://lh6.ggpht.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SiHlyNxczII/AAAAAAAAAPw/aKfL5zZ7eyQ/s144/216776.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh6.ggpht.com/_RRtFUavYo-Q/SiHlyNxczII/AAAAAAAAAPw/aKfL5zZ7eyQ/s144/216776.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"merriam-webster\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, February 22, 2009\n\nC.R.A.P. Sunday - Bonzo's Ladder\n\nCatch-up Rants And Platitudes - #4 - surreal images\n\nSo I burned up a couple of days of my temporary bachelorhood by heading out to my folks' place, near Rockford, IL. As if that concept - willingly subjecting myself to them without the safety and shelter of my spouse - wasn't surreal enough, I went that extra mile and even brought laundry with. Hey, machines that don't gulp down your coins in order to operate - I'll take 'em!!", "The drive out there takes you somewhat nearby a nuclear power facility, assumedly at Byron, IL. My eye is always caught by the quite distinctive cooling towers, all the more dramatically due to the inherently frightening nature of nuclear energy. Apparently Illinois is the state with the most nuclear facilities - and I don't think we're glowing, yet. I'm just fascinated with the steam you can usually see rising from the cooling towers.", "On the drive over from Chicago this time, I noticed some particularly prominent contrails, which my wife and I incorrectly refer to as \"chemtrails\" - we're not conspiracy nuts, we got the name mixed up. Again, a fascinating visual phenomenon, very eye-catching at times.\n\nThe surreal aspect was seeing a quite distinctive pair of contrails heading downward from the sky, DIRECTLY AIMED AT the cooling towers. My cell phone was (as usual when traveling, since I never broke down to buy a car charger for this model) on \"low battery\" mode and refusing to take pictures, otherwise I would have documented this for the sheer amazement of it. Of course, given that I was driving alone, in a moving vehicle going 65 mph, if I HAD managed to snap a photo it would have looked like this:", null, "But below is a mini recreation of what I saw ... now tell me that seeing this combo in real life wouldn't make you triple-take?", null, "Granted, there was no plane at the business-end of the contrails, the cooling towers were still intact, and there was no mushroom cloud in sight - but I still had trouble extracting my jaw from the dashboard.\n\nOnce I arrived, I gladly accepted the offer of a drink and promptly forgot to mention the sighting to my folks. Alcohol flows pretty freely when I visit with them - I probably drink more in one night with them than I would normally consume in a typical month on my own. This is not to say that I (or they) require the substance to interact humanely ... it has just become a ritual habit we have not \"grown out of\" yet. This is only the case when I am participating in an overnight, of course. Although I am guilty of having driven while \"buzzed\" in my youth, I would never intentionally drive while drunk.\n\nIt is quite frustrating, then, to hear all these news stories about celebrities convicted of DUIs. Celebretards aside, it is really frustrating to hear all the incidents of everyday people having accidents attributed to driving under the influence. The fiercely aggravating stories are about all these REPEAT OFFENDERS who have had multiple incidents of being caught driving under the influence. It's one thing to make a stupid mistake once. It's wholly idiotic to be in the position of many of these drivers who continue to drive after drinking - even despite tragic incidents in their past.\n\nSome judges have stepped up the \"punishments\" for these people, and apparently many participate in an ignition lock system that requires a clean breathalyzer test before they can start their car. Sounds reasonable enough, although easily overcome - think of the scene in the movie 40 Year Old Virgin when the chick asks him to \"breathe into this\" before she starts her car.\n\nThen there is this idiot, who rented a car to avoid his breath analyzer ignition lock, and then wrapped the rental car around a pole. GIVE ME A BREAK! Rental car companies are supposed to be so cautious - not renting to \"kids\" under 25 years old, supposedly doing background checks and denying people left and right for *seat belt violations*, let alone DUI. Somebody screwed up in a big way letting this guy have a car.\n\nIf nothing else, perhaps rental car companies should also provide vehicles prepared for this unfortunately numerous portion of the population, with breathalyzer ignition locks. Hell, if they are not going to bother with background checks, it should come standard. Or maybe you can get a free \"upgrade\" to a model WITHOUT one if you have a clean driving record?\n\nOk, enough for now. Hey - a whole blog without mentioning Burris. Whoo-hoo! I need a drink....\n\nAnyone get the title reference?\nPictures ripped off as follows: byron.jpg and contrail2.jpg borrowed from wikipedia pages. Others found on google image searches.\n\nRanted by bonzo at 7:20 AM 3 snide remarks", "Labels: bachelorhood, contrails, CRAP, drunk driving, Family, Fun stuff, movies, nuclear, Travel\n\nSunday, February 15, 2009\n\nC.R.A.P. Sunday - Bachelor edition", "Catch-up Rants And Platitudes - #3\n\nIt was a SHOWER! I've even used it a second time now, how refreshing. And thanks to kapgar for his suggestion, not only did the mouthwash fix my breath without all that effort of brushing, but it also gave me quite a nice little buzz. Shall we begin?!?\n\nOk, back to the job hunt.\nNews photos lifted from Chicago Sun-Times. Showerhead and pink gun stolen from Google images. No, I don't think that qualifies for \"concealed carry\" - even if it took you several minutes before you spotted the gun.\n\nRanted by bonzo at 11:40 PM 2 snide remarks", "Labels: bachelorhood, blago, burris, christina raines, corruption, CRAP, drew peterson, Ethics, fear, gun control, illinois, News, Politics, Violence\n\nFriday, February 13, 2009\n\nBachelorhood Journal, Day 4\n\nThings were nice and quiet at first, a pleasant change of pace around the apartment. Then it got oddly noisy, and I realized that my cat was becoming more and more vocal. Traced back the source of her consternation, and realized that her magic food bowl was no longer magic - it was empty! Imagine that.... So I decided to take stock of other changes around here.\n\n#1 - i feel kinda weird. i think i'm developing a sort of oily layer. i may have to break down today and investigate the curtained-off area of the bathroom to figure out what that is for.\n\n#2 - my teeth are growing fur. maybe that bristly-thingy hanging over the bathroom sink could help reverse this process. will have to give it a try at least.\n\n#3 - running out of spoons. and room in the sink. and clean table space. very odd.\n\n#4 - strange odor around apartment. can't quite nail it down - could be coming from litterbox, sink, or table. perhaps the garbage. or maybe secondary to items #1 or #2. that cat still hangs around me, so can't be too offensive. right?\n\nMeanwhile, I think I have finally had my fill of peanut butter. Will have to investigate other edibles around the house. It has been sorta nice to always find things where I leave them, but not enough of a trade-off having to deal with #3 above.\n\nOk, well back to pretending to be productive. Might have to make that list of projects soon. At least my back isn't getting any worse (for now).\n\nRanted by bonzo at 11:52 AM 2 snide remarks", "Labels: bachelorhood, back, cat, Personal, procrastination\n\nWednesday, February 11, 2009\n\nBachelorhood, Revisted\n\nOh, I had such high hopes for the next several weeks. While the wife is away, the mouse was fully intending to play. I even made the sacrifice of NOT creating a list of the things I wanted to accomplish in my maelstrom of activity, hoping to fly from project to project as whim drew me. [After about 3 or 4 days I was likely to break down and spend a solid 2-3 days drawing up a list, revising it, prioritizing projects, and shuffling papers on my desk anyway.]\n\nBut no ... even before I could get out of the gate I have been derailed in a ridiculous way. Secondary to being hit by a car over 12 years ago, I have a mildly screwed-up back. As long as I am careful with lifting and watch my posture, don't sleep in funky positions, etc. - it's really not a problem. Until that frickin' exercise DVD. I won't go into details here - suffice to say that trying to combine a shoulder press with a deeper-than-I-had-tried-recently deep knee bend was a baaaaad idea.\n\nNow I've thrown out my back before, from staying in an awkward position too long in the operating room, or even from sneezing too forcefully. Usually I walk funny for a day or two, but can get back to normal fairly rapidly and even function pretty well throughout - other than the funny walking. This time, ugh - the back pain has been so persistent that I had been really crooked in my posture. So much so, that a couple of days later a whole 'nother group of muscles went into spasm - I guess from overcompensation. And then I aggravated all that by helping my wife haul the laundry around. Thankfully she refused to let me carry her suitcases around too much.\n\nGot her to the airport yesterday, came back and pretty much crashed out on the couch. Today also crashed out on the couch ... hopefully after a solid night's rest I'll be able to tackle some of the cleaning and sorting and extended sessions tackling e-mail and other posture-intensive activities. I did manage some pseudo-productivity - cleared some movies from our netflix queue that my wife was less than enthusiastic to view with me. For good reason. :-)\n\nIn the meantime, I'm back to all the trappings of bachelorhood (messy apartment, grooming activities considered \"optional,\" diet unsupervised, tv on 25 hours / day) without the hoped-for benefits - like normal mobility and a modicum of energy. I'll give it another day or two - then I'll try for some better living through pharmacology. MMMmmmmmm, muscle relaxers. *Drooool*\n\nRanted by bonzo at 10:30 PM 2 snide remarks", "Labels: bachelorhood, back, drugs, exercise, Personal, procrastination\n\nFriday, February 6, 2009\n\nI'm no financial wiz...\n\nbut I thought I had a rough understanding of the roots of the financial crisis. In simplest terms, I thought it was due to bad loans - basically, abuse of credit by people that couldn't make their payments, and high-risk loans for homebuyers that wouldn't otherwise be in a position to own, coupled with banks looking to make a profit of such loans. And yadda yadda yadda, greedy Wall Street and deregulation, etc.\n\nAs usual, the real story is much more complex and far-reaching. Here is a link to a recent article from BBC News about the World Social Forum in Brazil. It's a bit long and tedious, but interesting if you have the patience. Specifically, check out this section, which gives a little overview of one participant's analysis of the factors leading up to the crisis. My oversimplification / summary is\n\nExperts from all over the world have been meeting to discuss causes and fixes, and of course no one can agree. To some degree, the deregulated system in the U.S. became a model for deregulation globally (for more equal competition in the market), and that has enabled the collapse to spread globally as well.\n\nThe fix - duh - is gonna have to involve re-regulation, and on a global scale. We cannot continue with a total free-market model that has no intrinsic accountability and no bias against inequality. The dramatic differences between economies has allowed for sweatshop labor and outsourcing of jobs.\n\nAs we recover, we need work in protections for underdeveloped nations and act as \"big brothers / mentors\" for developing nations. As we claw our way back from the brink, we need to offer hands to our partners and would-be partners in the global economy, and elevate everyone in the process. Focusing on \"green energy\" is one way the U.S. hopes to fight the crisis, and the battle with global warming is a prime example of how everyone will benefit from working together. Helping countries like China develop renewable energy (instead of coal, etc.) will help their economy as well as reducing pollution, improving their health, and battling global warming.\n\nWe are living through a trying period right now, but the possibilities for what we may build from it are truly exciting.\n\nRanted by bonzo at 11:00 PM 0 snide remarks", "Labels: anticipation, bubble, economic crisis, global economy, global warming, News, Politics\n\nMonday, February 2, 2009\n\nA Jerry Springer World\n\nClick here to go to a Sun-Times article, containing a transcript of an interview with Christina Raines, the now-ex-fiancee of Drew Peterson. She is living in a Jerry Springer world, and she is a Jerry Springer girl.\n\nAnd she has already reproduced, ensuring that future generations will be subject to the same kind of idiocy.\n\nWhen you have a chance, check out the movie Idiocracy, a futuristic farce by the creator of Office Space. The movie itself is mildly amusing, but the premise in the beginning describing how society gets dumbed-down is priceless.\n\nIf I can locate a clip I'll try to post it later.\n\nRanted by bonzo at 1:02 PM 0 snide remarks", "Labels: christina raines, drew peterson, movies, News\n\nC.R.A.P. Sunday - Groundhog edition\n\nCatch-up Rants And Platitudes - #2 - a brief look at recent news items, etc.\n\n[I realize this is officially posting on Monday - getting something in just before, at, or after the deadline is sorta a specialty of mine.] So had my interview on the East Coast this past week - travel went pretty smoothly, and the interview itself not too bad. Unfortunately, up against three other very well qualified candidates, and did not feel any strong \"good vibes\" with any of the faculty. Called in a favor with a former adviser who may have some influence on them for me, but not anticipating good news. Back to the drawing board....\n\nWell, I guess that is enough for now. If you made it all the way to here, even I am impressed. Hope you enjoyed the Superbowl - it was pretty tight, a good show right to the very end. In case you've got it taped, TIVO'd, DVR'd, or just hoping to catch highlights I won't be the one to spoil it for ya. But man - cannot believe the number of penalties ... that has got to be a record. Here's to hoping for a cloudy day tomorrow - no shadows for the little rodent.\nPhotos mercilessly stolen from Google images."], "url": "http://bonzophrenia.blogspot.com/2009_02_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 455, "original_height": 299, "original_width": 248, "width": 378}, {"height": 756, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d4aff449850e1a6b3a60b5fde582345861fec3109f9b14e10bac47dca515b934", "3cde293193485f059264a2b5e093f196e9c8ad5902f9523d0b508084178984a8"], "__index_level_0__": 57, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GHdQwjR-cfU/Vr4GjYcgMSI/AAAAAAAABEU/Jd22JyCBbeo/s320/Blind-Date.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9361748695373536}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://booksinthespotlight.blogspot.com/2016/02/blind-date-with-book.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GHdQwjR-cfU/Vr4GjYcgMSI/AAAAAAAABEU/Jd22JyCBbeo/s320/Blind-Date.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GHdQwjR-cfU/Vr4GjYcgMSI/AAAAAAAABEU/Jd22JyCBbeo/s320/Blind-Date.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Blind Date\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 247}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://booksinthespotlight.blogspot.com/2016/02/blind-date-with-book.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://booksinthespotlight.blogspot.com/2016/02/blind-date-with-book.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb86/cullengirl_2007/Rumsblog2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i205.photobucket.com/albums/bb86/cullengirl_2007/Rumsblog2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Rumsblog\", \"rendered_width\": \"70%\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://booksinthespotlight.blogspot.com/2016/02/blind-date-with-book.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Bt_OlS06aMw/TosvY66LgQI/AAAAAAAAAjU/OzKGg9Gak6M/s200/thmovie_reel.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Bt_OlS06aMw/TosvY66LgQI/AAAAAAAAAjU/OzKGg9Gak6M/s200/thmovie_reel.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thmovie reel\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://booksinthespotlight.blogspot.com/2016/02/blind-date-with-book.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1438332601m/16130759.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1438332601m/16130759.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Night Study\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://booksinthespotlight.blogspot.com/2016/02/blind-date-with-book.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1468458176m/30254923.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1468458176m/30254923.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Take the Key and Lock Her Up\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://booksinthespotlight.blogspot.com/2016/02/blind-date-with-book.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1453057049m/28185991.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1453057049m/28185991.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Lucy and Linh\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "In addition to the working on library duties such as teaching information literacy skills, ordering and cataloging books for my library's collection all of which I enjoy, I also get to embrace my creativity skills and demonstrate my love for reading by creating book displays in the library. My most successful book display so far has been Blind Date with a Book.\nThe Blind Date with a Book concept is not something I made up on my own. I have seen it done at other libraries and even bookstores, but I wanted to do this display to encourage readers and non-readers alike to pick up a book and read for fun. The objective of the book display is to get readers to think beyond the book cover and give a book a chance. You can create this display at any time of the year, but I usually do it in the month of February for Valentines Day. I thought it would be a good idea to a blog post on some tips on how to this display in case anyone else wants to do it at their school, library, or even as a blogging event (i.e. blog hop/giveaway). So let's get started!", "Things I might consider next year:\n\nHave you created a Blind Date with a Book Display? If so, what other tips and tricks would you include in this post? Do you have any questions that I didn't address in this post? Let me know in the comments!\nLabels: Discussion Post, Reading |", "8 Responses\n\nThank you for taking the time to read and comment.", "Current Giveaway!\n\nCheck back for more giveaways!", "Search My Blog", "Subscribe To My Blog", "Fellow Readers", "Grab my button!", "My Rating Scale\n\n5 stars: A must read and own.\n\n2 stars: Pretty bad with some good parts.\n\n1 star: Don't waste your time."], "url": "http://booksinthespotlight.blogspot.com/2016/02/blind-date-with-book.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 247, "original_width": 320, "width": 489}], "image_hashes": ["a3e60671e7f0095a01ba12a139b809e9c626205864c52debc5ff895fc04c3624"], "__index_level_0__": 58, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MOfhaGso83A/Tqwr6AM0x3I/AAAAAAAABLI/TKb5dLrIdC4/s640/IMG_2521.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mVfIByISivU/TqwsAJ7c7vI/AAAAAAAABLQ/7Ix_MDMPj3k/s640/IMG_2523.JPG", null, 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Coldplay is among my favourite bands, so I am quite joyful right now! I am also quite happy to share with you the events of the past two days. This week had been a stressful week with midterms and big projects and a few of us were looking forward to Thursday night when the school week was over- we decided to celebrate with a pumpkin carving night! I hadn't done pumpkin carving in years! Here are some of the shots of the night...", null, null, "The nasty pumpkin guts...ooooh spooky", null, "I am in love with my new scarf, as you can see!", null, "Halfway there! I chose to go the cutesy route rather than scary :)", null, "Ta da!! The finished piece- I love it! Pumpkin of the sea.", null, "All three carved pumpkins- On the left, an owl which I think also looks like the Cheshire cat and in the middle, Snooki Pumpkin! Jersey Shore! (p.s. I do not endorse watching that show...) As you can see we had a lot of fun with our pumpkins!\n\nThe next morning, a few of us went on a small hike which happens to be my first ever mountain hike! Coming from Saskatchewan, we don't see a lot of hills so hiking is rare. I AM out of shape, however, and should probably start exercising before we go on a longer one...But check out this magnificent view we saw when we reached the summit! It was fabulously beautiful! Especially with all of the changing colours of the leaves.", null, null, null, "Breathtaking! When I am in the woods, my thoughts always turn to thinking we are going to see run into a bear- I am happy to report that we did not see one bit of dangerous wildlife! Only an abandoned car and a few beer bottles which don't quite seem to indicate toward natural inhabitants! What kind of hiking/nature stories do you have?\nPosted by Jenni Haikonen at 10:23 AM", "kristen. said...\n\nI love the anchor pumpkin! so cool! Any tips on the best way to carve a pumpkin?\n\nOctober 29, 2011 at 12:07 PM", "Jenni said...\n\nhmmm.... I guess I would say, do not do anything too small as it is hard to carve and always draw out your template first! Also, don't pick anything too complicated unless you are a pumpkin carving master!\n\nOctober 29, 2011 at 12:38 PM", "Holly said...\n\nYour pumpkin looks fantastic! My husband is doing ours this year - I'm guessing he'll make it into some sort of Star Wars character, because that's his thing :) I live in AB and when we go hiking I'm always on the lookout for bears! I've only ever seen one twice - and both times I happened to be on horseback and we saw the bear in the distance so were able to hightail it out of there pretty quickly!\n\nOctober 29, 2011 at 2:03 PM", "Anonymous said...\n\nLove the pumpkins! Quoting someone looking over my shoulder - \"Argh matey! Ever been to the sea?\"\nI'm afraid I've passed my fear of bears on to you. And I have never seen one on a hike (although your Dad and I did hear a lot of rustling at Greenwater Park once.\nIf you get the chance to hike Mount Baker, do it. It was a strenuous one when I was your age,and I'm sure we never reached the peak, but I've always felt like that was my hiking pinnacle in my life!"], "url": "http://bottomleycottage.blogspot.com/2011/10/up-with-birds.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 427, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": 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Another year gone by that I won't get back and some day will be a distant memory for me. :( Boo-hoo. Poor Poor me.\n\nAny way, here are some cute pictures from random times this summer. :)", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://boxersandbabies.blogspot.com/2011/08/dog-days-of-summer.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4c9530dacf834e9143fb0c380de70b1df82db5e5b33d95c8358a18a733ea703e", "04c27df7ddbe8c62fc27f3e6ef5140022ff801867f4f952ec516a27742d446c7", "59b3cd5ed08981a21bea1d4b720cfa8e5669cd2811adc96be79a0c74827a12bc", "25c7d3931d86d6fc4f9db4e2306941a5a83e20ff5acd4cf4ea78d4ee2075bcbe", "f4bf2f0b7fc384ed1b4988531524ddc806effe9f81ff6ddd3264c0209e0afdd3", "43483edb1d9b4ad61d71858446faff1bb260cd54a68338ecd99f2efe8a6554ca", "db656416ac44adac774b16684fa8ef94efcd4c0fc5af10ac3678e789159b4bc4", "9a950e2884f9a9c8a475c42797a66839c975f1e662f3116352e93a468241d2b0"], "__index_level_0__": 60, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521af889e4b090faa0252994/1377499276877/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_O.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521b4f5be4b07c5692c99cb1/1377521503550/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_N.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521ac1e2e4b03a3ebe2ae938/1377485288267/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_K.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521aed96e4b0ee587907f176/1377496474035/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_L.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521abd96e4b09bd519e0ce3c/1377484184091/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_M.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521abdb6e4b03aa034dd8773/1377484217807/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_B.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521abdd8e4b0564f9836341d/1377484253413/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_A.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521abdeee4b03aa034dd88a4/1377484274214/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_C.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521af341e4b0152816dea1bb/1377497923534/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_D.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521abe43e4b00b7f8bafd68f/1377484358930/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_F.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521af7ffe4b00b7f8bb05da0/1377499138451/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_G3.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521abebee4b0f11bee563787/1377484482781/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_I.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521abe86e4b0152816de2959/1377484426645/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_H.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521abedce4b0152816de2b96/1377484512552/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_J.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.979331374168396}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bryanpatricktodd.com/blog/new-work-louisville-mural\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521af889e4b090faa0252994/1377499276877/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_O.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/4f3609e1d09af8cfb8566b03/t/521af889e4b090faa0252994/1377499276877/BryanPatrickTodd_Louisville_Mural_O.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BryanPatrickTodd Louisville Mural O\", \"alt_text\": \"Finished Photography by Chris Higdon. 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The building is being converted to some amazing lofts, nestled right between downtown and the Nulu district. After learning more about the building's rich history and the lengths being taken to preserve & restore it's architecture, it felt like a good fit and a hell of a lot of fun. I was given a few key words to use as inspiration, then told to just roll with it.\n\nOnce it had the green light I brought in sign painter extrodinaire, Kirby Stafford, to bring the design to life. Kirby and I collaborated on the highlands mural nearly 2 years ago, and I was excited to have the opportunity to work together again. A yardstick, stick of chalk and printed piece of paper of the layout is all he needed, and he couldn't have done a better job. Kirby's craft and attention to detail is second to none and it was amazing to watch.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://bryanpatricktodd.com/blog/new-work-louisville-mural", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 753, "original_width": 1000, "width": 501}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 990, "original_width": 1000, "width": 381}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 865, "original_width": 1000, "width": 436}, {"height": 529, "original_height": 1401, "original_width": 1000, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 529, "original_width": 1000, "width": 714}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 561, "original_width": 1000, "width": 673}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 632, "original_width": 1000, "width": 598}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 617, "original_width": 1000, "width": 612}, {"height": 468, "original_height": 1240, "original_width": 1000, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, 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The images pouring in really moved me. When I returned to Denver I got a call to shoot an airlift of 18 Metric Tons of emergency supplies leaving DIA from the WoldVision Warehouse VIA FedEx. I teamed up with fiend and photographer Don Cudney to shoot video and stills of the airlift for WorldVision from 12:30 AM to 4 AM. All the FedEx employees were volunteering their time to load the plane.", null, null, null, "Above, Don Cudney. You can read his post about the shoot here.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "I just got this email from World Vision:\n\n\"Just wanted to give you some great feedback! Our Senior Vice President of\nEngagement and Communications asked that we tell you that she\nloved the work you did for the airlift in Denver. I don't think I've ever\nheard her give feedback like that before!\n\nSo thank you for all your great work- in the middle of the night even!\n\nAlso, one of your images was selected to send to CNN, with some other World\nVision photos so keep an eye out for that!\"\nIf you would like to donate to the relief effort, here's World Vision's LINK\nPosted by Bryce Boyer Photography at 5:45 PM", "This is great Bryce. Congrats on the feedback.\n\nJanuary 21, 2010 at 6:21 PM", "Lisa Strong said..."], "url": "http://bryceboyerphoto.blogspot.com/2010/01/haiti-relief-photography.html?showComment=1264123275729", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["3d7b96527193503147adf570d2e98280355cc5dfc02410a5fae033fc3cb7b2c6", "8d590e5790cb5811621878ef05fae96bf3962627e080ef243ea99d6384b67b9e", "9d8ca1e7c7e03f04c7327fe56752d3b5b980d6addfe5286cebe9eef8b4150c2f", "81bcc1be386c4fd5dbdfe2eede97113f8e0cc673b2d6ea07ad45d158616398c7", "090cde0b9f537ed2c3b843863ac06ec4b36db7f4b23c6edd87bab8dfb5b4d763", "1ec7c8100bb851ad652d65ef8e7c736b8741573be72ab30f485ef99a236fb042", "084c5ce9d128aec9c346cb2052eacf8f80f9e35d3351a978872e3e66155d6ce2", "2af73d851ea68371e0197835d5753df184c7e0c8e9e5fb6303a12f584784f558", "d5f702b643a9b346d7e86fd248162990ffe2db2df94a0112363ea9774b60eea4", "946dd2121dbe8e559e82d0f7f62a58b9cdc364454bad6910904d614a02925863", "b750cb886f8750b4e65b56b8f3e28cd4392d9a0031352a32201ff4a74a24b467"], "__index_level_0__": 62, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5214/5419015986_9fb3eac54b.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5052/5419015978_48d4abd713.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5018/5419015970_422639dec6.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5292/5419015962_23cd23060c.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5131/5419037292_89b10a9601.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9587733745574952}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://busylittlepeople.blogspot.com/2011/02/our-week.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5214/5419015986_9fb3eac54b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5214/5419015986_9fb3eac54b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fb eac b\", \"alt_text\": \"DSC_0125\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 334}, {\"document_url\": \"http://busylittlepeople.blogspot.com/2011/02/our-week.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5052/5419015978_48d4abd713.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5052/5419015978_48d4abd713.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d abd\", \"alt_text\": \"DSC_0140\", \"rendered_width\": 334, \"rendered_height\": 500}, {\"document_url\": \"http://busylittlepeople.blogspot.com/2011/02/our-week.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5018/5419015970_422639dec6.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5018/5419015970_422639dec6.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dec\", \"alt_text\": \"DSC_0091\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 334}, {\"document_url\": \"http://busylittlepeople.blogspot.com/2011/02/our-week.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5292/5419015962_23cd23060c.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5292/5419015962_23cd23060c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cd c\", \"alt_text\": \"DSC_0033\", \"rendered_width\": 334, \"rendered_height\": 500}, {\"document_url\": \"http://busylittlepeople.blogspot.com/2011/02/our-week.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5131/5419037292_89b10a9601.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5131/5419037292_89b10a9601.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b a\", \"alt_text\": \"DSC_0015\", \"rendered_width\": 334, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://busylittlepeople.blogspot.com/2011/02/our-week.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r278/splitdecisionz/Blessed/div.png\", \"src\": \"http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r278/splitdecisionz/Blessed/div.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"div\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, null, null, null, "Brenda said...\n\nMy week did not include a pig and pigs almost always make things more interesting.\n\nFebruary 6, 2011 at 12:09 AM\nLaine said...\n\nMy week didn't have pigs but included a wisdom tooth removal and an attempted wisdom tooth removal that has left me in great pain! =( Other than that, it's been a pretty good week!"], "url": "http://busylittlepeople.blogspot.com/2011/02/our-week.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 335, "original_width": 500, "width": 564}, {"height": 564, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 335, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 335, "original_width": 500, "width": 564}, {"height": 564, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 335, "width": 378}, {"height": 564, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 335, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["30fbc61a1ea8754b5060251ad701131392b73783baacaad359b56c0dc815249a", "ccde816db021a718516c2ccd0feba85a5ad09b8abcce43f1975edb9e0df6c04f", "847b7fa8fcfda328ad18292b5fcfce0eb83e47ca38ae25540cdb4440ee708bdb", "5f1d52774e611f426460625c60768d52a9115f18d9b27122efcff910b2b9c8db", "ce33d602361b3eaa9560eb4da8e92e5a72ac3d8daf7d7ff725bdd4f091cf71c1"], "__index_level_0__": 63, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0OM74w7hC8E/U2UoYM2m1BI/AAAAAAAAelU/Fee7KdgrC5M/s1600/Blind+2.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lWGkAOcV5ZQ/U2UoqTGrwNI/AAAAAAAAelc/iR4ESSp1fEo/s1600/Pott+1.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ara5nrSkUfI/U2UovSPpKtI/AAAAAAAAelk/srp3N1D3jTg/s1600/Pott+2.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WU2xd0_jHx0/U2UqIe3kYkI/AAAAAAAAel4/7K3wFDFyFvs/s1600/Hall+3.png", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-y35d9YsPjA0/U2UtUIKPMKI/AAAAAAAAemA/31F1QZ0MVCI/s1600/Dwarf.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9669464826583862}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bytesdaily.blogspot.com/2014/05/blind-freddy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0OM74w7hC8E/U2UoYM2m1BI/AAAAAAAAelU/Fee7KdgrC5M/s1600/Blind+2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0OM74w7hC8E/U2UoYM2m1BI/AAAAAAAAelU/Fee7KdgrC5M/s1600/Blind+2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Blind\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 305}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bytesdaily.blogspot.com/2014/05/blind-freddy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lWGkAOcV5ZQ/U2UoqTGrwNI/AAAAAAAAelc/iR4ESSp1fEo/s1600/Pott+1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lWGkAOcV5ZQ/U2UoqTGrwNI/AAAAAAAAelc/iR4ESSp1fEo/s1600/Pott+1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Pott\", \"rendered_width\": 467, \"rendered_height\": 640}, {\"document_url\": \"http://bytesdaily.blogspot.com/2014/05/blind-freddy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ara5nrSkUfI/U2UovSPpKtI/AAAAAAAAelk/srp3N1D3jTg/s1600/Pott+2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ara5nrSkUfI/U2UovSPpKtI/AAAAAAAAelk/srp3N1D3jTg/s1600/Pott+2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Pott\", \"rendered_width\": 350, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bytesdaily.blogspot.com/2014/05/blind-freddy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WU2xd0_jHx0/U2UqIe3kYkI/AAAAAAAAel4/7K3wFDFyFvs/s1600/Hall+3.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WU2xd0_jHx0/U2UqIe3kYkI/AAAAAAAAel4/7K3wFDFyFvs/s1600/Hall+3.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Hall\", \"rendered_width\": 350, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bytesdaily.blogspot.com/2014/05/blind-freddy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-y35d9YsPjA0/U2UtUIKPMKI/AAAAAAAAemA/31F1QZ0MVCI/s1600/Dwarf.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-y35d9YsPjA0/U2UtUIKPMKI/AAAAAAAAemA/31F1QZ0MVCI/s1600/Dwarf.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Dwarf\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 424}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bytesdaily.blogspot.com/2014/05/blind-freddy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xFyYZwXPgkM/T5Us2MwEI4I/AAAAAAAAG8s/94KW7rK0_Wc/s150/find_us_on_facebook.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xFyYZwXPgkM/T5Us2MwEI4I/AAAAAAAAG8s/94KW7rK0_Wc/s150/find_us_on_facebook.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"find us on facebook\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 46}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "“There can be absolutely no doubt that whoever committed all eight offences must be within the Milat family or very, very closely associated to it. Blind Freddy can see that.”\n\n- Terry Martin, barrister for serial killer Ivan Milat, suggests in his closing submissions that the killer was not Ivan but that Ivan’s brothers Wally and Richard were the culprits. The eight offences referred to were 7 murders of backpackers and one attempted murder. Milat was convicted anyway and is serving seven consecutive life sentences plus 18 years.\n\nMartin’s reference to Blind Freddy is by way of a common Australian expression, “It’s so obvious that even Blind Freddy can see it”, as in the Martin quotation above.\n\nWho is the Blind Freddy referred to?\n\nThe honour of being the original Blind Freddy is often attributed to Sir Frederick Pottinger (1831-1865).", null, null, "Here are the relevant facts about Sir Frederick:", null, "Ben Hall\n\nBut the Ranger proud, he laughed aloud,\nand bounding rode away,\nWhile Sir Frederick Pott, shut his eyes for a shot,\nand miss’d — his usual way.\n\nOther etymologists point out that the first recorded use of the term Blind Freddy in the context of something being patently obvious was in 1917 in the International Socialist newspaper in NSW:\n\n“The present system has to go. There’s no other way. It MUST go. Even Blind Freddie can see that.”\n\nIt is suggested by them that the period between Pottinger’s hapless attempts to capture Ben Hall and the first recording in print – 55 years – is relatively lengthy for an expression in current use to be recorded in written format somewhere.\n\nThere are etymologists who offer an alternative Freddy as the inspiration for Blind Freddy, this particular person being both blind and named Fred. According to etymologist Michael Quinion in his blog World Wide Words at\nBlind Freddy, as he was known,  was a blind hawker selling ties, razor blades, hair oil and other items in the he area bordered by Market, King, Castlereagh and George Streets, Sydney. His disability did not stop him being astute or prevent him travelling the streets. Indeed it was reported that on one occasion he assisted a blind man across the street that was so well known to him.\n\nAccording to a 1911 account:\n\nOne of the best known identities of the Sydney boxing game during the past quarter of a century is ‘Blind Freddie,’ who never misses a fight of even minor importance, and whose ears assist his mind’s eye to such an extent that exciting situations work him up and he can laugh as heartily as anyone else at amusing occurrences. ‘Blind Freddie’ is not an old man; he lost his sight 28 years ago, when 11 years old. The sightless sport enjoys life as much as most men, and feels many a hearty hand grip and hears many a cordial greeting as he roams round the city alone, for ‘Freddie,’ who follows the calling of a general dealer, is popular with everybody.\n\nThe Referee (Sydney), 12 Apr. 1911.\n\nMichael Quinion supports this person as the inspiration for the expression, it having developed from the phrase that “even a blind man could see”, as in the Newcastle Morning Herald of New South Wales in 1881: \"even a blind man could see this is a clear case of suicide\"). It is suggested that over time that expression led to the saying that even Blind Freddy could see something that should be obvious to all.\n\nFreddy, real name Frederick Solomons, died in 1933. Reports of his death in the press and even his funeral notice identified him as Blind Freddie.\n\nI know that the following cartoon is not directly related to the above post but it had me chuckling so I'm including it:", null], "url": "http://bytesdaily.blogspot.com/2014/05/blind-freddy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 612, "original_width": 639, "width": 394}, {"height": 515, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 440, "width": 378}, {"height": 682, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 886, "width": 378}, {"height": 429, "original_height": 302, "original_width": 266, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["47fd87ac23db417b82022ac083a040e72cea05bed5a4056f12ee9266ac80cf2c", "b48627a404cb43cfac7350bb1ec161fe3a7d6ac996798b8c1074d55f8d565b06", "c132c969d76fa5b0788cfe3ad7ea21e1c600b6d38a3a3c007bfdac96291d4a2b", "dcf2e9889a15e365fdc53e224aa2b14bbd3ef4b173166f440594343805303fd0", "26c4f0bae4098d8a6d3ecc9599095f1704b0f9b4f7ce958a211b67af464083f0"], "__index_level_0__": 64, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fH8pHCeDnn0/SISjt8NUk_I/AAAAAAAAA-4/0tMYZYKcBt0/s200/Locusts.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9436259269714355}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://caiti-online.blogspot.com/2008/07/locusts-are-back-us-private-equity.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fH8pHCeDnn0/SISjt8NUk_I/AAAAAAAAA-4/0tMYZYKcBt0/s200/Locusts.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fH8pHCeDnn0/SISjt8NUk_I/AAAAAAAAA-4/0tMYZYKcBt0/s200/Locusts.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Locusts\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://caiti-online.blogspot.com/2008/07/locusts-are-back-us-private-equity.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://liblogs.ca/liblogs.png\", \"src\": \"http://liblogs.ca/liblogs.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"liblogs\", \"alt_text\": \"Liblogs\", \"rendered_width\": 125, \"rendered_height\": 50}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "First it was BCE, as Canada's largest public telco. Then it was TransAlta Power Now it's the mother ship TransAlta Corp., as Canada's largest public electric producer. BCE's LBO will result in the loss of $800 million a year in annual taxes. What do you suppose the LBO of TransAlta Power and now TransAlta Corp. will cost?\n\nPerhaps someone should ask Jim Flaherty.....he presumably is opposed to tax leakage. Or was that just a grand ruse, to put these companies into the hands of private equity and out of the hands of broad Canadian ownership?\n\nLS Power, Global Infrastructure Bid for TransAlta\n\nBy Jim Polson and Ian McKinnon\n\nJuly 21 (Bloomberg) -- LS Power Equity Partners and Global Infrastructure Partners offered to buy TransAlta Corp., Canada's largest publicly traded electricity producer, for about C$7.75 billion ($7.72 billion) to tap growing energy demand in Alberta.\n\nThe bid is for C$39 a share in cash, 21 percent higher than TransAlta's last closing price, LS and Global said today in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The acquisition would take TransAlta private and leave its headquarters in Calgary.\n\nLS, the U.S. power-plant developer allied with Dynegy Inc., owns about 9 percent of TransAlta's stock, according to the filing. TransAlta has posted four straight years of free cash flow exceeding C$200 million, according to data compiled by Bloomberg, as oil-sands developments in northern Alberta and population growth stoke power use in the province.\n\n``This is about control over free cash flow,'' said Daniel Shteyn, an analyst at Desjardins Securities Inc. in Montreal who rates TransAlta shares ``buy'' and owns none. ``Management will have to be wooed.''\n\nTransAlta said in a statement that it will review the proposal to discuss a buyout, made in a letter received after the close of trading on July 18, and ``respond in due course.'' The company has been selling overseas assets to focus on Canada and the U.S. The suitors said they want Chief Executive Officer Steve Snyder to stay on.\n\nShares Rise\n\nTransAlta rose C$4.20, or 13 percent, to C$36.45 at 10:25 a.m. in Toronto Stock Exchange trading. The stock climbed 4.6 percent on July 18, its biggest gain since April 10, after dropping to its lowest close in 16 weeks the day before.\n\nNew York-based Global is a $5.64 billion fund led by former Credit Suisse Group executives. Credit Suisse would provide $2 billion of financing, and the suitors said they would invest $6 billion in TransAlta.\n\n``The company is in great markets and has a good portfolio of assets,'' James Bartlett, president of LS Power Equity Advisors LLC, said today in a telephone interview. ``We view this as a separate, stand-alone investment with our partners.''\n\nTransAlta's holdings include coal-, hydroelectric and wind- driven generators in Alberta. The province's electricity demand may rise 3 percent annually, double Canada's average, according to the provincial agency that oversees Alberta's power industry.\n\nConflict Over Buybacks\n\nLuminus Management LLC, a hedge-fund operator, and LS recommended in January that TransAlta sell power plants in Mexico and Australia to help fund stock buybacks. Luminus previously called for TransAlta to increase debt and buy back shares rather than invest in new generation capacity.\n\nLuminus and LS withdrew their slate of director nominees in March, after TransAlta sold Mexican assets and increased dividends. Bartlett said that Luminus, which he called a ``related company,'' isn't party to the acquisition proposal.\n\nPrivate ownership will allow CEO Snyder and other managers to concentrate on long-term strategies and operations, rather than quarterly profit reports, Bartlett said.\n\nTransAlta spokesman Michael Lawrence said the July 18 letter was ``a non-binding and highly conditional invitation to discuss a potential transaction.'' The company appointed a special committee of independent directors to review the letter and make recommendations, he said.\n\nTo contact the reporters on this story: Jim Polson in New York at email@example.com; Ian McKinnon in Calgary at firstname.lastname@example.org.\n\nPosted by Fillibluster at 10:52 AM", "Dr Mike said...\n\nJimmy Jimmy Jimmy , wherefore art thou Jimmy.\n\nThe cupboard is being ransacked & you are going on your merry little way appearing as happy as all get out.\n\nYou squeaked about tax leakage & how a bunch of greedy old farts were ripping off the Canadian public & causing tax leakage.\n\nYet you do nothing when the dollars are disappearing faster than a kid at bathtime.\n\nAs credit becomes more available once more , the tax dollars will be lost at an incredible rate as more of our companies & trusts are gobbled-up by private money.\n\nYet Jimmy you do not seem to care--you must have an alternate plan in the works as you did in Ontario when a deficit was looming----look for something to sell.\n\nI do know it won`t be your soul , that went to the devil a long time ago.\n\nDr Mike Popovich\n\nJuly 21, 2008 at 11:51 AM", "Flaherty will get you nowhere; he acts as though he's as happy as a pig in shit, and grins and flits about like a leprecaun with a bag of gold, all the while the economy is folding on all sides. What a charlatan he is!\n\nPaul Sirois\n\nJuly 21, 2008 at 2:51 PM", "March 7, 2007:\n\nJuly 21, 2008 at 3:15 PM", "nineofiveland said...\n\nThe Spectrum Auction should just about cover the tax lost to Canadian taxpayers .. no wait .. that's just a one time intake .. the no tax from BCE et al goes on forever.\n\nWhat fools they are .. Harper, Flaherty, Carney and company.\n\nWe wil never forget the Income Trust betrayal.\n\nJuly 21, 2008 at 7:41 PM", "Previous CAITI Polls", "Todays top 10", "Subscribe by feed or email", "Sheriff Flaherty: \"It's the law now.\"\n\nVancouver Quadra campaign: Cadman and income trust scandals\n\nFinance Committee questions Mark Carney\n\nJohn McCallum takes on Flaherty Question Period Dec 13, 2007\n\nCAITI's Brent Fullard at the Halloween Vigil Ottawa Oct 31, 2007\n\nDick Schmeelk \"Confessions of a Carpetbagger\"\n\nSeymour Schulich on BNN with Amanda Lang\n\nBrent Fullard on BNN May 14, 2007\n\nCAITI's new radio spot as a video!"], "url": "http://caiti-online.blogspot.com/2008/07/locusts-are-back-us-private-equity.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["bfbc9778ec10ed58c16d224bf2085d43255d65bfa2704cc3b33e28dcecbaeae9"], "__index_level_0__": 65, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", 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Two of which were these really great vintage quilts that were from the 30'S or 40's. I loved them right away, and since they only needed minor repairs I inquired as to what they cost, since I couldn't find a price tag. It turns out they were a steal... so I bought them and came home quite elated.\nSo in the mean time I have worked on repairing them.\nThis is the first one I have finished. It only had one real issue with it and was that the binding was totally ruined. My mom helped me to pick out some reproduction fabric from that around that time, and I worked on it in between riding in the car and watching movies.", null, "The finished product really makes me happy.\n\nI love the colors and the fact that it was entirely hand stitched.", null, "This is the material that we chose . It has these little bunnies on it flying planes.\n\nI really love all the fabric from the 20's, 30's and 40's.", null, null, "The bright yellow shapes are what really drew me to this one. It reminded me of these cookies I made for a cultural project in my Spanish class called Alfajores. Probably since it looks like a cookie shape cutter to me, or a flower. Either way I love it.\n(Photo from here)", null, "I really have an urge to make these cookies all of a sudden.\nHappy Friday!\nXOXO, Callie\nthe magical bean\nPosted by themagicalbean at 6:11 AM", "Labels: fabric, handsewn, sewing, vintage quilt", "Monica said...\n\noh wow, that is amazing!\n\nI'm not surprised you're happy... it's beautiful, you lucky girl."], "url": "http://calliethemagicalbean.blogspot.com/2011/01/vintage-quilt.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["2b243500b04e9e2f4426c04ae23db15d61f7bde2d9adfd5d525cd23834c71696", 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I quote from Wikipedia about Yuriy Dolgorukiy:\n\nIn 1108, Yuri was sent by his father to govern in his name the vast Rostov-Suzdal province in the north-east of Kievan Rus'. In 1121, he quarreled with the boyars of Rostov and moved the capital of his lands from that city to Suzdal.\n\nIn short, Suzdal in fact, got it's significance ahead of Moscow.\n\nAnd I arrived in Suzdal with everything opposite to what I had experienced in Moscow: the surroundings, and the climate. There were no top brands, glamorous hotels, let alone metros. The ground was buried under snow. The air was filled with fluffs of snow. Let me show you.", null, "As an old city that stands still in time, Suzdal is today on the itinerary of many tourists in Russia, although I assume are mostly Russians. The touristy atmosphere was emphasized by several tourist carriages such as this one. When I zoomed in the photo, I realized that the coach had been greeting me.", null, "Antique Bar? Or do you need a taxi, instead?", null, "I heard that fortresses had been built in Suzdal. I wonder, if this is the remnant of one.", null, "Wikitravel says: a number of wooden structures from other parts of Russia were transported here, and the whole city was converted into an 'open-air museum'. That's very true.", null, "Uhm, windows on the ground. You won't believe it if I tell you I'm always fascinated by windows of semi-basement like this house.", null, "But of course, as many of you probably know already, my greatest fascination is about the little window sashes.", null, "Just another example.", null, "No little window sash, looking modern. I'm curious how the small garden behind the wooden fence would look like in summer", null, "Like the buildings on Nikolaskaya Street in Moscow, this building is (partly?) covered by an image.", null, "However, I'm not so sure from where to where does the image covers. Including the scratches or not? Maybe it is just over the windows?", null, "The photo above is a close up of the one below. I wonder why this building had been painted all in white whereas the ornaments on top were in green and red. Green and red on top of white would have brought a strong touch, wouldn't it?", null, "Yuhuy! Come closer!", null, "I love this gate! It reminds me of my story book when I was a kid, but I don't remember what title. Fairytale-like, indeed is Suzdal.", null, "But Wikitravel says: locals feel that certain aspects of the town are on the cusp of being \"Disney-fied\" Well... for me, there's nothing more Disney than this Matryoshka doll. Yes, it's a Matryoshka.", null, "Lift up Pooh's head.", null, null, "And then...", null, "I had always thought that Matryoshkas are all of lady figures.", null, "Here's to give you a picture of the size. The measure is in centimeters.\n\nIf I hadn't have still a long journey, I would have spent much in this souvenir shop. And if I hadn't hesitated in front of this shop, I would have never seen Pooh and his friends in Matryoshka. I hesitated -- in fact, twice -- because I was confused whether or not it was opened. The sign in front of the building seemed like \"museum\". And then when I was just about to walk away, a lady opened the door and called out,\n\n\"Come in! Shop, shop!\" in English.\n\n\"Yes, shop! Come in!\"\n\n\"Muzey?\" I pointed at the signboard.\n\n\"Muzey and shop! Come in!\"\n\nThe museum, which turned out not to be of my interest, was on the right side of the door entrance. The shop was to the left. And that was... tempting. Nevertheless, above all the tinkle twinkle in the shop, what I most wanted was a mini samovar which had a tap on the side, the one like Mishka's in Masha and the Bear.\n\nPosted by automidori 18:12 Archived in Russia Tagged art architecture russia suzdal wooden_house matryoshka winnie_the_pooh", "Previous Next Table of contents\n\nSonja, thank you! Your blog have finally motivated me to travel my own country.\nI took my sister with me and now we are almost at the end of Golden Ring tour. I am writing from Uglich, we were at Susdal on Monday and Tuesday.\nThank you, I probably would have put it off again and again without reading your impressions and seeing your photos.\n\nby Saioko\n\nKatya, great to hear that! I consider it a reward and honor whenever I know what I did had inspired someone. Wow, Golden Ring! Originally I had put more of the Golden Ring on my itinerary. But then I found some other interesting places in Moscow whilst it was totally impossible to add even just one more day to my trip.\n\nYou have such a fascinating country. While I make a journey one third of the globe just to get there, you should explore, savor, all...because you are just there."], "url": "http://callmesonja.travellerspoint.com/150/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 422, "original_width": 750, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 750, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 750, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 750, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 750, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 566, "original_width": 800, "width": 534}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 750, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 750, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 750, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 750, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 571, "original_width": 800, "width": 529}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 750, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 750, "width": 567}, {"height": 671, "original_height": 750, "original_width": 422, "width": 378}, {"height": 671, "original_height": 750, "original_width": 422, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 422, "original_width": 750, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 422, "original_width": 750, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 422, "original_width": 750, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 422, "original_width": 750, "width": 671}], "image_hashes": ["d519b5a186882201fb83bb0d97c27dccd7c26dd0e31e2bce345c8522ff5285ae", "92002b00e3c80e5ec14da014aaf71a1e4e4f4c24230e87f11e59dd833d0ceb16", "379e6de3e732385c2b665bb5157ac6126dbd374d7b9a6af071e46762afc52b95", "9f9596ce80be7dea8b00669076beb5393f8934e9ef8053b1816630ef18bd4848", "4cea04eb5bafb93d9e65eec19a2483aab8527d54e11ef09438e78f7d049baa3a", "71f9fdb7f5dcfa62930a9508bf63518994b6f472312237d696c9f26f36f6f682", "ad0bbcb6ed637db78862b9f057d89af4befc5c30a562defdc574f70c182721c0", "f02f4b25f0f9999f26442ea666fe57f21dbed0b203f00a423a00be3d30c465b4", "4e8cf66f553c84608e4f0cb83eee158a8417560b57fa1d807a2fa631d5f42fd8", "533ed61f3fdb56efae0ee6e959b84a581e6847f8626ef7647b8a5f72b352817a", "25f68b11c3301396765e3f8b762dac4afca4afc2c7ccf0acaabb39310db90549", "5bb1bbd73ba7bdefc0da5d1432072b7b87cf7a05b8012eca12c3535c96e0fd5d", "0ecd38c6a3992d9b0f11ae04e72b8eecfb7edd213d540839302db3e148b954ec", "ec50a66099aa72ea8e8d8bfda3dcd638bc2661eabcae01690f24f3caf486afd9", "2ba9c2d050da18da15483d3e625df11e8e44c6804e87b09f7f900f6de919dd40", "b12aba6e08c54273c45aad14f208ffea6cd3125a932ff5b4cf4e9620b7a507cb", "d8aac518df8b1b06ea708caa73d5eca1476de7632c50e258c2594fc940d97e0c", "37b33b6d6ff2035d32b85760de8e9f0f93eac68c4d7df9ae8d643aec616f926a", "830685eef504eca6ccf3fe910ff5f06faebd6e3a9850f66d9700f361e12f6718"], "__index_level_0__": 67, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Hmk9g-EJacU/UU4jRF7SkwI/AAAAAAAAALw/7LRQ9NYB17s/s320/P1020864.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9463098049163818}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://carolmacconnell.blogspot.com/2013/03/encaustic-painting.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Hmk9g-EJacU/UU4jRF7SkwI/AAAAAAAAALw/7LRQ9NYB17s/s320/P1020864.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Hmk9g-EJacU/UU4jRF7SkwI/AAAAAAAAALw/7LRQ9NYB17s/s320/P1020864.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null]", "texts": [null, "This is a recent encaustic painting that I did. 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To read more about encaustics, click on the encaustics link to go to my website for a more detailed description."], "url": "http://carolmacconnell.blogspot.com/2013/03/encaustic-painting.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["774c153f7256608490a36c261a55ee565d4bba6d277c3995df566cb6ade86723"], "__index_level_0__": 68, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3TrRHd5aYjo/T96a7THn46I/AAAAAAAAAIE/TbxcOhulSW8/s400/iowndawn-300-front-final.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9304660558700562}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://casablancaauthors.blogspot.com/2012/06/fine-art-of-juggling.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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I'm a complete and certified klutz. No, really.\n\nI took this series of tests once to determine what possible careers I'd be good at and my single lowest score, by a 30% margin, was manual dexterity. My penmanship was actually outlawed in tenth grade and for high school graduation I received two gifts: new skis for me and an electric typewriter (dating myself there) for my professors. When I use a ruler to draw a straight line, I get a thumb-bump (you know, where the pen bumps against your thumb and screws up the line) and then the ruler slips and I get a dragging curve that swoops down the page.\n\nMy kid tried to teach me juggling with soft little bean bags... I broke things. The fact that I can type at all or ride my bike without falling off is a modern miracle. But lately I've been having some great juggling practice.\n\nIn the last 7 days I've (in order) received feedback from my first readers on Book IV of \"The Night Stalkers\" series, received editorial feedback on Book III, started gearing up the marketing on I Own the Dawn (book II coming out August 1st), and received the ARC (Advanced Reader Copy). Check out the cool cover! (Thank you Sourcebooks!)", null, "Add to that a recent promotion to take over and fix a department at my day job that was in real trouble (and all the overtime that implies) and I start to discover, maybe I'm not so bad at juggling.\n\nThis is where the \"writer-mode\" effect kicks in and saves your sanity. Had a friend who ended up in ER rather abruptly one day (I guess that's the only way you end up there). And she and her husband, rather than focusing on the fear, began to watch and analyze the setting around them using one basic question: How can I use this in a book?\n\nI think about the stretching that has occurred inside my brainpan trying to juggle three books in my head and a new (read as stressful) job. And I only just figured out how I'm keeping my sanity. I'm going to take my problems and give them to my next character. They think they've got the situation under control? Here comes something new. Think they'll escape this time? Guess again. Think being heroic is enough?\n\nHeroic is never enough. You have to dig somewhere deeper. Somewhere down where passion lies. Because when you pursue that about which you are passionate, that's where the real fun lies.\n\nThat's when the juggling becomes easy.\nML Buchman\nPosted by M. L. Buchman at 3:01 AM", "Labels: Black Hawk, helicopters, I Own the Dawn, juggling, military, military romance, ML Buchman, Romance, SOAR 160th, The Night Stalkers", "Sites We Love!", "Our Fabulous Authors\n\n*Website links attached to our lovely (and handsome) faces", "Brooklyn Ann", "Adriana Anders", "Jane Ashford", "Asa Maria Bradley", "Linda Broday", "Sherri Browning", "Ashlyn Chase", "Samantha Chase", "Gina Conkle", "Christy English", "Amanda Forester", "Shana Galen", "Marie Harte", "Vivien Jackson", "Kasey Lane", "Nothing Like a Duke", "Heart of a Texas Cowboy", "Juliet Lyons", "Dating the Undead", "Sharon Sala", "A Piece of My Heart"], "url": "http://casablancaauthors.blogspot.com/2012/06/fine-art-of-juggling.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 619, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 244, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["593bb5b4c6bda2cb22da49ab3caa25a580d990e05f76b36e1ad9a3666710dd64"], "__index_level_0__": 69, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://casid.isp.msu.edu/files/cache/61508bb7ab69ff22bcc074ea66c771d5_f630.jpg", "https://casid.isp.msu.edu/files/cache/35eef61d71e18f74e71df4b616865311_f625.jpg", "https://casid.isp.msu.edu/files/cache/70c3a90c9084a158994ee3315ea5ed34_f585.jpg", "https://casid.isp.msu.edu/files/cache/b11fded9f28dae10d55e3d16388515b9_f624.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6773137450218201}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://casid.isp.msu.edu/academics/undergraduate-minors/courses/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/files/cache/61508bb7ab69ff22bcc074ea66c771d5_f630.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://casid.isp.msu.edu/files/cache/61508bb7ab69ff22bcc074ea66c771d5_f630.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bb ab ff bcc ea c d f\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://casid.isp.msu.edu/academics/undergraduate-minors/courses/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/files/cache/35eef61d71e18f74e71df4b616865311_f625.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://casid.isp.msu.edu/files/cache/35eef61d71e18f74e71df4b616865311_f625.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eef d e f e df b f\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://casid.isp.msu.edu/academics/undergraduate-minors/courses/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/files/cache/70c3a90c9084a158994ee3315ea5ed34_f585.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://casid.isp.msu.edu/files/cache/70c3a90c9084a158994ee3315ea5ed34_f585.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c a c a ee ea ed f\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://casid.isp.msu.edu/academics/undergraduate-minors/courses/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/files/cache/b11fded9f28dae10d55e3d16388515b9_f624.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://casid.isp.msu.edu/files/cache/b11fded9f28dae10d55e3d16388515b9_f624.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b fded f dae d e d b f\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Undergraduate Minor Requirements\n\nIn the fall of 2015, the CASID and the College of Social Science began offering the Global Studies in Social Science undergraduate minor for students who want to add a global interdisciplinary element to their coursework and learn how global systems and cultures influence international relations and national trends.\n\nStudents must meet the following requirements.\n\nCredit Requirements\n\nComplete a minimum of 15 credits in courses at the 200 level or above excluding any credits in courses that are used to satisfy the Foreign Language Proficiency requirement referenced in item 2. below. Not more than 4 of the 15 credits may be in 200–level courses.\n\nForeign Language Proficiency\n\nDemonstrate proficiency in a modern foreign language equivalent to four semesters of study at the university level. The results of the Michigan State University foreign language placement test will be considered in determining whether or not the student has fulfilled this requirement. The student is encouraged to complete a fifth semester of study in the language that focuses on the culture, history, and literature of a developing region of the world.\n\nConceptual Courses\n\nComplete at least two of the following courses that are in a field other than the student's major (6 credits):\n\n4. Regional Courses: Complete at least one course in any one of the following four geographic areas:\n\nAfrica and the Middle East\n\nANP 416   Anthropology of Southern Africa   (3 credits)\n\nANP 419   Anthropology of the Middle East   (3 credits)\n\nEC 414   Economic Analysis of Sub–Saharan Africa (W)   (3 credits)\n\nGEO 338   Geography of Africa   (3 credits)\n\nGEO 339   Geography of the Middle East and North Africa   (3 credits)\n\nHST 208   Introduction to African History, Culture and Society   (4 credits)\n\nHST 361   African History since 1800   (3 credits)\n\nHST 364   South Africa: From Shaka Zulu to Mandela   (3 credits)\n\nHST 373   The Modern Middle East: From Empires to Nation States   (3 credits)\n\nHST 450   Special Topics in African History   (3 credits)\n\nHST 484   Seminar in African History (W)   (3 credits)\n\nMC 324A   Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in the Middle East   (4 credits)\n\nMC 324B   Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in Sub–Saharan Africa   (4 credits)\n\nPLS 346   Middle East Politics   (3 credits)\n\nPLS 351   African Politics   (3 credits)\n\nANP 414   Anthropology of South Asia   (3 credits)\n\nANP 415   China: Culture and Society   (3 credits)\n\nANP 437   Asian Emigrant Communities: A Global Perspective   (3 credits)\n\nEC 413   Economic Analysis of Asia (W)   (3 credits)\n\nGEO 337   Geography of Asia-Pacific   (3 credits)\n\nHST 210   Modern East Asia   (4 credits)\n\nHST 367   Imperial China   (3 credits)\n\nHST 368   China since 1900   (3 credits)\n\nHST 369   Japan to 1800   (3 credits)\n\nHST 370   Japan Since 1800   (3 credits)\n\nHST 451   Special Topics in Asian History   (3 credits)\n\nHST 485   Seminar in Asian History (W)   (3 credits)\n\nMC 323   Japanese Foreign Policy   (4 credits)\n\nMC 324D   Regional Politics, Cooperation and Conflict in Asia   (4 credits)\n\nPLS 354   Politics of Asia   (3 credits)\n\nEC 406   Economic Analysis of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (W)   (3 credits)\n\nGEO 336   Geography of Europe   (3 credits)\n\nGEO 340   Geography of Eurasia   (3 credits)\n\nHST 336   Contemporary Europe, 1870 to Present   (3 credits)\n\nHST 342   Modern East-Central Europe   (3 credits)\n\nHST 344   Russia in the Twentieth Century   (3 credits)\n\nHST 348   Modern Germany   (3 credits)\n\nHST 452   Special Topics in European History   (3 credits)\n\nMC 328   Russian Foreign Policy   (4 credits)\n\nPLS 356   Politics of Europe and the European Union   (3 credits)\n\nPLS 358   Politics of the U.S.S.R. and Its Successor States   (3 credits)\n\nLatin America and the Caribbean\n\nANP 410   Anthropology of Latin America   (3 credits)\n\nEC 412   Economic Analysis of Latin America (W)   (3 credits)\n\nGEO 335   Geography of Latin America   (3 credits)\n\nHST 212   National Latin America   (3 credits)\n\nHST 382   Modern Brazil   (3 credits)\n\nHST 383    The Caribbean   (3 credits)\n\nHST 384   Modern Mexico   (3 credits)\n\nHST 453   Special Topics in Latin American History   (3 credits)\n\nHST 486   Seminar in Latin American History (W)   (3 credits)\n\nMC 324C   Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in Latin America and the Caribbean   (3 credits)\n\n5.Field Experience, Internship, Thesis, or Independent Study (3 or 4 credits). Complete one of the following three options:\n\n6. Senior–level Seminar Course (3 or 4 credits). Complete one course with significant global content, approved by the College of Social Science academic advisor for the Global Studies in Social Science minor.", null, null, null, null], "url": "http://casid.isp.msu.edu/academics/undergraduate-minors/courses/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 545, "original_width": 800, "width": 554}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 545, "original_width": 800, "width": 554}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 545, "original_width": 800, "width": 554}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 439, "original_width": 548, "width": 471}], "image_hashes": ["484c3c6252c97ad698b995f0897f9d6a3aa9bb157e255256e21cc1a7176cec61", "ee2018af0cb8221dfd77d0c80126292977742d2de5d25086523ad2bbc0a6edef", "68e194874f703587d6cccfea03574ec778e2d46939f593f5bfe82f3a36f2bfc8", "5fb6a21fc43e459855f539a784cfbf6886868d97d0ef49b829486ac6e06590a3"], "__index_level_0__": 70, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, 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I had a nice, long, well-deserved vacation at the end of the year (12/20-1/1!), and was supposed to be back in the office Thursday, but then weather happened and I worked from home Thursday and Friday, instead. This finally feels like a weekend, after the dreaminess of a long vacation where you don't have many plans, and I can't believe it's over already.\n\nFriday night I finished watching Torchwood, while starting a(nother) Bloody Stupid Johnson. I've knit the damn thing before, so you'd think I'd be able to figure out the pattern, but apparently not. Saturday I spent a good part of the day cleaning the kitchen, before I moved on to reupholstering a chair that had once been my brother's desk chair.", "I moved into my current place, a house with four roommates, in September, but due to the craziness of 2013, I was gone more than I was here, or at least, that's what it feels like. We have a little nook that serves as a dining area, with a skinny table in it. And, until Thanksgiving, only one chair. I'd mentioned to my mom that I wanted to acquire more chairs from Good Will, and I came home with this chair, covered in a filthy off-white fabric (too filthy for pictures).", "So now we have two chairs! I bought fabric from Joann's almost immediately, but I didn't have the time to deal with the chair until yesterday. Now it makes me happy to look at--I'm not much for orange and yellow, but this one is very cheerful (and appears more orange than white in real life--in the picures, the effect is generally reversed).", "On top of all that, I went to the grocery store and spent a stupid amount of money, and then reorganized my section of the pantry, and packed lunch and snacks for tomorrow. Luckily I've gotten some more knitting and TV time in (Star Trek and Haven--really good by the way and on Netflix!), and now I'm thinking it's time for one more episode of Haven before Downton Abbey.\nPosted by Stiney at 7:47 PM 1 comment: Links to this post", "Labels: chair, projects\n\nThursday, January 2, 2014\n\nFinish It 1 of 4\n\nWhen I said that including the Mock Colorwork Fleckle Mitts in my \"Frog It Or Finish It\" review, I wasn't kidding. I knit up the thumbs and wove in my ends while watching Torchwood Season 4 last night (wtf American Torchwood. at least Jack was naked that one time).\n\nI knit the small size. And also the medium, I think--I think I made the medium on the first glove, forgot, and started the second one as a small. They fit nearly the same.\n\nI used size 2s instead of the 4s the pattern called for--I didn't like the fabric I was getting on the larger needles. These are quite snug and stiff, but I'm happy with them (even if my new FitBit is causing an unsightly lump). I have smallish hands, I think.\n\nThe yarn is the called-for yarn, since I got one of the kits--A Hundred Ravens Iachos, a fantastic fingering weight yarn that comes in gorgeous colors. Mine is in Ironwood and Lothlorien. (I am shocked and appalled that Chrome doesn't know the word Lothlorien.) This is my fourth project from her yarn, and they've all been stunning. It blocks awesome, too.\n\nI finished these just in time to wear them in my chilly house today--Boston is in a snow emergency and I worked from home today, and we keep the house chilly during the day. They kept my fingers warm while I started to catch up on the 105 emails I received during my 13 days of vacation.\nPosted by Stiney at 10:30 PM No comments: Links to this post", "Wednesday, January 1, 2014\n\nReview, Preview", null, null, null, null, "Also in October 2011, I started a Lacy Baktus.", null, null, null, "And there we have it--starting 2014 shed of the weight of four projects, and determined to finish another four."], "url": "http://cawthraven.blogspot.com/2014_01_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 375, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 375, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 375, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 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You'll find it throughout the site.", "Premium eats.\n\nI am fond of the development of up-and-coming, small but special food brands.", null, "To have and to hold.\n\nThere is nothing like a book, and making them is close to my heart.  There are two on this site.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://charlotte-moore.net/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 675, "original_width": 1000, "width": 560}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["14ff2c4a9d0664b921bb44591622eb90fab7d67e45b953e97c2ba7f631400cff", "e55baa616bfff0dcfe0a27c223c2414608c1f6c896ff47cc0ecc48331ea3b2ea", "c47468ecbe8c37316ac0ddcc4f2e5fb64054441631aa3e5663af3bd4c5c9e545", "30f4a84c35d1ba9f1e5442690cf8c4f972c3a10e1756712a57960c9f933fb098", "b2634f76ef7049722c34b192bfb55142fa02c1bdb85ccc6624359c3be2b6954d", "765705bc0b07a4ebe46bc7a8a15e57cfbfb525a82911edc5b490c1ed4caa08dc", "78fc408669b194f11163297e8868e3c9ca6c891189cb4e88f831a9b65edf4011", "d1810e87ca75bd98f078037238a37050323c8beca30bad3c8930e9f26bec8908", "e6d94cabf24092c586da3a50064a28d8768d6328b43194947b5f86e2ba342a28", "6497bd48d0c019d042cae347779200dc7feb994d01fbf15e3d0c781c6191dccb"], "__index_level_0__": 72, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-UrR5ZQm2LAc/Us4lcU3Jb_I/AAAAAAAANn4/x45ZOfMTz7w/s640/blogger-image--2040792726.jpg", "https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-SvKNCKCpmO8/Us4lfIyrWII/AAAAAAAANoA/hdk9OdaQKqM/s640/blogger-image-683894188.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.983801007270813}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://chasingcallie.blogspot.com/2014/01/for-dogs.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-UrR5ZQm2LAc/Us4lcU3Jb_I/AAAAAAAANn4/x45ZOfMTz7w/s640/blogger-image--2040792726.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-UrR5ZQm2LAc/Us4lcU3Jb_I/AAAAAAAANn4/x45ZOfMTz7w/s640/blogger-image--2040792726.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blogger image\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://chasingcallie.blogspot.com/2014/01/for-dogs.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-SvKNCKCpmO8/Us4lfIyrWII/AAAAAAAANoA/hdk9OdaQKqM/s640/blogger-image-683894188.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-SvKNCKCpmO8/Us4lfIyrWII/AAAAAAAANoA/hdk9OdaQKqM/s640/blogger-image-683894188.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blogger image\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, January 8, 2014\n\nfor the dogs!!\n\nCallie and GiJu made cookies for the dogs today. Callie enjoys cooking anything she can help with. This time it was pumpkin molasses dog cookies. When they were done she was feeding the dogs but kept nibbling a bite off each cookie. I said Callie those are for the dogs!! But she didn't listen and kept nibbling, just one bit out of each cookie she gave them. They are made out of all real human food ingredients but don't have sugar or butter or all the good stuff in human cookies. So it's not terrible she are them but I don't know why she kept trying them. I snapped her photo putting them all away in the jar and nibbling a few as she put them in. Crazy kid!", null, null], "url": "http://chasingcallie.blogspot.com/2014/01/for-dogs.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["5c4f398ec9188706d9882d87f7c4842caf73520906a080eb1ad4e0b4d744c724", "48dc667fafb1cb5e221773b239d1fb5c5d33c2731551657d9ffb9d9bf44a749b"], "__index_level_0__": 73, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://images1.americanlisted.com/nlarge/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl-americanlisted_31849647.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8518677353858948}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://chipley.americanlisted.com/32428/houses/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl_24149187.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/img/americanListed_list.png\", \"src\": \"https://chipley.americanlisted.com/img/americanListed_list.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"americanListed list\", \"alt_text\": \"Americanlisted Classifieds\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://chipley.americanlisted.com/32428/houses/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl_24149187.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images1.americanlisted.com/nlarge/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl-americanlisted_31849647.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images1.americanlisted.com/nlarge/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl-americanlisted_31849647.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"payne lakes rd vernon fl americanlisted\", \"alt_text\": \"3545 PAYNE LAKES RD, Vernon, FL\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://chipley.americanlisted.com/32428/houses/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl_24149187.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images1.americanlisted.com/nsmall/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl-americanlisted_31849647.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images1.americanlisted.com/nsmall/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl-americanlisted_31849647.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"payne lakes rd vernon fl americanlisted\", \"alt_text\": \"3545 PAYNE LAKES RD, Vernon, FL\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://chipley.americanlisted.com/32428/houses/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl_24149187.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.americanlisted.com/img/social/pinterest.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.americanlisted.com/img/social/pinterest.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pinterest\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://chipley.americanlisted.com/32428/houses/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl_24149187.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.americanlisted.com/img/social/facebook.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.americanlisted.com/img/social/facebook.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://chipley.americanlisted.com/32428/houses/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl_24149187.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.americanlisted.com/img/social/twitter.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.americanlisted.com/img/social/twitter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://chipley.americanlisted.com/32428/houses/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl_24149187.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.americanlisted.com/img/social/google-plus.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.americanlisted.com/img/social/google-plus.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"google plus\", \"alt_text\": \"Share on Google+\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://chipley.americanlisted.com/32428/houses/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl_24149187.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.americanlisted.com/img/social/reddit.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.americanlisted.com/img/social/reddit.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"reddit\", \"alt_text\": \"Share on Reddit\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Go fishing anytime you like at this lake-side log cabin home only a 35 minute drive to Panama City Beach! This home was custom built in 2005 and the sellers spared no expense and left no detail untouched. Cypress beams, fireplace, loft bedroom, whirlpool tub, a log cabin bath, double decks and a dock...the list goes on and on! You can relax in comfort and style and enjoy the seclusion of Payne Lake, but if you yearn for a day on the beach or a shopping excursion at the new Pier Park (with its 70+ stores and restaurants), you won't have to travel far. This 1.2 acre lot offers quiet sounds of nature and privacy and you'll love the view of Payne Lake from virtually every room in the home. Is it your turn to live in paradise? Call today and don't let this dream home get away! All info approx and must be verified by Buyers if important."], "url": "http://chipley.americanlisted.com/32428/houses/3545-payne-lakes-rd-vernon-fl_24149187.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["138a8451b949ccd26fbaf0654b475ecf60a60c7eeafa135929aee6cdf43e793b"], "__index_level_0__": 74, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S4jV6mxYgFA/UzrB25w4QNI/AAAAAAAACyU/Q_r6IjgmWYo/s1600/normal+lunch.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OIDNnbLcRh8/UzrB7iUymBI/AAAAAAAACyc/ikK_HuMCIEc/s1600/fool+lunch.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SpWcyb7K2Wg/UzrCBbhSg2I/AAAAAAAACyk/5LjReb8-tKw/s1600/cookies.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9052802324295044}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://chrissiecrafts.blogspot.com/2014/04/april-fool.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S4jV6mxYgFA/UzrB25w4QNI/AAAAAAAACyU/Q_r6IjgmWYo/s1600/normal+lunch.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S4jV6mxYgFA/UzrB25w4QNI/AAAAAAAACyU/Q_r6IjgmWYo/s1600/normal+lunch.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"normal lunch\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 424}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://chrissiecrafts.blogspot.com/2014/04/april-fool.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OIDNnbLcRh8/UzrB7iUymBI/AAAAAAAACyc/ikK_HuMCIEc/s1600/fool+lunch.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OIDNnbLcRh8/UzrB7iUymBI/AAAAAAAACyc/ikK_HuMCIEc/s1600/fool+lunch.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fool lunch\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 424}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://chrissiecrafts.blogspot.com/2014/04/april-fool.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SpWcyb7K2Wg/UzrCBbhSg2I/AAAAAAAACyk/5LjReb8-tKw/s1600/cookies.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SpWcyb7K2Wg/UzrCBbhSg2I/AAAAAAAACyk/5LjReb8-tKw/s1600/cookies.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cookies\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 241}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://chrissiecrafts.blogspot.com/2014/04/april-fool.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-z_RZ5Bcu0Ow/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAEH4/2jy_RBnzWPM/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-z_RZ5Bcu0Ow/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAEH4/2jy_RBnzWPM/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, 1 April 2014\n\nApril Fool!\n\nBunny’s typical lunch for school:", null, "Bunny’s lunch today:", null, "I even included a crochet chocolate chip cookie:", null, "Because that’s the kind of mom I am!\n\n*For those concerned, Bunny’s teacher had her “real” lunch tucked away; I made sure that, following a sufficient period of bewilderment, merriment and mild embarrassment, Bunny would receive it!"], "url": "http://chrissiecrafts.blogspot.com/2014/04/april-fool.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 464, "original_width": 700, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 464, "original_width": 700, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 700, "width": 624}], "image_hashes": ["5c9299b421d8bc06a1a710816c33c15846aaea321765b6cdc37a872eb8d67fda", "8ea3333428f17f840ff6e4c9084029794d11015b4ae7b7487d2c3f510a0f28c3", "b107a5f79c5544d57bd28f80357c08cf48dc40163312d7127998abbd84d7bca3"], "__index_level_0__": 75, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_3ecpieCT-rw/SYO9H_x4VrI/AAAAAAAAAc0/Yl2bWtr4hn0/s320/earth.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9714641571044922}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://christianruminations.blogspot.com/2009/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_3ecpieCT-rw/SYO9H_x4VrI/AAAAAAAAAc0/Yl2bWtr4hn0/s320/earth.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_3ecpieCT-rw/SYO9H_x4VrI/AAAAAAAAAc0/Yl2bWtr4hn0/s320/earth.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"earth\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://christianruminations.blogspot.com/2009/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//bp1.blogger.com/_3ecpieCT-rw/R2eqrz9ViuI/AAAAAAAAACA/NI7K6g3FiP0/S220-s80/Haji+Christmas.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_3ecpieCT-rw/R2eqrz9ViuI/AAAAAAAAACA/NI7K6g3FiP0/S220-s80/Haji+Christmas.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Haji Christmas\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://christianruminations.blogspot.com/2009/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_3ecpieCT-rw/R2eyMD9VivI/AAAAAAAAACI/ODnWh_EVNTI/S180/100_4536.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_3ecpieCT-rw/R2eyMD9VivI/AAAAAAAAACI/ODnWh_EVNTI/S180/100_4536.JPG\", \"alt_text\": \"Haceta Head Lighthouse\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 113}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, January 30, 2009\n\nSuper bowl Sunday", null, "As the 2009 Superbowl aproaches, I pause to remember that what matters is not which team wins, or loses, but is it a good game? Is the game one sided, or was it a good contest. I do not particularly care which team will win. What does matter, though, is whether or not we are on the winning team for all eternity. Jesus and Lucifer are in a constant battle for our souls. Jesus has already won the battle of all eternity, but Lucifer (Satan) refuses to admit defeat, even though he knows his time is short. He knows his end is in defeat, but still acts as a spoiler, trying to fool, and lead away as many of God's children as he can. God's Word, the Bible, says that the devil is prowling the world, like a lion looking for souls to devour, because he knows his time is short. Jesus paid for our debt, yes our debt, as all sin separates us from God. Since He was sinless, He died for us. He is the quarterback of God's winning team. The team that wins for all eternity. So repent of your sin, and join the winning team. Say yes to Jesus, and ask Him to forgive you of your sins."], "url": "http://christianruminations.blogspot.com/2009/01/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 410, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 295, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b7fbbe1d9b0f2bcd076498b67e9ea52937066b16986f87ed8217b788af692f02"], "__index_level_0__": 76, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1911-12-21/ed-1/seq-4/thumbnail.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7720909118652344}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1911-12-21/ed-1/seq-4/ocr/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/lccn/sn83045487/1911-12-21/ed-1/seq-4/thumbnail.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1911-12-21/ed-1/seq-4/thumbnail.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thumbnail\", \"alt_text\": \"Thumbnail for \"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Money in U. S. Treasury (Approximate) $1,340,000,000\nPersonal fortune of J. Ogden Armour 100,000,000\nInvestment in Armour & Cx 85,000,000\nPersonal fortune of Arthur Meeker . . . 5,000,000\nPersonal fortune of Thomas J. Connors 1,000,000\nInvestment in Swift & Co 70,000,000 ,\nPersonal fortune of Louis F. Swift 20,000,000\nPersonal fortune of Edward F. Swift 15,000,000\nPersonal fortune of Charles H. Swift : . .. 15,000,000\nPersonal fortune of Francis- A. Fowler 3,000,000\nInvestment in .Morris & Co 50,000,000\nPersonal fortune of Edward Morris 25,000,000\nPersonal fortune of Louis H. Heyman 1,000,000\nInvestment in National Packing Company . 15,000,000\nPersonal fortune of Edward Tilden '5,000,000\nTotal of personal fortunes of defendants. $ 190,000,000\nTotal investment in beef trust 220,000,000\nTotal of investments in enterprises controlled or\nlargely dictated by defendants (estimated) . . . 1,000,000,000\nGrand Total of Beef Trust Investments and Pri-\nvate Fortunes of Principles $1,410,000,000\nPack up your things for Fresh Lick Springs\nTo see the fine ladies with diamonds and rings;\nvGems on her fingers and more on. her ears,\nShe's drawn alimony for 20 odd years."], "url": "http://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045487/1911-12-21/ed-1/seq-4/ocr/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 555, "original_height": 294, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2ee980464d1abf2c04bd3902689e1319c0966dcac9f01261e428f05035fc1c05"], "__index_level_0__": 77, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3lncVnML1Ew/UKDaICVpc-I/AAAAAAAAAKo/uvz2uWHT9Wk/s1600/blogger.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.921038031578064}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://clipping-path.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3lncVnML1Ew/UKDaICVpc-I/AAAAAAAAAKo/uvz2uWHT9Wk/s1600/blogger.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3lncVnML1Ew/UKDaICVpc-I/AAAAAAAAAKo/uvz2uWHT9Wk/s1600/blogger.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blogger\", \"alt_text\": \"About Dewan Shuvo\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://clipping-path.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_iSk4YoZCoeo/SovzfInzVdI/AAAAAAAAAEU/o6FL15UU04E/S1600-R/Masking.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_iSk4YoZCoeo/SovzfInzVdI/AAAAAAAAAEU/o6FL15UU04E/S1600-R/Masking.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Masking\", \"alt_text\": \"Online Overnight Offshore Outsourcing\", \"rendered_width\": 669, \"rendered_height\": 1600}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, August 19, 2009\n\nTradexcel Graphics: Quick, Cost-effective Clipping Path and Image Solution for Online Retailer\n\nTradexcel Graphics Ltd (TGL) provides graphic solution for product image to online retailer from Bangladesh (located in Indian sub-continent). TGL delivers clipping path, background removing, drop shadow and some other photoshop services that are everyday necessities for online shops. Here finest quality meets the best affordable price within quickest turnaround time.\n\nOur services are comparable to international standards. Therefore, our clients find us the handiest counterpart as an outsourcing co-worker for their online product image rather than recruiting an in-house team for the same. We provide a bunch of related image solution service under same servable umbrella.\n\nOur main services include\n# Clipping path: Cut object (product) from an image through its edge to pull out it for other necessary usages.\n\n# Background removing: Drop down the background of a clipped image (product). It is very important to present a product very distinctively.\n\n# Drop shadow/natural drop shadow: Artificially created shadow that gives the image (product) a three dimensional look. It helps to put depth of an image and makes it vibrant.\n\n# Image resizing/cropping: To convert image into a newer size or resolution to make it optimized for website. Cropping also helps to give up the unnecessary part of the image and makes it lighter for web.\n\n# Straightening: To rotate or change perspective of an image so that it can get a straight, vivid look. It is very important for product photography. Product should appear with a straight, attractive façade as if it has been speaking out for itself.\n\n# Dust removing/retouching: Sometimes it is essential to remove dust or other unnecessary objects from an image to highlight the product in it. A spotless, pristine image helps selling.\n\n# Renaming and Meta Tagging for Catalog: Photographs always named in a camera memory according to camera format. Everyday a large number of photos are being preserved in photographer’s or retailer’s archive. It is very difficult to find out an old photo from such store. Renaming and meta tagging are important for a user friendly online or offline archive or catalog.\n\n100% Quality:\nClients, looking for an affordable service from any outsourcing provider, must appraise their quality on various parameters. Quality of a house largely depends on its expertise and experience. TGL has been working in this pitch since 2001. Our people work in a versatile team, consists of expert graphic designers and creative artists, for production and quality checking. We pick the best among the bests as our employee; we train him as a world class workman. We offer all related services through a single channel that literally means a total solution to our client. We give guarantee for a 100% quality that never decreases even to 99.99%. Client can attempt a free trial available in our website.\n\nCheap? Free? Or Cost-effective?:\nClients also looking for outsourcing to be benefited financially as these are significantly cheap. We promote cost-effectiveness rather than being cheap. Since ‘cheap’ hardly has devotion to quality, never we are able to appoint any top-notch people as a cheap workman regarding his or her salary. So let’s be cost-effective. We deliver quality clipping path and other service as a best output for our client’s business. So, we get paid from them. We save their cost of maintaining another department for these. It is noticeable that wages and other business cost in Indian sub-continent are many times lower than the European and North American job market. Thus we are in a advantage of having competency for a low cost but quality delivery. Moreover, here we extend their work our virtually for the reason that when they close their work at night, we start our hours of daylight. Thus we keep our clients working round the clock. Obviously intense and extensive work schedule leads to cost-effectiveness. We think almost all of us have some real-life experiences about the ‘hidden stuff’ inside free or cheap.\n\nGenerally we do clipping path or other image solution at 1$ to 15$ per image. But our prices are variable and negotiable depending on complexity and involvedness of the job.\n\nQuick & On time:\nUsually we are able to give an over-night delivery of a bulk amount of job. We settle it according to our client’s requisition and our commitment. As we have been serving for retailer websites or e-commerce sites that need on and on updates, we have a strong adherence to dead-line. We guarantee our clients will be tension-free about our timeliness. We are open 24/7 for with a consistent high-volume production line. So we need not make haste or compromise to the quality for a quick turnaround delivery.\n\nAny Quantity, Easy Delivery, Convenient Mode of Payment: We are not worried about the quantity of your work. It is convenient but not must to order us for a bulk of work. We regard all volume in same consideration. Besides, we would like to keep a long term and regular business relationship with our clients. End of the day it contributes to our revenue significantly. So, we receive even a few images as an order. After a certain period we will work out the bill to be paid. We accept any mode of payment; any card, any online service for payment which is convenient to our client. TGL receives and delivers job online with the help of a high-speed internet connection, powerful server and FTP. It is stable because of own ISP and ceaseless power backup.\n\nHow to Start with TGL:\nVisitor can easily come into our cordial touch through any means. We are available in all online channels 24 hours. Hence no time is odd time to us. We request clients to feel free for any enquiry for further clarification. Our professional customer service wing is welcoming to entertain our visitors with proper information all the time. We are waiting in following,-", null], "url": "http://clipping-path.blogspot.com/2009_08_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 756, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["eb25a70404b0935aff89bb811dda8ad9364c59f3c7e0bf0ee48e4388886a6dde"], "__index_level_0__": 78, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-o6O_tMkH6dk/WE3HifvpduI/AAAAAAAANco/z-v2_U7rOhULZXI6_E8WRPxFlOFr_AAnQCLcB/s400/Murder%2BAmong%2BNudists%2BCover%2B2.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9524189829826356}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://clothesinbooks.blogspot.co.uk/2016/11/dress-down-sunday-murder-among-nudists.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-97HsAThRBWU/WE3HgZoXQSI/AAAAAAAANck/-BesFFJZWSU5QeMEo7LIPcATbNfUyj6ggCLcB/s400/Murder%2BAmong%2Bthe%2BNudists%2B%2Bcover%2B1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-97HsAThRBWU/WE3HgZoXQSI/AAAAAAAANck/-BesFFJZWSU5QeMEo7LIPcATbNfUyj6ggCLcB/s400/Murder%2BAmong%2Bthe%2BNudists%2B%2Bcover%2B1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Murder BAmong Bthe BNudists B Bcover B\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 128}, {\"document_url\": \"http://clothesinbooks.blogspot.co.uk/2016/11/dress-down-sunday-murder-among-nudists.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-o6O_tMkH6dk/WE3HifvpduI/AAAAAAAANco/z-v2_U7rOhULZXI6_E8WRPxFlOFr_AAnQCLcB/s400/Murder%2BAmong%2BNudists%2BCover%2B2.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-o6O_tMkH6dk/WE3HifvpduI/AAAAAAAANco/z-v2_U7rOhULZXI6_E8WRPxFlOFr_AAnQCLcB/s400/Murder%2BAmong%2BNudists%2BCover%2B2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Murder BAmong BNudists BCover B\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 266}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, 20 November 2016\n\nDress Down Sunday: Murder Among the Nudists\n\nMurder Among the Nudists by Peter Hunt\n\npublished 1934", "[investigating officer Alan Miller, an undercover nudist, goes to consult with one of his subordinates]\n\nHe went off by himself to see O’Donnell… who was smoking a cigarette in the shade of the gate house. He blushed and sniggered covertly at the naked Miller.\n\n“Stop it you oaf. Get up on your feet. Let’s go over behind those trees for a talk. Give me a cigarette.”\n\nO’Donnell obeyed pompously. “How do you like having no clothes on, Chief?”\n\n“Very much. I always was a nudist, you know.”\n\n“You was, sir?”\n\n“At heart. Now I’m taking it seriously. I’m not turning in a budget for new uniforms for next year.”…\n\n[They discuss progress in the case]\n\n“That’s all for now. Enjoy yourself.” Miller flipped his cigarette away, got to his feet, strode off towards the street of cottages. He whistled an air. O’Donnell looked surreptitiously and amusedly after him, watching his sunburned buttocks diminish past the willows.Nudism, to O’Donnnell, was the foundation for a dirty joke, and a rare kind of lechery. He was surprised at Miller.", "[Shortly afterwards] Miss Botto trotted past [Miller], laughing. She waved to him.\n\nThis suggested to Miller a certain effulgence, the effect of moving flesh; golden leaves, fat bunches of grapes, a slender faun; Autumn, a picture he had once seen somewhere, perhaps in the Luxembourg. Miss Botto ran through the rove, and brief stripes of light slid along her shoulders and her thighs.\n\ncommentary: Never was ‘looking at what goes on under the clothes’ a more accurate description.\n\nA quick reminder: A couple of weeks ago I read an almost-forgotten murder story by ER Punshon. Browsing in a list of titles at the end of the book, I came across this one, with the description ‘featuring a naked Detective-Inspector going undercover in a nudist colony’ and was truly intrigued, as were several of my readers (the usual suspects – you know who you are).\n\nI immediately tried to get a copy of it, and after a few false starts I succeeded. I’ve now read it, and what a strange and wonderful book this is. I can’t decide quite what I would make of it if it hadn’t had the unusual and striking setting of a nudist camp in Connecticut. For a start, if the intro hadn’t made it plain, I would have thought it was a British book until a good way in: it resembles an old-fashioned village mystery, until two of the characters go for a louche jaunt to New York City. And it does become obvious that the timing must be just before the end of Prohibition.\n\nAlan Miller is Chief of Police in the small town of Totten Ferry. When a woman is found dead at the local nudist camp he goes to investigate. After an initial look he takes the very bizarre decision to go undercover in the camp, from where he investigates the crime (to the great amusement of his fellow police operatives), pretending to be just another nudist.\n\nThe nudists are eccentrics and oddities, and there is an assumption they must be vegetarians and teetotal. One of them tries to psychoanalyse everyone. Unfortunately, the assembled characters aren’t very much distinguishable, I never really got them straight.\n\nIt becomes apparent to the astonished reader that actually one of the points of the weird setup is to establish a unique version of the impossible murder, a symbolic ‘locked room’. The nudists bring nothing into the camp, and they have no objects unaccounted for: therefore they have no means of committing murder, no weapons, and no way to conceal a weapon. They don’t use electric light. Some pins and needles and later other tools become an important part of the plots, and Miller has to find out what was going on. The murder is committed via, of all things, a washing machine, which does genuinely merit this splendid passage:\n\nA great flash of lightning came, and a great peal of thunder like the sound of universal destruction. Miller and Fullilove remained alone over the fluttering candle flame, beside the sinister washing machine.\n\nAt various points the police confiscate the nudists’ clothes to make quite sure none of them can leave or wander round the town.\n\nThere is some murky discussion of different kinds of sexuality, and the trip to New York is very compelling, with a sinister old liftman and some mindgames – it does read somewhat as if it had been spliced in from a different kind of book, something more noir-ish and would-be literary.\n\nJust when you start to think the nudism is merely a playing piece in a murder game, some passage makes you see how much Hunt is enjoying this, that there is a faint note of eroticism running through the book, and that he most definitely is hoping to tease and captivate the reader. The book is also amusing, with some very funny lines.\n\nIt is not the best murder story ever, but is well worth reading for its sheer exoticism. In fact I kept thinking of Gladys Mitchell – the story stops and starts and disconcerts the reader as hers do, and wanders around all over the place, and while I don’t think Mitchell ever did use such a setting, she would have been the woman for it… Mrs Bradley would surely have gone undercover as a nudist without turning a hair.\n\nThis webpage advertises the book: I didn’t have any luck with the links and buttons on the page, but emailing the address there did produce results…\n\nThe pictures. Well, I did my best for you. The top one is a postcard showing a nudist camp near Berlin in the era of the book (via Wikimedia Commons). I think they are doing their exercises.\n\nThe lower one is from the NYPL, and is apparently a satirical illustration poking fun at women who will wear their furs even when they are wearing little else.\n\nYou can never say Clothes in Books doesn’t put in the effort when it comes to picture research.\n\n***** ADDED LATER: When my copy of the book arrived I was rather disappointed that the publisher hadn't seized the opportunity to place a fancy illo on the cover. Paula Carr - see the comments below - had a similar experience. And then she looked more closely at the abstract design...", null, "--I am the world's worst photographer, I'm not sure if you can see anything in the pattern. But Paula and I can assure you that there is something there - in two different parts of the cover!\n\nPosted by Clothes In Books at 09:08", "Labels: dress down Sunday, Murder Among the Nudists, Peter Hunt", "Follow me on Twitter\n\nFollow @clothesinbooks", "Featured post\n\nThe Brading Collection by Patricia Wentworth", "Confessions of a Mystery Novelist\n\nMysteries in Paradise\nTipping my Fedora\n\nPetrona Remembered\n\nCol's Criminal Library\n\nBitter Tea and Mystery\n\nThe Art of Words\n\nLeaves and Pages\n\nReactions to Reading\n\nThe Passing Tramp\n\nMysteries and More\n\nThe Game's Afoot\n\nChess Comics & Crosswords\n\nCrime Scraps\n\nChristine Poulson: A Reading Life"], "url": "http://clothesinbooks.blogspot.co.uk/2016/11/dress-down-sunday-murder-among-nudists.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["c26c6fc41d19cf8a6f71694c284566f63fe814ec8a258bd012b6ceac0271ec64"], "__index_level_0__": 79, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kx8Kc00iF_s/TdfcxPaV28I/AAAAAAAAAEY/Mo_byBKgSWg/s200/laffeyate+dollar.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.952955722808838}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://collegemessiah.blogspot.com/2011/05/treat-it-like-business.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kx8Kc00iF_s/TdfcxPaV28I/AAAAAAAAAEY/Mo_byBKgSWg/s200/laffeyate+dollar.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kx8Kc00iF_s/TdfcxPaV28I/AAAAAAAAAEY/Mo_byBKgSWg/s200/laffeyate+dollar.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"laffeyate dollar\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://collegemessiah.blogspot.com/2011/05/treat-it-like-business.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-s0169feG_E8/Tdfdyvo3S6I/AAAAAAAAAEc/OyH1wZaHImo/s200/romansoldier2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-s0169feG_E8/Tdfdyvo3S6I/AAAAAAAAAEc/OyH1wZaHImo/s200/romansoldier2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"romansoldier\", \"rendered_width\": 132, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://collegemessiah.blogspot.com/2011/05/treat-it-like-business.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_be6XPQkZJNs/Si2gOzk-ITI/AAAAAAAAABM/NYTNQeVWqmg/S240/48924_5.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_be6XPQkZJNs/Si2gOzk-ITI/AAAAAAAAABM/NYTNQeVWqmg/S240/48924_5.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"This is the Only Hint you'll get\", \"rendered_width\": 194, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null]", "texts": ["Treat it like a business.\n\nI'm going to try and focus my project-related energy into the hours between 11am and 1pm. This doesn't interfere with my work schedule, and if I can stick to it (which is the goal, and key to success for any routine) productivity should explode. Actually, truth be told, I've been sticking to this for the last five days and have gotten a wide variety of things done. Including a silver trade. I know y'all have been demanding updates.", null, "Spot price at time of purchase was $35.17/oz, and I spent about 60% of this months budgeted silver-money picking up some 2011 ASE's at (net) $43/oz. This still lowers my cost-average/oz from my starting days, and if silver drops this week down to $27/oz, the 40% will cover about the same amount I bought with 60%. Its all about lowering my cost average, one purchase at a time. I'm not looking to make huge profits or take huge savings in the short term. The market is just to volatile right now, and will probably remain so through Monday.\n\nMy advice, buy the dip with a portion of your cash earmarked for silver and buy again if the price goes lower. At the end of the month, if nothing extreme has occurred, buy more silver with the remaining cash. If your gut or special research tells you to the price is going to drop further - by all means, hold onto your silver. But on a five year timeline, the likes of which I am investing, silver probably will breach 70/oz - and I'm willing to pay a premium and get the silver in hand.\n\nRemember, I personally get a bit of titillation from expressing silver's value in historical values. So here's a quick recap. (the math is in this post)", "At one point in history, the Roman equivalent of a private in the army received 3oz of silver in coins per month in pay. Granted, life was cheap in the empire, and Centurions received a much better rate.", "And of course, imagine buying this at a roman auction for between 100-650oz of  silver.\n(Disclaimer: I'm not promoting sexual slavery)\nHave a pleasant afternoon readers.\nI'm off to other things, like lunch with a cashier I met.\nPosted by College Messiah at 8:52 AM", "This is the Only Hint you'll get"], "url": "http://collegemessiah.blogspot.com/2011/05/treat-it-like-business.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["97a0e2d2874ba8fb0f1f84b5c8be86d29505b59ae2a8fdbceab0371ff2ca39b5"], "__index_level_0__": 80, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hnwohBLdctg/SMSgcdfoojI/AAAAAAAAAF4/EnVZnQwfibg/s400/Carter+Stephen+Childress+113.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_hnwohBLdctg/SMSjBChivjI/AAAAAAAAAGA/SrpZJsb_wIw/s400/Carter+Stephen+Childress+114.jpg", 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We need to get Reese and Carter together again so they can squeak and smile together and hold hands again...:)\n\nSeptember 10, 2008 at 8:11 PM", "Carlton Hendrix said...\n\nWow, he's getting big! Can't wait to see y'all again. Hope all is well and there was no major damage from the storm! -Carlton\n\nSeptember 14, 2008 at 7:26 AM", "Ali and Eric said...\n\nahhh, pictures like these make me SO excited to have a baby. Carter is adorable! It was good to see you at the wedding AND at the bachelorette party - you are seriously a trooper."], "url": "http://combinedaverage.blogspot.com/2008/09/smiley-magoo.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["f8b3ee513232aad9b1e35ddb31afcc7fe651b3c6f5dd9074d91425302eeb5b0b", "6e891c959f6cb4630aa936b57fc804ef6464cfe4ca70638ab5e6e12d09253963", "1b1e45803162f994b61787ffdbac3cbf5f881885b96c14bd9e15c574f8e1060a", "929b9935cf42621e5ceaf378a927cf453ef998dc4c8a48e030d92a58182eb86c", "9c6f1f4a106dc96738bf4c3947c87ba7157e9a6d248b370fe71c2e6f40de741d", "eb9a48bb10ec683eb7f04fc4f5c479978bd279fd1d204088596bed6f333eaebf"], "__index_level_0__": 81, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://sirrealcomix.mrainey.com/remote/sig/SirReal3.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9614136815071106}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://comixguru.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//sirrealcomix.mrainey.com/remote/sig/SirReal3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://sirrealcomix.mrainey.com/remote/sig/SirReal3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SirReal\", \"alt_text\": \"My Photo\", \"rendered_width\": 71, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Saturday, March 18, 2006\n\nNew Digs\n\nHere's a bit of news for all of you fair-weather hippies and latent long-hairs. I've taken the first steps in moving Sir Real's Underground Comix Classix website to a new host. The 50Megs host was a great place to start, but I've completely outgrown it. My new space gives me a lot more control, a lot more options, and a heck of a lot more space.\n\nMoving a well-established website seems a lot like physically from one house to another. There are so many things to do. And to top it all off, I'm going to completely redesign the whole site. I'll keep posting here to keep you all apprised as to how its going."], "url": "http://comixguru.blogspot.com/2006_03_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 426, "original_height": 203, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["9be6c3f11fcaa7f253003a4ad74717f768368c26a8ba590ec987c68a058d9045"], "__index_level_0__": 82, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cKz5KALNxWI/TbKW5mFpxBI/AAAAAAAABi8/DLAJBPOMvxM/s400/place%2Bmarketing.jpg", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QN5egGf1btk/TbKbxhjaAZI/AAAAAAAABjE/L3cpsl3dc3U/s400/place-marketing.png", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-iuU4CHpELeA/TbKgpwshyJI/AAAAAAAABjc/6gPsQvfwxWY/s400/gangs_of_new_york_ver4.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9370144009590148}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://coolinsights.blogspot.com/2011/05/transforming-places-into-destinations.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/226/469796567_311f4a3b79.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/226/469796567_311f4a3b79.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f a b\", \"alt_text\": \"Singapore Skyline (#12)\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 267}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://coolinsights.blogspot.com/2011/05/transforming-places-into-destinations.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cKz5KALNxWI/TbKW5mFpxBI/AAAAAAAABi8/DLAJBPOMvxM/s400/place%2Bmarketing.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cKz5KALNxWI/TbKW5mFpxBI/AAAAAAAABi8/DLAJBPOMvxM/s400/place%2Bmarketing.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"place Bmarketing\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 346}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://coolinsights.blogspot.com/2011/05/transforming-places-into-destinations.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QN5egGf1btk/TbKbxhjaAZI/AAAAAAAABjE/L3cpsl3dc3U/s400/place-marketing.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QN5egGf1btk/TbKbxhjaAZI/AAAAAAAABjE/L3cpsl3dc3U/s400/place-marketing.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"place marketing\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 350}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://coolinsights.blogspot.com/2011/05/transforming-places-into-destinations.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-iuU4CHpELeA/TbKgpwshyJI/AAAAAAAABjc/6gPsQvfwxWY/s400/gangs_of_new_york_ver4.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-iuU4CHpELeA/TbKgpwshyJI/AAAAAAAABjc/6gPsQvfwxWY/s400/gangs_of_new_york_ver4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gangs of new york ver\", \"rendered_width\": 271, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null]", "texts": ["Singapore - a leading destination for work, study and play (courtesy of Christopher Chan)\n\nA core part of my work currently revolves around how we can make an art gallery not just a venue for visual art exhibitions but a lifestyle destination. What are the drivers needed to transform any place - country, city, neighbourhood, leisure attraction, heck, even a garden or building - into a well-loved destination? How does one shape a location into the \"happiest place on Earth\" (borrowing from Disney)?\n\nFirst, we could perhaps look at the definition of Destination Marketing. According Karl Albrecht and the Destination Marketing Association,\n\n\"Destination Marketing is a proactive, strategic, visitor-centered approach to the economic and cultural development of a location, which balances and integrates the interests of visitors, service providers, and the community.\"\n\nDestination (or Place) Marketing is a holistic discipline, balancing the needs of various stakeholders while making a place viable and sustainable. There are entire books written about it (including this one by the Destination Marketing International Association), but this model below by Philip Kotler probably best sums up what its key considerations are:", null, "Levels of place marketing by Kotler (source of image)\n\nAs seen from the chart above, developing a place into a destination requires one to consider multiple factors.  They range from the planning group comprising residents, businesses and government agencies and how they're involved in developing a place marketing strategy, its impact on marketing factors like infrastructure, people, quality of life, and attractions, as well as the wider target markets of a destination: new residents, manufacturers, investors, tourists, conventioneers, and exporters.  How these work together is a highly complex process requiring extensive planning, negotiation and development over a period of years.\n\nTo make the above work, it is critical to position a destination correctly against an entire army of competing places. What are the unique qualities that can differentiate your place from other places under the Sun? My favourite way to do this is to employ a perceptual map. See if you agree with the example below placing the US, Poland, Germany and China.", "Courtesy of the Scottish Government\n\nThe next thing to consider is of course a destination's logo. Here, many cities and countries around the world have developed their own distinctive visual identity elements in a bid to differentiate themselves. These are often very painstakingly done, involving numerous consultations with stakeholders and focus groups ad nauseum. See how many of these you can identify from the example below:", null, "Source of image\n\nHere are more country logos for those of you addicted to this stuff. See if you agree with how the logos reflect the place's personality and key attributes.", "Courtesy of Hospitality Times\n\nIn terms of destination marketing strategies and tactics, there are numerous ways to make a place endeared and loved by many. These range from making movies about a location (for example Australia), organising world class events (Formula One, Olympics, World Cup), developing unique attractions (anything that is first, largest, highest, or oldest), to ensuring that service standards and hospitality are unsurpassed (Thailand and Japan are great at this).", null, "New York is probably the most filmed city in the world (courtesy of IMP Awards)\n\nFinally, having a strong destination brand brings many benefits to its communities, marketers, visitors and other stakeholders. Bill Baker in Branding Strategy Insider, cited the following as examples of successful destination brand benefits:\n\n1) Provides peace of mind by increasing trust and confidence.\n\n2) Saves time and effort.\n\n3) Simplifies choices.\n\n4) Associations with the place reflects well on them.\n\n5) Taps into their needs and desires.\n\n6) Provides perceived added value and benefits.\n\nWhat are some of your favourite places (big and small) around the world? Why do you like them so?"], "url": "http://coolinsights.blogspot.com/2011/05/transforming-places-into-destinations.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 346, "original_width": 400, "width": 436}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 350, "original_width": 400, "width": 432}, {"height": 557, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 271, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a7eab378a14fb374f2e8dadeda6d2e16edc737ece03ccc9ac9cd47f4a04eb4dd", "cad20ceb4b4287481abed925a98f186892776334f93b10c824b386e517be92db", "55d8714c295fece9f27ce5f39755a620b51452d6415d66c770e677c6b83951b6"], "__index_level_0__": 83, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1VuaauGblRs/TFEBHMAjV7I/AAAAAAAAFfU/33t9ZnyZqmo/s320/013.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 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"The Thundering Herd said...\n\nLooks like you are making a nose cap - might be a good idea in case there is some human around who likes to pinch your nose.\n\nJul 30, 2010, 6:07:00 AM", "The Island Cats said...\n\nThat's a pretty good trick, Grete!!\n\nJul 30, 2010, 6:55:00 AM", "DailyGs said...\n\nGrete, you iz one funny woofie! Happy Friday!\n\nPS. Hi, Cory! ♥\n\nJul 30, 2010, 7:05:00 AM", "Huffle Mawson said...\n\nHoly cat some giant tongue stole your nose Grete!\n\nJul 30, 2010, 7:17:00 AM", "the casbah kitten said...\n\nHi Grete! That's a funny photo! I think maybe GINGER stole you nose!!\n\nJul 30, 2010, 7:46:00 AM", "Mishkat said...\n\nWhat a great pose! Happy weekend to you, too!\n\nJul 30, 2010, 8:11:00 AM", "Harry Spotter said...\n\nCute woofie. Have a great weekend.\n\nJul 30, 2010, 8:26:00 AM", "The Paw Relations said...\n\nMOL! What a funny picture!\n\nJul 30, 2010, 8:37:00 AM", "Kea said...\n\nLOL! Great picture, Grete! Have a wonderful woofie weekend!\n\nJul 30, 2010, 9:05:00 AM", "Brian said...\n\nHave a nose licking weekend Grete!\n\nJul 30, 2010, 10:08:00 AM", "The Whiskeratti said...\n\nOh noes! The nose is GONE!\n\nJul 30, 2010, 10:10:00 AM", "Sammy and Andy said...\n\nWhat a precious picture of you, Grete!!!!\n\nWishing y'all a fantastic weekend. xxxxxxxx\n\nJul 30, 2010, 10:50:00 AM", "Katnip Lounge said...\n\nWho knows where the nose is! hee hee!\n\nJul 30, 2010, 11:50:00 AM", "meowmeowmans said...\n\nGreat magic trick, Grete! You are looking beautiful, as always. :)\n\nHave a terrific weekend!\n\nJul 30, 2010, 1:42:00 PM", "Junior and Orion said...\n\nDid Cory take your nose?\n\nJul 30, 2010, 2:01:00 PM", "The Kool~Kittie~Krew said...\n\nWhere's yer nosie~!!!????\n\nJul 30, 2010, 4:22:00 PM", "Deb said...\n\nWhat a handsome dog. I am new to your blog and I see that we have a lot in common. Sorry for the picture on your 'followers', I'm not sure why it is coming out like that. Great photos of your dog & cats. Deb (Ottawa, Canada)\n\nJul 30, 2010, 11:49:00 PM", "Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...\n\nHee, hee..\n\nYou are very silly Grete! Hope you find that nose ASAP!!!\n\nHave a great week Chez Cory!\n\nJul 31, 2010, 3:30:00 AM", "The Misadventures Of Me said...\n\nMOL Grete yoo certainly is kyoot - fer a woofie and silly too!\n\nJul 31, 2010, 12:08:00 PM", "Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...\n\nGrete iz purrty cute fur a D-A-W-G!!!!\nWe wanted to stop by & leeve our furry bestee tanks fur your purrz to Delilah.\nWe saw da pix of yoor miststiry plant! WOwza! Delilah tinks dat looks furry cool & she tinks we shoold grow dat here.\nSendin' love,\nDr T\n\nJul 31, 2010, 12:42:00 PM", "Au and Target said...\n\nI love that. Hello Grete!\n\nAug 1, 2010, 12:41:00 AM", "The Creek Cats said...\n\nI do look a lot like you, Cory!!! That must mean I am beautiful!\n\nAug 1, 2010, 1:29:00 PM", "Milo and Alfie Marshall said...\n\nWOW! Wot a BIG tongue yoo haff!\n\nAug 1, 2010, 2:20:00 PM", "Siamese peaches said...\n\nHi there! gorgeous photo! big purrs!!!!!!!!!\n\nAug 2, 2010, 2:12:00 PM", "Ellie and Cory Support United Paws", "Donating to United Paws Saves Lives", "United Paws Rocks!", "Society of Feline Gardeners Headquarters", "Founder and Purresident, Jonesie", "My Momma and Me\n\nI love my momma more than anyone in the world", "Our Creative Friends", "Thank you Zoolatry for our fabulous blog banner", "We've Joined the DogTime Media's Blog Network", "Subscribe To Us", "My Favorite Places to Visit (since I can't go outside)"], "url": "http://corycattalks.blogspot.com/2010/07/funny-friday.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["96857c51ff1803f1ddd4eb2a073647821bfa0ad53ee8804c8ded254705d016fa"], "__index_level_0__": 84, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3881/159/320/tyconklin.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.976570188999176}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://coveredinoil.blogspot.com/2005/12/circus-is-back-in-town.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3881/159/320/tyconklin.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3881/159/320/tyconklin.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tyconklin\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, December 6, 2005\n\nCircus is back in town", null, "Well, well--according to the Journal, Tricky Ty is finally healed up and ready to go, and naturally, he's hoping to actually start playing goal again. It leaves us in a pretty interesting position: obviously, if you just take a look at the year's performance up to this point, Conklin is easily the worst of the three goalies in our rotation, so to speak: Markkanen is 10-9-2 with a 3.09 GAA and .891 Sv%, Morrison is 4-1-0, 1.76 and .924, and Conklin, in only four games, is 1-1-0 with a 4.40 and an absolutely terrible .836.\n\nIt's not really that cut and dry, though. The article calls Markkanen the number one, but that's debateable, in my mind. Among goalies who could reasonably be considered starters, he's very middle-of-the-road: his GAA is 16th (20th if you include both goalies on tandem-starter teams, like Anaheim, LA, Minnesota and New York), and his SV% is 20th, 26th if you include tandems. He's played fine for us, but those aren't the type of numbers that make you a clear-cut number one if there's someone capable behind you. This is exacerbated by the fact MacT seems more than willing to to grab whoever's hot and nail their legs to the goalposts--I don't have the inclination to look up stats on this, but I can't imagine it's too often you start a supposed back-up three games in a row unless your starter is hurt. Morrison, though unproven, has put up sparkling numbers the whole year, including preaseason, and without an obvious number one, I don't think you can readily discount him.\n\nNor can you really totally discount Conklin. Sure, his peformance thus far has been ungodly, but he has shown that he can play, and he wouldn't be the only goalie in the league to get off to a rough start before rounding off into form--Biron was atrocious his first few games, but has been fine since (4-0-0, 2.27GAA, .904SV% in his last five), and even Kiprusoff had a rough start to the year before getting back into form (2.81, .898 in October, 1.77, .925 in November). If we had an obvious starter option, it would be pretty easy to just let Conklin waste away in Hamilton, but past performance might dictate he gets another shot. You can't forget we're paying him $1 mil, either, which of course shouldn't factor into personnel decisions, but inevitably will. I think just as strong a case could be made for never letting Conklin see an Oiler crease again, mind you, but I don't think you can just say one or the other without considering the other option.\n\nFor what it's worth, I think we should probably stick with Markkanen and Morrison (perhaps we can call them MM, or 2000, or M2K, or something). I think it's fair to say that my early optimism about Markkanen was probably a bit of stretch--he can probably be a regular starter in the league, but I think in an ideal world, he's a tandem guy at best, and probably just a really solid back-up. He can play well enough to give us the chance to win every night, though, and would likely look stronger behind a stronger team--in other words, by no means does the goalie situation need addressing with him in net, but he'd hardly be your top choice as a goalie. Morrison, I think, definitely deserves a shot. You can call him inexperienced, but dammit, all goalies are inexperienced at some point in their career, and most starters don't come highly touted to begin with. I've always thought the Oilers tended to be a little excessively cautious with young goalies, but given the situation, I don't see how you justify it to your fans or Morrison that he should be playing in the ECHL. True, you run the very real risk of the bubble popping and getting stuck with a goalie who shouldn't even be a backup, but you also have the possibility that a solid number one just happened to be ready when you needed him. Conklin doesn't have an impressive enough history to overcome his poor performance so far this year, at least not with the way Morrison has played (assuming, of course, that Markkanen is firmly planted in one of the two goalie slots, which seems fair to me), and as such, I say go with the potential. Thoughts?\n\nPosted by DMFB at 5:40 PM", "Robert Cleave said...\n\nIf you keep M and M, how do you get Conklin's trade value up? If you keep them, Conklin has to be moved, but until he plays a few games in the bigs, he isn't worth as much as he might have been in early October. Jussi or MM almost need a case of the flu, so to speak, so Conklin can get in. You're probably right that Conklin should be odd man out, but if he gets back in and plays decently, he'll likely stay.\n\n12/06/2005 09:26:00 PM", "mike w said...\n\nAs much as I want to believe in Conks, I'm thinking we're seeing the downward arc of his career. He ain't young (30) and doesn't seem to have any real answers for his poor play, which is just as troubling. I can't help but think back to a chilling thing in the Globe earlier this year, from some anonymous scout who gave Markannen a pass but said he didn't think Conks was \"a true NHL goalie.\" Ouch.\n\nMorrison has been steady, but he hasn't been stellar and even a bit lucky. Kinda like Cam Ward in Carolina early this season.\n\nThe only silver lining is that if Markkanen improves a bit and gets his SV% past .900 we'll be good enough. There's plenty of higher profile Number Ones doing worse (Theodore, Nabakov and of course, Khabibulan with .876).\n\nOtherwise, I'm thinking only a trade will do.\n\n12/06/2005 11:24:00 PM", "Steve said...\n\nThat is all.\n\n12/06/2005 11:44:00 PM", "Conky or Juicy, pick your poison. Both suck out loud. I have to listen to the Coilers on radio because I'm overseas and I know if Juicy is in net I'll tune in to find us down 2-0 three minutes into the game. What's with letting the first shot in every game? Conky should be given a job handing out corndogs at the Ex and Juicy sent back to whatever ice floe in Swedwayland he crawled off of.\n\nGo with Mr Mojo 'Risin and get on with it. Do we really need to pull last week's defensive player of the league and put in arguably the 2 worst goalies in the league? This is the height of MacTool's coaching intellect?\n\n12/07/2005 05:50:00 AM", "Chris! said...\n\nHuh? The two worst goalies in the league? I don't know if that's even worth responding to...\n\n12/07/2005 09:58:00 AM", "I think that was Darryl Duke, the Oilers disgruntled ex-Fitness Coach.\n\n12/07/2005 12:23:00 PM", "Chris said...\n\nEven in the game they lost, Morrison played well enough that he deserves another chance to show what he has. Unforunately for Ty, he had a chance to show what he could do and he blew it. Markannen has put in a yeoman's effort, solid but unexceptional. He's stolen maybe one game for us, that I recall against either Columbus or Nashville earlier in the season. But most of the time he's neither the cause or solution to the team's problems. That said I think Morrison has at least demonstrated that he has the potential to be an exceptional goaltender, how concistently he can perform is something that remains to be seen. Although I'd argue that an experiment we would do well to engage in.\n\n12/07/2005 05:02:00 PM", "\"Right wing Radek Dvorak was placed on the NHL Injured Reserve list after suffering a groin strain in practice on Monday, Goaltender Ty Conklin has been assigned to the Hartford Wolf Pack of the American Hockey League on a conditioning assignment and the Oilers have recalled defenceman Matt Greene from the Iowa Stars (AHL).\"\n\n12/07/2005 09:54:00 PM", "That's good news in any case, interesting that they brought up Matt Greene not Syvrat this time around. And we're dealing with a third AHL club now? I really hope the Oil get their act together and get their own rather than buying up AHL timeshares like this did this time around.\n\nI wonder if we could trade Conklin for a second or third round draft pick. Tampa has been struggling in goal, they might be willing to part with something and give Conks a second chance.\n\n12/07/2005 11:38:00 PM", "Let me explain it to you,\n\nConky save % = .836\nJuicy save % = .891\nMojo 'Risin save % = .924\n\nJuicy is 28th in the league, Conky doesn't even make the top 44 goalies. Mojo would be between the Rangers Lundquist .926 and Vokoun .923. Mr. Mojo Risin is one of the best in the league, 4th or 5th, and the other 2 jokers are among the worst, hence;\n\nThe best riposte to my comment is that Juicy is only 28th, but isn't that damning him with faint praise? I repectfully stick by my point, Morrison=good, our other goalies=bad.\n\nBtw, doesn't it bother anyone else that Juicy and Conky have this horrible habit of letting in the first couple shots of the game? Don't ya think that it's a little disheartenning for the rest of the players to know that they'll start every game down at least 1-0?\n\nAnd no, I'm not some other Duke. I'm the Big Duke, showing 'em how it's done and making it look easy.\n\n12/08/2005 12:38:00 AM", "Dear Straight Shootin' Duke,\n\nYou won't get me defending Conks, but the only the I can say about Morrison is he's only played 7 games, 7 games in which the Oilers D played pretty well. No one thinks he shouldn't get more time to play but he's far from a sure bet at this point.\n\nNeither is Markannen, but this \"28th\" business is kind of splitting hairs when most goalies' SV% are separated by hundreths of a decimals. If he were to get a couple shutouts the HF Boarders would suddenly start comparing him to the Kipper and maybe even map out a Jasper Ave parade route. God, how I hate some fans.\n\nClearly, Mike \"George Plimpton\" Morrison is gonna get some starts, so I think we're okay for now. But I wouldn't stop sniffing for Number Ones if I'm Kevin Lowe.\n\nOr another defenceman.\n\n12/08/2005 12:50:00 AM", "You're right of course. Mojo is untested over the long haul, and stats can mean anything you want them too. I guess I'm just frustrated by the Coilers seeming to start games in the hole from weak goaltending. I watched Salo sour his last season here (and possibly cost us a playoff spot). Mojo just seems like a ray of hope and I figure ride him till he proves he can't do it."], "url": "http://coveredinoil.blogspot.com/2005/12/circus-is-back-in-town.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 453, "original_height": 216, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ffc626af15dc94c0ca78ddf7074c46e0c144d1e60948c8753e50b43b983581a7"], "__index_level_0__": 85, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_jLj-FDePe-E/TSuvvM6tGlI/AAAAAAAAAfY/UVwKqJ_TZVw/s400/IMG_1024.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.955718159675598}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://crownofa.blogspot.com/2011/01/hikmet-avedis-teacher-1974.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_jLj-FDePe-E/TSuvvM6tGlI/AAAAAAAAAfY/UVwKqJ_TZVw/s400/IMG_1024.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_jLj-FDePe-E/TSuvvM6tGlI/AAAAAAAAAfY/UVwKqJ_TZVw/s400/IMG_1024.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, January 11, 2011\n\nHikmet Avedis, \"The Teacher\" (1974).", null, "c. David Grim (taken 5/24/08)\n\nOk... there's a lunatic driving a hearse, running around spying on pretty girls, and keeping his belongings in a coffin on the floor of an abandoned factory. But wait... over here is a stunning 28-year old teacher seducing an 18-year old ex-student (and son of her best friend). These two threads converge in the 1974-drive-in classic, \"The Teacher\". Fun and games is had by all.\nAnthony James, the actor who plays the aforementioned pervert (who has recently returned from soldiering in Vietnam) is truly deranged looking. In the opening shots his character is seen running around gleefully stalking his object-of-obsession. His presence right from the beginning foreshadows some obvious nastiness, and the resulting anticipation drives the viewer's interest throughout the movie. Still, the prospect of seeing lead female Angel Tomkins sans her hip 70's wardrobe is just as enticing, if in an entirely different way. In fact it's her qualities that ultimately make this film work. Had the filmmakers chosen a less desirable actress, this would not have been nearly as fun.\n\nAnd watching this type of thing (when it contains all the necessary exploitative elements) is certainly fun. Add in a recognizable face (child actor Jay North of \"Dennis the Menace\" fame, who spends the majority of his spare time paneling the inside of his van), and now you have amusement AND context. The acting and dialog sometimes fail to rise to professional standards, but the opportunity to see situations presented in a manner well outside the cinematic mainstream, along with some well-placed nudity, makes it all seem somehow worthwhile.\n\nI'm not going to fully summarize the plot here, mostly because with this kind of affair that kind of analysis is fully beside the point. Suffice it to say that there is some romance, creepiness, violence, and humor thrown into the blender. What makes this so worthwhile is the glimpse into an era that is now long-past and is in no danger of being replicated. If you want to develop some perspective about how our country has changed in the last 40 years (and much of it decidedly NOT for the better), then sit down with \"The Teacher\". After all, it's not just teenage boys who need this kind of guidance."], "url": "http://crownofa.blogspot.com/2011/01/hikmet-avedis-teacher-1974.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ef1cc88c9a54f8fb4b84b8cdf04fbc74403d075eeb8e9c4a27eddcdbdfaf97e6"], "__index_level_0__": 86, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_DDVVM5Mb7Uw/TPwnlmzynPI/AAAAAAAAB1E/wXJiuE4T0Yg/s400/nutcracker.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_DDVVM5Mb7Uw/TPwo3Bj92FI/AAAAAAAAB1I/YczkgFGRf6s/s400/Root+house.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_DDVVM5Mb7Uw/TPwqaHsoc_I/AAAAAAAAB1M/DP49UaaC0zc/s400/edison.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9707594513893129}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://danielebrady.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-and-that.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_DDVVM5Mb7Uw/TPwnlmzynPI/AAAAAAAAB1E/wXJiuE4T0Yg/s400/nutcracker.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_DDVVM5Mb7Uw/TPwnlmzynPI/AAAAAAAAB1E/wXJiuE4T0Yg/s400/nutcracker.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nutcracker\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://danielebrady.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-and-that.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_DDVVM5Mb7Uw/TPwo3Bj92FI/AAAAAAAAB1I/YczkgFGRf6s/s400/Root+house.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_DDVVM5Mb7Uw/TPwo3Bj92FI/AAAAAAAAB1I/YczkgFGRf6s/s400/Root+house.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Root house\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://danielebrady.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-and-that.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_DDVVM5Mb7Uw/TPwqaHsoc_I/AAAAAAAAB1M/DP49UaaC0zc/s400/edison.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_DDVVM5Mb7Uw/TPwqaHsoc_I/AAAAAAAAB1M/DP49UaaC0zc/s400/edison.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"edison\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://danielebrady.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-and-that.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-h9JAii2kydY/TZzML9KSJgI/AAAAAAAACI0/DRKnj7-CyuU/s150/Cane2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-h9JAii2kydY/TZzML9KSJgI/AAAAAAAACI0/DRKnj7-CyuU/s150/Cane2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Cane\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 113}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://danielebrady.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-and-that.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-f5t-TpernWo/UaFo9_huQII/AAAAAAAALEo/XuL8ySbBNZ4/s80/Me.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-f5t-TpernWo/UaFo9_huQII/AAAAAAAALEo/XuL8ySbBNZ4/s80/Me.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Me\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 67}, null, null]", "texts": ["This past Saturday was a good day to go out and snap a few pictures. I already posted my endangered Avon/Avon Lake farmhouses, so here are a few other images of what was going on in the area. (Click on each for a nice, large view.)\n\nLorain's downtown has been all decked out with its Christmas lights for a few weeks. This toothy fellow is at the western end of the Bascule Bridge.", null, "I've always thought those nutcrackers had a sinister look to them, making it hard to accept them as a Christmas icon.\n\nMeanwhile, just over the border in Sheffield Lake, the historic Root home (believed to be the oldest home on the present Lake Road) is also all decked out for Christmas. (This was an easy shot as it is about 500 feet from my house.)", null, "Incidentally, the Root house will be the subject of its own post here very soon.\n\nAnd lastly, I had to stop over and see how the demolition of FirstEnergy's Edgewater plant was coming along. There doesn't seem to be a lot of progress in the last few weeks, perhaps due to the weather.", null, "I'm still wondering how the heck the demolition crew is going to bring down the rest of it.\nPosted by Dan Brady at 8:59 PM", "Lisa said...\n\nHi Dan. They started getting into the one OE building [right side of your pic] this week. Won't be long and it'll just be the stack.\nNice holiday decoration pics! And I agree with you about the nutcracker guy. Too bad they couldn't have put Santa there instead. But he's busy holding down the Gergely building this year. If you haven't been down there at night yet, it is a sight to see."], "url": "http://danielebrady.blogspot.com/2010/12/this-and-that.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["8cee5e677b01d5c0ae291379272a9e98fe32ba81b33253c49651d78a873127bb", "63d9091c00504d846fd6fa0b127f6e10fe2400e86c7414cc80496dab098811c5", "9d5e298a3e369627ae94a398fab97a3b4194af1019517ae9d60c65dd77fa15c3"], "__index_level_0__": 87, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_QnD1-zHF5tM/Rya80cMNdII/AAAAAAAAAe4/_BjVJcvCDAM/s320/IMG_1404.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9201998710632324}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dannels.blogspot.com/2007/10/one-month-two-monthsnine-months-already.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_QnD1-zHF5tM/Rya80cMNdII/AAAAAAAAAe4/_BjVJcvCDAM/s320/IMG_1404.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_QnD1-zHF5tM/Rya80cMNdII/AAAAAAAAAe4/_BjVJcvCDAM/s320/IMG_1404.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dannels.blogspot.com/2007/10/one-month-two-monthsnine-months-already.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-h0fFp5bNj18/U7ox76vixSI/AAAAAAAAIy0/jj0a3UCbx78/s1600/favorites28.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-h0fFp5bNj18/U7ox76vixSI/AAAAAAAAIy0/jj0a3UCbx78/s1600/favorites28.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"favorites\", \"alt_text\": \"It all started with Us.\", \"rendered_width\": 411, \"rendered_height\": 274}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dannels.blogspot.com/2007/10/one-month-two-monthsnine-months-already.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KtzCKk2xoM4/U7oyFloCowI/AAAAAAAAIzA/Qp8wcDy2dOc/s411/dannels_113.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KtzCKk2xoM4/U7oyFloCowI/AAAAAAAAIzA/Qp8wcDy2dOc/s411/dannels_113.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dannels\", \"alt_text\": \"CREW.\", \"rendered_width\": 411, \"rendered_height\": 274}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dannels.blogspot.com/2007/10/one-month-two-monthsnine-months-already.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kVzRYQpRlBs/U7oyOPA2JOI/AAAAAAAAIzM/v05pIrlP2vc/s411/dannels_89.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kVzRYQpRlBs/U7oyOPA2JOI/AAAAAAAAIzM/v05pIrlP2vc/s411/dannels_89.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dannels\", \"alt_text\": \"Hudson.\", \"rendered_width\": 411, \"rendered_height\": 274}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dannels.blogspot.com/2007/10/one-month-two-monthsnine-months-already.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9ckQXLCyWWY/U7oyZGLcZGI/AAAAAAAAIzY/RqKtbBuvL4g/s411/favorites12.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9ckQXLCyWWY/U7oyZGLcZGI/AAAAAAAAIzY/RqKtbBuvL4g/s411/favorites12.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"favorites\", \"alt_text\": \"Navy.\", \"rendered_width\": 411, \"rendered_height\": 274}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dannels.blogspot.com/2007/10/one-month-two-monthsnine-months-already.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-AeY7RMum44s/U7oyvWOWFAI/AAAAAAAAIzw/_8B5VU05eFA/s411/dannels_368.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-AeY7RMum44s/U7oyvWOWFAI/AAAAAAAAIzw/_8B5VU05eFA/s411/dannels_368.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dannels\", \"alt_text\": \"Family.\", \"rendered_width\": 411, \"rendered_height\": 274}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dannels.blogspot.com/2007/10/one-month-two-monthsnine-months-already.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-mTk6McV48A0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAI7c/vNQpftsDE5I/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-mTk6McV48A0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAI7c/vNQpftsDE5I/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, October 29, 2007\n\nOne month.. two months...NINE MONTHS ALREADY!!!", null, "A bug a bug a bug\nMy Crew bugs loves to give hugs\nSmall as a bug but cute as a button\nHe has sewn his love onto me\nWishing that I could hold my little man forever\nMakes him grow even faster\nAn inch today, two inches tomorrow\nSoon he will be bigger then me\nI guess that is the plan\nHe will grow into a man\nAnd raise his own family\nI just want time to delay\nGiving us a chance to play\nBecause soon enough\nHe won’t be my bug\nBut a father just like me.\n\nEveryone with kids has to feel the same way, they just keep getting bigger and there is no stopping them. Crew turned 9 months today and it made me sad that time flies by this fast."], "url": "http://dannels.blogspot.com/2007/10/one-month-two-monthsnine-months-already.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["d53646e2a571a6f2316e758b6263fda4833db1320a3e30820c4755ae3426ba3c"], "__index_level_0__": 88, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-91cHyx_AtZE/T-VJqzaEEbI/AAAAAAAAAfE/5lAeIut4Viw/%25255BUNSET%25255D.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9363744854927064}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://debphotography.blogspot.com/2012/06/florida-roadteip-2012.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-91cHyx_AtZE/T-VJqzaEEbI/AAAAAAAAAfE/5lAeIut4Viw/%25255BUNSET%25255D.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-91cHyx_AtZE/T-VJqzaEEbI/AAAAAAAAAfE/5lAeIut4Viw/%25255BUNSET%25255D.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BUNSET D\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://debphotography.blogspot.com/2012/06/florida-roadteip-2012.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//bp1.blogger.com/_06BudDaBkRs/SF8roE90NTI/AAAAAAAAAAM/YCDYf6Rmwwo/S220-s80/Don_Brown.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_06BudDaBkRs/SF8roE90NTI/AAAAAAAAAAM/YCDYf6Rmwwo/S220-s80/Don_Brown.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Don Brown\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 56, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null]", "texts": ["Friday, June 22, 2012\n\nFlorida Roadtrip 2012\n\nArrived today in Ft Myers Beach for a few days to visit the many birding spots in the are.  It has been a great trip so far. Last week I was in the St Augustine and spent some time in the Rookery in the Alligator Farm. This is a shot of a young Roseate Spoonbill stretching its wings. Earlier that morning his sibling met an untimely death by falling off the edge of the nest and into the Alligator Pond. He was quite weak since this one seemed to hog all the food.  I wonder if birds can feel remorse knowing that indirectly he caused his siblling's death!", null], "url": "http://debphotography.blogspot.com/2012/06/florida-roadteip-2012.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 398, "original_height": 422, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["24516db518be048de1fb6c1d34ccbb258e87bcd5f7b8d4d02c958ebcf96604f8"], "__index_level_0__": 89, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oBR4MFkPIno/SzjmJTaECKI/AAAAAAAAAEs/51_-8Vc6YwU/S240/SAQA-20thAnniv1.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_oBR4MFkPIno/SXThBzqTa3I/AAAAAAAAAB4/ZjcPWhOdx94/S240/IMG_0503.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_oBR4MFkPIno/SGphQzsB1qI/AAAAAAAAAA4/MIWofGE4Ox8/S240/IMG_0312.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oBR4MFkPIno/SGpg2fd4f-I/AAAAAAAAAAw/icn74-tUZA4/S240/IMG_0313.JPG", 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I took a class with Laura at our GFuild AGM many years ago - this one was chickens. She is a very entertaining tutor.\n\nJuly 22, 2014 at 4:08 AM", "Debbie said...\n\nThe retreat was so much fun. In the past I have made small series of houses, I will probably make a few more. Laura is a fun instructor. She taught us so many little tricks. The songs were great!\n\nJuly 22, 2014 at 7:27 AM", null, "Under the Sea II", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://debsbitspieces.blogspot.com/2014/07/laura-wasilowski-retreat.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 151, "original_width": 175, "width": 438}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 165, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 165, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 495, "original_width": 660, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 660, "original_width": 495, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2522b87013d942c270ae500fad315f1d351a20972e3a3a7b4a03ad8cdb81cde7", "4ced5b1be7a6098734cf7f4addc02b25c122a53fc8f6e62a3a718630e2b319b3", "ea12f09906f12e107f09b2317864e04ea4b641e9ec4e6c0db2cb87ced85cb60d", "5b09ec468cc829924c5933ef5f810d9dd3de0dedc4da203f77345fcbe260cc6f", "e75eaf4b8a475f34aef6fe4c60a0ccf0972febbda9fab25cab926b6313f84c8d", "25a69ee1694f7508ace1408591f12c97ac0160ce2e3cdf88656581a4977d966d", "531c7db597285b4102060262aafa054c7ca24a087391b00d1dce082f89eb470c", "50650a1c7137964f40e6107fffcff8bba1c47ef5596017311d1e264c5c5631f4"], "__index_level_0__": 90, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wjINFOyEYWE/UlWMshydB9I/AAAAAAAACTI/ETrC5s6BFME/s320/1024px-ONS_Al_Rahmani-10a.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9516398310661316}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://defenseupdates.blogspot.com/2013/10/oman-receives-first-khareef-class.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wjINFOyEYWE/UlWMshydB9I/AAAAAAAACTI/ETrC5s6BFME/s320/1024px-ONS_Al_Rahmani-10a.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wjINFOyEYWE/UlWMshydB9I/AAAAAAAACTI/ETrC5s6BFME/s320/1024px-ONS_Al_Rahmani-10a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"px ONS Al Rahmani a\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 213}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, October 10, 2013\n\nOman Receives First Khareef Class Corvette\n\nThe first Khareef class corvette build by BAE Systems in the United Kingdom, the Al Shamikh, has arrived in Oman. A total of three hulls were ordered for £400 million ($637 million) in 2007.\n\nThe Al Shamikh was launched in 2009 but experienced several problems and technical issues during construction. For example, there were several personal injuries during a test firing of the gun in 2012.\n\nThe various difficulties have significantly delayed delivery from the original date which was planned to be 2010. The two subsequent ships were to be delivered at six months intervals. The Al Shamikh is now expected to be commissioned in 2014.\n\nBesides the Al Shamikh, the Al Rahmani and Al Rasikh have been launched and are currently conducting sea trials. Specifications of the diesel engine powered Khareef class include:\n\nThe three ships will be used in several roles including: Every ship of the Khareef class is armed with:\nEquipment fitted include the S-band SMART-S Mk2 3D multibeam radar which is a combined air and surface search radar and provides medium to long range surveillance and target designation.\n\nThe Khareef class comes equipped with a flight deck and a hangar with maintenance facilities that can support and accommodate a medium-sized helicopters with a weight of up to 12 t.\n\nLast December, Oman also agreed to purchase twelve Typhoon fighter aircraft and eight Hawk trainer aircraft in a £2.5 billion ($4 billion) deal for delivery by 2017.", null], "url": "http://defenseupdates.blogspot.com/2013/10/oman-receives-first-khareef-class.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["202699e00ee7f4600194dc80f1119e383d73dde4d9691af304e49c8183f73a0b"], "__index_level_0__": 91, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3589/3420547040_e4774ebc0b.jpg", "http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3664/3420547050_a740bcbfc6.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9119792580604552}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://deviationstrilogy.blogspot.com/2009/04/story-acceptance-publicity.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3589/3420547040_e4774ebc0b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3589/3420547040_e4774ebc0b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e ebc b\", \"alt_text\": \"Prickly Pear Baby\", \"rendered_width\": 425}, {\"document_url\": \"http://deviationstrilogy.blogspot.com/2009/04/story-acceptance-publicity.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3664/3420547050_a740bcbfc6.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3664/3420547050_a740bcbfc6.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a bcbfc\", \"alt_text\": \"Prickly Pear Babies\", \"rendered_width\": 389, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://deviationstrilogy.blogspot.com/2009/04/story-acceptance-publicity.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://coturnix.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/open_lab_2011_150x100.png\", \"src\": \"http://coturnix.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/open_lab_2011_150x100.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"open lab\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://deviationstrilogy.blogspot.com/2009/04/story-acceptance-publicity.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://scienceblogs.com/thoughtfulanimal/2011/01/06/Open_Lab_2010_published_150x100.png\", \"src\": \"http://scienceblogs.com/thoughtfulanimal/2011/01/06/Open_Lab_2010_published_150x100.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Open Lab published\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://deviationstrilogy.blogspot.com/2009/04/story-acceptance-publicity.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.aislingpress.com/site/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/92cbc1dc350665863731874a2d6b5086.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.aislingpress.com/site/components/com_virtuemart/shop_image/product/92cbc1dc350665863731874a2d6b5086.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cbc dc a d b\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, April 07, 2009\n\nStory Acceptance & Publicity\n\nMy story \"Judgment at Naioth\" has been accepted to the Dybbuk Press anthology She Nailed a Stake Through His Head: Tales of Biblical Terror. (The anthology title refers to the incident in Judges 4:21.) My story does some Midrash on much of 2 Samuel.\n\nEditor Tim Lieder's call for submissions inspired me to write the piece. And I learned a new word from his specs: Chiastic (Kiastic), the varieties of which are defined here.\n\nThanks to Julianne Draper, who profiled me here. Julianne blogs for the Miami Examiner's online Tampa edition.\n\nA second publication in which my work has appeared is up for an award. In addition to Unspeakable Horror being on the final Bram Stoker Award ballot, the magazine Electric Velocipede (which published my story \"Hermit Crabs\" last year in #14) is on the ballot for a Hugo Award.\n\nThe interview that hosts Glenda and Tony Finkelstein did with me last October at Necronomicon is now airing on the Internet radio show The Andromeda Library, which broadcasts daily from 4-6 a.m. and p.m. Eastern Time on Ad Astra Radio. Here's the line-up for the show.\n\nMonday's walk revealed some cute prickly pear bubbelas.", null, null, "These grow along a use trail to the side of our county road."], "url": "http://deviationstrilogy.blogspot.com/2009/04/story-acceptance-publicity.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 435, "original_height": 499, "original_width": 433, "width": 378}, {"height": 485, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 389, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2e446ff7922efb9f076a5e11a7a47f74ecdfc559f53a867344cbbae3a473661d", "43cc877095e3253c537e30e5c1564771534d992a001002efc72bec0a0c7b775a"], "__index_level_0__": 92, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-p6k8LVot3ks/UW2MThTTjsI/AAAAAAAABmE/lCMfQiSsisk/s400/sacre+duo.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jrPCaeC1XYc/UW2QMdidy_I/AAAAAAAABm8/plXE8AoYfx4/s400/2forestwalk.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aquTHdKMb5k/UW2QanHbORI/AAAAAAAABno/h1ju-u7H5Ps/s400/2moss.jpg", 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The collage goes on to screenings at other international festivals later this month and afterward. Of course I was thrilled to be a part of this homage to one of my favourite historical dance works and the festival's strong selection of offerings ranged from otherworldly beauty to laugh out loud humour created by an international roster of artists in dance and video. It was a pleasure to be present in this stimulating environment with other creators and dance aficianados from France and countries as diverse as Mexico and Hungary.\n\nApril thus far has been an exciting month for me in the way of exhibitions, collaborations and new work--- I'll be sharing more later. However, whilst at the festival I did find time during the days to do a bit of hiking and I'd like to take you on a walk through one of the hilly Burgundian forests with its magical ambiance and quiet peace. Jagged moss draped stumps transform into faery forts or elfin creatures that start up on every side from the thick blanket of winter pale leaves. The trees possess miniature doorways at ground level and above, that could easily be taken for portals into other worlds. A rich variety of shelf fungus and tiny mushrooms crop up all around, suggesting the near presence of elemental beings or the equally mystical but clearly elegant interweavings of natural order. In the midst of an economically depressed region, the natural beauty here remains strong and inspiring, the evergreen woods full of bird song and the uplifting scent of pine, the green fields bedecked with wildflowers and gentle white Charolais cattle.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Posted by Diana at Tuesday, April 16, 2013"], "url": "http://dianaheyne.blogspot.com/2013/04/back-in-nantes-after-attending-fifth.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 278, "original_width": 400, "width": 543}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, 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She cooks great creole New Orleans meals. Unfortunately, I forgot to take any photos this year! I am planning to create a cookbook for our family members with all of her Thanksgiving Day recipes. I will do it scrapbook style,  of course. I will have to dig up some photos from years past. I have had the pleasure of taking part in this  day with my husband;s family for over 30 years. I do hope you took some photos of your day and want to make a photobook. Picaboo.com has an easy program to use. Click on the ad and you can use all of the paper and embellishments I have here. I also have archives full of previously posted kits and there are some good Fall and Thanksgiving ones with several paper sizes. If you send me an email at email@example.com and include a screenshot of any of your layouts, I will post them in our gallery.  You can also use that email address to let me know what kinds of photobooks or crafts you do and what you would like to see here in the future. I have some nice Christmas kits in the works, but do you need Hanukkah, or other kinds of kits? And if you are a Facebook user, please \"like\" my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/httpdigitalphotobookpagesblogspotcom I also add freebies there.  Happy Holidays! Here are the links"], "url": "http://digitalphotobookpages.blogspot.com/2012/11/thanksgiving-freebie.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["cc068494e606c712232e52c9342cec4ef8f4302db19aad43be909eb8ed78d10f", "9ff55045db0aeca03f61506a4782826084f5a84fc52ffcb6ca5babf9772788a5"], "__index_level_0__": 94, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-w7lOFviZpiE/UT0jjmXQfGI/AAAAAAAABA0/b36U_iOcdn4/s1600/Blue+Ribbon+Comics+%252312+%255B1984%255Db.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9524946808815002}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ditko.blogspot.com/2010/01/blue-ribbon-comics-12-1984.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UU0elo1Z1AY/UT0jjpnDVTI/AAAAAAAABAo/56j7DK2nZt4/s1600/Blue+Ribbon+Comics+%2312+%5B1984%5Da.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UU0elo1Z1AY/UT0jjpnDVTI/AAAAAAAABAo/56j7DK2nZt4/s1600/Blue+Ribbon+Comics+%2312+%5B1984%5Da.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Blue Ribbon Comics B Da\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ditko.blogspot.com/2010/01/blue-ribbon-comics-12-1984.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-w7lOFviZpiE/UT0jjmXQfGI/AAAAAAAABA0/b36U_iOcdn4/s1600/Blue+Ribbon+Comics+%252312+%255B1984%255Db.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-w7lOFviZpiE/UT0jjmXQfGI/AAAAAAAABA0/b36U_iOcdn4/s1600/Blue+Ribbon+Comics+%252312+%255B1984%255Db.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Blue Ribbon Comics B Db\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["New and Upcoming Ditko includes...", "January 11, 2010\n\nBlue Ribbon Comics #12 [1984]\n\nPosted by bob", "Labels: 1, Archie, Thunder Agents", "One of the more temporary stops the THUNDER Agents made over the years was over at Archie. The previous year several comics had been published by JC Comics with new and reprint stories, including one cover by Ditko inked by Willie Blyberg. This issue of Archie's anthology adventure title continues from those, apparently to help save a deadline (there's an ad in here with a cover for BLUE RIBBON #12, but with the cover that eventually was on #14).\n\nAnyway, Ditko art is on the 10-page back-up story, \"The Making Of A Monster\" featuring the robotic Agent with an invisibility cloak, NoMan, inks by Blyberg, story by John Carbonaro and Charlie Boatner. NoMan goes to a remote island after getting a letter from Wildey, an unstable old associate (who isn't aware of his current robotic state). On the island he finds that his old friend has set himself up as a modern Doctor Moreau, creating hybrid beasts in out of control genetic experiments, and buying human slaves to experiment on.\n\nSome really attractive work by Ditko in this one, with Blyberg's inks really bringing the work alive. I especially liked all the strange creatures. That faceless gorilla is just creepy, and that horned cat looks like something out of WATCHMEN a few years later. There are some more freakish chimera later in the story, and good action scenes of NoMan fighting them.\n\nNot a must have, but definitely one of the better examples of Ditko's commercial work in the mid-80s, worth picking up if you see a copy.", null, "The Many Worlds of the Ditko Weblog by Bob"], "url": "http://ditko.blogspot.com/2010/01/blue-ribbon-comics-12-1984.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 560, "original_height": 741, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b01bb5a8d1ac1b56bb2734719b6dc3fb7b769ab372b166de74d2b67176d9308e"], "__index_level_0__": 95, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Ukdz47IoSTE/UDutl9K5e3I/AAAAAAAAEAY/C1XchAWDAiE/s320/DSCF9491.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-nwNz6pwzuiQ/UDutoi_sNOI/AAAAAAAAEAg/TNjkAjyy0Io/s320/DSCF9500.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Kfp7i2BiAB0/UDutrQSwl6I/AAAAAAAAEAo/7ru6TH12t1U/s320/DSCF9509.JPG", 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"Wednesday, 31 October 2012\n\nI DID IT!!!!!\n\nI completed the Great South Run!\n\n1 hour 29 minutes 26 seconds!!!", "Wednesday, 24 October 2012\n\nShameless plug for a friend...", "Posted by Jackie at 23:34 No comments:", "Friday, 19 October 2012", "Friday, 21 September 2012\n\nHouse sharing\n\nCrikey, it's been ages since I last blogged!!", "Monday, 27 August 2012\n\nThe Wolf Conservation Trust open day 27/08/12", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Posted by Jackie at 18:27 No comments:", "Saturday, 18 August 2012", null, "Posted by Jackie at 13:47 No comments:", "My new pal!\n\nIt's basically a calorie counter.", "Sunday, 1 July 2012\n\nAdventures in nail polish.\n\nI've started painting my nails!\n\nThat shouldn't be such a surprise, except that anyone who knows me in real life will tell you how totally un-girly I am, and how you'd think that nail polish would be the very last thing on this earth I would have any interest in!\n\nWell, times have changed, and I'm learning how to paint and care for my nails. Actually I do think that nice hands and nails are a sign of a person who takes care of themselves. I'm not doing anything flashy, no nail art or fancy bits and pieces, just plain solid colour. (Most of the time...).\n\nMy current favourite is a lavender colour. I also have an aqua and a bright blue that I like too. I'm not so keen on red, but pastel pink is nice, and I've got a couple of neutral colours too for less bold days.\n\nUnfortunately, applying nail varnish is a learnt technique and I'm still learning, although I have improved a lot since seeking advice on a forum and watching youtube videos. You also do just have to practice, especially with your 'wrong' hand.\n\nI've gone from this - look how badly I've gone over the cuticles!", "To this - my jubilee nails with a little playing around with nails art before I took the polish off, still a bad paint job!", "To this - getting better but air bubbles in the polish", "To this - starting to get better but still not there yet", "And finally, this is where I am now. Better, but still a way to go.", "I also need to do huge amounts of work on the condition of my nails and cuticles. I've tried so many different treatments over the years but I still have nails and cuticles like this:", "So, I have been back to the internet, sought advice and am now waiting for some new and highly recommended products to arrive from amazon.... well, I had a gift voucher to spend so why not?!!\n\nI have also treated myself to a black nail art pen, so had a play with that recently for our work open day.", "It's nice to finally have a girly hobby. I wonder how long it will last! Although with nails that look like mine, it's good to keep them covered up!!\nPosted by Jackie at 23:12 No comments:", "Thursday, 7 June 2012\n\nMore books!", "Tuesday, 5 June 2012\n\nAnother bank holiday!", "Saturday, 12 May 2012\n\nMay Day bank holiday\n\nIt was a lovely weekend.", "Posted by Jackie at 12:56 No comments:", "Sunday, 22 April 2012\n\nBooks vs films.\n\nI always find that books are better if read before you see the film. You use your own imagination rather than the images from the film and you get the story as the original author wrote it rather than someones interpretation of it.\n\nYesterday I wanted to watch 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' because it had come from Lovefilm quicker than I expected it to. So, I started reading the book when I woke up, finished it by lunch time and then watched the film in the evening.\n\nHowever, I think it was not a good idea to do both so quickly, because inevitably the film had changed a lot of the detail, and as the detail was still so fresh in my mind I noticed all the little changes that I might not have picked up on if more time had elapsed.\n\nI did enjoy both the book and the film. I didn't cry at either which surprised me, because everyone I know said they had cried and normally I'm the first to cry.\n\nSo my advice, read the book then watch the film, but leave a little time between doing the two!", "Posted by Jackie at 18:21 No comments:", "Thursday, 19 April 2012\n\nSegway experience!!!\n\nFor Christmas, Mum and Dad gave me a segway experience! They also gave one to my brother and niece#2 because we'd all been talking about it and looking it up on line.\n\nWe booked it for April hoping for good weather and although it was a bit cold, it was sunny and dry so perfect really.\n\nWe had a short safety check and lesson on handling the segway, then we went off on some paths around the lakes for a ride. It was great fun! Mum and Dad came to watch with sis-in-law and niece#1, so Mum took some photo's for me.", "Posted by Jackie at 22:45 No comments:", "Friday, 6 April 2012", "Monday, 26 March 2012\n\nThe Abercrombie hoodie was still there!!\n\nAnd now, it's MY Abercrombie hoodie!!!\n\n(paid full price for it though, I was hoping it might have been reduced by now.)\nPosted by Jackie at 22:37 No comments:", "Thursday, 22 March 2012\n\nReading = :-( Abercrombie = :-)\n\nI'll let you know!\nPosted by Jackie at 21:27 No comments:", "Tuesday, 28 February 2012\n\nI've been trying to get back into reading recently.\n\nPosted by Jackie at 23:57 No comments:", "Wednesday, 22 February 2012\n\nTwo years", "Nothing's forgotten.\nNothing's ever forgotten.\nPosted by Jackie at 19:37 No comments:", "Saturday, 18 February 2012\n\nRandom events\n\nI have a few unrelated things to blog so this post might be a tad random in places...\n\nI have just got back from the South East Berks Gang Show, which my friend's little boy (sorry, young man!) was in. It's the third one he's done and so the third one I've seen, and the standard is amazingly high! I went with my sister and Nephew#1 who loved it!\n\nI had an email from an old friend in America. She and I worked on Scout camp together in 1991 and 1993, and we've kept in touch albeit sporadically. She was writing to let me know her mother is ill with a terminal illness. It's news like that which makes me take stock and appreciate what I have got in my life. This little saying popped up on another friends facebook today, and it definitely applies to me these days.", "I'm going to make it my new mantra.\n\nOn Monday I helped another friend with a house clearance. An elderly family friend has passed away and her parents are executors, so she was doing some clearing of stuff for them and I gave her a hand. The old man had lived locally to me and my friend and her family now live some hours away, so she stayed with me Sunday night and we did some clearing on Monday. It was lovely to see her and catch up, it's been almost 2 years since I saw her last! We got a lot done too which was good.\n\nI didn't run for 2 weeks. There was ice and snow one week, and then I had other things on the next week. I went to track yesterday though and it was hard work.... got to get back into it! Hopefully we've got some better weather coming now that we're heading into spring, it's definitely a much more pleasant hobby in the summer and I'm actually quite proud of myself for sticking with it through the winter months! I do need to push myself though as I have definitely plateaued, I doubt that right now I would manage the '8 in 80' I did back in October!\n\nYesterday was my sister's birthday! Happy birthday sis!!\n\nMy brother and sis-in-law got another dog! Can't remember if I blogged it, but the old dog died before Christmas. They have got another collie, this one is a 2 year old bitch called Trixie and she's a total sweetie!", "This is her picture off the rescue website, she's much prettier in real life and just wants cuddles all the time!\n\nSo, I think that's it, but if not I'll be back to edit this post over the next day or so I'm sure....\n\nPosted by Jackie at 23:59 No comments:", "Friday, 10 February 2012\n\nJust another February....\n\nCan you believe February is half way through already? I can't.\n\nWe've had snow this week. That means I haven't been running for a week now because I'm too scared to run in the snow and too lazy to dig the treadmill out from under the boxes of car boot stuff.\n\nAt the end of January, I went to see Blood Brothers with my friend. It was her birthday present to me, and it was fab! I have seen it before but a long time ago, and I was surprised how much of it I had forgotten. I made some popcorn to take. I love toffee popcorn and wanted to make my own instead of buying it. It took a few goes but I finally got it almost right.... one more try and it'll be perfect I recon!", "Posted by Jackie at 20:06 2 comments:", "Sunday, 22 January 2012", "Sunday, 15 January 2012\n\nTwo weeks in.\n\nTwo weeks into the new year.\n\nI have run a bit, played some badminton, went back to work, slept a LOT! (my main weekend activity!), walked the dogs, turned forty....\n\nOh yeah, I was 40 last week!!\n\nWell anyone who has got there before me will know that it's really no big deal. I'm actually fitter, slimmer, healthier and definitely happier at 40 than I was at 35, probably than I was at 30 as well.\n\nI'm definitely a 'low key' kinda birthday girl, luckily Mum appreciates that and resisted my brothers suggestion for a surprise party (I love you Mum!!) and we had a nice, quiet family get together instead.\n\nI did have some fabulous presents though, money and vouchers, stuff I asked for and wanted, and a special gift of salon vouchers to pamper myself which I had thought of but not asked for.... definitely gonna enjoy that one! Just trying to decide what to have! I have spent the money already. I wanted new running shoes and didn't hang about since the sales are still on. I got a nice bright yellow pair of Adidas Supernova Sequence 4 from Sweatshop, £85 reduced to £52. They're really really comfy. I've been out in them once but have rested over the weekend because running in my old dead shoes had made my left calf tighten up, so I thought a few days rest then start again with my new shoes was a good idea. Calf is fine now, so will run tomorrow as usual. I also ordered a Garmin GPS watch! I never thought I'd afford one of these, it's the really basic one, GPS only no heart rate monitor or anything, but at half price (£150 reduced to £75) and with birthday money to spend it brought it into my price range. I'll never afford a fancy one so thought I'd just go for it! If ever I do get a better one, I should get a decent second hand price for it having got it half price in the first place! It should arrive next week sometime.\n\nTomorrow is niece#1's 19th birthday. She went back to university last Sunday, so my party on Saturday was also her party. We had a joint party as otherwise she wouldn't have had the opportunity, and since everyone was all together anyway it made sense. Can't believe she is 19.... if time carries on disappearing like it is, we'll be celebrating her 40th before we know it!! (That'll make me 61... how depressing!)\n\nSo, onwards and upwards.... hang on, I'm officially over the hill now so it's onwards and downwards!! And everyone at running club will confirm how much I hate uphills and love downhills!!\nPosted by Jackie at 13:54 No comments:", "Sunday, 1 January 2012\n\nToday was a lovely new year's day!"], "url": "http://dog-hair-in-my-dinner.blogspot.com/2012/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 238, "original_width": 320, "width": 508}], "image_hashes": ["737b2edb93973602f5deafa4c8e8eb35db04d748d44ff42c438f2cb7dc4190ee", "00d2cc7d2e28ea04e25eb864a52ae13b2ca0b61cab258d890c07c56b778647de", "b4929b8f70b441ce381a1f43d6b7d9bc9e3afc23c4cd643829967ee8382197d1", "97c3988c4d2e4b280a011a7381ad2387349e40e9c5d3104d9a02a1b17b297330", "534ab02d8aebe9bd186596c757f249497e31e0c901c50b9cf511a92719d86fd4", "bf66edd0f2beb5241d416fa397a6e101ac4831923650dfa2d1e2a6878176a5d9", "5d5ceb30f5b6c7bb319f2b0c5fd2a991733174a0196a6a352ff086c6a4bc64d5", "1794b30c98a9b2eda8ccf65881f595a4c3c116bc6ccfa1b70722b68d0e63470b", "a58260715bb68f429083d3e3446b9b4271a72919b60298649035a4d0d20f4e14", "d8bdf373e2300d682ccae1dfea8d863c1dd4201448fc7cc33d70182de212c787"], "__index_level_0__": 96, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SI-sXYxefEM/TWg6PEXiIiI/AAAAAAAACKY/Y4--XKRH4cE/s320/dogs+011.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zZgfkWyCkGc/TWg6fyzIMKI/AAAAAAAACKc/rGI1E5KcMos/s320/dogs+022.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gloU_uW1Slw/TWg6yZyc_1I/AAAAAAAACKg/fUCtdJ34gKg/s320/dogs+023.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MoITEwK2Kcc/TWg7E-YupFI/AAAAAAAACKk/SRSB8cFGtfw/s320/dogs+004.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-obBz8rtC8l4/TWg7XQRhISI/AAAAAAAACKo/SUzX2rFtZvQ/s320/dogs+008.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9797880053520204}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dogvotional.blogspot.com/2011/02/snow-snuggles-and-lost-puppies.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SI-sXYxefEM/TWg6PEXiIiI/AAAAAAAACKY/Y4--XKRH4cE/s320/dogs+011.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SI-sXYxefEM/TWg6PEXiIiI/AAAAAAAACKY/Y4--XKRH4cE/s320/dogs+011.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dogs\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, {\"document_url\": \"http://dogvotional.blogspot.com/2011/02/snow-snuggles-and-lost-puppies.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zZgfkWyCkGc/TWg6fyzIMKI/AAAAAAAACKc/rGI1E5KcMos/s320/dogs+022.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zZgfkWyCkGc/TWg6fyzIMKI/AAAAAAAACKc/rGI1E5KcMos/s320/dogs+022.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dogs\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 213}, {\"document_url\": \"http://dogvotional.blogspot.com/2011/02/snow-snuggles-and-lost-puppies.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gloU_uW1Slw/TWg6yZyc_1I/AAAAAAAACKg/fUCtdJ34gKg/s320/dogs+023.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gloU_uW1Slw/TWg6yZyc_1I/AAAAAAAACKg/fUCtdJ34gKg/s320/dogs+023.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dogs\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 213}, {\"document_url\": \"http://dogvotional.blogspot.com/2011/02/snow-snuggles-and-lost-puppies.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MoITEwK2Kcc/TWg7E-YupFI/AAAAAAAACKk/SRSB8cFGtfw/s320/dogs+004.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MoITEwK2Kcc/TWg7E-YupFI/AAAAAAAACKk/SRSB8cFGtfw/s320/dogs+004.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dogs\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, {\"document_url\": \"http://dogvotional.blogspot.com/2011/02/snow-snuggles-and-lost-puppies.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-obBz8rtC8l4/TWg7XQRhISI/AAAAAAAACKo/SUzX2rFtZvQ/s320/dogs+008.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-obBz8rtC8l4/TWg7XQRhISI/AAAAAAAACKo/SUzX2rFtZvQ/s320/dogs+008.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dogs\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dogvotional.blogspot.com/2011/02/snow-snuggles-and-lost-puppies.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images.compassion.com/images/120x240.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images.compassion.com/images/120x240.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion\"}]", "texts": ["Friday, February 25, 2011\n\nSnow snuggles and lost puppies\n\n Guess what? Yesterday, while Mommy was opening the garage, Bailey disappeared. First she was there, and then, poof! She was gone.\n\nWhen Mommy turned back, she thought Bailey was wrestling with me and Scout. But she wasn't. It was cold and raining and Mommy thought Bailey went into the garage when she opened the door, so she looked inside with all of the stuff. But Bailey wasn't there.\n\nBailey learned yesterday that even though she has a big blockhead, she can fit through the space in the front gate, so Mommy was worried that Bailey got scared by the garage door noise and ran down the driveway and through the little space in the fence and kept running.\n\nThen Mommy went end of the driveway and called her. She asked the moving men on the street if they saw her and people out for walks if they saw her. No Bailey.\n\nThen she called Daddy on the phone and said, Help!! Come home!! and he said, I'm on my way! And then Hera's daddy Doug came out to look for Bailey. And then Jason and his friend Trevor came out to look for Bailey.\n\nMe and Scout just hung out in the yard waiting and barking. Mommy said she was getting scared that someone stole Bailey because she's so cute. Me and Scout weren't worried. We think that if someone stole Bailey they would bring her back because she has really stinky breath and her poop stinks up the whole house. Blech.\n\nAnyway, Mommy walked down the street calling \"Bailey!! Bailey!!\" and there she was, standing on the sidewalk on the other side of the street just a little ways down from our house.\n\nWhen Bailey saw Mommy she came running to her really fast and jumped into her arms. She was shaking scared, even though she was only gone about eleventeen minutes.\n\nMommy thinks that Bailey ran down the driveway and forgot how to get back up, so she just started walking and got lost. She didn't want to run away and she heard Mommy calling and tried to come home to her, but she doesn't know our street so she got loster and loster.\n\nOnce Bailey was snuggled back in her basket and Daddy was home, Mommy started crying and crying and saying, \"What if we didn't find her? What if someone stole her? What if she got hit by a car? Whhhaaa!!\" Me and Scout just said, \"When's dinner?\"\n\nDaddy went out and put screen fence all over the gate so Bailey can't fit her big blockhead through any more.\n\nMommy made some brownies for Doug and the kids to thank them for going out in the rain and cold to walk around the neighborhood to find the puppy. She said they did that once to look for me, except I don't remember running away. I just went visiting the neighbors a lot when I was a puppy. Hey, everyone, just stopping by to pee on your flowers!\n\nAnyway, today is a super snow day! There wasn't snow yesterday, so it was good that Bailey didn't get lost today.", null, null, null, null, null, "We played for a while and now we are all snuggled in the house. The snow is over Bailey's head, so she gets snuggled more. Plus Mommy says it's \"girl power,\" since she and Bailey are two girls against four boys in the house.\n\nBoo on girl power.\n\nVisit Mommy's NEW dog blog, Bark Around Town, the blog about the Rochester dog community. And don't forget to follow us on Twitter!\nPosted by Joanne Brokaw at 5:10 PM\nLabels: Bailey, Bandit, Hera, Scout", "My Name is Bandit", "This is stuff I wrote", "Visit Mommy's blog", "Write me a letter!", "Or subscribe in a reader ... whatever that means.", "These are posts people really like", "More stuff I wrote:\n\nRead Bandit's letters to Bo Obama, the White House Dog"], "url": "http://dogvotional.blogspot.com/2011/02/snow-snuggles-and-lost-puppies.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["faaf2acb8dc262afc0d45b0e620ad3bde43f1008fbcd5b6e310978049ca4413d", "42e14057a74e9a16eada80dce40c8f30ad3efd5ddf9ef24b5ceefc20bb33a845", "eb561ba6e250b673cefb5f9f319a3adb00da41405fbd3553c55afd05fee9741d", "fcf68aec7d72b7a37b3dde056c6b167b8706feafc6a83d026a8d553c44298488", "21c42d719bb985a0c168c1354864579e1f790217f8bc6af42c01ac11855675de"], "__index_level_0__": 97, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://img.youtube.com/vi/6qQy8rdJLDQ/0.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.964429259300232}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://drchrisstephens.com/category/commitment/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img.youtube.com/vi/6qQy8rdJLDQ/0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img.youtube.com/vi/6qQy8rdJLDQ/0.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"YouTube Preview Image\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://drchrisstephens.com/category/commitment/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://drchrisstephens.com/wp-content/themes/Stephens2011/images/spacer.png\", \"src\": \"http://drchrisstephens.com/wp-content/themes/Stephens2011/images/spacer.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"spacer\", \"rendered_width\": 114, \"rendered_height\": 107}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://drchrisstephens.com/category/commitment/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://drchrisstephens.com/wp-content/themes/Stephens2011/images/plan3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://drchrisstephens.com/wp-content/themes/Stephens2011/images/plan3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"plan\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 100}, {\"document_url\": \"http://drchrisstephens.com/category/commitment/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://drchrisstephens.com/wp-content/themes/Stephens2011/images/devos3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://drchrisstephens.com/wp-content/themes/Stephens2011/images/devos3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"devos\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 100}]", "texts": ["Why have you left?\n\nOr better yet why have you stayed?\n\nLove ya,\n\nPastor Chris\n\nQuestions I Asked the Lord", "Just my heart.\n\nAn Army vs. An Audience\n\nHey Friends.\n\nJust a thought.\n\nAs Leaders, Let’s Raise the Bar!\n\nPosted on September 28, 2010 in: Commitment, leadership, radical, standards|2 Comments", "I’m reading a book that many of you are reading right now called, Radical, by David Platt. I am really enjoying it. He is without a doubt, radical! I don’t necessarily agree with everything David says, but he is right on with so many things. In chapter three he tells a story of teaching in a seminary in Indonesia. He spoke at the commencement ceremony and said, “It was very moving.” One of the requirements for graduation is to plant a church there in that country with at least 30 new believers who are baptized at the new church. Sounds pretty easy.\n\nIndonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. Would you say that is raising the bar? I would! During the ceremony, they remembered two of the students who were killed for the Kingdom of Christ. That was not a requirement for semiary when I went. As Kingdom leaders, we need to raise the bar of what we expect of ourselves and other leaders we help train.\n\nI wonder if we have toned down the radical walk of Jesus and His disciples. He said to, “Deny yourself and take up your cross and follow Him daily.” He said, “If you put your hand to the plow and looked back you were not fit for the Kingdom.” What are our requirements for leadership today?\n\nHave we lowered the bar? Have we tried to make it so easy that anybody could do it? Ten of Christ’s disciples were killed for their faith. One, John, died on a prison island. They did not end up with great retirements here. Are you sold out to the Lord? Are you committed to raise up radical followers of the risen Lord? Are we teaching them to observe, “all that I have commanded you?”\n\nLet’s not be afraid to call for commitment for the cause of Christ. He died for us – the least we can do is live for Him to the max.\n\nJust a thought,\n\nWho Is The Most Committed?\n\nPosted on August 4, 2010 in: agenda, cause, Commitment|3 Comments", null, "How Much Do You Love The Lord?\n\nPosted on April 20, 2010 in: Commitment, devotion, love|12 Comments\n\nLove You,\n\nCan You Sign The Card?\n\nPosted on March 15, 2010 in: Commitment, Submission|4 Comments\n\nOver 25 years ago I signed this card.  It was called:\n\nLet me remake it for you and see if you can sign it:\n\nCan You?\n\nBut, I Filled Out The Card!\n\nPosted on September 21, 2009 in: Commitment, decisions|14 Comments\n\nI hope you read Thursday’s blog. If not, please skip back and read it quickly because today’s piggybacks off of it. We talked about making decisions versus managing decisions. Leaders, we need to know this because at the end of the day we must help the followers manage or follow through with their decisions. Years ago my only concern was how many people found their way down the aisle and to the altar during an invitation. Slowly it dawned on me (I’m not the fastest car on the track) that the number of people at the altar didn’t mean much because most did not follow through on commitments made.\n\nLast weekend we talked about the importance of small group community in personal growth. 250 people signed up for “grouplink” on the following Wednesday night. When Wednesday night came 3 or 4 days after “signing the card” to attend, 150 showed up. Praise God for those who showed up and are connecting in community. What about the other 100 that said they would come?  Making decisions is easy, following through is not.\n\nAs leaders we must understand the concept or risk being discouraged and depressed on a regular basis. It is our job to help people manage the things they really want to do. We are leading people down the “narrow road” and calling them to do what is not easy. So as we are called to make disciples we must help them. We will all fail! We will all drop the ball with the decisions we have made, but we must pick it back up and “run the race that is set before us.”\n\nAm I discouraged because of the 100 that did not show up? NO WAY! They will come next time. We will continue to help people manage spiritual decisions and help grow them to be more like Jesus. As I recall, Jesus had some difficult times with His disciples, didn’t He?  Just a thought.\n\nYours to count on,\n\nP.S. At the end of  the journey it is not about decisions, but about disciples. It is not about how many cards were filled out, but how many Christ- followers we make."], "url": "http://drchrisstephens.com/category/commitment/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 480, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["cfb4fdc1e7eda52a9a18e459048d020a56e0dae63f45b8b32cf125c728f70667"], "__index_level_0__": 98, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.dreamstime.com/mother-with-kids-running-thumb16189762.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9730458855628968}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dynamicworkouts.blogspot.com/2011/04/get-fit-and-active-with-kids-this.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.dreamstime.com/mother-with-kids-running-thumb16189762.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.dreamstime.com/mother-with-kids-running-thumb16189762.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mother with kids running thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"kids-running\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 133}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dynamicworkouts.blogspot.com/2011/04/get-fit-and-active-with-kids-this.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5004/5369131564_ac9b0dc223_t.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5004/5369131564_ac9b0dc223_t.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ac b dc t\", \"alt_text\": \"mail\", \"rendered_width\": 100, \"rendered_height\": 77}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dynamicworkouts.blogspot.com/2011/04/get-fit-and-active-with-kids-this.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5161/5353098113_422ed213d3_t.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5161/5353098113_422ed213d3_t.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ed d t\", \"alt_text\": \"profpix\", \"rendered_width\": 86, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, April 3, 2011\n\nGet Fit and Active With the Kids This Spring Break!", null, "Did you see it? I thought I saw it there for a minute...could it really have been the sun? Well, depending on where you live, it looks like just MAYBE spring weather is making good on the season and that means a few things. First, it means that at least one excuse not to exercise is officially busted: the weather outside IS nice, inviting, and begging for you to get out there and get physical. Secondly, it means that there are lots of fitness related events and activities on the horizon that you can (should) sign-up for and take part in. Thirdly, it means that spring break is happening here, yes the dates may be a bit different depending on school schedules, but if you're a parent you'll be needing a way to keep those kids busy...and for that the topic of this blog!\n\nOne cause that I feel really passionate about is getting kids active and moving! Every time I hear about another school cuttings sports programs and physical education classes it gets me fired up all over again. Being active and exercising is SO important and not only because we have a serious obesity problem. Kids that participate in sports learn and develop other skills that translate over into other areas of their life. Things such as discipline, setting and reaching their goals, and also developing self-esteem. I could go on and on, but back on track; if kids aren't going to be getting active in a school setting then it's up to parents to find outlets for them to get it.\n\nInstilling a passion for using their body and exercising is something that should be done young; parents then should set an example. There are plenty of ways to do this and when the kids are on break, one great way is to get the whole family out there and moving together. Working out doesn't always have to be thought of as a regimented type of thing and for kids an excellent thing to do is make it a game. Take them to the soccer field and challenge them to a game; go do basketball, rugby, football, whatever you like. Just make sure that you're not lulling around but instead working up a sweat...running up and down that field.\n\nTake it to the streets and get running, biking, rollerblading. There are local road races that are usually going on this time of year; look for one a few weeks ahead, sign up, and then use that as motivation to get everyone out and training for this together. Kids are naturally a bit more competitive and you can use this to your advantage...not just to get them moving but for parents too! Take a look at one of our workout videos and do it with the kids; I'll bet that their extra energy pushes you to go harder yourself!\n\nYou can also make up your own little exercise 'games.'> Take the kids out to the park and set up an obstacle course. To get your creative juices flowing here's an idea:\nHowever you get you and your family up and moving...get out and DO IT!!! Exercise and being healthy, fit adults begins with being active kids. So while school is out for spring break, take the chance to teach that very important lesson to the wee ones by getting them outside and under this sun...because I swear I did see the sun out there. :)"], "url": "http://dynamicworkouts.blogspot.com/2011/04/get-fit-and-active-with-kids-this.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["ad33303574f28d39c69a98074a6c555e6bb1834bd333d80af9c28be123a911bd"], "__index_level_0__": 99, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rNBi3mbl3i4/SMoAhF_P5RI/AAAAAAAAAk8/dKFayys0OaA/s200/IMG_0309.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.928222358226776}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://eastafricancenter.blogspot.com/2008/07/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rNBi3mbl3i4/SMoAhF_P5RI/AAAAAAAAAk8/dKFayys0OaA/s200/IMG_0309.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rNBi3mbl3i4/SMoAhF_P5RI/AAAAAAAAAk8/dKFayys0OaA/s200/IMG_0309.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://eastafricancenter.blogspot.com/2008/07/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_rNBi3mbl3i4/SMoBGoCEa1I/AAAAAAAAAns/aLBzPm_G5I4/s200/acrobats+best.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_rNBi3mbl3i4/SMoBGoCEa1I/AAAAAAAAAns/aLBzPm_G5I4/s200/acrobats+best.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"acrobats best\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://eastafricancenter.blogspot.com/2008/07/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rNBi3mbl3i4/SMsEiIV0SNI/AAAAAAAAA5w/NvMvH71CUgE/S187/DSC_0476.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rNBi3mbl3i4/SMsEiIV0SNI/AAAAAAAAA5w/NvMvH71CUgE/S187/DSC_0476.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\", \"alt_text\": \"Who we are\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 99}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Tuesday, July 1, 2008\n\nBecoming a sponsor\n\nDear Future Sponsor:\n\nWe are so glad you have decided to join our efforts in providing a better life through education and community development in Eastern Kenya! Student sponsors will receive personal email and post mail updates and photos with information about the individual student they are sponsoring. These updates will include a picture at least once a year as well as health and academic evaluations of the students. Sponsors will also be able to follow along with the activities at Vutakaka on the school's blog and have access to the Vutakaka photo albums both which are updated regularly.\n\nWe realize how important it is for sponsors to keep in touch with the students and make every effort to communicate with sponsors throughout the year. If you feel a special connection with one of the students, for instance if they are a Girl Scout and so is your daughter, please indicate to us that you would like to receive information about that specific student (or those specific students if you are sponsoring more than one student).\n\nThank you for making this effort! Your support is appreciated by those of us at the EAC and invaluable to the students of Vutakaka.\n\nThere are 3 ways to become a sponsor of a student at Vutakaka:\n\nPlease choose between a monthly donation of $23.75, a yearly donation of $285, or a one-time donation of $285 to sponsor a student.\n\nPlease feel free to email us at email@example.com with any questions!\n\nIf sponsoring by mail, print and fill out this form, address envelope to EAC at PO Box 95703 Seattle, WA 98145. If paying by check or money order, enclose payment with payment form. (no form is needed when completing sponsorship online).\n\nI would like to sponsor _______ student(s) by donating $285 each year for _____ year(s)\n\nI would like to sponsor _______ student(s) by donating $23.75 each month for _____ year(s)\n\nName________________________ Phone_____________________\n\nDo you want to receive more information, pictures & correspondence from your child or children as the school year progresses?\n\nYES____ NO_____\n\nWould you like your sponsorship to automatically renew year to year?\n\nYES____ NO____\n\nWould you like to sponsor a specific student?\n\nYES____ (indicate name(s) below and we will send you information about the student(s) you have listed) NO____ (we will send you information about the individual student your money is sponsoring)"], "url": "http://eastafricancenter.blogspot.com/2008/07/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["ac26cc9a5a9e1668fe299efde9df019b8bbc2893b929e2c03d881691475c87ab"], "__index_level_0__": 100, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pIrKRuf77jM/TzmhcSmRiLI/AAAAAAAAHAQ/Bnriq6YjrRo/s320/DSC_1149+-+blckbg+center.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7996999025344849}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://eatpraydance-priyadarshini.blogspot.com/2012_02_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pIrKRuf77jM/TzmhcSmRiLI/AAAAAAAAHAQ/Bnriq6YjrRo/s320/DSC_1149+-+blckbg+center.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pIrKRuf77jM/TzmhcSmRiLI/AAAAAAAAHAQ/Bnriq6YjrRo/s320/DSC_1149+-+blckbg+center.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC blckbg center\", \"rendered_width\": 213, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Following the resounding success of yet another performance, and popular demand by a few new contacts in Stamford, I will now be taking children and adults' beginner and intermediate Odissi classes in Stamford on Saturdays - 10:30 am - 12:30 pm.\n\nFor up to date information on class schedule and locations visit my website www.priyadarshini.net, or call or email me - + 917 287 7533 / email@example.com / firstname.lastname@example.org.", null, "A still from my recent solo performance at Sanskriti, Buffalo, NY"], "url": "http://eatpraydance-priyadarshini.blogspot.com/2012_02_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 565, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1898476340b71ecba74aa1311f33ec82bed071c1f89192fdce527980b95034a2"], "__index_level_0__": 101, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://ebusinesspages.com/Jones-and-Associates-Immigration-Law-Firm_d0v7x_qrCode.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.871170699596405}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ebusinesspages.com/Jones-and-Associates-Immigration-Law-Firm_d0v7x.co\", \"unformatted_src\": \"Jones-and-Associates-Immigration-Law-Firm_d0v7x_qrCode.png\", \"src\": \"https://ebusinesspages.com/Jones-and-Associates-Immigration-Law-Firm_d0v7x_qrCode.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Jones and Associates Immigration Law Firm d v x qrCode\", \"alt_text\": \"QR-Code for Jones & Associates Immigration Law Firm\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ebusinesspages.com/Jones-and-Associates-Immigration-Law-Firm_d0v7x.co\", \"unformatted_src\": \"i/footer.png\", \"src\": \"https://ebusinesspages.com/i/footer.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"footer\"}, null]", "texts": ["Upload or get your Company Logo to feature on the Home Page\n504 Bloomfield Avenue\n\nPhone: (973) 259-6098\n\nEmail: Javascript required to view email.\nWebsite: jonesimmigrationlawyernj.com\n\nProfessional Organizations in Montclair\nProfessional Organizations in New Jersey\nCompany Description:\nJones & Associates Immigration Law Firm specializes exclusively in Immigration Law. Our New Jersey Immigration Lawyers represent clients in New Jersey and New York. Our #1 goal is to help you get your immigration application approved. We take on all immigration cases, including Green Card, Family Immigration, Fiance Visa, Hardship Waiver, VAWA, and Deportation defense in Immigration Court. We understand that economic times are hard. We offer our clients competitive rates, affordable fees, flat fee services and payments plans that fit their budget.\n\nHave your say - Post a Review!", null, "Do you own Jones & Associates Immigration Law Firm?\nWhy should you upgrade to a Premium Listing?\n\nThe simplest reason is to get More Customers:\n\nDue to the unique way that the eBusinessPages Business Directory is structured a Premium + Verified Listing is the most powerful way to get more clients to contact Jones & Associates Immigration Law Firm. Not only will your listing be more noticeable and more trustworthy, it will also be displayed more prominently in our category (Professional Organizations and Parent Categories) and location (Montclair, NJ and USA Wide) listings. Jones & Associates Immigration Law Firm will be displayed in your competitor's listings while no ads will be shown in your own listing."], "url": "http://ebusinesspages.com/Jones-and-Associates-Immigration-Law-Firm_d0v7x.co", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 372, "original_width": 372, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e213608db650403fd4216e20008ab66ea559eb874885b60aaf4acb617daf9190"], "__index_level_0__": 102, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/TM19FzztgsI/AAAAAAAACFA/2tRRmndyOK4/s320/Ed+Hird+picture+lighted+cross+2.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SnDpO5dOfPI/AAAAAAAAB3Y/h_uUPaiJlRo/s320/Sir+Sanford+Fleming1.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SnDpilsrSRI/AAAAAAAAB3g/smsqlomruv4/s320/Sir+Sanford+Fleming+Stamp.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SkYks7IECNI/AAAAAAAABzI/VfU35Aqyny4/s320/Dr+John+Gottman.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SkYk5P5c7JI/AAAAAAAABzQ/HIUKPvOKpCQ/s320/Ten+Lessons+to+Transform+your+Marriage.jpg", null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SZbxSR4tppI/AAAAAAAABU0/G-q2LCxFs3o/s320/Shrove+Tuesday.jpg", null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SZHNqbxmLII/AAAAAAAABUk/lz0ofVjKmGo/s320/Carl+Jung+picture.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9342509508132936}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://edhird.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/TM19FzztgsI/AAAAAAAACFA/2tRRmndyOK4/s320/Ed+Hird+picture+lighted+cross+2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/TM19FzztgsI/AAAAAAAACFA/2tRRmndyOK4/s320/Ed+Hird+picture+lighted+cross+2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ed Hird picture lighted cross\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://edhird.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SnDpO5dOfPI/AAAAAAAAB3Y/h_uUPaiJlRo/s320/Sir+Sanford+Fleming1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SnDpO5dOfPI/AAAAAAAAB3Y/h_uUPaiJlRo/s320/Sir+Sanford+Fleming1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Sir Sanford Fleming\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://edhird.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SnDpilsrSRI/AAAAAAAAB3g/smsqlomruv4/s320/Sir+Sanford+Fleming+Stamp.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SnDpilsrSRI/AAAAAAAAB3g/smsqlomruv4/s320/Sir+Sanford+Fleming+Stamp.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Sir Sanford Fleming Stamp\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://edhird.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SkYks7IECNI/AAAAAAAABzI/VfU35Aqyny4/s320/Dr+John+Gottman.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SkYks7IECNI/AAAAAAAABzI/VfU35Aqyny4/s320/Dr+John+Gottman.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Dr John Gottman\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://edhird.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SkYk5P5c7JI/AAAAAAAABzQ/HIUKPvOKpCQ/s320/Ten+Lessons+to+Transform+your+Marriage.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SkYk5P5c7JI/AAAAAAAABzQ/HIUKPvOKpCQ/s320/Ten+Lessons+to+Transform+your+Marriage.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ten Lessons to Transform your Marriage\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://edhird.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SZbxSR4tppI/AAAAAAAABU0/G-q2LCxFs3o/s320/Shrove+Tuesday.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SZbxSR4tppI/AAAAAAAABU0/G-q2LCxFs3o/s320/Shrove+Tuesday.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Shrove Tuesday\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://edhird.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SZHNqbxmLII/AAAAAAAABUk/lz0ofVjKmGo/s320/Carl+Jung+picture.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SZHNqbxmLII/AAAAAAAABUk/lz0ofVjKmGo/s320/Carl+Jung+picture.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Carl Jung picture\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://edhird.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SZHN1TphoqI/AAAAAAAABUs/eLMlXF8ZIrY/s320/Carl+Jung+2+Picture.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_1eaHc14qXsU/SZHN1TphoqI/AAAAAAAABUs/eLMlXF8ZIrY/s320/Carl+Jung+2+Picture.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Carl Jung Picture\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "I have many blogs that you can check out. My most active blog is http://edhird.wordpress.com/ where I have hundreds of new articles posted.\n\nSee you there.\n\nBlessings, Ed Hird+\nPosted by Ed Hird+ at 7:26 AM No comments:", "Sir Sandford Fleming: Inventor of Time", null, "by Rev Ed Hird\n\nWhen Sir Sanford Fleming first came to Canada, he was told “Go back to Scotland”. The need for engineers was over. Some were convinced that we would only need sixteen miles of railway in Canada. Fortunately for us, Fleming loved a challenge. He was passionate about railways, once driving a bear off the railway tracks with nothing but an umbrella and a loud cry.\n\nFleming has been described as the outstanding Canadian of the nineteenth century. Prime Minister John A Macdonald appointed him as chief surveyor and engineer of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Fleming knew that he needed to see the route first-hand. With the Rev George Grant, he canoed and portaged across Canada in 1872, creating a best-selling travelogue ‘Ocean to Ocean’. The beauty and ruggedness of Canada’s wilderness spoke to the depths of his soul.\n\nOur most recognizable Canadian photo is ‘The Last Spike’, celebrating the completion of our national railway on November 7th 1885. Fleming, our most famous Canadian engineer, was right there at the centre of the", null, "To complete the Canadian Pacific Railway in just ten years was an astronomical task, but Fleming always made time for God in his busyness. Fleming only missed attending church twelve times in his entire life. Sometimes ‘church’ was simply kneeling by the Rocky mountain railway tracks and giving thanks. On all his surveying trips, no work and travel was done on Sunday if he could help it. He even wrote a worship service that his busy construction crews could use.\n\nAfter the frustration of his missing an Irish train, Fleming went on to create Meridian Standard Time in 1878. Standard Time replaced the dangerous chaos of 144 different North American time zones. Every city had its own unique time, none of which agreed with any other city. Standard Time went a long way towards keeping locomotives from crashing into each other because of different clocks.\n\nFleming founded the Canadian Institute which grew into the Royal Society of Canada. He published a dozen books, served for thirty-five years as Chancellor of Queen’s University. Canada’s very first postage stamp: the three-cent beaver, was the creation of Fleming. Fleming was knighted in 1897 by Queen Victoria for building the world-circling sub-Pacific cable. For the first time in history, the world could communicate instantaneously around the globe. With membership in over seventy international societies, he was Canada’s preeminent voice on the world stage. Everyone looked to Sir Sanford Fleming.", "Fleming was often snubbed, sidelined, criticized but he never let the nay-sayers stop him from accomplishing his life-goals. Fleming knew that God had put him here on earth to make a difference, to help raise up the nation of Canada from sea to sea. Fleming’s strength came from a deep sense that God would never abandon his children.\n\nThe Reverend Ed Hird+\nRector, St. Simon’s North Vancouver\nAnglican Coalition in Canada\n-a North Shore News article\nPosted by Ed Hird+ at 5:20 PM 39 comments:", "Sunday, July 12, 2009\n\nPlease join us on July 24th-27th with Pastor Dave Carson", "Dear friends in Christ,\n\nWe are so blessed that our good friend Pastor David Carson has agreed to be our keynote speaker for the 36th Annual BC Christian Ashram retreat on July 24th-27th. The Rev Rod Elllis of the Church of our Lord will still be our Bible teacher for the Christian Ashram. The Rev David Rich was forced to cancel unexpectedly, in light of an unavoidable need for a hip replacement, making it impossible for him to fly. David Carson's theme will be \"Jesus the High Priest: The New and Living Way\" from the Book of Hebrews. David is a very dynamic and insightful speaker who will leave you with many fresh insights into God's Word. You are encouraged to register today by e-mail email@example.com or phone 604-533-5509.\n\nDavid Carson has been a Pastor for 30 years both in the UK and Vancouver, having previously had a career as a chemist in the dairy industry. He has pastored in Metrotown for the last 11 years and is currently with Central Christian Assembly, and is also the director of Intercessors For Canada. He is a Canadian with family roots in Saint John, New Brunswick. David and his wife Beth have been married for 41 years, and have one son Tom. David tends to bring pioneer vision and energy to a project and is currently chairing the prayer working group for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Registration Form:\nName: Dr/Rev/Mr/Mrs/Miss______________________________\nNames and ages of Children/Youth______________________________\nSpecial Diet/allergies or physical limitations________________________________\nCosts Enclosed $___________________ Tel: (.....)___________________________\nPlease share my contact info with others Yes___No________\nMy photo may be used for publicity: Yes___ No__________\nFor more info, click on http://www3.telus.net/st_simons/ashram2009.indd.pdf\nPosted by Ed Hird+ at 4:17 PM No comments:", "Saturday, June 27, 2009\n\nCan Anger Help Your Marriage?\n\nBy the Rev Ed Hird+\n-an article for the July 2009 Deep Cove Crier", null, null, "The Rev. Ed Hird+\nSt. Simon’s North Vancouver, Anglican Coalition in Canada\nPosted by Ed Hird+ at 6:52 AM No comments:", "Saturday, February 14, 2009\n\nSaving Your Marriage For Lent", null, "By the Rev Ed Hird\n-an article for the March 2009 Deep Cove Crier\n\nIn many cultures like Brazil, pre-Lenten events like Mardi Gras/Carnival are huge, drawing millions of participants. Locally my former St. Simon’s NV youth pastor, the Rev. Ken Bell, would often put a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, the night before the beginning of Lent. Mardi Gras, literally ‘Fat Tuesday’, is the French translation for Shrove Tuesday.", "You can either rent the Fireproof DVD from your local Video store, order online at http://fireproofthemovie.com/ or pick up Fireproof and the Love Dare book locally at Sign of the Fish bookstore. Marriage is not worth fighting about. Marriage is worth fighting for. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to save a marriage for Lent? It could be your adult child’s marriage. It could be yours. Let the forty days of Lent help ‘Fireproof’ your most intimate relationship.\n\nRector, St. Simon’s Church North Vancouver\nPosted by Ed Hird+ at 8:26 AM No comments:", "Tuesday, February 10, 2009\n\nCarl Jung and the Gnostic Reconciliation of Gender Opposites\n\nhttp://www3.telus.net/st_simons/CarlJungPaper.pdf http://www.virtueonline.org/portal/modules/news/article.php?storyid=9918\n\nBy the Rev Ed Hird, Rector, St. Simon’s Church North Vancouver,\nACiC/AMiA (Anglican Church in North America)\n\nLeanne Payne wrote an unforgettable book in 1995 entitled ‘Crisis in Masculinity’. We live in an", null, "age where equality is equated with sameness, where men and women are deeply confused about their gender identity, about what really is authentic male and authentic female. I believe that this Gnostic Reconciliation of Gender Opposites, this gender-blending about authentic maleness and femaleness, is the direct result of our culture’s embracing of the Jungian agenda.\n\nIn 1991, I had the wonderful privilege of attending the Episcopal Renewal Ministries(ERM) Leadership Training Institute (LTI) in Evergreen, Colorado. Following that, I encouraged Anglican Renewal Ministries Canada to endorse the LTI approach, including the use of the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Temperament Indicator). However, as I later listened to tapes by Leanne Payne and Dr. Jeffrey Satinover[1], I rethought the Jungian nature of the MBTI, writing a report entitled Carl Jung, Neo-gnosticism, and the MBTI. After much prayer and reflection, ARM Canada decided unanimously in November 1997 to no longer use the MBTI in the Clergy and Lay Leadership Training Institutes.\n\nOver two and a half million people are ‘initiated’ each year into the MBTI process. [2] It is now the most extensively used personality instrument in history. [3] There is even an MBTI version for children, called the MMTIC (Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children)[4], and a simplified adult MBTI-like tool for the general public, known as the Keirsey-Bates Indicator. Rev. Robert Innes, of St. John’s College, Durham identifies “the two indicators most widely used by Christian groups - Myers-Briggs and the Enneagram.”[5] One of the key questions is whether the MBTI is an integral part of Jungian neo-gnosticism or alternately a detachable benevolent portion of Jung’s philosophy in an otherwise questionable context. To use a visual picture, is the MBTI the ‘marijuana’, the low-level entry drug that potentially opens the door to the more hard-core Jungian involvement, or is it just a harmless sugar tablet?\n\nResearching the roots of the MBTI showed me Jung’s far-reaching influence in our postmodern culture. In 1946, Jung said: “Biographies should show people in their undershirts...This way of looking at people is better than false hero worship!”[6] In this presentation, we will be looking at Carl Jung in his undershirt. Stripped down, we see aspects of Jung and his work which some good church people refuse to acknowledge. You could call this article my search for the historical Jung, looking past the Jung Myth for the real Jungian undershirt. Carl Jung is described by Merill Berger, a Jungian psychologist, as “the psychologist of the 21st century”.[7] Dr. Satinover says “The moral relativism that released upon us the sexual revolution is rooted in an outlook of which (Jung) is the most brilliant contemporary expositor.”[8] Leaders of the 1960’s hippie movement like Timothy Leary were heavily influenced by Jungian teaching[9]. One could say without overstatement that Carl Jung is the Father of Neo-Gnosticism & the New Age Movement. That is why Satinover comments that “One of the most powerful modern forms of Gnosticism is without question Jungian psychology, both within or without the Church”.[10] Dr. Satinover notes that “the ultimate aim...of all Gnostic systems is a mystical vision of the union of good and evil.”[11]\n\nGnosticism, which is the exalting of esoteric knowledge and experience, is rooted in monism[12]. Monism, the claim that all is one, is the major competing worldview to Judeo-Christian Monotheism. Monotheism of course holds that there is one God. Carl Jung advocated monism, a philosophy that treats all differences as ‘maya’, as illusion.[13] The monistic worldview in Hinduism and the New Age sees the earth and ourselves as the Lord God Almighty. It holds that all is God, including light and darkness, good and evil, right and wrong. Jung’s monism was the core of his advocacy of the reconciliation of opposites, including gender opposites of male and female.\n\nJung held that our ‘central problem was of course the coniunctio’, the alchemical symbol for the union of opposites.[14] Dr. Satinover notes that Jung “devoted most of his adult life to a study of alchemy...”[15] Alchemy is the search for the Philosopher’s Stone that transmutes lead into gold, a search which Jung resymbolized as psychic and psychological transmutation and wholeness.[16]\n\nIn 1929, Jung wrote a commentary on the Secret of the Golden Flower, which he said was “not only a Taoist text concerned with Chinese Yoga, but is also an alchemical treatise.”[17] He comments that “...it was the text of the Golden Flower that first put me on the right track. For in medieval alchemy we have the long-sought connecting link between Gnosis (i.e. of the Gnostics) and the processes of the collective unconscious that can be observed in modern man...”[18] Jung comments: “...a large part of my life work has revolved around the problem of opposites and especially their alchemical symbolism...”[19] Tracy Cuotto comments that “Alchemy involves the uniting of opposites...the fusion of male and female, good and evil, life and death — whose union eventually creates the perfected and completed, ideal personality called Self.”[20]", "Many people are not aware that Jung collected one of the largest amassing of spiritualistic writings found on the European continent. Jung wrote the first introduction to Zen Buddhism and the first western commentary on the Tibetan Book of the Dead.[21] Dr. Richard Noll comments that “the divinatory methods of the I Ching, used often by Jung in the 1920s and 1930s, were a part of the initial training program of the C.G. Jung Institute of Zurich in 1948, and its use is widely advocated today in Jungian Analytic-Training Institutes throughout the world.”[22] Jung was also a strong promoter of the occultic mandala, a circular picture with a sun or star usually at the centre. Sun worship, as personified in the mandala, is perhaps the key to fully understanding Jung.[23] Jung taught that the mandala [Sanskrit for ‘circle’] was “the simplest model of a concept of wholeness, and one which spontaneously arises in the mind as a representation of the struggle and reconciliation of opposites.”[24]\n\nDuring the hippie movement of the 1960’s, the Rock Opera Hair boldly proclaimed the alleged dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Once again Carl Jung foreshadowed this emphasis in a 1940 letter to his former assistant, Godwin Baynes: “1940 is the year when we approach the meridian of the first star in Aquarius. It is the premonitory earthquake of the New Age.”[25] In a letter written by Jung to Sigmund Freud, he said: “My evenings are taken up very largely with astrology. I made horoscopic calculations in order to find a clue to the core of psychological truth...I dare say that we shall one day discover in astrology a good deal of knowledge which has been intuitively projected into the heavens.”[26] In the 1950’s, Jung began to use Tarot reading as part of his astrological psychologizing. [27] Jung was known among his intimate colleagues as the ‘Warlock” (Hexenmeister) of Zurich.[28]\n\nJung’s family had occult linkage on both sides, from his paternal grandfather’s Freemasonry[29] involvement as Grandmaster of the Swiss Lodge[30], and his maternal family’s long-term involvement with séances and ghosts. Jung was heavily involved for many years with his mother and two female cousins in hypnotically induced séances.[31] They ‘used a primitive, homemade Ouija board and a glass that moved over the letters to spell out answers to questions.”[32] Jung eventually wrote up the séances as his 1902 medical dissertation entitled “On the Psychology and Pathology of So-called Occult Phenomena”.[33] His Preiswerk relatives were outraged that they were ‘shamefully’ included, and blamed Carl Jung for the inability of several of his cousins to find husbands.[34] James A Herrick notes that Jung’s mother ‘introduced him as a child to Hindu gods, for which he maintained a life-long fascination.’[35] After the death of three babies in a row before Carl Jung’s birth, his mother “Emilie withdrew, taking refuge in the private interior visions of the spirits.”[36] Emilie often had to be hospitalized, leaving Carl Jung with the feeling of the feminine as ‘natural unreliability, one can never rely on it’ and the term ‘father’ as ‘reliability and powerlessness.’[37]\n\nJung’s maternal Grandfather Samuel Preiswerk, a Basel pastor, had weekly séances attempting to contact his deceased first wife in the presence of his second wife, (Jung's grandmother) and his daughter (Jung's mother).[38] Jung acquired a spirit guide and guru named ‘Philemon’ [who was described by Jung as ‘an old man with the horns of a bull...and the wings of a fisher’]. Before being Philemon, this creature appeared to Jung as ‘Elijah’, and then finally mutated to ‘Ka’, an Egyptian earth-soul that ‘came from below’.[39] It may be worth reflecting upon why Jung designated his Bollingen Tower as the Shrine of Philemon.[40] Carl Jung commented: “Philemon represented a force which was not myself. In my fantasies I held conversations with him, and he said things which I had not consciously thought. For I observed clearly that it was he who spoke, not I. . . . Psychologically, Philemon represented superior insight. He was a mysterious figure to me. At times he seemed to me quite real, as if he were a living personality. I went walking up and down the garden with him, and to me he was what the Indians call a guru.”[41]\n\nJung’s fascination with the occult (the hidden) was at the root of his painful break in 1913 with his mentor Sigmund Freud.[42] Freud saw everything through the lens of sexual obsessions, and described the occult as ‘a sea of black mud’ which he feared would compromise the respectability of psychoanalysis.[43]\n\nJung’s “family was steeped in religion - he had eight uncles in the clergy as well as his maternal grandfather and his earliest playgrounds were churches and graveyards.”[44] The famous Ulysses author James Joyce disparagingly referred to Carl Jung as the Reverend Dr. Jung[45], hinting that Jungianism was really a religion. Carl Jung’s pastor-father loved theological school reflections, but deeply disliked rural congregational life and was losing his faith.[46] The famous Liberal German theologian Friedrich Schleiermacher had converted and baptized Carl Jung’s grandfather. Carl Jung was deeply aware of and damaged by his father’s spiritual emptiness, saying “What he said sounded stale and hollow, like a tale told by someone who knows it only by hearsay and cannot quite believe it himself.”[47] Carl Jung’s first and only time of taking Holy Communion was a devastating experience for him: “Slowly I came to understand that this communion had been a fatal experience for me. It had proved hollow; more than that, it had proved to be a total loss. I knew that I would never again be able to participate in this ceremony. ‘Why, that is not religion at all,’ I thought. ‘It is the absence of God; the church is a place I should not go to. It is not life which is there, but death.’”[48]\n\nWhen younger, Carl Jung had a life-changing dream of a subterranean phallic god which reappeared “whenever anyone spoke too emphatically about Lord Jesus.”[49] Jung commented that “...the ‘man-eater’ in general was symbolized by the phallus, so that the dark Lord Jesus, the Jesuit and the phallus were identical.”[50] This “initiation into the realm of darkness”[51] radically shaped Jung’s approach to Jesus: “Lord Jesus never became quite real for me, never quite acceptable, never quite lovable, for again and again I would think of his underground counterpart...Lord Jesus seemed to me in some ways a god of death...Secretly, his love and kindness, which I always heard praised, appeared doubtful to me...”[52] Jung later confessed to Sigmund Freud that as a boy he had been ‘the victim of a sexual assault.’[53] To what degree, I wonder, was Jung’s ‘revelation’ of the phallus god a fruit of childhood sexual abuse? The next major ‘spiritual breakthrough’ in his life was what Jung described as a “blasphemous vision”[54] of God dropping his dung on the local Cathedral. This vision, said Jung, gave him an intense “experience of divine grace”.[55] These early experiences birthed what many see as a new religion, clothed in a psychological undershirt. Dr Richard Noll notes that \"in his December 1913 vision, Jung assumed the stance of the crucified Christ and then was transformed into the lion-headed god.\"[56]\n\nHow serious, you may wonder, is the Jungian Reconciliation of Good and Evil? Leanne Payne says of Dr. Jeffrey Satinover that “like (C.S.) Lewis, he knows that this synthesis or reconciliation is the greatest threat facing not only Christendom but all mankind today.”[57] “For Jung”, says Satinover, “good and evil evolved into two equal, balanced, cosmic principles that belong together in one overarching synthesis.”[58]\n\nJung believed that the “dark side” of human nature needed to be “integrated” into a single, overarching “wholeness” in order to form a less strict and difficult definition of goodness.[59] Jung significantly said: “I would rather be whole than good.”[60] Wholeness for Jung is really the gnostic reconciliation of opposites.\n\n“If Christ means anything to me,” said Jung, “it is only as a symbol...I do not find the historical Jesus edifying at all, merely interesting because controversial.”[61] Jung believed that “the Christ-symbol lacks wholeness in the modern psychological sense, since it does not include the dark side of things...”[62] For Jung, it was regrettable that Christ in his goodness lacked a shadow side, and God the Father, who is the Light, lacked darkness.[63] Jung sought a solution to this dilemma in the Holy Spirit who allegedly united the split in the moral opposites symbolized by Christ and Satan.[64] “Looked at from a quaternary standpoint”, writes Jung, “the Holy Ghost is a reconciliation of opposites and hence the answer to the suffering in the Godhead which Christ personifies.”[65] Jung believed that Satan and Jesus, as spiritual opposites, were gnostically reconciled through the Holy Spirit. “It is possible”, said Jung, “for a man to attain totality, to become whole, only with the co-operation of the spirit of darkness...”[66]\n\nAfter experiencing Goethe’s Faust, Jung came to believe in the ‘universal power’ of evil and “its mysterious role it played in delivering man from darkness and suffering.”[67] “Most of all”, said Jung, “(Faust) awakened in me the problem of opposites, of good and evil, of mind and matter, of light and darkness.”[68]\n\nIn post-modern culture, the Judeo-Christian worldview is often dismissed as too narrow-minded and dogmatic. Jung saw the reconciliation of opposites as a sign of great cultural sophistication: “(Chinese philosophy) never failed to acknowledge the polarity and paradoxity (sic) of all life. The opposites always balanced one another - a sign of high culture. One-sidedness, though it lends momentum, is a sign of barbarism.”[69] It would not be too far off to describe Jung as a gnostic Taoist. “The book on types (PT)”, says Jung, “yielded the view that every judgment made by an individual is conditioned by his personality type and that every point of view is necessarily relative. This raised the question of the unity which must compensate this diversity, and it led me directly to the Chinese concept of Tao.”[70] Being influenced by the Yin-Yang of Taoism, Jung believed that “Everything requires for its existence its opposite, or it fades into nothingness.”[71] The new Batman movie ‘Dark Knight’ has a very Jungian moment where the Joker says to Batman: “I don't want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, NO! No. You... you... complete me.”[72] George Lucas’ ‘dark side of the Force’ in Star Wars is another epic Jungian moment that conditions post-moderns to see spirituality as a reconciliation of light and darkness.\n\nIn the book Psychological Types, Jung comments that “Yoga is a method by which the libido is systematically ‘drawn in’ and thereby released from the bondage of opposites.”[73] Jung entitled an entire section in PT: “Concerning the Brahmanic Conception of the Reconciling Symbol”. Jung notes: “Brahman therefore must signify the irrational union of the opposites - hence their final overcoming...These quotations show that Brahman is the reconciliation and dissolution of the opposites - hence standing beyond them as an irrational factor.”[74]\n\nWhile in India in 1938, Jung says that he “was principally concerned with the question of the psychological nature of evil.”[75] He was “impressed again and again by the fact that these people were able to integrate so-called ‘evil’ without ‘losing face’...To the oriental, good and evil are meaningfully contained in nature, and are merely varying degrees of the same thing. I saw that Indian spirituality contains as much of evil as of good...one does not really believe in evil, and one does not really believe in good.”[76]\n\nIn a comment reminiscent of our post-modern relativistic culture, Jung said of Hindu thought: “Good or evil are then regarded at most as my good or my evil, as whatever seems to me good or evil”.[77] “We must beware”, said Jung, “of thinking of good and evil as absolute opposites...The criterion of ethical action can no longer consist in the simple view that good has the force of a categorical imperative, while so -called evil can resolutely be shunned. Recognition of the reality of evil necessarily relativizes the good, and the evil likewise, converting both into halves of a paradoxical whole.”\n\n“This work Psychological Types (1921), said Jung, “sprung originally from my need to define the way in which my outlook differs from Freud’s and Adler’s. In attempting to answer this question, I came across the problem of types, for it is one’s psychological type which from the outset determines and limits a person’s judgment.”[78] Freud called Jung’s Psychological Types book ‘the work of a snob and a mystic’.[79] Jung was deeply traumatized by his split with Freud, and used the Psychological Types book to rationalize the Jung/Freud split. Jung saw himself as the so-called introvert, focusing on thinking, in contrast to Freud who was allegedly the extrovert, focused on feeling.[80] Many are unaware that the terms ‘introvert’ and ‘extrovert’ were invented by Carl Jung, and mean far more conceptually than simply being outgoing or shy.[81]\n\nDr. Gordon Lawrence, a strong Jungian/MBTI supporter, teaches that “In Jung’s theory, the two kinds of perception - sensing and intuition - are polar opposites of each other. Similarly, thinking judgment and feeling judgment are polar opposites.”[82] It seems to me that the setting up of the psychological polar opposites in PT functions as a useful prelude for gnostic reconciliation of all opposites. The MBTI helps condition our minds into thinking about the existence of polar opposites, and their alleged barriers to perfect wholeness. To accept the eight polarities within the MBTI predisposes one to embrace Jung’s teaching that the psyche “cannot set up any absolute truths, for its own polarity determines the relativity of its statements.”[83]\n\nJung was accused of anti-Semitism because the Zentralblatt für Psychotherapie journal, which Jung edited, endorsed Mein Kampf as required reading for all psychoanalysts.[84] His defense was that he was trying to save psychoanalysis from being obliterated by the Nazis as a ‘Jewish science.[85] In 1936, Jung said of Hitler: \"[Hitler] is a medium, German policy is not made; it is revealed through Hitler. He is the mouthpiece of the Gods of old... He is the Sybil, the Delphic oracle.\"[86] The influence of Germanic anti-Semitism on Jungianism can now be seen in a secret quota clause designed to limit Jewish membership to 10% in the Analytical Psychology Club of Zurich. Jung’s secret Jewish quota was in effect from 1916 to 1950, and only came to public light in 1989.[87] While it would be a mistake to paint Jung as an outright Nazi sympathizer, there was much confusion, almost a gnostic reconciliation of good and evil, in how Jung responded to Hitler’s Germany.[88] The Rev Charles Raven, Director of SPREAD, comments that “Jung's confused response to Nazi Germany and anti-Semitism contrasts sharply with the clear-sightedness of Karl Barth and the Confessing Church expressed in the Barmen Declaration in 1933. This helps to underline the way that Jungian psychology saps the ability to recognise and resist evil.”[89]\n\nTwo of Jung’s ‘most influential archetypes’ are the anima & animus, described by Jung as “psychological bisexuality”.[90] Jung teaches in PT that every man has a female soul (anima) and every woman has a male soul (animus).[91] Noll comments that “Jung’s first encounter with the feminine entity he later called the anima seems to have begun with his use of mediumistic techniques...”[92] Based on the recently discovered personal diary of Sabina Spielrein, John Kerr claims that Jung’s so-called anima “the woman within” which he spoke to, was none other than his idealized image of his former mistress, patient, and fellow therapist, Sabina Spielrein.[93] After breaking with both Spielrein and Freud, Jung felt his own soul vanish as if it had flown away to the land of the dead. Shortly after, while his children were plagued by nightmares and the house was seemingly haunted, Jung heard a chorus of spirits cry out demanding: ‘We have come back from Jerusalem where we have not found what we sought.’[94]\n\nJung’s next mistress Toni Wolff also started as Jung’s patient and became a Jungian analyst. Toni Wolff was hugely influential in the forming of Jungian Psychology. Jungian Analyst Dr. C.A. Maier holds that ‘when it comes to psychological types, (Toni Wolff) played a very important role there.’[95] “In this unfamiliar, terrifying underground of the collective unconscious, (Toni Wolff) was Jung’s guide to such an extent that she lived with him...She reflected his anima in a way that Mrs Jung didn’t.”[96] Baroness Vera von der Heydt comments that “It was (Toni Wolff) who introduced him to all the Eastern things, Eastern spirituality, Eastern philosophy and so on.”[97]\n\nPart of the gender-bending and gender-blending of our post-modern culture is rooted in Jung’s androgynous teaching about the so-called anima and animus.[98] In the Jungian ‘Matter of the Heart’ video series, Dr Joseph (Jane) Wheelwright comments: “This is built into the heart of Jung’s whole psychology that one should develop one’s contrasexual components, as Margaret Mead so quaintly phrases it. Jung prefers to talk about the anima and the animus...All of us who are really committed and involved in the Jungian world are very busy trying to develop our animuses or our animas....This androgynous, or almost androgynous, state of being, is the way that one hopes to be before they throw the switch.”[99] Dr Richard Noll comments about Jung’s pansexual practices: “Emma Jung did not choose polygamy freely. The situation was presented to her by her husband. At best, she freely chose to adapt to it”[100] In a letter to Freud dated January 30, 1910, Jung wrote: \"The prerequisite for a good marriage, it seems to me, is the license to be unfaithful.\"[101]\n\nJung’s sexual views were profoundly influenced by the German physician and psychoanalyst Otto Gross (1877-1920). Otto Gross advocated the \"life-enhancing value of eroticism which is so great that it must remain free from extraneous considerations in laws, and above all, from any integration into everyday life.... Husbands and wives should not begrudge each other whatever erotic stimuli may present themselves. Jealousy is something mean. Just as one has several people for friends, one can also have sexual union with several people at any given period and be 'faithful' to each one.... Free love will save the world.\"[102] As a child of the 1960’s and ‘70’s, I cannot read Otto Gross without thinking of Haight-Ashbury. Is it merely a co-incidence that Timothy Leary was psychoanalyzed by Joseph Henderson, a California Jungian analyst, before he birthed the hippie/drug movement?[103]\n\nOtto Gross and Jung sometimes psychoanalyzed each other for up to twelve hours non-stop. Speaking of Gross’ sexual/religious orgies, Jung commented: \"The existence of a phallic or orgiastic cult does not indicate a particularly lascivious life any more than the ascetic symbolism of Christianity means an especially moral life.\"[104] Jung’s patient/mistress Sabina Spielrein comments: “I sat there waiting in great depression. Now he [Jung] arrives, beaming with great pleasure, and tells me with strong emotion about Gross, about the great insight he had just received [i.e. about polygamy]; he no longer wants to suppress his feelings about me...”[105] Gross’ motto was ‘Nichts verdraengen!’ (repress nothing!)[106]\n\nAfter being haunted by ghosts, Jung wrote his Seven Sermons to the Dead book in 1917. In these seven messages, Jung ‘reveals’, in agreement with the 2nd century Gnostic writer Basilides, that the True and Ultimate God is Abraxas, who combines Jesus and Satan, good and evil all in one.[107] This is why Jung held that “Light is followed by shadow, the other side of the Creator.”[108] Richard and Linda Nathan, long-term ex-Jungians, commented that “In true Gnostic fashion, Jung shared the Seven Sermons to the Dead book with close friends but hid it from the public.[109]\n\nYou may be asking yourself: “How much influence does Jungianism actually have on the Church and postmodern culture? The answer is that there is an enormous and sometimes subtle influence. “Jung’s direct and indirect impact on mainstream Christianity - and thus on Western culture,” says Dr. Satinover, “has been incalculable. It is no exaggeration to say that the theological positions of most mainstream denominations in their approach to pastoral care, as well as in their doctrines and liturgy - have become more or less identical with Jung’s psychological/symbolic theology.”[110]\n\nThere are key individuals promoting the Jungian gospel to the Church, such as Morton Kelsey, John Sanford (not John & Paula Sandford), Thomas Moore, Joseph Campbell, and Bishop John Spong. Thomas Moore, a former Roman Catholic monk, became widely popular through his best-seller: Care of the Soul. John Sanford, the son of the late Agnes Sanford, is an Episcopal Priest and Jungian analyst, with several books promoting the Jungian way. Morton Kelsey is another Episcopal Priest who has subtly woven the Jungian gospel through virtually every one of his books, especially those aimed for the Charismatic renewal constituency. Satinover describes Kelsey as having “made a career of such compromise”, noting that Kelsey has now proceeded in his latest book Sacrament of Sexuality to approve of the normalization of homosexuality.[111]\n\nJoseph Campbell, cited by Satinover as a disciple of Jung, is famous for his public TV series on “The Power of Myth”.[112] Bishop John Spong, who has written two books (Resurrection: Myth or Reality & The Easter Moment) denying the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ, gives Joseph Campbell credit for shaping his views on Jesus’ resurrection. “I was touched by Campbell’s ability to seek the truth of myths while refusing to literalize the rational explanation of those myths...Campbell allowed me to appreciate such timeless themes as virgin births, incarnations, physical resurrections, and cosmic ascensions...Slowly, ever so slowly, but equally ever so surely, a separation began to occur for me between the experience captured for us Christians in the word Easter and the interpretation of that experience found in both the Christian Scriptures and the developing Christian traditions...”[113] Few people have realized that Bishop Spong’s spiritual grandfather is none other than Carl Jung.\n\nWhile in theological school, I became aware of the strong influence of Dr. Paul Tillich on many modern clergy. In recently reading C.G. Jung & Paul Tillich [written by John Dourley, a Jungian analyst & Roman priest from Ottawa], I came to realize that Tillich and Jung are ‘theological twins’. In a tribute given at a Memorial for Jung’s death, Tillich gave to Jung’s thought the status of an ontology because its depth and universality constituted a ‘doctrine of being’.[114] It turns out that Tillich is heavily in debt in Jung for his view of God as the supposed “Ground of Being”. As well, both Tillich and Jung, says Dourley, “understand the self to be that centering force within the psyche which brings together the opposites or polarities, whose dynamic interplay makes up life itself.”[115] As a Jungian popularizer, Tillich saw life as “made up of the flow of energy between opposing poles or opposites.”[116]\n\nSo many current theological emphases in today’s church can be traced directly back to Carl Jung. For example, with the loss of confidence in the Missionary imperative, many mainline church administrators today sound remarkably like Jung when he said: “What we from our point of view call colonization, missions to the heathen, spread of civilization, etc, has another face - the face of a bird of prey seeking with cruel intentness for distant quarry - a face worthy of a race of pirates and highwaymen.”[117] In speaking of Buddhism and Christianity, Jung taught the now familiar inter-faith dialogue line, that “Both paths are right.”[118] Jung spoke of Jesus, Mani, Buddha, and Lao-Tse as ‘pillars of the spirit’, saying “I could give none preference over the other.”[119] The English Theologian Don Cupitt says that Jung pioneered the multi-faith approach now widespread in the Church.[120]\n\nIn light of the current controversies around “Mother Goddess” hymnbooks, it is interesting to read in the MBTI source book Psychological Types about the “Gnostic prototype, viz, Sophia, an immensely significant symbol for the Gnosis.”[121] You are probably well aware that in the best-selling book The Shack, God the Father is portrayed as an Aunt Jemima/Oprah Winfrey blend named Elouisa, and the Holy Spirit becomes Sarayu, an eclectic woman of Asian descent. While I personally enjoyed reading much of the popular Shack novel, I have unresolved concerns about how The Shack may be used, even unintentionally, to deconstruct people’s classical understandings of the Trinity and replace it with mother/father god/dess worship.[122] Postmodern thinking, even among evangelicals, is remarkably subjectivist and fluid, easily leading to a gnostic reconciliation of gender opposites even in the Godhead.[123]\n\nMy challenging to those reading this is to seek the Lord about where God may be calling you to renounce any false gods, any secret idolatry, any gnostic reconciliation of opposites, particularly in the area of Jungianism and the New Age. May we never forget the warning of the prophet Isaiah, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness” (Isaiah 5:29)[124]. It is time to stand up and affirm the authentic male and authentic female, to affirm the biblical definition of marriage in an age of Jungian-inspired gender confusion.\n\n[1] Dr. Jeffrey Satinover’s critique of Jungianism came with unique credibility, given his background as an eminent Jungian scholar, analyst, and past President of the C.G. Jung Foundation.\n[2] Isabel Briggs Myers with Peter B. Myers, Gifts Differing, Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Press, Inc., 1980,p. xvii. Many charismatics have a soft spot for this book, because it quotes portions of scripture from Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12. The actual link, however, between those bible passages, and the Jung/Myers-Briggs theories is rather questionable.\nIn an October 29th, 1996 letter from Rev. Fred Goodwin, Rector of National Ministries for ERM, Fred Goodwin commented: “I would suggest that in light of your concerns, you drop the MBTI and use some of the material out on small group ministry and discipling instead—which we find are desperate needs for leadership training in the church.”\n[3] Ibid., p.210; also Dr. Gordon Lawrence, People Types & Tiger Stripes, p. xi; A book Prayer & Temperament written by Msgr. Chester Michael and Marie Norrisey in 1984 has been very effective in winning Roman Catholics and Anglicans to the MBTI. The book claims that the MBTI designations will make you either oriented to Ignatian prayer (if you are SJ), Augustinian prayer (if you are NF), Franciscan prayer(if you are SP), or Thomistic prayer(if you are NT). In the MBTI, the four sets of types are Extravert(E) & Introvert(I), Sensate(S) & Intuitive(N), Thinking(T) & Feeling(F), and Judging(J) & Perceiving(P). None of these 8 innocuous-sounding type names mean what they sound like. Instead each of the 8 type names has unique and mysterious, perhaps even occultic, definitions given by Jung himself in a massive section at the back of Psychological Types.\n[4] Dr. Gordon Lawrence, People Types & Tiger Stripes, Gainesville, FL: Center for Applications of Psychological Types, 1979, p. 222\n[5] Robert Innes, Personality Indicators and The Spiritual Life, Grove Books Ltd., Cambridge, 1996, p.3; The Enneagram is significantly occultic in nature and origin, coming from Sufi, numerology, and Arica New-Age sources. George Gurideff, Oscar Ichazo of Esalen Institute, and Claudio Naranjo are the prominent New Agers who have popularized it, and then introduced it, through Fr. Bob Oschs SJ, into the Christian Church. For more information, I recommend Robert Innes’ booklet and Mitchell Pacwa SJ article’s “Tell Me Who I Am, O Ennegram” Christian Research Journal, Fall 1991, pp. 14ff. My article on ‘George Gurdjieff and the Enigmatic Enneagram’ can be read at http://www3.telus.net/st_simons/arm04.htm\n[6] CG Jung, 1946 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJhblm4KUmo\n[7] Merill Berger & Stephen Segaller, The Wisdom of the Dreams, C.G. Jung Foundation, New York, NY, Shamballa Publications, Front Cover\n[8] Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, Baker Book House Co., 1996, p. 238 “Because of his great influence in propagating gnostic philosophy and morals in churches & synagogues, Jung deserves a closer look. The moral relativism that released upon us the sexual revolution is rooted in an outlook of which (Jung) is the most brilliant contemporary expositor.”\n[9] Robert Greenfield, Timothy Leary: a Biography, Harcourt Books, 2006, p. 86; Robert C Fuller, Stairways to Heaven: drugs in religious history, Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 2000, p. 126, “That is why Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, and mystics like Allan Watts or Aldous Huxley were important to the spiritual underground; they were purveyors of the alternate myths and pathways to spiritual experience.”\n[10] Jeffrey Satinover, The Empty Self, p. 27. Jung has “blended psychological reductionism with gnostic spirituality to produce a modern variant of mystical, pagan polytheism in which the multiple ‘images of the instincts’ (his ‘archetypes’) are worshipped as gods”, Satinover, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, p. 238: Carl Jung “explicitly identified depth psychology, especially his own, as heir to the apostolic tradition, especially in what he considered its superior handling of the problem of evil.”\n[11] Jeffrey Satinover, The Empty Self, p. 23 Jung claimed that “In the ancient world, the Gnostics, whose arguments were very much influenced by psychic experience, tackled the problem of evil on a broader basis than the Church Fathers.” “Whatever the system, and however the different stages are purportedly marked, the ultimate aim, the innermost circle of all Gnostic systems, is a mystical vision of the union of good and evil.”\n[12] Monism: “a view that there is only one kind of ultimate substance b: the view that reality is one unitary organic whole with no independent parts” http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/monism\n[13] Walter Shelburne, Mythos and Logos in the Thought of Carl Jung, 1988, Sunny Press, Albany, New York, p. 18\n[14] Bair, Ibid., p. 526\n[15] Ibid., p. 27, Ft. 28\n[16] Carl Jung & Aniela Jaffe, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, translated from the German by Richard & Clara Winston, Vintage Books-Random House, 1961/1989, p. 205 “The possibility of a comparison with alchemy, and the uninterrupted intellectual chain back to Gnosticism, gave substance to my psychology.”\n[17] Carl Jung, Psychology & the East, London & New York: Ark Paper Back, 1978/1986, p. 3\n[18] Ibid., p. 6\n[19] MDR, p. 233\n[20] “Psychology, Astrology and Carl Jung”, Metamorphosis Newsletter, August 2004, by Tracy Cuotto, http://consciousevolution.com/metamorphosis/0408/jung0408.htm\n[21] Jeffrey Satinover, The Empty Self, p. 28 Dr. James Hillman, the former director for the Jungian Institute in Zurich, commented, “(Jung) wrote the first introduction to Zen Buddhism, he...brought in (Greek Mythology), the gods and the goddesses, the myths,...he was interested in astrology...” The Wisdom of the Dreams: Carl Gustav Jung: a Stephen Segaller Video, Vol. 3, “ A World of Dreams”. Jung also wrote the first western commentary on the Tibetan Book of the Dead.( Psychology & the East, p. 60)\n[22] Dr. Richard Noll, The Jung Cult.: Origins of a Charismatic Movement, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1994, p. 333\n[23] Noll, The Jung Cult, p. 137\n[24] MDR, p. 335\n[25] Merill Berger & Stephen Segaller, The Wisdom of the Dreams, p. 162; Jung & Jaffe, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, p. 340; In Jung’s book Aion, he holds that “...the appearance of Christ coincided with the beginning of a new aeon, the age of the Fishes. A sychronicity exists between the life of Christ and the objective astronomical event, the entrance of the spring equinox into the sign of Pisces.” p. 221\n[26] Richard Webster, Why Freud Was Wrong: Sin, Science, & Psychoanalysis, Basic Books: Harper Collins, 1995, p. 385. Jung comments: “For instance, it appears that the signs of the zodiac are character pictures, in other words, libido symbols which depict the typical qualities of the libido at a given moment...”\n[27] Bair, ibid., p. 549 “Both Hanni and Gret used several different sets of cards when they taught (Jung) how to consult the Tarot, before they settled on the Grimaud cards of Antoine Court de Gebelin, the Ancien Tarot de Marseilles. Jung thought it was the only deck that possessed the properties and fulfilled the requirements of metaphor that he gleaned from within the alchemical texts.”\n[28] The Gnostic Jung and The Seven Sermons to the Dead By Stephan A. Hoeller, A Quest book, The Theosophical Publishing House , 1982. p. xiii\nhttp://books.google.ca/books?id=XDSSXDezdBMC&pg=PR13&lpg=PR13&dq=Hexenmeister+of+Zurich&source=web&ots=aXYRkrGcqp&sig=z1rtge0YGGQdgYNNEoxQFugI2i8&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&resnum=2&ct=result ; Carl G. Jung: Man of Science or Modern Shaman?, By Richard and Linda Nathan http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/08/nathan/jung.htm\n[29] Dr George Puritch, a Prayer Ministry leader, commented recently to me: “I have felt for a long time that many of the false beliefs within the church had their foundations in the occultism of Free Masonry. Your research that Jung’s grandfather was a Grand Master of the Lodge reveals the roots of his deep occultism, not to mention his occultic roots on his mother’s side.\" All the occultic practices of Masonry as described by Ankerberg and Weldon (1990. The Secret Teachings of the Masonic. A Christian Perspective. Moody Press Chicago) are revealed in Jung’s philosophies, the relativism of good and evil, the denial of the deity of Jesus, universalism, worship of the dead, deification of man, etc.\"\n[30] Jung & Jaffe, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, p.232\n[31] John Kerr, A Most Dangerous Method: the Story of Jung, Freud, & Sabina Spielrein, New York, Alfred Knopf Books, 1993, p. 50 & 54\n[32] Deirdre Bair, Jung: a Biography, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, p. 46\n[33] John Kerr, ibid., p. 50 & 54; The New Encyclopedia of the Occult, by John Michael, Llewellyn Worldwide Publisher, p. 250\n[34] Bair, ibid., p. 64 “Later generations held Jung’s dissertation directly responsible for the fact that many of the younger Preiswerk daughters in Helly’s generation did not marry.”\n[35] James A Herrick, The Making of a New Spirituality, Intervarsity Press, 204, p. 191; Campbell, Portable Jung, p. viii; Deirdre Bair, Jung: a Biography, Little, Brown and Company, Boston, 2003, p. 18\n[36] Bair, ibid., p. 18\n[37] Bair, ibid., p. 21\n[38] “Session 11: Jung and Pagan Psychology”, Temple of the Sacred Spiral, http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/palette/187/session11.html\n[39] Satinover, The Empty Self, p. 37; The spirit guide Philemon/Elijah later mutated into Salome, who addressed Jung in a self-directed trance vision as Christ. Jung ‘saw’ himself assume the posture of a victim of crucifixion, with a snake coiled around him, and his face transformed into that of a lion from the Mithraic mystery religion.(C.G. Jung, Analytical Psychology :Princeton University Press, 1989:, p. 96, 98)\n[40] Jung & Jaffe, Memories, Dreams, Reflections, p.223. “Shrine of Philemon: Repentance of Faust” was the inscription carved in stone by Jung over the entrance of the Bollingen Tower, where he lived and wrote.\n[41] MDR, p. 183\n[42] The final straw was when Jung published Wandlungen und Symbole der Libido (translated as Psychology of the Unconscious.) http://everything2.com/title/Carl%20Jung\n[43] Alex Owen, The Place of Enchantment: British Occultism and the Culture of the Modern, University of Chicago Press, 2004, p. 143\n[44] “Session 11: Jung and Pagan Psychology”, Temple of the Sacred Spiral, http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/palette/187/session11.html\n[45] Bair, ibid., p. 407\n[46] Joel Ryce-Menuhin, Jung and the Monotheisms, Routledge Publisher, p. 183\n[47] MDR, p. 42-43\n[48] Ibid, p. 55\n[49] Ibid., p. 12\n[50] Ibid., p. 12\n[51] Ibid., p. 15\n[52] Ibid., p. 13\n[53] Bair, ibid, p. 70\n[54] MDR, Ibid., p. 58. Jung concluded from this ‘Cathedral’ experience that “God Himself can...condemn a person to blasphemy” Memories, Dreams, Reflections, p. 74\n[55] Ibid., p. 55\n[56] Dr Richard Noll, The Aryan Christ, Random House,1997, p.138.\n[57] Satinover, The Empty Self, p. 3; Dr. Satinover sees the temptation facing our generation that”...on a theological plane, we succumb to the dangerous fantasy that Good and Evil will be reunited in a higher oneness.” Satinover, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, p. 238\n[58] Satinover, Ibid., p 240. “...This relativization of good and evil by their reconciliation is the heart of the ancient doctrines of gnosticism, which also located spirituality, hence morality, within man himself. Hence ‘the union of opposites’.” Keirsey & Bates, authors of Please Understand Me, and creators of the more popularized Keirsey-Bates adaptation of the MBTI, teach openly in their book on the Jungian “shadow...It’s as if, in being attracted to our opposite, we grope around for that rejected, abandoned, or unlived half of ourselves...(p.68)”\n[59] Satinover, Ibid., p. 240\n[60] http://www.trans4mind.com/jamesharveystout/jung.htm ; Spirituality and Psychological Health By Richard H. Cox, Betty Ervin-Cox, Louis Hoffman, COSSP Press, p. 199\n[61] Bair, ibid., p. 526; Carl G Jung to Adolf Keller, CL-2, March 20th, 1951, p. 10\n[62] Jung, Aion, Collected Works, p. 41\n[63] John P. Dourley, C.G. Jung & Paul Tillich: The Psyche as Sacrament, Inner City Books, 1981, p. 63 “(Jung) also feels that it is questionable in that (the Christ symbol) contains no trace of the shadow side of life.” Fr. Dourley, a Jungian analyst, also comments on p. 63 about Jung’s “criticism of the Christian conception of a God in who there is no darkness.”\n[64] Dourley, C.G. Jung & Paul Tillich, p. 70\n[65] Carl Jung, ‘A Psychological Approach to The Trinity’, CW11, para. 260 “Thus for Jung, says John Dourley, the Spirit unites the exclusively spiritual reality of Christ with that which is identified with the devil, including ‘the dark world of nature-bound man’, the chthonic side of nature excluded by Christianity from the Christ image.” para. 263; In a similar vein, Jung saw the alchemical figure of Mercurius as a compensation for the one-sideness of the symbol of Christ. Carl Jung, ‘The Spirit Mercurius’, Alchemical Studies, CW13, para. 295. Jung comments, “As early as 1944, in Psychology and Alchemy, I had been able to demonstrate the parallelism between the Christ figure and the central concept of the alchemists, the lapis or stone.” MDR, p.210\n[66] C.G. Jung, ‘The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairy Tales, CW9, para. 453\n[67] MDR, Ibid., p. 60\n[68] MDR, Ibid., p. 235\n[69] Jung, Psychology & The East, p. 11\n[70] Jung, MDR p. 207; Carl Jung, Psychology & the East, p. 15 “The wise Chinese would say in the words of the I Ching: ‘When Yang has reached its greatest strength, the dark power of yin is born within its depths, for night begins at midday when yang breaks up and begins to change into yin.”\n[71] Jung, Psychology & the East, p. 184\n[72] Dark Knight movie, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0468569/quotes\n[73] Jung, Psychological Types, p. 149-50 “The Indian (Brahman-Atman teaching) conception teaches liberation from the opposites, by which every sort of affective style and emotional hold to the object is understood...”\n[74] Jung, Psychological Types, p. 245-46\n[75] MDR, p. 275\n[76] Ibid., p. 275\n[77] Ibid., p. 275\n[78] Berger & Segaller, Wisdom of the Dreams; p. 103, MDR, p. 207\n[79] Bair, Ibid., p. 286\n[80] Bair, ibid., p. 286\n[81] The Old Wise Man, By HP-Time.com, Monday, Feb. 14, 1955 http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,807036-3,00.html ; “According to Carl Jung, introversion and extraversion refer to the direction of psychic energy. If a person’s energy usually flows outwards, he or she is an extravert, while if this energy normally flows inwards, this person is an introvert.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Introvert\n[82] Lawrence, People Types & Tiger Stripes, p. 113\n[83] MDR, Ibid., p.350\n[84] http://www.answers.com/topic/carl-jung#Response_to_Nazism\n[85] “Carl Jung”, Crystalinks, http://www.crystalinks.com/jung.html\n[86] C.G Jung Speaking, Interviews and Encounters, Princeton University Press, 1977, p. 93\n[87] Noll, Ibid., p. 259\n[88] Dr. Richard Noll, The Aryan Christ: the secret life of Carl Jung, Random House, 1997\n[89] SPREAD, http://www.anglicanspread.org/\n[90] Ibid., p. 391; Henri F. Ellenberger makes a strong case that Jung borrowed his matriarchy and anima/animus theories from Bachofen, an academic likened by some to the scientific credibility of Erik Von Daniken of The Chariots of the Gods and Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of TM and its Yogic Flying. (Ellenberger, The Discovery of the Unconscious, Penguin Press, 1970, pp. 218-223); Philip Davis, “The Swiss Maharishi”, Touchstone Issue 92, Spring 1996, p.13); Richard Noll, The Jung Cult, p. 188-90\n[91] Jung, Psychological Types, p. 595\n[92] Noll, The Jung Cult, p. 202-203; Philip Davis comments: “Jung’s therapeutic technique of ‘active imagination’ is now revealed as a sanitized version of the sort of trance employed by spiritualistic mediums and Theosophical travelers, with whom Jung was personally familiar.” (Philip Davis,”The Swiss Maharishi”, Touchstone Issue 92, Spring 1996, p.14)\n[93] John Kerr, A Most Dangerous Method, p. 12; 49;191; 498 “...there (the Russian-born Spielrein) remained (in almost complete obscurity) until the publication of the Freud/Jung correspondence in 1974.”; p. 502;503: After the collapse of the Spielrein affair, John Kerr notes that “Jung’s condition had so deteriorated that his wife allowed Toni Wolff openly to become his mistress, and a sometime member of the household, simply because she was the only person who could calm him down.”; p. 507- Jung’s stone bear carving in his Bollingen Tower specifically symbolized the anima . Curiously the inscription said: “Russia gets the ball rolling”\n[94] Kerr, Ibid., p. 503; MDR, p.190\n[95] Carl Jung- Matters of the Heart Video – Part 6, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3nKlA-Z-P0\n[96] Matters of the Heart Video – Part 6, ibid.\n[97] Matters of the Heart Video – Part 6, ibid.\n[98] Matters of the Heart Video, Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJhblm4KUmo\n[99] Dr Joseph Wheelwright, San Francisco Jungian Analyst, Matters of the Heart Video, Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJhblm4KUmo\n[100] Dr. Richard Noll, The Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl Jung, New York: Random House, 1997, p, 96; “The Erring Christ”, by the Richard Kew, Touchstone Magazine, July /August 1998, http://www.touchstonemag.com/archives/article.php?id=11-04-052-b\n[101] Sigmund Freud/Carl Jung Letters, edited by William McGuire, 1974, p. 289\n[102] “The Jung Cult . . .” by Paul Likoudis, The Wanderer Magazine, December 29, 1994, St. Paul, MN http://www.ewtn.org/library/NEWAGE/JUNGCUL1.TXT\n[103] Robert Greenfield, Timothy Leary: a Biography, Harcourt Books, 2006, p. 86\n[104] Likoudis, ibid., http://www.ewtn.org/library/NEWAGE/JUNGCUL1.TXT ; Carl Jung, Transformations and Symbols of the Libido, Collected Works of CG Jung, Volume 5\n[105] Seduction of Unreason, by Richard Wolin, Princeton University Press, 2004 p. 79; Wolin notes that ‘Gross met an untimely if foreseeable end on the streets of Berlin where he was discovered starving and homeless in 1920’, p. 78.\n[106] Frank, Links wo das Herz ist, p. 49; Bair, ibid., p. 136; Gross’ motto reminds me of the 1960’s slogan ‘if it feels good, do it.’\n[107] MDR, p. 378\n[108] MDR, p. 328\n[109] “Carl G Jung: Man of Science or Modern Shaman?”, by Richard and Linda Nathan, 2008, http://www.crossroad.to/articles2/08/nathan/jung.htm When a famous Jewish theologian, Martin Buber, happened upon it, he accused Jung of being a modern Gnostic. Jung vehemently denied it, claiming the book was only a \"youthful frivolity,\" but in other places he called it central to all his later work.”\n[110] Satinover, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, p.240. Satinover dryly comments that “in the United States, the Episcopal Church has more or less become a branch of Jungian psychology, theologically and liturgically.” (Empty Self ,p. 27, Footnote. 27)\n[111] Satinover, Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth, p. 241\n[112] Satinover, The Empty Self, p. 9; Joseph Campbell in fact worked personally with Jung and published through the Jungian-controlled Bollingen Foundation , ( Philip Davis, “The Swiss Maharishi”, Touchstone Issue 92, Spring 1996, p.11)\n[113] The Right Reverend John Spong, Resurrection: Reality or Myth, Harper, 1994, p. xi. His parallel book is The Easter Moment.\n[114] A Memorial Meeting : New York, Analytical Psychology Club, 1962, p. 31\n[115] Dourley, C.G. Jung & Paul Tillich, p. 17\n[116] Dourley, Ibid., p. 48 The persistent modern emphasis on the so-called ‘inner child’ makes a lot more sense when seen as a spin-off from Jung’s teaching that the symbol of the child is “that final goal that reconciles the opposites.” (Dourley, p. 83)\n[117] Ibid., p. 248; www.thejungiansociety.org/Jung%20Society/Conferences/Conference-2004/Colonial-Postcolonial-Context.html\n[118] Ibid., p. 279\n[119] Dourley, C.G. Jung & Paul Tillich, p. 65\n[120] The Wisdom of the Dream, p. 99\n[121] Carl Jung, Psychological Types: or the Psychology of Individuation, Princeton University Press, 1921/1971, p. 290. Dr. Jeffrey Satinover memorably comments as a former Jungian that ‘Goddess worship’ is not the cure for misogyny, but it is its precondition, whether overtly or unconsciously. (The Empty Self, p. 9); Marija Bimbutas, the late professor of archeology at UCLA, included Jung and more than a half dozen of his noted disciples in the bibliographies to her books on the alleged matriarchies of the Balkans:The Language of the Goddess(1989)and The Civilization of the Goddess(1991),(Philip Davis,”The Swiss Maharishi”, Touchstone Issue 92, Spring 1996, p.13)\n[122] Ed Hird, Battle for the Soul of Canada, 2006, p. 44, “It is not by accident that virtually every new-age fad, including the DaVinci Code deception, sooner or later draws people into mother/father god/dess worship and sexual immorality. I have found that idolatry and immorality are identical twins that always hang out together, especially around god/desses... I know of Anglican Cathedrals in Canada that both endorse the pan-sexual agenda and twist Jesus’ own words to pray “Our Father/Mother in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name”. As Jesus clearly taught us, God’s name is Father, and He likes His name.”\n[123] In the key Montreal Declaration of Anglican Essentials, section 1 says: “The Triune God: There is one God, self-revealed as three persons, \"of one substance, power and eternity,\" the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. For the sake of the Gospel, we decline proposals to modify or marginalize these names and we affirm their rightful place in prayer, liturgy, and hymnody.” For those wishing to study further on the mother/father god/dess issue, I commend 'Speaking the Christian God' edited by Alvin F. Kimel, Dr. Donald Bloesch 'The Battle for the Trinity' and John W Miller's 'Biblical Faith and Fathering: why we call God 'Father'\". http://www.anglicanessentials.ca/pdf/montreal_declaration_aec.pdf\n[124] The Apostle Paul cautioned: “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” (Colossians 2:8)"], "url": "http://edhird.blogspot.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 562, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 215, "width": 378}, {"height": 411, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 294, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 195, "original_width": 320, "width": 620}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 247, "original_width": 185, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 320, "width": 537}, {"height": 478, "original_height": 210, "original_width": 166, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["693c33b1d4cc9ec299c99278c59a907d61b9819e40a43d98b9fee30cfd392876", "3e294d1b11547da9f7b150c35a9f369c6312e9b1004b30ca0519a80fc02b84f1", "8017326608fc88cda7caf1202879a3e2455194a6e6aac5f6be5ba7c48715f1c4", "fc2bf4de0356f103cac57d3cb3f2b330b5254e834e80afff0332c3e4f6186891", "4ce4b17a6d7ede24bbf8566221552b63c40cf115926fbad24cb41a5285d449fa", "bd0f84a9f3b71ff68d3ae55335afac0b0f2d46c65ba74879d48de60db931402e", "0a1429a18bf30b27ff891c7369f4ee12b8ff48b1246f725acb46c55bbbfcfd12"], "__index_level_0__": 103, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://www.edupic.net/Images/Plants/fall_colors03.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9512516856193542}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ekahimethod.com/nature-deciduous-trees-making-decisions/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://EzineArticles.com/featured/images/platinum/expert_author_1.png\", \"src\": \"http://EzineArticles.com/featured/images/platinum/expert_author_1.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"expert author\", \"alt_text\": \"Brett Wade, EzineArticles Platinum Author\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ekahimethod.com/nature-deciduous-trees-making-decisions/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.edupic.net/Images/Plants/fall_colors03.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://www.edupic.net/Images/Plants/fall_colors03.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fall colors\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 266}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["The Nature of Deciduous Trees and Making Decisions", "I love all seasons.  One of the many things I enjoy about this time of the year is observing the deciduous trees change color as their sugars become trapped in the veins of the leaves.  I also love the falling of the leaves.  As a child I can still remember fondly raking a big pile of yellow leaves from our birch tree and jumping in.  If I close my eyes and think about it, I can still easily recall the earthy smell of those leaves.  For a short period of my life I was fortunate to live in the eastern United States.  Watching the leaves turn in Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania was spectacular.", null, "Nature can teach us so many lessons.  With lack of conscious thought, trees grow, spread their roots, and open their leaves. If they are deciduous, they let their leaves fall to the ground every autumn.  Of course a deciduous tree does not think about whether it will turn its leaves yellow or red, it just does as nature influences it to do so.  It responds to the changes in the seasons without thought or judgement or complaint.  The etymology of deciduous is the same as the word decide.  The two Latin words “de” – off and “caedere” – to cut, literally means to cut off.  When the leaves fall from a deciduous tree, they fall and that’s it.  Once the leave is “cut off”, there is no going back to join the tree.  The stubborn leaf can try with all its might but eventually it will fall as it should.\n\nThis is another important lesson that a deciduous tree teaches us about decision making.  Once we make a decision, we should “cut off” the possibility of reversing the decision.  I know many people who make a decision, only to go back and revisit that decision over and over.  While this may not seem like a big problem, as one continues to do this on  a regular basis, you end up with your consciousness dominated by an ever-growing pile of undone decisions.  As your mind deals with the task of considering all past decisions, you impair your ability to make clear decisions for the future.\n\nIt may seem scary that a decision is final but that is the way it must be.  If you took the time to consider your options and the consequences, you must respect your own decision.  You are like the mighty oak that let go of that leaf, you can have no regrets and you cannot have it back.  If you started to regret every leaf you dropped, you might just become the most sad oak tree in the forest.  By letting go after a decision is made, we can move forward and we can grow and be ready for the next event.\n\nI knew somebody who looked at a menu in a restaurant over and over and could not make a decision.  When this person finally made a decision it was almost instantly followed with regret.  The regret, of course, spoiled every meal.  We must treat every decision we make with a finality and have no fear of the outcome.  If you made your decision carefully, you have already weighed the consequences and worst case scenarios.  If you can accept the worst case scenario of your decision, then you really have nothing to worry about.\n\nLet the leaves fall as they should."], "url": "http://ekahimethod.com/nature-deciduous-trees-making-decisions/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 781, "original_width": 1174, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["1466f51e9836c053e2cd2dc7f79947a7ce7c9963523e4bf23609e6d053290f64"], "__index_level_0__": 104, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://elektronmusikstudion.se/images/moises2016_1.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7853202819824219}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://elektronmusikstudion.se/composers/2016/796-moises-ems-test-2\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/moises2016_1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://elektronmusikstudion.se/images/moises2016_1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"moises\", \"alt_text\": \"moises2016 1\", \"rendered_width\": 900, \"rendered_height\": 603}, null]", "texts": ["Moisés Horta @ 27 December - 5 January, 2016-2017\n\nPublished: 15 December 2016", null, "Moisés Horta Valenzuela (Tijuana, November 29 1988) is a musician, composer and sound artist. Taking inspiration from the sociocultural border context of Tijuana and being part of a generation exposed to the consumption of information via the Internet, the objective of his work is to express the ways in which the human mind is transformed by the constant movement between the virtual and physical realms.\nHis work is characterized by exploring the juxtaposition of dual concepts such as tradition and hypermodernity, dystopia and utopia, low resolution and high\ndefinition using new technologies and electronic musical instruments, both software and hardware. He studied a Bachelor in Science in Audio Production at\nthe Art Institute of San Diego, California (2010). He has participated in a series of workshops that focus on the use of technologies for the creation of multimedia art: Potencial de Acción: Introduction to Neurofeedback (Alumnos 27 Foundation, 2015), Biofeedback workshop (Biblioteca Vasconcelos/Centro de Cultura Digital, 2014), Introduction to physical computing (Protolab, 2010). moises2016\nHis incursión into the field of sound has manifested itself through a string of electronic music projects with an experimental focus: Kixly (2006-2009), Los Macuanos (2009-2016), DJ Nombre Apellido (2012- Present) and ℌEXOℜℭℑSMOS (2013-Present). His music has been published by various international labels such as: Inmersiva – ℌEXOℜℭℑSMOS (Centro de Cultura Digital/Fonoteca Nacional, MX, 2015), El Origen – Los Macuanos (Nacional Records, USA, 2013), El Fin – Los Macuanos (New Other Thing, USA, 2010), V.A. – Fifteen sounds of the War on the Poor Vol. 2 (Public Record, USA , 2009), V.A. – Groan / Grown Zone ( States Rights Records, USA, 2009). His music is also distributed freely around the globe via the Internet.\nHe has played around the world in various international forums including: Festival Pirineos Sur (Sallent de Gállego, Spain, 2015), Södra Theatern (Stockholm, Sweden, 2014 y 2011), Gramercy Theatre (New York, USA, 2014), Fesival Supersónico (Los Ángeles, USA, 2014), Steinvorth (San José, Costa Rica, 2013), Folk Fest (Guatemala, Guatemala, 2012), SXSW (Austin, USA, 2011), MUTEK_Mx (CDMX, México, 2010), as well as residencies at Elektron Musik Studion (Stockholm, Sweden, 2014) and the Red Bull Music Academy (London, England, 2010)."], "url": "http://elektronmusikstudion.se/composers/2016/796-moises-ems-test-2", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 603, "original_width": 900, "width": 564}], "image_hashes": ["7c6ed81908f581014af2fb4cab650f736ee35838aa642ea16caf02cf04952a56"], "__index_level_0__": 105, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-H00hr6hsRhY/Uh_-JpyyDhI/AAAAAAAAAa8/Ml3R5upAxWg/s400/Screen+Shot+2013-08-30+at+2.03.17+PM.png", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UNGmbCz2fng/Uh_-KGfUq0I/AAAAAAAAAbI/vCwjFYNzdcs/s400/Screen+Shot+2013-08-30+at+2.02.54+PM.png", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rI-nR8pZMx0/Uo1sAnVZOOI/AAAAAAAAAP4/RpYJrfTL72w/s1600/Girls%2Bonly.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9423003792762756}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://elmparkschool.blogspot.com/2013/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-H00hr6hsRhY/Uh_-JpyyDhI/AAAAAAAAAa8/Ml3R5upAxWg/s400/Screen+Shot+2013-08-30+at+2.03.17+PM.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-H00hr6hsRhY/Uh_-JpyyDhI/AAAAAAAAAa8/Ml3R5upAxWg/s400/Screen+Shot+2013-08-30+at+2.03.17+PM.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen Shot at\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 268}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://elmparkschool.blogspot.com/2013/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UNGmbCz2fng/Uh_-KGfUq0I/AAAAAAAAAbI/vCwjFYNzdcs/s400/Screen+Shot+2013-08-30+at+2.02.54+PM.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UNGmbCz2fng/Uh_-KGfUq0I/AAAAAAAAAbI/vCwjFYNzdcs/s400/Screen+Shot+2013-08-30+at+2.02.54+PM.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen Shot at\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 342}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://elmparkschool.blogspot.com/2013/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rI-nR8pZMx0/Uo1sAnVZOOI/AAAAAAAAAP4/RpYJrfTL72w/s1600/Girls%2Bonly.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rI-nR8pZMx0/Uo1sAnVZOOI/AAAAAAAAAP4/RpYJrfTL72w/s1600/Girls%2Bonly.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Girls Bonly\", \"alt_text\": \"Elm Park School\", \"rendered_width\": 145, \"rendered_height\": 106}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, August 30, 2013\n\nFriday 30th August 2013 - Term 3 Week 5\n\nFriday 30 August 2013  – Term 3 Week 5\n\nValue Focus for next week: Quality / Respect\n\nFrom The Principal\n\nKia ora tatou katoa, Talofa, Malo e lelei, Bula vi naka, Kia orana Nga mihi nui ki a koutou, Namaste, Nihao, greetings to you all. Welcome to Week 5 Term 3 2013.\nThe Mathematics Olympiads - were held during this week with great enthusiasm and skill across the whole school. The children work in teams to solve mathematical problems. The teachers were also challenged at morning tea and during the Olympiad. Thank you to the parents / whanau that supported us, perhaps a parent team could be included next year?\nDental Clinic  - The school now has a mobile dental clinic on site until at least February next year. The clinic is settled on a concrete pad in our back car park. Welcome to Elm Park School Marise, Anuj and Jody, we are very happy that you are here and our children will receive dental care.\nDaffodil Day - Thank you for supporting Daffodil Day. The money we raised will be donated to the Cancer Society to help with research.\nPasifika Groups - Two of our Year 5 teachers, Miss Hughes in Rm 24 and Matua Faenza Wanoa in Rm 23, are working with a group of Pasifka students this year. The children are learning songs, dances and all about the Pasifka culture.\nYear 5 Garage Sale Saturday 14 September 8 – 11 am - We are happy to receive your contributions for this day, please bring them to the office and we will store them under the seating in the Auditorium.\nEastern Schools Koanga Festival - This will be held at Macleans College on Saturday 14 September also. Our students will be performing at 12.15 pm for 20 minutes. This is a day to celebrate and embrace our Maori Culture and Heritage. There will be food stalls available to purchase yummy kai. Thanks to Mrs Koroa, Ms Melville and Matua Faenza for their hard work.\n\nHave a lovely weekend\n\nKind regards\nTrish Plowright\n\nKey Events For Your Diary\n\nSat 31 August............ Year 5 Skating Fundraiser\nMon 2 September....... Calendar/Card/Diary orders home\nSat 14 September....... Garage Sale\nFri 20 September........ Loud Shirt Day\nFri 27 September........ End of Term 3\n\nThis Week In Review\n\nZone Speech finals – Congratulations to Anahita Mistry with her speech on Child Labour.  Anahita came 3rd in the zone speech finals this year, which were held at Elm Park School on Tuesday night.  First place was Mitchell Wong from Our Lady Star of the Sea and second place was Daniel Brink from Mission Heights Primary.\nJapanese Group Visit - On Thursday 22 August 78 children from Hoshino Gakuen School visited us for the day.  They were teamed up with year 5 and 6 Elm Park buddies - who broke down cultural barriers through songs, games and class activities.  Well done to our Elm Park children andteachers for making them feel so welcome by showing acceptance and friendliness. This was the third time Hoshino Gakuen has visited us and they are planning to return next year!", null, "Room 20 says: This week, it was time for the annual visit by students from Hoshino Gakuen - a primary school in Japan.  This was the third time the students have visited our school and we were looking forward to meeting some new friends from another country.\n\nThe Hoshino students were welcomed to Elm Park School with a pōwhiri at the beginning of the day.  They performed the Japanese version of \"It's a Small World\" and our Elm Park students performed Underneath the Orange Tree - a traditional Japanese song.  We sang most of it in English, but we learned one of the verses in Japanese.  It was tricky but it sounded amazing.\nAfter the pōwhiri, the Japanese students helped us to learn some Japanese games, calligraphy skills, origami and language.  We were all able to take away a small souvenir of Japanese culture.  After some morning tea, it was their turn to learn about our culture.\nWe brought the students back to our classrooms and helped them to make a kiwiana artpiece.  One of the Japanese students, Kensuke, was amazed to discover that our current class novel is Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.  He thought that was awesome!\nWe finished off our session by teaching the students a simple song with rakau sticks.  They picked it up so quickly.  Check out Levi and Kensuke below:\nIt was a flying visit - nowhere near long enough in our opinion!  The Hoshino students only flew into NZ the night before and they were gone again by lunchtime.  After leaving our school, they drove down to Rotorua for a 3-day farmstay, and then flew back to Japan. We hope they enjoyed their time with us.  We are looking forward to writing to our buddies and learning more about their culture.", null, "Looking Ahead\n\nMaterials Required for Insect Hotels - As part of our native planting Enterprise, Room 13 students are also building insect hotels.  To construct these we would appreciate donations of the following materials:\nBricks with holes in them, concrete blocks, PVC piping, pieces of old spouting or guttering, broken terracotta/china planter pots, firewood logs, corrugated iron, bamboo canes, chicken wire netting, straw.\nWe would be grateful for any materials, in any condition, brought to Room 13 by the 9th September.\nMaterials Required for Inquiry Project - Room 20 and 22 need some help collecting materials for their Inquiry projects.  If you are able to help with the following, please send to Room 20: Brown bottle tops (from chocolate milk),  dark blue bottle tops, light  blue bottle tops, silver/grey bottle tops, Newspaper.  Thank you for your support.\n\nFocus on Children\n\nRoom 25 taught the Japanese students a bit of New Zealand culture by showing them how to do Maori weaving.\n\nCommunity Notices\nPakuranga Athletic Club. - Junior Track & Field 2-14yrs. Pre-season training is free and available for 5-14yrs with basic skills taught by volunteer parents. All children interested in joining athletics are invited to attend. Experience not necessary.\nPlease register via email at email@example.com and see our website www.pakrun.org.nz for club information.\nTamaki Sports Academy - offers mentoring, coaching, and work experience to South Auckland youth who have dropped out of the mainstream school system but show some sporting talent.\nA major fundraiser for the academy, and an excellent source of work experience for our members, is the free metal collection service we offer. We will pick up any old metal - computers, whiteware, roofing iron, metal piping, venetian blinds, batteries, car panels, cars, metal shelving, filing cabinets, machinery, lawnmowers, engines, and so on. If you do have any metal rubbish to get rid of, we are keen to pick it up for you. It is a win-win for both of us. Thank you to everyone in advance, and to those who have donated metal to us previously.\nMany thanks, Tricia, Ph 021 808921\nHealing from divorce - is not easy. It’s long, and sometimes painful process.  “DIVORCE CARE” is week 7 course that provides support for people struggling with the ongoing effects of divorce. Cost $40.  Wednesday’s  18th Sept- 30th Oct;  6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.  Cost $40.  Phone Diana for more information 021 262 4797", null], "url": "http://elmparkschool.blogspot.com/2013/08/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 235, "original_width": 347, "width": 558}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 343, "original_width": 400, "width": 440}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 512, "original_width": 700, "width": 516}], "image_hashes": ["2e189f51e1380579b66a8848cf799d70bded299f2cceb3fc98481f65e95661ec", "17351333c31f2855fc471439c215c462432ca4a7689dd19394b860631c547e45", "4d20c6626121f3bf2130b1784afb29db4c3192076fbaf52697d21dd7c29a0211"], "__index_level_0__": 106, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://en.espnf1.com/PICTURES/CMS/28800/28843.3.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.968346357345581}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://en.espn.co.uk/ferrari/motorsport/story/190727.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://en.espnf1.com/PICTURES/CMS/28800/28843.3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://en.espnf1.com/PICTURES/CMS/28800/28843.3.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 630}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://en.espn.co.uk/ferrari/motorsport/story/190727.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img.espngp.com/arrow.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img.espngp.com/arrow.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"arrow\", \"rendered_width\": 4, \"rendered_height\": 7}, null]", "texts": ["Raikkonen: SF15-T gives Ferrari 'something to work with'\n\nESPN Staff\nFebruary 4, 2015 « Grosjean a happy driver again | Kvyat: Red Bull 'not where we want to be' »", null, "© Getty Images\n\nKimi Raikkonen says the SF15-T already feels \"pretty nice\" compared to last year's car and gives Ferrari a good base to work with for the 2015 season.\n\nRaikkonen rounded off the Jerez test by topping the time sheets, the fourth day a Ferrari-powered car has gone fastest at the Spanish circuit. It's been an encouraging start for Ferrari and Raikkonen, who accumulated 197 laps in two days, is pleased with the team's new car compared to the uncompetitive F14-T.\n\n\"For sure it's much better than what we had last year,\" Raikkonen said. \"I think the whole package is better all-round; the engine and the car itself, everything has improved. Obviously we still have a lot of hard work to try and improve things but it's a good starting point.\"\n\nThe morning started off wet before the track dried off later in the day, and Raikkonen was happy with how the car handled both conditions.\n\n\"We didn't do so many laps but it felt pretty nice compared to last year, and it's the same for the dry, the car is behaving well.\"\n\nThe Ferrari team has topped three of the four days in Jerez, with Mercedes not finishing as high as third, but Raikkonen does not think headline times are significant.\n\n\"It doesn't mean much. The lap time can be anything but we've got a good amount of laps and things are working, we're not really having many issues. That's the main thing plus the feeling is pretty fine, so that's good. We do our own stuff, we don't know what the others are doing. Yesterday I said we had a good starting point and the team has done a good job over the winter to prepare this car. We have something to work with now.\""], "url": "http://en.espn.co.uk/ferrari/motorsport/story/190727.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 506, "original_width": 900, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["55dff136a3447bf9c7b719b940fa67e2a873041566d5017ae40a25100b1986a0"], "__index_level_0__": 107, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_G5eFDY32OGQ/SewHrRF7iRI/AAAAAAAAALM/0CK6GblBuNQ/s320/mgm-fun+114.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.925726354122162}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://esdjco86.blogspot.com/2009/04/immm-soooo-behind.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/_G5eFDY32OGQ/SYlzxdiy3gI/AAAAAAAAAAk/q5y6I8UkzJc/S220-s80/IMG_0256.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_G5eFDY32OGQ/SYlzxdiy3gI/AAAAAAAAAAk/q5y6I8UkzJc/S220-s80/IMG_0256.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://esdjco86.blogspot.com/2009/04/immm-soooo-behind.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_G5eFDY32OGQ/SewHrRF7iRI/AAAAAAAAALM/0CK6GblBuNQ/s320/mgm-fun+114.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_G5eFDY32OGQ/SewHrRF7iRI/AAAAAAAAALM/0CK6GblBuNQ/s320/mgm-fun+114.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mgm fun\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, April 16, 2009\n\nImmm soooo behind!!\n\nWell another week has gone by and blog i have failed you! In my defense it was my birthday weekend so there wasnt allot of time anyways.\nBut to keep the tradition lets get down to business:\nWdw fact of the day!The is painted in a new shade called chamillion which allow it to stay the sam from no matter what point in the park ur standing.", null], "url": "http://esdjco86.blogspot.com/2009/04/immm-soooo-behind.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["81c475ef64dac10f9a8c0ef860c96dbf30fb58cd64e0765652a9b3e2f7621cd4"], "__index_level_0__": 108, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://etutorials.org/shared/images/tutorials/tutorial_110/fig03_03.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.902993142604828}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://etutorials.org/Programming/mastering+delphi+7/Part+I+Foundations/Chapter+3+The+Run-Time+Library/Converting+Data/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/shared/images/tutorials/tutorial_110/fig03_03.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://etutorials.org/shared/images/tutorials/tutorial_110/fig03_03.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fig\", \"alt_text\": \"Click To expand\", \"rendered_width\": 334, \"rendered_height\": 174}, null]", "texts": ["As mentioned earlier in this chapter, Delphi includes a new conversion engine, defined in the Conv Utils unit. The engine by itself doesn't include any definition of actual measurement units; instead, it has a series of core functions for end users.\n\nThe key function is the conversion call, the Convert function. You simply provide the amount, the units it is expressed in, and the units you want it converted into. The following converts a temperature of 31 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit:\n\nAn overloaded version of the Convert function lets you convert values that have two units, such as speed (which has both a length unit and a time unit). For example, you can convert miles per hour to meters per second with this call:\n\nOther functions in the unit allow you to convert the result of an addition or a difference, check if conversions are applicable, and even list the available conversion families and units.\n\nA predefined set of measurement units is provided in the StdConvs unit. This unit has conversion families and an impressive number of values, as shown in the following reduced excerpt:\n\nThis family and the various units are registered in the conversion engine in the initialization section of the unit, providing the conversion ratios (saved in a series of constants, such as MetersPerInch in the following code):\n\nTo test the conversion engine, I built a generic example (ConvDemo) that allows you to work with the entire set of available conversions. The program fills a combo box with the available conversion families and a list box with the available units of the active family. This is the code:\n\nThe aFamilies and CurrFamily variables are declared in the private section of the form as follows:\n\nAt this point, a user can enter two measurement units and an amount in the corresponding edit boxes on the form, as you can see in Figure 3.3. To make the operation faster, the user can select a value in the list and drag it to one of the two Type edit boxes. The dragging support is described in the following sidebar \"Simple Dragging in Delphi.\"", null, "Figure 3.3: The ConvDemo example at run time\nSimple Dragging in Delphi\n\nThe ConvDemo example, built to show how to use the conversion engine, uses an interesting technique: dragging. You can move the mouse over the list box, select an item, and then keep the left mouse button pressed and drag the item over one of the edit boxes in the center of the form.\n\nTo accomplish this functionality, I had to set the DragMode property of the list box (the source component) to dmAutomatic and implement the OnDragOver and OnDragDrop events of the target edit boxes (the two edit boxes are connected to the same event handlers, sharing the same code). In the first method, the program indicates that the edit boxes always accept the dragging operation, regardless of the source. In the second method, the program copies the text selected in the list box (the Source control of the dragging operation) to the edit box that fired the event (the Sender object). Here is the code for the two methods:\n\nThe units must match those available in the current family. In case of error, the text in the Type edit boxes is shown in red. This is the effect of the first part of the form's DoConvert method, which is activated as soon as the value of one of the edit boxes for the units or the amount changes. After checking the types in the edit boxes, the DoConvert method performs the conversion, displaying the result in the fourth, grayed edit box. In case of errors, you'll get an appropriate message in the same box. Here is the code:\n\nIf all this is not interesting enough for you, consider that the conversion types provided serve only as a demo: You can fully customize the engine by providing the measurement units you are interested in, as described in the next section."], "url": "http://etutorials.org/Programming/mastering+delphi+7/Part+I+Foundations/Chapter+3+The+Run-Time+Library/Converting+Data/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 174, "original_width": 334, "width": 725}], "image_hashes": ["1a419df0d1f88fa3eddd2e0585985ee3b97036c0281f280e5a2359a13769167a"], "__index_level_0__": 109, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RH3XTpDPTfY/U0mSrxMrrGI/AAAAAAAAB5I/QFDo9zuHMSE/s1600/2013_1210dec0007.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_H7vDg4O7FE/U0mUllvT-YI/AAAAAAAAB5U/0G6s6EGvlT4/s1600/2013_1210dec0005.JPG", null, null, 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I had never spotted it before so was looking at it, of coarse it was on an end cap so it practically attacked me.\nThis lady stops, telling me this is the best product ever invented and if I wanted real good, like in very  yummy coffee, I would purchase this product and put a scoop in my coffee.  She said, that is how she used it..  she also laid claim to the thought that if I used this product in my evening coffee, my stress would be reduced to zero.\nSo of coarse, it came home with me becoming a have to have product.\nSo from that product we now have started this.", null, "There will be more on this later. I just know right now, my life has changed!\nPosted by nonie everythingsewing at 12:37 PM 1 comment: Links to this post", "Friday, April 11, 2014\n\nBeautiful Friends", null, "I am blessed to have such beautiful friends.  My friend Shirley, had the opportunity  to meet Betty in real life!  I say 'real life' because Shirley also met Betty on the everythingsewing forum. I think!  I am not positive that was their first meeting each other.  I will pretend it was until I hear different.\n\nShirley is such a wonderful, giving person and has helped me so much, she has her own blog called prayersformymom. She has helped me with blogging, always open and helpful to those, \"how do I do that?\" question. Shirley does wonderful sewing for her grands, including fun, creative machine embroidery.  Always an inspiration and good for a fun, positive outlook on life.  Oh, lucky me!!\n\nI just love the look on Hannah's face as she checks out who this new person is.\n\nWhat a blessing, to have this picture. I will frame it and put it in my sewing room, so I can share the day with two wonderful friends.\nPosted by nonie everythingsewing at 10:34 AM No comments: Links to this post", "Wednesday, April 9, 2014\n\nBetty Louise Deck", null, "Betty passed away on her birthday April 5th.\nWe started emailing each other after she joined Everythingsewing.  If you ever needed to know anything about sewing Betty was the one to ask.\nWe found we had a lot in common besides our love of sewing.  What fun to find out we both were belly dancer's.\nAmong the most important; Laugh often, especially after playing a great practical joke.A little dirt's good for you. Share what you know with others.   Best of all, don't be afraid to try new things.\nI will miss her everyday, I know she is with her wonderful husband Dale.\nI will share some of her sewing tutorials or as we liked to called them  \"how to's\".\nPosted by nonie everythingsewing at 2:54 PM 3 comments: Links to this post", "Friday, April 4, 2014\n\nA rainbow Kind of day", null, "It is a rainbow day today.  The sky gets dark and the rain pours down only to have the sun break through the clouds, giving us a bright light and a beautiful rainbow.\n\nFor me, it is a rainbow day inside and out.  I miss my friend Betty and am praying so hard that she will want to get stronger everyday.\nAs I pray for her, I feel very sad inside, the tears want to flow.  Then, I pick up some sewing or maybe a sewing tool she sent me and I have a little bit of Betty in my hand. She is in my sewing room, thats for sure.\nBetty, not only made a difference in my life but she touches so many others.\nI hope you read this Betty, I hope you know you are important to so many.  We need you back.\nLove you\nPosted by nonie everythingsewing at 3:22 PM 1 comment: Links to this post", "Tuesday, April 1, 2014\n\nAnother day in paradise\n\nNot a lot of exciting sewing going on.  The projects and yes, there are more then one are all in the ugly stage, not developed enough to show how they are coming along.\n\nSo, today because the weather  is just beautiful and I am getting boating fever I thought I would re-visit the river.\nWell so far no change.  For those that have not heard a dam far down river from us was found to have a crack in one of it's support beams. In order to repair the crack, they lowered the river. Not very pretty.", null, "This is when we have no water, or very little", null, "Then there are those time when there is to much water.  Like I said, just another day in paradise!"], "url": "http://everythingsewingnet.blogspot.com/2014/04/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 960, "original_width": 1280, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 720, "original_width": 960, "width": 504}, {"height": 529, "original_height": 960, "original_width": 685, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["044f906761a11a5b1877d5aaad5951482aea5c47bf2a7e31d252123cd1e9ff61", "ffe22b18cb9a4072aceb685004a86f9b061abd6f78bdb30646ab0a961f9235d4", "4eb7be8b00d1d830db4c915179a9e2db1e9f8390fa14ff9e2c46ed86ee280778", "e220c87e07c90d1007c82afc1ac3d0a79cae0856e7c4c00060e63a992adb3c02", "2fbb6cc0581d6e0f71bdd5a292781058403be5a5e4b632facfe78de376a7f8cb", "4c71ab6519e12f3c2f2b093741ff7129241880c03bd3f3e91d5dd13137da4539", "05059ac8a00b58be34c23b5babe543c654b9e38b684b7d35d15b8fb7c338ef99"], "__index_level_0__": 110, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Dtvdk7e0NUI/Uu02sFFjDjI/AAAAAAAALww/BbvkYuLxSrw/s1600/pope-francis.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9107563495635986}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://faithofthefathers.blogspot.com/2014/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0PzTjqrYy34/VGKpU26hvHI/AAAAAAAAPMo/s7Q3fcQ8MNM/s200/Saint%2BJosaphat%2BKuncevyc.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0PzTjqrYy34/VGKpU26hvHI/AAAAAAAAPMo/s7Q3fcQ8MNM/s200/Saint%2BJosaphat%2BKuncevyc.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Saint BJosaphat BKuncevyc\", \"alt_text\": \"Saint Josaphat Kuncevyc\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://faithofthefathers.blogspot.com/2014/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Dtvdk7e0NUI/Uu02sFFjDjI/AAAAAAAALww/BbvkYuLxSrw/s1600/pope-francis.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Dtvdk7e0NUI/Uu02sFFjDjI/AAAAAAAALww/BbvkYuLxSrw/s1600/pope-francis.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pope francis\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://faithofthefathers.blogspot.com/2014/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Mo2oQIpFqMU/UXBtgB9S2nI/AAAAAAAAJf8/2VqIJFsXQEs/s1600/Support%2BFrancis.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Mo2oQIpFqMU/UXBtgB9S2nI/AAAAAAAAJf8/2VqIJFsXQEs/s1600/Support%2BFrancis.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Support BFrancis\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 33}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://faithofthefathers.blogspot.com/2014/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://faithofthefathers.blogspot.com/2014/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5dM_W3g-SVE/UqTI4XLj2JI/AAAAAAAALTo/tfgLHEnJCGo/s1600/FOF%2BNew.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5dM_W3g-SVE/UqTI4XLj2JI/AAAAAAAALTo/tfgLHEnJCGo/s1600/FOF%2BNew.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FOF BNew\", \"alt_text\": \"Faith of the Fathers Blogs\", \"rendered_width\": 135, \"rendered_height\": 110}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, November 17, 2014\n\nThe Holidays Are Sneaking Up On Us", "Just a reminder to continue your support of the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming by making your purchases of Mystic Monk Coffee.\n\nMany of their holiday favorites are now available, including Jingle Bell Java, Christmas Blend, Thanksgiving Blend, Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans, and more. Many varieties are also available in the single serve Monk Shots for those of you who have single serve machines from companies like Keurig ® K-Cup®, Breville ®, Mr. Coffee ®  and Cuisinart ®.\n\nIf you aren't sure what someone would like, you can always purchase a Mystic Monk Gift Card available in amounts from $15.00 - $100.00 (select the gift card value you want from the drop down menu there). Then you'll know your family, friends, and colleagues will get exactly what they like.\n\nThey also have a good assortment of drinkware that includes ceramic mugs, glass cups, travel mugs, and holiday drinkware.\n\nAlso, please visit my blog's store \"Faith of the Fathers Catholic Gifts\" and check out the Holidays section for cards and posters, with many featuring the art work of James Tissot.\n\nIf you'd like to just see the Holidays Section, just click the link below.\n\nThank you all for following and reading Faith of the Fathers blogs!\n\nPosted by Steve Smith No comments: Links to this post", "Labels: Carmelite Monks of Wyoming, Catholic, Christmas, Gift Sets, Gifts, Holidays, Mystic Monk Coffee, Roman Catholic Church, Thanksgiving\n\nTuesday, November 11, 2014\n\nSaint Josaphat Kuncevyc, Bishop and Martyr", "Read more by clickinghere..", "Labels: Bishop, Catholic Books. Biography, Catholic Saints, Christian Heroes, Christian Persecution, Faith, Martyr, Roman Catholic, Roman Catholic Church, Saint\n\nSaturday, November 01, 2014\n\nPope Francis' Prayer Intentions for November 2014", null, "Labels: Catholic, Catholic Church, Catholic Prayers, Pope Francis, Prayer, Prayer Intentions, World", "My Profile", "Like Faith of the Fathers on Facebook", "Fund Raiser for Cataract Surgery", "Subscribe To Our Feed In A Reader", "We Are A Pro-Life Blog!", "Pope Francis’ prayer intentions for November 2016", "Faith of the Fathers Blogs (Listed By Most Recent Update)", "Mystic Monk Coffee", "For Catholics In North Carolina", "The National Shrine of Saint Jude", "Faith of the Fathers Blogs"], "url": "http://faithofthefathers.blogspot.com/2014/11/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 996, "original_width": 996, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["226d10bb0f62b155d31e34027fc20264d3e31e8051c5f9bd996ea79ded49f592"], "__index_level_0__": 111, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_SXkIEcahm3o/TQIVnP0PIZI/AAAAAAAACVA/At55sqwHLKs/s320/ugtocoloredpencil.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8984963297843933}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://falcatatimes.blogspot.com/2010/12/art-book-review-ultimate-guide-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_SXkIEcahm3o/TQIVnP0PIZI/AAAAAAAACVA/At55sqwHLKs/s320/ugtocoloredpencil.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_SXkIEcahm3o/TQIVnP0PIZI/AAAAAAAACVA/At55sqwHLKs/s320/ugtocoloredpencil.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ugtocoloredpencil\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://falcatatimes.blogspot.com/2010/12/art-book-review-ultimate-guide-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-McPZOUJYv7c/UyCsphSwwKI/AAAAAAAAJ3M/KX0dT7ZcGiE/s320/Gareth-15-web.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-McPZOUJYv7c/UyCsphSwwKI/AAAAAAAAJ3M/KX0dT7ZcGiE/s320/Gareth-15-web.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Gareth web\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://falcatatimes.blogspot.com/2010/12/art-book-review-ultimate-guide-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-b6m25ExBRQM/UUru7LnXlrI/AAAAAAAAIWM/vTtn3lhNvzg/s200/twitter.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-b6m25ExBRQM/UUru7LnXlrI/AAAAAAAAIWM/vTtn3lhNvzg/s200/twitter.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://falcatatimes.blogspot.com/2010/12/art-book-review-ultimate-guide-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-b6m25ExBRQM/UUru7LnXlrI/AAAAAAAAIWM/vTtn3lhNvzg/s200/twitter.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-b6m25ExBRQM/UUru7LnXlrI/AAAAAAAAIWM/vTtn3lhNvzg/s200/twitter.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://falcatatimes.blogspot.com/2010/12/art-book-review-ultimate-guide-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ULVx_HzUbMk/UugOIXnFM2I/AAAAAAAAJs0/OmxsBJ4O53k/s1600/Seal.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ULVx_HzUbMk/UugOIXnFM2I/AAAAAAAAJs0/OmxsBJ4O53k/s1600/Seal.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Seal\", \"alt_text\": \"http://decastell.com/\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 198}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://falcatatimes.blogspot.com/2010/12/art-book-review-ultimate-guide-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://falcatatimes.blogspot.com/2010/12/art-book-review-ultimate-guide-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_SXkIEcahm3o/S8sB8GF6KgI/AAAAAAAABjk/7OkGQZS3AQo/s320/ttclittle.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_SXkIEcahm3o/S8sB8GF6KgI/AAAAAAAABjk/7OkGQZS3AQo/s320/ttclittle.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ttclittle\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "This book provides all the information artists need to experience success with both traditional and watercolour pencils. Readers will enjoy basic techniques, easy solutions to common problems, tips to finding the right tools, guidance for taking excellent reference photography and much more. It includes over 40 of Gary Greene's easy-to-follow step-by-step demonstrations for a variety of popular subjects.\n\nWhilst a lot of the art books out there deal more with the medium of paint, wonderful pieces can be created with the magic of coloured pencils. Here in this guide by Gary Greene is a titles, which whilst two years in the making, pretty much is the ultimate guide.\n\nSubjects within include materials and tools, reference photo’s as well as techniques from layering, under painting alongside burnishing and combining all three different types of pencils.\n\nWhat perhaps really makes this title stand out is the authors simplistic and easy to understand language as it’s written in plain speak English without overly complicating the lessons with fancy art terms. When you back this with a comprehensive DVD that takes you on a step by step guide to painting a rose and this title really does allow the user to make the most of the lessons within. Finally add to this that this whole book is ring bound to help keep the pages that you’re working from open at the correct point and you know that it’s a title that will help you get the most from this medium. An ideal present for any art minded individual.\n\nPosted by Falcata Times at 08:05", "Labels: Art Book Review, David and Charles, Gary Greene, North Light Books\n\nWho are We?", "Dros Delnoch\n\nFavourite TV: Supernatural, Game of Thrones.", "Lady Eleanor", "Please abide by this rule.", "Submission Guide\n\nRecent additions now mean we can review E-Books.", "Other Recomended Blogs", "Our Sister Site that deals with Young Adult/Children's reviews.\n\nA Dribble of Ink\n\nAmberkatz Paranomal Review\n\nBook Chick City Blog\n\nBrooke Reviews\n\nDark Wolf Fantasy Reviews\n\nEdi's Book Lighthouse\n\nFantasy Book Critic\n\nThe Geeky Bookworm\n\nGraham's Fantasy Book Review\n\nGrasping for the Wind"], "url": "http://falcatatimes.blogspot.com/2010/12/art-book-review-ultimate-guide-to.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 491, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 246, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3ce89ebe559fecbbca5fe4d9d7099551dbd2792a4fea6377849c502ca1bd979b"], "__index_level_0__": 112, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VTY2xVXFv_U/UCYAEZKdpjI/AAAAAAAAAns/1rOvRpEqE1k/s1600/resized_imagepng+(14).png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8890846371650696}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fashionbloggerrevealed.blogspot.com/2012/08/163-pawe-lewandowski.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VTY2xVXFv_U/UCYAEZKdpjI/AAAAAAAAAns/1rOvRpEqE1k/s1600/resized_imagepng+(14).png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VTY2xVXFv_U/UCYAEZKdpjI/AAAAAAAAAns/1rOvRpEqE1k/s1600/resized_imagepng+(14).png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"resized imagepng ( )\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Name : Paweł Lewandowski\nSocial Site : blogger, lookbook\nAbout : \"My name is Paweł Lewandowski, I live in Poland and i'm 17 years old so i'm still student. I am totally excited about photography and fashion. It is the way i can express myself. \"\n\nWhen did you first fall in love with fashion ?\nWhen I was 15 i started caring more about how I look and what clothes i wear. I started going to Shopping Centers and i liked it.\n\nWho usually took your pictures ? My cousin or I just take it by myself :)\n\nWhat inspired you to start your own blog? I wanted to share my style of clothing with other people.\n\nWhat's on your iPod / DVD player at the moment ? Crystal Castles - Plague and a lot of alternative and electronic music ;)\n\nWhat are your dreams and aspirations? I want to be fashion photographer and make test shoots for models agencies\n\nWhat do you take with you on vacation? Of course my camera and mobile phone with really nice music!\n\n5 random facts about yourself.  not skinny enough, optimist, variable, self confident, funny\n\nYour favorite designers and brands?  Dior, Robert Kupisz, Topman and River Island\n\nWhat is your favorite thing(s) to eat? Spinach :)\n\nWhat sites do you visit everyday? Facebook, tumblr, lookbook, twitter\n\nYou can't leave house without.. My mobile phone\n\nWhat was the last thing you bought ? Nike Airmax\n\nWhich designers and/or celebrities most inspire you? Models most inspire me and these models are Ash Stymest and Thomas Penfound.\n\nSomething that you really wanted but haven't got it iPhone 4s\n\nWhat is the one item in your wardrobe you couldn't live without? Denim shirt ;)"], "url": "http://fashionbloggerrevealed.blogspot.com/2012/08/163-pawe-lewandowski.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 575, "original_height": 914, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4771f2cce57dd6de6dc915f1e98eceb10e0a1e9e6591c0c6dbe9c5616aa2aea6"], "__index_level_0__": 113, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Mzz3-IVfJ0I/Sr-R3maVRbI/AAAAAAAABrw/GUDxkHMTpe0/s320/chilli+jam+jar+%28800+x+600%29.jpg", null, "http://www.lepinparasol.com/images2008/basque-chicken-recipe.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9336960911750792}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fatdormouse.blogspot.com/2011/10/apolgies-and-recipes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Mzz3-IVfJ0I/Sr-R3maVRbI/AAAAAAAABrw/GUDxkHMTpe0/s320/chilli+jam+jar+%28800+x+600%29.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Mzz3-IVfJ0I/Sr-R3maVRbI/AAAAAAAABrw/GUDxkHMTpe0/s320/chilli+jam+jar+%28800+x+600%29.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"chilli jam jar x\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fatdormouse.blogspot.com/2011/10/apolgies-and-recipes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.lepinparasol.com/images2008/basque-chicken-recipe.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.lepinparasol.com/images2008/basque-chicken-recipe.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"basque chicken recipe\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fatdormouse.blogspot.com/2011/10/apolgies-and-recipes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7oQRAMpq1FE/V9UgbC5pcgI/AAAAAAAABNQ/MwEBrdDW_msw80tbPFD_rm11ZTk9LGzHgCLcB/s320/IMG_2354.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7oQRAMpq1FE/V9UgbC5pcgI/AAAAAAAABNQ/MwEBrdDW_msw80tbPFD_rm11ZTk9LGzHgCLcB/s320/IMG_2354.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"Image\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fatdormouse.blogspot.com/2011/10/apolgies-and-recipes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LvEw85bvI2s/V-UPCQ-AaPI/AAAAAAAABOA/MwUIjWpVPiI7nrMReTteDhJXNnYZtGK4QCLcB/s400/IMG_1252.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LvEw85bvI2s/V-UPCQ-AaPI/AAAAAAAABOA/MwUIjWpVPiI7nrMReTteDhJXNnYZtGK4QCLcB/s400/IMG_1252.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"Image\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fatdormouse.blogspot.com/2011/10/apolgies-and-recipes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/_DI5DlhWCdh0/TTLsuyoYXEI/AAAAAAAAAAQ/CPCm6AywyYM/s120-pf-R/medium.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_DI5DlhWCdh0/TTLsuyoYXEI/AAAAAAAAAAQ/CPCm6AywyYM/s120-pf-R/medium.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"medium\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 120, \"rendered_height\": 120}, null]", "texts": ["October 31, 2011\n\nApolgies and Recipes\n\nOh dear and ho-hum. I really am rubbish at blogging...and having two blogs isn't a good idea for someone who can't seem to find the time to blog on one! Of course, I could just cut-and-paste, but that seems like a cheat. This blog was supposed to be about my weight loss (which has stopped. Though, as I discovered at the Doctor's on Friday, hasn't actually reversed (much) so that's a good thing), then about my cycling (which hasn't stopped but isn't very regular. I'm a reluctant cyclist, especially in the chillier Autumn days), then about my frugality (HAH! Don't make me laugh!).\nSo what is the point of this blog? I suppose I should probably direct it at food. That's my favourite topic. If I was a clever photographer I could take great photos of the food that I make, but I'm not. I don't think it's my camera; I think it's my lack of skill. But I can at least post recipes of things that work.\nHere are two. The first is for Chilli Jam\n1 kg ripe tomatoes\n4-6 large red chillies (with their seeds)\n6 fat cloves of garlic, peeled\n3 thumb-lengths of fresh ginger, peeled & chopped\n50g Thai fish sauce\n450g unrefined caster sugar\n125ml red wine vinegar\nBlend half the tomatoes to a fine purée, with the chillies, garlic, ginger and fish sauce.\nPut the purée, sugar and vinegar into a deep pan & bring to the boil, stirring. Turn down to a simmer.\nChop the remaining tomatoes into a small dice. Add.\nCook gently for about 1.5 hours, skimming off foam when necessary, and stirring from time to time.\nWhen it's reached setting point (test on a cold saucer from the freezer) pour into warmed, sterilized glass jars.\nSeal . This keeps for months and is good with sausages, cold meats etc.", null, "Image from http://lizzieeatslondon.blogspot.com/2009/09/sweet-chilli-jam.html\n\nThe next recipe is for BASQUE CHICKEN.\n\nI served this when friends came for a meal. It is good, but you do have to be careful the rice doesn't overcook too much. It was getting a bit gloopy when we ate it - but is delicious. Use strong/extra strong chorizo if you like it spicy!\nThere are quite a lot of ingredients but it is quite easy. I'm not giving all the details about removing seeds from peppers etc, as given in the original recipe. Just use your common sense.\n4 chicken legs\n2 large red peppers\n2 onions\nolive oil\n150g chorizo, skinned and cut into chunks\n50g sun dried tomatoes, in oil\n2 cloves garlic, chopped\n1 tbsp tomato paste\n1/2 tsp paprika\nbrown basmati rice (measured to the 225 ml level in a measuring jug) *\n275 ml hot good vegetable or chicken stock\n170ml dry white wine\n1/2 large orange, cut into wedges\n1 tsp chopped thyme\n50g black olives\nUse a deep pan with a lid, or a stove top-to-oven casserole dish.\nSeason the chicken joints, and brown in the oil. Remove.\nSlice the red peppers, peel and slice the onions, slice the sun dried tomatoes.\nAdd a little more oil to the chicken pan & increase heat a tad. Add onions & peppers. Cook and stir for about 5 minutes.\nAdd chorizo, tomatoes & garlic. Cook for a further 2 - 3 minutes.\nAdd rice, and coat with oil. Then add tomato paste, paprika and thyme.\nPour in stock & wine. Season. Simmer. Place chicken on top, making sure all the rice is below the top of the liquid.\nPut orange wedges among the chicken pieces & scatter olives over the top.\nCover with a tight fitting lid & cook on a very gentle heat for 50 - 60 minutes or until the rice is cooked, but retains a little bite (or, like me, until it's gone a bit gloopy). Alternatively, cook in a pre-heated oven (GM 4/ 350°F/180°C) for 1 hour.\n* perhaps this was my mistake with the rice. I used white basmati, which I would guess requires less cooking time than the recommended brown rice", null, "image from http://www.lepinparasol.com/toile_basque_coated_tablecloth.htm\n(their recipe is different, but it looks quite similar!)\n\nSo there you are. Two recipes which I hope you like. As Eleni from Eleni Drinks Tea\nsaid we all need a treat from time to time., so finally, for those of you who haven't been hyper-organised and made it already, I give you my MiL's fab Christmas Cake recipe. Whenever I make Christmas Cake (which isn't every year) I use this recipe and it always works well. The less said about my icing the better though!\n\nNOTE: The dried fruit selection can be changed to suit personal tastes. I've used dried cranberries, dried cherries, chopped dried apricots, sultanas, hazelnuts, and no citrus peel. Just make sure you keep to the total weight\nWhen you are ready, cover the cake (except the bottom) in almond paste. Allow to dry for at least 24 hours, more if possible. Then ice with royal icing & decorate as desired."], "url": "http://fatdormouse.blogspot.com/2011/10/apolgies-and-recipes.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 283, "width": 486}], "image_hashes": ["4609ed5ad96ffe358148053d439428b4acbb36f8bd7dac73922445a321fbd549", "57fe561451d585c7c70e4ef87cf63a65c453862dabfb4dbd60bca798d8cb79d5"], "__index_level_0__": 114, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://x30.xanga.com/954f21ebc5730253583822/z201516018.jpg", null, "http://xc9.xanga.com/779f54f067633253583744/z201515951.jpg", null, "http://xdf.xanga.com/e45f74ea05d35253583878/z201516068.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9106804132461548}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://feistyfoodie.com/2009/10/02/chinatown-ice-cream-factory/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://x30.xanga.com/954f21ebc5730253583822/z201516018.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://x30.xanga.com/954f21ebc5730253583822/z201516018.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"IMG_9746.JPG\", \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://feistyfoodie.com/2009/10/02/chinatown-ice-cream-factory/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://xc9.xanga.com/779f54f067633253583744/z201515951.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://xc9.xanga.com/779f54f067633253583744/z201515951.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"IMG_9747.JPG\", \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://feistyfoodie.com/2009/10/02/chinatown-ice-cream-factory/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://xdf.xanga.com/e45f74ea05d35253583878/z201516068.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://xdf.xanga.com/e45f74ea05d35253583878/z201516068.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"IMG_9748.JPG\", \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Post-lunch at Coluck, my dining companion and I headed over to nearby Chinatown Ice Cream Factory for dessert.  Actually, CICF was the real reason we were even in Chinatown for lunch to begin with, honestly.", null, "I decided to have black sesame.", null, "I went outside and couldn’t decide which picture looked prettier, so here’s both.  The black sesame flavor was nice; it wasn’t too pronounced nor too sweet (I don’t like overly sweet things).  However, I did want it to taste more like tong yuan (sweet soup/dessert balls filled with black sesame paste) and found this tasted more like what was leftover when you were done with the soup after a couple had exploded into the murky, slightly sweet water.  After a while, I found the black sesames mixed throughout were too gritty for me, leaving the feeling that I was eating Oreo cookies broken into the ice cream… except the kind that don’t dissolve and melt on your tongue.  I wished desperately for a toothbrush after I was done, and spent some time in the bathroom making sure I had no black sesames visible in my teeth.  Very annoying."], "url": "http://feistyfoodie.com/2009/10/02/chinatown-ice-cream-factory/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ae1b070909d8bfff617a3cb2054467da3b20364997ae4c740d9d3aec4493f3e5", "00fe69b67e7382336e2173da3c9fedbe9b9fe428ce2559bad3957f06373a601f", "c96210213303de432f6cc8c7893ec1eea531af46790ea03310e86b03de928f27"], "__index_level_0__": 115, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tCe4PLFYzcg/TwOl3ztuiII/AAAAAAAAAlQ/FV8iwYkcbPg/s400/sous+vide+chicken+biriyani.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-holxWWVn1uU/TwOl71KS24I/AAAAAAAAAlY/P06F9hzmj-A/s400/chciken+biriyani+modern+indian.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6739667057991028}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://finediningindian.com/2011/06/01/biriyani-using-under-pressure-cooking/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tCe4PLFYzcg/TwOl3ztuiII/AAAAAAAAAlQ/FV8iwYkcbPg/s400/sous+vide+chicken+biriyani.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tCe4PLFYzcg/TwOl3ztuiII/AAAAAAAAAlQ/FV8iwYkcbPg/s400/sous+vide+chicken+biriyani.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sous vide chicken biriyani\", \"alt_text\": \"fine dining indian picture of sous vide chicken biriyani presentation\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, {\"document_url\": \"http://finediningindian.com/2011/06/01/biriyani-using-under-pressure-cooking/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-holxWWVn1uU/TwOl71KS24I/AAAAAAAAAlY/P06F9hzmj-A/s400/chciken+biriyani+modern+indian.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-holxWWVn1uU/TwOl71KS24I/AAAAAAAAAlY/P06F9hzmj-A/s400/chciken+biriyani+modern+indian.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"chciken biriyani modern indian\", \"alt_text\": \"fine dining indian picture of Biriyani modern indian recipe\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 378}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, "Follow The Equipment Safety Measures, Haccp Standards For Preventing Cross Contamination as Vaccum Pack Machines are Considered to be a High Source For Bacterila Contamination as They are Used for Both CooKed & Raw Foods.", "If your Time Doesnt Provide the Long period , Follow The Chart to reduce the cooking Period\nResult : Check the Texture Of Rice & Chicken as Per Required Biriyani Standard , If not acquired the Result you can continue the Process for Few More Minutes After Re-packing the Mixture. The Flavor You Get will Be Amazingly Refreshing as You keep the Temperature below 60c"], "url": "http://finediningindian.com/2011/06/01/biriyani-using-under-pressure-cooking/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 380, "original_width": 400, "width": 397}], "image_hashes": ["01fb56a7a26e759a20bf03df0b02c84bee0f5d1e5138f01c9ecbafb832c5a69c", "b984422050fde61ab99838f4cde06c2117b70271c22d4608804b0ebae9580f68"], "__index_level_0__": 116, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_iMGWrLb2znk/TOrWbMcl42I/AAAAAAAABw4/Xv8XkwsU9C8/s400/Florence%2BC%2BShaw03.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_iMGWrLb2znk/TOrWaWZlSlI/AAAAAAAABww/UZh65ow7ekc/s400/Florence%2BC%2BShaw02.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_iMGWrLb2znk/TOrWYnEueiI/AAAAAAAABwg/SMKabJ8TRt8/s400/Florence%2BC%2BShaw.jpg", null, 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top\nwas a bra.\n\nI didn't take my poster\nto the final competition thing\nbecause I lost confidence.\n\nInstead I took four days off\nand played dance mat and\nate ice cream.\n\nThe whole misadventure\nsays more about how\nnervous I was in the first\nterm at the RCA than it\ndoes about anything else.", null, null], "url": "http://florencecshaw.blogspot.com/2010/11/bibendum_19.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 579, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 156, "width": 378}, {"height": 687, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 220, "width": 378}, {"height": 696, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 217, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 534, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 283, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 397, "original_width": 400, "width": 380}], "image_hashes": ["e49468824e69f8b5259ea89294f7d7caacfc94e45f6002462f84e7f7db6c24ec", 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Working on-air is a unique occupation because your likeness and your public opinions aren't really your own. You represent the call letters your recite every time you sign off. And so, out of fear of revealing to much, and a desire to focus on my career, I stopped posting. Almost.\n\nIn 2010, I was still working in tv when I felt a familiar itch. Really, I needed an escape. I'd fallen for an elusive figure that I call *Miles. Miles was everything I ever wanted in a man, and in retrospect, he represented everything I wanted for myself. He was good looking, successful, smart, and well-off. He was young with a high profile job as head of company he'd built from the ground up. I admired his independence, his cocksure attitude, and the way it seemed that everyone wanted a piece of him.\n\nMaybe that's why I fell so hard. Deep down, I wanted to  be just like him.\n\nNonetheless, I think Miles sensed my inner restlessness. I think he caught the glimmer of utter fascination  in my eyes whenever I looked at him. I couldn't hide it. After the first date I was hooked. And over the course of two years, every time he disappeared without explanation, I didn't give up. I resigned, with foolish hope, that one day he'd complete me.\n\nYou know how the story ends. I figured out how to complete myself.\n\nBut nonetheless, during that time, and every other major romantic or professional hurdle, I wrote myself through it on this site. No holds barred. Yes, an alias, or several, but for some reason, I've always been able to be honest on this blog. It is home for me.\n\nAnd for that reason,  I am coming back home. I don't know how this will pan out. I am trying to complete a fiction (inspired by Miles, go figure) and my career is all types of crazy (more on that in the future). Plus, I try to update my official site regularly. Nevertheless, I will be making it a point to return with more heartfelt stories, observations, DIY tips, and commentary that pertains to Black women. I hope you will rejoin me for this adventure and provide feedback too.\n\nAlso expect to sneak peeks from my upcoming work of fiction. I'm super excited about that.\n\nWhen you don't know where to go, let your heart lead the way."], "url": "http://flyfunkydiva.blogspot.com/2014/05/the-comfort-zone-why-im-coming-back.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 183, "original_width": 275, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["95b2e83ff4a08198f442cd93424af90203a4f966cec64905048c3dac1192ef5a"], "__index_level_0__": 118, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dBDxN6w5Ai4/Tkg4Aw-5EzI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/0UgiAV9Z4bI/s400/1922+RM+AutoTrails+Map+Highway+Legend.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7cmA4foBUs4/UknSUccCneI/AAAAAAAAIe8/Nmxn2IKvkP0/s1600/AMoTV5-Label.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-q-bvjOWCYOg/UwJ47sEbDhI/AAAAAAAAIps/gXOPkYRdR54/s1600/1881-US-Mitchell-Dove-Moon-V2.1%2BPrintProd-2013-10-14.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.965238392353058}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fortworthgazette.blogspot.com/2011/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E99sXzR38Lw/TlpoiIVf3hI/AAAAAAAAAVI/rkEknUwL8hg/s400/Ranger+Hill+Sign+Clip.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-E99sXzR38Lw/TlpoiIVf3hI/AAAAAAAAAVI/rkEknUwL8hg/s400/Ranger+Hill+Sign+Clip.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ranger Hill Sign Clip\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 77}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fortworthgazette.blogspot.com/2011/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dBDxN6w5Ai4/Tkg4Aw-5EzI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/0UgiAV9Z4bI/s400/1922+RM+AutoTrails+Map+Highway+Legend.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dBDxN6w5Ai4/Tkg4Aw-5EzI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/0UgiAV9Z4bI/s400/1922+RM+AutoTrails+Map+Highway+Legend.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"RM AutoTrails Map Highway Legend\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 205}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fortworthgazette.blogspot.com/2011/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7cmA4foBUs4/UknSUccCneI/AAAAAAAAIe8/Nmxn2IKvkP0/s1600/AMoTV5-Label.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7cmA4foBUs4/UknSUccCneI/AAAAAAAAIe8/Nmxn2IKvkP0/s1600/AMoTV5-Label.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"AMoTV Label\", \"alt_text\": \"Click On the Images\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 220}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fortworthgazette.blogspot.com/2011/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-q-bvjOWCYOg/UwJ47sEbDhI/AAAAAAAAIps/gXOPkYRdR54/s1600/1881-US-Mitchell-Dove-Moon-V2.1%2BPrintProd-2013-10-14.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-q-bvjOWCYOg/UwJ47sEbDhI/AAAAAAAAIps/gXOPkYRdR54/s1600/1881-US-Mitchell-Dove-Moon-V2.1%2BPrintProd-2013-10-14.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"US Mitchell Dove Moon V\", \"alt_text\": \"The Great Lonesome Dove Trails Map\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 316}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fortworthgazette.blogspot.com/2011/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-sr6bKJ91ZGA/UwJ5mZEEFmI/AAAAAAAAIp4/YBUIFqJis4U/s220/1876-TexasTrails-Mitchell-V2-Prod-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-sr6bKJ91ZGA/UwJ5mZEEFmI/AAAAAAAAIp4/YBUIFqJis4U/s220/1876-TexasTrails-Mitchell-V2-Prod-1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"TexasTrails Mitchell V Prod\", \"alt_text\": \"The Great Texas Cattle Trails Map\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 148}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fortworthgazette.blogspot.com/2011/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TH5hfONMQnU/UwJ6THE9LHI/AAAAAAAAIqE/j50RITjNnqk/s220/1920%2BGreater%2BFort%2BWorth%2B%257E%2BRogers%2B1919-1920.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TH5hfONMQnU/UwJ6THE9LHI/AAAAAAAAIqE/j50RITjNnqk/s220/1920%2BGreater%2BFort%2BWorth%2B%257E%2BRogers%2B1919-1920.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BGreater BFort BWorth B E BRogers B\", \"alt_text\": \"1920 Map of Great Fort Worth\", \"rendered_width\": 146, \"rendered_height\": 220}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fortworthgazette.blogspot.com/2011/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-pekZNW-4OAY/TbGDfxx-_EI/AAAAAAAAAQU/jiCl1c2SjQg/s80/2008-12-Clip%2BPete%2BCrop%2BPic.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pekZNW-4OAY/TbGDfxx-_EI/AAAAAAAAAQU/jiCl1c2SjQg/s80/2008-12-Clip%2BPete%2BCrop%2BPic.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Clip BPete BCrop BPic\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 68, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, August 31, 2011\n\nUp the Hill: Memories of Ranger Hill on US-80 and the Bankhead Highway\n\nOld time truckers have many tales of Ranger Hill in the days before Interstate 20 toned things down. It's still quite a hill to climb and there are remnants remaining of the earlier roads that took different, more difficult paths to climb the steep grade.", "Ranger Hill really starts in Eastland County at about where IH-20 and SH-16 meet a few miles south of Strawn. It's on the flat plain skirting the lower Palo Pinto Mountains.  For those headed west, the escarpment juts up steeply and is a real barrier to any reasonably straight approach to Ranger and the cities beyond it on the way to Abilene and El Paso. The 300 foot elevation change from the bottom to the top of the hill would have made it almost impossible for use as a wagon road without multiple switchbacks. In times past, Ranger Hill has also been called Thurber Hill, although that usage is not as common today.\n\nAs far as is known, the earliest main road from Strawn and Thurber followed the Texas & Pacific Railroad as it stayed at water level through Wiles Canyon into what was Tiffin and then Ranger. The Texas and Pacific Coal Co., which owned the coal mines at Thurber and had the oil play around Ranger, seem to have pushed their own privately financed road up across the Hill in about 1919 after which it was taken over by the State Highway Commission as part of SH-1 and the Bankhead National Highway. By this time cars and trucks that could handle the climb were in more common use.\nWe can see how really steep the Ranger Hill grade is by using the Google elevation display.  Starting at about 1130' above sea level (Almost 600 feet higher than Fort Worth) a sweeping left hand turn ends up about 200' higher in a very short stretch.  Still climbing, it's another 60' to the first crest at 1400' elevation. From this point it levels for a while and then climbs a little more than 100' to about 1530' at the site of the old Ranger Hill Station complex.\nJust to the north of the main road is the old US-80/SH-1/Bankhead Highway route that attempts to cut the grade a little by circling wider around a hill and then pushes on up to the 1400' crest point where it rejoins the present highway on the way up.\nFor a place that was once known as a welcome landmark on the trip from Fort Worth to points west, Ranger Hill Station looks pretty sad today. However, in its day it was an oasis for those with steaming radiators, flat tires, burned clutches and useless brakes.  A whole community grew up on the Hill, aimed entirely at needy travelers and their vehicles.\nThe Ranger Hill Station is located about a half-mile up the hill after exiting IH-20 to Ranger. This is the old US-80/Bankhead route. To the west of the station, were other service stations and buildings and shops some of which are in use today for other purposes.\n\nInterestingly enough, it has just recently been announced that much of the area north of Ranger Hill will probably be in the new state park which begins just to the west of Strawn.\nThe station itself had a coffee shop and there were at least two motels to shelter those who got caught at the top of the hill as well as at least one other gas station. There was a well-built field stone motel on the north side across from the station and it also appeared to have a coffee shop in the main building.\nThe shells of these buildings and their roofs appear to be in fair shape today. There is no name on what was once a lighted sign.\n\nOn the south side of the road to the east of the station and set back a little are the decaying ruins of another motel with cabins. There's no way to know how these might have looked back in their glory days..\nRanger Hill Station and the little service community that grew up around it was the stuff of legends among early truck drivers, oil men, commercial travelers and tourists. It's surprising that there hasn't been a song or two written about the wrecks and near misses and the shady things that may have gone on at the hilltop. Ranger Hill  has faded now, baking in the hot sun or enduring the cold northers, but its a place that ought to be visited before it is no more.\n\nOnce past Ranger Hill Station, it's a few miles into Ranger itself where there are some interesting buildings, some history and  some almost pristine remnants of the old red Thurber brick Bankhead Highway to Eastland......\n\nAnother time..\nAll images from The Electric Books Collection\nPosted by Pete Charlton at 6:03 PM 4 comments:", "Sunday, August 28, 2011\n\nA Little History is Passing: The Old Saginaw Airfield Is About Gone\n\nThings change around us in the blink of an eye. Last July I was headed into Saginaw to have breakfast at JR's. The sun was in my eyes, and as I moved east on McLeroy past Knowles Street I sensed something was different at the old airport.  Something was missing.  Something was new.\nWhat was missing was the older yellow brick house, its garage and the outbuildings around what had been the airport center. In the space of a week, everything was changed. What was new was the hangar.  Not  really new, but you never could really see it before because of the clutter.  It struck me as impressive, in a way.  I stopped and pulled into the driveway for some pictures.\nI have lived west of Saginaw since about 1997 and am into and out of the town several times a week, sometimes several times a day. I knew that the field had been built in about 1945 by a man named McNeil. The land had been sold for development several years ago. The paved runway had been plowed up and the T-Hangers on both sides had been taken down with one exception.\nNow on this day there is just the big hanger. However, that hangar took on a whole new dimension without the clutter around it. The place almost becomes an Aerodrome in the classic sense. Built of common materials it still becomes a little stately in its appearance. Solid. It has seen the best and worst of aircraft and probably some that were unique or improbable. Just picture a stagger-wing Model 17 Beechcraft in front of it, or a big radial engined Cessna 195.\n\nI talked to the man who rents the hanger and he told me he thought the owner had the rest of the buildings pulled down and plowed under because they were in bad shape and there were some liability problems. He said he had no idea of what was in the future for the old hanger, but that it was serving his purposes nicely.\nThere is one old building remaining to the west of the big hangar. It's a closed shed hangar that has been used occasionally for \"estate sales\", but everything else around it is gone.\nI suppose it it hopeless to think that someone might come up with some way to save the big old hangar and use it without too much change. At 65+ years old it could be considered historic in a technical sense, but I have an idea that the land is probably zoned commercial and if the economy ever turns around,  then we'll see it disappear overnight as well.\nI'll enjoy it while I can..\n\nHere's' the whole story on the airport history from the Abandoned Airfields website...\n\nPosted by Pete Charlton at 7:14 PM No comments:", "Sunday, August 21, 2011\n\nA Macabre Mansion~Edwards Funeral Home in Strawn Has a Creepy Mascot~I Wonder If They Know?\n\nI was returning from a scout through Ranger Saturday when I decided to take a quick run up to Strawn in hopes that I might be able to get into Mary's Cafe for lunch. I was a little early so I ran up SH-16 to the north end of town and took a right just before the river onto Watson Place a street that runs in front of the abandoned water pumping plant and Edwards Funeral Home.\n\nThe funeral home is in a magnificent old mansion style building. Local history says the business was started in 1963 by Jerry & Pat Edwards in the 1919 George J. Watson home. The home was modeled after a West Virginia mansion and has double-brick walls, 7 fireplaces and elaborate decoration.\n\nWhat's that thing on the east chimney?\nAs I was admiring the building, my eye caught something on the east chimney..  Big pigeon?  Hawk?\n\nI drove over to the east side and got a little closer. It certainly was a bird of some kind... The evil little kid in me started thinking... What if it was a .... Naw!..  it couldn't be.   Perched on a funeral home?\n\nI racked the zoom up to the max to get closer. No doubt about it.  A good size buzzard doing its best to look buzzardly on that fine chimney crown. Probably the highest point, other than the old water tower, in all of Strawn. The murky bird was just sitting, totally unaware of those of us that harbor quirky thoughts.\n\nWhat, other than hunger, do you suppose is motivating this big guy?  Is there something significant about the vista to the north?\n\nWe are not to know..\n\nMaybe it's prophetic that Halloween is not too far away.\n\nA final note:  The old house is anything but \"macabre\". It's just that I've always wanted to write the word in a sentence and this was an opportunity..\n\nI never did get into Mary's.  By 11:45 AM every bit of parking within 1/4 mile was crammed and it was way too hot to walk very far..\n\nPosted by Pete Charlton at 1:19 PM No comments:", "Sunday, August 14, 2011\n\nGordon: The Lost Town On A Bankhead Highway Map ~ Twists and Turns Between Ranger & Fort Worth\n\nThe Bankhead Highway History Group has become very active on Facebook. It is open to anyone with an interest in this historic old highway. Some interesting topics have been posted lately.  One of them revolves the development of the Bankhead Highway around the area west of Fort Worth to about Ranger. Much of this area is in the rugged Palo Pinto Mountains. I found some old maps of the 1919-1922 era to show how the routes developed..", null, "By 1920 Rand McNally had established themselves as one of the major road map publishers and their Auto Trails series were widely considered one of the best and most accurate. They were updated often.\n\nWhen the State Highway Commission finally set the routes and alternates for State Highway #1 in 1919 they also adopted the Bankhead Highway designation as well. For several reasons alternate routes were often established sometimes for political reasons as well as to offer choices when another route was impassible.\n\nThe Bankhead Highway from Weatherford to Mineral Wells passed through Millsap at this time. Our 1922 map is one of the few to show the very rough northern alternate route which more of less followed the rails of the Weatherford, Mineral Wells and Northwestern railroad and passed through Garner and the Rock Creek mining community. If you will check the map legend above you will see that this route was part of the Dixie Overland Highway at this time.\n\nOn past Mineral Wells the terrain becomes very rough and the Bankhead became a challenge to build and later to drive. Here is where we find some surprise destinations on this map and the verification of an obscure mountain valley pass that the Bankhead Highway used for a short time.\n\nThe Orange box shows that at this time, on  this map that instead of dropping south a few miles out of Strawn the highway went straight west following the T & P railroad into the rugged Wilde canyon then west to Tiffin before entering Ranger from the north.  Very few maps show this pass as part of the Bankhead  Highway but since Rand McNally was a respected map maker and motorists depended on them, we have to assume that the route was used as least for a short time at least.\n\nThe Red box brings another map surprise: After leaving the city of Palo Pinto, the Bankhead Highway is shown as dropping south to Gordon rather than continuing on west to Metcalf Gap and then down to Strawn as most maps of the period do.  There is almost no documentation of this Gordon route but it also shows it on the earlier 1921 Fort Worth Auto Club Texas Map below:\n\nWere these two maps showing the little town of Gordon as a destination on the Bankhead Highway a regrettable mistake on their part?  If so, why do two maps published 3 years apart still show the same route?  A map maker would certainly have changed it if it was reported as wrong, wouldn't they?\n\nFor now, it's a small mystery.  Perhaps someone on the Bankhead Highway History Group can come up with an answer....", null, null], "url": "http://fortworthgazette.blogspot.com/2011/08/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 206, "original_width": 400, "width": 733}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1440, "original_width": 1440, "width": 378}, {"height": 542, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 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It uses a dockscreen to draw the System Map and adds a cursor that allows the user to select objects for examination. It includes a custom item that the player can invoke to show this screen and a library in case anyone wants to use it as part of an adventure.\n\nDownload on Xelerus\n\nHow to Use", null, "0. If you are using the item mod, then look for the Command Screen ROM and invoke it", null, "1. This is the default view for the command screen. Stations are shown as outlined rectangles while ships are shown as filled rectangles. Blue rectangles are objects that cannot attack, green rectangles are friendlies, yellow rectangles are neutrals, and red rectangles are enemies. The player is a white rectangle and the cursor is a light blue rectangle. There is a white crosshair that always stays in the center of the screen. NOTE: The screen freezes time while active. Also, its state always resets to the default view upon exiting.", null, "2. Move the light-blue cursor with the WASD keys.", null, "3. Resize the cursor with the TFGH keys.", null, "4. If the area of the cursor covers the center of an object's rectangle, that object appears on the right pane, where you can then examine it.", null, "5. The cursor can cover the centers of multiple rectangles", null, "6. Press Z to zoom out around the crosshair", null, "7. Press X to zoom in around the crosshair", null, "8. Use the IJKL keys to pan the screen around.", null, "9. You can cover all objects on the screen with the cursor", null, "10. When you have some objects under the cursor, press E to enter the Examine List screen. Objects that match the criteria defined by the global variable gSubordinateCriteria have the \"Subordinate\" tag and you can give them orders. By default, Command Screen considers all ships to be subordinates. You can press E again to examine the current object or press S to Select the object, ensuring that it always appears in this screen.", null, "11. Here we will examine the Ronin/A as seen in the previous screen. NOTE: The Examine Object screen is incomplete", "12. Press I to enter the Item Manager. Here, you can see all items on the examined object", null, "13. Press S to enter the Subordinate Manager screen. Use this screen to give orders regarding the examined object to your subordinates", null, "14. Press N to enter a custom name for the current object. This custom name will show up next to the default name at all times in the Command Screen. Here, I have assigned the custom name \"Friend\" to the Ronin/A\n\nCode: Select all", "Fleet Admiral", "Re: Command Screen: RTS Dockscreen Interface\n\nPost by RPC » Sat Mar 04, 2017 3:54 am\n\nWorks great with Star Genesis, can't wait to use this for some fleet management shenanigans", "Tutorial List on the Wiki and Installing Mods"], "url": "http://forums.kronosaur.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=8013&p=72434&sid=a74d5420b5a8004a37466af7a15c04df", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1079, "original_width": 1919, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["ec0c276b23dbc29c0e5c7d8aeb243ea657e7314609a1105bb457cafd5f650fdb", "d3be9c38112b9b0e87d8c376b688a0432fc658702deee9a5b07073225c8f2d09", "c4347f520d6a7082e5fe38347e00be6af19fc801272c7e70eccc36706dc6785d", "8b2d7e4caef8fc7e827ff81b10e4f14dc10fd8351671ca28c21fdd75418123f1", "5653c9f964cf85d7fa3a8ad78ffd9a298c16f47ca5032e762d9b1743ae0ae5b3", "6db4726eb238aabae20939c0592ad0a0af502279b34711a60a55123a8e8ed088", "2bbb6e807122db7785f22691a9b2892d5d388742f35584d4f9c9209a980009c6", "d2db1a95625fa30d59c65e49fdacf0cfd02571245442982674fb4aa45e95c48b", "2e40b42777c3f8319b0d0ada291ba294441af3ea0c3621ba213ca368eb92d78a", "bfa05842b0ba34719a6663a14a7d778b8fbc96dbdece039e26b8607cd910dfb1", "fe0b085b394312c065177728536b8f98610b57441f7fd5ab7f517f0fb74fe32f", "d59a0db815864c937dacff6e2f15849f8db44899ff6f266c9be1cb3598452961", "d5bed8e6172dfee2dadd7717cfd586631978954fa0ace5fce6ecfc2e7b1ec187", "ae86085da4c24d569c5172382fcaebe791469284364aeeb2eab0d8d857262a50"], "__index_level_0__": 120, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://bp3.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFZL1JBZnI/AAAAAAAAAGM/xn0gZYfyUr4/s400/IMG_3011-s.JPG", "http://bp1.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFZD-GzeuI/AAAAAAAAAGE/FIH4GaIbzoo/s400/IMG_2382-s.JPG", "http://bp2.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFY9Dxn7xI/AAAAAAAAAF8/Qyazi6P918A/s400/IMG_2345-s.JPG", "http://bp3.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFY1R9nLII/AAAAAAAAAF0/WDtWLytpUhU/s400/IMG_2336-s.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9510222673416138}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fraiing.blogspot.com/2008/06/i-live-by-seaside.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFZL1JBZnI/AAAAAAAAAGM/xn0gZYfyUr4/s400/IMG_3011-s.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFZL1JBZnI/AAAAAAAAAGM/xn0gZYfyUr4/s400/IMG_3011-s.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG s\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://fraiing.blogspot.com/2008/06/i-live-by-seaside.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFZD-GzeuI/AAAAAAAAAGE/FIH4GaIbzoo/s400/IMG_2382-s.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFZD-GzeuI/AAAAAAAAAGE/FIH4GaIbzoo/s400/IMG_2382-s.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG s\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://fraiing.blogspot.com/2008/06/i-live-by-seaside.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp2.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFY9Dxn7xI/AAAAAAAAAF8/Qyazi6P918A/s400/IMG_2345-s.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://bp2.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFY9Dxn7xI/AAAAAAAAAF8/Qyazi6P918A/s400/IMG_2345-s.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG s\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://fraiing.blogspot.com/2008/06/i-live-by-seaside.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFY1R9nLII/AAAAAAAAAF0/WDtWLytpUhU/s400/IMG_2336-s.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_lqPIxGAP_e4/SGFY1R9nLII/AAAAAAAAAF0/WDtWLytpUhU/s400/IMG_2336-s.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG s\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, June 24, 2008\n\nI live by the seaside\n\npia jane bijkerk recently posted her rather lovely evolving wreath which inspired me to take a picture of the seaweed wreath I made last year. The most beautiful frilly seaweed washed up on our beach, with tiny little berries attached. I picked up a few strands, let them dry, and twisted them into a wreath-shape. A few stitches with needle and cotton kept it together. Then I stuck on seashells I had collected, and backed the whole thing with cardboard to keep the round shape when hung. Last year Christmas I spray-painted it white - and used as a front door decoration. I took the other three pictures on the same beach.", null, null, null, null], "url": "http://fraiing.blogspot.com/2008/06/i-live-by-seaside.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 438, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 345, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 309, "original_width": 400, "width": 489}], "image_hashes": ["2b1c318ca13a2224aef70c65b1ea63e66aa19ba292629191300165c130acff82", "28eacee7edc7af1771a869c17af94b13613d37e263af216aea6822d945d3f257", "ee2a7ef1607b89feb3c6bb13875eb83a7401eaa04f2a59d3378167d841f33c99", "4013bd681643a5c9a769776f2294a1f21cfcd3a6bfa5cc9cda81b8d2c45089cf"], "__index_level_0__": 121, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_S0JQSoYU2Rw/Sv4E-oI51LI/AAAAAAAAAEg/t0HpXLmRBno/s320/09+DR+Trip+510.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_S0JQSoYU2Rw/Sv4E-VJ2B0I/AAAAAAAAAEY/empuUVilAfo/s320/DR+Trip+018.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9760012626647948}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fromheart2hands.blogspot.com/2009/11/day-1-part-1.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_S0JQSoYU2Rw/Sv4E-oI51LI/AAAAAAAAAEg/t0HpXLmRBno/s320/09+DR+Trip+510.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_S0JQSoYU2Rw/Sv4E-oI51LI/AAAAAAAAAEg/t0HpXLmRBno/s320/09+DR+Trip+510.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DR Trip\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fromheart2hands.blogspot.com/2009/11/day-1-part-1.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_S0JQSoYU2Rw/Sv4E-VJ2B0I/AAAAAAAAAEY/empuUVilAfo/s320/DR+Trip+018.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_S0JQSoYU2Rw/Sv4E-VJ2B0I/AAAAAAAAAEY/empuUVilAfo/s320/DR+Trip+018.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DR Trip\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fromheart2hands.blogspot.com/2009/11/day-1-part-1.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh5.googleusercontent.com/-PCy4JxiNg2c/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAy4/dg4TCQ_sIeY/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-PCy4JxiNg2c/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAy4/dg4TCQ_sIeY/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["People make blogs to talk about their exciting lives. I lack the excitement for right now, and let's be honest, no one wants to read about my day to day activities in an office with 3 people. So maybe I'll focus more on those times when life presented awe-inspiring moments, and times of fun and excitement. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty more of those to come, but until they do...\n\nAs we descended into the rugged lands of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, I thought my ears would explode and head fry of fever. Flying with a mucus-filled head isn't always the ideal way to arrive into the Caribbean, but I did, nonetheless. Of course the airport welcomed us with the classic corralling of human cattle and chaos. Mugginess hit our fa", null, "ces as we trekked through the chaotic airport to customs. I wanted to pass out, I was so fatigued and weak. Chaos was overwhelming but the culture shock was almost nonexistant in my careless attitude.\nManaging to pull my passport and appropriate documents out, I somehow ended up with my bags and following the group out the door of the airport into the Dominican atmosphere, where we were surrounded by a different type of chaos.\nConstant horns and vehicles and a foreign language being shouted from every which way. My head spun and I crawled into an air conditioned van past jungles of seat belts that no one ever wore anyway in this country. I curled up next to a window, wrapped up in my blue hoodie, freezing as sweat oddly enough poured from my forehead.\nPassing Spanish billboards and horses in the back of pickup trucks, and people walking in the road, selling fruit and candy, I enjoyed hearing the oohs and ahhs of our first time team members. It was all such a magical experience, even for those of us who had been down this highway multiple times. There was always something new to gawk at during the 45 minutes of stopping and going and close calls and mopeds weaving in the three f", null, "eet that remained between you and the vehical in the next lane over. Our supposibly 4 lanes of traffic was somehow 6, as street lines were an optional suggestion.\nTurning off to a bumpy, half dirt, half paved, falling apart road, we had reached the area of Los Alcarrizos. Just as many vehicles as the city and even more people and dogs running around. The 15 passenger dipped and hopped as we drove through hardcore road damage and potholes. People weaved around us in their 80s style pickup trucks with just as many people riding in the bed. Horns would beep to let the people know not to hit us, and we wouldn't hit them. Armed guards sat in plastic beach chairs, watching our van bump by. We weren't sure whether to feel safer or more alert.\nFinally reaching Unto Inc.'s gate, we pulled aside and waited for it to be opened to us to enter the camp. Eyes watched us with a glimmer or curiosity, knowing full well there were Americanos in that van, since there were always Americanos staying at that camp. The van pulled up to the side of the kitchen and halted. We had arrived at our home for the next 8 days. Pin It"], "url": "http://fromheart2hands.blogspot.com/2009/11/day-1-part-1.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["d569fc2b4bd43ca77adc320bf8b7132fb07833100bd299e35a850f07aed36708", "2c32d015bc4d692695402d25fa7c960d652b459aec46cc36019fbb131f15bd9b"], "__index_level_0__": 122, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://i.funny.pho.to/templates/926/preview220.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8528600931167603}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://funny.pho.to/birthday-ecard-with-balloons/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.funny.pho.to/templates/926/preview220.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.funny.pho.to/templates/926/preview220.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"preview\", \"alt_text\": \"Birthday ecard with Balloons\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Birthday ecard with Balloons\n\nGood Birthday greetings card is hard to find. That’s why it��s always good to keep in mind online birthday card creator and make cool birthday cards for all of your friends. Never tried any birthday card makers? Give Birthday ecard with balloons a go then!\n\nUpload a photo:\n\nHow you can use this effect\n\nEveryone wants to know how to make birthday greeting cards that rock. Let’s come up with a sort of a formula together.\n\nFirst of all no Birthday party is a success without colorful birthday balloons. That’s why birthday greeting card with balloons will always be in trend. Let’s now admit that best greeting cards are personalized, so birthday cards with photos won’t leave any birthday girl or boy cold, right? Add the chance to make such cool birthday cards yourself online and you are half-ready to any guest-night.\n\nMeet ‘Birthday ecard with Balloons’ - your happy birthday card maker. Use it to create birthday greeting card for anyone in no time. As birthday card is an important part of a birthday gift, we’ve foreseen that you could want a printable template. No problem, this Birthday ecard is totally printer friendly - just make sure the original photo is big enough.\n\nStill wondering how to make birthday greeting cards or need more ideas? We have everything you might think of: colorful balloons background, multi-photo greeting card, birthdays frame, funny birthday hat and more.\n\nWhat people say about this effect:\n\nChoose from Photos\n\nBrowse your albums until you find a picture you want to use"], "url": "http://funny.pho.to/birthday-ecard-with-balloons/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 220, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["dd920d3b0cfd85a3133100a0e451e2f4eeea62708760cf35f29e84a00f7d5c30"], "__index_level_0__": 123, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rGzUrSVtGiU/VwVDr1nq5vI/AAAAAAAAKFg/3aJCtVoSo5o3PsddZGZydydOzjk7R2aNA/s400/IMAG0808.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8243546485900879}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://garlicandbutter.blogspot.com/2016/04/fall-2015-lets-blame-plain-paper.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rGzUrSVtGiU/VwVDr1nq5vI/AAAAAAAAKFg/3aJCtVoSo5o3PsddZGZydydOzjk7R2aNA/s400/IMAG0808.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rGzUrSVtGiU/VwVDr1nq5vI/AAAAAAAAKFg/3aJCtVoSo5o3PsddZGZydydOzjk7R2aNA/s400/IMAG0808.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMAG\", \"rendered_width\": 238, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://garlicandbutter.blogspot.com/2016/04/fall-2015-lets-blame-plain-paper.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MDwxeuVCw00/Urs34ppJ3uI/AAAAAAAAIUA/uj12HcTm-Fc/s220/moving%2Bin%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MDwxeuVCw00/Urs34ppJ3uI/AAAAAAAAIUA/uj12HcTm-Fc/s220/moving%2Bin%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"moving Bin Bcopy\", \"alt_text\": \".\", \"rendered_width\": 161, \"rendered_height\": 79}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://garlicandbutter.blogspot.com/2016/04/fall-2015-lets-blame-plain-paper.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9Bslz_ZA7YQ/Urs9DRY1tqI/AAAAAAAAIUY/dlLIMXhbZqg/s1600/lifestyle%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9Bslz_ZA7YQ/Urs9DRY1tqI/AAAAAAAAIUY/dlLIMXhbZqg/s1600/lifestyle%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"lifestyle Bcopy\", \"alt_text\": \"LET'S SHOP!\", \"rendered_width\": 161, \"rendered_height\": 79}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://garlicandbutter.blogspot.com/2016/04/fall-2015-lets-blame-plain-paper.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_nmRwkpdugU/Urs3rMq2WzI/AAAAAAAAIT0/zPi6lhBcOqo/s220/hotel%2Breview%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_nmRwkpdugU/Urs3rMq2WzI/AAAAAAAAIT0/zPi6lhBcOqo/s220/hotel%2Breview%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hotel Breview Bcopy\", \"alt_text\": \"coming soon\", \"rendered_width\": 161, \"rendered_height\": 79}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://garlicandbutter.blogspot.com/2016/04/fall-2015-lets-blame-plain-paper.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-820f-P0GvPY/UrtCDwzxewI/AAAAAAAAIU8/XtIciKvZe74/s1600/organise%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-820f-P0GvPY/UrtCDwzxewI/AAAAAAAAIU8/XtIciKvZe74/s1600/organise%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"organise Bcopy\", \"alt_text\": \"coming soon\", \"rendered_width\": 161, \"rendered_height\": 79}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://garlicandbutter.blogspot.com/2016/04/fall-2015-lets-blame-plain-paper.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hc28T54sYRE/Urs9XLXKRpI/AAAAAAAAIUk/_eYoiiKA58U/s1600/food%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hc28T54sYRE/Urs9XLXKRpI/AAAAAAAAIUk/_eYoiiKA58U/s1600/food%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"food Bcopy\", \"alt_text\": \"coming soon\", \"rendered_width\": 161, \"rendered_height\": 79}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://garlicandbutter.blogspot.com/2016/04/fall-2015-lets-blame-plain-paper.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pU_DyEjyWmA/Urs7ysOCPNI/AAAAAAAAIUM/LSmMh0W6raY/s1600/Capture.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-pU_DyEjyWmA/Urs7ysOCPNI/AAAAAAAAIUM/LSmMh0W6raY/s1600/Capture.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Capture\", \"alt_text\": \"We are SIX\", \"rendered_width\": 205, \"rendered_height\": 184}, null, null]", "texts": ["I give the kids a writing exercise and a plain A4 paper each.", null, "Nazreen (below) seems to have trouble writing in a straight line. He blamed the plain paper."], "url": "http://garlicandbutter.blogspot.com/2016/04/fall-2015-lets-blame-plain-paper.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 632, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 239, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["042dbd771d55b26995922ebf73a1f2829c627857ccb5494400b76377eaac7412"], "__index_level_0__": 124, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-odIZ27JCh9g/UKL88DnQZFI/AAAAAAAAA1Q/TLKmo3E99xM/s400/SNL-Anne-Hathaway-350x219.png", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fSY5sJynWrI/UKL8sPzrZlI/AAAAAAAAA04/s3JrozO1oPI/s400/tumblr_mde564jEfD1rtbdquo1_1280.png", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uY7OhgTEy-o/UKL829FreHI/AAAAAAAAA1I/Tc0Tc4DPd_E/s400/drunk-uncle.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.98500657081604}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://garrettriley.blogspot.com/2012/11/anne-hathaway-hosts-snl.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-odIZ27JCh9g/UKL88DnQZFI/AAAAAAAAA1Q/TLKmo3E99xM/s400/SNL-Anne-Hathaway-350x219.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-odIZ27JCh9g/UKL88DnQZFI/AAAAAAAAA1Q/TLKmo3E99xM/s400/SNL-Anne-Hathaway-350x219.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SNL Anne Hathaway\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://garrettriley.blogspot.com/2012/11/anne-hathaway-hosts-snl.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fSY5sJynWrI/UKL8sPzrZlI/AAAAAAAAA04/s3JrozO1oPI/s400/tumblr_mde564jEfD1rtbdquo1_1280.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fSY5sJynWrI/UKL8sPzrZlI/AAAAAAAAA04/s3JrozO1oPI/s400/tumblr_mde564jEfD1rtbdquo1_1280.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tumblr mde jEfD rtbdquo\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://garrettriley.blogspot.com/2012/11/anne-hathaway-hosts-snl.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uY7OhgTEy-o/UKL829FreHI/AAAAAAAAA1I/Tc0Tc4DPd_E/s400/drunk-uncle.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uY7OhgTEy-o/UKL829FreHI/AAAAAAAAA1I/Tc0Tc4DPd_E/s400/drunk-uncle.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"drunk uncle\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://garrettriley.blogspot.com/2012/11/anne-hathaway-hosts-snl.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-CR0_poZ9iIo/WHxcPLVQJvI/AAAAAAAAJJA/EE3QClqlGQMi_a_HFRmSFiDeQrOkxD7HACK4B/s80/IMG_0023.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CR0_poZ9iIo/WHxcPLVQJvI/AAAAAAAAJJA/EE3QClqlGQMi_a_HFRmSFiDeQrOkxD7HACK4B/s80/IMG_0023.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 62, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, November 13, 2012\n\nAnne Hathaway Hosts SNL\n\nI was right! The musical monologue returned and there was a Les Misérable sketch, but I did not guess that they would put the two together! To be honest though, I really should have. This past Saturday, Anne Hathaway hosted Saturday Night Live. Like I said, the monologue was Les Mis themed, since Hathaway plays Fantine in the latest movie setting of Victor Hugo's famous story (in theaters December 25th, 2012). The whole cast was involved with singing a song, set to the tune of 'One Day More', that was about how they spend their Sunday's since it is the only day the cast and crew don't work. Jason Sudeikis started by singing the part of Jean Valjean, Taran Killam and Cecily Strong were Marius and Cosette, Hathaway jumped in with the part of Eponine, and the rest of the cast followed. While their harmonies weren't quite perfect it was very enjoyable for someone who is looking forward to the movie!", null, "The cold open was a slightly funny but mostly stupid look at how Mitt Romney acted after he lost the election. Jason Sudeikis played him standing on the balcony, sneaking drinks from a carton of milk while his wife, played by Kate McKinnon, and sons, all played by Taran Killam, tried to get him to stop sulking. Even after looking it up, I'm still not sure if the milk thing was because Mormon's don't drink milk or because that would be their alternative to alcohol (which I know they don't drink). Either way, the sketch went on far too long, especially with the joke that Romney couldn't tell the difference between his sons. Aidy Grant finally got a breakthrough with 'Girlfriends Talk Show' which featured her and Cecily Strong as BFF's and Hathaway as Strong's other BFF that Grant didn't know about. Grant was hilarious as the distraught friend who I know many girls could relate to. Then, there was Mokiki...Mokiki does the Sloppy Swish. Not only is the dance contagious, the tune is too! This week's short film had Kenan Thompson singing about the legend of Mokiki. Taran Killam played a...well let's just call it a mutant creature, that dressed in capri sweat pants, sandals, island shirts, and wore his long hair in a bun while dancing his dance. Hathaway falls in love with the Mokiki and she too becomes genetically mutated and they start a Sloppy Swish family. While it was extremely weird, I also found it to be really great and funny.", null, "There was a sketch about Homeland which was hilarious even though I've never seen the show but I have a feeling it would have come across even better if I had. The McDonald's sketch was nice just because the entire cast was in it and I love those sketches! Strong and Bobby Moynihan were two, ghetto-ish workers who decided to throw out insults and complaints about everyone they work with because they thought they were being fired. In end, they don't get fired, causing an awkward ending to a funny but long-running sketch. Weekend Update brought the return of one of my favorites, Drunk Uncle! Moynihan is just awesome as this character, \"Spotify me, Spotify me.\" Seth Meyers talked to President Barack Obama (recently played by Jay Pharoah) and we got a look at what could possibly happen in real life: Obama doing things his way and not even listening to anyone. I don't want to make a political statement but that's just how it came across. While Pharoah's voice is much better than Fred Armisen's impression, I don't really care for his mannerisms. I'm pretty sure the POTUS doesn't dance around and move his shoulders that much. Kate McKinnon's portrayal of Ellen DeGeneres was sad. I love Ellen and if someone is going to impersonate her or 'make fun' of her, it better be a lot better than that. Hathaway's impression of Katie Holmes was good but overall the sketch wasn't great. The best impression of it was Vanessa Bayer and Nasim Pedrad as Sophie Grace and Rosie, two young British girls who have become famous guests of Ellen's. The American Gothic painting sketch was again, cute,  with Hathaway having to cross her eyes if she looked straight ahead but nothing too impressive. I would say the parody commercial that was played at the end should have been bumped up because it was one of the funniest things in the show but also having it at the end allowed the show to end on a high note. I wish Flaritin was real because I'm pretty sure their are people with fake allergies who just say 'I'm allergic' to things they just don't like.", null, "Favorite joke: Bobby Moynihan as Drunk Uncle \"Back when I was a kid, you couldn't vote unless you had suspenders-cane-monocle-top-hat-fancy.\""], "url": "http://garrettriley.blogspot.com/2012/11/anne-hathaway-hosts-snl.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 219, "original_width": 350, "width": 604}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 400, "width": 604}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 400, "width": 604}], "image_hashes": ["bfcb30d9fe67b53b98d0e06607fdd0b81a2f1445df64382af819bd78e505386c", "45b6475119e4e452b8d771000014bc3dfa7ab4279df143487bc8eeffe931e03d", "ba5c5a21ccda93ad667ebc7856b7ede2bae4d37b690b2e1a1f6cbb3dd2b46c50"], "__index_level_0__": 125, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2014/08/HJK-Helsinki-to-face-Barcelona-in-friendly-on-Saturday.jpg", null, "http://cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2017/03/Baah.jpg", "http://cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2017/02/Baah.jpg", "http://cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2016/05/Gide.jpg", "http://cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2016/03/BaahMLS.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.944103479385376}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://ghanasoccernet.com/ghanaian-defender-gideon-baah-line-barcelona-hjk-friendly/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2014/08/HJK-Helsinki-to-face-Barcelona-in-friendly-on-Saturday.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2014/08/HJK-Helsinki-to-face-Barcelona-in-friendly-on-Saturday.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"HJK Helsinki to face Barcelona in friendly on Saturday\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ghanasoccernet.com/ghanaian-defender-gideon-baah-line-barcelona-hjk-friendly/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2017/03/Baah.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2017/03/Baah.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Baah\", \"alt_text\": \"Video: Watch the mysterious way Gideon Baah picked up a career threatening injury\", \"rendered_width\": 72}, {\"document_url\": \"http://ghanasoccernet.com/ghanaian-defender-gideon-baah-line-barcelona-hjk-friendly/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2017/02/Baah.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2017/02/Baah.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Baah\", \"alt_text\": \"Video: Ghana international Gideon Baah steps up recovery ahead of new MLS season\", \"rendered_width\": 72}, {\"document_url\": \"http://ghanasoccernet.com/ghanaian-defender-gideon-baah-line-barcelona-hjk-friendly/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2016/05/Gide.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2016/05/Gide.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Gide\", \"alt_text\": \"VIDEO: Watch New York Red Bull star Gideon Baah score his first MLS goal\", \"rendered_width\": 72}, {\"document_url\": \"http://ghanasoccernet.com/ghanaian-defender-gideon-baah-line-barcelona-hjk-friendly/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2016/03/BaahMLS.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.ghanasoccernet.com/2016/03/BaahMLS.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BaahMLS\", \"alt_text\": \"VIDEO: New York Red Bulls defender Gideon Baah satisfied with MLS debut display despite defeat\", \"rendered_width\": 72}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "HJK Helsinki to face Barcelona in friendly on Saturday\n\nG. 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Smith, who stars in Netflix's upcoming \"Bright\", gave his opinion shortly after.\n\n\"This doesn't mean I'm not open, or don't celebrate the new technology and the possibilities they offer to us\", Almodovar read to the press in a statement at the festival's opening conference.\n\nThis marks the beginning of a week-long exhibition of the world's most fashionable stars, and of course the films they're promoting. They go to a movie theater to be humbled in front of certain images, and there's other films that they prefer to watch at home. Fake gems are fine, just don't get too close to any of the myriad Chopard reps milling around the festival, because they probably know the difference.\n\nOther reports by GizPress\n\nRecent News Articles\n\nMerkel and Macron agree to draw up roadmap to deeper European Union integration\nMarket Insights on: Foot Locker, Inc. (NYSE:FL)\nTry Dunkin' Donuts' new frozen coffee for free Friday\n\nDiscuss This Article", "US extends Iran nuclear sanctions relief", null, "Chelsea Manning Released From Prison", null, "Will Campbell Soup Company (CPB) Crush EPS Estimates Again?", "Trump pays tribute to fallen police officers", "Driver charged with murder in Times Square crash", "400000 promised student loan forgiveness - here's why they are panicking", null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://gizpress.com/2017/05/19/deepika-had-super-super-time-at-cannes-film-festival.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 2000, "original_width": 3000, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 349, "original_width": 550, "width": 595}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 640, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 550, "original_width": 980, "width": 673}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 422, "original_width": 634, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, 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I attended homecoming my sophomore year and decided that I wanted to do it for my senior year. I'm not big on the dance aspect of homecoming, I'm much more into getting ready, taking pictures, and going out for a fancy dinner!", null, null, "This is the lovely group of girls that I went with. The girl to the right of me and the girl on the opposite end are both foreign exchange students and had never been to a dance before!", null, "We decided to break up and do a few trio shots. I did Lily and Jenna's makeup. Getting ready and doing everyone's makeup is my favorite part!", null, "Jenna and I casually posing on the stairs. My dress is from JCP and Jenna's is from JCP, but she purchased it over the summer.", null, "Lily and I both rocking LBDs. Her dress is from Forever 21.", null, "I thought that Lily looked GORGEOUS. The draping on the top of the dress was very flattering.", null, "Sorry for the grainy picture quality. We didn't get many good photos because the sun set very quickly.", null, "I went with a gold and bronzed eye and red lips. My mom put my hair in rollers and ran her fingers through it for a tousled look.\n\nI'm glad we went, but the dance itself was very lame. Or maybe I'm just getting older, but I recall not enjoying the dance back when I was a sophomore."], "url": "http://glamorousgirl2014.blogspot.com/2013/11/homecoming-2013.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 640, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 640, "width": 570}, {"height": 506, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 478, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 640, "width": 570}, {"height": 506, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 478, "width": 378}, {"height": 506, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 478, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["fb0e2a211cc467a051d1b02ae7991af962ab4a3e94277ae5f62ba0f2f7974622", "7d69f29d1391a02bf9e230324642836077d46ede61ef4d6b96e6919c59a2f981", 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of how I was using charm deceptively, acting to get maximum recognition for myself instead of looking for how I can bless others.  Uggh!\nConversely, the second half of verse 30 at work in my life.  \"...but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised!\"\nGod's Word:  Truth in ALL things.\nThe Word is my hand-mirror, showing me my true reflection.  Just as my bathroom mirror shows the physical me, the Word reveals with clarity the inner me.  In both cases, sometimes I like what I'm looking at, and sometimes I don't.  I'm so glad my spiritual mirror has the power to transform me into Christ's ever beautiful image.  It does not leave me the same as I gaze into to it, the way a physical mirror does.  It reveals my character, and then, it works with power in my life to perfect the blemishes therein.\nI know the truth of Romans 7:18, \"I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature.  For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.\" (NIV)  And along with verses 24-25 of the same chapter, I proclaim, \"What a wretched [wo]man I am!  Who will rescue me from this body of death?  Thanks be to God---through Jesus Christ our Lord!\"\nThanks be to God that He is daily at work in my spirit, giving me power to overcome my sinful tendencies.\nSome day, none of my charm will be deceptive because it will all be reflecting the character of Christ as I continue to place myself before the mirror of transformation, His Word.  I do not want to be like the man in James 1:22-25 who looks at himself and forgets what he looks like.  I want to be like the man who, after staring 'intently into the perfect law that gives freedom', does what he finds there.  I want to be a hearer and DOER of the Word.  I want to conform to its pattern.\nHebrews 12:2  \"Do not be conformed any longer to the pattern\nof this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.\nThen you will be able to test and approve what God's will is---\nHis good, pleasing, and perfect will.\"\nHow do I do this?\nCome, look deeply into the mirror, DAILY!\nAs Nancy Leigh DeMoss states:  \"I cannot become the woman God wants me to be if I'm not spending time in His Word each day.  Yesterday's nourishment isn't good enough.  I need a fresh taste today.\" (A Daily Supply, Today's Seeking Him Journal, Revive our Hearts Ministry)", null], "url": "http://gracecoloredglasses.blogspot.com/2010/11/mirror-mirror.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 167, "original_width": 259, "width": 586}], "image_hashes": ["df1dd3fd685a894c5b7f5f081e394fb4b6078486b0bf8941a48e6f87860d4c79"], "__index_level_0__": 129, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1086/1346376587_a019f30778_m.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9697675108909608}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://grapplica.blogspot.com/2008/12/into-blue.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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The ceiling your are looking up to is at 45 meters. The upper part of the tower is a water reservoir. The inktpot is build between 1918 and 1922 using 20.000.000 bricks. The building is designed by G.W. van Heukelom for the Dutch Railways. The blue light in the top is daylight shinning through blue windows. All the other light is artificial.\n\nNormally you cannot enter the building, but today it was Open Monumentendag and ProRail, the current owner of the building opened the doors for the public. So, I brought my tripod and positioned myself in the middle of the hall. While I was on my knees preparing this shot about 50 or more people were gathering around me. Not to see what I was doing, but the hall was also the starting point of the guided excursions that were given today."], "url": "http://grapplica.blogspot.com/2008/12/into-blue.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 240, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["bc247160914dba5b33c35e02c2e9ec1a28215a5cb6123cb2926352dddd160abd"], "__index_level_0__": 130, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-EBLpev4uWng/TXJk_2mkmFI/AAAAAAAAAAg/5seUG6m47s8/s200/SN857399.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-BskcFOMtg0U/Tu9iNilw0eI/AAAAAAAAAXw/MVh_ZAEgNpU/s320/394037_2890392183021_1356744441_3042337_2112964726_n.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5aIVyjZ3-hE/TvCUnOk6e7I/AAAAAAAAAX4/aX2ZnHywE6U/s320/quailrun+008.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mmSnwFEgnHE/TvCUsoDdtLI/AAAAAAAAAYA/osAoUY7a2fY/s320/quailrun+010.JPG", 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This past weekend, for example. My sister had her first wedding shower and our family had their Christmas party-and we weren't able to be there. While I am so thankful we get to visit as often as we do, I can't help but want more sometimes. Confession: I get kinda jealous over those people who live so close to their parents (who have free babysitting right at their finger tips-ha!) and can see their families whenever they want.\n\nBUT, I have to remember why we are here! We moved here two and a half years ago and it is so amazing to see how much God is doing here in this little town of Quitman. One of the biggest blessings this year has been seeing what God is doing in the apartment complex of Quail Run. Can I share with you what GOD is doing?\n\nEvery week, we get the privilege to take our students to this apartment complex called Quail Run. There we tell a story from the bible, sing songs, play games and have a snack. And every week, kids ranging from diapers to junior high show up to hear about Jesus. This past week was our last of the year and we wanted to do something special-We decided to bring a birthday cake for Jesus to have after we told the Christmas story and then we opened presents. (yes, presents! -each student in our youth group made one, two or some even three shoe boxes filled with toys, crayons, coloring books, pencils, stickers, etc) That seriously could have been my Christmas present right there-seeing those precious babies open what may be the only gift they get this season. The excitement in the room could not be matched. To see them get excited over candy,soap, and all the other things we packed in those boxes really is a testament to how unappreciative we all can be at times-always wanting BIGGER, BETTER...MORE! They were so satisfied and so excited over SIMPLE things! Things that we have everyday and take for granted. We didn't have to go overseas to find them-they live in our community.  We all know people who we can reach, but the question is will we? When I get down and out about not having the life I WANT, I have to remember, that God has called each of us to live OUTSIDE of our comfort. This life ISN'T ABOUT ME! IT'S ALL ABOUT HIM!", null, "(Marsha Odom made the cake-you are just too good girl!)", null, null, null, null, null, "I miss my family (more than they know) but THANK YOU JESUS for using us here.\n\nTo my best friend who is a missionary in Africa\nLindsey, bare with my post. You and Nathan have sacrificed more than anyone I know. I know you don't judge me when I get sad about missing home, but I cannot help but think of you each and every time and the impact you are making for the kingdom. You miss holidays, you miss birthdays, you miss a lot more than I do. Thank you for what you do. I love you so!"], "url": "http://growingupgravesjennyandjeff.blogspot.com/2011/12/crazy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["58fc7ee645bd3bd157a662badf3fc09a35cb70bb295d1b763e606995172b19ff", "82eba705e1b342ca9e7656448f91e51a30bb9909537d1107d105810bb8af8cfc", "3655456127467c2ff09984cb3ad39b4f1982c713a134e661c16a8a4834ec6d5c", "22b814edd3c37ca54430e5ae89b452bf9f38ff4e2a9800621f33d998bfef21e9", "0d3c04ccfe87bccfdd66e5f78117e7bccfdc9a6e39657cfa13c3a466e0ac5a85", "ef96e53a2126d9c4379b7c04132212a73d7332561dcf346e6dbfc88c4acef023", "e24ef5e164225f989f01fda5db69c41dea4a873c7ab84a2e0b4df0ed39899f76"], "__index_level_0__": 131, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/8074/723256271115139/220/z/16255/gse_multipart33104.jpg", "http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/8074/723256271115139/1600/z/135605/gse_multipart54467.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9592543244361876}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://guccimuse.blogspot.com/2008/05/nazi-sex.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_MrCnxrPmJrk/SDww6ObrldI/AAAAAAAABIY/M02saJpZlYs/s200/paris-orig_344126a.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_MrCnxrPmJrk/SDww6ObrldI/AAAAAAAABIY/M02saJpZlYs/s200/paris-orig_344126a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"paris orig a\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://guccimuse.blogspot.com/2008/05/nazi-sex.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/8074/723256271115139/220/z/16255/gse_multipart33104.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/8074/723256271115139/220/z/16255/gse_multipart33104.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gse multipart\", \"rendered_width\": 203, \"rendered_height\": 220}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://guccimuse.blogspot.com/2008/05/nazi-sex.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/8074/723256271115139/1600/z/135605/gse_multipart54467.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/8074/723256271115139/1600/z/135605/gse_multipart54467.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gse multipart\", \"rendered_width\": 246, \"rendered_height\": 283}, null, null]", "texts": ["Who would have guessed?\n\nPosted by Gucci Muse at 11:59 AM", "Labels: The Damned French", "Glamourpuss said...\n\nWhat troubles me about this is that the women are presented very unfavourably - and if sex was merely expedient, where is the liberation?\n\nMay 28, 2008 at 12:27 PM", "ShadowFalcon said...\n\nwell thats something I did know!\n\nJune 3, 2008 at 3:51 AM", "David said...\n\nYou know that headline is going to really attract some strange google search visitors.\n\nJune 10, 2008 at 5:38 PM", "Gucci Muse said...\n\nPuss-well the whole situation was very unfavorable-I guess most of us would do it to survive; the double standard, as unfavorable as it is, remained in place apparently since it still is in full force today.\n\nShadow-I did not know it either!\n\nDavid-I never thought of that!\n\nJune 10, 2008 at 10:35 PM", "Inarticulate Fumblings said...\n\nJuly 16, 2008 at 9:57 PM", "SUBHADIP said...\n\nHi GM..whats the name of this Book on Nazi Sex?http://subhadip-writerscolumn.blogspot.com/\n\nOctober 22, 2008 at 6:33 AM", "Sudhadip-it was in the article- and I think it is in French: Patrick Buisson, author of", null, null], "url": "http://guccimuse.blogspot.com/2008/05/nazi-sex.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 409, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 203, "width": 378}, {"height": 434, "original_height": 283, "original_width": 246, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8c9d5055dedfe4f7002b26913bed7b2a75c9e5c2d58832d40d13cab6f1db9faf", "339ad9abcc594bd64f231880046004a95c6fef868e18041be7ee69df6f8ea7c8"], "__index_level_0__": 132, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GrthWArn5DU/TWUrJZew7oI/AAAAAAAAAX4/RCT5fmc0nBg/s320/SholomSecunda-012638-00.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9653663635253906}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ha-historion.blogspot.com/2011/02/sephardim-in-eastern-europe-secunda.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GrthWArn5DU/TWUrJZew7oI/AAAAAAAAAX4/RCT5fmc0nBg/s320/SholomSecunda-012638-00.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GrthWArn5DU/TWUrJZew7oI/AAAAAAAAAX4/RCT5fmc0nBg/s320/SholomSecunda-012638-00.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SholomSecunda\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, February 23, 2011\n\nSERIES Sephard in Ashkenaz and Ashkenaz in Sephard. The Secunda Family of Ukraine", null, "Ukrainian-born Sholom Secunda (b. 1894), star of the Yiddish entertainment world and renowned for such hits as Bei Mir Bist du Shein was-like celebrated Yiddish writer Y.L. Peretz- a Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazic Jew of Sephardic descent. Victoria Secunda in her biography of the man; Bei Mir Bist Du Schon; The life of Sholom Secunda, writes:\nThe Secundas believe that they are descended of Italian Jews who were expelled from Italy in the 16th century and settled in Russia. [1]\nThe Secundas apparently considered themselves Sephardic Jews (rather than “Italian”). Another member of this family, Arthur Secunda, is described “as the son of a Sephardic Jew who immigrated to the United States from Russia”. [2]\n\nIn the book White Lies: Race and the Myths of Whiteness Maurice Berger makes mention of his mother whose maiden name was Secunda. He describes her as follows:\n\nMore than anything, my mother's life was shaped by her otherness: the darkness of her skin, eyes and hair; her Sephardic heritage; her Hispanic sounding maiden name. More than once she had been called a spic. More than once she had been called a kike, a hebe, a Jew bastard. More than once she had lost a job because a producer or casting director thought she was 'too dark' or 'too Jewish'.. She was born in Germany in 1920. Her father Norbert Secunda, a research assistant in the mathematics department of the University of Hamburg. [3]\n[1] Secunda, Victoria. Bei Mir Bist Du Schon; The life of Sholom Secunda. p.1\nsee also here\n[2] http://pierianpress.com/index.php?section=art&content=articles_social\n[3] Berger, Maurice. White Lies: Race and the Myths of Whitenes\n\nLabels: Jews Ukraine, Secunda, SERIES Sephard in Ashkenaz and Ashkenaz in Sephard\n\nposted by Joels W. @ 10:33 AM   12 comments links to this post", "At Wednesday, February 23, 2011 12:15:00 PM,", "ADDeRabbi said...\n\nMy wife is a Secunda. As far as anyone can tell, the family is from Minsk, with no evidence of any Sephardic heritage.\n\nAt Wednesday, February 23, 2011 12:32:00 PM,", "Victoria Secunda is as far as I know the only family member (she is married to Sholom Secunda's son, Shel Secunda) who has this information regarding the \"Sephardic\" Secundas. I do not know if she researched actual documents to make this claim, but suffice it so say, these Secundas do not eat rice on Pesach.\n\nAt Thursday, February 24, 2011 1:26:00 AM,", "This is a inquiry for the webmaster/admin here at ha-historion.blogspot.com.\n\nAt Thursday, February 24, 2011 2:28:00 AM,", "Ha-historion said...\n\nyes you may.\n\nAt Friday, April 08, 2011 3:45:00 PM,", "The Professor said...\n\nMy mother's side are Secundas. She says our family came from Spain and ended up migrating to Russia. A lot of Saphardic Jews expunged from Spain ended up traveling through Northern Africa or Mediteranean Europe before settling in Saphed and a lot did end up in Russia.\n\nIs Secunda a common Jewish name? Was it originally Secundar (spanish), it's very latin and means second--the increment of time.\n\nAt Friday, April 08, 2011 4:03:00 PM,", "I'm related to Arthur Secunda, the artist, and Sholom on my mom's side. Sholom was a 2nd or 3rd cousin and I think Arthur is a 1st. Both being cousins to my grandfather.\n\nAt Saturday, April 16, 2011 6:15:00 PM,", "I am a secunda , my great grandfather left russia\nAt the age of 11yr with his two sister\nFor England his name was Louie\nHe parents were to believe that his father brother\nWould be meeting them but he never did he went to America instead. Louie was left to fend for his two sister and himself\nCan anyone tell me if the know the truth were the originally\nFrom Spain or Russia\nMy brother and I are always mistaken for being Spanish\nAs our a children. I would appreciate any help As my father Has passed away and we are the last remaining secunda In our family and I would so like to be able to tell my grandchildren the story of the secunda\n\nAt Monday, April 29, 2013 7:57:00 PM,", "schelly talalay dardashti said...\n\nHi Joel\nI encourage everyone to do a test with family tree.DNA and join the IberianAshkenaz DNA project at familytreedna.com. having several of the different seconds lines test and see whom they match might well confirm Sephardic origins.\n\nAt Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:36:00 AM,", "Yusuf said...\n\nI've heard that my suename which is \"Abramczyk\" is Polish of some undefined non-Ashkenazic origin. It is either Mizrahi or Sephardi. Comes from the Ottoman Jews as far as I remember. And it's related to \"Abrameto\" and \"Abravanel\".\n\nAt Friday, July 19, 2013 7:19:00 PM,", "lwzigmund said...\n\nYes, there is definitely family lore that suggests the Secunda family has Sephardic roots. However, there is not much more than the name and the dark looks (some of us) to connect us with Spain. No Ladino, no special Sephardic foods handed down.... These people lived long enough in Eastern Europe that the only Jewish language they spoke was Yiddish. It is very interesting, and I, too, would love to know more. Both my mom and my uncle are Secundas, and my grandpa, Lou Secunda, was one of nine orphaned Secundas, so I have had to fight hard to find whatever it is that I \"know.\" Most family history was lost with the death of the two Secunda parents, one from TB and the other from unknown causes....\n\nAt Monday, September 23, 2013 4:00:00 PM,", "Hi Joel, I am also trying to find out if my family has Iberian origins. I was always taught that we were Ashkenazi jews but I am trying to see if we had Iberian roots. My father's family was from the area around Kielce in Poland; my mother's family was from Russia, around Brionsk; another part of my father's family was from Lodz. Names are: Haister, Haidt, Kaplan, Davidson. Do you have an email address you can give me, or can you contact me? When I try to contact you through the email form for blogger, it does not work. Rebecca"], "url": "http://ha-historion.blogspot.com/2011/02/sephardim-in-eastern-europe-secunda.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 623, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 194, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["659b56046c1114236a2d49ebc48df0704aefd9c43c73b64b401813e30fe01890"], "__index_level_0__": 133, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TnDdxL4Bq-8/Tl2r59kmbUI/AAAAAAAABNU/ImtDWusU12g/s400/HandHeld_DollsHouse_Invite.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-G7fLFV8FnCM/Tl2r5qaZqbI/AAAAAAAABNM/NQ0EAWPbgB0/s400/TWPTF%2Bflyer%25281%2529.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3aUJ2GHL0kc/TlOerVtFWPI/AAAAAAAABM0/C589Tc7xVqQ/s400/Teascape%2Bbook%2B2.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8uca1oIIhcM/TlOerQrSRcI/AAAAAAAABMs/HF9WmFBVOyw/s400/Teascape%2Bbook%2B1.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-EcOasUirlqM/TlOerDXdVAI/AAAAAAAABMk/8x_XfLJym9I/s400/lightbulbs%2Band%2Bpost-its.JPG", 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We are very excited to have the Dolls House within Hand Held during IMPACT7's month of Print.\n\nAlso as part of IMPACT7's month of Print - 'The Wonderful Printed Things Fair' will take place at St.Helliers St. Store and Gallery at Abbotsford Convent next Saturday September 10th. I will be participating with my 'little red fish books'. I have some new books in the works as well as some newly editioned oldies. Several of Hand Held's past and current exhibitors will also be showing their work at TWPTF. With som many exciting artists and all work UNDER $100 I am looking forward to seeing everyone there!", null, "Posted by Object and Book Art gallery at 8:31 PM No comments:", "Tuesday, August 23, 2011\n\nBright ideas?", null, null, null, null, null, "Having finally taken the opportunity to have a show in the gallery we installed 'lightbulbs, teabags and post-its' last Thursday eve.\n\nInspired by post-it note jottings of sudden ideas, thoughts and philosophical musings and the beauty of the discards of idle moments which lead to the occasional 'lightbulb' moment or flash of inspiration.\n\nPosted by Object and Book Art gallery at 5:20 AM No comments:", "Monday, August 15, 2011\n\nLightbulbs, post-its and teabags", null, "Opening night this Thursday August 18th 6-8pm."], "url": "http://handheldgallery.blogspot.com/2011/08/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 534, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 283, 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My. We have been blessed to try out an awesome new resource called WonderMaps from Bright Idea Press!  With this program, you can print over 350 maps, ranging from world, regional, historic and state focus, each customized with the details of your choice.  It is so much fun to use and very user friendly.  The possibilities of use with this program are endless.  Not only do the producers provide an list of several creative and exciting potential cross-curriculum uses, but the system also coordinates with both\nThe Mystery of History and All American History curriculums.\n\nThis year we are using Veritas Press' Old Testament and Ancient Egypt Series and I can see many opportunities to utilize WonderMaps to augment our study.  Also, we are currently reading Little House on the Prairie as part of our night time ritual.  I printed each child a map of the \"Heartland\" of the United States.  I had them color the states that the Ingall's family have traveled through.  They had so much fun with this and it helps bring into focus the reality of the distance and struggles of the Ingall's journey.", null, null, null, null, null, "So, so many fun and creative possibilities!  You can learn much more about this incredible educational resource by checking out the following sites:\n\nRequest a free educational resource catalogue at http://www.timberdoodle.com/Articles.asp?ID=139.\n\nPosted by Handwoven Dreams at 8:45 AM 1 comment:", "My name is Susan and I'm on an Australian adventure."], "url": "http://handwovendreams.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, 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Studio at 6:44 AM 3 comments:", "Wednesday, August 8, 2012\n\nAugust 4th Class...\n\nHere's a few photos from the day.  As usual my photography skills aren't so good and a couple of photos from the day were really blurred!  Here's a couple that came out.", null, null], "url": "http://happylittletreesstudio.blogspot.com/2012_08_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["1e3b0c5f57fbf63e7e8306676fcd08ba5fd9698c216e2a866bc0fb54481a2ce6", "54366b85cb754c4a816215f1ba8fe93d8959da71624fbd6fd29bb1d8158750fe", "bb1f37b833738b90e4b8816a6b6082b520bc275da64d6ab23f0830e4e6f56619"], "__index_level_0__": 136, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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I'm so happy that you decided to start posting to your blog again.\n\nYour honest and soul-bearing writing has been a source of inspiration and solace for me.\n\nThank you!\n\npeace & love\n\n11:56 PM", "Imogen Skye said...\n\nHazel, I am learning profound things about myself because of you. If I did not have such a strong internal compulsion to grow into knowing, to be fully alive, I would hate you. I would be utterly repulsed by your imagery, your candor, and your consummate courage. And I'd be less inclined to express my gratitude and appreciation to you.\n\nAs it is, each time I encounter you through your work, I am inspired, usually without intellectual understanding of why, until I've had time to sit and be still. Then the genius of your work bursts out of my intuition, and suddenly I'm taller than I was, stronger than I was, and even more ready for more life.\n\nThank you. Sincerely.\n\n1:14 AM", "just saw the rest of the images...."], "url": "http://hazeldooney.blogspot.com/2011/11/images-began-as-correspondence-with.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0ec1127ba9514c904dd2e6d52770510ed5a46208e8387ce16889c462269f7389"], "__index_level_0__": 137, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-O3vZ_yB6wKA/VXqhKSQqcvI/AAAAAAAAXOs/TPZIrbO-Tw8/s400/Sultry%2BSmokey%2BEye%2BMakeup%2BTutorial.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.740250825881958}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://he99.blogspot.com/2015/06/sultry-smokey-eye-makeup-tutorial.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-O3vZ_yB6wKA/VXqhKSQqcvI/AAAAAAAAXOs/TPZIrbO-Tw8/s400/Sultry%2BSmokey%2BEye%2BMakeup%2BTutorial.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-O3vZ_yB6wKA/VXqhKSQqcvI/AAAAAAAAXOs/TPZIrbO-Tw8/s400/Sultry%2BSmokey%2BEye%2BMakeup%2BTutorial.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Sultry BSmokey BEye BMakeup BTutorial\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 211}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "If you are looking for a casual makeup tutorial which is best for daily routine! Then we have a awesome makeup for you. Yes! this is “Sultry Smokey Eye Makeup Tutorial”. Just have a look at this below and share with your friends."], "url": "http://he99.blogspot.com/2015/06/sultry-smokey-eye-makeup-tutorial.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 400, "width": 713}], "image_hashes": ["2a883c05b3f859bfbcfd49a44739f49443601d40603aebb5ecb6578a39a8fd35"], "__index_level_0__": 138, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://bp2.blogger.com/_T5-rB4knv5Q/SCdx-yeOPXI/AAAAAAAAAKA/G2smZ2ry-bI/s400/absinthe2.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9373639822006226}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://heartcrafts.blogspot.com/2008/05/absinthe-handmade-soap.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp2.blogger.com/_T5-rB4knv5Q/SCdx-yeOPXI/AAAAAAAAAKA/G2smZ2ry-bI/s400/absinthe2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp2.blogger.com/_T5-rB4knv5Q/SCdx-yeOPXI/AAAAAAAAAKA/G2smZ2ry-bI/s400/absinthe2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"absinthe\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://heartcrafts.blogspot.com/2008/05/absinthe-handmade-soap.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//www.eastofsun.com/bbs/sbt.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.eastofsun.com/bbs/sbt.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sbt\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 77, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null]", "texts": ["First, to all the moms out there, Happy Mother's Day! I had a wonderful, relaxing day. My family took me out for a late lunch, then I read a while, watched \"Ace of Cakes\" and took a snooze. My kind of day!\n\nI just added Absinthe Handmade Soap to my shop. It smells divinely decadent, strongly of anise and touches of wormwood and other herbs in the background.", null, "Posted by Stephanie at 6:20 PM", "Labels: General, Soap", "Theresa said...\n\nHappy Belated Mother's Day!\n\nMay 12, 2008 at 8:53 AM", "jj said...\n\nI just felt compelled to give you a big thank you!!\nIf I could reach out and hug you, I would!\n\nAnd I love the look of those absinthe soaps... I think I can't wait for Christmas! or payday!\n\nThank you, Steph! :)\n\nMay 19, 2008 at 4:06 PM", "Stephanie said...\n\nYou're welcome JJ, I hope you enjoy using it! :D"], "url": "http://heartcrafts.blogspot.com/2008/05/absinthe-handmade-soap.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 350, "original_width": 400, "width": 432}], "image_hashes": ["cd59360d33e1909e23ef15d5bee3abaa8f65b1d378dd22b1689b8a8aa1406abd"], "__index_level_0__": 139, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/1200000/christopher-christopher-walken-1279372-1400-995.jpg", "http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/6326065/600full-christopher-walken.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9342963695526124}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://heightweighnetworth.com/christopher-walken/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/1200000/christopher-christopher-walken-1279372-1400-995.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images1.fanpop.com/images/photos/1200000/christopher-christopher-walken-1279372-1400-995.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"christopher christopher walken\", \"alt_text\": \"Christopher Walken Net Worth\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://heightweighnetworth.com/christopher-walken/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/6326065/600full-christopher-walken.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/6326065/600full-christopher-walken.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"full christopher walken\", \"alt_text\": \"Christopher Walken Net Worth\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Christopher Walken Net Worth: Age, Height, Weight, Bio\n\nLast Updated February 8, 2017 Actors Leave a comment\n\nChristopher Walken Net Worth\n\nChristopher Walken made money by Actors niche. For all time, at the moment, 2017 year, Christopher Walken earned $30 Million. Exact sum is $30900000.\n\nShort biography, height, weight, dates:\n\nBirth date: March 31, 1943\nBirth place: Astoria, New York City, New York, United States\nHeight:6 ft (1.83 m)\nProfession: Actor, Screenwriter, Film director, Voice Actor\nNationality: United States of America\nSpouse: Georgianne Walken (m. 1969)\nTV shows: Peter Pan Live!, American Playhouse, Storybook Cinema", null, null, "Wikipedia Source: Christopher Walken\nChristopher Walken is an American actor, screenwriter, and director. He has appeared in more than 100 films and television shows, including The Deer Hunter, Annie Hall, The Prophecy trilogy, The Dogs of War, Brainstorm, The Dead Zone, A View to a Kill, True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Catch Me If You Can, Hairspray and Seven Psychopaths, as well as music videos by many popular recording artists. Walken has received a number of awards and nominations during his career, including winning the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 1978 for his portrayal of Nikonar Nick Chevotarevich in The Deer Hunter. Walkens films have grossed more than $1 billion in the United States. He has also played the lead in the Shakespeare plays Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and Coriolanus. He is a popular guest-host of Saturday Night Live, having hosted seven times as of April 2008. His most notable roles on the show include record producer Bruce Dickinson in the More Cowbell sketch, as the double-entendre named disgraced Confederate officer, Colonal Angus, and his multiple appearances as The Continental."], "url": "http://heightweighnetworth.com/christopher-walken/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 995, "original_width": 1400, "width": 531}, {"height": 488, "original_height": 776, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["dc27dd9d5ac63c387aa3f95d9e548ce1b0f1d0ca15d7a6db8e53cc18741b1743", "fa17c60f8e28acfb0c9f04e08952a98cc60efba12b54fffd9d1c4affb2d8f028"], "__index_level_0__": 140, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://img.hexus.net/v2/graphics_cards/amd/HD7970/Sapphire/Compare.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9354785680770874}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hexus.net/tech/reviews/graphics/33249-sapphire-hd-7970-three-screen-eyefinity/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img.hexus.net/v2/graphics_cards/amd/HD7970/Sapphire/Compare.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img.hexus.net/v2/graphics_cards/amd/HD7970/Sapphire/Compare.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Compare\"}, null]", "texts": ["AMD threw a curve ball at us by announcing the Radeon HD 7970 GPU just a few days before Christmas. Pulling the announcement of the high-end GPU forward meant there was insufficient stock in the channel to provide what's termed a hard launch.\n\nAMD's cohort of partners have been working overtime to provide stock for the official launch, and while there's minimal retooling needed to launch custom-cooled cards - HD 6970 and HD 7970 share significant commonality in cooler design - it makes sense for partners to trot out first-run cards based on the capable reference design.", null, "Radeon HD 7970 up against GeForce GTX 580\n\nSapphire, AMD's biggest partner, is doing just that with its first card out of the gate. The only difference between this card and the reference version, as supplied by AMD, rests with the black Sapphire sticker on the centre of the board. Frequencies remain identical, that is, 925MHz core and 5,500MHz memory, and the dual-BIOS option, present on all HD 7970s, doesn't activate any further shaders or higher clocks. We suggest you take a look at our in-depth reference review in order to gain clear insight into how AMD's latest technology works.\n\nHowever, Sapphire does realise that the significant power on tap can be harnessed by running multiple monitors - the board supports four screens from the get-go. To this end it bundles in a DVI-to-HDMI cable and DVI-to-mini-DisplayPort cable, as well as a 1.8m HDMI lead. What this means is that you can attach three DVI-equipped monitors without needing to invest in further cabling/dongles - routing to DVI, HDMI and one of the DisplayPorts. This makes sense as three 24in, full-HD screens, giving a total 5,760x1,080 resolution, can be purchased for a smaller outlay than the £429 charged for this card.\n\nSo rather than show you how this Sapphire card benchmarks at exactly the same speed as the reference card, we're taking a more interesting tack by taking a closer look at three-screen Eyefinity performance. And to understand just how far AMD has come with successive launches, we're going to look at HD (1,920x1,080) and Eyefinity 3 (5,760x1,080) performance on the Radeon HD 7970, Radeon HD 6970 and Radeon HD 5870. It may not escape your notice that these three GPUs represent the best of their generation."], "url": "http://hexus.net/tech/reviews/graphics/33249-sapphire-hd-7970-three-screen-eyefinity/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 455, "original_width": 600, "width": 498}], "image_hashes": ["4ca5d8a71ee95e7fe3cec129e2e07c0110e16c82b8a531b6854f3aff88b9df41"], "__index_level_0__": 141, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VxyXve4t5po/Sh2X7P6rzmI/AAAAAAAAAVQ/xm7gmpXvul4/s320/CIMG4064.JPG", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9736208915710448}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://high-towers.blogspot.com/2009/05/moving-not-fun.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VxyXve4t5po/Sh2X7P6rzmI/AAAAAAAAAVQ/xm7gmpXvul4/s320/CIMG4064.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VxyXve4t5po/Sh2X7P6rzmI/AAAAAAAAAVQ/xm7gmpXvul4/s320/CIMG4064.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"CIMG\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, May 21, 2009\n\nMoving = NOT FUN :(", null, "This is about what the whole house looked like for a while there and it was making me CRAZY! I've been working my tail off to get this place put back together and while it's not perfect yet it is at least livable now! However if anyone feels so inclined to come help me organize a little more I would love the company:)\n\nWe recently bought new RED couches (I love them), 2 small black bookshelves (which I'm still trying to figure out how to decorate so if your good at that let me know!), a new office chair, a booster high chair, and 2 new light fixtures for the kitchen.\nWe have many more home improvements and buys planned and I really enjoy watching this place get a little better all the time!\n\nIt's good to be home. Our ward was very excited for us to be.\n\nOn a side note, Ryan has been accepted to the Alternative Route to Licensing program and can now be looking for a teaching position. This works out well since he is once again self employed as of today. As long as he can secure a teaching position before school starts though we will be fine. He has plenty of freelance work going on for the time being. Life always seems to have a way of working itself out for us so I'm not worried.\n\nNext time on our blog: Kaylee :)\nPosted by Stacey at 4:18 PM", "The Hightower's said...\n\nIf I were there, I would love to help you... : ( I'm sure your place looks amazing!!!"], "url": "http://high-towers.blogspot.com/2009/05/moving-not-fun.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["612084ad79798b56479a39e365bab44d2b78011cf3a092be1695c7548fc7ec59"], "__index_level_0__": 142, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TMFPTNPcKJw/TpDZHv3BDdI/AAAAAAAAAPY/mM_QpG_0k-k/s320/IMG_0904.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-w6WgKWeWXJU/TpDZN_qQA1I/AAAAAAAAAPc/WG3Kh0HPOJk/s320/IMG_0905.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AWEgh0OEeQM/TpDZUfS5zCI/AAAAAAAAAPg/8Jc9c46FFG0/s320/IMG_0906.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.972399890422821}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hisdelusionsofgrandeur.blogspot.com/2011/10/reboot-standard-plan-day-13.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TMFPTNPcKJw/TpDZHv3BDdI/AAAAAAAAAPY/mM_QpG_0k-k/s320/IMG_0904.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-TMFPTNPcKJw/TpDZHv3BDdI/AAAAAAAAAPY/mM_QpG_0k-k/s320/IMG_0904.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 239}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hisdelusionsofgrandeur.blogspot.com/2011/10/reboot-standard-plan-day-13.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-w6WgKWeWXJU/TpDZN_qQA1I/AAAAAAAAAPc/WG3Kh0HPOJk/s320/IMG_0905.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-w6WgKWeWXJU/TpDZN_qQA1I/AAAAAAAAAPc/WG3Kh0HPOJk/s320/IMG_0905.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 239}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hisdelusionsofgrandeur.blogspot.com/2011/10/reboot-standard-plan-day-13.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AWEgh0OEeQM/TpDZUfS5zCI/AAAAAAAAAPg/8Jc9c46FFG0/s320/IMG_0906.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AWEgh0OEeQM/TpDZUfS5zCI/AAAAAAAAAPg/8Jc9c46FFG0/s320/IMG_0906.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 239}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hisdelusionsofgrandeur.blogspot.com/2011/10/reboot-standard-plan-day-13.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh5.googleusercontent.com/-KRczfs9eAW4/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAABZ0/rXrPiOTzxNA/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-KRczfs9eAW4/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAABZ0/rXrPiOTzxNA/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, October 8, 2011\n\nReboot Standard Plan Day #13", null, "Today was the first day of a four-day weekend (hells yeah) and I have to admit we got kind of a late start. Okay, in reality we were still up by 7 a.m. because I had to give my Dad a ride to the base so he could head home. But after that is where we got all sorts of lazy (much deserved if you ask me) and laid around watching my favorite genre of movie, horror! It is October after all and time to start loading up on the horror movies if not the candy that usually goes with Halloween. Speaking of candy, today’s breakfast wasn’t quite that sweet but was pretty close. The Melon Mania was a nice mix of watermelon, cantaloupe, and honeydew melon and a nice way to start off our lazy Friday together. I’m not sure if it paired up with Hellraiser & HellBound: Hellraiser II but it worked for me.\n\nMid-Morning Juice:\nToday’s mid-morning juice was supposed to be the Sunset Blend Juice, which would’ve meant a return of the beets (yes we had them back in stock), but because of the late breakfast and the movies, we ended up skipping over the mid-morning juice and went directly to lunch (do not pass go, do not collect $200).", null, "The Roasted Veggies from Day #12 made their less than triumphant return. In other words, the love affair had ended and once again I was at odds with eggplant, but hey you can’t really like all the veggies right? You have to be able to still hate some. The Green Salad w/ Sundried Tomato Dressing on the other hand was fantastic. It added an almost tomato sauce taste to the salad that made my mouth water. I actually started to eat slowly (a rarity for me) so I could savor the taste. This was clearly a keeper and something I can see us making again in the future and was almost the cure for the marina sauce I had been craving since Day #2.\n\nAfternoon Snack:\nKale Chips… Really? Okay, I’ll be honest, we just skipped this entirely. Enough kale is enough, maybe they were good, I’ll never know.", null, "Before I could even start our dinner we realized that we had to make or purchase organic vegetable broth for the Squash & Apple Soup. I knew I wasn’t running to the store and Jaclyn didn’t really want to either (turns out Jaclyn would run out anyway for onions, bummer) so I opted to make the broth myself. Thanks to a quick Google search I was off and running in no time. I wanted to take a picture of the broth once it was done because I was so proud of myself (what, I’ve never made a veggie broth before) but I was also hungry and anxious to get the dinner started. Jaclyn makes a Butternut Squash Soup that’s pretty tasty so I was kind of looking forward to having the Squash & Apple Soup (we already had a left over acorn squash so we used that instead of butternut). Plus we had made extra servings of the Green Salad w/ Sundried Tomato Dressing when we made lunch earlier so that part of dinner was already done. The Squash & Apple Soup was fair, a little bland for my taste but that could just be the difference between chicken broth and vegetable broth or maybe between acorn and butternut squash, I’m not sure. I do know the hint of apple was a nice taste and the soup was warm so not a total waste. And yes, the Sundried Tomato Dressing once again lived up to its hype and was really awesome for the second time. So with dinner done and our tea steeping we had made it through another day."], "url": "http://hisdelusionsofgrandeur.blogspot.com/2011/10/reboot-standard-plan-day-13.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}], "image_hashes": ["ba4c387dea7c251e892a2401eaf0b2ee9d341c5e4ff4e9c4788362cad05950bf", "2fef71685736d7547c692eb061b6bdbad85ee5b784ee7ef3d354717778ae884b", "0fd4790c747cb38a713b0ce2dad4eb753a1495eeded2677117529d2f5ca99693"], "__index_level_0__": 143, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/4445/866/320/156746/blizzard%202007%20017.jpg", null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/4445/866/320/189502/blizzard%202007%20018.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9627840518951416}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://historymike.blogspot.com/2007/02/live-driveway-coverage-blizzard-of.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/4445/866/320/156746/blizzard%202007%20017.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/4445/866/320/156746/blizzard%202007%20017.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blizzard\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://historymike.blogspot.com/2007/02/live-driveway-coverage-blizzard-of.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/4445/866/320/189502/blizzard%202007%20018.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/4445/866/320/189502/blizzard%202007%20018.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blizzard\", \"alt_text\": \"Statue of St. Francis of Assisi in the middle of the Blizzard of 2007\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "(Toledo, OH) The sun occasionally peeks through the last of the blizzard clouds, but there ae still a few snowflakes falling from the remnants of the Blizzard of 2007. The storm is headed east, where it is expected to increase in meteorological and media intensity.\n\nMy unscientific estimate is that we received about ten inches of snow in my neighborhood, with some drifts approaching two feet.\n\nI apologize for the latest in this series of continuous live driveway updates. One of the other features of this storm was the appearance of several snowmobiles in my neighborhood, the operators of which decided my street should be designated as an all-night Arctic Cat fest. Alas, my sleep was often disrupted by the annoying whine of revved-up snowmobiles, and I am groggy this morning.", null, "My statue of St. Francis of Assisi continues his stoic, silent watch in the backyard, but I fear my hopes for a blizzard miracle may be dashed. Some snow accumulated on his shoulders and arms overnight, although there is still a decided \"parting of the snow\" near his feet.\n\nInteresting, though (and perhaps more evidence of a miracle) are the animal tracks behind him. I might package this as a sign that, in the middle of the Blizzard of 2007, the animals came to him for comfort.\n\nSt. Francis of Assisi, for those not indoctrinated with Catholic hagiography, is the patron saint of animals, the environment, and Cub Scouts, among other causes.\nPosted by historymike at 9:43 AM", "Lisa Renee said...\n\nOr...the animals read the blog and were afraid you were going to try to sell St. Francis on Ebay so they doused him with snow to hide the true miracle affect...\n\nWednesday, February 14, 2007 10:46:00 PM", "Hooda Thunkit said...\n\nOr, the wind died down enough to allow the snow to fall as it normally would.\n\nOkay, the statue retained heat causing the snow nearby to melt."], "url": "http://historymike.blogspot.com/2007/02/live-driveway-coverage-blizzard-of.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["ef12caaa47ee7f72c5567b1dd28498c8d6f772a973b98600f178c6adb84d8c54", "715d2c4dab3b126a90880883a824db9cafc7437644d88c940603dbb59f5876dd"], "__index_level_0__": 144, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OJ53Nzs8NCo/VI6cd_WpfsI/AAAAAAAAIiM/kegMvn4xHQw/s1600/tek-turkiye.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9779512286186218}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hizmetmovement.blogspot.com/2014/12/detentions-extend-to-staff-of-tv-series.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OJ53Nzs8NCo/VI6cd_WpfsI/AAAAAAAAIiM/kegMvn4xHQw/s1600/tek-turkiye.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OJ53Nzs8NCo/VI6cd_WpfsI/AAAAAAAAIiM/kegMvn4xHQw/s1600/tek-turkiye.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tek turkiye\", \"alt_text\": \"Tek Turkiye\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["December 15, 2014\n\nDetentions extend to 9 staff members of TV series\n\nNine individuals, including the producer, director and assistant scriptwriters -- one with a young child -- of Samanyolu TV's once very popular TV series “Tek Türkiye” (One Turkey) were among those detained during Sunday's police operations conducted against critical media outlets across the country.", null, "The TV series producer, Salih Asan, was detained in the province of Eskişehir after a police search of his home in the early hours of Sunday. Director Naci Çelik Berksoy, assistant director Engin Koç, screenwriter Ali Sami Noyan, assistant scriptwriters Radiye Ebru Şenvardar, Makbule Çam Alemdağ, Hikmet Tombulca, Ali Kara and Elif Yılmaz were also detained, according to Yunus Aylıdere, Samanyolu's TV series coordinator who spoke to Today's Zaman on Sunday about the detentions.\n\nMakbule Çam Alemdağ, who was detained in the eastern province of Van, has a 20-month-old baby girl. Alemdağ took her baby with her when she was brought to İstanbul for interrogation and members of her family will care for the child while Alemdağ is in police custody.\n\nAylıdere said he was very surprised about the detentions of people who worked for the TV series, calling the situation “unacceptable and tragicomic.” He also said Alemdağ, who took part in the project as a young, promising assistant screenwriter, is no longer working in the profession; she left the TV station three years ago following her marriage.\n\nAccording to Aylıdere, the names of those detained who were associated with “Tek Türkiye” must have been taken from the TV show's credits.\n\nElif Yılmaz's father Asım was also very surprised about the detention of his daughter, who he said used to work as an intern for “Tek Türkiye.”\n\n“My daughter is a TV broadcaster. She was detained because of a job she had as an intern four years ago. The unlawfulness in the country has reached the media and the arts. We are following developments with surprise,” said Yılmaz's father.\n\nHe also said he gave the police officers who raided his home at 6 a.m. on Sunday his daughter's current address.\n\n“We are not hiding from anyone,” added the father.\n\nWhen asked about the reason that might have led to the detentions of the program's staff, Aylıdere said he has no information because the dossier is confidential, but he just knows the claims cited in the pro-government media as the explanation for the detentions.\n\nPro-government media outlets ran stories on Sunday claiming that the TV program staff detentions were linked to an alleged conspiracy against an al-Qaeda linked terror group named “Tahşiyeciler” (roughly translated as Annotators).\n\nTurkey learned about the Tahşiyeciler group on Jan.22, 2010 when police raided the homes and offices of 112 people across Turkey as part of al-Qaeda sweeps. Police discovered two hand grenades, ammunition and maps that were allegedly part of an impending plot to stage a terror attack in Turkey.\n\nThis group, which is reportedly known for its opposition to the faith-based Hizmet movement and Turkish-Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, who inspired the movement, due to the Hizmet movement's promotion of interfaith dialogue, was allegedly pointed to by the TV series as a “shadowy organization,” leading to the arrest of Mehmet Doğan, the group's leader.\n\nThe pro-government media claimed that several days after Gülen targeted the group in one of his speeches in 2009, the TV series took aim at the group and Doğan had the spend months in prison as a result of this “conspiracy.”\n\nAylıdere voiced his astonishment at these claims, saying that the plot of the TV series and the events it covered were just fiction and had nothing to do with real life or real persons.\n\nHe said if one were to derive such meaning from the events in a TV series, it would never be possible to shoot TV films or movies anywhere in the world.\n\nThe \"Tek Türkiye\" drama told the story of a young, idealistic doctor who travels to the Southeast from İstanbul -- without knowing that he was born in the region -- in a bid to help the local population who have been suffering for decades from terrorism perpetrated by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK).\n\nThe TV series broke primetime ratings records during the time it aired on Samanyolu TV between 2007 and 2011 despite a limited budget and non-celebrity stars.\n\nGovernment figures at the time praised the show for mirroring real life in the country's terror-stricken Southeast.\n\nDeputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç once said he and his family were fans of “Tek Türkiye.”\n\nThe pro-government daily Yeni Şafak also earlier interviewed the show's stars and praised the program's success.\n\nNow, along with other pro-government media outlets, Yeni Şafak is presenting the detentions as targeting the “parallel structure” or “parallel state,” terms coined by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan last year to refer to the Hizmet movement after senior members of Erdoğan's government, who was the prime minister at the time, were implicated in a large-scale graft probe."], "url": "http://hizmetmovement.blogspot.com/2014/12/detentions-extend-to-staff-of-tv-series.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 291, "original_width": 582, "width": 756}], "image_hashes": ["33671280e0c4e994005d8f3eef40bc923cb68474c644cddcde256fe052c623e5"], "__index_level_0__": 145, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xheAe6Em-6Q/TltHw7F4H4I/AAAAAAAABVU/vzfra0z4ZHM/s320/Screen%2Bshot%2B2011-08-29%2Bat%2B12.39.24%2BAM.png", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Y6I51VJJx8E/TltHgRwNN4I/AAAAAAAABVM/T4SATsLRVpo/s320/Screen%2Bshot%2B2011-08-29%2Bat%2B12.40.06%2BAM.png", 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Sometimes, it takes time to realize how great they turned out and how much fun it was creating them. I like to tell my students not to paint over something they may not initially like, but wait for a while and take a second look.... and often people are surprised at what they find a few days later \"the painting looks really interesting now, wow!\".\n\nDid this ever happen to you? When you created something and wanted to change, but let it sit overnight and had a change of heart? Love to hear your stories!\n\nThis brings me to another point: my class starts in September and I look forward meeting my new students! If you are interested in taking my class, let me know and I'll give you the details. The class is in California."], "url": "http://hjmart.blogspot.com/2011/08/my-old-pouring-paintings.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 257, "original_width": 320, "width": 470}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 189, "original_width": 320, "width": 640}], "image_hashes": ["cb89cf3ac4d3e78228f080d6946f4df8d1866bc993760325118690f6ba5f0ac5", "a9c729acf2011eabe195c5385919e3343d41beede647d8ac47184206724ba773", "4c9e9b3a576bf79b5c90b235b64a6ccdb54943b31e760d495a6bf33d60643b4f"], "__index_level_0__": 146, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5CkiwDORI/AAAAAAAAAIw/qCKTVPYK3O0/s640/invite2010.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5CzEYskuI/AAAAAAAAAI0/afxI9zKhrFU/s320/100_1555.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5C72-HYJI/AAAAAAAAAI4/KAf7yPVCgEY/s320/100_1610.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5EuyBaYaI/AAAAAAAAAI8/bLKRF8Y94gM/s320/100_1637.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5EvnnrOYI/AAAAAAAAAJA/cFU2VTCda2Q/s320/100_1619.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5Ewe0VDWI/AAAAAAAAAJE/H5E8klIa2Ck/s320/100_1631.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9645203351974488}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hollybirdbeads.blogspot.com/2010/11/beadwoven-snowflake-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5CkiwDORI/AAAAAAAAAIw/qCKTVPYK3O0/s640/invite2010.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5CkiwDORI/AAAAAAAAAIw/qCKTVPYK3O0/s640/invite2010.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"invite\", \"rendered_width\": 450, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hollybirdbeads.blogspot.com/2010/11/beadwoven-snowflake-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5CzEYskuI/AAAAAAAAAI0/afxI9zKhrFU/s320/100_1555.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5CzEYskuI/AAAAAAAAAI0/afxI9zKhrFU/s320/100_1555.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 319}, {\"document_url\": \"http://hollybirdbeads.blogspot.com/2010/11/beadwoven-snowflake-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5C72-HYJI/AAAAAAAAAI4/KAf7yPVCgEY/s320/100_1610.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5C72-HYJI/AAAAAAAAAI4/KAf7yPVCgEY/s320/100_1610.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 167, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hollybirdbeads.blogspot.com/2010/11/beadwoven-snowflake-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5EuyBaYaI/AAAAAAAAAI8/bLKRF8Y94gM/s320/100_1637.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5EuyBaYaI/AAAAAAAAAI8/bLKRF8Y94gM/s320/100_1637.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 319, \"rendered_height\": 320}, {\"document_url\": \"http://hollybirdbeads.blogspot.com/2010/11/beadwoven-snowflake-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5EvnnrOYI/AAAAAAAAAJA/cFU2VTCda2Q/s320/100_1619.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5EvnnrOYI/AAAAAAAAAJA/cFU2VTCda2Q/s320/100_1619.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 319, \"rendered_height\": 320}, {\"document_url\": \"http://hollybirdbeads.blogspot.com/2010/11/beadwoven-snowflake-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5Ewe0VDWI/AAAAAAAAAJE/H5E8klIa2Ck/s320/100_1631.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/__MJtaRqg4yo/TO5Ewe0VDWI/AAAAAAAAAJE/H5E8klIa2Ck/s320/100_1631.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 319, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, 25 November 2010\n\nBeadwoven Snowflake Workshop Announcement!\n\nI have been very excited about this opportunity, but have been refraining from announcing it in case anything went awry. Now, the information has been official posted I am happy to announce that I will be teaching a beadweaving workshop at the We Make London Christmas Fair!", null, "Between 1pm and 3pm I will be teaching you how to make gorgeous beadwoven snowflakes - which can either be used as Christmas tree decorations, or worn as a festive necklace pendant.", null, null, "I'm really excited about this workshop - they make look intricate, but these snowflakes are really rather simple to make. All materials, tools and a handout with helpful diagrams will be provided, but I will be on hand to help you create your snowflake too.\n\nSo if you are looking for something Christmassy to do on the 4th December in London, please come along. The fair is open from 11-5pm and as well as workshops there will also be lots of stalls selling gorgeous handmade items (perfect for giving as gifts!) and even a live choir to really get you into the festive spirit.\n\nFor more details about the event, go check out the We Make London blog here.\n\nI have also been gradually adding lots of new jewellery pieces to my Folksy shop, and there are still more to come (plus I am always willing to do custom orders) so if you've started your Christmas shopping (or want to treat yourself ;-) ) then head over to my shop here. Below are just a few of the new pieces I've been busily listing.", null, null, null], "url": "http://hollybirdbeads.blogspot.com/2010/11/beadwoven-snowflake-workshop.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 535, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 452, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 724, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 167, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a7ef17c96e0aaec8183d6b5f4fae8bc4a2b889b249883380e24f200a5c900ca0", "cea8c77f0ccc5b56b1bd425bfa937f475967d316823cbda9c8b06668a53745c1", "3aeb158496d96f66c0aedf6469352635763630a76b27d3fa11779ce94191104e", "1dc4434fb73e79235eff3ca01475cb1c8efdb011c086f0109eed3138194a4b3b", "fe04e57d606b0072bcf480e79a9ab31d8ac7eea7d16f48b5bebc8492a4cd5880", "d04d69ecd6ceab45ca9642833ee17579a72d8f02d247690eb03fe569e02cae3d"], "__index_level_0__": 147, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wBmbIXSrHN0/VC7u1SnxzlI/AAAAAAAAA_Y/9gPsgPfsWqs/s1600/100_8899.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-A26I8ipFeOo/VC7u52r5WuI/AAAAAAAAA_o/BN6BKzoxmDI/s1600/100_8900.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GRWRqnirIqg/VC7u3d6yYGI/AAAAAAAAA_g/FTPEZsuBO54/s1600/100_8903.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-60J57sW13RI/VC7u9UyMUJI/AAAAAAAAA_4/wBhy-Dqg2-M/s1600/100_8906.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zFu954CNSb0/VC7u8csUpeI/AAAAAAAAA_w/Pyj-7M9kHGE/s1600/100_8909.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dh00rlzvdyw/VC7u_SHrA-I/AAAAAAAABAA/nD5D8Qr4zEE/s1600/100_8924.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9642863273620604}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hope-theroadlesstraveled.blogspot.com/2014/10/last-crop-of-summer.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wBmbIXSrHN0/VC7u1SnxzlI/AAAAAAAAA_Y/9gPsgPfsWqs/s1600/100_8899.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wBmbIXSrHN0/VC7u1SnxzlI/AAAAAAAAA_Y/9gPsgPfsWqs/s1600/100_8899.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hope-theroadlesstraveled.blogspot.com/2014/10/last-crop-of-summer.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-A26I8ipFeOo/VC7u52r5WuI/AAAAAAAAA_o/BN6BKzoxmDI/s1600/100_8900.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-A26I8ipFeOo/VC7u52r5WuI/AAAAAAAAA_o/BN6BKzoxmDI/s1600/100_8900.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hope-theroadlesstraveled.blogspot.com/2014/10/last-crop-of-summer.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GRWRqnirIqg/VC7u3d6yYGI/AAAAAAAAA_g/FTPEZsuBO54/s1600/100_8903.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GRWRqnirIqg/VC7u3d6yYGI/AAAAAAAAA_g/FTPEZsuBO54/s1600/100_8903.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hope-theroadlesstraveled.blogspot.com/2014/10/last-crop-of-summer.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-60J57sW13RI/VC7u9UyMUJI/AAAAAAAAA_4/wBhy-Dqg2-M/s1600/100_8906.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-60J57sW13RI/VC7u9UyMUJI/AAAAAAAAA_4/wBhy-Dqg2-M/s1600/100_8906.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, {\"document_url\": \"http://hope-theroadlesstraveled.blogspot.com/2014/10/last-crop-of-summer.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zFu954CNSb0/VC7u8csUpeI/AAAAAAAAA_w/Pyj-7M9kHGE/s1600/100_8909.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zFu954CNSb0/VC7u8csUpeI/AAAAAAAAA_w/Pyj-7M9kHGE/s1600/100_8909.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 388}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hope-theroadlesstraveled.blogspot.com/2014/10/last-crop-of-summer.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dh00rlzvdyw/VC7u_SHrA-I/AAAAAAAABAA/nD5D8Qr4zEE/s1600/100_8924.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dh00rlzvdyw/VC7u_SHrA-I/AAAAAAAABAA/nD5D8Qr4zEE/s1600/100_8924.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hope-theroadlesstraveled.blogspot.com/2014/10/last-crop-of-summer.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.buckelew.org/images/Amazon-Smile-300x300.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.buckelew.org/images/Amazon-Smile-300x300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Amazon Smile\", \"alt_text\": \"Shop AND make a difference in the world.\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, October 3, 2014\n\nLast crop of summer", null, null, "Wow!  You go Great Grandma!", null, null, null, null, "Ponita in Real Life said...\n\nIt's still so green there!! I've never seen cotton in person... I don't think it's a crop you can grow in Canada, but it sure does look like popcorn!\n\nFall is here, most trees have lost their leaves, and the cold is slowly setting in. I have to dig out things like hats and mitts and warm coats now. And the snow shovel, and the snow scraper for my truck, and the electrical cord so I can plug it in when it's bitterly cold out there (which is hopefully still about 3 months away). This weekend, though, I am focusing on leaf clean up duty.\n\nOctober 4, 2014 at 2:33 AM", "hope said...\n\nToo green...I'm ready for Fall color and cooler weather! It was cool over the weekend but back up in the 80s for the rest of this week. I don't dare move out my sweater collection for fear of driving us into a heat wave. :)\n\nAh but then, \"southern snow\" is great: maybe once a year and it's here today, gone tomorrow.\n\nI'm glad we have each other so we fully experience seasonal change. :)\n\nOctober 6, 2014 at 1:42 PM", "Ken Armstrong said...\n\n\"I must drop by and see Hope.\"\n\nGosh, I'm glad I did. Cotton and cool houses... it's a different world to mine, the one you live in, and it looks lovely from here.\n\nRegards to you and yours.\n\nKen xx :)\n\nOctober 6, 2014 at 2:15 PM", "Glennis said...\n\nI also have never seen cotton growing thanks for showing this,\n\nOctober 7, 2014 at 6:50 PM", "maurcheen said...\n\nBeautiful. :-)\n\nOctober 7, 2014 at 8:24 PM", "Hi Ken! Glad you dropped by. Next time sit a spell on the porch and we'll find you a refreshing beverage. :)\n\nGlennis: hello! That's the wonderful side of blog world...we get to see things outside of our backyard. It's like a vacation from the comfort of your own home.\n\nmaurcheen...hi Oh Quiet One. :) Cotton is such an amazing plant, with all that fluffiness bursting from the toughest, little pods you ever saw. No wonder people's fingers use to bleed when they picked it! When you talk to your Big Pal, please tell him we're getting hungry and we emptied the bread basket quite a while ago. Unless, of course, you think being missed will over inflate his ego. ;)\n\nOctober 8, 2014 at 10:59 AM", "Howdy y'all!", "Shop AND make a difference in the world."], "url": "http://hope-theroadlesstraveled.blogspot.com/2014/10/last-crop-of-summer.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 855, "original_width": 1402, "width": 619}, {"height": 604, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1001, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4761d0d2771fff1d1f83935f46bf8ac6a0d5064ec513a5d4a739f7a6f211c379", "b14dfc2bcf2cbb31c4b5d1c52ea49de930f3e0a7d53f6ec295362d395151d287", "de8a71764142f4934e67c4949842d3633b04cd632f8f2e6bd3ba34394f8b5dbd", 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So I'm going to be inspired by them and name mine too. I have called this old lady \"Hilda\" because the shape reminds me a bit of a tea-cosy and the first one I made had lots of cats on and Hilda seemed an appropriate name (apologies to anyone called Hilda).", null, "This bag uses:\nApprox 1/3 yard each of fabric, lining, heavy sew-in interfacing and medium fusible facing. You will also need approximately 80cm of piping cord (mine was 6mm) and 4 O-rings. You will also need a good sewing CD (mine was Kate Nash) and a cup of tea (1 large cup, milk 2 sugars).\n\nFirst, the pattern. I use fabri-baste to make my patterns as it comes in a roll and doesn't tear like tissue paper. Draw a rectangle 37cmx25cm (I'm allowing 1cm seam allowance). Mark 10cm from the top on each side. Mark two points 12 cm in from each of the top edges and then draw a curve between the points you have made.", null, "Draw a line across the pattern 10cm from the top and mark on the curved edges - this will be your stopping point for your sewing.", null, "Cut 2 pieces of lining, 2 shell fabric, 2 iron-on interfacing and 2 sew-in interfacing. Iron the interfacing on to the wrong side of the shell fabric.\nAlso cut on piece of 8cmx24cm from the shell fabric and iron-on interfacing for the handle loops and 80cmx2cm for the handles (I've only allowed a seam allowance of 5mm for the handles, if you want a bigger allowance make it wider).\n\nMake the handles by pinning and sewing the fabric strip, right sides together in one long , straight line. Use a loop turner to bring it the right way around to make a tube. Using the loop turner again, pull the cord through the fabric tube and cut in half. Neaten each end with a few stitches.", null, null, "Make the handle loops by folding the strip in half lengthways and pressing. Open out again and fold each long side in to the middle fold, and then in half again. Cut into 4 equal lengths. Open each piece out and turn under 5 mm each raw edge, press again, pin and stitch all four edges.", null, "Make a point 5cm from the top and 5cm from each side. Fold the loop over a ring and pin and stitch in place with a few forward and reverse lines.", null, null, "Make a sandwich with the 2 shell pieces together, right sides in, then the 2 sew-in pieces on the outside. Match marking and pin and stitch together, stopping and starting at the mid-points on the curve.", null, "Flatten each corner by matching side and bottom seams, flatten to a point and mark a line 3cm down. Stitch this line and snip off the excess. Press.", null, "Sew the lining exactly the same way but leave a 10cm gap along the bottom so you can pull the bag through.\n\nTurn the shell right side out and put inside the lining so that they are right sides together. Carefully pin and stitch the top seams, taking care to move the metal rings out of the way.", null, "Pull the shell through the lining and stitch the gap shut.\n\nAttach the handles and ta dah! One gorgeous bag made by you. Have a go - it should only take an hour."], "url": "http://iliketomakestuff.blogspot.com/2007/10/hilda-bag-tutorial.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["a081b49a027478b968df45ea1d5789531d550e4a32cc1e33834c0057ce57ee52", "c0bcdfe695e7a599848d684f5dc7372c233eeadf75d7013b5defe8443d68c80d", "8d79a889d7375af23b7988db8b8624844cdcfd561f40db351541795fefbc364c", "10862014441b8ef90268eb795237075e08b65e9080fb58ff6c92c18d8fcb4a7a", "e8ccdc5f30f7a4629a657397e73ba5d45ae1c81d7b2b228603571c1f018993d8", "1adaa5152c114982dbe23536e470b9f421a88049cbae90dc198edf9accb5ca5e", "768a47b12524b128b03fa86b8a37d655d9f40c1160eba7d9458cd62559a1e34a", "d56b69f42105b468ca987b957e8e795eb756795e281618cc3bbdd831da6b08f0", "3c0c21f21a9caf74ed008dc6952b28f69f8a04606ddd08666f05eca3e3347573", "11f3d968e29e2b4c4e975943593cc51033545fe9b3b94240f02db86c9f61e761", "eee838d0a40aa83155ea2a56c0cf43d9bcb17b3839955eaa88f419ebf3f88e4b"], "__index_level_0__": 149, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://bp2.blogger.com/_XDkr17T83Fs/R6iDEn8ycYI/AAAAAAAAAq4/vcFhYPl3A7E/s400/cook1.jpg", null, "http://bp3.blogger.com/_XDkr17T83Fs/R6iDE38ycZI/AAAAAAAAArA/YB_49K3_ZcQ/s400/cook2.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.955507755279541}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://imike001.blogspot.com/2008/02/cooking-class.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp2.blogger.com/_XDkr17T83Fs/R6iDEn8ycYI/AAAAAAAAAq4/vcFhYPl3A7E/s400/cook1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp2.blogger.com/_XDkr17T83Fs/R6iDEn8ycYI/AAAAAAAAAq4/vcFhYPl3A7E/s400/cook1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cook\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://imike001.blogspot.com/2008/02/cooking-class.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_XDkr17T83Fs/R6iDE38ycZI/AAAAAAAAArA/YB_49K3_ZcQ/s400/cook2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_XDkr17T83Fs/R6iDE38ycZI/AAAAAAAAArA/YB_49K3_ZcQ/s400/cook2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cook\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, February 05, 2008\n\nCooking class", null, "Kaylee has graduated from playing with pots on the floor to actually helping Rae out on the stove.", null, "And by helping, I mean tasting.\nPosted by Mike Rice at 8:38 AM", "Labels: cooking", "maggie said...\n\nWhatever she's making, it sure looks nummy! Share with Aunt Maggie!\n\n4:37 PM", "Becky said...\n\nawww! she's a budding culinary genius! i ended up doing that very thing with alice a week or so ago, mainly b/c it was the only way i could get her to not try and touch the stove!\n\nBTW, i cannot believe that kid still fits in her GAM sweater! looks like she needs to do a lot more tasting!! EAT KAYLEE, EAT!!!! he he. :P"], "url": "http://imike001.blogspot.com/2008/02/cooking-class.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["b99d91c97a71eda188697fe4ef8474913bd34e999e9a671ef657ad38ed22df5a", "1c60b73106eb8cdea3a0fc09fd754371d68b55159a596ec45b3f26fcee985ac6"], "__index_level_0__": 150, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CdOJCgM1kTw/T3fZpCj8KZI/AAAAAAAAEgY/ZnFrwwWEVmw/s640/IMG_7986web.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AvxhKUzZ3b0/T3fZtIJyPuI/AAAAAAAAEgo/XX9H8uLx2xk/s640/blog1.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eBQEGmr4jMo/T3fZrZRNyoI/AAAAAAAAEgg/KVhBVLjV46Q/s640/IMG_7991web.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9210419654846193}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": 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Sansaire's technology is changing the way people cook at home, making traditionally professional-grade cooking tools available to the home chef. Valerie Trask, Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of the company, shares one of her recent culinary adventures with Interiors by Jacquin blog.", null, "What is sous vide...\n\nSansaire makes a sous vide precision cooking device and a Searing Kit with a blow torch and searing tray. While fancy restaurants have been using this technology for years, we helped make it accessible to home chefs. This method takes the guesswork out of preparing perfectly cooked meals. By maintaining a constant and exact temperature, Sansaire sous vide device makes cooking time less important. Not to mention it's ideal for hosting because with a sous vide device all of the preparation work can be performed well before guests arrive. Hosts can finally focus on their guests instead of meal preparation, which helps us all to be the relaxed hosts we truly want to be.\n\n\"Sous vide\" is French for \"under vacuum\" and refers to the process of vacuum-sealing food and cooking it in a temperature controlled water bath. The intent is to cook the item evenly, ensuring that that the inside is properly cooked without overcooking the outside, all while retaining the food's moisture.", null, "A Tradition of Entertaining:\n\nEvery summer, myself and a group of 10-20 hyper-urban Seattleites flock to a cabin in a small town to play like the locals and eat like the kings. While cooking is not officially competitive, we divide and conquer meal preparation and people go big. To add to the challenge, our combined food allergies and preferences along with the sheer volume of people is a feat for us all as cooks. Typically my dinner parties are no larger than eight guests, but for a group of our size we alternate hosting the meals on fun trips like this one, which allows time for relaxation in between preparations.", null, "Like any proud co-founder, I wanted to show off the breadth of Sansaire’s cooking devices while preparing a meal that anyone could enjoy, which meant that I had to be sensitive to vegetarianism, lactose-intolerance, and gluten allergies. No problem! My menu and advanced cooking tools made this complicated task completely do-able.", "On the menu:", null, null, "The Setting... plus making the most of limited resources:\n\nThis year for our group dinner we rented an adorable home on Orcas Island, in northern Washington State. They say that constraints breed creativity, which was certainly the case for this trip. The ferries to the island were overbooked, so our group maxed out our ability to carpool, therefore, forcing us each to pack modestly. For me, that meant I wasn’t able to bring tableware and table décor. Instead, I was forced to wing-it and rely solely on what I could find.\n\nI was pleased to discover that the outdoor table was nestled into a small clearing in a gorgeous garden of lavender and roses, which was all surrounded by wildflowers and tall grass. Bingo! In addition to a colorful bouquet of fresh flowers from the garden, I was able to use lavender stems as napkin holders, a sheet as a tablecloth, and wildflowers as a decorative plating accessory. The white tablecloth, the colorful foods, and the bright flowers came together terrifically. Everyone was blown away by the presentation, especially knowing that it had been pulled together with limited resources. Quite the success!", null, null, "Preparing the meal:\n\nI prepared a sous vide veggie hash the night before. This way, the morning of I could enjoy a more relaxed pace. I worked with a wide array of brightly colored vegetable colors ––each of which I wanted to maintain its own integrity––so I prepared beets, carrots, onions, and two different potato varieties all separately. In an effort to maintain some textural diversity, I left the red peppers raw and crunchy, but used the Sansaire Searing Kit to blacken the skins.\n\nAiming for sweet-but-seasonal, I used the Searing Kit to brûlée the peaches. It was a simple way to incorporate fresh fruit, yet show creativity. As a 5’1 girl who wears dresses daily, I always love busting out a blow torch at dinner parties! Making the brûlée peaches was the easiest aspect of the meal, but it garnered me the most style points. Using a searing kit really adds wow factor to your meals, especially when you want to impress guests.", null, null, "Cooking eggs for twelve people would normally be a stressful task, but I prepared 24 eggs by simply cooking them sous vide in their shells for 23 minutes at 72 degrees C/161.6 degrees F. The result was a medium firmness velvety texture, which is harder to achieve than expected without a sous vide device.\n\nI don’t usually venture into mixology; but there’s a first time for everything so I expanded my horizons with a unique breakfast cocktail. I sous vide cooked and blended lychees, combined with sparkling wine to make a phenomenal mimosa. I made fresh buttermilk biscuits with my grandma’s fresh blackberry jam to round out the meal.", null, "Here's how to make my Brûlée Peaches!\n\nCut the peach in half, remove the pit, sprinkle with raw sugar, and torch the top until you reach the desired crispy amber color. Serve as is or top with vanilla yogurt or ice cream and a dash of cinnamon. It's that simple!\n\nIf you're looking to impress your family and friends with gourmet quality meals, Sansaire's cooking devices will certainly assist you. Visit the Sansaire website to learn where you can purchase Sansaire's Sous Vide cooking device and Searing Kit.", null], "url": "http://interiorsbyjacquin.blogspot.com/2016/07/entertaining-with-style-featuring.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 422, "original_width": 600, "width": 537}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 326, "original_width": 600, "width": 695}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 536, "original_width": 600, "width": 423}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 510, "original_width": 600, "width": 444}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}, {"height": 535, "original_height": 850, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 467, "original_width": 600, "width": 485}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 409, "original_width": 600, "width": 554}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 408, "original_width": 600, "width": 555}, {"height": 404, "original_height": 642, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 288, "original_width": 350, "width": 459}], "image_hashes": ["53c5d3cf55aa102526cbe4ccd9e80e00fd8ed8ccd0c49fc1af15f52cd598d5b8", "6054cd19fff9e3dee9ba73a0625aa7988a0f432858d713a23764d42b25199e79", "6fa7d3210f071aed61d7f512ef0a3cef70a61b8fff993efe5983c5a03e45d4ae", "ab33c425fe9b02dc6b57eafb7527e22cba623efc81191065ba3972f452d7fdb6", "55b46fc3072166ca23cdfdd902f4ec2be8a04e097015d2655b3b24a2a67fb20a", "a18e55852efd751a2a5ecbbf9afa41172d7688a21e17f9ed6d00c5c93804b507", "fb47340e34da02c1d4c065fd6aeb3e380dbc7f5dafe50bbad812a55ed93a5870", "642c74d5bf1da203175579fd1cc7726709c391f9c4907db66fbe709f605ac849", "ca7f1ae82bb187304d2fb6aa8648be064cf0738b71bbb5c7c7ba2b57ad92e0f0", "6542777b8b5adec23b5fd03c11d77a4f0690bcb6ef6811132e227ff2706dd30a", "4d2dd32ca930008ee4c9b83f32a19a983d043d497de69ed5a625e7723115659f", "509dc912415c84cf666bffe5e820c3a0f7cebd04c4762c53f3d2228ccb942772"], "__index_level_0__": 153, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-un4s3h0D-SM/T7SsDFeOG6I/AAAAAAAAAgM/owz30ZFbWSY/s320/CuteKoala.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8198748230934143}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://internationalstashes.blogspot.com/2012/05/need-some-new-fabric.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-un4s3h0D-SM/T7SsDFeOG6I/AAAAAAAAAgM/owz30ZFbWSY/s320/CuteKoala.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-un4s3h0D-SM/T7SsDFeOG6I/AAAAAAAAAgM/owz30ZFbWSY/s320/CuteKoala.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"CuteKoala\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 296}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, May 17, 2012\n\nNeed some new fabric?", null, "eQuilter from Boulder, Colorado is a fun place to shop online: http://www.equilter.com/cgi-bin/webc.cgi/home.html?sid=31U9Hz2yB0YQ5c0-39112471228.ef. They are having free shipping in the US today and tomorrow and 50% off on international shipping. If I'm making a big order I especially like using their Design Board to look at my fabrics together. I have always had quick and excellent service from this shop.\n\nBe sure to check out their clearance selection too: http://www.equilter.com/cgi-bin/webc.cgi/st_main.html?catid=40&sid=31U9Hz2yB0YQ5c0-07112419228.c2\n\nAnother place having a sale Is FatQuarterShop.com but they don't have free shipping:"], "url": "http://internationalstashes.blogspot.com/2012/05/need-some-new-fabric.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 296, "original_width": 320, "width": 408}], "image_hashes": ["b5f11683e920ad60b2fee997dba2c544182025157ddbcb11f05e330a84c9b987"], "__index_level_0__": 154, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_TDr-T-WvGlI/SB9zRTuaLAI/AAAAAAAAAGs/_cJFsA4Suu8/s320/jenkins.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.923870325088501}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://invivoblog.blogspot.com/2008/05/setting-record-straight-on-suicidality.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_TDr-T-WvGlI/SB9zRTuaLAI/AAAAAAAAAGs/_cJFsA4Suu8/s320/jenkins.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_TDr-T-WvGlI/SB9zRTuaLAI/AAAAAAAAAGs/_cJFsA4Suu8/s320/jenkins.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"jenkins\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, May 06, 2008\n\nSetting the Record Straight on Suicidality", null, "FDA Office of New Drugs Director John Jenkins wants to correct a misperception about testing requirements for psychiatric adverse events. Contrary to reports by certain media outlets, FDA is not putting in place a blanket request for suicidality studies.\n\n“That’s simply not true,” Jenkins says. Rather, “it’s being done in a targeted manner, wherever it seems to be appropriate based on what we’ve seen from other products in the class, the pharmacology of the drug itself, or other studies of that same drug.”\n\nGranted, the potential for certain drugs to cause mood disorders or suicidal thoughts has been in the news lately—especially given FDA’s recently aired concerns with potential psychiatric risk profile of Merck’s Singulair, a popular asthma/allergy medicine. But that’s not to say that FDA is changing the game for all drugs across all classes.\n\nIn the case of Singulair, FDA is “still evaluating the case reports that are coming in from spontaneous reporting,” Jenkins says. “We’re not systematically asking every sponsor of an anti-asthmatic drug or an allergic rhinitis drug to include suicidality as part of their targeted assessments.”\n\nTo do otherwise would not be scientifically sound, Jenkins says. “We have to be careful not to over-generalize this and suggest that every trial has to have a specific rating scale for suicidality. You could start taking that to its logical extreme and have every trial have a rating scale for every possible adverse reaction, even though there may not be a reason prospectively to specifically be concerned in that setting.”\n\nFor certain drug classes, however, FDA has upped the ante and is asking manufacturers to either prospectively or retrospectively test for psychiatric adverse events. For more information—and for an interview with FDA’s Jenkins—you can check out the latest issue of The RPM Report online; non-subscribers can sign up for a free trial to access the story.\n\nBut here's the good news: there are FDA-sanctioned ways to test for psychiatric adverse events. So even for companies that are being asked to test for depression and suicidality, at least there's a process to get some clarity and predictability into the process."], "url": "http://invivoblog.blogspot.com/2008/05/setting-record-straight-on-suicidality.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 477, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 190, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["864f5435fa80fdf8a7aff53e54356db7fc1397ff2986c2fe22ecd4b2f1dc63e4"], "__index_level_0__": 155, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://bp3.blogger.com/_b0FYjmYr_CM/R1ijexUmNDI/AAAAAAAAAO0/q3QNdyIkONY/s320/Garrick+as+Hamlet.jpg", null, "http://bp1.blogger.com/_b0FYjmYr_CM/R1ijtRUmNEI/AAAAAAAAAO8/OJiCVUfOHGg/s320/Garrick+as+Richard+III.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9837759733200072}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ivebeenreadinglately.blogspot.com/2007/12/he-speaks-all-his-words-distinctly-half.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_b0FYjmYr_CM/R1ijexUmNDI/AAAAAAAAAO0/q3QNdyIkONY/s320/Garrick+as+Hamlet.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_b0FYjmYr_CM/R1ijexUmNDI/AAAAAAAAAO0/q3QNdyIkONY/s320/Garrick+as+Hamlet.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Garrick as Hamlet\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ivebeenreadinglately.blogspot.com/2007/12/he-speaks-all-his-words-distinctly-half.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_b0FYjmYr_CM/R1ijtRUmNEI/AAAAAAAAAO8/OJiCVUfOHGg/s320/Garrick+as+Richard+III.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_b0FYjmYr_CM/R1ijtRUmNEI/AAAAAAAAAO8/OJiCVUfOHGg/s320/Garrick+as+Richard+III.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Garrick as Richard III\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, December 06, 2007\n\n\"He speaks all his Words distinctly, half as loud again as the others.\"", null, "{David Garrick as Hamlet}\n\nIn the weeks leading up to Hallowe'en, when I was writing daily about ghosts and spirits, I spent a few days on Shakespearean ghosts, including that of Hamlet's father. If only I'd read Tom Jones a couple of months earlier, I could have adduced a scene from it as evidence of just how scary Hamlet's father's ghost can be--for said ghost makes a memorable appearance in one of Tom Jones's most entertaining digressions, a trip to the theatre by Tom and his well-meaning buffoon of a servant, Partridge; that the scene also gives us a glimpse of David Garrick--whom Partridge refers to as \"that little Man \"--in action as Hamlet is an extra bonus:\n\nAs soon as the Play, which was Hamlet Prince of Denmark, began, Partridge was all Attention, nor did he break Silence till the Entrance of the Ghost; upon which he asked Jones, \"What man that was in the strange Dress; something,\" said he,\" like what I have seen in a Picture. Sure it is not Armour, is it?\" Jones answered, \"That is the Ghost.\" To which Partridge replied, \"Persuade me to that, Sir, if you can. Though I can't say I ever actually saw a Ghost in my life, yet I am certain I should know one, if I saw him, better than that comes to. No, no, Sir, Ghosts don't appear in such Dresses as that, neither.\"\n\nEnter Garrick, and Partridge's doubts take wing, replaced by assailing fears that lead to knocking knees and trembling limbs:\n\n\"O la! Sir,\" said he, \"I perceive now it is what you told me. I am not afraid of any Thing; for I know it is but a Play. And if it was really a Ghost, it could do one no Harm at such Distance, and in so much Company; any yet if I was frightened, I am not the only Person.\" \"Why, who,\" cries Jones, \"dost thou take to be such a Coward here besides thyself?\" \"Nay, you may call me Coward if you will; but if that little Man there upon the Stage is not frightned, I never saw any Man frightned in my Life. Ay, ay; go along with you!\n\nLater, Partridge graces us with a close--if naive--analysis of Garrick's technique:\n\n[D]id you not yourself observe afterwards, when he found out it was his own Father's Spirit, and how he was murdered in the Garden, how his Fear forsook him by Degrees, and he was struck dumb with Sorrow, as it were, just as I should have been, had it been my own Case.\n\nYet for all this, at the end of the play, when asked for his favorite player, Partridge forsakes Garrick, choosing instead the actor who had played Claudius, for which he is reproached by one of his companions:\n\n\"Indeed, Mr. Partridge,\" says Mrs. Miller, \"you are not of the same Opinion with the Town, for they are all agreed, that Hamlet is acted by the best player who ever was on the Stage.\" \"He the best Player!\" cries Partridge, with a contemptuous Sneer. \"Why I could act as well as he myself. I am sure if I had seen a Ghost, I should have looked in the very same Manner, and done just as he did. And then, to be sure, in that Scene, as you called it, between him and his Mother, where you told me he acted so fine, why, Lord help me, any Man, that is, any good Man, that had such a Mother, would have done exactly the same. I know you are only joking with me; but indeed, Madam, though I was never at a Play in London, yet I have seen acting before in the Country; and the King for my Money; he speaks all his Words distinctly, half as loud again as the others.--Any Body may see he is an actor.\"\n\nGulled by Garrick's naturalism, the yokel prefers the overwrought. Though Partridge doesn't know that he is expected to prefer Garrick, the scene nevertheless reminds me distantly of Marcel's disappointment at first seeing La Berma on stage in In Search of Lost Time: expecting the spectacular, he fails to notice nuance.\n\nIf Samuel Johnson's account of Garrick's acting is accurate, Partridge would probably not have been the only novice theatre-goer to have been fuddled by Garrick's technique. In The Life of Johnson James Boswell reports Johnson saying:\n\nGarrick . . . was no declaimer; there was not one of his own scene-shifters who could not have spoken To be, or not to be, better than he did; yet he was the only actor I ever saw whom I could call a master both in tragedy and comedy; though I liked him best in comedy. A true conception of character, and natural expression of it, were his distinguishing excellencies.", null, "{Garrick as Richard III}\n\nBut there are limits to naturalism for Johnson, even in the case of Garrick:\n\nJohnson, indeed, had thought more upon the subject of acting than might be generally supposed. Talking of it one day to Mr. Kemble, he said, \"Are you, sir, one of those enthusiasts who believe yourself transformed into the very character you represent?\" Upon Mr. Kemble's asnwering that he had never felt so strong a persuasion himself; \"To be sure not, Sir, (said Johnson;) the thing is impossible. And if Garrick really believed himself to be that monster, Richard the Third, he deserved to be hanged every time he performed it.\n\nWith which sentiments I believe Dr. Johnson would have found Partridge in strong agreement.\nPosted by Levi Stahl at 7:21 PM", "Labels: David Garrick, Hamlet, Henry Fielding, James Boswell, Richard III, Samuel Johnson, Shakespeare, Tom Jones\n\nSome friends and favorites", "Just who is to blame for all this reading?"], "url": "http://ivebeenreadinglately.blogspot.com/2007/12/he-speaks-all-his-words-distinctly-half.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}, {"height": 601, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 201, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["fd95f831f195dc813f5bba6c03ac8793cb02022555b9d436e12de701c47b588f", "9d9d6c00218a05ccef0a1391c1d38f1097626ffbce440748182fe51feb07b0a4"], "__index_level_0__": 156, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": 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Farm blog is holding a digi relay while they are at the CHA this week and basically you get the chance to get hold of 5 yes 5 digi images but inorder to get them you must take part each day and complete your card/project by the deadline and post in the gallery and on the blog in order to get the next freebie image - how cool is that. Well I love my Miss Anya images and I have been lurking at the Greeting Farm but not taken part in any of the challenges (until I messed up yesterday!lol) so I thought as I'm on leave this week I'd give the relay ago so here is my first card using todays freebie image which is Mer-Ian. I enjoyed making this card and tried to do something a bit different which I havent dared to try yet but have seen others do and really liked the effect so yes I coloured the hair blue! and actually I really like it!lol (remember having a go at doing this to myself once upon a time!lol didnt look that good!lol) The background is a digi one from Raspberry Road and the little bit is some shiny textred stuff that I have had for ages as is the fish. I have coloured Ian with copics and then used sakura clear stardust to outline his tail and hair for an extra bit of shimmer. TFL and fingers crossed that Ican manage all the cards this week.\nPosted by Jac Curran at 22:11", "Labels: The Greeting Farm CHA Relay\n\nThanks for stopping by, your comments are really appreciated. x", "DT Memeber", "I love to play at"], "url": "http://jacs-playground.blogspot.com/2010/01/greeting-farm-cha-relay.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 311, "original_width": 320, "width": 388}], "image_hashes": ["c72e49b04581652de9051c5ea647dc1f13ae05b82c4ce7602fb660fca0011cd3"], "__index_level_0__": 157, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yIbuFAJsPPc/Tc_p-HKVMXI/AAAAAAAAHfE/6uGAJLlFxJw/s640/IMG_4617_final.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8803092241287231}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://janiceparr.blogspot.com/2011/05/deep-pink-multi-petalled-flower.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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©2000-2011 Janice Parr\nThis photo was taken using the Canon EOS 1000D - Shutter Speed 1/512 sec - Macro Mode - f5.6 - ISO 100 - Focal Length 55mm."], "url": "http://janiceparr.blogspot.com/2011/05/deep-pink-multi-petalled-flower.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 583, "original_width": 640, "width": 414}], "image_hashes": ["6e4fd3492f28ce72b9ca6ccbd3f005926f5f83c0954cca6dedf2503f49f31734"], "__index_level_0__": 158, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5b61iWK6tqY/V8NBWbjVdlI/AAAAAAAAJf4/9NlHy_sct98VOA_Z1F82dj1kXItpabxbgCLcB/s320/DSC00103.JPG", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LojhMYj4Q8g/V8NBkWwZ70I/AAAAAAAAJf8/PEvJsV70x-kd2iICfKefNBjOaIrrwbZygCLcB/s320/DSC00104.JPG", null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vBUG4tCEFyU/V8NBT6e93VI/AAAAAAAAJf0/zL6vZ9NzwTwlumCSxnc73Gli4pJt9x8qwCLcB/s320/DSC00106.JPG", null, 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marble boat below\nwere taken on the grounds of the Summer Palace and\nbuilt during the Qing Dynasty.", null, null, "It was beautiful and the boats in the background were so colorful!"], "url": "http://jeanbradsher.blogspot.com/2016/08/chinese-architecture-and-summer-palace.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": 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back to my mom and dad.  My mom was severely sexually abused and beaten as a child.  I am amazed sometimes when I hear stories of what happened.   Needless to say she is not an emotional person.  Growing up we never talked about feelings.  Which is why I have a hard time expressing them and working through them.  Also I had a lot of let downs with my dad, waiting for him to pick me up for visitation as a kid..and he never showed up...when he did show up he was high or drunk and I would have almost panick attacks as a kid being around him because he was erratic in behavior and basically scared me. Well I guess those feelings again I never worked through so they manifest themselves in other ways...in how I deal with men in particular.  I always used to run away from them.  Which is why we are delving into the fact that I have gained and lost over 100lbs multiple times in my life...she thinks its because I always go back to not being able to handle the feelings and shoving them down and coping with it, with food.  Its been very interesting.....On the weight front...I am sad to report that I have gained 10lbs.  I am bummed but I know I will take it off when I get the fills going again.  I am exercising slowly..hard to do when I was working so much these last couple of weeks.  So I hope to remedy that and in turn keep that gain to only 10lbs.  Today I am going to try to set up my first fill for July 13..hopefully they will let me...its just shy of 8weeks since my EGD..but I wanted to get in a couple fills before I go back to North Dakota.  Well thats it for now my lovelies...I will try to post more this week.  I miss all of you terribly and feel like I don't know what you have all been up to so I am going to try to read up on all of you that are my faves!", null, "Posted by jennxaz at 7:14 AM", "Rachel said...\n\nI am SO glad therapy is going well for you! Hope work settles down so you can take care of yourself.\n\nJune 10, 2013 at 8:25 AM", "Terrie said...\n\nSo glad to see you here, I have been thinking about you.\n\nGlad the therapy is going well. Sounds like you found a good fit for you.\n\nI am right there with you. My EGD unfill just happened to fall right in line with a stress and I gained at least 15 pounds.\n\nI went in for a fill last week, the doctor gave me 2.5 cc and I couldn't stop throwing up so I had to have some removed. I just hate paying $150 every time I go in for a fill.\n\nJune 10, 2013 at 8:41 AM", "Cheri said...\n\nI am glad you are loving therapy, it sounds like you are doing a lot of WORK and that can be emotionally draining - so I am glad you are feeling it is good, not just exhausting, you know? :-) You are such an amazing woman Jenn, working so hard at your job, doing great as a mom, doing all this work on yourself. I'm glad you are also fitting in the time to see your friends, and therapist, etc! SOOO good to hear from you, you've been on my mind!xo I hope you can get the fill soon, and I know you can get the ten pounds off, keep taking care of yourself, you are da bomb.com.\n\nJune 10, 2013 at 8:45 AM", "Tina@The BanditGirl said...\n\ngreat to hear from you! you and Johnny are so cute! Glad therapy is helping you, you deserve it!\n\nJune 10, 2013 at 11:07 AM", "Dotti said...\n\nI was thinking about & wondering how you've been.\n\nGlad you are having a good experience with therapy & that it's helping you through things.\n\nI have a goal to lose 10lbs before my next appointment on 7/16 so I'm right there with you. You've got this!"], "url": "http://jennxaz-talesfromanarizonalapbander.blogspot.com/2013/06/busy-week-workingmeans-little-blogging.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1600, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2cc0f38c3033884d551c241ea21f6ba80fad81bd07253dfaa3a3cbb19a8ec6a3"], "__index_level_0__": 160, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fzn5BBZRG_w/U3CzIS9UesI/AAAAAAAABQk/doyxFOfH4K8/s1600/nathan_weinstock.png", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9707008004188538}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2014/05/weinstocks-ground-breaker-out-in-hebrew.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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ex-Trotskyist decide to write a book about Jews from Arab countries? Adi Schwartz provides the answer in this long interview with Nathan Weinstock, whose ground-breaking work, Une si longue presence: comment le monde arabe a perdu ses juifs, is now out in Hebrew translation. Here is the first part of the article in English, which appeared in the Hebrew edition of Haaretz.\n\nNathan Weinstock never planned to write a book about Jews in Arab countries. This has happened almost by accident, he says. Every time he tried to find information about the modern history of the Jews of Morocco or Iraq, he was surprised to find that there is no book in French which tells the story of the elimination of the Jewish communities in the Middle East in the second half of the 20th century . \"Ultimately,\" he says, \" I decided to write it myself.\"\n\nAs part of an Ashkenazi family born and living in Belgium, he was rarely introduced to Sephardic Jews, but as he began to socialize in Paris in the 60s with Jewish students from Morocco, Iraq and Egypt, he noticed something which is very different. \" There was not the reluctance to observe tradition which characterized the Ashkenazi Jews I knew,\" he says .\n\nAshkenazi Jews have always felt the need to distance themselves from Judaism, but Sephardic Jews felt no embarrassment in relation to their Jewish origins. An event he attended 15 years ago in Brussels was a significant catalyst for writing. The Egyptian ambassador was invited to a meeting with Egyptian Jews who then lived in Belgium. \" The ambassador was pale,\" says Weinstock in an interview from his home in southern France, \" he was afraid I think they would lynch him.\"\n\nLynch not in a physical, but moral sense. He had good reason to fear : just 10 minutes before he arrived, the Jews of Egypt were waiting for him. They told me stories of horror, of the difficulties and hardships that befell them in Egypt.  But as soon as he arrived, a huge wave of nostalgia engulfed the room, and all these refugees were able to talk about was the pot of meat they left behind in Cairo and Alexandria. I got to know the difficult stories of some of them. Those people  have suffered greatly, yet, at the same time, they savor their last days in Egypt. \"\n\nThis strong relationship with their roots surprised Weinstock. \"They had tears in their eyes ,\" he says . \"Only then I realized how strong were the roots of Egyptian Jews in their homeland. The story I knew was that the Jews in Arab countries were happy to leave as soon as they were given the opportunity to do so. They did not tell us anything about the deep connection of the Jews to Arab culture, for example .  It was only later that I learned that literature in Iraq was based on Jewish writers, and in Egypt, the man who invented in the 19th century the nationalist slogan \" Egypt, Egypt \" and was called the Egyptian Moliere, was a Jew named Jacob Sanua.\n\n\" The research I discovered made me understand that the story being told, that the Jews from Arab countries left because they were Zionists, is largely incorrect. It is certainly true that they connected to Israel as Israel, no doubt about that, but the organized Zionist movement was very weak in Arab countries. There were of course Zionists here and there but the great mass of Jews from Arab countries left because they were made to. The were expelled. There was such heavy pressure by the authorities and the general population,  that they were given no choice but to leave . \"\n\nIn this sense, says Weinstock, there is no big difference between the Jews who came to Israel from Romania or Poland and the Jews who came from Iraq and Libya . \" Zionism estimated correctly the consequences of anti-Semitism,\" he says, \" and historical events confirmed its forecasts. Unfortunately, the Jews were persecuted in their countries to a level such that they could not continue living in them. It happened in Eastern Europe, and it happened in the Arab countries.\"\n\nWeinstock, a self-taught historian, previously published long studies on the Bund in Eastern Europe and Yiddish literature. He decided to take on the task and write the chronicle of the Expulsion of the Jews. He wanted to explore the myths and confront them with historical reality. The result was published in France in 2008 - Une si longue presence: Comment le monde Arabe a perdu ses juifs\" and is now out in Hebrew (publisher Babel, with Hagit Bat-Ada) .\n\nWeinstock 's decision to engage with the expulsion of Jews from Arab countries would be less interesting were it not for his political biography: he was considered one of the leaders of anti- Zionism in France in the 60s and 70s.\n\nIn those days he was someone who would describe Israel and Zionism as a colonial project that aimed to deprive the Palestinians of their land. In recent years he made a dramatic about-turn of thought that led him to explore a painful and little-spoken of aspect of the Israeli-Arab conflict .\n\n\"This book is a story of tragedy,\" writes Weinstock in the preface to the special Hebrew edition. \"This is the uprooting of hundreds of thousands of Mizrahi Jews, torn brutally from their homes and native lands. Entire communities of Jews who were forever in the Arab/Muslim world -  knew expulsions, persecution and terrible murder. However, this drama is not yet known and for a long time has been denied. \"\n\nWeinstock devoted a whole chapter to Jews living in the Holy Land under Muslim rule before the establishment of Israel. He explains that the pattern of relations between the Jewish minority and Muslim majority over the centuries was not only historically important, but also applies nowadays, as they form the basis of relations between Israel and the Arabs. Anyone who wants to understand the Israeli - Arab conflict today, Weinstock argues, must recognize the early complex history of these relations.\n\nPart ll of this translation\n\nHaaretz article in English (Registration required)\n\nOriginal article in Hebrew\n\nReview by Lyn Julius (Dissent)\nPosted by bataween at Monday, May 12, 2014", "Labels: Arab-Jewish relations, Dhimmitude, Leftist bias against Jewish rights", "Click picture for Facebook page", "Click image to sign Jewish Archive Petition", "Don't let the Jewish Archive go back to Iraq!", "Email me!", "Synagogue in Bataween, Baghdad, Iraq", "Follow Point of No Return on Twitter\n\nFollow @PointofnoRetur1", "Going, going, gone....", "The vanishing Jews of the Arab world", "Save Ezekiel's Shrine!", "Click picture to sign Petition", "The Souery family", "Sephardi/Mizrahi websites", "Best of Point of No Return", "Country By Country\n\nDhimmi denial\n\nBaghdad once as Jewish as NY", "Dumisani Washington on Jewish Refugees", "Click on image", "Jewish refugees at the UN", "Click here to listen to UN Webcast", "Elie Abadie's story (Syria/Lebanon)", "Justice for Jewish Refugees conference 2012", "Gina Waldman's story (Libya)", "BBC Radio:Forgotten Exodus Part 1", "Click on picture", "BBC Radio: Forgotten Exodus Part 2", "Voice of Israel: Jewish Refugees"], "url": "http://jewishrefugees.blogspot.com/2014/05/weinstocks-ground-breaker-out-in-hebrew.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 398, "original_height": 671, "original_width": 636, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6bb3dd5ebf5eed2679149f3bece05849a4324fa2e9c2a5a8a1470473929a909a"], "__index_level_0__": 161, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g168/grahamofborg/Various/walston.jpg", null, "http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g168/grahamofborg/Various/walston3.jpg", null, "http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g168/grahamofborg/Various/walston1.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8715395331382751}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jlpicard.blogspot.com/2007/03/boothby-early-years.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g168/grahamofborg/Star%20Trek/boothby.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g168/grahamofborg/Star%20Trek/boothby.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"boothby\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jlpicard.blogspot.com/2007/03/boothby-early-years.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g168/grahamofborg/Various/walston.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g168/grahamofborg/Various/walston.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"walston\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jlpicard.blogspot.com/2007/03/boothby-early-years.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g168/grahamofborg/Various/walston3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g168/grahamofborg/Various/walston3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"walston\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jlpicard.blogspot.com/2007/03/boothby-early-years.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g168/grahamofborg/Various/walston1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i56.photobucket.com/albums/g168/grahamofborg/Various/walston1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"walston\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "What? Oh, sorry, I was getting carried away.\n\nI've lost my train of thought; where was I?", null, "Where was I?", null, "I'll have to go now; these flowers need attending.\n\n3: That includes the Admirals.\n\n4: I have given lectures on plant life.", "WindWhisperer said...\n\nBoothby, you might be an \"old hand\", but you are a compendium of wisdom and experience. I'll bet no one else in the roster but you knows what this means: \"Danger, Will Robinson!\"", "Ellee said...\n\nBoothby's experience is invaluable, I hope he gets invited to the BlogParty.", "susan said...\n\nWell done Boothby.", "Jana said...\n\nI wouldn't worry too much about Janeway. She'd probably take offense at being called a dame anyway.", "Merlyn Gabriel said...\n\nBoothby, you are such an awesome man!You have just done so much! If you ever get tired of StarFleet, you can come over and tend to the Emperor's gardens any time, I'll bring you tea and biscuits and I won't kick your a** for calling me a dame!\n\n( Thrawn might though. )", "squirrel said...\n\nBoothby's one of my favorites!", "Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...\n\nThat was a great song. Were you lucky enough to have a boatload of nurses visit at any point?", "The Curmudgeon said...\n\nSure, you mentioned all the good stuff, Boothby, but what about that time you were teaching at Ridgemont High?", "Linda said...\n\nWhy didn't you tell the story of the time you wore the coconut bra while you were dancing around in a grass skirt? One could say that you were really into plants then!\n\nI gotta go wash that man right outta my hair ... ta!", "Professor Xavier said...\n\nTime to admit the truth, Boothby. What you're smoking in that pipe is your own home-grown blend, right? That's why you got into hortoculture in the first place.", "cooltopten said...\n\nBoothby rocks :) ..LOL i agree with Professor Xavier , that explains so much..", "exskindiver said...\n\nbloody mary is the one i love\n(platonically speaking)\n(song from south pacific, fyi)", "Erifia Apoc said...\n\nOh, sweet Old Boothby... I ate Salad last night.", "Kønig Hasemörder said...\n\npravus, malum, prodigo, defluo, attero, perdo, inculta, immunda, improbus, malus peior pessimus, nocens\n\nDon't let the UFP-CC get on you're mother f*ck0n, G-d damn, s8n of a witch, cqnt hunt, back.\n\nB shale P on em'", "Ficken Sie", "Well I think Boothby seems to be much admired by all your bloggers, I can quite understand.", "Shephard said...\n\nI would expect, along with world peace, that wasp repellent would be among the many advances of this time. :)\n\nMichele says hello!", "Jean-Luc Picard said...\n\nProfessor, you could well be right there; some of Boothby's plants do look suspicious.\n\nWindwhisper, Will Robinson is the equivilant of Wesley Crusher.\n\nLinda, I don't think Boothby would want to be reminded about that.\n\nJon, Boothby fondly remembers that.", "The UFP-CC has captured a UU transmission from the 21 Century. Apparently they were preparing for an invasion by intergalactic agents accused of fashioning crop circles. It's funny what people of the past believed.\n\nSuch paranoid war obsessed people.", "Titania Starlight said...\n\nBoothby, you are such a charmer.\nAn Admiring Dame", "Empress Bee (of the High Sea) said...\n\nhey y'all! just popping in to say hello....\n\nsmiles, bee", "Carmi said...\n\nI'd go back to the Navy, too, if I had to wear those ridiculous antennae on my head.\n\nGreat to e-see you again, Captain.", "Barbara said...\n\nDoes Bootheby have dames now?", "craziequeen said...\n\nWow - thanks Boothby...how wonderful to hear all about your wonderful life :-)\n\nThe Cap'n should let you post more often :-)\n\nMichele sent me to say hi to you today."], "url": "http://jlpicard.blogspot.com/2007/03/boothby-early-years.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 632, "original_height": 323, "original_width": 193, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 218, "width": 549}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 178, "original_width": 180, "width": 382}], "image_hashes": ["2a066c9355acf5077efea79b030d0cccc93c68c706e97834c59ef0643141a774", "c2da64fb1d18b6cf038ddb6675eb250b5edac2ed34f94579de1d3cd6e38be1a7", "2c37ffe9cbbdfac08b0941a4269a68d4da2b242a7ab0b33b9ff86de386ba74bc"], "__index_level_0__": 162, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-UJEru1W4H80/UsSvQL06r3I/AAAAAAAALoI/BXgz6HREj2E/s200/feedback_1.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9233583807945251}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://journeytomanhood.blogspot.com/2015_01_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-UJEru1W4H80/UsSvQL06r3I/AAAAAAAALoI/BXgz6HREj2E/s200/feedback_1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-UJEru1W4H80/UsSvQL06r3I/AAAAAAAALoI/BXgz6HREj2E/s200/feedback_1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"feedback\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 192}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "The Man-Making Blog has a steadily growing list of email subscribers. The stats indicate there are also lots of people just dropping by to check it out. This is a great vote of confidence and keeps me at it. Thanks!\n\nI would appreciate your input on the one-minute reader survey below. Your feedback will help me stay on track in 2015 and hopefully increase the blog's interest and relevance for you.\n\nPlease note the question about conference calls. We had one successful call last year that brought many of you together around an important Man-Making topic. I learned a lot about how to plan and then manage a call, and I plan to host a few more calls in 2015. Do indicate if you're interested in participating in this form of idea sharing.\n\nFinally, if you’re a subscriber and getting these posts by email, the survey may not show up in the message below. If this is the case, simply use this link to go directly to the online survey form.\n\nThanks for your support, and thank you in advance for your feedback. But mostly, thanks for your interest in Man-Making and supporting young males on their journey toward manhood.\n\nEarl Hipp\n\nTweet      Follow @earlh\nLabels: man-making, survey\nThe book and this blog are about men, boys, male culture, mentoring, rites of passage, and men helping boys on their journey to manhood.", "Learn about Earl's work with groups and communities."], "url": "http://journeytomanhood.blogspot.com/2015_01_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 191, "original_width": 200, "width": 395}], "image_hashes": ["03585972af12b9bc6e271e1747a335aef6092ff34c934fae926aaf4d44228bac"], "__index_level_0__": 163, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7Fx4kuTN0eM/T_JKoD4nIoI/AAAAAAAACI0/vgCBcBOpkDk/s200/The-Lumineers.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9315942525863647}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jpsmusicblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/cd-review-lumineers-debut-new-wave-of.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7Fx4kuTN0eM/T_JKoD4nIoI/AAAAAAAACI0/vgCBcBOpkDk/s200/The-Lumineers.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7Fx4kuTN0eM/T_JKoD4nIoI/AAAAAAAACI0/vgCBcBOpkDk/s200/The-Lumineers.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"The Lumineers\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jpsmusicblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/cd-review-lumineers-debut-new-wave-of.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-tQwm7i5OZxs/Tkx2hragsFI/AAAAAAAAA9I/nU7eAavRfsQ/s80/JP%2Bprofile%2Bpic.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tQwm7i5OZxs/Tkx2hragsFI/AAAAAAAAA9I/nU7eAavRfsQ/s80/JP%2Bprofile%2Bpic.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"JP Bprofile Bpic\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 69, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jpsmusicblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/cd-review-lumineers-debut-new-wave-of.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Tu-C8LmNSTY/V1F59yU7mmI/AAAAAAAAMDE/znGKYVNDHGshC7oJN8JIdw_F4apcn4NXgCK4B/s1600/jpea400x300.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Tu-C8LmNSTY/V1F59yU7mmI/AAAAAAAAMDE/znGKYVNDHGshC7oJN8JIdw_F4apcn4NXgCK4B/s1600/jpea400x300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"jpea\", \"alt_text\": \"Twitter Page\", \"rendered_width\": 302, \"rendered_height\": 227}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["CD Review: The Lumineers Debut A New Wave Of Americana Music", null, "The roots revival is in full swing. Bands like The Avett Brothers, Mumford & Sons and The Punch Brothers are headlining festivals and the Newport Folk Festival in Rhode Island has been sold out for months. One of the latest bands to break through is The Lumineers with their self-titled debut album. The album was released back in April through Dualtone Records and reached #40 on the Billboard Album chart and hit #2 on the Folk Album chart.\n\nThe new release begins with the acoustic accounts of “Flowers In Your Hair” as the song builds with intensity until it’s all too quick finish. The simplicity of the instrumentation is what makes this album stand out. You can hear creaking doors on “Classy Girls” and hand clapping in “Big Parade” as the recordings make you feel like you are hearing the band perform live just for you. Their wonderful songwriting shines on “Submarines” and on the album’s first single “Ho Hey.” They ease back on the pace for the ballad “Slow It Down,” but quickly pick up the tempo back up for “Stubborn Love.” The album closes with the 5-minute blues/folk of “Morning Song.”\n\nThe Lumineers are currently on tour in the U.S. They will also be performing at the Austin City Limits festival before heading over to Europe. For more information, please visit thelumineers.com."], "url": "http://jpsmusicblog.blogspot.com/2012/07/cd-review-lumineers-debut-new-wave-of.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1e8c89c647bab5a1b5c1dbf0646ac98a63dcd6921046935a0b251ae30a602289"], "__index_level_0__": 164, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_KCjWQ9ub8zE/SvMrfGJr9sI/AAAAAAAAHkA/BZPbUKNEZ0g/s400/%407x10-Colette-storybook.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_KCjWQ9ub8zE/SvMrexKZ07I/AAAAAAAAHj4/tznhISjCGfc/s400/%40Gracestorybook2.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9566811323165894}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://judywise.blogspot.com/2009/11/artful-journey.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_KCjWQ9ub8zE/SvMrfGJr9sI/AAAAAAAAHkA/BZPbUKNEZ0g/s400/%407x10-Colette-storybook.jpg\", 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I'd never thought about that before; that making art was inventing new ways of doing familiar things and new ways of thinking. I thought about that moment this morning as I folded laundry and as I imagined the class I'll be teaching at Artful Journey in July of 2010.", null, "In this unusual class (3 entire days to revel in one subject!) we'll be inventing a lot. Bringing to life little dolls and then recording their stories, histories and life events in a booklet that we will design, make and fill. I love stories, outrageous fibs and guided play like this - a chance to dream and create. I've never had 3 days with one group of students before and I anticipate it with happiness; a chance to really get into our subjects. I expect in this amount of time we will be able to create several dolls and their stories; sign-up begins tomorrow at noon Pacific time and I look forward to a wonderful retreat and meeting some of you there. (It is located in a beautiful sanctuary like setting with on-site meals and rooming provided. Summer art camp!)\nPosted by Judy Wise at 11:43 AM", "Sarah said...\n\nOh this sounds like such a fun class! I wish I could come. Maybe one day! I like the fact that all things are linked-art and science have such links through inventiveness and the need to be creative in science to move forwards. Maths and music, pattern and maths, the list goes on. I look forward to reading about the class some day soon!\n\n12:48 PM", "Lynn said...\n\nYour dolls and books are wonderful and a terrific idea to have this sort of class.\nI got some old used childrens hard page books today to turn into art journals. I'm finally going to do this!\n\n2:08 PM", "lynne h said...\n\njudy, this is a brilliant BRILLIANT idea! xo\n\n10:46 AM", "lk moonwood said...\n\nOh what fun to catch up on your blog, Judy! The doll class looks fabulous, you've made me envious of all you journalfest attendees, and that Louise Erdrich poem is one to clip and keep forever. As usual, thank you for all that you share!\n: ) lulu\n\n10:46 PM", "La Dolce Vita said...\n\njust found your wonderful blog! I love the comment that your instructor made and this class that you originated is just wonderful!\n\n6:20 AM", "Marina said...\n\nI've seen your dolls on ADQ and I LOVE them! They're my fave in this issue. Congrats!"], "url": "http://judywise.blogspot.com/2009/11/artful-journey.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 486, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 311, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 343, "original_width": 400, "width": 440}], "image_hashes": ["91554adc59c3643c122f671e6e10968baf10c48237ea0c5d0b4c59a09aa0e10e", "0d9fd000c3cd96a6d80cfbca19f33ca76b15ba137b196ede3b9308459789558e"], "__index_level_0__": 165, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PCvB4TsQfww/TecNwRP0A9I/AAAAAAAABh0/9ksZ-cjp2bU/s640/IMG_4105_1.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9113935828208924}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://juleskraftikrafts.blogspot.com/2011/06/because-i-care-birthday-card.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PCvB4TsQfww/TecNwRP0A9I/AAAAAAAABh0/9ksZ-cjp2bU/s640/IMG_4105_1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-PCvB4TsQfww/TecNwRP0A9I/AAAAAAAABh0/9ksZ-cjp2bU/s640/IMG_4105_1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 530, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://juleskraftikrafts.blogspot.com/2011/06/because-i-care-birthday-card.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://juleskraftikrafts.blogspot.com/2011/06/because-i-care-birthday-card.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_v0OfqWTO8AI/SzkMaGjKB9I/AAAAAAAAAJA/-CO7f11oWpA/S226/stampinupwebpage.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_v0OfqWTO8AI/SzkMaGjKB9I/AAAAAAAAAJA/-CO7f11oWpA/S226/stampinupwebpage.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"stampinupwebpage\", \"alt_text\": \"Visit my Stampin' Up! 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Only excuse - lack of mojo. All I can say is I am glad I have designed my classes for June already or I would be in serious trouble.\n\nI just wanted to show you the Birthday card I made for my MIL. She loves hydrangeas so I thought I would ink up Because I Care. Here is what I came up with.", null, "I used my Stampin' Write Markers of Marina Mist and Wild Wasabi to ink up the rubber. Such an easy way to get multiple colours of ink onto your stamp. If you look closely you will see that I have stamped the hydrangea onto a piece of scrap and the cut around part of it to layer with dimensionals onto the main image. If you don't mind cutting it is a good way to add that bit extra to your projects. You can't see it too well but I have also put Dazzling Diamonds onto the hydrangea as well. My bow is after watching Teneale Williams in action at convention. Ok so I didn't go to convention but check out her blog here. She makes it look so very easy.\n\nMaterials Used: All Stampin' Up!\nStamps: Because I Care (Hostess Level 1), Bring on the Cake\nPaper: Marina Mist, Whisper White, Certainly Celery"], "url": "http://juleskraftikrafts.blogspot.com/2011/06/because-i-care-birthday-card.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 455, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 531, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["82b06714a91094675f097c65910fefb17a4908674d20ab020e93ee7ade9de5db"], "__index_level_0__": 166, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H9YGHB-UD5I/TlkxTevTSmI/AAAAAAAAF0A/f9Xqp3QJxsc/s400/tent+1.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wNo3CdgsHVI/TlkxUEbaiZI/AAAAAAAAF0E/g2wzxUdsbWw/s400/tent2.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xqzItxht7us/TlkxR91cb-I/AAAAAAAAFz8/PtufPTEzmoA/s400/scout.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9475373029708862}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://julieavisar.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-project.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H9YGHB-UD5I/TlkxTevTSmI/AAAAAAAAF0A/f9Xqp3QJxsc/s400/tent+1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H9YGHB-UD5I/TlkxTevTSmI/AAAAAAAAF0A/f9Xqp3QJxsc/s400/tent+1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tent\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 267}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://julieavisar.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-project.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wNo3CdgsHVI/TlkxUEbaiZI/AAAAAAAAF0E/g2wzxUdsbWw/s400/tent2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wNo3CdgsHVI/TlkxUEbaiZI/AAAAAAAAF0E/g2wzxUdsbWw/s400/tent2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tent\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 257}, {\"document_url\": \"http://julieavisar.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-project.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xqzItxht7us/TlkxR91cb-I/AAAAAAAAFz8/PtufPTEzmoA/s400/scout.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xqzItxht7us/TlkxR91cb-I/AAAAAAAAFz8/PtufPTEzmoA/s400/scout.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"scout\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://julieavisar.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-project.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hFYr_A7IZBA/TWzN8d_hMGI/AAAAAAAAFLY/1vry5hQ5UEA/s270/sidebar4.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hFYr_A7IZBA/TWzN8d_hMGI/AAAAAAAAFLY/1vry5hQ5UEA/s270/sidebar4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sidebar\", \"rendered_width\": 139, \"rendered_height\": 66}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://julieavisar.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-project.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-F2F-iYtNL-0/TpVl-PBKjRI/AAAAAAAAF2g/zttRmnd6ooQ/s150/jumble_small.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-F2F-iYtNL-0/TpVl-PBKjRI/AAAAAAAAF2g/zttRmnd6ooQ/s150/jumble_small.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"jumble small\", \"rendered_width\": 120, \"rendered_height\": 58}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://julieavisar.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-project.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WH_4S_s9afE/TWzODBG-LQI/AAAAAAAAFLg/z5WyqFiRZMs/s270/sidebar5.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WH_4S_s9afE/TWzODBG-LQI/AAAAAAAAFLg/z5WyqFiRZMs/s270/sidebar5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sidebar\", \"rendered_width\": 62, \"rendered_height\": 74}]", "texts": [null, "i have started working on some preliminary drawings for a new project. i am really interested in the bedouin citizens and their housing structures. the simple way they live, the way these structures relate to the landscape - form and colour and their simplicity. these are also connected to my obsession with urban structures/buildings..i cant wait to further explore these subjects and start painting.", null, null, "this image is from my archive folder - taken a few months ago - its a structure built by the scouts near where we live.  I just love the form created by the simple logs and fabric.\n\nPosted by julie on Tuesday, July 13, 2010", "tags: art", "kelly said...\n\nthis is great julie! and what an intriguing structure. i got to see quite a lot of bedouin life when my folks lived in the middle east and like you it captured my imagination. really looking forward to seeing this project unfold for you. enjoy! x\n\n13 July, 2010", "lisa s said...\n\nwhat a great idea ! can't wait to see more!\n\n14 July, 2010", "Uschi said...\n\nthis is very very interesting!\nThese homes, so delicate and fragile\nand albeit a home.\nIt's a way to have a home that relates much more to nature and the ever lasting circle of life than our massive buildings.\nA beautiful project!\n\nBig big hug!", "gracia said...\n\nBeautiful drawings and a wonderful idea. I am with Lisa, I cannot wait to see more.\n\nbe well, g xo\n\n22 July, 2010", "louise said...\n\nLovely drawings, can't wait to see more and where this idea leads you. Fantastic. xo lj", "Seán O'Brien said..."], "url": "http://julieavisar.blogspot.com/2010/07/new-project.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 268, "original_width": 400, "width": 564}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 258, "original_width": 400, "width": 586}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3fc9df03e7f4d6945ae7b5b47ad8633daaad15d11fa5aff4ab1727bac00cca23", "efcc586dcda9792f4a2abd9d02b9e218a0da35db239a777b8d2d48b82855f74f", "08e097925776938e9ebeb7286da273c460b1a1d56b374cd798fe98ac20693c66"], "__index_level_0__": 167, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IGh-SeR8xF8/RjFAp9k4VFI/AAAAAAAAACY/KJoU-svfFaE/s1600/world%2Bhands.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9470414519309998}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://justawalk.blogspot.com/2015/02/it-begins-with-me_10.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IGh-SeR8xF8/RjFAp9k4VFI/AAAAAAAAACY/KJoU-svfFaE/s1600/world%2Bhands.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IGh-SeR8xF8/RjFAp9k4VFI/AAAAAAAAACY/KJoU-svfFaE/s1600/world%2Bhands.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"world Bhands\", \"rendered_width\": 296, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://justawalk.blogspot.com/2015/02/it-begins-with-me_10.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/7656/565352278619047/240/z/94014/gse_multipart6795.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/7656/565352278619047/240/z/94014/gse_multipart6795.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gse multipart\", \"rendered_width\": 126, \"rendered_height\": 124}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://justawalk.blogspot.com/2015/02/it-begins-with-me_10.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/7656/565352278619047/269/145874/gse_multipart34822.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger2/7656/565352278619047/269/145874/gse_multipart34822.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gse multipart\", \"rendered_width\": 268, \"rendered_height\": 161}]", "texts": ["Tuesday, February 10, 2015\n\nIt Begins With Me!", null, "The bell rings loudest in your own home.\n~ Yoruba proverb\n\nAs you look around the community, society, the world, you probably see many things you would like to change. Recent changes in my life have raised my conscienousness to a higher level and created a deeper desire to make a difference in the lives of others. My path is growing stronger toward a commitment for change.\nInjustice, inequality, hatred and poverty probably disturb you. They do me. We may be angered by the lack of respect and insensitivity to people and their needs creating an impetus for us want to speak out and take action -- to strike out and make changes happen, but what comes to mind is that God works from the inside out. I believe we must first look within ourselves to eliminate the fear, the anger, the imbalance in our lives. Then and only then can we move forward to create peacefully and powerfully the changes needed in the world.", "May I just say what a comfort to find an individual who truly understands what they are talking about over the internet.\n\nMy page - advanced search engine optimization\n\nFebruary 11, 2015 at 5:36 AM", "Connecticut Yankee said...\n\nThank you."], "url": "http://justawalk.blogspot.com/2015/02/it-begins-with-me_10.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 408, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 463, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["acc1e711c99ac17ed5b11b47ac432ed3018b3c97302c177d299b2e02541ad33f"], "__index_level_0__": 168, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lHO6l2QvxDw/WMyQpzUrEiI/AAAAAAAAYWM/E8sv2oNemwU10Giu2FyN_YuijsvBh0NxACLcB/s320/17190418_10154936527490575_9012902598082060176_n.jpg", null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JME4oS9Udbo/WMyQp3n6LlI/AAAAAAAAYWI/xHrdz_rHWeU8Ooi84FkWc5ecktwzkwZhACLcB/s320/17265085_10154939834315575_5997815828793063937_n.jpg", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bWjiEXojVvA/WMyQpwN3G8I/AAAAAAAAYWE/l5snMnqsHLYw4jeFBuHwvAzFfC05hAa1wCLcB/s320/17359035_10154936527365575_4484647628649349791_o.jpg", null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yLBSkcrQF44/WMyQqDJeN8I/AAAAAAAAYWQ/E_zXzUr1PuYMND_UKqyeLwFC-b6jL7HdQCLcB/s320/17359305_10154936527425575_4869165314693773568_o.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9722936153411864}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://justseven.blogspot.com/2017/03/making-up-for-lost-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lHO6l2QvxDw/WMyQpzUrEiI/AAAAAAAAYWM/E8sv2oNemwU10Giu2FyN_YuijsvBh0NxACLcB/s320/17190418_10154936527490575_9012902598082060176_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lHO6l2QvxDw/WMyQpzUrEiI/AAAAAAAAYWM/E8sv2oNemwU10Giu2FyN_YuijsvBh0NxACLcB/s320/17190418_10154936527490575_9012902598082060176_n.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 211}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://justseven.blogspot.com/2017/03/making-up-for-lost-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JME4oS9Udbo/WMyQp3n6LlI/AAAAAAAAYWI/xHrdz_rHWeU8Ooi84FkWc5ecktwzkwZhACLcB/s320/17265085_10154939834315575_5997815828793063937_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JME4oS9Udbo/WMyQp3n6LlI/AAAAAAAAYWI/xHrdz_rHWeU8Ooi84FkWc5ecktwzkwZhACLcB/s320/17265085_10154939834315575_5997815828793063937_n.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 212}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://justseven.blogspot.com/2017/03/making-up-for-lost-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bWjiEXojVvA/WMyQpwN3G8I/AAAAAAAAYWE/l5snMnqsHLYw4jeFBuHwvAzFfC05hAa1wCLcB/s320/17359035_10154936527365575_4484647628649349791_o.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bWjiEXojVvA/WMyQpwN3G8I/AAAAAAAAYWE/l5snMnqsHLYw4jeFBuHwvAzFfC05hAa1wCLcB/s320/17359035_10154936527365575_4484647628649349791_o.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 213, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://justseven.blogspot.com/2017/03/making-up-for-lost-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yLBSkcrQF44/WMyQqDJeN8I/AAAAAAAAYWQ/E_zXzUr1PuYMND_UKqyeLwFC-b6jL7HdQCLcB/s320/17359305_10154936527425575_4869165314693773568_o.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yLBSkcrQF44/WMyQqDJeN8I/AAAAAAAAYWQ/E_zXzUr1PuYMND_UKqyeLwFC-b6jL7HdQCLcB/s320/17359305_10154936527425575_4869165314693773568_o.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 213, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://justseven.blogspot.com/2017/03/making-up-for-lost-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images.compassion.com/images/120x240.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images.compassion.com/images/120x240.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Sponsor a Child in Jesus Name with Compassion\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "I missed two days of work due to the storm this past week, so when my boss sent a text saying this weekend was available, I decided to accept the hours. In the meantime I found the backyard snow sculptures pretty impressive. Half of our snow accumulation blew away before the warm up even began.", null, "Dips and swirls. A friend said it looks like a desert landscape, but I found no miniature camel to place in the vast expanse.", null, "Out by the door to the chicken coop and all along its outer edge was a drift of sculpted snow sharpened into pointed peaks along a narrow pathway between the drift and the coop. The bin of feed was all but buried, the hinged lid barely, but still accessible, between the pointed peaks and the wall of the chicken house. We could get the door open just enough to squeeze through to feed and water the peckers. (They were a little over zealous today and pecked my fingers...)", null, "Today the melting snow, which had collected on the roof of the coop (which is underneath the barn roof), dripped water on my head as I unhooked the door and filled my container with feed. I was puzzled at first, but then I remembered the ferocious swirling blizzard and how it had even made it's way around the backside of the enclosure and lay in a thin blanket across the rear edge of the interior. The chickens have been inside for about a week's time. The one day I offered to let them out, they took one look at the snow and decided to stay in. I am struggling with their insistence on crossing the street to visit the neighbor's yard. I am less worried about their safety, than that of my neighbors. Mr. Rooster has quite the attitude and I really don't need him deciding to take out his aggression on any unsuspecting victim. It's been suggested that maybe I should try keeping him in when I let the hens out. Maybe I'll try it.\nPosted by Martha at 10:07 PM", "Labels: chickens, going to work, snow\n\nBlog clothes", "Here I am", "Books I've been reading in 2017", "Dutch Proverbs (just for fun)\n\nIt's easy to cut big chunks from someone else's cheese.", "Please Help", "Sponsor a Child", "What's Up With the Weather?"], "url": "http://justseven.blogspot.com/2017/03/making-up-for-lost-time.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["9d33fb5b494f73f182a9bd2ad8be3747dfc23ec79cc2d984704e10d9e9fdd73d", "dd87dd7ceb4916ce5c20449e7d0834a49c245919dff813479d0304d6dfc02358", "fb943595002bc1519e78e0b2041265f996b44b249ce894d669bfc76a1346cd0d", 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Hope you can make plans to stop back and join me for that share.  Keep Living Your Dream!\nPosted by Kadie Labadie at Tuesday, March 22, 2016", "Mary Fish said...\n\nTwoie will be the hit of day care. Darling ways to dress up the treats (love the suckers).\n\nMarch 23, 2016 at 7:27 AM", "Kadie Labadie said...\n\nThanks Mary! The suckers were his FAVORITE treat....Sent extras and he had those eaten in less than 5-minutes!\n\nMarch 23, 2016 at 7:32 AM", "Lynn Gauthier said...\n\nAmazing projects Kadie! Now who would have thought to decorate a juice box. The suckers are fabulous. Well done on all my Friend!\n\nMarch 30, 2016 at 2:59 AM", "Thanks Lynn. Twoie LOVED all his treats and I have to say....they were FUN to make."], "url": "http://kardsbykadie.blogspot.com/2016/03/3-d-tuesday-twoies-easter-treats.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 259, "original_width": 320, "width": 467}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 262, "original_width": 320, "width": 461}, {"height": 530, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 228, "width": 378}, {"height": 598, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 202, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 238, "original_width": 320, "width": 508}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 209, "original_width": 320, "width": 578}, {"height": 380, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 318, "width": 378}, {"height": 425, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 284, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d26f5ef858bec3bb7512516ec1204bd7a81e838f087745635c43d776fe9d2181", "cdb3acf54594014f41a4974e5964e012f18b99d0e63609e1e3d23735ea1c9112", "562a9128e196e0d1212b0675993a8a8f99e19f630ac44dae5a53f294afb6cab9", "efdabd98a124e3810c9412ff4b7867fde5cdbd7f11ae407e0de81a714e07b9d2", "6247a72e2aea160f286afd9eeb7ca1bf3acd89b3e6aa9aaed94053fb89ded810", "ce438bc191ccdde56d479395717f29a790270a60243549834472c6ee2c531eff", "97262c54595e91d8c8d17c2a2ef12556862ed204e39a3cd22c37eec1b9f9057f", "2656c1f4b84eb10a035963a580ebcea723ab11eecdd791f3e9023c849ea19cf0"], "__index_level_0__": 170, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ycBLpZtrc78/V_rPwhEUnQI/AAAAAAAAEZM/HusVtzRZSZQ/I/photo_703026.jpg", null, "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-rYPfne_PKhI/V_rPxFrx02I/AAAAAAAAEZQ/D2UQO00gRVY/I/photo_234654.jpg", null, "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7oRsitpReBA/V_rPxXl-CzI/AAAAAAAAEZU/_UOAjo9ShoA/I/photo_506924.jpg", null, "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-XThullvxVY8/V_rPx_9MrtI/AAAAAAAAEZY/a5aP5ZvxJ-c/I/photo_703618.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9024051427841188}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://khelikarma.blogspot.com/2016/10/a-scrappy-finish.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ycBLpZtrc78/V_rPwhEUnQI/AAAAAAAAEZM/HusVtzRZSZQ/I/photo_703026.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-ycBLpZtrc78/V_rPwhEUnQI/AAAAAAAAEZM/HusVtzRZSZQ/I/photo_703026.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://khelikarma.blogspot.com/2016/10/a-scrappy-finish.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-rYPfne_PKhI/V_rPxFrx02I/AAAAAAAAEZQ/D2UQO00gRVY/I/photo_234654.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-rYPfne_PKhI/V_rPxFrx02I/AAAAAAAAEZQ/D2UQO00gRVY/I/photo_234654.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://khelikarma.blogspot.com/2016/10/a-scrappy-finish.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7oRsitpReBA/V_rPxXl-CzI/AAAAAAAAEZU/_UOAjo9ShoA/I/photo_506924.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-7oRsitpReBA/V_rPxXl-CzI/AAAAAAAAEZU/_UOAjo9ShoA/I/photo_506924.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://khelikarma.blogspot.com/2016/10/a-scrappy-finish.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-XThullvxVY8/V_rPx_9MrtI/AAAAAAAAEZY/a5aP5ZvxJ-c/I/photo_703618.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-XThullvxVY8/V_rPx_9MrtI/AAAAAAAAEZY/a5aP5ZvxJ-c/I/photo_703618.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Yes, this is from a #MSQC tutorial and pattern, but isn't it cute?", null, "This went together like a dream. I cut 2 1/2 inch strips from my scrap box, and used some cream yardage from my stash.\nKerley likes it too!", null, "He may have tried to claim it.", null, "But this is a gift!", null], "url": "http://khelikarma.blogspot.com/2016/10/a-scrappy-finish.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 293, "original_width": 400, "width": 516}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 391, "original_width": 400, "width": 386}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 393, "original_width": 400, "width": 384}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 293, "original_width": 400, "width": 516}], "image_hashes": ["e4fa27c8d686a4092a9d7fc789301ec52cd020e374b205549e9679f1208e7eb4", "c4f39fa71921c6cd21c7dc08e1873fc394f8e5cc11a328d5578e690266cde199", "b6fc9f103a59e7ec547f858dff23bebe2c4baa809116c8d0488503170641c655", "2cb8553a520c07a75aeb3cdb08df87c9e2baad30dc86cbe9905eaaa217cb63e9"], "__index_level_0__": 171, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_SiJXHqm2Nr0/RtEC4ezqzwI/AAAAAAAAAGQ/RzzOrJ88ETM/s320/0824071426.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8834475874900818}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://kimberlypye.blogspot.com/2007/08/on-bender.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_SiJXHqm2Nr0/RtEC4ezqzwI/AAAAAAAAAGQ/RzzOrJ88ETM/s320/0824071426.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_SiJXHqm2Nr0/RtEC4ezqzwI/AAAAAAAAAGQ/RzzOrJ88ETM/s320/0824071426.jpg\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://kimberlypye.blogspot.com/2007/08/on-bender.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-sHwznmUDCEo/VOZXPGOu2kI/AAAAAAAAO2A/limbEJ4rN40/s80/ABM_1411946717.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sHwznmUDCEo/VOZXPGOu2kI/AAAAAAAAO2A/limbEJ4rN40/s80/ABM_1411946717.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ABM\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 53, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Bender is done! I didn't think he would be complete without a bottle of beer and a cigar, so I designed a pattern for them (see below).", null, "Bender Bending Rodriguez with Beer and Cigar.\nBeer Bottle (worked in the round):\n1. (In brown.) 4\n2. 8\n3. 12\n4. 16\n5. (Back loop only.) 16\n6. thru 8. 16\n9. (Change to tan.) 16\n10. thru 14. 16\n15. (Change back to brown.) 16\n16. 16\n17. 11\n18. thru 24. 8\n25. sl st around (Leave the bottle open so he can drink it!)\n\nCigar (worked in the round):\n1. (In red.) 4\n3. (Change to brown. Back loop only.) 8\n4. thru 10. 8\nStuff. Pinch together and seal off.", "theaudiochick said...\n\nthat is awesome. I hope you dont mind but I was thinking of using your pattern to make a Rum bottle for a girl I work with. love Bender too!\n\n9:50 AM", "Jenny said...\n\nI just made both to go with the Bender I made for my boyfriend. I can't even tell you how excited he is. Thank you so much!"], "url": "http://kimberlypye.blogspot.com/2007/08/on-bender.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["0ade8ad7b27fa2b31bd9192fd540d232edc633426cf5c7ebc35e542129249a43"], "__index_level_0__": 172, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_kDDfkkWnWqU/TCyljwRqDUI/AAAAAAAAM_Q/-vhTGfWC_Y0/s400/Picture+9.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7143550515174866}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://kissthebrideguide.blogspot.com/2010/06/cake-flavors.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_kDDfkkWnWqU/TCyljwRqDUI/AAAAAAAAM_Q/-vhTGfWC_Y0/s400/Picture+9.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_kDDfkkWnWqU/TCyljwRqDUI/AAAAAAAAM_Q/-vhTGfWC_Y0/s400/Picture+9.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Picture\", \"rendered_width\": 318, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://kissthebrideguide.blogspot.com/2010/06/cake-flavors.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-wmOxBnrFtYM/UQMPCm69BeI/AAAAAAAAQo8/cbFGmA7I4Bc/s80/Screen%2Bshot%2B2013-01-24%2Bat%2B4.02.53%2BPM.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wmOxBnrFtYM/UQMPCm69BeI/AAAAAAAAQo8/cbFGmA7I4Bc/s80/Screen%2Bshot%2B2013-01-24%2Bat%2B4.02.53%2BPM.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen Bshot B Bat B\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Cake Flavors...", null, "I am liking the idea of adding a little element of surprise when it comes to the wedding cake. Here are some fun unique flavors on Martha Stewart."], "url": "http://kissthebrideguide.blogspot.com/2010/06/cake-flavors.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 474, "original_height": 281, "original_width": 224, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["543b1e66138473caf7b4c0558af7a17c113a8ec4651ba048d975780f3bd56f4c"], "__index_level_0__": 173, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_XXo8kZdDFKk/Sc7oj5uT-nI/AAAAAAAABGA/K0b78g4jm3E/s200/100_3908.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_XXo8kZdDFKk/Sc7o82Dl2cI/AAAAAAAABGI/NDwT6O5x4TQ/s200/March+003.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_XXo8kZdDFKk/Sc7o8zsvV_I/AAAAAAAABGQ/C-cAPyXz-kU/s200/March+002.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_XXo8kZdDFKk/Sc7qJS3_SeI/AAAAAAAABGY/iHI6AFLsG4Y/s200/100_3909.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_XXo8kZdDFKk/Sc7q_hFhaTI/AAAAAAAABGo/R-ngbTd9w9k/s200/March+001.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 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I think I already told you I planted tomato seedlings (so as not to be held hostage by the Tomato Consortium and their outrageous pricing structure). I also planted beans and peas.\n\nThis little tray/greenhouse is sheer genius, btw. It has a mat underneath that sucks up the water and keeps the soil moist. Because I sometimes forget to water my plants. Not my fault, of course. If the plants would do the water dance, like GenGen", null, "or sit and stare accusingly by the empty water dish, like Zeus", null, "then I might remember.\n\nBut to just sit there and silently wilt away… I think my plants have to take some responsibility for their situation.\n\nAnyway, I planted these things and, as you can see, the tomatoes are doing well. Nice moderate growth. Peas are looking good, too.", null, "But Sweet Sassyfrassy! Look at the beans! They are growing about 2 inches a day. That means I could actually watch them grow if I wanted. It’s like those crazy stop-motion movies of plants you had to watch in jr. high science class. (Almost as creepy as the stop-motion movie of army ants stripping a cow to the bone from the same class.)\n\nIt’s like that movie…", "Oh! Look out M and E! Don’t turn your back on the beans!", null, "posted by Patwoman | 11:12 PM | 2 comments", "Friday, March 27, 2009\n\nPatwoman’s Job Hunting Tips", "I’m going to give you some advice here, and I hope you take it. First of all, don’t do drugs. But if you have to do drugs, don’t do them while you are job hunting. Jeez Crackers, people! If you can’t take a break long enough to get a job, get some help.\n\nAnd if I tell you to get a drug screen within 24 hours, it means within 24 hours. Especially if I say “It’s very important that you get this done within 24 hours. You can’t work until I get the results back. And if you don’t take it within 24 hours, it’s the same as taking it and failing it. Do you understand?” Does that mean get it done 3 days later? No. It means within 24 hours.\n\nIf that’s not clear, we’ve got some other, serious issues with communication.\n\nBut let’s say you’ve been partying and you know you’re not going to pass the drug test. You’ve got some options.\n\n1. My favorite – Just decline the position. You know you’re not going to pass. Cowboy up, sweetheart and take your medicine. Don’t waste my time and yours.", "2. Try and take the drug test on the off chance that whatever you’ve done has worked itself out of your system by now. Probably not and your probably just wasting everyone’s time and money. But, some people still get surprised. (Someone told me once, “It was only pot.” I’ve also heard, “I only do drugs recreationally” and “I was just in the car with a bunch of people who may have been smoking pot before I even got in the car” and “But I promise I won’t be high while I’m at work.”)\n\nYou’re stupid, and here’s why: I’m not even going to comment on the legalize thing. Not my issue. Not going to make a health statement. But, I’ve told you every step of the way that you would have to pass a drug screen to be hired. At least a week has passed since I first told you. You signed 2 waivers for drug screen testing. So you are a) a liar, b) stupid, or c) under the impression I am stupid. Are you high now?", "3. Try and pass the drug test using some “method” that you’ve bought at a tattoo parlor. Everybody knows somebody who’s used this and swears it’s worked. Everybody knows somebody who can tell you the “science” behind why it works.\n\nListen, those things don’t work. Different drugs take different amounts of time to work through your system. It depends on how much you had, how long ago it was, how much you weigh, what percentage of body fat you have, how hydrated your cells are (not how much water you’ve had to drink), what gender you are, and what other vitamins and minerals and chemicals are present in your body.\n\nWhen those “methods” work, they do so by accident. Most of them are diuretics, which just make you pee. That gives your pee a different quality and the Medical Review Officer knows it and you fail. Some of them also require you to drink a lot of water, which also gives your pee a different gravity and you fail. Some of them are vitamins that are supposed to hide the drug. They don’t.\n\nThose people who’ve passed a test using one of these products? Lucky. That’s all.\n\n4. Try and pass the test by using someone else’s pee. You can’t keep pee on the outside of your body at the same temperature as the inside of your body. No matter what you do. That’s why they check your temperature, stupid. BTW, microwaved pee is a dead giveaway.", "5. Wait 3 days to get the test done and then swear you had it done within the 24 hour period and people are just framing you. Because it’s not like that chain of custody form has a time/date stamp on it. (And one that you signed the time/date) And it’s not like there are 4 other copies of that form that go to different places. So you can’t conveniently “lose” yours or conveniently not be able to read the dates. Here’s a news flash: I’ve got a copy.\n\nIt’s been a bad day.\n\nposted by Patwoman | 9:36 PM | 1 comments", "Sunday, March 22, 2009\n\nI'm Corny, That's What That Means\n\nWhat Kind of Muffin Are You?\n\nposted by Patwoman | 11:23 AM | 0 comments", "Saturday, March 21, 2009\n\nEnglish Is The Funniest Language\n\nTrue dat. And I’m not even going to get into dialect. (Like, if you want to get punched in the throat, tell me the President lives in Warshington. Or just axe me if he does.)\n\nNo, I mean, I love expressions and the way they evolved. Like zounds from God’s wounds, or hoist by his own petard. (It was a long time before I actually knew what a petard was. I thought it was something else.)", "M and I watched Young Frankenstein the other day. (Let’s not even talk about the awesome geniusness that is Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder.) But there is this great line where Dr. Frankenstein says “Damn your eyes!” and Igor replies “Too late.” So easy. It really is the low-hanging fruit of jokes. But still I laughed.\n\nThen I started thinking about the evolution of such a phrase. Why would someone say that in the first place? My friend Google is not much help with this phrase, mainly because no one seems to know its origin.\n\nI’m thinking it was some childish argument…", "Damn your impertinence.\n\nDamn your interfering.\n\nDamn your black heart.\n\nDamn your eternal soul.\n\nYeah, well, damn your… uh… your… uh…damn your eyes!\n\nIt’s such an exquisite curse. It’s harsh. It’s specific. And it’s cryptic as hell. What does that even mean, damn your eyes? Why my eyes? Why not damn my inquisitive mind? Why not damn my smartass attitude or my borderline insubordination?\n\nDamn your eyes is the kind of thing that first of all lets you know you’ve been cursed at and second of all makes you go WTF? In fact, I think damn your eyes is just a little worse than anything else you could damn, just because of its huh? factor.\n\nThat is so my new expression.\n\nposted by Patwoman | 3:00 PM | 0 comments", "Friday, March 20, 2009\n\nMore Retrospective\n\nI probably should’ve posted this earlier, too. I just couldn’t decide what I wanted to say about it. I’m just going to put it out there and you see what you think.\n\nSo, it’s St. Patrick’s day and I’m driving home. As you know, I pass through a couple of questionable neighborhoods on my commute. Tuesday was no different.\n\nBut, as I’m driving through one of those neighborhoods, I see a crowd of people at the front door of this Irish pub. The pub’s got a tent up, and giant green shamrocks on the front windows, and big signs proclaiming “Happy St. Paddy’s Day.” There’s music playing, and people drinking (even at 5:15), and a real party atmosphere around.\n\nTraffic’s slow here, because of all the pedestrians who are crossing the street from the empty lot on the other side. Well dressed, well-off pedestrians who are coming from their Hummers and SUVs to party at this Irish pub in a bad neighborhood.\n\nAnd they pass right by the homeless lady who sits on a blanket on the ground every day with a cardboard sign that says WILL CROCHET 4 FOOD.\n\nposted by Patwoman | 8:14 PM | 0 comments", "K8tie Visits", "I meant to post this earlier in the week, but I’ve been busier than a one-armed paper hanger in a room full of rocking chairs. Wait. I think I just mixed a metaphor. (What’s a metaphor? For the cows to graze in, silly.) You know what I mean.", null, "Anyway, guess what? K8tie came to visit me last weekend! It was really cool to see her and her family and talk with her. And she brought prezzies… Yes! Take a look at this yarn. Love the Jayne’s Hat in the middle. (Oh, this pic is bad. Bad light. I'll replace it. Don't worry.)\n\nAnd—how stupid is this?—I forgot to take any pictures. Had an effin camera in my purse. Had an effin camera on my phone.\n\nI have got to stop eating paint chips.\n\nposted by Patwoman | 8:09 PM | 0 comments", "Friday, March 13, 2009\n\nThis Totally Cracks Me Up\n\nMainly because it’s pretty dead on. (And because of the picture.)", "Quizzes Girls Games\n\nposted by Patwoman | 12:15 PM | 0 comments", "Thursday, March 12, 2009\n\nCreepy Robot Teaches At Japanese School\n\nWhen I first read that headline, I thought maybe my high school algebra teacher must have moved to Japan. But then, I read on and realized the story was about a real robot. I must say, that interested me about 17 times more than a story about Mr. Castle. In fact, just thinking of Period 6 math makes me want to…\n\nWha-? Where am I?", "Oh, yeah. Robots. You know I love ‘em. That’s why I can’t figure out why all these websites rag on them so much. Yeah, sure, she’s got a brain made of circuits and wiring. Don’t we all? (Basically) And sure, her emotions are fake, programmed into her fake brain and expressed by her fake plastic face.\n\nBut let me put this to you… Some of the Plastic Barbies at my high school went on to become teachers. Some of the Plastic Barbies at my college went on to become teachers. Are they more real than this Japanese teacher?\n\nNo. Because, there is always the possibility that one day, the Robot Teacher could develop real emotions and real personality.\n\nYou go, Robot Teacher. Good for you!\n\nposted by Patwoman | 6:07 PM | 0 comments", "Wednesday, March 11, 2009\n\nBehive Phone Cozy\n\nThere is a person in my office who has an obnoxious ringtone on their personal cell phone. This thing goes off about a hundred times a day and it drives me crazy. Tip for the workplace, people: Not everyone loves American Idol wannabes. Put your phone on vibrate.", "My phone rings a lot these days because someone is apparently trying to reach \"Cole.\" At least once a day I get \"Is Cole there?\" and I have to say, \"No. Wrong number.\" It's been happening for about a week now. I fully expect to get this call tomorrow: \"Hi, it's Cole. Any calls for me?\"\n\nBut you see, my personal cell phone is on vibrate throughout the workday. I put it on a file on the desk, so when it rings, it makes a soft buzz that I can hear just fine, but it does not disturb anyone else. I’m thoughtful that way. I’m also thoughtful enough not to take other people’s stuff off the printer and toss it off to the side in a random pile just because it’s not my stuff. But that’s just me.\n\nSo, I’m sitting there last night, with my fidgety hands (because I finished knitting the cablelicious purse, but I’m not ready to seam right now) and I look down at my naked phone, and I think “I’ll knit a phone cozy.” And, since my phone buzzes through the day, I thought it would be cute to knit a cozy shaped like a beehive.", null, "So, here it is, The Beehive Phone Cozy. Pattern is on the sidebar links. This took me a very small amount of yarn, perfect for using the leftover gold from your Jayne Hat. As you can see, I’m not the world’s best embroiderer, but I think it looks pretty cute.\n\nTook only about an hour to make, so I wasn’t overly concerned when M said “Hey, I wonder if that will fit my iPhone?”\n\nIt will, by the way.\n\nposted by Patwoman | 11:44 PM | 0 comments", "Sunday, March 08, 2009\n\nIf You Give A Mouse A Cookie\n\nHe’s just going to eat the whole damn box and leave you with no Samoas at all.", "“Who ate all the cookies?” And he's so evasive about it, my son. “Well, I don’t think any one person ate all the cookies, Mom. That’s an unreasonable assumption.”\n\n“Well, did you eat them?” Offended look. “What? Did I eat all of the cookies? I can safely say I did not eat all the cookies.”\n\n“Look, all I know is that there are no more Samoas.” Now R makes a big show of looking around at the empty spot on the counter, where the cookies used to be. “Hm. You may be right.”", "And you know what else makes me crazy? Those are not the only cookies I bought. I have 6 other boxes of GS cookies coming, from various sources (because all the kids in my neighborhood know I’m a soft touch), but they have not been delivered yet.\n\nCome on, girls. I’m hurtin’!\n\nposted by Patwoman | 3:34 PM | 3 comments", "Saturday, March 07, 2009\n\nGo See Watchmen", "No kidding. I thought it was great.\n\nWell, if you like to see super heroes that are maybe not so super (except one) and not always all that heroic. If you're a Superman fan, you're not gonna like it.\n\nI read this graphic novel back when it first came out, what? Twenty years ago, or so? A friend had recommended it. It was the first comic I'd ever seen with red blood. (The comic code had prohibited it before. Before that time, blood on comic book pages was black.) It was the first comic I'd ever seen with sex in it. (I mean real comics, not those underground porn comics.)\n\nSo, I know the book has a huge cult following. But, honestly, I forgot about most of the plot. So this movie was pretty much new stuff to me when we saw it last night. And I liked it a lot.\n\nSo go see it.\n\nEspecially if you like seeing glowing blue peens.", null, "posted by Patwoman | 5:38 PM | 2 comments", "Thursday, March 05, 2009\n\nOn Planning Ahead, Keeping Secrets, and Blogging\n\nEvery year I say I’m not going to do any Christmas knitting. But then I always do. It’s because of the conflicting feedback I get from recipients, I guess.", null, "Some of it is really negative. Like, my MIL putting my afghan in a garage sale. For $1. Or my own dad telling me “I don’t want this.” Or just the not-even-saying-thanks attitude that some people get, because you made something. You know, like it’s not a real gift. Or you cheaped out on them or something. (Because they’ve obviously never been yarn shopping…)\n\nAnd then you get the good responses. Like my bro’s excitement over the afghan I knitted for him. Or M’s requests for items. Or Jill’s “I love it when you knit for me.”\n\nSo, you know I’m going to do it. I just decided, might as well get started now, instead of waiting until November, like always. So I made a list. And I joined a Christmas Knitting group on Ravelry. (I actually joined last year, but you know how I am. I didn’t start until November.)\n\nPlanning ahead.\n\nDo I worry about those people on my Christmas list reading this blog and spoiling the surprise? Not really. I know some people are reading me, because I can see the counter going up every day. But it’s not my family or local friends.\n\nHow do I know? Well, every now and then someone will say something like “Oh, did you see that article about the robots in Japan? You should write about that on your blog.” And I’m like, “Uh, I wrote about 10 posts about that over the last 6 weeks.” Or someone will say “Adam West is your favorite celebrity? Who’s Adam West?”", "Sometimes, they try to make me feel better about it by saying “Oh, I’ve been so busy, I haven’t read your blog in a few days. I need to catch up.” Cricket. Cricket. Blink. Blink. If you’ve ever read my blog, you know who Adam West is.", "Yeah, okay. Whatever. I guess it’s okay that blood relatives and the friends that I see in person don’t read my blog. And you know R & M stopped reading Mommy’s blog right after the first penis reference. (So, luckily, they’ve missed the whole Batman/Patwoman fantasy.)\n\nIt’s okay, because I have all of you. (You know who you are.) And you like to hear about stuff like shirtless men and robots and phalluses and space travel and Adam West, don’t you? Sometimes all in the same posting, even!\n\nAnyway, the point of all of that is, I’m not worried about spoiling any Christmas surprises by blogging about it. In fact, I’ll let you in on the fact that I have already knitted cup cozies for my coworkers and I am in the process of knitting a cabletastic purse for M. (Because I am frustrated all to hell with the baby sweater.) I will show you the other stuff as I finish.\n\nIt will be our secret. Right, Adam?\n\nposted by Patwoman | 7:34 PM | 0 comments", "Wednesday, March 04, 2009\n\nThe One Where Patwoman Finally Breaks Down And Goes To The Doctor\n\nDon't you love it when you're sick and people are like, \"Are you feeling any better?\" But you know what they mean is, \"Wow, are you still sick?\"\n\nLook, I didn't want to go to the doctor for a common cold. Colds go away by themselves. Go to the doctor for a cold and she will say, drink lots of fluids, get rest, tylenol for headache pain, you should feel better in a couple of days. If you don't get any better or if you get worse, come back.\n\nSo I just skipped that step. I drank lots of fluids, went to bed early enough to earn the ridicule of my children, had some tylenol, and ended up with a sinus infection.\n\nSo much for my home treatment, eh?\n\nHit the doctor's office on the way home. Got a scrip for some antibiotics. Oh yeah, and she told me, drink lots of fluids, get rest, tylenol for headache pain, you should feel better in a couple of days. If you don't get any better or if you get worse, come back.\n\nposted by Patwoman | 6:12 AM | 0 comments", "Monday, March 02, 2009\n\nBeam Me Up, Scotty... Uh, On Second Thought...", "Scientists at the Joint Quantum Institute (JQI) at the University of Maryland and the University of Michigan have published a paper that basically says, Hey, here's how we can teleport people.\n\nI guess maybe I don’t understand quantum physics as well as I should. Seems to me, what they are doing is not so much teleporting as they are faxing. That is, they are sending info across a distance, but the original info still exists.\n\nSo what happens to my real body when I teleport from the deck of the Enterprise down to the surface of Risa? (And let’s not even talk about what the definition of real is. Or whether my soul is duplicated at the same time my body is. Or whether this new copy-body is me or someone else. Or how well the fax machine in my office works.)\n\nLet’s just talk about the actual, physical, original body. What happens to that when the copy-body shows up on Risa? Is the original destroyed in the process? (Seems like it would have to be, just to make this thing work.) Or have I just duplicated myself?\n\nAlthough, as cool as I’m sure all of you think it would be to have two (or more) Patwomans running around, I’m thinking I would just be twice as tired."], "url": "http://knit4freedom.blogspot.com/2009/03/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 174, "original_width": 200, "width": 434}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 154, "original_width": 200, "width": 490}], "image_hashes": 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that I own. This was my goal, as I unstashed, detrashed, organized my storage room. However, somewhere in all the chaos, I have misplaced this cute little book. Not only will it hold a notation of the needles that I already have, it has a handy reference for converting yards to meters and all those grams and ounces. Plus it gives me a ballpark figure of yardage needed for various articles so I can walk into a yarn store with confidence. But I lost it.....guess that is the universe's way of saying.....\"stay out of stores!\"\nPosted by Judy H at 6:08 AM 3 comments:", "Sunday, January 08, 2006\n\nSunday....Early....Need Coffee", null, "This is half of the new purse I am knitting. This is the half of the purse that on Wednesday night nearly had a Mudslide Mocha dumped on it at Borders Bookstore. Best Friend and I met up and were chatting and catching up, seated on a coach. My mocha was on the long coffee table in front of us. To my left, and facing us, was this delightful lady who was beading on a wall hanging she was making. The three of us had already traded ooohhhss and aaahhhhsss over each other's projects. Beside her was her college bound daughter and directly across from me, an older gentleman.\n\nThrough all of us, sweeps \"A Lady\", whose purse proceeds to knock my Mocha off the table onto my purse and feet. And she keeps right on going. Best Friend does a \"hey, you just knocked over her coffee\" as I am trying to get my feet out of the sticky mess. \"A Lady\" stops and glances back over her shoulder, \"I did that? Don't know how, but it's so crowded in here\" and goes right on. Thankfully, I had the coffee for a while and while warm, it wasn't hot.\n\nOlder Gentleman gets up and advises the Borders crew who come out with mop and we get everything cleaned up. Luckily, nothing spilled on the knitting or the wall hanging. I'm adopting the \"that's life---she probably had a terrible day\" which is surprising since I am usually the one that would be in-your-face/or loudly behind your back confrontational. Older Gentleman tells me that the store will replace the drink. I'm like, not worth the bother. Few minutes later, here comes Borders Lady and replaces my mocha.\n\nI just hope \"A Lady\" has a better life than she was demonstrating Wednesday night. I must have a pretty good one as complete strangers took care of me.\n\nI hate to brag on myself (no I don't), but just about have the storage room turned into something usable. Moved enough stuff out. I mean out all the way to Goodwill. Now I moved a drop leaf table up there. This way I can open it up and use the table for crafting, or sorting fibers (next job).\n\nIn the meantime, during non-purging of storage room, I am working on this scarf out of baby alpaca. Really the yarn is so soft I want a full body suit out of it. I also finished the other half of my purple purse, so it is ready to to sewn together and lined.", null, "The yarn, Chunky Misti Alpaca is a light celery green. I can wear the scarf into springtime.\n\nOne good thing about purging my stash (and I am being brutal) is that I am pulling stuff to sell on eBay and then I do have a stack of needlework I am going to donate to a couple of woman whose home burned and they lost all their needlework stuff. Give unwanted stuff a good home.\n\nWell, off to purge another closet of \"stuff\".\nPosted by Judy H at 2:53 AM 4 comments:", "Thursday, January 05, 2006\n\nOk, I'm Nuts!", null, "This is the regular size, brown paper grocery bag (or sack, depending where you're from). It is full of pecans. Bulging full of pecans. So full I just know at some point in time one of the cats will dump it over. I have a second bag about a quarter full and there are still a ton on the ground under the two trees in the yard. My pecan-mania has gotten so bad, that as we walk out to the car (which is under the two trees) I stop and pick up nuts and put them in my pocket. Goth Daughter has gotten so that she has to tell me to \"step away from the nuts, Mom\".\n\nOne problem with the nuts however, besides my compulsive behavior to pick up every one, is that as the sun rises, the crows invade. Did I mention we have a tin roof and that the pecan trees are right over my bedroom? Did I mention that crows like to try and eat the pecans and crack them. Unfortunately, sitting in trees, crows have problems holding on to nuts. So, as I lay in bed some morning, nursing strep throat, headache, what-have-you, I get.....\n\n\"CAW, CAW...bing, bong, ting...CAW.....bam, bam, ting...CAW, CAW....\"\n\non the tin roof. If I wasn't only about 6 blocks from the police station I might be tempted to try my hand at some target practice. And the cats.....they only make the crows caw more.\n\nBy the way, those nuts don't count the ones that I gave away, or the 3 bulging quart bags of pecans in the freezer (down to 1 1/2 due to holiday baking).\n\nBut am on vacation. And what do you do besides put your feet up? You clean out the storage room and \"get organized\"! It's a new year, let's do some purging and straightening! So this is my living room. I have the save pile (shades of Clean Sweep--TV viewing does pay off after awhile), a Goodwill pile, a trash pile and an eBay pile. There is the pile that is for the senior center and piles for a couple of friends. I bring down a bin at a time, sort and return it. And in the process, organizing all my yarn and sewing supplies. I have started a data base of the yarn that I have in my stash, including gauge. Looking through some books yesterday I realized right off I have the yarn already to try a couple of patterns.", null, "And no, while I am not the world's greatest housekeeper (I'm not in the top 100 either), it normally doesn't look this bad. After all where would Goth Daughter and Trumpet Princess lounge?\n\nOne of the best things...I rounded up 11 skeins of Caron Simply Soft that I had purchased at AC Moore for \"something\" or \"somethings\" and were there. Back into an AC Moore sack they went and back to the store. Since there was no receipt, I HAD to take store credit (poor ol' me) and used it to buy the yarn for a couple of purses out of Lion Brand Wool East Thick and Quick. And a couple of skeins of Fiore. Pictures of at least part of the purse later.\n\nBack to the storage room!!!!!\nPosted by Judy H at 5:38 AM 2 comments:", "Monday, January 02, 2006\n\nDay Three and On a Roll\n\nIf you need a model, get Goth Princess occupied killing things on the TV screen and you can drape all sorts of stuff over her. Cats included. This is the loopy scarf I made out of 5 skeins of yarn my sister sent. I did 5 rows of loop stitch and 5 rows of garter stitch, using up each strand. Luckily the colors of the yarns did blend in together.", null, "The 4 legged model is Carroll (we thought it was a girl when it was little and named it Carol, turned out to be male).", null, "This is a closeup of the \"Loops and Garters\" as I call it. It was a mindless project during the holidays. What I liked about it is that I made it a little wider than I should have and it folds up on itself. Goth Daughter likes it. Trumpet Princess thinks it's weird.\n\nAlso on the holiday working on is this spiral dishcloth. I got tired of the plain square one, even though I gave them away to happy recipients right and left. Easy pattern. I have done 1 alternating colors on each of the \"wedges\" of the spiral. Good way to use up some of that left-over cotton yarn.", null, "I enjoy this washcloth a lot. Easy, easy once you get the pattern down.", null, "And this is the bottle holder I am working on getting the \"pattern\" down for. It is crocheted and was shown to me by someone who made up her pattern, every time she crocheted it. Anyway, I am trying to get a little more \"formal\", but have tons of color combinations, adding beads, etc. that I want to try.\nPosted by Judy H at 4:16 PM 4 comments:", "Day Two and Finished a Project Already!\n\nDay two of the new year and I have already reduced stash and completed a project. This is a purse that was featured on the Carol Duval show. My sister had sent me some balls of yarn and I had one ball of Patons UpCountry and one of Moda Dea Cache. The UpCountry is a chunky yarn and feels sssssooooo soft. Makes me want several balls for a shawl or sweater. I doubled up on the Cache and knitted up the purse. Since it was a cast on 30 and stockinette for 54 rows, it went really fast, about 2 hours. The lining that I am using is some white cotton that I\ndyed with the left over Lumiere paints I had in blue, green and purple. I am planning on using the rest of it for another purse that I saw on Carol Duval, but first I want to stamp some images on it with black Lumiere paint.", null, "The lining made with Lumiere paints. This is my first attempt at painting fabric and it was fun.", null, "This is the front of the purse. Since I didn't have enough chunky (the only time I feel chunky is cute) and I was combining with the Cache, I had stripes. The last stripe ended (or started) just right so that it is at the fold in the bottom on the purse.", null, "This is the back of the purse. Or I guess you could say this is the front and the other side is the back.", null, "This is a close up of the flower that is on the front/back of the purse. Since the stripes ended, I needed something in the blank space.\n\nWhat is really neat about the whole purse thing is that about 5 years ago I bought literally a SUV full of craft items at a yard sale where the lady was getting out of the flea market business. Part of it was a hefty garbage bag full of the plastic purse handles. They were all from the 60's and 70's and I just had them stuck back. Now they are in vogue again. I did paint the handle of this purse with some moss green paint since I didn't like the plain brown plastic look.\n\nNow, onward and upward. Almost finished with a hobo bag that is on the Lion Brand site, but doing it in wool and plan to felt it with a ton of flowers on it. Will see how it goes as I also plan on cleaning out the storage room this week while on vacation and the kids are in school.\nPosted by Judy H at 4:13 PM 2 comments:", "Sunday, January 01, 2006\n\nStarting Off New Year with a Bang!\n\nWell, I am starting out the new year with the designation of being a \"great mom\". Goth Daughter turned 15 on the 28th of December. We had the sleepover on New Year's Eve. A am sure there were a couple of parents that were glad they had their kid out of the house on New Year's Eve. But all her friends \"dressed up\" for the occasion and we had masks. Goth Daughter requested that I turn her Phantom of the Opera style mask into a matte black with a rose on it. I did.....sort of.....but she was happy with the result.", null, "\"I blew out 1 candle!\"\n\nShe didn't want a traditional cake, since she was going for the sophisticated look and was having hor d'orves. So I made semi-petite fours and lemon poppy seed pound cake. I stuck a candle in the center of one of the little bundt cakes.\n\nLuckily, both Best Friend and I burn candles, so we had a big supply of votives, tea lights and 1/2 used pillar candles. I saturated the room with candles and turned off the lights. They only got to come in when \"dinner was served\". Trumpet Princess got to play butler/waiter, so that made her happy she got to be in the middle of everything.", null, "This really doesn't show up the candles as well as I would like, but what can you expect, taking a picture in candlelight.", null, "One good thing about having friends who are all semi-goth, there is a lot of black. I have cats who are not afraid of anything, so black jackets to lay on is just up their alley. Keep an eye out for potential laps and get cat hair on everything. Even all the giggling didn't scare them off.\n\nSo for at least a few days I am a good mother. Trumpet Princess did not get jealous or upset or \"left out\" during the whole procedure. I basically got up Saturday morning and told her that her job was to stay out of my way and her sister's face. So she had the whole day on the computer IM'ing everyone and talking on the phone with occasional interruptions to take out some trash. Double good mother! Got things done, no fighting."], "url": "http://knottyneedle.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 565, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 565, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 565, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}], "image_hashes": ["62ef97cd06fb165fb6fd921235af68f620516adfe868dbaab643cce2cd007b67", "f9e3c2dd163d9d027bd5054c8d856582c3aec58c5b407b611b6375d8e7827f06", "1505817a58652c4bee1d0e1a4bfb268be692c9164ccfacb2b40b224abfd146bf", "11be3c13b538cf857d28d5dee92be6e9bf781a7224a14808f29d8f1ad0d3cda3", "cbbc5e32928239d048d26f0f942f33d78d35c04298e90c4f7bec5cc0c54d21d1", "4f2e1cdbabdd32eddae6c3de1f6c894c0869b15ec4b80b880a19e68800bb5088", "f8b4d58319e1b758493dfc4770be995492677c88048bdfc9a8dc9c98f64eee06", "2c95cbe2a64057ed8c6a3ff51ff7e5f356dbcbb2481bfac05b861230f72bfc3b", "3643a1facc77326fc48ac6933150479d3141b8680a70a1d522fdc616972fa1d7", "50c772c79249159dfe13926e590653e6e596176af8e49777ad352a55ed30be9a", "c6884b1aa2cbadaab8e7b28c7c0a73d5d76247cef433dd9f2a317ac9a7f995c1", "5f9f6aed1656331babbcd363b38586a15e6b0ddead573f1d79ebce9fd3ca6036", "c78f63147107e1d0e11041db999d24fe99131897d8d2a04adf0a62b69b511390", "87a85102cc929765c093290b16e0e817c4a1908f028bf2547ecc8eb0778a0297", "3e86f15cc1f410e3dc14564b3e351aa3cdef3a46e4d04510f0a55a3a337d01ae", "ddfada7b68bc4323883cb4d5246db3ec6bcf64ab8525bb920cbd0087a0739194"], "__index_level_0__": 175, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://koa.com/content/campgrounds/minneapolis-southwest/sitemap/23112sitemap02720242-97aa-48ee-a272-ac5064f108ed.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9806936383247375}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://koa.com/campgrounds/minneapolis-southwest/reviews/?page=8&sortBy=DateAdded\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/content/campgrounds/minneapolis-southwest/sitemap/23112sitemap02720242-97aa-48ee-a272-ac5064f108ed.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://koa.com/content/campgrounds/minneapolis-southwest/sitemap/23112sitemap02720242-97aa-48ee-a272-ac5064f108ed.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sitemap aa ee a ac f ed\", \"alt_text\": \"Campground Site Map\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Pros: large indoor pool, quiet and secluded, friendly and helpful staff, clean, nice showers. Cons: wifi was intermittent to non-existent, cabin air conditioner worked fine but was very loud.\n\nWifi is a constant balancing between cost and bandwidth with the amount of devices on the system. Will continue to explore improved internet service providers.", "people all around were friendly. lots felt too close. firewood was a bit expensive. Pool was supposed to be heated and it was definitely wasn't! Kids had a great time\n\nSorry the pool wasn't warm enough for you. We have it heated to 84 degrees which is above the National Pool recommend temp of 82.5 degrees. We hope to redo some of the sites to better accommodate the new, larger RV's. Thanks for the comments.", "Way too much dust from the gravel road, couldn't set outside to enjoy, needs most gravel to calm it down.\n\nLooking into options to water the road. The 4th of July week was the driest of the season.", "great stay and they had service cards as I needed a badly needed RV repair", "Stayed for one night, we were passing through. Hook up was fine. I did need an extension for electric which they had and let me use.", "We stayed for 6 days at this park, but at 2 locations. The owners were real accommodating to keep us in their KOA.", "nice pool-I like the camping cabins", "Had a group of 4 girl scout families camping for the weekend soa total of about 20+ people. Carol and Tom moved reservations around so that we all could be together. This is our families third time camping this yer so far at the Jordan SW MN KOA, it is far one of our favorite places to camp.", "my family and i were treated real well by all the koa employees for our week stay i am very pleased and i will stay there again. thank you very much. the scott grotheer family", "Such a friendly staff and so much for the kids to so on the weekend. Hay rides and tie dye shirts....ect. lots to do around the local area as well. Nice shaded sites. Just had a great time. Was sad to have to leave such a wonderful spot.", "We had a great time, the kids enjoyed the park and pool. It wqs very welcoming and clean", "We used the campground as a sleeping spot after attending a wedding nearby. Was well shaded and little noise. Will be back in Sept.", "The stay at this camp it was wonderful. All except the masqetoes were very terrible. Need to have someone spray for them. They tried to carry us away.", "We stayed 2 nights. It was over the 4th of July weekend and we were going home from a trip to the western national parks. The restrooms and showers were very clean,but this Koa just was not as nice as other koas that we have stayed at. Just not kept up and landscape as well as the others.\n\nImprovements have been made to the landscaping and appearance of the campground this past year. We recognize we have more to do. Hope you come back to see an improved campground.", "The site had a lot of shade which was nice but there was a large dirt pile in our yard from digging up the next site's waterline that had been there for five weeks according to the neighbor who was a long term renter.\n\nI apologize for the inconvenience of the maintenance issue. Experienced trouble in replacing the hydrant. Waiting on plumbers schedule.", "Easy access, clean, very pleasant management.", "KOA staff was very polite and accommodating. Park/bathrooms were clean and well kept. Would definitely rebook at KOA SW, MN!!", "We had a wonderful stay. The staff was friendly and helpful", "Very friendly staff. Clean bathrooms. Close to Minneapolis and Mallof America.", "Excellent staff, beautiful campground, very clean restrooms, and we loved the 1-room cabin. Definitely a great impression.", "Beautiful campground with great facilities. Lots of mosquitoes, but that's nobody's fault but Mother Nature! Clean and well maintained.", "Nice entryway but the actual campsites were very close to neighbors. A lot of street noise and no WiFi or satellite reception due to interference with all of the trees. But i must say the staff was very friendly. Camped in a fifth wheel toy hauler.", "Staff very friendly and helpful. Pool area very clean. Our children had a blast on the bike rentals. Miniature golf course was nice, but needs to be updated. The kid's activities were appreciated! We'll come back.", "Clean. Very friendly and helpful staff, even taking time to help us with a problem with our camper. We appreciated the folks there.", "I love this campground. The sites are pristine and very spaciious. The staff are extremely friendly. The bathrooms sre very clean and maintained. I can't wait to go back in 2 1/2 weeks", "It worked really good for us thanks", "Friendly staff, well-kept spaces, awesome pool!", "Nice clean and well maintained", "This was our first time camping as a family, and we were grateful to have such a great campground to stay at! The staff were friendly, the grounds were well-kept, and the kids LOVED the pool! We'll be coming back for sure!", "Nice area and friendly staff.", "Camping sites way too close together", "Great stay, nice pool. The only downside is the highway noise", "Great friendly staff. Loved our stay", "We are investigating TV options.", "Staff, with the exception of Tom, weren't that great. The wife of the owner, decided to charge my 4 year old for a bike he couldn't ride and it wasn't until I went to the office that I was able to get his money back. The only upside to this KOA was the heating indoor pool. Everything else has a price tag to it. So if you're looking for a relaxing inexpensive place to stay, keep the kids at home."], "url": "http://koa.com/campgrounds/minneapolis-southwest/reviews/?page=8&sortBy=DateAdded", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1669, "original_width": 2160, "width": 489}], "image_hashes": ["14288323345051d84ab9b8296d0c57016fce719642a0b96bae89347b36cbc288"], "__index_level_0__": 176, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__DR4Soci_KY/S8hlEtvRWvI/AAAAAAAACck/d1WS1BiVxAY/s320/IMG_6691.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__DR4Soci_KY/S8hkrZP-DJI/AAAAAAAACcc/YJe0f4QaKJI/s320/IMG_6692.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__DR4Soci_KY/S8hkqwJ0RWI/AAAAAAAACcU/4O_5S1fJE9o/s320/IMG_6693.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__DR4Soci_KY/S8hkHw3gnwI/AAAAAAAACcM/katIaXDduGo/s320/IMG_6695.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/__DR4Soci_KY/S8hjiQL2AgI/AAAAAAAACb0/pTQ-W_lwmFo/s320/IMG_6705.jpg", null, 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Weeding is HARD WORK! Cadence told me so. :-) The girls didn't enjoy doing this job as much as they enjoyed the previous two days, but we did get the job done & felt proud when it was finished!", null, null, null, "After working hard, I gave each of the kiddos a note that read \"Thank you for picking up the weeds & \"GRASS\" today.\" Each girl got a handful of pixie stix grass! They loved that!", null, "For our craft, we made adorable bird feeder ornaments to hang on the tree in our front yard. First you put 2 cups of bird seed in a bowl.", null, "Then you get a plastic candy mold of some sort & spray it with Pam so the treats don't stick. Next you make the gelatin. You're supposed to use the non-flavored kind, but I didn't have any on hand, so we made Cherry flavored jello. You mix 1 cup of water & 4 tablespoons of jello together over heat until the jello is fully dissolved. While I was cooking the jello, Cadence cut some straws into 4 pieces for me.", null, "Then you mix the dissolved jello into the birdseed until it's all coated.", null, "Pour it into your plastic molds & press down to compact it. Then put the straw pieces into your shapes making sure they go all the way through. This will leave a hole through your shapes so you can string ribbon through them & hang them on your trees. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours (it's better if you do it for four or more).", null, "When they're nice & hard, you can get them out of the molds, take the straws out, & thread ribbon through them. They make adorable little ornaments for your trees & the birds love them.", null, null, "The birds didn't waste any time. They chowed these down the same day we hung them up. What a fun idea huh?", null, "Then for dinner we ate Spaghetti & Meatballs . . . & Kiwi for Lorien's special dinner. She loved that. We were supposed to play Hide & Seek afterward, but the kids were so tired from weeding that they just wanted to go to bed. HOORAY!", null], "url": "http://krazykingdom.blogspot.com/2010/04/camp-yards-o-fun-day-3-first-we-went.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 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It's very quick and easy to pull together and perfect for a masculine card.\n\nThe goose is stamped on a circle cut out from the framelit set. The banner is hand cut and I added a touch of twine and a wooden button for a rustic feel.", null, "Stamps : Wetlands, Guy Greetings (sentiment)\nInk : Memento Black, Crumb Cake\nCardstock : Crumb Cake, Very Vanilla\nAccessories : Circle Framelit, twine, wooden button", "Monday, January 26, 2015\n\nFlower Patch\n\nThis card has been a work in progress for some months. I started off just randomly stamping the flowers on a scrap to see what they were like when I first got the set. It was too pretty to throw away so I decided to build a card around the scrap. I had to put an oval from around it to hide the bits that weren't too great, then added a few punched out flowers and a sentiment. Easy peasy!", null, null, "The centres of the punched out flowers are made with our pearls, coloured with blendabilities which always look SO coordinated and professional. Without the pearls, the card was a little \"blah\", but with them, I think it's a wow.", null, "Stamp Set : Flower Patch\nCardstock : Shimmery White\nInk : Calypso Coral, Strawberry Slush, Pear Pizzazz, Rich Razzleberry, Lost Lagoon, Soft Sky, Wisteria Wonder\nAccessories : Banner & Oval Framelits, Button, twine, pearls, blendabilities", "Posted by Emma Fewkes at 7:00 AM 2 comments:", "Sunday, January 25, 2015\n\nCheerful Critters\n\nI have ordered a few things from the new Stampin' Up Occasions Catalog (which is packed full of goodness, by the way). One of my co-workers asked me to make a card for her 2 year old nephew so I immediately went to this set, Cheerful Critters. It's easy to use, ridiculously 'cute' (dare I say 'super cute'?).\n\nTrue to my style, I kept is extremely simple, just 2 layers of real red and lost lagoon, with a touch of ribbon. I really like how it turned out. The colouring was done with blender pens. The crumb cake blendabilities were just way too dark for his face, I really do need to practice with those!", null, "This next card uses the same character from the set. This one is for a swap I participated in. It's also very CAS, the detail is in the watercolouring which was done with an aquapainter and re-inker. The ribbon and layering is done with Pear Pizzazz.", null, null, "I'm not a demonstrator who begs for business .... but if you DO like these projects and would like to order this set, you can do so online here. Thank you :)\n\nRecipe, Card 1\nStamp Set : Cheerful Critters, Memorable Moments (the '2')"], "url": "http://ladynthestamp.blogspot.com/2015_01_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1322, "original_width": 1600, "width": 457}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1066, "original_width": 1600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1066, "original_width": 1600, "width": 567}, {"height": 396, "original_height": 1505, "original_width": 1434, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1230, "original_width": 1600, "width": 491}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1066, "original_width": 1600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1066, "original_width": 1600, "width": 567}, {"height": 418, "original_height": 1518, "original_width": 1372, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1170, "original_width": 1600, "width": 516}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1066, "original_width": 1600, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": 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The CD comprises a four part suite (the title composition) and four other pieces.\n, invited Potter to write new music with a view to performing it at the prestigious venue. Initially, Potter had his working band in mind but in time the project grew to incorporate parts for the other musicians featured on this ECM recording.\n\nPotter’s writing evolved from ‘a non-specific utopian idea of how the modern city could be better.’ The first of eight tracks (Lament) opens with strings, bass guitar and Smith’s languid drum patterns laying the groundwork for Potter’s searching tenor saxophone.\nImaginary Cities is divided into four parts – Compassion, Dualities, Disintegration then Rebuilding. The first part hears more of Potter’s accomplished tenor playing followed by Adam Rogers’ ever-excellent guitar playing. Smith drives Dualities, lifting Potter to ever greater heights, Nelson’s vibes break away from the strings’ secure foundation seeking to emulate the bandleader’s sense of adventure. Craig Taborn plays acoustic piano on the album and sketches a delicate opening to the impressionistic Disintegration ahead of Potter’s floating soprano above a field of decaying strings. Smith’s sparkling drum part revitalises the ensemble’s optimism on the suite’s end piece, Rebuilding.\nFirefly burns brightly; Fima Ephron’s lithe bass pattern, urgent tenor, guitar and strings chase the melody, then vibes, Smith again pivotal. Shadow Self  suggests an ‘out’ string quartet piece, politely discordant. The final track, Sky, dazzles briefly (Taborn and once more Smith) and it is down to Potter to conclude matters. Imaginary Cities is released on January 19 on ECM (catalogue no. 470 4075). Chris Potter’s Underground Quartet (on this occasion Potter, Adam Rogers, Fima Ephron and Nate Smith) can be heard at Ronnie Scott’s, , February 16 and 17.\nat 00:00", "No comments :", "About this blog - contact details.", "Lance Liddle", "Create your badge", "Posting a Comment\n\n4) Click on Publish your comment..\n\n5) Type the jumbled word verification if asked.", "New Comments on Old Posts.", "Jazz Coop Spring Programme", "Looks Good!", "Jazz Café May gigs", "Looks cool man, let's dig it!", "Lit & Phil Jazz", "Spring Summer Schedule", "Jazz North East", "Latest listings", "Opus 4 January-July 2017", "Lots of good jazz coming up", "First Sunday in the Month", "A worthy cause well worth supporting", "Get typing!", "Feedback to email@example.com", "The Groove Depository\n\nCheck out the GROOVE DEPOSITORY for rare and sought after vinyl.", "Saxophone Tuition", "Also contact via 07572 417407 or email@example.com", "Sax Repairs", "Jazz Labels", "Great live downloads.", "Vintage Melody Makers 1920s/'60s", "Modern Jazz Discographies", "May 26 - 29", "Check out safari times", "June 2 - 4", "Durham is the place to be(bop)", "Sunday June 4", "Monthly gig well worth a visit.", "Tuesday May 23", "Wednesday May 24"], "url": "http://lance-bebopspokenhere.blogspot.com/2015/01/cd-review-chris-potter-underground.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 355, "original_width": 355, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["c5ccb35a9ef622a80321a94e7e19d93c16fdac8afe16c902391538d7a595bb48"], "__index_level_0__": 179, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-m74QrvRvkgk/UKFuW6RIYdI/AAAAAAAAAcA/X8neGUAaVlw/s640/Housewarming_Invitation_v1.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8507993817329407}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://laurenmagda.blogspot.com/2012/11/housewarming-invitation.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-m74QrvRvkgk/UKFuW6RIYdI/AAAAAAAAAcA/X8neGUAaVlw/s640/Housewarming_Invitation_v1.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-m74QrvRvkgk/UKFuW6RIYdI/AAAAAAAAAcA/X8neGUAaVlw/s640/Housewarming_Invitation_v1.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Housewarming Invitation v\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 456}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://laurenmagda.blogspot.com/2012/11/housewarming-invitation.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-twIhEuU6Nng/VFuMkE9jR7I/AAAAAAAAAjI/TGVnIG4UVQ8/s80/769f273dc67b2364377dfe1b7d3ce8ac.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-twIhEuU6Nng/VFuMkE9jR7I/AAAAAAAAAjI/TGVnIG4UVQ8/s80/769f273dc67b2364377dfe1b7d3ce8ac.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f dc b dfe b d ce ac\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 58}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, November 12, 2012\n\nHousewarming Invitation", null, "This was a house warming invitation that I made for my apartment but it never happened haha. Anyway, I still like it and thought it was worth posting."], "url": "http://laurenmagda.blogspot.com/2012/11/housewarming-invitation.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 457, "original_width": 640, "width": 529}], "image_hashes": ["1609f037a7748d454c837910edd5f380c10b70f96fdbe6b131f4b1d683b6277d"], "__index_level_0__": 180, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-i98_8N4YcqM/Ue5QlKG2qYI/AAAAAAAAEx0/f6ixckJBH70/s1600/2.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-igygRAVkeoc/Ue5QkgLGhAI/AAAAAAAAExs/2KBRq8ElKJM/s1600/1.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8026090860366821}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lauryngreen.blogspot.com/2013/07/my-favorite-veggie-burgers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-i98_8N4YcqM/Ue5QlKG2qYI/AAAAAAAAEx0/f6ixckJBH70/s1600/2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-i98_8N4YcqM/Ue5QlKG2qYI/AAAAAAAAEx0/f6ixckJBH70/s1600/2.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lauryngreen.blogspot.com/2013/07/my-favorite-veggie-burgers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-igygRAVkeoc/Ue5QkgLGhAI/AAAAAAAAExs/2KBRq8ElKJM/s1600/1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-igygRAVkeoc/Ue5QkgLGhAI/AAAAAAAAExs/2KBRq8ElKJM/s1600/1.jpg\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lauryngreen.blogspot.com/2013/07/my-favorite-veggie-burgers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s3.amazonaws.com/refersion_client/250/creatives/06-01-13-04-22-23_250x250+copy.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s3.amazonaws.com/refersion_client/250/creatives/06-01-13-04-22-23_250x250+copy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"copy\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://lauryngreen.blogspot.com/2013/07/my-favorite-veggie-burgers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.shareasale.com/image/43745/Affiliate_20121025_Accessories_NoShip_25.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.shareasale.com/image/43745/Affiliate_20121025_Accessories_NoShip_25.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Affiliate Accessories NoShip\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["My favorite veggie burgers", null, "Hello! Today I want to share my favorite recipe of veggie burgers. Also I've shared one made of beans, but this one is much better!\n\nIngredients for 6-7 burgers:\n\nBoil until lentils and rice are cooked and soft (about 30-40 min)\nMeanwhile, chop the onion, the carrot and the garlic and fry it in a pan with a bit of olive oil until softened a bit. Add some salt.\n\nWhen the lentils and rice are done, remove the excess of water and put them in a bowl. Mix it with the veggies, the egg, the oregano, cumin and salt until you have a soft dough. Add the cup of breadcrumbs until the mixture don't stick in your fingers.\nThen make burger shapes and fry it on a pan with olive oil.\n\nBon appetit!", null, "3 comentarios:", "Rachel Sullivan dijo...\n\nYum! I'll have to try these! I make mine with chickpeas, potato, and lemon usually, and they're really good."], "url": "http://lauryngreen.blogspot.com/2013/07/my-favorite-veggie-burgers.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 433, "original_width": 650, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 433, "original_width": 650, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["9abd8bea41411caa68f8491e99ff1680124111e02a130c8b7d2b29ff13e0c73b", "e297a6d3fd3c1150a45143977e5ed3728258055820383570ebafbc99382ce366"], "__index_level_0__": 181, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://bp0.blogger.com/_xqbiO-RiT8g/SISYik0szUI/AAAAAAAAAIU/09ByA3MPztg/s320/mamma_mia.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8579447269439697}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://leaflens.blogspot.com/2008/07/gabi-ng-mga-walang-kupas.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp0.blogger.com/_xqbiO-RiT8g/SISYik0szUI/AAAAAAAAAIU/09ByA3MPztg/s320/mamma_mia.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp0.blogger.com/_xqbiO-RiT8g/SISYik0szUI/AAAAAAAAAIU/09ByA3MPztg/s320/mamma_mia.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mamma mia\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://leaflens.blogspot.com/2008/07/gabi-ng-mga-walang-kupas.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-OxqsXf78WAc/UXEZtw-dTZI/AAAAAAAACMw/6sBaBvz6F2A/s80/moi%2Bbriankinney.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OxqsXf78WAc/UXEZtw-dTZI/AAAAAAAACMw/6sBaBvz6F2A/s80/moi%2Bbriankinney.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"moi Bbriankinney\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 68}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://leaflens.blogspot.com/2008/07/gabi-ng-mga-walang-kupas.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UOGRV0qUyrs/UkV95BA_HjI/AAAAAAAACWE/txQmd31X6ic/s1600/ask.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-UOGRV0qUyrs/UkV95BA_HjI/AAAAAAAACWE/txQmd31X6ic/s1600/ask.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ask\", \"alt_text\": \"Ansaveh?\", \"rendered_width\": 100, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "s. from the stage musical based on ABBA's songs\n\nwho doesn't love abba? buang kayo if you don't. they're just one of the greatest pop acts to appear on this planet, so there better be some abba-worship of sorts in your life.\n\nwas in the middle of my working out mode at the gym when my mum texted if i wanna go with her and pop to watch mamma mia at the nearby mall. of course i said yes, and now you know where my priorities lie. pag sinabing sine, sine! dedma sa pagpapapayat at healthy lifestyle! bakit bah.\n\ndapat lang sigurong family affair ang panonood ng pelikulang ito. my family loves music and each of my parents have their own set of favorites which i all got to hear--sometimes against my wishes--at home when i was growing up. abba was of course part of that collection, mostly my mum's, pero my pop, because he is a musikero (meron siyang \"combo\" dati dude! combo! hanep sa term!) appreciates the geniuses behind abba's timeless and iconic music. of course, namana ko ito, although a bit later. kasi i still have that teenager napahiya-sa-kamag-anak memory of me with my post-college age titas jumping and screaming at heartbeat mega disco in the late 80s when they heard \"dancing queen\" play, at iniwan kaming mga teens na china-chaperone nila para magsayaw ng kantang blast from their past sa dance floor. hm. but when i hit college, abba hit me, too, so okay na ko by then.\n\nbut abba is more than a blast from the past, kasi nga timeless siya, so kahit sa future, may importance siya. at nakakatuwang nakita ito ng tatlong babaeng lumikha ng original MAMMA MIA! THE MUSICAL sa uk in the late 90s. i have the original cast recording na at naghihintay lang na dalhin ito sa pinas, pero no such luck. i was actually planning to buy tickets for this and treat my parents to it, because i know they'll love it, especially my mum.\n\nso of course, we all love the film. grabeh! dapat ang subtitle nito ay MAMMA MIA: MERYL STREEP WALANG KUPAS. grabeh lang ang lola mo dito! naakatuwa siya. dancing and prancing and hitting the notes right, plus plus plus giving a dose of that meryl academy award-winning acting, emoting and such! panalo lang yung eksena ng \"the winner takes it all\" while she was using the song to emotionally confront and withdraw from the ghost of her past romance with pierce brosnan's character. ang hirap nun a! i remember an exercise in acting class where we were made to emote or something pero using words that didn't make any sense, basta dapat ang emotion ang mas importanteng lumabas. parang ganun yung eksenang ito. emote galore sila sa side ng isang greek isle habang hine-helicopter shot ang song number. AWARD!!!! walang kupas si meryl. syempre nakatulong dito ang music ng abba. unang linya pa lang niya ng \"i don't wanna talk...\" potah parang pinana ang puso ko at KAPOW! sapok sa tama ang song sa emotion ng scene at sa meaning and all that. potah. only women who have love and lost and know the importance of both could think of trawling through tons of abba's songs and use that to tell a narrative that is also as timeless and as universal as the songs themselves. winner!!!\n\npanalo rin ang pacing ng pelikula. minsan kasi, depende sa materyal, kung may sarili na itong buhay o wala, sometimes it takes a stupid ingot to mess it up on film. such was the case of RENT when handled by chris columbus. hay, but that's another review. oo magtutuos tayo chris columbus, humanda ka!\n\nito kasing mamma mia, klaro na musical siya. musical na klarong may montage of shots, may artistic lighting effect (another subtitle could be MAMMA MIA: THE VERY BACKLIT MOVIE kasi halos lahat ng eksena may backlight lalo na sa hair), may cool choreography at may emotions na dine-deliver ang mga eksena sa tulong ng kanta. YAN ANG MUSICAL, CHRIS COLUMBUS! hmp.\n\ni liked it that the \"dancing queen\" portion became a sort of feminist woman-power song number, when donna and the dynamos walked along the villa and every woman trapped in their daily domestic roles suddenly got empowered to join the trail until they all made a parade of sorts and ended up near the shores, tapos talon sa tubig ang tatlong bida at some of the women, too. para bang at the end, the women had some self-cleansing done and all. i liked that symbolism. panalo sha.\n\niba talaga pag mga babaeng nakakaintindi ng mga babae ang kumakana ng ganitong kuwento, no? hindi exploitative, unapologetic (we see the characters as really human) and real. it also helps na they understand the potential of the visual language that cinema could offer, freeing them of the restrictions of the four walls of the stage. in fact, i couldn't even imagine this being staged! curious.\n\ngusto ko rin yung character twist nung character ni colin firth hehe. happy. wala lang, nakahanap lang ako ng kakampi hehe.\n\nmy only beef with this movie is pierce brosnan. as dapper as he is, man, he should leave the singing and, uh, movement, to others. or gumawa siya ng support group ng \"hollywood hunks who shouldn't touch the musical genre,\" with richard gere as their president. hindi keri, mga kuya, pramis.\n\nnakakatawa lang when julie walters began singing \"take a chance\" hehehe. not only once did i use this song to woo some women. may hit, may miss, at may nag-regret na di niya pinatos hahaha. chozzzzzzzzzzzz.\n\nsee, abba not only is timeless but really useful din sa daily life. try it! di ba nga, sabi nila...\n\n...without the song and dance,\nwhat are we?\nso i say thank you for the music\nfor giving it to me...\n\nnow you know what will be on heavy rotation in my mp3 player this week.\ndiscombobulated by libay\nkaakibat: cinechichirya , musicale", "i am your best friend or worst enemy. choose.", "‘yun na.", "May tanong ka, tomboy? Tipa! Click muna.", "your two centavos pitch..."], "url": "http://leaflens.blogspot.com/2008/07/gabi-ng-mga-walang-kupas.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 549, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 220, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4c377714e5bcd67ef4f2a1a960f411866fd9e7ebfb2195773ce9acbd713b1608"], "__index_level_0__": 182, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Zfvj7e3K3iQ/TPMb5NmoHGI/AAAAAAAACp4/qpqc0zLkppY/s320/pinkhat4.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Zfvj7e3K3iQ/TPMbhaXZbZI/AAAAAAAACpw/iHWu8eZxYVM/s320/blackhat3.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Zfvj7e3K3iQ/TPQLuqFk3XI/AAAAAAAACqI/-3ykxoZ-REs/s320/il_570xN.197651767.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Zfvj7e3K3iQ/TOnENeOP00I/AAAAAAAACpg/xbq7BEn4nzI/s320/IMG_0915_1.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Zfvj7e3K3iQ/TOnD7omB3oI/AAAAAAAACpY/HmxcFF3bJFY/s320/IMG_0918_1.jpg", null, 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I had some relaxing and enjoyable days with my immediate family and the chaos of Thanksgiving day with the whole Lenox clan. I'll share pictures from the week later but I just wanted to share my new hat listings today. I got my niece Jess to do some modeling for me. She's turning into a real beauty and growing up so fast. She had fun being a super model for a few hours and did a great job I think.\n\nThese are the three hats that I have just listed in my Etsy shop. I've decided to build up my shop again as I had 2 sales the past few weeks without even trying including my most expensive scarf/hat set. Perhaps things are starting to turn around for online sales after all.", null, "The top hat is called Naturally Pink and was knit with an organic wool with environmentally friendly dyes. I used a chevron ribbed stitch which shows off the colors nicely and has lots of give. The black striped beanie is is called Silk Mountain and is from my favorite yarn brand, Noro. It is a wool, silk, mohair blend and is super soft and warm. And finally the Perfectly Purple Hat was knit with a wool handspun in lovely shades of purple, blue, and green.", null, "She also modeled some scarves too but I haven't had time to edit or list any of them yet. I'll share when I can. It's too bad she doesn't live closer as it would be nice to have such a willing model close by.", "Posted by Lenox Knits at 7:17 AM 3 comments", "Labels: family, handmade hats, hat model, knitting hats, lenox knits\n\nMerry Christmas For Me!", "Handmade Christmas For Me! by paigegeorge\n\nSo the big holiday shopping season is almost upon us. I've already gotten my big gift for the year. My Mom and Uncle got me the Canon Speedlite 430EX, an external flash for my camera, for my birthday/Christmas. I haven't had a chance to play with it much but I'm hoping to put it to use this week with the girls.\n\nI was doing some looking for fun on my two favorite shopping sites since the network is down this week at work and no work is being done of any kind in our office today. I found the two cool widgets at the top of the page. These are books and stuff that I'd love to find in my stocking from amazon and the top one is a list compiled from etsy. I originally made a treasury of it you can find here. But I just discovered the site kaboodle and put together a wish list and made a widget which is easy to add to a site. I think this may become my preferred way of sharing items on my blog. Let me know if you have any troubles with seeing it or slow loading time.\n\nSo do you plan on venturing out for any Black Friday Shopping adventures? What are you hoping to find under your tree this year?", "Posted by Lenox Knits at 7:43 AM 4 comments", "Labels: black friday, canon speedlite, etsy, holiday shopping ideas, kaboodle\n\nHappy Birthday Ani!", null, null, "I finally feel as though I'm returning to the land of the living today. I have been on antibiotics for 4 days now but it was a seriously nasty infection in my ears and the start of bronchitis in my chest.\n\nNovember is the month of birthdays around here with Ani's getting the highest priority. We had her friend birthday party on Saturday at the Painted Zebra. It's a paint your own pottery place so they could get creative and messy without the cleanup. I think the girls had a good time painting their trinket boxes. Ani painted an ice cream cone box and made it look like the ice cream was melting down the cone which I thought was very creative.\n\nShe's now 10 going on 21 which is troubling at times. Sometimes I catch myself talking to her like she's an adult. I can't remember what I had said but she actually told me one time, \"Aunt Paige, sometimes I think that you forget that I'm only 9 years old.\" She is definitely becoming her own person now which is exciting to watch. She has her own dramatic flair just like her Aunt and I hope that she won't lose that spark as she grows.\n\nThis last shot if from her family party a few weeks ago with her Dad.", null, "Posted by Lenox Knits at 5:13 PM 2 comments", "Labels: family, the painted zebra\n\nMother/Daughter Weekend.", null, "There was a whole lot of mother/daughter bonding going on this weekend. In fact, I would call it the theme of the event for me. I spent more alone time with", null, "my Mom than I have years. This was nice, except for the being sick as a dog on Sunday part. The craft show day was cold and windy which was good for my sales but it didn't help my cold much to say the least. I'm still coughing up a storm and just hoping to make it through the day at work.\n\nI had a lot of support from family and friends at this event which made it extra special for me. It's going to be a very Lenox Knits Christmas at the Barnitz household this year for sure. They are the amazingly supportive neighbors and old family friends that bought many gifts to exchange this year.\n\nLisa and her daughter were going to have to miss the show on Saturday so they came over the night before to get a advance show all to themselves. They had a lot of fun playing in my tubs and frolicking in the knitwear. Kennedy is an absolute doll and she is an excellent model too. I plan on having her do some modeling for me the next time I'm home for my Etsy shop.", null, "I also made a surprising number of stranger sales which was encouraging. I got lots of compliments from Mom's friends but the rest of my sales were to the hip, discerning shoppers of Rolla like this pair here. They were my last customers of the day and two of my favorites. They are future mother and daughter in laws and they had a lot of fun picking out their scarves. They had a nice camaraderie and they let me take a picture with their chosen scarves.", null, "I think that I will probably do this event next year as well. It's a nice change of pace from the indie shows I do and it was a good day for sales to boot. I can almost fit all of my inventory into one tub which is a first in awhile. You can tell that I have had things priced to move this year for sure.", "Posted by Lenox Knits at 4:30 PM 4 comments", "Labels: craft fair, craft show booth, lenox knits, Rolla Holiday Bazaar\n\nRolla Holiday Bazaar!", null, "Posted by Lenox Knits at 6:44 AM 5 comments", "My Veteran's Day Thoughts", null, "Saying Happy Veteran's Day sounds a bit silly to me but I thought I would share my two family veteran's day pictures. The top shot is my grandfather on my mother's side, Jay Parscale, who fought in WWII. I don't know a lot about his story but I think he was also an Army cook. He is gone now but definitely not forgotten.", "This handsome young man is my Dad. He was an information specialist in the Marines in the very early days of the Vietnam War. He was sent out on his own for weeks at a time and sent back information via Morse code. He was also there for the buildup during the Cuban missile crisis. He often tells the story of how he was sent across the island during a hurricane to deliver a message and he had to crawl on his hands and knees holding on for dear life. I also know that there are lots of stories that he doesn't tell and wishes that he could forget.\n\nAs you may know I am the peace loving type and I dearly wish that there was no need for any young man or woman to go through what my Dad and Papaw had to experience. But until that day comes I'm very grateful that there are people willing to put themselves at great risk for our freedoms.", "Posted by Lenox Knits at 9:12 AM 5 comments", "Labels: family, veteran's day\n\nBag It Up Giveaway with Lenox Knits!", null, "It's been awhile since I've done a giveaway around here. I thought it was time to do some fall cleaning and chose 3 lightly used bags that I would like to pass onto to good homes. They are all handmade and still in very good condition. I will include a matching wire wrist cuff hand knit by me to each winner.", null, "The bags are each approximately 9\" x 12\" which is a little small for my everyday bag but perfect for most normal people.\n\nThe orange flower purse was the first bag I ever purchased on Etsy in 2007. It was made by Blossom Arts who also works in polymer clay and made the button enclosure. I actually thought about taking the button off the purse and using it on something else but I couldn't bring myself to destroy her vision of the purse since it really is the perfect compliment to the design. I'm including a gold wire wrist cuff with orange and yellow beads.\n\nSupastarr made the blue/tan flower purse in the middle of the top shot. I've bought screen printed tee shirts for Mike from her on several occasions. I'm including a silver wire wristcuff with blue seed beads and shell beads.\n\nI cannot for the life of me remember when or where I got the blue batik quilted purse. I think it may have been at a craft show but it has no tags so I have no idea who the maker was. I'm including a silver wire wristcuff with gray seed beads and shell beads.", null, "I'm keeping the rules really simple this time:\n\nAs always please leave a comment for each entry.\n\nThere will be three winners chosen by random number generator on December 1, 2010. I'm opening it to the United States only this time to keep shipping cost down.\n\nI don't really have time for all the promotional efforts that I normally do for my giveaways so your chances should be really good on this one. I'm looking forward to your responses and hoping that there are some other bag addicts out there that will get some good use out of these handmade creations.", "Posted by Lenox Knits at 7:24 AM 31 comments", "Labels: bag giveaway, blossom arts, handmade accessories, handmade giveaway, supastarr\n\nCinderella Project\n\nDetails about my giveaway should be coming tomorrow. I don't have the time and energy for a big production this time around but this one should still be fun.\n\nI just wanted to ask you to take a few minutes to vote for a very worthwhile program for girls in need in the St. Louis area. The Cinderella Project collects donated prom dresses and also provides makeup and free alterations for the dresses. They are participating in the Pepsi Good Idea Program. If they are one of the top 10 vote getters then they will receive funding to buy much needed plus size gowns. As a big girl myself now I know how important choices are when it comes to clothes. These girls deserve to have as much fun picking out their dresses as their skinny counterparts.\n\nIf you have a facebook account it takes less than a minute to vote. You can vote everyday through Dec. 1 and you can also post it on your facebook page to ask more people to vote if you want to really be helpful.", null, "Here is the details on what they will use the money for.\nOverview: The Metro St. Louis Cinderella Project has collected over 4000 dresses from the public in the past two prom seasons. We collect an amazing selection of dresses in sizes 2-12, but as the sizes get larger, the selection of prom appropriate dresses decreases. The young women that are referred to our project are of all shapes and sizes. A lot of the girls we see are needing plus size dresses. Our inventory of dresses in sizes 14 + is limited. Our goal is to have an equal selection of prom appropriate dresses for the plus size girls as there are for the smaller size girls.", "Posted by Lenox Knits at 12:01 PM 2 comments", "Labels: pepsi good idea program, prom season, the cinderella project\n\nBag It Up", null, "So I finally made my purchase for my new winter bag. I actually went with one that was not part of my post yesterday. I ended up with the Skull Tote in Damask and Paisley by Moka Designs . I really love the rich red and browns and there are a total of 8 pockets and tons of room inside which is what sold me.\n\nI'm sure I will be buying from the sellers in my post from yesterday in the future as I am such a purse slut. I am always shopping around and rarely go back to the same seller twice. Mike says I have a serious bag problem. When I told him I was shopping for my winter bag he asked if that meant I was going to get rid of some of my previous ones. He said \"why don't you pass some of your other handmade bags on so that someone else can enjoy them?\"\n\nThis really got me thinking and I have a giveaway planned that I will be announcing later this week. If you like handmade goodies you should definitely stay tuned for this one.", "Posted by Lenox Knits at 9:59 AM 7 comments", "Labels: buying handmade, handmade bags, handmade giveaway, handmade purses, moka designs\n\nBig, Bold, and full of Crap\n\nIt's definitely time for a new handbag in my world. I've been carrying the same one for over 6 months which is almost unheard of for me. And on top of that it's not even handmade, gasp. I bought it in a moment of weakness at the mall on one of my first trips out of the house after my surgery. I've tried to get my monies worth by carrying it for longer than usual but it's time to let it go and get myself a handmade winter bag. I've gotten it narrowed down to 5 choices. If you want to see all the ones I have considered check out this treasury.\n\nMy requirements in a bag are such: It must be big. I carry a lot of crap around and must have something capable of fitting it all comfortably, preferably with lots of pockets to attempt to keep me organized. I need a long and sturdy strap. Too many handmade bags have little straps which just aren't practical in the real world. I prefer if they use upcycled materials as in the first two bags in my choices, but this is not a requirement.\n\nI'm still really torn between a bold pattern like number 1 or 4 and something more earthy and natural like number 2 or 5. I guess it is the classic contrast in my life, between say Mondo's designs and Gretchens' to tie it in to my last post. Number 3 might be a good compromise I suppose and it is reversible which is nice.\n\nSo which bag would you pick? I'll tell you tomorrow which one I'm decided on. I know that the fate of the world does not depend on this but on a day like today when many of the decisions we are making in the polling booth are so important a frivolous choice seemed like a nice diversion."], "url": "http://lenoxknits.blogspot.com/2010_11_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 451, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 268, "width": 378}, {"height": 459, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 263, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 293, "original_width": 320, "width": 412}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 319, "original_width": 320, "width": 379}, {"height": 537, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 225, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 320, "width": 453}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 233, "original_width": 400, "width": 648}, {"height": 508, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 238, "width": 378}, {"height": 386, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 313, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 270, "original_width": 320, "width": 448}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 271, "original_width": 320, "width": 446}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 232, "original_width": 320, "width": 521}], "image_hashes": ["88977d586bd99270fa33eea234475d5803fbafafa9a59ecf77e467d3ab6bc686", "a654ee005e600319c3d6507bfc063759b9c46fe01a9051d191e2129f1b1e531c", "5c74db1a8ffc6a886d311cecbb256a49ac3f3c39a4b5187f622b11d2f7892877", "95b45185924369605243e129b945303f265dfc89de5e12eb05854c3af6a34f00", "cf15086ddff25af48379ade15efad635e1486c9df75025eb9da999ad41326351", "a7150b1579117bba7f3433b56b19cfed18a22838cec7b173353277bbd429a4ff", "480439f35966a589103ce84f15895ef0da39bfc8e2d217edc5cdbfd6592afb96", "2b38b3fa5f454a6e8e7b07f04c19f7ca03a0a782a010485f294930dc0cc3184b", "e21288bc9bf3204d046095fcef5858bbac468ec673a1cae0a3252b5c2b5c38c1", "997bc307c61b81e1f18fdc5c59fb29e352c99dc0f198ee0998ea77746534c9dd", "a22d19d7d6bd671707a71c3b7673fef1948948fdc13bf7ee8031f7576209cd98", "5df8692251d075dfc48e37bb52dfc9c4663d390d4474b62faa6882b649fa181c", "2c94a5f69f8bcd60a5cef094543a61e9de09c544544aa5bacfaac9e9cd1eb375", "1d972ecdce05f450b801c0acccaf328ab4a1460147b1710e25e39eb01d32cc2a", "db745dad07e28292d7dbb3251c5635addee57f18286296d2596c248baadee8dd", "3e706df7e7fec16c6699b78a45b930914c2cffd88dbd519d5358b88a6d145e51", "e159903d0307c9aef82785dabccb09740ba8088a8632832e20ca611f393a37b1"], "__index_level_0__": 183, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://eggzack.s3.amazonaws.com/cg4-sl-xCYQXVXgMs1CwXbNijwwKrX.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9515087008476256}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lessinlaw.com/trucking-accidents\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://eggzack.s3.amazonaws.com/cg4-sl-xCYQXVXgMs1CwXbNijwwKrX.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://eggzack.s3.amazonaws.com/cg4-sl-xCYQXVXgMs1CwXbNijwwKrX.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cg sl xCYQXVXgMs CwXbNijwwKrX\", \"alt_text\": \"Philadelphia Truck Accident Lawyers\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 61}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lessinlaw.com/trucking-accidents\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/powered.png\", \"src\": \"https://lessinlaw.com/images/powered.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"powered\", \"alt_text\": \"Powered by EggZack.com\"}]", "texts": [null, "Philadelphia Truck Accident Lawyers\n\nTruck Accident Attorneys handling cases in Pennsylvania\n\nAccidents involving semi trucks, construction vehicles, and other large commercial vehicles often result in catastrophic injuries that change the lives of innocent car drivers and their families forever. The turnpike and highways around Philadelphia, and throughout Pennsylvania, are major thoroughfares for transporting freight. At the personal injury law offices of Jeffrey R. Lessin & Associates, P.C., we know that many of the commercial trucks on the road today are being driven by tired, improperly trained, and even intoxicated driver\n\nOur attorneys talk with many family members of drivers who have suffered life-altering injuries in accidents involving commercial trucks. We have a reputation for receiving exceptional verdicts and settlements that make a life-long difference to the families of people injured or killed in truck accidents.\n\nIf a member of your family has suffered a catastrophic injury, or was killed, in an accident that involved a commercial truck, let us help. Contact the truck accident lawyers of Jeffrey R. Lessin & Associates, P.C., to meet with us about how the accident changed your life. We have earned a reputation for providing aggressive representation for people who need help getting the maximum compensation their family is entitled to after a truck accident injury or death.\n\nTruck Accident Injury Litigation:\n\nFor more information about our experience and reputation for excellence, contact the Philadelphia truck accident lawyers of Jeffrey R. Lessin & Associates, P.C., to schedule a convenient, no-cost consultation about your injury or wrongful death claim."], "url": "http://lessinlaw.com/trucking-accidents", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 686, "original_width": 900, "width": 495}], "image_hashes": ["5f27fe0f8e021d8fccb15c68340eaf6a19857e3aba4c3bef3a64ef976e775d89"], "__index_level_0__": 184, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NJdUV7tZvTk/Tm6VBW6J5eI/AAAAAAAAFAY/IyXP8DOUXgU/s320/midnight.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.953521966934204}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lifeinthethumb.blogspot.com/2011/09/midnight-on-julia-street-by-ciji-ware.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NJdUV7tZvTk/Tm6VBW6J5eI/AAAAAAAAFAY/IyXP8DOUXgU/s320/midnight.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NJdUV7tZvTk/Tm6VBW6J5eI/AAAAAAAAFAY/IyXP8DOUXgU/s320/midnight.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"midnight\", \"rendered_width\": 209, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lifeinthethumb.blogspot.com/2011/09/midnight-on-julia-street-by-ciji-ware.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_aCizgbGGxw/WQOWgaeBXtI/AAAAAAAARVo/usgQlWEmIjoNIDXSc8jAKQctcGcrSlbhgCK4B/s200/20161016_115456.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_aCizgbGGxw/WQOWgaeBXtI/AAAAAAAARVo/usgQlWEmIjoNIDXSc8jAKQctcGcrSlbhgCK4B/s200/20161016_115456.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Staci\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lifeinthethumb.blogspot.com/2011/09/midnight-on-julia-street-by-ciji-ware.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BTOhyNEGb5Q/Tk1vcop7JrI/AAAAAAAAE-Q/m7GkfAeBei8/s150/brucememorial2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BTOhyNEGb5Q/Tk1vcop7JrI/AAAAAAAAE-Q/m7GkfAeBei8/s150/brucememorial2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"brucememorial\", \"alt_text\": \"Remembering Bruce\", \"rendered_width\": 146, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lifeinthethumb.blogspot.com/2011/09/midnight-on-julia-street-by-ciji-ware.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://storage.myfreecopyright.com/mfc_protected.png\", \"src\": \"http://storage.myfreecopyright.com/mfc_protected.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mfc protected\", \"alt_text\": \"MyFreeCopyright.com Registered & Protected\", \"rendered_width\": 145, \"rendered_height\": 38}]", "texts": ["Tuesday, September 13, 2011\n\n\"Midnight on Julia Street' by Ciji Ware", null, "Synopsis from Goodreads:\nTV reporter Corlis McCullough's investigation of a century-old mystery involving spectacular 19th-century buildings under the threat of the wrecker's ball brings her back into the orbit of her old college nemesis King Duvallon. But now they're mature and companionable, and King shows Corlis a fascinating, hidden side of New Orleans society. Then she begins to be pulled back into the past where corruption, violence, and greed mirror the events of the current day.", "1.) Reasons you chose this book\nI've never read anything by Ciji Ware and after reading multiple bloggers rave reviews of her books I thought why not!\n2.) Reasons you liked or disliked this book\nLiked: I loved the setting of the book. New Orleans is one place that I would really like to visit. There is so much history there and it has that feel of the French blended with so many other cultures. I also liked how the author weaved her story between the past and present.  I found it intriguing how certain smells could put Corlis into a trance-like state and take her back in time.\nDidn't Like: Way too much calling people \"Sugar\" and too much of Corlis going on about being called 'Sugar'! Annoying to say the least. I also felt that there were too many characters to try to keep track of in the present time and then trying to link them up to their ancestors in the past!! Confusing and at times, I was totally lost.\n3.) Reasons you are recommending this book\nIt was an okay read for me. Honestly, there were times when I just flipped a few pages and moved on because I found the story dragging in parts. I would say that if you're a huge fan of Ware's then you'll probably read this one regardless of what I think. I do know that I have two other books by her that my fellow blogging friends adored so I will read them. And I'd also like to add that I'm starting to come up for air after losing my dog Bruce in mid-August and I honestly feel that has something to do with my lack of enjoyment for this book. I don't want to do any disservice to the author's work....the history part of this book was fantastic. I just wanted less characters (or a chart to follow) and less sugar!!!"], "url": "http://lifeinthethumb.blogspot.com/2011/09/midnight-on-julia-street-by-ciji-ware.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 578, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 209, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["662d5e7bb7ce3ad593734f69c24814ce04f18be04e69f28f02eb6ec3fad07360"], "__index_level_0__": 185, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_-PSpqgErwZA/TSevwIQ4XUI/AAAAAAAAA3o/AgPwotcAJFc/s640/246.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9286855459213256}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://likeabubblingbrook.blogspot.com/2011/01/advice-about-life-from-old-widowed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_-PSpqgErwZA/TSevwIQ4XUI/AAAAAAAAA3o/AgPwotcAJFc/s640/246.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_-PSpqgErwZA/TSevwIQ4XUI/AAAAAAAAA3o/AgPwotcAJFc/s640/246.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 424}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://likeabubblingbrook.blogspot.com/2011/01/advice-about-life-from-old-widowed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/signature.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/signature.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"signature\", \"alt_text\": \"post signature\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://likeabubblingbrook.blogspot.com/2011/01/advice-about-life-from-old-widowed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://likeabubblingbrook.blogspot.com/2011/01/advice-about-life-from-old-widowed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/emailsubsc-2-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/emailsubsc-2-1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"emailsubsc\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://likeabubblingbrook.blogspot.com/2011/01/advice-about-life-from-old-widowed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/feedheart-2-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/feedheart-2-1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"feedheart\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://likeabubblingbrook.blogspot.com/2011/01/advice-about-life-from-old-widowed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/fborange-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/fborange-1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fborange\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://likeabubblingbrook.blogspot.com/2011/01/advice-about-life-from-old-widowed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-PSpqgErwZA/TGKOoFFkbMI/AAAAAAAAAlw/lVPNyWMqjNs/S150/awardbig.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-PSpqgErwZA/TGKOoFFkbMI/AAAAAAAAAlw/lVPNyWMqjNs/S150/awardbig.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"awardbig\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 130}, {\"document_url\": \"http://likeabubblingbrook.blogspot.com/2011/01/advice-about-life-from-old-widowed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/groupon.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/groupon.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"groupon\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://likeabubblingbrook.blogspot.com/2011/01/advice-about-life-from-old-widowed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/tellyourtime.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af352/jaimegibbs/tellyourtime.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tellyourtime\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "is one that I've had for many years, one that I often find myself going back through for inspiration.  My husband and I read it together when we were dating, so it has a soft spot in my heart.  My maiden name is penned inside the front cover.\n\nI've had it pulled out the last few weeks, and keep going back to it, savoring a paragraph or two here and there.  Today, I was struck by a passage in the book where Mr. Law recounts the wise words of a widow he once knew, named Eusebia, who had raised five daughters on her own:\n\n\"All of us are like two beings who have, as it were, two hearts within us; with the one we see, taste, and admire reason, purity, and holiness; with the other we incline toward pride, vanity, and sensual delights.  This internal war we always feel more or less.  If you would know the one thing necessary, it is this: to preserve and protect all that is rational, holy, and divine in our nature, and to mortify, remove, and destroy all that is vain, prideful, and sensual in our nature.\"\n\nA page later, Mr. Law quotes Eusebia again:\n\n\"Never allow yourselves to despise those who do not follow your rules of life, but force your hearts to love and pray for them.  Let humility be always whispering into your ears that you yourselves would fall from those rules tomorrow if God should leave you to your own strength and wisdom.\"\n\nThis is what convicts my heart today, dear ones; those very words, from an old widowed woman, shared in a book written by a devout theologian back in 1728.  Powerful words that still speak.\n\nMy heart is listening and soaking in their wisdom."], "url": "http://likeabubblingbrook.blogspot.com/2011/01/advice-about-life-from-old-widowed.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 425, "original_width": 640, "width": 569}], "image_hashes": ["f423017a2a1b2ccac822d2e57b2c050c81cfa36f1a2d874a48a896fabed38b6d"], "__index_level_0__": 186, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Me1XUVNZh0A/Sf4LbAZ4TsI/AAAAAAAABxg/mnODmBWejEk/s400/2009_0424Apr240107.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Me1XUVNZh0A/Sf4LbBzQ0aI/AAAAAAAABxY/suuIO_2A_b4/s400/2009_0424Apr240091.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Me1XUVNZh0A/Sf4La2MXL_I/AAAAAAAABxQ/OujAKXhjdc8/s400/2009_0424Apr240094.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8772231936454773}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lilacgate.blogspot.com/2009/05/todays-flowers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Me1XUVNZh0A/Sf4LbAZ4TsI/AAAAAAAABxg/mnODmBWejEk/s400/2009_0424Apr240107.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Me1XUVNZh0A/Sf4LbAZ4TsI/AAAAAAAABxg/mnODmBWejEk/s400/2009_0424Apr240107.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Apr\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lilacgate.blogspot.com/2009/05/todays-flowers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Me1XUVNZh0A/Sf4LbBzQ0aI/AAAAAAAABxY/suuIO_2A_b4/s400/2009_0424Apr240091.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Me1XUVNZh0A/Sf4LbBzQ0aI/AAAAAAAABxY/suuIO_2A_b4/s400/2009_0424Apr240091.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Apr\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lilacgate.blogspot.com/2009/05/todays-flowers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Me1XUVNZh0A/Sf4La2MXL_I/AAAAAAAABxQ/OujAKXhjdc8/s400/2009_0424Apr240094.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Me1XUVNZh0A/Sf4La2MXL_I/AAAAAAAABxQ/OujAKXhjdc8/s400/2009_0424Apr240094.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Apr\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lilacgate.blogspot.com/2009/05/todays-flowers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/_Me1XUVNZh0A/SRCOcbaqSrI/AAAAAAAAABc/9byLxfAiF7A/S220-s80/October+23030.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Me1XUVNZh0A/SRCOcbaqSrI/AAAAAAAAABc/9byLxfAiF7A/S220-s80/October+23030.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"October\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 78}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lilacgate.blogspot.com/2009/05/todays-flowers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn46/kjpweb/skywatch/swftom.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn46/kjpweb/skywatch/swftom.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"swftom\", \"alt_text\": \"Visit Skywatch Friday\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Coltsfoot flowers look a little like dandelions,", null, "but only from a distance.", null, "Posted by Judy at 5:21 PM", "Labels: coltsfoot, spring, today's flowers", "Coltsfoot really look like a little dandelion! Such a pretty spring flower! Nice photos!\n\nAbout the Hoya; I do diminish the photo - so if it doesn,t come out well - tell me! Then I will post one or two for you to download! :)\n\n5:46 PM, May 03, 2009", "Naturegirl said...\n\nPretty little sunbursts!\n\n6:13 PM, May 03, 2009", "Laerte Pupo said...\n\nBeautiful yellow flower.\nThanks for sharing.\n\n6:45 PM, May 03, 2009", "kazu said...\n\nBeautiful flower.\nNice colors.\nGreat photos!\n\n8:26 PM, May 03, 2009", "Nicely composed. Beautiful flowers.\nSmiles Barbara\n\n8:34 PM, May 03, 2009", "ROSIDAH said...\n\nWow, what a stunning yellow flower! Have a great week, Judy :)\n\n11:22 PM, May 03, 2009", "Denise said...\n\nThese are gorgeous flowers. Thank you very much for sharing. Have a great week.\n\n11:38 PM, May 03, 2009", "Sherry said...\n\nOh I like these. So bright and cheery.\n\n12:14 AM, May 04, 2009", "Regina said...\n\nWow pretty. Great shots.\n\n7:31 AM, May 04, 2009", "Tulip said...\n\npretty dainty yellow flowers.\n\n9:00 AM, May 04, 2009", "Your EG Tour Guide said...\n\nThe DO look a lot like dandelions, don't they?\n\n11:31 AM, May 04, 2009", "Bronwynn said...\n\nThey're very happy looking flowers, aren't they. The centers are neat"], "url": "http://lilacgate.blogspot.com/2009/05/todays-flowers.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 379, "original_height": 303, "original_width": 302, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 399, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 430, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 351, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["79281eea4cc4a2f65cb4b15b0f89fa52ddb2983c210682cdc545bc679b3f724d", "eea9c777eb79a1fe12666ffdf8ed61083b98a8f9df879818f7d93d9a26daded6", "69c9fd348cd678c6f97caffd24b108a58c2f63322f6fc04c4ec9f9093594ae18"], "__index_level_0__": 187, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6089/6158656936_cf3d256a16.jpg", null, null, "http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6065/6157809591_07bbbb5c29.jpg", null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dBWvdUpIlpg/S3e36PlkEOI/AAAAAAAAAVM/ostRG3je8IE/S220/reflections+of+Rivington.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dBWvdUpIlpg/S3e4DzjI0cI/AAAAAAAAAVU/qjJsfaE8ea8/S220/Symmetry1.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dBWvdUpIlpg/S3ELRWPwyKI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/ZltTN5CQE-A/S220/Tangled+Reflections.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9290035367012024}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lillywren1.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6089/6158656936_cf3d256a16.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6089/6158656936_cf3d256a16.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cf d a\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lillywren1.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6065/6157809591_07bbbb5c29.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6065/6157809591_07bbbb5c29.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bbbb c\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lillywren1.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6191/6108476408_500d71a826.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6191/6108476408_500d71a826.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d a\"}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lillywren1.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dBWvdUpIlpg/S3e36PlkEOI/AAAAAAAAAVM/ostRG3je8IE/S220/reflections+of+Rivington.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_dBWvdUpIlpg/S3e36PlkEOI/AAAAAAAAAVM/ostRG3je8IE/S220/reflections+of+Rivington.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"reflections of Rivington\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 174}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lillywren1.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dBWvdUpIlpg/S3e4DzjI0cI/AAAAAAAAAVU/qjJsfaE8ea8/S220/Symmetry1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dBWvdUpIlpg/S3e4DzjI0cI/AAAAAAAAAVU/qjJsfaE8ea8/S220/Symmetry1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Symmetry\", \"rendered_width\": 170, \"rendered_height\": 220}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lillywren1.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dBWvdUpIlpg/S3ELRWPwyKI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/ZltTN5CQE-A/S220/Tangled+Reflections.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_dBWvdUpIlpg/S3ELRWPwyKI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/ZltTN5CQE-A/S220/Tangled+Reflections.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Tangled Reflections\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 220}, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, 18 September 2011\n\nI wondered lonely as a cloud", null, "I wondered lonely as a cloud, originally uploaded by Lily-Wren.\n\nTaken early one morning this is Ullswater in the Lake District, Cumbria. It's said to be where William Wordsworth got his inspiration for 'The Daffodils' poem. Not surprising really, it is such an inspiring place to be.\n\nPosted by Lily-Wren at 04:59 1 comment:", "Sunday Morning", null, "Sunday Morning, originally uploaded by Lily-Wren.\n\n\"Sunday morning, praise the dawning\nIt's just a restless feeling by my side\nEarly dawning, sunday morning\nIt's just the wasted years so close behind\n\nWatch out, the world's behind you\nThere's always someone around you who will call\nIt's nothing at all\"\n\nSunday Morning ~ Velvet Underground\n\nI had to be really quick to get this capture and time it just as the guy was walking between the posts. I was quite a bit away and also walking in the opposite direction so it was one of those 'turn around, see the guy, hurry up, press button quick' moments!\n\nI quite like the lines of the posts contrasting with the horizontal lines of the bench, roof and ground.\n\nA photograph that probably doesn't say much but one I quite like all the same!\n\nPosted by Lily-Wren at 02:16 1 comment:", "Saturday, 3 September 2011\n\nThe Spider & The Fly", "The Spider & The Fly, originally uploaded by Lily-Wren.\n\n'I'm sure you must be weary, dear, with soaring up so high;\nWill you rest upon my little bed?' said the Spider to the Fly.\n'There are pretty curtains drawn around, the sheets are fine and thin;\nAnd if you like to rest awhile, I'll snugly tuck you in!'\n'Oh no, no,' said the little Fly, 'for I've often heard it said,\nThey never, never wake again, who sleep upon your bed!'\n\nTaken from 'The Spider and the Fly\" by Mary Howitt.\n\nOh dear, poor Felix the fly. This spider is camped out on my window outside. The web, like the spider, is massive but the light and position means I am having to think carefully on how to capture the full web, and do it justice. Poor flies stand no chance against Horace...", null, null, null], "url": "http://lillywren1.blogspot.com/2011_09_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 328, "original_width": 499, "width": 575}, {"height": 478, "original_height": 499, "original_width": 394, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 174, "original_width": 220, "width": 477}, {"height": 489, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 170, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 220, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["fd67918241986e7c43b2c650d279bbdfd2c6a3de1727aeca3a9aa47da353bd83", "d4b92aaaac1aad5950192f06e98366fa0671877b6a21cab9dc7bcbd8d5ea4301", "eb18858005c2ea7e45e104e7ba90ea01640bba0d734e96a8451d5aa84360f04b", "668c316541a1928864b547cc261decf04eebafa5b7735d2e3d5b6a90a93980ec", "916a3e92d1c4a91ed99d51a0999128a775494d4a7f63262cf6473ecd8315c1fc"], "__index_level_0__": 188, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_XxJiYDOKh5I/TDFDsxkAeDI/AAAAAAAACFQ/jjy7WWL9ntY/s320/Jace-Wayland-city-of-bones-7264552-839-1024.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9097766280174256}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lily-bookhaven.blogspot.com/2011/06/my-book-boyfriend-5.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oDb5J6Y3LzA/TeGlMza4d_I/AAAAAAAAAFk/gU941k6BLUE/s1600/versatile_blogger_award-150x150.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oDb5J6Y3LzA/TeGlMza4d_I/AAAAAAAAAFk/gU941k6BLUE/s1600/versatile_blogger_award-150x150.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"versatile blogger award\", \"alt_text\": \"My Blog Awards!\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lily-bookhaven.blogspot.com/2011/06/my-book-boyfriend-5.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_XxJiYDOKh5I/TDFDsxkAeDI/AAAAAAAACFQ/jjy7WWL9ntY/s320/Jace-Wayland-city-of-bones-7264552-839-1024.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_XxJiYDOKh5I/TDFDsxkAeDI/AAAAAAAACFQ/jjy7WWL9ntY/s320/Jace-Wayland-city-of-bones-7264552-839-1024.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Jace Wayland city of bones\", \"rendered_width\": 262, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, 1 June 2011\n\nMy Book Boyfriend #5", "My Book Boyfriend is a weekly meme hosted by Missie of The Unread Reader in which we swoon over boys in books!\nThis week My Book Boyfriend is Jace Wayland from City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. Since I have only been reading an average of 10 pages a day, Jace and I are still in the early stages of our relationship, but he shows a lot of potential.\nStats: He’s a Shadow Hunter with blond hair and eyes the colour of golden syrup. He hates cucumber, bergamot and liars.\n\"Have you fallen in love with the wrong person yet?'\nJace said, \"Unfortunately, Lady of the Haven, my one true love remains myself.\"\n...\"At least,\" she said, \"you don't have to worry about rejection, Jace Wayland.\"\n\"Not necessarily. I turn myself down occasionally, just to keep it interesting.\"\n\"Here.\" Jace leaned forward and touched his fingers to the side of her temple, so gently that a flush crept up her face. \"Everything we need to know is locked up in your head, under those pretty red curls.\"", null], "url": "http://lily-bookhaven.blogspot.com/2011/06/my-book-boyfriend-5.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 461, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 262, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["26709822dd9aba67f396f7c685a7bc4ea905aa02e4a2ed723db32c439dcd0114"], "__index_level_0__": 189, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://static-content.springer.com/cover/journal/382/42/5.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8986462950706482}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-013-1911-9\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static-content.springer.com/cover/journal/382/42/5.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static-content.springer.com/cover/journal/382/42/5.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Climate Dynamics\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Climate Dynamics\n\nMarch 2014, Volume 42, Issue 5, pp 1517–1526\n\nFive millennia of paleotemperature from tree-rings in the Great Basin, USA\n\nOpen Access\n\nFirst Online:\n21 August 2013\n\n06 November 2012\n08 August 2013\n\nDOI: 10.1007/s00382-013-1911-9\n\nCite this article as:\nSalzer, M.W., Bunn, A.G., Graham, N.E. et al. Clim Dyn (2014) 42: 1517. doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1911-9\n\nThe instrumental temperature record is of insufficient length to fully express the natural variability of past temperature. High elevation tree-ring widths from Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) are a particularly useful proxy to infer temperatures prior to the instrumental record in that the tree-rings are annually dated and extend for millennia. From ring-width measurements integrated with past treeline elevation data we infer decadal- to millennial-scale temperature variability over the past 4,500 years for the Great Basin, USA. We find that twentieth century treeline advances are greater than in at least 4,000 years. There is also evidence for substantial volcanic forcing of climate in the preindustrial record and considerable covariation between high elevation tree-ring widths and temperature estimates from an atmosphere–ocean general circulation model over much of the last millennium. A long-term temperature decline of ~−1.1 °C since the mid-Holocene underlies substantial volcanic forcing of climate in the preindustrial record.\n\nDendroclimatology Bristlecone Pine Treeline Holocene Tree-Rings Paleotemperature\n\nElectronic supplementary material\n\nThe online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1911-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.\n\n1 Introduction\n\nMultiple lines of evidence, including comparisons with instrumental climate data over the last century, show that patterns in the ring widths of upper treeline bristlecone pine are strongly influenced by temperature variability, particularly at decadal to centennial scales (LaMarche 1974; Hughes and Funkhouser 2003; Salzer and Kipfmueller 2005; Salzer and Hughes 2007; Salzer et al. 2009; Kipfmueller and Salzer 2010; Towlinski-Ward et al. 2010; Bunn et al. 2011). Some of the most recent bristlecone pine research has focused on the contrasting signals present in the ring widths of trees at the upper treeline (positive growth correlations with temperature) and in trees below upper treeline (negative or no correlation with temperature; e.g. Salzer et al. 2009; Kipfmueller and Salzer 2010; Bunn et al. 2011). These studies suggest that upper treeline ring widths contain an appreciable temperature signal at decadal to multi-centennial timescales, whereas trees below the treeline do not. However, using bristlecone pine ring widths to infer paleotemperature has been complicated by the discovery that trees somewhat below, yet still very near the upper treeline environment, as close as 150 vertical m, do not contain the same temperature signal as trees within ~100 m of treeline. For example, we have shown in the White Mountains of California, that the growth patterns of Pinus longaeva trees growing at treeline are quite different from growth patterns of the same species of tree growing only 150 m below treeline (see Salzer et al. 2009, Fig. 4a). The elevational threshold for bristlecone temperature-sensitivity is unknown and has not been widely studied. Also, it has been argued that microtopographical features such as cold air pooling, for example, could complicate defining temperature-sensitive trees based solely on elevation or distance from treeline (Bunn et al. 2011).\n\nIn spite of these challenges, we suggest the most accurate estimates of past temperature will come from ring widths formed in trees within ~100 m of the species upper elevation ecotonal boundary. This elevational sector corresponds to a cold zone where temperatures are most limiting to growth (Fritts 1976) and above which cold temperatures preclude tree establishment entirely. However, these ecotonal boundaries have changed with time as climate has evolved, and quantifying the narrow elevation band occupied by trees with a ring-width temperature signal can be particularly problematic when working with material that predates the age of modern, established treeline. Due to past climatic change and the fluctuation of past treeline elevations, it becomes necessary to first determine the elevation of past treelines, and then, when developing temperature-sensitive ring-width chronologies, it is important to use only those trees that were growing within the cold zone (~100 m of treeline) during their lifetimes. We systematically avoid the use of rings formed in a past warmer era of higher treeline if these rings were sampled from wood at a location much lower than the remnant treeline. For example, old deadwood samples taken near modern upper treeline elevation or just below are avoided, as these rings would have been below the 100 m cold zone during their time of formation, and thus are inappropriate for paleotemperature inference. This line of reasoning is based on the assumption that the same, or a very similar, temperature-growth threshold relationship existed in past eras as exists currently. The existence of temperature-sensitive trees near treeline at the upper-elevational limit of their distribution has been confirmed in our previous work on bristlecone pine (Salzer et al. 2009). In this study, we first derive estimates of past treeline elevations, and then use samples collected within ~100 vertical m of these elevations to create a 4,582-year regional ring-width index chronology (2575 BC-AD 2006), hereafter referred to as GB3rwi. We then estimate millennial-scale temperature variability based on treeline elevational change, and estimate decadal to multicentennial-scale temperature variability using the regional ring-width index chronology scaled to regional temperature output from a climate model millennium run.\n\n2 Materials and methods\n\n2.1 Chronology construction\n\nWe use samples from bristlecone pine living trees and remnant wood in the upper treeline zone (within 100 m of known treeline or estimated past treeline) in three separate mountain ranges in western North America: (1) Sheep Mountain, White Mountains, CA (SHP, 37.52 N. lat., 118.20 W. long.); (2) Mt. Washington, Snake Range, NV (MWA, 38.91 N. lat., 114.31 W. long.); and (3) Pearl Peak, Ruby Mountains, NV (PRL, 40.23 N. lat., 115.54 W. long.) (Fig. 1). Previous work at these sites has revealed strong correspondence in growth patterns, despite lengthy distances between sites (500 + km) and strong replication for millennia (Fig. 1, S1, S2) (Salzer and Hughes 2007; Salzer et al. 2009). The high correlation between the three chronologies over long intervals is indicative of similar biological responses by the trees to the same factor or factors limiting growth at all three sites.\n\nMean ring-width index chronologies were developed both for individual sites, and also for the region (GB3rwi) using samples from all three sites: SHP, MWA, and PRL. To gain maximum temporal coverage, we used dendrochronologically-dated materials from both living trees and from relict wood. We standardized each of the individual tree-ring width series to eliminate tree age/size related influences on ring width. Low-frequency variability was retained by limiting the minimum series length allowed to 100 years and standardizing with a negative exponential curve, a trend line with negative slope, or a mean line as determined by standardization option two in the dendrochronological software ARSTANL (Cook 1985; available at http://www.ltrr.arizona.edu/pub/dpl/). This standardization approach is designed to retain decadal to multi-centennial scale variability and to minimize the “segment length curse” (Cook et al. 1995). The individual series lengths were typically between 500 and 800 years from 2000 BC on, suggesting that the chronology should retain variations whose wavelength is a few to several centuries. Samples were dated and measured using established dendrochronological methods (Stokes and Smiley 1968). The GB3rwi chronology was created by using the same dating, measuring, and standardization techniques described above. The GB3rwi chronology differs in that each individual index series after standardization was smoothed with a 20-year cubic smoothing spline to emphasize decadal- to centennial-scale variability prior to averaging the smoothed index series into a chronology of low-frequency variation. This approach allows for the calculation of 95 % confidence intervals for each mean value of the low-frequency chronology (Sheppard 1991). A non-standardized “raw” chronology (GBR3raw) was similarly constructed, but without any standardization procedures—using instead the raw growth measurements. An additional step was taken with GB3raw to eliminate some juvenile growth; each growth curve that resembled a negative exponential as determined by ARSTANL (Cook 1985) was truncated for its first 100 years. However, all analyses in the main paper are based on the standardized version (GB3rwi) to eliminate as much potential bias from non-climatic tree-growth influences as possible. The GB3rwi ring-width chronology is built from series at all three mountain ranges, and extends 4,582 years, from 2575 BC to AD 2006.\n\n2.2 Treeline elevation change\n\nClimatic-treeline elevation is primarily controlled by minimum summer temperature at large spatial scales (Körner and Paulson 2004; Körner 2012). Both SHP and MWA sites contain extensive amounts of deadwood above modern treeline, while PRL contains less due to limited available elevation gain above modern treeline (Figs. S3-S5). Older higher treelines have been documented previously in both the White Mountains of California (LaMarche 1973) and in the Sierra Nevada (Lloyd and Graumlich 1997). We estimated the elevation of past treelines at SHP and MWA based on the elevation of the highest living trees sampled at that point in time (Figs. S3, S4). Past treeline at PRL was estimated based on the data from MWA (Fig. S5). The estimates of past treeline elevations serve a dual purpose. First, they allow for identification of three ~100 m elevational zones (one for each site), which have varied through time, and within which temperature-sensitive trees can be expected to have grown. We use only these trees for our regional ring-width chronology (GB3rwi). Second, independent of the growth records of the rings, the treeline elevation through time is also a record of past environmental change. We use the changing upper treeline at SHP and a local lapse rate to estimate long-term temperature change (see Sect. 3.1).\n\n2.3 Ring-width index and model output\n\nThe GCMs used for comparisons to the GB3rwi tree-ring chronology include the Max Planck Institute ECHO-G model (ERIK2, AD 1,000–1,990, single simulation; Legutke and Voss 1999; Stevens et al. 2008), the Max Planck Institute COSMOS system (MPI, AD 800-2005, 5 simulations; Jungclaus et al. 2010), and the National Centers for Atmospheric Research Community Climate Model (CSM, AD 850–1999, single simulation) (Ammann et al. 2007). Two important differences between these simulations are (1) the amplitude of the changes in total solar irradiance (Maunder Minimum to present) used in the ERIK2 and CSM (~4 W m−2) simulations is about 3 times the 1.3 W m−2 that was used in the MPI (COSMOS) simulations, and (2) the ERIK2 and CSM models use prescribed greenhouse gas concentrations while the MPI (COSMOS) model uses a full carbon cycle model. We use area-averaged near-surface temperature from the GCM grid points over the western USA (40°–34°N and from 104° to 124°W) for comparison with the ring-width data.\n\nThe scaling of GB3rwi to the GCM output can be formally expressed as follows:\n\nT(t) = f · R(t) + c, where T is the modeled temperature data, R is the ring-width index chronology, f is a variance scaling factor, c is a constant that adjusts the mean, and t is time. The factor f and constant c are derived by: f = ST/SR and c = T(mean) – f · R(mean) where ST and SR are the respective standard deviations of the modeled temperature data and the ring-width index chronology in the AD 1276 to 1990 interval, and T(mean) and R(mean) are the corresponding means. Error bars are the RMSE statistic. Temperature anomalies were originally computed based on the AD 1000–1990 July–September mean of 20.32 °C ‘near surface’ from the ERIK2 model. They were then adjusted for the preindustrial period of 2575 BC to AD 1328 by adding a negative trend of 1.102 °C based on the empirical data from treeline elevation change. There were no adjustments made to the period after AD 1328. The results are a 4,000 + year record of decadal- to millennial-scale variability in past summer temperature. We acknowledge a high level of uncertainty in these past temperature estimates. This is unavoidable, given the multiple sources contributing to the uncertainty: (1) the ring-width chronology itself, (2) the ECHO-g modeling effort (3) the scaling of the tree rings to the modeled data, and (4) the trend adjustment.\n\n3 Results and discussion\n\n3.1 Treeline elevation and temperature inference\n\nPast treeline estimates from the SHP site extend into the mid-Holocene (Fig. 2a). The SHP estimated treeline is broadly similar to that from MWA, roughly 400 km distant, for their period of overlap (Fig. 2b). Both mountains show substantially higher past treelines, greater than 100 m relative to recent levels, and both decline to modern levels in the fourteenth century AD. At SHP, treeline reaches its maximum elevation approximately 5,000 years ago. Prior to that, estimated treelines range from 45 m above modern level in 4410 BC at the beginning of the record, to 76 m above modern levels in 3755 BC. Treeline reaches its highest point, at 116 m above modern levels, in 2997 BC (Fig. 2a). We are less confident in the completeness of the record prior to 3000 BC and so concentrate our interpretations on the last 5,000 years.\n\nEstimated past treelines are generally slightly higher at MWA than at SHP. This could result from a variety of reasons. Possibilities include a more complete record or a different lapse rate at MWA. It is worth noting that all the estimates are necessarily the minimum past treeline elevations, as we can never be sure we have found the highest trees that were growing at any particular time. Also, it is difficult to determine the precise timing of climate change by treeline movement for several reasons. Most notably because remnant wood samples often crack and erode over time obliterating many rings. In addition, reproductive lags cause treeline change to unavoidably lag behind climate change. While many different phenomena, such as fragmentation by disturbance, might contribute to local treeline positions, there is abundant evidence on a global scale that climatic treeline positions occur where growing season temperatures are 5–7° C, with a global mean of 6.4 ± 0.7 (Körner 2012). This global correlation between treeline position and temperature demonstrates that temperature is a primary driver of treeline position and challenges the concept that treeline position is a multifaceted phenomenon with complex interactions between multiple environmental drivers (Körner 1998). If the latter were correct, global mountain treeline positions would not correlate with one explicit climatic parameter, which they do (Paulsen et al. 2000).\n\nTwo meteorological stations have at times operated at the SHP site simultaneously, but at differing elevations. From these station data we know that the summer surface air temperature gradient at SHP varies at 0.95 °C per 100 m—very near the dry adiabatic lapse rate of 0.98 °C per 100 m (LaMarche 1973). From the 0.95 °C lapse rate and the treeline data we can infer a temperature decline during the growing season (summer) of approximately 1.1 °C from 2209 BC to AD 1328, from the time of the highest treeline elevations to when treeline stabilized and persisted near modern levels until the late twentieth century (Fig. 2a). Modern treeline also stabilized in the early AD 1300 s at MWA (Fig. 2b). Trees were growing at least 25 m above modern treeline in both mountain ranges prior to AD 1300, suggesting warmer temperatures of at least 0.24 °C during this interval before subsequent cooling and treeline decline.\n\nEarlier in the SHP record there is a very sharp treeline decline of about 65 m (0.6 °C) between 2209 and 2139 BC. This decline is not in the MWA treeline record most likely because the MWA summit is only 118 m above modern treeline, whereas the summit at SHP is 295 m above modern treeline. The MWA summit is a very harsh and inhospitable environment that precludes seedling establishment. Without the suitable and available high elevation habitat during the warmest mid-Holocene interval the MWA trees were unable to move up the mountainside. Hence, there is no record of a substantial treeline drop around 2200 BC at MWA. The 2209 BC treeline decline at SHP corresponds temporally to the apparent 4.2–3.9 ka BP abrupt climate change event indicated in many widely distributed proxy records (Zhang and Hebda 2005; Booth et al. 2006; Fischer et al. 2008; Menounos et al. 2008; Baker et al. 2009). This “event” may have been a major contributing factor for massive old-world cultural change (Stanley et al. 2003; An et al. 2005; Staubwasser and Weiss 2006).\n\nAt the SHP site at least four clusters of juvenile trees are growing well above modern treeline. The highest of these clusters is 73 m above treeline and contains at least one tree which has reached reproductive maturity. To avoid injury to these young trees they were not cored to determine exact age. However, counting the number of needle whorls suggested an approximate age of 35–50 years in 2012. It is possible that we are witnessing the incipient stages of treeline advance due to modern warming. A 73 m treeline advance is indicative of a modern warming of 0.7 °C, and local PRISM (Daly et al. 2008) modeled summer temperature for this elevation since AD 1895, is consistent with a mid-twentieth century establishment period. There is no evidence that treelines at SHP have established at these altitudes since before the 2200 BC treeline drop. The nature of the treeline-change data precludes us from knowing exactly how long it has been since trees established at this elevation, as it is possible that some smaller remnant material from more recent incipient treeline advances has eroded away or not been found. Yet, it is likely that full-size trees have not grown at this elevation since before 2200 BC and quite possible that high elevation ecosystems are now responding in a manner unprecedented in approximately 4,200 years.\n\n3.2 Ring-width variability and temperature inference\n\nTo complement the millennial-scale treeline-change information, we used the GB3rwi ring-width index chronology that spans much of the last five millennia (Fig. 3). We do not interpret GB3rwi from 2140 to 1795 BC due to poor agreement and low sample size during that period (SSS <0.85) (Wigley et al. 1984) (Fig. S2). This “gap” occurs immediately following the 65 m treeline decline at SHP. It coincides with both the 4.2–3.9 ka BP abrupt climate event and with a severely frost-damaged ring that occurs in trees at all three sites in 2036 BC. Cold-damaged high-elevation tree rings (“frost rings”) have been shown to be associated with volcanically-forced short-term cooling events (LaMarche and Hirschboeck 1984; Salzer and Hughes 2007). The event at 2036 BC is the most visually severe in our period of record. The wood has often fractured along the 2036 BC latewood annual boundary and eroded along both sides. This cracking and subsequent erosion has, in many cases, effectively erased the ring-width record for decades to centuries around the 2036 BC ring, which contributes to the “gap” in the record.\n\nPast work has demonstrated significant correspondence between ring-widths from trees at these sites and meteorological temperatures over the relatively short period of overlap provided by the instrumental record (Salzer et al. 2009; Bunn et al. 2011). We expanded on this by comparing the GB3rwi chronology to results from forced coupled global climate model (GCM) simulations for the past millennium. These models simulate past changes in climate in response to estimated changes in external forcing such as solar variability, volcanic activity, and greenhouse gas concentrations.\n\nThe tree-ring data agree much more closely with the ECHO-G (ERIK2) results than with those from the MPI (COSMOS) model; the CSM results fall somewhere in between (Fig. 4). The correlations over 991 years between non-smoothed monthly-modeled data and non-smoothed ring-width indices are highest using ERIK2 and for the summer months (July–September, r = 0.32, n = 991, Neff = 589, p < 0.001). The correlation increases to 0.64 when the GB3rwi chronology is compared to the July–September ERIK2 data smoothed in a similar manner to GB3rwi over the common interval of the two data sets, AD 1000–1990 (Fig. 4a). For comparison, the AD 1000-1990 correlations using a mean of the five MPI (COSMOS) ensemble members (20-year smooth) is 0.08 (Fig. 4c), while the CSM results give a value of 0.41 (Fig. 4b). The better agreement between the proxy data and the ERIK2 and CSM models is possibly a result of the larger solar variability used in those simulations. [We note that the difference between the ERIK2 and the MPI (COSMOS) temperature records, both for the Great Basin and for the Northern Hemisphere, closely resembles the solar irradiance record (Crowley 2000) used as forcing for the ERIK2 simulation (not shown)]. ERIK2 and GB3rwi, two completely independent records, show some strong similarities, particularly after AD 1275 (r = 0.75, n = 716); in contrast, the first 276 years show no correspondence (AD 1000–1275, r = −0.13). The lack of agreement in the 11th through late-thirteenth centuries may be due to shortcomings in the forcing data used in the models. It is not uncommon for tree-ring temperature proxy records and model results to disagree during the medieval period, particularly with regard to volcanic signals (Mann et al. 2012). To obtain estimates of temperature from the ring-widths, we scaled the GB3rwi chronology to the smoothed July–September ERIK2 temperature data over the 716-year period from AD 1276–1990 where the two data sets show strong agreement (Fig. 5a). If the entire overlap period (AD 1000–1990) were used in the scaling, the temperature scale would be similar to what was found using the more highly correlated AD 1276–1990 scaling interval. The mean difference between estimates when using the two different scaling intervals is only 0.014 °C; the maximum difference, found in years with larger ring-widths and as a result higher estimated temperature, is only 0.040 °C. Scaling allows estimates of decadal to multi centennial variability for past summer temperature in degrees C for years prior to the model (before AD 1000). Hence, we can interpret the paleoclimatic record for much of the second half of the Holocene based on both the GB3rwi tree-ring data and on the treeline elevation change data discussed above.\n\n3.3 Inferred paleotemperature record\n\nThe negative trend of 1.1 °C, derived from the treeline decline data, equates to a long-term preindustrial Holocene cooling rate of −0.31 °C per 1,000 years over the length of the tree ring record prior to treeline stabilization (2575 BC to AD 1328) (Fig. 6). This is greater than the −0.23 °C per 1,000 years (AD 300–1900) reported for the northern Hemisphere (Mann et al. 2008) and the −.21 °C per 1,000 years (AD 1–1900) reported for the Arctic (Kaufman et al. 2009). The exact same rate of temperature decline, −0.31 °C per 1,000 years, was recently reported over the last ~2,000 years from high latitude Scandinavia on the basis of tree-ring maximum latewood density (MXD) (Esper et al. 2012).\n\nThe overall range of summer temperature variability over 4,582 years is approximately 3.44 °C, with departures from −1.25 °C to +2.19 °C (Fig. 6). A similar scale of temperature change (~3.1 °C) is produced using PRISM (Daly et al. 2008) modeled instrumental temperature data, unadjusted “raw” ring widths, and regression-based techniques (not shown). The magnitude of temperature anomalies depends on the detail of the scaling of the GB3rwi chronology and partly, prior to AD 1328, on the fact that the chronology has been adjusted using the trend calculated from the tree line changes. The negative trend of 1.1 °C is superimposed upon decadal to century timescale positive departures that exceed +2 °C in the fifth century BC, the warmest period at +2.19 °C, and in the seventeenth century BC at +2.11 °C. There is a strong upward excursion of +1.52 °C in the twentieth century AD. However, the inferred temperature of the modern period was exceeded twice in the Common Era: +1.69 °C in the mid first century AD (centered on AD 33) and +1.58 °C in the mid seventh century (centered on AD 634). The coldest interval is in the mid to late fifteenth century AD (centered on AD 1469) with a temperature departure of −1.25 °C. Consistent with these results and suggesting that some of the departures from mean conditions are at least hemispheric in scale, the MXD estimates of northern Scandinavian summer temperatures indicate nearly identical dates for their warmest and coldest 30-year periods over the last ~2,000 years, at AD 21–50 and AD 1451–1480 respectively (Esper et al. 2012). These similar results are derived from different methods (MXD and ring-width), from different species (Pinus sylvestris and Pinus longaeva) from different ecosystems (lakeshore and alpine/subalpine), and from two distant regions, northern Europe and western North America.\n\nThe GB3rwi temperature estimates are likely “missing” some variance in the multi-century part of the variance spectrum because variance at that scale is less evident in the treeline changes and is not as well preserved in the standardized chronology as it is in the “raw” chronology (Fig. 3b). The decadal- to centennial-scale variability in the temperature estimates is likely mainly a result of volcanic and/or solar forcing and of internal climate variability. Direct comparisons between scaled GB3rwi and estimates of volcanic (Crowley et al. 2008; Gao et al. 2008) forcing since AD 850 show an association between volcanic forcing and periods of low temperature (Fig. 5b). It is interesting to note four episodes when volcanic activity is high that correspond with periods of inferred low temperature in the late-thirteenth, mid-fifteenth, late-seventeenth, and early-nineteenth centuries. Moreover, the period with the lowest inferred temperature since AD 850 (mid-fifteenth century; −1.25 °C) is associated with very high volcanic activity. In fact, many of the negative departures in temperature coincide with known periods of climatically effective volcanic eruptions (Salzer and Hughes 2007). This is particularly apparent for the five cool temperature episodes between AD 1280 and 1850 (Fig. 5b). Many of the dips earlier in the record are most likely the result of currently unknown and undated eruptions. It is interesting to note that the large volcanic peak of AD 1258 is not associated with inferred cooling. Warm temperature anomalies of ~ + 0.7 °C are found for several decades in the second half of the tenth and mid eleventh centuries. The Medieval period is a fairly minor warm interval in our record compared to some earlier periods with higher inferred temperatures.\n\nOther paleotemperature proxy records from the Great Basin region often extend farther back into the Holocene than our record, but with less than annual resolution. These proxy archives, such as lacustrine and meadow sediment cores, packrat middens, and glacial moraine dynamics (Thompson et al. 1994; Clark and Gillespie 1997; Smith and Betancourt 2006; Reinemann et al. 2009) are in general agreement with our results, recording higher temperatures during the middle Holocene. Unfortunately, the other proxy archives lack the resolution to be effectively compared to our results in detail. Additionally, the estimates presented here are in agreement with a high-resolution regional-climate model (Diffenbaugh and Sloan 2004). This model uses mid-Holocene orbital forcing and simulates a mid-Holocene summer warming of 1–2.5 °C over most of western USA.\n\nAnnually dated multi-millennial length proxy records that contain information about past temperature are extremely rare. We have combined information from two separate aspects of the biological system of long-lived bristlecone pine trees: (1) reproduction and survival at the upper elevational limit of tree distribution resulting in temporal variability in treeline elevation and (2) radial growth measurements of annual rings from trees at their upper elevational limit. This combination allows us to include millennial-scale variability, in addition to decadal to multi-centennial scale, in our estimates of past summer temperatures over several millennia. This is a promising approach for high resolution paleoclimatology that could provide ring-width-based temperature estimates of summer temperature with improved fidelity at millennial timescales. Using this approach we have found: (1) covariation between upper treeline Pinus longaeva ring widths and regional GCM surface temperature data, (2) treeline evidence of a long-term temperature decline of approximately −1.1 °C since the mid-Holocene, (3) abrupt treeline decline (cooling) around 2200 BC coincident with the 4.2 k climate event reported in many proxy data-sets globally, (4) substantial volcanic forcing of climate in the preindustrial record, (5) severe frost damage recorded in the 2036 BC upper treeline rings with few extant treeline samples covering this time, and (6) initial evidence of twentieth century treeline advances greater than in approximately 4,000 years.\n\nWe gratefully acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation’s Paleo Perspectives on Climate Change (P2C2) Program (Grants ATM-090227 and ATM-1203749). We thank the US Forest Service, the US National Park Service, and the Long Now Foundation for site access, and Kurt Kipfmueller, Evan Larson, and Jim Parks for their assistance."], "url": "http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-013-1911-9", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 204, "original_width": 153, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a7edc5053293d9cdeab997991ca19b40ebdecea186b7d5a29dc796502d73f8c7"], "__index_level_0__": 190, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://static-content.springer.com/cover/book/978-3-319-46759-7.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8775123357772827}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-46759-7_4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static-content.springer.com/cover/book/978-3-319-46759-7.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static-content.springer.com/cover/book/978-3-319-46759-7.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Similarity Search and Applications\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Buy options\nInternational Conference on Similarity Search and Applications\n\nSISAP 2016: Similarity Search and Applications pp 51-64\n\nSupermetric Search with the Four-Point Property\n\nConference paper\n\n27 September 2016\n\nDOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-46759-7_4\n\nPart of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 9939)\n\nCite this paper as:\nConnor R., Vadicamo L., Cardillo F.A., Rabitti F. (2016) Supermetric Search with the Four-Point Property. In: Amsaleg L., Houle M., Schubert E. (eds) Similarity Search and Applications. SISAP 2016. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9939. Springer, Cham\n\nMetric indexing research is concerned with the efficient evaluation of queries in metric spaces. In general, a large space of objects is arranged in such a way that, when a further object is presented as a query, those objects most similar to the query can be efficiently found. Most such mechanisms rely upon the triangle inequality property of the metric governing the space. The triangle inequality property is equivalent to a finite embedding property, which states that any three points of the space can be isometrically embedded in two-dimensional Euclidean space. In this paper, we examine a class of semimetric space which is finitely 4-embeddable in three-dimensional Euclidean space. In mathematics this property has been extensively studied and is generally known as the four-point property. All spaces with the four-point property are metric spaces, but they also have some stronger geometric guarantees. We coin the term supermetricspace as, in terms of metric search, they are significantly more tractable. We show some stronger geometric guarantees deriving from the four-point property which can be used in indexing to great effect, and show results for two of the SISAP benchmark searches that are substantially better than any previously published.\n\nThe term supermetric space has previously been used in the domains of particle physics and evolutionary biology as a pseudonym for the mathematical term ultra-metric, a concept of no interest in metric search; we believe our concept is of sufficient importance to the domain to justify its reuse with a different meaning."], "url": "http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-46759-7_4", "images_metadata": [{"height": 573, "original_height": 232, "original_width": 153, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["7524cf7aaaa9b0017bd14c4af5599003385b1d6c85c303719ab3237618a5f039"], "__index_level_0__": 191, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p638/Alli_Potter/07020157-575c-487f-9df5-3e748de135fc_zps55b7b1cf.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9365856051445008}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://livingbetweenbooksblog.blogspot.com/2014/04/blog-tour-dragons-dont-cry-by-delen.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MIF95XJ6Uj8/Uz7VLUmvgLI/AAAAAAAAFSY/03f_Qs2bcGc/s1600/4+MINIBOOKS.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MIF95XJ6Uj8/Uz7VLUmvgLI/AAAAAAAAFSY/03f_Qs2bcGc/s1600/4+MINIBOOKS.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MINIBOOKS\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 43}, {\"document_url\": \"http://livingbetweenbooksblog.blogspot.com/2014/04/blog-tour-dragons-dont-cry-by-delen.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1IEUVydOAiA/Uz7VJkk5YOI/AAAAAAAAFSU/VeqK3Fg4B_8/s1600/review.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1IEUVydOAiA/Uz7VJkk5YOI/AAAAAAAAFSU/VeqK3Fg4B_8/s1600/review.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"review\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://livingbetweenbooksblog.blogspot.com/2014/04/blog-tour-dragons-dont-cry-by-delen.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dYGXNqvL02Y/UtVVRBseM8I/AAAAAAAACAI/xs1ZfQVn5WA/s1600/eBookTour2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dYGXNqvL02Y/UtVVRBseM8I/AAAAAAAACAI/xs1ZfQVn5WA/s1600/eBookTour2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eBookTour\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://livingbetweenbooksblog.blogspot.com/2014/04/blog-tour-dragons-dont-cry-by-delen.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i44.tinypic.com/2n153yc.png\", \"src\": \"http://i44.tinypic.com/2n153yc.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"n yc\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://livingbetweenbooksblog.blogspot.com/2014/04/blog-tour-dragons-dont-cry-by-delen.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p638/Alli_Potter/07020157-575c-487f-9df5-3e748de135fc_zps55b7b1cf.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p638/Alli_Potter/07020157-575c-487f-9df5-3e748de135fc_zps55b7b1cf.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c f df e de fc zps b b cf\", \"alt_text\": \"Piper Caleb\", \"rendered_width\": 250, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, null]", "texts": ["One pint sized human female who’s had too much to drink, not enough sleep, and absolutely no patience meets one stubborn dragon shifter with an attitude.\nBastian claims Acasia, his unwilling bride, after she spends the night carousing with friends. She’s not happy, he’s pissed off, and with a curse from a goddess thrown in, you’ll see Bastian breathe fire.\nAdd secrets, treasure, and unimaginable heartbreak for an emotionally humorous read and discover why Dragons Don’t Cry.", "She wasn’t like Bethanne. She didn’t cringe from me or cry. My new bride was fearless, or maybe crazy. I’d actually laughed when she threatened to puke on me again. She didn’t know it was a laugh, which I was grateful for. But nonetheless, I threw back my head, bellowing like a fool. I believe it’s been hundreds of years since a bride entertained me so much on the first day I’d claimed her.\nThis one was different, and if I didn’t guard my heart, it would break again. I couldn’t live through that pain. But, gods, I was lonely.\nAcasia. I said the name in my mind. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Her hair was so blonde it was almost silver. Her tiny body reminded me of a pixie. Her face, delicate with small features, made her blue eyes seem larger and almost disproportioned. But it worked, making her even more desirable. I’d felt her as I flew nearer to the claiming field. The pull toward this one human woman. My mind zeroed in on hers. It was always like that. One stood out… one chosen for me. I couldn’t stop it any more than I could stop my heart from beating. Though I tried. I swore I wouldn’t show at that field, wouldn’t claim my bride.\nBut loneliness drew me there, to her. Gods, she wasn’t my true mate, and I would mourn her someday like I mourned the others who came before her. The thought was a crushing weight. I flew through my kingdom high above the trees, mountains, and lakes. I spotted a herd of bison. Their hide was tough, but tongue, heart, and liver succulent. A gurgle of fire exploded with my laugh. I didn’t know what the female would do when I brought one of these hulking beasts into my eating tower, but I wanted to find out.", "This is a great book, i really enjoyed reading it, I did find this book hilarious and funny, and for me it is a worth read.\nThere are some minus issues in the storyline that at first wont let you fully enjoy the story but when you pass on them, dear lord you will want more of this book.\nThere's a shifter, a dragon shifter -sexy and HOT Bastian- by the way and thats something i really love of this book, because is a fresh air in a world where werewolves are the favorite ones, anyway there's a dragon shifter that because a cursed the goddess Hera place upon the dragons, they will be always heartbroken, they will live forever but their mates won't.\nand every hundred year or so he needs to claim a new bride and theres when Acasia appears, sexy, smart, confident, and super indepent without any filter became the new bride of Bastian, shes so pissed off about this for a lot of reason but the important ones? shes drunk and sleepy.\nthis is a fun story and just take it like that, dont try to everthink too much about the plot or you will find some issues, if you pass on them this will be the perfect story for an afternoon.", "I love a good book, strong cup of coffee, and my laptop. I want a book to take me away, the coffee to keep me awake during my travels, and my laptop to make sense of all the ramblings in my brain. My thoughts may be jumbled but when I write them out they make sense, I hope.\nI live in a small Arizona town with my husband of 34 years and two spoiled dogs. I have a hardback, autographed book collection that would make any bibliophile drool. Love is where my heart is so I write romance with happy endings but I don't mind killing off a good character or two to keep things interesting.\nYou can find me www.fangchronicles.com and Facebook.", "a Rafflecopter giveaway", "Hosted by:", "Publicado por Mel a las 13:05", "1 comentarios:", "D'Elen McClain dijo...\n\nThank you for having me on your blog and for the lovely review :-)", null], "url": "http://livingbetweenbooksblog.blogspot.com/2014/04/blog-tour-dragons-dont-cry-by-delen.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["7ac2f545a71745cd3203ed28ab235fb4ecec81c0712e7e7fdd64ae8cdde239d0"], "__index_level_0__": 192, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://londonprogressivejournal.com/site_images/463.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.96514630317688}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://londonprogressivejournal.com/article/view/2167/preaching-rebirth-and-home-practicing-death-abroad\", \"unformatted_src\": \"site_images/463.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://londonprogressivejournal.com/site_images/463.jpg\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["A non-partisan journal of the left.\n\nPreaching rebirth and home; practicing death abroad\n\nby Felicity Arbuthnot\n\nTue 14th Apr 2015", null, "England’s Easter was the culmination of recent events which have brought the would-be great and good to their knees - and knee deep in hypocrisy.\n\nPrime Minister David Cameron, after attending an Easter service near his rural Oxfordshire home said it was \"shocking\" that people abroad were still being “ threatened, tortured - even killed” because of their faith.\n\nThere was no mention of Britain’s hand in this result of the ongoing “Crusade” to which Tony Blair committed Britain’s forces in 2003 and which generated the horrors. Cameron is on record as calling Blair his mentor – moreover, when Blair was Prime Minister, Cameron aspired to be “heir to Blair.”\n\nDeputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg tweeted of the: “cruel and barbaric killings that took place in Kenya.” Indeed, but it was Christian students – nearly one hundred and fifty of them - mercilessly singled out and slaughtered. Was the massacre another misconceived response to the “Crusade” - an expression which reverberated around a horrified Muslim world. The word and our deeds has resulted in violence engulfing the Middle East and North Africa with ever increasing ferocity – and ever spreading twelve decimating years on.\n\nThe Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, referred to the Coptic Christians killed in Libya last month - a country subject to another illegal Western overthrow and assassination of the Head of State, resulting in a now ruined, failed nation.\n\nHowever those who are dying are of all faiths and none, in numbers unimaginable. Tortured, crucified, beheaded, dismembered, incinerated, bombed. Their homes, countries, histories looted, destroyed, erased in unending pogroms (dictionary definition: “to destroy, wreak havoc, demolish violently”) by land, sea and air.\n\nThe Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu opined that Christians were at greater risk in many parts of the world because: “they follow Jesus Christ.” He ignored the reality that until the “Crusade’s” unleashing, believers of all religions had, broadly, co-existed in the affected regions for centuries. Being from Uganda he should also also know a fair amount about Western duplicity.\n\nIgnored in all statements were the Muslims, Yazidis, Mandeans, Sabateans, Druze, Zoroastrians, Shabaks and others of faith, dead and dying in this very democratic (ie no one excluded) holocaust which has engulfed from Baghdad to Bengazi, Aleppo to Aden, Kabul to Kerbala, Helmand to Homs.\n\nJustin Welby, in his Easter address referred to murdered Christians being: “witness, unwillingly, unjustly, wickedly … martyrs in both senses of the word.”\n\nThe sense of the loss of every single precious human life was starkly missing in the mayhem created by the most criminal of actions - wars against the peace, wars of aggression - unleashing individual tragedies on a cataclysmic scale.\n\nPerhaps the Archbishop’s mind was still on a service he had conducted on Friday 13th March - in Western superstition an unlucky day when the 13th day of the month in the Gregorian calendar falls on a Friday, states Wiki, succinctly. He will certainly also have been aware of the Easter connection, a belief springing from the thirteen guests at the Last Supper on the 13th of Nisan, the night before Christ’s death on Good Friday.\n\nIn London’s great St Paul’s Cathedral a ceremony of thanks to the 220,000 British troops who had served in Afghanistan was held, a commemoration of the four hundred and fifty three who died and a tribute to an estimated seventy five thousand wounded, disabled, sick or psychologically damaged. (1) The last troops left Afghanistan in October 2014 - almost thirteen years to the day since they first deployed.\n\nTo an onlooker, it seemed less tribute and more triumphalism. The royal family attended in force, all the men dressed in military uniform, laden with orders, decorations and medals, adorned with golden braid, tassles and chains to dazzle.\n\nThe Lord Mayor of London wore a long black velvet frock, a crimson velvet cape, trimmed with another ermine one, silk stockings, patent court shoes with steel buckles and a tricorne hat. Tradition.\n\nNo Event would be complete without an unwanted guest and Tony Blair, who as Prime Minister obeyed his Master, George W. Bush’s, voice and sent troops to die and be maimed in a country posing no threat to anywhere, duly turned up. Having suffered a backlash from relatives of those who have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, he was faced with them asking why on earth he had been invited.\n\nBob Wright, whose son Corporal Mark Wright was killed in a minefield in 2006 spoke for many, telling the Daily Express that Blair was: “the last person I would want to see”, calling it “cheek” he added: “He took the country to war, cost all those lives and he’s got blood on his hands.”\n\nGordon Brown, Blair’s Chancellor of the Exchequer, who wrote the cheques for the carnage for six years was also there. As Prime Minister after Blair’s resignation, in 2007 he did not change policy. Afghans continued to be murdered in the guise of being “freed” and British coffins and medevacs continued to be flown home.\n\nThe service included the Archbishop of Canterbury’s public thanks to those who had served. Prime Minister Cameron – with Britain on a permanent state of high alert – said the country was safer because of the efforts of the troops.\n\nCameron also talked of the scale of achievements in vanquishing Al Qaida. Where has he been? As USA Today noted, multiple insurgencies across multiple lands have taken up its cause. It has simply morphed into new movements. (USA Today, 10th September 2010). And apart from the trumped up 9/11 reason, were we not told that the Taliban were the reason for going to Afghanistan?\n\nPerhaps the real reason lay in Afghanistan’s untapped trillion dollar bonanza of “mineral wealth and energy resources (including natural gas)” which have been known of since the 1970s. (2) In the light of which one homily at the service was particularly ironic:\n\nLord we pray with one accord,\n\nFor a just and equal sharing\n\nOf the things that earth affords\n\nIt ends: “All that kills abundant living, Let it from the earth be banned.”\n\nA bit late for that, after the firing by the UK of forty six million bullets. Further, in just one instance, according to the Ministry of Defence, at least eighty thousand 105mm shells (costing £100 million) were fired within five seconds of support being called in. (3)\n\nWhich brings us to the most bizarre part of the service. A cross made from used shell casings, mounted on a 105mm shell case base, bearing the names of the British dead, was borne through the Cathedral by representatives of the Army, Navy and Air Force and presented at the Altar for the Archbishops’s blessing and dedication. Formerly hung in the HQ at Camp Bastion, it is now to hang at the National Memorial Arboretum, in Staffordshire in the north of England.\n\nThe cross, made from shells which had ended lives, mired in flesh and blood was dedicated:\n\nTo the greater glory of God\n\nAnd in thanksgiving for lives well lived\n\nAnd good examples set …\n\nTell that to the grieving, bereaved, orphaned, homeless of Afghanistan. Not so much swords to ploughshares, but killer casings for Crusaders. It also has to be wondered whether it is a radioactive cross. The British certainly used depleted uranium in shells during the first Gulf war, whether they still are is not certain, but to have abandoned it’s use would have been a major change of policy unlikely to be missed.\n\nThe commemoration ended with a triumphal military parade and fly past, which included a Chinook helicopter and Apache attack helicopter, presumably to remind us of the “special relationship” which had brought about the whole bloody mess. At least “Onward Christian soldiers” was not on the hymn sheet.\n\nIn an interview with Forces TV, Tony Blair said he had not foreseen just how long the troops would remain in Afghanistan. Clearly history is not his strong subject. In this “graveyard of empires” Britain was roundly defeated in 1812 and 1842. In 1919, in a territorial spat with Russia, they decided not to return.\n\nIn a blistering assessment Will Hutton views the last twelve years as little better, writing: “The Ministry of Defence and the military establishment are revealed as over-optimistic boneheads. Everything militated against success. The amount of money that was squandered beggars belief … Too much of what was planned was driven not by military need or political calculation – but by trying to impress the US.” (4)\n\nThe ceremony’s venue was another irony. St Paul’s was the greatest of the creations of Sir Christopher Wren (1632-1723) whose passion for Islamic architecture is mirrored in his buildings. It is witnessed in the structure of the domes in the aisles and the vast one atop the Cathedral. Were it gold, one would surely be looking at a mosque.\n\nArchbishop Welby, with Archbishop Sentamu, had another military related occasion in the last several weeks. They signed a “corporate covenant” with the armed forces in an: “expression of moral obligation that the government and the nation owe the Armed Forces Community.” (5)\n\nWe have come a long way from “Thou shalt not kill”, “love they neighbor” and “do unto others as you would have them do to you.” But perhaps as a former oil man, the Archbishop has a different perspective. His son, Peter, incidentally, works for Tony Blair.\n\n1. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/11138811/Help-for-Heroes-Up-to-75000-British-scarred-by-Iraq-and-Afghanistan.html\n\n3. http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/569070/British-Army-fired-millions-bullets-Taliban\n\n4. http://stopwar.org.uk/news/how-britain-spent-40bn-suffering-humiliating-defeat-in-afghanistan-while-trying-to-impress-the-us\n\n5. http://www.army.mod.uk/news/26906.aspx"], "url": "http://londonprogressivejournal.com/article/view/2167/preaching-rebirth-and-home-practicing-death-abroad", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 188, "original_width": 250, "width": 502}], "image_hashes": ["7c28dc970743d32b52d0bf9735579167d4ce4f54f81541c97f55232a676aaa06"], "__index_level_0__": 193, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.speakfreelyny.com/images/organizations/suny_westbury.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9099582433700562}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://longislandspeakersbureau.com/vince-lancella/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.speakfreelyny.com/images/LIBI.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.speakfreelyny.com/images/LIBI.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"LIBI\", \"rendered_width\": 150}, {\"document_url\": \"http://longislandspeakersbureau.com/vince-lancella/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.speakfreelyny.com/images/organizations/realtyConnect.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://www.speakfreelyny.com/images/organizations/realtyConnect.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"realtyConnect\", \"rendered_width\": 164, \"rendered_height\": 47}, {\"document_url\": \"http://longislandspeakersbureau.com/vince-lancella/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.speakfreelyny.com/images/organizations/suny_westbury.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.speakfreelyny.com/images/organizations/suny_westbury.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"suny westbury\", \"rendered_width\": 100}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Vince is an award-winning speaker and strategic business owner.\n\nVince Lancella founded Speak Freely in 2011 after having built and worked at several businesses.  The knowledge that he now shares during his presentations and workshops is a combination of his acuity for sales and customer service coupled with his genuine interest in helping others.\n\nWhether you are interested in speaking before a group, growing your customer base, being able to network more effectively, close more sales, or all of the above, Vince is “the guy” to teach you the skills you seek. He is an award-winning speaker and successful business owner.\n\nHis personal courses will help you build self confidence, give you a plan for speaking at your daughter’s wedding, your friend’s retirement, or in front of your club or organization.\n\nThe seminars and workshops for businesses or entrepreneurs are customized to combine every day tips for any industry with specific techniques that are relevant to your particular business.  Learn how to confidently speak in the board room, or make the one-to-one connection needed to turn a prospect into a customer.\n\nVincent Lancella has spoken at and for many organizations and business entities. Some of them include;", null, "Please visit the Speak Freely website and learn more about Vince and the programs he offers. Some of the topics include;\nPresentation Skills\nLet me also add that if you find it frustrating to add emotions into your presentation then Vince is certainly someone to speak with. Adding emotions and enthusiasm into your presentations, whether it be a one on one sales presentation or when delivering your keynote speech. When you add feeling to your words they impact your audience. It shows you care, it shows your excitement and if done properly it shows your sincerity.\n\nSpeaking Topics\n\nThis workshop is designed for Business Owners, and Sales Agents.\n\nDuring this workshop, Vince will be covering detailed strategies for each of the following:\n\nThis workshop is designed for both Business Owners, and Corporate Employees in sales related positions.  During this workshop, Vince will be covering detailed strategies for each of the following:\n\nThis workshop is for everyone!  Whether you own a business, belong to an organization, or just want to feel comfortable speaking in a personal situation such as a wedding, wake, birthday party or retirement, this workshop is for you. During this workshop, Vince will be covering detailed strategies for each of the following:\n\nHire this Speaker!\n\nWould you like Vince Lancella to speak at your event? Please complete the form below and a Long Island Speakers Bureau representative will respond to your request.\n\n{field:file_upload_87 method=embed]\n{field:file_upload_89 method=embed]\n{field:file_upload_91 method=embed]\n\nShare this:", "Find a Speaker", "Featured Speakers", "Jess Todtfeld, CSP shows organizations that the Secret to Power & Influence is connected to communication style and techniques. “It IS possible to get more done, create more powerful teams, …"], "url": "http://longislandspeakersbureau.com/vince-lancella/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f0478a0024469733375818cc2ffb8b722f38cd9d50e405785fdde2e04910a6e1"], "__index_level_0__": 194, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-scOYi9UdZ5w/TtCrav9wzSI/AAAAAAAACV4/8Ze7ULKf2_k/s1600/c4-food+business.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cHq4gddjKqo/TtCxT1Qp1rI/AAAAAAAACWY/vYrAfU1Z720/s1600/illos.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JuAhu3cbD9Q/TtCroUqldvI/AAAAAAAACWQ/4QxwV3hRrME/s1600/scan2.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WiAA6cXUDms/TtCrkv6tksI/AAAAAAAACWI/1KGP_eLjFxg/s1600/scan1.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9466455578804016}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lucilleumali.blogspot.com/2011/11/food-business.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-scOYi9UdZ5w/TtCrav9wzSI/AAAAAAAACV4/8Ze7ULKf2_k/s1600/c4-food+business.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-scOYi9UdZ5w/TtCrav9wzSI/AAAAAAAACV4/8Ze7ULKf2_k/s1600/c4-food+business.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c food business\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://lucilleumali.blogspot.com/2011/11/food-business.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cHq4gddjKqo/TtCxT1Qp1rI/AAAAAAAACWY/vYrAfU1Z720/s1600/illos.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cHq4gddjKqo/TtCxT1Qp1rI/AAAAAAAACWY/vYrAfU1Z720/s1600/illos.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"illos\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lucilleumali.blogspot.com/2011/11/food-business.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JuAhu3cbD9Q/TtCroUqldvI/AAAAAAAACWQ/4QxwV3hRrME/s1600/scan2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JuAhu3cbD9Q/TtCroUqldvI/AAAAAAAACWQ/4QxwV3hRrME/s1600/scan2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"scan\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://lucilleumali.blogspot.com/2011/11/food-business.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WiAA6cXUDms/TtCrkv6tksI/AAAAAAAACWI/1KGP_eLjFxg/s1600/scan1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WiAA6cXUDms/TtCrkv6tksI/AAAAAAAACWI/1KGP_eLjFxg/s1600/scan1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"scan\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lucilleumali.blogspot.com/2011/11/food-business.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, November 26, 2011\n\nFood Business\n\nA page i did for the business section of Times of Oman. Went all vector and boxy for the page. Was also aiming for something very clean and sleek. At first the plan was to make it look like a menu since the article is about food and all but i wound up making it look like this, which i am personally very happy of the outcome. :)\n\nThe idea of my design was inspired by this.", null, null, "Below is my study. First thing i did was layout the text in InDesign with the images in mind where to put them, print it and sketch on it until i get my desired illustration for the page.", null, null, "Posted by lucille umali at Saturday, November 26, 2011", "Labels: illustration, newspaper, Times of Oman", "Matthew Engquist said...\n\nYou made all these by yourself? That is something! You're very good at vectoring. How long have you been practicing this? I used to make vector album covers for some underground artists when I was in college, but you're far better at it than I ever was.\n\nDecember 26, 2011 at 5:52 PM", "Sir sheamus said...\n\nI am very thankful to all your team for sharing such inspirational information.\nsurvival food healthy\n\nAugust 29, 2012 at 3:19 PM", "Big show said...\n\nReally advisory and effective assemblage.\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 12:08 PM", "Disqus for the lucilleumali blog", "H E L L O !", "F a c e b o o k", "T w i t t e r", "I n s t a g r a m", "T u m b l r", "B e h a n c e", "S o c i e t y 6", "n. p. d. org"], "url": "http://lucilleumali.blogspot.com/2011/11/food-business.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 693, "original_height": 1101, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 546, "original_width": 600, "width": 415}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 531, "original_width": 600, "width": 427}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 531, "original_width": 600, "width": 427}], "image_hashes": ["dce200d5257ffccb1e867fd7b02e44770315a8b5af3d8f6bdf2921e0266030b6", "5230f3668fe88f532b420258322c8c35f8bc65617ac54cf936ff0aaa80e1b54c", "925329c887255affb286392bcbab60ab4828a30fed75cc6069f1cbb4e471b93b", "48f724f8a103cdf416b1fa05f5b4f96c5057ad28dae98440720089bde175fd19"], "__index_level_0__": 195, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mCvR_EOWskA/UvbjslzkGLI/AAAAAAAAGTc/j_i8FSLxctY/s1600/DSCN5623.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mQndbhDqYnA/UvbkO1Sab4I/AAAAAAAAGTk/e3K75trsUrM/s1600/DSCN5620.JPG", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9561282396316528}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lucy-martin.blogspot.com/2014/02/loves-essence.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mCvR_EOWskA/UvbjslzkGLI/AAAAAAAAGTc/j_i8FSLxctY/s1600/DSCN5623.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mCvR_EOWskA/UvbjslzkGLI/AAAAAAAAGTc/j_i8FSLxctY/s1600/DSCN5623.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lucy-martin.blogspot.com/2014/02/loves-essence.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mQndbhDqYnA/UvbkO1Sab4I/AAAAAAAAGTk/e3K75trsUrM/s1600/DSCN5620.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mQndbhDqYnA/UvbkO1Sab4I/AAAAAAAAGTk/e3K75trsUrM/s1600/DSCN5620.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lucy-martin.blogspot.com/2014/02/loves-essence.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zNG0kRCdTXE/Vse20Ct7j7I/AAAAAAAAJGg/8YG-dC5JvRw/s145/10474186_10204149528681067_5437844326878369000_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zNG0kRCdTXE/Vse20Ct7j7I/AAAAAAAAJGg/8YG-dC5JvRw/s145/10474186_10204149528681067_5437844326878369000_n.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Our Family: June 2014\", \"rendered_width\": 145, \"rendered_height\": 97}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lucy-martin.blogspot.com/2014/02/loves-essence.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh3.googleusercontent.com/-w0cw0zeluCs/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAG00/zkS_c4RFpXA/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-w0cw0zeluCs/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAG00/zkS_c4RFpXA/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I have been considering life's greatest blessing. LOVE. Doesn't it make a drab day brighter?  A sweet song cheerier? And a long winter shorter?\nWell, maybe not:)\nBut I really can not imagine not loving.\nNot that it is always easy. No. but because of that crazy thing called grace is it ever possible to truely LOVE.\n\nListen to this great song by one of my favorite artists...\n\nLove is patient,\nLove is kind,\nLove is not self seeking.... (I Corinthians 13)\n\nLove is its own reward. Love is the greatest  discipline.\n\nLove cannot be measured until it has been poured out...", null, "I had a tea party with my girls and two of their friends the other day...", null, "I took this picture after they had scurried off to play.\nI was still in a tropical mood so we had pina colada tea. which was interesting I'll say:)\nThe memory is what will last though not whether the tea was perfect, flowers fresh and crumpets crumbly. Sometimes love says \" this moment is unlike any other, so it is good.\"\n\n( while I put this together I was listening to my daughter reading to her younger sister.\nexpression was utilized and sister was in rapt attention. LOVE! I almost missed it!)\n\nPosted by Lucy martin at 2/08/2014", "thank you and blessings for words from your heart..."], "url": "http://lucy-martin.blogspot.com/2014/02/loves-essence.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["220fe2e226c4b5e5d9511f1e9c99178e6c8a5a18bba0e503bc4560f9b80f043e", "91ee06d1b36b6e7347ec54a7c052ab22fd86dd238f4a136ca178af5304d47922"], "__index_level_0__": 196, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4BXtWmYwjGo/THRbbmFKPgI/AAAAAAAABuI/EqHQMxKh0WY/s400/IMG_6098.JPG", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_4BXtWmYwjGo/TFtZLMgMhBI/AAAAAAAABtQ/yJwBusxVVfI/s400/IMG_6414.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_4BXtWmYwjGo/TFtZKS-bKeI/AAAAAAAABtA/RgEUAJb2wTc/s400/IMG_6399.jpg", 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Cucina\n1507 State Road 674\nSun City Center\n(813) 634-7521\nposted by Table Scraps at 7:44 PM 1 comments", "Charms of Leffingwell\n\nAlong with a deliciously fragrant lavender lemonade recipe from Charms of Leffingwell, you'll want to read about my visit to the antique shop and tea room here in this week's South Shore News & Tribune.\nCharms of Leffingwell was a really interesting place. I think I'll let these photos tell you about its charm and style:", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://lynnkessel.blogspot.com/2010/08/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 374, "original_width": 400, "width": 404}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 318, "original_width": 400, "width": 475}, {"height": 411, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 367, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 317, "original_width": 400, "width": 476}, {"height": 483, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 313, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 315, "original_width": 400, "width": 480}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 492, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 307, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 340, "original_width": 400, "width": 444}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 344, "original_width": 400, "width": 439}], "image_hashes": ["e5ea33a005378728060ff561ea616300768065bd87457147b559851a0797e3d0", "956f4a36bd7d82346f8faa3b2d40c52bdeac63a8b7696353ec01377b44a17686", "e218df593cc693a72fedfd574995eeac4cd6151fa7a2216699cc501e16ad70b2", "1c1630250dbce1b05baebcf93a847f933503aa1a5558b1fd32778eff90ef3c58", "7ae45e20654d79bb98c8f07109b73d8468878fd0f6723c91d29e7ed467ea01d6", "879cfa8ab5d99fbceb16cac7e2deaf8dc06596fef8eecf7006749413c7e7610c", "fb6be8fdda4944957c6e882f8d1e300dfcdfa2b23f719c74e89ee86bdf85a145", "8bfa077b7c83de1af575fa7467d92f5b3de224e3cc8ae9923327ad75e55bc667", "d8afa2e6215a8550173482a12a2391f658c7584bdcd530ab83ef886a6da93c1f", "ef0146f1c00e81d5b1cf187ebaba21ebd24c5c239b265d6285e4fe6b9acf2f97", "b709dea67a2e4af6957a9383fe3a6ce9134ed4b823bccaee8c1b5ff8813c7c14", "0f762fe694d80b2d74dd6b1eba013cf0559f428b3caf08eb6ee906f946411408"], "__index_level_0__": 197, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://media2.fdncms.com/chronogram/imager/u/mobilestory/2373762/wl_equinefinal4.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9629542231559752}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://m.chronogram.com/hudsonvalley/healed-by-horses/Content?oid=2373763\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://media2.fdncms.com/chronogram/imager/u/mobilestory/2373762/wl_equinefinal4.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://media2.fdncms.com/chronogram/imager/u/mobilestory/2373762/wl_equinefinal4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wl equinefinal\", \"alt_text\": \"Illustration - ANNIE INTERNICOLA\", \"rendered_width\": 459, \"rendered_height\": 600}, null]", "texts": [null, "One June morning at HorsePlay in Kerhonkson, 10 of us stood in line in an outdoor arena, connected to one another with one long piece of string. Along the edge of the covered space, a sandy-colored horse munched peacefully on some red clover. Our facilitators—HorsePlay owner and equine specialist Cori Nichols and mental-health counselor Rosey Rouhana—had given us a mission: Coax the horse into the middle of the arena, and have it step or jump over a low obstacle. Yet what sounded like a simple exercise turned out to be more complicated than we thought. Each of us had to keep one hand on the string, and we could not touch the horse at all. Our group experimented with snaking our line in front of the horse and corralling her into the center, yet she neatly avoided the obstacle every time. Once she lifted a hoof as if to step over it—yet at the last moment she spooked, backed off, and ran away. After several failed attempts, we finally succeeded in getting \"Hope\" (the name we gave her) to jump over the obstacle. The group erupted in cheers, and Hope responded with a victory lap around the arena, bucking her hind legs and throwing her head back in what seemed like mutual celebration.\n\nWhen Nichols and Rouhana invited us afterwards to tell about what happened, we spoke of our frustrations, the complications of group problem-solving, and the ultimate exhilaration of reaching a shared goal. One woman equated the experience to parenting, with the horse as a stand-in for a child: \"Sometimes we push our agenda on our kids and want them to do certain things. When we stepped back and didn't push it but just made space for it, the horse flew over the obstacle.\" Others gleaned a different lesson, and it was easy to see how this simple exercise with this powerful animal could represent almost anything. Said one participant, \"How you do this kind of thing is how you do your life.\"\n\nThat is exactly the philosophy behind equine-assisted learning (EAL) and equine-assisted psychotherapy (EAP), twin therapeutic practices that connect people with horses for experiential growth and healing. It's an approach that makes sense to Nichols, who has spent much of her life around horses and has often witnessed people problem-solving with the help of the fairy-tale animals. \"It's an invitation to try to relate to another living being who is a lot bigger than you, and who for some reason you're drawn to,\" says Nichols, who became an EAGALA (Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association) certified specialist and opened HorsePlay in 2015. Interacting with horses unmounted and on the ground (these therapies do not involve horseback riding), people discover things about themselves they did not know before, opening a door to new solutions.\n\n\"We're not asking [our clients], 'How do you feel?' We're saying, 'Tell us what happened out there? What are the horses doing?' That's when we get the most information, because people are describing themselves through the horses. There's a lot of projection going on,\" says Nichols. Through exercises that involve observation and engagement as well as metaphor and projection, equine therapy can be an effective alternative to traditional talk therapy, giving people insight into their own behaviors, patterns, and habits.\n\n\"We all agree in the field that talk therapy doesn't always get the results we want,\" says Rouhana, who collaborates with Nichols and also works outside the arena at Astor Services for Children and Families in Kingston and Ellenville. \"Sometimes we need a bit of assistance to see something that might not be coming out verbally. It's an experiential therapy, which can be really useful when you're feeling stuck.\" The sheer size of a horse can be intimidating, but that in itself is part of equine therapy's unique power and usefulness, says Rouhana. \"Being able to connect with that and learn from that—and being able to ask a horse to do something and have it do it—all of this can be very effective in overcoming feelings of intimidation and fear around big things in our lives.\"\n\nHelp for Boots on the Ground\n\nIt takes sizable strength to stand up to something as life-changing as post-traumatic stress disorder—and that's what Jimmy Downes facilitates every week at the Therapeutic Equestrian Center (TEC) in Cold Spring. On Fridays, Downes offers EAGALA-model services to postdeployment military veterans from the VA Hudson Valley Health Care System in Montrose. An equine specialist who works as a consultant through his own business, Relatively Stable LLC, Downes is also a certified substance abuse counselor who uses equine therapy to help people heal from addiction; in the past he used EAGALA-model services with survivors of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in December 2012, helping families, teachers, and first responders deal with the emotional aftermath of the tragedy. \"This is a solution-focused short-term therapy,\" says Downes. \"We do activities that help the clients find their solutions. Our philosophy is that we believe all of our clients have their answers inside.\""], "url": "http://m.chronogram.com/hudsonvalley/healed-by-horses/Content?oid=2373763", "images_metadata": [{"height": 494, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 459, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f9b2f2083944366b9c949914ea1937c6bdbf66ef487b6a77cf743b9f6df896ec"], "__index_level_0__": 198, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MafzTVvNorI/TROX4rt9TmI/AAAAAAAAAyI/2HzpxjI3zEc/s320/DSC_0110.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9491232633590698}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://magiclovecrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/merry-christmas-everyone.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MafzTVvNorI/TROX4rt9TmI/AAAAAAAAAyI/2HzpxjI3zEc/s320/DSC_0110.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MafzTVvNorI/TROX4rt9TmI/AAAAAAAAAyI/2HzpxjI3zEc/s320/DSC_0110.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://magiclovecrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/merry-christmas-everyone.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cWordXy0zhQ/WRoRWRO4dfI/AAAAAAAANxQ/cwDVQoJrrho26P8thj4s1yHQRv8tDAypgCK4B/s286/DSC_0776%2B2%2Bcopy%2B2.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cWordXy0zhQ/WRoRWRO4dfI/AAAAAAAANxQ/cwDVQoJrrho26P8thj4s1yHQRv8tDAypgCK4B/s286/DSC_0776%2B2%2Bcopy%2B2.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC B Bcopy B\", \"alt_text\": \"First Date\", \"rendered_width\": 280, \"rendered_height\": 286}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://magiclovecrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/merry-christmas-everyone.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-g_yJJIsjnp8/WJ41G1QapZI/AAAAAAAANfE/QO6nx-e0DLU4VaiUWRmhwNp37xx9exDiwCK4B/s286/DSC_0899%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-g_yJJIsjnp8/WJ41G1QapZI/AAAAAAAANfE/QO6nx-e0DLU4VaiUWRmhwNp37xx9exDiwCK4B/s286/DSC_0899%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC Bcopy\", \"alt_text\": \"Welcome Everyone\", \"rendered_width\": 252, \"rendered_height\": 286}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://magiclovecrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/merry-christmas-everyone.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZXq4daGvnhE/WRn-CQcsddI/AAAAAAAANv4/lokn7zyJ7aUy3uzA-2_uKS9cUPEvh_A4gCK4B/s80/DSC_0392%2Bcopy%2B5.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ZXq4daGvnhE/WRn-CQcsddI/AAAAAAAANv4/lokn7zyJ7aUy3uzA-2_uKS9cUPEvh_A4gCK4B/s80/DSC_0392%2Bcopy%2B5.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC Bcopy B\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://magiclovecrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/merry-christmas-everyone.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zl6nckEYntQ/VHI3OHyNnSI/AAAAAAAALR0/0nD2jVGtHfw/s286/DSC_0544.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zl6nckEYntQ/VHI3OHyNnSI/AAAAAAAALR0/0nD2jVGtHfw/s286/DSC_0544.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\", \"alt_text\": \"\\\"My Story\\\"\", \"rendered_width\": 207, \"rendered_height\": 286}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://magiclovecrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/merry-christmas-everyone.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kt00T7FXZU8/V7h9yUk_XnI/AAAAAAAAM8o/mcp60LUP2V4XX9h1NEEviGHekxwfMAHmACK4B/s286/DSC_0020%2Bcopy%2B2.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kt00T7FXZU8/V7h9yUk_XnI/AAAAAAAAM8o/mcp60LUP2V4XX9h1NEEviGHekxwfMAHmACK4B/s286/DSC_0020%2Bcopy%2B2.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC Bcopy B\", \"alt_text\": \"Be You!\", \"rendered_width\": 286, \"rendered_height\": 253}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://magiclovecrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/merry-christmas-everyone.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-e28u3mguOpM/WGr4BBhHjMI/AAAAAAAANVg/5zrUNPJ3uOo8CXEpScqBq83vaeEfwkreACK4B/s286/DSC_0088%2Bcopy%2B%25282%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-e28u3mguOpM/WGr4BBhHjMI/AAAAAAAANVg/5zrUNPJ3uOo8CXEpScqBq83vaeEfwkreACK4B/s286/DSC_0088%2Bcopy%2B%25282%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC Bcopy B\", \"alt_text\": \"\\\"Happy Baby Crow\\\"\", \"rendered_width\": 199, \"rendered_height\": 286}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://magiclovecrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/merry-christmas-everyone.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ED8Pu8i6ukU/WQkorz_x3ZI/AAAAAAAANtI/Gxd-mEkU9sIFo38W14PeSoAEgxznnQxNQCK4B/s286/d5fb431137168df1d92ef15014f67b0d.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ED8Pu8i6ukU/WQkorz_x3ZI/AAAAAAAANtI/Gxd-mEkU9sIFo38W14PeSoAEgxznnQxNQCK4B/s286/d5fb431137168df1d92ef15014f67b0d.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d fb df d ef f b d\", \"alt_text\": \"true\", \"rendered_width\": 185, \"rendered_height\": 286}, null, null]", "texts": ["I thought I would write now, because from friday till monday, we are going to have a full house!! Good food, family and friends, what more could I ask for ;o) I wanted to share something very special to me, with all of you! My mom's \"Little Baby Jesus\". This was given to my mom, 52 years ago. My mom is 71. It always comes out at Christmas time and is placed under our tree! I love it so much! I hope all of you have a very Blessed Christmas ;o))", null, "Posted by Magic Love Crow at 1:32 PM", "Labels: Merry Christmas\n\nFirst Date", "12\" x 16\"", "Welcome Everyone", "Crow Girl", "MagicLoveCrow's Shop", "\"My Story\"", "Please click to read", "\"Special People\"", "Be You!", "You Are Amazing", "\"Happy Baby Crow\""], "url": "http://magiclovecrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/merry-christmas-everyone.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["7fe8da8da36ac5a1f87c68633a9d9d5b552c1762fd6f0a9c36b7f43d12a4b210"], "__index_level_0__": 199, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2mBapy949ag/UGLihl82HdI/AAAAAAAACek/oqApOaAI_DE/s400/IMG_3046.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wvs7ixcBuow/UGLkiXpXoEI/AAAAAAAACgM/0vP32pE7Hf8/s400/IMG_3010.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/--OEzs-UIHSs/UGLi5XaiOiI/AAAAAAAACes/GG3B4PIqMPU/s400/IMG_2954.JPG", null, 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so simple, but looks so intricate and beautiful when finished.  To save time, I used canned pie filling, and because I thought it would travel better, I sprinkled sanding sugar on top instead of a glaze.  Later, I made another braid using apple pie filling and decided to try the glaze suggested in the original recipe.  I didn't get a chance to try it since I gave it to my neighbors as a thank you for watching our dogs over the weekend, but it looked yummy, too!", null, "apple braid with cinnamon glaze", null, "raspberry & apricot braids sprinkled with sugar\n\nIngredients: (from eatliverun.com)\n\nfor the bread:\n-2 1/2 cups bread flour\n-1/4 cup granulated sugar\n-1 tablespoon instant yeast (one of the small packets)\n-3/4 teaspoon salt\n-1 cup warm water\n-2 1/4 teaspoons vegetable oil\n\n-3/4 to 1 can pie filling (21 oz. can) of your choice\n-granulated sugar to sprinkle on top", null, "for the glaze:\n-1/3 cup confectioner’s sugar\n-5 teaspoons whipping cream\n-1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract\n-Pinch of kosher salt\n-Pinch of nutmeg (I used cinnamon instead)\n\n1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Mix dry ingredients together in a large mixing bowl.  Add water and oil and mix for 6 minutes using an electric mixer on medium-high speed.", null, "sorry, it was late so the lighting is awful...", null, "I started with my regular mixer attachment\nthen switched to the dough hook", null, "2.  Spray a smooth clean surface with cooking spray and place dough in the center.  Lightly spray a rolling pin with cooking spray and roll the dough out into a large rectangle, about 12\" x 16\".", null, "it was raining pretty hard\nso the dough came out very sticky\n(it didn't the second time I made these)", null, "but it still rolled out nicely!\n\n3.  Using a pizza cutter or a sharp knife, cut each side into strips about 1-inch wide, leaving the middle third of the dough uncut.", null, "I cut the dough on the cutting board,\nbut the original recipe suggests moving it to the baking sheet first\n\n4.  Spread filling down the center of the dough.  Fold strips of dough into the center, crisscrossing the filling by alternating strips from each side. Lightly press ends to seal, and straighten out the braid with your hands, if necessary, to straighten.  Sprinkle with sugar if not using the glaze.", null, "mmm... raspberry!", null, null, "5.  Place on non-stick baking sheet, and bake the braid in the oven for 25-30 minutes, or until golden brown. Remove from the oven and let the braid cool for several minutes.", "I used sanding sugar, but regular granulated sugar works fine", null, "if baking two at a time, rotate the pan half way through\nto prevent uneven browning\nhindsight's 20/20...\n\nprintable recipe\nPosted by Ashley Eddie at 8:16 PM", "My Love", "Mama's girls"], "url": "http://makingmamaskitchen.blogspot.com/2012/09/braided-fruit-pastry.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, 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Just know your not alone!\n\nCheck this out Your not alone !\nPosted by Brandee Rentz at 7:41 PM No comments:", "Labels: blog, Christmas, family, Grief, Joy, moms, pain, peace, pittsburgh\n\nSunday, August 21, 2016\n\n\"Sleep Well, Baby Whale...\"\n\nThat I think was a book title I read to my kiddos once upon a time....\n\nand that time seems so long ago.\n\nYes I do have three fabulous kiddos and yes this blogpost is going to be about just one, but not really.\n\nTomorrow morning I will drive my youngest to her first day of Kindergarten, and as I sit here I am a complete wreck.\n\nNot  one bit is because of Kindergarten. She will be fine. Even though she said to me tonight moments before she closed her eyes, \"I'm nervous Mama\" and then I know just because she was able to articulate that emotion, I know shes ready.\n\nTomorrow is not only her first day but also mine. Tomorrow signifies the end of journey of what at some point felt like 10,000 years and 100,000 thousand miles but was truly 10yrs.\n\nThe oldest original princess will have her last first day of school on Wednesday.  Yes my kids are at different schools this year, that is a post for a different day, and yes I'm talking about the youngest going to kindergarten and I'm talking about the oldest and really to tell you the real meaning of what I'm trying to get across I need to talk about my son as well. Because this is not just a story about a mom feeling sad  about kindergarten, this is a journey through infertility.\n\nThirteen years ago we put our oldest on the bus for kindergarten, at the time she was our only and every infertility doctor in Pittsburgh had told us that getting pregnant would not happen. We married young so at that moment in our life we were not even candidates for becoming adoptive parents. So as I watched that bus pull away, there was a distinct possibility that it would be the only first day of kindergarten I would ever see. For whatever reason I knew deep in my soul differently, that our family would grow someday, somehow, in someway.\n\nSeven years ago we were told we would become adoptive parents, to the most beautiful, most energetic little man with the best pinching cheeks a mother could ask for, on his first day of kindergarten I drove them to school (his big sister in tow ) dropped them off parked in the parking lot and watched them walk in, and possibly sat in the parking lot wondering if I was doing the right thing!\n\nYou see our family did not come together in what most would call traditional in any way, and when people ask, strange insensitive questions about the ages and ethnicity of my children I truthfully answer (unless you ask me on a really snarky day, then I may tell you I have three baby daddy's' ) this was God's plan not ours.\n\nBecause it was. 100% hands down. My kids needed each other. Exactly they way they are, they needed each other in ways I could never understand until we lived it. The needed each other for reasons I won't bore you with but knowing that truly keeps me going on the tough days.\n\nSo yes I have three kids and I have been a mother for 17yrs but I have only been a mom to three for\n6 yrs and I am quite honestly really sad to see this part of parenting end,  everyone in school and making more steps towards leaving me forever.... (ok a bit dramatic I know, its probably the wine talking ...)  I still pinch myself to see if this is really my life, because for a decade I thought maybe this dream would never happen. A dream of motherhood and a larger family? Shocking I know, but that was my dream.\n\nThe time has gone so fast, and I truly know that the rest will go even faster, so I'm going hug squeeze and kiss them goodnight because I know before I finish writing this it will someones last first and they will be ready even If I'm not, because they will be ready to set out on the next adventure.\n\nI'm not alone right?\n\nHang in there Mama Bears!", "Posted by Brandee Rentz at 8:58 PM No comments:", "Labels: adoption, growing up, infertility, kindergarten, miscarriage, Moms of school age kids, motherhood, parenting, wine\n\nSunday, July 3, 2016\n\nI'm Free!!!!\n\nFrom my mind anyway, the cobwebs have lifted and the words have started to flow....\n\nCheck it out!\n\nPosted by Brandee Rentz at 7:37 AM No comments:", "Labels: blog, contributor, family, mommy, moms, nana, ninty, pittsburgh, weekend, words, writing\n\nThursday, January 21, 2016\n\nThe Man Behind the curtain....", null, "Those of you who have survived all my years on facebook and blogging intermittently know so much of our life. Although I have tried to paint a much clearer picture than just the highlight reel, there is only so much you can share that people will actually read about without blocking or unfriending, right? You are all here still, right I think?? Buhler, Buhler ???\n\nSo today I need to take you behind the scenes just a little….\n\nNearly twenty years ago I met a boy. He smiled and his eyes lit up the room, he had the tightest circle of amazing friends, that he still has to this day.   More then that however he was driven and set out to accomplish a list of goals I had completely given up on even considering. Then and now he operates on less sleep than anyone I have ever known in my life, because he has the drive to see things through to completion. This is about the boy who quickly became the man I could depend on, that never gave up on me, who has held my hand, through some painful, awful, amazing crazy Shit!\n\nHe has supported me through so much, crazy job changes, marathon training, nursing school, the crazy mood swings of infertility drugs, hormone injections, too many surgical recoveries to count,  not too mention held my hand through unimaginable grief we pulled through together on the other side to this crazy life as a party of Five we  now have.\n\nThe entire time we were building this crazy life he was also building a career, when most people our age solely focused on career building, he was balancing family, making a name and building a reputation in his field. Finding a way to be at all the kids games, volunteering to coach and playing epic games of uno.  The drive was there but the timing in our family life just wasn’t quite right.", null, "After more than a decade of planning and growing our family we have entered a different stage of our lives together.  So now it's his turn!\n\nWe have a tendency to take giant leaps of Faith, so its seemed to be the best way to start 2016!  Operation be your own boss has begun, and I am so proud to annouce that\nMy Husband is now the Proud CEO, CTO, CFO  and currently sole owner and employee of  KarlaSoft Consulting.", null, "This new journey is just the beginning, congratulation baby,  I am so proud of you!", null, "Posted by Brandee Rentz at 6:48 PM No comments:", "Labels: #self-employed #entrepreneur #dream #consulting #life #build #husband #love #family #goals #big\n\nWednesday, October 14, 2015\n\nI am Coffee - I think or at least I'd like to be!\n\nTomorrow is October 15, Stillbirth, Miscarriage and pregnancy loss remembrance day. 1 in 4.\n\nNearly 8yrs ago we experienced a pain that I'll never forget and wish I keep any other family from ever feeling. It changed us, even our then 8yr old daughter, but I truly feel we became a better family on the other side.\n\nSix months ago we went through an expected miscarriage, its strange to think I could be sitting here hugely pregnant at this moment.\n\nReading through our remembrance blog, www.babyrentz.blogspot.com  and I came across this stories from years ago.\n\nI hope that I am coffee....\n\nA carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee...A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her.She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up, She was tired of fighting and struggling.It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose.Her mother took her to the kitchen.She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil.In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans.She let them sit and boil; without saying a word.In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners.She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl.She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl.Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.Turning to her daughter, she asked, ' Tell me what you see.''Carrots, eggs, and coffee,' she replied.Her mother brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft.The mother then asked the daughter to take an egg and break it.After pulling off the shell, she observed the hard boiled eggFinally, the mother asked the daughter to sip the coffee.The daughter smiled as she tasted its rich aroma.The daughter then asked, 'What does it mean, mother?'Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity: boiling water.Each reacted differently.The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting.However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak The egg had been fragile.Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened.The ground coffee beans were unique, however.After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.'Which are you?' she asked her daughter.'When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond?Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?Think of this:Which am I? Am I the carrot that seems strong, but with pain and adversity do I wilt and become soft and lose my strength?Am I the egg that starts with a malleable heart, but changes with the heat?Did I have a fluid spirit, but after a death, a breakup, a financial hardship or some other trial, have I become hardened and stiff?Does my shell look the same, but on the inside am I bitter and tough with a stiff spirit and hardened heart?Or am I like the coffee bean?The bean actually changes the hot water, the very circumstance that brings the pain.When the water gets hot, it releases the fragrance and flavor.If you are like the bean, when things are at their worst, you get better and change the situation around you.When the hour is the darkest and trials are their greatest do you elevate yourself to another level?How do you handle adversity?Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes a long their way.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past;\n\nPosted by Brandee Rentz at 8:09 PM No comments:", "Labels: #pregnancyrememberanceday #stillbirth #miscarriage #loss #infertility #life\n\nTuesday, August 4, 2015\n\nWho are you ?\n\nFour years ago when I started trying to lose some weight, it wasn't about a bathing suit, vacation or really even getting back a post baby body, it was just about feeling comfortable in my own skin again.\nMy journey into motherhood has always brought with it this crazy antiquated notions of who I am supposed to be or who I should be or more legalistically who  I can't be or what I shouldn't do.\nDo I look like the right kind of mom, do I dress like the right kind of mom, stylish and trendy but not too trendy.\nSo four years ago post the craziest whirlwind year of becoming an adoptive mom and giving birth while teaching our then 12yr old only child daughter how to become a sister, and surviving a layoff as a single income family, I decided I needed to feel like me again whoever that was.\nI tried going to the gym like I had always done, it was a challenge with our new larger family, somedays getting the kids into the playland was more of workout then I actually got from being at the gym. I tried running which I formerly lived doing more then anything but the extra weight made this a bit uncomfortable.\nI'll leave a for more pieces out for now but I eventually found Beachbody and challenge groups and that crazy online support community really helped me in so many ways !\nAnd it has again led me to a great group of woman supporting each other -\nIt's not just about being or getting skinny - it's about developing a network of support for wherever you are in your life today - and taking those people with you on the rest of your journey !\nDo you need to find your people ?\nYour lobsters ??", null, "Posted by Brandee Rentz at 7:56 PM No comments:", "Labels: #mybbstory #adoption #childbirth #findingyourself #support #friends #loss #layoff\n\nSunday, January 11, 2015\n\nSunday Prep Day!\n\nBack to basics...\nI love to cook, love to grocery shop, neither are fun or enjoyable while plagued with  an annoying cough. Plus although i did make the list mr mancave did the shopping this weekend and my sick self left a few things off of the list.", null, "Yes there is quite a bit of green in there but with good reason.\nSpinach - sautéed with eggs for breakfast, salads, add a cup to my shakeology for an extra boost, and my teenage daughters favorite spinach pesto!\nGreen leaf salad - kids request for lunches this week.\nHard boiled eggs- quick on the run breakfast, salad topping, after school snack for my son ( if I don't hide them he would eat them all in a day - no yolk! 😜 seriously though he doesn't eat the yolks.\nGrapes- easy to wash prep and separate for snacks, lunches, slice up to throw on a salad.\nLast but not least my favorite quick healthyish busy family dinner trick\n- the rotisserie chicken!\nWe buy one throw I chop it up portion it out for salads, tacos and my favorite chicken salad with Greek yogurt !\nIs it the most healthy option ? Eh, could be better but I know this week I'm not 100% and its good choice !\nWhat's on your menu this week ?\nPosted by Brandee Rentz at 5:58 PM No comments:", "Labels: busy family, dinner, eat clean, family, food, fun, kids, meal planning, meal prep, planning", "People that made our family and families like ours possible:"], "url": "http://mancavefamily.blogspot.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 159, "original_width": 318, "width": 756}, {"height": 474, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 188, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 188, "original_width": 188, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 481, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 481, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["7ca3b177ed694ee9e0a8af128c7b16b7a951668d516dfc7cc08d5ea6d7abd5d0", 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I hope you're all having a great week, today is a very special day. Reason being because today here on Marrok Macintyre we are having our very first Guest post! Allow me to introduce Gillian Bronte Adams!", null, "And today she is here for the one year Anniversary of her Book Songkeeper!\n\nToday, we’re looking at the letter …\n\nN is for Nisus\n\n“The Xanthen are the wisest scholars in Leira—except Nisus, of course, but he’s considered a bit of a bad egg really, more strategist than sage.” –Jirkar, Songkeeper\n\nNisus is a tapestry of contradictions. He is a dwarf of the Whyndburg Mountains", null, "and has a twin brother named Jirkar. In matters of etiquette, his manners are impeccable. In fact, if he were here right now, he would be getting on my case for not properly introducing him.\n\n(His full name is Nisus Plexipus Molineous Creegnan, Xanthen Chancellor to the Caran, just in case you were wondering …)\n\nAnd now, that he has been properly introduced, we can continue. As one of the Xantehn, Nisus is a scholar and therefore held in high regard in the mountains. But he is more than a simple scholar. He serves as a strategist on the high council of the Caran, the ruler of the Whyndburg Mountains.\n\nAnd yet, when we first meet him (in Orphan’s Song), he is sneaking through the forest on an undercover scouting mission with his twin brother. A roguish, restless streak breaks through his proper exterior from time to time. Though he does a far better job of squelching it than the known rebel dwarf, Migdon. Perhaps his restless streak is but a reminder of the years that he spent as an outlaw on the run from the Takhran with the Songkeeper Artair and the notorious Hawkness.\n\nBut even when he gives in to his more restless side, Nisus remains proper to the core, as evidenced by the fact that he packs his pewter tea bowl and kettle while on an undercover mission.\n\nNisus knelt beside the fire and set a kettle over the flames. “Tea?” from seemingly nowhere, he produced a pewter tea bowl, saucer, and a bag of tea leaves. He plucked a pinch of leaves, rolled them between his fingers, then dropped them into a mesh pouch that he set in his tea bowl. “Imported all the way from Langoria. Care to have some?”\n\nAmos shook his head. He’d forgotten Nisus’s strange fondness for the watery, grass-flavored commodity. “I prefer a som’at stronger drink.”\n\n– Orphan’s Song\n\nPersonally, my feelings toward tea tend to align more with Amos’s than Nisus’s. Now coffee on the other hand, that is my weakness.\n\nIn highschool, I fell in love with the stage and wanted to pursue a career in acting. My career was extremely short-lived—one play—but I enjoyed every minute of it. (I’d like to say that I awoke to reality but in all honesty, I simply forsook the siren song of the stage for the elusive white stag of the publishing world.)\n\nMany of the tips and tricks you learn for characterization in acting can be applied to character development in writing. For instance, my director assigned us with the task of bringing one prop item that our character could carry on stage during the play, but we had to be able to say why our character would have that item and how it explained or symbolized an aspect of their personality. It was a super fun exercise.\n\nI like to try it every now and then when I’m writing. Now it’s nearly impossible for me to imagine some characters without an object in hand. It is something that I as the author put a fair amount of thought into, so that it becomes something that readers accept as part of the characters and simply gloss over. It is most effective when it melts seamlessly into the story. So, in the Songkeeper Chronicles, Amos has his dirk, Carhartan has his pipe, Ky has his sling, and Nisus … well, Nisus has his pewter tea set. Perhaps it’s not as exciting as some of the others—although, I hear he can brew a mean cup of tea—but to me, it has become as much an aspect of who he is as his dark, curly hair and cropped beard with reddish streaks.\n\n“Ah, there’s nothing like a spot of hot tea to complete the day.” Nisus pottered past with his arms full of tea things. “Would you care for some, miss?”\n\nIn addition to his love for tea, Nisus has an unwavering faith. He is steadfast. Loyal. Trustworthy. He speaks the truth without reservation. That makes him the sort of friend that we all need but all too often don’t really wish to have, because hearing unreserved truth can be a painful experience.\n\nBut sometimes, it’s just what we need.\n\nSteam puffed from the kettle’s spout. Nisus lifted it and poured a stream of boiling water over the leaves in his tea bowl. He removed the leaves after a few moments and sat down across from Amos, cupping the bowl in his hands. “I am surprised you dare mention the old days. From what I have heard, you seem to have forsaken them.”\n\nDo you have a friend like Nisus? Someone who can tell you the truth when you need to hear it, even when it hurts? Are you able to be that sort of friend to someone else?\n\nAmazon: Orphan’s Song, Songkeeper\n\nBarnes and Nobles: Orphan’s Song, Songkeeper\n\nAnd before you leave, don’t forget to enter the giveaway!", null, null, "War ravages Leira and the Song has fallen silent.\n\nDesperate to end the fighting, Birdie embarks on a dangerous mission into the heart of the Takhran’s fortress. Legend speaks of a mythical spring buried within and the Songkeeper who will one day unleash it to achieve victory. Everyone believes Birdie is the one, but the elusive nature of the Song and rumors of other gifted individuals lead her to doubt her role. Unleashing the spring could defeat the Takhran once and for all, but can she truly be the Songkeeper when the Song no longer answers her call?\nLooks/sounds beast right? If your interested in this awesome sounding book series (like me) make sure to enter the giveaway and check out the links! A special \"Thank You\" too Miss Adams for joining us today and until net time... Stay True to the King!\n\nImages and Gifs used are not mine and I don't clam them as my own. All created goes to their rightful owners/creators"], "url": "http://marrokmacintyre.blogspot.com/2017/03/explore-leira-blog-tour-n-is-for-nisus.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}, {"height": 598, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 202, "width": 378}, {"height": 379, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 398, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 600, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 252, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["70eccc20836f80cd7b2d17917013eee70f907ea60bea4f3c26c736f23ef9e544", "2d6ee0ce5bbc840d57a81f645e856a7ce380383f8ad3937d52bf468fbc63d77c", "150969b890bd9cd1dabe2691d5d3d4c24575a88910c3847fafee63f54ae3c78f", "231b5d6d6580ed5767d8756315c4ff957989c7289bf5e487855fbd34433c5598", "a8ba27a0581de3e8f9155626a3943ab85d7382dc364fdbeae9eb9d37523e4d51"], "__index_level_0__": 202, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3fzkRammN68/T2hdwgQ09uI/AAAAAAAAEAQ/GNCT_jXzBFY/s200/mower.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9534934163093568}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://massmarrier.blogspot.com/2012/03/from-gollum-to-good-guy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3fzkRammN68/T2hdwgQ09uI/AAAAAAAAEAQ/GNCT_jXzBFY/s200/mower.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3fzkRammN68/T2hdwgQ09uI/AAAAAAAAEAQ/GNCT_jXzBFY/s200/mower.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mower\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://massmarrier.blogspot.com/2012/03/from-gollum-to-good-guy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-swDBbJW23Pw/Tiw4eBMApEI/AAAAAAAACho/F1iI4MP3ZPE/s230/crank3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-swDBbJW23Pw/Tiw4eBMApEI/AAAAAAAACho/F1iI4MP3ZPE/s230/crank3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"crank\", \"alt_text\": \"Harrumph!\", \"rendered_width\": 86, \"rendered_height\": 23}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://massmarrier.blogspot.com/2012/03/from-gollum-to-good-guy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Z8phEJGgdos/Tiw5I75qlII/AAAAAAAAChw/3PlIphxUPNA/s230/lapodcast.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Z8phEJGgdos/Tiw5I75qlII/AAAAAAAAChw/3PlIphxUPNA/s230/lapodcast.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"lapodcast\", \"alt_text\": \"Left Ahead!\", \"rendered_width\": 230, \"rendered_height\": 33}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://massmarrier.blogspot.com/2012/03/from-gollum-to-good-guy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-APgB4Coa2k8/UneOAKbDkxI/AAAAAAAAKyw/PhDlpHiUXo8/s231/swallowwee.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-APgB4Coa2k8/UneOAKbDkxI/AAAAAAAAKyw/PhDlpHiUXo8/s231/swallowwee.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"swallowwee\", \"alt_text\": \"Mike's Flickr\", \"rendered_width\": 61, \"rendered_height\": 74}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://massmarrier.blogspot.com/2012/03/from-gollum-to-good-guy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1lbB-Y5OF64/Tiw_b3syfbI/AAAAAAAACiA/TDlLOHcN0D8/s230/btrwee.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1lbB-Y5OF64/Tiw_b3syfbI/AAAAAAAACiA/TDlLOHcN0D8/s230/btrwee.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"btrwee\", \"alt_text\": \"BTR Lefties\", \"rendered_width\": 148, \"rendered_height\": 30}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Click around just a little and go to huge supporters of unfettered capitalism, like the WSJ, and you'll find the sad reality. Companies and rich people in general hoard. They've been sitting on cash that brings to mind Scrooge McDuck's swimming pool. The nation rots in unemployment and slow recovery, while they put their wads and bags of liquid resources only where those get guaranteed returns.\n\nThey create nothing but incremental additional wealth for themselves.\n\nA few of the super-rich, such as Warren Buffet have called them on this disgrace and lack of concern for both the nation and its citizens. The government is fairly powerless to make fake and self-identified job creator actually create jobs.\n\nPlaying Gollum viciously protecting the Precious is the reality of the job-creator myth for the fast majority of flush companies and individuals. Yet we may finally have a corporate peer to lead boards and CEOs to responsibility, compassion and patriotism.\n\nThe ever self-interested Apple announced it would begin doing the right thing. It will pay out much of an accumulated $100 billion-plus in cash. Its admission that it has passed its tipping point of hoarding may well catalyze other McDucks to do the same.\n\nApple absolutely has been stifling the economy when it could have been a hero. Now if other corporations see the warm rains of praise and great PR surely to fall on Apple, many are likely to follow suit.\n\nThe corporation admits its cash has grown faster than it can use it. It will start by paying dividends around $45 billion to shareholders.", null, "As another indicator of the nature of the hoarding problem's expanse, it won't touch $65 billion, at least short term. That cash is held outside the country. Its tax rate would be higher as a result of re-Americanizing it.\n\nDon't hurt you head thinking of the companies, banks and individuals who also expatriate their millions and billions rather than creating jobs or expanding opportunities domestically.That's simply the inherently bad side of capitalism. Those amoral sorts need direction to act well.\n\nApple's first payout, beginning in July, is relatively modest in percentage, 1.8%. That's moderate for a high-tech company, and below the rate of Microsoft and others. However, it's a big change for Apple and likely an inspiration for other hoarders who have shunned their duties to the nation and its people in this awful economy.\n\nI contend that an even better solution would be tweaking our tax code. Sure, Congress is mostly rich white folk making the rules to benefit rich white folk. Here the great mower with blades of shame and reason can slice off the unfairness and deceit.\n\nStructure taxes like other Western nations. Businesses and the wealthiest would have a seminal choice. Either keep sheltering the millions and billions from economic growth, thus losing most to tax, or reinvest and invest it in job creation, company expansion, and the good aspects of capitalism for low or very low tax.\nPosted by massmarrier at 6:41 AM", "Subscribe To This Blog", "Comment Policy", "Write Civilly (click pic for policy)", "My non-pollitical posts", "Left Ahead!", "Weekly podcast", "Mike's Flickr", "Mike's Main", "Eponymous MB Site", "BTR Lefties", "Tuesdays at 2:30 p.m. Eastern"], "url": "http://massmarrier.blogspot.com/2012/03/from-gollum-to-good-guy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0285990518f88daedaee760ff63e4eb743f265d3fd2b7e4fe975ee7b030c6df2"], "__index_level_0__": 203, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_h0MKFHMebT4/TPOvPm6hM-I/AAAAAAAACVo/Ors-My2G0yY/s320/amy%2Band%2Bsimo%2Bwedding%2B124.jpg", null, 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2010\n\nWedding photos\n\nI'm still waiting for more wedding photos - but here are a few of my beautiful children!", null, "Ana sang \"You are my sunshine\" to the bride and groom.", null, "Gracie in her new KidWalk loved dancing with bridesmaid, Crystal!", null, "Ana danced the night away!", null, "Father-Daughter dance - that's one talented Daddy, dancing with both girls at once!", null, "Dancing girls!", null, "Mommy and Noah - Noah was a good sport, passed around all day long!\n\nPosted by Abby R at 8:39 AM No comments: Links to this post", "Saturday, November 27, 2010\n\nHappy Thanksgiving\n\nWe're so thankful to celebrate Gracie's FOURTH adoption day! We are so thankful for the privilege of raising these beautiful children that God has entrusted to us!\nPosted by Abby R at 10:26 PM No comments: Links to this post", "Monday, November 22, 2010\n\nAuntie Amy and Uncle Simon's wedding", null, "I lost all my photos of the wedding, so when I get some, I'll post more of my kids all dolled up for their auntie's wedding! Here's photo of Gracie \"walking\" down the aisle in her new KidWalk! She loves this new walker as it gives her a lot more freedom to move around on her own! She couldn't quite get it to move easily on the carpet and runner, but she stood up front as the Junior Bridesmaid for quite a while, watching the ceremony with great interest! How precious!\nPosted by Abby R at 7:52 AM No comments: Links to this post", "Sunday, November 14, 2010\n\nAna's thoughts on her future\n\n\"I want to be a mommy and Mommy will still be a mommy.\"\nDaddy asks, \"do you want to get married some day?\" (Auntie Amy is getting married this coming weekend, so weddings are a common topic of conversation these days!)\n\"Yeah, and I'll have some babies too.\"\nDaddy continues, \"Oh? How many babies?\"\n\"Maybe 5... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... maybe some boys and girls... maybe like Noah.\"\nDaddy encourages, \"you'll be a great mommy someday!\"\nAna: \"yeah!\"\nPosted by Abby R at 7:08 PM No comments: Links to this post", "Saturday, November 13, 2010\n\nMy little helpers", null, "Making a birthday treat for Daddy.", "Holding Noah!\nPosted by Abby R at 10:01 AM No comments: Links to this post", "Wednesday, November 10, 2010\n\nChristmas Projects\n\nIf you're interested in some Christmas projects to share the finances that God has entrusted to you, here are two ideas!\nBethany Christian Services has a gift catalog with projects all around the world to provide food, shelter, and families for children at risk.\nAction International Ministries in Gulu, Uganda has great financial need at this moment. You can donate online to \"where needed most\" to help pay for Ugandan staff salaries, a Christmas party for the orphanage or school, and meet other financial needs."], "url": "http://mcrattin.blogspot.com/2010_11_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["23174ce2da40f61c97d6824f238e26a21f743b6071b86a43014ec67f6e344868", "5b0c2f343323346e5cec39863cbd1e4f6c13f9e482fd5608abca1725e2d0463e", "8d58de82ba322c99ad412b9096303fc5795c3930923f5ad6583270e600ffaa56", "c70b59c58b38b97c09b7b72f329f8009669492598eaf1bfd1ab454c66c39df4c", "b1a1e36aef0474a2eb34624fa57bad7eb44dbb2af013a0e06cabcc637e94b6fd", "9bc930ce9903a6cd9a8aa7b2200428a9e98b209fb33bf5a5f3673413ccd75567", "f42660534335dfd16cd10eaf8fc92e6277ca372f338065c27ec0ea854b79a0a4", "6f40265a24da5674243f1eec1e099b5248221975cb7a19ac5138e733f4b4b6fd"], "__index_level_0__": 204, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8L7I7ymI/AAAAAAAABLE/7UVpAuvfyDo/s320/100_1813.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8M_VQYKI/AAAAAAAABLM/Qe93n5NYSQY/s320/100_1814.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8Ku9wcTI/AAAAAAAABK8/76GYeVSs9Zg/s320/100_1812.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8I4Hog0I/AAAAAAAABK0/RdfTBIQzxB0/s320/100_1810.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9382822513580322}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mellee4lsu.blogspot.com/2010/08/stitching-updates.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8L7I7ymI/AAAAAAAABLE/7UVpAuvfyDo/s320/100_1813.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8L7I7ymI/AAAAAAAABLE/7UVpAuvfyDo/s320/100_1813.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mellee4lsu.blogspot.com/2010/08/stitching-updates.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8M_VQYKI/AAAAAAAABLM/Qe93n5NYSQY/s320/100_1814.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8M_VQYKI/AAAAAAAABLM/Qe93n5NYSQY/s320/100_1814.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mellee4lsu.blogspot.com/2010/08/stitching-updates.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8Ku9wcTI/AAAAAAAABK8/76GYeVSs9Zg/s320/100_1812.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8Ku9wcTI/AAAAAAAABK8/76GYeVSs9Zg/s320/100_1812.jpg\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mellee4lsu.blogspot.com/2010/08/stitching-updates.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8I4Hog0I/AAAAAAAABK0/RdfTBIQzxB0/s320/100_1810.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_H6h1d-lBe_c/THG8I4Hog0I/AAAAAAAABK0/RdfTBIQzxB0/s320/100_1810.jpg\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mellee4lsu.blogspot.com/2010/08/stitching-updates.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4194/3060/1600/eeyore.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4194/3060/1600/eeyore.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eeyore\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 59}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mellee4lsu.blogspot.com/2010/08/stitching-updates.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://feedjit.com/b/c0b11686ae96a88e.png\", \"src\": \"http://feedjit.com/b/c0b11686ae96a88e.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c b ae a e\"}]", "texts": ["Sunday, August 22, 2010\n\nStitching Updates\n\nMary Engelbreit Baby Quilt:", null, "The entire area that has been finished to date.", null, null, "This is what the piece will look like.", null, "Labels: Mary Engelbreit, Passione Ricamo, Welcome by Passione Ricamo", "Meari said...\n\nYour projects look great so far, Melinda!\n\nAugust 22, 2010 at 8:40 PM", "Emily said...\n\nYour stitches are so neat on the quilt, whenever I do a stamped piece the stitches always end up very uneven. Good work.\n\nAugust 22, 2010 at 9:39 PM", "Blu said...\n\nGreat WIPs.\nAlthough I can't believe you have a HAED as a travel piece! Doesn't that make it a really long term project?\n\nAugust 22, 2010 at 10:17 PM", "Kay said...\n\nEverything is looking really good! The few times I have done stamped cross stitch I have a hard time of getting the stitches to come out even and look as good as you have done! I so love the welcome fairy, it is a vision!\n\nAugust 23, 2010 at 1:12 AM", "Shelleen said...\n\nEverything looks great. Love the fairy and HAED.\n\nAugust 23, 2010 at 1:35 PM", "htimcj said...\n\nGreat stitching!\n\nAugust 24, 2010 at 11:30 AM", "Mylene said...\n\nGreat designs you are working on and all are looking beautiful!\n\nAugust 24, 2010 at 5:20 PM", "Carolyn NC said..."], "url": "http://mellee4lsu.blogspot.com/2010/08/stitching-updates.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 245, "original_width": 320, "width": 493}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["fe54227f3490d2607fb1c79454e138f0030e3b382b0fa6dbf0f70312192f4493", "0086576304b8f7e07c2adb83b6084f14df80eeaf94c98ce7442c42bdba8c1243", "bfe3985e34b7befac83a6b0ef317bbc1e904b0739d3946a8719a9d851f726d79", "c175fa1ee14e2a3e8cf47c58d9244b5ad5a0c4f6ac8c3472a9e74c1f667170a6"], "__index_level_0__": 205, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, "http://www.mervynpeake.org/gormenghast/images/bk_titusgroan.jpg", null, "http://www.mervynpeake.org/gormenghast/images/bk_gormenghast.jpg", null, "http://www.mervynpeake.org/gormenghast/images/bk_titusalone.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9118316173553468}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mervynpeake.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.mervynpeake.org/gormenghast/images/bk_titusgroan.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.mervynpeake.org/gormenghast/images/bk_titusgroan.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bk titusgroan\", \"rendered_width\": 163, \"rendered_height\": 243}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mervynpeake.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.mervynpeake.org/gormenghast/images/bk_gormenghast.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.mervynpeake.org/gormenghast/images/bk_gormenghast.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bk gormenghast\", \"rendered_width\": 163, \"rendered_height\": 243}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mervynpeake.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.mervynpeake.org/gormenghast/images/bk_titusalone.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.mervynpeake.org/gormenghast/images/bk_titusalone.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bk titusalone\", \"rendered_width\": 163, \"rendered_height\": 243}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mervynpeake.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-bqPyggV_lQs/Txmb49yJF6I/AAAAAAAAA3E/k3qKndz9kkc/s79/Sebastian%2BPeake%2B159.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bqPyggV_lQs/Txmb49yJF6I/AAAAAAAAA3E/k3qKndz9kkc/s79/Sebastian%2BPeake%2B159.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Sebastian BPeake B\", \"alt_text\": \"My Photo\", \"rendered_width\": 79, \"rendered_height\": 57}, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, January 27, 2006\n\nMervyn Peake - Two Lives\n\nVintage Books are reissuing Mervyn Peake - Two Lives, my own and my mother's autobiographies, with copies available from February. The new ISBN number will be 0099282860\n\nThe current edition is still available on Amazon by following this link", "posted by Sebastian Peake at 7:27 pm 0 Comments", "Talk at the Manchester Literary Festival\n\nI will be giving a talk at The Manchester Literary Festival on Sunday 15th October. As the City Art Gallery has one of my father's Glassblowers oil paintings, the illustrated talk and the painting will provide two Mervyn Peake events in the same place.\n\nClick here for archive news on Mervyn Peake\n\nposted by Sebastian Peake at 7:26 pm 0 Comments", "Wednesday, January 18, 2006\n\n60th Anniversary of Titus Groan\n\nTo mark the 60th Anniversary of the original publication of Mervyn Peake's imaginatitive masterpiece, Titus Groan, Random House have published three brand new editions of the classic trilogy.\n\nTo compliment the new editions, Random House will be supporting Sebastian Peake's tour of the literary festivals this year, click here for dates and locations of the new talks.", null, "Buy Titus Groan", null, "Buy Gormenghast", null, "Titus Alone", "See all books by Mervyn Peake on amazon.co.uk", "posted by Sebastian Peake at 6:18 pm 0 Comments", "Titus Groan published in Portuguese\n\nEdicoes Saida de Emergencia, a well established Portuguese publisher, will be bringing out Titus Groan followed later by the other two novels in the trilogy.\n\nposted by Sebastian Peake at 6:16 pm 1 Comments", "Amsterdam Literary Festival talk\n\nI will be giving a talk on the life and work of my Father, Mervyn Peake, at the Amsterdam Literary Festival on Saturday 20th May. Click here for details."], "url": "http://mervynpeake.blogspot.com/2006_01_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 563, "original_height": 243, "original_width": 163, "width": 378}, {"height": 563, "original_height": 243, "original_width": 163, "width": 378}, {"height": 563, "original_height": 243, "original_width": 163, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6731c44d003c42df9bba4f15e4ed2af74fe92d5f064d4b9acdc44327e5d69de4", "5d85252463ea879550c8781afdadfae2551d7565229c4b17196dac2c8d7414ec", "c62683b6a7605270166fc9f9cf8b002ddaa0b9610e66350306873f3594228302"], "__index_level_0__": 206, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5phx4WgYAx0/Sb8lsDr-mrI/AAAAAAAAA_k/aEbGSWaq9d0/s320/31+Days+of+Moustache.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_5phx4WgYAx0/Sb8lwnPnYcI/AAAAAAAAA_s/y_6FI2rz-nI/s320/Charlie+Chaplin.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8856233358383179}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, 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He added it to his appearance to hide his \"youthful appearance\" early in his career. Chaplin is a true legend of Hollywood and was well ahead of the game in the early days of cinema. He did it all. He not only acted, but also wrote and directed his films.\n\nThe amazing thing is that some of his films are better than most today. Watch the above videos for scenes in Chaplin classics The Circus (1928), City Lights (1931), and The Great Dictator (1940). He was the first real star of Hollywood and made a name for himself during the silent era.", null, "Final 'Stache Rating (Out of Four Moustaches):", "Chaplin sported the toothbrush moustache, which became highly unpopular after the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler. For that reason, very few people wear it today. Still this 'stache is iconic, but I'm giving it three 'staches because it was fake.\nPosted by Mikey Filmmaker at 9:22 PM", "Labels: 31 Days of Moustache, Charlie Chaplin", "6th Annual Oscar Contest"], "url": "http://mikeyfilmmaker.blogspot.com/2009/03/31-days-of-moustache-charlie-chaplin.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 279, "original_width": 320, "width": 433}, {"height": 554, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 218, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["72c22848fef70a52745177bf8de4b9cc78d9e55309eda963ccab3e04aa73efd0", "ed81145333f364f3f675fc52710e2d596a6ffc91825696cbd0505c4eae1c5410"], "__index_level_0__": 207, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://i607.photobucket.com/albums/tt157/starcutter/orcs1.jpg", null, "http://i607.photobucket.com/albums/tt157/starcutter/militia1.jpg", null, "http://i607.photobucket.com/albums/tt157/starcutter/jeromesgenestealer1.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9602782726287842}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mikkelnyboe.blogspot.com/2012/06/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_aVw3kqlu6DY/S2mBxrh8cGI/AAAAAAAAACg/j7ZXrU1kzRE/S1600-R/gurer+ikon6.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_aVw3kqlu6DY/S2mBxrh8cGI/AAAAAAAAACg/j7ZXrU1kzRE/S1600-R/gurer+ikon6.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gurer ikon\", \"alt_text\": \"Gurer - the blog\", \"rendered_width\": 847, \"rendered_height\": 142}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mikkelnyboe.blogspot.com/2012/06/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i607.photobucket.com/albums/tt157/starcutter/orcs1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i607.photobucket.com/albums/tt157/starcutter/orcs1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"orcs\", \"rendered_width\": 800, \"rendered_height\": 502}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mikkelnyboe.blogspot.com/2012/06/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i607.photobucket.com/albums/tt157/starcutter/militia1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i607.photobucket.com/albums/tt157/starcutter/militia1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"militia\", \"rendered_width\": 700, \"rendered_height\": 522}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mikkelnyboe.blogspot.com/2012/06/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i607.photobucket.com/albums/tt157/starcutter/jeromesgenestealer1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i607.photobucket.com/albums/tt157/starcutter/jeromesgenestealer1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"jeromesgenestealer\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 346}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["So... it's time for an update. I have moved house, my wife is pregnant, lots of work...\n\nBut I'm still painting :) Here's some of the things I have done lately:", null, "Orcs. For roleplaying - hence the round bases. I'm quite fond of the skincolour. Nothing fancy, but it works. The models are older gw orcs I had in my basement, still in blisters. The house moving has made me look through my leadpile.. ohh there are some shiny things there.", null, "Another grab in the pile - some bretonian men at arms from gw and an orc captain I think, from reaper. Also meant for roleplaying And finaly I have this old gem for you - I have painted this genestealer for a friend of mine. I hope he likes it.", null, "It found it extremely hard to get a good photo of this guy, too many arms I guess :)\n\nAnd there are some trolls too... and some old 40k squats...  And maybe I'll even start painting some of the amazing McVey stuff I have bought lately..."], "url": "http://mikkelnyboe.blogspot.com/2012/06/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 502, "original_width": 800, "width": 602}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 522, "original_width": 700, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 346, "original_width": 400, "width": 436}], "image_hashes": ["5252677218dc9e395929852fc6eca46b33e4352eb14870b478ca3622dba352f4", "ef743540e6b5c4b9a1a1c7bb992e4fc5e7a2771a601410b64137dbb1cc4fa38e", "8ab9bb136f3b668834752eae614f00daf0631e736de43614e13e7e2452a9a492"], "__index_level_0__": 208, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hqIYWBicThA/UTp6bLvVGYI/AAAAAAAALFo/IldAN-ZUMlk/s640/7.jpg", 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Back me up here guys.\n\nadapted from Lindsay Landis' The Cookie Dough Lover's Cookbook\nMakes 20\n\n70g unsalted butter, room temperature\n2 tablespoons caster sugar\n1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed\n1 tablespoons milk\n1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract\n1/2 cup plain flour\n2 tablespoons cocoa powder\n1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon\nPinch of ground cayenne (or more to taste)\nPinch of salt\n1/4 cup mini milk chocolate chips\n150g dark chocolate\n\nTake teaspoon-size lumps of dough and form them into balls and arrange them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Place sheet in the freezer for at least 15 minutes. Meanwhile, melt the dark chocolate in a double boiler or microwave, being careful not to overheat it. Using a fork, dip truffles one at a time in the dark chocolate to coat all over. Tap the fork on the edge of the bowl to shake off excess chocolate, and return truffles to baking sheet to set.\n\nIf you have any leftover dark chocolate, transfer it to a piping bag or squeeze bottle fitted with a small round tip and pipe decorative lines over top of truffles. For a contrasting drizzle, melt approximately 30g of milk chocolate and drizzle it over top of the truffles."], "url": "http://milk-and.blogspot.com/2013/03/mexican-chocolate-chip-cookie-dough.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["cf92c61fa3bf9ce99c7c098a773f9465ccf01b4161244045b0658d8ae8d942b3", "203ad2636885941c569077244e5e9b33194a0f220a457b7bc4b5ba0b3f0d3dde", "1782b7dc01685c9391dc323896aea6aa1ce8a36302ad72a2a52bd301543b199d", "e734d9a89e97c7b1345dbde0c5bbbcaa6cb997fdc74a9092278645fd14e31b12", "85800f8c7753a25426aced042376fdd7b88ae3003b5313f84ea76518b2a5e901", "ecc9f1019df91c31f9b1e2cd87f8b69cad6f2ea63252aa13d7e4612d546f3efb", "21ec14245426cb5463f9c6b462a97cef35d003a6908a8beb3e96ffe37c9233ca", "c617207fd99929c7968e6b96d9e55030e70c3c22c34c14e4a04f082fa7bfda17", "a176bce5a85e7751e4ccd19203f2f19902da1e687997c4c26f490cd2b6e99026"], "__index_level_0__": 209, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/SkWQfkOkEqI/AAAAAAAAAZo/lGUXJDdRubQ/s400/tatwo.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/SkWQfeICNhI/AAAAAAAAAZg/EAYXh6Qor64/s400/nugggy.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/SkWQegmI7YI/AAAAAAAAAZQ/A2uLIdIUtus/s400/beautiful.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8270618319511414}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mnstyle.blogspot.com/2009/06/trader-joes-summit-and-cretin.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/SkWQfkOkEqI/AAAAAAAAAZo/lGUXJDdRubQ/s400/tatwo.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/SkWQfkOkEqI/AAAAAAAAAZo/lGUXJDdRubQ/s400/tatwo.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tatwo\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mnstyle.blogspot.com/2009/06/trader-joes-summit-and-cretin.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/SkWQfeICNhI/AAAAAAAAAZg/EAYXh6Qor64/s400/nugggy.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/SkWQfeICNhI/AAAAAAAAAZg/EAYXh6Qor64/s400/nugggy.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nugggy\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://mnstyle.blogspot.com/2009/06/trader-joes-summit-and-cretin.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/SkWQegmI7YI/AAAAAAAAAZQ/A2uLIdIUtus/s400/beautiful.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/SkWQegmI7YI/AAAAAAAAAZQ/A2uLIdIUtus/s400/beautiful.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"beautiful\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, June 26, 2009\n\nTrader Joe's, Summit and Cretin", null, "Tat Two.", null, null, "I got a little obsessive about these two. At first, I noticed the dreds and the gladiator sandals, and then the freckles, and then eyes.... Mojo, chi, joy, love, life force -- call it what you will, they're stacks o' beautiful."], "url": "http://mnstyle.blogspot.com/2009/06/trader-joes-summit-and-cretin.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 415, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 364, "width": 378}, {"height": 475, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 318, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 346, "original_width": 400, "width": 436}], "image_hashes": ["a1490db32c7092085cc075564257ea515c11c6c019cfa6957ea924e02e1af4fd", "9ca40d85b7851a5a4b3ee25f9ab544f2a78fbf344491e72c7a03c0bb23f96e3c", "8dc9fae4d85c8ba63f14086207f8c5ea28adbb54a769fee5168c44eb7fc54a93"], "__index_level_0__": 210, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/S9SGxcxgrpI/AAAAAAAAAwY/D5v43NMYTcE/s400/mom.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/S9SGw5Dz4oI/AAAAAAAAAwQ/3RevpzdkX5w/s400/foxy.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/S9SGwZtTUsI/AAAAAAAAAwI/amSZcj_1PhQ/s400/red.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.908715009689331}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mnstyle.blogspot.com/2010/04/fashion-ball-ritz-theater.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/S9SGxcxgrpI/AAAAAAAAAwY/D5v43NMYTcE/s400/mom.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/S9SGxcxgrpI/AAAAAAAAAwY/D5v43NMYTcE/s400/mom.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mom\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mnstyle.blogspot.com/2010/04/fashion-ball-ritz-theater.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/S9SGw5Dz4oI/AAAAAAAAAwQ/3RevpzdkX5w/s400/foxy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/S9SGw5Dz4oI/AAAAAAAAAwQ/3RevpzdkX5w/s400/foxy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"foxy\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mnstyle.blogspot.com/2010/04/fashion-ball-ritz-theater.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/S9SGwZtTUsI/AAAAAAAAAwI/amSZcj_1PhQ/s400/red.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_cXMq8FPyjlo/S9SGwZtTUsI/AAAAAAAAAwI/amSZcj_1PhQ/s400/red.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"red\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, April 25, 2010\n\nFashion Ball, Ritz Theater", null, "Cutest mother-daughter duo, hands down. Daughter is 11 and accessorized from her mom's collection. The very hi-tops are very much her own.", null, "Foxxy Tan is just divine and mastered the ceremony. She can be enjoyed at the Ritz more fully in her burlesque show.", null, "So red. Matching red shoes are de riguer."], "url": "http://mnstyle.blogspot.com/2010/04/fashion-ball-ritz-theater.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 600, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 252, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["41f01090c8d04dd00a693234977dc179cc1af1386e7473bd6b85470e7487548f", "5a49729d4e8d3e95f9bc4eed3e618b95d72df53a7cdb1da9d740bf20df144afb", "5122ad7665e6145d0aad95cc9d8d4242d09f5189c23628924ebe288b372e719c"], "__index_level_0__": 211, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0351.jpg", null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0336.jpg", null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0382.jpg", null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0403.jpg", null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0198.jpg", null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0301.2.jpg", null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0300.2.jpg", "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0302.2.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9847468733787536}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://momto3girlz.blogspot.com/2006/05/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0351.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0351.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://momto3girlz.blogspot.com/2006/05/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0336.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0336.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://momto3girlz.blogspot.com/2006/05/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0382.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0382.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://momto3girlz.blogspot.com/2006/05/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0403.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0403.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://momto3girlz.blogspot.com/2006/05/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0198.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0198.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://momto3girlz.blogspot.com/2006/05/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0301.2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0301.2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://momto3girlz.blogspot.com/2006/05/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0300.2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0300.2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://momto3girlz.blogspot.com/2006/05/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0302.2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4335/2143/320/DSCN0302.2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Ok, so I haven't been blogging!\n\nMy last blog said I'm alive! Well, sort of! I still have had a virus which the doctor seems to think it was caused by allergies that turned into an ear infection and sinus infection. She put me on meds to clear up my allergies that didn't work, so I called and they put me on different meds and told me I have to have allergy testing in the next few weeks. That is where they do the needle test in your arm or back. OH JOY!!! Last week I had no voice and Ruben said I sounded like a gangsta! All in all I think I am feeling better, at least today. We have been very busy doing \"things\" besides being sick. I have to get my team ready for the Relay for a Life, we put in new cabinets and floor in the living room, not to mention softball (finally over yeah!!) and all the other sports. I will post some pics when time permits!!!!\nPosted by Bahama Mama at 12:01 PM 2 comments: Links to this post", "Tuesday, May 16, 2006\n\nWell after feeling like I was going to die for a couple of days, I feel like I am on the road to recovery! After doing about 20 loads of laundry and trying to get over this virus I have, I got the stomach flu! Olivia says I have West Nile virus. I still can't kick it, but having the stomach flu on top of it, was horrible! Friday afternoon I think the girls were finally on the mend and I started to feel like crap. Sure enough that night I started praying to the porcelain God! I haven't been that sick since I had salmonella poisoning 2 years ago. Saturday morning I couldn't get out of bed (actually could not walk) because I ached so bad everywhere. Maggie called my mom and arranged for them to pick up Olivia and take her to watch the parade because she was a little wary of riding in the parade because she was so sick the day before. Maggie then walked herself and Izabell downtown to meet their coaches to ride in the parade. She got all 3 of them ready and off they went with their gatorades. What a kid! I think I did something right!!!\n\nAfter the parade, my mom and Dick took them to the fair all day. I couldn't have asked for better parents! In my sickened stupor, I forgot it was also their anniversary!! Happy late anniversary guys, I love you!!!\n\nNeedless to say, Mother's Day and the Mayfair were a flop for me this year. This is the first time in 31 years I have not made it to the fair! I missed HEART in concert too!\n\nAnyhow, I posted a couple of pictures from our camping trip that seemed so long ago. The pictures are not the greatest. Not sure what was up with my camera. I'm still learning how to use it!", null, "Of course Olivia had to be in the front. The\ngirls were climbing on some old roots.", null, "Gotta have marshmallows!!", null, "This used to be the largest tree in California\nuntil it fell in 1995. OMG I can't believe how\nbig some of these trees are!!!", null, "This was supposed to be my Happy Cinco De\nMayo picture but I'm a little late at posting it!\nPosted by Bahama Mama at 10:25 PM 5 comments: Links to this post", "Friday, May 12, 2006\n\nPicture of the week", null, "Is this paradise? I don't think so....I have had a horrbile cold for a week that started when we were camping and on Tues. Ruben started to get it. On Wednesday, Izabell started throwing up every 15 minutes for about 8 hours straight. I would give her water so she had something to throw up and she had the dry heaves so bad not to mention the pressure causing it to come out the other end! On Thurs. She ran a fever and had diarrhea all day but no more throwing up! On the road to rest for the night for me so I thought! 11:30pm Olivia starts throwing up! A little more independent than her sister but she also had it coming out both ends. Izabell started throwing up again and she had blood in hers. Today, Olivia has a fever and Izabell says the bug in her tummy has left. We sent Maggie away for a couple of days to try and spare her. She is back now so we will see what happens. I did actually close my day care today. First time for an illness in a long time. I got up this morning after about 3 hours sleep and decided I couldn't do it!!! Lord knows I have plenty of laundry to do....bleaching everything...I have no food in the house...and I feel like a giant piece of poop!!! Blah, Blah, Blah....Mayfair parade tomorrow?? Well, we'll see.....\nPosted by Bahama Mama at 3:43 PM 5 comments: Links to this post", "Tuesday, May 09, 2006\n\nComp League started", null, "After almost a month of rainout games, Maggie's comp team started their season. The weekend of the April 29th she played 3 games. Unfortunately they lost all 3 games they had. Above is Maggie saving one of only a couple of balls they came to the goal. The rest off the time I caught her dancing or doing push ups because she was bored. This particular team beat us 1-0. The ball that got past her was way too high for her reach.", null, null, "Yes, we are back from our camping trip in the redwoods but I got sick when we were gone so I will post in a day or so."], "url": "http://momto3girlz.blogspot.com/2006/05/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["d60f1ca828d7ac16d56fc4c4c1a2fe3e99ad4912db59d9f06bc068432e34fb51", "3044b5defa12f04725270ec857221188a58d6ab578a99f1763ff771d06b0a1c6", "22bdf258a678173163dadd088357323913ee023e8e4edd094e5cd4bff151bf17", "e30435f15ca06c2ae2c73edabc506eb9039785a6dd48b932f092ddfd341f846d", "4c4e70f90d53c6b765e4a6fd95e2ac30cce6e413adc847fe4e19170797ee3f6b", "4dbfea565724e0eaf92d86eb3ec208f372520a12e6a9f771d2576d9ccd92b942", "2981ef1485240f2809dd66bdc9a5a9c374c56f33b1faf25a4290f289dba3f818", "82d2fbb69987ff9efb5be2ae4b47e74fa99a9d741fd92f6633c68a380a2f6c4e"], "__index_level_0__": 212, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wYpPHbaTP8Y/T_S44bnRdTI/AAAAAAAAAwI/Fmv8cxq3zJU/s400/NAMC-Circle-Time.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9551683068275452}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://montessoritraining.blogspot.com/2012/07/what-i-do-so-much-better-now-as.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wYpPHbaTP8Y/T_S44bnRdTI/AAAAAAAAAwI/Fmv8cxq3zJU/s400/NAMC-Circle-Time.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wYpPHbaTP8Y/T_S44bnRdTI/AAAAAAAAAwI/Fmv8cxq3zJU/s400/NAMC-Circle-Time.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"NAMC Circle Time\", \"alt_text\": \"teacher and children in NAMC montessori classroom important things montessori teachers learn from experience\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 247}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://montessoritraining.blogspot.com/2012/07/what-i-do-so-much-better-now-as.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6cW3YXgcs6A/VpbddMMpjhI/AAAAAAAAC6s/s-dmVQrmhVo/s1600/NAMC-Celebrates-20-Years.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6cW3YXgcs6A/VpbddMMpjhI/AAAAAAAAC6s/s-dmVQrmhVo/s1600/NAMC-Celebrates-20-Years.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"NAMC Celebrates Years\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I became a Montessori teacher after having spent several years teaching French in the American conventional education system. Although I had taught French to children from ages 2.5 to 18, I was very nervous about Montessori. I loved the philosophy, the method and the materials. What bothered me most was the idea of how to implement it in a real environment.", null, "What I've learned about following the child...\n\nThere were three upper elementary classrooms in my first Montessori school. In order to make sure the entire curriculum was being covered, we held weekly team meetings to plan our lessons and create student work plans. In reality, it was six teachers making daily work plans for all three levels of students. The goal: to make sure all students were doing the same work at the same time so no one got behind. For example, it was expected that all 4th year math students would be doing the same lessons every week and by the sixth grade they all would be in the exact same place and ready to begin middle school, all at the same level.\n\nSadly, while we were using the Montessori materials and presenting lessons using the Montessori method, we were forgetting the most crucial element: we were not following the child. There was no freedom of choice and no respect of the individual. I felt trapped and conflicted because what I had learned and what I was experiencing were so different.\n\nIn my next Montessori school, I had the freedom to follow the children. I will admit that at first it was pretty scary. I had gone from complete control of lessons and activities to complete freedom of choice. Pre-planned work plans were gone, giving way to blank journals where students wrote down their own choices. Fridays were no longer make-up work days, but days to conference with each student about their weekly progress and goals. The children handled it beautifully and showed me how to trust them to learn what they needed.\n\nWhen I began teaching in a lower elementary Montessori environment, I had an assistant who was adamant that the children needed pre-planned work plans. Despite all her protests, I had gained the self-confidence to allow even my first graders to make their own choices and make their own plans. Some needed a bit more help, but each and every child was soon capable of choosing and monitoring their own work, knowing when to ask for lessons and when they needed more practice.\n\nOver the years, I have learned to be a guide and to let my students lead. I have given up (most) of the control and let the classroom belong to the students. When I gave up control, the students were happier, more productive, and enjoyed learning.\n\nAs much as possible, NAMC’s web blog reflects the Montessori curriculum as provided in its teacher training programs. We realize and respect that Montessori schools are unique and may vary their schedules and offerings in accordance with the needs of their individual communities. We hope that our readers will find our articles useful and inspiring as a contribution to the global Montessori community.\n© North American Montessori Center - originally posted in its entirety at Montessori Teacher Training on Wednesday, July 4, 2012.\nPosted by Michelle Irinyi\nLabels: Experience, Learn From Students, Montessori Teacher Development, Prepared Environment\n\nWe appreciate feedback and love to discuss with our readers further."], "url": "http://montessoritraining.blogspot.com/2012/07/what-i-do-so-much-better-now-as.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 249, "original_width": 400, "width": 607}], "image_hashes": ["38d1ab2be4d5d43f592bb2b47313904aa4fdd90cfb37ea79f815facd146d384a"], "__index_level_0__": 213, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vME9eVCRw0E/VKx0j-cz2YI/AAAAAAAAEh8/LfsTlK8_NGc/s1600/Day6-Circles.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7950871586799622}, 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She is a very good baby! She only cries when she gets her diaper changed. She has Jaundice so she has been having to spend a lot of time underneath lights that we had to bring home from the hospital. We are hoping by Thursday we can keep her out of them for good!", null, "Her sisters and brother are very big helpers and love to hold her when they get the chance.", null, "Marlie is very fun to cuddle with!", null, "We all feel so blessed to have this special spirit in our lives!!!! She is the best Christmas present that we could have asked for!\nPosted by The Morris Family at 7:31 PM 9 comments:", "Sunday, December 9, 2007\n\nDeck the Halls", null, "We have been trying to decorate and get ready for the Holidays for the last couple of weeks. I have not had much motivation to do it with all of the other messes I have been in the middle of trying to get ready for the baby's arrival. I was so suprised when I came upstairs after doing some hair in my salon to find that Dave had put up the tree as well as put all of the lights on it. He had also put up the Garland and lights on the inside railings as well. It made decorating the tree a lot easier and fun on me. I am so glad that Dave loves Christmas and is so willing to help out with the decorating!!", null, "The girls helped out by putting some decorations on the tree and Mason has been getting into the Christmas spirit as well. He had fun helping Grandpa put up the lights on the house, and helped his dad put up the new Santa Clause we got for the yard.", null, null, "Here is a picture of the house last night with a fresh blanket of snow that we got yesterday.\nPosted by The Morris Family at 7:54 AM 5 comments:", "Saturday, December 8, 2007\n\nFamily Celebrations", null, "Last weekend the girls got to go to Grandma Sherie's for a fun Christmas party. It was for kids only 8 years and up (they let Maddi join them.) I asked her if she needed help, she said \"There is only going to be 15 of them.\" I guess for her that is nothing. ( She is used to feeding about 50 at a time.) They ate a lunch with the choice of pizza, hamburgers, and chicken cordon blue. Then they had candy to dip in chocolate or fondue as they call it. Then they had an auction where they got to bid on lots of fun things. Everyone had a great time.", null, null, "Next weekend she is having a party for the kids 3 to 7 years old. That should be fun!!!! Thank you Grandma Sherie!!!\n\nThe next night we went to Dave's family party at his dad's house in Ogden. The girls are always so excited to spend time with their cousin Sierra and Aunt Kenzie.", null, "Then there is the 3 boys Garrett, Mason and Easton. It works out great! Everyone has someone to play with.", null, "After we had dinner Grandma Stacie was brave enough to help the 6 oldest grandkids make Gingerbread houses. They were messy, but they sure had fun!!", null, "It is always nice to get together with the ones we love and make new memories. Too bad life is so busy that we don't do it more often!\nPosted by The Morris Family at 6:17 PM No comments:", "Morris Memories", null, "11 1/2 years old", "1st day of 2nd grade", "1st day of pre-school 08"], "url": "http://morrismemories.blogspot.com/2007_12_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 497, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 167, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6be1e1a9733a72fd4927089201958f60cd0f669c37c3cb47b2e78cd9d4e9353e", "86dcc44d46fafbe456ac2ff3375b8147ee023dd96f0192ee2ff2f0f746e3814f", "0b49f264b190c5a66ff56f4ea80f727f71bc9ac0871efa9f8a9793152eed6e0d", "adb8033ce08b0c45fb6e270e4df630d79860f9400f9c71cf4c6260dcf3d3c23e", "4142073c405949eacef26c0e80e92f39929695d867024bf9263932a47d0b1085", "43f42c765d78cee4c9d44ca15f0ac6c47277137873b6747192b5bc5eb871a1dc", "abc5530a1f58d92d144e761c1d4e8fe721ad14eca766f9342b59bfbb0f28a961", "2eeb108f617c9b750422627b246b691876ff82a845270e5e6d3976105e0364b3", "6f0cfc187fb4e3a1dcc68293779d888c44262c0cb1a68a30a3d29c4f0aa1ee2c", "e9d00f028edcb309f705c2bda7f090db18f1e8a4cd3e2a69b7b5e1183b72783e", "621a65e59840982f2a2f3daaad5ad7b9288d0a65acdddf7737d013f8043593e4", "e5ea3a80da83d26a966245793d7e25e2bff45fbb6826856d88941460b9e92483", "660b7b82bf32b7e61ce08f72ad616319fef25eb91b1dd92ced4bfdd154e69c8a", "768dff7f9d74f2c5d68c4b94019b431f2dd52eceb92918b515824ca192027d60", "b600485bb4a53359d720c4cfa62cf23871083b809d65f4f1fb689741d14d66ec", "071de6be82102ef36ce67b9079019958f10c7aa2098b2ff30abf7e04a34875be", "511b5b7844336cd373338480ca5787400f30403d9cd999ba3ffb3bf9a7702571"], "__index_level_0__": 215, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lxgj0TGEKx4/TgqUHROMtvI/AAAAAAAAA3w/6t6HZUwebAU/s640/cart.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.979969561100006}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mostdaysiwin.blogspot.com/2011/06/day-518.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lxgj0TGEKx4/TgqUHROMtvI/AAAAAAAAA3w/6t6HZUwebAU/s640/cart.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lxgj0TGEKx4/TgqUHROMtvI/AAAAAAAAA3w/6t6HZUwebAU/s640/cart.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cart\", \"rendered_width\": 522, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mostdaysiwin.blogspot.com/2011/06/day-518.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AuQYRHDyqHM/Vb_2QorqolI/AAAAAAAAGZo/Pw_tFM22Tv8/s220/015.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AuQYRHDyqHM/Vb_2QorqolI/AAAAAAAAGZo/Pw_tFM22Tv8/s220/015.JPG\", \"alt_text\": \"mostdaysiwin@gmail.com\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 220}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mostdaysiwin.blogspot.com/2011/06/day-518.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aQfSeImntqk/Vd57VkKtcvI/AAAAAAAAGek/kFQA1GCrETk/s1600/057.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aQfSeImntqk/Vd57VkKtcvI/AAAAAAAAGek/kFQA1GCrETk/s1600/057.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Follow!\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 216}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mostdaysiwin.blogspot.com/2011/06/day-518.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-arKEdz8Z-mk/VZheMbH6RVI/AAAAAAAAGNA/PkABxXSVrTs/s220/Untitled.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-arKEdz8Z-mk/VZheMbH6RVI/AAAAAAAAGNA/PkABxXSVrTs/s220/Untitled.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Untitled\", \"alt_text\": \"Tutorials\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 220}, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, June 28, 2011\n\nDay 518\n\nOk, so it hasn't quite been that many days since Matt left for Poland, but it feels like it. It will be four weeks this Friday, and then he'll return the following Friday night. I would like him to return sometime tomorrow morning, say around 5:00 am, when Shira usually starts her day. Matt could wake up with her and I could stay in bed. He'd make me french toast and coffee around 8:30 (having already fed and dressed Alyce), then after nursing Shira before her nap I'd go back to sleep. Oh yes, I'd like that.\n\nBut no, not yet. We'll tough it out another day tomorrow, and the day after that. We're figuring out own rhythm for the time being. It seems that as long as I feed her all day long, Shira is happy to support me in all of my daily tasks (especially the tasks that involve more eating). Alyce needs some extra patience from me (couldn't she just ask for my kidney?), but otherwise she is content to play outside most of the day. They are both tired of shopping, which we've been doing a lot of lately, and neither seem sufficiently impressed by the new couch we bought this week.", null, "P.S. The mail strike FINALLY ended and mail delivery resumed today. I was so ready to finally receive Matt's postcards, and maybe those anniversary earrings he's been talking about, but all we got were two bills (fortunately not addressed to me). Really, Canada Post? That's all you've got for me? I'm so disappointed in you."], "url": "http://mostdaysiwin.blogspot.com/2011/06/day-518.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 463, "original_height": 586, "original_width": 478, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0040e2de3395b4382bcfbf4b5ec72e06898ea4044e234a8e3fe6307bcacc2020"], "__index_level_0__": 216, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/Travel/2016/April/maps-hub-large.jpg", null, null, "http://media.salon.com/2016/08/7B2FE1F1-AC21-4A87-97A48EE7EC452561.jpg", "http://static.independent.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/article_medium/public/thumbnails/image/2016/04/15/09/nasaflag.jpg", null, null, null, "http://static2.businessinsider.com/image/54d38ff16da811a36954bbeb-1244/amur%20leopard-1.jpg", null, null, "http://4.static.img-dpreview.com/files/p/E~TS590x0~articles/6854455191/l_Sossusvlei_Aerials_11-3-2014_32.jpeg", null, 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as Iceland turns carbon dioxide into stone", "Surfing soon: MRT riders to get free internet", "A Massive Sinkhole Has Opened in Downtown Ottawa", "8 Underrated National Parks That Will Leave You Speechless", null, "World’s first passenger drone cleared for testing in Nevada", null, "Sahara Desert Project to grow 10 hectares of food in Tunisian desert", null, "11 common tech myths you should stop believing today", "These maps prove daylight saving time is ruining our lives", "How the Humble Index Card Foresaw the Internet", null, "‘Wrong type of trees’ in Europe increased global warming", null, "German Forest Ranger Finds That Trees Have Social Networks, Too", "In rainforests, battle for sunlight shapes forest structure", "More data, mapping, can help countries tackle deforestation", null, "April launch seen for Philippine satellite", "Assessing nature’s carbon sinks", "10 Of The Coolest Gadgets We Saw At CES 2016", "Italian Scientists under Investigation after Olive-Tree Deaths", "This Stunning Satellite Image Proves Science Can Be Art", null, "Delegates at Climate Talks Focus on Saving the World’s Forests", "Geologists Help ‘Godzilla’ Hide Out in World’s Deepest Ocean Trench", "FULL TEXT: Philippine statement on adoption of Paris climate deal", "Making The Case For Drones In Commercial Markets", "Men have better sense of direction than women", null, "Scientists Unveil the World’s First Cyborg Plant", null, "Half of Amazon tree species in danger: study", "NASA’s FireSat system will be able to detect wildfires from space", "1 math model sums up 100 years of predator and prey", "Photos of the Oldest Living Trees Against a Dramatic Starlit Sk", null, "Drones hunt illegal logging in Amazon rain forests", null, "Relying on Butterfly Wings to Survive", null, "The last unmapped places on earth", null, "25 Devastating Effects Of Climate Change", null, null, "Scientists reveal ‘fair system’ for countries to tackle climate change", "On July 16th 2014, Glenda, a category 4 tropical cyclone with winds reaching more than 160 kilometers per hour made its landfall at the Bicol Region before heading northwest to the Luzon Island. So far in 2014, Glenda is the strongest typhoon to hit the country.\n\nConsquently, Glenda is one of the fiercest typhoons to ever hit Mount Makiling’s slopes. The UPLB Campus sustained a great deal of damage due to fallen trees and power transmission lines especially at the College of Forestry and Natural Resources.", "The photo above was taken along Makiling and Banuyo Street at CFNR, respectively. The first photo shows the large Earpod tree’s main branch that fell due to strong winds. The fallen branch destroyed a large portion of a house under it. Luckily, no one was home.\n\nOne month of bayanihan-style clean up and salvage operations, recovery is fast underway. Electric power restored, internet and telephone communication repair in progress, debris swept from the roads – a lot has happened during the past month. On August 18, MBG is once again ready to accept visitors who want to experience nature. Facilities and trails within MBG is open except for the MBG EcoTrail which need further assessments to ensure visitor safety.\n\nAlthough MBG as well as other major facilities at CFNR are already operational, Mariang Makiling Trail still remain closed to visitors. Aside from fallen trees littered across the trail, large broken branches still hang precariously above. Salvage and clearing operations are still in progress. Updates will be posted at the Mount Makiling Website and Facebook page regarding the status of other tourist attraction areas within MMFR."], "url": "http://mountmakiling.org/makiling-botanic-gardens-reopens/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 449, "original_width": 720, "width": 606}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 393, "original_width": 590, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 698, "original_width": 930, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1024, "original_width": 1244, "width": 459}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 394, "original_width": 590, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 936, "original_width": 1248, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 564, "original_width": 752, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 438, "original_width": 780, "width": 673}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 435, "original_width": 870, "width": 756}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 371, "original_width": 660, 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The sentence just means \"Happy Birthday\" in Klingon language.\n\nGeneral notes :\n- I have several photo references but I didn't copy one.\n- I only use the soft round brush and some Ditlev brushes.\n- I tried to obtain a more \"flat\" rendering than usual. The volumes are not right but it was the goal.", null, "Step 1: I put the sketch on a \"Multply\" type layer. I choose the color of the background and my basic flesh tones. Each part is on a different layer.", null, "Step 2 : I start to paint the darkest part of the picture, just to help me to find the good contrast.", null, "Step 3 : I start to pain the first volumes of the face. I use the soft round brush with a low opacity, as usual.", null, "Step 4 : I do some changes on the lights and on my skin palette.", null, "Step 5 : I paint the ear ... I hate pain ears ^^'", null, "Step 6 : I start the hair. On another layer, once again.", null, "Step7 : I paint the background. I use different Ditlev brushes.", null, "Step 8 : I fix the eyes.", null, "Step 9 : I start the little Darth hello Kitty Vader with a Star trek uniform.", null, "Step 10 : I add details on it.", null, "Step 11 : I paint the flower and the balloon.", null, "Step 12 : The flying cupcake.\n\nYou can freely downloas the Ditlev brushes packs here :\n\nPosted by serge birault", "New Download Available!", "A Fusion Of Imprints And Oil Paint"], "url": "http://muddycolors.blogspot.ru/2013/01/making-of-grattis.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 535, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 452, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, 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While some of my favorite models finally have rules, the makeup of the list is... well, but then I'm not here for list analysis. If you want, I'll pontificate on it at a later date, but it's really not my forte' to begin with.\n\nSo, this fellow.\n\nIt's quite a little boat of equipment he's carrying, and he's absolutely packed with detail. if it's one thing the folks at FW and GW are doing right, it's making the AdMech characters suitably weird and nigh-on alien looking, down to their bizarre conveyances and equally odd weapons. They're absolutely covered in gorgeous detail, right down to all the little sub arms and control panels.", "What I didn't appreciate was that his enormous battle arm was so damn delicate that it required me to give it its own internal skeleton of paper clip, and a pewter pipe besides to stabilize it (and to cover the broken hydraulic piston stub, thanks FW). Really, this part was terribly designed and, while I understand what they were trying to do in terms of asymmetry, they needed to think this out more. But oh well.", null, "There really is a veritable hive of servo skulls in there; a total of 9 nestled under that great hood, plus one in the little shrine on his back.", "Add to that the two loose ones they give you, and he's his own little squad by himself. I wish it were somehow possible to add lighting, but I settle for making the eyes sufficiently glowy to the naked eye.\n\nYes, these detail shots were taken later, so yes, they look different. To be honest, that grey background bugs me, and I need to get a white cloth one. I've just been too lazy to order one.", "The tines were half broken on his weapon, so rather than go through the hassle of requesting others (I bought him off an eBay listing, so it would've meant messaging the seller, etc. etc.) I trimmed them entirely. The thing still looks sufficiently arcane to me. That screen directly in front of him was an absolute pain to paint; I'm amazed it came out as well as it did.\n\nNow there's rebasing, and more photos, and eventually I'll try to cook up a table worthy list. I see people are coupling the skitarii with Blood Angels so they can use the free drop pods, so maybe some of those Ramshackle Drill pods are in order for the army? I'd really rather have Triaros transports, but oh well.\n\nHappy Sunday, people.\n\nPosted by #2501 at 11:31 AM", "Labels: Adeptus Mechanicus", "Mordian7th said...\n\nNicely done, man! I'm a huge fan of the ramshackle drill transports, it's very fluffy for the ad-mech. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!\n\nMay 31, 2015 at 1:29 PM", "Knight of Infinite Resignation said...\n\nNice paint job, your pictures are somehow more informative than FWs, I think I like this model even more now I've seen it here.\n\nFunny, I had the same thought regarding drill-pods! Waiting to see if th new Space Marine codex also has drop pods as a fast attack choice as I don't want to play blood angels.\n\nJune 2, 2015 at 11:18 AM", "#2501 said...\n\n@Mordian: When I saw yours I was envious. They're really perfect for the army.\n\n@ Knight: Thanks; I try to really get in there and take the detail shots I like to see. FW has some nice photos but they kind of drop the ball when it comes to getting in there. I guess the trade-off is that it makes finding those little fine details a nice surprise.\n\nI also have qualms about welding BA into the force, as it takes away from Ad Mech units (stupid Canticles requirements), but there's no other way to get transpo besides playing a kitchen-sink force and using whatever. (but that feels like giving up somehow, so...)\n\nJune 2, 2015 at 12:36 PM", "tumblr photo widget by JI Apps", "I look like them, but I'm really not.", "I know you're out there, I can hear you typing.", "Smile for the Satellite...."], "url": "http://musingsofametalmind.blogspot.com/2015/05/magos-dominuscybernetica.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 422, "original_width": 640, "width": 573}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 471, "original_width": 640, "width": 513}], "image_hashes": ["d5b76adefb47c67e3562e20dfeb86c8ca59ad102d1ed6929988e5f11f8d275fa", "8ab6004d8e28c8b429efc17a962280f7549a59f30acf864efc9744008002495f"], "__index_level_0__": 220, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KQGDO6mqGwg/UAhv5qYmCLI/AAAAAAAAGcQ/2VvEJ-0R-Mo/s320/IMG_2509.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Zv2e5AYlR2g/UAhv7StKQdI/AAAAAAAAGcY/0QEbFUjL6Rs/s320/IMG_2510.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dH12cEN_ZRc/T_nl3C0NtGI/AAAAAAAAGbQ/QPvQdwDi754/s320/IMG_2471.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iYGGYsO2Sfs/T_nl4yZ3irI/AAAAAAAAGbY/Yu8uJ6kxan8/s320/IMG_2470.JPG", null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hsgi7wbI7wA/T_ER1iuFCvI/AAAAAAAAGZs/AEmaMsDYdls/s320/photo.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.94240802526474}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://myrnasboys.blogspot.com/2012_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KQGDO6mqGwg/UAhv5qYmCLI/AAAAAAAAGcQ/2VvEJ-0R-Mo/s320/IMG_2509.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KQGDO6mqGwg/UAhv5qYmCLI/AAAAAAAAGcQ/2VvEJ-0R-Mo/s320/IMG_2509.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 185, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://myrnasboys.blogspot.com/2012_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Zv2e5AYlR2g/UAhv7StKQdI/AAAAAAAAGcY/0QEbFUjL6Rs/s320/IMG_2510.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Zv2e5AYlR2g/UAhv7StKQdI/AAAAAAAAGcY/0QEbFUjL6Rs/s320/IMG_2510.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 186, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://myrnasboys.blogspot.com/2012_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aZgSDtosfmM/T_nl0w0_xZI/AAAAAAAAGbI/98Q-z9axHWQ/s320/IMG_2655-001.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aZgSDtosfmM/T_nl0w0_xZI/AAAAAAAAGbI/98Q-z9axHWQ/s320/IMG_2655-001.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 126}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://myrnasboys.blogspot.com/2012_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dH12cEN_ZRc/T_nl3C0NtGI/AAAAAAAAGbQ/QPvQdwDi754/s320/IMG_2471.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-dH12cEN_ZRc/T_nl3C0NtGI/AAAAAAAAGbQ/QPvQdwDi754/s320/IMG_2471.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://myrnasboys.blogspot.com/2012_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iYGGYsO2Sfs/T_nl4yZ3irI/AAAAAAAAGbY/Yu8uJ6kxan8/s320/IMG_2470.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-iYGGYsO2Sfs/T_nl4yZ3irI/AAAAAAAAGbY/Yu8uJ6kxan8/s320/IMG_2470.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://myrnasboys.blogspot.com/2012_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hsgi7wbI7wA/T_ER1iuFCvI/AAAAAAAAGZs/AEmaMsDYdls/s320/photo.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hsgi7wbI7wA/T_ER1iuFCvI/AAAAAAAAGZs/AEmaMsDYdls/s320/photo.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"rendered_width\": 183, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://myrnasboys.blogspot.com/2012_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_0hgJez8Zbrc/STF8geccC7I/AAAAAAAAAjQ/r-sT7eKFd3k/S150/For+Amanda.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_0hgJez8Zbrc/STF8geccC7I/AAAAAAAAAjQ/r-sT7eKFd3k/S150/For+Amanda.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"For Amanda\", \"alt_text\": \"Guymon Girls\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 106}]", "texts": ["Thursday, July 19, 2012\n\n4 wheels and me\n\nSo, I wanted to try out the little 4 wheeler. I had Dallas take a few pictures. Thought I'd share my experience.", "I'm actually doing a trick here.  I have one knee on the seat, and the other leg is outstretched...  :)", null, "Here I am popping a wheelie.  (Nevermind Landon's hand holding up the front of the 4 wheeler!!)", null, "Dallas just rolls his eyes...Me, I laugh!!\nPosted by Myrna at 4:39 PM 1 comment:", "Wednesday, July 18, 2012\n\nBig and little\n\nI do not know what it is about my grown sons riding little 4 wheelers/bikes/motorcycles that cracks me up.  But it does.  ", "It does kind of look like fun!!\nPosted by Myrna at 10:00 PM 1 comment:", "Sunday, July 8, 2012\n\nKaren, Big Jud's and Temples", "Big Jud's is known for the best burger you'll ever have.  Dan thought that the 2 pounder looked like one he could handle!!", null, "This is Jake and Katie's little one Owen.", null, "Great road trip...quick, but we had a great time! \nPosted by Myrna at 4:01 PM 1 comment:", "Sunday, July 1, 2012\n\nJayleigh's patriotic dress\n\nWe're not sure that we will get to spend time with Jayleigh on the 4th, but trying to be the kind of grandma my sister Karen is, I made this little dress.  I got the idea and the information off of Pinterest.  (I love Pinterest ;))", null], "url": "http://myrnasboys.blogspot.com/2012_07_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 653, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 185, "width": 378}, {"height": 646, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 187, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 660, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 183, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3050c62435c1051e8fc9bf8397f21ee82920dea3dfc12874e4f14e9e4fff822f", "8ad8a2a1d818a12a5cc63c5208dcad135e48192143c6a69ad33416a998050b2c", "f1afdac62c86f3f9e4138018cf40289711c51214713bd99236a430f27c7e12f7", "bec5e4a60ee0081c6871f3046a0af989aa7d95db7e9efc4ee96cf0ca993c1788", "469dc0a6a8190d0a666a7ff4ee17a228af97f7cbf438fb759f30a1689ef92326"], "__index_level_0__": 221, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Xdoig1UzEhs/T7hxVOUmJaI/AAAAAAAAAaA/KusoWYM7AE0/s320/IMG_0405.JPG", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9820412993431092}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mysilentangelsfight.blogspot.com/2012/05/gastrointestinal-gi-doctor.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Xdoig1UzEhs/T7hxVOUmJaI/AAAAAAAAAaA/KusoWYM7AE0/s320/IMG_0405.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Xdoig1UzEhs/T7hxVOUmJaI/AAAAAAAAAaA/KusoWYM7AE0/s320/IMG_0405.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 239, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mysilentangelsfight.blogspot.com/2012/05/gastrointestinal-gi-doctor.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-XeM9P_A2Zas/UmtMKk3np1I/AAAAAAAACKg/AwSDd_NyuNA/s1600/Oaklynn%2BBlog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-XeM9P_A2Zas/UmtMKk3np1I/AAAAAAAACKg/AwSDd_NyuNA/s1600/Oaklynn%2BBlog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Oaklynn BBlog\", \"alt_text\": \"Facebook Page\", \"rendered_width\": 180, \"rendered_height\": 180}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mysilentangelsfight.blogspot.com/2012/05/gastrointestinal-gi-doctor.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-s4IF6ZhlLDo/UmtIO4WjlpI/AAAAAAAACKI/77CJoWBpbg8/s1600/Ali%2BBlog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-s4IF6ZhlLDo/UmtIO4WjlpI/AAAAAAAACKI/77CJoWBpbg8/s1600/Ali%2BBlog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ali BBlog\", \"alt_text\": \"Learn more...\", \"rendered_width\": 180, \"rendered_height\": 180}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Oaklynn has been having a hard time eating and it keeps getting worse. It takes us at least 45 minutes to get through a meal with her. A couple other Rett mom's had told me that their daughters got feeding tubes because it started taking hours to get through meals because their daughters had a hard time eating. They believed that the girls wanted to eat and were hungry but just didn't have the energy and strength to eat (because they are always grinding their teeth and throwing their arms and body around that it is exhausting for them). They got feeding tubes for their daughters but they are still able to eat with their mouth, they just use the feeding tube to make sure they are getting all the nutrition they need.", null, "I want to see a GI doctor to get an opinion. Oaklynn just sits with food in her mouth and doesn't chew and sometimes just gives up and spits it out. We assumed she was just starting to be a picky eater but now we realize that it may be related to Rett syndrome. I will keep you updated as I find out more.\nPosted by Whitney at 9:22 PM", "Stephanie Moore said...\n\nJust realized I haven't been on the blog for awhile, it was good catching up. keep us posted on how the results are with the Dr's and geneticist. And I didn't realize Kynslee's tests came back, so happy for you guys! can't wait to see those sweet girls soon!\n\nMay 23, 2012 at 10:31 PM", "Jenn S. said...\n\nHi Whitney, I just got caught up on all that's going on with Oaklynn and our girls seem to be on the same schedule pretty much. On Monday we were in Grand Rapids At the children's hospital to see the neurologist and have Brennas first EEG. She did great thanks to mickey mouse on our phones. :) They want us to now do an EKG. I am glad to hear that Oaklynns went well. We ended up going to see a gastrointestinal doctor where they did a swallow study. I would love to tell you about it If you want. I don't want to take up all of your comment space. :) I will message you on facebook. Talk to you soon!"], "url": "http://mysilentangelsfight.blogspot.com/2012/05/gastrointestinal-gi-doctor.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 506, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 239, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["75dda9d7497b28a8be91adedb9fd2c81200281fb28f34774eeabbcf481ef5145"], "__index_level_0__": 222, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-z2iX9yL-chY/TdzEpZNT_zI/AAAAAAAABco/zBwIMs7ri9M/s640/2011_0524_202145.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CQtxrXiMJq8/TdCEkOZHFII/AAAAAAAABcU/BPYLp-knrNM/s640/Lets+Play+DressUp+web.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Oi3tb9Up5Y8/Td3Nd7WHTnI/AAAAAAAABcs/JezNJaK7-x4/s640/2011_0524_202632.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8955380320549011}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mytime2play.blogspot.com/2011_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-z2iX9yL-chY/TdzEpZNT_zI/AAAAAAAABco/zBwIMs7ri9M/s640/2011_0524_202145.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-z2iX9yL-chY/TdzEpZNT_zI/AAAAAAAABco/zBwIMs7ri9M/s640/2011_0524_202145.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mytime2play.blogspot.com/2011_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CQtxrXiMJq8/TdCEkOZHFII/AAAAAAAABcU/BPYLp-knrNM/s640/Lets+Play+DressUp+web.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CQtxrXiMJq8/TdCEkOZHFII/AAAAAAAABcU/BPYLp-knrNM/s640/Lets+Play+DressUp+web.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Lets Play DressUp web\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mytime2play.blogspot.com/2011_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Oi3tb9Up5Y8/Td3Nd7WHTnI/AAAAAAAABcs/JezNJaK7-x4/s640/2011_0524_202632.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Oi3tb9Up5Y8/Td3Nd7WHTnI/AAAAAAAABcs/JezNJaK7-x4/s640/2011_0524_202632.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mytime2play.blogspot.com/2011_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VHKp_pHgSrs/VrNzbhJH8AI/AAAAAAAALeY/rv7qUdwR15E/s200/Facebook%2B1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VHKp_pHgSrs/VrNzbhJH8AI/AAAAAAAALeY/rv7qUdwR15E/s200/Facebook%2B1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Facebook B\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://mytime2play.blogspot.com/2011_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CQDkFL1KW60/VrNzboO4cII/AAAAAAAALec/591QvloJ-OQ/s200/Instagram%2B1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CQDkFL1KW60/VrNzboO4cII/AAAAAAAALec/591QvloJ-OQ/s200/Instagram%2B1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Instagram B\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://mytime2play.blogspot.com/2011_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RWFQiUhl8Qc/VrNzbqhprzI/AAAAAAAALeU/_3IF4bjTXhs/s200/Pinterest1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RWFQiUhl8Qc/VrNzbqhprzI/AAAAAAAALeU/_3IF4bjTXhs/s200/Pinterest1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Pinterest\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://mytime2play.blogspot.com/2011_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Vk1mGUE6dw4/VrNzb1w0u2I/AAAAAAAALeg/QNsvUQF1fss/s200/Twitter%2B1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Vk1mGUE6dw4/VrNzb1w0u2I/AAAAAAAALeg/QNsvUQF1fss/s200/Twitter%2B1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Twitter B\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, May 25, 2011\n\nGraphic 45 Le Cirque Layout", null, "I promise to show more of my own work next post!\nPosted by Susie Bentz at 5:09 AM No comments:", "Friday, May 20, 2011\n\nScraPerfect Design Team!\n\nI am very happy to say that I have been selected for the first ever Design Team for ScraPerfect, the manufacturer of \"Magically Perfect Products\" for scrapbooking and crafting.\n\nWhat is ScraPerfect?  The short answer is that it is your answer to so many crafting \"challenges\", but the longer answer is...\n\nIt started out of frustration in the inconsistency of printing on vellum back in 2003. Amy Roszak (the owner) found a solution and created ScraPerfect's first product, The Perfect Printing Pouch.   Since then it has been used by crafters to print and stamp on many different surfaces - fabric, wood, clay, transparencies, textured paper, and vellum to name a few - without bleeding or fading.  It also has anti-static properties that make it a joy to use when working with glitters or embossing powders.  So many uses have been found for this product that it is now The Perfect Crafting Pouch and comes in two sizes: The Little Pouch and The Strap n Tap.", "This versatile product was selected as one of the Top 20 Most Innovative Products CHA Winter 2011.\n\nScraPerfect offers three more products:\nBest Glue Ever - dries clear, dries quickly, strong, flexible and dries tacky.  You can use it to create your own glue dots. The thin tip makes it easy to control and the innovative cap design keeps the glue from drying out in the bottle and clogging up the tip!  It really is the best glue ever, so a little bit goes a long way!", "Embellie Gellie - Helps you pick up even the smallest of bling and put it exactly where YOU want it.", "Perfect Cleaning Cloth - Removes dust and fingerprints from camera lenses, eye glasses, iPads, scanner beds and photos. Also removes the dusty residue from surfaces treated with the Perfect Crafting Pouch.", "In future posts, I will be showing you how I use each of these products to make my paper crafting better and easier!  In the meantime, if you click on any of the links above you can see videos with an explanation and demo of each product.\n\nAs a teacher and a professional papercrafter, I like the fact that ScraPerfect products are so versatile because it means fewer items to pack for a crop…fewer items to sift through on my craft table at home to find what I need.\n\nScraPerfect products simplify things!\nPosted by Susie Bentz at 9:49 AM 2 comments:", "Sunday, May 15, 2011\n\n\"Let's Play Dress Up\" with Echo Park", null, "I am actually going to post a revised layout...I added a flower and a much needed button...you'll see...it really was necessary!\nPosted by Susie Bentz at 10:04 PM 2 comments:", "Sunday, May 8, 2011\n\nMother's Day with Echo Park\n\nI fell in love with the For the Record line of papers from Echo Park.  I had just picked up this rubber stamp with the definition of mother on it, and I knew they needed to go together!\n\n ", null, " I also designed a 2 page layout as a Make-N-Take for Scrapbooks Plus using this paper line - see the same \"mother\" element being used as part of the title?   I added a few stickers from the This & That Line from Lily Bee Design.  Since the layout is on display at the store, I will wait and add the journaling after it comes home."], "url": "http://mytime2play.blogspot.com/2011_05_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 640, "width": 756}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 640, "width": 756}], "image_hashes": ["3042054f21051d148985012a6e9502561ca9519a9b42c0a74a5f67c4ed9fcec7", "c95e83062994d52177f3bb3fd453034a9987ec55aa5287944b03e1b67193a1ab", "b44352324e9569e671e8b9c9825c155d403a954e3848fc5075e01a1dca0185dd"], "__index_level_0__": 223, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-B0LfMSQEKBI/Uf8gwCJW-UI/AAAAAAAAAM8/v8_Q3C4qmwo/s320/Introduction+to+Yoga.png", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Y_fZrZxeLOw/Uf8cABe8o9I/AAAAAAAAAMs/hrpdW6Cm_Cw/s1600/IMG_0897.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.949988603591919}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancyatterberry.blogspot.com/2013/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-B0LfMSQEKBI/Uf8gwCJW-UI/AAAAAAAAAM8/v8_Q3C4qmwo/s320/Introduction+to+Yoga.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-B0LfMSQEKBI/Uf8gwCJW-UI/AAAAAAAAAM8/v8_Q3C4qmwo/s320/Introduction+to+Yoga.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Introduction to Yoga\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 168}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancyatterberry.blogspot.com/2013/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Y_fZrZxeLOw/Uf8cABe8o9I/AAAAAAAAAMs/hrpdW6Cm_Cw/s1600/IMG_0897.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Y_fZrZxeLOw/Uf8cABe8o9I/AAAAAAAAAMs/hrpdW6Cm_Cw/s1600/IMG_0897.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, December 8, 2013\n\nTechnology Integration Unit - Country Exchange\n\nDuring the past few weeks, I have been working on a technology enriched learning unit. This unit combines the study of geography and 21st century learning skills. Students are asked to determine how geography affects culture, and they are participating in an email exchange with students from the countries they are studying.\n\nFollow this link to view the Unit Plan.\n\nThe Unit Plan can also be found on My Website.\n\nFinal Reflective Report\n\nUnit - Geography Exchange - A Technology Enhanced Unit\n\nIn this unit,  I collaborated with Ms. Stolfi, a seventh grade social studies teacher. The student learning objective for our unit was 1) students will perform research to produce a multimedia presentation on a country and 2) students will participate in an email exchange with a student from the country they are researching.  Our learning objectives centered on student use of technology. They were to 1) introduce and have students use Google Docs/Drive, 2)have students collaborate and write online, and 3) have students practice proper online etiquette during email exchanges. Thus far, I am pleased with the outcome of this unit.  Students have been receptive to the project. They are using the technology tools we have introduced them to. They have learned to use Google Docs, and have learned how to share Google documents for commenting. They are using Google Docs to collaborate on documents related to their research, and are currently in the process of researching information and applying thoughtful evaluation to their online sources.  They are also participating in an email exchange with students from the countries they are researching, and  have sent out their first email.\n\nOur initial plan to use iEarn for this project did not work out.  Instead,  I was able to find another solution for students to use for their email exchange.  Students are using epals.com to communicate with students from the countries they are researching. Epals is a robust global classroom collaboration network. It contains numerous resources to engage students. These include an email exchange system, learning games,  and discussion boards on books, movies, and other topics that are of interest to young students.  Epals’ secure internal email system allows the classroom teacher to monitor all student email exchanges.  This monitoring system assures safe and appropriate email exchanges.  Through epals.com, I was able to establish a working collaboration for this project with teachers from France, Italy, and England. The French and Italian students are learning English. Within the email system, there is also a built-in translator that can be used by our French and Italian epal students.  The epals enhancement to the unit has motivated students to eagerly participate in the project. They are excited about having a friend abroad.  As we read our students’ initial emails, we see they are being thoughtful about their writing. They are being very creative about  what they want to share and what they want to learn from their epals. They are being courteous and are asking questions of their epals thus creating opportunities for discussion and conversation.  I am very happy for them, and I am pleased to see their desire to participate in the email exchange.\n\nIn addition to the email exchange, students have the task of developing a multimedia presentation from their research. Students have been taught how to evaluate websites using the 5Ws.  I stress the need of their thoughtful evaluation of online sources at the onset of every class.  As I move through the classroom checking on the work and progress of groups,  I check the online sources that student groups are using. At times, I have had to specifically point out sources that are questionable and have asked to see their website evaluation checklist. The checklist is a tool that guides them in determining the validity and credibility of a website. It helps students take a critical look at websites. I believe the use of the website evaluation checklist needs to be reinforced until students can intuitively evaluate a website for credibility. As students turn more and more to the Internet for their information needs, evaluating the credibility and validity of online information is critical for them.\n\nMy students were amused with the shared editing features of Google docs. They were excited to see the different colors assigned to each collaborator working on a shared  document. I encourage students to use standard group roles (researcher/navigator, recorder, reader) to work, and suggest they rotate the roles at each new class. I explained that this would give them the opportunity to share ideas and perform different jobs that are essential for their group.  Collaboration and the ability for students to work together is important.  I believe there is an opportunity in this project to improve how students work in groups.\n\nRecently, a student expressed her dislike of working in groups and expressed her preference of working independently.  This reminded of the need to provide students with a choice of how they want to work either in a group or independently.  I explained to Hannah that we wanted students to work in groups to share ideas and discuss research findings.  I have observed Hannah in her group. She is quiet and listens to others, and completes tasks she is asked to work on by others in her group. I have reviewed group roles and expectations with Hannah’s group.  I have been encouraging her participation by prompting her to share her thoughts. I have made a note to modify this project in the future  to allow for students to either work in groups or independently.\n\nMy collaboration efforts with Ms. Stolfi has been a positive experience. The ability to share documents with her using Google Drive has been a great asset for our collaboration.  Much of the technology integration of this unit is new for our students. The students of this project are the first, at my school, to use Meriden��s Gmail account system. It was a learning experience for me and my collaborator as we used the gmail system with our students.  I have learned a great deal from this experience and plan to share with other teachers who are interested in using this technology with their students.  We have received positive feedback from administration and teachers who have inquired about the project.  The use of epals has been of special interest to other teachers who would like to explore the possibility of using this resource with their classes.\n\nAt this time, students are in the final steps of their project. All presentations must be completed by December 13th.  Students have received email responses from England. We are waiting for email responses from Italy and France.  The technology enhancements made to this unit have resulted in improved student learning. Students are using tools and resources that are relevant. They are developing and practicing 21st century learning skills. They are using the Internet to locate information and collaborate with others. They are evaluating online sources and collaborating with their group members to synthesize the information they have found.They are aware of the importance of using proper online etiquette in communicating with others online. These are skills that will help my students succeed in and out of the classroom.\n\nPosted by Nancy Atterberry at 5:36 PM 1 comment:", "Sunday, November 24, 2013\n\nThe 5Ws of Website Evaluation\n\nAssignment 720 - Discussion Director Response/Classroom Integration\n\nE-Journal - Week on November 18, 2013\n\nEvaluating the Accuracy of Materials - Evaluating websites.\n\nToday’s lesson focussed on evaluating websites for credibility and accuracy.  Not everything we read is the truth, especially when we are reading online.\n\nThe objective is to make students aware of the need to look at online information critically, and to have them apply a set of guidelines to determine the usability and credibility of a website.\n\nThe method for website evaluation my students will use is the 5Ws (Who, What, When, Where, and Why).\n\nClassroom discussion and student participation is encouraged to make the evaluation of websites meaningful and relevant for the students.  After introducing the lesson, I prompted students to share experiences of situations in which they found online information to be questionable.   The responses I received pointed sharply at their frustration in finding information they could use.  Most students never considered that websites could be wrong and misleading.   Many relied on websites their teachers had given them for information.\n\nIn the classroom, a poster of the 5Ws of Website Evaluation is prominently displayed. I began by sharing a video, and The 5Ws of Website Evaluation checklist.\n\nAfter the video, we began to review each step of the 5Ws.  During the “What step”, the concept of bias surfaced.  Students were unsure of what bias meant. Bias is an important concept for students to grasp as they venture through various online sources, especially when determining the credibility and usefulness of websites produced by organizations.  As a class, we looked at nayre.org. This organization promotes year round schooling. Students were drawn and interested in learning about what educators and parents have to say about going to school year round. We looked for information on the website that showed why year round school may not be good.  We concluded that the website only presented information that supported year round schooling.  The website was a good way of showing how “.org” websites may only present information that supports their organization’s views, and therefore may be considered biased. I plan to revisit the topic of “bias” with my students. It is an important concept for students to understand and is valuable in helping them become discerning users of online information.\n\nWe proceeded to review the 5Ws of Website Evaluation checklist.  Students were asked to use the checklist in their evaluation of three websites:\n\nThe Tree octopus\n\nThe Edge of Extinction  http://www.edgeofexistence.org/amphibians/species_info.php?id=547\n\nGoogle Search Technology\n\nDuring this activity, it was interesting to see students comb through the websites and apply the 5 Ws. Students discussed the ability of octopi to live in trees and the speed of which Google's trained pigeons returned search results.\n\nAs part of their larger learning unit, students will be asked to apply the skills they’ve learned in this lesson to their online research task.\n\nIn Colin Harrison’s, Thirteen Ways at looking at a Blackboard Chapter 38a of the New Literacies Handbook, Harrison analyzes a study conducted by Rachel A. Karchmer, The Journey Ahead, Chapter 38 of New Literacies Handbook (page 1241). Harrison reflects on how technology has changed literacy and teaching practices.  Harrison notes  that today’s Internet availability, and the ease of connecting to the Internet for both students and teachers creates an increasing need to confirm and check the information we find on the Internet. I agree with Harrison. Evaluating the veracity of websites is an essential New Literacy skill that are students need to practice in order for them to become Internet literate.\nPosted by Nancy Atterberry at 8:55 AM No comments:", "Sunday, October 27, 2013\n\nReflection of Critical Friends Review of Instructional Unit\n\nI am very pleased to have the opportunity to enhance my Geography unit and incorporate some of the methods and strategies that I have been learning about in my Instructional Technology & Digital Media Literacy classes.\n\nIn particular, the opportunity to provide students the choice of how they want to present their research, and adding the iEarn collaboration piece. Providing students with the choice of how they want to present their research will be a motivator for students.  They will be able to use online tools and incorporate multimedia formats.  I think this will improve their product.\n\nAdditionally, by expanding the project to include the iEarn collaboration, I feel my students will want to research their countries and learn as much about them in preparation for their collaboration with peers from the countries they are researching. iEarn will be very engaging for them.\n\nMy Critical Friends were very supportive of the unit, especially the iEarn component.  I feel this is a very powerful and engaging enhancement to the unit. It is also the component I have the most concern with.   In order for students to successfully collaborate with their peers from other countries, there has to be timely  communication. Monitoring communication between students and specifying guidelines for communications is a must. My Critical Friends suggested a B-Plan as an alternative in the event the collaboration with the iEarn Project - A Day in the Life doesn’t work out. I think this is a good idea.  I will evaluate and consider alternative sites to use with my students. I am currently exploring Students of the World. There are pen pal opportunities for Argentina, Morocco, Yemen, and Thailand. It’s always a good idea to have a B-Plan!\n\nPresenting my unit of student to my Critical Friends was a great way to gain feedback.\nPosted by Nancy Atterberry at 6:41 PM 1 comment:", "Sunday, October 20, 2013\n\nUsing Google Sites to Build my Website\n\nUsing Google Sites I started building my website to share information and resources with my students and staff. After reviewing the various themes and templates, I decided to experiment building my website using a Google Site template. https://sites.google.com/site/classtemplate_en/ Building a website using a template was a learning experience.  At first I struggled with understanding the template and the relationship between the predefined pages.   Once I began playing and experimenting, I began to understand how the template was organizing pages and the process of creating and modifying pages became easier.\n\nIn case you're thinking of using a Google Site template, I used the Classroom template. Using this template, I used the \"More\" button at the top of main home page a lot. The more button offers a drop down  menu with the options \"Edit Site Layout\" and \"Manage Site\". Edit Site Layout was important in modifying the side navigation panel.\n\nOne particular area I found troublesome was removing the \"template text\" within template pages. There is instructional text provided by Google within template pages that must be deleted prior to publishing.  Once I realized that the \"template text\" had to be removed in template pages, I began to remove it as I modified and added text to a page.\n\nCreating new pages was easy. These are blanks pages that you position within the organization of the template. Once I understood the organization of the template, building new page and placing them where I wanted was not difficult.\n\nMy website needs pictures! I will add pictures as I continue to refine it. It wasn't difficult to include the one picture I have.  I don't expect adding pictures to be a problem.   I've started building and including tutorials that I've created.  I plan to add more tutorials and more website resources.\n\nMy website is only available with this link.  It's a work in progress!  Take a look and let me know what you think.\n\nPosted by Nancy Atterberry at 6:29 PM 1 comment:", "Sunday, September 22, 2013\n\nDiscussion Director\n\nHow I used Google Hangouts on Air\n\nThis week I had the opportunity to be the Discussion Director for my ED 720 Central Issues and Research in New Literacies class. The required reading for the week was, The Handbook on New Literacies Chapters 9 and 10. In this reading, our class took a close look at the implications of using the Web in the classroom and how students navigate through the Web. As discussion director, I developed 2 prompts for my classmates to discuss. My focus was to learn how others are using the Web and what challenges/workarounds they’re finding.  I also wanted to gain insight in what they see their students doing when they search the web.  My prompts:\n\nPrompt #1\nThe Web is increasingly being used as text for the classroom. What challenges exist when using the Web in the classroom? What practices can you use to overcome these challenges?\n\nPrompt #2\nA student’s Web navigation ability has an impact on learning from the Web. How do your students navigate the Web? What characteristics are you observing? How can you help students navigate the Web to gain knowledge?\n\nAs Discussion Director, I gave a choice on how they could respond to the prompts. They could write their response and post it within  Google Groups or they could participate in a video chat using Google Hangouts.  I was excited about using Google Hangouts for discussion as it would offer those in attendance a chance for real time discussion. I was hoping for an active discussion.  My challenge was how to record the hangout. I turned  to Google to research recording hangouts. I found several options and chose to use Screencast-O-Matic, free screen recording software.   The result was poor audio and the upload to Youtube was extremely slow. Here is the of the hangout recording using Screencast-O-Matic.\nThe video was good the audio was not good. I was disappointed after listening because we had a good discussion.\n\nMy instructor, Ian O’Byrne suggested I try Hangout on Air and change the privacy rights on the recording. The following day I used Hangout on Air and it resulted in recording a great discussion.  The audio was perfect. The recording went straight to Youtube, no need to upload. There is no time limit. It was very easy to use. Click on the link to watch.\n\nBeing Discussion Director was a very good experience. I thought the discussions went well.  Everyone showed knowledge of the topic. It was evident they did their reading and made reference to the reading. My classmates seemed ready and eager to discuss.\n\nI’ve received good feedback on using the hangouts on air as the means for discussion. Things I might have changed include specifically asking hangout participants to write a comment on the discussion. I would have also have been more specific about the assignment. There was some confusion over which prompts to respond to and where to post responses.\n\nThank you for the opportunity.\nPosted by Nancy Atterberry at 8:02 PM 3 comments:", "Saturday, September 14, 2013\n\nMy Learning Hub\n\nIn an effort to help my students easily locate information resources, I will develop a digital learning hub.  In this space I hope to provide them with information about working online, links to online resources, and a place to showcase their work. I plan to use Google sites to create my learning hub. I have been using other Google applications (docs, forms, and presenter) and hope that by staying within the Google umbrella an opportunity to easily integrate these other Google applications exist.\n\nMy learning hub will include:\n\nThis is my initial plan. I expect adjustments will be needed as I develop and implement my learning hub. I am excited about the opportunity. I feel it will be a source of information for my students and also a way to showcase their work and ideas. I will be sharing my progress with you.\nPosted by Nancy Atterberry at 5:44 PM 1 comment:", "Tuesday, August 20, 2013\n\nPrint to Pixel Unconference\n\nPrint to Pixel\n\nClick on link for resources\n\nSearch Your Way to Success\n\nPosted by Nancy Atterberry at 8:12 AM 1 comment:", "Friday, August 16, 2013\n\nReflection of Personal Learning Environments", "Network Learning Project - Beginning Yoga\n\nBeginning Yoga\n\nPosted by Nancy Atterberry at 1:06 PM 1 comment:", "Thursday, August 15, 2013\n\nMindmapping My Digital Identity", "Monday, August 12, 2013\n\nNetwork Learning Project Update - Practicing Yoga\n\nPosted by Nancy Atterberry at 9:07 AM No comments:", "Using Animoto\n\nAnimoto Tutorial", "Sunday, August 4, 2013", null, null], "url": "http://nancyatterberry.blogspot.com/2013/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 169, "original_width": 320, "width": 715}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": 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\"formatted_filename\": \"tll professionalblogs\", \"alt_text\": \"Top 25 Language Language Professional Blogs 2014\", \"rendered_width\": 160, \"rendered_height\": 60}]", "texts": ["Names, brands, writing, and the language of commerce.\n\n« September 2012 | Main | November 2012 »\n\nOctober 15, 2012\n\nWord of the Week: Malarkey", "Malarkey bumper sticker, Café Press.", "Malarkey T-shirt, Café Press.", "Romney-Ryan Malarkey campaign button, Café Press.", "Big Malarkey/Little Malarkey T-shirt, Zazzle.\n\nBy Friday morning the Obama campaign had embraced malarkey:", "And a hyperkinetic gif made malarkey mesmerizing.\n\nReblog (0)\n\nOctober 12, 2012\n\nNames in the News\n\nFour new names that caught my attention:", "(Hat tip: @IgorNaming.)", "October 11, 2012\n\nThat Word\n\nThey keep using it. It does not mean what they think it means:", "No, not “lubricating,” although I’ll get to it in a bit. First, though, I want to talk about “servile.”\n\nThe “Servile Brands” headline is from Trendwatching, a global brand-analysis company. In its October 2012 trend briefing, Trendwatching defines its terms this way:\n\nYes, consumers are more demanding, time-starved, informed, and choice-saturated than ever-before (we know you know). For brands to prosper, the solution is simple though: turn SERVILE. This goes far beyond offering great customer service. SERVILE means turning your brand into a lifestyle servant focused on catering to the needs, desires and whims of your customers, wherever and whenever they are.\n\n(Their emphasis.)\n\nIs that in fact what “servile” means? No, it is not. Unlike most Trendwatching lingo—keep reading for examples—“servile” is a real word with real definitions and connotations. It isn’t a neutral term meaning “of service”; rather, it means “abjectly submissive,” “slavish,” “relating to servitude or forced labor.” Its synonyms are “obsequious,” “toadyish,” “sycophantic,” and “fawning.”\n\nNot a positive association in the bunch. Indeed, the strong whiff of slavery that attends “servile” should disqualify the word from the marketing lexicon. It’s an adjective best reserved for Uriah Heep, one of Dickens’s least admirable characters, and others of his ilk.\n\nTrendwatching—which calls itself “one of the world’s leading consumer trends firms”—has a decade-long record of coining attention-getting names, many of them peppy portmanteaus, to describe marketplace phenomena. Back in October 2010, the company devoted a trend briefing to what it  called Brand Butlers. From what I can tell, “Servile Brands” is just a more offensive twist on “Brand Butlers.”\n\nYou can’t accuse Trendwatching of not trying. Its trend archives include a heap of isms—Newism, Maturialism, It-ism, Foreverism, and Nowism—and a river of sumers: Tasksumers, Twinsumers, Citysumers, Trysumers, Sellsumers, Transumers. Trendwatching has also given us Minipreneurs and Teenpreneurs*, Insperiences and Cribtimonials, Perkonomics and Excusumption,\n\nTrendwatching’s motto might as well be “X Is the New Y.” One trend briefing was titled “Catching-up is the new looking ahead.” Brand Butlers: “Serving is the new selling.” Nowism: “Why currency is the new currency.” And Servile Brands? “Why for brands, serving, assisting, and lubricating is the new selling.”\n\n(A few words about “lubricating”: Back in 2004, Trendwatching used “daily lubricants” as a category title for “the fast growing class of products and services that cater to consumers' need for simplicity, and that literally lubricate daily life.” Um, OK. Nevertheless, the juxtaposition of “lubricating” and “servility” can’t help sounding slightly smutty.)\n\nOnce in a blue moon, Trendwatching coins a term that catches on: Pop-up Retail (first used in January 2004), Massclusivity (November 2003). But for every one of those keepers there are 20 clunkers like Snobmoddities.\n\nAs for Servile Brands, off the top of my head I can think of several catchy-yet-more-appropriate alternatives: At Your Service, SuperServe Us, Serves You Right. Or, if they wanted to stay with the portmanteau theme, Servantage, Serveriffic, ServeAce, or Servalicious.\n\nBut “servile,” no matter how much you lubricate it, sticks in the craw.\n\nHat tip: LowDudgeon. “That Word” credit goes, of course, to The Princess Bride.\n\nElsewhere in That Word: Sophistry, infamous, arriviste, bupkus, unrequited.\n\n* See more -preneur blends in my “Enterprising Language” post.\n\nPosted at 08:09 AM in Branding, Isms, Marketing, Neologisms, Nomics, Portmanteaus, That Word, Trends | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)\n\nOctober 10, 2012\n\nWhy I Can't Tell You My Fee (Yet)\n\nA couple times a week, at a minimum, I get an email from someone who needs a business or product name. Sometimes the sender has seen my blog; usually he or she has plucked my name from a Google search. Ninety percent of the time the email reads, in full: “We need a name. How much do you charge?”\n\nNow, if you’ve never worked with a professional name developer, that may seem like a reasonable question. You may imagine I have a sack of names that are all (magically) available and that I’ll pull out the one that (magically) suits your (unknown) requirements. And then I’ll send you a bill for—shazam!—$39.95.\n\nUnfortunately, professional name development is not a magic trick. Nor is it a one-price-for-all bargain basement. Every process is different, if only in its time constraints. So before I can send you a proposal and estimate, I’ll need answers to these fundamental questions:\n\nContinue reading \"Why I Can't Tell You My Fee (Yet)\" »\n\nPosted at 08:36 AM in Naming, Naming 101 | Permalink | Comments (2)\n\nOctober 09, 2012\n\nOn the Visual Thesaurus: Brand Name Stories\n\nMy new column for the Visual Thesaurus tells the stories behind eight brand names, from Aspirin—yes, it used to be a trademark—to Twitter. Full access requires a subscription (still less than $20 a year!); here’s an excerpt.\n\nIKEA. The global home-furnishings company reveals its humble roots in its name, which is an acronym. I and K are the initials of Ingvar Kamprad, the company's founder; the E stands for Elmtaryd, the farm where Kamprad grew up; and the A is for Agunnaryd, Kamprad's home village. As for the names of IKEA's products — Bestå, Poäng, Ektorp, and all the rest — there's a method to their seeming madness.\n\nRead the rest of “From Aspirin to Twitter: Stories Behind the Brand Names.”\n\nPosted at 07:33 AM in How They Got That Name, Naming, Retail, Twitter, Visual Thesaurus | Permalink | Comments (1)\n\nOctober 08, 2012\n\nWord of the Week: Hustings\n\nHustings: A place where political speeches are made; more generally, the campaign trail. plural and singular. From Old English husting, “meeting, court”; adapted from Old Norse hus-thing, “house assembly.” A related word, Althing, is the name of Iceland’s general assembly. (This thing is analogous to the Latin legal term res: an issue or matter.)\n\n“Hustings” is a word that appears only during political seasons in the US, and then infrequently: the synonym “stump,” which can also be a verb, often replaces it. The late language maven William Safire, in Safire’s Political Dictionary, said “hustings” was “archaic” and “often used semihumorously.”\n\nOne place “hustings” is taken seriously is the Wall Street Journal, where the word has appeared five times in the last two months. “Obama Hits Hustings on His Own” was the headline on an August 31 story.", "In a September 18 blog post about the Romney campaign, “Time for an Intervention,” WSJ columnist Peggy Noonan addressed the candidate directly:\n\n“Hustings” is used differently in the UK and Commonwealth countries (and ex-Commonwealth nations such as India), where it means the proceedings at a parliamentary election. It often appears as a modifier: “a hustings event.” The word has been used in many contexts since it first appeared in print in 1030; the modern British sense, according to the OED, comes from the term for the temporary platform from which Parliamentary candidates were nominated.\n\nPosted at 07:32 AM in British, Etymology, Politics, Word of the Week | Permalink | Comments (0)\n\nOctober 05, 2012\n\nLong Reads for a Long Weekend", "“Rustling softly downwards, like the quality of mercy…”\n\nHappy exploring!\n\nOctober 04, 2012", "Dogfish Head Punkin Ale.\n\nAnd I definitely hadn’t seen Punk’n Ale.", "Uinta Brewery Punk’n ale.\n\nI’ll spare you the remaining three stanzas.\n\nOctober 03, 2012\n\nElectable Collectibles\n\nThe first presidential debate will be held tonight, in Denver; the general election is less than five weeks away. So it’s time to ask a serious question: How are the campaigns shaping up tchotchke-wise?\n\nAt 7-Eleven stores in 34 states, you can let the caffeine do the talking – and the predicting. And you get to keep your cup as a souvenir. Last Friday, you didn’t even have to pay for the coffee.", "According to 7-Eleven’s 7-Election website, President Obama cups have a substantial lead over Mitt Romney cups everywhere except Idaho and West Virginia.\n\nBerkeley’s family-owned Virginia Bakery is holding its own consumption contest. To cast your vote, buy a photo-decorated sugar cookie.", "Guess who’s winning?\n\nAccording to a report on the Berkeleyside news site, the bakery has sold presidential cookies in previous elections, but this is the first time it’s tracking the results. As one commenter observed, “Finally … a chance to eat the rich.”\n\nFrom tasty to tasteless:", "This “Obama reusable cloth pantyliner pad,” sold by Mimi’s Dreams on Etsy, is “the perfect size for teenagers and petite women.” Ladies, don’t you want a muumuu made of that fabric? (Via Buzzfeed.)\n\nSpeaking of the curse, here’s SNL’s ad for g.o.b. tampons—made for women by the men of the GOP. (“Now with wings!”)\n\nThe brand name is a parody of o.b. tampons, which were developed in the early 1960s by a German gynecologist, Judith Esser. “o.b.” name is an abbreviation of “ohne binde,” German for “without napkins.”\n\nAnd staying in the nether regions, Say It With a Condom is back with the 2012 edition of candidate condoms.", "Obama condoms: “Intended to get the general public laid, not laid off.”", "Romney condoms: “For the elitist penis.” Four years ago, according to my notes, it was the Obama condoms that made that “elitist” claim.\n\nA concept only, but what a great concept: Barack Obama, the Blue Note years, from the British pop-culture blog Voices of East Anglia.", "Lots more album covers at the link. (Via Girls of a Certain Age.)\n\nThe Sassy Gator, another Etsy seller, is offering this embroidered T-shirt in babies’ and children’s sizes for $20.", null, "“Mitt Romney Is My Homeboy”\n\n“Homeboy”? Really? A tip for Sassy Gator: Mitt Romney ain’t your homeboy unless your home has a car elevator.\n\nThis Obama Birther Certificate Tray from Fishs Eddy* proved so popular that it’s now backordered until December.", "Perfect for serving pupu to your Democratic friends … or crow to the Republicans.\n\nFishs Eddy is also selling this 10-ounce Barack Obama mug  and a companion Michelle Obama mug. Nothing for the competition except a Republican elephant puzzle.", "Wish it would all just stop already? I feel your pain. And I have just the remedy: this political ice pack, available at Uncommon Goods.", "Freeze, use,  repeat until Election Day.\n\n* The story behind the Fishs Eddy name: “It was 1986 and we were driving around the back roads upstate New York (code for lost). We stumbled upon a small hamlet called Fishs Eddy. It was a perfectly odd name so we borrowed it for our just-opened shop near Gramercy Park.”\n\nPosted at 07:56 AM in Advertising, Beer, Food and Drink, Gifts, How They Got That Name, Humor, Maps, Naming, Politics, Tampons, Television | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)\n\nOctober 02, 2012\n\nFew German words are as popular or linguistically productive in the US as “Oktoberfest.” Here are some local variations on the theme, along with several out-of-town sightings.\n\nOakland’s fifth annual Oaktoberfest will be held on Saturday, October 6.", "“Oaktoberfest” works very well orthographically—just add A. “Oakland” has also been rejiggered into Oaklandish (an apparel brand that “supports and represents” Oakland) and Oaksterdam University (“Quality Training for the Cannabis Industry”), named in honor of Amsterdam, where marijuana use is legal.\n\nSharktoberfest is an annual tradition at  the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park. The event celebrates “two perennial favorites—sharks and beer!”", "I love the Academy but can’t help wishing Sharktoberfest were taking place in Boston, where the native nonrhotic rendering of the word would create a better rhyme with “Oktoberfest.”\n\nBook’toberfest is the first annual (their presumption, not mine) book fair and local-beer tasting at San Francisco’s Mechanics’ Institute Library. It’s scheduled for October 5 and promises to “put the ‘pub’ back into ‘publishing’!”", "And also the apostrophe into “Book’toberfest,” for reasons unclear to me. It interrupts the otherwise perfect Oktoberfest portmanteau.\n\nMoving away from the bay, Buffalo’s Booktoberfest—no punctuation, thank you very much—was held September 13. The event was “an evening of bratwurst and brews, all in the name of literacy.”\n\nWatchismo—nice name, by the way—is celebrating Clocktoberfest with 25 percent discounts on most German-made watches.", "Note the German-flag colors and the echt Fraktur type, or something close to it.\n\nBaracktoberfest is a Kickstarter project that celebrates the brewing of beer at the White House; the money goes to creating T-shirts, pint glasses, recipe cards, and postcards. (For more about the beer, see the last item in this August post.) The $300 goal was met in two and a half hours, and the project ultimately raised almost $3,000.", "“Est. 2008” apparently refers to the year Obama was elected, not the year the project began.\n\nThe project’s creator, Matthew Potter, wrote a nice statement of purpose that begins:\n\nFirst and foremost: This isn’t about politics. This is about portmanteaus and alcohol. If that’s not enough to get you excited, then I don’t know how you get out of bed in the morning.", "During the 2008 presidential campaign Schlafly Beer in St. Louis produced a Baracktoberfest brew (and a Palin ale). This year, with one of the candidates a teetotaler, Schlafly appears to be abstaining.\n\nI can’t resist including SocktoberFest, coming up this weekend in Osage, Iowa. It’s sponsored by a local company, Fox River, “maker of the famous Original Rockford Red Heel Monkey Sock”—de rigueur for all your sock-monkey needs—and the press release has this adorable lede: “Thousands of bargain shoppers will get to experience that new-sock feeling after SocktoberFest…”\n\nUPDATE: The Pr*tty Sh*tty blog, which reviews examples of good and bad design, is observing Ktoberfest, “a weeklong celebration of the letter K” in logos.\n\nUPDATE 2: Via a tweet from Our Bold Hero, Spocktoberfest, #1 on Cracked’s list of  “holidays they need to invent.”", "For additional X-toberfest affixoids (that’s the technical name), see this October 2008 post at the Mr. Verb blog, which includes mentions of Trucktoberfest, Rocktoberfest, Shocktoberfest, Lawtoberfest, Barktoberfest, Drunktoberfest, Puketoberfest, and many more.\n\nTraditional Oktoberfest—the one in Munich—takes place from late September to early October. In the US, such calendrical strictures are often flouted: see Maytoberfest, Novemberfest, and Augtoberfest. Wondering how the original Oktoberfest came to be? Here you go.\n\nAnd check out the comments below for additional -toberfests."], "url": "http://nancyfriedman.typepad.com/away_with_words/2012/10/page/2/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 429, "original_width": 570, "width": 502}], "image_hashes": ["1c28beae65f1851ca18a6cf903492f12d7ea5580b054fe8e607492476543cf34"], "__index_level_0__": 225, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3740/1233/320/Oct06%20010.jpg", null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3740/1233/320/Oct06%20013.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9779311418533324}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancyquilts.blogspot.com/2006/10/what-do-you-collect.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3740/1233/320/Oct06%20010.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3740/1233/320/Oct06%20010.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Oct\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancyquilts.blogspot.com/2006/10/what-do-you-collect.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3740/1233/320/Oct06%20012.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3740/1233/320/Oct06%20012.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Oct\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancyquilts.blogspot.com/2006/10/what-do-you-collect.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3740/1233/320/Oct06%20013.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3740/1233/320/Oct06%20013.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Oct\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancyquilts.blogspot.com/2006/10/what-do-you-collect.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-yw4BKU12Q00/WBtBnlGfZkI/AAAAAAAAAhI/U-eYBFXTOxMG0h42NOYkfw6UXOz816UgACK4B/s80/Aug06%2B032.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yw4BKU12Q00/WBtBnlGfZkI/AAAAAAAAAhI/U-eYBFXTOxMG0h42NOYkfw6UXOz816UgACK4B/s80/Aug06%2B032.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Aug B\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 75}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, October 27, 2006\n\nWhat do you collect?\n\nBeing a curious person I wonder what you all collect. So if you have a special colletion I'd love to see it.\n\nThis might come as a bit of a surprise to you but I collect cats. LOL! Real cats (5 inside/outside ones and about 10 outside only) and cat fabric and cat figurines, etc. etc. etc...... These are a few of my cat \"things\" I keep at my office.", null, "First. This is a life-sized hand puppet. It sits on the top of the door to my office. When I bought it I quietly arranged him up there and then waited to see who would notice first. Our mechanic came in shortly after and was standing in my door chatting. We'd been talking probably 10 minutes when he caught a glimpse of it out of the corner of his eye, jumped about 3 feet in the air and yelled, \"What the HELL is THAT!!!\" LOL! It's hard to pull anything over on Russel but that day I managed. :-)", "Next up is the motley assortment that lives in the window. Along with my collection of hats. All the hats are either from the company I work for or vendors I deal with often. Or ones I've bought when I travel for work. I did make sure that the one on top did not have my company name on it when I took the picture. Don't want to give out too much personal info on an open online forum.\n\nYou should be able to click on the picture and maybe get it big enough to see some of my treasures. The most precious to me are the cat frame in the lower right corner and the cat mug on the speaker above it. The frame was a secret sister gift about 5 years ago. The picture in the frame is my favorite picture of the cat I had at that time. His name was Tic and as much as I love the cats I have now he was the most special cat I ever had. I raised him from the day he was born until he got out almost 4 years ago (on Nov. 11th) and I never saw him again. He was 6-1/2 then and losing him was like losing my child. He's the reason I swore I'd never have an inside only cat again. At least with having inside/outside cats when they get out they know the area and how to take care of themselves. Tic didn't have that advantage and either something got him or he wandered so far from home he couldn't find his way back. I hurt so bad when I lost him I slipped into a deep depression that lasted for months. Agatha and Fluffy were kittens then (3 months old) and Agatha wormed her way into the house and into my heart and helped pull me out of my depression. As you can imagine she's quite special to me. :-)\n\nThe mug was part of a Secretary's Day gift from my ex boss. We still work together, he's just no longer my direct supervisor. He got promoted to Area Supervisor and I got shifted to the OKCity office. Not physically shifted just under the supervision of the admin supervisor there. Yep how lucky can a girl get? My supervisor is 300 miles away! LOL! Although I try not to take advantage of that fact I do realize I have a bit more freedom to do things MY way than I would if I worked in the main office where most of the other people work who do the same job for the company that I do. Anyway.... back to the mug. :-) I got flowers that day too and they were lovely. But the mug touched me much more that the flowers. Because Bill took the time to find something he knew I'd really like. He's not what you'd call the most sensitive guy around but upon occasion he'd surprise me. Like the time he came in from getting supplies and brought me a new mousepad with a kitten on it just because he thought it would make me happy.\n\nOn top of the stereo are a bunch of tiny cats that my friend and co-worker, Mary, found when she went to a garage sale with her sister. She said she thought of me as soon as she saw them and just had to get them for me. :-) And the beanie cat up there - that was sitting in the middle of my desk one day when I came into work. One of our truck drivers bought it for me because he knew I liked cats. He also brought Mary an elephant since that's what she collects. And they say truck drivers can't be sensitive. Or maybe it's the fact we remind the drivers on a regular basis that Mary enters their run tickets and I do their payroll so they'd better be nice to us! LOL!", null, "The throw in this last picture was a hostess gift Susan brought me the first time she came to visit after I moved here. She said she was coming to visit because she needed to get away from home for a few days. But she later confessed she really came to make sure I was really okay and that life was treating me good after our move to TX. You see David and I had picked up and moved away from MS several times before looking for a better life just to have life turn on us and we'd end up back in MS. So she wanted to make sure we really were doing okay and not just saying we were so nobody would worry about us. (Like we'd done in the past.) And when she came for that first visit things weren't as rosy as we tried to let on but shortly after that I got the job I still have and our luck took an upward swing that has remained strong to this day. But I never forget those \"dirt poor\" days and will always treasure the fact that she took the time from her busy life to make sure her baby sister was okay. Even if the baby sister was 40 at the time! And I'm reminded of her love every day when I see the chair sitting across from my desk with her gift draped over it.\n\nI have other cat things. Many of them also with stories attached but it's late and I have to work tomorrow. I'll be looking forward to seeing your collections as I visit this next week.\nPosted by Nancy at 12:22 AM", "quiltpixie said...\n\ngreat collection of cats! The pic of the hand puppet I thought was a real cat until I looked more closely and you siad \"Its a puppet\" -- I too would have jumped feet....\n\n10/27/06, 9:00 AM", "Tazzie said...\n\nI love your collection of cats. We love kitties in this house too. I'd love to have more of the 'warm blooded' kitties too, but hubby has drawn the line.\nI collect blue and white china. I'll have to share in my next post. Thank you for sharing, and for asking!\n\n10/27/06, 9:21 AM", "Libby said...\n\nYou have quite a collection of kitties *s* The hand puppet is too cute. I collect smashed pennies and a more recent collection has begun of ABC books. I'll start thinking about a post and some photos.\n\n10/27/06, 9:58 AM", "May Britt said...\n\nLovely collection of cats. I did collect cats some time ago. But when I moved to a smaller house this easter they never was unpacked. I have no where to put them LOL\nBut I collect quiltpins. I show them in my blog later.\nAnd of course I collect fabrics as other collect stamps LOL Who doesn't\n\n10/27/06, 12:49 PM", "DubiQuilts said...\n\nYour cats are very cute.\n\nI collect coca cola items and fabric. I now have my mom's cats, and tea cup collections. My sister found mom's thimble collection and I will be taking it home. My husband collects lionel trains, oldest son collects 1/20 scale cars and trucks and youngest son collects miltary figures...anything miltary, his romm is full of it.\n\n10/27/06, 2:32 PM", "Shelina said...\n\nI'm allergic to cats, and therefore avoid all things catty. But I like your idea, and will post about my collections on my blog tomorrow.\n\n10/27/06, 3:49 PM", "Patti said...\n\nWell . . . I collect fabric, quilt books and quilt patterns . . . and scissors and sewing machines and rulers . . . .\n\nOh, you didn't meant THAT collection - the one we all have in common.\n\nI do have other collections . . . I'll have to think about posting something along that line.\n\nLoved reading about your collections. Love of cats certainly seems to be a reoccuring theme in quilters blogs!\n\n10/27/06, 5:51 PM", "dot said...\n\nI collect cows. I try not to get to many of them but that is what I collect.\n\n10/27/06, 6:10 PM", "Sweet P said...\n\nI used to collect bells, but haven't bought in over 20 years. These days I don't really collect anything other than fabric. Thanks for sharing your cats and asking other to show their collections. I can't wait to see what others collect.\n\n10/28/06, 7:44 AM", "Suze said...\n\nCats are a wonderful thing to collect. I collected at one time Tins........Teapots.........Framed Mirrors.......... Clocks......\n\nPictures..... Maybe later. Packing for vacation now.\n\n10/28/06, 5:03 PM", "I love cats, too :) I don't purposely collect anything although I have a collection of purses only because I can never seem to find the perfect one. Didn't have that problem before glasses and cellphones when all I had to carry were car keys and a driver's license.\n\n10/28/06, 7:36 PM", "cher said...\n\nI enjoyed all your kitty stuff...can't say I collect much of anything, especially nowadays. However, I just added another sewing machine ..so those might count...maybe.\n\n10/28/06, 11:49 PM", "Jeri said...\n\nHi Nancy! Great topic - I like to see what other people collect too. I collect old china dishes (mix and match)and green depression glass, pincushions, and cat fabric. I also have a collection of cookbooks, but I haven't bought any new ones (or used ANY of them!) in awhile."], "url": "http://nancyquilts.blogspot.com/2006/10/what-do-you-collect.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 219, "original_width": 320, "width": 552}, {"height": 501, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 241, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6694a134bec8f71eb7b24bae8d9219ecd5cc595d4b7f65288fb5c497ad863979", "c3a4862fd5c34edb0ef748d9de1c0a60b8c050af8d98b067c02e36de94396529"], "__index_level_0__": 226, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DlIjLwGiyYk/VicMPkfDijI/AAAAAAAAOBo/WvMgUyZdT1k/s200/Teddy-0881a.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9321852326393129}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancysfamilyhistoryblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-days-go-by-too-fast.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DlIjLwGiyYk/VicMPkfDijI/AAAAAAAAOBo/WvMgUyZdT1k/s200/Teddy-0881a.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DlIjLwGiyYk/VicMPkfDijI/AAAAAAAAOBo/WvMgUyZdT1k/s200/Teddy-0881a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Teddy a\", \"rendered_width\": 96, \"rendered_height\": 128}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancysfamilyhistoryblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-days-go-by-too-fast.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CzZSQGnFMfY/VicCaEvVCnI/AAAAAAAAOBc/7KYbcDnM0KI/s200/Gerner-Brendice.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CzZSQGnFMfY/VicCaEvVCnI/AAAAAAAAOBc/7KYbcDnM0KI/s200/Gerner-Brendice.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Gerner Brendice\", \"rendered_width\": 92, \"rendered_height\": 128}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancysfamilyhistoryblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-days-go-by-too-fast.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancysfamilyhistoryblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-days-go-by-too-fast.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-twRvDhy4RB0/T0mCfy0elMI/AAAAAAAAERM/abHI1ScfAFE/s290/SB%2BVintage%2Bfreebie%2B5%2B-%2Bwelcome%2Bat%2B18%2Bpt%252C%2B250%2Bwide.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-twRvDhy4RB0/T0mCfy0elMI/AAAAAAAAERM/abHI1ScfAFE/s290/SB%2BVintage%2Bfreebie%2B5%2B-%2Bwelcome%2Bat%2B18%2Bpt%252C%2B250%2Bwide.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SB BVintage Bfreebie B B Bwelcome Bat B Bpt C B Bwide\", \"rendered_width\": 250, \"rendered_height\": 114}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancysfamilyhistoryblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-days-go-by-too-fast.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s3.feedly.com/img/follows/feedly-follow-rectangle-volume-medium_2x.png\", \"src\": \"http://s3.feedly.com/img/follows/feedly-follow-rectangle-volume-medium_2x.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"feedly follow rectangle volume medium x\", \"alt_text\": \"follow us in feedly\", \"rendered_width\": 71, \"rendered_height\": 29}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancysfamilyhistoryblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-days-go-by-too-fast.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee180/juliewuliee/1-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i231.photobucket.com/albums/ee180/juliewuliee/1-1.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancysfamilyhistoryblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-days-go-by-too-fast.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m49/clbruno/Temple20Square-1-2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m49/clbruno/Temple20Square-1-2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Temple Square\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nancysfamilyhistoryblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-days-go-by-too-fast.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.shabbyblogs.com/storage/old/ShabbyBlogsBlessThee.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.shabbyblogs.com/storage/old/ShabbyBlogsBlessThee.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ShabbyBlogsBlessThee\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, October 20, 2015\n\nThe Days Go By Too Fast\n\nSometimes the days pass too fast for me and before I accomplish everything I hope to do the day is gone.  That happened last month and I missed writing two posts on time, both for \"holidays.\"  I recently wrote the posts, dated them to the commemorative dates, and published them.  If you read my blog here or in a reader, you probably wouldn't see them.  I'm alerting you to them because I wouldn't want you to miss any of my blogging goodness.  (Imagine a wink and teasing smile on my face.)", null, "The first post is Dear Teddy, written for National Teddy Bear Day on September 9.", "The second post is Centenarian Brendice Kathryn Gerner Davis written for National Centenarian's Day on September 22.\n\nThanks for stopping by and reading my blog. I appreciate it."], "url": "http://nancysfamilyhistoryblog.blogspot.com/2015/10/the-days-go-by-too-fast.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["9f3113b8abae596dfb6a9f6abcfff0280497742162dedd473bc41bb1a5b1d336"], "__index_level_0__": 227, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hIn_FsqmzMY/UTtN7L2CMeI/AAAAAAAAU6Q/mOgH3gcx70g/s400/Catachans_vs._spook.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.886931300163269}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://natfka.blogspot.com/2013/03/tyranids-carnifexes-free-units-and-more.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hIn_FsqmzMY/UTtN7L2CMeI/AAAAAAAAU6Q/mOgH3gcx70g/s400/Catachans_vs._spook.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hIn_FsqmzMY/UTtN7L2CMeI/AAAAAAAAU6Q/mOgH3gcx70g/s400/Catachans_vs._spook.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Catachans vs\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 297}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://natfka.blogspot.com/2013/03/tyranids-carnifexes-free-units-and-more.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-w2Wed8Z3a3U/VqhgVrwk_mI/AAAAAAAA-jQ/3UT0rgEC4D0/s1600-r/Wiki-wordmark.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-w2Wed8Z3a3U/VqhgVrwk_mI/AAAAAAAA-jQ/3UT0rgEC4D0/s1600-r/Wiki-wordmark.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Wiki wordmark\", \"rendered_width\": 250, \"rendered_height\": 65}, {\"document_url\": \"http://natfka.blogspot.com/2013/03/tyranids-carnifexes-free-units-and-more.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PGUQ5074HYY/V89AY0sQirI/AAAAAAABHFQ/LYBdo9lrLugaki6CbT6q8lCetRIvxT1twCK4B/s1600/genesyslong.PNG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PGUQ5074HYY/V89AY0sQirI/AAAAAAABHFQ/LYBdo9lrLugaki6CbT6q8lCetRIvxT1twCK4B/s1600/genesyslong.PNG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"genesyslong\", \"rendered_width\": 900, \"rendered_height\": 283}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://natfka.blogspot.com/2013/03/tyranids-carnifexes-free-units-and-more.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NU4WM8um8JU/UbqrWKVSa-I/AAAAAAAABA4/ExbT7yGQKus/s1600/facebook1.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NU4WM8um8JU/UbqrWKVSa-I/AAAAAAAABA4/ExbT7yGQKus/s1600/facebook1.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook\", \"alt_text\": \"Facebook\", \"rendered_width\": 38, \"rendered_height\": 38}, {\"document_url\": \"http://natfka.blogspot.com/2013/03/tyranids-carnifexes-free-units-and-more.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lG9Iw6v601k/UbqrX0EdtNI/AAAAAAAABBI/-yW9G0O_byM/s1600/twitter1.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lG9Iw6v601k/UbqrX0EdtNI/AAAAAAAABBI/-yW9G0O_byM/s1600/twitter1.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter\", \"alt_text\": \"Twitter\", \"rendered_width\": 38, \"rendered_height\": 38}, {\"document_url\": \"http://natfka.blogspot.com/2013/03/tyranids-carnifexes-free-units-and-more.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tgD__pScP7s/UbqrV67rZPI/AAAAAAAABAw/83icN6tr2M4/s1600/google+1.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tgD__pScP7s/UbqrV67rZPI/AAAAAAAABAw/83icN6tr2M4/s1600/google+1.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"google\", \"alt_text\": \"Google Plus\", \"rendered_width\": 38, \"rendered_height\": 38}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://natfka.blogspot.com/2013/03/tyranids-carnifexes-free-units-and-more.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}]", "texts": [null, "There is a wonderful sound to this set of rumors. I am speaking of the terms used in this set, \"Every Unit Viable. Every Unit Desirable\". Phrases like this being used as a design parameter (figurative of course) are always some of the best things to hear from close sources. Grab some morning coffee, and sit down and enjoy this set, as its a great start to the day.\n\nPlease remember that these are rumors, and are more specifically playtesting bits.\n\nvia a strong anonymous source\nSome more specifics on tyranid playtest.\n\nCarnifexes are in the elite and heavy support sections (but have different options)\n\nWhile broods are the same base cost as the current dex, additional gaunts are dirt cheap. So if you want to horde it up, you can.\n\nRippers are cheaper.\n\nAbility to build around \"free\" units coming in from reserve throughout the game (from different sources, but it's the same special rule), but they do not score.\n\nCan go the other route and bugzilla it up and have all (including scoring) monstrous creatures.\n\nThe goal is to go mass or massive or anything in between.\n\nThe big text on the design board (figuratively speaking) is \"Every Unit Viable. Every unit desirable.\"\n\nAnd on the topic of evolutions - these are just upgrades and options that can make a bug very finite in it's role, but awesome at it. Not mid game changes. Only one special creature can do that."], "url": "http://natfka.blogspot.com/2013/03/tyranids-carnifexes-free-units-and-more.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 299, "original_width": 400, "width": 505}], "image_hashes": ["e856c3a85403d97ce520a6d98b24d3477450ca1c18517465807a153ae528f604"], "__index_level_0__": 228, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-E1MNAV-y6zY/T4j4ov595oI/AAAAAAAACxE/t0ZtgooFicQ/s640/angie2.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-nfE6DmpG5dw/T4j51E4VJbI/AAAAAAAACxM/D_i27mYGMhM/s640/angie+028.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VTJDxAp6VRI/T4j7DgLfD4I/AAAAAAAACxU/3IZRVgfiFuk/s640/angie+025.jpg", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1-C_ZhQSQDI/T3qR2OlsH_I/AAAAAAAACwM/TwLIp0Dg-3s/s640/jack7+111.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-aNcoXBjflTU/T3qSvKDyvVI/AAAAAAAACwU/5FsxxBuf5vs/s640/mitt.jpg", null, 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This sweater got me back into the HOOK. It had been ages.\nSo long... that I cast on 11 stitches onto my crochet hook and then gazed at it strangely for several\nlong seconds in awe, asking my wee brain .. what do i do next ? .... before laughing at myself at what i'd done. :)  This is Angie , and is soon to be released. There will be a giveaway for this pattern here when it is.\nI am planning on ripping out this collar and crocheting it over. I missed the pun on the reverse stitch , because of  Emmylou and Gram distracting me I do believe.", null, "My greenish ochre cardigan has made great progress ! THis is a hip fun little open cardigan, i love how the garter rolls. Look at this Wollmeise green funk ! This is bluejean white teeshirt with red maryjanes kindof a sweater :) ---- and i say i'm not a planner , ha !", null, "And little miss l i g h t n i n g ?\nA perfect fit.\nI've modified mine to become a squishy roomy pullover sweater.\nIt is my first ever jumper - and I LOVE this colourway.\n\nI've just ordered several Doris Lessing novels from our local library .\nI've read her 9 African Short Stories with awe.\nThis lady is in her 90s and still writing novels !\n\nI've also ordered a wonderful book - Scandanavian Christmas Balls to Knit !\nWe fly in two days down to Perth for a week, to get passports and visas from\nthe Embassy - getting us all ready for our Great Migration ! :)))))))))\nHappy thoughts to all out there ~!\nPosted by angelina at 2:24 PM 7 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: knitting, reading, visas\n\nTuesday, April 3, 2012\n\n5 things\n\nAs promised, 5 things in complete randomness about Yours Truly......", null, "One ::  I am anxiety girl . {You know, able to jump to the worst possible conclusion in a single bound}\nI was not always like this. Only since having a. having children and b. moving overseas. I am not sure if this has been caused by a. or b. or both. But maybe it was inherited and always doomed to come out? I sure do hope when I get back home it just POOF goes away.", null, "Two :: I love paranormal haunted spooky ghostly things. I love really silly zombie stuff. I used to love really scary stuff but not anymore as I age. I do like scary stuff, but not real scary stuff. I don't like to see things happen on screen or in a book that I wouldn't appreciate in real life. However, zombies get an exception. I mean if you're a zombie surely you can do whatever the heck you want without some grief about it.\nI love slapstick comedy. I love to laugh. I think Carol Burnette is tops on the comedy scale. I love sci-fi and am a big STAR WARS fan. Dr. Who i do love. Star Trek *yawn* .", null, "Three :: When I was growing up, my mother had this thing with deviled eggs. Whenever there was a picnic, or somebody died, or a party, or a church gathering or anything requiring food - my mother made deviled eggs. Boiled eggs cut in half and stuffed with this mustardy yolky mixture, bah. We despised all things deviled eggs. They stunk. Being stuck in the car on the way to said function was the pits because of that smell, and the worst? Was getting asked to hold the deviled eggs. True torture indeed. And although my sister and I never, ever tried them - we were certain nobody ate them and they were totally disgusting.", null, "Four :: For some reason , which I do believe must be biologically driven , on party functions and both my children's birthday parties each year , I have an unspoken and constant favourite which can always be found on the menu and table. Boiled egg sandwiches. I never have the urge for them and never make them not once during any other time of the year. I AM becoming my mother. {which could totally be related to 'one' up there}..........", null, "Five :: Are we on five already ? Dang it.\nI am a leo, which means I am a lion and I roar and I have something major to contribute to the world and when someone tries to talk over me or interrupt me I will get louder and louder cause I am a LEO and I have something to say and It will totally contribute something major to this world. Get it ?\nPosted by angelina at 4:24 PM 5 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: anxiety girl, blame Nadine for all this rambling, deviled egg fetish late in life, I knit, me myself and I\n\nSunday, April 1, 2012", null, null, "Lots of Sweater knitting !\nThe Angie Test Knit is really going well - i love this sweater pattern.\nI have been trying it on during the top down knit { a wonderful treat / incentive !! } and the small is fitting me to a T. I love the neck line. I love the higher back. I love the easiness of its construction. I have made a few tiny mistakes along the way, and speaking with the designer has been really helpful. I do love test knitting, I feel like I'm really helping someone out and doing something I love all at once. Me being a Leo, I do LOVE to tell people what i 'think'. So now I'm asking what YOU think !!  This pattern has a beautiful crochet edging sewn in around the neckline. At first I thought I would do mine in a Madelinetosh Pink. But now that I see how this beautiful colourway {Magenta Dark} in Wollmeise looks, I don't want anything to spoil it. I thought maybe a dark gray or black instead ? What do you think ?"], "url": "http://nestajackson.blogspot.com/2012/04/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 640, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 640, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 640, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 640, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 640, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 640, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 640, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 640, "width": 570}], "image_hashes": ["acbf7c2ba6ef869db7e7f0922f88853e4a03d76f8834d6304d05bef212111275", "ec580662e3bc9d30b8475dd18ac13ea0ccd925766f08d99b6e1bc1ee8fc4f490", "02eaa76d0d93bb4f6a6f04cdcb3bff639bf26c18d79fe15708f9077369384bb2", "d7b73e3e298df929401557ee63d60016bafe949cdee83f91ce930636359b9d70", "8b75c100a81503b1b8f09df3659183a38a945d42007dc992520f8bdee698bf3d", "e59a86b3611d994551959000d4137c7b2e816d55b5a1fcebe5e43188d9216129", "2d60c7491db93f994f3c3a6c73683dc578208db5efd703576b4ee0ba08e4e955", "a10156422efb8a4ec7bd33558e0cf9b76b1054e4be43c6de6d2dcfd19f761436", "b3fb71f0dcb5f0cf691c57f4cb544bc40ce6b970a7504fa79d112283e2c557f3", "c02615d6ae5c57dad7bcce1b9f39e5a6b27e569f3256a822cb7d4a40b45d93b0"], "__index_level_0__": 229, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://sittingstill.smugmug.com/Pawtucket-Red-Sox/PawSox-April-10-2016/i-LRJHmR6/0/XL/20160410_3432-XL.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9691780805587769}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://news.soxprospects.com/2016/04/red-sox-promote-pat-light-to-boston.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://sittingstill.smugmug.com/Pawtucket-Red-Sox/PawSox-April-10-2016/i-LRJHmR6/0/XL/20160410_3432-XL.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://sittingstill.smugmug.com/Pawtucket-Red-Sox/PawSox-April-10-2016/i-LRJHmR6/0/XL/20160410_3432-XL.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"XL\", \"rendered_width\": 180}, null]", "texts": [null, "The Red Sox continued to tinker with their pitching staff before Sunday night's game in Houston. The Red Sox have promoted reliever Pat Light (pictured), who adds a power arm to the major league bullpen, and Sunday night's starting pitcher Henry Owens. In a pair of corresponding moves, the Red Sox have optioned right-hander Noe Ramirez and left-hander Roenis Elias to Triple-A Pawtucket.\n\nThis will mark Light's first trip to the major leagues. Drafted in the supplemental first round of the 2012 amateur draft, Light struggled as a starter in his first seasons in the Red Sox organization. However, he turned a corner and returned to prospect relevancy last season after converting to relief full-time and re-integrating a splitter, which he threw in college but had not used since, to his repertoire. He currently ranks 15th on the SoxProspects.com rankings.\n\nLight dominated in 21 appearances with Double-A Portland last season, pitching to a 2.43 ERA with 9.7 K/9 and 3.3 BB/9. He struggled with his control after a mid-season promotion to Pawtucket, walking 7.1 per nine and watching his ERA balloon to 5.18 in 26 appearances. In 6 2/3 innings this year, he has allowed three runs on three hits and three walks while striking out 10.\n\nOwens was in competition to earn the fifth starter job with the Red Sox during spring training, but his control was shaky and he was optioned to Pawtucket to start the season. After three impressive starts in Triple-A in which Owens is the owner of a 1.00 ERA and 23 strikeouts in 18 innings pitched, he'll get his chance in Boston to replace the injured Joe Kelly. He has had control troubles throughout his minor league career and those have continued this season, as he has walked 10 batters, but he also has consistently struck out batters at a high rate and recorded strong results.\n\nRamirez has been bouncing between Pawtucket and Boston recently as he was optioned to Pawtucket on Tuesday in exchange for Heath Hembree only to return to Boston the next day after Kelly was placed on the 15-day disabled list. Ramirez has been mediocre in the major leagues this season, sporting a 5.79 ERA and walking seven in 9 1/3 innings.\n\nElias made his Red Sox debut on Saturday afternoon against the Astros. The left-hander allowed three runs in 1 2/3 innings of relief after having worked as a starter in Pawtucket, posting a 3.86 ERA in 9 1/3 innings with the PawSox."], "url": "http://news.soxprospects.com/2016/04/red-sox-promote-pat-light-to-boston.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 472, "original_height": 768, "original_width": 614, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f829df630157a6d3ade7d32b32a27e81b35f6e6185fa78c91f7b64af653591f8"], "__index_level_0__": 230, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://newsandevents.buffalostate.edu/sites/newsandevents.buffalostate.edu/files/imagecache/Story-Image/imagedump/studentsandstatue2.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8826709985733032}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://newsandevents.buffalostate.edu/news/bengal-tiger-statues-unveiled-campus\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://newsandevents.buffalostate.edu/sites/newsandevents.buffalostate.edu/files/imagecache/Story-Image/imagedump/studentsandstatue2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://newsandevents.buffalostate.edu/sites/newsandevents.buffalostate.edu/files/imagecache/Story-Image/imagedump/studentsandstatue2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"studentsandstatue\", \"alt_text\": \"Bengal Tiger Statues Unveiled on Campus\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 226}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Student Susan Salazar was the winning artist and designer of the Buffalo State Athletics logo in 1969. The logo design incorporated the school name into the body of a bengal tiger.\n\nThat symbol was used by the athletics department for 30 years until a new logo was designed in 2002. In that same year, Buffalo State made the \"Bengals\" the official name for all of its varsity athletic teams.\n\nWhat’s in a Name?\nBelieve it or not, the Bengal only recently adopted an official name. In 2012, the college ran a “Name the Bengal” poll on Facebook drawing hundreds of votes. The moniker “Benji” beat out such submissions as “Barry,” “Paws,” and “Rockwell,” to name a few.", "New Stripes\nThe Bengal has recently earned some new stripes—so to speak. The costume’s design has changed several times over the decades, with the most recent look being in use since 1995.\n\nLast year, the long-familiar Bengals costume was retired in favor of a new, updated look. Gone were the costume’s soft features and gentle look, replaced by a fierce stare of determination and bold set of jaws.\n\n“The old costume served us well, but Benji needed a nip and tuck,” said Tom Koller, senior associate athletics director. “I’m pleased to say that the overwhelming response from fans has been very positive.”", "New Traditions\nThe new tiger statues join two other iconic figures on campus—the lion sculptures located near Rockwell Hall—bringing the college’s pantherinae posse up to four. Many other large-scale monuments created by regional, national, and international artists are featured around campus.\n\nThe arrival of the statues marks the continuation of an exciting period of growth and development at Buffalo State and will undoubtedly lead to new traditions for the campus community.\n\n“I can’t help but smile thinking about all of the photos that will be taken next to one of the statues in the future,” said Bair. “Whether it is a prospective student on their first campus tour, a group of graduates in their caps and gowns, or a collection of our alumni returning to campus for the first time in years. It is a great day to be a Bengal!”"], "url": "http://newsandevents.buffalostate.edu/news/bengal-tiger-statues-unveiled-campus", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 226, "original_width": 300, "width": 501}], "image_hashes": ["9a78e574990d3656d2b39f42bafabe616016f3950725c338a0c571f8f70b8dde"], "__index_level_0__": 231, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UcWSrR-Fl3Q/V3ue0Qf-VDI/AAAAAAAALTI/Ncf4yt_T3ioZsnaTzyKzJRN0Lp3dpklyQCLcB/s320/Nigel%2BFarage.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9505642652511596}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nor-re.blogspot.com/2016/07/harbingers-of-future.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UcWSrR-Fl3Q/V3ue0Qf-VDI/AAAAAAAALTI/Ncf4yt_T3ioZsnaTzyKzJRN0Lp3dpklyQCLcB/s320/Nigel%2BFarage.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-UcWSrR-Fl3Q/V3ue0Qf-VDI/AAAAAAAALTI/Ncf4yt_T3ioZsnaTzyKzJRN0Lp3dpklyQCLcB/s320/Nigel%2BFarage.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Nigel BFarage\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 213}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nor-re.blogspot.com/2016/07/harbingers-of-future.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/_wpwao7rc3JU/SNDsQ8znYoI/AAAAAAAAAVE/Zw-IRlHOR94/S220-s80/ogray3.jpg.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wpwao7rc3JU/SNDsQ8znYoI/AAAAAAAAAVE/Zw-IRlHOR94/S220-s80/ogray3.jpg.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ogray\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nor-re.blogspot.com/2016/07/harbingers-of-future.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.progressivebloggers.ca/progblog_051.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.progressivebloggers.ca/progblog_051.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"progblog\", \"rendered_width\": 175, \"rendered_height\": 40}, null]", "texts": [null, "And sadly, Owen, there will always be millions who are quite content to ignore the lessons of history and embrace all that is antithetical to the values they say they hold so dear. The other night I watched Trumbo,\" the movie about the blacklisting of screenwriter Dalton Trumbo and many others for being members of the Communist Party of America. I couldn't help but note for all the rhetoric by the witch-hunters about the greatness of America's values, freedom of thought and association were apparently not among them.\n\n10:36 am", "The Mound of Sound said...\n\nXenophobia and scapegoating are the stock in trade of the radical right and we're seeing a lot more of it through Europe, east and west, and into the United States. Yet, with the forces looming that will stress social cohesion, I think it's only getting started. Perhaps it's more like a contagion that has to run its course until it reaches a fever that one either survives - or not.\n\n10:50 am", "Toby said...\n\nOwen, while I agree with your essay I am worried that the use of terms like \"racist\" and \"misogynistic\" will be used against those of us who would like to tear up or, at least, radically re-write trade deals like NAFTA. As you know, these deals have distorted life wherever they touch making the rich richer and the poor poorer. Confronting the real problems we face shouldn't be shut down by accusations of \"racism\" and \"misogyny\" but I can see it coming.\n\n11:36 am", "Dana said...\n\nWe're in deep trouble anyway. It's nigh on immaterial what kind of political decisions are made by the asses and nines attracted by the power hormone.\n\nWhen human social constructs meet the hard physics of reality guess what happens.\n\n11:39 am", "Owen Gray said...\n\nYou're right, Toby. There are real reasons to oppose the trade deals. Unfortunately, Farage, Johnson and Trump are not the ones to carry the message. Besides, once they create the mess, they leave.\n\n11:46 am", "That's the ultimate question, Mound. Are there circuit breakers in place that can put an end to the fever?\n\n11:48 am", "I watched the same film a couple of nights ago on Netflix, Lorne. And I was struck by how right Samuel Johnson was when he declared that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.\n\n11:51 am", "I fear you're right, Dana. No one cares to examine the consequences of what they've been sold.\n\n11:53 am", "The good the bad and the ugly are out in force airing their laundry.\nThe Anglosphere is sitting upon a tinderbox.\nBigotry of the masses is pacing foot by foot the race by the 'establishment' to retain power.\nIf reason does not prevail we are in deep shit.\n\n9:32 pm", "If we look at the leaders of Brexit today, the future is full of Monty Python Black Knignts\nexept its not a comedy.\n\n12:04 am", "And I suspect, Steve, that the Black Knights will be cut down to size.\n\n7:21 am", "Absolutely true, TB."], "url": "http://nor-re.blogspot.com/2016/07/harbingers-of-future.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["22c6dd4f3cd296a4caadc8ae3ca5cfdbc58a865509b68890c3298e370732f007"], "__index_level_0__": 232, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/daily/sports/2012/07/23/23-rick-nash.w250.h375.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9712331891059875}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nymag.com/daily/sports/2012/07/rangers-have-won-the-rick-nash-derby.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/daily/sports/2012/07/23/23-rick-nash.w250.h375.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://pixel.nymag.com/imgs/daily/sports/2012/07/23/23-rick-nash.w250.h375.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rick nash\", \"alt_text\": \"GLENDALE, AZ - APRIL 03: Rick Nash #61 of the Columbus Blue Jackets in action during the NHL game against the Phoenix Coyotes at Jobing.com Arena on April 3, 2012 in Glendale, Arizona. (Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Rick Nash\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "The Rangers have been a part of the Rick Nash Derby for months now, and it's been especially obvious how much they coveted the winger ever since John Tortorella admitted after the season that the team needed to add a goal scorer, even if said scorer didn't necessarily do all the little things the team is known for. As was pointed out at the time, the player he described, without naming names, was Rick Nash. Building the perfect player in some sort of lab isn't possible, and so the Rangers would instead target the best available option to fill a need. With Columbus all but certain to move their franchise player before the season began, and with Zach Parise showing no interest in crossing the Hudson — Nash was their man. And this afternoon, they landed him.\n\nThe Rangers will send Brandon Dubinsky, Artem Anisimov, Tim Erixon, and a first-round pick to Columbus for Nash, a conditional third-round pick, and minor-league defenseman Steven Delisle. Perhaps more important are the names missing from that trade: no Derek Stepan, no Chris Kreider, no Carl Hagelin, no Ryan McDonagh, or even Michael Del Zotto. Back at the trade deadline, these were reportedly Columbus GM Scott Howson's demands, via the Post:\n\nThere is a difference though between lusting and sinning, the latter the impulse Sather ultimately resisted by rejecting Howson’s laughable demand the package include Dubinsky — plus either Ryan McDonagh or Michael Del Zotto — plus either Derek Stepan or Carl Hagelin — plus 2009 first-rounder Chris Kreider, the Boston College winger who conceivably could join the Rangers when his college season ends — plus a 2012 first-round selection.\n\nSather knew better than to blow up the team last season to acquire Nash and instead simply waited until Howson's demands dropped. Technically speaking, Howson got close to what he wanted, in that the Blue Jackets will get a pair of NHL-ready forwards, plus a prospect and a pick. But this is still an absolute win for Sather.\n\nNash is owed a lot of money, but the cap hits even out here (though, of course, it's spread out amongst three players headed to Columbus). More important, as we've written before, the Rangers are close enough to truly contending that they don't need cap space for the sake of having cap space. (And actually, they still have $13.3 million in cap space to work with, though the cap could go down under the new collective bargaining agreement.) Now is the time to pay for pieces to fill weaknesses, and Nash does that. Back in February, when we were making the case against a particular version of this trade — one that presumably would have sent more Columbus's way than this trade reportedly has — we acknowledged that we weren't necessarily opposed to moving a homegrown player like Dubinsky if the price was right for what they're getting in return. In this case, the trade makes sense for the Rangers, even if the popular Dubinsky bounces back from his rough 2011-12 season and players up to his potential. (And if he doesn't, then the trade looks even better.)\n\nThis is where the Rangers stockpile of assets is so evident: Dubinsky could be a trading chip all this time because they had several other young forwards with reasonable contracts who were either more accomplished, more promising, or simply younger. Erixon has potential, but he's not necessarily the key to their defense going forward: Even with Michael Sauer's future uncertain, they're in good shape with Dan Girardi, McDonagh, and Marc Staal. And while Artem Anisimov is a nice enough player who for a time last year played on a very effective line with Stepan and Marian Gaborik, his season might be best remembered for his gun-fire goal celebration against Tampa Bay.\n\nOnce Marian Gaborik gets healthy, the Rangers can, in theory, put out a top line with two guys capable of scoring 40 goals, centered by a guy who's hit the 50-assist mark four times. It's a bona fide top line — and an expensive one, to be sure — but the Rangers can afford it thanks to young, relatively low-cost players in other areas. The Rangers had been relatively quiet in the off-season until now, but now they've addressed their biggest need and done so in a splashy way. We know better than to assume that off-season victories will translate into regular-season ones, let alone playoff ones, but this is a big moment in the construction of this roster, not to mention a big moment in the tenure of Sather.\n\nRangers fans once chanted \"We don't want you\" when Nash skated at Madison Square Garden, in large part because the reported asking price was so high and because the Rangers had no reason to make a panic move. It's not usually a fair to simply ask a sports fan \"Should Team X trade for Player Y?\" Unless there are money concerns, the terms of any trade make all the difference, and this is a trade Rangers fans should be able to live with: They gave up some pieces including the popular, if frustrating, Dubinsky, but it's worth it for what they're getting in return. Sather didn't panic. He waited. And now he has his man, while keeping many of the pieces so critical to the team going forward. (It's hard to imagine Nash could have been had for much less.) We used to expect the worst from Sather, but that's been changing in recent years. He played this one just right."], "url": "http://nymag.com/daily/sports/2012/07/rangers-have-won-the-rick-nash-derby.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6baab16365e1e6bbe78b161b944da6c920cda2487c4da37d8fc55897ffb29dd7"], "__index_level_0__": 233, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1098/3270775616_46e51a6452_o.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8681565523147583}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ocmexfood.blogspot.com/2009/02/rockin-crepes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1098/3270775616_46e51a6452_o.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1098/3270775616_46e51a6452_o.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e a o\", \"alt_text\": \"DSCF6120\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 278}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ocmexfood.blogspot.com/2009/02/rockin-crepes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.blogdire.com/images/blog-directory3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.blogdire.com/images/blog-directory3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blog directory\", \"alt_text\": \"Blog Directory\"}]", "texts": ["Thursday, February 12, 2009\n\nRockin' Crepes", null, "I may have not mentioned it here in a while but whenever I feel like writing about a non-Mexican place I can post the review at OC Food Blogs. I recently found out about a place called Rockin' Crepes in HB and a couple of their crepes are Mexican-oriented (like the one seen above with scrambled egg, cilantro, onions, cheese, tomatoes, and Cholula) but most are not. The complete review with plenty of photos can be seen here."], "url": "http://ocmexfood.blogspot.com/2009/02/rockin-crepes.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 278, "original_width": 400, "width": 543}], "image_hashes": ["7a2ad7342b909684dc240e1d8235077f45a0dd1f00f77e87214e91927b8dad93"], "__index_level_0__": 234, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://img1.findgift.com/Graphics/Gifts/250/387/PR_374387.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8453122973442078}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://online.findgift.com/gift-ideas/downton-abbey-seasons-one-and-two-dvd-set-pid-374387/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img1.findgift.com/Graphics/Gifts/250/387/PR_374387.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img1.findgift.com/Graphics/Gifts/250/387/PR_374387.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"PR\", \"alt_text\": \"Downton Abbey: Seasons One and Two DVD Set\", \"rendered_width\": 250, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null]", "texts": ["This product is no longer available.\n\nYou can try these similar gifts instead.", null, "Downton Abbey: Seasons One and Two DVD Set\n\nEnjoy the most Emmy-nominated British TV show in history, with 27 nods to date, and get to know the aristocratic Crawley family and their servants with this DVD set that includes all 14 episodes from the first 2 seasons."], "url": "http://online.findgift.com/gift-ideas/downton-abbey-seasons-one-and-two-dvd-set-pid-374387/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["39fc17f011827a58def172e9f2d64be487f01b7e6e1792e2abfb6135ec9b141b"], "__index_level_0__": 235, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FXs64cnHmlc/S6aLYAY9_7I/AAAAAAAACbY/Oz1cXMnLcgg/s400/montal_eddi_drumsolos_102b.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.876964271068573}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://orgyinrhythm.blogspot.com/2010/03/charlie-santiago-eddie-montalvo-drum.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FXs64cnHmlc/S6aLYAY9_7I/AAAAAAAACbY/Oz1cXMnLcgg/s400/montal_eddi_drumsolos_102b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_FXs64cnHmlc/S6aLYAY9_7I/AAAAAAAACbY/Oz1cXMnLcgg/s400/montal_eddi_drumsolos_102b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"montal eddi drumsolos b\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://orgyinrhythm.blogspot.com/2010/03/charlie-santiago-eddie-montalvo-drum.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/_FXs64cnHmlc/S9Q6AiUoQaI/AAAAAAAACfU/zqrbjzGe14E/S220-s80/1jiggs8.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_FXs64cnHmlc/S9Q6AiUoQaI/AAAAAAAACfU/zqrbjzGe14E/S220-s80/1jiggs8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"jiggs\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "The mighty Martin Cohen produced and master minded this stripped down set of tracks that was issued primarily as a percussion instruction album but it works well as a raw Latin jazz session as well.The 4 cuts on side 1 feature a complex rhythm section with solos while on side 2 they are repeated minus solos for the listener to practice and play against.Great stuff for latin beatheads and burgeoning percussionists alike.The album also features the old Ballroom banger \"El Bollinski En D7\".", "Bacoso said...\n\n22 March 2010 at 00:06:00 GMT", "Many Thanks.Good Stuff!\n\n22 March 2010 at 00:16:00 GMT", "Solomon said...\n\n22 March 2010 at 03:02:00 GMT", "Simon666 said...\n\nThis is just fucking great stuff, unbelievable, thanks!\n\n22 March 2010 at 12:41:00 GMT", "Kevin said...\n\n22 March 2010 at 16:26:00 GMT", "funk tone said...\n\nreally great music!\ndo you have part 1 & 2?\nthank you!\n\n23 March 2010 at 09:52:00 GMT", "Alan Arbelaez said...\n\ni hope they never close this blog. ever.\n\n23 March 2010 at 17:35:00 GMT", "em-uno said...\n\nBeen away from OIR for a while and am so pleased on my return to find mediafire links. In addition OF COURSE to the nigh incomparable musical selections. Bravo Bacoso, long live OIR.\n\n24 March 2010 at 01:47:00 GMT", "Nicholas said...\n\ncosign. I hate \"they\". this is a brilliant blog. meanwhile, I would absolutely love PART 2 if you have it floating around. a million thanks again.\n\n25 March 2010 at 11:01:00 GMT", "fslmy said...\n\nawesome lp, cheer bac\n\n26 March 2010 at 00:26:00 GMT", "onthebeat said...\n\n26 March 2010 at 12:26:00 GMT", "wza said...\n\nREALLY great album. chrz\n\n27 March 2010 at 08:24:00 GMT", "katonah said...\n\nthanks mr bacoso\n\n27 March 2010 at 16:13:00 GMT", "Antonio said...\n\nThank you, man."], "url": "http://orgyinrhythm.blogspot.com/2010/03/charlie-santiago-eddie-montalvo-drum.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 379, "original_height": 350, "original_width": 349, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f5c62d9a3975955289e19bd69b8f3259e61a4f816db3fd743a4622065440e345"], "__index_level_0__": 236, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_DusnR94R1Z0/TFNERH87-tI/AAAAAAAAAPo/JBtfKcI5AHI/s320/IMG00046.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_DusnR94R1Z0/TFNFLC9t4VI/AAAAAAAAAP4/oT676n9BrJA/s320/SCN_0010.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_DusnR94R1Z0/TFNE2tfu-fI/AAAAAAAAAPw/JG9-Wfz3abE/s320/SCN_0009.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.936994194984436}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://oureverimprovinglivingroom.blogspot.com/2010/07/updates-ahoy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_DusnR94R1Z0/TFNERH87-tI/AAAAAAAAAPo/JBtfKcI5AHI/s320/IMG00046.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_DusnR94R1Z0/TFNERH87-tI/AAAAAAAAAPo/JBtfKcI5AHI/s320/IMG00046.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://oureverimprovinglivingroom.blogspot.com/2010/07/updates-ahoy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_DusnR94R1Z0/TFNFLC9t4VI/AAAAAAAAAP4/oT676n9BrJA/s320/SCN_0010.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_DusnR94R1Z0/TFNFLC9t4VI/AAAAAAAAAP4/oT676n9BrJA/s320/SCN_0010.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SCN\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://oureverimprovinglivingroom.blogspot.com/2010/07/updates-ahoy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_DusnR94R1Z0/TFNE2tfu-fI/AAAAAAAAAPw/JG9-Wfz3abE/s320/SCN_0009.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_DusnR94R1Z0/TFNE2tfu-fI/AAAAAAAAAPw/JG9-Wfz3abE/s320/SCN_0009.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SCN\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Also, I thought I'd share some of my rough sketches from the Covered illustration I did, not all of them led to the actual final product, i spent a good deal of time searching though covers and doodling.", null, null, "Lastly, the Columbia College international student newsletter \"Passport\" gave me an assignment to do some pieces for a short story they're going to be running. The story is titled \"In The Fast Lane.\" It was written by TJ Piccolo, a friend of mine and fellow student at Columbia. The story was inspired by his time working at Wendy's and it's pretty silly. I'll try and post a preview sometime soon."], "url": "http://oureverimprovinglivingroom.blogspot.com/2010/07/updates-ahoy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 535, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 226, "width": 378}, {"height": 535, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 226, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["bfc8df728cab06f6cd7f78cea28e45d34873ff5303098ceaf0f8a11a3a08b532", "52a101d8f4b7c362c3a7ae035b7da61983b0fc51ab3092767d8e280639e97f6b", "462a72dd5afd30677cd18e3874bd1ca952da1ac33c179e6b93151a31a153e0f9"], "__index_level_0__": 237, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CF2s-z5ug50/WDCEifTbcwI/AAAAAAAAI6Q/yJNesSed7AMacL0LVNgvomyVm65Y43uVACLcB/s320/security%2Bsanta.jpg", "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-v-aj5YvdJYs/WDCFgo45PLI/AAAAAAAAI6c/OXq9fJbIJuI5vxYoXIlV7wnyyja2g4RRwCLcB/s320/paper%2Bclips.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9538633823394777}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pacoenterprises.blogspot.com/2016/11/sunday-funnies_20.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CF2s-z5ug50/WDCEifTbcwI/AAAAAAAAI6Q/yJNesSed7AMacL0LVNgvomyVm65Y43uVACLcB/s320/security%2Bsanta.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CF2s-z5ug50/WDCEifTbcwI/AAAAAAAAI6Q/yJNesSed7AMacL0LVNgvomyVm65Y43uVACLcB/s320/security%2Bsanta.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"security Bsanta\", \"rendered_width\": 278, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pacoenterprises.blogspot.com/2016/11/sunday-funnies_20.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-v-aj5YvdJYs/WDCFgo45PLI/AAAAAAAAI6c/OXq9fJbIJuI5vxYoXIlV7wnyyja2g4RRwCLcB/s320/paper%2Bclips.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-v-aj5YvdJYs/WDCFgo45PLI/AAAAAAAAI6c/OXq9fJbIJuI5vxYoXIlV7wnyyja2g4RRwCLcB/s320/paper%2Bclips.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"paper Bclips\", \"rendered_width\": 275, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, November 20, 2016\n\nSunday funnies\n\nOklahoma traffic reporter offers helpful information for people fleeing to Canada.\n\nOne of the earliest real estate scams: Greenland.", null, null, "Posted by Paco at 9:05 AM", "JeffS said...\n\nWhile I'm sure that General Mattis could kill anyone he wants to, I am forced to point out that you linked the Duffel Blog, a well known (and much loved) satire blog focusing on the military.\n\nJust in case anyone might be wondering, you understand.\n\nNovember 20, 2016 at 9:41 AM", "Paco said...\n\nJeff: I hope everyone knows that it's satire (and marvelous satire it is!) Although any liberal reading that would probably be howling for a safe space, and maybe a comfort dog.\n\nNovember 20, 2016 at 9:50 AM", "RebeccaH said...\n\nI loved that.\n\nNovember 20, 2016 at 12:16 PM", "Mike_W said...\n\nNow, you too can order a \"Trump\" coffee at Starbucks. :)\n\nNovember 20, 2016 at 2:09 PM", "HAL9000 said...\n\nIf a progressive had followed that link about General Mattis, it might have given him hope for change.\n\nInteresting to think that this year, Trump was the candidate of hope and change. Of course, he was no more specific than Obama was, but the Dems can hardly complain about that, now can they?\n\nYour system is still forcing me to prove I'm not a robot. Good thing my programmer is genius.\n\nNovember 20, 2016 at 6:55 PM", "Spiny Norman said...\n\nErik the Red naming it \"Greenland\" really was a ploy to get Icelanders to join him in creating a new Norse colony, but in the 11th century (during the Medieval Warm Period), the south coast of Greenland was warmer and more hospitable than it is today (in our \"man-made climate catastrophe!\"). Calling it \"barren\" is a bit of an exaggeration. The Norse colony there lasted for more than 400 years, primarily raising sheep and cattle, until the Inuit moved south to escape truly inhospitable cold at the beginning of the Little Ice Age, and killed off the last of the Europeans."], "url": "http://pacoenterprises.blogspot.com/2016/11/sunday-funnies_20.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 435, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 278, "width": 378}, {"height": 439, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 275, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["fb50fdfeab22d2f785b58403aead34cc74c58d91ce260d8677ced55890f1b80f", "75af5e2d23800b8aaf9bde85ac012a5ce4416caebaa7ae4e1e07fd20ce4c3a84"], "__index_level_0__": 238, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6xTksxmJnew/UI3UBQqnl4I/AAAAAAAAABU/gXDOD3WrqUM/s1600/UKFLAG.jpg", null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1IKsRPQpp70/UIs9GVoxxHI/AAAAAAAAAA0/PqyFTGLyLO8/s320/Pardons+and+Remissions.png", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9382364153862}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://paedophilepunishmentcanada.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6xTksxmJnew/UI3UBQqnl4I/AAAAAAAAABU/gXDOD3WrqUM/s1600/UKFLAG.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6xTksxmJnew/UI3UBQqnl4I/AAAAAAAAABU/gXDOD3WrqUM/s1600/UKFLAG.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"UKFLAG\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://paedophilepunishmentcanada.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1IKsRPQpp70/UIs9GVoxxHI/AAAAAAAAAA0/PqyFTGLyLO8/s320/Pardons+and+Remissions.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1IKsRPQpp70/UIs9GVoxxHI/AAAAAAAAAA0/PqyFTGLyLO8/s320/Pardons+and+Remissions.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Pardons and Remissions\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 172}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, 28 October 2012\n\nInternet: Helpful or Harmful?\n\nChildren have been accessing the online world earlier and earlier in their lives because of the huge impact the internet has on society.  This is a huge problem because of the fact that a lot of pedophiles use the internet to lure children and distribute child pornography.  It has turned into such a problem that in 2002 the Canadian Criminal code was amended making it illegal to use the internet to communicate with a child for the purpose of committing a sexual offence.   With access to social networking, chat rooms, emails, and adult websites there is more potential for a child to be solicited by an adult for sexual purposes.\nIn 2006-2007 there were 464 incidents of child luring over the internet were reported in Canada.  This means that there are 3 incidents per 100,000 children under the age of 18 that are reported to the police per year, keep in mind that not all incidents are reported.  According to data on Stats Canada there was a rise in police-reported child luring incidents between 2003-2007, as well the majority of people committing these crimes are males between 18-34 years old.", "When there are cases of child luring they often go along with other charges. From 2003-2007 83% of child luring offences involved other charges which were sexual in nature.  They mostly included invitation to sexual touching, or child pornography charges.", "So, what do you think about how can we prevent children getting victimized by pedophiles on the internet?\n\nAll Information and Photos from:\n\nPosted by Patricia Hunter at 18:57 No comments:", "Canadian vs. UK Laws and Punishments", "In the Criminal Code of Canada the laws and punishments for sex offences against minors are found under Part V sections 151, 152, 153.  The punishments are the same for each of these offences and they are as follows:\n“(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of one year; or\n(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 18 months and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of 90 days.”\n(Copied from http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/laws/stat/rsc-1985-c-c-46/latest/rsc-1985-c-c-46.html#PART_V_SEXUAL_OFFENCES__PUBLIC_MORALS_AND_DISORDERLY_CONDUCT_488952”\n\nThese punishments are for sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching, and sexual exploitation.  These are defined in the previous link under the subsections mentioned.\nChild Pornography laws are found in the Criminal Code of Canada under Part V Offences Tending to Corrupt Morals sections 163.1, 164, and 164.1. These punishments vary based on each particular offence and they are listed here:", null, "In the UK all of the laws and punishments regarding Child Sex Offences are located in the Sexual Offences act.  They are listed here:\n\nThe punishments for these offences vary based on the offence.  One of the main differences between the UK and Canada is that in Canada we have different rules for those aged 12-13, and those aged 14-16. In the UK they have one section for all offences committed by anyone under the age of 18 (Section 13).\n\nThe laws in the UK regarding child pornography are in the Protection of Children Act section 1 here:\nand in the Criminal Justice Act 1988 Section 160 here:\n\nCanada and the UK do not differ very much in regards to the punishments for child sex offences and child pornography. However, I feel that there should not be a maximum punishment for any of these offences, and there should be a minimum of at least some jail time and rehabilitation for each offender because each case differs completely from others.  This means there should be some sort of assessment when figuring out a punishment for these offenders.\nPosted by Patricia Hunter at 17:56 No comments:", "Rehabilitation: Methods and Success Rates\n\nIn Canada rehabilitation is offered to sex offenders as a way to ensure that they will re-offend.  However, this rehabilitation doesn’t always work.  In this post I’ll share some information that I’ve gathered on the different methods of rehabilitation and some success/failure rates.\n\nThe rates of child molesters reoffending in 2002 were 8.4% for incest child molesters and 19.5% for non-incest child molesters.  However, these statistics did not include any past offences that the offenders were never convicted of; they only take into account any offences that would have happened after conviction.  There are also statistics of those who have undergone treatment, and those who haven’t.  Out of the sex offenders that received treatment 19% of them re offended, and 27% of those that were untreated re offended.  This means that treatment was successful in 8% reduction in the recurring offences.\n\nThere are many different methods of treatments for child sex offenders available, each suiting the specific needs of the person receiving the treatment.  The most important part of this treatment is assessing the situation and figuring out what the most successful method would be.\n\n“Correctional services staff face the challenge of assessing sex offenders to determine the best treatment program. Not all sex offenders have the same risk of re-offending. Factors that are taken under consideration include previous sexual offences, the choice of victim, and whether or not the offender has ever been married. The assessment process also looks at the life experiences of individual offenders and takes into account their psychological make-up.”-  http://www.publicsafety.gc.ca/prg/cor/acc/ff6-eng.aspx\n\nThere are also follow up programs available in order to ensure that these sex offenders are self-managing and allowing their risk factor to continue being monitored.", "For more information on treatment centers and information for prevention of sex offenses you can visit the following link to the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers:\n\nDo you think rehabilitation is a good option for pedophiles or do you think they should just be incarcerated?\n\nInformation and Photos from:\n\nPosted by Patricia Hunter at 15:03 No comments:", "Friday, 26 October 2012\n\nCanadian Pardon Laws\n\nIn Canada criminals can apply for a Pardon, which essentially means that their offences will be erased from their criminal record.  For example, someone who has sexually abused a child can apply for a pardon, and then go and work with children again.  The criteria that must be met to be eligible for a pardon are listed here:", null, "In Winnipeg there is a man named Graham James who sexually assaulted teenage boys over two decades ago but was somehow still able to be coaching hockey currently.  This is because he was granted a pardon in 2007 after serving his sentence for his crimes.   Graham James is now serving another sentence for the same crime, sexually assaulting teenage boys from his hockey team.  You can read the entire story here :\n\nCanada has decided to review our pardon laws and came up with Bill C-23, which was divided into two parts: Bill C-23A and Bill C-23B.  These bills have revisions for our pardon laws that will make it impossible for people like Graham James to review pardons.  Bill C-23A has passed, but Bill C-23B is awaiting review.  You can read about these bills by clicking on the following links:\n\nSo what do you think, should it be possible for pedophiles to receive pardons? Or do you agree that these bills should be passed so that these people are never able to work around children again?\nPosted by Patricia Hunter at 18:47 No comments:", "Thursday, 27 September 2012\n\nIs Pedophilia a Mental Disorder?\n\nBefore reading this post here are a few helpful definitions:\n\nSo my first question is, what exactly is pedophilia? It is a type of paraphilia that involves abnormal sexual feelings towards children.  It has been said however that this is a mental disorder, but the law claims that it is a criminal act.  This is where the controversy about rehabilitation comes in, if it is a mental disorder then there should be some way to diagnose and treat it.  While researching this I came across an article by Richard Green that actually gives examples of pedophilia throughout history that was actually seen as normal by many different cultures.  If there have been times where relationships between adults and children were seen as normal can it really be considered a mental disorder? To say that would be implying that some entire cultures had mental disorders throughout history.  On the other hand though where do these urges that pedophiles are having come from?\n\nThis website http://www.minddisorders.com/Ob-Ps/Pedophilia.html claims that pedophilia IS a mental disorder and that there are criteria to be followed when diagnosing pedophilia, as well as treatments, symptoms, and causes.  These symptoms include volunteering for athletic teams, religious groups, or at schools as well as making excuses to avoid responsibilities for their actions.  It also states that pedophilia can be treated by the use of drugs such as female hormones and anti-androgen's (which block the metabolism of testosterone and reduce the level of this hormone in the blood), or by psychotherapy.\n\nSo what do you think? Is pedophilia a disease or is it just a criminal act?\nPosted by Patricia Hunter at 18:44 No comments:", "Do you think children should be monitored on the internet to avoid child luring?", "Patricia Hunter\nHey, I'm Patricia Hunter, I am a 20 year old Paralegal student in Ontario. I will be blogging about my opinion on the punishment of paedophiles in Canada and whether or not these punishments work well, how they compare to other countries, and if rehabilitation is possible for these people. I will be submitting this blog for one of my classes in my college program. Any feedback from the public is welcome!"], "url": "http://paedophilepunishmentcanada.blogspot.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 248, "original_width": 300, "width": 457}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 173, "original_width": 320, "width": 699}], "image_hashes": ["02990dceba257a2b2a4e29060cdb86ffa5b3bd118d7ad747270e9c0ca3354db2", "c7c317bc5f063cf0a493a4563d03544e9527365a926cf0c8823dc8a61b3ab9d3"], "__index_level_0__": 239, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1805/3319/400/pic1.48.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9494454860687256}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://palestinianpundit.blogspot.com/2006/11/israel-opt-ghettos-form-in-shadow-of.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1805/3319/400/pic1.48.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1805/3319/400/pic1.48.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pic\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["ISRAEL-OPT: Ghettos form in shadow of the wall", null, "A lorry carries another slab for Israel's separation wall in Bethlehem.\n\nUN Office For The Coordination Of Humanitarian Affairs (IRIN) Report\n\n\"BETHLEHEM, 28 Nov 2006 (IRIN) - Israel began building an eight-metre high, 703km-long concrete barrier through the West Bank in the occupied Palestinian territories in 2002. To date, some 670km of it has been completed.\n\nIsrael says the wall is a security measure to protect Israeli citizens from terrorist attacks by Palestinian militants, but when the barrier is completed, about 10 per cent of the West Bank will be inside Israel.\n\nIn July 2004, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague ruled that the barrier’s route, which weaves around the western border of the majority occupied territory was illegal under international humanitarian and human rights law, because it ‘gravely’ infringes on a number of rights of Palestinians living in the West Bank.\n\nIn five articles, IRIN examines the human consequences of the wall for both Israelis and Palestinians.\n\nPalestinian tour guide Shukri Abu Allis from Bethlehem sits with a colleague in a car and knocks back a glass of vodka and Red Bull. “We have no work at all so what can we do? Business was slowly getting better after the end of the [second] intifada [Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation] last year but now we have the wall and then came the war with Hezbollah,” said 35-year-old Abu Allis, bemoaning the lack of tourists in the once-thriving town.\n\nBarely five kilometres separate holy sites in Jerusalem’s Old City and the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, where Christians believe that Jesus Christ was born. Tourists used to stream between the two cities – but the route is now blocked by the eight-metre-high concrete slabs of the wall Israel calls its ‘security fence’.\n\nOstensibly designed to keep terrorists from getting into Israel, the wall also stops tourists going in the other direction, turning the once prosperous town of Bethlehem into a ghetto.\n\n“We get a few coach-loads coming through, but the wall basically puts people off. It’s a big barrier. They think it might be dangerous on the other side and they don’t want to go through the hassle of the checkpoint,” said Abu Allis.\n\nAnyone wanting to cross the wall must go through a sprawling modern building, known as a terminal, where Israeli soldiers check passports and enter the details of Palestinian IDs on their computer databases.\n\nOn the Bethlehem side of the wall, empty restaurants and boarded-up shops show the wall’s devastating impact on the town’s economy.\n\nMortal blow\n\n“When you surround a town with 50km of wall and restrict access in and out of it, you deal it a mortal blow. Thousands here depend on tourism – not just hotel owners but craftsmen and taxi drivers,” Suhail Khalilieh, settlement coordinator at the Applied Research Institute Jerusalem (ARIJ), said.\n\n“It wasn’t just foreigners coming here. We also had internal tourism from Christian Palestinian families living in Israel. That has now completely ended,” he added.\n\nBefore the beginning of the second intifada in October 2000, more than 90,000 tourists visited Bethlehem every month. By 2004, just 7,250 tourists a month were coming through, and although things picked up a little before Israel’s conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon this summer, since then, tourism in Bethlehem seems to have dropped even more, according to Abu Allis.\n\nThe area around Rachel’s Tomb - a holy site for Jews and Muslims located just inside Bethlehem - used to be home to restaurants and shops catering to Israelis, Palestinians and foreign tourists. But the wall now completely surrounds Rachel’s Tomb and leaves only one access point, from its western side.\n\nSince the construction of the wall began in 2002, 72 of the 80 businesses in the vicinity of Rachel’s Tomb, have either closed or moved to the centre of the city, a study by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) found.\n\nRather than live a life stripped of opportunity, many Bethlehem residents are simply leaving. “The rich are leaving because they want to be able to live their lives, and the poor are leaving because they want to improve their quality of life,” said Khalilieh.\n\nThe Israeli military told IRIN that it is sensitive to the humanitarian concerns of Palestinians, but that it must have the wall to prevent suicide terror attacks by Palestinians in Israel.\n\nA pattern of ghettoisation and population flight is being repeated in other towns along the length of the barrier.\n\nIn the northern West Bank town of Qalqilya - which is enclosed to the north, west and south by the barrier and can be shut off from the east by the Israeli military - about 4,000 people have moved out, mostly back to nearby villages, leaving about 600 shops to close, Palestinian activists said.\n\nIn al-Ram, a once bustling area on the main road between Jerusalem and Ramallah, businesses have begun shutting in anticipation of the barrier’s completion. Here, the wall is built straight down the middle of the main street, cutting through a built up area, and slicing al-Ram off from the rest of Jerusalem.\n\n“Many of my customers are living on the other side of the wall. They used to be just a few metres away but now it is so difficult to come here that they just don’t. Before the wall I used to make 1,000 shekels [US $232] a day. Now I make 100 [US $23],” said Jimmy Ismail, who runs a lingerie and perfume shop."], "url": "http://palestinianpundit.blogspot.com/2006/11/israel-opt-ghettos-form-in-shadow-of.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 299, "original_width": 400, "width": 505}], "image_hashes": ["b40f6deb92b4e61c23fe89481f7a122bea21655624ec01f08f13034b39844ab8"], "__index_level_0__": 240, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MRglpfNKK1Q/S5lxB53iElI/AAAAAAAABR4/jmb6yi0GewU/s400/IMG_4626.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MRglpfNKK1Q/S5lxwqtHfSI/AAAAAAAABSA/7_r0_lXynJA/s400/IMG_4630.JPG", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9487825632095336}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pattsart.blogspot.com/2010/03/semi-transparency-in-thread.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MRglpfNKK1Q/S5lxB53iElI/AAAAAAAABR4/jmb6yi0GewU/s400/IMG_4626.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MRglpfNKK1Q/S5lxB53iElI/AAAAAAAABR4/jmb6yi0GewU/s400/IMG_4626.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pattsart.blogspot.com/2010/03/semi-transparency-in-thread.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MRglpfNKK1Q/S5lxwqtHfSI/AAAAAAAABSA/7_r0_lXynJA/s400/IMG_4630.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_MRglpfNKK1Q/S5lxwqtHfSI/AAAAAAAABSA/7_r0_lXynJA/s400/IMG_4630.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pattsart.blogspot.com/2010/03/semi-transparency-in-thread.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_MRglpfNKK1Q/SJZry0Fsf-I/AAAAAAAAAAw/Zy3R5ZConfA/S226/30+x+34+full.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_MRglpfNKK1Q/SJZry0Fsf-I/AAAAAAAAAAw/Zy3R5ZConfA/S226/30+x+34+full.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"x full\", \"alt_text\": \"Earth Beneath Our Feet\", \"rendered_width\": 226, \"rendered_height\": 177}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pattsart.blogspot.com/2010/03/semi-transparency-in-thread.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nMqvs8JLvGU/VwANxtn7jHI/AAAAAAAALB4/6Z5OdNAxibUXxGK_VmdALPjcMlHsfru_w/s320/IMG_3393.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nMqvs8JLvGU/VwANxtn7jHI/AAAAAAAALB4/6Z5OdNAxibUXxGK_VmdALPjcMlHsfru_w/s320/IMG_3393.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null]", "texts": ["Sort of by a lazy accident a couple projects back, I discovered a good way to keep some images like would-be text or the like less prominent... thus retaining more of a watercolor softness or what long ago painting teacher Robert E Wood would call in and out of focus. Sometimes having 'everything' in clear focus is neither necessary or helpful to the central focus of the piece. So.... when quilting a mostly white area of this box, I'd chosen a 40 wt mostly white thread with which to quilt. The to be quilted area contained some darker box bar codes and text which one might think they needed to refine with darker thread.", null, "But, when the entire area was quilted with the 40 wt. thread, the overall effect was merely a softened area of bar codes and text.", null, "IF.. in ones work, the text, etc was important to the message of the image, one would emphasize it. It just isn't here, so I've decided to leave as is.\nPosted by Patt Blair at 2:30 PM", "Earth Beneath Our Feet", "a.k.a. 30 x 34"], "url": "http://pattsart.blogspot.com/2010/03/semi-transparency-in-thread.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0c512f8d224cd505c6321efa52fe3e92cf617c688ee29cbd4e8eb5676e17b704", "9da562f7f5b1d2ef626f40cffb39741e3a429f0254edf9963917009ae3cb7093"], "__index_level_0__": 241, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mK4tGjDZ8H0/UL5sJoBJaiI/AAAAAAAAAY4/PEDJY7_FRzk/s200/laboratory+study.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-U2NRriSxfZI/UL5unfd6RaI/AAAAAAAAAZI/AeaZKoBjBzs/s200/plant+in+dirt+in+hand.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8876440525054932}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pcetimelytopics.blogspot.com/2012_12_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JP-nmOz90jE/UNIKb29a3yI/AAAAAAAAAbY/2hupwJ1dQs8/s200/Child+clings+to+mom.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JP-nmOz90jE/UNIKb29a3yI/AAAAAAAAAbY/2hupwJ1dQs8/s200/Child+clings+to+mom.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Child clings to mom\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 134}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pcetimelytopics.blogspot.com/2012_12_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mK4tGjDZ8H0/UL5sJoBJaiI/AAAAAAAAAY4/PEDJY7_FRzk/s200/laboratory+study.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mK4tGjDZ8H0/UL5sJoBJaiI/AAAAAAAAAY4/PEDJY7_FRzk/s200/laboratory+study.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"laboratory study\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 165}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pcetimelytopics.blogspot.com/2012_12_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-U2NRriSxfZI/UL5unfd6RaI/AAAAAAAAAZI/AeaZKoBjBzs/s200/plant+in+dirt+in+hand.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-U2NRriSxfZI/UL5unfd6RaI/AAAAAAAAAZI/AeaZKoBjBzs/s200/plant+in+dirt+in+hand.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"plant in dirt in hand\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 151}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Many of us are reeling after seeing the news of the shooting in Connecticut. In today's world, parents and caregivers are faced with the challenge of explaining violence, terrorism and other traumatic events to children. While difficult, these conversations are extremely important and can provide an opportunity to help children feel more secure and understand the world in which they live. Dr. Heidi Radunovich, Assistant Professor and Extension Specialist with the University of Florida offers some resources that might be helpful for you and your family on how to talk with your children about terrorism.\n\nGeneral information on coping with terrorism:", "@ 1:44 PM 0 comments\nLabels: family, kids, parent, terrorism", "December 4, 2012\n\nResources For Identifying Insects, Plants, & Diseases", null, "Lara Miller\nNatural Resource Agent\n\nLawn and Garden Help\nWe offer walk-in Lawn and Garden Help Desk services at the following locations:\nLawn and Garden Help Line\nLawn & Garden assistance is also available by phone at (727)582-2100 and then Press 1.\nHours of Operation: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday\n9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm\n\nWhen you do, have or send the following:\nEven if your county Extension office cannot make the identification or disease diagnosis, the agents will be able to help you with forms and samples to send to UF/IFAS's diagnostic laboratories.\n\nCollecting a Sample\nContact your Extension office or read the submission guide for more details.", null, "General guidelines include:"], "url": "http://pcetimelytopics.blogspot.com/2012_12_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 165, "original_width": 200, "width": 458}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 152, "original_width": 200, "width": 497}], "image_hashes": ["8c62a6c262e5bc0b5137a98ec4400184227c346ab909cde5640a07be1fdb5cbf", "3c54c5421ad3a2a0499adfba552beed33f4bf611b359cffbe5b3b9b4ae5c34f4"], "__index_level_0__": 242, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_ABYKQDiA_lY/SsquOZeSe9I/AAAAAAAABkg/YTj40trLhRs/s400/CIMG3694.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ABYKQDiA_lY/Ssqw7Ct-XKI/AAAAAAAABk4/qRewjfFRYpM/s400/danes+dinner+acorn+squash.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ABYKQDiA_lY/SsquPXlQJ5I/AAAAAAAABkw/2qq1Y1CWxyI/s400/danes+pumpkin+butter.JPG", null, 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I want to rep KC vegans today!! Sundays are getting coined as the \"Vegan Crawl\" in Kansas City because it is an all-day celebration of delicious, local, vegan food. The crawl starts at my house, where I do the underground restaurant thing, and it ends at Dane's house! Dane's thing is all about sustainable food systems and lifestyles, and eating well for nourishment of the body and the earth. After dinner at his house, he gives a talk (or video, etc.) as part of his \"sustainability Sunday\" series on living locally. He even creates handouts to take home so you don't forget all the good info he gave you! Awesome!\n\nDane's Tower o' Local Produce:", null, "He's actually an artist by trade, but has been honing his vegan cooking skills most recently, in order to share his passion for local, vegan food. He wants to show people that eating kindly and sustainably can taste good, too! Go figure!\nHere are a few dishes he has prepared for his Sustainability Sunday dinners!\n\nBaked Acorn Squash stuffed with a saute of kale, garbanzo beans, garlic, onions, and walnuts;\nCandied Yams;\nRoasted Turnips with Crystallized Ginger and Garlic\n(all with local produce!)", null, "For dessert: Whole Grain Traveler Bread from local bakery, Fervere, schmeared with Dane's homemade local pumpkin butter!", null, "Another night: Wild Rice Pilaf with Cannellini Beans and a Mushroom Cream Sauce;\nHerbed New and Sweet Potatoes;\nCoconut-Ginger Roasted Carrots and Radishes", null, "Last night's awesome meal: Apple-Watermelon Gazpacho, made with his homemade fruit stock and topped with fresh apples", null, "And, because you can't have soup without something for dipping: Homemade Kamut Pita!", null, "Bread is for sharing!!", null, "For dessert: Vegan Puff Pastry (made by Dane's boss, a former pastry chef) filled with custard and toasted almonds, and then topped with powdered sugar and blackberries. mmmmm.", null, "Rosemary Olive Oil Flatbread with Apple-Pear-Walnut Chutney, both homemade, of course.", null, "And, from the first night I went to his sustainability dinner, Fruit Rotini Pasta made by local Pappardelle's pasta makers, topped with local Tomato Peach Marinara;\nCiabatta Bread from Fervere Bakery", null, "Dessert: Orchard Bread, also from Fervere Bakery, with Whipped Agave \"Butter\" (which he made. duh.)\nI love it!", null, "Posted by Laura at 9:25 PM", "Labels: dane's food, fervere bakery, local, pappardelles, underground restaurant, vegan crawl", "nora said...\n\nhow do you make whipped agave butter?! plz tell me!\n\nOctober 6, 2009 at 1:13 AM", "miss v said...\n\noooo, how can i get in on this!?\n\nOctober 6, 2009 at 7:36 AM", "Jess of Veg Out! said...\n\nOh, man! Everything looks so good! I'll take it all, please.\n\nOctober 6, 2009 at 12:44 PM", "Laura said...\n\nmiss v: are you in kc?\n\nOctober 6, 2009 at 1:02 PM", "veggievixen said...\n\napple-watermelon gazpacho needs to be in my life. every day.\n\nOctober 6, 2009 at 8:23 PM", "Dane said...\n\nYou'll never guess how to make agave butter. I looked all over for recipes and you know what I found out? It's whipped earth balance and agave nectar. Really? Yep really. Sometimes the best things in life are the simplest."], "url": "http://peacebypastries.blogspot.com/2009/10/dane-other-leg-second-half-of-kc-vegan.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["5712529cc054e078cc47aec1383d0cd6d351a6a778e7d803fabbd66bd146faa1", "f2318eabdd67df75d46b453a183d6067fada32e496cef20e401da5f2197cab79", "8d19842a32ba5bc044da0be5274f6de52bce8619fc0f2b1b9983bb117e8ec7be", "f1e5658245fee921838bf62cd6240adb79eba66486f2b1be60858c245246d901", "0719251aae060ccfdf42208c77bda658a7e5ac50fab00f23c472ccbb3e8b4886", "a3521efbcd199619f909f20a24191f1779d38ac614ba72f8e5b6173fffa801b2", "71ad86fe868e36d7757c0e6b1274f29ebf06c51be5d5387c80d4a48f1c9e1c16", "722c96cb5a146f0dbe3541e3fa1629ab80794ecf392d4b83df8fae149955c141", "6334a1b25a3a39bd9f50f099ab869a97e52927bc255c4081498aea88ac7147c2", "e94e549a0161565a5fbdf63a27a99a140cf2e85e048e7a12417ba1c4823e4546", "3db89aff688364dca5de659533b540790aaf9687d26bc8f4239a69e78179edf3"], "__index_level_0__": 243, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-01CalYOKcls/Uh0YxXbnV9I/AAAAAAAABkk/jOPhvuO1Vw0/s400/Some+Summer+Safety+Driving+Tips+That+Teenagers+Must+Be+Aware+Of.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9589912295341492}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://personalinjurydefenders.blogspot.com/2013/08/some-summer-safety-driving-tips-that.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-01CalYOKcls/Uh0YxXbnV9I/AAAAAAAABkk/jOPhvuO1Vw0/s400/Some+Summer+Safety+Driving+Tips+That+Teenagers+Must+Be+Aware+Of.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-01CalYOKcls/Uh0YxXbnV9I/AAAAAAAABkk/jOPhvuO1Vw0/s400/Some+Summer+Safety+Driving+Tips+That+Teenagers+Must+Be+Aware+Of.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Some Summer Safety Driving Tips That Teenagers Must Be Aware Of\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 266}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "·     Always use the seatbelt. Teenagers tend to wear seatbelts less than any other age group. Moreover, majority of them who died in vehicle crash were found to be unbelted. It is important, therefore, for parents to set a good example by buckling themselves up, ensuring that their teenage sons and daughters would do the same.\n\n·     Avoid alcohol once and for all. It’s already established that alcohol impairs driving. However, teenagers are known to have a greater risk of death in vehicle crashes if they put alcohol into their system. Sadly, some teenagers have been drinking well below the age of consent. Parents must make sure their teens are comfortable calling home if they can’t drive, especially if they are at a party or someplace else.\n\n·     Put down the cell phone while driving. Distracted driving is also one of the major factors as to why teenage driving accidents and deaths happen. Combining the use of cell phone, specifically, with inexperience in driving can result in a fatal crash. Parents must be able to share to their teen the dangers of using the mobile phone while behind the wheel, as well as other activities that are considered a form of distracted driving.\n\nIf you wish to know more about Accident Attorney, feel free to visit this website: http://www.personalinjurydefenders.com/"], "url": "http://personalinjurydefenders.blogspot.com/2013/08/some-summer-safety-driving-tips-that.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["e9ea8d45f2165be406cf4323efc570be22eb40e8963a215aac63fb6527498c48"], "__index_level_0__": 244, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/320/stoleCalla%20016.0.jpg", "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/200/stoleCalla%20020.0.jpg", "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/200/stoleCalla%20021.jpg", null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/200/stoleCalla%20014.0.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.965534508228302}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://petalsknitalong.blogspot.com/2006/07/pooling-and-flashing.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/320/stoleCalla%20016.0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/320/stoleCalla%20016.0.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"stoleCalla\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://petalsknitalong.blogspot.com/2006/07/pooling-and-flashing.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/200/stoleCalla%20020.0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/200/stoleCalla%20020.0.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"stoleCalla\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://petalsknitalong.blogspot.com/2006/07/pooling-and-flashing.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/200/stoleCalla%20021.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/200/stoleCalla%20021.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"stoleCalla\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://petalsknitalong.blogspot.com/2006/07/pooling-and-flashing.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/200/stoleCalla%20014.0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2/2572/200/stoleCalla%20014.0.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"stoleCalla\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Pooling and Flashing", null, null, null, "Here are my finished Calla Lily socks. I love this yarn's stitch definition, the colors, and the soft finished fabric. I was sorely disappointed, however, with the pooling and flashing. I knit the legs on 64 stitches, as written, and used 68 sts for the feet. I needed to do SSK with the first st slipped knitwise and the second slipped purlwise, to get the left-and right-slanting decreases to match exactly. Does anyone have any advice for how to minimize the pooling? Are the skeins that different? My gauge was exactly on: 8.5 sts per inch. I'm looking forward to the next installment! These were completed in exactly 2 weeks--my fastest pair of socks to date!", null, "posted by eyeknit at 7:44 PM", "Wool Girl said...\n\nI think those are absolutely gorgeous! What's great and fun about making these socks is that they don't have to be alike - the little differences and the big ones, are just awesome. They make them unique, which is just lovely! You knit them beautifully,\n\n11:03 PM", "I think that alternating skeins probably is the best way to minimize really dramatic pooling. I sort of subscribe to the \"wool girl\" philosophy that fraternal twin socks are good, so I never bother to do it. But I think that would help.", "BrooklynMom said...\n\nThey look great--and they'll have twins with my socks! Mine seem to be doing the same--different on both, but with lots of drama!\n\n7:13 AM", "Sue said...\n\nI think you are the first on this KAL to post finished socks - Congratulations. I think they look great. I personally like the pooling - probably because I really like the colors and the pooling shows off each color better than if the two colors were intermixed. But if you don't want pooling I think Laura had the best advice: alternate skeins when you do the August Petals Collection socks.\n\n9:46 AM", "Kym said...\n\nI'm alternating the skeins on my socks, and so far -- no pooling. I'm still on the first sock, though. I'll let you know how it turns out.\n\n3:47 AM", "Jane said..."], "url": "http://petalsknitalong.blogspot.com/2006/07/pooling-and-flashing.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b806bb4d543729745efe8b0c723ad6ac867847233b52aef23be4d76a9a7692f4", "8a8dfdb5cd7039accd32b426ba2df8c831aeadd92e2529bf8906d569263a909d", "503a611761aed17f537237561cd2af2f11cd800f87987ca9ebb1fbdd878c1b49", "f93dfff64888de6a6fe6e44f2b4047cfb903f478a6f636baeeb604052472cea4"], "__index_level_0__": 245, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2-IVcCi7tAg/VPgACB3NO1I/AAAAAAAAO4c/5FwPRmDaY94/s1600/IMG_9718-2.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GdSI4gUysD0/VPgAF_1hh_I/AAAAAAAAO4k/g5MBVO4yMfs/s1600/8-27%2B(31).jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sx2is_hxC-s/VPgAGcXLtfI/AAAAAAAAO4o/fwy2h33B9uM/s1600/8-27%2B(30).jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.961312174797058}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pettingillfamily.blogspot.com/2015/03/rylan-is-6.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2-IVcCi7tAg/VPgACB3NO1I/AAAAAAAAO4c/5FwPRmDaY94/s1600/IMG_9718-2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2-IVcCi7tAg/VPgACB3NO1I/AAAAAAAAO4c/5FwPRmDaY94/s1600/IMG_9718-2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 426, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pettingillfamily.blogspot.com/2015/03/rylan-is-6.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GdSI4gUysD0/VPgAF_1hh_I/AAAAAAAAO4k/g5MBVO4yMfs/s1600/8-27%2B(31).jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GdSI4gUysD0/VPgAF_1hh_I/AAAAAAAAO4k/g5MBVO4yMfs/s1600/8-27%2B(31).jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"B( )\", \"rendered_width\": 426, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pettingillfamily.blogspot.com/2015/03/rylan-is-6.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sx2is_hxC-s/VPgAGcXLtfI/AAAAAAAAO4o/fwy2h33B9uM/s1600/8-27%2B(30).jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sx2is_hxC-s/VPgAGcXLtfI/AAAAAAAAO4o/fwy2h33B9uM/s1600/8-27%2B(30).jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"B( )\", \"rendered_width\": 426, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pettingillfamily.blogspot.com/2015/03/rylan-is-6.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_cLgLzNbDHZk/S1DTMDEARhI/AAAAAAAABiU/5-ZIYULndXg/S306/DSC_9240bv+70.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_cLgLzNbDHZk/S1DTMDEARhI/AAAAAAAABiU/5-ZIYULndXg/S306/DSC_9240bv+70.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC bv\", \"rendered_width\": 306, \"rendered_height\": 203}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pettingillfamily.blogspot.com/2015/03/rylan-is-6.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_cLgLzNbDHZk/S1EhP1L2MfI/AAAAAAAABj0/JnT5M-A40bY/S306/DSC_9308-vertical+crop.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_cLgLzNbDHZk/S1EhP1L2MfI/AAAAAAAABj0/JnT5M-A40bY/S306/DSC_9308-vertical+crop.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC vertical crop\", \"rendered_width\": 219, \"rendered_height\": 306}, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, September 06, 2014\n\n{Rylan is 6!}", null, "Rylan's birthday was the the day after the big kids started school. Kindergarten didn't start for Ry until the next week.  Since we already had his party at the end of August, we kept it low key. And frankly, the start of school completely wiped me out so I didn't have energy to do anything other than blow up some balloons.\nTrevor took him out to lunch (tradition).  And then we ate out as a family at Red Robin that night.  He loved every minute. He's such a sweetheart!", null, null], "url": "http://pettingillfamily.blogspot.com/2015/03/rylan-is-6.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1066, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1065, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1065, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["040f80c8388da53ae747d2b77ae8665e11c8b6aba9abb5ca6985245162f793f5", "4f8fb75bc1a8a3ee22cae435d4cf90f4fec5d0e79cc166a4b2b092e0f2842fa0", "dd1ba69646ddc5476d61ab3743b0441da9113bba66d806eadd28e077202404dd"], "__index_level_0__": 246, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pausch/news/SMALLLastLectureCover.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9822996854782104}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://phelpskristenedm310.blogspot.com/2011/10/blog-assignment-7.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pausch/news/SMALLLastLectureCover.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~pausch/news/SMALLLastLectureCover.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SMALLLastLectureCover\", \"rendered_width\": 215, \"rendered_height\": 283}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://phelpskristenedm310.blogspot.com/2011/10/blog-assignment-7.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-i_pYmTjqd3g/Tlk5gSlTzZI/AAAAAAAAAAU/1xnpRfTNqek/s80/IMG_4826%2B%25282%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-i_pYmTjqd3g/Tlk5gSlTzZI/AAAAAAAAAAU/1xnpRfTNqek/s80/IMG_4826%2B%25282%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG B\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 64, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, October 9, 2011\n\nBlog Assignment #7", null, "\"Randy Pausch's Last Lecture\"\n\nThis video/lecture was so inspiring. In the video Dr. Pausch talks about his childhood dreams, enabling the dreams of others, and so much more! He also talks about \"brick walls\" which to him are \"there for us to show how badly we want something\". Brick walls are things that get in the way of our dreams. Dr. Pausch also says that, \"brick walls are there to stop the people that don't want it badly enough.\" I found both of these comments to be refreshing and very motivational.\n\nDr. Pausch said, \"Most of what we learn, we learn indirectly (or by \"head fake\"). In my opinion this couldn't be truer. When people are having fun and are really interested in something they soak up everything that surrounds that certain \"thing\". I think this was defiantly one of Dr. Pausch's teaching methods. Let the students have fun and they will learn in return.\n\nI also think that Dr. Pausch had a similar motto to EDM310's \"I Don't Know. Let's Find Out.\" He mentioned in the lecture that there's a good way and a bad way to say \"I don't know\". When you approach something you don't know with a positive attitude and with the willingness to actually find out what it is that you don't know, you are much more likely to find the answer. When you approach \"I don't know\" with negativity and frustration, most likely the road to the answer is going to be a bumpy one.\n\nOne comment Dr. Pausch made that I will certainly remember for a very long time was, \"I, like Moses, get to see the promise land but I won't get to set foot in it. And that's OK because I can see it. And the vision is clear. Millions of kids having fun while learning something hard.\" This was just so eye opening to me. Dr. Pausch knew that he wouldn't be around to see all of the amazing things that his students and people everywhere would create or accomplish. And that was OK with him because he knew in his heart that it was going to happen, he knew the possibilities were there, the possibilities are HERE."], "url": "http://phelpskristenedm310.blogspot.com/2011/10/blog-assignment-7.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 497, "original_height": 283, "original_width": 215, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["24ae4bbc4baba008c507e27f9f39620f7ce8f573ef7fa75352bd8963520932b4"], "__index_level_0__": 247, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.photobusinessforum.com/images/zipit.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9231712818145752}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://photobusinessforum.blogspot.com/2007/01/keep-your-trap-shut.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.photobusinessforum.com/images/zipit.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.photobusinessforum.com/images/zipit.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"zipit\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 451}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://photobusinessforum.blogspot.com/2007/01/keep-your-trap-shut.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photobusinessforum.com/images/BB2_Cover_330x410.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photobusinessforum.com/images/BB2_Cover_330x410.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BB Cover\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://photobusinessforum.blogspot.com/2007/01/keep-your-trap-shut.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-n1M2BWsaSrU/VmvCuF8XViI/AAAAAAAAAZ8/jYb11mdSvs8/s1600/mppb_cover.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-n1M2BWsaSrU/VmvCuF8XViI/AAAAAAAAAZ8/jYb11mdSvs8/s1600/mppb_cover.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mppb cover\", \"rendered_width\": 330}, {\"document_url\": \"http://photobusinessforum.blogspot.com/2007/01/keep-your-trap-shut.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photographsfromtheedge.com/art/book-cover.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photographsfromtheedge.com/art/book-cover.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"book cover\", \"rendered_width\": 330, \"rendered_height\": 494}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://photobusinessforum.blogspot.com/2007/01/keep-your-trap-shut.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photobusinessforum.com/images/photobusinessnewsforum1.png\", \"src\": \"http://photobusinessforum.com/images/photobusinessnewsforum1.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photobusinessnewsforum\", \"rendered_width\": 270, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, January 31, 2007\n\nKeep Your Trap Shut!", null, "This has been a problem kicking around for some time, and I'm finally pissed about it. What is it? It's assistants shooting their mouths off about photographer's proprietary information, things they see and should just keep their mouths zipped about. The latest example is someone who needs a swift kick in the pants, and has (supposedly) given enough information that it would be very easy to narrow down exactly who he is. This is the example of someone who supposedly worked for Annie Liebovitz as a 5th assistant (and that person's job is to get coffee and hold the door open that low on the totem pole) and spied the (again, supposedly) new Canon camera. First, I know a little about how camera companies show off as-yet-unreleased camera bodies, and it more centers around the old body with a new chip and computer inside than it does blaring the new naming nomenclature on the front. Second, who is really this dumb when doing this as to reveal WHO they worked for and on what shoots? Are they dropping her name so as to provide some validity as we all say \"oh yeah, she probably would be someone they'd show it to and get her input on, so it must be true!\" all the while lying about actually seeing it in the first place?\n\nSo, let's assume that this idiot is just the latest in rumor mongering that happens on sets. What do we do about it? I can tell you that I have had to sign more than one multi-page non-disclosure agreement (a.k.a. NDA). From law firms to manufacturers with new products being photographed, to software companies I was talking to, NDA's are a way of life. My assistants too have had to sign these same documents. I am certain that Annie signed one as well (and has many many times), and this purportedly 5th Assistant was a one-off pickup for the day, and probably was not asked to sign one. But does that matter? Probably legally yes, but morally and ethically, it doesn't matter.\n\nPress releases are routinely embargoed from release but sent out to give reporters time to research and file stories once the embargo is lifted. When Steve Jobs announced the iPod, Time Magazine signed NDA's to do the photography for the cover and the reporters did too to report and test it beforehand. Agreeing to withhold revelations about a product or person or organization are commonplace, and assistants, stylists, and so on see little problem with running their mouth off to their spouses and friends, boasting about how cool whatever they were doing was. It's simple - just keep it to yourself.\n\nHow then, can you impress upon those who are supporting you with this need and obligation? Make them sign a legal document saying they will keep their mouth shut. I am not an attorney, nor do I play one on television, but more than one friend has suggested I should be one. To that end, I have drafted something that should be a pretty good starting point for you to review and edit to best suit your needs.\n\nYour e-mail to the assistant the following e-mail:\n\nDear Chris Assistant,\nI am very glad to have you join me to assist in the production of photography on {date, location}. Before the commencement of the assignment, I must have a non-disclosure agreement on file for you. This agreement basically states that by signing you have agreed to keep confidential the information, products, or persons that you observe, is/are discussed, or otherwise revealed to you while on the assignment. I have attached a PDF of this document. Please print and fill out the “Recipient” portion on page 1 and the “Recipient” portion on page 3 and fax them back to the following fax #: (202) 555-1212.\n\nAnd you then send along a modified version of this Assistant's NDA that I wrote. This NDA is a variation on past NDA's I have signed, taking parts from them, and making them applicable to an assistant who is working for a photographer either once, or on an ongoing basis. It need only be signed once for assistants who regularily work for you, as it remains in effect until cancelled. You can also use this with minor modifications to apply to stylists, makeup persons, location managers, producers, and so on.\n\nIn addition, you may also consider using a variation on this Assistant's Contract which outlines what you expect, and what the assistant can expect, when payment is to be made, and so on. One thing that often happens with assistants is when a shoot wraps early, or there is a definition of a 10 hour workday, after a six hour shoot, some photographers expect the additional four hours be used filing or working in the studio, and this is often a frustration for assistants. This contract spells out all of this so there are no misunderstandings on either party's part. Feel free to use yourself, adapt to suit your needs, either document. Don't go around selling it, or putting it in your books without talking to me first though!\n\nMaybe this guy just made this up, this time. But he serves as a shining example of the blow-hards before him (and, sadly, after him). How will this affect Annie legally? She could be in some hot water if this is true. She (because someone with whom she contracted did so) breached the NDA. The 5th assistant is judgement proof and so will skate. Someone needs to go give him a good shake and a class in morals and ethics.\nUpdate: A comment came my way via e-mail that suggests that without detailing my source, I become it in some way. I felt that putting the link to the sites that are repeating it, would just perpetrate the issue. I'd not detailed model #'s/features because it's a rumor, but the rumor, and the fact that it surfaced - true or not - highlights a problem with some assistants/stylists that has been going on, and with which I have had personal, first-hand experience regarding the revelation of proprietary information, and the steps we take to ensure client privacy. The URL was provided by another reader in the comments section, for those interested, and that site has a much much broader readership than my forum does, so I draw the conclusion that my readership is aware of the information either from that site, or the others that have repeated it. -- John.Please post your comments by clicking the link below. If you've got questions, please pose them in our Photo Business Forum Flickr Group Discussion Threads.\n\nPosted by John Harrington at Wednesday, January 31, 2007\n\nLabels: Advanced Business, Rants\n\nbruce said...\n\nFor those interested - here is the link to the original post on the Luminous-Landscape Medium format forum.\n\nThe guy is pretty boastful and close to the end of the forum he rants again about being in New York, working as an assistant and shooter plus he gets in a few digs at non New York city shooters.\n\nThe old play on the Vegas Expression: \"What happens on the shoot, stays on the shoot.\" It is no one else's business.\n\nI fired an assistant who spoke about confidential information that he was asked to not reveal. The guy had worked with me for over ten years. Information that damaged working relationships and friendships.\n\nI will never hire him again or - or more important - give his name or suggest him to out of town shooters.\n\nLoudmouth assistants along with chatty stylists are bringing this on themselves. I've had stylists complain about a minor detail on a shoot to others - even though they were hired for major shoots for long periods of time.\n\nGlad you brought the subject up.\n\nJanuary 31, 2007 at 7:04 AM", "Cameron Davidson said...\n\nTrusting your assistants to be professional is expected. If they are unprofessional, they don't come back.\n\nExpected conduct and behavior up front - so they know what is expected of them.\n\nExplain that their ability to be professional means everything to you and to their reputation.\n\nReagarding the assistant who was the fifth on an Annie shoot, he sounds insecure and is trying to justify himself by dropping names.\n\nIt is a good lesson for assistants to learn. I go out of my way to help my assistants - I suggest them to other photographers when they need help and try to help them in their transition to shooting on their own.\n\nIf an assistant is unprofessional, then I can not risk my reputation by giving out their name and number.\n\nTreat others as you would expect to be treated seems to apply here.\n\nJanuary 31, 2007 at 8:27 AM", "Lee said...\n\nYup. Have the NDA's signed. Then purport to tell everyone that this is like jury duty.\n\nNobody can discuss the \"case\" with anyone else.\n\nJanuary 31, 2007 at 10:16 AM", "neumero4te said...\n\nI agree with and everything written here. But I'd just like to say that given the source, what he claims and how it was presented, it sounds like his claim is completely bogus anyway.\n\nJanuary 31, 2007 at 12:37 PM", "Brendan said...\n\nNote to self, if you want to really hurt someone (who's a photographer's assistant), claim to be that person on an internet forum and make a statement that's an obvious NDA breaker.\n\nI have to agree breaking an NDA is a serious matter. When I took exams to get certified in Microsoft/Cisco I would never break the NDA and post exam questions on the internet, even though other people sometimes did it. Why would I go through the time and expense to take those exams and have my certifications yanked away for breaking the rules?\n\nThat being said, I want to give the \"5th Assistant\" the benefit of due process before trial and execution.\n\nJanuary 31, 2007 at 2:37 PM", "John Harrington said...\n\nAgreed, yet my point on this was that this assistant's actions are similar to those of other assistants that photographers have horror stories about when they opened their mouth, and this is a good place to make the point in general, with this person (in anonymity) as an illustration of what could happen.\n\nJanuary 31, 2007 at 2:42 PM", "Article said...\n\nGood grief, it's a Camera, who the hell cares?"], "url": "http://photobusinessforum.blogspot.com/2007/01/keep-your-trap-shut.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 568, "original_height": 451, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0b6208e12eb4820ef733a6cb16a1091341a127461241314e70c326517370713f"], "__index_level_0__": 248, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6939/528/320/tansypippin.jpg", null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6939/528/320/rafe.2.jpg", null, null, null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6939/528/320/thepack.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9766845703125}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pippinflyballdog.blogspot.com/2006_07_30_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6939/528/320/tansypippin.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6939/528/320/tansypippin.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tansypippin\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pippinflyballdog.blogspot.com/2006_07_30_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6939/528/320/rafe.2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6939/528/320/rafe.2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rafe\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pippinflyballdog.blogspot.com/2006_07_30_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6939/528/320/thepack.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6939/528/320/thepack.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thepack\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pippinflyballdog.blogspot.com/2006_07_30_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger2/3582/984/259/gse_multipart25580.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger2/3582/984/259/gse_multipart25580.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gse multipart\", \"alt_text\": \"Pippin, the Gentle Pup\", \"rendered_width\": 199, \"rendered_height\": 247}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pippinflyballdog.blogspot.com/2006_07_30_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp2.blogger.com/_o5PhwCd2jGE/SGuqTtJf40I/AAAAAAAAAT0/urWpIKlvTyk/S259/DSCF0023_2.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://bp2.blogger.com/_o5PhwCd2jGE/SGuqTtJf40I/AAAAAAAAAT0/urWpIKlvTyk/S259/DSCF0023_2.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCF\", \"alt_text\": \"My pack\", \"rendered_width\": 259, \"rendered_height\": 159}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pippinflyballdog.blogspot.com/2006_07_30_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.dogswithblogs.com.au/bloggerpawitforward.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.dogswithblogs.com.au/bloggerpawitforward.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bloggerpawitforward\", \"alt_text\": \"Paw It Forward\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I got NINE comments on my blog yesterday--that's more than in the whole previous two years combined. Being a dog and all, what that says to me is that I should quit every day (e.g. some behavior got a particular desired response). My person said I couldn't, though. Human rules really are far too illogical, but since I don't have the opposable thumbs, I'm somewhat at their mercy for some of my creative endeavors (others I am quite good at all by myself, like skillfully removing cat food from the kitchen counter. My people don't appreciate my creative talents nearly enough, however.)\n\nHere's a picture of me with my gal pal, Tansy, just for those of you who love speckle faces (I'm in back)", null, "Anyway, I realize I've gotten a little far from my original flyball focus, so I wanted to explain my training exercise from yesterday. Like I posted previously, since I let the people know that I like to turn right, not left, I have to re-learn my turn. So, my person had me catching the ball off the wall. That means she threw it so it bounced once on the floor, hit the wall and the bounced off and I was supposed to catch it off the wall. That simulates it coming out of the box. She was laughing and having fun, so I did too. My catch off the real box improved some, so that was good.\n\nMy other activities yesterday included continuing work on Rafe's education about doggy manners. That boy has one thick skull. Here's a picture of him. My people really like him because he looks so a-typical.", null, "Even the people in the Border Collie rescue group where Tansy came from weren't sure he was a border collie. My people have some papers, though, with a lot of funny names like \"Snip\" and \"Wisp\", places like \"Isle of Man\" and \"Ireland\", and some marks that mean \"International Champion\" on them and they say that means he is BC through and through. They have papers like that for all four of us BCs in the family. Like I said, humans are kind of hard to figure sometimes. Does it really matter that much?\n\nBC or not, he is one rude youngster. Just this morning, he laid down right in front of me and just stared. Then, when I showed him my ferocious teeth, he laid over on his side, still staring and actually touched my paw with his nose. Well, you can understand how appalled I was, I'm sure. Tansy was saying \"move away, move away, move away\" as only she can, but it took a low growl from me to finally get the big oaf to move back to his side of the room. Trying, trying times at my house. Thank goodness for flyball and sheep.\n\nToday's lesson?\nDon't try to understand people rules unless they affect you directly. They affect you if the human is holding a toy or food or making a clicky sound or calling your name or giving another dog attention\nPosted by Pippin, the Gentle Pup at 10:32 AM 15 comments: Links to this post", "Thursday, August 03, 2006\n\nBig woofs to my new friends\n\nSince I posted in despair about not having anyone to read my blog, I've gotten e-mails from some new friends.\n\nFirst I heard from Ninja, a very handsome German Shepherd. You can read about him at German Shepherds and Bunnies.\n\nThen, I heard from a very cute dachshund, Copper. He writes about his thoughts on things at JustMeCopper.\n\nThen, just this morning, I heard from a labrador retriever named Opy, who is the original gruff puppy.\n\nYou can read about all kinds of dogs who keep blogs at the Dogs With Blogs site.\n\nAfter all the heat of the last couple days, today is a rainy day. I've been working hard to teach our new friend, Rafe, to stop looking at me. He's kind of dense about it, though.\n\nOne of my people has a birthday today--Happy Birthday, Duck-mom.\n\nLesson for the day\nYoungsters take a long time to learn not to stare, so a good snarl is always an important part of any dog's toolbox\nPosted by Pippin, the Gentle Pup at 11:15 AM 10 comments: Links to this post", "Wednesday, August 02, 2006\n\nHot day today\n\nIt's been blistering hot in our fair neck of the woods and that usually means less activities for us. My silly little brother Hamish overheats very easily and my person is something of a wimp too. Neither of them seem to understand the \"under a shady tree\" principle for dealing with heat, silly creatures.\n\nI have been working on my flyball box this week. Here's the dilemma: I was trained to turn to the left (the \"fast\" side) and I have an AWESOME box--tight turn, good spring, all four feet up. But, I forgot to tell them when they were training me that I prefer to turn to the right. They figured it out once they added in the ball, but the dilemma is that my box when I turn to the right is less than stellar--it's more like a stroll and I only go up with my front feet, which, besides being slow and meaning I drop the ball a lot, also means more pounding on my shoulders.\n\nThe solution, you ask? More training. My people aren't very smart about doing it either, but I'm reminding myself to be patient and maybe they'll figure it out one of these days. In the meantime, I've decided to revive last year's \"lesson of the day\" (more like \"lesson of the post\", but you get the idea).\n\nLesson for today\nUpward pressure on a buckle collar is not really the same thing as a choke chain (yeah right)\nPosted by Pippin, the Gentle Pup at 5:54 PM 2 comments: Links to this post", "Sunday, July 30, 2006\n\nI've reconsidered\n\nWell, in addition to the two comments I got from Ninja and JustMeCopper (thanks loads guys), some others have persuaded me that my words are not just disappearing into the cyber-nether.\n\nI went to a training seminar this week-end. Boy did I have some things to learn. Me and my person learned it'd probably be good to go back and do some basics like \"watch\" and \"sit\". Kind of embarrassing for her, but it's all tricks to me.\n\nHere's a picture of all the dogs that live at my house. Can you find me? There are four of us Border Collies (and we all look a little different) and my buddy, Renzo. There are also still those three cats, but we don't like to talk about them. Especially not the mean old one.", null, "Posted by Pippin, the Gentle Pup at 10:57 PM 1 comment: Links to this post", "Send me a Woof", "Pippin, the Gentle Pup"], "url": "http://pippinflyballdog.blogspot.com/2006_07_30_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 523, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 231, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 237, "original_width": 320, "width": 510}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 252, "original_width": 320, "width": 480}], "image_hashes": ["17d218074b101abfc4a2655d79f63cbdf6f40f3a4727740841112248c492aedd", "25c7f64f04613ce94a11fd4b10b6a93fdb6857d155909ec035b963d3909b2489", "67bb9caaa24f0bdb562e2af4acfbc5d215e36ec1dd23882b5f81ac377368968d"], "__index_level_0__": 249, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://cdn4.pitchfork.com/albums/15335/homepage_large.73177db9.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9530569314956664}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/14281-beach-fossils/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn4.pitchfork.com/albums/15335/homepage_large.73177db9.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn4.pitchfork.com/albums/15335/homepage_large.73177db9.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"homepage large\", \"alt_text\": \"Beach Fossils artwork\"}, null]", "texts": ["Pitchfork is the most trusted voice in music.\n\nBeach Fossils", null, "• 2010\nMay 24 2010\n\nAdopting the atmospherics of the Clientele and Real Esate, this Captured Tracks band manages to be both evocative and technically proficient.\n\nIf you've followed indie's trade winds over the past year and a half, you can probably predict what a Brooklyn band called Beach Fossils sounds like to a staggeringly accurate degree. In this case, please set aside the prejudices: Beach Fossils aren't merely trying to evoke the feeling of sand between your toes, and even if you think you've mentally checked out of anything summery and lo-fi, this is a wonderful record. Dustin Payseur's Captured Tracks band claims influence from improvisational jazz, classical music, and Stereolab, and his songwriting owes more to loop-based composition than garage-bound woodshedding. From the functionality of the song titles on down, Beach Fossils has purpose and economy. It's built on cleanly picked single notes stacked over complementary bass patterns and unobtrusive drums.\n\nDespite working in generally constricted song patterns-- there's little in the way of verse/chorus structure-- Payseur has no problem letting his vocals and guitar craft hooks. In fact, it's the guitar riffs that you'll probably end up humming: check the pitch-shifted Peter Hook homage on \"Daydream\", the tight \"Youth\", or \"Sometimes\", on which Payseur falls just shy of soloing. Drift and atmosphere also work for Beach Fossils: the breezy coda of \"Window View\" feels like it could drift forever as long as it handed you a lemonade part of the way through.\n\nThe way Payseur's vocals are masked with reverb brings to mind the early singles of the Clientele, while the interlocking musicianship bears a lot of similarity to their tourmates in Real Estate. But while Payseur has an ingenuity with melody, what keeps him from reaching the heights of those acts is a lack of true immersion. The Clientele's Alasdair MacLean works in miniature, capturing evocative details that we otherwise miss in our daily lives; Real Estate's Martin Courtney is big-picture, using a generalized suburbia as a backdrop for larger philosophical points. In comparison, the mundanity of Beach Fossils can be deflating, and you don't catch much on the fifth listen that you didn't on the first-- a song called \"Vacation\" is about taking a bus out of town, while \"Golden Age\" and \"Daydream\" are nearly every bit as literal.\n\nYet the lack of guile can also be a strength, giving Beach Fossils a directness often attributed to more aggressive styles of music. Detractors might claim that this stuff isn't particularly challenging, but in light of its near-Memorial Day release date, doing so feels like criticizing white t-shirts or ice cream cones. This is an uncomplicated soundtrack for relief, which \"Lazy Day\" puts forth most pointedly. It's something like the photo negative of Wavves' \"So Bored\", not just sonically but philosophically-- having fuck all to do isn't some sort of grounds for cracking up, but for kicking back and enjoying it."], "url": "http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/14281-beach-fossils/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f2bd985287d5bd3a219af1341901d0928837fb44286056a3d0948a2eb2950445"], "__index_level_0__": 250, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JkyD90wg1W8/TwyHHJcoqHI/AAAAAAAABOc/dKZ9WDooDZ8/s320/spinach-bunch.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wNPmq2CYnDY/TwyInbiA-3I/AAAAAAAABOk/FtNR3KHFsxA/s320/hazelnut_page-300x276.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9248661994934082}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://plumandradish.blogspot.com/2012/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Wl8uhMAk4xA/SpMxFlUVHEI/AAAAAAAAAIY/0uZBrdihfSQ/S220/bloom+creation+4.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Wl8uhMAk4xA/SpMxFlUVHEI/AAAAAAAAAIY/0uZBrdihfSQ/S220/bloom+creation+4.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bloom creation\", \"rendered_width\": 185, \"rendered_height\": 148}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://plumandradish.blogspot.com/2012/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JkyD90wg1W8/TwyHHJcoqHI/AAAAAAAABOc/dKZ9WDooDZ8/s320/spinach-bunch.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JkyD90wg1W8/TwyHHJcoqHI/AAAAAAAABOc/dKZ9WDooDZ8/s320/spinach-bunch.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"spinach bunch\", \"rendered_width\": 239, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://plumandradish.blogspot.com/2012/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wNPmq2CYnDY/TwyInbiA-3I/AAAAAAAABOk/FtNR3KHFsxA/s320/hazelnut_page-300x276.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wNPmq2CYnDY/TwyInbiA-3I/AAAAAAAABOk/FtNR3KHFsxA/s320/hazelnut_page-300x276.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hazelnut page\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 292}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://plumandradish.blogspot.com/2012/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-TBs2EBd7hYk/UZkBHmNzfUI/AAAAAAAABUg/1gQhnIFymOo/s80/IMG_0825.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TBs2EBd7hYk/UZkBHmNzfUI/AAAAAAAABUg/1gQhnIFymOo/s80/IMG_0825.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "I am on a spinach kick these days-coming up with as many ways I can think of to make sure I get a daily dose.\n\nNot only does spinach pack a punch of vitamins and minerals, it is also concentrated in health-promoting phytonutrients such as carotenoids (beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin) and flavonoids to provide you with powerful antioxidant protection. It has more calcium in it than iron (which was surprising!).\n\nNutritionists believe that raw spinach is a much more beneficial way to absorb these essential nutrients, but lightly cooking or steaming it is not the end of the world!\n\nI can't recall where or how I found this recipe for Wilted Spinach Salad with Hazelnuts, but it makes a lovely winter salad and very easy to prepare as well as addicting! I think it may be from an old Gourmet magazine......", null, "Wilted Spinach and Hazelnut Salad\n\n2 handful of baby spinach, washed (per person)\n1/4  cup hazelnuts\n1-2 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced or chopped fine (you decide)\n2 tablespoons olive oil\ndrizzle of good balsamic\nsalt and pepper to taste\n\nChop the hazelnuts and toast in a skillet with the olive oil. Add the garlic being careful not to burn.\n\nPour over spinach in a salad bowl, toss with the balsamic and season with salt and pepper."], "url": "http://plumandradish.blogspot.com/2012/01/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 276, "original_width": 300, "width": 410}], "image_hashes": ["9712aa1bdb0e28b399b092fd5e04767c7faf6901fea963d18d02b545a9d2c664", "18c3822874404cde9f62d1a4e1d652ed1a60682da5fa5e4d96b7624ac6f3bb27"], "__index_level_0__": 251, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_t6nnbbvCvsk/SaCsdAJ6XiI/AAAAAAAAC2w/El1EM_oOcrM/s400/2009+02+21_5169_edited-1.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_zsoD75oP7Cc/StK17MBkGUI/AAAAAAAAC28/cIGQJJEM1qE/s400/Alphabet+Magnets9.jpg", null, "http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2769/4445619438_697f5a8460.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 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I don't know if I stopped writing because my life got too hectic, or just too boring. Probably both.\n\nHere is just one more to do list. I know, I know. I have OCD when it comes to list making, but this one was a lot of fun to make, so I had to share. Here is my DIY To-Do List:\n\nRag Rug (I REALLY want to make this one) by Oda May.", null, "Plush Alphabet by Holly.", null, "Slide Lamp by Yarn Zombie.", null, "Painted Sihouettes from Design Sponge.", "Lightbulb Terrariums by Hipster Home.", "Hand-Painted Cup & Saucer from Etsy.", "Cork Containers from Design Sponge.", "Colorful Pouf from Design Sponge.", "K, now who wants to have a craft night with me?"], "url": "http://plumeriaavenue.blogspot.com/2010/05/howto-todo.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 356, "original_width": 500, "width": 530}], "image_hashes": ["6355169b44fae9312c023bacff2581915604749e8b2b8c40e26b99ede4be6497", "698cd1b20a06846cef2ae63afbfebf886a0e1ca930e88833743fca71589e62c8", "bcd3f67e61133c3fbe37898381139677b3870a2cd841a7d09ab2224543227f18"], "__index_level_0__": 252, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jd0s4ts7-TM/U0g_xMF85HI/AAAAAAAAI3c/3KB2UTiWLGU/s1600/ZIBEON+CHAPMAN+FIELD.png", null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9x70eKbkHdE/U02btyBIPTI/AAAAAAAAI-8/zUHG60SA26o/s1600/Zibeon+Chapman+Field+1901.png", null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/--Ryc1B8KRwc/U0hABHv27CI/AAAAAAAAI3k/nr-SW5tC5gA/s1600/Zibeon+Lewis+Packard.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.971780240535736}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://politicalstrangenames.blogspot.com/2014/04/zibeon-chapman-field-1831-1914-zibeon.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jd0s4ts7-TM/U0g_xMF85HI/AAAAAAAAI3c/3KB2UTiWLGU/s1600/ZIBEON+CHAPMAN+FIELD.png\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-jd0s4ts7-TM/U0g_xMF85HI/AAAAAAAAI3c/3KB2UTiWLGU/s1600/ZIBEON+CHAPMAN+FIELD.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ZIBEON CHAPMAN FIELD\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://politicalstrangenames.blogspot.com/2014/04/zibeon-chapman-field-1831-1914-zibeon.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9x70eKbkHdE/U02btyBIPTI/AAAAAAAAI-8/zUHG60SA26o/s1600/Zibeon+Chapman+Field+1901.png\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9x70eKbkHdE/U02btyBIPTI/AAAAAAAAI-8/zUHG60SA26o/s1600/Zibeon+Chapman+Field+1901.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Zibeon Chapman Field\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://politicalstrangenames.blogspot.com/2014/04/zibeon-chapman-field-1831-1914-zibeon.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/--Ryc1B8KRwc/U0hABHv27CI/AAAAAAAAI3k/nr-SW5tC5gA/s1600/Zibeon+Lewis+Packard.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/--Ryc1B8KRwc/U0hABHv27CI/AAAAAAAAI3k/nr-SW5tC5gA/s1600/Zibeon+Lewis+Packard.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Zibeon Lewis Packard\", \"rendered_width\": 341, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Portrait from the History of Worcester County, Massachusetts, Vol. II, 1889.\n\nThe following dual profile examines the lives of two native New England political figures named Zibeon. A name with biblical origins, there are two meanings behind the name, one of which is a \"Horite chieftain\" named Zibeon noted in the book of Genesis whose name translates to \"little hyena\". Another version gives the meaning of the name as \"robber\"...truly a peculiar name to give a child, even back in the 19th century!\nFirst to be profiled is Paris, Maine native Zibeon Chapman Field, who would later find prominence in both business and politics in Worcester, Massachusetts, serving two terms in that state's House of Representatives. Born in Paris on Christmas Day 1831, Zibeon C. Field was one of ten children born to Zibeon and Lydia Howe Field, and inherited his name courtesy of a brother (also named Zibeon Chapman Field) who died in infancy in 1823. His early education occurred near the town of his birth and at age seventeen removed from Paris and resettled in Milford, Massachusetts, where he was employed in the manufacture of boots. Field would later leave Milford out of concerns for his health and traveled to California to make a go at gold mining, remaining here for three years.\nIn 1855 Field returned to Massachusetts, marrying in 1856 to one Lydia Ann Corbett (1836-1872). The couple would become the parents of four children, listed as follows in order of birth: Prentice (1859-1863), Francis Dana (1861-1932), Charlotte Thayer (1865-1911) and Grace Prentiss (1868-1962). Following Lydia Field's death, Zibeon remarried in June 1874 to Anna Thwing (1842-1913), mentioned by the Field Genealogy as being a \"successful teacher\" and \"woman of culture.\"\nFor a short period in the 1850s Zibeon Field operated a general store and \"provision business\" in Roxbury, Massachusetts, returning to Milford in 1858 to join his brother Perley in the formation of a coal and lumber dealership, a business they would successfully manage for over three decades. While attentive to business dealings in Milford, Field found further distinction in local politics, being a member of the Board of Engineers, as well as the Milford Board of Selectmen from 1865-66 and again from 1870-71. In 1864 Field served Milford as a town agent, aiding in the recruitment of soldiers for the ongoing war effort, and in this role visited President Lincoln. His visit with the President later:\n\n\"Secured the credit of one-hundred and thirty-seven three years men to Milford--which has not been recorded in its favor at the war department--thereby saving the loss of many thousands of dollars to the town.", null, "Zibeon Field during his later years, from the 1901 Field Genealogy.\n\nIn the 1864 election year Zibeon Field was elected as one of Milford's representatives to the Massachusetts General Court, and during the 1865 term held a seat on the house committee on Horse Railways. Field would serve a second term in the legislature in 1866, serving on the committees on Railways and Canals. Following his two terms in the house Field refrained from political activity, but did serve as the chairman of the Republican League of Milford during the mid 1870s. Remarked by the Field Genealogy as \"a Mason in good standing\", Zibeon Field was a member of both the Montgomery Lodge and Mt. Lebanon masonic chapter, a director of the Milford National Bank, and was a longstanding parishioner at the Milford Universalist Church.\nAfter many decades in public service in Milford, Zibeon C. Field died on December 18, 1914, a week short of his 83rd birthday. He was predeceased by his second wife Anna, who died in August 1913. A burial location for both Zibeon Field and his wife is unknown at this time.", null, "Portrait from the \"Ancestor Photo Archive for Genealogy Research\".\n\nAnother Maine native who made his name known politically was Zibeon Lewis Packard of the town of Hebron, who served a term in the Maine House of Representatives in the late 1880s. One of six children born to Lewis and Betsy Webster Packard, Zibeon L. Packard was born in Hebron on May 30, 1829 and as a youth worked the family farm, and was \"obliged to assume the head of the family\" after the death of his father. Zibeon attended the Hebron Academy in addition to farm work and also taught \"in the district schools\" during the winter months.\nIn February 1860 Packard married in Hebron to Ellen Bearce (1835-1895), later becoming the parents to four daughters: Bertha Leonora (1862-1908), Ida Ellen (born 1864), Edith Lulu (1867-1967) and Jennie Webster (1871-1942). One of these children, Edith Lulu Packard Cushman, survived her father and mother by over seventy years, dying one month short of her 100th birthday in June 1967.  A few years following his marriage Zibeon Packard enlisted for service as private in the 30th Regiment, Maine Volunteer Infantry. Following his return from service he returned to farming and fruit growing, and was later acknowledged by the Lewiston Evening Journal as \"one of the pioneers of apple orcharding in this section and made it a remarkable success.\"\nBeginning the mid 1870s Packard was honored by his native town by being elected to a number of local political offices, serving as a Hebron town school supervisor, selectman, town treasurer and collector. In 1886 he was elected as Hebron's representative to the Maine State Legislature and would serve in the sessions of 1887 and 1889. In addition to legislative service, Packard was also prominent in local fraternal clubs, being a member of the Buckfield, Maine Masonic Lodge, the Hebron Grange, and the G.A.R. The Lewiston Evening Journal notes that Packard remained a \"firm friend\" of the Hebron Academy, serving as the secretary of the school's board of trustees for over twenty-five years.\nZibeon L. Packard died at his home in Hebron on August 11, 1893 at age 64. His wife Ellen followed him to the grave two years later, and both were later interred at the Maple Ridge Cemetery in Hebron. Following his death, the Lewiston Evening Journal published a lengthy obituary for him, noting that:\n\n\"Whoever held a beneficient relationship with Zibeon L. Packard, whether in the Church, in the Grange, in any organized society, in general society or in his family, has met with an irreparable loss.\""], "url": "http://politicalstrangenames.blogspot.com/2014/04/zibeon-chapman-field-1831-1914-zibeon.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 592, "original_height": 592, "original_width": 378, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 448, "original_width": 336, "width": 378}, {"height": 442, "original_height": 275, "original_width": 235, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["512cfe8addad7d3a200533eb05f925ee35b221f221101428446d9150dca59acd", "e09cb699c95546ddf1c4ef342744834b12f064421d4276193a9590c547cd3451", "4f5475060456fac09cf6145c6459070e6bd2c6bee4b29b4ecfcdb2d4af524928"], "__index_level_0__": 253, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://press.uchicago.edu/dam/ucp/books/jacket/978/18/41/50/9781841504063.jpeg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8252225518226624}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/F/bo11337507.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/dam/ucp/books/jacket/978/18/41/50/9781841504063.jpeg\", \"src\": \"https://press.uchicago.edu/dam/ucp/books/jacket/978/18/41/50/9781841504063.jpeg\", \"alt_text\": \"Feminist Ethics in Film\", \"rendered_width\": 150}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Joseph H. Kupfer", null, "Distributed for Intellect Ltd\n\n126 pages | 6 halftones | 7 x 9 | © 2012\n\nPopular films can do more than merely entertain us; they can contribute to our understanding of human nature and the ethical theory that informs it. Feminist Ethics in Film explores a varied group of cinematic narratives from the perspective of care-based ethics. The interpersonal relationships they portray disclose important dimensions of care that have been overlooked in less contextualized discussions. In particular, the book examines the relationships between care and community, autonomy, family, and self transformation. Interpreting films from the perspective of the feminist ethics of care both expands our knowledge of this burgeoning area of philosophy and adds depth to our appreciation of the films.\n\nTable of Contents", "Saturday Night Fever: Self-Care, Moral Growth and Narrative\nSea Changes: Failure to Care in The Squid and the Whale\nThe Bonds and Boundaries of Friendship in Friends with Money\nFrom Despair to Care: Self-Transformation in Monster's Ball\nTuning into Caring Community in Radio\nGandhi: The Ethics of Care in the Nation-State"], "url": "http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/distributed/F/bo11337507.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 498, "original_height": 198, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ba9a1eac785453f4c9233b134010029401d5cc6f469a2e1fef61db33cc99c968"], "__index_level_0__": 254, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_B-z7NcYNW2A/SS-FlwlPvuI/AAAAAAAAAvQ/okXClFMRPGs/s320/marquet.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_B-z7NcYNW2A/SS-Jn3P8qMI/AAAAAAAAAvY/s9l1Eexg5b0/s320/rouge.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9580054879188538}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://priceofart.blogspot.com/2008/11/albert-marquet-dans-latelier-dun.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_B-z7NcYNW2A/SS-FlwlPvuI/AAAAAAAAAvQ/okXClFMRPGs/s320/marquet.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_B-z7NcYNW2A/SS-FlwlPvuI/AAAAAAAAAvQ/okXClFMRPGs/s320/marquet.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"marquet\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://priceofart.blogspot.com/2008/11/albert-marquet-dans-latelier-dun.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_B-z7NcYNW2A/SS-Jn3P8qMI/AAAAAAAAAvY/s9l1Eexg5b0/s320/rouge.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_B-z7NcYNW2A/SS-Jn3P8qMI/AAAAAAAAAvY/s9l1Eexg5b0/s320/rouge.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rouge\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://priceofart.blogspot.com/2008/11/albert-marquet-dans-latelier-dun.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/_B-z7NcYNW2A/SSt7i4v3N9I/AAAAAAAAAto/w-61vGvHbqI/S220-s80/mimi.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_B-z7NcYNW2A/SSt7i4v3N9I/AAAAAAAAAto/w-61vGvHbqI/S220-s80/mimi.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mimi\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, November 27, 2008", null, "Art works' theft is one of the most popular form of crime. Interpol currently records 227 stolen art items during the last two months. This painting by Albert Marquet was stolen in Argentina and is still not recovered. It measures 54 x 46 cm. and is an oil on canvas.\n\nAlbert Marquet (1875 - 1947) was a painter and draughtsman who was a member of the Fauves early in his career and a close friend of Matisse. He eventually abandoned the Fauvist approach and adopted a naturalistic style.\n\nHe painted portraits and female nudes, but most of his output consisted of landscapes. He often painted scenes of Paris ports and bridges. After 1925, he worked mostly in watercolors.\n\nThrough his travels, he gained an international reputation. However, because of his shy demeanor, he preferred to remain out of the spotlight and refused all honors that were offered to him.\n\nThe two countries most affected by this phenomenon are France and Italy. The illicit trade in cultural objects is sustained by the demand from the arts market, the opening of borders, the improvement in transport systems and the political instability of certain countries.\n\nCurrently one of the most sought after stolen work of art", null, "is the Garcon au gilet rouge (right) by Paul Cezanne that was stolen in Switzerland. If by any chance you are aware of its shenanigans please contact Interpol by the mean of this form.\n\nCezanne (1839-1906) was a French artist and post impressionist painter whose work laid the foundations of the transition from the 19th century conception of artistic endeavour to a new and radically different world of art in the 20th century.\n\nCézanne can be said to form the bridge between late 19th century Impressionism and the early 20th century's new line of artistic enquiry, Cubism."], "url": "http://priceofart.blogspot.com/2008/11/albert-marquet-dans-latelier-dun.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 468, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 258, "width": 378}, {"height": 476, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 254, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4a2f3675645692381112fad84af3b3b576fbcc06dee23c06e3f630fcf4b29619", "8cd1d694b0196a200615ea432ce0ee962b0021788532ee4cd3ee8d04e181f460"], "__index_level_0__": 255, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", 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Crazy things happen to people. Cars crash. An unexpected diagnosis changes lives forever. People go postal and innocent bystanders get caught in the crossfire.\n\nI know. I sound a little paranoid, huh?\n\nBut I've been thinking lately about taking risks. As those of you who are familiar with me and my blogs know, I am not a fan of change. And I've had a lot of that lately. New city, new house, new job, new friends, new church, and the list goes on and on and on.\n\nSometimes it is hard to take a chance on the unknown, isn't it? Whether it is moving to a new city, going on a date with someone new, or just finding the courage to finish that book...it is always scary. At least it is for me.\n\nOnce I spoke in chapel during Homecoming week at my alma mater. One of the pieces of wisdom I imparted to the college students in the audience was \"I'd rather regret something I did, than something I didn't do.\" I think sometimes I need to remind myself of this concept. (and notice the quote at the bottom of this blog--apparently Mark Twain and I see eye to eye!)\n\nSo this week, I promise to get out of my comfort zone a little bit. Take some risks. Finish writing some chapters even though sometimes the very fact that someone will actually read them next October freaks me out a little!\n\nThe song of the day/week/month (depending on how long it takes me to blog again!) is Fearless by Taylor Swift.\n\nAnd for your amusement (and because LOVE quotes) here are a couple that I thought were applicable:\n\nTwenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.--Mark Twain\n\nThe only man who never makes a mistake is the man who never does anything. --Theodore Roosevelt\nPosted by Annalisa Daughety at 5:42 PM 3 comments:", "Monday, October 27, 2008\n\nTo Err is Human...", null, "Talk about overwhelming!\n\nAnd now it will.\n\nSong of the day: Beautiful Day by U2.\n\nBelow are pictures from the awards banquet! Enjoy!\n\nWith Christine Lynxwiler", null, "Posing with my new EDITOR, Rebecca Germany", null, "With one of my favorite authors, Rachel Hauck", null, null, "Just me, feet not on ground! haha!", null, "Posted by Annalisa Daughety at 9:54 PM 3 comments:", "Tuesday, August 26, 2008\n\nJust Like a Friday Afternoon", "Thursday, August 7, 2008\n\nNothing New Under the Sun", "Friday, July 4, 2008\n\nHappy Fourth of July!", "Wednesday, June 11, 2008\n\nBack to the Blog", "Friday, May 23, 2008\n\nOde to David Cook, American Idol Cutie\n\nThe finale was great. Better than last year I thought.\n\nMoments I loved:\n\nMoments I could've done without or would've liked to change:\n\nPosted by Annalisa Daughety at 6:36 PM No comments:", "Tuesday, May 20, 2008\n\nPomp and Circumstance\n\nAnd I’m off my soapbox now.\n\nPosted by Annalisa Daughety at 11:31 AM 18 comments:", "Friday, April 25, 2008\n\nWho Am I?", null, "Posted by Annalisa Daughety at 10:24 AM 1 comment:", "Thursday, April 17, 2008", "Sunday, February 24, 2008\n\nAnd The Oscar Goes To...", null, "Yes, it's time for the Academy Awards! I'm one of those award show junkies, so with the whole writer's strike, I was afraid the Oscars would go the way of the Golden Globe and be a press conference.\n\nA girl needs a red carpet every now and then!\nAnd speaking of red carpets, let me just say that I LOVE to see the dresses, shoes, and jewelry. So much that I'll actually endure the horrible interviews by the E network or TV Guide Network just so I can get a better view of the fashion. At least they've gotten rid of Joan Rivers. (I'm hoping Joey Fatone and Lisa Rinna won't be as annoying, but I won't hold my breath!)\nBut what I don't understand is those stars who wear completely unflattering gowns. Many, many come to mind from years past. Remember when Gwyneth Paltrow chose a goth inspired look? Or when Uma Thurman wore some kind of crazy Swiss Miss outfit? And don't even get me started on Cher.\nI guess I find it hard to believe that they really thought those outfits looked okay. So I'm interested in seeing who made bad choices tonight, and who actually had a little sense. (or at least a good stylist)\nAs for the awards themselves...there really isn't one I'm too excited about. I'm much more interested in the red carpet this year, although I would love to see Ruby Dee and Hal Holbrook win their categories. Hal Holbrook especially--I remember him as Reese Watson from Designing Women (my all time favorite show, which incidentally is now on TV Land!). And of course, I love Johnny Depp, so I guess I'm pulling for him too.\nSpeaking of awards and contests, the ACFW Genesis Contest entries are due next week. And I'm still on the fence about entering. I have 2 WIPs that are basically ready for entry, I just have to decide to do it. We'll see. I was a finalist last year. Really just getting the feedback from the judges makes it worth it. So I'm probably going to make my submission in at least one category soon.\nPosted by Annalisa Daughety at 4:52 PM 1 comment:", "Wednesday, February 6, 2008\n\nThoughts on a Random Wednesday\n\nWhere to start?\n\nFirst off, this year, my birthday, Super Tuesday, and Mardi Gras all landed on the same day. Then came the devastating storms, and it became a birthday to remember.\n\nThankfully, we were spared. Our tornado siren went off at least 3 times, but none touched down. My prayers go out to those who weren't so fortunate.\n\nMy thoughts on Super Tuesday? Well, I'm a political kind of girl, so I had a lot of opinions, of which I will spare you. It was an exciting night though. And I'm proud of Mike Huckabee.\n\nMardi Gras...well, since I'm no longer in Mobile, Alabama (which has the oldest Mardi Gras in the United States...even older than the one that happens in New Orleans), there wasn't much hoopla. In Mobile, the parade route went right by my office building. So nearly everyday for 3 weeks, we had an excuse to scoot out early. We were actually off work more days for Mardi Gras than we were for Christmas. Does anyone else find that as odd as I always did?\n\nMy birthday...was okay. My family had a little surprise party for me last Saturday, which was nice. No candles though! :) I did get myself an early birthday present. A Nissan XTerra! Yay! I've been driving a Honda Accord Wagon for the past few years. And they stopped making those in 1997 if that tells you anything. Let's just say that a single girl driving a wagon, has to really fight to remain cool. But no more! My XTerra is perfect. It sits up high and there's plenty of room in the back for my dogs or my shopping bags, depending on what kind of trip I'm on.\n\nAnd in other news...I send off a proposal on Monday for a series I'd discussed with an editor at ACFW conference. It was a s-c-a-r-y one to send, because it's the story I feel like I was born to write. Hopefully the editor will agree!\nPosted by Annalisa Daughety at 10:01 PM No comments:", "Tuesday, January 8, 2008\n\n2008 Presidential Quiz", "Saturday, January 5, 2008"], "url": "http://princessofpatience.blogspot.com/2008/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 319, "original_width": 320, "width": 379}, {"height": 458, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 264, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 245, "original_width": 320, "width": 493}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 174, "original_width": 320, "width": 695}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 316, "original_width": 320, "width": 382}, {"height": 472, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": 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Regarding IRS Form 990", "Kindly Share The Love»»\n\nPosted by J Rodarte at 1:20 PM", "2/22/10...mark the date cause that's my bet for the last day of business for P1.\n\nDecember 29, 2009 at 8:09 PM", "Ever notice when you walk into the main office that there is only 1 teller helping a long line of people? Can't the cu afford to hire more tellers and member service reps? Maybe the mgr, asst mgr, & lead teller ought to get off their asses and help.\n\nEver notice that after Wigg fired Maggie Rios that the cu's marketing went down the toilet? So much for his marketing committee.\n\nEver notice the collections mgr? What's up with that? Her wig on too tight? She's got 3 people on her staff and only one actually calls mbrs who are delinquent. Maybe that's why delinquencies keep going up! She told the auditors that her people only get raises based on their work. What work?\n\nEver notice how the coo and the collection mgr have become good buds? I guess its true, if you kiss ass you'll get what you want.\nWhat a bunch of unprofessionals. Didn't the coo ever hear that you don't fraternize with your staff?\n\nAnd did you read that message sent to employees about Manny leaving? It said his employment will expire on 12/31/09. What is he a carton of milk? Couldn't they have written \"We're sad to announce Manny is leaving the credit union after 19 years of service?\" They're a bunch of back stabbing morons with no people skills but they are good at pushing in the old dagger.\n\nDecember 29, 2009 at 8:31 PM", "Delinquencies are growing too fast and the powers at P1 don't really know what to do except terminate people and cut hours. Its like one of those movies where you see the crew on a ship dumping suitcases, furniture and anything thats not nailed down. What P1 needs is more business and new members but they don't know how to do that because they have nothing great to offer that makes them different from other cu's or banks. Can you name one thing they offer you can't get somehwere else and probably at a better rate?\n\nAnonymous, how did you get the date of 2/22/10?\n\nDecember 29, 2009 at 9:55 PM", "The coo and collections manager are always cat-ting around together.\n\nDecember 29, 2009 at 10:00 PM", "Probably how collections got the lions share of the space and the call center got shoved in the back, way in the back.\n\nDecember 29, 2009 at 10:20 PM", "Yes Anonymous, how did you get the date of 2/22/10? Are you a psychic?\n\nDecember 29, 2009 at 10:38 PM", "Terminating employees and cutting hours is simply unimaginative and really takes no skill. That type of response proves that management lacks the imagination or skills needed to find a better way to do business and resolve problems. With that mindset you can expect the credit union to keep falling deeper into the hole made by its president and his assistants.\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 8:03 AM", "For those who asked: 2/22/10 is just a prediction but was based on what I expect to happen...I'm sure I'm wrong but it is fun to predict anyway. The FDIC and to a lesser degree the NCUA, love to take over failing financial institutions on Fridays. 2/19/10 is a a Friday... if the NCUA shows up then P1 opens on 2/22/10 under conservatorship, if they open at all, ... I guess I should have said 2/22 is the date the thieves and crooks will be gone and P1 will not be doing business as \"usual\".\n\nThe December numbers are likely to be more of the same: BAD. And if DQs are rising the way it appears they are, January will continue the horrific loss pattern....so, before yet another month (February) can pass, the NCUA will officially arrive. I say officially because the rumor on the street is that they are already closely watching P1 including possible review of each months board book.\n\nThe saddest part of all of this is the ignorance of the majority of the board. It was their wisdom and intelligence that proclaimed P1 needed a black president. So they hired based on skin color not on ability...what a bunch of idiots!\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 9:35 AM", "So they hired based on skin color not on ability...what a bunch of idiots!\nYou are so right if they had one ounce of business sense they would had\nBrought in Mr. Harris on the interviews and his recommendations would have matter, but Direda wanted to run the show so he was left out of everything at the end.\n\nWell you get what you ask for Direda should be proud that she has run the credit union down and she hired Wigg who is a complete idiot and has failed big time. Wigg put in place people he can control who will bark and jump when he yells.\n\nRodger: big time Kiss Ass who does not do a dam thing has ruin employees morale and continues to do nothing but follow like a dog his master the Idiot.\nI heard he was having lip surgery to make his lips big to cover all of Wigg ass.\n\nPatti: What a waste, she not only will do all of the idiots bidding she laid down With Aaron and covered his ass. Knowing that what he was doing was wrong and mmoral. Patty is a low life always has and always will be. A control freak who tries to control ever thing that’s why she is such a push over for Wigg. Look closely at her if she covered for Aaron and Wigg what else will she hid?\n\nSylvia: Miss religious Bitch!!! More Bull shit comes out of that women’s mouth and then treats he employee’s like dog’s Oh yes now I get it just like Wigg.\n\nMr. West: Oh well forget it, he does nothing all day long, part of the furniture Oh yes! Just like Wigg.\n\nBea: Looks like Wigg, smells like Wigg, walks like Wigg, speaks like Wigg. Could she be his twin? Beware of her she has a bad reputation in credit union land.\n\nDireda: talk about a waste she is just plain out STUPID, immoral not an honest bone in her body, only thinks about herself lying bitch! Oh just like Wigg.\n\nGet rid of all them and you might had a chance at bring the credit union back to where it was when Mr. Harris was there.\n\nHay that’s idea bring back Mr. Harris\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 11:13 AM", "Today, the Bea the CEO, brought in workmen to do some remodeling in her office and that of Mr. Wiggington. How can the credit union in good conscious terminate employees and force others to cut their hours and take away benefits and yet spend money on a consultant they definitely don't need and on new furniture, a call center, and on remodeling the executive offices?\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 4:24 PM", "I'm not surprised by Wiggington's failures or those of the board who protected him when he was accused of sexually harrassing an employee. Let's face it, most of the board seems uneducated and incompetent. But what you fail to point out is that another cause to the credit unions problems is Rodger Smock who oversees human resources. He has never been able to carry out his responsibility to ensure the credit union works cohesively with the staff. I also know William E. Harris. He is a gentleman and managed the credit union cautiously and competently but his biggest failure was trusting Wiggington and hiring Rodger. Rodger is a failure and incompetent and unethical. In fact before coming to Priority One, Rodger worked at Superior Industries in Van Nuys in human resources. His performance at that company was less than steller which led to his eventual termination. He later got the position at Priority One where he again has proven to be anything but steller and has been a contributor to the credit union's decline.\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 5:16 PM", "Where's Wiggington? Why hasn't he been at the cu for several days? They haven't posted anything about him on the intranet. Is he fired?\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 6:14 PM", "I think Mr Harris should be asked to come back. Sure Bea has a BA but she's snotty and hangs out with that psycho, Yvonne. Mr Harris was liked by the members and staff and knows the credit union.\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 6:43 PM", "I heard Yvonne say Wiggington is not coming back. Is that true? The company hasn't posted anything but his contract expires tomorrow.\n\nThe credit union sent out a message that Manny's last day is tomorrow but Manny wasn't at work on Monday, yesterday, or today. What's up? Rodger or Bea sent out an email to only some employees inviting them to take part in a farewell lunch to Manny but didn't invite most of the employees. A lot of us might have wanted to say good-bye to Manny but the management has no people skills and are making sure employees say bye to the only manager that is liked at the cu.\n\nManagement spend lots and lots of money they don't have to hire a consultant to try and convince employees there is something wrong with the way they think. The consultant tells them they are supposed to change but in the meantime the rotten managers continue lying, make people lose their jobs and keep employees from saying good-bye to Manny. Great example. Last Thursday, Bea and Yvonne left for hours to go Christmas shopping but Bea is the same person who demands to know where people are. Doesn't she thinks she supposed to set an example? She should take a long look in the mirror, that's if it doesn't break, before she points at anyone!\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 7:29 PM", "Bea and Yvonne are always together because they are planning their take over of P1.\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 8:03 PM", "Take over? LOL in stead of P1 it will be B1. B stands for Bitches.\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 8:20 PM", "The blog is on fire tonight! Does anyone know if P1 offers ASI extended deposit insurance?\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 8:53 PM", "Wiggy Piggy gone? I doubt it... His meal ticket is way too sweet to just walk away... One way to know if there is any truth to his being gone is to check his office... Are his personal things gone?\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 9:02 PM", "It's always possible they didn't renew Wiggington's contract but\nno one should assume he's no longer there. As anonymous wrote\n\"Are his personal things gone?\" Or has anyone seen the COO sitting in his office (and not in her office)?\nAre any of her personal belongings like photos, in his office? Does Wiggington still have an in-box where his mail is delivered?\n\nBeatrice the COO is a hatchet person. Back in March 2009, Wiggington bragged he was going to hire a COO to help with his work. (What work?) By April some of the board were getting antsy because delinquencies were getting worse loans were dropping. They were also getting tired of Wiggington's song and dance routine about how things would get better next month.\n\nAnd so in June the board hired Beatrice as their new COO. Wiggington was so happy. Finally someone to help him do his work and help him put a stop to the rumors posted on this blog plus someone to fix the mess he caused.\n\nHe started letting Beatrice takeover but she is a lot smarter than him and she convinced the board she could only make changes if Wiggington would not interfere.\nSo the board listened and took away some of his responsbilities and then started pretty quickly, took away more and more of his power.\n\nWhen Beatrice got hired, she and Wiggington got really chummy and started doing lunch everyday but by August, they were spending less time together and by October they were only talking in meetings. In fact, outside of business they hardly spoke to one another.\n\nBeatrice cares about getting the business back on its feet but she doesn’t give a crap about the employees. She is not interested in building relations with the employees or developing a trusting relationship with them. In her eyes they can go work somewhere else if they don’t like the way she runs the credit union. When she got to P1 in June she had an attitude and ignored a lot of employees. You know why? Because she believes she is better than the staff, but she isn't.\n\nShe knows how to play the game, disliking anyone Rodger and Wiggington didn't like. There enemies became her enemies. She also hired Loren to supposedly change the employees but she purposely kept from making any effort to change management or herself because from where she stands, she's just fine.\n\nThat whole thing about profiling employees to find out where they best fit is a crock of crap. She hired Loren Lillestrand to carry out her agenda. She knows the importance of image and wants to look good on paper but her agenda from the very beginning has been to fire, fire, fire and the board knew it and knows it. And she didn't come to P1 to remain the COO she wants more.\n\nAs for Wiggington, if he were to leave it wouldn't be a loss as he is as useful as a second head on a dog. But if they get rid of him then he's got no one to blame but himself. After all, stupid is as stupid does.\n\nDecember 30, 2009 at 10:54 PM", "Maybe get rid of everyone at the top and start all over. Finding the right people to lead any company is never easy. How many jobs has the coo had in the last 10years?\n\nDecember 31, 2009 at 8:00 AM", "Wiggington is still at P1.Who knows if they renewed his contract or if he's now a part-timer then again he's always been a part-timer.\n\nDecember 31, 2009 at 9:19 AM", "I doubt the credit union can stay in business another 6 months if its going to do business the way its doing it now. Lay off people and asking them to sacrifice their hours which they work to probably pay the rent, buy food, and take care of their children is one way to reduce expenses but lay off too many people over a period of time and all they'll do is add to their losses of business. They won't have enough people to do the work and won't be able to provide good service which is already bad at P1 or get new business. This is what happens when incompetents run any company.\n\nDecember 31, 2009 at 4:15 PM", "Just to clear things up, Wigg is still president. The person I didn't see today was Manny. Does any body know if he came in? Wigg will take over card service and IT will be under B. I didn't know she was a techie.\n\nDecember 31, 2009 at 6:37 PM", "Today is faggot Rodger birthday. Maybe he and Wiggs are somewhere screwing each other.\n\nJanuary 1, 2010 at 12:10 AM", "I looked at their financials. they have spent thousands more in 09 on legal than was ever spent while Harris was president. They hired a coo who probably gets hefty compensation but they kept the president who should have been fired. They also have all those new projects and frankly, has anyone audited their non-operational expenses? It really is starting to look like all those cut-backs and terminations are not so they can save $ but so they have more money to spend on those extra projects. With managment like that, the cu won't survive.\n\nJanuary 1, 2010 at 10:09 AM", "January 1, 2010 at 10:44 AM", "Beatrice has a MA from Univ at La Verne in business while Wiggington has an BA in black studies.\n\nBeatrice would have made a better impression if she had been friendly and up front. After years of Wiggington's lies, the employees needed someone they could trust. She also could have proven what she is able to do by NOT building a call center and fixing the problems they had with the expensive phone system Wiggington bought. That would have proven just how good she really is and saved lots of money and maybe a job or two. She has taken care of the problem with the termites that Wiggington and Roger ignored and at least the main office looks better if they have to sell off the place.\n\nJanuary 1, 2010 at 11:26 AM", "Wiggington has a BA in Bull Sh*t studies.\n\nJanuary 1, 2010 at 3:04 PM", "Not that its important but the message the cu put out about Manny says, \"He will cease to be an employee.\" Cease? What the hell! The guy was there 19years and he was liked and respected not like Wiggington, Roger, or Beatrice. The classless slobs sent him off without a thank you. And the coo didn't even have enough class to show up and say good-bye. Maybe she ought to pay Loren $3000 from the cu's account to have a 1 on 1 so he could tell her how she needs to change. I wonder if he teaches good manners?\n\nJanuary 1, 2010 at 7:04 PM", "A few months ago Bea had the nervous breakdown in front of the staff and said if people were unhappy they could leave priority one and she said something that made no sense about embezzeling money. I thought she was going to go postal. Way to make a great first impression bioch.\n\nJanuary 1, 2010 at 8:25 PM", "Remember at the meeting she said her friends were on the phone to defend her but they weren't? Somebody was talking out the side of her neck.\n\nJanuary 2, 2010 at 2:03 AM", "Maybe the board only renewed Wiggington's contract til 6/1/10 the day the cu closes down.\n\nJanuary 2, 2010 at 2:22 PM", "Wigg used to spend at least 2 hours a day in the loan department talking about everyone. He used to sit there and out loud talk about who he didnt like and who was trying to take his job. Its because of his lzay ass people have lost there jobs and mroe people will lose there jobs. And for years Roger got lots of complaints from employees about sexual harsasmnt but he always tried to cover up for Wigginton and Aaron and he let employees suffer. Its nice to know things at Prioriy have not changed. If you talk to the employees who were there in 2007 they will tell you Rodger knew employees were clocking in others and he was told about Aaron was bringng people in the credit union to do business for his second job. Wiggington, Roger, and Aron broke all the rules and should have been fired but instead its other employees who lsot their jobs. Thanks Wiggington and Roger for screwing the credit union. You guys are the best.\n\nJanuary 2, 2010 at 4:22 PM", "Bea made it sound like the 2 guys were in the office and ready to tell everybody she didn't steal money but nothing happened. What was that about.\n\nJanuary 2, 2010 at 5:35 PM", "She lied.\n\nJanuary 2, 2010 at 9:47 PM", "Can a credit union do without a CEO?\n\nJanuary 3, 2010 at 6:45 PM", "Thus one can.\n\nJanuary 4, 2010 at 6:01 PM", "The call center showed be called the collections center. Yvonne the supervisor took the four main cubicles and put the call centr staff on to the worst desks. There is no call center and it was never needed. More money down the drain.\n\nJanuary 4, 2010 at 9:30 PM", "Rodger said...\n\nDo the DFI or NCUA audit expenses of a credit union? If they do they will find that a lot of Prioritys debts are with its credit. The executives are using the company's credit to purchase things like new carpeting for Wiggington and Bea's offices, a new expensive laptop for the coo, the call center, new furniture, etc. They fire employees and take away things but they keep spending on themselves.\n\nJanuary 4, 2010 at 9:38 PM", "do you not get it charels has always been about me, myself and I\nhe has never been about help anyone else out, he is number 1 in his book.from the day he started working there he would always say oh they will get it when I am in charge!\nCharles has always been self center even they way he treats his own family so what makes you think he will treat the staff any better.\n\nJanuary 5, 2010 at 7:39 AM", "Get ready for more layoffs!\n\nJanuary 5, 2010 at 6:25 PM", "Her laptop cost about $5000. She's not helping the company, she's looting the company.\n\nJanuary 5, 2010 at 7:06 PM", "How did the board approve a $5000.00 laptop? Or do they even know about it?\n\nJanuary 5, 2010 at 7:18 PM", "Bea knows this credit union is heading for the dumps and wants a going away present.\n\nJanuary 5, 2010 at 8:03 PM", "Is wiggington getting a 5000 dollar laptop too? Thats 10000 dollars of member money.\n\nJanuary 5, 2010 at 8:40 PM", "She didn't go to the board and she didn't order it from the computer people. She used the cu's credit. She also tears off the names of business on the receipts she turns in for reimbursement. What the f###?\n\nJanuary 5, 2010 at 9:54 PM", "Of course the board does not know about Bea's laptop. Most of them look like they couldn't balance their own check book.\n\nJanuary 5, 2010 at 11:20 PM", "Today I heard they are getting ready to buy window treatments for the windows at the S.Pas office. Since Bea got there she has been using the company's credit card which even Wiggington didn't abuse and Mr Harris only used for necessites. She has ordered a laptop, furniture, carpeting, and she is driving the cu more and more into the hole! They are going to pick the cu clean and rather make employees lose their jobs then help the cu.\n\nJanuary 6, 2010 at 7:38 PM", "I just don't understand why their hurting the credit union. They have to knwo what their doing.\n\nJanuary 6, 2010 at 10:23 PM", "There's really only one way to describe those in charge and why they do what they do:\n\nJanuary 7, 2010 at 7:35 AM", "Bea is not Stupdit nor is Charles they are thieves, Wigg stole a car from a member and Bea had problems with a visa card from an other credit union, what makes you think\nshe will not get away with things at P1 who is going to stop here?\nthe Board Ha ha or Wigg big HA ha\nor Smock who will stab his mother in the back to get want he wants.\nUnless some one writes a letter to the DFI and complaints not a dam thing will be done.\n\nJanuary 7, 2010 at 8:15 AM", "It is time for the employees to stand up and fight back, you can get rid of the board and\nCharles, fight back for your jobs.\n\nFirst start a petition get members to sign the petition let them membership know what’s happening all you need is 100 signatures send them to the Supervisor Board with a copy to the credit unions attorney’s and a copy to DFI, make sure that you have the names of the board members that you want removed and Wigg along with the new COO.\n\nWake up staff before its too late Wiggington has take this credit union down so bad and has made that place a living hell. Fight for you jobs, you can do it because you have the power.\n\nJanuary 7, 2010 at 2:01 PM", "it's that time of year again, so what is happenting with the elections to run for the board?\n\nJanuary 7, 2010 at 3:56 PM", "The members have power but they have not used it. Why? Are they happy with the way P1 is run? And ya, what about the election? Hiding things are are we Wiggy?\n\nJanuary 7, 2010 at 6:57 PM", "I worked at the cu before and after Mr Harris left. You had to have work there to see how quickly the place got bad. Mr Harris was polite but the day Wiggington took over everything began to fall apart because he has no respect for anything. He is loud, dirty and a liar. I remember him saying no one would lose their jobs but in a few weeks he started backstabbing and firing people. I and others went to Rodger but Rodger will cover up all wrong doing done by managmt. He let Cavazos abuse staff and he knew Kim was being sexually harassed but he was there when it happened. Rodger only cares about keeping his job, his home and his boyfriend.\n\nJanuary 7, 2010 at 7:26 PM", "Employee morale is so low, its the lowest I've ever seen.\n\nJanuary 8, 2010 at 12:35 AM", "Something I found on the net don't\nyou miss those days? When life at P1 was good\n\nThe first word that comes to Bill Harris' mind in discussing how he develops his managers is empowerment. \"I believe in empowering managers to make decisions,\" says Harris, president/CEO of $127 million Priority One Credit Union, South Pasadena, Calif., with 22,000 members.\n\nIn Harris' view, training is crucial in enabling his managers to make decisions on their own, and so those decisions have a sound base in knowledge. \"I send my managers to all types of training,\" he says.\n\nFor instance, as president of the Los Angeles chapter of the California Credit Union League, he's always aware of upcoming speakers that Priority One CU's managers may benefit from hearing. \"We'll pay for the dinner,\" he notes, \"so they can go to the meeting.\"\n\nEducation works its way into Harris' approach to management development in another way, as well. To be more accurate, call it people development, as this process extends beyond the five top managers who report to him. He tries to make regular monthly visits to each of the CU's six branch offices, where he meets first with the branch manager, who actually reports to the CU's VP/operations, followed by talking with the entire branch staff.\n\n\"I've found that not only do the branch managers like that,\" Harris says, \"but the staff does, too ... I try to make my talks both educational and motivational. One thing that's very important is a positive attitude. I try to instill that in all of them.\"\n\nWhat matters most, perhaps, is what rubs off from Harris himself, who's been with Priority One CU for 30 years, 10 of those as the president/CEO. \"I love my credit union,\" he says, \"and I firmly believe in the credit union movement. I feel that people with experience need to be mentors for the people coming behind us. That's what I try to do with my top managers, and I try to get them to be mentors for their staff.\"\n\nThis blend of empowering, training and mentoring has reaped results, Harris claims. He's seen managers, and others, become more confident in making decisions and more skilled in performing their jobs. \"I think it's helped some in their personal lives, too,\" he adds.\n\nWhat's more, the overall workplace atmosphere has improved markedly, according to Harris. That's led to Priority One CU gaining a reputation as a friendly place with which to do business. \"Our members tell me that when they come into this credit union,\" Harris notes, \"it's like coming into their own living room.\"\n\nJanuary 8, 2010 at 4:35 PM", "John said...\n\nAnonymous, thank you for the references provided describing Mr. Harris' philophical approach to business.\n\nI would add that Mr Harris conducted himself with the highest regard to integrity and a man who had no fear of accountability while his methods proved successful and resulted in the creation of an effective and cohesive work force.\n\nOn the other hand, the inexplicable disdain demonstrated by Mr. Wiggington for the achievments of his predecessor have left the credit union in tatters and employees uncertain of their future.\n\nAs it struggles to find its way, the credit union is forced to spend large sums of money to try and reverse the damage caused by mismanagement.\n\nAnd thank you for reminding readers that Mr. Harris was a part of Priority One for 30 years, 10 of which he served as President. This important fact is one ignored by those who have laid waste to this once wonderful credit union. I bet you will hardly find a member nowadays who would describe a visit to Priority One like “coming into their own living room.”\n\nJanuary 8, 2010 at 8:02 PM", "At p1 morale has been damaged the most by human resources. I don't know why the employees who got fired after being harassed and abused never sued.\n\nJanuary 8, 2010 at 9:18 PM", "seye said...\n\nWhen Wigg took over he thought he would be king and just lay back and let his new avp's do all the work. No one ever knew he hated Mr Harris until he became president and started talking horribly about the man who hired him. He got rid of Maggie because she was not afraid of him and wanted to prove he could do things better. First thing he did was make that cheap ugly annual report which was embarassing. Rodger his yes man used to go about saying how beautiful the report looked and how much cheaper it was then anything Harris produced but the report was CRAP! Business started to fall apart and so did morale and for the first time in years people started quiting and a lot got fired. Now 2010 a lot of his power has been given to the coo and she is on a spending spree buying a ridiculous laptop and charging the company, remodeling her office, buying new furniture, building a call center and oh yes, firing employees, taking away things and people are living in fear. Is making people scared a goal because in any other company that would be considered horrible.\n\nJanuary 9, 2010 at 10:20 AM", "Rodger is 75% of p1's problems. He was supposed to rein in Wigg but never did. Where do you think the dagger comes from? She hands it to Wigg and Wigg stabs it in employee backs.\n\nJanuary 9, 2010 at 10:37 AM", "There is a former employee who has a ongoing lawsuit against P1 and wiggington. This lawsuit has been going on for over two years now.\n\nJanuary 9, 2010 at 12:13 PM", "Wiggs hated Mr. Harris because he knew no one would ever look at him with that level of respect. The level of respect for wiggs is the like the gum on bottom of your shoe.\n\nJanuary 9, 2010 at 12:19 PM", "that annual report was embarassing\nand everything after Maggie left was crap. You can not say anything about Mr.Harris in frount of Wigg he has a fit. Mr Harris did make that credit union like home and wigg makes the cu like hell!\n\nJanuary 9, 2010 at 3:08 PM", "Wasn't the election supposed to be announced in December 09?\n\nMembers of the cu need to read the company's newsletter and see if they can find the announcment that's supposed to be there about the election. Also check the cu's website because it should be posted.\n\nWigg and Diedra have destroyed the cu and has Smock. This will be a chance to elect someone to replace Diedra, Hale and useless Gathers.\n\nJanuary 9, 2010 at 5:09 PM", "Smocks a backstabbing vengeful pussy. He only enforces policy for some employees and doesn't for others. He helped Wiggington get a lot of people fired and he's still pulling his shit. That old fat queen would have a fit if someone screwed him the way he screws everyone else.\n\nJanuary 9, 2010 at 5:23 PM", "Employees can contact the department of fair employment and housing to file discrimination complaints.\n\nJanuary 9, 2010 at 6:46 PM", "Smock is absolutely useless! He's for management ONLY! Basically he fucks over the employees; you can't trust him. He is slowly stabbing you in the back all while he has that stupid look on his face.\n\nI hope they all rot in HELL!\n\nJanuary 9, 2010 at 7:11 PM", "Rumor has it they are getting ready to go on twitter. That should be interesting.\n\nJanuary 9, 2010 at 9:36 PM", "I know a complaint was filed by Kim and that is not settled. I hope she gets something and that govement proves Wiggington sexually harassed her like we all know he did.\n\nJanuary 10, 2010 at 9:14 AM", "Kim Burke was harassed not just sexually but harassed on all levels by wiggington. The board and rodger know this.\n\nJanuary 10, 2010 at 10:38 AM", "A lot of employees Wiggington did to Kim. It was no secret but notice how management and the board never mentions all the witness. As for the 07 report it screamed CHEAP. You can blame that on Wiggington who made Aaron head of marketing. Ya, Aaron had no marketing experience and as loan manager couldn't sell a loan if his life depended on it but still he made him marketing director and made Maggie who had experience, his secretary. Rodger sat by with that stupid grin never saying anything. Aaron then got the marketing committee together but they were no better and after awhile no more marketing committee. Wiggington then gave marketing to Patti and Roger none of who had any experience which showed on everything they did. Wigginton, Rodger and Aaron used to say Maggie spent too much money but you have to spend money to get money. Let's see, they went cheaper and they lost money. So much for using your brain, Wigg.\n\nJanuary 10, 2010 at 4:00 PM", "Do they have a twitter account or are they getting one?\n\nJanuary 10, 2010 at 4:19 PM", "When Mr Harris was at the cu Rodger who was the dir of hr started rumors that Maggie was having an affair with Mr Harris. It was a lie and Maggie and Mr Harris knew what he did but they took the high road and ignored it though they should have called him on it. But Rodger forgot to tell people he had an affair with Henry Campos when Henry used to work in the loand dept. Rodger would invite employees to his house to swim and give them liquor while he and Henry were upstairs in Rodgers bed room. One night Rodger came out of the house while Henry was upstairs and kept pouring drinks for the girls who were swimming. Anna who used to work in mbr servs got so drunk she got butt naked in the pool. Great way to set an example. He also liked to fix Henry's tie when they were at the branch. Everyone knew what was going on but no one talked about it. No wonder Wiggington thought he could commit sexual harassment. He probably thought of Rodger who was supposed to enforce policy could do it so could he. If you don't belive it, have a lawyer or someone from fair employment and housg ask the employees.\n\nJanuary 10, 2010 at 5:41 PM", "Is anyone obeying the law at p1?\n\nJanuary 10, 2010 at 6:34 PM", "Management are nothing but low lifes, Manny did right by leaving.\n\nJanuary 10, 2010 at 6:38 PM", "Rodger did have an affair with Henry. He was always in member services trying to find an excuse for being around Henry. Fixing his clothes and fondling him in clear view of anyone. Rodger is a straight up pervert.\n\nJanuary 10, 2010 at 7:46 PM", "Wigg talking sexially to a female employee who now has a complaint with the goverment and Rodger inviting employees to his house to get them drunk and have them take off their clothes and even dating a male employee. What can happen next at P1? Script this and send it One Life to Live.\n\nJanuary 10, 2010 at 9:55 PM", "ther are two openings for the board according to the newsletter,\ndoes anyone know how to get in touch with Mr. Harris so he can run for the board? and David Davidson. We need strong people on there to clean the board up.\nI think if they run they would win\n\nJanuary 11, 2010 at 11:12 AM", "no doubt about Mr. Harris wouild win and I think the queen bitch is up that would be great for Mr. Harris to run\n\nJanuary 11, 2010 at 2:16 PM", "It's as inappropriate for a male manager to touch a female employee's body or clothes as it is for a male manager to touch another male. What makes this so awful is that the manager supposedly had relations with the male employee. It is pretty disgusting that the human resources manager could not control his behavior. I wonder how this reflects on the accusations made against Wiggington in 08?\n\nJanuary 11, 2010 at 5:41 PM", "One time Smock brought in a good looking woman to be interviewed and said she looked a spinner meaning when she that when she gets on top she spins. You guys think he's such an educated classy guy but he's just as a big low life as Wiggington with just as dirty mouth who lies, backstabs, and breaks policy. You can't imagine how many people he has backstabbed.\n\nJanuary 11, 2010 at 10:13 PM", "Can someone investigate priority one's hr manager?\n\nJanuary 11, 2010 at 10:31 PM", "You can't imagine how many people he has backstabbed.\n\nI think we can imagine how many.\n\nJanuary 11, 2010 at 10:45 PM", "I can never figure out why Mr Harris who was such a good man could have picked Wiggington, Smock and Cavazos. These guys are nothing to look at and all they talked about is sex. Must be a man thing at p1.\n\nJanuary 12, 2010 at 8:09 AM", "Harris did not pick Wiggington nor Cavazos but he did pick Smock\nand don't we all make big mistakes\n\nJanuary 12, 2010 at 1:48 PM", "January 12, 2010 at 5:38 PM", "Henry used to say that his car was a gift from Rodger. Maybe Rodger bought it or helped him get it but their relationship was no secret.\n\nJanuary 12, 2010 at 5:58 PM", "Mr. Harris if you are reading this blog please run for the board P1 needs your leadership again. Mr. Davidson please run too.\n\nJanuary 12, 2010 at 7:02 PM", "Call Universal City Studios CU and ask how Miss Walker performed when she was there.\n\nJanuary 12, 2010 at 7:56 PM", "I was in the bathroom and Alex from collections told another employee the writer of the blog is the cu writer and that her dept was told to watch him and report back to managment.\n\nJanuary 13, 2010 at 6:43 PM", "\"Anonymous said...Harris did not pick Wiggington nor Cavazos but he did pick Smock and don't we all make big mistakes\"\n\nYou're right, we all mistakes though picking Smock was a BIG mistake.\n\nJanuary 13, 2010 at 9:22 PM", "Sorry to disappoint Alex but I am not a \"He\" I know who they \"Think \"is the creator of this blog but boy are they way off.\n\nJanuary 14, 2010 at 7:57 AM", "Management need to focus their energy on the credit union's finances and the morale of employees instead of who is writing the blog. They are so wrong about who they think is writing the blog.\n\nJanuary 14, 2010 at 12:29 PM", "How is this man still the president?!?\n\nI can't believe it's gone on this long. There are many over worked and underpaid employees, I know I was!!! I'm really thankful for this blog.\nI am very relieved someone has exposed all the frustrations I had on all the employees and how management doesn't abide by any rules. Every employee had a different set of rules.\nSince Wigglenuts took over, everyone seemed to take part in the destruction of the credit union.\nEmployees became lazy and incompetent. No one ever wanted to their job and just pass it on to someone else. I know the loan dept had problems choosing or finding someone to book a loan, to later then, just send them away.\n\nI really do hope something major happens because this charade has gone on far too long.\nI had expressed my frustration about employees who got away with paying their own personal checks and reversal of fees time and time again but nothing was ever done.\nWhy, because this employee had some kind of closed door meeting with Wigglebottoms. I was disgusted on how you could just go in and talk to him and get away with stealing.\nBelieve me a lot of people are to blame for how bad things are going at the credit union.\n\nFor those of us who chose not to feed Wigglenuts' ego, I applaud you\n\nJanuary 14, 2010 at 6:21 PM", "I got a gripe.\n\nIts true, the problem at Priority One has never just been Wiggington, though he opened the door.\n\nIts also the people he placed in power- Liz, Aaron, Patti, Georgina, and even Sylvia who on the surface appears to be a hard worker but who treats people in the most horrible un-Christian way.\n\nCavazos became Wiggington’s buddy and even though there were a lot of complaints from employees that he sexually harassed women and one man, he got promoted and a hefty raise.\n\nThe new COO has given her buddy, Yvonne a lot of authority. Yvonne is experienced in collections but she has been given the call center which handles loan and member services questions. Yvonne can’t fund a loan and doesn’t have the rights to do so but yet she oversees some loan processing and inquiries. Today she was given the VISA card department which she has no experience in. If the new COO is trying to prove she can make the best decisions that are going to help Priority One she is going about it the wrong way. It is obvious she not there to build trust.\n\nI remember walking through the Loan department before and after Aaron Cavazos was director and usually it was only 1 or 2 employees who got up to help members who wanted to complete an application or process a loan. The others would be talking on their cell phones with friends and families or pretending to be talking to members or playing on the Internet. The department has never had many men, but usually it was the guys and not the women helping members. On the other hand, for years the real estate department has helped members visiting the credit union.\n\nFor years employees complained to HR about an employee who was always getting her co-workers to clock her in and out which is fraud, but Rodger never did anything about it. Isn’t fraud illegal?\n\nRodger also got complaints that Charles and Aaron were sexually harassing employees, both women and men, but he ignored the complaints. Isn’t that illegal too? He got oral and written complaints but maybe because he was breaking policy, he chose to ignore the complaints.\n\nWiggington may not have the power he used to have but he’s still getting a paycheck isn’t he? What is that he exactly does if the COO is making the major decisions?\n\nThe new COO she is not saving money and she has already shown she only knows how to spend money not correct problems. What she’s doing is like buying a new pretty dress for a corpse.\n\nShe could have had all incoming calls channeled to all branches but she got this great idea that what Priority One needed was a call center. Well guess what, they are losing lots of calls each day.\n\nAnd the board and supervisory committee should have been removed by the DFI. They are a disgrace and disgusting. I am so sick of reading Cornelia Simmons message from the board that they reviewing what the credit union does and everything is okie dokie. What drugs is she taking? Retard.\n\nThe managers are not too bright and they think that by twisting everything around, they can blame everything on the employees. Aren’t they getting the big bucks to lead and do things right? This group of freaks is the real cause of all the problems at Priority but they will deny they are the cause because that would mean that they would have to answer questions. The problems at Priority began on 1-1-07 with Charles Wiggington and the unskilled, uneducated managers he put into power and who don’t seem to know the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, or a savings account and a checking account.\n\nJanuary 14, 2010 at 7:33 PM", "More closed doors today? What screw up plan are they hatching now? WiggleNutts said his door was always open. One of his biggest lies told over the years.\n\nJanuary 14, 2010 at 8:45 PM", "WiggleNuts !\nWiggleNuts !!\nWiggleNuts !!!\n\nFo shizzle mah WiggleNizzle!!!\n\nHang in there POCU employees.\n\nJanuary 14, 2010 at 8:53 PM", "The members have the power but they don't use it. As for the coo, she just doesn't seem like what the credit union needs. She's smarter then Wiggentard but she's not what the doctor ordered. When a patient is sick you don't give them poison.\n\nJanuary 14, 2010 at 9:10 PM", "January 14, 2010 at 9:42 PM", "Alex in collections listens to co-workers convrsations, lies about employees and admits she loves to gossip. She's another old hag P1 loser.\n\nJanuary 14, 2010 at 10:22 PM", "So if the collectons manager is overseeing so many things that are not collections, then how is she able to take care of dlinquencies?\n\nP1 sets aside more than $2.5 to cover dq's. That's a lot of money. I read their report, the dq's just keep getting higher. You can blame the economy for some of it but is collections really achieving what they must have told the cu they could do? BTW, how about comparing the dq ratio when Mike Lee ran collections with the dq now? And compare the % when Harris ran the place with what it is now. I bet the results would be shocking.\n\nJanuary 15, 2010 at 7:09 AM", "\" Anonymous said...Anna who used to work in mbr servs got so drunk she got butt naked in the pool. Great way to set an example.\"\n\nI would rather go blind than to see that.\nShe's another one who booked several bad loans 2002 or 2003. Kathy Stone(Branch Manager) and Ana Cervantes(assistant) worked at the Valencia office and they may have been the ones who started bringing the CU down with all the loans. I remember Wiggs talking about it in the lunch room to Mr. Smock over lunch. How Valencia was giving away hummers. I know Kathy was very involved in the community so my bet is on Ana.\nSomeone should look into that too. Ana had put in her resignation (I wonder why) and lucky for her she got into a car accident which removed the blame from her. I remember, it was the first year we didn't receive a bonus\n\nEveryone felt sorry for Ana but she was to blame for the accident too\n\nJanuary 15, 2010 at 7:38 AM", "Shouldn't members be demanding that the coo explain why she has spent more than $250,000 since 6/1/09 on things like the call center, priority pay and a bunch of things that have gone bust?\n\nJanuary 15, 2010 at 5:15 PM", "You can't even begin to imagine how many calls are lost by the call center. Not the fault of the call center staff but it is the fault of management who again thought that 4 people could pick up all the calls. I thought the coo used to manage a call center? Where and when because at p1 she's clueless.\n\nJanuary 15, 2010 at 7:14 PM", "Wiggington is bad. He took the credit union down the toilet but the new coo is finishing it off.\n\nJanuary 15, 2010 at 9:15 PM", "remember when Suzanne made us give her money to buy Wiggles the latest ipod.\n\nYou're so stupid Suzanne, my money had a a better use.\n\nGo back to your ebay on POCU time. You do nothing in Card Services, it's all bullcrap!\n\nJanuary 16, 2010 at 9:12 AM", "And I rmember when they gave Wiggington that ipod, Sylvia yelled out, \"You desrve it my president.\" What a kiss ass. By the way syliva do you still think he deserved it?\n\nWhat about Wiggington playing on his company computer, shopping for BMWs? Or he and Smock taking 2-3 hour lunches? And Bea and her bff yvonee buttie are also spending long lunches together. Its paying off for Yvonne who has that nice huge office and gets to oversee collections, call center and visa. I wonder what Bea would give me if I became her bff? A $5000 laptop I hope.\n\nJanuary 16, 2010 at 9:58 AM", "Remember when...\n\nMr. Harris would give us all chocolates for Valentines Day?\n\nHow about Wiggington, what did he ever give us?\n\nmore work, no raises, no bonuses, made us lie to members about \"being our first priority\".\n\nHe never appreciated anything we did.\n\nhe had to hire someone else to apologize for everything he did and continues to do.\nwhat POCU needs are people with degrees running this institution, not idiots.\n\nTake responsibility, LEAVE!\n\nLet your employees sleep at night\n\nJanuary 16, 2010 at 2:05 PM", "I thought the coo would bring change but she's robbing the cu and causing so much worry. Wigg should leave and help save jobs but he isn't man enough to do Wigg chose cavazos, Liz, Sylvia and Bea is choosing Yvonne and Joseph. I guess she's like Wigg choosing her bffs instead of ability.\n\nJanuary 16, 2010 at 4:26 PM", "What the hell is Bea doing? Its like she's out to finish what Charles started.\n\nJanuary 16, 2010 at 4:59 PM", "If a person reads some of the comments about Beatrice Walker they might think that people are just begin harsh and unfair but she really doesn't knwo what she's doing. She came to priority one in June 09 and has yet to make an actual plan that shows how she intends to help the credit union.\n\nWhat she is doing is spending lots of credit union money, taking ideas from places where she used to work, and calling her former co-workers, friends, and others in the industry to tell her what she should do. None of what she has done at priority one has come from studying their market and from that, deciding what members need.\n\nLook at the products she has introduced, not one has shown any potential for success. And that call center was an avoidable mistake. Just because she ran a call center doesn't mean priority one needed one.\n\nShe might think that making the credit union look pretty and putting her nice desk lamp on Wiggington's desk proves she knows what she's doing but all it proves is she can decorate.\n\nShe has no idea what products priority one's members need and she doesn't know how to get the credit union up and going again. She's chief operations officer which usually means more than knowing how to fire people.\n\nI would like to see her plan for the credit union. The board must have asked her for a proposal and how she hoped to achieve goals. That should have had how she planned to achieve these and by what dates. I bet you they never asked for a written plan and she doesn't have one. She ought to be named, Shoot fromt he Hip Walker because its just about pulling the trigger and hoping she'll hit something. At Universal, they were not happy with her and javing a degree has not made her any smarter or better than Wiggington who we all know was never competent.\n\nJanuary 16, 2010 at 7:59 PM", "Wiggs, got his degree from the university of Ghettoism. He majored in stupidness."], "url": "http://priorityonecu.blogspot.com/2009/12/what-does-future-hold.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 234, "original_width": 320, "width": 516}], "image_hashes": ["d6405b6bdd6694e93ef0a1cd865e1fd3595e25644f88ee01cda7f231b17060a8"], "__index_level_0__": 257, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cNX-AckwDMM/TV67GE15IxI/AAAAAAAAARE/Z5hnWjKbX1o/s320/1297624394244953.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XEejHK2kcs0/TV6-aCgTacI/AAAAAAAAARI/Rf9qFaFdbJQ/s320/1297973214171613.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9719476699829102}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://prohope11.blogspot.com/2011_02_13_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cNX-AckwDMM/TV67GE15IxI/AAAAAAAAARE/Z5hnWjKbX1o/s320/1297624394244953.jpg\", \"src\": 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This past month has been nothing but stress. I'm happy to announce that tomorrow I'm celebrating my quinceanera along with my family and friends. The anxiety is making me hungry but i will resist.  Hopefully after all of this ends, everything will turn back to normal and my life would finally be somewhat more stable. The whole situation with my boyfriend is all weird, i actually decided to bring it up yesterday in my appointment, I said that i think he's not taking me seriously anymore and its just not the same. What they told me was that i should go and tell him about it, that communication is the most important thing. So i will, soon. For now, I'm gonna focus on the most typical \"girl problems\", cutting my hair, dying my hair, buying new clothes, and losing some weight. Yes i know, I'm supposed to recover but fuck it, i want to feel happy, and if theres nothing else, I'm sticking with this.", null], "url": "http://prohope11.blogspot.com/2011_02_13_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 227, "original_width": 320, "width": 532}, {"height": 399, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 303, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["58413f405338d7f74f01e06c926e2144cf413f773ad11c154b565ff298c001a5", "ff5e1004736b0290417377866d225a8cdaef7cfb9fd91b02ca11355fa37f39de"], "__index_level_0__": 258, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SQ0jIJ7B-rY/UrOCB7geArI/AAAAAAAACyw/uOeFpxj9q8M/s1600/Blackfish.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-IRZWGPjFbnE/UrODWhHqhaI/AAAAAAAACy8/3RdGKmkSSTA/s1600/Vegucated.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-blvEV-I9pIk/UrOEc8M7DQI/AAAAAAAACzI/OvY6LQjX8Lg/s1600/Cancer.png", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bqwabD8zrtU/UrOFBsG2sYI/AAAAAAAACzQ/yTR4odFPMQ4/s1600/Ghosts.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.958833634853363}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/12/docu-love.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-twitter_04.png\", \"src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-twitter_04.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ps twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/12/docu-love.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-pinterest_05.png\", \"src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-pinterest_05.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ps pinterest\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/12/docu-love.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-insta_06.png\", \"src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-insta_06.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ps insta\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/12/docu-love.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SQ0jIJ7B-rY/UrOCB7geArI/AAAAAAAACyw/uOeFpxj9q8M/s1600/Blackfish.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SQ0jIJ7B-rY/UrOCB7geArI/AAAAAAAACyw/uOeFpxj9q8M/s1600/Blackfish.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Blackfish\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/12/docu-love.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-IRZWGPjFbnE/UrODWhHqhaI/AAAAAAAACy8/3RdGKmkSSTA/s1600/Vegucated.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-IRZWGPjFbnE/UrODWhHqhaI/AAAAAAAACy8/3RdGKmkSSTA/s1600/Vegucated.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Vegucated\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/12/docu-love.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-blvEV-I9pIk/UrOEc8M7DQI/AAAAAAAACzI/OvY6LQjX8Lg/s1600/Cancer.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-blvEV-I9pIk/UrOEc8M7DQI/AAAAAAAACzI/OvY6LQjX8Lg/s1600/Cancer.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Cancer\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/12/docu-love.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bqwabD8zrtU/UrOFBsG2sYI/AAAAAAAACzQ/yTR4odFPMQ4/s1600/Ghosts.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-bqwabD8zrtU/UrOFBsG2sYI/AAAAAAAACzQ/yTR4odFPMQ4/s1600/Ghosts.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ghosts\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["It's absolutely not a secret that I love a good documentary. I love learning more about my world and the things/beings in it. My documentary preferences lean toward the food and animal treatment realm but I love finding a wonderful doc that sucks me in. Recently a friend posted this link to a Buzzfeed round-up of documentaries that are bound to make you cry. I plan to tackle a few of these (over time...if I watch them all in a day I'll never leave my house again).\nA few of my recent favorite docs?", null, "This movie is wildly talked about and it absolutely gutted me. \"When you look into their eyes, you know somebody is home.\" Ugh, I died. I've researched confinement and captivity for large animals before (hey, crazy animal person) and I still felt shaken after watching. When I was a kid it was my absolute dream to be a whale and dolphin trainer (like every other first grader, right?). So good, educational, and worth the watch. As a lover of the ocean and the big creatures under the surface, this doc is so important to me.", null, "I dream of one day committing to a completely vegan lifestyle. As a looooong time vegetarian I so appreciated this film and subject matter. It's important for people to realize they don't have to completely commit to veganism, they can omit just some animal products and that's still progress.", null, "Crazy Sexy Cancer.\nCancer is near and dear to me and this documentary is like soul food. I don't keep it a secret that I worship at the alter of Kris Carr. I adore her and her outlook on life, eating well, and being kind. If you've never watched this, I totally recommend it (I watched it twice in one day!). Even if cancer has never impacted your life personally, it's such great information and Kris is just the best.\nAnd one I haven't seen?", null, "I also recently heard about The Ghosts in Our Machine and can't wait to watch it. Again, a huge animal rights supporter, I think people SHOULD educate themselves on how product creation is related to animal welfare.\nWhat are your favorite documentaries?\nXO Sarah at 7:00 AM", "Falls Under: Movies\n\nYou look so pretty today."], "url": "http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/12/docu-love.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 559, "original_height": 317, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}, {"height": 559, "original_height": 317, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}, {"height": 529, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 190, "width": 378}, {"height": 559, "original_height": 317, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["490da9685186c47c2699b81cdddc73fa8e9c76b770d4a7e9d5288516ed2dd2d6", "4a47733f176dfd8aaabb57a73a28d7e5444b5227f465ceed52211e94eee48b69", "74cf3739374fca3d7a7b768f7531a7ce0d11cabe4ab96be920d47943783a7682", "1127d1c24e0c40349a9cafdf0da60aa8e1e1ce7661861a4ac37498d3a4f6968a"], "__index_level_0__": 259, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://i642.photobucket.com/albums/uu145/xredfox/green_paper444444444444.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0OtlMM8LHLI/U9p1bIJdPmI/AAAAAAAAAHs/f8mpRN91sPA/s1600/CounterfeitFatherFrontCover.jpg", null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__XHxlEgWISo/S__zvs2fnMI/AAAAAAAAACM/rttU-BXVpYw/S248/9780615319148_frontcover.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9100533127784728}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pvlundqvist.blogspot.com/2009/11/go-green-but-what-shade.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i642.photobucket.com/albums/uu145/xredfox/green_paper444444444444.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i642.photobucket.com/albums/uu145/xredfox/green_paper444444444444.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green paper\", \"alt_text\": \"s\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pvlundqvist.blogspot.com/2009/11/go-green-but-what-shade.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab269/yummyjoshcakes56/green.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i870.photobucket.com/albums/ab269/yummyjoshcakes56/green.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pvlundqvist.blogspot.com/2009/11/go-green-but-what-shade.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pvlundqvist.blogspot.com/2009/11/go-green-but-what-shade.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0OtlMM8LHLI/U9p1bIJdPmI/AAAAAAAAAHs/f8mpRN91sPA/s1600/CounterfeitFatherFrontCover.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0OtlMM8LHLI/U9p1bIJdPmI/AAAAAAAAAHs/f8mpRN91sPA/s1600/CounterfeitFatherFrontCover.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"CounterfeitFatherFrontCover\", \"alt_text\": \"The Counterfeit Father\", \"rendered_width\": 210, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pvlundqvist.blogspot.com/2009/11/go-green-but-what-shade.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__XHxlEgWISo/S__zvs2fnMI/AAAAAAAAACM/rttU-BXVpYw/S248/9780615319148_frontcover.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__XHxlEgWISo/S__zvs2fnMI/AAAAAAAAACM/rttU-BXVpYw/S248/9780615319148_frontcover.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"frontcover\", \"alt_text\": \"Not Just For Breakfast Anymore\", \"rendered_width\": 160, \"rendered_height\": 248}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I’ve been obsessing about green. As in which color green for my book cover? There’s this real trendy green, you see it everywhere. Magazines, candy wrappers, web pages, race cars...", "Even rock groups.\n\nIf a book is green, chances are it is this green. So when my thirteen-year-old daughter asked me what color to paint her room, I suggested:", null, "She loved it! I told her that was the color I was thinking for the cover of my book.\n\nShe: Isn’t yours about a boy who tries out for baseball?\n\nMe: Yes.\n\nShe: What about grass-green?", "Even better.\nPosted by PV Lundqvist at 7:49 PM", "Labels: book cover, father daughter, green", "What would happen...", "My Real Life Cast of Characters\n\nClick Here.", "New Book News", "The Counterfeit Father", null, "Comes out October 6th!", "Reviews are in for...The Counterfeit Father", "Not Just For Breakfast Anymore", null, "What the Critics are saying about...\n\nNot Just for Breakfast Anymore", "Stop by the Book Oasis!\n\nSay hello to Deb and Dan for me."], "url": "http://pvlundqvist.blogspot.com/2009/11/go-green-but-what-shade.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 450, "original_width": 500, "width": 420}, {"height": 576, "original_height": 800, "original_width": 525, "width": 378}, {"height": 585, "original_height": 248, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["40520a34a0ddc15c2170297111fc81693cabe5d4b29589ca28697b4d0721ce66", "0a412d3989b26e6cee98f03b376028b2f200a3c0e8e7fd0ed17d503f558c6702", "db75b89b9f4143169b5fcdb16d3fd4ac34d052b1eb15a2db4c08f9867d1ac900"], "__index_level_0__": 260, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://ec2.images-amazon.com/images/P/0375760903.01._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_V1097518490_.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9573476314544678}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rana-reading.blogspot.com/2006/12/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:ECiu1-KK4Z2-6M:http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0062512021.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:ECiu1-KK4Z2-6M:http://images.amazon.com/images/P/0062512021.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rana-reading.blogspot.com/2006/12/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://ec2.images-amazon.com/images/P/0375760903.01._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_V1097518490_.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://ec2.images-amazon.com/images/P/0375760903.01._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_V1097518490_.jpg\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rana-reading.blogspot.com/2006/12/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2151/1126/200/fuji04%21.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2151/1126/200/fuji04%21.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fuji\", \"alt_text\": \"My Photo\", \"rendered_width\": 79, \"rendered_height\": 58}, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, December 23, 2006\n\nThe Knitting Sutra: Craft as a Spiritual Practice", "Susan G. Lydon\n\nBlaarrgh. Plenty of gazing into a navel filled with yarn lint in this one. I thought it would have potential, but it wound up just irritating me. Not least because the author cannot seem to settle on one spiritual tradition, but instead offers up a Reader's Digest abridged version of maybe seven different spiritual worldviews and doesn't convince me that she has any commitment or depth of understanding of any of them. Then why bring them up? talk about how knitting brought you through a rough patch, fine, and how you grew through concentration on your craft -- the new agey sampler is hardly necessary.\n\nShe certainly is a master knitter, but a spiritual dilettante. Don't know why that bothered me so much, but it did. Seemed to confirm the old saw that the more you say about something, the less you really know.\n\nposted by katefear @ 3:53 PM  0 comments", "The Coffee Trader", null, "by David Liss\n\nPicked this up off the new fiction shelf at the library, um, 'cause I like coffee. And I'd gotten behind in reading fiction, when I'd pledged to read a novel a month.\n\nReally intricate plot on this with lots of crossing and double-crossing. About a Portugese Jewish commodities trader in 17th century Amsterdam and how his fortunes rise and fall (and rise again). Made the stock market sound more interesting than I ever thought it could. It yanks a happy ending out from under you, though. You think everything is going to work out for the protagonist, and it turns out to be a hollow victory. Some wouldn't mind; victory is victory after all, but you just know that the circumstances are going to eat away at our hero and he'll end up hating himself. Left kind of a bitter taste -- a too dark roast perhaps."], "url": "http://rana-reading.blogspot.com/2006/12/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ec99171ceabb6cabf369c5919628f1531ae340049ca7bdeb113cd9351afef95e"], "__index_level_0__": 261, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://i73.fastpic.ru/big/2015/1123/94/852b6204a992cfc46b86f45c77b56f94.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.905250608921051}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rapidshare76.blogspot.com/2017/02/neurosolutions-710-pro-student.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i73.fastpic.ru/big/2015/1123/94/852b6204a992cfc46b86f45c77b56f94.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i73.fastpic.ru/big/2015/1123/94/852b6204a992cfc46b86f45c77b56f94.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b a cfc b f c b f\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "NeuroSolutions 7.1.0 Pro / Student | 126.6 MB\n\nNeuroSolutions is an easy-to-use neural network software package for Windows. It combines a modular, icon-based network design interface with an implementation of advanced artificial intelligence and learning algorithms using intuitive wizards or an easy-to-use Excel™ interface. Perform cluster analysis, sales forecasting, sports predictions, medical classification, and much more with NeuroSolutions.\n\nA neural network is an ever expanding and interdisciplinary field bringing together several other scientific circles and researchers, such as mathematicians, physicists, neurobiologists, brain scientists, engineers, and computer scientists. The neural network theory started with the discovery of the cellular organization of the brain, and it has been an ever growing challenge to transmute it to the field of computer science.\n\nNeuroSolutions is a powerful tool that dwells in the fields of neural networks, allowing you to perform a wide range of data cluster analysis, ranging from sales forecasting, sports predictions or medical classification. The program properly works with Microsoft Excel installed on your computer.\n\nComplex neural network trainer\n-The application allows you to create neural networks, by training them using information collected from your spreadsheets.\n-Although based on long and complicated mathematical equations, neural networks are presented by the application in a comprehensive and easy to understand way.\n\nHandy problem solver that relies on neural networks\n-NeuroSolutions provides several approaches when creating neural networks. The initial step consists in training the network on your data, so that any predictions or classifications will have a reliable basis. Testing the network for accuracy is another important step, in order to make sure that the trained neural network works as expected.\n-The final step and test for a neural network is done by introducing new data and expecting it to make predictions and classifications, which should be pretty accurate, in case that previous tests were consistent.\n\nAn overall powerful neural network analysis tool\n-To conclude, NeuroSolutions provides researchers or people interested in neural network theory with a reliable tool for analyzing their data clusters. Although the application may seem complicated to those with no knowledge in neural networks theory, the reality is different, as the program provides useful tips and indications at every step."], "url": "http://rapidshare76.blogspot.com/2017/02/neurosolutions-710-pro-student.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 343, "original_width": 400, "width": 440}], "image_hashes": ["4cad22e94f9607b16bbdb31ee6e2f722d8b8d3f12c0e02cdb5c8c3304d2abe02"], "__index_level_0__": 262, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://i.ndtvimg.com/i/2016-11/gays-generic_650x400_41479577384.jpg", null, "http://img.youtube.com/vi/8zQP2vycQkg/0.jpg", "http://i.imgur.com/nnbapgu.jpg", "https://i.redd.it/khmhzaupqity.jpg", "https://i.redd.it/nggndhn0l3wy.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.97812420129776}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rebrn.com/re/state-dept-is-working-to-id-erdogan-bodyguards-who-beat-up-prote-3268963/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.ndtvimg.com/i/2016-11/gays-generic_650x400_41479577384.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.ndtvimg.com/i/2016-11/gays-generic_650x400_41479577384.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gays generic\", \"alt_text\": \"Lebanon Launches Arab World's First Gay Pride Week\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rebrn.com/re/state-dept-is-working-to-id-erdogan-bodyguards-who-beat-up-prote-3268963/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/img/re_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://rebrn.com/img/re_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"re thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Ladies, do you like feeling (your partner's) erect penis against you?\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rebrn.com/re/state-dept-is-working-to-id-erdogan-bodyguards-who-beat-up-prote-3268963/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img.youtube.com/vi/lyWv8htKsSc/0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img.youtube.com/vi/lyWv8htKsSc/0.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"KIDS REACT TO PORN\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rebrn.com/re/state-dept-is-working-to-id-erdogan-bodyguards-who-beat-up-prote-3268963/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img.youtube.com/vi/8zQP2vycQkg/0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img.youtube.com/vi/8zQP2vycQkg/0.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Child jokingly sits in a public trash can, not realizing the bottom opens to dispose of contents underground when the lid closes. 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What will actually be done about this is the real question.\n\nShould be charged with assault. At the very least never to return to the states.\n\nThat video is crazy. It's like an agent fight from The Matrix.\n\nThey should have been arrested at the scene and taken to jail for a few hours. It would be a minor punishment but it far more than what they will get now.", null, "Lebanon Launches Arab World's First Gay Pride Week\n\nAny country would be silly to not ban them at this point. Every one of their passports should be red-flagged worldwide. Keep those hired goons in their own hellscape of a country.\n\nImagine if Trump was visiting Turkey and the Secret Service went out on the street and acted like this? The Turks would consider it an act of war. But this story is barely getting coverage in the US. Unbelievable.\n\nFun fact, when Erdogan sent his troops to The Netherlands the mayor of rotterdam told the special forces to be ready to shoot, they assumed bodyguards were armed and there was a big possibility that it would have ended in a shoot off between Dutch police/special forces and Turkish bodyguards.\n\nHere's a video of it , you can hear Fatma Betül Kaya(AKP) yelling cause she has to go back in the car and going to be escorted out of The Netherlands.\n\nI'd imagine those guys were on the first plane out of DC this morning.\n\nAuthoritarian rule, not just religious\n\nSounds like it's time for bigger protests outside the Turkish embassy every day.\n\nand I imagine the state department knew full well who they were (from the video) and just let them leave .....\n\nWhat the actual fuck dude\n\nLol good one\n\nThat camera work though! On point!\n\nFunny... a similar thing turkey pulled in The Netherlands a few months ago. The world should have learned at that point already...\n\nI wish they would just say \"they assaulted us citizens\" instead of \"they assaulted armenian and kurdish protesters\". It makes a big difference in impact.\n\nThis is like one of the small incidents in a Wikipedia article that serve as a precursor to a large and long term political conflict.\n\nGood thing Turkey is showing us exactly how things go under Islamic rule so we can all wake the fuck up, right?\n\nSorry, all of Turkey's police forces are busy rounding up political opponents and academics to do anything else.\n\nYeah how are you gonna even arrest them now? Aren't they all back in Turkey by this point?\n\nHow the Netherlands deals with Turkish bodyguards\n\nThat dude that kicked the man in the head while he was laying on the ground... he needs to get some Texas justice.\n\nTurkey is an INTERPOL state. I dunno if they would use them to extradite these guys for this, but who knows.\n\nThe State Department said in a statement that it is communicating its concern to the Turkish government “in the strongest possible terms.”\n\nThat'll teach 'em.\n\nReligious rule, not just Islamic.\n\nOr the three guys stomping on a woman who fell down and wasn't even fighting.\n\nThis looks like Erdoğan sending a message to his followers back home: \"Look what I'm able to get away with in the USA\"\n\nThese bodyguards don't get full diplomatic immunity, and may be arrested and prosecuted.\n\nAs would seem to be common sense, diplomatic immunity is there to protect diplomats/leaders from being arrested/harassed for doing their jobs. It's not there to allow an entourage as big as you like to go on a crime spree.\n\nIf it wasnt dudes in suits\n\nIt's not the suits, it's the fact that they're the security for a foreign diplomat. You really think the cops thought for a moment that they were going to start attacking protestors? It's unprecedented and a week ago it was unthinkable. Once it broke out they did jump in to separate and stop further violence. I doubt any of them knew what the protocol was for dealing with hostile foreign security forces who are (probably?) armed. The term \"international incident\" exists for a reason.\n\nI'll get downvoted since the hivemind consensus is the cops should have arrested them all on the spot, but reality is more nuanced than Reddit armchair quaterbacking.\n\nThey also did it last year under Obama: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/03/31/turkeys-erdogan-came-to-washington-a...\n\nEdit: it wasn't as bad but it shows a pattern not due to Trump.\n\nAlso, the press should hammer this hard. It will either defend our rights as citizens and look good for the press and humble Erdogans goons or it will make look Trump look bad by ignoring it. It's a win-win for citizens and the press.\n\nSome insane level of camera stabilisation going on there. It looked surreal.\n\nNice to see the police arresting a protester while shooing away the foreigners that are beating the shit out of the peaceful protesting American citizens on American soil. 2017, folks.\n\nWhy hasn't this been broadcasted on every news outlet? Where's Foxs News and CNN outrage? Why are these officials still in our country? Why haven't we expelled them???? Why aren't there people marching in the streets?\n\nFuck that.. the cops shouldn't of been pussies, been REAL AMERICANS, and pulled out their service weapons. I would've loved to have seen what would happen next.\n\nTurkey officials shooting American Police after beating American citizens on American soil?\n\nFucking act of war.\n\nNext time this fucker comes to washington I'm going to washington to protest and if his guards attack I'm giving them a pepsi. if you know what I mean.\n\nBut this story is barely getting coverage in the US.\n\nI can't verify this in regards to TV media, but it's all over the internet.\n\nHe's a Redditor. He's been waiting for this moment, for all his life.\n\nI'm still laughing over this story. I love how Erdogan called us fascists because we didn't allow sobering over political reasons. Then they proceed to do whatever they were doing, we escort them, they threaten us, to not be heard from in months. Bunch of idiots...\n\nAlso, I was excited this happened close to where I live for once.\n\nThat's actually pretty good punishment. It makes you useless for a lot of diplomatic duty as you have to worry that any country that has extradition with the US could just pick them up at any time. It's almost worst than putting them in jail as they might just loose their jobs over it.\n\n\"Beat up\" completely underplays aggravated assault.\n\nI am not a lawyer\n\nOmg me too man, I'm fuming, how can the cops stand there and allow that and just push them away when they're fucking KICKING THEM IN THE FACE, ARREST THEM YOU MOTHER FUCKERS. You got no problem beating BLM protesters and shit but you can't fucking beat up foreign scum bags coming into our country and attacking protestors!??\n\nThat shit really boiled my blood. Those pieces of shit deserved their skulls cracked for that.\n\nExcept the state dept is very undermanned at the moment\n\nThey absolutely knew. I'm in agreement. One would do as much research as possible with regards to the members of someone like his immediate entourage. Including knowing exactly who showed their passport to enter.\n\nI like how the Dutch cops are decked out in full SWAT regalia, but are still wearing stylish shoes.\n\nI can't speak to TV but the New York Times and the Washington Post both had it on their front page of their sites last I checked. That's certainly coverage.\n\nThis is a whole other level than last year, while still unacceptable, last year it was verbal threats and one guy got kicked. This is something way more extreme.\n\nEdit: Spelling.\n\nThis is EXACTLY his intent. He is a lot of things but the guy isnt stupid. I bet he had a pretty smug look on his face when he met with Trump. America is so weak right now...\n\nExactly. The Nazis and soviets actively persecuted some/all religions and yet similar (and worse) atrocities occurred to peaceful protesters.\n\nWe need only look at the atrocities carried out during Euromaidan and under various South American + African governments to see that it can happen under Christianity, it can happen under secularism and it can happen under Islam. The real problem is, and always will be, when leaders mold these religions and non-religions to meet their own desire for power.\n\nEdit: \"religions\" + \"some/all\" + sources to clear up the meaning of my rambling.\n\nI would hope the police in the D.C. area are educated on the intricacies of diplomatic immunity. If not, someone needs to start immediately.\n\nA Washington cop wacked one of the Turkish bodyguards, it was so nice to see the protesters being protected and literally nothing the bodyguard could do back.\n\nThere needs to be punishment but something tells me the White House will overrule any suggestions from the State Department. It's not the first time the Turks have done this.\n\nYea, we call them the police.\n\nThey should hold these meetings in Texas next time. So someone can introduce Erdogan's bodyguards' diplomatic immunity to our second amendment rights.\n\nDC police probably have pretty strict instructions on how they can interact with foreign dignitaries and their security. Given the nature of diplomatic immunity (which they do have in a limited form if they are on diplomatic visas, which they almost certainly are), the handling of incidents like this almost always defaults to stop incident, sort out later.\n\nThis sort of shit goes way above a street officer's pay grade. You can see them try to stop the violence without escalating it too much. A couple baton whacks, some shoving and pulling, etc. It's now the State Department's job to figure out who did what and what the punishment is going to be.\n\nAnd before some goofball suggests they could have shot them, remember that all those suit-goons have guns, and starting a gunfight in a public area is about the dumbest possible thing you could do, since it wouldn't be clear to anyone who was shooting at who, and then bystanders and cops and anyone else in the area is getting shot.\n\nThey could at least issue a warrant. And not pursue it unless they come back.\n\nWhy didn't the cops arrest them? I'm sorry. If you're a cop, and you witness a brutal crime happen right in front of your eyes. While you are on duty. And you do nothing, you should be fired.\n\nThat's nice to say and all, but it's definitely not happening. Security down there is already twice as high today, and there was only one protestor out there.\n\nAuthoritarians aren't historically interested in truth, so one method they've always used to maintain their power is to dispense (many) contradictory claims in the hopes that all possible explanations are trivialized such that the truth inevitably among those claims, no longer matters. That's how a dictator like Erdogan can use fascist! as a dirty word (claim 1), while also saying maybe fascism isn't so bad (claim 2), as he choke-holds his country. The end goal is confusion, not truth.\n\nSide note: Does that remind you of anyone? Maybe a particular American under investigation for colluding with an authoritarian power?\n\nActually, IIRC it's not just aggravated assault, it's attempted murder, because there were several instances in which the bodyguards were stomping on and kicking the victims' heads, while the victims were offering no resistance other than trying to cover their faces.\n\nWhy is it when a college has a protest, we see riot police in full gear, but here we only see some base level police?\n\nedit: if protesters had acted out and hurt Turkish employees, Turkey would be pissed. There's no sense why a stronger police force wasn't put there to ensure both sides stayed peaceful, considering Erdogan was in the US talking to Trump at the time. That wouldn't look good on the US\n\nprobably as new crew for United?\n\nWhat, and why? I'm confused\n\nThey should never have been allowed to leave.\n\n\"I know you can't see us right now, but we are waving our fingers VERY STERNLY in disapproval!!!\"\n\nIIRC these guys are on \"alway ready.\" They bring the necesarry items (body armor, helmet, weapons and communication devices) always with them. Would't surprise me that 90% of those men were called not even 20 minutes before the happening which probably explains the variety of clothings.\n\nIt was and has been rough for me since then. There are probably 4 or 5 things that still bother me from that deployment but working on those children with gun shot wounds when they're only 5-10 years old still gets to me. One of the young girls that I thought wouldn't make it ended up by miracle pulling through but when I think about I know she's just going back to the shit hole where she was. I don't call this a shit hole for any other reason but because it's a shit hole. Not because it's the Middle East or because it's a \"Muslim country\". After Afghanistan I honestly had in my head what I thought Muslim people were only based on Afghanistan and the extreme and really poor people that live there. Luckily I got the chance to do civilian contracting other places in the Middle East and met some truly amazing people that were so kind and I wouldn't trade for anything. It def changed my view on who Muslim people were. I'm pretty thankful to have many friends that I talk to daily.\n\nEdit - I did mean to talk more about this but one of my friends came to my house on a dirt bike and I can't pass up taking a dirt bike for a spin.\n\nThe situation in Afghanistan is very complex and not everyone there believes in the extremism of religion and there are good people there but I always found it difficult to trust those people because they can easily be swayed with any money because they're so poor or because it's all in their backyard they can easily be threatened or extorted by kidnapping. They believe in the Holy Quran and of course it's written in Arabic which they don't speak or read, most people can only speak their language let alone write it out. A lot of their religious teaching is by word of mouth. If you can teach young impressionable men to hate westerners especially when we are in their country and at this point they have no idea what 9/11 even is, it's not a stretch to see how they could be taught to follow extremists. This is in no way everyone of the locals there because they are oppressed from groups like that as well. But you could imagine how I would feel about this group of people after hitting IED's in vehicles, them going off on foot patrol, and getting shot at even more often. I honestly hated these people with all of my heart. After losing 23 men that a good amount of them were family to me I think anyone could understand. But like I said after spending time in countries in the ME and also others that surround it I can honestly say that it's not fair the way Muslims are treated and this is coming from someone with first hand experience that would have a reason to hate a certain people no matter how stupid that always is. It's just like any group of people, they shouldn't be judge on the loud minority. Like I said above, I've had the privilege to learn about Islam personally even though I don't follow it myself and have also had the chance to see the kindness and selflessness that true, real, actual Muslims are. There are still a lot of cultural differences of course and having a government set laws based off religion isn't correct in my personal opinion. I didn't mean to write a book but it all just kind of came out which is surprising because I don't speak on it a whole lot. But maybe one of those people out there that hate Muslims just because they are the \"enemy\" or \"different\" from us will read this and try to educate themselves more. You can hate certain parts of the religion that followed heavily by certain countries but I just wanted to make a point to say that not everyone, and not even most are like that. I would hate to be a Christian and have the world treat my religion as if it was all from the Westboro Baptist Church.\n\nEdit - Thank you for the gold, I didn't mean for the story book size msg on here and it just kind of happened. But thank you to everyone who took the time to read. It's very appreciated and I hope this makes some think about things enough to educate themselves about how people around the world aren't all evil and not a lot different from themselves.\n\nHow hard could it be? Honestly?\n\nI could be identified and charged within 2 hours if I had done something like this off camera, meanwhile these guys are registered employees and are on camera.\n\nI don't get what is so difficult.\n\nHe could feel it coming in the air that night, oh lord\n\nI think its in regards to the fact that the story first broke in the UK, with the guardian and bbc.\n\nI just want to say as devils advocate this may not be that easy. I went to highschool overseas and was friends with a few kids who's parents ranged from low on the totem pole to a couple who's fathers were the ambassadors for their respective nations, the diplomatic immunity was well understood by those who were involved in it constantly but I can see the cops not being 100% sure on this. Or on the flip side being concerned about getting royally ass chewed/disciplined if they arrested the guys.\n\nIm not defending the bodyguards but i feel for the cops here. And again devils advocate view point, i do agree they should've arrested the guards on the spot.\n\nOk so lots of responses to this are \"fuck that kill em\" or \"police should still stop it/arrest them/ do their jobs\" type comments. Again i agree the police shpikd have stepped in, however it is an incredibly touchy situation and in an enviroment like DC many things are at play and many things can happen from an officer simply stepping in. I dont know about anyone else but personally i dont know the politics or situation of the relationship with turkey and as such can only hope this is sorted out properly in the end. And im not gonna reply to the previously mentioned comments.\n\nI'm surprised Republicans aren't freaking out. Sunni Muslims from a foreign land battered and nearly killed Christian Armenian-American citizens just a few blocks down the street from the White House and our president didn't even say anything.\n\nThose cops are fucking worthless. Oh you in the suit! Stop kicking that dude on the ground in the face! Now get over there. If it wasnt dudes in suits and were thugs or our normal flavor protesters, there would have been two or three dozen arrests.\n\nThe news using its typical weasel words in order to diffuse and play down a terrible situation. On par really.\n\nIt's actually the Secret Service. They were set up all over Sheridan Circle.\n\nThere was an undercover cop as well, but he parked in a restricted zone by the Irish Embassy and got towed, haha.\n\nIs \"giving them a pepsi\" now part of the lexicon? It really should be.\n\nThis is DC. They're used to it. If they broke out the riot gear every time a dozen people gathered with megaphones, they'd never put it away.\n\nThat is an awesome picture!\n\nOther sources have noted that at least one of the bodyguards is the Cousin of the Dear Leader, the reincarnation of Atatürk, Lord Erdogan, may he live forever.\n\n(I don't want to catch a beatin')\n\nThere is, literally, no chance the State Department didn't already know who he is.\n\nJesus Christ, I consider myself a peaceful person, but I want to go beat the shit out of some mustached assholes now. I don't even care if I would get my shit kicked in, I want to FIGHT.\n\nLooks like the cops behaved very well, though. Nice change of pace there.\n\nYeah, I'm pretty sure there's a thing in diplomatic immunity where if you start punting people's heads while they are laying down on the ground defenseless, you lose it. A general rule of thumb might be \"don't do anything that isn't even legal in a cage fight\"\n\nEdit: A lot of you are pointing out that this is a legal move in cage fighting outside of the UFC. I would like to point out that anyone who engages in those activities goes into the ring thinking \"I might get my face kicked in\", and officials in those sports should put a stop to a fight once someone is kicked in the face like that once.\n\nThat is a much different situation than being kicked in the face by someone wearing shoes at a protest.\n\nI think the Capitol Police were confused as to what to do as they knew that Erdowan's guards were part of a foreign government.\n\n\"you know better\"\n\nactually, that's the problem, they think they're justified\n\nHoly shit. I saw a pic or two but that's brutal. Bodyguards from some shitty middle eastern country kicking the shit out of Americans on our own soil....\n\nA lot of americans are armed and untrained.\n\nThis is the CNN coverage: http://www.cnn.com/2017/05/17/politics/turkey-erdogan-incident/index.html\n\nThey completely edited the video to not show any of the violence.\n\nI'm not sure I've ever seen a riot before where I was rooting for the police.\n\nSeriously though, it reminds me of the church fight scene from Kingsman where everybody is beating the shit out of each other.\n\nNow that is how to properly speak American.\n\nlast year it was verbal threats and one guy got kicked\n\nMy brothers were \"identified\" when they were skateboarding at a federal building 15 years ago. The FBI or CIA showed up at their fucking door the next morning asking them why they were there.\n\nYeah, they know who exactly the guys are. Saying they're \"working to identify\" them is fucking bullshit. They are basically saying they're not going to do anything, or are still figuring out how to respond.\n\nGood luck extraditing them to the US.\n\nfunny thing the only guy who got handcuffed is the one that got attacked first. Not to mention 2 women getting kicked by 5 guys Oo\n\nFor all the shit Trump gave HRC and Obama concerning appeasing Muslim leaders, Trump sure is kowtowing to their interests. He might be arming the Kurds but he was awfully conciliatory to Erdogan after he rigged an election to be sultan.\n\nInviting the Sunni dictator of Turkey over, a man who imprisons tens of thousands for just daring to hint at defiance of his reign, and allowing his thugs to beat up peaceful protesters on American soil is beyond shameful.\n\nIf I were in the State Dept I'd be apoplectic.\n\nI know Trump has bigger things to worry about (lol) at the moment, but I can picture him secretly and smugly admiring such violence.\n\nBut Erdogan should be told to fuck off and everyone on his detail should have to be whitelisted and carefully documented and if any such incidents occur they should be arrested on the spot (barring immunity lest they can be stripped of it) or barred from the United States for life. I'd hold the Dictator accountable as I'm sure his head of security approves of such tactics and Erdogan likely acquiesces.\n\nI'm extremely angry that more pols haven't spoken out against Erdogan, former ISIS BFF and madman, and the actions his posse take on American soil. They did similar things last time he was here as well and drone on about FETO, PKK, NAZIS, etc.\n\nLunatics...the lot.\n\nBut they wouldn't be able to leave the country anymore because other foreign law enforcement could pick them up.\n\nin summary: The Netherlands has about 1000x more balls than the US in dealing with Erdogan's thugs.\n\nI don't typically defend cops, but they were doing everything they could to separate the two groups and hit / shoved the Turkish bodyguards multiple times, it wasn't just one cop either. It's edgy to hate cops, I know.. but maybe, just look at the video again with unbiased vision:\n\nYou could tell they were just trying their hardest to de-escalate a situation in which they knew they were horrendously outnumbered and (it sounds like) outgunned.\n\nIf you have guys so aggressive they are kicking the shit out of people on the ground you have no guarantee they wouldn't shoot a cop in the heat of the moment.\n\nWell that guy was one of three who were STOMPING on two women who had fallen to sidewalk. That video is nuts. The Turks just bummed rushed (ostensibly after they saw someone on they're team engaged in a physical altercation), but they just straight up free for all'd anyone in their path. Didn't matter if it was a woman lying on the ground or some dude running away.\n\nWho would want to apply for an important sensitive job in this administration\n\nI would. Getting a job at the State Department is very difficult. Many positions don't change from administration to administration, so applying now may be the best shot for a lot of people. Many positions are also inherently apolitical. Getting your foot in is the hardest part.\n\nIs this real life? Is this America? Please tell me everything since last November is a bad dream.\n\nNo for real, is this actually happening in our country in 2017?", null, null, null, null], "url": "http://rebrn.com/re/state-dept-is-working-to-id-erdogan-bodyguards-who-beat-up-prote-3268963/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 650, "width": 614}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 480, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 505, "original_width": 850, "width": 636}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 448, "original_width": 596, "width": 502}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 2268, "original_width": 4032, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["548d739e72985cedfe974fb5608553419f0f628026e86378c5f195f76c33244c", "19fadf6a3cf645324b0c040537ce0a9c4936e93bcbc4f7b9ede1971603565456", "f6a7913d865abb987db1ae714d41ecb133aec338f95d0b3f9f92d6118347dbc2", "cbf677dc65fcfc3ab25507fbd31ef7329164e5e3fb4983a1d8e06609e51ec3e9", 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everyone else, get my workout in and make sure that i'm home in time to make breakfast, pack lunches and see kids onto their respective buses.\n\nwhat you need to know is that i'm not naturally a morning person - although i have always enjoyed the times that i've gotten up early in the morning for whatever reason, for most of my life i have been a nighthawk.  and who needs a snooze button?  i just used to set my alarm for as late as reasonably possible.\n\nnot anymore.  now being out on the roads when day breaks is a regular part of my routine - and my body has gotten used to waking up somewhere between 5:00 and 5:25am on its own, alarm clock or not.\n\nsome of you are cringing right now.", "i've had many a conversation with runners who wish they could be up and at 'em before dawn but have no idea how to go about it.  well, this is my own feeble attempt at explaining some of the keys that have made it possible for me to transition from a late-nighter to an early riser..\nhow about you?  does the morning running thing work for you?  if so, what tips would you have to share?  teach us all something in comments below!", "Posted by Patrick Voo at 4:47 PM", "4 comments: Labels: morning runner, nuts and bolts, sleep, training\n\n05 January 2016\n\nrace report - 2016 CANIrunning Snowflake Series Race 3 (10k) ... and what's in store for the next 366 days\n\nit was january 1, 2016 ... and my clock radio woke me up playing neil young's \"long may you run\".\n\nnow if that isn't a way to start a new year i don't know what is.\n\nas in the previous two years i planned to kick-off another new calendar year with the CANIRunning Snowflake Series 10k.  by situating this race on the schedule it has done two important things for me:\nthis year a few of my friends from the RunNinjas also registered to run the 10k, so i was able to carpool up to orillia with lewis, mariana, sarah and cher.  it was great being able to share their energy and excitement about starting off their running year this way as well - and we had great conversation on the way up about how to layer effectively for racing in the colder conditions (as i'd heard many times before, 'dress for the finish line, not the start line'!).", null, "RunNinja powers - activate!\n\none of the things that i did do that was new this time around was to stud a pair of trail shoes - my ever-lovin' Skechers GOBionic Trail - as there was enough overnight accumulation to make traction a concern.\n\nOptions are ready to go for tomorrow's Snowflake Series 10k - studded SKECHERS GOBionic Trail if icy and snow-covered or SKECHERS GOMeb Speed 2 if dry and clear! #golikeneverbefore #happynewyear\nA photo posted by patrick voo (@pbfvoo) on Dec 31, 2015 at 2:39pm PST\n\nhere's how sage (and i) did it!\n\nthis year the registration process was managed through Eventbrite as it appears that a new organization (Rotoract) has stepped up to help present the Snowflake Series for this season.  this contributed to a heightened sense of professionalism and formality (not that the race lacked anything in previous years) but it was the still an easily navigable and relaxed-feeling event upon arrival.\n\nprior to the start our RunNinja crew split up with some of us nabbing a warm-up run, others choosing to stay warm inside the minivan until the megaphone cattle call, and most of us making sure that we'd gone to the washroom at least once (!).  i managed to connect with a few other friends during my warm-up, including dave and cait of Team Running Free.  though i was proudly sporting my Skechers Performance Division racing singlet, seeing them in their Team RF gear reminded me of the tribe that i (for the time being) can only claim to having once been a part of.", null, "l-r:  cher, sarah, mariana, yours truly, half of lewis\n\nthe race\nthe first thing that i noticed was that our resident NCAA runner was in the mix (and man, is she fast!) which meant that the best that i could even remotely hope for was second place ... but i also knew that since the running community in orillia was so strong that i would need to pull out some good stuff just to appear somewhat competitive.\n\nafter having done some reading about effective 10k race strategies i decided that i would actually plan to run positive splits.  the first kilometre turned out to be my fastest on paper - likely fueled by the desire to get clear of many of the tweener 5k runners who started like they were shot out of a cannon.  knowing that i was only going to try to push it for 10000m it felt strangely freeing to not worry too much about going out faster than race pace ... but of course time would tell.\n\nthe first 5k had me following a pack of about seven runners (including NCAA amanda) and the best that i could do was to keep them in sight.  i managed to catch up to and pass two runners over kms 3 and 4, but was also passed by one older (than me) runner who was humming along effortlessly.  being a 5k loop course one of the young bucks that i had passed decided to sprint home past me in the final 200m of his 5k race while i hairpin-circled around the pylon to tackle the home half of my race.\n\ni did my best to hold a 'comfortably hard effort' for km 6-8 with the intention of pushing hard for the final 2 km.  the dynamic of the race was almost completely different  now though - besides greeting and being encouraged by some of the other runners as i passed them coming in to wrap up their first loop (and having one woman holler out \"go rainbow!\"), it got awful quiet.  as i had no one in front of me (that i could see anymore) and no one breathing down my neck so it felt like a solo workout run.  of course the upside of that was that no one passed me in the second half of the race.", null, "always the poser!\n\ni did manage a half-decent final push to cross in 42:22 by my watch - not the kind of result that i was hoping for but i knew that the road conditions would really dictate what sort of day i would have.  i also admit to still feeling like my legs were a little beat up from the hill repeat workout that jim led the RunNinjas through two nights before.", null, "immediately after crossing the finish line i turned around to scoot back out onto the course in search of my RunNinja compatriots.  in turn i found lewis, then cher, then mariana and then sarah and had the privilege of helping shoo each one of them down the homestretch.  afterwards it was time for a cup of hot chocolate and a timbit (courteously provided by Rotoract Orillia) and then a warm car ride home.\n\nall in all it was another great event organized as part of the CANIrunning Snowflake Series, and an enjoyable start to the racing season of 2016.  at this point the plan for this year's competition schedule will include a bunch of 5k and 10k races in the hope of upping my baseline speed, but i do have a few notable destinations on the radar:\n\nplenty of fun times to pack into the next twelve months!  here's hoping that you are setting some faith- and fitness-stretching goals for yourselves as well ... lookout 2016, here we come!  #GOlikeneverbefore\n\nrace gear for the 2016 Snowflake Series 10k:"], "url": "http://rendezvoo.blogspot.ca/2016/01/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 259, "original_width": 320, "width": 467}], "image_hashes": ["226c2abb930eda92cd4c029336d9768960e980f19c602f62807bf019d9aa01b8", "f813f284b3e4eac8d0d823c6a2f949e768eea818201ffe0b97016fa25b215884", "e25fffdc2d70ce4842de0c1a6734a29077bf866ee24810c88bbbe8229d7d465b", "ed48e6356c1aed2a55c80690794f980bec41b0586b8ddc652cb9c0353cc64655"], "__index_level_0__": 265, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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It is always perpendicular to the datum plane. On contact with obstacle (my hand in the video), it changes direction in the Z axis. The location of the obstacle is recorded and shown on the MATLAB GUI.\n\nResources: Seeeduino Mega1280, MATLAB, x4 Hitec servomotors and 1 force sensing resistor.", null, "Prototype Setup", null, "...Read more!...", "Arduino / MATLAB - Servo Calibration\n\nInterface between MATLAB and Arduino microcontroller to calibrate servo.\nThe Seeeduino Mega 1280 is used in this case.\n\nServo does not center accurately and extends beyond 180 degrees.\nIdentify error margin and apply correction in MATLAB\n\nResources used:", "Final Year Thesis - CFD and Prototype\n\nAttachable walking skid to a propeller representation body.\nHydrodynamic characteristics of design justified with Solidworks Flow Simulation.\nPrototype simulation carried out in Matlab.\nOpen source microcontroller used to interface with Matlab for prototype control.\nServos are off the shelve hobby servos modified to be waterproof (total 22 servos).", "Arduino Servo Pan/Tilt - dual mode control with joystick\n\n1x Arduino Duemilanovue\n2x 3.7V Lithium polymer batteries in parallel\n2x HiTEC HS-485 servos\n1x Playstation 2 style analog joystick\n1x yellow LED\n\nSetup overview:", null, "Fun with Matlab", "DIY Pegboard with Acrylic Cover", null, "Step 1: Find a sturdy piece of material (eg. plywood, styrofoam, etc.)", null, "Step 2: Drill evenly spaced holes", null, "Step 3: Create the pegs from wires as shown", null, "Step 4: Tape the end of the peg to the back of the board to secure it", null, "Step 5:Add panels of acrylic sheet by using brackets and hinges", null, "Step 6: Put in the tools", null, "Arduino Robot - Quadruped - body kinematics tests\n\nThis is a quadruped robot in prototyping using seeeduino mega, 12 HXT900 hobby micro servos, 3.7V lipo battery. Materials used are all plywood secured with small bolts and nuts. Programmed with Processing and Arduino IDE.\n\nThe first clip shows the horizontal movement of the body and the corresponding reaction angles of the legs.\n\nThe second clip includes both the horizontal and vertical movement of the body and the corresponding reaction angles of the legs.\n\n3.7V lipo battery is used to power the servos and the seeeduino mega runs off the power from USB.\n\nWill be working on the walking gait soon.. when i have time..", null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://retardokiddo.blogspot.sg/2012/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 368, "original_width": 400, "width": 410}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, 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Delighted, he caught at her sleeve.\n\n\"Who are you?\" She was frightened.\n\n\"There is nothing to be afraid of.\n\"Late in the night we enjoy a Misty moon.\nThere is nothing misty about the bond between us.\"\n\nQuickly and lightly he lifted her down to the gallery and slid the door closed.", null, "Posted by Roxana at 00:02", "Labels: Japan, my flowers, spring", "Craiova, Romania\nall time is unredeemable", "collaboration with Michael Tweed\n\nthe beautiful foolishness of things\n\non-going project uniting my photographs and text by Michael Tweed"], "url": "http://roxanaghita.blogspot.com/2008/05/festivities-ended-late-in-night.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 518, "original_width": 800, "width": 583}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 527, "original_width": 800, "width": 573}], "image_hashes": ["707fdb783a02023ba1f8a10d147bd086f01734d614d56ed60358fe06322072df", "25fcf84d09975de4793458f1adc7d1045dba625b60a95ee1173b16c9eb29184e"], "__index_level_0__": 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with one another.\n\nThe kittens are getting cuter every day too!", null, "This is Seamus.\n\nToday she learned how to climb up Mom's leg.  She said it wasn't as much fun for her as it was for Seamus.", null, "Kenna has the strangest coat.  It's like she always has bed head.  Mom was concerned perhaps she wasn't getting as much attention from Fiona as the others, but Fiona grooms her and takes very good care of her. Kenna just has bad hair.", null, "He has the bluest eyes of all the kittens but undoubtably they'll turn a green color when he's a bit older.  He'll still be just as handsome.", null, "And Kieran.\n\nKieran has learned that the cat bed is a great place to hang out.  He had a snooze in it all by himself for about an hour.\n\nPosted by Jil Innis at 8:19 PM No comments:", "Sunday, March 25, 2012\n\nDay 23/34/41 On The Move\n\nIt sure is quiet around the house without Sierra.  Thankfully Valentine has come out of his shell and he's started to play with me so I've got a new buddy. Mostly we like to hang out on the blanket together while Mom is working.", null, "This works out well unless Valetine decides to bite my tail!  Maybe that is OK in the cat world, but in the dog world that's not acceptable. This is not the way friends should treat one another.\n\nMom has been taking more videos of the kittens since they are starting to move around a fair bit.\n\nThey've been moving around the house too.  Earlier in the week Fiona moved them into the bedroom closet.  Mom isn't sure why since we all go into the bedroom on a regular basis so she's not moving them to a 'safer' or 'quieter' spot.  Mom doesn't want them in the bedroom closet so after a couple of days she moved them into the closet in the spare room.  She made it exactly like in the bedroom closet and Fiona was happy in there for a day...then she moved them back to the bedroom closet.  Mom says that's where they can stay until they start really moving around and/or start eating solid food and therefore need to learn how to use the litter box.\n\nMom still took some cute photos of the kittens though.", null, "Kiefer is looking particularily handsome in this photo.\n\nPosted by Jil Innis at 1:17 PM No comments:", "Day 18/29/36/73 Sierra's Been Adopted!\n\nThat's right....Sierra's been adopted!  Mom's good friend/my best buddy Gord's daughter adopted Sierra. So she'll still be part of the family. I'll get to see her lots and Mom said that there are already plans for Sierra to come stay with us while her Mom is out of town for a few days. AND, if Mom and Sierra's Mom go out of town together then we'll both get to stay with my best buddy Gord. Oh, just wait, Mom says that hasn't been discussed with my best buddy Gord yet.  Anyway, we're all really happy for Sierra.\n\nAs you might recall, LT was going to adopt Sierra a while ago but Sierra wasn't very nice to her cats. Nicky came to observe Sierra and give some tips on how to change Sierra's association with cats. Mom has been working with Sierra and Sierra got to the point where she liked Valentine and Fiona. She even tried to get Valentine to play with her.  I'm glad that Sierra has decided cats are OK. I've always liked cats and Valentine is becoming my favourite because he's starting to play with me. Last night we had a good game of chase around the coffee table. Valentine was chasing me. I know it's not right to chase cats.\n\nI really like the foster kittens as well. I got to visit with them last night. I sat very patiently and Kieran came up to me. Then I got quite flustered and didn't know what to do.\n\nPosted by Jil Innis at 8:55 PM No comments:", "Sunday, March 18, 2012\n\nDay 16/27/34/71 I Get to Meet the Kittens!\n\nI finally got to see the kittens that Mom has been talking about!", null, "Mom said I did a very good job of not getting too close. In all honesty, I don't know what the fuss is about. They're pretty small and didn't do anything. I was more interested in checking out the rest of the room.\n\nEveryday I get to go in and see the kittens again.  Today they were moving around a bit and I'm understanding why they might be so interesting.  I sat down and watched them move around the kennel for about 5 minutes before I got bored.  Mom said my little puggy tail was going a mile a minute.", null, "Mom says the kittens get cuter every day. Especially now that their eyes are open.  They seem more aware of their surroundings and although Mom isn't sure how much they can see they can definitely hear.", null, "They still sleep a lot though.  They're only awake for about 5 or 10 minutes before they all have to have a snooze again.\n\nPosted by Jil Innis at 6:55 PM 1 comment:", "Wednesday, March 14, 2012\n\nDay 12/23/31/67 Eyes are Opening\n\nMom has been trying to determine the sex of the kittens.  She said it's harder than it sounds because they're so little and they are 'built' differently than dogs.  I bet if she sniffed their butts she could figure it out.  That's what I do and it works pretty good for me!", null, "She's been back and forth a couple of times but has figured out that the tabbies are female and the black ones are male. Their names, from top to bottom, are Kenna, Kiefer, Seamus and Kieran.  Mom says she knows Seamus is a boy's name but she has been calling this one Seamus since right after she was born.  Maybe we'll change it to Shea.\n\nMonday afternoon Mom said that she noticed a couple of the kittens were starting to open their eyes.", null, "This little kitten, Kenna, only had her right eye open.  She managed to get the other one open yesterday.", null, "Seamus had both eyes open on Monday.\n\nMom thought she saw Kieran's eyes open this morning but didn't have a chance to get a good look before she had to leave for work.", null, "The kittens are doing lots of moving around.  They are crawling around more quickly and frequently get turned over on their backs.  This leads them to get confused and crawling in the wrong direction.  Then the crying starts and they are quite upset until they can make their way back to the rest of the group.", null, "There's still lots of sleeping going on though.\n\nPosted by Jil Innis at 9:56 AM No comments:", "Sunday, March 11, 2012\n\nDay 9/20/28/64 Kiefer Leaves the Kennel\n\nMom had to go into the office on Friday and Saturday so she didn't get to check on the kittens during the day.  When she came home she swears they looked bigger than when she left in the morning.  Last night Kiefer (the kittens have names, but Mom isn't sure of their sex so they're temporary names at this time) made his way out of the kennel.  He got turned around in the kennel and started to crawl, although he was trying really hard to walk, out of the kennel.  He'd made it out and over to the wall before his wailing was enough to draw Fiona away from her dinner.  Mom said it was very cool to watch Fiona pick him up and put him back into the kennel...sometimes she is easily amused.\n\nOf course Mom didn't have the camera with her so she didn't get this all on video.  She did have the camera a bit later and caught this video of Seamus having a fit and then fighting with another kitten. Seamus is a very dramatic kitten, and can never seem to find a nipple on his own so he likes to steal someone else's.\n\nThe kittens still sleep most of the time.  Fiona's been leaving the room for a couple of hours at a time and whenever she goes back in the kittens are still content all huddled together.", null, "They sure are cute though!  Their eyes should start opening in the next few days so that will be very exciting.\n\nMom says maybe in another week or so I can go and see these kittens that she keeps talking about.  I've seen and heard the videos and they don't seem all that interesting.  Mom says that will change once I find out that they will play with me.  On the other hand, Sierra goes nuts when she hears the crying on the video.  Mom's not sure what exactly this means, but given her behaviour with other cats she's not going anywhere near the kittens!\n\nPosted by Jil Innis at 8:28 AM No comments:", "Thursday, March 8, 2012\n\nDay 6/17/25/61 Moving Around\n\nThe weather has turned spring-like in Calgary and we're taking full advantage of it.  Sierra and I sat out on the deck today for about an hour.  Now this might not seem like a long time for most dogs, but neither of us are really outside dogs.  We like to go outside, do our business and then come back inside.  I do like to spend sunny afternoons on the patio, but it's not quite that warm yet.  Mom said she enjoyed the quiet time in the house and being able to walk from one room to another without needing an escort, or four.  Valentine still followed her around.  Hey, we just want to make sure that Mom isn't lonely!\n\nMom says the Fiona's kittens are all doing really well.  Yesterday morning Mom went in to check on them and when she went into the room there were no kittens in the kennel!  Mom looked around, but didn't see any kittens.  Then she noticed that Fiona had made a den using the duvet that was on the bed.", null, "Fiona did a very impressive job.  That's a queen size duvet and it was folded on the bed the night before.  All four kittens are in there and Fiona has a little tunnel dug all the way to the wall.  It was a bit more enclosed but Mom was worried it might collapse when Fiona wasn't in there so she opened it up just a bit.\n\nFiona was also showing some interest in the top of the kennel so Mom put it back onto the bottom.  When Mom went into the room this morning to check on everyone the kittens were back in the kennel.  Mom figures that Fiona might have found it too hot in the duvet.  It was probably great when the kittens were in there as it preserved the heat she'd given off, but it would have been really warm when Fiona was in there too.  This room is already super warm and doesn't need any extra insulation.", null, "They did look pretty cute all snuggled in the duvet together though.", null, "Fiona has been enjoying her time away from the kittens.  Valentine is sure happy when she comes out and he has someone to play with.  Especially if it's night time.  For about the first hour after sunset he is a crazy man.  Running all over the house, playing in the tub...Mom isn't sure what all he's doing and is sometimes afraid to look.  Nothing ever seems out of place so it's all good.", null, "Sierra thinks there aren't enough pictures being taken of her and people might forget how beautiful she is. She wants to remind everyone that she's still looking for her forever home.  She's been adjusting well to having Valentine around and has even gone up and sniffed him a couple of times.\n\nPosted by Jil Innis at 5:40 PM No comments:", "Tuesday, March 6, 2012\n\nDay 4/15/23/59 Kitten Update\n\nMom has been spending a lot of time going into the spare bedroom.  I still don't understand what newborn kittens are, but Mom says they're not old enough for me to visit them yet.  Val snuck into the room when Mom was letting Fiona in and he got to see the kittens.  He said he didn't like them and hissed at them and faster than a speeding bullet he got removed from the room.  Fiona didn't seem to mind him in the room at all, but Mom says he won't be going back any time soon.\n\nThe first couple of days Fiona didn't really want to stay in the room with the kittens and asked to be let out quite frequently.  Fiona has settled into her role as Mom is spending most of her time in the room with the kittens. She comes out a few times a day now to check out what's going on around the house and to have something to eat.  Mom says there is food and water and a litter box in the spare room but I guess the food outside is better.  I'm not allowed to eat it so I can't really say. Sierra's not allowed to eat it either, but she doesn't listen as well as I do and she says it's pretty good.", null, "Here is a pic of the kittens yesterday.  Mom says they don't do much other than eat and sleep.  She says every once in awhile they'll 'fight' over a good spot and push one another out of the way.  Already they seem to have their own personality traits.", null, "Fiona being a very attentive Mom.  Mom cleaned out the kennel today and put in a fresh towel.  This means she got to pick up the kittens.  Fiona seemed OK with this as Mom only moved them about a foot but she did get the stink eye a few times after that.", "The kittens today.\nPosted by Jil Innis at 8:46 PM No comments:", "Saturday, March 3, 2012\n\nDay 1/12/20/56 The Kittens Have Arrived!\n\nWe usually go to bed pretty early around here but last night we were up late because Mom was watching a new TV show.  Around midnight Fiona started acting differently.  She is always very, very quiet and she started to meow constantly.  Not a meow like she was in pain, just a regular meow.  But since she's only ever meowed about 5 times before, 5 times in a minute was a big change.  Mom thought Fiona was getting ready to have her babies.  Fiona (and Valentine) kept going into the spare bedroom and going into a kennel that Mom has in there (Mom's note: YAY!).  Mom definitely knew something was up and started to get ready.  It was late so I was pretty much settled in bed.  Sierra has been sleeping in the kennel; sometimes with the door open, sometimes closed.  Depends on whether she keeps coming out to bug the cats.  Mom decided it was a closed door night.  Soon Valentine was getting a bit too interested in checking out Fiona's butt.  I'm a world class butt sniffer so this seems normal to me, but Mom said it wasn't an appropriate time.  Anyway, we all got kicked out of the spare bedroom.  I could tell you what we all did for the next few hours (most of it was Valentine and I standing guard outside the bedroom door with Valentine trying to knock it down at regular intervals) but I hear it was much more interesting on the other side of the door.  Because of this I'm going to let Mom write the remainder of the blog today.\n\nFiona was most definitely getting ready to have her kittens.  I could see her belly starting to contract.  However, any time I would attempt to leave the room she wanted to go with me.  So much for cats wanting to go to a quiet place where no one is around to have kittens.  As a matter of fact, she would have been more than happy to have the kittens beside me on the bed.  I really preferred that this wasn't her chosen spot.  She kept moving from the kennel to the blankets in the closet.  She kept going under the blanket in the closet and seemed unsettled.  I checked on her and there was a kitten!  So very cool as this is the first time I've seen a cat have kittens.  I'm glad Fiona wanted me around so that I could take it all and snap some pictures.  Fiona did a good job of cleaning off the kitten and while her breathing seemed laboured, she was crying.", null, "I was surprised at how big this kitten was...but not having seen newborn kittens before I didn't have anything to compare her too.  I did notice that a few things looked strange; her rear legs, paws, and left ear.\n\nFiona moved a bit and out popped a second kitten and then immediately a third.  Poor kitten #1 was left on it's own a bit away.  I figured Fiona would bring her over, as she was still crying, once she finished having the other two.  Unfortunately that didn't happen.  I called McKnight Vet to see what I should do as I wasn't sure how long I should wait to see if Fiona would take care of her before I intervened.  I moved her closer to Fiona but she still wasn't suckling.  Her breathing still seemed off, laboured but shallower at times and she had mostly stopped crying.  I called McKnight again.  They suggested wrapping her in blankets warmed in the dryer and some gentle rubbing to stimulate her and help loosen any liquid she still might have in her lungs.  I checked her mouth and pallet both of which looked good.  Her color was good but she was still very 'off' compared to the other two kittens.  The other kittens were crawling around and not once had this poor little girl attempted anything close to moving on her own.  After she was wrapped in blankets for about 20 mins I tried to get her to suckle.  No luck.  During this time I obviously had to leave the room a few times.  Every time I would leave the room Fiona would leave the kittens and want to come with me.  She'd be at the door, banging away with her kittens being left alone.  Another call to McKnight and we were going to give it a bit more time to see if she would come around and suckle or else I'd take her to the Vet.  One of the reasons for waiting was the fear if Fiona was left alone she wouldn't care for her kittens.   After another half hour the kitten had made no change.  Since McKnight is at the other end of the city from me it was decided I should go to Fish Creek.  I called them, told them the situation and they said I should bring everyone in so that they could see if, once they helped the kittens breathing, they could get her to suckle.  Off we went.  As soon as they looked at the kitten they could see the deformities on her rear legs and front paws.  After a bit of investigate it was determined that it was highly unlikely she would be able to use her back legs.  She'd end up only being able to drag her rear legs around.  Her breathing had improved, but she wasn't suckling.  And she still hadn't made any attempt to move herself or crawl.  The Vet didn't think she would likely live and if she did, her quality of life would be extremely poor.  The hard decision to euthanize her was made.  I cried like I'd had her for years.\n\nNearing the end of the visit Fiona seemed to be getting stressed.  Who could blame her?  While she'd pretty much given up on the sick kitten hours before, she wasn't very impressed with having her other two kittens taken out of the kennel.  She was starting to pant and become agitated.  We came home and I got Fiona and the kittens settle back onto the spare bedroom.  I called my Mom and had another little cry.  When I was done I could hear Fiona banging on the door.  Time to go convince to stay with her kittens.  I opened the door and she went back to her kittens, but there, right inside the door was a newborn kitten!!  Fiona wasn't coming to take care of it and my heart sunk...again.  I scooped it up and put it by her.  She immediately started to clean it and it was crying and squirming, just like the two healthy kittens.  Whew, this one was going to be OK!  Soon after that she had another kitten.  I guess this was the reason for the panting at the Vet's office. I wasn't expecting 3 kittens in a matter of 20 mins, a three hour break and then 2 more.  At this point I really hoped she was done as I'd had enough excitement for one night.  Thankfully that was it for kittens....five in total, 4 that are healthy and doing great!", null, "Here's the tired Momma and her little babies.  They're all dark and therefore hard to make out but there are two that are tabby and two that are almost entirely solid black.\n\nFiona seems to be staying put with the kittens now.  She does like it when I go and check on her and give her some ear rubs.  She starts to purr loudly right away and I have to tell her not the leave the kittens when I leave as I don't think she wants me to go.  The kittens are already very spunky.  They howl like you wouldn't believe when they can't find a nipple...and there's one that can be right beside one and can't find it.  I've seen them fight with one another, pushing each other out of the way.  There's going to be some fun times ahead in my house...right after I get a good night's sleep!"], "url": "http://rupertswish.blogspot.com/2012_03_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 320, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 245, "original_width": 320, "width": 493}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 320, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 231, "original_width": 320, "width": 523}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 306, "original_width": 320, "width": 395}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 320, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 320, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 320, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 256, "original_width": 320, "width": 472}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 320, "width": 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For an insomniac, being able to actually sleep is already impressive enough, but sleeping during the day AND night illustrates how sick I truly am.\n\nIn between naps I have been doing some hand stitching. This is what will be the front of the pouch I am making for the Pretty Little Pouch Swap.", null, "Here is a reverse shot showing the hand stitching and thread colors!", "The back of the pouch is going to be the green version of the woven fabric panel I made in this tutorial over here.", null, "I also managed to start this ridiculous bit of applique for myself. Apparently this is what a fever does to my brain. The fabric styles are so random, which makes me like it more. This version where it is now is definitely underwhelming, don't you think?", "My TA Josh suggested more flowers to add depth. So I cut out more wildflowers and am playing around with this now. I will need fusible web for these additional flower bits because my machine applique is not too great yet. It still feels like something is missing, though. Any suggestions??", null, "Well, I'm off to go back to sleep. Maybe I won't get banished from work tomorrow. Or maybe I will and I can fit in more napping and sewing."], "url": "http://sabiesews.blogspot.com/2013/05/hs-home-sick-or-hand-stitching.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 373, "original_width": 499, "width": 505}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 373, "original_width": 499, "width": 505}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 373, "original_width": 499, "width": 505}], "image_hashes": ["b7128eb5cadedf2027140e9025b260a5cf44d2323ac0e35254dee59f709e948d", "92289c612704d5d771f330b72f5d1b998ccb1a546a901d2f3df3c7d460b07e68", "52c40198c43da520f763be238948c8681e4402aea84975a00c7687001610f84f"], "__index_level_0__": 270, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_dN7f6sjdQaI/SQZusCOvoSI/AAAAAAAAAEc/v7xTSmPBWp4/s320/usahockey.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9625290632247924}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sabresnotslugs.blogspot.com/2008/10/are-sabres-rebranding.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_dN7f6sjdQaI/SQZusCOvoSI/AAAAAAAAAEc/v7xTSmPBWp4/s320/usahockey.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_dN7f6sjdQaI/SQZusCOvoSI/AAAAAAAAAEc/v7xTSmPBWp4/s320/usahockey.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"usahockey\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "So what do you think?\n\nPosted by Drew Celestino at 6:43 PM", "Charlie @ Sabres Not Slugs.com said...\n\nI couldn't imagine how awful the slug would look next to the USA hockey logo...actually I can. It looks awful with just about everything.\n\nOctober 28, 2008 at 5:20 AM", "Drew Celestino said...\n\nIt's just very fascinating to me to see the classic logo being used so heavily in the last month or so.\n\nThe writing seems to be on the wall. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. They're still wearing the slug nightly. But man are they going out of their way to not use it elsewhere.\n\nOctober 28, 2008 at 7:36 AM", "I thought the very same thing when I saw that photo. I think this is the start of the phasing out stage....let's hope! :-D\n\nOctober 28, 2008 at 7:57 PM", "carpandean said...\n\nIf they are not making the switch, then all of these little things are just a cruel, cruel joke.\n\nOctober 31, 2008 at 7:16 AM", "DENNIS said...\n\nI pray it mean's something!\nAnd it's so great to see our real logo more and more, it looks so great on our ice, I've got my 3rd ordered, but it's my #1 all the way! NO SLUGS!!! GO SABRES!\n\nNovember 3, 2008 at 7:02 PM", "Jim said...\n\nThe Sabres 40th anniversery is next season. Wouldn't be great if they were to bring back the classic logo then.\n\nNovember 5, 2008 at 2:29 PM", "I remember hearing when the slug came out that the logo can only be changed once every 10 years and that is why we had the black and red from 96-06. and as far as the slug goes i have yet to hear anyone mention the similarity between it and the basic HSBC arena logo that is on the front of the podium. I'd say the Sabres are slowly trying to create a modern image by getting everyone used to a newer logo while trying to maintain the heritage that somes with the \"old\" logo\n\nNovember 8, 2008 at 11:38 PM", "I'd say that everyone needs to get over the fact that the Sabres have changes the logo and accept that the team is trying to maintain an image that identifies the different eras of buffalo hockey. the original \"Blue and Gold\" was established by the french connection and had little or no luster until the the black and red was defined by Peca and Hasek. The current incarnation of the team is being defined by Miller and Team leaders such as Gaustad or Pominville. So everyone that is whining about the new logo they need to get over it and accept that things have and will continue to change. I don't ever hear anyone saying that the Bills need to go back to the \"standing\" buffalo on the helmet. It take a while but eventually everyone will get sed to the change.\n\nNovember 8, 2008 at 11:52 PM", "If you feel so strongly, perhaps you should leave your name next time.\n\nOh, and I'm sure you could find quite a few people who would love the Bills to go back to the standing buffalo. Myself included.\n\nNovember 12, 2008 at 9:27 AM", "James said...\n\nAh, nothing says \"strong in my convictions\" like an anonymous posting! The slug was a mistake; period. Funny that the Crossed Sabres, Angy Goat and the Original have all been accepted once they are shown in Blue & gold, yet, the Slug is still the brunt of many jokes."], "url": "http://sabresnotslugs.blogspot.com/2008/10/are-sabres-rebranding.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["6cd0fc97eaf54bf3196d1eee71508275e9deb883f1d4207c2ac4059995c4cda5"], "__index_level_0__": 271, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-ThrYbkrjrXY/UHXpJREyNYI/AAAAAAAALBA/oR_ejGljdrA/s1600/blogger-image-378865057.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8387461304664612}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sallison.blogspot.com/2012/12/10-things-you-dont-know-about-me.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-ThrYbkrjrXY/UHXpJREyNYI/AAAAAAAALBA/oR_ejGljdrA/s1600/blogger-image-378865057.jpg\", \"src\": 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idea from my blog friend Janna Werner, and she is just the sweetest person ever and super talented, love her work. Most of you are friends with me on FB or follow me on Instagram, but decided to share 10 things you might not know about me...\n10 things you probably don´t know about me\n1. I love coffee - whether it is iced or hot, you name it I love it, I probably would have shares in Starbucks.\n2. I love to party, going out with friends and lots of dancing.\n3. I ♥ anything APPLE related, I own an iPad, iPhone and my next step is to get a Macbook.\n4. I love anything PINK, must be a girl thing.\n5. I love Summer, nothing better than being at the beach and sipping on cocktails.\n6. My favourite candy is Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles.\n7. My lucky number is 7.\n8. I consider myself a great cook, love to experiment and try different things.\n9. I love watching movies on the BIG screen, as I feel more engrossed in it.\n10. I love going to new places and exploring...I would make a great travelling companion.\nSo, what are your little secrets?! :-)"], "url": "http://sallison.blogspot.com/2012/12/10-things-you-dont-know-about-me.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1bcc522a5c065ee5fd34e713314de28620e6281e920f2631cc6d2094a5f26579"], "__index_level_0__": 272, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-roHQWotVQLo/TyVY9K3d2ZI/AAAAAAAAAxc/78LxK4mBewA/s728/IMG_1008.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-t5oYP-qZ5KQ/TYk3s98nJDI/AAAAAAAAATI/6o-pyRKwe84/s320/IMG_1430.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Dbk7dHpwHZM/TYk2mDj6O6I/AAAAAAAAASY/QFCt9OUioFM/s320/IMG_1424.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-w_ed53T2PSA/TYk2m3Lw7JI/AAAAAAAAASo/PNs8maMtVC8/s320/IMG_1426.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VbOF5yC60H4/TYk2ng4qNiI/AAAAAAAAAS4/6H5Y0BHs50Y/s320/IMG_1429.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FXOYVPxQdiQ/TYk2nEVV4RI/AAAAAAAAASw/bi4q1WpW3qU/s320/IMG_1428.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9409016370773317}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://samsbakery.blogspot.com/2011/03/roasted-banana-cupcakes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-roHQWotVQLo/TyVY9K3d2ZI/AAAAAAAAAxc/78LxK4mBewA/s728/IMG_1008.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-roHQWotVQLo/TyVY9K3d2ZI/AAAAAAAAAxc/78LxK4mBewA/s728/IMG_1008.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 669, \"rendered_height\": 728}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://samsbakery.blogspot.com/2011/03/roasted-banana-cupcakes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-t5oYP-qZ5KQ/TYk3s98nJDI/AAAAAAAAATI/6o-pyRKwe84/s320/IMG_1430.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-t5oYP-qZ5KQ/TYk3s98nJDI/AAAAAAAAATI/6o-pyRKwe84/s320/IMG_1430.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://samsbakery.blogspot.com/2011/03/roasted-banana-cupcakes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Dbk7dHpwHZM/TYk2mDj6O6I/AAAAAAAAASY/QFCt9OUioFM/s320/IMG_1424.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Dbk7dHpwHZM/TYk2mDj6O6I/AAAAAAAAASY/QFCt9OUioFM/s320/IMG_1424.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://samsbakery.blogspot.com/2011/03/roasted-banana-cupcakes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-w_ed53T2PSA/TYk2m3Lw7JI/AAAAAAAAASo/PNs8maMtVC8/s320/IMG_1426.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-w_ed53T2PSA/TYk2m3Lw7JI/AAAAAAAAASo/PNs8maMtVC8/s320/IMG_1426.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://samsbakery.blogspot.com/2011/03/roasted-banana-cupcakes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VbOF5yC60H4/TYk2ng4qNiI/AAAAAAAAAS4/6H5Y0BHs50Y/s320/IMG_1429.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VbOF5yC60H4/TYk2ng4qNiI/AAAAAAAAAS4/6H5Y0BHs50Y/s320/IMG_1429.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://samsbakery.blogspot.com/2011/03/roasted-banana-cupcakes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FXOYVPxQdiQ/TYk2nEVV4RI/AAAAAAAAASw/bi4q1WpW3qU/s320/IMG_1428.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-FXOYVPxQdiQ/TYk2nEVV4RI/AAAAAAAAASw/bi4q1WpW3qU/s320/IMG_1428.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://samsbakery.blogspot.com/2011/03/roasted-banana-cupcakes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "I am way overdue on the baked goods I made last summer. I made these cupcakes using recipe from Martha Stewart. It was delicious!!! The one mistake I made was not wait for the cupcakes to cool before adding the frosting. So the butter in the frosting started to melt.", null, "I had to put the bananas in the oven to roast.", null, null, null], "url": "http://samsbakery.blogspot.com/2011/03/roasted-banana-cupcakes.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 411, "original_height": 728, "original_width": 669, "width": 378}, {"height": 417, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 290, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8fe6c6bf4c7346dce938ba589fe76218375cbe1eea4af421659c09e8ba93388f", "1905b0d01e67e35a52e7af3359503d5cf459de0637e276a5d9a5e2c205596830", "4e264711910d02f81cbce97a47b18346d871c554bbec7a48373c103afa90248f", "aeeeb5248b9ef9ea3214781a7c11f6572507fdfd95dccea027746e70bac159f0", 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LOVE this card!", null, null, "I love this card--- super fun papers and that Bicycle die is FAB!", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "I looooooooove this card using the Polka Dot Borders dies- I really need to make more of these for my stash:)", null, null, "LOVE LOVE LOVE PS stamps and dies! I literally use them on ALL of my creations:)", "Posted by Savannah O'Gwynn at 12:00 AM", "Labels: easy project, Paper Smooches, RECAP", "Julie Tucker-Wolek said...\n\nMay 17, 2016 at 8:55 AM", "Miriam Prantner said...\n\nGreat projects! I love the colors/patterns you put together! These are so fun!\n\nMay 18, 2016 at 12:56 AM", "Sav & Trav said...\n\nThis is like a superstore reveal- with so many awesome cards. You're awesome!"], "url": "http://savannahland2.blogspot.com/2016/05/paper-smooches-january-recap.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 487, "original_width": 640, "width": 496}, {"height": 392, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 616, "width": 378}, {"height": 463, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 522, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 505, "original_width": 640, "width": 479}, {"height": 691, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 350, "width": 378}, {"height": 730, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 331, "width": 378}, {"height": 509, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 475, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 546, "original_width": 640, "width": 443}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 597, "original_width": 640, "width": 405}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 544, "original_width": 640, "width": 444}, {"height": 439, 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post at long last--I'll be writing about Witcher 3 when my partner finally finishes it, but lately, we've been playing a match-3 dating game--Hunie Pop. So, full disclosure--this is the first time I have ever played a dating game.\n\nNow, if the concept of a serious (ish) analysis of a dating game makes you shout, \"IT'S ONLY A GAME, CALM YOUR TITS, LADY\", the door is over there. Yes, it's 'just a game', but the things that someone says when they're being serious, compared to the things they laugh at when they're off guard, will both tell you a lot about that person.\n\nSo, without further ado--the game. Naturally, there will be\n\n...beyond this point, so if that really bothers you, maybe buy and play the game first, then read this.\n\nWait, what the hell is 'Hunie Pop'?\n\nHonestly? It's Bejeweled with tits, or Candy Crush but with actual girls to crush on. A fairy, Kyu Sugarplum, guides you through the game. There are about twelve girls, including unlocks, that you can have sex with, and players can be male or female--we're going to take a shot at the female version of the game and see how that changes dialogue, if at all, but we (my partner in crime, Disarcade, and myself switched up to play it) went with the male option. Basically, you're a hopeless virgin otaku who masturbates all day and is lonely, and this love fairy wants to teach you how to get some and make lady friends.\n\nSo, you can probably see how this is problematic right away, but stick around--there's layers to it.\n\nThe game is honestly a lot of damn fun. Its interface is nice, and there's some diversity with the girls--even the ones I didn't like had actual personalities. They felt like real enough people. The pinups and sexy art were fun to look at, especially for the uncensored version. The game itself is fun--I mean, come on, it's a Match 3 game!--and the mechanics were cool. There was a bit of diversity with the characters, in that Japanese, Latina, African-American, and Indian women were all included, but the other characters were white; of course, there was also a fairy, a goddess, an alien, and a cat girl. So, you know, it wasn't too bad as these things go.\n\nThe other thing that I noticed was just how much personality the girls had. Each girl had a 'unique' interest and several 'common' interests, which could overlap with the interests of other girls. A couple of the girls were unabashedly dominant, and even bitchy or awkward--but realistically so. I have known smart, driven women who love self-help; awkward gamer girls who suck at conversation and communicating with humans; and then, too, I have known more than a few bratty princesses. There's a sweet-natured cheerleader and a bitchy Avril Lavigne type, and all of them are allowed to be themselves. They don't change for you, the stud trying to seduce them--you have to accommodate them.\n\nThere were a couple fairly racist lines--where Kyu the fairy refers to the black character and says, \"I love me some chocolate!\" and talks about \"yellow fever\" when introducing the Japanese physics professor. I cringe just rewriting them, and we both winced when the dialogues played out. Having the Indian character love meditation and yoga, the black character be driven and strong-willed, but ladylike, and the cheerleader be as sweet and vanilla as possible also suggested stereotyping--I don't know how to feel about it, because the characters were handled pretty well, but still, conformity is conformity, and the game definitely made use of cultural tropes. Both of us winced when the Latina character gushed over the (sigh) sombrero and other Mexican kitsch objects that were her Unique gifts. The cultural portrayals do feel more than a bit fetishized, but they're decent for their limitations.\n\nAnother thing is that while the girls did have a good range of heights, their weights and BMIs were fairly uniform--all were between 100 and 135 lbs, even though their heights ranged from 5'0 to 5'11. Their BMIs were around 19-23, with most falling at 19.5 or so. For those not familiar with the Body Mass Index, it's a very rough tool, but it gives you an approximate idea of the relative healthiness of your weight, compared to your height. 18-24 is considered healthy, and below 18 is considered medically underweight. So, they were all (literally) healthy, but it would have been nice to see some curvy, thick girls in the mix, too. Of course, they were all doe-eyed and pretty, and most of them were extremely femme in their presentation--not a butch to be seen, really. I understand that dating games *are* about the fantasy, but the presentations are definitely skewed towards traditional masculine ideas of attractiveness.\n\nWhat does the game say about dating?\n\nIt didn't escape my notice that the game literally uses affection tokens to get sex from women. It's very much a 'phuque and chuck' kind of game, in that after the first time you have sex with a character, there's not much point in continuing to talk to them or have sex again, apart from the grinding. And again, all the interests of the girls were pretty femme--a few of the girls liked hiking or sports, or working out, but there were no wilderness survival or gun and archery enthusiasts. The only real 'nerd' was a depressed, insecure, annoying girl with fairly androgynous tendencies--which, as anyone who knows more than one nerd girl can assert, is not representative of nerdgirldom.\n\nHowever, the fact that some characters were from more distant families and some were from closer families, and that an adult actress and sex trade worker was included in the cast was actually nice. The girls weren't perfect, just human. The game also ran on a metric of four different types of attraction--Sexual, Romantic, Flirty, and Talent--and used Passion, Sentiment, and Joy to affect these four areas. There were also heartbreak tokens. Honestly, I liked this mechanic, because each girl had a most preferred and least preferred token type of the four. That's pretty representative, because different people have different approaches and preferences for expressing their attraction. I also liked that the girls had overlapping as well as personal interests--that's realistic enough.\n\nThe use of small gifts to keep a girl interested and the way some of the girls would comment on the payment structure was very interesting. Some of the characters expressed regret or embarassment about not having gifts or taking the protagonist out, and some demanded more resources without end. The idea of dating as a one-way pay structure really isn't great, even though it works for the game mechanics; especially since sex is the end goal, and the only end goal. Women are not slot machines (slut machines?) into which attention and resources can be inserted in exchange for sexual favours. It IS nice that every single case of the sex relied on initiation by the girls, and that inebriating them made them more generous, but did *not* automatically guarantee sex.  They also have sexual desires, to varying degrees--and it was nice to see a game acknowledge that ladies like to phuque too.\n\nI think the most troubling thing for us was that the protagonist's lines often offer variations of the same answer, and that the game was very much about making sure women were told what they wanted to hear. There was no way to roleplay consistent answers or a personality--just to optimize answers for each woman.\n\nI caught myself feeling jaded a few times. The formulaic way that one was supposed to respond was very much in line with elements of the PUA (pickup artist) systems, and it made it harder to feel like the characters we were sexing up were actually people.\n\nYes, it's only a game, but dating games are an emotional substitute or training wheels for more than a few people. If we're going to have a moral panic (tm) over the messages of romance novels for women--why aren't we throwing a moral panic over the messages these dating games send to young men? Sure, it's just fun, but no story passes through us without leaving a scintilla of an impression.\n\nSo, is it good?\n\nIt's fun. Is it sending a Good Message? Eh, yes and no. But if you want the experience of trying to date someone, with proper nuances and characterization, just pick up one of the Dragon Age games, Mass Effect, or better yet, something from the Witcher series, especially Witcher 3.\n\nAlso? TRISS AND GERALT 4EVA. Not sorry.\n\nPosted by Michelle Browne at 10:11 1 comments", "Labels: adult content, analysis, dating game, game review, hentai, hunie pop, racism, scifimagpie, sex, sexism\n\nMonday, 15 June 2015\n\nSummer Cafe Blog Hop: Michelle Browne and Nicolas Wilson's Euphoria/Dysphoria", null, "I have a special post for you today--as you can see, there's an awesome blog cafe event going on, and I have included some very cool prizes. A necklace featuring the cover of Euphoria/Dysphoria and three ebooks, including Euphoria/Dysphoria, After the Garden, and The Underlighters, are all up for grabs.  You can participate in that below!\n\nBut that's not all. Since our feature is the romance in Euphoria/Dysphoria, Nicolas Wilson and I have a very...special...recipe for you this week. Let's just say that in a dystopia, sometimes you have to get a little creative with your meat sources. This one is abundant, local, and tastes great with garlic.\n\nThat's right! Tonight, we're cookin' with rat. Of course, you might want to substitute chicken, but that's up to you.", "Roasted rat with garlic sauce (from The Food Network)\n\n1 (5 to 6-pound) roasting rat\n2 heads garlic, cut in 1/2 crosswise\n3 stalks lemongrass\n\n3 stalks rosemary\n(optional: oregano, basil)\n1/2 large Spanish onion, thickly sliced\n4 carrots cut diagonally into 2-inch chunks\n2 large gold potatoes, cut into 6 pieces\n4 tablespoons butter or lard, melted\n\n2 cups water\n\nSalt rat inside and out and leave in ice box for two days. Preheat fire to medium heat (if you have an oven, 425 degree F will do nicely). Salt the rat again and stuff with rosemary and lemongrass, or similar herbs if you can't get those two.\n\nTie the legs together with kitchen string and tuck the arms together, underneath. Place rat and chopped vegetables in a roasting pan. Scatter onions, carrots, and potatoes around rat. Brush the outside of the rat with lard or butter (if you can get butter).\n\nRoast the rat for 1.5 hours, or until the juices run clear when you cut between the thigh and leg. Remove the rat to a platter, cover with foil, and continue cooking veggies for 15 minutes. When the veggies are cooked, carve the rat and place slices on a platter, surrounded by the veggies. Drizzle some pan juices over the meat and veggies.\n\nThis makes a very good leftover stew, if your rat is large enough to last for more than one meal, and can be stretched by serving the whole thing with cassava or cornmeal. It can also be made into a soup to stretch for more meals. If vodka is available, you can also deglaze the roasting pan and make a sauce for further meals when food is scarce. Store the soup or sauce in a clean, airtight container, in a cold place if possible.", "That's all for today! Enjoy your roasted rat, and whether you're on an Engineer or Poca floor, or down below in the lower levels...try not to starve to death.", "Labels: blog hop, dystopian romance, f/f romance, free books, giveaway, lesbians, michelle browne, necklace, nicolas wilson, nightmares, rafflecopter, sci fi romance, scifimagpie, sfrb, summer cafe, wasteland\n\nTuesday, 9 June 2015", "Labels: backlog, blog, catch up, check your privilege, life, pie, privilege, scifimagpie\n\nMagpie Editing", "The editor of your dreams, not your nightmares"], "url": "http://scifimagpie.blogspot.com/2015/06/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 570, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 212, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2aaaca56a6605b905aed5db49464afefeece41c0f0b520b8eb629a1e79612211"], "__index_level_0__": 275, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/bowmore_small_batch.jpg", null, null, null, null, "http://scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/amrut_peated.jpg", null, null, "http://scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/glenrothes_select_reserve.jpg", "http://scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/kilchoman_machir_bay.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9085503220558168}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/2014/10/27/bowmore-small-batch/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/bowmore_small_batch.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/bowmore_small_batch.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bowmore small batch\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/2014/10/27/bowmore-small-batch/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//scotchnoob.com/images/rating_4.png\", \"src\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/images/rating_4.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rating\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/2014/10/27/bowmore-small-batch/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/stills.png\", \"src\": \"https://scotchnoob.com/images/stills.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"stills\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/2014/10/27/bowmore-small-batch/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//scotchnoob.com/images/rating_4.png\", \"src\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/images/rating_4.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rating\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/2014/10/27/bowmore-small-batch/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/amrut_peated.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/amrut_peated.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"amrut peated\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/2014/10/27/bowmore-small-batch/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/default_article_thumbnail.png\", \"src\": \"https://scotchnoob.com/images/default_article_thumbnail.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"default article thumbnail\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/2014/10/27/bowmore-small-batch/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/glenrothes_select_reserve.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/glenrothes_select_reserve.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"glenrothes select reserve\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/2014/10/27/bowmore-small-batch/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/default_article_thumbnail.png\", \"src\": \"https://scotchnoob.com/images/default_article_thumbnail.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"default article thumbnail\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/2014/10/27/bowmore-small-batch/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/kilchoman_machir_bay.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://scotchnoob.com/images/scotches/kilchoman_machir_bay.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"kilchoman machir bay\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "I keep being impressed by Bowmore. While it certainly sits on the “mild” end of the peat spectrum among its peers on Islay, Bowmore continues to release solid, subtle, well-rounded and expertly-crafted releases with very reasonable price points (Devil’s Cask excepted). The new permanent addition to the range, Small Batch, is positioned in between the NAS “Legend” and the standard 12-year. Aged only in first- and second-fill ex-bourbon casks and bottled at the slightly disappointing 40% ABV, Small Batch scratches an itch at the $40 price point. When you want a little more subtlety than Laphroaig 10, a little more quality than Bowmore Legend, and a little less sticker-shock than Ardbeg 10 or Lagavulin 16, Bowmore Small Batch is not a bad choice.\n\nI’m also happy to see another permanent addition to a core range during a time when $75 and up NAS limited editions seem to be all the rage.\n\nNose: Gentle peat, flecked with refined honey and sweet cream. Banana cream pie, toasted coconut, and vanilla salt-water taffy. Light, sweet, but artfully presented and without any rough edges.\n\nPalate: More of the same. Vanishing tongue burn, followed by more coconut, vanilla, and lightly salty peat in turns. Elegant, but light.\n\nFinish: Of medium length, with a bit more toasty oak, roasted nuts, and soft peat smoke. Ends with a touch of malt syrup.\n\nWith Water: A few drops of water seem to only add a caustic edge to the nose tickle and introduce a hint of wet hay. Unnecessary, especially at 40% ABV.\n\nOverall: While I could have done with a bit more robustness at 46% or so, I applaud both the craftsmanship of this whisky, and its sane price point. Clearly more well-rounded and well-integrated than the cheaper Legend, it trades peat intensity for sweetness and subtlety. This would be an excellent “shallow end of the pool” introduction to peated whisky for scotch newbies (where Laphroaig 10, my first, would be more like a slip and fall into the deep end).\n\nScotchNoob™ Mark:", "About The Distillery", "Bowmore Small Batch\n40% ABV", "Price Range: $40\nAcquired: (100ml sample) Courtesy of Savona Communications. Thanks, Manuela!\n\nShare This!", null, "Amrut Peated\n\nFeb 9, 2012 499 views", "Book Review: The Essential Scratch & Sniff Guide…", null, null], "url": "http://scotchnoob.com/2014/10/27/bowmore-small-batch/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6f6cc35a1448405a1ddaf1ce9bed81bd6fb6a89c013f9da22ac593fbeb0bda60", "3e5c77e79d816fd078403f8a06a5c0cbc90624b5993e3c8af6f6d952924a2b1e", "7d4615c5676a58f0d3457c254d5e1d1f23c9ed6147e3017fab992a9b09fb0e98", "35d024a61bb5e8085cb9579936d1c7b135cf17c307eb47ebb1094e80636650fd"], "__index_level_0__": 276, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4vIP7jhrESo/WCf_PsD76CI/AAAAAAAACtI/S-V8fcBVy88aC_-KizU26kVbt34YxBq6wCLcB/s400/DoB-FWR-covers.png", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9685667753219604}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://seanavalgazing.blogspot.com/2016/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4vIP7jhrESo/WCf_PsD76CI/AAAAAAAACtI/S-V8fcBVy88aC_-KizU26kVbt34YxBq6wCLcB/s400/DoB-FWR-covers.png\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4vIP7jhrESo/WCf_PsD76CI/AAAAAAAACtI/S-V8fcBVy88aC_-KizU26kVbt34YxBq6wCLcB/s400/DoB-FWR-covers.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DoB FWR covers\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 262}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, December 27, 2016\n\nDANG 2016 - The Big Stick\n\nThis year’s DANG (Dave's Annual Naval Game) was The Big Stick – The 1903 Venezuela Crisis. The game covered a hypothetical war between the United States and Germany over the Venezuela debt crisis in 1903.\nIn the game the Germans have refused to accept arbitration to resolve the issue. They are continuing their blockade of major Venezuelan ports and have attacked Venezuelan forts at Puerto Cabello. President Roosevelt, adding his own corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, has dispatched most of the American Atlantic fleet to the Caribbean to remove the blockade and prevent the Germans from occupying any Venezuelan ports.\n\nAfter a short review of all the rules (I came up with some basic operational rules for moving fleets and we used David Manley's Fire When Ready rules for the tactical game), we split up sides for the game, with Scott, Dale, and Charlie playing the Germans, while David S., Arthur, and Dave C. played the Americans. Each side then took some time to review their options, ships, and plan their strategy. The Germans were using the British Port of Spain on Trinidad as their main base, but they could start the game with some cruisers already in place at the Venezuelan ports (La Guaira, Puerto Cabello, and Maracaibo). The German fleet consisted of ten ships; three armored cruisers (Fürst Bismarck, Prinz Heinrich, and Vineta), four newer light cruisers (Gazelle Niobe, Nymphe, and Thetis), two old cruisers (Falke and Cormoran), and one colonial gunboat (Panther). A Seebattalion (marine infantry) unit was also available. The primary mission for the Germans was to blockade the Venezuelan ports, with a secondary mission of securing control one or more of those ports as an operating base for German expansion into the region. The American had their main base at Culebra Island and were ordered to disrupt the blockade and prevent the Germans from establishing control of a Caribbean port. The American fleet was made up of twelve ships; the cruisers Olympia, Chicago, Atlanta, Albany, Newark, San Francisco, Cincinnati, Detroit, and Marblehead, along with the gunboats Yorktown, Concord, and Bennington, and a converged Marine unit.\n\nAt the start of the game, no shots had been exchanged between the Americans and Germans and both sides were informed that they should make the other side fire the first shot.\n\nWith the background set, each side was ready to select their options for the game (each of which cost victory points). The options for the Germans were adding two battleships to their fleet (but they would not arrive until day 6), put diplomatic pressure on the British to keep Port of Spain Trinidad open to German ships, put diplomatic pressure on the Italians to re-join the blockade effort, and ask the French to open up the port at Guadeloupe to German ships. The Germans chose to pressure the British and Italians. They decided not to take the battleships because it would take too long for them to arrive (and they cost a lot of victory points). The options for the Americans were similar to the Germans; adding battleships to their fleet (but these were available right away), put diplomatic pressure on the British to close Port of Spain Trinidad to German ships, put diplomatic pressure on the Italians to accept arbitration. The Americans chose to take the battleships and to pressure the Italians.\n\nThe game began with each side plotting movement for the squadrons. The Germans were concerned that the British would side with the Americans and close Port of Spain to them. They planned to rush all their ships, along with the Seebattalion, to Puerto Cabello and seize the port. From there they could spread out to blockade the other ports as needed, while knowing they had a secure operational base. The Americans knew the Germans had some ships already at Puerto Cabello, so they rushed a cruiser force with the Marines to the port, while sending the battleships to La Guaira to establish and anchorage and forward operating base.\nThe two sides arrived at Puerto Cabello at close to the same time. The Americans announced they planned to enter the port, but the Germans said they controlled the port and put their ships between the Americans and the port entrance. The Americans decided to stay outside the port, but sent a dispatch ship to La Guaira to let the battleships squadron know what was happening. Meanwhile, the ships carrying the German Seebattalion entered Puerto Cabello, landed the troops, and seized part of the dock area at the port. On the diplomatic front, the British said they would consider whether to allow the Germans to continue to use Trinidad, but it might be a few days before the final decision was made. The Italians were convinced the Germans had the right idea and decided to re-join the blockade (The Germans made a great diplomatic roll). Two Italian cruisers (Giovanni Bausan and Elba) were ordered to join the Germans at Puerto Cabello.\n\nThe next day the American battleships arrived off Puerto Cabello and the Americans learned that the Germans had landed troops. The Americans announced they planned to send Marines to the port to protect American interests. The Germans agreed to allow one American ship to enter port, but that it would be watched by German ships. The Americans sent the old cruiser Atlanta, with the Marines, into the port, while the Germans sent the cruiser Falke and gunboat Panther. The Marines landed, established a defensive perimeter, and waited for further orders. During the evening, local Venezuelan troops contacted the Marines. The Marines reported back to the fleet that the Venezuelans sounded eager to do something about the Germans, but the Marines were unconvinced that the Venezuelans would really attack.\n\nDay three began with both sides ordering their troops to bolster their defenses, while reports were coming in of Venezuelan troops massing outside the city. The Americans decided they wanted to send the gunboat Yorktown into the port, but the Germans said they would not allow this. As Yorktown approached the port, the German cruiser Cormoran blocked the way and aggressively maneuvered to prevent the American ship from reaching the port. Yorktown retreated to the main American fleet, but as she rejoined formation the Italian squadron appeared on the horizon.\n\nThe Americans sent the battleships and some cruisers to intercept the Italians. As the Italians closed, the Germans sent their light cruisers to meet the Italians. The Americans signaled the Italians not to come any closer to the port. The Italians ignored the signals and the Americans fired warning shots at them. Not expecting this type of a reception, the Italian ships began to circle until the German cruiser Nymphe joined them.\nThe Germans told the Italians to follow them into port, while the Americans signaled they would not allow the Italians to pass. Inside the port, the American cruiser Atlanta was facing off against the old German cruiser Falke and gunboat Panther, but we decided to resolve the main fleet action outside the port first. With the stage set for action, we set up the forces for the Battle of Puerto Cabello and took a quick break to grab some food.\nThe Germans had three formations; one with the cruiser Nymphe leading the Italians, one with the other three light cruisers (Gazelle Niobe, and Thetis) that was near the Italians, and the final group with the three armored cruisers. The American also had three formations; a battleship – cruiser group that was intercepting the Italians, a gunboat formation, and a cruiser formation that was watching the German armored cruisers. The battle started with the Americans saying they had warned the Italians as the battleship – cruiser group opened fire, but only on the Italians. The Italians took some damage in the initial attack, but no major damage.\nWhile the Americans had tried to keep this from turning into an all out battle by only firing at the Italians, at this point it was clear that there was no stopping it and both sides opened fire.\nThe American battleships shifted their fire to the German light cruiser formation and the next salvo destroyed one cruiser with a magazine hit and put the second out of action.\nThe American cruisers continued to fire at the Italians, adding more damage. German and Italian attacks on this side were not very effective.\n\nOn the other end of the table, the American cruiser formation, with Olympia, Chicago, Cincinnati, and Albany, engaged the German armored cruisers Fürst Bismarck, Prinz Heinrich, and Vineta.\nBoth sides opened fire, inflicting minor damage on the other. The Americans did get some special hits on Fürst Bismarck, forcing the ship to slow down and fall out of line.\nBack on the first end of the table, the Americans split their formation, sending the battleships after the German armored cruisers, as the American cruisers Newark, San Francisco, Detroit, and Marblehead finished off the two German/Italian formations.\n\nOne German light cruiser, Thetis, had only taken a few hits and used the smoke from her burning and sinking compatriots to escape and survive the battle.\n\nSeeing that things were not going well, the German armored cruisers also decided discretion was the better part of valor and moved to disengage. Fürst Bismarck turned to block the American pursuit of the other cruisers. But the German captain failed a morale roll and decided to strike his colors instead of fighting to the bitter end.\n\nWith the situation settled outside the port, we did some quick die rolling to resolve the action in port. As the battle outside the port started, the Germans announced they were opening fire on the American cruiser. German gunfire was relatively ineffective and their torpedoes also missed, while American return fire damaged Falke. After a few more rounds of light gunfire damage, we checked to see if the Germans could see what was happening outside the port. A couple bad die rolls for the Germans led to their crews seeing Gazelle’s magazine explosion and the destruction of other ships. With the American battleships in view, the German ships and troops ashore decided to ask for terms of surrender.\n\nSurveying the aftermath of the battle, it was a clear American victory. While the victory was not bloodless, the Americans had not lost any ships during the fight. Meanwhile the Germans only had three ships left and all had some damage.\nAfter the battle, we talked through each side’s plans and options, along with possible repercussions of the war. There was some debate about which side really fired the first shot, with the Germans being quite literal in that the American fired first, while the Americans mentioned that the German occupation of Puerto Cabello was really the first hostile act. We all agreed that the Germans were blocked from any further adventures in the Caribbean. Beyond that we thought there were two basic paths Germany could follow. One was that the humiliation would cause them to redouble their naval efforts, so that maybe they would have a stronger, better navy during World War I. The other idea was that the Germans would abandon becoming a naval power, so the naval arms race with Britain wouldn’t happen and maybe World War I would be delayed or prevented.\n\nWith that, we ended the fifteenth version of DANG. Everyone seemed to enjoy the game, although the Americans probably had a better time with it. I always think pre-dreadnought actions are fun, but they can turn out a little lopsided too.\nPosted by Dave S. at 5:21 PM 4 comments:", "Labels: DANG, Gaming\n\nSunday, December 18, 2016\n\nDANG 2016 - Ships\n\nI got a little busy with work and other diversions while trying to finish up my ships for the DANG 2016 game. Now I'm back on track and ready to show off some of the ships for the game.\n\nThis year's game will be a hypothetical war between the United States and Germany during the 1902-3 Venezuelan debt crisis. I tracked down some information on speculative orders of battle, thanks to an old presentation on the Admiralty Trilogy website on the subject. But there was still the bigger issue of finding all the ships I needed. No one company had all the ships in the same scale, so after checking around, I decided to go with the 1/2400 scale ships from Panzerschiffe and modify the ships they did not have.\n\nFor the Americans, there were few modifications needed.\nMost of the ships were straight off the order sheet. The exception being the cruiser Chicago, which I represented with a Newark cruiser. Since this is a \"come as you are\" mini-campaign, I decided to paint up the Americans in the peacetime white and buff paint scheme.\nOverall, I think the colors turned out pretty well and are evocative of the period.\n\nFor the Germans I had to find a lot more replacements and do more modifications. For the German paint scheme I went with a white hull and light gray upper works. Except for the battleships, which are overall light gray. The images I've seen of German ships from the era have a very light hull color, which could be white or light gray, but I decided to go with white for the overseas ships since I thought the Germans would tend to follow the trend of the Royal Navy.\nI wanted to have a Victoria Louise class armored cruiser and some other early German armored cruisers, but Panzerschiffe doesn't make those. So, I ordered the later Prinz Adalbert and Roon classes for modifications. The Prinz Adalberts became the Vineta and Prinz Heinrich, while the Roon became the Fürst Bismarck.\nThe modifications primarily consisted of changes the funnels and removing extra guns. The Vineta is still too long, but overall the modifications seem to have turned out well.\n\nThe Gazelle class cruisers and Brandenburg class battleships did not require many changes (I did add the walkway over the center turret on the battleships).\nFor the older German cruisers Falke and Comoran, I modified some American Marblehead class cruisers and for the gunboat Panther I used a Spanish gunboat. I think the conversions turned out well, but I really doubt anyone would have said anything if I hadn't made the changes.\nI also got a pair of Japanese ships to represent the Italian ships that took part in the blockade of Venezuela. These also had some minor modifications.\nI think all the ships turned out nicely and will make good, sturdy game pieces for the mini-campaign.\nPosted by Dave S. at 9:29 PM No comments:", "Labels: DANG, Projects\n\nSunday, December 11, 2016\n\nA Slight Diversion\n\nI took a slight detour in my preparations for DANG 2016 to finish up a semi-stalled project. For a couple years, I’ve been collecting 1/700 scale submarine models with two projects in mind. 1 – I want to create a set of modern submarine rules, and 2 – I want to have a set of US submarine display models to take to some of my submarine veteran events.\n\nLast week was the holiday lunch for my local submarine veterans group, so I took the opportunity to put together and organize all the kits I’ve been collecting. My assembly of US subs was a hit at the luncheon. Most of the people attending didn’t even know that companies made so many submarine models.\nMost of the kits were straight out of the box from DML/Dragon, Takara, Hobby Boss, and OKB Grigorov. I did do one conversion to make the 1950s GUPPY II. I started with a Hobby Boss Balao class sub, modified the hull (mostly reshaping the bow and adding the sonar) and then added the Cubera sail from the Kokoda Trail Models store on Shapeways. The frosted ultra detail sail fit right in with the plastic kit and I was really happy with the final result. Here is a photo of the conversion and some of the other subs\n\nSome of the subs will (probably) show up when I complete my sub rule, but for now they are serving at least one of their planned purposes.\n\nWith that out of the way, I'll get back to working on the ships for DANG.\nPosted by Dave S. at 3:21 PM 2 comments:", "Labels: Projects, submarines, Update\n\nSaturday, November 12, 2016\n\nDANG 2016 - Planning\n\nWith November half over, I’m finally getting around to preparing for my yearly naval game: DANG (Dave's Annual Naval Game). We had our DANG voting earlier this year and for this year's game the voters selected The Big Stick – The 1903 Venezuela Crisis.\nThe game will cover a hypothetical war between the United States and Germany over the Venezuela debt crisis in 1903. In the game the Germans have refused to accept arbitration to resolve the issue. They are continuing their blockade of major Venezuelan ports and have attacked several Venezuelan forts. President Roosevelt, adding his own corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, has dispatched a naval force to remove the blockade and prevent the Germans from occupying any Venezuelan ports. While the primary forces are cruisers, there will be an opportunity for both sides to get some battleships into the game. The Italians might make an appearance too.\nI’m going to use 1/2400 ships from Panzerschiffe for the game, with a few substitutions for the German and Italian ships. Most of the ships will be close enough to the real thing, but some will require some minor alterations.\n\nWe will either use David Manley’s Fire When Ready rules or the recently released Admiralty Trilogy Dawn of the Battleship rules. I have played Fire When Ready, so I have a good idea of how things run there and I would like to try out Down of the Battleship before making a decision.", null, "This is DANG’s fifteenth year (yes it is DANG XV, I think it is time to start numbering them like Super Bowls). Here are links to recaps of DANG from before 2010, the 2010 Lepanto game, the 2011 American Civil War river game , the 2012 War of 1812 Lake Ontario game, the Operation Landcrab game from 2013, the 2014 Cogs of War game, and last year’s The Shores of Tripoli game.\nPosted by Dave S. at 9:59 PM 4 comments:", "Labels: DANG, Gaming, New Project\n\nTuesday, November 8, 2016\n\n2016 NHMGS Game Day at the Museum of Flight\n\nNHMGS held our annual game day at the Museum of Flight on November 6. We were back in the museum’s main gallery under the Blackbird (not a standard SR-71, but the last surviving M-21 version) with our information table and four gaming tables.\nAs usual, we had two gaming sessions. The morning session had a Wings of Glory World War 1 game, a Cuban Missile Crisis game with the AirWar: C21 rules, a Star War Armada, and an All Quiet on the Martian Front game. In the afternoon there was a Korean War scenario using Check You 6 Jets rules, a Galactic Knights game, an Aztecs vs. Conquistadors game using the Quetzalcoatl Rampant rules (a variation of Lion Rampant), and an Old School Naval Action game.\nThis year I was helping run the AirWar: C21 game and played in the Quetzalcoatl Rampant game, so I didn’t get as many photos as usual. But here are a few to give you an idea of how things went.\nGamer turnout was good, but I think the sunny weather (after a week of mostly gloomy rain) limited museum attendance. We did get a chance to talk with several people about our hobby and even the ones that didn’t stop to talk seemed interested in the painted figures.\n\nThe game day is always a good opportunity to show off the hobby to the general public and the museum is a really great forum for it.\nPosted by Dave S. at 8:46 PM 3 comments:", "Labels: Air Game, NHMGS\n\nWednesday, October 26, 2016\n\nJapanese for Bolt Action\n\nOne of my summer projects was to start (and finish) the Japanese Bolt Action figures I purchased as opponents for my Australian troops from Brigade Games (you can see photos of them here).\nIn this case, I just went with a box of plastic Imperial Japanese infantry from Warlord Games, along with a metal medium machine gun and 81mm mortar. The infantry box didn't come with any bases, so I ordered some from Warlord and some Summer Tufts of grass to make them look good. I think the final results turned out pretty well, as you can see in the photos below.\nThe infantry box has five sprues, each with six bodies and numerous heads, arms, and weapons to make 30 figures.\nWhile there are only six body types (one prone, one kneeling, one crouching, and three running/walking fast) all the different head, arm, and weapon configurations can give you a pretty wide range of poses. For the most part, the castings were clean and the figures went together easily. Although I did seem to end up with a lot of my troops looking down toward the ground.\nThe above photo shows a completed figure for each of the body types. Note that the middle figure is carrying a Type 99 light machine gun with a bayonet. I had to create a figure like that because, to me, nothing says Imperial Japanese Army louder than a guy with a machine gun charging because there is a bayonet on the machine gun (in most other WWII armies, the guy would be happy to just stand back and shoot you, but not the Japanese). There are also options for making grenadiers (see the figure on the right) by adding a Type 89 light mortar.\n\nThe medium machine gun and 81mm mortar support weapons are metal castings, but the figures did not seem a crisp and clean as the plastic figures. I don't have any other metal figures from Warlord, but I was a little disappointed with these. The figures did include multiple heads, so you can vary the figures a little.\nAfter putting all the troops together (which did take a little while), I got down to painting them up. Since I was planning on using the \"dip method\" (really brush-on the way I do it) on these guys, I kept the primer and most other colors fairly light. I used Vallejo Japanese Uniform (70.923) for the main uniform color, even though a couple of the painting guides I looked at said it did not match any Japanese uniforms. I also used a leather paint for boots and belts, light brown for webbing and bags, and olive drab for helmets and canteens. After that it was off to the dip for the Emperor's boys, then applying some grass and tufts to the bases. The tufts are interesting to work with. I never got a handle on using static grass (mine often just laid down), so the pre-made tufts were good for me.\n\nOverall, I think the figures turned out pretty well and I ended up with good gaming figures. They seem to fit nicely with my Australians.\nI like the idea of some small battles on New Guinea and I think I've got enough troops to do those. But I might add some more weapons and troops to both sides in the future.\nWith the Japanese Imperial Army done, it is time to get back to some naval projects."], "url": "http://seanavalgazing.blogspot.com/2016/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 264, "original_width": 400, "width": 572}], "image_hashes": ["b3c2df1f873e2cbaeabb6b8cb3acb5cb7f4582b94551bbc5782f917461f27b45"], "__index_level_0__": 277, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ttJRQT2j_fI/S2ExxpTJgKI/AAAAAAAAANg/A85yYRB_5Ec/s320/Gorgonian+Garden2.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ttJRQT2j_fI/S2ExxQSe3PI/AAAAAAAAANY/hyyy9zIbdLY/s320/Gorgonian+Garden1.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ttJRQT2j_fI/S2ExxE1nJvI/AAAAAAAAANQ/tJHJZuR7dU8/s320/Gorgonian+Garden3.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8689403533935547}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://seasofserendipity.blogspot.com/2010_01_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ttJRQT2j_fI/S2ExxpTJgKI/AAAAAAAAANg/A85yYRB_5Ec/s320/Gorgonian+Garden2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ttJRQT2j_fI/S2ExxpTJgKI/AAAAAAAAANg/A85yYRB_5Ec/s320/Gorgonian+Garden2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Gorgonian Garden\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://seasofserendipity.blogspot.com/2010_01_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ttJRQT2j_fI/S2ExxQSe3PI/AAAAAAAAANY/hyyy9zIbdLY/s320/Gorgonian+Garden1.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ttJRQT2j_fI/S2ExxQSe3PI/AAAAAAAAANY/hyyy9zIbdLY/s320/Gorgonian+Garden1.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Gorgonian Garden\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://seasofserendipity.blogspot.com/2010_01_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ttJRQT2j_fI/S2ExxE1nJvI/AAAAAAAAANQ/tJHJZuR7dU8/s320/Gorgonian+Garden3.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ttJRQT2j_fI/S2ExxE1nJvI/AAAAAAAAANQ/tJHJZuR7dU8/s320/Gorgonian+Garden3.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Gorgonian Garden\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, January 28, 2010\n\nA new year and new discoveries", null, null, null, "Its been a slow start to the 2009/10 west coast season in Sri Lanka. Bad weather has meant frustrating days on land or tough days out at sea. Coupled with work commitments I have not spent any time updating this blog but its time to start again. A new year brings new discoveries and new adventures!\n\nAfter waiting for the sea to improve with no success we finally braved the swells to explore a new dive site off Mt. Lavinia. Beneath the angry swells on the surface there is calm as we descend into the unknown depths of the deep blue. At 36m we come to a hard-bottom habitat and there before us is an amazing and beautiful site; a dense forest of gorgonians. Giant sea fans more than 2m across lean into the current like giant dreamcatchers listening to the songs of distant whales and other denizens of the deep. Hundreds of blue triggerfish scuttle across the reef in their funny swimming motions like little pixies dancing in a mystical garden. Our time is short at this depth but we will return.............soon!"], "url": "http://seasofserendipity.blogspot.com/2010_01_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 320, "width": 549}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 221, "original_width": 320, "width": 547}, {"height": 653, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 185, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["9e3cb1a9b7fb14e3ef27288af49b6d6d0c227ac138c7291193786476e8601509", "f1421b27eb713c0b407cdf89d00d1d86fb2e3231f2e8f6d3a29627988ec7220a", "e3cc40a221159298ae0f56039a47ec6762ba0877db47d8ca11892dabe7464924"], "__index_level_0__": 278, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VDbDW2F_x60/S913g9Uiz6I/AAAAAAAAQhc/Eq0YqIgQhYo/s320/DSCN7272.JPG", null, "http://lh5.ggpht.com/_VDbDW2F_x60/SyMCaFdlW9I/AAAAAAAANx4/0Ohu1immxTA/s800/Sulphurs.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VDbDW2F_x60/S914Bt5TYYI/AAAAAAAAQhk/6eZU7TIErlk/s400/DSCN6566.JPG", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8872165679931641}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://seedscatterer.blogspot.com/2010/05/do-butterflies-find-welcome-in-your.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VDbDW2F_x60/S913g9Uiz6I/AAAAAAAAQhc/Eq0YqIgQhYo/s320/DSCN7272.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VDbDW2F_x60/S913g9Uiz6I/AAAAAAAAQhc/Eq0YqIgQhYo/s320/DSCN7272.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 235}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://seedscatterer.blogspot.com/2010/05/do-butterflies-find-welcome-in-your.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://lh5.ggpht.com/_VDbDW2F_x60/SyMCaFdlW9I/AAAAAAAANx4/0Ohu1immxTA/s800/Sulphurs.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh5.ggpht.com/_VDbDW2F_x60/SyMCaFdlW9I/AAAAAAAANx4/0Ohu1immxTA/s800/Sulphurs.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Sulphurs\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://seedscatterer.blogspot.com/2010/05/do-butterflies-find-welcome-in-your.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VDbDW2F_x60/S914Bt5TYYI/AAAAAAAAQhk/6eZU7TIErlk/s400/DSCN6566.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VDbDW2F_x60/S914Bt5TYYI/AAAAAAAAQhk/6eZU7TIErlk/s400/DSCN6566.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://seedscatterer.blogspot.com/2010/05/do-butterflies-find-welcome-in-your.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Zm2Rd3665oo/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAoaM/loD0ISXE3gc/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Zm2Rd3665oo/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAoaM/loD0ISXE3gc/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null]", "texts": ["Bright blossoms are welcoming, especially if they face an open space, like lantana edging a lawn. Butterflies look for nectar and a place to lay eggs, which is why I have a Paw Paw Asimina parviflora behind an expanse of lantana to welcome Zebra swallowtails.", null, "Zebra Swallowtail nectaring on yellow weeds.", null, "Sulphurs puddling on a damp spot on the ground.\nThe Butterfly Lady encourages her visiting toddler grandson to tinkle in the sandy puddling space she provides for male butterflies. They are seeking mineral salts, which urine provides just enough.\nDo you have one of those pretty butterfly houses sometimes seen at craft fairs? I've never seen a butterfly in one. They usually seek shelter from wind and rain somewhere like behind some bark or underneath a leaf, which I have seen.", null, "Butterflies were here when Azaleas bloomed.\nI provided dianthus and other nectar-laden goodies following the end of Azalea time but most disappeared all the same. Our butterflies are programmed for making appearances when nectar is most bountiful, disappearing until the next wave of blossoms appear in nature. Lantana is about to bloom. I noticed passion vine plants among the emerging lantanas last week. Meanwhile I'm seeing an occasional visitor, like the American Painted Lady I saw yesterday.\nIf you want to visit a butterfly expert's blog, go see Randy and Meg's Garden Paradise. On Randy's sidebar are links to Randy's Butterfly Pages, chock full of important butterfly information.\nA Poll on my Sidebar has to do with what Butterflies visit in gardens. Please check the plants and other items that butterflies may find in your garden. What favorite plants and activities of butterflies did I leave off?\nLabels: butterfly_gardening", "Rebuilding my Blog List that some Dummy Deleted", "Secrets of a Seed scatterer", "How to Garden, in 25 Words\n\nStroll the garden daily."], "url": "http://seedscatterer.blogspot.com/2010/05/do-butterflies-find-welcome-in-your.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 320, "width": 512}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 316, "original_width": 440, "width": 526}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["acb74c9317dc73450ee66411d03a702baa2c9f91926fce5de4e37d842b6ae8ed", "16c9fa6679a85b0e36b6e67e17794723e672916cda04e093eff55e77b1e4df50", "c0806d50402604913ea511d92c87ebbdc1e3c5b12844104f0f999f9e5706e9b8"], "__index_level_0__": 279, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_zFlu58R5Yd0/S5nFEFNFuiI/AAAAAAAAAAM/1_jbNp-Pb6U/S730/boschfools.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8153757452964783}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://sensingpower.blogspot.com/2010/03/recipe-for-disaster.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_zFlu58R5Yd0/S5nFEFNFuiI/AAAAAAAAAAM/1_jbNp-Pb6U/S730/boschfools.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_zFlu58R5Yd0/S5nFEFNFuiI/AAAAAAAAAAM/1_jbNp-Pb6U/S730/boschfools.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"boschfools\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 368}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sensingpower.blogspot.com/2010/03/recipe-for-disaster.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_zFlu58R5Yd0/S5nmH4t93hI/AAAAAAAAABg/YYxmBoCB9jo/s320/food.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_zFlu58R5Yd0/S5nmH4t93hI/AAAAAAAAABg/YYxmBoCB9jo/s320/food.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"food\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sensingpower.blogspot.com/2010/03/recipe-for-disaster.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/_zFlu58R5Yd0/S576X4-W0hI/AAAAAAAAAB0/vIbmTMltPq4/S220-s81/l_283d8c3ef72bb96113c2609616135f82.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_zFlu58R5Yd0/S576X4-W0hI/AAAAAAAAAB0/vIbmTMltPq4/S220-s81/l_283d8c3ef72bb96113c2609616135f82.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"l d c ef bb c f\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 81, \"rendered_height\": 67}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Do not add a good mood\n\nDo not add splashes of sun\nDo not add fine friends\nDo not add butter, nor bacon, nor bread\n\nDo not add porridge\nNor the steam above the bowl\nDo not add flannel underpants\nNor the tenderness they hold\n\nDo not add lime\nDo not add dreams\nDo not add pickled herring\nDo not add cream\n\nDo not add Bob Marley\nDo not add fresh cut lawns\nDo not add Cinnamon Toast Crunch\nDo not add Yoko and John\n\nDo not add bourbon\nDo not add leather chair\nDo not add cigar\nDo not add a nom de guerre\n\nDo not add the banjo\nNor clarinet nor bassoon\nDo not add the dance after sunset\nTo a soaring grand tune\n\nDo not add the moonglow\nOn the arched back of the sea\nDo not add the shade\nOf the sycamore tree\n\nDo not add the comfort\nThat the gentle world lends\nJust let the nothing continue\nTill the whole feast ends.\nPosted by Nato Thompson at 10:56 PM", "Labels: poems", "Miranda said...\n\nAh, this was always a good one.\n\nGlad to see the blog resurrected--you're inspiring me!\n\nMarch 12, 2010 at 6:50 AM", "kellyr said...\n\nYour poems are always my favorites! I still have one you wrote to me about moving to the big city taped to my wall."], "url": "http://sensingpower.blogspot.com/2010/03/recipe-for-disaster.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 368, "original_width": 400, "width": 410}], "image_hashes": ["641727a183ae3d500d9aded868474aa7fd916a6e1714a2fa125f03eacfbbd9c1"], "__index_level_0__": 280, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_JCMjLB5LsPA/SEgAOIZ_PCI/AAAAAAAAC_Y/gtv_9PituU8/s400/IMG_482301.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9606189727783204}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sgtandmrshub.blogspot.com/2008/06/it-was-only-99-degress-out-after-all.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_JCMjLB5LsPA/SEgAOIZ_PCI/AAAAAAAAC_Y/gtv_9PituU8/s400/IMG_482301.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_JCMjLB5LsPA/SEgAOIZ_PCI/AAAAAAAAC_Y/gtv_9PituU8/s400/IMG_482301.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sgtandmrshub.blogspot.com/2008/06/it-was-only-99-degress-out-after-all.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h46/campclan/sgt/profile.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h46/campclan/sgt/profile.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"profile\", \"rendered_width\": 190, \"rendered_height\": 216}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sgtandmrshub.blogspot.com/2008/06/it-was-only-99-degress-out-after-all.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_JCMjLB5LsPA/SQ1MZscAiWI/AAAAAAAAE2E/AHgFW1MyQXM/s400/nablo1108.120x240.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_JCMjLB5LsPA/SQ1MZscAiWI/AAAAAAAAE2E/AHgFW1MyQXM/s400/nablo1108.120x240.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nablo\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://sgtandmrshub.blogspot.com/2008/06/it-was-only-99-degress-out-after-all.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://racheldurik.googlepages.com/h6.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://racheldurik.googlepages.com/h6.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 250, \"rendered_height\": 125}, {\"document_url\": \"http://sgtandmrshub.blogspot.com/2008/06/it-was-only-99-degress-out-after-all.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://forbloghosting.googlepages.com/wwwatwin.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://forbloghosting.googlepages.com/wwwatwin.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wwwatwin\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://sgtandmrshub.blogspot.com/2008/06/it-was-only-99-degress-out-after-all.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://forbloghosting.googlepages.com/wwwatwin.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://forbloghosting.googlepages.com/wwwatwin.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wwwatwin\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["It was only 99 degrees out after all...", null, "Eve built a campfire last night... you know, it was a brisk 99 degrees out.\n\nI had so much fun watching the kids play last night at the park. They had no toys, and it was too windy to play on the playground for long. I love it when they are put into situations like this because they are forced to use their imaginations.\n\nAnd, oh, they did. We had sand castles, and pet rocks, campfires, and many, many games of tag. They chased the birds, and checked out a mole hole, then creating elaborate stories about the resident of the hole. It was fun!\n\nBut tonight... There WILL be swimming. It will be the fourth night in a row that we've taken the kids to the pool - we were thwarted three times, but there will not be a fourth.", "posted at 10:02 AM 7 comments", "Megan said...\n\nwe have yet to go swimming- it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to go without jim, and there are so many things around the city for us to check out, we haven't done the pool yet. oh, and it isn't 99 degrees here, yet, either, which would probably motivate me...\n\nbe my neighbor ANY time!\n\nat Thursday, June 05, 2008 10:40:00 AM", "Happy swimming!!!!\n\nat Thursday, June 05, 2008 12:03:00 PM", "Tarrah said...\n\nShe looks so lonely and sad in that picture. I want Abriella to be next to her building that fire :)\n\nOh, & I just looked on your sidebar, your off to bake apple pies, chicken, and biscutes? You don't stop girl. But then, I know how that is :)\n\nat Thursday, June 05, 2008 1:58:00 PM", "New Girl on Post said...\n\nI hope they get to swim tonight. I wish I could swim myself. The heat and humidity here in Louisiana is UNBEARABLE!\n\nat Thursday, June 05, 2008 3:12:00 PM", "trying said...\n\ngo get em at the pool tonight!good luck!\n\nI love watching them use their imagination and just simply explore. Althought to little ones exploring is never simple! Now I get how you rediscover things thru your children.\n\nat Thursday, June 05, 2008 3:40:00 PM", "Becca said...\n\nMaybe she heard the \"hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk\" adage. It's not that hot here. I don't know that I could manage!\n\nat Thursday, June 05, 2008 9:06:00 PM", "Jen said...\n\nIt's only been 92 here. Swimming is nice. We are going to the pool tomorrow and Sunday, I cannot wait."], "url": "http://sgtandmrshub.blogspot.com/2008/06/it-was-only-99-degress-out-after-all.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["9878ba0c6c79ab2bee0b9a4b54b08a106f713f2649a30537d95e6f5cbc8e3301"], "__index_level_0__": 281, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://fridgeandtunnel.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/squash-soup_4.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9608182907104492}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://shana-thisisme.blogspot.com/2014_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://fridgeandtunnel.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/squash-soup_4.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://fridgeandtunnel.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/squash-soup_4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"squash soup\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 212}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://shana-thisisme.blogspot.com/2014_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh3.googleusercontent.com/-VP2Q4dibbGY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAMY/Ma5DliECB7U/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-VP2Q4dibbGY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAMY/Ma5DliECB7U/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null]", "texts": [null, "I am slightly sad that Summer is ending  but I love the Fall and cannot contain my enthusiasm for Fall foods.  My taste buds are screaming for pumpkin, squash, apples, and s'mores.\n\nI definitely associate flavors and seasons, being a Foodie will do that to you.  I am ready to put aside my cheeseburger and welcome a slice of pumpkin pie.  I started fulfilling my Fall foods craving tonight at dinner, and of course I had to start out the season appropriately.  Butternut squash soup was the first food to hit my flavor palate this year and I am not sorry.  By far one of my favorite Fall foods and soups.\n\nHere is my basic recipe:\n\nPre-heat oven to 400.  Halve two Butternut squashes lengthwise and scoop out the seeds.  Lie them cut side down on a rimmed baking sheet and add about a 1/4 inch of water to the baking sheet.  Bake for about 40 minutes, or until fork tender.\n\n(To cut down on time, I baked the squash the day before, let them cool a bit, and refrigerated them).\n\n2 cooked butternut squash\n2 Tbls olive oil\n1 vidalia onion diced\n3 cloves of garlic chopped\n1 tsp dried thyme\n1 tsp dried parsley\n1/2 tsp dried rosemary\n1 carton of chicken broth (about 32 oz)\na dallop of light sour cream\n\nHeat oil in sauce pan over medium heat.  Add onion and let soften for about 3 minutes.  Add garlic, thyme, parsley, and rosemary.  Saute for additional 3 minutes.  Remove the skin from the cooked butternut squash and cut the squash in to chunks.  Add to the pot and stir with onion and garlic.  Add the broth and cover.  Simmer for about 20 minutes.\n\nUsing a hand blender, puree until smooth.  (You can use a blender and work in batches as well).\nLadle in to bowls and top with a dallop of light sour cream.\n\nFeel free to let the creativity flow with this versatile soup, I always do.  Sometimes I add pumpkin seeds as a topping, I've added apples to the mix, changed the seasonings around (nutmeg and cinnamon work well), and replaced the sour cream with greek yogurt.\n\nEnjoy! Yummmmmm....\n\nPosted by Shana Butterwick at 5:27 PM No comments:", "Friday, September 12, 2014\n\nEvery Day Heroes\n\nThere are people we think of when the word \"hero\" is mentioned.  Police officers, firefighters, soldiers, and people who sacrifice themselves for a greater good are the images that typically come to mind.  Of course I agree, how could you not.  These individuals risk their own lives to save, improve, and protect others.  They should be honored and respected for all they do.\n\nToday, as I did the typical duties of a stay at home mom, I was a bit enlightened.  Walking into my exercise class I saw the faces of women who live and work in my area.  They do not run in to burning buildings or capture hardened criminals, but they do care for, shape, and guide the lives of others.  Today I thought, women really are everyday heroes, albeit, different from the above mentioned figures, but the everyday things I see women do is absolutely inspiring.\n\nThere are women who regularly attend my exercise class with serious injuries, just recovering from surgery.  There are moms who recently sent their first child away to school and miss them intensely.  Moms who spend their days caring for their home and children, then spend the night working while their family sleeps safely at home.  I meet women who are pregnant with second and third babies running around the playground with their kids.  I know moms who spend their only free minutes volunteering their time to help less fortunate people in the community.\n\nBesides the unrepresentative number of amazing tasks I mentioned, we do these while lacking months of sleep.  Women work that hard to care for their families regardless of what might be happening in the rest of their lives.  We are women with very personal stories who put it all aside to create, help, and enrich the lives of others.\n\nWe easily adjust ourselves as needed to fit the current role of the day, from business professional to house cleaner to nurse to chef.  We become teachers when our kids come home from school with homework, then wives when our husbands come home from work.\n\nThere are times I think I am jealous of my husband, sometimes being a man seems so much easier.  If they need to make a doctor appointment or get a haircut, they just go on the way home from work.  Being a man allows you to be just a professional when you are at work and then a husband and father when you get home.\n\nI thought I wanted to be a man, so I can put on nice clothes every morning and head out the door, coffee in hand and just one job to think of.  They get to shower alone everyday, and listen to whatever radio station they want to listen to in their cars.  So many perks of manhood, how could you not be jealous?\n\nBut after my realization today I no longer want to be jealous of these small manly bonuses.  I am proud to be a part of the hero gender.  The gender that wholeheartedly cares for their families and takes on the roles of many to get the job done.  I love being a part of the feminine gender so that I can easily transform from a responsible mom in to a giggling best friend.  I am so proud of women and everything they do every day to make life special.  Women are my every day heroes.\nPosted by Shana Butterwick at 6:35 PM No comments:", "Wednesday, September 10, 2014\n\nStop Hating\n\nPosted by Shana Butterwick at 11:45 AM 2 comments:", "Monday, September 8, 2014\n\nWhat I Have Learned As An Adult", "My older daughter started preschool today with the excitement of a young and eager learner.  I listened to her new teacher as she told us about show and tell, the letter of the week, and the many projects that young children use to explore the world. Even the teachers had the first day disposition of excited preschoolers as they shared their expectations of our young ones.\n\nDriving home from the school this afternoon, I had that natural high that follows a wonderfully eventful morning.  I am ready to admire all of my child's art work and letter tracing and share my love of learning with her as we begin our school year.\n\nMy daughter is very young, turning four in the beginning of November.  She has two decades of schooling ahead of her.  With the start of her academic life, I thought it only proper to share with you the things I have learned recently, in my adult life:\n\nPosted by Shana Butterwick at 5:53 PM No comments:", "Friday, September 5, 2014\n\nIt happened to Us\n\nWe are now a family of four, and the inevitable finally happened to us:\n\nMy older daughter got sick.  She had a nasty virus for over a week.  She could not sleep which means Mommy and Daddy could not sleep.\n\nAt the tail end of my daughter being sick, it was transferred to me, the Mom.  My daughter is still coughing all night, so we do not sleep.\n\nMy daughter is better, and so is Mom, but now the baby has something and she could not sleep.  Mom does not sleep.\n\nWe are on the third week of being awake ALL the time at my house.  By week two I came up with some ways to get through the days:\n\n1.  Pretend that you actually slept very well.  This mind over matter trick works wonders until about 3pm!\n\n2.  Enjoy the spaced out feeling - it is like you are back in college, it makes you feel young-YAY!\n\n4.  Loud music, very loud music.\n\n5.  Partake in the ice bucket challenge.\n\n6.  Tell your kids you really want to watch that show with them again, then fall asleep watching it.\nPosted by Shana Butterwick at 4:34 AM No comments:", "Wednesday, September 3, 2014\n\nMy Kids Listen\n\nMe: \"Why do you listen to me?\"\nMy Daughter:  \"because Mommy loves me.\"\n\nMy daughter is running around with her friends on the playground and she is about to do something I am not comfortable with.  I say, \"Please do not do that.\" and my daughter listens.  The mom next to me is astonished, and turns to me with a questioning look, then tells me what a great listener my child is.  I am always proud, and thank the mom for the compliment.  This situation has happened to me many times and so I decided to write about the relationship I have with my child, and why she listens to me so well.\n\nMy parenting style is my own, as I did not read about it online or find it in a text book.  I am a smart woman, college graduate with many employment positions that involved caring for or teaching children.  Through my life I was always \"good\" with children, other people have said that many times.  I definitely feel like I understand kids and relate to their needs and emotions.  Also, I always wanted to be a mom, a really great mom who had great relationships with her children, and so I adapted a parenting style that allows for that kind of growth and respect.\n\nIf asked to describe the type of parent I am, I would say I am authoritative.  There are a set of rules and guidelines that I expect my children to follow, however my household is democratic and everyone is listened to and responded to in a respectful manner.  I do not use punishment if I am disobeyed, but rather a system that allows my daughter to learn from her wrong doing.  Parenting to me involves communication, clear boundaries and guidelines, and support for each other within our family.\n\nI believe that rules for my children should be based on their health, safety, and happiness.  For example; holding hands in a parking lot, not going near the oven, and no hitting or causing harm to people or animals are some rules that I enforce strictly.  I use rules to set clear boundaries for my children, so they know what is not allowed, and my daughters know that the rules I enforce are for good reason, I tell them my rules keep them safe and healthy.\n\nBeyond the above mentioned nonnegotiable safety rules, I try to approach each situation that my daughters and I encounter during our days as if they were my best girl friends.  I am not saying that I am the mom who thinks their child is their best friend, I know the difference.  But, when my child is upset about something, I listen to what is bothering them and try to help them feel better.  If my judgement seems unfair to my kids, I give them the open floor to tell me why they think it is unfair.  That does not mean I will change my answers but I do give my children the opportunity to be listened to.\n\nI treat my children with respect and they in turn treat me with respect.  Kids learn a great deal through observation and repeating what they see other people do.  If I yell they will learn to do the same; but if I use patience and kindness hopefully they will copy my behaviors.  Also, I always try to put myself in their shoes before I react to anything.  Trying to see the world through their eyes really helps me approach each situation with a level of fairness I believe is appreciated.\n\nI do not believe that being a mom means being in power over my kids, but rather a role of nurturing, teaching, and guiding.  Listening is a communication tool that I need to teach my children.  The best way to accomplish that is by listening to them which in turn teaches my children to listen to me.\n\nPosted by Shana Butterwick at 6:14 PM No comments:", "Follow me by Email", "Shana Butterwick\n\nI am a new mom with old fashioned ideas :o)"], "url": "http://shana-thisisme.blogspot.com/2014_09_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 2048, "original_width": 3072, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["75349a3c941ef328be0765d02f81e91c990611a8668e4d956fc179a6417ec668"], "__index_level_0__": 282, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Vd78pSdwebY/TjGGrOq3V4I/AAAAAAAACXA/acgkr_F39DM/s400/IMG_2553.JPG", 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I have a harder time selecting one thing about each of them that I don't want to forget, its just being with them that I want to remember. I want to remember looking back at them in their car seats when I am at a red light. Emma is normally sucking her thumb and looks at me with her big eyes. Josh is typically laughing and trying to take off his shoes. I want to remember the sound of their laughs, their words, the way they say \"mama\" \"dad\" and each others' names.\n\nTime goes by so quickly, each moment is precious. I feel fortunate that I am able to be a mom to two of the funniest, most determined, oftentimes impatient but still lovable kids I know:", null, null, "I hope I never forget how lucky I am to be their mom. I hope that I remember that even though its hard and challenging, its worth every moment!\nPosted by Shannon at 11:53 AM", "Kismet21 said...\n\nThey are so big!\n\nJuly 30, 2011 at 5:15 PM", "The Lane Family said...\n\nTHis was a GREAT post!!! It helped me to remember to enjoy every moment because you are right it does pass so very fast!!"], "url": "http://shannonlea-baby.blogspot.com/2011/07/tidwtft_28.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 566, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 267, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["da2d1b405dba5aaa45f9b137f8259d3e7cdd4f4630da6163f52b8003498b6437", "b37b5e867949802d4b504a47537ea034e4f65d26e5761ad1e980791d1327ab68"], "__index_level_0__": 283, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8030/8068971005_7eafbc91d1.jpg", null, "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8449/8068967787_faa663e091.jpg", null, "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8316/8068964314_3d56d5e8b3.jpg", null, "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8451/8068964722_4c00275ed2.jpg", null, "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8035/8068969099_cf9146b205.jpg", null, 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 Drizzle some oil (olive or canola will work just fine) over the cauliflower, somewhere around 3 tablespoons.  Then season generously with Kosher Salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper.  Take your hands and move the cauliflower all around to evenly coat the florets with the oil, salt, and pepper.", null, "Pop the baking sheet in the oven for about 25 – 30 minutes, stirring the cauliflower half way through.  When the cauliflower is done, it will be fork tender and have some spots of golden-brown.  Kind of like this:", null, "Roasting the cauliflower, as with all vegetables, brings out and concentrates its natural sugars.  The cauliflower slightly caramelizes during the process, transforming it into something so much better than just, well, cauliflower.  This roasting “trick” works with all vegetables by the way… it’s absolutely my favorite way to eat vegetables.\n\nAt this point, scrape the cauliflower into a sauce pot and add around 4 cups of chicken stock.  You can make your own, which is definitely time consuming but super easy and delicious (recipe for that at the bottom of this post) or you can use store bought chicken or vegetable stock.  Obviously, buying stock is the easier route to go, but make sure to buy quality.  I typically use Trader Joe’s brand, but I’ve heard that Cooks Illustrated is partial to Swanson.", null, "Bring the cauliflower-stock mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, then lower to a simmer and let it go for about 15-20 minutes.  Let cool, then transfer cauliflower to a blender with a slotted spoon.  Add in just a couple cups of the stock and purée.  Add in more stock as you see fit, until it reaches a thick soup consistency.  You might use all the stock, you might not, depending how thick you want the soup to be.", null, "Pour the soup through a fine mesh sieve placed on top of a large bowl.  Stir the soup through the fine mesh sieve and discard any solids left behind.", null, "*If you aren’t planning on serving the soup right away, you can refrigerate the cauliflower soup mixture at this point for a day or two until ready to serve.\n\nLast step is an easy one:  pour the cauliflower mixture into a pot and bring to a simmer over medium-low heat.  Stir in about 3/4 cup of heavy cream and 2 puréed poblano chiles (keep reading for how to make that).  Season with salt and pepper heat until warmed through.\n\nLet’s take a side step here for that poblano purée and also to make the pepper relish garnish (try to say that 5 times fast)…\n\nWhen the cauliflower was done roasting in the oven, crank up the heat to 375°F.  It’s time to roast 3 poblano chiles and 1 red bell pepper.  Same process as the cauliflower: put the peppers on an aluminum-lined baking sheet and drizzle with a tablespoon or two of canola oil and sprinkle with Kosher salt and pepper.  Use your hand and toss the peppers to evenly coat with the oil.  (In the picture below, there are more peppers than you need for this recipe… I was roasting up some additional ones for some other eats).", null, "Put the tray of peppers into the oven.  Check on your roasting peppers every now and again, rotating/turning the peppers with tongs about every 6-8  minutes or until the cooked side has blistered with some brown char marks.  The poblanos are normally smaller than red bell peppers, so they may be done first.  Typically it takes around 20 – 30 minutes depending upon the size of your peppers.  They will have brown char marks and wrinkled skin when they are done, kind of like this:", null, "Place your peppers in a bowl and cover with plastic wrap for at least 10 minutes.  This process will create steam, making the skins easier to peel.\n\nAfter the 10 minutes (or longer) has passed, peel the skin off the peppers with your fingers and remove the seeds from inside the peppers.  The skins should slide right off, but you may have some stubborn spots here and there.  ***You might want to wear gloves when peeling and handling these poblano chiles.  They can leave your hands (and anywhere your hand touches) with a burning sensation.\n\nOnce you are done peeling and seeding, finely chop 1 poblano pepper and the 1 red bell pepper.  With the other 2 poblanos, place into a food processor or blender and puree:", null, "So remember, the puréed poblanos = soup / the finely chopped poblano and red pepper = part of garnish.  Okay, it’s plating time!\n\nFill bowls with your soup.  I like to garnish mine with a couple cilantro leaves and a “pepper relish” of sorts.  Here’s how you make it:  Take that finely chopped roasted red bell pepper and poblano chile and place them in a bowl.  Hit it with a splash of red wine or sherry vinegar and a squeeze of honey (equal parts honey/vinegar, somewhere around 1 tsp – 1 tbl each).  Throw in a pinch of Kosher salt and Freshly Ground Black Pepper.  Taste and adjust the honey/vinegar/salt/pepper as necessary.  This “relish” adds beautiful color to the soup and also brings an added depth of flavor.", null, "Serve some blue corn chips on the side with softened fresh goat cheese.  The tangy-ness of the goat cheese goes really well with the richness of this soup.", null, "You are probably going to want more than 3 tortilla chips, but for this picture I just thought it looked nice.", null, "Roasted Cauliflower – Poblano Soup\n\nCauliflower gets a starring role in this thick and creamy soup recipe, with the help of a flavorful kick from roasted poblano chiles. This rich and velvety soup will warm you through and through!"], "url": "http://sharedappetite.com/recipes/roasted-cauliflower-poblano-soup/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 500, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 319, "original_width": 499, "width": 591}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 361, "original_width": 500, "width": 523}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 500, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 430, "original_width": 500, "width": 439}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 399, "original_width": 499, "width": 472}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 326, "original_width": 500, "width": 579}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 500, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 500, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 500, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 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Today, 24th of October will be the starts of 4 consecutive days of Genting's Halloween Horror Spirits 2 which will ends on the 27th. I happened to be able to go for the warm up on 19th, which is last Saturday.\n\nTwo years ago I went to Hong Kong for the Halloween themed night entry of Ocean Park and Disneyland HK. Which was quite an experience. This year, I didn't get a chance to go overseas so I went up to Genting Highland to try out their Halloween Horror Spirits 2.\n\nLet the journey begin.", null, "Traveling to the entrance of the attraction alone is quite eery because we have to go through some dark alley.", null, null, null, "Haunted Playground\n\nAn abandoned playground with spirits wandering there. Take a picture with the spirits, if you dare.", null, null, "I wondered what will happened if I don't stay away from the swing.", null, null, "Scary Rating: 1/5\n\nFirst World Hotel", null, "Scary Rating: 5/5\n\nJust kidding. =P\n\nOld Shanghai\n\nChinese themed spirits haunt this place.", null, "Do you dare to buy dim sum from him?", null, null, "I'll say, she's pretty scary.", null, "Prison Freak\n\nPassing through Old Shanghai, one will find Prison Freak. One of the two horror houses that is available. Pretty much you'll be going through a prison that has not so friendly people lockup in there. Please don't freakout if you find some of them not properly locked. Muahahaha.", null, "Here, we are only allowed in group by group. So, some waiting is needed.", null, "Scary Rating: 2/5\n\nCity of Walker\n\nYou can skipped Prison Freak and go on to the City of Walker. This place is crowded with zombies.", null, "Some freak accident happened?", null, "Meet the walkers.", null, "There will be dance performance too every half-an-hour. If you are lucky, you might be able to catch the zombies attacking the police.", null, null, "Ghost Village (猛鬼村)\n\nAfter coming in from Haunted Playground, you'll see this sign. Turn left to Old Shanghai and turn right to Ghost Village. We turned left to Old Shanghai first, hence we need to go all the way to the other side to go to Ghost Village.", null, null, null, "I was a bit disappointed with Ghost Village. Is that it?\n\nScary Rating: 0/5\n\nKisah Rumah Puaka\n\nAfter passing through Ghost Village, we've came to our final haunting. Kisah Rumah Puaka. This is of course Malay themed horror house.", null, null, "In here you'll find Hantu Bungkus. Was there a Pontianak too? Just be careful of the bomoh there!\n\nScary Rating: 2.5/5\n\nP.S. I am basically quite immune to the haunted houses, so the scary rating I put here is for those brave people, add 1 or 2 more points to the rating if you are a timid person :p\n\nHalloween Horror Spirits 2 Ticket Pricing:\n\nHalloween Horror Spirits 2013\nDate: 19, 24, 25, 26 & 27 October 2013\nTime: 8pm – 12midnight\nVenue: Genting Outdoor Theme Park\n\nFor more information, call 03–6101 1118 or visit\n\nPosted by Simon Seow at 12:55 AM", "Labels: announcement , event , Genting , Halloween\n\nDanial Lissborg said...\n\nHey there!\n\nI came across your blog and really found it to be an interesting read! You have a great writing style that’s really personable and fun. It’s really good to see a diversity in the posts you put up on your blog, from food reviews to tech and events around the country. It was good to read about the debate finals which you attended, it reminded me of my days back in school! I just wanted to ask if you’d be interested to help us out by writing a post to help spread cancer awareness and those suffering from it in Malaysia."], "url": "http://simonseow.blogspot.com/2013/10/gentings-halloween-horror-spirits-2.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 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Single Screen Application for easy training with continuity across the board allowing movement of personnel from site to site. Long-term Data Collection potential informative future patterns based upon historical data. What Were the Objectives?\n\n3 Single, completely integrated platform Remote access from anywhere in the world Full security encryption The latest and most advanced technology Is Now The Leader in Visitor Access Control…\n\n4 Seamless Integration Speed and Productivity Security Special Characteristics\n\n5 Seamless Integration Residents Property Management Vendor Access Management Technical Support Vehicle Access Control Security Management\n\n6 Corporate Facilities Property Management Vendor Access Management Technical Support Vehicle Access Control Security Management Delivery Management Special Operations Seamless Integration\n\n7 Website and Database Integration Database Replication / Mirroring 24 / 7 / 365 Technical Support Localized Database if Internet Fails Transponder Data Management Mobile Tablet / Secure Patrol License Plate Recognition (LPR) Reporting – Incidents, Citations, Metrics Barcoding / Pass Control All Vendor / Contractor Visits Monitored A Secure Environment\n\n8 Speed and Productivity Visual Voicemail High Speed Thermal Pass Printer Bluetooth Handheld Barcode Reader Optional Handheld Tablet PC Custom Integrated Website Hand Held PDAs Email and Text Messaging for Visitor Arrival Visitor History Online Access Customizable Reports with Automatic Generation Full Account Administration Internal Messaging System\n\n11 allows residents to interface and stay connected to the community and gives them online visitor access control. A Visitor Access Sub-Menu allows residents to access and edit data for all temporary, permanent, unauthorized and party visitors.\n\n12 Resident Text / Email Notification A text message or email is sent to to the resident once a pass has been issued for the visitor at the gatehouse. This will notify the resident that their guest has arrived at the community.\n\n13 application allows the property manager or administrator to control all administrative functions of the community.\n\n14 Internal Messaging System The message window displays all messages that have either been received or sent. The Create Message link opens a pop-up window allowing the administrator to create and send an internal message to a Security Officer or employee.\n\n15 Customized Reporting The administrator selects a report from the menu. The display on the right will feature the setting for the chosen report. After selecting the desired options the administrator is able to run the report.\n\n16 An incident report is an example of one type of report that the administrator is able to run. This report documents all incidents that occur within a community during an established time frame.\n\n17 is designed to optimize security and visitor access for community guard stations. The application offers quick dynamic synchronization of data between all stations. Each station has the ability to run independently.\n\n18 Caller ID Notification One Click Speed Dial Personal Notepad Barcode Scanning\n\n19 One Click Call Back Listen to Message Go to Property Profile Mark as Processed/Delete from Memory Messages Waiting The new Securitas Visual Voicemail is the first to use voice recognition and convert voicemail to text. The message is delivered directly to the software application. The Security Officer can either immediately open the property file or return the phone call.\n\n20 Resident – Secure Online Guest Registration Email Visitor Confirmation Text message Guest Arrival Incoming Caller ID Notification Direct Connect to Property Screen Internal Messaging System Voice to Text: Visual Voicemail System Mobile Tablet PC for Patrol and additional gate assistance License Plate Recognition- Vehicle Documentation Access Control Management Transponder Data Management Customized Passes and Barcode Scanning PDA Application for patrol\n\n22 For All of Your Applications Stand Alone Desktop Network Mobile PC Tablet Stand Alone Mobile PC Tablet Network Desktop\n\n23 No Internet or Local Area Connection Required The Securitas Stand Alone System works in areas where an internet connection is not available. Information is stored on the local drive. Updates are performed on-site by trained technicians as needed. A Stand Alone System can be upgraded to a networked system at any time. No Remote Access from the Branch Manual Updates Securitas Stand Alone System\n\n24 The Securitas Stand Alone System runs both Secure Manager and Secure Entry software applications without an internet connection. PC StationMobile Tablet Securitas Stand Alone System\n\n25 The barcode scanner scans barcodes on visitor badges and packages. It expedites the process for package pick ups and drop offs. All tracking numbers that are scanned are automatically checked off in the application. The badge printer prints badges for visitors, employees and tracking number labels for packages. The pass printer prints vehicle passes and directions to appointment locations. The key signature pad confirms that visitors have all assets upon departure. It also collects signatures for package pick ups. The video camera is used to take pictures of visitors and employees. It also performs license plate capture and container character recognition.\n\n26 The Securitas Mobile Tablet PC is used to track shipping containers and also effectively check all vehicles within a complex. The Mobile Tablet PC can function as a stand alone system. The Tablet PC can also be used in conjunction with an online system to extend functionality. Used by Security Personnel while patrolling in vehicles or on foot Provides access control for vehicles entering or exiting the premises Able to perform Optical Character Recognition (OCR) on containers and license plates The camera function on the Mobile Tablet PC comes equipped with flash.\n\n27 is designed to optimize security and visitor access for campus and corporate facilities. The application offers quick dynamic synchronization of data between all stations. Each station has the ability to run independently.\n\n28 consists of five primary screens: Appointments, Companies, Deliveries and Employees. Each of these screens is broken into two sections. The first section is a list of records pertaining to the selected category. The second section contains the detail information for the selected record. AppointmentsCompanies Deliveries EmployeesFreight Navigation Menu Screens\n\n29 During Check Out the Security Officer is presented with the list of visitor assets. The Security Officer checks the list of assets and chooses whether or not to capture the signature of the visitor. As a visitor is leaving, the Check Out menu button will access the Check Out window. Appointments\n\n30 After choosing to save the pick-up package information, a signature capture window opens prompting the employee to sign for the package. This form will display any packages that the company needs to pick up. The Security Officer scans the barcodes on the packages to select the package from the list. Choose the employee name from the drop down menu provided. Deliveries\n\n31 Personal Notepad is a text box for the Security Officer to keep notes throughout their shift. This information is not saved and will disappear when the user logs out. Connection Status is an indicator of internet connectivity and the replication status. Red indicates that the status is disconnected and technical support needs to be contacted. Yellow indicates that there is internet activity, but there may be a problem with replication and technical support needs to be contacted. Green means that everything is working properly. Status Bar\n\n32 Workers require a TWIC to gain unescorted access to secure areas of Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) regulated facilities and vessels. Purpose: TWIC (Transit Worker Identification Card)\n\n33 allows the office manager or administrator to control all administrative functions of the office. The system scales from a single stand alone site up to multiple sites around the world. To access the application, enter this URL into your internet browser: www.mysecuremanager.com\n\n34 Each menu item has both a list view and a detailed view. For example, the visitor link opens a list of all visitor records. The visitor detail page allows the administrator to edit visitor information, including a photo of the visitor.\n\n35 The internal messaging system allows for easy communication between administration and Security Officers. Customized Reporting allows the administrator to keep an accurate account of visitors and incidents.\n\n36 Freight The Freight window allows the tracking of incoming and outgoing freight.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://slideplayer.com/slide/1421099/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 253, "original_width": 450, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}], "image_hashes": ["b3d84f191a297e2141507f921eeb97b61cba86edd741e095834209d0019298a2", "a116b5ac096fd61ae3e65c73e25d6b550770e02b0f8b89c80d7966a3fe1048cf", "0813bb25a038229828c38df7ba67e6606286f5e0f7ba5eaf055f9d9312889a25", "460b8c852bc017f4f188249c50bbb040dd9af411be4f195b46cfc8202a500029", "1f00c9f19924b0b25c16b8e017254b650808249fdd9b93732c032aff85a7ea26", "85f9f42151bfadc2c4fe3f8796f9c037f51f1ebd1b6852ef5c79f8997822e0a7", "74d259f3554910a384ede893f913553ebd7dcb790d9481d60730bef0a2ec17ac", "48ad57e5bc2a367148af3a7665d6c1adb08a17bf3f5be766ef97437ff91a9e89", "60878317ff573655a101b0614505b944b38b28b20a66767f9cf55f4fb70f9cca", "d444310832fac8712c84a863dcb6fe1cb362b8be9a9708be571ae422340637af", "60e1276649112cd61e65c24147c947afea27d44ebbc47ad371472adce9e88b02", "a0ef7653773ac06dd5b18ace01631f410c18d896e60119701cebef910f0e2204", "86a402d4ec1492c3c7cab52e62dac8bc640ee7d03d580272cda2b6f42edee584", "b34ab268e0768ab863631fd88614552f8dd30c75dc3ee236129a664cdadcb9d9", "b84490826bdf5d6bc4245f095f2b1c1dd7132e4d4b19e4e7d4633296415fcea0", "64236b219cceaf341a879f97efa5751de9378050d1fdb9d10cae249bb767030e", "d34d38d3bb5f81112bc7be66810094cb5a52a12f29003f3e6e05ba5d049b1816", "9891e06cf5b939020197aa8eade96719fa51ef9003eb2dde72278f12cf75d441", "f01ed70a97797b1c59b8371a1ba9663a3b324b889f36b8c40c0dd7cb733ebf1b"], "__index_level_0__": 286, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://slideplayer.com/37/10758642/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/14/4226567/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/28/9312503/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/13/3776607/big_thumb.jpg", null, null, null, "https://slideplayer.com/28/9272482/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/42/11348322/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/14/4226861/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/13/4160451/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/26/8723240/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/13/4160541/big_thumb.jpg", null, null, "https://slideplayer.com/13/4160357/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/26/8532620/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/31/9723420/big_thumb.jpg", null, null, "https://slideplayer.com/13/4160419/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/15/4518695/big_thumb.jpg", "https://slideplayer.com/27/9189965/big_thumb.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9558945894241332}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4160305/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/37/10758642/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/37/10758642/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"The Revolutionary War Paul Revere. 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LISTEN, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4160305/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/13/4160451/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/13/4160451/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Generalizing Fifth Grade 5.RL.1 Unit 2 Week 5 Mrs. Flynn.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4160305/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/26/8723240/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/26/8723240/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Henry Wadsworth Longfellow American Poet. 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Grant Wood \\u2013 As a child Born on February 13, 1891 in Iowa Died in 1942 Grew up on a farm in Anamosa, Iowa Went to school in one room.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4160305/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/32/10051732/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/32/10051732/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"On the Road to Revolution. \\uf09e After repealing the Stamp Act, Parliament had to raise revenue \\uf09e Finance Minister Charles Townshend proposes multi- part.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4160305/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/13/4160357/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/13/4160357/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4160305/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/26/8532620/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/26/8532620/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"MRS. 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Revere rode his horse.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4160305/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/13/4160419/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/13/4160419/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Illustrated by Jeffrey Thompson Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Illustrated by Jeffrey Thompson.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4160305/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/15/4518695/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/15/4518695/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Paul Revere\\u2019s Ride By Helen Werntz Forest Acres Elementary School November, 2001.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4160305/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/27/9189965/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/27/9189965/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Read it at least twice. Read it aloud. Develop a literal understanding of the poem as a whole: who, what, when, where Pay attention to: The title Line.\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["2 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April in Seventy-five Hardly a man is now alive Who remembers that famous day and year.\n\n19 Does it sound familiar ? The poem itself, have you heard it before? Was the history familiar? Did you hear the Iambic pentameter ? Was all of the history correct ?\n\n20 Does the author use the sounds of our language to create interest in his story?\n\n21 Onomatopoeia Does the author use the sound of words to tell his story?\n\n22 Assonance Does the author use words in sequence or in close proximity which have the same internal vowel sound?\n\n23 Does the author use descriptions and comparisons to create pictures in the reader’s mind?\n\n24 Imagery Does the author create snapshots of images in the mind of the reader for the sake of enhancing meaning, creating setting or mood, or developing character? Does he show things to the reader rather than simply telling him about them?\n\n25 Simile Does the author use the words “like” or “as” in making comparisons between two or more things?\n\n26 Personification Does the author represent inanimate objects as being lifelike or human?\n\n27 Metaphor Does the author make comparisons of objects or things without the use of the words “like” or “as”?\n\n28 Does the author use the characters and events in his story to communicate a theme that goes beyond them in some way?\n\n29 Allusion Does the author refer to other works of literature, historical events, works of art, or well know ideas in his work?\n\n30 Symbolism Does the author use any objects, persons, pictures or things to represent an idea, a virtue or a philosophy in the story? For example, darkness may be used to represent wickedness. Light may be used to represent truth and goodness.\n\n35 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born on February 27, 1807 in Portland, Maine. He was first enrolled in school at the age of three, and he had a love for literature early in his life. His father wanted him to become a lawyer, but Longfellow wanted to pursue his literary interests.\n\n36 He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1825, and was offered a position as the first professor of modern languages at Bowdoin. Longfellow accepted this offer, and began teaching in 1829, following an educational trip to Europe where he visited scholars in Spain, Italy, England, France and Germany. He created his own textbooks while teaching at Bowdoin, because, at the time, no others were available. He went on to teach at Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge.\n\n37 He resigned from Harvard in 1854 in order to dedicate all of his time to his writing. Some of Longfellow’s most popular works (The Song of Hiawatha and The Courtship of Miles Standish) were written during the years after he left Harvard.\n\n38 Longfellow was awarded honorary degrees by both the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge. He is considered to be the first professional poet in America and his later works, including Paul Revere’s Ride (1860), reflect his desire to establish an American Mythos. ******\n\n39 Grant Wood (1892-1942) Born in 1891 in Anamosa, Iowa. He studied at the Art Institute of Chicago in 1912; and at the Academie Julian in Paris around 1920, and upon his return to Iowa began seriously painting. Wood was part of a group of American artists call the Regionalists who deliberately turned their backs on progressive European art of the 1930’s and its abstract tendencies, choosing instead to depict in realistic style their native Midwestern world and the lives of ordinary people. His crisp, liner style was influenced by early Flemmish painting that he saw when he was in Europe in the 1920’s.\n\n40 Grant Wood\n\n42 Grant Wood [1892-1942] Wood is probably best know for his painting, “American Gothic” c. 1930 – painted just one year before Midnight Ride – which dignifies a homely country couple on an ordinary Iowa farm.\n\n44 Wood’s Training Although he trained as an artist, Wood was a self-consciously “primitive” painter who emulated the unpretentious, unschooled manner of American folk artists. This is a straightforward style that rejects any detail or artifice that might divert attention from the principal subject. *****\n\n45 The Midnight Ride Goes one step further to capture a child’s point of view. ******** A bird’s-eye perspective (like that of an airplane) allows us to survey a vast sweep of countryside and give the New England village the ordered clarity of a town made of toys.\n\n46 Check it out …. The country church and surrounding houses are simple geometric shapes, as though constructed of building blocks. The trees are crowned with perfect green spheres, like those of a child would try to draw. ********\n\n47 Check it out …. Wood makes no attempt to be either historically accurate, for instance, are far too bright to be lit by candles, Or scientifically accurate: moonlight illuminating the foreground scene is preternaturally brilliant, casting long, seep shadows on the road like a spotlight focused on the main event. *******\n\n48 Rolling landscape beyond is left sleeping in a darkness that is broken only by tiny glimmers from faraway windows. To complete this evocation of a childhood dream, Wood whimsically portrays Paul Revere’s trusty steed – “flying fearless and fleet,” in Longfellow’s words – as a Rocking horse.\n\n49 When this painting was made, some thought that Wood was making fun of the beloved American legend. In fact, Wood’s attention was just the opposite. His aim, Wood said, was to save those “bits of American folklore that are too good to lose.”\n\n50 Wood’s Goal This preservation tendency was part of his greater scheme to forge a national identity, which he believed could be created though art as well as history. Longfellow attempted to achieve the same thing through his poetry. *******************\n\n51 Wood’s goal is supported by Longfellow’s lines: Through all our history, to the last, In the hour of darkness and peril and need, The people will waken and listen to hear The hurrying hoof-beats of that steed, And the Midnight message of Paul Revere.\n\n52 Wood’s mission took on added urgency during the great Depression, when Midnight Ride of Paul Revere was painted. The image of the United States as a young and vibrant nation was beginning to lose its luster;\n\n53 At the same time, American art was losing its traditional association with ordinary life as younger artists exchanged regional subjects and traditions for more cosmopolitan, largely abstract styles emerging from Paris and New York.\n\n54 Grant Wood struggled against the tide, committed to his dream of a truly American art that would link the present to the past and preserve all the stories that made up the American heritage. ****** Seen as a satirist when American Gothic first appeared, Wood had refashioned himself by the mid-1930s as an outspoken celebrant of the heartland and of healthy, \"native\" art.\n\n55 Spring in Town\n\n56 New Road\n\n58 The Perfectionist\n\n59 The Good Influence\n\n60 Grant Wood’s House\n\n61 American Gothic\n\n62 Daughters of the Revolution\n\n63 Grant Wood Self Portrait\n\n65 Cherry Tree, c. 1939\n\n66 Woman with Plant\n\n67 Appraisal\n\n68 Spring in the Country\n\n69 Midnight Ride of Paul Revere\n\n70 Wood’s first sale\n\n71 “ Truck Garden Moret \"\n\n72 The Horse traders\n\n73 QUIZ QUESTIONS 1. Who was considered the first professional poet in America ?\n\n74 Quiz Question 2 Even though this painter was classically trained at the Chicago Art Institute, he is considered a “primitive” painter who emulated the unpretentious, unschooled manner of American folk art. Who was he?\n\n75 Question 3 Grant Wood achieved what two goals with his art ?\n\n76 Question 4 Grant Wood is best known for which one of his paintings?\n\n77 Question 5 In Grant Wood’s painting, “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” is said to capture a _____________ point of view. Please give me 3 examples.\n\n78 Extra Credit Both Longfellow and Wood attempted to create what lasting memory with their work?\n\n79 Next Week Please have Common Sense read and be ready to discuss it.\n\nDownload ppt \"The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Writer And Grant Wood, Painter.\"", null, "The Revolutionary War Paul Revere. The Revolutionary War The War of Independence The U.S. War of Independence The American Revolution.", null, "11 Paul Revere's Ride Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Listen my children and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April,", null, "Paul Revere’s Ride By Longfellow.", null, "“Paul Revere’s Ride” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.", "Mortar is essentially a short, stumpy tube designed to fire a projectile at steep angles.", "Paul Revere’s Ride. Listen my children and you shall hear Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five; Hardly a man.", null, "February 25, 2014 Types of poetry - narrative H omework: S tart memorizing your poem. Be ready to recite it and discuss it for Friday's POETRY CAFE. Unit.", null, "How do changes in the setting affect the mood of the poem “Paul Revere’s Ride?”", null, "Who was the “real” Paul Revere? Laura Wakefield. Paul Revere’s Ride Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, LISTEN, my children, and you shall hear Of the midnight.", null, "Generalizing Fifth Grade 5.RL.1 Unit 2 Week 5 Mrs. Flynn.", null, "Henry Wadsworth Longfellow American Poet. Life Time Events Longfellow Born in Maine 1882 Longfellow Dies 1776 Declaration of.", null, "Self-portrait, Grant Wood – As a child Born on February 13, 1891 in Iowa Died in 1942 Grew up on a farm in Anamosa, Iowa Went to school in one room.", "On the Road to Revolution.  After repealing the Stamp Act, Parliament had to raise revenue  Finance Minister Charles Townshend proposes multi- part.", null, "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere", null, "MRS. CONTI ENGLISH 9 & 10 Paul Revere’s Ride Vocabulary.", null, "Think about it… Who are these men? John Adams George Washington Samuel Adams Patrick Henry.", "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Revolutionary war hero Paul Revere warned the colonists of an advancing attack by the British army. Revere rode his horse.", null, "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Illustrated by Jeffrey Thompson Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Illustrated by Jeffrey Thompson.", null, null, "Read it at least twice. Read it aloud. Develop a literal understanding of the poem as a whole: who, what, when, where Pay attention to: The title Line.", "Self-portrait, 1932. Grant Wood – As a child Born on February 13, 1891 in Iowa Died in 1942 Grew up on a farm in Anamosa, Iowa Went to school in one room."], "url": "http://slideplayer.com/slide/4160305/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 355, "original_width": 449, "width": 478}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 281, "original_width": 450, "width": 605}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}], "image_hashes": ["8ebddc6d5242b3d2271932949a63a6ca242dbe0d20ccecdb7c67958787494bac", "2204dd757ad850cf258f9c2ace01b4c8888fc79a6a7ca0855a430545feaa0c99", "6d96edf7dfe6131c53ba9611beefd5b4e6a78f79946c03647e703b7028f40a47", "57a5b81ea5feb499eb7185d62b75dd4aa6103890fd5efe8ed94701d11965a515", "23b45eded27217ef149a0f5b8c6daf7e87c5ac7fe907a182e1203803fd70682b", "bc7dea18be01d865be6da51a1329aa71a8c491845bb1a49ca8276568da334e78", "c3fcf24159e67476a74d4de727899b0a6cfb044256a9b44dafa96ebbd1954280", "71d0af631efac732f87111b4e3270a2fbe3fc59fc779d923056b4d5c5903729a", "4d54f872c3349bcbd5d67754400dffece1fa225e0ddc4a05d6d826285f295b2b", "154ac6272ece57e19ccfff2a7f49f77679052b6b5a2c54a866198bf7a830d5c6", "66beca81508c59fe9146d3b720acb1606c3ca745c47fd464580132d76a728121", "e23562e254790cbb92bb865f8d370ff986b945c26ccc37ecdb760645945c71b6", "03b315d898f05599aea4bd87e6cb73c79903d87ea6abb6fc1dc04c55277579c0", "1498759b1a65ed753ff2aa0bac889c295e07433482de10594425321d2d5a6340", "82e95cd68bfc48e6f2c997605c752918e2358c185a42e7b91eeac88d06f90b9c", "277af19e34a61be5bc7becffc6f08f6e359cd8df26bfa963ee886dc43d08a281"], "__index_level_0__": 287, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://slideplayer.com/24/7267191/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/25/8258703/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/24/6946968/big_thumb.jpg", "https://slideplayer.com/15/4592221/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/27/8917034/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/26/8516611/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/29/9477316/big_thumb.jpg", "https://slideplayer.com/26/8516418/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/25/8133275/big_thumb.jpg", "https://slideplayer.com/26/8516588/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/26/8516622/big_thumb.jpg", null, null, "https://slideplayer.com/15/4838550/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/13/3886646/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/14/4295035/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/26/8516425/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/12/3575143/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/24/7289981/big_thumb.jpg", null, "https://slideplayer.com/20/6025451/big_thumb.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9305461049079896}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4365729/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/24/7267191/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/24/7267191/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"How would you define the word \\u201cgothic\\u201d? 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The.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4365729/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/25/8133275/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/25/8133275/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"By: Kevin Dang Trae Watlington Cade DiCarlo. \\uf09e Adele Varens- Brought to Thornfield by Rochester after her mother abandoned her. She was Janes pupil at.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4365729/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/26/8516588/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/26/8516588/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Jane Eyre Eva Kut\\u00e1\\u010dov\\u00e1. \\uf07d English novelist - romantic period \\uf07d She had 4 sisters and 1 brother, sisters Emilly and Anne were novelists, too \\uf07d She came.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4365729/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/26/8516622/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/26/8516622/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"\\uf0d2 Symbolism is in many thing,many place: \\uf0d2 In literature \\uf0d2 In movies and theatres \\uf0d2 In cartoons \\uf0d2 In paintings and cartoons \\uf0d2 In horoscopes\\u2026etc.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4365729/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/32/10024129/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/32/10024129/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Jane Eyre Character Synopsis. 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A bildungsroman, or coming of age novel, recounts the psychological or moral development of its protagonist from youth.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4365729/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/14/4295035/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/14/4295035/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"By Dara Olutimehin, Vanessa Le, Jason Luong, Jared Lyons, Marianne Pino, and Reuben Thomas.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4365729/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/26/8516425/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/26/8516425/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4365729/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/12/3575143/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/12/3575143/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"The Victorian Era 1832 - 1900.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4365729/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/24/7289981/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/24/7289981/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Charlotte Bronte Sarah D\\u2019Angelo. Thesis Statement In spite of her lack of direction given in her life, Charlotte Bronte grew up to become a masterful.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://slideplayer.com/slide/4365729/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/20/6025451/big_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://slideplayer.com/20/6025451/big_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"big thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys. Author's background \\uf0d8 Wide Sargasso Sea was written in 1966 by a Dominica born author Jean Rhys. \\uf0d8 She was born in 1894.\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["4 Lowood  The setting of the school Lowood is important to the novel because the setting is dreary and depressing, displaying the literal sense of the school being a low point in Jane’s life. Here at Lowood, Jane discovers strength inside herself, and also gains access to the knowledge that would soon free her from her school like prison.\n\n5 In the text, Lowood is described as being built in a low valley next to a wood, therefore giving the setting the literal name “Lowood”. Quote \"That beck itself was a torrent, turbid, and curbless: it tore asunder the wood, and sent a raving sound through the air, often thickened with wild rain or whirling sleet; and for the forest on its banks, that showed only ranks of skeletons.\"\n\n6 Thornfield  Thornfield is essential to the plot and stuff because its where she meets her future hubby and step-daughter.  Thornfield is a flippin huge castle with all kinds of secret rooms for his batty wife to live in with her drunk zookeeper. Cool Story Bro: This is the actual place Charlotte Brontë based Thornfield off of.\n\n7 Thornfield and Rochester’s Character  Thornfield is a pretty good representation of Rochester’s character.  When we first meet them both they are hard and not very inviting to Jane  But really anything was better than the last two places she lived. Butthe ad\n\n8 Thornfield destroyed  So when Bertha burnt Thornfield to the ground in one of her little “crazy fits” it was really representative of the inner struggles of both Jane and Rochester, causing their relationship to “burn”  Also it helps them get together.\n\n9 Marsh End  “But all the surface of the waste looked level. it overgrew the marshes; black, where the dry soil bore only death…I could still see those changes. Though but as mere alterations of light and shade; for colour had faded with the daylight” (Bronte 315)  The setting of the Marsh End (Moore house) plays a significant part in the novel because it is as if she revives and is now restarting her life after she was close to death from exhaustion.  She starts fresh with a new name and identity.\n\n10 Marsh End  Here she is treated with kindness and respect by St. John and his two sisters “Never once in their dialogues did I hear a syllable of regret at the hospitality they had extended to me, or of suspicion of, or aversion to myself. I was comforted” (Bronte 323)\n\n11 Ferndean  Ferndean is Mr. Rochester’s forest estate, normally used as covers (woods) for hunting, but turned into his permanent residence after the destruction of Thornfield. “The manor-house of Ferndean was a building of considerable antiquity, moderate sixe, and no architectural pretensions, deep buried in a wood” (Bronte 411)\n\n12 Ferndean  Jane doesn’t like the Ferndean because it is isolated, unsuitable and unhealthy. “But in his countenance I saw a change: that looked desperate and brooding— that reminded me of some wronged and fettered wild beast or bird, dangerous to approach in his sullen woe. The caged eagle, whose gold-ringed eyes cruelty has extinguished, might look as looked that sightless Samson” (Bronte 412)\n\n13 Citations  Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Bantam Dell, 2003. Print.  Landow, George. \"Setting in Jane Eyre.\". N.p., 7 2007. Web. 26 Oct 2012..\n\nDownload ppt \"Jane Eyre Settings By: Lexie, Loren, Miranda, and Rebecca.\"", null, "How would you define the word “gothic”? Give me some examples of that word and the way it is used by teens today. WARM-UP Vocab Unit 8 Quiz Friday!", null, "Today’s Warm Up: Answer the following: 1.Compare and contrast Gateshead Hall to The Lowood School. 2.Explain Jane’s parentage (how she became an orphan.", null, null, "Comparing Jane Eyre to Charlotte Bronte 5 th period Matt Hergert Belle Nguyen Eric Sanchez Aaron Varner.", null, "Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte (1816—1855). I. Introduction A Background on the Brontes 1. the father—Rev. Patrick Bronte 2. June 1826—Gondal begins 2.", null, "Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte. Introduction Born in Yorkshire, England on April 21, 1816 One of six children to an impoverished country clergyman Much.", null, null, "Jane Eyre. Jane Eyre is novel by Charlotte Bronte: the eponymous heroine is a penniless orphan who goes to live with her aunt, uncle and cousins. The.", null, null, "Jane Eyre Eva Kutáčová.  English novelist - romantic period  She had 4 sisters and 1 brother, sisters Emilly and Anne were novelists, too  She came.", null, " Symbolism is in many thing,many place:  In literature  In movies and theatres  In cartoons  In paintings and cartoons  In horoscopes…etc.", "Jane Eyre Character Synopsis. Jane Eyre Main Character of the story Considered “Plain” by all who know her –NEVER described as beautiful –Orphaned as.", null, "Oral Response! Jane Eyre", null, "Josue, Anais, and Joshua Period 2. A bildungsroman, or coming of age novel, recounts the psychological or moral development of its protagonist from youth.", null, "By Dara Olutimehin, Vanessa Le, Jason Luong, Jared Lyons, Marianne Pino, and Reuben Thomas.", null, "Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte.", null, "The Victorian Era", null, "Charlotte Bronte Sarah D’Angelo. Thesis Statement In spite of her lack of direction given in her life, Charlotte Bronte grew up to become a masterful.", null], "url": "http://slideplayer.com/slide/4365729/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}], "image_hashes": ["60485083a9e6f96fcad26190ba6a281946badb16bcbfa91d41a0cc6835552eb8", "4e365de22dd511082b7f3f062febc7f16cca7374c36db12536b059a9f0a234bc", "912b42b67b397952c5b377edd88b8de81471970ecc3f7eaa92dde49cab4bf12f", "45d352ea5289723f3f582e32ba0a25c6882401f710ad1c139eb54e709ea65c24", "9757e0bcad24ab88f1589c6feca104a1933c1ad4e317aa17265b59892b0d6917", "e8be641e01ecad878cd0626ba025032f72cfa5fb4cdc87c50c238537a5d820d6", "9a2100502bd9b049cf37aba9c3b6e02822cb2894a2c658d885b768773b9b21f0", "fb0159edec950dcd42fcdf0fb739a375f192e66a596149a080b2ee81f3cb91d6", "a62398ce06efd48695f882eb2e05d558930c2ce239fa5b5633658f4eddab405b", "1da8d9ce97509c935b09e7e4d06db6b6d643d93c6afdca3cb826fe190dac5b8f", "adad644b549d959ea83d6f4324f0a966f1fca99f8e04ea0f54c0243bd9ad35bd", "eab2d4c6611c8433cd3dc60012b329227d5eadf2faa052aae717a072055e5a37", "78ad09cad64f4efa06f9400405d43bb8bb0648ef3e82b849f2569c80d1fd7b13", "a62c7a4094ff5435643cc2780ad4494280fd37afb312d62f8f79954122ed5b2a", "b69e693eeff7106c46e35462d51cc3e43300bc517274befb657f9cca16ecc698", "49b0ef6aff9bed32876df04e2d5e392382c16c626f760e41c978f0d3f0a7a0a8", "cdf82c43b80fc0ca212750951af48add9cf26063742790066a3191a1f4af7f67", "48bda3a9a12617f5a667020113fa4bb16a2599f5045d76e9d6a4068f42300970"], "__index_level_0__": 288, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pFVXDjXjBNM/Tz5HCbdlu6I/AAAAAAAAAKg/E4ruuxwywic/s400/china-tea-cups-2.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SW47x-aZCtA/Tz5IFiptvsI/AAAAAAAAAKs/o9ZMyqFDinQ/s400/coffee.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9022397994995116}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sofiecouch.blogspot.com/2012/02/coffe-and-tea-in-same-breath.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pFVXDjXjBNM/Tz5HCbdlu6I/AAAAAAAAAKg/E4ruuxwywic/s400/china-tea-cups-2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pFVXDjXjBNM/Tz5HCbdlu6I/AAAAAAAAAKg/E4ruuxwywic/s400/china-tea-cups-2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"china tea cups\", \"rendered_width\": 360, \"rendered_height\": 288}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sofiecouch.blogspot.com/2012/02/coffe-and-tea-in-same-breath.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SW47x-aZCtA/Tz5IFiptvsI/AAAAAAAAAKs/o9ZMyqFDinQ/s400/coffee.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SW47x-aZCtA/Tz5IFiptvsI/AAAAAAAAAKs/o9ZMyqFDinQ/s400/coffee.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"coffee\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null]", "texts": ["Coffe and Tea... in the Same Breath", null, "This Sunday, February 19th, I will be speaking at the First Ladies Tea Parlor in Newport News, VA with the talented Denise Golinowski. We will be dishing about \"Sirens and Werewolves and Teens, Oh My: Beyond Boys Who Sparkle\". (Although, I don't believe either of us has ever written a werewolf story - dog drool, shedding, yick.)\n\nI'm off now to share a cuppa with the LWDC, (Ladies Who Drink Coffee) who also just happen to be a group of loud, rowdy writers - an oxymoron. Do NOT go near Panera this morning. Do come to Newport News this weekend.", null], "url": "http://sofiecouch.blogspot.com/2012/02/coffe-and-tea-in-same-breath.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 288, "original_width": 360, "width": 472}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a5ade0b3b3db31b809f726d1839b8481f3b33092a481c48f2fd50d0c2e89b60c", "101b2b5c6c250d7318f4621aeb765d644d77e3f786e4d8abda9b93dda76a336d"], "__index_level_0__": 289, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_OIhxljQeYHM/S9kX29tR66I/AAAAAAAAAHk/I_9Nc08n4WQ/s400/Thiessen+Forestville+Project.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_OIhxljQeYHM/S9kK8WC3ovI/AAAAAAAAAG8/MFExt7ZHTds/s400/Art+of+Sonoma+County+%C2%A9Vesta+2010.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_OIhxljQeYHM/S9kChnliSBI/AAAAAAAAAGk/Esa7JmnWngM/s400/%C2%A9Teri+Sloat+-+Pleas.+Hill+Title.jpg", null, null, null, 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Some times we’re referring to Water Wars and sometimes it’s developers. Things got quiet for a while with the downturn in the economy, but in the mean time, individuals with plans for our future are back. Some have been literally stockpiling money, while others have become desperate for action with investors and banks at their back.\n\nWindsor and Healdsburg have been fighting a school and fire house. The eastern valley is fighting a winery. At the south end of Sonoma County, Petaluma fought - and lost -- to Target and is battling to keep a new quarry from going in next to the landfill (see Roblar Road Quarry article). And in Forestville the fight continues over the Forestville Town Square Project which got put on hold and is back on the books again.\n\nThese battles divide our communities...the Pros vs. Cons. While some people see growth as healthy for the economy, others see it as devastating their vision of home.\n\nOne of the most difficult experiences is sitting in a Planning Review hearing with people on the panel who are making what we consider life and death decisions about our lives. Some of these people have never stood in our town, haven’t a clue what it’s like to live here, and yet they have the power to influence our lives forever. They’ll tell you if a community cares enough they will show up at the Planning meetings, but in reality, it takes much more than that to stay on top of these subjects.\n\nThe following article was submitted by the Forestville Planning Association, created to keep citizens informed enough to make good decisions. Forestville is facing their development challenge while the folks near Roblar Road are facing theirs.\n\nMy paper doesn’t have room for all I have received, including my own opinions on this subject, so I encourage you to visit my web site - go to GazEXTRA! and the Category COMMUNITIES. You are welcome to submit your thoughts and opinions to email@example.com. Read on...\n\nBy Max Broome, Forestville Planning Association (“FPA”) President\n\nBelow is a report and analysis on updated details obtained by the FPA at the April 15 Sonoma County Planning Commission hearing regarding the Thiessen Downtown Development Project (the “Thiessen Project” or “Project”). It has been over two years since the last Town Hall meetings on the Project in Forestville. So, no matter what your opinion on the development, it’s a good idea to get updated on where the project currently stands. The FPA would also like to remind everyone that the FPA’s function is primarily educational. Therefore, the FPA does not have a position (“for” or “against”) on the Thiessen Project. However, this is the time for you to become informed and to make your own opinions known to the County Board of Supervisors! For more detailed information and analysis of the April 15th Planning Commission Hearing, go to the FPA website - forestvillefpa.org.\n\nPlanning Commission Recommends Supervisors’ Approval\n\nOn April 15, 2010 the Sonoma County Panning Commission voted unanimously to adopt the County Planning Department’s environmental review/findings and recommended the Board of Supervisors approve the Project. The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing for a final vote on the fate of the Project on a date yet-to-be determined (possibly as soon as June 1, 2010).\n\nThe FPA encourages people who live in Forestville to contact the County Planning Department (565-1900) and/or Supervisor Carrillo’s office (565-2241), firstname.lastname@example.org for any Project-related questions and to find out when the Board of Supervisor’s hearing is going to be held. If you wish to be alerted by email with updates, please send your email address to Max Broome at email@example.com.\n\nUpdates from the April 15 Hearing: Project/Land Use Issues Worth Pointing Out\n\nThe Rural Character of Forestville. Despite recommending approval, the County Planning Department staff noted several concerns with the current Project. For example, the staff found that the Project does not comply with County planning policy to maintain “the ‘rural village’ character of Forestville because it is not a small-scale development, and although it creates a town square, the square is too small (only 10% of the development); cannot be considered ‘substantial’ open space; and does not provide adequate native plants.”\n\nDesign Review provided another conflict between the Project and County planning policy for Forestville. In short, the Planning Department found the Project design does not give priority to natural landscape over development, and does not preserve and enhance significant natural features. Nor does it appear to retain open space amenities associated with rural lifestyle.\n\nBoutique Hotel & Open Space. The County previously established a land use policy or at least the intent that any mixed-use portions of any development on the Crinella property include common open space and an open plaza with direct pedestrian connection to main street sidewalks, opening out directly onto the open space area “with a view to the hillside beyond.” This policy was reinforced in 2007 when the Board of Supervisors approved the development of the back 62 acres of the Crinella property, which shifted the higher density development to the front 8 acres for the (planned mixed-use) Thiessen Project.\n\nHowever, the open space is quite minimal (the town square is only ½ an acre) and the very limited view of the hillside in the current Project plans (from one or two streets within the Project) is now blocked even further by a proposed 18-room boutique hotel, which adds another 15,000 square feet to the Project. The FPA is concerned the town of Forestville has not had a chance to sufficiently evaluate and comment on the hotel and its impacts, including the fact that it blocks out any meaningful remaining views of the hillside beyond (i.e., Green Valley.) County planning policy for Forestville states that, “design review approval shall assure that” projects, “to the extent allowed by law, require a long term scenic easement for the undeveloped portion of the property.”\n\nAffordable Housing. Unlike the previous Thiessen Project plans, the Project as submitted on April 15 included no affordable housing units. However, it was clear that the Planning Commission requires meaningful affordable housing dispersed throughout the development, and the “Conditions of Approval” for the Project include at least 10 affordable housing units.\n\nTraffic Issues. According to the County, the Project is going to make traffic in Forestville worse, especially during the morning rush hour. The proposed HWY 116/Mirabel Rd. roundabout needs to be completed to mitigate the traffic problems, in addition to a signal or roundabout at the northbound approach to the intersection of River Rd/Mirabel Rd. As for the bypass, the County does not own all the property required for its construction. Time of completion estimates for the bypass are from five to ten years, or maybe never, and about three years for the roundabout at Highway 116/Mirabel Rd.\n\nFeasibility. Questions about the feasibility of and possible legal impediments to the Project ever being built can be found on the FPA website - forestvillefpa.org.\n\nLow Turnout. At the April 15 hearing, only about 5-6 people addressed the commissioners about the Thiessen Project, which seemed surprising considering the Projects magnitude and controversy. The FPA would like to note its frustration with the lack of adequate notification about the hearing and about the new aspects of the Thiessen Project, particularly the hotel. We received notification of the hearing less than 48 hours in advance, and no updates were provided to the FPA either by Orin Thiessen or by the presenters at the recent Forestville Town Hall Meeting. We encourage residents of Forestville to get their voices heard, and we will do our best to keep you apprised as we obtain more information.\n\nNOT PUBLISHED IN THE PRINT EDITION - Please feel free to enter your comments - or e-mail them to firstname.lastname@example.org\n\nThe Future of Forestville?\n\nAnyone who knows me well also knows that I am a small town girl and love my three-blocks-long downtown Forestville. We know our neighbors, volunteer to keep our community maintained, and have a common bond that feels like family. At the recent Forestville Chamber Annual Dinner, every recipient of an award for volunteering on behalf of our community spoke at length about our Family of Forestville. This community is our home.\n\nPlanning Review hearing on the Forestville Town Square Project, I got up to speak on behalf of Forestville. I feel like a broken record in my opposition to the Town Square project, and have angered some and been patted on the back by others.\n\nIf there is any fact that is 100% true and known to all who care about our home town, this project has divided us in Pro vs. Con for the last six years. The previous projects introduced to the town from the Crinella family carry that tradition back decades and generations. We do not succumb to development easily!\n\nAt each hearing before Planning Review we hear the tale that the Crinellas were treated rudely by either Planning or the Board of Supervisors at some point in this history. This is given as a reason why we need to be kind now and give this family what it has strived to achieve for so long.\n\nThis is America and we have rights to do with our land what we choose.\n\nThis is where I draw the line in the sand…only if what you do impacts no one but your own family. 72 acres of land in downtown Forestville is a good chunk of our downtown. When I moved here 20 years ago we fought off 300 homes, a shopping center and school. Then the plan became a golf course. Then the Forestville Town Square Project on 8 acres with 60 plus acres in vineyards, luxury homes and a winery on top of the hill. At this point the only change is the vineyard. It’s “Fish Friendly” so we’re OK with it. Those vines don’t drive cars or trucks and they don’t pollute. They even use wastewater from our treatment plant when they need irrigation. This is a win/win for us.\n\nBUT – the Town Square Project looks like a win/lose and that’s where the debate gets hot. It looks like we’re not going to get our Bypass any time soon so our cars and trucks will still be rolling through downtown and along Mirabel Road whether they stop in town to do business or not. Add nearly 70 homes and businesses – plus a hotel in downtown Forestville and we’ll have more traffic morning and evenings for residents and even more traffic for commercial businesses. It’s also a lot of increased traffic for every road that travels to and from Forestville.\n\nI also see it as NOT Smart Growth. The concept of Smart Growth is developing along major highways to keep commutes short, therefore saving energy and reducing emissions, and concentrating living units to maintain open space. It keeps people living, shopping and working close by. To place a city-like development 12 to 15 minutes from a major highway is the opposite of smart.\n\nI’ll stop here in the interest of space, but I also have concerns about architectural elements of this project from aesthetics to green technology design and materials. I’ll get into them on my web site (www.sonomacountygazette.com) where I also have plan drawings of the Forestville Town Square Project.\n\nIt’s time for Forestville and our surrounding communities to pay attention to how this one town project not only impacts Forestville, but also impacts every town, and its economy, within the commute path to and from Forestville.\n\nWe ALL need to be looking at what kind of future we want for our home towns.\n\nPlease also visit the Forestville Planning Association web site for more detailed information on this project. www.forestvillefpa.org\n\nRead article »\n\nSonoma County Gravel Mining - Who Benefits?", "Gravel Mining on Roblar Road:\nWho Really Benefits?\n\nBoard of Supervisors hearing dat:\n\nJune 8 CURRENTLY - Please check the B of S Website:\nOn April 1, Sonoma County’s Planning Commission approved the plan of developer North Bay Construction to mine gravel from 70 acres on Roblar Road in the West County and truck it over preserved open space land for the next twenty years. Final approval of this project is now up to the Board of Supervisors.\n\nPlease join Citizens Advocating Rural Roblar Quality (CARRQ) and other community groups to stop this quarry. It’s a terrible plan. If approved, North Bay Construction will have a green light to develop industrial mining and asphalt recycling operations immediately adjacent to the closed County landfill and preserved agricultural land. Just a few years ago, The County arranged for taxpayers to pay the same developer nearly $2.3 million through the Open Space District to PRESERVE the land next to the proposed quarry. Now the County wants to permit North Bay Construction to drive a MILLION gravel trucks during the twenty year project lifespan across a portion of this preserved land and over miles of neighborhood roads.\n\nThis plan is the product of close cooperation behind closed doors between County of Sonoma officials and the developer who is a long-time contractor for the County. There is an environmental study the County uses to justify the mining. The developer paid for it. County planning staff evaluated the project and wrote the report recommending its approval. The County tries to justify North Bay Construction’s planned gravel mining by saying the Roblar quarry will make gravel cheaper for County residents. However, the County did not produce evidence in the Environmental Impact Review to demonstrate that we need a new source of aggregate rock in Sonoma County. Nor did they do an analysis to justify the assumption that the price of aggregate will fall due to the development of the Roblar quarry. If the Board of Supervisors lets him, the developer gets to use up to 80 percent of that gravel for his OWN business, providing him with a competitive advantage in the marketplace.\n\nGravel Trucks on Open Space Land and In Your Neighborhood\nThe cheapest way the County could get past problems associated with running trucks in the most populated areas, widening a portion of Roblar Road to accommodate 18-foot wide gravel trucks and avoiding delicate wetland areas, is to allow an “alternate haul route” for the average of 300 one-way gravel truck trips per day. This plan will require permission from two private property owners and the Open Space District to grant “temporary permission” (for at least 20 years) for North Bay Construction trucks to travel across land encumbered by the open space easement approximately 2,000 feet before reconnecting on Roblar Road. Gravel trucks would then travel more miles on Valley Ford Road, Pepper Road (west of Meacham Road), Meacham Road, then down Stony Point to get to the freeway. That’s about 1,000 gravel trucks every week, 50,000 trucks per year and about a million trucks plowing through our open space and down our neighborhood roads for the next twenty years!\n\nRisks to the Environment and Public Health and Safety\nThe proposed quarry project has more than 160 Conditions of Approval, many of which raise serious environmental issues that cannot be mitigated. For example, the gravel mining will dig out 570,000 cubic yards of gravel a year right next to the old County dump. The dump is unlined. No one knows how much pollution is inside it. Because the developer will dig right next to it, experts with the State of California who are not in the pay of the developer say the mining will threaten our groundwater quality and protected streams if toxins seep from the closed dump site.\n\nDynamite blasting and daily quarry operations will raise dust that has the potential to blow crystalline silica (a Proposition-65 listed carcinogen) eastward toward Dunham School, Cotati and into Petaluma. The County admits the quarry project is rife with serious risks.\n\nHow Can the County Government Run This Risk?\nThe answer is simple. The County has struck a deal with the developer so he will indemnify the County for the discharge of waste by his mining. While the County tells the public that gravel mining next to the County dump is safe, the County’s actions show they actually fear its danger.\n\nAs a condition of County approval, the developer must promise to indemnify County government for the damages caused by his mining. We doubt the developer has sufficient resources for that amount of liability. Even if he does, his indemnity covers only the assets of the County Government. It won’t cover injury to the people who live here, or the land and the water we use. The County will remain responsible in perpetuity for any leakage of toxins from the closed landfill, another potential costly risk to taxpayers.\n\nWhat Can You Do to Stop the Quarry Project?\nA new quarry mining project in an area that already has two landfills and an existing quarry on Stony Point Road should never happen. But it WILL unless you help stop it. If you are concerned about how your tax dollars are being used by the County, you should oppose this deal. If you care about maintaining Sonoma County’s rich agricultural land; care about public health and safety; enjoy driving or riding your bicycle in the Roblar and Valley Ford scenic corridors then learn more about what the County and North Bay Construction are planning to do.\n\nGo to CARRQ’s Website at http://www.carrq.org and read the County’s reports and the letters objecting to the plan by the California Regional Water Quality Board, the Russian Riverkeepers, the Sierra Club and others. Ask your friends and neighbors to do the same. Become a Fan of CARRQ on Facebook—spread the word!\n\nCall or write the County Supervisors who will vote on this give away NOW. Tell them NO to gravel mining and gravel trucking on our preserved land.\n\nHeads in the Sand\n\nWhile most informed people are concerned about creating environmental damage, Sonoma County is looking the other way.\n\nIn an unprecedented move they are requiring a developer to indemnify the County from the harmful effects of the West County’s Roblar Road gravel mining site. Why would the County approve a project that allows so much harmful potential to people and the environment? There are many issues in the Environmental Impact Report that can’t be mitigated, so the only protection provided by the county for those dangers is to protect the elected officials from potential liability.\n\nSilica dust, a known and devastating carcinogen, will be blowing from a high hill into a residential area – just 600 feet away from the closest house and then down the valley to an elementary school, Petaluma and Cotati. This mine is planned to operate 6 days a week for 12 to 14 hours per day.\n\nThe County said that diesel fumes from 200 to 400 truck trips per day can’t be mitigated, but the Port of Oakland requires all trucks to be retrofitted with a device that diminishes harmful emissions. The County has not required this of the developer. Why not?\n\nAn old unlined landfill, abandoned years ago, has not been tested for contaminants and is sure to be full of them. This is right next to where blasting will be done to remove rocks for the next 20 years. It’s about 17 miles in either direction between the San Andreas Fault and the Rodgers Fault. Heads in the sand will not prevent earthquakes.\n\nEven if there was currently a construction boom in Sonoma County, it is not reasonable to allow gravel mining in such an environmentally sensitive area.\n\nLet’s hope our Board of Supervisors acts to protect everyone, not just themselves, from the consequences of this perilous project.\n\nVeronica Reed\n\nArt of Sonoma County - Artists at their Source", null, "Art of Sonoma County\nBy Kate Vassey\nOur county is rich with art. Visual artists are perpetually inspired by the abundance of beauty found here in every season and passionately engaged in their art making whether it be in a solitary studio, collective, workshop or class. Most towns in Sonoma County have numerous venues for art to be created, exhibited and enjoyed by all ages. Popular annual events such as Art at the Source and ArtTrails are the mainstay of exhibited art in our county and have an enthusiastic following. The Sonoma County Gallery Group (SCGG) is a resource for locating galleries and artists year round. Arts Councils in various towns now offer web sites with updated information as to artists and exhibits in the area. The Gazette frequently features bios of local artists and monthly updates our arts calendar to include as many groups, individuals, and events as we can possible fit into our paper.", null, "The rains have left our wild open spaces lush green, teeming with life and vivid colors. It could not be a more ideal time to experience Art at the Source Open Studios, which takes place Saturday and Sunday June 5 & 6 and 12 & 13. This highly anticipated event sponsored by the Sebastopol Center for the Arts is a unique opportunity to meet Sonoma County artists working in their studios, learn more about their methods and materials, and marvel at their accomplishments.\n\nArt lovers and visitors to Sonoma County have found this yearly event to be an inspiration for their own creative journeys and also an opportunity to purchase unique art objects for their home or as one-of-a-kind gifts.\n\nAmong the 130 artists taking part this year there is a striking diversity in the styles and materials being used, which range from traditional painting, jewelry, ceramics and glass, to techniques that would be considered unique or out of the ordinary.", "Traditional painters include Marcy Basel, who writes, “I find inspiration for my work from the untamed landscape and magnificent wilderness areas. My paintings are about the spirit of the place. The land reveals itself in unexpected ways. Each landscape has an atmosphere and mood, which portrays a presence of light and color.Painting for me, is about discovery and exploration, which coexists in nature and can be revealed as both realistic and abstract. I use sketches, memories, photos and my imagination to create a painting. The landscape is an ineffable manifestation of God where nature coexists peacefully.”\n\nPainter Terri Sloat is another welcome addition to Art at the Source this year. You can read about her love affair with art and view her work in the adjoining article.", "Join Lorraine Chapman for a demonstration of silk painting at her studio. Painting on silk, which has made its way from India to Java to Europe and eventually to the United States, uses wax resist techniques and various colorants that have been documented back to the second century A.D.\n\nHere is a sampling of some of the more unconventional artists you can visit:\n\nJim’s Bronze Plus foundry is located in the industrial northeast section of Sebastopol, founded in 1989 by Jim Pollare. It is one of the few foundries in California that specializes in fine art bronze work, small to monumental in size. Jim’s personal work ranges from bronze replicas of vegetables grown in this region to more intimate pieces like shrines with an oceanic theme.\n\nWorking in ceramic, Gerald Arrington crafts stoneware teapots, fountains, and vessels that are “dead ringers” for natural river rock, driftwood, and natural elements shaped by natural forces.\n\nCreating whimsical sculptures of fish, frogs, dogs, rabbits, and birds with re-purposed materials, Nancy Winn builds the body of her work with wire, crumpled newspaper, shredded paper, old postage stamps, maps, or even sheet music. Her use of materials is humble, but “green” and the final result tells stories beyond their origins.\n\nInspired by French Canadian quilts made by her family, Jehanne Hale quilts use sheets of golden beeswax assembled in ways similar to fabric quilts. She came to work with beeswax through lost-wax casting and fell in love with the saturated yellows, oranges, and browns of the honeycomb.\n\nJoy Stockdale has developed an innovative process of polychromatic screen-printing that results in a limited edition from the original painted screen with no color registration. She makes wall hangings from these printed silk panels. The resulting work is strong yet delicate and marvelously detailed, like the canopy of a tree or a flock of birds. She is author of the book, “Polychromatic Screen Printing.”\n\nTim Fleming is not only an experienced fine art photographer; he also creates images of stunning clarity and beauty using everyday objects scanned onto a high quality flat-bed scanner. His scanner art uses current technology but “has the glow of 17th century European tapestries.”\n\nAn accomplished musician, Roger Dixon also finds artistic expression sculpting with PVC pipe. He continues to experiment with designing, cutting, and painting his sculptures that can be displayed either indoors or an outdoor setting, some reaching a height of 6 feet.\n\nNash Kunkle, “Metal Smythe,” finds something magical about working with metal and fire. Whether it is annealing copper, hammering red-hot iron, or pouring molten bronze into a mold, the results bear witness to the process and touch primal chords in the viewer long after the fire is gone.\n\nThe Sebastopol Center for the Arts will host a preview exhibition featuring artwork by all participants from May 21st – June 13th with artists’ reception May 21st 6:00-8:00 p.m.\n\nMore information about participating artists and their work, studio locations and maps can be found on the official web site, www.ArtattheSource.org, and also in the free color catalog available at the Sebastopol Center for the Arts as of April 30th.\n\nDestination Art 2010\nBy Heidi Schmidt\nOne of the best places to begin your enjoyment of the arts in Sonoma County is the Sonoma County Gallery Group (SCGG) Map and Gallery Guide. Serving as the best year-round resource for locating over 60 member fine art and artisan galleries, museums, community arts organizations, and art related businesses, the SCGG Web site (www.scgg.org) where you will find free maps for your self-guided tours.", null, "For example, head north and you’ll find a condensed array of fine art galleries in Healdsburg chock-a-block full and close to city culture and fun. Head east along Scenic Highway 12 to the town of Sonoma and there you’ll find gallery jewels mingled with tasting rooms and wineries or concentrate on the wild-west Sonoma County and winding through the redwoods to the ocean discover unique fine arts and artisan galleries while enjoying the views.\n\nHead south toward San Francisco Bay and find a stimulating concentration of art galleries in Petaluma along side nightlife and musical performances par excellence.\n\nIf you edge your way north up Highway 101 deep into redwood country, stop in to the galleries just north of the border in Gualala.\n\nBy checking the Web site you can plan ahead to visit a gallery during an art opening or be spontaneous and go visit on your lunch or a day off. Most galleries are open year round and easy to get to. Visit the Web site for a preview of each of the galleries on the map and check the calendar for gallery receptions and events and their time and locations.\n\nThe Sonoma County Gallery Group Map and Guide is available at galleries in Sonoma County or can be downloaded as a PDF from our Web site or can be mailed to you at your request. www.scgg.org.\n\nNOTE: I'll be out getting the print edition on newsstands for the next few days - I'll add more material form this collection of stories a piece at a time - thanks for your patience. - Vesta\n\nPG&E SmartMter Meeting in Sebastopol", null, "PG & E has schedule their own SmartMeter Meeting in Sebastopol\nfor Wednesday, April 28th at the Veterans Hall\nfrom 5 to 10pm. They will have information on the systems and the program.\nIn-house and outside expert will be on-hand to answer questions.\n\nQuestions? Katia Kerns @ email@example.com\n\nMothers & Daughters & Sons & Fathers", null, "Below is the beginning of a collection of essays on PARENTING.\nWe'll start with mothers since Mothers Day is coming up soon. I'm a mother so I'll start the process. Please send me your essays to email@example.com. We have a lot to share. Thank you\nThe Mother of All Journeys\nMothers Day is just around the corner. In our family we celebrate Mothers Day and Fathers Day with the one parent who has held both roles. My Dad was my Mom&Dad, I was my daughter’s Mom&Dad. So few families can boast the dream we all share: Mom, Dad & the Kids. When we meet a couple who have been together through the whole journey, we marvel. Some take that entire trip in joy…others with a profound sense of responsibility without the joy.\n\nAs a child who grew up without my mother, I held that dream family in my heart like some great prize I could not have. Like so many hurts, this one turned to anger that ate at my heart for years. Why can’t I have a family?\n\nI didn’t realize that this unattainable dream was shaping my decisions, the path I was taking, the relationships I pursued, until someone defined my anger. “You’re angry because you didn’t have a family!” It struck me hard the way irrefutable truth tends to. But it also set me free from that anger. There’s nothing I can do about the past.\n\nMy anger defined did not make me stop pursuing the dream, however. I let go of the dream I could not have and set out to achieve the one I could do something about. I was on a mission. I left the man I had shared life with for more than a decade in pursuit of a man who wanted children. I was in my early thirties and running out of time.\n\nIt wasn’t long before I met the perfect candidate…intelligent, creative, responsible and eager to do the whole marriage, kids, dog, station wagon, home, etc.…all the key words that grabbed me and drew me in. We moved in together, talked of marriage and the big symbol that this dream was imminent – we bought an extra large washer and dryer to get ready for massive loads of kid laundry. So close.\n\nThen I got pregnant. We were both 35. JUST in time.\n\nBUT…he was not really ready. We both had high-pressure businesses. We were both moving up our individual ladders in parallel professions…employees…responsibilities…goals on the horizon of achievement. While hormones flushed my mother instincts, fear ran through his veins. He offered an ultimatum…abort the fetus or he would leave. I was 35. He left.\n\nAnd so began my life as a single mother. Although I was devastated at the time, I look back and see that this was a blessing. I never had to fight over parenting techniques, philosophies, or paths of instruction. But I also didn’t let go of the dream. I pursued finding my daughter a father even if she couldn’t have the one whose genes she shared. That was a mistake. One that I regret to this day.\n\nI wish I could go back and see that we were a family with just the two of us…our dog and cats. We shared a home, shared life and shared a special bond. By pursuing a father for my daughter I cut holes in the bond that hurt her instead of solved what I saw as a problem.\n\nMotherhood is a journey without a destination. Not one of us can look back and feel confident we did everything right, and did not scar our children. That’s a truth that offers little comfort. But I clearly remember the day when I was sitting across the kitchen table from my father and talking about his role and his mistakes. I now had compassion because I, too, was making similar mistakes and I understood.\n\nI hope some day my daughter will see my errors in parenting through the tears of compassion like I saw my Dad’s. That conversation set my heart to rest. I can only hope to do the same with my daughter…some day.\n\nI love you Beautiful Daughter like no other love…Mother Love. You’re a mother now, so I know you know what I mean.", "My Shining Moment\nBy Bug Deakin\nOn the 19th day of this month I was blessed with an opportunity I have waited 40 years for, and I thank her mother for doing such an amazing job. I waited 14,633 days to be able to hug my daughter. I have known about Suzy since her inception, she on the other hand, did not know about me. After the man who provided for her childhood passed away, (thank you Ben), her mother told her she had a different biological father.\n\nShe Googled me and lo and behold, she spent a few days pouring through the website and discovering this other part of her make-up. She writes like me, she uses the same words! We have been corresponding through most mediums for almost two years, and now my shining moment has come to fruition!\n\nThe Road Trip of my Life!\n\nI met her at Lake Pend Oreille, Idaho and we have been enveloped in a road trip of illustrious Joy! Road trips are such a delightful way of bonding, and to weave our way through Idaho, and Washington to Fort Hill Sawmill in Oregon. (I had to throw in some dismantling structures to fill the experience) and on to Lincoln City and down the Oregon Coast of “oh what beauty this planet has bathed us left coasters in!”\n\nAt Gold Beach Oregon we dragged a king bed in the motel room and piled pillows and shared a spectacular 3-hour sunset. We laughed and cried and discovered each other in each other. We ate hummus and crackers on the bed. “No crackers in bed,” we giggled!\n\nThursday we drove from Gold Beach through the California coast down Shoreline Hwy to the incomparable Rivers End. A cold draft and seared scallops sent us through Bodega Bay on home to a Petaluma sunset. Bliss, wonder, sharing story, every moment a first in a cavalcade of heart brimming exuberance and Joy.\n\nSo then Friday it was take your kid to work day. Suzy spent the day at the yard and she washed my car at the end of the day so I took her shopping. And every one of these memorable moments were firsts for both of us!\n\nAnd to finish the first part of this Blissful experience before the news deadline, I threw her a parade in Petaluma, and I put a giant purple chair on the deck of the flatbed and parked it on the parade route just for her! It was so big we shared it with Petaluma!\n\nEvery Time I look at Her I see her Mother.\n\nI am so grateful, so filled with boundless joy, so finally completed! I am in awe of this wondrous life embracing respectful child of this universe.\n\nI thank her mother Candacé from the top of my heart. I have two grandsons, Hayden and Mason!\n\nAnd here is the love of my life. The bringer of unbridled Joy!\n\nLabels: Children and Family, PERSPECTIVES\n\nTuesday, April 20, 2010\n\nClassical Sonoma - MUSIC REVIEWS", "Log on to this web site Classical Sonoma - below - to learn about concerts performed by exceptional musicians in the Classical tradition. Beth Zucchino turned me on to this site and organization and I want to share her passion with you... specifically a review of organ music performed by Shin-Ae Chun. But there's more - save the site with Bookmark so you stay informed of classical music concerts in Sonoma County: http://classicalsonoma.org/\nby James Harrod\nSunday, March 21, 2010\n\nOrgan music enthusiasts had the opportunity March 21 to hear a flawless recital of Bach’s music, played by Shin-Ae Chun at Resurrection Parish on Stony Point Road. Ms. Chun is choir director and organist at Toledo’s First Congregational Church and her Santa Rosa concert was produced by the Creative Arts Series.\n\nHonoring Bach’s birthday (March 21, 1685) in the program “Dancing Bach,” Ms. Chun played compositions representative of the Leipzig master’s organ music over his lifetime. Included were the youthful Prelude and Fugue in G, BWV 550, the Concerto in D, BWV 596 (composed in Bach’s Weimer period), Pastorella, BWV 590, Prelude and Fugue in g, BWV 535, Vivace from the Trio Sonata in G, BWV 530, Schmuecke dich, o liebe Seele (from Chorales, BWV 654), and Piece d’Orgue, BWV 572.", null, "In the opening work Ms. Chun immediately showed great poise at the console with a clean articulated Baroque touch, even tempo, and steady “dancing” foot tapping energy. She played at a quick pace in virtuoso style with perfectly clean lines. The fugue was presented with clear phrasing and unclouded thematic figures. In the same way her interpretation of the G Minor Prelude and Fugue showed Bach’s recurring figures in perfect balance and measured touch. The lightning fast arpeggios of the first and last movements of the Piece d’Orgue were executed brilliantly. The Vivace from the Trio Sonata, arguably a great test of an organist’s nervous system, was played elegantly with three perfectly balanced musical voices.\n\nThe five short movements of the Concerto in D gave us a different but important Bach at the organ. In contrast to the church sounds of the Chorale Schmuecke dich and the majestic middle section of the Piece d‘Orgue, the Concerto is a transposition from a Vivaldi composition, written for a small string ensemble in the Italian style of the period and adopted by Bach for the organ in 1717. Ms. Chun played the concerto delicately with light articulation, even phrasing, and expressive registration, apropos of Vivaldi’s original.\n\nThe most discerning interpretation in Ms. Chun’s program may have been the Pastorella. This composition, often misplayed by organists with muddy sonics, was presented here with the clean delicacy of dew on a quietly pasture at dawn. Soft foundations were used for the opening 8/12 meter rocking rhythms and bell tone flutes and a “bag pipe” reed solo in the responding movements. The effect was refreshing!\n\nThroughout the program, Ms. Chun used appropriate and varied Baroque stop registrations for Bach’s music which were sensitive and never too loud, the rich tones never overbearing.\n\nMonday, April 19, 2010\n\nDerby Days for Council on Aging", null, "Join in the excitement without going to Kentucky!\nSaturday, May 1, 2010, 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.\nSonoma-Cutrer Vineyards, 4401 Slusser Road, Windsor\nAnd they’re off! Come out and celebrate the 11th Annual Council on Aging’s Meals on Wheels Derby Day fundraiser on Saturday, May 1st at Sonoma-Cutrer Vineyards in Windsor.\n\nThe celebrated chefs competing against one another in the exciting “Iron Chef” style cook-off will be Chef Bruce Frieseke of Applewood Estate Inn vs. Patrick Tafoya of Restaurant P/30. The winner will then face the 2007 and 2008 AND 2009 champion, Chef Paul Schroeder of Monti’s Rotisserie & Bar. These talented chefs will be assisted by celebrity sous chefs: District Attorney Stephan Passalacqua and Sam Salmon, Mayor of Windsor, and assisting the defending champ, Dr. Al Galster of Kaiser Permanante.\n\nDuring this entertaining competition, Derby Day guests will enjoy delectable Southern-style courses by fabulous Sonoma County chefs. The menu is set…Hors d’Oeuvres’ by Chef Christopher Greenwald of Bay Laurel Culinary featuring Miniature Dungeness crab and Sonoma Jack Monte Cristo, Limestone Lettuce Cups, Smoked chicken pate on crostini, and fried red beans and rice balls. The first course by Chef Liza Hinman of Santi will be a roasted asparagus and frisee salad with a very special dressing; followed by the second course by Chef Rick Bruno of Bruno’s on Fourth serving Voodoo Rock Shrimp! Save room for the entrée featuring Chef Jan Salisbury of Santa Rosa Golf and Country Club serving a Smothered Chicken Breast, stuffed with country ham, tomatoes, and cheddar on grits; and fresh cornbread from Costeaux Bakery in Healdsburg will be on every table. But don’t forget, dessert! Once again dessert is by Chef Casey Stone of John Ash & Co. who will serve a Sour Cream Chocolate Cake with a Bourbon caramel buttercream chocolate sauce, spicy pecans and toasted marshmallow fluff.\n\nThis exhilarating event begins at 11 a.m. with food, wine, and music by the 4th Street New Orleans Jazz Band. While enjoying the music, stroll by and place your bid at the silent auction, where guests can select from original works of art and jewelry, entertainment packages, get-away packages and more. Following lunch and the Chefs’ Competition, the fun continues with a brisk, live auction by the rousing auctioneer, Marty Vendrick. He will have you bidding higher and higher for items such as a Pinot Party at Sonoma-Curtrer Vineyards, a week’s stay in Puerto Vallarta or Cape Cod, Movies and Burgers for a Year, Be Your Own Winemaker and much, much more.\n\nAll this culminates with the running of the Kentucky Derby® projected on two huge screens. Plus, guests will be able to take their chances on choosing the winning horse by purchasing raffle tickets representing each horse competing. Holders of the winning tickets will be placed into a drawing for special prizes.\n\nWine guru, hospitality consultant and SRJC Culinary Arts instructor, Betsy Fischer, a Louisville, Kentucky native, returns as our Mistress of Ceremonies. Along her side will be returning Master of Ceremonies, chef/owner Josh Silvers of Syrah and Jackson’s Restaurant, and a former champion of the Derby Day Chef cook-off himself. And they keep the pace running!\nFestive Derby attire—big hats, jewels and colorful Southern style—is recommended.\n\nTickets are on sale now for $135 per person.\nThe event has sold out, so don’t delay!\nFor more information, contact the Council on Aging office at 707-525-0143, ext. 146\nor visit our website at www.councilonaging.com.\n\nSunday, April 18, 2010", null, "Smart Meter Forum\nInformation from PG & E on Smart Meters - please go to: www.pge.com/smartmeter/\nFor information on the grass roots effort to have a Moratorium on Smart Meters go to:\n\nRoma Festival in Sebastopol", null, "14th Annual California Herdeljezi Roma Festival\nFriday April 30, and Saturday May 1st in Sebastopol\nPlease join Voice of Roma at the 14th Annual Herdeljezi Roma Festival, a celebration of Herdeljezi, a traditional Romani (Gypsy) neighborhood celebration announcing the end of the cold indoor season and the beginning of the warmer season of movement and outdoor life.\n\nSurvival from the winter and the seasonal renewal of life is celebrated through the sharing of music, dance, food and community. Romani musicians and dancers from around the world will be in Northern California to take part in the Herdeljezi festival beginning with film screenings Friday evening, and on Saturday, daytime and evening programs with workshops and live performances.\n\nThis year’s festival features a stellar line-up of performers including: Ruzsa Nikolic-Lakatos & the Gypsy Family, Nadia Hava Robbins, Stevens Family Gypsy Boys with special guest Danny Fender, Lefteris Bournias, Ivan Milev, Petra Gelbart, Vadim Kolpakov performing with Via Romen, Rumen \"Sali\" Shopov (percussion, tambura) from Bulgaria, Chris Bajmakovich (accordion) (Macedonian Rom) from Chicago, FLAMENCO! LIVE! DANCE ENSEMBLE, Sani & Benji Rifati, and the Brass Liberation Orchestra.\n\nCelebrated for centuries by the Roma world-wide, Voice of Roma brings Herdeljezi to a much broader audience. Drawing upwards of 1,200 attendees (Roma and non-Roma alike) from Europe, the United States and Canada, the celebration begins Friday April 30th with a screening of Romani films with discussion at the Vets Hall in Sebastopol.\n\nEvents May 1st include music and dance workshops and a daylong festival (rain or shine) at Ives Park that concludes with a time-honored music and dance procession that replicates Mahala (the act of gathering the entire local community) and then moves back indoors to the Vet's Hall for an evening program of Romani music.\n\nOther festival highlights include an exhibit and sale of embroidery and crochet work through Voice of Roma’s the Threads That Connect Us project. This micro-enterprise project features the products of refugee Romani craftswomen of Kosovo and Macedonia. Also included are wonderful children's activities with engaging Romani storytelling, face painting and more.\n\nThe festival, produced by Voice of Roma, an educational and charitable non-profit organization established in 1996 to promote and present Romani cultural arts and traditions, is supported by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Alliance for California Traditional Arts, the Creative Work Fund, Walter and Elise Haas Fund, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the James Irvine Foundation, and local business and community sponsors.\n\nTickets are available at the door and online at\n\nLabels: EVENTS\n\nLyme Disease, an Epidemic larger than AIDS", null, "Sonoma County residents can celebrate Lyme Disease Awareness Month by attending Under Our Skin, a frightening exposé about how our corrupt medical system is failing to address one of the most serious epidemics of our time.\n\nThis film will also be part of Disability Awareness Week at Sonoma State University, Wednesday, May 5th from 7 to 9pm at 1801 East Cotati Avenue, Rohnert Park, Ives Hall - Warren Auditorium. http://sonoma.edu/dss/underourskin.shtml to RSVP your attendance, for more information and copy of the poster to circulate.\n\nThis eye-opening film investigates the untold story of Lyme disease, an emerging epidemic larger than AIDS. Each year thousands go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, often told that their symptoms are “all in their head.” The film is being presented by the California Lyme Disease Association (CALDA).\n\nAccording to CALDA volunteer Thora Graves of Sonoma, who organized the screening, the tiny ticks that cause Lyme disease are most active during the spring months.\n\n“Many people think Lyme disease is rare or non-existent in California, but parts of California have tick infection rates that rival the worst of the Lyme hotspots back east,” says Graves.\nLyme disease is a bacterial infection spread by the bite of an infected tick. When it is misdiagnosed or goes untreated, it can cause long-term health problems, including crippling muscle and joint pain, disabling fatigue, mental illness, and even death.\n\n“People seeking treatment are often mistakenly told they have MS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or even mental illness—all of which can have the same symptoms as Lyme,” says Graves. Getting properly diagnosed is the first step, but doctors often rely on the ELISA test, which fails in 44 of every 100 cases, she adds.\n\n“It’s important to use a sensitive screening test, which the ELISA is not,” Graves says.\nLyme is spread by western black-legged ticks, which have been found in 56 of California’s 58 counties. The tiny nymphal (immature) ticks can be found in leaf litter and on top of downed logs. Adult ticks are often found on the tips of grasses and shrubs next to trails. Ticks are carried from place to place by deer, squirrels, rodents, birds and even family pets.\nFor more information visit the CALDA website at www.LymeDisease.org.\n\n• Use sprays containing permethrin on clothing and DEET on skin.\n• Avoid tick-infested areas and check yourself frequently for tiny ticks for several days following exposure. Parents should check their small children, paying particular attention to the hair.\n• Remove any biting ticks promptly, using tweezers or a special tick-remover.\n• Do not twist, squeeze or mutilate the tick. Try not to get any tick fluids on your bare skin.\n• Disinfect the bite area and wash your hands.\n• Save the tick in a small vial or plastic bag in case you want to test it.\n• Watch the area for any signs of a developing rash.\n• See a doctor knowledgeable about Lyme disease if you experience a rash or flu-like illness after exposure to ticks.\n\nSeeking Justice & Equality for Gay Couples", null, "Greene v. County of Sonoma et al.\nThe Case of Two Men Separated before Death\nA trial date has been set for July 16, 2010 in the Superior Court for the County of Sonoma.\n\nUPDATE: As news of this spread, so did additional information on the case. Apparently the reason for separation was abuse - in this case, elder abuse. Sonoma County has strong legislation and programs in place to protect and defend our elders. As time goes on and more information is available - we'll keep you updated. Today's Press Democrat has the latest story: - and a statement from Sonoma County Cousel...\n\nThe following is a statement just received from County Counsel regarding the Harold Scull and Clay Greene matter involving the Sonoma County Public Guardian’s Office:\n\nWe appreciate the concern that has been expressed by the comments received and know that when the full facts are able to be revealed there will be a better understanding. It is the policy of this department not to disclose confidential matters concerning clients assisted by the agencies operating under its direction. This is consistent with federal and state privacy laws.\n\nWhat can be legally shared at this point is as follows: The Sonoma County Public Guardian became involved in this matter as a result of a report from Harold Scull that Clay Greene had physically assaulted him, resulting in Mr. Scull's hospitalization. Mr. Greene's domestic violence against Mr. Scull has been independently verified during the course of litigation, including reports of witnesses who tended to Mr. Scull following his hospitalization.\n\nRecent online commentary reflects a distorted presentation of the underlying facts. The County is confident that when the full facts can be discussed they will show the individuals involved received appropriate services. More importantly, we are confident that the facts will show that the services received by Mr. Scull and Mr. Greene reflect the ongoing commitment to protect vulnerable citizens from harm and that no issues of discrimination were present.\n\nUnfortunately, it appears the Plaintiffs are trying to litigate this case through the internet and the press – trying to spin the case as one of insensitivity towards people who happen to be gay by County Staff. In fact, this case is really about domestic violence and the statutory obligation the County has to protect vulnerable individuals from abuse and harm.\n\nThe heart of this case is protecting an elder victim of domestic violence. That’s why the Public Guardian’s Office took the actions it did. The County has a long history of taking a strong stand against domestic violence no matter who is the victim.\n\nThe Case/Story:\n\nTo follow the progress of this case - go to: www.nclrights.org\n\nLabels: Children and Family, News and Politics: SONOMA COUNTY\n\nSaturday, April 17, 2010\n\nLaguna de Santa Rosa Rookery Walk", null, "Delta Pond Rookery\nwith Laguna Docents\nSaturday, May 1\nChoose your time: 7:45am, 8:00am, 8:15am, 8:30am, 8:50am\n$10 per person\nThis annual event is not to be missed and there is still time to register! The trees between Delta Pond and the Laguna are host to a sizable rookery of great blue herons, double crested cormorants, plus great egrets with their wispy breeding plumage. Come watch the adults endeavoring to keep up with demanding chicks who are trying to out-compete nest-mates and prepare for first flight. The sights and sounds of all this activity are indeed awe-inspiring.\n\nThe 3 mile round-trip walk is flat but with some uneven footing. Be prepared to stay for about 2.5 hours. Bring plenty of drinking water and a sun hat. Details will be emailed upon registration.\n\nSebastopol's Emanji Temple on KRCB TV", "A little-known story of Sebastopol's Enmanji Temple and the return of Japanese Internees after World War II is featured on KRCB Public\nTelevision 22, as Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month is recognized during May 2010.\n\nMonday, May 3 at 9:00pm Leap of Faith & Hideko; Airing again on Tuesday, May 18 at 11:30am\n\nProduced and directed by Sonoma County filmmaker Lina Hoshino, this 18-minute documentary, entitled Leap of Faith, tells a little-known story of young white Christian teenagers who put their bodies on the line to protect Sebastopol's Japanese Buddhist temple, Enmanji, from hate-related arson and vandalism during WWII.\n\nAn Enmanji temple was first established in Sebastopol here in Sonoma County in 1926 and served as a center of activity for the local Japanese farm communities. During WWII, the Enmanji temple was locked up while all of the Japanese Americans in the community were forcibly sent to internment camps. When the war came to an end and news spread that the\nJapanese families were returning, unidentified individuals protested by vandalizing the temple and attempting to burn it down. An ax scar is still visible on the temple building. When the youth at Community Church of Sebastopol (United Church of Christ) heard about the incident, Jack\nGerboth, Sara Gerboth, Peggy and Bob Martz, Ann and David Williams, and other teenagers who had grown up alongside Japanese Americans, organized to guard the temple for three months.\n\nIn her very personal documentary, Hoshino explores what motivated the teenagers and the nature of the legacy they left behind. Barbara Bertoli suggests that these young people took a stand ultimately because of friendships among the white and Japanese teenagers. The film explores this historical narrative with an eye to lessons about how and when people take action in ways that will affect their communities down the years.\n\nThis story is not only a part of Sonoma County‚s history: it also constitutes an important way in which this community shapes its collective memory of the events surrounding WWII. Even though these young people took a leap of faith to help members of their community, their acts do not erase the reality that civil and human rights were violated, property stolen, families torn apart, and lives destroyed. Instead, we are reminded that it is possible to stand by those who are endangered and victimized by the prevailing political climate.\n\nThe film, narrated by the director, weaves interviews with Barbara Bertoli (one of the youths leaders during WWII), Paula Berndt (daughter of Sarah Gerboth), Marie Sugiyama (former internee), and George Hamamoto (former internee). http://www.manythreads.org/index.html\n\nHideko, a second short film by the same local producer, will air just after Leap of Faith. In Hideko, the changes in filmmaker Lina Hoshino's mother's name over the years reveal a long history of political turmoil in Taiwan.\n\nWest Sonoma County Water News & Issues", "The following document included information that comes to the Gazette from Steve Mack, General Manager of the Sweetwater Springs Water District. I'm including it on our web site because it has information that applies to all Gazette readers - not just that particular water district.\nSonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) Petition to Change Water Rights Decision 1610. The Board heard a presentation from Pam Jeane, Operations Manager for SCWA, on SCWA’s Petition to Change Water Rights Decision 1610 which governs minimum flows in the Russian River. SCWA is petitioning the State Water Resources Control Board to reduce minimum flows in the River as one of the conditions of the Biological Opinion (BO) for endangered and threatened fish species in the Russian River. The BO states that the lower summer flows are needed to improve fish habitat in the lower River, specifically to keep the sand barrier at the mouth of the Russian River so that the estuary behind can have fresher water for the salmonid fish that spend the summer there.\n\nInterested parties have until May 13, 2010 to protest the petition. A possible reason for a District protest is because the petition for flow changes does not go far enough – District staff believe Decision 1610 needs a comprehensive review because so much on the River has changed, in particular substantially reduced diversions from the Eel River. Ms. Jeane stated her opinion that the State Board would ultimately look at a more comprehensive analysis of the appropriate Russian River instream flows and that there would be many opportunities to participate in the process.\n\nDraft FY 2010-11 Operating And Capital Budget – Analysis of Long-Term Effects Of Various Rate Strategies. District staff have proposed no rate increase for Fiscal Year 2011 (July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011) because of a grant from the Sonoma County Redevelopment Agency supported by the Russian River Redevelopment Oversight Committee (RRROC) and the poor local economic situation. The Board had requested an analysis of the long-term effect on capital improvement program (CIP) funding without a rate increase this year. The analysis presented at the meeting showed that the District can forego a rate increase in FY11 and still maintain progress toward sustainable CIP funding even though there will be a dip in funding available for the CIP in FY11. Annual rate increases that generally track the consumer price index (CPI) can develop the revenue needed for this in following years.\n\nThe District will continue to seek grants to supplement ratepayer revenues which will help the District get to a sustainable level sooner.\n\nUnneeded District Lands Strategy. The Board heard a presentation by staff on the progress on the District Lands Management Strategy. Staff have found that the local Recreation and Parks Districts and regional open-space-related agencies and organizations have plans and interests with which unneeded District lands could fit. The Board directed staff to implement the following strategy for unneeded District lands:\n\nThe District will divest itself of unneeded property with the purposes of:\n〈 Proper management of lands\n〈 Maintaining community values of river access and open space,\n〈 Reducing District liability,\n〈 Reducing staff time dealing with property issues,\n〈 Producing income which is a goal but not a requirement.\n\n1. Explore river access and trail possibilities with local Recreation and Park Districts\n2. Keep revenue producing parcels (Mount Jackson tower sites)\n3. For larger, back country parcels, follow up with open space agencies, if R&P Districts are not interested.\n4. Engage broker to market remainder of unneeded properties.\n\nDistrict staff will be working with local agencies and other interested parties to implement the strategy.\n\nOther items discussed and acted upon at the April meeting included introduction of an ordinance to address owner account nonpayment and meter tampering, and authorizing a contract for Monte Rio filter maintenance.\n\nItems for the next meeting on May 7, 2010, include adoption of the FY2011 Budget, and further discussion and possible action on a protest regarding the Sonoma County Water Agency Petition to change Decision 1610.\n\nMore information on District services and programs are available on the District’s website at http://www.sweetwatersprings.com\n\nLabels: Water and Watershed News\n\nEarth Day Volunteer Opportunities", "-- Organizations seek volunteers to Keep Sonoma Clean --\nA handful of community groups organize cleanup events on a regular basis throughout Sonoma County to keep our roadways, creeks and beaches free of trash. Many of these groups are seeking volunteers to help with special cleanup events during April or early May in honor of Earth Day. The County Web site www.KeepSonomaClean.org offers a comprehensive list of volunteer opportunities for individuals interested in participating in these cleanup events, as well as information about how to discard unwanted materials properly and how to report illegal dumping.\n\n“We are very grateful that these organizations are helping us clean up litter and garbage from places where they don’t belong,” stated Karina Chilcott, publicity coordinator for Keep Sonoma Clean. “We want to encourage volunteers to seek out these opportunities, and to make it easy for volunteers to find cleanup events all listed in one place.”\n\nIn the weeks leading up to and immediately following Earth Day, more than a half-dozen separate cleanup events will take place in locations from the Sonoma Valley to the Sonoma Coast. These events include:\n\nApril 17, 9 a.m. to noon – Sonoma Ecology Center and Sonoma Stream Stewards will remove garbage and help native plants at three locations: Nathanson Creek Preserve behind Adele Harrison Middle School; Fryer Creek behind Sassarini Elementary School; or Maxwell Farms Regional Park. For information email Julie Jehly at email@example.com or visit www.stewards.sonomacreek.net.\n\nApril 17 – Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods will present an orientation session for Marine Debris Monitoring and Beach Cleanups. For more information or to register for the orientation, contact Ruby Herrick, programs manager, at (707) 869-9177, x1, or firstname.lastname@example.org\n\nApril 17 – The Volunteer Center of Sonoma County will organize Hands Across the County, a one-day community service event where volunteers undertake a range of projects, such as creek cleanups, weeding, painting and other tasks. Register online at www.volunteernow.org/handsnew.htm. For more information, contact Maureen Cecil at the Volunteer Center: (707) 573-3399, x125 or email@example.com.\n-- more --\n\nApril 23, 1-5 p.m. – The Volunteer Center of Sonoma County will organize the Agilent Environmental Challenge, a one-day community service event that focuses on the environment, including creek cleanups, tree planting and removing invasive plants. Register online at www.volunteernow.org/agilent2.htm, or contact Maureen Cecil at the Volunteer Center at (707) 573-3399, x125, or firstname.lastname@example.org.\n\nApril 24, 8 a.m. to noon – The City of Santa Rosa sponsors “Spring Clean,” a one-day event to beautify Santa Rosa through a variety of projects, including mural painting, creek cleanups, graffiti removal and others. Advance registration is encouraged by contacting Ed Buonaccorsi at the City of Santa Rosa: (707) 543-3710 or email@example.com. Or show up at Finley Community Park at 2060 West College Ave. at 8 a.m. to join a work group.\n\nApril 25, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Cotati Creek Critters will host a one-day creek cleanup event. Cotati Creek Critters regularly hosts creek cleanups in Cotati and Rohnert Park. The meeting place is at Cotati City well lot # 2 on Lakewood Avenue. Cotati Creek Critters encourages all volunteers to read the Creek Stewardship Day guidelines at www.CotatiCreekCritters.info for directions and information on what to wear and bring. E-mail Jenny Blaker at firstname.lastname@example.org or call (707) 792-4422 for questions. (Cotati Creek Critters also will host another event on May 8 from 8 a.m. to noon.)\n\nMay 2, 9:30 a.m. – ABC Rides will organize a one-day bicycling event where volunteer cyclists travel Sonoma County roads, using GPS devices to record locations of illegal dumping sites on rural roads. The spring ride incorporates roads in the North County, including Chalk Hill and Westside Rds. The ride begins and ends at NorCal Bike Sport on College Ave. and will proceed at a moderate pace for 4 to 5 hours. Prizes will be awarded.\n\nAdditional details about these Earth Day cleanup events and links to all participating organizations can be found at KeepSonomaClean.org. Click on “Get Involved.” KeepSonomaClean.org also offers information about cleanup opportunities for other times of the year, as well as complete information about proper disposal or recycling of unwanted goods. To report an illegal dump site, visit the Web site or call 877-565-DUMP (3867).\n\nKeep Sonoma Clean is a cooperative effort between the Sonoma County Department of Health Services, Environmental Health Division; the Sonoma County Department of Transportation and Public Works, and the Sonoma County Sheriff, and is funded by a grant from the California Integrated Waste Management Board."], "url": "http://sonomacountygazette.blogspot.com/2010/04/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 400, "width": 452}, {"height": 570, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 265, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 279, "original_width": 354, "width": 479}, {"height": 404, "original_height": 185, "original_width": 173, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 305, "original_width": 360, "width": 446}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 219, "original_width": 360, "width": 621}, {"height": 486, "original_height": 278, "original_width": 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and a sign advertising \"hand-made Christmas Gifts\".  How could we possibly not stop?", null, "Turns out the hand-made gifts consisted almost entirely of pipes for smoking pot.  A nice enough guy with a really interesting vehicle that resembled an Airstream trailer.  He said he bought it from a guy who worked at Lockheed and used airplane-grade aluminum and other parts to build it!  Truly one of a kind!  It has a Cadillac engine, and the door handles, hinges, lights, etc. really did look unique.  A sticker on the door said \"High Voltage\", and I couldn't help chuckling at the overall impression the vehicle had on me.  Here's a cropped close-up.  No one on my Christmas list is in need of a hash pipe, so we said thanks and moved on.", null, "A little further down Sunfair Road on the left is the small private Roy Williams Airport.  In case you're wondering, Roy Williams was a Disney cartoonist who did the original script for the Mickey Mouse Club TV show and (drum roll please) invented and designed the famous Mickey Mouse ear hat!  What an interesting tidbit of information!  Below is the airport logo and a picture of Roy.", null, "In front of the airport they have what probably in it's day looked very 'space-age' and ultra-modern:  a miniature jet mounted on a pole.  This is what caught my photographer's eye as we were driving by.  Very cool, and now in nearly 2012 it looks like another one of those strange things you see in the desert and wonder what the heck it's doing there.  I decided to use black & white/high contrast to give it that vintage look.", null, null, null], "url": "http://sparepartsandpics.blogspot.com/2011/12/blast-off.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 273, "original_width": 400, "width": 553}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 258, "original_width": 400, "width": 586}, {"height": 400, "original_height": 302, "original_width": 285, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 425, "original_width": 640, "width": 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I've spent hundreds on lipglosses, from Mac to Dior and never found anything quite like this. It's packed with glitter (that doesn't feel abrasive on the lips) and super shiny. I was so addicted to it, I used it in less than a month. I also purchased \"Galactic\" a clear glittery version.", null, "MAC Select Cover Up Concealer:\n\nBest best best concealer ever. I've been using this for years now and I'm in love with it. I used to use Stila Concealer but found that it was too heavy and the Mac concealer is $13 versus the $20 Stila brand.", null, "Michael Kors Leg Shine - in Shimmer:\n\nI'm not sure if they even sell the \"shimmer\" product because I haven't seen it in stores lately, but they do sell it in bronze. The leg shine can be used anywhere and smells like michael kors signature scent. I love this product and it will last a long long time so its worth the $40.", null, "ModelCo Shimmer Airbrush Illuminzer:\n\nThis is by far the best shimmer spray I have ever come across. It also smells amazing. This product gives an intense illuminizing glow.\n\nChanel Lipstick - in Coco Pink:\nThe most vibrant pink lipstick I've ever seen. Schiap by Nars might beat this color based on intensity of color, but doesn't come close the moisturizing feel of this Chanel lipstick.\n\nMAC Blush - in Sweetness:\nBright and bold and beautiful. The name is perfect, its so cute.\n\nMAC Eye Shadow - in Black Tied:\nDeep black color with flecks of silver glitter. Perfect for a smokey eye.\n\nFrederic Fekkai - Technician Color Glaze:\nI have thick hair that can be hard to manage but this product has been beautifying my locks for years now. A little goes a long way, and it smells nice too!\n\nMAC Fluidline Eye Liner - in Black Track:\nThe blackest black eyeliner that lasts for days. You actually need to purchase an oil based cleanser in order to remove it! Don't worry, the cleanser is worth it because you can also use it to clean your brushes or makeup containers when they get dingy.\n\nMAC Fix+ Mist:\nNot only does this product help to hold your makeup for a longer period of time, but the moisturizing effect is incredible. I always use this before and after applying my makeup.\n\nFrederic Fekkai Spray on Hair Crystals:\nThis is a new product and I ordered it from Nordstrom as soon as I could! It comes in three different colors - bronze, copper and champagne. It sort of reminds me of Fekkai's spray glitter but the difference is the nozzle. They have perfected the design of the can and it actually works this time!\nPosted by amanda vogel at 11/18/2008 07:52:00 PM", null, "amanda vogel", "boys and girls"], "url": "http://sparkleglitterbabyprincess.blogspot.com/2008/11/beauty-products-i-cant-live-without.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 466, "original_height": 322, "original_width": 261, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 280, "original_width": 280, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 230, "original_width": 230, "width": 378}, {"height": 609, "original_height": 290, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["102413d642439890f49932da608097f2968f9b519b4f9791ab41c9c34a42aae6", "68288d9d08dc0f83b69c2d8ddee9d76cae5228a6d404c6bf1d666b6d7930eef7", "ac0dd84e34d685737538abefa02b1d829fd5349e6780150f2e2c20589662db76", "86e2fe441f642ef5376714ee4adf82c172f254392124cb67bafd161b96c87184", "ec89dc89549eee1cc3062d7da70c191549041d6c3c357883d22f4abb189db6de"], "__index_level_0__": 292, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://i.ytimg.com/vi/9l__zVsvCfg/hqdefault.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9441007971763612}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://spay.biz/want-a-comprehensive-article-on-learning-guitar-this-is-it-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.ytimg.com/vi/9l__zVsvCfg/hqdefault.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.ytimg.com/vi/9l__zVsvCfg/hqdefault.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hqdefault\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://spay.biz/want-a-comprehensive-article-on-learning-guitar-this-is-it-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://spay.biz/wp-content/themes/wp-amazillionaire/images/payment.png\", \"src\": \"http://spay.biz/wp-content/themes/wp-amazillionaire/images/payment.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"payment\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "It is nearly certain that you are hearing a guitar being played when you hear a song played on the radio. Even if you never yet touched a guitar, it is not beyond your ability to learn the basics. The tips that follow can help.\n\nDon’t ever feel like you need to learn everything at the same time. Slow and steady will help you to find success. You will find real progress when you commit to a set amount of practice time every single day.\n\nTIP! Learn the fundamentals of playing a guitar. Waking comes before running.\n\nTry to find a teacher to learn from. It is true that you can learn guitar on your own, and many have done so already. However, there is benefit to a casual observer giving you feedback on your play. A solid teacher is one who can give you constructive criticism. You’ll also be able to ask an expert some questions.\n\nIf you would like to play a guitar, buy one. It’s hard to practice regularly when you don’t actually own a guitar. In addition, you must tune your guitar regularly, otherwise the sound coming from it may not sound the way it should.\n\nTIP! Never worry about learning everything immediately. A steady pace will grow your skills and lead to success.\n\nRemember that practicing guitar should always be fun. Remember that you’re only learning to play because you wanted to! Make it an activity that you look forward to, and not a stressful part of your day. This can make you bored and you’ll stop practicing. Continue practicing and playing the pieces enjoyable to you.\n\nYou must gather all necessary items before learning to play guitar, including a good instrument. You may be able to borrow or rent a guitar if you are unable to purchase one for an affordable price. To get your skills down the proper way, you’re going to need a quality instrument.\n\nTIP! It goes without saying you should have your own guitar if you wish to learn to play well. It’s hard to regularly practice if you don’t own a guitar of your own.\n\nPrior to even picking up the guitar, teach yourself the names of the parts. That way, you will be prepared to start understanding scales, chords and string names.\n\nGet a metronome. This will help you to keep time better. A metronome can help keep you in-sync with the music. If you practice enough, you’ll be able to follow beats without having to use the device.\n\nTIP! Make sure you enjoy your guitar practice. This is an elective activity.\n\nBuy a metronome and use it. Using a metronome can help you with your timing and get you into a rhythm. That way, you are not trying to maintain the correct pace on your own. With a metronome, you can begin with a slow pace and increase it as your skills improve. You will probably find that using a metronome is very beneficial to you honing your skills.\n\nFiguring out how to switch chords is a necessary skill. Focus on this during your practice sessions. Chord switching can make music sound pleasant and crisp, which is better than irritating and squeaky.\n\nTIP! If you want to play your guitar, you should build some calluses on your fingers. They will help decrease the amount of pain you experience from practicing.\n\nYour first guitar should not cost the earth. Buying a high-end guitar to practice on is not a good idea. You may not like playing a guitar. Plus, it is possible for a low cost guitar to sound good. Unless you are absolutely positive you want to invest a large amount of money in a guitar, you should make a smart choice in a high quality, less expensive instrument.\n\nThe guitar is wonderful to learn. Just about any song can be played on the guitar. From jazz to rock, from folk to classical, the guitar is a versatile instrument that you can use to play your favorite tunes."], "url": "http://spay.biz/want-a-comprehensive-article-on-learning-guitar-this-is-it-2/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 480, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["d1f82ab21afce39806263a11444e5a6a10d2f6e561d410c7edce44f7432dee06"], "__index_level_0__": 293, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7IDXXiF8_MU/TarUBtfxiwI/AAAAAAAAASU/BOwCYzoWq0E/s400/Source%2BCode3.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9563170075416564}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://spiritualpopcorn.blogspot.com/2011/04/source-code.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7IDXXiF8_MU/TarUBtfxiwI/AAAAAAAAASU/BOwCYzoWq0E/s400/Source%2BCode3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-7IDXXiF8_MU/TarUBtfxiwI/AAAAAAAAASU/BOwCYzoWq0E/s400/Source%2BCode3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Source BCode\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://spiritualpopcorn.blogspot.com/2011/04/source-code.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-fX2scESQBH8/UsglLYO0ppI/AAAAAAAAAmQ/yjGj4i9hDXc/s80/IMG_0229.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fX2scESQBH8/UsglLYO0ppI/AAAAAAAAAmQ/yjGj4i9hDXc/s80/IMG_0229.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, April 17, 2011\n\nSource Code", null, "\"And who is my neighbor?\" Luke 10:29\n\nSource Code is a captivating sci-fi movie with technological, ethical, and moral questions swirling around at an incredibly fast pace. Amid the action and intensity of this film, social and theological issues regarding the dignity of life and human consciousness, about use and abuse of our technology and our understanding of quantum physics, and about the cosmic reality of alternate universes linger with audiences far beyond the credits.\n\nThere are so many religious and spiritual matters at stake here that one could write volumes of blog posts on this film - enough material to last a whole year of conversations.\n\nBut for Source Code, what really engaged me spiritually weren't those mind-bending philosophical questions - but instead the perspective of the main character,\n\nCapt. Colter Stevens (Jake Gyllenhaal), an army helicopter pilot now on a mission he can't quite understand. He is sent digitally to a Chicago Metra train for the last eight minutes of its morning commute to discover the origins of a bomb that exploded there this morning. Stevens' mission is not to save the people on that train, but to root out and find the terrorist before he unleashes an even bigger attack on the entire city of Chicago, potentially killing millions of people.\n\nStevens is sent back in time for those eight minutes over and over again. His military handlers, Capt. Goodwin (Vera Farmiga) and Dr. Rutledge (Jeffrey Wright), won't let him stop until he finds the bomber using whatever means necessary. But each time he returns, even though he learns more and becomes more strategic in his outlook, the bomb again explodes, killing those Metra commuters in yet another universe.\n\n(the following contains plot spoilers, so be warned)\n\nFinally, after many attempts, Stevens locates the terrorist, American extremist Derek Frost (Michael Arden) - and despite being killed in the alternate reality - is able to pass on the details to Goodwin and Rutledge, making this new technology (tapping into a brainwave \"source code,\" hence the film's title) a major success in stopping terrorism before it can occur.\n\nAs a soldier, Stevens is taught that the sacrifice of the few is okay for the safety of the many. But it eats him up inside that in one reality or another, those Metra commuters still die (and the fact that millions were saved is little consolation to him).\n\nCapt. Stevens' dilemma is similar to the parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk. 10:29-37) where two people pass by a dying man right in front of them in order to do something that could save many more souls, yet a third traveler is able to see and fix the tragedy right in front of him.\n\nJesus posed his parable after telling an opponent that the greatest commandments are to love God and to love one's neighbor unconditionally. When challenged, \"And who is my neighbor?\" (Lk. 10:29), Jesus goes into this familiar story.\n\nCapt. Stevens might also ask his handlers, \"And who is my neighbor?\" His duty is to save the country, but in so doing, must he also risk the lives of the people before his very eyes? Aren't they neighbors too?\n\nWith the help of Capt. Goodwin, Stevens is able to go back one final time to save the people aboard the supposedly doomed Metra train. At first annoyed by these people, he learns to love each of them (and their quirks) with each passing trip into the past, especially Christine, the beautiful woman sitting across from him (Michelle Monaghan).\n\nThose commuters are like the beaten and bloodied traveler in Jesus' parable - that are expendable to Dr. Rutledge and others like him, but who are so very important to the Good Samaritan Stevens. He must save them.\n\nIn our own global world, with our eyes so focused on big issues and international concerns, we sometimes lose sight of the neighbors before our very eyes. Like those Chicago-bound commuters, they can be annoying or quirky, but Jesus says they're worth it, too.\n\nWhen we advocate for life, for instance, we can easily get wrapped up in legal arguments and working in very big ways for the eradication of abortion or capital punishments. But how well do we tend to the life before us - in our daily experiences? How well do we treat the pregnant mother? How often do we pray for the prisoners on death row? How do we maintain the dignity of life for the people in our office, those we pass on the street, those we meet at the restaurant, and those we stumble over on our way to the next important thing?\n\nJesus calls us to be like Capt. Stevens, fighting for the expendable ones, the forgotten ones, and the seemingly mundane ones in our day to day lives. It's great that we're soldiers in the fight against social wrongs and for the least in society at large, but not at the cost of the people we meet every day.\n\nIn one respect, Stevens had it a little easy. It's not hard to care for a beautiful woman like Michelle Monaghan sitting across from you on a Metra train. One wonders if she weren't in his leaps to the past if Stevens would have bothered to care for those other commuters. Thankfully he did, but the bigger challenge lies for us in our everyday lives.\n\nThose seemingly expendable people won't all look so good - yet we are still called to care for them, to look out for them, and to love them unconditionally like the Good Samaritan - for they are our neighbors just as much as the global community in which we live now.\nPosted by Jarzembowski at 6:49 AM", "This is such an interesting look on the movie. I saw it once, but I would consider watching it again, keeping in mind the concepts you've mentioned. My name is Torey Patenaude and my dad (Gib) says hi by the way."], "url": "http://spiritualpopcorn.blogspot.com/2011/04/source-code.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 207, "original_width": 400, "width": 730}], "image_hashes": ["686198a562ada588eb53ecf2f939c260fc46aa932a39fb6400cbcaa5996d2639"], "__index_level_0__": 294, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5282/5306181030_61581c5926_b.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5008/5305573825_6a895085c2_b.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5090/5306316868_61dfa7efdb_b.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5081/5306164520_80b016f569_b.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5045/5306183218_a2cd5b3e88_b.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5087/5305715807_b5067c693c_b.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5005/5306316190_1e2cd96f97_b.jpg", "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5129/5306180678_d2ca65e1fc_b.jpg", 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blankets. the drive was so relaxing and beautiful. on the second day on our way home we had a coffee in one of my favorite spots in cali, los olivos. we peeked over the fence of my favorite nursery, j woeste. we were there too early so no shopping (poo). after our cruise of los olivos we made our way over to solvang for breakfast, stopping at a thrift store on the way. the skies were clear, the air felt fresh. road trips are always such a treat."], "url": "http://squirrelhobbies.blogspot.com/2010/12/picnic-visit-in-santa-ynez.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 683, "original_width": 1024, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 683, "original_width": 1024, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 683, "original_width": 1024, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 683, "original_width": 1024, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 683, "original_width": 1024, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 683, 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You don't want it in \"Fight Night!\"\n\nEver since we got EA Sports' \"Fight Night Rd. 3\" for the 360, our nights have been spent trash-talking, bobbing, weaving, and screaming at the television in joy (or agony, depending on the outcome). If there was one game that made me feel better about spending $500 on a 360, it was this one. How good is this game? Let's just say that I got thumb blisters for the first time since the 16-bit era. It's THAT good.\n\nAlright, let me stop jerking the game off and get to the details. What makes this game so good is the way the 360's graphical power is used to improve the basic boxing game formula that's been present since the 32-bit era's \"Knockout Kings\" debut. Sure, the fighters look really good and sport high poly counts, but the graphics do more than just improve the visual experience over previous boxing titles. The graphics add much-needed \"oomph,\" to the boxing genre; drop a 5-hit combo on your opponent's jaw, and his face will actually LOOK like he just received a 5-piece (WITH a biscuit!!). And trust me, there's no joy greater than to see the results of the punishment inflicted on your virtual opponent. For example, If you've been effectively hitting your opponent's upper left side for a couple of rounds, he will actually wince as he begins to shift his weight to the other side of his body to minimize the pain. By observing your opponent's reactions, you can then adjust your strategy accordingly and keep working on his weak areas, until finally, you get him to the point where you can score a knockdown. And, man, oh man, this game's knockdowns are SERIOUS. Ever seen \"Snatch?\" Think of the scene where Brad Pitt's character is boxing, and the movie slows down to emphasize the punch that sends him to another planet (you know, right before he gets back up, and, well, if you haven't seen the movie, I'm not going to spoil it for you) The knockdowns are so serious, that you'll find yourself watching the replays over and over. You COULD press start to skip the replay, but with graphics like these, you'll find yourself not wanting to.", null, "I didn't get a chance to play the game on XBox Live. It's not that I didn't want to, but I never got a chance to; everytime I wanted to play \"Fight Night,\" people always seemed to gather around me, waiting to challenge me in the game. Why play on Live when my competition comes right to the comfort of my own home? Hell, it'll happen to you, too. Just show this game off to a couple of your friends, and next thing you know, they'll never leave your house.\n\nIf you haven't played this game, I highly suggest you do. This is what next-gen gaming is all about, and quite frankly, I'm beginning to like what I see.\n\n1) The graphics are simply stunning in this game. If you're unsure about whether or not the 360 is truly, \"next-gen\", this is going to be the game that does it for you. (Well, besides \"Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter\" and \"Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion\" of course)", null, "2) The \"Total Punch Control\" system works really well. Instead of punching with buttons, you use the right analog stick to direct your punches to specific points in your opponent's body. Which makes it all the better to drop the ill 2-piece to your foe's jaw.\n\n1) Music in the game gets rather repetitive. It's times like these that you're going to be bopping to your own music rather than the music that EA Sports provides for you.\n\n2) Sometimes, the game's collision detection conks out. You could hit your opponent in the jaw, unopposed, and the game's engine fails to pick up on the hit. This can be extremely frustrating in close bouts, when every punch counts.\n\nWish List:\n\n1) Better crowd animations and reactions\n\n2) An actual career mode with a story line. Part of what makes boxing such an awesome sport are the storylines between each bout.\n\n3) Cool new graphical touches, like cotton swabs getting bloody during corner visits.\n\n4) Can we customize our own created characters' entrance music and style? Thanks! And hell, why not have the option to use the upcoming 360 camera to scan our faces onto custom boxers? That would be pretty damn cool."], "url": "http://startplaying.blogspot.com/2006/04/lets-make-it-fight-night.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 169, "original_width": 300, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 400, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["615894c890b3f5d32334197df1a3b6f3f7780353e4023137430d246b77e59c62", "2d931f2b5817f3866c4920192cd69c3b182801218210be2862d919a2fd0b101e", "f093db4405940b5acb68adf064fe5634c2a396c07353f362088468b4bb574e39"], "__index_level_0__": 296, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ETlLaceCjzw/TO_Tv6WIXlI/AAAAAAAAGn8/6KqVScwcRNA/s400/IMG_0137782.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9618655443191528}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://storybrookeripples.blogspot.com/2010/11/monks-ox-was-plenty-large.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ETlLaceCjzw/TO_Tv6WIXlI/AAAAAAAAGn8/6KqVScwcRNA/s400/IMG_0137782.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ETlLaceCjzw/TO_Tv6WIXlI/AAAAAAAAGn8/6KqVScwcRNA/s400/IMG_0137782.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://storybrookeripples.blogspot.com/2010/11/monks-ox-was-plenty-large.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ETlLaceCjzw/TO_VHYP-ouI/AAAAAAAAGoE/Nzmf-zxdnsU/s160/IMG_0137782.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ETlLaceCjzw/TO_VHYP-ouI/AAAAAAAAGoE/Nzmf-zxdnsU/s160/IMG_0137782.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://storybrookeripples.blogspot.com/2010/11/monks-ox-was-plenty-large.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ETlLaceCjzw/TO_VHmk2PzI/AAAAAAAAGoM/HPzG4ixph6E/s160/oxen.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ETlLaceCjzw/TO_VHmk2PzI/AAAAAAAAGoM/HPzG4ixph6E/s160/oxen.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"oxen\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, November 26, 2010\n\nMonk's Ox Was Plenty Large", null, "Monk with Single Ox and Cart\n\nThe monks at the Monastery of Our Lady of the Valley used oxen to work on their 530 acres of land in the town of Cumberland R.I. The monks were of the Cistercian Order of the Strict Observance founded in 1098. After a fire destroyed their abbey in Nova Scotia in 1892 they migrated to R.I. around 1900. I wonder if they brought their oxen with them, as oxen were frequently used in Nova Scotia.\n\nStone was quarried from the monastary property, by the monks, to erect buildings. Oxen moved materials from place to place and helped with the farming by plowing the fields; hooded monks could be seen laboring in the fields along with the oxen.\n\nThey also sold items in their gift shop; I expect that may be the source of the postcards from which this photo of the ox originated. In 1950 much of the monastery was again destroyed by fire. The Cumberland public library now occupies the site of the previous Monastery of Our Lady of the Valley.", "Our Faithful Ox: Abby of Our Lady of the Valley, Lonsdale, R.I."], "url": "http://storybrookeripples.blogspot.com/2010/11/monks-ox-was-plenty-large.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 251, "original_width": 400, "width": 602}], "image_hashes": ["82a64153cbe3097c3ef53b3ddf155efb04a11a3d4463812ee731dca605d10788"], "__index_level_0__": 297, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8aIfYGUy-n0/TCAMTRX1pFI/AAAAAAAACPc/y3CUapjWN-U/s400/Concept_065.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8aIfYGUy-n0/TCAMRlNsFBI/AAAAAAAACPU/VYcwHMA04ZU/s400/Concept_064.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8aIfYGUy-n0/TCAMVoxkEjI/AAAAAAAACPs/kfDdBrX855w/s400/Concept_doubles1.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8aIfYGUy-n0/TCDd0M6B4DI/AAAAAAAACQw/6xSgwf6P2XU/s400/Concept_020.jpg", 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If you don't know, I've been tinkering around with design on the side of my studio work on a project called hi, friend. We (meaning myself and my lovely business buddy Jennifer Mele) quit holding our breath in April of this year and finally launched the site: www.hifrienddesign.com. It's an online retail space where you'll find printed goods and gifts like stationary, candles, wine bags, semi-custom wedding sets and the like. Our goal is to overload the shop with many twee things that will make your little hearts twitter.\nAll that to say, I can't help but share what's been going on in that realm of my life with all of you present in the other, StudioM-centric realm of my life. So, without further ado, what follows is a post excerpted from the hi, friend blog:\nAs I alluded last week, you're going to melt when you see what we have for you today. Dani Ross of Weddings Fresh coordinated a style shoot to showcase several of us in the wedding industry. When she asked if hi, friend would be interested, we said \"Yes!\" as emphatically as a bride would say \"I do\" to her groom. That might be an exaggeration, but you get the point. Needless to say, we were honored to be a part of the collaboration and are thrilled to share it with you. And, to top it off, we're announcing the debut of the English Department Wedding Set in our online boutique. Available for order as of today. Melt away! (All images ©JessicaHillPhotography.com)", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://studiompdx.blogspot.com/2010/06/glimpse-of-my-grindstone.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 295, "original_width": 400, "width": 512}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 295, "original_width": 400, "width": 512}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 295, "original_width": 400, "width": 512}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["d9b2f237db4d134e6284b7f06159b657fe88a3d5b21c2cf1623a22f4c22e8ad7", "3c7baced8f7be815aeecb8ed0ece0667a10f5ca712707e0dfc8e40adfff25a16", "50e88157de928d2950e7b145e000e0aec01fe2d89db81b1109cd7ee3aaa81c88", "6b2ff4f3874f68b3e4bbdce8665e12670324e80ac7ebd09467b7ee7b80f2c8af", "a713022736bab4ae87b4a9c5b0a5c2dcdaa2655d3a7c8f025ec13fa8646f58de", "a80f9a2aa9e50ad66fd857b3f4e1453218f8bc11f0666b627c00a67809e3702c", "04b535a1c43d3f43f99b18caf9325db1a68128fb5a75c2dcd4d465e5cb997e17", "d308f4040e79d8d638753768906a9f611765685b80175ed63140b1c0cb2de694", "f48a2cfd6a6ba8c7b496fd111523a7c4586954644d9c38c0c107f6183b7bd938"], "__index_level_0__": 298, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PTNkaolanlc/UPGyVyizubI/AAAAAAAAC7M/4Mqr2I-n3AE/s1600/eastersucculentgarden03.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-QKJUUQ6QQ9E/UPGyb6MdudI/AAAAAAAAC8c/MODE_4JycpM/s1600/eastersucculentgarden13.jpg", "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7265/6873253244_67c626b3e6.jpg", "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7177/6873259022_1c35a664f6.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8947243094444275}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://styleandcheek.com/2013/03/25/pinterest-picks-easter-decorations/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PTNkaolanlc/UPGyVyizubI/AAAAAAAAC7M/4Mqr2I-n3AE/s1600/eastersucculentgarden03.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PTNkaolanlc/UPGyVyizubI/AAAAAAAAC7M/4Mqr2I-n3AE/s1600/eastersucculentgarden03.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eastersucculentgarden\", \"alt_text\": \"Easter Decorations\", \"rendered_width\": 550, \"rendered_height\": 370}, {\"document_url\": \"http://styleandcheek.com/2013/03/25/pinterest-picks-easter-decorations/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-QKJUUQ6QQ9E/UPGyb6MdudI/AAAAAAAAC8c/MODE_4JycpM/s1600/eastersucculentgarden13.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-QKJUUQ6QQ9E/UPGyb6MdudI/AAAAAAAAC8c/MODE_4JycpM/s1600/eastersucculentgarden13.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eastersucculentgarden\", \"alt_text\": \"Easter Decorations\", \"rendered_width\": 550, \"rendered_height\": 349}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://styleandcheek.com/2013/03/25/pinterest-picks-easter-decorations/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7265/6873253244_67c626b3e6.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7265/6873253244_67c626b3e6.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c b e\", \"alt_text\": \"Easter Decorations\", \"rendered_width\": 550, \"rendered_height\": 383}, {\"document_url\": \"http://styleandcheek.com/2013/03/25/pinterest-picks-easter-decorations/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7177/6873259022_1c35a664f6.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7177/6873259022_1c35a664f6.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c a f\", \"alt_text\": \"Easter Decorations\", \"rendered_width\": 550, \"rendered_height\": 383}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["By Style & Cheek Monday, March 25, 2013 0 Decor, Pinterest Picks Permalink\n\nDecorating for Easter is always a struggle. My Mom loves to bring out her cute little bunnies and ducklings, hoping that I’ll have ideas for her Easter table settings but nope, zero inspiration. But after spending what seemed like eternity on Pinterest, I realized Easter decorations didn’t have to be limited to cute little animals for Easter decorating. And leave the egg decorating for the kids. Easter is all about rebirth! So decorate with plants and flowers to remind yourself that things are actually growing again. I for one am so happy that spring is here and that the flower options at the store are going to be bigger and better every week.", null, null, null, null], "url": "http://styleandcheek.com/2013/03/25/pinterest-picks-easter-decorations/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 377, "original_width": 600, "width": 601}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 499, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 499, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["717851478f474f93953bf09fb19e1b57470f9802e7c7d1b363cb822f8b0c37c3", "2436fed475b85e85243346581db8353202c668c64dff672ec0b743ef5139f2af", "dfe3666cea968b3aeab9c63d240c9a4ee8a5328ecf3210449821bd76bd6b7bb6", "9b3eba9d3bdafd65bd1d66dc01cd11b807f3921e2a622d024bb8dc03d5351b50"], "__index_level_0__": 299, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CAr5N8la1Yw/VbecHHx0X0I/AAAAAAAAhdA/WzytZzMgeQA/s200/courtroom.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9432598352432252}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://successfulteaching.blogspot.com/2015/07/special-education-legal-troubles.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8Y1ZNiVfTRA/VqlIxetjmLI/AAAAAAAAiF8/hngfsvSh4bc/s1600-r/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-01-27%2Bat%2B5.45.43%2BPM.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8Y1ZNiVfTRA/VqlIxetjmLI/AAAAAAAAiF8/hngfsvSh4bc/s1600-r/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-01-27%2Bat%2B5.45.43%2BPM.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen BShot B Bat B\", \"alt_text\": \"Connect with me!\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 129}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://successfulteaching.blogspot.com/2015/07/special-education-legal-troubles.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CAr5N8la1Yw/VbecHHx0X0I/AAAAAAAAhdA/WzytZzMgeQA/s200/courtroom.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CAr5N8la1Yw/VbecHHx0X0I/AAAAAAAAhdA/WzytZzMgeQA/s200/courtroom.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"courtroom\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 163}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "In Weekly Question! From Special Education Law Blog, Jim Gerl asks,\n\nOver the years, the biggest reason I think parents want to take schools to court is because no one returns their phone calls. When a teacher or administrator doesn’t return a phone call or respond to a parent, they are sending the message that the parent is not important. Nothing seems to infuriate a parent more than this and I don’t blame them.\n\nI believe that 80% of special education legal troubles could be avoided if we open the lines of communications with the parents/caregivers.\n\nWhen parents feel that schools are transparent and really want to help their child succeed, most conflicts can be handled locally between the school and the parent. Many times a parent wants to be heard and wants to know that the school is understanding about the problems being faced. The parent doesn’t want excuses but wants some kind of action being taken. Sometimes this action may just be listening to the parent. But most of all, no parent wants to be or should be ignored at any time.\n\nI have found through experience that having a good relationship with the parents really helps avoid any conflicts. This means being in constant communication with them (weekly or biweekly if needed). The parents can contact me and be assured that I will respond. When we work as a team rather than adversaries, the child is more likely to succeed. When changes need to be made, I work with the parent on what needs to happen and the timeframe needed for this. If the parent has reservations about the changes, I listen and sometimes the parent’s input can change how I feel and sometimes I can change how they feel. But most important, they feel a part of the team and their input counts."], "url": "http://successfulteaching.blogspot.com/2015/07/special-education-legal-troubles.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 163, "original_width": 200, "width": 463}], "image_hashes": ["f5b51101ea57ba705677b66345b18c2a3cdf839eae3b4677168f536590782224"], "__index_level_0__": 300, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3BJduIA0_PE/VtrERjYIvhI/AAAAAAAAiQ8/6WVW42k8kvs/s1600/BOBBlurb04.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9356854557991028}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://successfulteaching.blogspot.com/2016/03/back-of-book-blurb-4-challenge.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8Y1ZNiVfTRA/VqlIxetjmLI/AAAAAAAAiF8/hngfsvSh4bc/s1600-r/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-01-27%2Bat%2B5.45.43%2BPM.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8Y1ZNiVfTRA/VqlIxetjmLI/AAAAAAAAiF8/hngfsvSh4bc/s1600-r/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-01-27%2Bat%2B5.45.43%2BPM.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen BShot B Bat B\", \"alt_text\": \"Connect with me!\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 129}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://successfulteaching.blogspot.com/2016/03/back-of-book-blurb-4-challenge.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3BJduIA0_PE/VtrERjYIvhI/AAAAAAAAiQ8/6WVW42k8kvs/s1600/BOBBlurb04.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3BJduIA0_PE/VtrERjYIvhI/AAAAAAAAiQ8/6WVW42k8kvs/s1600/BOBBlurb04.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BOBBlurb\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["In Back-of-the-Book Blurb Friday # 4 from Sioux's Page, Sioux offers this challenge.", null, "The Railroad Tracks\n\nI am so tired of living in a rut, doing the same thing every day all day long. Nothing seems to ever change. I want to get away from my little town, where everyone knows your name and everyone knows your business. I hear the same old gossip about the same old people.  I feel like I’m just replaying every day and I’m bored to tears! There has to be more to life than what I’m living here. What it is it like in other places? I’ve never left my little town but I’m going to do it now. Why should I stay here now when I have no one left to hold me here? I’m going to jump on the next train and I’m going to have adventures! Lots of adventures! Come join me as I see what the world has to offer! (144 words)", "Labels: BackoftheBookChallenge, writing", "Sioux said...\n\nPat--How fun it would be to join someone who's never traveled. Every new sight and experience would delight them and the joy would be contagious."], "url": "http://successfulteaching.blogspot.com/2016/03/back-of-book-blurb-4-challenge.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 672, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["7e888b2da44121811b184b09b9c88560b9a62d5a18f6cd85da882770219e95ab"], "__index_level_0__": 301, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mgmlWrj43U0/TY_1lsTfexI/AAAAAAAAAVU/vUqyFgXYsd4/s400/mar+27a.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fB5A2UXcZg0/TY_1px5MXxI/AAAAAAAAAVY/efxrItqRxiI/s400/mar+27b.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9615119099617004}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://survivinginthereelworld.blogspot.com/2011/03/my-pattern-on-flw-lake-hartwell.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mgmlWrj43U0/TY_1lsTfexI/AAAAAAAAAVU/vUqyFgXYsd4/s400/mar+27a.jpg\", \"src\": 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It was a real grind on the water for me, only getting six bites all day, but my 11-15 limit was enough to move me from 10th to 7th place in the final standing on Lake Hartwell. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't extremely happy! I felt like I maximized what I had to work with, only losing one fish the whole event!\n\nFor those wondering my pattern, here goes: I was fishing a 1/2 oz. Chatterbait on 17lb fluorocarbon line, which I was slow rolling in the back of stained water pockets up in the Tugaloo River. The key for me was targeting shallow pockets off the main river with shallow flooded shoreline grass. The key, though, was that they had to have a ditch with a little deep water running into them. A pretty basic pre-spawn pattern, but for me it was with $16,500 and a smile on my face!", null], "url": "http://survivinginthereelworld.blogspot.com/2011/03/my-pattern-on-flw-lake-hartwell.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["5e09d6ca6108b8ceb3e89a8aa38e0238258c7a15e6fa7fc563ba01e2f24f2f71", "4273d07144de2176fa6b9ca2e83a5f94fb3277e40d252fc2915c31c81a72d4d8"], "__index_level_0__": 302, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-yDIeUS6Rsuw/UIXK-NqdshI/AAAAAAAAAek/tH2A4DU8WVA/s320/photo(4).JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9757766723632812}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://susan-justsaying.blogspot.com/2012/10/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-yDIeUS6Rsuw/UIXK-NqdshI/AAAAAAAAAek/tH2A4DU8WVA/s320/photo(4).JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-yDIeUS6Rsuw/UIXK-NqdshI/AAAAAAAAAek/tH2A4DU8WVA/s320/photo(4).JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo( )\", \"rendered_width\": 246, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, October 22, 2012\n\nSoup's On", null, "Friday, October 5, 2012\n\nTeaching Is Hard Work\n\nThis blog has become mostly recipes but today I'm inserting a long note about teaching because I think it needs to be said.\n\nTeaching is hard work. You may think you already know that.  I thought I already knew that.  But you just need to go teach for one day to understand that you probably have no clue just how really hard it is.  And I'm not even a teacher.  I'm a sub, or as they call us these days, a guest teacher.  I don't have to make lesson plans or grade work or talk to parents.  I don't have to create special plans for students with learning disabilities or deal with the really bad discipline problems.  I just go in for the day and do what ever the teacher asks me to do.  Most teachers understand that I haven't got a clue where they are in the schedule and so they give me the \"easy stuff.\"  I've given spelling tests and I've helped with reading, writing and social studies work sheets.  I lead singing or read to the class.  I  make sure the students line up and get to recess, lunch or special classes.\n\nAnd with only that, I recognize that every single teacher, even the 'poor performing' ones are WAY underpaid.  I am retired now but I was very good at my job.  I was a computer programmer and then an instructor and also a customer services specialist.  I'm really, really good at customer service and I earned a very decent salary.  And I deserved every dollar.  But I made more money than most teachers do and I wouldn't do their job full time  for twice as much as I made.\n\nImagine having 25, 30 or even 40 students in your class.  You give them a math worksheet.  The worksheet has 30 addition or subtraction problems.  In your class there are probably 5 students who will finish that in 10 minutes.  There are 5 who wouldn't finish it if they had all day.  The rest try.  You walk around or pull together the students who need some help.  While you're doing that, the 5 who are done want to do something else.  Maybe they can help other students, maybe not.  You also have at least one discipline problem who not only isn't doing the work but is bothering the other students.  You have to watch that some students don't 'help' their neighbor too much and you have to watch that all the students stay on task.  Sometimes you yell.\n\nThat was just math.  Move on to reading.  Again, 5 are reading 3 grades ahead of the class and a couple don't even know the alphabet yet.  Oh, and you just might have one (or five) who don't speak English as their primary language.  In one of the classes I subbed in one student spoke only Chinese.  Lucky for me there were 4 other students who spoke Chinese and English.  They helped him  But meanwhile they didn't work on their own reading.\n\nHaving a grasp of the subject isn't the only issue.  Children pick on one another, don't pay attention, have to go to the bathroom, need a drink.  Sometimes they just use the eraser on their desk making little eraser bits that fall on the floor until you notice and make them stop.\n\nHow do you keep your eye on 25 or 30 or 40 children at a time?  Very carefully.  You try to be fair.  You can't see everything so what do you do when Mary tells you that Joey was saying bad words to her?  What do you do when Kimberly cries for no apparent reason and doesn't tell you what is the matter.  And speaking of names, let's just say the first part of my day is learning how to pronounce interesting spellings of names I thought I knew how to spell.  Or names that seem to have only consonants in them.\n\nHaving spent less than a year subbing I'm am amazed that teachers manage to keep going year after year.  I do get why.  The children are mostly amazing and wonderful.  Even when they are troublesome, they are just children.  They test their boundaries and they get distracted.  I haven't met more than one or two really malicious children and I'm sure there's a back story for them. Most of them want to please. And most of them really do enjoy learning.  When they 'get it' and their eyes light up, it is totally worth the time and trouble. So I do understand the reward that teachers can feel.\n\nBut still we need to pay them more."], "url": "http://susan-justsaying.blogspot.com/2012/10/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 491, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 246, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2f88a9f3a4be2def7fdfefb72c0f9222e8adb40c27c3ef275052c8fa0a306dd4"], "__index_level_0__": 303, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_bSKSpOS1oc/U4pOtEAOiVI/AAAAAAAAHJw/8Q7SiHuWWZk/s1600/mushrooms1.JPG", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IzVllWdEdpk/U35Wl01-z9I/AAAAAAAAHD4/W9iLHjho9Wk/s1600/model_t4.jpg", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6SpiR59a6PA/VCNJIUpnjMI/AAAAAAAAJto/0zcmMTeBpEM/s1600/chicken_fried_steak1.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.965599000453949}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://swansonsontheroad.blogspot.com/2014_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_bSKSpOS1oc/U4pOtEAOiVI/AAAAAAAAHJw/8Q7SiHuWWZk/s1600/mushrooms1.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-_bSKSpOS1oc/U4pOtEAOiVI/AAAAAAAAHJw/8Q7SiHuWWZk/s1600/mushrooms1.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mushrooms\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 288}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://swansonsontheroad.blogspot.com/2014_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IzVllWdEdpk/U35Wl01-z9I/AAAAAAAAHD4/W9iLHjho9Wk/s1600/model_t4.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IzVllWdEdpk/U35Wl01-z9I/AAAAAAAAHD4/W9iLHjho9Wk/s1600/model_t4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"model t\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 180}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://swansonsontheroad.blogspot.com/2014_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6SpiR59a6PA/VCNJIUpnjMI/AAAAAAAAJto/0zcmMTeBpEM/s1600/chicken_fried_steak1.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6SpiR59a6PA/VCNJIUpnjMI/AAAAAAAAJto/0zcmMTeBpEM/s1600/chicken_fried_steak1.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"chicken fried steak\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 224}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, May 29, 2014\n\nWalnut Woods State Park\n\nIn Des Moines, visiting family. This state park is very pretty. We took a hike along the river.", null, "Posted by Bob at 6:09 PM No comments:", "Thursday, May 22, 2014\n\nHollister, Missouri", null, "We spent a week in the Branson, Missouri, area. While visiting the College of the Ozarks, we saw some Ford Model T enthusiasts driving their vintage autos around. Here are some of those beautifully restored cars.\nPosted by Bob at 12:00 PM No comments:", "Wednesday, May 7, 2014\n\nAmarillo, Texas, Stockyards Cafe", null, "We had heard about this place, so gave it a try. Yes, the best chicken fried steak in the known universe. The lunch included steakhouse soup, and dessert! The people were really nice and happy to have us tourists there."], "url": "http://swansonsontheroad.blogspot.com/2014_05_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1443, "original_width": 1600, "width": 419}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 900, "original_width": 1600, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1124, "original_width": 1600, "width": 538}], "image_hashes": ["ede530b76909e962554e0c85db311a8903ace853f86e6853750af769a7f7b5ed", "e7dd0fe0c7dde0b5bebb0d3630a518b57f624c755c1900924f68ea27f27d4089", "e6d8ba40f1eff3264526445b09858435debfc26a161193e976efe6d21631b293"], "__index_level_0__": 304, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hWDQE8a3BY8/VdeTCGfFgJI/AAAAAAAAHpA/eEOKDe47gTA/s1600/Boulders.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xG5v3E9m2vg/VdeTCBvy1MI/AAAAAAAAHpE/uCjmp2tFsFs/s1600/Camp5well.jpb.jpg", null, null, 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a break.  I have done a small amount of stitching but not much to talk about.  Today I did return to the site.  We now have water as the well was successfully dug and they are prepping for site work which will include a retaining wall that will include some boulders.  I believe this was the first load.", null, null, "Hey - it is progress.\n\nPosted by Taffy at 2:07 PM 1 comment:", "Monday, August 10, 2015\n\nLet the Games Begin", null, "This was at 8:30 this morning.  The old camp came down quickly and is now completely GONE!  Next many trees were leveled and the grounds are being leveled and readied for the next part.  Wow!  Tonight the site is unrecognizable to me.  Yippee Skippy!!!  Let the fun begin.\n\nStitching?  What is that? I haven't touched a needle in days.  My brother is here and we are very tired from tearing boards off the old camp, loading up the franklin stove and then unloading at my back yard.  Thank you to my son for his help.  Then there is the trees trimmed along the driveway, squirrel control, license plate cover fix, arms painted for the chair for camp, lawn table moved, and general craziness.  One more day with my brother.  Many more chores to complete.  Tomorrow is rain but will still check the camp and see what is happening.  Then I need a day or two off to rest.  The new well should be going in this week.  Parking lots identified and prepared.\n\nIt seems strange to have this happening.  I have been working on this dream for 14 months now.  Finally something is happening.  Wow!\n\nPosted by Taffy at 5:44 PM 3 comments:", "Wednesday, August 5, 2015\n\nReady, Set and GO!!!!!\n\nPermits are ready!!!  Demolition and site work begin on Monday!!!!  Can this really be happening?  Can it be true?  I have been waiting for a year for this to begin.  I am still struggling for a nick name for camp.....\n\nWith camp progress happening, my time has calmed down.  I am sure I will get real busy again real soon but for now it is quiet.  I have been spending that time stitching and thinking about stitching.  First I worked on the Witches.... Three more bands complete.", null, "I love the multi colored rhodes stitch!  So pretty.  Then I decided to work on the hardanger piece from awhile back.  Now I am so close to finishing it that I find it hard to put it down.", null, "The side closest to the camera is stitched, the far side is waiting for me to get back to it.  Then I will cut away the excess around the outside and it will be done!", null, "Cabin Fever by Dimensions.  I have been dreaming of working on this project for quite some time now.  I didn't start on it because I was afraid Camp would never happen.  Now that the project is close, I sorted the threads this morning.  I want to set the threads up in floss totes and then I may begin stitching on it.  I wonder if I can stitch this as quickly as the real project will be going... or will I be finishing this project while sitting on the new porch?  Time will tell.\nPosted by Taffy at 1:34 PM 7 comments:", "Sunday, August 2, 2015\n\nGoodbye July and Hello August\n\nWhew!  It has been a busy couple of weeks.  New glasses, extra eye doctor appointments were just a few things that kept me away from my stitching.  I actually found my way back to my stitching just a few days ago.... the new glasses help.", null, "Progress on the Victoria Sampler's Stitching Witches......  That spider web was very distracting.  I have never loved doing that type of backstitching.  Just today I did half the webbing and then the alphabet section.", null, "Last week I did get the camera recharged.  I took this abut a week ago when I was getting ready to move on to the next section.", null, "Then I did the next section.  Chart number three is now done!!  I am having fun stitching today and I was amazed to find that the new glasses do make it much better to stitch.\n\nCamp?  Hurry up and wait.  I have been busy with contracts and plans.  The latest start date is August 10.  Is anyone else worried about when the first snow fall will happen?  Hopefully it will all be well and things can begin soon."], "url": "http://taffystreasures.blogspot.com/2015_08_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["250a4c4b70cd61fc6c12b543820a1157e2fb2d2edb416e0d07bc502699f1e58d", "4672cdff594e374d70abe4b68dfc3e52fc01276c6fbba124d305034d9a19cdfe", 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It is written in an Encyclopedia format for easy alphabetical reference. It includes such information as; descriptions of Foods, Herbs and Spices, tips n how to select the freshest foods at a supermarket, storage methods, how to prepare certain foods, and much, much more. It is a great reference book for anyone's kitchen. CLICK HERE to go to my publishers site so you can review the book and purchase it if you like what you see.\n\nThis is a great Book of Recipes that my wife and I put together and had published.\nIt is a collection of old Recipes that we accumulated form our neighbors and friends when we lived out in the country, in Clifford Virginia.\nWe lived there, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains for a number of years in the early 70's, and we really enjoyed these BASIC, Old-Time, recipes.\nThey are easy to make, and every one will give you a tasty and delicious dish.\nYou will enjoy this collection.\nCLICK HERE to go to my publishers site so you can review the Book and purchase it if you like what you see.\n\nI have accumulated the information in my best Blogs on RVing into a Book.\nIt includes what I have here, in these Blogs, but they are expanded and updated.\nIt is a good Reference and Guide for the Beginner as well as the experienced RV owner.\nThe book is called Dons RV Information and is presently available on my publishers ESTORE.", "Search this Blog", null, "Subscribe To my Blog", "Don Bobbitt", "Just Chillin' on a pretty Day!", "Amazon Product Ads", "These are DONs most Popular Posts", "Other of DONs LINKS that you might like", "Funny Things to Ponder"], "url": "http://talesbydon.blogspot.com/p/books-written-by-don.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 382, "original_height": 248, "original_width": 245, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["413eaee17806402a77d783859bb663c803dd02616b001120bf056c2d12d72ac7"], "__index_level_0__": 306, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-R8WO08CSTR8/UtdgbvuCXoI/AAAAAAAABAw/GRtDAykOZAY/s1600/voices+benath+cover.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YCNZrECFm-o/UtdgkK7r0EI/AAAAAAAABA4/thZ3XWyzsqw/s1600/mordred+story-1_2_2.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9904531240463256}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://talesfromamodernbard.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-voices-beneath-chapter-five.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-R8WO08CSTR8/UtdgbvuCXoI/AAAAAAAABAw/GRtDAykOZAY/s1600/voices+benath+cover.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-R8WO08CSTR8/UtdgbvuCXoI/AAAAAAAABAw/GRtDAykOZAY/s1600/voices+benath+cover.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"voices benath cover\", \"rendered_width\": 141, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://talesfromamodernbard.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-voices-beneath-chapter-five.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YCNZrECFm-o/UtdgkK7r0EI/AAAAAAAABA4/thZ3XWyzsqw/s1600/mordred+story-1_2_2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-YCNZrECFm-o/UtdgkK7r0EI/AAAAAAAABA4/thZ3XWyzsqw/s1600/mordred+story-1_2_2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mordred story\", \"rendered_width\": 313, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://talesfromamodernbard.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-voices-beneath-chapter-five.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-5NjZtI5rXZ0/UAts07F-pFI/AAAAAAAAAJ8/r8PlFQAhchw/s80/DSCN1548.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5NjZtI5rXZ0/UAts07F-pFI/AAAAAAAAAJ8/r8PlFQAhchw/s80/DSCN1548.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, January 15, 2014\n\nThe Voices Beneath: Chapter Five-- Lancelot's Ire\n\nHere's chapter five, actually on time this week!\n\nPrevious Chapter\nRead First Chapter\n\nRead on Wattpad\n\nchapter five\nlancelot’s ire", null, "A month had passed, almost more quickly than I could blink, and in that time, I had managed to very nearly forget Morgan la Fay all together. I became happier, and my training was making me stronger by the day. I still was not as broad as the men I looked up to, a\nnd likely never would be, but I could handle a sword and a mace, which made me feel rather accomplished and I had gained some more muscles to my slight frame. I had become a moderately skilled swordsman, and had finally moved on to using real swords when I sparred which I did every day, mostly with Gawain but also with Percival, Bedivere, and always Arthur when he was able to make it to the lists, which gave me no small amount of joy as any son would feel in the presence of the father he adored. And though I knew well enough that I was not really his son, I had come to truly adore my king and surrogate father as one.\n\nThat first month was blissfully uneventful apart from a few scrapes I sustained in training since that first bruise Arthur had given me that had blackened and been painful to the touch for a few days afterward. I had worn it with pride, however, for how many other boys my age had the honor of being bruised in a practice duel with the king?\nThen came the time when Arthur decided to organize a hunt, wanting to get out of the palace and having heard rumors of wolves roaming the countryside nearby. I had secretly hoped that Gawain, or more importantly, Arthur himself, would ask me to come along, but it was not to be. Gawain simply had me pack his bags and then patted me on the shoulder as he left, telling me to be good. I would have moped like a child had I not been charged with a task by Arthur himself just as he was riding away and I was standing aside, after bringing Fenna for Gawain, to watch them go.\n“Mordred,” he told me, pulling up his mount right beside me. “I wish it that you would act as Guinevere’s personal guardian while I am gone. And keep her company. Can I trust you?”\n“Of course, my lord!” I exclaimed, and he smiled, impulsively cupping his hand against my cheek before he kicked his horse into motion and left with a hunting party of all his most faithful knights.\nI sighed at their parting, feeling the memory of his rough hand against my cheek in that fatherly gesture, envisioning myself riding alongside him, and bringing down a wolf single-handedly. But I had a task to uphold, and I would need to be about it. I stopped at my room to wash and change into my nicer set of tunic and hose for if I would be serving in the palace for the next two days at the hand of the queen herself, I would need to look presentable, and not smell of the stable and my work in the lists. The part of me that was no longer a child realized that Arthur had likely set me this task for the soul purpose that I wouldn’t feel disappointed from not going on the hunting trip, and even thought with some melancholy that Arthur likely thought the same thing; but I was a young man still, and not so old that the task seemed like an insult. And, as I was later to find out, it proved to be the most important thing Arthur could have asked of me. I liked to think later, that he might have had that thought in mind when he gave me the command, but I never got around to actually asking him.\nAfter I had freshened myself, I strode off for the castle, and though I was still a little sad about not getting to join the hunt, I was in a better mood now. I looked to one side where I saw three figures standing outside the barracks and realized it was Lancelot and his two fellow knights, talking together before they cast a furtive look my way. I frowned, wondering why they had not gone on the hunt as well, but decided it must be something to do with Lancelot’s fall from grace.\nI made my way inside and found a maid to direct me to the queen’s solar. I found Guinevere there doing some needlework and I stopped in the doorway, bowing respectfully as she looked up at me.\n“My queen, I have been charged to keep you safe and in company while the king is away on his hunting trip,” I told her.\n“Yes, Arthur told me you would come to stay with me; please come in, Mordred, and make yourself comfortable.”\nI felt slightly awkward being alone apart from two ladies’ maids stitching in the corner, in the presence of the queen in such a common place as her solar, but she soon put me at ease with small talk, asking about my training and how I found living here in Camelot.\n“I enjoy it here very much,” I told her truthfully. “It is the nicest place I have ever lived, and I have no intention of leaving any time soon.”\n“That is good to hear,” Guinevere said, selecting a bright red thread for her needle. “Is there a girl here who has caught your eye?”\nI blushed but smiled and shook my head. “No, I fear I have no time to have formed an acquaintance. Perhaps when I am a knight. Sir Gawain works me far too hard to have any free time for courting.”\nShe smiled as she continued to work. We talked for a while and then played a game of chess, and by the time we were done with that, I was surprised to find it time for supper. Guinevere asked me to fetch some food from the kitchens. As Arthur and the knights were gone, she would not eat in the dinning hall and she invited me to stay and eat with her in the solar.\nI bid her good night afterward, to go to the room I had been given in the palace for the time I was to stay there. I was just going to go and check on Elith in the stable before turning in, and had just reached the courtyard when one of the maids who had been with Guinevere all day came running outside to catch up to me, looking in a right fright.\n“Oh Master Mordred, it’s the queen! Sir Lancelot has forced his way into her solar, and I daren’t think of what he will try!”\n“Go fetch some guards,” I said, turning to hurry back.\n“I couldn’t find any!” she cried, nearly in tears.\nI was already on my way back up the stairs and into the castle before she had finished and soon enough confronted the closed door of the solar, hearing Guinevere shouting inside and Lancelot laughing. I threw my slight frame at the door, wondering what I was going to do if I couldn’t get it open, but it was suddenly pulled inward and I sprawled on the floor, looking up at one of Lancelot’s companions; the same two who had been with him when he confronted me that first day in the stables.\nI leapt to my feet, and had my hand on my sword. “Let her go, Lancelot,” I said in a cold, dangerous voice.\nHe looked over to me and sneered, trying to haul Guinevere closer to him with a cruel grip on one wrist, but she was holding onto the window sill and was not coming quietly. “And what does a whelp like you think you can do?” he asked with a chuckle. “I never did give you your beating, did I? I might have to rectify that. Raymond, Arnulf?”\nThe two other knights advanced on me, and I ripped my sword from its sheath with enough conviction to make them leap back a pace. I took a stance and pointed it at first one then the other. “Get back against the wall, or I will kill you. I was charged by the king himself to protect Queen Guinevere and I will not fail in that duty, sirrahs.”\n“You are not even a knight,” one of the men laughed, though he made no move to come closer.\n“Nor are you if you would come—three of you—against one woman, your Queen at that, and try and force her against her will. When Arthur hears of this, he will have you all executed. So if you are a man, Lancelot, if you are indeed a knight, as you profess, fight me like one, and I’ll give you a chance to die by my hand rather than by the indignity of the noose.”\nLancelot seethed for a moment, then he finally waved his companions off. “Leave him, I’ll take him up on his offer. But you got one thing wrong, boy,” he said as he advanced on me, drawing his own sword. “I will not die by your hand, but you will almost assuredly die by mine.”\n“Careful, Mordred!” Guinevere called from where she had pressed herself, pale, against the wall. “He is a very skilled swordsman.”\nLancelot smiled sickeningly but I forced myself not to feel anything, drawing my old darkness back to me even though I had done so well forgetting it all these weeks. I fueled my hatred for Lady Morgan into my hatred for Lancelot and used it to my advantage to give me strength and conviction for the coming fight.\nLancelot struck out with lightning quickness, but I was ready for him. Arthur had always started our duels the same way, and I had gotten used to heightening my senses before the first strike so I could be ready for it when it came, keeping the sword directly in front of my chest. Neither of us had a shield, but I was all right with that; I had trained both ways, for Gawain had been adamant in the fact that a shield was far too easy to lose in battle to be always dependent upon it.", null, "I saw the surprise on his face when I blocked his blow and took pleasure in it, but not too much, for being too sure of yourself in a fight was never a good thing. I stayed on defense for a moment longer, letting him get some fire out of his veins with his fast and heavy strikes, but I soon blocked one and shoved him back with our hilts locked before I went on the offense and gave him a few vicious blows of my own.\nHe stumbled back slightly, but wrenched himself upright again before I could take advantage. He really was a master of the sword, and he moved gracefully but powerfully, and it was also true that he was much bigger than me, though not as tall and broad as Gawain. Unfortunately, my offense had not lasted as long as I would have liked, for Lancelot had caught one of my blows in the same way I had done him, and shoved me back so violently, I tripped and fell onto my backside. I scrambled to my feet as quickly as possible and just barely got my sword up in time, still with my other hand braced on the floor, to block the blow he swung at me. He began raining down blows so fast that I couldn’t stand up, and I had to block them from my awkward position, half on my knees and half on my feet. He started laughing as he saw my helpless state and when he struck the next blow, he kicked me in the chest and I was flung onto my back, losing my sword in the process. Lancelot snarled tauntingly, and swung a vicious blow at me, looking like he meant to take off my head. I rolled to the side just in time, but felt the blade burn across my upper arm. I felt the hot blood flow fast and heavy, but he had given me a window to scramble to my feet and I dove for my sword as he tried another swipe, this one missing me by a hair’s breadth. As I retrieved my sword I had no time to get back to my feet, but I rolled onto my back and blocked the blow he swung down at me, and as his sword was engaged, I swung my body to one side and swept his legs out from under him.\nLancelot fell heavily on his back, his breath whooshing out of him and his sword clattering on the ground. Guinevere kicked it out of his reach and it spun into a corner. I got to my feet and pressed the tip of my sword against his chest. He scrambled backwards, fear lighting his eyes, and I felt the bloodlust leave me, replaced by disgust. I jabbed him slightly to scare him then pulled my sword back and kicked him in the haunch.\n“I won’t sully my sword with a coward’s blood,” I told him, knowing, even as I said the words that I was sealing the fact we would meet again. “Get out, and take your dogs with you.”\nHe glared at me, but there was nothing he could do. He knew it, and he hated me for it. He slowly got to his feet and, backed toward the door. “We will meet again, you little maggot. And when we do, I’ll make you sorry you ever dared call me a coward.” And then he turned and left with his two companions, casting one last hateful glance at me before he hurried away.\nI turned back to Guinevere and sheathed my sword, holding out a hand. “Are you all right, my lady?”\n“I’m fine, Mordred, but you are bleeding; let me see to your wound, my brave young hero.” She smiled gently, but I declined.\n“In a moment, my lady, but I must find a guard and tell him of Lancelot. I was foolish to let him go, he should be incarcerated.”\nI hurried out of the solar, one hand clamped over the wound that I realized was bleeding more heavily than I had thought. I wondered at the absence of guards, for I had seen none, and even the noise of my fight had not brought one to investigate. I began to wonder whether something was wrong, but I finally found a guard to tell the tale to. He gathered several of his men, who had been casually drinking and gambling, thinking they were done for the evening, and some of the other knights who had stayed behind and then went on a hunt for Lancelot and his companions, assuring me they would surround the town to make sure he didn’t get away.\nI went back to Guinevere’s solar, angry with myself for being so overconfident and having let my power go to my head. I had enjoyed telling Lancelot off and, perhaps a part of me had been showing off for the sake of Queen Guinevere, but I should not have let him go, and I would realize that this would come back to haunt me later.\nBut right now, I still had to protect the queen, though first she insisted that my wound be seen to. A maid had joined her with a bowl to hot water and bandages and she made me sit and, much to my protest, to strip out of my tunic so she could see the wound better.\n“My lady, it is hardly proper!” I protested.\n“I have seen many wounds in my time, Mordred,” she smiled at me. “And I have treated most of the knights at one point or another, and I will not tear the sleeve of your tunic, for as it is it can be mended easily enough.” I finally consented and winced as I tried to pull it over my head. The wound proved too painful, however and the maid had to help me, much to my embarrassment. I was bright red by the time Guinevere started cleaning my wound. She washed it gently with the warm water as the maid held the bowl under my arm to catch the bloody water dripping from it. The wound was deep and would have to be stitched, another thing I bore stoically, though I was biting the inside of my cheek hard enough to bleed. But I was determined not to cry out in front of the queen, and indeed, compared to the torments I had suffered at Lady Morgan’s hands, this was little enough to bear.\nShe had finally finished cutting the thread and bandaging the wound with clean linen and offered me some mulled wine to drink, but I declined.\n“I mustn’t be too drowsy, lest Lancelot come back and somehow slip past the guards. I shall sleep on your threshold tonight, my lady.”\n“You must get your rest, Mordred, I will have a knight posted,” she protested.\n“With all respect, your majesty,” I said, bowing my head, but making my voice firm. “The king gave me instructions to watch over you, and I shall do just that. I will not face him to say that I took to my bed to recover from a scratch to leave your care to another while you were in any danger.”\nShe smiled slowly and consented. “Very well, then Mordred. I would not have you say that either, and it is the mark of a true knight of you to do so. I shall retire for the night. Adeline, please fetch Mordred a pallet and blanket.”\nWhen she had retired to her room, I laid the pallet in front of her closed door. I had told her to lock it as well, but I had no intention of anyone getting past me. I lay down with my hand on my sword. My arm hurt, but not unduly so, for I was still silently pleased with myself, even though I had let Lancelot get away. I had to admit, a bit to my shame, that I was looking forward to seeing what Arthur would say when he found out how I had protected his queen. It was a silly, boyish thing to think, but I found more and more that I wanted nothing but his approval, and if I could do something that impressed him, it would make me the happiest man in the world.\nBut there was also a darkness lying over me, albeit a darkness that left me with anticipation in my blood, for I knew that what had passed between me and Lancelot would not be forgotten. He would be back for me eventually. His honor had been tainted in front of his companions and the woman he coveted, and I knew he wouldn’t let that stand. We would have a reckoning again, though when, I was not sure. But I fell asleep with a challenging smile on my lips as I thought of that inevitable meeting, and looked forward to it with anticipation."], "url": "http://talesfromamodernbard.blogspot.com/2014/01/the-voices-beneath-chapter-five.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 531, "original_height": 681, "original_width": 484, "width": 378}, {"height": 385, "original_height": 345, "original_width": 338, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ec838864211beb241693d4d5ce8841cbc4c5d512def4655a7e2129cfe0368325", "0c730c9997805feb780a8f547ded53ed9f5aaddba47b2320592fb1a17e7dacdb"], "__index_level_0__": 307, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8ELqDZrYSO8/RpY8PqZk8xI/AAAAAAAAACM/KwHvA28955o/s400/Niemann.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9726969003677368}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tampabaysportsfanatic.blogspot.com/2007/07/changes-rays-need-to-make-in-second.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8ELqDZrYSO8/RpY8PqZk8xI/AAAAAAAAACM/KwHvA28955o/s400/Niemann.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8ELqDZrYSO8/RpY8PqZk8xI/AAAAAAAAACM/KwHvA28955o/s400/Niemann.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Niemann\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, July 12, 2007\n\nChanges Rays Need to Make in the Second Half", null, "The Rays have the worst record in the league and have become the laughing stock of the league. The fans are upset and so are the players. The Rays are the brunt of the media's jokes and its time to make a change. The Rays need to show fans and players that they are serious about winning and competing. The Rays need to make some moves in the second half to show that they are moving the right way and get people excited about next year. Here are just a couple of moves that would be effective to help the Rays now and show the fans that they are moving forward.\n\nTrade Ty Wigginton/Elijah Dukes for Salomon Torres.\n\nNot sure what it will take to get Torres, but if the Pirates want Dukes straight up for him, I would rather do that. Torres has been a great set-up man for the Pirates for a couple years now, but struggled in the closers role. He wants out of Pittsburgh, and actually accused them of tricking him into signing his recent contract. With how he feels, the Pirates maybe eager to get rid of him before he causes more problems. Torres would supply a much needed arm in the bullpen for the 8th inning to get to Reyes, and if Reyes goes down on the DL again, Torres has closing experience. Ty has helped the Rays, but they need relief pitching more, plus they can play Cantu and Wilson at 2B for the rest of this year before Evan Longoira is ready to come up next year. Over the last 5 seasons as a Pirate Torres has averaged a 3.22 ERA, which is better than any pitcher on the Rays at the moment.\n\nHave the Outfield Consist of Crawford, Upton, and Young\n\nMany of the problems during the losing streak were in part to some bad defense that we had not seen before. Young was not used to playing center, and Johnny Gomes is not a great fielder period. By keeping Upton in center it allows Young to move to right where he should be and is most comfortable. When your pitchers are not getting it done, the worst thing is errors that extend an inning. By creating continuity and comfort in the fielders, it will lead to less errors and more outs to help out the pitchers. Upton's future is in center field and with Rocco's future a mystery, the best thing to do is get Upton in center and used to playing center field so he is ready next year.\n\nSend Dioner Navarro Down to Durham and Replace him with Josh Paul and Sean Riggans\n\nNavarro has been total garbage this year. He calls a bad game, he can't hit, and he can't throw out runners. Josh Paul is an older veteran catcher and when he was playing the pitchers had a lower ERA, and he was throwing our 40% of the runners. Riggans is one of the future catchers of this team and really isn't getting anymore experience by playing down in Durham. Riggans is a solid defensive catcher and also has some pop in his bat. Also, with Andy Sonnanstine and JP Howell being up, and Jeff Niemann on his way, it would make sense to have a guy on staff that has caught for them for over a year. Even if Riggans is on the bench, he can tell Paul where the pitchers like to throw and how to talk with them. Paul is the experienced older catcher people are calling for and Riggans is the young guy that can learn from Paul and be the future.\n\nPromote Jeff Niemann in Two Weeks When a 5th Starter is Needed\n\nThis is a long time coming. Jeff Niemann was a first round pick 3 years ago now and was expected to be in the rotation already. Niemann had some health issues, but he is healthy now. He has close to the 200 innings that the Rays say they want from their young pitchers and has looked good in his outings. This season he is 9-5 with a 3.75 ERA. In 98.1 innings he has given up 101 hits, walked only 39, while striking out 93. Niemann says he is ready to come up and I believe he is. He may have the most talent in the Rays system and that includes Scott Kazmir. Niemann will benefit from coming up and pitching the second half. He can gain the experience he needs to go into next year and be a solid starter in the rotation.\n\nCall up Dale Thayer, Juan Salas, Justin Ruggiano, and Leave Howell in the Pen\n\nThe Rays need to fix the pen and that starts by getting rid of the crap. Send Fossum, Stokes, and Camp down to the minors. Replace them with Thayer, Salas, and Niemann. Leave Howell in the pen to be the lefty specialist as he actually can get left-handers out unlike Fossum. Thayer has been impressive in AA Montgomery. In 45.2 IP he has a 1.97 ERA, walked 11, and struck out 44. He has closing experience down there and is ready to get up and help out. Before he was suspended for substance abuse, Salas actually looked good in the pen. He has looked good in Durham during his return so call him up to replace Stokes, who is absolute trash. Ruggiano is having a great year in Durham in the outfield and with Wigginton being traded for Torres it opens a spot to bring up some bench help for days off in the outfield. We know what we have with the guys in the pen now and also with guys like McClung and Orvella, so lets go with guys that have a chance at helping us out.\n\nMinor League Moves to Further the Development of Players that are Almost Ready\n\nWith spots being available in Durham the Rays should promote Chris Mason (SP), Evan Longoria (3B/2B), and John Jaso (C). All three of these guys have shown they can handle AA ball easily and are good enough to move up and see what they can do. Longoria's move would allow the Rays to see if he can handle AAA and maybe worth a September call-up for some experience before going into next year. The Rays should also promote Jacob McGee (SP) from class A to AA and join Wade Davis in the rotation there. These moves will move the development process forward and help get these guys ready to contribute sooner than later.\n\nNew Look Rays\n\nLineup: 1. Aki, 2. Crawford, 3. Upton, 4. Pena, 5. Young, 6. Harris, 7. Gomes, 8. Paul, 9. Wilson\n\nBench: Cantu, Ruggiano, Riggans, Norton\n\nStarters: James Shields, Scott Kazmir, Andy Sonnasntine, Edwin Jackson, Jeff Niemann\n\nBullPen: JP Howell, Juan Salas, Dale Thayer, Jay Witasik, Gary Glover, Salomon Torres, Reyes\n\nThe Rays would be giving guys who will be with the team experience and they will be helping them this year. The fans could get behind the team and see what the future held for the Rays. This would also help the players who seem to be down as well because of how bad the team is. The Rays need to make some moves and these seem like they would do the trick.\n\nPosted by Adam Lewis at 10:31 AM", "Labels: Devil Rays", "Gang Green said...\n\nI agree with the majority of what you posted with the exception of trading for Salomon Torres. Outside of his strong finish to the '06 season (aided by a 90% strand rate in September), he's been decidedly mediocre. Stick to the youth in the bullpen principle and get rid of Stokes and Camp for sure.\n\nJuly 13, 2007 at 3:05 PM", "Adam Lewis said...\n\nIt looks now like the Twins are interested in Ty wigginton. I would def take one of their young pitchers for TY"], "url": "http://tampabaysportsfanatic.blogspot.com/2007/07/changes-rays-need-to-make-in-second.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 519, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 291, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ee035d985a65ca0eadb1608491df45aa3677b1f29d9b4492f18305b5d0fdb59f"], "__index_level_0__": 308, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_soH2R-h88qM/SXkK-vmWbNI/AAAAAAAAAYc/ljwMRkBVwzA/s320/IMG_2289.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_soH2R-h88qM/SXkK-Y81HgI/AAAAAAAAAYU/55bK9GpbWGg/s320/IMG_2292.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9638148546218872}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tangledskystudio.blogspot.com/2009/01/color-cocoon.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_soH2R-h88qM/SXkK-vmWbNI/AAAAAAAAAYc/ljwMRkBVwzA/s320/IMG_2289.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_soH2R-h88qM/SXkK-vmWbNI/AAAAAAAAAYc/ljwMRkBVwzA/s320/IMG_2289.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://tangledskystudio.blogspot.com/2009/01/color-cocoon.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_soH2R-h88qM/SXkK-Y81HgI/AAAAAAAAAYU/55bK9GpbWGg/s320/IMG_2292.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_soH2R-h88qM/SXkK-Y81HgI/AAAAAAAAAYU/55bK9GpbWGg/s320/IMG_2292.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tangledskystudio.blogspot.com/2009/01/color-cocoon.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//bp3.blogger.com/_soH2R-h88qM/SGQCduZ_EUI/AAAAAAAAAAc/_bWbHxx1zYM/S220-s80/Photo+2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_soH2R-h88qM/SGQCduZ_EUI/AAAAAAAAAAc/_bWbHxx1zYM/S220-s80/Photo+2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, January 22, 2009\n\na color cocoon...", null, null, "As I looked around my house today I realized that it is quite like a color cocoon.  I have a variety of lovely colors on all the walls in this charming old house,  rainbow like art on top of those walls in every room, and bold and color saturated rugs underfoot.  The funny thing is I wear black 90% of the time!  Lately I've been exploring color a bit more boldly in my work.  Using simple lines, text and color to evoke memory or emotion has been creatively freeing.  I love using the oil paints as a base because they flow across the wood panel so smoothly, which is very different than using color in encaustics.  That being said oils do have their drawbacks (drying time, mess and clean up).  Theoretically the two paintings above will be done in oil paints and then covered in a layer of clear encaustic medium.  I say theoretically because many things could wrong here and most likely the damage would be done in the final stage!  I have a very clear picture of what I want to do with these two complimentary paintings (which never seems to work in my favor) so I'm going to take it slow and see what happens.  I'll share again as they progress but will get back to some encaustic painting tomorrow as these dry.\nPosted by tangled sky studio at 3:35 PM", "I hope you won't take offense if I say these shapes seem sort of fallic.\n\nI'm not saying I don't like it... just that it was the first thing that popped into my mind when I saw your paintings.\n\nJanuary 22, 2009 at 8:12 PM", "shannon newby said...\n\nI love seeing your paintings in progress. You've inspired me to do the same!\n\nAnd I don't see any \"fallic\" ness about them. But to each his own. ;)\n\nJanuary 22, 2009 at 8:50 PM", "tangled sky studio said...\n\namanda-this is just the foundation for many more layers of paint, texture and wax. in the end they will be houses built on love and rainbows.\nshannon-thanks....i really like to share some things from beginning to end. when i fin a painting i really like i always find myself wondering \"how did they do that?\" can't wait to see some of your works in progress!\n\nJanuary 22, 2009 at 8:59 PM", "Janice La Verne said...\n\ni could eat the colors in the bottom painting. i thought they were beautiful just as they were... but looking forward to seeing them advance. did not see anything resembling male anatomy here!\n\nwhat did you see on your trip that inspired you?\n\nJanuary 22, 2009 at 10:30 PM", "Sweetland Retreat said...\n\nI love to see your pieces in progress, too! I wish I could sit inside artist's studios all day and watch them work. Fabulous!\n\nJanuary 23, 2009 at 6:12 AM", "hi janice and jamie...i'm putting together of favorites and inspirations from my museum visit...until then here's a few bits of inspiration others have shared recently:\n\nJanuary 23, 2009 at 8:21 AM", "Mary Ann Wakeley said...\n\nVery soothing colors and forms. Simple shapes always work for me. I realize they are in progress, but they look really great as they are too.\n\nJanuary 23, 2009 at 4:08 PM", "Leililaloo said...\n\nI just love the idea of exploring colour, and i think oils are the perfect paints to use for that. I did that as well a couple of years ago, only using oil paint. I really got a kick out of the subtle shades of on particular colour you can create by adding more and more white as you go along experimenting. For cleaning up the mess afterwards i used normal oil with wich you cook dinner, the cheapest one. I found you can better avoid the terpentine because of the head ache yiou get from using it frequently. The cooking oil works perfectly for cleaning brushes and for making the oil paint thinner.\n\nAnd as far as the idea of living in a colour cocoon goes, that's my favorite way to feel like.\n\nSorry for this loooooong story!\n\nJanuary 24, 2009 at 1:41 AM", "Patricia said...\n\nThis is a very inspiring post. I look forward to seeing the final paintings!\n\nJanuary 25, 2009 at 7:38 PM", "hi dana and patricia...i've been working on these two today and added a wee bit of walnut alkyd to speed up the drying time a bit however i still don't know what will happen when i try to apply the layer of beeswax..."], "url": "http://tangledskystudio.blogspot.com/2009/01/color-cocoon.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 525, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 230, "width": 378}, {"height": 530, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 228, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["9216048eccca281f725b751274795b7b44f209637b8059c089c09bcc9ab2270f", "e0f87c662aef2ed5b9137743dd5f15dea9e86dd93fb229acaafd387273c64947"], "__index_level_0__": 309, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0l975OquEoA/Vea_NjFhg7I/AAAAAAABBhI/IO-syGmb7ww/s400/MultiChoice%2BAfrica%2BCEO%2BTim%2BJacobs%2BMultiChoice%2BContent%2BShowcase%2B2015.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9328069686889648}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teeveetee.blogspot.com/2015/09/we-will-do-all-we-can-to-make-only-best.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-P7IJrRiBkAs/WRNixO7uULI/AAAAAAABIZo/YPXrxRmwNgIIpjklZbeQQLp_3dAEVJqLACK4B/s726/SABC%2BAuckland%2BPark%2B-%2BCopy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-P7IJrRiBkAs/WRNixO7uULI/AAAAAAABIZo/YPXrxRmwNgIIpjklZbeQQLp_3dAEVJqLACK4B/s726/SABC%2BAuckland%2BPark%2B-%2BCopy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SABC BAuckland BPark B BCopy\", \"alt_text\": \"SABC: 2017 BUT WE'RE USING TAPES LIKE IT'S 1980\", \"rendered_width\": 726, \"rendered_height\": 364}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teeveetee.blogspot.com/2015/09/we-will-do-all-we-can-to-make-only-best.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0l975OquEoA/Vea_NjFhg7I/AAAAAAABBhI/IO-syGmb7ww/s400/MultiChoice%2BAfrica%2BCEO%2BTim%2BJacobs%2BMultiChoice%2BContent%2BShowcase%2B2015.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0l975OquEoA/Vea_NjFhg7I/AAAAAAABBhI/IO-syGmb7ww/s400/MultiChoice%2BAfrica%2BCEO%2BTim%2BJacobs%2BMultiChoice%2BContent%2BShowcase%2B2015.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MultiChoice BAfrica BCEO BTim BJacobs BMultiChoice BContent BShowcase B\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 388}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teeveetee.blogspot.com/2015/09/we-will-do-all-we-can-to-make-only-best.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/_Fv90J7eTcis/Sn_JKs3PZ8I/AAAAAAAAAAg/fwhTSKRbf8g/S220-s80/thinus+ferreira.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Fv90J7eTcis/Sn_JKs3PZ8I/AAAAAAAAAAg/fwhTSKRbf8g/S220-s80/thinus+ferreira.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thinus ferreira\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 53, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, September 2, 2015\n\n'We will do all we can to make only the best content available to DStv subscribers,' says MultiChoice at DStv Content Showcase in Mauritius.", null, "Satellite pay-TV company MultiChoice operating the DStv platform across Africa is promising that it will do all it can to 'make only the best content available\" to DStv subscribers across all devices.\n\nTim Jacobs, MultiChoice Africa CEO, told media at the DStv Content Showcase at the Outrigger Mauritius Beach Resort that DStv will do all it can to make only the best content available to subscribers on any device at any time.\n\n\"We believe television is an extremely powerful tool that can educate, entertain and inform. The evolution of this medium has become fast and furious and as a business we are constantly evolving to stay ahead,\" said Tim Jacobs.\n\nPress from across Africa arrived in Mauritius for the programming and content showcase although South African TV critics and media are excluded from the 5 day upfront event and not told beforehand by MultiChoice that it would be happening.\n\nSome of DStv's biggest channels including Sony and SonyMax, SuperSport, Zee TV, A+E Networks UK's History, Lifetime and C+I; Disney, Viacom International Media Networks Africa's  MTV Base, BET and Comedy Central; BBC Worldwide's set of BBC channels and M-Net will be previewing their latest opcoming content.\n\nTim Jacobs admitted challenges and that some MultiChoice investments and changes failed but that the pay-TV operator remains committed to bring DStv subscribers on the continent great content.\n\n\"MultiChoice's business is built around three key pillars: people; content – in the form of great entertainment, news and sport – and the latest cutting-edge technology. Our mission is to ensure that our subscribers do not miss out on any of the stories, events or moments that are shaping our future.\"\n\n\"Our growth over the last 20 years has been a result of massive investments we have made in people, content and technology – but as with any business, not all of these investments or changes have hit the spot.\"\n\n\"We have from time to time re-evaluated our position and made changes to our strategies. At the end of the day however it is really our subscribers we have to thank for staying with us, trusting us to deliver the best television experience and customer service to make their experience world class,\" said Tim Jacobs.\n\nM-Net which next year turns 30, reminded media that it started out nearly three decades ago with a single pay-TV channel in South Africa broadcasting only 12 hours per day.\n\n\"Our first broadcast in 1986 led to other firsts like the launch of SuperSport and the Mzansi Magic channels and with the creation of exciting, genre-defining and iconic content like Carte Blanche and Tinsel, M-Net continues to shape cultures, build bridges and empower talent across Africa,\" says M-Net.\n\n\"We are launching and redefining channels and we continue to expand our content offerings to viewers across the continent.\"\n\n\"Our ongoing and significant investments in local productions have positioned Africa on the entertainment global arena and with new technology we continue to reach even more people, ensuring that no one ever misses the M-Net Magic,\" says M-Net."], "url": "http://teeveetee.blogspot.com/2015/09/we-will-do-all-we-can-to-make-only-best.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 389, "original_width": 400, "width": 388}], "image_hashes": ["9f67b58df05c5feba4cb9d098fbc0f9388e789a4996578f3e2a644eb6417a5e2"], "__index_level_0__": 310, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://lgimages.s3.amazonaws.com/data/imagemanager/104807/texquest_overview_-_google_slides.jpg", "http://lgimages.s3.amazonaws.com/data/imagemanager/102126/transition_video_pencil_chat_-_google_slides.jpg", "http://lgimages.s3.amazonaws.com/data/imagemanager/104807/whyusetexquest__published__-_google_slides.jpg", "http://lgimages.s3.amazonaws.com/data/imagemanager/102126/blockbuster_-_google_slides.jpg", null, 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null, "Alternative to 1 and 2\n\n3. Spark Your Students' Interest", null, "Video source: Opposing Viewpoints, Gale\n\nAlternate video source\n\n3. Becoming Familiar with the TexQuest Databases\n\n4. Inquiry-Based Learning and TexQuest\n\n5. Promoting TexQuest at your Campus/District", null, "6. Questions and Reflections\n\n7. Evaluation\n\nTrainer Guide\n\nClick on the image below to access training materials, tips and suggestions.", null, "Goals, Objectives and Outcomes\n\nDuration: 6 hours (may be shortened to 3 hours)\n\nAudience: School Library Media Specialists, Library Administrators, Teachers, Curriculum Directors, Instructional Technology Specialists\n\nAbstract: Find out how TexQuest can help teachers and school librarians create collaborative units of study that address research skills as well as high levels of inquity. Learn about best practices in collaboration and integration of these digital resources into the K-12 curriculum.\n\nCourse Objectives: Introduce participants to best practices in collaboration, model how TexQuest resources support AASL’s Standards for the 21st Century Learners and the 4 Cs -communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity, and encourage participants to pursue collaborative opportunities to enhance teaching and learning.\n\nCourse Goals: Guide participants to an understanding of how TexQuest digital resources can help address high levels of inquiry; illustrate how TexQuest can serve as a vehicle to facilitate teacher-librarian collaboration, provide examples of cross-curricular collaborative activities that integrate TexQuest resources; explain how collaborative instruction using TexQuest can support core content TEKS, Technology Applications TEKS, Career and College Readiness Standards, and Library Standards.\n\nParticipant Outcomes: Participants will understand and be able to articulate the value of teacher-librarian collaboration. Participants will be able to use TexQuest as a vehicle to facilitate teacher-librarian collaboration. Participants will be able to integrate TexQuest resources and explain how collaborative instruction using TexQuest can support the standards and high levels of inquiry.\n\nOutcome Indicators: Participants will design or enhance a lesson unit that integrates the TexQuest resources, and promotes teacher-librarian collaboration at their school. Participants’ schools and districts will see an increased use of TexQuest resources and research skills.\n\nThese training materials were created by Education Service Center, Region 20 in support of TexQuest. Education Service Center, Region 20 serves as the TexQuest Support Center. For more details, visit www.texquest.net.", null], "url": "http://texquest.net/criticalthinkingyear1", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 938, "original_width": 1660, "width": 668}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 590, "original_width": 1038, "width": 665}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 932, "original_width": 1240, "width": 502}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 676, "original_width": 974, "width": 544}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 662, "original_width": 1022, "width": 583}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 922, "original_width": 1660, "width": 680}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 565, "original_width": 850, "width": 568}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1944, "original_width": 2896, "width": 563}], "image_hashes": ["a577e5188bb39594dd2d5905bb0b3edc4751b78c279aff7a34e9e3a7b139437f", "2c8cea851576addfbdd7c1ed3b6b6e433965625f1f0ce2062c7849ccaba6d6fb", "dfa6c46d69ec3caf632ea54e4f1b63e2ff8281d9ce75b91b16f4a0f1fb15f73c", "466b283bf584379b76423d8136b1d3e73565ee6b90ad18b05d542d421c130efb", "f54588412c7aa2d95034504b155695ca9d7afce776fafe92be06920c56847317", "595d787edbc46a3ef1cacbb830f227ded9ee1ad0bb456cfccabe11def8f9c924", "8bad98635fc3bad342db24592bd32b920e6f225a4a8bfa192426990a91bdf78b", "d5e0974b738cf2790bc7c659310049792911d5816835c08371da476177fc7396"], "__index_level_0__": 311, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, "http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3037/3027777300_dc427f2062.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9455196261405944}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teystirol.com/2009/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3037/3027777300_dc427f2062.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3037/3027777300_dc427f2062.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dc f\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teystirol.com/2009/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.thedailyscrapper.com/2009/issue01/Images/Highlight_kit/teys_1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.thedailyscrapper.com/2009/issue01/Images/Highlight_kit/teys_1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"teys\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teystirol.com/2009/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.digishoptalk.com/gallery/data/500/2009_002_FirstBalletClass-4blog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.digishoptalk.com/gallery/data/500/2009_002_FirstBalletClass-4blog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FirstBalletClass blog\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, null]", "texts": ["Anyway, KC is just one of the excellent restaurants in the vicinity of Paseo de Sta Rosa.  Another place to check out would be Ippon Yari.  The ebi tempura is reminiscent of the ones I tried in Nagoya, where my hosts advised me not to dip the prawns in the sauce so I can experience the chef’s tempura making skill.  Ippon Yari is in this calibre.  While its quite pricey ( Ebi Bento at P490), it does have  a lot of value. The rice bowl is large.  Everyone gets a free salad in a large bowl.  Kids get Japanese toys. All these on top of the excellent flavor.  We also tried California Maki that was superb with fresh fish roe.  This definitely is another place in Sta. Rosa that can break your diet.\n\nIt’s a Friday night and usually we don’t cook on Fridays because after the kids are done with Kumon (they go to the last batch for the day) we usually have roasted chicken and barbecue or grilled porkchop from Jimanji, the local village store. But tonight, instead of our usual ‘Jimanji’ chicken and barbecue dinner we had to look for an alternative because the hubby arrived late and missed the 6:30 pm window to place our order. Oddly though, they only cook  a maximum of two roasted chickens a day so if you don’t place your order early, chances are you won’t get any. And so we did. We missed the ‘cluck’ – get it ‘cluck’? Nah, nevermind. LOL\n\nSo off we go to Paseo de Sta. Rosa to check out our options. Of course, the kids knew what they wanted. Kanin Club!!! Well, we were doubtful we could do that because the hubby and I knew that it’s usually full and bursting at the seams especially during peak hours. True enough there were groups of families waiting to be seated. But the kids have spoken and value for money wise, it was still the best choice plus you can’t beat the taste, that’s for sure. So wait we did until it was our turn to be seated.\n\nNow what do you order when you are in Kanin Club? Everything! Well, not in one sitting though. You have to keep coming back to try everything on the menu. Of course, the kids have their “walang kamatayang” crispy tadyang while we tried something else. Normally, we would order the Thai green mango salad, crispy tadyang, sinigang na bangus. Tonight, I wanted something different – I wanted the kare-kare! The hubby went for the lemon chicken and brown rice while the kids, well, you know what they had. So ‘galit-galit muna’. 🙂\n\nWe don’t normally order dessert but because we were seated at a table where we saw all the food that was coming out of the kitchen, when the hubby saw the ‘turon ala mode’ sitting on the counter waiting for the waiter to serve it to one soon to be very happy customer he turned to us and told us that we were having dessert. I said “huh?” Oh well, I’m not going to argue about that, no sir. The hubby asked for the menu again and ordered our dessert. As soon as it arrived the ube ice cream parted into four directions and the turon was divided among the four of us. Fortunately for the hubby, the kids weren’t that taken with the turon, he was just so glad to relieve them of their predicament. hahaha\n\nAnd so the meal ended with a smile on our faces and on our tummies too. On our way out the hubby stopped by the door and called me to check out the sign posted on the door. I took a closer look and what I saw put a smile on my face. It was a certificate given by The Miele Guide, purported to be the first, authoritative and truly independent guide to Asia’s finest restaurants, stating that Kanin Club was  recognized as one of the finest restaurants in Asia for 2008-2009. Isn’t that amazing? and what’s more fun is that it’s just a 5-minute tricycle ride away from where we live. I think diet pills would be a sellout here if Kanin Club was my next-door neighbor… then I wouldn’t have to worry if I ate there every single day.\n\nHere’s to Kanin Club! Cheers!\n\nI know there are a lot of Kanin club fans out there – why not leave a comment and share your favorite dish right here. I’d love to know why you like it and why I should try it. Really!\n\nMatagal tagal na ding panahon mula nang ako’y huling lumahok sa lingguhang pagbabahagi ng mga larawan sa LP. May iba-iba kasing panahon at kulay ang buhay ng tao. Nag-iiba ang mga nakagawian at may mga pagbabagong hindi maiiwasan. Bagamat sa aking pakiramdam ako ay naging prodigal pansamantala, may mga araw na iniisip ko kung kailan ako magkakapanahon na makalahok na muli dahil ito ay naging bahagi na ng aking buhay. Kaya mga kapatid kong ka-LP pipilitin kong makabawi sa mga “homework” ngayong taong ito. Pasensya na lamang po mga klasmeyt pero kahit naman po ako’y absent di ko naman po inalis ang aking LP id dito sa aking tahanan sa internet.  Kung inyo pong mamarapatin, narito po ang aking mga lahok – para sa linggong ito at para na din sa nakaraan. Ito ay ilan sa mga eksena sa makulay kong daigdig.\n\nNarito ang aking mga lahok para sa mga nakaraang linggo:\n\nIto marahil ang pinakasikat na pula sa buong mundo. Kahit saan, kahit kailan kasama sa mga pagsasalo, saksi sa mga kabanata ng ating buhay, malungkot man o masaya. Nakakadagdag buhay daw ito, ika nga. Pero sa aking sariling pagkakaalam, ito ay tunay na nakakadagdag balakang.", "(kuha sa Sampaguita Gardens sa Aklan kung saan makikita ang Precious Moments na mga manika)\n\nAng kulay asul karaniwan ay sumisimbolo ng kapayapaan, kahinahunan at katahimikan. Subalit pag ito ay nahaluan ng kulay itim ito ay nagiging madilim at maaring magpahiwatig ng kalungkutan o nagbabadyang bagyo.", "(kuha sa Boracay  noong nakaraang Oktubre 2008)\n\nat para sa linggong ito narito ang aking lahok\n\nAng paglubog ng araw ay sumisimbolo ng pagtatapos o pagwawakas, pamamaalam at pagpapahinga mula sa isang araw ng gawain. Minsan malungkot isipin ang pagtatapos subalit mayroon din syang angking kakaibang kagandahan na nagbibigay kapayapaan sa kalooban… ang unti-unting paglaho ng araw ay nagbibigay daan para ang liwanag naman ng buwan ang syang maging tanglaw sa dilim. Kung hindi lulubog ang araw, hindi mo makikita ang buwan at ang mga bituin, di ba?", "(kuha sa Boracay noong Oktubre 2008)\n\nPasensya na mga ka-LP ha, pero sana tuloy-tuloy na ulit ako sa pagsali linggo- linggo.\n\nPara sa mga nais lumahok sa lingguhang pagbabahagi ng mga larawan at mga piling akda sa sarili nating wika sumali na kayo sa Litratong Pinoy.\n\nLast year, I was invited to join a free Photography course sponsored by Isuzu (IADI). It was held at the Isuzu Alabang Showroom along Zapote and the course was taught by photographer Toni Cuesta. It was my first formal lesson in photography and I really appreciate what I learned because I now can shoot more intelligently and be more technically correct instead of just winging it. I didn’t know a lot about technique before the class and although I’ve read and am still reading about photography, there are some things that the books don’t teach you. More caught than taught, I would say.\n\nOne of our first few assignments was about aperture settings. We were supposed to submit our work and upload it to flickr and teacher Toni C. would check it online.  I didn’t have much time to go hunting for a shot so I just looked around our house for something interesting to take and I ended up taking a pic of the tree outside our house. Flowering trees are not my specialty but this one is one of the original trees that we had planted when we first moved in.  I love the purple flowers that cascade down the branches of this tree. Now I’m not much of a green thumb and I’ve killed a lot of rose bushes already but at least this one survived. Thanks to our once a month gardener. LOL", null, "You can see more of my homework in my flickr account. I’m not an expert peeps so be kind. Anyway, the culminating activity of the course was a contest. We were supposed to  submit at least 3 photos that fit the theme – Me and My Isuzu and these entries would be displayed in the Isuzu showrooms in Alabang, Pasig and Cavite so that people could vote for their favorites. I don’t particularly like popularity contests because I don’t think I can ever win one anyway. Last December, I think right before my birthday, this was while we were in Davao, I received a phone call from Isuzu telling me my entry had won 2nd place. I couldn’t believe it! There were more experienced and technically better photographers in the class and for my entry to win…it just blew me away. It wasn’t exactly my first time to win in a photo contest ( I also had a winning entry in the first Hershey’s Happiness Contest a few years ago) but it still is a wonderful feeling. I know I still have so much to learn in photography and I know that I’m not in the league of the pros yet but God has a way of assuring me of His grace, His love and His approval of me no matter how little I think of myself. I felt it was His and my dad’s birthday present to me. I just wish I could hug them both…\n\nSo here’s the photo that won Second Place in Isuzu’s “Me and My Isuzu”\n\nTitle:  Their Safety Our Priority\n\nThis shot was taken at the Isuzu Showroom in Alabang. Those are my kids inside that brand new Isuzu monster of a car. LOL  No, I did not win the car, I got a trophy and gift checks. hee hee ^_^", "Thanks for looking everyone!\n\nAfter almost a year of earning by blogging, the verdict is – it is absolutely TRUE. Yes peeps, it is true. I was one of those skeptic and wary bloggers who couldn’t believe that you could really earn from blogging until I finally caught the blogging fever from one of the forums I belong to.  It opened my eyes to the endless possibilities you can find online. It sounds so simple a lot of people find it unbelievable. There are a lot of resources out there to help you get started and for those who have been doing this for quite a while this information is actually quite basic but for those who are starting out I hope this proves helpful.\n\nHow does it work?\n\nWell, first of all it starts with a blog. Your blog. You see, one cannot underestimate the power of the internet and a lot of people have used its ability to reach the widest number of people in a matter of seconds. Think about how fast news circulates around the globe as soon  it breaks. Unheard of 20 years ago, right? Today, as soon as your favorite celebrity gets caught in an ugly situation or a certain product gets blacklisted because of its harmful effects on consumers, news spreads faster than you can get it printed in tomorrow’s daily. And who does the spreading around? It’s folks like us who blog about it and who have become part of this online community in the blogosphere.\n\nAdvertisers recognize the power of this tool and see it as an opportunity to get the word out there about their products. Enter, the blogger. What used to be a simple online journal for a lot of people has turned into an additional or for some, an alternative source of income. Some do it leisurely while others have eventually turned pro and lease out “real estate” space on their websites. Nifty eh?\n\nWhere do I start?\n\nSo the next question you probably have is how do I do it? Where do I start? I have encouraged a lot of my friends to try this thing out and like myself, not knowing what to do or wondering whether I’m doing it the right way or the most important question I think they have on their mind is – Is this a scam? Hopefully after you read this post you’ll be a little more armed with information.\n\nThe first thing you really need is a blog and of course blog content. I started blogging online because I find it convenient to access my thoughts wherever I am and whenever I want. Convenience, that’s what it meant to me. I try to aim for useful quality content as opposed to just chatter in my posts as much as I can. Well, if not always, most of the time I do try. Take note, some paid blogging sites have specific requirements re how long you should have been blogging before they approve your blog. Most of them require your blog to be at least between 3 to 6 mos. old. Just so you’d know okay?\n\nNext thing you need to look for is a tested and credible site that offers pay for blog posts. I have enrolled in more than a few and most of them I have found through feedback from other bloggers as well. Some of them have proved to be scammers but the ones I am part of right now I’m quite happy with. One of the more recent sites that I have found is Payingpost.com. I’m fairly new to this site and I still have to get my feet wet with them but so far it looks promising. They have a nice fresh look and the interfaces look simple enough to navigate around. They offer a lot of paid blogging opportunities that you can choose from. You might want to check them out.\n\nThe Bottomline\n\nOne thing that I have always said to my family and friends is that, if you are already spending  time on the internet surfing, chatting, googling around or just watching videos, why not make a little money on the side as well. You might as well earn back what you pay your internet service provider , right?\n\nIf you find this post useful and helpful and you would like to learn more in future posts, leave a comment and what you would like to know and I’ll try my best to post something worth reading.\n\nCiao for now!\n\nYup, the first TDS issue for the year 2009 is out and now I can finally post the layout I did for TDS here in my little bloggie. I sorta have a project 365 of my own but it’s not about photos for me. I’m going to attempt to make 365 layouts this year. Take note: not one layout a day but 365 layouts altogether for the whole year. Hmmm, 365 divided by 20 pages in each photobook would yield around 18 photobooks, right? Is my math correct? Anyway, I’ve already done two so that leaves me with 363 more to go. LOL\n\nWithout much ado here they are:\n\n1/365 – Look Up (as featured in TDS 01/16/09)", "(credits can be found a few posts below)\n\nand here’s the second one:\n\n2/365 – First Ballet Class (image is linked to credits)", "Oh yeah, that feels good. So now that you’ve seen my layouts, grab a cuppa joe and hop on over to TDS and check out the new look. For a good news read about scrapping and a lot more make TDS your regular habit. Scoot peeps!\n\nCiao y’all!\n\nBefore the end of the year, I completed a trainer’s course for financial stewardship.  This was offered by Crown Financial Ministries, a faith based organization that focuses on educating people about the proper handling of money.  I never thought that I could  be a good money manager until I got this course.  First we were taught that the real owner of our cash is God and we are mere stewards of it.  I consider this stewardship principle as universal regardless of beliefs.  We were also taught practical ways of tracking and managing money such us using envelopes to allocate money every 7-8 days. Proper perspectives on investments (stocks, term life insurance, etc.) were also discussed.   I still have a lot of work to do in the area of finances but I did learn a lot of helpful stuff in this course.  I look forward to sharing this with others who also struggle financially as we do.\n\nI recently came across you tube videos of a guy in New Zealand who converted a mitsubishi tredia into an EV.  It was quite an experience.  1st he had to remove the engine and the fuel system.  Then he installed a special electric motor together with its control units. He then mounted the batteries and the charging system.  After 8 months of work, it all paid off.  He began driving a cool car without worrying for Ferrari parts.  The video showed him running at about 40kph with a very silent motor.  You could hear his wife say it sounded like a spaceship when he would slow down or start the car.\n\nWOW! This is definitely one thing on my to do list.  I think I’ll convert a VW beetle for Tes.\n\nHappy New Year Everyone! We just got back from Davao a few days ago and we’re slowly getting back into the groove of things. I’ve been reading a lot about Project 365 and all that and I’m kinda thinking if I can do it. Well, at least I’ll try to do 365 layouts hopefully… gulp! So here’s my first layout for the year. 364 more to go!!!!\n\n[ oops, got too excited there for a minute, you’ll get to see it once the new TDS 2009 Mag comes out on Jan 16. ]\n\nTitle: Always look up\n\nTimes are slowly changing and\n\nboth of you are beginning to find your niche.\n\nMy hope and prayers for you this year is\n\nthat no matter how hard your challenges are,\n\nyou will always… always find courage and\n\nstrength as long as you remember to always\n\nlook up. When you do, you will find\n\nwhat you need. I love you.\n\nCredits: Everything from Cinzia Loosemore’s My Journey Kit", "Through the holidays, the family was in Davao.  There we had a belated bash for DD.  Experienced the local version of black friday.  Close family gatherings for Christmas and New Year.  It was quite frustrating not to have good internet connection in the family home.  We had to rely on gprs connectivity which was very slow.  We surely missed our cable internet and wifi connection.  Before leaving, I arranged for my cousin to work on DSL connectivity for our next trip.\n\nSure glad to be back home, writing this blog.\n\na matter of teys.t"], "url": "http://teystirol.com/2009/01/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["45d7d8806eed449de185e6ac200bed66e27f8ca2d066b782b582efecd462f80f"], "__index_level_0__": 312, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/320/MetalMen20.jpg", null, null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/400/DesolationJones06.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.954821527004242}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2006/04/week-in-ink-4-12-06.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/320/MetalMen20.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/320/MetalMen20.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MetalMen\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2006/04/week-in-ink-4-12-06.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/ActionPhilosophers05.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/ActionPhilosophers05.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ActionPhilosophers\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2006/04/week-in-ink-4-12-06.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/Archie565.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/Archie565.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Archie\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2006/04/week-in-ink-4-12-06.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/400/DesolationJones06.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/400/DesolationJones06.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DesolationJones\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2006/04/week-in-ink-4-12-06.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/DMZ06.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/DMZ06.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DMZ\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2006/04/week-in-ink-4-12-06.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/400/RaceNobleChallenge.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/400/RaceNobleChallenge.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"RaceNobleChallenge\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2006/04/week-in-ink-4-12-06.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/Superman651.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/Superman651.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Superman\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2006/04/week-in-ink-4-12-06.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/IronMan128.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/IronMan128.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IronMan\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2006/04/week-in-ink-4-12-06.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/ShowcaseTeenTitans.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/3841/751/200/ShowcaseTeenTitans.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ShowcaseTeenTitans\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2006/04/week-in-ink-4-12-06.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/176/409567885_76cf806e4f_o.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/176/409567885_76cf806e4f_o.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cf e f o\", \"alt_text\": \"SidebarJackKrak\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null]", "texts": ["Usually I set aside Thursday night for the comics that are coming out now, rather than slowly drowning the internet in comics nostalgia, but I'd be remiss if I didn't point out a cover I found today while I was dropping books down at the Wiz:", null, "I hate to be the guy that says \"They don't make 'em like that anymore,\" but honestly: When was the last time you saw a story called \"Birthday Cake for a Cannibal Robot!\"?\n\nAnd how would you even go about making such a thing? Aside from including other robots, I mean.\n\nBut that's enough diversion. Now, onto the reviews of my truly ridiculous comics purchases for the second week of Apirl! Sadly, not a single issue includes a shark-eating bear with a jetpack.", "Action Philosophers Hate the French!: The entire comics blog community is infatuated with Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey's series of two-fisted biographical explanations of history's greatest thinkers, and with good reason: It's sharp, funny, well-done in virtually every way, and it's shockingly informative. There's no reason you shouldn't be reading it, and if you haven't, please take note that the trade paperback of the first three issues is solicited in this month's Previews at a price point of seven dollars. In the meantime, pick this one up, as in addition to incredibly readable bits on Descartes, Derrida, and that chainsmoker Jean-Paul Sartre, this issue includes appearances by Abraham Lincoln and God, and that's a buddy cop movie just waiting to happen.", "Archie #565: Tonight's Moment of Juvenile Humor brought to you by Archie Comics: Hey, check out that cover: Archie's tossing salad. Oh, come on, like you really expected me to resist that one. Anyway, this week's entrant into the Riverdale Experiment is pretty darn enjoyable, with a story where Jughead lays out the case for Betty over Veronica and Archie's attempt to read manga being the real standouts. The latter's great, as Archie tries to learn more about Japanese comics by going and bugging what appears to be Riverdale High's only Japanese-American student, who's totally into comics. Of course, she doesn't really like manga, and when he finds out what she prefers, it's pretty darn funny. Plus, we learn Chuck's dream of going to Japan and being surrounded by adoring teenage Japanese girls, which means that Chuck is essentially my friend Brandon.\n\nBatman: Year 100 #3: I was enjoying the hell out of this series already, but when this issue opens with Crazy Future Batman putting on ceramic fang dentures, jumping out of ductwork, and laying a serious beatdown on Evil Future SportsCops, it might as well come with a card addressed to me. It's a series that keeps getting better, especially in this issue as Pope plays with action-movie style structure by introducing a Sinister Master Plan™ for Batman to take on in the next installment, but the real shining moment comes from Comissioner Gordon, with the big reveals about his past and that of his grandfather. It's starting to become a book that I not only love to read, but can't wait to read again when it's all out.\n\nBattle Pope #7: The last time this book came out, I didn't give it anything other than a mention on my list, and here we are one week later with the next issue, and I'd feel weird if I didn't say anything this time. So here you go, my definitive thoughts on Battle Pope: It is a book that seems purely designed for bathroom reading. And that's not a bad thing. It's just full of the pointless, over-the-top fun that can be traced as the direct ancestor to Kirkman's recent Marvel Zombies, and, well, let's just go for the easy gag and say you can knock it out in one sitting. And if you find yourself with a little extra time, the lettercols where Kirkman goes through and explains how it originally came out and says nice things about Tony Moore and Val Staples are a pretty interesting read. There's not much to it, but I like it a lot.", null, "Desolation Jones #6: \"Made in England\" wraps up in this one, and while I only say this four, maybe five times a week, this comic is amazing. The art is nothing short of phenomenal, as J.H. Williams III does these incredible layouts and panel sequences that another artist--even another talented artist--couldn't pull off. And at the risk of completely running out of superlatives, Jose Villarrubia's colors are incredible, and go a long way to making this one of the most visually perfect comic books I've ever read. There's one panel on page 21, where a trickle of blood becomes an art motif on the last half of the page, under which Jones's face becomes a skull. It's astonishingly good, and again, the kind of panel that under another artist would have the potential to be terrible.\n\nAs for the story, Warren Ellis takes the send-up/homage to Raymond Chandler's Big Sleep that he's been doing for the past five issues and twists it sharply into the world of Mickey Spillaine, who ends I, The Jury by having his protagonist shoot a woman in the stomach and sit down to watch her die. The way \"Made in England\" comes to a close is highly reminiscent of that moment, and not only adds an element of brutal, almost-righteous but frighteningly amoral vengeance that I personally like to see in a story, but does a lot to restructure the Chandler metaphor into something that starkly contrasts with Jones and his world. Jones may walk those mean streets, but unlike Chandler's hero, he himself is a mean motherfucker. And it's great.", "DMZ #6: As wary as I was about Brian Wood's excellent short stories being pushed aside in favor of a five-part storyline, \"Body of a Journalist\" starts off really well, with a nice set of references to the first five issues to set up the storyline and, I'm sure, appeal to the folks who are going to be enjoying that DMZ v.1 trade paperback. I really like the idea of Matt Roth, now with an apartment and regular deadlines to meet, getting too comfortable in the war-ravaged New York City, then being smacked in the face--literally--with a status-quo shakeup. Riccardo Burchielli turns in his usual job as penciller, which is to say a pretty darn good one. Wood seems to have a track record of hooking up with artists that compliment his script style perfectly, and Burchielli is certainly no exception. I really enjoy the way he's able to draw a war-zone that's still evocative of America; the shot of a hulk of a jet fighter half-buried in the Empire State Building is a striking, iconic image for the series, but he handles the details well too.\n\nFables #48: I always say the same thing about this book: It's exceptionally and consistently well-written and well-drawn. But as you might have guessed from recent conversation here on the ISB, this one's got a little something extra. Yes, Fables #48 features no fewer than seven pages of a naked man punching out wolves. The Bear-Gorilla-Wolf Trifecta has now been completed.\n\nFirestorm: The Nuclear Man #24: Oddly enough, when I went back and read through a hundred-plus issues of Firestorm (and lest you forget, Extreme Justice) to get the whole story, I wasn't able to get more than a few recent issues of the current series, meaning I'm not too familiar with Jason Rusch. But the fact that I want to find out more about him means that Stuart Moore's doing the job of serialized fiction with the \"One Year Later\" storyline, and the fact that I don't feel like I have to means he's doing it well. And of course, he's doing it with the time-honored comic book tradition of having a guy whose head is on fire fight someone who shoots ice out of her hands.\n\nMarvel Romance Redux: Restraining Orders Are For Other Girls: I'm not sure if it's the novelty wearing off or what, but neither issue of Marvel Romance Redux has been as funny as the first one to me. That said, they're still awfully entertaining, especially when they come wrapped up in a great cover by the incredible Kyle Baker. Baker also does a fine job re-writing one of the stories within, with panel after panel of tangent nonsense that builds to a great punchline. I will honestly buy these things as long as Marvel puts them out. They're well worth it.\n\nNoble Causes #19: The comic that I like to refer to as \"The Reason Jay Faerber Was Put on ThiS Earth\" continues to be a very entertaining and often-overlooked book, but this issue features the debut of new penciller Jon Bosco, just when I was starting to really enjoy Fran Bueno's work on the book. Bosco's not bad, but he's definitely a little too Dragonball Z'ed up for my tastes. Case in point:", "Nightwing #119: And the award for first One Year Later book to be dropped from my subscription goes to... Nightwing! Yes, with a story about Jason Todd dressing up as Nightwing and stabbing people while Dick Grayson runs around being so handsome that more women than usual throw themselves at him in fits of lust coupled with some of the most awkward dialogue I've seen in quite some time that makes Dick sound drunk and everyone else come off as slightly retarded (\">choke-cough!<\"), the Mighty Axe of the ISB must fall. And seriously? I didn't like the long-hair male-model thing when Firestorm did it ten years ago, and I definitely don't like it now.", "Superman #651: Although I think we all knew it wasn't going to happen, it's nice that Clark decided not to take the Green Lantern ring, for if there's anything this past year has shown us, it's that he'd probably start walking around being an absolute dick and punching people in the face for no reason. Maybe it's just me. In this issue we get the Prankster, another Superman villain that exists solely on the Riddler factor, but there are also a lot of nice touches. Luthor's operation table, for instance, is a bit that made me laugh aloud when I read this one last night, although I'm not sure what to make of the Flea Circus. What's most important, though, is this: I don't want injecting-radioactive-material-into-my-arm Power-Suit Lex back, but if I can't have the great Evil Businessman version of Lex Luthor that worked so well in the Byrne run and on the animated series, then at the very least, I think it's safe to say that we've got incredibly bat-shit insane Luthor now. And that'll be pretty interesting.\n\nUltimate Extinction #4: One more issue to go, and we've only had the barest hint of Big G, but this thing's worth reading not just because Ultimate Cap throws a pretty huge beatdown onto the Silver Surfer, but the last thing Ultimate Reed says in the book is a pretty entertaining bit of dialogue.", "Iron Man: Demon in a Bottle: Sterling already mentioned the same thing that I said when this came in at the store: Marvel really missed the boat in using an image from the cover to #126 of Iron Man standing around looking cool instead of what we're all paying to see: Drunk-Ass Tony Stark, as pictured to the left. Personally, I think they should've gone one step further and actually called this thing Iron Man: Drunk Tony, but that may just be me. I've actually never read any of this stuff, instead going for the later alcoholism stories that involve Obadaiah Stane rather than Justin Hammer, but from a cursory flip-through, it looks like a classic story of a man, a suit of armor, and one beautiful head of hair. I'm excited.\n\nPast Lies: I have a small but growing stack of graphic novels by Christina Weir and Nunzio DeFilippis that I've never read, but bought solely based on how much I liked their work on New X-Men: Academy X and its predecessor, New Mutants. I'll eventually get to them one day, even though they're mostly from Oni and probably don't have Wolverine in them.\n\nThe Tourist", "Showcase Presents: Teen Titans v.1: ATTENTION CRETINS:\n\nI'm talking stuff like \"Here's a special shaft for the special occasion!\" and \"Here's little me, the first platter jockey in space, being used by way-out weirdos to snatch old momma Earth's biggest monuments!\" and, well, how about I just let Don Matanzas--a rich landowner who oppressed my people until a revolt drove him into hiding--take us on out of this one:", "posted by Chris Sims at 4/13/2006 11:59:00 PM", "Diamondrock said...\n\n\"we learn Chuck's dream of going to Japan and being surrounded by adoring teenage Japanese girls\"\n\nOddly enough, that *is* my life...\n\n4/14/2006 3:59 AM", "Steven said...\n\nI know you meant it as a joke, but the placement of Luthor's finger is actually kind of clever. It's the only Superman symbol on the cover, and Luthor is doing his best to obscure it.\n\nCopping a feel off Supergirl is just a lucky strike extra!\n\n4/14/2006 9:19 AM", "Philip Looney said...\n\nYou know Chris, I've honestly been thinking of giving up on new comics, and only reading the old stuff - because I seriously doubt that OYL will ever be able to deliver a canabal robot eating cake.\n\n4/14/2006 9:31 AM", "I. N. J. Culbard said...\n\nokay, I'm convinced.\n\nI've just got to go and get this.\n\nIf only to be reminded of what it is to 'smerk' again.\n\n4/16/2006 1:45 PM", "View My Complete Profile\n\nthe basics\n\nbonus content\n\nCRACKED Magazine\n\nbuy stuff\n\nHit me up:\n\ndollar comic reviews\n\nwhere they went wrong\n\nbest of the isb\n\nlinks - comics\n\nlinks - pals\n\nAziz Ansari is a fucking badass."], "url": "http://the-isb.blogspot.com/2006/04/week-in-ink-4-12-06.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 590, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 256, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["31486a6ef408484e24a3f5bc1218cfba5866b8a40b07687fbebefe226e657865", "d9b68679c44267d582bf54fdc6c1686fa17c8eb2a8ac9539a6536694c71d2523"], "__index_level_0__": 313, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_kPSmxv07T-I/TMOnPkxqCUI/AAAAAAAACuM/X3plz8ri3LE/s320/birdie.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9192873239517212}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thearthousestudio.blogspot.com/2010/10/that-i-needed-to-buy-torch-lol-yes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_kPSmxv07T-I/TMOnPkxqCUI/AAAAAAAACuM/X3plz8ri3LE/s320/birdie.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_kPSmxv07T-I/TMOnPkxqCUI/AAAAAAAACuM/X3plz8ri3LE/s320/birdie.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"birdie\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thearthousestudio.blogspot.com/2010/10/that-i-needed-to-buy-torch-lol-yes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_kPSmxv07T-I/Sj-nK5fo7vI/AAAAAAAABGo/z-vVoGJOMkI/S150/calendar.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_kPSmxv07T-I/Sj-nK5fo7vI/AAAAAAAABGo/z-vVoGJOMkI/S150/calendar.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"calendar\", \"alt_text\": \"the Studio Calendar\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 112}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thearthousestudio.blogspot.com/2010/10/that-i-needed-to-buy-torch-lol-yes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gBg62Z2CLjM/VwMfhlNCpyI/AAAAAAAAN0A/kutxwbD-cm01UbzaJqMtc7Y-rypJ-ypwA/s1600-r/CSMscrapbooker_1456601838_140.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gBg62Z2CLjM/VwMfhlNCpyI/AAAAAAAAN0A/kutxwbD-cm01UbzaJqMtc7Y-rypJ-ypwA/s1600-r/CSMscrapbooker_1456601838_140.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"CSMscrapbooker\", \"alt_text\": \"I'm a Contributing Writer for\", \"rendered_width\": 140, \"rendered_height\": 140}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thearthousestudio.blogspot.com/2010/10/that-i-needed-to-buy-torch-lol-yes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aXBsC_itJHI/VPRuHu2n1_I/AAAAAAAANRI/fwFWFBGGd3I/s1600/hope%2Bfor%2BHaiti.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aXBsC_itJHI/VPRuHu2n1_I/AAAAAAAANRI/fwFWFBGGd3I/s1600/hope%2Bfor%2BHaiti.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hope Bfor BHaiti\", \"alt_text\": \"Help Us Build an Art Classroom in Haiti\", \"rendered_width\": 192, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thearthousestudio.blogspot.com/2010/10/that-i-needed-to-buy-torch-lol-yes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Qqum_qpOJpo/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAN-U/oDpdsHZZy7o/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Qqum_qpOJpo/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAN-U/oDpdsHZZy7o/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thearthousestudio.blogspot.com/2010/10/that-i-needed-to-buy-torch-lol-yes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_kPSmxv07T-I/Sn75aRl4i7I/AAAAAAAABP0/ODlvFL38lJw/S254/E15.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_kPSmxv07T-I/Sn75aRl4i7I/AAAAAAAABP0/ODlvFL38lJw/S254/E15.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 94}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["A little Birdie told me.....", null, "that I needed to buy a torch - lol - yes, after my fun yesterday with Leanne's, torch..... I went out and got one too! Let the fun begin!!! Wait!! I forgot the glue! Oh well ... soon.\nThat's okay though. That same little birdie wanted me to create something for it! hehe.... I spent the day creating in the studio with Sheri and welcoming a few visitors. It was fabulous. The picture above is what I created using the new shadow box ornaments from Darcies. I simply decorated it with some 7 Gypsies \"Conservatory\" paper and hung it from a chain decorated with some strung beads and twigs. I think it's cute! Love these ornaments! I'll be putting a class together soon so be on the look out!\nI took the family to see Evita tonight in Stratford. What a wonderful performance! We're heading back there tomorrow to see Kiss Me, Kate. I love having such a first class theatre festival in our own \"back yard\".\nEnjoy the rest of the weekend everyone!"], "url": "http://thearthousestudio.blogspot.com/2010/10/that-i-needed-to-buy-torch-lol-yes.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 565, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["44da5a978fc8369bcc9646a4030bbf88b7b236f6f8d20569e459648595c07238"], "__index_level_0__": 314, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcglUehtI/AAAAAAAAE1w/-vQs5upkU4o/s400/Star1Blog.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcc3t2hRI/AAAAAAAAE1o/rL_RRTrpbZc/s400/Star3Blog.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcZwttU9I/AAAAAAAAE1g/mYHNbzilCfQ/s400/Star5Blog.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcWhhuG4I/AAAAAAAAE1Y/hrd0aZBIaZw/s400/Star45Bog.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcTJE-WhI/AAAAAAAAE1Q/SF_e7fAr9ro/s400/Star46Blog.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcPer4HCI/AAAAAAAAE1I/0XYqneR_2h4/s400/Star51Blog.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcLuiuv4I/AAAAAAAAE1A/8ruWtpYI2H4/s400/Star54Blog.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcICbU22I/AAAAAAAAE04/j1cpqYo5xpQ/s400/Star59Blog.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcEO9JB8I/AAAAAAAAE0w/nxcGIX2oDDE/s400/Star65Blog.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.907783567905426}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thebethlenz.blogspot.com/2009/06/gimme-gimme-gimme.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcglUehtI/AAAAAAAAE1w/-vQs5upkU4o/s400/Star1Blog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcglUehtI/AAAAAAAAE1w/-vQs5upkU4o/s400/Star1Blog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Star Blog\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://thebethlenz.blogspot.com/2009/06/gimme-gimme-gimme.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcc3t2hRI/AAAAAAAAE1o/rL_RRTrpbZc/s400/Star3Blog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcc3t2hRI/AAAAAAAAE1o/rL_RRTrpbZc/s400/Star3Blog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Star Blog\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://thebethlenz.blogspot.com/2009/06/gimme-gimme-gimme.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcZwttU9I/AAAAAAAAE1g/mYHNbzilCfQ/s400/Star5Blog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcZwttU9I/AAAAAAAAE1g/mYHNbzilCfQ/s400/Star5Blog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Star Blog\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://thebethlenz.blogspot.com/2009/06/gimme-gimme-gimme.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcWhhuG4I/AAAAAAAAE1Y/hrd0aZBIaZw/s400/Star45Bog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcWhhuG4I/AAAAAAAAE1Y/hrd0aZBIaZw/s400/Star45Bog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Star Bog\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://thebethlenz.blogspot.com/2009/06/gimme-gimme-gimme.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcTJE-WhI/AAAAAAAAE1Q/SF_e7fAr9ro/s400/Star46Blog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcTJE-WhI/AAAAAAAAE1Q/SF_e7fAr9ro/s400/Star46Blog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Star Blog\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://thebethlenz.blogspot.com/2009/06/gimme-gimme-gimme.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcPer4HCI/AAAAAAAAE1I/0XYqneR_2h4/s400/Star51Blog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcPer4HCI/AAAAAAAAE1I/0XYqneR_2h4/s400/Star51Blog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Star Blog\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://thebethlenz.blogspot.com/2009/06/gimme-gimme-gimme.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcLuiuv4I/AAAAAAAAE1A/8ruWtpYI2H4/s400/Star54Blog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcLuiuv4I/AAAAAAAAE1A/8ruWtpYI2H4/s400/Star54Blog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Star Blog\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://thebethlenz.blogspot.com/2009/06/gimme-gimme-gimme.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcICbU22I/AAAAAAAAE04/j1cpqYo5xpQ/s400/Star59Blog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcICbU22I/AAAAAAAAE04/j1cpqYo5xpQ/s400/Star59Blog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Star Blog\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://thebethlenz.blogspot.com/2009/06/gimme-gimme-gimme.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcEO9JB8I/AAAAAAAAE0w/nxcGIX2oDDE/s400/Star65Blog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R5EFwBSAaEY/SiUcEO9JB8I/AAAAAAAAE0w/nxcGIX2oDDE/s400/Star65Blog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Star Blog\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, June 2, 2009\n\nGimme! Gimme! GIMME!!!", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "There is nothing subtle about the roar of the fledgling starling. They're the in-your-face demanding type of kids. So what does the mama do? Mostly ignore the roar. Of course she runs the risk of having her rear end pecked by the persistent babies, but eventually, and faster than you could imagine, the kids learn to pick for themselves. They find something on their own, eat,- but when they see Mama the roaring resumes. It's easy spotting young starlings. Just follow the noise. Big, brown, goofy babies."], "url": "http://thebethlenz.blogspot.com/2009/06/gimme-gimme-gimme.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 272, "original_width": 400, "width": 555}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 318, "original_width": 400, "width": 475}, {"height": 430, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 351, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 273, "original_width": 400, "width": 553}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 263, "original_width": 400, "width": 574}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 286, "original_width": 400, "width": 528}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 265, "original_width": 400, "width": 570}, {"height": 384, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 393, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 310, "original_width": 400, "width": 487}], "image_hashes": ["f991c68566a4ff1412def48c515b5c4d7dcf78e568a5ee614650bd2403e87d3d", "925a01828130e0667fcffde25ec1f6c839b260b4ba1ff232b76456f74bc40688", 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"texts": ["Catherine Crowe and the Hauntings: Ghosts, Apparitions, and Poltergeists, oh my!", null, "This post will try to, inadequately, capture some of Catherine Crowe's wisdom and evidence for hauntings--it's a tough task and I recommend that people who are really interested in this read the whole Nightside of Nature. It would also be nice if someone published a biography of this significant woman. This probably wouldn't be too hard, as a gentleman [now deceased] named Geoffrey Larkin collected a mountain of material on her [probably fell in love with her \"long-distance\" as I have] in 1980, wrote a draft biography [unpublished], and all this work has been deposited in the archives of the University of Kent at Canterbury. I'd love to read her letters involving [especially] the cases of the supernormal. [Also, one of the last things they received was a framed photograph of a pen-and-ink sketch of who may be Catherine herself--if so, the only known representation, I believe--if someone lives near the archives, please send me a copy :-).]", null, "Nightside of Nature contains thumbnail sketches and a few longer stories which number in the hundreds. Who knows how many total tales Catherine had heard, as she doesn't read like a person who is just forcefully cramming everything she knows into the book, without regard to either good sense or art. When she has a tale which she considers to be well known, she does something to check up on it. Such, for example, are the stories of the \"Brown Lady\" and of \"Spinning Jenny\". She briefly mentioned the \"Brown Lady\" and remarked, as expected [by me] that the encounters with her were such that persons had \"frequently met her on the stairs\" and then inquired of their host as to who she was. The relevance of this is that she was not some diaphanous [\"see-through\"] anomaly, but rather a normal appearing woman. For this specific, and for the generally-stated, testimony on apparitions, I have a great deal of doubt that the famous picture of the Brown Lady [to the left] is legitimate. [If it IS legitimate, then it is likely not of her, but of some trickster phenomenon].------------------------------------ \"Spinning Jenny\" was [is?] the ghost at the massive estate of the Lytton family, and \"expressed herself\" prominently during the period of residence of the famous Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who, among many things, was very interested in spiritual manifestations. Jenny was an entirely different kind of ghost, known by the sounds of her spinning wheel and not by visual appearances. The sounds of Jenny's Wheel were heard not only in the estate house, but would sometimes accompany the servants home to their own houses [but to no one else's]. The Lytton family and staff considered the phenomenon harmless and of no bother. Respected folklorist Jennifer Westwood has written that the story of a maltreated servant, Jenny, was made up by a woman [not our Catherine] at a Lytton party [circa 1800] and from there it entered legend. That may be true, but I doubt the conclusion. Catherine, very close to the time, speaks of an ongoing poltergeist phenomenon, not an \"unquiet dead\" story, and, with respect to two great ladies, I view the poltergeist phenomenon to be in all probability genuine, and the unquiet spirit story to be a later [shortly] add-on to \"explain\" the noises. Thus I [gallantly I might add] save the reputations of both our esteemed scholars. Catherine's mentioning of these two famous cases high-lights the dichotomy that exists in the lump of encounter experiences tossed together under the label \"Ghosts\". -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", null, "The story of the Brown Lady is a representative of the classic type of the unquiet spirit with the need to \"make right\" some disharmony in order to be able to, as we would say, \"cross over\". [yes, I've been occasionally watching Jennifer Love Hewitt in Ghost Whisperer--a guilty pleasure]. Another such apparently well-documented tale came from Catherine's readings in the German literature. This story was recounted by a minor German royal named Duke Christian of Saxe-Eisenburg. He was a somewhat distant descendant of similar royals, in this case Duke John Casimir [pictured on right] and Duchess Anna [princess of Saxony], ruling in Saxe-Coburg. Casimir was apparently quite an ass, and badly mistreated Anna, who, unaccountably, never fell completely out of love with him. For a welcome change, this is not a story where the ego-maniac thug violently kills the lady, and, though she tried mightily for some reconciliation, they ended separating and ultimately died unmarried and apart. Our reporter, Duke Christian, many years after these goings-on, stated that one day in his study there came an unsolicited and unannounced knock on his door. [Parlor guards should have prevented this]. He did say \"come in\" and in walked a lady in old-style clothes. She informed him who she was [Princess Anna] and that she was no evil spirit, but needed his help in righting a wrongful situation. Her plea was that although she was happy in the other life, Duke Casimir was not. [and she still loved him, and wanted him to be able to get peace]. Casimir was \"wandering in cold and darkness between time and eternity\". The way to free him was to review their disputes and have a relative serve as a judge as to whom the guilt was due--and then have everyone admit to it. She was asking Christian to be this judge. She then left, with apparently no one else having seen her. Christian consulted his clergyman as well as family history, and despite mildly questioning his own sanity, decided that if Anna were to return with Casimir, he would do what he could. Eight days later, though guards still watched the outer door, the deceased royals reappeared in their princely attire. Christian heard the cases and judged for the lady. Casimir humbly agreed. Christian then took each of their hands [Anna's was felt warm; Casimir's was ice-cold] and laid them on one anothers and said a blessing for them. The apparently life-like and substantial apparitions then simply disappeared. Catherine believes this story to be valid, I think, because it had nothing to do with any practical gain that Christian had by telling it--ex. there was no matter of legitimacy of his position or such matter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want to tell one more of these \"make things right\" tales, despite me extending this blog too much by not cutting this down. This was an incident which apparently had relevance to a court case in Germany. A man had died and with good reputation as a charitable individual. His son took over the family estate including keeping on the servants. One of these servants had, one evening, an apparitional \"guest\" in her bedroom which scared her mightily, who appeared old and haggard and illuminated by a type of inner light. These visitations repeated several times. The master of the house, having heard of the goings-on, requested that the servant ask the ghost what he wanted. This she got courage to do, as well as to follow the apparition when it beckoned her to do so. It showed her a locked closet, sequestered away, which it indicated that she should open. She replied that she had no key, whereupon it described where she could find the key. She did so, found a parcel within, and was told to give it to the institution for the poor that the deceased had supported in life. The spirit said that this was the only way that he could achieve peace in the other life. She took the parcel and the story to the new master and he said that she should do as the spirit had asked---whereupon she did. At the institution, the opened parcel revealed a promissory note ordering the son to pay a very large amount of money to the cause. This amount it said was the sum that the older man had defrauded the institution and must be repaid. The son had a fit of anger at this, said it was all impossible, fired the servant and had her arrested. [altruist-of-the-year]. In the courtroom, the son, while accusing the servant was assaulted by a blow to his arm which silenced him, as the girl cried \"See! There he stands now!\" but no one else could see him. Then several people heard a discarnate voice telling his son to do what was right and pay the sum...whereupon he relented. Despite this act of \"charity\", the son was so boggled by all this that he went into a funk that took a long while to reorient from and regain his mental balance. A bit of justice there too. This story was checked by Dr. Kerner [whose work Catherine translated] by speaking with people directly involved within the same year of the events [it had taken place in 1816].--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", null, "A story worth repeating on the poltergeist side involved a Victorian actress named Mary Anne Hunn, who was later to remarry and became the mother of one of Britain's most famous politicians, George Canning. Mrs. Hunn was visiting Plymouth and needed a lodging. A friend procured one cheaply, saying that the reason was that it had a reputation for being haunted. Mrs. Hunn believed that she had already experienced ghosts haunting theatres and that this would not bother her. The lodgings were over a carpentry shop and when the workers left for the evening and the children and maids retired to bed, she sat up expectantly to read and see if there would be any happenings. Inevitably there came the sound of sawing wood. Then other noises of the shop, until there were a virtual cacophony of wood-working sounds. She took off her shoes so as to sneak up on the noise-makers, but on arriving at a point that she could see, the noise all abruptly stopped and there was nothing there. She inspected the whole shop including all the securely locked doors, and retired...only to have the whole show begin again a half hour later. This act repeated itself the next night, whereupon she told the [relatively-new] owner of the house, who refused to believe it, but said that he'd watch overnight with her. The work noises began on cue, and the owner, instead of going down to the shop to investigate, ran out in horror. Our brave lady was more amused than scared and later said that the noises persisted for weeks and would have only scared her if they had NOT occurred, as she then would have worried that their agents were perhaps coming upstairs instead. Catherine tells many other poltergeist sound experiences, the most common being the \"tread of foot on the stairs\". One that apparently tickled her was of the boss of a work gang that was repairing, extensively, the insides of a haunted house which, because of the phenomena, the workers refused to work on into the evenings. One day the boss, post quitting time, went back in to inspect the work, and as he climbed the stairs, heard the fall of a heavy foot behind him. He whirled about to find, of course, no one there. Continuing on, he began to hear the footfalls again further behind. Stopping at a landing, he looked for and waited for...nothing. He entered a large room where a fire had been set to warm it, and, getting his machismo up, dramatically grabbed a chair slammed it down facing the door [and the offending sounds] and challengingly sat in it. To his horror, a second [invisible] chair was identically drawn up, slammed down, and sat upon by an invisible \"guest\". Testosterone now left aside, our worthy builder ran from the premises. [doubtless to the great amusement of the local leprechauns ].---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", null, "The haunted house at Willington Mill is a remarkable story in a whole variety of ways. The first and perhaps most important is the character of the owners of the place. These people [Joseph Proctor and family] were good practicing Friends [Quakers] and had no desire to be the hosts of anomalous spirit entities, and even less to lie about them. The number of incidents involving the ghosts were so many that they became public to a whole variety of reporters and pamphlet writers. One reader of these claims absolutely could not believe any of it, but was nevertheless so curious that he asked if he could visit the Proctors and experience whatever-it-was for himself. This man, Edward Drury, has left us a detailed account of his experiences along with letters documenting parts of them. The phenomena Drury witnessed were the following: the pattering of many feet, knocking sounds some of which were right near him in the same room, a hollow cough [from a small, easily seeable empty room], and rustling sounds as of garments brushing against the walls ascending the stairs. All of these were mutually witnessed by himself and a friend that he brought with him. His friend dosed off, and Drury watched as a closet door opened by itself and a woman dressed in gray emerged, hands held as if to indicate something, and walked towards the dozing friend. Drury rushed at her, passing right through the apparition and landing unconscious upon his friend. He was taken downstairs in this state of confusion and terror [of which he remembered little--the testimony is by his friend and Mr. Proctor], and didn't recover for three hours. Many other occurrences occurred at the Mill at Willington but this will suffice. Joseph Proctor himself became miffed at the glib opinions of the educated elite and said: \"The unbelief of the educated classes, in apparitions of the deceased, and kindred phenomena, is not grounded on a fair philosophic examination of the facts which have induced the popular belief of all ages and countries; and ...it will be found, by succeeding ages, to have been nothing better than unreasoning and unreasonable prejudice\". To that Catherine and I say \"Amen\", but I am still waiting for the \"succeeding age\" wherein we all wake up. Note, friends, that Proctor's quote is applicable to nearly all our favorite anomalies. Proctor is not \"Out Proctor\" at all. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", "What are Catherine and Joseph Proctor teaching us? I think that I'm learning that \"haunts\" are two different things. They are true apparitions, which/who look just like the person involved should look. And they are knocks and bangs and footsteps and \"invisible goings-on\" which don't \"communicate\" in a very ordinary way at all. What they seem NOT to be are Hollywood ghosts with see-through personalities and diaphanous gowns--like the creations at the left. All these things have their pattern-violators but on the rare occasions [in the older days anyway] where there might be a pattern violation, I think that it probably the work not of the true apparitionalists but of the tricksters. {example, in Drury's Ghostly Woman experience, which comes after a \"normal\" set of poltergeist effects, I attribute \"her\" to the tricksters and not as a true apparition---but what the heck do I know?} My foggy crystal ball tells me that there are \"unquiet\" former residents of our benighted world, who, upon passing, have left behind something undone or violating of the right-nature of things---and so they haunt in hope of making it right. And that there are other non-human spirit entities, probably the Olde Irish \"neutral angels\", that continue to meddle about in their morally-flawed, but usually simply mischievous way...and bang about noisily to their amusement. Some researchers would like to attribute these things to ourselves--by employing unconscious psychokinesis and other psi gifts--I just don't see it. The phenomena are richer than what seems to be able to be accounted for by that, without really great stretches of the \"powers\". I believe that those theories are desperation attempts to try to minimize the weirdness level of one's ideas. Now's not the time to try to please the academics with some phony conservatism. It's time for All-The-Way-Fool, baby. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", null, "But in the end I must admit that as usual I don't really know what all this is---the guy in the picture above knows but he's not telling me. One thing seemed to stand out to both Catherine and me. In cases of apparitions involving a \"message\" to make something right, that message was delivered in a way so as to preserve the free choice of the party who had to make the real choice. Like the son who had to pony up for his father's debt. The powerful apparitional experience came to someone else who then informed the one who had to make the moral choice. That happened many times in Catherine's book, so much that she remarked on it. I believe that in this we have glimpsed a \"law\" of the spirit world--actions from there may not violate our ability to make our own moral choices. If this is true, it makes perfect sense to me and I believe that it did to Catherine as well.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is much more in her book. I'll try to do at least one more someday. We need more Catherine Crowes, for intellect, intuition, and commitment to something important."], "url": "http://thebiggeststudy.blogspot.com/2010/01/catherine-crowe-and-hauntings-ghosts.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 192, "original_width": 320, "width": 630}, {"height": 481, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 251, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 238, "original_width": 320, "width": 508}, {"height": 691, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 175, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 276, "original_width": 320, "width": 438}, {"height": 542, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 223, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["85a69c6a813f3e79cd8d83702e68e78666719064a0798ecf85d2460fd4cb0d85", "4914fdd8148df03aaf32539172cf6b2c867d99ad422d2d01fd86b2f0d8696c4f", "0f845cf07b0db10fb288608cd848e1845241b048331e0eeec5eaa4ca4654add4", "81fa1f0a8f002903b50b81c0326d788b7f94d351b5202465b23d36d81e5c8078", "3ca02aae250b74c11c72b0e2097add4b8c635ca1b913084453cbeb78c5c2f256", "2eff90035b55840d1f39887a0caf20d1e4896277c70d8cd262e2f18c3d63bd73"], "__index_level_0__": 316, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_h7YjhHyZhmg/SlDAXSW0hUI/AAAAAAAACFA/qBxGb-FqznA/s200/mystic-lake-casino-hotel-default.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9839483499526978}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theclaycook.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_h7YjhHyZhmg/SlDAXSW0hUI/AAAAAAAACFA/qBxGb-FqznA/s200/mystic-lake-casino-hotel-default.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_h7YjhHyZhmg/SlDAXSW0hUI/AAAAAAAACFA/qBxGb-FqznA/s200/mystic-lake-casino-hotel-default.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mystic lake casino hotel default\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theclaycook.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_h7YjhHyZhmg/SkjqDR4pPMI/AAAAAAAACE4/JVwKMXIYWB0/s200/197852-64295.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_h7YjhHyZhmg/SkjqDR4pPMI/AAAAAAAACE4/JVwKMXIYWB0/s200/197852-64295.jpg\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theclaycook.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_h7YjhHyZhmg/Sjml1GfzhvI/AAAAAAAACEg/PnXodomZhqs/s200/4976_564834345679_39800424_33598375_3425742_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_h7YjhHyZhmg/Sjml1GfzhvI/AAAAAAAACEg/PnXodomZhqs/s200/4976_564834345679_39800424_33598375_3425742_n.jpg\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, June 29, 2009\n\nPrior Lake, MN", null, "This was an exciting day. It wasn't exciting because each of us had our own hotel room... or the quality of the venue was fantastic... or because GAC interviewed each of us on camera for a special about the band... or that we're going home tonight. It was exciting because we're headlining this 2,500+ theatre. It's completely symbolic. We played here opening for Little Big Town on March 21st... a Saturday night. It didn't even sell out then. Fast forward to today. We're the only name on the bill. It's sold out... in advance. It's also a Monday; historically the hardest day to put on a show. Granted, it is the summer time. But I feel like this is symbolic of our growth... & even bigger things on the horizon.\nThe interview was cool though. I put my wild card stamp on it. I showed up in a bath robe & sunglasses, shaking a wine glass full of ginger ale.\nLooking forward to going home though. They cancelled next week's run to Canada so I've got a week off at home.\nPosted by Clay Cook at 22:48", "Sunday, June 28, 2009\n\nNorfolk, NE", "This week we've played Manhattan (KS), Peru (IL), & Norfolk (NE). I'm calling this weekend \"The Cities That Sound Like Other Places\" Tour. Today we had a \"Big & Rich time.\" We opened for them here in the middle of corn country. What a crazy show they put on. Something was in bloom that my sinuses didn't agree with. It continued throughout the day & peaked around showtime. I ended up taking a Zyrtec after the show & that dried me out so much that I got an amazing headache. It was truly amazing.\nI'm really enjoying myself right now. We're kinda on top of the world... Michelle & I are doing great... I've started my new album. We're headed for time off at home (= studio work, but at least I'll be at home). Things are looking up!\nPosted by Clay Cook at 23:15", "Peru, IL", "I guess Peru is about an hour from Chicago. This was definitely NOT a Chicago crowd. If it is, they're all Cubs fans!\nWe had a long soundcheck today. If not for that, we would've played Little BIg Town in basketball. We opened up for them tonight. I think that as far as bands go, we're better friends with them than any other band. They're great people & put on a great show.\nWe were supposed to play around 7:30pm tonight. A giant storm system moved in around 7pm. So we held... & hung out in the bus until the storm passed. We ended up starting our set around 10pm+. The crowd had been drinking all day so they were pretty wound up & hammered by the time we went on. Most of them stayed to the end of the whole show. Crazy folks. They were drenched to the bone from standing out in the rain all night.\nAlso, our current single \"Whatever It Is\" finished out this week at #1 on the Mediabase chart. Now that, in no way, guarantees us a #1 for the week, but it sure doesn't hurt.\nPosted by Clay Cook at 23:09", "Manhattan, KS", "When most of us woke up today, we were in 'our spot' for the day. We played a 3 song set for some radio listeners under a tent around lunch time. Then, we played a full set on the main stage around 2:45pm. Then, we tore down all of our gear from there, loaded it back in the trailer & moved it to another stage for our nighttime performance. Our sound guy, Eric (a.k.a Dirty Squirrel), had to get an IV for exhaustion. I knew it was going to be hot... but not that hot! Even our satellite on top of the bus gave out. It shuts down when it reaches 122ºF. We also didn't get showers today. It's kinda stinky on the bus.\nDuring our mainstage performance, James Otto & Dierks Bentley were in attendance on the side of the stage. The performances were fantastic. As a matter of fact, I will no longer tell you how good our performances are... I will comment if they weren't good. It's easier on me.\nPosted by Clay Cook at 23:58", "Thursday, June 25, 2009\n\nGettin' Out\n\nOkay. So while I was home I recorded a good 1/4 of my new record. Matt Mangano on bass & Mark Cobb on drums. We cut 7 songs - all acoustic guitars, bass, & drums were keepers. I have another 4 to cut & some overdubs to do on most of the tunes, but this thing is officially underway.\nWe left home this afternoon, bound for Mahattan, KS - not only is it the location of Kansas State University, but it also serves as the site for Country Stampede. Lots of big name country bands are scheduled to perform. This weekend should be kinda crazy.\nPosted by Clay Cook at 23:43", "Saturday, June 20, 2009\n\nGrand Rapids, MI\n\nI got in late last night. My flight was delayed 3 hours due to rain & lightning in MIchigan. There was some serious turbulence too. However, I made it safe & sound. I wasn't with the boys the past few days due to a family matter. They we're coming from Telluride, CO yesterday... but never made it. Had they stuck with commercial travel they would've never made it in time to play the gig today. Luckily, we know people; Kenny Chesney sent his private jet to pick them up & fly them from Denver to Grand Rapids this morning. What a great guy!\nSince United Airlines was in possession of their luggage, we had to stop by a department store & buy clothes for everyone. We eventually settled on matching, black Dickies work clothes - not unlike a mechanic's uniform. We rocked that in the heat today. Even though there was two other acts after us, they shut the show down for the day. Due to the abundance of rain over the past 4 days in Michigan, the damn busted open in Lansing & the river flooded & filled the parking lot with 3+ feet of water. We were lucky to get out of there unscathed.\nLooking forward to Fathers' Day tomorrow. We have some fun family stuff looming. I could use some sleep...\nPosted by Clay Cook at 21:55", "Wednesday, June 17, 2009\n\nIn Between", "Almost a full two weeks since I wrote last. A lot has happened since. Let's stay positive & not ficus on my inadequate blogging & recap... shall we?\nWe played a great gig in Greensboro, NC. During that day we had a radio visit, soundchecked, did on online chat with our fans, & played a stellar show (in my humble opinion). The next day was in Reinholds, PA which was an old style country show (part concert, part city/farm fest). Again, a good show... & we signed autographs for almost 2 hours after the show. Then there was The Birchmere in Alexandria, VA. I've played there with a few artists... most memorably Shawn Mullins & Sugarland. It was, again, another great show.\nThen I got a few days at home with Michelle & logged a few hours in the studio. Gareth Asher is releasing his album 3 songs at a time. I'm really excited to see how his new business plan will work. I mixed his first three tunes during that week.\nThen the amazing stuff began: Thursday was Bonneroo. That was awesome. We closed down one of the big tents on the first night. Then there was CMAfest in Nashville. We signed autographs for a few hours & played for 70,000 folks at LP Field (where the Tennessee Titans play). Then we played for WXTU's 25th anniversary in Camden, NJ alongside Phil Vasser & Big & Rich. We also played the CMT Award Pre-Party the night before the award show.\nThe news: last night we won a CMT award for Breakthrough Video. I was sure that we were gonna get trumped but we won! It was really exciting.\nThe rest of the band went on to the Telluride Bluegrass Festival, but I had a death in the family & will be attending the funeral tomorrow morning. I do what I can.\nPosted by Clay Cook at 22:13", "Thursday, June 4, 2009\n\nColumbia, SC\n\nMichelle & I caught Casey Driessen at Eddie's again last night. He was fantastic. It was an early one this morning. I slept the whole way to Columbia this morning.\nWe played Ft. Jackson for the \"graduates.\" They treated us really great & were a wonderful audience. We'll be in Greensboro, NC before the bars close. On it!\n\n[Posted with my iPhone!]\n\nPosted by Clay Cook at 22:34", "Maxin' & Relaxin'\n\nJust chillin' here waiting for the HVAC guy to fix my shit so it's not so hot at the house.\nJust got my new F9 mandolin fro Gibson in the mail this morning. I'm glad I can retire my 80 year old mando. She was not liking the road anymore.\nI've been mixing Gareth Asher's new album in my \"spare\" time. I've been spending most of my home time with my wife. She just got back from a road trip & vacation to Jackson Hole, WY. We've both been very road weary for the past few days.\nI have to visit our guitar tech/monitor engineer's house in a little bit to change out an amp or two. We have a lot of fly dates coming up so I have to modify my gear situation slightly.\nNot much to do but drop that shoulder & push forward. Leaving tomorrow morning."], "url": "http://theclaycook.blogspot.com/2009_06_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e3d8ea96c6835e517da14a2ef46791bc61fa1487f5c4795b8f872b8b7496eb70"], "__index_level_0__": 317, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/hello/157/929/450/moose_smallerbyron3.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.952517867088318}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thecontemporarytaoist.blogspot.com/2006/02/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/hello/157/929/450/moose_smallerbyron3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/hello/157/929/450/moose_smallerbyron3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"moose smallerbyron\", \"rendered_width\": 142, \"rendered_height\": 130}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thecontemporarytaoist.blogspot.com/2006/02/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/img/157/929/150/15.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/img/157/929/150/15.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thecontemporarytaoist.blogspot.com/2006/02/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/img/157/929/150/sifuatshaolin.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/img/157/929/150/sifuatshaolin.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sifuatshaolin\"}, null]", "texts": ["Scientists have some remarkable new advice for anyone who is struggling to make a difficult decision: Stop thinking about it.\n\nHmmm, 'remarkable' advice this may be, 'new' it is not. Taoists have known this for centuries; this kind of mental approach is core to the philosophy.\n\nposted by Seamus \"Moose\" Anthony at 11:49 pm comments", "Tuesday, February 21, 2006\n\nSIGCHI Bulletin Vol.30 No.1, January 1998: Visual Interaction Design: The Orchestration Age\n\nThe fact that this was written in 1998, and is still as exciting now (centuries later in Internet terms!), is impressive. I think we are only just begining to see what the author predicts, and it will most certainly continue to become reality. I am actually surprised that the term 'The Orchestration Age' hasn't caught on more, it's quite a catchphrase, and one that quite neatly describes a very powerful idea - an idea that excites me no end! I really like the idea of being able to pump out movies, soundtracks, music, books, etc. etc. all from my study here in Melbourne - and we can!\n\nOk, so it ain't strictly Taoism, but it is way,way cool.\n\nposted by Seamus \"Moose\" Anthony at 11:33 pm comments", "Monday, February 20, 2006\n\nTao of Warm and Fuzzy\n\nFlow Like Water...", "Friday, February 17, 2006\n\nInformation Ecology\n\nThe Node and the Flow.\n\nA very cool article (although badly edited) that serves to further illuminate the nature of Tao.\n\nNot that we will ever understand fully ... or will we?\n\nposted by Seamus \"Moose\" Anthony at 4:27 pm comments", "Tuesday, February 14, 2006\n\nTao of Rest\n\nI am not particularly inclined towards the mystical, you know, the supernatural side of things. Well, I am in entertainment (novels, movies, etc.), but what I mean is I am a bit cynical about the trippier side of esotericism. I actually wonder why some people are so obsessed with seeking the 'miraculous', something more than what we see every day, when what we see every day is too amazing to even comprehend.\n\nBut despite this, there are times when I am reminded that to be purely cynical would be as foolish as to buy into every whimsy out there. Take for example my appreciation for the I Ching. How is it that this oracle can be so spot on so many times? I don't know, but it is uncanny.\n\nThis morning I have woken up on the first of three days off, having just completed a number of major projects, and the world is my oyster: no deadlines, no pressing business, no urgency. A truely wonderful state of affairs for a creative dude like me - I can write what I want, sing what I want! BUT, I have gone and caught myself a flu. Great.\n\nUnable to focus on anything much, I asked the ol' I Chinger what I should do today. The answer?\n\nHow can it be that a numerical system gets it right time after time?\n\nI don't know, but thank heavens for small miracles. I'm off to read a book in bed.\n\nposted by Seamus \"Moose\" Anthony at 10:16 am comments", "Sunday, February 12, 2006\n\nEverything Is Appropriate\n\nJust as above you is the Macrocosm, a massive spiralling universe, far too huge to even idly comprehend, so too within you is a microcosm. This microcosm reaches and descends within you to the most finite level, and then beyond measurement. On top of this, every other 'cosm' of whatever size or description (a hair, another person, a distant star) has it's own microcosm descending within, and it's own perspective on the macrocosm in which it is suspended.\n\nSo it is obvious from this that the concerns of a single human individual do not count for much at all. Yes, that's right. The often harrowing emotional pain and terrible physical misfortunes that eventually befall all humans to some degree, mean not a blip to the massive massive universe as a whole. And then, to really push the point, if these issues are so insignificant in comparison to the universe that we know, consider then their significance in the larger macrocosms that our universe must surely be a minute part of...And so on......\n\nIf I were to put a skewer in your eye right now, you would not be very impressed at all. You would, from your perspective, consider my actions to be both 'wrong' and 'bad'. Wrong in that it seems right to you that I should leave your eye in peace rather than in pain; and Bad in that having both eyes in working order is a situation that you see as being 'Good'(i.e. useful and not painful). But, in reality, all of these events are only true to the universe in terms of energy exchange. All things are comprised of the single component - Energy. All matter is understood to be comprised of pure energy moving around perpetually in an infinite dance. Maintaining a balance; Yin attracted to Yang; and all in abhorrence of a vacuum. So, in terms of the Universe, or more accurately the Tao(the Unknowable Hugeness of All Things), when some unfortunate human being's eye gets poked out by some skewer wielding freak, all that happens is that an amount of configurated energy gets moved around. Arm energy moves skewer energy towards and into eyeball energy, eyeball energy falls out. Eye socket energy bleeds a lot and the vacuum left by the removed eyeball gets quickly filled up with air energy. TO THE TAO THIS IS NOT A MORAL ISSUE. This is why 'God lets bad things happen to good people'.\n\nOn the positive side, this is why you have the opportunity to free yourself from the mental traps of your social conditioning. Not that this is always an easy thing to do. Obviously most people never do. When your car breaks down and your back hurts and its hot and your' going to be late for work and your boyfriend just left you all in the same day, it can sure make you feel like the whole universe is against you. But it's not...The Universe is impartial. To the Tao, things simply are what they are, no more. No morality, no expectations, no judgment. So if, when under duress, you remind yourself of this (perhaps after a nice healthy tantrum), you can automatically relax. You are able to relax because you realize that none of it really matters, and that no preconceived idea you have about life is verifiable, and that the way your society taught you to respond to situations is completely arbitrary. Therefore you can, theoretically(!), choose to be happy at any given moment.\n\nNo matter what your current personal circumstances, it is important to remember that in an impartial universe, all things are exactly as they are meant to be at any given moment. If you doubt this, then observe nature; is the Tiger remorseful for killing the gentle Deer? Never.\n\nposted by Seamus \"Moose\" Anthony at 1:12 pm comments", "The art of blending opposites.\n\nLooking at Alchemical Taoism.com I was reminded of an issue I have been pondering ... and then not pondering, which is more effective ... but anyway ...\n\nThe issue is my taste (or lack of) for both Eastern philosophy, meditation etc., and ... wait for it ... horror stories (movies, novels etc.).\n\nNot just horror actually, but also crime (or 'mystery' depending on where you live) and the like.\n\nOpposites. The morbid/macarbe and the feel-good.\n\nI am going to repost an old essay I wrote for you to ponder, and then after I have actually done my uni assignment (procrastination 101) I may write some more on the topic.\n\nOr I may not. Thinking is over-rated.\n\nFlow Like Water.\n\nposted by Seamus \"Moose\" Anthony at 1:11 pm comments", "Musin' and Ramblin'\n\nI have nothing to say, so I'll hand it over to some other blogging Taoists out there.\n\nA Musing Taoist\n\nThe Rambling Taoist\n\nToday I am the must-finish-assignment Taoist.\n\nposted by Seamus \"Moose\" Anthony at 12:03 pm comments", "Thursday, February 09, 2006\n\nFree I Ching reading online\n\nMy new favourite online I Ching.\n\nAlthough I like to consult my favourite book for the reading itself.\n\nposted by Seamus \"Moose\" Anthony at 6:36 pm comments", "Notes From Along The Way\n\nHere's a nice Taoist inspired blog.\n\nGood one!", "Tao of Now - Part Two!\n\nMake that a double-wow!\n\nAfter the post below, I went off to see a mate's band and say 'see-you-soon' to a good friend who's moving away for a while*.\n\nHeading out, I felt like it was my day right? Well, apparently it wasn't just me. I caught up with a few different cats, and realised that this year (and yesterday in particular) seems to be bursting with fresh, new, positive energy indeed.\n\nThere were people announcing that they were getting married; people announcing they were pregnant; people excited about starting new businesses; fresh starts of all kinds; good luck stories left, right and centre.\n\nAll in all, everyone seemed to agree that 2006 is already shaping up to be a real firecracker!\n\nSo get up, get out and give it a go, Dudes o' the Dao. Do less, achieve more. Concern yourself with service to others, and watch, smiling, as the pieces of your life fall into place, perfectly aligned.\n\n*Good luck Ula, meet you at the pirate ship!\n\nposted by Seamus \"Moose\" Anthony at 4:52 pm comments", "Wednesday, February 08, 2006\n\nTao of Now!\n\nWow, dudes, wow.\n\nHow is that for out of this freakin' planet?\n\nSo Thank You, Beautiful Universe!\n\nFlow Like Water\n\nposted by Seamus \"Moose\" Anthony at 5:33 pm comments", "Wednesday, February 01, 2006\n\nTao of Internet Possibilities 2\n\nSee this is what I was talking about below - I just (compulsively) checked my web traffic stats before going to bed to see that somebody from the Netherlands (hello there) just spent 13 minutes checking this site out.\n\nThe Netherlands! That's a long way from Melbourne, Australia right?\n\nI love it. Back when I was fresh out of school, in the early nineties when nobody we knew used the internet, we considered it an achievement if we heard that a friend of a friend listened to our demo tape or something in another Australian city. Times sure do change Robert Zimmerman!\n\nposted by Seamus \"Moose\" Anthony at 2:43 am comments", null, "Seamus Anthony - Author, Musician, Contemporary Taoist."], "url": "http://thecontemporarytaoist.blogspot.com/2006/02/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 433, "original_width": 450, "width": 392}], "image_hashes": ["b2603f5e7a65ef122d4d8500308ce086dcbdf97c92749a5e37513c805d7abf33"], "__index_level_0__": 318, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eEj4CJgsg7w/WRrfutizluI/AAAAAAAAL1U/Irjyst9OxBg9v5vDzhNpQmyhL4eKwp4pgCLcB/s640/C_wF_RFUQAA5vu3.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7555315494537354}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thecoracle.blogspot.com/2017/05/note-only-creature-not-to-be-consumed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eEj4CJgsg7w/WRrfutizluI/AAAAAAAAL1U/Irjyst9OxBg9v5vDzhNpQmyhL4eKwp4pgCLcB/s640/C_wF_RFUQAA5vu3.jpg\", \"src\": 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But authorities said they would continue to ensure that the required measures were fully implemented in the disease control areas of Mpumalanga, Limpopo and KwaZulu-Natal.\n\n“While welcoming the decision, I have directed the department to develop medium and long term interventions to bolster our bio-security controls and ensure we maintain this status,” Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson told reporters at a briefing in Cape Town.\n\nShe said the ban, which became effective from February 2011, had cost South Africa and the industry up to R3 billion annually in lost exports.\n\nAgriculture remains crucial to South Africa’s economic growth and the country’s New Growth Path identifies the sector as one of the key job drivers due to its high job creation potential.\n\nJoemat-Pettersson today announced a series of measures to maintain South Africa’s foot-and-mouth disease free status.\n\nThe department will, among other things, coordinate the compulsory community service of graduates, who will be closely monitored, and the first group will be on the field during 2015. Up to 27 mobile clinics have been supplied to several provinces. These are fully equipped vehicles fitted with operating theatres and will bring veterinary services to rural areas.\n\nJoemat-Pettersson said the department was also working with provinces to establish a livestock identification and traceability system in foot-and-mouth disease areas.\n\n“This will allow us to track and trace every animal in contaminated areas with each animal receiving a uniquely coded, tamper-proof tag,” the minister said.\n\nShe said young scientist were being recruited by the Agriculture Research Council to undertake post graduate studies and research, which will build the country’s capacity to deal with foot-and-mouth disease.\n\nNational Treasury has also agreed to fund the construction of a veterinary institute at a cost of R500 million.\n\nFoot-and-mouth disease is an infectious and sometimes fatal viral disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals like cows.\n\nThe disease is prone in the Kruger National Park because of the buffalos which are permanently infected. - SAnews.gov.za"], "url": "http://thediplomaticsociety.co.za/home/16-home/916-sa-resumes-export-of-red-meat-to-europe-", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 300, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["d38c4765291c72a9cce1eaa44ee3e9257c93b38d6f5c6f02e3ab2296a8feffda"], "__index_level_0__": 321, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aX_K_IQglhk/T8E1L_AqAII/AAAAAAAAAQ0/XlmMVDsk3Ug/s1600/BetterOffWithoutHim.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8678961992263794}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theediblebookshelf.blogspot.com/2012/05/book-giveaway.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aX_K_IQglhk/T8E1L_AqAII/AAAAAAAAAQ0/XlmMVDsk3Ug/s1600/BetterOffWithoutHim.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aX_K_IQglhk/T8E1L_AqAII/AAAAAAAAAQ0/XlmMVDsk3Ug/s1600/BetterOffWithoutHim.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BetterOffWithoutHim\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theediblebookshelf.blogspot.com/2012/05/book-giveaway.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//assets.pinterest.com/images/pidgets/pinit_fg_en_rect_gray_20.png\", \"src\": \"http://assets.pinterest.com/images/pidgets/pinit_fg_en_rect_gray_20.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pinit fg en rect gray\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theediblebookshelf.blogspot.com/2012/05/book-giveaway.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.indiebound.org/files/ShopIndieBlu.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.indiebound.org/files/ShopIndieBlu.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ShopIndieBlu\", \"alt_text\": \"Check out IndieBound to find great new indie authors!\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "I don't usually post on the weekends, but I have exciting news. Next weeks featured author Dee Ernst has graciously offered to give away five ebook copies (Kindle or ePub) and one print copy of her book \"Better Off Without Him!\"\n\nYou can enter to win a copy of \"Better Off Without Him\" by sending an email to  email@example.com with Giveaway in the subject line. The winners will be chosen at random next Saturday, June 2nd and winners will be notified the same day.\n\nSo, don't forget to enter, and good luck!"], "url": "http://theediblebookshelf.blogspot.com/2012/05/book-giveaway.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 585, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 155, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0eedc116a48f2c55a65bcda607169d7c03982fb50a066aa89a296f90aad00d89"], "__index_level_0__": 322, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hsPlctffY1Q/T_zZ2KO_rdI/AAAAAAAALdo/kjT8b4J0Yvo/s320/DSC01006.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-A6rjV455wqg/T_1ZmyzaLqI/AAAAAAAALgU/ixSfMPGxddo/s320/DSC01007.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dLXUVzuI8fM/T_1ZoFErQXI/AAAAAAAALgc/USLLJ8Efjm0/s320/DSC01008.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-37DBnqPgSxM/T_zZ5fA_uaI/AAAAAAAALeA/_Shy5YEP2Kc/s320/DSC01009.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-udi3O0MOU0g/T_zZ6uEVjrI/AAAAAAAALeI/wrumoIg2sYE/s320/DSC01010.JPG", 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As always, we love being around the Lytles and the kids enjoy playing together. We went to eat at one of our favorite restaurants Tyler's and then wandered around the American Tobacco Campus. It is a beautiful area with green lawns for the kids to run, railings for them to climb, waterfalls to admire, and a real train car to see! ATC is one of the many things we love about the city of Durham, and we are so glad to have introduced the Lytles to it!", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://thefinnfamily.blogspot.com/2012/07/wandering-american-tobacco-campus.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, 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Upon stepping into this shop on Etsy, I was captivated by all the gemstones. And, of course, I'm a sucker for glass beads. These Coral Peach Vintage Glass earrings and matching necklace would fit perfect into my personal collection.", null, "There is a stunning variety of color and yummy gemstones to choose from. I love, love, LOVE SendingLoveGallery!\nSendingLoveGallery is a fellow member of the Jewelry on Etsy Team (JET) , a collective of top-quality jewelry designers on Etsy. Other items from JET members can be found by using the search term JETTEAM at the top of Etsy's home page.\nPosted by Mary at 7:41 PM", "Labels: Featured Etsy Artists, JET, Jewelry\n\nLittle Brown Bird", "Add This Site to Your Favorites", "Chicago area, Illinois, United States", "Pretty Girl", "Good night, my pretty girl."], "url": "http://thelittlebrownbird.blogspot.com/2010/04/spotlight-on-sendinglovegallery.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 257, "original_width": 320, "width": 470}], "image_hashes": ["2a89e76621fd97cb5531d6bd5037ea2cb8fac92491a95b17bbaa01a5e5701588"], "__index_level_0__": 324, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oYD2ciuxz6U/SV5vAxDQWPI/AAAAAAAAC3E/pNmWJ13DRDw/s320/09-01-02c_crystal_ball.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.954866588115692}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://themessthatgreenspanmade.blogspot.com/2010/01/review-of-2009-predictions.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.iaconoresearch.com/images/blog_home.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.iaconoresearch.com/images/blog_home.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blog home\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://themessthatgreenspanmade.blogspot.com/2010/01/review-of-2009-predictions.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.iaconoresearch.com/images/blog_about.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.iaconoresearch.com/images/blog_about.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blog about\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://themessthatgreenspanmade.blogspot.com/2010/01/review-of-2009-predictions.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.iaconoresearch.com/images/blog_text.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.iaconoresearch.com/images/blog_text.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blog text\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://themessthatgreenspanmade.blogspot.com/2010/01/review-of-2009-predictions.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.iaconoresearch.com/images/blog_contact.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.iaconoresearch.com/images/blog_contact.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blog contact\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://themessthatgreenspanmade.blogspot.com/2010/01/review-of-2009-predictions.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oYD2ciuxz6U/SV5vAxDQWPI/AAAAAAAAC3E/pNmWJ13DRDw/s320/09-01-02c_crystal_ball.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oYD2ciuxz6U/SV5vAxDQWPI/AAAAAAAAC3E/pNmWJ13DRDw/s320/09-01-02c_crystal_ball.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c crystal ball\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["It's that time of the year again - time to look back at the first of the year to see how yours truly did with his Predictions for 2009 and see if there was any improvement over the previous year, a feat that shouldn't be too hard to accomplish given the year that 2008 was.", null, "Here's a recap of the last three years of annual prediction reviews:\n\nSome of these are pretty interesting to look back at now, a few years later.\n\nFor example, a high of $650 an ounce for gold in 2006 and ending the year just below that mark would have sounded like bold calls at the time since the yellow metal had just broken through the $500 an ounce mark for the first time in 20 years. As it turned out, the high was about $75 short of the mark but the year-end price was spot on. But, today, those calls seem so ... 2006.\n\nThe self-grading system that has been in place here for the last few years (not to be confused with our self-regulating financial markets) has produced the following results:\nI think I took it a little easy on myself last year, for obvious reasons, but I'm looking to improve upon those results now.\n\nLet's see how things turned out for the 2009 predictions...\n\nAs always, let's begin with housing.\n\n1. Another Bad Year for Housing\n\nGrade: A\n\nLast week's S&P Case Shiller Home 20-City Home Price Index showed a year-over-year decline of 7.3 percent, not far from the nice round number of minus 10 percent that was predicted. Also, while new home sales remain in a funk, the much larger existing home sales clearly made a bottom early in 2009 and, with a steady supply of low-priced foreclosed properties continuing to come on the market and housing incentive money gushing from Washington, that bottom should last.\n\nFor these reasons, an A is awarded, making this the latest in a series of very good predictions for housing, highlighted by 2006's The housing bubble will not pop and 2007's The housing bubble will pop.\n\nYes, this year is the year to start looking to buy property, but probably not until the second half of the year since the low interest rate/homebuyer tax credit programs seem to have pushed things back a bit. My wife and I plan to buy property in late-2010.\n\n2. The Dollar Will Go Down\n\nGrade: C+\n\nThe big negative GDP numbers and the big job losses for the U.S. came in the first half of the year, but economies around the world saw even sharper declines. Nonetheless, the dollar did go down in 2009, the U.S. Dollar Index rising from 82 to 89 early-on and then tumbling all the way to 74 before rebounding to end the year at 78.\n\nThe overall direction was right, but the magnitude was off by enough that this will be considered a slightly above average forecast.\n\nThere certainly weren't a lack of buyers for Treasuries last year in one of the more interesting developments that the folks in Washington are probably figuring will extend indefinitely into the future. They're probably wrong about that.\n\n3. Broad Equity Markets will Rise\n\nGrade: B\n\nThe broad U.S. stock indexes rose about double the predicted 10 percent and emerging market stocks were up even more, some of them shockingly so. It's a good thing none of them are bubbles, because we've had enough bubbles in the last decade that we don't want to go into the next decade with large bubbles already forming.\n\nWe'll see how that works out...\n\nOnce again, the direction was good, but the magnitude was off and mining stocks did quite well last year - up around 40 percent - but emerging market stocks did even better.\n\n4. Short-Term Interest Rates Will Stay at Zero\n\nGrade: B+\n\nPredicting the Fed funds rate has become way too easy, at least for me. Looking back over the last few years, this has been one of the most accurate groups of predictions and that's not likely to change in the period ahead. In fact, I can tell you right now that a year from now, short-term rates will still be zero.\n\nAs for the Fed's balance sheet, despite many calls for a much higher total, it ended the year about where it began - at $2.2 trillion and that's why the grade is a 'B' instead of an 'A'. Maybe next year, I'll stick with just the Fed funds rate call to increase my chances of getting an 'A'.\n\nWhat's interesting when looking back over the last year is that, while the Fed's balance sheet total has not really changed, the composition has changed dramatically - instead of short-term loans for distressed assets, the Fed has been gobbling up mortgage backed securities helping to make all the other distressed assets in the world look a lot less distressed.\n\n5. Energy Prices Will Rebound\n\nGrade: A-\n\nThe spot price of crude oil dipped well below $40 a barrel, but not below $30, and the rebound did come, though it never reached the century mark. Nonetheless, the year-end price of $79.36 a barrel was close enough to the predicted $85 price that this probably merits a grade of excellent.\n\nGasoline prices never made it back to $3 a gallon, but given that they were about a dollar higher at the end of the year than at the beginning (about $2.60 vs. $1.60), a lot of people are probably scratching their heads about how the oil bubble burst, yet they're still paying about 50 percent more at the pump than they did just a few years ago.\n\n6. Gold and Silver Will Soar\n\nThe silver price almost doubled - from $11 an ounce to $19 an ounce late in the year - and it ended at about $17 while gold did again charge through the $1,000 an ounce mark in September to end at around $1,090 an ounce.\n\nBoth of these were deemed good enough that another 'A' is being awarded.\n\nThe inventory at the world's largest gold ETF rose from 780 tonnes at the beginning of the year to over 1,134 tonnes in June and ended the year at just a hair below that mark. However, the volatile silver ETF inventory fell short of the 10,000 tonne mark at about 9,500.\n\nI don't think 2009 was the year that people started \"talking about junior mining stocks at cocktail parties just like internet stocks in 1997\", but 2010 might be.\n\nSavings rate - check. Layaway programs - check. GDP in Q1 and Q2 negative - check. Anemic growth in Q3 - check. Money gushing from Washington and the central bank - check.\n\nAs for a regaining their spendthrift ways before Christmas, that appeared to be limited to those items that were accompanied by a government stimulus check.\n\nIt looks like the 2009 holiday shopping season will be an improvement over the 2008 period, but not a spectacular one and an unexpected resurgence in the American consumers' spendthrift ways is one of the more frequently heard \"outlier\" predictions for 2010.\n\n8. Reported Inflation will Dip into Negative Territory\n\nThe policymakers will succeed.\n\nDeflation arrived in the consumer price index but it didn't amount to much - about -2 percent on a year-over-year basis at its worst, almost completely due to the comparisons against mid-2008 gasoline prices of over $4 gasoline.\n\nThe latest reading on inflation from the Labor Department was +1.9 percent and this is likely to go higher in a couple weeks when today's $2.60 a gallon gasoline is compared to last year's $1.60 a gallon fuel and, of course, the economists will say to ignore the influence of volatile energy prices even though, technically, the real Fed funds rate will be about -2 percent.\n\nPredicting inflation is going to get very interesting in the next few years...\n\n9. Four Million Jobs will be Lost\n\nGrade: A+\n\nWow. Including the early-2009 benchmark revisions, the latest Labor Department data says that 4.1 million jobs were lost during the first 11 months of the year and Friday's monthly report is expected to be flat.\n\nThat looks like it deserves an 'A', particularly since the education and health care category was the only category to add jobs during the year.\n\nThat last paragraph about teenagers was pretty funny - just don't tell it to a teenager.\n\n10. Websites will not Wise-Up\n\nGrade: C\n\nThere was some progress here, but not nearly enough.\n\nOverall, this was quite an improvement over last year and ranks right up there with 2006 and 2007 - I gave myself a 'C' on that last one just so it wouldn't look like an 'A' grade was automatic, but that was quite a roll towards the end there.\n\nFor the record, it will go down as 6-As, 2-Bs, and 2-Cs, though others might not have been so lenient in some areas.\n\nPredictions for 2010 are in progress...", "Posted by Tim at 12:22 PM", "Labels: Bailouts, Commodities, Economy, Federal Reserve, Inflation, Stocks\n\nDr. Duru said...\n\nGreat work! I can't wait for the 2010 predictions...\n\nJanuary 05, 2010 7:01 PM\nip said...\n\nI am very impressed (again) by the quality of predictions and fair self-grading."], "url": "http://themessthatgreenspanmade.blogspot.com/2010/01/review-of-2009-predictions.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 211, "original_width": 320, "width": 573}], "image_hashes": ["3c699cad92fd06513f2508fbd62ecafd89e78e8c7dd265a4b2d6287a337c6734"], "__index_level_0__": 325, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1srMJXC-xS8/UZLeTIej2iI/AAAAAAAAAL0/D6URIihMIig/s400/DSC_6528.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8361850380897522}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thenandnowart.blogspot.com/2013/05/attention-then-now-art-fans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1srMJXC-xS8/UZLeTIej2iI/AAAAAAAAAL0/D6URIihMIig/s400/DSC_6528.jpg\", \"src\": 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It's late January! And here are some Christmas pictures!\n\nRufflebum played \"Mary\" in our community group's spontaneous Christmas play. She took her role very seriously and defended \"baby Jesus\" from rogue shepherds and crawling sheep.", null, "She then went home and for weeks continued to play her role during \"rest\" time. Every baby doll in our house became known as \"baby Jesus\", and I was frequently scolded for waking \"baby Jesus\" up by being too loud.", null, "In good south Texas fashion, we experienced some beautiful summer days right before Christmas and celebrated the season with popsicles while watching the elementary kids walking home from the school next door.", null, null, "This was our \"Christmas Card\" this year - posted on Facebook on Christmas Eve! Early in the season I looked at the list of things I wanted to accomplish and Christmas cards made me itch all over and want to curl up in a ball and hide. So I gave myself permission to skip them. You should try it some time. It was lovely and freeing.", null, "Christmas morning was special - the girls each got one gift from us. Rufflebum got a doll house (which she had been requesting for awhile). Picture below is blurry because girl wouldn't stand still for a picture, she was too busy playing.", null, "Burrow got this (see picture). I have no idea what to call it. But Mr. San Antonio wants me to remove the batteries at my earliest convenience. Since I'm only just now getting around to posting Christmas photos on the blog... I'm guessing those batteries will be in there for awhile.", null, "The day after Christmas I came down with the flu and was quarantined at my parents' house for 5 days. Mr. SA was super dad and caught this amazing picture of Burrow. Completely sums her up. Oh how I adore her happy smile.", null, "Fortunately no one else got sick and we started 2015 off healthy and looking forward to the year ahead.\n\nI hope you are having a Happy New Year as well! :)\n-The Pampered Bird\nPosted by Marissa Bondurant at 12:01 PM No comments: Links to this post", "Welcome to The Pampered Bird!"], "url": "http://thepamperedbird.blogspot.com/2015/01/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1600, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e4aca392b25aadcfec302e274aae950204778108479740f6a8f2ff1e462d3bc8", "b1cabec732f77ade66987d6e6ecb3d9a23b65d3c7bbde35bd860bc9c30145982", "878684714069929357457e95b3eb82568167cdbb694293e464d8ed788320557c", "62233971d573273abe76b16d5f5fffa1d1376bba966f0679df41b5ca0a4cc0c4", "e45d2a8c902c19810985c207ba29a990fb04a50964d3f33f3363617172e28882", "c87152231983979749ba0e57f94423ed2fcbf23db41ee705e0c3ef36691ec5a4", "b6f0fa1a34f97b122d4fffd27f130e7511f01d5e6954dfc872664f66c77be7c4", "7ab502fefcdfffbcf01a641aa599bf602268d1a5c3a319b5e7636726dddf133c"], "__index_level_0__": 327, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3044/5827363358_30ea6944f2_z.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.964021623134613}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thephotogshelper.com/2011/06/14/tuesday-tip-take-a-chance/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3044/5827363358_30ea6944f2_z.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3044/5827363358_30ea6944f2_z.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ea f z\", \"alt_text\": \"wPDX-2\", \"rendered_width\": 427, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thephotogshelper.com/2011/06/14/tuesday-tip-take-a-chance/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null]", "texts": ["When shooting for you, use it as a chance to explore and stretch yourself. Take shots you have never done before. Edit them in a different way. Use textures. Push yourself. It’s the only way you can truly learn.\n\nSince you are doing it for yourself, you are the only one who needs to ever see them. But who knows? You may discover that you like it and utilize it in your normal work!", null, "And if not, at least you had fun!"], "url": "http://thephotogshelper.com/2011/06/14/tuesday-tip-take-a-chance/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 566, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 427, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["49f72cd351c3adc8e293a28119d8de73b47107c0bcf089192719c5d1ef51a223"], "__index_level_0__": 328, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lLj2DtnMhSc/UKw5CJRxtlI/AAAAAAAAByk/88Sb4z1VeQc/s320/IMG_2086.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8483328819274902}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://therovinglemon.blogspot.com/2012/11/wayback-wednesday_21.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lLj2DtnMhSc/UKw5CJRxtlI/AAAAAAAAByk/88Sb4z1VeQc/s320/IMG_2086.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lLj2DtnMhSc/UKw5CJRxtlI/AAAAAAAAByk/88Sb4z1VeQc/s320/IMG_2086.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://therovinglemon.blogspot.com/2012/11/wayback-wednesday_21.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, November 21, 2012\n\nWayback Wednesday", null, "This concoction - slow roasted rhubarb and peaches - was one of my favorite things to eat during my first stint in Canberra, and was strongly associated with my memories of Australia after I left - mainly because this is the only place I've ever found rhubarb and peaches in season at the same time. (Although I suppose you could use frozen.) The other day, I made my first batch in nearly 3 years. Just as good as ever."], "url": "http://therovinglemon.blogspot.com/2012/11/wayback-wednesday_21.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["563822b2f4628eeb85c5cab140b9dc4a931200c9696c1ac3999ed9ee2db12c6d"], "__index_level_0__": 329, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5VMuq3Lv5Jk/SjNZco80D7I/AAAAAAAAAcY/x_9yHR8a_OU/s320/Ello!+%5E%5E.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_5VMuq3Lv5Jk/R-TngWmvooI/AAAAAAAAAAg/H70pq5sOJFk/S220/drea.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9803460836410522}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thesmilesofmajority.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5VMuq3Lv5Jk/SjNZco80D7I/AAAAAAAAAcY/x_9yHR8a_OU/s320/Ello!+%5E%5E.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_5VMuq3Lv5Jk/SjNZco80D7I/AAAAAAAAAcY/x_9yHR8a_OU/s320/Ello!+%5E%5E.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ello! 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The answer is, nothing. IT WAS AWESOME!!! syiokalingam!!!! man!!!!!!!!!! really dont know what to say because i got so many things to say!!!! A beautiful mess right now (= Serving God in a place where no handphones, nothing else except Bible, note books, friends, and staffs (= totally ONE in a life time experience. How i wish it wouldnt end, facing the reality is hard, but its a challenge to me. To change things, to turn the world upside down, to be one. RBS made me came out from my comfort zone. Mission trip, Orang Asli, many more that is 1st time experiencing it, gosh, no words can describe. Misses the schedule, the people, the bell, the nice weather. But what i brought back with me was God himself that is in me. This is the beginning of my road, journey, or marathon some people called it. Run the race with perserverance, to never give up, to only see what is in the end of the road. So i challenge the other people of RBS 09, join with me in the race, running this race together, we do need one another. No man is an island. To keep the flame in ourself is hard a thing, but to lose the flame is very easy. Let us not to be slacker, but to have the FLAME ON in ourself, keep it brightly burned, and to spark other people's candle too. For those of my other friends who think im weird because ive changed, dont be. Because, i have alot more to change, to improve, to be a better person. ANYWAYS, there isnt any pictures now, will be uploading it in a few days. To all RBSes 09, THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING!!!\nPosted by Andrea at 11:08 PM No comments:", "Sunday, January 4, 2009\n\nSomething to share about\n\nA person who is angry or furious, will simply say words that can hurt people.\n\nA person who is upset, will try to find someone to share his/her problems with or keep it to themself.\n\nA person who is happy, will jump for joy and becomes hyper in everything they do.\n\nA person who dislike someone, will gossip about them or tell them off.\n\nA person who likes someone, will try to get her or wait for her to make a move first.\n\nA person who is brave, will take on anything that is going on his/her way.\n\nA person who is coward, will hide till the problem is over.\n\nBut, A person like Jesus, had sacrifice for us for our sins. And He love us, till now, till forever...\nPosted by Andrea at 6:55 AM No comments:", "Saturday, January 3, 2009\n\nHaven been updating my blog for a while, no title or anything to write into it. Time passed so fast! It has been a great experience in 08, my friends, tests, camps, happy and sad moments, and many more. It is 2009 right now, so it has to be new, even though this is a cow year, but still i like to eat beef! that is not new (= well, I've asked help for my directions for my questions, but He gave me an answer i didn't want. But after sometimes, there was peace and blessings. So I've let my mind set for the goals i have planned:\nFamily- be closer to my father and learn to obey my parents.\nSpiritually- to don't forget to do my quiet time or devotion\nBody- to build up muscle and stamina.\nwell 2009 is a bad start for me, church mate leaving to oversea, family prob, my own prob, well it is a bad start, but I'm 100% confident that it will end up well (= for all my friends who are in NS, be tough! stay strong! learn and be a great person. Failure is a way to success. Peace and God bless to all.", "Posted by Andrea at 8:16 AM No comments:", "open out\n\nFree chat widget @ ShoutMix", "Sesat Face", null, "Loves God. Introvert and extrovert at the same time. Pretty boy, they say. Cute, most say. Handsome, no one say. Friends, appreciate. Girlfriend, i love (="], "url": "http://thesmilesofmajority.blogspot.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 165, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ab4f7d6aae1e0be424aac8755922da3098d7d3a52e8a113dd0ad5ee57b7e3455", "2c55bbe2610b0b24df10d103af74177f6db26ae398e8a48a9380f8b53e694672"], "__index_level_0__": 330, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_bVhwyABzC0w/S-Io0FU7kAI/AAAAAAAAANI/K-cwfFTMBIE/s400/IMG_0792.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_bVhwyABzC0w/S-Io7XFfEZI/AAAAAAAAANQ/h0J_DanhvM0/s400/IMG_0794.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9450177550315856}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theupperyeastside.blogspot.com/2010/05/griddled-olive-oil-salt-bread-with.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_bVhwyABzC0w/S-Io0FU7kAI/AAAAAAAAANI/K-cwfFTMBIE/s400/IMG_0792.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_bVhwyABzC0w/S-Io0FU7kAI/AAAAAAAAANI/K-cwfFTMBIE/s400/IMG_0792.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theupperyeastside.blogspot.com/2010/05/griddled-olive-oil-salt-bread-with.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_bVhwyABzC0w/S-Io7XFfEZI/AAAAAAAAANQ/h0J_DanhvM0/s400/IMG_0794.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_bVhwyABzC0w/S-Io7XFfEZI/AAAAAAAAANQ/h0J_DanhvM0/s400/IMG_0794.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 292}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Griddled Olive Oil Salt Bread (with Rosemary)\n\nYesterday was a long day.\n\nAndy worked forever and I was up to my neck in the final paper for my Observation and Recording class.  So, we tag teamed this quick bread from How to Cook Everything Vegetarian by Mark Bittman.  I love this cookbook, this recipe, and everything Bitten.  Minor detail that the ingredients list forgot to include the 1 cup of water but the instructions are so clear that it wasn't a problem.  I love this cookbook.\n\nCase in point: after I went grocery shopping for the soup and salad that would become dinner Andy asked if we could make bread.  6 P.M. on Tuesday before my final is due and we are starting bread?  Save us, Mark!  I opened How to Cook Everything Vegetarian and read:\n\"There is no quicker, hassle-free way to get fresh, warm bread on the table, especially if you make the griddled version.\"\nOkay, fine.  Sign us up.\n\nI took sneaky photos while Andy tried to keep me on task", null, "(the task being my paper, not the bread).\nI am not posting the recipe since I didn't change anything about it (aside from halving it and letting it sit for like an hour only for purposes of letting the soup and salad operations catch up).  Andy, in all of his no-rules cooking, added rosemary to one of the rolls.  It was divine.  Or so I heard, since I didn't get to try a bite.  Divine enough to not share with your girlfriend better be pretty delicious.  It's on my \"To Bake\" list to perfect an adaptation of these griddle breads and post it in the future.  Stay tuned.", null, "The moral of this post is: Bread doesn't have to take a long time.  Especially after a long day.\n\n- Sarah\n\nP.S. I got my copy of How to Cook Everything Vegetarian at Strand -- one of my all-time favorite bookstores.  I have a thing for books."], "url": "http://theupperyeastside.blogspot.com/2010/05/griddled-olive-oil-salt-bread-with.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 293, "original_width": 400, "width": 516}], "image_hashes": ["06c6424f197d334edb62694f866217cd0eed0700e24a7b3ba25cd1447e0b7f09", "098b03ea5d29aa7fedcaa7cc02f20de9b5ba5a6497afe927f5beb5359d5ac826"], "__index_level_0__": 331, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-9RLoVeLsz5w/V558-RB02JI/AAAAAAAARFM/yRGKtjwOlpAYw86GQIvs4ZZquYtk-KM7ACEw/s640/IMG_5123%2Bcopy.jpg", "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-R6KvlfKCWAw/V55-qQkHy1I/AAAAAAAARFU/2xNAi39ODhUhvgpimcbeyecbmjbBo4_vgCEw/s640/IMG_5105%2Bcopy.jpg", null, 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["I awoke last Friday with a prayer of gratitude uttered from my sleepy self,  Thank you, God.   The big day is here!  And you've given us this beautiful, sunny, summer day at it's finest, to celebrate.\n\nI could hardly wait!  We'd been happily consumed for weeks with executing the little details for Rick's role in the Celebration of the Stanley Cup with Matt and Bridget Cullen.  But first, it was time for the arrival of the Cup!\n\nIt's 6:15pm when we arrive at the Barn at Five Lakes Resort.\n\nI simply brought my cell phone to shoot a few photos, wanting to just soak in the moments with all the friends we knew we would spend our time with.\n\nWe knew we were in for something special... we had NO idea just how special!!\n\nBut it's 6:30 when Rick and I discover we each have a voicemail message from Rick's Dad, Jim.  \"Please call as soon as you hear this.\"\n\nWe step out to the back of the barn, Rick ahead of me on the phone already.\n\nI have visions of Crosby having a seizure, or something to do with one of the boys.  Nolan, our new driver?  Colton?  My heart thumped wildly.  Jim wouldn't call if it weren't something we needed to know right away.\n\nIt's moments later that Rick appears, his eyes glistening.\n\nIt's my cousin, Randy Gerdon.  Randy died unexpectedly at home- sometime during the night.\n\nI'm instantly in shock- I couldn't have possibly heard that right?\n\nWhat?  What just happened?  Not Randy.  He is young, 45, the father of 4 kids, husband of beautiful Sara.  NO, how can this be?\n\nWe take a few moments to gather ourselves. Heartbroken. Few words to say to one another.  The knowing etched into our faces, with a shroud of shock all around.\n\nWe slowly work our way back to the party, numb.\n\nWe hear the whispers of the Cup arriving soon.  And we decide we have to stay in this moment.  We have to push the loss of our cousin off to the side tonight, for now.  Because if you knew Randy?  He'd completely agree.  Often the \"life of the party,\" kind of guy that he was, he'd tell us to celebrate.\n\nRick and I, having lived with the unknowing, uncertainty of the day to day with surviving cancer, we have learned to compartmentalize.  We've learned to shelve things, labeling the book, and only pulling it out when we need to. How else would we get through it all?\n\nSo, somehow, we slowly stepped back into the warmth around us, the beauty of the landscape, the laughter of friends, and a once in a lifetime kind of weekend just beginning to unfold.", null, null, "Just moments before, I was giddy when I saw Ria, who would be shooting photos for the night.  My excitement mounted as I fully know the talent and vision of Ria will capture the purely \"magical,\" feel that enveloped me as I approached the event.  For a true taste of the stunning shots that Ria took of the event, you would not be disappointed by a visit to her Facebook page here: rialeephotography.", null, "And who is the second person I run into?  Bridget Cullen.  We try to move out of the sun for a quick photo, because Matt and the Stanley Cup are arriving soon and she is on her way up the hill.  And yet, she doesn't hesitate to embrace me first, and linger for a quick photo.", null, "The crowd gathers.", null, "Bridget, with Matt's mom, Nancy, who will go and greet Matt and the Cup when it arrives...", null, "Matt and the Cup have arrived!\n\nAfter a few photos outside with the cup,  Bridget and Matt spent a few minutes shooting photos upstairs, and then the rest of us find our way up to see where the cup will reside the rest of the night.", null, "My first time photo with the cup.  Matt won it with the Carolina Hurricanes in 2006, and with the Pittsburgh Penguins 10 years later in 2016.  It just doesn't get any better than this.", null, "Moments later Matt embraces me and I tell him I'm choking back tears- because if I start, I may never stop.  So Bridget joins us and we're honored and humbled to be amongst such generous and giving people.  I'm sensing the ripple effects already beginning to flow out from all the blessings that abound.", null, "Rick and I then move back outside as dinner is ready.  But first I grab our friend Julie for a photo.  The bracelet on my arm says, \"I am blessed.\"  And the bracelet on Julie's arm?  Is the pink one made from skate laces by our friend Pam in my honor, over 5 years ago- and Julie has never strayed from wearing it.  She is the epitome of generous, thoughtful, and beautiful.  I'm not just wearing \"blessed,\" I'm feeling it.", null, "We then gather outside and feast on the smoked pork, and salads, and tasty food.", "I can't even say the last time I have seen Jen, so its a treat to catch up with her- we pick up right where we left off.", null, "Everywhere you turn is a beautiful area to see and explore.", null, "My sweet friend Nikki - it isn't often we both have a free night- but I'm grateful every time we do.", null, "I couldn't get enough of the golden sunshine,  mingled with laughter and celebration around every corner.", null, null, null, "The sun went down and we gathered inside.  The champaign bottles were open and the Cup was filled.    And we watched as family members drank, and Cully's Kids Foundation members drank.  It's truly the dream of anyone who knows the reverance and prestige associated with Lord Stanley's Cup - to simply be close to it.\n\nBut the Cup will leave at midnight for that night, and its close to that.  I've held back from drinking, but Matt smiles and gestures to me once more, and this time I will.  The Cup weighs 35 lbs., and so Matt and his brother Joe, along with his brother Mark looking on,  help tip the cup as I lower myself to drink.  Oh the sweet taste of victory.\n\nWalt, the keeper of the cup, has come along for this trip.  He shares with me that so many of the NHL players choose to celebrate the cup with a few family members and friends.  But Matt and Bridget's generous spirits humble me so, they desire to share the cup with as many as they can.", null, "Rick and I leave shortly after the Cup does, we have an hour drive back home and yet another big day ahead of us.\n\nBut look what is waiting in my messages when I arrive home?  A beautiful photo from Ria- a shot of the barn in all its glory, with a Superman standing next to me.  I'm overflowing with gratitude as my head hits the pillow this night.", null, "The next day, was the day the Cup got to come to Moorhead, to the Youth Rink and every Moorhead hockey player was invited to come and have a photo taken with Matt and the Cup.  But first, Rick took one group photo of all the kids with Matt and his 3 boys in the center!", null, "I had forgotten my own phone and camera that day.  So Rick set up a chair for me and I sat and watched as Matt smiled and posed, for just over 1200 photos in 4 and 1/2 hours.   Our boys were the very last ones to go.  Matt's smile was every bit as genuine and sincere as it had been for the very first shot.\n\n(This will be the look of the photo that each Moorhead hockey player will receive. )", null, "One of my favorites. Matt has a genuine gift of meeting you, right where you are.", null, "And he never stopped.  He did not take a break, ask for anything, or say no to anyone.  He brings professionalism to a whole new level.  Because I'm not kidding.  He took a half hour break to eat, and then went outside and brought the Cup to another huge crowd.\n\nJust look at all the people- the line was all the way around the building!  And Matt gave even more of himself as he took photos until 8:30 that night, for a Sanford sponsored event.", "A few of us, went off to a local restaurant to gather for dinner, and await Matt and the Cup.\n\nNolan was excited to see Ben, Matt's cousin.  Ben and Nolan are high school rivals on the ice, but friends the second they get off.   We're so excited to have the chance to watch them continue to play in the years ahead.", null, "This guy was all about the Cup.  He threw his arm around it and admits he kissed it. He posed for all kinds of photos with the Cup.  That grin is coming from the sweetest spot within that boy.", null, "And this guy too.  No shortage of smiles this day. He is so 16 and I was not going to know all that he was thinking, but that smile spread across his face all day long too.", null, null, "Colton shows me where Matt's name is from 2006.  Soon, his name will be added for another time.\n\nIn so many ways, even though Walt was officially keeping tabs on the Cup, it felt like Matt was the keeper of the Cup in a way that weekend.  He lifted it, he tipped it, he offered it, thousands of times, to whoever stepped forward to partake. Matt has a way of staying present, and entering the moment with who ever is in front of him.  That ripple effect, of Matt and Bridget, giving so selflessly from such an authentic place, just keeps rippling away.  They're more than leaving their legacy, they are living their legacy, moment by moment, showing us all how we can too.\n\nIt's Thursday now...\n\nRest in peace, Randy Gerdon.  It was standing room only both, for your prayer service, and in the church yesterday at your memorial service.  We wore our Husker Red for you, and read all the scriptures you had highlighted in the bible, and laughed as much as we cried.  Clearly, you were living your moments full, too!  I have no doubt your joy-filled legacy and that hearty laugh will go on in all of us always.  GBR!", null, "Posted by Vicky at 11:39 AM", "Labels: Colton, hockey, Matt Cullen, Nolan, Pittsburgh Penguins, rialeephotography, Stanley Cup\n\nWhen you get lucky", "my one little word", "Be Intentional", "Oh the places we'll go..."], "url": "http://thewestraworld.blogspot.com/2016/08/because-its-cup.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 611, "original_width": 640, "width": 395}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 519, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 466, "width": 378}, {"height": 511, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 473, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 486, "original_width": 640, "width": 497}, {"height": 626, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 386, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 497, "original_width": 640, "width": 486}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 447, "original_width": 640, "width": 541}, {"height": 511, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 473, "width": 378}, {"height": 465, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 520, "width": 378}, {"height": 440, "original_height": 640, 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It can’t stop you in your tracks or sending you fleeing in the other direction.  It can also keep you from doing something stupid. The trick is to recognize when fear is holding you back and use it to push you forward.\n\nI was not an adventurous child. I think I became aware of consequences too young and was forever shying away from activities that were potentially painful. Bike riding, tree climbing, jumping off the high dive at the pool – these were all activities that frightened me. Had I ever fallen out of a tree – no, but something told me it would hurt if I did. When approaching the high dive I could only think about what would happen if I miscalculated and hit the side of the pool.\n\nYep, I was a weird kid and probably a pretty boring one. I prized comfort, safety and routine. Most of my days were spent reading about adventures, not living them. I would build elaborate stories in my head about all the things I would do “someday”. But fear was always there, holding me in place.  It was a constant barrier between me and what I wanted to do.\n\nI was 24 and having a conversation with my mother when it hit me, I could live the rest of my life saying “I wish I had…..” or I could use the fear to push me forward. I needed to be more afraid of living a life of regrets than I was of a possible bad outcome. In other words, wouldn’t it be worse to come to the end my life with a list of things I would have liked to have done than to end it with a few failures? So I made a promise to myself to live a life without the limits of fear, a life without regrets.", "As an adult, I have jumped off a 60 foot waterfall in Hawaii, learned to swim properly so I could take a surf lesson, traveled internationally by myself several times, and gotten a tattoo (three in fact). And on this day 13 years ago, I packed everything I owned into my Hyundai Accent and moved to Los Angeles. My life is now one of adventure and not just dreams of adventure. Don’t get me wrong, the fear is still there but now it is a quiet whisper that is mostly drowned out by courage, stubbornness, and encouragement from my wonderful friends.\nIs fear holding you back? Is there a list of things you want to do but are too afraid?", null], "url": "http://this-girlfriday.blogspot.com/2014/08/do-we-let-our-fears-paralyze-us-r-push.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 544, "original_height": 395, "original_width": 274, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["9ce6c62ccaf6f6be88e36165806e1438ccbcce64f67367d697bfeb474ad5cfce"], "__index_level_0__": 333, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Y_xc9pELH9A/TX64aqSwTKI/AAAAAAAAAwA/5rvu1e1ilbs/s640/007.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9514813423156738}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://threadsthoughtsthings.blogspot.com/2011/03/mmm-day-13.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Y_xc9pELH9A/TX64aqSwTKI/AAAAAAAAAwA/5rvu1e1ilbs/s640/007.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Y_xc9pELH9A/TX64aqSwTKI/AAAAAAAAAwA/5rvu1e1ilbs/s640/007.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["The occasion:  regular ol' work, uncontainable anticipation of the Bachelor finale\n\nThe result:", null, "The reflection:  I wish I had worn a little color today, since yesterday was also black-white-grey day...whoops!  I thought this outfit was a little bit better in concept than in execution, but I still liked it.  Also, I was going all the way with the secretary look today - pencil dress, glasses, high bun.  Do you think Brad would have given me the final rose?  :)"], "url": "http://threadsthoughtsthings.blogspot.com/2011/03/mmm-day-13.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 640, "width": 604}], "image_hashes": ["b040553f5c6523347fc86686632349a4cc733ea6233dd74fd4c8544e7d9fb420"], "__index_level_0__": 334, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNxx6tPNI/AAAAAAAABVY/SkD8z6kZT-I/s400/ThriftStoreArt.jpg", null, "http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sMmx6tPJI/AAAAAAAABU4/SesggMg8lV8/s400/Violets.png", null, "http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sMFx6tPII/AAAAAAAABUw/SkyXEHItBmE/s400/BarninSpring.png", null, "http://bp2.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNLB6tPKI/AAAAAAAABVA/yfA_eLmEt7k/s400/MagrittesCastle.png", null, "http://bp0.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNYh6tPLI/AAAAAAAABVI/EimtglMi1j4/s400/VaseofRoses.png", null, "http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNjx6tPMI/AAAAAAAABVQ/cRDEZms9-3E/s400/Swans.png", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9581685662269592}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thriftshopromantic.blogspot.com/2006/09/sunday-drivers-of-thrift-store-art.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNxx6tPNI/AAAAAAAABVY/SkD8z6kZT-I/s400/ThriftStoreArt.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNxx6tPNI/AAAAAAAABVY/SkD8z6kZT-I/s400/ThriftStoreArt.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ThriftStoreArt\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thriftshopromantic.blogspot.com/2006/09/sunday-drivers-of-thrift-store-art.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sMmx6tPJI/AAAAAAAABU4/SesggMg8lV8/s400/Violets.png\", \"src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sMmx6tPJI/AAAAAAAABU4/SesggMg8lV8/s400/Violets.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Violets\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thriftshopromantic.blogspot.com/2006/09/sunday-drivers-of-thrift-store-art.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sMFx6tPII/AAAAAAAABUw/SkyXEHItBmE/s400/BarninSpring.png\", \"src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sMFx6tPII/AAAAAAAABUw/SkyXEHItBmE/s400/BarninSpring.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BarninSpring\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thriftshopromantic.blogspot.com/2006/09/sunday-drivers-of-thrift-store-art.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp2.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNLB6tPKI/AAAAAAAABVA/yfA_eLmEt7k/s400/MagrittesCastle.png\", \"src\": \"http://bp2.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNLB6tPKI/AAAAAAAABVA/yfA_eLmEt7k/s400/MagrittesCastle.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MagrittesCastle\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thriftshopromantic.blogspot.com/2006/09/sunday-drivers-of-thrift-store-art.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp0.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNYh6tPLI/AAAAAAAABVI/EimtglMi1j4/s400/VaseofRoses.png\", \"src\": \"http://bp0.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNYh6tPLI/AAAAAAAABVI/EimtglMi1j4/s400/VaseofRoses.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"VaseofRoses\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thriftshopromantic.blogspot.com/2006/09/sunday-drivers-of-thrift-store-art.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNjx6tPMI/AAAAAAAABVQ/cRDEZms9-3E/s400/Swans.png\", \"src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_-SBWn5XSYVM/R7sNjx6tPMI/AAAAAAAABVQ/cRDEZms9-3E/s400/Swans.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Swans\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thriftshopromantic.blogspot.com/2006/09/sunday-drivers-of-thrift-store-art.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jmzplt7tCGg/Tmp4EI8H-DI/AAAAAAAAHfk/OlcGMlm2nec/s285/ThereGoestheGalaxyCoverTwitter.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jmzplt7tCGg/Tmp4EI8H-DI/AAAAAAAAHfk/OlcGMlm2nec/s285/ThereGoestheGalaxyCoverTwitter.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ThereGoestheGalaxyCoverTwitter\", \"rendered_width\": 190, \"rendered_height\": 285}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thriftshopromantic.blogspot.com/2006/09/sunday-drivers-of-thrift-store-art.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-U4IyOriwBBE/T-2hBARk88I/AAAAAAAAHtU/ZeQEVFEvHSg/s80/Jenn6-12.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-U4IyOriwBBE/T-2hBARk88I/AAAAAAAAHtU/ZeQEVFEvHSg/s80/Jenn6-12.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Jenn\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 64, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thriftshopromantic.blogspot.com/2006/09/sunday-drivers-of-thrift-store-art.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Blog Widget by LinkWithin\"}, null]", "texts": ["Sunday Drivers of Thrift Store Art\n\nPosted by Jenn Thorson at 9:01 AM Labels: amateur art, bad art, collecting, goodwill, sunday paintings, thrift store art, velvet elvis", null, "I saw Elvis at the Goodwill. A five-foot-tall velvet Elvis, that is. He was in profile, crooning into the microphone. Young Elvis with an unnatural chin. Wearing an Old Elvis jumpsuit…\n\n“Bubba Ho-Tep” Elvis, really.\n\nAnd the next time I returned to the store? Elvis had vanished. Clearly, someone was all shook up by the opportunity.\n\nYes, thrift store art is growing in desirability. Velvet Elvises (Elvii?) are not as common as they once were. Prints of big-eyed children are rare commodities. And vintage paint-by-numbers actually show up for sale in antique malls.\n\nBut me, I’m more neo-Victorian in my tastes. So while good Bad Art certainly does bring a smile, I figure the shortage of velvet Elvii and sad-eyed urchins is probably something I can endure. Instead, I will simply have to carry on in my quest for Sunday Paintings.", null, "Sunday Paintings, you probably already know, got their name because Sunday was when Victorian ladies would have the time to spend on leisurely activity like art. Subject matter during this time leaned heavily toward still-lifes and landscapes.\n\nToday, work in this spirit will occasionally show up at thrift stores. Think of your Aunt Tillie who took that art class in the 70s. Or your Grandma Esther who always had artistic flair. These are the masters of current Sunday Paintings-- and the products of their labor can work beautifully with vintage decor.", null, "Like the best thrift store art, a Sunday Painting’s charm is often in what the artist felt she needed to express but couldn’t quite perfect. The missing shadow. The skewed road. The barn which defies all proper safety regulations. These weren’t the paintings that the artist and her family decided to keep, cherish and pass down for generations-- for whatever reason. No, these are the ones she used to hone her craft and fill a creative need. Thrift store paintings are the love of art and the learning process laid bare.\n\nBut like velvet bullfighters and paint-by-number kittens, Sunday Paintings are becoming harder to find. My last great discovery happened about two months ago, when I stepped inside the back room of a Salvation Army, wholly unaware of the treasures that awaited me.", null, "And there, propped in a far corner, was a painting of a castle. “Unusual subject matter for a thrift store painting, and clearly embracing the perspective techniques of medieval scribes!” I exclaimed.\n\nI was making my move to secure this little masterpiece when my sharp-witted shopping buddy gasped and caught my attention, pointing to the opposite corner of the room. I was awestruck.", null, "“A still life! Note the deft brushwork and classic composition! Also, it will match my dining room.”\n\nI thanked my friend for her acute understanding of my style, and seized that painting, too.\n\nAnd over here what was this?", null, "Swans! A landscape with swans, whose slender necks turn, as they contemplate just who installed the overhead lighting under that natural bridge. I was in my glory!\n\nThere were about three more paintings-- some children with balloons and a rural scene-- which I did not buy, mainly because, unlike the ones in my arms, I didn’t know just where I’d display them. Dolores Sinay was clearly a prolific painter with a flair for the romantic! I had not had such a day since the Tapestry Chair Score of 2005.\n\nThen as I was checking out, the cashier explained how the artist herself had come in to donate them. And the gist of the story is that Ms. Sinay felt that while her skill had improved significantly since painting them, these works of art were simply not good enough to give to family and friends.\n\nMe, I display them proudly, as delighted with their quirks as with their obvious promise.\n\nAnd that’s the beauty of thrift store art, isn’t it? Thrift stores are the places where everything gets a second life.\nMonday, September 18, 2006", "If You Enjoy This Blog...", "Subscribers are Neat-o!", "To get the posts via a Feedreader, just click here."], "url": "http://thriftshopromantic.blogspot.com/2006/09/sunday-drivers-of-thrift-store-art.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 294, "original_width": 399, "width": 513}, {"height": 454, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 187, "width": 378}, {"height": 620, "original_height": 297, "original_width": 181, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 271, "width": 483}, {"height": 417, "original_height": 231, "original_width": 209, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 264, "original_width": 363, "width": 519}], "image_hashes": ["29dab6b38a3b71d84b2a8b9f594a97d89f5ae9a4ed0167fc8b007619f5170654", "e5a4b380a39806761ce68040b580561dad959a4556a88e8803fa10d32f3e35fd", "56e10dbf73c2217cef02adfee896bfeffd077c8951c4f7a3340c6804471341fe", "1cf978fd0f7a47dfc14236685c22fad7067dee2070b7a6a3bf427a4089dce832", "768a90ae60299965dc063ce74cf96961f6e8f1a3ca3061ab38726cc75bcc7f6f", "194a59caf0b283053e1b1e2a2472f501b156ee0bb41558fd68a0a61ce02fb1d1"], "__index_level_0__": 335, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://www.ufusoft.com/image/guide/11/daemon.jpg", null, "http://www.ufusoft.com/image/guide/11/play-video.jpg", null, "http://www.ufusoft.com/image/guide/11/video-track.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6633644700050354}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tokbatinsenoi.forumotion.net/t1445-how-to-play-blu-ray-iso-image-files-on-windows-8-1-8-7-pc\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.ufusoft.com/image/guide/11/getting-started.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.ufusoft.com/image/guide/11/getting-started.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"getting started\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tokbatinsenoi.forumotion.net/t1445-how-to-play-blu-ray-iso-image-files-on-windows-8-1-8-7-pc\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.ufusoft.com/image/guide/11/daemon.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.ufusoft.com/image/guide/11/daemon.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"daemon\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tokbatinsenoi.forumotion.net/t1445-how-to-play-blu-ray-iso-image-files-on-windows-8-1-8-7-pc\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.ufusoft.com/image/guide/11/play-video.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.ufusoft.com/image/guide/11/play-video.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"play video\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tokbatinsenoi.forumotion.net/t1445-how-to-play-blu-ray-iso-image-files-on-windows-8-1-8-7-pc\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.ufusoft.com/image/guide/11/video-track.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.ufusoft.com/image/guide/11/video-track.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"video track\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Now lots of Blu-ray fans prefer this format to backup their Blu-ray movies. To enjoy the backuped Blu-ray ISO image on Windows 8.1 Blue, Windows 8 32-bit/64-bit or Windows 7 32-bit/64-bit with outstanding sound/picture quality, the professional Windows 8.1/8/7 Blu-ray playing software will be crucial. Today I will recommend everyone the wonderful Windows 8 Blu-ray Player from UFUSoft. This is a powerful yet easy-to-use Blu-ray playing application for Windows 8.1/8/7, which offers users a perfect solution to enjoy Blu-ray disc, folder and ISO image files on computer with Windows 8.1 Blue, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP.\n\nNow I will show you how to enjoy Blu-ray ISO image files with this Blu-ray Player for Windows 8.1/8/7 step by step.\n\nStep 1: Install the UFUSoft Blu-ray Player for Windows 8.1/8/7\n\nAny customers can easily download the UFUSoft Windows 8 Blu-ray Player for free. Then users can install the application on your Windows 8.1 Blue, Windows 8 or Windows 7 computer.", "Step 2: Load the Blu-ray ISO image", null, "Then click the “Open Disc” button to open a browse window where you need to find the virtue drive on your Windows 8.1/8/7 PC.\n\nStep 3: Start to play Blu-ray ISO on Windows 8.1, Windows 8 or Win 7.\n\nOnce the Blu-ray ISO loading process is finished, you will see a menu list containing Play Movie, Chapter, Audio, Subtitle and Other Titles. Select “Play Movie” to directly play the main movie.", null, "Step 4: Control the Blu-ray ISO play on Windows 8.1/8/7\n\nBesides of enjoying the Blu-ray ISO on Windows 8.1/8/7 from the beginning, users can also choose to play the specific Blu-ray title or chapter by right-clicking on the playback screen. Also this Blu-ray Player allows users to define the audio/video track, audio channel, playing screen size, and so on.", null], "url": "http://tokbatinsenoi.forumotion.net/t1445-how-to-play-blu-ray-iso-image-files-on-windows-8-1-8-7-pc", "images_metadata": [{"height": 413, "original_height": 328, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 321, "original_width": 600, "width": 706}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 322, "original_width": 600, "width": 704}], "image_hashes": ["cb0feeaf5fe45eb812a9bf60b10a6f9e0abb490b5ef68a425f5d21bd5e367652", "dea89749b5672692b6129f0f0f6944f0b4660b8c09515b3168602e23889703ba", "571dc0e05e8eab3f537fd5fbc93a79987c1a5deacab7f3212de2a29af1390796"], "__index_level_0__": 336, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-y5csFOHUANI/Tl-F0nxaJeI/AAAAAAAAAQs/6Bxm3XOnP5E/s200/P7090278.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UpkTRTqwEhs/Tl-FQNcCjCI/AAAAAAAAAQk/4uJNtgdUlxI/s320/100_1690_2.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MdqHcM8O5BI/UCGrVCaELII/AAAAAAAAAYo/cVDfw6KwpbY/s250/P5050053_3.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8984696269035339}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tom4tnc.blogspot.com/2011/09/learn-flowers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-y5csFOHUANI/Tl-F0nxaJeI/AAAAAAAAAQs/6Bxm3XOnP5E/s200/P7090278.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-y5csFOHUANI/Tl-F0nxaJeI/AAAAAAAAAQs/6Bxm3XOnP5E/s200/P7090278.JPG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tom4tnc.blogspot.com/2011/09/learn-flowers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UpkTRTqwEhs/Tl-FQNcCjCI/AAAAAAAAAQk/4uJNtgdUlxI/s320/100_1690_2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UpkTRTqwEhs/Tl-FQNcCjCI/AAAAAAAAAQk/4uJNtgdUlxI/s320/100_1690_2.jpg\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tom4tnc.blogspot.com/2011/09/learn-flowers.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MdqHcM8O5BI/UCGrVCaELII/AAAAAAAAAYo/cVDfw6KwpbY/s250/P5050053_3.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MdqHcM8O5BI/UCGrVCaELII/AAAAAAAAAYo/cVDfw6KwpbY/s250/P5050053_3.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 201}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Sometimes, the news gets me down. A story on the despoilment of a special place, the data on our changing climate, the latest report on the decline of a rare plant or animal, or just a political update can be discouraging. Usually, time outside will cure me of the malaise and give me renewed inspiration. Recently, this poem helped a lot.\nFor the Children by Gary Snyder\nThe rising hills, the slopes,\nof statistics\nlie before us.\nThe steep climb\nof everything going up,\nup, as we all\ngo down.\nIn the next century\nor the one beyond that,\nthey say,\nare valley, pastures,\nwe can meet there in peace\nif we make it.\nTo climb these coming crests\none word to you, to\nyou and your children:", null, null], "url": "http://tom4tnc.blogspot.com/2011/09/learn-flowers.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 505, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 187, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["c675f5e4caa4ca6e909e591bcf4b5698132ea829c12750875b4431bba0e43e31", "af88590579b2ce7bfcc1f29c2df2de66b550141cc28797edbfea5392ffe800cb", "be0d78a6409da5994c66a227e6e3be99b2c4bd2e5313948ecb98431910b49929"], "__index_level_0__": 337, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lkDRAnBrHTc/Tt3uwnLi3dI/AAAAAAAAAMk/DM2tsHqljTs/s400/tag6+joy.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-S5TPp-EyNGQ/Tt3u2YZyVVI/AAAAAAAAAMs/uJTk_GWFMgc/s400/tag6+joy2.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9019969701766968}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tomoeinoue.blogspot.com/2011/12/tag6-joy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lkDRAnBrHTc/Tt3uwnLi3dI/AAAAAAAAAMk/DM2tsHqljTs/s400/tag6+joy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lkDRAnBrHTc/Tt3uwnLi3dI/AAAAAAAAAMk/DM2tsHqljTs/s400/tag6+joy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tag joy\", \"rendered_width\": 266, \"rendered_height\": 400}, {\"document_url\": \"http://tomoeinoue.blogspot.com/2011/12/tag6-joy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-S5TPp-EyNGQ/Tt3u2YZyVVI/AAAAAAAAAMs/uJTk_GWFMgc/s400/tag6+joy2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-S5TPp-EyNGQ/Tt3u2YZyVVI/AAAAAAAAAMs/uJTk_GWFMgc/s400/tag6+joy2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tag joy\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tomoeinoue.blogspot.com/2011/12/tag6-joy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/-w_LQWZITH9E/Tq2oEjVEAUI/AAAAAAAAAAY/orwetmXfL7g/s80/P1050535.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-w_LQWZITH9E/Tq2oEjVEAUI/AAAAAAAAAAY/orwetmXfL7g/s80/P1050535.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"My Photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tomoeinoue.blogspot.com/2011/12/tag6-joy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/3084/queenofgreen.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/3084/queenofgreen.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"queenofgreen\", \"rendered_width\": 193, \"rendered_height\": 130}, {\"document_url\": \"http://tomoeinoue.blogspot.com/2011/12/tag6-joy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images.inspirationemporium.com/12tags2012.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images.inspirationemporium.com/12tags2012.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tags\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://tomoeinoue.blogspot.com/2011/12/tag6-joy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images.inspirationemporium.com/12tags2011.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images.inspirationemporium.com/12tags2011.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tags\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://tomoeinoue.blogspot.com/2011/12/tag6-joy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/5263/kplong100ht.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/5263/kplong100ht.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"kplong ht\", \"rendered_width\": 195, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, "Yes!! I also love metal foil! I used foils too much ...... so that it's run out at the moment!\nfor a rescue... I used a \"metallic colour origami\" paper.\nI have a metallic silver paper, but.. since there are 12 colour in this set, I decide to have a bit of fun using metallic green!!", "Thank you very much for visiting my blog.", "Ellie said...\n\nI love the colors, and the ornaments are also beautifully made.\n\n6 December 2011 at 10:57", "PaulaJ said...\n\ngreat job! Love the ornaments you put on it!\n\n6 December 2011 at 12:39", "Jamilie said...\n\n6 December 2011 at 12:42", "Anna said...\n\nThis one really caught my eye! Love the simplicity of it. Hmmm....now do I dig out my metallic papers or Ten Seconds Metal? Decisions, decisions....\nThanks for sharing!\n\n6 December 2011 at 12:53", "Kellie said...\n\n6 December 2011 at 13:46", "Kalipssa said...\n\nfab tag! love all colors!\n\n6 December 2011 at 13:50", "YuliaM said...\n\nvery beautiful tag! colors are amazing!\n\n6 December 2011 at 19:11", "Anita Houston said...\n\nThis is stunning...the green looks fantastic in metal!\n\n7 December 2011 at 05:36"], "url": "http://tomoeinoue.blogspot.com/2011/12/tag6-joy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 568, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 266, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["760d9b8fd38124b57063acdc806c33596f0bc5d3942c4d648816560cb44b0da7", "fbfbd740a34a74b9267ba37c33bb57761dfe29d17e6031160885bfeb1cd59632"], "__index_level_0__": 338, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fuyBWGeyC9U/S_ekDpLW1XI/AAAAAAAABOU/aTkSnMIum90/s320/greek-protests.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9582565426826476}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://toodumbtolive.blogspot.de/2010/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fuyBWGeyC9U/S_ekDpLW1XI/AAAAAAAABOU/aTkSnMIum90/s320/greek-protests.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fuyBWGeyC9U/S_ekDpLW1XI/AAAAAAAABOU/aTkSnMIum90/s320/greek-protests.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"greek protests\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 214}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Kid Gloves for Banks: the Opposite of a Stimulus\n\nA central issue of the current financial period is whether the financial sector will manage to transfer all of its liabilities to the public sector and keep them there.  Many people have tied this issue to the Ireland crisis.  The Irish public sector is getting slashed not because it ran deficits before the crash, and then saw them become unsustainable, but because the Irish government became the guarantor of 100% of the liabilities of Irish banks. These liabilities far exceeded Irish gross domestic product, and they still do.\n\nThe Financial Times ran a good overview on November 17th about the growing isolation of Angela Merkel among European leaders on the debt question. Most commentary presents the German position as hostile austerity: force the Greek public to pay for their debt crimes with austerity and poverty for years to come. There's something to that - much of the German public seems to feel that they sacrificed themselves (with few if any wage increases and service cuts throughout the past ten years) while other countries like Greece did not.  But in fact the current German government is also trying to force private investors to share some of the cost.  This has been an enormous problem for Western societies, as the financial sector gets governments to pass on the cost of their mistakes to citizens, who pay several times over - actual money and guarantees, zero-cost access to funds for banks that prop restored profits, public service cuts, austerity-induced low growth, and reduced investment in innovation for the future.\n\nRead more »\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 2:49 AM 1 comments", "Labels: failed elites, financial crisis, financial policy\n\nWednesday, October 27, 2010\n\nWall Street Off-World\n\nA piece by one of my Capitalist Pals denounces High Frequency Trading as a form of insider trading, and calls for the government to \"tax the hell out of it.\"  In addition to offering the pleasure of seeing a former investment banker going well beyond the Tobin Tax into HFT profit confiscation, this short piece offers a nice example of the total disconnect between Wall Street activities and those available to the rest of us.  20-30x leverage on funds borrowed at the fed window belongs to a small group of institutions. The huge money in U.S. society is being made by people who, institutionally speaking, have absolutely nothing to do with the overall economy - with the working world of everyone else. Marx's capitalists took a disproportionate share of the value created by labor in the industrial enterprises in which they invested.  The most lucrative financial transactions that our author describes are not actually capitalist anymore, but constitute a kind of bizarre toll or rent or tax on activities in which none of the rest of us even engage.\n\nThe equally bizarre and unpleasant wage effects are chronicled in David Cay Johnston's \"Scary New Wage Data.\"  Employment is down (\"The number of Americans with any wages in 2009 fell by more than 4.5 million compared with the previous year\"), median wages are down 0.6%, and yet the people who earned more than $50 million per year saw their average wage increase \"from $91.2 million in 2008 to an astonishing $518.8 million in 2009.\"   \"These 74 people made as much as the 19 million lowest-paid people in America, who constitute one in every eight workers.\"\n\nThe growth of inequality is neofeudal,  and the psychological aberrations required to claim that people \"earn\" this kind of money belong to the shadow philosophies of authoritarian eras.\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 1:49 AM 0 comments", "Labels: financial non-capitalism\n\nSunday, October 24, 2010\n\nWhy Is Economic Policy so Dumb?\n\nTo understand what is going on in England, the U.S., and France, one has to get past the politicians' self-serving mythology that the popular majority is childishly refusing to face economic reality.\n\nThe French national daily Libération published a poll conducted October 14-15 that showed an incredible 79% in favor of the Sarkozy government reopening negotiations with the unions about raising the retirement age. (Sarkozy administration intends to raise the age for minimal retirement eligibility from 60 to 62, while also raising the age for full retirement benefits from 65 to 67.)   Nearly 2/3rds opposed Sarkozy's policy of \"firmness\" in refusing to negotiate, a policy which led to the passage of Sarkozy's changes \"by force\" on Friday night (by a vote of 177 to 153).  At the same time, only 43% supported the withdrawal of reforms, and only 36% favored its suspension and future resubmission.  In short, the majority does not in fact oppose change, even change that means a lower standard of living. But a 4/5s majority does opposed change imposed  by oligarchic decree.\n\nA hallmark of the French protests has been extraordinary participation of young people, who have  marched and shut down may high schools and unversities around the country.  What were the students’ doing out there with the middle-aged truckers and office workers?  Part of it was that the young want to retire older people so their jobs can be handed down in the normal manner - there was some self-interest (and economic rationality in the classic sense).  But like nearly all French people, the young oppose government by decree. They are also sick and tired of the general deterioration in the public sector that includes educational systems under constant, brainless pressure.  Victor Colombani, the president of the Union nationale Lycéenne (UNL), age 16, told Libération that high schools, the universities, public transport, the refineries, are all in the same mess.  The Sarkozy government, like most others in the West, is taking excellent care of its banks, major corporations, and high net worth individuals who dislike paying taxes, and doing as little as possible for everyone else.  French students marched about retirement because they don’t want what their elders are dishing out, which is a second-class deal for them.\n\nOne of the crucial facts of the post-2007 era is that market capitalism's social narrative now leads down instead of up.  The Reagan-Thatcher era, and its Giscard-Chiracian echo in France, promised wealth and health to regular people in exchange for abandoning the social democracy that had built their middle class societies and their own security within them.  When Thatcher sold Council housing to ordinary buyers, she was handing out public resources for the personal enrichment of les petits gens who had been given a decent life but never personal wealth by state-sponsored social development from the 1930s through the 1970s.  That would now change, in the Reagan-Thatcher narrative, as they borrowed against the rising value of their now-private home to buy a vacation condo in Spain, trips to Greece and Morocco on new low-cost nonunionized airlines, and grew their financial wealth through investment instruments like mutual funds that had barely existed in LBJ's Great Society.  But since 2007, Reagan and Thatcher's conservative (and centrist) descendants invoked market needs to continue to lower the standard of living of a majority already hammered by the loss of jobs, health insurance, and homes - nearly 3 million lost to foreclosure in the U.S. in 2009, and at least that many again in 2010.  We are looking at the ongoing shrinkage of the US middle class, typified by the continuing increase in home losses even during the \"recovery\" - up 25% from August 2009 to August of this year. Republicans are continuing to respond to asset deflation by wanting more cutting of taxes at the top.   Hello new dark pools of financial toxins, and ongoing non-punishment for banking fakery of various kinds.\n\nSince they are now dishing out decline and decay, leaders in all three countries are struggling to muster approval ratings that stay above 33%, never mind achieving actual majority support.  Obama is still the strongest at 45%, though on a steady drift downward, according to Gallup.  Cameron's conservatives have a one-point vote advantage over Labour (at 41%) in a forced-choice party face-to-face that artificially inflates approval.  When people are asked about specific policies, he does worse. After he announced his massive cuts, Cameron's ratings fell 11% in one day;  Lord Browne's closely-aligned proposal to eliminate public funding for all non-science teaching in British universities got only 37% (still suprisingly high, since cheap higher ed is still the only reliable foundation of a majority middle-class society). France's Sarkozy fell below 30% for his  \"firmness\" in opposition to weeks of blockages and marches that brought millions of people into the streets. In California, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger held the state budget hostage -- furloughing tens of thousands of state workers and stopping payments to state vendors -- for 3 months late in order to force huge public pension concessions on top of his all-cuts budget policy, and earned himself record popularity lows - 23%, 17%, then 15% in mid September.\n\nMajor leaders are imposing economic policies that are frankly unpopular, and which don't actually work.   Dean Baker, Paul Krugman, Yves Smith, Simon Johnson - one can find a host of center-liberal economists denouncing the austerity \"fad,\" as Krugman put it, as having \"no basis in reality.\"  I used to liken Arnold Schwarzenegger to Herbert Hoover, but Hoover has now become the national metaphor for the death-trip financial policies the population is subjected to in Greece Spain, the U.K, the U.S., and elsewhere - or his Treasury Secretary Andrew \"liquidate everything\" Mellon, or the U.K's Snowden budget of 1931, which Krugman invokes.  And yet these leaders carry on - socialist governments in Greece and Spain alongside conservative governments in the U.K., Italy, Germany and France.\n\nWhy do leaders persist with these stupid, self-destructive economic policies? Here's my list, prompted in part by reading a good piece by the not-so-capitalist conservative political economist John Gray.\nIn short, the economic decline were are facing is a sign of ideological disarray in a political world controlled by conservative ideology for two generations, but it is also programmed within modern conservatism.  Cameron and Osborne inherent this from Reagan and Thatcher.  Governments have no idea how to stimulate innovation and growth.  That would require two things -- some kind of industrial policy if not actually state capitalism Chinese style (the model that did best during the crisis), and a redistribution of wealth back downward, in the name of efficiency, to the people who largely created it in the first place.\n\nThe slow impoverishing of the economic majority has been going on for thirty years, and it has become cultural common sense even for its victims.  It has now reached the turning point, a moment of acceleration in which a return to prosperity becomes increasingly difficult.  The only bright spot is that an increasing number of commentators are starting  to trace the unjust and also grotesquely inefficient boom in inequality to a deliberate strateg (e.g. James Kwak at the Baseline Scenario's  good recent entry on the 1970s. But given what I believe to be the profound ambivalence of political and business leaders towards mass prosperity, I see little in established opinion that will convince them to work consistently towards a broad-based recovery. Where is the great economic majority, demanding that politics serve majoritarian economic interests?\n\nThis is really too bad for Obama personally, since he hitched his fortunes to that Democratic assumption of the greater good, so often honored in the breach.  This is what Republicans are calling \"socialist\" in this fairly conservative pro-bank president: the very idea of mass benefit, one so broad as to only be possible through government-led development.\n\nObama's only chance to succeed is to give a major speech in the next two weeks.  The speech would have to take on the charge of socialism, and say yes, social democracy built our prosperous Western societies (along with much less savory forces), and now my opponents have come to take all that away from you.   He would have to point out that the Right  replaced prosperity rooted in general provision -- low fees in publicly-funded universities, for example -- with prosperity rooted in private property ownership -- that they replaced a grounding in government with a grounding in market-based exchange values. As a result, he would point out, asset inflation and personal debt have become the two pillars of middle-class living after broad improvement in wages ended, coincidentally enough, around 1980.  In addition, the ground rules of this prosperity are now controlled not by elected leaders but by an opaque labyrinth of banking and quasi-banking institutions, from mutual funds to mainline banks to hedge funds. Obama would have to say that even specialists know little about the condition of this system at any given moment, for its essential nature is to be proprietary, to hoard information, and to create losers in every transaction by selling at an advantage.  He would have to say that political leaders have no independence from this system, that his own failure to stimulate anything except banking has abundantly shown this.\n\nObama would have to make an updated class argument - and a plain argument for democracy-based intervention in the economy.  That is the sole means through which he can save the U.S. from a Republican 2010-12 that will accelerate the disaster, reach out to desperate Tea Partiers, and help people believe that their ideas about a better economic system might actually matter. It is the U.S.'s only chance for short-term public economic intelligence.\n\nBut what, short of a sudden meltdown in the markets, would get Obama to do this?  What would get him to call out his own economic majority?\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 8:46 AM 0 comments", "Labels: bad financial coverage, bailouts, bank policy, economic policy, financial crisis, principles\n\nSunday, July 11, 2010\n\nWoes of the French Government\n\nHere's the best English-language potboiler version of the scandal plaguing the Sarkozy presidency in France.  An equally important story are the ongoing existence of actual independent journalism - in this case, the web-based paper Mediapart - amidst the profession's clientalist servility to the powerful ones who grant it access (witness the anger of the Washington press core at the revelations of Gen. McCrystal's contempt for the civilian government that came from a relative outsider working for the Rolling Stone).\n\nThe other big story is of course the extent to which the Sarkozy government works mainly for the rich and connected.  Huge majorities are already upset enough by the absence of real economic accomplishments among contemporary governments -- Sarkozy's approval ratings have been below 50% for a year or two. They are even more infuriated by the prospect of the minister of finance, whose wife handles financial matters for Mme. Bettancourt, working to help the richest woman in France with a fortune of $17-20 billion reduce her tax burden.\n\nGovernments look increasingly like court servants of the each country's elite, in a throwback to the medieval period. The passivity of the middle-classes in effect supports the forces that jeapordize these classes's survival.\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 2:27 AM 0 comments", "Labels: dumbness of leaders, financial fraud, France, Sarkozy\n\nTuesday, July 06, 2010\n\nBrooks Upset By How Wrong He is, Blames Krugman\n\nAs if. You won't want to read the excruciating full-length version of David Schoolboy Brooks complaining about how the pro-stimulus prog economists are wrong even though they are turning out to be right as the recovery dies on the vine.  So cut to the commentary and various retorts.\n\nThe only interesting thing about this is the development of the term \"demand-siders\" to describe Krugman, Dean Baker, and other neo-Keynesians who think that people's incomes are an important part of economies and that they should be higher rather than lower.  (This is in contrast to the \"supply-siders\" who came to power with Ronald Reagan, and who used the needs of suppliers, i.e. company owners and investors, as a reason to cut taxes for the high brackets.)  It suggests that the Right is no longer able to pretend that the center-left in the US has no coherent economic strategy.  This was the core of their \"one church\" approach to capitalism -they pretended there were no actual arguments against small government, no taxes, no public investment, etc. that needed a fair hearing. They taught a couple of generations of conservatives that all the \"liberal\" arguments had already been refuted, and they could be safely ignored.\n\nThat defense line has crumbled, and the next round of arguments is going to be quite different.\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 12:56 PM 0 comments", "Labels: dumbness of leaders, failed elites, financial policy\n\nMonday, July 05, 2010\n\nAnother Dismal Overview\n\nThis one pulls together a lot of stats around employment.  Brace yourself.\n\nOr just read this  summary:\n\nLet's recap. Unemployment is high and is in reality going higher if you count those who would take a job if they could get one. Incomes are weak. Plans to purchase discretionary items are falling. Housing is likely in for a further drop in prices. The stock market is not exactly booming. Treasury yields are falling, not from a credit crisis or a flight to quality, but because of economic conditions (deflation). Money supply is flat or falling. Prices are under pressure. The list goes on, and all factors are indicative of deflation.\n\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 9:48 AM 0 comments", "Labels: financial freaking disaster\n\nWednesday, June 30, 2010\n\nFret Index Climbs\n\nMore of my capitalist pals are really starting to worry about Great Recession 2 - and I mean the investment advisors that have optimism thrust upon them by the need to find good new deals for their clients.  John Hussmann is predicting that equity markets will fall below their March 2009 lows, and Markos Kaminis is now a believer in the often-heralded double-dip recession.\n\nAmong folks not selling products, Simon Johnson points out that the banks' push into emerging markets repeats past mistakes of the 1970s and 1990s, making me wonder how we can get out of this with such a complete lack of new ideas at the top.  He also notes yet again how impossible it is to imagine Goldman Sachs et al. supporting reforms of their own system, as opposed to supporting their own maximum freedom of movement.  I still don't know why there isn't a massive middle class outcry about this.\n\nThe New York Times had a good piece on Ireland sinking under the weight of its austerity regime, with premonitions of long-term decline.  “Ireland isn’t going to spend on infrastructure probably for another 10 to 15 years,” said one observer. Another, her business caught in the middle of a new yet dying housing development, said, “It’s so destroying.  We all live day by day, and we don’t know when it will ever pick up.”\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 5:11 AM 0 comments", "Labels: financial freaking disaster, the Great Recession\n\nThe Crash Was the Best Thing for Finance Ever\n\nSimon Johnson quantifies the benefit of the crash to the ones who caused it:\n\nthe purely fiscal damage wrecked by big banks – apparent in 2008 but building for longer – will end up increasing our net government debt held by the private sector by around 40 percentage points of GDP.  . . . Around half of our existing government debt burden and much of our continuing fiscal vulnerability is due to the dangers posed by unreformed big banks.\n\nThere's the direct benefit to private financial interest of the bailout with public money.  There's the indirect benefit of crippling the public sector and lowering its tax costs to corporations and wealthy individuals.  This is the only agenda of the California Republican party, whose social vision consists in its entirety of blocking tax increases on large incomes, this year by gutting the pensions of public employees.\n\nThis has already happened in Illinois, and click here to hear Arnold Schwarzenegger's spokesperson repeatedly saying that the state budget deficit makes public pensions unaffordable. In America, saying something again and again makes it true.  Another guest pointed out that state employees get 2% of their salary as a pension for every year worked, so after 30 years they get 60% of their final few years averaged salary, and the average is $24,000 a year.  Apparently this is too much money for someone who worked for the public for 30 years, compared to the enormous piles both needed and deserved by wealthy investors.\n\nThe banks are continuing on much as they were: too big to fail will survive the reforms,  along with the banks' first lien on all national wealth.  Derivatives trading will carry on with small changes.  The only tools at ordinary folks' disposal - disclosure, data, discussion- will remain unavailable (see Morgenson's summary).   The economic leadership's silent passion for impoverishment means that people are still losing their houses even with loan modification programs. In the California counties of the new middle class of the 2000s -- around 1 in 100 houses received a forelosure notice just in the month of May 2010.\n\nThis system is grossly unjust and inefficient - inefficient like baronial 18th century French agriculture. Inefficient like Greece agreeing to austerity and paying even more for credit than before. Inefficient like families having no place to live. Inefficient like a third depression.   Inefficient like today's college-age adults being less well educated than their parents.\n\nWhat amount of decline is going to upset the middle classes enough to fight for their jobs and their homes?\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 1:53 AM 0 comments", "Labels: financial crisis, middle class decline, public services, social policy\n\nThursday, June 10, 2010\n\nSometimes Goliath Loses Even Today\n\nCalifornia had its primary elections this week, and the Republicans nominated a billionaire and a megamillionare to be their candidates against Jerry Brown for governor (yes, as is typical of our sclerotic political system, 1970s Jerry Brown is California's only hope for avoiding another four years of oligarchic politics by giving us four years of paralytic centrist politics). In the midst of this was a nice story of Pacific Gas & Electric getting beaten in its attempt to require a 2/3rd vote before a municipality could offer its residents a public alternative to the existing power monopoly - even though PG&E outspent its opponents 1000-1.\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 12:36 AM 0 comments", "Labels: clean energy, middle-class revolt, monopoly weakened, public power\n\nSunday, June 06, 2010\n\nPerfect Storm\n\nHere's interesting death-trip summary of Friday's economic activity by Bo Peng\n\nFriday's US equities market strikes me as being highly unusual.\n\n1. S&P 500 followed a perfect straight channel down through out the day.\n2. VIX only touched 36.\n\nIn other words, there's never any sign of panic or crash, which is quite remarkable when the broad market is down 3-4% across the board; the Dow broke the symbolic 10,000 level, EURUSD broke the symbolic 1.2 level, interbank funding and corporate/muni bond markets have all but dried up, next housing sales are bound to be bad as predicted by the latest mortgage application number, a number of government bond auctions (Brazil, Hungary, Romania, Spain -- almost) have failed, CDS on French sovereign shot up. For the weekend: US bank seizures and Spanish bank mergers/failures, Bilderberg Club to decide on dismantling the Euro, BP (BP) oil washing up Florida beaches, etc\n\nI doubt there's ever been a day like Friday before.\n\nPanic is usually followed by quick reversals. But calculated, organized retreat means gone for good. This is well-controlled retreat. The calm is scary. A perfect storm is brewing.\n\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 10:15 AM 0 comments", "Global Hoovermania 2\n\nScarecrow adds fuel to yesterday's post, starting his comment on the G20 by saying, \"Unless I misunderstand these stories, it appears the world’s biggest economies just decided, over US objections, to resurrect Herbert Hoover, rebury Keynes and pursue another Great Recession, tanking their economies and putting millions more out of work.\"\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 12:45 AM 0 comments", "Labels: failed elites, financial freaking disaster, financial policy\n\nSaturday, June 05, 2010\n\nDemocracy vs. Finance, Governments vs. Progress\n\nMarkets are supposed to create rigor and discipline, to reflect economic reality.  In this standard view,  the public is seen as self-serving and self-deluded about economic reality.  Governments that reflect the wishes of their majorities are almost by definition going to impose inefficient, nostalgic policies suited to a bygone age that discourage their population from adapting to the economic needs of today.  Democratic governments are seen as dangerous for the economy.  This is why \"central bank independence,\" which is seen as the prerequisite to central bank reliability, means independence from both popular desires and from democratic representatives like the U.S. Congress.\n\nIs this how things really work?  The economist Mark Weisbrot has a nice summary of the European crisis that suggests not.  First on markets:\n\n\"the markets\" can't seem to decide what they want from these governments in order to love them again. Two weeks ago the euro was plummeting because the financial markets wanted more blood: they wanted Greece, Spain, Portugal, and the other currently victimised countries of Europe (Italy and Ireland) to commit to more spending cuts and tax increases. Then they got what they wanted, and within a day or two, the euro started crashing again because \"the markets\" discovered that these pro-cyclical policies would actually make things worse in the countries that adopted them, and reduce growth in the whole eurozone.\n\nMarkets are pushed by investing institutions, which are fairly close to a global monoculture of neoclassical economic orthodoxy.  So austerity is always job 1.  But orthodoxy recognizes contraction and that austerity policies can make contraction worse.  Markets are ruled by an economic orthodoxy that is contradictory and pushes investors in different directions.\n\nSimilarly, here's Weisbrot on governments:\n\nUnfortunately the European authorities – especially the European Central Bank – are even worse than the markets. They are less ambivalent and more committed to punishing the weaker economies by having them cut spending even if it causes or deepens recession and mass unemployment (over 20% in Spain).  . . .\n\nThere is a class dimension to all of this, with the EU authorities and the bankers united in wanting to balance the books on the backs of the workers – and adopt \"labour market reforms\" that will weaken labour and redistribute income upward for generations to come. The EU authorities and financiers believe that real wages must fall quite sharply in these countries in order to make them internationally competitive – but the protesters are responding with a fiscal version of \"No justice, no peace\".\n\nIn short, \"markets\"  change their minds every few days about the necessary medicine because they really have no idea how to develop economies.  Governments are now devoted to de-developing their populations: lower wages is a euphemism for increased poverty.\n\nEconomists aren't doing much better, for the most part.  Writing in the Financial Times on June 1, the prescient critic of finance Nouriel Roubini contradictorily calls  for \"radical reform of finance\" and for Europe to \"deregulate\" and \"liberalise.\"  And Weisbrot calls for an end to the Euro so that countries like Greece can rebalance by deflating a national currency, rather than calling for EU-based economic re-development.\n\nThe only way out is to start by recognizing that markets seek to make money for the people who invest in markets, and do not seek to develop economies. This will help keep governments from catering to them, and impoverishing their populations in the process.  It will also relegitimize popular economic demands, which are in fact closer to developmental wisdom than are the self-serving calculations of investors and the central banks who set things up for them.\n\nDemocratic theory presumes the long-term wisdom of the deliberative majority. Finance -- via its economic theorists -- has declared itself to be the great exception to democracy, and remains the area in public life where frankly anti-democratic, elitist  theory flourishes.  It drags public policy in its wake, and in spite of lucid mass hostility to banks, has intimidated and paralyzed the popular reimagination of economics.  This has set up a kind of ancien regime within democracy as such. In the arena of financial capitalism, democracy has been effectively canceled.\n\nEither we democratize finance with a basis in a coordinated retheorization of it or Europe and the US will keeping heading straight the poorhouse.\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 2:20 AM 0 comments", "Labels: failed elites, financial crisis, financial freaking disaster, principles\n\nSaturday, May 22, 2010\n\nNew Elite at War with Everyone", null, "Labels: finance, middle class decline, post-democracy\n\nSaturday, April 24, 2010\n\nFalling Ideology?\n\nIn addition to running good steady commentary on the banking reform legislation (e.g here), Simon Johnson remarks on the Baseline Scenario that \"the ideology of unfettered finance is crumbling.\"  Clearly top Obama economics advisor Larry Summers hasn't heard. It's worth watching the clip to see the weird blasé attitude towards \"things that happen on Wall Street\" - the tone is more important than the words.  I'm not feeling the shift yet but he's there and I'm not so here's hoping.\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 4:58 AM 1 comments", "Labels: failed elites, financial crisis\n\nFinance as Fraud Itself\n\nThis morning the Vulcan cloud of cinders is as good a commentary as we're going to get on the fragility of an economy that depends on unsustainble long range transport.\n\nKrugman is a bit late but still lucid defining the crisis as issuing from deliberate fraud. He mentions a good ProPublica piece on the same kind of toxic stuffing at a hedge fund with one of the stupid fake names bankers love - Magnetar, which immediately dissolves into several variants composed of amputated partwords stitched together by Dr. Frankenstein - Mangy-tar, eat-tar (from the French manger- to eat), eat nectar, magnet-star . . .)\n\nA commentary on Goldman Sachs by Will Hutton gets at two other core issues in the rise of finance over the past 30 years in the Anglo-American version of capitalism (beyond the use of complexity to defraud one group of clients for the benefit of another).  The first is the abuse of independent professionals as fronts of legitimacy: clients couldn't see under the hood of the instruments they were buying, so they took the word of analysts on the basis of their professional stature and institutional affiliation.  \"A court-appointed examiner found that collapsed investment bank Lehman knowingly manipulated its balance sheet to make it look stronger than it was – accounts originally audited by the British firm Ernst and Young and given the legal green light by the British firm Linklaters.\"\n\nAnd in the Goldman Sachs case,\n\nGoldman allegedly went one step further, according to the SEC actively creating a financial instrument that transferred wealth to one favoured client from others less favoured. If the Securities and Exchange Commission's case is proved – and it is aggressively rebutted by Goldman – the charge is that Goldman's vice-president Fabrice Tourre created a dud financial instrument packed with valueless sub- prime mortgages at the instruction of hedge fund client Paulson, sold it to investors knowing it was valueless, and then allowed Paulson to profit from the dud financial instrument. Goldman says the buyers were \"among the most sophisticated mortgage investors\" in the world. But this is a used car salesman flogging a broken car he's got from some wide-boy pal to some driver who can't get access to the log-book. Except it was lionised as financial innovation.\n\nWhether or not Goldman Sachs' Tourre lied to his investors and said that Paulson was investing in the CDO when in reality he seems to have made it as toxic as possible so he could bet it would collapse, as it did, the deeper point is that these transactions were confidence games, literally speaking.\n\nThe further issue is that the transactions had no value except in the confidence game that constructed them. Outside of that, they had no value, certainly not for society.  Hutton writes,\n\nThat would be to end high finance as we know it, because that does not invest in enterprise or places where credit is socially needed.  The returns there are lower than what it can get elsewhere.\n\nIn a similar spirit, see the Stiglitz presentation on financial reform at a large economics conference at Cambridge University a couple of weeks ago.  It comes from a world that doesn't yet exist.  Perhaps it will be revealed by the passing of the Vulcan cloud of ash.\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 12:29 AM 0 comments", "Labels: financial fraud, financial reform, Goldman Sachs\n\nThe Goldman Sachs Complaint\n\nJoe Nocera has a good summary of the issues involved in its Goldman Sachs complaint, and the SEC has a condensed description of it. Here are the two key paragraphs:\n\nThese are our financial geniuses at work on a straight con. The CDO lost 83 percent of its value in the first six months.  Nice.\n\nJames Kwak at Baseline has a helpful exegesis on the \"type of transaction involved — in which a hedge fund makes a CDO as toxic as possible in order to then short it.\"  He notes:\n\nIt seems like the key will be proving that Paulson influenced the selection of securities enough that it should have been in the marketing documents. Paragraphs 25-35 include quotations from emails showing that Paulson was effectively negotiating with ACA over the composition of the CDO, so it’s pretty clear he had influence. The defense will presumably be that ACA had final signoff on the securities, and Paulson was just providing advice, so Paulson’s role did not need to be disclosed. (I don’t know what kind of standard will be applied here.)\n\nKwak adds, \"no doubt to the annoyance of many, I don’t blame Paulson. It’s Goldman that had the duty to its investors, not Paulson.\"\n\nMichael Lewis is more explicit about all this in an interview that Kwak quotes elsewhere:\n\nLewis also hits this blog's humble theme, the intellectual limits of the mass middle class that continues to prevent it from overcoming its humiliating defeat by financial forces it never bothers to understand:\n\nThe question is how does Washington move away from those institutions and make decisions that are in the public interest without regard for the welfare of these institutions. It’s a hard question because . . . this is the problem. Essentially the public and their representatives have been buffaloed into thinking that this subject — financial regulation, structure of Wall Street — is too complicated for amateurs. That the only people who are qualified to pronounce on this are people who are in it. And there are very very few people who aren’t in it in some way who have the nerve to stand up and fight it. . . .\n\nThe reporter as much on this beat as anyone in the U.S. Gretchen Morgenson, discusses why John A. Paulson who set this up was not indicted. Paulson's firm released a statement that said in part,\n\nThere’s no question we made money in these transactions. However, all our dealings were through arm’s-length transactions with experienced counterparties who had opposing views based on all available information at the time. We were straightforward in our dislike of these securities, but the vast majority of people in the market thought we were dead wrong and openly and aggressively purchased the securities we were selling.\n\nMorgenson (and Louise Story) continue:\n\nAfter analyzing risky mortgages made on homes in Arizona, California, Florida and Nevada, where the housing markets had overheated, Mr. Paulson went to Goldman to talk about how he could bet against those loans. He focused his analysis on adjustable-rate loans taken out by borrowers with relatively low credit scores and turned up more than 100 loan pools that he considered vulnerable, the S.E.C. said.\n\nMr. Paulson then asked Goldman to put together a portfolio of these pools, or others like them that he could wager against. He paid $15 million to Goldman for creating and marketing the Abacus deal, the complaint says.\n\nOne of a small cohort of money managers who saw the mortgage market in late 2006 as a bubble waiting to burst, Mr. Paulson capitalized on the opacity of mortgage-related securities that Wall Street cobbled together and sold to its clients.\n\nIn a video clip, Story points out that the case seems to be proof that Goldman does bet against instruments it markets to its own clients, contrary to its repeated denials.  In another clip, the SEC's Robert Khuzami answers questions about the compliant.\n\nThe complaints are finally getting under way.\nPosted by Chris Newfield at 4:37 AM 0 comments", "Labels: financial fraud, middle class decline\n\nThursday, April 15, 2010\n\nLong Slide in the Post-Crisis\n\nSome good books on the financial crisis have come out in the past month, including two I've bought but am still waiting to get time to read. One is 13 Bankers, by Simon Johnson and James Kwak (who also run the blog Baseline Scenario, an excellent source for blow-by-blow commentary on the ongoing struggle for a soupçon of financial reform. Another is Econed, by the author of the blog Naked Capitalism, which details the intellectual failures of doctrinal US economics and their real world impact.\n\nKwak has a good review of another of the good recent books, The Big Short by Michael Lewis.  Kwak gets at the crucial problem with the financial system in general, which is that the supposedly iron logic of objective market forces to which financial players are all subject in fact masks rules made up by a fairly small number of insiders to maximize their take.  Here's just a taste:\n\nThe problem was that the banks, as the swap dealers, got to decide what the swaps were worth. So, for example, Charlie Ledley bought an illiquid CDS on a particular CDO from Morgan Stanley. Five days later, in February 2007, the banks started trading an index of CDOs that promptly lost half its value. But, as Lewis writes, “With one hand the Wall Street firms were selling low interest rate-bearing double-A-rated CDOs at par, or 100; with the other they were trading this index composed of those very same bonds for 49 cents on the dollar” (p. 162).* That is, the market price of the already-issued CDOs didn’t affect the sale price of new CDOs. And what’s more, Ledley’s broker insisted that the price of his CDS (which should have soared as the index of CDOs fell) had not changed. Here you see the banks simultaneously ignoring a market price in two separate ways: once so they can continue selling new assets that are extremely similar — worse, if anything — to assets that they are trading as garbage; and again so they can avoid sending collateral to their hedge fund client.\n\nGot that?  It's people making stuff up, and making a pile of dough as a result. This is finance that has nothing to do with investment, productive or otherwise. Its only impact on society is to damage it.  The rest of us are supposed to believe in its objectivity and defer to the outcome.  How far along are we in knowing enough to think otherwise?\n\nWe're looking as usual at a huge gap between the insight of experts and that of the general public.  A sign of where the public discussion is can be found in Jane Hamsher's comment on the its basic non-existence.\n\nThe social damage continues to spread. People are looking at Portugal next, and even the best financial commentators, like Simon Johnson, counsel cuts and austerity till the end of financial time.\n\nFor example, just to keep its debt stock constant and pay annual interest on debt at an optimistic 5 percent interest rate, the country would need to run a primary surplus of 5.4 percent of G.D.P. by 2012.  With a planned primary deficit of 5.2 percent of G.D.P. this year (i.e., a budget surplus, excluding interest payments), it needs roughly 10 percent of G.D.P. in fiscal tightening.\n\nIt is nearly impossible to do this in a fixed exchange-rate regime — i.e., the euro zone — without vast unemployment.  The government can expect several years of high unemployment and tough politics, even if it is to extract itself from this mess.\n\nNeither Greek nor Portuguese political leaders are prepared to make the needed cuts.\n\nGreece's crisis has settled into semi-permanence in the style that is becoming typical of our new post-crisis era: permanent low-level anxiety, permanent austerity, and permanent stagnation in wages. All of this is imposed with a financial logic of inevitability. The continuous message is that there is no escape.  Greece is looking at a lost decade for its society. The West is dealing with a crisis caused by its small, arrogant, uncaring, incredibly rich financial sector by downgrading the resources and the vision of its societies.  After ten more years of this, what visions and aspirations will be left?"], "url": "http://toodumbtolive.blogspot.de/2010/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}], "image_hashes": ["429b271793ba8ff8f1a553471e430b7b823969197af6a1d976c7bc08805fb62f"], "__index_level_0__": 339, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4911/1421/320/yearbooklarge.jpg", null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4911/1421/320/permit.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9466951489448548}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://toomuchawesome.blogspot.com/2006/09/more-reasons-why-i-hated-high-school.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4911/1421/320/yearbooklarge.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4911/1421/320/yearbooklarge.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"yearbooklarge\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://toomuchawesome.blogspot.com/2006/09/more-reasons-why-i-hated-high-school.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4911/1421/320/permit.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4911/1421/320/permit.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"permit\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["This morning I sat here at my desk deleting the majority of my MySpace blog archives. It's been that kind of day. BUT I did find these gems that I figured I'd post for you, kind reader, because you deserve it and I love you.", null, "That's a page from my tenth-grade yearbook. Can you find me? [Sidenote: I hope Angela realizes that those bangs are totally back in. And I hope Adam changed his because they still gross me out.]\n\nAlso, there's this:", null, "Again I will stress that back in '98 my classmates were almost procreating and I was still 5'4\".\nat 9:22 AM", "Stella said..."], "url": "http://toomuchawesome.blogspot.com/2006/09/more-reasons-why-i-hated-high-school.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 506, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 239, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 185, "original_width": 320, "width": 653}], "image_hashes": ["f3837178f27d576ce769f88c79af8d56ff2453b712e103473d37bdd6e5e4a87c", "a8e8bef21afa54b625d4e484e07d6d326d32c629736e8a20d5b97a89b196d3a3"], "__index_level_0__": 340, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R-cBq6ZxwtI/AAAAAAAAAVc/DusQl4i51Gc/s320/Pear+II.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R-cBraZxwuI/AAAAAAAAAVk/X-ghBBMeJyc/s320/Tomato.JPG", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R-KLjqZxwqI/AAAAAAAAAVE/XqoePofIB3c/s320/Sunlit+Tomatoes.JPG", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R9v3AcCC2AI/AAAAAAAAAU8/umOuL4XpO-E/s320/Tar+Heel+Martini.JPG", null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R9b11MCC1_I/AAAAAAAAAU0/SFPRMKjH39Y/s320/Pears+and+Pink+Tulips.JPG", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R82RreGPreI/AAAAAAAAAUs/ZK64-zbJAKE/s320/The+Old+Red+Boat.JPG", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R8tnobQzDmI/AAAAAAAAAUk/xHaxUBPRlkc/s320/Pink+Tulips+2.JPG", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9338841438293456}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://torriesmiley.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R-cBq6ZxwtI/AAAAAAAAAVc/DusQl4i51Gc/s320/Pear+II.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R-cBq6ZxwtI/AAAAAAAAAVc/DusQl4i51Gc/s320/Pear+II.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Pear II\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://torriesmiley.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R-cBraZxwuI/AAAAAAAAAVk/X-ghBBMeJyc/s320/Tomato.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R-cBraZxwuI/AAAAAAAAAVk/X-ghBBMeJyc/s320/Tomato.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Tomato\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://torriesmiley.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R-KLjqZxwqI/AAAAAAAAAVE/XqoePofIB3c/s320/Sunlit+Tomatoes.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R-KLjqZxwqI/AAAAAAAAAVE/XqoePofIB3c/s320/Sunlit+Tomatoes.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Sunlit Tomatoes\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://torriesmiley.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R9v3AcCC2AI/AAAAAAAAAU8/umOuL4XpO-E/s320/Tar+Heel+Martini.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R9v3AcCC2AI/AAAAAAAAAU8/umOuL4XpO-E/s320/Tar+Heel+Martini.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Tar Heel Martini\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://torriesmiley.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R9b11MCC1_I/AAAAAAAAAU0/SFPRMKjH39Y/s320/Pears+and+Pink+Tulips.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R9b11MCC1_I/AAAAAAAAAU0/SFPRMKjH39Y/s320/Pears+and+Pink+Tulips.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Pears and Pink Tulips\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://torriesmiley.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R82RreGPreI/AAAAAAAAAUs/ZK64-zbJAKE/s320/The+Old+Red+Boat.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R82RreGPreI/AAAAAAAAAUs/ZK64-zbJAKE/s320/The+Old+Red+Boat.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"The Old Red Boat\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://torriesmiley.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R8tnobQzDmI/AAAAAAAAAUk/xHaxUBPRlkc/s320/Pink+Tulips+2.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/R8tnobQzDmI/AAAAAAAAAUk/xHaxUBPRlkc/s320/Pink+Tulips+2.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Pink Tulips\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://torriesmiley.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/SA7ffbmajoI/AAAAAAAAAWM/ZCrW4XbVF9U/S220/Big+Bird+-+2007.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vs-EmH1_XIQ/SA7ffbmajoI/AAAAAAAAAWM/ZCrW4XbVF9U/S220/Big+Bird+-+2007.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Big Bird\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 165}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, "These are two new painting just listed for sale, you can purchase through the title link at my http://www.torriesmiley.etsy.com/ store or from me directly at my website gallery http://www.torriesmiley.com/\n\nThings are starting to slow down. Courtney is back at Chapel Hill, after a mild concussion. (Low blood sugar resulted in a fainting spell and a knot on her forehead the size of a small country!) She is doing well, but I am exhausted. My children are making me old! My worry wrinkle is getting deeper----\n\nI have been getting paintings ready for a gallery opening in June in South Bend, Indiana. I will give more details as the time draws near.\n\nI am still working on the martini commissions...but there are some other new paintings that will be finished soon...so keep in touch.\n\nPosted by Torrie Smiley at 8:07 PM No comments:", "Labels: art sale at etsy.com, daily painting, martini painting, pears painting, tomato painting, torrie smiley\n\nThursday, March 20, 2008\n\nSunlit Tomatoes - New Painting!\n\nSunlit Tomatoes", null, "8\" x 10\" Acrylic on Canvas\nI just finished \"Sunlit Tomatoes\". It is available for purchase from all the usual places or just click the title above to buy directly from the artist.\nI am in the process of getting some paintings together for a gallery opening in April. I will update you more as it progresses.\nI have been on vacation this week, accomplishing not-a-whole-lot. I guess I better develop that old Southern 'gitter done' attitude and get busy.\nI am going to paint a smaller tomato painting. I have two commissioned martini paintings to finish, and I still have not painted my bathroom.......\nWell, guess I better get busy. Enjoy the new painting. For a list of online stores selling my work, go to www.torriesmiley.com\nPosted by Torrie Smiley at 11:05 AM No comments:", "Labels: daily painting, ebsq art, Green Apple Martini, still life, Tar Heel martini, tomato, torriesmiley.com, wwao\n\nSaturday, March 15, 2008\n\nTar Heel Martini, New March Madness Painting!\n\nTar Heel Martini", null, "16\"x 20\" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas\nAvailable on Auction at eBay\n\nIt is that time of year again! March Madness! It all started when my daughter was accepted at UNC Chapel Hill. Since then, I have started watching a lot of basketball. This painting has been in the back of my mind for a while.....well, I let it out and here it is......\nTar Heel Martini, --- my daughter said it needed more Carolina blue, but I like it.\n\nI will be headed off to UNC to take her back to school from Spring break this weekend. There is no telling what I will be inspired to paint while I am on campus!\n\nI will be painting more than usual this next week....but it will be the bathroom walls. I am doing some more work on the continuing project that is my house.\n\nI do have a waterlily painting drawn on canvas and ready to paint, similar in style to the ones of Monet. There will also be more pear paintings.\n\nThanks for stopping by and enjoy the art!\n\nPosted by Torrie Smiley at 11:15 AM No comments:", "Labels: basketball, daily paintings, Martini art, monet, pear paintings, Tar Heel martini, UNC Chapel Hill\n\nTuesday, March 11, 2008\n\nPears and Pink Tulips, Just listed for Sale!\n\nPears and Pink Tulips", null, "16\" x 20\" Acrylic on Gallery Wrapped Canvas\n$55.00, plus shipping\n\nI have just finished \"Pears and Pink Tulips\". You can purchase directly from me by clicking the link above, or shopping in my Etsy.com store or at ArtbyUs.com.\n\nI have started something new. My baby girl has come home for Spring Break from UNC Chapel Hill. It is so nice to have her home safe. While we were watching the Duke/UNC game the other night, it came to me. I will be painting a Martini painting very similar to the Award Winning \"Martini, Stirred\". This time it will be Carolina Blue--with a Basketball in the center instead of the olive. Check back again soon to see how it turns out! I often catch Tar Heel fever after a visit to the campus. Courtney thinks she gets to take it back to school with her.....we will have to see about that!\n\nPosted by Torrie Smiley at 4:07 PM No comments:", "Labels: art sale at etsy.com, Chapel Hill Tar Heels, daily painting, eBay, ebsq art, pears, pink tulips, Tar Heel martini, UNC Chapel Hill, wwao\n\nTuesday, March 04, 2008\n\nThe Old Red Boat", null, "16\" x 20\" Oil on Gallery Wrapped Canvas\nClick title to purchase directly from Artist\nThis is the newest finished painting. Don't worry the tulips are next! I was just in the mood to paint something loose. I have painted this boat before, but never this large. The painting has a thick textured appearance. I am very pleased with how it turned out. This painting is available for sale directly from the artist, or through my etsy store at http://www.torriesmiley.etsy.com/ or through http://www.artbyus.com/\nUp next: The tulip painting. I will start this new painting tonight. It is also going to be 16\" x 20\".\nThanks for checking in!\nPosted by Torrie Smiley at 1:14 PM No comments:", "Labels: art sale at etsy.com, artbyus.com, daily painting, old red boat, pink tulips, torrie smiley\n\nSunday, March 02, 2008\n\nSneak Peak!\n\nCurrently on the easel", null, "This will be titled \"Pink Tulips, Green Pears\"--maybe..\n\nRemember when John Lennon said, \"Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans\"--well, that would explain the lack of posts and new paintings! I have now figured out, I get the flu shot, so I can take care of everyone who chooses NOT to get the flu shot! Gallons of ginger ale, soup, and Lysol wipes later......it is time to paint!\n\nAnd now for planned art ~~ : )\n\nI don't generally post the reference photo when I have just finished the drawing, but I wanted to give you a hint. Tomorrow's game plan is to start painting this wonderful tulip painting. I guess I am just hurrying spring, but I picked up these tulips for a centerpiece at this past week's Mary Kay party and had to paint them.\n\nI have also begun drawing a water lily painting/koi pond. (Another hint that I can't wait for spring!)\n\nAnd last but surely not least---I have a started another \"Old Red Boat\" painting...this time 16\" x 20\" oil on gallery wrapped canvas.\n\nThese are not my usual paintings....I am stepping out of my usual comfort zone and painting spring!\n\nCheck back again soon to see the progress.\n\nPosted by Torrie Smiley at 9:49 PM No comments:", "Labels: 16\" x 20\" Acrylic painting, green pears, john, koi, koi pond, lennon, oil painting, old red boat, pink tulips, tulip, water lillies, water lily"], "url": "http://torriesmiley.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 480, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 252, "width": 378}, {"height": 379, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 319, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 255, "original_width": 320, "width": 474}, {"height": 481, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 251, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 255, "original_width": 320, "width": 474}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 257, "original_width": 320, "width": 470}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["9e290b828d78d0321231e71658e9fec199906ac123cbf48c1b9bcab1cc2cf076", "2da5069ab6593980d8bfff5108a15760b743a5ef56422fa6a39fbbcbdf4fafcf", "5fe9879199f1e778e78deff282a95c654eaec84fd2e666b0e5efc39c542a6691", "b4866ee652253ecc8050c46fdc1bccb8fe18814e20c301da933261009a9bc012", "34d561cc4902ddb20263a5c87afb4a6d6f4acb629069eb527e8c6890c34db0ff", "aa28eb8382113bec0fd03e8e171a5c81fe4c997d02844870a24f290568a49338", "b9cce4ca960b42b385e9fbb6687a2d703a20988c132555be913a6b9b9f1563f8"], "__index_level_0__": 341, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2X596KHGyhM/TFdzs8RmDfI/AAAAAAAAA78/-oPBEQLLJ2k/s400/19ann003.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8331670761108398}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tundrat-zone.blogspot.com/2010/08/19-years-since-i-said-i-do.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2X596KHGyhM/TFdzs8RmDfI/AAAAAAAAA78/-oPBEQLLJ2k/s400/19ann003.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2X596KHGyhM/TFdzs8RmDfI/AAAAAAAAA78/-oPBEQLLJ2k/s400/19ann003.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ann\", \"rendered_width\": 268, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, August 3, 2010\n\n19 Years Since I Said, \"I Do\"\n\nAnd she's still simply irresistible to me.", null, "Posted by Brian at 6:39 AM", "Christopher Hawes said...\n\nCongratulations! That is fantastic\n\nAugust 3, 2010 at 12:15 PM", "bwheat said...\n\nMan, has it been that long already!! Seems like yesterday. Congrats! Wishing you many more."], "url": "http://tundrat-zone.blogspot.com/2010/08/19-years-since-i-said-i-do.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 562, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 269, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["09c833efe369f9ab966c4be29fcba01ff29f756dc1d2881f6abd798f05b65491"], "__index_level_0__": 342, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tWfS4Pl54B8/SVI8E8f12yI/AAAAAAAAB_8/_gi4Sx1L5qA/s400/100_4533.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tWfS4Pl54B8/SD1cLYLSTyI/AAAAAAAABMI/BTf1MuYKrWs/S220/100_3555.jpg", "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/5772/1588/400/S4021158.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_tWfS4Pl54B8/SD1btoLSTxI/AAAAAAAABMA/KEP8DR-zvww/S220/2419242025_3b2bfbcc28.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9354233145713806}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://turdpolisher.blogspot.com/2008/12/snot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tWfS4Pl54B8/SVI8E8f12yI/AAAAAAAAB_8/_gi4Sx1L5qA/s400/100_4533.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tWfS4Pl54B8/SVI8E8f12yI/AAAAAAAAB_8/_gi4Sx1L5qA/s400/100_4533.JPG\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://turdpolisher.blogspot.com/2008/12/snot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tWfS4Pl54B8/SD1cLYLSTyI/AAAAAAAABMI/BTf1MuYKrWs/S220/100_3555.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tWfS4Pl54B8/SD1cLYLSTyI/AAAAAAAABMI/BTf1MuYKrWs/S220/100_3555.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 165}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://turdpolisher.blogspot.com/2008/12/snot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//photos1.blogger.com/blogger/5772/1588/400/S4021158.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/5772/1588/400/S4021158.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://turdpolisher.blogspot.com/2008/12/snot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_tWfS4Pl54B8/SD1btoLSTxI/AAAAAAAABMA/KEP8DR-zvww/S220/2419242025_3b2bfbcc28.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_tWfS4Pl54B8/SD1btoLSTxI/AAAAAAAABMA/KEP8DR-zvww/S220/2419242025_3b2bfbcc28.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b bfbcc\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 165}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://turdpolisher.blogspot.com/2008/12/snot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_tWfS4Pl54B8/SD1coILSTzI/AAAAAAAABMQ/CwsR5NTYcNk/S220/Rick+Portier.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_tWfS4Pl54B8/SD1coILSTzI/AAAAAAAABMQ/CwsR5NTYcNk/S220/Rick+Portier.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Rick Portier\", \"rendered_width\": 145, \"rendered_height\": 220}]", "texts": ["Wednesday, December 24, 2008\n\nEdi-turd's note: This is not a new list of band names. As the title suggests, it is a tasteless trip in to the rather flavorful mucus clogging my head. You'll need a strong stomach to proceed.", null, "It's been a while. . . sue me. Truth is, I ain't felt much like nothin'. A glob of green slime has taken-up residence in my frontal lobe, and try as I might, I ain't been able to evict it. It feels like someone took an ice pick and jammed it up my left nostril. A searing pain sort of radiates from there and encompasses what's left of my face.\n\nThe past week and a half I've washed down three Benedryl with a shot of Nyquill and drifted into a medically induced coma by 8:30, only to wake up around 1am and do it all again.\n\nIf we weren't so damn short at work, I would have called in sick days ago. But the holiday season brings on all manner of off-time, and those who are left have to pick up the slack. . .\n\nSorry, had to spit. Not even Crayola has a name for what just came out of me. Remember the old spin painters when we were kids? Imagine a dollop of blue, yellow, green and just a dab of red sitting on the center when you turned it on -- delicious.\n\nWhere was I? Picking up the slack . . .yes. I cough and wheeze my way through each day, wiping the fungus flowing from my nose on the sleeve of my station fleece . . . hell, I'd wipe it on a flaming yule log that would make it go away.\n\nOutside ain't so bad. Something about the cool temps and the humid air seem to mollify the drip. But as soon as I hit the door my nasal passages leak all the way to my belt. I may just start wearing a bib like I put on my kids while they were teething. By the end of the day, my goatee is glazed.\n\nAt night, it's another Bene-quill cocktail or two.\n\nIt's a good thing I don't whine when I get sick, or the STW would have thrown my ass out a week and a half ago.\nPosted by turdpolisher at 7:40 AM", "Labels: cold, mucus, snot", "gross!! I would rather give senator lard ass hollins a sponge bath than read that again!! xray\n\nDecember 24, 2008 at 2:28 PM", "SkitzoLeezra said...\n\nAlways wondered why there is no snot bank like there is a blood and sperm bank. I would be rich, I tell ya!\n\nDecember 25, 2008 at 9:12 PM", "I guess you're better now, but that really sounds like a sinus infection, for which you'd need antibiotics. I had one before that went down into my tooth and was some of the worst pain I've ever experienced. No amount of over the counter meds are going to make it go away any faster than it would by itself.", null, null, null], "url": "http://turdpolisher.blogspot.com/2008/12/snot.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 286, "original_width": 400, "width": 528}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 165, "original_width": 220, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 165, "original_width": 220, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["42152e54ab2c65035ad51038068af66af01f3a5ae14982b5acf5b60c44bb1aee", "740b76fb6bf1f1747fb19a411549a00ca20fa1d4703912471af917839f3b345d", "5a7e213e005c6129323732b8761956159c717c1eebef939e69317954e632be67", "f176308d9812d00e290f8a95436960d35cd112896dd6b143e1cb1b260cfa71a9"], "__index_level_0__": 343, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://ukwebfocus.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/dove-tagxedo.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8633570671081543}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ukwebfocus.com/2012/12/31/wishing-you-a-peaceful-2013/?like=1&source=post_flair&_wpnonce=a75300a21d\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://ukwebfocus.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/dove-tagxedo.png\", \"src\": \"http://ukwebfocus.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/dove-tagxedo.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dove tagxedo\", \"alt_text\": \"Blog content in the shape of a dove\", \"rendered_width\": 395, \"rendered_height\": 308}, null]", "texts": [null, "My colleague Marieke Guy recently reminded me of Tagexo – an online service which “lets you create shaped tag clouds from Twitter IDs, Delicious accounts, RSS feeds, Web sites and searches“.\n\nAs it’s New Year’s Eve I thought I’d provide this visualisation of the content of recent posts on the UK Web Focus blog.\n\nHere’s looking forward to a peaceful 2013.\n\nSubmit a Comment Cancel reply\n\nAbout IWMW 2017\n\nAbout IWMW 2016\n\nThe following posts have summarised the feedback received for the event:"], "url": "http://ukwebfocus.com/2012/12/31/wishing-you-a-peaceful-2013/?like=1&source=post_flair&_wpnonce=a75300a21d", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 513, "original_width": 658, "width": 484}], "image_hashes": ["7e64652465cee687414e12485c89c0d63d7a895d1cd30b7d2dcdfe60a68d5548"], "__index_level_0__": 344, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac140/moirathefinn/2586848d-1.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9826725125312804}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://unecinephile.blogspot.de/2013/01/the-gay-bride-1934.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.carolelombard.org/gallery/albums/The%20Gay%20Bride/normal_1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.carolelombard.org/gallery/albums/The%20Gay%20Bride/normal_1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"normal\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://unecinephile.blogspot.de/2013/01/the-gay-bride-1934.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.cdn.turner.com/v5cache/TCM/Images/Dynamic/i70/gaybride1934_ff_188x141_082520081206.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.cdn.turner.com/v5cache/TCM/Images/Dynamic/i70/gaybride1934_ff_188x141_082520081206.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gaybride ff\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, {\"document_url\": \"http://unecinephile.blogspot.de/2013/01/the-gay-bride-1934.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://carolelombard.org/gallery/albums/The%20Gay%20Bride/normal_273485007_o.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://carolelombard.org/gallery/albums/The%20Gay%20Bride/normal_273485007_o.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"normal o\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 245}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://unecinephile.blogspot.de/2013/01/the-gay-bride-1934.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac140/moirathefinn/2586848d-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i893.photobucket.com/albums/ac140/moirathefinn/2586848d-1.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Image\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 239}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://unecinephile.blogspot.de/2013/01/the-gay-bride-1934.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://carolelombard.org/gallery/albums/The%20Gay%20Bride/normal_249917317_o.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://carolelombard.org/gallery/albums/The%20Gay%20Bride/normal_249917317_o.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"normal o\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 248}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["In The Gay Bride Carole Lombard pretty much does end up marrying the whole mob. Although this is not one of Lombard’s best comedies she still manages to be all hilariously all over the place.\nMary (Lombard) is a chorus girl in a show in Atlantic City. She has been seeing gangster Shoots Maggiz (Nat Pendleton) who is completely infatuated with her. To get Shoots to leave her alone for a while Mary tells him she wants to get married and have kids. She thinks Shoots is a little kid himself but she would marry him for the financial security he could give her. They are set to marry in a small church. Shoots has sent his bodyguard Jimmie “Office Boy” Burnham (Chester Morris) to get Mary’s ring from Tiffany’s. On his way to the church Office Boy is held up by a rival gang. He manages to get to Shoots and warn him about the rival gang. This news means that Shoots has to go into hiding for a while and the wedding will not happen at that moment. Office Boy takes Mary out of the church and back to the hotel.", "At the hotel Mary gets a call from Shoots that they cannot get married at the moment because things are too hot for him to come out of hiding. Mary has a fit and Shoots agrees to come to the hotel so a judge can marry them. They head to Europe for their honeymoon but none of the countries they land at want them entering. The only country that will accept them is Greece. Mary comes back from Greece with an expensive painting which she plans on selling for twice the amount she paid for it. She does this so that she has some money of her own just in case anything were to happen to Shoots.", "One of Shoots’ men, Dingle, corners Mary in a phone booth. Dingle has been wanting her all to himself. He tells her he can off her money and security more than Shoots could. Not too much later Dingle has Shoots killed by a car bomb. Shoots has unfortunately left Mary with a lot of debt and not other money than to pay the debts off. Dingle asks her to marry him saying he can offer her a trust fund in case anything can happen to him. She marries Dingle but is not too happy. Office Boy has been following her around for her protection. He is sincerely in love with her and Mary can see that. Office Boy is the only man who has loved Mary just for her.\nDingle is soon killed off by Mickey another of Shoots’ gangster friends. Mickey is obsessed with wanting Mary. He leaves her no choice but to go away and marry him. Mickey has Dingle killed. Reporters come to the house to ask about her love being killed. Immediately Mary thinks Office Boy has been killed and she faints. Office Boy comes to her apartment. Mary realizes just how much she loves Office Boy and is willing to go away with him.", null, "Some chaotic and crazy things happen before Office Boy and Mary can finally happily be together.\nCarole Lombard as I said at the beginning is hilarious. What I love about Lombard was how when she had to cry in her films she was always so over dramatic about it which made her scenes that much funnier. Every time she cried in this film I was laughing. Chester Morris deserves so much credit I enjoyed him to no end. Office Boy was so sarcastic, quick, and snarky and Morris nailed his character from the time he first came on screen to the end. I will definitely be looking out for more of his films. I do not believe I have ever seen Zasu Pitts in a film before this. She was just as hilarious as Lombard. I read that a director said she was an actress whose scenes were always on the cutting room floor because she was a scene stealer. If she was this hilarious in this one film where he lines were very subtle and her scenes not that many I cannot even imagine what she must have been like in her other films. Nat Pendleton I am so used to seeing him as Inspector Guild from The Thin Man.   It was odd yet fun to see him as a cooky in love gangster.\nThe Gay Bride was an alright film. The story of the main character marrying every time another husband died got a bit old after a while. The plot to me seemed to get out of hand towards the end. If you ever get a chance to see The Gay Bride ignore the plot and have a good time watching Carole Lombard and Chester Morris.", "Posted by UneCinephile at 10:29 PM", "Labels: Carole Lombard", "Follow and Contact Me", "Favorite Classic Movies", "Favorite Modern Movies", "Favorite Directors", "Favorite Movie Characters", "Favorite Classic Actresses", "Favorite Classic Actors", "Favorite Modern Actresses (or some of them anyway)", "Favorite Modern Actors (or some of them anyway)"], "url": "http://unecinephile.blogspot.de/2013/01/the-gay-bride-1934.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 299, "original_width": 400, "width": 505}], "image_hashes": ["428a163e8155d29d71f8b9cce6176315135dca946e357ab7b0054e361ca296cf"], "__index_level_0__": 345, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0164.jpg", null, "http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0165.jpg", null, "http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0167.jpg", null, "http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0169.jpg", null, "http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0170.jpg", null, "http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/OneLovelyBlogaward.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.953889012336731}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://uniquebykarlee.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-way-to-open-cans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0164.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0164.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMAG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://uniquebykarlee.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-way-to-open-cans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0165.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0165.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMAG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://uniquebykarlee.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-way-to-open-cans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0167.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0167.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMAG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://uniquebykarlee.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-way-to-open-cans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0169.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0169.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMAG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://uniquebykarlee.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-way-to-open-cans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0170.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/Tutorial/IMAG0170.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMAG\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://uniquebykarlee.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-way-to-open-cans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://artfire.com/modules/rapid_cart/images/rcho2exp.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://artfire.com/modules/rapid_cart/images/rcho2exp.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rcho exp\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://uniquebykarlee.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-way-to-open-cans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://artfire.com/modules/rapid_cart/images/powered_by_artfire.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://artfire.com/modules/rapid_cart/images/powered_by_artfire.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"powered by artfire\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://uniquebykarlee.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-way-to-open-cans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/OneLovelyBlogaward.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i457.photobucket.com/albums/qq294/UniquebyKarlee/OneLovelyBlogaward.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"OneLovelyBlogaward\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://uniquebykarlee.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-way-to-open-cans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj186/myblogthings/nano_09_blk_participant_120x240png.png\", \"src\": \"http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj186/myblogthings/nano_09_blk_participant_120x240png.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nano blk participant png\"}, null]", "texts": ["My dear friend Paula from Picardcreative does neat things with lids to tin cans. You know, fruit, veggies, beans, spaghetti, etc.", "I love that one.\n\nAnyway, I wanted to save lids for her also. One problem: no can opener that opens without the rough edges.\n\nLooked *all* over town and no one had one. No one had even HEARD of them. Granted, this is Kansas, but are we *really* that far in the dark ages???\n\nTime to think outside of the box!\n\nMy first experiment was on a can of beans. Not only did it work, it worked so well that now the lefty in the house can open cans too!\n\nHere is a pic tutorial of how to do it with a \"normal\" can opener.\n\nCan of pears. My snack. Here's to hoping it stays down. (I'm home sick from work)", null, "Here is the can with my regular can opener. I think I paid $5 for it at walmart a thousand years ago.", null, "I turned the can horizontal instead of vertical, like it should be...\n(NOTE: you can see the can is punctured by looking at the handle...it's shut)", null, "I've gone all the way around the can now, and slightly moved the lid away to show you. The good thing about doing it this way is that it doesn't fall into the can, it stays with the opener. The bad thing is it's hard to open tuna cans, you have to drain the tuna in a strainer. Oh, and occasionally you get a ribbon of paper in your food. It's easy to pull out, though. (One way around that is to remove the label *before* you open it)", null, "Final pic, the lid is off. The sharp edges of the can have been happily smooshed to the lid, and are no longer a threat.", null, "I'm sure Paula would love more lids, and now you don't have to get a new opener just to help her! Use the \"contact\" button in her studio to ask her where to ship the lids.", null], "url": "http://uniquebykarlee.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-way-to-open-cans.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["09dbfd42868ab41f65c308098808c656ed66d109ac8ad8213d10b0b9b1257ac2", "71012bbee1e253678e61527f8995c6093fab78226b1aecd4a6bbbc555fd4e114", "6c93faaca6ae0f2f91f9b5051eb1dd9d51bca7385a0166de1994c6b3944eac14", "a7647864cf6b9c5a2ef4a74291b9e57079aaebfce49b6b5bf17f8fcfb6c4285d", 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As I stepped into the house for the celebratory party, his mother greeted me with a plate of tortilla de patatas, cut into small cubes and speared with toothpicks. Heavenly! Years later and 3000 miles across the country, I was in a lecture on fracture dislocations in the complex plane when the Chinese professor paused and turned to the handful of graduate students trying to understand his light-speed train of thought. He shouted (he always shouted, there was no other volume), “Do you know how to cook Spanish Omelette?!” He was asking a Spanish woman sitting next to me. She shrank in her chair (there were only 8 of us), smiled and shook her head. “Oh, because I LOVE Spanish Omelette. I want to learn how to make it.” Then he resumed telling us how you can solve ANYTHING in the complex plane… except for how to make tortilla de patatas.\n\nonions, potatoes, eggs, and olive oil at the ready", null, "sweating the onions", null, "You can just imagine how happy I was when Aran posted a recipe for this on her blog. I’m not going to use just any recipe! She’s the homegirl from Spain AND she’s a trained chef. I used Yukon gold potatoes instead of russets because I’m crazy for the flavor. I went with the traditional version of just potatoes and onions (Aran’s recipe includes watercress and parsnip which I’m sure is awesome). I used both a “stick” and a non-stick pan and the non-stick is most definitely the way to go. Don’t ask.\n\nlet the potatoes poach in the olive oil", null, "pouring the egg mixture into the pan", null, "Absolutely delicious. How something so simple can wind up being so incredible is the magic of a great recipe. It’s fantastic warm or cold. I feel like I’ve been given a gift. Thanks, Aran!\n\ngo get your own!", null, "Tortilla de Patatas\n[print recipe]\nmodified from Cannelle et Vanille\n\n1/2 cup olive oil, extra virgin\n1/2 medium onion, medium dice\n2 medium russet potatoes, medium dice (I used 3 medium Yukon golds)\n1 tsp salt\n4 eggs\n1/2 tsp salt\n\nHeat the olive oil in an 8-inch non-stick frying pan on medium heat. Add the onions to the pan and sweat them for about 2 minutes. Add the potatoes and 1 teaspoon of salt to the oil. Let the potatoes cook for a couple of minutes and then reduce the flame to medium-low for 15 minutes. Aran says the point is not to fry the potatoes, rather to poach the potatoes in the olive oil. In a medium bowl, whisk the eggs and remaining 1/2 teaspoon of salt together. Drain the potatoes and onions from the oil and add them to the eggs. Don’t worry if the egg starts to cook. Remove all but a teaspoon of oil from the pan and set the heat to medium. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and stir the center until the egg begins to scramble. Then leave it be. Use a wooden or rubber spatula to tuck the edges in neatly and let cook for a few minutes. I waited until mine was still runny, but solid enough to invert onto a plate and return to the pan to cook the other side. Serve hot or cold.\n\nFebruary 24th, 2010: 8:49 am\nfiled under appetizers, recipes, savory, vegetables"], "url": "http://userealbutter.com/2010/02/24/tortilla-de-patatas-recipe/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 512, "original_height": 576, "original_width": 425, "width": 378}, {"height": 544, "original_height": 576, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 519, "original_height": 576, "original_width": 419, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 383, "original_width": 576, "width": 568}, {"height": 548, "original_height": 576, "original_width": 397, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 384, "original_width": 576, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 386, "original_width": 576, "width": 564}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 389, "original_width": 576, "width": 559}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 382, "original_width": 576, "width": 569}], "image_hashes": ["9d431c545c9b0ea636731645a1caf60569381c2ee078013b5decaeb85411f757", "bd1036da20c6e6a806e3ce300c210a150e7c5b9d085e3217453cb3fe1ca07cc1", "b5c7e2ba966108b986794efb143ec1d0ad5926fbf6a0d4ca5a63e2ae30281dc2", "172da0713ba4a798d1e8f1b29ccde271d7be802b02f42b72bbbb1bfd2c05441e", "3130a084a551116f5f9652d4bd8a6f462c9601f05ede8653074516db907325af", "beb134644de7d81dd5c12a6593b2f415012c3f75c9b4391532ffeb3f506e5b2c", "69c8a105629eff5c2e60ac1ef14dc14517801f80b0d0470784276fc7b250993d", "c6b3444e0d98dbc7a30ef92e04da90ac919bc802a45420a356a13c62ea6c601d", "f8036a4144e98805ad45c64a32d752ab1be33f8d66663fda1f5fab7ba53d5b89"], "__index_level_0__": 347, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513ChScidYL._SL1000_.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9592610001564026}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://usesearchenginesubmission.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513ChScidYL._SL1000_.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/513ChScidYL._SL1000_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ChScidYL\", \"alt_text\": \"https://www.herbalisticskincare.com/\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, February 7, 2014\n\nONE HUNDRED % All-natural Elegance Products for Face - Vitamin C to Maintain Skin Supple as well as Young", null, "There is nothing that disappears as quick as somebody's youth. Eventually you are up and about dancing your life off all evening long, having a good time and also looking great after that immediately you are often exhausted as well as it is nearly difficult to recognize your personal skin. Though growing old is a fate none of us can escape, you could make the encounter a little slower and also much more appealing to you.\n\nTime taking its toll\n\nYou rarely understand how quick time has flown until you stand in front of a mirror and also the individual standing beside you is more of a complete stranger than you remember. It is the exterior physicality that will certainly ring a bell that you are obtaining aged. None people desires this to happen so we begin looking for options for our skin. Some individuals start consuming mixtures that may have an impact for some time but after a day or 2, you start to appear like your old self.\n\nWhat lots of people never appear to understand is that the simplest points might provide the simplest solutions for your problems. So let's attempt and comprehend the functionality of vitamin c in maintaining a flexible and young facial look.\n\nThere is nothing that fades away as rapid as somebody's young people. Someday you are up and about dancing your life off all night long, having fun and also looking wonderful then in a snap you are almost always tired and it is nearly difficult to identify your very own skin. Though aging is a destiny none of us could leave, you could make the experience a little bit slower and also much more attractive to you.\n\nYou barely understand exactly how fast time has flown up until you fill in front of a mirror and the individual standing alongside you is more of an unfamiliar person than you keep in mind. It is the exterior physicality that will certainly ring a bell that you are getting aged. None of us desires this to occur so we start looking for solutions for our skin. Some individuals begin taking in combinations that might have an impact for a while but after a day or more, you start to look like your aged self.\n\nExactly what most people never appear to recognize is that the easiest points may supply the most convenient remedies for your troubles. So let's try as well as recognize the functionality of vitamin c in preserving a supple and also young facial appearance.\n\nExactly what are you fighting versus?\n\nOne of the most frustrating things for the face are places and also creases, when your face starts folding and also it comes to be harder and also more difficult to use makeup than normal. Places generally come to be a trouble when it becomes tough to hide them.\n\nIf you are coming close to 40 or are having difficulty with creases, you are possibly searching for beauty products for face. There are countless skin treatment items around the web yet not all of them will certainly provide acceptable outcomes. Thankfully, with the help of herbalistic anti-aging product, you will certainly bid farewell to those dark patches as well as wrinkles.\n\nProduct description\n\nIt is made from just all-natural items which are recognized to enhance skin renewal. It consists of high focus of Vitamin C which are conveniently soaked up into the skin. Additionally, because of the presence of L-Ascorbic acid, the item treats the creases from the root-- it does not mask them.\n\nThe skin care charm item considers concerning 3 ounces when shipped. Its dimensions are 4.5 by 1.5 by 1.5 inches. It is suggested for topical use only. As a result of its components, consumers are recommended to avoid contact with the eyes.\n\nWhy should you by the product?\n\nUnlike various other items for face creases, this anti-aging cream has antioxidant elements which end radicals existing in the physical body. These radicals damage the skin cells. It is virtually impossible to avoid them as they are discovered in the atmosphere, diets and some medicines.\n\nApart from canceling the complimentary radicals, Vitamin C serum has the following perks:\n\nDifferent vitamins have various function in the physical body and come to be advantageous at some point to physical functions. Vitamin c is no various, this nutrient functions to not just tighten up the skin but likewise lighten it. We are all knowledgeable about the term sun melt, when you eat vitamin c you obtain security from harmful impacts of the sun. You could as a result bask for a little vitamin d without fretting about skin damage.\n\nBody cells consistently locate a means to repair themselves mainly by re-growing. The skin is just as self sufficient because of this. If provided with the appropriate qualities and also minerals it repairs itself if harmed. Vitamin c is understood to be a major factor in the whole process.\n\nExcessive of anything is dangerous, it is necessary that you determine the quantity of vitamin c you eat to prevent further harm to the skin. Do not anxiety regarding this, the best Vitamin C Serum for face generated for your skin is currently calculated, everything is mixed flawlessly just for your healthy face.\n\n- It protects against development of dark sunlight spots.\n\n- Decreases the property development of wrinkles and also fine line\n\n- Boosts production of collagen. This substance facilitates skin rejuvenation.\n\n- It hydrates the skin\n\n- Ensures that people attains a baby soft skin\n\n- Provides security versus UV rays from the sun\n\n- Tightens up the skin\n\n- Repairs skins that are damaged by the sun.\n\n- Provides a well balanced or an also skin\n\nJust what you need to understand:\n\nVitamin C is not extremely stable for this reason when it incorporates with air it oxidizes and also transforms brown. This makes it inefficient. This is why most suppliers use by-products of vitamin C in their anti-wrinkle items. These additives may have some adverse side effects.\n\nThe good news is that natural skin treatment products are devoid of such additives. They consist of the L-Ascorbic acid which is a stable type of vitamin C. This is the only topical type of the supplement that can be absorbed by all the skin layers.\n\nHave people discovered this item valuable?\n\nYes, the majority of customers have actually asserted to have positive outcomes within merely a number of weeks. By using it daily, they assert that their skin cells have actually been rejuvenating progressively each day. In addition, there are no reports of negative side effects.\n\nLast judgment\n\nThis is one of the best products for face as it is made from only all-natural ingredients. Try it today. There is a 100 % money back assurance. It is also safe for all skin types. Keep it unreachable of children.\n\nPosted by Kim Scott at 4:28 PM No comments:", "Kim Scott"], "url": "http://usesearchenginesubmission.blogspot.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1000, "original_width": 1000, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["77541410ad35ca3004e4f8ee3eab8c3d474429bfb499922fef429c85364d31a9"], "__index_level_0__": 348, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bElK99fKp8A/T2Snaa24UfI/AAAAAAAABpg/Br4gpKIacHI/s200/digital+art.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-02S-bXx2F7E/T2Snba8-qlI/AAAAAAAABpo/diSPT0wTLus/s200/skitched-20120317-000728.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9094713926315308}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://valeriedowdy.com/2012/03/art-cards/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-H6WxbHIfUpU/T2SnSpEs7eI/AAAAAAAABpA/o2RM7qn_ep4/s200/vpy=0-2.0.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-H6WxbHIfUpU/T2SnSpEs7eI/AAAAAAAABpA/o2RM7qn_ep4/s200/vpy=0-2.0.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"vpy=\", \"rendered_width\": 148, \"rendered_height\": 200}, {\"document_url\": \"http://valeriedowdy.com/2012/03/art-cards/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hnoJJX8kWi0/T2SnTO9DGSI/AAAAAAAABpI/UkosTUHdqN8/s200/vpy=0.0.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-hnoJJX8kWi0/T2SnTO9DGSI/AAAAAAAABpI/UkosTUHdqN8/s200/vpy=0.0.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"vpy=\", \"rendered_width\": 148, \"rendered_height\": 200}, {\"document_url\": \"http://valeriedowdy.com/2012/03/art-cards/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ijrobb6fSDY/T2SnWss4W9I/AAAAAAAABpY/HRDw8x0rI9Y/s200/vpy=0-1.0.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ijrobb6fSDY/T2SnWss4W9I/AAAAAAAABpY/HRDw8x0rI9Y/s200/vpy=0-1.0.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"vpy=\", \"rendered_width\": 148, \"rendered_height\": 200}, {\"document_url\": \"http://valeriedowdy.com/2012/03/art-cards/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bElK99fKp8A/T2Snaa24UfI/AAAAAAAABpg/Br4gpKIacHI/s200/digital+art.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bElK99fKp8A/T2Snaa24UfI/AAAAAAAABpg/Br4gpKIacHI/s200/digital+art.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"digital art\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 196}, {\"document_url\": \"http://valeriedowdy.com/2012/03/art-cards/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-02S-bXx2F7E/T2Snba8-qlI/AAAAAAAABpo/diSPT0wTLus/s200/skitched-20120317-000728.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-02S-bXx2F7E/T2Snba8-qlI/AAAAAAAABpo/diSPT0wTLus/s200/skitched-20120317-000728.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"skitched\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 155}, null]", "texts": ["I am working on some new greeting card designs for the shop.\nBelow are a sampling of new card designs of my original art that I am printing on nice heavyweight card stock soon.  These are in addition to the cards I have already printed which may be reviewed on a previous blog post CLICK HERE.\nThe cost of each card is $6, or, 3 for $15. Each card and envelope is protected in a glassine resealable sleeve and blank inside for any occasion. If you are interested in purchasing cards please contact me at:  email@example.com.\n**For those who can not visit the shop-I will mail for an additional cost to cover shipping.", null, null, "6 thoughts on “Art Cards”\n\nComments are closed.\n\nContact ME\n\nLynchburg, VA"], "url": "http://valeriedowdy.com/2012/03/art-cards/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 198, "original_width": 200, "width": 381}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 155, "original_width": 200, "width": 487}], "image_hashes": ["da83b086e23ad2ffbd7a51aa4c5d60cce48ce43df0291897687ae4ec891e762a", "44fb36a2980b780f7a4c2db6ea956ebeec7da91940d06148a42d74188372a63a"], "__index_level_0__": 349, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5336/7238921220_cab9f0742a.jpg", null, "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7221/7238927880_a7ba4bc966.jpg", null, 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Both have had structural issues, specifically load bearing masonry walls leaning to the east. 2857 Cherokee, constructed in 1902 at the northeast corner of the intersection has had its facade completely re-built. It is unclear whether this was due to a structural condition, or if it was simply a modernization, which was popular in the 1950's and 1960's.", null, "2900 Cherokee, kitty corner to 2857 and constructed in 1896, had a problem with its entire east wall leaning out toward Nebraska. In November 2008, the building was inspected by the Building Division and condemned for demolition, presumably due to the east wall condition. Instead of demolition however in early 2009 work began to deconstruct the entire east wall and construct a new wood frame bearing wall. Apparently the south wall also had issues as it was also completely removed.", null, "The photo above shows how far the wall was out of plumb. Note the the gap between the  frame wall and the masonry which expands to what appears to be around one foot at the top of the 3rd story.", null, "Later in 2009, masons were in progress re-laying the original brick from the east wall as a veneer over the new framed wall.", null, "Here is a view of the completed work. Other than a cleaning the brick to restore a consistent color, the wall appears just as it had from the exterior. As of this year, the building was still boarded, and it us unclear when it will be occupied (the same LLC has owned the building since 2004), but with the investment in re-building the problem wall we can likely rest assured that it is going to remain at the intersection for the long term.", null, "Back to 2857 Cherokee: This photo shows how the entire third floor of the building leans several inches to the east. In July 2009 it was condemned for demolition by the City, and then LRA is shown in City property records as taking ownership in 2010 after three different owners since 2004. There was also apparently a large crack at the southeast corner of the building running the height of the building.", null, "This photo shows clearly that the front portion of the third floor wall leans east, but that this condition appears to gradually lessen as you move north toward the back of the building. The first two floors of the west wall appear to be free of defect. The photo below shows some minor settlement cracking around the windows of the rear wall and a need for tuckpointing due to the lack of a gutter. What like a pile of brick or possibly a collapsing chimney is a very minor issue, and otherwise the rear of the building appears sound.", null, "Although located in the Jefferson Gravois Streetcar Suburb Historic District, a permit for demolition was granted after application was made by LRA on april 16th of this year. This begs the question: Did LRA attempt to market this building at all after acquiring it? I don't recall seeing an LRA \"For Sale\" sign. If a building owner on the opposite corner was willing to re-build the entire east and south walls of a condemned building, surely 2857 Cherokee could have been purchased from the LRA by someone who could have re-built the leaning portion of the third floor and possibly the first two floors of the front facade if the crack at the southeast corner warranted.\n\nWhile the modernized brick facade is regrettable, there are many things a new own could have done after dealing with the third floor to improve the looks of the front of the building if the facade didn't need an entire re-build. These could have included new windows, adding a third window to the second floor, adding a period appropriate cornice, adding an awning over the storefront, etc. Instead, the building is now under demolition and we will be stuck with a vacant LRA lot for the foreseeable future.", null, "Next door at 2853 Cherokee, a paved lot is now owned by the Cherokee Station Special Business District. Not long ago this parcel also contained a building shown below. The one story structure was condemned for demolition in December 2002 and demolished the following year. The paved lot does not appear to be used for parking as it is not striped and fully fenced at the front and rear.", null, "Posted by Vanishing STL at 6:52 AM", "Nice to see \"kitty corner\". My wife says catty-corner and that sounds ridiculous."], "url": "http://vanishingstl.blogspot.com/2012/05/two-opposite-corners-two-opposite.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 347, "original_width": 500, "width": 544}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 500, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 500, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 288, "original_width": 432, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": 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laundry stain removal products. They seriously are a lifesaver! I just hate that feeling of putting an adorable new outfit on your cute little girl only to have juice stains and food stains all over it five minutes later. And you know it happens, all the time. I've been using Shout Trigger for quite awhile now, and it works great! I love being able to just spray it on the clothes and stick them in the washer, without any soaking required. Since I don't have a sink in my laundry room, it's nice to not have to take up another of my household sinks for soaking.", "A new product I recently got to review is the Shout Advanced Ultra Gel for Heavy-Duty Stains. I love the built-in rubber brush on the top, so you can rub the thick gel right into the stain and really get the marks out of clothing. And my favorite thing about it. . . you can pre-treat it and wash it up to a week later. Nice!", "Shout has developed a really cool initiative for fall: The Go Play initiative! Shout is all about educating parents on the benefits of unstructured play and wants to inspire families to get outdoors and play. It's nice knowing you can go outside and get messy without worrying about stains ruining the clothes, since Shout will be able to get the stains out. :)\n\nFall is my very favorite time of the year! I'm thankful that so far in Seattle we've had a really gorgeous October, with lots of crisp, cool and sunny days that have allowed us to go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather before winter gloom sets in. Here are a few of my favorite fall outdoor activities to do with my kids:\n\n*Go to a pumpkin patch!\n*Pet some farm animals. Tons of farms have fall festivals around this time of year, and my kids just love petting the animals.\n*If you have a yard (wishing we did!), rake up a big pile of fall leaves and go jump into them!\n*Pick apples or berries, whatever's in season where you live.\n*Go on a gorgeous drive to see all the fall leaves changing!\n\nFor some more creative ideas, Growing Tree Toys (one of my very favorite sources for learning toys for all ages) sent me a fun little pack of cards to review called \"52 Nature Activities.\" They're a great small size to fit into your purse or diaper bag, and you can take them with you to the park or out into nature. The games, activities, and art projects are going to inspire you to use nature more creatively!", null, "What are your favorite outdoor fall activities?\n\nMy disclaimer: I received some Shout products for free in exchange for my honest review. I was not compensated, and all opinions are mine!"], "url": "http://veaterfam.blogspot.com/2010/10/fabulous-finds-shout-laundry-products.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["77d46aa017279d652afa5b53e1f93df8f5f623f3f4271b62c707e0ab8213c7ee"], "__index_level_0__": 351, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_sn0dqfi2gBc/SxYn8Cg0h3I/AAAAAAAAAMo/NARk_iEOb3M/s320/P1030160.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_sn0dqfi2gBc/SxYt1TLlVsI/AAAAAAAAAMw/x75XU_flui4/s320/P1030154.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_sn0dqfi2gBc/SsWidEvy7hI/AAAAAAAAAJ4/xOEIkSKyurE/S240/IMG_0690.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_sn0dqfi2gBc/S4_yGAeW07I/AAAAAAAAASA/OBJ7USNc65A/S150/AnimalAcresJumper.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_sn0dqfi2gBc/S5oRQxrfq2I/AAAAAAAAATw/_aAhSDT8vHw/S240/IMG01248.jpg", null, null, null, null, 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The other animals of this world share the experience of happiness and suffering as we humans do.\nFor the world to actually matter to us the happiness and suffering of others must matter to us as well.\nThe fact that many of us must rely on our intuitions to find this landscape of concern does not always make for a more compassionate world.\nThe compass that most humans use to navigate the world...fails to detect the non human animals in it's scope.\nWe live in a world where the small minded quest for material possessions and a desperate search for pleasure out of self interest... inevitably leads to an incredible amount of suffering and death.\nThe farmed animals of the world are (and will be) the most forgotten and the least cared about creatures on the planet.\nThese animals will die in the billions upon billions and not one of their stories will ever be seen on... Animal Planet.\nWhen we can locate the landscape of kindness in ourselves and in the world.....\nboth become limitless.\nWhen we can recognize this place as who we are.....\nhappiness and freedom are directly at our finger tips.\n\nWe all belong to the ideas we love.\nWhen our ideas are responsible for bringing more love to the world......\nour intuitions about living vegan become truth.", null, "Let this video be your (post) Thanksgiving mantra for the animals.\nShare it with others.\nGo Vegan.\nClick here for the SANCTUARY..... video\nProduced by Patty Shenker.\nPerformed by Donna Delory.", null, null, "About Our Vegan Blogger", null, "Bring some love to life!", "Acres Of Rock!", "Sanctuary Talk-video", "Adopt a pig.....please !", null, null], "url": "http://vegansanctuary.blogspot.com/2009/12/sanctuaryfor-you.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 251, "original_width": 320, "width": 481}, {"height": 381, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 317, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 460, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 197, "width": 378}, {"height": 451, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 201, "width": 378}, {"height": 412, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 220, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["946000a235cdd5f5a931d7dcc3ed873ecfa52910b6d7d7732b9144848bfea373", "5dd94c36980de6dc7cec2c5f15b740ae56c8be9db46a56c465735513bdf9915e", "c7576686e4b46c0bf2aa8ee777ae1912a503fd75e65aedbf43bc66ef4adc12bb", "132f29f72b5832b624451022f65fcaf14cf9f4afe6020df55adc54130270db39", "5f3ce221d2f9fd118a4737166678cd2e8022d2e22711de1b54d15dc306ff08b3", "b5fefce66e862c20b14aee6bff89cedb5d43da5aad33210f6dda3c6543fae60c", "bf8b509f0b72a04a33384bbb59e9127fb7e8961a60d2ca3f93301ec0b53bfe0b"], "__index_level_0__": 352, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LWQoj8xUc6o/SVPJj4l63SI/AAAAAAAABDs/LX395dCvcYM/s320/All+Pictures+2008+030.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9437543153762816}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://veganvictuals.blogspot.com/2008/12/merry-christmas.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LWQoj8xUc6o/SVPJj4l63SI/AAAAAAAABDs/LX395dCvcYM/s320/All+Pictures+2008+030.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LWQoj8xUc6o/SVPJj4l63SI/AAAAAAAABDs/LX395dCvcYM/s320/All+Pictures+2008+030.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"All Pictures\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://veganvictuals.blogspot.com/2008/12/merry-christmas.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//bp3.blogger.com/_LWQoj8xUc6o/SH9EgZ0BzQI/AAAAAAAAAhs/u8sIfcs-hA0/S220-s80/Picture+256.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_LWQoj8xUc6o/SH9EgZ0BzQI/AAAAAAAAAhs/u8sIfcs-hA0/S220-s80/Picture+256.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Picture\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://veganvictuals.blogspot.com/2008/12/merry-christmas.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LWQoj8xUc6o/SQffnHed4II/AAAAAAAAA5U/0OXMqL156Xo/S220/pink_db.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_LWQoj8xUc6o/SQffnHed4II/AAAAAAAAA5U/0OXMqL156Xo/S220/pink_db.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pink db\", \"alt_text\": \"I'm a Proud Member of...\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 161}, null, null]", "texts": ["Merry Christmas!", null, "We had our traditional Christmas morning breakfast of pancakes. Well it might not have always been a tradition but it will be from now on. I love traditions...they always make me feel like I have something to look forward to. Last night, after midnight mass, we watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. We did the same thing last year and I am sure we will continue this tradition for years to come."], "url": "http://veganvictuals.blogspot.com/2008/12/merry-christmas.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["436fdcdc234c69f3cd932f7ffe2de0f46eaad127dfe12d027cb2a6d6db789b42"], "__index_level_0__": 353, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_TD95k0gF8qc/TBvFhB980LI/AAAAAAAACJM/IhwlsvdmEC8/s200/indi.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_TD95k0gF8qc/TBvFluF-MxI/AAAAAAAACJU/VRm9ymLHP5M/s200/stack.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_TD95k0gF8qc/TBvFqMlxh4I/AAAAAAAACJc/CA8wACkTPLc/s200/stack2.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.939933717250824}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://velmaknits.blogspot.com/2010/06/more-progress.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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"In fact, I was able to make 9 in two work days (and get my work responsibilities done too!)", null, "Before it would take me all day to get 2 or 3 done and add the hexagon pattern around the edge and attach it to the blanket.", null, "I'm hoping now I can just bust out a plethora of these circles and then get to work on piecing them all together!!"], "url": "http://velmaknits.blogspot.com/2010/06/more-progress.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["0b6a3c3d7c6cb5b59b9132319ae8ac3d177809fef25d4a10b6ad83f91a319855", "05917910712ed6e449159be0ffcc29fdb227ca65a319460812a4561bbffd9cb0", "7b7486f472c19f53782f7170d2a1707e7458c279a270cdfb4b203bc05589c166"], "__index_level_0__": 354, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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Billion? Why Wasn't I Informed of This?\n\nWith the title of this post, I am paraphrasing another favorite New Yorker cartoon (again).\n\nAs I toil away trying to raise a million here or a million there for some great cleantech companies (see the side bar of this blog), PetroChina made its debut on the Shanghai stock market, tripling in value, and becoming the world's first trillion-dollar market cap company.\n\nCertainly, PetroChina cannot qualify as a Cleantech company, despite some notable important activities. So this boom is just a reminder of the importance traditional energy continues to play in our global economy, and the extent to which demand for it is now driven by China and other developing nations.\n\nI guess investors were not concerned by the strong non-market forces which affect the stock price. Chinese regulators just announced a delay in the expected lowering of restrictions on capital flows from mainland investors. These restrictions have driven an unsustainable difference between the Shanghai-listed shares and Hong Kong-listed shares of several comapnies.\n\nAlso (coincidentally?), Chinese regulators raised the mandated price of retail gasoline last Friday by 10%. These higher prices substantially aid PetroChina's financials, since they buy crude on the world's open market, but sell refined gasoline into a price-controlled market in China.\n\nWith all these non-market influences, it is difficult to see how this trillion-dollar threshhold could be long maintained. (This also raises broader questions about goverment fiat in China which I intend to address in a separate post.)\n\nBut for the time being, a new milestone deserves recognition and reflection. Interestingly, we at Bessemer Venture Partners are forever tied to the world's first billion dollar market cap company. In 1901, J.P. Morgan purchased Carnegie Steel, merged it with Federal Steel and several other companies to form U.S. Steel. The combined company's $1.4 billion capitalization set a new mark.\n\nHenry Phipps, a childhood friend of Andrew Carneigie, was the second-largest shareholder of Carnegie Steel. He had contributed to Carnegie Steel's success by being the first to commercialize the Bessemer steel-making process in the U.S. Phipps' share of the acquisition proceeds were worth about $67 million...in 1901 dollars! Subsequently, Phipps created Bessemer Trust and Bessemer Securities Corporation to manage these funds. The high-risk group of BSC made private equity and venture capital investments throughout the century, and was spun off in 1981 as Bessemer Venture Partners. (Thank you, Henry Phipps!)\n\nHow little the world has changed over 106 years and three orders of magnitude. From steel for the booming U.S. economy to oil for the booming Chinese economy. But do these milestones often indicate a peak? According to the Wikipedia entry, U.S. Steel was at its peak influence at its creation. Competition, commoditization and new technologies immediately started chipping away at its dominance. Does this new 13-digit milestone mark an apex for PetroChina as well? For oil itself? Will Cleantech innovations make massive national oil conglomerates as irrelevant as early 20th century steel conglomerates? For an answer, check back here in 106 years.\n\nposted by Justin Label @ 2:27 PM   0 comments links to this post", "Thursday, October 11, 2007\n\nGender Schmender\n\nGigaOm's Earth2Tech (what does that mean?) notes that there are too few women in Cleantech. To help spotlight some of the best, they have posted their list of the The Top 10 Women in Cleantech. While I have to agree the raw numbers of female executives and investors in the space should (and will) go up, we should reflect on what an impressive list of individuals this is regardless of gender. Having met a number of these women in person, I'd say they could take on the male Cleantech all-stars any day. With leaders like this, expect more talented women to be attracted to the field quickly.\n\nCongratulations to my ConsumerPowerline co-investor and fellow Board Member Diana Propper de Callejon of Expansion Capital for making the list at #4. By the way, Bessemer first got to know ConsumerPowerline due to the insight and persistence of BVP Analyst Sarah Tavel, herself no slouch:", null, "Thank goodness for the talented women in Cleantech!\n\nBlogged with Flock\n\nposted by Justin Label @ 11:31 PM   0 comments links to this post", "Wednesday, July 04, 2007\n\nA Declaration of (Energy) Independence\n\nWhen in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to displace the hydrocarbon bonds which have fueled them (and were provided by another) and to assume from the recurring power of the earth and sun, the sustainable and independent energy which the Laws of Nature provide them, a decent respect to the opinions of the men vested in the established order requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.\n\nWe (should) hold these truths to be self-evident, that all generations are created equal, that they are endowed by Creation with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life (through air, water and a stable climate), Liberty (from foreign powers), and the Pursuit of (sustainable) Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed, but also owing a responsibility to the to-be-governed, -- That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter it, and to institute new Governmental Principles and Forms as to them shall seem most likely to effect the Safety and Happiness of their and future generations.\n\nPrudence, indeed, will dictate that Government Principles long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience has shown that the common good has been more disposed to be subordinated to private interests by Governmental activism. But when a long train of externalities, driven by private economic choices, and leading invariably to reduce the common good, are not being righted by an inactive Government, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such inactivity and to provide new Principles for their future security.\n\nSuch has been the patient sufferance of these United States (since at least 1973); and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter the Principles of their Government. The history of the present government-energy complex (culminating in the current administration) is a history of repeated denials, delays and missed opportunities, all having the direct result of mortgaging the futures of the children of this country. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.\n\nWe have based our development far too much on burning hydrocarbons, releasing global warming gases into the general atmosphere at unsustainable rates.\n\nWe have imported energy sources in massive quantities from lands hostile to our goals and indifferent to our values without regard for the repercussions.\n\nWe have obstructed international efforts to lead the global economy to more sustainable methods of economic growth.\n\nWe have refused to make minor trade-offs even in exchange for large improvements against these problems, and we have allowed our government to remain inactive.\n\nWe have allowed men at the ends of their political careers to achieve short-term personal gains by refuting that these problems even exist.\n\nWe have allowed environmental symbols to over-shadow true environmentalism and to scuttle possible common-sense compromises.\n\nWe have been discouraged by the short-term costs of alternatives, without sufficiently considering ways to lower those costs or the offsetting long-term costs of the status quo.\n\nWe have instituted inconsistent policies, designed to react to short-term outrage without laying the foundation for long-term change.\n\nWe, therefore, the citizens of the united States of America, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, (should), solemnly publish and declare, That these united colonies are, and of Right ought to be set on a path to be Free (of established vested interests) and (Energy) Independent States; and that as States on the path to this Freedom and Independence, must take full power to establish new sources of Energy, discourage waste, internalize externalities, encourage long-term technological development that will eventually be free of governmental support, and do all other Acts and Things which conscientious States (and stewards for future generations) must of Right do. -- And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Truth of nature, the power of ingenuity and the ability to act in the common good, we must mutually pledge to each other our commitment, open-mindedness and Good Faith.\n\nposted by Justin Label @ 11:51 PM   0 comments links to this post", "Sunday, June 24, 2007\n\nThe Prius Has Gone Mainstream\n\nThere have been many indications building up over the last year or so, but it is now clear to me that the Prius has gone thoroughly mainstream.\n\nBut I am now truly convinced that the Prius has crossed the chasm (or perhaps jumped the shark.) Twice last week on my long San Francisco-to-Menlo Park commute (in my 2000 Jetta averaging just 25 mpg; more on that later) I observed aggressive lane changing and passing on the right by Prius drivers. The hybrid electric demographic is no longer limited to globally conscious and community-oriented drivers. The American Prius driver is starting to look like the rest of America. This is a good thing for the planet and the inevitable result of success. But it certainly dilutes the brand!\n\nposted by Justin Label @ 11:53 AM   2 comments links to this post", "Saturday, May 19, 2007\n\nCarbon Credits and Israeli Daycare\n\nI apologize to my loyal reader for a long absence. But really, Who Has Time For This?\n\nThis week KQED's Forum produced an hour on workplace ethics, and toward the end of the show discussed the unusual behavior that can result from mixing ethical and economic incentives. The show discussed the oft-cited study of fines imposed by an Israeli day care center on parents who came late for their children. Surprisingly, the rate and duration of late arrivals increased markedly. The new hypothesis is that without fines, parents felt they were violating a social contract by being late and were reasonably responsible. Once fines were imposed, parents were likely to feel the entire social cost was captured in the \"price\" of the fine. They now made more purely economic decisions, being late much more frequently.\n\nAre there any lessons to draw from this in the growing market for carbon offsets? Increasingly consumers are buying offsets from services like Terrapass, Carbon Fund and NativeEnergy. But are these offsets appropriately priced, and could this early market have adverse consequences on consumers' overall behavior?\n\nNaturally, the first offsets are the cheapest. But in this ethics-linked market, the first to buy them are likely among the highest emitters of carbon, who could potentially do the most to limit their footprint without dramatic economic harm. Instead, they can buy cheap offsets (much cheaper, anyway than the world's median ton of carbon would cost to offset), and emit worry-free. Could putting a price on these emissions have unintended consequences? Might the small but growing handful of consumers who feel an ethical obligation to cut emissions simply pay the fine rather than change their behavior? Note that most credits do not actually adjust well to usage. Once I've purchased my sticker for the year, there is no further incentive to make the marginal choice to work from home rather than burn three gallons to make the round trip to the office. Ideally, I'd be subsidizing industrial carbon decreases AND shrinking my own footprint.\n\n(I am working out an example of how carbon offsets might affect my pending decision about a new car. I will try to post the results shortly.)\n\nFurthermore, in the day care study, the new proclivity to lateness continued even after the fines were removed. Apparently, parents assumed the cost of lateness had already been revealed. It's great if they aren't charged for it (free daycare!), but it is now an economic, not an ethical issue.\n\nI do not mean to suggest carbon pricing cannot be an important tool in reducing emissions. Indeed, I think it is one of the most critical. But like any early market, structure and incentives are critical to success. Is it possible that while ethical concerns around carbon emissions are on an upswing, we should focus on those as incentives and abandon the pricing mechanisms until we can structure the mandatory cuts that increasingly seem likely?\n\nposted by Justin Label @ 2:02 PM   5 comments links to this post", "Tuesday, December 26, 2006\n\n80 MPG Diesel Engine\n\nOne fascinating branch of cleantech innovation is the drive to create substantially more efficient personal transportation. Of course, the Prius, with its branded Hybrid Synergy Drive, is a marketing breakthrough. But there are a number of other exciting approaches out there as well, from cleaner diesel engines which by their nature are more energy efficient, to plug-in hybrids (one of my personal favorites), to all-electric vehicles which claim the equivalent of 135 or even 169 mpg, to very cost-effective advances in the traditional internal combustion engine. At Bessemer, we are keenly interested in all these approaches, since nearly one-third of all U.S. CO2 emissions come from the transportation sector. We are confident that by the end of the decade, the nation will have taken steps toward addressing transportation's impact on climate change, whether it be in the form of states winning the \"controversial\" right to regulate in their own jurisdictions, the long-shot suit against the EPA currently before the Supreme Court, the new Democratic Congress, or just the inevitable collapse of recalcitrant opposition in the face of the facts.\n\nBut amidst all this important work, I wanted to take a moment this holiday week to offer a humorous distraction on this topic. Apparently, there is an innovative entrepreneur in Arkansas I need to go track down. Now I wasn't there, and I didn't see, but I'm telling you as it was told to me.\n\nA man and a contractor are making the trek to an isolated cabin in the woods outside Hardy, Arkansas. The contractor is to install a pre-fabbed shed on the largely undeveloped property, and he is towing it behind his truck on a long trailer. At the last intersection of their journey -- a turnoff from the paved highway onto a narrow gravel road -- the two decide it is best to leave the shed and venture ahead to make sure the whole rig can navigate the arduous path. Are the trees hanging too low? Can the rig turn around at the end of the road?\n\nSo the contractor jumps out of his truck, engine still running, to ride along with the man. The conversation goes like this:\n\nMan: \"You left your truck running.\"\n\nContractor: \"Yeah, it's an old diesel and it has a hard time starting up. So it's best not to turn it off.\"\n\nMan: \"Well, it's going to take us 30 minutes or more to make the roundtrip. You're going to burn a lot of fuel.\"\n\nContractor: \"Oh, it's okay. I get 70 or 80 miles to the gallon when I'm idling.\"\n\nNow that's a creative inventor! Let's hope the next decade brings more compelling innovations in efficient engines than that!\n\nposted by Justin Label @ 9:10 AM   0 comments links to this post", "Wednesday, December 20, 2006\n\nThe Miracle of Efficient Lighting\n\nMy partner David Cowan has blogged on why he celebrates Hanukkah, even as an atheist. He also takes the opportunity to draw some analogies between the biblical story and lessons of entrepreneurship applicable today.\n\nFrom my perspective, he missed two chances to extend the analogy. First, we must reference one of my favorite New Yorker cartoons of all time. (The New Yorker has asked that their cartoons not be republished without permission, so I link to it rather than post it.)\n\nSecond, there is an obvious Cleantech lesson, too. The efficiency improvement that Judah Macabee effected is roughly the same (8:1) as that between state-of-the-art LED lighting and the traditional incandescent bulb. I firmly believe that by the end of the decade 8:1 improvements in lumens per watt won't seem like much of a miracle. But it will be a a big part of how we keep the looming specters of increased emissions and global warming (scarier even than the Syrian army) at bay.\n\nposted by Justin Label @ 12:53 PM   0 comments links to this post", "Name: Justin Label\nLocation: Menlo Park, California, United States\n\nPartner at Bessemer Venture Partners, investing in Cleantech opportunities."], "url": "http://ventureagain.blogspot.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 413, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 201, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["11faf5fd276430c2af15719a65027e2a5ca67bd7b1e6f9989177c57307227835"], "__index_level_0__": 355, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://forecast.weather.gov/wwamap/png/US.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9379949569702148}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://victoria-weather.com/tag/champaign/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://forecast.weather.gov/wwamap/png/US.png\", \"src\": \"http://forecast.weather.gov/wwamap/png/US.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"US\"}, null]", "texts": ["Boy, this sure has been a lot of traveling, hasn’t it been? We’re returning from the sunny shores of Naples, Florida on a two day trip covering 1239 miles. The second day will be the long one, but we should cover 557 miles on Tuesday, leaving the rest of the trip for Wednesday. Let’s get going. Might as well get leaving Florida over with. 🙁\n\nDAY ONE (Tuesday)", "If you haven’t heard, it’s an absolute mess in the east coast, but a surge of warm air will help to prevent too much snow and ice accumulation for the eastern Seaboard. But we are starting in Florida. A very active cold front will be moving through the Florida Peninsula, with scattered showers and thunderstorms tomorrow morning. Sleeping in Naples may be difficult tonight, but as we get going in the morning, the source cold front will be almost through the area. Some post frontal showers will be possible to about Tampa, with clear skies then filling in a we drive North Florida. Clouds may begin to fill back in while driving through central Georgia, but we will stop in Forsyth for the night before we have to worry about any other nefarious conditions.\n\nDAY TWO (Wednesday)\nThe broad upper level trough that has been bedeviling the country for so many days is finally going to start retreating to the northeast by Wednesday. Not only will we steer clear of any precipitation, but nearly everywhere we drive will be warmer than it was on Tuesday. People in Champaign are just going to be so happy to be outside when we arrive.", "Yesterday was a little frightening, looking at Spartanburg like we were. Today I think I feel safer instead exploring the world of Champaign, which is well inland and away from the mess headed for the Eastern Seaboard.\n\nAt 153PM, CT, Champaign was reporting a temperature of 30 degrees with low visibilities and overcast skies. Recent snow was in the process of melting, but with a deep trough over the region, temperatures aloft weren’t warm enough to burn the low level moisture off, and the feedback cycle is encouraging temperatures to remain cool today.\nThe surface gradient between a warm high Plains ridge and a cold Great Lakes trough is strongest in a northwest to southeast path through Illinois. A few impulses have been traveling along this area of baroclinicity, including a feature expected to invade the region early tomorrow morning. It’s simply a vorticity maximum, and no significant air mass change is expected, but this feature will bring about some precipitation to the region through the early afternoon. Champaign is going to be safely in the cool side of this gradient, so all precipitation will fall as light snow. It will move out as quickly as it arrives tonight, and by the late evening, it will be clearing. Expect a mostly cloudy sky through the day on Wednesday with a bit of a breeze. High pressure will be retreating from the area on Thursday, which should lead to a bit of an improvement in temperatures.\nTomorrow – Early snow showers, High 35, Low 25\nWednesday – Mostly cloudy, High 34, Low 25\n\nTWC: Tomorrow – Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing, High 38, Low 21\nWednesday – Overcast 34, Low 27\n\nAW: Tomorrow – Areas of freezing fog in the morning; mostly cloudy High 36, Low 22\nWednesday – Mostly cloudy and chilly High 35, Low 26\n\nNWS: Tomorrow – A 30 percent chance of snow, mainly between 7am and 4pm. Patchy fog before 7am. Otherwise, cloudy High 36, Low 24\nWednesday – Mostly cloudy, (snow thru 1AM) High 36, Low 27\n\nWB: Tomorrow – Cloudy with a 40 percent chance of snow, High 36, Low 24\nWednesday – Mostly cloudy, High 36, Low 27\n\nWN: Tomorrow – Mostly Cloudy with Scattered Snow Showers High 36, Low 25\nWednesday – Mostly Cloudy High 36, Low 27\n\nFIO: Tomorrow – Foggy in the morning. High 37, Low 26\nWednesday – Foggy in the morning.High 34, Low 25\n\nInteresting to see what that little wave does over the Mississippi Valley tonight It will have a big impact on whether or not we are successful with the forecast! The system has been trending further south, so many expect that Champaign will remain in the clear. I’m not convinced. Here is the evening satellite image, showing a batch of precipitation headed south towards central and southern Illinois.", "Today’s road trip takes us from Billings, MT to Champaign, IL, so we should get a pretty good tour of the North-Central US during this journey! It will take us 3 days to cover the 1,278 miles between the two.", "It’s a pretty chilly start to the day as strong high pressure shifting down from Canada will have us below zero as we head east on I-90 then eventually onto 212 that’ll take us on a bit of a more scenic route through southeast Montana before we rejoin I-90 in southwest SD. It should be a pretty nice day for most of the trip as the high pressure quickly shifts from the Dakotas to Wisconsin by the end of the day. We might see a few more clouds as weak low pressure builds over central Montana by the end of the day, but we won’t see any precip from it. We’ll continue east to Chamberlain, SD, our stop for this day.\n\nAn increase of clouds is expected to start our day as a weak boundary is lingering off to the north as day breaks. This weak boundary will be in our area as we continue along I-90 past Sioux Falls and eventually into Albert Lea, MN, but outside of some mostly cloudy skies, we should be pretty day along this leg as well. Skies will clear out a bit more as we turn southward into Iowa in the late afternoon, and finish our quiet day in Cedar Rapids.\n\nHigh pressure has built back into the area overnight, leaving us with a clear, but chilly, start to the day. Today is a shorter drive though, heading past the Quad Cities and Peoria before eventually arriving in Champaign. Quiet weather day today, perfect for those last few hours on the road!", "4 days from the California Coast to the Plains. That should be interesting. Wall, it will be be a pretty stark change in scenery at least. The drive is 2096 miles, which, as I said, we will cover in 4 days. Those days will be 538.7 miles apiece (save for a shorter final day, though not by much) at 67.3mph. That’s a swift pace for some mountain driving! Let’s go ahead and take this show on the road, shall we?", "The main feature across the country this weekend will be a broad area of low pressure over the Pacific Northwest that is going to bring a bit of a nastiness for the middle of the month up in the Cascades. But that’s the Pacific NORTHwest. We will be driving in the southwest. No problems for us as we sidle on up to Parks, Arizona, west of Flagstaff.\n\nA lee trough will begin developing over the Front Range in southern Colorado, and there will be some showers and storms developing in southern New Mexico in the late afternoon. This won’t be a problem for us in northern Arizona and New Mexico, but is likely a sign of things to come. The day will end in San Jon, New Mexico. San Jon? Awesome. We will be between Tucumcari and the Texas border.\n\nA cold front will really take shape across Oklahoma as we try to make our way through the Sooner State. The early part of the day should be pretty good, and we will make it through the Texas Panhandle unscathed, simply collecting dust. The front will be a stalled boundary that lies essentially along I-44. We will need to take I-44. The threat for thunderstorms will begin around Elk City, but will really pick up as we approach Oklahoma City. As we head north for the last few hours of the day, we will be in prime severe weather territory. It’s not going to be a solid squall, I don’t think, but when we hit those massive storms, our ground speed may be matched only by the crosswinds created by the thunderstorm downdrafts. It might be time to pull off the road around Fairland in northeastern Oklahoma. This part of the world has had an awful track record for severe weather of late, so be aware, if you are a believer in karma, or bad vibes.\n\nThe system, at least where it stands as a severe threat, will be short lived. Latent moisture and a little bit of a disturbed flow will make Missouri and southern Illinois cloudy. There is a chance for showers through the day, with that threat picking up the closer we get to Champaign, though even then, the threat won’t be very high, as another system rears it’s ugly head in the upper Midwest, introducing a clearing, warming flow over the Plains.", "“Delta” (the Greek letter) in science circles means “change” and more often than not, T represents temperature in the various fields. In Champaign the past two days, the temperature in Champaign stayed within a 6 degree spread, never dipping below 43, never rising above 49. That would be a low Delta T. Yesterday was particularly bleak, with winds kicking up to well over 30mph through most of the day, causing a driving rain to batter the city. Not a fun day to walk to class at the University of Illinois, which I’m sure everyone did. Victoria-Weather had the top forecast.\nActuals: Tuesday – .03 inches of rain, High 49, Low 44\nWednesday – .95 inches of rain, High 45, Low 43\n\nToday we head off to one of my favorite places, Illinois! Champaign in particular, where a plethora of my friends and aquiantances have gone to college at. Will the weather cooperate with their need for a good start to the week?\n\nAt 10:53pm CDT, the temperature in Champaign, IL is 44 degrees with light rain. An area of low pressure shifting out of the Southern Plains kicked up a band of rain showers and thunderstorms from OK stretching northeastward to MO and IL, where the southern half of the state encountered some precip. As an upper-level trough continues to dig through the Central US, this low pressure feature will be pushed towards the east-northeast into the TN Valley then up towards the Great Lakes. This low pressure is being lifted due north in part to a strengthening area of low pressure that is moving up from the Gulf and over the East Coast, keeping this 1st area of low pressure deflected somewhat from pushing too far towards the east. In doing this, the low will essentially pivot around Champaign over the next couple of days, keeping the threat of rain showers in the area for the duration. Luckily, all thunderstorm activity should remain off to the south, so just a semi-soaking rain should the showers move in. A chilly rain at that.\n\nTuesday: Periods of rain. High 51, Low 40.\nWednesday: Scattered showers possible. High 48, Low 39.\n\nTWC: Tuesday: Rain showers. High 53, Low 41.\nWednesday: Few showers expected, windy. High 50, Low 38.\n\nAW: Tuesday: Few rain showers in the morning. High 53, Low 38.\nWednesday: Mostly cloudy and windy. High 53, Low 38.\n\nNWS: Tuesday: Scattered rain showers. High 52, Low 42.\nWednesday: Rain showers expected. High 50, Low 39.\n\nWB: Tuesday: Rain showers. High 52, Low 40.\nWednesday: More rain showers expected. High 51, Low 38.\n\nHere we see some rain showers juuuuust south of the city, shifting off towards the east. Don’t fret, they’ll be sticking around for the next couple of days!", "**Hurricane Irene Update — Irene has weakened slightly, and it doesn’t appear she will become a category 3 storm at any point going forward. I expect he to weaken dramatically over the next 48 hours, however her present course is a worst case scenario for New York City. Expect impressive, flooding rain fall, and a 2-4 foot storm surge in the city. I anticipate a secondary landfall near Jamaica Bay on Long Island, however rain will begin as early as tomorrow. Things remain in flux, stay tuned, as all posts from now until Irene is out of the country will include an update**\nChampaign was barely clipped by a thunderstorm on Wednesday. Just a brief 15 minute shower, which was enough to throw my forecast off, dagnabbit. I still say I did a good job, because their forecast was right on temperatures, and the rain was so short lived. Any ways, The Weather Channel ended up with the top forecast, but they would have had it, even if I hadn’t called for a dry Wednesday.\nWednesday – Trace of rain in a thunderstorm, High 94, Low 70\nThursday – High 84, Low 58\n\nTime for a late forecast. Earthquake totally threw me off.\n\nAt 953PM, CT, Champaign was reporting a temperature of 71 degrees with clear skies. A fast moving cool front is expected to swing from the Dakotas into the western Great Lakes over night tonight, but will remain mostly inactive. Expect some warming\nThe threat for showers will likely end before sunrise and isn’t great to begin with. A strong, fall like ridge is expected to build behind the front, with high pressure and very pleasant weather expected to move in.\nTomorrow – Clearing and hot, High 92, Low 68\nThursday – Cooling off, still sunny, High 80, Low 58\n\nTWC: Tomorrow – Scattered strong thunderstorms developing during the afternoon. Storms may produce large hail and strong winds High 96, Low 69\nThursday – Mainly sunny. High 85, Low 60\n\nAW: Tomorrow – Intervals of clouds and sunshine with a shower or thunderstorm; humid High 89, Low 69\nThursday – Not as warm with lower humidity with sunshine and patchy clouds High 81, Low 60\n\nNWS: Tomorrow – A 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Partly sunny, High 92, Low 68\nThursday – Sunny High 84, Low 65\n\nWB: Tomorrow – Partly sunny with a 50 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. High 92, Low 69\nThursday – Sunny High 83, Low 65\n\nI really, really, really am skeptical of the thunderstorm threat in Champaign. Maybe light showers. But no. No storms. Here is a scatterbrained satellite image.", null], "url": "http://victoria-weather.com/tag/champaign/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 800, "width": 604}], "image_hashes": ["492a82bef5850894b129d03f67392394177c6ea1b87fa98b7d388588ce4eccec"], "__index_level_0__": 356, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2658/4167830558_20a2c55f4f.jpg", "http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2563/4167071521_ef3003ea8d.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9369169473648072}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://vietnamazing.blogspot.com/2009/12/look-what-i-learned-today.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2658/4167830558_20a2c55f4f.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2658/4167830558_20a2c55f4f.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a c f f\", \"alt_text\": \"Piecing out my 1st project\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://vietnamazing.blogspot.com/2009/12/look-what-i-learned-today.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2563/4167071521_ef3003ea8d.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2563/4167071521_ef3003ea8d.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ef ea d\", \"alt_text\": \"Finished snowflake\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://vietnamazing.blogspot.com/2009/12/look-what-i-learned-today.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_NMxr_WuQMC4/R30UBQTRYlI/AAAAAAAAAGI/3_x_qZMdpXU/S220/knitnpr.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_NMxr_WuQMC4/R30UBQTRYlI/AAAAAAAAAGI/3_x_qZMdpXU/S220/knitnpr.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"knitnpr\", \"rendered_width\": 100, \"rendered_height\": 80}]", "texts": [null, null, "The Renni said...\n\nthat is SO beautiful. You make it sound like you just connect a few dots and voila! Art in moments. I hope you get some real snow flakes when you're here in AVL for Xmas :-)\n\n7:28 PM", "chris michel said...\n\noohhh pretty.\n\n8:18 AM", "I love stained glass. My aunt took a class and made all kinds of beautiful ornaments. I have to learn someday. That's a beautiful piece :)"], "url": "http://vietnamazing.blogspot.com/2009/12/look-what-i-learned-today.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3dc18204e5eca6dc10b7b0ebcbb330e03930297353363d48bb1df0b7ce6dae10", "9661732846d6cc8a1e3eac73cbd922c8901f18ccff271d9ac51a2de25f26192e"], "__index_level_0__": 357, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://vietnamhomestayblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/hanoi-lantern-festival-homestay-vietnam.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9180759787559508}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://vietnamhomestay.vn/homestay-news/giant-lantern-festival-countdown-hanoi-vietnam-december-2016.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://vietnamhomestayblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/hanoi-lantern-festival-homestay-vietnam.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://vietnamhomestayblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/hanoi-lantern-festival-homestay-vietnam.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hanoi lantern festival homestay vietnam\", \"alt_text\": \"hanoi-lantern-festival-homestay-vietnam\", \"rendered_width\": 490, \"rendered_height\": 283}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Giant Lantern Festival to Countdown in Hanoi, Vietnam in December 2016", "For the upcoming Holiday chain of Noel and New Year, visitors and residents will have opportunity to attend fantastic Festival which will take place in Hanoi in 51 days.\n\nFrom 3-Dec 2016 to 22-Jan 2017, Hanoi, Vietnam will become host destination for the Giant Lantern Festival Vietnam – Korea. This is the first time Vietnam was chosen to be the host of this festival, following the huge success of previous festivals held in many other countries namely UK, USA, Korea, Japan, Taiwan with millions of audiences. This is also the largest event of its kind in Vietnam.", null, "Hanoi Giant Lantern Festival will be the significant highlight for the year-end holidays. Local residents as well as foreign visitors coming to the Capital these days can take part in entertaining activities of culture, cuisine and shopping.\n\nAs schedule, the Festival will feature more than 40 decorated lanterns of each will be 10-30 meters high symbolizing three dimensions of Vietnamese – Korean culture those of which are Peace, Love and Hope designed in 5 different regions in different themes. In addition, visitors will also be offered with more than 200 exhibition booths with Vietnamese – Korean stuffs, K-pop music concerts, K-pop cover dance contest, Taekwondo exhibitions, traditional instrument performances and performances of artists from Korea, Vietnam and other countries.", "The Festival will be an occasion to introduce and promote the image of Vietnamese tourism to foreign companions, promising to attract a large volume of visitors coming to Hanoi those days. For the high capacity of hotels, motels and other kinds of accommodations during the time occurring the Festival, Vietnam Homestay would be the best choice for travelers to Hanoi as they can join the animated atmosphere of the Holiday while experiencing the authentic life with local residents in fancy homestays in Hanoi such as Green House Homestay, Cao Thai Homestay, Tomtee Homestay, Bich Hang Homestay,…", "Related news", "Son Doong Cave\n\nIn the past, Son Doong cave was classified as the largest cave in the world by BCRA (British...", "Bo Da Pagoda\n\nBo Da Pagoda (Chùa Bổ Đà)", "Quang Nam province develops the project \" the artistic road of boat\" 2017\n\nMarch 8th, Local authority of Quang Nam province has developed the...", "International Culinary Festival to occur in Ho Chi Minh City this December\n\nHCM City Tourism Department in collaboration with the Tourism Association will hold an...", "A series of unique events retain visitors in ancient streets of Hanoi\n\nUpdate: 17/11/2016\n\nStaying in Hanoi Capital in Vietnam these days, visitors will have...", "Independence Festival in Moc Chau\n\nAutumn season from August to October is the best time to experience greatest things in Northern...", "Vietnam Homestay - Unique experience\n\nHomestay has become more and more popular as a pattern of green tourism in Vietnam, in which...", "Great sustainable potential can be seen in Cao Bang, Vietnam\n\nVietnam has great potential of eco tourism with a variety of landscapes have not been yet...", "For travelers to Hanoi, Vietnam\n\nIt is so cool for any visitors to Hanoi...", "Ha Noi to build Disneyland Amusement Park\n\nWithin the framework of making Hanoi a centre of business and creativity of Vietnam, Hanoi's..."], "url": "http://vietnamhomestay.vn/homestay-news/giant-lantern-festival-countdown-hanoi-vietnam-december-2016.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 283, "original_width": 490, "width": 654}], "image_hashes": ["107713d02de846aa2bf7db21038d5a02c806b270d35a48d87fdad70b204a6390"], "__index_level_0__": 358, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1akouro6pig/S0zPk46Bf4I/AAAAAAAABag/kIt8CcBVARg/s320/kreativ+blogger6.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9531437158584596}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://vokesfolks.blogspot.com/2010_01_12_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1akouro6pig/S0zPk46Bf4I/AAAAAAAABag/kIt8CcBVARg/s320/kreativ+blogger6.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1akouro6pig/S0zPk46Bf4I/AAAAAAAABag/kIt8CcBVARg/s320/kreativ+blogger6.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"kreativ blogger\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://vokesfolks.blogspot.com/2010_01_12_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//i136.photobucket.com/albums/q170/nvokes/high2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q170/nvokes/high2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"high\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 41}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://vokesfolks.blogspot.com/2010_01_12_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JQaA8b9WZ-s/UiSvwn3Ha7I/AAAAAAAACE4/AkVk11A9BSM/s150/Neil%2BV%2Bself%2Bportrait.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-JQaA8b9WZ-s/UiSvwn3Ha7I/AAAAAAAACE4/AkVk11A9BSM/s150/Neil%2BV%2Bself%2Bportrait.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Neil BV Bself Bportrait\", \"alt_text\": \"A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words\", \"rendered_width\": 97, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, January 12, 2010\n\nThe Kreativ Blogger Award goes to...", null, "You may be asking yourself...\"What is this dainty image from someone's kitchen wallpaper doing on the legendary artist Neil Vokes' Blog?\"\n\nWell,I wondered the same thing until my good buddy and fellow ETP group member,David Zuzelo explained it to me...allow me to elaborate...\n\nSome time ago this \"award\" was passed along from a blogger to others whom they admired (my research points to a Norwegian lady named Huldas Verden - the translations are sketchy,but this seems to be the basic story) and others continued this practice until this very day when it ended up in MY Blog.\n\nThere are some basic rules associated with the award:\n\n1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award... Thanks, Z!\n2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog... Done.\n3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award... David Zuzelo\n4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting... See below.\n5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers... Also below.\n6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate... Done\n7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated... Soon...;o)\n\nDavey Z awarded me this honor and in appreciation I'll not break the \"chain\"...\n\nName 7 things about myself?\nIf I must...\n\n1- I once had the absolute,unbridled joy of being a Rock 'n' Roll lead singer...for all of three performances-but I wouldn't trade them for the world.\n2- I'm an absolutely unashamed Anglophile-I adore England's films,people and countryside.\n3- I have a mini Christopher Lee Shrine in my studio.\n4- I have never gotten over John Lennon's untimely death.\n5- I have an addictive personality.\n6- Just the mere thought of 1970s era Lina Romay makes me feel all naughty inside.\n7- If you touch me in just the right place I giggle like a little girl...nah...I made that one up (or DID I?)\n\nNominate seven blogs?\n\nI'd like to nominate Z's but his Blog should already be on most of your lists,you silly people (but it is linked above for the uninitiated) ...;o)\n\n1. Ade Salmon Art - The blog of one of my very best friends and a Helluva artist,Adrian Salmon- Ade is my Brit brother of a different mother and I admire his work and the passion behind it- I'm still in awe of the fact he actually started a blog-if you knew Ade like I do you'd be surprised he could even fit another thing into his busy schedule- much less one where he has to talk about himself so much (a subject i have very little problem with...ahem) Please check him out.\n\n2. Today's Inspiration - As an artist who faces a blank piece of paper as often as I do,wondering what the heck I'm gonna draw,good inspiration is an absolute must- well this is one of many sites i visit for that very reason- the many beautiful sketches,old magazine ads and various other works of art never fail to get my artistic juices flowing.\n\n3. Hammer and Beyond - Holger Haase and I share a love for Hammer Films-the British \"House of Horror\"- and in his blog he shares that love with others - H2 is another friend,I'm happy to say,but don't think that just because these blogs are made by my pals that I'm prejudiced-I'd be visiting their blogs anyway because they're worth it.\n4. Wrong Side of the Art - I love movies- and the old movie posters that used to announce their coming-this site always has a fresh batch of high rez images of those classic posters (not the more recent kind which seem to have lost the \"art\" that used to make these special) check 'em out.\n\n5. The Groovy Age of Horror - The \"gila monster clamped onto your boot\" kinda fella that drives this blog is also a good friend (OK- several of my fave blogs are done by friends-so sue me) Curt Purcell is a voracious reader & a man whose obsessions are worn on his internet sleeve. From the blog's title to it's many X-rated images from obscure foreign paperbacks,Curt's passions are laid out for all to see.\n\n6. Golden Age Comic Book Stories - Another wonderful site for beautiful images,mainly from comic books and related works-more inspiration and just plain beautiful artwork.\n\n7. Exploitation Retrospect - Dan Taylor (also known as The Hungover Gourmet ) is yet another good buddy,but also an exploitation film nut (and probably Klaus Kinski's number one fan!) and one devoted blogger-I barely manage to keep this one up to date and Danno has at least six i can think of... go-see-enjoy."], "url": "http://vokesfolks.blogspot.com/2010_01_12_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 405, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 298, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4abc3388430f8dbf3133a64f7955a0f4509ab52e3e8b62f9a9d12747705a13be"], "__index_level_0__": 359, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SeWT2UO56mk/SeaaYOIR2OI/AAAAAAAAAAM/B6VyipHnQUY/S254/IMG00048.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9476691484451294}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wafreedomwatch.blogspot.com/2009/09/state-senator-jim-kastama.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SeWT2UO56mk/SeaaYOIR2OI/AAAAAAAAAAM/B6VyipHnQUY/S254/IMG00048.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SeWT2UO56mk/SeaaYOIR2OI/AAAAAAAAAAM/B6VyipHnQUY/S254/IMG00048.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"Olympia Tea Party\", \"rendered_width\": 254, \"rendered_height\": 191}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, September 6, 2009\n\nState Senator Jim Kastama\n\nOur State Senator, Jim Kastama has sent an open invitation to sit down and discuss “the state budget was difficult to balance this past legislative session. We are not, however, out of the woods yet. There is even discussion in Washington, DC about a “Stimulus II” Plan.”\n“How should we manage this recession? What concerns do you have in your own life that you want your elected officials to know? Share these thoughts with me in a small gathering of your neighbors and friends.”\n\nSenator Kastama has offered to meet to discuss these issues and any others that are on your/our minds. He has also made himself available in the evenings if this would be more convenient. He has been contacted and may be coming to my neighborhood on South Hill, Puyallup. Please call if you would be interested in attending. (206) 412-9554-Leah", null], "url": "http://wafreedomwatch.blogspot.com/2009/09/state-senator-jim-kastama.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 190, "original_width": 254, "width": 505}], "image_hashes": ["cecbc53f32d955b3b1a864c0f983e38ad861f63b0a704d28b4d145fdb9ead181"], "__index_level_0__": 360, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PzZBAi3ZhN0/UBDOiOSjDBI/AAAAAAAABKI/iytLLDSfRBo/s400/Anna-Karenina-2012-Movie-Poster1.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9153646230697632}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://waitingforwentworth.blogspot.com/2012/07/book-trailer-anna-karenina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PzZBAi3ZhN0/UBDOiOSjDBI/AAAAAAAABKI/iytLLDSfRBo/s400/Anna-Karenina-2012-Movie-Poster1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PzZBAi3ZhN0/UBDOiOSjDBI/AAAAAAAABKI/iytLLDSfRBo/s400/Anna-Karenina-2012-Movie-Poster1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Anna Karenina Movie Poster\", \"rendered_width\": 270, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://waitingforwentworth.blogspot.com/2012/07/book-trailer-anna-karenina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://waitingforwentworth.blogspot.com/2012/07/book-trailer-anna-karenina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w472/WaitingForWentworth/SocialMedia/mail_zpsd598398f.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w472/WaitingForWentworth/SocialMedia/mail_zpsd598398f.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mail zpsd f\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://waitingforwentworth.blogspot.com/2012/07/book-trailer-anna-karenina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w472/WaitingForWentworth/SocialMedia/bloglovin_zpsd717df31.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w472/WaitingForWentworth/SocialMedia/bloglovin_zpsd717df31.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bloglovin zpsd df\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://waitingforwentworth.blogspot.com/2012/07/book-trailer-anna-karenina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w472/WaitingForWentworth/SocialMedia/twitter_zpsccf2941b.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w472/WaitingForWentworth/SocialMedia/twitter_zpsccf2941b.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter zpsccf b\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://waitingforwentworth.blogspot.com/2012/07/book-trailer-anna-karenina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w472/WaitingForWentworth/SocialMedia/facebook_zps8bc79902.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w472/WaitingForWentworth/SocialMedia/facebook_zps8bc79902.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook zps bc\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://waitingforwentworth.blogspot.com/2012/07/book-trailer-anna-karenina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w472/WaitingForWentworth/SocialMedia/youtube_zps75971ccc.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1077.photobucket.com/albums/w472/WaitingForWentworth/SocialMedia/youtube_zps75971ccc.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"youtube zps ccc\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Inspired by Book Trailer Thursday feature at Once Upon A Twilight.\nShare your trailer with us - doesn't matter if it's a new release, a book that is coming soon, or a book that you just read.\nAnna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy\n838 pages (first published 1877)\n\nTrailer: Anna Karenina - 2012\nDirector comments for a full minute, skip that part to get to the good stuff!", null, "Book Synopsis From Goodreads:\n\nI can't say that I have any desire to actually read Anna Karenina, but I did enjoy the 1935 film version featuring Greta Garbo. Now, this new version stars Keira Knightley and looks highly stylized and honestly, quite weird. I thought Keira was an odd casting choice, and I'm still not convinced she can pull it off. I'm not the biggest fan of hers, and my main reason is because she always acts exactly the same no matter the role. Am I the only one who feels this way? Oh, and not to nit pick, but I hate that she always has her mouth open. I just want to tell her to close it. And Aaron Johnson as Count Vronsky? What's with the weird blond hair? Well, casting choices aside, I'm still willing to give this movie a chance.\n\nHas anyone actually read Anna Karenina? Or have you seen any of the film versions? Are you going to see this version when it comes out?"], "url": "http://waitingforwentworth.blogspot.com/2012/07/book-trailer-anna-karenina.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 560, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 270, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["bd503c251fa17d65346402adceec67965f81f4bcedbd1d52ab91c59b719a5c2d"], "__index_level_0__": 361, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SVevB7MzVH4/Tg9mCRcOWoI/AAAAAAAAAj4/xOk7EG6KzcU/s320/_MG_0469.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-a60Q7RrVWgA/Tg9s7CammsI/AAAAAAAAAkM/NyV7N3FrUbQ/s400/_MG_0285.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6IQi8jQpLII/Tg9sGiImk2I/AAAAAAAAAkE/5vzL5qz4tuU/s320/_MG_0216.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MwelIfo2zVw/Tg9ryCVoZ0I/AAAAAAAAAkA/6pB9zeFRFt8/s400/_MG_0207.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S91PyFxK7R8/Tg9sirgahdI/AAAAAAAAAkI/RE9FvxZd1jk/s400/_MG_0229.JPG", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9776331186294556}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wannabechefmysti.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SVevB7MzVH4/Tg9mCRcOWoI/AAAAAAAAAj4/xOk7EG6KzcU/s320/_MG_0469.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SVevB7MzVH4/Tg9mCRcOWoI/AAAAAAAAAj4/xOk7EG6KzcU/s320/_MG_0469.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 213}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wannabechefmysti.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-a60Q7RrVWgA/Tg9s7CammsI/AAAAAAAAAkM/NyV7N3FrUbQ/s400/_MG_0285.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-a60Q7RrVWgA/Tg9s7CammsI/AAAAAAAAAkM/NyV7N3FrUbQ/s400/_MG_0285.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 266}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wannabechefmysti.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6IQi8jQpLII/Tg9sGiImk2I/AAAAAAAAAkE/5vzL5qz4tuU/s320/_MG_0216.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6IQi8jQpLII/Tg9sGiImk2I/AAAAAAAAAkE/5vzL5qz4tuU/s320/_MG_0216.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MG\", \"rendered_width\": 213, \"rendered_height\": 320}, {\"document_url\": \"http://wannabechefmysti.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MwelIfo2zVw/Tg9ryCVoZ0I/AAAAAAAAAkA/6pB9zeFRFt8/s400/_MG_0207.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MwelIfo2zVw/Tg9ryCVoZ0I/AAAAAAAAAkA/6pB9zeFRFt8/s400/_MG_0207.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 266}, {\"document_url\": \"http://wannabechefmysti.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S91PyFxK7R8/Tg9sirgahdI/AAAAAAAAAkI/RE9FvxZd1jk/s400/_MG_0229.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-S91PyFxK7R8/Tg9sirgahdI/AAAAAAAAAkI/RE9FvxZd1jk/s400/_MG_0229.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 266}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wannabechefmysti.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, February 22\n\nI recently spent a few minutes remembering the good ole days when cooking was on the top of my list of most enjoyable things to do. Don't get me wrong, I still love to cook but even reading the last post I submitted on this blog, unbelievably almost 2 years ago, its amazing how much my life has changed. I smiled at the fact that although I didn't know it at the time only 3 short days after my last post I found out we were pregnant. The moment my life got flipped upside-down!\n\nI wouldn't trade that somersault for anything in the world but I have to admit it's sweet nostalgia to go back and remember the days of food blogging, days in the kitchen, and hours mulling over new recipes.\n\nI put this blog aside initially because the first few months of my pregnancy I couldn't think about food without chunks rising unless it was Wolf Brand Chili, breakfast sausage, or Cheetos. Who's going to read a blog about those?? After the first semester passed I found myself still not too interested in cooking and more time was focused on getting ready for our new family member. Then she arrived and as they all say \"time flies\" and boy has it. Cooking has come back into the picture on an occasion but its mostly to provide meals for my family and not necessarily for pure enjoyment like it used to be.\n\nAlthough bittersweet, it's time for this blog to come to a close for now. Who knows if one day I will pick it back up but for now I feel like closing this door. New things rank at the top of my priority list, new hobbies, and a new person fills my life.\n\nI hope to be more diligent in blogging on a new subject with a possible/occasional food post here- pandmpace.wordpress.com\n\nThat's all for now.\n\nSunday, July 10\n\nGreek Salad", "Going to a new place seems to increase your tendency to cook their style of food. Either that or I just wish we were back in Greece so I try my hand at Greek food more often than not!\nI had a few Greek salads while we were in Greece, they were not much like the ones you find in America. I'm sure there are those \"Americanized\" restaurants that you could find your typical salad in but after having an authentic Greek Salad, I'm not sure we know what we are doing when we make salad here. We seem to lack substance and add a lot of \"fluff\" lettuce! Okay, I'm not going to diss lettuce, because I for one have had some dang good salads with the stuff but you must try a Greek salad at least one time in your life!\nWith all the WONDERFUL produce that is coming from gardens I have been blessed with tons from my father-in-law, some from friends, and some from the farmers market. All, of course, much better than anything you can buy at a typical grocery store. When your fridge is full of it, you have to find recipes that use it up because I am under the impression that the preserved version isn't quite as good as the fresh! Greek salads are basically a load of veggies tossed together with some good olive oil dressing and what a better time to make a big batch. Not to mention I have discovered that feta doesn't give me lactose intolerant symptoms, I have been in love with it since.\nThis version of Greek Salad has probably more different veggies than your typical fair however the flavors resemble Greece so much, you will feel like your sitting seaside in Santorini!\n\nrecipe thanks to me!\n\nfor the dressing:\n1/4 c kefir\n1/4 c olive oil\n1 tsp basil\n1 tsp oregano\n1 tbs lemon juice\n1 tbs apple cider vinegar\n1 clove garlic\n2 tsp Dijon mustard\nsalt and pepper\nfor the salad:\n1 bunch of asparagus\n2 regular sized zucchini and yellow squash\n2 decent sized tomatoes\n1 purple onion\nfeta for top\n\n1. Whisk together the dressing ingredients.\n2. Chop up your veggies into bite sized pieces.\n3. Toss together the dressing and veggies.\n4. Sprinkle with feta.\n\nMonday, July 4", null, "For the most part, June was a pretty relaxing month in our house hold. The summer is officially here, and it was marked by my first sun-kissed tan. We are loving our new place along with the peaceful pool that is so close! After such an exciting May, I almost have the temptation to skip June's blog update, all I can think is...boooring! : ) I guess I live for excitement, but being content where God has me is something I feel like God taught me a lot about in June. A book by the name of \"Selah\" by Nancie Carmichael was something God used to really make me reflect and focus on having times of peace and quite. That it's okay to not be doing something all the time, which my personality drives me towards. I really think that our current culture teaches us that your suppose to be \"going, going, going\" or you don't amount to much. When in reality that just distracts us from thinking deeply, enjoying peace, and really reflecting on the beautiful grace God gives us day in and day out. Honestly, it didn't take long before I forgot about the lesson and was caught up in being busy again. A friend was so sweet to remind me of how God has season's in our life, those season's are planned by Him, sometimes they are busy, sometimes they are slow, what we do with each season is a reflection of how much we trust God. If we are discontent with a season, we are discontent with God. It's so easy to complain about our circumstances whatever they may be, but knowing that God planned each one of our steps for a purpose really puts things in perspective. Not to mention that those plans are really for His glorification, not ours! That reminder went well with what I had previously learned. What a good friend I have! Really, what a good God I have!", null, "The first week of June P and I were able to accompany a large group of our international students to the Dallas Aquarium. There were loads of things to see, however I must say the smell was not so great. We enjoyed our short visit and was really glad we didn't have to fork over the money for that adventure.\n\nP has been really getting into taking pictures with our new camera, he spent sometime at our school campus and got some really good shots.", null, null, null, "The last weekend in June we spent at relatives, it was a whirlwind weekend but we actually got to see MOST of our family in the two days we were down. My Mimi celebrated her 75th birthday, we had a Brazilian dinner with our folks, and P was able to get some homework done for his World Missions class by interviewing an international!\n\nWhat a good month to start the summer. It is so quiet around work since most of the students are gone, but what a good time to relax and enjoy the quietness God has blessed us with.\n\nP and I are saying bye to June and a big fat HELLO to July, excited about what God has orchestrated and amazed that we are apart of His plan!\n\nYou may enjoy these as well...", "keeping up..."], "url": "http://wannabechefmysti.blogspot.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["b7cb1fe9aad927cca2147d6adf1ebfdc7d462c80912f7c731a5b1089afc23e13", "ed7acce32521d66f66af1733dd40dffb22e9d41a22da8e3efda6d3fccd9ef932", "aa5f0031f5bc71d0f4931729c3df2d9076ac80173a23f0f208c69c8ef374d222", "0fe9c807c19dbf89ca5590530ab341506d35a4c7d17ed14f29f8601ac9bdb66d", "c348c6ff633543eb8b868c7dc3480a92e39df7baf35908bd0e17212b0f8319e9"], "__index_level_0__": 362, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gH_eEFieXmU/TDUZiixdkXI/AAAAAAAAAJw/tCPuRyDk8vI/s200/burpee+fun.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gH_eEFieXmU/TDUYl9LoPZI/AAAAAAAAAJg/JoG11TK7YSs/s200/burpee+power.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gH_eEFieXmU/TDUfBtXFrhI/AAAAAAAAAJ4/wC2FRhgon-U/s200/061.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9588192701339722}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://waterbreakswithlori.blogspot.com/2010/07/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_gH_eEFieXmU/TEUSeR7L_gI/AAAAAAAAAKA/cGgc0Sliz8Q/s200/stella+bikini.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_gH_eEFieXmU/TEUSeR7L_gI/AAAAAAAAAKA/cGgc0Sliz8Q/s200/stella+bikini.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"stella bikini\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://waterbreakswithlori.blogspot.com/2010/07/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gH_eEFieXmU/TDUZiixdkXI/AAAAAAAAAJw/tCPuRyDk8vI/s200/burpee+fun.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gH_eEFieXmU/TDUZiixdkXI/AAAAAAAAAJw/tCPuRyDk8vI/s200/burpee+fun.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"burpee fun\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://waterbreakswithlori.blogspot.com/2010/07/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gH_eEFieXmU/TDUYl9LoPZI/AAAAAAAAAJg/JoG11TK7YSs/s200/burpee+power.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gH_eEFieXmU/TDUYl9LoPZI/AAAAAAAAAJg/JoG11TK7YSs/s200/burpee+power.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"burpee power\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://waterbreakswithlori.blogspot.com/2010/07/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gH_eEFieXmU/TDUfBtXFrhI/AAAAAAAAAJ4/wC2FRhgon-U/s200/061.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gH_eEFieXmU/TDUfBtXFrhI/AAAAAAAAAJ4/wC2FRhgon-U/s200/061.JPG\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://waterbreakswithlori.blogspot.com/2010/07/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-Qh0NIy3HlT4/UDVE56PV2JI/AAAAAAAAAYA/caNazT6oYIg/s80/050.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Qh0NIy3HlT4/UDVE56PV2JI/AAAAAAAAAYA/caNazT6oYIg/s80/050.JPG\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 73, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Motivation, priorities, excuses. All of these things affect your workouts. We are either extremely lacking or highly motivated. We either make it a priority or we shove it to the end of the list. Excuses come in many, many forms.\nMotivation, for me, comes in waves. Some people are motivated by failure. I am not. I am motivated by good things. A great lift, a good WOD time, a run that I didn’t hate. These are things that spur me on to have the same experience the", null, "next day. Of course every day can’t be a good day. I try to tell myself, “good days, bad days.” But I have to admit that my motivation begins to lack when I feel like I’m not doing well, or performing to my potential. That’s when the \"inner quitter” in me says “who cares?” Who cares if I lose? Who cares if I am strong? Who cares how fast I run a mile? Who cares what my Fran time is? And then I shake myself and say, rather loudly, “I DO!” And that tends to get me back on track. Steers me back to being the motivated athlete I want to be. So, like I said, it comes in waves.\nI also believe that setting goals helps me greatly. I sit down and make a list of what I want to accomplish and in what time frame. I don’t just", null, "think about it. I write it down. Everyone needs goals. Or else we’re purposelessly wandering through weeks of wods and lifts, never getting to where we want to be. We need purpose. With purpose, we’re motivated to meet our goals. And then we need to prioritize our lives to make meeting these goals possible.\nPrioritizing our lives can be quite complicated, especially when it comes to working out. It’s often the first thing that people will push to the bottom of the list when they are busy. But not for me. I can honestly say that when it comes to working out, it’s very near the top of my priority list. I don’t schedule anything that gets in the way with my workouts. Some would say this makes me selfish. And I will agree that it is my choice to make it more important than other things in my life, but does that make me selfish? I don’t think so. Isn’t that what we all do? We all make time for the important things. It’s about finding a balance between the things we have to do and the things we want to do. On my “want to do” list, working out takes the top priority. And I’ve been blessed to make that work. My schedule is easier to manipulate than it is for some, I fully admit that. I also make choices with my time. But it may not always be such. I may not always have this amount of freedom. And then I will re-prioritize my time to make it work. Because it is that important to me. And if you want to be fit, really fit, then you have to make it a priority, you can’t make excuses.\nExcuses, excuses, excuses. Rarely are they valid. But I will say that I thoroughly believe that all of us can make excuses for any and everything that we do or don’t do, and the way anything turns out. “I can’t workout because I am sick.” Not usually true. I’ve worked out sick many, many times. I use the rule of thumb, “would I call in sick if someone was paying me?” You may not be as good, but you will survive. Sometimes I think it even helps. “I can’t workout because I was up late and I’m hungover.” Sadly, I can attest to the fact that surviving a CrossFit wod hungover doesn’t rate high on my list of good times, but you will live. I promise you. “I’m too busy.” Can you rearrange your schedule to accommodate a workout? How many of hours of TV did you watch this week? Or talked on the phone? Find the time. Most of us can. Treat it like a very small part time job. Don’t negotiate when it comes to your workouts. “I’m too sore.” Never true. You’ll be fine. Unless you’re dealing with an injury, get your butt back in the gym. “I don’t have the money.” Add up your Target receipts. Then add your Starbucks receipts. Then add your fast food receipts. This one usually comes back to our talk about priorities.\nOf course sometimes you are actually too sick, or too busy, or too broke. There are circumstances when all of the above reasons are beyond your control and you just simply can’t make it work. I totally get that. I am speaking for the majority of us. Not all of us. But just be honest with yourself. You’ll know if your reason for skipping a workout is valid. Just get back to it when you can.\nRemember, 50 burpees for time is a great WOD. It’s short, maybe not-so-sweet, but it won’t cramp your busy schedule. And trying to get it done in less than 3 minutes is a great goal to be motivated to accomplish. You can do it at home or anywhere for that matter. And burpees are free.\n\nBe motivated. Make working out a priority. Stop making excuses."], "url": "http://waterbreakswithlori.blogspot.com/2010/07/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["c3c1543b772a2929e6d4b3fb601b76dd87e3fdac88a9b0dad2064fa786dbf08a", "1587327f39957ea3cffbe90088f572e62a80d7535b6bde7bbf1f2c348fae9316", "0a62d0bd3e24da8aac90e1ee02b5a0f41f4f3f9971355b321a2ff65f58722bc4"], "__index_level_0__": 363, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/56/1878/400/rep22%20results.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8250802159309387}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wesawthat.blogspot.com/2006/04/election-results.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/56/1878/400/rep22%20results.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/56/1878/400/rep22%20results.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rep results\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wesawthat.blogspot.com/2006/04/election-results.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/56/1878/400/winn%20parish%20da%2001%20april%202006.1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/56/1878/400/winn%20parish%20da%2001%20april%202006.1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"winn parish da april\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wesawthat.blogspot.com/2006/04/election-results.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MlPEsnb51YI/TwOoEhAWd1I/AAAAAAAAK1Y/V4-GFVUQvqs/s226/_unclescam.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MlPEsnb51YI/TwOoEhAWd1I/AAAAAAAAK1Y/V4-GFVUQvqs/s226/_unclescam.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"unclescam\", \"rendered_width\": 183, \"rendered_height\": 226}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "race is a special election to fill the seat held by tommy wright who resigned."], "url": "http://wesawthat.blogspot.com/2006/04/election-results.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 224, "original_width": 400, "width": 675}], "image_hashes": ["5e39a2d054718c282de4b6989ae20535a369e1be9437ef65edd4c5b74f033d89"], "__index_level_0__": 364, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtRn-TGzI/AAAAAAAACLI/MlaefQAKKhY/s320/IMG_2396.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtRCcV4TI/AAAAAAAACLA/3NT_qinuHDw/s320/IMG_2361.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtQ34hZhI/AAAAAAAACK4/JzAJmN3GoU8/s320/IMG_2359.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtQRdOg1I/AAAAAAAACKw/EifxosjZDC8/s320/IMG_2356.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9408187866210938}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wickmans.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-break.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtRn-TGzI/AAAAAAAACLI/MlaefQAKKhY/s320/IMG_2396.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtRn-TGzI/AAAAAAAACLI/MlaefQAKKhY/s320/IMG_2396.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wickmans.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-break.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtRCcV4TI/AAAAAAAACLA/3NT_qinuHDw/s320/IMG_2361.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtRCcV4TI/AAAAAAAACLA/3NT_qinuHDw/s320/IMG_2361.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://wickmans.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-break.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtQ34hZhI/AAAAAAAACK4/JzAJmN3GoU8/s320/IMG_2359.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtQ34hZhI/AAAAAAAACK4/JzAJmN3GoU8/s320/IMG_2359.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://wickmans.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-break.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtQRdOg1I/AAAAAAAACKw/EifxosjZDC8/s320/IMG_2356.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/S8BtQRdOg1I/AAAAAAAACKw/EifxosjZDC8/s320/IMG_2356.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wickmans.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-break.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/TJph_ZKflcI/AAAAAAAACWs/EbPzFhOw0xY/S220-s80/IMG_2991.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_VmgTAKRW8aU/TJph_ZKflcI/AAAAAAAACWs/EbPzFhOw0xY/S220-s80/IMG_2991.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, April 10, 2010\n\nSpring Break\n\nThe best of 6 pictures of all 3 kids Easter morning.", null, "Gramma and Papa took us to the zoo on a beautiful day! They had a lot of fun seeing what the animals do right after winter. Oh, and riding the carousal was pretty fun too!", null, null, null], "url": "http://wickmans.blogspot.com/2010/04/spring-break.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["b4e8b36ec1ed50a19f90a03a5686a17164d4267b4147575cfa9d88887d4e0e17", "b2052d5eabb98b0618d49a320dec042b0ff834f9dee5b18a6a3ec0b25ba2d1b3", "9aa6e0d807c05ab56fb3237f9b6abb3e5832a03cc51f97949dd556310cc2e08f", "2a1145f7ff02ebee9d3e227f9f0e1b4c6e0f3c15bb0e0a15ee7e0c0c9ccfb59a"], "__index_level_0__": 365, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_aAZG7nUsTFs/THscHT_olaI/AAAAAAAAEQE/8inpzDLe3l4/s320/Happy+Plaid+Blue+Trees.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9316893219947816}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wiggysworldofcrafts.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-birthday-circle-tree.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_aAZG7nUsTFs/THscHT_olaI/AAAAAAAAEQE/8inpzDLe3l4/s320/Happy+Plaid+Blue+Trees.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_aAZG7nUsTFs/THscHT_olaI/AAAAAAAAEQE/8inpzDLe3l4/s320/Happy+Plaid+Blue+Trees.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Happy Plaid Blue Trees\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wiggysworldofcrafts.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-birthday-circle-tree.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Xxz6CrHXYBM/T1a8or97MpI/AAAAAAAAFW0/i9-zywZjaIw/s250/runway_fashionista.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Xxz6CrHXYBM/T1a8or97MpI/AAAAAAAAFW0/i9-zywZjaIw/s250/runway_fashionista.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"runway fashionista\", \"rendered_width\": 170, \"rendered_height\": 170}, {\"document_url\": \"http://wiggysworldofcrafts.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-birthday-circle-tree.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Aj4r1QA9jxA/TuKRpLGlNTI/AAAAAAAAE_U/eov84Pd3_sU/s250/FotoFlexer_Photo-vip1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Aj4r1QA9jxA/TuKRpLGlNTI/AAAAAAAAE_U/eov84Pd3_sU/s250/FotoFlexer_Photo-vip1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FotoFlexer Photo vip\", \"rendered_width\": 197, \"rendered_height\": 178}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "One little note....see the base of the tree...there is a bit of a shadow.  It grounds the tree.  When I pushed the stamps out of the full sheet they came on, there was lots of \"left over\" waste rubber that was attached to the foam mounting.  I couldn't just throw it out so I made a \"shadow\" stamp with it!!\n\nThanks for dropping into my little piece of the blogging world!!\nPosted by Donelda at 4:00 AM", "Labels: ; Papertrey Ink, Masculine, secret sister supplies, Unity Stamps", "Linda Palmer said...\n\nI've missed seeing all your great designs. Love this one and love that sentiment.\n\nSeptember 13, 2010 at 9:33 PM", "Banu said...\n\nooh!! Donelda...Awesome card. Loved the design and how the white stripes of the patterned paper shows through the stamped image. I am loving what you have done with this stamp set. It was such an awesome pleasure to have a creative stamper like you as my SS....:D\n\nSeptember 14, 2010 at 7:13 AM", "Imke said...\n\nDonelda, your card is really awesome. I like the colors and the white lines and the Tree is really lovely. Very pretty !!\n\nSeptember 14, 2010 at 12:11 PM", "Wendy said...\n\noh girl, I think this one is fab!! Love the image on the dp!"], "url": "http://wiggysworldofcrafts.blogspot.com/2010/09/happy-birthday-circle-tree.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["214846f6afcad1a0cd50d9cbfc1425d6a46d58b1919acffa32d63b595ae767c8"], "__index_level_0__": 366, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8153/7363247152_97a525832d_z.jpg", null, "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8152/7178020891_f56d66e029_z.jpg", null, "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7217/7363246058_6f9337688d_z.jpg", null, "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7105/7178019837_67306d7054_z.jpg", "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7074/7363245174_1f81f27322_z.jpg", "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8001/7178018939_4fe79c83b2_z.jpg", "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7092/7178018125_1ebc0e593a_z.jpg", "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7081/7178017765_e1c16e838b_z.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 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I really like that.\n\nIt seems like the last few posts have all contained hidden journaling. I didn't want to title the subject of my journaling so I used a generic \"notes\" sentiment and the arrows that come in the Core Kits to connect the picture with the journaling pocket.", null, "I am enjoying Design E for mini layouts. I've found there is just enough space for a series of Instagram pictures.", null, "On the 36 weeks layout I didn't want to lose the outline of the paper used so I decided to use the exact same patterned paper for the back of the layout. I think this is one of my favorite layouts/inserts in the album.", null, "Took the journaling from a blog post and used an overlay from Ali Edwards to include it in this week. If I had to do over again I would have tinkered with this so \"the Story\" was positioned the same on both pages and I would cut it out with my Cameo to give transparency with this insert. Maybe next time :)", null, null, null, null, null, "Becky Higgins Products Used:\nDesign A Page Protector\nDesign B Page Protector\nDesign E Page Protector\nClementine Core Kit\nCobalt Core Kit\n3x4 Journaling Cards\n\nProducts from my stash used:\nAmerican Crafts: Thickers\nMy Minds Eye: Lime Twist\nJillibean Soup: Kraft Pocket\nOctober Afternoon: Report Card Label Sticker\nDesigner Digitals: Ali Edwards Remember Outline Word Overlays\nStudio Calico: Stamps, April 2012 Kit\nMaking Memories: Pitter Patter Letter Stickers\nSassafras: Letter Stickers, Paper\nMartha Stewart Labels\nManilla Tags\nWashi Tape\n\nPosted by MAM", "Labels: project life 2012", "Trine Brandt-Lassen said...\n\nSuch cool pages. Love the text insert! i really need to add more text to my PL, so thanks for the inspiration!\n\nJune 12, 2012 at 9:21 AM", "Basement Stamper said...\n\nGreat pages, I'm always inspired by the design team's sharing of their pages. I finally got caught up on mine and am doing my best to keep up :-)\n\nJune 12, 2012 at 10:53 AM", "purpledaisy said...\n\nhi monica! been feeling so spoiled with your recent posts! so fun to read and love the tips/ideas! so great!\nwanted to share something i found on youtube you may find fun to do w/ project life....i want to include in mine as soon as i figure it out.\n\ncheck out this disney project life video i found on youtube:\n\nif you can't pull it...search: Project Life 2012:Disney Edition\n\nwatch the video and see how she incorporates an awesome 'scan life' app on her iphone in her book.\n\ni love the idea and since you share so many of yours, thought i'd share this.\n\nhave fun if you decide to use it for PL.\n\nJune 12, 2012 at 1:23 PM", "Here I Am", "Read About The Way I Scrap", "Search Without Filters", "Subscribe To Without Filters", "Following Without Filters", "What You've Missed", "My Thoughts"], "url": "http://withoutfilters.blogspot.com/2012/06/project-life-week-12.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 597, "original_width": 640, "width": 405}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 591, "original_width": 640, "width": 409}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 604, "original_width": 640, "width": 400}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 572, "original_width": 640, "width": 422}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 589, "original_width": 640, "width": 410}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 594, "original_width": 640, "width": 407}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 570, "original_width": 640, "width": 424}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 593, "original_width": 640, "width": 407}], "image_hashes": ["df2f50154599178e19715721b7f97ca7ba4ac8dca4598de1b58956db01f7bf3f", "283ffff4ad3ed360f9ab39b366f63a0ace3d8451aef6aa6415553461d2c9319a", "dbe7e29015bda63bac851c3465305e2b50d558c664b3e78a555cf09e424135d0", "0d702fce7d84df601bbb6911d8d15f352b4db0ad1e970f4690c6f6c7b9d91ac6", "38b740830ca295d7779003716219c604bec1bcc62eea2f5a09e6f5c5ca813639", "e400442218498038432b7b2fc962a0db64aa019d6047be7c61429141b7b82059", "522dd3b66b3b5973f3dbb7d0bea5b99027d34ab65d9bf1ff227c70d130fe38d4", "bd6a8fd6b5088f205042d10eed5bb81e4fa475890876be9e32b163b6c706e02a"], "__index_level_0__": 367, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8-n2YSKcisA/RuFJc1neJII/AAAAAAAAABQ/-vJeum4DcQI/s400/20070906ho_sea_bream_500.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9316246509552002}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://woodblockdreams.blogspot.com/2007/09/prints-in-pittsburgh.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8-n2YSKcisA/RuFFlVneJHI/AAAAAAAAABI/pgR5cOLB6XQ/s400/woodblock.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8-n2YSKcisA/RuFFlVneJHI/AAAAAAAAABI/pgR5cOLB6XQ/s400/woodblock.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"woodblock\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://woodblockdreams.blogspot.com/2007/09/prints-in-pittsburgh.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8-n2YSKcisA/RuFJc1neJII/AAAAAAAAABQ/-vJeum4DcQI/s400/20070906ho_sea_bream_500.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8-n2YSKcisA/RuFJc1neJII/AAAAAAAAABQ/-vJeum4DcQI/s400/20070906ho_sea_bream_500.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ho sea bream\"}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://woodblockdreams.blogspot.com/2007/09/prints-in-pittsburgh.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-7djQy3D5Tok/UFUUe1iC1II/AAAAAAAABI8/zjzhMfKRuWo/s80/SelfBlog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7djQy3D5Tok/UFUUe1iC1II/AAAAAAAABI8/zjzhMfKRuWo/s80/SelfBlog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SelfBlog\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["For those in the Pittsburgh PA area, the Mary Hulton Phillips Gallery at Butler County Community College is hosting a Japanese woodblock prints exhibit today through Sept. 28 in the Science and Technology Building. Purchased in Japan at the end of WWII, this is the first time the prints have been displayed together. Call 724-284-8505 for gallery hours or visit the web site.", null, "Also in the Pittsburgh area, be galleries is showing images from Japanese woodblock artist Ohno Bakufu's series of underwater fish prints called The Great Japanese Fish Picture Collection. These natural history prints, which appear in many reference works, are well known to both print collectors and fish scientists. Be galleries is located at 3583 Butler Street in Lawrenceville and the show runs through September 29. An in-depth article in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette describes Ohno's work.\n\nWish I lived closer to Pittsburgh!\nPosted by Annie B at 8:34 AM", "This is the nerdest thing ever but my printmaking teacher is teaching us Moku Hanga & I decided to flickr it to see what would come up & I found your flickr photos & blog, I love love love it all! You've totally inspired me to really experiment with it! This was so much better than a lecture!\n\n9/12/07, 10:32 PM", "Annie B said...\n\nHi Amanda,\n\nThanks for stopping by! Have fun with your moku hanga experiments - it's an amazingly versatile method of printmaking. Would love to see what you come up with."], "url": "http://woodblockdreams.blogspot.com/2007/09/prints-in-pittsburgh.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 259, "original_width": 380, "width": 554}], "image_hashes": ["9bd2a9d0daf245c07d4c985cab48859cf741ccbfcf470207e37cc367f3ccc055"], "__index_level_0__": 368, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5453/7228353358_88a9ce76e0.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8444967269897461}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://woodwoolstool.blogspot.com/2012/05/coffee-pot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5453/7228353358_88a9ce76e0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5453/7228353358_88a9ce76e0.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a ce e\", \"alt_text\": \"coffee pot by wood & wool stool\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://woodwoolstool.blogspot.com/2012/05/coffee-pot.html\", 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RUN. RUN! RUN, QUICKLY LIKE A LITTLE BUNNY! and go see inception.\n\n{i first fell in love with writer & director christopher nolan when i saw the freakishly fabulous memento--it will scramble your egg as well. if you haven't partaken, i suggest you should.}", "tammy said...\n\nLoved it! I can't stop thinking about it either. I want to see it again.\n\nJuly 31, 2010 at 9:31 AM", "kami @ no biggie said...\n\nWe are dying to see it again. It's that good, and it's that crazy that you need to see it multiple times.\n\nJuly 31, 2010 at 10:04 AM", "Missy said...\n\nAttempting to see it tomorrow...\n\nJuly 31, 2010 at 4:15 PM", "Heard many good things about this movie. can't wait to see it! I also LOVED Memento, so that's another reason to see this one.\n\nJuly 31, 2010 at 6:26 PM", "Ok I really need to go see this."], "url": "http://wordtoyourmother-mindi.blogspot.com/2010/07/believe-hype.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 800, "width": 604}], "image_hashes": ["b56c6826d2656cf25e92ff9d59aac59adf348826e14ccf1d6286106bb940a388"], "__index_level_0__": 370, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-brrKLw_T4U4/Vki54-2WwBI/AAAAAAAABPY/rLBNflAQPhU/s640/DSC03081.JPG", null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZiFqXLS6Bhw/Vki54z7RvJI/AAAAAAAABPc/LRlfycX4av8/s640/DSC03080.JPG", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-x1zsUvcdEsc/VkiYNlIfb7I/AAAAAAAABPI/ZbM3QiXJskM/s640/12249604_908618375841448_5146035503211349397_n.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9494726061820984}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://worksofheart2011.blogspot.com/2015/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-brrKLw_T4U4/Vki54-2WwBI/AAAAAAAABPY/rLBNflAQPhU/s640/DSC03081.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-brrKLw_T4U4/Vki54-2WwBI/AAAAAAAABPY/rLBNflAQPhU/s640/DSC03081.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://worksofheart2011.blogspot.com/2015/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZiFqXLS6Bhw/Vki54z7RvJI/AAAAAAAABPc/LRlfycX4av8/s640/DSC03080.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ZiFqXLS6Bhw/Vki54z7RvJI/AAAAAAAABPc/LRlfycX4av8/s640/DSC03080.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://worksofheart2011.blogspot.com/2015/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-x1zsUvcdEsc/VkiYNlIfb7I/AAAAAAAABPI/ZbM3QiXJskM/s640/12249604_908618375841448_5146035503211349397_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-x1zsUvcdEsc/VkiYNlIfb7I/AAAAAAAABPI/ZbM3QiXJskM/s640/12249604_908618375841448_5146035503211349397_n.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, 15 November 2015\n\nGetting Ready for Christmas\n\nWelcome to the November Cross Canada Blog Hop and our theme, Getting Ready for Christmas! We hope you will take the time to leave comments on our posts, as we love to get feedback from our viewers, whether it was something that you really liked or some new technique that was used that you would like to learn more about. By leaving us comments, we get to hear what you like, and what you want to see. Thank you. Now on to our hop!\n\nChristmas is my favourite holiday. The colours, the smells, the music - I love it all! I used to do a lot of decorating when the kids were at home but now I just put up the Christmas tree and a few other ornaments. I do some baking to enjoy when company comes to visit or on Christmas day after dinner, usually my Shortie Bars, shortbread, and Skor bars. My husband loves slice and bake cookies so I make a batch with candied fruit just for him. This year, I am also making ALL of my Christmas cards! If you see one (or more) that you particularly like and would like to recreate, leave me a comment and I will send you the instructions.)\n\nThe first is a Windmill card. I LOVE these! They are a bit fiddly to put together, but so well worth the effort! I used Close to my Heart White Pines paper, Cranberry cardstock, silver Shimmer Trim, and a Silver Sequin and Bitty Sparkle in the center.", null, "This next one is a Sunburst card made with the Close to my Heart Pear & Partridge (no longer available) and White Pines papers. Easy peasy! I made several more and no two are alike!", null, "The next one I made for a friend at work who loves cats. I am so happy with how this turned out and I hope she loves it as much as I do! The cat is a pennant that I just turned upside down! The whiskers are a piece of Whisper twine that I divided in half and then threaded through the paper, trimmed and frayed. The nose is a piece of pink Washi tape! I also used some of our new Silver Foil Tape for some added bling!", null, "I have a ton more that I made and will share in another post. Again, if you are interested in making any of these cards, just leave me a comment and I will share the details. Thanks!\n\nThat's it for this month! Next on the hop is Kirstin's blog with some more great Christmas ideas and artwork. Next month, please join us again when we show you Where We Create! Some of us have amazing craft rooms and some, like me, have a work in progress. So hop on by and get some ideas for your own creative space or leave some ideas that you would like to share."], "url": "http://worksofheart2011.blogspot.com/2015/11/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["ca3bb2ae23840c1d6875c7b35279bdaa79cffa834e42ca7ff619a7b6cd84fd6b", "5d77c2934f44aa883edfb9a7da5527812d9d3ad0cea4ec6ed5aab0392e163a1c", "d0ccb241f4a8ec64b4c813a7ee72f253974cc1bb11d28f1182b284a1ec22dd87"], "__index_level_0__": 371, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vpAxGOUapKM/TrbUrV9BnGI/AAAAAAAAB-U/MBrp4WISQXE/s640/IMG_3299.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_XCIxOqZudWE/TUb3TfW9dMI/AAAAAAAAB4Y/BeE2lNn5nm4/s1600/bloggedjan30.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9358282685279846}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wunderbug.blogspot.ca/2011/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vpAxGOUapKM/TrbUrV9BnGI/AAAAAAAAB-U/MBrp4WISQXE/s640/IMG_3299.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vpAxGOUapKM/TrbUrV9BnGI/AAAAAAAAB-U/MBrp4WISQXE/s640/IMG_3299.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 590, \"rendered_height\": 375}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wunderbug.blogspot.ca/2011/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://opp-m.com/r1304130680/6/6/1/6661/splash.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://opp-m.com/r1304130680/6/6/1/6661/splash.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"splash\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wunderbug.blogspot.ca/2011/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_XCIxOqZudWE/TUb3TfW9dMI/AAAAAAAAB4Y/BeE2lNn5nm4/s1600/bloggedjan30.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_XCIxOqZudWE/TUb3TfW9dMI/AAAAAAAAB4Y/BeE2lNn5nm4/s1600/bloggedjan30.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bloggedjan\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wunderbug.blogspot.ca/2011/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "You'll need:\nOnce the pork is ready:\n\nat 14:28 5 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: nom nom nom, slow cooker\n\noh hi! monday is almost done!\n\nWonderful, wonderful weekend.\n\nKicked off with some strategizing around what exactly to do in lieu of our annual cranberry festival weekend, which was voted off of the island due to crappy weather. Instead, we hit up the oldie-but-goodie St Jacobs market for The Best Hummus and Baba Ghanouj Ever (so claims the dude selling it), and then Kirk and I celebrated the rest of Saturday with some Scrabble and wine.\n\nWe like to live on the edge.\n\nAll I've been able to focus on since then has been board games. We went thrifting the following day, with board games as the target of my mission and cassettes to play in The Last Car Ever With A Tape Deck as Kirk's. TLCEWATD currently has Harry Belafonte on high rotation. (Further proof of liking to live on the edge.)\n\nSweet merciful crap, I think I just found my calling in life.\nat 21:37 No comments: Links to this post", "A little meditation", "at 13:29 No comments: Links to this post", "growing is forever\n\nhello world.\n\nthis video helps me to take a deep breath in the midst of a busy day. i want to write down the words, fold them up and put them under my pillow, keep them in my wallet, revisit them throughout the day. i want them on the wall in my office, just to the left of my computer, to remind me.\n\nGrowing is Forever from Jesse Rosten on Vimeo.\nat 17:26 1 comment: Links to this post", "a sense of hunger for life - sabrina ward harrison", "my continuing obsession with pinterest brought me across a new favourite artist today; sabrina ward harrison. her work is the love child of a bunch of my favourite things; mixed-media art, words, texture and photography, all thrown into one (or rather, several), awesome pieces. they're inspiring and whimsical, and i just can't stop looking at them.\nat 11:30 5 comments: Links to this post", "big love.", "and so tonight, as i'm walking home after an evening of thrifting adventures, coffee and a good few hours of walking in a spring evening, it occurs to me.\n\nthings are good.\n\neven though my jeans fit tighter in the middle than i'd like them to; even though my hair doesn't look the way i wish it would; even though my apartment isn't set up the way i want it to be [and set up that way right now]; it's a process. not always a happy process, and life isn't the way i imagined it to be at this time last year, but it's good.\n\nand tonight? i'm ok with that. big love to you, world.\n\npainting by liz tran\nat 23:06 2 comments: Links to this post", "beautiful, ugly, bookmarked, discovered\n\nat 14:19 2 comments: Links to this post", "the wintery + the wonderful", null, "some of my favourite new things:", "i'm gonna post this before i get sidetracked. again.\n\nthis is me\n\nit looks something like this.\n\ni need\n\nat 14:51 No comments: Links to this post", "Tweets by @CourtneyMallam", "art + stuffmaking", "oh, the written word!"], "url": "http://wunderbug.blogspot.ca/2011/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 749, "original_height": 1090, "original_width": 550, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e2e35c3ec716fca48efac926eb2440f1175b5179e0aec06f0aff4f2b920b794b", "2632541523a5ce275758413ca3c421ac069559cb4cc8b8b4b0e9e719d592a727"], "__index_level_0__": 372, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rl80VC6zxe4/Skg3bmmT9WI/AAAAAAAAAFQ/miiASgfsrGI/s320/DSC06168.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_rl80VC6zxe4/Skg2uk1aydI/AAAAAAAAAFI/WTk9ydgsDwo/s320/DSC06167(1).JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rl80VC6zxe4/Skg2Qm_bwqI/AAAAAAAAAFA/hnHrt-P6GAw/s320/PA180001.JPG", 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Hope y'all enjoy :)", null, null, null, null, null, "And just for fun, me and my big girl Kayla :)", null, "Posted by ~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ at 8:24 PM 11 comments\n\nUp .8 this week.\n\nHubby took my scale away again.\n\nPosted by ~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ at 7:03 PM 2 comments\n\nEnergy, or lack thereof\n\nPosted by ~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ at 1:31 PM 6 comments\n\nOh my god I want pie.\n\nI don't think you realize how badly I want it. Delicious fluffy pie with a flaky crust. Yum. I'm dreading going to the grocery store now.\n\nI feel like I'm PMSing...but it's too early. However I think the PMS monster skipped his torment of me last month and may be coming out early to bite me in the ass for just a bit longer this month.\n\nI want pie.\n\nPosted by ~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ at 11:19 AM 2 comments\n\nMonday, June 22, 2009\n\nI called Carlos on his lack of tagging so he e-mail tagged me...this is just for you big daddy!\n\n2. Tag eight other people\n\nWhat is your current obsession? Money, seriously. I have to save for my trip to WI for my ma's wedding.\n\nWhat are you wearing today? Pink tee, black bra, black and white roos, jeans, white socks\n\nWhat’s for dinner? Tacos...mmmm\n\nWhat’s the last thing you bought? Um...smokes I think\n\nWhat are you listening to right now? Gilmore Girls\n\nIf you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Only for an hour? Probably to Calgary so I could punch that dude in the face.\n\nWhich language do you want to learn? I'd like to learn Greek.\n\nWhat do you love most about where you currently live? My son's here. That's it. I really hate Edmonton.\n\nWhat is your favourite colour? Red...like my soul :P\n\nWhat is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? My black and pink corset with the studded skull.\n\nDescribe your personal style? I'm a jeans and tank or tee kinda gal.\n\nIf you had $300 now, what would you spend it on? I'd slap that shit on the credit card for my trip.\n\nWhat are you going to do after this? Watch more Gilmore Girls.\n\nYour favourite smell? Rain...and man. Not like...b.o. man...but nice and subtle cologne type man. Yum.\n\nDo you collect anything? Frogs, and animals apparently.\n\nWhat makes you follow a blog? How well it's written, how sincere it is, if I don't see some negative with the positive I get bored. Seriously, this weight loss shit isn't all positivity. Neither is life.\n\nDo you like to comment on blogs or just lurk? Both. I try to comment as much as possible, sometimes I just don't know what to say though.\n\nWhat’s one thing you dream of doing? Spending some time in Santorini, Greece.\n\nWhat is your biggest regret? Getting married young.\n\nWhat is your favourite thing to do on a rainy day? If it's a soft slow rain then I love to walk in it, if it's a storm I love to watch.\n\nDo you have a tattoo? A butterfly with my Nana's signature and birth and death years on the outside of my left calf, taurus and leo symbols on the inside of my left wrist, dreamcatcher on my back (it's the big'un, about 11 1/2 inches down my spine), a red eye tree frog on my right shoulder blade, and two sparrows on my chest.\n\nWhat are your favourite books? I'm in love with the Twilight series...fuck you. I also adore anything by Iris Johanson, Patricia Cornwell, Jennifer Crusie, Jennifer Wiener (sp?), and Cathie Linz.\n\n1. Dina\n2. Tricia\n3. Tony (heart attack at 25 Tony)\n4. Melissa (my couz)\n5. Kazz\n6. WildFluffySheep (I still don't freakin know your real name)\n7. Monica\n8. Syl\n\nPosted by ~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ at 2:47 PM 4 comments\n\nAm I doomed?\n\nI stepped on the scale this week preparing for quite the gain and found only a .2 gain. I know it usually takes time to see binges on the scale so I'm wondering if this piddly gain is going to be even bigger next week! Well, I've got all week to work my ass off, stay away from the doughnuts, and see what happens. Wish me luck!\n\nPosted by ~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ at 6:25 AM 2 comments\n\nFriday, June 19, 2009\n\ndun dun duuuuun....\n\nPosted by ~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ at 8:00 AM 7 comments\n\nTuesday, June 16, 2009\n\nHe's back...\n\nLess than 24 hours. Well at least I heard it from his mom and not him. At least I know he's safe, for now.\n\nPosted by ~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ at 9:13 PM 6 comments\n\nHe's gone...\n\nSo yesterday I went on a roadtrip full of piss and vinegar and completely in confrontation mode and ready to break some noses...all to confront the guy I once thought was my best friend, that I caught shooting up in my bathroom. The bastard never came home. I spent the afternoon with his parents and ended up finding out far more things than I already knew about his lying and stealing. I was not impressed and by the end of the afternoon, when I had to be ready to go, I was violently shaking and even more pumped to see some blood fall. It didn't get to happen. So instead I left a lengthy, extremely nasty note on his bed.\n\nI texted his mom this morning and asked her to call me or text and let me know when he made it back so I knew he was safe. I hate the cocksucking cuntface but I still care about him. Fucker. She called and said that he'd gotten in at about 11:30 last night and she told him that I had been there most of the afternoon. Apparently his Oma had woken up to a note and a missing M. I'm pretty sure that volatile letter I left is the reason he ran away. Which is kind of a stupid way to put it as he's 25 fucking years old...but that's what he did. In the end I'd basically told him to fuck off and go to hell, I was done listening to his bullshit lies and I was not going to allow him to manipulate me anymore.\n\nHe's gone and it's my fault. There's no way to get in contact with him as his cell was turned off, cuz he's lazy and refuses to stay awake for more than four hours a day to get a job. I'm going to have to assume he's not on the street and is safe and comfortable sleeping with his latest whore. We won't even get into that because that bitch is going to cost him his kid...ugh!\n\nI feel completely unapologetic for saying what I did in that letter. But I feel like a piece of shit because he ran away because of me. If anything happens to him...fuck man it's on me. It's all on me.\n\nPosted by ~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ at 1:16 PM 7 comments\n\nThe update...\n\nDoes anyone else feel this way?\n\nPosted by ~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ at 3:37 PM 3 comments\n\nHalfway there\n\nDown 3.2 this week for a total of 69.2 I love that 69 number :P\n\nSo much more to say but hubby's giving me the stink eye so I'll update more later!\n\nPosted by ~ugly girl with a beautiful heart~ at 6:15 AM 7 comments\n\nThursday, June 11, 2009\n\nSpent a morning at the park with my bubba...", "Some pretty water...I love water.", "Tonester enjoying the path...", "Rock'n the saucer thingie", null, "Trying to outsmart his mum with the camera...", null, "One of the fountains in the park", null, null, "I don't care how uncool this pic makes me...we are so rock and roll", null, "The perfect smile for the perfect end to a perfect morning with my bubba :D"], "url": "http://wwbruise.blogspot.com/2009/06/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 547, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 221, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 172, "original_width": 320, "width": 703}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8ebc75008d9adc5e5e481546192e6fb80aad786cc4146be95f7bac7431f64065", "0017c8f9b1ed36d98ed978e511b4234759dd59b5ba5dbcf16eb59e5cb8d9ebb7", "840a71a58f9550cbb61b3985c1dbc60668fb28203fef228f14ebc7062a58cd61", "adc56d3c6105d5d24b6bb5b3a6cede272dd1bd93b54d9cbf377f775d9ed54494", "fda56af8b97d987320d1a0178dfc37e05bd714a28dbf6dbe609344f1cf96bd83", "6c331f1ad3a17f6fb373b4c3369206832543360f478d5cdc6f3a3aa77472e720", "e1081079649a1e66e1d21cedd4a8d3736322d70f1f6891a5d94583b8306901ed", "91bc4d03ba4cd7e64d6e82f397f3d1965091777e24c7ff7cedb9215efa9ce940", "ed0eb69e5e32cb401a9e9690b8f42309704038fda9ca5de69b333617f78ac43b", "8d8dab11be50f20a3933cc4afd0daa89bce0098dece70ea20be02524e9704e46", "9a24d84f51a69b4603d1a5001e739204029a0a7a1afab054dc24fa331b05cec2"], "__index_level_0__": 373, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://img1.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/242968/p-10best-barnaclebills2_54_990x660_201406012337.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8811492323875427}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.10best.com/destinations/south-carolina/myrtle-beach/articles/barnacle-bills-in-myrtle-beach-fresh-seafood-cold-drinks-live-music/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//img2.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/207594/riley-s-pics-010_57_300x300_201404231659.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img2.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/207594/riley-s-pics-010_57_300x300_201404231659.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"riley s pics\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.10best.com/destinations/south-carolina/myrtle-beach/articles/barnacle-bills-in-myrtle-beach-fresh-seafood-cold-drinks-live-music/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//img1.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/242968/p-10best-barnaclebills2_54_990x660_201406012337.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img1.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/242968/p-10best-barnaclebills2_54_990x660_201406012337.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"p best barnaclebills\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.10best.com/destinations/south-carolina/myrtle-beach/articles/barnacle-bills-in-myrtle-beach-fresh-seafood-cold-drinks-live-music/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//img2.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/207594/riley-s-pics-010_57_300x300_201404231659.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img2.10bestmedia.com/Images/Photos/207594/riley-s-pics-010_57_300x300_201404231659.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"riley s pics\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["There's a new nightlife hot spot in Myrtle Beach, and this one is rated \"Arrr!\" And while a pirate-themed eatery and bar may not sound like anything new on the Grand Strand, Barnacle Bill's Rum and Raw Bar is already packing them in after just a few short months in business.", null, "\"Oh!\" is for oysters — Photo courtesy of Barnacle Bill's Rum & Raw Bar\n\nBarnacle Bill's Rum & Raw Bar recently opened in the Five Points section of Myrtle Beach, and it's already become one of the top party places in the downtown district. After remodeling an old building that used to be home to the popular bar Neal's, Barnacle Bill's has inherited a large customer base as well as a large number of tourists, and for good reason.\n\nFeaturing fresh seafood and frozen drinks, Barnacle Bill's brings a can't-miss lineup to the Myrtle Beach nightlife scene. Enjoy steamed oysters, shrimp and a blend of Cajun, Caribbean and Creole cooking, and wash it all down with a Bayou Bomb or other drink specials.\n\nDraft beers and special concoctions are served at the bar, as are oysters and shrimp by the dozen. Serious eaters can order a seafood platter or feast on an authentic Cajun po' boy.\n\nLive music is held on the weekends and periodically during the week, and Barnacle Bill's is gaining notice for having one of the best happy hours in town. Sit on the outside deck and enjoy a cold drink with the cool ocean breeze.\n\nIt's all chilled at Barnacle Bill's.\n\nFeatured Article\n\nThe Chemist Cooks Up Creative Concoctions in Science-Themed Cafe\n\nRead More »", "About Terry Massey\n\nTerry Massey is a longtime Myrtle Beach resident and a frequenter of local beach bars."], "url": "http://www.10best.com/destinations/south-carolina/myrtle-beach/articles/barnacle-bills-in-myrtle-beach-fresh-seafood-cold-drinks-live-music/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 660, "original_width": 990, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["b8ae0be55dd5159547823b413ae91bc480ac664e8407ed457e06646a2980b442"], "__index_level_0__": 374, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, "http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4192/34199675190_a174660a61_m.jpg", "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3929/34080596515_6af7a3b5b3_m.jpg", "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2934/33269402193_80129da156_m.jpg", "http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3938/33711874115_bdb79b6e0b_m.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9487804770469666}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.7thstreettheatre.com/2015/12/fortune-and-glory/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4192/34199675190_a174660a61_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm5.staticflickr.com/4192/34199675190_a174660a61_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a a m\", \"alt_text\": \"Jurassic Park\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.7thstreettheatre.com/2015/12/fortune-and-glory/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3929/34080596515_6af7a3b5b3_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3929/34080596515_6af7a3b5b3_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"af a b b m\", \"alt_text\": \"My Fair Lady\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.7thstreettheatre.com/2015/12/fortune-and-glory/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2934/33269402193_80129da156_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2934/33269402193_80129da156_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"da m\", \"alt_text\": \"Duck Soup\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.7thstreettheatre.com/2015/12/fortune-and-glory/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3938/33711874115_bdb79b6e0b_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3938/33711874115_bdb79b6e0b_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bdb b e b m\", \"alt_text\": \"Empire Records\"}, null]", "texts": ["First, allow myself to introduce.. myself. My name is Shannon Weidman and I am a volunteer/poster designer/board member/movie lover at the 7th Street Theatre. My involvement with the 7th Street Theatre began with my childhood hero, Indiana Jones.\n\nI have always enjoyed the old time atmosphere of the theatre but my appreciation for it really picked up in September, 2008 when I found out that the 7th Street Theatre was showing “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. I was super excited to see it on the big screen for the first time in many years. You see, when I was a little boy I used to pretend that I was Indiana Jones and I was even the proud owner of an officially licensed Indiana Jones hat. (I’m pretty sure I wore out the garage door by constantly hitting the button, running through the garage, and rolling underneath the door as it closed.) Since I had successfully imparted my love for the Indiana Jones series on my son, I brought him along to the theatre and (of course) had him dress up in his Indy costume. We had a wonderful time and I was hooked on the theatre. He even brought home a souvenir T-Shirt.", "We had such a good time that the next time the theatre showed an Indiana Jones movie (Raiders of the Lost Ark in 2012) we went again. This time I brought my daughter too and we all dressed up (big Indy, little Indy, and Marion).", "Fast forward to March, 2015 and the theatre completed the original Indiana Jones trilogy by showing “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”. This time around I posed as Indy, my son reprised his role as “little Indy” and my friend Rick dressed as the evil Mola Ram. We posed for pictures with movie patrons and had a great time.", "Those first experiences were so fun that I wanted to get more involved with the theatre so I volunteered to help make a movie poster for one of the theatre’s movies (Poltergiest – if you ever see the poster try to see the 3d image in the TV screen!). Then I made a few more movie posters.. then I joined the volunteer group selling tickets and concessions, then I joined the movie selection committee, the Hot August Frights committee, and finally the Board of Directors. It all started when my son and I went to watch our favorite movie at a beautiful old theatre. So come on out, bring the kids, and make some memories.", null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.7thstreettheatre.com/2015/12/fortune-and-glory/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 162, "original_width": 240, "width": 560}, {"height": 582, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 155, "width": 378}, {"height": 582, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 155, "width": 378}, {"height": 582, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 155, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["eed85644bf0de3f63469ed2b05974e901c576311339ac0c3689c544383c421a2", "11e3ddbcc4d85cab3478f05a88e6ca449ee776ffc568d7571e4b04eb52f2ccd8", "8c8ee33b6f4a909a55fe3a19a6dd7f7e59c00e982dc6550072a7fb30831bb141", "0797f10475f36014ccea198f750f0e788e88a04ef267293a16c29f65d46bf18d"], "__index_level_0__": 375, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/f/7/8/257918739.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9358369708061218}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/17074135-new-york-new-york-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/top.png\", \"src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/top.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"top\", \"alt_text\": \"top\", \"rendered_width\": 50, \"rendered_height\": 50}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/17074135-new-york-new-york-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/f/7/8/257918739.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/f/7/8/257918739.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Labrador Retriever/Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix Dog for adoption in New York, New York - Yoda\", \"rendered_width\": 219, \"rendered_height\": 329}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/17074135-new-york-new-york-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/7/8/d/257918740.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/7/8/d/257918740.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Photo 1 - Labrador Retriever/Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix Dog for adoption in New York, New York - Yoda\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 65}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/17074135-new-york-new-york-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/f/3/5/253896984.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/f/3/5/253896984.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Photo 2 - Labrador Retriever/Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix Dog for adoption in New York, New York - Yoda\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 65}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/17074135-new-york-new-york-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/d/8/4/253897356.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/d/8/4/253897356.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Photo 3 - Labrador Retriever/Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix Dog for adoption in New York, New York - Yoda\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 65}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/17074135-new-york-new-york-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/7/5/b/253897369.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/7/5/b/253897369.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Photo 4 - Labrador Retriever/Shepherd (Unknown Type) Mix Dog for adoption in New York, New York - Yoda\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 65}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/17074135-new-york-new-york-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/contact_bubbles.png\", \"src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/contact_bubbles.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"contact bubbles\", \"alt_text\": \"contact bubbles\", \"rendered_width\": 73, \"rendered_height\": 67}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/17074135-new-york-new-york-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/pink_bubble.png\", \"src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/pink_bubble.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pink bubble\", \"rendered_width\": 106, \"rendered_height\": 106}, null]", "texts": [null, "Yoda is a gorgeous girl who has come a long way in her foster home! her name is Maddie but they nicknamed her Yoda because of those ears! She has learned a lot of manners that she is hoping will help land her a forever home. Her foster family comments that she would be a great running buddy for someone, she runs about 3 miles daily and is very good on a leash! Her other skills include waiting patiently for treats, playing fetch and receiving belly rubs!\n\nFacts about Yoda", "Why Adoption is a Great Option\n\nYoda, a New York Labrador Retriever/Shepherd (Unknown Type) dog was adopted! Here's how you can benefit by looking at adoption as an option to buying a Labrador Retriever/Shepherd (Unknown Type) for sale in New York, or seeking a Labrador Retriever/Shepherd (Unknown Type) dog from a breeder in New York.\n\nAww... this pet is\nno longer available.\n\nSign up for New Pet Alerts!\n\nOops... we aren't quite ready."], "url": "http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/17074135-new-york-new-york-labrador-retriever-mix", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 329, "original_width": 219, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3ab6566aaca8a0efcb2e8211ab80828c7a6436d1e9dcc43fae9741ea05807a49"], "__index_level_0__": 376, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/e/c/5/97661433.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9736037254333496}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8197225-davis-california-kitten\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/top.png\", \"src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/top.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"top\", \"alt_text\": \"top\", \"rendered_width\": 50, \"rendered_height\": 50}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8197225-davis-california-kitten\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/e/c/5/97661433.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/e/c/5/97661433.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Maine Coon Kitten for adoption in Davis, California - Rain Drop\", \"rendered_width\": 333, \"rendered_height\": 329}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8197225-davis-california-kitten\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/8/f/4/97896547.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/8/f/4/97896547.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Photo 1 - Maine Coon Kitten for adoption in Davis, California - Rain Drop\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 65}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8197225-davis-california-kitten\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/c/a/9/97661451.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/c/a/9/97661451.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Photo 2 - Maine Coon Kitten for adoption in Davis, California - Rain Drop\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 65}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8197225-davis-california-kitten\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/e/4/5/97896561.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/e/4/5/97896561.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Photo 3 - Maine Coon Kitten for adoption in Davis, California - Rain Drop\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 65}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8197225-davis-california-kitten\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/3/d/8/97896564.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/3/d/8/97896564.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Photo 4 - Maine Coon Kitten for adoption in Davis, California - Rain Drop\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 65}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8197225-davis-california-kitten\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/contact_bubbles.png\", \"src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/contact_bubbles.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"contact bubbles\", \"alt_text\": \"contact bubbles\", \"rendered_width\": 73, \"rendered_height\": 67}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8197225-davis-california-kitten\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/pink_bubble.png\", \"src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/pink_bubble.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pink bubble\", \"rendered_width\": 106, \"rendered_height\": 106}, null]", "texts": [null, "Rain Drop's Info...\n\nI am already spayed and up to date with shots.\n\nRain Drop's Story...\nRain Drop\nBorn August 2012-Female Brown Tabby Maine Coon Mix\n\nAbandoning an animal is against the law! But one terribly rainy morning, as one of the workers at a local vet clinic was unlocking the clinic front door, she noticed a very wet cardboard box. The box was so wet it was about ready to cave in, but what was inside was this little beauty that the clinic named Rain Drop.\n\nThe clinic went to work to get her warm and fed. They started doing testing to make sure she was healthy. A fecal was done, and she was tested for FeLV and FIV, wormed, treated for fleas, and vaccinated. She has been a hit at the veterinary office, but yesterday she was spayed and pronounced ready to move to a foster home, where she can romp and play with other kittens and enjoy a home environment. She has a very clean bill of health and is ready to start her new life.\n\nRain Drop is a brown tabby Maine Coon mix. She has a modified wedge head and huge gold eyes with great ear tufts. Since we don't know her heritage, we are unsure just how big she will be. But the best part about little Rain Drop is her exceptional personality. She is tenacious and playful. She loves attention and loves to snuggle in your face. She is good with other cats--she began playing with her foster mom's big Maine Coon almost at once--and gentle dogs and would enjoy well behaved children, provided that the children are careful and never let her outside.\n\nRain Drop is fostered in Davis, CA."], "url": "http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8197225-davis-california-kitten", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 329, "original_width": 333, "width": 382}], "image_hashes": ["905985d4ec7c8671035a452c14d44984020131d29e425f012f15808866f4a1de"], "__index_level_0__": 377, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/1/a/2/127939746.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9615620970726012}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8528439-russellville-kentucky-jack-russell-terrier-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/top.png\", \"src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/top.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"top\", \"alt_text\": \"top\", \"rendered_width\": 50, \"rendered_height\": 50}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8528439-russellville-kentucky-jack-russell-terrier-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/1/a/2/127939746.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/1/a/2/127939746.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Jack Russell Terrier/Chihuahua Mix Dog for adoption in Russellville, Kentucky - 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She's in great health, loves to play and is all ears;. Candy was a little shy when she arrived but is now well adjusted and loves other dogs and people. She is also crate trained. Candy has spent way too much of her short life in various kennel-type living arrangements -- she is so deserving of a real home to call her own. We don't know what may have happened to Candy in the past, but for some reason she does not like young children, so she would be best in a home with older children and adults. If you think she'd be a good fit for your family, please go to: www.heavencanwaitanimalrescue.com and fill out an application today!\n\n*Adoption Fee*\n$200.00 includes the following: Spay/Neuter, parasite free, rabies vaccination, DHLPP vaccination, Bordetella vaccination, microchip, heartworm negative and current on prevention.\n\nThanks for adopting!\n\nAbout Heaven Can Wait Animal Rescue", "Contact info\n\nAbout Our Rescue Group...\n\nCome Meet Our Pets...\n\nWe do our meet and greet and adoptions by appointment only."], "url": "http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/8528439-russellville-kentucky-jack-russell-terrier-mix", "images_metadata": [{"height": 386, "original_height": 329, "original_width": 322, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["40e3923b391a4a48457460d166392b6e0bb402a51e1332f62b07f050a28eee3e"], "__index_level_0__": 378, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://p7.storage.canalblog.com/72/39/119589/81828609_p.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9327464699745178}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.alaintruong.com/archives/2012/12/09/25781082.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://profilepics.canalblog.com/profilepics/1/0/100183.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://profilepics.canalblog.com/profilepics/1/0/100183.jpg\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.alaintruong.com/archives/2012/12/09/25781082.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://p7.storage.canalblog.com/72/39/119589/81828609_p.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://p7.storage.canalblog.com/72/39/119589/81828609_p.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"54958057924469414_Z0te6tqF_c\", \"rendered_width\": 274, \"rendered_height\": 385}, null]", "texts": ["Florentine School, 16th Century, Portrait Of Giovanni Gaddi (1493-1542), Head And Shoulders, Wearing A Black Cap - Sotheby's", null, "inscribed with the sitter's identity along the upper edge: GIOVANNI DI TADDEO DI AGN. GADDI; oil on poplar panel; 61 by 43 cm.; 24 by 17 in. Estimation: 600,000 - 800,000 GBP - Lot. Vendu 1,273,250 GBP\n\nPROVENANCE: Traditionally believed to have belonged to the Gaddi family in Florence, where it probably hung at Palazzo Gaddi inthe 16th century and subsequently passed by descent in the Gaddi (and from 1607 the Pitti-Gaddi) family at Villa di Camerata, near Fiesole;\nProbably acquired directly from the above by Elia Volpi (1858-1938), in the late 19th or early 20th century in Florence;\nPrivate collection, Paris;\nVerburgt collection, The Hague, from circa 1920 (as Ridolfo Ghirlandaio);\nAcquired from the above by the father of a Dutch private collector, in whose collection the portrait remained until the mid-1980s, when purchased by the present owner.\n\nNOTE DE CATALOGUE: This extraordinary portrait was painted in Florence in the 16th century and, on the basis of the identity and probable age of the sitter, would seem to have been executed in circa 1505-08. From the early 20th century the painting has been ascribed to Ridolfo di Domenico Ghirlandaio (1483-1561), commonly known as Ridolfo Ghirlandaio. The portrait seems to have borne this attribution when Elia Volpi acquired it in the late 19th or early 20th century, probably directly from the Gaddi descendants. The painting was still ascribed to Ridolfo when in the Verburgt collection in The Netherlands, apparently on the suggestion of Raimond van Marle (1888-1936), the art historian who also acted as consultant to the Verburgts.1 Although there are some stylistic similarities between this and other portraits given to Ridolfo, an attribution to him has not found unanimous support among today’s art historians and no plausible alternative has been put forward. It is undeniable that such a portrait could not have been conceived without direct knowledge of contemporary portraits by Raphael. Its painting technique, however, is very different from Raphael’s and its smoothness owes something to Michelangelo’s Doni Tondo, which would have been in Florence at around the same time as this portrait was executed. It seems astonishing that despite the portrait’s exceptional quality and distinctive handling a convincing attribution has yet to be found.\n\nGiovanni di Taddeo di Agnolo Gaddi was born in Florence on 25th April 1493, the son of Taddeo di Agnolo Gaddi and Antonia di Bindo Altoviti. He was a descendant of the celebrated Florentine family of artists: the Duecento painter Gaddo Gaddi, his son Taddeo (a pupil of Giotto) and grandsons Agnolo and Giovanni, all of whom were successful painters in the 14th-century. During the Renaissance period the Gaddi family thrived as bankers, not just in Florence where their success was helped by their association with the powerful Medicis, but also in Rome.2 Not much is known about Giovanni as a young man except that he was close to Giuliano de’ Medici (1479-1516), Duke of Nemours, whose famous tomb in the Medici Chapel in the Church of San Lorenzo, Florence, was designed by Michelangelo. Vasari recounts how the two were both members of the Compagnia della Cazzuola; a society that put on theatrical plays and employed Andrea del Sarto, Giovan Francesco Rustici and Jacopo Sansovino to provide set designs. Giovanni Gaddi had a fine ecclesiastical career under Pope Clement VII (1478-1534), first becoming clerk and then dean of the Camera Apostolica; an administrative body responsible for the papal finances. His career advancement was probably aided by his association as a young man with Pope Clement’s first cousin, Giuliano de’ Medici.3 Gaddi had a fine collection of illuminated manuscripts and codices inherited from his grandfather and his library became a meeting-place for contemporary poets and literati. His house in Rome welcomed Florentine artists and scholars passing through the Eternal City: Benvenuto Cellini, Pietro Aretino and Jacopo Sansovino were among the visitors recorded there. Giovanni Gaddi was one of Sebastiano del Piombo’s close friends after the Sack of Rome in 1527 and Cellini says in his autobiography that he found Sebastiano in Gaddi’s company almost daily.4 Giovanni Gaddi died in Rome on 18th October 1542.\n\nIn this portrait Giovanni is shown as a boy aged perhaps between twelve and fifteen years and this would point to a date of execution sometime between 1505 and 1508. Giovanni’s dress and black cap are consistent with costumes worn in Florence in the middle of the first decade of the 16th century, as indeed is his shoulder-length hair.5 As the identifying inscription would suggest, this portrait of Giovanni Gaddi originally hung alongside other family portraits, presumably in the Gaddi family palazzo which was located between via del Melarancio and via del Giglio, a stone’sthrow from the church of Santa Maria Novella. Although this painting is not specifically recorded in the Gaddi collections in the 16th century, a few portraits are described in very general terms in the posthumous inventory of Cavaliere Niccolò Gaddi’s possessions at Palazzo Gaddi, Florence, dated 14 June 1591.6 The portraits’ dimensions are given but their descriptions are generalised; none of the sitters are identified, nor are the paintings given any form of attribution. Amongst the portraits is listed ‘Un quadretto con cornice di noce alto 2/3 largo 1/2 b.o in circa dentrovi un ritratto di giovine’: although it is tempting to identify that work with the present portrait there is no evidence to suggest that they are one and the same and it seems strange that the sitter’s name – so evident in the inscription along the top – would not have been used to describe it in the inventory. If the painting was originally owned by Giovanni himself it is most likely to have been inherited by his nephew, the aforementioned Niccolò Gaddi who was an avid collector of paintings and sculpture, both antique and modern.7 Physical evidence on the painting itself would also suggest such a provenance for its inscription appears to be the same as that on four other 16th-century portraits of Gaddi family members, all painted on panels of identical size (61 by 43 cm.): three of these show Niccolò’s own children, Sinibaldo di Niccolò di Sinibaldo Gaddi (twice; as a baby and as a toddler; (the latter) fig. 1)8 and Emilia di Niccolò di Sinibaldo Gaddi (as a young girl; fig. 2),9 whilst the fourth depicts Giovanni’s father, Taddeo di Agnolo di Zanobi Gaddi (fig. 3).10 The three paintings of children are datable to the third quarter of the 16th century and have been plausibly attributed to Santi di Tito, an artist whom Niccolò is known to have employed to paint portraits of the Medici.11 The portrait of Taddeo appears earlier in date, however, and has been ascribed to Michele Tosini, Ridolfo Ghirlandaio’s pupil and frequent collaborator.12 Each of these portraits bears a similar inscription to that onGiovanni’s, in a distinctive trompe l’oeil sculpted style, that serves to identify the sitter. If the portraits of Taddeo and Giovanni were indeed painted in the early 16th century this would suggest that their inscriptions were added later, perhaps with the intention of homogenising the group. If, however, as has also been suggested, the portrait of Giovanni dates from slightly later in the century, painted in a manner that is inspired by earlier Renaissance models, the inscription might be contemporaneous with the picture.13 The portrait of Taddeo is the one that looks most like Giovanni's, in type as well as pose: the sitter is shown bustlength, facing left, wearing a simple black cap and fur-lined orange smock. The portrait of Giovanni is indubitably by a different artist and appears superior in its invention: although adhering to the constraints of painting a figure in headand-shoulders against a blank background, the artist of this portrait shows far greater sophistication in his representation of the youthful Giovanni. By slightly shifting the boy’s torso and turning his head in the opposite direction, thus providing a subtle counter-movement, the portraitist has given Giovanni a much more life-like appearance - a stark contrast to the rather wooden bust-portrait of Taddeo from the same series. This motif of giving a sitter greater vitality through a subtle shift in pose is ultimately inspired by Raphael, as exemplified by the latter’s Portrait of a Young Man with an Apple or his Self-portrait, both in the Uffizi and datable to circa 1504-5.14\n\nAt the time this portrait was painted the city of Florence was an unrivalled artistic centre. The three most important artists of the Renaissance - Raphael, Leonardo and Michelangelo - were present in the city in 1505. Raphael is thought to have spent a considerable time in Florence, probably from around 1504 to 1508, and painted a number of portraits there: it is therefore extremely likely that his portraiture would have had a considerable influence on the works of other Florentine artists active in this genre. Also dating from around this time is the only surviving finished mature panel-painting by Michelangelo, The Doni Tondo (Uffizi), which was almost certainly commissioned by Agnolo Doni, to celebrate his marriage to Maddalena Strozzi in 1504. Raphael painted a pair of portraits of the newly-married couple a year or two later (Palazzo Pitti), to commemorate the same event. It is extremely probable that the Gaddi and Doni families knew each other personally and the author of the present portrait would have been familiar with both Michelangelo and Raphael’s works.15 Furthermore there is documentary evidence to prove that Giovanni Gaddi and Michelangelo actually knew each other personally. A letter dated Wednesday, 3rd January 1532, from the former to the latter has survived, suggesting that the two men frequented each other in Rome and the familiarity with which Giovanni addresses Michelangelo implies that they had known each other for some time.16 In his letter Giovanni states that he is mediating with Pope Clement VII on Michelangelo’s behalf. He relays the Pope’s request for Michelangelo to move from Florence to Rome but at the same time Giovanni advises him not to travel in the winter months.17 He concludes his letter offering him lodgings at his home ‘et col vostro fra’ Sebastiano [Sebastiano del Piombo] ci goderemo qui in santa pace’.18\n\nA comparison with this painting and other securely attributable portraits by Ridolfo Ghirlandaio demonstrates that the present work’s traditional attribution is not entirely without merit. Its date of execution in the middle of the first decade of the 16th century fits quite well within Ridolfo’s known œuvre and an attribution to Ridolfo is further strengthened by the portrait’s association with that of Taddeo by his pupil, Michele Tosini (as discussed above). It can be most closely compared to Ridolfo’s Portrait of a Woman in Palazzo Pitti, Florence, which is dated 1509. In the Pitti painting the sitter is starkly lit, her three-dimensionality emphasised against a plain background, and although there are stylistic similarities between the two portraits the Pitti painting is much more Raphaelesque in conception and far less polished in execution. As discussed above, the portrait of Giovanni certainly owes something to Raphael in its design: the turn of the youth’s head adds extraordinary vitality to the sitter and is a motif ultimately inspired by Raphael. Giovanni’s finely-modelled flesh tones and delicate strands of hair also find echoes in contemporary portraits by Raphael; namely his aforementioned Portrait of a Young Man with an Apple in the Uffizi (c.1504) and his Portraits of Agnolo and Maddalena Doni in Palazzo Pitti (c.1506). The most extraordinary characteristic of this painting, however, is the plasticity with which Giovanni Gaddi is portrayed and this cannot be described in any way as ‘Raphaelesque’. This marmoreal quality to the figure, particularly in the flesh tones, is something one occasionally finds in Piero di Cosimo’s work but Piero’s idiosyncratic style is a far cry from the polish and restraint in the present portrait. The only artist at the beginning of the 16th century to achieve this kind of smooth three-dimensionality in painting was Michelangelo, in his Doni Tondo. It is therefore not inconceivable that the latter inspired the artist to paint Giovanni’s portrait in a similar manner\n\nThe brushstrokes are extremely hard to distinguish on the painted surface, particularly in the flesh areas and in the background. It is unclear how these tones were so perfectly blended together and, in the case of Michelangelo’s Doni Tondo, it has been suggested that the artist may have used a soft dry blending brush.19 Technical examination of the Portrait of Giovanni Gaddi helps to shed further light on the artist’s practice. Infra-red reflectography shows no evidence of any underdrawing: this is unusual but by no means unique in Florentine Renaissance painting. Neither Raphael’s Portrait of Maddalena Doni nor Michelangelo’s Doni Tondo have any underdrawing, nor are there any visible traces of a design having been transferred through pouncing or incision.20 It is far more likely that the artist produced a compositional drawing on paper and then copied the design directly onto the panel using a brush. The presence of only minor pentimenti would further suggest that the portrait had been clearly planned out before the painting itself was begun: the line of Giovanni’s shoulders was slightly altered, as was his neckline which originally lay a centimetre or two lower down, but the design is otherwise unchanged (see fig. 4). Although there is no visible underdrawing the infra-reds do reveal faintly-brushed outlines tracing the position of Giovanni’s nose; similar to the ‘acquerella d’inchiostro’ technique which has been found in Andrea del Sarto’s work.21 The scumbling effect on the shadowed side of Giovanni’s face and along the outline of his chin is a result of lighter pigments being pulled over darker ones: this leads to a highly-contrasted undermodelling which gives the form its plasticity. From the infra-reds one can see that the Portrait of Giovanni Gaddi was painted in a number of different campaigns.\n\nThe figure’s head, torso and background were most likely blocked in initially. The white sleeves and under-tunic were fluidly painted, broadly at first, and the brushstrokes are still visible to the naked eye. The red costume (executed in red lake) was most likely painted on top of the white, whilst the brush - still loaded with some red paint - seems to have been dragged along the sleeve lower right. In a second moment the artist refined the smock’s neckline and raised the shoulders slightly (the background is visible through the latter indicating that it was painted first). It is probable that Giovanni’s head and the background were blocked in at the same time since there are visible ‘reserves’ in the background; running along the youth’s hair on the right and around the silhouette of his cap upper left (see figs.5 and 6). The head was undermodelled using the scumbling technique referred to above and only once that paint was dry were the final layers applied to the flesh tones. The loose strands of hair were almost certainly painted at the veryend, in order to make the figure stand out against the plain background.\n\nPROVENANCE: Although the portrait’s early provenance cannot be documented, it is likely to have been painted for Giovanni Gaddi or for his immediate family and most probably remained in the family’s possession, in the collection of Giovanni’s nephew Niccolò in the later 16th century (see discussion above). After his death Niccolò’s collection was for the most part transferred to the Villa di Camerata (or ‘Villa Fontallera’), located on the outskirts of Florence in the hills near San Domenico in Fiesole. The villa had been owned by the Gaddis since at least 1427 and it remained in their ownership until the mid-19th century. In his will of 1558 Niccolò’s father Sinibaldo had stipulated that, in the event of extinction of the male line, all his possessions should pass to Camillo, the first son of his eldest daughter Maddalena (who had married Jacopo Pitti). This indeed came about in 1607 when the inheritance passed to the Pitti-Gaddi family. The portrait of Giovanni is thought to have remained in possession of the Gaddi/Pitti-Gaddi family until it was acquired by the well-known art dealer Elia Volpi (1858-1920), along with other Gaddi portraits. Volpi certainly owned Domenico di Michelino’s Triple portrait of Taddeo, Gaddo and Agnolo Gaddi, donated by him to the Uffizi Gallery in 1905. Furthermore when the portrait of Giovanni Gaddi was in Paris in around 1920 it was reputed to have come from Volpi in Florence, though there is no concrete evidence of this.22 A later 16th-century Florentine copy after the portrait was on the art market in Florence in 1990.\n\n1. Raimond van Marle is most famous for the publication of his nineteen-volume The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting (The Hague, 1923-38): it seems entirely reasonable that Dutch collectors of the 1920s would have turned to him for advice or attribution on Italian Renaissance paintings.\n2. The extent of the Gaddis’ wealth and influence is attested to by the fact that during the 1527 Sack of Rome the banco Gaddi subsidised the pope by giving a considerable sum (approximately 40,000 scudi) which led, in exchange, to Giovanni Gaddi’s brother Niccolò being appointed cardinal.\n3. Giulio de’ Medici (later Pope Clement VII) was the illegitimate son of Giuliano de’ Medici (1453-1478) and thus the nephew of Lorenzo the Magnificent, the Duke of Nemours’ father.\n4. See M. Hirst, Sebastiano del Piombo, Oxford 1981, p. 110, footnote 87.\n5. Compare, for example, Raphael’s cap and hairstyle in his Self-portrait in the Uffizi, Florence, dating from circa 1505\n(reproduced in colour by J. Meyer zur Capellen, Raphael. A Critical Catalogue of His Paintings. Vol. I. The Beginnings\nin Umbria and Florence ca. 1500-1508, Landshut 2001, p. 95, plate 43).\n6. An 18th-century(?) transcription of the original inventory recording the possessions of Niccolò Gaddi at the time of his death in 1591 is in the Archivio di Stato, Florence, and was published by Cristina Acidini Luchinat, “Niccolò Gaddi collezionista e dilettante del Cinquecento”, in Paragone, nos. 359-361, January - March 1980, pp. 153-75, especially p. 162.\n7. He owned antique statues and vases, 2,700 medals, 9 clocks, 1,400 books and manuscripts, around 40 musical instruments and at the time of his death Niccolò’s collection comprised of some 200 paintings.\n8. The portrait of Sinibaldo as a baby was formerly attributed to Santi di Tito but was considered by Zeri to be by an anonymous Florentine artist working in the second half of the 16th century (location unknown; Fondazione Zeri Fototeca n. 37479). The portrait of Sinibaldo as a toddler was also attributed to Santi di Tito when it was with Colnaghi, London, in 1978, and sold, London, Christie’s, 11 December 1987, lot 124 (see fig. 1 here).\n9. The portrait of Emilia as a little girl was attributed to Santi di Tito when it was with Colnaghi, London, in 1978, and sold, London, Christie’s, 11 December 1987, lot 123 (see fig. 2 here). A full-length portrait of Emilia, also by Santi di Tito, was offered in these Rooms on 6 July 2011, lot 6 (where erroneously identified as Lucrezia).\n10. Formerly in a private collection, Arezzo, and subsequently on the art market in Rome, 1985 (Fondazione Zeri Fototeca n. 34563).\n11. In 1586-90 Niccolò commissioned contemporary Florentine artists – Giovan Battista Paggi, Giambattista Naldini, Santi di Tito and Girolamo Macchietti – to paint portraits of the Medici for the Uffizi.\n\n12. Michele di Jacopo Tosini is better known as ‘Michele di Ridolfo’: Vasari tells us that Michele took his master’s name because Ridolfo loved him like a father.\n13. The trompe l’oeil sculpted style of the inscription - as well as the abbreviation of Agnolo to ‘Agn’ with a small triangle afterwards - point to the inscription on the portraits of Taddeo, Giovanni and Sinibaldo as a toddler being by one and the same hand. The inscription on the portraits of Sinibaldo as a baby and Emilia would appear to have been done together, in a slightly different style: the letters are written in block capitals, without the trompe l’oeil sculpted effect, and any abbreviations are shown as superscript capitals.\n14. See J. Meyer zur Capellen, op. cit., pp. 284-90, cat. nos. 42 and 43, both reproduced.\n15. Agnolo Doni was born in 1474 into a Florentine family of dyers and would have been a near-contemporary of Giovanni Gaddi’s father Taddeo. He was a wealthy citizen who almost certainly knew the Gaddis through banking, if not through personal connections.\n16. G. Poggi, eds. P. Barocchi & R. Ristori, Il Carteggio di Michelangelo, vol. III, Florence 1973, pp. 367-68.\n17. Pope Clement VII urged Michelangelo to return to Rome to paint The Last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel, a work he only completed in 1534-36 after his definitive move to Rome and Pope Clement’s death.\n18. Poggi, Barocchi & Ristori, op. cit., p. 367.\n19. J. Dunkerton, “Michelangelo as a Painter on Panel. VII. The Painting Technique of the Entombment”, in M. Hirst & J. Dunkerton, Making & Meaning. The Young Michelangelo. The Artist in Rome 1496-1501, exhibition catalogue, London, National Gallery, 19 October 1994 - 15 January 1995, p. 116. Such brushes were known to have been in use by the 17th century. See also Il Tondo Doni di Michelangelo e il suo restauro, exhibition catalogue, Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi (Sala della Niobe), 7 December 1985, p. 58.\n20. For the Raphael see Meyer zur Capellen, ibid., p. 297, and for the Michelangelo see Il Tondo Doni (op. cit.), p. 57.\n21. See D. Bertani et al., “Andrea del Sarto in riflettografia”, in Andrea del Sarto 1486-1530. Dipinti e disegni a Firenze , exhibition catalogue, Florence, Palazzo Pitti, 8 November 1986 - 1 March 1987, pp. 341 ff.\n22. It is tempting to link the present portrait with a ‘ritratto di uomo giovine’ in Volpi’s collection, attributed by him to Ridolfo Ghirlandaio, but this has been convincingly identified with Giuliano Bugiardini’s Portrait of Leonardo de’ Ginori in the National Gallery of Art, Washington (see R. Ferrazza, Palazzo Davanzati e le Collezioni di Elia Volpi, Florence 1994, p. 94)."], "url": "http://www.alaintruong.com/archives/2012/12/09/25781082.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 531, "original_height": 385, "original_width": 274, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["bb6b1ae848bdb68dbf0f65cf8f122c7a4a39006773dcc573a64d3a128d90d536"], "__index_level_0__": 379, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-husN101IzQs/WAy1uqaLdgI/AAAAAAAAL4Y/bqmZldIS0K0JX32o4sGxIHBw_PPJ-MMTwCLcB/s400/JDsports.JPG", null, null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sLFDvUAh3Lw/WAkVFVZOtPI/AAAAAAAAL34/mrq02gH2ecMXl0B8znFNRN5B3kai68SrwCLcB/s400/toyota.jpg", null, null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QW1-IWgAzCg/WANpUuj8ZKI/AAAAAAAAL3o/9m6rUTvZQMYd-3FBirzNQkqliH3IMYXOwCLcB/s400/crocker.JPG", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-m4ztjUGPozM/WEXC3-Cd_9I/AAAAAAAAL68/9ulujZVwkoExuMrpzmLeDx3sLmWXOyaCACLcB/s400/seo2.JPG", null, null, null, null], 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This is even more the case in the era of 'big data'.\n\nRecently, I purchased a pair of training shoes on JD Sports website - this is a range they sell in store, but the full range of colour and size are only available online. I received a host of emails: order received; order accepted; order arrived in store - and then this one ...", null, "Whilst the other emails could  have included marketing messages, this one - as it comes at the end of the transaction - is ideal for doing something to engage me as a future customer. As I have purchased the same brand and type of training shoe [in a different colour] from them in the past, and that they should have been able to link my home PC's IP address with the order, there is a wasted opportunity in offering me some kind of discount for a future similar purchase? Or, as the shoes are often released in limited edition colours, an offer to be contacted before a new colour goes on general sale?\n\nNothing like rocket science - just good old sales.\n\nOh, and let's not ignore the wasted ad space with the 'free delivery to over 500 stores' message - yes, I know, this email is to tell me my order was delivered free to one of their 500 stores. D'uh.\n\nPS as an aside, this email could have included some kind of security message; e.g. ' ... collected. Was this you?'\nPosted by Alan Charlesworth at 2:08 PM 0 comments", "Thursday, October 20, 2016\n\nContent marketing shows its age\n\nOnline newspapers are now little more than blocks of ads extolling us to read about the '7 most ... ' - or something similar.\n\nOn such a site I came across this 'news' story ... only it's a couple of years old.", null, "Note also the two poor examples of advertising. Yes, they are for cars - but nothing like the car in the ad, and so unlikely to have been of any interest to folk who chose to look at the article about the sports car.\nPosted by Alan Charlesworth at 8:10 PM 0 comments", "Sunday, October 16, 2016\n\nSEO incompetence", null, "Mr/Mrs/Ms mayazoe just doesn't give up!", null, "And another for the 'mark as spam' list", "And another, same person, different message ...", "Posted by Alan Charlesworth at 12:56 PM 0 comments", "Do-it-yourself = bad website.\n\nBad website design seems to go on and on. This site – I am guessing – uses one of the ‘design-your-own-site’ services on offer. But something has gone wrong with the screen size ... note how the text on the left is cropped.\n\nFurthermore, that text is recommendations from customers - so, potentially, the most important 'selling' content on the page."], "url": "http://www.alansinternetmarketingblog.com/2016/10/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 228, "original_width": 400, "width": 663}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 224, "original_width": 400, "width": 675}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 249, "original_width": 400, "width": 607}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 400, "width": 713}], "image_hashes": ["5d3efe9d246e14350486649b5a2bfde122ac0a6c8decc15bf4cc42a4c358e0f6", "528575433ba0577261d0afbf3328106f91c4d94f1a22426d0a0676ffc2db7002", "3f1c189772e6c12cf697d5e55a86b7f54b15954d0f1e9839a556acc05d41bc93", "2824af4f0fcc0b6f2b92ca54a2441bf3b3396ea87f234cc2791bf6bd4582f304"], "__index_level_0__": 380, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", 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 Meh.  I mean, I like Amy Adams...but I just don't see her as Julie Powell.  She so sweet and mousy.  Julie is known for being foul-mouthed and... well... less nice?  Less meek?  Something.  I mean, Julie is who she is.  But Adams is not who she is.  Feel me?  Anyhoo.\n\nI have to identify with the food blogger aspect.  The urgency to not leave people...readers (if there is actually anybody out there) hanging.  The need to complete what she started with her Julia project.  The glory that is a perfectly golden roast chicken.  And maybe my favorite Julie-scene, bringing the best-ever chocolate cake to the table and diving in with an appreciative husband.  With reckless abandon.", null, "So.  Picking a recipe inspired by this flick was pretty simple.  I mean...hard...but simple.  Let me set the scene.  Julia's sister Dorothy had just come to visit Julia and Paul in Paris.  After picking her up from the station, they go to a restaurant.  They're eating Brie (while ooohing and aaahhing about how it's the BEST cheese ever) and drinking red wine.  Julia and Dort are chatting excitedly like sisters who were close and hadn't seen each other in a while...\n\nJulia (excitedly): I got the chef at Chez la Mère Michel to give me the recipe for beurre blanc.\n\nDorothy (in a cute, whimsical Dort sort of way): Beurre blanc. What's beurre blanc?\n\nJulia: Butter in a white wine vinegar reduction.\n\nDorothy (chewing and nodding): Mmmm...\n\nJulia: You whisk them together... and the acid in the vinegar works on the milk solids in the butter so that the butter, instead of melting, becomes this creamy, light, frothy... with, with a kind of, a fantastic... subtle kind of...\n\nPaul (suave): Tangy.  It has a tanginess.\n\nJulia (knowing wonder): Tanginess...\n\nPaul: Yes.\n\nJulia (in splendor): Well, that's... that's who I married.  Anyway, you serve it on fish and it is splendid.  I'm going to make it for you.\n\nAnd well, if you know me at all, you know my affection for French sauces.  Especially French butter sauces. Ummm... Hollandaise.  Béarnaise.  And much like those sauces, I don't make Beurre Blanc often.  I actually think I've only made it two or three times in the last 5 years.  It's another one of those that I made alot while working in restaurants.  But not much at home.  I'm gonna go ahead and say that's a good thing.  It's so much better to bathe in the creamy, rich, tangy glory sporadically.\n\nKeeps it special, ya know?\n\nBeurre Blanc", "by Heather Schmitt-González\nPrep Time: 5 minutes\nCook Time: 5-10 minutes\nKeywords: sauce butter wine vinegar French\n\nIngredients (~1 cup)\nto finish\n\nPlace all of the ingredients for the reduction into a 6-cup medium-weight saucepan and bring to a boil until reduced to a syrupy consistency (~1½ tablespoons should remain). This won't take long once it starts boiling.\n\nRemove the saucepan from the heat and immediately beat in 2 pieces of the chilled butter. As it softens and creams in the liquid, beat in another piece. Set the saucepan over very low heat and, beating constantly, continue to add the butter, one piece at a time, once the previous piece is almost entirely absorbed.\nThe sauce should be thick and ivory-colored, about the consistency of a light hollandaise.\n\nImmediately remove from heat as soon as all the butter has been added. Taste and adjust seasonings with salt, pepper, and/or lemon juice.\n\nI love Beurre Blanc best served over fish (like the White Bass seared in Brown Butter with Haricot Verts pictured), but it's also wonderful over veggies, veal, or chicken.\n\never-so-slightly adapted from Mastering the Art of French Cooking\nPowered by Recipage", null, "Food 'n Flix is being hosted by Leslie from La Cocina de Leslie this month with her pick, Julie & Julia. Today is the deadline...I'm sliding in just under the wire this month.\n\nNext month we'll be watching (the original) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (hosted at WellDined). Plus, we're getting an early start on January's flick, The Hunger Games which I will be hosting in conjunction with Cook the Books (that's why it's an exciting 2-month special edition!). So, if you're a fan...or want to be...pick up the book and start reading and then watch the film and do a post inspired by both. I hope you join us!\n\np.s...there are still a few food 'n flix hosting slots open in the second half of 2013.  If you're interested, shoot me an email with your movie choice and the month you prefer (click HERE to see open spots and previously viewed flicks), and I will add you to the schedule.", null, "related posts...", "About Heather", "Barbecue Ribs (simple and tender)"], "url": "http://www.allroadsleadtothe.kitchen/2012/11/BeurreBlanc.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ed71879df505fdee1e3a5e63ef72024e56fe961c620e66ee552edfc727b70aa5", "3ec1f35432de0963075af1ef420fa35b564dc82b231d4bf96cd80ecbcdcaa705", "e3e9a8b18e178f45d39984564e0f9dcb318f8d9853a89605fea8e567effb1e32", "7522a5489393b80eba7b9893d3a63370ca569a77684a274cf39d4e1b82aa7cde", "3c11f34e7dd01b5abd4e266f765ed59bd1cfce8d2db67720724f9dd193863d11"], "__index_level_0__": 381, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/images/classes/VH_1970_SteveWace_E-22%2C%20Chuck%20Wagon.JPG", null, "http://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/images/classes/VH_SpiritofVintage_JS-47%2C%20MyPrecious.jpg", null, "http://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/images/classes/VH_Re-Creation_ClassImg2_G-52.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9605153799057008}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.apba.org/vintage\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/images/classes/VH_1970_SteveWace_E-22%2C%20Chuck%20Wagon.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/images/classes/VH_1970_SteveWace_E-22%2C%20Chuck%20Wagon.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"VH SteveWace E C Chuck Wagon\", \"alt_text\": \"Vintage & Historic Powerboat Racing\", \"rendered_width\": 1200, \"rendered_height\": 799}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.apba.org/vintage\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/images/classes/VH_SpiritofVintage_JS-47%2C%20MyPrecious.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/images/classes/VH_SpiritofVintage_JS-47%2C%20MyPrecious.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"VH SpiritofVintage JS C MyPrecious\", \"alt_text\": \"Vintage Powerboat Racing\", \"rendered_width\": 1200, \"rendered_height\": 799}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.apba.org/vintage\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/images/classes/VH_Re-Creation_ClassImg2_G-52.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://www.apba.org/sites/all/files/images/classes/VH_Re-Creation_ClassImg2_G-52.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"VH Re Creation ClassImg G\", \"alt_text\": \"Replica Powerboats\", \"rendered_width\": 1200, \"rendered_height\": 799}, null]", "texts": ["Vintage Boats: a \"Vintage\" boat is deginated to have been constructed between 1946 and 1986 and must have been a racing hull at one time in its history\n\nHistoric Boats: A \"Historic\" boat is designated to have been constructed between 1900 & 1945.\n\nSpirit of Vintage\nVintage Re-creation\n\nA restored boat is a racing boat that could have participated in APBA sanctioned events at the time of its original construction, with a measurable part of the original hull structure, hardware, engine or appendages still in use. Engine types used in the restoration must resemble one found in the original model. If, due to scarcity of original components, a larger engine is used, the type and approximate power output of the original must be maintained.", null, "Spirit of Vintage Boats are racing boats built to resemble a boat from the Vintage or Historic Eras. The dimensions and configuraitons of these boats should be similar to the boats that previously participated in APBA events. Engines must resemble those found in the original in type or approximate power outbut.\n\nA Spirit of Vintage boat can be named after the vintage or historic boat that it was built ro resemble on two conditions:", null, "Recreation boats are complete reproductions or replicas of a racing boat that would have participated in APBA sanctioned events at the time of original construction. To be considered a recreation, several criteria must be met:", null], "url": "http://www.apba.org/vintage", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 799, "original_width": 1200, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 799, "original_width": 1200, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 799, "original_width": 1200, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["886e72c6d1f8139c37e15771f3d4d9fe7583a6ad3802b5fd2930a7270b03fe6c", "fd005cea513000ae7a09d9fdf70b1b93770a0ca91fa990f1b8d4598c0454ed60", "b8ad2f4457a395c7aaea5a405c26f764e24d9a069d0a4982086f1a06d2238995"], "__index_level_0__": 382, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/266d9b3c4e442958a950918dd326ceb685e875e2/c=6-0-295-217&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/AsburyPark/2014/08/01/jobsgains-300x217.jpg", null, "http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/719e7495258555b88405bf866c1c6119fd2f7a6b/r=300x217/local/-/media/AsburyPark/2014/08/01/jobsgains-300x217.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9491799473762512}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.app.com/story/money/business/inthemoney/2014/08/01/the-u-s-job-market-and-a-scene-from-bull-durham/13463059/?from=global\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/e49a0888e550cb9977a45f0b1ba13077c425f496/c=42-0-259-217&r=x63&c=60x60/local/-/media/AsburyPark/2014/08/01/jobsgains-300x217.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/e49a0888e550cb9977a45f0b1ba13077c425f496/c=42-0-259-217&r=x63&c=60x60/local/-/media/AsburyPark/2014/08/01/jobsgains-300x217.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"jobsgains\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.app.com/story/money/business/inthemoney/2014/08/01/the-u-s-job-market-and-a-scene-from-bull-durham/13463059/?from=global\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/266d9b3c4e442958a950918dd326ceb685e875e2/c=6-0-295-217&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/AsburyPark/2014/08/01/jobsgains-300x217.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/266d9b3c4e442958a950918dd326ceb685e875e2/c=6-0-295-217&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/AsburyPark/2014/08/01/jobsgains-300x217.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"jobsgains\", \"alt_text\": \"NJ Press Media file photo. Let's ease off on the celebration for now.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.app.com/story/money/business/inthemoney/2014/08/01/the-u-s-job-market-and-a-scene-from-bull-durham/13463059/?from=global\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/719e7495258555b88405bf866c1c6119fd2f7a6b/r=300x217/local/-/media/AsburyPark/2014/08/01/jobsgains-300x217.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/719e7495258555b88405bf866c1c6119fd2f7a6b/r=300x217/local/-/media/AsburyPark/2014/08/01/jobsgains-300x217.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"jobsgains\", \"alt_text\": \"ID=13463061\", \"rendered_width\": 245}, null]", "texts": ["Already a subscriber, but don't have a login?\n\nActivate your digital access.\n\nShare This Story!\n\nLet friends in your social network know what you are reading about", "The U.S. job market and a scene from Bull Durham\n\nThe U.S. economy looks like it's on pretty solid ground these days.\n\nA link has been sent to your friend's email address.\n\nA link has been posted to your Facebook feed.\n\nJoin the Conversation\n\nSubscribe Today\nLog In\n\nSubscribed, but don't have a login?\n\nIn the Money blog\n\nMichael L. Diamond, @mdiamondapp 11:33 a.m. ET Aug. 1, 2014", null, "NJ Press Media file photo. Let's ease off on the celebration for now.", null, "The U.S. economy looks like it's on pretty solid ground these days. It grew a healthy 4 percent in the second quarter. And it added 209,000 jobs in July. Nothing that would make me want to, I don't know, buy a second home, or anything. And certainly nothing that would convince a bank to lend me the money to do that. But the pieces are falling into place.\n\nThe latest evidence came today, when the U.S. Labor Department reported the economy added more than 200,000 jobs for the sixth consecutive month. It's an important benchmark because the U.S. needs to add 150,000 a month to keep up with the growing work force.\n\nAnd yes, the unemployment rate rose from 6.1 percent to 6.2 percent, but in this case that's not a bad thing. The reason? Because more job seekers felt confident enough about their prospects of finding work that they decided it was at least worth a try - even if there weren't enough jobs to accommodate them.\n\nIt satisfied everyone who has an obsession with the labor force participation rate.\n\nMore good news? The government said both May and June were better than originally reported, with June clocking in with nearly 300,000 jobs.\n\nAnd yet, Steven Pressman, an economist at Monmouth University, says the economy hasn't picked up enough momentum to force employers to give their workers raises, continuing a long pattern of stagnant wages.\n\nWithout rising wages, it's hard to envision a healthy economy across the board.\n\nAnd it's hard not to be reminded of the scene in Bull Durham, when pitcher Ebby Calvin \"Nuke\" Laloosh has a rare 1-2-3 inning and, with renewed confidence turns to his catcher Crash Davis, looking for an atta boy.\n\n\"I was great, eh?\" Nuke says.\n\n\"Your fastball was up and your curveball was hanging - in the Show they woulda ripped you,\" Crash says.\n\n\"Can't you let me enjoy the moment?\" Nuke says.\n\n\"The moment's over,\" says Crash."], "url": "http://www.app.com/story/money/business/inthemoney/2014/08/01/the-u-s-job-market-and-a-scene-from-bull-durham/13463059/?from=global", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 404, "original_width": 538, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 217, "original_width": 300, "width": 522}], "image_hashes": ["1079e53328a8058af2737f2b68929f9506390deec3ac5519b4683ed20487ca6b", "61d0ec425539240b80e2806bd88981d047a0446395ab58ca19f834369ceaf715"], "__index_level_0__": 383, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vXNHwLeIA8Q/UgCTqDCL7kI/AAAAAAAACU0/meYgm1ha808/s200/Rounds+Video+Calling+++Chat.jpeg", null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-20E3GYx_65o/UgCT29FisbI/AAAAAAAACVE/0St3Mu-jzk0/s200/WeChat.jpeg", null, null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rAnjfAT3fmY/UgCUDhjuQgI/AAAAAAAACVU/2qFzAMVyYmk/s200/Hangouts.jpeg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8790705800056458}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.appspicker.com/best-free-video-chat-apps-for-iphone-ipad/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vXNHwLeIA8Q/UgCTqDCL7kI/AAAAAAAACU0/meYgm1ha808/s200/Rounds+Video+Calling+++Chat.jpeg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vXNHwLeIA8Q/UgCTqDCL7kI/AAAAAAAACU0/meYgm1ha808/s200/Rounds+Video+Calling+++Chat.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Rounds Video Calling Chat\", \"rendered_width\": 125, \"rendered_height\": 125}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.appspicker.com/best-free-video-chat-apps-for-iphone-ipad/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-20E3GYx_65o/UgCT29FisbI/AAAAAAAACVE/0St3Mu-jzk0/s200/WeChat.jpeg\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-20E3GYx_65o/UgCT29FisbI/AAAAAAAACVE/0St3Mu-jzk0/s200/WeChat.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"WeChat\", \"rendered_width\": 125, \"rendered_height\": 125}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.appspicker.com/best-free-video-chat-apps-for-iphone-ipad/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rAnjfAT3fmY/UgCUDhjuQgI/AAAAAAAACVU/2qFzAMVyYmk/s200/Hangouts.jpeg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rAnjfAT3fmY/UgCUDhjuQgI/AAAAAAAACVU/2qFzAMVyYmk/s200/Hangouts.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Hangouts\", \"rendered_width\": 125, \"rendered_height\": 125}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["In this article, you can view the best free video chatting apps for your iPhone and iPad. These video chatting apps come with lots of useful features and you can install all of these apps on your device free of cost. Although you can find tons of free video chatting apps on the app store but we’ve listed here only few of those which have easy user interface and quick video calling features. Okay check out the list of top and best free video chat apps.\n\n1. ooVoo Video Call, Text and Voice ( iPhone & iPad ) – ooVoo is one of the best free video chatting apps on the app store and it is used by millions of iOS users. The app lets you make video calls with up to 12 people at a time. ooVoo comes with powerful address search book, Facebook & Twitter option to connect your friends with your ooVoo account and friend invitation option.\n\nVery useful video chat app that comes with tons of features such as -unlimited video chatting, voice calling, unlimited instant text messaging , group video chatting , multitasking feature ( you can also send messages even while you are on a video call ) , notification for income video calls and many other useful features. Great video chatting app for all iOS users.\n\n2. Rounds Video Calling + Chat ( iPhone ) – Featured rich free video chatting app for iPhone users that comes with many options. One of the best free video chat apps for iPhone users. Rounds app includes tons of options such as unlimited video calling option, photo taking and sharing option, YouTube videos watching feature, fun photo & video effects , fun games and lots of other features.\n\nVery useful and fun video chatting app that also allows you to connect your Facebook friends for video chatting. The app lets you browse easily mobile contacts and Facebook friends in the call menu. Great free app that comes with fun webcam effects with snapshots capturing feature that allows you capture funny photos. Great video chatting app that can also be used as a useful camera app on your iPhone.", null, "3. Tango Text, Voice, and Video ( iPhone & iPad ) – Tango is one of the best communication apps on the app store and it lets you make high quality video & audio phone calls on your device free of charge. The app is integrated with many functions such as- free video & voice chatting, fun animation effects, games, photo editing option, text, photo and video sharing option and lots of other features.\n\nEasy to use video chatting app for iPhone and iPad that helps you make free international calls and send  text messages. Great app that works on almost all devices such as mobiles, tablets and PCs.\n\n4. WeChat ( iPhone ) – WeChat is one of the most popular chatting services on the web to make easy video calls with their friends and family members. The iPhone app of WeChat comes with many useful features that can help you make free video calls, send voice & text messages and send photos & videos to your friends.\n\nFully functional free video chat app for iPhone that has many features, including quick voice and video calling feature, instant messaging with animated smileys, photo/video sending option, message notification, importing contacts feature and real walkie talkie mode to communicate with up to 40 people at a time. Useful communication app for iPhone users.", null, "5. Skype For iPad – Skype is a popular communication service on the web that helps internet users make unlimited video and voice calls free of charge. iPad version of Skype comes with tons of features which can help you make free calls to your Skype friends. Skype lets you send instant messages, make free voice and video calls and make phone calls to mobiles and landline at very affordable rates. Great app that has nice user interface with some social networking features.", "If you are looking for iPhone version of Skype, here is the link – Skype for iPhone\n6. Hangouts ( iPhone & iPad ) – Hangouts is a great free communication service by Google that lets you connect with your friends and family members easily on your device. The app has some useful features with easy and clean interface. With this app, you can make video calls with up to 10 people, send messages anytime, share photos & videos and view your chatting and sharing history. Very useful service by Google.", null, "You may also try these popular messaging apps for video chatting or calling:-\n7. Google Duo ( iPhone ) – Simple video calling app for iPhone.", "8. Messenger ( iPhone & iPad ) – One of the most downloaded messaging apps for smartphones by Facebook. You can also use this app for free video chatting."], "url": "http://www.appspicker.com/best-free-video-chat-apps-for-iphone-ipad/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 384, "original_height": 186, "original_width": 183, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 181, "original_width": 182, "width": 380}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 181, "width": 380}], "image_hashes": ["76b044f0d2b6de74a4a500d675399b9a5d3b2f84b17d1346d5c23a138360ddff", "d8d2605f8ef6bb2d9df372dc0a1e03880174daa908b9dd6147a827fdf446b4f9", "4380a553ebfa82b404625639e2c2ff91ebd04106d716482d2da8c464608e3867"], "__index_level_0__": 384, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56e5daf445bf2119aa5b21e0/56e5e1658a65e250f815d6a3/57420ee162cd940234700ecb/1492186191734/IMG_1590.JPG", null, "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56e5daf445bf2119aa5b21e0/58f0e3e386e6c0436ef15845/58f0e3e3f7e0abff4dce3853/1492181996657/IMG_1590.JPG", 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this trauma from my eyes you have to know that I am a person of faith. Raised in a Catholic parish and in thirteen years of Catholic education, I was an altar server, choir member, read in church, and led campus ministry. I was that guy and I thought I was called to be a priest. What do you do as a boy who wants to be a priest? You go on retreats at seminaries and with religious communities. It was at one of these retreats—an intentional space for spirituality and discernment—that I met and had my only interaction with the man who assaulted me.\n\nI went with a group of boys and two priests. Built more than a century before, the local seminary had plenty of small rooms to accommodate each boy for the weekend. A bed, a desk, a chair, a closet, and a single light overhead. I don’t know why I had gone back to my room, but I realized that the light was burnt out. The only person I could find was an impeccably dressed younger priest. He smiled, found a new bulb, and replaced the light himself. He said something about rolling up your sleeves and doing work. He touched my shoulder, slid his hand down my side. I stepped back. He reminded me that good Catholics do what priests say to do. I looked at the ceiling. He finished, patted me on the shoulder again; left without another word.\n\nWhenever I tell this story I have to pause here. It would take me nine years to remember and begin to address what happened that night. I buried the trauma, unconsciously forced myself to forget. There it sat, a slowly leaking vat of psychological toxin polluting my sense of vocation and my engagement with faith. I couldn’t express why, but after the assault I stopped looking at seminary, even at Catholic colleges.\n\nFinishing high school I attended an Episcopal college, I came out as a gay man, I left the Roman Catholic church, and I struggled to make sense of all my new experiences. Only once did the assault ever flash in my memory: a mentor, noticing that I was unusually withdrawn during my sophomore year of college, looked me in the eye and said: “I think you either were sexually assaulted or you think you’re gay.” For a moment I wanted to answer “yes” to both. Wholly unconsciously I denied being assaulted and for the first time came out to someone.\n\nSometimes I wonder if coming out at that particular time in my life—and not before or after—was not a psychological defense to the burgeoning memories of trauma that were trying to expose themselves.\n\nNear the end of my first year of graduate school at the University of Vermont (UVM) we were strongly encouraged to attend the Dismantling Rape Culture Conference (DRCC) held each year at UVM. I strongly resisted attending DRCC 2012. Interpreting my resistance as male privilege I decided to at least give it a chance (I also found out that “strongly encouraged” really meant “required”). At the opening session and subsequently at the workshops waves of memories and emotions nearly incapacitated me. I wandered through the day eventually ending up at a workshop led by the keynote speaker Marta L. Sanchez. During an activity we were able to select and keep a small copy of one of her paintings. That piece has stayed with me since the workshop. I’m looking at it as I write.\n\nI knew I needed help and knew I couldn’t process these memories alone. Ever since the assault I found it difficult to interact with most older men, particularly older men in positions of authority. My relationships with male faculty members were particularly rocky as were relationships with male supervisors. However, it was in all male communities that I would find the greatest level of support and the space I needed to make sense of what had happened. I was fortunate to encounter two excellent male counselors who worked with me to confront and begin to recover traumatic memories from the assault. One helped me work through the faith component and the other walked with me as I addressed the maleness of being assaulted by another man. However, it was in an all-male space with other men that I was able to begin healing.\n\nIn addition to my other identities, I am a fraternity man and a member of Phi Mu Delta Fraternity. I joined Phi Mu Delta as a graduate student around the same time that I began to remember and address the assault. I never meant or even wanted my fraternity membership to get caught up in the messiness of trauma. However, I felt the safest with other Phi Mu Delta men. My biological family had to wrestle with their own emotions—often quite strong—regarding what had happened to me and what they felt they had “allowed” to happen. Many of my close friends who I might have otherwise turned to are themselves clergy of multiple denominations or people of great faith who too dealt with significant doubts when they learned that a friend had been assaulted by a Catholic clergyman. It was in my fraternity with other men that I transitioned from victim to survivor.\n\nI took a break from religion and God-worship. For approximately four-and-a-half years I drifted between calling myself an Unitarian, Humanist, or Atheist. Never blaming God, I simply couldn’t identify with religions. How could a person call themselves a follower of an all-loving entity yet perpetrate sexual assault against another human. I couldn’t accept that ordination either granted one unquestionable power or immunity from grievous fault. With the help of several friends I identified the priest who assaulted me and learned that he is now the pastor of a large congregation that touts its youth ministry.\n\nI wrote to his bishop and reported the assault. Though the statute of limitations had not expired, I knew that my at best fragmented memory was not nearly enough to sustain a criminal proceeding. The bishop’s office insisted that none of my information was correct and that even if it was the priest could not have assaulted me. Adding insult to injury they requested that I apologize in writing to the priest for putting him through so much suffering. In no uncertain terms I refused.\n\nI will never be thankful to be a survivor, but I love myself. I love the person I have become. Choosing to forgive the man who assaulted me is not about him and it will never be about him. My act of forgiving frees me to be in community with others, frees me to welcome every man as my brother. Now thirteen years after the assault in a very different place that I have ever been before I know that honest doubt, not certainty, is the cornerstone of faith. I awoke one day in a church community of faithful doubters where love is bold and welcome is always extended. I could call myself a believer and a Christian again. As a friend and pastor tweeted to me on Easter this year: #ReclaimChristian. Assault ended my association with one community. Authentic love brought me home to many new communities. May it be so.", null, null, null, "About the art:\n\nSo Ben sent us this story ALLLLL the way back in July! And since we didn't have space for it then, we saved it for Sexual Assault Awareness month because this is rightfully where the story should have landed.\n\nI'm very thankful that Ben shared this story with us because it reiterates an issue with the Catholic church that permeated through Boston, MA and was showcased in the film, Spotlight. Ben's story is not unfamiliar in the grand scheme of the controversy that surrounds the Catholic church, but it's a story of courage for Ben to reclaim his faith amid the trauma he experienced.\n\nMaking this piece was a long time coming, as I said before, so I wanted to make sure it was something special and something Ben could be proud to hang in his home or office or wherever. So I wanted the message to be powerful for him and endearing. I pulled both quotes on this piece from the last sentence of his piece in order to capture the essence of survival in his story.\n\nBen told me he likes blue, so I made sure to use as much blue as possible without over doing it. And you might notice the black in the background - that comes from Katy having attempted to make a piece with this canvas last week, and I repurposed the canvas for Ben's piece and I think it adds a very cool aesthetic to the painting. Throwing in the white streaks and splatter give it the universal flair that I like to attach to many of my pieces.\n\nThanks for sharing this story, Ben! It's not an easy one to share, and I'm glad you were patient with us for holding onto this story for so long. Be well.", null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.artissurvival.com/stories/the-faith-component", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1875, "original_width": 2500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 750, "original_width": 1000, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 750, "original_width": 1000, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 750, "original_width": 1000, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 609, "original_width": 750, "width": 465}, {"height": 510, "original_height": 2377, "original_width": 1760, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1825, "original_width": 2500, "width": 517}, {"height": 503, "original_height": 3333, "original_width": 2500, "width": 378}, {"height": 477, "original_height": 948, "original_width": 750, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4559668b7fbee925cb2e4e23be676fb2535eb3468fdb98f3e837756dbc24684d", "b20dc405b0032bf4a479ac7723500b69cd7f966352e309ebc68c0b04c6507662", "97f690d1ea3328529d104eba9c8643a5e4ecd3b4150f5b62f4f095a3f12a771a", "ca28e3eb225eaa2f5486d315baf64e89f06f9f08b3de6382d7e7c126958ce844", "66c4cdca4877cc9ea43c755756b1fe8967f032ae24fabc8a26b65e5ae8fb40f5", "7e98cc1aff8983fe650e7efb42a2f8fcea2e28a2de6a897b1512f6b062d6d538", "7928fea26ed816903910bb21cd48b98dcc34c3ff59033493c2e82fc655a07c0c", "d6c8c321813e28ccd4d46e7623854980b915b08c2bfccf678f0c863e63a3534f", "e9c5834030c1b72684feb956f8efa5a2abf1a435f7c97ca782f0db5c936eee1f"], "__index_level_0__": 385, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.entertainmentearth.com/images/autoimages/BBP05003.jpg", "http://www.entertainmentearth.com/images/autoimages/BBP05004.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9558670520782472}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.bifbangpow.com/2009/04/signpost-up-aheadyour-next-stop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.entertainmentearth.com/images/autoimages/BBP05003.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.entertainmentearth.com/images/autoimages/BBP05003.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BBP\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.bifbangpow.com/2009/04/signpost-up-aheadyour-next-stop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.entertainmentearth.com/images/autoimages/BBP05004.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.entertainmentearth.com/images/autoimages/BBP05004.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BBP\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, "M said...\n\nPLEASE PLEASE PLEASE- make a figure from Twilight Zones episode \"The Dummy\" That dummy was about as scary as \"Talky Tina\"\n\nYou just have to! No one has done this yet! I have a group of friends that crack up because Im always imitating this character. Its been a long standing joke. For Christmas I bought them all Talky Tinas and Mystic Seers from you guys. I couldnt find anything with the \"The Dummy\"\n\nI have looked everywhere for something close to this but there is nothing out there."], "url": "http://www.bifbangpow.com/2009/04/signpost-up-aheadyour-next-stop.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["15701cce7352589c28230e972070c507a7bded2b340f11e9c5468d156aeb2729", "8afa07d32e33a65a1fe83d171711448f007c7546f058d088f2ac83be2c80b7fd"], "__index_level_0__": 386, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv298/theliebertfamily/oct12/DSC_0133_zps81057fc9.jpg", null, "http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv298/theliebertfamily/oct12/DSC_0084-001_zpse50ff73a.jpg", null, "http://i693.photobucket.com/albums/vv298/theliebertfamily/oct12/DSCN2192_zpsc2a11f9a.jpg", null, 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I’m of course a fan {previous DecoArt projects} so I got to work and put together this Quick Change Wooden Shim Picture Frame.", null, "I have worked with wooden shims in the past and love their versatility not to mention how inexpensive they are – you can pick up a whole pack for less than $3. The concept for this frame is actually a little twist on the previous Wooden Shim Picture Frame I made last year – just with some added Americana color and a quicker alternative to changing out the photos.", null, "Materials Needed:\nPiece of Plywood {cut to 12 1/2 inches X 12 1/2 inches}\nWooden Shims\nAcrylic Paints\nWood Screws\nInexpensive Picture Frame\nSawtooth Picture Hanger {optional}\nSuggested Tools Needed:\nTape Measure, Circular Saw, Hand Saw or Chop Saw, Sand Paper, Paint Brush, Hot Glue Gun, Screwdriver", null, "Begin by cutting a piece of plywood to use as the base. When calculating what size to cut the plywood, consider the size of the picture frame you would like to hang in the center. Also keep in mind the number of shims that will be needed to cover the plywood – the piece should be large enough to fully glue down each shim.\nFor this particular tutorial a scrap piece of plywood was cut with a circular saw\nto measure 12 1/2 inches X 12 1/2 inches.\nA 4×6 picture frame and longer, 15 inch, cedar shims were used to make the calculations.\nOnce the plywood is cut lay out the cedar shims. Mark and cut each shim to size.\nI used a chop saw, however a hand saw can also be used to cut the shims.", null, "Since shims are typically not made from high quality wood, each one should be sanded to remove any stray splinters and soften the edges.", null, "The next step is to finish the shims. This can be done with paint or stain.\nFor this tutorial Americana Acrylic Paints by DecoArt were used in three shades:\nSea Glass DA297-3, Ice Blue DA135-3, and Blue Mist DA178-3", null, "Once dry adhere each of the shims to the base plywood using hot glue.", null, "The final step is attaching a wood screw to hang the picture frame. Be sure to use a shorter length screw so it does not protrude through the plywood base – 1/2 inch is long enough.", "Using the frame as a guideline, center and attach the screw – then hang the picture frame.", null, "The frame can easily be taken down to swap out the picture, then simply hung back up on the screw.", null, "I like to lean these types of frames on shelves…", null, "…however to hang on the wall, a sawtooth hanger can be added to the back of the plywood base.", null, "I really like the addition the painted shim lined base adds to\na simple, otherwise plain,  picture frame.\nSpecial photos make great gifts and picture frames, like the one used above, can be picked up for just $1 – making this one inexpensive personalized present.", "Speak Your Mind Cancel reply", "#TBT – Easy Summer Living", "Visit Stephanie Lynn's profile on Pinterest.\n\nNew Year | Fresh Start", "Popular Posts & Projects", "Craft Pumpkin Candy Holders", "Painted Pumpkin Rocks Fall Pumpkin Crafts", "Wooden Wheelbarrow Planter", "Polishing Pumpkins and Gourds for Indoor Use {preserving pumpkins}", "More Recycled Sweater Vases {Easy & Simple Fall Decor}", "Plaid Fabric Wreath How to make a Rag Wreath", "Wooden Boot Rack Plans to build a boot organizer", "Michaels Dream Tree Challenge Christmas Tree Decorations", "Clothespin Snowflakes {Handmade Ornaments}", "Thanksgiving Table Setting", "Christmas Tablescape", "Hot Chocolate Bar - Fall Entertaining Ideas", "Wine Tasting Party", "Setting Up a Mimosa Bar | with free party printables", "Game Day Italian Pasta Bar Party", "Holiday Gingerbread House & Cookie Decorating Party for the Kids", "Allergy Free Dum Dum Lollipop Cake", "Chocolate Covered Candy Canes | Chocolate Reindeer Candy Canes", "Salted Caramel Pretzel Chocolate Chip Cookies Recipe"], "url": "http://www.bystephanielynn.com/2012/11/make-your-own-quick-change-wooden-shim-picture-frame.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A%20UnderTheTableAndDreaming%20%28Under%20The%20Table%20and%20Dreaming%29", "images_metadata": [{"height": 505, "original_height": 1080, "original_width": 808, "width": 378}, {"height": 516, "original_height": 1080, "original_width": 791, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 768, "original_width": 1024, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 855, "original_width": 1024, "width": 452}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 945, "original_width": 1024, "width": 409}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 678, "original_width": 1024, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1080, "original_width": 1743, "width": 610}, {"height": 563, "original_height": 1080, "original_width": 725, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1080, "original_width": 1477, "width": 516}, {"height": 543, "original_height": 1080, "original_width": 751, "width": 378}, {"height": 478, "original_height": 1080, "original_width": 853, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d9c0cbc98e7282391caf759b8f71d79afaf28f82d59fb3f33a8bd69769c0c201", "bd7b20047d8b00cfde79c6673a160899b9a605405c98c6c12422bea3b63e45fb", "5d53b00d1582367685a8883d51cc1691b6375f0068058ea6b3a046c693e3e1c6", "9c3f7af70a5871a8b01197c849d8f34e8aa2a74eb7e8708b77219ab8a223d169", "6490bb5a77899b68c6fa34418cd795d82dc7655211768a74e6cbe3649da73cd6", "6784e8e40f738a60e89fcfa3dd06b454e5c949a8682277be65d3b8b0c0d8745a", "959c2e3b23e3f02f4805b66b6f993d58a21ec2261adb7c6d4f8cf4f408e8fa2e", "c7ef6947c1f079c214a20bfd49e7396edc77274400553be24347a890c6e59c6d", "45026802e1f2532266f527375f836b6076924e2ed94606c8e247a2ad2a672ce3", "8cc2066f9d9e0cf7bb9dfc2dc9e8262bfaaf438662c29c73eadd1c79ad493b9e", "adb9f5346d73985c3597eba653d178da1cf9f143583f8d3feab54d8b204aebbb"], "__index_level_0__": 387, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_image/IMG_2029_0.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9428279995918274}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/content/hilleast-commissioner-urges-residents-fight-andromeda-clinic\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_image/IMG_2029_0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_image/IMG_2029_0.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 350, \"rendered_height\": 263}, null]", "texts": [null, "Andromeda Transcultural Health. Photo: Christine Rushton\n\nHilleast ANC Commissioner Chander Jayaraman (6B08) wants neighbors to join him Friday in asking for Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen’s help in fighting two health clinics opening around the intersection of 15th Street, Massachusetts Avenue and Independence Avenue SE. The meeting is Friday, July 15 at 8 a.m. at the Pretzel Bakery (257 15th St. SE).\n\nIn January 2016, Jayaraman and Commissioner Denise Krepp (6B10) started fighting Andromeda Transcultural Health’s plans to put in a clinic on the corner of South Carolina Avenue and 15th Street SE.\n\nWith the Community Action Group, with outpatient services at 1238 Pennsylvania Ave SE, also set to open up clinic operations at their renovated site near the intersection of Independence Avenue and 15th Street SE, the neighbors worry two health clinics will overwhelm the primarily residential community. Add to that a newly opened 7-Eleven store between the two clinics and residents fear an increase of loitering around the sites.\n\n“There are schools nearby: Eastern High School, a public charter, Payne Elementary,” Krepp said. “If we have people coming here for anything from alcohol to drugs to something else, have we thought about the balance of their needs with the children, the needs of the community?”\n\nShe added: “Why two mental health clinics in a residential area? One is enough.”\n\nFighting a Faulty Clinic Certification Process\n\nSince January, Krepp and Jayaraman have organized several community meetings and have tried to keep open communications between the community, the DC Department of Behavioral Health (DBH), 7-Eleven, Andromeda and CAG.\n\nThe problem is how clinic certificates from DBH and certificates of occupancy from the DC Department of Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) are issued, she said.\n\nIn April, Jayaraman filed an appeal of the DCRA certificate issued to Andromeda. DCRA listed the clinic in the C2-4 zoned site for “General Office Use,” but Jayaraman believes any outpatient substance abuse facilities should fall under “Medical Facility.” The commissioner referred to a Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) order in 1997 that clarified that day treatment program activities at the Psychological Development Association did not fall under general office use. But despite this decision, DCRA has continued to issue occupancy certificates to clinics under general office status.\n\n“When you’re proposing to recruit and get individuals who are potential court ordered referrals for counseling, that’s a very different use than a daycare center,” Jayaraman said. “We really think it’s actually clinical, medical--that’s what it should be categorized as.”\n\nAlso DBH requires new clinics take on all the costs of the building and any renovations for a new site before the business can apply for a certificate to operate, he explained. This leaves the ANC out of the process of deciding an appropriate site.\n\nWorking With CAG\n\nCAG has made significant efforts to reach out to and work with the community for years, Krepp said. So they expected the changes at 15th and Independence. But what she doesn’t understand is why DBH claims CAG won’t be operating outpatient services and therefore won't be applying for a certificate.\n\nIn a letter to the Hill Rag, CAG owner Janice Gordon said it’s in the long term plans to apply for the certificate to move their outpatient services from the Pennsylvania Avenue site to the Independence Ave site. She said her team will offer rooms for community meetings, Sunday worship and shows with the Anacostia Playhouse. Their patients will come for substance abuse and other educational sessions.\n\n“No medications are dispensed and no medical staff is present,” Janice Gordon said. “Unfortunately, the word ‘clinical’ tends to conjure up images of medical activity and/or medicine, neither of which is part of CAG’s outpatient modality.”\n\nDBH spokesperson Phyllis Jones said representatives of DBH have been in close contact with the ANC commissioners, despite Krepp’s claims that she has struggled to get a response from the department. Jones explained part of DBH’s process in evaluating new clinics."], "url": "http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/content/hilleast-commissioner-urges-residents-fight-andromeda-clinic", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 263, "original_width": 350, "width": 503}], "image_hashes": ["9e34cfb231f706ae061a7376f22b34213cf3317830c8cbf2b95f6823f34cf278"], "__index_level_0__": 388, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_image/Parkside.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9519351720809937}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/content/neighbors-fight-latest-parkside-plans\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_image/Parkside.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_image/Parkside.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Parkside\", \"rendered_width\": 350, \"rendered_height\": 219}, null]", "texts": [null, "The proposed Parkside development. Renderings: City Interests\n\nNeighbors of the Parkside development in Ward 7 remain frustrated at the lack of attention developer CityInterests has paid to retail, parking and the current residents of the community. With an already difficult transportation situation and limited access to transportation resources, the influx of potentially 400 new residential units with residents by 2020 (factoring in Parkside’s other developments) has many longtime neighbors worried.\n\nOn Feb. 22, Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 7D took up the issue at a special meeting on the developer’s latest design request for Parkside’s apartment project and voted to oppose. ANC 7D07 Commissioner Justin Lini said that while CityInterests showed changes to the traffic and parking plans, the community wants more work and studies on the plan before it moves forward.\n\n“Many people are worried that new development is not for them, but for someone else,” Lini said.\n\nCityInterests has worked in Ward 7 for more than a decade, and some people don’t feel they’ve contributed enough to the growth of the overall community, said Eastland Gardens Civic Association President Rochelle Frazier Gray.\n\n“I believe that CityInterests is not a good community partner and developer for that area,” she said.\n\nCityInterests has worked with the community since it started the project more than a decade ago and wants to continue the dialogue, said CityInterests Partner Jonathan Novak.\n\nParkside is a three million square foot, roughly $100 million project with the Parkside Center for Learning and Career Development, 1,500-2,000 residential units, 750,000 square feet of office space and between 30,000 and 50,000 square feet of retail.\n\nTraffic Jam\n\nInterstate 295 already isolates some residents on the west side of the highway from reaching retail and grocery stores without a car. Those with a car have to deal with the traffic from those major roadways and commuters coming in and out of Maryland just to get from their home to the store and back. But if a developer adds additional car traffic with apartment complexes, that will aggravate the problem, Lini said.\n\n“It’s a lot of development for a small area,” he said.\n\nCityInterests started the Parkside development plans in 2006 and included a $3 million pedestrian bridge plan that would connect the Parkside development on the west side of the 295 to the Minnesota Avenue NE Metro rail station on the east side. But the DC Department of Transportation (DDOT) didn’t move on the project until recently.\n\nMany residents remain isolated if they can’t drive to get out for work and groceries.\n\nAccess to the roads into the Pepco Benning Service Center that borders Benning Road just south of those communities could alleviate traffic woes. But CityInterests, DDOT and the community have not finalized any plans with the company for that access.\n\nNovak said they want to address the dissatisfaction with the transportation, but it’s going to take cooperation and conversations among them, DDOT and the community.\n\n“We did a study almost a decade ago and highlighted the challenges that exist in making that connection (to Pepco),” Novak said. “They’re not insurmountable, but do require multiparty cooperation.”\n\nCityInterests brought revised plans to the Feb. 22 meeting that unbundled the parking from the rentals, which would require residents to pay for parking. It also included more diagrams on how Metro Rail would be made more accessible for tenants.\n\nBut the plans still need more research, Lini said. The community asked the developers to factor in car shares, bicycle shares and Metro bus stops to the parking plan.\n\n“What really came out of the discussion with the community on this was that the impacts on street parking need to be explored more thoroughly…” Lini said. “It’s clear more work needs to be done to satisfy their concerns.”\n\nRetail Desert\n\nWard 7 residents continue to face a dearth of options when it comes to retail and grocery stores within walking or close commute distances. Gray has argued with the CityInterests developers at ANC meetings about their plans for roughly 17,000 square feet of divided retail and no concrete ideas on if it will get a grocer.\n\n“They said they know we need retail, but they don’t build it,” she said. “It’s nothing that really benefits the community.”\n\nResidents have asked about options for grocery stores or food stores since the nearest major shopping store is the crowded Benning Road and 40th Street NE Safeway. CityInterests suggested a “Save A Lot” discount grocery or a Wagshals delicatessen and gourmet market, Gray said.\n\nBut the first option lacks the quality neighbors seek and the second more fits a person living in an apartment in the city than the homeowners that have traditionally lived in the area, Gray said.\n\n“I asked CityInterests if they knew where most of the residents shop for their groceries,” she said. “They did not have a response.”\n\nThe developer does have plans to bring in several retailers, including a small-format grocery store, Novak said. The largest planned retail square footage allowance is between 15,000 and 16,000 square feet, so large stores like Safeway or Giant don’t fit that market demand.\n\n“There’s an unmet need for a neighborhood-serving grocery,” he said. “We believe the Parkside developments will capitalize on that opportunity.”\n\nDisregard for Current Residents\n\nNeighbors in the Parkside, Kenilworth and Eastland Gardens area community want to know the developers take their needs into account, too, Gray said. How can a developer planning on entering into an already established community not consider the fact that some residents don’t have a pharmacy close by to get their medication or their food, she asked.\n\n“They continue to ignore what the residents need and continue to plan for their future profit,” she said.\n\nCityInterests has cited outdated data on the retail and economic situation, as well as for the traffic issues, Gray said. She also wants them to share the numbers that show the area needs more rentals, not more small homes to buy."], "url": "http://www.capitalcommunitynews.com/content/neighbors-fight-latest-parkside-plans", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 219, "original_width": 350, "width": 604}], "image_hashes": ["09c5f4098bd33822cdf63b1ca4cd0f9cfa2e7e8a21ffbb1220dbb7dc4d97bdcf"], "__index_level_0__": 389, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, "https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1440046095l/33896.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9302101731300354}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/07/blodeuedd-reviews-her-secret-fantasy-by.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1440046095l/33896.jpg\", \"src\": 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What is a lady of noble blood to do? Get a rich, hopefully stupid man. And she does manage to get the attention of a nobody with lots of money. And it's not like she is using him, he is using her right back. She is Ton. He is nothing. She has no money. He has money.\n\nBut that is not the way of a romance. Of course there needs to be drama.\n\nThe drama is named Derek. He is a good guy. Soldier through and through. Nowhere as rich as the guy she has on her hook. He is a player. She is pretty. He does want her.\n\nSo they start to fall even though they do not want to. But he is still all, I can't! And she is all, I must marry rich! And is everything ok with the guy she has on the hook?\n\nSo yes a bit of drama. And the longest after the HEA ever, seriously, it went on and on and on. The book could have ended long before. Cute, light, fast.\n\nMass Market Paperback, 399 pages\nPublished November 27th 2007 by Ballantine Books\nSpice  Trilogy #2\nHistorical romance\nWritten By Carole Rae at 12:31 PM", "Labels: B's Mondays, Blodeuedd, Books and Reviews, Gaelen Foley, Her Secret Fantasy", "Carole Rae said...\n\nI must re-read this series and her other old books. :)\n\nJuly 28, 2015 at 12:32 PM", "Blodeuedd said...\n\nMy first one :)\n\nJuly 28, 2015 at 3:59 PM", "Anachronist said...\n\nSomehow I don't feel like devouring this one. I wonder why...oh yes. A pesky Regency romance.", null], "url": "http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/07/blodeuedd-reviews-her-secret-fantasy-by.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 564, "original_height": 475, "original_width": 318, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1401752b2fe4b8f4cd683a054b9a0b2da75b0196e91b4c0b295ed329d986aaa8"], "__index_level_0__": 390, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, "https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1440046095l/33896.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9449868202209472}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1440046095l/33896.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1440046095l/33896.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Currently Reading....\", \"rendered_width\": 140, \"rendered_height\": 209}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1474542335s/32180530.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1474542335s/32180530.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Madam Tulip and the Knave of Hearts\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1474473923s/32175513.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1474473923s/32175513.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"The Things We Leave Behind\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1483419198s/33671340.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1483419198s/33671340.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"The Fairy Tale Bride\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1465576791s/27917957.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1465576791s/27917957.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"To The Bright Edge of the World\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1472177611s/31420531.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1472177611s/31420531.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"The Last Gods of Indochine\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1403183050s/692948.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1403183050s/692948.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"The China Bride\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1459439927s/29749200.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1459439927s/29749200.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"The Ugly Teapot: Book One: Hannah\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1462000646s/30059899.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1462000646s/30059899.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Hope For Mr. Darcy\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1460313093s/29597167.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1460313093s/29597167.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"A Minger's Tale: Beginnings\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1381654144s/18624492.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1381654144s/18624492.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Crush\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1311281285s/89788.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1311281285s/89788.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"The Lady and the Unicorn\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1469644735s/31143821.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1469644735s/31143821.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Daughter of a Thousand Years\"}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://document-export.canva.com/DACJJ04sIMQ/6/preview/0001-107384676.png\", \"src\": \"https://document-export.canva.com/DACJJ04sIMQ/6/preview/0001-107384676.png\", \"alt_text\": \"Carole Rae's Random Ramblings\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, August 3\n\nBlodeuedd Review: The Raven Queen by Jules Watson", "Some books have that, omg there was magic in the past! feeling, and some do not.\n\nHere the author had Iron Age Irish people living in a world where Gods and Goddesses were heard. Were the Sidhe were around. Where there was magic. But, I did not believe in it. It was historical fantasy, fun to read, but not real.\n\nIt's the story of Queen Maeve, who went down in history as a maneater, but then history changes when men write it, Christian men. She was married to kings and princes. She loved her country, and she wanted to fight for it. I did like her strength.\n\nThe story of Deidre is told in the background too, but she has her own depressing book.\n\nI could actually have done without the real magic, and the weird druid guy who spoke with the Sidhe. I am sure people will love that, but as I did not have that omg magic used to be real feeling, it just fell short for me.\n\nAnd I did know the legends, so I knew what would happen. Still it was interesting to see how she changed things. Though I do confess that I did not understand the ending at all.\n\nGood. But could have been amazing...\n\nPaperback, 544 pages\nPublished February 22nd 2011 by Spectra\nHistorical fiction\n\nWritten By Carole Rae at 10:27 PM", "Labels: B's Mondays, Blodeuedd, Books and Reviews, Jules Watson, The Raven Queen", "August 3, 2015 at 10:28 PM", "I know :/\n\nAugust 4, 2015 at 2:33 AM", "Allison Macias said...\n\nI picked up this book and put it down. I enjoyed her other books, so maybe I might be able to make it through!", null], "url": "http://www.caroleraesrandomramblings.com/2015/08/blodeuedd-review-raven-queen-by-jules.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 564, "original_height": 475, "original_width": 318, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1401752b2fe4b8f4cd683a054b9a0b2da75b0196e91b4c0b295ed329d986aaa8"], "__index_level_0__": 391, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i.cbc.ca/1.1589236.1379104361!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/940-silver.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9794412851333618}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/sports/canada-s-ryan-cochrane-wins-silver-at-swim-worlds-1.1363421\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1589236.1379104361!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/940-silver.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1589236.1379104361!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/940-silver.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"silver\", \"alt_text\": \"From left, Canada's Ryan Cochrane, China's Sun Yang, and Italy's Gregorio Paltrinieri hold their medals after the presentation for the men's 1500m freestyle event at the FINA Swimming World Championships in Barcelona, Spain, on Sunday.\", \"rendered_width\": \"100%\", \"rendered_height\": 349}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "From left, Canada's Ryan Cochrane, China's Sun Yang, and Italy's Gregorio Paltrinieri hold their medals after the presentation for the men's 1500m freestyle event at the FINA Swimming World Championships in Barcelona, Spain, on Sunday. (Manu Fernandez/Associated Press)\n\nThere were no gold medals or world records for Ryan Cochrane at the world swimming championships.\n\nAll he has to settle for is another silver medal and some Canadian history.\n\nCochrane won his third straight silver medal in the 1,500-metre freestyle, finishing 1.33 seconds behind China's Sun Yang on Sunday in a time of 14 minutes 42.48 seconds.\n\nIt's the sixth career medal at the worlds for the Victoria native, which surpasses Brent Hayden for most all-time among Canadians.\n\n\"To have six medals is something I always dreamed of when I was a young kid getting into the sport,\" said Cochrane. \"But that being said I always want better. I always want more and I think that's what drives me every day.\"\n\nThe 24-year-old, who won bronze in the 800 freestyle last week, also became just the second man in world championships history to win three straight medals in both distances.\n\nCochrane has also medalled in the 1,500 at the last two Olympics, taking bronze in 2008 in Beijing and following up with silver at last summer's London Games.\n\nCochrane had hoped to win three medals at worlds but came just short, finishing fourth in the 400 freestyle earlier in the week.\n\n\"This week was filled with ups and downs. I had expectations of myself that weren't met earlier on but I was pretty proud of my races later in the week so I'm going to take that going forward,\" he said. \"Just to get on the podium twice is fantastic but I think I have that many more dreams of being that much better next time.\"\n\nThe two-horse race saw Cochrane overtake Yang, the reigning Olympic and world champion, at the 250 mark. Yang jockeyed back in front 100 metres later, but Cochrane was in front again at the next turn.\n\nCochrane held a slim lead or was even with Yang at every turn but couldn't extend his lead to more than 0.30 seconds. Then at 1,400 Yang turned it on for a final sprint that kept the gold just out of Cochrane's reach.\n\nFranklin reigns\n\nElsewhere, American Missy Franklin claimed her record sixth gold medal of the world championships, swimming the leadoff leg for the Americans in the 400 medley relay. She gave the U.S. a slight lead, and her teammates — Jessica Hardy, Dana Vollmer and Megan Romano — made it look easy from there.\n\nThe winning time was 3:53.23 seconds, nearly two seconds ahead of runner-up Australia.\n\nThe 18-year-old Franklin became the winningest female swimmer ever at the worlds and improved on her performance at the London Olympics, where she was one of the biggest stars with four golds and a bronze.\n\nShe eclipsed the women's record that had had been shared by Tracy Caulkins, who won five times at the 1978 worlds, and Libby Trickett, who did it in 2007.\n\nFranklin also joins Michael Phelps, Mark Spitz, Australia's Ian Thorpe and East Germany's Kristin Otto as the only swimmers to capture as many as six golds at either worlds or an Olympics.\n\nQuite a club.\n\nThe Aussies took the silver in 3:55.22. Russia held on for the bronze (3:56.47).\n\nOtherwise, it was all gold.\n\n\"I knew I had to get out there for my team,\" Franklin said. \"We had really tough competition in that race, so we were sitting there in the ready room and we said, 'No matter what happens, we're just going to do our best and have fun and we can't let each other down if we do that.' So I just went out there and it hurt really, really bad, but now we're done and we're all super excited.\"\n\nThe victory in the final race of the meet came after a stunning result for the Americans in the next-to-last event.\n\nThe men appeared to have an easy victory in their 400 medley relay, but 19-year-old breaststroker Kevin Cordes, the least experienced member of the foursome, left too soon on the exchange between the first and second legs.\n\nThe U.S. team, which touched nearly one and a half seconds ahead of France, was disqualified. The French moved up to take the gold, while the silver went to Australia and Japan snatched the bronze.\n\n\"A relay disqualification is not a particular individual's fault,\" said Nathan Adrian, who swam the freestyle anchor in vain. \"It's Team USA's fault and it falls on all of our shoulders.\"\n\nCordes came into the meet touted as the next great American breaststroker, but he endured a tough week in Barcelona. The teenager failed to win an individual medal, then cost him and his team a gold in the finale.\n\n\"If us four ever step up again, we're never going to have a disqualification, that's for sure,\" Adrian vowed. \"It will really motivate him. I don't doubt if in the next couple years we're going to have the fastest breaststroker in the world swimming for Team USA. This could be a catalyst for that.\"\n\nFranklin stood above them all — even though, amazingly enough, she was not even chosen the top female swimmer of the meet.\n\nLedecky, Sun named top swimmers\n\nThat award went to fellow American Katie Ledecky, who won four golds and set two world records. She edged out Franklin based on a formula that doesn't count the relays and gives bonus points for world marks.\n\nSun was named the top male swimmer after sweeping the freestyle distance events.\n\n\"My training has not been so systematic, so it was a pretty tough race,\" Sun said through a translator. \"I really appreciated my opponent pushed, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to make it. After all my races I felt a bit fatigued. But I just tried to convince myself to stay with him because I knew that in the last 100 I had the advantage.\"\n\nIn other events on the final night at the Palau Sant Jordi, Japan's Daiya Seto held off American Chase Kalisz to end U.S. domination of the 400 individual medley, Hungary's Katinka Hosszu won the 400 individual medley, and Ranomi Kromowidjojo of the Netherlands took the women's 50 freestyle.\n\nPhelps is retired — for now — and Lochte has dropped the gruelling race, at least for this season.\n\nThe 19-year-old Kalisz, who trains at Phelps' club in Baltimore, was far back after the butterfly and backstroke legs. But he began to close on the breaststroke and nearly caught Seto on a freestyle dash to the finish. He settled for silver in 4:09.22, while the bronze went to Brazil's Thiago Pereira in 4:09.48.\n\n\"I'm very excited about that,\" Kalisz said. \"The front half isn't really my strong part, so it's just staying right there and keeping myself mentally in check, knowing that these guys are better backstroke and butterflyers than me. Breaststroke is my strong point. So it's just staying in there until that and coming home as hard as I can on freestyle.\"\n\nHosszu was more than 2 seconds under world-record pace through the first three legs, giving her a big enough lead to hold on in the freestyle. She touched in 4:30.41, while Spain's Mireia Belmonte thrilled the home crowd by taking silver in 4:31.21. Elizabeth Beisel of the United States earned the bronze in 4:31.69, about a second ahead of hard-charging teammate Madeline Dirado.\n\nKromowidjojo's victory was a reversal of the 100 free, which was won by Australia's Cate Campbell with the Dutch sprinter taking the bronze. Campbell took silver this time, just 0.09 behind the winner's time of 24.05. Britain's Francesca Halsall grabbed the bronze in 24.30, her country's only medal of a hugely disappointing meet.\n\nSimone Manuel of the U.S. was seventh.\n\nThere were a pair of finals in non-Olympic events, as well.\n\nYuliya Efimova won the 50 breaststroke, getting back at the swimmer who took her world record in the semifinals. The Russian claimed gold in 29.52, while record holder Ruta Meilutyte settled for the silver in 29.59. Hardy took the bronze in 29.80.\n\nCamille Lacourt of France won the first race of the session, the men's 50 backstroke, with a time of 24.42. Grevers tied for the silver with another Frenchman, Jeremy Stravius, at 24.54."], "url": "http://www.cbc.ca/sports/canada-s-ryan-cochrane-wins-silver-at-swim-worlds-1.1363421", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 349, "original_width": 620, "width": 671}], "image_hashes": ["3f38c672df4c76ba029b0fba2dc5d470c8be158862e2c393485acb3f6f05f0bf"], "__index_level_0__": 392, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://i.cbc.ca/1.1589703.1379104381!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/sp-940-davy-arnaud.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9796568751335144}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/sports/soccer/impact-look-to-snap-winless-streak-against-fc-dallas-1.1363695\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1589703.1379104381!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/sp-940-davy-arnaud.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1589703.1379104381!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/sp-940-davy-arnaud.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sp davy arnaud\", \"alt_text\": \"Andrew Jacobson of FC Dallas, left, and Davy Arnaud of the Montreal Impact at FC Dallas Stadium on April 14, 2012 in Frisco, Texas. \", \"rendered_width\": \"100%\", \"rendered_height\": 349}, null, null]", "texts": ["Montreal has 2 draws and 2 defeats in last 4 games\n\nThe Canadian Press Posted: Jul 19, 2013 12:11 PM ET Last Updated: Jul 19, 2013 12:10 PM ET", null, "Andrew Jacobson of FC Dallas, left, and Davy Arnaud of the Montreal Impact at FC Dallas Stadium on April 14, 2012 in Frisco, Texas. (Brett Deering/Getty Images)\n\nIt has been a while since the Montreal Impact has won a game. FC Dallas has endured an even longer drought.\n\nBoth teams hope to end a lengthy winless streak when they clash on Saturday night at Saputo Stadium.\n\nThe Impact (9-5-4) have two draws and a pair of defeats in their last four games, but Dallas (8-5-7) tops that by going winless in six straight Major League Soccer matches — and seven overall if you count a loss to Portland in U.S. Open Cup play.\n\nMontreal's latest setback was a 4-0 thumping on the road to the New York Red Bulls last weekend, which knocked them out of first place in the Eastern Conference.\n\n\"It's true it was a bad game, we can't hide that,\" fullback Hassoun Camara said this week. \"It wasn't good on any level.\n\n\"We know we have to work hard and talk together on that. It has to be an alert for the rest of the season. We have a good team, good players and we know we can answer back on Saturday.\"\n\nTough losses\n\nIn their last four outings, the Impact blew leads twice in the second half to fall 4-3 at home to Colorado, drew 3-3 in Toronto, tied lowly Chivas USA 1-1 at home and then were spanked by the Red Bulls.\n\nA defence that had previously been solid surrendered 12 goals in the four games.\n\nStill, team owner and president Joey Saputo gave his team a passing mark in his mid-season assessment for taking a big step forward from the club's expansion season in 2012, when they finished seventh in the conference and out of the playoffs.\n\nThey now sit in second place only two points out of top spot, with games in hand on all their closest rivals.\n\nThey hope it is simply a slump, a rough patch like nearly every team has at some point in a campaign.\n\n\"It's only normal,\" said sporting director Nick De Santis. \"Sitting in first place is the hardest thing to do and we've been there for quite a while.\n\n\"At the beginning of the season, we felt we had a lot to prove because we underachieved last year. There was a lot of pride at stake (this season) and it showed game in, game out. We were able to get results not only out of good play, but out of character and pride and really sticking to our identity.\n\n\"Once we got to first place, it felt as if we've proven to everyone that we're a good team. To stay there is a lot more difficult. And it makes us realize as well that maybe we're not ready to be in first place yet. Now, how good are we to get out of this as soon as possible?\"\n\nAdapting to summer heat\n\nCoach Marco Schallibaum said some players were struggling to adapt to the summer heat, so there may be lineup changes for Dallas. Midfielder Andres Romero was substituted in the first half in New York by hard-working youngster Blake Smith, who may have earned a start.\n\nAnd forward Marco Di Vaio returned home to Italy to attend to a family matter this week and may not be ready to play, handing the role of primary striker to his former Bologna teammate Daniele Paponi.\n\nWhether there will be changes no defence was not certain. The back line of Alessandro Nesta and Matteo Ferrari flanked by Camara and Jeb Brovsky has taken heat in the media of late.\n\nBut not from De Santis.\n\n\"Since we've taken a lot of goals, everyone questions the defence, but if you look at the games, it's not only the defence,\" he said. \"Look at our midfield, which isn't as good as it was a few weeks ago, and the mentality of the team and how it's a little bit fragile, and how it's easy at times to score on us.\n\n\"We're looking at every angle. Nesta and Ferrari playing game after game gets difficult, but I think there are solutions within the roster to fix that.\"\n\nDallas also has concerns after being outscored 5-0 in its last three games, including a 3-0 loss at home last week to Salt Lake.\n\nThey will be boosted by the return of central defender George John, who missed four games with a hamstring injury.\n\nDallas has not won since June 12, but John would not call the Montreal encounter a must-win game.\n\n\"I try to stay away from extremes,\" he told the team's website. \"Obviously, we're going through a rough stretch, a seven-game winless streak, so it's important that we win soon.\n\n\"But I don't think you're ever facing a must-win unless you're in the playoffs or battling at the end of the season to make the playoffs. You always want to win, but when you put expectations like that on, it puts unnecessary pressure on you.\"\n\nJohn made headlines in April when he was hit in the head by a beer bottle apparently thrown by one of the team's own fans after scoring a game-winning goal against Los Angeles.\n\nThis week, Dallas signed 22-year-old Argentine Mauro Diaz from Argentine club River Plate and he may see action in Montreal."], "url": "http://www.cbc.ca/sports/soccer/impact-look-to-snap-winless-streak-against-fc-dallas-1.1363695", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 349, "original_width": 620, "width": 671}], "image_hashes": ["c39afa621358bccdee232eb98b786ea2cc4d9e2d6aae5b7172990dd9e42b6316"], "__index_level_0__": 393, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-e5_in5eMTNA/VwSBYEc5XOI/AAAAAAAAFsc/xyGtDb05B-Yp4WG4yPTVgrIvooodMIqKQ/s1600/1165249340_7504.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9642406105995178}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.celticslife.com/2016/04/reds-final-game.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3W03GwW7MNQ/VsbXwNOvzGI/AAAAAAAAU9Y/1lppuYYszgk/s1600-r/unnamed-15-2.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3W03GwW7MNQ/VsbXwNOvzGI/AAAAAAAAU9Y/1lppuYYszgk/s1600-r/unnamed-15-2.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"unnamed\", \"alt_text\": \"Celtics Life\", \"rendered_width\": 770, \"rendered_height\": 190}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.celticslife.com/2016/04/reds-final-game.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-e5_in5eMTNA/VwSBYEc5XOI/AAAAAAAAFsc/xyGtDb05B-Yp4WG4yPTVgrIvooodMIqKQ/s1600/1165249340_7504.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-e5_in5eMTNA/VwSBYEc5XOI/AAAAAAAAFsc/xyGtDb05B-Yp4WG4yPTVgrIvooodMIqKQ/s1600/1165249340_7504.jpg\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.celticslife.com/2016/04/reds-final-game.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QrSXFdXjsqQ/VvtoJJDv_zI/AAAAAAAAVHk/nq4aM_k6Xy4GOwM6aSqJ9BkdLXQPwJ9-g/s1600/ShareFacebook%2Bcopy%2B4.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QrSXFdXjsqQ/VvtoJJDv_zI/AAAAAAAAVHk/nq4aM_k6Xy4GOwM6aSqJ9BkdLXQPwJ9-g/s1600/ShareFacebook%2Bcopy%2B4.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ShareFacebook Bcopy B\", \"alt_text\": \"facebook share\", \"rendered_width\": 94, \"rendered_height\": 30}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.celticslife.com/2016/04/reds-final-game.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-mqyuH9Nr2Yk/TmM0VfVwvfI/AAAAAAAAEbc/rfMQdXAvMXo/s1600/2popout.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-mqyuH9Nr2Yk/TmM0VfVwvfI/AAAAAAAAEbc/rfMQdXAvMXo/s1600/2popout.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"popout\", \"alt_text\": \"arrow\", \"rendered_width\": 20, \"rendered_height\": 20}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.celticslife.com/2016/04/reds-final-game.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JgYOCDdJpUM/VuiYksWHdNI/AAAAAAAAVD4/fKkNfxb0rR0W5IZkHWws_zRi1rHDutsCw/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-03-15%2Bat%2B6.png\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JgYOCDdJpUM/VuiYksWHdNI/AAAAAAAAVD4/fKkNfxb0rR0W5IZkHWws_zRi1rHDutsCw/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-03-15%2Bat%2B6.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen BShot B Bat B\", \"alt_text\": \"celtics shirts ad\", \"rendered_width\": 660, \"rendered_height\": 100}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.celticslife.com/2016/04/reds-final-game.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_scTCGFPG0Q/UPDNSW87Y6I/AAAAAAAAOWU/zdabMW4ny6Q/s1600/89soxlife.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_scTCGFPG0Q/UPDNSW87Y6I/AAAAAAAAOWU/zdabMW4ny6Q/s1600/89soxlife.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"soxlife\", \"alt_text\": \"Red Sox Life Logo\", \"rendered_width\": 89, \"rendered_height\": 89}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.celticslife.com/2016/04/reds-final-game.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zifnePBI9y8/Vta2GJIGu_I/AAAAAAAAVAY/wRBeL7PbGmA/s1600/1003316_577417908977531_1312624733_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zifnePBI9y8/Vta2GJIGu_I/AAAAAAAAVAY/wRBeL7PbGmA/s1600/1003316_577417908977531_1312624733_n.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Patriots Life Logo\", \"rendered_width\": 89, \"rendered_height\": 89}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.celticslife.com/2016/04/reds-final-game.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xC3RkS7aKfg/Vta21tRhInI/AAAAAAAAVAo/KkrYLCJ35cY/s1600/Picture_33.png\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xC3RkS7aKfg/Vta21tRhInI/AAAAAAAAVAo/KkrYLCJ35cY/s1600/Picture_33.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Picture\", \"alt_text\": \"Bruins Life Logo\", \"rendered_width\": 89, \"rendered_height\": 89}, null]", "texts": ["Going out on top – leaving in a blaze of glory, clutching championship gold.\n\nPeyton Manning rode off into such a sunset earlier this year. The Red Sox no doubt hope to afford a similarly fond farewell to their Big Papi this fall.\n\nIt was 50 years ago today – exactly 16 years and one day after he’d been hired for the job – that another Boston sports franchise sealed the deal on such a send-off for its retiring bench leader … fella by the name of Auerbach.", null, "In the summer of 1965, on the heels of his eighth world championship and sole nod as NBA Coach of the Year, Arnold “Red” Auerbach had informed the basketball world that the up-coming season would be his last as the Boston Celtics’ coach. Red’s reputed to have issued the challenge, “You’ve got one more shot at Auerbach!” and specifically called out the Lakers and Sixers.\n\nNeither foe, each of whom would indeed earn that one last playoff opportunity, needed the extra incentive. Only some clutch Havlicek-ian larceny had rescued Game 7 of the ’65 Eastern Division Final and spared the great Bill Russell himself a pair of goat horns for a careless turnover at the most inopportune of times. And Laker Finals frustration at the hands of this particular antagonist (which dates to 1959 in Minneapolis and would endure for another 20 years) had been ensured by Elgin Baylor’s ugly knee injury in the Western Division Final against (really!!) the Baltimore Bullets.\n\nIn mid-January of 1965, Wilt Chamberlain had taken his talents back home to Philadelphia, joining forces with a squad which would come to be chosen the best of the NBA’s first quarter-century. Those 76ers responded to Red’s verbal challenge by wresting the regular-season Eastern Division title from his paws for the first time since Russell had arrived, dispatching the defending champs in six of ten match-ups, two on the hallowed Garden parquet.\n\nRunner-up status required an opening-round playoff series – and might have had the cagy Auerbach regretting the omission of Oscar Robertson and his southern Ohio Royalty from his off-season trash talk. For the second time in four years, Cincinnati put the Bostonians in early playoff peril by charging out to a two-games-to-one lead.\n\nNow, I have absolutely no doubt that Red Auerbach, in his life-long role as ambassador for the sport, taught to a good many people everything they know about the game. I’m equally certain that the old codger taught to absolutely no one everything HE knew about the game.\n\nRed and his battle-tested troops were prepared for adversity – mentally and tactically.\n\nThe strategic adjustment, in hindsight, was a no-brainer. After all, who wouldn’t insert the league’s premier athlete and a budding Hall of Famer (Havlicek) into one’s starting unit in place of a very serviceable “glue guy” (Willie Naulls)?\n\nAfter three slow starts, the adjusted line-up broke smoothly from the box in Game 4, winning every quarter as they gained control of the series. The close-out on April Fool’s Day was workman-like.\n\nOn to Convention Hall and the Zink.\n\nCrisp play allowed the men in Green to “play from in front” and steal Game 1 from a Philly team facing its first competition in 14 days. But aside from eking out a close Game 3 at home and a Hal Greer heave forcing an overtime period three days later on Easter Sunday at the Garden, the 76ers put up little resistance.\n\nIn point of fact, they were imploding. Wilt is alleged to have skipped practice the day before the series ender. Auerbach’s successor as Coach of the Year was soon to be out of work, perhaps affixing a stigma to the award that has plagued many a future recipient.\n\n[Historical Footnote: The very next year, curiously, Philadelphia established a new league standard for victories (68), slayed the Boston dragon (in five games, even) and claimed a championship for new coach Alex Hannum, who was hired to do exactly that and nothing less.\n\nThe 1966-67 NBA Coach of the year was Johnny “Red” Kerr of the expansion Chicago Bulls, who’d slipped into a newly-expanded playoff field with a 33-48 record.\n\nCurious, indeed.]\n\nA five-day respite while LA finished off the Hawks seemed to induce a case of layoff lethargy, as the Celtics let Game 1 at home slip away in overtime.\n\nBut Resourceful Red was ready – he had a final card to play.\n\nLike the prior line-up adjustment, the decision itself (again with the added clarity of hindsight) was perfectly logical, even obvious. The cunning was in the timing.\n\nJust as Branch Rickey had done 20 years earlier, Auerbach used the platform of sport as an impetus for social change – while simultaneously gaining a competitive advantage. He chose Monday April 18 – right between Games 1 & 2 of the Final – to reveal the identity of his successor.\n\nLaker coach Fred Schaus was said to have been infuriated that Red had stolen the thunder from his team’s breakthrough win. Score one for our guy, huh?\n\nIn response to the news – and perhaps in an attempt to impress the new boss – the boys rattled of three consecutive wins, getting some offensive punch from a couple of unlikely sources. Defensive specialist Satch Sanders shot 10 for 17 in the pivotal Game 3, while Celtic newbie Don Nelson drained six of his eight FG attempts two nights later, both performances on Laker turf.\n\nTo their credit, Baylor, West and Co. fought back to force a Thursday evening seventh game at the Garden.\n\nBoston had the ultimate game under control throughout, though a frantic LA closing run – aided and abetted by a surging Garden throng of 13,909 [perhaps fittingly, the C’s would clinch their next five titles on the road] – carved the final margin to a mere two points.\n\nThe breakout star of the playoffs, and Sports Illustrated cover boy, was Havlicek.\n\nBut the gloriously smoky sunset belonged to his Coach."], "url": "http://www.celticslife.com/2016/04/reds-final-game.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 464, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 305, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4a74d56f5c317e2cd22636e69c1851b36afaf404979ff28bd5e33420b7ea5d8c"], "__index_level_0__": 394, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://media1.fdncms.com/saltlake/imager/fratelli-fathers-day-brunch/u/original/2413284/art19170.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8537549376487732}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cityweekly.net/utah/fratelli-fathers-day-brunch/Content?oid=2413283\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/imager/b/coverthisweek/4544058/4e29/CW_1_170518.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.cityweekly.net/imager/b/coverthisweek/4544058/4e29/CW_1_170518.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"CW\", \"alt_text\": \"Issue Cover\", \"rendered_width\": 83, \"rendered_height\": 90}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cityweekly.net/utah/fratelli-fathers-day-brunch/Content?oid=2413283\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://media1.fdncms.com/saltlake/imager/fratelli-fathers-day-brunch/u/original/2413284/art19170.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://media1.fdncms.com/saltlake/imager/fratelli-fathers-day-brunch/u/original/2413284/art19170.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"art\", \"alt_text\": \"art19170.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 600, \"rendered_height\": 445}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cityweekly.net/utah/fratelli-fathers-day-brunch/Content?oid=2413283\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/imager/b/story/2124829/ca5f/Ted_Scheffler_-Champagne.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.cityweekly.net/imager/b/story/2124829/ca5f/Ted_Scheffler_-Champagne.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ted Scheffler Champagne\", \"alt_text\": \"Ted Scheffler\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 218}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Also: Log Haven Goes to the Dogs, Even Stevens.\n\nBy Ted Scheffler @critic1", null, "Dad’s Day @ Fratelli\nLooking for a tasty place to take dear old Dad for Father’s Day? Fratelli Ristorante (9236 S. Village Shop Drive, Sandy, FratelliUtah.com) has you covered. On Sunday, June 15, at 6 p.m., Fratelli will host a casual Father’s Day buffet dinner with offerings such as salads, crab cakes, cedar-plank salmon, bratwurst, Tuscan ribs, Kahlua pork, lamb sausage, teriyaki chicken, desserts and more. The cost is $30 per person with wine and beer pairings available at an additional cost. Reservations are required. To RSVP, call 801-495-4550.\n\nLog Haven Goes to the Dogs\nOn Sunday, June 1, Log Haven restaurant (6451 E. Millcreek Canyon Road, 801-272-8255, Log-Haven.com) will kick off its annual Dog Days of Summer with a Summer Shake-Off cocktail contest to benefit the Humane Society of Utah. Talented mixologists from Log Haven, BTG, Finca and Taqueria 27 will create canine-themed cocktails, looking to win Best in Show. Yours truly will be a judge, along with Salt Lake Magazine’s Mary Malouf and Scott Beck, president of Visit Salt Lake. Log Haven’s Dog Days of Summer offers al fresco dining in its hillside amphitheater for dogs and their well-behaved owners. The admission price for the Summer Shake-Off is $20 per person and includes hors d’oeuvres, tax and gratuity. A portion of the proceeds from the Shake-Off will benefit the Humane Society of Utah, which will be at Log Haven during the event with dogs for adoption. Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and the contest will kick off at 6:15. Reservations are recommended.\n\nEven Stevens\nLook for a cool new sandwich concept coming soon to 414 E. 200 South in Salt Lake City called Even Stevens Sandwiches (Facebook.com/EvenStevensSandwiches). For every sandwich sold, Even Stevens will donate a sandwich to a local nonprofit organization. Initially, Even Stevens will provide sandwiches to the Good Samaritan Program, the Rescue Mission and Volunteers of America Homeless Youth Outreach. Among Even Stevens’ founders is former Metropolitan owner Karen Olson.\n\nQuote of the week: When the stomach is full, it is easy to talk of fasting. —Saint Jerome\n\nTags: Wine\n\n« BBQ & Wine  |  Mem's Fruit Cart »\n\nMore Wine »\n\nAbout The Author", "Ted Scheffler\n\nMore by Ted Scheffler\n\nLatest in Wine\n\nSubscribe to this thread:", "With RSS\n\nReaders also liked…"], "url": "http://www.cityweekly.net/utah/fratelli-fathers-day-brunch/Content?oid=2413283", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 445, "original_width": 600, "width": 509}], "image_hashes": ["fa57757cc03532a02fbbc6ef2aa0f90d9fab6fbdd6b9fb3b8a821dd939b248b5"], "__index_level_0__": 395, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4098/4814740701_23ff2976b0.jpg", null, "http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4079/4814741653_ea1c360325.jpg", null, "http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4114/4815375886_9d87ff0021.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9382342100143432}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.clevelandareahistory.com/2010/08/cleveland-in-1927-part-4.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4098/4814740701_23ff2976b0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4098/4814740701_23ff2976b0.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ff b\", \"alt_text\": \"Central Avenue at Woodland Avenue, looking west\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 404}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.clevelandareahistory.com/2010/08/cleveland-in-1927-part-4.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4079/4814741653_ea1c360325.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4079/4814741653_ea1c360325.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ea c\", \"alt_text\": \"Central and Ontario (looking northeast)\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 413}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.clevelandareahistory.com/2010/08/cleveland-in-1927-part-4.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4114/4815375886_9d87ff0021.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4114/4815375886_9d87ff0021.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d ff\", \"alt_text\": \"Cleveland, as seen from the Gold Coast\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 406}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.clevelandareahistory.com/2010/08/cleveland-in-1927-part-4.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6152/6227822166_2af9fe5eac_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6152/6227822166_2af9fe5eac_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"af fe eac m\", \"alt_text\": \"Hidden History of Cleveland\", \"rendered_width\": 161, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.clevelandareahistory.com/2010/08/cleveland-in-1927-part-4.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6114/6299351904_794fe6aef2_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6114/6299351904_794fe6aef2_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fe aef m\", \"alt_text\": \"Sticker\", \"rendered_width\": 180, \"rendered_height\": 113}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, August 10, 2010\n\nCleveland in 1927, part 4\n\nI recently obtained ten 4x5 glass plate negatives of Cleveland scenes, taken in 1927. Thanks to the assistance of Bill Barrow, Special Collections Librarian at Cleveland State University and Joanne Cornelius in the Digital Production Unit there I was able to get the negatives digitized at 1200 dpi. This provides a very high resolution look at these parts of Cleveland. Be sure to click through for the highest resolution versions of the files.\n\nIn the first post in this series, I shared a few scenes that were reasonably familiar - the Terminal Tower, the Arcade, and Public Auditorium. In the second post, I shared two views of Central Avenue (now Carnegie Avenue) at East 14th Street. In post three, I continued the journey west on Central Avenue. In this, the last post in the series, I share two more view of Central Avenue as well as one that provides a fitting close.", null, "For this image, the photographer was looking southwest on Central Avenue (now Carnegie Avenue). In the foreground, to the right, is the intersection with Woodland Avenue. In the midground, Broadway Avenue crosses Central. In the background, Ontario Street intersects with Central. In the version of this image on Flickr, I've noted all these items.\n\nHere we see, on the left, the building with the large awning, seen on the right in the last photograph of the last post. Behind it is the ornate Broadway Hotel, advertising steam heat and rooms at 50 cents, 75 cents, and $1.00.\n\nBehind the Broadway Hotel, we can see several billboards. One advertises Cleveland Wallpaper Cleaner. Another, for a Studebaker, lists the price as $1335. A third is for Lucky Strike cigarettes.\n\nIn the background, at Ontario Street, we see an interesting almost-triangular building, which was demolished to make way for the Lorain-Carnegie Bridge.\n\nOn the right side of the street, at Woodland Avenue, stands the OK Hotel, advertising beds for 25, 30, and 35 cents. The sign noted that they had free shower baths. Note the building behind it that is three pairs of windows wide.", null, "In this photo, the building that is three pairs of windows wide, as noted above, is seen, from the opposite side. Here, the photographer is looking northeast down Central Avenue. Ontario Street intersects with Central in front of the aforementioned building. Behind it, Broadway Avenue intersects with Central. We can see a sign on the building advertising \"the greatest Buick ever.\"\n\nOn the right side of the street, a billboard for the Cleveland Trust notes that it finances \"Paint and Varnish, Cleveland's Leading Industries.\" What else can you see here?", null, "At first, I had assumed that this was another unidentifiable view of Lake Erie. However, the presence of the Detroit-Superior Bridge in the distance (at the far left) helps show us exactly where the photographer was standing - on the Gold Goast, looking east at downtown Cleveland.\n\nThis view, probably at sunset, provides a fitting (if slightly cliché) end to this series. I hope to share other previously unseen sets of historic photographs of Cleveland in the near future, but I need your help - I can't afford to keep buying these photographs just for the sake of providing new and interesting content.\n\nIf you have such a set of historic photos of the Cleveland area, and are willing to share them, please contact email@example.com. I will scan them and return the originals. I'm not just interested in pictures of buildings - photos of people and of daily life are great, especially if the individuals in the photographs are identified. Your loan of the materials will help better illustrate our local history."], "url": "http://www.clevelandareahistory.com/2010/08/cleveland-in-1927-part-4.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 404, "original_width": 500, "width": 467}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 413, "original_width": 500, "width": 457}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 406, "original_width": 500, "width": 465}], "image_hashes": ["b96fd8eb585f1fed6f40db9ee037bfda75ca5ba2d79de4ff7d10a9e7d7cf56e7", "71fe64511fb5c76dbcfec0799f026eee73b294af9353b44456d95ce89e3ab8d4", "f55193b1754316f3222133bd05fc97e443bb2d99dc0eaf16f9701fd74eba46d4"], "__index_level_0__": 396, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://sc.cnbcfm.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/files/2014/04/07/farms-land-in-farms-average-acres.png", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9680107831954956}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cnbc.com/2014/04/11/-to-keep-the-younger-generation-down-on-the-farm.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://sc.cnbcfm.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/files/2014/04/07/farms-land-in-farms-average-acres.png\", \"src\": \"http://sc.cnbcfm.com/applications/cnbc.com/resources/files/2014/04/07/farms-land-in-farms-average-acres.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"farms land in farms average acres\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Jake Carter is a 34-year-old farmer with 330 acres in McDonough, Ga. He grows fruits and vegetables and is the fifth generation of his family to work the land.\n\n\"Farming was something instilled in me at an early age,\" said Carter, who lives on the farm with his wife and two young daughters. \"I didn't know if this was what I wanted to do after college, but it's in my blood and it's hard to imagine doing anything else.\"\n\nAs much as Carter says he loves his profession, he's knows he's part of a minority—being a farmer under the age of 50. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, the average age for a farmer is now 58 and has been on the rise for 30 years. There are now six times more farmers 65 and older than there are farmers 34 and under, according to one study.\n\nThis has many industry watchers concerned about the future of American farming.", "Ty Wright | Bloomberg | Getty Images\nA farmer drives a combine while harvesting soybeans on a farm in Fairfield County, Ohio.\n\n\"It's a dangerous situation,\" said Milt McGiffen, a professor and researcher of sustainable agriculture at the University of California, Riverside.\n\n\"The aging of American farmers coupled with fewer students in agriculture studies and the fact that so many younger people don't look at it as a profession to get into is very worrisome,\" he said. \"We're not doing enough to solve the problem.\"\n\nRead MoreFarming in America: 'There's a growing discontent'\n\nReasons for the scarcity of young farmers are easy to find. High farm profits have kept some older farmers working longer, say analysts, creating a slower turnover to a younger group.\n\nBut also keeping the younger generation at bay is the price of doing business, said Jay Jackman, executive director of the National Association of Agricultural Educators, an advocacy group for agriculture education policies.\n\n'A hard business'", "Stanford grad leaves high-tech, returns to farm    Friday, 11 Apr 2014 | 11:00 AM ET\n\n\"Unless you inherit a farm, start-up costs for one are quite high,\" argued Jackman. \"You've got to buy the land, the equipment, find buyers for your product. It's very hard work. Plus there's always the uncertainty of the weather. It's not an easy life.\"\n\nThirty-year-old Leighton Cooley, who runs a poultry farm in Roberta, Ga., said being a farmer requires wearing many hats that don't fit everyone.\n\nRead MoreWhy inflation is a hard swallow for food companies\n\n\"It's a hard business,\" said Cooley, who is the fourth generation of his family to farm. \"It takes a lot of financial investment and you have to be a boss, manager and businessperson as well.\"\n\nUC Riverside's McGiffen said the burden of trying to keep the public's food supply safe, and other government regulations, make farming almost prohibitive in today's world.", null, "\"There's too much paperwork and not enough of a free market to make it profitable to farm these days,\" argued McGiffen.\n\nCarter agreed. \"I think they could cut down on the regulations,\" said Carter. \"When it comes to safety, people have to realize we're growing this food for ourselves as well as others, so we have our own incentives to make it safe.\"\n\nAfter peaking at 6.8 million farms in 1935, the number of U.S. farms fell sharply until leveling off in the early 1970s, according to the USDA. The number of farms in the U.S declined by 4 percent between 2007 and 2012. About 2.1 million farms are in operation today.\n\nRead MoreCurrent commodity prices\n\nFalling farm numbers reflect growing productivity in agriculture and increased nonfarm employment opportunities. Future job opportunities in agriculture seem to come at the expensive of being a farmer.\n\n'We need farmers'", "US government courts new farmers    Friday, 11 Apr 2014 | 7:53 AM ET\n\nAccording to the USDA, 15 percent of all jobs created in the U.S. between 2010 and 2015 will be in agriculture and forestry production. But the USDA expects fewer commercial farm and ranch operators to be in existence by 2015 than there are now—and a majority of jobs will be along the lines of agriculture specialists and crop management consultants.\n\n\"Most opportunities for young people in agriculture are what happens off the farm,\" said NAAE's Jackman. \"Because of that, we're in danger of not having enough farmers in the future.\"\n\nDespite the gloomy forecast, there are efforts to bring in a younger generation. As part of the 2014 farm bill, U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack this week announced new incentives to bring more people into farming.\n\nMeanwhile states like Connecticut offer training programs for first-time farmers, with an emphasis on local food production. Nebraska offers tax breaks for landowners who lease to new farmers.", "Farming is hard work, but it's 'cool again': Farmer    Friday, 11 Apr 2014 | 1:19 PM ET\n\nThe efforts seem to be paying off. Connecticut has seen a 52 percent increase in farmers 34 and under from the years 2007 to 2012. Nebraska had a 42 percent increase in farmers 34 and under during the same time period.\n\nHigh schools and colleges in rural as well as urban areas across the country are beefing up or actually starting agriculture education programs to expose more young people to farming.\n\nRead MoreNew investors lighting up legal marijuana industry\n\n'We need to make it easier for people to farm and ideas like these help,\" said UC Riverside's McGiffen. \"But a lot more has to be done to bring in younger farmers.\"\n\nAnother thing that may help bring in younger farmers is better access to high technology that's lacking now, said Zach Hunnicutt, a 32-year-old farmer with some 2,500 acres in Gilpner, Neb.", "Young farmer encourages youngsters    Friday, 11 Apr 2014 | 11:00 AM ET\n\n\"Having a speedy Internet is necessary in farming,\" said Hunnicutt, who grows soybeans, corn and popcorn. \"Being able to use your tablet or smartphone out in the fields is crucial. And listening to some good music on your devices makes the day go better.\"\n\nTo help find the younger generation, the current crop of 30-year-olds have become recruiters for their profession.\n\n\"I think it's cool to be a farmer again. I would want my kids to be farmers if they so choose,\" said Cooley, who is one of five farmers to be featured in an upcoming documentary about the lives of young farmers called \"Farmland.\"\n\n\"With the world needing so much food, we need younger farmers,\" added Carter. \"I would recommend it to anyone.\""], "url": "http://www.cnbc.com/2014/04/11/-to-keep-the-younger-generation-down-on-the-farm.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 420, "original_width": 530, "width": 477}], "image_hashes": ["c65b6aff8223729f265315c0ac13e0c4201d7d127011d21475b11304283d63c2"], "__index_level_0__": 397, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170118112939-04-scott-pruitt-confirmation-hearing-0118-exlarge-169.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9532108306884766}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/02/politics/scott-pruitt-epa-gop-rule-suspension/index.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170118112939-04-scott-pruitt-confirmation-hearing-0118-exlarge-169.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170118112939-04-scott-pruitt-confirmation-hearing-0118-exlarge-169.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"scott pruitt confirmation hearing exlarge\", \"alt_text\": \"Senate grills Pruitt on environmental issues\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/02/politics/scott-pruitt-epa-gop-rule-suspension/index.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170118112939-04-scott-pruitt-confirmation-hearing-0118-exlarge-169.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i2.cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/170118112939-04-scott-pruitt-confirmation-hearing-0118-exlarge-169.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"scott pruitt confirmation hearing exlarge\", \"alt_text\": \"Senate grills Pruitt on environmental issues\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Senate grills Pruitt on environmental issues\n\nMore Videos ...\n\nSenate grills Pruitt on environmental issues 03:08\n\nStory highlights\n\n(CNN)A Senate panel voted Thursday to approve President Donald Trump's pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency after the Republicans suspended the rules in the face of a Democratic boycott.\n\nThe move allowed Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt's nomination to proceed despite Democrats' second consecutive day skipping out on the scheduled vote.\nRepublicans unanimously approved Pruitt, 11-0.\n\"It's disappointing that they chose that course of action but we will not allow it to obstruct,\" the Environmental Public Works Committee Chairman Sen. John Barrasso said.\nRepublicans on the Senate Finance Committee employed the same maneuver Wednesday after Democrats also boycotted votes on the nominations to head the departments of treasury and health and human services.\nBarrasso slammed Democrats' move as \"unprecedented.\"\n\"Elections have consequences and the new President is entitled to put in place members to his agenda. Now it is time to set up a functioning government. That includes a functioning EPA,\" Barrasso said before moving forward with the committee vote.\nRepublicans also voted to approve a funding resolution with Democrats absent from the committee.\nDemocrats on Wednesday said they chose to boycott the vote because the EPA nominee had yet to answer some of the questions they had submitted to him in writing.\n\"If Scott Pruitt is serious about serving as our next EPA administrator, he should be more than willing to provide @EPWDems complete answers,\" Democratic Sen. Tom Carper of Delaware tweeted Wednesday shortly after the first boycott.\n\"We have a right and a responsibility to examine and critically evaluate these nominees' background, to make sure that they will fulfill their oath and their responsibility,\" Sen. Kamala Harris, a California Democrat, said at a news conference outside the hearing room on Wednesday. \"This is about transparency in government. This is about dealing with the fact that you think the system is rigged.\"\nRepublicans, meanwhile, knocked Democrats for submitting 1,078 questions and Barrasso on Thursday insisted the committee had thoroughly vetted Pruitt."], "url": "http://www.cnn.com/2017/02/02/politics/scott-pruitt-epa-gop-rule-suspension/index.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 438, "original_width": 780, "width": 673}], "image_hashes": ["6bbc3f22fff322dfc0120efb4c566cd9601072ebedfe73a301dd698258ca81eb"], "__index_level_0__": 398, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GAZ_OIOIPAc/VyyHEsy1DhI/AAAAAAAAKko/Hv6HxsDOsJoHxZXTI_rMDfU6HAbyVTtowCKgB/s640/Purgatory%2BPlaything.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8785147070884705}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.coffinkitsch.com/2016/05/kitsch-picks-jewelry-by-purgatory.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GAZ_OIOIPAc/VyyHEsy1DhI/AAAAAAAAKko/Hv6HxsDOsJoHxZXTI_rMDfU6HAbyVTtowCKgB/s640/Purgatory%2BPlaything.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GAZ_OIOIPAc/VyyHEsy1DhI/AAAAAAAAKko/Hv6HxsDOsJoHxZXTI_rMDfU6HAbyVTtowCKgB/s640/Purgatory%2BPlaything.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Purgatory BPlaything\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.coffinkitsch.com/2016/05/kitsch-picks-jewelry-by-purgatory.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-W0_bsZ19XK8/V5IaJ54onxI/AAAAAAAAMIQ/3sISV8LcOkM2P5d32hKciqSgn5kgLjaNACK4B/s240/IMG_20160215_135747.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-W0_bsZ19XK8/V5IaJ54onxI/AAAAAAAAMIQ/3sISV8LcOkM2P5d32hKciqSgn5kgLjaNACK4B/s240/IMG_20160215_135747.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"About Me\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.coffinkitsch.com/2016/05/kitsch-picks-jewelry-by-purgatory.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2NR7ZU56cHo/U9xBAVWg7eI/AAAAAAAAG90/7MBa-JAI4nk/s240/clu-250_250.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2NR7ZU56cHo/U9xBAVWg7eI/AAAAAAAAG90/7MBa-JAI4nk/s240/clu-250_250.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"clu\", \"alt_text\": \"Friends & Sponsors\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "+chainmail choker +crystal chain choker\n\n_+coyote toes necklace +gothic schoolgirl choker\n\n(click on bold text to link to product)\n\nThe etsy shop Purgatory Plaything is chalked full of amazing jewelry pieces, like these necklaces I've featured and they also have some lovely home decor pieces! I really enjoy the way the bone pieces are elegantly put together, it's like wearing a wonderful piece of macabre artwork.\n\nDo you have a favorite?"], "url": "http://www.coffinkitsch.com/2016/05/kitsch-picks-jewelry-by-purgatory.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["7f9853fd003bdaec49c07add0202a11dc54da247389d318f4a6a5b7093255bb1"], "__index_level_0__": 399, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/v630CYR1BNdy0g2E8MrVQQ-smallw.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9203118681907654}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/11044-small-wood-totem?in=1039\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/v630CYR1BNdy0g2E8MrVQQ-smallw.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/v630CYR1BNdy0g2E8MrVQQ-smallw.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"v CYR 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gliomas and have no safe treatment options that provide a cure without debilitating consequences.  Radiation is typically the prescribed therapy for treatment of this type of tumor in young adults, but can prove devastating for a small child, especially as the child continues to grow.  So our only hope is that medical researchers can quickly develop a safer and more effective alternative to radiation.\n\nUnfortunately, these types of spinal cord tumors are so rare that research toward that means is grossly under funded.  In an attempt to speed up research efforts, we have created a nonprofit, charitable organization which we have fittingly named The CORD Foundation.\n\nCORD stands for “A Cure for Others through Research and Development”.\n\nOur mission is to find a cure for pediatric spinal cord gliomas by promoting medical research and increasing public awareness of spinal cord tumors.\n\nThe CORD Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization by the Internal Revenue Code.\nOur tax identification number is EIN 20-1671966.\nDonations and correspondence should be directed to:\nCORD Foundation\nPO Box 176775\nCovington, KY  41017\n\nWe have had numerous inquiries from concerned people asking what they can do to help. Contributions are welcome to help fund research. Recently we heard from a man who wanted to help raise funds by asking an online us casino site to sponsor a tournament where a certain percentage of the winnings would be donated to the Cord Foundation. It turned out that corporate owners of the actual casino site would need to be contacted which was more difficult than anticipated. Nevertheless, we thank everyone who is trying to find creative ways to raise money for our research.\n\nWyatt’s Story", null, "Wyatt was born on May 4, 2006. A year later, at the age of one, is when his symptoms really became noticeable. The symptoms included:\n\nFrom May to August of that year, we made five separate trips to the hospital emergency and they could not come up with any answers. Finally in August, they did a 12 hour M.R.I. (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) which is a medical imaging technique used in radiology to visualize detailed internal structures. The M.R.I. revealed a solid mass inside his spinal cord starting at level C2 and going all the way down to C7. (The cervical vertebrae are numbered, with the first one (C1) located closest to the skull and higher numbered vertebrae (C2-C7) proceeding away from the skull and down the spine.)\n\nThey informed us that his brain was swollen as well as his brain stem and cord. They admitted him to the Critical Care Unit until they could get the swelling down to where it was safe to try to surgically remove the mass. Five days later, after heavy doses of steroids were administered, a 12 hour surgery was performed and the tumor mass removed. After examining the tumor, pathologists determined it was a ganglioglioma tumor, a tumor that arises from ganglion cells in the central nervous system.\n\nThe surgery was extremely risky due to its delicate location, so close to the brain stem which controls all major body functions. And damage to the spinal cord could cause paralysis from the point of injury down, which for Wyatt would be from the neck down. That paralysis would have the effect of paralyzing his breathing capabilities.\n\nWyatt came out of the surgery grabbing at and trying to remove his breathing tube. He was able to move his arms and eventually regained his sense of balance. Happiness was all of ours once again.\n\nIt was decided that M.R.I.’s needed to be administered every three months to monitor the possible re-growth of the tumor.\nHe came to be monitored by a large team of physicians, an oncology neurologist, a neurosurgeon, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist, a urologist, a cardiologist and an ophthalmologist specialist.\n\nIn the summer of 2011, it was clear that the tumor had returned. This was confirmed by the increase in his symptoms and the latest M.R.I. showing growth. The symptoms at this point included:\n\nThe tumor appeared larger on the M.R.I. spinal cord transports, causing the conclusion that another life-threatening surgery needed to be done. On September 19 of 2011, a second surgery was performed to remove the new tumor. We were told that this type of tumor is able to be fully resected (removed surgically) with a good chance of not growing back again.\n\nWe were elated at the report from the surgeon immediately following Wyatt’s surgery. It appeared the entire tumor had been removed. And Wyatt amazed all of us at how fast he began his recovery as we was sitting up the next day and was soon bright eyed and smiling to all who came to see him, to the utter amazement of all his visitors, family and friends.\n\nHe expressed daily determination to get back home to his farm and after one week in DeVos Children’s Hospital and one week at Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital, Wyatt got his wish as he returned to his beloved farm and life on the farm.\n\nBut at first he still had to go to outpatient therapy four to five times a week. But by the end of February here in 2012, he has now been decreased to two times a week and both times on the same day. The pressure type therapy they apply has been especially helpful with his headaches, which he suffers on a daily basis. He also will be having therapeutic horseback riding sessions, when the winter weather breaks. Wyatt loves horses so this will be an amazing and exciting form of therapy for him.\n\nWyatt has a tougher time in the mornings and is a very slow starter. He suffers the most pain in the morning after lying down and putting pressure on his spine during his sleeping hours but once he gets going, it is hard to slow him down.\n\nHe still is scheduled for M.R.I.’s every three months and his latest one in December revealed a spot that had his surgeon, Dr. Stanley Skarli, concerned. He said it could be a tumor, scar tissue, or imaging. He said only time and further M.R.I.’s will tell.\n\nBut then the oncologist caused us new consternation with her diagnosis that the tumor is located next to a large blood vessel that feeds the spinal cord. She tells us that the tumor will never be able to be completely removed. She said her prognosis is that Wyatt will be able to live into his teens with surgeries every four to five years to de-bulk the tumor and relieve his symptoms.\n\nSo here we are waiting for another M.R.I. in March and hoping and praying for the best but prepared for the worst of the above diagnoses. Many prayers are very much needed. And we are now involved in actively supporting research into these tumors in hopes a cure can be found in the not-too-distant future.\n\nAt this point in time, Wyatt drops a lot of things due to his inability to feel with his hands from the injury to the spinal cord but it is amazing to see how he compensates. Sometimes he has a lot of painful tingling that he likes to call “bee stings.” This sensation is most likely due to the nerves being restored after surgery but we are still not sure if he will get the feeling back over time. They say it can take up to eighteen months to know.\nCurrently, Wyatt is homebound schooling due to his pain levels but hopes to go back to half days at school very soon. He is registered as a kindergartner at Alto Elementary School.", "CORD Foundation Awards Grant to Dr. Jane Johnson\n\nJane Johnson, PhD\nUT Southwestern Medical Center\nThe Nichole Silversteen Research Chair recipient\n\nThe CORD Foundation is thrilled to announce Dr. Jane Johnson as the recipient of The Nichole Silversteen Research Chair.  As a result, the University of Texas Southwestern will receive $300,000 over the next three years to fund her research project entitled, “Spinal Cord Progenitor Cells: Distinct Molecular Characteristics and Involvement in Tumor Formation.“  Dr. Johnson is a preeminent spine scholar and Chair of UT Southwestern Medical Center’s graduate program in Neuroscience.  Her research examines the formation, generation and treatment response of spinal astrocytomas.\n\nThis award honors the life of Nichole Silversteen who was diagnosed with a spinal glioblastoma at age 21 and tragically lost her battle with the cancer just two years later.  In her memory, her family and friends established the Nichole’s CORD chapter of the CORD Foundation in Philadelphia in 2007, hoping to spare others the devastation of their loss.  Inspired by her battle, Nichole’s brother Jason has decided to pursue a medical career in the field of neurology and will, coincidently, be completing a fellowship at Texas Southwestern sometime next year.  To learn more about Nichole’s courageous battle, click here.\n\nOn behalf of CORD Foundation, its many supporters, and most importantly those who suffer from spinal cord tumors, we would like to thank Dr. Johnson for her interest and dedication to finding a cure for this devastating disease.  We look forward to receiving word of her progress, and we pray for her success.\n\nCORD Foundation Awards Grant to Dr. Sockanathan\n\nShanthini Sockanathan, PhD\nJohns Hopkins University\nThe Kennedy Snyder Research Chair recipient\n\nThe CORD Foundation is thrilled to announce Dr. Shanthini Sockanathan as the recipient of The Kennedy Snyder Research Chair.  As a result, Johns Hopkins will receive $300,000 over the next three years to fund her research project entiltled, “Molecular Mechanisms of the Glial Specification and Differentiation in the Spinal Cord.“  Dr. Sockanathan is an Associate Professor of Neuroscience at The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. The focus of her laboratory is directed towards understanding the signaling events and molecular mechanisms involved in neuronal fate specification.\n\nThis award honors Kennedy Snyder who was diagnosed with a high-grade spinal cord tumor at age two and continues her battle today at the age of nine. Kennedy and her family and friends founded Kennedy’s CORD Foundation chapter.\n\nOn behalf of CORD Foundation, its many supporters, and most importantly those who suffer from spinal cord tumors, we would like to thank Dr. Sockanathan for her interest and dedication to finding a cure for this devastating disease. We look forward to receiving word of her progress, and we pray for her success.\n\nThe website has been created for use in Dr. Richard Laity's social media course by using archived content from the original site as well as content from other sources. Our thanks to Gina Walla, Alan Sheinwald, and the GO Fund for their help in preserving this site's content."], "url": "http://www.cordfoundation.org/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 432, "original_width": 288, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["03983a55737fdc3a3f471addb5be4189ccc2a6c6316bce2f3271f9788817e185"], "__index_level_0__": 401, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-R5XRZVUoEgA/Vs3YkdORt5I/AAAAAAAALT8/pJq6QiP1-jU/s1600/123.jpg", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-woCDb9qRqto/Vs3F-nhgRUI/AAAAAAAALTA/R11uty121dk/s1600/26.jpg", "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zU9YXcP-DUk/Vs3F_LK5VrI/AAAAAAAALTE/NyX5pbO2UMc/s1600/27.jpg", "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/--9zdxAOUJeY/Vs3F_02eceI/AAAAAAAALTI/MC1tJ_7CWFg/s1600/28.jpg", "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CXXhLZY2ZZ4/Vs3GCrU4O8I/AAAAAAAALTQ/i8vFArvO6Bs/s1600/29.jpg", "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SoiBPcQVVLY/Vs3GCbI3kyI/AAAAAAAALTM/vHfNUUF_9TI/s1600/31.jpg", 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In general, the list is much the same as always: get in shape, eat better, get organized, focus on my business, create as often as possible. . .BORING!!\n\nAfter reading MK's post about picking a single word to inspire her in 2011, I decided that I would do the same. I considered\nand many more before settling on (drum roll please. . . )", null, "And all variations - wake up, stimulate, open your eyes, get up, excite, get out of bed you sleepy head, kindle, rise and shine, stir, arouse, fire up, spark, gain consciousness, enliven . . . I COULD go on.\n\nInstead, let me elaborate (briefly) on how I want to apply the word\nAWAKEN my creative spirit on a daily basis\nAWAKEN my ability to do what's needed for my business\nAWAKEN the skills to stay organized (in all aspects of life)\nAWAKEN each morning with a bright outlook\nAWAKEN my body by taking better care of it\n\nI'm sure there are plenty more ways to apply my use of this word. But, those work for now.\nTo ensure that I am reminded of my commitment to the word, I put forth a little effort to make the sign you see above and hung it where I'll see it each day.\n\nIf you'd like to do the same thing, here are the steps make one yourself.\n\n1. Gather the number of Wood Slats (or other wood pieces) for the number of letters in your word.", null, "2. Paint front and all sides of wood with gesso", null, "3. Using a pencil, draw out the letters on each wood piece", "4. Gather up the a good selection of bright acrylic paints (2 for each letter)", null, "5. First paint the background color (keeping the letter white) and then paint in the letter", null, "6. Use a paint pen to outline each letter (and cover up where the paints meet)", null, "7. Decorate . . .this could have been done in any variety of ways (collage, stickers, stamps, etc.) but I simply used some white paint to decorate the inside and outside of the letters, alternating between them.", "There could be any number of ways to hang these, but here's what I came up with.\n\nUsing florist wire I cut a length, spiraled the ends, and bent it in the middle", null, "Then glued the spirals down with some E6000 on the backs of the letters", null, "I let the glue dry overnight and simply used some thumb tacks to hang the letters over the craft room window, where I'll see it each day.", null, null, "What do you think?\n\nWishing you all the best for 2011 - may your dreams, hopes, goals, resolutions, and desires come to you!!!\nSpeaking of which, What DID you resolve to do this new year?"], "url": "http://www.craftyhope.com/2011/01/my-word-for-2011-and-project-to-stick.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 193, "original_width": 320, "width": 626}, 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beating in cold whipping cream until it was thick and smooth.\n\nAnd then, the blueberries.\n\nThe thawed berries left lavender streaks of blueberry juice throughout, looking so pretty.", null, null, null, "Although we ate pieces of the cool, creamy tart on a cold winter day, with our fireplace going, this would be wonderful in the summer with fresh berries, don't you think?\n\nOne Year Ago:   Oatmeal Raisin Muffins\nTwo Years Ago:  Lamb Stew with Root Vegetables and Dried Plums", null, null, "Blueberry Cream Cheese Tart\n\nPecan Shortbread Crust:\n·         1 ¾ cups all-purpose flour\n·         ¼ cup powdered sugar\n·         ½ cup finely chopped pecans\n·         1 teaspoon salt\n·         10 tablespoons cold unsalted butter\n·         1 egg yolk\n\nBlueberry Cream Cheese Filling:\n·         1 pound cream cheese\n·         ½ cup powdered sugar\n·         1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste\n·         ¼ teaspoon nutmeg\n·         1 ½ cups heavy whipping cream, cold\n·         2 cups blueberries, fresh or frozen and thawed\n\nIn a food processor, combine the flour, sugar, pecans and salt.  Process until the nuts are finely ground.  With the processor running, add the butter, a tablespoon at a time, just until moistened.  Add the yolk and pulse a few times to incorporate.  The mixture should resemble moist cornmeal.\n\nCream Cheese Filling:\nIn the bowl of your stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat the cream cheese, powdered sugar, vanilla bean paste and nutmeg until smooth.  Beat in the cream until smooth and fluffy and thick.  Fold in the blueberries (if using frozen blueberries, it’s normal for them to release juice as they thaw, which you can just mix right into the cream cheese for a pretty lavender-colored swirled effect).\n\nSpread the filling into the cooled crust.  Refrigerate for 2-4 hours to set up before serving."], "url": "http://www.curlygirlkitchen.com/2014_01_12_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 534, 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A top criminologist reveals why some youngsters are capable of such appalling violence\n\nBy Brian Masters for MailOnline\nUpdated: 05:58 EDT, 10 April 2009", null, "Jon Venables: Abducted James Bulger\n\nOne is driven immediately, in despair, to ask why. We want instinctively to know how on earth it is possible for children to be so sadistic. Or is something more sinuous, more elusive than sadism at work here?\n\nTwo boys apparently attacked two other boys in Saturday afternoon sunshine, leaving one covered in blood and mud and the other in a critical condition.\n\nAll four of them are mere infants, aged nine, ten and 11, still in what we fondly assume is an age wherein innocence prevails.\n\nLet us remind ourselves what 'intensive care' means. The 11-year- old was left fighting to keep hold of his fragile young life after a vicious attack that almost killed him. And that attack, with knives, bricks and, worst of all, cruel indifference, was perpetrated by other children.\n\nOf course, the easy, unreflective word which springs to mind is that these boys must be inherently 'evil'. It is the word for which we always reach when there is something so nasty that we cannot comprehend it.\n\nIn other words, it is a word which rescues us from the torment of having to think and work it out, or from the awkward possibility that the responsibility for this viciousness may lie with the adult world that has nurtured these boys. Much simpler to call them 'evil', and then nobody is to blame. It is all the fault of the devil.\n\nSo let us please dismiss this lazy buffoonery at the outset. None of these four boys was born evil, not the victims and not the attackers. They were all four little helpless infants, thrust into life, like all of us, with explosive excitement, then immediately dependent on those at hand for survival first, for development after.\n\nShare this article\n\nThey could have been no more 'evil' the day they were born than water can be dry. It is just not possible.\n\nBut each of those infants began to learn about how to cope with life from the very first day, and it is in this development, this gradual discovery, that, for two of them at least, something went so disastrously wrong that they ended up behaving like hardened monsters last Saturday.\n\nIt is natural for the infant to be selfish. A child has urgent needs and requirements that must be satisfied, and it will seek aggressively to have them satisfied.\n\nThe first need is the breast. Very quickly, the infant learns that the breast is sometimes withdrawn, and that provides it with its first experience of frustration and anger.\n\nThe rest of its infancy and childhood will be geared towards learning how to deal with this frustration and anger without damage to itself. Still later, it will learn that the task must be undertaken without damage to others as well.\n\nSo altruism, the recognition that other people have needs and requirements as well as oneself, evolves gradually in the child who is morally healthy.\n\nThe two boys who launched the attack at a clay quarry near Doncaster have clearly not evolved into altruistic beings. A barrier, a dam, has blocked their development.\n\nThat an infant's universe is self- centred is only to be expected. But by the age of ten, he should have grown out of this self-centredness, matured and been enabled to recognise the reciprocal benefit of helping others and his responsibility for their well-being. If he does not, it is a sign that his moral development has atrophied.\n\nWho is to blame for 'evil' children?\n\nNow share your opinion\n\nWe can clearly see parental and care home failure in this case, as in many others where children behave badly.\n\nThe two attackers had been put in care by Doncaster council, whose children's services department has recently been criticised as 'chaotic and dangerous' by the Government after the deaths of seven vulnerable children known to them.\n\nAnd although we do not know all the details of the attackers' upbringings, there are enough examples of violent behaviours among the young to permit some general inference.\n\nSome children spend their infancy in an environment where obstructions and nuisances to immediate gratification are shifted out of sight, if necessary by violence. If it is in the way, get rid of it. If a person doesn't give you what you want, zap him. If frustration looms, let the anger flow and lash out at anyone who provokes or ignites it.", null, "Murdered: James Bulger\n\nChildren who watch their parents behave in this way, to one another and to their neighbours, are being denied the chance of emerging from the selfcentredness of infancy to witness the pleasure of others. They are being stifled, smothered, prevented from growing up.\n\nIt is significant that the two boys who were attacked on Saturday had apparently refused to yield their mobile phones, their money or their trainers.\n\nBy refusing, they were the cause of dangerous frustration to the attackers, who had no moral resources on which to draw to deal with their frustration.\n\nSo they exploded. The wounds on their victims indicate a rush of violence, not deliberation.\n\nThe first blow with the knife is always the most difficult. Subsequent blows come easily, consequentially from the first. Thought, or intention, are nowhere to be seen.\n\nThe sadist plans his tortures and relishes them slowly. This was not sadism, but a childish tantrum, with weapons at hand to render it catastrophically destructive.\n\nThere is yet another layer to this moral emptiness. The infant cannot easily differentiate between people and objects. They are both satisfiers of needs, furniture in the world he is newly exploring.\n\nHis curiosity and wish to explore occasionally leads him to dismantle a new toy, just to see how it works, much to the consternation of a parent who has chosen it with care. But he soon learns that people cannot be handled in this way, and if this lesson never gets through, he will be disposed to treat living people as he treats objects.\n\nJon Venables and Robert Thompson, the ten-year- olds who abducted and murdered the toddler James Bulger in Liverpool 17 years ago, acted as if he had been a toy, and dumped him on a railway track as they would discard a broken piece of machinery.\n\nHe was bringing home the carcasses of animals killed on the road, dissecting them and putting them back together\n\nWhen Jeffrey Dahmer, the U.S. serial killer who dismembered several young men in Milwaukee, was growing up in the country, he had a pet rabbit with a difference. He held the rabbit not to cherish the warmth of its life and breathing, but to feel where the bones fitted, how it worked.\n\nWhen other boys were collecting stamps and pop records, he was bringing home the carcasses of animals killed on the road, dissecting them and putting them back together again.\n\nDahmer had been a bouncy little boy, but grew gradually into a sullen and secretive youth, alienated from everyone, almost autistic, adrift, emotionally void in a world of friendships and attachments: someone whose invisible threads connecting him to the rest of humankind had been snipped off.\n\n'Empathy' is a word much over-used these days, with poor regard for its meaning. But here it has resonance.\n\nFor like Dahmer, the boys in Doncaster seem not to have displayed any recognition that other human beings could suffer and hurt as they could. They could not imagine the feelings of their victims. They lacked empathy. And that is the beginning of moral sense and mutual regard.\n\nI suspect they are both now very small and frightened. They will assume that bad things go away in the end, that it will all be over when they go to sleep.\n\nThey will assume that what has been done can be undone, that it will not matter very much. They are not in the grip of deep moral anguish.\n\nTheir world is a simple one, unfettered by awkward choices. They wanted something, they got it and what's wrong with that?"], "url": "http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-1168175/How-children-evil-A-criminologist-reveals-youngsters-capable-appalling-violence.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 639, "original_height": 394, "original_width": 233, "width": 378}, {"height": 686, "original_height": 423, "original_width": 233, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8fe0e4c0d1c381116caf566e2863d5bf22d9798e7f03134e44a330694965d5ce", "3e060b1f4f474296a1129764c2596a7f8fd1d91f5e6b5679ecfcdf46b01541c8"], "__index_level_0__": 405, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.dmv.org/images/artimg/Boat-Registration-and-Licenses-in-Minnesota-50.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8861344456672668}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.dmv.org/mn-minnesota/boat-registration.php\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/artimg/Boat-Registration-and-Licenses-in-Minnesota-50.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.dmv.org/images/artimg/Boat-Registration-and-Licenses-in-Minnesota-50.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Boat Registration and Licenses in Minnesota\", \"alt_text\": \"MN Boat Registration and Licenses\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Page Overview\n\nThe Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) oversees the titling and registration of all vessels. On this page, we'll outline the steps to titling and registering your boat AND the qualifications you need to operate watercraft on MN waters.\n\nMN Boats Requiring Registration\n\nThe Minnesota DNR requires the following types of vessels to be registered:\n\nThe following types of watercraft are exempt from registration with the MN DNR:\n\nIf you still aren't positive about whether your boat requires registration, call the MN Department of Natural resources at (651) 296-6157.\n\nVessels Requiring a MN Title\n\nThe DNR requires vessels over 16 ft. in length to have a Minnesota title.\n\nExceptions to this rule include:\n\nCall the MN Department of Natural Resources at (651) 296-6157 if you aren't sure if your boat requires titling.\n\nTitle & Register Your Boat in MN\n\nFor new boat purchases, if the vessel is greater than 16 ft. long, the dealer will handle the registration and titling processes for you.\n\nFor all other watercraft, you must title and register the vessel with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources within 15 days of purchasing the boat.\n\nBegin by gathering:\n\nThen, submit the required items above:\n\nYour boat registration will be valid for 3 years.\n\nMN Boat Title & Registration Fees\n\nYou could be expected to pay the following fees for title and registration with the MN Department of Natural Resources:\n\nMinnesota Boat Registration Renewals\n\nBoat registrations are valid for 3 years, and expire on December 31 of the final year. The Minnesota DNR will mail you a renewal notice just before the expiration date.\n\nTo renew your vessel's registration, provide information about your boat AND the appropriate renewal fees:\n\nDuplicate MN Boat Titles & Registrations\n\nIf your boat title or registration is lost or destroyed, you'll need to request a duplicate.\n\nTo request a duplicate boat registration, you'll need to know your vessel's:\n\nProvide the information above along with the necessary registration replacement fees:\n\nTo apply for a replacement vessel title, you'll need to mail a completed Application for Duplicate Watercraft Title (REV 2014) AND the applicable duplicate title fees to:\n\nMN Boater Qualifications\n\nThe Minnesota Department of Natural Resources imposes certain age restrictions when it comes to operating motorized vessels on state waters. If you are:\n\nTo earn your watercraft operator's permit, you'll need to complete a boating safety course. The DNR allows you to fulfill the education requirement:\n\nEven if you aren't required to take a boater safety course, you should still consider the benefits of completing one—not only will you make Minnesota's waters safer, but you may also be able to get a discount on your boat insurance rates."], "url": "http://www.dmv.org/mn-minnesota/boat-registration.php", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["29a001bab15f615c681b25aee1cbc45edc1dee12a51742da2dcd18ae7f005217"], "__index_level_0__": 406, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.drf.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_main/photos/Orb03.8-24-13.BL_.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9782055020332336}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.drf.com/news/belmont-park-orb-puts-final-work-jockey-club-gold-cup\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.drf.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_main/photos/Orb03.8-24-13.BL_.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.drf.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/article_main/photos/Orb03.8-24-13.BL_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Orb\", \"rendered_width\": 330, \"rendered_height\": 275}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.drf.com/news/belmont-park-orb-puts-final-work-jockey-club-gold-cup\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://static.drf.com/images/DRFPlus600x70.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://static.drf.com/images/DRFPlus600x70.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DRFPlus\", \"alt_text\": \"DRF Plus Preview\", \"rendered_width\": 600, \"rendered_height\": 70}, null]", "texts": [null, "Orb will make his first start since finishing third in the Travers Stakes in Saturday's Jockey Club Gold Cup.\n\nELMONT, N.Y. – Orb will try to become the first Kentucky Derby winner to win the Jockey Club Gold Cup in the same year since Ponder did it in 1949 when he runs in Saturday’s 95th renewal of the $1 million race. Funny Cide and Affirmed are both Derby winners who won the Jockey Club Gold Cup as 4-year-olds.\n\nOn Monday at the Fair Hill Training Center in Maryland, Orb worked five furlongs in 1:01.20 over the dirt track. According to trainer Shug McGaughey, who was on hand for the work, Orb went his first three furlongs in 37 seconds and his last quarter in 24.20.\n\nOrb is coming out of a third-place finish in the Travers on Aug. 24, his first start since he ran third in the Belmont Stakes on June 8.\n\n“All indications are he bounced out of the race really well,” McGaughey said. “Everybody’s been very pleased with what’s gone on down here. I thought he was very eager to get to the pole this morning. He was looking to work.”\n\nWith the New York State Gaming Commission and the New York Racing Association imposing enhanced security measures on Gold Cup participants, Orb was scheduled to ship to New York on Tuesday. All Gold Cup participants are requested to be on the grounds by noon Wednesday and were scheduled to undergo out-of-competition drug testing.", "The field for the Gold Cup continues to grow, and there could be as many as eight horses entered Wednesday. Over the weekend, Last Gunfighter, a winner of four of five starts this year, including the Grade 3 Iselin last out, was added to the mix.\n\nOn Monday, trainer Todd Pletcher said he likely would enter Vitoria Olimpica, winner of the Alydar Stakes at Saratoga, after an overnight stakes failed to fill. Pletcher already is pointing Belmont Stakes winner Palace Malice and Whitney Invitational winner Cross Traffic to the Gold Cup.\n\nFlat Out, the reigning two-time winner of the Gold Cup, was scheduled to work Tuesday at Saratoga and ship down Wednesday for a shot at a three-peat. Ron the Greek is possible as well."], "url": "http://www.drf.com/news/belmont-park-orb-puts-final-work-jockey-club-gold-cup", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 275, "original_width": 330, "width": 453}], "image_hashes": ["519048e3fbfc346ce003657a11fa407664d4b073b0c5b476f3ebeddeb5a0b5a5"], "__index_level_0__": 407, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/wp-content/themes/drthind/assets/images/paynow.jpg", "http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/wp-content/themes/drthind/assets/images/queries.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9119080901145936}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/disease/encopresis/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/wp-content/themes/drthind/assets/images/paynow.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/wp-content/themes/drthind/assets/images/paynow.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"paynow\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/disease/encopresis/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/wp-content/themes/drthind/assets/images/queries.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/wp-content/themes/drthind/assets/images/queries.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"queries\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/disease/encopresis/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/wp-content/themes/drthind/assets/images/whiteunder.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/wp-content/themes/drthind/assets/images/whiteunder.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"whiteunder\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, "It is defined as the repetitive, voluntary or involuntary, passage of stool in inappropriate places by children of 4 years age and older and to exercise the bowel control. Approximately 4% of all the children 4-17 years of age will experience encopresis.\n\nCauses of Encopresis\n\nMany children with encopresis have underlying constipation. Stool accumulates in the rectum and become desiccated, more difficult and painful to pass.\n\nChildren who develop encopresis may develop abnormal stretching and enlargement of the rectal area that reduces the reflux urge to stool.\n\nThe impacted stool mass allow upstream semisolid stool to leak around the downstream stool obstruction causing soiling in clothes .Occasional chunks of stool is passed without child desire.\n\nEncopresis Signs and symptoms\n\nChildren with encopresis may successfully stool every day and evacuation of their bowel is incomplete.\n\nEncopretic children commonly defecate in places inappropriate to the social context.\n\nChildren with encopresis seems oblivious to either stool staining of their clothes or heavy clothes odor they produce.\n\nInvestigations for Encopresis\n\nA complete evaluation of a child with constipation or encopresis involve thorough history, a detailed physical examination and laboratory testing.\n\nAn abdominal X-ray may be helpful to measure the child’s stool burden.\n\nA pediatric gastro enterologist may perform a study of anal and rectal muscle tone to assess the anal /rectal response to inflation with air in children who do not respond to routine therapy.\n\nTreatment for Encopresis\n\nThere should be reestablishing of the bowel evacuation regimen and development of a program to ensure maintenance of stool elimination pattern.\n\nBreastfeed infants have stooling problems when compared with formula fed peers.\n\nDiluted juice will promote a softer and increased volume stool.\n\nAn adequate intake of water as well as activity will promote colonic health.\n\nEstablishment of a daily routine of toilet time has been shown to be very helpful.\n\nPrevention of Encopresis\n\nMonitoring of intestinal changes associated with the introduction of solid foods is helpful.\n\nHealthy diet emphasizing proper hydration, whole grains, fruits and vegetables promote normal stool production and elimination.\n\nPrognosis of Encopresis\n\nWith parental education regarding risk factors and awareness of techniques maximizing their avoidance .\n\nThe prognosis for children with elimination disorders is positive. Effective therapy has been demonstrated to be successful in both the short and long term allowing reestablishment and maintenance of normal bowel function.\n\nComplications of Encopresis\n\nChild suffering from encopresis may experience certain mental ailments such as embarrassment, frustration, shame and even anger. If suffering child is teased by his co-mates they feel depressed and will have low self esteem."], "url": "http://www.drthindhomeopathy.com/disease/encopresis/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["cdd3ed7940709c41f20462012aadd45b8c9bff15ac5cf9ac68941a30b54aec5d", "3fff8463be425ca8b6e3e370bd0ab5217de2bb58287ec9b3f9489bf4e9af9262"], "__index_level_0__": 408, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/charqueRemains.jpg", null, "http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/indigenousProtestors.jpg", null, "http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/ourBoat.jpg", null, "http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/bisalCommunity.jpg", null, "http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/quiQuiBey.jpg", null, "http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/kitchenAtCharque.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9770415425300598}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/eij/article/bolivia_burning/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/charqueRemains.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/charqueRemains.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"charqueRemains\", \"alt_text\": \"ruins in a forest, people nearby\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/eij/article/bolivia_burning/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/indigenousProtestors.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/indigenousProtestors.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"indigenousProtestors\", \"alt_text\": \"women in a street march, carrying a banner, wearing colorful traditional garb\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/eij/article/bolivia_burning/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/ourBoat.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/ourBoat.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ourBoat\", \"alt_text\": \"people on a broad river beach with a narrow, long wooden boat\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/eij/article/bolivia_burning/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/bisalCommunity.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/bisalCommunity.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bisalCommunity\", \"alt_text\": \"young woman, three girl children, and an older woman\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/eij/article/bolivia_burning/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/quiQuiBey.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/quiQuiBey.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"quiQuiBey\", \"alt_text\": \"scene of river with mountains in background\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/eij/article/bolivia_burning/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/kitchenAtCharque.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://eii.org/eijournal/Autumn06/illustrations/kitchenAtCharque.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"kitchenAtCharque\", \"alt_text\": \"building ruins in a forest, people examining it\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/eij/article/bolivia_burning/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eijournal/images/147summer2015.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.earthisland.org/eijournal/images/147summer2015.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"summer\", \"alt_text\": \"cover thumbnail EIJ\", \"rendered_width\": 147, \"rendered_height\": 193}, null]", "texts": [null, "He took a chance going in broad daylight. There was no place to hide his boat. But Genero tells the teenaged driver to stay put, and signal him if he sees anyone coming up the river.\n\nThe river guide disappears into the tangled green hive of the jungle. He follows an old, overgrown path laced with vines and littered with dead trees. Sweat creeps down my back as I struggle to keep up with him. For 15 minutes he walks, occasionally pointing out broken bridges rotting at the bottom of gullies or shattered plastic sewage pipes.\n\nHe comes to a clearing and we stop.\n\nA Radisson-esque lodge once stood there. It was built by Eco Bolivia, a foundation that once taught indigenous people their rights, how to protect the jungle and how to make a living from tourism. Painstakingly constructed by hand to accommodate 40 tourists, it took years to finish. Tucked among branches and leaves, its decks and wrap-around window netting provided a glimpse of life in the trees. It was a four-star vision for ecotourism – without the mud, mosquito bites and bed bugs of a backpacker hut. Families living along the river would educate their kids with money made from making beds, cooking food, and guiding treks into the forest.\n\nNow, there are only the skeletal remains of a huge fire. Window frames lay twisted and mangled on the ground. Broken support beams are scattered like blackened bones. All that remains of Rosa Maria Ruiz’s vision for the Bolivian Amazon is a two-story brick outhouse.\n\nThe destruction of the Charque lodge was just one blow in a series Ruiz has suffered in her extraordinary fall from crusading environmentalist to maligned outsider. Her passion was the protection of the jungle. Her mission was to empower its inhabitants. Her vision was to attract tourists and inspire them. As they visited the lodges she built, she hoped they would come to learn about, and fall in love with, one of the most diverse places on earth – Madidi National Park in northwestern Bolivia.\n\nRuiz claims a corrupt government attacked that vision, turned the people against her and deprived tourists of the ecotourism adventure of a lifetime.The government’s response is simple: she broke the law.\n\nFew things in Bolivia are certain. Presidents go bad, economies fall flat, peace is fleeting. The answers to why are never black and white. The story of Rosa Maria Ruiz and the fall of Eco Bolivia is passionate, angry and shrouded in gray. Ruiz sits in the hushed quiet of her ailing mother’s house in Bolivia’s capital city, La Paz. She speaks in a whisper. She is interrupted at times by her mother’s coughing fits, and she gets up repeatedly to tend to her. Her days are consumed by her mother’s sickness; her worldhas shrunk to a room the size of a railroad car.\n\nOutside, the city is falling apart. It’s the beginning of June and the capital is in its third week of increasingly violent daily protest marches. Firecracker pops have turned into dynamite blasts. Harassment has become vandalism; jeers have become assaults. The police have turned to tear gas for crowd control. The protesters are mostly indigenous people and they have two demands: They want the Constitution rewritten to better represent them, and they’re demanding that Bolivia not cede control of its huge reserves of natural gas to foreign interests.\n\nThe protesters are society’s fringe, its disposable people, and they represent the 70 percent of the population that lives on less than $2 a day. They work in the sewers, sweep the streets, die young in the mines. They sell shoelaces, bloated hot water bottles or naked Barbie dolls on the sidewalks. They don’t want their country to sell out its resources. They want their lives to get better from the riches that will come from a country that protects its resources. Ruiz had once been a part of a similar struggle. And though the protesters will see some victory with the election of Evo Morales, thecounty’s first Indian president, Ruiz’s fight has been lost.\n\nRuiz remembers when her childhood home was sprayed with gunfire during one of Bolivia’s 200 coups. She remembers shooting sprees conducted by officials from helicopters. The conflict outside doesn’t faze her. She’spouring her energy into healing her 88-year old mother, Lucie Ruiz.\n\nLucie Ruiz was a crusader for human rights. She worked in a village in northern La Paz department called Apolo in the 1960s, a place with no access by road or by air. She witnessed local people virtually enslaved by wealthy landowners and convinced Bolivia’s human rights commission to investigate. She bought and sold quinine and produce at fair prices, undermining extortionists like Klaus Barbie, the Nazi war criminal who hid out in Bolivia. Barbie tried tohave her assassinated for it, says Ruiz.\n\nLucie continued to fight for “humble” people, rallying for roads that would ease their isolation and provide access to doctors, medicine andmarkets. The roads were eventually built with international funding.\n\nShe instilled her values in Ruiz, and made it clear that to stray from them was to become less than human. They were simple: never lie, cheat or steal.Always share what you have. Strive for justice.\n\nAlternative to loggers\n\nTo some, the jungle is a place to be logged, mined, poached, burned and cultivated. It can also be explored, protected and patrolled. As a teenager, Ruiz began trying to persuade people living within the Madidi area to turn their land into a protected area. She had lived in the mountains of the altiplano and played in the labyrinths of Bolivia’s mines as a child, but the jungle was her true home. She cultivated her passion for solitude and independence there, disappearing for hours to explore its maze of human and animal trails. She watched it being chewed away by extractive industries and pleaded with the communities to fight back. But they were desperate for income, medicine and schools. Why shouldn’t they allow the logging companies in, to strip the forest of mahogany, to set fires to build roads? They promised income, employment, and an escape from poverty.", null, "Christine FennessyThe capital was in its third week of increasingly violent demonstrations\n\nBut those promises never materialized. The companies brought in their own workers. Instead of buying food, the loggers turned their guns on the jungle and decimated local wildlife. Felled trees that didn’t meet the market standard were burned or left to rot. Logging roads provided an inlet for migration by those who burned the forest, sapped the soil of its strength and moved on, leaving wasted holes in their wake.\n\nRuiz's stance against the loggers no longer seemed crazy. The residents of the Madidi area began to believe there might be more to gain from protection than from exploitation.\n\nOnce again, Ruiz put forth her plan of creating a park where destructive activities would be banned, the people’s rights acknowledged and the environment protected. But she needed the consent of all communities in the region, and the area she wanted to protect was vast. It began at 19,000 feet in the freezing Andean peaks and dropped down through cloud forest to rain forest and stretched onto the flat grasslands.\n\nFor a year, Ruiz traveled by foot, river and mule to these communities. Many hadn’t seen an outsider in over 30 years and had no idea what a “park” was. After she explained it to them, they all agreed it was a good plan.\n\nIn 1992, the Earth Summit in Rio introduced the idea that protected areas could make money through tourism – especially if they offered an astonishing array of plant and animal species. That same year, with personal savings and the support of her mother and a few other dedicated individuals, Ruiz created the non-profit foundation Eco Bolivia. Her long walk to the communities had exposed her to people living with no education, medicine or electricity. Few employment opportunities meant they often razed the very land they needed to survive.\n\nThe foundation had two goals: protect the land and improve the lives of its people. Ruiz knew tourism alone wouldn’t heal the impoverished area, but it could help. Ruiz’s plan was for Eco Bolivia to build and manage a network of ecolodges located on two different rivers. The foundation would train local people to operate the lodges, guide the tourists, and conduct protection work. Ruiz expected that within five years, at least one member of each family living on those rivers would be employed by Eco Bolivia.\n\nRuiz had difficulty convincing the Bolivian government to create a park the size of Maryland. “People weren’t too keen on a big park,” she remembers. She blames a government where politicians profited off destructive activities like logging, commercial hunting, gold mining and drug production. “Politicians were related directly or indirectly to the lumber industry and who knows how many other interests,” she says. “Exploiting natural resources is way to get rich quick.”\n\nRuiz’s struggle was boosted by a biological assessment of the Madidi region conducted by the non-governmental organization Conservation International. The study concluded it was the most diverse humid forest ecosystem in Bolivia. Ruiz then met with the World Bank, bringing satellite images from CI that revealed the effects of fires set by loggers and colonizers on the forest. The World Bank subsequently designated Madidi a priority conservation area.\n\nAt last, on Sept. 21, 1995, Bolivia signed the decree for Madidi National Park. It was 1.89 million hectares – about the size of New Jersey.\n\nRuiz didn’t wait for the park’s creation to begin Eco Bolivia’s work. For years, she had been building a complex of small lodges near her home in Caquiahuara on the Tuichi River. Construction continued under the guidance of Eco Bolivia. In 1993, local employees of Eco Bolivia began building the grand lodge at Charque, on the Beni River. Charque became the classroom for those learning the tools of the tourism trade and the science of protection. The lodge itself was built to be a place of inspiration for tourists. “We wanted to try to get people to fall in love with what they see there, and make a commitment to themselves to care for what we have there,” says Ruiz.\n\nAnd what they had there was an avian and mammalian wonderland. Rising like a giant shark’s fin from the earth and looming above the river is a cliff where the macaws came to build their cave-like nests. Because Madidi National Park encompasses such a range of habitats, it contains huge biodiversity. It supports over 1,000 of the world’s total of 9,000 bird species and wildlife like jaguars, spectacled bears, maned wolves, tapirs and wild pigs.\n\nOnce the park was created, Ruiz looked forward to working with the new park administration. She figured her staff at Eco Bolivia would be hired as park guards. The lodges were almost ready for the tourists. Caquiahuara was now located within the borders of Madidi Park, Charque was next door, in the Pilon Lajas Reserve, a park that had been created in 1992 but whose administration and regulations didn’t exist until they were established simultaneously with those of Madidi. There was six months of work left on Charque. Once the network was running smoothly, she figured she could dissolve the foundation entirely.\n\nThen Ruiz got the letter from the park service; her presence and activities within the park were illegal.\n\nIt was 1996 and her world had begun to come undone.\n\nThe government’s story\n\nThose who work in La Paz for SERNAP, Bolivia’s national service of protected areas, react with exasperated sighs and rolled eyes to Ruiz’s name. They remember a very long battle against a woman who continues to this day to call them corrupt liars. They speak as a unified agency and their logic is precise and dispassionate: Ruiz didn’t own the land she worked on. She had no permits for the lodges she built. She’d conducted no studies to determine if those lodges had negative impacts on the environment.\n\nRuiz’s responses are precise and angry. She had settlement rights to Caquiahuara because she’d lived there since 1985, and a family friend had ceded her the land at Charque. Her lodges had all been built before the law requiring permits and impact studies came into affect. Laws can’t be applied retroactively, she insists.\n\nVictor Hugo Inchausty thinks Ruiz had the opportunity to work things out with SERNAP but pride got in her way. “She felt the government was taking the rights that [she thought] belong to her because she was one of the most important promoters of the park, and now the government is taking the biggest role,” says Inchausty, who worked as chief of protected areas for SERNAP during the conflict. He says Ruiz started accusing the agency of trying to take over her operation.", null, "Christine FennessyGenaro’s boat.\n\n“The state didn’t want any operation,” he says. “They had enough problems trying to have enough park rangers.”\n\nBut Ruiz says she never wanted to be in charge. “I had no intent [for that]. I didn’t want to be a bureaucrat. I value my freedom too much.”\n\nThe indigenous people were also turning against Ruiz. They told SERNAP that she was getting rich off selling their image to the world, says Carola Hurtado, a former SERNAP lawyer. They complained in formal, stamped documents about seeing none of that money and they wanted her out – of both Madidi Park and the Pilon Lajas Reserve.\n\nRuiz explodes. “They should throw me in jail for that – that’s embezzled money!” There is absolutely no proof, she fumes, that she ever got such a cash windfall. She estimates the ruined pile that is now Charque took about $100,000 to build. That money, she says, came from the personal savings of Eco Bolivia board members and from private donors.\n\nRuiz believes the people turned against her because of a “defamation campaign” run by the park service. Park guards threatened her employees, told them it was “illegal” for them to work for her, and forged their signatures on documents denouncing her, she says. She has notarized statements from locals claiming they never signed such documents. Others told her they were forced to sign them or risk being expelled from their community.\n\nNo way, says Ivan Arnold, current director of Madidi Park. The agency is a public service and can’t use force on people. He wasn’t director then, but says, “I can guarantee you, no one was forced to do anything in SERNAP’s favor.”\n\nBut Ruiz says the driving force behind that campaign was money. Madidi is a hugely rich place, not just in macaws and mahogany, but also in gas and petroleum. Continued corruption has allowed the powerful to gain access to those riches while the indigenous receive nothing, says Ruiz. “Eco Bolivia would have raised an uproar over that,” she says, agitated. They would have fought to ensure the people shared in the profits reaped off their land.\n\n“That’s the kind of empowerment we’re talking about, not weaving little baskets.”\n\nShe believes the communities turned against her because their leaders were bought off by those who wished to exploit the jungle’s resources.\n\nA Franciscan brother named Ignacio Harding echoes this belief. Harding, an American, works in La Paz and has long supported the work of Ruiz and her mother in the area. \"There's almost no indigenous leader there we (the Franciscan church) can have confidence in,\" he says.\n\nRuiz’s world unraveled fast. In September 2001, the communities held a river blockade. They strung canoes on a steel cable across a narrow stretch of the river leading into Madidi Park and banned Ruiz from ever returning. In December, an arson attempt at Charque almost killed three employees and two children as they slept. In April 2002, the Caquiahuara lodges were destroyed. The park service arrived, pronounced the lodges illegal and tore them down. Ruiz lost her home.\n\nTwo years later, Charque erupted in flames.\n\nSo far, no one has been arrested for setting an illegal bonfire in a national park.\n\nAnd that’s the type of injustice Ruiz was brought up to loathe. People are afraid because something so obviously illegal has gone unpunished, says Ruiz. “It’s part of the climate of intimidation, part of the reason I yearn for justice to be made. It sets an abysmal, horrible precedent. Remember, they almost burned five people alive and nothing happened then. I don’t expect my infrastructure to be recovered, but that precedent imposed on Bolivians I find horrible.”\n\nIt seems support for Ruiz and her plight has vanished. She won’t reveal the names of people she says know what happened the night the lodge was torched. “Eventually I would like to,” she explains. “People were afraid of the repercussions. I don’t think it was the indigenous who planned this – I’m not interested in the people taking the blame.” She gives me a list of people to find in Rurrenabaque and San Buenaventura, the gateway towns into the parks, and communities to visit by boat in the Pilon Lajas Reserve, where Charque once stood. Maybe, she says, there will be people there willing to talk – or to brag.\n\nEdgar Jauregui is on that list. He doesn’t know why Ruiz was driven out. He speculates the park service was jealous of her position as promoter of Madidi Park and declared “war” on her. Jauregui, who lives in San Buenaventura, was a government official at the time her lodges at Caquiahuara were ripped down. He says there was a “black hand” involved in what happened that day. He went to investigate, but the park guards wouldn’t allow him into the area.\n\nHe can’t attest to Ruiz’s relationship with the local people. He doesn’t think she held workshops at the Charque lodge, but he remembers she did try to establish projects with local leaders. Some people felt guilty about participating in the river blockade, he says. When asked why, he won’t elaborate. I’d just be spreading rumors about a situation with a lot of questions and very few answers, he says.\n\nHe will say SERNAP gave the communities gas and food during the blockade, adding: “There have always been problems with the park service.”\n\nBut SERNAP officials in La Paz say that’s not true. The park service is a public institution; it can’t participate in indigenous grievances.\n\nRuiz arranged for Genero to take me upriver into Pilon Lajas. He and two teenaged boys guide the shallow, wooden, oversized canoe through bursts of rapids and a maze of sandbars. Powered essentially by a lawn mower motor attached to a long shaft, it must be lifted over stretches where the water runs puddle deep. We don’t arrive at the first stop until nearly nightfall.\n\nGenero says the people here are advocating for a road to be built through the park, but they didn’t burn Charque. We sit with Gonzalo, who tells us his community didn’t have a problem with Ruiz. She helped them out by giving them a boat and creating jobs, he says; their relationship existed in a “spirit of trust.” He says all he knows about what happened to her lodges or about her troubles with SERNAP comes from rumor. Then he switches gears and says the community upriver participated in burning Charque. It’s next on our list.", null, "Christine FennessyCommunity members in Bisal.\n\nHe says many communities, including his, were supposed to benefit from the ecotourism idea. They had all pitched in to build a lodge downriver in a place called Asuncion. The idea was for tourists to spend a couple days there, then travel to Gonzalo’s community and to those further upriver, spreading their wealth. But the tourists never made it past Asuncion. So he and his people started logging, he says, because they needed money for school, food and medicine. The logging stopped when they were finally allowed to accept tourists. But they need to finish building their lodge, he says, and their boats need motors to transport the tourists.\n\nMy translator, Felipe, asks if he can videotape him while he talks but Gonzalo refuses. He doesn’t want people to see him talking about these things.\n\nThe next morning, as the boat pulls away from the bank, there is a change of plans. Gonzalo was suspicious about the questions regarding Ruiz. He told Genero he didn’t mind talking, but said asking those questions on this river could be dangerous – both the community upriver and Asuncion had participated in burning Charque. The upriver community could radio Asuncion if they feel threatened, said Genero.\n\nGenero is from Asuncion, but it’s a place from which he’s been largely ostracized. Before Charque was destroyed, Asuncion was part of a meeting held between the communities and the park service. Genero says his father-in-law attended and an agreement was made to burn the lodge. Anyone who didn’t sign it, risked getting kicked out of his community. When Genero was approached to sign, he refused. He knew Ruiz from occasionally working as a driver for her, bringing people by river to meetings and classes at Charque, and said she’d done nothing wrong. The leaders of Asuncion accused him of turning against the community and its ecotourism project and working with “the enemy.” Genero still has a house there, but he’s moved his family downriver because he wants his children to have the freedom to think for themselves.\n\nRuiz has heard stories about what happened that night. People she didn’t know came from far off communities to party in town. They were “wined and dined” before setting off in three boats, “singing, bragging, drunk.” Genero was in Rurrenabaque that day; he confirms those stories are true.\n\nSuddenly, some of those people were too close. No questions, no notebooks, says Genero. His normally smiling face has turned deadly serious. You are just tourists.\n\nOtherwise we risked being boat jacked.\n\nTo break up the long ride, Genero stops the boat at a tiny settlement. Sober-faced children dressed in filthy bag-like clothing sit in silence next to their mothers. Tourists don’t come here. Few of these people speak Spanish; their language is a local Indian dialect. Genero says they have no education, no currency and no access to antibiotics. They have no motor for their boats. If they need to go to town, it takes them two to three days to get back upriver to this village. There is a sick man here who Genero may have to pick up on our way back downriver. He has an infection they cannot cure.", null, "Christine FennessyHeading down Qui Qui Bey\n\nHours later, we reach the community that may harbor arsonists. It’s surrounded by giant lumps of thick grasses growing where the forest used to be. Genero says they cleared the land for cattle they can’t afford. As they walk toward two enclosed huts, they’re greeted by the harsh barks of several emaciated dogs. Their ribs and backbones are so pronounced they look fake, like models for an anatomy class. Several women with hair like a black storm on their heads hold silent babies. Small children, their faces smeared and dirty, stare without moving. The tuneless hyper-whine of mosquitoes fills the air.\n\nGenero leaves to talk with the leader’s son-in-law. He discovers the community’s radio is broken. We unearth notebooks from backpacks and take our questions to an ensemble of twelve men seated beneath a grove of trees. The men sit on a bucket-supported bench, their faces lost in the eerie shadows cast by the green glow of an upended flashlight. Teran asks vague questions leading up to Ruiz, but the men are occupied with stuffing their cheeks full of the coca I’d bought. They light cigarettes and their responses come in monosyllables. It feels awkward and somewhat ominous, until Teran turns, and in a low voice says I speak better Spanish than they do. They don’t understand him.\n\nWe had been cautioned to watch our words. Now it was clear it didn’t matter what we said.\n\nThe next day, we met with the leader, a big man with a golfball-sized cyst on his wrist. He shakes his head; he has no idea who burned Ruiz’s lodge. He dismisses questions about her, and leads us across the river to show off the community’s ecolodge. We climb a steep path to the top of a cliff. The lodge is the size of a garage, with choro walls – a thick woody plant that resembles bloated bamboo – and a hatata roof. The mosquitoes have open access through large gaps in the screens. A warped wooden sleeping platform rests on a dirt floor. Outside, the jungle was closing in. It looked abandoned and uninviting.\n\nTwo tourists had stayed there in the last year. It was too far upriver, the peoples’ boats had no motors, and sometimes, the river is just too shallow for travel.\n\nWhen we leave, Genero says the reason nobody wanted to talk about Ruiz or Charque was because they feel guilt over what they did.\n\nWe encounter no trouble getting to Asuncion. Its people had once worked closely with Eco Bolivia, which had installed a water pipe for them. Ruiz says they’re the only community that has one.\n\nWhen Genero asks permission for us to enter, the leader is furious. Jose Caimani tells Genero he has no right to work as a guide and bring tourists to the community. Over a year has passed since Genero incurred Caimani’s anger for not turning against Ruiz, yet resentment still lingers.\n\nGenero waits for Caimani to leave and we walk quickly through the community. We pass the shed with the radio that consolidates river life into bursts of static talk. It sits near a desk Genero says was stolen from one of Ruiz’s lodges. He continues pointing out pieces of wooden furniture he says are also stolen. We see no tourists; the lodge is hidden in the jungle. The community is a ring of neat choro houses around a giant soccer field; it’s a scripted postcard of progressive jungle living.\n\nAlthough no one is supposed to go there – it remains a crime scene of sorts – Genero asks if we want to see what’s left of the lodge at Charque.\n\nRuiz has a video someone made of Charque years ago. There are private bedrooms that open into a wooden hallway that leads to a sweeping common room. Hammocks dangle from support beams and there’s a nearly 270-degree view of the jungle through fine screens. Outside, a deck allows for viewing the macaws on the cliff 300 meters away. The lodge stands about 15 feet off the ground, propped on wooden beams. Narrow paths wind around it. Ruiz said the wood came from San Buenaventura, three hours downstream. It was carried in from the river, by hand, piece by piece. It took almost three years to build.\n\nThe aftermath\n\nRuiz has never seen the hole in the forest the fire made. Soon the trees will take over again, grow around the debris, and swallow the evidence of a vision she once had.\n\nGenero says he’s seen another video – one shot by SERNAP the night the lodge was torched. It shows the faces of those who participated and he says the park service uses it to keep them quiet; both SERNAP and Asuncion have copies, he says. SERNAP officials in La Paz say no such video exists.\n\nWho burned the lodge isn’t really a secret – the communities did it, says Juan Carlos Miranda, director of Pilon Lajas Park. He thinks they decided to during a meeting held in Rurrenabaque. SERNAP wasn’t involved, he says, and no one was charged because when SERNAP questioned them, everyone took responsibility. The La Paz officials, however, aren’t willing to cast blame on the local people. That fire was illegal, they say, and it’s still being investigated.\n\nYears ago, Ruiz envisioned her lodges full of tourists, operated by locals and contributing to the protection of the place that stole her heart. Her fantasy, as she calls it, was to retire from Eco Bolivia, and continue exploring and doing conservation work in Bolivia and countries like Peru, Brazil and India where she says she’d received invitations to set up similar projects.", null, "Christine FennessyRemains of the kitchen at Charque\n\nToday, she’s the manager of Madidi Travel, a tourism agency she created to be the commercial arm of Eco Bolivia, but sold after her troubles began. The agency is owned by a group of people that supported the work of Eco Bolivia and operates on a private reserve outside of the parks. Through the agency, she hopes to continue her work, but she won’t even guess about the future anymore. “I lost everything,” she says.\n\nThose who live on the river remember Ruiz. But whether she was a pariah or a pioneer isn’t clear. No one condemned her, yet no one lamented her loss.\n\nRuiz believes they’re silent because they’re afraid. They don’t understand the law and they don’t know their rights, she says, and they were terrified that associating with her or Eco Bolivia would land them in jail. But that was a long time ago, and people still aren’t talking. “Why should they have to live in this climate of fear?” she asks. “Why can’t Eco Bolivia even be mentioned without a whole cloud of fear coming over them?”\n\nHer vision would have transformed the entire area, Ruiz says. The parks were supposed to improve the peoples’ lives, but instead she says, they’re being denied the permits to work in tourism, and are resorting back to logging, mining and road building.\n\nRuiz’s mother died just after the political ruckus in La Paz quieted down. Ruiz says it took the priest a half hour to funnel the mourners from the church. As another piece of her world disappears, she becomes distracted, short and intolerant. She’s been in the city for too long, and it turns her into a person she dislikes. She says she can’t wait to get back to her work, to the jungle.\n\nIt’s the only place she’s ever felt safe.\n\nJournalist Christine Fennessy lives in Pennsylvania\n\nEmail this article to a friend.\n\nWrite to the editor about this article.\n\nComments are closed for this post\n\nFour issues for just\n$10 a year."], "url": "http://www.earthisland.org/journal/index.php/eij/article/bolivia_burning/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 249, "original_width": 333, "width": 505}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 249, "original_width": 333, "width": 505}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 249, "original_width": 333, "width": 505}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 249, "original_width": 333, "width": 505}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 249, "original_width": 333, "width": 505}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 249, "original_width": 333, "width": 505}], "image_hashes": ["034c3ac974a22a2ebbb38057e5a387076a9cee76c731f62471cc19bc57306f47", "d6b041fe90d632a027432244fedbbdc392d2a7ee670464459ebd901476fd453f", "1f021c9cf50ee0d8e84beabc79fe091aa0abab269452a7ef882f7fa8d02ab074", "149fb250ddd43a7adb387066e5370a3bfad1c0ac06f096fa9ee3b9632136206f", "1d57c67b1e2eb5adf5a7307c64135c1fb4e2fb51f191fe6774b5d5a69f17faf5", "b88b612f522e01034b56c239f525088cd71446ec272c42d9696794237a605afe"], "__index_level_0__": 409, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HYXSij934lk/VAn5BCLcsxI/AAAAAAAAEe8/nLJZLhwfka4/s1600/Dark%2BRose%2B3D%2Bcover.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dZ7f0GjAbsQ/VBM1eUUQ_rI/AAAAAAAAEfc/98JHHICVAkk/s1600/Promo%2BGraphic.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NGazDGJKq_w/VAn5UBQyQ5I/AAAAAAAAEfE/YpdZ_iDj8n4/s1600/Sea%2BSwept.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7Cb-3FZLS_E/WNG6lpeM5GI/AAAAAAAAEtI/7OqRljO6VA8jnIfQm4ysfNwm5tNmeh0lwCK4B/s220/14925338_726174794199935_5244099336064723771_n.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8864642977714539}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ericacope.com/2014_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HYXSij934lk/VAn5BCLcsxI/AAAAAAAAEe8/nLJZLhwfka4/s1600/Dark%2BRose%2B3D%2Bcover.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HYXSij934lk/VAn5BCLcsxI/AAAAAAAAEe8/nLJZLhwfka4/s1600/Dark%2BRose%2B3D%2Bcover.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Dark BRose B D Bcover\", \"alt_text\": \"Image\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ericacope.com/2014_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dZ7f0GjAbsQ/VBM1eUUQ_rI/AAAAAAAAEfc/98JHHICVAkk/s1600/Promo%2BGraphic.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dZ7f0GjAbsQ/VBM1eUUQ_rI/AAAAAAAAEfc/98JHHICVAkk/s1600/Promo%2BGraphic.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Promo BGraphic\", \"alt_text\": \"Image\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ericacope.com/2014_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NGazDGJKq_w/VAn5UBQyQ5I/AAAAAAAAEfE/YpdZ_iDj8n4/s1600/Sea%2BSwept.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NGazDGJKq_w/VAn5UBQyQ5I/AAAAAAAAEfE/YpdZ_iDj8n4/s1600/Sea%2BSwept.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Sea BSwept\", \"alt_text\": \"Image\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ericacope.com/2014_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/-7Cb-3FZLS_E/WNG6lpeM5GI/AAAAAAAAEtI/7OqRljO6VA8jnIfQm4ysfNwm5tNmeh0lwCK4B/s220/14925338_726174794199935_5244099336064723771_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7Cb-3FZLS_E/WNG6lpeM5GI/AAAAAAAAEtI/7OqRljO6VA8jnIfQm4ysfNwm5tNmeh0lwCK4B/s220/14925338_726174794199935_5244099336064723771_n.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 120, \"rendered_height\": 120}, null]", "texts": [null, null, null, "I FINALLY put together a newsletter! You can subscribe over on the right hand side of my website. You can't miss it I promise!\nI'll be posting exclusive sneak peeks and giveaways via my newsletter so be sure to subscribe!\n\nEspecially since Sea Swept will be releasing soon (hint, hint)\n\nThis month, Lark will be part of a boxset called Dark Roses. It's currently available for preorder at Amazon,Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iTunes, and Smashwords. Be sure to One-click it! It's only .99 and will be available for a limited time only!\n\nOkay so that's it! PLEASE subscribe to my newsletter! I promise I'll be more consistent with it than this blog AND you won't ever miss one of my releases!", null], "url": "http://www.ericacope.com/2014_09_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 960, "original_width": 960, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 540, "original_width": 578, "width": 404}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1066, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 220, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8736eb8f3302bae22da28750a9db024a9154428511204e1ef714da201e21dee7", "6060e11c80e06491dccb97f002c9d4bcb8c0b8394f48e17fe8642e7372ca298c", "bc451cc4bd4a7cbbf1475c317d359baa5d7b98fa4aafa3c0ac33058ef2d24430", "3f9544e62c5f50d7dab18bc06cf63847057efe2b9d93674af29d3e2a936a4175"], "__index_level_0__": 410, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6kwfo0CWw-4/VLqKmfOYG3I/AAAAAAAAIH4/HCChRGLIl38/s1600/helix.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9668238162994384}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fangsforthefantasy.com/2015/01/helix-season-2-episode-1-san-jose.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6kwfo0CWw-4/VLqKmfOYG3I/AAAAAAAAIH4/HCChRGLIl38/s1600/helix.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-6kwfo0CWw-4/VLqKmfOYG3I/AAAAAAAAIH4/HCChRGLIl38/s1600/helix.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"helix\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 362}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fangsforthefantasy.com/2015/01/helix-season-2-episode-1-san-jose.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xECr_rgb-tI/Ukiyz4XxoCI/AAAAAAAAF9Q/Jnb8wPOWnJA/s1600/rating_2fangs.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xECr_rgb-tI/Ukiyz4XxoCI/AAAAAAAAF9Q/Jnb8wPOWnJA/s1600/rating_2fangs.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rating fangs\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fangsforthefantasy.com/2015/01/helix-season-2-episode-1-san-jose.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Helix, Season 2, Episode 1: San Jose", null, "Dramatic opening – a woman cowering and hiding while we hear screams, combat and have flashes of nasty zombie people (though they look more like fungus zombies than goo zombies)\n\nFrom there to Julia reaching an island and making notes that this is where the pandemic originated. A man in a weird burlap hazmat suit asks her “do you know the way to San Jose” then hits her.\n\nAnd then we get an eye rolling around and an announcement: Day 1\n\nOk… random? My head’s starting to hurt watching this\n\nAnd now we have a sailing ship covered in bodies – nasty, scabby bodies, not goo-zombies – being investigated by Peter and Sarah in full haz mat suits (not made of burlap). Peter makes a super ominous, dramatic speech about it being “just the beginning.” A new character, a Dr. Kyle Somer, reports to their boat that they have no idea what happened to the bodies – only that the disease is fast and aggressive and that it’s not Narvic (goo-zombie plague).\n\nPeter and Sarah split up (of course) and Peter finds two of the plague victims stabbed each other while Sarah finds the woman who was cowering in the dramatic opening. She’s alive and she tries to stab Sarah. Kyle saves Sarah by injecting her with a tranquiliser which Sarah disapproves of because it will get in the way of medical research – yes she’s very very focused, but the woman could be immune to the disease.\n\nWhen they question her, she tells them the people on the boat got the disease after visiting an island.\n\nThe doctors return to their ship and speak to the Captain who, having heard that the outbreak isn’t Narvik (their job was to track down a possible Narvik outbreak) declares job is done and they need to go home. Peter does exactly the same thing Alan did last season and invokes his authority and demands she allow him to inspect the island. She does smack him down for using the word “order” and makes him apologise, but she also follows his demands. But she warns them that she can’t wait for them because she has orders – they will have to wait until another boat is sent – 2 weeks. They’re also going to be out of contact since the island is so isolated.\n\nElsewhere on the island, Julia is carried by burlap haz-mat guy into a barn\n\nThe doctors arrive on the island – and they’ve brought the traumatised woman with them as well for funsies. Kyle and Sarah talks about how Alan blew up a building in Paris – presumably related to the ending of the last season?\n\nAs they walk through the woods, Leila, the traumatised woman, zones out and then sees something which has her screaming and running off. The doctors chase after her, Sarah impaling her foot on a spike as she does so.\n\nIn the barn, burlap guy stops asking Julia about the way to San Jose when he hears the others running around. Kyle treats Sarah’s foot and Sarah mentions in passing that she isn’t worried about infection (after she went all silver eyed in the last season). Kyle is super curious as to what happened then – all he (and, presumably, everyone else) knows is that the CDC team burned the place down to stop an outbreak. Sarah also treats us to the non-sequiter that she hasn’t seen Alan in a year and doesn’t want to.\n\nLeila and Peter rejoin them, Peter telling her that the trap she stepped in was a man trap. Leila, again, starts zoning out and panicking and seeing things – Peter tries to reassure her but Sarah also sees it – a skull. One of many – a huge swath of skulls. Leila screams and runs.\n\nIn the barn, burlap-guy foils Julia’s escape attempt and continues to ask “do you know the way to San Jose?” He then pulls out a roll of sharp things and goes for her eyes with tweezers.\n\nThe doctors try to track Leila down, also finding a blood trail through the forest. They arrive in the barn and Kyle drops the jarred rabbit he collected. The Day 1 returns – and counts rapidly into the future as the rabbit rots until they’re 30 years later.\n\nThen we’re back to Julia and burlap guy – who uses the tweezers to remove Julia’s contact lenses that cover her silver eyes. The man then takes off his mask and says that he knew she’d come one day.\n\nBack to present day (so is Julia 30 years in the future?) and Kyle rejects Sarah’s plan to keep searching for Leila because of her foot – she tells Peter she’ll be fine but he’s not impressed and he thinks her super healing doesn’t make her special, though it makes her reckless. Well that was somewhat random. They find more blood in the building they’re in – and Leila’s tied to the ceiling. In the trees outside, they see flickering lights in the darkness.\n\nThe lights are burning torches carried by a group of people in robes. They go outside to introduce themselves to the leader, Anne, who tells them they’re trespassing. Peter points out the recently murdered corpse and Anne asks the doctors to come with them for shelter because the island is dangerous. She says there’s no time to bring the body or perform an autopsy. They go with the cultists.\n\nAnd we zoom to the future (or something) for Julia and burlap guy who introduces himself as Caleb. She talks about a new outbreak on the mainland called TXM7 which she believes came from the island 30 years ago. She’s now looking for a cure because even the silver eyed are starting to die. Including her – she has marks of infection on her shoulder.\n\nIn the present the doctors are taken to cult HQ which is a very impressive building with very dramatic music. There they’re interviewed by the cultists who don’t want them there because their cult has cut off ties with the outside world. They’re lead by someone called Brother Michael who wanders in to warn them about wolves and bears on the island. In turn Peter and Sarah try to warn him that their food could be contaminated with a deadly plague. Kyle also wants to talk about the murder of Leila – Michael avoids all questions and has them stay the night. The doctors realise they’re in a cult.\n\nAnd to the future and Julia asks Caleb for help finding Alan. Caleb reveals he’s on the island but she may not like what she finds. He takes her to the ruined cult building. There he takes her to Alan’s grave.\n\nBack to the present and a cultist brings Sarah water – I think it might be Alan. In the basement, a woman is strapped down, her teeth removed and something poured down her throat by the cultists.\n\nOk, what is going on? It feels  like a huge season reboot – everything that happened in season 1 seems like it has just being completely cast aside – and now we have another isolated setting and a whole new plague with sinister cultists taking the place of the sinister corporation. Same basic plot elements with a very similar setting – with the old story kind of cast aside except for odd references. This is a shame because I was really hopeful for how the new season would develop especially after the clues at the end of season 1."], "url": "http://www.fangsforthefantasy.com/2015/01/helix-season-2-episode-1-san-jose.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 725, "original_width": 1280, "width": 667}], "image_hashes": ["502343140ebd53c382eada879713586bcaa11c5b7a018eadeb2f7e866092156a"], "__index_level_0__": 411, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://images.fibre2fashion.com/Newsresource/images/190/cotton-grower_202002.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9041592478752136}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fibre2fashion.com/news/textile-news/reluctant-purchasing-drives-down-brazilian-cotton-prices-190421-newsdetails.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images.fibre2fashion.com/Newsresource/images/190/cotton-grower_202002.jpg\", \"src\": 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This happened despite low availability, particularly of good quality cotton.\n\nGinners were of the opinion that as the harvesting season advances; domestic supply will increase in the first fortnight of July.\n\nHowever, some agents also opined that as activities intensify, growers and trading companies may prioritise closing contracts signed earlier for deliveries to the Brazilian and global markets.\n\nCEPEA noted that, thus, higher supply in the Brazilian spot market may be observed only in August.\n\nThe CEPEA/ESALQ Index for cotton type 41-4, delivered in São Paulo and for payment in eight days, dropped 1.16 per cent, closing at BRL 2.6589 or $0.8283 per pound on June 30.\n\nCEPEA said that a few agents, mainly ginners were active in the spot market, while purchasers acquired smaller lots from the 2014/15 and 2015/16 crops, to meet immediate demands.\n\nMost traded lots from the new crop for prompt-delivery were from Bahia, while a few lots from Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais and Goiás were also available in the market. (AR)"], "url": "http://www.fibre2fashion.com/news/textile-news/reluctant-purchasing-drives-down-brazilian-cotton-prices-190421-newsdetails.htm", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 450, "original_width": 710, "width": 596}], "image_hashes": ["943d3b59ce72e9007cf5661a86c6104451e1fd8798518a0358e669e5ea6347f8"], "__index_level_0__": 412, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://cdn1.nflximg.net/images/0501/11560501.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8637280464172363}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.flixlist.co.uk/casts/joe-demler\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/assets/facebook-12461b0f666c4f8fac4ddaa4ba8ba914.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.flixlist.co.uk/assets/facebook-12461b0f666c4f8fac4ddaa4ba8ba914.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook b f c f fac ddaa ba ba\", \"alt_text\": \"Facebook\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.flixlist.co.uk/casts/joe-demler\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn1.nflximg.net/images/0501/11560501.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn1.nflximg.net/images/0501/11560501.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Honor Flight\"}, null]", "texts": ["List of Joe Demler Movies and TV Shows on Netflix\n\nViewing: 1 Titles\n\nFind every Joe Demler title available on Netflix. 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When questioned on the subject, Allardyce said: \"I am not in talks (personally) with them but there is some dialogue going on at the moment. That is all I am aware of.\"\n\nRedknapp has been linked with a move for the former Chelsea man all summer and also failed with a bid to sign him last year but is determined to bring him to White Hart Lane this year, it appears.\n\nWith the transfer window closing on Wednesday night, Allardyce is keen to move on Parker in order to fund new signings.\n\nAllardyce sounded a word of caution about the transfer though, perhaps well aware that Spurs are renowned as shrewd operators in the market.\n\n\"As in terms of what level it is at, I certainly know that a deal has not been struck by any way, shape or form at this moment in time about Scott Parker,\" Allardyce added.\n\n\"Whether he is here on Wednesday depends on whether someone reaches the owners' valuation.\"\n\nParker was one of the few players to come out of last season with his head held high as West Ham ended the season bottom of the Barclays Premier League table.\n\nA transfer, whether permanent or temporary, to White Hart Lane would appear to be a logical move for the Londoner, who fits the bill as the type of experienced head that Redknapp has longed for for some time.\n\nSource: PA", "Trending on the forum", "Arsenal's Sanchez saga rumbles on after Champions ...", "Goodbye to all that: The Premier League personalit...", "From Champions League to the battle of the clarets...", "How do you stop a problem like diving?..."], "url": "http://www.football.co.uk/west-ham-united/allardyce-confirms-parker-talks/1809099", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 417, "original_width": 750, "width": 679}], "image_hashes": ["eda77ae9a476fefaef25edd964bad9ad6f2dffe5a651b1813bc8f988ecec0ff3"], "__index_level_0__": 414, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://s.forbestravelguide.com/img/properties/NWL_Lautrec_DiningRoom_2.jpg", "http://s.forbestravelguide.com/img/properties/NWL_Lautrec_DiningRoom.jpg", 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prix-fixe spreads end with an out-of-this-world dessert.\n\nThough it may not necessarily be a signature dessert, per se, at this Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star restaurant, the most unique sweet we’ve tasted here is the s’more. Pastry chefs Maria Provencher and Janelle Lambert are constantly reinventing this classic campfire treat, most recently serving it as dehydrated honey and graham, marshmallow and Valrhona chocolate. The presentation was even more unique than the flavor combinations, as it arrived under a bell-shaped cloche that served as a makeshift smoker.\n\nNote that the prix-fixe and Chef’s Tasting menus change regularly, so the s’more may not be available when you visit; if not, however, rest assured you’ll be treated to something as equally appetizing."], "url": "http://www.forbestravelguide.com/laurel-highlands-pennsylvania/restaurants/lautrec/are-there-any-signature-desserts-at-lautrec", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 425, "original_width": 760, "width": 675}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 425, "original_width": 760, "width": 675}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 425, "original_width": 760, "width": 675}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 425, "original_width": 760, "width": 675}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 425, "original_width": 760, "width": 675}], "image_hashes": ["6808b3efdf9e894e798903cd7b02084e8394fbea67e030623178dfbc0ebe3cb2", 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As these photos make clear, loving ice cream isn't confined to any time or place.\n\nMany of these come from the Dutch National Archives, because the Dutch clearly appreciate ice cream, and the rest are from the LIFE archives, because LIFE photographers do too.", null, "Children eating ice cream (the Netherlands?). Source", "Woman eating a banana split, Toronto, 1952. Source", null, "Eddie Cantor (who is awesome, by the way) having ice cream with actress Deanna Durbin, New York City, 1938. Source", null, "Little girl with ice cream, St. Louis, Missouri, 1955. Source", null, "Teenage couple eating an ice cream cone together, Atlantia, Georgia, 1947.", null, "Little boy with ice cream, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1959. Source", null, "Even businessmen like their ice cream. United States, 1946. Source", null, "Man dressed as a sheik eating date ice cream during a date festival, California, 1948-- why they were having this date festival, I don't know. Source", null, "Chatting over ice cream, London, 1930. Source", null, "28 flavours of ice cream to chose from! USA, 1948. Source", null, "Sometimes you have to have them all. Source", "Labels: assorted, food and drink, the Netherlands, theme", "ah... very cute. It put a smile on my face - and now I want an ice cream!"], "url": "http://www.formerdays.com/2011/05/eating-ice-cream.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 484, "original_width": 640, "width": 499}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 428, "original_width": 640, "width": 565}, {"height": 562, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 403, "width": 378}, {"height": 506, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 448, "width": 378}, {"height": 500, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 483, "width": 378}, {"height": 478, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 474, "width": 378}, {"height": 489, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 463, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 420, "original_width": 600, "width": 540}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 578, "original_width": 600, "width": 392}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["9d02381574486bb0f697e9e51e89cbadae29376571d3e1ab33bc9ee99749a973", "0e010759189c7a2b8c9a6071fc90be3b4dd18492eb2682a9c4e4a4764af05df0", "f81c566eced0b7d837f1eaee0dd9f03ee2e060cbdd77e732cf504a5c879d5ffe", "216c36dbd269e9cc223f1472d929d09b38974a07a66249b1d695de5cc39fb84b", "53b78e0f638bb0f7809338257887feade5aac01d8d2f95f5b982a83bfb91602d", "42a0383db4a6625b58beebf52e0683dd1a9a76e3dfb44cc39947b8d7d978d480", "31cbc28a10615259e0104dfbb3b23a78e3927bccb8554d5e0461fd3f15374224", "1b3b6e95325dc4f73b22d53612e3f463b65a31556709384a18ffe5f985ebaaf6", "a9475ca0584fd60fa4447aa9e83592cdd2be574dcf04c8dbf6e6ec44101a2ce4", "42741c4afbe3dfa8f132593e78fa9119756bcee99ace9255b1d839af9fdaf1df"], "__index_level_0__": 416, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eA8pKqiQ2uQ/TmZ3wRNChhI/AAAAAAAAAxw/R8EBG6Pzn-c/s640/garnier.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fC6jeBMMPO0/TmZ6SgINdsI/AAAAAAAAAx0/WyfYIZRm9sY/s640/DSC01830.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9170506596565248}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ftlofaot.com/2011/09/garnier-tinted-eye-roll-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eA8pKqiQ2uQ/TmZ3wRNChhI/AAAAAAAAAxw/R8EBG6Pzn-c/s640/garnier.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eA8pKqiQ2uQ/TmZ3wRNChhI/AAAAAAAAAxw/R8EBG6Pzn-c/s640/garnier.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"garnier\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 464}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ftlofaot.com/2011/09/garnier-tinted-eye-roll-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fC6jeBMMPO0/TmZ6SgINdsI/AAAAAAAAAx0/WyfYIZRm9sY/s640/DSC01830.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fC6jeBMMPO0/TmZ6SgINdsI/AAAAAAAAAx0/WyfYIZRm9sY/s640/DSC01830.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 378}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ftlofaot.com/2011/09/garnier-tinted-eye-roll-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ftlofaot.com/2011/09/garnier-tinted-eye-roll-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xDH50PddG2k/UujDh54RW_I/AAAAAAAAEcM/XRMrGq8FXX4/s200/facebook.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xDH50PddG2k/UujDh54RW_I/AAAAAAAAEcM/XRMrGq8FXX4/s200/facebook.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook\", \"alt_text\": \" Facebook\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ftlofaot.com/2011/09/garnier-tinted-eye-roll-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nHrqpqOuypU/UujDjqT99bI/AAAAAAAAEcU/AkLWuh3lNak/s200/twitter.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nHrqpqOuypU/UujDjqT99bI/AAAAAAAAEcU/AkLWuh3lNak/s200/twitter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter\", \"alt_text\": \" Twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ftlofaot.com/2011/09/garnier-tinted-eye-roll-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Vq120LjBQjk/UujDl8pdmVI/AAAAAAAAEck/78xsi9FE4DQ/s200/pinterest.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Vq120LjBQjk/UujDl8pdmVI/AAAAAAAAEck/78xsi9FE4DQ/s200/pinterest.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pinterest\", \"alt_text\": \" Pinterest\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Its been a while since I did a review. Primarily because I do not do reviews of make up products half as well as some of the awesome make up bloggers around and also coz I enjoy apparel and accessories a little more :)\nBut, Garnier tinted eye roll on is one product which has me so hooked, you could swear it had caffeine in it!\nOh wait, it really does. Presenting to you, Garnier Caffeine Anti-Dark Circle Eye Roll-on which claims this:", null, "On the first count, I'm not too sure of the cooling effect. However, it does hydrate puffy looking eyes and make your eyes look brighter. Your kohl is very likely to look so much brighter and better in general, if the area under your eyes is not puffy and discolored.\nOn the second count, it does work well for your dark circles. It might not do what a concealer does, but for everyday wear, its perfect coz a) Its available in shades for every skin tone (medium, fair, very fair), b)You can use very little and blend it in with your index finger and it blends in well, c) You do not necessarily need to use it with a make up base unlike a concealer.", null, "Wearing: Garnier Under Eye Roll on, with make up base.\nPrice: Rs.200\nI think I will be using this one for a long while. For those exceptionally annoying college Mondays, work Mondays or any other week day, its a good bet.\nWould you use it? Oh, wait do you already? :)"], "url": "http://www.ftlofaot.com/2011/09/garnier-tinted-eye-roll-on.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 550, "width": 519}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 380, "original_width": 640, "width": 636}], "image_hashes": ["34372ddc48a88a2c576d00804845495f5b29f71c599e5f372a69a0650dfcfc9f", "b68452acbc8248fb4d706561b88d933cd9080cdec1b9b36ee275f55e86a2314c"], "__index_level_0__": 417, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-r_e_FpU3zIA/UE7B78E0TDI/AAAAAAAACB0/1X0it2luS44/s640/BE0947.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-9yl7ULoZokU/UE7CE7zm3xI/AAAAAAAACB8/QXVEVFt7Ijk/s640/DRZ3125.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7sNyHKk5wXo/UE7DL8D_vLI/AAAAAAAACCY/0m-ciYiP5hA/s640/NL1247.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fwUStvdt7jY/UE7DQ7kR-FI/AAAAAAAACCg/8qStKF7q6lU/s640/JDZ0728.jpg", 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When I first heard about this phenomenon, I was intrigued enough to do an in-depth research into it. But I shall spare you a thesis and move on the important bits about the phenomenon and what Forever New tries to incorporate in its latest collection. Northern Lights or the aurora borealis as it is known is a beautiful display of lights across the moon lit skies associated with the Northern latitudes. When you think of Northern lights, you automatically think of the Arctic and the flash of beautiful lights in the snow capped regions! This magical collection, quite like its inspiration highlights fall textures and elements of dazzle. Fur coats, sequined jackets, prints inspired from the inky skies, calf skin bags and a lot of razz matazz in the form of thin belts, statement necklaces and intricate earrings. Don't miss the influence of the whites and the pale pinks obviously taking from the natural elements of the northern latitudes that we associate with the northern lights.\nSome pieces you don't wanna miss from this collection:", null, null, null, null, null, null, "And if you were living under a rock all this while, its time to resurface and shop Forever New online.\nTell me what you think."], "url": "http://www.ftlofaot.com/2012/09/northern-lights-sneak-peek.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 403, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 599, "width": 378}, {"height": 403, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 599, "width": 378}, {"height": 403, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 599, "width": 378}, {"height": 403, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 599, "width": 378}, {"height": 403, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 599, "width": 378}, {"height": 403, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 599, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["046f90c878cee642cc109289edbc1c58f21013bcebe8315ffadfdb678421f538", "d08a120625eef5e6888c5e1f7fa6a843437eed1e5ea21de2cfe30b43d434a894", "aea1ec48d30ac71c977893776ffe333017783eb8b07b8ba0714009da7fbdc77f", "b763d0ebb90a9d356ae19f7b33d8bd9dcc16d35392656bf26689ea1746ece8fe", "c69d9af2e2cb9bbb24d2f0bc42190f13f2891f0677bf100d38165cb7cfb92d38", "356a40348d14b4f7e67aabafd5ca3f90cf5cb974a5400be7bcb4ee6d5d251b30"], "__index_level_0__": 418, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5034f626e4b09af678ebcd47/52c594f5e4b01a09cde0f806/53b19f5fe4b0d9b20b7538cd/1404151040150/6489902305_df79d7ed3a_b.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9155792593955994}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.futurehealthsystems.org/news/2014/6/30/strengthening-institutional-health-systems-research-capacity-in-africa\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5034f626e4b09af678ebcd47/52c594f5e4b01a09cde0f806/53b19f5fe4b0d9b20b7538cd/1404151040150/6489902305_df79d7ed3a_b.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5034f626e4b09af678ebcd47/52c594f5e4b01a09cde0f806/53b19f5fe4b0d9b20b7538cd/1404151040150/6489902305_df79d7ed3a_b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"df d ed a b\", \"alt_text\": \"Strengthening institutional health systems research capacity in Africa\"}, null]", "texts": ["Use the form on the right to contact us.\n\n123 Street Avenue, City Town, 99999\n\n(123) 555-6789\n\nFuture Health Systems", null, "Strengthening institutional health systems research capacity in Africa\n\nJune 30, 2014Future Health Systems\n\nBoth policy-makers and academics recognize that several factors contribute to how decisions are made and what policies and practices come to bear. Of those, health systems research (HSR) has been acknowledged as a critical input in the decision making process and ultimately in improving the performance of health systems.\n\nIn order to address this gap, seven schools of Public Health and selected health policy institutions across six countries in East and Central Africa embarked on a five-year project to strengthen their capacity to undertake high quality, policy relevant HSR. The project is known as the Africa Hub, and is learning platform supported byof Future Health Systems. Identification of HSR capacity strengths, gaps and needs served as priority for this endeavour.\n\nIn many contexts, the existing capacity for HSR has never been systematically documented. To address this, the Africa Hub pulled together a special series of journal articles in HARPS that share the experiences and results of HSR capacity assessments conducted at Jimma University (Ethiopia), Kinshasa University (DR Congo), Makerere University (Uganda), Moi University (Kenya), Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (Tanzania), Nairobi University (Kenya) and National University of Rwanda.\n\nAlthough several areas for capacity strengthening emerged from the assessments, the articles in this series provide insights into existing capacities and offer proposals for capacity strengthening in a few specific areas. Articles included in the series are:\n\ncategories Announcement, MakSPH, Africa Hub\ntags Africa Hub\n← July 25, 2014\nPicturing gender, ethics and health systems: A competition for photographers\n→ June 26, 2014\nResearch in Gender and Ethics (RinGs): A new cross-RPC partnership to build stronger health systems"], "url": "http://www.futurehealthsystems.org/news/2014/6/30/strengthening-institutional-health-systems-research-capacity-in-africa", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 685, "original_width": 1024, "width": 565}], "image_hashes": ["9bcd2948c872ea0e50348f3f5061e7fcb40db645e5e602637bd454fa6faf5de0"], "__index_level_0__": 419, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4mMhYy3_vek/UG0XnrlnNOI/AAAAAAAAFno/J7BBclbocBw/s1600/photo+2.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qe_wgTJMdrg/UG0euGdTQaI/AAAAAAAAFpQ/ZX3BOSCjtkQ/s400/photo+3.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-oyaTw8Vp8tY/UG94fBhTUUI/AAAAAAAAFwA/6a0C3DzXdyg/s1600/photo+5.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9321283102035522}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.glitzglambudget.com/2012/10/nyx-doll-eye-mascara-review.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lf6B41FdFkc/UknskJfPO7I/AAAAAAAAMQU/gHDwKrwZYGQ/s1600/crazyforcolors_collapsible.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lf6B41FdFkc/UknskJfPO7I/AAAAAAAAMQU/gHDwKrwZYGQ/s1600/crazyforcolors_collapsible.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"crazyforcolors collapsible\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.glitzglambudget.com/2012/10/nyx-doll-eye-mascara-review.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4mMhYy3_vek/UG0XnrlnNOI/AAAAAAAAFno/J7BBclbocBw/s1600/photo+2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4mMhYy3_vek/UG0XnrlnNOI/AAAAAAAAFno/J7BBclbocBw/s1600/photo+2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.glitzglambudget.com/2012/10/nyx-doll-eye-mascara-review.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qe_wgTJMdrg/UG0euGdTQaI/AAAAAAAAFpQ/ZX3BOSCjtkQ/s400/photo+3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qe_wgTJMdrg/UG0euGdTQaI/AAAAAAAAFpQ/ZX3BOSCjtkQ/s400/photo+3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 336}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.glitzglambudget.com/2012/10/nyx-doll-eye-mascara-review.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-oyaTw8Vp8tY/UG94fBhTUUI/AAAAAAAAFwA/6a0C3DzXdyg/s1600/photo+5.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-oyaTw8Vp8tY/UG94fBhTUUI/AAAAAAAAFwA/6a0C3DzXdyg/s1600/photo+5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.glitzglambudget.com/2012/10/nyx-doll-eye-mascara-review.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vW5v1yd2N4Q/UG0kgMhrUzI/AAAAAAAAFsg/z0e9TOz2bhs/s1600/My+Signature.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vW5v1yd2N4Q/UG0kgMhrUzI/AAAAAAAAFsg/z0e9TOz2bhs/s1600/My+Signature.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"My Signature\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.glitzglambudget.com/2012/10/nyx-doll-eye-mascara-review.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I am a big time fan of NYX cosmetics, from their Jumbo Pencils to their trio eye-shadow palettes, so I had high expectations when it came to their mascara, simply because the rest of their products are amazing!", null, "The NYX Doll Eye Mascara claims that it \"uses a unique blend of natural oils, Vitamin E and nylon fibers to extend eyelashes to almost faux proportions.\" The mascara comes in 3 different versions: Lengthening  Volumizing, and Waterproof (the one I have is Lengthening, on the box it states \"Extremely Long\" and its in the color Extremely Black).\n\nI absolutely love this mascara, it is by far one of the best mascaras I have ever tried in my entire life....I know that's a bit dramatic, but that's really how good it is! First let me start off with the wand, it is very interestingly designed, not the same shape throughout the entire wand -- basically both ends are a little bit bigger and the middle of the wand is skinnier (sorry the picture below doesn't truly capture it). Because of the shape I feel that I can evenly apply the mascara on all of my lashes, and because the end of the wand is a little bit bigger than the middle, it allows the end of my lashes to really lengthen creating a faux lashes look.", null, "The formula is amazing, it applies so smoothly and without any effort at all. It is not too wet which is great because it doesn't cause a big mess on your lids, but it is moist enough to where you can add multiple layers for a more intense look without the clumping. The mascara looks great from the moment you apply it, to the moment you come home from work or school, it does have an amazing lasting power!\n\nI can see where they nylon fibers come into play, because this mascara did volumize and lengthen my natural lashes, to the point where people were complimenting me on my \"fake\" lashes....when I mentioned to them they were my real natural lashes, they were simply amazed (I have to thank the NYX Doll Eye Mascara for that one).", null, "Overall I highly recommend this mascara to anyone, whether you have small or sparse lashes, or if you already have full long lashes, the NYX Doll Eye Mascara (particularly the Lengthening/Extremely Long one that I have) is perfect to glam up your lashes without having to put on fake ones!\n\nThe mascara can be purchased on the NYX site by clicking here, also Ulta does carry some of their other mascaras (but I couldn't find the Doll Eye) you can check out the Ulta/NYX Mascaras here.  Have you tried this mascara, or any other NYX mascaras? I am very interested in testing out their other mascaras and seeing how they compare, so I will have to do a little bit of shopping in the near future!"], "url": "http://www.glitzglambudget.com/2012/10/nyx-doll-eye-mascara-review.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 624, "original_height": 550, "original_width": 333, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 248, "original_width": 295, "width": 449}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 458, "original_width": 650, "width": 536}], "image_hashes": ["e64892487621cc505c28f8074c2163d55d85273ed2a43d8ad4c7ef693fbe171f", "f14e8db26ea6238069c1c46ef559fbdd6f5fe2c51199d5edd664655e1f85761f", "b76b2012d1d110002f3221a62d5090d1ef2d19f41270d12b3795804d61441551"], "__index_level_0__": 420, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dI160hh0Zv8/WPd7WQ3nNcI/AAAAAAAAHiM/nLuSMr0gv3kFNajXRCsZLJMqvqR9fPEHACK4B/s1600/rukky.PNG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9413244724273682}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.goldenpearlmediang.com/2017/04/babymama-trend-for-artistes-phased-out.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh5.googleusercontent.com/-qHOFRd3hdKE/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAHdg/Bt9cITtcg3Y/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-qHOFRd3hdKE/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAHdg/Bt9cITtcg3Y/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.goldenpearlmediang.com/2017/04/babymama-trend-for-artistes-phased-out.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dI160hh0Zv8/WPd7WQ3nNcI/AAAAAAAAHiM/nLuSMr0gv3kFNajXRCsZLJMqvqR9fPEHACK4B/s1600/rukky.PNG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dI160hh0Zv8/WPd7WQ3nNcI/AAAAAAAAHiM/nLuSMr0gv3kFNajXRCsZLJMqvqR9fPEHACK4B/s1600/rukky.PNG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rukky\", \"alt_text\": \"GPM Look Of The Day\", \"rendered_width\": 474, \"rendered_height\": 575}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Fast growing American Nigerian singer, Doggext can best be regard as one of the best to come out of Africa, with his classic and unique sounds. In this interview with Golden pearl media, the South West born tells it all about his life, career and challenges.", "Kindly tell us about yourself?\n\nMyself as Jamiu Bolarinwa is not the best spokes person for Doggext but if i must then I'll say Doggext is a fun character. He's energetic, lively and all round entertainer. Doggext can rap (actually he's a versatile rapper) and can sing but dancing is not one of them hahahahahahahaha\n\nHow was your growingWhy the name Doggext?\n\nI grew up in a lot of places but Mushin is the place that puts a mark on who i have become. I wasn't born with a silver spoon but I'm also not catered for in a dirt poor environment either. I was raised to appreciate and love anything and everything that life offers me. So I'm here making zobo out of what igboro gave me lol. I chose Doggext because it sounds African even though the spelling might suggest otherwise. Doggext defines me as an artiste.\n\nAs in? My favorite color or my favorite food? Lol I'll prefer you to be more specific\n\nHow was your grow ing up days?\n\nGrowing up for me is extremely exciting. I grew up in two extreme social economical background. I went to a boarding school growing up so I learned a lot of things by myself or with my friends lol I had a lotta adventure o. I hung out with the Agbole boys in Mushin. Chilled with the Ajebutters in school. I have lived a good life, and I do say so myself\n\nWhat was your parent reaction when they first realized your passion for music?\n\nNone. Don't forget I was raised to take my own responsibility as a human being serious. I don't know what pops think about it but I know my mom knows That Kind Thing from the top the end even if she's just humming the sound. Still on still, she vibe and Rep hard for me o. You know how mommies dey be with their star boy na hahahaha that kind thing\n\nWhen exactly did music started for you professionally and how has it been since then?\n\nMusic has always been professional to me but I am still learning the game. So I'm still a work in progress. I got interested and rap from listening to Ray Power. Shout out to RayPower, Rhythm and Cool FM (I grew up on these ones) for giving young Nigerians of my generation a different style of music without losing our African core. The journey has been acoustically challenging and intrisinctly rewarding at the same time. I love music\n\nHow would you describe your style of music?\n\nUndescribeable! Undefineable!! Unstoppable. Wait til you get used to hearing me on every sound wave platform. I just want to do music and categorize myself as an Afro Hip Hop artiste with the rest of these cats paving the way forward. We Africans are the best at doing it for the culture. I just want to do music that people can vibe to on an international level\n\nWhat inspires your writing when it comes to writing the lyrics for your songs?\n\nConversations with my friends and partners, Gidi Boys and things happening around me are what I write about. Thats the only way I know and that's keeping it 100 to me (my Yankee people can dig that)\n\nWhat's in the kitchen for your Fans?\n\nA whole lot of different lyrical sauce. Freestyles, Major artiste collaboration, and different sounds from the universe. I have a trap beat inspired single in the works as well\n\nStaying over a decade in the United states, what influence did it have on your music or career?\n\nI can't tell how that is affecting me yet but if anything it should put me in a corner all by myself because I talk different, my swags different,. So definitely a decade in the States should make me a different breed of rapper and artists\n\nAny plans to relocate home either now or in future?\n\nThe jury is still out on that. I love Yankee just as much as i love Naija so they are both home to me for now o\n\nWhat's the level of acceptance of African music on the international scene?\n\nThe level is massive yo. We go to clubs in The States or United Kingdom these days jamming to Nigerian songs on the dance floor and the DJ has no clue where Nigeria is on the map but he'll tell you that he loves the Nigerian song. A Caucasian sent me Pana by Tekno because she thinks I'd love it hahahahahahahaha not knowing that the singer is a Nigerian like me too. International market gave Ayo Jay a chance to be Ayo Jay. Thats an example of how far we have come. How about Swizz and Drake effing with Wiz or Snyder signing Nigerians by the song load these days? African music is here jor lol\n\nWhat are the other things you are into apart from music?\n\nSocial work, advocacy for equal rights, i provide services in the health care field. I'm a Human Rights officer, have been and is still alotta things away from music yo\n\nWhat's your take on baby mama's which has become a trend among entertainers, especially Nigeria?\n\nWhat? Hahahaha that's funny. Trend for real? That trend phased out in the States like 2012. It's not new to me...Nigerians are just getting more stories about their favorite artiste having kids outta wedlock lately. I don't see it as negative or positive. Tjidkf:/ats all, you know, that kind thing\n\nTo what extreme do you go with your female fans?\n\nSay what? Lol. I go as far as Thank You for the comment and Hello how are you doing can go hahahaha. Not far at all\n\nWhere do you see yourself, five years from now?\n\nOn top of the world. Doing things that I used to dream of. Living life like the living should you know. Gbogbo that kind thing lol\n\nWhat do you to say to your fans and loyalists from around the world? up days?\n\nKeep your headphones charged and dancing shoes available. Download, share, tweet, and post all your favorite Doggext songs and videos. Let's show the world that Doggext has the best fans in the world\n\nAmerican Nigerian singer Artiste Doggext golden moments goldenpearlmedia Nigerian singer\nNigerian singer\n\nNo comments\n\nI appreciate comments, please drop your thoughts! Thank You", "Subcribe For Our Latest Post Via Email", "More Info / Advert 07061001096", "Goldenpearl media", ".....Don't miss this offer", "Like Our Facebook Page", "Make your events Golden with Gold by Rondel.", null], "url": "http://www.goldenpearlmediang.com/2017/04/babymama-trend-for-artistes-phased-out.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 458, "original_height": 575, "original_width": 474, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d1a8447cdf354d5121c9a2a38b4623a47e84e70cb119136576bfb0889cacfe56"], "__index_level_0__": 421, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://cdn.gsmarena.com/vv/reviewsimg/samsung-galaxy-s6/thumb_.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.887322723865509}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_s6-review-1227p6.php\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.gsmarena.com/vv/reviewsimg/samsung-galaxy-s6/thumb_.jpg\", \"src\": 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The in-call equalizer for the phone's earpiece is gone though.\n\nThe dialer has a Material Design paintjob. Smart dialing (searching through contacts by using the keypad) and speed dialing (assigning a contact to a number on the keypad) are on board. Video calling is also natively supported, not that many people use it.\n\nAdditional tabs in the app show the call log, favorite contacts and a list of all contacts. You can use the separate Phonebook app for that.", "Dialer • call log • favorites", "The phonebook reminds you the last chat you had with a contact", "Blocking spam calls • Do not disturb mode\n\nSamsung is sticking to a single loudspeaker with this generation of the Galaxy S flagship, but it has audibly improved in quality. It's not very loud though, overall a bit quieter than the Galaxy S5, but it falls under the Average category with similar results as the dual-speaker HTC One (M8).\n\nUpdate, March 16: Following much controversy regarding the loudspeaker performance of the Galaxy S6 in the review comments, we ran our loudspeaker test again on both the Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S5.\n\nUpdate, April 3: We received a retail unit and retested the loudspeaker. The numbers came out similar to the March 16 scores with small changes. The Galaxy S6 keeps its Good rating.\n\nThis time the Galaxy S6 managed a better result, especially when it comes to ringing - it turned out the culprit for the less than stellar result of last week was a mere equalizer setting. Yes, those affect the loudspeaker too, not only the headphone sound.\n\nUnfortunately, the Galaxy S5 running on Lollipop scored higher as well thus once again outperforming our Galaxy S6 test unit.\n\nBy default the Messages app has a clean looking UI, but you can customize font size, backgrounds and speech bubble style. The app shows a row of priority contacts, below that is the list of all conversation threads. You can use pinch zoom to change the font size in a conversation thread.\n\nThe Album option collects all photos and videos shared in the given conversation thread. The Attach button shows the most recent photos and videos so you can pick them easily, but below that are additional options for other multimedia.", "The Messages app handles multimedia attachments per thread", "Customizing the look • fighting spam\n\nThe Samsung keyboard features a dedicated numbers row. You can tweak the size of the keyboard slightly, making it taller or shorter and if you are okay with a tiny keyboard, you can use the small floating one. You can add text shortcuts (so 'brb' gets replaced with 'be right back') and there's predictive text.", "Setting up text shortcuts • teaching predictive text • resizing the keyboard", "The Samsung keyboard\n\nPhone finder\n\nAll brands Rumor mill\n\nPopular reviews", "Cutting corners... Like a pro\nLG G6 review", "A closer look\nNokia 6, 5 and 3 hands-on"], "url": "http://www.gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_s6-review-1227p6.php", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 206, "original_width": 288, "width": 528}], "image_hashes": ["157565205fc48457532207660d91795637080b4679195b1549750879121f7e51"], "__index_level_0__": 422, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.gvsu.edu/cms4/asset/083EE251-CD6A-14D9-DD192EB77771470E/ch_2800.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8343046307563782}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.gvsu.edu/anthropology/dr-cindy-hull-40.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/cms4/asset/083EE251-CD6A-14D9-DD192EB77771470E/ch_2800.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.gvsu.edu/cms4/asset/083EE251-CD6A-14D9-DD192EB77771470E/ch_2800.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ch\", \"alt_text\": \"Dr. hull\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Professor of Anthropology\nRetired, Emeritus   email@example.com\nEconomic anthropology, adaptive strategies and development, gender and family, theory Mesoamerica, Micronesia\n\nDr. Hull is a Cultural Anthropologist specializing in Maya region of Mexico, specifically changing gender roles and culture change in Yucatan.  Current research addresses rural Michigan farming communities, and features the recently published  ethnography, Chippewa Lake: A Community in Search of an Identity (Michigan State University Press, 2012). The research team included six anthropology majors. Dr Hull retired December 2012, after 21 years at GVSU."], "url": "http://www.gvsu.edu/anthropology/dr-cindy-hull-40.htm", "images_metadata": [{"height": 421, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 287, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4dfea5d8e833ef250c0e22c7aa697a3b4bc8c93fd0b12f03a034ef51c58ee39a"], "__index_level_0__": 423, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://www.hindustantimes.com/rf/image_size_300x200/HT/p2/2017/05/22/Pictures/_ed1cb680-3f0f-11e7-b7e5-3de2b6485255.jpg", "http://www.hindustantimes.com/rf/image_size_300x200/HT/p2/2017/05/22/Pictures/builders-accounts-hindustan-demand-monday-skytech-matrott_3d95620e-3ef9-11e7-a718-97a052f84fc6.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9696284532546996}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi-news/man-who-opened-fire-at-priya-complex-arrested/story-IVCwc9Bs7WtxhrRldwq57L.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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A 19-year-old student was injured in the incident.\n\nThe accused, identified as Ishwar Singh, has several criminal cases registered against him at Bhajanpura police station.\n\nIshwar Singh was beating up his girlfriend in full public view late on June 24 at the Priya Complex. He was accompanied by his other two friends-Mohsin Khan and Devraj. Gaurav Lamba, a student, who had gone to watch movie along with his relatives was shot at when he tried to intervene.\n\nThe police said Ishwar consumed liquor along with his girlfriend and other friends at Bacchus Bar that day. While they were partying, an old friend of his girlfriend came to the bar and started talking to her. This enraged Ishwar and he entered into a scuffle with him. The bouncers later threw them out of the bar.\n\n“Even after coming out of the bar, Ishwar continued to abuse his girlfriend and was shouting at the top of his voice. Gaurav who was passing by tried to intervene and was shot at by Ishwar,” said Alok Kumar, DCP (Special Cell).\n\nThe police arrested Ishwar from Wazirabad area late on Wednesday night. They recovered the weapon of offence— a country-made pistol and two live cartridges from his house. The police said Ishwar’s girlfriend cooperated during the investigations. Ishwar has seven cases registered against him.", null, null], "url": "http://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi-news/man-who-opened-fire-at-priya-complex-arrested/story-IVCwc9Bs7WtxhrRldwq57L.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 300, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 199, "original_width": 300, "width": 569}], "image_hashes": ["64cbe210cafbbf6824d8720ec7e938a5968511108fe453bfb669e339ce0aefb0", "4bd23888274a71dc612cbe19fdf830e3ba9c5310f963120fdbe2fc07ac27f229"], "__index_level_0__": 424, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.hog.org/imgLib/20080509_HOGcover.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8803917169570923}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.hog.org/publications/page/health-hints-from-hemo-and-friends-activity-book\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/imgLib/20080509_HOGcover.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.hog.org/imgLib/20080509_HOGcover.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"HOGcover\", \"alt_text\": \"Healthy Hints Book Cover\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 203}, null]", "texts": [null, "Hemo, Factor Fido and Calendar Cat have teamed up to bring you 8 Healthy Hints on how to eat healthy and increase physical activity! Each Healthy Hint features a fun activity that you can print out and do at home including word searches, cross word puzzles, and more!\n\nHealthy Hint 1\n\nSpend 60 minutes a day being physically active.\n\nHealthy Hint 2\n\nSpend less than 2 hours a day watching TV and playing video and computer games.\n\nHealthy Hint 3\n\nEat a VARIETY of at least 5 fruits and vegetables a day.\n\nHealthy Hint 4\n\nSnack on more healthy foods and less on junk foods and sweets.\n\nHealthy Hint 5\n\nUnscramble the clues to find out!\n\nHealthy Hint 6\n\nDrink at least 2 glasses/bottles of water a day instead of soda.\n\nHealthy Hint 7\n\nEat less fast food (2 or less times per week) and make healthier fast food choices.\n\nHealthy Hint 8\n\nOne size doesn't fit all--find your balance between food and physical activity.\n\nPlus, there are even Fun and Easy Recipes you can print out!\n\nNOTE:  These activity pages can be printed out only for personal use.  Contact Deniece Chevannes at Hemophilia of Georgia about obtaining copyright permission to make additional copies.  And, contact Deniece if you'd like to receive a printed copy of Health Hints from Hemo & Friends."], "url": "http://www.hog.org/publications/page/health-hints-from-hemo-and-friends-activity-book", "images_metadata": [{"height": 511, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["fa5736aafa2b3490e4651f99bc54e35309c58f82ff2136c8a81c48e5bcfd6141"], "__index_level_0__": 425, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.homedepot.com/catalog/productImages/1000/10/103bc326-123f-4fac-a206-773bcfab672e_1000.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7311433553695679}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.homedepot.com/p/BEHR-Premium-Plus-Ultra-8-oz-M520-6-National-Anthem-Interior-Exterior-Paint-Sample-UL20316/205296592\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.homedepot.com/catalog/productImages/1000/10/103bc326-123f-4fac-a206-773bcfab672e_1000.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.homedepot.com/catalog/productImages/1000/10/103bc326-123f-4fac-a206-773bcfab672e_1000.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bc f fac a bcfab e\", \"alt_text\": \"BEHR Premium Plus Ultra 8 oz. #M520-6 National Anthem Interior/Exterior Paint Sample\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.homedepot.com/p/BEHR-Premium-Plus-Ultra-8-oz-M520-6-National-Anthem-Interior-Exterior-Paint-Sample-UL20316/205296592\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.homedepot.com/hdus/en_US/DTCCOM/common/images/layout/angled-arrow.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.homedepot.com/hdus/en_US/DTCCOM/common/images/layout/angled-arrow.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"angled arrow\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Save to List\n\nDiscontinued BEHR Premium Plus Ultra\n\n8 oz. #M520-6 National Anthem Interior/Exterior Paint Sample\n\nView Info and Guides View Similar Products\n\nFrequently Bought Together\n\nProduct Overview\n\nBefore delving into a big painting project, preview the color with the BEHR Premium Plus Ultra 8 oz. Sample. Formulated with both paint and primer, this sample allows you to conveniently apply paint to interior or exterior surfaces and accurately envision coverage. This sample covers up to 16 sq. ft."], "url": "http://www.homedepot.com/p/BEHR-Premium-Plus-Ultra-8-oz-M520-6-National-Anthem-Interior-Exterior-Paint-Sample-UL20316/205296592", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1000, "original_width": 1000, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e8f0feaa7dbdf438babfca0d0690e58f8fcae96604cdd53258426cbe3f29a5b7"], "__index_level_0__": 426, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vIR9lEpVYYw/SlFcyRK_lXI/AAAAAAAAIJs/AgQ8DHz4dZE/s1600/sp500e.png", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_vIR9lEpVYYw/SlFc7XCYffI/AAAAAAAAIJ0/T5lWQzCG4Xw/s1600/sp500s.png", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vIR9lEpVYYw/SlFgqqa0WuI/AAAAAAAAIJ8/d3yjx9jJEQQ/s1600/crb.png", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vIR9lEpVYYw/SlFhNhUx5MI/AAAAAAAAIKE/dbz5SdD5sKA/s1600/fcx.png", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_vIR9lEpVYYw/SlFkr8m5dyI/AAAAAAAAIKM/7_PoxrdbztY/s1600/uso.png", null, 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Wednesday was driven by theupteemth (4th) Chinese Purchasing Managers Index report showing expansion (again a fairly new report from a country that can say anything they want engaging in the type of loan expansion in 2009 that brought the Western world to its knees). However we closed near the lows Wednesday and then the rally attempt failed on the jolt of reality Thursday (monthly jobs report). The classic head and shoulders formation is still intact in terms of slow formation; I had pegged S&P 915-925 as the right shoulder, but indeed S&P 930 seems to be the intraday peak the market has trouble with. A flurry of selling brought us below the 50 day moving average - normally this would be bearish but we did the same thing the previous week - and promptly within 2 days burst right back above the 50 day moving average.", null, "S&P 500 Large Cap index\n\nOn the Simple moving averages, we are still holding the quickly falling 200 day moving average. I've outlined S&P 880 as the line in the sand bulls need to hold - we have an interesting situation developing in this chart; the 200 day is falling so quickly it could hit my 880 line in the sand by mid week. So in theory we could keep falling - hit the S&P 880 level but bounce off the 200 day SIMPLE moving average and can still call it bullish I suppose.", null, "S&P 500 Large Cap Index\n\nAgain, I typically use Exponential moving averages but am showing both since the longest term trend line (the 200 day) is at 2 very different spots on the 2 charts. More broadly what I am seeing above is similar to what I am seeing in a lot of individual charts - the first strokes of distribution ... a market (or stock) trying to go higher but not making a new high; yet still bouncing and not ready to break yet.\n\nBut again as we take 3 steps backwards we can see, we remain RANGE bound since the beginning of May - essentially a 70 point range of S&P 880 to 950. While I have a growing cash hoard, the last 10% or so is not due to being predicative... I am simply letting mechanical stops taking me out on charts that are weakening. Of course, if we have a bounce to the top of this multi month range we'll be dragging in performance, but this has protected us to the downside as well. As I've been saying for a few weeks now I see no reason to make big bets here - all I see are computers and daytraders jumping in and out of themes based on a knee jerk reaction to the daily news flow. It's all very short term oriented and not much can be read in it; I am more interested in the next fat pitch and am ambivalent which direction it is. Logic would dictate down since large moves generally are retraced to some degree, but I am not counting on anything in this market that seems to act very different than the ones of the past 10+ years. The general tone I continue to hear is I cannot wait for the 10% correction so I can load up for the 2nd half run. I doubt it will be that clean and easy.\n\nLet's focus on a few more charts, many swiped from [Jun 11, 2009: The Market in ETFs] to see where key groups are.\n\nThe incredibly crowded reflation trade from a month ago has taken it on the chin; this is dominated by the momentum crowd, many of which are the program traders and hedge funds (retail traders also love this group but their impact is nothing compared to the big boys) After breaking through the 200 day moving average ever briefly just after I wrote my June 11th piece, sending a false signal of bullishness - a quite stark reversal took place.", null, "Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index (EOD)\n\nSo just like that we've gone from being above the 200 day to sitting on the 50 day, another key support line. Reflation has been a failed trade for 3 weeks, I am surprised traders have not made a go of it at least one more time during that time frame. While that index is important, I truly think the whole reflation trade rests on one stock which has taken over the reigns, even from oil this year.", null, "Freeport McMoran Copper & Gold\n\nAfter putting a big scare in reflation bulls about 2 weeks ago, Freeport has recaptured the 50 day and is sitting right above it. This is the name I am watching... for example I have a short in Potash (POT) we put on Friday - if Freeport begins to bounce strongly next week, I'll have a sense my Potash short is over and the hedge funds are back for a quick trade in reflation again. Based on any fundamental reason? Nah - it's just a trade! Other than simply as protection versus the weakening dollar, I really find this whole trade extremely premature as most of the major economies in the world have no driver other than government spending. In about 12 months this thesis will make more sense to me... but as we've seen of late, it really does not need to make sense; it just needs to move rapidly and traders (or computers) will embrace anything.\n\nAs for oil, the ETF of choice is USO - we saw a gap down Thursday as the employment report knocked some sense into traders looking for any impending recovery.", null, "United States Oil Fund, LP\n\nAnd while oil is a global commodity so I can at least buy some of this move, natural gas is a local commodity and other than being driven up at times by so much Federal Reserve money finding its way into speculators hands, its showing the true state of the US economy.", null, "United States Natural Gas Fund\n\nAnother place to look at the US economy is transportation - there is a simple ETF to look at here....", null, "iShares DJ Transportation Average Index Fund\n\nNext, let's look at 2 places institutional money is hiding out because its safe - (a) decoupling 2.0 is shown in the emerging markets and (b) technology is immune from the economy. The irony is both these thesis were bandied about 15 months ago for the exact same reasons - they failed, spectacularly ... but people have very short memories. (p.s. does anyone not own Apple?) If we have a sustained downturn I actually expect these 2 very crowded trades to go sour very quickly just like reflation has begun to. But for now, they are still in decent position - that said, NASDAQ failed to make a new high this time around similar to the S&P500, but unlike the S&P500 we are above the 200 day exponential moving average.", null, "Nasdaq Composite", null, "iShares MSCI Emerging Markets\n\nWithin technology the all important semiconductor index - until this breaks down it will be hard to embolden the bears. Again much like consumer discretionary semiconductors are the go to sector to go for ahead of recovery.", "Semiconductor Holders\n\nOne more to close - developed Europe; one ETF is iShares Europe 350 (IEV) which is a bit UK heavy (30% of the fund) but gives you a good look at the major European markets - France, Germany et al. If one thinks the US market is overpriced, developed Europe is much worse.", null, "Europe 350 iShares\n\nWe can see after a head fake (oh nasty) on Wednesday to give bulls joy - the employment figure out of the US returned her back below the 200 day moving average. A tricky one here.\n\nOutside of squiggly line world, we begin traditional earnings season with a company who misses 9 out of every 10 earnings reports - Alcoa (AA). This is an aluminum producer and part of the above mentioned reflation trade. I could care less what they report; all I care about is how the stock reacts and how the computers react (pile in or out of reflation stocks?). Then after this week comes the heart of earnings season next week through the end of July. Mostly big companies report early - and with so many heads chopped in America, I can see another quarter of beats on the bottom line while missing on the top line (similar to last quarter). How many times will we hear better than expected? (too many to count) We can also expect another great quarter out of banks since they are borrowing for almost nothing and lending at something.... plus the most secondaries done EVER in a quarter as we diluted shareholders like never before; huge wins for the investment banks.", null, "Surging Stock Sales to Benefit U.S. Investment Banks\n\nSince our accounting board (FASB) is under political pressure and broke down in March handing banks what they wanted (which basically started this rally) and we no longer care about balance sheets in this post modern world of ostrich head in sand analysis, the banks look fine - just fine. Dandy in fact. So I expect another quarter of shrinking companies, whose revenue is morphing downward but enough Americans were taken out of their jobs to create a bevy of better than expected earnings. That was good enough 3 months ago for tears of joy; the all important question is now that everyone knows this, and sees this is the obvious way companies are winning - will we be surprised again and take stocks up 10-20% off more shrinkage ofunnecessary expenses (people, 401ks, healthcare, travel, et al).\n\nBigger picture, don't focus so much on earnings (easily gamed) - but the reaction to earnings. Remember what I said with Corning (GLW) last week - it had good news, but the stock was down a few days after the fact. So as these earnings roll in and Goldman Sachs (GS) reports a quarter for the ages let's see if the stock reacts up or if everyone already knows they are milking the system for all its worth - same for every other stock. We can only Shrink to Prosperity for so long; revenue (lack of) growth is showing you the true health of the economy.\n\nThe only major economic report in my eyes this week is Monday's ISM Services; with services now dominating the US economy this report is much more important that ISM Manufacturing. As for myguestimate of the week I am expecting a bounce somewhere soon - Thursday seems like ages ago right? Those job losses are in the rear view mirror and its time to chew on green shoots. Hopefully China has an economic report or two which we can drive S&P futures premarket up 1% one of these days. As I wrote in the Simple moving average section above - we almost have a perfect set up mid week (Tue-Wed?) to fall to S&P 880 and bounce off it) - this would send in the powers behind the curtain who have quite possibly the best technical analysts on the planet based on each point the market has bounced out of the blue the past few months ;) A lot of the charts I see above that fell below their 200 day are now sitting at the 50 day, ready for the computer driven, futures rally to churn them back up. Ready, set, manipulate!\n\nKey areas I watch daily are (1) Apple (AAPL) [key to NASDAQ], (2) Freeport [reflation holding by edge of teeth], (3) emerging markets [look ma, we decoupled again! don't need no stinkin US of A], and (4) semiconductors [its not inventory restocking, really!] Again, aside from quick trades in and out on indexes or ETFs I don't see any particular reason to risk a lot of capital here. When this range is broken, I'll deploy cash one way or the other (dark or light sides of the force) ;)\n\np.s. let me give kudos for this disclosure from VP Biden. One good thing about Joe (do you mind if I call you Joe? *wink wink*) is with his foot in mouth disease we get to hear what the powers that be are really thinking rather than happy talking points. However, I am not sure what to be more scared of - negligence or incompetence among the elite. The top economic team in the country really had no clue how bad it was out there - even with the Federal Reserve braintrust to help (while lowly bloggers such as myself - granted ones with Economics degrees - nailed it) ... this is the bubble of the powerful elite; they have no feeling for what median John Doe is living. Touching median John Doe at townhalls or reading a few letters while living on 6 figures with gold plated benefits packages (paid for by median John Doe) is a bit different than struggling thrugh John Doe's life or at least interacting with him / her on a constant basis.\n\nSo if you had read the depths of the situation correctly what would of changed? Instead of $800B of stimulus (half pork) maybe $1.5 Trillion?\n\nYawn... just imagine how bad the employment situation would be if not for all the shovel ready projects going on across the land. Anyhow, the top economic team now tells us we'll be fine later in the year as stimulus kicks in. Just like subprime is contained (early 07) Hank Paulson and he knows nothing! Ben Bernanke - I'm sure the powers that be are correct this time around. I mean with that track record....\n\nI eagerly await that positive GDP number that is coming late this year that only cost our grandchildren $800 billion... and stimulus 3.0 to win the election of 2010. Thanks grandkids!"], "url": "http://www.ibtimes.com/weekly-changes-fund-positions-year-2-week-48-289988", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 460, "width": 612}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 460, "width": 612}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 460, "width": 612}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 460, "width": 612}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 460, "width": 612}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 460, "width": 612}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 460, "width": 612}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 460, "width": 612}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 460, "width": 612}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 460, "width": 612}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 389, "original_width": 772, "width": 750}], "image_hashes": ["f267276e32c825fa4f29b669584de12edc981674d858dd06c59c847e669e1209", "5f3d31149ae1bb46c8c89818f5140e809bac5efed314c3bd2067fa8e0976f266", "8d32f293af8f18f27188831a6801945379b7e3619ef1e3fe0b1bf689ad831faf", "1d9cdeecd937451bda8179ad4377a88bf6df53bbce1459a16b957e492bbdfc6f", "3c7ab7ae6cc5da37f1550d4ba519b0baae032deaf0c704ca0e32f5a8e8aa21e4", "72f49e5f302c358a8683796adcc8d56a7bfdf130f3d02503f81cdadbb3ee9866", "b0ff44553204e9edf516c8d3dfd684850c52656c7d02f12c4330146a30096863", "ead81b5bfc60b2d3d341c8e0d95a65463c83a61089ac113cffa006e5f49711c6", "e91e4de890200b9ee988dabd8a598c940b27d7d11cfb12687c8a2518224d20b9", "351b5f682a4b206df1299cfe57181732f0f682ae37f293571db48f46eca73783", "14da82794c1aac8a24e4bfd8ef3edffd258ee9ae2fc964878e433a45626e168e"], "__index_level_0__": 427, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__wmdBgk7V30/TTWsTqdEpCI/AAAAAAAAAhM/DG2xK7TlcjI/s1600/todossantoscafe_web.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8315020203590393}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.iheartnapa.com/2011/01/this-time-tomorrow.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/__wmdBgk7V30/SqrCSLzu5xI/AAAAAAAAAOw/hFl0bwJxXD4/S220-s79/selfportrait_horse_bw.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__wmdBgk7V30/SqrCSLzu5xI/AAAAAAAAAOw/hFl0bwJxXD4/S220-s79/selfportrait_horse_bw.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"selfportrait horse bw\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 79, \"rendered_height\": 53}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.iheartnapa.com/2011/01/this-time-tomorrow.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__wmdBgk7V30/TTWsTqdEpCI/AAAAAAAAAhM/DG2xK7TlcjI/s1600/todossantoscafe_web.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__wmdBgk7V30/TTWsTqdEpCI/AAAAAAAAAhM/DG2xK7TlcjI/s1600/todossantoscafe_web.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"todossantoscafe web\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["this time tomorrow...", null, "{todos santos cafe}\nTomorrow I am leaving my mister behind to head down to Todos Santos to see my parents. Very much looking forward to this time off to spend time with my family, eat yummy food, read and of course take lots of photographs of my favorite home away from home."], "url": "http://www.iheartnapa.com/2011/01/this-time-tomorrow.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 667, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0aec967c2e062898229760c845d9fd6673d9144841e3026ebec9e40d941eca72"], "__index_level_0__": 428, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://images.booksense.com/images/905/255/9780743255905.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9513694643974304}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780743255905\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.booksense.com/images/905/255/9780743255905.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.booksense.com/images/905/255/9780743255905.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"The Trial of Queen Caroline Cover\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "The Scandalous Affair That Nearly Ended a Monarchy\n\nBy Jane Robins\n\nFree Press, Hardcover, 9780743255905, 370pp.\n\nPublication Date: August 1, 2006\n\nBefore Charles and Diana, before the impeachment of Bill Clinton, and long before the slogan \"the personal is political,\" an astonishing British royal sex scandal threatened to trigger a revolution. Its lessons for leadership, popularity, and the impact of the absurd on history are fascinating.\nIn The Trial of Queen Caroline, Jane Robins tells the story of one of history's least happy marriages. The future George IV could not be bothered to meet Caroline, Princess of Brunswick, a woman \"with indelicate manners...and not very inviting appearance,\" before she arrived for the wedding. He was immediately disgusted by her. He far preferred one of his mistresses, whom he had secretly married in a Catholic ceremony, knowing that the British state would not recognize the marriage if it ever came to light.\nIn 1797, just three years after George and Caroline wed, the couple separated. George wrote to her that \"our inclinations are not in our power, nor should either of us be held answerable to the other. \"As Robins relates, Caroline took him at his word and proceeded to live exactly as she pleased, departing for Europe and a life of scandalous associations and debauched parties. Rumors of Caroline's lifestyle soon reached George, still Prince of Wales, who determined that she would never become Queen. To the shock of the nation, he demanded that the popular Caroline face a trial for adultery. The potential consequences included a death sentence at worst, and certain divorce and disgrace. The voice of the popular press, raised in anger for the first time in Britain, roared in disapproval. Riots spread in the countryside. The mother of a single, deceased child, Caroline became the public's favorite martyr.\nJane Robins combines prodigious archival research with a sharp eye for telling detail. She shows how the rise of the partisan press helped magnify the story, until, at its peak, Caroline's trial became the story of a bad marriage that brought England to the very brink of revolution."], "url": "http://www.indiebound.org/book/9780743255905", "images_metadata": [{"height": 568, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 266, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["5beebfad34fb8becca9dcb7156d760ae827fc707ae4605b34149f1f4756c1492"], "__index_level_0__": 429, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VegLDuyWLAk/TdndPE5CSfI/AAAAAAAAAXU/N1AkSlRRpto/s320/mail-1precover-1.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9063560366630554}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.jasonreedertattoos.com/2011/05/reaper-madness.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VegLDuyWLAk/TdndPE5CSfI/AAAAAAAAAXU/N1AkSlRRpto/s320/mail-1precover-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-VegLDuyWLAk/TdndPE5CSfI/AAAAAAAAAXU/N1AkSlRRpto/s320/mail-1precover-1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mail precover\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.jasonreedertattoos.com/2011/05/reaper-madness.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-69iYu0wErY0/Tdnd5x0DweI/AAAAAAAAAXk/pY16BhXYct4/s320/228747_209221339108380_100000615450141_616348_4153178_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-69iYu0wErY0/Tdnd5x0DweI/AAAAAAAAAXk/pY16BhXYct4/s320/228747_209221339108380_100000615450141_616348_4153178_n.jpg\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I just did a few fun cover ups this week. Here's a peek at one of them. And I also did a skateboard for an art show at Classic Electric in Frederick Maryland.", null, "Dannon's cover up.", "My deck for the Classic Electric art show."], "url": "http://www.jasonreedertattoos.com/2011/05/reaper-madness.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 285, "original_width": 320, "width": 424}], "image_hashes": ["1ae06ec35c8c2c0e6ac8bea41e9e4364a1e85edcaca1417e6a9d5b20f8827e48"], "__index_level_0__": 430, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vpidZEscd_s/TBp35ncjB1I/AAAAAAAAAtA/vkz8Ef5BaRs/s320/Minnetonka+Classic+2010.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9622361660003662}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.joshdouglasfishing.com/2010/06/05/minnetonka-bass-classic/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vpidZEscd_s/TBp35ncjB1I/AAAAAAAAAtA/vkz8Ef5BaRs/s320/Minnetonka+Classic+2010.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vpidZEscd_s/TBp35ncjB1I/AAAAAAAAAtA/vkz8Ef5BaRs/s320/Minnetonka+Classic+2010.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Minnetonka Classic\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Minnetonka Bass Classic\n\nPosted on June 5, 2010 by Josh Douglas\n\nLake Minnetonka, Mound, MN\n\nThis was my first time fishing the Minnetonka Classic and was really eager to finally be able to get out and test myself against the lake this time of year. After having a pretty good finish a few days prior at the Denny’s Super 30 I had a lot to work from during practice.\n\nOverall I found the bite descent although finding big ones was more than a challenge. My team tournament partner Ryan Brant was also finding the same so we instead focused on finding good numbers of average size fish.\n\nWe found that the fish where scattered all over the lake from depths of 1 foot all the way out to 20. They where for the most part in a hard post spawn funk and I think most the quality females where still rehabilitating themselves after the spawn.\n\nTournament day went well overall, we were able to fill a limit rather quickly and was culling before no time, the size wasn’t fantastic but we kept focused and slowly where able to box up some 3 pounders.\n\nIn the end we ended with 8 fish for 21.80 lbs. good enough for a solid 14th place out of 125 boats and cashed us a nice paycheck just in time for the upcoming first stop of the Silverado Pro Bass Tour on the Le Homme Dieu Chain.", null], "url": "http://www.joshdouglasfishing.com/2010/06/05/minnetonka-bass-classic/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["fbff0c0470ca454f965907734c56f4c1132cf5b9a1f2e5f4c4ef585f6e0870b4"], "__index_level_0__": 431, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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glyphs, and even temple statues that spin to alter the floors all around you.  Finding pathways between dimensions and shifting structures to solve the problems never gets too perplexing.  Ghosts of Memories maintains an oddly amicable sensibility when it comes to difficulty.  It's never too easy, but never too taxing at any point- it hits just the right note between the two perfectly.\n\nThe music is peaceful, subtle, and alluring providing players with a grand score making the game quite a relaxing endeavor.  The soothing sounds and chimes filling these worlds are truly sublime.  Even the voice in the staff that narrates the traveler's quest is equally compelling in its otherworldly sound, offering its esoteric knowledge whenever possible.  Each of these elements together really add to the effect of feeling like you are in another enchanted world abandoned to a kind of forgotten serenity, and not simply roaming the floating ruins of a lost civilization.", null, "In the end, Paplus Games' Ghosts of Memories is a delightful puzzle game set in a captivating world with a satisfying story.  If you have an appreciation for isometric puzzle games such as Monument Valley, or for enthralling tales reminiscent of Ico, I can't recommend this enough.  It's an enjoyable and impressive game with a uniquely tranquil way of unraveling its story, and I genuinely look forward to whatever games they make after this.\n\n[ Ghosts of Memories ] will be available on iOS and Android devices Oct. 16th.\n\n*This game was reviewed with a copy provided by the developer."], "url": "http://www.joshuabarsody.com/2015/10/ghosts-of-memories-review-beautiful.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 400, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 400, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 202, "original_width": 400, "width": 748}], "image_hashes": 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It was the official launch of Vine, a stand-alone application (not integrated, to be downloaded separately). It was created by a start-up bought by the San Francisco corporation last fall, and according to many is about to become the response to the purchase of Instagram by Facebook. The application, available now only for iPhone, iPod and iPad, allows the recording of videos of six seconds («apparently the video equivalent of 140 characters») by simply touching the screen and sharing them on various social networks.\n\nAccording to John Battelle, it would be an evolutionary transition of Twitter from a simple social to a real media company, as shown by the implementation of new services such as the renovated system of embedding tweets. A new ‘era’ that will need more and more care of information. However, according to Mathew Ingram on Paid Content, it risks alienating the company from the effort and the reasons of their early success: the rough essentiality, adapted day by day to the taste and the suggestions of  the users.\n\nVideos – for which the progress of the recording corresponds to the pressure on the screen, allowing the user to create a sort of assembly – are played in loop, to emulate the graphic and the journalistic impact of the well-known animated GIF. Jeff Sonderman in Poynter indicated the pros and cons of this new video tool, starting from the potential effects on reporting and the live publication of testimonies. He explains that it is one thing to compare the different photographic points of view of an event, another to look at the different perspectives of the same event with a more realistic tool such as video – with its ‘view’ on all the ethical dilemmas of the case, the crudeness of some content, as already shown in the past with other available instruments. In short, potential drawbacks and benefits are growing, and we must learn to deal with them.\n\nHow to use Twitter as journalists", "‘Journalists should treat information we gather on social media the same way we treat information gathered any other way’ Steve Buttry said last Monday, in a post about how the experts should check and verify sources and news on social networks. His advice mixes simple common sense and the journalistic practice of checking. Buttry recommends ‘get(ting) hands dirty’ using Twitter as much as possible to identify, recognize and build relationships with sources that can be considered reliable over time. He suggests reviewing, carefully, the profiles of those who provide information – and to ‘sound the alarm’ if they have signed up on Twitter recently or have written few tweets. He also suggests checking the network of conversations of the ‘suspect’ and never forgetting the context, always paying attention to the time, the date and the geolocation – if available – of the tweet.\n\nFinally, it is important to remember to look through the advanced search at other profiles that have reported or are witnesses of the same event in order to confirm the truth, or at least the consistency, of the multimedia contents offered by these types of sources. These operations are certainly not unknown to Andy Carvin, one of the protagonists of the universal journalistic network, who was interviewed this week by Jesse Hicks. Carvin told The Verge how he developed his techniques of verification and instant sharing of information on Twitter. His work made inroads during the mass demonstrations  of the so-called Arab Spring. It has been described in his latest book “Distant Witness: Social Media, the Arab Spring and a Journalism Revolution” and in a keynote speech during the 2012 edition of the International Journalism Festival (video).\n\nConsidered as «the man who tweets revolutions» (The Guardian), and «one-man Twitter news bureau» (Washington Post), Carvin prefers to be identified as a sort of DJ, or even better a news anchor, who works on «real-time news trying to share the most interesting with his followers». An interview that does not forget to mention critics, such as Michael Wolff for comments on Carvin’s attitude about the shooting at the Sandy Hook School. In the end, Carvin explains what the meaning of ‘knowing how to tweet’ can mean for simple users without journalistic ambitions.\n\nAre journalists joking too much on Twitter?", "This is a question asked by Craig Kanalley, senior editor of The Huffington Post, last Wednesday. «I don’t want to come across as humorless. I love to laugh. I think laughter is important in life» Kannalley specifies. «I also follow journalists who I think do a fine job combining humor with their reporting», and really, who doesn’t enjoy laughing?, he adds, before moving on to an accusation that – he admits – he kept for a long time but never made public. If it is true that being a journalist is something serious – and it is one of the reasons for which the author claims to have gone down this road – why is Twitter so full of journalists’ jokes – sometimes related to events which are not happy at all? Of course, Twitter can be a great tool for engagement, good for a community and the recent Sullivan case and contributions of the readers for The Dish is glaring proof. It is a means on which you sign up as ordinary user, as a «human being», although wearing the burden – someone would object – of the valued ‘public’ role you perform, and the fact that each journalist, in some ways, is a spokesman for his/her newspaper.\n\nLast October Ann Friedman, on #Realtalk of the Columbia Journalism Review, referred to the need to ‘humanize’ one’s own journalistic profile on Twitter. «The perfect place for disrespectful comments», «Make more jokes!» was her invitation that seems to have been accepted. According to research by Avery Holton and Seth Lewis of the Universities of Texas and Minnesota, among the tweets of the most popular journalists almost a quarter (22.5%) have a humorous value. Maybe too many, according to the senior editor of The Huffington Post, who remembers how words made public have a weight that can lead to consequences.\n\nConversational journalism and the community", "The additional risk would be to flatten the journalistic personality to the environment where it has decided to ‘talk’ to other users and its own readers, until the difference between media professionals and ordinary citizens was made indistinguishable. The challenge of conversational journalism cited last Thursday by Jason Kottke on his blog is the code of the newest online publishing. «The most visible journalism these days – he begins, citing TMZ, BuzzFeed, Huffington – mostly takes the form of opinionated conversation: professional media people discussing current events much like you and your friends might at a crowded lunch table». With the result that it becomes more and more difficult to understand, in the noise, who is the professional and who the amateur without experience. An idle chatter from which network professionalism may not be able to benefit and which intends to satisfy the tastes of readers, with their colloquial languages used for debates on more easily accessible issues (cases cited are those of Manti Te’o and Beyonce lip-sync scandal). «Speculation is fun and people want their news to be fun».\n\nThe discussion has a key role for online media and in recent years there have been many newspapers that have decided to choose different policies and methods of insertion of comments, looking for a reliable and open system. In 2011, TechCrunch decided to replace the classic form of comment adopting the one used by Facebook, which requires the authentication of the author to discourage the invasion of the trolls. However, the system has worked ‘very well’ and it seems that the surrender to anonymity has led most commentators not to participate in the discussion at the bottom of the posts. Last Tuesday, TechCrunch decided to give back the opportunity to make anonymous comments thanks to the tool Livefyre – a company that has as its motto «We make your site social». «Commenters, We Want you back» is the title of the post that reports the news. In the image, on a sheet, a handwritten note: «I miss you. asshole».", null], "url": "http://www.journalismfestival.com/news/from-only-140-characters-to-only-6-seconds/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 221, "width": 417}], "image_hashes": ["306902b7eb71014289323760154d951fd2b3d897782eeb2dc8468338e61d9011"], "__index_level_0__": 433, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/images/2017/05/Mario-Eastman-right-and-Cecil-Jackman-3-415x260.jpg", null, null, null, "http://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/images/2017/05/current-1.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9818831086158752}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2011/11/07/ms-teixeira-needs-to-check-in-with-herself/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/images/2017/05/Mario-Eastman-right-and-Cecil-Jackman-3-415x260.jpg\", \"src\": 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Buxton, Ms. Gail Teixeira expressed regrets at what happened in that poor village in 2002. It was a sad admission of government’s failure to secure the wellbeing of the people of that village. Everyone can remember the killings and profiling of particularly young people, which were carried out by the police and other nefarious forces. These are the things that bother Guyanese. A single statement of regret would fall very short of the legitimate expectations of the people in Buxton. It could never quell the fears and anxieties of those who were so terribly affected.\nIn testimony, in his trial before Justice Dora L. Irizarry, Roger Khan said that he had “lent his covert assistance and resources” to local police, including developing confidential sources within the army, and that he “assisted” the government’s efforts to “neutralize the Buxton faction and its supporters.”\nIt is now common knowledge that Mr. Khan, a criminal himself, was knowingly permitted to commit terrible atrocities against the people of Buxton. By doing that, the government broke the very laws it swore to uphold, to protect the rights of citizens. It was concerting with criminals- Roger Khan, Axel Williams and many others of the phantom squad- to neutralize people in Buxton. All Guyanese know what that means. And even while the trial was in progress, Mr. Khan and his lawyer were busy trying to neutralize witnesses in Guyana. Mr. Robert Simels, Khan’s lawyer is now serving 14 years in a US jail for attempting to obstruct justice.\nMany long and dreary years after that shocking period in Guyana’s history, Ms. Gail Teixeira, in an effort to win hearts and minds, told the people at a PPP/C rally that the government regretted what happened in Buxton in the past. What happened?\nPeople were killed, farms were bulldozed, people’s livelihoods were destroyed, villagers were harassed by the police, their homes were searched for weapons and criminals, young people were profiled by the police, and the village was stigmatized as a base for criminals.\nI am not sure what she had hope to achieve by that statement of regret but if she had hope to receive the support of the people there, to keep the PPP/C in office for another term, then, judging from the reaction of the few people who  turned up at the meeting, she was disappointed.\nA reality check would have informed her that her government has done and is doing nothing to turn around the fortunes of that village. Never mind the restoration of the Tipperary Hall. It was restored with the people’s money-taxes-paid into the national purse. They cannot be fooled and easily bought with so-called gifts to the community.\nEmpty statements of regrets can hardly compensate for the brutal treatment meted out to the people by the government. The police and military operations, the profiling and all remain in the awareness of that very sensitive community. It affects the way they see themselves and the world around them. It affects the way people treat them when they go for jobs and to do other business in other parts of Guyana. It is a shame that a village so rich in history, culture and economy could suffer such an ill-fate under the hand of this government. It is a big shame. The people are hurting from the deliberate systematic destruction of their proud heritage and from the fact that in the absence of political change, their children will be condemned to a similar fate as their parents, some of whom cannot find decent jobs in the land of their birth because they are from Buxton.\nMs. Gail Teixeira would never understand the plight of those people because she is from a different reality. Ms.Teixeira and the people of Buxton are living in the same country but in two different worlds. Therefore, her regrets mean nothing to people who have nothing, while her colleagues and ministers live in sprawling mansions and drive the best vehicles and shop at the best stores, local and overseas, and take their children on vacations in faraway lands. The people did not hear her statement of regret because they are more focused on survival. Her statement of regret sounded hollow because the people are preoccupied with hunger and poverty. Ms. Teixeira needs to check in with herself.\nBut no one can deny that she has always been true to her convictions. It was the same Ms. Teixeira, who in 2006, in her capacity as Minister of Home Affairs, called for a boycott of businesses owned by drug lords and other criminals as a means of reversing the out-of-control crime situation. During an interview with one of our dailies, the Minister said she could not understand the double standards of some persons, who on one hand criticised people involved in illegal activities, yet socialised with them and supported their businesses. She told the newspaper that she had told some people at a function that some of them knew some of the guys who were involved in illegal activities, but yet they attended their social functions and were welcomed.\nHer words, “I am of the old school … if you are involved in illegal activities, I will boycott your business and would not go to places with you.” She urged, “Don’t go and buy from them. Don’t go and mix with them.”\nHowever, when she was asked by the reporter how she could reconcile her call for such action when government has granted concessions to known drug dealers for certain projects including for the Cricket World Cup, Teixeira said, “These are the things that bother me.” She added that they are controversial issues. Those controversial issues are still with us in 2011.\nThose issues are subjecting every Guyanese to international embarrassment and ridicule. Drug lords are allowed to continue their bloody business, shipping cocaine in every conceivable product from Guyana. Now even the authorities of Barbados and other small islands are forced to check vessels arriving at their ports from Guyana. They are finding large quantities of illegal drugs.\nThe sad thing is that, Gail being true to her convictions means nothing if she is seen as part of the very government that allowed the drug lords to commit crimes on Guyana soil and hurt communities. As Minister of Home affairs, this lady did nothing to give weight to her convictions and protect Guyanese other than say that she was bothered by certain things. Guyanese were and still are bothered by the very same things.\nJames Martian\n\nMore in this category", null, "Calvin Ming continues his winning ways", "Mumbai pip Pune in thriller to win third IPL", "Vinales wins thrilling French MotoGP as Rossi...", null], "url": "http://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/2011/11/07/ms-teixeira-needs-to-check-in-with-herself/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 260, "original_width": 415, "width": 603}, {"height": 488, "original_height": 362, "original_width": 280, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1640e52c1d93ddc4382060bfaabda57b9b700c0e99e5891889df26ec99adf0c7", "de62c029893f7d6d134963052e8d5ad54b09895bac9452e52f584229d7f365a6"], "__index_level_0__": 434, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.lasr.net/images/city/main_img/KS0112030.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9390745759010316}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.lasr.net/travel/city.php?Wamego&KS&TravelTo=KS0112030\", \"unformatted_src\": \"../images/city/main_img/KS0112030.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.lasr.net/images/city/main_img/KS0112030.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"KS\", \"alt_text\": \"Wamego, Kansas\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.lasr.net/travel/city.php?Wamego&KS&TravelTo=KS0112030\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/specialtyFour/KS0114025b025.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.lasr.net/images/specialtyFour/KS0114025b025.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"KS b\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.lasr.net/travel/city.php?Wamego&KS&TravelTo=KS0112030\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/specialtyFour/KS01lk007.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.lasr.net/images/specialtyFour/KS01lk007.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"KS lk\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Wamego is a rural community of 4,500 that nestles along the fertile banks of the Kansas River. The pioneer fathers who carved this town from the prairies have left behind a legacy of history, progressive spirit and hometown tradition.\n\nHistory surrounds Wamego with reminders of the past in its charming downtown, and throughout the community in it's beautifully restored homes. The Columbian Theatre and Art Gallery is a historically renovated 19th century theatre which exhibits six rare paintings and other artifacts from the 1893 Columbian Exposition also known as the Chicago World's Fair. The Wamego History Museum and Historic Prairie Village, in Wamego City Park nearby is home to the Schonhoff Dutch Mill, listed on the National Historic Register, built in the 1870's and moved by horse drawn wagon in the 1920's to this site.The Wamego City Park is the perfect place for family picnicking, riding the minature children's train, fishing in the pond, or just taking a stroll.\n\nOregan Trail followers can walk along actual trail ruts a few miles north of Wamego and visit the Louis Vieux Cemetery near the banks of the Vermillion River. Louis Vieux, a Potawatomie Indian once operated the first ferry along the Oregon Trail here.\n\nWamego is internationally known for its OZ Museum and now includes the Oz Winery, Toto's Tacoz and an actual yellow brick road as part of its \"must-see\" activities.\n\nCome spend the day anytime, or see one of 'Kansas Best 150' 4th of July fireworks shows in the state, Tulip Festival, OZtoberFest, or the lighted Wamego City Park for a taste of what Wamego has to offer. Can't wait to see you!\n\nSpecial Thanks To:", "Attractions and Upcoming Events\n\nSchonoff Dutch Mill\n\nThe Schonoff Dutch Mill towers over beautiful Wamego City Park, the perfect place for picnicking and horseshoes, fishing in the pond, riding the children's minature train, or taking a stroll. The Old Dutch Mill was built in 1879 and moved to the park in the 1920'\n\nWamego, KS Historic Mills\n\nThe Columbian Theatre, Museum and Art Center\n\nThe story of The Columbian began over one hundred years ago. J.C. Rogers, a Wamego banker, visited the Chicago World's Fair, the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition. He was astonished at the beauty and scope of the event, celebrating the 400th anniversary of Columbus' discovery of the new world.\n\n< Wamego, KS Theatres\n\nThe Leach House\n\nBuilt around 1890 by Louis B. Leach, a prominent early- day businessman, the house was made from memory to look like a Villa in the Suburbs of Messina, on the island of Sicily. Restoration and reconstruction of the Leach House was started in the spring of 1987\n\nWamego, KS Historic Buildings\n\nWamego Country Club\n\nThe Wamego Country Club was originally designed by famed architect Chick Trout and opened in 1920 as a nine-hole course. The new nine holes were designed by local architect Eric Langvardt. The par 70, 18\n\nWamego, KS Golf Courses\n\nWamego Historical Museum & Prarie Town Village\n\nLocated in City Park, the Wamego Historical Museum & Historic Prairie Town Village includes the museum, a restored one-room schoolhouse,general store, Wamego Telephone Exchange building, a log cabin, jail and Schonoff Dutch Mill. In 1973\n\nWamego, KS Museums\n\nUpcoming Events in Wamego\n\nTo Wamego calendar of events\n\nView our full calendar of events\n\nThings to do near Wamego, KS\n\nTuttle Creek Boating and Water Sports\n\nMcPherson County Courthouse\n\nGreenwood County Historical Museum\n\nSamuel N. Wood Home\n\nThe Sam Wood House (also known as the Nelson Ranch), the original part was built in the 1860's and is now known as \"Buck Cree..."], "url": "http://www.lasr.net/travel/city.php?Wamego&KS&TravelTo=KS0112030", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 253, "original_width": 340, "width": 507}], "image_hashes": ["c081582b4956769fab9b13567073bbe10427ef99d0b9136c7a35e990fc5bd3ac"], "__index_level_0__": 435, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.leitrimobserver.ie/resizer/750/563/true/GN4_DAT_6638327.jpg--.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.954971730709076}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.leitrimobserver.ie/news/local-news/204557/Gardai-advise-local-councillor-over-threats.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"images/foto_user.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.leitrimobserver.ie/images/foto_user.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"foto user\", \"rendered_width\": 45, 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along the Derrylin / Ballyconnell border this year.\n\nA cross-border investigation involving the PSNI and Gardai is underway.\n\nThe PSNI is understood to have warned Liam McCaffrey, CEO of Quinn Industrial Holdings, to review his personal security.\n\nDirector of Quinn Industrial Holdings, John McCartin, Fine Gael Councillor and owner of Newtowngore Engineering, is understood to have received a similar briefing from Gardai about threats to his security.\n\nJohn McCartin was one of a number of local businessmen who acquired the former building companies of the Quinn Group in late 2014.\n\nFormer owner, Sean Quinn was appointed as a consultant to the business.\n\nNational media reported at the weekend that Seán Quinn has been “earning €500,000 per year” in consultancy fees from the businesses he once controlled.\n\nQuinn Industrial Holdings Ltd confirmed to the Leitrim Observer this week that they are “aware of recent incidents in the area.”\n\n“Given the ongoing investigation we are unable to make comment at this time, other than to note our sadness and continued concern.”\n\n“The management at QIHL would like to add that issues such as this will not distract us from our drive to ensure that the company continues the strong growth which we have demonstrated in the first year.”\n\nThe Quinn Industrial Holdings company says “Close to 100 new jobs have been created, and a significant investment plan is being implemented.”\n\nThe company said, “We will continue to focus on building the company in the coming years, ensuring that local people will have much needed jobs and opportunities.\n\n“We would like to thank our staff for their continued hard work and support.”\n\nConcerned Irish Citizens, a group of local people who supported Sean Quinn after his company was taken over in 2011, have recently spoken out about the running of the business under QIHL.\n\nIn a statement to the paper they “unequivocally affirm that we do not condone any acts of vandalism, trespass, intimidation or indeed anything that disrupts the safety and rights of others.\n\n“Our objective has always been to give a forum to the hundreds of people, employees, locals, landowners, etc who contact us and whose safety and rights they feel are being infringed upon.”\n\nThe threats and hostile activity are an unwelcome return to events that dogged the Quinn Group companies after they were placed in receivership in 2011.\n\nLeave your comment\n\nShare your opinions on\n\nDigital newsstand Our latest editions exactly as they are printed\n\nBuy edition\n\nBrowse edition", "Yes, we have traffic lights in Leitrim....\n\nJust so you know\n\nLeitrim: sorting the myths from the reality", "Lory Meagher Cup\n\nWatch Leitrim hurlers celebrate reaching Croke Park after victory over Sligo", "Glencar Park Largandoon, Glencar, Leitrim\n\nCo Leitrim playground named in list of 50 Best Playgrounds in country", "Do you have a home to rent?\n\nLeitrim County Council are looking for long term residential properties to rent"], "url": "http://www.leitrimobserver.ie/news/local-news/204557/Gardai-advise-local-councillor-over-threats.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 563, "original_width": 750, "width": 503}], "image_hashes": ["a7b185b424c43c29086cae3e8284ad912569c43e197b35fd4d2d0ea3187896ca"], "__index_level_0__": 436, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dLaoGvI7w7k/V4hXCjQF_zI/AAAAAAAAtXU/a3kYU5eze-gh4cDjz1lB4LCRdT4lh_zDgCKgB/s640/IMG_5249.JPG", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-974Apx8LM28/V4hWPzoh2JI/AAAAAAAAtXM/VcL_mQvr8Qc75fkk6SSEFEic6h6c14gbACKgB/s640/IMG_5241.JPG", "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oH34DaFI2hQ/V4kEB0TJXuI/AAAAAAAAtaM/33argCBeHCMwhia0BNzjJ7GMbkGFrXO0QCKgB/s640/IMG_5255.JPG", null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3zAWdnJ2xXU/V4hYPAZpLRI/AAAAAAAAtXc/01Y1aOWZ81kUCctXESWEo9Z3ZXpuKKXwQCKgB/s640/IMG_5251.JPG", null, 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do you think of? Perhaps you think of parties, running through the sprinkler and late night catching fireflies. We think of those things, but we also think of storms. Yes, storms!\n\nJuly is usually a very prime time for severe weather in Nebraska. Ripe with thunderstorms (and often tornadoes), it's hard to strike that perfect balance between \"carefree\" and \"careful.\" That's why we always keep a stash of gadgets on hand to keep our weather outbreaks manageable, and -- if at all possible -- fun!\n\nThis past week, we were primed to do some outdoor entertaining, but the weather turned nasty. We spent almost every night huddled inside the interior rooms of our home, awaiting 80MPH winds, half-dollar sized hail, and lots of kids being afraid!\n\nSince this isn't our first storm season, we have gotten wise over the years and have learned to turn bad weather into a bonding opportunity. We have used it to have \"storm parties\". It keeps everyone calm and can actually be a blast!\n\nWhat do you need to have a storm party? If we don't have to head into the cellar (a pre-1960's shelter in the ground), we hang out in the boys' bedroom and have the following supplies ready:", null, null, "What's a storm party all about? In short, whatever we can do to forget how scary it is outside! Things my kids love to do during storm parties include:", null, "Read books. My boys get out big stacks of their favorites, including titles by Roald Dahl, and the entire Paddington series.  Moses (my little bookworm) thinks it's funny to adjust the light on his Energizer® Vision HD+ Focus LED Headlight from white to red. With 250 lumen output and a beam distance of 80M, he can focus back and forth between his book to the other side of his room, giving him light where he needs it and reassurance that everything is going to be OK!\n\nPlay games. A quick round of Apples to Apples is good for a laugh and doesn't require a lot of set up. Just a little light (preferably from the Energizer® Fusion LED Folding Lantern) and we're off and running with a great game in minutes. Since the light can be switched between high and low, it's also appropriate to keep on after the game is over and the kids are sleepy.", null, "Build a fort. A simple blanket draped off the side of the top bunk gives kids a special place to play, talk, and giggle while everything blows and howls outside. With their own lantern, it's safe and cozy!\n\nPump Up the Jam. Thankfully, a charged smartphone keeps us updated on the weather conditions, even when the power goes out. By connecting a bluetooth speaker, we can keep it upbeat and familiar by streaming tunes the kids know and can sing along to. If you don't already have a \"Storm Party\" playlist on your smartphone, I suggest you create one now!", null, "Even if I'm sweating it a bit, the kids can have the peace that comes with being with their family, staying inside a safe shelter, and having all the light they need to continue fun activities as usual. Our last storm had the power out for quite a bit, so I was super thankful to have a plan in place and lots of Energizer lighting products to keep us safe and secure.\n\nBe sure to check out Energizer before your next storm. You'll want to be more than prepared, you'll need to be ready to party!", null], "url": "http://www.lillepunkin.com/2016/07/keep-weather-from-being-scary-with.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 540, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 448, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["fb76e88a54f702da28cd9f926073940abce135fe69cb29941c29047d61994af2", "1f7bae6859cc5b303ec74861151020a25e24bbba58f79ef8d0be4a7c518656f2", "cf02433a93d0f8bcb86a9b8f387410c85578cd02046c288096fe781866bee5fb", "5d67c832f26b8372441df0d9fe01cf0f1d3c08af625fbdeccf01b8d7080f1488", "7fe42b47d16c3609dea38de01064a0daa5947cad69bc6c8f697f730a7e5f6f5c", "be166c58743fc59bdc197404015ee82d52855cda83f2392b2e62c6d4c8ab2848", "0f1082b77d8b6396c21a7a2ff24dda7a79fa5503ca6565fa30b746c602f1a139"], "__index_level_0__": 437, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8514/8456556697_3b9d1868a5_z.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9380545616149902}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.makeupsavvy.co.uk/2013/02/bargain-ebay-wish-list.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8514/8456556697_3b9d1868a5_z.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8514/8456556697_3b9d1868a5_z.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b d a z\", \"alt_text\": \"ebay_beauty_bargains\", \"rendered_width\": 501, \"rendered_height\": 626}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.makeupsavvy.co.uk/2013/02/bargain-ebay-wish-list.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//pipdigz.co.uk/edit_pencil.png\", \"src\": \"http://pipdigz.co.uk/edit_pencil.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"edit pencil\", \"alt_text\": \"Edit this post\", \"rendered_width\": 12, \"rendered_height\": 12}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "I love nothing more than browsing eBay for hours when bored to find interesting but cheap products, so I thought I would create a wish list type post of a few of the things that I am currently watching/thinking of purchasing.\n\nI quite enjoyed selecting the products and making the collage above so this may become a regular post!\n\n*All prices include P&P costs*\n\nHolika Holika Petit BB Cream - Clearing 30ml\neBay - £4.28 here\nI'm currently loving Korean beauty products as they are such great value on eBay and I really do feel Korean brands are good quality for the price. So right now I'd prefer to try out an Asian BB Cream over an overpriced UK high street BB cream. This one by Holika Holika really caught my eye due to the price and because it is aimed at blemish prone skin.\n\nSparrow Nest Keyring and Key Holder\nebay - single £1.58 here | double £2.27 here\nThese are just so cute and so cheap! You can buy either a single or double key holder and the idea is the plastic bird is actually a keyring and the nest/bird box is hung on the wall. So when you come in you can place your bird keyring with your keys attached in the little nest! Even the double key holder is only £2.27 including p&p but the only down side is the holder and keyring colour are randomly picked so you don't get a choice over a brown or white holder etc. I have checked all the listings on eBay and they are all the same when it comes to this but for under £2.50 it is worth the gamble. Also this could make a great little house warming gift!\n\nVOV Daily Fresh Korean Face Mask\neBay - All 7 for £6.18 here | 5 for £5.04 here | 3 for £3.78 here\nI am currently so into using face masks and love trying out new & interesting ones. So these may have been purchased already! As you can see there are a few listings and you can select the face masks you want out of a choice of seven. I decided to go for - 17 Cereals, Berry and Berry and Volcanic Powder.  I may have been drawn in by the nice packaging of the masks but I'm hoping I will actually like the masks themselves when they arrive.\n\nYummy Betty Crocker & Pillsbury American Lip Balms\nBetty Crocker & Dairy Queen - all £2.40 here\nPillsbury - all £2.40 here\nI am a total sucker when it comes to yummy scented lip balms, especially american ones. But really who couldn't resist Betty Crocker's Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Lip Balm or Pillsbury Ready to Bake Sugar Cookies! These will of course be a little synthetic in scent however on the whole American scented cookie/chocolate lip balms are pretty realistic and also apply really smoothly to the lips. I had an american hot fudge lip balm that I loved soooo much!\n\nColor Combos Oatmeal Whitening Facial Sheet Mask\neBay - £1.99 here\nI am generally not a fan of Asian products that state their whitening properties, for obvious reasons and also I don't feel a simple sheet face mask could actually do that to the skin. But I do know that a lot of products that are marketed as 'whitening' do just brighten the skin which is what I like in a mask especially if my skin is looking a little dull. So at a meer £2 it is worth giving a go.\n\nReally hope you like these type of bargain posts as I'm on a bit of a spending cut at the moment and eBay is very much my friend for treating myself but not actually spending too much."], "url": "http://www.makeupsavvy.co.uk/2013/02/bargain-ebay-wish-list.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 472, "original_height": 626, "original_width": 501, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a66d065fb1e01f111cfcfb8ec7431ccaa2b2361dec17e609954548c717ccca13"], "__index_level_0__": 438, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://static3.mbtfiles.co.uk/media/docs/newdocs/as_and_a_level/english/english_literature/prose/pre_1900/mark_twain/110035/images/preview/img_218_1.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9441739320755004}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": 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Many books and poems have been written in favor or against it. Two stories written in the decade before the Civil War, when the discussion about slavery was at its height, still stand out today. Herman Melville's Benito Cereno (1855, 1856) and Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (1852) both criticize the institution of slavery, but in a different way. Where Melville is quite subtle, Beecher Stowe is much more obvious and sentimental. In Benito Cereno Melville uses irony and the naivety of Captain Delano as means to criticize slavery. He does this in a very subtle and tricky way. The reader is misled through the whole story, but that is only because of Captain Delano's description and misunderstanding of the situation on the San Dominick. Captain Delano is incapable of realizing what is really going on onboard. There are several passages in the story where this comes plainly clear. Melville more or less apologizes to the reader for this, by explaining the character of Captain Delano in the fourth paragraph of the story, \"a person of a singularly undistrustful good nature, not liable, except on extraordinary ...read more.\n\nWhen Eliza flies over the half thawed river, she gets pulled up the shore by Mr. Symmes who lives near the Shelby plantation. He is very friendly and promises not to tell Shelby. Beecher Stowe's intention with bringing up this man is to show that there are people who see slaves as regular people. He shows her a house where she can go to to get help. It turns out to be the house of an Ohio senator, Senator Bird. The first scene in chapter IX is typical in the way it shows the problem of slavery in the free states. The senator had to vote that day for a law concerning the right to help escaped slaves. He has a discussion with his wife who is very much in favor of helping slaves. The senator himself is also inclined to help them but he voted against on behalf of keeping the state of Kentucky satisfied. \"There has been a law passed forbidding people to help off the slaves that come over from Kentucky, my dear; so much of that thing has been done by these reckless Abolitionists, that our brethren in Kentucky are very strongly excited, and it seems necessary, and no more than Christian and ...read more.\n\nAnd that is why Uncle Tom's Cabin is more revolutionary than Benito Cereno. The great popularity of Uncle Tom's Cabin then and now indicates that Beecher Stowe knew how to touch people. By making a sentimental and not too difficult story she was able to Van Mill 5 spread her criticism on slavery under a large audience. And though Melville's story may be literary as good or even better than Beecher Stowe's, history has proven the former more effective. P.S. I honestly apologize for handing in this assignment too late. My mental condition however, was not in a shape to finish this essay in time. I am fully aware of the consequences though, and I will not object if this will affect my grade. I hope to have informed you sufficiently. Yours sincerely, Maurice van Mill 1 Herman Melville, Benito Cereno. In: Nina Baym (ed.), The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter Fifth edition (New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1999), p. 1134, 1135. 2 Herman Melville, Benito Cereno. In: Nina Baym (ed.), The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter Fifth edition (New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1999), p.1166 3 Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin. In: Nina Baym (ed.), The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter Fifth edition (New York, London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1999), p. 803 ...read more.\n\nThe above preview is unformatted text\n\nFound what you're looking for?\n\nSee related essays", "Related AS and A Level Mark Twain essays", "(The above preview is unformatted text)", "Looking for expert help with your History work?", "Check out our FREE Study Guides:", "Or get inspiration from these FREE essays:", "How successful was Prohibition?\n\n4 star(s)", "JFK assassination - different theories and the evidence."], "url": "http://www.markedbyteachers.com/as-and-a-level/history/history-of-the-usa-1840-1968/a-different-view-slavery.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 487, "original_height": 281, "original_width": 218, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["c53939fc3e4ae3454803e821052e7507bd3efba35655178b01ba1854113e2165"], "__index_level_0__": 439, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://s.wsj.net/public/resources/MWimages/MW-AV247_crash__MD_20121012165729.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9326944947242736}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.marketwatch.com/story/another-stock-crash-like-1987s-is-inevitable-2012-10-17?dist=afterbell\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.mktw.net/_newsimages/2014_dreds/markHulbert_100.png\", \"src\": \"http://i.mktw.net/_newsimages/2014_dreds/markHulbert_100.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"markHulbert\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.marketwatch.com/story/another-stock-crash-like-1987s-is-inevitable-2012-10-17?dist=afterbell\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s.wsj.net/public/resources/MWimages/MW-AV247_crash__MD_20121012165729.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s.wsj.net/public/resources/MWimages/MW-AV247_crash__MD_20121012165729.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MW AV crash MD\", \"rendered_width\": 280, \"rendered_height\": 187}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.marketwatch.com/story/another-stock-crash-like-1987s-is-inevitable-2012-10-17?dist=afterbell\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.mktw.net/_newsimages/2014_dreds/markHulbert_480.png\", \"src\": \"http://i.mktw.net/_newsimages/2014_dreds/markHulbert_480.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"markHulbert\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.marketwatch.com/story/another-stock-crash-like-1987s-is-inevitable-2012-10-17?dist=afterbell\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.mktw.net/_newsimages/2014_dreds/markHulbert_480.png\", \"src\": \"http://i.mktw.net/_newsimages/2014_dreds/markHulbert_480.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"markHulbert\"}, null]", "texts": ["That’s a daunting prospect indeed, since at current levels such a decline would mean the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.45% would plunge by more than 3,000 points in a single trading session.\n\nThis research traces to “A Theory of Large Fluctuations in Stock Market Activity,” a study conducted a decade ago by Xavier Gabaix, a finance professor at New York University, and three scientists at Boston University’s Center for Polymer Studies: H. Eugene Stanley; Parameswaran Gopikrishnan, and Vasiliki Plerou. (Click here for a copy of the study.)\n\nIn numerous follow-up studies, Professor Gabaix said in a telephone interview earlier this week, the original findings have only been strengthened.\n\nNo way to stop losses\n\nThe researchers derived a complex mathematical formula for predicting the frequency of large daily stock market movements. Though they believe that their formula rests on a solid theoretical foundation, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. And they found that not only does the U.S. stock market over the last century closely adhere to the formula, so do international markets.\n\nREVISITING THE 1987 stock market CRASH", null, "A single-session drop of at least 20%, for example, is predicted — over long periods — to occur once every 104 years, on average, but it could happen at any time. That’s why you always have to prepare for it, because you don’t know when it will occur.\n\nIf the frequency of crashes of various magnitudes is predictable, shouldn’t precipitous slides also be preventable?\n\nProfessor Gabaix says “no.” Crashes are an inevitable feature of the investment arena because every market, to a more or less similar degree, is dominated by its largest investors. When those large investors collectively want to get out of stocks, which will happen on occasion, they will find ways to circumvent myriad downside protections such as circuit breakers that may be in place.\n\nProfession Gabaix therefore recommends that all of us — whether individuals or large institutional investors, such as banks and mutual funds — cushion our portfolios so that a crash as large as 1987’s won’t be fatal.\n\nUnfortunately, he added, for most investors that’s easier said than done. Those cushions are a drag on portfolio performance as long as the market doesn’t plunge. After big stretches in which no major crash occurs, the pressure becomes overwhelming to toss out those cushions in pursuit of short-term profits.\n\nThe bottom line? Regulators are tilting at windmills in trying to formulate reforms that would prevent large daily market drops. Even worse, these regulatory efforts lull gullible investors into a false sense of security.\n\nRepeat after me: Another stock market crash as big as 1987’s is going to happen. Period."], "url": "http://www.marketwatch.com/story/another-stock-crash-like-1987s-is-inevitable-2012-10-17?dist=afterbell", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 187, "original_width": 280, "width": 565}], "image_hashes": ["1130ecfdef3c2b50ad42459e4c950e33bd080bc475d3b83dd5f672c84ea0ceee"], "__index_level_0__": 440, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_T_xmsXWPSks/TIf3oHFEesI/AAAAAAAAAh8/BUm8mS1cW1E/s320/SimonSchusterBuilding.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KGFSjQthtFo/UnRW7j9CysI/AAAAAAAABPA/ezP78iui7ts/s300/proofCRIMINAL%2BMISCHIEF%2Bflat.jpg", null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-G8VR7opcNNw/UGCrZGJ47mI/AAAAAAAAA4s/YT0R-rv0Ed4/s300/SCARECROW%2B%25284%2529.jpg", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2TGzKXgrFYQ/T_HscNC2Y8I/AAAAAAAAA0I/pLUuHKciRKA/s300/King%2Bwith%2Bblack%2Bline.jpg", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_T_xmsXWPSks/Sw2hoQnlo2I/AAAAAAAAAYE/pNiOT6ltNA4/S269/AMerryLittleMurder-lg.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_T_xmsXWPSks/SZnOlio2ahI/AAAAAAAAABY/XS_1HzZ3qQk/S269/mw-trm-high2.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-EdhcedoAavE/T_H_RFaEkKI/AAAAAAAAA0Y/AfkzXVQ88NA/s300/HCCC_1125_x_1536_150dpi.jpg", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-srJ0tktZz2Y/TiYFA4lKyDI/AAAAAAAAAns/ClAeb-Ak_38/s269/A%2BFamily%2BAffair%2BCover2.jpg", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-v4c_XHgwhI8/TlfPXLInf3I/AAAAAAAAAoc/TpzQVYls758/s269/Casebook%2BCover%2BDone.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.945900857448578}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.marywelk.com/2010/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_T_xmsXWPSks/TIf3oHFEesI/AAAAAAAAAh8/BUm8mS1cW1E/s320/SimonSchusterBuilding.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_T_xmsXWPSks/TIf3oHFEesI/AAAAAAAAAh8/BUm8mS1cW1E/s320/SimonSchusterBuilding.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SimonSchusterBuilding\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.marywelk.com/2010/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/_T_xmsXWPSks/SmdLs_I4LrI/AAAAAAAAAM0/UQIhVa_MCYw/S220-s80/mary.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_T_xmsXWPSks/SmdLs_I4LrI/AAAAAAAAAM0/UQIhVa_MCYw/S220-s80/mary.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mary\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 63, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.marywelk.com/2010/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KGFSjQthtFo/UnRW7j9CysI/AAAAAAAABPA/ezP78iui7ts/s300/proofCRIMINAL%2BMISCHIEF%2Bflat.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-KGFSjQthtFo/UnRW7j9CysI/AAAAAAAABPA/ezP78iui7ts/s300/proofCRIMINAL%2BMISCHIEF%2Bflat.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"proofCRIMINAL BMISCHIEF Bflat\", \"alt_text\": \"Criminal Mischief\", \"rendered_width\": 198, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.marywelk.com/2010/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-G8VR7opcNNw/UGCrZGJ47mI/AAAAAAAAA4s/YT0R-rv0Ed4/s300/SCARECROW%2B%25284%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-G8VR7opcNNw/UGCrZGJ47mI/AAAAAAAAA4s/YT0R-rv0Ed4/s300/SCARECROW%2B%25284%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SCARECROW B\", \"alt_text\": \"The Scarecrow Murders - 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In 1966 it strayed into the entertainment business by acquiring Paramount Pictures, a company dating back to 1913 when Adolph Zukor, owner of a New York nickelodeon and founder of the Famous Players Film Company, invested in a film distribution company by that name. Paramount had produced such notable films as IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE, GOING MY WAY, SUNSET BOULEVARD, A PLACE IN THE SUN, THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH, ROMAN HOLIDAY, SHANE, and THE TEN COMMANDMENTS. The purchase of Simon and Schuster gave Gulf and Western an opportunity to cash in on Pocket Books’ movie tie-in paperbacks", null, "(Left: The Simon and Schuster Building, N.Y.)\n\nUnder the umbrella of Gulf and Western (renamed Paramount Communications in 1989), S and S began expanding through acquisition. Between 1984 and 1994, it purchased more than 60 publishing companies, including the prestigious Macmillan Publishing Company. Subsequently, company revenue grew from $200 million in 1983 to more than $2 billion in 1997.\n\nShortly after the 1994 Macmillan acquisition, Paramount – along with S and S – was sold to Viacom Inc. Viacom (short for \"Video & Audio Communications\") was founded in 1971 as a division of CBS. It was purchased in 1986 by movie theater owner National Amusements, but retained its original company name. Simon and Schuster benefited from the sale by launching new imprints based on programming by Viacom’s MTV Networks.\n\nIn 2005 Viacom was split into two companies – Viacom and CBS Corporation – with National Amusements retaining control of both entities. Simon and Schuster became the property of CBS Corporation.\n\nAs part of the world’s fourth largest media conglomerate behind the Walt Disney Company, Time Warner, and News Corporation, Simon & Schuster continues to publish tie-ins to films by Viacom-owned Paramount. As one of the four largest English-language publishers – Random House, Penguin, and HarperCollins being the others – it has approximately 1350 employees, publishes approximately two thousand titles annually under 35 different imprints, is a leading audio and ebook publisher, and distributes its titles in more than 100 countries and territories around the world.\n\nIt is also the ONLY major publisher in the United States that is owned by an American corporation.", "(Right: Current S and S logo)\n\nMulti-national corporations headquartered outside the U.S. own the other five major publishers operating here. Those publishers and corporations are:\n\nRandom House with its 100+ imprints, owned by Bertlesman (Germany).\nHarperCollins with its imprints, owned by Rupert Murdock’s News Corporation (United Kingdom).\nPenguin Group with its many imprints (among them Viking, Putnam, Dutton, Berkley. Grosset and Dunlap), owned by Pearson (United Kingdom).\nMacmillan with its imprints (Farrar Straus and Giroux; St. Martin’s Press, and more), owned by Holtzbrink (Germany); bought in 1999 after 156 years of ownership by the Macmillan family.\nGrand Central (formerly Warner Books) along with Little, Brown (American publisher founded in 1837), owned by Hachette Livre (France).\n\nHow does multi-national corporation ownership of publishing companies affect writers? Clearly, as large conglomerates take over the publishing business, smaller companies either die off or are acquired by the big guys, with the result being layoffs of skilled workers and fewer publishing outlets for authors.\n\nSimon and Schuster (CBS Corp.) posted $794 million in revenue in 2009 while employing, according to their website, only 1350 people. Random House (Bertlesman) laid off employees in 2009 and 2010 while posting $1.7 billion in revenue for 2009 and this year agreeing to pay Janet Evanovich $50 million for her next four books. Macmillan (Holtzbrink) lowered ebook royalties to authors while its St. Martin’s Press division is accused of slashing royalties under “high discount” provisions.\n\nThe bigger the corporation, the more power its affiliated publishing companies have to influence the placement of books in stores, to negotiate author rights and payments, and to limit big time advertising to a chosen few writers. Likewise, the bigger the corporation, the more it must answer to its stockholders, thus making it almost de rigueur for publishers to abandon moderately selling first-time and midlist authors and concentrate instead on titles by best-selling novelists, ghost-written celebrity tell-alls, and non-fiction self help books.\n\nPublication by a major publisher is the dream of practically every fiction writer. Given the consolidation and elimination of publishing companies over the past twenty-five years, that dream may be harder to fulfill today than ever before. While it still comes true each year for a good number of first-time authors, many writers have abandoned the dream and instead pursue vastly different avenues to publication.\n\nMore on that next time.\n\nPosted by Mary Welk at 3:44 PM 4 comments:", "Labels: author rights, publishing, Simon and Schuster\n\nTuesday, September 7, 2010\n\nPublishing's Journey from Privately-held Companies to Multi-national Corporations", "More on Gulf and Western's alliance with Simon and Schuster tomorrow.\n\nPosted by Mary Welk at 11:32 PM No comments:", "Monday, September 6, 2010\n\nNew Reviews by Carl Brookins\n\nIt is wonderful, although disturbing, to read this elegantly written, honest look at a man, his friends and companions, his family, his trials and his triumphs, who sang his way into the hearts and memories of a lot of people. Seeger’s influence is found not just in the music world; after all, the Weavers recording of “Goodnight Irene” in 1950 sold over a million copies. It is and will be enduring.\n\nCOMING WEDNESDAY: Part One of \"Publishing’s Journey From Privately-held Companies to Multinational Corporations\". Part Two follows on Thursday.\n\nPosted by Mary Welk at 10:25 PM 2 comments:", "Labels: book reviews, publishing", "Criminal Mischief", null, "5th \"Rhodes to Murder\" mystery", "The Scarecrow Murders - novel", null, "4th \"Rhodes to Murder\" mystery", "To Kill A King - mystery novel", null, "3rd \"Rhodes to Murder\" mystery", "A Merry Little Murder - mystery novel", null, "1st \"Rhodes to Murder\" mystery", "The Rune Stone Murders - novel", null, "2nd \"Rhodes to Murder\" mystery", "Hot Crimes, Cool Chicks", null, "Six short crime stories", "A Family Affair - short story", null, "Kindle short story $.99", "The Casebook of Caroline Rhodes", null], "url": "http://www.marywelk.com/2010/09/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}, {"height": 572, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 198, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}, {"height": 568, "original_height": 269, "original_width": 179, "width": 378}, {"height": 605, "original_height": 269, "original_width": 168, "width": 378}, {"height": 515, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 220, "width": 378}, {"height": 503, "original_height": 269, "original_width": 202, "width": 378}, {"height": 503, "original_height": 269, "original_width": 202, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["26f5c6cd204979ae276d5a0adea737df1a40c6da996528657bf950849cb2a576", "6426af2521b8c806693393932c00886e5812eadf44c1d78c53fcec65c7eebc81", "f57cf68b7b5e092a1ff0af1f6b342f9c33613c03e93662449990eedd1c86f555", "0934cfca0b9d25ac5d92ca3dd9437cb913a391182c6bdc61c85aef77776c666e", "6d9450d2a05e2f7db3a69cf805e2855c6f87347ee85d34a276dd48ead77885fd", "d22916707b555b1f3cd5bcf1ae2cf1e5b6e5e5ff89e40ce68869fceb36c1d014", "cad4641a34af9a07ba713a0f4ad497a5b861f6ab11bf4c9daec85feaa5717fd1", "26c0002a2ddc8a2b09bc8de6aea16bfb185fd998c06c4737431cfaeb3eda904d", "fe3d971cde5db86281b2bd81a42aed110458ad38dc08f7888942eacda2817b3e"], "__index_level_0__": 441, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fbbGALfTW3k/U3ZcR5IraTI/AAAAAAAAEeE/MGL2lJtZMnQ/s1600/Medline+Celebration+Flyer.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8568306565284729}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.medlockpark.org/2014/05/medline-lci-big-reveal-june-5.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fbbGALfTW3k/U3ZcR5IraTI/AAAAAAAAEeE/MGL2lJtZMnQ/s1600/Medline+Celebration+Flyer.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fbbGALfTW3k/U3ZcR5IraTI/AAAAAAAAEeE/MGL2lJtZMnQ/s1600/Medline+Celebration+Flyer.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Medline Celebration Flyer\", \"rendered_width\": 489, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.medlockpark.org/2014/05/medline-lci-big-reveal-june-5.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0irQOMdrBoQ/U9uc2vQdHXI/AAAAAAAAEt8/ce_46bOrkFE/s1600/Give2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0irQOMdrBoQ/U9uc2vQdHXI/AAAAAAAAEt8/ce_46bOrkFE/s1600/Give2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Give\", \"alt_text\": \"Greg Germani Trust Fund\", \"rendered_width\": 144, \"rendered_height\": 131}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "As reported in previous posts, on February 2013 the Atlanta Regional Commission approved study funds for the Medline Livable Centers Intiative. Encompassing ~520 acres around DeKalb Industrial Way, Church Street, Scott Boulevard /  Lawrenceville Highway and North Decatur Road, the study area is \"extremely under developed and ripe for infill and redevelopment as a mixed‐use center serving walkable and transit oriented neighborhoods.\"\n\nPer the Medline LCI website, \"This project will result in a master plan that brings various stakeholders together to form a unified vision for the ultimate enhancement of the Medline area.  The plan will include a short-term work plan, providing a collaborative approach to guide next steps toward implementation. ... The master plan will recommend a variety projects, and some of these may be implemented within a year or two of plan completion. Other projects that require detailed engineering and significant funding will take longer to implement.\"\n\nThe study process began early this year with a survey and a series of meetings with property owners, residents and businesses, with the goal of  determining how to improve transportation and quality of life for all who live, work and spend time in this area. The June 5 meeting offers yet another opportunity to provide feedback, in particular for those who have not been able to participate in other meetings. The study group's written report will be available online soon.\n\nFor additional information, presentation slides from all meetings and a comprehensive listing of the professionals involved in this project, visit the Medline LCI site. The FAQ page is a particularly good starting point for those who are just learning about the Medline LCI."], "url": "http://www.medlockpark.org/2014/05/medline-lci-big-reveal-june-5.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 489, "original_height": 1452, "original_width": 1122, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8759e2d3f45b343ba41c285cb56b518dd193428ba73dc1bad718f2f1a886fe9a"], "__index_level_0__": 442, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://worldspanmedia.s3.amazonaws.com/media/middlethorpe/tile_bgimgs/2015/03/20/1426868200/DukeOfYorkSuite_lr.jpg.302x252_q85_box-28%2C0%2C459%2C359_crop_detail_upscale.jpg", 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In rare instances where this is not possible, we will endeavor to offer a suitable alternative.\n\nPlease advise us if you are affected by any medical condition, disability, impairment or specific learning difficulty.  As Middlethorpe Hall is a Grade 1 listed building, there is limited lift access which is not suitable for a wheelchair user.  For guests requiring easier access we have pleasure in providing the following:\n\nGuests with Hearing Difficulties\nThe fire alarm systems throughout the property give audible warnings.  Guests with hearing difficulties need to advise Reception on arrival so that the hotel, in the case of fire, are aware and can provide assistance.", null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.middlethorpe.com/access-for-all-accomodation/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 252, "original_width": 302, "width": 453}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 252, "original_width": 302, "width": 453}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 252, 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It is super humid outside here today and I'm DONE! I'm also pretty excited to dress the boys in long sleeves and pants. I've scored some pretty adorable outfits at Goodwill, local thrift shops, and yard sales and in a few weeks we have 2 HUGE kids' consignment sales. Please tell me I'm not the only weirdo that gets excited over new (to me) fall kids' clothes?!\n\nAnyway, last week I whipped these up as a quick and easy breakfast. Silas and Wesley seriously couldn't get enough of them. You could probably freeze them once completely cooled and pull them out for a breakfast on the go, but they wouldn't last that long in this house!\n\n1 banana\n1/2 cup natural unsweetened applesauce\n1/2 tablespoon brown sugar\n1/2 teaspoon cinnamon\n8oz can refrigerated crescent rolls (8 count)\n\nPlace banana in small bowl and mash with fork. Mix in applesauce, brown sugar, and cinnamon until well combined. Unroll crescent triangles. Spread 1 - 2 tablespoons banana applesauce filling on triangle and roll up into a crescent shape (some filling will smoosh out, that's ok). Place filled crescents on cookie sheet at bake at 375 degrees for 11 - 13 minutes.", null, "The sneaky one stealing mid-picture.", null, ":) Yummy!\n\nHere are more of my favorite fall treats:\n\nSpooky Cinnamon Sugar Biscuits", null, "Pumpkin Butter Cake", null, "Apple Streusel Bread"], "url": "http://www.mostlyhomemademom.com/2012/09/banana-applesauce-crescents.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 565, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}, {"height": 565, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6a2006b5177f0654011029fdd0ef65624b1d9b8877f286f7c5abab13ef15ab37", "71b1039cf472436165a9f9607ee2114991b00e46760d7b0206f8df57569323e0", 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because IT IS PERFECT.  I never, ever, EVER thought I'd say such things about a quinoa breakfast, but it was so sweet & yummy with NONE of that 'discernable quinoa taste' (infinitely better than the first one I ever made back in 2010!....WAY before I knew about the importance of RINSING dried quinoa!)  The only adjustment to the above recipe was that the normal TIU Nutrition Program was made with 1/4 cup COOKED quinoa vs. the 2 1/2 cup the above recipe mentions.  Not sure which one is accurate, but I found this (+ the protein from the almonds) very filling.  Nice surprise and def throwing this one into the morning rotation to make it often and a lot!\n\nSnack:  Blueberry oat bar", null, "Already wrapped up in a napkin as my on-the-go snack for....\n\nWorkout:  Power Yoga Class\nAnd one that ended in the LEAST amount of aches & pains in the last few weeks.  Hallelujah!J\n\nLunch:  Turkey Sandwich + 1 cup carrots + 1 orange", null, "There goes that HUGE lunch again...weeeeeeeeeeeeee!  One that kept me COMPLETELY fueled for the afternoon, thankfully, since it involved a FAB time at the park with Katie and one of her little buddies...J", null, "Snack:  Chocolate Chip Coconut Larabar", null, "I wasn't really even THAT hungry by the time 'snack time' rolled around...but more about wanting to get my fix from another one of these FAB barsJ  My poor pre-prepped snacks I had made for the week have taken a backseat next to theseJ\n\nDinner:  Chicken & Mango salsa lettuce wraps + broccoli", null, "OK, I gotta admit, these were a little 'uninspired' last night.  In TIU's defense, their original recipe called for marinated tempeh, which may have been a bit different from the 'boring-ness' that turned out to be our chicken (in an attempt not to torment Scott TOO much, I held off from feeding him tempehJ)  I think maybe with some lime-coated GRILLED chicken this woulda been delish, but honestly I didn't even finish it all since it was kinda boring.  Can't complain for only 2 'sorta dud' recipes in 3 weeks.  Thankfully I wasn't too hungry anyway, after a full day of good/filling eats.\n\nDessert- Mini Peanut Butter Cup Blizzard", null, "Not to mention I had our \"Wednesday night Survivor treat\" to look forward toJ  Had to go with an ole reliable classic fav last nightJ\n\nMan, I feel like we've been spoiled this week since it's been a week of BEAUTIFUL weather.  Today's supposed to be another beautiful day and the weekend just looks RIDICULOUS.  I can already hear the sound of jacked-up parking prices coming from the Jersey Shore.J  A sure-fire sign that sunny days are straight aheadJ"], "url": "http://www.mytastyjourney.com/2015/04/perfect-breakastsubpar-dinner.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, 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Printmaking\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.narsfoundation.org/outreach-2015\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55673af7e4b0d4766b8a43a3/579cf528893fc0665d916309/579cf68a59cc68afa81c7e95/1470291052190/outreachth1.png\", \"src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55673af7e4b0d4766b8a43a3/579cf528893fc0665d916309/579cf68a59cc68afa81c7e95/1470291052190/outreachth1.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"outreachth\", \"alt_text\": \"Build Your Own Boat: From Recycled Materials\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.narsfoundation.org/outreach-2015\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55673af7e4b0d4766b8a43a3/579cf528893fc0665d916309/579cf584579fb37b1a2a9ffa/1470257390674/outreachth2.png\", \"src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/55673af7e4b0d4766b8a43a3/579cf528893fc0665d916309/579cf584579fb37b1a2a9ffa/1470257390674/outreachth2.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"outreachth\", \"alt_text\": \"Drawing Family History: Visualizing Memory and Imagination\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Join us on Nov 14 to explore the art of sound. Visit artist John Roach's studio at NARS and see (AND HERE) his sound art objects and drawings. Then join teaching artist Danielle Bullock in the gallery and make your own drawings and objects based on sound!", null, "Build With Layers: The Texture of Collage\n\nCome experiment with layering paper to create new textures, patterns, and forms through collage. Through the endless possibilitis of combined materials, build your unique work of art. Join teaching artist Elizabeth Velazquez in creating your own colorful piece to take home!", null, "Reduce, Reuse, Reweave: the art of knitting!\n\nJoin us to create a useful weaving with recycled materials to take home. Teaching-artist Isabelle Garbani will guide kids and their families in making a case out of unwanted plastic bags. you will learn all the skills from beginning to end: how to cut the bags to use as yarn, to cast, knit the basic garter stitch, how to switch color, and how to bind off.", null, "Portraits in Profile: Collagraph Printmaking\n\nJoin NARS Foundation for our next FREE Family Workshop \"Portraits in Profile: Collagraph Printmaking\" on Saturday, July 11, 2-4pm. Join teaching artist Ellen Coleman Izzo as she guides participants through a workshop about portraiture and expression using collagraphy printmaking.", null, "Build Your Own Boat: From Recycled Materials\n\nTeaching artist Cheryl Paswater will guide kids and their families in constructing boats made out of common, household, and found materials. This workshop is inspired by the Brooklyn artist Swoon's dense floating structures which are build from NYC trash.", null, "Drawing Family History: Visualizing Memory and Imagination\n\nJoin teaching artist and South Brooklyn resident Jose Arenas as he investigates, in his own work, his dual identities and growing up in two countries. Guided by paintings recently exhibited at the NARS Foundation Gallery, kids and their families will practice making the abstract concrete and visual through drawing and collage.", "Crafting Creatures: Build a Fantasy Animal Mask!\n\nIn continuation with its FREE Saturday Family Workshop series, the NARS Foundation partnered with Gepetto Studios, Inc. to host Crafting Creatures: Build a Fantasy Animal Mask. Gepetto Studios is located in the same building as NARS and its co-founders, William Mills and Scott Molampy, have been making puppets, costumes, and installations for film, television, stage, and events for 28 years."], "url": "http://www.narsfoundation.org/outreach-2015", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 202, "original_width": 295, "width": 552}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 248, "original_width": 278, "width": 423}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 362, "original_width": 476, "width": 497}, {"height": 393, "original_height": 253, "original_width": 243, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 290, "width": 385}, {"height": 384, "original_height": 248, "original_width": 244, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b67988589479117e4c05e92516c6527fc9a3caa1c8a5701fe6c29b5b613c091e", "e0f4ce948332d660dd04dbf0fee3f4cabeead09fabe30f276bf6b98a7070585c", "9c50788d17cd0be7f07102233ffc6d878a8b8866d68847c4210ab71a663bb16d", "99b3a352cbfdb3b9a7ff804beb7c3eb666b570dabcccd44e8b3b2ed9cb157e01", "96ce74107026396cdf717dc191c41f15ddbcf49f9c62da87d94cbdce92f48aa1", "d25b6619cfb5d67f7c18ccbb9e4e8e2770433756e990b7d7b7b1992821608e51"], "__index_level_0__": 446, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pYtjIItFV_c/WLQndgHDlJI/AAAAAAAAFp4/gyXm36JSHwAs5xf7ImGxI4l9Pa8TnVdjACLcB/s1600/GettyImages-494330628.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9530535340309144}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.nationspressph.com/2017/02/attention-bacon-hot-dogs-processed.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pYtjIItFV_c/WLQndgHDlJI/AAAAAAAAFp4/gyXm36JSHwAs5xf7ImGxI4l9Pa8TnVdjACLcB/s1600/GettyImages-494330628.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pYtjIItFV_c/WLQndgHDlJI/AAAAAAAAFp4/gyXm36JSHwAs5xf7ImGxI4l9Pa8TnVdjACLcB/s1600/GettyImages-494330628.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"GettyImages\"}, null]", "texts": ["Sorry to say but those bacon and hot dog lovers need to read this to avoid having that number one killer disease in the world.According to a recent report issued by the World Health Organization (WHO), by only consuming 50g of processed meats (less than 2 slices of bacon) per day, you increase your chance of getting colorectal cancer by 17% percent.  On the list of most popular cancer causing products are processed meats alongside with tobacco.", null, "Nonetheless, it’s been found that red meat does offer some health benefits, and instead of completely eliminating organic unprocessed meat, you should only decrease the amount you are consuming.\nWhat is processed meat?\nUnder the term processed meat is meant every meat that is treated and transformed in order to extend its shelf life or change the taste. These include salami, canned meat, bacon, sausages, hot dogs, etc.\nProcessed meat contains sodium nitrite, a chemical that is believed to be carcinogenic. While even unprocessed meat can cause some heath issues, problems appear only with excessive consuming. If you really love red meat, then go for the unprocessed and organic one and don’t overeat it.\nThe “Meat Advisory Panel” organization suggests that and processed meat is not that much harmful. They also state that with avoiding meat, you will not protect yourself from cancer. According to them, in order to protect yourself from cancer you should avoid cigarettes, too much alcohol intake, and maintain a normal weight. The organization also states that there are not enough evidence that processed meat is causing cancer.\nOther reason why you should cut back on red and processed meat is that the animals from which these products come, are fed with various synthetic foods in order to grow faster. And by consuming the meat from the animal you are consuming the chemicals they were fed.\nWhat should you do?\nStart by gradually decreasing the amount of meat you consume. Or you can begin with consuming only one serving of meat per week, and then you will eliminate meat consumption completely. Don’t forget to increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods."], "url": "http://www.nationspressph.com/2017/02/attention-bacon-hot-dogs-processed.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 420, "original_width": 630, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["dd670c352001b1a909202a0db2642443ab1aceeeba84fec511dc6c98de597e34"], "__index_level_0__": 447, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://media.nbcchicago.com/images/620*465/BOLLINGCOURT_WMAQa641_448x336.jpg", null, "http://media.nbcchicago.com/images/620*465/13YROLDHITANDRU_WMAQa296_448x336.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.972432553768158}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Funeral-Goers-Question-Absence-of-Cops.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//media.nbcmiami.com/designimages/ots-double-arrow.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.nbcmiami.com/designimages/ots-double-arrow.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ots double arrow\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Funeral-Goers-Question-Absence-of-Cops.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//media.nbcchicago.com/images/620*465/BOLLINGCOURT_WMAQa641_448x336.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.nbcchicago.com/images/620*465/BOLLINGCOURT_WMAQa641_448x336.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BOLLINGCOURT WMAQa\", \"alt_text\": \"[CHI] Mayor, Victim's Family Call for In-Depth Investigation\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Funeral-Goers-Question-Absence-of-Cops.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//media.nbcchicago.com/images/620*465/13YROLDHITANDRU_WMAQa296_448x336.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.nbcchicago.com/images/620*465/13YROLDHITANDRU_WMAQa296_448x336.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"YROLDHITANDRU WMAQa\", \"alt_text\": \"[CHI] Off-Duty Police Officer Charged With Death of 13-Year-Old Boy\"}, null]", "texts": ["13-year-old allegedly killed by drunken officer\n\nBy Peggy Cassidy", "Receive the latest local updates in your inbox\n\nPrivacy policy | More Newsletters\n\nTrenton Booker was laid to rest today.  Over 200 people attended his funeral, but by all appearances, none of them were police officers.\n\nBooker is the 13-year-old boy who was struck and killed in a hit-and-run crash that's being blamed on an off-duty Chicago police officer,  Richard Bolling.\n\nMayor, Victim's Family Call for In-Depth Investigation", null, "Mayor Daley says the CPD will \"have to\" investigate why it took four hours to administer a breathalyzer to a cop accused of driving drunk and killing a boy on a bike.\n(Published Tuesday, July 28, 2009)\n\nThe boy had been out riding his bike in the early-morning hours of May 22. -- his family says he slipped out of the house after they thought he was in bed for the night.\n\nWhile questions linger about why the boy was out at that hour, and whether the police officer received preferencial treatment in having not been given a Breathalyzer test until four hours after the crash, the question on the minds of many funeral participants Monday was, where are the Chicago police now?", null, "\"I think someone should have been here fro the Police Department to show their condolence, but they're so busy trying to cover up for what (Bolling) did,\" the Tribune quoted 63-year-old Melvin Bowers as saying.\n\nOthers reiterated Bowers' sentiment. The Chicago Police Department had no immediate comment."], "url": "http://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/Funeral-Goers-Question-Absence-of-Cops.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 465, "original_width": 620, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 465, "original_width": 620, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["90756aee392e722b22ce4c150634f5aab0decf1ff7edae1b384018c0b030786b", "bbc425d55d7677ac05c38aab6b06e013cb9231bf5d3076cbb2161b2d3a6171ca"], "__index_level_0__": 448, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3MfC7UB0czQ/Vs5IhlDppfI/AAAAAAAAAHA/VI7o5rrmbcI/s320/Mark%2Band%2BOnjeh..jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9515799283981324}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.newspunch.org/2016/02/benue-south-rerun-inconclusive-apc.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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his main opponent, won in four, namely Ogbadigbo, his hometown, Ohimini, Obi and Oju LGAs.\nThe Senatorial Returning Officer, Ishaq Eneji, said Mr. Mark garnered 84,192 votes, while Onjeh scored 71,621 votes, leaving a margin of 12,571 between the duo.\nA breakdown showed 159,557 was the number of total votes cast, of which 155,813 votes were held valid, while 3,744 were rejected as invalid.\nMeanwhile, a total of 29,273 votes were cancelled, higher than the margin of win of 12,571 between Messrs Mark and Onjeh, which could potentially lead to declaration of the elections inconclusive as in the case of the last gubernatorial elections in Kogi State.\nHowever, Mr. Eneji declared Mr. Mark winner despite protest by APC agent who asked that the election election be declared inconclusive."], "url": "http://www.newspunch.org/2016/02/benue-south-rerun-inconclusive-apc.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 224, "original_width": 320, "width": 540}], "image_hashes": 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the jungles of Boradih forests of the district yesterday after a gunbattle.", null, "They said Yadav had a reward of Rs 25 lakh on his head and was instrumental in launching many Naxal attacks on security forces in the two states.\n\n\"An INSAS rifle, an SLR and another high calibre rifle have been seized after the operation."], "url": "http://www.oneindia.com/ranchi/wanted-naxal-killed-in-jharkhand-2206942.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 450, "original_width": 600, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["3297d612154b7e29f09025ce51ba9932dc7c6c1b2cc3afa3bc5e4d40a918fa48"], "__index_level_0__": 450, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.petmd.com/sites/default/files/drowning-near-drowning-dogs.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8431950807571411}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/respiratory/c_dg_drowning\", 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\"formatted_filename\": \"ed pick grass awns dog\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Hypoxemia Due to Aspiration of Water in Dogs\n\nNear-drowning is determined by an event that involves prolonged submersion in water, followed by survival for at least 24 hours afterward. Following submersion, typical symptoms include elevated carbon dioxide levels in the bloodstream, stimulated respiration, and subsequent aspiration of water into the lungs. In rare cases, hyperventilation prior to submersion, or laryngospasm (spasmodic closing of the larynx) may prevent aspiration of water, an involuntary reaction that can lead to a condition called dry drowning.\n\nThere are four phases in a typical drowning: breath-holding and swimming motion; water aspiration, choking, and struggling for air; vomiting; and cessation of movement followed by death. The mammalian diving reflex may occur, leading to a slowed heart rate, a halt in breathing, and blood circulation limited only to the essential organs of the body. Large volumes of water are not typically aspirated at this stage.\n\nFresh water aspiration leads to a collapse of respiratory cells with possible infectious pneumonia. Hypertonic seawater aspiration leads to a diffusion of water entering the lungs and into the alveoli (the air cells of the lungs). Since the dog cannot obtain enough oxygen, oxygen levels in the blood drop and the blood becomes acidotic (abnormal increase in acidity).\n\nSubmersion time, temperature of the water, and the type of water the dog is submerged in (whether the water is fresh, salt, or chemical) will significantly affect the development of organ damage.\n\nSymptoms and Types\n\nYour veterinarian will perform a complete physical exam on your dog. Standard laboratory tests will include a blood chemical profile, a complete blood count, a urinalysis and an electrolyte panel.\n\nChest X-rays may show aspiration pneumonia or fluid in the lungs one to two days after the near-drowning. Foreign body inhalation may produce segmental lung collapse. Pulmonary injury progressing to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is possible.\n\nAn endotracheal or transtracheal wash, followed by a cytologic evaluation and culture with sensitivities is indicated. Electrocardiographic monitoring to examine the electrical currents in the heart muscles may be performed to assess heart damage. Your veterinarian will also want to determine the auditory evoked response (BAER) for hearing loss assessment. Cervical X-rays, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain and brain stem may be helpful in select cases.\n\nThe prediction of a disease’s outcome in advance\n\nThe voice box; this is one part of the respiratory system\n\nbrain stem\n\nAnything pertaining to what can be heard; hearing.\n\nHigh levels of carbon dioxide in the blood\n\nRapid breathing\n\nView Full Article\n\nAcute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) in Dogs\n\nAcute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) refers to a condition of sudden respiratory failure due to fluid accumulation and severe inflammation...\n\nFungal Infection (Rhinosporidiosis) in Dogs\n\nRunny Nose in Dogs\n\nFluid in the Lungs in Dogs\n\nEditor's Picks", "10 Ways to Stop Your Cat from Peeing Outside the Litter Box", "11 Ways You're Shortening Your Dog's Life", "10 Signs Your Cat Might Be Stressed", "The Dangers of Grass Awns to Dog Health", "Sign Up / Sign In\n\nWith your existing account from...\n\n{* loginWidget *}\n\nWith a traditional account...\n\nSign In\n\nWelcome back, {* welcomeName *}!\n\nUse another account\n\nWelcome Back\n\nAccount Deactivated\n\nYour account has been deactivated.\n\nAccount Reactivation Failed\n\nSorry, we could not verify that email address."], "url": "http://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/respiratory/c_dg_drowning", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 428, "original_width": 590, "width": 521}], "image_hashes": ["ca909ba02727ca08c670e16b23cf1c70f6206a19fdf028e57bd6323b4d9ae8b3"], "__index_level_0__": 451, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://media.propertycasualty360.com/propertycasualty360/article/2017/02/10/shutterstock117289042scales-of-justicetlegend.jpg", null, "http://media.propertycasualty360.com/propertycasualty360/article/2017/02/10/shutterstock165077780---legal-brief.jpg", null, 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are created equal\n\nThe value of settling smartly\n\nFeb 13, 2017 | By Michael Phillips, Kimberly Horn, Marcello Antonucci, Bonnie Wise\n\nAs cyber criminals continue to expand their illegal activities, the issue of real injury from a hacking event comes even more into focus in the ensuing court cases as damages are determined and millions of dollars are awarded to data breach plaintiffs.\n\nIn a recent decision, the Supreme Court could have completely altered the landscape of consumer privacy and data breach class action lawsuits in Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins, a closely watched case before the Court last term. Although the underlying dispute in Spokeo involved an alleged violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act and not a data breach, the case presented a nagging question in privacy law: What kind of injury is sufficient for Article III standing?\n\nWhile the law in data breach litigation in the electronic age continues to develop, plaintiffs can increasingly expect their claims to be dismissed for lack of standing if they are unable to credibly allege some sort of actual injury, as opposed to a mere increased risk of some hypothetical future harm, and that the injury is traceable to the theft of their data from the defendant. The Court in Spokeo was poised to draw the line between what is actual injury and what is hypothetical.\n\nWhen the Court finally ruled in May 2016, it did not decisively answer the question. Instead, the Court remanded the case to the Ninth Circuit, holding that the appellate court had failed to consider whether the alleged injury was concrete, and instead considered only whether it was specified. While the Supreme Court reiterated the threshold test for analyzing standing, it failed to signal whether the alleged injury actually met the applicable standard or offer any definitive statement that could tilt the playing field toward plaintiffs or defendants.\n\nIn its opinion, the Spokeo Court defined a concrete injury as “de facto; that is, it must actually exist,” but it also said that this does not mean the injury must be “tangible.” These soft guideposts on standing have created a sort of Rorschach test, with both plaintiffs and defendants contending that Spokeo compels a decision in their favor. This is especially so in the context of data breach class actions.", null, "(Photo: Shutterstock)\n\nDefendants have options\n\nSince the Supreme Court issued what many view as an incomplete opinion in Spokeo, lower courts will continue to reach diverging conclusions as to whether data breach plaintiffs have alleged sufficient injury to proceed to the merits. This presents a difficult choice for data breach defendants who lose motions to dismiss on standing: Should they proceed to litigate the merits of such an action, which, with the exception of challenging the merits of the pleadings by way of a 12(b)(6) motion (or its state court equivalent) is uncharted territory, or should they relent, and settle? The latter can be hard to stomach, especially where the plaintiffs do not seem to have suffered any real harm.\n\nRelated: The 3 R’s to remedy a cyber breach\n\nData breach defendants don't need to give in. Instead, they should force plaintiffs to establish their damages and then use creative ways to approach settling these cases that simultaneously offer plaintiffs tangible benefits and reassure defendants that they are not surrendering to plaintiffs who were not, injured.\n\nData breach settlements differ starkly from the classic class action settlement model in which a large fund is divided evenly among class members who opt in (or who do not opt out). Many of these settlements involve tiered settlement funds, credit and identity monitoring product offerings, data security enhancements, detailed claims processes and other settlement features that provide the parties an opportunity to avoid further litigation while also addressing many of the concerns of both plaintiffs and defendants. We examined the publicized details of 19 consumer data breach class action settlements to determine how litigants are resolving these disputes and what tools parties can use reach a creative compromise. (See sidebar for list of actions.)\n\nThe bottom line\n\nWhen details of a privacy class action settlement are publicized, the headline tends to be the dollar amount the defendant is going to pay into a settlement fund for the class. We looked at those numbers when averaged based on the number of class members. Of the settlements analyzed, the average amount paid per-class member ranged from $0, in In re Adobe Systems Inc. Privacy Litigation, to $13.63 per person, in Rowe v. Unicare Life & Health Insurance Co. et al. In most cases, these averaged numbers do not match the amounts actually paid to class members because the amounts paid differ based on variables in the settlement structure. Still, analysis of the fund amount per-person is useful to gauge generally how much defendants are paying in relation to the size of the class.\n\nThe data suggests that a number of variables can drive the per-person dollar amount of the settlement fund — the type of data potentially exposed, the manner in which it was exposed, the jurisdiction in which suit was brought, and the other relief provided in the settlement.\n\nFor example, the per-person amounts paid in settling claims for exposing personal health information (PHI) tend to be higher than the amounts paid to settle claims for exposing personally identifiable information (PII), financial information or payment card information. The amounts paid per-class member for PHI suits ranged from $2.50 to $13.63, while the amounts for PII, financial information or payment card information were $0.73 to $5.23 and $0.00 to $6.32, respectively.\n\nThe size of the class may also drive the per-class member settlement amount. For example, plaintiffs may be unlikely to accept less than $1 per class member for a class of a few thousand people. In In re Michaels Stores Pin Pad Litigation, the company established a $600,000 fund for a 95,000-person class — an average of $6.32 per person — and also offered one year of credit monitoring, with an additional year for anyone with unauthorized charges on their accounts.\n\nOn the other hand, defendants are unlikely to pay anywhere close to $1 per class member to settle an action brought by a class on behalf of 100 million potentially affected individuals. The parties have to find a sweet spot, balancing the size of the class with the realities of what a defendant should actually pay.\n\nPlaintiffs may contend that another driver of settlement amounts is the manner in which the data was exposed. Plaintiffs believe they have more leverage to demand higher settlement amounts where the circumstances of the underlying breach allow plaintiffs to argue that the defendant was lax in its security measures. Perhaps based on this dynamic, settlement amounts based on breaches involving unauthorized physical access or the theft of unencrypted devices tend to be more costly than those based on unauthorized electronic access or hacking.\n\nFor example, in Johansson-Dohrmann v. CBR Systems, Inc., the defendant established a fund of $8.56 per person (a $500,000 fund for out-of-pocket losses and $2 million for identity theft, or $2.5 million, for a class of 292,000) where unencrypted backup tapes containing PII and financial data were stolen from an employee's car. The average settlement fund for the hacking incidents analyzed was about $0.50 per class member.\n\nEvidence that class members were victims of actual identity theft can also influence the settlement range — though such evidence should not automatically prompt a panicked rush to settle by the defendant. Where some plaintiffs can show actual identity theft damages, those damages may undermine the plaintiffs’ ability to satisfy the commonality and predominance requirements for class certification.\n\nMoreover, the settlement can be structured to compensate plaintiffs with actual identity theft damages and separately address those plaintiffs who cannot show damages. There is no magic in determining a reasonable settlement range, but the manner in which the data was exposed, the volume and type of data exposed, and evidence of actual damages are all factors relied upon by plaintiffs to assert that higher settlement amounts are warranted.", null, "Not all restitution following a cyber breach involves a cash settlement. (Photo: Shutterstock)\n\nNon-cash benefits\n\nThe settlements with the lowest per-class member dollar amounts tend to also involve relief apart from the settlement fund — non-cash benefits such as vouchers for customers, credit monitoring or identity monitoring services, or clearly delineated security enhancements that the defendant must undertake.\n\nThe data shows that the most common of the non-cash settlement elements is credit or identity monitoring. Incorporating those costs into a proposed settlement presents some challenges, however. Many defendants will already have offered and paid for credit or identity monitoring to a large number of class members in initially responding to the breach, and plaintiffs, their counsel, or the court in considering the settlement may be unwilling to consider that prior expense as part of the settlement.\n\nSome companies have tacked on additional years of credit monitoring as part of the settlement or re-opened the offer of monitoring to class members who did not opt in the first time around. While credit monitoring can be useful depending on what type of data has been exposed, plaintiffs and their counsel may not place a high value on offering it as part of a settlement package because those class members who were interested in such an offering have typically already enrolled following public notification of the breach. Still, it is one clear way to provide a non-cash benefit to compensate all those potentially affected by the breach.\n\nNetwork security enhancements may present the most clear-cut way to benefit all parties to data privacy class actions. Defendants strengthen their systems in an effort to avoid future similar incidents (and the risk of liability that flows from them), and plaintiffs gain further protection for data that the company may still possess or may obtain in the future. This is particularly useful where a number of class members are likely to do business with the defendant company in the future.\n\nThe Target Corp. settlement incorporated security measures that Target agreed to adopt, including designating a high-level chief information security officer to oversee information security programs, maintaining written information security programs, maintaining a process to monitor for information security events and respond to threats, and educating and training relevant employees regarding the importance of securing consumers’ PII.\n\nThe Adobe settlement also mandated specific security enhancements, the details of which were largely redacted from the settlement documents to maintain their effectiveness in fending off future hackers. The settlements in Curry v. AvMed Inc. and Burrows v. Purchasing Power LLC also featured detailed security improvements, and in the Heartland Payment Systems Inc. settlement, the defendant agreed to report to an expert selected by the plaintiffs regarding its remedial measures. The finality of the Heartland settlement was conditioned on the plaintiffs’ expert's acceptance of the report.\n\nWhile negotiating these details and involving security experts in the settlement process can take time and increase the cost of reaching a settlement, it can also create a path to provide real value to the plaintiffs while still accounting for the defendant's views that the breach at issue did not cause the plaintiff's actual injury. The settling parties often quantify in dollars the amount the defendant will spend on security investments, so that the court evaluating the settlement can consider it as a component of the overall settlement value.", null, "The claims processes\n\nA final area where privacy class action litigants have developed innovative solutions is in structuring how the settlement fund is paid out to class members. These class actions do not tend to follow a model in which the total fund is divided evenly among class members who opt in to the settlement. Instead, these settlements feature carefully constructed procedures in which class members submit claims and seek reimbursement from the fund.\n\nRelated: Yahoo says 1 billion accounts breached in new hack\n\nIn some cases, the class members must submit proof of losses with their claim for reimbursement from the fund. The Target settlement allowed two types of claims — documentary claims or self-certification claims. Class members who submitted documents showing out-of-pocket loss could be reimbursed up to $10,000, while class members submitting only self-certifications were entitled only to an equal share of the amount remaining after all documentary claims were paid out (estimated beforehand to be roughly $40 per person). This claims process prioritizes payments to class members who have suffered out-of-pocket losses over class members whose harm is merely speculative (or virtually non-existent).\n\nThe AvMed settlement followed a similar pattern — approved identity theft claims would be paid first, then the remainder would be divided among “premium overpayment claims.” Prior to the AvMed settlement, however, the Eleventh Circuit had found that even class members who had not been victims of identity theft had sufficiently pled injury by claiming that they paid more in premiums in exchange for AvMed sufficiently protecting their data. While this precedent may explain the why the parties in AvMed adopted this approach, distinguishing between plaintiffs with real damages and those without is sensible even where the court has made no such ruling.\n\nAnother innovative approach is setting up a settlement fund with payment tiers so the second tier only comes into play if enough class members submit valid claims to exhaust the first tier. The parties to the Heartland settlement agreed to a $1 million settlement fund, but if valid claims exhausted that fund, Heartland would contribute up to another $1.4 million. This approach strikes a balance between the plaintiffs’ interest in seeing that defendants make some payment to compensate for the breach, and in particular class members who have suffered actual harm, as well as the defendants’ interest in limiting the amounts they pay to compensate for hypothetical and speculative harm.\n\nIf the plaintiffs are right that the class has suffered and can prove real harm, the settlement is designed so that the defendant will compensate for that harm. However, if the defendant is right that many (or most) class members have no actual injury, then the defendant will not have to pay the higher tiers of the fund.\n\nWhile post-Spokeo courts may continue to issue inconsistent opinions, the environment for data breach defendants is not as frightening as it appears. Defendants should relentlessly challenge plaintiffs to justify their alleged grievances and establish their damages. Efficient solutions such as credit and identity monitoring services for the truly affected can mitigate the risk of larger and consequential damages.\n\nCreatively structured settlements such as the “tiered” approaches put the onus on the plaintiffs to prove their damages — which, as one court approving such a settlement has noted, they would have to do at some point anyway. Proving causation and damages will be essential in each case.\n\nData breach class action settlements reviewed:\n\nMichael Phillips, Kimberly Horn and Marcello Antonucci are claims managers for technology, media and business services at the Beazley Group. Bonnie Wise, an attorney with Wiley Rein LLP, represents insurers in connection with disputes arising under professional liability, general liability and cyber policies.\n\n« Prev Next »\nPrevious Page 1 of 4 Next\nShow Comments\n\nMost Popular Stories\n\nSpecialty Liability Coverage by Prime Insurance Company\n\nProvided by Prime Insurance Company\n\nPrime Insurance Company offers coverage where other insurance carriers can't.\n\nShare this video\n\nMost Recent Videos", "Inside Lloyd's: Writing a reinsurance risk at Lloyd's of London", "Inside Lloyd's: John Nelson and the Lloyd's Building", "VIDEO: Live from the 2016 WCEC General Session\n\nVideo Library ››", "Top Story\n\n7 traits of authentic insurance leaders", "6 keys to successfully weathering the storm\n\nNavigating the Lawyer's Professional Liability Market", "Insuring Residential Care Facilities", "2017 Future of Claims Study: Touchless Claims", "eNewsletter Sign Up\n\nClaims Connection eNewsletter", "Featured Topics", "Leave the driving to us?\n\nPatricia L. 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We've all heard the saying that life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it; because though we may not always be in control of the situation, we are in control of our emotions and cognition.\n\nBut sometimes emotions can be more powerful than logic itself. When emotions override our thoughts and sit in the driver's seat, we can fall victim to warped thinking based purely on our subjective feelings rather than the objective facts at hand. These inaccurate thoughts, or cognitive distortions, can be used to further reinforce negative thinking or emotions in order to keep us from feeling bad about ourselves. According to Psychology Today, these are the five most common cognitive distortions. See if any resonate with you.\n\n1. Filtering\n\nWhat it is: Focusing on and magnifying negative details, while filtering out all other positive aspects of a situation.\n\nHow to fix it: Focus on the positive! Review the day's events by writing down all the good things that had happened. Sometimes writing it down creates just the visual we need to put things in perspective.\n\n2. Polarized Thinking\n\nWhat it is: Thinking strictly in either \"black or white\". Thinking that we have to be either perfect, or a failure; there is no middle ground.\n\nHow to fix it: Allow for the complexity of most people and situations, rather than placing them in \"either/or\" categories. Think of exceptions to the rule, and apply the similar concept to yourself or to the situation at hand.\n\n3. Overgeneralization\n\nWhat it is: Coming to a general conclusion based on a single incident or piece of evidence.\n\nHow to fix it: Ask yourself questions like, \"How do I know this?\", \"What's the real-life experience to prove this?\", or \"Is this proof truly sufficient and relevant enough?\" Persist in questioning your assumptions and shifting your awareness.\n\n4. Jumping to Conclusions\n\nWhat it is: Making decisions without having enough information to be sure that they are rise, giving rise to bad or rash decisions; similar to overgeneralization\n\nHow to fix it: Consider all possible alternatives. More importantly, only use firsthand information and primary sources; make it a habit to only be concerned about something if you have direct evidence of it.\n\n5. Catastrophizing\n\nWhat it is: Viewing or presenting a situation as considerably worse than it actually is.\n\nHow to fix it: Firstly, recognize when you're doing it - start by recording your negative thoughts to yourself on a piece of paper or little journal. Write down what happened as objectively as possible, what you thought about the situation, and then what your reaction of behaviors were. Soon enough, once you can see the direct cause and effects of your thoughts, you can begin to work on changing them."], "url": "http://www.psychologymatters.asia/psychology_news/4461/5-distorted-thought-patterns-and-how-to-change-them.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 694, "original_width": 1000, "width": 544}], "image_hashes": ["244ccd8aeb784f298e34ad07ab2f81f27acfcaeff4febe94edcd4fb37fa5dc4e"], "__index_level_0__": 453, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://images.pushsquare.com/news/2013/05/the_last_of_us_season_pass_searches_out_single_player_content/attachment/0/300x.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9167569279670716}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.pushsquare.com/news/2013/05/the_last_of_us_season_pass_searches_out_single_player_content\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images.pushsquare.com/news/2013/05/the_last_of_us_season_pass_searches_out_single_player_content/attachment/0/300x.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images.pushsquare.com/news/2013/05/the_last_of_us_season_pass_searches_out_single_player_content/attachment/0/300x.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"More, more, more\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.pushsquare.com/news/2013/05/the_last_of_us_season_pass_searches_out_single_player_content\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images.pushsquare.com/games/ps3/last_of_us/cover_small.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images.pushsquare.com/games/ps3/last_of_us/cover_small.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cover small\", \"alt_text\": \"The Last of Us\", \"rendered_width\": 150}, null]", "texts": [null, "Stumping up for the $19.99/€19.99 subscription will also net you multiplayer bonuses in the form of additional maps and more. We’re set to learn more about the component imminently, but Monacelli explains that it maintains the same “themes, tone, and tension” from the single player campaign. Sounds intriguing, doesn’t it?\n\nFinally, those that purchase the season pass will score some day one extras. These include improved crafting speed, healing speed, and more, as well as a 90 minute behind-the-scenes documentary detailing the development of the game. Will you be purchasing this? As always, let us know in the comments section below.\n\n[via blog.eu.playstation.com, blog.us.playstation.com]\n\nRelated Games", "Tap here to load 8 comments", "The Last of Us\n\nSony Computer Entertainment\n\nNaughty Dog"], "url": "http://www.pushsquare.com/news/2013/05/the_last_of_us_season_pass_searches_out_single_player_content", "images_metadata": [{"height": 534, "original_height": 424, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["440c29188c9ec804f1b054de2075e8aae63d943c0838610bf872c990ee24c443"], "__index_level_0__": 454, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3227/2374995561_ee399c8ff4_n.jpg", null, "http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2237/2314818929_5d79294891_n.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8149572610855103}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/a-storks-nest-scarf\", \"unformatted_src\": 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I find the gauge on most hat patterns to be too loosey-goosey, and I end up with an earache as a result. So I’ve gotten myself into the habit of automatically going up a yarn weight on most hat patterns. That won’t be necessary here. This pattern was written with a gauge of steel. The recommended gauge on Cashmerino Chunky is 3.5 stitches per inch on US 10.5 needles, but I knit this hat on size 7 needles to obtain a gauge of 5.25 stitches per inch. This produces a windproof, but not at all stiff fabric. If you prefer to use a yarn a little closer to standard gauge, substitute a worsted weight yarn.\n\nRow 34 is erroneously numbered as Row 24. You’ll see it because it comes after Row 32.\n\nAlso, after that row, it says, “knit in stockinette for 6”.” This is supposed to say “knit in stockinette until hat measures 6”.”\n\nThe pattern has been corrected as of 1/4/08. Copies printed before then will need to make note of this errata. Sorry!", "average rating of 4.4 from 249 votes\naverage difficulty from 261 ratings", "538 projects, in 973 queues\nAbout this yarn\nCashmerino Chunky\nby Debbie Bliss\n55% Merino, 33% Microfiber, 12% Cashmere goat\n71 yards / 50 grams"], "url": "http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/beanpole-beanie?buy=1", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 261, "original_width": 320, "width": 463}, {"height": 401, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 226, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 305, "original_width": 320, "width": 396}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 211, "original_width": 240, "width": 429}], "image_hashes": ["81de52c6645032ed5b58b6a357f5bdcc10d03245125a4496ce6010648b2f3031", "4ff9f44fb6f788d8dfba0ea7f06cb53ced43310c62d6f2ba18bc14d3a1799896", "240416712a866e7a44ec09a92d0699981b742692236fa0d952710b78fd46e6cc", "3bb9ff786ed7aec1f469a28f7f2656c4575ee021cdabbb478c568217abb934da"], "__index_level_0__": 456, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} 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Heat oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the quinoa and roast for a minute. Add the water, salt and cayenne. cover and cook. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low- medium and cook for 15 minutes. Dry roast the dals, coriander and pepper corns for 2 minutes over medium heat or until the dals change color. Cool and blend/grind to a powder. In a large skillet, add oil and heat over medium. When the oil is hot, add the mustard seeds, urad dal and curry leaves. Cook for half a minute or until the seeds start to pop and the dal changes color. Add potato and pumpkin. Mix, cover and cook for 10 minutes. Stir once or twice in between. Add a few tsp of water to deglaze if the potatoes start to stick. Add the peas, bell pepper, pepper flakes and mix well. Cover and cook until the potatoes are tender. 8 minutes. Mix the tamarind paste in 1 Tbsp water (or blend with the ground spices in the blender) and add to the pan. Add the ground spices, turmeric and salt. Mix well to coat. Add the cooked quinoa and mix well. Cover and cook for 2 minutes. Let sit for 5 minutes for the flavors to infuse. Fluff, taste and adjust salt and spice. Add a good dash of lemon juice and cilantro, mix in and serve. For variation: Add 2 Tbsp peanuts or cashew with the potatoes. Add 2 to 3 Tbsp shredded coconut with the potatoes.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.recipe.kitchen/items/621-south-indian-quinoa-with-tamarind-pumpkin", "images_metadata": [{"height": 593, "original_height": 942, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 476, "original_height": 757, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 491, "original_height": 780, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 592, "original_height": 941, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 488, "original_height": 775, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 482, "original_height": 766, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 602, "original_height": 957, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["48933b70fea7c5675cf93f7da9412ecca2ebd792df5abb6fccf7e11c6dbfaa40", "bc523ecdf6e489a6202870febc51c77caf76199f3ad91eb7634ed1fc1052cd29", 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seen the much-maligned Olivier Giroud lead the attack for the past four years.\n\nAnd after the addition of Lucas Perez on transfer deadline day, the Gunners have made another encouraging move in the goal-scoring department even though it may be one for the future.\n\nEddie Nketiah, who was Arsenal U18s’ top goalscorer last season, has now agreed to sign a professional contract. The 17-year-old scored a staggering 24 goals in 28 games for the youth team last season and now has four goals in three appearances so far this term.\n\nNketiah, who made his debut in the UEFA Youth League against PSG yesterday, has been rewarded by the club for showing more than glimpses of a bright future.\n\n“We would like to congratulate Eddie on his new contract, and look forward to his continued progress with the club.” a club statement said.\n\nConsidering the fact that Cesc Fabregas was already involved with the Arsenal first-team at 17, it would not be unprecedented to see Nketiah handed an opportunity this year.\n\nFollow @TweetsByDrRay SUBSCRIBE🢂", null, "BBC’s David Ornstein reveals bad news for Arsenal after Everton game", "Piers Morgan reacts to what Wenger has said about new signings", null], "url": "http://www.redlondon.net/2016/09/gunners-sign-deal-with-24-goal-quality-talent/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1066, "original_width": 1600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 774, "original_width": 1200, "width": 586}], "image_hashes": ["98c40cbbe855e1d5ca55ec74a795bfec089dc9a45af11bf788d88b9afdd7126b", "ea6c878c65b28c301b631fad8f21541cb2c16a6e6bb493bddcdf491409e1afed"], "__index_level_0__": 459, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ipjVXhcFiJE/UGILSZjvyLI/AAAAAAAAGIs/V2sujKgaTZw/s320/3485_20120925.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-gewnkid3gLI/UGILP8YayaI/AAAAAAAAGIU/0AFsE0_KnZA/s320/3446_20120925.jpg", null, 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Insects are their primary diet.\n\n\"Ruby-Crowned Kinglets prey on spiders, pseudoscorpions, and many types of insects, including aphids, wasps, ants, and bark beetles. Kinglets usually forage in high tree foliage, hovering and pecking in order to glean insects from the surface of leaves and branches.\" (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology)", null, "Many of the Kinglets I saw this morning were males. One would be foraging for insects and a second would fly by and try to displace him from his choice place. A chase would follow, and the male would return back to the same place, now agitated. When males are agitated they raise the bright red crest feathers on the top of their heads.", null, "These red feathers are hard to spot otherwise, when they lay flat against the male's head.\n\nKinglets never stay still for long. They're constantly on the move in trees and shrubs, looking for insects above and below leaves.\n\nKeep your eyes open for more bird species passing through. I saw several warblers last week, and this afternoon Fox Sparrows were foraging on the ground in our woodland leaves.\n\n© Heather Holm, 2015. Heather Holm", "My NEW book", "Now Available", "Read my Houzz Ideabooks", "Pollinator Posters - Plant Lists and Native Bees", "Speaking Engagements", "Trying to Identify a Plant?"], "url": "http://www.restoringthelandscape.com/2012/09/ruby-crowned-kinglets-regulus-calendula.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["31c00d6f633404be110986e807fadae70e474fec6ce95aa85a878000cb7253f5", "53f77c0768a781af74d4e0fff0ee1c1224683fe6f11318969d91b943b7e1a20b", "531241ea7955a1a0d296903f860ad765d7ef2fd9c9ef2a325f7d0f05b0af3358", "9247b7e4592fdfa68ee8a65c91712899370d9e4e4db371c28720d97c23373df6", "c7275f5d47bdd52fce28c8d90107a5ada6340b6e6c234af062b1116dc473a934"], "__index_level_0__": 460, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/106k/105193/44990220/105193_7268892_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8688231110572815}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-44990220.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_44990220_s/QR_105193_REF_7268892.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_44990220_s/QR_105193_REF_7268892.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"QR REF\", \"alt_text\": \"QR code\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-44990220.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/106k/105193/44990220/105193_7268892_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/106k/105193/44990220/105193_7268892_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG max\", \"alt_text\": \"Photo 1\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-44990220.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rightmove.co.uk/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green wifi\", \"alt_text\": \"Broadband\"}, null]", "texts": ["2 bedroom flat for sale\n\nDouglas Avenue, Exmouth\n\nWithdrawn from Market £195,000\n\nPrev Next", null, "Prev 1 of 10 Next\n\nStart slideshow\n\nPhoto 1\n\nProperty Description\n\nKey features\n\nFull description\n\nGet Me Moved are pleased to bring to market this well presented third floor double bedroom penthouse apartment for sale in sought after area of Exmouth within short distance of Seafront and Town Centre. The property is in good condition throughout and briefly comprises of :\n\nLounge - Double Glazed window. Laminate Flooring.\n\nKitchen - Double Glazed window. Range of wall and base units. Tiled Flooring.\n\nBedroom 1 - Double Glazed window. Laminate Flooring. Radiator.\n\nEn Suite Shower Room - White suite comprising of Shower cubicle, WC & Wash Basin. Tiled Flooring.\n\nBedroom 2 - Double Glazed window. Carpeted Flooring. Radiator.\n\nBathroom - Double Glazed window. White suite comprising of Bath with Shower over, WC & Wash Basin.\n\nThe property is double glazed and has gas central heating.\nTo the outside there are communal gardens and ample parking for residents.\n\nLeasehold and share of Freehold. Lease remaining is approximately 99 years.\nGround rent / service charge - £225 per quarter\n\nMore information from this agent\n\nListing History\n\nAdded on Rightmove:\n20 October 2016", "Enlarge this map\n\nCheck Broadband Speed\n\nMap & Street View\n\nView in fullscreenView in fullscreen\n\nStreet View is unavailable in this location\n\nMarket Info\n\nMap data ©OpenStreetMap contributors.\n\nThis property is marketed by:", "Get Me Moved Property Ltd, London\n\n66 Martello Street, London, E8 3QP\n\nView properties from this agent\n\nShare this property\n\nShare on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Pinterest\n\nProperties sold nearby\n\nView more", "Don't forget\n\nCheck broadband availability and speeds in this area.\n\nCheck now\n\nHelping you stay secure online\n\nVisit our security centre to find out more\n\nSurrounding Areas\n\nMajor cities and towns in the UK:"], "url": "http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-44990220.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 437, "original_width": 583, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["72727ecb8586047841f653f47167dc33e3a882c5b0e6b251eb0526278e19ada0"], "__index_level_0__": 461, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/5k/4758/56281777/4758_26532347_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg", null, "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/5k/4758/56281777/4758_26532347_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.92068612575531}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-56281777.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_56281777_s/QR_4758_REF_26532347.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_56281777_s/QR_4758_REF_26532347.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"QR REF\", \"alt_text\": \"QR code\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-56281777.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/5k/4758/56281777/4758_26532347_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/5k/4758/56281777/4758_26532347_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG max\", \"alt_text\": \"7118 m.JPG\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-56281777.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/5k/4758/56281777/4758_26532347_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/5k/4758/56281777/4758_26532347_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FLP max\", \"alt_text\": \"Fairwinds, Devoran.j\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-56281777.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rightmove.co.uk/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green wifi\", \"alt_text\": \"Broadband\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Sold STC\n\nPrev 1 of 12 Next\n\n7118 m.JPG\n\nDETACHED WATERSIDE RESIDENCE ENJOYING MAGNIFICENT VIEWS OVER RESTRONGUET CREEK, WITH THE, WOODED CARCLEW ESTATE BEYOND Located along Quay Road in one of the most sought after creek side village locations close to Truro. Delightful enclosed garden enjoying the views with approximately 38 yards of direct water frontage, slipway and pontoon. In need of modernisation but offering lots of accommodation and huge potential. Sold with no onward chain.\n\nA wonderful opportunity to purchase a very large detached bungalow with excellent uninterrupted water views over the peaceful waters of Restronguet Creek with the added bonus of approximately 38 yards of water frontage as well as a slipway, pontoon and private beach. The bungalow and gardens enjoy a sunny southerly aspect, the water views are truly magnificent as well as the abundance of wildlife and birds at low tide.\n\nThe property occupies a very large double plot and the rear garden adjoins the creek yet there is still a very large front garden with a driveway providing plenty of parking for cars, caravans, trailers etc and a modern detached double garage has been built in recent years. The bungalow was extended substantially in 2001 when a separate annexe was added and there is potential to amalgamate this into one much larger dwelling and many other possibilities to suit individual preferences. The accommodation is arranged as a three bedroom home with two reception rooms and interconnecting two bedroom annexe with kitchen, sitting room and bathroom. The property has been in the same family ownership for approximately forty five years and whilst it has been well cared for during this time it is now in need of modernisation. However, it offers huge potential to create a wonderful home in a fantastic location with the added advantage of direct water frontage, perfect for boating enthusiasts. An internal viewing is essential to appreciate the size of the property, the fantastic views and the potential to create an individual home.\n\nFairways is located along Quay Road which is arguably the most sought after road within the village. The bungalow is set well back from the road and enjoys a good degree of privacy. The village of Devoran lies about five miles south of Truro, just off the A39 Truro to Falmouth road and is at the head of Restronguet Creek which is a tributary of the River Fal. The area is well known for scenic attractions with many walk ways in the area including the \"Tram Way\" along the edge of the creek which is known for its abundance of wildlife and shore birds and provides a lovely walk to the hamlets to Point and Penpol. Local facilities include the Parish Church, public house, doctors surgery and primary school with further facilities including a small supermarket in nearby Carnon Downs. Devoran lies close to the sailing waters of the Fal Estuary, the city of Truro and the harbourside town of Falmouth are within easy driving distance. The village also benefits from a regular bus service. In the first half of the 19th century Devoran was a busy port shipping iron ore which was transported to the village from the inland mining areas via the Redruth and Chacewater four gate railway which ran along the old tram road between Devoran and Penpol.\n\nEntrance Hall - Doors to annexe, kitchen/breakfast room and double glazed patio doors lead into the:-\n\nSun Room - 3.45m x 2.39m (11'4\" x 7'10\") - Sliding patio doors leading to rear garden and enjoying fabulous uninterrupted views of the creek with Carclew Estate beyond. Two wall lights. Opening into:-\n\nSitting Room - 4.83m x 3.68m (15'10\" x 12'1\") - Sliding patio doors providing access to the rear garden and enjoying wonderful views of the garden with water and rural views beyond. Open fireplace with tiled hearth and timber mantle. Television and telephone points. Night storage heater. Door opening to inner hallway.\n\nKitchen/Breakfast Room - 4.04m x 3.25m (13'3\" x 10'8\") - A good selection of both base and eye level kitchen units. Worktops with tiled splashback incorporating single sink with mixer tap over, space and plumbing for washing machine, space for fridge freezer, integral double oven with hob and extractor hood over. Airing cupboard. Window overlooking the front garden with window blind.\n\nInner Hallway - With doors to all bedrooms and bathroom. Airing cupboard. Night storage heater. Telephone point.\n\nBedroom 1 - 3.78m x 3.68m (12'5\" x 12'1\") - Picture window enjoying fabulous creekside views and telephone point. Window to side.\n\nBedroom 2 - 3.66m x 3.02m (12' x 9'11\") - Windows overlooking the front garden and side.\n\nBathroom - A suite comprising low level w.c., wash hand basin, corner bath, separate shower cubicle with Triton shower and extractor fan.\n\nBedroom 3 - 2.69m x 2.41m (8'10\" x 7'11\") - Window enjoying views of the rear garden with creek and woods beyond.\n\nAnnexe -\n\nEntrance Hallway - The annexe is accessed from the main entrance hall and also has independent access from the side. Hallway with doors to all rooms. Loft access.\n\nSitting Room - 3.71m x 3.45m (12'2\" x 11'4\") - Sliding patio doors enjoying fabulous views over the garden with creek and wooded banks beyond. Three wall lights. Second set of sliding patio doors leading to the sun room in the main part of the bungalow.\n\nBedroom 4 - 3.58m x 3.15m (11'9\" x 10'4\") - Window to rear enjoying the wonderful creek and garden views. Night storage heater.\n\nBathroom - Suite comprising low level w.c., corner bath with Triton shower above and tiled surround. Wash hand basin with light and electric shaver point. Heated towel rail. Extractor fan.\n\nBedroom 5 - 2.41m x 2.31m (7'11\" x 7'7\") - With window overlooking the front garden.\n\nKitchen - 3.33m x 2.03m (10'11\" x 6'8\") - A good selection of base and eye level kitchen units, single stainless steel sink with drainer, integral oven and hob with extractor hood over. Space for fridge freezer, half glazed door leading to outside.\n\nOutside - Fairwinds is set well back from Quay Road and a large brick paved driveway provides parking for many cars with hard-standing for boat, caravan etc. if required. A pathway leads to the front door and continues around the side and down both sides of the bungalow to the rear garden.\n\nDetached Double Garage - 7.59m x 4.90m (24'11\" x 16'1\") - Up and over garage door. Light and power is connected. Eaves storage. Double glazed window to rear. A side door gives access into the rear garden.\n\nOutside - There is a small enclosed front garden well stocked with many interesting shrubs and plants including palm trees, rhododendrons and magnolia and this could all be cleared to provide additional parking if required. The rear garden enjoys a wonderful sunny aspect with fabulous uninterrupted views over Restronguet Creek with Carclew Estate beyond. The bungalow enjoys privacy from neighbouring properties and benefits from approximately 38 yards of direct water frontage and its own private beach. There is direct access from the garden onto a private timber pontoon and a slipway leads onto the beach and hard standing perfect for launching kayaks and dinghies. The rear garden is very large with extensive lawns that lead to the shore with dense borders which give a good degree of privacy from neighbouring properties and there are many shrubs and plants, palms, bamboos and several apple trees.\n\nServices - Mains water, electricity and drainage are connected.\n\nDirections - From Truro take the A39 in a southerly direction towards Falmouth and after the Carnon Downs roundabout take the left hand junction clearly signposted to Devoran. At the t-junction turn right and follow the bend around to the left which leads into Greenbank Road. On entering the village proceed into Quay Road, continue past the village hall and doctors surgery and Fairwinds will be located on the right hand side where a Philip Martin board has been erected.", null], "url": "http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-56281777.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 437, "original_width": 583, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 408, "original_width": 600, "width": 555}], "image_hashes": ["feb8468c12cf5d42c4915ecc1b69b3ed6fe4f52781a4a69b9026fde926aef853", "a66dcf349b7713e90be47a3bcf91e8a717d514b68d8846138f8a53b373596728"], "__index_level_0__": 462, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/25k/24347/61878119/24347_4134611_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8769133687019348}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-61878119.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_61878119_s/QR_24347_REF_4134611.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_61878119_s/QR_24347_REF_4134611.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"QR REF\", \"alt_text\": \"QR code\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-61878119.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/25k/24347/61878119/24347_4134611_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/25k/24347/61878119/24347_4134611_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG max\", \"alt_text\": \"Picture 2\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-61878119.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rightmove.co.uk/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green wifi\", \"alt_text\": \"Broadband\"}, null]", "texts": ["4 bedroom semi-detached house for sale\n\nVivian Avenue, WEMBLEY, Middlesex\n\nSold STC £650,000", null, "Prev 1 of 16 Next\n\nPicture 2\n\nTenure: Freehold\n\nOFFERS in EXCESS for a SPACIOUS HOUSE with NO UPPER CHAIN on a popular location with so much to offer and has been extended to the rear. The property is located close to and walking distance of Local amenities, Wembley Stadium Station and the London Designer outlet, the A406 & A40 is also within easy reach for commuting into Central London. We feel a viewing is the only way you will appreciate what is on offer, call us to book your appointment as soon as possible."], "url": "http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-61878119.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 436, "original_width": 656, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["7e6e3d4d8940b6f07cf533e42d2dbc354c0db71773e213ff8b417a5d40fc626d"], "__index_level_0__": 463, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/15k/14552/61882862/14552_6981_IMG_06_0000_max_656x437.jpg", null, "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/15k/14552/61882862/14552_6981_FLP_02_0000_max_600x600.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8967724442481995}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-61882862.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_61882862_s/QR_14552_REF_6981.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_61882862_s/QR_14552_REF_6981.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"QR REF\", \"alt_text\": \"QR code\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-61882862.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/15k/14552/61882862/14552_6981_IMG_06_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/15k/14552/61882862/14552_6981_IMG_06_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG max\", \"alt_text\": \"Picture 2\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-61882862.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/15k/14552/61882862/14552_6981_FLP_02_0000_max_600x600.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/15k/14552/61882862/14552_6981_FLP_02_0000_max_600x600.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FLP max\", \"alt_text\": \"Floorplan\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-61882862.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rightmove.co.uk/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green wifi\", \"alt_text\": \"Broadband\"}, null]", "texts": ["37-41 St. John Street, London, EC1M 4AN\n\n020 8012 4208 local call rate", "Rufford Street, N1\n\nUnder Offer £850,000", null, "Under offer\n\nKings Cross is one of the Capitals most exciting areas, firmly establishing itself as one of the most vibrant and Avant Garde locations in Central London. Its redevelopment over the last 10 years has been astounding, with the area being one of the largest urban developments taking place in Europe, with the introduction of 26 acres of open space, canal side walk ways, and 10 new public parks and Squares. The area has attracted the most superb shops, restaurants, art galleries, bars, schools and even a University, with the likes of The Guardian Newspaper, Central St Martins fashion college, Google, Waitrose, Marks and Spencer and Louis Vuitton headquarters all calling Kings Cross home. It is no wonder why Kings Cross is attracting the most astute buyers and investors who see amazing growth within the area. We are pleased to be offering the last two remaining apartments in this smart gated development located just off York Way, within easy reach of the wonderful facilities Kings Cross has to offer. This very large apartment offering over 1200 sq ft of space would make the most incredible home with spacious accommodation throughout as well as high ceilings. The accommodation comprises a huge dual aspect, double reception room with ample dining space and an open plan kitchen, master bedroom with en-suite shower room, second double bedroom, further bathroom and its own patio garden. Local Transport is superb with Kings Cross having one of the largest collection of Underground Lines in London (Victoria, Northern, Piccadilly, Circle, Metropolitan and Hammersmith & City Lines) as well as Mainline, not forgetting the Eurostar linking London to Paris in under three hours. An appealing opportunity and one certainly not to be missed.", null], "url": "http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-61882862.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 437, "original_width": 655, "width": 566}, {"height": 515, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 440, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4f90d6fbd3d16693aa33eb3af7b0f589adc0f698650e3685f4c11d362c025de7", "cc704d76805174d6e591fffe3e3f455122a00499f0992392ce09b777a26d1f18"], "__index_level_0__": 464, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/30k/29376/62440487/29376_HSS54967_IMG_19_0000_max_656x437.jpeg", null, "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/30k/29376/62440487/29376_HSS54967_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpeg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8573483824729919}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-62440487.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/30k/29376/1483961807116_bp_pd_h_r.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/30k/29376/1483961807116_bp_pd_h_r.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bp pd h r\", \"alt_text\": \"Get brand editions for Housesimple Online Estate Agents, Nationwide\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-62440487.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_62440487_s/QR_29376_REF_HSS54967.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_62440487_s/QR_29376_REF_HSS54967.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"QR REF HSS\", \"alt_text\": \"QR code\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-62440487.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/30k/29376/62440487/29376_HSS54967_IMG_19_0000_max_656x437.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/30k/29376/62440487/29376_HSS54967_IMG_19_0000_max_656x437.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"HSS IMG max\", \"alt_text\": \"Picture 1\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-62440487.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/30k/29376/62440487/29376_HSS54967_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/30k/29376/62440487/29376_HSS54967_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"HSS FLP max\", \"alt_text\": \"Floorplan\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-62440487.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/30k/29376/1483961815716_bp_mpu_r.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/30k/29376/1483961815716_bp_mpu_r.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bp mpu r\", \"alt_text\": \"Get brand editions for Housesimple Online Estate Agents, Nationwide\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-62440487.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rightmove.co.uk/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green wifi\", \"alt_text\": \"Broadband\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Prev 1 of 15 Next\n\nPicture 1\n\nHouseSimple is pleased to present this 3 bedroom Terraced property in Beckenham.\n\nPlease do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity to purchase one of the most desirable properties in Beckenham, with direct links to Charing Cross & Croydon. This is a very spacious property, with downstairs hallway leading to Modern Lounge with electric fireplace, a seperate light and airy dining room with patio doors opening up to large rear garden. At the end of the hallway is a fully fitted kitchen with a good amount of starage space.\n\nUpstairs leads to 2 double bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, a spacious single bedroom and a family bathroom with shower over bath.\n\nClose to local amenities the property also benefits from easy access to London and is in a great catchment area for schools.\n\n10 October 2016", null], "url": "http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-62440487.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 437, "original_width": 655, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 552, "original_width": 600, "width": 410}], "image_hashes": ["37b3bd548f4816043a1f4570905fcde1d3b3e4c7a77b2d77002b298020bcada8", "396b1598919e88a63684511d404296a8b8c911f9442e71994a541b2961762501"], "__index_level_0__": 465, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/13k/12067/42731817/12067_WHL090137_L_IMG_02_0000_max_656x437.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8610343337059021}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/property-42731817.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_42731817_s/QR_12067_REF_WHL090137-L.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_42731817_s/QR_12067_REF_WHL090137-L.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"QR REF WHL L\", \"alt_text\": \"QR code\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/property-42731817.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/13k/12067/42731817/12067_WHL090137_L_IMG_02_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/13k/12067/42731817/12067_WHL090137_L_IMG_02_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"WHL L IMG max\", \"alt_text\": \"Lounge\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/property-42731817.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rightmove.co.uk/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green wifi\", \"alt_text\": \"Broadband\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Let Agreed\n\nPrev 1 of 1 Next\n\nLetting information:\n\nWe introduce to the rental market this impressive one bedroomed terraced house situated on Front Street within Whickham. The property enjoys convenient access to the local amenities and facilities central Whickham has to offer as well as for bus services and transport routes which provide commuter links to the Metro Centre, Newcastle City Centre and the surrounding areas. The property comes warmed by gas central heating and benefits from double glazing to the majority of the windows. The internal living space briefly comprises:- lounge with open plan access to fitted kitchen area, spiral staircase to bedroom with dressing area and bathroom/wc. Externally, a small garden area lies to the front."], "url": "http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/property-42731817.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 437, "original_width": 583, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["0131c949a1a09d9e3585bdb6a7ebdcfbf427e1cc48f362ff557ea276e9560944"], "__index_level_0__": 466, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PR7MXeBjo7k/UpdyqobCObI/AAAAAAAAEcw/z4RZKPF2EYU/s640/IMG_0009.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.96429044008255}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.sippingemergers.com/2013/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PR7MXeBjo7k/UpdyqobCObI/AAAAAAAAEcw/z4RZKPF2EYU/s640/IMG_0009.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PR7MXeBjo7k/UpdyqobCObI/AAAAAAAAEcw/z4RZKPF2EYU/s640/IMG_0009.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 480, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.sippingemergers.com/2013/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0Kg9hrmih-A/UnBgJcJFenI/AAAAAAAAEZc/X0Fxu_tv_58/s640/desk.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0Kg9hrmih-A/UnBgJcJFenI/AAAAAAAAEZc/X0Fxu_tv_58/s640/desk.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"desk\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 244}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.sippingemergers.com/2013/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-RiPp4f53RCA/Uotyi1Bwp7I/AAAAAAAAEbE/BmCTB_lfIOg/s1600/owaa-active-member.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-RiPp4f53RCA/Uotyi1Bwp7I/AAAAAAAAEbE/BmCTB_lfIOg/s1600/owaa-active-member.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"owaa active member\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.sippingemergers.com/2013/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-uj_r3fRj-SQ/ToyGamFCsgI/AAAAAAAABrs/2ikCxF0YkRg/nopebblemine-sticker_11.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-uj_r3fRj-SQ/ToyGamFCsgI/AAAAAAAABrs/2ikCxF0YkRg/nopebblemine-sticker_11.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nopebblemine sticker\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, November 28, 2013\n\nHappy Thanksgiving All!\n\nMay you continue to enjoy all that you are thankful for!", null, "Posted by Steve Zakur at 11:43 AM 1 comment:", "Wednesday, November 27, 2013\n\nTom Stienstra v Tom Chandler: Blogger Wins Suit\n\nThe First Amendment lives on to fight another day.\n\nPosted by Steve Zakur at 6:00 AM No comments:", "Links to this post\nLabels: Stienstra, Tom Stienstra, trout underground\n\nTuesday, November 26, 2013\n\ngive me Mountains for my Horses\n\nI don't get horses. At least I don't get horses in the Connecticut sense. In suburbia, especially at it's rural edges, you'll find all manner of horse farm. Everything from a 100 year-old shambles of a barn with a tiny ring of half-rotted fence posts to houses of splendor, havens of investment bankers, with acres of mowed paddock and gleaming rails.\n\nI've ridden a few times while on vacation stopping at a dude ranch sort of place to satisfy my youngest son's desire for a saunter horseback. It's enjoyable but not something I'd got out of my way to do save to make my youngest happy. Around here horse riding seems to be the realm of middle-aged women and girls; legion of which can be found wearing buff colored breeches and riding boots while waiting in line at Starbucks on a Saturday morning.\n\nOn a trip to Idaho this past summer I had the opportunity to fish with a bunch of guys from Trout Unlimited. They were good company and the fishing was excellent. After the fishing the talk meandered over beer. One thing I discovered was that Tom Reed kept horses and that he had recently lost a special one. I didn't quite get it though I suppose losing a good dog was as close as I'd come to understanding. Later, while sitting having a beer with Bruce and Kat - the Smithhammers of Victor - I mentioned my fishing companions. Kat immediately stated that I should read Tom's book - give me Mountains for my Horses - and Bruce seconded the notion.\n\nIn the moment, a book related to something I was ambivalent about was set aside but later the enthusiasm of the recommendation gnawed at me. Amazon obliged in delivering the book to my doorstep by the time I got home.\n\nI was expecting a \"boy loves dog\" sort of thing and was pleasantly surprised to find something else. Tom's book is a series of short stories that chronicle his early interest in horses, the mortgaging of his future to acquire that first four-legged beast and the lifelong obsession it kindled.\n\nThose of us who prowl the stream in search of sport will understand the parallels between what we seek and Tom's journey. His dreams of living in Big Sky and traveling across the back country on horseback have as much to do with his passion for these animals as they do for that search for something else. Some of those things are tangible - elk and trout - but in the long pauses that exist in any search there's time to appreciate the solitude and grace that the journey affords. It's one of those books that ends too quickly leaving you wanting for the next chapter.\n\nAs I read the review copy for Pulp Fly: Volume 3 I was pleased to see another tale from Tom. It reminded me how much I enjoyed his writing about the journey. Maybe there's something to be found on horseback. Maybe on a ride to a trout stream.\n\nYou can find give me Mountains for my Horses on Amazon for $8.96. Pulp Fly Volume 3 should be on sale in the next few weeks.\n\nPosted by Steve Zakur at 5:53 AM 2 comments:", "Labels: book review, give me Mountains for my Horses, Tom Reed\n\nSaturday, November 23, 2013\n\nI recently looked at my Instagram account. It creates a montage at the top of the page comprised of photos, presumably randomly selected, from the photos in the account. For some reason, this collection speaks to me.", "Posted by Steve Zakur at 8:06 PM No comments:", "Friday, November 22, 2013\n\nHot Water", "Labels: cheating, coffee, jetboil\n\nThursday, November 21, 2013\n\nPure Trout\n\nI visited the Front Range last year. During that trip I became enamored with a popular lake that was home to Greenback Cutthroat trout. Well, not so much. It appears that there's only one place you can find pure strain Greenbacks, in a sliver of water along the flanks of Pike's Peak called Bear Creek.\n\nBear Creek contains what has been verified through genetic testing as the last known place where pure strain Greenback Cutthroats live. The population is estimated at 750 fish. That's a slim population. And when you see how small the stream is, that portion of your brain where catastrophes and natural disasters live becomes very active.\n\nState and local conservation groups, including The Greenbacks, are rallying to put in place protections for this critical resource.\n\nThey're trying to raise $10,000 to fund work to protect the drainage.\n\nIf you can spare $10, $20, or more, head over to their site. They've got a video that explains the effort and the drainage. Donating gives you access to some great swag from Fishpond, Vedavoo and others along with the satisfaction of helping to protect this important resource.", "Posted by Steve Zakur at 6:13 AM No comments:", "Labels: greenback cutthroat, greenbacks\n\nWednesday, November 20, 2013\n\nSteelhead Camp\n\nSteelhead Camp is not a luxurious place. It's chosen solely because of proximity to slate grey waters and the sweet tedium of swinging and chucking and ducking. Out before first light and back, exhausted, when the sun sets prematurely the sport leaves little time to enjoy niceties. Thus, Steelhead Camp has only the basics. Beds. A hot shower. A functional crapper. Perhaps a perfunctory kitchen. In the worst places the owner is either a rambling boor or an obnoxious half-wit.\n\nWhile we complain about its lack of comfort and food the rest of the year, when you're in Steelhead Camp, none of that matters. Each day is ended with the fueling of the mortal shackle, the tilting of bottles, and a rapid decline into slumber so as to be prepared for the next day's toil in cruel weather on cruel waters.\n\nThe first year I fished for steel I landed one. I hooked a bunch but it was only the one that came to hand though another got close before coming unpinned. The frustration only made success that much more delectable which is probably why the sport is so intoxicating. I was told that it was a good outing for a rookie. I was also told that I should have been there last year. “Last year” the digits were double, the grins painful to maintain, the memory cards full.\n\nThat first outing ended with the sense of satisfaction one has when things start to make sense. But I was also left with something else. It was the gnaw of the addict’s craving. I went two years without landing another; plenty hooked, but no grip and grins. These were also lean years for the more experienced anglers in the troupe, so the sting of failure was mild though it did leave a scar on the part of my brain that noodles the steel. The touch of steel, cool and strong, cannot be shared with words or images. It defies understanding without suffering; endless casts, cold, stiff limbs, cheekbones scoured by frigid winds.\n\nThis year, because important non-angling matters pressed, I missed Steelhead Camp. The vagaries of managed water flows, barometric pressure, and perhaps something divine aligned in the unknowable mind of the west coast transplants and they ran upriver into diminishing flows. The fishing was good; great, even. Forum scorecards flaunted the success of the players. This year has now become a “last year”. A really good one.\n\nI'll get to steelhead water for a few days next month. I feel like I’m going through the motions, yet my imagination partners with memory and calls me to action. The desire to feel the strength of bright chrome on the line and in the hand is strong. Without the grins and backslaps and jealous glances of my Steelhead brothers it won't be as good, but it could be good enough.\nPosted by Steve Zakur at 5:36 AM 2 comments:", "Tuesday, November 19, 2013\n\nToo much slack!\n\nI couldn't help thinking, \"I hope a fish doesn't hit the fly cause there's no way he's going to get a good hookset.\"\n\nMind the slack line.\n\nAlmost Perfect.trailer from LIFE.productions on Vimeo.\nPosted by Steve Zakur at 7:02 AM No comments:", "Labels: not swedes, Swedes, video\n\nI have no steel\n\nI missed this past weekend's steelhead trip. My buddy TJ Brayshaw would say that's a good thing. I was feeling kinda smug last week when the river was a barely fishable 2,000 cfs. They dropped it to a trickle over the weekend. The steel had run in. The water was perfect. Many fish were caught.\n\nI think this may become one of those \"you shoulda been here last year\" kinda things.\n\nIt seems to happen every time I don't go.\n\nMaybe TJ is right.\nPosted by Steve Zakur at 7:55 AM 3 comments:", "Mending the Line\n\nLooking forward to this one.\n\nMending the Line - Trailer from Uncage the Soul Productions on Vimeo.\nPosted by Steve Zakur at 7:25 AM 2 comments:", "Labels: veterans, video\n\nMonday, November 11, 2013\n\nWriting about sport is often not about the sport at all. The metaphors for the rest of life are easy to discern though finding the right turn of phrase to make the writing poignant is a challenge. I suppose that's what makes the sport interesting. Perhaps the writing too.\n\nI finished a piece of fiction over the weekend. I've been working on it for the longest time even though it's only 1,600 words. It's almost done. The story attempts to connect the experience of our sport with the those of the warrior. It's been a difficult piece to write.\n\nWriting fiction requires you to pull something from your life or the lives of others and stretch it to fit another framework. It forces you to draw emotions that were experienced or witnessed in one context and in some way make sense of them in another. This piece, about a warrior home from battle, requires me to rely upon the experiences, ideas, and emotion of others in ways that seem very different from previous writing. The ground is sacred. It feels as if I am trespassing.\n\nService to one's country is a high calling. The call comes to those who serve for myriad reasons. In my family the calling came twice from a court order; young men guilty of minor offenses offered the choice between jail or service made an obvious choice. Others sought adventure, or at least a release from boredom, and flew to places in Texas and Illinois and South Carolina to transform themselves.\n\nI never served. My dad, who racked up thirty-three years of service in the Air Force and Air Guard, cautioned me against the life. As a son of a father who was never home I sought a different path to try and leave that legacy behind. But I have always carried the sense of the brotherhood, sacrifice, joy and pain of the life my father lived though only as a spectator.\n\nOn this Veteran's Day I carry in my heart a thankfulness for all the men and women who wear a uniform in domestic and foreign lands. I am deeply humbled by your choice and thankful for the selflessness by which you lead your lives. It is a sacred act. God bless you and your families.\n\nPosted by Steve Zakur at 7:47 AM No comments:", "Monday, November 4, 2013\n\nWhere the hell did the sunlight go? More importantly, when is it coming back?\n\nGone are the opportunities for a quick trip to the water after work. Hell, there's not much water in the streams that are close at hand, so I suppose nothing is lost. It's still depressing as hell. Especially with the change of the clocks. More darkness during the seasons prime non-work hours.\n\nI was out to the river twice in October which is roughly half the pace I was managing in mid-September -- on a weekly basis. Skunked both times. I suppose I deserve it for trying to stretch a good thing too far.\n\nIt's the time of Steel and I need to be plotting though November is already gone and committed. The first weekend in December looks promising. Perhaps a day or two in Pulaski.  I'll call for reservations in the morning.", "I suppose I should just succumb to the reality. This time of year is increasingly filled with the administrative tasks of our sport. At some point I'll have to sort through fly boxes to see what's what. I am a compulsive buyer of Parachute Adams, a pattern I hate to tie, so I'll not worry about those. But PT nymphs are in short supply, the spot where Hare's Ears are stored is sparse and the Wooley Buggers and Worms of New Mexican descent remain only in less desirable colors. But if I try to tie any more Sulphur Sparkle Duns, shoot me. I have more than I'll use in four seasons. There's something about that pattern that I like. Maybe that it catches fish. I also have a fetish for fine deer hair.\n\nMy fly lines need attention as well. I know at least one has a nick in it from a boot stud and there are probably others that are in need of replacement. I may even clean them. I'm sure I've bought some doodad for fly line maintaining though I'd be hard pressed to find it at this point. I suppose there's a place where lost angling trinkets collect. It's probably adjacent to the home of lost socks.\n\nI could also do something about that black duffle I keep in the car. It's a crazy mix of spare reels, winter gear, lost flies, cigar wrappers and twenty other random things. Of course, it always seems to hold just the right piece of gear at the right moment. Probably best not to over think it and let it alone for now. Mojo counts and I think there's a fair amount encrusted in that battered bag's weave.\n\nI still have to plot out some fishing over the coming weeks in between all the personal commitments. I did start November with a quick trip. I tried to catch an Olive hatch on Sunday. A front had moved through Saturday and Sunday afternoon the clouds were scattered causing the hatch to be sporadic and put the trout in a bitch of a mood. I was getting refusals on #20 and #22 Olives. I suppose I should have tied up a few #24s but then I don't have an electron microscope to see the damn things.\n\nBack to the tying bench for now. I've brought the nymph box inside for a proper inventory. And I did find a box of #24 hooks. Of course, I do have some reading to get caught up on. So maybe the vise can wait for a bit. I'll probably regret the procrastination in the spring.\n\nPosted by Steve Zakur at 10:24 PM 8 comments:", "Labels: Fall, fly tying, not catching\n\nThe world is square", "Get this elsewhere\n\nMinutes daydreaming about fishing:", "I mutter to myself\n\nTweets by @SippingEmergers", "Irony appreciators", "Search. Such as it is.", "Some of the stuff below is popular with spammers", "An Orange RSS Logo", " Subscribe in a reader", "Simms. Good Stuff.", "Crazy writers all. Read them.", "Badges, we don't need no stinkin' badges", "here's where the old stuff is"], "url": "http://www.sippingemergers.com/2013/11/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["c717494f40337710916010687be284fcec07ecceda20999aad1fb952aa0c7157"], "__index_level_0__": 467, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BcO5j4t4qdE/WBIKaoJY3cI/AAAAAAAAA_U/ZaTY8jIHcsk_f4KqRbyCog5YMmm7t9AHQCLcB/s320/Screenshot_2.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8474102020263672}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.softauthorities.com/2016/10/hp-deskjet-1050-driver-download.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BcO5j4t4qdE/WBIKaoJY3cI/AAAAAAAAA_U/ZaTY8jIHcsk_f4KqRbyCog5YMmm7t9AHQCLcB/s320/Screenshot_2.png\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-BcO5j4t4qdE/WBIKaoJY3cI/AAAAAAAAA_U/ZaTY8jIHcsk_f4KqRbyCog5YMmm7t9AHQCLcB/s320/Screenshot_2.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screenshot\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 254}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null], "url": "http://www.softauthorities.com/2016/10/hp-deskjet-1050-driver-download.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 255, "original_width": 320, "width": 474}], "image_hashes": ["170962ca048ccf8f5709e13354353167f1e546c183e8c2a12a969bf7e967961f"], "__index_level_0__": 468, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://d2vjjkghjbhy7y.cloudfront.net/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/1/7/1763.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9484261870384216}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.soundstrue.com/store/the-money-and-spirit-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d2vjjkghjbhy7y.cloudfront.net/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/1/7/1763.png\", \"src\": \"http://d2vjjkghjbhy7y.cloudfront.net/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/1/7/1763.png\", \"alt_text\": \"The Money and Spirit Workshop\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "A Complete Workshop for Integrating Our Spiritual and Financial Lives\n\nWith The Money and Spirit Workshop, they present a unique and powerful program for transforming your financial life—to increase your wealth, support your highest goals, and turn money into a lifelong ally.\n\nTools for Transforming Your Relationship to Money\n\nWhy do we so often entangle our sense of self-worth with our net worth? It is because our subconscious beliefs about money, formed during childhood, are in charge of most of our financial decisions.\n\nUsing proven tools like the Eight Financial Archetypes and the Money Breath, Sherman and Kessel show you how to reveal—and reshape—your own deepest relationship with money. By transforming your unconscious myths about scarcity, sufficiency, and self-reliance, you can break out of unhealthy patterns around money—and bring your true creativity and wisdom to all your financial decisions.\n\nPractical Guidance from Two Top Wealth Advisors\n\nThe Money and Spirit Workshop is a comprehensive home-study curriculum to transform your financial life, creating lasting fulfillment and prosperity.\n\nLoading the player...\n\nWrite Your Own Review\n\n7 Item(s)\n\nReview for The Money and Spirit Workshop Review by Cynthia H\n\nI have found my journey around money to be filled with rules of what I can do and what I can't do from a very early age. Spencer Sherman and Brent Kessel dive into how our culture and family fosters a feeling of \"not enough.\" I applaud these CFPs for opening me to a new way of looking at money. I am cultivating sufficiency in all aspects of my life. My new mantra is \"I am enough. I have enough!\"\n\n(Posted on 7/19/2014)\n\nReview for The Money and Spirit Workshop Review by marian k\n\nI sent a complaint that the download is incomplete and got no answer.\n\nI am not happy with the product because it is clear that several chapters are missing. I would not buy anything agin from Sounds True unless I get the full version sent to me.\n\n(Posted on 5/5/2014)\n\nReview for The Money and Spirit Workshop Review by Shekina\n\nTo obtain the designation CFP, Certified Financial Planner, is extremely difficult. I know because I have just finished taking the coursework and will soon attempt to pass the certifying exam myself. I am also a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. The way these fellows have so intelligently and comprehensively interwoven the concepts of money and spirit is desperately needed by our culture. I even laughed when I saw myself in their archetypes. It takes courage to look at one's numbers. All of us hiding from them know what I mean when I say, \"numbers.\" And those that don't have that problem may need help too! I felt that the authors were authentic and sincere in discussing their own issues and gentle and caring supporting this process of healing and moving into overall health. They simplify and crack open what otherwise could be a process that so many put off for a lifetime, and at the end of the day wonder why or how we could have lived a more confident and happier life. It is possible to change. I would highly recommend this program to help move that along.\n\n(Posted on 8/27/2012)\n\nReview for The Money and Spirit Workshop Review by NJ\n\nThe course is great. The fact that the download is supplied in such a way that all the tracks are listed as CD1 is beyond nonsensical. Come on Sounds True, who's brainwave was that? I had to sit and edit each track in iTunes so that I could hear them in the correct order. ??? Great content vs the worst delivery service possible... one star\n\n(Posted on 7/1/2012)\n\nReview for The Money and Spirit Workshop Review by Patricia Lillis\n\nSuperb product! After a lifetime of battling my 'money demons', this is the first time I am beginning to understand them and the first time that I have any sense of hope that I may in fact be able to achieve what I long to. Don't get me wrong though--you will have to do the work! There are no 'free lunches' here. Its just that before now, I could not even see the path that I knew I had to somehow first find and then eventually travel. Now I have at least found the path.\n\n(Posted on 6/24/2012)\n\nReview for The Money and Spirit Workshop Review by James Toyama\n\nThe order was easily placed and recieved in good time. The product also met my expectations.\n\n(Posted on 7/24/2011)\n\nReview for The Money and Spirit Workshop Review by Jan Soloy\n\nI am enjoying the Money and Spirit Workshop very much. I must confess I have not been disciplined enough to wait the recommended week in between each lesson!! I can hardly wait to get on to the next concept! thank you!"], "url": "http://www.soundstrue.com/store/the-money-and-spirit-workshop.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 434, "original_width": 500, "width": 435}], "image_hashes": ["dd7ea97bc52e107cc097d24b11d55cc2424ba302ded1ed34cbf115cc67c3bc6f"], "__index_level_0__": 469, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://i.pinimg.com/237x/dc/32/ee/dc32ee05dc463753301a9467060d6657.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9170930981636048}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.strangegirl.com/2012/11/25/the-wonderful-world-of-pants-part-un/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/9b/35/fd/9b35fdb8fe97bd85ccaa0dbab15966f1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/9b/35/fd/9b35fdb8fe97bd85ccaa0dbab15966f1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b fdb fe bd ccaa dbab f\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.strangegirl.com/2012/11/25/the-wonderful-world-of-pants-part-un/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/25/e6/60/25e6608c450df2ebb6eaa4deb1c1d197.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/25/e6/60/25e6608c450df2ebb6eaa4deb1c1d197.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e c df ebb eaa deb c d\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.strangegirl.com/2012/11/25/the-wonderful-world-of-pants-part-un/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/b7/6a/46/b76a465754be2753faaa884d8dce0b9b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/b7/6a/46/b76a465754be2753faaa884d8dce0b9b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b a be faaa d dce b b\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.strangegirl.com/2012/11/25/the-wonderful-world-of-pants-part-un/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/32/28/fe/3228fedfb65dfae128e2589d567c96f8.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/32/28/fe/3228fedfb65dfae128e2589d567c96f8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fedfb dfae e d c f\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.strangegirl.com/2012/11/25/the-wonderful-world-of-pants-part-un/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/ec/ba/ee/ecbaee271b6c33c74e37a82b79e8dd84.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/ec/ba/ee/ecbaee271b6c33c74e37a82b79e8dd84.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ecbaee b c c e a b e dd\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.strangegirl.com/2012/11/25/the-wonderful-world-of-pants-part-un/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/dc/32/ee/dc32ee05dc463753301a9467060d6657.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i.pinimg.com/237x/dc/32/ee/dc32ee05dc463753301a9467060d6657.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dc ee dc a d\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.strangegirl.com/2012/11/25/the-wonderful-world-of-pants-part-un/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-19/10520364_271614183044267_1804893985_a.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-19/10520364_271614183044267_1804893985_a.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"magicskyway\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Lately, a lot of my friends have been talking about pants. For me and for many others, pants are a touchy subject. My crazy waist-to-hip ratio makes it hard for me to find pants that fit comfortably and attractively. As I’m roughly 42-32/3-48″, a pair that fits in the hip is almost always too big in the waist. Sometimes, pants are fine in the thighs and WAY too baggy in the knees/calves.\n\nThe Laura Byrnes Black Label High-waisted Cropped Trousers offered by Pinup Girl Clothing usually get glowing reviews, but they were originally a bust for me. After losing a bit of weight, I tried them again (size 2x) with better results! I like the crisp lines, high waist, and wide waistband, which camouflages the loose skin on my midriff area (AKA “The Blob”) wonderfully. The waistband is elasticized in the back, which prevents it from cutting into one’s gut when one sits. At first the back-zip put me off, but now I really appreciate that it keeps the side and front of the garment smooth. More, the legs offer plenty of room without looking baggy.\n\nBecause I liked the cropped version so much, I recently purchased a couple of pairs of the longer-style Black Label trousers. I’ll report back on them once they arrive, but I expect them to be a welcome and winter-friendly addition to my wardrobe. In the more distant future, I hope to try the Deadly Dames stretch bengaline capris and, for the second time, the Deadly Dames twill cigarette pants. Unfortunately, the cigarette pants wouldn’t zip over my big butt the last time I tried them.\n\nIn the denim arena, I finally tried the famous Freddie’s of Pinewood vintage-style, wide leg jeans. As it’s based in the UK, Freddie’s isn’t the easiest option for North American customers. That said, the owners are very helpful, efficient, and professional, and the products are of good quality. Despite instructions on the website not to size up, I found I needed to. I originally ordered the Classics and Classic Pedal Pushers in size 34″ waist – assuming that the 48″ hip measurement posted would be fine – only to discover that the jeans were way too small for me. I had success with the 36″ waist jeans. The waist is obviously a bit big, but it doesn’t hang oddly. The wide legs are not too wide, and create a very authentic 1940s impression.", null], "url": "http://www.strangegirl.com/2012/11/25/the-wonderful-world-of-pants-part-un/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 409, "original_height": 257, "original_width": 237, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4fef477ac93528d518fb23d1f5bce0d32ca605bdae58b1aa1a2c3c7e82acb902"], "__index_level_0__": 470, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b459/stringgles/12187834_10207014159247951_8559863893611195305_n_zpsvldytdmw.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7536073923110962}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.stringgles.com/2014/11/diy-spray-leave-in-conditioner-detangler.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b459/stringgles/12187834_10207014159247951_8559863893611195305_n_zpsvldytdmw.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1045.photobucket.com/albums/b459/stringgles/12187834_10207014159247951_8559863893611195305_n_zpsvldytdmw.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"n zpsvldytdmw\", \"alt_text\": \" photo 12187834_10207014159247951_8559863893611195305_n_zpsvldytdmw.jpg\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["DIY Spray Leave in Conditioner/ Detangler\n\n7:50 PM\nHere is how I make my Spray Leave in Conditioner/ Detangler\nYou can substitute any of the products I used to your liking. Play around with your recipe. Everybody hair is different and what works for me may not work for you. I use this in my hair everyday so I run out rather quickly. I don't make a lot because I actually like to tweak my recipe each time depending on what my hair needs are.\n\nProducts I Used\n-An Empty Bottle\n-Trader Joe's Aloe Vera Gel (Benefits http://www.curlynikki.com/2013/01/the...)\n-Trader Joe's Grapeseed Oil (Benefits http://blackgirllonghair.com/2013/07/...)\n-Ion Curl Solutions Curl Defining Conditioner\n\nTags: aloe vera gel , curl defining conditioner , DIY , DIY Spray Leave in Conditioner/ Detangler , grapeseed oil , ion curl solutions , natural hair , sally's beauty supply , trader joe's , water", null], "url": "http://www.stringgles.com/2014/11/diy-spray-leave-in-conditioner-detangler.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 472, "original_height": 960, "original_width": 768, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["648da93804e848cbfa13949425f47ae78ca7c406d026ed4bfe4dab7e21797f56"], "__index_level_0__": 471, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://iw.suntekstore.com/disimage.php?id=10016937&img=image.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7504860758781433}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.suntekstore.com/goods-10016937-48_led_flash_macro_ring_light_w_55mm_adapter_ring.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://iw.suntekstore.com/disimage.php?id=10016937&img=image.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://iw.suntekstore.com/disimage.php?id=10016937&img=image.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"disimage\", \"alt_text\": \"48 LED Flash Macro Ring Light w/ 55mm Adapter Ring\", \"rendered_width\": 330, \"rendered_height\": 330}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.suntekstore.com/goods-10016937-48_led_flash_macro_ring_light_w_55mm_adapter_ring.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"images/201305/thumb_img/10010842_thumb_G_1368163502100.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.suntekstore.com/images/201305/thumb_img/10010842_thumb_G_1368163502100.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thumb G\", \"alt_text\": \"Shutter Release Button for Sony DSC-H5 H1 H2\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.suntekstore.com/goods-10016937-48_led_flash_macro_ring_light_w_55mm_adapter_ring.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"images/201705/thumb_img/10010843_thumb_G_1493882718228.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.suntekstore.com/images/201705/thumb_img/10010843_thumb_G_1493882718228.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thumb G\", \"alt_text\": \"Replacement Battery Door Cover for Canon EOS 50D\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.suntekstore.com/goods-10016937-48_led_flash_macro_ring_light_w_55mm_adapter_ring.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"images/201304/thumb_img/10010884_thumb_G_1367054822672.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.suntekstore.com/images/201304/thumb_img/10010884_thumb_G_1367054822672.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thumb G\", \"alt_text\": \"58mm Lens Bayonet Mount Ring for Nikon G 18-55/18-105 Black\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.suntekstore.com/goods-10016937-48_led_flash_macro_ring_light_w_55mm_adapter_ring.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"images/201304/thumb_img/10010873_thumb_G_1364779521035.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.suntekstore.com/images/201304/thumb_img/10010873_thumb_G_1364779521035.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thumb G\", \"alt_text\": \"Clapper Board Slate For TV Film Movie - 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This LED lamp is delicately encased with a clear look heart housing, with ice-like inner filling to enhance its light effect. Simply use one or several LED lamps as decorations for your party, wedding or any other occasions.\n\nPackage Included:", "Ask a Question\nRelated Tags\nLED light strip,  solar gadgets", "Nude 3-Eye Hook Bra Extender", "Ladies Mini Top Hat Fascinator Burlesque Millinery - Black", "3in1 Eyeglasses Sunglasses Frame Repair Kit Screwdriver Tool"], "url": "http://www.suntekstore.com/goods-14003860-heart_shape_colorful_led_light_water_lamp_wedding_party_decor.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["91179500a919453bc22058eec7e2b655ebab330100b50f506d48553c73af91c4"], "__index_level_0__": 473, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.swimia.com/images/ermsleben-pools-saxony-anhalt.swimia.0.p.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9207531809806824}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.swimia.com/germany-pools/ermsleben-7-swimming-pool/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/ermsleben-pools-saxony-anhalt.swimia.0.p.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.swimia.com/images/ermsleben-pools-saxony-anhalt.swimia.0.p.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ermsleben pools saxony anhalt\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.swimia.com/germany-pools/ermsleben-7-swimming-pool/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/back-to-top.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.swimia.com/images/back-to-top.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"back to top\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.swimia.com/germany-pools/ermsleben-7-swimming-pool/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/back-to-top.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.swimia.com/images/back-to-top.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"back to top\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.swimia.com/germany-pools/ermsleben-7-swimming-pool/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/back-to-top.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.swimia.com/images/back-to-top.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"back to top\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.swimia.com/germany-pools/ermsleben-7-swimming-pool/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/0.siteConfiguration/sites/swimia/images/standard/swimia.paged_rightside.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.swimia.com/0.siteConfiguration/sites/swimia/images/standard/swimia.paged_rightside.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"swimia\", \"alt_text\": \"Ermsleben Pools (Saxony-Anhalt)\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.swimia.com/germany-pools/ermsleben-7-swimming-pool/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/back-to-top.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.swimia.com/images/back-to-top.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"back to top\"}]", "texts": [null, "Thanks to some new pools submitted by swimmers like you, Swimia.com is growing in the every day quantity of stored pools. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case you find any Ermsleben Pool with inaccurate or incomplete information. The ideal option during your visit to Ermsleben are going to be droping by a Ermsleben Pool. Do you know of any Pools in Spain that ought to be listed here? Contact us!.\n\nPlease use the make contact with facts provided at each pool profile to check if they are offering aquagym lessons, because isn't so prevalent to see an Aquagym in Ermsleben. Please contact the sports center in Ermsleben to check which activities are becoming offered and their timetables, because Ermsleben Pools (Saxony-Anhalt) could possibly have numerous rules and fares than other locations. The most effective Ermsleben Pools (Saxony-Anhalt) are located mainly in huge cities, but it is also uncomplicated to find public pools in rural areas.", "Nearest Swimming Pools (Ermsleben)\n\nView all Other Cities in Saxony-Anhalt Swimming Pool", "Swimming Pools in Ermsleben by Category (Saxony-Anhalt)"], "url": "http://www.swimia.com/germany-pools/ermsleben-7-swimming-pool/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 300, "width": 453}], "image_hashes": ["2bf64d7a991c40ede849c79e9558c92b8988fbef654ea8ff5615e8d3c7a60222"], "__index_level_0__": 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the Orange Ombre ink pad... I soooooooo LOVE those pads!!  Just cause I needed a little more texture, I added a twine bow.  Voila!  Simple, quick and lots of fun!", null, "Posted at 09:00 PM in CAS-ual Fridays, Case This Sketch, Crazy 4 Challenges | Permalink | Comments (1)", "January 10, 2015\n\nKKS, Challenge #263 - Happy Birthday! & CAS(e) this Sketch", "Happy weekend!!!!!!  It's time for another Kraftin' Kimmie challenge and this week's hostess is Miss Alexis!!!  To celebrate HER birthday, shes challenge all of us (and you too) to create something Birthday.  For my card today I grabbed the new Make a Wish set and had a wee bit of mixed media fun!  Oh hey, did you see my post on the KKS Friends fb page, the one with all of those yummy paper pads and sprinkes and goodies???  Well this paper pad, Just Sayin by MME was one of them.... LOVE the colors!!  and this fabulous layout is this week's CAS(E) this Sketch.", "Everytime I break out my Gelatos I fall in love!  I LOVE the texture, I love their shimmer, I love the vibrancy of the colors and I LOVE all of the GREAT things you can do with them!!  Though today I just smudged them :)  I stamped my sentiment with some Impress Fresh Ink in Charcoal and then used some clear EP.  These Impress inks are another fave find of 2014... the colors just ROCK!!!!!  After embossing the sentiment I just sqribbled some Gelatos, then smudged.", "Another of my Goals this year is to decorate more insides of my cards... so here' my first of the year!  The paper was just a scrap from the front, then I used the GOT CAKE stamp from my set (also stamped in Charoal) and added 2 arrows.  Well that's all I have for today, hope you had a wonderful FIRSt full week of 2015!!  Swing by the Kraftin Kimmie blog for the link up, the deets and more DT inspiration for this week's challenge!\n\nStamps: Make a Wish (Kraftin Kimmie stamps)\nInk: Charcoal Fresh Ink (Impress)\nPaper: Just Sayin (MME), Ocean Tides and Black cs (PTI)\nExtra's: Gelatos, Arrow Die (Verve)", "Posted at 04:00 AM in Case This Sketch, Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)", "December 12, 2014\n\nKKS December peeks day 2, LIVE out loud!", "Hey yall!  Welcome back for another day of Krafty Peeks!!  Today the Krafty Girls & Guests are Rockin Out with 2 uber cute Rocker Chicks!!  This diva is Rock Star, she kind of reminds me of Cyndi Lauper in the 80's, lol!  For my layout I used this week's CAS(e) this Sketch and flipped it... LOVE the layout, kind of looks like a stage for her.  The beautiful papers (Kaisercraft) are from the Krafty store!", "Posted at 04:00 AM in Case This Sketch, Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps | Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)", "September 13, 2014\n\nKKS, Cave Kids", "Happy Saturday!  Time for another Krafty peek :)  Today the Krafty girls are inking up the FAB Cave Kids set by the awesome Cheryl!  LOVE Lulu in pink green!  I grabbed the current CAS(e) This Sketch for my layout.", "Just look at her CUTE pet Dino <3  I just had to add some White Sharpie Paint pen dots on him.  After your done hopping around, don't forget that today is KKS Challenge day and this week's challenge is ANYTHING GOES!  So grab your Kraftin Kimmie stamps and get stampy!  See you tonight at the Krafy Release Party!!!!!!", "Posted at 04:00 AM in Case This Sketch, Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (0)", "July 02, 2014\n\nKKS Wonderful Wednesday & CAS(e) this Sketch", "Hey yall!  Back from our little \"getaway\" with a quick post for Kraftin Kimmie's Wonderful Wednesday.  I've combined cute lil Lucas from the NEW Lil Swashbucklers set with last weeks CAS(e) this Sketch.   Be sure to head over to the Kraftin Kimmie blog for more deets on how you can win some rubber and for some Krafty Girl inspiration!", "Posted at 04:00 AM in Case This Sketch, Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)", "June 20, 2014\n\nKraftin Kimmie June peeks, Under the Sea 2", "I treasure you!!  Are ya LOVING the peeks?  Today the Krafty girls are inking up the Under the Sea 2 set by Thais!  Sooooooo adorable!!!  For my card today I decided to make a shaker with LOTS of gold sequins and this week's CAS(e) this Sketch was perfect!", "I colored my image with my Distress Markers and used a water brush for blending.  I used some Glossy Accents some Gold Glitter for the coins.  Before putting my shaker together I stamped my sentiment several times on the back piece of the shaker.  I LOVE this fun little card.  Have fun hopping around to the rest of the Krafty girls!\n\nStamps: Under the Sea 2 (Kraftin Kimmie Stamps)\nExtra's: Gold Sequins (Neat 'N Tangled), Water brush (Ranger), Twine, Button (PTI), Gold Glitter, Glossy Accents (Inksentials)\nDistress Markers\nWeathered Wood, Shaded Lilac, Gathered Twigs, Walnut Stain, Black Soot", "Posted at 04:00 AM in Case This Sketch, Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps | Permalink | Comments (18) | TrackBack (0)", "May 30, 2014\n\nLet Your Dreams Take Flight, & CAS(e) this Sketch", "Yup playing with my Gelato's again!  LOVE those shimmery colors! I scribbled the Gelato over some white watercolor paper and then used an Aqua Pen to \"water color\". The Paper Crane set from RC is one of my all time faves (of course, lol).  I grabbed my new Doin' the Wave dies from Reverse Confetti... SO STINKING FUN!!!  When I saw the new sketch from CAS(e) this Sketch yesterday, I knew it was perfect for playing with that die! Wheeeeeeeee!", "Look at that shimmery...purty!  and I LOVE the Crane against the shimmer.  Thanks for popping by, hope to see ya again soon :)", "Posted at 04:00 AM in Case This Sketch, Reverse Confetti | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)", "May 27, 2014\n\nYou make me smile, RC Color & CAS(E) this Sketch!", "Let me just tell you that getting new goodies in the mail and then having to wait MANY days to play with them is just WRONG!!!!  Seriously WRONG!!! lol.  I got some Reverse Confetti goodies a couple of weeks ago and then we had house guests, a surprise party for the Hubby, etc, etc. You get the picture.  Well the kids are back to school today after the long weekend and it was MY PLAYDAY!!! lol!!  This month's Reverse Confetti color challenge is", "Lt. Pink, Orange and Dk Pink... LOVE these colors together... so girly and cheery and happy :D  I did pair mine up with my favorite Kraft paper (Gina K has the best Kraft out there!!!), thanks to Jen!  I was looking at the Color Challenge post and the words about her using Kraft caught my eye, then I just couldn't get the Kraft idea out of my head!  Sorry to be a copy-cat Jen.  I grabbed my new RC goodies to decide what to make and as soon as I looked at the Oh My Stars! die I immediately thought of the current CAS(E) this Sketch... PERFECT-OOO!", "All of those yummy patterned papers are from the Blossom paper packs by Samantha Walker on Snap Click Supply, Co.  Thanks for stopping by!  Hope to see you again soon ;)\n\nStamps: Beautiful Banners, You Make Me Smile (Reverse Confetti)\nPaper: Kraft (Gina K), Blossom Orange & Pink palettes, by Samantha Walker\nInk: Rose Bud (Memento), Onyx Black (Versafine)\nExtra's: Beautiful Banners dies, Oh My Stars! dies and Petals & Posies dies (Reverse Confetti), Orange Rhinestones, Orange Buttons (PTI), Kraft 1/16\" ribbon", "Posted at 03:10 PM in Case This Sketch, Reverse Confetti | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)", "May 24, 2014\n\nKraftin Kimmie May peeks day 3, Under the Sea", "So are ya ready for summer yet?  With all of the goodies from this release I sure am! and perfect timing since Memorial Day unofficially kicks off Summer here in the US!  Today we are playing with the new set from Thais called Under the Sea, and this little Jellyfish is happy as a clam (lol)!  Oh and since it's Saturday, it's time for a Krafty Challenge, this week is ANYTHING GOES!  You can swing by the Kraftin Kimmie blog for more challenge deets!", "For today's card I decided to do some mixed media playing.  I REALLY love playing with all of those mixed media goodies, I just don't know how to use them!  Anyway, I knew I wanted to do some kind of watercolor affect and I am SOOOOOOO in LOVE with my Gelatos, (again, not really sure how to use them) so I grabbed a blue, a green and a gray and made some scribbles here and there then took an Aqua Pen and smeared the colors together... FUN!  Not sure if you can see it on the pics below, but Gelato's have some shimmer to them... such a great look!", "I used Diamond Glaze stickles to the bubbles Jelly is juggling.  Then I grabbed one of my stencils and some Translucent Embossing paste... in the picture they're kinda hard to see, but I randomly placed them on my card and the look like bubbles :)  I used some scotch tape to cover up \"random\" holes so I could have bubbles only \"here and there\".  I also added some Enamel Dots to add a little more color-pop.", "This week's Cas(e) this Sketch was so perfect for the ideas I'd already had for this card!  This isn't my \"normal\" style, but I had so much fun playing today :)  Ok, thanks for letting me ramble about my playday, but it's  now time for you to hop along and visit the rest of the Krafty Girls & Guests!  Happy Hopping and thanks for popping by!!"], "url": "http://www.tangiink.com/the_inking_spot_of_crain_/case-this-sketch/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 534, 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Lets see where to get the best advice to protect your ID\n\nUse Google's expert advice\n\nGoogle has teamed up with the Citizens Advice Bureau for its 'Good to Know' campaign, which offers tips on staying safe online. One of the things you can do on the site, under the 'Manage your data' tab, is control exactly what personal information you share with Google and other search engines, websites and advertisers. The tips explain how you can delete your cookies across the web, change the privacy settings in all your Google accounts and edit what advertisers can learn about you. The Jargon Buster (ht tp://bit.ly/jargon281) is very useful, too.", null, "Create simple but strong passwords\n\nA recently released list of the most common passwords showed that easily guessed terms such as 'password' and '123456' are still alarmingly popular. To avoid using an obvious password, read Microsoft's excellent online advice, which offers tips such as using the whole keyboard when creating password (letters, numbers and symbols). There's also a secure password checker, so you can see how safe your new secret word is, and advice on how to make a complex password easy to remember.", null, "Prevent ID theft on your phone\n\nThe Android and Apple security app Lookout has a great blog packed with tips, including advice on the safest shopping apps, how to avoid the latest malware threats and how to back up your data effectively. If you want to use your phone for mobile banking, Lookout's Top 10 Mobile Banking Security Tips are a must.\n\nPrevent ID-theft insurance\n\nFor an extra level of protection; you can buy identity-theft insurance using Moneysupermarket's credit-monitoring price-comparison service. Many companies' packages include a 24/7 fraud-monitoring service that checks your online accounts and credit report for signs of anything unusual, sending you text or email alerts, and offering free fraud insurance. If you still fall victim, the company can assign a case worker to clean up any mess on your behalf.\n\nProtect the identity of a deceased relative\n\nCriminals sometimes use the identities of dead people to commit fraud. If you're worried this might happen to one of your relatives, read ldentitytheft.org's helpful guide on how to register a death and make the accounts secure. The site is run in partnership with the Home Office, Royal Mail, Identity and Passport Service and the Financial Services Authority, among other organizations. It aims to give advice on all aspects of protecting your identity both on and off line.\n\nKnow who to contact if you're a victim", "If you find yourself hacked or you've been ripped off by an online scammer, visit Action Fraud. The site, created by the National Fraud Authority, is the place to officially report a fraud, but also has links to useful organizations where you can get further advice. Helpfully, it has the latest information on fraud and scams that are currently doing the rounds. If you're worried about whether an email or post is dodgy, check this site first to see if anyone else has f lagged it as being dangerous.\n\nCheck the latest scams", null, "Millersmiles has a huge archive of phishing and identity-theft email scams, but its best feature is that it's updated weekly, so visit it regularly to check the latest online threats. It’s Scam Alert Email RSS feed sends you the latest scams as and when they're identified. The site also lets you search for scams by subject, content and, most usefully, by sender (for example, 'Lioyds Bank').\n\nReport late or lost post\n\nYou can be careful to always shop from a trustworthy site, but there's still a risk that your post could get lost. If the items are being sent by Royal Mail, you can report them as late or missing using the official form. Your package will be checked against the sorting lists and, where applicable, a tracking number. This will give you an estimated time for delivery, or provide information you can give to the retailer to claim a refund or a replacement.\n\nTake the Identity Theft Challenge Quiz", null, "Do you know the difference between phishing and key logging? Or what SSL stands for? Test your knowledge of how to protect your online identity and what to be wary of while surfing or shopping with this 10 -question quiz from HowStuffWorks (www.howstuffworks.com). A couple of the questions have a US bias, but they're still worth answering.\n\n'Spot the phishing scam' quiz\n\nYou may know what a phishing scam is, but are you confident you could always spot one? This tricky 'Phish or No Phish' quiz from VeriSign presents a series of official sites and phishing sites side by side, and asks you to identify which is genuine. The quiz sounds straightforward, but there were a few phishing methods used that even we didn't spot straight away. For each answer, the quiz explains how that particular technique works, and includes tips on spotting them. It explains the various techniques used by scammers to try and fool you.\n\nDownload the Rough Guide to Staying Safe Online\n\nThis free PDF guide from GetSafeOnline is a great starting point if you, a relative or a friend are just getting started on the web. It explains technical jargon, tells you what to look out for when shopping and banking online, and highlights the pitfalls many people encounter, especially when buying holidays and tickets.\n\nThe Future of ID Protection\n\nHere's what we could be using in the future to prevent ID theft\n\nOne-Time Passwords\n\nAfter logging into a service with a username, you are sent a password, usually in a text message or email, that can only be entered once and expires after a certain time.\n\nSingle Sign-On (SSO)\n\nRather than typing a different password for each account, you use just one password to access everything via a single sign-in page or an authentication app, such as GriDsure's Solo Login (www.gridsure.com/solo.shtm). You configure and verify your data and online accounts within the application.\n\nTwo-Step Verification\n\nTo log in using two-step verification you need to use 'something you know', such as a password or an answer to a memorable question, with 'something you have', such as a smartcard, token, key fob or code sent by text. Smartcards contain chips that can only be read by dedicated readers built into PCs and laptops, while tokens and key fobs have small screens with changing numerical codes. To access an account, you need to enter your password, then the code displayed on the device.\n\nBiometric technology will be built into computers to identify the user by reading fingerprints, or recognizing voices or faces."], "url": "http://www.techquark.com/2012/01/prevent-identity-theft-online.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 289, "original_width": 400, "width": 523}, {"height": 393, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 192, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 177, "original_width": 200, "width": 427}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 193, "original_width": 200, "width": 391}], "image_hashes": ["85a9f2cc6acb394f4dbc2d2c5d60e233a4b984a68e0e44679519680c473d117f", "60ab972ebf579c552202e2ee76f1fe10ca5855efa8fb1ef0024f29e212648d56", "85c7a8d4c572ed8a1f2d282244e9d7d81fc47d1760e608e3888732a4a1b47a87", "be15df75d96f452384a9167aa03df26d2462a5d9cfe6c3ecfad589a1f4ad74d7", "63e73c983db426571f34a80c9807609061439ec3bb6b1b3b737984122f80dca4"], "__index_level_0__": 476, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/cce980d250b56f83e6be2c7f52d7300a-320-80.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.930011749267578}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.techradar.com/news/world-of-tech/future-tech/television/tv/nec-and-magnetic-media-in-3d-tv-partnership-254095\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/cce980d250b56f83e6be2c7f52d7300a-320-80.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/cce980d250b56f83e6be2c7f52d7300a-320-80.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cce d b f e be c f d a\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "NEC and Magnetic Media have announced a partnership that will result in NEC displays being able to show 3D content using Magnetic's Enabl3D technology.\n\nVisitors to the Digital Signage Expo in Las Vegas are getting the first glimpse of the partnership's 57inch 3D-Enabled display. According to Magnetic, this display is able to project images more than a foot out of the screen without the need to wear any special glasses.\n\n3D Telly\n\nUnder the terms of the partnership, NEC will now be able to offer Magnetic Enabl3D technology to its customers as an add-on. Magnetic claims that its 3D technology does not affect standard 2D image resolution, so any customers looking to buy into the best of both dimensions with a single display can do just that.\n\nExplaining how he believes 3D TV is the future, Magnetic CEO Tom Zerega said: \"First you had black-and-white TV. Then in the late 1950s colour was introduced. Over the past 10 years or so, you have HDTV, plasmas and LCDs. Now the next big thing is 3D.\"\n\nOf course, until the technology has evolved to a point where major broadcasters can afford to begin broadcasting an appropriate signal, 3D TV will remain limited to custom generated 3D content. But, who knows, perhaps in 10-20 years time everyone will be wandering around watching 3D TV on portable camera-TV-video-PVR-phones and thinking nothing of it."], "url": "http://www.techradar.com/news/world-of-tech/future-tech/television/tv/nec-and-magnetic-media-in-3d-tv-partnership-254095", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 205, "original_width": 320, "width": 590}], "image_hashes": ["1170fe38970f506d87b2ebd1191e1f7c9305d426a458f92f7e0d2264b1481d36"], "__index_level_0__": 477, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-qWdGNaxKhIA/VF2xzKbEXKI/AAAAAAAAlJo/Fa03ZeqKfic/s1600/q.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cI5TviVYf9g/VF2yN5BJJFI/AAAAAAAAlJw/twM1jR34EUQ/s1600/q.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-k-CaTJXXwb8/VF3EcWuz7xI/AAAAAAAAlKM/L-VkcuzbSKw/s1600/q.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-dtR7pYrLyzY/VF3E4pZYU5I/AAAAAAAAlKU/_6Rw_KG2Ik8/s1600/q.jpg", null, 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structures elsewhere in the solar system, on our Moon perhaps or on Mars?", null, "United States Air Force Space Command\n\nSomething straight out of a science fiction movie? Well not according to several marines who supposedly are part of a special unit called “Air Force Space command”.\n\nA special division of the US Air Force, with its headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. AFSPC supports U.S. military operations worldwide through the use of many different types of satellite, launch and cyber operations. Operationally, AFSPC is under the Combatant Commander of the U.S. Strategic Command.\n\nFSPC’s primary mission areas:\n\nBut is there something more to this special division of the USAF? Is it possible that we only know a part of the mission areas of the AFSPC?\n\nLets get back to the moon and to the question why we have never been back on the moon? What has kept the US and Russia from going to the moon? There has to be a reason we gave up the plan to eventually build bases on the moon; was it because someone else was already there? What is the possibility that the Moon houses extraterrestrial facilities?\n\nNASA has been investing millions of dollars in hardware and cameras that were placed into lunar orbit, but why are there no images from the far side of the moon, the side which never faces earth?\n\nThe abundance of helium-3 is thought to be greater on the Moon (embedded in the upper layer of regolith by the solar wind over billions of years). Interest in Helium-3 is rising each year as it is a clean and efficient nuclear reactor fuel and if we, humans are interested, why wouldn’t extraterrestrial beings be? It makes sense.\n\nKardashev Scale\n\nThe Kardashev scale is a method of measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement, based on the amount of energy a civilization is able to utilize. The scale has three designated categories called Type I, II, and III. A Type I civilization uses all available resources impinging on its home planet, Type II harnesses all the energy of its star, and Type III of its galaxy.\n\nIn 1964, Kardashev defined three levels of civilizations, based on the order of magnitude of power available to them:\n\nType I\n\n“Technological level close to the level presently attained on earth, with energy consumption at ≈4×1019 erg/sec (4 × 1012 watts.) Guillermo A. Lemarchand stated this as “A level near contemporary terrestrial civilization with an energy capability equivalent to the solar insolation on Earth, between 1016 and 1017 watts.”\n\nType II\n\n“A civilization capable of harnessing the energy radiated by its own star (for example, the stage of successful construction of a Dyson sphere), with energy consumption at ≈4×1033 erg/sec. Lemarchand stated this as “A civilization capable of utilizing and channeling the entire radiation output of its star. The energy utilization would then be comparable to the luminosity of our Sun, about 4×1033erg/sec (4×1026 watts).”\n\nType III\n“A civilization in possession of energy on the scale of its own galaxy, with energy consumption at ≈4×1044 erg/sec.“ Lemarchand stated this as “A civilization with access to the power comparable to the luminosity of the entire Milky Way galaxy, about 4×1044erg/sec (4×1037 watts).”\n\nThe scale is only hypothetical, but it puts energy consumption in a cosmic perspective. It was first proposed in 1964 by the Soviet astronomer Nikolai Kardashev. Various extensions of the scale have been proposed since, from a wider range of power levels (types 0, IV and V) to the use of metrics other than pure power.\n\nCarl Sagan suggested defining intermediate values (not considered in Kardashev’s original scale) by interpolating and extrapolating the values given above for types I (1016 W), II (1026 W) and III (1036 W), which would produce the formula:", "Where value K is a civilization’s Kardashev rating and P is the power it uses, in watts. Using this extrapolation, a “Type 0″ civilization, not defined by Kardashev, would control about 1 MW of power, and humanity’s civilization type as of 1973 was about 0.7 (apparently using 10 terawatt (TW) as the value for 1970s humanity).\n\nIn 2008, total world energy consumption was 474 exajoules (474×1018 J=132,000 TWh), equivalent to an average power consumption of 15 TW (or 0.717 on Sagan’s Kardashev scale).\n\nExtraterrestrial encounters on the Moon\n\nAlthough UFO encounters were documented during most, if not all manned space flights, Apollo 11 afforded a wealth of evidence in voice transmissions, and photography. Some sources even claim the astronauts made contact with an alien race on the moon. Not long after their landing, Armstrong and Aldrin noticed a UFO nearby, after advising Houston Armstrong is said to have switched the radio from the public channel to the medical channel, then advised control:\n\n“They’re here…parked up on the rim of the crater, watching us.” ~ Neil Armstrong\n\nExtraordinary things have been going on on the Moon and secrecy is extremely high. NASA and the government contend that such secrets must be kept from the public; because if humanity learned of ET races in our solar system, according to scientists, the world as we know “would end”.\n\nThe Apollo 14 mission reported several unidentified crafts on moon’s polar region with structures- circular buildings and towers, then Apollo 15 captured an image clearly depicting a cigar shaped craft on the moon’s surface near the Delporte crater. Apollo 16 apparently took detailed pictures of vehicle tracks, a “bridge” and a radar dish in the Mare Crisium crater.", null, null, "Russia didn’t stay away from the moon, as they launched their Zond-3 probe to explore the far side of the moon in 1965, they photographed a dome type structure, and what appeared to be a tower over 20 miles high.", null, null, "Are all of these pictures a hoax? Or can we say that there is something strange about them and that there is something “alien” up there? Why have we not been on the moon? We do not lack the technology to do so, we are already planing on going to Mars and talking about capturing Asteroids, but why skip the Moon, which is filled with highly valuable natural resources?\n\nMars and… aliens?\n\nOf all Mars missions attempted by various countries over the years, 23 have disappeared or failed upon reaching the orbit of Mars, a bit strange isn’t it?\n\nThe Martian moon Phobos – like Earth’s moon would make an excellent base from which we can launch future missions deeper into our solar system. The two leading countries, Russia and the US have sent exploratory probes to recon the surface, and every one of those mission also failed. The 1989 Russian Mars probe Phobos-2 seemed to come under direct attack by a UFO.\n\nThese are two of the last photos taken before the probe vanished:", null, null, "Not all probes exploring the Red Planet have ended in failure. Several missions have provided us with a huge amount of images which until today have no logical explanation. These are just some of those images:", null, null, null], "url": "http://www.thedailytrends.net/2014/11/aliens-mars-and-moon-secret-agenda.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 391, "original_width": 590, "width": 570}, {"height": 613, "original_height": 451, "original_width": 278, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 476, "original_width": 636, "width": 505}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 639, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 634, "original_width": 720, "width": 429}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 571, "original_width": 715, "width": 473}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 452, "original_width": 606, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 466, "original_width": 604, "width": 489}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 393, "original_width": 611, "width": 587}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 385, "original_width": 597, "width": 586}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 413, 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I want to be forced with choosing between a two-day binge sesh of Breaking Bad (I mean why not start all over?) or Kardashians seasons 1-27 (lil trashy but pure gold) or even an Academy Award nomination movie marathon (even though I really just want to watch Straight Outta Compton tbh). I want to nose dive into a bowl of chili and bundle up in cashmere and become a missing person for at least 48 hours. Why do East Coasters get everything??\n\nWhatever. If it drops below 50 degrees here in Dallas I'm going off the grid. It's only fair for all people of this great nation to be treated equally in their pursuit of Happiness. Whether that happiness is sweat pants and sweet potatoes is your business. But let me lead the way...\n\nI know it might be difficult to fathom a world where lasagna noodles are extracted from the lasagna equation, but hear me out. The sweet potato filling gets scooped out of the skins and mixed with ricotta and spinach, acting like both the creamy lasagna filling and the base of the chunky meat sauce. What's better is there are only three steps - bake the potatoes, mix the filling together, reassemble. The hardest part of making this dish is not burning your tongue on sweet potato-ricotta-saucey-melty cheese licks. But I don't know anything about that.\n\n*nurses tongue* (literally the worst)\n\nI'm not sure if these pics do this meal justice, but Ty's already submitted a formal request for round two ASAP. Hi Saturday! We see you.\n\nPrep Time: 0 mins | Cook Time: 50 mins + 2-3 mins | Makes 4 halves\n\nThe Steps", null, null, "at 1/22/2016"], "url": "http://www.thesavvyspoon.com/2016/01/lasagna-stuffed-sweet-potatoes.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 477, "original_width": 800, "width": 633}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 519, "original_width": 800, "width": 582}, {"height": 704, "original_height": 894, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1d8c90b8456d644b066fedd3c8f45f6e562dfbf1dab4531270b1c16eed76d6ed", "4cd3a2781b5815385ab83a8f290ca37cd7809d22f930a29105fbc452349bcbd8", "758f076ba51094c3140b0f3b1ebdcf7b41caed292dfd2ffc47a4c8117a3522ee"], "__index_level_0__": 479, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/532258d5e4b0432b1d53ac5d/t/54ae46c5e4b0c8f53be09702/1420707539803/IMG_2270+as+Smart+Object-1.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9541530013084412}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thomasingersoll.com/bio/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/532258d5e4b0432b1d53ac5d/t/54ae46c5e4b0c8f53be09702/1420707539803/IMG_2270+as+Smart+Object-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/532258d5e4b0432b1d53ac5d/t/54ae46c5e4b0c8f53be09702/1420707539803/IMG_2270+as+Smart+Object-1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG as Smart Object\", \"alt_text\": \"IMG_2270 as Smart Object-1.jpg\"}]", "texts": ["I am a Arizona and destination wedding photographer located in Phoenix, Arizona.\n\nAbout five years ago, I picked up a camera and quickly fell in love with it. Since then I’ve grown and become immersed in the photography world, specifically by shooting weddings. Becoming an integral part of a day celebrating love is a passion of mine. Being a photographer is my full time job, so I invest all of my effort into the people who let me capture their beautiful memories. When I show up to your wedding day, you can expect me to be calm and collected, even if you aren’t. I will capture all of the small details that make your wedding beautiful, and catch the fleeting moments that you will cherish forever.\n\nI take pride in my photos and have earned myself a place in several published mediums such as Phoenix Bride and Groom, Arizona Foothills, and Practical Photography. When I first began, I was awarded the 2012 Eric Fischl Vanguard Award and am a writer for a national photography blog, F-stoppers. My style of photography is geared towards being natural. I won’t make you do any cheesy poses, but instead let your love flow out to each other organically and catch the moment where your loved one makes you laugh, or catch a stolen kiss. However, if you aren’t comfortable in front of a camera, I will do whatever it takes to get you to laugh or feel at ease, even if that means shaking my butt or doing something embarrassing. I want this day to be fun, and the pictures should reflect that.", null], "url": "http://www.thomasingersoll.com/bio/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 667, "original_width": 1000, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["a4720aa6e2c15501b65bd461d162a9595fcd26fd11bc63ab2f08016fe335e290"], "__index_level_0__": 480, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_7bdp2UHqjyo/TPgcCW_t9EI/AAAAAAAAA9w/Agp0lCZL03c/s320/DSC00962.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_7bdp2UHqjyo/TPgcHcusngI/AAAAAAAAA90/0t71hbQFzuI/s320/DSC00963.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_7bdp2UHqjyo/TPgcLFcgZpI/AAAAAAAAA94/nPVGwLDnxdk/s320/DSC00964.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_7bdp2UHqjyo/TPgcQrxVfuI/AAAAAAAAA98/thmNQkTQiDs/s320/DSC00965.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_7bdp2UHqjyo/TPgcY1U9JZI/AAAAAAAAA-A/ilcx3RAq6_U/s320/DSC01088.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_7bdp2UHqjyo/TPgcb6aZMUI/AAAAAAAAA-E/XGUO8d3YJDw/s320/DSC01089.JPG", 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in a little extra room we have that isn't completely finished out, but it has electricity, heating/air, etc.  It was basically a big walk in storage area for us where we kept our seasonal decorations and other misc. stuff.  I basically left everything where it was and just put my embroidery/sewing stuff where I could.  I think I got so used to it being so cluttered and packed I didn't realize how bad it had gotten. I looked like a hoarder!  So not my personality! MY WORD...embarrassing...well when we took the Christmas stuff out to decorate this year, I decided it was time to purge.  We took everything out of my \"sewing room\", which led to having to make room in our other  walk in attic.  It was busting at the seams too with my teaching stuff.  I came to the realization I was never going back to the classroom so I gave everything away to make room for everything that was in the sewing room.   Talk about a big move for me!  However it was all worth it!  Tickled Sew Pink now has a home of it's own and doesn't have to share with the Christmas Tree, pumpkins, and Easter baskets.\nHere is\nremember please don't judge! :)\nHere is where I used to sew, respond to emails, and keep orders.", null, "Yes, that thread cabinet is leaning over and the drawers were so full they wouldn't push in.  SO VERY SAD!", null, null, "This was the sewing machine I started with.  I think it was from the 60's or something. My dad actually traded a dog house for it on some website.  Crazy!  I haven't been using it for a while now and it was just collecting junk and providing me a place to hoard!", null, "I imagine it painted pretty with cute artwork, but for now it's not. A girl must dream!", null, "This isn't exactly what I want to be, I'd really like pretty boxes for my thread and fabric, but for now it's good ol' Rubbermaid to the rescue!", null, "No more ancient sewing cabinet.  A place to sew.", null, "I even made myself a little \"desk\" of sorts.  I was sewing and emailing from this little table before.", null, "I have a friend making me a canvas painting that says \"Grace for the Pace\" so I remember to breathe during the busy times and instead of confessing \"I'm so stressed\" I will be thanking the Lord that he is giving me grace for the busy pace!\nOne day I will have a pretty work space, but for now this seems like a little piece of Heaven as compared to before."], "url": "http://www.tickledsewpink.com/2010/12/extreme-makeover.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["94f57a9b4809b872b121517d0f4a056c1bc37e1a199aad9ccba75b4fa5ab46ff", "0158213424ae0b4d3e23c40d6bae0e38ba3b86b04df6983971b058841b125e18", "5c44b5c6d03f6c73809f5d1cb91748a4fc2a3bd77ff623c71c6459fe42205959", "d7f6fea407cf4fd28256c22eea5959f6189a54cc59b039cc6754eb27b35f7088", "7e7dc77b8e4ae8d0b24310f7bd9775887790bcf2a2aa4a88168fee7f8d875d6b", "588f4f75f3736f325b1f120b93f13446fe5bb77a1f51e4c778ec6b85f0614033", "f14d4c2c540ab06f3a4f1d66997314162e928211c8fd6b0dd8348a515970d021", "55e2a5933af89210ae83399150c7c0ecc7c9e228d416fb7b0ee56fc8d7284334"], "__index_level_0__": 481, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://media2.s-nbcnews.com/j/MSNBC/Components/Video/130212/tdy_vday_gifts_130212.today-vid-canonical-featured-desktop.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.839478075504303}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.today.com/video/6-last-minute-heartfelt-valentines-gifts-18125891698\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://media2.s-nbcnews.com/j/MSNBC/Components/Video/130212/tdy_vday_gifts_130212.today-vid-canonical-featured-desktop.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://media2.s-nbcnews.com/j/MSNBC/Components/Video/130212/tdy_vday_gifts_130212.today-vid-canonical-featured-desktop.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tdy vday gifts\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "6 last-minute, heartfelt Valentine’s gifts\n\nIf you’re not prepared for Valentine’s Day yet, don’t panic – lifestyle expert Brit Morin is here to help. She shows off DIY gifts perfect for showing that special someone how much you care.\n\nMost Watched\n\nPippa Middleton gets married in fairy tale wedding\n\nDuchess Kate’s sister Pippa Middleton marries James Matthews\n\nCatch up on the biggest stories of the week with The Download"], "url": "http://www.today.com/video/6-last-minute-heartfelt-valentines-gifts-18125891698", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 586, "original_width": 1042, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["58f7e1776438c9218865cd1fc4308eb6ed2ce264e720ece340d6620a32d672df"], "__index_level_0__": 482, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://www.toptableplanner.com/images/laptop.png", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9277310967445374}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.toptableplanner.com/blog/lego-wedding-seating-plans\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/laptop.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.toptableplanner.com/images/laptop.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"laptop\", \"alt_text\": \"TopTablePlanner - Wedding Table Plan Software\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Would you believe it, Lego has been around for over 70 years. In that time it has captured the imagination of young and old throughout the generations.\n\nA true icon of childhood toys, Lego is fun, imaginative, slightly quirky and instantly recognisable – perfect to incorporate in your wedding seating plan. Remember to follow the links to see examples of the Lego in action!\n\nSeating plans and Escort cards\n\nLego lends itself perfectly to escort cards. The simplest option is probably to use single bricks to act as the base for your cards, or even to simply write or stick guest’s names onto individual bricks. However, the huge range of Lego “mini-figures” means that you could also choose a figurine for each of your guests, and make individual banners for each figurine before arranging them on a flat or tiered Lego base.\n\nThis couple have used Lego mini-figures – ranging from Cowboys and Indians to Star Wars – to name their tables on their Lego seating plan.\n\nHave a look at our Pinterest board for lots of other inventive Lego seating plan ideas.", "Lego themed table plan – tableplansforweddings.co.uk", null, "TopTablePlanner makes seating plan headaches a thing of the past!\n\nTry TopTablePlanner FREE today! »\n\nNot only for the children, Lego makes a great favour. Give each guest a little bag or box of lego pieces and challenge each table to make the a Lego masterpiece from their pieces. Use Lego to make bowls or open top boxes, in which you can put tasty treats and sweets at each table. And of course, the children will be in their element – how about some Lego mini-figure crayons which should occupy them nicely during the speeches.", "These Lego minifigure wax crayons make great favours! – etsy.com", "Lego Place Cards – www.littleflamingo.com.au\n\nTable décor\n\nThis wedding table décor is beautiful and unusual, with a stunning Lego sphere centrepiece. If you are a talented Lego artist, how about making some floral Lego table centrepieces, or a romantic wedding arbor. Or, a simpler idea of a candle in a bowl surrounded by colourful Lego pieces.\n\nOther Lego wedding creations\n\nThere are a host of great Lego wedding cake designs to be found. I particularly like this one, and this little detail of Lego men laying the final touches to the cake’s icing! Lego figures are also just the right size to act as honorary ring holders, and a carefully made Lego heart can make a fantastic wedding photo prop!\n\nAnd finally…\n\nThis wedding portrait is simply amazing. Not only is it made entirely from Lego bricks, it was also put together by the guests at the wedding! If you watch the video, you will see that the picture started as a large backing board divided into a numbered grid. Each guest had a piece of the grid to make out of Lego, to an exact design. When they had made it, they stuck it on the portrait to gradually build up the image.\n\nWhat a stunning, remarkable and memorable gift to the newlyweds on their wedding day!\n\nShare this article...", "Other TopTablePlanner articles you may like:", "A little bit about Adam, founder of TopTablePlanner..."], "url": "http://www.toptableplanner.com/blog/lego-wedding-seating-plans", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 319, "original_width": 540, "width": 639}], "image_hashes": ["a950071406bcdd8cc30554ca76281351c0c116ecdf6179ef59a5bc85cc9cb5b1"], "__index_level_0__": 483, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hw3UzcUYB4M/VK1i9LUrplI/AAAAAAAAJrg/EH0XXP3aGjU/s1600/Graceland%2BEstates%2Band%2BCountry%2BClub%2B49%2BB.jpg", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-55ux32Wvi1Y/VK1E1TTOMuI/AAAAAAAAJp4/zX9HDEZZUA0/s1600/Graceland%2BEstates%2Band%2BCountry%2BClub%2B4%2BB.jpg", 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Aside from being the home of sweet cassava (which locals call budin) and yema cakes, the city is as breezy and cold as Tagaytay or . More than the sight of some of its crumbling mansions and old houses, the vintage feel of Vigan or is also palpable in almost every corner. A visit of the minor basilica and a nearby old stone house (the second largest in the ) or at least in one of its 11 Spanish-built old bridges is enough to convince a tourist that the city is worth revisiting.", "Nestled at a charming spot of its eco-tourism district is a vacation and recreational getaway called Graceland Estates and Country Club. This shows the city’s calibre for perfectly blending countryside living with modern facilities. The resulting project is a sprawling 11-hectare development of a more expansive 22-hectare property, something that I’ve come to realize can appeal well to individuals seeking solace from the urban decay of city living or families needing a pleasant space for quality time.", null, null, "One can request the club’s front desk to explore the vast expanse of the property aboard a golf cart. I was fortunate to have been given a short ride enough to see spots that I walked on foot to reach the next day. I found both experiences rewarding instead of just staying inside my booked room. Strolling allowed me to take a gander at Graceland Estates’ outskirts-based sections. This is because a whole day is not enough to really imbibe the entirety of the place. An experience of the estate is not only getting cozy inside the room. Satisfaction also beckons outdoors.", null, "During my stroll, I noticed that long and winding roads were intentionally paved to elude age-old trees, keeping the natural sanctity inside the manicured estate. Even its F&B facility, Memphis Garden Café and Grille, was designed to conform to the locations of existing foliage. I learned at the site that hardwood and fruit-bearing trees were planted all over the land even before the club got opened to the public. A few more were added to replace what were lost after a damaging typhoon.\n\nInterestingly, after trying out some of its outdoor amenities, I also found it fit for corporate outings or team buildings. Its man-made lake is surrounded by a jogging and biking lane that's generously dotted by trees. Folding and conventional bikes can be rented for half an hour of carefree enjoyment. The same lagoon allows guests to experience an intimate or romantic boat ride of fresh air. It’s also a great spot for a fishing adventure. There are two expansive free-form swimming pools with one having a sparkling jacuzzi and the other a curving kiddie slide. A patch of nine-hole putting green accentuates one side of the apartelle which makes for a breathtaking view for guests to wake up to in the misty morning. I actually enjoyed a fantastic round of golf with Dennis Dolojan, a fellow travel blogger, for an hourly rate. We also tried the adrenaline-rush laced rope course, outdoor wall climbing, and archery to challenge our relaxed bodies. They are actually great for family bonding or team building programs. Lastly, we did not pass on the chance to experience a zipline ride with a pastoral view of the neighbouring rice field.\n\nAmong the other amenities to try at the estate are the basketball and tennis courts, the simulated beach volleyball court, kayaking at the lagoon, the air soft course and horseback-riding. Parents with kids can enjoy personal time as there’s also a children's playground.\n\nMy pre-Christmas visit allowed me to view with relevance the presence of more than twenty deers. The graceful, slender-legged ruminant animals evoked childhood memories of holiday stories. With quality habitat under cold climate, the charming herd started with just four (1 male and 3 female). I didn’t have to travel all the way to from Metro Manila for this visual spectacle!\n\nIt’s an exaggeration to note that members of the estate staff were obsequious, but to a decent degree they were helpful during my 3-day stay. With the vastness of the property in mind, I dreaded walking alone to my booked apartelle after an immersion at the city proper or waking up for an early morning stroll without seeing one employed soul. The mere presence of the estate staff at their assigned posts even in the wee hours gave me enough sense of security being away from home.\n\nWith an accommodation at the estate’s apartelle, I felt safe for three days. My booked air conditioned room was spacious. My two nights were enhanced by restful sleep thanks to the velvet-soft bed. My favorite part of the room was the balcony which offered me a private space to view the panorama of the estate in my pajamas.\n\nI was informed by the staff that the nearby camp site is popular during summer time. Frequent drizzles can dampen a camping experience, so it’s best to schedule a tent rental at the estate once the month of sunny March kicks in. Guests can set up tents and ignite a bonfire under the star-studded sky. This is a great way to experience the natural cool ambiance of as embraced by the nearby .\n\nFor foodies or those who love to dine at booked accommodations, the estate-based Memphis Garden Café and Grille offers local-inspired and fusion dishes. The restaurant sits at the center of the development and offers free Wi-Fi. It was there where I sampled native dishes such as Longganisang Lucban, Kinulob Na Baka (beef), the llanera-steamed Hardinera (a local meatloaf), Sinigang Na Hipon (shrimp) Sa Buko (coconut) and the ethnic Kulawu (sliced banana flowers cooked in charred coconut milk).", null, "Even the dessert and beverage set was inspired by local favorites. I was fortunate to have sampled the resto’s inventive Lambanog Chocolate Balls, the ube-filled Turon de Graceland, and the smooth Gumamela Drink.\n\nMeals of reinvented dishes like Pakbet with Bagnet,\nFish with Mango Sauce, and Crispy Binagoongang Baboy (pork) were memorable. Also remarkable were breakfast of healthy malunggay bread with pesto and ’s pancake version that’s topped with banana slices. With Chef Jio Macalipay at the helm in the kitchen, the restaurant is certain to provide a tasty dining experience to guests and seasoned banquet and catering services to interested parties.", null, null, null, "An authentic taste of won’t be complete without a visit of Graceland Estates and Country Club. Both have managed to enrich one side of that deserves more than a whiff. The estate essentially dares you to embrace everything about it.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.turistatrails.com/2015/01/graceland-estates-and-country-club.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 453, "original_width": 603, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 430, "original_width": 603, "width": 530}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 455, "original_width": 603, "width": 500}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 429, "original_width": 603, "width": 531}, {"height": 471, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1282, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 453, "original_width": 603, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 458, "original_width": 603, "width": 497}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1033, "original_width": 1440, "width": 526}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1440, "original_width": 1080, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 455, "original_width": 603, 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What are you doing this weekend? We are planning on being snowed in all weekend. That means eating big yummy breakfasts and living in flannel pants!"], "url": "http://www.twobluelemons.com/2013/02/this-moment_8.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 472, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 512, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["38b6d3b787becc9e425edc177bf54f7b7dcf40c899bc0f9c926c8f18e5c5488d"], "__index_level_0__": 485, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6052/6298780588_236656e796_b.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.947204053401947}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.urbanthreads.com/blog/?tag=marie-antoinette\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6052/6298780588_236656e796_b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm7.staticflickr.com/6052/6298780588_236656e796_b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e b\", \"alt_text\": \"DSC_9182\", \"rendered_width\": 450, \"rendered_height\": 678}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Before we headed off for our little festive break, I thought I’d share with you an amazing project we got a peek at way back in October, for our Halloween costume contest. Back then we got a peek at this photo below, and you really can’t see that without needing to know more about that dress.\n\nAnd that headpiece.\n\nAnd well, everything really.\n\nThe lovely Liddy all the way from Holland is nice enough to join us today to talk in depth and share more amazing photos on what has to be our most embroidered costume to date, this incredible Steampunk Marie Antoinette creation…", null, "This is an incredible costume! Talk to us a bit about what started it. Was it for an event in particular?\n\nYes, it is a costume I made for a festival in Holland called Castlefest. I’d been wanting to create a steampunk end-of-the-world Marie Antoinette style gown ever since I saw a couture creation in this apocalyptic style, and this was a perfect occassion for it.", "What made you choose steampunk? Had you always been into the style?\n\nNot necessarily, I’m into a lot of styles and steampunk is one of many that appeals to me. Especially because of the unlimited possibilities and alterations of existing patterns! I’ve made other steampunk gowns in Victorian style as well. Last year I went to a Danish 1700s weekend, and all the fun of creating a costume for it is why I chose the Rococo era.", "How did you go about choosing designs? How many are on there?\n\n*Phew!*I’ll have to count them.\n\nWait a minute…………….at least some 30 patterns!\n\nThe heart on the corset is one design that I’ve enlarged to the utmost corners of my largest hoop, I really wanted it to stand out. It’s then embellished with keys, gears and aluminium coil springs.\n\nThen I did the choker, which i’ve also enlarged, and the gloves. To give the gloves an extra point, I reduced a tiara pattern (loved the shape of it) to have a nice pointed cuff. They are also embellished with keys, chains and gears.", "For the headdress, one large tiara pattern. Then the skirts…each pannier section is embroidered with the key border, of which two fill a pannier. Then on each section I embroidered different patterns, like the birdcage, the Marie wig, gears, the Cthulhu, etc. These were embellished as well with gears.\n\nThe bronze overskirt is embroiderd with the raven border pattern, using a glow-in-the-dark thread. They don’t really show as well in the pictures but it was a huge project to embroider all these borders. For the corners I used the corner pattern.", "For the spats I upsized the patterns quite considerably and in the heart I put an extra clock (embroidering two designs over each other), then they were made in the cameo shape. There is a matching jacket with another Cthulhu embroidery, but I’ve no pictures of it yet.\n\nChoosing the designs was not difficult, since there are so many in this nice steamy theme!\n\nHow long did the embroidery take?\n\nWell, only all summer 😉\n\nNo, I think about one and a half months to two months (sometimes up to 11 hours a day).", "How long did the whole thing take you to make? Was the costume designed by you, or was it based on a pattern?\n\nThe actual making of the garment went rather quick compared to all the hours of embroidering. After embroidering it took another two to three weeks to complete the patterns. The patterns used are the Mantua Maker’s hooped petticoats pattern for the hooped panier and for the corset I used the Butterick stays pattern. The black underskirt, silk overskirts and spats were handdrawn, cut on my dummy and improved along the sewing process. Though the spats didn’t fit as accurately as I wanted them, I’ll have to rework them a bit.", "Did you run into any problems along the way? Any tips for people trying something like this?\n\nJust this: Start in time to avoid last minute stress. Had quite a hassel with the spats! And, very important, keep the cat away from all the moving parts 🙂 it’s just too tempting.\n\nTalk a little more about that fabulous headdress…", "This headdress is inspired by the Kraken creature from the Pirates of the caribbean. It is made up of an embroidered tiara, which I’ve underwired for extra strength.\n\nThe octopus is tearing the galleon down to the dark depths of the ocean with its tentacles. He is made up of Fimo clay in coppertones and dusted off with silver and bronze powder to let him gleam.", "He was made in one evening when I had an inspired friend over who encouraged me to make the creature that was popping up in my mind. The galleon is from a miniature store. The cyberlox are purchased by the yard in colours matching the costume and cut to the desired length. My cat loved these coily things!\n\nHow did people react to the costume and the embroidery?\n\nAwesome! They were impressed by the amount of embroidery and all the details.", "What’s your favorite part about this costume?\n\nI think the Kraken creature….because he turned out just as he envisioned himself in my mind.\n\nWhat’s your next project going to be?\n\nThat’s just finished, it’s a blood red Elizabethan court gown with standing collar….\nThe other new project will be a living Isis statue.", "Such a gorgeous creation, I am totally blown away!\n\nYou guys keep pushing the limits of your creative creations, and boy do you love your steampunk. We’ll have to make sure we keep our designs up to the same caliber of projects they’re helping to create."], "url": "http://www.urbanthreads.com/blog/?tag=marie-antoinette", "images_metadata": [{"height": 569, "original_height": 1024, "original_width": 680, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["7838bc002cf8ef041b675cf31b9bd0e907ab014f4098c9ffdaeec66d6211fe24"], "__index_level_0__": 486, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.vergemagazine.com/media/k2/items/cache/ba258f107534a10c8806979d240ded84_XL.jpg", null, "http://www.vergemagazine.com/images/comprofiler/24909_56d8d5deb3c22.jpg", null, "http://www.vergemagazine.com/media/k2/items/cache/2be14c7bf5e582e3d07cf6fdbe198e16_M.jpg", null, "http://www.vergemagazine.com/media/k2/items/cache/792d891071ec9b83dd6c57c327a3baa5_M.jpg", null, "http://www.vergemagazine.com/media/k2/items/cache/d9fc17f32b375e9eeed63a6c2d3200a4_M.jpg", null, null, null, "http://www.vergemagazine.com/media/k2/items/cache/2293e4482ba4cc3c3a287dbbf30f9136_M.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://www.vergemagazine.com/media/k2/items/cache/84bd8bd55711fc1be7650ea3945868c3_M.jpg", "http://www.vergemagazine.com/media/k2/items/cache/b7bca45bde7511e36d009c009edb72be_M.jpg", "http://www.vergemagazine.com/media/k2/items/cache/d91d2793afc1e2281971343ae9f4138f_M.jpg", "http://www.vergemagazine.com/media/k2/items/cache/42bfbea03cce865b2f6f3be1a87895b7_M.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9203886985778807}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.vergemagazine.com/work-abroad/blogs/1282-meeting-the-neighbours-in-panama.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/media/k2/items/cache/ba258f107534a10c8806979d240ded84_XL.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.vergemagazine.com/media/k2/items/cache/ba258f107534a10c8806979d240ded84_XL.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ba f a c d ded XL\", \"alt_text\": \"Think this is just a picture of leaves on a tree? 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tree? Look a little closer.\nWritten by  Elizabeth Tokarz July 28, 2014\n\nLiving in a jungle for the summer means being exposed to wildlife--both big and small.\n\n“I was checking in with my family,” another girl in the program informed me on our way back from the designated WiFi house down the street. (Unfortunately, our house was still left unconnected to the resort’s network, so before bed, we had opted to head over to check our emails.)\n\n“Me too,” I chimed in. “I hope the WiFi starts working in our house soon.”\n\n“Stop!” she held me back from taking another step, pointing down.\n\nMy eyes panned down to the army ants that marched in a band the width of my hand. Some carried their leaf bits swiftly in one direction and others sidestepped the top-heavy ants and walked back in the opposite direction toward the origin of the leaves. They created a significant current of activity that we could have disrupted with one giant dam-like step.\n\nIt was dark out and the noise of the human visitors in Gamboa was at a minimum. The flow of the ants traversed the pavement in the absence of cars and the army went for as far as I could see, in the glow of the streetlight, in both directions. As we silently stood, allowing the perpetual glaze of sweat to set on our skin, the ants marched on, unperturbed. The leaves looked crisp and white and not unlike the sails of boats, simultaneously gliding over and against the muddy river of ants.\n\nThe first meeting was the most memorable, but each time we have walked along the street since, we find our neighbors out and about, day or night. We are reminded of our how impressive their work ethic is and we sidestep the consistent trickle.\n\nOne morning, I took this video of the ants, taking their leaves from a different tree this time. Not only are the ants a sight, but the sounds of Gamboa in the morning, with squawking birds and all, are an insight into the sensory delight of the tropical forest.", null, "Elizabeth Tokarz\n\nLatest from Elizabeth Tokarz\n\nback to top\n\nIn the field: bloggers working abroad\n\n5 Things You'll Worry About While Living Abroad", null, "Lessons Learned Living in Chile", null, "Unemployed in Austria", null, "Bittersweet Goodbye to India", "The First Month of an Overseas Internship", "Life After the Killing Fields", null, "Featured programs\n\nMundo Spanish School: Learn to speak Spanish in Antigua Guatemala", "Verge Magazine: Blog from the field", "African Conservation Experience: Wildlife Volunteering in Africa", "The Great Projects: Volunteer alongside endangered species of wildlife", "AIESEC: Global Internship Program", "More on Working Abroad\n\nDoctoring the Future in Uganda", "It's Not Just a Job: Portrait of a Travel Guide", null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.vergemagazine.com/work-abroad/blogs/1282-meeting-the-neighbours-in-panama.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1097, "original_width": 1950, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 278, "original_width": 400, "width": 543}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 538, "original_width": 800, "width": 562}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 400, "width": 452}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["f6fb90427ac97670808f7badc7e070dd16158c8b24d55ac5fda2e138467b0270", "0388d5f96ef4c020152d64410dc812441b6eafaa549cb3d97af2050f1d0ec397", "d4fe88545f89cc58e24cc19d68b36b63a30d2ae32cc483f0476af2483555220e", "280e203398a85ebe37691bbb40c960f524122502df7ddc30ede1d638d4c0af68", "d5b1877d4f89ec183e40b631ea58b3cb3d47dab84acba9e5726c8cdcea4b756f", "e46d604beb4e179c1f64dd67ac0312e0df6a9149ecb25bd127e1c25568538512", "ac852a167a56a1a783c140c620795081c7a0c9c8dc1998be734d1d4ccfdcbff5", "f17b8da830f1cc47899b4960d6600f9acc165131ac021a139931aa67cd4416f0", "144064f78da6b8135e3119d5c154631c9804c1acd35a2155acc5e6bb3379d8cd", "bcd58ac2e6fae81f8b652fc489fefa71c5e47ebf3871f4f4e1c5a5fe6946bba3"], "__index_level_0__": 487, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2pF8K22l1OE/RpfQoq-Z9hI/AAAAAAAAAc0/hv8WRDrj0h0/s320/Motivational+Quote.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7669410705566406}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wealth-prosperity.info/2007/07/motivational-quote-for-weekend.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2pF8K22l1OE/RpfQoq-Z9hI/AAAAAAAAAc0/hv8WRDrj0h0/s320/Motivational+Quote.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2pF8K22l1OE/RpfQoq-Z9hI/AAAAAAAAAc0/hv8WRDrj0h0/s320/Motivational+Quote.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Motivational Quote\", \"alt_text\": \"Zig Ziglar Motivational Quote\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wealth-prosperity.info/2007/07/motivational-quote-for-weekend.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wealth-prosperity.info/2007/07/motivational-quote-for-weekend.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sBRdTr7GAwM/VOhdABtijDI/AAAAAAAALNg/lbLWcnavoFs/s1600/subliminalvideos.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sBRdTr7GAwM/VOhdABtijDI/AAAAAAAALNg/lbLWcnavoFs/s1600/subliminalvideos.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"subliminalvideos\", \"alt_text\": \"Subliminal manifestation videos\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Motivational Quote for the Weekend\n\nHere's a motivational quote to jump start your weekend! Enjoy...", null], "url": "http://www.wealth-prosperity.info/2007/07/motivational-quote-for-weekend.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 320, "width": 756}], "image_hashes": ["f1aacefac5a88458da63e35a5e69bdcd67df453e46d339d869dc8d8600917e45"], "__index_level_0__": 488, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_wsUk7FjnkjE/StiweVwTBBI/AAAAAAAACCQ/zf4dVrhAXwI/s320/check.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9611594676971436}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.welcometomybrain.net/2009/10/sometimes-you-just-have-to-wait-it-out.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_wsUk7FjnkjE/StiweVwTBBI/AAAAAAAACCQ/zf4dVrhAXwI/s320/check.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_wsUk7FjnkjE/StiweVwTBBI/AAAAAAAACCQ/zf4dVrhAXwI/s320/check.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"check\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.welcometomybrain.net/2009/10/sometimes-you-just-have-to-wait-it-out.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://creativecommons.org/images/public/somerights20.png\", \"src\": \"http://creativecommons.org/images/public/somerights20.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"somerights\", \"alt_text\": \"Creative Commons License\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, October 16, 2009\n\nSometimes you just have to wait it out\n\nIf I've learned only one thing in my life it is that things can change on a dime.\n\nI hate to wait. I can, and I do. Yet, I despise the process.\n\nRemember how the dude who owns the land across from the park refused to let us run an electric pole over there? And remember how we had to write a very painful check for thousands of dollars to run electricity down the easement? Remember all that?\n\nWell, the wonderful guy with the county cooperative electric company continued to do all he could to help us. He let us know ahead of time that we could get some of that money back if we made sure the house had the wheels removed and was anchored. This makes it a \"permanent residence\" and it costs less to run the line. All we had to do was ask the county to come back out and inspect it. If it qualified, we would get a check back and save some money.", null, "These were the words we kept hearing: \"some money.\" Geez, even a few hundred dollars back would be GREAT! We were hoping for $200-$300.\n\nToday, though, we got the check.\n\nAnd ... we got a few THOUSAND back.\n\nHold on .....\n\nHad to go look at the check again to still make sure I'm reading it right.\n\nThe total cost to us is now just barely over what it would have cost if little-land-owning guy had let us run the pole on his property.\n\nWe're just OUT a few hundred.\n\nWhat I haven't been able to keep you abreast on is the general expectations of a repo. Do you think a house gets repossessed and someone DOESN'T sneak out and swipe all of the copper pipes for the AC? There's an expectation that much will be broken and anything worth value has been stripped, stolen or pried. So, over the past two days, some of our costs were going up as we get things hooked up. We expected it, yet it's still no fun to watch your funds drain more quickly than you would like.\n\nAnd then you get the check from the county cooperative ... ya' know ... \"some money.\"\n\nA reminder that I suck at the patience thing. Sometimes I need to just breathe.\n\n(photo by Katia Gelman)\nPosted by Christine Moers at 12:31 PM", "lana said...\n\nthat is awesome! Our God is so good and I love when he blows us aways with extra special stuff just because he can!\n\nOctober 16, 2009 1:03 PM", "Sara said...\n\nYay God...such a wonderful reminder of His \"over the top\" love for us. xxoo\n\nOctober 16, 2009 1:23 PM", "Awesome! I love miracles!\n\nOctober 16, 2009 3:17 PM", "waldenbunch said...\n\nThank God for days like today to get us through the hump!\n\nOctober 16, 2009 4:02 PM", "Elizabeth @ TexasEbeth said...\n\namazing how God works ain't it! He knew what you needed back before you did & provided a way for it to happen. Amen!\n\nOctober 16, 2009 4:37 PM", "Mama Drama Times Two said...\n\nApparently your patience paid off. Isn't it cool when God reminds you he's got your back...\n\nOctober 16, 2009 4:50 PM", "The Rudd Family said...\n\nOctober 16, 2009 6:30 PM", "October 16, 2009 8:47 PM", "Jenni Stearns said...\n\nGod is SO good! Glad to hear you're being blessed.\n\nOctober 17, 2009 1:20 AM", ": ) So glad!\n\nOctober 17, 2009 8:20 AM", "Amy @ Experience Imagination said...\n\nSo, they took the air conditioning pipes, but left the porn pix. I'm trying to decide if that says something about priorities.\n\nHooray for the funds, though! Always a nice thing when God sends cash. :)\n\nOctober 17, 2009 12:30 PM", "Cammie said...\n\nLove Amy's take on it! HEEHEEHEE!!\n\n'sorry about the whole sucking at patience thing'...great line...I will be stealing it!\n\nThank you God, for reminding us to trust in You!\n\nOctober 18, 2009 2:08 PM", "Chantelle said...\n\nlike crazy cakes... :)"], "url": "http://www.welcometomybrain.net/2009/10/sometimes-you-just-have-to-wait-it-out.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 196, "original_width": 300, "width": 578}], "image_hashes": ["bcbf7d94096a77f915c95f53b77e1c7547a5168d8623eb8171fbd6f099ba6610"], "__index_level_0__": 489, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8077/8437841689_33a61875f7.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9284706115722656}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.whatscookinchicago.com/2013/02/thai-shrimp-fried-rice.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8077/8437841689_33a61875f7.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8077/8437841689_33a61875f7.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a f\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.whatscookinchicago.com/2013/02/thai-shrimp-fried-rice.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images.foodieblogroll.com/promotions/asset_ThaiK_products450.png\", \"src\": \"http://images.foodieblogroll.com/promotions/asset_ThaiK_products450.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"asset ThaiK products\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.whatscookinchicago.com/2013/02/thai-shrimp-fried-rice.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i50.tinypic.com/t0rqxt.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i50.tinypic.com/t0rqxt.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"t rqxt\", \"alt_text\": \"Follow Me on Twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.whatscookinchicago.com/2013/02/thai-shrimp-fried-rice.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b325/cartoonblitz09/facebook.png\", \"src\": \"http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b325/cartoonblitz09/facebook.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook\", \"alt_text\": \"Add in Facebook\"}]", "texts": [null, "Gong Xi FaCai, Gong Hey Fat Choy, 恭禧發財 or Happy Chinese New Year! This past Sunday was a day to celebrate around the world and in honor of the Chinese New Year, Asian cuisine is a delicious way join in the fun. I recently made this Thai Shrimp Fried Rice which was a twist on the traditional Chinese version. Shrimp is tossed with rice, mixed vegetables, and egg, then seasoned with Thai chili sauce and fish sauce for a little kick!...\n\nThis was a pretty easy recipe and one tip I have about making any fried rice is to prepare rice the day before. The texture is just better when the rice is cold to begin with and is warmed through when it's stir fried with other ingredients. You can adapt the recipe to your taste preferences by using any kind of vegetable or protein. I used shrimp since The Baron happens to like shrimp and for the sake of convenience, I used frozen mixed vegetables.{It helps that Joel likes frozen mixed vegetables too and enjoys that the vegetables are fairly the same size.} The Thai chili sauce and fish sauce really give this version of fried rice a lot of flavor versus using the traditional soy sauce.\n\nrecipe adapted from Thai Kitchen\n\nCooking Directions\n\nThis sponsorship is brought to you by Foodie Blogroll who I have partnered with for this promotion.\n\nThe aromatic essences. The exotic flavors. The abundant texture. There’s no culinary experience that compares to Asian cuisine – whether you’re preparing a meal for the whole family or looking for a quick snack, Thai Kitchen and Simply Asia can bring the adventure to your kitchen.", "Thai Kitchen and Simply Asia have made your favorite Asian flavors available to enjoy anytime and anywhere. They offer a complete line of Asian ingredients and convenience items, including sauces, curry pastes, rice noodles, fish sauce, coconut milk, noodle bowls, and more premium products... all of which deliver restaurant-quality Asian cuisine in minutes. Thai Kitchen and Simply Asia Most items are also free of gluten, artificial colors/flavors and MSG.", "With so many products to offer, they also have recipes available on their website that offer simple solutions to spice up any celebration - and what better time to “thai” new dishes than Chinese New Year? The traditional 15-day celebration kicked off this past Sunday, February 10, 2013, and now it's a perfect reason to gather a group of friends and try tasty Asian cuisine. From mild to spicy, appetizers to dessert, Thai Kitchen and Simply Asia have something for every taste bud, sure to please even the most discerning palates."], "url": "http://www.whatscookinchicago.com/2013/02/thai-shrimp-fried-rice.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 335, "original_width": 500, "width": 564}], "image_hashes": ["1a1d85ddd26fd173c37f9667be843fd7772b372da0070225186cb966148c7199"], "__index_level_0__": 490, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://wwwcache.wral.com/asset/specialreports/kathy_taft/2012/06/07/11183892/270100-deathpenalty-320x240.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9645147919654846}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wral.com/death-penalty-bill-passes-committee/12269452/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/content/blogs/nc_capitol/nc_capitol.png\", \"src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/content/blogs/nc_capitol/nc_capitol.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nc capitol\", \"alt_text\": \"@NCCapitol\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wral.com/death-penalty-bill-passes-committee/12269452/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/asset/specialreports/kathy_taft/2012/06/07/11183892/270100-deathpenalty-320x240.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/asset/specialreports/kathy_taft/2012/06/07/11183892/270100-deathpenalty-320x240.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"deathpenalty\", \"alt_text\": \"Death penalty poses complex legal challenges\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 225}, null]", "texts": [null, "More on this\n\nBy Mark Binker\n\nThe Senate Judiciary I Committee passed a bill Tuesday morning that its sponsor says would lift a de facto death penalty moratorium in North Carolina, in part by sweeping away the last remnants of the Racial Justice Act.\n\nCommittee Chairman Buck Newton called a for a show of hands, which appeared to show the measure passing along party lines, although he did not announce a final count of the vote. Senate Bill 306 now heads to the Senate floor for debate, most likely on Thursday. It would then go to the House.\n\n\"This bill is not about whether our state should have a death penalty. We have it,\" said Sen. Thom Goolsby, R-New Hanover, the bill's sponsor.\n\nThe Racial Justice Act was passed in 2009. It allows death row inmates to challenge their sentence, but not their convictions, by using statistical evidence of bias. Lawmakers pared back the act during the last legislative session, but pieces of the statute remain, and there are more than 100 appeals pending on the bill.\n\nGoolsby's bill would wipe out any claims that haven't been heard in court.\n\nSen. Josh Stein, D-Wake, questioned how the state could give death row prisoners a right of appeal and then snatch it back.\n\n\"This is going to create a whole new wave of litigation and cost to the state,\" he said.\n\nA staffer for the committee suggested the state wasn't taking away a right but merely doing away with a procedure that could be used to lessen someone's punishment. But the staffer acknowledged the issue would likely be challenged in court.\n\nOther parts of the bill would require reports on death penalty cases to the General Assembly and require the attorney general to trigger executions when certain conditions were satisfied.\n\n\"I have had countless families tell me ... 'Mr. Frank, do we really have a death penalty anymore anyway?'\" said Garry Frank, district attorney for Davie and Davidson counties. He was among a handful of speakers who urged passage of the bill, saying the current state of the law is punitive to the families of murder victims.\n\nNorth Carolina hasn't executed anyone on death row since 2006. There are 152 inmates on death row.\n\nDuane Beck, pastor at Raleigh Mennonite Church, called on lawmakers to leave the law as it is. He described himself as a \"conservative Christian\" who opposes the death penalty as contrary to the teachings of Jesus.\n\n\"If you vote in favor of the death penalty, I would not want to be in your shoes when you meet the risen Lord on Judgment Day and he asks you why you voted against your faith,\" Beck said.\n\nGoolsby again emphasized that the bill would merely clear the way for death sentences to be carried out.\n\nSen. Earline Parmon, D-Forsyth, who helped argue to pass the Racial Justice Act in 2009, asked Goolsby to remove provisions dealing with the RJA from the bill.\n\n\"The RJA is not about the death penalty. It's about ensuring fairness in the courts,\" she said.\n\nBut Goolsby said the RJA had been used to delay the execution of people he described as \"cold-blooded killers\" and said that was a bad law.\n\n\"This de facto moratorium ... needs to be done away with,\" he said."], "url": "http://www.wral.com/death-penalty-bill-passes-committee/12269452/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["eddd653b7299988d40db616dabe8ae806ee285ed14b9719dcfb3332b28b2dbdc"], "__index_level_0__": 491, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://static1.squarespace.com/static/554e2fe5e4b09c386781e08c/t/58177483414fb51499f7466d/1431191941056/11052412_413286442175715_3214246239515035792_n.jpg", null, "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/554e2fe5e4b09c386781e08c/t/581b9d3eff7c506a4caa13df/1478204877483/RMnewphoto-303x335.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/554e2fe5e4b09c386781e08c/t/581776ccd482e994ffcc3cd6/1477932749568/doty_si-303x335.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9282874464988708}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.writershotel.com/2017-faculty\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/554e2fe5e4b09c386781e08c/t/58177483414fb51499f7466d/1431191941056/11052412_413286442175715_3214246239515035792_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/554e2fe5e4b09c386781e08c/t/58177483414fb51499f7466d/1431191941056/11052412_413286442175715_3214246239515035792_n.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"11052412_413286442175715_3214246239515035792_n.jpg\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.writershotel.com/2017-faculty\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/554e2fe5e4b09c386781e08c/t/581b9d3eff7c506a4caa13df/1478204877483/RMnewphoto-303x335.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/554e2fe5e4b09c386781e08c/t/581b9d3eff7c506a4caa13df/1478204877483/RMnewphoto-303x335.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"RMnewphoto\", \"alt_text\": \"RMnewphoto-303x335.jpg\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.writershotel.com/2017-faculty\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/554e2fe5e4b09c386781e08c/t/581776ccd482e994ffcc3cd6/1477932749568/doty_si-303x335.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/554e2fe5e4b09c386781e08c/t/581776ccd482e994ffcc3cd6/1477932749568/doty_si-303x335.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"doty si\", \"alt_text\": \"doty_si-303x335.jpg\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Tim Seibles is the Poet Laureate of Virginia. He is the author of several books of poems including Hurdy-Gurdy, Hammerlock, Buffalo Head Solos and most recently, Fast Animal, which won the Theodore Roethke Memorial Poetry Prize and was nominated for a 2012 National Book Award. He has been a National Endowment for the Arts and Provincetown Fine Arts Word Center fellow, and received an Open Voice Award. In 2013 he received the PEN Oakland Josephine Miles Award for poetry. Anthology publications include Manthology, Black Nature, Seriously Funny, The Autumn House Anthology of American Poetry, So Much Things to Say, and Best American Poetry 2010. He has taught at Cave Canem, The Zora Neale Hurston/Richard Wright Foundation, University of Southern Maine, and presently teaches at Old Dominion University.", null, "RICK MOODY (Major Fiction Workshop and Fiction Genre Lab)", "RICHARD BLANCO (Major Poetry Workshop)\n\nRichard Blanco is the fifth inaugural poet in US history—the youngest, first Latino, immigrant, and gay person to serve in such a role. Born in Madrid to Cuban-exiled parents and raised in Miami, the negotiation of cultural identity and place characterize his body of work. He is the author of three poetry collections: Looking for the Gulf Motel, Directions to the Beach of the Dead, and City of a Hundred Fires and two memoirs: The Prince of Los Cocuyos: A Miami Childhood and For All of Us, One Today: An Inaugural Poet’s Journey. His chapbook, Matters of the Sea, was read at the historic reopening of the US Embassy in Havana. Awards include the Agnes Starrett Poetry Prize, the Beyond Margins Award, the Paterson Poetry Prize, the Thom Gunn Award, and a Lambda Literary Award. In 2015, The Academy of American Poets named him its first Education Ambassador. He shares his time between Bethel, Maine and Concord, Massachusetts.", "ELYSSA EAST (Major Workshop: \"Fiction & Nonfiction with Research and/or Social Element Focuses\")\n\nElyssa East’s first book, Dogtown: Death and Enchantment in a New England Ghost Town, won the 2010 L. L. Winship/P.E.N. New England Award in Nonfiction. Dogtown was also a finalist for the Massachusetts Book Awards and an Editors’ Choice Selection of the New York Times Sunday Book Review. Elyssa has received fellowships from the Jerome, Ragdale, and Ludwig Vogelstein Foundations, Columbia University, the University of Connecticut, the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the Phillips Library and the Corporation of Yaddo. Her reviews, reportage, and essays have appeared in The New York Times, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Boston Globe, The Dallas Morning News, The Kansas City Star, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Al Jazeera America and The Oxford American. Elyssa’s short fiction has been published in Cape Cod Noir and USA Noir: The Best of the Akashic Noir. She has taught Creative Writing at Columbia University, NYU’s Gallatin School of Individualized Studies, Rhode Island School of Design, SUNY Purchase, and Cleveland State University. She’s thrilled to be returning to The Writer’s Hotel for her fourth year with this incredible program.", "TIMOTHY DYKE (Mixed Genre Lab: Al three genres)\n\nTimothy Dyke lives with parrots in Honolulu, Hawaii. He teaches high school students and writes poems, essays and stories.  In 2012, he earned an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of Arizona. His chapbook, Awkward Hugger, was published by Tinfish Press in 2015. Tinfish just released his newest collection of linked prose poems, Atoms of Muses, in March. He just completed a collection of stories, Adventures in Trumpville and Other Stories, and is currently working in multiple genres. Timothy is also a TWH TA this year. His Genre Lab is called \"A Poet's Prose: Writing Between the Genres.\"", "ERIN HARRIS (Agent Talk)\n\nErin Harris is a literary agent at Folio Literary Management who champions the careers of both debut and established authors, bringing a strong editorial eye and hands-on approach to her agenting practice. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from The New School and is a co-curator of the Brooklyn-based literary event series H.I.P. Lit. At Folio, Erin represents literary and upmarket fiction, narrative non-fiction, and YA.  Her tastes are eclectic, but she tends to gravitate toward the ambitious, the bold, the socially relevant, and the full of heart.\n\nSome of her authors include Literary & Upmarket Fiction: New York Times Editor’s Choice novelist Daniel Levine; Indie Next Pick author Erica Ferencik; Rona Jaffe Award Winner Natalie Haney-Tilghman; and recipient of the John Simmons Iowa Short Fiction Prize Allegra Hyde/ Narrative Non-Fiction: Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award Finalist Carla Power; and Top 25 World Thinkers of 2015 Linda Scott/  YA: VCFA graduate Katie Bayerl; MacDowell Colony Fellow Kit Frick; BEA Buzz Panel author Marie Marquardt; and Emiko Jean.", "ROXANA ROBINSON  (Major Fiction Workshop)\n\nRoxana Robinson is the author of Sparta, four earlier novels including Cost, three story collections, and the biography, Georgia O’Keeffe: A Life. Four of these were New York Times Notable Books. Robinson’s work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Harper’s, BASS, and elsewhere. She was named a Literary Lion by the NYPL, was a finalist for the NBCC Balakian Award, and has received fellowships from the NEA, the MacDowell Colony and the Guggenheim Foundation. She is the President of the Authors Guild.", "TINA CHANG (Poetry Genre Lab)\n\nTina Chang was raised in New York City. She is the first female to be named Poet Laureate of Brooklyn and is the author of the collections of poetry, Of Gods & Strangers (2011) and Half-Lit Houses (2004). She is also the co-editor of the W.W. Norton anthology, Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia, and Beyond (2008). She is the recipient of awards from the New York Foundation for the Arts, Academy of American Poets, Poets & Writers, the Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation, and the Van Lier Foundation among others. She teaches poetry at Sarah Lawrence College and she is also a member of the international writing faculty at the City University of Hong Kong.", "SHANNA MCNAIR  (Major Fiction Workshop)\n\nShanna McNair is Founder and Director of The Writer’s Hotel and MFA in A Day and Founding Editor and Publisher of The New Guard literary review. She writes prose, poetry and scripts and is an award-winning journalist. She has written and directed plays, served as editor of magazines and newspapers and judged writing contests. She recently served as a 2015 RISCA Fiction Fellow Judge, and is an Interdisciplinary Study Adviser at Lesley University. She holds a Creative Writing Certificate from Oxford University, and will graduate Dartmouth College in 2017, where she is earning her second Creative Writing Master's. She has worked extensively in the visual and performing arts. She is at work on her novel, short stories, poems and a novella.", "KEVIN LARIMER (Publishing Lecturer)\n\nKevin Larimer is the editor in chief of Poets & Writers, where he edits Poets & Writers Magazine, oversees the organization’s website, and directs Poets & Writers Live. He holds a degree in journalism from the University of Wisconsin in Milwaukee and received his MFA in poetry from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where he was the poetry editor of the Iowa Review. He has served on a number of panels on publishing at events such as the Library of Congress National Book Festival, the Sozopol Fiction Seminars, the Slice Literary Writer's Conference, Poets Forum, The Writer’s Hotel, and the AWP Conference. His poems have appeared in Fence, Pleiades, Verse, and a dozen other literary magazines. He has written book reviews for American Letters & Commentary, American Book Review, Chelsea, and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. He lives in New York City.", "CAREY SALERNO (Poetry Publishing Lecturer)\n\nCarey Salerno is the executive editor of Alice James Books, author of Shelter (2009), and co-editor of Lit From Inside: 40 Years of Poetry from Alice James Books (2013). She teaches creative writing for the University of Maine at Farmington and currently serves as a literary curator for Pen + Brush. Salerno has taught or lectured on poetry and editing at the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, Butler University, Drew University, Colrain Poetry Manuscript Conference, Pine Manor College, The Writer’s Hotel, the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance events, and The New School. You may find her poems–and articles and interviews regarding her other professional work–in print and online. Her website is www.careysalerno.com.", "STEVEN SALPETER (Agent Pitching Lecture)\n\nSteven Salpeter is a literary agent at Curtis Brown, Ltd. He began his publishing career at Writers House and Brandt & Hochman before moving to Curtis Brown to help Timothy Knowlton manage many of the agency’s venerable estate clients, including W.H. Auden, John Knowles, Alfred Lansing, and Ayn Rand, among other bestsellers and literary award winners. He is now actively building his list, seeking literary fiction, fantasy, graphic novels for all ages, historical fiction, thrillers, young adult, and authors who choose to blend elements of these genres. In nonfiction, Steven is seeking narrative nonfiction, gift books, history, humor, and popular science. He lives in Brooklyn, NY.", "FRANCINE PROSE (Fiction Genre Lab)\n\n“Francine Prose is a keen observer, and her fiction is full of wryly delivered truths and sardonic witticisms that come from paying close attention to the world.” —The Atlantic\n\nHailed by Larry McMurtry as “One of our finest writers,” Francine Prose is the author of numerous novels. Her most recent, Mister Monkey (2016), was praised by The New York Times Book Review as “so fresh and new it’s almost giddy, almost impudent with originality.” Her work also includes the novels Lovers at the Chameleon Club, Paris 1932; My New American Life; Goldengrove; A Changed Man; and Blue Angel. Prose’s nonfiction books include Anne Frank: The Book, The Life, The Afterlife; Reading Like A Writer, a New York Times bestseller; The Lives of the Muses: Nine Women & the Artists They Inspired; Caravaggio: Painter of Miracles; Sicilian Odyssey, a travel book; and Gluttony. Her stories, reviews, and essays have appeared in The Atlantic Monthly, Harper’s, Best American Short Stories, The New Yorker, The New York Times, The New York Observer, Art News, The Yale Review, The New Republic, and numerous other publications.", null, "MARK DOTY (Nonfiction Genre Lab)", "SCOTT WOLVEN  (Major Fiction Workshop and Fiction Genre Lab)\n\nScott Wolven is a TWH & TNG Consulting Editor. He is the author of the short story collection, Controlled Burn. \"The Copper Kings\" is included in the prestigious new collection, 20 + 1 , an anthology of 21 new short stories \"by emblematic American authors,\" to celebrate the 20th anniversary of \"Terres d'Amerique\" published by Albin Michel and edited by Francis Geffard. His short story, \"Playboy,\" was recently featured in Playboy Magazine. The film, \"Hepburn\" by Tommy Davis, a work based on Scott's short story, \"Hammerlock,\" was featured at The New York Film Festival on the Main Stage. Scott's stories have appeared seven years in a row in The Best American Mystery Stories Series, the most consecutive appearances in the history of the series. The title story of the collection appeared in Best American Noir of the Century.", "SAÏD SAYRAFIEZADEH (Major Nonfiction Workshop)\n\nSaïd Sayrafiezadeh is the author of Brief Encounters with the Enemy, which was shortlisted for the 2014 PEN/Robert W. Bingham Fiction Prize, and the critically acclaimed memoir When Skateboards Will Be Free. His work has appeared in The New Yorker, The Paris Review, Granta, McSweeney’s, The New York Times and The Best American Nonrequired Reading, among other publications. He is the recipient of a 2010 Whiting Writers’ Award for nonfiction and a 2012 fiction fellowship from the Cullman Center for Scholars and Writers. He lives in New York City and teaches creative writing at Hunter College and New York University, where he received a 2013 Outstanding Teaching Award.", "WESLEY MCNAIR (Poetry Genre Lab)\n\nMaine Poet Laureate Wesley McNair has been called “one of the great storytellers of contemporary poetry” poet Philip Levine. McNair has won grants from the Fulbright and Guggenheim foundations, two Rockefeller Fellowships, two NEA grants in creative writing, and an Emmy Award. The Library of Congress has invited him twice to read his poetry. The United States Artists Fellowship honored him as one of America's “finest living artists,” and in April of this year he received the PEN New England Award for Literary Excellence in Poetry, given for his latest collection, The Lost Child. The author of ten volumes of poetry, McNair has published three volumes of nonfiction and several anthologies, and has served four times on the jury for the Pulitzer Prize in poetry.", "JEFF HILL (Fiction Genre Lab)\n\nJeff Hill is currently pitching two novels to agents while teaching high school English at Lincoln Northeast High School. He has also taught various creative writing modules in the Arts and Humanities FOCUS Program and Lincoln Southwest High School. He is a past participant of the Sarah Lawrence College Summer Seminar for Writers and served as a TWH Teaching Assistant in 2016. Jeff is also the Chief Creative Officer of ComicBooked.com. He calls Nebraska and New York home and has dozens of publications to his name. Jeff is attending TWH this year and will also be leading a Fiction Genre Lab, \"Writer's Block\" (with Scott Wolven.\n\nfaculty assistants", "Faculty Assistant\n\nAdeeba Afshan Rana is a poet and a librarian who writes and reads in Brooklyn, New York. She has been a featured performer with Body Politics at the University of Massachusetts, We Got Issues! at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, Boston Progress, and the louderARTS project in NYC. She sat on the Diversity Award Judging Committee for the Walter D. Myers Award in 2015. She is a Facilitator at El Puente Academy for Peace and Justice in Brooklyn, and the Artistic Director of Kalyani Literary Magazine. Adeeba recieved her MFA in Poetry from USM Stonecoast and her Master's in Library Science at Pratt Institute.\n\nERICA VEGA (Fiction, Poetry, Nonfiction)", "Erica Vega's writing has appeared in About Place Journal, Cabildo Quarterly, elginMUSE, and The New Guard, among other publications. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from USM Stonecoast. She has taught literature and composition for the past seven years and most recently at Elgin Community College in Illinois. She continues work on her novel."], "url": "http://www.writershotel.com/2017-faculty", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 525, "original_width": 960, "width": 691}, {"height": 417, "original_height": 335, "original_width": 303, "width": 378}, {"height": 417, "original_height": 335, "original_width": 303, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3a8b6e3607bec376f11a13f281210839917a7a2739cce39b1c06c1af7af4177d", "1d6c8e1952e05a3a5b1f4aa4dfabb4ae75b61c85f90ee7e02733c7b834cd6c71", "dc0ec12796a398f60ec13d0f0234c772ed653a266340573894bccba38cae4d53"], "__index_level_0__": 492, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WTquqAaLJXI/WGUCw3qxkSI/AAAAAAAAAHk/P-BxqNicLEAC2mmwhLbOabqtXxKu0JgMwCK4B/s400/Magnificent%2BDream%2BEscape%2BIII.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8109011650085449}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://zoozoogamesstudio.blogspot.in/2016/12/magnificent-dream-escape-iii.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WTquqAaLJXI/WGUCw3qxkSI/AAAAAAAAAHk/P-BxqNicLEAC2mmwhLbOabqtXxKu0JgMwCK4B/s400/Magnificent%2BDream%2BEscape%2BIII.png\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WTquqAaLJXI/WGUCw3qxkSI/AAAAAAAAAHk/P-BxqNicLEAC2mmwhLbOabqtXxKu0JgMwCK4B/s400/Magnificent%2BDream%2BEscape%2BIII.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Magnificent BDream BEscape BIII\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://zoozoogamesstudio.blogspot.in/2016/12/magnificent-dream-escape-iii.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-yyEc-racWfA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAFQ/DD5J8Cg_V3k/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-yyEc-racWfA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAFQ/DD5J8Cg_V3k/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null]", "texts": [null], "url": "http://zoozoogamesstudio.blogspot.in/2016/12/magnificent-dream-escape-iii.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["16f2236467dcb20e8d91dbd1798b948c5177bf2e09e8e753516da290c95e7139"], "__index_level_0__": 493, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i1.wp.com/static.flickr.com/45/192986912_aa6a6262db_o.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8214864730834961}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://addicteed.wordpress.com/2006/07/19/new-lemar-dauley-digital-gravel-summer-2006/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/static.flickr.com/45/192986912_aa6a6262db_o.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/static.flickr.com/45/192986912_aa6a6262db_o.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"aa a db o\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Right in time for that summer heatwave, the Lemar & Dauley summer tees just landed in the DG warehouse looking like a million bucks.They brought back the super popular Franklin Mint tee in new colors, as well as new colors for the Biggie jumpoff, and two new designs too. And you know they got that signature gradient look too. Fresh…"], "url": "https://addicteed.wordpress.com/2006/07/19/new-lemar-dauley-digital-gravel-summer-2006/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 450, "width": 425}], "image_hashes": ["e515fd54289e5b77d393f98319324d881d58415854a694fe2fda9c22ed46706a"], "__index_level_0__": 494, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PrBZmrOh9rk/T3Xoc_j2ZmI/AAAAAAAAF3Q/uhTfgtDzAlA/s320/About+the+Hopi+Indian+Myths+and+Religion.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9642359018325806}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://americanindianshistory.blogspot.com/2016/03/about-hopi-myths-and-religion.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PrBZmrOh9rk/T3Xoc_j2ZmI/AAAAAAAAF3Q/uhTfgtDzAlA/s320/About+the+Hopi+Indian+Myths+and+Religion.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-PrBZmrOh9rk/T3Xoc_j2ZmI/AAAAAAAAF3Q/uhTfgtDzAlA/s320/About+the+Hopi+Indian+Myths+and+Religion.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"About the Hopi Indian Myths and Religion\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 211}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, March 9, 2016\n\nAbout Hopi Myths and Religion", null, "Because none of this material could be written down but was passed by word of mouth from generation to generation, changes naturally occurred. Often a tale traveled from one tribe to another and was incorporated, in whole or in part, into the tribal lore of the neighbor—thus adding something. And, we may suppose, some were more or less forgotten and thus lost; but, as Wissler  tells us, \"tales that are directly associated with ceremonies and, especially, if they must be recited as a part of the procedure, are assured a long life.\"\nSuch of these tales as were considered sacred or accounted for the origin of the people, were held in such high regard as to lay an obligation upon the tribe to see to it that a number of individuals learned and retained these texts, perhaps never in fixed wording, except for songs, but as to essential details of plot.\nMany collectors have recorded several versions of certain tales, thus giving an idea of the range of individual variation, and the writer herself has encountered as many as three variants for some of her stories, coming always from the narrators of different villages. But Wissler, while allowing for these variations, says: \"All this suggests instability in primitive mythology. Yet from American data, noting such myths as are found among the successive tribes of larger areas, it appears that detailed plots of myths may be remarkably stable.\"\nIntrusion of Contemporary Material\nHowever there is another point discussed by Wissler which troubled the writer greatly as a beginner, and that was the intrusion of new material with old, for instance, finding an old Hopi story of how different languages came to exist in the world and providing a language for the Mamona, meaning the Mormons, who lived among the Hopi some years ago. The writer was inclined to throw out the story, regarding the whole thing as a modern concoction, but Wissler warns us that: \"From a chronological point of view we may expect survival material in a tribal mythology along with much that is relatively recent in origin. It is, however, difficult to be sure of what is ancient and what recent, because only the plot is preserved; rarely do we find mention of objects and environments different from those of the immediate present.\"\nA tale, to be generally understood, must often be given a contemporary setting, and this the narrator instinctively knows, therefore the introduction of modern material with that of undoubted age.\nStability, then, lies in the plot rather than in the culture setting; the former may be ancient, while the latter sometimes reflects contemporary life.\nBoaz  argues that much may be learned of contemporary tribal culture by a study of the mythology of a given people, since so much of the setting of the ancient tale reflects the tribal life of the time of the recording. He has made a test of the idea in his study of the Tsimshian Indians. From this collection of 104 tales he concludes that: \"In the tales of a people those incidents of the everyday life that are of importance to them will appear either incidentally or as the basis of a plot. Most of the reference to the mode of life of the people will be an accurate reflection of their habits. The development of the plot of the story, further-more, will on the whole exhibit clearly what is considered right and what wrong.\"\nHow and Why Myths Are Kept\nThere are set times and seasons for story-telling among the various Indian tribes, but the winter season, when there is likely to be most leisure and most need of fireside entertainment, is a general favorite. However, some tribes have myths that \"can not be told in summer, others only at night, etc.\" Furthermore there are secret cults and ceremonials rigidly excluding women and children, whose basic myths are naturally restricted in their circulation, but in the main the body of tribal myth is for the pleasure and profit of all.\nOld people relate the stories to the children, not only because they enjoy telling them and the children like listening to them, but because of the feeling that every member of the tribe should know them as a part of his education.\nWhile all adults are supposed to know something of the tribal stories, not all are expected to be good story-tellers. Story-telling is a gift, we know, and primitives know this too, so that everywhere we have pointed out a few individuals who are the best story-tellers, usually an old man, sometimes an old woman, and occasionally, as the writer has seen it, a young man of some dramatic ability. When an important story furnishing a religious or social precedent is called for, either in council meeting or ceremonial, the custodian of the stories is in demand, and is much looked up to; yet primitives rarely create an office or station for the narrator, nor is the distinction so marked as the profession of the medicine man and the priest.\nService of Myth\nAs to the service of myth in primitive life, Wissler says: \"It serves as a body of information, as stylistic pattern, as inspiration, as ethical precepts, and finally as art. It furnishes the ever ready allusions to embellish the oration as well as to enliven the conversation of the fireside. Mythology, in the sense in which we have used the term, is the carrier and preserver of the most immaterial part of tribal culture.\"\nHopi Story-Telling\nThere comes a time in the Hopi year when crops have been harvested, most of the heavier and more essentially important religious ceremonials have been performed in their calendar places, and even the main supply of wood for winter fires has been gathered. To be sure, minor dances, some religious and some social, will be taking place from time to time, but now there will be more leisure, leisure for sociability and for story-telling.\n\nFigure 4.—Kiva at Old Oraibi.—Courtesy Arizona State Museum.\n\nIn the kivas (See Figure 4) the priests and old men will instruct the boys in the tribal legends, both historical and mythological, and in the religious ceremonies in which they are all later supposed to participate. In the home, some good old story-telling neighbor drops in for supper, and stories are told for the enjoyment of all present, including the children; all kinds of stories, myths, tales of adventure, romances, and even bed-time stories. Indian dolls of painted wood and feathers, made in the image of the Kachinas, are given the children, who thus get a graphic idea of the supposed appearance of the heroes of some of these stories.\nThe Hopi, like many primitive people, believe that when a bird sings he is weaving a magic spell, and so they have songs for special magic too; some for grinding, for weaving, for planting, others for hunting, and still others for war; all definitely to gain the favor of the gods in these particular occupations.\nWithout books and without writing the Hopi have an extensive literature. That a surprising degree of accuracy is observed in its oral transmission from generation to generation is revealed by certain comparisons with the records made by the Spanish explorers in the sixteenth century.\n\nGods and Kachinas\nThe Hopi live, move, and have their being in religion. To them the unseen world is peopled with a host of beings, good and bad, and everything in nature has its being or spirit.\nJust what kind of religion shall we call this of the Hopi? Seeing the importance of the sun in their rites, one is inclined to say Sun Worship; but clouds, rain, springs, streams enter into the idea, and we say Nature Worship. A study of the great Snake Cult suggests Snake Worship; but their reverence for and communion with the spirits of ancestors gives to this complex religious fabric of the Hopi a strong quality of Ancestor Worship. It is all this and more.\nThe surface of the earth is ruled by a mighty being whose sway extends to the underworld and over death, fire, and the fields. This is Masauwu, to whom many prayers are said. Then there is the Spider Woman or Earth Goddess, Spouse of the Sun and Mother of the Twin War Gods, prominent in all Hopi mythology. Apart from these and the deified powers of nature, there is another revered group, the Kachinas, spirits of ancestors and some other beings, with powers good and bad. These Kachinas are colorfully represented in the painted and befeathered dolls, in masks and ceremonies, and in the main are considered beneficent and are accordingly popular. They intercede with the spirits of the other world in behalf of their Hopi earth-relatives.\nMasked individuals represent their return to the land of the living from time to time in Kachina dances, beginning with the Soyaluna ceremony in December and ending with the Niman or Kachina Farewell ceremony in July.\nMuch of this sort of thing takes on a lighter, theatrical flavor amounting to a pageant of great fun and frolic. Dr. Hough says these are really the most characteristic ceremonies of the pueblos, musical, spectacular, delightfully entertaining, and they show the cheerful Hopi at his best—a true, spontaneous child of nature.\nThere are a great many of these Kachina dances through the winter and spring, their nature partly religious, partly social, for with the Hopi, religion and drama go hand in hand. Dr. Hough speaks appreciatively of these numerous occasions of wholesome merry-making, and says these things keep the Hopi out of mischief and give them a reputation for minding their own business, besides furnishing them with the best round of free theatrical entertainments enjoyed by any people in the world. Since every ceremony has its particular costumes, rituals, songs, there is plenty of variety in these matters and more detail of meaning than any outsider has ever fathomed.\nThe Niman, or farewell dance of the Kachinas, takes place in July. It is one of their big nine-day festivals, including secret rites in the kivas and a public dance at its close.\nMessengers are sent on long journeys for sacred water, pine boughs, and other special objects for these rites. This is a home-coming festival and a Hopi will make every effort to get home to his own town for this event. On the ninth day there is a lovely pageant just before sunrise and another in the afternoon. No other ceremony shows such a gorgeous array of colorful masks and costumes. And it is a particularly happy day for the young folk, for the Kachinas bring great loads of corn, beans, and melons, and baskets of peaches, especially as gifts for the children; also new dolls and brightly painted bows and arrows are given them. The closing act of the drama is a grand procession carrying sacred offerings to a shrine outside the village.\nThis is the dance at which the brides of the year make their first public appearance; their snowy wedding blankets add a lovely touch to the colorful scene.\nReligion Not For Morality\nThe Hopi is religious, and he is moral, but there is no logical connection between the two.\nMrs. Coolidge says: \"In all that has been said concerning the gods and the Kachinas, the spiritual unity of all animate life, the personification of nature and the correct conduct for attaining favor with the gods, no reference has been made to morality as their object. The purpose of religion in the mind of the Indian is to gain the favorable, or to ward off evil, influences which the super-spirits are capable of bringing to the tribe or the individual. Goodness, unselfishness, truth-telling, respect for property, family, and filial duty, are cumulative by-products of communal living, closely connected with religious beliefs and conduct, but not their object. The Indian, like other people, has found by experience that honesty is the best policy among friends and neighbors, but not necessarily so among enemies; that village life is only tolerable on terms of mutual safety of property and person; that industry and devotion to the family interest make for prosperity and happiness. Moral principles are with him the incidental product of his ancestral experience, not primarily inculcated by the teaching of any priest or shaman. Yet the Pueblos show a great advance over many primitive tribes in that their legends and their priests reiterate constantly the idea that 'prayer is not effective except the heart be good.'\"\nPosted by Fritz Zimmerman at 6:07:00 AM", "888 Historical Accounts of Giant Human Skeletons Discovered in North America"], "url": "https://americanindianshistory.blogspot.com/2016/03/about-hopi-myths-and-religion.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 320, "width": 570}], "image_hashes": ["d3eebfecda7dfd7a5078f7d79cf7121a26feb9da36bd766f01e036f73a852c30"], "__index_level_0__": 495, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "https://no-cache.hubspot.com/cta/default/1791279/95c2c899-cb27-432d-88c7-213af6db5e79.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9484122395515442}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://blog.brightagrotech.com/how-to-empower-youth-with-a-farm-be-like-lee/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://no-cache.hubspot.com/cta/default/1791279/95c2c899-cb27-432d-88c7-213af6db5e79.png\", \"src\": \"https://no-cache.hubspot.com/cta/default/1791279/95c2c899-cb27-432d-88c7-213af6db5e79.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c c cb d c af db e\", \"alt_text\": \"New Call-to-action\"}, null]", "texts": ["Some of you are thinking, \"of course it can!\" Others are scratching your heads. Today I'd like to introduce you, whether you are the first person or the second, to a woman taking opportunities in the new age of agriculture with such spunk and determination that she's changing the culture around her in a very apparent way.\n\nJust an hour speaking with Lee Spiegel gave me great respect for a woman who's not afraid to work long hours, press on through adversity, and create a community-based farm business with very few resources.\n\nIn my opinion, we need more women like Lee Speigel building farms like Pulaski Grow. Pulaski Grow is a vertical farm that both enriches the lives of the people in Pulaski County and pours generously into the lives of youth in need of real-life training for successful futures.\n\nIf you want to empower youth with a farm, there's not a better role model anywhere than Lee.\n\nBut I'll let Lee tell you a bit more about the farm.\n\nAbout Pulaski Grow and its youth readiness training program\n\nPulaski Grow is nestled in the beautiful Appalachian Mountains of southwest Virginia where we enjoy four lovely seasons and a nice breeze most days. Summers bring humidity and winters varying amounts of snow and ice, which can be a interesting for greenhouse growing.", "I'm Lee Spiegel, the founder and Program Director for Pulaski Grow, the culmination of a 29 year old dream. Pulaski Grow operates a workforce readiness training program for youth ages 14 to 18 inside a working aquaponics and hydroponics business.", "The business allows youth to gain hands on work experience while practicing many of their soft job skills.\n\nAn aquaponics business was a perfect fit because:\n\nIn addition to youth training, Pulaski Grow also offers workshops for adults on aquaponic growing and encourages volunteer participation with both training and growing.", "An exciting future\n\nPulaski Grow set out to be the premier job readiness program for youth in the state and region while providing the highest quality produce to the local community. In the first few months of operation there has been a tremendous amount of interest in the training and youth volunteer opportunities on site as well as the aquaponicly grown produce.\n\nPulaski Grow has already been nominated for Outstanding Non-Profit by the Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce after just six month of growing and four months of youth work. With a large number of volunteers and wonderful community support, Spiegel is thrilled and amazed to be moving both the business and the training program toward its goal at the current rate.", "Why ZipGrow?\n\nWhen looking at the various ways to grow healthy produce in an economical way, ZipGrow towers were the logical choice. Not only do they allow you to grow much more in a smaller space and save on utility cost, both of which are very important for a non-profit business, they are destined to be a large part of the future of agriculture.", "When training youth to be ready for work in the future it only makes sense to train them in the methods that will be the norm and give them a leg up in the process. Currently, all the herbs, lettuces and leafy greens for the Pulaski Grow CSA , farmer’s market and local vendors are grown in ZipGrow Towers.\n-Lee Spiegel", "With her dedicated team, her strength as a community builder, and her determination to change her county, Lee is making the change that we all hope to see. We'll be following Pulaski Grow as it expands and breaks into the surrounding communities, and we hope that you will, too.", "Like Pulaski Grow on Facebook and leave an encouraging word! Share this wonderful farm with friends and family. If you would like to empower the youth in your own community through farming, check out our free Webinar and get the conversation started with our Nutrient Cycling Discussion plan.\n\nNeedless to say, Lee will be on our list of the most inspirational women farmers this year.\n\nTopics: Spotlights, Upstart Farmers\n\nTami Ziglar\nMy husband & I are both retired USAF. We live in Enterprise, AL near Ft Rucker Army post. Last year we started with 5 dutch buckets & successfully grew tomatoes we also grew some bib & romaine lettuce in a DWC. We have 1.6 acres & want to move to (currently live in town) expand using hydroponics & adding aquaponics not only for self-sufficiency but also to help Vets both therapeutically & in trade - work for food. We have an 11yo daughter so we also want to do a lot of education for students, 4H, FFA, & homeschools via field trips, speaking, demos, etc. We eagerly await any suggestions & guidance!\nAmy Storey\nHi Tami! This sounds like a really neat operation. Our Upstart Farmer community coordinator Halle would be the best person to get in contact with. I know she'll have some helpful suggestions, resources, and connections for you. You can contact her at email@example.com.", null, "Subscribe to Email Updates\n\nFocus on the farmer.\n\nSign up for our newsletter to:\n\nPosts by Topic\n\nOur motto: Focus on the Farmer."], "url": "https://blog.brightagrotech.com/how-to-empower-youth-with-a-farm-be-like-lee/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 681, "original_height": 902, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["697c364cb6f85c6675828cf7c1dc8dc12c6ac6b720ba0b85c2155d163064353d"], "__index_level_0__": 496, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1369267695l/17859209.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9618446230888368}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://bloggeretterized.wordpress.com/2014/05/06/read-reviewed-25-the-trial-of-dr-kate-by-michael-e-glasscock-iii/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1369267695l/17859209.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1369267695l/17859209.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"The Trial of Dr. Kate\", \"rendered_width\": 211, \"rendered_height\": 312}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://bloggeretterized.wordpress.com/2014/05/06/read-reviewed-25-the-trial-of-dr-kate-by-michael-e-glasscock-iii/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://bloggeretterized.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/twitter.png\", \"src\": \"https://bloggeretterized.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/twitter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter\", \"alt_text\": \"Twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://bloggeretterized.wordpress.com/2014/05/06/read-reviewed-25-the-trial-of-dr-kate-by-michael-e-glasscock-iii/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://bloggeretterized.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/pinterest.png\", \"src\": \"https://bloggeretterized.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/pinterest.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pinterest\", \"alt_text\": \"Pinterest\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://bloggeretterized.wordpress.com/2014/05/06/read-reviewed-25-the-trial-of-dr-kate-by-michael-e-glasscock-iii/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://bloggeretterized.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/bloglovin.png\", \"src\": \"https://bloggeretterized.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/bloglovin.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bloglovin\", \"alt_text\": \"Bloglovin\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["The Trial of Dr. Kate is the second novel of Michael E. Glasscock’s “Round Rock” series. I previously read Little Joe and thought this book would be a continuation of some sorts of Joe’s story but I was wrongly fooled. I was disappointed because this so called sequel isn’t a sequel at all. I expected to read a story in which the new characters intertwined with the Little Joe characters, but this story mentions Little Joe so briefly that it makes you feel like it didn’t even need to mention Little Joe at all. It is a completely different story.\n\nIn this book we meet Shenandoah. For starters let me say that Mr. Glasscock sure chose a different name for his lead character: Shenandoah. I’m sorry but I don’t know how to pronounce it and it was kind of difficult to read it all over the book. I ended saying in my mind “Shen” whenever I read the name! Weird name and all, Shenandoah’s life story is one of someone who overcame adversity and it makes you bond with her and like her.\n\nThe characters are OK. The author makes a good job in describing the town and its inhabitants. At first I thought that it was so mean how everyone hated each other in that town. But as you keep reading the details of their relationships you get why they act how they act. The author did a good job describing the social situation of those times regarding racism, poverty in a small southern town in the 1950’s. But it’s not all about the bad things of that era. The story about Hattie Mae (btw who wouldn’t like someone named Hattie Mae?) and Mr. Applebee, the dog is heartwarming and how Shenandoah fits with them is just the cherry on top.", null, "The cover of this book is pretty. I don’t know why but it reminds me of Gwen Stefani’s Cool video. I think it’s perfect for the title, but after reading the book, the girl is not the right character to be the face of this book.\n\nAs far as the title is concerned, I think it should be changed to be something about Shenandoah helping a friend. I mean, the trial of Dr. Kate doesn’t even happen until almost the end of this book and once you get to the trial it is resolved so fast that you hardly even feel you went to the trial. This book is not about the trial, but about Shenandoah helping a friend in need by doing all the investigations on the case because the authorities couldn’t be trusted. I think I would’ve preferred to read the results of Shenandoah’s work during the trial rather than reading everything the people told her before the trial.\n\nThere’s a love story in between the trial. Bobby seemed too good to be true from the get go. The love story happens too fast and is somehow unbelievable.\n\nFor me there were 3 mysteries to be solved in this book. What happened to Little Joe and his family? Who is the driver behind the Dodge? Is Dr. Kate guilty? Sadly for me the solution to the Joe and driver mysteries wasn’t as shocking and as surprising as I would’ve expected. I was missing some emotion.\n\nOnce I got over the fact that this was not related to Little Joe, I have to admit the Dr.’s mystery had me engaged to finish the book. First I thought she was innocent, then I thought she was guilty, then I didn’t know and I never thought it would end as it did. I didn’t expect the truth about Dr. Kate to be what it turned out to be.\n\nWhile Little Joe could almost be considered a children’s book, The Trial of Dr. Kate is a book for adults, as it deals with racism, poverty, euthanasia, alcoholism, abuse of authority, physical abuse. The Trial of Dr. Kate is an OK read. Even though it’s missing more details and emotion, it will keep you entertained and wondering about the ending which I’m sure is not going to be anything you expect it to be.\n\nLessons learned…what I take from this book:\n\nSouthern ladies don’t sweat honey. They glisten.\n\nEvery person needs a pocketknife, ma’am. That’s how you take the measure of a person."], "url": "https://bloggeretterized.wordpress.com/2014/05/06/read-reviewed-25-the-trial-of-dr-kate-by-michael-e-glasscock-iii/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 564, "original_height": 475, "original_width": 318, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["15d8767e19da33fea62cb63177049bb563100e60b6b67eef2f13f6ab4d78edc9"], "__index_level_0__": 497, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://d3q79gj8wzq668.cloudfront.net/garment-3647994-5402718.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8616338968276978}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://dressipi.com/tops/3647994/waven-nova-denim-cropped-top-women-s-size-large-vintage-black\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//d3q79gj8wzq668.cloudfront.net/garment-3647994-5402718.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d3q79gj8wzq668.cloudfront.net/garment-3647994-5402718.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"garment\", \"alt_text\": \"Nova Denim Cropped Top, Women's, Size: Large, Vintage Black - neckline: v-neck; pattern: plain; sleeve style: sleeveless; length: cropped; predominant colour: black; occasions: casual; style: top; fibres: cotton - 100%; fit: body skimming; sleeve length: sleeveless; texture group: denim; pattern type: fabric; wardrobe: basic; season: a/w 2016\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Nova Denim Cropped Top, Women's, Size: Large, Vintage Black\n\nfrom Selfridges\n\nWhat the retailer says\n\nPioneers in the world of contemporary denim, British label WÅVEN is lauded for its clean cut designs that embody a minimalistic Scandinavian aesthetic. Crafted from pure cotton, the Nova top boasts a cutesy cropped silhouette with all over distressed detailing and frayed hems for a cool, lived in feel. Complement its offbeat edge with contrasting denim and stacked heels.WÅVEN denim topExposed zip fastenings at backV neck, sleeveless, cropped, distressed, frayed edges100% cottonMachine washTrue to sizeSize 8: Length 18\"Model is 5ft 10\" and wears a size 8 Size: L. Color: Vintage black. Gender: Female. Age Group: Adult. Material: Denim.. Nova denim cropped top, Women's, Size: Large, Vintage Black"], "url": "https://dressipi.com/tops/3647994/waven-nova-denim-cropped-top-women-s-size-large-vintage-black", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 800, "original_width": 800, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["54ac3689bad4ef6f6345252aef5b3f2fc1656f2c84f9ad87f2b99018e2751fa4"], "__index_level_0__": 498, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/65/5a/12/655a124ebf44bdbcd6260fbc71191785.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/69/bc/81/69bc817fe7f3213b3f9efe9cd30ab1f8.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/b1/b8/23b1b8c2bd543d9e528dd87849e897b8.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/92/ce/c1/92cec1c8ae552b4311ef98b5c3c9ee26.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/29/e1/b6/29e1b6b61e29d612ac29dd93913f665c.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/57/91/1f/57911f363fd8a37e54f56c23453f5e2b.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8a/cd/7f/8acd7fb11699a277defc144e2734d195.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/82/2c/09/822c091e3ba10077b0715eb291fb2059.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6647890210151672}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fi.pinterest.com/ellapieni/pretty-design-products/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/65/5a/12/655a124ebf44bdbcd6260fbc71191785.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/65/5a/12/655a124ebf44bdbcd6260fbc71191785.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a ebf bdbcd fbc\", \"alt_text\": \"White scandinavian design by Artek\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fi.pinterest.com/ellapieni/pretty-design-products/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/69/bc/81/69bc817fe7f3213b3f9efe9cd30ab1f8.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/69/bc/81/69bc817fe7f3213b3f9efe9cd30ab1f8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bc fe f b f efe cd ab f\", \"alt_text\": \"Marimekko zwart/wit servies\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fi.pinterest.com/ellapieni/pretty-design-products/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/b1/b8/23b1b8c2bd543d9e528dd87849e897b8.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/b1/b8/23b1b8c2bd543d9e528dd87849e897b8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b b c bd d e dd e b\", \"alt_text\": \"Moon Goddess Jewelry :: Kalevala Koru\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fi.pinterest.com/ellapieni/pretty-design-products/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/92/ce/c1/92cec1c8ae552b4311ef98b5c3c9ee26.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/92/ce/c1/92cec1c8ae552b4311ef98b5c3c9ee26.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cec c ae b ef b c c ee\", \"alt_text\": \"coffee...\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fi.pinterest.com/ellapieni/pretty-design-products/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/29/e1/b6/29e1b6b61e29d612ac29dd93913f665c.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/29/e1/b6/29e1b6b61e29d612ac29dd93913f665c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e b b e d ac dd f c\", \"alt_text\": \"tableware iittala - 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Collberg wrote the songs in the midst of lengthy travels but looked to improvisational collaboration when it came time to bring them to life.\n\nTaken from Collberg’s forthcoming LP, “Dirty Wind” and “Back on the Shore” come from a pile of songs written while traveling Western America and Central Europe.\n\nThese are songs that do not belong in the hands of one man, but in a room where they’re able to breathe among many. Engineer Jim Waters (Sonic Youth, Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, etc.) helped to create a vastness that reflects the true nature of these songs. Relying on Collberg’s natural talent, almost nothing on the record is planned out; it’s just five people in a room, a man behind the glass and some incredible songs.\n\nBoth sides are songs that explore the nature of travel, yearning and questions of identity. “Dirty Wind” is blues-based rock, a march of guitar riffs that set up Collberg’s catchy vocals. “Back on the Shore” is a slower, pensive showcase for Collberg’s melodic pop and masterful arrangements.\n\nBorn in Sweden, Collberg picked up the drums as a young child in New Zealand, but it wasn’t until moving to Tucson that his musical horizons began expanding. He began making home recordings at 14 and made his solo stage premier at 16.\n\nCollberg has been recording and crafting pop songs in his bedrooms for over a decade now, with multiple releases to show for it. After making his international debut with last years On The Wreath (le Pop Musik), Collberg decided to step out of the bedroom, recruiting some of Tucson’s brightest musicians to realize his vision.\n\n“Dirty Wind” / “Back on the Shore” is Collberg’s first 7inch and debut on Fort Lowell Records.\n\nPrevious Press Accolades for Andrew Collberg\n\n“Andrew Collberg has released his second album, and it's a subtle killer, brainy and sophisticated, but never pretentious. - This is a terrific album in which you can immerse yourself, soaking up the melodies and Collberg's earnest upbeat sentiments.”\n- Tucson Weekly\n\n“For all the promise he showed on that self-titled album he dropped in 2006 - and we're talking some serious promise here -- there's not an expectation Andrew Collberg falls short of exceeding on his latest effort, On the Wreath.”\n- Blurt\n\nreleased January 31, 2012\n\nFort Lowell Records\n\ntags: alternative rock rock & roll alt-country alternative rock collage folk rock indie indie folk indie rock pop rock Raleigh"], "url": "https://fortlowell.bandcamp.com/album/andrew-collberg-dirty-wind-7inch", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 700, "original_width": 700, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["68be01a0637c5039d10fd4eee119340f4e2ce8edbe0cd7c62913598a2e0fae59"], "__index_level_0__": 500, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://georgetownministrycenter.org/wp-content/themes/gmc-custom/images/georgetown-ministry-center-sm.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8703638315200806}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://georgetownministrycenter.org/2017/03/27/2017-georgetown-5k-race-brings-community-together-to-end-homelessness/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://georgetownministrycenter.org/wp-content/themes/gmc-custom/images/donate-top.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://georgetownministrycenter.org/wp-content/themes/gmc-custom/images/donate-top.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"donate top\", \"alt_text\": \"Make a donation today\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://georgetownministrycenter.org/2017/03/27/2017-georgetown-5k-race-brings-community-together-to-end-homelessness/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://georgetownministrycenter.org/wp-content/themes/gmc-custom/images/georgetown-ministry-center-lg.png\", \"src\": \"https://georgetownministrycenter.org/wp-content/themes/gmc-custom/images/georgetown-ministry-center-lg.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"georgetown ministry center lg\", \"alt_text\": \"Georgetown Ministry Center\", \"rendered_width\": 879, \"rendered_height\": 232}, {\"document_url\": \"https://georgetownministrycenter.org/2017/03/27/2017-georgetown-5k-race-brings-community-together-to-end-homelessness/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://georgetownministrycenter.org/wp-content/themes/gmc-custom/images/georgetown-ministry-center-sm.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://georgetownministrycenter.org/wp-content/themes/gmc-custom/images/georgetown-ministry-center-sm.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"georgetown ministry center sm\", \"alt_text\": \"Georgetown Ministry Center\", \"rendered_width\": 680, \"rendered_height\": 380}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "2017 Georgetown 5k Race Brings Community Together to End Homelessness\n\nThis slideshow requires JavaScript.\n\nWashington, D.C., March 26, 2017 – Hundreds of runners, walkers, and supporters gathered Sunday on the historic campus of Georgetown University for the 2017 Georgetown 5k Race Against Homelessness. Organized by the Georgetown Ministry Center and the Center for Social Justice at Georgetown University, the race raised funds for the work of Georgetown Ministry Center and shed light on the issue of homelessness in the Georgetown community. Georgetown Ministry Center seeks lasting solutions to homelessness one person at a time through its day center, street outreach, winter shelter, and advocacy programs.\n\n“Our partnership with the Center for Social Justice allows Georgetown Ministry Center to provide refuge and support for homeless individuals who are often overlooked,” said Gunther Stern, GMC executive director, who also participated in the race. “This race is both a celebration of our partnership and an opportunity to grow our capacity to serve the most vulnerable members of our community.”\n\nIn addition to the 5k run, the event included a family-friend 2k walk and a Post-Race and Spring Fling Celebration, which featured food, games, and music provided by Georgetown University student groups. The event raised $18,000 for Georgetown Ministry Center.\n\nThis event was generously sponsored by Georgetown University’s Office of Campus Ministry, Cox Graae + Spack Architects, Ri Ra Georgetown, 3D Xplosive Performance, and Washingtonian. Race prizes and in-kind items were donated by Saxbys Coffee, Trader Joe’s, Dog Tag Bakery, Launch Trampoline Park, Lilly Pulitzer, SoulCycle, Boating in D.C., Down Dog Yoga, Balance Gym, &Pizza, Orangetheory Fitness and Chaia.\n\nThe three fastest male runners were:\nAlexander Sanford, age 25, of Indianapolis, IN\nGrant Faircloth, age 15, of Aldie, VA\nWilliam Schuette, age 21, of Midland, MI\n\nThe three fastest female runners were:\nRebecca Downs, age 26, of Indianapolis, IN\nKnox Flynt, age 40, of Fairfax, VA\nLaura Simmons, age 30, of Bethesda, MD\n\nFull race results are available here."], "url": "https://georgetownministrycenter.org/2017/03/27/2017-georgetown-5k-race-brings-community-together-to-end-homelessness/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 380, "original_width": 680, "width": 676}], "image_hashes": ["8db453c2c7abd911cdd78a749fd509e359edf5f0351b1f901db1964fda31549c"], "__index_level_0__": 501, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i1.wp.com/www.scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/660x385/public/images/methode/2016/10/04/0ba3e6d2-89a3-11e6-afd1-1c0f6e75ba2c_660x385.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9026018977165222}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://glblgeopolitics.wordpress.com/2016/10/04/chinese-company-to-spend-us20-billion-on-egypts-new-capital-east-of-cairo/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/www.scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/660x385/public/images/methode/2016/10/04/0ba3e6d2-89a3-11e6-afd1-1c0f6e75ba2c_660x385.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/www.scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/660x385/public/images/methode/2016/10/04/0ba3e6d2-89a3-11e6-afd1-1c0f6e75ba2c_660x385.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ba e d a e afd c f e ba c\", \"alt_text\": \"https://i1.wp.com/www.scmp.com/sites/default/files/styles/660x385/public/images/methode/2016/10/04/0ba3e6d2-89a3-11e6-afd1-1c0f6e75ba2c_660x385.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 526, \"rendered_height\": 307}, null]", "texts": [null, "The pyramids are illuminated during New Year’s day celebrations on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt, January 1, 2016. Photo: Reuters\n\nChina Fortune Land Development Co. Ltd. (CFLD) has signed a deal to develop and manage 14,000 acres (5,700 hectares) of Egypt’s new administrative capital at a cost of US$20 billion, the Egyptian cabinet said in a statement on Monday.\n\nThe new capital, planned to be the size of Singapore, is due to have an airport larger than London’s Heathrow, a building taller than Paris’s Eiffel Tower, and more than 10,000 km (6,200 miles) of streets and avenues."], "url": "https://glblgeopolitics.wordpress.com/2016/10/04/chinese-company-to-spend-us20-billion-on-egypts-new-capital-east-of-cairo/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 385, "original_width": 660, "width": 648}], "image_hashes": ["aecb2ad5977c02c2f6734a3e74a50baeebfa2cb8baf359934ac51a2640d34780"], "__index_level_0__": 502, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://i1.wp.com/4.bp.blogspot.com/_YqZnqe29V9g/ST7uLlxJjSI/AAAAAAAAAFA/D6sT5iK5jPU/s200/Limon+004.jpg", null, 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Limon is a quaint, no frills, Turkish restaurant located in the heart Grammercy. Despite its tight quarters, Limon is quite homey and has a great selection of traditional Turkish cuisine.\nLimon was recommended by a friend and had been given great reviews on Menupages. Since groups with 6 people and above are required to order the $35 prix-fixed menu, we were happily served an array of hot and cold appetizers, a full selection of entrees, and dessert. Our cold appetizers were a mix of dips and pita served on four plates which included the following:", "Hummus, chickpeas with tahini, extra olive oil and lemon juice\nCacik, chilled creamy yogurt blended with chopped cucumber, mint, and dill with a touch of garlic\nSmoked Eggplant Salad, smoked baby eggplant blended with red peppers, fresh herbs and extra virgin olive oil\nAcili Ezme, chopped fresh spicy green peppers, vine ripened tomatoes, and onions with parsley\nAll of the dips were very flavorful and very authentic. The reason for our dinner was actually to say goodbye to Noa, the Israeli Soldier who staffed our Birthright Israel trip. Noa was in New York for a few months and is finally returning to Israel. We figured we’d send her off with the best of Israel in New York. Well, that actually wasn’t our intention, but even she admits that the Hummus was pretty tasty.\nMy favorite of the bunch were the Eggplant Salad and the Acili Ezme. I’d never had Acili Ezme before but it had a nice spicy kick and great texture which made for a perfect compliment to the seeded pita.\nWe were also served what would be considered a traditional Israeli salad and Turkish Zucchini Pancakes such as:", null, "Coban Salad, fresh chopped tomatoes, cucumber, parsley, green peppers, and onion tossed in extra virgin olive oil and Turkish wine vinegar", null, "Mucver, pan fried zucchini pancakes drizzled with homemade yogurt sauce\n\nThe Coban Salad was nicely flavored with the perfect amounts of parsely, oil, and vinegar. The acidity in the salad balanced out the saltiness of the dips and made a nice amuse bouche for the zucchini pancakes. Though I must admit, the zucchini pancakes were not my favorite. I expected them to be crisp, but instead they were quite soft, bordering mushy and bland in taste. The tangy yogurt sauce was tasty and luckily made the zucchini pancakes more tolerable.\nOur group mostly ordered the Seabass and an assortment of Kebabs. The portions of the entrees were very large and seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. I ordered the Seabass and though I liked it, it was hard not to injest a handful of bones in every bite, making it difficult to enjoy. I did taste most of the dishes and agreed that they were all very tasty. Below you can find photos of the rest of the dishes.", null, "Levrek Izgara, grilled whole fish of mediterranean seabass drizzled with lemon juice and olive oil served with a chef salad", null, "Chicken Adana Kebab, finely chopped chicken, seasoned with green and red peppers and parsley, grilled on a skewer served with grill vegetables and traditional turkish rice", null, "Lamb Adana Kebab", null, "Mixed Grill Yogurt Kebab, marinated chicken and lamb skewers over homemade tomato sauce and pita bread topped with a garlic yogurt sauce", null, null, "Manti, poached tender beef dumplings\nserved in a garlic yogurt sauce\nKaides Guvec, baked shrimp, mushroom,", null, "and tomato casserole topped with melted\nturkish kasar cheese and served with rice\nLimon turned out to be a great place to go for our group of ten. Though the $35 prix-fixed dinner was required, we were able to get a great variety of traditional Turkish cuisine, which made the price well worth it. I definitely recommend this restaurant if you’re looking to try something new in the BYO world.\n238 E. 24th Street between 2nd and 3rd Avenue"], "url": "https://hartleyconfections.wordpress.com/category/turkish-cuisine/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["3214f34b1f7257a71249ac62f4e24ac595bc3b2596864785a03087e624403444", "947b226c1747904509fbfc41098b245bc31755b2192dfc3454ab8f9727ff083a", "c145f7e8173d65d914bf6e2db420ca7735e471a78d1988dc74768b60b6c01452", "a3af9e246d9d95487e2b828f954692cc576b4d90150a84625ff1bad5caea51d0", "758c8a5a9b124862580bf5745185eb1fe9ac90ff542c6536512ef3f0e1e193d1", "30beb7eed877e3e8148d523fafe1d6814278a284d5ce013b5d32539f77c1934e", "ebfff873c07efecedc5b5a2393d2c08de6981960a15a3653b13cbdb887bea7fd", "e98a29f42aab5579e8a86b19f19b71d5acbefd35ee5eabaab8885beb76a707f6", "c2890241644f8de24fc2064959f51048f47166b70efb5d7707143554803621e6"], "__index_level_0__": 503, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://kajabi-storefronts-production.global.ssl.fastly.net/kajabi-storefronts-production/site/83/images/ogNsA4deTXqjq0HfhapV_MPL_Kajabi_MSSS.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9422560930252076}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://helpmybusiness.mykajabi.com/store/pMbkBkzG\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://kajabi-storefronts-production.global.ssl.fastly.net/kajabi-storefronts-production/site/83/images/ogNsA4deTXqjq0HfhapV_MPL_Kajabi_MSSS.png\", \"src\": \"https://kajabi-storefronts-production.global.ssl.fastly.net/kajabi-storefronts-production/site/83/images/ogNsA4deTXqjq0HfhapV_MPL_Kajabi_MSSS.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ogNsA deTXqjq HfhapV MPL Kajabi MSSS\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Membership Site Success System\n\n\"How to Make AT LEAST $5,000.00 in\nRecurring Income EVERY Month,\nFrom a Membership Site!\"\n\nNEW Membership Site Success System Creates Automatic Recurring Income for You\nIn Any Topic You Choose, Regardless of Your Background or Experience!\n\nDear Friend,\nYou know how songwriters get paid a royalty every time there song is performed on the radio, TV, or live?\n\nImagine if you could get that type of residual income?!\n\nIt’s true, any gifted song-writer can easily generate enough money to buy a new car, boat, house, or even private jet! Well known artists like The Eagles, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, and U2, are still making money every month today, decades after they wrote their big hits!\n\nTake the song \"Hotel California\" from the Eagles as an example. Remember it? \"Livin’ it up at the Hotel California…\"\n\nThat song was written in 1973 and yet more than 40 years later the money continues to pour in to the writers Don Henley, Glenn Frey, and Don Felder. It’s unstoppable! In fact, get this, they’ve made over $250 MILLION over the years!\n\nIt’s really exciting that the same concept of royalties or recurring income is possible online, using the power of a very special type of website, called a Membership Site.\nThe Power of Passive Income\nImagine if you attract just ONE new customer a day, paying you $30 a month. After just 3 months, your recurring (aka residual) income will be:\nMonth 1 Income: $900.00\nMonth 2 Income: $1,800.00\nMonth 3 Income: $2,700.00\nIn just 12 months, you’ll be getting around $10,800.00 in cash – deposited directly into your bank account EVERY MONTH!\n\nIn 2 years it gets incredibly exciting because as the number of members continues to grow, that will give you around $21,600.00 a month, every month!\n\nThat's the power of residual income, a.k.a. recurring, or passive income - they're just different words to describe the effortless process of receiving ongoing payments for new product or service offers your \"members\" ask for.\n\nLet Me Introduce Myself…\n\nI could go on and on about why building your own membership site is the fastest, easiest and most economical way to true financial freedom. But I realize these numbers may be hard to believe, so before we go any further, allow me to introduce myself…\nMy name is Andrew Lock, I’m the presenter of the popular WebTV show, \"Help My Business!\" (www.HelpMyBusiness.com) and author of 5 best-selling business books.\n\nIn 2004 I discovered the big secret to passive income online – membership sites. And since then I’ve perfected the ultimate system for building and making money from this type of site, easily and quickly.\n\nI’ve helped literally thousands of business owners and entrepreneurs to become financially free, and I’m proud of that achievement.\n\nIf I had to hazard a guess about YOU, I think you’d agree with at least some of the following statements…\nYou're tired of working long hours, only to be paid LESS than you're worth.\nYou believe that you deserve a better quality of life, and you'd LOVE to spend more time with your family and take regular vacations without worrying about how to pay the bills while you're travelling.\nYou want to have complete control of you and your family's financial future.\nYou're trying to rebuild your retirement fund that's been decimated by the recent economic turmoil.\nYou're fed up of slaving to build someone else's dream (your boss's maybe?)\nYou've tried various ways to make money ... but none of them have worked.\nYou just want to make more money so you can do more and give to your favorite causes\n\nThe Ultimate Success Secret\nSadly, most business owners struggle. by continuing to trade their time for money, trying all kinds of methods and schemes that they HOPE will work.\n\nUnfortunately, the old adage \"the harder you work, the more you’ll earn\" is a lie! I work less now than I’ve ever worked in my life, and I LOVE what I do more than anything else I’ve ever done!\n\nTrading time for money is a dead end!\n\nIt's frustrating, because you can never get ahead.\n\nSo the ultimate success secret, that I wish I’d known years earlier, is that Membership Sites are the #1 way to make recurring income online.\n\nYou do the work ONCE in building the site, and then you’ll continue to reap the monetary rewards over and over again, month after month, it’s the easiest way to build wealth that I’ve ever come across!\n\nOver the years, I’ve created 6 membership sites, sold two of them for big money, and kept the other 4. So many people asked me “how did you do it” that I’ve put together a comprehensive video training that guides you through the process, step-by-step.\n\nThe Membership Site Success System\nInterestingly, when most people think about making money online, they imagine its hard work and difficult. And there’s always a 'must have' tool or course that promises to be a \"one-click\" wonder. You've probably been burned enough times to know that isn't true!\n\nThe truth is, there is some work involved up front, but it's a system, it's enjoyable, and you’ll feel great about what you're accomplishing.\n\nHere's a few other things you need to know, especially if you feel intimidated at the thought of creating a membership site…\n\nYou don't need to be a technical whiz\nYou don't need to be an expert copywriter\nYou don't need to learn all the traffic techniques\nYou don't need to know any 'gurus' in your marketplace\nYou don't need to understand anything about search engines\nYou don't need to spend money on advertising\n\nDo some members drop out from time to time? Of course, but that’s why you have a process to continue to bring in at least one new member a day – that’s all you need to be very well taken care of financially!\n\nLook, it's not your fault if you’ve only just discovered residual income.\n\nIt escaped me for decades! But now that you know, everything changes for you! And even better, I’ve made a lot of mistakes so that you don’t have to!\n\nI’m a pioneer of membership sites, I’ve tested many different membership concepts, and I’ve blazed a trail so that you don't have to.\n\nWe're now at a point where anyone (yes including you), regardless of your background or experience, can create a profitable membership website. Join me to do just that, and follow my step-by-step system.\n\nIf you know in your heart that you should be making more money, I'm delighted you're now discovering the first PROVEN and GUARANTEED system to create a membership site in a topic of your choice!\n\nWhat Exactly Is a Membership Site?\nI've used the term 'membership site' several times now, and those two words are the magical key to unlocking your fortune, so I want to be clear about what a membership site is.\n\nAllow me to summarize it in plain English:\n\n\"A membership site is an online, private community of people, who pay a recurring fee to access (a) quality information and (b) a community, on a niche topic of interest.\"\n\nThe primary goal of your membership site is to attract new members, and then keep them happy! Your members pay you a monthly fee of say $27, $37, $97 or even $997 per month (depending on your market).\n\nLet's look at some examples...\n\nNetflix is a popular service for people who want to watch movies online.\n\nIt's a membership site!\n\nPeople who seek their soul mate can use eHarmony to help them.\n\nInvestors who want to learn and compare notes with other investors use MotleyFool.\n\neDiets is designed to help people who want to lose weight.\n\nObviously, these are some heavyweight industry-leading websites that are generating millions of dollars a month! Netflix alone is generating a whopping $312,000,000.00 (MILLION) each month, and rising!\n\nIt's unlikely that you'll create the next Netflix, of course. But 'behind the scenes' there are countless individuals who are making at least a thousand dollars a month or more (usually a LOT MORE), with 'micro-niche', special-interest membership sites.\nDon't take my word for it, here's some examples:\n\nFlowerArranging101.tv attracts people who want to learn flower arranging.\n\nRestaurantOwner.com provides resources for independent restaurateurs.\n\nUniversityOfMakeUp.com is a hub for people who are interested in learning advanced makeup techniques.\n\nDogProblems.com helps dog owners to manage their dogs effectively\n\nJazzPianoLessons.com offers ongoing tutorials and support for people who want to learn how to play jazz style piano.\n\nBouncyCastleOwner.com is a members community for, you guessed it, bouncy castle owners!\nAs you can see, there are all sorts of diverse, and some might say 'obscure' niche membership sites. Each one of their owners are making monthly residual (and rising) profits, with a website that's both fun and profitable!\n\nHow can YOU create residual income with a membership site?\n\nHere's the deal: I've created a unique 'quick start' system called...\n\n\"Membership Site Success System\" is 100% video based training, which you take at your own pace.\n\nThere are 12 modules, each with 3 or 4 sections, and you’ll learn everything from choosing a niche, through to advanced member retention strategies.\n\nIt's risk-free, and 100% guaranteed.\n\nThis could very well be a life changing opportunity for you. Let me repeat what we're offering, because it's vital for you to grasp this...\nI guarantee you'll be able to create a new membership\nsite in any niche, with paying members,\n100% guaranteed!\n\nGet Started Now\n\nWhy Membership Sites Are\nThe BEST Way to Make Money\nAs the proud owner of a new membership site, you'll discover many benefits, including:\n\nThe ability to live anywhere in the world, all you need is a laptop and an Internet connection\nRidiculously low business costs\nHigh profit margins\nDependable recurring income, that doesn’t stop!\nNo physical products to create, store, or ship\nYou’ll own an asset that increases in value – one you can sell in the future if you wish\n\nMembers Love Them Too!\n\nWhy are membership sites so appealing to members?\nTwo words:\nContent and Community.\nThey receive content in the form of articles, news, views, and high quality, helpful information.\n\nThe community aspect automatically comes from other members, via forums, discussions, and comments within your site. As you know, it's basic human nature to want to 'belong' to a group of like-minded people, and membership sites directly fulfill that need.\n\nIf you're into wildlife photography, with my system you can easily create a membership site for others who feel the same way, and charge them a monthly fee to access your content and community.\n\nIf you’re a dog kennel owner, you could create a membership site community of other dog kennel owners and share ideas and strategies for running a successful dog kennel.\n\nIf you suffer from a condition like diabetes, you could provide help and support for others with a membership community around that topic.\n\nDo you see the exciting, endless possibilities? And if you’re unsure about which niche to choose, relax because I'll personally help you to choose something that you'll really enjoy.\n\nAnd in case you have any doubt about the fact that people are happy to pay to belong to membership sites, consider the following...\nThe Internet is the single most powerful business tool\nthe world has ever seen ... AND when you invest in\nThe Membership Site Success System,\nyou'll be given the skills to making consistent,\nongoing residual income using the Internet!\nThe fact that you're on this website probably means you have a computer that's connected to the Internet. It's also probably safe to say that you've bought something online. And of course you're not alone. Consider this startling fact: The Internet has already grown faster than the telephone, radio, TV, and the mobile phone, in fact it's the fastest growing innovation in history! Here's a few more stats that show why you should take this invitation seriously:\nThere Are Almost 2 Billion Internet Users Worldwide\n77% of U.S. Adults Use the Internet Regularly\nLast year, Internet Users in the U.S. Spent $176 Billion on Products and Services Online\nMILLIONS of dollars are spent every minute at popular online stores like Amazon.com, Ebay.com, Groupon.com and others.\n(Sources: Internet World Stats and Forrester Research)\nYou can see that the Internet is NOT a fad... and to put it bluntly: The longer you ignore it, the farther you'll get left behind.\n\nOnce you learn the 'insider secrets' I'll reveal to you in the training, with a few clicks of your mouse you'll be continually generating money over and over again, month after month.\n\nJust imagine the thrill of watching new members signing up each day, as if by magic, from work you did just once to setup the site.\n\nThere are very few things in life that match the excitement of hearing the 'ka-ching' sound of money being sent to your bank account while you put your feet up and enjoy doing something you love!\n\nFrankly, the Internet is experiencing a gold rush of explosive growth. It's already created more millionaires than any other business model in recorded history.\n\"The Easiest Way to Build Your Membership Site and Make Money\"\n\nThe Membership Site Success System will mark the beginning of an entirely new, liberated, prosperous, and truly remarkable life.\n\nAll of the training is via online video. You can start, stop, and pause them whenever you want to. It's literally like looking over my shoulder as I guide you through the process, and you'll simply follow my steps.\n\nI truly believe I've made it as easy as possible for you to quickly and easily create a money-making membership site.\n\nLet’s Get Serious For a Moment…\nPlease think about these questions carefully...\nAre you happy with how much money you have in the bank right now?\nDo you believe you're talents are being used to your full potential?\nHave other \"business opportunities\" resulted in true financial freedom for you?\nCan you afford to go on 'testing' lots of different money making methods?\nLet's get real. If you decline this invitation, what else will you do to change your current financial situation, get out of debt, and achieve the financial freedom you deserve?\nThe Membership Site Success System is the PERFECT\nSOLUTION for you if you can say \"YES\" to at least\n3 of these statements:\nYou have an open mind and a positive attitude\nYou are extremely busy and need a FAST way to learn and grow residual income\nYou are highly motivated to create your own membership site business to create your financial freedom\nYou understand the power of recurring revenue, and you're ready and willing to trigger it in your own life\nYou are ready for your business to support a much better lifestyle for you and your family\nYou are inundated or even overwhelmed with information and deep down you know you need a 'paint by numbers' system to follow\nYou are a successful person who is always seeking improvement, and you're now ready to create your own financial future\n\nDon't Take My Word For It...\nHere's what other students have to say about this training:\nI am from Germany. When I started, my Internet marketing skills were at a bare minimum. As I followed Andrew's techniques, I started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Everything I've learned from Andrew is a fast-track to success. My site is now launched, and in the first 4 days I got 2000 people into my system!\n\nFrantz Forestal, Beyond The Valve International\nAndrew’s stuff is GREAT. I highly recommend it. It’s already paid for itself and has already made me money.\n\nGreg Zobbel\nAndrew has been a great support. He is prompt with his responses whenever I have a question and is a reassuring and encouraging presence as I am growing my business. He also asks the right questions to challenge me to progress further along my path to success. I have now launched my membership site with Andrew's help!\"\n\nSun Jang\nAndrews membership program is awesome. I have learned a lot, which gave me the confidence I needed. Andrew provides outstanding support. Whenever I needed to know something, I got a quick and helpful answer. That helped me to stay on track and to keep going, even when I had doubts or worries about it. I've now launched my site successfully!\"\n\nStefan Fugmann\n\nWhat's the Investment to Create My\nNew Membership Site and Learn the Skills to\nGet Monthly Residual Income?\nAs you probably know, a college or university course typically costs tens of thousands, often much much more. Some students leave with nothing more than a piece of paper and a huge debt to pay off. Certainly, there’s no guarantee of income, let alone recurring income every month!\n\nThis transformational course is the culmination of countless years of research, testing, and experience.\n\nFrankly, to hire me personally for a consultation would cost you at least $10,000.00 a day – and even then you’d be on a waiting list because I only offer a handful of consulting days each year.\n\nInitially I contemplated a fee of $5,000.00. I felt that was fair, since I can guarantee a return of at least $1,000.00 per month for anyone who follows my system explicitly.\n\nMany franchises cost more than $100,000.00 with ZERO guarantees that you’ll EVER make a profit!\n\nHowever, it's also true that I don't want price to get in the way of this being a life changing moment for you. So I ultimately came up with a number that I think you’ll be really excited about…\n\nFor a limited time, you can access everything including one on one support with me, without limit, for a one-time investment of $1990.\n\nIn life and in business there are no guarantees, but the Membership Site Success System is different in every way.\n\nI'm determined to make sure you succeed! So I've gone the extra mile to create a big, bold, 3-part unconditional guarantee for you...\n\"You're 100% Protected By My\n3 Part, No-Risk Guarantee\"\n\nI believe in a strong guarantee, to remove all risk for you.\nInvest in the Membership Site Success System, follow along with my step-by-step instructions, take action to implement what you learn, and I promise that:\n\n1. The training will be presented without 'geek-speak,' in plain English that you can understand.\n\n2. You'll be shown everything you need to create a membership site on a topic of your choice.\n\n3. Using my one-on-one support whenever you need it, you will have all your questions answered.\n\nIf you do your part as outlined above, I guarantee to do mine. If I fail to help you as described here, let me know and I will happily refund you in full for failing you!\nThat means ALL the risk is on me!\nIt's Decision Making Time...\nLiterally hundreds of people will be reading this web page around the same time as you. I have to impose a cap of 30 students at a time, because of the one-on-one support I provide.\n\nIf you delay, you may not be able to get in, and you’ll be placed on a waiting list for when spots open up in the future.\n\nLook, you could easily waste years of your precious time, and tens of thousands of dollars chasing other opportunities that are unproven and not guaranteed. Why continue to bash your head against a brick wall day-after-day to try and find your own path to success, when there's a faster and cheaper option right here, that’s guaranteed?\n\nPlug yourself into my system. It's TESTED. It's PROVEN, and IT WORKS!\n\nIt will take you from financial frustration to financial freedom.\n\nGo ahead and REGISTER NOW using the button below. I’m excited to witness your financial breakthrough!\n\nI look forward to helping you succeed,\nAndrew Lock\nP.S.  - The Membership Site Success System isn't just about making money, it's about creating long-termfinancial freedom for you, your family and your loved ones.\n\nFrankly, since I’m taking the risk with my guarantee, there should now be nothing holding you back fromsaying \"YES\" to registering for the course, because your fee is FULLY protected.\n\nTake back control of your life. Have confidence in yourself, and send a strong signal to all those people who doubted you over the years!"], "url": "https://helpmybusiness.mykajabi.com/store/pMbkBkzG", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 720, "original_width": 1280, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["20fd9ceb1b55471099a3032e59aec0122dfd253896784699497198832fb8a61d"], "__index_level_0__": 504, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2826/9172641147_15a8f2a025_b.jpg", null, "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2854/9174879592_bb471572d8_b.jpg", null, "http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5473/9172652567_188bae6cd2_b.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8361641764640808}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://hikinginfinland.com/2013/06/the-week-in-review-xliii.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2826/9172641147_15a8f2a025_b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2826/9172641147_15a8f2a025_b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a f a b\", \"alt_text\": \"Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid\", \"rendered_width\": 1024, \"rendered_height\": 680}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://hikinginfinland.com/2013/06/the-week-in-review-xliii.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2854/9174879592_bb471572d8_b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2854/9174879592_bb471572d8_b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bb d b\", \"alt_text\": \"Go Fast\", \"rendered_width\": 1024, \"rendered_height\": 680}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://hikinginfinland.com/2013/06/the-week-in-review-xliii.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5473/9172652567_188bae6cd2_b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5473/9172652567_188bae6cd2_b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bae cd b\", \"alt_text\": \"DMM Classic Rope Bag + Petzl Sirocco\", \"rendered_width\": 1024, \"rendered_height\": 680}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://hikinginfinland.com/2013/06/the-week-in-review-xliii.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/jmt_sidebar.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://hikinginfinland.com/images/jmt_sidebar.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"jmt sidebar\", \"alt_text\": \"John Muir Trust Banner\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 250}]", "texts": ["Rumours of a decline in the mosquito population after midsummer are just that: Rumours.", null, "Ever felt like being part of an outdoor company? Invest into BullitMeal and you can help this small company go global with their delicious meals!\n\nHow climbing has changed Aleksi Mehtonen’s life.\n\nWin a Tatonka backpack and a six-pack of Krombacker Weizen! What an awesome raffle =)\n\nMore new kit from OookWorks: Introducing the 2Oookan Duomid Nest.\n\nThe Hyperlite Mountain Gear UltaMid is now available for order. Available as a two and four person shelter, these are large shelters which should be ideal for tall people.\n\nA small gear sale.\n\nA Packrafting Guide to Yellowstone National Park.\n\nCutting a hole in cuben: MYOG: Cuben Fibre Poncho Tarp Part 2.\n\nThe Sanyo eneloop is widely regarded as the best rechargeable battery on the market. Grab a set of four + charger for your outdoor battery needs like GPS, headlamp or phone charger!\n\nThe last ride of the Lazy Randonneur.\n\nFind us on Google+.", null, "Trip Reports\n\nA family hike to castle Boymont.\n\nNeil shares distant memories of the Inca Trail.\n\nAntti is read for the GR5.\n\nJoni gets away to Porkkalanniemi.\n\nHiking and Mountain Biking on Los Peñasquitos Canyon.\n\nThe Luxembourgish Way.\n\nDawn heads up Deadfall Lakes and Mt. Eddy Summit.\n\nPackrafting (in the deep)(http://dirtanddogs.blogspot.fi/2013/06/in-deep.html).\n\nTrev is slow in the snow\n\nHebridean Heaven.\n\nRim to Rim in the Grand Canyon at night.\n\nA Back Country Tenkara Trip.\n\nNick was hiking in Illinois.\n\nFreaks of the Night.\n\nChris is (out manuvering a Monsoon)(http://dailey7779.blogspot.fi/2013/06/out-manuvering-monsoon-mount-tom-field.html).\n\nS240: Brazos Cliffs, NM.\n\nPeru – Cordillera Blanca, un salto en el nube.", null, "Gear Reviews & Deals\n\nPersonal Anchor Systems Buyer’s Guide.\n\n4Sevens Titanium Whistle.\n\nBrunton Ember Solar Charger Review.\n\nMontane Bionic und Sonic shirts reviewed.\n\nEureka Quazar 3 SUL tent reviewed.\n\nLaufbursche huckePACK reviewed.\n\nInov8 Roclite 243 reviewed.\n\nHave a look at the GoLite Clearance Closet and save up to 70% on Men’s & Women’s Jackets, Pants & Backpacks.\n\nBergfreunde have 20% off hardshells, softshells and shirts.\n\nHiking and camping Hot Summer Deals at REI.\n\nTrailrunning gear at CampSaver.com.\n\nPurple Blaze is LIVE for ULA Backpacks. Add some colour to your hiking life!\n\nUp to 60% off The North Face at Backcountry.com!\n\nBergzeit has hardshells up to 50% reduced in price."], "url": "https://hikinginfinland.com/2013/06/the-week-in-review-xliii.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 680, "original_width": 1023, "width": 568}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 680, "original_width": 1023, "width": 568}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 680, "original_width": 1023, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["da8cc725f61e491396d549fec9d8459268e2a12df13f1b6c573d22dd138a1b03", "edadf574217ba3de9118e2987dae2a39560bb2767a587c72666f64d0e37f71ad", "2595cb910774b9c1ea698046141f2b053f407fd03b3b989f73edc62528723251"], "__index_level_0__": 505, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/36/e1/a8/36e1a8592340b6386635d130e1141a71.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/20/0a/f0/200af03b8138f0718ed8ee76c2cb2521.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/01/bf/83/01bf830d20b19f6ac480809dbb1bf89e.jpg", null, null, null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/50/35/fe/5035fe9252fe226b51dfb181af1a3080.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/d0/30/d6/d030d62755bd63b796f9a90659700852.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1a/3d/de/1a3ddec6f30c2a60526e08c4235e5737.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6597928404808044}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://jp.pinterest.com/pin/442619469600922690/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/36/e1/a8/36e1a8592340b6386635d130e1141a71.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/36/e1/a8/36e1a8592340b6386635d130e1141a71.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e a b d e a\", \"alt_text\": \"Instagram #ergobaby | Ergobaby Blog\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://jp.pinterest.com/pin/442619469600922690/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/20/0a/f0/200af03b8138f0718ed8ee76c2cb2521.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/20/0a/f0/200af03b8138f0718ed8ee76c2cb2521.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"af b f ed ee c cb\", \"alt_text\": \"Top 5 best baby carriers for dads\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://jp.pinterest.com/pin/442619469600922690/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/01/bf/83/01bf830d20b19f6ac480809dbb1bf89e.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/01/bf/83/01bf830d20b19f6ac480809dbb1bf89e.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bf d b f ac dbb bf e\", \"alt_text\": \"Budu Baby Carrier made with organic and natural bamboo fabric and leather. www.budu.com.au\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://jp.pinterest.com/pin/442619469600922690/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/9b/aa/2b/9baa2b4fd1799b41a73d83f786c5cce6.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/9b/aa/2b/9baa2b4fd1799b41a73d83f786c5cce6.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"baa b fd b a d f c cce\", \"alt_text\": \"Buying minimum baby-kit\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://jp.pinterest.com/pin/442619469600922690/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/08/1e/66/081e664e67de3c1fd094a3357c50bd8d.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/08/1e/66/081e664e67de3c1fd094a3357c50bd8d.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e e de c fd a c bd d\", \"alt_text\": \"ergobaby carrier 360 - \\u0391\\u03bd\\u03b1\\u03b6\\u03ae\\u03c4\\u03b7\\u03c3\\u03b7 Google\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://jp.pinterest.com/pin/442619469600922690/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/50/35/fe/5035fe9252fe226b51dfb181af1a3080.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/50/35/fe/5035fe9252fe226b51dfb181af1a3080.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fe fe b dfb af a\", \"alt_text\": \"So comfortable in here Mum. 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Let us help you with the right choice today, take a look at http://babycarriersforinfants.com.", null, "I love this it's so practical and comfortable for me too. See our advice now at http://babycarriersforinfants.com.", null, "Amazon.com: Disney Winnie the Pooh 4 Pc Diaper Bag: Baby", "Baby Trend - Nursery Center Playard, Deluxe Havenwood\n\nA selection of baby carrier patents as far back as 1893. http://babycarriersforinfants.com"], "url": "https://jp.pinterest.com/pin/442619469600922690/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 306, "original_width": 306, "width": 378}, {"height": 555, "original_height": 347, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 354, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 495, "original_height": 257, "original_width": 196, "width": 378}, {"height": 681, "original_height": 301, "original_width": 167, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6818671952a87948c7c32201d553b16ca8c20f718364bc4f8ee1cc6d427c3919", "e8c7e03130a024cbe1b5dc5d2d335bb1e84b9448ebc5b092c888bee0b2f58d73", 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\"rendered_width\": 600, \"rendered_height\": 350}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://lexusenthusiast.com/2014/08/20/photo-lexus-rc-300h-starfire-pearl/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lexusenthusiast.com/images/weblog/17-05-18-lexus-lc-diecast-model-600x350.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lexusenthusiast.com/images/weblog/17-05-18-lexus-lc-diecast-model-600x350.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"lexus lc diecast model\", \"alt_text\": \"Lexus LC 500 Diecast Model Arrives This October\", \"rendered_width\": 600, \"rendered_height\": 350}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://lexusenthusiast.com/2014/08/20/photo-lexus-rc-300h-starfire-pearl/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/site/sidebar-ct-richmond.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lexusenthusiast.com/images/site/sidebar-ct-richmond.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sidebar ct richmond\", \"alt_text\": \"Lexus CT 200h F SPORT Owner Blog\", \"rendered_width\": 600, \"rendered_height\": 350}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Lexus Japan is currently showing an RC 300h with a Starfire Pearl exterior at their Midland Square showroom in Nagoya.\n\nThis marks the first time the standard RC has been seen in a color other than Infrared, and it looks great in this low-resolution photo — hoping for better images to surface shortly.\n\n[Source: Toyota Showroom Facebook]\n\nDiscuss in our community forum", "Lexus Japan Releases Special Edition NX 200t & NX 300h", "Video Tour: New Lexus Dealerships Open in India\n\nThe brand has opened its first showrooms in the country.", null], "url": "https://lexusenthusiast.com/2014/08/20/photo-lexus-rc-300h-starfire-pearl/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 363, "original_width": 640, "width": 666}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 350, "original_width": 600, "width": 648}], "image_hashes": ["c7d2a1e916c08a9d8df6fe3bf2da4f77934835be3684bc4a13ae37bf454d13fb", "6a075529b74b963a8c8a87c1c8a96de3c5153bf115547b1193173b36818d94b8"], "__index_level_0__": 507, "cc_dump": 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"the following is an excerpt from my novel-in-progress, Making Art. If you are reading this then you are already part of its making. I want you to know that you have been with me through the crucible, and I carry you with me as I reach the ending–which never is one, but rather, the next opening.\n\nMenas 1\n\nYou must picture your image of Eastern Europe.\nIn your mind’s eye.\nWhatever that image is.\nHowever it came to you.\nOne winter night when she is not a child (was she ever a child?), Menas walks outside, her shoes against snow, her arms cradling a self, her back to a house not her house but housing her. It is a night after the blast that has atomized her family and any sense of an identity. Some years.\nBut that night has never left her…unrelenting bruise. It’s blue-black image pearling in and out of memory.\nNor will it ever leave her body, the blast forever injuring her spine, so that all of her life she will carry pain like the story of histories unspoken, and since she will grow into a woman with intelligence and intuition and artistic integrity, she will almost never speak of it. She will transform unbearable pain into artistic production – exactly like how women take what turns out to be a life and live with it.\nNations move over the small backs of children, grinding their bones and hearts into the earth.\nThe white of the snow stretches out like the bones of a human hand.\nYou know, we act as if children are always under development, and thus unable to mourn or register the fact of an identity, having not quite arrived. It is not true. It may be more true that identity is as fully formed as the cosmos, as dna, as geographic actuality in the first moments of life. The open mouth as gaping as a galaxy. The unconscious wail. The physical violence. The irrelevancy of time or space.\nThe moon’s giant white eye.\nThe moon pulls her eyes, bathes her lightly, convinces her night is not any kind of ending, but rather the place of dreams and visions and beginnings. She is older than a child who would chase the moon, so when she decides to follow it, it is with the sure-footedness of the in-between girlhood of things.\nThe moon.\nLike the iris of an eye, a circle within a circle. She moves forward deeper into the dark and open, away from the house not hers.\nThe snow becomes apparent now, and she wishes she had a coat. She wishes she had tied her shoes properly, worn socks. The moon, however, makes an entire setting for her motion, and in this way she feels…lit up.\nShe thinks of the moment of the blast, the singular fire lighting up the face of her father, her mother, first yellow, then orange and blue, then white, then nothing. Of course this is and isn’t true. The moment was a flash of white, a sound closing hearing. It is only in memory that she has changed the pacing to slow motion, changed the colors to vivid hues electrifying her mind.\nThis does not frighten her. What used to be nightmares have transformed into color and light, composition and story, song and tune. It is with her now. Lifelong companion. Still life of a dead family.\nShe keeps following, or is she leading? She moves in the dark over the snow under the moon. She thinks of folktales and gypsies. Horses. She sees the moon’s light and suddenly night turns to be something else. She sees a white field ahead of her—a great white field—stretched out like paper or canvas. She stops and her breath fogs in front of her, sweet articulation of wonder. Of desire. She is in love with the white spread before her.\nIts purity and readiness.\nIts virginity. Like that of a girl.\nA girl not her.\nA girl not ravaged.\nIts potential—like a waiting body.\nThen she hears something not her and not the night and not the white expanse waiting before her. Her feet are cold and she can suddenly feel how numb her hands are shoved in her armpits. She does not know what she hears at first. At first it seems as if it is the sound of hummingbirds’ wings, but that is not possible. A fluttering whir, quiet as secrets, there and then gone.\nThen she does know what she hears.\nShe hears something so familiar it is foreign to her. She hears a wolf caught in a trap. She looks down near a fence line she barely noticed was there…ha. Like the divisions between nations. There one minute, gone the next, loyalties and allies disintigrated into snow or rain or dna. What a trick history, geography, being is.\nShe looks to the left—it is what she thought. It is a beautiful beyond beautiful wolf with its leg caught in a trap. She moves closer, now aware that she is freezing to death (a phrase “freezing to death” which is a bit comical in eastern Europe). The wolf is smart. It is almost finished. She thinks of releasing it only in the briefest of thoughts and then abandons the thought.\nThe wolf is nearly free.\nIn its freedom it will lose a leg.\nIt will be worth it.\nThe freedom will be won.\nShe holds perfectly still.\nMore still than a dead person.\nWhich she has seen, many times, a corpse in snow.\nStill life against white. Against all of humanity.\nIt takes nearly an hour, but the wolf finally frees herself.\nShe is suddenly sure it is a female. Females carry the endurance of all of\nhumanity. The long wait waiting. The bearing of life. The bearing of death.\nThe wolf frees itself in a single glorious excruciating moment—it lets out a\ncry larger than an infant’s.\nIt is then that she does something, well, thoughtless. Something so\nintuitive it could only be the mark of an artist. She goes to where the rust-orange and black metal of the trap sits holding its severed limb, she goes to where blood and animal labor have reddened and dirtied the pristine white of the snow—like the violence against a page or canvas—without thinking, she pulls down her pants, her underwear, she squats with primal force and pisses and pisses there where the crime happened.\nHer eyes close.\nHer mouth fills with spit.\nIt is, or more accurately, it will become, the most erotic moment of her life.\nShe will develop a need to piss when she comes.\nIt will drive away men.\nIt will attract men.\nThis is how our sexuality is formed – a frame at a time – against white,\ntaboo, thoughtless, corporeal. Our psyches writing themselves against our very beings.\nA wolf running three-legged against white into the savior of blackness, from which all creativity springs.\nA girl healing herself even as healing appears impossible. Healing herself\nthrough sexual release. Through artistic production. Through the endless act of making.\nShe opens her eyes.\nThe piss smell and the blood smell and the youth smell of her skin mingle. Salt of all being.\nShe licks her lips.\nShe places her hands into the blood and reprints them in a clean, white place.\nWhat is a girl but this—this obscene and beautiful making against the expanse of white—this brilliant imagination inventing meaning.\nAnd then she runs toward a self.\nWhat is a girl?\n\nNo comments yet.", null, "art is activism.\n\nno apologies.\n\nfrom my mouth\n\nto yours."], "url": "https://lidiaohlidia.wordpress.com/my-hands-moving/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 432, "original_width": 576, "width": 504}, {"height": 477, "original_height": 432, "original_width": 342, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3a8636deba58906f1478e1294bc8814dbb3bae3928cd874535b3ebef949902e0", "f7e51f1921865698a344519ec6b03aa6fd34eb23d3b6e2c1e8f8f6938c7b19a0"], "__index_level_0__": 508, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://lifeinmeta.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/manmoviecamera-eye1.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7795402407646179}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://lifeinmeta.wordpress.com/page/2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lifeinmeta.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/manmoviecamera-eye1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lifeinmeta.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/manmoviecamera-eye1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"manmoviecamera eye\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "The Art of Choice\n\nWhat is Life in Meta?\n\nBreaking the fourth wall"], "url": "https://lifeinmeta.wordpress.com/page/2/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 260, "original_width": 350, "width": 508}], "image_hashes": ["b460d6a76ef27910562daa8f96548452800c80b156d9857f32ccee0682fb4e28"], "__index_level_0__": 509, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://lh3.ggpht.com/_kNlZpNM4CdM/TR-gKXWyFYI/AAAAAAAAFvw/TNZdcUG1Vv4/s640/fernPatternsmall.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8043067455291748}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://littlesomethings.blogspot.com/2011/01/making-patterns.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh3.ggpht.com/_kNlZpNM4CdM/TR-gKXWyFYI/AAAAAAAAFvw/TNZdcUG1Vv4/s640/fernPatternsmall.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh3.ggpht.com/_kNlZpNM4CdM/TR-gKXWyFYI/AAAAAAAAFvw/TNZdcUG1Vv4/s640/fernPatternsmall.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fernPatternsmall\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 549}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://littlesomethings.blogspot.com/2011/01/making-patterns.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/-Mf8YeA2n7dg/UOUR4U_hN5I/AAAAAAAAQy8/AyqOtRFFjFg/s80/shinyhair3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Mf8YeA2n7dg/UOUR4U_hN5I/AAAAAAAAQy8/AyqOtRFFjFg/s80/shinyhair3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"shinyhair\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 61, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://littlesomethings.blogspot.com/2011/01/making-patterns.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-Zx8PuCOTkgA/T3Nqufcx30I/AAAAAAAAH9o/Cx_7k0_O4tI/s1600/aboutme.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Zx8PuCOTkgA/T3Nqufcx30I/AAAAAAAAH9o/Cx_7k0_O4tI/s1600/aboutme.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"aboutme\", \"alt_text\": \"I am on about.me\", \"rendered_width\": 156, \"rendered_height\": 29}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, January 01, 2011\n\nMaking patterns\n\nMaking patterns at my studio blog. Posted a quick and dirty pixel to vector tutorial over there as well.", null, "Posted by Kim Carney at 2:06 PM", "sophiemunns said...\n\nHAPPY NEW YEAR KIM... always so much to find here in your world!\nLove this work too!\nBest for 2011!\nS x\n\n6:27 PM", "Kim Carney said..."], "url": "https://littlesomethings.blogspot.com/2011/01/making-patterns.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 549, "original_width": 640, "width": 440}], "image_hashes": ["44cb237de936d14b3745c4ecd0b28967a122312c60c873d19cfeda0b0b8f862a"], "__index_level_0__": 510, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://mandyvolpe.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/balloons.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9098859429359436}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://mandyandconner.com/2011/02/12/weekend-inspiration/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://mandyvolpe.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/balloons.png\", \"src\": \"https://mandyvolpe.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/balloons.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"balloons\"}, null]", "texts": ["Weekend Inspiration\n\nPosted on February 12, 2011 by mandyvolpe\n\nI wanted to share this picture with you just because it makes me happy. Who wouldn’t want a dinner party that looks like this? So festive!", null], "url": "https://mandyandconner.com/2011/02/12/weekend-inspiration/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 321, "original_width": 460, "width": 541}], "image_hashes": ["4ef7b96bba00181c88df8e2fb5cef95743187623ffa9b77fb203b3d90ea2a332"], "__index_level_0__": 511, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i2.wp.com/farm1.static.flickr.com/156/359903696_c43a3911f9_m.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9201218485832214}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://mediationchannel.com/2008/07/02/europe-seizes-control-of-blawg-review/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/farm1.static.flickr.com/156/359903696_c43a3911f9_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/farm1.static.flickr.com/156/359903696_c43a3911f9_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c a f m\", \"alt_text\": \"America loses control of Blawg Review\", \"rendered_width\": 181, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null]", "texts": [null, "First they tried to take our beer.\n\nNow they’ve taken over Blawg Review.\n\nFor the past three weeks, Blawg Review, the weekly review of the best in legal blogging, has been hosted by [gasp] foreign bloggers.\n\nFirst there was the Irish legal blog, cearta.ie, beguiling our hearts with Blawg Review #164, a literary tribute to Bloomsday, the celebration of James Joyce and his masterwork, Ulysses.\n\nThen last week, faster than you could say “freedom fries“, French-law.net deployed Gallic sophistication and charm to seduce us with Blawg Review #165.\n\nAnd now, smashing into Blawg Review like a nuclear blast or a particle beam death ray, comes Blawg Review #166, detonated by an anonymous English barrister known only as GeekLawyer. Replete with foul language and links to pornographic images, Blawg Review #166 recalls to mind the words uttered to redbaiting U.S. senator Joseph McCarthy, “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”\n\nThe reign of terror ends this coming Monday, July 7, when control of Blawg Review is restored to American hands and Jonathan Frieden hosts Blawg Review #167 at E-Commerce Law.\n\nWhether we get to keep our beer, however, remains to be seen."], "url": "https://mediationchannel.com/2008/07/02/europe-seizes-control-of-blawg-review/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 501, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 181, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["29462bc268632b45cc4e38d5199b14da49956c7b2764d534fc39e7e234a1534a"], "__index_level_0__": 512, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--4L4f5KwJCI/USP5UlZuJkI/AAAAAAAATIs/HaTykdJwo34/s1600/644228_10151730251793084_373197429_n_verge_super_wide.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9173272252082824}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://megapowertech.blogspot.com/2013/02/htc-one-now-official-most-premium.html\", 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No surprisingly, everything rumored about the device all the way down to its aluminum body was present. The HTC One will be HTC's new flagship device and they will do some extensive marketing so things won't end up like the One X last year. There are quite a few core features of the HTC One which is the all so familiar Ultrapixel, Sense 5.0, BoomSound, and HTC Zoe. The Ultrapixel camera is basically having a bigger sensor size at 2.0 microns but i still can't see why its only 4MP. Next is boom sound which according to HTC has the best audio quality a phone can pump out in the market currently. HTC Zoe is in the same context with the ultrapixel camera, its basically a format HTC uses to take 3sec videos of your pictures so they look animated in your gallery. Finally its Sense 5.0, The basic homescreens seem unchanged but HTC has an added feature called blink feed. The specs of the HTC One is a 4.7\" FHD Super LCD 3 screen, powered by the all new Snapdragon 600 processor, 2GB of RAM, 32/64GB of non expandable memory, the usual wireless extensions, a 2,300mAh battery, 4G LTE, and an IR Blaster. The device will start to be available in 80 over countries by March. Stay tuned for more content on the HTC One.", null], "url": "https://megapowertech.blogspot.com/2013/02/htc-one-now-official-most-premium.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1020, "original_width": 1020, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ac87c25d8cd3c6990c0a05b21e6e04d2a706b5dd66b5d6c8cd26fbc9e5cfac60"], "__index_level_0__": 513, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i0.wp.com/farm1.static.flickr.com/23/29559756_d9ea2fd7c1.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9240423440933228}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://michpics.wordpress.com/2007/12/08/the-copper-miners-strike-of-1913-and-the-tragedy-at-calumets-italian-hall/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/farm1.static.flickr.com/23/29559756_d9ea2fd7c1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/farm1.static.flickr.com/23/29559756_d9ea2fd7c1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d ea fd c\", \"alt_text\": \"Copper Miners outside Dunn's Bar\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 312}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://michpics.wordpress.com/2007/12/08/the-copper-miners-strike-of-1913-and-the-tragedy-at-calumets-italian-hall/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://michpics.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/patreon-support.png\", \"src\": \"https://michpics.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/patreon-support.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"patreon support\", \"alt_text\": \"Support Michigan in Pictures with Patreon\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "dunns 6th calumet, photo by Ztef\n\nI usually try to make Michigan in Pictures a happy place to be because there’s enough unhappy things out there. Every so often, however, I think there are stories that warrant a look and rememberance if only to say: “Let’s make darn sure this never, ever happens again.”\n\nZtef captioned the above photo rather sparsely with Copper miners strike outside of Dunn’s bar on 6th Street in Calumet, Michigan – 1913, but he has provided a link to Calumet: The Copper Miner Strike of 1913. This page offers a very detailed and readable account (complete with some great old photos) of the labor troubles in Keweenaw during the early part of 20th Century from the perspective of the Zawada family, Poles who worked in the copper mines for the mining giant Calumet & Hecla. Of this photo it says:\n\nStrikers outside of Dunn’s Bar, a favourite among miners. Just next door to Dunn’s was the No. 203 local WFM office (Western Federation of Miners). The sign on the left reads: “Something just as good Miners ask for bread, Jim [MacNaughton, C&H General Manager] offers lead”. The sign in the middle reads: “One man machine Our Agitator”. The sign on the right reads: “We demand higher wages and better working conditions”. The men in front are holding copies of the Miner’s Bulletin, but the headlines are not clear.\n\nAs you can read at the link above, the strike was characterized by escalating violence, calling in of the National Guard and even murder. The chaos culminated with what has been called a Disaster, Tragedy and even Massacre at Calumet’s Italian Hall. Copper Country Reflections’ Italian Hall Tragedy page at Pasty.com explains:\n\nBy the end of December, the miner’s strike had been waged for 5 long months, with no end in sight. The mining companies and their supporters were holding firm in their resistance to the WFM, while the union was still somewhat solid in its position.\n\nTo temporarily set aside their cares, a group of union members planned a Christmas eve celebration for their children at the Italian Hall on Seventh Street in Calumet. I can only assume that the activities that evening must have been the most fun these children had since the start of the strike. Unfortunately, the excitement turned to tragedy as someone, his identity never learned, cried FIRE. As the children and adults panicked, many worked their way towards the stairwell. The first unlucky souls quickly realized the doors at the bottom would not open. Were they locked? Was somebody holding them closed?\n\nIt is hard to comprehend, but 73 men, women and children died in that staircase. Some were crushed, others died from suffocation. Can you imagine the shock of the rescuers when they finally pried open the doors? As they pulled bodies up and out of the staircase?\n\nThe page above also includes photos that are definitely not for the faint of heart. If you’d like to explore further, there’s more information and photos at the Italian Hall 1913 Massacre site and you can see a photo of the Michigan historical marker & memorial at the site of Italian Hall in Calumet.\n\nOne thing you definitely should do is watch the moving accounts of survivors of the tragedy at the December 2007 update from the 1913 Massacre Film Project. The movie project has been going for several years and it looks like it will be very good.\n\nThe Absolute Michigan map of Michigan has the location of Italian Hall in Calumet."], "url": "https://michpics.wordpress.com/2007/12/08/the-copper-miners-strike-of-1913-and-the-tragedy-at-calumets-italian-hall/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 312, "original_width": 500, "width": 605}], "image_hashes": ["8b9d35889d1b5cc8929bba503892eeff6f919eee9f78cef401282d4f4fb23eb7"], "__index_level_0__": 514, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-srFLjeEHcwQ/UgZmyuWWgPI/AAAAAAAANEM/o_MAmThCDck/s640/DSCN5943.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-RP5hQnPJQpY/UgZmz-5NfLI/AAAAAAAANEU/RaLzH5x0q-s/s640/DSCN5959.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XK_gCN04G2s/UgZnEqxBCSI/AAAAAAAANEo/ENcg4yV0LDc/s640/DSCN5972.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--EVZmxfN3tY/UggG-Hm1KZI/AAAAAAAANFQ/8rOQcHw1U2s/s640/DSCN5973-001.JPG", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9030478596687316}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://missjordanlee.blogspot.com/2013/08/when-moon-hits-your-eye.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-srFLjeEHcwQ/UgZmyuWWgPI/AAAAAAAANEM/o_MAmThCDck/s640/DSCN5943.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-srFLjeEHcwQ/UgZmyuWWgPI/AAAAAAAANEM/o_MAmThCDck/s640/DSCN5943.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://missjordanlee.blogspot.com/2013/08/when-moon-hits-your-eye.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/-RP5hQnPJQpY/UgZmz-5NfLI/AAAAAAAANEU/RaLzH5x0q-s/s640/DSCN5959.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-RP5hQnPJQpY/UgZmz-5NfLI/AAAAAAAANEU/RaLzH5x0q-s/s640/DSCN5959.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://missjordanlee.blogspot.com/2013/08/when-moon-hits-your-eye.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-XK_gCN04G2s/UgZnEqxBCSI/AAAAAAAANEo/ENcg4yV0LDc/s640/DSCN5972.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XK_gCN04G2s/UgZnEqxBCSI/AAAAAAAANEo/ENcg4yV0LDc/s640/DSCN5972.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 594}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://missjordanlee.blogspot.com/2013/08/when-moon-hits-your-eye.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/--EVZmxfN3tY/UggG-Hm1KZI/AAAAAAAANFQ/8rOQcHw1U2s/s640/DSCN5973-001.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--EVZmxfN3tY/UggG-Hm1KZI/AAAAAAAANFQ/8rOQcHw1U2s/s640/DSCN5973-001.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://missjordanlee.blogspot.com/2013/08/when-moon-hits-your-eye.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/-4sNg4m9QVc0/VTIFTiq-_0I/AAAAAAAAIvs/CdWdsufcF-o/s1600/facebook.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4sNg4m9QVc0/VTIFTiq-_0I/AAAAAAAAIvs/CdWdsufcF-o/s1600/facebook.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook\", \"alt_text\": \"facebook\", \"rendered_width\": 15}, {\"document_url\": \"https://missjordanlee.blogspot.com/2013/08/when-moon-hits-your-eye.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-RsGhvbhM_-g/VTIFUcIO4KI/AAAAAAAAIwI/b8EoNZkLabM/s1600/twitter.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-RsGhvbhM_-g/VTIFUcIO4KI/AAAAAAAAIwI/b8EoNZkLabM/s1600/twitter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter\", \"alt_text\": \"twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://missjordanlee.blogspot.com/2013/08/when-moon-hits-your-eye.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-TWO4lX6MrZw/VTKwD5ThsxI/AAAAAAAAIwY/z3w6rzOwK_4/s1600/pinterest.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-TWO4lX6MrZw/VTKwD5ThsxI/AAAAAAAAIwY/z3w6rzOwK_4/s1600/pinterest.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pinterest\", \"alt_text\": \"pinterest\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["when the moon hits your eye...\n\n...like a big pizza pie.\n\nMy momma bought B and I a pizza stone the other week and I have been itching to use it. After I saw a photo that my friend, McKenzie posted on Instagram of a homemade pizza, I immediately knew it was going to be the first pizza on the new stone.\n\nI have never made homemade pizza dough. My girlfriend, Natalia, is a pro at it and planning to make her proud, I was excited to give it a shot! Let's just say my homemade dough ended up with me in meltdown mode. After a serious pouting in the bedroom and an episode of Orange is the New Black to cool off, my husband called our local pizza pub to ask if they sold pizza dough.", null, "When they confirmed that they did, B practically bolted out the door (I get it, I was overreacting) and walked to the pub to pick it up. It brought my little pitiful spirits back up.", null, "So it was semi-homemade, and I didn't really get the whole circle thing down using a glass cup to roll out the dough, but it was SO delicious!", null, "If you are interested in making this, and I highly recommend you do...", null, "What You Will Need:\n1 cup of artichoke hearts\n1 1/2 cups of spinach\n1/2 cup of basil pesto\n1 oz of pizza dough\n1 cup of Mozzeralla cheese\n1/2 cup of Parmesan cheese\n\nPreheat oven to 450 degrees. Place pizza on a lightly floured surface and roll out into a circle with a rolling pin (or a glass cup like I had to use). Move the pizza dough over to a pizza stone or pan.Evenly spread on the pesto. Top with artichoke hearts, spinach, and cheese. Bake for 18-20 minutes.\n(Recipe found at two peas & their pod)", "Posted by Jordan Cole at 10:20 AM", "Hi Y'all. I'm Jordan!", "Jordan Cole"], "url": "https://missjordanlee.blogspot.com/2013/08/when-moon-hits-your-eye.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 595, "original_width": 640, "width": 406}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["a986838a50f617958fc2525bd473c9913ad85e04896b992be7d9e7b60c00c706", "c3277e97d16d3a92b969084b19518500e9d7a9f0380dc09adf9e73ef44fb3811", "21a3a2e0558d11e9ca9928d4c0b3f93c81cc1369e8dc0aa5440c690041d2f546", "b824d2305030ab13f864bedb07e049a204f386b91b0d5dcea10988d6ab3e743f"], "__index_level_0__": 515, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KyiZrC9Yntk/UCCQV6usLdI/AAAAAAAALpQ/JGUQ3rqfkHs/s640/SanDiego+Cropped.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pLa4BcIHuf4/UCGa1ugPMQI/AAAAAAAALrA/2N4pmxnVFxg/s640/SCAN0293.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vCqHNp83aoU/UCGa3Sxq8gI/AAAAAAAALrQ/Gvan5OCKyH8/s640/SanDiego1940+(5).JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-z5_L3shWAt0/UCGa44ukw-I/AAAAAAAALrg/aTruRNRDU3Q/s640/SanDiego1940.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9603001475334167}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://momentsintimeagenealogyblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/census-sightings-whit-c-bryan.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/-KyiZrC9Yntk/UCCQV6usLdI/AAAAAAAALpQ/JGUQ3rqfkHs/s640/SanDiego+Cropped.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KyiZrC9Yntk/UCCQV6usLdI/AAAAAAAALpQ/JGUQ3rqfkHs/s640/SanDiego+Cropped.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SanDiego Cropped\", \"rendered_width\": 385, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://momentsintimeagenealogyblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/census-sightings-whit-c-bryan.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-pLa4BcIHuf4/UCGa1ugPMQI/AAAAAAAALrA/2N4pmxnVFxg/s640/SCAN0293.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pLa4BcIHuf4/UCGa1ugPMQI/AAAAAAAALrA/2N4pmxnVFxg/s640/SCAN0293.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SCAN\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 382}, {\"document_url\": \"https://momentsintimeagenealogyblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/census-sightings-whit-c-bryan.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-vCqHNp83aoU/UCGa3Sxq8gI/AAAAAAAALrQ/Gvan5OCKyH8/s640/SanDiego1940+(5).JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vCqHNp83aoU/UCGa3Sxq8gI/AAAAAAAALrQ/Gvan5OCKyH8/s640/SanDiego1940+(5).JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SanDiego ( )\", \"rendered_width\": 447, \"rendered_height\": 640}, {\"document_url\": \"https://momentsintimeagenealogyblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/census-sightings-whit-c-bryan.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/-z5_L3shWAt0/UCGa44ukw-I/AAAAAAAALrg/aTruRNRDU3Q/s640/SanDiego1940.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-z5_L3shWAt0/UCGa44ukw-I/AAAAAAAALrg/aTruRNRDU3Q/s640/SanDiego1940.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SanDiego\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 432}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://momentsintimeagenealogyblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/census-sightings-whit-c-bryan.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Gb_ds4cN_LE/VwhrYTGOD8I/AAAAAAAATfM/9OTo7TIjSZk3d9sBcKR5IbGCKuKdFffFw/s1600/2016-04-08_22-34-50.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Gb_ds4cN_LE/VwhrYTGOD8I/AAAAAAAATfM/9OTo7TIjSZk3d9sBcKR5IbGCKuKdFffFw/s1600/2016-04-08_22-34-50.jpg\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Census Sightings: Whit C. Bryan\n\nLast week Ancestry.com announced that it indexed all of the 1940 census records so I immediately put Dad's name in the search boxes. A few months ago, I found his sisters in his hometown of Borger, Texas, but he wasn't listed as part of the family and I knew that he joined the Navy in 1940.\n\nWell, Dad was the only Whit Bryan in the 1940 census and he was residing at the U.S. Naval Hospital in San Diego where he was attending Hospital Corps School.  There were no new facts on the record. He was 19 years old, born in Texas, and stated that he lived in Borger, Texas in 1935.\n\nI have more pictures from San Diego.  The one below is of Dad and two other very young men.", null, "On this picture Dad wrote\nBill Smith\n? Winters\nWhit Bryan\nHospital Corps School San Diego Cal (Spring?) 1940\n\nA little more searching on the 1940 census told me more about the others in the picture with Dad.\n\nWilliam Smith was 20 years old, born in Texas, but in 1935 resided in Fredrick, Tillman County, Oklahoma.\n\nRobert Winters was also twenty years old. He was born in Montana and resided in Glasgow, Valley County, Montana in 1935.", null, null, null], "url": "https://momentsintimeagenealogyblog.blogspot.com/2012/08/census-sightings-whit-c-bryan.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 623, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 388, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 382, "original_width": 640, "width": 633}, {"height": 540, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 448, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 432, "original_width": 640, "width": 560}], "image_hashes": ["dbee60d38dc0241a6ac4d9d9c0aeaa672c1f4150d88a35a8a042e8dd4d158770", "ddf210960c55bdfa381e7ee4f3c19590962e7a11fe843963601d94bb77a9e5a1", "a830e3ea5e780928c051d0581462c6e4a85223f80e04e0269ab274ced17bdf19", "49eb57913c59f4eb181d7943640d626ae6ba7abd5b6fb32bd5c12274e247da84"], "__index_level_0__": 516, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": 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They get anxious just thinking about stepping on it, and they get anxious just thinking about throwing it out.  Mostly, these people are just anxious.\n\nIn the same way, it would be a generalization to say that the people who rely on their clothing as the indicator of their weight, were of a balanced approach (as popularly taught).  They may not routinely weigh themselves, but they may be caught up habitual self acceptance or self hatred based on their body weight (how their clothing fits on it) on any given day.  They have the same mindset as the person who relies on a magic number on the scale only it is directed at a number on their wardrobe tag.\n\nThe truth is, no matter what you do with your scale, or if you have one at all, it doesn’t really matter.\n\nLeave a comment to share your opinion!\n\nImage from Smart Alex.\n\nImage from Pinterest.\n\nMay 18, 2015Leave a comment", null, "Over the last two weeks I wrote two series on binge eating:  Binge Eating is Caused by Dieting and Eating Enough to Reduce Urges to Binge.\n\nI felt they were a good introduction for understanding how binge eating starts, and an overall practical guide to limiting and lessoning the urges that accompany habitual bingeing.\n\nBut I felt mechanical writing them and it’s been bothering me.\n\nI thought about why I would feel rather empty writing on a topic that I have so much passion for, and in a way (as lengthy series) that can possibly offer explanations to anyone who is caught up in, or knows someone caught up in, such a complex eating behavior.\n\nI felt a little guilty for feeling this way.  I want to inspire people to maintain hope that it is possible to stop binge eating, not feel bored of the topic.\n\nIt dawned on me that even though both series began as a method to break down the complicated stages of binge eating, they seemed to have ended mechanically, a little drawn out, and out of obedience to finish an idea to create a series, rather than intuitive passion.\n\nIt felt redundant.  I felt redundant.\n\nWhile writing both series, the topic of binge eating was all I was thinking about, despite other activities that took alot of my time, and by the end of last week I was tired and felt the need to escape from all of my repetitive thoughts that fueled so many posts on one topic.\n\nSo, I took photos of my dog, and watched Blue Velvet, and got lost in my latest Book Club story.\n\nAnything to change the pace, and to challenge and encourage me with new content.\n\nThis got me thinking.\n\nHow much of what I do is out of routine and habit?  How much of what I think is a tract on repeat?  How much is out of obedience to a cause that I am passionate about, but not benefiting from?\n\nHow much is out of intuition and passion?\n\nDon’t get me wrong.  Routine and habit are good things.  Obedience is a good characteristic to cultivate.  Rationality is good.  But when they are to things that leave you feeling tired, or more likely bored and empty, it is worth exploring why, and deciding on ways to break their chains of lifelessness–deciding to turn mechanical into meaningful.\n\nI realized when I was writing so intensely on binge eating that I had alot to say about it. Binge eating is simple, but it’s also very complex, and I want to start a new conversation on it.  But as I wrote more and more, my interest became less and less, and by the end of each week, I was over the topic.  I just wanted to think and write and talk about other things.\n\nThis doesn’t take away the empathy that I feel for anyone struggling with binge eating.  It doesn’t mean it is not a worthwhile habit to explore or that it is not admirable to put the effort in to stop it so I don’t regret spending so much time and energy writing about it.  I don’t think it was wrong to, and I don’t think it was a waste of time.  Even though I felt very tired from it, maybe it helped someone, and that is fantastic.  Even though I felt tired, I still aim to spread hope that anyone can stop binge eating at any time, no matter what.\n\nSimilarly, I don’t think it’s wrong to give your life’s work to a single topic, or a single lifestyle, or a single anything.  I think you are lucky if you have a main passion, belief, or person in your life to expand with.\n\nBut that’s just it–expand with.\n\nIt’s really easy to get caught up in habits and routines that don’t do very much for us.  Maybe they started as good intentions, healthy changes, creative challenges, enlightening endeavors, but now they aren’t.  Now they are thoughtless, passionless, lifeless.  Now they leave us craving more, or caring less, or not caring at all.\n\nThis can happen with anything.  Your job.  Your lover.  Your clubs.  Your breakfast.  Your life.\n\nIt’s a good idea to confront your feelings of boredom and resent, when you have them, and find out what you believe about them.  Beliefs create our thoughts, which create our feelings, which evolve into actions.\n\nActions can be energetic, they can fill us with passion.  They can also be automated, mechanical, simply obedient, far from fueling.\n\nTake time to explore your habits and routines and what you dedicate yourself to.  Does it empower you?  Does it challenge you to grow and expand in grace, creativity, love, compassion, empathy, acceptance for others, acceptance for yourself?\n\nDo you think the world is more beautiful today because of how you intertwine with it?  That people are more endearing?  That possibilities are more possible?\n\nIt’s grueling and lonely not to.\n\nThis post seems an extreme response from two weeks of what I believe was mechanical writing. Maybe it is.\n\nBut it’s caused me to think, and explore, and remember why I write at all, and it propels me to grow and expand.\n\nIt’s not worth it to me to simply write information.  There is enough information out there with enough people passing it along.  There is enough reason and enough solutions and enough methods to keep you on a safe path.  To keep you from exploring.\n\nIt’s worth it to me to ask questions.  It’s worth it to dive deep into our approach to life, and to own it, and take responsibility for it, and to find that it’s what we make it.\n\nIt’s worth it to be convinced that it is beautiful, and that people are endearing, and that possibilities are possible.\n\nAs it relates to binge eating, to diets, to fitness, to health, it’s worth it to approach it rationally and positively, but also in its proper context.\n\nBinge eating is a bad habit, but it’s not the worst thing that you have ever done.  Remember that.  Keep perspective.\n\nHealthy eating and fitness will help you body thrive, but it’s not the end all of happiness and growth.  Keep it serving you.  Don’t become it’s slave.  Don’t forsake intuition and passion for the illusion of perfection.  Don’t play it safe following everyone else’s advice because you are afraid of making your own rules.  Don’t finish someone else’s race.\n\nDecide for yourself why you care about these topics.  Decide to study and explore them and then make your own rules about how you will live them out.  Implement what works for you. Get rid of everything that doesn’t.\n\nIf you’re happy to obey diets and workouts, then go for it.  There isn’t any harm.  But if you have second thoughts about what is trendy or learn that what is popular doesn’t work best for you, don’t be afraid to jump ship and start over with what does.\n\nThis is different from simply reacting to feelings or waiting for inspiration to make a move with your health or with your life.  This is about modifying your approach to what you are engaging with so that you actually enjoy it.  About seeing things differently and celebrating how it helps you grow.  It’s about accepting information to help you expand, not kept put down.  It’s about changing habits and routines and beliefs so that you are more in tune and connected with them.\n\nWhat do you think about routine and habit for obedience’s sake?  Do you find yourself enlightened by what you believe and do?  How do you mix things up when you don’t?\n\nHow do you turn mechanical into meaningful?\n\nLeave a comment if you have anything to share!\n\nImage from Devodotcom.\n\nMay 16, 2015Leave a comment", null, "Today’s Saturday Vintage Ad is for Jif Peanut Butter.\n\n“It just melts in your mouth–better than any other peanut butter you’ve ever tasted.”\n\nI grew up loving Jif peanut butter.  When I was a kid its slogan was “choosy Mom’s choose Jif”, (and I think it still is).  I was very adamant that my own Mom be choosy by getting us all Jif peanut butter.\n\nIt’s been more than a decade since I have opted for Jif peanut butter.  They didn’t seem to jump on the “ingredients: peanuts” wagon and I always thought they were really causing a nutritional conflict of interest for all the moms and kids out there.\n\nI like this old ad; however.\n\nEspecially because it describes itself as “terr-r-riff”.\n\nDoes this mean dogs like it, too, or did a dog write the ad?\n\nWhere did the Jif dog go?\n\nJif might be interested in bringing back the dog, and getting rid of the choosy moms campaign.\n\nImage from Docinla.\n\nMay 15, 2015May 15, 2015Leave a comment", null, "It’s the weekend!\n\nHave a happy time!\n\nI’ve written two series on binge eating (here and here) in the last two weeks.\n\nToday, I’m taking a tea break to admire an old photograph.  One of these days I will play golf and have a photo shoot in all primary colors.\n\nWhat a great idea!\n\nUntil then, what are you doing to start the weekend?\n\nMay 14, 2015May 15, 2015Leave a comment", null, "This is Part 5 of the Series: Eating Enough to Reduce Urges to Binge.\n\nYou can read the previous posts to this series by clicking on the link above.\n\nPart 1 presented the idea that binge urges follow periods of dieting (under-eating).  Part 2 listed physical and mental signs of under-eating.  Part 3 gave samples of what under-eating might look like and Part 4 offered suggestions for eating more (eating enough) to reduce urges to binge.\n\nIn this final post for this series, Part 5, I will write about urges to binge after you are eating enough.  I wrote about this in the previous Series: Binge Eating is Caused by Dieting, Part 4.\n\nTake a moment to read that post as it supports what is being written now.\n\nFor those people who have stopped dieting, are eating enough, and are still experiencing urges to binge, it is worth exploring something that will be very annoying for only a little while:\n\nUrges to binge may have become a normal signal your brain sends to you in multiple situations that have nothing to do with needing to eat more.\n\nIt may be a habitual urge your body experiences.\n\nHere is why:\n\nYour first binge is truly an act of physical survival.  Your body is starved from under-eating, so your brains sends you overwhelming urges to eat.\n\nYou respond by eating as if it has been weeks since you have had a bite of anything.  It can feel frantic, rushed, right, and wrong all at once.  You can feel relieved and regretful at the same time, proving binge eating to be a very complex behavior.\n\nAfter your first binge, you return to your usual senses, and likely to a period of under-eating to compensate for eating so much.\n\nThis perpetuates the cycle of binge eating, and it is all it takes to turn one act of binge eating into a habit.\n\nBinge eating is a habit.\n\nThe next time you binge, it might be for the very same reason as the first time–under-eating. And the next time might be the same as well.\n\nBut now the brain is establishing connections between you and your environment when you binge eat.  Now it is not only about actually needing food, but also about whatever is happening in your life when you binge.\n\nThis could be, but is not limited to:\n\nIt also connects binge eating with how you feel emotionally when you binge, and this could be:\n\nDo you see that signals to binge eat can be sent in any context once its habit is established?\n\nYou could be stressed for an exam or happy about an upcoming party and feel an urge to binge simply because your brain tied the two situations together from a past experience.\n\nAt this point it might seem like a lost cause to try to stop your habit, because it interferes with so much of your life, but don’t lose hope. You can change any habit at any time, no matter how long it has been taking place!\n\nI hesitated to list all of the times and feelings you will encounter that may have a memory of bingeing tied to it because it is basically all of them, if you have been bingeing for a long time (or even a short time).  I wanted to list them to show how varied they are and how they really have nothing to do with the urge to binge.\n\nBecause urges have become a habitual signal you feel, your brain will continue to send signals to do something you no longer need (and haven’t since you resumed eating enough) when you encounter a time or feeling you had when you were dieting and bingeing until you stop obeying them.\n\nThis is why it will be very frustrating when you decide to stop binge eating.\n\nEating more throughout the day will certainly help to reduce urges to binge, but if you have a history of binge eating, like I did for 10 years, you are going to have to do more than just change your diet to include more nutrient dense food.\n\nYou are going to have to decide to not give any credit or additional thought to the urge to binge.\n\nThis is so important for stopping binge eating.\n\nWhen you experience the urge to binge and you are not physically hungry, do nothing about it.\n\nDon’t try to figure out why you have the urge.  Don’t feel badly about it.  Don’t try to manipulate the urge to mean something more than what it does.  It is just a habitual urge you feel.  Don’t assume it means anything.\n\nThe minute you start to engage with the urge is when it starts to influence you to act on it.\n\nIt does this by using your own language to convince you that you really need to binge.\n\nYou might say to yourself, “Just one bite won’t hurt“, or “I have been so good all week, so I deserve to have this“, or “I need a little fun in my life“, knowing that you don’t really want one bite (you want them all), and you’re not a dog who deserves treats, and if you wanted to have fun, you could go fly a kite.\n\nHave you ever said these things to yourself before a binge?  I have.  They are pretty silly, but very common to think (or even say aloud) in response to an urge to binge.\n\nIf you start to engage in this thinking, you will likely binge–unless you put a stop to engaging with the urge right away.\n\nWhen you hear yourself thinking about giving into an urge to binge, decide to recognize what is happening, accept it as something you will not do, then move on with your life.\n\nThis is not white-knuckling it or using willpower to not notice your urge to binge.\n\nThis is just not giving the urge your attention or respect.\n\nIt’s a meaningless feeling and it doesn’t deserve any more of your time.\n\nTry it once.\n\nProve to yourself that you can do it.\n\nCelebrate each time you do.\n\nThen do it again.  And again.  And again.\n\nIt gets easier, and urges start to lose their intensity.  The come, they go, they are forgotten.\n\nWill you try this?\n\nIt will be very difficult at first.\n\nBut only at first.  Just like any new habit, it becomes second nature soon, and it becomes simply what you do.\n\nIf you have been eating enough food for your body and you are experiencing urges to binge without being physically hungry, it may just be a habitual signal your brain is sending you, but it doesn’t mean anything, and it doesn’t have to be obeyed.\n\nBegin to replace the memories you have bingeing with healthy and positive memories.\n\nThey add up quickly.\n\nIt might change your life forever.\n\nLeave a comment if you try this, there are so many people who can benefit from your courage!\n\nThis wraps up the Series: Eating Enough to Reduce Urges to Binge.  I hope it has been a practical source of information, and I hope you feel ready and inspired to stop dieting and stop binge eating.\n\nYou can do this!\n\nImage from Etsy.\n\nMay 13, 2015May 14, 20151 Comment", null, "This is Part 4 of the Series: Eating Enough to Reduce Urges to Binge.\n\nYou can read what has been posted so far by clicking on the link above.\n\nIn Part 1, I wrote about how under-eating can lead to urges to binge.  Part 2 went over the physical and mental signs of under-eating, and Part 3 gave examples of what under-eating might look like for the average person who wants to eat healthy, but very well might be under-eating and experiencing urges to binge.\n\nPart 4 will offer suggestions on increasing your eating to reduce the urge to binge.\n\nIt seems crazy to suggest increasing how much you eat when we are bombarded with the message to eat less.  Eating less has its place, and is an effective way to lose unwanted weight, but eating less is not usually the most effective approach for those who are caught up in the habit of binge eating.  Eating less is usually what triggers the actual urges to binge, increasing the likelihood of binge eating.\n\nIt is worth considering removing the period of dieting (under-eating) that leads up to urges to binge as a means to experience less binge urges.\n\nThis is a practical approach, but may be very intimidating or even scary to the person who is used to under-eating and bingeing.\n\nI suggest exploring this approach as quickly or slowly as it appeals to you.  The reason for this is that our actions tend to follow our thoughts (beliefs) and if you do not believe that eating more will reduce your urges to binge, you likely will not enjoy the process of eating enough and you might not stick with it.\n\nThis does not mean that eating more is not an effective approach to reducing binge urges because it certainly is!\n\nIt only means that eating enough will be frustrating and uncomfortable for you if you do not believe that it is a plausible practice.\n\nBingeing is a physical act that requires physical action to end, but all physical actions begin as a thought, often subconsciously and emotionally.  Putting the effort into ending binge eating requires both a physical and emotional change in approach, so go easy on yourself as you explore the two, and get comfortable with your own growth, no matter what its speed.\n\nSome benefits of eating more throughout the day besides experiencing less urges to binge are:\n\nSo, on that positive note, here are some ways that you can increase your eating which will reduce your urges to binge:\n\nThese are only a few ideas for increasing your food intake so that you are eating enough and experiencing less urges to binge.\n\nYou do not have to follow this advice, as it is always your choice how to go about this, but you will probably find it relatively easy to increase your food intake with healthy, whole foods, and you will probably find them delicious.  Your meals will become more palatable, and you will feel satisfied, calm, and able to go on with the rest of your life as they are digesting and providing you energy.\n\nI caution against adding processed foods and foods high in sugar to your diet as you increase your food intake.  The reason for this is that these foods are known to not satisfy, not leave you feeling calm or clear, and do not offer benefits to your digestion, skin, joints, and mental well-being.  For someone who has dieted and binged, healing what has been damaged will do wonders not only for the obvious physical reasons, but for your mental health.\n\nKnow that you may choose less than healthy foods to increase your intake and it will have no impact on your morality–only your physical and mental health.  You can still stop urges to binge with less than healthy foods, but it might be more difficult.  This is for you to determine.\n\nMathematically, implementing a few of the ideas above each day can increase your calories by as little as 100 or several hundred.  If this frightens you, remember that if you are dieting and bingeing, you are eating very little followed by periods of eating amounts that are far too much for anyone.  Eating increased portions throughout the day, and not bingeing, always ends up being less food over the long-term, than dieting and bingeing.\n\nRemember that trying to maintain a diet of 1,600 calories or less is likely what got you into the cycle of dieting and bingeing.  Do not feel guilty about increasing your daily calories.  Most people do best on at least 2,000 calories a day.  If this sounds crazy, think about how crazy dieting and bingeing has felt.\n\nIt is worth trying something new.\n\nExperiment with this if you are currently dieting and bingeing.  You might come to enjoy this way of eating and you will certainly enjoy less urges to binge.\n\nIn Part 5, I will write about bingeing even after you are eating enough.  Bingeing begins as a way for your body to receive enough nutrients after a period of starvation, but often becomes habitual.  The good news is that habits can be changed so read on as we continue the Series: Eating Enough to Reduce Urges to Binge.\n\nFor now, leave a comment if you have tried any of these ideas and let us know how they have helped to reduce your urges to binge.\n\nImage from Tumblr.\n\nMay 13, 2015May 13, 20152 Comments", null, "This is Part 3 of the Series: Eating Enough to Reduce Urges to Binge.\n\nYou can read the previous posts by clicking on the link above.\n\nIn Part 1 I wrote about how dieting (under-eating) can lead to urges to binge eat.  In Part 2, I listed the physical and mental signs of under-eating.\n\nIn Part 3, I will write more specifically about what under-eating might look like on a plate.\n\nThis is difficult to write because everyone needs a different amount of food and sometimes eating very little is the natural way for someone to eat and it does not lead to urges to binge.\n\nThis post is only exploring under-eating with urges to binge.\n\nIf you experience urges to binge eat and you have been dieting for any length of time, it is worth considering that you do not eat enough.\n\nSo, what is not enough food?\n\nAn egg for breakfast, a salad with half a cup of tuna for lunch, a banana with a tablespoon of almond butter as a snack, and broccoli with a chicken leg for dinner.\n\nThis is about 600 calories.  This is not enough.\n\nHow about two eggs for breakfast, a bigger salad with a cup of tuna for lunch, a banana with two tablespoons of almond butter as a snack, and broccoli, a sweet potato and two chicken legs for dinner.\n\nThis is about 1,030 calories.  This is not enough.\n\nOk, how about three eggs for breakfast, a bigger salad with a cup of tuna and half of an avocado for lunch, a banana with two tablespoons of almond butter and a soft boiled egg for a snack, and broccoli, a sweet potato with a tablespoon of coconut oil, and two chicken legs for dinner.\n\nThis is about 1,460 calories.  This is still not enough.\n\nAre you surprised that so much food is so low in calories?\n\nOr do you think sample meals number two and three are not low in calories?\n\nOver the last few decades, we have been told to limit our calories and increase our fitness to lose weight.  We’ve been doing this, but overall our weight has not decreased or even stabilized. Rather, it has gone up.\n\nMany attribute this to the vast supply of processed foods available today (processed foods lack nutrition so despite being higher in calories, people tend to eat more food in general on a processed food diet because the body is never satiated–this leads to weight gain).\n\nWhile there certainly is a direct correlation with increased processed foods and increased weight, most of the people who are not eating enough are not eating a diet made up of low nutrition, processed foods.\n\nThey are generally health conscious eaters, aware of nutrition ,and attempting to put quality ingredients into their body.\n\nThese people want to eat the right things, and not too much of them, and are likely to diet as an attempt to maintain or decrease their weight.\n\nThey might follow a meal plan from one of the samples listed above.\n\nFor most, none of the samples listed is enough food.  For most, all of the samples listed above will lead to urges to binge eat because they are two low in calories and nutrients.\n\nThey are starvation diets.\n\nStarvation diets are diets extremely low in calories.  In today’s magazines and diet books, 1,460 calories diets are commonly preached for weight loss, but remember the Minnesota Starvation Experiment of 1944-1945? In this study, over thirty men were put on diets of 1,570 calories per day and most of them suffered extreme consequences.\n\nHere is an excerpt about this experiment (taken from the link found above):\n\n“Subjects had to be male, single and demonstrate good physical and mental health (largely based on the newly developed Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory). They also had to show an ability to get along well with others under trying circumstances and an interest in relief work. The final 36 men were selected from more than 200 volunteers and in November 1944 made their way to the University of Minnesota to begin their service.\n\nThe research protocol called for the men to lose 25 percent of their normal body weight. They spent the first three months of the study eating a normal diet of 3,200 calories a day, followed by six months of semi-starvation at 1,570 calories a day (divided between breakfast and lunch), then a restricted rehabilitation period of three months eating 2,000 to 3,200 calories a day, and finally an eight-week unrestricted rehabilitation period during which there were no limits on caloric intake. Their diet consisted of foods widely available in Europe during the war, mostly potatoes, root vegetables, bread and macaroni. The men were required to work 15 hours per week in the lab, walk 22 miles per week and participate in a variety of educational activities for 25 hours a week. Throughout the experiment, the researchers measured the physiological and psychological changes brought on by near starvation.\n\nFor some men, the study proved too difficult. Data from three subjects were excluded as a result of their breaking the diet and a fourth was excluded for not meeting expected weight loss goals.”\n\nWhat do you think of this?  Knowing how this effected over thirty healthy men over sixty years ago, why are we advised to eat 1,600 calories a day (or fewer) by popular voices?  It seems like the very opposite of what would be good for us, especially when you factor in fitness (which is becoming more and more intense and chronic every year!).\n\nExtreme dieting–not eating enough–has consequences.  If kept up for too long by anyone (which is going to be a different set time for everyone), it can have serious implications on your body and your mind.\n\nI realize there are people who seem to do just fine on very low calorie diets.  They appear healthy both physically and mentally.  They do not have obsessive thoughts about food, about their body, and they do not have urges to binge.\n\nThis post is not about them.\n\nThis post is for anyone who is trying to maintain a very low calorie diet with urges to binge.\n\nConsider the effects of not eating enough.  Consider eating more.  Perhaps it will change your life for the better by reducing urges to binge eat.\n\nIn the next post, we will go over how you can begin eating enough.\n\nWhat do you think about very low calorie diets?  Have you tried to maintain one?  Did you notice increased urges to binge?  Do you think the sample meals listed above are too low in calories?\n\nYour comments are appreciated, it helps us all make sense of the issue.\n\nAnd, if you were wondering, almost every single “healthy” lunch you find in your grocer’s freezer aisle is not enough food.\n\nThis is why the vending machine down the hall is so appealing every day at about two or three o’ clock.\n\nImage from Flickr.\n\nMay 12, 2015May 12, 20153 Comments", null, "This is Part 2 of the Series: Eating Enough to Reduce Urges to Binge.\n\nYou can read Part 1 by clicking on this link.\n\nEating enough.  Eating enough.  Eating enough.\n\nIf you say it enough times, does it make any more (or less) sense?\n\nIn the Series: Binge Eating is Caused by Dieting, I wrote about eating more throughout the day to reduce urges to binge.  Bingeing is often the result of dieting (under-eating). When you under-eat, your brain sends signals to you to eat, and not just eat, but overeat in a panicked, rushed, and uncontrolled manner–known as binge eating.\n\nOften, bingeing involves eating foods that you have restricted while dieting and in very large quantities (but not always).  It is often done alone, in a short amount of time (but it can be with others and it can be drawn out over a day or a week or longer), and it is often followed by feelings of regret, shame, and guilt.\n\nIt is usually followed up with a period of compensation which may be self-induced vomiting, over-exercise, laxative use, or fasting.\n\nAfter a period of compensation, a vow to never binge again may me made, and then a submissive and obedient return to dieting–extreme under-eating, may take place.\n\nAll to repeat itself again, and again, and again.\n\nThis is the nature of dieting and binge eating.\n\nIf you are in the habit of binge eating, it is worth taking a look at its issue holistically. Binge eating is generally not an isolated event.  It is usually preceded by a period of dieting, proceeded with a period of compensation, and then preceded again with repeated dieting.\n\nSo, what if you did not diet?  What if you removed the period of under-eating that led to your binge eating?\n\nTake a moment and think about what your life might be like if you were not caught up in the cycle of diet, binge, diet, binge.\n\nDoes it sound too good to be true?  Does it seem impossible?\n\nTake another moment to think about life not on a diet.\n\nDoes it seem scary?\n\nThis post is about eating enough, not about quitting your diet, but please know that the two go hand in hand.\n\nIf you are dieting, you are probably not eating enough (Dieting, on this blog, always refers to under-eating.  Your diet refers to the types of foods you eat.  There is a difference, at least for the purposes of this blog).\n\nReducing urges to binge is very hard if you are under-eating.\n\nSo, how do you know if you are under-eating?\n\nOften under-eating occurs when adhering to a diet that extremely restricts calories. This is most diets and the signs that I share below show up for most people.  Not all, but most.\n\nBelow are signs that you are under-eating.  Please note that some of the physical and mental signs are the same, since our mentalities often reflect our bodily health.\n\nKeep in mind the below lists are only some of the signs of under-eating and that they are rooted in sustained dieting (under-eating).  This means that they might not show up immediately.  They might take a few weeks, a few months, or a few years.  They might show up in a few days.  It will be different for everyone as each dieter starts their under-eating from a different set point.\n\nHere are some of the physical signs:\n\nHere are some of the mental signs that you are under-eating:\n\nLike I mentioned, these are only some of the signs of under-eating.  They may present themselves rather early on or they may take awhile, but they are almost always inevitable the deeper someone gets into dieting.\n\nAlso, note that the signs for under-eating are often (but not always) the same as the signs for binge-eating.  Remember, the two commonly go hand in hand.\n\nDo any of the signs look familiar to you?\n\nIf so, can you remember a time in your life that these signs did not characterize you physically or mentally?\n\nWere you dieting then?\n\nPlease take a moment to really give these questions a good thought.\n\nThis post is only exploring how dieting effects us physically and mentally.  It is safe to do so, and may help you understand your approach to food better, so try not to brush it off thinking that it doesn’t apply to you.\n\nI did that for years and it prevented me from breaking free from dieting and bingeing.\n\nIf you suspect that you are not eating enough and you have regular urges to binge eat, it is highly likely that you are not eating enough.  Your body is excellent at informing you of what it needs so pay attention to how it is directing you to eat, even if it is saying to binge eat because even this signal is meaningful to explore.\n\nIn the next post, we will talk about the actual act of under-eating.  What might it look like?  How it is different from simply eating less?\n\nIn the meantime, what did you think of this post?  Do you agree with the physical and mental signs of under-eating?  Have you experienced any of them?\n\nLeave a comment to start a conversation!\n\nImage from She Walks Softly.\n\nMay 12, 2015May 12, 20156 Comments", null, "It’s a new week!\n\nHopefully you had a nice weekend and are already off to a good start.\n\nLast week I posted the Series: Binge Eating is Caused by Dieting.  You can read it by clicking on the above link.\n\nWhat did you think about it?  Does it seem too simplistic to say that urges to binge eat are caused by dieting (extreme under-eating)?\n\nIs it enlightening to think that you can reduce binge eating by ensuring you eat enough throughout the day or is it confusing?  Perhaps years of dieting and bingeing have you left you unsure about how much is enough?  Maybe poor digestion due to disordered eating has caused your intuition with food to be a little (or alot) off?\n\nI had a difficult time knowing what was enough food after years of restricting and bingeing.  It was confusing to read so many different takes on how much I should be eating and it was intimidating to increase my portion sizes without it leading to a binge.\n\nI’ve been there!  I know!\n\nMaybe you would like to eat enough food to lesson your urges to binge, but you aren’t sure how or where to start.\n\nOr maybe the whole idea sounds crazy!\n\nThis week I want to explore this idea more.  What is enough?  What is too much?  How do you know?\n\nThese are all legitimate questions for someone who has not eaten enough in a long time, who has dieted, restricted, and binged.\n\nIt might seem scary to change the way you have eat, but remember that this is a positive change and is very effective in reducing urges to binge.\n\nIt also might feel exciting, which is great because you will be much more inclined to stick with eating enough if you believe it is a helpful approach to lessoning urges to binge.\n\nSo, let’s get started with this Series: Eating Enough to Reduce Urges to Binge.\n\nPlease feel free to leave comments about your experiences with eating enough or to ask questions.  We can all learn from each other!\n\nImage from WSJ.\n\nMay 9, 2015Leave a comment", null, "It’s Saturday!\n\nTime to take a look at an old vintage ad.\n\nToday’s ad:\n\nLucky Strikes.\n\nThe cigarette choice of Mad Men (although, they are really smoking herbals), and people who want to avoid overeating.\n\nHere reads the ad:\n\n“Is this you five years from now?  When tempted to over-indulge, reach for a Lucky instead!”\n\nCan you imagine this ad being ran today?  Smoking for health!  Smoking for improved self-control!\n\nIt seems silly, and very outdated, but I have a hunch this approach to weight management is still very prevalent.\n\nWhether you start smoking to control your weight, or do not quit for fear of weight gain, both do not actually deal with the anxiety of being in situations where you are tempted to eat more than you need.\n\nNotice the ad uses the phrase, “When you are tempted to over-indulge“, and not, “If you are tempted to over-indulge“.  The ad gets you to think that you are unable to resist tempting food and will certainly overeat any chance you get.  You need their product to prevent your problem from getting out of hand (which basically means getting fat).  There are many people whose overeating has gotten out of hand, and their lives are conflicted over it, but it does not look like it has.  They haven’t put on weight.  Should they still pick up some Lucky’s?\n\nYou are always in control of your eating and contrary to this very inflated (but cute) ad, you don’t need any special products in between meals to prove this to yourself.\n\nYou don’t need cigarettes, gum, diet sodas, candies–all you need is belief in yourself to eat in a way that nourishes you, is enough for you, and that makes you feel great (in fact, if you cannot get to your next meal without any of these things, maybe you are not eating enough).\n\nBut you do need a fantastic green swimming suit with sunny yellow shoes for your next pool outing.\n\nNice touch, Lucky.\n\nWhat do you think about using products to keep yourself from eating?  Do you find them really necessary or do you simply enjoy the taste and comfort they bring in between meals?"], "url": "https://myrightmind.com/page/2/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 550, "original_height": 529, "original_width": 363, "width": 378}, {"height": 537, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 225, "width": 378}, {"height": 425, "original_height": 608, "original_width": 540, "width": 378}, {"height": 586, "original_height": 1141, "original_width": 736, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 525, "original_width": 525, "width": 378}, {"height": 400, 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when oil peaked over $140/bbl are not panning out. Even some of the things that were trotted out front and center during the G20 binge.\nSince there is so little steel news covered locally anymore... I thought this was interesting on a new steel plant in the Netherlands that will reduce CO2 emissions by half.  Reminds me:  What is the status of the upgrade at the Clairton works that was put on hiatus?", "posted by C. Briem at Monday, November 30, 2009", "Sunday, November 29, 2009\n\nAloysius Lilius saves gambling in Pittsburgh\n\nThe PG pokes at the state of casino competition in town here. One theme seems to be that things might be slowly getting better.. or at least things are not as dire as they seem to some of us.  I can’t pass on commenting on a paragraph, the point of which seems to say that things might be getting better. Here is the verbatim quote:\n\n(at the Meadows) gross terminal revenue fell from $29.9 million in July to $22.4 million in Sepetember before rebounding slightly to $22.6 million in October.\n\na bit later it has:\n\n… Rivers revenues, while well below projections, have seesawed, going from $16.2 million in August to $15.6 million before jumping back to $16 million in October. (emphasis added in both)\n\nSo let's deconstruct the verbiage:  “rebounding slightly” and “jumping”. For the meadows case the slight rebound was a jump from $22.4 to $22.6 million. It works out to +0.85% if you look up the full number. In the Rivers casino case the ‘jump’ came from an increase from $15.6 to $16.0 million… if you look it up it was +2.63%. In both cases the comparision was October vs. September.\n\nSo maybe the words are a bit exaggerated?   But no, there is this other little point that may make a difference.  Probably worth mentioning in there somewhere is that October has 31 days while September has 30!  So even if revenue flows stayed exactly the same you would expect October revenues to come in over 3.3% higher compared to September. And in the case for Rivers you would think that the abnormal week of G20 in September might be noted as a big factor causing that delta.\n\nIf you look at their actual revenue flows the \"slight rebound\" at the meadows was actually a decline nearly 3 times larger or minus 2.4%.  The 'jump' at Rivers was actually a decline of 0.67%.  Which may seem small numbers, but for a monthly change are pretty rapid declines by most standards.  So the qualitative description of the trend is essentially opposite what I think readers took away from the story in itself.\n\nSo the best explanation for the jump has nothing to do with the state of the market, marketing, the weather, rivers, advertising or competition of any kind... it's all because the orbital period of the moon divided by the time the earth takes to rotate on its axis is not a whole number. That and a little help from a polymath Renaissance doctor.\n\nProbably worth mentioning, but most of November is done at this point as well and those numbers are not great shakes.  Month to date revenues at the Meadows are at a rate which would be down over 9%. Rivers is showing some recovery from the artificially depressed September.  They would be up 2.5% if they end out November on pace which I suspect they won't... This little event called Thanksgiving coming in the way.  Together though the cumulative revenue between the two casinos is down solidly again.  That is the huge story just being missed completely.\n\nGreat photo with the PG story though.\n\nYeah, yeah... I know... who cares?   Dennis who?!", "posted by C. Briem at Sunday, November 29, 2009", "Saturday, November 28, 2009\n\nPA High Speed Rail?\n\nThe remote possibility of a real rail link between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia is mentioned in the Sunday  NYT:  Entering the Superproject Void.\n\nFunny no mention at all of maglev anywhere in there.\n\nI still think the idea of an enhanced Pittsburgh to Cleveland rail line is a lot more realistic project to be even thinking of. Or to be ambitious:  Cleveland - Pittsburgh - DC.\n\nOdds Rendell still winds up as Transportation Secretary?  I bet the Prez has some deal with LaHood to take some other job when Rendell feels he can leave Harrisburg which would leave Senator/Acting Lt Gov Scarnati as Governor.", "posted by C. Briem at Saturday, November 28, 2009", "blogito ergo I rant\n\nSo I now come to understand some of the antipathy I sometimes hear from our media friends on those ‘bloggers’. Already making the meta-commenting rounds is this from the PG yesterday:  Bloggers Open the Floodgates on Mayor. Really?\n\nIt’s not just journalists actually… every now and then in more professional settings I will hear someone discount all of the blog world with generalities about it being nothing but crazed ranting. Sometimes such a statement will be followed by folks staring at me, or a wink from others. I just smile usually. That all came to mind reading the PG story yesterday attributing all the humorous exhortations of twitterdom to bloggers; I get it now that a lot of journalists, or maybe their editors writing the headlines, really don’t get it. That someone conflates masses of folks poking fun at a topic as literal commentary is odd. It is commentary of course, but so is Colbert.\n\nIt’s sort of like writing off all newspaper journalists because the Drudge report exists out there. It didn’t come across as bad as say Mike Seate’s rant against the blogs last year, but you sense it was written with the exact same set of preconceptions at the very least. Might need to watch out, those twitterers are the very same folks populating the exponentially expanding content in the wikisphere.. something no professional journalist would ever crib from.\n\nNonetheless… the topic at hand is the mayor’s retention of a Philadelphia lawyer solely to protect his privacy. You have to admit that this fellow Sprague is one interesting fellow. Far more interesting that the nominal reason he has made it into local news stories of late. The Philadelphia Magazine had one of the longer looks at the good counselor and his estranged relationship with former State Senator Vince Fumo:  The Feud,\n\nWhat amazes me above all else is how he is just another datapoint on how recent political history in Pennsylvania comes back to Arlen Specter. Arlen has now set the record for the longest serving Senator in Pennsylvania history yet he got his political start getting himself elected* as the Philadelphia DA after serving a stint on the Warren Commission investigating the JFK assassination. His top deputy for years in the Philly DA's office was the same Richard A. Sprague. Other unknowns in that office included some fellow named Rendell. You have to wonder how PA history would have played out for all of them and us without that single bullet theory propelling Arlen to ever greater fame. It’s almost enough to make me rethink my disbelief of all those grassy knoll theories.\n\nBut back to Mr. Sprague and ex-Senator Vince Fumo.. undisputed leader of all Harrisburg machinations for decades. If you search Pennsylvania Campaign finance accounts. What you find is at least a million dollars in expenditures from the Fumo campaign accounts to the firm of Sprague and Sprague, usually for legal expenses. You can find those items yourself in these filings:\n9/22/2006 $50,000.00\n4/26/2006 $130,000.00\n2/12/2007 $350,000.00\n1/30/2007 $50,000.00\n12/27/2006 $25,000.00\n11/29/2006 $25,000.00\n8/24/2006 $100,000.00\n7/20/2006 $40,000.00\n7/17/2006 $50,000.00\n2/14/2006 $150,000.00\n5/22/2006 $150,000.00\n\nI have to presume those are all expenses related to Fumo's criminal defense efforts.  But geez…. All that and Fumo is still sitting in a Federal prison. You have to wonder how long he would be in jail if he had spent less than 7 figures on a defense no matter who it was representing him. Though there is one recent news story that says the sentence he got was 3 months longer than the plea bargain he was offered before the trial ever began.\n\nThose numbers just made me wonder if Sprague and Sprague was the single largest recipient of expenditures from Pennsylvania Campaign accounts across the board. I was going to try and play around with aggregating all the top recipients of expenditures from all political accounts tracked by the state… but it looks like it would be quite a project unto itself to come up with a definitive list. Different spellings of different entities makes it problematic in itself to aggregate all of that… but you have to believe Sprague and Sprague comes close to being near to top of such a list if it were to exist.\n\nSo who knows… Potter has already suggested this in a comment on his own post a few days ago that there is already fodder out there as it stands for potential litigation on the part of Mr. Sprague. Is the bluster against potential slanderous speech just bluster? We will see. There is an interesting question of how one could afford an attorney such as Mr. Sprague... though I would not presume the nefarious if he is offering his services at a cut rate price.  I suspect he has all the money he needs and as Potter also alludes to there is new law to be made in this whole field of internet privacy.  It might be the challenge of setting precedent that brought counselor and client together.  Pittsburgh is always striving to be on the cutting edge.  We may have succceeded.\n\n* I didn't realize how unique Specter's original election as DA was.  I thought the history was that he had changed registration from Democrat to Republican to run in the race.  It seems from my reading of the historyt that he actually was elected as the nominated Republican.. but was still a registered Democrat at the time.  Only after getting elected did he change registration.", "Friday, November 27, 2009\n\nG20 echo: Newsweek on the Declining Burgh\n\nThis one is a little different.  Newsweek on the web peers at the Burgh: Cutting Down to Size, Postindustrial cities, even relatively successful ones such as Pittsburgh, are trying to manage, rather than just reverse, population loss.\n\nIt seems to focus on the city more than the region and is a little odd.  It refers to the management consultant euphemism of \"right-sizing\" for cities like Pittsburgh.   I think the message is really reflective of what more academically would be called the debate over \"managed decline\" which has been a topic for some here and elsewhere for decades if not longer.  I can't believe Youngstown escapes mention in the piece however short it had to be.  There is the nexus of folks really coming to grips with what managed decline means economically, politically and practically.\n\nIt also references the misunderstood article once in the UK's Daily Telegraph on the state of Urban America and the quote that parts of our cities 'need to be bulldozed'.  Lest anyone doubt it, we have as many of those new urban prairies as anywhere else in America.  What may be different about Pittsburgh is both good and bad.  The bad is that we just hide our abandoned neighborhoods better than most other places, a reflection of our general insularity aided by topography.  The good that does not get mentioned much is that for the city, while it is the case that the resident population has gone down as precipitously as anywhere, the jobs have been stable. People still don't believe me when I mentionthat.  I have posted before that the jobs loated in the city of Pittsburgh have not gone down at all over that period.Of course now a lot of those jobs are filled by people who commute in from elsewhere.\n\nSeriously, there are today roughly 300K jobs located within the city limits of Pittsburgh, which is roughly the exact number of jobs that were located in the city in 1960.  Few cities like Pittsburgh can claim any such comparison.  When you realize that a lot of those jobs in 1960 were retail and service jobs supporting the much larger population, then the ability of Pittsburgh to retain jobs is a remarkable story.\n\nOf course, if the story is one of places left behind to be de facto abandoned, you have to look beyond the city proper here more than most other regions.  That is just because the City of Pittsburgh stopped expanding so long before other major cities thus leaving much of what would be the urban core elsewhere to exist as their own municipal entites.  Thus the pockets of emptiness are as likely to be just outside the city's borders.  No need to really say it... but Braddock?\n\nSo worth reading, but like all such looks too short to go beyond what we have talked about ad infinitum.  I suspect what most will take from this one is a new description of LR as the \"the city's lantern-jawed young mayor\".", "posted by C. Briem at Friday, November 27, 2009", "Thursday, November 26, 2009\n\nThanksgiving past\n\nSome snippets from the PG front page a couple days after Thanksgiving (Nov 29) 1941\n\nA headline:\n\nCity Slices Real Estate Tax Slightly\n\nIs that the last time that has happened?\n\nA quote on the XMAS shopping rush:\n\n\"Pittsburgh yesterday celebrated the day after Thanksgiving, or Blank Friday, so named because when an ordinary man finds himself Downtown between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. on this day everything goes blank.\"\n\nNot quite sure I get that completely...  and a more ominous headline:\n\nUS Awaits Next Move from Japan. Peace in Pacific Hinges on Tokio\n\nWhich if nothing else is a reminder of how fast things can change. When that was printed, the Japanese Task Force was halfway to Hawaii.", "posted by C. Briem at Thursday, November 26, 2009", "Wednesday, November 25, 2009\n\nFollow those posts\n\nWW:  as best I can tell this translates to...   Smack\n\nCasino Watch: Smack\n\nKind of related on Barden's bankruptcy... Poor Gary, IN:  Smack", "posted by C. Briem at Wednesday, November 25, 2009", "Tuesday, November 24, 2009\n\nPittsburgh native Juanita Warman was buried in Arlington National Cemetery yesterday.", "posted by C. Briem at Tuesday, November 24, 2009", "not all connected you say?\n\nYou need to go to law school to figure out the current state of assessment litigation before Judge Wettick.  It looks to me like everyone is appealing.  Appeals of appeals of an appeal that has already been appealed or something like that.  I'm sure it makes sense to the legal beagles. .\n\nThere is also news that Pittsburgh's one-time savior Don Barden is declaring bankruptcy.  Well not him, but his Majestic Star casino operation.  Bankruptcy needs lawyers as well, maybe that's a theme for today.\n\nWhich reminds me that it was a little noticed news item that progress has been made on getting a property assessment in place for the Rivers casino now operating.  Want to place odds whatever valuation the county comes up with will be appealed.... so more billable hours.\n\nStill my best to understand the current state of the assessment litigation. http://www.evtv1.com/player.aspx?itemnum=2122. Lawyers in film that is.\n\nWhich then gets me wondering if the anticipated valuation of the casino property is baked into the city budget that is all a tizzy these days.   City itself will get roughly a $million in revenue for every $100 million in assessed value.  You would think that in at least a semi-rational world, the value of the new casino structure and the real estate it sits on would at least be worth the cost of construction which was not a small number.  In one fell swoop the casino may become one of the most valuable non-tax-exempt parcels in the city proper.\n\nHow small is Pittsburgh? Let's connect the news of Gene Connelly passing away.  The location of the casino is entirely the result of that parcel being amalgamated and bought by Connelly for the local site of riverboat gambling that never happened.\nOnly for loal history nuts.  Gene Connelly's story is tied much to that of his brother John whose earliest career had an big part in the story of one time congressman Harry Davenport as documented in Hoerr's Harry, Tom, and Father Rice: accusation and betrayal in America's Cold War.  The book also talks about some of his early business career in the news/advertising business of East Liberty back when people said it was the third biggest retail district in Pennsylvania. Lawyers in there somewhere I am sure.  We'll stop the stream of consciousness at that, though we could leap into the current debate of late over getting Target into East Liberty. For another day.\n\nI still think it is fascinating that as we, as the paragon of success weathering the current recesssion, are nonetheless more and more looking to casinos to save us from our troubles.   All while Las Vegas looks toward us for lessons on the future.  Interesting to read the 86 comments now with that article from the Las Angeles Sun.\n\nand not up yet as I type, but maybe by the time you are reading this there will be an update to the casino watch.  We will see how Thanksgiving and the whole holiday season impact revenues down there.", "Monday, November 23, 2009\n\nfeeding the meters\n\nWhile I admit this is anectdotal at best and most likely routine.... but of late I have noticed a bevy of new parking meters being installed. I didnt think much of it until I also read this story out of Chicago which Bram caught before I did talking about their deal to sell their parking meters.  Note the line about quadrupling of rates.  But like selling your house, if you were to put up the parking meters to market what you would expect to see is a lot of activity such as installing and fixing meters before those prospective buyers come and kick the tires.\n\nKeep in mind a couple things.. the sale of parking garages downtown should be a very distinct debate from any discussion of whether it makes sense to sell individual parking meters across the city.  Also note the Chicago story is interesting in a meta-news kind of way.  It is from the NYTimes but says the story was sourced from a 'nonprofit news cooperative'.  What does that mean?\n\nJust for historical sake I will post again a link to this undergraduate thesis from a half century ago.  Nominally it's about the early history of the ACCD, but just take note how much of it is devoted to parking issues and development.  See: The Allegheny Conference for Community Development for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (warning, large file) by John David Weidlein. May 1950.  Joe A. and I have in the past both posted links to parts of a complementary film from just a few years after that:: Freedom of the American Road.  that has some focus on Pittsburgh and it's Downtown parking issues.", "posted by C. Briem at Monday, November 23, 2009", "Saturday, November 21, 2009\n\nunemployment maps on steroids\n\nSpotted via the Transportationist... but from a site Daring Fireball (don't ask me?) is an amazing if sad animated graphic worth taking a look at.  It shows the month by month: Change in US Unemployment Rates by County.  Play the animation and look closely at that PA-OH border near us.\n\nIf the big picture depresses you... a small point but there was net employment growth locally in Pittsburgh last month, while Pennsylvania's unemployment rate is flat even though most states saw increases in October; local real estate sales are actually up substantially while local real estate prices are showing sustained moderate increases.  That's a lot of not bad news at the very least.\n\nIn fact the latest bit of Pittsburgh hagiography comes from the Christian Science Monitor today.  Pittsburgh is not technically on their list of the Five Cities that Will Rise in the New Economy, but it gets several gratuitous mentions that takes the hagiography to a new level.  Check out this curious paragraph:\n\nIn other areas, healthcare complexes are evolving into microeconomies in themselves. They attract labs and researchers. Patients fly in from around the world, needing hotel rooms, and laundry and banking services. The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center annually pays out $2.7 billion in salaries to its 50,000 employees – the equivalent of the entire Canadian aerospace industry.\n\nI mean, not to dis UPMC or our friends to the north, but I never really thought of the Canadian Aerospace industry as a benchmark powerhouse?  Then later on it says this:\n\nCities , of course, have been reinventing themselves since the days of cobblestone streets. Pittsburgh went from being the nation’s Bessemer furnace to an education and medical technology leader.\n\nDo you notice what is happening in the national and international media references on Pittsburgh?  The coverage has reached a point they don't feel a need to explain their references to Pittsburgh any more. It's almost assumed folks get the point without that \"Pittsburgh, huh?\"  moment.", "posted by C. Briem at Saturday, November 21, 2009", "Friday, November 20, 2009\n\nJane Jacobs pub crawl\n\nWhen I lived in NYC I barely had time to eat, but I still tried hard to visit a different neighborhood in the city each week.  I barely scratched the surface of the city.  That just comes to mind because I caught this note in Metropolis for a Jane Jacobs Pub Crawl which has me feeling a bit nostalgic for living in NYC.  It's one of those ideas I should just fire over to Eve who actually could make it happen... Does anyone do anything like that here? It is said to happen in Jane Jacobs' favorite neighborhood there.  What would Jane Jacobs' favorite neighborhood be in Pittsburgh?", "posted by C. Briem at Friday, November 20, 2009", "Thursday, November 19, 2009\n\nall 'Burgh all the time - the reprise\n\nWell...... there was a brief pause after the G20 tsunami, but it continues.  Note the Burgh mentions in:\n\nForbes:  America's Fastest-Recovering Cities\n\nTime:  America, Where Every City is a Health-Care Industry Mecca\n\nalthough the news going all around is all about the fiscal story of late. See the long article in Inside Higher Education for: All Eyes on Pittsburgh", "posted by C. Briem at Thursday, November 19, 2009", "Mumbo Jumbo Public Finance\n\nAwful lot of fodder out there to poke at. Might as well focus on the esoteric that will get lost in the noise otherwise.  Maybe just a note on the state Auditor General's press release on the use of investment 'swaps' by local governments in Pennsylvania.  I still think this news commentary is one of the best and most direct editorials on what was going on in Pennsylvania was this from Bloomberg's Joe Myslak some years ago:\n\nMagic, Mumbo-Jumbo Were Used to Sell Muniland Swaps\n\nand kind of related to that.  But you would think that with 253 legislators in Harrisburg all looking for something to do at least one of them would take up a cause similar to what New York State is making progress on.   If anything this is needed here more than in New York.  See this news from late yesterday:  NY strikes deal to reform public authorities.  Maybe Joe or someone would be interested in a story on our Stadium Authority without a stadium anymore? You could say it was all mumbo jumbo debt issued by mumbo jumbo governments in Pennsylvania.\n\nand I pointed this out recently, it does look like the PWSA is out from under the gun on some of it's own swaps induced public finance miasma.  Yet you have to wonder what they had to pay JP Morgan for that privilege.  When you add up the original cost of that debt and all the subsequent costs to get out of it.... not a small number.  and as best I can tell, the current deal is just a temporary measure effective to 2011 or so. So the story is not over with.  If I were bond counsel it's like the debt that keeps on giving.\n\nI do have one really serious suggestion for our friends in Harrisburg.  The problem with all the small governments in Pennsylvania that got caught up with all these ill-advised debt structures is that they really don't have the wherewithal to negotiate their ways out of the deals... even in cases where they were clearly bamboozled (that is a technical financial term) by the banks.  The state, like maybe even the auditor general even?,  really ought to collectively take on the task of negotiating some form of restitution and relief.  That comes to mind because that is exactly what is in the news today over a lot of Auction rate debt and a deal negotiated between states and Wells Fargo.", "Wednesday, November 18, 2009\n\nUSS Monongahela underway again\n\nI know few will care beyond me..... but I actually caught this news on the local NPR station where it was local news this morning.  The USS Monongahela was indeed underway for the first time in a decade after having broken away from her moorings due to storms on the east coast last week.   The ship is awaiting being made into razor blades.\n\nI just wonder if anyone showed any civic support for the USS Mon while it was operating.  The USS Pittsburgh is a submarine out there today and gets suppport from the local Navy League. People remember past ships, some even write about them.  Even ships like the SS McKeesport will occassionally get a little love from folks like Togyer.  But what about ships named for rivers? I bet few paid much attention to the USS Mon.  It even turns out to be the third ship named for the Mon since the Civil War. Who knew?", "posted by C. Briem at Wednesday, November 18, 2009", "Tuesday, November 17, 2009\n\nLucy and that football\n\nSo I have to admit I just don't get the ICA.   A month ago they gave preliminary approval to a proposed budget for the city of Pittsburgh with a big $15 million in revenue itemized only as TBD.   There were clearly going to be issues with whatever new revenue source filled in the blank.  You really have to wonder why there were so willing to give the green light a month ago and then reject it out of hand now. What were they expecting with their first vote?\n\nAnd a minor point in the big scheme of things... but I see the idea that some of the budget hole can be filled by auctioning of stuff from the Civic Arena.  I hate to ask, but would not proceeds from any such sale need to go toward the debts of the Sports and Exhibition Authority(SEA) which is the owner of the arena?  Not like they don't have money issues of their own.  The difference I guess is that they have some dibs on money from Harrisburg that the city can't quite get a piece of.\n\nSpeaking of the SEA.  I note that not only the SEA, but even the interminable Stadium Authority have their own Wikipedia entries authored again by prolific wiki author Blargh29. Whomever that is they know their stuff.  The SEA entry has a great line at the top saying:  \"Not to be confused with Stadium Authority of the City of Pittsburgh.\"  How many folks in town can distinguish the two and the policy implicatons that follow?\n\nSome final thoughts.  Time will tell if this is all a brief spasm or if city/ICA relations have come full circle to where they were in the beginning. If you want to dig into the budget revenues a bit, I had put up this interactive graphic of the city's 2009 budgeted revenues in Manyeyes.  And connected to everything are the finances at the casino.  Revenues down there have clearly settled into a range.  No joke how everything comes back to the revenue generating capactiy of the casino.  Harrisburg has forced the universities to wait for money only to flow from the prospective table games; the SEA depends on casino payments to fund the arena bonds; as bad as the city's finances seem to be now and into the future, they depend ever more on ongoing payments from the casino directly into city coffers on top of everything else. and finally the state, which the city will look to as a last resort, is stuck backing up payments to the SEA from the casino to pay for the bonds building the arena.  Got all that?   So everything is connected in all of these debates.  I sense the potential for a cascade failure.", "posted by C. Briem at Tuesday, November 17, 2009", "Cleveburgh Notes\n\nFrom the Cleveland Plain Dealer the other day:\n\nNEO 77 a joint venture by business groups to coordinate and fund regional economic development efforts\n\nSounds a bit familiar.", "Monday, November 16, 2009\n\nHarrisburg doings\n\nGiven the news of late in Harrisburg, which seem to focus on doings in the state house...  here again is my graphic of the current state of campaign finance for Pennsylvania House incumbents fwiw.  The graphic below and the more useful interactive version made via IBM's Manyeyes site:", null, "posted by C. Briem at Monday, November 16, 2009", "Sunday, November 15, 2009\n\ntransparent Akron\n\nA note on government transparency comes from Cleveland's Writes Like She Talks... check out the plan in Akron to put ever more public data online.  It says it will include daily updates on tax payments.\n\nNot really related, but the Guardian's (UK) blog on data transparency has a neat post on some maps of urban green space in England.  Anyone want to try and produce some similar maps here? It's beyond anything I can do.\n\nand something that might get a few Burghosphere denizens thinking.. Intrepid Cleveland Blogger Jill Miller Zimon (author of the Writes Like She Talks blog mentioned above) was indeed elected to actual political office a couple weeks ago.\n\nSpeaking of Cleveland... Note the intense look at Allegheny County and in particular local politics (including a cameo by Mike speaking of the Burghosphere) in the Cleveland Plain Dealer. See:  Pittsburgh's Allegheny County offers Cuyahoga some lessons in reform. If I were the author I would be wary of what happened to the journalist who wrote the last glowing piece in the PD about us.  I think he was laid off the next day.", "posted by C. Briem at Sunday, November 15, 2009", "Just because nobody else is mentioning anything like this... but first some supermarkets have gained approval to sell beer. Now the convenience stores want to follow suit.  You can't tell me the pharmacies are not too far behind. Given the long trail of failed pharmacies (think Phar-mor anyone).. there has to be a reason for all the new investment and consolidation in Walgreen's and Rite Aides everywhere. I'm just saying is all.\n\nWhat I have never asked the lawyers to parse for me completely... but something I mentioned in the past about these liquor license developments is that new venues for beer sales isn't really anything new... I live blocks away from a convenience store that does in fact sell beer as it has for years if not decades at this point.   So it's not really anything new so I don't quite get what is novel about what is happening now or why beer sales have not expanded already.  It's aparently a perfectly legitimate 'E' license for my local convenience store.  In the distant past the neighborhood protested the location of the liquor license, but the legalities were too solid to get rid of it. I wonder if there is any list of nuisance 'convenience stores' out there?  It all came ot mind because it was precisely the location of a fairly horrible attack just days ago.", "posted by C. Briem at Friday, November 13, 2009", "Thursday, November 12, 2009\n\ndisplacement and dice II\n\nHere is the actual report from last month out of the Indiana state government looking at the impact of new casinos on their revenues.  Estimates of the Fiscal Impacts from Out-of-State Casino Competition and Movement of Casino Licenses in Indiana.  The whole idea of displacement when it comes to casino revenues is something Atlantic City is learning the hard way.  It's not like it is a topic that has not been studied or anything.\n\nNot that current casino revenues are building much confidence here in town, but they do seem to be in a range for now.\n\nWhich all inspired a picture. This was intended to be a look at what the potential impact of future casino openings might be on revenues here.  In the graphic below all the circles are 100 mile radii around Pittsburgh and around the potential locations of casinos that may be yet to come.Not included are other already operating casinos which are nearby.   The red is 100 miles around Pittsburgh.  The orange is Lawrence County which until its prospective owner filed for bankruptcy next week was slated to get a casino into operation.   The pink circles are for the locations that are designated to get casinos with both slots and table games per the Ohio referendum that just passed.  So just to give some visual perspective on all that... you get this graphic for what it's worth:", null, "Of course it's not that simple.  Nothing concrete about 100 miles versus 50 or 200, but it is certainly within a range that the professional casino industry analysts use when looking at this type of thing.  If most patrons come from closer it's less of a issue, but if the catchment area is even 150 miles the intersection of those footprints is significantly larger than shown here... at 200 miles even more so.  There are second order effects as well I suspect.  The other nearby casinos I didn't show on this graphic will also be hit by the same competition and will ramp up their own efforts to maintain reveneus... so pressures will compound for local enterprises.", "posted by C. Briem at Thursday, November 12, 2009", "Wednesday, November 11, 2009\n\nVeterans among us\n\nStill the best Veteran's day post.  The video below is of a local veteran and provided by http://pittsburgheldersguild.blogspot.com/", "posted by C. Briem at Wednesday, November 11, 2009", "Tuesday, November 10, 2009\n\nWW: CPA = zero\n\nThar she blows....   Reassessment ruling filed.   'he' I suppose.  CPA as in this... not a dis on our accountant friends.", "posted by C. Briem at Tuesday, November 10, 2009", "that pay gap", null, "Monday, November 09, 2009\n\nobligatory Steelers post\n\nFolks up the pike should be ashamed of themselves over this.   Even those Ravens' fans should be talked to.  What is it?  6 hours drive from Baltimore to Cleveland.\n\nand just because it's the Broncos.   Can't forget our BFF: Denver's Bill Johnson.", "posted by C. Briem at Monday, November 09, 2009", "the next race\n\nFor those political junkies already experiencing withdrawal there is something coming up.  With Walko heading to the bench... O'Toole has one of the first reads on the race to replace him in Harrisburg.\n\nI had maps of the last time the seat was contested.  See the election returns for Banahasky, Purcell and Walko in the spring 2006 primary for the 20th State House District.    O'Toole mentions Paul McKrell as being interested in the race.  He must have moved out of the 21'st district where he once looked to run.  I kind of wondered if another 21st district denizen would move a few blocks to be eligible to run for this seat.  That is nothing more than idle musing to be clear, but I speak of Len B. who I suspect must live within blocks of the district 20. It would be a stronger base to leverage his Lawrenceville support actually compared to District 21 where he, Dom Costa and Brenda Frazier really split the vote a nearly perfect 3 ways in the last election.   I also just realized, this must be the mayor's home district as well.  Who knows what that means?\n\nOf course there is this other question of who is going to take over the as the chairman of the PWSA which might be a position in the news.", "Sunday, November 08, 2009\n\nAppalachia Burgh\n\nI see a flood of hits from Rustwire that look to be Brian O'Neill's fault.  It was his Null Space mention in a question during an interview related to his recent book: The Paris of Appalachia.\n\nVannevar, btw, suggests the goal ought to be for Pittsburgh to become the Copenhagen of Appalachia.\n\nSo one of those factoids 5 of us talk about: As Brian mentions Pittsburgh is often said to be the largest city in Appalachia.  Could be, though it obviously depends on your definition of Appalpahia.   This is kind of wonkish oral history.... but a colleague of mine tells me that Pittsburgh was the place where the Appalachian Regional Commission actually decided it's own geographic scope decades ago.  Thus it would make sense that if you look at their maps, Pittsburgh may indeed be Appalachia's largest city... Looks like their defintion only gets to the exurban areas of Atlanta which would obviously be bigger than us.  But I wonder... is that factoid still true if \"Pittsburgh\" is defined as just the city proper?   I thought maybe the semi-consolidated city/county of Nashville/Davidson county would have displaced Pittsburgh.  That would have been an interesting angle to our own city/county consolidation debate, but they seem to be just outside the ARC's map as well.  Same for Cincinatti...  Birmingham, Alabama is in their geography, but the population there is closer to 200K while Pittsburgh is still only flirting with 300K. Am I missing some other obvious city or is Pittsburgh still tops in 'Appalachia'?\n\nThere has been a newfound interest in the definition of Appalachia.  Some of it is the political story...(also this).... Related is the sociology.  I was looking for the map that made the rounds showing counties in the US which had the highest percentage of people who identify themsleves as ethnically 'American', but can't find it.  Then there is the energy story of late since Pittsburgh Seam coal is a subset of the Northern Appalachian Coal Basin.", "posted by C. Briem at Sunday, November 08, 2009", "Saturday, November 07, 2009\n\nmore numbers\n\nMisc election numbers I have not seen talked about much anywhere.\n\nWrite in votes in City Council District 6 came out to 847 of 3,961 votes cast in that election. So 21.4% which is actually quite an amazing showing for a write-in candidate. Some day folks on the Hill will stop fighting with each other more than with others.  Just a question I wonder about:  Does TP try to keep her seat on the URA board?\n\nCity wide straight ticket Republican votes = 1,361. So about half of the 2,697 in the 2007 mayoral race. Not quite sure what it means. Remember LR was the nominated R because he got I think 1000+ republican petition signatures. Who knows if those folks are the same as who pulled the R levers… probably not… Consider though that the 2008 presidential election… 10,847 straight ticket Republican votes. No, not a typo. Over 10K Republican level pullers are out there somewhere in the city proper and just don’t bother to show up in these city elections just as most Democrats stay home as well. But that still is a larger number than most would assume is out there. Not that anyone has ever found a way to motivate them to show up in off-years.\n\n1,259 people showed up at the polls in the city but did not vote for anyone for mayor.. not even a write-in. Not the biggest of numbers and I am not sure what it means. I suspect it's part of the general showing (or no-showing that is) of Democrats across the state.  If statewide D's had motivated folks to come to the polls to support the statewide judicial races, I suspect you would have seen more folks casting ballots without a selection for mayor.  I know burghosphere denizens may find this hard to believe, but a lot of folks who are above average in their interest in politics and the news on bigger issues still don't care a whit about local races like mayor. I think it all comes across as noise to them.  these are folks who skip the local evening news but will often watch the national news with interest.\n\nIt's not atypical for some folks to show up and not vote in particular elections, but I have always wondered a bit  about the final ‘confirm’ button on the new machines. I know people in other contexts don’t quite get the idea and I really wonder if there are not a few people out there who walk away without hitting the button that last time. I think the poll workers are trained to void the vote if someone really leaves a machine in that status, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t hit confirm for a few folks.\n\nThe uber cynical have considered that poll workers could change some of those votes left like that. I don’t believe that at all and I am pretty cynical.. but the nature of the new machines does leave the whole process a lot more ambiguous than the old mechanical machines with curtains that only opened once you submitted your vote. That and I always jumped a bit when it happened. You always felt like those old machines were going to shake themselves to pieces as they recorded the votes and then opened the curtain. What could possibly have been going on inside the machines to make all that noise? The gnomes inside could have been engraving the vote with chisels in granite for all the fuss… but you for sure knew when you had submitted your vote.", "posted by C. Briem at Saturday, November 07, 2009", "maps, maps and more maps\n\nMore political maps than you can shake a stick at: click here.", "posted by C. Briem at Thursday, November 05, 2009", "what next\n\nMethinks Judge Wettick was at least waiting for the election to be done with before poking at assessments..  If so keep an eye out for his ruling on how to implement his ruling on a new assessment for Allegheny County.\n\nupdate:  speaking of Judge W...  check out one Mr. Bill Maro who appears to have submitted and had printed the virtually same letter to the editor in both the PG and Trib today.\n\nCasino watch update...  a tick up in revenues per machine last week, but still way below expectations.  Not sure why there isn't more angst over the fact that Ohio approved its own casino referendum on Tuesday.  I wonder how that may impact casino revenues here? Both Indiana and Michigan expect to see their gaming revenue go down as a result of the new Ohio casinos....  Maybe Pennsylvania will be an exception?", "Wednesday, November 04, 2009\n\nmaps and more\n\nMy colleagues have mapped a slew of data from the election yesterday including both the returns themselves, but turnout data and even a comparison of turnout yesterday to the last presidential cycle. Not just for the city but the county as well.\n\nFor example this link will give you the returns for Harris in the city. Similar maps for Acklin, or for Ravenstahl.\n\nbut to see the other maps go to the main page by clicking here..   You want to select the options on the left for \"Elections\" to see further options and you can zoom in as far as you want.", "posted by C. Briem at Wednesday, November 04, 2009", "Say it ain't so Joe (Weinroth)", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Tuesday, November 03, 2009\n\npunditry meets reality\n\nAs lame as the election is… the political commentary on Nighttalk tonight, which apparently even the campaigns are not watching, is as honest as I have ever seen in some time most anywhere. Some hightlights for only the uber-political junkies:\n\nI have beaten up the campaign of Mark Desantis in the past.. but Mark is on the show there with some real honesty about his campaign in 2007. He said that his campaign back then had some real advantages, the foremost among them that the “media wanted a race”. That was the thing that really perplexed me, the media kept telling people how close that race was and it just was not based on any real or assumed fact. No matter which side you were on, it just never made sense. The implication that has to be considered is… what would his results have been if the media had not repeated the mantra about the close race as often as they did. Is the difference between what he got and the Weinroth returns, when the media pretty much said there was no hope, nothing more than an artifact of the differences in the coverage? Ponder that some.\n\nMatt Hogue called in to the show and pretty much amplified his endorsement of Acklin and dis’d the mayor. Being a family friendly blog my honest comment is unprintable, but for sheer Chutzpah you have to give him credit.\n\nMark Desantis did decry the state of his party for not having a candidate in the race.. but that prompted no less than Jim Roddey to call in to respond direclty to tell him that there was a Republican candidate and that Acklin had only dropped out at the very last second.  Thus preventing there being any Republican getting on the ballot. Something about Roddey expecting Acklin to be the R on the ballot and that he had been out there telling folks on that just days before Acklin de-registered.\n\nAnd Jim Roddy ‘predicted’ or otherwise stated that Mark Desantis is going to be running for County Executive in 2011. Mark silence in response all but said “neither confirm nor deny”.", "posted by C. Briem at Tuesday, November 03, 2009", "foolish numbers\n\nIt's a fool game to try and peg numbers on the Mayor's race this cycle... 3 candidates vice 2 and low turnout make the exact number a matter for chaos theory to determine if anything....   but as my Russian teacher used to tell me... if you want to be a mushroom, jump into the basket* so why not be a fool.   Polls are still open so this still counts as a prediction:  62-21-17.   The order is even less meaningful to peg and no matter how it turns out I wouldn't overinterpret it as some will be wont to do.  But if one had to I pick it's R-H-A respectively.\n\nI still swear there is an academic paper in how the straight ticket numbers look in the end.  It is about as close to a natural experiment as you can get comparing 2007 to today. Just 2 years ago voting for the R ticket gave your vote to Desantis and this time around it will give you Desantis' opponent.  So it will be a big datapoint as to whether people are paying attention if nothing else.  The news blurbs thus far (see CP and PG for examples) indicate there are folks pulling the R level pushing the R button without realizing it means you wind up voting for the Democratic incumbent.  And then there is this curious issue of who will vote for the Dok Harris ticket vice voting for Harris individually.\n\nLooks like low turnout across the state FWIW.  Statewide prognosticating is beyond me, but I was thinking of something.  If really low turnout across the state I bet it it helps Panella for supreme court.  There are these semi-active races mayoral races in Pittsburgh and Harrisburg and at least for controller in Philadelphia (yeah, I know... it's a stretch.. but it's somethign)..  So any bump in turnout in those areas will give some help to Panella over Melvin, but who knows how that turns out.\n\n* No, I really never figured out what that meant either.. but sounds good for my context.", "The day hope abounds\n\nI still stand by my own version of a taxonomy of Pittsburgh voters I put up earlier in the year.  I thought I was pretty insightful...  of course it wasn't anything new.\n\nBelow is an ad for the Republican candidate in the 1977 general election. But if you read the bottom part of it...  it uses some different labels, but pretty much breaks down the Pittsburgh electorate the exact same way.  It also has a very specific quantitiative prediction on how the Republican candidate could win. . According to this the voter breakout was:", null, "Interesting looking back at that. I presume that local Republican money paid for that ad.  At the time Cosetti was the odd man out running as the Republican, but he had actually been a Democrat and the City's treasurer under Flaherty not long before this election.  The numbers are obviously different than what will be true by the end of today.  The ad presumes 150K folks would cast ballots in that election.. it will be more like 40K today. The point though is much like many an underdog wants to make today... that there is at least a mathematical possibility that they could win.  1977 was a bizarre election and so it was conceivable that the Republican could have won... with Foerster and Caliguiri effectively splitting the Democratic Party vote it's actually amazing that the Republican didn't win... but of course Dick Caliguiri would win as he would two times more.", "Monday, November 02, 2009\n\nfrom the archives", null, null, null, "and this is 2007 Ravenstahl/Desantis", null, "posted by C. Briem at Monday, November 02, 2009", "Sunday, November 01, 2009\n\nBig Apple peers in\n\nMaybe the NYT knows where I am reading from, but this is coming up as the main story right now on NYTimes.com:\n\nPittsburgh Mayor Faces Tough Tests Far Beyond Re-election\n\nIt speaks for itself... but am surprised Verbanac gets referenced directly in that.  At this point I wonder if this whole episode hurts John or gives him greater stature than he had before.\n\nMight be interesting to see what the New York Times has said about Pittsburgh mayoral elections in the past.  From Pete Flaherty's election 40 years ago:\n\nThe mayoralty election Tuesday will mark the end of an era for Pittsburgh, where an entrenched Democratic organization has dominated politics for 36 years.\n\nWe can debate this after the election, but I'd argue that statement is actually correct for the most part... certainly compared to what the situation was like before Flaherty's election.\n\nMisc pre-election notes:  Well, not really election related, but anyone see Guy Costa getting on the local news for his fitness routine? Curious.  And I note the minor flailing over Matt H's 'endorsement' of Acklin.  I dunno what it means, though it may represent the most public endorsement of KA by a Democrat in the city. Does KA put out a PR highlighting it?  Not to imply that it has anything to do with Matt's logic it brings to mind something I had wondered about.   The perceived mutual support beteeen LR and DO has collateral impacts since Wagner is still being talked about as being another potential gubernatorial candidate.  It also ties in with O'Toole's editorial overview of the election in the Sunday PG where he also focuses a bit on the Wagner influence in the southern neighborhoods.\n\nI thought that the impact of the governor's race could provide blowback against LR,  but I thought that in the spring and it didn't amount to much.  The areas which ought to constistute core Wagner support in the city came in for LR by some of their largest margins in the city.  Maybe with the governor's race being closer it might play out a bit differently?\n\nOne last curious thing.   O'Toole only mentions the race in his last paragraph, but potentially the only contested race on Tuesday is for County Council District 1 which has incumbent Drozd facing Democrat Michalow.  The thing is that 4 years ago the race where Drozd was first elected was a minor upset.  He was elected in what was an extremely close race beating Mark Purcell in a race 50.1 to 49.9%.  22 people switching their votes in that race and the result would have been different.  So if you live across the Allegheny River Valley your vote may really count on Tuesday.  I wonder how many know that?\n\nWith all the talk of city county consolidation or all the things going on at the county level, you would think there would be greater attention paid to the machinations of county council, but I don't see it.  City council could be debating the color of paint to be used on the 5th floor and it could make news or comment fodder all around. Yet county council debates some bigger things routinely without much notice.  Have not quite figured that out as yet."], "url": "https://nullspace2.blogspot.com/2009_11_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 319, "original_width": 320, "width": 379}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 258, "original_width": 320, "width": 468}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 195, "original_width": 320, "width": 620}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 286, "original_width": 320, "width": 422}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 286, "original_width": 320, "width": 422}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 286, "original_width": 320, "width": 422}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 216, "original_width": 320, "width": 560}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 216, "original_width": 320, "width": 560}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 216, "original_width": 320, "width": 560}, {"height": 607, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 199, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 227, "original_width": 320, "width": 532}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 222, "original_width": 320, "width": 544}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 226, "original_width": 320, "width": 535}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 261, "original_width": 320, "width": 463}], "image_hashes": ["b18a4955f116420f58d70ddbf46476648bd753bef4a0add5c6ef7c98838ec503", "9cb9998e85b2c0a7eca39ff2da706a18a6d85e038c400f75a53a06c419af5125", "9bc9b8feb2f8430496479142835beacf03c3399fb7ac4fb7c80aa79d335b0698", "dbdcc4b71ea36d0d7f0c33f1e2ccd315a6a3b0dd25346b28f8542a4445dfcefe", "21f5625d00093af725717fae1984fb1a79a7d75b6eb269fde8a47d3d5cd5c4e5", "5fb277758ec0ff13a2c56a31361c4a734c66a3c44576b5032da5deca8bf75fa4", "d38585818aedcfcbe64a821aeb2b6f0263008990ec56073120daa37d78a337dc", "c4d4c017d195ed6f8d74646c8af7f1fae15dab3af4c7a3b4d950b4250961742c", "0aa38008c150f68cc5292ba19079de7c222a6d6bb3f713bedab8b7f265c58633", "df196ff2ce1e97aa864ecc11d0ead881d5cdb78c8104884bcd2e0f1bd9714a00", "6fd93bf5e79ce733d8b610cb601fa44d681a2286415af011a46abb70d201fda8", "3be5dae8995495986e818ae346ced2400f30d7c66a1f2542decf14652c003a10", "f5b42869902d84b5ea94111b0637198ee72692811417a1a4e856d34ee9d54442", "26b49242e8d14ed4804764aef30fc6b4594fce637a74127b17b9c9ea01c39f85"], "__index_level_0__": 518, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/36/f7/ee/36f7ee7f7663f88384bc4cbf49519970.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dc/86/f6/dc86f65b3f3fb8d522c05aeffb2cb411.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/a8/0c/fba80cd628deccbba2f76bf33a0aa963.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c1/16/8f/c1168f97b86def625026296d32a37514.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/79/f7/8f/79f78f1fac97e43bc0c66647093cf0ed.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/17/a4/4b17a40b1b1f082b2c50a0aa25755e36.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a4/e2/7a/a4e27a2faac3bd5f4ce2255f1a71260d.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/75/c9/11/75c911628cab6b6f9ffabacdffab36e4.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/05/52/b1/0552b1c0c8ef344e5aeb82d5ab983ec9.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8241369724273682}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/amc-twd/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/36/f7/ee/36f7ee7f7663f88384bc4cbf49519970.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/36/f7/ee/36f7ee7f7663f88384bc4cbf49519970.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f ee f f bc cbf\", \"alt_text\": \"The Walking Dead 5x12 \\\"Remember\\\" Carol\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/amc-twd/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dc/86/f6/dc86f65b3f3fb8d522c05aeffb2cb411.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/dc/86/f6/dc86f65b3f3fb8d522c05aeffb2cb411.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dc f b f fb d c aeffb cb\", \"alt_text\": \"Hey guys...I went and seen Batman vs Superman the night it came out. It was good...but not as good as I thought it would be. It was kinda long and I'm more of a Christian Bale guy. One cool thing about the movie is that Lauren Cohan (Maggie) and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Negan) from The Walking Dead play Batman's parents. They don't have much screen time but still it's cool. #TheWalkingDead #AMC #TWD #BatmanVsSuperman #Negan #NeganIsComing\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/amc-twd/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/a8/0c/fba80cd628deccbba2f76bf33a0aa963.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fb/a8/0c/fba80cd628deccbba2f76bf33a0aa963.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fba cd deccbba f bf a aa\", \"alt_text\": \"The Walking Dead S07 E12 \\\"Say Yes.\\\" Season 7, Episode 12.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/amc-twd/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c1/16/8f/c1168f97b86def625026296d32a37514.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c1/16/8f/c1168f97b86def625026296d32a37514.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c f b def d a\", \"alt_text\": \"Welcome Xander Berkeley to AMC's TWD! | The Walking Dead\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/amc-twd/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/79/f7/8f/79f78f1fac97e43bc0c66647093cf0ed.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/79/f7/8f/79f78f1fac97e43bc0c66647093cf0ed.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f f fac e bc c cf ed\", \"alt_text\": \"Because parents never watch their kids! 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Lizzie I feel sadly was messed up before the ZA, which led to Micha's death.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/amc-twd/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/17/a4/4b17a40b1b1f082b2c50a0aa25755e36.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/17/a4/4b17a40b1b1f082b2c50a0aa25755e36.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b a b b f b c a aa e\", \"alt_text\": \"The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 9 'No Way Out' Carl Grimes\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/amc-twd/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a4/e2/7a/a4e27a2faac3bd5f4ce2255f1a71260d.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a4/e2/7a/a4e27a2faac3bd5f4ce2255f1a71260d.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a e a faac bd f ce f a d\", \"alt_text\": \"RICHONNE <3 Come on guys, actually, you want it, too! Ship them finally and keep Jessie out of that!\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/amc-twd/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/75/c9/11/75c911628cab6b6f9ffabacdffab36e4.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/75/c9/11/75c911628cab6b6f9ffabacdffab36e4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c cab b f ffabacdffab e\", \"alt_text\": \"Carol totally played them! I love it when she talked about \\\"missing Ed\\\" and how she's the \\\"den-mother\\\" #TWD\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/amc-twd/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/05/52/b1/0552b1c0c8ef344e5aeb82d5ab983ec9.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/05/52/b1/0552b1c0c8ef344e5aeb82d5ab983ec9.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b c c ef e aeb d ab ec\", \"alt_text\": \"I understood this scene with the kid. She learned her lesson with psycho Lizzie. Kids can cause serious havoc.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/amc-twd/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cf/14/1e/cf141e8071126a885bc3d7a65ec75ed8.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cf/14/1e/cf141e8071126a885bc3d7a65ec75ed8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cf e a bc d a ec ed\", \"alt_text\": \"AMC (Always More Commercials) So, I'm not the only one! What's up with all the commercials? That's why I DVR!\"}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "Hey guys...I went and seen Batman vs Superman the night it came out. It was good...but not as good as I thought it would be. It was kinda long and I'm more of a Christian Bale guy. One cool thing about the movie is that Lauren Cohan (Maggie) and Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Negan) from The Walking Dead play Batman's parents. They don't have much screen time but still it's cool. #TheWalkingDead #AMC #TWD #BatmanVsSuperman #Negan #NeganIsComing\n\nfrom Instagram", null, "The Walking Dead S07 E12 \"Say Yes.\" Season 7, Episode 12.", null, "BerkeleyGraphic NovelsAmc TwdComicsThe O'jaysThe Walking Dead\n\nWelcome Xander Berkeley to AMC's TWD! | The Walking Dead", null, "Kid GamesGames To PlayJudith TwdLittle GirlsAmc TwdTwd MemesDead ZombieTvThe Walking Dead\n\nBecause parents never watch their kids! Sophia pisses me off because Rick could have easily saved her. Not a clue about the teddy bear girl (Although I wonder why she picked up a bear if she's dead). Meghan was playing in dirt while her mother wasn't paying her any mind. Lizzie I feel sadly was messed up before the ZA, which led to Micha's death.", null, "Amc TwdZombiWalking Dead Season 6Chandler RiggsCoralSceneMoviesYou Are StrongCarl Grimes Imagines", null, "Michonne Walking DeadThe Walking Dead SeasonShip ItAmc TwdTwd ComicsFamily PicsCute CouplesBffsCanon\n\nRICHONNE <3 Come on guys, actually, you want it, too! Ship them finally and keep Jessie out of that!", null, "Kinds Of PeopleReal PeopleMy GirlAmc TwdCarol TwdStuff And ThangsSeason 1Dead InsideTv\n\nCarol totally played them! I love it when she talked about \"missing Ed\" and how she's the \"den-mother\" #TWD\n\nfrom mobile.twitter.com", null, "Walking Dead FunnyThe Walking DeadTwd MemesFunny MemesFunny StuffSo FunnyHilariousHumorTv\n\nI understood this scene with the kid. She learned her lesson with psycho Lizzie. Kids can cause serious havoc.", "Walking Dead HumorWalking Dead ZombiesThe Walking DeadFunny ThingsFunny StuffCommercialAmc TwdStuff And ThangsFavorite Things\n\nAMC (Always More Commercials) So, I'm not the only one! What's up with all the commercials? That's why I DVR!"], "url": "https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/amc-twd/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 536, "original_height": 960, "original_width": 677, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 712, "original_width": 720, "width": 382}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 736, "original_width": 736, "width": 378}, {"height": 579, "original_height": 920, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 447, "original_height": 290, "original_width": 245, "width": 378}, {"height": 557, "original_height": 770, "original_width": 522, "width": 378}, {"height": 388, "original_height": 330, "original_width": 321, "width": 378}, {"height": 656, "original_height": 782, "original_width": 450, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6fd5fb80724460134a82c2c03ba8cc22e3badd7e824f266783abf353b1dd2309", "583ee60882b2badb10a0733a53bedb229d4786c107123c2e64f21ea479685e1d", "5255c7802fc045ad9da23bfbb297150754691be8a95dea2b1b974d2b771e19d7", "11a3ad334ab8bcc5f877233060649c7e8c7c5e337f8976f677da5df0726dee61", "2c14cc77af704f11a64ed9aef108838a72c25e49629e7aab5797fc04a383557b", "5a3853c3f362bd490c6636a84d2d7b7e25184f0051e924718f8653f417b6b86a", "6289d54dc3104fa250c7aea1a8c62a584ff87ba03b3ed258c1b49b4020dc8d51", "e09746dd59b6ad1c2830b6d05b3c90b351b8132dcc2e72c2fabc65b8f83a60ce", "cf765c16b04685ebb3c6709c34286095a0d98f945880a864907b8df13ddb7bcf"], "__index_level_0__": 519, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/05/d4/66/05d466e93664d919879cb66cd3829569.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/77/64/4c/77644cf0e5aa7c49a8b09ec9550109fa.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/64/90/a1/6490a184b3c5a06e06aa05c96caed55e.jpg", null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/83/71/e9/8371e93cc95714aa64e6b5faeb9d159a.jpg", null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/41/c4/71/41c471a8a9e1bda7314f4c33f75b1580.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e8/4d/91/e84d915a3e0e76f398eb21fb8f2dd1b5.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8615109920501709}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/function-of-the-eye/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/05/d4/66/05d466e93664d919879cb66cd3829569.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/05/d4/66/05d466e93664d919879cb66cd3829569.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d e d cb cd\", \"alt_text\": \"Video for Module 1: Anatomy and Function of the Eye\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/function-of-the-eye/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/77/64/4c/77644cf0e5aa7c49a8b09ec9550109fa.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/77/64/4c/77644cf0e5aa7c49a8b09ec9550109fa.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cf e aa c a b ec fa\", \"alt_text\": \"For me the Golden rule in logo design is that form has to follow function and I designed Mobius eye logo without intention to apply Golden rule principle. 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The stuff is amazing!\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/function-of-the-eye/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fa/34/28/fa34283f1f40c4d1e4503bb2f295fbe8.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fa/34/28/fa34283f1f40c4d1e4503bb2f295fbe8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fa f f c d e bb f fbe\", \"alt_text\": \"Stuffed, grilled, saut\\u00e9ed, I will take peppers any way they come. Especially if they come straight out of the garden. The good news is that peppers are easy to grow, but growing amazing, huge, voluptuous peppers takes a few secret tricks of the trade. Good news \\u2013 we\\u2019ve got them all. 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Nice coincidence, don’t you think? – Jan Zabransky", null, "Light Blue BedroomsLight BedroomWhite BedroomsSerene BedroomShabby BedroomGlam BedroomBeautiful BedroomsTraditional BedroomSmall Bedroom Design", "All of these doTERRA products contain Frankincense oil, which provides a wide variety of benefits including reducing the appearance of skin imperfections, balancing mood, and promoting relaxation. It is often used in supplements to support healthy cellular function,* protect the body and cells from oxidative stress,* and support healthy function of the brain, eyes* and nervous system.* *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not…", null, "5 ways to learn about our Eyes\n\nEye AnatomyHuman AnatomyParts Of The EyeEye PartsHuman EyeHuman BodyScience IdeasSchool IdeasPhysiology", "Structure and function of the eye\n\nFunction Of The EyeParts Of The EyeThe KitForceMotionWavesA WellStudents\n\nThe aim of this kit is to help the students identifying the different parts of the eye, naming each and telling the function as well . The kit cont...", null, "Function Of The EyeParts Of The EyePower Point PresentationPower PointsScience LessonsA WellBlack And WhiteStudents\n\nThe aim of this kit is to help the students identifying the different parts of the eye, naming each and telling the function as well .The kit contains the following items:A table describing the functions of 14 parts of the eyeA black and white diagram showing the structure of the eye being labelledA power point presentation showing the parts of the eye being coloured one per slide so students can recognise which part is connected to which Another presentation showing the same part but with…", null], "url": "https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/function-of-the-eye/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 480, "width": 504}, {"height": 558, "original_height": 798, "original_width": 540, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 490, "original_width": 736, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, 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A meteor could strike the globe like a million hydrogen bombs. Political instability might lead to nuclear holocaust. An animal-to-human supervirus might rip pandemically across continents.\n\nAlthough you may have caught a whiff here of science fiction, all these scenarios are conceivable, not only logically but scientifically. Of course, everyone reading this knows that in a few billion years the Sun will become a red giant and swallow the Earth, but here and now the lack of urgency surrounding climate change shows that many people find it hard to meaningfully own the idea of a catastrophically damaged planet. We understand the idea of catastrophe only abstractly – in the head, but not in the heart or bones.\n\nPhilosophy in its dispassionate way has sometimes considered these disasters by way of thought experiments. These can be philosophically fruitful even when the envisaged possibilities are unlikely or even crazy. However, the scientific consensus on climate change gives a very real edge to projected global calamity. What will actually happen is not known in detail. Still, scientific concern is reaching such a pitch that some are now talking only about mitigating the consequences of climate change rather than reversing or halting it. Our reflective engagement with what ultimately matters has acquired an increasingly urgent existential dimension.\n\nThe question ‘What is the worst thing that could happen?’ is obviously vague. It could mean the worst thing morally speaking, or it could mean the worst thing in broader terms. I shall understand it in the broader sense that turns on what is ultimately good or on what states of affairs are intrinsically valuable, without being tied specifically to moral argument. To inquire into the worst state of affairs, then, is to ask about what things are good in themselves and the sense and degree in which they are good. Even in the absence of a full philosophical defence of any such claims, we can at least give some reasons why we think certain things are intrinsically good and their disappearance bad. And as you will see, what is centrally good in this sense is closely connected with morality in a narrower sense.\n\nParfit’s Thought Experiment: Total versus Near-Total Annihilation\n\nLet’s start with a thought experiment by Derek Parfit from his book Reasons and Persons (1984, pp.453-4):\n\n1. Peace.\n\n2. A nuclear war that kills 99% of the world’s existing population.\n\n3. A nuclear war that kills 100%.\n\n(2) would be worse than (1), and (3) would be worse than (2). Which is the greater of these two differences? Most people believe that the greater difference is between (1) and (2). I believe that the difference between (2) and (3) is very much greater.”\n\nThe context of the thought experiment is Parfit’s reflection on progress in moral philosophy. That is primarily why he thinks the second difference is so much worse than the first. The destruction of the whole of humanity would mean that we would never succeed in answering a most fundamental question: What is right and wrong? So for that reason the total destruction of humanity is the worst thing that could happen.\n\nBut surely, you will say, the question of what is right and wrong is not the only fundamental question to be pursued. Human beings have made enormous progress with other scientific and philosophical questions. Who could confidently dismiss the possibility that future discoveries may make present-day achievement in physics appear modest? Or fail to see that technology may allow us to create new forms of art which provide profound fresh insights into the world and the human condition?\n\nParfit indeed considers science and art, but he concludes that the subject of ethics is special insofar as progress there is likely to be greater than progress in any other subject. He believes that achievement in ethics has traditionally been hampered by religious assumptions. Overcoming the latter, he thinks, raises the tantalising prospect of tremendous and unshackled progress in moral philosophy over coming millennia.\n\nSome will question Parfit’s contention that ethics has not advanced very far as a discipline and/or that much in the history of religiously-influenced philosophy is relatively worthless on this score. For one thing, his view implies that a certain kind of ‘rational’ thought characterises moral philosophy at its best. He supposes that the writings of Kant are the very model of how to do ethics, whereas the dialogues of Plato and the writings of Nietzsche are not, on account of their literary form and peculiar manner of expression. Others might think that ethics influenced by religion has accomplished more than Parfit allows. Critics of religion often contend that religion is scientifically and morally naïve, but even some of them may feel that it has sometimes expressed powerfully the mystery and greatness of existence.\n\nVarieties of Human Achievement", "Illustration © Tiago Mattis 2014. Please visit www.tiagomattis.co.uk.\n\nIn any case, Parfit’s basic position may surely be strengthened by making it less parochial. That is, we could recognise that the whole gamut of extraordinary human achievement in understanding the world is what would make human extinction a terrible loss: science, art, literature, architecture, law, technology, medicine, as well as all kinds of philosophy, are special and the wonders of human thought, creation, and discovery.\n\nMany think that the highest kind of understanding and achievement is that of science. We might at least concede that it is misleading to characterise the achievements of Bach, Shakespeare, or Rembrandt as progress. Great artists may indeed create original forms of expression and aesthetic language, but perhaps they do not bring forth new facts or discoveries. Nonetheless, they are as important to the ever-increasing richness and depth of their disciplines as Einstein and Darwin were to science’s progress.\n\nCould there be any higher achievements in art than those attained by Bach and Shakespeare? If we feel that this is unlikely, it is perhaps because their works speak to the centre of human existence in the most unfathomably moving ways. Yet even this is no grounds for saying that artists of equal or greater stature will never emerge; and the obliteration of human life would tragically deprive the world of that further insight and beauty. Moreover, it need not be assumed that advancement, say, in science and philosophy, is a more wondrous thing than the understanding and innovation afforded by art (and perhaps religion). Art, one might say, is at least as splendid, at least as central to the wondrousness of the existence of the human species, as science, or for that matter, philosophy.\n\nOne need not be an aesthete to view the annihilation of such things as objectively bad. The true aesthete may include other things on their list of fundamental goods: the beauty of desolate desert landscapes, and also of places teeming with plant and animal life; the beauty of the human body; virtues like honesty and kindness; play, adventure, exploration, and sport; relationships both sexual and Platonic; and so on. And you may agree that some or all of these items are intrinsic goods, which help make this galactic speck of a planet special.\n\nCritics, however, might want to point out that the list we are forming is not objectively founded. Such things as are on it, said the utilitarian moral philosopher R.M. Hare (1919-2002), are mere ‘ideals’, and therefore not objectively defensible. Hare believed that personal ideals are relevant to morality not as fundamental goods or imperatives but rather as preferences. According to Hare, a careful examination of the formal structure of morality will lead us to realise that we should act so to maximise the satisfaction of people’s preferences. On this utilitarian view our list contains items that are good only because they are good for someone or something, namely, for beings with interests and preferences. According to this way of thinking, the worst possible calamity is that sentient life suffers without significant compensating enjoyment, while the second worst is that it ceases altogether to be. This need not show a species bias, for it is the sum total of happiness or preference satisfaction that matters, and any beings with strong preferences or capacities for happiness will do as well as any others. Dogs and cows will do as well as humans so long as utility (that is, happiness or benefit) is maximised.\n\nMany people will feel that this is wrong because human life is special for the sort of reasons we have been discussing. The ‘ascent of man and woman’, many will say, makes this planet unique. To put it another way, our particular interest in intelligent extraterrestrial life is in one sense driven by the astonishing phenomenon of our own human ‘intelligent life’. When we wonder about extraterrestrial intelligence, we are usually not just thinking of mere cleverness or IQ levels, but also a capacity to understand (say) science and art and to have relationships that are emotionally sensitive and rich. That is not to say we wouldn’t receive the discovery of animal and even vegetative life on other planets as marvellous. But the discovery of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe may be more significant still. And by ‘significant’ is meant not just more interesting or frightening or startling, but more important in terms of what is absolutely good.\n\nWhy? The birth of a new human being is often regarded as a more profound joy, and the death of a human being a deeper loss, than that of any other known being. Someone who looks at a newborn baby can feel that the world is a better place for the child’s existence and that the world would suffer a kind of blow were the child to die. This could make us wonder whether something unprecedented and remarkable happened in the world when humans came into existence.\n\nMorality and Diversity\n\nEarlier I strove to separate value in general terms from moral value. But now I plan to bring them together. For it may be claimed that what makes human life the most marvellous creation of all is that we can care morally for other humans more than for anything else.\n\nSupposing it were true that human creatures can be more deeply wronged than other creatures, it would arguably render a world with human beings far richer than a world without them. And this obtains irrespective of whether there is any further progress in art, philosophy, science, or elsewhere. This is a way of agreeing with Parfit’s conclusion about the unique terribleness of the ‘second difference’ – 100% human extinction versus 99% – and why this is so much worse than the 99% destruction scenario. Another part of the explanation might have to do with human diversity. It is one of the striking features of our kind that there is so much difference, as well as commonality, between us. In his essay The Moral Status of the Cloning of Humans (1998), Michael Tooley argues that a world in which we were all genetically identical, and so physically indistinguishable (he imagines there are other ways of recognising individuals), is not necessarily “inferior to the present world.” Tooley thinks his imagined world might actually be a better world, because “people would differ only with regard to the quality of their ‘souls’, and thus one would have a world in which judgments of people might have a less superficial basis than is often the case in the actual world” (p.82).\n\nLet’s run Tooley’s thought experiment on a little. Greater regard for the quality of people’s ‘souls’ would certainly be a gain. A reduction in human conflict would be a large plus. Would there, however, be any significant loss? One of the great forms of human diversity comes from the differences between men and women, and the kinds of relationship this makes possible. Eliminating not only individual differences but also gender and thus sexism (and variations in sexual orientation) might be a way of reducing the superficial judgment of others, or blindness to their ‘souls’ – the state of their moral character – but what an impoverishment that would be! Even where gender differences remain, the elimination within each sex of differences in such things as facial expression, body size, shape and odour, racial features, the distribution, colour, and texture of hair, sound of voice, even the ways individuals walk, move, gesture, tilt their heads, stare off into space – what would the elimination of differences in all this mean? What would it mean if the manners in which we show anger or grief or joy were to seriously converge and homogenize?\n\nJohn Lennon’s song Imagine does not go quite as far as yearning to rub out that kind of diversity, but it does (with the best intentions) crave the erasure of differences in nationality and religion. With the same good intentions someone may also want to expunge cultural diversity more generally. So no more conflict or injustice arising from differences in nationality, cultural practice and institution, religion, political belief, and language. To be sure, there is good in this outcome. But some of us might think there is also a lot of bad in it, and that the cultural diversity that is to be wiped out is actually part of a full conception of humanity. To be human, we might think, is partly to be white or black, Muslim or atheist, Australian Aboriginal or Inuit, British or French, communist or capitalist, or something else again – the list is endless and not limited to these cultural clothes. Our ‘souls’, on one view, are in part constituted by the range of cultural forms which we may be immersed in and which contribute to our multifarious perspectives on the world. We might see cultural diversity as a glory of the human race.\n\nBeyond Humanity\n\nIt is also possible to be acutely appreciative of other animal species. Just as human life is made distinctive by its immersion in various aspects of self-reflective culture including art and science, higher animal life is also distinguished by its intelligence and emotional range, by the relationships this makes possible, and so forth. Animal life is also arguably distinguished in terms of the special moral concern we can rightly have for higher beings as opposed to the lower. I mean that, as before, we can be concerned morally with individuals belonging to the higher species in more significant ways than with those of the lower species. This is not a utilitarian point about maximising interests; it is rather about the sort of moral claims more complex animals can have on us. For example, we might think that shooting an elephant for sport, or killing a gorilla for meat or ornaments, is morally grotesque, compared to, say, killing and eating a pilchard. Accordingly, the extinction of say, elephants or gorillas would be far worse than the loss of the goldfish or frogs of the world. I do not only mean that it would be morally worse to go out and kill the former; I mean that a planet without elephants or gorillas is for moral reasons far more impoverished, in a sense distinct from the ecological, than a planet without frogs or goldfish (as marvellous as they are).\n\nDoesn’t this mean that non-sentient animals, and other organisms and plants, as well as rivers, canyons, coral reefs, deserts, forests, are of little or no value? Surely we cannot have moral obligations to these things, for none of them feel, think, love, hurt, or care about anything.\n\nWhat, if anything, would be wrong with the last human being on Earth – who is, let us say, the only remaining sentient creature – choosing to annihilate the abundant beautiful insentient life? We may additionally stipulate that all Earth’s remarkable natural landscapes will be destroyed. The preference utilitarian’s answer is that nothing is morally wrong with this last destructive act. Likewise, it is easy to acknowledge that destroying a great Rembrandt would be very wrong, but hard to deny that the reason for this is that the Rembrandt is, and will be, loved and marvelled at by human beings rather than because a painting can itself be wronged.\n\nHowever, let’s stick with the claim that the Earth, even without sentient life, is a wondrous and marvellous thing. Can it be consistent to seriously hold to such an attitude and yet willingly destroy the Earth? Or, turning the point around, could someone who proclaimed this attitude, yet was indifferent to the planet’s annihilation because they had reasoned there would be no-one around to experience it, really have a genuine sense of wonder or a genuine love for the manifold parts and properties of this world? If our instinctive response to these questions is ‘no’, then perhaps a genuine sense of wonder and amazement can provide an understanding of what is so bad about the destruction of this planet.\n\n© Dr Simon Coghlan 2014\n\nSimon Coghlan has recently obtained a PhD in Philosophy from the Australian Catholic University and is also a veterinarian in Melbourne."], "url": "https://philosophynow.org/issues/102/Whats_The_Worst_That_Could_Happen", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 207, "original_width": 155, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2cba25e7e5dbe9225d64780d0afb5c66986b5ba490fdb1cea2ccb087f1d9cc7a"], "__index_level_0__": 521, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a3888502471_16.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9214796423912048}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://reservoirpa.bandcamp.com/album/demo\", \"unformatted_src\": 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alone\n\nand i can’t lie to myself\nfor what it is we came for\nwhen we’re both so low\nour definitions go so far\nso for the next twelve months\nwe'll walk on separate tracks\non the same stones, in the same town\n\nit's not often that we fight\nto let go of yesterday's false hopes\nthat will bury us in separate graves\nconvinced ourselves of luck (perfect worlds apart)\nand i can’t tell if i’m stuck\n\nwhen nothing is sacred to you\nhow can you act differently?\nthese habits weigh me down so deep\ni’d feel contention if you cared half as much as me\n\nthis feels familiar\ni’ve been laughing about the broken pieces built\ndrawn apart to a stand still\nweeks and days don’t compromise well\nnow you stand still\n\ni’ve been laughing to myself\nat our best we're distant.\nTrack Name: Just Stay Gone\ni’ll make myself scarce\nsince i’ve convinced myself\nthat it’s easier that way\nmaybe next time i should just stay gone\nthat way no one would have\nto ask me where i've been\n\nbecause truth is i don't know where i've been\nonly where i am\nand the ways that it all got me here\ntripping over things that i've decided i never meant\ndoesn't really help me mend all the things\nthat i've destroyed along the way\n\nall this smoke has got my eyes burning\nall this talk has got my ears ringing\nall this nothing has got me mumbling again\n\none day we'll tear open this chest and\nbask in the light that i've been hiding there\none day we'll collect all these bones and\nbuild something that stands taller than we ever did\n\ni spit bone and crimson\ni swallow regret and failed aspirations.\nTrack Name: Too Blind To See (Old Reflections)\nthe same yellow lines\nkeep me quiet when i’m sleeping\nsilent when i’m speaking.\nit hurts to drive down alleys we knew so well\npast memories on dusty shelves\n\nthis is no way to live\ni feel it inside when the sun sets down\nnow i’m screaming at myself\ni’ll just try, i’ll just find the flaws for now\n\ni've lost all passion and anger\ntrying to give my hands out\ni’m let down by a thousand familiar faces\ndying above ground in broken houses\ntrying to get out and never meaning to give in\nwhen i walked by my old house\ntoo blind to see old reflections.\nTrack Name: Forging\n(lose your ghost and keep your head)\n\na writer drunk on all his thoughts\ngave me everything i lost\n\nso don't become the bitter man\nthat stumbles down the tracks\nhis tired eyes aren't looking back\n\nsure those kids, they love the words\nbut they dont live by them\nthe smoke and rhymes are chapters\nof a fallacy we wrote and gave away\n\na poet emptying her rounds\nmade us think that we were flying\nbut we just got tangled in the lines\nthat night we lost our fucking minds\n\nso lose your ghost and\nkeep your head from crashing in the clouds\ncolors descend and reach the ground\n\nin basements we all dream and wait\nfor the walls to weaken\n\non bitter nights we search for romance\nin the eyes that aren't looking back\nwe're not looking back\nbut we can't even reach the tracks"], "url": "https://reservoirpa.bandcamp.com/album/demo", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 700, "original_width": 700, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["326f436974a0234196bd7669f0da508a091809c2a02c16e57c45ffa9d2ab2190"], "__index_level_0__": 522, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fhJo3IZakfc/TBDYoiTNODI/AAAAAAAAAX8/HbVVHgfw718/s200/047+rue+du+cherche-midi+small.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_fhJo3IZakfc/TBDUUkPoVSI/AAAAAAAAAXU/HQj_6NMdFZw/s200/013+salon+du+livre+des+balkans+small.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fhJo3IZakfc/TBDV0WtSArI/AAAAAAAAAXc/sK_zSrKdqps/s200/015+Pont+Marie+metro+small.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fhJo3IZakfc/TBDWKlGZHdI/AAAAAAAAAXk/Cm00yPo4LEM/s320/019+pains+francais+viennois+small.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_fhJo3IZakfc/TBDWxtHnUhI/AAAAAAAAAXs/xya49jHp29c/s200/036+dome+of+les+invalides+small.jpg", null, 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Its theme is that other self which I'm", null, "always astonished at rediscovering anew each time I go ailleurs, elsewhere.\n\nTwo marvellous books were also part of the journey – it becomes difficult to separate the journey from the time spent in one place, it all runs together and becomes journey. Lesley Blanch's Journey into the Mind's Eye and Bessa Myftiu's Confessions des Lieux Disparus. I bought the latter at the Salon du Livre des Balkans organized by Courrier des Balkans, at the Cite internationale des Arts, rue de l'Hotel de Ville in Paris.\n\nLesley Blanch's book is utterly gripping taking us into her lifelong love of Russia, and the memorable characters she depicts. Bessa Myftiu's roman explores the house and streets of her childhood in Tirana, the vivid characters, the first experience of loss that brings the realization that our life fetches us up on the other side of rivers which cannot be crossed again. We can look back, wish ourselves back but we cannot go back. Put baldly like that it could sound trite but such experiences keep happening and they never fail to amaze me and whether one's reactions to these experiences are felt as positive or negative, the experiences themselves go beyond both poles of feeling, they transcend our reactions so I feel, or they can do, and can bring an astonishing richness as sources of art.\n\nThe theme of one of the tables rond at the salon du livre was of writing in a language other than one's mother tongue. All of the writers now live in a francophone country and many of them said that they had not sought to write in another language, it was rather something that happened through circumstances. Virgil Tanese from Romania says that he had a choice – to remain in a literary ghetto or to change his language and he chose the latter. Velibor Colic originally from Bosnia says he felt stifled in his own language.\nFor Bessa Myftiu, Albanian, writing in French is an extraordinary opportunity. She felt in her writing a need to bear witness to places people and events that should not be forgotten but hers is a small country she says and people might have felt implicated in", null, "her writing, and judged her for this had she written in her mother tongue. So to write in French is enormously liberating, it means she can write without fear of censure. Vassilis Alaxis says that he could not write as a journalist after the generals coup in Greece so he left and came to Paris. You can't survive in Paris without learning the language he says. He feels it's ridiculous, this 'identity through language' bit. Language is a tool he says, we use it to write, just as a cabinet-maker uses tools to fashion furniture. Only Dragan Bogojevic from Montenegro was against writing in a language other than his mother tongue. He was also the only one who had prepared a written text which he read from. This made it harder for me to follow him, he read too fast. But one point I did catch in its entirely was that his knowledge of French was inferior to his capacity to think.\nThis writing in another language seems to be a 'position' for some – though it seems to be the not-writers in another language who take up this position while the ones who do, simply get on with writing. I know other writers who agree with Dragan's comment and so defend writing only in their first language. When I've spent time in France I find the language infiltrating my thoughts and dreams quite naturally and I write in French as well as English. I find it exhilarating to try out a skill, and I'm", null, "not deterred by my lack of ability.\n\nI'd intended to listen to all the talks and discussions but I was in Paris and it was scorchingly hot so I could not stay inside for very long. I wandered through the streets, bookshops and in the Jardin de Luxembourg and in the evenings returned to Christiane's apartment in the rue du Vaugirard. She tells me of a childhood memory, during WWII. There would be these two knocks she said, making a gesture of knocking on a door, and then the radio would be tuned to the clandestine Free French station in London. 'We had to be very careful of course, not to be discovered. I was too young to really understand what was going on, but I was very aware of the sense of danger.'\n“Ici Londres. Ici Londres. Les francais parlent aux francais...”\nShivers ran through my body as she spoke these words as they do even now, when I type them. The French occupation during World War II has a tremendous resonance for me. One day I might go over the threshold of that feeling and enter whatever story waits to be explored.....", null, "Inside the golden dome of Les Invalides", null, "Tribute to Delacroix in the jardin de Luxembourg\nPosted by dritanje at 14:00 2 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: Bessa Myftiu, Delacroix, Jardin de Luxembourg, Lesley Blanch, Paris, Salon du Livre des Balkans\n\"The travel writer has no choice but to fabricate reality. If the writer is good, the fabrications generally overlap with reality. We should add, that reality itself isn't so stable. It too, travels.\"\nDubravka Ugresic", "TIRANA PAPERS - Discovering Albania", "Comment on Tirana Papers", "Jim Ronayne, musician\n\nSally Evans, Editor of Poetry Scotland", "Gold Tracks, Fallen Fruit - A Quinta Journal."], "url": "https://rivertrain.blogspot.com/2010/06/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["9028a23bfe71363e35a26422044c84bf32ba9c2299b2d0efbb93102a389a75a2", "8a064241335f2d8d4e753be88bb210b652c982dd59f88b72f5b461866132f128", "1a356597b0e5001d802e874736ba87809389e8e309be0f3708d21ae6cb2d4a56", "c1ee7c871cf3e9237d2274628b3afd4fc93b49d351bfa808cceb6036ab67135c", "5fb553909b8757fd309275248580d68464f076e7445d00b5abad194323ec9af5", "40a1022236c04b1485667755a4f75f3504c85202d78c7a1251ccfda62bb3cd5c", "38f599423e5eb0229cdf22f838ddd6051de29820215ea7d81ea96455add4b3f5"], "__index_level_0__": 523, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i2.wp.com/i1267.photobucket.com/albums/jj549/Sepultura13/Screenshot_20170211_201837.png", null, "https://i1.wp.com/i1267.photobucket.com/albums/jj549/Sepultura13/Screenshot_20170208_174630.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.888516366481781}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://sepultura13.me/tag/video-games/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/i1267.photobucket.com/albums/jj549/Sepultura13/Screenshot_20170211_201837.png\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/i1267.photobucket.com/albums/jj549/Sepultura13/Screenshot_20170211_201837.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screenshot\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://sepultura13.me/tag/video-games/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/i1267.photobucket.com/albums/jj549/Sepultura13/Screenshot_20170208_174630.png\", \"src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/i1267.photobucket.com/albums/jj549/Sepultura13/Screenshot_20170208_174630.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screenshot\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://sepultura13.me/tag/video-games/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//i0.wp.com/wordpress.com/i/i-voted.png\", \"src\": \"http://i0.wp.com/wordpress.com/i/i-voted.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"i voted\", \"alt_text\": \"I Voted\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Well, I’ve had my computer hooked up for about a week, and it seems to be running quite smoothly – so, it’s time to put it through some strenuous paces! I need to figure out how to utilize the recording / broadcasting program that came with the new GPU, and it is quite a bit different from the one that I used with the AMD video card. Yay – I get to learn something new! Once I get that nailed down, I’ll finally start learning how to create music videos on YouTube and create a few of my own. That might lead to doing the odd vlog post here and there; it’s about time that I jumped in that pool, LOL", null, "While I get familiar with the GeForce(R) Experience(TM), settle in and enjoy these vintage clips of my Elder Scrolls Online in-game footage! Quite a bit has changed since I uploaded these videos many moons ago, so I apologize for the poor quality. It will be nice to compare these clips with the new ones which will be posted…eventually!\n\nThis first clip shows the defense of a keep, which I “claimed” for my guild, then a subsequent bridge battle – and, ending with a lovely loading-screen of eternity!\n\nThis second one shows the completion of one of many in-game storylines. I titled it “Kingslayer,” for lack of any better description!"], "url": "https://sepultura13.me/tag/video-games/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1080, "original_width": 1920, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1080, "original_width": 1920, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["8a38593efb8fcbb2c6bdf26b31210a70761871f2f1110970323a6b0f35712485", "ef718eb9afaee137eebc253230a3fbcdca88962e4a3984971c28d06e60ced993"], "__index_level_0__": 524, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/687/31737059552_19895eb976.jpg", null, "https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5478/30596998071_9b669f8cb9.jpg", null, "https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8880/28260346312_fae06a4289.jpg", null, "https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1661/26010382294_514a86ec74.jpg", null, "https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1509/25739962993_8285c476e1.jpg", null, "https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1658/26043862306_f39bc69113.jpg", null, "https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1641/25504855306_d3b38247e6_z.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9694832563400269}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://strangevision.wordpress.com/category/photomanipulation-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/687/31737059552_19895eb976.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/687/31737059552_19895eb976.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eb\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://strangevision.wordpress.com/category/photomanipulation-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5478/30596998071_9b669f8cb9.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/6/5478/30596998071_9b669f8cb9.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b f cb\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://strangevision.wordpress.com/category/photomanipulation-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8880/28260346312_fae06a4289.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8880/28260346312_fae06a4289.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fae a\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://strangevision.wordpress.com/category/photomanipulation-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1661/26010382294_514a86ec74.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1661/26010382294_514a86ec74.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a ec\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://strangevision.wordpress.com/category/photomanipulation-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1509/25739962993_8285c476e1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1509/25739962993_8285c476e1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c e\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://strangevision.wordpress.com/category/photomanipulation-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1658/26043862306_f39bc69113.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1658/26043862306_f39bc69113.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f bc\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://strangevision.wordpress.com/category/photomanipulation-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1641/25504855306_d3b38247e6_z.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1641/25504855306_d3b38247e6_z.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d b e z\", \"rendered_width\": 401, \"rendered_height\": 621}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://strangevision.wordpress.com/category/photomanipulation-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7384/27284795146_afc8411986_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7384/27284795146_afc8411986_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"afc m\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://strangevision.wordpress.com/category/photomanipulation-2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/feedjit.com/b/388591e7e57aa8f5a1e633e97b576d5a.png\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/feedjit.com/b/388591e7e57aa8f5a1e633e97b576d5a.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e e aa f a e e b d a\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "I really like how this photo turned out. I love how it looks like I shot this in a forest with lots of open space when in fact it was shot in our garage. I used my 50mm lens to try to create an extreme bokeh background but that’s really hard to do when you have very little space to work with, and no one to focus the camera for you. In the end I decided to shoot myself and the background separately and just put them together in Photoshop.\n\nObviously I’m wearing a wig in this photo. I found this dress in my sister’s closet and thought it would go nicely with red hair. I decided to wear a flower crown at the last minute because I seem to be obsessed with them this year. I think this is my 4th or 5th portrait this year with one.\n\nOne week left till the end of 2016 and I still have 4 self portraits to go! Eeeeek!\n\n(Quote in the title is from Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami)", null, "I haven’t done a photomanipulation in a while so forgive me if my work isn’t up to par. For several years now I’ve been doing photomanipulations for Halloween and I figured 2016 should be no different. I had a different idea in mind but I had a hard time executing it so I decided to do something simpler.\n\nThis was inspired by the creepy photos in Ms. Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. I’m currently reading the first book and the images are quite haunting. I tried to capture the feel of the photos in my self portrait this week. The quote I used in the title also came from the book.\n\nHappy Halloween everyone!", null, "-Roses, The Chainsmokers\n\nI’ve never really paid attention to the lyrics of this song until today. Now that I know what they are, I can relate to them and I like it even more. I especially love the first verse.\n\nI took this photo right after Gilbert and Iyah’s wedding last month. I was a bridesmaid/secondary sponsor and this was my dress. Iyah gave us infinity dresses and the freedom to decide how we want to wear them. I went with the simplest style because I felt that it looked best on me. The dresses were really long (they were designed that way) and it made it quite hard for me to walk, but I love how it gave the illusion that I’m much taller than my actual height 😄\n\nStock credits:", null, "I’ve fallen behind on this project again, as well as on blogging. April is almost over and I haven’t gotten around to editing my March Instabits entry yet. Things have just been crazy these past two months. I had two uncles die, one month apart. My Tito Rey lost his battle with cancer last March 6, and my Ninong Rey (yes, they had the same name) died on April 17 due to a massive heart attack. These past two months have made me realize how short life really is, and how we should treasure every single moment. Of course we’re all very sad to have lost two great men in our lives, but we are comforted by the thought that their sufferings are over.\n\nIt’s pretty common tradition for family members to release white balloons during a loved one’s funeral, as a symbol of letting go. I suppose the balloons represent the deceased’s soul rising up to heaven, which was the inspiration behind this image. This may not be my best photomanipulation, and it looks very similar to some previous manips I’ve done in the past, but I would still like to dedicate it to my two uncles who are now watching over us. Goodbye Tito Rey and Ninong Rey. We miss you, but we will see each other again.\n\nWhite balloon stock : http://freaky-stock.deviantart.com/art/Transparent-PNG-balloon-98480117\n\nQuote in the title is by Seneca", null, "I’ve started to fall a bit behind on my 52-week project. It’s still pretty early in the year for me to start slacking off so hopefully I’ll be able to catch up soon.\n\nI shot and edited this last week, but as usual I forgot to post it. I bought the blank white mask last December with the intent of using it for a self portrait, but I never got the chance to do anything with it until now. I like the haunting effect it has so you’ll probably be seeing it pop up again in future self portraits.\n\nBackground stock : http://malleni-stock.deviantart.com/art/Fog-Stock-24-583529842\n\nQuote in the title is from Robert Frost’s poem, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening", null, "I was trying to come up with ideas for an Easter-related SP when I realized that I have my very own Easter bunny running around my room. I haven’t done a miniature photomanip in a while, so I decided to have a little fun this week. Mochi had a lot of fun too, it’s been a while since I let him run around the garden.\n\nI didn’t realize how much Mochi has grown until I tried putting him in his harness yesterday. The last time he wore it was around Christmas and it fit him just fine, but I could barely close it yesterday! He’s gotten so fat that I had a hard time wrapping it around his body, lol. (You can’t see his harness in the photo because I edited it out.)\n\nNot my best Photoshop work, but I rushed to finish everything today to make it in time for Easter 🙂", null, "This is my submission for 52 Weeks of 2016’s theme this week, which was “Water”. The group aims for members to eventually complete the four elements within the year. Hopefully I won’t get lazy and manage to participate in the weeks for the other three elements.\n\nI haven’t done a proper photomanipulation for 2016 yet so I figured now was a good time to start. I’ve been seeing this premade background on deviantArt for a while and I’ve always wanted to use it but I never had the opportunity. So when I saw that the group decided to set “water” as the theme this week, I jumped at the chance.\n\nShameless self promotion: I recently made an Instagram account for my photography, please drop by and say hi if you have time. My username is garcia.carmi. You can visit my page by clicking HERE.\n\nPremade background can be found here : Water Background. Photoshop brushes are by Obsidian Dawn.\n\n(Quote in the title is by Edwin Louis Cole)"], "url": "https://strangevision.wordpress.com/category/photomanipulation-2/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 526, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 359, "width": 378}, {"height": 525, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 360, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 549, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 344, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 499, "width": 566}, {"height": 586, "original_height": 639, "original_width": 412, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f4f18b093487a84f9d4c48e78793b6d024b1bc0688f692ce69732a726a7f5725", "abacfb57a9f6f1717cf741f192f6b48ecf8c97dc261b0682f7e4c17ecf25568b", "7618e5084251a9dce24ee82bec226553492abad755a4e135db5bc5127d4abfd9", "6a353b147f544c7f7dc44ad72eed6620a3639bf99fda647f42c41cce0a0f1cb8", "d667235eb9639291b2f8681f79d4ba7de158604870da59b8cc5b4545f8415e13", "b77837e551a39c4552603edd8a958482b29deac2a749dbacb506573bae7d41b5", "5c59a8e2186f73349ba4e2bdb051b5e45740014ae50f007581ee146655d768d0"], "__index_level_0__": 525, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://cdn-3.constitution.org/img/niccolo_machiavelli.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9749189615249634}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tackk.com/2j0paj\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn-3.constitution.org/img/niccolo_machiavelli.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn-3.constitution.org/img/niccolo_machiavelli.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"niccolo machiavelli\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Niccolo Machiavelli was born in Florence Italy.\n\nThe Machiavelli family is beleived to be descended from the old marquesse of Tuscany.", "He was taught grammar, rhetoric and latin. he had rigourous educational training.\n\nSome of his accomplishments include the book The Prince, he also took charge of the Florentine militia and was responsible for the reorganization of the republics military defense.\n\nThe prince is a book that is still around today. Machiavelli is also remembered for starting Machiavellianism."], "url": "https://tackk.com/2j0paj", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 276, "original_width": 460, "width": 630}], "image_hashes": ["cacb54582b8d90b2dc05201783dd6e396f7473b648711fb0a1edb161c270f49a"], "__index_level_0__": 526, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/s0288807_sc7.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8500728607177734}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://techcrunch.com/2009/07/10/sony-readying-new-vaio-p-line-for-late-fall/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/s0288807_sc7.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/s0288807_sc7.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"s sc\", \"alt_text\": \"VAIO P\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Sony’s “not-a-netbook” VAIO P series will be getting refreshed this fall, according to company officials. While details on the actual specs are scant at the moment, we can likely expect a bit more horsepower as Sony is promising significantly faster boot times over the current crop of VAIO P devices that can take almost a minute and a half to load up Windows.\n\nSince the new line is coming in the fall, it’ll almost certainly run Windows 7. No word on a price tag yet but, knowing Sony’s penchant for premium pricing, I’d guess that it’ll likely be near the current level of $899 and up — especially since Sony will have a $500 netbook by then to fill the lower price bracket.\n\nThe new VAIO P computers are scheduled for late fall — October or November."], "url": "https://techcrunch.com/2009/07/10/sony-readying-new-vaio-p-line-for-late-fall/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 181, "original_width": 240, "width": 501}], "image_hashes": ["9180b91d3b555dc3bfd07b9b7be302974e4d7dc6d95b3b7a6b4f29c553ff6648"], "__index_level_0__": 527, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/71/e2/98/71e298df5de76b2ba78508d080a597a8.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9412469863891602}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://teepee12.com/tag/spam/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/71/e2/98/71e298df5de76b2ba78508d080a597a8.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/71/e2/98/71e298df5de76b2ba78508d080a597a8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e df de b ba d a a\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["It ought to be obvious. If you deluge potential customers or contributors with email, whether imploring them for donations or reminding them of your products, eventually they will run away. Unsubscribe. Detach.", "The first time this happened, I had made the near-fatal error of donating $3 to Obama’s 2008 campaign. From that moment on, each day I was buried in fundraising letters from what appeared to be every single member of the Democratic party and their affiliates.\n\nI approved of the causes and at first, I just deleted the extra emails. It seemed the more I deleted, the more arrived. Wave after wave of causes, the DNC, pols in states I’ve never visited, much less lived.\n\nOne day I sat down at my computer and began unsubscribing. I continued through the day until finally, none were left. I will never donate again. Note to DNC: Don’t make contributors feel that giving you a bit of money was their worst-ever life decision.\n\nNow, there’s “The New Yorker.” This is a great magazine, one of the very few I still read. The cartoons alone are worth it because  no publication has better cartoons than “The New Yorker.” I even went so far as to subscribe to it. Not only do I get their online stuff and access to their archive, I get the physical, paper magazine. The mailman delivers it.\n\nYet, every single day, my email is full of subscription offers from the New Yorker, and now, from affiliated news publications. They send me articles — which I mostly read or at least skim. But then, they send me the same articles three more times. I delete them. Followed by half a dozen reminders to subscribe — which I’ve already done. Why do they do this? I feel like I’m under siege by my own troops.", null, "Amazon, from whom I buy a lot of stuff, doesn’t spam me. Nor does LL Bean. Or Audible or Zappos. To these companies, I remain loyal. They treat me as if they value my business and I spread the good word about them.\n\nAll of these companies also have great service when things go wrong. They don’t make it difficult to return items. They don’t charge “re-stocking” fees. They deliver quickly at no charge. They stand behind their products and suppliers and if something goes wrong, the customer does not wind up at the short end of the transaction.\n\nThis is basic marketing. It boils down to one golden rule for marketing:\n\nTreat your customer the way you’d like to be treated if\nyou were the customer.\n\nI should think this would be obvious. As time goes on, I find myself eliminating companies and organizations from my world because they don’t get it.\n\nObvious, isn’t it?\n\nWe all get a lot of junk email. I suppose I should be grateful that I don’t still get the pounds of paper I used to get. I felt guilty throwing away all that stuff … but I can delete email with nary a twinge.\n\nA few weeks ago, I entered a contest to win a free Kindle. It turned out the result was that I got subscribed to dozens of indie author websites. I’m all in favor of free books … but this was a deluge of stuff and it was an avalanche, gaining momentum as it hurtled down the mountain.\n\nI’ve been unsubscribing as fast as I could find the right link.\n\nA few days ago, I got this email. It was so polite, so civil, so … well … just nice, I actually resubscribed just because I appreciated there was at least one person who recognized that spamming your potential followers might not be the best approach.\n\nI was so impressed, I re-subscribed. Just to show my appreciation.\n\nDear Marilyn,\n\nLast Friday you received an e-mail titled “What fantasy books to read for the summer”. This e-mail was sent to almost 5000 people, whose addresses were obtained through a contest run by http://www.freekindlegiveaway.com, a contest for which I was one of the sponsors.\n\nOne of the terms for participating in that contest was to agree to be subscribed to a number of authors’ mailing lists, including my own. This contest was run a few months ago, and I received your e-mail addresses early in June.", "I hesitated using your e-mail addresses. Before said contest my mailing list only had 83 subscribers, so a sudden growth of 6000% is no small thing. That said, the responses to Friday’s mail have been mixed. I’ve seen a surge in downloads, and I’ve also seen a surge in unsubscribes. I kind of expected that. Had I participated in a contest that required me to subscribe to mailing lists I would probably unsubscribe at the first received e-mail as well. What I had not expected was the number of people who filed complaints with MailChimp, or the response by MailChimp itself. In essence: they strongly urged me to reconsider my strategy for obtaining new subscribers.\n\nI have given this some thought, and have, after some consideration, decided to automatically unsubscribe every single person that received Friday’s e-mail. As such, this e-mail is a confirmation that you are no longer subscribed to my book update mailing list, and will not receive any future mass-mailings from me unless you manually resubscribe through my sign-up page.\n\nIn addition, I would like to apologize for any inconvenience my mails have caused. I am not a fan of unsolicited mail myself, and each time I get a newsletter I don’t remember signing up for I have a tendency to complain rather loudly. I am sorry for having caused similar discomfort to others, and I hope you’ll all forgive me.\n\nJeroen Steenbeeke\n\nBack in the early 1990s, I donated $10 to a women’s group fighting to keep abortion legal and unencumbered. This $10 put me on the “potential donor” list of every single political organization from left to right. It was before the Internet really took over, so although it filled my mailbox with paper and killed a lot of trees, I could just throw the junk away.", "When we moved in 2000, most of the paper didn’t trail after us.\n\nSome of us are slow learners. In 2011, I gave $3 to Obama’s campaign, and for the past four years, the amount of spam my tiny donation generated has been beyond belief.", "Apparently it’s policy for political parties to distribute our personal information to every pol and cause with whom they are even tangentially associated. It got to where my inbox had more than a thousand political spam messages every day. And the current presidential campaign hadn’t yet begun.\n\nLast December, I blew up. I don’t know why I lasted as long as I did.\n\nI spent an entire day unsubscribing to groups to which I never subscribed in the first place. These days, you don’t even have to sign or donate anything. All you have to do is visit a website. Someone will somehow grab your personal data and sell it. Which is how come I was targeted by all the parties. I was being spammed by Liberals, Democrats, Republicans, and Conservatives.", "It took me about 8 hours of clicking “unsubscribe.” Half of the sites asked me why I was unsubscribing. If I clicked “too much email,” they asked me if they sent less, would I stay subscribed?\n\nIf they had sent a lot less, I wouldn’t have needed to unsubscribe.\n\nI unsubscribed to everything. Globally. From far left, to ultra right. My inbox stopped filling up every day.", "Photo credit: CBS News\n\nA plague on all the houses. I won’t contribute to anyone’s cause or campaign. I won’t even visit their websites. And that’s a real shame because I used to really enjoy the political process and participating in it.\n\nIf anyone reading this is involved in political campaign management? You are your own worst enemies. Deluging supporters with junk mail and intrusive phone calls is a poor way to say “thank you.” It doesn’t get donations. It drives people away from your worthy causes.\n\nYou should think about this.\n\nI heard it, but it didn’t make any sense. Noise. Music. Shrill, loud music. Mozart. What does Mozart have against me? I never did anything to him …", "Oh. It’s the telephone. Someone — maybe something — is calling. As the fumes clear my brain, I pick up the receiver, realize it’s an 800 number. No one in my world has an 800 number so I press “on” then “off” and the phone goes quiet.\n\nI only answer calls from people with names or real numbers. Or which come from a number that looks like a real person’s number. No 800 numbers because they are not people. Most of the time, these calls are recordings. At best, they are hired guns trying to get my money.\n\nI know everyone’s got to make a living, but you aren’t going to make it calling me. If I could reach through the receiver and get to a person on the other end, I would choke the life out of him or her. Or make my best effort.\n\nThese calls come in by the dozens. I don’t know how exactly the find me, but they do. My favorite recent one was a recorded message that started with “We are calling in response to your inquiry about a television advertisement for a back brace.”", "Speechless, I stared at the receiver. Then I pressed the off button. I have never called in response to any television advertisement for anything. Not even once in my entire life.\n\nSo I was awake. Fortunately, it was already 10 in the morning and I would be getting up around now anyhow. Though just once, I would like to sleep in and not be jarred out of a dream by the telephone. It turns out you can only program the ringer to not ring between the hours of 11 pm and 9:30 am. After that, you’re on your own.\n\nIn case you didn’t know it, putting yourself on a “Do Not Call” list is the perfect way to distribute your phone number to organizations who sell data to telephone solicitation spammers.\n\nI cannot stop the calls. All I can do is turn them off when they come. Too many mornings are the same, beginning with a ringing phone … followed by a day peppered with similar calls. Maybe that’s just life in the no-privacy, let-it-all-hang-out connected world.\n\nI have only one question: Do these recorded calls actually earn money for anyone? Does someone actually buy a product because a recording called them?\n\nWhat is it about “I don’t accept award nominations” that is hard to grasp? I know it’s difficult — virtually impossible — to find people to whom to pass these awards. Maybe it’s time to rethink them? Or just don’t pass them on. Especially not to those of us who have clearly said we do not want them.", "Don’t start your unwanted gift with “I know you don’t accept awards, but I thought …” I get the guilt thing. I will graciously acknowledge the honor, but I will not play the game. The Internet is full of spam, junk mail, chain letters, political advertising, and product promotions. At least once a week, I unsubscribe from organizations, individuals, and groups — many of them representing causes in which I believe or selling stuff in which I might be interested — that have become spam. Don’t be one of them.", "Those of you who post 20 times a day, one picture or a few lines of text per post … really? Seriously? After the fourth post, unless the subject is topical and timely, you are spam. Even if I love you, I will delete your stuff unopened.\n\nA final point: if you compulsively post something each time you sit down at the computer, those of us who feel assaulted by the deluge of email notifications will likely miss the one thing you wrote that was important, into which you poured your heart.\n\nHere are a couple of helpful guidelines:\n\n1. If you are a multiple time per day poster, do not exceed the number of fingers on the hand of the average humanoid, which is to say, five. If I need to use another hand to keep count, it will be used to hit the delete key.\n\n2. If you write one post a day, you can write long form pieces. If you’re a good writer with something to say, I’ll enjoy it. If you add a few good photographs, I’ll like it better. I may even pass it around. Occasionally re-blog it. But, not every word you — or I — write is golden. Edit with enthusiasm. We will all thank you.", "Most of us have other things going on in our lives. If we follow you, we like you, but you are not the only blogger filling our inbox. I spread my time thinly as is. If you load my email with dozens of posts, I will not be thinking kind thoughts.\n\nGet a grip. Please.\n\nRemember junk mail? Now it’s spam in email and worst of all? It’s those phone calls from fake charities, surveys that are really sales calls, scammers, rip-off artists … and so much of it not even human. You get woken up at 7 in the morning by a machine telling you to hold for a real person. Does anyone really hold because a machine tells them to? I hope we aren’t that mindless yet. From the incomparable Beasley Greene … “Hell in a Handset”!", "Beasley Green", "Although it seems a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, it wasn’t too long ago when receiving a letter or correspondence through the post was greeted with excited anticipation. Now the sound of the letterbox and the sight of mail on the landing tends to be a portent to debt and threat –  ‘Your bill…’ ‘To be paid by…’, ‘You owe…’, ‘FINAL NOTICE’, ‘Summons to Court’, etc.\n\nIf it isn’t bills or requests for payment, it’s usually junk mail or menu’s from local takeaways. You no longer get letters from friends or lovers who you haven’t heard from in ages, those types of messages were replaced by email. That is until the spammers, hackers, marketers and account departments hijacked that outlet for private communication. Now most of your [non-work related] email is advertising, notification of pending bill payments or just total junk selling you pills, penis enlargements…\n\nView original post 604 more words", "Why does the translator always pop up and offer to translate my Spam? Isn’t there some way to make that go away and never come back?\n\nWhen I get put on hold, they always tell me how important I am to them, often just before they disconnect me or start playing the most annoying music ever to assault the ears of humankind:\n\nYou call customer service. They ask for your account number, phone number, social security number, date of birth, home address. When — if — someone comes on the line, they will ask for the same information again. All of it.", "You will be required to listen to a menu from which you must select your “problem” because “our menu items have recently changed” even though you’ve been working with this company for years and the menu has never changed. You cannot skip ahead to the menu selection you know you need.\n\nThe menu goes on forever. All the choices are apparently irrelevant. By number 7, you have no idea what the first six choices were and anyhow, you need to talk to someone. If — in desperation — you are fool enough to select from the list, you will get a robot that will send you back to the same menu.\n\nIf you press none of the selections and just wait, you may get a live person. Or disconnected. It’s a crap shoot.\n\nWhoever you get will tell you it’s not their department. The department to which they direct you will tell you to go to the place that just sent you to them. If you point that out, they will disconnect you by “accident.”\n\nEvery company records every conversation “for quality assurance purposes” (and if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you), but the call during which they promised to fix your problem/refund your money was (oddly enough) not recorded. Nor did the person with whom you spent an hour on the phone add that all important note to your file.", "If you remember to get the name and some kind of ID of the person you are talking to, he or she will not exist when you call back.\n\nNo one has a number you can call back. Ever.\n\nIs it just me? Or is there an international conspiracy to make us simply give up and live with whatever crap they throw at us?", "Latest Greatest\n\nTop Posts & Pages\n\nSeek and thou shalt find\n\nRandom Post Finder", "Serendipitous random post finder", "VoiceScapes Audio Theater", "NetGalley Professional Reader", "Good Stuff!", "5 years – February 4, 2017", "Copyright Notice\n\nThis is an award-free zone.\n\nwriter editor proofreader\n\nSue Vincent's Daily Echo\n\nEchoes of Life, Love and Laughter\n\nHot Rod Cowgirl\n\nHistorical Fiction by Martha Kennedy\n\nMy Life, I Swear... by Erin Cooper Reed\n\nNational Day Calendar\n\nFun, unusual and forgotten designations on our calendar.\n\nLovewillbringustogether's Weblog\n\nMy Blog\n\nJust another WordPress.com site\n\nRuined for Life: Phoenix Edition\n\nLost in Translation\n\nAn attempt to convey meanings through words, images and sounds\n\nthe EARTH ABIDES project\n\nViews from the Edge\n\nDeparture from Collective Madness\n\nDog paddling through life...\n\nWrite up my street\n\nSearching for intelligent life on earth\n\nCovert Novelist\n\nLight Hearted Mysteries\n\n\"Yeah, that's right. We bad.\"\n\nPhotos by Emilio\n\nOfficial site of author and historian Sean Munger.\n\nChris' Journaling Journey\n\nFinding myself through soul-deep journaling\n\nKim Harrison\n\nDon't Let The Blond Hair Fool You\n\nEvelyne Holingue\n\nChronicles, Stories & Books by a French-American Writer\n\nThe Persecution of Mildred Dunlap\n\nA topnotch WordPress.com site\n\nThe Cat Chronicles\n\nWelcome to the Feline World of Nera, Tabby and Fluffy\n\nMusic means something\n\nSunday Night Blog\n\nGreat thoughts and random musings by Rich Paschall\n\nMy Favorite Westerns\n\nA Celebration of Western Movies... Pardner !\n\nMike's Look at Life\n\nPhotography, memoirs, random thoughts.\n\nI'm a Writer, Yes, I Am!"], "url": "https://teepee12.com/tag/spam/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 204, "original_width": 236, "width": 437}], "image_hashes": ["5867fafedecffeccf2e4c8f764026169bb8f06ed51c0d71f516e0e9bda2c1410"], "__index_level_0__": 528, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://i1.wp.com/farm8.staticflickr.com/7069/6852257814_596548c151_m.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8982133269309998}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://thegoodgravy.wordpress.com/2012/03/19/64/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/farm8.staticflickr.com/7069/6852257814_596548c151_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/farm8.staticflickr.com/7069/6852257814_596548c151_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c m\", \"alt_text\": \"Deeeelish. <3 paleo, <3 Brian.\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://thegoodgravy.wordpress.com/2012/03/19/64/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/e15/18579730_130405864179210_7231118887868170240_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/e15/18579730_130405864179210_7231118887868170240_n.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Row, row, row... 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I have important things to do: papers to grade, articles to write, rooms to vacuum, bills to pay…\n\nmenus to blog…\n\n“Two Broke Girls” to watch…\n\nOk, ok. So my life isn’t *so* important or overrun with responsibility. But still, sitting in my backyard on Saturday, my eyes shut so the neighbor’s dog would think I was dead (and therefore stop barking incessantly at me) — it felt absolutely gluttonous.\n\nAnd wonderful. I love global warming. I am irresponsible on so many levels.\n\none egg, half a small onion, some mushrooms, and two turkey sausage links\ncoffee + almond milk\n\n1/2 C of the chicken salad from yesterday\n1 hard boiled egg\n\none small apple + 3 celery stalks + ONE TEASPOON (trying to control myself, here) of almond butter.\n\nCherry Larabar\n\nsweet potato bar\n1/4 C cashews", null, "5 coconut shrimp + wilty spinach and other veggie mix (asparagus, red pepper, brussels, onion, and mushrooms cooked with lemon, garlic, and balsamic vinegar)"], "url": "https://thegoodgravy.wordpress.com/2012/03/19/64/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["404b7422891e71b5115c8ce2386e4f21e12aa79363994d656e33a34505a9d1e8"], "__index_level_0__": 529, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://i2.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article1355607.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/featured-dan-gosling-949899932-1355607.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9495455026626588}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://thespectatorsview.com/2013/10/04/newcastle-player-set-for-loan-departure/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i2.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article1355607.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/featured-dan-gosling-949899932-1355607.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i2.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article1355607.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/featured-dan-gosling-949899932-1355607.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"featured dan gosling\", \"rendered_width\": 480, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://thespectatorsview.com/2013/10/04/newcastle-player-set-for-loan-departure/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/734812056407429122/06sqjupC.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/734812056407429122/06sqjupC.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sqjupC\", \"rendered_width\": 250, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Newcastle United midfielder, Dan Gosling, is set to go on loan at Championship side, Blackpool, for a three month loan.", "Gosling, who has only made two first-team appearances this season, both being in the Capital One Cup, has struggled to break into the first team since joining Newcastle in July 2010.\n\nAnd now, it looks as though he will spend a period on loan at Blackpool, a side who despite having experienced a Summer of upheaval, have impressed early on this season.\n\nThough Paul Ince’s side begun the season with 5 wins out of their first seven matches, they have recently struggled up front, and Dan Gosling has been sounded out as the man to reignite a potentially potent strike force consisiting of Ricardo Fuller and Tom Ince.\n\nThe 23-year old almost joined Crystal Palace in July, and after a deal broke down due to contract negotiations, he had expressed a willingness to fight for a place in the team. And yet, the central midfield role – on paper, at least – is strong enough to contest the likes of many teams above us, and as a result, his role in the side has become almost obsolete.\n\nGosling’s imminent departure comes just before Newcastle’s weekend trip to Cardiff, a team Newcastle have beaten every team in their past six meetings.\n\nWhether tomorrow’s fixture will provide the travelling fans with more joy remains to be seen, but the bookies currently have Cardiff as the favourites, with William Hill offering odds of 5/1 for a Bluebird victory.\n\nEqually, you may be enticed to place a bet on the eventuality of ‘both teams to score‘.\n\nNewcastle have scored in their last six games in all competitions and with Loic Remy in fine form, we could yet again see a goal-rammed game. In terms of Cardiff’s chances, they have consistently delivered at home and their 3-2 defeat of Manchester City in August is a testament to this.\n\nFirstly, do you think Gosling’s departure will in any way effect Newcastle’s fortunes until January, and secondly, will the Toon be able to upset the odds and pull away with an invalauble victory in Wales?"], "url": "https://thespectatorsview.com/2013/10/04/newcastle-player-set-for-loan-departure/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 409, "original_width": 615, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["c00c98c1ae219de6c6cb15afa543f39ac58c24363bc123d0764117c4c5364c0c"], "__index_level_0__": 530, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i0.wp.com/wwwcache.wral.com/asset/news/local/2014/10/23/14108101/bass-640x360.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8660055994987488}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tilliespuncturedromance.wordpress.com/2014/10/28/gun-found-in-inmates-hair-weave-at-wake-county-jail/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/wwwcache.wral.com/asset/news/local/2014/10/23/14108101/bass-640x360.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/wwwcache.wral.com/asset/news/local/2014/10/23/14108101/bass-640x360.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bass\", \"alt_text\": \"Tiffanie Lizette Bass\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 360}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "RALEIGH, N.C. — A woman arrested during a raid on a downtown Raleigh nightclub faces additional charges after authorities at the Wake County Detention Center found a gun in her hair weave after her arrest.\n\nBass, 32, of 408 S. Broad St., was charged Wednesday with misdemeanor offenses of carrying a concealed weapon and resisting a public officer.\n\nAccording to an arrest warrant, Bass was being processed at the jail when it was discovered she had a .38-caliber handgun.\n\nIt was unclear why the gun wasn’t found before Bass arrived at the jail.\n\nLaura Hourigan, a spokeswoman for the Raleigh Police Department, said the department is looking at whether proper procedures were followed when Bass was arrested and whether its policy on searches needs to be evaluated.\n\nSheriff Donnie Harrison, who oversees the jail, declined to comment on the arrest but said deputies noticed Bass walking out of a bathroom with her head leaning to one side.\n\nDeputies searched her and found the gun before she ever made it to the jail’s processing center.\n\nShe was initially arrested Tuesday during a raid of Club Rumors, at 416 W. South St., by the Alcohol Law Enforcement branch of the State Bureau of Investigation.\n\nRaleigh police officers, Hourigan said, were assisting in the case, in which Bass was also charged with possession of a stolen firearm. She was also arrested on an outstanding warrant for a worthless check violation.\n\nRead more at http://www.wral.com/gun-found-on-inmate-at-wake-county-jail/14108100/?wral#l3HaxHm1PodOsWwP.99\n\nFollow tillie's punctured romance on WordPress.com\n\nBelvidere N.J.", "deep fotografie\n\nBe ▲rtist - Be ▲rt Magazine\n\nthe world of art\n\nPsychedelic Traveler\n\nYour psychedelic travel guide around the globe\n\nJust another WordPress.com weblog\n\nSheldon Kleeman\n\nArt Works\n\nWelcome To My World\n\nA World Where Fantasies Are Real And Dreams Do Come True\n\nPT Boat Red\nAll Thoughts Work™ Outdoors 5\n\nHiking with snark in the beautiful Pacific Northwest 2014 - 2017\n\nIn the Zone\n\npower of h Weblog\n\nI wish I'd been born seven hours earlier\n\nMidwestern Plants\n\nHardy Plants of the Midwest, Border Collies and Camping !\n\nPaint Your Landscape\n\nA Journey of Self-Discovery & Adventure\n\nIndia Destinations\n\nExploring Best Indian Destinations for You\n\nBefore Sundown\n\nremember what made you smile\n\nComics und andere Werke des Künstlers Denis Feuerstein\n\nBit of this, bit of that\n\nRants, Raves and Random Thoughts\n\nDiary of a Shipwrecked Alien\n\nTom french's Blog\n\nTom French Art Blog\n\nPictures since figurative themes until some more surrealists.\n\nMusic In The Key Of See\n\nFe2O3.nH2O photographs\n\nJon Wilson's Midnight Run 1932 Blog\n\nphotography and other things\n\nBohemian Butterfly\n\nBeautiful gardens, garden art and outdoor living spaces\n\nArt by Ken\n\nThe works and artistic visions of Ken Knieling.\n\nGlobal Art Junkie\n\nA curated serving of the visual arts\n\nandrei plimbarici\n\nCalatorind Descoperi\n\nEdward R. Myers Photography\n\nCaptured moments of life as I see it\n\nM. K. Waller\n\n~ Telling the Truth, Mainly\n\nHistorian. Artist. Gunmaker.\n\nOn The Road Again - 2016\n\nCavalcade of Awesome\n\nAll Pax. All Nude. All the Time.\n\nWesternGypsy Photography\nDavid Mahlow Mosaic Art\n\nInfusing art and photography through mosaics.\n\nWelcome to My World......\n\nKrishna Vashistha\n\nPoetry, story and real life.\n\nGypsy Road Trip\n\nPlaces to go and things to see by Gypsy Bev\n\nAll Thoughts Work™ Outdoors\n\nHiking with snark in the beautiful Pacific Northwest 2011 - 2013\n\nPaul's Blog\npopOmatic jeff\nartsy forager\n\nfinding the artsy\n\ntrying to capture the world...my way\n\nFans in a Flashbulb"], "url": "https://tilliespuncturedromance.wordpress.com/2014/10/28/gun-found-in-inmates-hair-weave-at-wake-county-jail/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 640, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["26cff3147962ddd0792d3626b92aba9069258c51e374f39daf672c3b57639041"], "__index_level_0__": 531, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://pictures.abebooks.com/isbn/9780007582402-us.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8660669326782227}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.abebooks.com/9780007582402/Lindsey-Kelk-Untitled-Book-2-0007582404/plp\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://pictures.abebooks.com/isbn/9780007582402-us.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://pictures.abebooks.com/isbn/9780007582402-us.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"us\", \"alt_text\": \"9780007582402: Lindsey Kelk Untitled Book 2\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "About the Author:\n\nLindsey Kelk is an author, journalist and prolific tweeter. Previously a children's book editor and columnist for Marie Claire, Lindsey is now a full-time writer and lives in New York. She is published in 22 counties and has sold over 1 million books worldwide. An early adopter of social media, Lindsey has an army of dedicated followers on Facebook and Twitter. She has written the I Heart series, The Single Girls' To-do List and two Tess Brookes novels, About a Girl and What a Girl Wants."], "url": "https://www.abebooks.com/9780007582402/Lindsey-Kelk-Untitled-Book-2-0007582404/plp", "images_metadata": [{"height": 579, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 326, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6cfaaef03749fd42cd521b15b7fa5d85360fcb9370f710f98b2a836dd79ee174"], "__index_level_0__": 532, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41LfwTIOoZL._SY445_QL70_.jpg", "https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41LfwTIOoZL._SY346_.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8672818541526794}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Drunk-Tetralogy-Book-ebook/dp/B00UQP16S4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/gno/sprites/nav-sprite-global_bluebeacon-1x_optimized._CB281044790_.png\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/gno/sprites/nav-sprite-global_bluebeacon-1x_optimized._CB281044790_.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nav sprite global bluebeacon x optimized\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Drunk-Tetralogy-Book-ebook/dp/B00UQP16S4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41LfwTIOoZL._SY445_QL70_.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41LfwTIOoZL._SY445_QL70_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"LfwTIOoZL\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Drunk-Tetralogy-Book-ebook/dp/B00UQP16S4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/digital/sitb/sticker/sitb-sticker-v3-xsmall._CB338480351_.png\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/digital/sitb/sticker/sitb-sticker-v3-xsmall._CB338480351_.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sitb sticker v xsmall\", \"alt_text\": \"Look inside this book.\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Drunk-Tetralogy-Book-ebook/dp/B00UQP16S4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41LfwTIOoZL._SY346_.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41LfwTIOoZL._SY346_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"LfwTIOoZL\", \"alt_text\": \"Blood Drunk (Blood Tetralogy Book 2) by [Ponce, Jen]\", \"rendered_width\": 206}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Drunk-Tetralogy-Book-ebook/dp/B00UQP16S4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/books/ed/botm/ginny_moon._SL75_CB511252629_.png\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/books/ed/botm/ginny_moon._SL75_CB511252629_.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ginny moon\", \"alt_text\": \"Best Books of the Month\", \"rendered_width\": 50, \"rendered_height\": 75}, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, "by Jen Ponce (Author)\nBook 2 of 2 in Blood Tetralogy (2 Book Series)\nSee all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions\nRead more Read less", "To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number.", "Customers who bought this item also bought\n\nTop Customer Reviews\n\n5.0 out of 5 starsGet this one\nByjames brian jamesonon August 31, 2015\nFormat: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase\nI loved it. Worth the read.\n0Comment|Was this review helpful to you?YesNoReport abuse\n5.0 out of 5 starsParty Like a Vampire!\nByMaria Kayon May 20, 2015\nFormat: Kindle Edition\nHave you ever been blood drunk? No? Then you haven’t met the right vampire. Or the wrong one!\n\nAn alternate name for this book could be Blood Revenge or Blood Love. This story contains a whole lotta blood, revenge, and love. And sex. And more blood. The preface and first few chapters reminded me of historical fiction with vampires and pirates.\n\nBlood Curse is the first book in the series. Blood Drunk continues the saga of bloodlines that reach back to 1392. The whole cast of characters that did not die in the first book continue their journey in Blood Drunk. Will Issala and Lorelei find happiness together? Will Morganna destroy her sister? Will the Marquis de Curval find his children? Will Logan get his wife back? Or will Tessa get the death she desires? Will Patrick fall in love? Beg?\n\nSPOILERS: The really cool thing about this book: being blood drunk. Plus, vampire saliva heals. Jen Ponce has created a unique vampire lore in this series. It is LBGTQ and BDSM friendly. It also has one of the most surprising plot twists. I did not see it coming. It’s tragic, beautiful, and heartbreaking.\n\nThe third book in the Blood Tetralogy is Blood Shy. The author also writes the Devany Miller series, which I highly recommend. If you like Urban Fantasy with hints of horror, check out Jen’s repertoire of novels.\n0Comment| One person found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?YesNoReport abuse\n5.0 out of 5 starsNot your typical vampire story\nByDebra Toddon August 13, 2015\nExcellent and definitely a unique spin on vampire story. This book (along with the first one 'Blood Curse') are NOT your typical vampire stories. I recommend you read them both. You'll be glad you did. Not for young readers.\n5.0 out of 5 starsDarn cliffhangers!!!\nByLeonaon August 30, 2016\nThis was even better than the first! There is so much going on that you suspect one villain is going to be the main cause for despair and death and out of the wood works comes another. This is definitely more than a kinky vampire novel. It's has blood, guts, car chases and some awesome action scenes. Definitely a must read.\nSee all verified purchase reviews (newest first)\nWrite a customer review\n\nSet up an Amazon Giveaway\n\nThis item: Blood Drunk (Blood Tetralogy Book 2)\n\nSet up a giveaway\n\nWhat other items do customers buy after viewing this item?\n\nThere's a problem loading this menu right now."], "url": "https://www.amazon.com/Blood-Drunk-Tetralogy-Book-ebook/dp/B00UQP16S4", "images_metadata": [{"height": 634, "original_height": 445, "original_width": 265, "width": 378}, {"height": 634, "original_height": 346, "original_width": 206, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["42d1778ccea98c98fe3c3911fc8d48ee6b1f313555361ecad4b12bc32df0c89f", "2be525b2a7ddf9809081adc298ef570de780f93029fb8eaccbe688e795d50378"], "__index_level_0__": 533, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51fCrMBJItL._SX300_QL70_.jpg", null, null, null, "https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51fCrMBJItL._SX300_.jpg", null, "https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/electronics/cat-500/Samsung/detail-pages/samsung-lcd-2008-lifestyle.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9446747303009032}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-LN52A750-52-Inch-1080p-Touch/dp/B001418WF4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/gno/sprites/nav-sprite-global_bluebeacon-1x_optimized._CB281044790_.png\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/gno/sprites/nav-sprite-global_bluebeacon-1x_optimized._CB281044790_.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nav sprite global bluebeacon x optimized\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-LN52A750-52-Inch-1080p-Touch/dp/B001418WF4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51fCrMBJItL._SX300_QL70_.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51fCrMBJItL._SX300_QL70_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fCrMBJItL\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-LN52A750-52-Inch-1080p-Touch/dp/B001418WF4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/513ajlSUlzL._SL75_.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/513ajlSUlzL._SL75_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ajlSUlzL\", \"alt_text\": \"Samsung LN52B750 52-Inch 1080p 240 Hz LCD HDTV with Charcoal Grey Touch of Color (2009 Model)\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-LN52A750-52-Inch-1080p-Touch/dp/B001418WF4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51fCrMBJItL._SX300_.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51fCrMBJItL._SX300_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fCrMBJItL\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-LN52A750-52-Inch-1080p-Touch/dp/B001418WF4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/electronics/cat-500/Samsung/detail-pages/samsung-lcd-2008-lifestyle.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/G/01/electronics/cat-500/Samsung/detail-pages/samsung-lcd-2008-lifestyle.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"samsung lcd lifestyle\", \"alt_text\": \"lifestyle\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock.\n\nWant this professionally installed?", "There is a newer model of this item:", "See all buying options", null, "Currently unavailable. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock.\n\nCustomers who viewed this item also viewed\n\nSpecial offers and product promotions\n\nTechnical details\n\n› See more technical details\n\nEnjoy pre-loaded HD content, including cooking, fitness, children's entertainment, and a photo gallery on the LN52A750 52\" Full High Definition TV with 1080p Resolution. Full 1080p HD resolution and 50,000:1 dynamic-contrast ratio offer stunning image detail and vivid colors. Auto Motion Plus 120Hz and Ultra Clear Panel technology work together to offer the smoothest motion and boldest bright and dark tones. Stay connected to your home network via the DLNA networking feature. The InfoLink feature provides RSS web content from USA Today. The WiseLink USB 2.0 input and user-friendly interface gives you access to pictures and playlists from a specially designed Wheel Remote. Ultra clear panel allows you to enjoy crisp image details, natural skin tones, excellent shadow detail and vibrant colors. SRS TruSurround XT is a patented SRS technology that solves the problem of playing 5.1 multichannel content over two speakers. TruSurround delivers a compelling, virtual surround sound experience through any two-speaker playback system, including internal television speakers and headphones. It is fully compatible with all multichannel formats up to 5.1 channels. High-resolution HD-Grade 1920x1080 pixel resolution has built-in image scaler to handle inputs from a variety of digital and analog audio/video sources. Wide Color Enhancer optimizes a color's hue resulting in more natural colors. Fast 4ms response time minimizes blurring of moving video. Entertainment Mode allows customized picture settings, optimized for different content. SRS TruSurround XT Down firing speakers CATV/VHF/UFH 75-ohm, F-type Antenna Connections - 4 HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface, 2 Component video inputs (rear), 1 S-video input (side), Side and Rear composite inputs, PC input (rear), Wiselink Pro (USB 2.0), RF antenna inputs, and Headphone Dimensions - 52.0 x 33.9 x 13.3 / 52.0 x 31.7 x 4.2 without stand Weight - 66.4 pounds /\n\nAmazon.com Product Description--March 24, 2008 Samsung adds a Touch of Color to a blazing-fast 4ms response time andrich connectivity features to redefine the role HDTVs play in the home with its forward-looking Series 7 LCD HDTVs. Utilizing the award-winning technologies found in all Samsung HDTVs, Series 7 HDTVs deliver unparalleled picture quality and enhanced connectivity and networking capabilities that create a true entertainment hub for any home, and take networking and multimedia management to a whole new level. Easily enjoy MPEG and JPEG files stored on external devices by connecting through a side-mounted USB 2.0, turning their LCD into a full-scale home viewing gallery, or connect MP3 players for a dynamic audio experience.", null, "Key Features\n\nStep Up Features\n\nWhat size TV should you get?\n\nTouch of Color\n\nAuto Motion Plus 120Hz\n\nSuper Clear Panel\n\n50,000:1 Dynamic Contrast Ratio/500 nit Brightness\n\nFull HD 1080P\n\nDigital Natural Image Engine\n\nWide Color Enhancer/Cold Cathode Flourescent Lamp\n\nDigital Living Network Alliance (DLNA)\n\nSuper Patterned Vertical Alignment\n\nAudio Features\n\nTruSurround is a patented SRS technology that solves the problem of playing 5.1 multichannel content over two speakers. TruSurround delivers a compelling, virtual surround sound experience through any two-speaker playback system, including internal television speakers and headphones. It is fully compatible with all multichannel formats up to 5.1 channels. High-quality virtual surround sound can be experienced with just the two hidden, downward-firing side-mounted 2.2-channel dome speakers built into the TV.\n\nTruSurround XT audio also adds three audio enhancement technologies to produce an amazingly immersive sound experience.\nStereo broadcast reception is offered for MTS and SAP with 181-channel capacity. A sound leveler keeps audio volume consistent during channel changing.\n\nWhich Size HDTV is Right for My Room?\n\nProduct information\n\nTechnical Details\n\nAdditional Information\n\nWarranty & Support\n\nWarranty, Parts:1 Year\nProduct Warranty: For warranty information about this product, please click here", "4.0 out of 5 starsBetter processing than the a650 line - perfect for gaming\nBysouthwestheaton November 1, 2008\nVerified Purchase\nI've been agonizing over an HDTV purchase for months. My 32\" 480p Samsung CRT just wasn't doing it for me anymore. It was time to delve into HD now that it has been around for awhile with major tech innovations (1080p, 120hz, and more). I feel as though it will be many years before a *significant* new HD technology comes along. Here is a list of what I've been agonizing over (and probably you too) and why I made the decision for the 750.\n\n1. LNxxa750 vs LNxxa650\n\nI spent some time drooling over the LN52a650 until I came across LN52a750. I searched and searched to see if there was a performance difference between the two sets. I finally found someone with some knowledge and indeed the 750's use a different (more powerful) internal processor than the a650's. For how incredibly small the price difference is between the 650 and 750 I'm surprised people still shop the 650. Not to mention the regal-looking bezel on the 750, the woofer for those without a home theater system, and some other minor goodies. Bottom line, if you're flip-flopping between the two - stop. Just buy 750.\n\n2. What size? 52, 46, or even 40?\n\nOf course I wanted the largest size I could get. HD is a whole new ball game, and even a 52\" model is not as big as it sounds. In fact after having this for a couple weeks now I am beyond relieved I didn't buy a smaller size. (I typically sit about 7 feet from the screen.). Please take my word on this. You will never regret buying too big. Unless you're in a tiny dorm room, the 52\" will not overpower you. If you buy a smaller size just be warned you will be longing for the 52 before too long.\n\n3. Samsung or Sony 41 series?\n\nI went to 3 different big box stores to compare side by side. The picture on the 750 just blows away anything else in these stores. It's amazing how two sets with similar specs can have such different displays. The gloss finish just has the colors and contrast jumping off the screen. Sony makes solid products in general, but so does Samsung. It took only a matter of seconds to realize that the Sony 41 series has a boring picture compared to the 750.\n\n4. Plasma or LCD?\n\nWith the glossy screen and various black adjustments in the menu, you're getting the best of both worlds with the 750. It has contrast like that of a higher end plasma, but also performs beautifully in a well lit room. Plasmas are just plain dim and dull. With how bright and vivid the 750's screen is, I have not had any issues with reflections. If you look at the models offered by most companies, it's clear that plasma is dying just as DLP is.\n\n5. The \"halo effect\"\n\nNon-existant. I've watched HD cable, games, and blu-rays in a pitch black room and cannot see the supposed halo that some people are whining about. In fact, I'm almost disappointed because I wanted to see what the hubbub was all about. Apparently Samsung has eliminated this.\n\n6. Amazon or a partner seller?\n\nLocal big box stores sell this unit for (including tax) anywhere from $500 - $800+ more. Insane. I knew I'd be ordering it from Amazon. But sometimes the partner sellers are cheaper...what to do. It just so happened that the day I ordered it Amazon had the lowest price. But had they not, I still would have paid the extra small price difference to get it from Amazon. I have no experience with the partner sellers but felt I'd have more recourse with Amazon if a problem occurred.\n\n7. Gaming performance\n\nI also bought a PS3 and Xbox 360 at the same time. Both are stunning, and nope, no input lag on either system using very inexpensive HDMI 1.3 cables. (However, I've read of people's feedback on the a650 where they have experienced lag. This is where the superior processor of the 750 comes in). I've played fast-paced shooters, racing, and adventure games with no lag issues. I may have had a minor lag issue with SOF on the 360 but that could just be the game. Games on the 52a750 will have you hypnotized, especially if it's your first foray into HD.\n\n8. Sound\n\nCould care less. I'm using a home theater system, but with the 750's woofer I'm sure the sound is good/great for a flat panel unit.\n\n9. Light and glare from the glossy finish\n\nHas not been an issue for me. At all.\n\n10. Final thoughts\n\nComcast HD (via Motorola box), PS3 Blu-Ray, PS3 games, Xbox 360 games all look incredible. I sometimes watch content that I'd otherwise be bored with just because of the gorgeous picture. Plasma has nothing on the a750 and gaming is lag-free via HDMI. Buy this TV and your friends (especially those owning plasmas) will be envious if not outright jealous.\n1010 comments| 114 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?YesNoReport abuse\n5.0 out of 5 starsA perfect purchase\nByE. T. Hildebrandon May 31, 2008\n\nAmazon tracking indicated it would take 2 weeks to arrive. CEVA tracking listed it at two days earlier. I received the call for delivery in less than a week - and this included the holiday period!\n\nCEVA showed up with it yesterday. The heavy cardboard box had an 18\" gash/tear in it and my heart sank. They removed the box and I noticed the screen was supported about 8\" from the cardboard and there were no signs that whatever caused the gash had touched anything. We quickly plugged it into the wall and ran it thru some of the built-in menus. Relief - everything worked fine. With the 30-day return guarantee there was nothing more to worry about.\n\nThe previous day Amazon had delivered a new Onkyo receiver to replace my older Yamaha. I had already disconnected the Yamaha and wired all the components and speakers to this new receiver (to take advantage of its HDMI capabilities). It now only took a couple hours to make the final connections with the receiver, cable sysem, over-the-air antenna, HTPC and network.\n\nEvery single system worked perfectly, even though it sometimes took a few minutes to discover the correct input settings on each device to get everything communicating. The biggest surprise was the quality of the picture. After reading everything I could find on various forums I expected to have some tweaking to do before obtaining the best images. While critically inspecting the imagery for each type of input I could not see a need to adjust anything! Just for experimentation I did make a few selections of alternate settings, but always wound up returning to the original. I'll likely use an Avia program to verify adjustments later, but can't imagine any improvement.\n\nThe \"halo effect\" feature on the upper and lower bezel was obvious (albeit faint) to see, but it was not distracting. In fact, if there were a switch available to turn it on and off, I'd still leave it on - it's neat! The red bezel highlighting (the TOC) is so subtle that it is nearly invisible. If I didn't know it was there I'd likely not have even noticed it. Perhaps it would be more visible in a room with bright daylighting?\n\nAnother neat feature is the touch sensitive controls on the lower right bezel. They are invisible until you touch the area, causing them to temporarily sequentially illuminate. I haven't fully explored this feature yet.\n\nAnother nice feature was discovering that I could hook up the computer to HDMI connection #2 and play computer games without any special adjustments. There was no lag or any problem except that I'll need to upgrade the computer's video card in order to take the display all the way up to its full resolution. Nevertheless, the Samsung must have been upscaling the image since it was extremely sharp. (Same thing with the 480i DVDs we played on it - very sharp). When not in use we intend to leave the computer hooked up so the Samsung will continuously display it's screensaver which cross-fades family photos like a huge digital picture frame.\n\nThe Samsung has a TOSLINK out connection which I connected to the receiver. This vastly simplifies audio connections since all audio sent to the TV can be amplified from a single connection to the receiver. If you can connect everything via HDMI there will be significantly fewer wires and a much more simplified operation.\n\nThe only thing I would have preferred is if the base would swivel. I understand the 650 models swivel, can't imagine why Samsung wouldn't include that feature here.\n\nWe're very happy with this purchase.\n\nEDIT- 6-18-08\nAfter nearly 3 weeks of use we are even more impressed with this TV.\n\nI have upgraded the video card on the attached computer so that it can now attain full 1080p resolution, only to find the text too small to be readable at a normal viewing distance of about 12 feet with my 60-yr-old eyes. Backing off the resolution makes the text large enough to read while retaining its razor-sharpness.\n\nThe attached computer is connected with a wireless hub to my home network, allowing it to stream pictures, music, or movies from any of the computers. The TV must be upconverting the movies to 1080p because they are displayed more clearly than when sent to a regular computer monitor.\n\nThe hub also provides a patch cable to the TVs' network port, which allows it to run all the InfoLink connection functions (weather, news, stocks) without the need to even configure that connection.\n\nWe added a PS3 a week ago to view blu-ray movies. What an incredible picture! Even though we are using inexpensive $3 HDMI cables, there was no flickering or other problem as reported on another Amazon review. My son tested out his new Metal Gear PS3 game and was impressed with the image and game play. We used the default settings and did not even switch to \"game\" mode.\n\nWe've now had time to run THX and TVBlink video calibration tests and were not surprised to find that all the default settings were already set to the optimum values for our personal tastes.\n\nThe set is now mounted on one of those entertainment center \"stalks\" which allows it to be easily rotated (for easier access to the rear connections). This mounting has taken care of the only complaint we had about this set - its' lack of a swivel base.\n\nEdit - 7-16-08\nAfter 6 weeks of use I must say that this has proven to be one awesome piece of electronics. I simply cannot believe how great this set has performed. The color and details have greatly exceeded my highest expectations. We have begun replaying our old DVD library because the upscaling capabilities built into this set appears to make them very comparable to the Blu-Ray movies we've viewed. It's like seeing a new movie!\n\nIt is quite a kick to be using the computer while watching the nightly news in HD via the PIP function.\n\nA lot of people have calibrated their sets using the published settings on AVSforum.com. We tested all of those settings and found that they each resulted in a darker picture that has lost details in shadowy areas and the colors are dull, without the \"pop\" of the factory settings. Keep in mind that our entertainment area is in a dark, windowless room which should make viewing dimmer features easier. We tried compensating the calibration with various picture adjustments but were unable to attain comparable performance. After a week of trying to perceive any improvements we reverted our settings back to the original, tweaked, factory settings.\n\nSeveral people have made similar observations, leading us to a conclusion that either there is a wide discrepancy between personal preferences and/or each of these sets have varying image displays. We have no doubt that many people do see improved performance after calibrating their sets - but before you spend a lot of money on professional calibration try the AVSforum settings first to verify if you see any improvement.\n\nThe only complaint we have is that we've now been spoiled by what this set can do. We picked up a new Samsung T260HD computer monitor (which also includes an HDTV tuner). This is a 26\" monitor that has a similar TOC bezel to match the LN52A750. You can read our review here on Amazon - in a nutshell, we are disappointed with it's performance.\n2727 comments| 195 people found this helpful. Was this review helpful to you?YesNoReport abuse\n5.0 out of 5 starsand even spent a year in storage while I was playing in the beautiful sands of exotic Iraq\nByAl Goldenon February 10, 2017\nI bought this TV in July of 2008. At the time it was top of the line and according to Amazon I paid over $2500 for it. It has been moved to different houses and different states, and even spent a year in storage while I was playing in the beautiful sands of exotic Iraq. The amazing this is that it still works. It may be showing its age as some of the \"touch of color\" has turned in to a bit of \"touch of cracking,\" but the thing just wont die. I even wanted it to die so that I could get a new one, but it wouldn't. Sadly, (luckily) it wouldn't fit in the area we needed it to fit in, in our newest house, so I upgraded to a new Samsung 60\" UHD (yea the 60' fits, but this 52' tv wont due to its gigantic bezel). Anyways...good job Samsung, maybe make more stuff like this and less stuff like exploding phones and washing machines.\n\nSee all customer images\n\nMost Recent Customer Reviews\n\n1.0 out of 5 starsUnreliable and not recommended\nLasted about 3 years. Screen then went blank. Was going to cost more to repair than to buy a new one. Nevertheless, it was not a Samsung!Read more\nPublished 11 months ago by Amazon Customer\n3.0 out of 5 starsWarranty covered it but it was annoying.\nI bought this tv and a month later it stopped working. Warranty covered it but it was annoying.Read more\nPublished 1 year ago by Adam\n1.0 out of 5 starsDon't overspend on High End technology..money down the drain!\nI bought after doing tons of research but apparently all this fell short when I found there is a defect in the samsung product itself after owning it.Read more\nPublished 1 year ago by SHR\n5.0 out of 5 starsexcellent LCD tv\nHD quality is 2nd to none, excellent LCD tv!Read more\nPublished 1 year ago by SolidSShady\n5.0 out of 5 starsGreat TV\nGreat TV. Nice colors, works like a charm. Great customer serviceRead more\nPublished 1 year ago by Ed\n3.0 out of 5 starsThree Stars\nokRead more\nPublished on March 10, 2015 by jan eric bolt\n5.0 out of 5 starsFive Stars\ngreat tv, o problems after 6 years, clear today as it was from day 1Read more\nPublished on January 20, 2015 by Joseph S. Bielak\n2.0 out of 5 starsTwo Stars\nBroke down after 2 weeks. It took another 2 weeks before the repair was available form Samsung.Read more\nPublished on October 22, 2014 by M. Hong\n2.0 out of 5 starsWill not last more than 5-7 years."], "url": "https://www.amazon.com/Samsung-LN52A750-52-Inch-1080p-Touch/dp/B001418WF4", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 198, "original_width": 300, "width": 572}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 198, "original_width": 300, "width": 572}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 344, "original_width": 430, "width": 472}], "image_hashes": ["e72d8e0085f9597c72f2dd8549fd65ceddd13b8ca4d897ea9b5892dbe777bf52", "e9bd32253d61ea725db8a98518ebee0a7292ccc3ad2c6baf2a7f248a2b6e5126", "908158bd1d5695db67589f1dea43b036ff9814ef7aea1bc2632796684b110665"], "__index_level_0__": 534, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, "https://www.bedroomfurniturediscounts.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/360x360/2e0bda525d00d84e8e49a33c06641d14/b/e/belgian_oak_sleigh_bed_french_truffle_1.jpg", 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elegance fashions the frame of this upholstered sleigh bed.  A master bedroom piece with an upholstered headboard, this Belgian Oak Queen Upholstered Sleigh Bed by Bernhardt fuses favorite classic styles with modern accents from contemporary furniture.  The soft and feminine element of a fabric headboard and nail head accents provides an elegant element to the aura of the piece.  A platform style with high turned legs and rustic bevels creates a bold and handsome bedroom look.  Designed by a high-end manufacturer who is well known in the industry for quality construction and innovative design, this decorative bed will bring a fresh and sophisticated look to your room.  This bed is available in Queen, King and California King sizes.", "Show more\nQuestions about similar items", "We guarantee your complete satisfaction - 100% of the time!\n\nWrite a review about this product ▶", null, null, "Mouse over image to Zoom In", "Product Tags\n\nCompare Products\n\nYou have no items to compare.", "Thank You for Your Quote Request\n\nYour submission has been received by our staff."], "url": "https://www.bedroomfurniturediscounts.com/bernhardt-belgian-oak-queen-upholstered-sleigh-bed-in-french-truffle.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 251, "original_width": 360, "width": 542}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 892, "original_width": 1280, "width": 542}], "image_hashes": ["8f3b2a6a96d7c9fd1ff377d86237e228646a04b55a9e3023410036c5c82fab13", "cf00dc7757481df938df70421440db360146b08958613f45d5d978d0b4bd8952"], "__index_level_0__": 535, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "https://www.belgian-malinois-dog-breed-store.com/images/Leather-Snap-Tab-10-inch-pulltab-leash-malinois.jpg", null, null, "https://www.belgian-malinois-dog-breed-store.com/images/Belgian-Malinois-Chrome-Plated-Collar-MC31.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": 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Accessories", "Bite Tug and Toys->", "Dog Training Supplies", "Resources (Links)", "New Products ...", "Featured Products ...", "All Products ...\n\nFeatured  [more]", null, "Leather Snap Tab 10 inch LEASH for Belgian Malinois\n\nNew Products  [more]", "Belgian Malinois French Linen Bite Tug for Everyday Activities\n\nReviews  [more]", null, "Important Links\n\nHome ::  Belgian Malinois doesn't listen. What to do?\n\nBelgian Malinois doesn't listen. What to do?\n\nWhen it comes to training dogs, the understanding in communication between human and the dog is the key. Don’t think, that only you suffer because of disobedient dog. Your Malinois suffers a lot too. Dogs, who are misunderstood, are often stressed and confused by a long list of tangled rules.\n\nWhat to do when your Malinois doesn’t listen\nFirstly, we should determine what you mean, saying “doesn’t listen”. Often it means, that Malinois ignores your commands. Remember, that dogs don’t do anything on spite. So, if your Malinois do something forbidden when you are away, it means he already associated punishment with his owner. There are many ways out for communicating with dog, that doesn’t follow your commands.\n\nIt’s not fair to leave temptations around your Malinois and, when he gives in to them, punish him. So your goal is to get rid of everything, that may be such temptation. For example, if your Malinois chews your shoes, buy him chew toys and hide your shoes. If your dog pees on the carpet, when you are out of home, make sure he has enough walking every day. These precautions have therapeutic effect, because the less dog misbehaves, the more likely he will change his behavior.\n\nDon’t forget about reward\nIt’s so tiresome to tell “No!” to your Malinois all the time.  Then don’t do it. Offer to your dog alternative behavior. For example, if your dog often jumps to you, tell him “to sit” instead and give  him a reward. Malinoises learn better, if you give them a chance to do wanted behavior. The dog can't jump, if he is sitting, right? Ask your Malinois for wanted behavior and reward him for following your commands.\n\nBe consistent\nOnly by being consistent your Malinois will know what behavior is right or wrong. For example, if you don’t allow your Malinois to sleep on a sofa, there shouldn’t be exceptions, like cold day."], "url": "https://www.belgian-malinois-dog-breed-store.com/index.php?main_page=page&id=33", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 170, "original_width": 190, "width": 422}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 190, "original_width": 190, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f6dd994e54e430bfb0f07164d6e3dbb7b6b97a5e8b07e0289409a895668972db", "ef0eaa1dbbe0d4a08d043fd84b58b0849e3dc19665ac6df493145c4c2c7f548d"], "__index_level_0__": 536, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.bhphotovideo.com/images/images150x150/1448040035000_930019.jpg", "https://static.bhphoto.com/images/images345x345/boris_fx_bcmatchmove_boris_continuum_match_move_1448040035000_930019.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8258042931556702}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/930019-REG/boris_fx_bcmatchmove_boris_continuum_match_move.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/images150x150/1448040035000_930019.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.bhphotovideo.com/images/images150x150/1448040035000_930019.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Boris FX Continuum Match Move (Download)\", \"rendered_width\": 50, \"rendered_height\": 50}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/930019-REG/boris_fx_bcmatchmove_boris_continuum_match_move.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static.bhphoto.com/images/images345x345/boris_fx_bcmatchmove_boris_continuum_match_move_1448040035000_930019.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static.bhphoto.com/images/images345x345/boris_fx_bcmatchmove_boris_continuum_match_move_1448040035000_930019.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"boris fx bcmatchmove boris continuum match move\", \"alt_text\": \"Boris FX Continuum Match Move (Download)\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/930019-REG/boris_fx_bcmatchmove_boris_continuum_match_move.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static.bhphoto.com/images/smallimages/1448040035000_930019.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static.bhphoto.com/images/smallimages/1448040035000_930019.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Boris FX Continuum Match Move (Download)\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, "Show MoreLess\n\nNow Viewing:\n\nElectronic Download\n\nUpdate Location\n\nProduct Highlights\n\nShow moreShow less\nReviews 0 Write a review Q&A\n\nLicense: Standard\n\nStandard Upgrade\n\nThis item is noncancelable and nonreturnable\n\n$0.00 Tax Collected Outside NY and NJ\nSales Tax\n\nYou Pay:  $199.00\n\nOne of the filter collections of the Continuum Complete plug-in package, the Boris FX Continuum Match Move Unit features three specialized, plug-and-play motion tracker filters that let you select and get creative with motion data. For example, the Corner Pin filter allows you to replace an advertisement on the side of a moving bus with your own ad. The Match Move filter lets you track the movement of one image clip to another, such as matching a crane-up shot to a shot of a locked down camera. The Witness Protection filter allows you to efficiently blur out the face of a moving subject. These filters work right out of you host application with requiring you to incorporate a separate application."], "url": "https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/930019-REG/boris_fx_bcmatchmove_boris_continuum_match_move.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 345, "original_width": 345, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["22257f29da38de61b2bdbdc8ff01baef97382e6fb400c9c5a29a23d53502b2f6", "65bb1cbe1885ec34b9a16cc1fc9a35bc652a8a8ac3743b92a86007dbb0dd089c"], "__index_level_0__": 537, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/13/260423_USER_PROFILE__230x230.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9022791981697084}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.booksie.com/users/raven-fury-136509\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/13/260423_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/13/260423_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"USER PROFILE\", \"alt_text\": \"Raven Fury\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.booksie.com/users/raven-fury-136509\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/13/260423_USER_PROFILE__230x230.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/13/260423_USER_PROFILE__230x230.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"USER PROFILE\", \"alt_text\": \"Raven Fury\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.booksie.com/users/raven-fury-136509\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/public/contests/poetry_contest_right.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/images/public/contests/poetry_contest_right.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"poetry contest right\", \"alt_text\": \"The Booksie 2017 Poetry Competition\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.booksie.com/users/raven-fury-136509\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/0/384_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/0/384_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"USER PROFILE\", \"alt_text\": \"EdwardJBradleySr\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.booksie.com/users/raven-fury-136509\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/9/171895_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/9/171895_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"USER PROFILE\", \"alt_text\": \"KIZZNYC\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.booksie.com/users/raven-fury-136509\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/15/299593_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/15/299593_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"USER PROFILE\", \"alt_text\": \"Dmitry Rozonov\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.booksie.com/users/raven-fury-136509\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/13/265636_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/13/265636_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"USER PROFILE\", \"alt_text\": \"planarwalk\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.booksie.com/users/raven-fury-136509\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/19/robinwing_70x70.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/19/robinwing_70x70.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"robinwing\", \"alt_text\": \"Robinwing\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.booksie.com/users/raven-fury-136509\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/11/204782_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.booksie.com/files/profiles/11/204782_USER_PROFILE__70x70.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"USER PROFILE\", \"alt_text\": \"J.H. 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It is important that you prepare your pupils in advance of your visit and explain that many visitors come to worship, on pilgrimage or perhaps to grieve for the loss of a loved one. Young people in large groups can disrupt the enjoyment of others, and we need your help to control your group.\n\nThe Cathedral’s Schools Department has prepared teacher information sheets and questionnaires in several languages. These may be downloaded free of charge.\n\nPlease ask students to switch off mobile phones and remove chewing gum.\n\nGuided tours/Costume trails\n\nCostume Trails last about 1 hour with 15 minutes allowed for changing in and out of the costumes.\n\nGuided tours last between 1 hour and 1 hour 30 minutes. Please allow enough time for your visit.\n\nOur guides are all volunteers who come in especially to take tours. If you are going to be late, please telephone us so that we can keep them informed. Guides may not be able to take your tour if you are very late.\n\nWe will always try to re-arrange visits without charging a cancellation fee, but we would charge the full fee for groups who fail to turn up without notice. An admin fee of £50 will be charged if a cancellation is made less than 48 hours before the visit.\n\nPayment may be made with cash, credit card or cheque made payable to “Canterbury Cathedral”\n\nPayment must be received in advance or on the day of the visit.\n\nIf an invoice has to be raised after the visit an admin fee of £10 will be charged.\n\nIf you need a pro-forma invoice sent to you before the visit, then just let us know.\n\nNo refunds will be given under £10.00.\n\nAfter all that: please contact us if we can help in any way with the planning of your visit and we hope that you have an enjoyable time with us."], "url": "https://www.canterbury-cathedral.org/learning/school-visits/booking-forms/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 756}], "image_hashes": ["41fee71fa9fe4410890bb2633a33349a27e98a26eadb4bcfc54f8e26176cb372"], "__index_level_0__": 539, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/2c11b92b-a9b4-42c9-ab36-7d6c24cd1f60.jpeg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9714866876602172}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.careopinion.org.uk/opinions/242293\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/2c11b92b-a9b4-42c9-ab36-7d6c24cd1f60.jpeg\", \"src\": \"https://patientopinion.blob.core.windows.net/profile-pictures/2c11b92b-a9b4-42c9-ab36-7d6c24cd1f60.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c b b a b c ab d c cd f\", \"alt_text\": \"picture of Susan Friel\"}, null]", "texts": ["\"Delighted with the support\"\n\nPosted by Heron85 (as the patient), nearly 2 years ago\n\nI have been delighted by the recent time, support and medical attention I have been given by Dr Claire Willocks at Harmyers hospital. She has gone over and beyond the call of duty to provide me with help and support in relation to my condition/symptoms.\n\nIt's hard to tell at the time of appointment but I would love her to know how much I appreciate how much she did for me. She has provided me with an awareness and helped to develop my self confidence that has supported to returning to a stronger state of health. She showed a great interest in my situation and went a length to research the links to the symptoms I have been experiencing over the last 18months. Thank you once again.", null, "Dear Heron85\n\nWhat lovely feedback!\n\nIt's great to hear that Claire was so helpful to you in managing your healthcare. I'll pass on your comments to her, so that she knows you found her to be a great support. She'll be delighted to hear this.\n\nThis story has had a response\n\nStory summary\n\nWhat's good?\n\nWhat could be improved?\n\nWho has Care Opinion told about this story?\n\nShow your support\n\nHave you experienced something like Heron85 did, here or elsewhere?\n\nIf so, show your support below."], "url": "https://www.careopinion.org.uk/opinions/242293", "images_metadata": [{"height": 473, "original_height": 363, "original_width": 290, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2fb70fdc36f99d2ff3980cf8ea1ddacf6a8d6c951b4f9d2d4a6cc05efeec80fc"], "__index_level_0__": 540, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2016/07/22/15/18/2016_mercedes-benz_sl-class_sl400-pic-676679177920141517-200x200.jpeg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8263071179389954}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/Discussion-t59263_ds737398\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2016/07/22/15/18/2016_mercedes-benz_sl-class_sl400-pic-676679177920141517-200x200.jpeg\", \"src\": \"https://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2016/07/22/15/18/2016_mercedes-benz_sl-class_sl400-pic-676679177920141517-200x200.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mercedes benz sl class sl pic\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "2 Answers\n\nPetney01 answered 9 months ago\n\nYes Consider it as a bull gear.only used for fast take off\n\nMark helpful\n\nbobkat answered 9 months ago\n\nSl's, and other MB's, have a \"comfort\" and a \"sport\" mode. The names may be different depending on the model of MB you have. But tghe operation is the same. In \"comfort\" mode, the transmission always starts of in 2nd gear and up-shifts sooner. The idea here is to reduce fuel consumption and give a smoother acceleration. In \"Sport\" mode - the transmission starts off in 1st gear and stays in each gear longer as it up-shifts. The purpose is for more rapid acceleration - but it will likely increase fuel consumption.\n\n2 out of 2 people think this is helpful.\n\nYour Answer\n\nSearch Mercedes-Benz SL-Class Questions\n\nMercedes-Benz SL-Class Experts\n\nView All\n\nRelated Models For Sale\n\nUsed Mercedes-Benz S-Class\n138 Great Deals out of 6,574 listings starting at $1,000\nUsed Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class\n34 Great Deals out of 1,195 listings starting at $2,000\nUsed Mercedes-Benz E-Class\n351 Great Deals out of 20,208 listings starting at $1,995\nUsed Chevrolet Corvette\n111 Great Deals out of 20,620 listings starting at $3,000\nUsed Porsche 911\n82 Great Deals out of 4,523 listings starting at $9,995\nUsed Mercedes-Benz C-Class\n449 Great Deals out of 26,571 listings starting at $2,495\nUsed Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class\n52 Great Deals out of 2,231 listings starting at $6,456\nUsed BMW 6 Series\n78 Great Deals out of 3,161 listings starting at $6,977\nUsed Mercedes-Benz S-Class Coupe\n9 Great Deals out of 1,142 listings starting at $84,999\nUsed BMW 3 Series\n1,006 Great Deals out of 32,537 listings starting at $1,000\nUsed Jaguar XK-Series\n36 Great Deals out of 694 listings starting at $4,585\nUsed Ford Mustang\n447 Great Deals out of 45,460 listings starting at $2,700\nUsed Mercedes-Benz SLS-Class\n4 Great Deals out of 109 listings starting at $129,950\n\nUsed Cars For Sale\n\n2016 Mercedes-Benz SL-Class SL 400 For Sale\n25 listings starting at $61,995\n2015 Mercedes-Benz SL-Class SL 400 For Sale\n40 listings starting at $52,995\n\nGot a minute?\n\nTake our two-question survey!\n\nYour answers will help make CarGurus better for shoppers everywhere."], "url": "https://www.cargurus.com/Cars/Discussion-t59263_ds737398", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["bdc260b686aec951e565c2f90947a4146874cdad75683741f7cc5d5d2894a7d7"], "__index_level_0__": 541, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/gallery/8796--15901.jpg", "https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15901.jpg", "https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15902.jpg", "https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15903.jpg", "https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15904.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8481999039649963}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/md/Good-Food-Co-Franschhoek/8796\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/themes/desk/images/close.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/themes/desk/images/close.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"close\", \"alt_text\": \"Close Likebox\", \"rendered_width\": 23, \"rendered_height\": 23}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/md/Good-Food-Co-Franschhoek/8796\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ftp/gallery/8796--15901.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/gallery/8796--15901.jpg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/md/Good-Food-Co-Franschhoek/8796\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15901.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15901.jpg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/md/Good-Food-Co-Franschhoek/8796\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15902.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15902.jpg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/md/Good-Food-Co-Franschhoek/8796\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15903.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15903.jpg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/md/Good-Food-Co-Franschhoek/8796\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15904.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.dining-out.co.za/ftp/gallery/thumbs/8796--15904.jpg\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, null, null, null, "Restaurateurs and discerning foodies, Joey Stiglingh and Emmarentia Klaasen, fresh from the city lights of Johannesburg, have used their skills, expertise and love of cooking to revitalise the much-loved deli and farm-style restaurant, Good Food and Co. Locals and passers-by peruse the eatery for grade-a meats, homemade cheeses, preserves and condiments to take home with them, while diners indulge in a comprehensive selection of fresh salads, gourmet burgers, breakfasts and sublime seafood. Customers can take a seat outside in the shade, where they are surrounded by verdant greenery – think towering trees, white roses and trimmed hedges - and an unmissable water fountain. Children can run amok at the kid’s entertainment area while adults can enjoy a relaxing meal as they watch over the little ones. During the colder months, find refuge inside the deli, where the aromas of freshly-baked goods are bound to work up an appetite.\n\nBreakfasts at Good Food and Co are country-fresh and flavoursome. If you’re looking to start your day off with a greasy fry-up, opt for the aptly named, ‘The Big Guy’. As one might expect, this is a sizeable meal comprising of two eggs, three strips of bacon, mushrooms, halloumi, boerewors, chips, tomato, and toast. For a Sunday lunch with the family, diners are advised to come hungry for platefuls of wholesome food. The ‘Chicken Schnitzel’ is a tantalising meal, topped with bacon, avocado, slathered in a cheese sauce, and served with your choice of chips or salad.\n\nIf you want to devour one of Good Food and Co.’s signature meals, but within the comforts of your own home, order breakfasts-to-go, light lunches or toasties off the takeaway menu. Prepare for the work and school week ahead by ordering the eatery’s ‘Heat and Eat’ meals. These homemade dishes are nutritional and enjoyed by the entire family."], "url": "https://www.dining-out.co.za/md/Good-Food-Co-Franschhoek/8796", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 931, "original_width": 1400, "width": 568}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 199, "original_width": 300, "width": 569}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 300, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 195, "original_width": 300, "width": 581}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 224, "original_width": 300, "width": 506}], "image_hashes": ["c3552935d1fa220c1055af71b568c9f1687213cdca3b8eabbc5f77bf55e2d46d", "74bfcadfbcb6d83067b3b1c9fc41da603d4895d6fae5e6baaedb31974caa1e6f", "ea7ee8cabbf1b648b426cd18f5f84ca1054c1fbfe1da43eb8f39e3ba1c6736f0", "69b36f0f366c45595290d79901eb784271a3af61752489494c9bf17b1d5a7f0b", "f40eac7e02ff75204fab781bf6e21079ce2c38f7468705ebf1ce9d06c6224e5a"], "__index_level_0__": 542, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DrXuXrf2b50/mqdefault.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8216848969459534}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.download.hr/software-fergo-screenshot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DrXuXrf2b50/mqdefault.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/DrXuXrf2b50/mqdefault.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mqdefault\", \"alt_text\": \"Auto Screenshot Capture\", \"rendered_width\": 300}, null]", "texts": ["Fergo Screenshot is listed in Screen-Capture category and made available by Fernando Birck for Windows 2K/XP/2003/Vista. Unfortunately, we have not yet reviewed Fergo Screenshot. If you would like to submit a review of this software, we encourage you to submit us something!\nFergo Screenshot review by publisher Fernando Birck:\n\nWhat is Fergo Screenshot software from Fernando Birck, what is it used for and how to use it?\n\nDownload and install Fergo Screenshot safely and without concerns.\n\nFergo Screenshot is a software product developed by Fernando Birck and it is listed in Graphics category under Screen-Capture. Fergo Screenshot is a free software product and it is fully functional for an unlimited time although there may be other versions of this software product. You can run Fergo Screenshot on Windows 2K/XP/2003/Vista operating systems. Fergo Screenshot was last time updated on 04.11.2007 and it has 4,092 downloads on Download.hr portal. Download and install Fergo Screenshot safely and without concerns.\nWhat do you think about Fergo Screenshot?\nFergo Screenshot awards", "External code\n5,99€  FREE\n\nin PC games giveaways Expires on May 22, 2017\n\nSTAR WARS Starfighter\nFREE: Dangerous Golf\nFREE: Bus Parking Simulator\n\nFergo Screenshot security and download notice\n\nDownload.hr periodically updates software information of Fergo Screenshot from the software publisher (Fernando Birck), but some information may be slightly out-of-date or incorrect. Fergo Screenshot version 1.2.34 Beta for Windows 2K/XP/2003/Vista was listed on Download.hr on 04.11.2007 and it is marked as Freeware.\n\nAll software products that you can find on Download.hr, including Fergo Screenshot, are either free, freeware, shareware, full version, trial, demo or open-source. You can't download any crack or serial number for Fergo Screenshot on Download.hr. Every software that you are able to download on our site is freely downloadable and 100% legal. There is no crack, serial number, keygen, hack or activation key for Fergo Screenshot present here nor we support any illegal way of software activation. If you like software product please consider supporting the author and buying product. If you can not afford to buy product consider the use of alternative free products.", null], "url": "https://www.download.hr/software-fergo-screenshot.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["f7d1de9c42b570476b84e7429ae82877790050f43f73e16f31c4407164b73d21"], "__index_level_0__": 543, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.exclusiveniches.com/old/images/ebooks/3639.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8863793611526489}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.exclusiveniches.com/offline-marketing-plr-ebook.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.exclusiveniches.com/old/images/ebooks/3639.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.exclusiveniches.com/old/images/ebooks/3639.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.exclusiveniches.com/offline-marketing-plr-ebook.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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12\nChapter 5 – Act The Part    14\nChapter 6 – Promotional T-Shirts And Gifts    16\nChapter 7 – Sponsoring Charity Events    18\nChapter 8 – Joining The Chamber Of Commerce    20\nChapter 9 – How To Hold A Seminar    22\nChapter 10 – Getting Publicity Through Newspapers    24\nChapter 11 – Coupons And Mailers    26\n\nSample Content Preview\n\nChapter 1 – Your Online Business\n\nIf you already have an online business or if you are considering starting an online business, you may be under the impression that your marketing efforts will be based solely online.  After all, you have a business that is online and where is a better way to market it than through the internet?\n\nThis is one of the most common mistakes that people make when they have any business.  They choose a marketing plan and stick with it, not thinking about the big picture.  This happens often in the off line business world in which businesses feel that they should not market online because “that is not where there customer base comes from.”  This is wrong.  An increasing number of people are using the internet to find out about off line businesses as well.  It is important for any business owner, whether they have an online business or off line business to cross market as much as they can.\n\nYou probably already have some ideas about how you plan to market your business online.  But if you just stick to this one way of marketing, you are only reaching a small portion of people.  In order to successfully market your online business, no matter what it is, you need to use off line marketing strategies as well.\n\nOff line marketing strategies can end up costing you a bit more than some of the online methods, but they are proven to work.  There is a billion dollar business in promotional products alone that has worked well through the years to promote various businesses.  The same marketing plans that work for off line businesses can also work for your online business.  You just need to know how to use them and when.\n\nYou should follow simple marketing plans when you are marketing any business.  Your advertising efforts should always be vamped up during your busy season so that you can get more customers.  You strike when the iron is hot, so to speak, when it comes to advertising in business.  You should know when your busy season is and when you are the most likely to get clients.  That is when you do your most heavy promotional activities.\n\nThat does not mean that you lay low during the off season.  The more people get to see the name of your business, the more you build a brand and the more people start to recognize the name of your business.  You do not always have to go for direct response marketing when you are trying to market your online business.  You should also be concentrating on building trust within the community both off line and online.  This is known as branding and can get your long term customers who will see your name, recognize it and associate it with a name that they can trust.  Even if they have never before used your product or service."], "url": "https://www.exclusiveniches.com/offline-marketing-plr-ebook.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 437, "original_height": 688, "original_width": 595, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3598209795c4af194bee38d54aa84f892a1dc7d83d82f5eb6b568d117f768f8f"], "__index_level_0__": 544, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0813/1345/files/sign1-764x1024.jpg", "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0813/1345/files/sign2-764x1024.jpg", "https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0813/1345/files/sign3-764x1024.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9413596987724304}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.gumballpoodle.com/blogs/gumball-poodle/36839745-sign-of-the-times\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0813/1345/files/sign1-764x1024.jpg\", \"src\": 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Meet Kk, our newe... →\nGumball Poodle's new downtown LA headquarters is starting to feel more official! We now have a sign on the office door to prove it.  Handyman, and all around great guy Dan did an awesome job installing it. We hope to see him rocking his new orange BEER socks soon.", null, null, null], "url": "https://www.gumballpoodle.com/blogs/gumball-poodle/36839745-sign-of-the-times", "images_metadata": [{"height": 506, "original_height": 1024, "original_width": 764, "width": 378}, {"height": 506, "original_height": 1024, "original_width": 764, "width": 378}, {"height": 506, "original_height": 1024, "original_width": 764, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ad889cf787b24f09e54d7ae1703c20abbe6b3fe52a8c86aba36e0b6f9838e2b0", "1d7c2c664cb964876756c9f1335f329d3d2356ed339e70ae9560e2f2acd95ea9", "d1f8ddbd4ecce4feb578e84cd27eb847eb1dc5681b93ed875dbc0330950231f6"], "__index_level_0__": 545, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://photos.holidaylettings.co.uk/media/vr-splice-j/02/46/59/69.jpg", "http://photos.holidaylettings.co.uk/media/vr-splice-j/02/46/59/5a.jpg", "http://photos.holidaylettings.co.uk/media/vr-splice-j/02/46/59/68.jpg", 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You access through the garden behind the house to the bicycle path in the pine forest. After a five-kilometer riding in the forest, accompanied by the sound of crickets and the smell of pine trees, you get to the city Lacanau Océan on the Atlantic coast Lacanau or other beaches.\nFor more information visit: etchola-home. com\n\nThe apartment was modernized in 2014, old charm merges with contemporary interior design: high quality bathroom and kitchen renovation, roof heat insulation, generous and high-quality roof windows for light-filled spaces, open spaces for a communicative interaction and withdrawal options, view of both the lake and the forest, ...\n\nThe apartment, as well as the area are great for young families, couples, and friends looking for sport activities (surf, bicycle, sea sport, swimming, yoga, ...) in the nature.\n\nCedric U.\n\nLanguages spoken: English, French, German, Russian\n\nThis Apartment has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and sleeps 5. It’s been listed on Holiday Lettings since 06 Apr 2015. Located in Lacanau, the average weekly rate varies from £466 to £897."], "url": "https://www.holidaylettings.co.uk/rentals/lacanau-ocean/6384182", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 513, "original_width": 768, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 800, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 800, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 800, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 800, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 800, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 800, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 800, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 800, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 800, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 533, 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with shower in Italian l adjoining.\n\nAccess to a terrace of 80 m 2 in shaded area is done from the apartment.\n\nThe night price is €80 and €500 the week.\n\nJean-Marc R.\n\nLanguages spoken: English\n\nThis Apartment has 1 bedroom, 3 bathrooms and sleeps 3. It’s been listed on Holiday Lettings since 06 Jun 2015. Located in Gironde, the average weekly rate is £432."], "url": "https://www.holidaylettings.co.uk/rentals/tayac/6625665", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 597, "original_width": 800, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 597, "original_width": 800, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 597, "original_width": 800, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 597, "original_width": 800, "width": 506}, {"height": 506, "original_height": 800, "original_width": 597, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 597, "original_width": 800, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 597, "original_width": 800, "width": 506}], "image_hashes": ["ff80d9b8438896ac3ccf53f677ab6d73778eeb3d325b928e7feb2eb37082956c", "8b717f6b9fb7b317ece9a5104d583e2e4f37563f75bbca7a613a6756a63c836e", "e847285acd3ec53a8e3c5e84aa951112743a142f82f39530c9b53fd2508f0729", "308cbdc0627b3ba1a4078c8a84fd5adca96391c51cfe80833fb437c63c77fc20", "350d2a4861300456afbb139ec548f34b0a16037b02f85f45ddca4b4d4c1206a5", "b40bfa6f37cfd6b6f17e2d5e553452c82885820a148dd6c23acfa494a2fe450d", "b56d6eaa56ccfe8a471607c8d26cbc1811cebc579123454619ce553dd9799a64"], "__index_level_0__": 547, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.liveincarejobs.co.uk/jobseekers/images/big/d94f7830004b11e6b2590152e3269624/da4d3920004b11e694ecb188b9b3992d_IMG_20160403_180450.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7732880711555481}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.liveincarejobs.co.uk/live-in-care-profile-17559\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.liveincarejobs.co.uk/userfiles/image/miracle-workers.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.liveincarejobs.co.uk/userfiles/image/miracle-workers.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"miracle workers\", \"rendered_width\": 225, \"rendered_height\": 600}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.liveincarejobs.co.uk/live-in-care-profile-17559\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.liveincarejobs.co.uk/jobseekers/images/big/d94f7830004b11e6b2590152e3269624/da4d3920004b11e694ecb188b9b3992d_IMG_20160403_180450.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.liveincarejobs.co.uk/jobseekers/images/big/d94f7830004b11e6b2590152e3269624/da4d3920004b11e694ecb188b9b3992d_IMG_20160403_180450.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"da d b e ecb b b d IMG\"}, null]", "texts": ["Profile - 17559\n\n< Back to profiles\n\nI am a very lively and energetic person. I have excellent time management skills and I work well under pressure.\n\nLive In Care Experience: 1-3 Yrs. Yrs\n\nGender: Female\n\nOther Information\n\nEnglish Language Level: Advanced", null], "url": "https://www.liveincarejobs.co.uk/live-in-care-profile-17559", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0c410f1028a91f6d156c5ffc7c522779d94e8e656a8a43e9226e40fa3ac52eca"], "__index_level_0__": 548, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/rewards.png", "https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/sample.png", "https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/money.png", "https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/paypal.png", "https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/contact.png", null, "https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/user-img.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8664510846138}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/spud-inc-bowtie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/flags/100x48/us.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/flags/100x48/us.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"us\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/spud-inc-bowtie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/flags/100x48/us.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/flags/100x48/us.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"us\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/spud-inc-bowtie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/flags/100x48/us.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/flags/100x48/us.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"us\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/spud-inc-bowtie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/rewards.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/rewards.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rewards\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/spud-inc-bowtie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/sample.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/sample.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sample\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/spud-inc-bowtie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/shipping.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/shipping.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"shipping\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/spud-inc-bowtie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/money.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/money.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"money\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/spud-inc-bowtie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/paypal.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/paypal.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"paypal\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/spud-inc-bowtie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/contact.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/popup-boxes/contact.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"contact\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/spud-inc-bowtie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/user-img.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.muscleandstrength.com/store/skin/frontend/mnsv4/default/images/user-img.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"user img\", \"alt_text\": \"User Image\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, null, null, null, "Donnie Thompson’s Bowtie by Spud, Inc. is an easy solution for a horrible problem. If you have a slouchy posture, tight pecs and achy shoulders then the Bowtie is for you. With minimal time and effort you can help to correct these issues and more. Wear it at your desk, in your car or even at home while watching TV.*\n\nThe Casual Bowtie\n\nThe Casual Bowtie is great for aiding in postural correction and helping get rid of nagging shoulder pain. The softer material of the Casual Bowtie can be worn for long periods of time with minimal effort.\n\nThe Formal Bowtie\n\nThe Formal Bowtie was designed with the athlete in mind. The heavier and stiffer material will give you more compression where you need it to provide even stronger postural correction than the Casual Bowtie. Athletes with muscle imbalances and other issues from years of training for peak performance would benefit from the tighter feel of the Formal Bowtie.*\n\nThe Formal Bowtie can be used for a quick way to warm-up your shoulders before working out. Or, you can wear it while you work out to make sure your form stays tight and on point. Wear it while squatting, deadlifting and benching or while doing various accessory work. Give the Formal Bowtie a chance and you will be able to feel your body transform….your shoulders will love you, we promise!*\n\nIt is so easy that there is NO excuse for not getting Bowtied.\n\nOverall Rating\n0 out of 5 stars\nReviews (0)\nVerified Buyers (1)\nReview Graph", null, "Charissa H\nVerified Buyer\nGreat for working out. Overall really like the product. The straps really enforce the posture I need, but, for me, the straps are a little big under the arms. A little awkward for an old gal. *"], "url": "https://www.muscleandstrength.com/store/spud-inc-bowtie.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 400, "width": 756}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 400, "width": 756}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 400, "width": 756}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 400, "width": 756}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 400, "width": 756}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["871e18112d7d42cc69c50c53a51c95d3e170b7a15807ede74e52d71ab9e32eb9", "949d76bc7bf9135556259ce925af397b8acc6fcfe9b5aa4b7c907c96c1bd0cf6", "517fe12631d660c27a52e1e7fe25a75f3edf49d2c2f77f6aa8e0966c651b9200", "c0be5b18a4ea75ceed53a9ea847d103b3828483eb02d15ed520ee57f5d2861fe", "5418d3e9e2de29c35e7180eee6da69a08200e79b7a75d05ab8b4c34430019b6c", "2257ae03ea25800cd2fec8f414ba62d7acf3d5dc15d9f2a98e863acbdd2094c4"], "__index_level_0__": 549, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.playpennies.com/media/images/2012/10/7581865018_87f8277870_z-540x405.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.94204843044281}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.playpennies.com/banking/mums-freebie-c2c-free-baby-board-badge-65643\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.playpennies.com/media/images/2012/10/7581865018_87f8277870_z-540x405.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.playpennies.com/media/images/2012/10/7581865018_87f8277870_z-540x405.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f z\"}, null]", "texts": ["9 October 2012\nBy Tamsin Oxford", null, "C2C are offering expectant mums a Baby on Board badge to help them find a seat on a busy train. It’s a really sweet idea that will definitely come in handy for any woman holding her back and desperately in need of a chair.\n\nIt’s important for mums to get a seat, especially on busy trains, and it can be quite hard to ask someone to give up their seat for you. So C2C are offering an official C2C Baby on Board badge to all expectant mums who are travelling on route with C2C to wear in order to let other customers know that you may need a seat.\n\nYou do need to be travelling with C2C in order to get your free badge and then you need to fill in the form that is on the site and they will send you the badge in the post. What a sweet idea!"], "url": "https://www.playpennies.com/banking/mums-freebie-c2c-free-baby-board-badge-65643", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 405, "original_width": 540, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["f63e29af6a92c3564f8c5b49aedf6acd723a06b32d1ff68fd6d5b16684861ec3"], "__index_level_0__": 550, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://img.rt.com/files/oldfiles/business/alliance-oil-posts-1h/alliance-oil.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9380254745483398}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.rt.com/business/alliance-oil-posts-1h/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/oldfiles/business/alliance-oil-posts-1h/alliance-oil.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/oldfiles/business/alliance-oil-posts-1h/alliance-oil.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"alliance oil\", \"alt_text\": \"Alliance Oil posts 1H 2009 Net profit of $97 million\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Russia focused independent oil producer, Alliance Oil, has posted a 1H 2009 Net profit of $97 million under IFRS.\nTagsInvestment, Oil, Corporate Results, Russia and the global economy\n\nThe bottom line is down 70% from the $205 million posted by West Siberian Resources, as Alliance Oil was formerly known, for 1H 2008, with EBITDA falling to $185.3 million for 1H 2009 from $352.6 million a year earlier, on 1H 2009 Revenues of $691.7 million, down from $1.418 billion a year earlier.\n\nThe 1H result included a 2Q Net Profit of $46.5 million, down year on year from $159.4 million, with 2Q EBITDA of 85.5 million, down from $269.3 million, on 2Q Revenues of $364.2 million, down from $869.1 million a year earlier.\n\nThe company lauded the better than expected results, saying they reflected an improvement in the global crude market and a better upstream environment as oil product prices stabilized, after sharp falls in late 2008.\n\nManaging director, Arsen Idrisov, says signs of growth in the company’s domestic markets are apparent in 3Q 2009 with Alliance Oil looking to underpin its future production.\n\n“The improved operating conditions and our strengthened financial position allow us to reassess investment opportunities for growth in coming years. We are now reviewing our capital expenditures in upstream and are making preparations for additional drilling in the fourth quarter 2009. The investment program for the downstream segment will stay unchanged.”"], "url": "https://www.rt.com/business/alliance-oil-posts-1h/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["5dd6a18e9fc8d7e0dfc8815f755dd7e13c2028819017734e6be7b99694ff5b46"], "__index_level_0__": 551, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://img.rt.com/files/2016.01/original/568eef23c46188ef0e8b45e8.jpg", null, "https://img.rt.com/files/news/3f/7e/90/00/bee.n.jpg", null, "https://img.rt.com/files/news/2d/2c/00/00/39.n.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.937550961971283}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.rt.com/usa/328230-epa-neonicotinoids-threaten-pollinators/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/2016.01/original/568eef23c46188ef0e8b45e8.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/2016.01/original/568eef23c46188ef0e8b45e8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eef c ef e b e\", \"alt_text\": \"EPA admits popular insecticide threatens honeybees\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.rt.com/usa/328230-epa-neonicotinoids-threaten-pollinators/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/news/3f/7e/90/00/bee.n.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/news/3f/7e/90/00/bee.n.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bee\", \"alt_text\": \"Reuters / Dominic Ebenbichler \"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.rt.com/usa/328230-epa-neonicotinoids-threaten-pollinators/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/news/2d/2c/00/00/39.n.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/news/2d/2c/00/00/39.n.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"AFP PHoto / Karl-Josef Hildenbrand \"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.rt.com/usa/328230-epa-neonicotinoids-threaten-pollinators/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/2016.06/original/5768fac5c36188f2608b459b.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/2016.06/original/5768fac5c36188f2608b459b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fac c f b b\"}]", "texts": [null, "The US Environmental Protection Agency declared that one kind of neonicotinoid insecticide can be a threat to honeybees and some other pollinators. The announcement came as the EPA released its preliminary pollinator risk assessment for public comment.\n\nImidacloprid, one of the most widely used insecticides in the world, was originally produced by Bayer CropScience under the name Gaucho. It works on contact by interfering with the nervous system of insects, resulting in paralysis followed by death. It is much more toxic to insects and invertebrates because it binds better to their nerve cells receptors than it does to those of birds and mammals, according to the National Pesticide Information Center.", null, "​Beemageddon: White House reveals national strategy to tackle honeybee decline\n\nNeonicotinoids like imidacloprid were developed in the 1990s to boost yields of staple crops such as corn, but they are also widely used on annual and perennial plants in lawns and gardens. Researchers believe the neonicotinoids are causing some kind of unknown biological mechanism in bees that in turn leads to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the disease killing off honeybees and threatening pollination of the world’s crops.\n\n“EPA’s assessment, prepared in collaboration with California’s Department of Pesticide Regulation, indicates that imidacloprid potentially poses risk to hives when the pesticide comes in contact with certain crops that attract pollinators,” the agency said in a statement.\n\nImidacloprid affects hives at 25 parts per billion (ppb) and higher, the EPA found. The effects include decreases in the number of pollinators, as well as less honey produced.\n\nAnti-pesticide groups point to current research blaming the cause of CCD on two popular types of neonicotinoids, including imidacloprid. Another study found that bees exposed to \"field-realistic\" doses of neonicotinoid insecticides gather less than half the pollen that they normally do, dooming their young to starvation. Such groups are calling on the EPA to join the European Commission in at least adopting a moratorium on such insecticides. In 2013, The EC adopted a two-year moratorium on the use of three neonicotinoid pesticides, including imidacloprid.\n\nIn 2015, the EPA proposed a prohibition on the use of pesticides that are toxic to bees, including the neonicotinoids, when crops are in bloom, and temporarily halted the approval of new outdoor neonicotinoid pesticide uses until new bee data is submitted and pollinator risk assessments are complete.\n\nMAP: Bee colony loss by state http://t.co/hirpbJ8NAjpic.twitter.com/SXDxKGINQj\n\n— Rebecca Beitsch (@RebeccaBeitsch) July 29, 2015\n\n“EPA is committed not only to protecting bees and reversing bee loss, but for the first time assessing the health of the colony for the neonicotinoid pesticides,” said Jim Jones, the assistant administrator of the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention. “Using science as our guide, this preliminary assessment reflects our collaboration with the State of California and Canada to assess the results of the most recent testing required by EPA.”", null, "​Canadian beekeepers’ sting: Pesticide giants sued for $450mn over bee deaths\n\nCanada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency also released an Imidacloprid pollinator-only assessment on Wednesday, which reached the same preliminary conclusions as the EPA report. However, the Canadian agency noted that there was “no potential risk to bees,” from seed treated with imidacloprid, but that the effects from other application methods varied.\n\n“The residue levels in crop pollen and nectar resulting from seed treatment uses are typically below levels expected to pose a risk to bees at both the individual bee and colony levels,” the PMRA said in a statement. The potential risk to bees for foliar applications “was indicated for bee attractive crops associated with pre-bloom, during-bloom, and some post-bloom applications, however, current label restrictions minimize potential risk.” Soil applications were the most likely to affect pollinators, the agency found, though it noted that the amount of risk depended on application rates and timing, soil type, and type of crop.\n\nThe EPA plans to conduct preliminary pollinator risk assessments on three other neonicotinoids ‒ clothianidin, thiamethoxam and dinotefuran ‒ which are scheduled to be released for public comment in December 2016. At the same time, the agency will also release a preliminary risk assessment of all ecological effects for imidacloprid, including a revised pollinator assessment and impacts on other species such as aquatic and terrestrial animals and plants.\n\nThe US agency has opened up a 60-day public comment period on its preliminary pollinator risk assessment for imidacloprid."], "url": "https://www.rt.com/usa/328230-epa-neonicotinoids-threaten-pollinators/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 900, "width": 680}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 230, "original_width": 410, "width": 673}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 230, "original_width": 410, "width": 673}], "image_hashes": ["2d73a4aa560e6e30f021e0567ca55c65ca2b53f43ec647d56a94ca8b866dec89", "919dcc598b61e895c02cd038d0a21653f2531c332f417910c297dac4e258da8f", "8d31bf718a11824ebcf0fc9b30643609eb2da446749245c6eb7d1925a395193c"], "__index_level_0__": 552, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://img.rt.com/files/2016.07/original/5792488fc46188c1678b4594.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8841311931610107}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.rt.com/usa/352730-microblast-arizona-storm-captured/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/2016.07/original/5792488fc46188c1678b4594.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/2016.07/original/5792488fc46188c1678b4594.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fc c b\", \"alt_text\": \"\\u2018Atomic blast from Mother Nature\\u2019: Chopper cameraman captures incredible storm burst (PHOTOS, VIDEO)\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.rt.com/usa/352730-microblast-arizona-storm-captured/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/2016.06/original/5768fac5c36188f2608b459b.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/2016.06/original/5768fac5c36188f2608b459b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fac c f b b\"}]", "texts": [null, "© Chopperguy / Facebook\nA cameraman for a local television station in Phoenix, Arizona, couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw a huge mushroom-cloud shape in the skies while shooting footage from his news helicopter.\n\nBeing in the right place at the right time, Jerry Ferguson managed to capture the moment perfectly.\n\n“Arizona may not get much rain, but when we do, it is dramatic,” he said in a Facebook post. “Here's an aerial photo of a strong microburst that dumped rain and high winds in south Phoenix.”\n\nThe gigantic mushroom cloud was a ‘microburst’, a weather phenomenon which occurs when sinking air - or a downdraft - in a thunderstorm is created by a combination of falling rain, hail and evaporation. Once the water evaporates, it cools down the air, making it dense and powerful.\n\nMicrobursts can be dangerous because they spread wind out in all directions after hitting the ground. Small and powerful bursts of wind typically rush downwards out of a thunderstorm and gusts can reach up to 150mph (240kph).\n\nFerguson called the microburst he witnessed over Phoenix an “atomic blast from Mother Nature.”\n\nAnother Phoenix resident also managed to get an impressive photo from the ground.\n\n— Michael Ventrice (@MJVentrice) July 20, 2016\n\nBut, of course nothing beats Ferguson’s views from the sky, including a dust storm in the days after.\n\nCheck out these aerial photos of a massive dust storm hitting Phoenix #azwx#monsoonpic.twitter.com/3bW77d7qaU\n\n— Bruce Haffner (@chopperguyhd) July 20, 2016\n\nA separate video by photographer Bryan Snider also showed a spectacular timelapse of the microburst over the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport."], "url": "https://www.rt.com/usa/352730-microblast-arizona-storm-captured/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 900, "width": 680}], "image_hashes": ["a6ef1d4caf0ea4d55c29edc315f981b49aab19382e00e18e27a928beca5d9c65"], "__index_level_0__": 553, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://c.stocksy.com/a/gx9000/z0/38296.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7098418474197388}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.stocksy.com/38296/Strawberry-cheesecake-in-yellow--flan-dish\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c.stocksy.com/a/gx9000/z0/38296.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c.stocksy.com/a/gx9000/z0/38296.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Strawberry cheesecake in yellow flan dish by Lior + Lone for Stocksy United\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Image by\n\nLior + Lone\n\nStrawberry cheesecake in yellow flan dish\n\nCheesecake from a cake and coffee get-together\n\ncake, cheesecake, colorful, cream, crumb, delicious, dessert, flan dish, food, food and drink, homemade, horizontal, lifestyle, messy, red, strawberry, strawberry cheesecake, sweet, tasty, yellow"], "url": "https://www.stocksy.com/38296/Strawberry-cheesecake-in-yellow--flan-dish", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 800, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["780b9444bdf16f4c5d9e3cc8c8361e272c030e9e33d61582aa641654080b0a1a"], "__index_level_0__": 554, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.thenakedscientists.com/sites/default/files/media/300x225x9267447818_b600af0246_z.jpg.pagespeed.ic.NX412A4o9p.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9398365020751952}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.thenakedscientists.com/articles/interviews/superconducting-super-energy\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/default/files/media/300x225x9267447818_b600af0246_z.jpg.pagespeed.ic.NX412A4o9p.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.thenakedscientists.com/sites/default/files/media/300x225x9267447818_b600af0246_z.jpg.pagespeed.ic.NX412A4o9p.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"x b af z\", \"alt_text\": \"Levitating Superconductor\"}, null]", "texts": ["Part of the show Cambridge Science Festival: Battle of the Brains\n\nPlay Download\n\nSuchitra Sebastian is a Cambridge University physicist on a mission to transform", null, "the way we use energy globally and she's planning to do it all with the help of a type of material called a superconductor. She starts off by explaing what the problem is that she's hoping to fix...\n\nSuchitra - I'm trying to work towards a world in which we use less energy. If we'd like to move to renewables like solar energy.  This is made in the middle of the desert where not many people live, so to get the electricity from there to the most crowded cities, this is not easy to do.\n\nSmith - It's a big transmission problem. You've got to move the electricity from where the sun shines to where the people live, and they're not the same?\n\nSuchitra - Yeah so if we used regular electric cables like we have here that you plug into the wall, we actually lose quite a bit of energy.  So if you put electricity through we waste quite a bit as heat so, if we were to extend this to over thousands of kilometer, you'd end up wasting a lot of that precious energy.\n\nSmith - So you're saying it might be possible if we can make the transmission system not lose all that energy along the way?  To make lots of energy, electrical energy where it's sunny and transport it much more efficiently to where we need it?\n\nSuchitra - Absolutely, and for this the kind of material which I'm going to be talking about is perfect.  It's known as a superconductor- it's a perfect conductor.  So you're familiar with metals, conductors in which electricity is not transported because electrons (the little objects that transport electricity), they're bumping into each other and bumping into the crystal walls, so there's a lot of energy lost because of these kinds of processes but in superconductors, the electrons all move perfectly in sync.  So, when you take a superconductor, you cool it down gradually at some special temperature and they suddenly, almost by magic, all become aware of each other and all click perfectly into sync with each other. So over giant distances, over hundreds of kilometers, you get perfect transmission of electricity.\n\nSmith - It's a bit like rather than having a contraflow on the motorway and everyone's going here there and everywhere, and changing lanes, and bashing into each other; we've got everyone in the same lane, no HGVs and everyone's going along at the same speed?\n\nSuchitra - Absolutely - no traffic jams!\n\nSmith - Is this feasible?\n\nSuchitra - I can actually show you today an example of a superconductor and some of the unique, and particularly exciting, effects of a superconductor.\n\nSmith - Right let's do it - what have you got?\n\nSuchitra - What I have here is a container; this is about -200OC so yes, it's quite cold.\n\nSmith - In there is a clear liquid which is bubbling away - that's what?\n\nSuchitra - This is liquid nitrogen, and this is a very effective way of cooling down whatever's in this liquid to -200O.\n\nSmith - Sitting in there are two very thin black squares, maybe 2 inches down each side of the square, bubbling away at the bottom - what are they?\n\nSuchitra - These are actually pucks made of superconducting material.  So I'm cooling them down in order for these materials to be perfect conductors, they have to be cooled down so that the electrons start behaving in sync with each other.\n\nSmith - And when we've got them really cold, what are we going to do with them?\n\nSuchitra - Okay.  So what you see here is a giant ring - well when I say giant- it's about 1m across.  It's a ring with shiny little squares that are very strong magnets.\n\nSmith - Right, so all the way around - it looks like a glass coffee table actually - but all around the outside rim of the coffee table are little silver squares and those are powerful magnets?\n\nSuchitra - When I put the superconductor over the magnet you will see what happens.\n\nSmith - This does look magical actual, because what we've got is this glass coffee table like thing with all these magnets around the edge and this flat sheet of material (the superconductor) that we've just put onto it is literally wizzing around following the path of the magnets in a circle and it is floating about an inch off the surface.\n\nSuchitra - It's floating, it can go in any direction...\n\nSmith - You give it a nudge with the forcep...\n\nSuchitra - Yes...\n\nSmith - ... And then off it goes?\n\nSuchitra - Yes.  I give it a nudge in one direction and it goes round and round in that direction and the only thing that would slow it down is friction...\n\nSmith - From the air?\n\nSuchitra - Yes, friction from the air or if it were to get warmer.  As it will gradually get warmer you will see it descending slowly.\n\nSmith - Right - now the hard question.  Why is it doing that?\n\nSuchitra - To put it as simply a I can, it's because currents are set up on the surface of the superconductor...\n\nSmith - Electrical currents?\n\nSuchitra - Yes, so when perpetual currents are set up on the surface of a superconductor, it creates a magnetic field that repels a magnetic field from these very strong magnets, and since this magnetic field of this superconductor is repelling expelling or the magnetic field from these very strong magnets, it's floating on top of this.\n\nSmith - I get it.  So, the magnetic field makes an electrical current flow in the superconductor which makes it's own magnetic field which repels the magnetic field from the table, and the two oppose each other and it just bobs there forever?\n\nSuchitra - Yes, exactly.\n\nSmith - Until it warms up, obviously?\n\nSuchitra - : Yes, that's right.  Yes.\n\nSmith - And the practical application of this if we wanted to use this practically to solve the problem that you were saying at the outset, which is getting electricity around the world and that kind of thing.  How could we do this?\n\nSuchitra - The levitating effect that I showed you, for example, is used in magnetically levitating trains to reduce friction with the track.  But actually, these transmission solutions are really important for the world's energy problems and they are already used in some parts of the world; so a kilometer long superconducting transmission line is used in Germany for example.  Actually, if you've actually had your head inside one of those MRI machines, that's a superconducting magnet so it's not so alien that you only see it in the laboratory but, what we really need to do to help solve these big energy problems, we need to cool it down.  At the moment, the superconductors that are best known, we need to cool them down.  This is okay in an ice cream tub in a demo or over a kilometer, over hundreds of kilometer this is quite challenging and also, the material you see here...\n\nSmith - It would be a big ice cream tube, wouldn't it?\n\nSuchitra - Yes, you would need a lot of cooling yes.  Lots of ice cream or superconductor cooling.  And also what you see here the superconductors - you can come up and look at them - they're quite brittle; they're not actually shiny like a metal; they're not malleable.  So they're not great to make into wires and they're quite expensive so, really, we'd like to find better superconductors.\n\nSmith - So if you do want to improve them, how can you make them better?\n\nSuchitra - We're not that great at building superconductors from scratch (so designing them), but what we do is to take existing materials, for example, there are magnets which are very close to being superconducting.  We put giant pressures on them, like the pressures near the earth's core that Chris was talking about.  You can create a diamond from peanut butter. Just like that you can take a magnet, put a giant pressure on it and make it into a superconductor and so this is what we're doing to design superconductors in the laboratory and hence work to a better superconductors, which you don't need to cool, which are cheaper and that we can make these transmission lines out of.\n\nSmith - They'd still be cool though - wouldn't they?\n\nSuchitra - They would be cool.\n\nChemical Sensors | Senses\n\nI like the way you move\n\nComputing | High Energy | Science News\n\nSpooky Diamonds a Step Towards Quantum Computing\n\nPhysics | Science News\n\nWhat's Next for the LHC?\n\nForum discussions\n\nHow infectious is ringworm?\n\nDo differences in time perception create confusion between people?\n\nHow much energy for a photo-acoustic effect?"], "url": "https://www.thenakedscientists.com/articles/interviews/superconducting-super-energy", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 300, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["39c07ee2e36e69b06e50a34fc00847c1b74b131be6fff6eb2cc185ab6b97d845"], "__index_level_0__": 555, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_4.jpg", null, "https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_3.jpg", null, "https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_5.jpg", null, null, "https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_6.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9611935019493104}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.theregister.co.uk/Print/2007/06/25/review_acer_travelmate_6292/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_4.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"acer\", \"alt_text\": \"Acer TravelMate 6292\", \"rendered_width\": 438, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.theregister.co.uk/Print/2007/06/25/review_acer_travelmate_6292/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_3.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"acer\", \"alt_text\": \"Acer TravelMate 6292\", \"rendered_width\": 450, \"rendered_height\": 344}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.theregister.co.uk/Print/2007/06/25/review_acer_travelmate_6292/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_5.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"acer\", \"alt_text\": \"Acer TravelMate 6292\", \"rendered_width\": 450, \"rendered_height\": 327}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.theregister.co.uk/Print/2007/06/25/review_acer_travelmate_6292/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_7.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_7.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"acer\", \"alt_text\": \"Acer TravelMate 6292\", \"rendered_width\": 450, \"rendered_height\": 68}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.theregister.co.uk/Print/2007/06/25/review_acer_travelmate_6292/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_6.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://regmedia.co.uk/2007/05/16/acer_6292_6.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"acer\", \"alt_text\": \"Acer TravelMate 6292\", \"rendered_width\": 450, \"rendered_height\": 298}, null]", "texts": ["Review The Acer TravelMate 6292 is the first of the company's new ProFile range, which promises to be \"concrete, protective and productive\", apparently. Designed for a hardy life on the road it features a magnesium alloy cover that's supposedly 20 times stronger yet considerably lighter than plastic. Would you like to know more?", null, "While it would be hard to compete with the bullet-stopping capabilities of the ThinkPad, the 6292 certainly feels solid enough. However, although the casing appears sufficiently sturdy, there's nothing to latch the screen in place when it's folded, so it could still be susceptible to damage while travelling in your bag, if you're not careful.\n\nAcer is touting the 6292 as an ultra-portable. While it's small, measuring just 30.5 x 22.5 x 3.5cm and weighing 2kg, it's still a bit on the large side to truly merit that description. It's no Sony Vaio TX, for example. It's certainly small enough to lug to the office and back everyday, but you probably won't want to take it with you everywhere you go.\n\nThe screen only stretches to 12.1in, which seems a little bit of a waste given the available space inside the lid. The large bezel running around the edge reminds you that you could have had a bigger screen if Acer had managed to squeeze one in. Resolution support is adequate, with a widescreen resolution of 1280 x 800, aka WXGA.\n\nGiven the relatively small screen size, you probably wouldn't want a higher resolution unless you've got extremely good eyesight. The display isn't overly reflective, but as a result it's not as vivid as the screens such as Sony's X-Black range, for example.", null, "The 6292 sports Intel's latest 'Santa Rosa' Centrino Dup spec, which means you get a Core 2 Duo T7300 running at 2GHz, Intel GMA X3100 integrated graphics and 802.11n Wi-Fi. There's a healthy 2GB of DDR 2 memory thrown in and there's oodles of storage space on the 160GB hard drive. Acer has also included an internal 8x multi-format DVD writer, so you don't need to mess around with external units - another sign the 6292 isn't as ultra-portable as Acer might like us to think.\n\nWhen it comes to performance, Windows Vista pegs the 6292's Windows Experience Index (WEI) at 3.4 out of 5.9. The overall WEI is determined by the lowest scoring category - in this case graphics. Gaming graphics was also low - just 3.5 - while hard disk and memory scored 4.4 and 4.8, respectively. The processor racked up the highest component score, managing 5.1.", null, "Running the laptop through the PCMark05 benchmark suite resulted in a decent score of 4,069 but when it comes to 3D performance, the numbers aren't as great. It only managed to attain a paltry 551 in 3DMark06 which isn't really going to give you sufficient oomph for decent gaming. However, the 6292 is aimed more at the business market than the consumers, so it's less of a problem. And that's integrated graphics for you.\n\nThe keyboard feels a little bouncy to type on at first, but it's pleasant enough once you get used to it. Like the screen, though, it does feel like it could have been made a little bit bigger, with wasted space down the sides that could have been put to use for slightly bigger keys or a less cramped layout - or even a smaller laptop, if Acer really wanted to push the ultra-portable line. For example, the five quick-launch buttons down the right-hand side of the keyboard would no doubt be better housed along the strip at the top where the power and Empowering Technology buttons are.\n\nThe Empowering Technology key activates a sort of Apple Mac OS X Dashboard view, which dims the main screen and shows you foating widgets that let you perform tasks such as change your power settings or Wi-Fi options.\n\nThe touchpad sits below the keyboards and in between the left and right click buttons you'll find a fingerprint reader, which you can use for various security features which would normally require a password.", "On the panel on the front edge of the machine there are headphone, line-in and microphone ports, along with a four-pin Firewire connector. The front panel also houses an infrared port, a technology long forgotten on most new models. Bluetooth 2.0 is also included for those after more modern wireless technology.", null], "url": "https://www.theregister.co.uk/Print/2007/06/25/review_acer_travelmate_6292/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 438, "width": 413}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 344, "original_width": 450, "width": 494}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 327, "original_width": 450, "width": 520}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 298, "original_width": 450, "width": 570}], "image_hashes": ["03af477539608fce90e387ba5ffb3d01d07b862aa98b3fd8431a7b0651e87635", "fee68abe17f72296824712800122003ee351062fb9c761b2774be4b2de3158f8", "d5c6402ca7cdb540682cad2e4a6f0f5ec855cc68469534a839722c21cca7c6d1", "33bae428b01475343ae6bc2813c97a323381c718eedcf6299cfb4db82126be0d"], "__index_level_0__": 556, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://images.vat19.com/covers/large/pac-man-fleece-blanket.jpg", null, 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\"formatted_filename\": \"mysterious box of mystery\", \"alt_text\": \"Mysterious Box of Mystery\", \"rendered_width\": 100, \"rendered_height\": 120}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.vat19.com/product/index/productID/pac-man-fleece-blanket\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//images.vat19.com/covers/tiny-hands.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images.vat19.com/covers/tiny-hands.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tiny hands\", \"alt_text\": \"Tiny Hands\", \"rendered_width\": 100, \"rendered_height\": 120}, null]", "texts": [null, "Curl up on the couch with the fabulously soft and fluffy Pac-Man Fleece Blanket.\n\nThis officially licensed blanket features an exact replica maze board and is made from a high-quality, ultra-fine polyester.\n\nMeasures 50\" x 60\".\n\nFor people who like:\n\nFeatures & specs\n\nCloak yourself in 80s awesomeness!\n\nPac-Man is far and away the most popular and recognizable video game the world has ever known. And unlike other icons of the 80s (pleated jeans, stirrup pants, and shoulder pads, we're shielding our eyes), Pac-Man has stood the test of time.\n\nThis is why, decades after its release, we're thrilled to wrap ourselves in this gorgeous Pac-Man blanket and not a Member's Only jacket.", null, "The Pac-Man throw is a super-soft fleece blanket.\n\nPerfectly-sized, officially licensed throw blanket\n\nWhat we love about the Pac-Man Fleece Blanket is that it's an exact replica of the maze board. And at 50\" x 60\", it's the ideal size for lounging on the couch or keeping warm at a cold cubicle.", null, "The officially licensed Pac-Man Fleece Blanket features a replica maze board.\n\nSupple, feathery softness\n\nObviously, we were drawn to this blanket because of the design. But, we're not going to sell a blanket unless the thing is Squishable-soft. Thankfully, the Pac-Man Fleece Blanket is 100% fluffy and soft — just like you'd expect from a toasty fleece throw.", null, "The Pac-Man Fleece Blanket is wonderfully soft and fleecy.\n\nFrequently Asked Questions\n\nQuestion: Can you play Pac-Man with it?\n\nAnswer: No. This is a blanket. It keeps you warm. If you're jonesing for a quick hit of Pac-Man, hit up that Google doodle and play a quick round for free!\n\nQuestion: If you can't play Pac-Man with it, what else does it do?\n\nAnswer: Every item in your life need not have multiple functions. I don't yell at my socks because they don't take HD photos. The perfect blanket should be soft, warm, and look awesome. The Pac-Man Fleece does all three.\n\nQuestion: Why do you guys love the 80s so much?\n\nAnswer: Frankly, the 80s were generally horrendous. However, littered amongst the coal piles of every decade are going to be a few sparkling diamonds. We've simply taken the liberty of restoring these gems to their former glory. Plus, time tends to heal all wounds... or at least transform the scar tissue into charm tissue. With 30 years of separation, \"Burn that picture of me in leg warmers!\" slowly becomes, \"Oh, remember when we wore leg warmers? That was so hilarious!\" Yeah. Right.\n\nQuestion: Wouldn't this be the perfect blanket for curling up on the sofa with a book?\n\nAnswer: My gosh, you're right! You could brew some tea in your IngenuiTEA, pour it into your Tea-Rex Mug, slip on your Heated Indoor/Outdoor Slippers, and enjoy a comfortable read. I suppose you could even do a little bit of online shopping at your favorite... OK, I think you get the point.\n\nQuestion: Why do you tend to go off topic on your product pages?\n\nAnswer: The blanket measures 50\" x 60\".\n\nThis product has been discontinued. Frown face!\n\nSorry, but this item is no longer available for purchase.\n\nBurning Questions: You Ask, We Answer\n\nWant to ask your own Burning Question?\n\nPlease excuse the shameless cross promotions!", "TurboSpoke Bicycle Exhaust\n\nMake your bike look and sound like a motorcycle!", "Mysterious Box of Mystery\n\nA surprise selection of curated Vat19 goodies.", "Tiny Hands\n\nHilarious pair of itty bitty hands."], "url": "https://www.vat19.com/product/index/productID/pac-man-fleece-blanket", "images_metadata": [{"height": 453, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 600, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["ea898dddfe1b4b81130d26d0323f96ec6e37314aa59849fc9b3a5033108f96bc", "ee687acd5f4dce2a3e53c1ec2a7580c906ff22dbf1d656637a61c504cc1a0daa", "143b9340f189594d1170e58d30d60df68722a908d300a6fc66203932bf1b3ce3", "e823fcb4e8167b8d6d652ade36f1c9942fbc61ec61c68b76708dd3ce338540a0"], "__index_level_0__": 557, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-XK-XirCyKW8/SHvQQpDMfdI/AAAAAAAAFN4/MUyKgAY3SCk/w200-h300-n-k/IMG_3050.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8730950951576233}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.visitingeu.com/western-europe/italy/2008/07/via-dellamore-in-cinque-terre.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-XK-XirCyKW8/SHvQQpDMfdI/AAAAAAAAFN4/MUyKgAY3SCk/w200-h300-n-k/IMG_3050.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-XK-XirCyKW8/SHvQQpDMfdI/AAAAAAAAFN4/MUyKgAY3SCk/w200-h300-n-k/IMG_3050.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"House in Cinque Terre\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Via dell’Amore\n\nThe Via dell’Amore is a famous hiking trail in Cinque Terre, Italy. It connects the five towns of Riomaggiore, Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza, and Monterosso al Mare.\n\nAn 11 kilometer (7 mile) stretch of trail, the Via dell’Amore is not for the faint of heart. While the short path between Riomaggiore and Manarola is easy and flat, the long trails between Corniglia and Vernazza, and Vernazza and Monterosso are steep, narrow and rocky.\n\nTo hike the Via dell’Amore during the day you will need to purchase a Cinque Terre Card. Hiking the Via dell’Amore in the evening is free, as the checkpoint booths are closed.\n\nHikers in Cinque Terre are advised to wear appropriate clothing and shoes and to carry water with them at all times, particularly in the hot summer months.\n\nThe Via dell’Amore is sometimes closed in the rainy season due to wet and dangerous conditions.\n\nBelow are descriptions of the hiking trails on the Via dell’Amore in Cinque Terre:\n\nRiomaggiore to Manarola on the Via dell’Amore\nTerrain: Flat and easy\nTime: About a half hour walk\n\nManarola to Corniglia on the Via dell’Amore\nTerrain: Flat until the end, at which point you must climb a long set of stairs\nTime: Less than an hour walk\n\nCorniglia to Vernazza on the Via dell’Amore\nTerrain: Steep uphill and steep downhill, many stone steps, loose gravel\nTime: 1.5 hour walk\n\nVernazza to Monterosso on the Via dell’Amore\nTerrain: Very steep uphill and very steep downhill, many stone steps, loose gravel and narrow trails\nTime: 2 hour walk"], "url": "https://www.visitingeu.com/western-europe/italy/2008/07/via-dellamore-in-cinque-terre.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["62295bfe60b93d0dfd12faacd38f53c6d5bcb65732f11c98a1bbe19d8c8e9fce"], "__index_level_0__": 558, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.warresisters.org/sites/default/files/handbook_for_nonviolent_campaigns_2nd_2.jpg", null, null, null, "https://www.warresisters.org/sites/default/files/_1989_0.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9126742482185364}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.warresisters.org/nonviolence\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/default/files/handbook_for_nonviolent_campaigns_2nd_2.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.warresisters.org/sites/default/files/handbook_for_nonviolent_campaigns_2nd_2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"handbook for nonviolent campaigns nd\", \"alt_text\": \"Cover of Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns\", \"rendered_width\": 221, \"rendered_height\": 312}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.warresisters.org/nonviolence\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/default/files/4.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.warresisters.org/sites/default/files/4.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 190, \"rendered_height\": 190}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.warresisters.org/nonviolence\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/default/files/_1989_0.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.warresisters.org/sites/default/files/_1989_0.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 190, \"rendered_height\": 303}]", "texts": ["War Resisters League believes change happens through the implementation of revolutionary nonviolence. Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA) is powerful. There are many dramatic images of nonviolent action; indeed, the ability to dramatize an issue is one of the strengths of nonviolence. However, this drama doesn't just happen. It gestates – in groups or cells of activists, in discussions, in training sessions, in reflecting on previous experiences, in planning, in experimenting, in making contacts.\n\nAs a 94 year old organization, War Resisters League has been training for, and doing, nonviolent direct actions since the 1940's. We ground ourselves in what groups around the world, in the War Resisters International community, have done and how they have done it. As a radical organization, we go to the roots, not only of the problems but also the solutions. WRL declares its commitment to “strive nonviolently for the removal of all the causes of war, including racism, sexism and all forms of exploitation.” While addressing the root causes of war, we also nurture the roots of nonviolent action, recognizing that blooms will be stronger if we root ourselves in nonviolent direct action training and history.\n\nWe do not try to present a definitive model, but to suggest methods that have worked in various contexts, that can be adapted by creative nonviolent activists in their own situations. We want to share these lessons with you.\n\nPlanning Nonviolent Campaigns\nExercises + Handouts\nTrainings for Nonviolent Action\nAgendas, Trainers + Trainings\nOrganizing Effective Actions\nSteps to organize Nonviolent Direct Actions\nVideos, Bibliography, Speakers\n\nThe Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns, 2nd Edition", null, "Order your copy on our store today!\n\nFor an introduction to nonviolence training + history,\nread this!", "\"What's Next\"? We Hope More Nonviolent Campaigns! - January 24, 2017\nMEDIA ADVISORY: Activists Call on DOJ to End Widespread Teargas Torture in US Prisons before Trump Inauguration - January 6, 2017", "Shoe-Throwing Still Gets No Love In Iraq: An Interview with Dhurgham al-Zaidy - December 15, 2016", null], "url": "https://www.warresisters.org/nonviolence", "images_metadata": [{"height": 533, "original_height": 312, "original_width": 221, "width": 378}, {"height": 603, "original_height": 412, "original_width": 258, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["7aa75a416defc719f3f2130176e1634fd98ad3ddb3d8774ed36cfe4f16c6836b", "e4801cbde089c2d5be1ffe5f449bb8a252fd75fb03233fcef5e3487c2107cb23"], "__index_level_0__": 559, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/440bd52a-5853-4234-b54a-45d1a8f54064.jpg", "https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/8b5ee153-bc77-4cf1-afc4-bf0a0ddd089a.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8127768635749817}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.woot.com/offers/starnavigator-102-refractor-telescope\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/440bd52a-5853-4234-b54a-45d1a8f54064.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/440bd52a-5853-4234-b54a-45d1a8f54064.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bd a b a d a f\", \"rendered_height\": 441}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.woot.com/offers/starnavigator-102-refractor-telescope\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/8b5ee153-bc77-4cf1-afc4-bf0a0ddd089a.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/8b5ee153-bc77-4cf1-afc4-bf0a0ddd089a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b ee bc cf afc bf a ddd a\", \"rendered_height\": 441}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "The StarNavigator™ 102 is a 4\" refractor with a focal length of 800mm and focal ration of f/7.7. With the included 1.25\" MA9mm and MA25mm eyepieces, this telescope provides up to 90X magnification. The StarNavigator 102 is a fully GoTo digital telescope that includes Meade’s revolutionary AudioStar™ Computer Controller. AudioStar™ features Astronomer Inside™ digital audio technology, which tells you interesting and educational information about a celestial object as you are viewing through the eyepiece. Its built-in speaker allows everyone around the telescope to listen and hear about the 500 plus celestial objects contained in its database. Planets, nebula, star clusters, our Moon and more. Size, shape, history, origin and distance from our planet are a sample of what you will hear. Includes a lightweight, portable and reliable single-arm robotic mount for the AudioStar Computer Controller."], "url": "https://www.woot.com/offers/starnavigator-102-refractor-telescope", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 441, "original_width": 588, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 441, "original_width": 588, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["82db07e01de0ca83afc5348065ab955c2cc5bad376ab6bb06a9dbd95a3807eeb", "f1f38185da8d8adad961be168cb8cbdbbedade57d09ed3b333c2c6fd7cad5dbd"], "__index_level_0__": 560, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/10-0777-F1-tn.jpg", null, null, "https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/10-0777-F3-tn.jpg", null, "https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/10-0777-F4-tn.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.947655975818634}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/world-immunization-week_150.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/world-immunization-week_150.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"world immunization week\", \"rendered_width\": 236, \"rendered_height\": 60}, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/Spotlight_topics_300.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/Spotlight_topics_300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Spotlight topics\", \"rendered_width\": 235, \"rendered_height\": 50}, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/zika_spotlight_300.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/zika_spotlight_300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"zika spotlight\", \"rendered_width\": 235, \"rendered_height\": 50}, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/20year_timeline_300.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/20year_timeline_300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"year timeline\", \"rendered_width\": 235, \"rendered_height\": 50}, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/world_health_days_300.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/world_health_days_300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"world health days\", \"rendered_width\": 235, \"rendered_height\": 50}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/eid_bookcover_150.jpg.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/eid_bookcover_150.jpg.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eid bookcover\", \"rendered_width\": 175, \"rendered_height\": 215}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/10-0777-F1-tn.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/10-0777-F1-tn.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"F tn\", \"alt_text\": \"Thumbnail of Phylogenetic tree including genotype B2 and genotype B3 of measles virus (MV) strains from the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2000\\u20132006, and World Health Organization (WHO) reference strains (italics) of the corresponding genotypes and some other genotype B2 strains available in GenBank (accession numbers in brackets). MV strains were named according to WHO nomenclature: MVi/City of isolation.Country/epidemiologic week.year of isolation/isolate number. Sequences obtained from RNA\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 189}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/10-0777-F2-tn.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/10-0777-F2-tn.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"F tn\", \"alt_text\": \"Thumbnail of Epidemic curve of measles epidemic in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2005. Numbers of reported measles cases per week are shown by epidemiologic week, and measles incidence per week in the 35 health districts of Kinshasa is illustrated by gray shading. The periods during which the main genotype B2 variants (B2KIN-A, -B, and -C) were identified in Kinshasa are indicated above the epidemic curve.\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 124}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/10-0777-F3-tn.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/10-0777-F3-tn.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"F tn\", \"alt_text\": \"Thumbnail of Phylogenetic tree including genotype B3 strains of measles virus (MV) from Nigeria collected in 1997\\u20131998 and 2003\\u20132005 (boldface) and World Health Organization (WHO) reference strains of genotypes B3.1, B3.2, and B2 (italics). Measles strains were named as indicated in the legend to Figure 1. For all strains from 2003\\u20132005, which have been published, the GenBank accession number is given in brackets. For all strains from 1997\\u20131998, NIE had been used as a 3-letter code for the count\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 214}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/10-0777-F4-tn.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/10-0777-F4-tn.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"F tn\", \"alt_text\": \"Thumbnail of Phylogenetic tree showing a comparison of genotype B3 strains of measles virus (MV) from Nigeria 1997\\u20131998 and 2003\\u20132005 (boldface) and representative genotype B3 strains from other countries in Africa available in GenBank (accession numbers in brackets) and World Health Organization (WHO) reference strains of genotypes B3.1, B3.2, and B2 (italics). Naming of MV strains and tree calculation were performed on the basis of the 450-nt region that codes for the C-terminus of the MV N pr\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 193}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/world-immunization-week_150.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/world-immunization-week_150.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"world immunization week\", \"rendered_width\": 236, \"rendered_height\": 60}, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/Spotlight_topics_300.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/Spotlight_topics_300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Spotlight topics\", \"rendered_width\": 235, \"rendered_height\": 50}, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/zika_spotlight_300.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/zika_spotlight_300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"zika spotlight\", \"rendered_width\": 235, \"rendered_height\": 50}, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/20year_timeline_300.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/20year_timeline_300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"year timeline\", \"rendered_width\": 235, \"rendered_height\": 50}, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/world_health_days_300.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/world_health_days_300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"world health days\", \"rendered_width\": 235, \"rendered_height\": 50}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/eid/images/eid_bookcover_150.jpg.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/images/eid_bookcover_150.jpg.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eid bookcover\", \"rendered_width\": 175, \"rendered_height\": 215}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["We investigated the genetic diversity of measles virus (MV) in Nigeria (2004–2005) and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) (2002–2006). Genotype B3 strains circulating in Kinshasa, DRC, in 2002–2003 were fully replaced by genotype B2 in 2004 at the end of the second Congo war. In Nigeria (2004–2005), two genetic clusters of genotype B3, both of which were most closely related to 1 variant from 1998, were identified. Longitudinal analysis of MV strain diversity in Nigeria suggested that only a few of the previously described 1997–1998 variants had continued to circulate, but this finding was concomitant with a rapid restoration of genetic diversity, probably caused by low vaccination coverage and high birth rates. In contrast, the relatively low genetic diversity of MV in DRC and the genotype replacement in Kinshasa reflect a notable improvement in local measles control.\n\nDespite >90% reduction in the annual measles mortality rate in the World Health Organization (WHO) African Region during 2000–2006 (1), measles remains a major cause of deaths in children in sub-Saharan Africa (2,3). During this period, routine coverage of measles-containing vaccines increased from 56% to 73% in this region, and >200 million children were vaccinated through supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) by December 2004 (4). In the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), vaccination coverage with a first dose of measles vaccine increased from 46% in 2000 to 70% in 2005, according to official country reports (5). The first major catch-up campaigns were conducted in several provinces in 2002 (Kasaï Oriental, Nord Kivu) and 2004 (Kasaï Occidental, Maniema, Katanga, Maniema, Sud-Kivu) (6). In Nigeria, no SIAs took place until 2005, and routine vaccination coverage was persistently low (<40%), at least until 2006 (3,5,7).\n\nMolecular epidemiology has proven to be a major component of measles surveillance because it enables the effect of accelerated measles control activities to be assessed and the elimination of endemic virus strains to be documented. In Africa, indigenous measles virus (MV) genotypes seem to have a distinct geographic distribution (8,9). In the central and western parts of sub-Saharan Africa, mainly clade B viruses have been identified (10–17). The most common genotype is B3, with its 2 clusters B3.1 and B3.2 (10). The first B3 sequences in Africa were reported from Nigeria (1997–1998). The 41 MV isolates collected in southwestern Nigeria clustered in 2 distinct subgroups of genotype B3 (B3.1 and B3.2), with an unprecedented maximal sequence diversity of 4.6% in the C-terminus of the MV nucleoprotein hypervariable region (MVN-HVR) (10).\n\nIn the eastern and southern parts of Africa, genotypes D2 and D4 dominated and a new genotype (D10) was detected in Uganda in 2000 (8,9,18). Although MV sequence data from Africa have been greatly expanded since characterization of the first endemic strains was reported (8,10,17,19), essential genetic baseline information is still missing from many countries (20). For instance, from DRC, only 5 genotype B3 sequences have been reported from Kinshasa (2000) (15). We characterized MV strains collected during 2002 through 2006 from different locations throughout DRC and Nigeria. A comparison of the genetic diversity of MV strains showed notable differences in epidemiologic patterns in both countries that can be only partially explained by differences in vaccination practices.\n\nMaterials and Methods\n\nClinical Specimens and RNA Extraction\n\nClinical specimens from 84 patients with suspected measles were collected in different healthcare centers of the National Measles Surveillance Network in DRC during 2002–2006. Samples from Kinshasa (n = 53) were collected in 14 of the 35 local health districts. Additional specimens were obtained from 5 other provinces of DRC: Bas-Congo (n = 15), Kasaï Oriental (n = 6), Nord-Kivu (n = 2), Sud-Kivu (n = 3), and Maniema (n = 5).\n\nIn Nigeria, clinical specimens were collected from patients with suspected measles in Oyo (n = 16), Lagos (n = 12), Adamawa (n = 17), Borno (n = 1), and Sokoto (n = 4) states during 2004 and 2005. Most samples were from hospitalized patients, but those from Adamawa State were obtained during home visits.\n\nClinical sample collection and MV isolation on VeroSLAM cells were performed as recommended by WHO (1). Specimens used for RNA extraction included throat swabs (n = 75), oral fluid (n = 19), MV culture supernatant (n = 19), serum (n = 12), dried blood (n = 5), urine (n = 2), and peripheral blood leukocytes (n = 2). Total RNA was extracted from 140 µL of body fluids, eluted swab specimens, or virus culture supernatant by using the QIAamp Viral RNA Kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany). Most measles cases were also serologically confirmed by measles-specific immunoglobulin M detection by using a commercial ELISA (Enzygnost anti-Measles IgM; Dade-Behring, Marburg, Germany).\n\nReverse Transcription–PCR and Sequencing\n\nSpecific cDNA of MV nucleoprotein was synthesized by reverse transcription by using SuperscriptIII Reverse Transcriptase (Invitrogen, Merelbeke, Belgium) and random hexamers (Invitrogen). MV cDNA was amplified by nested PCR by using primers MN5 (nt 1113–1134, 5′-GCCATGGGAGTAGGAGTGGAAC-3′ [22]) and MN6 (nt 1773–1754, 5′-CTGGCGGCTGTGTGGACCTG-3′ [22]) for the first round and primers Nf1a (nt 1199–1224, 5′-CGGGCAAGAGATGGTAAGGAGGTCAG-3′) and Nr7a (nt 1725–1703, 5′-AGGGTAGGCGGATGTTGTTCTGG-3′) for the second round. Both PCRs were performed in a total volume of 25 μL that contained 1.8 mmol/L MgCl2, 1× PCR buffer, 0.2 mmol/L dNTPs, 0.5 U Platinum Taq (Invitrogen), and 0.8 μmol/L forward and reverse primer (Eurogentec, Seraing, Belgium). One microliter of cDNA or 5 μL of first-round product (diluted 50× in water) was added as template. Cycling conditions were initial denaturation at 94°C for 2 min; 35 (first round) or 30 (second round) cycles of amplification at 94°C for 30 s, 55°C (first round) or 58°C second round) for 1 min, and 72°C for 1 min; and a final extension at 72°C for 5 min.\n\nNested PCR products were purified by using the Jetquick PCR product Purification Spin Kit (Genomed, Lohne, Germany). Twenty-five cycles of cycle sequencing (2-min elongation) were performed by using a BigDye Terminator version 3.1 Cycle Sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems, Nieuwerkerk, the Netherlands) with Nf1a or Nr7a primers (0.5 μmol/L) and 10 ng of purified PCR product. Cycle sequencing products were analyzed on an ABI 3130 Genetic Analyzer (Applied Biosystems). Sequences were aligned by using ClustalW (23), and phylogenetic trees were constructed by using the neighbor-joining method (Kimura 2-parameter) and MEGA4 software (24). All new sequences were submitted to GenBank under accession nos. FN985102–FN985162.\n\nKinshasa, DRC, 2002–2003\n\nFigure 1", null, "Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree including genotype B2 and genotype B3 of measles virus (MV) strains from the Democratic Republic of the Congo 2000–2006, and World Health Organization (WHO) reference strains (italics) of the...\n\nEight MV strains collected in Kinshasa during September 2002–January 2003 were assigned to genotype B3.1 on the basis of their MVN-HVR sequences (Figure 1). These strains were obtained at the peak of a large epidemic that occurred in Kinshasa during January 2002–December 2003 (25). Their sequences differed by only 1 or 2 nt from earlier genotype B3.1 variants found in Kinshasa and Brazzaville, Congo, in 2000 (15), which suggests that MV continuously circulated in Kinshasa during 2000–2003, and that the overall genetic diversity of strains throughout this outbreak was relatively low (0.4% in the MVN-HVR).\n\nKinshasa, 2004–2006\n\nFigure 2", "Figure 2. Epidemic curve of measles epidemic in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2005. Numbers of reported measles cases per week are shown by epidemiologic week, and measles incidence per week in...\n\nIn 2005, another large measles epidemic with >36,000 reported cases and >400 deaths occurred in Kinshasa. Increasing numbers of cases were reported from the last quarter of 2004 until the epidemic peak was reached in epidemiologic week 36 in 2005 (Figure 2). Thereafter, the incidence steadily decreased and fewer cases were reported in the beginning of 2006. Variable numbers of cases were reported from the 35 health districts throughout 2005 (Figure 2), but the case distribution over time suggested 1 large epidemic with a variable effect in the different health districts in the capital of DRC rather than a series of smaller epidemics, as was suggested for the outbreak in 2002–2003 (25).\n\nMVN-HVR sequences were obtained from 45 strains collected in 14 of the 35 health districts of Kinshasa during December 2004–February 2006. All 45 viruses belonged to genotype B2, and essentially 3 sequence variants (B2KIN-A, B2KIN-B, and B2KIN-C; Figure 1) were identified. Eleven viruses collected during December 2004–May 2005 had identical sequences in the MVN-HVR (variant B2KIN-A). Five strains collected during February–May 2005 corresponded to the second variant (B2KIN-B), differing by only 1 nt from B2KIN-A in the same gene segment. The third sequence variant (B2KIN-C) was first detected in May 2005 and continued to circulate at least until January 2006. This variant differed by 1 and 2 nts from B2KIN-B and B2KIN-A, respectively, and was identified in 18 strains collected during this period. Eleven other sequence variants were obtained, each from 1 patient, and all but 1 were collected after the peak of the epidemic. Their sequences differed by 1 to 3 nts from B2KIN-C and by 2–5 nts from B2KIN-A and B2KIN-B (Figure 1). Thus, 2 different MV genotypes, B3 and B2, were associated with 2 consecutive measles epidemics in Kinshasa, suggesting that MV circulation had been temporarily interrupted during the intraepidemic phase in 2004.\n\nOther DRC Provinces, 2005–2006\n\nGenotype B2 strains detected during 2005 and 2006 in Kasaï Oriental, Bas-Congo, and Maniema provinces were most closely related to those strains identified during the same period in Kinshasa (Figure 1). MV cases from these regions thus seemed to be epidemiologically linked to the epidemic in Kinshasa. All 5 sequences obtained from North and South Kivu during February–May 2006 were identical to B2KIN-A, which was last identified ≈8 months earlier in Kinshasa. In the absence of any information on measles incidence in North and South Kivu during 2004–2006, one may speculate that B2-KIN-A strains could have been imported from the east into Kinshasa in 2004 but continued to circulate at the same time in this region bordering Rwanda. Alternatively, B2-KIN-A strains from Kinshasa might have been introduced into the region around Lake Kivu at an early stage of the epidemic because they were not detected after May 2005 in Kinshasa.\n\nNigeria, 2004–2005\n\nFigure 3", null, "Figure 3. Phylogenetic tree including genotype B3 strains of measles virus (MV) from Nigeria collected in 1997–1998 and 2003–2005 (boldface) and World Health Organization (WHO) reference strains of genotypes B3.1, B3.2, and B2...\n\nThe MVN-HVR sequence was obtained from 58 viruses collected in 5 states in Nigeria (Oyo, Lagos, Adamawa, Borno, Sokoto) during 2005 and 2006. All sequences were identified as genotype B3 and grouped in 2 separate clusters (Figure 3) with a minimal genetic distance of 5 nts (1.1%) between clusters 1 and 2. Sequence variants of cluster 1 were mainly (81.3%) found in the southwestern states (Oyo, Lagos), whereas most cluster 2 strains (70.6%) were from northern and northeastern states (Adamawa, Borno, Sokoto). Compared with MV sequences obtained in Nigeria during 1997–1998 (10), both clusters were most closely related to 1 particular strain (MVi/Ibadan.NIE/7.98/3).\n\nThe maximal sequence diversity identified in Lagos, Ibadan, Yola, and Mubi ranged from 1.8% to 2.9%, despite collection of specimens in each city within a period of <2 months. Seventeen sequence variants, differing by 1–11 nts (0.22 to 2.4%) from each other, were distinguished among 28 MV strains collected in January and February 2004 in Lagos (2.2% diversity; Lagos State) and Ibadan (2.2% diversity; Oyo State) (Figure 3).\n\nTen sequence variants differing by 1–13 nts (0.2%–2.9%) were identified among 17 strains collected in the northeastern Nigeria (Adamawa State) in June 2005. Eight of these sequence variants were detected in 1 city (Yola) during a period of only 2 weeks (2.9% diversity). Another cluster 2 strain (MVs/Maiduguri.NIE/02.05/1), which had a minimum of a 3-nt difference with strains from Adamawa State, was identified a few months earlier in neighboring Borno State. Finally, 4 additional sequence variants (2.7% diversity) were obtained during January 2005 in Sokoto State in northwestern Nigeria. Thus, multiple lineages of genotype B3 were identified in Nigeria, similar to the situation in the late 1990s, indicating that measles continued to be highly endemic during the study period.\n\nThis study compared the genetic diversity of MV in 2 countries in Africa of similar size during a similar period. In Nigeria, all viruses belonged to the same genotype (B3.1) and were most closely related to viruses found in the same country in 1997–1998 (Figure 3) (10), which suggests an uninterrupted endemic transmission of MV in Nigeria during 1997–2005. MV strains from 2004–2005 formed 2 clusters within subgroup B3.1, both of which were most closely related to 1 particular variant identified in Nigeria in 1998 (MVi/Ibadan.NIE/7.98/3). No B3.2 strains or descendants of most other B3.1 variants from 1997–1998 were detected in 2004–2005, even in samples from the same cities (Ibadan, Lagos) (Figure 3). In 1997–1998, we observed a genetic diversity of 3.1% in Lagos and 4.2% in Ibadan. The phylogeny of the 2004–2005 strains from Nigeria suggests that the 2004–2005 diversity was not caused by multiple chains of transmission sustained since 1997–1998, but by only a few chains of transmission paired with a rapid restoration of a high genetic diversity (2.2% in both cities). Epidemiologic bottlenecks that reduce virus diversity include reduction of susceptible persons, low population size and density, and seasonality of the disease (15,26–28), but the factors that promote viral diversity are less well understood. In Nigeria, the population density is high (e.g., ≈24,000 inhabitants/km2 in Lagos in 2005) and vaccination coverage was consistently low at ≈40% throughout the study period (3,5,7). Furthermore, measles incidence declined suddenly at the start of the rainy season (J.R. Kremer, pers. comm.), as was reported for other countries in sub-Saharan Africa (26).\n\nFigure 4", null, "Figure 4. Phylogenetic tree showing a comparison of genotype B3 strains of measles virus (MV) from Nigeria 1997–1998 and 2003–2005 (boldface) and representative genotype B3 strains from other countries in Africa available in...\n\nThe longitudinal analysis of MV strain diversity in Nigeria confirmed that even in populations in which measles is highly endemic, periods with low measles incidence must occur, during which only a few transmission chains are sustained. The rapid restoration of a high genetic diversity was probably caused by low vaccination coverage, high birth rates and population density, and perhaps MV importation from neighboring countries. Phylogenetic comparison of genotype B3 strains from Nigeria with those from other countries in Africa suggests that transmissions of MV between different countries in Africa are frequent and that the diversity of this genotype in Nigeria reflects the overall genetic diversity of B3 in Africa (Figure 4). In contrast, a noticeably lower genotype B3 strain diversity was found in Sudan during 1997–2000 (1.3% in MVN-HVR) and in Burkina Faso in 2001 (1.5%); these findings were attributed to a higher vaccination coverage or more limited cross-border movement (in the case of Sudan) (15,17). On the other hand, MV strain diversity in Nigeria was similar to that in the People’s Republic of China (1995–2003), where multiple lineages (5.3% diversity in MVN-HVR) of 1 genotype (H1) co-circulated without obvious geographic restriction (29).\n\nIn contrast to the situation in Nigeria, where the co-circulation of different B3 viruses continued for years, in Kinshasa, MV circulation was apparently interrupted. The B3 lineage that caused the outbreak in 2002–2003 and that had been detected in 2000 (15) in Kinshasa had disappeared in 2004. Genotype B2 strains, which caused another large epidemic in Kinshasa ≈1 year later, seem to have fully replaced genotype B3 strains. It is commonly believed that >95% of a population needs to be immune to interrupt MV transmission (30). Because measles vaccination coverage in Kinshasa was suboptimal (<80%, Ministry of Health, DRC) additional epidemiologic constraints must have led to the observed genotype replacement (31). The emergence in Germany of genotype D7, which had gradually replaced the indigenous genotypes C2 and D6 during 1999–2001, raised the question of whether genotype D7 strains had a selective advantage with respect to cross-neutralizing antibodies acquired through vaccination or natural infection with other genotypes (22).\n\nIt has been shown in stochastic models that the likelihood of genotype replacement increases with vaccination coverage and frequency of virus importation, but that it may also occur by chance (28). Interestingly, the time point of genotype replacement in Kinshasa coincides with the political reunification of DRC, after the country had been divided into 4 self-governed regions during the second Congo war (1998–2003). The emergence of genotype B2 in Kinshasa may thus have been caused by the massive influx of persons from other provinces where genotype B2 was circulating. Identification of B2KIN-A strains in northeastern DRC (North and South Kivu provinces) in 2006 and detection of B2KIN-B strains in neighboring Rwanda during late 2005 (S. Smit, pers. comm.) is compatible with an importation of genotype B2 from the eastern region of DRC into Kinshasa. On the other hand, B2 strains identified in other provinces seemed to be derived from the epidemic strains in Kinshasa. Epidemics in Bas-Congo and Kasaï Oriental did not start until ≈1 year after the steady increase in measles incidence in Kinshasa, although they were connected to the capital by much frequented roads. Thus, a vaccination campaign during the early outbreak may have prevented many measles cases and deaths not only in Kinshasa, but also in the neighboring provinces, as has been suggested (32–34).\n\nGenotype B2 was first reported from Gabon in 1984 (20) with no similar virus being detected for >15 years. Therefore, genotype B2 was considered inactive, until recent variants of this genotype were found in the Central African Republic (2000), South Africa (2002), and Angola (2003) (13,35). Viruses obtained from these 3 countries had a minimum genetic distance of 6–8 nts in the MVN-HVR compared with the closest variant (MVi.Libreville.GAB/84[R102]) obtained from Gabon almost 20 years earlier. The B2KIN-B variant differed by only 1 nt from the closest strain identified 20 years earlier in Libreville (Gabon, Figure 1). Thus, several lineages of genotype B2 have probably circulated continuously in central and southern Africa since at least the 1980s, but were never reported because of suboptimal molecular surveillance. Genotype B2 may have circulated in DRC and perhaps even in Kinshasa long before it was first detected in 2004. No MV sequences were available from DRC before this study, except for a few B3 strains from Kinshasa, 2000 (15). However, even if we cannot exclude the possibility that genotype B2 was already present during the 2002–2003 epidemic in Kinshasa, B3 seemed to predominate at that time.\n\nThe difference in genetic diversity of MV in DRC and Nigeria is consistent with the level of disease control in both countries during the study period (5). In Nigeria, genotype B3 has circulated continuously, at least during 1997–2005. Although transmission of most lineages from 1997–1998 had apparently been interrupted, the genetic diversity observed in 2004–2005 was notable, suggesting that the genetic diversity of MV can rapidly increase in settings with low vaccination coverage and high birth rates.\n\nIn DRC, MV circulation has probably decreased because of a notable increase in routine vaccination coverage and SIAs in several provinces. However, the emergence of genotype B2 in 2004–2006 showed that measles incidence can rapidly rise in settings with high birth rates and massive migration of large populations. Of all countries in Africa, DRC and Nigeria reported the largest numbers of measles cases (12,461 and 9,960) in 2008 and the highest average annual measles incidence per 100,000 population during 2005–2008, despite the vaccination of >18 million (DRC) and 60 million children (Nigeria) during recent SIAs (2006–2008) (7). Sequence analysis of more recent MV strains from Nigeria and DRC is warranted to evaluate whether these SIAs had any effect on MV strain diversity in both countries.\n\nDr Kremer is technical supervisor of the WHO Regional Reference Laboratory for Measles and Rubella in Luxembourg. His main research interest is the genetic and phenotypic diversity of measles virus.\n\nWe thank Christine Dubray for assistance with clinical samples collection in Nigeria.\n\nThis project was funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and the Centre de Recherche Public–Santé."], "url": "https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/16/11/10-0777_article", "images_metadata": [{"height": 476, "original_height": 189, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 539, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 486, "original_height": 193, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6db2064f9e929fd5958b0227709cf5772ef36a90c99d771e0138715a3e027149", "b7778acfc37730a38e843fe6a01b61b2349b6d7ccea20db6de6ea58686853be4", "0cc98162522f275f7d0730267f238f160e91a771d81a97bfda7d724bc351259e"], "__index_level_0__": 561, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f7/1c/6a/f71c6a20be248c617e8fe75e61fb556d.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8d/2e/91/8d2e915b8232a70e327106d88e2cdcc3.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8f/9a/8f/8f9a8f3c5e6475eefef07dd3262aaa8e.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ac/eb/f2/acebf2bab47de1700e3b59a635a260fe.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/df/dc/b1/dfdcb1c6179026e0932b2d254cd959ec.jpg", null, null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f0/6d/16/f06d16ca99a67f7dbd11d6c7fa3b5a99.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2d/45/a6/2d45a63fcd8999bd2d61197ae6a1463a.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7332069873809814}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/dap-song/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f7/1c/6a/f71c6a20be248c617e8fe75e61fb556d.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f7/1c/6a/f71c6a20be248c617e8fe75e61fb556d.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f c a be c e fe e fb d\", \"alt_text\": \"Music with Kids: Song Cubes and Finding the Beat., A super fun way to learn rhythm, beat, and simple tunes for toddlers, preschoolers, pre-k, and kindergarten kids at home or school. 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Yes he did\n\nfrom danisontnonfire", null, "Dap KingsSoul Funk7 MonthsAnatomyScene\n\nSharon Jones first posthumous birthday is celebrated with the song that first exposed me to her music with the Dap-Kings!Sharon Jones hasn’t been with us for just under 7 months now. But the presence of her and the Dap Kings/Daptone Records scene of the 2000’s in general reminds me of the retro soul/funk…", "Baking Soda Painting", "What Makes You BeautifulYou're BeautifulDisney StyleDisney DisneyDisney MagicDisney HumorDisney Movies FunnyDisney Princess FunnyFunny Disney Quotes\n\nLove this :)", null, "Danisnotonfire And AmazingphilBritish YoutubersPhil LesterPhanDan And PhilSongsDads3Funny Lyrics\n\nDanisnotonfire & AmazingPhil", null, "I Don't AlwaysA LineAnti SocialThank GodAmazingphilDanisnotonfireBricksDon't WorryKilling\n\nI only realised that was a line the second time I listens to it and when I heard it I died"], "url": "https://za.pinterest.com/explore/dap-song/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 1104, "original_width": 736, "width": 378}, {"height": 408, "original_height": 489, "original_width": 453, "width": 378}, {"height": 512, "original_height": 370, "original_width": 273, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 434, 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Back in the 90's when I was still a kid , teenager I mean...lol, I used to love Famous Amous Cookies. I can smell the cookie from miles away. So delicious and tempting. I think everyone will agree with me that these cookies is indeed a very addictive one. Once you started eating it you won't be able to stop.", null, "This is one amazing recipe. I have tried so many version of this cookies. None of it really impress me. So I decided to mix and match , and try my own luck to modify the recipe. The results is amazing, everyone don't seems to be able to stop themselves from eating the cookies. ;)", null, "Even my bunny can't resist it. LOL", null, "Slurp Slurp ......... yummy..\n2 cups   All Purpose Flour\n1 cup    Brown Sugar\n1 cup    Granulated Sugar\n2 1/2 cups Oatmeal ( measure 2 1/2 instant oatmeal and blended to fine powder )\n2           Eggs\n2tsp      Vanilla Essence\n225g    Butter\nChocolate chips and chopped nuts ( I use chocolate chip and almond nibs )\n\nTips :\nThis is my very own mix and match version. Most of the recipes requires to add baking soda or baking powder or add both . It turns out that my cookies is crunchy and chewy. Taste good as well... Hope you will try this recipe.. ;)", null, null], "url": "http://abbygailskitchen.blogspot.com/2011/07/almond-chocolate-chip-cookies.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 175, "original_width": 175, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 168, "original_width": 175, "width": 393}], "image_hashes": ["5668e8c5e792726c116c7be10d631ee42226a7e1a1ca563e40b58795dc6d07a4", "fe99b7e4bc5cfb5bb1a579fda60e9ba8b3f26adf325fc30fee438686d0f9dd06", "52901fa687a09cad054f2d9b937cb06056b3ea05be626d2a0ee45d74926b5caa", "18fe5f63820fddcd4c7b767faeb5ede0c934e0aa25efe948e956cb106a516c32", "409906a165418e02a6b1064c04c67ab2f0e9ffe1412252829605b43792e9aef5"], "__index_level_0__": 0, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_GXTdg58lxlM/SdF-iaaqTmI/AAAAAAAABps/perifuxqwmk/s320/FSS_fridaynight.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9376357793807985}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://actionman-nickspix.blogspot.com/2009/03/26-more-episodes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_GXTdg58lxlM/SdF-iaaqTmI/AAAAAAAABps/perifuxqwmk/s320/FSS_fridaynight.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_GXTdg58lxlM/SdF-iaaqTmI/AAAAAAAABps/perifuxqwmk/s320/FSS_fridaynight.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FSS fridaynight\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://actionman-nickspix.blogspot.com/2009/03/26-more-episodes.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/_GXTdg58lxlM/STmB4TUjt2I/AAAAAAAABTA/vOsjGgTB7s0/S220-s80/colin_ferrel2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_GXTdg58lxlM/STmB4TUjt2I/AAAAAAAABTA/vOsjGgTB7s0/S220-s80/colin_ferrel2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"colin ferrel\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null]", "texts": [null, "Yes, those are tears of joy running down my face.\n\nPosted by Actionman at 7:22 PM", "Joel said...\n\nThis is how I am with \"Monk\" right now. 16 episodes left. I'm simultaneously like \"NOOOO!\" because it's ending and \"WOOHOO!\" because everything will wrap up nicely. I think that's what your feelings are at least.\n\nApril 1, 2009 at 5:03 AM", "Actionman said...\n\nWell, more or less. FNL isn't ending any time soon so I have a bit more time with these characters. Do you watch FNL? If not, you should grab the DVD's and start from the begining. Brilliant stuff."], "url": "http://actionman-nickspix.blogspot.com/2009/03/26-more-episodes.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 232, "original_width": 319, "width": 519}], "image_hashes": ["503ae7b13869007505908d140709352c108f67043cbe4f59cd230cd688ce4feb"], "__index_level_0__": 1, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JiO9A42_AwE/TsLqubhFnQI/AAAAAAAACI8/fbqrA_dgdLI/s400/FP.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9111519455909728}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://adistantrumble.blogspot.com/2011/11/hats-off-to-insane.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JiO9A42_AwE/TsLqubhFnQI/AAAAAAAACI8/fbqrA_dgdLI/s400/FP.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JiO9A42_AwE/TsLqubhFnQI/AAAAAAAACI8/fbqrA_dgdLI/s400/FP.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FP\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://adistantrumble.blogspot.com/2011/11/hats-off-to-insane.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://adistantrumble.blogspot.com/2011/11/hats-off-to-insane.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kD7d2nhzUNg/Tk7UXe3yR_I/AAAAAAAABo4/CFvV8ps6BYU/s250/blindmary1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kD7d2nhzUNg/Tk7UXe3yR_I/AAAAAAAABo4/CFvV8ps6BYU/s250/blindmary1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blindmary\", \"rendered_width\": 204, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://adistantrumble.blogspot.com/2011/11/hats-off-to-insane.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-K0Hb3ylUNyM/Tk7VSiCXlnI/AAAAAAAABpA/kDyIr3jgmyk/s250/birdskull.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-K0Hb3ylUNyM/Tk7VSiCXlnI/AAAAAAAABpA/kDyIr3jgmyk/s250/birdskull.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"birdskull\", \"rendered_width\": 185, \"rendered_height\": 250}]", "texts": ["Tuesday, November 15, 2011\n\nHats off to the insane...", null, "This shit kicks so much ass, it's hard to put it to words, so I won't even try...\n\nQuote from Forge Again Records:\n“Some words pinpoint a band’s sound perfectly. One such word is ‘loud’ and one such band is FATHER PHOENIX. Sonically blasting a hard edge of rock into the audio wall of their listeners’ ears, the band recently added an organ to fill things out and add an even more intense element of psychedelia to their new material. Features former members of Call Me Lightning, Temper Temper, and Insidious.”\n\nGet it Here\nPosted by yeoldstinkeye at 4:38 PM", "Downloads, Reviews, Posts, Etc...", "Pay close attention to this List"], "url": "http://adistantrumble.blogspot.com/2011/11/hats-off-to-insane.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 350, "original_width": 350, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["11eaa585687606ffe8b830f8db87e6348c48031c03f189335c3e97cc449b2932"], "__index_level_0__": 2, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tsHH5j6fJpA/UjsgtXkDerI/AAAAAAAAAPo/mvDGhVV_D2U/s320/hyperbolic+paraboloid.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vjp0vk7hSfY/Ujsmg3BkBzI/AAAAAAAAAP8/QEq0_rqDPNQ/s320/IMG_0919.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xhr-LUs8C-g/UjsoRBN5QnI/AAAAAAAAAQI/e3St6YfqX0I/s320/IMG_0738.JPG", null, null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-7w8U-48SlA8/UI7AaTb6Z1I/AAAAAAAAANQ/KxZ843Oo6-0/s320/IMG_1648.jpg", null, 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Levain Bakery. It is 2 blocks from my apartment, and this is a problem. The raspberry bomboloncini I got this morning... I just can't.\n2. There is a chicken and waffles place literally behind my building\n3. I keep getting on the wrong trains and ending up in the Bronx (this one is an actual problem)\n4. There are so many wonderful musicians and friends on this tiny island, I feel like my heart might burst at any moment!!\n\nWe kicked off our residency at Juilliard and the start of a new academic year with a performance at Convocation, followed by a lavish picnic at Lincoln Center's lovely hyperbolic paraboloid (see below)", null, "We could not be more excited about our Juilliard residency, which includes coachings with the members of the beloved Juilliard String Quartet, as well as the opportunity to help lead the undergraduate String Quartet Survey course and to coach undergraduate chamber ensembles.\n\nAlso thrilling is our new snazzy website, which you no doubt have already stumbled upon if you are reading this blog. Our old site served us well and was in fact kind of a miracle, as Nick and Greg actually taught themselves how to code and just built the thing themselves in Aspen. But it's time to move on, and I hope you enjoy the new scrolly homepage as much as I do. Please do drop by our schedule page, we are playing shows in\n\nSarasota, FL\nRichmond, VA\nReading, PA\nSouth Bend, IN\nAustin, TX\nBaltimore, MD\nMt. Vernon, OH\nColorado Springs\nArtesia, NM\nHickory, NC\nSan Francisco, CA\nGrand Rapids, MN\nVancouver, BC\nBolivar, MO\nStanford, CA\nWinchester, VA\n\n...just to throw some places out there. If we are in your town, let us know! We're probably just hanging out in a tiny elevator all together like this one at Washington DC's Cosmos Club, waiting to hang out with you-", null, "Before I go, our friend Sara from the St. Lawrence String Quartet Seminar at Stanford wrote this great article on the program we've attended for three years and counting. Check it out and also enjoy this photo of SLSQ's Geoff Nuttall coaching Nick on his hairstyle:", null, "Posted by Rachel Shapiro at 9:41 AM No comments:", "Tuesday, July 9, 2013\n\nI would be completely remiss if I didn't mention our most exciting news of all, which is that we will be serving as the new Graduate Resident String Quartet at the Juilliard School this fall! We are incredibly honored to be following in the footsteps of so many quartets before us. We are also incredibly homeless come late August, so if anyone needs a roommate let us know ;)\nPosted by Rachel Shapiro at 4:16 PM No comments:", "For you, Prof. Hilley\n\nTo excerpt a recent email from our dear friend and mentor, Martha Hilley -\n\n\"I know you have done things in 2013 so update your blog ! ! !\"\n\nWise, wise words. Prof. Hilley is incidentally the reason this blog exists in the first place, as a spin-off project from a music business class years ago at UT. So when she says to update the blog, we update the blog!\n\nWe're happily back in UT territory for the rest of July, serving as Quartet in Residence at the Austin Chamber Music Center. Here's a silly video of Greg and me chatting with ACMC's lovely Michelle Schumann about the upcoming workshop, and life:\n\nAnd in case you missed us somehow this morning on KUTX with the amazing human that is John Aielli, as well as lovely Michelle again, here we are playing some tunes on the radio:\n\nPosted by Rachel Shapiro at 4:08 PM No comments:", "Monday, October 29, 2012\n\nHurricane Greetings", null, "And back in DC, we had one of our more surreal experiences as we found ourselves taking the stage directly after a speech by Joe Biden. We got the picture pretty quickly upon the realization that the entire backstage area was surrounded by Secret Service. Here's Greg musing over the speech in the wings -", null, "But anyway I've just been informed that it may be prudent to fill up the tub in the event of manual toilet flushing. Manual toilet flushing??? Oh man. Stay safe east coast loved ones!\nPosted by Rachel Shapiro at 11:06 AM 1 comment:", "A Tiny Video from the St. Lawrence String Quartet Seminar\n\nAnd also this picture, because it is amazing. Lesley Robertson of the SLSQ generously gave us a mini private screening of old string quartet videos, and we were delighted to catch this shot of our hero, Joel Krosnick!!!", "I also find it necessary to add this photo of us with another hero, Professor Parker of the Gryphon Trio! Please check out his critically acclaimed series of instructional videos on Facebook, particularly if you are a violist :)", null, "I know I said this was just going to be a video, but the kids participating in Stanford University's Educational Programs for Gifted Youth were so awesome. We feel honored to have been given the opportunity to get to know these guys - performing for them, discussing music with them, or just hanging out. At our last session with the EPGY guys, they each wrote their own short string quartet -and we read through all 2.5 hours of them :) here we are with Alan squared:", null, "A huge thank you to the St. Lawrence Quartet for putting together an incredibly inspiring seminar, to Heidi Lee for organizing absolutely everything and taking us to all the best places to eat in the Bay Area, and Anna Wittstruck and the EPGY kids for being awesome.\n\naaaaaand the video:", "Posted by Rachel Shapiro at 7:21 PM No comments:", "Spring Adventures\n\nWe returned to the incredibly inspiring Juilliard String Quartet Seminar for a week of coachings with first violinist Joseph Lin and violist Samuel Rhodes, culminating in performances in Juilliard's Paul Recital Hall by all participating groups. Our first time at the Seminar was in 2010, and it proved to be a pivotal experience in the development of our quartet. The 2010 Seminar also marked the first (and last) time all four of us stayed together in one hotel room for an entire week - thankfully, we have left those days far behind.", null, null, "Greg and Alan discussing the finer points of Beethoven's Op. 95 with Juilliard Quartet second violinist Ronald Copes.", null, null, "Greg holding possibly the world's most coveted viola - 1663 Nicolo Amati \"Professor Wirth\".\n\nThank you for keeping up with us, more to come soon! I promise!\nPosted by Rachel Shapiro at 11:05 AM No comments:", "Tuesday, December 27, 2011\n\nWe've had our share of critical attention over the years... but never like this.  Check out some recent words from our new buddies at Mt. Penn Elementary's fourth grade class:\n\nfrom tough critics:\n\"Thank you for coming to our school and playing for us.  We all (even Tyler) enjoyed your music\" -Anna\n\nand technical mastery:\n\"I really liked your music, and instruments, and your form\" - Draven\n\nto the generic:\n\"Thank you for the good music and about the violins and stuff\" - Walter\n\nfrom incredible music-inspired stories:\n\"Thank you, thank you, thank you I really love your music. The story I would like to share is a girl running in a mansion and falls into a weird world and she has to get out of there before taco night.  She felt she was gone for months but technically only 5 mins in the real world.  She finally finds a sign that says EXIT. She's finally home in time for taco night even though she was only gone for 10 mins isn't that funny. I really like this idea for a story and it's very creative\" - Maria\n\n\"Thank you for coming. My story is a man who gets chased by wolves into a cave he found some gold and bought a horse and put the gold in the saddle pocket and got married wolves came back and he died\" - Jai\n\nand career advice:\n\"I think your quartet could go to the Olympics and play for them\" - Owen\n\nto mysterious words about Alan:\n\"I like the stuff you played. I like the guy who plays the Alan\" - Anonymous\n\nand perhaps our most accurate quartet depiction to date. New publicity material?:", null, "This is the reason we love doing outreach. What an amazing excuse to hang out with creative, hilarious kids and talk about why music is awesome.  Thank you to our new friends at Mt. Penn Elementary!"], "url": "http://aeolusquartet.blogspot.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 506, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 239, "width": 378}, {"height": 506, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 239, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 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So, I decided to dedicate a post to her and share her sweet story with the world :)\n\nThis was Winnie when I found her at the pound:", null, "I had the same dog from the time I was 7 years old to age 19. His name was Buddy and he was amazing. I grew up with him and he protected me and loved me unconditionally until he passed away of old age. Of course I was devastated, but I was distracted by school too much to need another dog right away. Until about 6 months later when I went through the worst breakup of my life--and hopefully it stays that way, by the way. It came at the end of, coincidentally, my worst academic semester of college as well as my worst emotionally. The relationship was bad and it took up my whole life. I lost touch with what was really important, came close to ruining important friendships with my sorority sisters and others, and then to top that semester off some idiot ran into me one night at the end of the semester, totalling my car and putting me in the emergency room. I knew I needed to come home for the summer, so I did. Then when I got home and didn't have Buddy, I knew I needed to also get a dog.\n\nSo one day I decided to go to the local pounds and find me a dog. It needed to be small because of our community, but I didn't want some little diva dog (Buddy was half australian shepherd, hald golden retriever). I looked through one pound and didn't find any dog small enough that wasn't a chihuahua (sorry, I'm not into those), then we went to the 2nd pound and I walked through 4 rows of stalls, and had pretty much given up when I got to the very. last. stall.\n\nI saw that sweet little white fluffball in a stall with two other little dogs--one that already had a hold on it, and the other a cute little black terrior mix. I asked to interact with both the white and the black dog. My mom, my boy-at-the-time, and myself went into a little fenced in area with both dogs and the little black one was a lunatic. But a cute lunatic. The white one, on the other hand, was sweet as can be and actually cuddled with the boy at first. The black one was going a little crazy and kept bugging the white one, and finally the white one snapped at the black one--nothing mean or vicious, but it definitely was like she was saying \"alright now, crazy, back the eff off me and calm your ass down!\" I was in love.\n\nIt turned out the white one had been brought in as a stray (she was 3 months old) literally 2 hours before we got there. Two. Hours. I put a hold on her and had to wait a week for any owners to come in and claim her.\n\nI called the pound every single day for that week, checking to see if she'd been claimed. Nobody ever did, so I high-tailed it back to the pound during my 3-hour window a week later to pick her up. They told me she'd had 4 other holds placed on her behind me, so she was a hot little commodity. I mean, I'm not surprised....\n\nI had picked out the name Winnie for two reasons. 1) I love Winnie the Pooh. And 2) She's a cockapoo, and I thought I was being clever. Judge me.\n\nWinnie saved my life that summer. She was what healed my heart when I thought I had been through the worst heartache ever (I now know I didn't, but you know how breakups go), and she helped make me happy again.\n\nIt turns out I did kiiiiind of get a diva-dog...she does love to wear clothes...", null, "And she sure can destroy any toy within seconds....", null, "But she's my diva. She's my Princess Winifred, my Winnie the Pooh, my Winnie-girl, and my lovebug.\n\nNow if only cuddling with her would burn the same amount of calories as going to the gym...\n\nAh, wishful thinking.\n\nI hope your heart has been melted a little bit :)"], "url": "http://ahlmblog.blogspot.com/2013/03/winnie-cockapoo.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["f73d8f5352daadd7f4c0b09bf9ded5a43480f43b8a30b9b5bd894330b37eeb23", "5f3a122ed360f1183664929ab84ffd0bd3d1c2713b8519017d923e1ac2c53090", "12c485ce01912391803650b25d8c282249a6b9caf457503a93b8209c9eb432e9"], "__index_level_0__": 4, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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fascinating to find that silver can work.. even when paired with pink.\n\nI like how a pink shade can romanticize and soften an otherwise chic but may be a little boring (for me!) color.", null, "{Click to enlarge}\nSources (from left):\n1st row\nThe Knot Pink flowers on clear vase for wedding reception table decor\nEtsy: Karen Meyers Organza purse\nEtsy: Joan Shum Tea-length wedding gown\n\n2nd row\nThe Knot Gray bridesmaid dress with pink bouquet\nEtsy: Something Jeweled Pink and silver bracelet\nEtsy: lvandy27 Silver and pink wedding invitation\nThe Knot Pink-dressed entourage"], "url": "http://ajulybride.blogspot.com/2010/09/wedding-motif-silver-and-pink.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 384, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 315, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["71c0f45d34cfb28c47fb43db3498935a96e427ff0d7c8ae418e4411ed6342330"], "__index_level_0__": 5, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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Inspiration (ie my closet door) after my 10-day trip to Bhutan. It was a precious ten days, and I wasted two full ones because I was sick with what my doctor suspects was food poisoning. I thought when I was there that I couldn't wait to get back to sunny Singapore but now that I'm here, with the muggy heat and the racing lifestyle, I can't help wish but for another ten days, if only to glean more lessons from their beautiful land, culture and people.\n\nMore words when I can come up with them. But it's back to school, and nervous palpitations, and the oppressive uniform.", null], "url": "http://anawolowl.blogspot.com/2013/01/20-happiness-is-place.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f3b4d14b59184cde985ff1fecdea11bd98d76832d91c67686442706cc9fa7c2f"], "__index_level_0__": 7, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://apriliasuperstore.com/images/M68319199.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7608070373535156}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://apriliasuperstore.com/i-11706120-gasket.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://apriliasuperstore.com/images/M68319199.png\", \"src\": \"http://apriliasuperstore.com/images/M68319199.png\", \"alt_text\": \"Aprilia - Gasket\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null], "url": "http://apriliasuperstore.com/i-11706120-gasket.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 491, "original_width": 800, "width": 615}], "image_hashes": ["20fc80a5c94efd425807597303ba0f0d578b5a5746fa5673923e1095285077ff"], "__index_level_0__": 8, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sP38RhcPffc/UTOc8tsVZJI/AAAAAAAAE7o/z2Tq5pbPWtw/s400/005.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DWk3vUUFn94/UTOdExhGukI/AAAAAAAAE74/Xs-dyN9JQ2U/s640/001.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PTzHf9krLU4/UTOdKolK-2I/AAAAAAAAE8A/gCbfnYqAhnU/s640/023.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9381418824195862}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aramblingartist.blogspot.com/2013/03/barn-owls-and-meeting-mr-cool.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sP38RhcPffc/UTOc8tsVZJI/AAAAAAAAE7o/z2Tq5pbPWtw/s400/005.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sP38RhcPffc/UTOc8tsVZJI/AAAAAAAAE7o/z2Tq5pbPWtw/s400/005.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 301, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aramblingartist.blogspot.com/2013/03/barn-owls-and-meeting-mr-cool.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DWk3vUUFn94/UTOdExhGukI/AAAAAAAAE74/Xs-dyN9JQ2U/s640/001.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DWk3vUUFn94/UTOdExhGukI/AAAAAAAAE74/Xs-dyN9JQ2U/s640/001.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aramblingartist.blogspot.com/2013/03/barn-owls-and-meeting-mr-cool.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PTzHf9krLU4/UTOdKolK-2I/AAAAAAAAE8A/gCbfnYqAhnU/s640/023.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PTzHf9krLU4/UTOdKolK-2I/AAAAAAAAE8A/gCbfnYqAhnU/s640/023.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aramblingartist.blogspot.com/2013/03/barn-owls-and-meeting-mr-cool.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-90O79NoYsFk/UyRKJFJVN3I/AAAAAAAAFpQ/DXiLnLdFygQ/s1600/FVACN.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-90O79NoYsFk/UyRKJFJVN3I/AAAAAAAAFpQ/DXiLnLdFygQ/s1600/FVACN.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FVACN\", \"alt_text\": \"Member of the Flintshire Visual Arts and Crafts Network\", \"rendered_width\": 265, \"rendered_height\": 244}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aramblingartist.blogspot.com/2013/03/barn-owls-and-meeting-mr-cool.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qavFNgYMqo8/UEYyX3LJd_I/AAAAAAAAB8k/WIvz7VuGMSk/s290/painting.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qavFNgYMqo8/UEYyX3LJd_I/AAAAAAAAB8k/WIvz7VuGMSk/s290/painting.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"painting\", \"rendered_width\": 290, \"rendered_height\": 199}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://aramblingartist.blogspot.com/2013/03/barn-owls-and-meeting-mr-cool.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9XVkLiSzmxc/Tn3zmBD1CGI/AAAAAAAACFQ/lafLdytPBSk/s1600/003_picnik+%2528202x100%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-9XVkLiSzmxc/Tn3zmBD1CGI/AAAAAAAACFQ/lafLdytPBSk/s1600/003_picnik+%2528202x100%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"picnik\", \"alt_text\": \"BWS tips button\", \"rendered_width\": 202, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null]", "texts": [null, "February's loose watercolour painting challenge hosted by Judith Farnworth over on Paint my Photo was a Barn owl and as I love barn owls I just had to have a go - for the first one I used a wonderful photo from PMP by Angeline Rijkeboer - I wasn't over keen although the real thing looks a little better than the photo.  I then tried a looser version which took a fraction of the time, and I think I prefer it, more spontaneous and I enjoyed painting it more than the first which is probably why I like it more!\n\nSo what else have I been up to?\nIf you don't recognise the gentleman below it's Kenton Cool!  Gary and I went to see him speak on Friday night.  He climbed Everest last year for the tenth time  - sponsored by Samsung to take an Olympic Gold Medal to the top of the world - what a guy!  He was lovely to talk to too!", null, "and on Saturday Gary, Holly and I climbed our own little 'Everest' - and what weather we had - just look at that blue sky over the majestic Mount Snowdon. Love it there,  Gary's much better photos of the day will soon be on Two Pairs of Boots.  Holly had a wonderful time swimming in the lakes on the way up - and down!", null, "Hope you're all having a fab weekend"], "url": "http://aramblingartist.blogspot.com/2013/03/barn-owls-and-meeting-mr-cool.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 500, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 302, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["fe7028ffd9493181838339683ee8ab32e06e424b172ee0f368ff248298ec62ab", "e2bb8bd609cf80890eab592086ef01637067f1aa1ebbc405d2ac2fa1a487adfe", "5dd295a53b7a9be8c32fe722b859cb0242a237cd6a5faf312ad564cfc361dc28"], "__index_level_0__": 9, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://cdn.archinect.net/images/300x300/wb/wb7qfyp4oinbf8mg.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7488651275634766}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://archinect.com/people/cover/52831299/sherwin-mariano\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.archinect.net/images/300x300/wb/wb7qfyp4oinbf8mg.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.archinect.net/images/300x300/wb/wb7qfyp4oinbf8mg.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wb qfyp oinbf mg\", \"alt_text\": \"Sherwin Mariano\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Sherwin Mariano\n\nIrvine, CA, US\n\nLee & Sakahara Architects, Irvine, CA, US, Revit- CAD Production\n\nCoordinates with design team & project managers. Involved in preparing Revit V11\ndesign and construction documents. Schematic design presentations\n\nJul 2011 - Jun 2012\n\nBB Architects, Laguna Beach, CA, US, Architectural Designer\n\nCoordinates with design team in concept designs. Prepares 3D computer graphic presentation drawings. Involved in preparing design and construction documents. Space planning & site plans.\nIn-Design booklets. Animation walk thru.\n\nAug 2008 - Dec 2011\n\nJZMK Partners, Irvine, CA, US, Intermediate Designer\n\nDetail oriented with expertise in the use of AutoCAD.\nPrepares 3D computer graphic presentation drawings. Teamed with senior\ndesigners/ architects in preparing master plans, specific plans & site plans.\nResearching planning & designing, construction procedures, zoning, building\ncodes & building materials. Assist in design specs. & estimated cost. Preparing\nscaled drawings.\n\nOct 2005 - Apr 2008\n\nUniversity of Santo Tomas, Manila, PH, Bachelors, Architecture\n\n5 year course Bachelor of Science in Architecture.\nLicensed Philippine Architect, 1984\n\nRevit V11 (on-line training course), 2011 (US), Revit V9 (100 Hrs.), 2008 (US),\nSketch-up Advance Training Skills, 2007 (US), Front Page 2000, 2001 (Singapore)\n2D STUDIO VIZ, CAD REL 14, 1999 (Singapore), DRC CAD Enhancer R14, 1998 (Singapore)\nComprehensive CAD Rel 13, 1994 (Manila)\n\nAug 1978 - Oct 1983\n\nAreas of Specialization\n\nArchitecture, Interiors, Construction, Graphic Design / Signage"], "url": "http://archinect.com/people/cover/52831299/sherwin-mariano", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e8f7446c5613bb7c7218ca1c827650b8d8d4ecff097775217c4c7d4e0f9cac78"], "__index_level_0__": 10, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": 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He is here in Orlando on a work related week and I went there to visit with him for a few hours..Sam was born almost totally deaf in both ears. He went on to regular schools,  graduated from Cornell University in NY and is now in a high position with the Army Corp of Engineers, in NYC .. what an accomplishment for him and I am very proud of  what he has done with his life. Along with that he has a fantastic attitude  and I thouroughly enjoyed seeing him again.\nPosted by Barbra Joan at 11/14/2010", "Visit me at Art Hearts Place", "My Art Blog-Click on the Palette", "Art by Barbra Joan\n\nThank you all for your encouragement and longtime support. BJ", "Angie Girl", "Its True", "Jake-The Big One #1", "Mary Louise-The Sweet One #2", "Jenny--The Little One #3", "Art will light the darkest corner."], "url": "http://artheartsjourney.blogspot.com/2010/11/was-that-just-yesterday.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 295, "original_width": 400, "width": 512}], "image_hashes": ["7b172a529c0dc2315151fc1c8067a705a2b31ba15e475010c9347b02c586153f"], "__index_level_0__": 11, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4qYcov-BJeQ/S13Xu6n8dUI/AAAAAAAAEAI/CvBDTrZaHOY/s400/1013716.large.jpeg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9241353273391724}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://artsyclay.blogspot.com/2010/01/lion-tiger-and-bear-share-lifelong-bond.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4qYcov-BJeQ/S13Xu6n8dUI/AAAAAAAAEAI/CvBDTrZaHOY/s400/1013716.large.jpeg\", 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So perhaps that strange beginning helped forge this unusual friendship between Leo, Shere Khan and Baloo — a lion, a tiger and a bear.\n\nNow, the trio lives together in their own purpose-built habitat at Noah’s Ark rescue center in Locust Grove, Ga., where they even have a creek to swim in.\n\nThey moved into the roughly $24,000 home after living with the zoo’s founders for eight years.\n\n“To our knowledge, this is the only place where you’ll find this combination of animals together, they are our BLT, (bear, lion and tiger),” said Diane Smith, assistant director of the zoo at Noah’s Ark.\n\nVisitors can watch the 1,000-pound bear, 350-pound lion and 350-pound tiger play together in the grass, or lounge on their porch.\n\nJama Hedgecloth, cofounder of the zoo, says the animals are “oblivious” to the fact that they wouldn’t be friends in nature. They share a bond that Hedgecloth and her husband Charles recognized early on.\n\n“It is wonderful and magical to see a giant American black bear put his arm around a Bengal tiger and then to see the tiger nuzzle up to the bear like a domestic cat. When Leo wakes up, the three of them mess around for most of the day before they settle down to some food.”\n\n“Noah’s Ark is their home and they could not possibly be separated from each other.”\nPosted by artsyclay at 12:40 PM", "Labels: cute animals", "Ria said...\n\nWonderful story Judith... hope humans learn from that :)\n\n12:55 PM", "twopeasinapoddesigns said...\n\nThat...is cool. Love it!\n\n1:45 PM", "Add a bit of whimsy to your life!", "Shop on Ebay\n\nArtsy Clay Auctions On Ebay", "Blogs Avenue", "Human Calendar", "Meet Seamus", "Artsy Clay handmade jewelry & gifts on Facebook", "Weddings by the Seashore and Coastal Home Decor"], "url": "http://artsyclay.blogspot.com/2010/01/lion-tiger-and-bear-share-lifelong-bond.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 241, "original_width": 400, "width": 627}], "image_hashes": ["fddb90c3440eb0a4942102478bd6741e0f770eb1a777892dc097fb33263d1d83"], "__index_level_0__": 12, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-C8K9LSwlLHY/UGMlXUNW20I/AAAAAAAACG0/dZcyHhO4xhU/s320/17082012278.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.966447412967682}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ash-aqua-girl.blogspot.com/2012_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-bdVRFF03qSQ/UTONsa-Rw4I/AAAAAAAACZs/hjhOkd4i-k0/s80/553287_10151153059456920_2086847679_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bdVRFF03qSQ/UTONsa-Rw4I/AAAAAAAACZs/hjhOkd4i-k0/s80/553287_10151153059456920_2086847679_n.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 71, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ash-aqua-girl.blogspot.com/2012_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-C8K9LSwlLHY/UGMlXUNW20I/AAAAAAAACG0/dZcyHhO4xhU/s320/17082012278.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-C8K9LSwlLHY/UGMlXUNW20I/AAAAAAAACG0/dZcyHhO4xhU/s320/17082012278.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ash-aqua-girl.blogspot.com/2012_09_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, September 29, 2012\n\nBook Review : An Idiot, Placements and IntervYOU.", "An Idiot, Placements and IntervYOU by Toffee (Taufeeq Ahmed) takes one through the experiences of the author during the 'placement season' of his college life.The author walks through the entire process, right from the preparation for the Aptitude tests to the various levels of selection, depending on the recruiting organization. He gives an in-depth analysis at each stage, describes every intrinsic process that normally takes place and guides us on how we should tackle the various difficulties that might crop up.\n\nFor a person who has been there, done that and procured a job, this book would just be telling things that already they know. But for a person who is just about to take that first step towards bagging their dream job, this book would help them in more than one way. Those who were placed through ‘Campus Recruitment would probably be able to relate to what I say in a better way.", "Wednesday, September 26, 2012\n\nA Day with the Clouds.\n\nThe other morning (read 4.30 am) I was reluctant to get up and leave for office. The fever was at its worst.When Ma is at home, she usually cajoles me to get up with the sweetest tone, specially when I'm not well.Since I was home alone, I thought it would be convenient to switch off the alarm and call in sick. Somehow I could hear my mom asking me to get up in the same sweet way she usually does. I got up and went to my balcony and this is what I saw.", null, "Read More... »\nBy Ashwini C N 53 comments: Links to this post", "Friday, September 21, 2012\n\nBook Review : Circle Of Three By Rohit Gore", "Three people, different in their own way , live in different parts of a city. Can they make a difference in the life of the other two?\n\nCircle of three by Rohit Gore takes us through the lives of three distinct people, who are initially unaware of the others’ existence.  They are in the same state, facing their own set of problems for  different reasons.  The story is about how they happen to come across the other by sheer destiny, how the three of them, once strangers, become the world to the other and how each one of them helps the other overcome their grief and start a new innings in life.\n\nThirteen year old Aryan Khosla, Thirty three year old Ria Marathe, and Sixty Three year old Rana Rathod have one thing in common. They are lonely and deserted by their family. Aryan , the soft hearted but mature minded kid is almost ignored by his parents and bullied at school.  The lack of a good friend and a companion, forces him to keep all these thoughts to himself and he reclines to a shell where no one else is allowed. Ria Marathe, is an enigma.  Once a famous scriptwriter in Bollywood, now refuses to meet people and step out unless absolutely necessary. It would be obvious to anyone that she has been struck by tragedy and she is going through a tough time. But is it so intense that it forces her take the extreme step? Rana Rathod is a long forgotten author, whose books were a rage, years back. In the process of trying to make a comeback, he is humiliated and dejected .He finally meets people who think of him as one great author. How the three of them come together, the circumstances which bring them together, how they help each other handle their past to set their future right, and how they help each other get along with life forms the rest of the story.\nBy Ashwini C N 22 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: Books, Inspiring, Review\n\nSunday, September 16, 2012\n\nA Mother's Predicament.\n\nThere was a girl\nmiles away from home\nmissing her mom ,every minute of her day.\nThe way her mom smiled, the way she woke her up\nthe strong cup of coffee every morning\nbrightening not just her mood, but her entire day.\nIf only her mom could come over,\nhow happy would she be!\n\nThe way her mom could read her thoughts,\nshe knew every little thing about her.\nThe comfort she gained,\nby looking at her face, was just unparalleled.\nShe needed her mom for everything\nAnything that her mom said would make her happy,\nAnything that her mom did, would make her happy.\nShe was so possessive of her mom and\ndid not mind telling it out.\nShe loved her mom so much\nshe was missing her mother badly\nAnd one fine day, her mom said she would visit her for a few days\nBy Ashwini C N 54 comments: Links to this post", "Sunday, September 9, 2012\n\nThe Art of Speaking!", "If someone remarked that I was very talkative, I would take it as a compliment.\n\nIf you are under the opinion that I have clearly misunderstood what the word compliment means, let me take the liberty to explain why I consider it so.\n\nSilence is Golden, but only at the right time. Today, if we need to make our presence felt and leave a mark, we need to speak up without yielding in to our inhibitions. If we desire to be successful, we need to open up and speak.We might be wrong, but we would know it for sure, rather than keeping it to ourselves and being in state of dilemma. If we do not make use of the chance given to us, someone else would snatch it from us and walk away.And this feat cannot be achieved overnight. It takes years and years of training and hardwork!\nBy Ashwini C N 37 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: Family, Fun, Humor, Me\n\nSunday, September 2, 2012\n\n5 Tips For A Better Living!\n\nCollege seems to be so far away in memory considering the little time I get to spend with my friends from college. Work is as demanding as always, but if we try to develop an interest it would be something we can look forward to. That is exactly what I did and I am not regretting one bit of it.\n\nRecently when I caught up with a friend of mine, she seemed so depressed. A lot of things were weighing in her mind and the usually zealous person whom I had known at college, seemed to have vanished without a trace. I am not going to get into the details of it. I found it coincidental that most of my friends were almost in the same category. Being new to the industry, the campus to corporate jump had taken a toll on most of them, life was indeed a bit demanding and they were trying to figure out a way to deal with it."], "url": "http://ash-aqua-girl.blogspot.com/2012_09_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["5225870dd09d642a3536b8e77799af7cebd041cbcecda0ec664915a65ecdfadb"], "__index_level_0__": 13, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fkHaIazndB4/UH1KVZ3ezmI/AAAAAAAABXs/p6UvWp7XqMw/s320/IMG_3471.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-n1zvsa2GUHY/UH1Irs4ANvI/AAAAAAAABWc/nhNc-C8sOHg/s320/DSC07532.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-u8GrdaVkjdw/UH1LdIsuBZI/AAAAAAAABYE/l11JeIxoyo8/s320/IMG_3469.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-WgR4Ofj0QcY/UH1IySFobuI/AAAAAAAABW8/FgCvuCbhQ9A/s320/DSC07562.JPG", null, 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You know where we live and how we live. It doesn't even take effort to not see people for days/weeks. So after Venice and then in Siena, I think it was just over-stimulation with all of the people and noise and city streets. We decided to book an 8-passenger tour to the wine country and get out of town. Ahhh.", null, "I've been to the wine country of California. It's nothing compared to the scenery here. In California it all seemed stark, almost like tumble weedy or something. This looked like what the painters paint.\n\nOn the way we stopped at a medieval castle. Steve is standing on the castle wall. Inside the walls was a whole little town.", null, null, "On the way to the farm we saw the pigs that they use to make prosciutto, salami  and other meats. These are some kind of special pig that is regulated and certified to be pure. They get to run around the vineyards.", null, "Here they are curing parts. It takes two years of cure to get some of the meats.", null, "And then we got to eat some as we began the wine tasting.", null, "We toured the wine cellar prior to the tasting.", null, null, "In the beginning of the process they taste the wine from every single barrel every single day. They had a lot of barrels. They primarily make Chianti wine. There are also some pretty stringent regulations on the Chianti and we learned what to look for to ensure we are getting authentic, certified wine. The symbol of the Chianti wine region is a rooster. I bought a rooster wine bottle stopper along the way.", null, "Mmmm. Now this is good.", null, "This is the room we were in tasting the wines.", null, "I've never in my life seen a pomegranate growing. Look at this!", null, "Steve loves kitties and they love him. Here's a kitty that stopped over for some petting.", null, "We ended the day by stopping in a little, medieval town (where I bought my rooster wine stopper).", null, "It was our favorite day of the whole trip. If we go back to Italy, we'll seek out these small towns and the countryside and maybe do day-trips to the larger places.\n\nMy next, and final Italy post will be Florence!"], "url": "http://ashareedesign.blogspot.com/2012/10/chianti-wine-country.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["ebdf40203e65b85c37be90c1c65f74d88ed68e81dfd5faa9f219732ac5f9bcdd", "b4e4f7be73dfeb6ee3272f1cdfbb22c82609ac65224bf31a9fa5067f4407427b", "46db5b7935546aafec289376826d80bde4892299a182a24374ae5f25c9daa37d", "df58635dbaea1af734762175a23fedb31cd603f5d2ba9d8a12c1196d2b9131e8", "5ac406342754f72d46b27ff2575ba07c595c2ac6c78cbb264946e6187c8808b9", "e3f0694a547ed02bd1527e2d04372785ee7ab6405de9b20078f5e7f8087c4c44", "8c8e2a48136591151799eca96aea70b0328eb24f9c05c9ed1a34adabc8e4734d", "8f2f853d4179e3292622d28bc4b0c9e1e6644455da7352223b8fe5581e81724a", "232841dbbb41770132d3d48a7bddfacb8e87ce5506aeb5f707f8bcfea4bddb75", "ea5be23c31997937638a91a1aa2ffcecb37114065be410a7ae4041c8e181c550", "5095cbb77602a62fb248c255a53463eb53b001e353e7be27150aafdffb95f3e9", "495a81036dda3fedb6dd863645a38f551aafab201da34d04e6e8ac6bbf59d638", "36248e5e59038e787e48e5bfa54841f92779fd935d3eb7af5ff7be9dfa932077", "73d99ca483273c4da4c692656893a5c8d306e3d10f02e103a1bdff7d899188ac"], "__index_level_0__": 14, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5-DnCk_fdNI/Vzs47X4F1rI/AAAAAAAAOJo/GSThsbIcfAYSc1bfn6YlJYNekCj9ZZhtgCLcB/s320/Mars_22-05-16_2200.png", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7558504343032837}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://astroblogger.blogspot.com/2016/05/my-guide-to-opposition-of-mars-may-22.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5-DnCk_fdNI/Vzs47X4F1rI/AAAAAAAAOJo/GSThsbIcfAYSc1bfn6YlJYNekCj9ZZhtgCLcB/s320/Mars_22-05-16_2200.png\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-5-DnCk_fdNI/Vzs47X4F1rI/AAAAAAAAOJo/GSThsbIcfAYSc1bfn6YlJYNekCj9ZZhtgCLcB/s320/Mars_22-05-16_2200.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Mars\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://astroblogger.blogspot.com/2016/05/my-guide-to-opposition-of-mars-may-22.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-D6cfLCqjnFg/V60Xgz21rfI/AAAAAAAAOaU/LwrU6GjDpGo6WjnsmrouNHUaaelh_HBLgCK4B/s80/Ian_Telescope_image.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-D6cfLCqjnFg/V60Xgz21rfI/AAAAAAAAOaU/LwrU6GjDpGo6WjnsmrouNHUaaelh_HBLgCK4B/s80/Ian_Telescope_image.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ian Telescope image\", \"alt_text\": \"My Photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Evening sky on Sunday May 22 looking east as seen from Adelaide at 22:00 ACST. Mars, Saturn and Antares form a triangle. The inset shows telescopic views of Mars and Saturn. Similar views will be seen elsewhere in Australia at the equivalent local time. (click to embiggen).\nMy guide to the opposition of Mars is here.\n\nLabels: Mars, Opposition\n\n# posted by Ian Musgrave @ 5:37 pm", "Comments: Post a Comment", "Name: Ian Musgrave\nLocation: Adelaide, South Australia, Australia"], "url": "http://astroblogger.blogspot.com/2016/05/my-guide-to-opposition-of-mars-may-22.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["f3b8d3e2f070f28c14f32c65a22e9ae1fc999daabb5922784151453d220ce884"], "__index_level_0__": 15, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xGtuC9bE5b8/TGdlk4pLKnI/AAAAAAAAAG0/H9IMQgb7Yp4/s320/010.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xGtuC9bE5b8/TGdlEGehCDI/AAAAAAAAAGs/6qbydBmwmnQ/s320/006.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.838507354259491}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://atozformomslikeme.blogspot.com/2010/08/cream-cheese-wantons.html\", 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Chinese food night without cream cheese wantons!\n8 oz cream cheese\n2 green onions- finely chopped\n½ t. soy sauce\n¼ t. garlic powder\nCrab meat (optional)\n\nMix all together well.  Spoon a little mixture into the center of a wanton wrapper (I use a melon baller).  Then wet the edges and fold over then press the edges to seal each wanton.", null, "You can do triangles like I did here, or pouches by pinching all four corners into the center, or any other way you like.\nNext all you have to do is fry them in some vegetable oil until they are lightly browned.  (you make see some of the cheese come out in the oil, that's ok)"], "url": "http://atozformomslikeme.blogspot.com/2010/08/cream-cheese-wantons.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["a4ec027b4376a9ad460f50c561a409b49b97b0fe789c93bf74b070d841432586", 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Bring it to the BLAM, son.\nphoto by: Brenton Salo\nPosted by Amanda Sundvor at 5:17 PM", "Labels: friends\n\ntake chances", "Amanda Sundvor\ni pedal so hard it makes my nose bleed."], "url": "http://backyardblam.blogspot.com/2010/01/more-of-him.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 564, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 268, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["9789f62219c5b7b2f31129e198910b7344ae61f38432e7668881927839d99cab"], "__index_level_0__": 18, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__FTHy66z_OY/RkD9A9vScdI/AAAAAAAAAJc/Igm34KSZXro/s400/BallyhooSetup_20070504_3.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8334837555885315}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bearbird.blogspot.com/2007/05/ballyhoo-sideshow-show-is-open.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__FTHy66z_OY/RkD9A9vScdI/AAAAAAAAAJc/Igm34KSZXro/s400/BallyhooSetup_20070504_3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/__FTHy66z_OY/RkD9A9vScdI/AAAAAAAAAJc/Igm34KSZXro/s400/BallyhooSetup_20070504_3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BallyhooSetup\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, May 8, 2007\n\nBallyhoo: Sideshow Show is OPEN!", null, "Ballyhoo: The Sideshow Show opened this weekend! I'm working on putting up photo galleries now. These things always take longer than anticipated! :-) Photo above is of me hanging the last piece for the show on Friday night!"], "url": "http://bearbird.blogspot.com/2007/05/ballyhoo-sideshow-show-is-open.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 332, "original_width": 400, "width": 455}], "image_hashes": ["9d1ac69fe9d831f223203392810afcaa167eeda17a21f41df18939185245a954"], "__index_level_0__": 19, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FonBvp5nGIk/V3bVS6hJsTI/AAAAAAAAA0Y/OlsDtpl9lfoFX_qL27-aRweLhp1UAR3hgCLcB/s320/748905903991160832_CmSl7ciWYAA7mBs.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9612063765525818}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://beegeesfanfever.blogspot.com/2016/07/lionel-richie-star-struck-over-barry_1.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FonBvp5nGIk/V3bVS6hJsTI/AAAAAAAAA0Y/OlsDtpl9lfoFX_qL27-aRweLhp1UAR3hgCLcB/s320/748905903991160832_CmSl7ciWYAA7mBs.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FonBvp5nGIk/V3bVS6hJsTI/AAAAAAAAA0Y/OlsDtpl9lfoFX_qL27-aRweLhp1UAR3hgCLcB/s320/748905903991160832_CmSl7ciWYAA7mBs.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"CmSl ciWYAA mBs\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 213}, null]", "texts": [null, "Lionel Richie collected the Nordoff Robbins O2 Silver Clef Award in London on Friday (07.01.16) and admitted he felt like a \"fan\" when his musical hero Barry Gibb presented him with his prize.\n\nThe 'Stuck On You' singer received the prestigious accolade in recognition for his five-decade spanning career, which has seen him sell over 100 million albums globally both as a member of The Commodores and as a solo star.\nDespite being one of the most successful singers in history, Lionel still considers himself to be very lucky to be able to make a living from his \"hobby\" and still gets star-struck when he sees people like former Bee Gees singer Barry, even though the pair are friends.\nSpeaking to BANG Showbiz on the special blue carpet at the ceremony held at the Grosvenor House Hotel, Lionel said: \"I'm still a kid at heart, I get given awards like this Icon awards and stuff, you know, but the truth of it is this has been my biggest hobby my whole life. When I see Barry Gibb walking down the red carpet, I think, 'Oh my god, it's Barry! Wait, I know Barry, what am I saying!' It's because I'm still a fan of the business.\"\nLionel, 67, insisted getting a Silver Clef Award means a lot to him because it's connected with a charity that is close to his heart because of the work it does.\nThe Nordoff Robbins O2 Silver Clef Awards have been running for 41 years and as well as honouring the achievements of musicians it also raises funds for the Nordoff Robbins charity which practices creative music therapy for children and people with special needs.\nMulti-time Grammy winner Lionel said: \"An award like this is the best type in the world because it's part of a charity, we get to give back, that's part of the equation. The universe didn't just give you this talent just to be famous, what are you going to do with it? That's what I love about this award, is that some kids are going to use music therapy, just as I used it, to pull them back together again, that's what's so beautiful about this.\"\nOther winners included Jess Glynne, who won Best Newcomer, Icon Award recipient Jeff Lynne and Craig David, who got the Innovation Award.\nHozier, Olly Murs, Patti Smith and Andre Rieu were also honoured on the day, while One Direction were named the Ticketmaster Best Live Act, however, the boys - Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles - did not break their hiatus to attend.\nThe Ticketmaster Best Live Act is the only category at the Silver Clef Awards which is voted for by the public and 1D fans came out in force to help the band fight off competition from Adele, Ed Sheeran, Little Mix and Muse to win with over 60 per cent of the total vote."], "url": "http://beegeesfanfever.blogspot.com/2016/07/lionel-richie-star-struck-over-barry_1.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["095f588cbf64d8ca275c1f80702d2cd34bfb12099be7790c363ba5b399c57d73"], "__index_level_0__": 20, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://s3.otherpeoplespixels.com/sites/13471/splash.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9714285731315612}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://beverlykedzior.com/home.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/r14248226940000000005/nav/home/title.png\", \"src\": \"https://beverlykedzior.com/r14248226940000000005/nav/home/title.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"title\", \"alt_text\": \"Beverly Kedzior\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://beverlykedzior.com/home.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s3.otherpeoplespixels.com/sites/13471/splash.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s3.otherpeoplespixels.com/sites/13471/splash.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"splash\", \"alt_text\": \"Splash Image\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://beverlykedzior.com/home.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/r14248226940000000005/copyright/home.png\", \"src\": \"https://beverlykedzior.com/r14248226940000000005/copyright/home.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"home\", \"alt_text\": \"(c) 2009-2010 Beverly Kedzior\"}]", "texts": ["Long before I became acquainted with the Dada and Pop visionaries, I was fascinated by the Jetsons. Saturday mornings were reserved for cartoon shows and Sunday mornings were not complete without the comic strips. My paintings reflected the biomorphic shapes contained in these venues.\n\nSeveral years ago, I discovered that a genetic disorder, named Fragile X, lurked deep in my family history. In search of explanations, I was consumed with delving into medical books. The images I found there both fascinated and repelled me. At the same time, I saw a correlation to the organic and cartoony images that had become a part of my paintings. So I consciously and subconsciously made the medical illustrations a part of the images that I use to construct drawings that ultimately become paintings.\n\nAlthough my paintings are developed with formal structure in mind and an emphasis on material and process, much of the imagery is gleaned from animated film and medical textbooks. So, as a critic once wrote, it is not an accident that some of my paintings resemble vivid, spongy and psychedelic landscapes that a space-age cartoon family might zoom through; or that others suggest Wassily Kandinsky meeting the Lava Lamp while watching a 1960’s educational film introducing youngsters to the wonders of the digestive system.\n\nThe finished paintings stress color, surface and space through the use of traditional and non-traditional tools and printing techniques that include stencils, brushes, rollers, scrapers, masking and resist products.\n\nI have also been influenced by Arshile Gorky, Dr. Seuss, Wassily Kandinsky, Peter Saul, Joan Miro, Walt Disney and Pixar.", null], "url": "http://beverlykedzior.com/home.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 389, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 466, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["5fb2da430670ff289fda573155f27a9f126ba33569d5609ee881cbecdab9b316"], "__index_level_0__": 21, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZZaLCaxCI/AAAAAAAAAy8/p_pvZZndDv8/s400/100_0478.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZZ40_eugI/AAAAAAAAAzM/9i0juwP1yIc/s320/100_0473.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZZpLJ4KaI/AAAAAAAAAzE/fLAvjqrSOtE/s320/100_0474.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZaHbgiQtI/AAAAAAAAAzU/fKehsTdah5w/s320/100_0472.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.94044429063797}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://biancajae.blogspot.com/2010/05/happy-mothers-day.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZZaLCaxCI/AAAAAAAAAy8/p_pvZZndDv8/s400/100_0478.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZZaLCaxCI/AAAAAAAAAy8/p_pvZZndDv8/s400/100_0478.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 227, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://biancajae.blogspot.com/2010/05/happy-mothers-day.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZZ40_eugI/AAAAAAAAAzM/9i0juwP1yIc/s320/100_0473.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZZ40_eugI/AAAAAAAAAzM/9i0juwP1yIc/s320/100_0473.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://biancajae.blogspot.com/2010/05/happy-mothers-day.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZZpLJ4KaI/AAAAAAAAAzE/fLAvjqrSOtE/s320/100_0474.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZZpLJ4KaI/AAAAAAAAAzE/fLAvjqrSOtE/s320/100_0474.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://biancajae.blogspot.com/2010/05/happy-mothers-day.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZaHbgiQtI/AAAAAAAAAzU/fKehsTdah5w/s320/100_0472.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/S-ZaHbgiQtI/AAAAAAAAAzU/fKehsTdah5w/s320/100_0472.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://biancajae.blogspot.com/2010/05/happy-mothers-day.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/St8QEoMaoOI/AAAAAAAAAYc/wyb97cwDhqA/S220-s80/P1030687.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_2G1HBbBKgsI/St8QEoMaoOI/AAAAAAAAAYc/wyb97cwDhqA/S220-s80/P1030687.JPG\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://biancajae.blogspot.com/2010/05/happy-mothers-day.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-OoJcTKOjlJI/UHO-r_XeKXI/AAAAAAAABS0/5xlDJvligr4/s150/Auction%2B-%2BMaybelle%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-OoJcTKOjlJI/UHO-r_XeKXI/AAAAAAAABS0/5xlDJvligr4/s150/Auction%2B-%2BMaybelle%2Bcopy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Auction B BMaybelle Bcopy\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, null, null, "Fabric is STUNNING! Love the bag.. maybe a \"Ranger bag\" instead of a \"Senior Range bag\"... don't want her getting upset and leaving for being called a senior right before Sew It Together!\n\nMay 9, 2010 at 4:49 PM", "sophie said...\n\nWhat a wonderful mum, and aren't you a caring daughter! Your new range of bags are fantastic!\n\nMay 9, 2010 at 4:54 PM", "Posie Patchwork said...\n\nHappy Mother's Day to you too, you're awesome Bianca, hugs to your mumma too, love Posie\n\nMay 9, 2010 at 5:05 PM", "sue said...\n\nWhat a gorgeous gift for your mum. I love the print on the front. It sounds as though you have one of those amazing mothers that comes and tidies up and does so many things in such a short time, my MIL is just the same too and it is rather lovely!\n\nMay 9, 2010 at 5:23 PM", "Ruby Star said...\n\naww too cute. fair trade i say!\n\nMay 9, 2010 at 5:28 PM", "rachelmp said...\n\nHow lovely of your mum! Cute bag too. Happy Mothers Day Bianca x\n\nMay 9, 2010 at 5:40 PM", "Polka Dot Daze said...\n\nYour mum sounds brilliant!\nAnd I love that bag!\n\nMay 9, 2010 at 6:24 PM", "Copper Patch said...\n\nHappy Mummfuss Day Deary. I'm sure your Ma was chuffed with her bag - it's lovely!!!\nAb x\n\nMay 9, 2010 at 6:27 PM", "beccasauras said...\n\nwow, great Saffron Craig, a lucky and well deserving mum! Happy Mum's Day to you both!\n\nMay 9, 2010 at 6:57 PM", "Catherine said...\n\nHappy Mother's Day to you! I'm glad you had your Mum with you to celebrate this special day together. She's a very lucky Mum to get such a beautiful gift made by you, love the fabric! xo\n\nMay 9, 2010 at 7:39 PM", "Tanya said...\n\ngorgeous, perfect use for that Saffron print.\n\nMay 9, 2010 at 8:23 PM", "Duyvken said...\n\nMay 10, 2010 at 10:44 AM", "Corrie said...\n\nperfect! You've got to love having an extra pair of hands around the place!\n\nMay 11, 2010 at 11:36 AM", "Sounds like our Mom day was similar...Love your new bags...Love them!\n\nMay 13, 2010 at 5:58 AM", "lovely peeps"], "url": "http://biancajae.blogspot.com/2010/05/happy-mothers-day.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 666, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 227, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["358af39c528a63a33caa8c981d546388790a454a6bcf5521cd118dee1d8bc6fa", "509cd2625f81a98a62c7be3908acdecb17abeac73e24bcc94eef69936e7917a0", "c9a5a801535f55c52a85432d17e99688f172092ca7a3ea9f77ff3a652b6b6282", "3b645ad6c7828296ad92a92d794d79f08f7ca9abf066e47610338d0ccd08ca9c"], "__index_level_0__": 22, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": 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We're back! We promise we're going to try to post more as we've got lots of yummy projects and weddings this spring and summer.\n\nCheck out our lovely couples all over the blogosphere:\n\nJoanna + Paul on Southern Weddings", null, "{Lahra Bryant Photography}\n\nWhitney + Brian on Love and Lavender", null, "{Lindsey from The Life You Love Photography}\n\nJennifer + Anthony on Green Wedding Shoes and Love and Lavender(!!!)", null, null, "{Paige Newton Photography}\n\nKatie + Ivan on Ruffled", null, "{Nathan Russell Photography}\n\nThanks to all our awesome vendor friends who helped make these weddings so special!"], "url": "http://birddogwedding.blogspot.com/2013/04/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 428, "original_width": 640, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 413, "original_width": 640, "width": 585}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 406, "original_width": 640, "width": 595}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 441, "original_width": 640, "width": 548}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 436, "original_width": 640, "width": 554}], "image_hashes": ["a49a0783904a06024e0f61ca5753d0b190e9d47076cf1f706467a981d773cdb1", "5a47629a1120dcbb6b5329d20aacaaff6f0de7fa70830c08fa2173a98c446170", "fb9af00f8fd4e98d4c2a83b15aec7754bd3b9e8095c0691922ad0a95241b160c", "aa26dba1fc74d30c296445f2c133ac2daa09af96dd5677017af6d3335ab09353", "4f13848f183a3472aa592b0c93a0fed112226cc9af26c7a51e04e933959e7638"], "__index_level_0__": 23, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xWIEcDnejWs/SrzhTeF4GYI/AAAAAAAAAb0/RUM8zZQxWFU/s320/IMG_3858.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xWIEcDnejWs/ShF0mYPhwiI/AAAAAAAAAXU/FLGbJBsV8zU/s320/bh-agm-1.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xWIEcDnejWs/SXmHlHP96aI/AAAAAAAAAO4/zE1AIr725Xg/s320/real+team+nus.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.95695561170578}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bizblogs.nus.edu/the-nus-mba/category/companies/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xWIEcDnejWs/SrzhTeF4GYI/AAAAAAAAAb0/RUM8zZQxWFU/s320/IMG_3858.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xWIEcDnejWs/SrzhTeF4GYI/AAAAAAAAAb0/RUM8zZQxWFU/s320/IMG_3858.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bizblogs.nus.edu/the-nus-mba/category/companies/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xWIEcDnejWs/ShF0mYPhwiI/AAAAAAAAAXU/FLGbJBsV8zU/s320/bh-agm-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xWIEcDnejWs/ShF0mYPhwiI/AAAAAAAAAXU/FLGbJBsV8zU/s320/bh-agm-1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bh agm\", \"alt_text\": \"berkshire-hathaway agm 2009\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bizblogs.nus.edu/the-nus-mba/category/companies/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xWIEcDnejWs/SXmHlHP96aI/AAAAAAAAAO4/zE1AIr725Xg/s320/real+team+nus.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xWIEcDnejWs/SXmHlHP96aI/AAAAAAAAAO4/zE1AIr725Xg/s320/real+team+nus.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"real team nus\", \"alt_text\": \"nus mba microsoft case challenge 2009\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 257}, null]", "texts": ["Surya reports on a cricket friendly between the NUS MBA team and KPMG at the Ceylon Sports Club.\nAs I passed through the Ceylon sports club near the Farrer Park MRT about a month back, I wondered if I would get to play on that lovely ground.\n\nThis small dream of mine came true quickly when I heard that the NUS MBA team was going to play a friendly cricket match against KPMG at the very same venue. I was also excited because of my extreme love and passion for the game of cricket and felt it could prove to be an exclusive opportunity to catch up with some folks from KPMG to find out more about their operations and work culture in Singapore.\n\nPosted by NUS MBA Blog on September 24, 2009", null, "Posted by NUS MBA Blog on May 18, 2009", null, "Posted by NUS MBA Blog on January 22, 2009", null], "url": "http://bizblogs.nus.edu/the-nus-mba/category/companies/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 257, "original_width": 320, "width": 470}], "image_hashes": ["704c335119b7e3ec52d0d058241f83e8c65e89da0a04b1e159a9a2a6499299ff", "f6daf0b5df13cc83616be88e9a20161b887393abc25bbc0d11e1a53235bbed4e", "33e523e7a82177ba1014abb7cec95194807b6f82cf04eab7b73e3be6e8b52128"], "__index_level_0__": 24, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_38qUM-j68KA/ScSvnh4PTtI/AAAAAAAAEX8/TvwQcFORc38/s400/FireShot+capture+%2352+-+%27Business+school+rankings+and+MBA+rankings+from+the+Financial+Times%27+-+rankings_ft_com_businessschoolrankings_global-mba-rankings.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.930874526500702}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://bizblogs.nus.edu/the-nus-mba/category/nus-mba/ft-rankings/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_38qUM-j68KA/ScSvnh4PTtI/AAAAAAAAEX8/TvwQcFORc38/s400/FireShot+capture+%2352+-+%27Business+school+rankings+and+MBA+rankings+from+the+Financial+Times%27+-+rankings_ft_com_businessschoolrankings_global-mba-rankings.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_38qUM-j68KA/ScSvnh4PTtI/AAAAAAAAEX8/TvwQcFORc38/s400/FireShot+capture+%2352+-+%27Business+school+rankings+and+MBA+rankings+from+the+Financial+Times%27+-+rankings_ft_com_businessschoolrankings_global-mba-rankings.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FireShot capture Business school rankings and MBA rankings from the Financial Times rankings ft com businessschoolrankings global mba rankings\"}, null]", "texts": ["In the Financial Times Global MBA Rankings for 2014 released today, the NUS MBA has climbed four places to 32nd rank, becoming the highest-ranked MBA programme by a Singaporean business school. It has ranked 10th for International Mobility, and moved up 12 places to 19th in the world for International Experience, reflecting the diversity of the programme and global exposure for our students.\n\nThe most encouraging news for our students however, was the increase in post-MBA salaries – 147% on average – over the pre-MBA salaries. It is a validation of the significant impact of the NUS MBA brand and reputation.\n\nThe business education world is full of rankings, but not all rankings are equal. The FT MBA rankings rank the world’s best full-time MBA programmes using 20 different metrics, including several measurements that attempt to rate campus diversity and the earning potential of the graduates, through a survey of global business schools and its alumni who graduated three years ago.\n\n“We are honoured to be in the company of the best business schools in the world. The FT rankings are added motivation for us to continue enhancing our curriculum”, says the Dean of the School, Professor Bernard Yeung.  “For instance, we recently introduced the compulsory Management Communication module and the Management Practicum in the NUS MBA. These courses are similar to training given to top executives in companies globally, in which participants are trained to manage difficult conversations and make sound judgement. With good management communication skills being a key foundation of influential business leaders, the aim is to develop our students into effective leaders guided by strong values”, he adds.\n\nFor the full ranking list, click here. For more information about the NUS MBA, click here.\n\nPosted by NUS MBA Blog on February 7, 2012\n\nThe NUS MBA celebrates its Top-25 position in the Financial Times Global MBA Rankings for the second year running.", "The National University of Singapore (NUS) Business School’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme has continued its strong performance in the closely-watched Financial Times Global MBA Rankings 2012, retaining its place at 23rd for the second year running. This is the highest ranking attained by a Singaporean university.\n\nThe School did particularly well in several categories. Post-MBA salaries of graduates increased by 185% over pre-MBA salaries, demonstrating the significant impact of the NUS MBA.\n\nThe School also retained its place at 9th in the world for its graduates’ international mobility, reflecting the broad international demand from employers for NUS MBA graduates.\n\nPosted by Shipra on March 21, 2009\n\nShipra Gupta blogs about the celebrations around a record-breaking NUS MBA FT Ranking for 2009.", null, "Around the end of January every year, the FT rankings are unleashed upon the world. The Financial Times takes it upon itself to create elaborate rankings of B-Schools across the world on various scales. These rankings are intended as a comparative analysis of the schools and a measure of their competitiveness. They are considered highly prestigious and are strongly valued by the student fraternity."], "url": "http://bizblogs.nus.edu/the-nus-mba/category/nus-mba/ft-rankings/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 336, "original_width": 400, "width": 450}], "image_hashes": ["fc7855aeeeacda6ffa04e4283d764deff0c49a5c8525bd3fd5a4122df18bf1d3"], "__index_level_0__": 25, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rv-I189tupI/UD1i9w69KZI/AAAAAAAAALI/2z3iCPK3d1s/s320/100_1135.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2uaPeib_RkY/UD1kMtHy3wI/AAAAAAAAALQ/AEz3DWX1n5k/s320/100_1148.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Y57wqO3Z8Xk/UB3Dp-iU0WI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/7w_3PaYImts/s320/100_1095.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IG94i7O_CTo/UB3EDKGy2fI/AAAAAAAAAJY/seuhT-OpQxc/s320/100_1094.jpg", null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OHcfrN98VA8/Si5b-V6xKPI/AAAAAAAAAAM/brXuXlalLrg/S271/026.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9871371388435364}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2012/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rv-I189tupI/UD1i9w69KZI/AAAAAAAAALI/2z3iCPK3d1s/s320/100_1135.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rv-I189tupI/UD1i9w69KZI/AAAAAAAAALI/2z3iCPK3d1s/s320/100_1135.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2012/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2uaPeib_RkY/UD1kMtHy3wI/AAAAAAAAALQ/AEz3DWX1n5k/s320/100_1148.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2uaPeib_RkY/UD1kMtHy3wI/AAAAAAAAALQ/AEz3DWX1n5k/s320/100_1148.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 213}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2012/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Y57wqO3Z8Xk/UB3Dp-iU0WI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/7w_3PaYImts/s320/100_1095.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Y57wqO3Z8Xk/UB3Dp-iU0WI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/7w_3PaYImts/s320/100_1095.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2012/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IG94i7O_CTo/UB3EDKGy2fI/AAAAAAAAAJY/seuhT-OpQxc/s320/100_1094.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IG94i7O_CTo/UB3EDKGy2fI/AAAAAAAAAJY/seuhT-OpQxc/s320/100_1094.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2012/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OHcfrN98VA8/Si5b-V6xKPI/AAAAAAAAAAM/brXuXlalLrg/S271/026.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_OHcfrN98VA8/Si5b-V6xKPI/AAAAAAAAAAM/brXuXlalLrg/S271/026.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"MIKEY\", \"rendered_width\": 271, \"rendered_height\": 180}, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, August 31, 2012\n\nI had the boys entered in cattle 1st thing this am.  I was so proud of them. They were awesome! The cows didn't want to play so Dare walked up introduced himself and bit the crap out of them.  The cows said \"yes  sir-Where would you like us to go sir?\"  He got them up the centerline and around the post and we made the Y chute and  played with them around the Z chute but got them in and on to the hold  pen.  The buggers started to run coming out of the Hold pen and Dare tried to stop them and did get them stopped at the number4 but when I asked him to take them on the cross drive, he couldn't help himself and did some cow twirling which mad them all split and he could not cover them back to the repen.  They called 1 minutes and the way it was going I knew we were not going to get the crossdrive so I repenned them. He got  a 78 which of course was NQ because you need to get at least 50% of each obstacle and we lost that on the crossdrive.\n\nDually got the same cows and introduced himself the same way. Again we got them up to the cone and made the turn to the Y. We had some trouble on the Y but got them through and skimmed the Z and made the hold pen .  He took them to the 4 and had some trouble holding them but got them to the center panels although we skimmed them too.  We q'd for leg number 2.\n\nDare's duck run was really nice except for the cross drive. He didn't take my first stop and then tried to bring them back to me so I reflanked him and screamed down and he stopped and we had a beautiful crossdrive but we placed 2nd.  Bummer.  Not sure if we got HC pts or not.\nDually had a nice outrun lift and fetch but wasn't listening to me as I yelled down down down and then gave up since he was bringing them so nicely anway.  I think we skimmed the Y chute and got the Z and the Hold pen but then he was not listening at all at the crossdrive and the ducks crossed the center line and I didn't know what to do so I went on.  He didn't Q his first time in ADV ducks. I was happy with it though.\n\nTomorrow is another day and hopefully tonight will be full of sleepless dreams and lots of sleep.I'm tired and the dogs are very tired. Puppy too.\n\nPosted by Diane Menard at 7:48 PM No comments:", "Wednesday, August 29, 2012\n\nI just took one off the tree and it's dripping with juice and soooo sweet.  I have been giving a lot of peaches away because I hate to just feed them to the sheep . There is only so many peaches one person can eat and I had a lot this year. I also made a big pan of peach crisp(am I repeating myself?).  I think I will make a peach,pear,razzberry crisp this afternoon. It's just too darn easy.\n\nPuppy was good today. I put him in the xpen while I gave a couple of lessons and worked my dogs too. He as pretty quiet almost all the time. Not sure what he was doing but he couldn't get in trouble where he was. Now he is taking his afternoon nap.  Just like a baby.  They grow up faster though.\n\nDare did a really nice A course duck run and so did Dually. The ducks were cooperative today.  Need some uncooperative ducks to really test them.\n\nThen I used Dare to hold sheep for a student and he seemed to understand that is all he was out there to do. He didnt' try to take the sheep away from the other dog and he would put them back to the set out point after her outrun.  Damn smart dog.  Love that dog. Love them all, but sometimes I love him best.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 1:59 PM No comments:", "Tuesday, August 28, 2012\n\nPuppy pics", null, null, "Posted by Diane Menard at 8:37 PM No comments:", "Screaming is lessening\n\nOr I am managing it better,not sure.  Edge sleeps a lot and if I wait until he is tired to put him in a crate then he whines a bit and maybe screams once and off to sleep he goes, but it's not a good idea to put him in an xpen and try to work stock.   Dare also has quickly determined that if I put Edge in a crate , he could scream ,so as soon as I open the crate door, Dare leaves. Last night he went under the baby gate at the top of the stairs and of course the baby gate went flyiing down the stairs after him.  Those gates make a lot of noise at 1:30am.\n\nPuppy has been really good about peeing and pooping outside.  I am very vigilant.  He went out in the sprinkling rain this am and didn't think that was a good idea , so I a little worried now that it is coming down pretty heavily. I took him out with me yesterday to the granite store and we walked around there and met people and he was very good. I think that tired him out.\n\nAn old friend came over last night with her 3 dogs and we tried them on the stock. The little dog that she thought was a corgi,sheltie cross did nothing, the golden retriever chased them a little but the dog that looked like a harrier cross was very keen and could be worked.  The little dog might turn on, you never know.\n\nMy shower wallboard will be delivered on Wed afternoon and I went to get my granite cut for the vanity top yesterday.  Moving along  now.  My contractor took my buffet/vanity home with him to get the top off and cut the legs down and paint it and get it ready to install. Yay. Taking showers in the trailer is getting a little old. It's not bad but it's much nicer to not have to walk out of the house to get clean.\n\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:40 AM No comments:", "Saturday, August 25, 2012\n\nDare and PUp\n\nDare is very tolerant of the puppy but when he thinks it is going to cry or scream , he tries to leave the house. I have to lock the front storm door or he will hit the latch and leave.  Sccary.  It is to the point , that if I put the pup in the crate, Dare assumes it's going to scream and starts to hyperventilate and leave.  Now mind you , the puppy is getting better and there is less screaming,but the problem is that if there is screaming and any possibility that Dare can get out , then I have to get Dare and not discipline the puppy.  For instance , if I put the puppy in the xpen outside, I have to make sure Dare is locked in a crate inside. And the crate I have been locking him in is getting  a beating. He is tearing at it trying to get out and has bent the door and the frame of the wire crate. I will have to go out and buy a newer stronger crate to keep him safe. But  I need a new one for the pup anyway. These duck crates that I have been using for  him are not going to big enough for very long.\n\nJust finished making another peach crisp from memory but boy was it good.\n7-8 peaches peeled and sliced mixed with 2 tbsp flour and 1 tsp cinammon,dash salt\n\ntopping-5-6 graham crackers(the whole piece)crushed roughly\n2/3 C brown sugar,more cinammon1/3 stick butter cut in pieces and mixed in\n\nPut in peaches in pan and drizzle with honey then put crumb topping on and bake in oven 375 for 35-40 min and serve warm with ice cream or  cool whip.  OMG is it good.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 9:48 PM No comments:", "Edge on cows\n\nJust kidding.  I took him out back to feed this morning on a line but picked him up when I got close to the cows and the sheep out there. He thought that was great fun.  I put him on the ground to go back to the house and he had to practically be dragged because he kept trying to get back to the cows.  He  hasn't acted that way around the sheep or the ducks so maybe he 's a cow dog.\n\nHe chased the water hose this afternoon like he had been doing it all his short little life and also decided the kiddie pool was fun too.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 4:40 PM No comments:", "Friday, August 24, 2012\n\nEdge on ducks --check it out\n\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:54 PM No comments:", "Thursday, August 23, 2012\n\nsleepy day\n\nThe pup slept all day pretty much. I'd take him out and walk him and he would walk a little and just lie down.  so back in the crate and out like a light. Yesterday was a hard day on him.  I was exhausted today and had to go lie down in the trailer this afternoon so I could be awake enough for some lessons this afternoon.\nApparently Cindy's puppy has been on the go all day and she even worked ducks with him today.  No way my pup would have worked. He did, however, have a lesson about being tied to the fence .\n\nThe bathroom is all roughed in with elec,plumbing changes and blueboard and hardibacker for the tile floor.  They even put up some of the beadboard paneling.  I 've got to run over to the marble place and get them to cut my vanity top tomorrow.  It will take maybe 2 wks before the tiles I ordered come in and the shower wall board should be here middle of next week. Looks like no shower in the house for 2 wks or so.  Trailer is fine.  short and sweet but warm and wet.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 9:46 PM No comments:", "Wednesday, August 22, 2012\n\npuppy is here\n\nMan on the Edge is here--I was undecided about his call name until he snarked at the ACD  puppy that cindy got today not once but numerous times to he has a bit of an edge to him so that will be his call name...Edge.\nWe got up at 4:30 and on the road to Logan airport at 5:30.  The flight was due to arrive at 6:45 and we were there, but they had not unloaded them yet so we left for 15 min and came back.  And when we came  back we could here a puppy screaming . I said \"Cindy , That is your puppy\" and she said Oh no \"It must be your puppy\". I was right. She has a screamer, but mine is no shrinking violet about making noise.   He did lots of crying today. I think he is overtired. Can't imagine why.  Long flight and he had to pee and poop in the crate poor baby. And they were thirsty pups.  Right now he is sleeping in a crate and I worry about the rest of the night.\n\nHe met Peaches and Dare and Dually.  They all corrected him one way or another for some unseen infraction of dogdom.  Dare was jumped on and he didn't like it. Peaches was just snarky and Dually was just plain Dually. He hates anybody near him and so did much growling. They will be buds soon I hope.\n\nIn the meantime, My bathroom has been demolished and I still have a toilet, but no shower. I showered last night in the travel trailer and that was fine.  My shower wallboard shipped today and should be here in5 days and I picked out the tile for the floor, but I am waiting to hear how long it will take to get. Can't finish bathroom with no tile. Shower floor is in and replumbed. Electric has been redone .  Making progress.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 9:01 PM 1 comment:", "Sunday, August 19, 2012\n\nThe Clinic\n\nThe clinic with Tenley went well.  We went to dinner on Sat night and that was fun.  11 of us and we stayed a couple of hrs and had Mexican food and Margaritas.  Very tasty.  Glad I am home alone tonight and I dont' have to get up early tomorrow and cook and sort and etc etc.\n\nSending payment for the puppy tomorrow. Most expensive pup  ever for me.   He better be worth it. On the other hand , the airfare is cheap  only $229 .\n\nJust found out the cattle they are using on Labor Day have not even seen the A course or the obstacles , so I will go down to Janets and run them around the course a bit and make sure they are workable.  Hope they are as good as my cows are.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:25 PM No comments:", "Friday, August 17, 2012\n\npuppy has been picked\n\nI had another video of the pups --all of them.  hard to see--They were all very interested in the ducks and all showed eye and stalking behavior.  I just picked the one Jan wanted me to take.  Pros and cons.\n\nI got up early to go get my PET scan and then groceries and then more picking up around the farm and getting ready for the clinic tomorrow.  Then Jan kept calling to see if I had watched the newest video of the pups yet and I couldn't get to it because the plumber was here.  Finally he left and I watched it and talked to her briefly about my decision and went back to cleaning and cooking.  I'm tired and i\"m going to bed.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:18 PM 1 comment:", "Thursday, August 16, 2012\n\nPuppy Update again\n\nok so  Jan is now saying the white toed boy is better stucturally than the blaze boy .  And I think she really doesnt like blaze boy.  She thinks he will be a huge handful and is high energy but more frantic.  I don't really care , except the white toe puppy tested as food aggressive and that frightens me.  I don't want aggression in any way or form.\n\nMy friend Cindy is getting a puppy at the same time(a cattle dog puppy)same age from a breeder near Jan so Jan is going to try and fly them in together and Cindy and I will go pick them up together. Not sure how this will all work out. Jan was supposed to call me back tonight and did not do that and  I will be gone to the hospital tomorrow am for a PET scan.  I guess I will be done by the time she wakes up. She has to make a decision tomorrow before the other person arrives from Missouri to pick her puppy.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 9:45 PM No comments:", "Wednesday, August 15, 2012\n\nmore puppy news\n\nTHey all passesd their ear and eye tests today and that's all I know.\n\nHot and muggy today. I got nothing done. Just remembered there is a load of laundry still in the washer. Not going down now.\n\nMy contractor Bill stopped by today to discuss the bathroom renovation again.  He is going to try and bag another ladies job and start mine.  I told him it needed to be done by Sept 26.  He said he could do it if he didn't have to start the other job which was going to be a very big job.  I might meet the plumber tomorrow .  I need to change the location of the shower faucets and drains.   It's moving along.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 9:41 PM No comments:", "Tuesday, August 14, 2012\n\nanother puppy update\n\nThey did the puppy testing today(Vohard's).  Got some extremes I guess.  Blaze boy was off the charts in drive and food motivation.  Brown leg boy was not of a forgiving nature.  Guess he's not for me. The girl was less than Jan thought she would be, but I dont' have the details yet.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:06 PM 1 comment:", "Monday, August 13, 2012\n\nPuppy Update\n\nThe pups are now 7 wks old and tomorrow they will all be puppy tested. Can't wait for results.  Then on Wed they will have eyes and ears checked and Thurs will be structure eval day.   I  have seen 3 of them on ducks on a fairly decent video.  white feet, brown legs and the girl. The girl was very nice and brown legs showed sustained interest I thought. Didn't really see white feet do much.  Jan said brown legs is a sorta stand offish puppy that doesn't like just everybody. Not sure that would suit me and I was leaning towards him since she said white blaze might be kinda dumb.  must wait for puppy test\n\nIt was cooler and drier tonight and the boys were feeling it. Dare was his usual zippy self and so was Dually . I was beginning to think they were sick. Just heatsick I guess.  I put the AHBA course up to see how hard it was and it wasn't hard at all for them.  Good --of course the ducks are really good here. I need to get Kathy's ducks and try them.THey aren't as cooperative.\n\nUMass to day for the first thryogen  shot .Why should one lousy injection take them a full damn hour. I was a little annoyed. They promised tomorrow would be quicker. It damn well better be.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 10:02 PM No comments:", "Sunday, August 12, 2012\n\nIt is over 2 hrs up to the trial and I am only entered in Cattle which will be the first 2 runs of the day and then you have to wait until 6 pm for awards.  It would cost me $60 in gas to get  there and back and the entries cost me  $110 so by not going I am only losing  $50.  I can live with that.   I don't need the cattle legs and I don't have enough low iodine food to go or the whole day so I will stay  home. I slept in, and  will work my dogs here and maybe clean some house.\n\nI have a clinic this coming weekend and I have to start to straighten things up.  The outside looks pretty good but the inside can always use some cleaning.\n\nLast night before going to bed , I worked on the excel program that will keep the scores for my upcoming AHBA trial. I have to switch some things  around to make it work and it still needs a bit of tweaking. But I like to do that and I need to do it so I can check it off of my list.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:59 AM No comments:", "WHAT'Wrong with DARE now?\n\nGosh he is an enigma.  I took everybody in the car to Ct to help set up for the Labor Day trials this morning. And no they never got out of the car.  I was there for about 4 hrs.  Dare hates the car.  I accidentally left his crate door open when I left and that upset him even more.  He started whining and cying until I stopped the car and put his thunder coat on and closed the crate door. Then he stopped crying but still paced and drooled. Poor guy.   So I got home and made dinner and then decided to go out and work somebody.  He would not come out of the house so I worked Dually on ducks. Nice job by the way.  I worked the A course in both directions and worked on his flanks and taking the duckies out of the corner. He got better at it. Thank goodness.\n\nI went inside to get Dare figuring  he was trying to get out to me , but no he was just lying on the hallway floor and I kinda had to convince him to come out and work.  He as happy enough to work and did a great job , but that is what worries me. He wasn't trying to get away with anything. He just did it. That's not like Dare. So I took  him out to work the cows and his heart wasn't in it. He did it, but again there was no diving in and grinning at me.  Hope it's just the heat and humidity which I know he hates.\n\nDinner tonight was chicken cacciatore.  I had it on rice and it was pretty darn good. I was hungry.  Dessert is homemade pineapple sorbet.  Not as sweet at the first time which was a little too sweet.  And for a snack before dinner I had big bowl of summer squash and butter. Mmmmm\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:16 PM No comments:", "Thursday, August 9, 2012\n\nI just got a video of the pups and they let them see the ducks.  It was a little chaotic so hard to tell much.  Will  wait for the next one. THey showed interest, but not sustained.  7 wks old now? I think.  puppy tests next week along with eye and ear.  I've decided to have Jan airmail the little bugger to me.  It doesn't make sense for me to fly out there for 1 day and fly back the next. If she had time I would go and stay for a  while, but she is on her way someplace so I am not going.  He'll be fine. \\\n\nI brought my wallboard samples to the marble place today to match my vanity top.  What fun.  My shower is apparently arriving tomorrow.  I called my contractor and told him I was ready to start. He may not be.  lol.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 9:35 PM No comments:", "Some of the pups-missing one I think\n\nPosted by Diane Menard at 9:23 AM No comments:", "Labels: white foot black boy\n\nI didn't have any lessons but Betty came to work her dogs  and Ed came to work.  He got a lot more done.  I have sweepers on some of my gates now so the ducks can't get under. And he replaced the breaker that goes to the well pump and we will find out if that was the problem. I hope that was the problem because I am not sure where to go from here if it doesn't fix it.  And he put slats on the ramp going to my shed so I wont' break my neck when it rains and I go out there.   He also put a few tractor loads of fill against the duck fence , again so the ducks don't escape.\n\nI went out grocery shopping, but the butcher was closed and I need to get salt free chicken so I will have to go back tomorrow. But I made an interesting penne with roasted peppers dinner. Lots of vinegar in it. It was good but not great.  I also made strawberry sorbet which was really good and I had it with some pieces of dark chocolate which I can eat. I cooked some more garbanzo beans and will make more hummus tomorrow sometime. lessons in the am.\n\nI finally ordered all the ribbons for the AHBA trial at then end of Sept.  It's not easy to know what to spend when you have no idea how many people will come.\n\nAnd I gave my farm sign a coat of exterior finish so Ed wouldn't have a stroke.\n\nAnd Tim showed up and left 2 loads of fill for me.  Ed started to spread it, but will finish tomorrow. He did all the work today but I was exhausted this aftenoon . Now I am wide awake of course and watching the Olympics.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 10:35 PM No comments:", "Monday, August 6, 2012\n\nNew WTCH!!\n\nOkay do I feel dumb.  I got Dually's ADVdc title and his WTCH title in the mail today and I immediately thought they had made a mistake.  I called the office and they told me he had an ADVcattle leg from ALA that I do not remember at all.  duh. So I finished his WTCH 2 weeks ago  at Maine Moose Mania Trial which  is where I wanted to finish it but then thought I blew it.   NO Celebration, no fanfare, no WTCH ribbon and no WTCH doll. Damn I  gypped myself.  WE would have partied hearty.   And now I have him entered in a trial this weekend that I dont' need to go to.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 9:25 PM 2 comments:", "Saturday, August 4, 2012", null, null, "I had a bit of trouble getting this sign made, but it's done and it's here and it's hung up and it looks darn good!\nPosted by Diane Menard at 8:54 PM 1 comment:", "Lesson for me today --Yay\n\nBetty and I traveled out to Barb Armata's place in NY again today. We went about a month and a half ago when Barb finally convinced Betty she needed a down and so we have been working on it for all that time. He was good not great but she moved onto his other problem which is slicing his Away flank.  I have been trying to get Betty to see it and to put pressure on him and get him to give. Barb mimicks my words so it's all good.  Now that is what we will work on , in addition to the down until we go back in mid Sept.\n\nI worked Dare first and he was his normal self .   Last time he was the good dog and Dually was the bad dog and it got reversed to normal and so Barb got to see what a pushy SOB Dare is.   We worked on his down a bit by getting in his face with the rattle paddle and using a belly band but more to keep a rope on him than to actually use the belly band.  He got better but it was soooo hot that I think he was more tired than better. We'll see next time I take him out and demand his down.  Also worked on the novice novice outrun and he can do it but he is tight.\n\nDually was a good boy.   He did a very nice outrun lift and fetch .  NIce distance and pace. And then we were going to work on driving, but he won't take his gobye inside flank nice and square so we worked on that also with the rattle paddle and banging it on the ground , but we had to have a line on him or he was just going to leave.  Barb worked him a bit and I said he was soft but when she threw the stock stick next to him to get him to square up , he kind of lifted an eye and said \"Is that all you got\" and kept going.  She laughed and said \" I though you said he was soft\" and I said \" Well , yes, soft for and aussie\" and that is when we changed to the rattle paddle. Got good results too. Can't wait to try it again.  That flank has been bothering me a lot.\nPosted by Diane Menard at 7:11 PM No comments:", "Thursday, August 2, 2012\n\nTodays' adventures\n\nToday we hooked up the horse trailer for the first time after being mostly fixed. New tires(2 not all 4) new floor,new tailgate fasterners and new upper doors so the livestock doesn't jump out.  It was an uneventful trip to Shelley's to pick up my lambs that I had lent to her to eat her grass. Grass is almost gone so back come the lambs.  I forgot how many I have her so I was surprised to pick up 5. One died while it was there. oh well. THey look good and now I can incorporate them back into the flock to use them. I counted and I have 20 sheep and 3 goats.  Too darn many.   No wonder I am buying hay every other week.\n\nI worked Dare on the A course ducks and I realized that going from the hold pen to the number 4 , was a weak point( I knew that), but now I have a plan. I am going to teach him to hold them on the fence just like he does going from the corner thru the Z chute. He does that on his own so I guess I can teach him to do it from the hold pen to 4 and then work on the turn from 4 thru the crossdrive.   I also worked on  his fetch and is was much straighter and I really liked it.", null], "url": "http://blackbirchfarm.blogspot.com/2012/08/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 181, "original_width": 271, "width": 565}], "image_hashes": ["b03ffdda53f125178e7c4a512f7f49cded3b229414bad5cce9a38fe5a159b9af", "d50a318510affc49865332eab81c7ea636dbb80e64d51012e5e00a3102fdc4da", "9683027b947c9848f7652557c031e27811813366df2cc4fac335326e554c759e", "9bc7794f301ba84ba1985ce42fb467851ad2a50c13b5cee527bd0580d17167a5", "d691701ca86ba4827537d77f3ad095b1338061e71f4cf03af4410d27b4e09cd3"], "__index_level_0__": 26, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yjH0xyoWmvE/V9vFU347fGI/AAAAAAAACIY/1VqbmRdkeTsV2n5ZkDh8jXXQk96YC8AhgCLcB/s320/iit_delhi.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9351824522018432}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.etoosindia.com/social-awareness-campaign-iit-delhi-annual-fest-rendevouz/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://blog.etoosindia.com/wp-content/themes/hemingway/images/iit-jee-coaching.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://blog.etoosindia.com/wp-content/themes/hemingway/images/iit-jee-coaching.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"iit jee coaching\", \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.etoosindia.com/social-awareness-campaign-iit-delhi-annual-fest-rendevouz/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yjH0xyoWmvE/V9vFU347fGI/AAAAAAAACIY/1VqbmRdkeTsV2n5ZkDh8jXXQk96YC8AhgCLcB/s320/iit_delhi.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-yjH0xyoWmvE/V9vFU347fGI/AAAAAAAACIY/1VqbmRdkeTsV2n5ZkDh8jXXQk96YC8AhgCLcB/s320/iit_delhi.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"iit delhi\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 213}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.etoosindia.com/social-awareness-campaign-iit-delhi-annual-fest-rendevouz/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oFF4HrEbwaI/To9NpETr6dI/AAAAAAAAEJk/jowvXNvTKcY/s1600/twitter.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-oFF4HrEbwaI/To9NpETr6dI/AAAAAAAAEJk/jowvXNvTKcY/s1600/twitter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter\", \"alt_text\": \"Twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.etoosindia.com/social-awareness-campaign-iit-delhi-annual-fest-rendevouz/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-O6nMA1_akTo/To9NmwKzo4I/AAAAAAAAEJU/UFiFTyAJbnw/s1600/facebook.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-O6nMA1_akTo/To9NmwKzo4I/AAAAAAAAEJU/UFiFTyAJbnw/s1600/facebook.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook\", \"alt_text\": \"Facebook\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.etoosindia.com/social-awareness-campaign-iit-delhi-annual-fest-rendevouz/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zyZkki5OJqE/To9Nmf1xb8I/AAAAAAAAEJQ/dlUOxjZ0H5U/s1600/email.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zyZkki5OJqE/To9Nmf1xb8I/AAAAAAAAEJQ/dlUOxjZ0H5U/s1600/email.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"email\", \"alt_text\": \"Email\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "The annual fest at IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) Delhi, Rendezous 2016 is all set to spread social awareness about the LGBTQ community, body shaming and gender stereotyping. The theme of the event is Pehchaan (identity). These topics are considered a taboo in our society and by picking these for their annual fest this time, IIT Delhi students aim to make people more aware about how people suffer due to certain set social norms.\n“Stereotyping — of gender, body or sexual preferences — lowers the youth’s confidence. And anyway, who is to define what beauty is, who one should love or how to behave?”, shared the social coordinator of the fest, Himanshi Gautam.\nEach year this esteemed institute does its bit towards the society by picking up a social theme and spreading awareness about the same. Child labour and women empowerment have been among some of the themes picked by the institute in the last few years. Talking about the earlier themes, Gautam shared that those too were relevant but clichéd. “Social campaigns were more of a responsibility than being about engaging with a crowd and spreading a message. This year, we’re pursuing that… something relatable for the youth,” she added.\nAs a part of this event, the organizers are not just planning to come up with a platform where these topics can be discussed but are also planning to organize a gay parade, anonymous masked confessions, event around acid attack victims, free hugs campaign and cricket match among boys and girls as cheerleaders. The campaign is being promoted as ‘Pride for All’ on the social media. The lead coordinator of the event, Rishabh Sanghi said that by way of this campaign, “we want to tell people that you are who you are, and you should be proud of yourself.”"], "url": "http://blog.etoosindia.com/social-awareness-campaign-iit-delhi-annual-fest-rendevouz/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["9664e6919e0303de21cc1b25304dc9aca1cc50e46eeabcccfbc54f0efc059d16"], "__index_level_0__": 27, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_N2mGIocYdZw/SNLwk_H3WHI/AAAAAAAABcs/RylJJCnZJks/s400/childbite_h.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8179582357406616}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.irockcleveland.com/2008/09/19/banana-gorgon-by-child-bite/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_N2mGIocYdZw/SNLwk_H3WHI/AAAAAAAABcs/RylJJCnZJks/s400/childbite_h.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_N2mGIocYdZw/SNLwk_H3WHI/AAAAAAAABcs/RylJJCnZJks/s400/childbite_h.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"childbite h\", \"rendered_width\": 399, \"rendered_height\": 267}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.irockcleveland.com/2008/09/19/banana-gorgon-by-child-bite/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://blog.irockcleveland.com/wp-content/themes/megamag/images/totop.png\", \"src\": \"http://blog.irockcleveland.com/wp-content/themes/megamag/images/totop.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"totop\"}]", "texts": [null, "Even if you’ve never heard spaz-rockers Child Bite before, if you’re a longtime Cleveland rocker, then their sound should strike you as somewhat familiar. This Detroit five-piece has more in common with Ohio born bands like Devo or Pere Ubu than those normally associated with Detroit Rock City like The Stooges and MC5, or even more modern Motor City acts like the White Stripes and The Dirtbombs. Theirs is a sound that runs in fits and bursts with precise unpredictability. And if the first minute of a number like “Banana Gorgon” doesn’t strike your fancy, maybe the second minute will. And if the second minute doesn’t do it for you, well, then there’s always minute three.\n\nMP3: Child Bite – Banana Gorgon\n\nChild Bite’s latest release, Fantastic Gusts of Blood is out now on Suburban Sprawl Music. The band are in Cleveland tonight, playing a show with Machine Go Boom tonight at The Grog Shop.\n\nChild Bite\nChild Bite Myspace\n\nSuburban Sprawl Music\n\nTags artsty child bite jams punk\n\nLatest Reviews", "11 Score\n\nThe Rockometer: Total Freedom by Spacin'", "The Rockometer: Fuzz II by Fuzz", "The Rockometer: New Bermuda by Deafheaven", "The Rockometer: Negative Feedback Resistor by Destruction Unit", "The Rockometer: The Agent Intellect by Protomartyr"], "url": "http://blog.irockcleveland.com/2008/09/19/banana-gorgon-by-child-bite/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 399, "width": 564}], "image_hashes": ["a5d984a67e4b48e54d7032229d70807de15261c5fa2dd86cba6082e5886d0b43"], "__index_level_0__": 28, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2396/2126891054_a32fe197be.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7586305737495422}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.kteck.ca/2007/12/21/widescreen-gaming/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2396/2126891054_a32fe197be.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2396/2126891054_a32fe197be.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a fe be\", \"alt_text\": \"Wide Screen Duke Nukem Manhattan Project\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 313}, null]", "texts": ["Soo…. you got your cool new widescreen lcd monitor and all is great in your world until you find out that one or more of your favoirite games does not support the 16.10 aspect ratio and looks bad. Well It may be possible to play some of your older games on your new widescreen monitor with the help of the folks at the WSGFWiki.", null], "url": "http://blog.kteck.ca/2007/12/21/widescreen-gaming/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 313, "original_width": 500, "width": 603}], "image_hashes": ["c419047fe5f51fc718979ea13259e611d0f639858162936ce38dab058411c3b0"], "__index_level_0__": 29, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ePTf4AJ-bXE/URwzD5dFSpI/AAAAAAAAQd0/qSm-CJm1TW0/s320/Screen+Shot+2013-02-04+at+4.30.13+PM.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8801945447921753}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.markspace.com/2013/02/checking-out-threaded-view-for-call-log.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ePTf4AJ-bXE/URwzD5dFSpI/AAAAAAAAQd0/qSm-CJm1TW0/s320/Screen+Shot+2013-02-04+at+4.30.13+PM.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ePTf4AJ-bXE/URwzD5dFSpI/AAAAAAAAQd0/qSm-CJm1TW0/s320/Screen+Shot+2013-02-04+at+4.30.13+PM.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen Shot at\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 231}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, February 16, 2013\n\nChecking out Threaded View for Call Log\n\nAs mentioned earlier, our new 1.3 update to Call Log supports a handy threaded view of calls based on the selected contact(s). Just select one (or more) contacts, and you will see a sorted list of all the calls that have taken place with those contacts.", null, "To see the more traditional list of all calls pick \"Select None\" from the edit menu, or command-click on the selected contact – the list will then show all calls from all contacts.\n\nGetting the Update\n\nIf you have not already upgraded to this latest version, just pick \"Check for Update\" from the menu bar, or visit our downloads page."], "url": "http://blog.markspace.com/2013/02/checking-out-threaded-view-for-call-log.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 231, "original_width": 320, "width": 523}], "image_hashes": ["faddc5d44e46cea86347100d8294b2bc7a8327f3cc813151ccc1e6c3a97723f2"], "__index_level_0__": 30, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iRU7eGJt9QA/WL2RT4-zzgI/AAAAAAAAANA/EA6euaH84aQ4s-GXEEAQC4MOoYonLkZcgCLcB/s640/green%2Bmartini.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8725388050079346}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.nisbets.co.uk/2017/03/delicious-cocktails-to-serve-on-st.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iRU7eGJt9QA/WL2RT4-zzgI/AAAAAAAAANA/EA6euaH84aQ4s-GXEEAQC4MOoYonLkZcgCLcB/s640/green%2Bmartini.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-iRU7eGJt9QA/WL2RT4-zzgI/AAAAAAAAANA/EA6euaH84aQ4s-GXEEAQC4MOoYonLkZcgCLcB/s640/green%2Bmartini.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green Bmartini\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 377}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.nisbets.co.uk/2017/03/delicious-cocktails-to-serve-on-st.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1bNZo5-H63Y/VUytDd_hDZI/AAAAAAAAFL0/aoCK3ymqD0k/s1600/shop_at_nisbets.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1bNZo5-H63Y/VUytDd_hDZI/AAAAAAAAFL0/aoCK3ymqD0k/s1600/shop_at_nisbets.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"shop at nisbets\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.nisbets.co.uk/2017/03/delicious-cocktails-to-serve-on-st.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pn3lY42t1og/V2vhZ9hum-I/AAAAAAAAHq4/GV5cM4alSMQdoq-d4SepofsKF1Oqj5QMwCLcB/s100/blank.png\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pn3lY42t1og/V2vhZ9hum-I/AAAAAAAAHq4/GV5cM4alSMQdoq-d4SepofsKF1Oqj5QMwCLcB/s100/blank.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blank\", \"rendered_width\": 100, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Held on the March 17th every year, St. Patrick's Day is the celebration of one of the patron saints of Ireland - St. Patrick. This religious and cultural holiday is celebrated around the world with parades, dancing and plenty of drinking.\n\nAlthough Guinness and Whiskey are classed as the traditional drinks of the Irish, there are many delicious cocktails you can add to your menu to celebrate for St. Patrick's Day. Have a look at our recommended cocktails. We have listed a variety of tastes, so regardless if your customers like a short, sour cocktail or a strong and long one, we have got you covered.\n\nEquipment needed for the cocktails\n\nWhiskey Sour\n\nThere is no better whiskey cocktail than a whiskey sour. The sugar and the lemon should balance each other out, giving a delightfully bitter-sweet taste.\n\n1. Pour the ingredients in the Boston glass, add the cubed ice and place the boston tin on the glass. .\n\n2. Hit the tin securely on the glass and shake.\n\n3. Add fresh ice to the whiskey glass. Using the strainer, pour the whiskey sour into your glass.\n\n4. Garnish with your lemon slice and cherry stick.\n\nTip: If you want your whiskey sour a little sweeter, add 12.5ml more of your sugar syrup.\n\nA post shared by Bar Milano (@barmilano) on Mar 3, 2017 at 9:08am PST\n\nShamrock Juice\n\nBe warned - this cocktail is strong! Whilst it is a long cocktail, it contains a lot of spirits. If you are searching for a bright green drink for St. Patrick's Day, look no further.\n\n1. Chill a hurricane glass for a few minutes. You can do this by adding some cold water or putting it in the fridge.\n\n2. Pour out the ice and water. Add some fresh ice around 2/3 of the glass.\n\n3. Add your ingredients together. Using your bar spoon, stir until mixed.\n\n4. Garnish with an orange slice and a cherry.\n\nTip: If you do not wish to use orange juice, opt for lemonade instead.\n\nA post shared by A Better Cocktail (@abettercocktail) on Mar 17, 2016 at 3:05am PDT\n\nGuinness Martini\n\nLove it or loathe it, you cannot celebrate St. Patrick's Day without Guinness. If your customers are not sold on having a pint, then you must try this Guinness martini. It's a combination of Guinness, coffee, vodka, rum and a hint of chocolate.\n\n1. Chill a martini glass for a few minutes.\n\n2. Add all your ingredients in the boston glass. Add ice and secure the boston tin onto the glass.\n\n3. Shake well for around 2-3 minutes.\n\n4. Tip out the ice and water from the martini glass. Strain your mixture into the glass.\n\nTip: The harder your shake, the more froth your martini will have.\n\nA post shared by Caroline Parkes (@parkescaroline) on Mar 20, 2016 at 3:09pm PDT\n\nBaby Guinness\n\nLayered shots are great for impressing your customers. Not only do they look fantastic but they are delicious. There are a variety of layered shots, but this St. Patrick's Day, opt for a Baby Guinness or an Irish Flag Shot. Instead of a 25ml shot glass, go for a 30ml or 35ml one. The extra ml will give more room for the top layer.\n\nLayering shots is really simple. It takes practice and a steady hand, but is very easy once you have got the hang of it. This video below shows you how:\n\nIrish Flag Shot\n\nThis shot is great to look at if layered correctly. It looks just like the Irish flag and is a great shot to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with.\n\nUse the same method as your baby guiness shot. It will be a little harder to layer as the Irish Cream is in the middle, so an extra stready hand is needed for the top layer. Stick to the technique in the video and it will layer beautifully.\n\nA post shared by Viet Kitchen in Sydney (@vietkitcheninsydney) on Mar 18, 2016 at 6:24am PDT\n\nCaramel Irish Coffee\n\nAs it is still cold in February, there's nothing better than a warming drink. This caramel Irish coffee takes a mouthwatering twist on the traditional alcohol beverage. The addition of butterscotch adds a sweet hint that doesn't overpower the rest of the coffee.\n\n1. Pour boiling hot water into an Irish coffee glass for 2-3 minutes.\n\n2. Tip out the water. Make the coffee to the desired strength. Add the Irish cream, whiskey and schnapps and stir for a minute or so. Leave around 1.5cm room from the top of the glass.\n\n3. Add the whipped cream.\n\n4. Drizzle the caramel sauce for the finishing touch.\n\nTip: Use double cream so it will float on the coffee. Whip the cream until it is a little stiff. It will float if your coffee is boiling hot and the cream very cold.\n\nA post shared by Barb Kiebel (@creativculinary) on Mar 4, 2017 at 11:06am PST\n\nPatrick's Martini (Non-alcoholic)\n\nA cocktail for those looking to celebrate the 17th alcohol-free. This Patrick's Martini tastes delightful and is bright green. A winner all round.\n\n1. Fill a martini glass with ice and cold water to chill the glass.\n\n2. Fill your boston glass with the lime juice, syrup, apple juice and food colourings. Fill with ice and secure your boston tin in place. Shake until cold.\n\n3. Empty your martini glass. Strain the mixture into your glass. Top with soda.\n\n4. Garnish with a lime slice.", null, "Have you got any cocktail recipes for St. Patrick's Day? Let us know in the comments below."], "url": "http://blog.nisbets.co.uk/2017/03/delicious-cocktails-to-serve-on-st.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 378, "original_width": 640, "width": 640}], "image_hashes": ["e2a53d4e1a1fe5a9439e41db44378c0a5d6e888a9afdfb4545abfd1b9fe1c711"], "__index_level_0__": 31, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_PLO2Is38wrs/SpA3NVY1DhI/AAAAAAAAAEc/kgGy_HXg-Fs/s200/IMG_2298.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9213468432426452}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.thespinningdaisy.com/2009/08/im-winner.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_PLO2Is38wrs/SpA3NVY1DhI/AAAAAAAAAEc/kgGy_HXg-Fs/s200/IMG_2298.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_PLO2Is38wrs/SpA3NVY1DhI/AAAAAAAAAEc/kgGy_HXg-Fs/s200/IMG_2298.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blog.thespinningdaisy.com/2009/08/im-winner.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/_PLO2Is38wrs/SmCHB08R2qI/AAAAAAAAABA/MRNAyHVILv4/S220-s75/TSD+75x75.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PLO2Is38wrs/SmCHB08R2qI/AAAAAAAAABA/MRNAyHVILv4/S220-s75/TSD+75x75.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"TSD\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 75, \"rendered_height\": 75}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, August 22, 2009\n\nI'm a winner!\n\nNot of the State Fair, unfortunately. Not that I'm not a winner there. I don't think they've done the judging yet (though I don't expect to be a winner there).\n\nNo, I'm a winner in a Phat Fiber giveaway. I won a spindle, which I assume will be lovely, though I have no idea what it looks like. There was a post on the blog saying that there were lots of unclaimed prizes, and we should go back and see if we were among those bestowed. I knew I hadn't won... had actually just told my friends the day before that I love the whole idea of the Phat Fiber box/blog/giveaway, and that I intend to donate to it soon, but that I hadn't won any giveaways yet. But I checked previous winner posts, and there I was. In June. I had won a spindle from Zebisis Designs. Somehow I'd missed the announcement and my spindle was languishing for 7 weeks, feeling abandoned. Now it will get the love it deserves.\n\nTime to get my own samples ready. I know which fiber I'm planning to use. Probably. Ok, I've at least got it narrowed down.\n\nNo pictures. Sad. I like having pictures. Ok, how about this? Me at the beach last week, on my way to a sunburn.", null], "url": "http://blog.thespinningdaisy.com/2009/08/im-winner.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["5c69d7f38dbd7ab1f5700d567e171957b3473d27956d52a84f7caa146d60e076"], "__index_level_0__": 32, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4Wuo-8IHQcc/WCEJ9Y1FhCI/AAAAAAAACnw/Qi7V23gDdYEjXg9zZiLFVIb6pC7qWGk5wCEw/s640/IMG_2608.jpg", "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ShJRDsRAEMg/V_Dx7xApw_I/AAAAAAAACnI/Dfh-T6m1yt0kRZZNmIRPjg5OlzKzMdEmQCLcB/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.33.45.png", "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-k5UPydNyDEY/V_DxRWuusDI/AAAAAAAACm0/BzDQu_nmECEHpyzD-vZCSe5f6SQ0x1dcQCLcB/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.34.32.png", "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-I1_Ehrb6ooU/V_DxRYwl2bI/AAAAAAAACmw/E3uitX7fmPg6yDms_yGkztzel5FnZFiTwCEw/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.35.03.png", "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-o_45SDYgKFI/V_DxSTzMohI/AAAAAAAACm8/OIqbrReOLkgF3nkjZsyCg6EzDnNkFzbvACEw/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.35.34.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8453694581985474}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/10/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4Wuo-8IHQcc/WCEJ9Y1FhCI/AAAAAAAACnw/Qi7V23gDdYEjXg9zZiLFVIb6pC7qWGk5wCEw/s640/IMG_2608.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-4Wuo-8IHQcc/WCEJ9Y1FhCI/AAAAAAAACnw/Qi7V23gDdYEjXg9zZiLFVIb6pC7qWGk5wCEw/s640/IMG_2608.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 480, \"rendered_height\": 640}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/10/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ShJRDsRAEMg/V_Dx7xApw_I/AAAAAAAACnI/Dfh-T6m1yt0kRZZNmIRPjg5OlzKzMdEmQCLcB/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.33.45.png\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ShJRDsRAEMg/V_Dx7xApw_I/AAAAAAAACnI/Dfh-T6m1yt0kRZZNmIRPjg5OlzKzMdEmQCLcB/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.33.45.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen BShot B Bat B\", \"rendered_width\": 513, \"rendered_height\": 640}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/10/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-k5UPydNyDEY/V_DxRWuusDI/AAAAAAAACm0/BzDQu_nmECEHpyzD-vZCSe5f6SQ0x1dcQCLcB/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.34.32.png\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-k5UPydNyDEY/V_DxRWuusDI/AAAAAAAACm0/BzDQu_nmECEHpyzD-vZCSe5f6SQ0x1dcQCLcB/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.34.32.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen BShot B Bat B\", \"rendered_width\": 514, \"rendered_height\": 640}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/10/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-I1_Ehrb6ooU/V_DxRYwl2bI/AAAAAAAACmw/E3uitX7fmPg6yDms_yGkztzel5FnZFiTwCEw/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.35.03.png\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-I1_Ehrb6ooU/V_DxRYwl2bI/AAAAAAAACmw/E3uitX7fmPg6yDms_yGkztzel5FnZFiTwCEw/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.35.03.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen BShot B Bat B\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 636}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/10/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-o_45SDYgKFI/V_DxSTzMohI/AAAAAAAACm8/OIqbrReOLkgF3nkjZsyCg6EzDnNkFzbvACEw/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.35.34.png\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-o_45SDYgKFI/V_DxSTzMohI/AAAAAAAACm8/OIqbrReOLkgF3nkjZsyCg6EzDnNkFzbvACEw/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-10-02%2Bat%2B12.35.34.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen BShot B Bat B\", \"rendered_width\": 638, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/10/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s20.postimg.org/r1bifjl0d/hello_sb_s.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s20.postimg.org/r1bifjl0d/hello_sb_s.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hello sb s\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/10/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1284.photobucket.com/albums/a574/blue_birdcage/parkampcube_zps8cebeb78.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1284.photobucket.com/albums/a574/blue_birdcage/parkampcube_zps8cebeb78.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"parkampcube zps cebeb\", \"alt_text\": \"Photobucket\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/10/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v690/hideyourheart/49e3bf7c-ca00-43bd-90f3-f8a1519e31a6.png\", \"src\": \"http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v690/hideyourheart/49e3bf7c-ca00-43bd-90f3-f8a1519e31a6.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e bf c ca bd f f a e a\", \"alt_text\": \"Photobucket\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, 2 October 2016\n\nThis Boy\n\nFour months ago the squidge joined our lives…he’s pretty damn awesome and one of the best things I've ever done (yes, even with all the tears!) Perhaps one day I'll go through all the nitty gritty of my 70 hour(!) labour on here.\nIf I ever get broody again, lets get a puppy. ;)", null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/10/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 469, "original_height": 597, "original_width": 481, "width": 378}, {"height": 470, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 482, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 601, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 601, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a87c64edff8d5065dd0e2e3d50ad2abe6d186926b7e18fe108a96bb6780f3b25", "456b88883930a46018ca5c4add24a9a165ea209fbabcb180eb1a3543b6dc8683", "8e0fb8e1ba431862afe773ada2e58c0e42ff2290fd795474bb600d06c7ca4362", "39f79aee565255f9e887ab339f1b7d055f548254c534e9fdc6a086c41fe00dea", "8ad60055927d04b51e74b16eabb72fe5123750e555545089634176a442971efc"], "__index_level_0__": 33, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wISz4rTAWbY/WDNkhZKlGwI/AAAAAAAACpY/4YE3bcpo0N4UCx4VH0qMlp2FMEpiL0J4ACLcB/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-11-21%2Bat%2B21.16.14.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8708173632621765}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/11/great-grammys-marble-fudge.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wISz4rTAWbY/WDNkhZKlGwI/AAAAAAAACpY/4YE3bcpo0N4UCx4VH0qMlp2FMEpiL0J4ACLcB/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-11-21%2Bat%2B21.16.14.png\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-wISz4rTAWbY/WDNkhZKlGwI/AAAAAAAACpY/4YE3bcpo0N4UCx4VH0qMlp2FMEpiL0J4ACLcB/s640/Screen%2BShot%2B2016-11-21%2Bat%2B21.16.14.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen BShot B Bat B\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 478}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/11/great-grammys-marble-fudge.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s20.postimg.org/r1bifjl0d/hello_sb_s.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s20.postimg.org/r1bifjl0d/hello_sb_s.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hello sb s\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/11/great-grammys-marble-fudge.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1284.photobucket.com/albums/a574/blue_birdcage/parkampcube_zps8cebeb78.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1284.photobucket.com/albums/a574/blue_birdcage/parkampcube_zps8cebeb78.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"parkampcube zps cebeb\", \"alt_text\": \"Photobucket\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/11/great-grammys-marble-fudge.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v690/hideyourheart/49e3bf7c-ca00-43bd-90f3-f8a1519e31a6.png\", \"src\": \"http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v690/hideyourheart/49e3bf7c-ca00-43bd-90f3-f8a1519e31a6.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e bf c ca bd f f a e a\", \"alt_text\": \"Photobucket\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, 21 November 2016\n\nGreat Grammy's Marble Fudge", null, "It’s the most wonderful time of the year!\n\nThe tree is up. One Thanksgiving celebration has come and gone. Friendsgiving is just around the bend.\nIt’s time to break out the best of the best family cherished recipes. Here's a little peak into the taste of my childhood...\n\n4c sugar\n1c evaporated milk\n4tbsp butter\n2c peanut butter\n2c marshmallow cream\n1/2c cocoa powder\n\nIn a large pan heat the sugar, evaporated milk and butter until it melts smoothly together (3-4 minutes).\nRemove the pan from the heat and add the peanut butter & marshmallow cream, mixing until dissolved.\nPour half of this mixture into a buttered baking tray - this will be the peanut butter portion of your fudge.\nAdd cocoa powder to the remaining fudge in the pan and mix well.\nPour the cocoa fudge over the peanut butter fudge and marbleise. (Use a knife to swirl it around to blend the two colors, but don't mix it.)\nOnce chilled in the fridge, slice up and eat!"], "url": "http://blue-bird-cage.blogspot.com/2016/11/great-grammys-marble-fudge.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 479, "original_width": 640, "width": 505}], "image_hashes": ["392c10f99ab0341c0336b6cfee9f8b772b8ea806f92860f9a8151a0781de563d"], "__index_level_0__": 34, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://jackets.gardners.com/media/356/97805712/9780571273928.jpg", null, "http://jackets.gardners.com/media/356/97805712/9780571249466.jpg", null, "http://jackets.gardners.com/media/356/97805712/9780571239368.jpg", "http://jackets.gardners.com/media/356/97805712/9780571268559.jpg", "http://jackets.gardners.com/media/356/97805713/9780571322718.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8056525588035583}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": 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The Twelve Dates of Christmas", null, "Back in December 2013 when I was still finding my blogging feet, I was asked to review The Twelve Dates of Christmas by Lisa Dickenson.  It sounded like a fun read so I jumped at the chance, and you can read my glowing review (plus a short guest post from Lisa) here.\nFast forward to the present day and The Twelve Dates of Christmas has had a revamp being released in a stunningly gorgeous paperback and Lisa has kindly taken the time to answer some questions...\n·         The dates in the book are hilarious- are they entirely fictional, or are they based on your own experiences?  I’m happy to say that for the most part they are entirely fictional – I’ve been to the locations, drunk the mulled wine, watched The Nutcracker and smooched at a winter wedding (my husband, at my own), but touch-wood I’ve never had some of the experiences poor Claudia goes through.  I do envy the yummy ones though…\n\n·         What are you most looking forward to about Christmas 2015?  My pre-Christmas holiday!  I’m going to New York (which I haven’t been to since my honeymoon) and Vermont (which I’ve never been to) so I’m looking forward to nurturing that festive feeling nose-deep in thick snow and dazzling Christmas lights.\n\n·         How does it feel now The Twelve Dates of Christmas is finally out in paperback?   How do you think the readership will differ from those who read it in ebook first time around?  It feels AMAZING; so exciting and a little bit emotional (and a huge dollop of scary, as well!).  This time people might stumble across it in shops, and if I’m lucky they’ll pick this as the Christmas book for them, whereas most of my readership currently is very reliant on lovely bloggers spreading the word to their visitors, or the kindness of other authors and the Little Book Café crew helping me break through.\n\n·         When did you first see your gorgeous new cover, and did you have any input into the design?  I first saw a batch of about twelve cover options in the spring, and I passed back my thoughts on my favourite elements of all of them.  So yes, Sphere are always great at asking for my input and taking into account my thoughts as much as possible.  Ultimately they know best about what’s the most appealing to readers.  I saw the final version of the cover a couple of months ago and I love it – especially the title font!\n\n·         What's next for Lisa Dickenson?  A lovely, snow-dusted fairytale of New York – a Christmas book set in the fabulous NYC (hence the research trip later in the year).\n\n·         And finally, (besides your own) do you have a favourite Christmas read?  100% A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens.  There are many, many great Christmas tales out there and all of them help evoke that warm, festive feeling, but Scrooge is my go-to fireside read on the night before Christmas.\nThe Twelve Dates of Christmas is out now, published by Sphere."], "url": 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Lauded as being a non-messy way to move your compost from the kitchen to the heap, I was intrigued. And the bags are biodegradable. Seemed like a great idea. I bought whole box full and used them for about three months. In the spring I moved compost heap onto the garden and found that the bags had not biodegraded. Worse, when Jeremy tried to till garden soil the pieces of bag got caught in the tiller blades. That was the end of using \"biobags.\"\nFast-forward to today. We had about 2 feet of really great compost to move onto the garden. The compost consists of kitchen scraps, straw, chicken poo and lots and lots of sheep poo. After a couple hours of shoveling and dumping I got to the bottom and guess what I ran into. Yep, a few still-not-biodegraded \"biobags.\" 2 years! Absolutely everything else in the compost heap was fully broken down into rich dark soil, even the straw. Stupid bags!\nAlso found in the compost heap while shoveling were bailing twine (I guess from the straw that got tossed in), rebar (I have no idea) and sticks (presumably from the trees above the compost). The best thing though were hundreds and hundreds of worms. Every shovel full move the little wrigglers to the garden. Woot!\nOnce the heap was completely moved and spread out onto the garden, I let the chickens go into the now-empty-compost and scavenge for worms. They were in heaven. The pictures if 5 of the 6 pecking away, which they continued to do for at least a half-hour. Every time I took out the camera the 6th chicken got shy and left the compost to hide out in the shrubs.", null, "Labels: chickens, garden", "Mad Typist said...\n\nDo you turn your compost at all, or do you just leave it to break down entirely on its own? Our compost has been building for a few years with just fall leaves, household scraps, and a few shovel-fulls of dirt. It IS breaking down, but VERY slowly. I'm guessing the manure helps it go much quicker, but wasn't sure if you did anything else to it.\n\nFebruary 5, 2012 at 8:11 PM", "Mindy said...\n\nIt is best to turn the compost. Air plus water equals good decomp. But I'm lazy and I don't turn it. Once a year we clear the compost to the gardan, so it gets a good turn over. But that's all we do.\n\nFebruary 5, 2012 at 9:01 PM", "Also, it is important to have a half and half mix of \"greens\" and \"browns\". Greens are kitchen scraps, coffee grounds, sheep poop. Browns are leaves, straw, newspaper. Having a good mix feeds the worms.\n\nFebruary 6, 2012 at 7:29 AM", "Lilly and Mr Speckles"], "url": "http://brookshobbyfarm.blogspot.com/2012/02/tales-from-compost.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["2597ca94196a7e22ed350cb0cfaa84fb5ada938bef7d603af2a3248aa49fee76"], "__index_level_0__": 37, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://car-from-uk.com/ebay/carphotos/big/ebay149454414099064.jpg", null, "http://car-from-uk.com/ebay/carphotos/big/ebay149455998142713.jpg", null, "http://car-from-uk.com/ebay/carphotos/big/ebay149456000014237.jpg", null, "http://car-from-uk.com/ebay/carphotos/big/ebay149456002171305.jpg", "http://car-from-uk.com/ebay/carphotos/big/ebay149456003155979.jpg", null, "http://car-from-uk.com/ebay/carphotos/big/ebay149456010179086.jpg", null, "http://car-from-uk.com/ebay/carphotos/big/ebay149456011828298.jpg", null, 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It's fitting then. that this 1979 Jeep CJ7 is just that color. These classic 4x4's have earned a well-deserved reputation over the years for good looks. off-road capability. and a driving experience that's just plain fun.\n\nThis Jeep has benefited from a frame-off restoration. More than $30. 00 was invested to bring this Jeep into such great condition.\n\nThe frame has been powder-coatedAll bushings are newPainted by McCarver's Hot Rod ShopThe engine has been rebuiltAll mechanical drivetrain components have been refurbishedNew spider gearsNew steering shaftNew front drive-shaftNew Bilstein suspensionAll new front and rear brake drumsNew wheels and tires. including spareAftermarket stereo system\n\nYou'll feel like you're famous driving this Jeep. earning compliments. waves. and smiles-even having your picture taken. Would it be okay if it was just the Jeep that was drawing all the attention and goodwill? If you're ready to make an impression. this is the Jeep for you. Call Art & Speed at (901) 850-0507 to make this classic CJ7 your own. Financing available.\n\nMECHANICAL258 ci (4. 35cc) Inline Six2 Barrel Carburetor3 Speed Manual TransmissionPolished Valve CoverMSD Digital 6A IgnitionNew AlternatorCHASSISManual SteeringLifted4x4Disc Front. Drum Rear BrakesStock Locking Front Hubs31x10. 50R15 Pro Comp Xtreme MT2 Tires31x10. 50R15 Pro Comp Xtreme MT2 Spare Tire15\" Pro Comp Series 1069 Alloy WheelsEXTERIORBritish Green Metallic FinishRhino-Lined Hood VentHalogen HeadlightsRemovable TopSmitty Built Double Tube Chrome BumpersBlack Plastic Fender FlaresNice New Rear LensesINTERIORBestop Black Leather Bucket SeatsRhino Lined Floor and SidesTuffy Security Products Locking Center Console with Cup HoldersKenwood Excelon Bluetooth CD/USB/MP3/WMA/AAC/WAV/AM-FM ReceiverKenwood Excelon XR 400-4 Class D 4 Channel AmplifierAftermarket Four Speaker SystemSunpro Super Tach II. Volts and Oil Pressure GaugesLeather Wrapped Three Spoke Steering WheelRoll BarLap Belts\n\nContact us with questions about this Jeep or any other vehicle in the Art & Speed Inventory.\n\nTerms And Conditions\n\nAlso published at eBay.com\n\nWant to buy this car?\n\nComments and questions to the seller:\n\nOther classic Jeep cars offered via internet auctions:\n\nLatest arrivals:\n\nClassic Cars for Sale", null, "2004 Ford F-150price: $US $7,500.00", null, "2015 Ferrari FF 2dr HBprice: $219,000.00", null, null, "1998 Chevrolet Corvette 1 OWNER LOW MILES RED AUTOprice: $15,900.00", null, "1981 Chevrolet Corvetteprice: $6,500.00", null, "2005 Ferrari 430 Berlinettaprice: $109,995.00", null, "2007 Chevrolet Corvette 3LTprice: $25,599.00", null, "1956 Chevrolet Other Pickupsprice: $28,500.00", null, null, null], "url": "http://car-from-uk.com/sale.php?id=507977", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 300, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, 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(1979, Italy, Vinyl)", null, "The half American guitarist of Perigeo, who had played with Florence group Le Madri at the start of his career, also released some solo albums since 1979. The first one, Play it by ear, though always in the jazz-rock style of his group strongly demonstrates the great technique of Sidney, especially in the use of acoustic guitar. (Italianprog) here"], "url": "http://centraldoprog.blogspot.com/2017/04/tony-sidney-play-it-by-ear-1979-italy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d90a907cc56eadc5e260c615ecd1ec1a2080d51ebfffc61d056cf2723318f969"], "__index_level_0__": 39, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JfEBMozJQeM/Um8jzkxAgaI/AAAAAAAABBQ/gsKSpPn8BRs/s1600/nwo.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-z0lBNLkhFHc/Uf_WH2xaMJI/AAAAAAAAA9Q/KxYjHBV4_DM/s1600/canuk(2).jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ziYnLIpX9mc/Uf_WR1OJZQI/AAAAAAAAA9g/FU1ctjSiRRA/s1600/pest.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-m2Fk7RLSkX4/Uf_WKuqzvrI/AAAAAAAAA9Y/rNLdNiiV-mw/s1600/collision.jpg", null, null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_Q7VwySsdac/UXrfag0wF4I/AAAAAAAAA7I/GGeCkE1Wj2U/s320/Giguere_tears.jpg", null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Gy122Munr0Y/UVEE2QGIDqI/AAAAAAAAA6w/Vrum2GxPIoA/s320/IMG_20130325_120821.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9657973051071168}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://clearthecrease.blogspot.com/2013/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JfEBMozJQeM/Um8jzkxAgaI/AAAAAAAABBQ/gsKSpPn8BRs/s1600/nwo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-JfEBMozJQeM/Um8jzkxAgaI/AAAAAAAABBQ/gsKSpPn8BRs/s1600/nwo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nwo\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://clearthecrease.blogspot.com/2013/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-z0lBNLkhFHc/Uf_WH2xaMJI/AAAAAAAAA9Q/KxYjHBV4_DM/s1600/canuk(2).jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-z0lBNLkhFHc/Uf_WH2xaMJI/AAAAAAAAA9Q/KxYjHBV4_DM/s1600/canuk(2).jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"canuk( )\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://clearthecrease.blogspot.com/2013/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ziYnLIpX9mc/Uf_WR1OJZQI/AAAAAAAAA9g/FU1ctjSiRRA/s1600/pest.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ziYnLIpX9mc/Uf_WR1OJZQI/AAAAAAAAA9g/FU1ctjSiRRA/s1600/pest.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pest\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://clearthecrease.blogspot.com/2013/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-m2Fk7RLSkX4/Uf_WKuqzvrI/AAAAAAAAA9Y/rNLdNiiV-mw/s1600/collision.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-m2Fk7RLSkX4/Uf_WKuqzvrI/AAAAAAAAA9Y/rNLdNiiV-mw/s1600/collision.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"collision\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://clearthecrease.blogspot.com/2013/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_Q7VwySsdac/UXrfag0wF4I/AAAAAAAAA7I/GGeCkE1Wj2U/s320/Giguere_tears.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_Q7VwySsdac/UXrfag0wF4I/AAAAAAAAA7I/GGeCkE1Wj2U/s320/Giguere_tears.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Giguere tears\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://clearthecrease.blogspot.com/2013/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RZvIdjDb7K0/UVEE4j5bKuI/AAAAAAAAA64/tH6LxujMG6s/s320/CTC_Semin_Canes.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RZvIdjDb7K0/UVEE4j5bKuI/AAAAAAAAA64/tH6LxujMG6s/s320/CTC_Semin_Canes.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"CTC Semin Canes\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://clearthecrease.blogspot.com/2013/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Gy122Munr0Y/UVEE2QGIDqI/AAAAAAAAA6w/Vrum2GxPIoA/s320/IMG_20130325_120821.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Gy122Munr0Y/UVEE2QGIDqI/AAAAAAAAA6w/Vrum2GxPIoA/s320/IMG_20130325_120821.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://clearthecrease.blogspot.com/2013/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XTDWAupKmi8/UT90qlIXL-I/AAAAAAAAA6g/zamxF9EZTdk/s320/no_no_no..png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XTDWAupKmi8/UT90qlIXL-I/AAAAAAAAA6g/zamxF9EZTdk/s320/no_no_no..png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"no no no\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, November 8, 2013\n\nPunk Song for Every Owner: Phoenix Coyotes, Seattle\n\nSorry, everybody. The CtC Punk Songs for Every Owner project marches on, but the work that the Phoenix Coyotes entry requires to do the topic justice is incredible. It's really the whole story of capitalism's uneasy alliance with governmental bureaucracy, plus the post-national aspects of sports fandom we discussed the other week, plus the weird disconnect certain capitalist enterprises impose between the quality of their ostensible purposes (making phones, or whatever) and their actual purposes (making profits).\n\nSo there's a lot going on, and it's actually, factually, requiring substantial research, and careful thought, and in lieu of those things, Clear the Crease would like to present this weird CtC Punk Song for Every Owner Special (very non-punk) Remix! Listen close and thrill to the incredibly weirdly appropriate first verse of this mediocre song that occasionally gets stuck in my head!!\n\nThat first verse, for the schoolmen and brutal pedants:\n\ndon't like the look of this town\nwhat goes up, must come down\ncharacter is lost and found\non an unfamiliar playing ground\n\nOr, to make it more pedestrian and clear and to explain the jokes and explain why I called that verse \"weirdly appropriate\" and everything...\n\nPhoenix is a self-evidently odd place to play a game that requires vast quantities of ice. Anybody sane who wanted to own this team would want to move them. A city in the Pacific Northwest has long been rumored as a good candidate for a hockey team, if one should need to be relocated, and the song is called, ahem, \"Seattle\".\n\nI got nothing\n\nPhoenix has one iconic player: Shane Doan. He has been with the team for longer than they've been playing in Phoenix. He's generally considered a good-to-excellent player and a so-called character guy.\n\nBack to \"anybody sane who wanted to own this team would want to move them...to unfamiliar playing ground.\n\n—Collision, who is sorry this project is dragging on so awfully long\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 3:19 PM 1 comment:", "Labels: CtC punk song for every owner, Phoenix Coyotes, Public Image Limited, Seattle\n\nWednesday, October 30, 2013\n\n—Collision, not fucking joking\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 7:29 AM No comments:", "Tuesday, October 29, 2013", null, "Posted by Chris Collision at 7:00 AM 2 comments:", "Monday, October 28, 2013\n\nPunk Song for Every Owner: Geoff Molson, Alcohol\n\n(Song suggestion by Major Dude Sam Reiss)\n\n*From Hunter S. Thompson's introduction to Generation of Swine.\n\n**I'm leaving some parts out.\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 2:07 PM No comments:", "Punk Song for Every Owner: Jeremy Jacobs, Argh Fuck Kill\n\n(Song Choice by Our Own Bogdan von Pylon)\n\n—Collision, who probably shouldn't've told his boss to eat shit\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 1:14 PM No comments:", "Tuesday, October 8, 2013\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 4:13 PM 1 comment:", "Sunday, October 6, 2013\n\nPunk Song for Every NHL Owner, corpse pose for the Jackets\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 3:35 PM No comments:", "Thursday, October 3, 2013\n\nPunk Song for Every Owner: Rocky Wirtz, Budd\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 5:03 PM No comments:", "Wednesday, October 2, 2013\n\nPunk Song for Every Owner: Stan Kroenke, Slack Motherfucker\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 8:05 PM No comments:", "Sunday, September 29, 2013\n\nseason preview: another year of a crappy per diem\n\nIt has been a long summer, but the season of heat and pleasure has come to an end, and now we must confront the shortness of day which mirrors the shortness of our own days; yes, it is fall, and every dying leaf failing now and earthbound is like you, withering, dying, eventually to decay and rot.\n\nAlso it's hockey season.\n\nAt Clear the Crease, hockey season means just one thing: gimmicky listicles Puck Daddy runs as filler during the August doldrums HEAVY TUNES and a hell of a lot of angst. We convened hockey's angriest men to look at the season of decline and death to come.\n\nPierre Idiot Trudeau:\n\nNew Divisions! Yay!\n\nIs there still a team in Dallas?\n\nBogdan von Pylon:\n\nI'm gonna watch this fucking season—even if it kills me.\n\nAvs: The Avs were the second-worst team in the league last year. There are 30 teams in that league: Last year, the Avs had the 27th-worst defense, and it felt like it. What I hadn't realized until I started researching the season1 is that they'd had the 26th-worst offense in the league! This is puzzling, a little, as most observers seem reasonably complimentary about the Avs' forwards, and fairly dismissive of the Avs' defensemen. The assessments given to the Avs' goalies are more complicated:\n\nIn case you think I perhaps exaggerate a little: There exists a made-up statistic for goaltenders called the \"Quality Start\". This metric grants a QS to a goaltender who finishes a game with either a save percentage above league average (.917 right now) or fewer than 3 goals given up. (More or less.) Semyon Varlamov last year had a Quality Start percentage of 33.3% (worst among goalies with 30+ appearances). Meaning in 2 of every 3 games he started, he ended up with more than 3 goals against, or a sub-average save percentage... For a team that gave up 31 shots a game, and only scored 2.38 goals a game...either of those outcomes was obviously pretty difficult to overcome.\n\nOh, and well-respected backup J-S Giguere? 21.4%.\n\n[Editorial Interlude: Say, friend: did you know Chris Collision wrote a short rock opera about J-S Giguere? He did! You Can Read It! Just mosey on over to The Classical! Tell 'em Clear the Crease sent ya! Or don't, and be forever damned.]\n\nFans were rewarded for sticking with this bottom-feeding franchise for the last half-decade of bad decisions poorly executed, as the Avs put together a huge off-season!\n\nThe defense and goaltending, so notably solid last year, needed no attention, and therefore got none.\n\nWait, that's not quite true. Two veteran defensemen were cut loose: Greg Zanon, who was never good, and Matt Hunwick, who actually saw 21:31 of ice time per game over 43 games... On one hand, this move made sense, because the worst thing a team can do, personnel-wise, is to fall in love with major contributors to bad teams, and Hunwick certainly was that (and so was David \"Nickname\" Jones). Still, though: I have a feeling that this is a team that could use some professional-grade mediocrity along the blue line, and I have little to no faith that the defense is any less of a glaring weakness than it was last year.2\n\nTo sum up, it is not simply my own hackishness and desire for attention that leads me to suggest that this year for the Avs will be like the piece I wrote for The Classical's Being There issue, a piece called \"The Old Ways of Defeat\". It's gonna be a long year.\n\n—Collision, starting the season in the minors\n\n1Partially to prepare for the year, partially to prepare for the fantasy hockey league I'm in with Mark Black. Is fantasy hockey stupid? Indubitably. Is studying for fantasy hockey a colossal waste of time? But of course! But when I'm socializing with the guy who literally wrote the book on one of the greatest bands of all time, I'm going to do a little homework to avoid embarrassing myself.\n\n2Hunwick cleared waivers, I think, and is thus still with the team, but one suspects the team's brain trust doesn't plan to deploy him particularly robustly.\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 5:45 PM 2 comments:", "Monday, August 5, 2013\n\nthese guys are a fuckin' disgrace\n\nBeing an introduction to the Clear the Crease bloggers.", null, null, null, "Clear the Crease enjoys the musical stylings of Lord Dying.\n\nSee you in the streets.\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 9:56 AM No comments:", "Labels: Colorado Avalanche, Hockey, Puck Daddy, The Classical\n\nWednesday, May 1, 2013\n\ndoes fire stop pucks?\n\n9. Martin Brodeur, asked if we [Ed note: sic] could consider retiring: \"Why would I? I've still got the fire.\"\n\nMartin Brodeur's Save Percentage vs. (NHL Average Save Percentage) by Year\n\n2013: .901 (.912)\n2012: .908 (.914)\n2011: .903 (.913)\n\n—Collision, who notes that the fire apparently stopped stopping more pucks than the league average three full seasons ago\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 2:26 PM No comments:", "Labels: Brodeur Is a Fraud, Martin Brodeur, NHL, too dumb to play with themselves\n\nFriday, April 26, 2013\n\nrubbish and gold bought with ruin and sold at a loss", null, "(Let's put on a show!)\n\nThanks for reading, everybody!!\n\n—Collision, sidelined\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 1:16 PM No comments:", "Tuesday, March 26, 2013\n\ntoo dumb to play with themselves issue one billion\n\nSo what the hell is journalism?\n\n—Collision, who literally nobody wants to talk to anyway\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 10:20 AM No comments:", "Labels: too dumb to play with themselves\n\nSemin Back as 'Canes Get Cocky", "—Collision, hoping von Pylon will call, later", null, "This Onion article is # 4.\n\n# 3 is some dude I knew who once asked his boss\n\n# 2 is of course Bogdan von Pylon:\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 7:19 PM No comments:", "Tuesday, March 12, 2013", "Curry Spices Up Bollywood Night for Warriors\n\n—Collision, humorless dink\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 1:24 PM No comments:", "Friday, February 15, 2013\n\nRyan Lambert Sucks\n\n(Non-optional soundtrack to this post.)\n\nHere is an edited version of three grafs from Ryan Lambert's latest column. (I include unedited originals below.) I've used strikethrough to eliminate the weasel words, pointless asides, or things irrelevant to my main point.\n\nScott Howson, for all the talk about how hard he tried and how his firing was more about going in a \"different direction\" than his personal job performance, was simply not a good NHL general manager. That much was obvious to anyone who saw how pathetically bungled the Rick Nash saga was, or his draft record, or most of his other trades, and the vast majority of his free agent signings.\n\nBut you have to give Howson this: He just set his successor up for an hilariously successful future.\n\nHowson's drafting and trading over the last few years has accumulated a decent number of prospects that range from \"good\" to \"very good,\" though to be fair maybe only one can be considered \"great.\" They're mainly defensemen, like Ryan Murray (the benefit of picking second, one supposes), David Savard and Tim Erixon, as well as goaltender Oskar Dansk. No overwhelming prospects, but a good group nonetheless. Grabbing guys like Cam Atkinson hasn't hurt either. But overall there's a reason Hockey Prospectus and Hockey's Future have the Blue Jackets in the bottom half of the league when it comes to prospects.\n\nSo, what we have here is an argument that runs:\n\nThe contradiction is clear: Lambert is simultaneously saying that Howson was bad at drafting (1., 2., 5.) and good at drafting (3., 4.). How could a patently self-contradictory claim get made and published? I mean, I'm not misrepresenting him or his arguments in any way: all I did was try to shave away the cruft and reveal the argument he was making.\n\nMy theory is this: it would be easier for Lambert to understand what he himself was saying—and for his editors, if he had any—if he'd cut down on the weasel words and pointless semi-conversational asides.\n\n(Earlier this week, his lede was this, again with the weasel words eliminated:\n\nOn Monday night, the Flames went down pretty quietly in a home game against the Minnesota Wild that pretty much all observers agreed was in every way a dreadful, unwatchable hockey game.\n\nThat description fairly accurately covers most Flames games this season,\n\nThat's 42 words, 6 of which are pointless qualifiers that only blunt whatever statement he's trying to make. Fairly accurately. Most. Pretty pretty much.\n\nMaybe he gets paid by the word, so 14% filler is working well to line his pockets thickly with hockey-blog-troll stacks of cash. Maybe he doesn't read his own results, and what we're reading are first drafts. Maybe he thinks he trolls effectively enough without removing all the equivocations—the etiology doesn't matter, though, because it's clear that his obfuscations are legitimately getting in the way of his ability to communicate, as they so, so brutally did in his little Howson riff.\n\nIt doesn't really matter. I don't read Lambert much: even when his point isn't buried under fearful hedges, that point is rarely more interesting than \"X sucks and Teemu Selanne is great and I saw a lacrosse goal on YouTube\" or, very occasionally, \"Y should get more credit and Teemu Selanne is great and I saw a lacrosse goal on YouTube\". Even if it has a Simpsons quote at the bottom, I can skip a column that doesn't do any more work than that. But if the dude is going to get big-boy real estate on the only hockey blog that matters, I'd like to see him do better work.\n\n—Collision, who loves Titus Andronicus as much as Lambert does\n\nPosted by Chris Collision at 3:36 PM No comments:", "Saturday, February 9, 2013\n\nIs Semin on the Rocks in Carolina?\n\nAlexander Semin made a splash this summer by following a couple mediocre years of decline with a risky one-year deal for $7 million. Clearly, he's banking on his ability to have a resurgence that would tantalize some GM into splurging on him. This takes real spunk. Not every player could convince his agent to swallow a deal like this, but Carolina Hurricanes head honcho Jim Rutherford didn't want to let such a potent opportunity slip through his fingers, and, unusually for the notoriously tight-fisted decision-maker, he didn't dicker, he didn't try to soften the deal or harden his terms, he just took it on the chin, and paid Semin a load of money.\n\nHowever, to this point in the season, Semin has scored only a single goal. So far, some Hurricanes fans have felt that this $7 million they sprayed on Semin was shot, wasted. Some have even spat that he may be choking. It's probably best to ignore the anxious ejaculations of these fans—they're drips, and their protestations are certainly at this point premature. If you only look at numbers that are, so to speak, raw, \"dog\" is what you'll conclude—but this would be a mistake.\n\nWhile it's true that he hasn't finished like most people had hoped, to call him a bust would be nuts: Semin's been on the ice more than half the time when the Hurricanes have scored 5-on-5. Cooler heads insist that while most of his production has come in spurts, it's reasonable to expect that he'll find his stroke as he gains familiarity and comfort with his new linemates.\n\nHe may not have been wielding the hot stick, but he's been all over the ice, including mounting a surprising defensive performance, and the production expected to come off of his stick has spilled over into his teammates' numbers. If the coaching staff can spread him over multiple lines, that should help keep opposing squads from swallowing him up defensively. Eventually, this should allow him to get off better shots, in the face of lesser competition. The 'Canes shouldn't be rigid and insist that the only place for Semin is in the top sextet: using him in a three-way arrangement, to fill whatever holes the lineup may spring, will best allow him to make his mark (though he does need linemates who can keep him from getting rubbed off the puck or splattered on the boards). The chemistry looks good for this to go down, too: nobody on the team or associated with it appears to be mouthing off or smearing Semin; no dirty laundry, no embarrassing leaks. It's clear that misusing Semin would stain a coach's reputation, especially in a media environment where, eventually, everything comes out.\n\nIf he comes on late in the season, this soft start will be forgotten. As long as the team doesn't droop all the way out of the playoff picture, the thrust of Semin's acquisition should stick with you: just by being around, Semin has made everyone around him better. (Staal's typically flaccid early-season productivity has been notably inflated.) So whether or not you immediately notice him on the ice, the presence of Semin simply can't be ignored."], "url": "http://clearthecrease.blogspot.com/2013/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 473, "original_height": 361, "original_width": 288, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 241, "original_width": 285, "width": 447}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 241, "original_width": 285, "width": 447}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 241, "original_width": 285, "width": 447}, {"height": 439, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 275, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["dc4afb7bea8bbf73e798b3b83303b323f175e0902b9df4fbf6b3dde5ac73d472", "f2f5181914b0696d5b4910c69a9fc583a96b12f68dfca64e2b1b494bfd1f8255", "39526e0436eb2e094a1ff02ced5e06c8f6763fc21476c42490e3a92f414dea46", "80867c7efab7bc0d83845fd17a324a0cfbc753af72123fcde3269ae8fffdce94", 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I thought about the colours in Cocoa and sort of came up with this.", null, "This palatte features: Barratt Bananas, Ben's fizzy Whizzies (green ones), liquorice comfits (orange ones) Haribo Giant Strawberries, Barratt Shrimps and Raspberry Bon Bons", null, null, null, null, null, null, "Palette number 2 is made up of all the treats we use to make the decadent hot chocolates, such as the Black Forest Gateau Hot Chocolate.", null, null, "Featuring: the thick hot chocolate (made of dark chocolate & cream), chocolate fudge brownie pieces, caramelised hazelnuts, cherry kirsh, marshmallows and vermicelli sprinkles.", null, null, null, null, "I like this one as the stripes of our awning are reflected in the cherry kirsh.", null, null], "url": "http://cocoa-achocolatewonderland.blogspot.com/2012/04/art-of-cocoa.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["21d7ad1c340156843dfb8706df0c42c2c63b0805d36fb0cd15af795829a80976", "27cab5788e258beab9900bfa7d941a5b9b740179bf46321e2a64743088991ba5", "5c21b1d59454a8136bee9a356563ea799fa6b504c1a135db4bee4478a407e1eb", "058b4e21bfd7e4c535b5504a756a3945e5742bcb4c384798834269c52ea4bf9a", "27d6153806c4dfa38f338877ba0a39a5f9a422e0be93cb9cf9d8cf719e0030fa", "7ca4f7731028db6247908ba2e2a7a7a6496e84cef5d1e725cb36d26a0f4fdd0b", "ef51a9dece58a386c114e74615995e87a3a5397b6d4c58e87400af06b52aefe7", "57048fb22c19403b79937cc870a748515395591af31f4518b43c2dd130b26cad", "d670fce0761a328590dfd561ca45e5e36ab9ce6a4363022ce5eaf2ff9a856551", "30141f979330e52c2078cc8945e62e8328d22ad14c9ab51bf85a9a07c910b13b", "0d6a7baa4f8e7d1badade40e748cd53600b32f20d9e806340e149bc0a7a35c7b", "4735edd71835490b03219bd22ce048c7557790e9ec51aa44c42d2af775d89828", "c3e8f24881a00a16f9a489833f47d60d3994eb57b727f371b81b0c45fac065a3", "2ff4631bd16a8bd0b7e0bc98bef982deae410e4d1d09d81bdbc3b37b725e7403", "da2149f0190062419fbe0cce9804a08a030cf4e59e11de48c461f72ce666a075"], "__index_level_0__": 41, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QDne9hcpKoY/V7wvJtWtlcI/AAAAAAAAClM/-MpBHbvhUdcivm_6vn9zpLVx_1X2dWcFgCLcB/s400/ICTP.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.922015368938446}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://codata.org/blog/2016/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QDne9hcpKoY/V7wvJtWtlcI/AAAAAAAAClM/-MpBHbvhUdcivm_6vn9zpLVx_1X2dWcFgCLcB/s400/ICTP.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QDne9hcpKoY/V7wvJtWtlcI/AAAAAAAAClM/-MpBHbvhUdcivm_6vn9zpLVx_1X2dWcFgCLcB/s400/ICTP.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ICTP\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 265}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["This is the sixteen in the series of short statements from candidates in the forthcoming CODATA Elections. Muliaro Wafula is a new candidate for the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member.  He was nominated by the Kenya CODATA National Committee\n\nI am a Kenyan nationality who has served Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and", "Technology (JKUAT) for 23 years. I am currently a member and the Chair of CODATA Kenya. I am a member of the following:\n\nI coordinate all ICT related Memorandum of Understanding between JKUAT and partners. I have served in the past as the ICT Director for 5 years and director of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technology for 4 years.\n\nI hold B.Sc. Science (Hons) (Kenyatta University), M.Sc Physics (University of Nairobi), M.Phil. Microelectronic Engineering and Semiconductor Physics (University of Cambridge –UK), Summer Doctoral Programme (Berkman Centre for Internet & Society/Oxford Internet Institute’s -Harvard University Law School), and PhD Information Technology (JKUAT).\n\nI am a recipient of two IBM awards namely: the 2016 IBM Shared University Research Award on Open Data Cloud Project for JKUAT that has enabled JKUAT to be a frontier on building an open data platform for researchers in Africa, and the 2014 IBM MEA Award, for capacity building in Mobile Application development that enable JKUAT train and professionally certify a large number of application developers.\n\nI am professionally certified in various fields including Cyber Security, Mobile Application, ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information Security Management System, Leadership and Management capacity Development, Sage Accpac ERP Financial and Operations Management Systems, and ISO 9001:2000 on Quality Management Systems.\n\nI am a fellow of the Computer Society of Kenya and the Cambridge Commonwealth Society. I have published a book see link at https://www.amazon.com/ICT-Policy-Strategies-Government-Sustainable/dp/3639515137  and several research papers in peer reviewed international journals. I have attended and participated in several data science, big data and open data trainings, workshops and conferences.\n\nI am an Associate Professor of the Department of Computing at JKUAT and the founder Director of the ICT Centre of Excellence and Open Data (iCEOD). As the director of iCEOD, for the past one year, I have managed to accomplish the following key activities in line with CODATA objectives:\n\nThe establishment of iCEOD played a leading role in getting JKUAT declared by the Kenyan Ministry of Higher Education Science and Technology, as the the ICT Centre of Excellence for the Northern Corridor Integration Project (NCIP) see link http://www.nciprojects.org/ that involves Kenya, Uganda. Rwanda and Southern Sudan.\n\nIf elected as a member of committee of CODATA, I will continue to promote CODATA activities and goals. I will contribute to the strategy of increasing CODATA national membership through the Pan African University Institute of Basic Sciences, Technology and Innovation see link at http://www.jkuat.ac.ke/pauisti/  community that is hosted at my university JKUAT. Now that I am engaged in open data and data science research, and also having the experience of leading JKUAT to develop and implement both the open research data policy (JORD) and an open data platform, see link at https://opendata.jkuat.ac.ke/ , I am ready to share lessons learnt and possible best practices to be adopted through offering technical advice to CODATA community that need it. I am currently supervising seven PhD students researching on open data and data science solutions towards achievement of SDGs in developing countries.\n\nThis is the fifteen in the series of short statements from candidates in the forthcoming CODATA Elections. Paul Arthur Berkman is a new candidate for the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member.  He was nominated by the World Data System (WDS), International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and the Future Earth program of the International Council of Science.\n\nPaul Arthur Berkman has been a contributor to CODATA since 2004 and served as co-chair for", "the first SciDataCon.  He is nominated by the World Data System (WDS), International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and the Future Earth program of the International Council of Science.\n\nKNOWLEDGE IS THE COMMON WEALTH OF HUMANITY.  These words were shared during my first CODATA meeting (Berlin, 2004) and they resonate still as a responsibility to contribute to the world we live in.   Data are at the base of the pyramid toward knowledge and wisdom, underlying the decisions we make for our global sustainability.  This impression was reinforced during my time at the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia in 2005.\n\nAt the 2006 CODATA meeting in Beijing, it became apparent to me that data integration across the International Council for Science could be enhanced, especially with complementary bodies like CODATA and the system of World Data Centers that originated with the International Geophysical Year (now the World Data System – WDS).  Nearly a decade later, I had the pleasure and honour to co-chair the scientific committee for the first International Conference for Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability (SciDataCon) in New Delhi, forming an important bridge between CODATA and WDS.\n\nAs a member of the CODATA Executive Committee I will bring global insights from extensive experiences on all seven continents blended with interdisciplinary expertise ranging from oceanography to informatics and science diplomacy.  These experiences include wintering in Antarctica, where I conducted SCUBA research with Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the age of 22, leading to a Visiting Professorship at the University of California Los Angeles where I taught Antarctic Marine Ecology and Policy the following year.   This course eventually emerged into the Antarctic Treaty Searchable Database that was used by the Antarctica Treaty System for three years, leading to other information technology projects with federal agencies in the United States.   As a Fulbright Distinguished Scholar at the University of Cambridge, I convened the first formal dialogue between NATO and Russia regarding security in the Arctic (reflected by Environmental Security in the Arctic Ocean, which has nearly 40,000 downloads), evolving further into international Arctic sustainability programs that I now coordinate through the Belmont Forum and International Institute for Applied Systems Analyses as Professor of Practice in Science Diplomacy at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.\n\nGlobal issues of sustainability and data underlie my interest to contribute to CODATA.  During my two-year term, I will focus on data-synthesis efficiencies to address global sustainability questions shared by the Future Earth program through the International Council of Science and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) program through the United Nations.  Both of these decadal programs emerged in 2015 with global remits and there is opportunity to create synergies between them across the natural and social sciences, helping to balance environmental protection, economic prosperity and societal well-being in response to the urgencies of today and in view the needs of future generations.  Data, especially satellite observations that provide synoptic coverage on a planetary scale, are fundamental to Future Earth and the SDG with their common goals of global sustainability.\n\nI will serve as a focal point between the CODATA Executive Committee and the Data Task Force of Future Earth.  I also will continue to create practical collaborations between CODATA and WDS, recognizing that our generation has unique capacity to leverage ‘big data’ solutions into transformative information-management and knowledge-discovery architectures.  Most importantly, I will contribute passion, creativity and holistic integration skills with sense of responsibility as your representative on the CODATA Executive Committee.", null, "Data Science Journal is pleased to announce that it will be publishing the high profile special", "collection of papers from SciDataCon 2016.\n\nAuthors with papers accepted for presentation at SciDataCon are also invited to submit their full papers to the Data Science Journal.  Submissions should be made at http://datascience.codata.org/\n\nPlease note the following:\n\nSciDataCon 2016\n\nhttp://www.scidatacon.org/2016/ and http://www.scidatacon.org/site/themes-scope/:\n\nAdvancing the Frontiers of Data in Research\n\nSciDataCon 2016 seeks to advance the frontiers of data in all areas of research. This means addressing a range of fundamental and urgent issues around the ‘Data Revolution’ and the recent data-driven transformation of research and the responses to these issues in the conduct of research.\n\nSciDataCon 2016 is motivated by the conviction that the most significant contemporary research challenges—and in particular those reaching across traditional disciplines—cannot be properly addressed without paying attention to issues relating to data.  These issues include policy frameworks, data quality and interoperability, long-term stewardship of data, and the research skills, technologies, and infrastructures required by increasingly data-intensive research.  They also include frontier challenges for data science: for example, fundamental research questions relating to data integration, analysis of complex systems and models, epistemology and ethics in relation to Big Data, and so on.\n\nThe transformative effect of the data revolution needs to be examined from the perspective of all fields of research and its relationship to broader societal developments and to data-driven innovation scrutinised.  Taken together these issues form a multi-faceted challenge which cannot be tackled without expertise drawn from many disciplines and diverse roles in the research enterprise.  Furthermore, the transformations around data in research are essentially international and the response must be genuinely global.  SciDataCon is the international conference for research into these issues.\n\nSciDataCon2016 will take place on 11-13 September 2016 at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Denver, Colorado, USA.  It is part of International Data Week, 11-16 September 2016, convened by CODATA, the ICSU World Data System and the Research Data Alliance.", "This is the fourteen in the series of short statements from candidates in the forthcoming CODATA Elections. As an existing member of the CODATA Executive Committee, Der-Tsai Lee is applying for re-election as an Ordinary Member.  He was nominated by the Academia Sinica Taipei\n\nI welcome this precious opportunity, representing CODATA Academia Sinica Taipei for the past", "two terms (2012-14, 2014-16), to stand for re-election to serving on the CODATA Executive Committee (2016-2018).\n\nI have been involved with CODATA since 2007, serving as the Chair of National CODATA Committee, until 2012, when I was leading and hosting CODATA 23 Taipei (2012) and elected to be a Member of the CODATA Executive Committee.\n\nIn the past four years, during my two terms of serving on the CODATA Executive Committee, I have served as a liaison between the Task Group of Global Roads Data Development, I have contributed to the cultivation of young data scientists, early career data professionals, and I have focused on promoting open data, data citation practices to scientific communities within scientific organisations of CODATA Academia Sinica, Taipei, and governmental agencies of Taiwan.\n\nWith the effort of CODATA Secretariat and connected organisations, CODATA has been transformed from a historical grouping to an organisation that is active on the front line where scientists world-wide collaboratively work together to face the new challenges created by the transformations in our use of data.  I have very much appreciated the past decade of participation and involvement on data sharing and exchange, and I am especially honoured and welcome the opportunity to stand for the re-election to serve as CODATA Executive Committee Member.\n\nPast Experiences and Achievements\n\nI am a senior computer scientist with more than 30 years of experience, teaching in Northwestern University, USA for 20 years (1978-1998), and led the prestigious Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica in Taiwan for more than a decade (1998-2008), elected as the Academician of Academia Sinica (2004-present). I have also been awarded Life Fellow of Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, USA (2015-present), Distinguished Alumni Educator Award, Dept. CS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA (2014–present), Ambassador Scientist of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany (2010–2015) and Member of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Mexico City, Mexico (2008–present).\n\nI served as the President of National Chung-Hsing University and led the agriculture-based comprehensive university for 4 years (2011-2015), facilitating regional development, international academic collaboration and higher education reform. In more than 20 year service contributing to the Taiwanese government, while leading a cross-ministry multidisciplinary digital archives and e-learning program and information security program, I have introduced effective institutional changes to facilitate the usage, sharing and dissemination of cultural data, protection of private data and openness of scientific data, and to cultivate young researchers and scholars nation-wide and globally.  I currently serve as a senior advisor to the government for the scientific policies of information and communication technology and cybersecurity.\n\nRecently, Taiwan has been on the track of instilling changes both at the governmental level and within the community of data scientists and data professionals.  Taiwan has advanced from 11th place in 2014 to the 1st place in the 2015 Open Data Index survey released 2015.12.09 by the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN). This report of advancement represents international affirmation of Taiwan’s open data policies achievements over the past year. While there are changes in the public sector, our data science community has hosted the 3rd Annual Data Science Symposium on July 14-17, 2016 (http://datasci.tw/) with thousands of attendees. The new government and local municipal initiatives, as well as active self-motivated community scientists and data professionals, are forming new connections to kick-off changes in public and private sectors.\n\nHaving served as a member of the Executive Committee of CODATA, and given the prevalence of data science, I share the vision and scope that CODATA forerunners and current Secretariat have established. With no doubt I am most pleased to welcome this opportunity to help promote data science and data citation, with my computer science expertise, academic networking, and most of all, personal commitment.\n\nFuture Focuses\n\nIn this coming term, if elected, I will focus more on bridging CODATA with regional member organisations in Asia-Pacific Rim, exploring common data community interests and data science collaboration.\n\nIn summary, I have been involved in CODATA for the last decade, and it is a great opportunity for me to contribute my knowledge, networking and influence to the global community. I hope to bring more young and new minds into CODATA family, and address multifaceted data challenges facing us all in the future.\n\nDr. Der-Tsai Lee’s complete personal profile can be accessed at: bit.ly/codata_der-tsai_lee\n\nThis is the thirteen in the series of short statements from candidates in the forthcoming CODATA Elections. Toshihiko Koseki is a new candidate for the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member.  He was nominated by the Japan CODATA National Committee.\n\nI am currently a professor of materials engineering at the University of Tokyo as well as an", "executive director and vice president of the university. I am also a member of CODATA Japan, for which I have served as vice chair since last year. Prior to this I had been working in industry for twenty-years as a researcher of materials and welding engineering. Based on the background, I served as the chairman of a committee of welding metallurgy in IIW (International Institute of Welding) over ten years until recently, and organized and chaired annual conferences and associated meetings of the committee as well as some other international conferences in the world over 30 times as a total. Those activities have brought me not only many honorary member positions of AWS, AMS and others, but also a strong network of materials scientists and engineers in the world.\n\nDrawing on these activities and achievements in my career, I would like to make a very serious contribution to CODATA because I believe important transformations through data will take place in this century. The current ICT era we witness buzz words like Big Data, Open Science, Industry 4.0, IoT, FinTech, AI, but we need to move towards concrete actions and face the challenges posed by these profound changes, building a strong and enduring response in the way we do data and science.\n\nRelatedly, I am currently the leader of a nation-wide research project on materials data and informatics funded by the Japanese government, in which we are constructing database for different structural materials in collaboration with a number of universities, national laboratories and companies, and trying to connect the database with different multiscale numerical simulations to better predict the microstructure and performances of the materials and to effectively support the development of new structural materials for industries. I would like to use this project as a showcase of concrete exemplars dealing with complexities of data and deriving values from data. I think this will be valuable for the CODATA community from two viewpoints. The first viewpoint is to demonstrate the leading edge of data science in dealing with complexity of data by taking advantage of our case studies on structural materials, with the expectation that our challenges, tools and outcomes can be referred to as a good practice by other projects concerning data science in other academic disciplines. The second viewpoint is how to design business models adaptively in the current ICT environments of big divides among diversified stakeholders in the world. CODATA has played a leading role for promoting data principles and policies, but these are not always easy to put into practice in the real world. How to manage and harmonize conflicts on data among different stakeholders is not an issue only for our project, but a serious and continuous issues for all.\n\nIf elected as a member of Executive Committee of CODATA, I would like to contribute to the discussions of database policy and structure that could be a common issue in different engineering fields where data and database have both scientific importance and engineering usefulness but both scientific and engineering complexity at the same time. Data and database of structural materials are a typical instance to be discussed, and thus, I have proposed a TG about this subject. It is noted that, since the construction of such engineering database is not possible only by universities and national laboratories but needs contributions by industries in many cases, the discussion of database in engineering fields is quite different from that in fundamental science. The discussion of database in engineering should take into consideration the standpoints of industries and should encourage the involvement of industries. I currently have a number of industry members in my national project and in a big network of international experts, and thereby I believe I will be able to share my past and current experiences with industries in the discussion at CODATA. So I would like to work together with CODATA colleagues so as to create a sound ecology of scientific data for all.\n\nThis is the twelfth in the series of short statements from candidates in the forthcoming CODATA Elections. Bonnie Carroll is a current member of the CODATA Executive Committee and is now a candidate for the role of Secretary General.  She was nominated by the USA CODATA National Committee.\n\nMy first international CODATA meeting was the 1985 meeting in Jerusalem. Since then I have", "been involved with both International CODATA and the U.S. National Committee for CODATA. I’ve held positions within CODATA, including the program committee, symposium coordinator, speaker, U.S. National Representative and Co-Chair of the Data Citation Standards and Practices Task Group. In addition, it has been my honor to serve on the Executive Committee to International CODATA for the past four years.\n\nThrough all these years I have watched the importance of data as an asset grow in recognition and significance.  Today in the fields of science we live in a data intensive world. For the last 60 years, CODATA has been an international resource and focal point for policy, standards, and practices in good data management.  Now there are many organizations that have entered the field and deal with aspects of the data management lifecycle. I have been involved with several of these other organizations. I have been executive director for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Interagency WG on Digital Data; am the long-standing executive director of the federal interagency CENDI group, which addresses federal information S&T policy issues and programs; have been the executive secretary for the US delegation to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility; a member of the Board on Research Data and Information at the National Academy of Sciences; and many other US and international research data and information organizations and activities as the CEO of a private sector information management and consulting organization, International Information Associates (IIa).\n\nIt has been an exciting two years for CODATA under the wonderful leadership of Geoffry Boulton as the President and Simon Hodson as the Executive Director.    It is critical for CODATA to be both a leader of and a partner with other organizations as we work to improve the stewardship of our data resources.  We have only to look at the important example of our growing partnership with the World Data System and the establishment of the SciDataCon conference.  With the first International Data Week coming up in September and adding the RDA to our partnership in this major data summit, we are helping to unify and strengthen the global data community.  I know that International Data Week will be a success and I look forward to building on it for the next two years until we meet again in 2016.\n\nWithin the organization itself, membership development has been identified as a key priority.  Both from the resource perspective but also from the knowledge and leadership perspective, CODATA needs to reach out and find the means to extend our involvement of nations, organizations, and individuals. The Executive Commit will be looking at how to more effectively involve industry in our deliberations because in many cases they have leading edge technologies and methods.  Coming from a business organization, I hope my unique insights can be useful as we build the CODATA base over the next few years.\n\nAs a member of the Executive Committee, I have been an active participant in both our strategic and operational deliberations.  If I am elected to serve as Secretary General, I will be committed to furthering CODATA as an effective and vital leader in the future of data science and data management.\n\nThis is the eleventh in the series of short statements from candidates in the forthcoming CODATA Elections. Jane Hunter is a new candidate for the CODATA Executive Committee as an Ordinary Member.  She was nominated by the Australian CODATA National Committee.", "As a Professor and Director of the eResearch Lab, at the University of Queensland, Jane has been responsible for developing solutions for the management, integration, analysis and preservation of large scale, multivariate datasets for the biomedical sciences, environmental and ecosystem sciences, materials sciences, social sciences and humanities. She has published over 150 peer-reviewed papers primarily focussing on ontologies, analytical and visualization services to solve real-world multi-disciplinary problems. In the past 5 years, she has supervised 15 Honours students, 4 Masters students and 10 PhD students in the field of data science. She is also an editor of the Elsevier Journal of Web Semantics (JWS), International Journal of Digital Curation (IJDC) and SoftwareX (which publishes articles about open source software designed to impact the process of scientific discovery).\n\nJane has been a member of the Australian Academy of Sciences Committee for Data in Science (NCDS) since 2010 and Chair of the Committee since 2014. She is also an observer on the National Committee for Information and Communication Sciences (NCICS).  Other memberships include:\n\nPrevious positions have included: Vice-President of the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (AADH); a member of the National eResearch Architecture Taskforce (NEAT); the International Advisory Committee of the Open Archives Initiative for Object Exchange and Re-use (OAI-ORE); a member of the DELOS Working Party on Knowledge Extraction and Semantic Interoperability and co-chair of APAN’s (Asia Pacific Advanced Network) eScience Working Group.\n\nJane’s particular interests of relevance to CODATA include:\n\nIn the 10 years since attending her first CODATA meeting in Beijing in 2006, Jane has watched CODATA undergo a renaissance due to the widespread adoption of digital technologies across all disciplines, and the acknowledgement of the critical role that collaborative data sharing plays in addressing global scientific challenges. Through both the national and international projects she’s been involved in, Jane is ideally positioned to articulate how open data and open science policies together with shared infrastructure, can expedite scientific discovery. If she was elected to the CODATA executive, she would: help to expand linkages between CODATA, WDS and RDA through joint Task Groups; organize a workshop for female data scientists in developing countries; contribute to Special Issues of the Data Science Journal on topics such as “Women in Data Science”, “Evidence-based Policy Making”, “Balancing Open Access with Privacy”."], "url": "http://codata.org/blog/2016/08/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["d0271c643454b8361a840a5801f60859ad5b06408e65baeb0431d17ddc76409d"], "__index_level_0__": 42, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://comicbookroundup.com/img/covers/h/hal-jordan-and-the-green-lantern-corps/3_medium.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.924854338169098}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://comicbookroundup.com/comic-books/reviews/dc-comics/hal-jordan-and-the-green-lantern-corps/3\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/prev-on.png\", \"src\": \"https://comicbookroundup.com/images/prev-on.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"prev on\", \"alt_text\": \"Image 01\", \"rendered_width\": 1, \"rendered_height\": 1}, {\"document_url\": \"http://comicbookroundup.com/comic-books/reviews/dc-comics/hal-jordan-and-the-green-lantern-corps/3\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/series-on.png\", \"src\": \"https://comicbookroundup.com/images/series-on.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"series on\", \"alt_text\": \"Image 02\", \"rendered_width\": 1, \"rendered_height\": 1}, {\"document_url\": \"http://comicbookroundup.com/comic-books/reviews/dc-comics/hal-jordan-and-the-green-lantern-corps/3\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/next-on.png\", \"src\": \"https://comicbookroundup.com/images/next-on.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"next on\", \"alt_text\": \"Image 03\", \"rendered_width\": 1, \"rendered_height\": 1}, {\"document_url\": \"http://comicbookroundup.com/comic-books/reviews/dc-comics/hal-jordan-and-the-green-lantern-corps/3\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/img/covers/h/hal-jordan-and-the-green-lantern-corps/3_medium.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://comicbookroundup.com/img/covers/h/hal-jordan-and-the-green-lantern-corps/3_medium.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"medium\", \"alt_text\": \"Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #3\", \"rendered_width\": 191}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://comicbookroundup.com/comic-books/reviews/dc-comics/hal-jordan-and-the-green-lantern-corps/3\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/more-arrow.png\", \"src\": \"https://comicbookroundup.com/images/more-arrow.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"more arrow\"}]", "texts": [null, "Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #3\n\nWriter: Robert Venditti Artist: Rafael Sandoval Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 24, 2016 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 16 User Reviews: 30\n7.5Critic Rating\n7.3User Rating\n+ Pull List\n\n\"Sinestro's Law\" part three! Pushed to his limits, Hal Jordan must fight his way through a squad of Sinestro Corps members-but he risks losing himself to the power he now wields as his battle with Sinestro nears."], "url": "http://comicbookroundup.com/comic-books/reviews/dc-comics/hal-jordan-and-the-green-lantern-corps/3", "images_metadata": [{"height": 579, "original_height": 293, "original_width": 191, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6e4b3df7761476f742bdd52c7721b71b0cef8a63e00235a47613a1b212394a4e"], "__index_level_0__": 43, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_zaxJC7cipDo/SM_WzfeYCkI/AAAAAAAAAZI/7jRnC3kZDXI/s400/EISNER-PARTY-FULL-SHEET.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9041536450386048}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://comicspro.blogspot.com/2008/09/join-comicspro-members-atom-and-portlyn.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_zaxJC7cipDo/SM_WzfeYCkI/AAAAAAAAAZI/7jRnC3kZDXI/s400/EISNER-PARTY-FULL-SHEET.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_zaxJC7cipDo/SM_WzfeYCkI/AAAAAAAAAZI/7jRnC3kZDXI/s400/EISNER-PARTY-FULL-SHEET.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"EISNER PARTY FULL SHEET\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null], "url": "http://comicspro.blogspot.com/2008/09/join-comicspro-members-atom-and-portlyn.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 592, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 255, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["c76229dbddc8360fd45a58e4f626550e8b803896157426ba9ee4fed6b18e618e"], "__index_level_0__": 44, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://cordis.europa.eu/thumbs/results/h2020/643/643476_PS/compare-across-v02.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.940589725971222}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://cordis.europa.eu/result/rcn/190380_en.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/thumbs/results/h2020/643/643476_PS/compare-across-v02.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://cordis.europa.eu/thumbs/results/h2020/643/643476_PS/compare-across-v02.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"compare across v\", \"alt_text\": \"Genomic information as the pathogen-independent language\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Periodic Reporting for period 1 - COMPARE (COllaborative Management Platform for detection and Analyses of (Re-)emerging and foodborne outbreaks in Europe)\n\nSummary of the context and overall objectives of the project\n\nGlobally, infectious diseases are the direct cause of about 22% of all human deaths and cause disastrous problems in animal health. In addition to the direct consequences, infectious diseases, including foodborne diseases, also cause a major burden on health systems and may imply restrictions on travel and trade. Due to demographic and other changes, the dynamics of diseases rapidly change and new diseases emerge frequently. Because many infectious diseases are international, rapid global systems for exchange and comparison of information are highly needed.\n\nThe novel developments in next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies as well as the increasing ability to exchange data globally using the internet, open up completely novel opportunities. Globally, laboratory diagnostics increasingly rely on pathogen genomic information. RNA / DNA are common across pathogens, therefore, methods to analyse pathogen genomes are potentially universal. The NGS capacity is developing fast, and costs are becoming competitive. Data are easy to share electronically and are in a standardized format. Capturing NGS developments may provide a universal language that can be harnessed for early detection of outbreaks across disciplines and domains, and if the technology keeps developing, less equipped labs may leapfrog, which may allow us to very easily involve developing countries. One of the main barriers is however, the lack of possibilities to easily share data in a standardized format amongst partners as well as publicly. Another barrier is the lack of local expertise for analyzing the data generated or even available standard protocols or frameworks for what to do in given situations.\n\nCOMPARE is a multidisciplinary research network that envisions a globally linked data and information sharing platform system for the rapid identification, containment and mitigation of emerging infectious diseases and foodborne outbreaks. The system will collect, process and analyse sequence-based pathogen data in combination with associated (clinical, epidemiological and other) data for the generation of actionable information to relevant authorities and other users in the human health, animal health and food safety domains. COMPARE aims to make as much data as possible publicly available and will thus, contribute significantly to global Open Science.\n\nCOMPARE is developing standards for sampling as well as sample handling, in both routine surveillance and in outbreak scenarios, which will allow even less-experienced researchers to perform comparable studies. COMPARE is also developing analytic frameworks as well as online bioinformatics tools, which will give everybody online access to advanced bioinformatics analysis. These standards and frameworks are combined with an IT-platform that will allow people not only access to the analytic pipelines, but also give them the ability to store their data privately (temporarily), share them in closed groups and make them publicly available. The communication aspects, barriers and economical aspects associated with the development of this system will also be addressed. During the first 18-month period of the project, a number of larger (and minor) global infectious disease emergence and transmission events have taken place (Zika, Ebola, influenza, as well as mcr-1 colistin resistance). In all cases, sharing and analysis of sequenced-based information in combination with relevant epidemiological information have helped to elucidate events, but faster sharing and common analysis between all stakeholders would have provided better foundations for public health interventions. These recent events show that the platform COMPARE seeks to deliver is more relevant than ever.\n\nDuring these first months, COMPARE has developed initial standards or initiated studies for sampling and handling of samples. Initial workflows for clinical diagnostic, food safety and emerging diseases have been developed and pilot projects planned and/or executed. Initial versions of web-accessible sites for sharing and analysing sequence data have been created, and the first attempts to compare analytic pipelines are on their way. The recent global emergencies have been a good basis for studying communication strategies and barriers for sharing, and plans for economic evaluations will follow.\n\nThe Specific Objectives of COMPARE include the following:\nA. Risk-assessment models and risk-based sampling and data collection strategies that enhance our capacity to detect potential disease outbreaks;\nB. From samples and associated metadata to comparable data: harmonised standards for sample processing and sequencing to obtain high quality and comparable sequence data from and metadata associated with a specimen;\nC. From comparable data to actionable information: designing analytical workflows for turning comparable data into actionable information for addressing questions in frontline diagnostics, foodborne infections and (re-) emerging infections. “Actionable Information” to take well-informed decisions and actions in pursuit of pathogen identification and characterization, and outbreak detection, investigation, and prediction for:\no Frontline diagnostics\no Public health\no (Re)-emerging infections research\nD. Designing and building a common data and information platform supporting rapid sharing, integration and analysis of sequence-based pathogen data in combination with other contextual metadata; The system will be linked to existing and future complementary systems, networks and databases such as those used by ECDC, NCBI and EFSA;\nE. Risk communication tools will be developed enabling authorities in the human and animal health and food safety sectors to effectively communicate the results obtained with the new analytical workflows.\nF. Studies on the barriers (ethical, regulatory, administrative, logistical, political) to the implementation and widespread use of open-data sharing platforms; and\nG. Development of a framework for estimating the cost-effectiveness of the COMPARE system, including the value of safety.\n\nThe first 18 months of the project have focused on getting started in each of the individual work packages. As the structure of the COMPARE project is different from typical research projects, and requires a shared commitment to goals that help develop the COMPARE infrastructure in addition to the individual scientific ambitions, coordination of the WPs is crucially important. All WPs have spent time and organized teleconferences and meetings to better understand the needs and capacities of each participant, and the potential synergies, overlaps and knowledge / expertise gaps as a start to the organisation of the WP activities. In order to avoid duplication of efforts, substantial work has been done to map what is already available in terms of protocols for sampling (WP 1), storage and sequencing (WP 2), bioinformatics workflows, reference sample sets, reference databases for use in clinical, public health and research questions (WPs 3-5). These inventories all were made in the form of databases that can be accessed and searched by the COMPARE partners, and have been shared through the COMPARE Share Site. In the coming period, work will be done to make these resources accessible and searchable for outside users, as resources to potential future users of COMPARE.\n\nIn WP 1, a generic framework for the risk assessment is being developed. The core question addressed is ‘What are the most probable routes of spread for pathogens introduced into Europe, and what are the populations and regions at greatest risk for spread?’ This framework uses data on population densities, climate factors, animal movements, pathogen behavior, etc. and is developed to guide decision-making regarding where to invest in enhanced sampling and targeted studies of etiologies, using the sampling algorithms and protocols developed in WPs 1-5. Whilst the framework is designed to be generic and applicable to a multitude of pathogens, target pathogens will be selected in order to illustrate the utility of the risk model. This will be done using scenarios reflecting the type of problems where COMPARE should be able to provide added value. The choice of scenarios is currently under discussion.\n\nIn WP 2, great progress has been made to unravel the factors that determine the quality of sequence data produced from the broad range of sample types for the different organisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites, and resistance genes) and study questions (medical, veterinary, food microbiology, clinical, public health, basic research). In accordance with the results of the survey, experiments have now been planned/initiated.\n\nWP 2 and WP 3 have been working together to address the overarching aspects of the process of going from biological sample material to analysed next generation sequencing (NGS) data, which is conceptually broken down into four component parts: 1) sample pre-processing, 2) NGS (including library preparation), 3) genome assembly or metagenome analysis, 4) analysis and interpretation. It is now clear with the maturing of various NGS platforms that there is restricted ability to alter a given manufacturers’ machine characteristics or to use nonstandard reagent sets for the NGS libraries and machine runs. This has the advantage of giving a level of standardization for the NGS workflows per NGS machine type between laboratories, allows the assessment of machine performance characteristics based on manufacturer specifications and QA/QC metrics and, finally, will ensure a smoother path to regulatory approval of NGS systems within infectious disease diagnostics. This, however, removes an element of choice and innovation from the NGS workflow and focuses the important variables onto sample collection (WP 1), sample pre-processing (WP 2 and WP 3) and sample post-sequence analysis (WPs 3-8). Work is ongoing to further develop standards for the application of NGS across the consortium, including protocols, control reagents and datasets, needed for accreditation purposes.\n\nWPs 3/6 have developed a general framework for application of NGS to routine clinical microbiology, virology and diagnostics. For microbiology, the pilot organisms/problems chosen for the initial phase of COMPARE were E. coli and urinary tract infections, and antimicrobial resistant bacteria relevant for patient care and hospital epidemiology. Here, there is a need for simplifying the technical algorithms utilized for typing and for antibiotic resistance detection to allow people with no or little knowledge about computational analyses to routinely perform the analysis. Two workflows, one to utilize NGS in clinical settings to study the epidemiology and population biology of bacterial clones and one for antibiotic resistance gene identification have been developed. These workflows will now be built into the bioinformatics platform and evaluated further in WP 3/6. On the virus side, work was started to explore clinical application of NGS metagenomics for evaluation of unusual disease syndromes, with emphasis on severe unexplained illness and/or high-risk patients. Protocols and analytical workflows are operational in several COMPARE partner laboratories, and comparative studies are planned and ongoing to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches. In addition, this expertise was also used to support recent outbreak investigations (Ebola, Zika, emergence of colistin-resistant E. coli).\n\nIn WPs 4/7, essential preparatory steps were made to assess the potential added value and challenges of the use of NGS-based techniques in the context of ongoing public health surveillance. For this, a reference genome database was constructed (Deliverable 4.1) consisting of publically available sequences to cover each of the six pilot foodborne pathogens (E. coli, Salmonella, Listeria, norovirus, hepatitis A, Cryptosporidium). These reference genomes were carefully selected to represent the most relevant types to be useful in future sequence-based analysis for outbreak detection and source attribution modelling. This reference genome database was completed in Month 6 and is now publicly available at http://www.compare-europe.eu/Library/Reference-Genomes together with short descriptions of the disease-causing potential and epidemiology of each organism. In addition, detailed plans have been developed to address the crucial questions of performance of NGS in comparison with current reference methods for pathogen detection and typing, and for cluster analysis and source attribution. A series of pilot studies was determined and is currently under development.\n\nIn WPs 5/8, the focus is on harnessing the potential added value of NGS for emerging disease detection and research. As an emerging disease outbreak - involving several COMPARE partners - evolved during the first month of the project, it was decided to immediately launch a pilot study on H5N8 avian influenza to compare the analytic pipelines and tools already available by the different partners and to drive the development of data-sharing hubs for rapid deployment in WP 9. The global spread of H5N8 was successfully described and the initial evaluation of the different tools/pipelines clearly shows the need for future benchmarking and standardisation. This model helped drive the further development of data-sharing hubs that were also piloted for Ebola (in collaboration with mobile laboratories in Sierra Leone), for Zika, and for a cross work package metagenomic working group within COMPARE. The hurdles encountered to this model of sharing were inventoried and are studied in the appropriate WPs (technical, ethical, legal, etc.).\n\nIn WP 9, key components of the future COMPARE data infrastructure have been delivered as early usable tools in pathogen data sharing. These include data-sharing standards, the first sets of COMPARE Reference Genomes, the first pilot data-sharing hubs mentioned above, data coordination and support, core data-sharing infrastructure, and translation of analytical workflows for commonly used tools into first generation user friendly iPython notebooks. Further components in development include the computational resource (COMPARE-VM), computational analysis workflows and the COMPARE data portal.\n\nIn WP 10, it has been possible to align communication with the overall project and establish working collaboration with other WPs. A comprehensive stakeholder inventory and analysis has been carried out, finalized and submitted (Deliverable 10.1). A Weekly Bulletin on Risk Communication & EIDs is being published. A scholarly paper has been published in a world-leading journal devoted to bioethics, and fruitful contacts have been established with consortia and institutions working on health risk communication.\n\nIn WP 11, the establishment of the Expert Advisory Panels (EAPs) has been completed. The EAP members have all been briefed on the overall vision for the project and on the structure and work plans by tele-meetings. In preparation of the first annual meeting, the members of the EAPs were asked for initial feedback, comments, concerns, criticism, which was presented to the WP leaders before the annual meeting with the specific request to address these issues during the annual meeting. At the end of this meeting, a feedback session was held with EAP members and WP leaders to provide further guidance and identify possible related activities. Several EAP members indicated to be interested in specific parts of the COMPARE activities and a Share Site was provided for them to access interim reports of the ongoing activities.\n\nIn WP 12, the focus is on understanding barriers to the development of COMPARE, in terms of legal, ethical, administrative and other considerations that may play a role. Legal science ‘school’ of the microbial commons is clearly represented through the acceptance of the Barriers EAP membership by Reichmann, Uhlir and Contreras. Connection and collegial consultation on barriers to genomic and public health data sharing has been established with lawyers/legal expertise of ECDC, DG Santé, FAO, and WHO. Interaction on legal barriers with EFSA and OIE are yet to be included. For a review of documents on topical global treaties of interest (CBD/Nagoya Protocol, Australia group convention, PIP Framework), an ad hoc collegial group can easily be consulted of (legal, policy and ethics) colleagues from the USA FDA, CDC and NIH, Rep. of South Africa, Senegal, China, Singapore, Thailand, Canada and several EU partners.\n\nIn WP 13, the key element is that COMPARE has a functioning public website to share results with stakeholders and the public. There is also a closed web site for project partners to share documents and develop deliverables and reports. COMPARE participants have been active to disseminate information about COMPARE as well as results from the first 18 months of work via presentations at conferences, peer-reviewed scientific journals and general public media (news articles and television).\n\nIn WP 14, the important elements in calculating costs and benefits of COMPARE and related methods and tools have been identified (Deliverable 14.1). The cost-effectiveness study accompanying the COMPARE project aims to weigh these costs against the benefits of the system, by quantifying them in monetary terms or through the use of one or more relevant units of effectiveness. To this end, both inter-epidemic periods ('peace-time') and times of outbreak of relevant pathogens will be considered, applying a mix of retrospective and prospective approaches. Possible case studies include the 2014 outbreak of the Ebola virus in Western Africa, the outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N8 virus in 2014, the 2011 outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli in Germany, and more general themes such as antimicrobial resistance and the transmission of hospital infections.\n\nIn WP 15, the appropriate organizational structures and processes have been put in place to respond to the EC’s as well as partners’ needs and to ensure COMPARE’s compliance with the EC Grant Agreement and the COMPARE Consortium Agreement.\n\nDuring its next phase, COMPARE will focus on starting to link the building blocks that are emerging from the individual work packages into the developing ICT and analysis framework developed in WP 9. To stimulate this, cross work package activities have been identified at the annual meeting and through the review of the individual work package reports. The management team discusses potential synergies and overlaps on a regular basis with the WP leaders and individual partners. In addition, we will prepare for an initial pilot study to increase the interaction with the global research and public community. Important steps here will be to ensure the parallel development of collaborative research studies where data are shared in closed private environments and “open science” where raw data and analysis generated by COMPARE partners are immediately made available for both researchers globally and the general public. This latter aspect is expected to provide valuable scientific input from the global research community but also important lessons for our attempts to build easy data-sharing infrastructures as well as learn about the barriers to sharing.\n\nFrom the initial feedback within the consortium and during presentations outside the consortium, it has become clear that there is a great demand for a COMPARE-like infrastructure, database and tools. While planned for completion by the end of the 5-year project, the data-sharing hubs are in popular demand and that work has been advanced, using some outbreaks in which partners in the COMPARE project were involved as pilot material. Current emphasis is on combining the data-sharing hubs with the possibility to add tools (analytical workflows) so that data can be analysed in the COMPARE compute environment, rather than on local computers often with insufficient capacity. This set-up also was piloted for Ebola, and is currently discussed for Zika.\n\nA cross-WP project was identified to test all the currently available first elements of COMPARE: reference databases, the core infrastructure, and workflows for microbiome and virome annotation and characterization. For this, a global sewage sampling snapshot was initiated, for which the sampling has been done on the basis of other funding sources, but where the currently agreed protocols for (microbiome and virome) metagenomics are being used to provide an in depth global snapshot of diversity. Thus, we have executed sampling of sewage from 78 cities in 63 countries, which is considerably larger data generation than expected in the consortium. This will also be used to facilitate integration between the different WPs, especially those looking at analytic pipelines (WPs 3-8) and the IT-infrastructure WP 9.\n\nIn addition to this we have also realized the increasing need for conducting such studies in an “Open science” way. Thus, we have decided to use Copenhagen sewage as a test case for sampling, sequencing and immediate release of all data into the public domain. This is expected to be an important lesson for us on the possibilities and importance of doing research completely online and transparent as well as a way of interacting with the global research community and the public.", null], "url": "http://cordis.europa.eu/result/rcn/190380_en.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 245, "original_width": 245, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["186e8526a2d0a9f36827c00cc2e17db6989dc8132770aafa882cd1ffa9458e7f"], "__index_level_0__": 45, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://bp1.blogger.com/_CU_p3qPsh00/RedKF3i9yXI/AAAAAAAAAAY/TaLgrLMRDes/s320/Kevin-Lowe.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.96684992313385}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://coveredinoil.blogspot.com/2007/03/big-surprise-oilers-organization-bunch.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_CU_p3qPsh00/RedKF3i9yXI/AAAAAAAAAAY/TaLgrLMRDes/s320/Kevin-Lowe.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp1.blogger.com/_CU_p3qPsh00/RedKF3i9yXI/AAAAAAAAAAY/TaLgrLMRDes/s320/Kevin-Lowe.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Kevin Lowe\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, March 1, 2007\n\nBig surprise: Oilers organization a bunch of dicks", null, "Our pal Dwayne sent us a fascinating little story in today's Edmonton Sun that seems to have somehow slipped through the cracks. Check it:\n\nRobert Vaughan used orange duct tape to spell out “Trade Lowe” on the back of his jersey when he attended the Oilers-Phoenix Coyotes game Tuesday night at Rexall Place.\n\nHe says he was stopped and taken to a small room in the bowels of the arena where two men, identifying themselves as representatives of the Oilers, told him the sign was offensive to management. “They want all the fans to be like rabbits and sheep,” said Vaughan, who’s owned season tickets for six years and is considering whether to renew them. “I feel violated.”\n\nMoments after he and his nephew walked into the main concourse, he says he was tapped on the shoulder by two men in suits. They identified themselves as representatives of the Oilers and asked Vaughan and his nephew to accompany them.\n\nVaughan says they were taken to a room where the men told him to rip off the duct tape.\n\nSure, dude could be making this up, feeding the paper a \"management is evil\" story for the hell of it. But somehow, given their track record from the Pronger game, I doubt it.\n\nPosted by Chris! at 2:32 PM", "Alex said...\n\nSure it violates \"freedom of speech\" or whatever, but can you really blame them?\n\nAfter Ryan Smyth, no one probably feels worse about the trade than Kevin Lowe. He had to make a REALLY tough decision, and really set a dangerous precedent for fellow GMs and other UFAs when it comes to contracts and the trade deadline. Lowe knew he was going to be unpopular, so much that he stayed off the ice on Messier night... is there any real reason to flaunt it in his face that he sacrificed his best player, maybe even his career, for what he believed was a good hockey decision?\n\nEh, from now on, GMs will have their balls-iness evaluated on the \"Lowe Scale.\" Let's see if Sutter can match Lowe next summer when he has to choose between Kipper and Iginla :o\n\n3/01/2007 03:00:00 PM", "LittleFury said...\n\nOn the one hand, the story smacks of bullshit: the two burly guys in suits, the secret room deep in the \"bowels\" of Rexall...\n\nOn the other hand, I'm willing to believe just about anything negative about this team's managment right now. And the fact they couldn't get anyone to deny it lends it a touch of credibility.\n\n3/01/2007 03:18:00 PM", "In response to Alex's comment, if true, you can really blame them. If a couple of guys detained Vaughan for no other reason than a seemingly innocuous message taped to the back of his jersey, Vaughan could have a claim against these guys in court - and if they are agents of the Oilers, maybe against the entire club. You can't falsely imprison someone for something as frivolous as this. It remains to be seen if the story, as reported, is true, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone took this to court.\n\n3/01/2007 03:34:00 PM", "Andy Grabia said...\n\nI really hope Alex was joking. If not, that's one of the craziest defences of a violation of liberties I've ever heard. Read the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Alex. \"Having a bady day\" is not a justifiable defence for unlawful seizure or detainment.\n\nThis story just can't be true, can it?\n\n3/01/2007 03:39:00 PM", "Matt said...\n\n[crackle] \"Eagle to nest, we have a situation here, a patron has the words 'TRADE LOWE' taped to his back. I'm going in, request backup.\" [crackle]\n\n3/01/2007 03:48:00 PM", "Pleasure Motors said...\n\nJesus. Is Lowe's next move to release anthrax into the city's water supply?\n\n3/01/2007 04:10:00 PM", "Anyone else find it odd that the Oilers brass has henchmen.\n\n3/01/2007 04:22:00 PM", "Also, more sentences really need to start with the words \"Sure it violates 'freedom of speech' or whatever...\"\n\n3/01/2007 04:46:00 PM", "Stuey said...\n\nApropos of nothing, am I right in thinking that the Sabres' trade of Marty Biron means they go into the playoffs as one the Cup favorites, and their backup goalie is...Ty Conklin?\n\n3/01/2007 04:57:00 PM", "suz said...\n\nHey, they were ripping up anti-Pronger signs in November. I saw it with my very own eyes.\n\nHow is this so different? (Except that Lowe is one of their own).\n\nRexall on Tuesday was a building steeped in grief. There was much weeping and a rousing chant of 'We want Smytty' in the third period. Talk about a contrast from the playoff run last spring.\n\n3/01/2007 05:02:00 PM", "young d said...\n\nYeah. Everyone's a victim.\nPoor Mr. Vaughan.\nBlah, blah, blah.\nThe Oilers, or any business for that matter, are free to choose what conduct their guests, paying guests or not, can exhibit.\n\nIf Mr. Vaughan chooses to never pay for another Oiler game after this, he is free to do that.\n\nIf, indeed, two henchmen cornered him in a room (I'm a little iffy on that. I've seen the way the staff handle guests in the building and it is usually with care and respect) and this behaviour is widespread, the Oilers can deal with the effects.\n\n3/01/2007 05:34:00 PM", "Of all the times that I have seats in a private box, it would have to be tonight, probably the most depressing game in Oilers history. At least the Gretzky trade happened in August. Fuck fuck shit fuck.\n\nSeriously, how much did they pay Peter Nedved to do SHIT FUCKING ALL for 30 games this season? MORE THAN 100 GRAND? FUCK EVERYTHING.\n\n3/01/2007 05:38:00 PM", "Scott H said...\n\nIs it wrong that I've now muted the Oil/Minn game to listen to the Islanders game on NHL.com?\n\n3/01/2007 07:50:00 PM", "Dan said...\n\nIf you're an Oiler fan, are you tired of this endless parade of quality players out of Edmonton? Tired of promises of \"investing in the future\" and \"building through the draft\"? Sick to death of your favorite players being scooped up by teams actually willing to dish out the cash to get players of high quality? I f-ing am. Let me count the guys who left, either via trade since we wouldn't be able to afford them, or since Edm management has always been cheap ass, or via free agency we're we were unable/unwilling to match.\n\n-Wayne Gretzky\n-Mark Messier\n-Bill Geurin\n-Doug Weight\n-Curtis Joseph\nand so forth.....\n\nI'll be an Oiler fan no matter how much they suck in the future, but come on. Edmonton had the 8th highest gate revenue in the league. I hope this doesn't revert to the '94 era Oilers where they sucked and were rebuilding. I look at the lineup tonight, and I wanna cry. No offense to the young guys, but you could mistake our team for an AHL lineup.\n\nI just saw a highlight (if you can call it that) of Smyth in an Oilers uniform. It's like seeing an ex with another person, seeing Smyth in that Islander jersey.\n\nI either hope we win the frickin cup or finish last to get the number 2 (can't be worse than philly) draft pick. Maybe then Lowe will get fired. Or the EIG will stop being so damn tight.", "To clarify my previous comment... I'm not arguing that it was ok for those guys to do that, so much as I'm arguing that it was unnecessary for the fan to have \"trade Lowe\" taped to his back or whatever.\n\nBut yes, I realize it is unfair for the fan.\n\n3/01/2007 07:51:00 PM", "Those who opine that the Oilers were well within there rights to boot this guy are correct; as a private business they can do pretty much whatever they want in putting together their show at Rexall every night. As a matter of fact, take a look at the fine print on those tickets we buy and you'll probably find legal language to that effect.\n\nHow they actually dealt with this guy and his nephew, however, is a very big deal. And even if it wasn't as bad as it has been described (in which case the Oilers and/or its henchmen should consider suing the Sun for libel), one has to question the wisdom of such Stalinist censorship. So what if someone wears a message that shows some degree of opposition to the moves of the Oiler management. Are the Oilers' owners so paranoid as to prevent some dude at a game from wearing a jersey or carrying a sign that suggests that the team would be better off with different management? Come on. What's next: booting fans out because they moan for Smyth's return? If Smyth returns in an opponent's uniform, are the Oilers' managers going to make us cheer vehemently against Smyth, in solidarity with K-Lowe and the Blue and Copper machine?\n\nWe can understand when the Oilers remove drunken fans, or when people who carry signs which are offensive on a variety of levels to a variety of people at the game. But when what is being reacted to is only really offensive to the powers that be, one has to shake one's head a bit. After all, don't the Oilers pride themselves on being something of a \"community\" organization? If there's any truth to these allegations, I hope the team is exposed publicly and that there is some public pressure to restore a bit of that \"community\".\n\n3/01/2007 08:23:00 PM", "3/01/2007 09:48:00 PM", "Zellow Yebra said...\n\nGo here:\n\n3/01/2007 10:11:00 PM", "It's a sad sight seeing Smyth as an Islander, zellow yebra. You won't get two really good players for 5 Mill. If you're Lowe you waste 2.5 on Pisani.\n\nMike W. put it right that the Oil signed everyone else to largely inflated contracts, but put Ryan last.\n\n3/01/2007 10:42:00 PM", "I won't argue about the wasted money. Don't get me wrong, Smyth was a good Oiler, I just think with the direction this team was headed, it was time to move on. And with Pisani's contract I don't see anyone ever taking him off our hands.\n\nPisani is a useful player, just not worth $2.5 million. The same way Smyth is not worth $5.5 million.\n\n3/01/2007 10:49:00 PM", "Sabres fan here. Your situation reminds me of when Mike Peca held out after the Sabres refused to meet his demands. He was the captain and the most popular player in town too. I wonder if his agent, Don Meehan, gave him the same advice.\n\nSabres fans are mostly happy the team didn't overpay for Peca, after they've seen his game deteriorate, the Cup run with you guys aside.\n\nMaybe in coming years you'll feel the same about Smyth. But it's gotta hurt like hell right now.\n\n3/01/2007 10:56:00 PM", "Art Vandelay said...\n\nYou guys have your priorities all wrong. If Alex has access to Monday March 5 news, I want to know the winning 6/49 numbers from Saturday so I can buy a ticket.\n\n3/01/2007 11:18:00 PM", "Funny how a guy attracts attention to himself with words written on his back.\nIf he's sitting in his seat enjoying the game, no one would notice or care.\nIf he's standing up, yelling, swearing or was one of those idiots who made cat-calls during the Messier tribute, maybe the \"Trade Lowe\" message wasn't the only problem?\n\nDon't know. Wasn't there.\nShame that the Oilers didn't tell their side of the story.\n\nI've worked bars and events and a lot of \"innocent\" people have needed to be kicked out or settled down.\nThen again, I've also seen a lot of \"overeager\" security before.\n\nDid see a couple security guys during the game scoping out the crowd below during the second period. They were watching something/someone pretty carefully.\n\n3/01/2007 11:37:00 PM", "Thumbs up on tonight's 5-0 loss!\n\nHow low can we go, and more importantly, who will we draft when we get there?\n\n3/02/2007 12:11:00 AM", "Desdemona said...\n\nDoes anyone else find it ironic that it took longer for them to talk him into taking off the duct tape than it did to actually trade Ryan Smyth?\n\n3/02/2007 12:33:00 AM", "Another thing of note that seems Stalinist to me is that on the edmontonoiler.com message boards you're not allowed to badmouth MacT or KLowe. They will remove your post.\n\n3/02/2007 09:53:00 AM", "Now that Edm theoretically will spend possibly in the summer, here's who I think they should chase. Note, we could go after a restricted free agent due to our surplus of draft picks.\nJordan Leopold Colorado 1.25 mill\nZach Parise NJ .703 mill\nPaul Martin NJ 2 mill\nCam Ward Car .684 mill\nMichael Ryder Mtl 2.2 mill\n****** Joni Pitkanen PHI 2 mill ********** wicked\nRyan Whitney Pit .901 mill\n\nUFA Wish List:\n\nBrad Stuart CAL\nJoe Sakic COL (would never happen)\nEric Lindros DAL\nDaryl Sydor DAL\nBryan Berard CBJ\nPavel Datsuk DET\nRobert Lang DET\nKyle Calder DET\nDanny Markov DET\nPaul Kariya NAS\nPeter Forsberg NAS (health questionable)\nKimmo Timmonen NAS\nScott Hannan SJS\nBobby Allen BOS\nDaniel Briere BUF\nChris Drury BUF\nJason Blake NYI (revenge for Smytty)\nSheldon Souray MTL\nBrendan Shanahan NYR (iffy, due to age)\nChris Phillips OTT\n\n3/02/2007 09:54:00 AM", "Jorge said...\n\nI'd heard a previous story about Oilers henchmen from Collin Gallant who watched as they threw two Flames fans out of the lower bowl for being \"too loud\". They had no noise makers, no horns, nothin... just cheering when the Flames scored.\n\nThere's some wacky PR decisions being made in that building on the spur of the moment...\n\n... if both stories are true.\n\n3/02/2007 10:18:00 AM", "Ingmar \"W\" Bergman said...\n\nThe Rexall is private propery right? They can do whatever the hell they like.\n\nBut the Rexall was payed for by taxes right?\n\nNext time this (supposedly) happens, lets home someone has the guts to say: \"Hey, since I paid for this fucker, I can do whatever I want with while visiting this fucker.\"\n\n3/02/2007 02:34:00 PM", "Randy in the Med Hizzo said...\n\nHate to throw a blanket on this one, but...\nThe story is probably a little spicier than reality, most rinks confiscate signs, etc., and in Canada it's not \"Freedom of Speech\" it's \"Freedom of Expression.\" Read the Charter.\n\n3/02/2007 05:23:00 PM", "Is it \"expression\" or \"speech\" to remark that you're a pedantic asshole?\n\n3/03/2007 12:40:00 AM", "Well played, anonymous.\nIndeed, first they came for the jersey, I said nothing. Then they came for the Trade Lowe crowd, I said nothing."], "url": "http://coveredinoil.blogspot.com/2007/03/big-surprise-oilers-organization-bunch.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 221, "original_width": 225, "width": 384}], "image_hashes": ["cb9663fb5ae58b75ca52372354d2aab10b5025e41c8e3aae463f216dce1660bc"], "__index_level_0__": 46, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Ib1qyPjHHFM/TM2LIcB3OCI/AAAAAAAACr8/aBG0DtlISec/s320/IMG_1360.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Ib1qyPjHHFM/TM2LIqAG3II/AAAAAAAACsE/9rgcJrCzxBo/s320/IMG_1389.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Ib1qyPjHHFM/TM2Jvoit44I/AAAAAAAACrs/0acCNoRQWHk/s320/IMG_1396.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Ib1qyPjHHFM/TM2Jv_y9-II/AAAAAAAACr0/WbbV_XJX25g/s320/IMG_1398.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Ib1qyPjHHFM/TM2LJGKVdUI/AAAAAAAACsM/6sh8tpqc070/s320/IMG_0537.JPG", null, 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The first birds to return in the\nSpring from their Winter down south somewhere and\nthe first to head back down there at Summer's end.\n\nWell, most of them anyways.\n\nWe have a Mountain Ash tree in our back yard and this\nyear it is loaded with berries. The berries are still fairly\nhard because they haven't fully ripened yet, but that is\nnot something that concerns the birds who gorge them-\nselves on them. There have been a half dozen or more\nRobins who have put their vacations down south on\nhold while they do their very best to strip the tree of it's\nAutumn bounty.\n\nRobins are so common around here and they aren't\nthe most handsomest of birds, red breasts not\nwithstanding, but this picture I took from our dinning\nroom window of this fellow in our tree looks pretty\ngood with the red of his feathers and the red of the\nberries and the red of the changing leaves all around.", null, "And following the red theme even further ... this is one\nof the cherry trees at the front of our house. These\nberries are also quite hard and since they are also quite\na bit bigger then the Mountain Ash's berries they don't\nget eaten as early in the season. In late Winter and\nearly Spring the Robins and the Ceder Waxwings will\ndevour these bright red globes as fast as they can\nswallow. In the meanwhile we have the berries hanging\non the bare limbs of the trees for color and for our\nenjoyment during the dull, cold days of Winter.\n\nI love RED!!", null, "I've been stitching away on Halloween Quaker this\nweek and enjoying working on the little motifs as\na break from the larger ones with the ... uh ... less\nthen enthralling borders.", null, "Don't you just love that little bat with the BIG eyes?\nSo cute. I love the little off white accents in this\ndesign which add just a little extra oomph to the\nwhole piece. There are a couple of pumpkins to\nstitch of course and I considered stitching those in\na shade of orange of some kind, but in the end I\ndecided to keep to the designer's vision of how this\nshould look.\n\nRegarding the trip to the Mennonite Fall Fair at\nBlack Creek Pioneer Village in September. There is one\nmajor reason why we love going to this fair whenever we\ncan. It's not just the ambiance, or the quilt auction, or\nthe costumed volunteers demonstrating various skills\nand activities in the buildings. No, it's not even for the\nride in the horse drawn wagon.\n\nWhat is the real honest to goodness, just\nbetween us, reason why we go to this fair??\n\nIt's the FOOD!!", null, "Check this out!!! The Mennonite folk arrive at the\nfair every year with tons of delicious home made food for\nthe enjoyment of us dedicated fair goers. Home made\nbread, cakes, pies, cookies and other delectable delights.\nYou can buy whole loaves of bread, or entire pies etc to\ntake home with you or you can buy slices of this or that\nand eat them right there and then.\n\nPie anyone??? How many flavors can you spy there??", null, "There are also booths set up selling food cooked\non the spot. So, having been doing this for years we have\nour agenda all thought out and ready to follow. First stop\n... the booth selling back bacon and a fried egg on a bun.\nThen we hit the booth selling spring rolls which were\nthree per plate and came with a home made sweet sauce.\n\nThat's me noshing down on my back bacon and\nfried egg on a bun. MMMMmmmmmm!!!!!", null, "Then it was time for a sweet. Deep fried rosettes with\nhome made strawberry preserves and home made ice\ncream on top!!\n\nAfter that we took a break from eating and began\nto walk around the village, taking in the sights and letting\nour first course settle. I think that I had a cup of hot\napple cider during this time because after all there's\nnothing like apple cider to put you in the mood for\nFall, right??", null, "In one building a couple of ladies were busy\nmaking bread. There is an outdoor brick oven to bake\nthese yummy loaves of whole grain goodness and the\nflavor of these is unbelievable. You can put in an order\nto buy a loaf or two when they're done if you like but\nyou have to be there pretty early in the day to do so\nbecause they sell out in no time.\n\nIs this what it looks like when you're baking\nbread at your house Barbara???", null, "After seeing (and smelling) the bread making and\nbaking we decided that it was time to have something else\ngood to eat. After all it had to have been at least forty five\nminutes since we'd last had something good to eat.\n\nAnother highlight of the day is the open fire pit\nwhere chicken legs and thighs are roasted to a lovely\ngolden brown and then offered to hungry foodies ...\nlike us!!\n\nFrom left to right: Darlene, Helen and I enjoying\nour finger lickin' good roast chicken legs.\n\nAfter that we decided to have a veggie so that\nwe could at least say that we'd had a balanced meal\nthat day. Corn on the cob, dipped in melted butter\nand sprinkled with salt. Sounds healthy doesn't it?", null, "After all that ... er ... healthy eating (!!) we of\ncourse had to have a desert. We planned on a slice\nof pie (see photo at beginning of this report) but\nwere horrified and dismayed to discover that the\ntables formerly covered in pie slices were now bare.\nNot a flake of pastry or a bit of fruit left in sight.\n\nSo we went to plan B. Hot, deep fried apple fritters\ncovered in maple syrup and sprinkled with cinnamon\nand icing sugar. MMMmmmmm .... maple syrup.", null, "Another cooking demonstration that we\nfound was making beet butter. I think I mentioned this\nstuff in a previous post. It was so delicious, hot from the\npot and spread on little biscuits taken hot and fresh\nfrom the brick oven, that it just bears mentioning\nagain. Sweet, sticky and delicious!", null, "Here are Helen and Darlene about to help\nthemselves to their share of the beet butter samples.\nThere was also pickled beets and eggs soaked in\nbeet juice that we were encouraged to taste.\n\nAt the end of the afternoon, having walked (and\neaten) our way all around the village we were tired and\nready to head home. The booths were mostly sold out of\nfood anyways so there was no added incentive to stay.\nBut just before we left the village proper and headed\noff to the gift shop we stopped at the back bacon on a\nbun booth and bought one more round for the road.\nWhy no, we have no shame! Why do you ask?", null, "In the gift shop located near the exit to the\nvillage and in the old merchant store in the village\nitself you can buy old fashioned candy and other\ntreats. You know, just in case you get peckish on\nyour way home.", null, "I've been busy reading several awesome books\nin the past few weeks and have ripped through these\ntotally awesome stories as fast as time allowed. The\nfirst is book two in this series by Jacqueline Carey.\nAs usual wonderful characters, enthralling story, and\nincredible imagination for creating a world from\ngeography to mythology and traditions make Ms\nCarey's books fabulous reads for any fantasy lover.", null, "And for those of you who enjoy their knitting,\nor who love stories with characters that you fall in love\nwith and come to believe in totally then this one is for\nyou. Loved this one sooo much I immediately went on\nline looking for sequels and anything else by Kate Jacobs\nthat I could find. If she'd published her weekly shopping\nlists in a series of books I think that I'd have bought 'em!!\nYes, she's that good!\n\nMonday night was election night here in Ontario.\nWe voted for our choices for local government including\nMayor, councilors and school trustees. Except that\nour mayor got in by acclamation because no one ran\nagainst him.\n\nBut what our local election campaign lacked in\ndrama and excitement was more then made up for as\nwe watched the goings on down in the big city of\nToronto where the Mayoral candidates have been going\nat each other hammer and tongs since last January.\nFun to watch, but I wouldn't want to live there.\n\nIt was reported in our local newspaper that\nonly 25 % of our areas eligible voters actually\nbothered to turn out to vote. It wasn't raining, there\nwasn't a foot of snow, there hadn't been a total\neclipse of the moon or anything like that. People just\ndidn't bother to show up and vote. Ah Democracy!!\n\nAnd yes, Phil and I did make a point of getting\nout to vote. We always do.\n\nWell, it's getting on and I've got chores to do\nand candy to put out and special treat bags to make\nup for any trick or treaters who show up at our\ndoor this evening for Halloween.\n\nHope you're all having a great Fall and enjoying\nany festivities that might be occurring in your\nneighborhood this weekend to celebrate Halloween.\n\nThanks for dropping by and leaving your\nalways welcome and greatly appreciated and enjoyed\n\nTake care!\n\nPosted by Crazee4books at 11:12 AM", "Judy S. said...\n\nCute project you've got there, Judy. Red is my favorite color, too; do you do redwork as well as cross stitch? I loved the Kate Jacobs books also.", "BrendaS said...\n\nLove your Halloween Quaker piece!\n\nThe fair looks like lots of fun and the FOOD looks very appetizing. Sounds like you had a very busy Summer.\n\nThanks for the book recommendations. I am always looking for good books.\n\nThanks for sharing\n\n8:02 PM", "Love your shot of the robin! I saw one in the front yard this morning and I don't know why he's hanging around here since we don't have any tempting berries for him.\nQuaker Halloween looks awesome! Now I'm really tempted to start mine.\nYou're right, I should never have checked out those photos before dinner. Now I'm really starved!!\n\n6:16 PM", "Jennifer said...\n\nI loved the 'friday night knitting club' and there is a followup also . The Robin is beautiful and love your new start on the Halloween Quaker.Wow the food! Your new camera has taken you to a lot of great places!Looking forward to our visit!\n\n10:12 PM", "Gina E. said...\n\nIt is great to be able to catch up with you again Judy - your blog is one of several that my old computer won't let me access. So I came across the room to my husband's laptop and here I am! I guess I'll have to give in soon and get myself a new computer..\nI was interested to read about your elections. In Australia it is compulsory for everyone over 18 to vote at all elections - Federal, State and Local council. I often wonder what it would be like if it wasn't compulsory...would we have the same government and the same people??\n\n8:17 AM", "Andrea said...\n\nMmmmmmmm, food glorious food!\n\n1:51 PM", "Paula Nunes Lima said...\n\nI will read it again with greater care, but for now, after showing the pictures of the pies (and the rest)to Rui, both of us have to go to the kitchen and eat something. And it has to be something sweet. Love the Robin and all the rest. Have to talk more about books... Not enough good second hand around here!!!\nPaula (on my way to eat something sweet :-) )\n\n5:36 PM", "Brigitte said...\n\nYour warning was justified - after reading your post and looking at all the yummy pictures I went and had a second breakfast, something sweet of course, lol. And now I'm back for a comment. Thanks for the wonderful report (and pictures of course) about your visit at the Mennonite Fall Fair.\nYes, we defintely have fall here, too. All the migratory birds that spend the warmer seasons in our region have disappeared. But not all that rest here for a while coming from Sacndinavia and flying down to Southern Europe have already appeared.\nYour Halloween Quaker looks gorgeous with its many Halloweeny details.\nI always love to see your book recommendations because there is always at least one book among them that attracts my attention and lands on my wish list. It's not that I'm short of unread books, no, lol. But it's like with stash - you can't have enough, lol.", "Siobhan said...\n\nI should have heeded your warning. Now I am jonesing for some pastries!! The fair food looked amazing!\n\nGood for you for voting. I don't understand people who don't exercise that right and priviledge. We vote via absentee ballots in the US & here, too.\n\n7:08 AM", "Pumpkin said...\n\nI think you took one lovely picture of that robin!\n\nYour WIP is coming along very nicely :o)\n\nOh my! Look at all the pie!!!! I've never heard of deep fried rosettes before but my keyboard is wet from all my drooling ;o) OMG...now apple fritters with maple syrup???? You're KILLING me here! Good thing you did a lot of walking ;o)\n\nOnly 25%? Gee, that's LOW! If you don't vote, you can't complain...\n\n3:27 PM", "Judy Married to Phil ~ Cats: Phoebe and Rupert", "My Blogging Friends...."], "url": "http://crazee4books1958.blogspot.com/2010/10/caution-do-not-read-this-post-on-empty.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 252, "original_width": 320, "width": 480}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 167, "original_width": 320, "width": 724}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 269, "original_width": 320, "width": 449}, {"height": 570, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 212, "width": 378}, {"height": 565, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["babaebf37aa5822aeebcd4ee92cecefca17cb8f9540f551743c0c149f5ab7da3", "513cc2aadb7d263751b96b06246c17518a8e2e9dd5f3f189c7430293cb43e117", "2f8da492bbb2b5b63953f9b0b855acdead305805fd46253871cc7c8899cf8a4d", "fd3a159ba69fb2ee9fd031e55ab46e2008ba2591f42d6d32aece962bb5cf0193", "3cf498547bece68a51b9dd8d51f185766b69fcd6d5a97482421a7957861b772a", "fe9a18df59f2539bc5885f6e66c8a32661006a21c9d739a8b705d3ba29f4e4f2", "0b8d16e4533853c77312db4c0cd276822a6cab45c2858b6d31300944cefead71", "cc985aeabdc71f44f780a585d40f18d0300ed495d22aa8ab29a242a6b96eba57", "051017436ecf1423bab8c4e8349bc59dbb0b3aa07700937804c917d8baa337cb", "cfaf9233bc7f3a67977379d44682a7874ff0ca16873ab9d50522dc76c8e3ffb9", "b5e478a00b280f2ed37bd632f6913d0ece1fcf59a8359214c185be5a95ffa87c", "aa858208da3d7c6dd8f5e58121be3e1b8c7ec81aec77d3b1de09254eb0524d5a", "a05f9d8ab53c4e88c9aa632817b6faf14dd99cb24b72b0e59dbcec3fa634e822", "00f14605a0def50219ca3a3914b60c6087e6dbe16049f4ba9ed1993d1a596fc4", "d2ffd92b19ca3c12a48f050d1d37d8ce2331122263a8ec2fff76b66e59c63b30"], "__index_level_0__": 47, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-RlJ-LmYFB8U/TqMx2pr6OWI/AAAAAAAAFrw/iGQjHN9CTe0/s320/arm%2Bblouse.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9081841111183168}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://crazyravens.blogspot.com/2011/10/folkwear-patterns.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-RlJ-LmYFB8U/TqMx2pr6OWI/AAAAAAAAFrw/iGQjHN9CTe0/s320/arm%2Bblouse.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-RlJ-LmYFB8U/TqMx2pr6OWI/AAAAAAAAFrw/iGQjHN9CTe0/s320/arm%2Bblouse.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"arm Bblouse\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://crazyravens.blogspot.com/2011/10/folkwear-patterns.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Vo7GlAwlPhE/TqMxqdakpKI/AAAAAAAAFrY/gu2L0GRMqDQ/s320/PRAIRIE%2Bdress%2Bbl2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Vo7GlAwlPhE/TqMxqdakpKI/AAAAAAAAFrY/gu2L0GRMqDQ/s320/PRAIRIE%2Bdress%2Bbl2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"PRAIRIE Bdress Bbl\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, October 22, 2011\n\nFolkwear patterns", null, "The reason I called the blouse the armistice blouse (some people were asking) is because that is what it is called by the Folkwear pattern company. I have made a few folkwear patterns over the years.", "I have made the Prairie dress a few times. Always a great and comfy heritage outfit. If you go to the Folkwear pattern website, they have a lovely gallery of other sewers projects. Inspirational."], "url": "http://crazyravens.blogspot.com/2011/10/folkwear-patterns.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 554, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 218, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1fd1839721cf60d0762128dc8f975b5fb560cb9c725e2c803912f37b3d9ca2b4"], "__index_level_0__": 48, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IIIo6UmX-p8/UpKZnBi1bxI/AAAAAAAABRM/WMpelAuQpZA/s400/Hypocrisy.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9644573330879213}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://crescentreview.blogspot.com/2013/11/crescents-thoughts-on-anita-sarkeesians.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IIIo6UmX-p8/UpKZnBi1bxI/AAAAAAAABRM/WMpelAuQpZA/s400/Hypocrisy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IIIo6UmX-p8/UpKZnBi1bxI/AAAAAAAABRM/WMpelAuQpZA/s400/Hypocrisy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Hypocrisy\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 218}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Crescent's Thoughts On: Anita Sarkeesian's Ms. Male Character Video or How Making Female Characters Feminine is Sexist.\n\nBefore I begin this week's incoherent ramblings, I have some good news: The Mighty no. 9 community forums is online and all those who have backed the Kickstarter have received their Mighty No.s. I am Mighty no. 61357 AKA CRES. If you see me on the forums say hi and for the love of god check out my blog, I'm very lonely here. Anyway, over the course of last week Anita Sarkeesian has released her next video in her \"Tropes Vs. Women in Video Games\" series at the impressive rate of one video every 3 months. This latest video \"The Fighting Fu-\" um, I mean \"Ms. Male Character\" is focused on the presence of the female version of several popular male counterparts, and how bows apparently are the worse thing to happen to girls since the dawn of time. Throughout the 25 minute video, Anita Sarkeesian makes only two points, one regarding the Ms Male Character and the other referring to the Smurfette Principle, but she makes up for this lack of content by making her first point over, and over, and over, and over again. And so, since unlike last time with the Damsels in Distress Part 3 where she had absolutely NO content to work with, I have a brand new wealth of arguments to vivisect and expose just how poorly thought out her criticisms are.\n\nLet's start logically with what the Ms. Male character trope is. Well what it is is invented, by Sarkeesian herself. Searching it through Google will only bring up videos and articles regarding Anita's video, and TV Tropes doesn't list the item at all, instead describing a similar trope called the \"Distaff Counterpart.\" Anita even admits to this herself by stating that this entire trope is something she decided on by herself. In other words, she is INVENTING problems so that she can prop herself up as the solution. She does define her terms as \"A female version of an already established or default male character. Ms. Male Characters are defined primarily by their relationship to their male counterparts via their visual properties, their narrative connection or occasionally through promotional materials.\" But this definition is so broad that nearly any female counterpart to a male character is automatically a \"Ms. Male Character.\" I know her intention is to look solely at the \"Distaff Counterpart\" but with her definition non-Distaff Counterparts such as Megaman and Roll or Mario and Peach can be lumped together into a Ms. Male character because of their relationship to the male character. What we are seeing here is that Anita is REALLY trying to force feed tropes with sexist bents to them even when such tropes DO NOT EXIST! \"Women in Refrigerators\"? Happens so often to male characters that it has been changed to \"Stuffed in the Fridge.\" \"Ms. Male Character\"? Well, \"Distaff Counterpart\" doesn't sound sexist enough for her purposes.\n\nBut regardless of why she chose to create a new trope name when a pre-existing and far more prevalent name exists, Anita begins with the story of Ms. Pacman and later asks, in regards to Pacman and Ms Pacman up top, the question: \"How do we know what gender a particular character is? Other than their names, how do we know that the collection of pixels on the right signal male while those on the left indicate female?\" She goes on to state that Ms. Pacman is merely Pacman with feminine iconography paste all over her, The lipstick, the mascara, the beauty mark, and of course the bow on top. Which she isn't wrong that is pretty much what Ms. Pacman is, but what I disagree with is the notion that Pacman by design is gendered male.\n\n\"Other than their names, how do we know that the collection of pixels on the right signal male?\" They DON'T, and this is my primary point of contention with Anita's video, she goes on and on about all these female signifiers, but pays NO ATTENTION to any and all MALE SIGNIFIERS! In the case of Pacman, there are no male signifiers. He is just a yellow circle with a chunk removed, the only reason why we know he is male is because of his name and Anita for the purpose of this example told us to ignore their names. In fact, the only reason anyone would think that Pacman is male in the picture above is because Ms. Pacman is obviously female and that they are in love. Then again Pacman could be a lesbian.\n\nSarkeesian then continues by listing several Pacman-Ms. Pacman like relationships in early video games including Lolo and Lala from the Adventures of Lolo and Popo and Nana from Ice Climbers and even Sonic the Hedgehog and Amy Rose from Sonic CD, stating the same thing over and over again. The male character is the default while the female character is the deviation from his design with pink colors and a bow (excluding Nana). However, what Anita fails to address once again is that three of her male examples, Lolo, Popo, and Sonic contain a massive male signifier in their character design: They are all Blue. The color Blue is as much of a male signifier as the color Pink is a female signifier. This is how superficial the complaint is, if Nana was Player 1 in Ice Climbers then Popo will be the \"Mr. Female Character\" by the EXACT SAME LOGIC as Anita is using for \"Ms. Male Character.\" Anita claims that by using since icons for female characters they are being \"Marked\" as something different from the \"Unmarked\" males. But if it is so harmful to female characters to add the color Pink to help identify their sex, then it should be equally harmful to male characters to have the color Blue to identify their sex. And adding a bow on top of their head? What about adding a Baseball cap or a Propeller hat on male characters? What about Donkey Kong's Neck Tie? Male Characters do not go unmarked, there are overt and subtle identifiers of masculinity such as harsher facial features, facial hair, and wider upper torso. There are characters who are completely unmarked as far as gender goes for example everyone's favorite pink creampuff: Kirby.\n\nAnita uses Kirby as an example of a male character sporting the color pink, but is Kirby really male? What identifiers signal that Kirby is a boy? None, in fact Kirby is as close to gender neutral as possible. Kirby's design is so simplistic and nondescript that there are no gender identifiers to be found. Sure Kirby's Pink but that would mean that she is female according to standard gender icons, and Kirby's common depiction on most US box art show an angry Kirby which leans more towards the masculinity side of gender identification. Kirby's voice is likewise nongendered as it could be either fit an effeminate boy or a tomboyish girl. In fact, throughout all my gaming history with Kirby, there is only ONE moment I can remember which actually identifies Kirby as male, and that is when he get's love-struck after being kissed by the female fairy Ribbon in Kirby 64, and that was only because I knew Ribbon was most likely female... and probably not a lesbian. My point is that male characters are as marked by their gender as female characters and if they have no gender icons in their design they must be marked in a different way otherwise they are genderless. The reason why the color Pink, Bows, Makeup and feminine body characteristics (such as soft facial features, wider hips, and breasts) are used to identify females is because they the only female gender signifiers we have. Likewise the color Blue, Baseball caps, facial hair, and masculine body characteristics (such as harsh facial features, wider shoulders, and no breasts) are the only male gender signifiers we have. Signifiers beyond that are largely gender neutral with the possible exception of hair styles but there are gradients of gender in different hair cuts.\nAfter making the same point about gender icons over and over again, Sarkeesian finally moves on to talking about the Smurfette Principle, where an ensemble cast contains ONLY one female character who represents all femininity in that ensemble. Again, I actually agree that this is sexist in the same way that the token Black Guy is racist. Having only one Smurfette in a cast of male characters is sexist ONLY IF that Smurfette is a shallow stereotype of female characteristics. However, Anita's use of examples of the Smurfette seems to be including any and every example where you have a group of guys but only one girl. I mean, how can the Valkyrie in Gauntlet (one of my Mom's favorite games by the way) be a Smurfette when none of the characters in Gauntlet HAVE personalities? (Also, in later Gauntlet games the Elf is turned into the Archer... and is female.) Paula in Earthbound, I'm told, is vital to the game's plot and the villain would not have been defeated if it wasn't for her. Zelenin from Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey is the only female main character, yet she is as deep and complex as all the other characters in the game. Even her more sensible examples of Smurfettes are rife with problems. She lists Wendy O. Koopa as being limited to only being the Token Girl of the Koopalings because of her design, ignoring the fact that ALL of the Koopalings are only defined by their design having no personality or characteristics other than their ascetic design, and even then other critics have pointed out that Wendy is the most graceful, intelligent, and one of the most magically proficient of the Koopalings going ONLY by her appearances in the games. Wonder Pink's stereotyped and shallow characterization might have been problematic if it wasn't for the fact that EVERYTHING in The Wonderful 101 is a shallow stereotype of the tropes and cliches of American movie serials and Japanese Super Sentai series. Yes, Wonder Pink is a shallow stereotype, so is Wonder Red, Wonder Blue, and Wonder Green.\n\nAnd then comes poor little Toadette. The adorable Toad from the Mushroom Kingdom that Anita calls \"the only woman among the Mushroom people.\" And that \"her introduction to the Mario-spin off games emphasize the fact that all the other Toads in the entire species are male.\" That's right, Toadette is the ONLY female Toad, in all of the Mushroom Kingdom.... Except she ISN'T. She is certainly the most well known and popular female Toad, but she isn't the ONLY girl Toad in the Mario universe. Here is a short list of all the female Toads in the Mario Universe: Jolene, Raini, The Traveling Sisters Three, Toad Waitress, Chanterelle, the Rose Town Innkeeper, Mrs. Shroomlock, Tayce T., Toce T., Vanna T., Zess T., Toadiko, Toadia, and even Princess Peach's Grandmother. And lastly Toadette, and this is just a short list I compiled by looking through the Super Mario Wiki, there are several other female toads throughout the Mario universe, namely in the Mario RPG series. How can someone claim to have done research into the topics she is talking about, miss such a HUGE mistake like Toadette being the ONLY FEMALE TOAD.\n\nThere are several other small nonsensical points she makes in her video, such as talking about the Adam and Eve story for some reason, and complaining about Mass Effect using the male Shepard in all of their promotional material, forgetting or ignoring the fact that the generic \"John Shepard\" was created for promotional material and for gamers who didn't want to go through the process of character creation, and that it wasn't until Mass Effect 3 where they had a default \"Jane Shepard\" and where used her in promotional material as well, but largely these are irrelevant tangents, neither aiding nor even expanding her initial topic. But what I want to make clear in this closing is not just that she doesn't do sufficient research on her topic that is the problem, nor that she ignores the game's context and tone to make her point even when in it's proper context and with recognition of the game's tone her complaints ring hollow, nor that all of her arguments have easy to destroy counter arguments, it's the fact that she contradicts herself FREQUENTLY!\n\nShe complains about gender signifiers like makeup and earrings, while wearing makeup and earrings herself. She lists several characters who \"Don't use gender signifiers to identify them as female\" ignoring the more subtle gender signifiers such as facial features and even overt signifiers like the presence of breasts that she routinely makes a deal about portraying. And most baffling of all she has frequently said, in her Tedx talks and in various interviews that the gaming culture at large are AND I QUOTE: \"trying to maintain the status quo of video games as a male dominated space and all of the privileges and entitlements that come with an unquestioned boys club.\" BUT at the start of her Ms. Male Character video she not only said that: \"Toru Iwatani, the creator of Pac-Man, has stated in numerous interviews that the game was designed to appeal to women\" but also that Midway created Ms. Pacman \"in an effort to continue appealing to female gamers.\" (I added the emphasis.) So Ms. Sarkeesian, which is it? Are we trying to keep women out of gaming, or are we trying to appeal to female gamers?\n\nIn closing, FINALLY, Anita Sarkeesian's video makes no sense on the basis that she never made her complaints clear. Sure she complained about female characters having bows or a heart motif to their design and or weapondry, but never explained why that is a problem. Some girls like the color pink, some girls like being girly, if such people exist in real life what's wrong with portraying characters like that in fictional media like video games, especially games that target younger demographics like the Sonic games, Ice Climbers, and even Pacman and Ms. Pacman? It might be a problem if this was the only representation of female characters but it is not. And so what if the female character originates from a male template. Sometimes the female variate becomes far more popular than the male variate. More people love Ms. Pacman than Pacman, Toadette is far more interesting a character than Toad, and people where genuinely excited to see Dixie Kong return in Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze. Just because a female character has female icons to identify their gender, or, as inspiration, was made off of the template of an existing male hero, doesn't invalidate a female character's popularity or influence. And lastly, please stop using Thomas Was Alone as an example of female characters. Don't get me wrong it's a great game and the story is charming, but the characterization and story in that game exists SOLELY in the narration. Change or remove that narration and you wouldn't be praising that game as much as you are now.\n\nSorry for the long post, Until next time.", null, "-Crescent, \"Putting on lipstick, makeup, and accessories to mark a character as female is sexist.\""], "url": "http://crescentreview.blogspot.com/2013/11/crescents-thoughts-on-anita-sarkeesians.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 400, "width": 687}], "image_hashes": ["bdd6e057a1f4fa4c42c071859cda6bf0afe1efb39e139cd7562ee966c133af9d"], "__index_level_0__": 49, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2572/3980660976_22f04deeec_b.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9630544781684875}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://crescentstudios.blogspot.com/2010/09/day-271-on-which-john-talks-steam-28910.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2572/3980660976_22f04deeec_b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2572/3980660976_22f04deeec_b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f deeec b\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://crescentstudios.blogspot.com/2010/09/day-271-on-which-john-talks-steam-28910.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5206/5365001992_89afba4770_o.png\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5206/5365001992_89afba4770_o.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"afba o\", \"rendered_width\": 270, \"rendered_height\": 135}, {\"document_url\": \"http://crescentstudios.blogspot.com/2010/09/day-271-on-which-john-talks-steam-28910.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5284/5364998304_0875da008e_o.png\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5284/5364998304_0875da008e_o.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"da e o\", \"rendered_width\": 270, \"rendered_height\": 135}, {\"document_url\": \"http://crescentstudios.blogspot.com/2010/09/day-271-on-which-john-talks-steam-28910.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5124/5364383677_073ba3f6a5_o.png\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5124/5364383677_073ba3f6a5_o.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ba f a o\", \"rendered_width\": 270, \"rendered_height\": 135}, {\"document_url\": \"http://crescentstudios.blogspot.com/2010/09/day-271-on-which-john-talks-steam-28910.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22841358/tumblr%20sidebarthing.png\", \"src\": \"http://dl.dropbox.com/u/22841358/tumblr%20sidebarthing.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tumblr sidebarthing\", \"rendered_width\": 270, \"rendered_height\": 135}, {\"document_url\": \"http://crescentstudios.blogspot.com/2010/09/day-271-on-which-john-talks-steam-28910.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5083/5364991542_9e8c567ab8_o.png\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5083/5364991542_9e8c567ab8_o.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e c ab o\", \"rendered_width\": 270, \"rendered_height\": 135}, {\"document_url\": \"http://crescentstudios.blogspot.com/2010/09/day-271-on-which-john-talks-steam-28910.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1VpL6peX4oU/TA6VUao5NUI/AAAAAAAAB7U/Ft7yqoFCXkw/S280/Crap+Filter.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_1VpL6peX4oU/TA6VUao5NUI/AAAAAAAAB7U/Ft7yqoFCXkw/S280/Crap+Filter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Crap Filter\", \"rendered_width\": 280, \"rendered_height\": 280}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Dag to hundrede énoghalvfjerds. Tuesdays aren't good either. And there you go, that's all the time you're going to get from me in terms of moaning about what day of the week it is. Homework is slowly creeping in (on the western front, yes, and all other fronts), but I've managed to hold it off yet and only got a bit. It'll pile up later on this week I'm sure. Yeesh.\n\nOK, the big news of this week is that it is STEAM this saturday! STEAM is my abbreviation for the Brickish event at the STEAM Museum of the Great Western Railway. Which is the only proper LEGO event in the UK all year, so I've been waiting for this ever since I left it last year. To remind you of what it looked like (if you went or not), here's my photo from last year:", null, "It's happening this weekend, the 2nd and 3rd of October, at the STEAM Museum in Swindon (somewhere amongst the roundabouts). I'm going to go on Saturday, and no - I'm not 'too excited' about this, it's my one chance for contact with other Lego fans away from the internet all year. One chance. And I'm not going to miss it for anything.\n\nI'm actually displaying this year (my second year), which is really great. Whilst I can't be a member of Brickish because then moved the entrance age up just when I was about to reach it, I can display my stuff at a Brickish member's table. In this case, it's Jake, who is also hosting Tac's dark bley mechs. So, if anyone asks, it's Jake's creations, ok? Brickish will no doubt hate us for it, but it's their fault for moving the entrance age up. And it's Jake's space to deal with, so what's wrong with giving some of it to us? Silly Brickish.\n\nSo, I'll be displaying three things at STEAM on Saturday:\n\nFirstly, I have to show off my Ishøj House to the world. It looks much better in person than any photo will justify, so you have to go see it. No amendments to the design, I'll admit, but it's still awesome. And I can take the roof off and show you the insides, too. Should be great.\n\nThen there's the JOHN Collection II catalogue, printed out on shiny paper and all, because it deserves that. It'll be held together by a string loop, to make it look makeshift and easier to turn the pages, like a book at a museum exhibit. I'd love to bring along a fully lit JOHN Collection scene, but that takes a heck of preparation and I just don't have the time now.\n\nAnd finally, rounding off the three and being, sadly, the second non-Lego exhibit, I will be bringing a small booklet of never-seen-before JOHN Collection III furniture! It's top-secret and the folks at STEAM are getting a special sneak preview, 'cause I love you guys. There's seven pieces in the booklet, some of them are the best in the Collection so far, so I encourage you to flick through that... but don't tell anyone about the designs! They will be officially released at Christmas!"], "url": "http://crescentstudios.blogspot.com/2010/09/day-271-on-which-john-talks-steam-28910.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 768, "original_width": 1024, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["bc7ec0147703274eb05e5726496cfc0b47bbc3b578a107c5ca1222b77d0ed12b"], "__index_level_0__": 50, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_TlAOuXNjE00/RsV2Xjj8UsI/AAAAAAAABek/05R3JmUOcf0/s400/ulo.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8509030342102051}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://crunch22.blogspot.com/2007/08/vacuum-cleaner-lamp.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_TlAOuXNjE00/RsV2Xjj8UsI/AAAAAAAABek/05R3JmUOcf0/s400/ulo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_TlAOuXNjE00/RsV2Xjj8UsI/AAAAAAAABek/05R3JmUOcf0/s400/ulo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ulo\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://crunch22.blogspot.com/2007/08/vacuum-cleaner-lamp.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_TlAOuXNjE00/RsV2KDj8UqI/AAAAAAAABeU/fQcwotVOEu8/s400/xii2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_TlAOuXNjE00/RsV2KDj8UqI/AAAAAAAABeU/fQcwotVOEu8/s400/xii2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"xii\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://crunch22.blogspot.com/2007/08/vacuum-cleaner-lamp.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_TlAOuXNjE00/RsV2KDj8UrI/AAAAAAAABec/BRKAHd5mGk0/s400/xii3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_TlAOuXNjE00/RsV2KDj8UrI/AAAAAAAABec/BRKAHd5mGk0/s400/xii3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"xii\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://crunch22.blogspot.com/2007/08/vacuum-cleaner-lamp.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/134/359202502_ef41d6566a_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/134/359202502_ef41d6566a_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ef d a m\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 60}, {\"document_url\": \"http://crunch22.blogspot.com/2007/08/vacuum-cleaner-lamp.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/134/359202502_ef41d6566a_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/134/359202502_ef41d6566a_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ef d a m\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 60}, {\"document_url\": \"http://crunch22.blogspot.com/2007/08/vacuum-cleaner-lamp.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/134/359202502_ef41d6566a_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/134/359202502_ef41d6566a_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ef d a m\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 60}, {\"document_url\": \"http://crunch22.blogspot.com/2007/08/vacuum-cleaner-lamp.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/134/359202502_ef41d6566a_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/134/359202502_ef41d6566a_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ef d a m\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 60}, {\"document_url\": \"http://crunch22.blogspot.com/2007/08/vacuum-cleaner-lamp.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/134/359202502_ef41d6566a_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/134/359202502_ef41d6566a_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ef d a m\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, August 16, 2007\n\nVacuum Cleaner Lamp", null, "Designed by Angele Riguidel and sold by Uncommon Goods. The light appears to be made from a 1930's Swedish made Electrolux and a car headlight. The design uses the vacuum power cord to power a 12 volt transformer housed in the body of the vacuum."], "url": "http://crunch22.blogspot.com/2007/08/vacuum-cleaner-lamp.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 171, "original_width": 320, "width": 707}], "image_hashes": ["bf3d16b7fbda95cee3c345bb7a7d81f2a1b2bc65f46ce93e2169b96484e97667"], "__index_level_0__": 51, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ubv0m70ZlD8/WG_WEBJyD4I/AAAAAAAAc9o/LL6OW5c6l5g73USz00IB_qlGzh8ZZ7FEgCLcB/s640/scale.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9774004220962524}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://czechoutmyancestors.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ubv0m70ZlD8/WG_WEBJyD4I/AAAAAAAAc9o/LL6OW5c6l5g73USz00IB_qlGzh8ZZ7FEgCLcB/s640/scale.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ubv0m70ZlD8/WG_WEBJyD4I/AAAAAAAAc9o/LL6OW5c6l5g73USz00IB_qlGzh8ZZ7FEgCLcB/s640/scale.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"scale\", \"rendered_width\": 408, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://czechoutmyancestors.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dFQLaJDrmMM/WG_cbiFWToI/AAAAAAAAc-M/Kp64FCgjlgY9PMzpr4KB1orpABAkkFaCACLcB/s400/15894495_10153964255607820_6539628888090845373_n.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-dFQLaJDrmMM/WG_cbiFWToI/AAAAAAAAc-M/Kp64FCgjlgY9PMzpr4KB1orpABAkkFaCACLcB/s400/15894495_10153964255607820_6539628888090845373_n.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 181}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, April 9, 2017\n\n\"Yes, my native land, I love thee\"\n\nMy lesson today for the primary kids is on the hymns. I found this hymn in the original LDS hymnbook from 1835, and I thought it was really touching to imagine how it must have affected many of my own ancestors. Almost all of my LDS ancestors were immigrants from Europe. It would have been heartbreaking to leave their native land behind, even being motivated by faith. This song captures those emotions beautifully. I had to share it with you.\nHymn 51 • Yes, my native land, I love thee\nHYMN 51. P. M.\n1 Yes, my native land, I love thee,\nAll thy scenes I love them well,\nFriends, connexions, happy country!\nCan I bid you all farewell?\nCan I leave thee—\nFar in distant lands to dwell?\n2 Home! thy joys are passing lovely;\nJoys no stranger-heart can tell!\nHappy home! ’tis sure I love thee!\nCan I—can I—say Farewell?\n3 Holy scenes of joy and gladness,\nEv’ry fond emotion swell,\nCan I banish heart-felt sadness\nWhile I bid my home farewell?\n4 Yes! I hasten from you gladly,\nFrom the scenes I love so well! [p. 67]\nFaraway, ye billows, bear me:\nLovely, native land farewell!\nPleas’d I leave thee—\nFar in distant lands to dwell.\n5 In the deserts let me labor,\nOn the mountains let me tell,\nHow he died—the blessed Savior—\nTo redeem a world from hell!\nLet me hasten,\n6 Bear me on, thou restless ocean;\nLet the winds my canvass swell—\nHeaves my heart with warm emotion,\nWhile I go far hence to dwell,\nGlad I bid thee,\nNative land!—Farewell—Farewell.\nPosted by Kate Challis at 8:58 AM 2 comments:", "Wednesday, January 25, 2017\n\nWhy I like my Czechs\n\n“I want to do genealogy, but everything has already been done!”\n\nSaid no person of Czech ancestry, ever.\n\nTo be fair, even if you were the progeny of Mormon polygamists on every single one of your ancestral lines (thus creating twice, thrice, quadruple, etc. the probability that there are people alive on this earth who are actively searching out your same common ancestors), it would still be false to whine about your genealogy being “done.”\n\nIt is never done. There are always more names to be found, and I don’t mean in trying to somehow divine your way back to some dubious royal line, or Adam and Eve. I mean within the last 300 years or so.\n\nMy husband’s lines are great examples of this truth. Though he doesn’t have polygamists in every line, quite literally every single one of his lines goes through Utah. And yeah, he has 19 polygamist ancestors! To do genealogy research on his side of the family for the purpose of finding names to submit for temple work can be really frustrating. Sometimes, we will be working side by side, and I’ll say something like, “Oh! I found a family with 12 kids!” (of course they are Czech) and he’ll sigh and say, “I thought I found one person who needed temple work, but when I combined two duplicate entries it turns out it was done 50 years ago.”\n\nTo find names in his lines requires being more creative, and doing descendancy research. A great tool for doing this is called Puzzilla. This is a website that uses FamilySearch’s free API to model relationships. It is especially useful for modeling descendants.\n\nBlue squares represent men\nPink dots represent women\nGray squares mean they were born within the last 110 years (so you cannot do temple work for them)\nYellow dots mean they died before they were 16 (so they probably did not marry and have children)\n\nThe more circular the model, the more complete the family probably is. For example, here are the descendants of one of my so-called “gateway ancestors”, James Hurren.", "James Hurren was one of many of my immigrant ancestors from England. He was a Mormon pioneer who crossed the plains in the Willie Handcart Pioneer Company (Tangent: and here’s an interesting article about a book that I personally think takes a very presentist view on the handcart tragedy; what was Brigham Young supposed to do, telephone back east to get the numbers of companies? The past is a foreign country, and I consider the historian who swiftly casts judgment with the flick of his pen (or the tapping of his keyboard) a poor steward of it. Though one thing is very true in this article: today, LDS members consider it a great honor to be a descendant from someone who was a Willie or Martin Handcart Company pioneer, almost to the point that it is a little bit strange). Anyway, his daughter, my great x grandma, Mary Reeder Hurren, then only 8 years old, got frostbite on her toes which had to be amputated. She walked with a limp for the rest of her life and always felt pain, until the day she died.", "Anyway, this is a picture of my ancestors. I am the little pink dot at the bottom.", "Here is what it means:", "This model visually shows exactly why Czech genealogy research is so appealing to me.\n\nIt’s just completely new territory. Nobody else in my family or extended family has ever researched it before. It took my fifth cousin to find the closest living person who is actively researching these lines. I’m charting new territory. It’s exciting.\n\nHere are my top ten reasons why I love Czech Genealogy Research:\n\nA few months ago I was collaborating on a transcription/translation of an endowment (a fund of money) that some of my ancestors left to the church in Vratimov. The Czech translation of the word “endowment” is “obdarovaní” (if I remember right?), and the root of this word is “dar” - or “gift.” The etymology of “endowment” also comes from the idea of a gift, but it has been lost through time. Really, the endowment (and all other ordinances performed in the temple) are gifts that we can give to our ancestors. They are acts of love and are physical manifestations of our faith.\n\nThe prophet Paul says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” He goes on to describe all kinds of biblical heroes and heroines, men and women of valor and great faith. But in the end, he basically says, “Look, all of these guys are well loved and respected because of faith, but that is not enough for them. God, knowing all, has prepared a way for both them - and us - to achieve our full potential. God’s plan requires us to do something for them in order for them - and us - to receive perfection, aka exaltation, or eternal life.” (Hebrews 11:39-40) I am quite sure that Paul is referring to temple ordinance work in these verses.\n\nI don’t know why it is this way. But I believe it has something to do with why we are even organized into families on this earth at all: it is a divine pattern. It matters, for some reason. When we do temple ordinance work, we connect to our family.\n\nI long to connect to my Czechs. I have the least stories, the least photos, and the least living memories of this side of my family. They are the largest hole in my family tree. I feel extremely driven to fill it. Whether or not one does genealogy for religious purposes, we all can relate to the longing for some kind of connection to our family.\n\nThis is why I study my Czechs.\n\nPosted by Kate Challis at 3:08 PM No comments:", "Labels: familysearch, list, Meta, purpose, temple\n\nFriday, January 13, 2017\n\nSource Citation Standards Online\n\nI just posted a piece I wrote on my main blog, and found the formatting to be a real pain.\n\nI want to follow source citation standards. I really do.\n\nI understand full well that links are not permanent, no matter if they say, \"permalink.\" That responsible genealogists take the time to really cite where they found what they found, and if they don't, it almost might as well be fiction!\n\nBut I think there is a big discrepancy between the medium of print and blogging.\n\nWhen you write online, you often don't have access to full-fledged word processor tools that allow you to write subscripts and superscripts etc.\n\nBut you have this really marvelous amazing tool called LINKS. Whereas in print, you see an underlined word, online you have this really awesome power to be able to click and be redirected elsewhere. It is really fantastic.\n\nIt is also really frustrating to me, as a genealogist who wants to do \"what is right.\" I want to follow the standards set by the leaders in the field. I want to be more than a good genealogist; I want to be a great one!\n\nI also don't want to drive myself crazy being a slave to details such as, \"when do I capitalize and italicize Ibid and when do I write it simply ibid?\n\nMy two great non-human loves are languages and genealogy. Not editing. I have an abnormally high tolerance for nitpicking, but let's not get too carried away. I think I would go completely crazy parsing through texts like some of my best friends, including my college roommate Cindy who is now an editor. It just. makes. me. want. to. cry. \"Why am I wasting my time with these formatting things when I could be reading Czech fairy tales for vocab acquisition?\"\n\nI think attention to source citations is like most things: a balance issue. You can be an extremist in either direction. It's probably better to lean towards slightly too much attention to source citation than too little, but if it completely stifles you and prevents you from sharing your research and writing, then what good is it really doing?\n\nBecause my medium is primarily blogging, I lean heavily towards the, \"I'll link you to my source, and assume you can figure it out from there.\" I know that's sloppy, and there are flaws with that thinking. But there are also opportunity costs involved in writing an NGSQ-quality piece every time you sit down to write a casual blog post. They are different formats with different goals, and I like to think that even though I'm totally imperfect in my attempts at source citation, my contributions to the niche subsector of Czech Genealogy are useful, and I should continue to post, imperfect as my citations be!\nPosted by Kate Challis at 9:24 AM 1 comment:", "Friday, January 6, 2017\n\nFamily History is about People\n\nSome scattered thoughts...\n\nA few days ago, my mom strongly encouraged me to go to Rootstech 2017. I think we had decided we just couldn't afford the expense ($280 for travel, $189 for tickets, plus obviously I will want some spending money, since this is the largest genealogy conference in the world...there will certainly be a lot of interesting books, and who knows what else, available for purchase). Lodging is free for me, the only question is whose house should I stay at? One of Danny's siblings (American Fork, American Fork, Park City - by far the closest option!), or Danny's grandparents? Historically, we stay with the McQueens because:\nA. we really love them\nB. we really don't get enough time to spend with them\nC. we are totally comfortable staying in their huge house, and they really love their relatives to use them as a hotel\nD. we used to live there for about 6 months, and so we know exactly where everything is\n\nOne time, we called Grandpa McQueen as we backed out the driveway on a 16 hour road trip from Iowa to Utah for Thanksgiving break. We thought we had asked if we could stay there, but we thought it best to make sure. Grandpa said, \"No, that's not how we do things, Kate! You're supposed to wait to call us right when you cross over the Utah border!\" We always joke that nobody in Danny's family plans anything, and it is really true. They are the most hospitable, kindest, most generous people I know.\n\nThis is logistically the first year that I could even hope to attend. Last year I was still breastfeeding Cora, but she was too old to carry around. Besides, I did that during a Texas Czech genealogy conference, and it was a little bit miserable, not to mention it made me stick out even more than I already do, being young. Although this year, I finally became an adult (30!), and the demographics of people interested in genealogy continue to decrease in correlation to advances in technology, and of course Rootstech is only half about genealogy, the other half is about technology in relation to genealogy...but anyway now I'm rambling. No way would I have taken an infant in arms to a genealogy conference.\n\nSo, anyway, we looked at our budget, and with my mom's generous offer to watch the kids while I go, coupled with the fact that I have really wanted to go for years and years, and Danny thought it would be really good for me to go - so finally, we decided to go ahead and buy tickets at the beginning of this week.\n\nI am really excited! That's kind of an understatement. It will be really fun and interesting to connect names to faces of my favorite genealogy \"celebrities\". I am also looking forward to spending a little time in the FH Library. I might have to be really conscientious about making time for eating. Hahaha.\n\nWow, I really am a nerd.\n\nOkay so, as I've been daydreaming about Rootstech, and going along with the mundane household chores that constantly tug for my attention, I started listening to past keynote speakers on YouTube. I listened to Steve Rockwood, CEO of FamilySearch talk a little bit about how to get people interested in family history.\n\nOf course this topic is really important to me. I am an LDS Family History Consultant (well, I guess technically my title is \"coordinator\" now), and it's my job to get people to prepare names of their ancestors to take to the temple where they can do proxy temple work. It is a really fun job. I love it. One thing Brother Rockwood encouraged us to do is to stop talking about \"the search\" - only the nerds care about the search. Regular people don't care about the facts and figures, or \"how I found Great Aunt Mildred's Birth Record!\" or really, any word that ends with \"ology\".\n\nWhat they care about are stories.\n\nWhen you can tell a compelling story, you humanize your ancestors. You draw them closer to you. You make a connection to the past. They are somehow more relate-able.\n\nDanny and I started watching this hilarious TV show called Family Tree. They do a really good job of portraying people as quirky, even to ridiculous extremes in some (maybe all, hahaha) cases. It makes me feel either really relieved that I am not as weird as any of the characters, or really worried because I can somehow relate to most (though, certainly not all) of them. One theme I really love is that the main guy is always finding out that his ancestors fell just short of being \"great.\" A great grandfather was in the 1948 Olympic Games as a wrestler, but he was kicked out the first round. Another was the butt end of the horse in a theatrical comedy show - at the height of his acting career.\n\nI love that the show gently pokes fun at this true concept: our ancestors were real people. Absurd, funny, ridiculous things happened in their lives. They made mistakes. They had feelings. They changed. It is fun and validating to feel that other people in the world understand this concept, and can laugh about it.\n\nAnd the truth is, this is the most universal aspect of family history. This is the part that almost everybody cares about: family stories.\n\nAnother really great keynote speaker in 2016 was David Isay, the founder of StoryCorp. It was really moving to listen to the stories he shared. I agree with his assessment: \"People are good.\"\n\nHere's another example: on Tuesday night, I covered for Sister Neuman at the Des Moines Family History Center. I ended up teaching two people how to add photos to FamilySearch. To do so, I used my own photos and memories that I've uploaded.\n\nI wanted to show them how to tag people in a photo. We ended up using a document for William Moroni Hansen. I started to talk about him a little, and found that I just couldn't stop.\n\nHe is probably my favorite non-Czech ancestor because I have a copy of his 8 volume journal, which is typed (on a typewriter, but still), OCR'd, and very interesting. I was able to get to know him really well. I could almost hear his voice. It has a slight Danish accent, which you can tell from the way he misspells certain words.\n\nIf I start writing about Bill Hansen, I will never stop. His journal is full of really exciting stories of faith, heartache, loss, love (he married four times!), loss, renewal, and fortitude. He is my hero, and I really love him.\n\nIf I only had a few minutes to tell a story about Bill Hansen, this is what I would say:", null, "Bill was born in Sweden, though his parents were Danish. They immigrated when he was 4 years old to join the rest of the Latter-day Saints in Utah. He served an LDS mission in the Southern States starting in 1897 and went \"without purse or scrip,\" which means that none of the missionaries planned for food or shelter, and relied entirely on the mercy of the people they were teaching. You have to imagine that in the South, where there were a lot of Baptists, people were really antagonistic towards Mormons. Imagine serving a mission not even a decade after the Manifesto, the quasi-end of polygamy (my understanding is that it didn't officially end until 1901 - meaning, new polygamous marriages were not completely stopped until 1901. \"Polygamy\" continued in the sense that husbands still lived with and provided for the wives they had married. Except for the ones that didn't).\n\nIn Bill's mission, the mission president had a rule that every Thursday and Sunday were \"fast days.\" If I remember correctly, that meant that they fasted all three meals. So, if you combine that with the times that they did not get fed, you can imagine how emaciated and starving these missionaries must have become! Towards the end of Bill's mission, there was a new mission president who retracted that rule, and encouraged missionaries to only fast on the first Sunday of the month (which is traditionally fast Sunday for Mormons to this day).\n\nBill had a lot of really amazing experiences on his mission which he recorded in his diary. They really uplifted me when I first read them. I was going through surgery (nothing crazy, just my stupid gallbladder), and I was feeling very anxious and nervous. I had his journal as a PDF on my phone, and read nearly 3 volumes. His stories, especially his mission stories, were really encouraging to me. It was really neat to see how he handled difficult challenges in his life. I loved that he wrote about his feelings. It was literally as if I know him, because of the record he left.\n\nLater, he became the undertaker for the main funeral home in St. Anthony, Idaho, from ~1920-1976! In his diary, he kept a record of every funeral he attended (2+ every week), every embalming he performed, including the names, dates, and other details. I have been wanting to make an index of this record for a long time. The record is not publicly available because it is in BYU Idaho special collections, and because he only died in 1976, there are still people living who are mentioned in it. But a derivative record of just the information about the funerals could be really helpful for somebody with Idaho ancestors!\n\nHe is my second great uncle. How I wish one of my direct line Czech ancestors could have left something like that for me to read! The crazy, insane hope that maybe they did is one reason why I find myself so compelled to learn Czech.\n\nAs I told some of the mission stories to the people I was teaching, they became really interested, and even teary-eyed. Of course, I already understand this desire, this drive to be connected; but to see it alight in someone else's eyes is really special, and renews my commitment to my calling. It reminded me that genealogy is really about people.\n\nI sent a Christmas card to all my and Danny's aunts and uncles this year asking for the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of their kids. It might seem a little bit weird that I don't know all my cousins, perhaps less weird that I don't know Danny's.\n\nMaybe it will be less weird if you understand that Danny's dad was one of 8 siblings, his mom one of 4 (though, Danny's mom and her sister married Danny's dad and his brother, so...double cousins), my mom was one of 9, and my dad (the Texas Czech) one of 3.\n\nWe know all of Danny's and my siblings. So that leaves 7, 2 (the sister that married the brother removes 1 potential couple), 8, and 3 - 20 couples. I think that we figured it out before - among my mom's 9 siblings, the average amount of children is 4. I believe I have something like 50 first cousins. Danny has more like 60 first cousins.\n\nThough we know many of them, we definitely do not know all of them. But we should. So I am gathering their addresses, thanks to the help of my really great aunts and uncles.\n\nBefore Grandma Challis died, she had a tapestry in her house with the names of all of her descendants, including spouses and children. I think I was #301 or something like that, cross stitched into the family tapestry. By the time our kids came along, the numbers were in the 400's, if I am remembering correctly.\n\nDon't you see that Grandma's tapestry itself is totally a nerdy, quirky, humanizing thing?\n\nFamily History really is not about boring lists of names. It's about people.\n\nPosted by Kate Challis at 9:54 AM 1 comment:", "Wednesday, January 4, 2017\n\nGPS Study Group 1", "Check it out here!\n\nI wonder how all the Mormon Czechs must feel. XD\n\nPosted by Kate Challis at 10:47 AM 4 comments:", "Sunday, January 1, 2017\n\nReflection on genealogical collaboration\n\nI wanted to take a little bit of time to reflect on what I have learned about genealogical collaboration in 2016.\n\nWhat it is:\n\nWhat it is not:\n\nWhy it is helpful a priceless treasure to collaborate with awesome people:\n\nSome ideas for moving forward:\n\nPosted by Kate Challis at 9:13 PM No comments:", "Monday, November 21, 2016"], "url": "http://czechoutmyancestors.blogspot.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 590, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 410, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["c42239976ba56b3889387b2236edcbdac6e198700fe1094ce4b7862f560400b7"], "__index_level_0__": 52, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ckSCJogzGvw/TR0NPbTbMjI/AAAAAAAAGrc/JyUZC1XOkhE/s640/Paris30decembre10.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6611940860748291}, "metadata": "[null, 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So it is always nice to get a wee break and take sometime for myself. Usually I'll take half an hour to get some lunch, a cup of tea and read something. {I'll post my first book review tomorrow} Today it's my lovely Oh Comely mag that arrived on the mat this morning.", "Don't forget to leave your blog link in the comments"], "url": "http://daisybisley.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/OneMoment.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 640, "width": 756}], "image_hashes": ["1fdf397566b62b8b48f20fdcce31f171a7c9375ce75e08acc13b6fcb69450c69"], "__index_level_0__": 54, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, "http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:gOaqg9rbMPbBSM:http://hoosieraccess.com/files/2008/03/dollar-sign.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ioAUophUPwc/SPKPKm92ElI/AAAAAAAAAR0/Rf2vVDzDYbM/S240/Sewell-7-05+Noir-226.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9414135813713074}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dancersmarts.blogspot.com/2009/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:gOaqg9rbMPbBSM:http://hoosieraccess.com/files/2008/03/dollar-sign.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://tbn2.google.com/images?q=tbn:gOaqg9rbMPbBSM:http://hoosieraccess.com/files/2008/03/dollar-sign.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dollar sign\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dancersmarts.blogspot.com/2009/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ioAUophUPwc/SPKPKm92ElI/AAAAAAAAAR0/Rf2vVDzDYbM/S240/Sewell-7-05+Noir-226.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ioAUophUPwc/SPKPKm92ElI/AAAAAAAAAR0/Rf2vVDzDYbM/S240/Sewell-7-05+Noir-226.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Sewell Noir\", \"rendered_width\": 168, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, January 28, 2009\n\nDance/USA Winter Forum- This Weekend!\n\nHave you ever wondered what other organizations deal with in regards to employee turnover rates, health insurance premiums, salaries, etc. in this trying financial time? Do you know what a health screening can do for you or your dancers? Do you just need a community who can support in how your organization is run? YES?!? Attend this weekend's Dance?USA winter forum. It promises to be an inspiring and enriching series of meetings in New York City! Additionally there are special discounted rates for dancers!\n\nHere is the write-up and links to further information.\n\nPRICE AND REGISTRATION - Reduced prices! “I fear that our organizations do not give the needs of administrative staff nearly enough attention. Let’s take the lead and raise the bar on human resource development in the arts!” - Rachel Moore, Executive Director of American Ballet Theatre.\n\nWho Should Attend: Managing directors, artistic directors, human resource managers, operations managers, administrative staff of all sized companies, presenters, agents, service organization directors, choreographers and dancers are all invited and welcome to attend!\nLocation: 92nd Street Y Harkness Dance Center, directionsRead more about our generous hosts.\nSchedule for Friday January 30, 2009: *Subject to change\n8:30-9:30am Join us for a free breakfast!\n\n9:30am Opening Remarks by Andrea Snyder, Executive Director of Dance/USA\n\n9:45am Kristin Giantris, Vice President of the Northeast Region, Finance Fund will discuss the financial dynamics of various-sized dance companies and review the impact recessions have on arts organizations.\n\n10:15am Human Resources lawyer, Kathleen McKenna of Proskauer Rose LLP, will tell true stories about human resources and economic crisis.\n\n11:00-11:30am Dr. Richard Gibbs and Heather Southwick of the Task Force on Dancer Health will give an update on the Screening Project.\n\n11:30am-12:00pm John Munger, Dance/USA’s Director of Research will present research on human resource issues during economic challenges regarding turnover rates, budget adjustments and compensation levels of Executive Directors, Artistic Directors and dancers of dance companies.\n\n12:00-5:45pm Council Meetings (including free lunch)\n\n6:00-9:00pm Networking and socializing reception. Free and open to all Winter Forum participants and the New York City dance community.Dance/USA is grateful to DeWitt Stern Group for their generous sponsorship of the Networking Reception. Thank you to the NYC host committee for their help with this reception.\n\nSchedule for Saturday January 31, 2009: *Subject to change\n\n9:00-9:30am Introduction to Engaging Dance Audiences, Arts Policy Recommendations in the New Administration, and the Dance/USA 2009 Annual Conference.\n\n9:30-10:30am Agenda setting - Name topics and issues concerning human resources and organizational performance that you most want to explore on a deeper level during the rest of the day. Led by facilitator Heidi Nobantu Saul.\n\n10:30-4:00pm Breakout sessions. Discover who shares the same issues and expand your network; Engage in dynamic discussion; Share ideas and what you are learning in the field;\nIdentify opportunities through taking ownership of what most interests you;\nRead more about the discussion.\n\n4:00-5:30pm Plenary Conclusion, Closing Circle\n\nHope to see you there!\nPosted by Brittany Fridenstine-Keefe at 12:54 PM", "Friday, January 23, 2009\n\nYes We Can!", "It seems a bit brighter these days, winter always turns to spring. Particularly with this new government leadership comes great opportunity for individual responsibility. As President Obama stated in his Inauguration speech, \"What is required of us now is a new era of responsibility — a recognition, on the part of every American, that we have duties to ourselves, our nation, and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but rather seize gladly, firm in the knowledge that there is nothing so satisfying to the spirit, so defining of our character, than giving our all to a difficult task.\"\n\nSo again I ask what is our responsibility to dance? I would love to think that just creating the art is enough, but alas now more than ever our jobs (particularly the artists themselves) extend beyond \"creators\" and \"doers\".\n\nI read a story in Newsweek recently about a governmentfunded abstinence campaign in the schools created by former President Bush. The campaign has received more than $1 billion dollars in government allotments. For 2008, according to Medical News Today , the Community Based Abstinence Education which \"gives grants to groups that teach abstinence but not how to use contraception\" received an allocation of $141 million. Yet according to the National Endowment for the Arts page, for the same fiscal year the government appropriated $144.7 million for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Comparing the two numbers the NEA only receives $4 million more, yet its programs cover both education and private non-profit arts organizations in a variety of disciplines.\n\nAgain what can we \"doers\" do? The first and easiest thing is to join the current campaign through the Performing Artist Alliance and petition your local legislators to support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009. I just sent a letter to my sentaors and house representatives that reads,\n\n\"On behalf of my performing arts organization, I am writing to express our strong support for the inclusion of $50 million in funding for the National Endowment for the Arts in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009. Among the numerous benefits included in this bill, support for the arts is an essential part of our nation's recovery and investment in a vibrant and creative economy-based future. I urge you to support the American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill of 2009.\"\n\nIt was online, easy and free!\n\nThere is also recently a petition, driven by Quincy Jones, that has already complied over 76,000 signatures advocating for a cabinent level postion for the arts (sign up here). An article in the Washington Post cites a few top arts leaders in response to this momentum:\n\n\"Whether you call it a minister of culture or not, it would be wonderful to have someone with a policy role to coordinate arts education, cultural diplomacy and support for arts organizations. Those activities are not coordinated but divided among many offices,\" said Michael Kaiser, president of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.\n\n\"We need a voice that looks broadly,\" said Robert Lynch, president of Americans for the Arts, a national lobbying group. He is advocating a senior position, not necessarily a Cabinet post. \"We are calling for a person at the executive office level who understands there is a National Endowment for the Arts, but also understands the arts portfolio in the Education Department, the State Department -- and in addition to the nonprofits arts, is looking at cultural tourism, broadband access and trade through records, movies and videos.\"\n\nNo matter what it is our responsibility and the time is now. Advocacy is a great tool. With the momentum of a new day it is time for us \"doers\" to move advocacy to the top of our to-do list!\nPosted by Brittany Fridenstine-Keefe at 12:56 PM", "Monday, January 12, 2009\n\nFreelancers Union\n\nThere is a great organization out there, not dance specific, that can offer free lance dancers health care, insurance and educational opportunities.\n\nThe Freelancers' Union is a free service that can group individuals to get discounts on insurances, health club memberships, eye wear and T-Mobile plans. Again the enrollment is free. Additionally they offer seminars and webinars on a variety of business and life skills topics. (Want more information on what your accountant is doing with your taxes?)\n\nAdditionally they provide a classified listing for jobs and a yellow pages to find or list specific people and professionals.\n\nAs our economy is in such flux, aligning ourselves with such great resources and knowledge is vital.\nPosted by Brittany Fridenstine-Keefe at 9:48 PM", "Thursday, January 1, 2009\n\nReality check- it's your responsibility.", null, "ECONOMIC CRISIS!!!! It is all over the news and the reality is that when our donors and patrons lose their jobs it will affect the state of the arts.\n\nOn the left of the my blog I have complied a list of ailing ballet companies. Previously I posted links to information on Texas Ballet Theater and its struggles early this season. Large and small companies are losing donors, funding and audiences; this is likely just the beginning. In regards to TBT, the dancers themselves worked to secure the ballet's future by organizing fundraisers and being ambassadors to the community.\n\nTransparency and collaboration are great ways to stick together as an industry. Again I can't speak enough to the work of Dance/USA. To that end, the winter council is fast approaching January 30th-31st at the 92nd Street Y in New York City. Dancers can attend for $30 including some meals!\n\nBelow is a survey from 2004 from the Alliance of New York State Arts Organizations, although the information may be a few years old, it does support the fact that art exists at all financial levels. As history proves, it always has. To me this is hope that although the arts may struggle and need to scale back, it will always exist. It's what we as artists and arts organizations do with out arts and resources that really matters.\n\n* 59 arts organizations responded; 57 provided detailed financial information\n* 25 are Arts Councils, 8 are Arts Centers\n* 13 Service Agencies and 13 Discipline Based Organizations\n*14 Organizations are Alliance Rural Arts Partners\n\nTOTAL ORGANIZATIONAL BUDGET (including pass through)\n* 14 Reporting Organizations have budgets under $200,000\n* 17 Reporting Organizations have budgets between $200,000 and $500,000\n* 6 Reporting Organizations have budgets between $500,000-999,000\n* 14 Reporting Organizations have budgets in excess of $1,000,000\n* 2 Reporting Organizations have budgets in excess of $10,000,000\n\nPASS-THROUGH *Pass Through (including regrant funds) range from $2,500 to $8,107,100\n*22 organizations do not have ANY pass through money\n\n*10 Organizations receive Federal Money, including NEA Funds.\n\n*Grants range from $1,000 to $1,462,000 of those organizations receiving grants\n*NYSCA grants range from .15 % to 68 % of Total Organizational Budget of those receiving NYSCA grants *Average NYSCA grant is 22.1% of Total Organizational budget\n*The average dollar amount is $115,775; median is $49,500 (includes pass through)\n*3 organizations receive no grant money\n*15 organizations receive grants under $40,000; 10 receive $20,000 or less\n*7 organizations receive grants between $40,000-60,000\n*34 organizations receive over $60,000\n*11 organizations receive grants in excess of $100,000\n\n*30 organizations receive money from their counties; amounts range from $500 to $156,000\n\n*28 organizations receive money from their municipality; amounts range from $500 to $784,583\n\n*22 organizations receive money from New York State, other than from NYSCA\n\n*$26,000 is the lowest reported salary for a full time Executive Director\n*$150,000 is the highest reported salary for a full-time Executive Director.\n\n*The range for payroll as a percentage of expenses is from 5%-72%\n\n*48 organizations offer medical benefits to their full-time employees\n*19 organizations offer dental benefits *23 organizations offer tax-deferred annuity\n*19 organizations offer pension Employee contribution is required for most benefits.\nEmployee medical is generally included in benefits. Family coverage generally requires an employee contribution. Other benefits include: flex time, paid vacation, paid personal days, sick days, free or discounted programs, parking, transit checks.\n\n*3 organizations reported no paid staff\n*The largest reported paid staff is 98 FT and 102 PT", null], "url": "http://dancersmarts.blogspot.com/2009/01/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 199, "original_width": 253, "width": 480}, {"height": 540, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 168, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["85ca13c66234d99bc2340ee9f80f624994b41a195e3148b627125416c986d056", "1528acd764bbbc1de24dfbb668daa88805e9d0b31baf53bf876f9694d07c301c"], "__index_level_0__": 55, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-O0E9q8CyILA/UFXhPx9FCFI/AAAAAAAABls/HoaZgQq0HmE/s400/DSC_0169.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-O30Xg2qzlug/UFXhS2Nc-iI/AAAAAAAABl0/KaTXm315118/s400/DSC_0170.JPG", null, 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You would hope that by fifth grade they could use glue sticks sparingly or not go through so many pencils...but it doesn't change.\n\nThey still paint or color with the glue sticks...still not sure why! I know we do a lot of gluing because of interactive notes, but I brought up the fact that I do the SAME things they do (because I always model my note or projects)...and I have yet to use half of a glue stick. I'm not sure if they believe me or even listened to me.\n\nAs for the pencils, at this rate we will be out of my stash by Christmas. I use my handy sharpened/broken buckets...but somehow both always seem to be empty, as well as the pencils box I keep in our bucket (I keep a class set of pencils in a little box that travels with us in our class caddy, this way when we go to the computer lab or specials and need pencils...well there they are!)\n\nSo after the famous speech of using resources wisely and sparingly I have a few of my girls that are on a crusade to save the pencils! I get daily updates of how many pencils we started with for the day, how many we currently have, how many were used...and so on. They also took it upon themselves to post these signs! I guess I can be happy they are using their math skills in real world situations!", null, null, "As most of you know my class make up this year is a little different. I have a fourth/fifth grade combo, in a way. I have the students that failed the fourth grade state tests, yep they move them on to fifth grade and call them transition students. They have to be retaught the areas they still failed as well as learn the fifth grade content. Well I have about 10 of these students. Of course this is something that must be done with TONS of documentation. I had to meet with the parents prior to school or the first week of school to discuss what all of this meant and get them to sign the \"okay\" for the student to be in such a class...and now I am on round two of meetings to discuss the student's ILPs (individual learning plans), yep each of them have their own learning plans, much like a mod. plan or IEP (individual education plan), they are a working document. I also had to SST (student support team) each of them, to document what I am doing in the room to make them successful. I am swamped in paperwork! It's not an easy class to have. I guess I am thankful that most of them are great kids. Just need a lot of support.\n\nI say all of this to express my JOY (sarcasm) of school related acronyms. I was sitting in said SST (student support team) meeting with our AP (assistant principal), school psychologist, speech/language teacher, a county interpreter, and a mom. I was telling mom of all the things we had in place for her student and what our plan was for her...at one point I had to stop, look at my AP and make sure I was using the correct acronym. This student is a different case, not all my students have all this support, but pretty close. She is currently considered 4/5 transition therefore she has an ILP (individualized learning plan), she is also EL (use to be called ESOL, English Speaker of Other Languages)...but she is considered consult, she still has a MOD plan (modification plan), she is also SPED (special education) because she is in speech, she therefore has an IEP (individualized learning plan) for speech, she also qualifies for EIP (early intervention program) because of her low test scores, we are wanting to make sure she there is nothing else interfering with her learning so we will begin RTI (response to intervention) to do some progress monitoring, the psychologist will also be completing a full panel of tests to rule out any other learning weaknesses and strengths. Not to mention all the data we did review in this meeting from the CRCT, CoGAT, ITBS, and  BASC tests already administered. WHEW!!!! And that is one of my students. What are some of the acronyms you enJOY at your school?\n\nFINALLY I am so excited to start working on our comparing and contrasting theme unit for reading. I built the unit off three books we have already read in our classroom and then found other books that have similar themes, so we can compare/contrast them. Here are the ones we will be using. LOVE these books!", null, "Compare/Contrast with", null, null, null, null, null, "Hope you enjoy these as much as I do!", "Posted by Dandelions and Dragonflies at 7:54 AM", "Kelli said...\n\nOh Pink and Say! I cried when a professor read this to us in Grad school!!\n\nGood luck to you with that 4/5 class! They are lucky to have you! It definitely sounds like a lot of work! Are they doing that for third graders that don't pass as well? Very interesting.\n\nTales From a Traveling Teacher\n\nSeptember 16, 2012 at 8:41 AM", "Katrina said...\n\nWe have a lot of acronyms in my district too. I think I could hold an entire conversation just using them. I have always wondered if parents really understand what we are talking about during conferences. But it is always worse for first year teachers. I know they have no clue what is being said because veteran teachers just assume everyone understands what's being said. With a new teacher on my grade level this year, we are constantly having to \"translate\" the conversation.\n\nGood luck with the 4/5 split. I completely understand all the paperwork.\n\nSeptember 16, 2012 at 9:02 AM", "Tara said...\n\nThanks for sharing about those books:) I will be adding the ones I don't already have to my library:) I totally get the pencil thing....last year I was convinced that my students were eating them!!!! Several disappeared DAILY! Love the signs your kids made:) Too funny!\n\n4th Grade Frolics\n\nSeptember 16, 2012 at 9:36 AM", "I'm in my 14th year of teaching 5th grade, and they never understand \"All you need are 4 dots, one in each corner of your paper.\" Something about that glue :/\n\nSeptember 17, 2012 at 3:52 AM", "mrsyoung said...\n\nI love Pink and Say! Need to check out Cecil's Story, haven't read that one. I can't wait to teach Civil War! Some of my FAV acronyms: SOL's (Standards of Learning), RtI (Response to Intervention), VGLA (Virginia Grade Level Alternative). I'm your FNF...Favorite Newest Follower! : )\n\nMrs. Young\nYoung Daze in 5th Grade\n\nSeptember 17, 2012 at 6:23 PM", "Heather (TeacherBug) said...\n\nI really LOVE The Librarian of Basra. I think it provides a lot of opportunity to think about culture and differences in the way we live.\n\nSeptember 17, 2012 at 6:47 PM", "21We have \"schools in the middle\" - for schools who have students stuck in the 'mid-range' instead of meeting expectations on the provincial standardized test. It's \"SIM\" but we can't help thinking \"Stuck in the Middle\" like the song;)\n\nSeptember 21, 2012 at 4:12 PM", "wvwc94 said...\n\nI was laughing out loud when I read, \"Pencils, Glue, Acronyms, and Theme\". I love the sign that your students made warning about the pencils. Thanks for making me smile. :)"], "url": "http://dandelionsdragonflies.blogspot.com/2012/09/pencils-glue-acronyms-and-theme.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 570, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 265, "width": 378}, {"height": 570, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 265, "width": 378}, {"height": 506, "original_height": 260, "original_width": 194, "width": 378}, {"height": 493, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 245, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 253, "original_width": 304, "width": 454}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 241, "original_width": 320, "width": 501}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 237, "original_width": 320, "width": 510}], "image_hashes": ["e3211fb77a8048ef32db9b8b8fd37cb1cc0d660eb22ca4d95715c7094747886e", "d0e81a13e5d4e9d6c1572bb8b9f93887a0cc20d800994a9ef4b5d4ca85563209", "3cfb06070fcd8ce69924eb2749207d30202a1c60200c06e6cfa39ad95ca835b6", 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The offerings included mozzarella & fontina cheese pizza from next door, arancini, and these yellowtail crudo spoonfuls.", null, "Bufala Mozzarella prosciutto di parma", null, "A simple plate of prosciutto and housemade mozzarella was the first course.\n\nButternut Squash Mezzelune", null, "Next was a dish of half-moon pasta, filled with a sweet butternut squash purée in a sage-butter sauce.\n\nGarganelli duck ragu", null, "Garganelli pasta had a nice chew with a delicious duck ragu; however, I would’ve preferred the lukewarm dish to be served hotter.\n\nBrasato al Barolo polenta & horseradish gremolata", null, "The short rib was tender, beefy and served with a rich sauce. There was plenty of flavor and the whole wheat polenta was an ideal way to soak up the extra sauce.\n\nPumpkin Gelato Pie rum raisin sauce & candied pecans", null, "An ice cream cake met pumpkin pie in this dessert. It was probably just me, but it didn’t end up as good as it sounded – I didn’t love the pumpkin gelato.\n\nOsteria Mozza has always sat in my ‘good-but-not-great’ bucket, something reconfirmed by this recent meal. While I generally enjoyed most of the dishes, none of them were likely to be memorable. As for whether this Chase Private Dinner Series ticket was ‘worth it,’ I’m not sure. I do think $175 was lower than the all-included retail value of everything we had, but it wasn’t the most interesting menu for me. The restaurant was very generous with the wine pours, however."], "url": "http://darindines.com/2015/11/22/osteria-mozza-los-angeles-ca-2/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 639, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 639, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 639, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 420, "original_width": 640, "width": 576}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 639, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 437, "original_width": 640, "width": 553}], "image_hashes": ["59af7004bebad82a0ed557a20dc3aba3cc03236ce448a34eda9f33f741ea0193", "5701bc37289093ad897b46f004688d302d64d41c58f4e6caca2dd7241f31476f", 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The view in the second to last shot, looking up at that cabin...it reminds me of the outlaw's hideout in the movie, \"Johnny Guitar.\"\n\n6:13 AM", "Connie Moreno said...\n\nMan, how I wish I could show these to my dad. This was his favorite attraction at Disneyland.\n\n8:04 AM", "Sam Towler said...\n\nKeep these shots coming, I love shots I haven't seen like these before!\n\n8:25 AM", "Thufer said...\n\nThis set of post have been most enjoyable. An excellent look into this little bit of history.\n\n8:26 AM", "Bob Weaver said...\n\nFantastic and interesting photos!\n\n8:40 AM", "JG said...\n\nWow's there's more?\n\nThank you Dave!", "Vintage Disneyland Tickets said...\n\n5th shot down, do I see Cascade Peak under construction???\n\nThis are so awesome Dave, OK I'l say, they're historic!\n\n10:36 AM", "Fantabulous fotos from frontierland. I loved the old -- and the newer-- Mine Train and still enjoy imagining the ride around Cascade Peak when strolling Thunder Trail ... or cruising the Rivers of America. These BW construction photos are a dream come true for me."], "url": "http://davelandblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/natures-wonderland-1960-construction-pt_19.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 601, "original_width": 900, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 613, "original_width": 900, "width": 554}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 613, "original_width": 900, "width": 554}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 595, "original_width": 900, "width": 571}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 606, "original_width": 900, "width": 561}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 594, "original_width": 900, "width": 572}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 599, "original_width": 900, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["d41fa417e22ff48ef0c1416c8d756f1358b562a2fa6006933e56fde4a6d73ae8", "7dfadb8e294de12f8f9fb2044ec2a4a60480afdd601205678719db563f0996af", "b177999ca4c6850ac7ec8345b7581f3c1a2e4916f13d6af6bcfd48a229581798", "e222311b74e9fd5ca5f44167e6c94e52334435ab16a4299194ad354966034e68", "85047218dc7cf5ae68f9d2f9a029a0122a4be2d4116540d6f587c44fc425e832", "f4888016ecca8f3be9eae5ed9cfc7fb84b3830fcee97ec7ba6feb18bbc3f0465", "fd205be7d38f29a461bfebb44b7a20726aca14e720a535c7545acbbe211622a2"], "__index_level_0__": 58, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JQfvoA1GXA0/Tvvk0iQjZJI/AAAAAAAABDg/9syasWws-_8/s320/giveaway+hop+new+year.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9267448782920836}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dawn-theyearofwritingdangerously.blogspot.com/2011/12/new-years-book-giveaway-blog-hop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JQfvoA1GXA0/Tvvk0iQjZJI/AAAAAAAABDg/9syasWws-_8/s320/giveaway+hop+new+year.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JQfvoA1GXA0/Tvvk0iQjZJI/AAAAAAAABDg/9syasWws-_8/s320/giveaway+hop+new+year.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"giveaway hop new year\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 226}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dawn-theyearofwritingdangerously.blogspot.com/2011/12/new-years-book-giveaway-blog-hop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.dawndeannawilson.com/images/bfacebook.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.dawndeannawilson.com/images/bfacebook.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bfacebook\", \"rendered_width\": 24, \"rendered_height\": 24}, {\"document_url\": \"http://dawn-theyearofwritingdangerously.blogspot.com/2011/12/new-years-book-giveaway-blog-hop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.dawndeannawilson.com/images/btwitter.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.dawndeannawilson.com/images/btwitter.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"btwitter\", \"rendered_width\": 24, \"rendered_height\": 24}, {\"document_url\": \"http://dawn-theyearofwritingdangerously.blogspot.com/2011/12/new-years-book-giveaway-blog-hop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.dawndeannawilson.com/images/bpinterest.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.dawndeannawilson.com/images/bpinterest.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bpinterest\", \"rendered_width\": 24, \"rendered_height\": 24}, {\"document_url\": \"http://dawn-theyearofwritingdangerously.blogspot.com/2011/12/new-years-book-giveaway-blog-hop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.dawndeannawilson.com/images/bemail.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.dawndeannawilson.com/images/bemail.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bemail\", \"rendered_width\": 24, \"rendered_height\": 24}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dawn-theyearofwritingdangerously.blogspot.com/2011/12/new-years-book-giveaway-blog-hop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ENo0irRFDAg/UFYC9ODuTWI/AAAAAAAABrQ/JubQ2QhByFk/s150/dawnmirror.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ENo0irRFDAg/UFYC9ODuTWI/AAAAAAAABrQ/JubQ2QhByFk/s150/dawnmirror.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dawnmirror\", \"alt_text\": \"Need a fiction fix?\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 118}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, December 28, 2011\n\nNew Year's Book Giveaway Blog Hop\n\nWelcome to the year of writing dangerously!\nI'm pleased to be participating in the giveaway blog hop, which is hosted by \"I Am a Reader, Not a Writer\" blog and Bab's Book Bistro (don't you just love that name? A lot of alliteration. I love it. Say it three times fast)", null, "Not trying to offend anyone, just keeping it real.\n\nPLUS if you've happened to land here on or before the 30th, you've got a special treat....right now my first novel, \"Saint Jude,\" (which is about a young adult with bipolar disorder) is FREE on Amazon throughout December 30. It's a part of some promo thing I'm working on, so if you want to get a free copy for your Kindle, just click here and (hopefully) enjoy!\n\nPosted by Dawn at 8:26 PM", "billie said...\n\nI already have all your books but stopped by to say Happy New Year and to say thanks for the great reads you've put into the world!\n\nDecember 29, 2011 at 2:37 AM", "dawn said...\n\nYou are so incredibly sweet. And cool.\nAnd hey, you've put some pretty darn cool books out into the world yourself (www.novemberhillpress.com if any commenters want to check it out)\nI am very excited about the year 2012 and what it brings for your magical pony school!\n\nDecember 29, 2011 at 3:53 PM", "One Happy Family said...\n\nHow cool! Count me in. leccalave at yahoo dot com\n\nDecember 29, 2011 at 4:32 PM", "Joy Keeney said...\n\nAwesome giveaway!!!\n\nDecember 29, 2011 at 9:54 PM", "@One happy family--- your photo there is way above the legal limit for cute. I love it.\n@Joy glad to have you at the Year of Writing Dangerously!\n\nDecember 30, 2011 at 5:55 AM", "Brittney Williams said...\n\nThanks for the opportunity to win a cool giveaway!\nHappy New Years!\n\nDecember 30, 2011 at 10:47 AM", "SavingsInSeconds said...\n\nI love that you are giving away a Max Lucado book. He's one of my favorite authors! My email is dedezoomsalot @ yahoo.com\n\nAlso, thanks for the heads-up on your Kindle book....I posted about it on my blog :)\n\nDecember 30, 2011 at 5:25 PM", "Candie L said...\n\nI love Max Lucado. Thank you very much for your generosity. Have a great 2012. Thank you\n\nDecember 30, 2011 at 5:56 PM", "Jack Colton said...\n\nYou Rock. Happy New Year.I hope to see you in 2012. Looking at my chandelier and thinking about you!\n\nDecember 31, 2011 at 7:05 PM", "Lisa ~ Bookworm Lisa said...\n\nTaking a video of you pulling a name should be fun. Happy New Year!\n\nlisaisabookworm @gmail dot com\n\nDecember 31, 2011 at 7:20 PM", "Thanks for the giveaway and Happy New Year!\n\nhhollyhal at gmail dot com\n\nJanuary 1, 2012 at 7:22 AM", "Mickey @ imabookshark said...\n\nThanks for the giveaway!!\nimabookshark AT yahoo DOT com\n\nJanuary 1, 2012 at 8:00 AM", "Linda Kish said...\n\nlkish77123 at gmail dot com\n\nJanuary 1, 2012 at 8:24 AM", "BookAttict said...\n\nThanks for the giveaway & have a Happy New Year!\n\nelizabeth @ bookattict . com\n\nJanuary 1, 2012 at 10:42 AM", "Dawn Wilson said...\n\nWow, wow, wow.\nThanks so much everyone for commenting....\nAs of 5:16 EST today (1-1-12), I have e-mailed coupon codes to all commenters---if you did NOT get one, then just e-mail me at email@example.com\n\nAnd cool to find so many Max Lucado fans. I really enjoy his work.\nHappy New Year.\n\nJanuary 1, 2012 at 2:17 PM", "Red said...\n\nwhat a great giveaway. loved your write up. set me on a little giggle and got me a good \"woman, what is your problem??\" glare from the cat.\n\nacade29 @gmail.com\n\nHope you had a great new years!\n\nJanuary 1, 2012 at 8:24 PM", "SiNn said...\n\nty for the chance! ur a new to me author too\n\nJanuary 2, 2012 at 4:08 AM", "hhkaufman78 said...\n\nncprincess96 at yahoo dot com\n\nJanuary 2, 2012 at 8:27 AM", "mamabunny13 said...\n\nI would love a FREE e-copy of \"Ten Thousand New Year's Eves\"! I wish I would have gotten here by 12/30 :(\nThanks bunches!\nmamabunny13 at gmail dot com\n\nJanuary 2, 2012 at 9:50 AM", "geschumann said...\n\nThanks for the giveaway! Happy New Year! Gloria\n\ngeschumann at live dot com\n\nJanuary 2, 2012 at 10:37 AM", "jcwega27 said...\n\ngreat giveaway\n\nJanuary 2, 2012 at 11:00 AM", "Count me in please!\n\n-Britt T.\n\nJanuary 2, 2012 at 4:05 PM", "I.S. said...\n\nThank you for your generosity and ave a wonderful year! ^.^\n\nJanuary 2, 2012 at 4:51 PM", "Thanks for the giveaway!\n\nJanuary 2, 2012 at 6:52 PM", "Judy said...\n\nThanks for your giveaway. Either of the two books I would enjoy in different ways.\n\nJanuary 2, 2012 at 7:42 PM", "Helen said...\n\nhelldog3 at aol.com\n\nJanuary 2, 2012 at 9:58 PM", "ruthhill74 said...\n\nGreat giveaway! Thanks!\n\nJanuary 2, 2012 at 10:03 PM", "Thanks for all the GREAT comments...I'm going to send out the coupons today (Jan. 3) after work...\nbut don't leave me....;you'll want to check out my blog later this week when I continue the saga of my sister's Evil Cat (who was actually nice to me at Christmas. Evidently the Mayans were right and 2012 is the end of the world....)\n\nJanuary 3, 2012 at 6:47 AM", "Tiffany said...\n\nThanks for the giveaway. I hope it's still open. You have lots of great stuff.\n\nJanuary 3, 2012 at 7:49 AM", "AshleyS said...\n\nHappy New Year! Thanks for the great giveaway! :) I follow your blog gfc and am excited to be a part of it!\n\nJanuary 3, 2012 at 3:44 PM", "Robin Blankenship said...\n\nThank you that is very cool\n\nGFC Follower as Robin bLankenship\n\nJanuary 3, 2012 at 4:56 PM", "Not too late yet!\nI'm going to do the video drawing tomorrow (Jan. 4) after I get off work. I'm putting up a \"test\" video tonight to be sure my computer / blogger behaves."], "url": "http://dawn-theyearofwritingdangerously.blogspot.com/2011/12/new-years-book-giveaway-blog-hop.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 226, "original_width": 320, "width": 535}], "image_hashes": ["48129aa53c5a0861d9c45c3a4724bceee2950c72de60052fd200db54c6c73115"], "__index_level_0__": 59, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_CDneF0HesEk/SaBCM1_lzOI/AAAAAAAAAeg/LN7AMiaHO0M/s400/Baby+Clouds+Blanket.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9262537956237792}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://debscrafts55.blogspot.com/2009/02/make-blanket-day.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_CDneF0HesEk/SaBCM1_lzOI/AAAAAAAAAeg/LN7AMiaHO0M/s400/Baby+Clouds+Blanket.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_CDneF0HesEk/SaBCM1_lzOI/AAAAAAAAAeg/LN7AMiaHO0M/s400/Baby+Clouds+Blanket.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Baby Clouds Blanket\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "This is Project Linus' Make A Blanket Day. My Chapter (St Louis) has something going on at a Hancock Fabrics down in the city but I won't be going. Instead I'm staying home and working on squares and a blanket. Are you participating? Please take a minute and leave a comment to tell us about it. Also if you don't feel up to making a blanket, I'm collecting squares to join into blankets. See the post below this one.\nI didn't make this blanket today but I did finish (and about 5 others like it) it by tucking in the ends. They are all just one large never ending blanket square made very large. The yarn I used was Red Heart Baby Clouds. The blanket is sooo soft.\nI am also working on another blanket today in peach and white. That one will be made from 9 squares and I'll show it to you after I'm done.\nPosted by Deb Upcycles at 12:03 PM", "Labels: charity", "Mary said...\n\nI probably won't be working today on a quilt for Project Linus but I do do have a few in progress.\n\nFebruary 21, 2009 at 3:40 PM", "Ghost said...\n\nReally nice and very fast too.\n\nFebruary 21, 2009 at 8:32 PM", "Scarlet said...\n\nThat is so pretty. I'm gonna try and make one go and one.\n\nFebruary 22, 2009 at 8:50 AM", "Visit My Other Blogs", "Deb's Crafts"], "url": "http://debscrafts55.blogspot.com/2009/02/make-blanket-day.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["d8ba381315ece390af42391843ae5d90fb4e9802a86348c8afd762c5f1d31d91"], "__index_level_0__": 60, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_w1Te9kELSl8/SnHTIscCYII/AAAAAAAAG4c/WkSZQwsgxCg/s320/INS+Arihant+Nuclear+Submarine.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_w1Te9kELSl8/SnHPalNmKqI/AAAAAAAAG4U/wpYNwIupbMg/s400/Tajikistan+DTN+News+July+30+2009.jpg", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_w1Te9kELSl8/SnGZWx-erSI/AAAAAAAAG4M/Q6UMP2xrUmE/s400/Oshkosh+FMTV.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_w1Te9kELSl8/SnGVvZLjkXI/AAAAAAAAG4E/fGQf-UcCvdY/s400/Boeing+Exploration+Ground+Launch+Services.jpg", null, null, 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Submarine INS Arihant\n\nDTN News: India ~ Long Voyage Ahead For New Nuclear Submarine INS Arihant *Source: DTN News / Int'l Media\n(NSI News Source Info) NEW DELHI, India - July 30, 2009: India joined an elite club of six nations last week with the launch of its own nuclear-powered submarine, but exp", null, "erts say it could be years before the prototype is transformed into a strategic asset. INS Arihant (Destroyer of Enemies) begins trials this week with its builders slating 2015 as the date for the commissioning of the 6,000-tonne vessel with a 85-megawatt nuclear reactor. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh described Sunday's launch as a \"historic milestone,\" and experts here agreed that the Arihant lays down an important military and strategic marker. Militarily, if the trials go according to plan, it offers India an underwater nuclear launch option to match its existing land and air launch capabilities. Strategically, India's ability to built its own nuclear sub -- albeit with substantial Russian input -- adds an attention-grabbing dimension to its growing global stature. \"In one respect, this represents India's coming of age,\" said Alex Neill, head of the Asia security programme at the independent, London-based think-tank, the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). \"A nuclear submarine is a badge of honour -- a benchmark, if you like, for any aspiring great power,\" Neill said. First to react was long-time rival and nuclear-armed neighbour Pakistan, which warned that the launch was \"detrimental\" to regional stability and vowed to take \"appropriate steps\" to maintain a \"strategic balance\" with India. Indian analysts, however, said Pakistani concerns, as well as the tub-thumping welcome the Indian media gave to the launch, were both premature. \"We agree it is a very symbolic first step,\" said Uday Bhaskar, director of the National Maritime Foundation, set up to sharpen India's coastal security after last year's attacks on Mumbai. \"But chest thumping is not valid at this stage as the launch of such a submarine is a very arduous task,\" Bhaskar said, noting neighboring China took 12 years to set up a credible nuclear submarine force in 1986. \"Arihant's builders will first need to achieve criticality of its reactor and then propulsion and the real challenge will be when it goes for full sea trials,\" he told AFP. Finally, there will be more tests of plans to put 12 nuclear-tipped short-range missiles on the 111-metre (367-foot) Arihant, which can hit a top underwater speed of 44 kilometres an hour (24 knots). \"We should hope for the best but we should also be cognisant that there can be some challenges that may take a little more time than the timeline we are looking at,\" Bhaskar said. The Arihant is a key part of a highly ambitious military modernisation programme by India, which hiked its military budget in the current financial year by 24 percent to 28.4 billion dollars. The submarine launch came two months after India became the first South Asian power to own Airborne Early Warning and Control Systems (AWACS) and just before it starts testing 126 warjets it wants to acquire. India plans to build five nuclear submarines as part of a 2.9-billion-dollar project to reinforce its 16 diesel-powered fleet of Russian and German origin. It will also acquire six Franco-Spanish Scorpene submarines between 2012 and 2017, and plans to lease one nuclear-powered Russian submarine soon. While Pakistan was the first to react, many analysts feel development of the Arihant is aimed more at countering the threat from the region's undisputed naval power, China. \"The sea is increasingly becoming relevant in the context of India's security interests and we must readjust our military preparedness to this changing environment,\" Premier Singh said at the launch. Bharat Karnad, an analyst with the New Delhi-based Centre for Policy Research think-tank, said Arihant was a long way from matching the potency of its Chinese counterparts. \"The Arihant will have a small range of missiles and compared to China's nuclear armament these are fire-crackers,\" Karnad said. \"India needs to develop inter-continental ballistic missiles fitted in submarines,\" he said, while also stressing the importance of developing more powerful nuclear warheads. RUSI's Neill said the key question was how India intended to use the Arihant and others like it, given a nuclear fleet's potential for force projection beyond the Indian Ocean. \"I think India will find itself under the magnifying glass over its intentions, particularly from Pakistan and China, and I'm sure it's a question we will see raised prominently in commentaries in the official Chinese media,\" he said.\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 01:07:00 PM No comments:", "Labels: DTN Defense-Technology News, DTN News, India, Indian Navy, INS Arihant, Nuclear Attack Submarine\n\nDTN News: Pak-Afghan-Tajik Axis To Combat Terror\n\n*Source: DTN News / Int'l Media (NSI News Source Info) DUSHANBE, Tajikistan - July 30, 2009: Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan Thursday vowed to cooperate in the fight against terrorism and organized crime and also strengthen their trade, energy and communication ties.", null, "Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari, Tajikistan's President Imomali Rakhmon, Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev and Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai pose for a snapshot in Dushanbe July 30, 2009. Afghanistan, Pakistan and Tajikistan agreed to coordinate efforts in their fight against Islamist violence which has threatened to spill over into the broader Central Asia region. Medvedev arrived in Tajikistan on Thursday to meet the trio. Agreement on this came at a trilateral meeting between Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Tajik President Emomali Rahmon at Varzob, a picturesque tourist resort some 40 km from here, APP news agency reported. The three leaders, who also signed a joint declaration, discussed the prospects of further promoting friendly ties and cooperating on regional and international issues. Today we will write another page in the history of the region and bring the concept of regional ownership to the war in Afghanistan, Zardari said at a joint press stakeout with the other two leaders after the meeting. We stand together and will face all eventualities, Zardari added, pointing to the threats terrorists posed to national interests. The three countries agreed that terrorism was a regional phenomenon that necessitated a comprehensive, concerted and coordinated approach with full participation of the states and local communities. Militancy, separatism, extremism and organized crimes undermine regional peace and stability and pose a threat to the security of all regional states, a joint declaration signed by the three presidents said. Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan declare their readiness to cooperate in effectively addressing the menace of terrorism and organized crime, the declaration added.\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 12:41:00 PM No comments:", "Labels: Afghanistan, al Qaeda, DTN News, Pakistan, President Asif Ali Zardari, President Dmitry Medvedev, President Emomali Rahmon, President Hamid Karzai, Tajikistan, Terrorism, War On Terror\n\nDTN News: Oshkosh Defense’s Past Performance Ensures Timely Vehicle Delivery For FMTV Program\n\nDTN News: Oshkosh Defense’s Past Performance Ensures Timely Vehicle Delivery For FMTV Program *Source: DTN News / Oshkosh Corporation\n(NSI News Source Info) OSHKOSH, Wis. - July 30, 2009: With a track record of exceptional service to U.S. Armed Forces that spans decades, Oshkosh Defense, a division of", null, "Oshkosh Corporation (NYSE:OSK), brings a history of on-time vehicle delivery to military customers in its bid for the U.S. Army’s Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV) competitive rebuy. Having produced more than 67,000 military class vehicles in its U.S. manufacturing facilities since 1942, Oshkosh has the proven capabilities to meet customers’ delivery schedules and surge requirements, as well as successfully integrate new technologies when needed. “We currently provide a range of medium and heavy military trucks to the U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps,” said Andy Hove, Oshkosh Corporation executive vice president and president, Defense. “Our manufacturing approach allows us to manage the large variations necessary to deliver a military vehicle program like the Army’s Family of Heavy Tactical Vehicles and FMTV while maintaining deliveries on or ahead of schedule. We also can incorporate advanced technologies, such as the Oshkosh TAK-4® independent suspension system, into the vehicles with each delivery order.” Existing Oshkosh manufacturing facilities have available production capacity for all current and proposed military vehicle programs, including FMTV and the recently awarded M ATV contract. These same facilities also can accommodate any surges in production required for the FMTV program. The company continues to refine production plans and technology integration, while delivering outstanding medium and heavy tactical wheeled vehicles to the government. Production processes also have evolved specifically for the FMTV fleet to meet new requirements. The FMTV program is a five-year, multibillion dollar contract award for the production of an estimated 23,000 vehicles and trailers for the Army. The contract includes all FMTV models, with an initial order of more than 800 trucks and 600 trailers expected for fiscal year 2009. Oshkosh Defense has already made pre-award investments in the FMTV production line and the design of an FMTV long-term armor strategy (LTAS)-compliant cab at no cost to the government, ensuring a “hot” start to the program and timely production deliveries. Oshkosh Defense is the only current manufacturer of medium and heavy tactical wheeled vehicles in the U.S. defense industry. The company’s use of an advanced integrated assembly line has allowed for the simultaneous production of as many as 10 vehicle models with 29 variations. A highly skilled in-house engineering team coupled with an experienced production workforce help Oshkosh continually improve vehicle quality levels through design innovations, assembly process improvements and lean manufacturing. About Oshkosh Defense\nOshkosh Defense, a division of Oshkosh Corporation, is an industry-leading global designer and manufacturer of tactical military trucks and armored wheeled vehicles, delivering a full product line of conventional and hybrid vehicles, advanced armor options, proprietary suspensions, and vehicles with payloads that can exceed 70 tons. Oshkosh Defense provides a global service and supply network including full life-cycle support and remanufacturing, and its vehicles are recognized the world over for superior performance, reliability and protection. For more information, visit www.oshkoshdefense.com. About Oshkosh Corporation\nOshkosh Corporation is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of a broad range of specialty access equipment, commercial, fire & emergency and military vehicles and vehicle bodies. Oshkosh Corp. manufactures, distributes and services products under the brands of Oshkosh®, JLG®, Pierce®, McNeilus®, Medtec®, Jerr-Dan®, BAI™, Oshkosh Specialty Vehicles, Frontline™, SMIT™, CON-E-CO®, London® and IMT®. Oshkosh products are valued worldwide in businesses where high quality, superior performance, rugged reliability and long-term value are paramount. For more information, log on to www.oshkoshcorporation.com.\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 09:02:00 AM No comments:", "DTN News: Boeing To Bid As Prime Contractor For NASA Exploration Ground Launch Services Contract\n\n*Source: DTN News / Boeing (NSI News Source Info) KENNEDY SPACE CENTER, Fla., - July 30, 2009: Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced that it plans to bid as prime contractor for the Exploration Ground Launch Services (EGLS) program to provide ground systems integration and launch operations for Constellation, NASA's next-generation space-exploration initiative.", null, "Exploration Ground Launch Services (EGLS) supports the NASA Constellation Program at the Kennedy Space Center (KSC), providing ground processing, assembly, test and integration, launch, and recovery services for the Ares launch vehicle and the Orion spacecraft. NASA issued the EGLS request for proposals on July 24, 2009, with the contractor award for EGLS anticipated in April of 2010. EGLS will cover ground processing, assembly, testing, integration, launch and recovery services for Constellation's Ares launch vehicles and Orion spacecraft. “We will bring innovative approaches, decades of experience and best-of-industry elements to supporting NASA as the United States transitions from the space shuttle program to Constellation,” said John Elbon, Boeing vice president and EGLS team leader. “Cost-effective practices, proven in our space, defense and commercial airplane programs, will enable efficient and safe operations.” Current Boeing support for NASA includes serving as prime contractor on the Checkout, Assembly and Payload Processing Services and International Space Station programs and as major subcontractor on the Space Shuttle Program. The company has received contracts from NASA to provide the upper stage of the Ares I crew launch vehicle and the vehicle's instrument unit avionics. Final proposals for EGLS are due Oct. 26 and NASA is expected to award the contract in April 2010. For more information on Boeing and its pursuit of EGLS, visit http://www.boeing.com/defense-space/space/constellation_egls/index.html. A unit of The Boeing Company, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is one of the world's largest space and defense businesses specializing in innovative and capabilities-driven customer solutions, and the world’s largest and most versatile manufacturer of military aircraft. Headquartered in St. Louis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems is a $32 billion business with 70,000 employees worldwide.\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 08:47:00 AM No comments:", "DTN News: Nigeria Forces Storm Sect Mosque\n\n*Source: DTN News / BBC (NSI News Source Info) MAIDUGURI, Nigeria - July 30, 2009: Nigerian security for", null, "ces have stormed a mosque where militants from an Islamic sect blamed for days of deadly violence have been hiding out. Reports say scores of fighters were killed in the assault, which came after a third night of gun battles in the northern city of Maiduguri. (Photo on right: Security forces poured into Maiduguri earlier in the week) Many of the militants have now fled, attacking police stations on their way. The group, known as Boko Haram, wants to overthrow the government and impose a strict version of Islamic law. The assault by the security forces came after 1,000 extra soldiers were drafted into the city. Army commander Major General Saleh Maina told the Associated Press that the deputy leader of the sect was killed in the bombardment, which continued on Wednesday night. But he said Mohammed Yusuf, leader of the group also known as \"Taliban\", escaped along with about 300 followers. An AP reporter who watched the storming of the mosque counted about 50 bodies inside the building and another 50 in the courtyard. 'All necessary action' Army spokesman Chris Olukolade told the BBC's Network Africa programme that law and order had now been restored in Maiduguri. \"The enclave", null, "of the people causing the problem has been brought under better control and in a short while we believe that everyone will be able to go about his normal duties in that area,\" he said. The government eased curfew restrictions overnight, allowing people in the city more time on the streets in the evening. The BBC's Caroline Duffield in Nigeria says the state governor has warned that anyone harbouring members of Boko Haram will be dealt with harshly. The latest deaths would mean about 300 people have been killed in four days of clashes since an estimated 1,000 militants began attacking police stations and government buildings in several cities in northern Nigeria. President Umaru Yar'Adua has ordered Nigeria's national security agencies to take all necessary action to contain and repel attacks by the extremists. Security forces flooded into Maiduguri and began shelling Mr Yusuf's compound on Tuesday, after militants had attacked the city's police headquarters. The violence broke out in Bauchi State on Sunday, before spreading to the states of Borno, particularly the state capital Maiduguri, Kano and Yobe. Sharia law is in place across northern Nigeria, but there is no history of al-Qaeda-linked violence in the country. The country's 150 million people are split almost equally between Muslims in the north and Christians in the south.\nRelated Info. from BBC World\n*Nigeria's 'Taliban' enigma\n*Eyewitness: Nigeria attacks\n*Fear and tension after attack\n*Nigerian attacks: Your reaction\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 08:16:00 AM No comments:", "Labels: al Qaeda, DTN Defense-Technology News, DTN News, Muslims, Nigeria, Nigeria Army, Sectarian Violence, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon, Violence\n\nDTN News: Lockheed Eyes More Deals After India-U.S. Defence Pact\n\nDTN News: Lockheed Eyes More Deals After India-U.S. Defence Pact *Source: DTN News / Reuters By Bappa Majumdar\n(NSI News Source Info) NEW DELHI, India - July 30, 2009: U.S.-based Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) says it will speed up delivery of six C-130J military planes to India and is negotiating for sale of six more in a deal potentially worth $1.1 billion, a senior official said.", null, "A US Air Force Lockheed Martin-made C-130J Super Hercules performs its demonstration flight at Le Bourget, north of Paris, during the 48th Paris Air Show, Friday June 19, 2009. Lockheed, one of the world's largest defence companies, last year sold six C-130J military transport planes for about $1.1 billion, India's biggest arms deal ever with the United States. \"We will start delivering the planes from the first quarter of 2011 and work is speeding at the moment to meet deadlines,\" Jack Giese, a senior manager at Lockheed Martin, told Reuters on Thursday. \"The current agreement with the Indian Air Force for six C-130J aircraft has an option for another six and we are holding talks at the moment.\" A defence pact agreed with the U.S. last week allowing U.S. inspectors to check all defence equipment sold to India periodically, has paved the way for companies like Lockheed to eye the growing Indian defence market. India is one of the world's biggest arms importers, and its government plans to spend more than $30 billion over the next five years to upgrade its largely Soviet-era arsenal to counter potential threats from Pakistan and China. Lockheed is aiming for deals with India worth $15 billion in the next five years and is focusing on winning contracts for fighter aircraft, military transport aircraft, naval helicopters and missiles. Lockheed and Boeing (BA.N) are two big U.S. companies trying to enter the Indian market, but New Delhi's reluctance to sign the defence pact, allowing U.S. inspectors to examine defence equipment sold to other countries was delaying new deals. \"It is a landmark agreement and Lockheed is looking forward to a long-term partnership with India,\" Giese, who is visiting India, said referring to the pact signed last week. Lockheed is also gearing up for field trials in August to win a $10.4 billion contract to supply 126 F-16 fighter aircraft to India. Boeing's (BA.N) F/A-18 Super Hornet, France's Dassault Rafale, Russia's MiG-35, Sweden's Saab (SAABb.ST) JAS-39 Gripen and the Eurofighter Typhoon, produced by a consortium of European companies, are the other companies in the race. \"We are very excited and ready since April for the trials to start and show what the F-16 can do,\" Giese added. (Editing by Alistair Scrutton and Sanjeev Miglani)\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 07:49:00 AM No comments:", "Labels: C-130J Hercules, Defence Pact, DTN Defense-Technology News, DTN News, F-15 Fighter Jet, India, Lockheed Martin, U.S.\n\nDTN News: Pakistan ~ Former President Pervez Musharraf Snubs Apex Court Hearing In Emergency Case\n\nDTN News: Pakistan ~ Former President Pervez Musharraf Snubs Apex Court Hearing In Emergency Case *Source: DTN News / Int'l Media\n(NSI News Source Info) ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -", null, "July 30, 2009: Former President Pervez Musharraf on Wednesday ignored a summons from Supreme Court to explain his decision to impose a state of emergency and controversially sack judges two years ago. The Supreme Court, headed by recently reinstated Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, issued notice to Musharraf to provide testimony as it investigates the decision that ultimately led to the ex-president's downfall. But neither Musharraf, who lost power last year and has been a vocal critic of the current Pakistani administration, nor a lawyer on his behalf addressed the session Wednesday, said an AFP reporter. ‘Is somebody appearing on behalf of general Musharraf?’ asked Chaudhry to a resounding silence in the courtroom. Malik Qayyum, who was attorney general under Musharraf and present in court, did not rise. Musharraf is understood to be in Britain. But one leading Pakistani lawyer brushed aside the significance of both the summons and the no-show Wednesday. ‘Musharraf will not be handed down any punishment if he fails to appear before the court,’ former deputy attorney general under Musharraf, Raja Abdur Rehman, told AFP. The purpose of the summons was for the former ruler, or a lawyer on his behalf, to explain his position on issues being examined by the court. Musharraf, who seized power in a 1999 coup, sacked Chaudhry and dozens of other senior judges in 2007, fearing that the chief justice would disqualify him from contesting a presidential election while in military uniform. Senior lawyer Hamid Khan told the court it was the mindset of the former military ruler, who was a key ally of former US president George W. Bush in the ‘war on terror’, to treat the constitution merely as a piece of paper. ‘The purpose of proclaiming emergency rule and deposing the judges was meant to prevent a judgement from the 11-judge bench which was hearing the disqualification case,’ Khan told the court. ‘All actions, including the imposition of a state of emergency, were in fact an attack on the judiciary and aimed to save the skin of one individual.’ The Supreme Court chief justice said it was ‘unique’ in world history that ‘martial law’ was imposed in a country to curb the judiciary. Musharraf was replaced last year as Pakistan's president by Asif Ali Zardari, whose party won general elections and who reinstated Chaudhry and his fellow judges in March following a protracted political crisis. Opposition leader Nawaz Sharif and lawyers organised a march on the capital Islamabad, demanding that Zardari reinstate the judges, during mass protests last March that risked further destabilising the nuclear-armed country. Under Western pressure Zardari conceded to defuse the standoff with Sharif, who had urged the masses to rise up against the government.—\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 07:48:00 AM No comments:", "Labels: Apex Court, DTN Defense-Technology News, DTN News, Nawaz Sharif, Pakistan, Pervez Musharraf\n\nDTN News: Kyrgyzstan Agrees To Host Second Russian Base ~ Kremlin\n\n*Source: DTN News / RIA Novosti (NSI News Source Info) MOSCOW, Russia - July 30, 2009: The deployment of a Russian military base in southern Kyrgyzstan has been coordinated with Kyrgyz authorities, a", null, "n aide to the Russian president said on Wednesday. \"Everything has been agreed, in principle,\" Sergei Prikhodko said on the eve of an informal summit of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), to be held in Kyrgyzstan on Friday. The post-Soviet CSTO security bloc comprises Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Russia earlier offered to deploy a battalion-sized unit as part of the CSTO rapid reaction force in the Batkenskaya region of Kyrgyzstan. \"In essence, this is not a Russian base. These are efforts in line with CSTO plans to set up a joint rapid reaction force,\" Prikhodko said. Russia's security strategy until 2020, recently approved by President Dmitry Medvedev, envisions the CSTO as \"a key mechanism to counter regional military challenges and threats.\" The leaders of the post-Soviet security bloc signed on June 14 an agreement on creating a joint rapid reaction force, which will comprise large military units from five countries - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan. Russia already operates an airbase in the city of Kant, some 20 kilometers (12 miles) outside the Kyrgyz capital, Bishkek. Some 250 Russian officers and 150 enlisted personnel from Russia's 5th Air Army are deployed at the base, as well as Su-25 Frogfoot strike aircraft and Mi-8 transport helicopters. Prikhodko said Moscow was not concerned about the presence of a U.S. transit center in Kyrgyzstan to support an international contingent which is fighting Taliban militants in Afghanistan. Kyrgyz President Kurmanbek Bakiyev signed on July 7 a law allowing the U.S. to continue using its Manas airbase for the transit of troops and supplies to Afghanistan. \"If the operation of the center is carried out in line with its stated mandate, we will have no formal cause for concern,\" the Kremlin official said, adding that if the mandate is violated, Kyrgyzstan will have to provide explanations to other CSTO members.\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 07:47:00 AM No comments:", "Labels: Afghanistan, DTN Defense-Technology News, DTN News, Islamic Militants, Kyrgyzstan, Moscow, President Kurmanbek Bakiyev, Russia, Russian Base, Taliban\n\nDTN News: US May Send Even More Troops To Afghanistan Than Planned\n\n*Source: DTN News / Int'l Media\n(NSI News Source Info) WASHINGTON - July 30, 2009: A member of the strategic assessment team working with the new U.S. military commander in Afghanistan says the U.S. government and its allies need to be more realistic about what is needed to win the Afghan war, and he says that may include more troops.", null, "Soldiers from the U.S. Army's Road Clearance Package (RCP) of the 2-12 Infantry, 4th Brigade hold a briefing before a patrol in the Kunar River valley in Afghanistan's Kunar Province July 29, 2009.\nSenior Washington analyst Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies says the United States and its allies need to take the Afghanistan war more seriously.\nHe says they need to be honest about the security and development problems they have allowed to fester in recent years, and about the resources that will be needed to reverse the situation. \"This war has been fought without resources, but above all without realism,\" he said. Cordesman is recently back from Afghanistan, where he joined other experts on a team advising the new U.S. commander, General Stanley McChrystal, on how to move forward.\nSpeaking to reporters Wednesday, Cordesman declined to speak directly about the strategic assessment team's deliberations, but he suggested he believes more U.S. troops are needed. \"If you don't provide those resources and additional brigade combat teams, if you do not, I think, effectively move the Afghan security forces toward doubling them.\nI think unless we're prepared to commit those resources. If we somehow believe that a civilian surge of 700 people and tailoring our force posture to the views of a completely different set of strategic priorities, this is going to win, the answer is no, it's going to lose,\" he said. President Barack Obama has already approved a near doubling of U.S. forces to 68,000 by the end of this year.\nPressed on the number of troops needed beyond that, Cordesman said it is a difficult calculation that can not be made based on any other counterinsurgency campaign. \"This is an experiment. This isn't some historical ratio. There is no way to easily calculate this. You're going to have to make the best guess you can. And we'll probably learn more from what's happening in Helmand right now,\" he said. The president's national security adviser, James Jones, has urged commanders not to ask for more troops. And Defense Secretary Robert Gates has expressed concern that more troops in Afghanistan could alienate people and be counterproductive. But Cordesman said policymakers in Washington should not limit General McChrystal's options in advance. Rather he says they should wait for the 60-day report the new commander will provide next month, based partly on the assessment in which Cordesman participated. He said the military experts are working hard on the question of how many U.S. troops are needed in Afghanistan. And he says it is particularly important to significantly increase the number of competent Afghan troops. The analyst was sharply critical of the latest Pentagon report on the situation in Afghanistan, saying it does not provide an adequate assessment of the country's insurgency. He said U.S. intelligence services need to focus on that.\nIn addition, he says the U.S. government needs to deal with what he called the corruption and power brokering in Afghanistan, and must bring integrity to the aid system and work with allies to get more military and civilian help from them. Cordesman says some allies are not honest about their contributions or are not willing to recognize the seriousness of the situation and the need for more effort to fix it. He described the international aid effort in Afghanistan, now in its eighth year, as being conducted as if it were in its first year, and having little impact. \"What should be an integrated civil-military effort and a focus on winning the war in the field, is a dysfunctional, wasteful mess focused on Kabul and crippled by bureaucratic divisions,\" he said. Cordesman says the current U.S. and British military operation in Helmand Province was launched without adequate preparation for civilian aid after the military delivers stability.\nBut he said it might still be successful, and could become a model for what is called the clear-hold-and-build approach to defeating insurgents. In any case, he says, it will provide valuable lessons as Afghan, U.S. and NATO forces prepare to move into other parts of Afghanistan. Cordesman also urged the allies to adopt more modest goals for Afghanistan, such as establishing stability and keeping al-Qaida terrorists out - similar to the goals President Obama announced in March. But he also said while some progress can be made toward those goals in the short term, with the right resources, the job will likely stretch beyond the president's four-year term. \"Can we make a significant level of progress in Afghanistan in the next 12-to-18 months? Yes, we can. It is going to require an effective, concerted effort. If we meet those needs, and we provide the resources, that timeframe of 12 to 18 months to make real progress is very realistic,\" he said. Senior administration officials have said they want to see at least the beginning of a turnaround in Afghanistan within that time frame.\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 07:46:00 AM 1 comment:", "Labels: Afghan War, Afghanistan, al Qaeda, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, DTN Defense-Technology News, DTN News, President Barack Obama, Taliban, US Soldiers\n\nDTN News: Russian Paratroopers To Get New Weaponry ~ Commander\n\nDTN News: Russian Paratroopers To Get New Weaponry ~ Commander *Source: DTN News / RIA Novosti\n(NSI News Source Info) MOSCOW, Russia - July 30, 2009: Russian paratroopers will receive new weaponry and equipment in 2009 to increase their effectiveness in light", null, "of the recent conflict with Georgia, the Airborne Troops commander said on Wednesday. \"At the end of August we will receive a battalion of 10 Nona self-propelled guns and two fire-control vehicles,\" Lt. Gen. Vladimir Shamanov said. \"We will also increase the number of wheeled armored vehicles in service with the Airborne Troops,\" he said, adding that the modernized or even new tracked vehicles, including the latest BMD-4 airborne infantry vehicle, demonstrated limited mobility in the five-day war with Georgia last year. The general said a wheeled armored personnel carrier can sustain substantial damage to its chassis and still continue to accomplish combat tasks, while a tracked vehicle losses the ability to maneuver if its tracks are damaged. \"We are planning to modernize and procure the TIGR armored multipurpose vehicle for our reconnaissance units,\" Shamanov said. The commander also said that in line with current military reforms the Airborne Troops will have reconnaissance battalions armed with spy drones, and will soon adopt a tactical radio communications system with a range of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles). \"These are weapons and equipment which we certainly lacked in the first and second Chechen war, and in the five-day war [with Georgia],\" Shamanov said. The Airborne Troops are considered the most capable mobile assault forces in Russia. Various estimates put the current personnel at about 48,000 troops deployed in four divisions and a brigade. According to Russia's military reform plans, the Airborne Troops will be fully manned by professional soldiers by 2011.\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 07:45:00 AM No comments:", "Labels: Airborne Troops, DTN Defense-Technology News, DTN News, Georgia, Russia, Russian Amred Forces\n\nDTN News: Spain ~ Car Bomb In Northern City Of Burgos Heavily Damages Police Barracks\n\n(NSI News Source Info) MADRID, Spain - July 30, 2009: Spanish authorities say a powerful car bomb has heavily damaged a Civil Guard barracks in the northern city of Burgos, lightly injuring about 60 people.", null, "Investigators and emergency services work near a giant crater where a car bomb exploded at a Civil Guard barracks in the northern Spanish city of Burgos, early July 29, 2009. At least 46 people were slightly injured, according to emergency services. Part of the barracks facade collapsed into the street when the bomb went off around 4.30 a.m. (0230 GMT). A spokeswoman for the Civil Guard, Spain's paramilitary police force, said the attack was probably carried out by Basque separatist rebels ETA. Spain's Interior Minister Alfredo Perez Rubacalba blamed the Basque terrorist group ETA for the early-morning attack. The multistory barracks housed members of Spain's paramilitary police force and their families - 120 people, including 41 children. The minister said the perpetrators undoubtedly were trying to kill those inside. ETA has killed more than 825 people since the late 1960s in its push for an independent Basque state in northern Spain and southwestern France.\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 07:44:00 AM No comments:", "Labels: Army, DTN Defense-Technology News, DTN News, ETA, Rebel Militias, Spain, Spanish Troops, Terror Attacks, Terrorists, Violence\n\nDTN News: Nigerian Troops Battle Militants, Thousands Flee\n\n*Source: DTN News / Int'l Media (NSI News Source Info) MAIDUGURI, Nigeria - July 30, 2009: Fighting continued in northern Nigeria Wednesday as government forces battled members of a radical Islamic sect.\nPolice sources say the latest clashes have been centered in the regional capital of Maiduguri. Officials say at least 3,000 people have been temporarily displaced by the fighting.", null, "Police stand alongside bodies of dead Islamic militants, in the street in front of police headquarters in Maidugiri, Nigeria, Wednesday, July 29, 2009. Army troops traded fire with Islamic militants Tuesday and deployed armored vehicles to surround the suspected hideout of a radical Muslim leader accused of orchestrating three days of violence in Africa's most populous nation.\nOn Tuesday, government forces in the city shelled the home of Mohammed Yusuf, the leader of the group thought to be behind a series of deadly attacks across the region that have killed at least 150 people.\nThe Boko Haram sect - the so-called \"Nigerian Taliban\" - is believed to be responsible for attacks on police and government officials across the region. The continued fighting comes after Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua told reporters late Tuesday that the situation was under control.\nThe violence began Sunday when the group attacked a police station in Bauchi state following the arrest of some of their leaders.\nThe clashes spread across the states of Yobe, Kano and Borno, with the city of Maiduguri bearing the brunt of the fighting. Authorities say the militants also have burned several churches across the region.\nThe Boko Haram group opposes Western culture and wants to establish a strict Islamic state across all of Muslim-dominated northern Nigeria. A dozen of Nigeria's 36 states have introduced strict Islamic Sharia law in the past decade.\nThe country is roughly evenly divided between Christians and Muslims, with Islam predominant in the northern part of the country. Periodic clashes between the two populations have left thousands of people dead in recent years.\nOn Tuesday, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon voiced alarm over the deadly clashes. A spokesperson for Mr. Ban said the U.N. chief condemned the \"unnecessary loss of human life\" and property destruction as a result of the militant attacks.\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 07:42:00 AM No comments:", "DTN News: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ~ Gaza Crossings Won't Open Until Israel Defense Forces Soldier Gilad Shalit Is Free\n\n*Source: DTN News / Int'l Media (NSI News Source Info) TEL AVIV, Israel - July 30, 2009: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with U.S. National Security Adviser James Jones in Jerusalem Wednesday evening, for a private meeting on Israeli-Palestinian peace process, the Iranian threat and other issues relating to promoting Middle East peace.", "A pedestrian walks past a painting, depicting captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, hung outside a protest tent calling for his release, near the residence of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem July 7, 2009. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said on Tuesday he believed the Israeli soldier captured by Palestinian militants three years ago was well and that he hoped the issue would not take a long time to resolve.\nNetanyahu told Jones that Israel would not fully open the Gaza border crossings until captive Israel Defense Forces soldier Gilad Shalit was released. Shalit was kidnapped by Gaza militants in a June 2006 cross-border raid. Hamas has demanded the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners held in Israeli jails in return for Shalit's freedom. Jones was in Israel for briefings related to Iran's nuclear program, in the midst of a week of intense U.S.-Israeli diplomacy. General Jones heard updates from several senior Israeli security officials, before meeting with Netanyahu.\nNetanyahu briefed Jones on the easing of restrictions on Palestinians Israel has implemented, saying that unlike in Gaza, where restrictions will be eased only for humanitarian cases, Israel sought to ease the lives of the Palestinians living in the West Bank as much as possible.\nThe national security adviser landed in Israel on Tuesday, heading a 15-member delegation of top U.S. officials who also deal with Iran, including special State Department adviser Dennis Ross and Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs William Burns.", null, "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks to the media as he visits the terminal between Israel and Jordan whose hours of operation are being extended in the Jordan Valley, July 28, 2009 outside Jericho, West Bank. Netanyahu said, 'We are not waiting, we are doing. We are opening roadblocks, we are opening ties, we are opening the roads to peace.' He also said, 'The Palestinian economy is booming partly as a result of what the Palestinians are doing, partly as a result of what we are doing by opening these crossings,' and added, 'This is the highway for peace.'\nHe arrived on the heels of U.S. President Barack Obama's Middle East envoy, George Mitchell, and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who were in the region earlier this week. While Mitchell discussed the disagreement over Israeli settlement construction and efforts to move toward a renewal of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, Gates' talks in Jerusalem Monday also focused on Iran. Gates' and Jones' separate visits come amid ever rising speculation over whether Israel intends to strike Iranian nuclear facilities.\nThe hard-line Netanyahu government, which took office four months ago following elections on February 10, has declared preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons a top priority. Israel says it prefers much tougher international sanctions, but Defense Minister Ehud Barak reiterated after his talks with Gates Monday that the military option had not been taken off the table.\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 07:28:00 AM No comments:", "Labels: Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Iran, Israel, Palestinians, West Bank\n\nDTN News: U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates Spends Final Day In Iraq Meeting Kurds\n\nDTN News: U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates Spends Final Day In Iraq Meeting Kurds *Source: DTN News / Int'l Media\n(NSI News Source Info) BAGHDAD, Iraq - July 30, 2009: U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates sounded an optimistic note about the possibility of speeding up U.S. troops withdrawals from Iraq, Wednesday, after meeting for a second day with top Iraqi leaders and talking with U.S. and Iraqi military commanders.", null, "U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, left, walks to his plane with the top US commander in Iraq, Gen. Ray Odierno as he prepares to depart Baghdad to Irbil, in Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday, July 29, 2009. Gen. Ray Odierno identified the tension in northern Iraq as the number one driver of instability.\nDefense Secretary Robert Gates painted a mostly upbeat picture of the situation in Iraq, indicating that it was possible that more U.S. troops could come home sooner than anticipated.\nGates' stressed that, in any case, he saw no cause for a slowdown in the pace of U.S. troops pullouts, but that any acceleration, would necessarily depend on an assessment of the situation by U.S. Commander Ray Odierno.\n\"I don't think there's anything in the cards for a slowdown. I think there's at least - and I'm not going into any specifics - but I think there's at least some chance of a modest acceleration [of the troop withdrawal timetable] But, because of the way General Odierno sees things going, that remains to be seen,\" he said.\nGates added that he didn't \"want to put General Odierno into a corner, but that the general was examining \"all the possibilities and he's very encouraged.\n\"Two U.S. brigades are due to be withdrawn from Iraq by the end of 2009, but Mr. Gates indicated that an additional brigade may be withdrawn early if the situation warrants. The United States currently has about 130,000 troops in Iraq, and all are scheduled to pull out by 2011. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates is greeted by President of the Kurdistan Regional Government Massoud Barzani during a brief visit to Erbil, Iraq, 29 Jul 2009. Gates spent his final hours in Iraqi Kurdistan, meeting with the President of the semi-autonomous region, Massoud Barzani.", null, "Kurdish President Masoud Barazani talks to U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates during his visit to Arbil, 310 km (190 miles) north of Baghdad, July 29, 2009. Gates said on Wednesday the clock was ticking for Iraq's feuding Kurds and Arabs to settle differences before U.S. troops leave by 2012, which may be accelerated as security improves.\nThe secretary reportedly has been trying to mediate between Kurdish leaders and the central government in Baghdad, over a thorny territorial dispute over the oil-rich region of Kirkuk.Gates noted, Tuesday, that the United States was prepared to work to help resolve the oil and land disputes, which have Kurds and Arabs at loggerheads.\nThe Iraqi parliament, until now, has failed in attempts to cobble together a bill over oil revenues that would satisfy both Kurds and Arabs.\nThe issue of a new constitution for Kurdistan, which was removed from the ballot in weekend elections, triggered anxiety in both Washington and Baghdad. The draft constitution laid claim to oil and gas rights that are contested by the central government.\nPosted by Defense-Technology News at 7/30/2009 06:57:00 AM No comments:", "Labels: Defense Secretary Robert Gates, DTN Defense-Technology News, DTN News, Iraq, Kurds, US Troops\n\nDTN Canada", "DTN Russia", "DTN India", "DTN China", "DTN Stock Market", "DTN News", "The Aforementioned DTN Subjects Are Available On Twitter", "DTN News Logos & Colour Variations", "DTN Signature", "Forthcoming Feature", "Carina Designs", "DTN News - New creation LOGO", "DTN News - NewGen LOGO", "Defense News", "Asian Defense News", "Pictures of The Day"], "url": "http://defense-technologynews.blogspot.com/2009_07_30_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 249, "original_width": 320, "width": 485}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 275, "original_width": 400, "width": 549}, {"height": 672, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 225, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, 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It can land on short, gravel airstrips, making it suitable for transporting troops and equipment to theatres such as Mali or Afghanistan."], "url": "http://defense-technologynews.blogspot.com/2013_05_18_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["34847623e1e56492d09b85ca1ad7de854510e1092a2ce5ccf96b9318d4165902"], "__index_level_0__": 62, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1219/164/320/cheney.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6987036466598511}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://demagogue.blogspot.com/2006/03/no-caption-necessary.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1219/164/320/cheney.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1219/164/320/cheney.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cheney\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, March 09, 2006\n\nzoe kentucky | Thursday, March 09, 2006 |\nSince today is turning out to be \"show and tell\" I couldn't help but share this, courtesy of Shakespeare's Sister.", null], "url": "http://demagogue.blogspot.com/2006/03/no-caption-necessary.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 573, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 211, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f1995e7993a9ea874cb650381575493d69e0adb5b36d36adad2f3cd0754871ba"], "__index_level_0__": 63, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cD-ACX5L4OM/VF65Um6jnvI/AAAAAAAAKIo/Q2ab9SaC1vA/s1600/car_sales_gorilla_sm.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9602081179618835}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://designtimes.blogspot.com/2014/11/strategy-for-overcoming-price-objections.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cD-ACX5L4OM/VF65Um6jnvI/AAAAAAAAKIo/Q2ab9SaC1vA/s1600/car_sales_gorilla_sm.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cD-ACX5L4OM/VF65Um6jnvI/AAAAAAAAKIo/Q2ab9SaC1vA/s1600/car_sales_gorilla_sm.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"car sales gorilla sm\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://designtimes.blogspot.com/2014/11/strategy-for-overcoming-price-objections.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://designtimes.blogspot.com/2014/11/strategy-for-overcoming-price-objections.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-etdNKTH_uoA/VITeAb0Y9FI/AAAAAAAAKK8/71zRAb_Iq6U/s1600/kerry-bw.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-etdNKTH_uoA/VITeAb0Y9FI/AAAAAAAAKK8/71zRAb_Iq6U/s1600/kerry-bw.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"kerry bw\", \"alt_text\": \"About me\", \"rendered_width\": 250, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Every industry has this problem. Customers always want something for free (or close to free as possible). This is nothing new, but the internet has elevated this desire. I remember there was a time when I was asked to design a poster. And the requester thought that if they offered me $25 that I would jump at the chance to do their work. Of course that didn't happen.\n\nBut every now and then you get a legitimate project offer. And the client asks you for an estimate, which they balk at. What's a good strategy to help them accept and respect your price point?\n\nNegotiate services, not prices\n\nThe last impression you want to give is that your pricing is obituary. You want to have good reasons to price yourself the way you do, and stick with it. Of course, it's good to be competitive in your market. But what's most important is that you are pricing yourself in a manner that keeps you in business and provides a decent profit.\n\nSo a better strategy is to negotiate what you are willing to do for the price point that is being requested. You can negotiate the timeline, services you offer, or features you include in the final product. Get it down to where you and the client are both comfortable with the scope and costs.\n\nOffer packages\n\nIf negotiating services doesn't seem to work, or the client is not into negotiating, you can always offer services in packages. For instance, instead of designing a logo, offer to design the logo, accompanying stationery, and create a style guide for one price. The client can see the savings and you get extra work that needs to be done anyway.\n\nLet them go\n\nThere's nothing as liberating as letting a bad client just go. I don't mean chase them away. What I mean is that you refuse to lower your price for clients who don't really value you anyway. Think about providing special discounts for repeat customers, fast payments, or dream clients. Then you will be making more of an investment."], "url": "http://designtimes.blogspot.com/2014/11/strategy-for-overcoming-price-objections.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 364, "original_width": 410, "width": 425}], "image_hashes": ["2a950847e45053d541373cfc8537af145f5231d96cc31fe4ee79bb9522bebe7e"], "__index_level_0__": 64, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8skX9MlQswg/SMKNiTNmABI/AAAAAAAABnw/0J2r68AB62M/s400/igamonika.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9042391180992126}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://dianaevans.blogspot.com/2008/09/today-is-day.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8skX9MlQswg/SMKNiTNmABI/AAAAAAAABnw/0J2r68AB62M/s400/igamonika.jpg\", \"src\": 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woman ever!\n\nHere are the sitting pretties I made for them...they will be at the entrance for some fun!\n\nCongratulations Ignatius & Monika!!!\n\nWe Love you both dearly...\n\nwell I am off to get all spiffed up!\n\nPosted by Diana Evans at 10:02 AM", "Labels: Diana Evans, Weddings", "Melissa and Emmitt said...\n\nhi diana!\noh how exciting!\nyou are so wonderful to be able to make a blog post today.\ni am so excited to hear all about it.\n\n10:58 PM", "soulbrush said...\n\ncongrats, hope you gonna wear one of those lovely little black outfits.\n\n4:41 AM", "congratulations to them and what cute art. they will love it\n\n10:55 AM", "Diane said...\n\nCongratulations! These are adorable.\n\n10:57 AM", "marianne said...\n\nAlso so nice for you that your brother is going to marry a wonderful woman, so you will have a wonderful sister in law!\nI have one myself as well, I´m gratefull to have her.\nEnjoy this special day Diana!\nHope you will have a wonderful day!\n\n11:35 AM", "Lisa M Griffin said...\n\nhow incredibly fun! what a lovely touch you have added to his big day - and a fantastic keepsake. Can't wait to hear how everything went. =)\n\n8:50 PM", "Alicia said...\n\nthese dolls are hilarious. they are precious and what a nice keepsake.\n\n9:49 PM", "Honor Bowden said...\n\nHey Diana, I love your sitting pretties! How fun. Have a wonderful time and best wishes to all.\n\n(thanks for popping by too, yes it's all ink and watercolour - no digital, a 'real' piece! lol)\n\n11:00 PM", "Fannie said...\n\nCongratulations Ignatius and Monika!\n\nBeautiful pieces, Diana.\n\n10:16 AM", "My work on NBC", "Sweet Things at my Etsy Shop", "Join me!!!", "Come on down!", "Change your life....", "Visit my Arbonne FB Page", "Come by!", "Tweet Tweet!", "Head to my main website", "Diana Evans\n\nHere are my links....."], "url": "http://dianaevans.blogspot.com/2008/09/today-is-day.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2dd643317f2fd6cbc758481b3314e9ba9b5fa1db01eed01204bbf555c0047fd5"], "__index_level_0__": 65, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://digitalpagecontent.cdntwrk.com/files/aT02NTIzNDQmcD0wJnY9MSZjbWQ9diZzaWc9MWRkNTk5YjllMzkwMzU5NjJhMjFkYTFmZDIzZWMwNjk%253D/-w-450-80.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9436364769935608}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://digital.lawtimesnews.com/i/652344-march14-2016\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://digitalpagecontent.cdntwrk.com/files/aT02NTIzNDQmcD0wJnY9MSZjbWQ9diZzaWc9MWRkNTk5YjllMzkwMzU5NjJhMjFkYTFmZDIzZWMwNjk%253D/-w-450-80.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://digitalpagecontent.cdntwrk.com/files/aT02NTIzNDQmcD0wJnY9MSZjbWQ9diZzaWc9MWRkNTk5YjllMzkwMzU5NjJhMjFkYTFmZDIzZWMwNjk%253D/-w-450-80.jpg\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Page 0 of 15\n\nLaunch of EY Law LLP with former Norton Rose partner a 'big move' Accounting firm enters business law market BY MICHAEL MCKIERNAN For Law Times L aw firms should be looking nervously over their shoulders af- ter EY Canada restructured its affiliated law firms and signaled global accountancy firms are ready to go mainstream with their legal offering in Canada, according to an industry analyst. Earlier this month, business immigration law firm Egan LLP and tax law firm Couzin Taylor LLP, both already EY affiliates, announced they had merged under the EY Law LLP banner. But it was the addition of a business law services group, led by former Norton Rose Fulbright Cana- da LLP partner Tony Kramreither, that caught the eye of Colin Cameron, a management consultant based in Vancouver whose focus is on Cana- dian law firms. \"That's a big move, because none of the other big accountancy firms are doing business law in Canada. They have all spent the last 15 to 20 years out on the periphery doing tax and immigration law, and maybe a bit of trade law. Now EY is moving to the centre, which sets the stage for a big change in this country,\" Cameron says. \"Law firms should be afraid, very afraid. We've all been waiting for it, and now it seems like the accountants finally actually are making their move.\" Although EY's Big Four accountancy rivals KPMG LLP, Deloitte, and PricewaterhouseCoopers, all have affiliated law firms in Canada, most specialize entirely in tax and immigration law. Deloitte made waves with its purchase of document review outsourcing business ATD Legal Services in 2014, but Cameron says EY's move marks a switch in focus away from legal support services that is ref lected in the actions of the Big Four globally. \"Canada and the U.S. are lagging for various reasons, but legal work is very lucrative, and the accountancy firms are always looking for ways to add to the billions in revenue they already have globally,\" Cameron says. \"I expect if this works for EY, then it's going to work for all the big accountancy firms in Canada.\" Comeback for the Court Challenges Program? BY ELIZABETH THOMPSON For Law Times T he federal government is studying the possibility of bringing back the Court Challenges Program and expanding it to include areas never covered under the old program, say top government officials. Rachel Wernick, assistant dep- uty minister, strategic policy, plan- ning, and corporate affairs for the department of Canadian Heritage, says officials in the Justice and Heritage departments are already hard at work. \"It is fair to say that as part of the development of proposed op- tions for a modernized program, we will explore — in the spirit of evolving with the times — if the scope of the program should be expanded,\" Wernick told members of the House of Commons justice committee. \"I would say the areas that come back often from expert views on where it potentially could grow would be to look at some of the fundamental freedoms — freedom of association, freedom of religion, religious expression, which is an area of evolving context and ap- plying to provincial and territorial cases, which is the case with lan- guage but not with equality.\" The Court Challenges Pro- gram, originally created in 1978, provided funding for individuals or groups to mount court chal- lenges of laws they believed vio- lated equality or official language minority rights guaranteed under the constitution and the Charter of Rights. Over the years, it provided funding for 1,226 cases, some of which resulted in major Supreme Court of Canada rulings in areas ranging from access to social and economic benefits for disadvan- taged groups, voting rights for prisoners, the prohibition on the deportation to torture, and access to information in minority official languages. The most frequent grounds for test cases funded under the program were aboriginal equality rights (15.3 per cent), equality of CONTRACT LAW Development stunted by ruling? P3 LSUC DISCIPLINE Real estate lawyer loses licence P4 FOCUS ON Litigation P9 See Update, page 2 PM #40762529 $5.00 • Vol. 27, No.9 March 14, 2016 L AW TIMES C O V E R I N G O N T A R I O ' S L E G A L S C E N E • W W W . L A W T I M E S N E W S . C O M See EY, page 2 Anthony Housefather would like to hear from a wide range of witnesses about the Court Challenges Program. CHOOSE FROM CANADA'S TOP MEDIATORS AND ARBITRATORS 416.362.8555 | adrchambers.com W.A. Derry Millar Derry has over 40 years of legal and neutral experience. His expertise includes commercial, aviation, estates, environmental, insurance, product liability, intellectual property and real estate matters. ADR_LT_Mar14_16.indd 1 2016-03-09 8:24 AM & $#&!&jmmm$cYa[bbWh$Yec ntitled-4 1 12-03-20 10:44 AM Follow LAW TIMES on www.twitter.com/lawtimes Janice Wright says larger law firms should take notice of E Y's branching out, since they likely share the same potential clients. Photo : Robin Kuniski"], "url": "http://digital.lawtimesnews.com/i/652344-march14-2016", "images_metadata": [{"height": 583, "original_height": 695, "original_width": 450, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["c87881f75de0f85a3db9fe63c6967eabca1cdcb04a830c34a05cde78caf96c90"], "__index_level_0__": 66, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wGWdc5K6vLs/TtKckekXh0I/AAAAAAAABqA/0iDlrZyAMbo/s320/IMG_1915.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1I9OOa97jwk/TtKclMnuCpI/AAAAAAAABqY/vp4LmpgN7Y4/s320/IMG_1919.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-uT9uk95FGuY/TtKcknrPWSI/AAAAAAAABqM/2pMlr9H3nKg/s320/IMG_1918.JPG", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dUTEvs_i10s/TsXNc-SGSSI/AAAAAAAABo8/QTUjLtzp-OM/s320/IMG_1879.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aXA7J14g8EU/TsXNc2n9YtI/AAAAAAAABo0/9PS9a9qHWNA/s320/IMG_1877.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3Zdg99F_ai4/TsXPhzGpZSI/AAAAAAAABpw/x1c1zisYHt8/s320/IMG_1882.JPG", 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for them. The baskets included a few fun things for the kids, Orange Slices (which are one of my brothers favorite candies), sugared pecans and walnuts, fall candlering and pick and a \"Blessings\" magnetic/chalkboard sign. Since the Orange Slice bag wasn't fall'ish enough for me I wrapped them in a brown paper bag. I found a great crockpot recipe for sugared pecans and walnuts, so I made it and put them in paper cones I made from scrapbook paper.\n\nThe sign was something new I have been wanting to make, so this was the perfect opportunity. It is metal and one side is covered with burlap and I added the word \"Blessings\" in black vinyl. I made the magnets out of clay, painted them, and added magnets to the back.", null, null, "The other side of the sign is painted in chalkboard paint and I added a design to it with white vinyl. I wanted to make some kind of magnetic chalk holder, so the chalk would be easy to get to to leave notes, words of encouragements, etc., so I took black ribbon and glued burlap to it. I then glued velcro to the ends, added a magnet, and viola - a chalk holder. :)\n\nI really enjoyed the time I was able to spend with my family and hope you did too!", null, "Posted by Jennifer at 2:24 PM No comments:", "Thursday, November 17, 2011\n\nGetting ready for Christmas\n\nDippity Dot is getting ready for Christmas. So many fun decorating and gift ideas I want to make and less than 37 days to make them in, yikes! I thought I would post some pictures of things I currently have for sale and are being displayed at Studio B, 115 N. Santa Fe, Salina, KS. If you see anything that you would like to purchase or have any questions, please drop me an email! Studio B will be open a lot more from now until Christmas, so be sure to check my Facebook page or email me for additional times. I can also let you in, if the times we are open don't work for you, so just let me know.", null, null, null, null, null, "Posted by Jennifer at 9:11 PM No comments:", "Friday, November 4, 2011\n\nRepurposed Old Windows", null, "I came across some neat old four pane windows for sale and snatched them up. There are so many fun ideas I have in store for them! I wanted to share some photos and the process in which I used for the Window Memo Board I just completed. I am pretty tickled with how it turned out!\n\nMost of the paint was coming off of the window, so I scraped off the remaining loose paint and roughly added a black base coat.", null, "I then decided I wanted to work with two other colors on top of the black to give it a good antiqued/distressed look. An easy way I have found to do this is by either using a pure soap bar, here I used Dove, or a taper candle. You rub the soap or candle across areas of the paint you want the black to show through. Once you add the next layer of paint and let it dry you can easily sand off the areas you rubbed with the soap or wax, because it will resist the paint!", null, "I wanted to make this window very practical as well as decorative, so I added a magnetic chalkboard in the bottom right hand corner with key magnets. I used chalkboard paint on a piece of metal and glued it onto the window. I also added an upside down drawer pull underneath the window to hold chalk.", null, "In the photo below you can see that I added bent keys at the top of the left window to hold a dry erase marker for leaving notes on the window. On the top right and bottom left of the window I added cork board, which I painted black and used a stencil to paint the wording and keys. I also made key thumbtacks to use on these cork boards. Like I mentioned earlier, I am really loving the way it turned out and hope that you were inspired as well. :)", null, "Here is another old window memo board that I also just completed. I used cork board covered in fabric for two of the windows, took out the upper right window and added chicken wire, and kept the glass in the lower left window and added the word \"Memo\" with vinyl. For embellishments I added a neat old door knob with plate and an old hinge on the bottom to hold the dry erase marker. I made thumbtacks out of keys for the cork boards and finished it off with burlap flowers.", null, null, "Here is a photo of an old window that was replaced in our basement. I have been wanting to do something with it, so I could use it in our front dining room. It is a work in progress, but I thought I would show you what I have done to it so far. Since our walls are very colorful I wanted to go with a slightly distressed white frame. I then designed the tree and the word \"Life\" on my computer and cut it out of vinyl on my Cricut. I turned the far right window pane into a cork board, so I can display sayings or pictures. I also added some old looking hardware at the bottom and haven't decided what I am going to do with the top yet. I plan on hanging a wire or string across the bottom to be able to clip more notes and photos. :)", null, "Yep,another one. This one is painted in a distressed black. Chicken wire was added in the right window pane, paper flowers are glued to the left window, and keys added to the bottom to hold the dry erase marker. The saying \"Enjoy the simple things\" is painted across the top.", null, "Posted by Jennifer at 3:23 PM No comments:", "Wednesday, November 2, 2011\n\nChipboard Journals & Altered Clipboards", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Posted by Jennifer at 8:06 PM No comments:", "My online craft room!", "I also enjoy providing a variety of creative hands on workshops."], "url": "http://dippitydot.blogspot.com/2011/11/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, 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knowledgeable bartenders in the city. It is among the top favorites of locals.\n\nThough the city ordinance requires all bars to stop serving at 2am, last call at Cassidy's typically occurs around 2:30am all nights of the week.\n\nHistory about the building and much of the bar was difficult to come by, as I think the owner thought I was scamming him when I asked to take some pictures for my book. He allowed the pictures, but I was not able to get in contact with him later to show him the finished product. Sometimes it goes that way...", null], "url": "http://distilledpublishing.blogspot.com/2007/06/other-bar-by-crystall-ballroom.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 390, "original_width": 400, "width": 387}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 328, "original_width": 400, "width": 460}], "image_hashes": ["b7e5cf4eff186dbb83bb06ca6aecc2d88997649dcb3f5cec5fb694ddd0157df2", "055ee3e86d156ac64f1d392e1944755a5337a06437c502f0651aa0ee65740ef3"], "__index_level_0__": 68, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://d33v4339jhl8k0.cloudfront.net/docs/assets/55b4a8bae4b0b0593824fb02/images/55c0804de4b01fdb81eb01e2/file-uCYLcKaL6N.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8751028776168823}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://docs.buddyforms.com/article/155-roles-and-capabilities\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//d33v4339jhl8k0.cloudfront.net/docs/assets/55b4a8bae4b0b0593824fb02/images/55c0804de4b01fdb81eb01e2/file-uCYLcKaL6N.png\", \"src\": \"http://d33v4339jhl8k0.cloudfront.net/docs/assets/55b4a8bae4b0b0593824fb02/images/55c0804de4b01fdb81eb01e2/file-uCYLcKaL6N.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"file uCYLcKaL N\"}, null]", "texts": ["Roles and Capabilities\n\nIn WordPress we use user roles and capabilities to manage the user permissions.\n\nYou can decide who can create, edit and delete posts by checking the needed capabilities for the different user roles. If you want to create new user roles and manage all available capabilities, we recommend that you to install the Members plugin. 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If you missed it, AWAY is available FREE for a limited time.", "Away (Keaton, #1) FREE for a Limited Time\nAmazon Kindle http://amzn.to/1OMr4g7\niTunes http://apple.co/1WbQbuU\nNOOK http://bit.ly/1joerfg\nKobo http://bit.ly/1gHP4mC\n\nReaders clamoured for more.", "The ending of AWAY was too much and not enough.\nAuthor B.A. Wolfe listened and  shared with us STAY.", "only $2.99\nStay (Keaton, #2)Amazon Kindle http://amzn.to/1QV2VmR\niTunes http://apple.co/1V6LjVD\nNOOK http://bit.ly/1y8Qla3\nKobo http://bit.ly/1QV3gGf\n\nYes, the story continued but readers everywhere can not get over JASE.", null, "It is the story that had to be told.\nFirst thing this morning mine was delivered to my e-reader."], "url": "http://dogsmomvisits.blogspot.com/2015/09/letting-go-by-ba-wolfe-new-release.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 400, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 189, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": 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Domaine Jones that are perfect for the Christmas table I will be hosting 2 wine tastings with my great friend Wendy Gedney on the 10th December in London and on the 12th at the Buzzards Valley Vineyard in Tamworth.\n\nWendy will be talking about her award winning wine tours including visits to Domaine Jones and her book on the wines of Languedoc whilst I will take you through my wines and update you on my latest adventures.\n\nThe tastings are free of charge and if you would like to reserve your place please email me on email@example.com stating which tasting you would like to come to and how many people are in your party!\n\n10th December\nLa Maison du Languedoc\nCavendish Square\nLondon W1G 0PD\n6pm to 8pm\nPresentation at 6.45 pm\n\n12th December\nBuzzard Valley Vineyard\n37 Shirrall Drive, Drayton Bassett,\nStaffordshire, B78 3EQ\nNEW TIME 10.30 am to 1 pm\nPresentation at 11 am\n\nLunch can be booked after the tasting by contacting Buzzard Valley directly on 0121 308 1951\n\nWines can be ordered on the night for delivery in time for Christmas", null], "url": "http://domainejones.blogspot.com/2015/11/christmas-wine-tasting.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 552, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 219, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f1973408be5b425c85696281a4177adeafdea0433908cdc9fb9a9b1f3a525127"], "__index_level_0__": 71, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-b7In-u8lQfo/Uhpkf4Sf5-I/AAAAAAAABWs/o1eTlAJSRQg/s400/2013-hot-weather-meme.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ng3ci1RzMv4/UhpkfssTkxI/AAAAAAAABWg/5RYwKbhPxZk/s400/race-meme.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9632787704467772}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://domesticgoddessconfessions.blogspot.com/2013/08/training-tuesday_27.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-b7In-u8lQfo/Uhpkf4Sf5-I/AAAAAAAABWs/o1eTlAJSRQg/s400/2013-hot-weather-meme.jpg\", \"src\": 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\"rendered_width\": 79, \"rendered_height\": 53}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Today is my last day of work before vacation! Yay! I am so ready for a break and to be able to just relax, at least mentally. Physically I hear there's going to be some running. ;)\nI've been busying packing and preparing for our trip. Our park tickets finally arrived, so I have one less thing to worry about. Now it's just picking up some last minute items (can't forget the sunscreen) and making sure it all fits in my bag. We're going with just carry-ons, at least that's the plan.\n\nWeekly Recap\nTues: rest\nWed: 2 miles\nThurs: rest\nFri: 1.5 miles\nSat: rest\nSun: 10 miles\nMon: rest\n\nIf I thought I was a wimp when it comes to running up hills, I am an absolute sucker when it comes to the heat. And for this California coastal girl, my \"hot\" is probably what you would call a chilly evening. This Sunday I did my last long run before Disneyland. We started running at ~8:30am (normally 7am) on a clear sunny morning with the temps 68-70. Yup, that's heat training for me. And boy did that sun kick my butt.", null, "Truthfully, I have not been taking very good care of myself. I'm terrible at remembering to drink water, so I was definitely dehydrated. Not to mention that glass of wine the night before... After training in overcast 60 degree temps, I am apparently very sensitive to the sun- my first Disneyland half I got dizzy towards the end of the race and had to sit down for a while for fear of heat stroke. On Sunday, I didn't want to push myself, so I did a nice leisurely 10 miles. My plan, although very late in the game, is to run maybe a mile every day after work, just to get used to the heat. Fingers crossed that it's enough.", null, "These past few months, I've been so caught up in my training and trying to improve my pace, that I've kind of lost sight of why I'm running. For me, it's that feeling you get when you cross the finish line. That overwhelming sense of joy and happiness, and that ear-to-ear grin plastered across your face. I'm sure some of you are grinning right now just thinking about it. ;) So I really need to keep that in the forefront of my mind. Enjoy the race, take in the Disney magic, and just go with it.\n\nHow was your week? How do you prepare for races that have very different weather than you're used to? Do you ever lose sight of why you're putting in all these training miles?"], "url": "http://domesticgoddessconfessions.blogspot.com/2013/08/training-tuesday_27.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 298, "original_width": 400, "width": 507}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 279, "original_width": 400, "width": 541}], "image_hashes": ["faefef44292afb2a09e1e8567b5a374a1986a8fd101364731c3def7ebc7401d2", "f0987daf180ee2b7eb0be68221c2a3cf3e1fd28a048721cee53c532f3dbc133a"], "__index_level_0__": 72, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_6G9Gt6vNXMM/TRUQHrNNouI/AAAAAAAAAEk/ejAO7kqakF0/s320/Campbell.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9651920199394226}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://donruss1982.blogspot.com/2010/12/bill-campbell-487-post-11.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_6G9Gt6vNXMM/TRUQHrNNouI/AAAAAAAAAEk/ejAO7kqakF0/s320/Campbell.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_6G9Gt6vNXMM/TRUQHrNNouI/AAAAAAAAAEk/ejAO7kqakF0/s320/Campbell.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Campbell\", \"rendered_width\": 227, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, December 24, 2010\n\nBill Campbell #487 Post 11", null, "I don't like this card. It has a strange pink hue background and this shot is very very boring. Bill is wearing some bling around his neck.\n\nBack Stats: Became a free agent for the second time after last season. ERROR - Set a Red Sox club record for saves in '77 when he led the AL with 33. (His statistical stat line for saves in '77 was 31 - so one of these are wrong. )"], "url": "http://donruss1982.blogspot.com/2010/12/bill-campbell-487-post-11.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 532, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 227, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8560fd97c95cbcfd69975e5596be3613085f03f4887ab3b9ff694f4d3f3cf8d3"], "__index_level_0__": 73, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_GzsX66x3Zes/SJu3dDUZyTI/AAAAAAAAACs/hKNdiN-01xA/s320/police+1.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_GzsX66x3Zes/SJu3-N--cTI/AAAAAAAAAC0/dP3A_Bjg2VQ/s320/police+audience.JPG", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8409746885299683}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://duffguidetoska.blogspot.de/2008_08_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_GzsX66x3Zes/SJu3dDUZyTI/AAAAAAAAACs/hKNdiN-01xA/s320/police+1.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_GzsX66x3Zes/SJu3dDUZyTI/AAAAAAAAACs/hKNdiN-01xA/s320/police+1.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"police\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://duffguidetoska.blogspot.de/2008_08_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_GzsX66x3Zes/SJu3-N--cTI/AAAAAAAAAC0/dP3A_Bjg2VQ/s320/police+audience.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_GzsX66x3Zes/SJu3-N--cTI/AAAAAAAAAC0/dP3A_Bjg2VQ/s320/police+audience.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"police audience\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://duffguidetoska.blogspot.de/2008_08_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_GzsX66x3Zes/SpxifgCBazI/AAAAAAAAAPs/o061JveDumM/S248/Duff-goth%5B1%5D+copy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_GzsX66x3Zes/SpxifgCBazI/AAAAAAAAAPs/o061JveDumM/S248/Duff-goth%5B1%5D+copy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Duff goth B D copy\", \"rendered_width\": 248, \"rendered_height\": 248}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Editor's note: Shots in the Dark spotlights third-wave ska releases that should have been massive hits on the scene but, due to bad timing, poor luck, or a fickle record-buying public, were lost in the fray. The image to the right comes from the cassette, since the LP cover is kind of, well, not that compelling.\n\nThe Bands: If you were a ska fan in NYC in 1990, these were some of the best acts playing out on the scene--The Toasters, The Scofflaws, The NY Citizens, Bigger Thomas, Skinnerbox, Skadanks, and The Steadys.\n\nThe Sound: While the heavy 2-Tone/New Wave influence that had held the NYC ska scene in its grip in the mid-80s--as captured by the NY Beat: Hit and Run comp (released in 1985)--is still very much in evidence, the NYC ska sound has evolved somewhat by 1990, incorporating broader elements of the Jamaican musical idiom (rocksteady, dancehall, etc.). However, the post 2-Tone sound is still dominant, though the bands are more comfortable with, and confident in, their particular brand of ska--with its switchblade sharp guitar slashes; prominent, pogo-ing bass lines; stabs of Hammond organ; and sax-heavy horn bursts. Like its hometown, the NYC ska sound bristled with rude, punky attitude--but it was real and smart and soulful at its very core.\n\nThe Release: Back in the day, I never truly appreciated this record (even though I was in the crowd that day at the Cat Club in March 1990, in my pre-Moon Records days)--NYC Ska Live is actually quite an excellent album--much better than I remembered. This recording captured the live show really well (there is a full, well-balanced mix of all the instruments and vocals; unfortunately a couple of the tracks are cut off rather sloppily, but that's really nitpicking) and the performances from all of the bands are spot-on.\n\nWhen the needle hits the record, the album kicks off with the English Beat-influenced Bigger Thomas tracks (which you can really hear on the excellent \"Ska in My Pocket\"); the Skadanks (with Rocker-T at the mic) turn in two very different, but equally great, cuts with \"Dancehall\" (which, duh, is inna dancehall stylee) and the surprisingly Specials-like \"Just Ska\"; after hearing The Steady's two most excellent songs, \"Just Reflections\" and \"All You Can Stand\" (both of which epitomize the NYC ska sound at the time), you'll be left dumbstruck wondering why they weren't huge and what the hell happened to them (apparently, after they broke up, their bass player went on to play with downtown club mavens Deee-lite!).\n\nSide two features tunes probably more familiar to anyone who followed the US ska scene in the mid-90s. Skinnerbox, with King Django on vocals (obviously not how he was billed back then), deliver the more rocksteady/reggae cuts \"Promise\" and \"Move Like You're Gone\"; The Scofflaws tear up the house with their raucous live versions of \"Going Back to Kingston\" and \"Aliskaba\" off their great debut album, when Mike Drance was still in the band; The NY Citizens take names and kick ass with their classic \"National Front\" (\"You ain't nothing!\") from their very much underappreciated and unheralded On the Move, LP; and The Toasters serve up one of their catchier, pop-ska tunes, \"Don't Say Forever\" (from This Gun for Hire) with Cashew Miles on vocals (anyone remember his on-stage back flips?). The album is capped off with all the bands joining in for a take on The Toasters' then signature \"Matt Davis\" instrumental.\n\nIt's interesting to note that both The NYCs and Toasters get short shrift on NYC Ska Live, as they are the only bands on the album not to be represented by two tracks. A promised CD--I think I had tried to mail-order one, but was sent Let's Go Bowling's Music to Bowl By\" CD instead--was supposed to have featured The Citizens' \"Sticky Situation\" and Toasters' \"Worry,\" but it never materialized. While the NYC Ska Live cassette lists these tracks, oddly, it doesn't include them. I would have gladly traded the \"Matt Davis\" track for these two cuts (particularly because the live version of \"Sticky Situation\" was always fantastic...).\n\nThe Ugly Reality: The NYC Ska Live concert was originally organized so that the bands could be filmed in action by director Joe Massot for a sequel to the 2-Tone era Dance Craze movie--and the show was taped live at the long-ago closed Cat Club (13th Street, just off Fourth Avenue) on March 26th, 1990. When I asked Bucket about what happened with the movie recently, he called it \"a fiasco.\" The director pulled out of filming the show at the last moment--after he and Moon had gone to the trouble of putting together the bill and the expense of hiring Steve Remote and his sound truck to record the show. A Wikipedia entry for The Steadys states that Joe Massot bailed out after one of his cameramen was attacked by skinheads and equipment was destroyed while they were trying to film a NY Citizens show at CBGBs. I don't know about the validity of this claim--there was a heavy skinhead presence at most NYC ska shows during that time, and there was more often than not some violence and stupidity on display (for instance, during the early 90s some boneheads were always throwing type D batteries at The Toasters when they were on stage--I always wondered if they didn't like them that much, why did they spend money to see them?). However, I do know that NYC Ska Live would have sold incredibly well if the New York City Ska Craze film had ever been made...\n\nThe Grade: A-\nPosted by Steve from Moon at 11:00 PM 10 comments:", "Labels: Bigger Thomas, Duff Review, NYC Ska Live, Shots in the Dark, Skadanks, Skinnerbox, The NY Citizens, The Scofflaws, The Steadys, The Toasters\n\nSkatalite Johnny Moore RIP", "From the Associated Press:\n\nKINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) — Johnny Moore, a trumpeter and founding member of the pioneering Jamaican ska and reggae band The Skatalites, died Saturday of cancer. He was 70.\n\nMoore died at a friend's house after being released from the hospital following cancer treatment last week, music promoter Herbie Miller said.\n\nMoore helped form the band in 1964 along with saxophonists Tommy McCook and Roland Alphonso and trombonist Don Drummond.\n\nDuring the first 14 months the band was together, it transformed jazz, movie themes and other genres of music with ska style. It broke up in the 1960s but regrouped in New York two decades later. Two of their albums, \"Hip Bop Ska\" and \"Greetings from Skamania,\" were nominated for Grammy awards in the 1990s.\n\nTheir music continued to influence bands such as 311, the Mighty Mighty Bosstones and No Doubt.\n\nMoore lived in New York City for 14 years but returned to Jamaica in the early 1980s. He last toured abroad about eight years ago with reggae artist Bunny Wailer.\n\n+ + + +\n\nThis sad news comes just a few days after I received an e-mail from (Dr.) Dan Neely (ex-Skavoovie and the Epitones guitarist, ethnomusicologist, and music archivist) that Johnny Moore was very ill and that a friend of his was organizing a benefit show in his honor in JA (see poster above)...\n\nObviously, Johnny and his fellow Skatalites had an extraordinary impact on thousands of ska and reggae musicians worldwide--and brought great pleasure to countless music fans everywhere. Thank you for sharing your gift with us.\nPosted by Steve from Moon at 4:42 PM 2 comments:", "Labels: Duff News, Skatalites, Skavoovie and the Epitones\n\nShots in the Dark: Various Artists - Ska Face: An All-American Ska Compilation", "Editor's note: Shots in the Dark spotlights third-wave ska releases that should have been massive hits on the scene but, due to bad timing, poor luck, or a fickle record-buying public, were lost in the fray. Also, the scanner at work is too small to capture an entire LP's cover and I'm too busy to scan it in halves and then Photoshop it all together, so you get what you get and you don't get upset...okay?\n\nThe Bands: A who's who of East Coast and West Coast ska bands, circa 1988, including The Toasters, The NY Citizens, The Scofflaws, Bim Skala Bim, Let's Go Bowling, The Donkey Show, The Boilers, Rhyth-o-matics, No Doubt, Crucial DBC, Skankhead (later to become Skankin' Pickle), Thick as Thieves, and the Exterminators.\n\nThe Sound: Just about evenly split between bands influenced by 2-Tone and Fishbone, and those following in the steps of the Skatalites and Prince Buster--all gloriously free of ska-punk and punk-ska (both of which were gestating in the studio at the time: the Mighty Mighty Bosstones and Operation Ivy were to unleash their admittedly brilliant debut albums in 1990).\n\nThe Release: Unleashed on the world from Moon Records in 1988 (though I didn't pick up my copy until early 1989), Ska Face was the first US ska comp to ever hit the record shelves. While the US 3rd wave ska scene was still in its rudimentary phase (it was so early in the scheme of things that like dinosaurs were still walking the Earth) and was quite fragmented and disorganized, this album hinted at some of the amazing things that were to come to fruition by the mid-90s. For the first time, American ska fans had an inkling that something might be going out there beyond the city limits and their parochial ska scene (if there was one!); this was pre-internet/dark ages when ska news, other than word-of-mouth or show listings in your local alternative paper, was really hard to come by (in the late 80s and early 90s, I gleaned most of my ska news from George Marshall's great Zoot! skazine, which was published in England, for pete's sake!).\n\nSide one of Ska Face is terrific the whole way through, from The Toasters' catchily aggressive manifesto \"Ska Killers\" (with one of my favorite wry lyrics for clueless Americans: \"It's the music of Jamaica/and I don't mean Jamaica, Queens/and I heard it on an airwave coming up from New Orleans...\"); the Rhyth-o-Matics' wonderfully percussive and horn-charged \"Skatalation\"; The Scofflaws' first recording of \"Rudy's Back\" (I made a point of catching them live after first hearing this cut--which is a bit less polished than the version that ended up on their debut record, but perfectly captured the incredible enthusiasm and energy of their shows at the time); the happily stoned laid-back skank of The Donkey Show's \"Feeling Nice\"; to Let's Go Bowling's great, revved-up, pissed-at-my-girlfriend rant, \"Bitch.\" Side two is a little bit more hit or miss, but standout tracks include The NY Citizens' frenetic \"D.A.N.C.E.\" (from their superb On the Move LP); The Boilers' great trad intstrumental \"Bal' Man Jump\" (this from Jeff Baker's pre-Skinnerbox band, which released a full-length LP on Oi/Ska Records in the UK, also in 1988); No Doubt's twitchily paranoid \"Everything's Wrong\" (yes, Virginia, they really started out as a pretty good ska band before going for pop!); and Skankhead's loopy \"Circus Skank.\" (For the record, Bim Skala Bim's label Razorbeat released the second US ska comp, Mashin' Up the Nation, in 1989.)\n\nThe Ugly Reality: Not many copies of this LP made it into the hands of ska fans (as few and far between as we were), as one of Moon's main distributors at the time went belly up, swallowing a good deal of Ska Face's pressing with it (and since Moon, run out of Buck's apartment in Chelsea, completely lacked the funds to re-press it, there were no more copies to be had). It may not strike you as such two decades on, but if you were lucky enough to pick up a copy back in the late 80s, this record was frakin' manna from heaven...\n\n(For you nitpickers: Ska Face was later released on CD in the UK by Skank in the mid-90s as Skaville USA, Volume 3. But good luck finding a copy of the LP nowadays...)\n\nPosted by Steve from Moon at 9:25 PM 13 comments:", "Labels: Duff Review, Let's Go Bowling, No Doubt, Shots in the Dark, Skankhead, Skankin' Pickle, The Donkey Show, The NY Citizens, The Scofflaws, The Toasters, Thick as Thieves\n\nTuesday, August 12, 2008\n\nShots in the Dark: Easy Big Fella - Tasty Bits & Spicy Flicks", "The Band: Seattle's Easy Big Fella\n\nThe Sound: EBF's heavy horn and keyboard sound was rooted in the 60s ska of The Skatalites (placing them in the same spectrum of traditional 3rd wave ska bands as The Scofflaws, Skavoovie and the Epitones, Dr. Ring Ding and the Senior All-Stars, and The Skalars), but filtered through the eternal sunshine vibe of 1970s AM pop radio and the earnest kitch of Lawrence Welk--think Roland Alphonso and Jackie Mitoo meet the Carpenters and Neil Diamond--check out \"It's Friday\" or \"Gettin' the Mail\" and you'll see what I mean.\n\nThe Release: One of the most brilliant aspects of this record--apart from the great songwriting and terrific performances--is how Easy Big Fella deliver this ying and yang mix of alternately campy and despondent songs completely straight, with no knowing winks or bitterness, just happy, extremely catchy, upbeat ska tunes. Most of the cuts on Tasty Bits are concerned with enduring the day-to-day grind of soul-numbing jobs just to get by (from \"Solace\": \"Bringing home the bread/Gotta give eight so I can live again\") or finding a bit of joy/luck in riding the \"Seven\" bus to work every day (\"On the bus/weirdos entertaining us/Old bag ladies make a fuss/The world is passing by/I don't mind 'cause I don't drive\"). No outlandish wishes or dreams here--just celebrating the end of the week with a song as catchy as Todd Rundgren's \"Bang the Drum All Day\" (\"I've put in my day, so give me the night/The weekend's arrived. And we have survived./So raise a pint of stout/And give a Friday shout!/It's Friday! It's Friday!/It's good for you!/and it's good for me\"!) or a mail room guy falling for one of the secretaries (\"The pay is jack/The boss is a hack/The office life ain't so grand/But what could be better than a night on the town/With the Queen of administrative land?/All I want is a mail truck just built for two/All I want is to just go postal with you\"). In essence, adult life kind of sucks, so you've got to find, celebrate, and enjoy the little things in order to keep hauling yourself out of bed in the morning. Not bad advice and Easy Big Fella makes it sound so good here...\n\nThe Ugly Reality: Tasty Bits was released on Moon Ska Records in 1999, just as the last nails in the coffin of 3rd wave ska were driven in by Billboard, Alternative Press, and the music industry in general (they helped build the next-big-thing hype for ska for their own purposes--pseudo ska acts--and felt completely justified in tearing it down--for SWING of all things, dammit!--guffawing as they wrote the scene's obit and eulogy). CDs by the thousands were starting to turn up at the Moon warehouse, as record chains, indie stores, and distributors purged their stacks and inventories of anything ska (who can blame them, it was seen as a has-been scene whose CD sales never lived up to all the hype). For a record about enduring crap jobs in order to live a little of one's own life (presumably to be in a band), it's timing would prove to be a self-fulfilling prophecy--they weren't going to be able to quit their day jobs to become full-time ska stars.\n\nThe Grade: B+/A-\nPosted by Steve from Moon at 9:00 PM 2 comments:", "Labels: Duff Review, Easy Big Fella, Modern Ska, Shots in the Dark\n\nI'm Livin' in the Eighties", "I've seen Horace Panter's Ska'd for Life in a few bookstores, but never picked it up--figured it might not be worth my time (such a cheesy, tired pun of a title). However, this review on the PopMatters website (you might be interested to know that they sometimes review ska and reggae) has changed my mind.\n\nI always love a good rock star autobiography (see Andy Summers' surprisingly well-written and compelling One Train Later).\n\n* * * * * * * * * *\n\nSpeaking of The Police, my brother's wife is a huge fan (she's seen them several times on their farewell tour--and is going to their last show ever at MSG). She happened to be in town from the Bay Area and wanted to catch them at Jones Beach--so I tagged along (I'll admit to being a big fan back when I was in high school--but I never got around to seeing them during the Ghost in the Machine or Synchronicity tours).", null, "I was very much prepared to scoff at Sting (I always thought he was so obnoxiously full of himself--talented, yes, but a bit of a bastard). I'm pleasantly surprised to report that they were really good--and were working hard to put on a terrific show (this was no phoned in victory lap by aging superstars). Sting even looked like he was having the time of his life on stage. And they didn't just play their hits, we heard album cuts like Voices Inside My Head, Demolition Man, Can't Stand Losing You, When the World is Running Down You Make the Best of What's Still Around, and Next to You.", null, "The only clunker in their set was their reworking of Don't Stand So Close to Me (the terrible version they recorded in 1986). It took all of the menace out of the song. (The other downer was that you couldn't buy a beer--a freakin' beer on the beach at a concert!--unless you were a member of the venue's VIP Club! What the hell is going on out there on Long Island? I guess that's why so many joints were lit up all around us during the set and there were so many tailgaters in the parking lot...)\n\nBack to The Specials for a moment--the giant video screen over the stage displayed their Ghost Town video before The Police came onstage. Nice choice.\n\nMissed much of Elvis Costello's opening act, though we heard him singing Alison with Sting and then saw him perform Nick Lowe's What's So Funny 'Bout Peace, Love, and Understanding?, which sounded wonderfully and fiercely bitter. Though it just didn't seem like the right venue for him--giant, open air amphitheatre on the beach--his intensity, intelligence and anger comes across better in a dark, claustrophobic space...\nPosted by Steve from Moon at 10:15 PM No comments:", "Labels: Duff Thoughts, The Police, The Specials\n\nTuesday, August 5, 2008\n\nDo the Ska!", "Now for a mildly indulgent parental moment...my son, who is very much interested in what I'm doing with this here blog, created a cool Duff Guide to Ska logo all on his own as a gift to me (note the melodica at the top center of the logo--a great detail--we have one that I sometimes play while he plucks away at his bass guitar). I also like the large anime eyes, the Bart Simpson spikey hair, and the ever-present Homer Simpson five o'clock shadow. The kid don't miss a thing!\n\nRight now, he's not a big fan of ska or reggae, but give it time, my friends. While letting him develop his own musical tastes (Green Day, Beatles), I've been insidiously introducing him to all sorts of New Wave and punk bands like the Ramones, Blonde, The Smiths, Echo and the Bunnymen, Elvis Costello, etc. And while I'm not pushing the ska, the other day while we were over at his uncle's house watching the \"2-Tone Army\" video that I made over a decade ago (which his uncle appears in), my son started singing along to the tune's chorus--and he could be heard singing it to himself later that night.\n\nLet the indoctrination begin...\nPosted by Steve from Moon at 9:45 PM 2 comments:", "For Duff Thoughts, go here."], "url": "http://duffguidetoska.blogspot.de/2008_08_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["911763870b4333cfd33a71a64e52ca1cff2a86bb196ea6f818a255743b571712", 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past year, my health and asthma has improved and I have finally been able to have a GREAT report form my \"Lung\" Dr.  Who was impressed with my health improvement.  These amazing health products/supplements have saved my nieces life, too.  The products are all Natural and are changing lives drastically for the better and it is diabetic safe. Actually, it was originally made for people with diabetes and they found so many happy side effects, caused from these amazing products.  Side effects like, weight loss, joint pain improvement/gone, IBS gone, planters fasciitis gone, fibromyalgia gone...the list of testimonies just goes on. Anyways, you are probably wondering what this company's name is and what it is all about!  It is a relatively new company and it is exploding in its growth so fast!  This amazing company is called, Plexus!  I love what their products are and that they are ALL NATURAL!  They are GMO free and Gluten free!  It is so awesome to be a part of this company and this opportunity of a lifetime!  If you ever want to know more about this company and its products please take a look around on my website or message me, and I will be glad to answer any questions you may have!  So here is My Plexus Website, go check it out and see what it is all about!  I love my yummy Plexus Pink Drink!", "Either way, I am so very thankful for my SIL, for introducing me to Plexus and how it is changing my life and hers and our families lives and so many others, all for the better!  So either way, she needed a special birthday card!  So I took on the challenge and made another bendy card!", null, null, null], "url": "http://eastunders.blogspot.com/2015/04/garden-bendy-card.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1559, "original_width": 1600, "width": 387}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1002, "original_width": 1600, "width": 603}, {"height": 607, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 995, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": 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See, for now my hubby and myself are not very handy. We can’t do even a sliver of the things my mom and dad are capable of, so we enlist their assistance! Hopefully over time this will change a little. My hubby is really keen to learn, and always tries to help my dad so that he might be able to do whatever task in the future. Anyway, this trip we decided to work on the landscaping in the backyard. I really wanted to plant a vegetable garden and test out my green thumb.\n\nHere's what we started with:", null, "My dad built us two raised garden boxes, one is about 4 feet by 8 feet, the other is small, only about 2 feet by 4 feet. I planted all of the vegetables and herbs in the larger bed. Also in the large bed, two lilies, a clematis, and sweet peas. In the smaller bed we planted a peony (relocated from the front yard) and a hydrangea. It doesn’t look like the peony is going to bloom this year though L Oh, and I almost forgot!! Next to the large bed we planted a rhododendron. I am really hoping it blooms this year, but I think it might be a bit too late. Anyone know?", null, "For the beds my dad used mini ties and nails. He marked out the wood and cut using a reciprocating saw. Once all of the pieces were cut him and hubby nailed the beds together using …. Nails. It was pretty simple. He was done both beds in an hour or two, and then we went to work dumping many many bags of dirt inside. The whole thing was a pretty good workout! For vegetables I planted: one large tomato plant, one cherry tomato plant (which is supposed to produce both yellow and red), four green pepper plants, a habanero plant, and a banana pepper plant. For herbs we’ve got chives, basil, oregano, and parsley. We bought a trellis for the clematis, and the sweet peas. Hopefully they’ll like this system and climb like crazy!", null, "Here’s the yard once we had everything planted:", null, null, "And here it is today, 2 weeks later. You can see the sweet peas are starting to poke up through the ground, and the clematis is starting to climb! We have a few green tomatoes, and the herbs are doing well too. I really hope to see some red tomatoes, and some signs of peppers in the next few weeks.", null, null, "And over by the deck, the peony and hydrangea are doing pretty well. We also planted some nasturtiums to fill the space in between with color until the hydrangea blooms. Like I said above, I'm pretty sure the peony isn't blooming this year since we disrupted it by moving it from the front yard.", null, "So that's our backyard makeover for now! I'll come back with some more updates once it gets even fuller and we have some yummy red tomatoes. Gardening with my mom was so much fun!! It was a great activity to do while my parents were visiting, and we got to spend a ton of time outside.\n\nJust to wrap up, here's a side-by-side to compare more easily:", "Posted by Sarah at 8:17 PM", "Labels: gardening, General, home", "Natalie Cornelius said...\n\nLove it!!!! Can't wait to sit out with a very large glass on wine in September!!!! Abby will be able to go free-range!\n\nJune 18, 2012 at 8:59 PM", "We will definitely do that!!!!!!!!"], "url": "http://eatbakesewlove.blogspot.com/2012/06/our-backyard-transformation.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["6e44a95f376412e013b3e6eb68ed395e9121e22ed4c5c8fba0db09765112c474", "d2e21d765d44fd660c8a5ddc5be48de6ca08599cf792d287d061416302e4fb6b", "d1db01ab3594be77f9cd349d183d1723875c95ad62342cd3f30dad9b5b6dba6c", "48dd21981dadc0dd9dc166d1235836e4458dca89415d5406cd7fdefea43b594b", "fa2e380b05ea16e0ed5b130a5f3481841f476ecedf55d62e66fb7f00ccc39477", "e0df1ea0a120baaebd3f4b064b475bace96ced7f363c6e251e2e106a07a64250", "0033a72a84ca1ca039bd4498e151c3748c2bf7f0d6119ae0bbd65f37375ef27e", "cf44e87aa2b23c7fa8b01b9cd401c2f23c00446cfe820b6b00df63c16d3260ae"], "__index_level_0__": 76, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://ebusinesspages.com/Jerome-Phillips_7heum_qrCode.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8441796898841858}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ebusinesspages.com/Jerome-Phillips_7heum.co\", \"unformatted_src\": \"Images/Q.png\", \"src\": \"https://ebusinesspages.com/Images/Q.png\", \"alt_text\": \"Q\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ebusinesspages.com/Jerome-Phillips_7heum.co\", \"unformatted_src\": \"Jerome-Phillips_7heum_qrCode.png\", \"src\": \"https://ebusinesspages.com/Jerome-Phillips_7heum_qrCode.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Jerome Phillips heum qrCode\", \"alt_text\": \"QR-Code for Jerome Phillips\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ebusinesspages.com/Jerome-Phillips_7heum.co\", \"unformatted_src\": \"i/footer.png\", \"src\": \"https://ebusinesspages.com/i/footer.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"footer\"}, null]", "texts": ["No one has entered a description for Jerome Phillips yet. If you own or know the company we would appreciate your help in entering a description to improve this listing.", null, "Do you own Jerome Phillips?\n\nDue to the unique way that the eBusinessPages Business Directory is structured a Premium + Verified Listing is the most powerful way to get more clients to contact Jerome Phillips. Not only will your listing be more noticeable and more trustworthy, it will also be displayed more prominently in our category (Food crops and Parent Categories) and location (Newton, GA and USA Wide) listings. Jerome Phillips will be displayed in your competitor's listings while no ads will be shown in your own listing."], "url": "http://ebusinesspages.com/Jerome-Phillips_7heum.co", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 316, "original_width": 316, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["adfbb87c43dbf95442bb91d3fd78c89866512379ee6f17b184ba8b538b8e2562"], "__index_level_0__": 77, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rQzL5OMPmaY/Tsbz_Roe8kI/AAAAAAAAJHQ/QsaR0gv0p58/s400/polls_funny_animals_pictures_16_0948_45693_poll_xlarge.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9489018321037292}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://em-cat.blogspot.com/2011/11/wednesday-wrandom-wrambling-friday.html\", 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realsies.\nI retired.\nEEEEPPP!!!!  (if you don't know what that means - it's me squealing with delight)\nI know right?!?!  Dream come true. I submitted my letter of resignation/retirement and wrote a kind email of how much I have appreciated my time at Intermountain.  Earlier this week, Splenda and I went in the evening and cleaned out my desk and cubicle.  It all fit into one box.  My entire career of 24 years with the same company, in the same business all amounts to one little box.  Yep.  My official last date it 12/1 so in the meantime, I will be moving all my 401k to an IRA, which actually might make it safer, and then enjoying the freedom that is now mine.\nMaybe I should use it to buy gold.  Hmmm....\nI've started hanging out at Wasatch Running Center.\nI've always purchased my running shoes there, except for the one time I won a free pair from a place in St George, and most of my gear.  I did the Grand Slam with them last year.  They are an awesome business.  We are working together as I train in the business of running shoes.  I wouldn't call myself an actual employee yet, but if over the next week or so, we both mutually agree that it's a good fit, I will pick up some part time hours there.  All perfectly suited for a retired grandma who just wants to support her habit.  Straight from the dealer no?\nThere is a lot to learn.  They don't just let anyone fit and sell you running shoes.  They only hire experts.  They only trust experts.  Great guys who run the place and go ahead and ask me how much fun it is to walk around trying on different shoes, learning their technical differences, the pros, cons, and features of each shoe so that you can figure out which one is best for a particular person and their gait.  Very cool stuff.  I am learning a TON!  I just hope I can retain it all.  I am kinda wicked old after all.\n\nAnd smelling brand new running shoes for hours at a time is like.....well......it's bliss.\n\nTuffy and 'Tana got a new puppy.  I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?!  Gosh he's cute.  Jace.  Little black mini schnauzer.  And what is fun, is he comes over to be babysat and entertains Jack.  Win-Win!!\n\nHaving some serious Chloee withdrawals.  Like for real serious.  Like, I kinda want to just get in the car and drive there.  I guess it's good that I have made some commitments here so that I can't do just that.\n\nWhat would I do without skype?  And even then......not the same.   Achey heart here.\n\nOn the bright side.......they have less than 3 years of active duty.  So there's that.\n\nOkay kids, enough rambling thoughts, I think I'll finish watching Rick Perry bumble around on the O'Reilley factor.  Serious - dude is kind of a joke.  Perry not Bill.\n\nPeace out!\nPosted by mCat at 6:08 PM", "wendy said...\n\nFIRST...to WISH YOU HAPPY retirement.\n\nNovember 18, 2011 at 6:46 PM", "NOW...that I got that in first, cause I was worried while I was typing, someone else would beat me.\n\nanyway....good for you. You just didn't need that BS right now, and maybe can focus on something else.\n\nSeems weird I know to put all those years in a box. I couldn't believe when I moved up here...how VERY little I brought with me.\nNow I am wishing I brough quite a few other things. Oh well.\n\nEnjoy your running...and all the new adventure that lay ahead of you. Cause knowing you, there'll be lots of them.!!!\n\nNovember 18, 2011 at 6:49 PM", "Lazarus said...\n\nM-Cat, Congrats on your well-deserved retirement! And part-timing it in running store sounds perfect for you (second, only, possibly, to working in a Diet Coke and chocolate store!) Best of luck with all of your new endeavors, I'm sure you'll love them.\n\n:) LG\n\nNovember 18, 2011 at 6:51 PM", "Jamie said...\n\nHAppy Happy retirement to you!! How liberating. I sure hope the shoe shop works out that is a perfect fit for you. No pun intended, but worth a small giggle.\n\nNovember 18, 2011 at 8:09 PM", "Garden of Egan said...\n\nI am so excited for you!!!\nHappy Retirement!\nBut you aren't so wicked old that you get to go out to dinner at 4 o'clock.\nDon't do that.\nI mean it.\n\nI do have a question.....how in the hell (I'm in a swear word mood....sorry, but not really) anywayz, how in the hell can you fit shoes for the pros when you don't have any damn toenails?\nDo they know you don't have toenails?\nI'm wondering if there shouldn't be full disclosure here.\n\nI guess it's ok that you get to smell new running shoes everyday. If you start smelling underwear I'm gonna come over there and smack ya though.\n\nOk, well, I have to get ready to go to bed and WORK for the freakin' weekend. Enjoy that damn retirement.\nBut I'm not bitter or anything.\n\nNovember 18, 2011 at 8:42 PM", "Jewls said...\n\nWoohoo! That's awesome!\n\nI might have to just come buy some new shoes while you're there and utilize your expertise! :)\n\nNovember 18, 2011 at 9:02 PM", "Grumpy Grateful Mom said...\n\nCongratulations on your retirement! I'm trying to get my mom to retire and move out by me, but so far no luck. I think she's saving up to buy that gold.\n\nAnd my husband had to fast-forward through Rick Perry on the the O'Reilly Factor. Said it was too painful to watch.\n\nNovember 18, 2011 at 10:45 PM", "Mrs. Organic said...\n\nCongrats! And best wishes on the new biz.\n\nTHey'll be lucky to have you. :)\n\nNovember 18, 2011 at 10:50 PM", "Vanessa said...\n\nWahoooooooooooooooo for you!\n\nYOu need to have a retirement party.\n\nNovember 19, 2011 at 7:46 AM", "You really did it....Tib said you wanted to. I am so happy for you. The fact that you are so excited about it means that it was the right decision!\n\nI agree with Garden of Eden...about the shoes. Your feet are more jacked up than mine!\n\nNovember 19, 2011 at 8:29 AM", "I agree with Vanessa - retirement party is necessary!! I hope they shoe thing works for you, but if not I know you'll end up doing whatever it is that makes you happy. I can hear the happy back in your voice.\n\nNovember 19, 2011 at 2:47 PM", "Suz said...\n\nCongratulations on your retirement! Well done!\n\nNovember 19, 2011 at 4:39 PM", "Pedaling said...\n\nSounds like the right choice for you--very happy yelp with delight...so good to hear (read)\n\nLove Salt Lake Running- I'm always impressed with their knowledge and service. You're gonna be great.\n\nI'm not a big fan of Perry- but I liked him more after hearing him on O'Reilley stand by his answer...that yes indeed Obama is a socialist. Perry scored one in my book with that response.\n\nNovember 19, 2011 at 8:55 PM", "Connie said...\n\nRetiring...a dream come true! I have a feeling I'll be working until I'm 90! Well, maybe not.\nCool that you're almost a part-time employee of the running store! I can't imagine them NOT hiring you!\n\nNovember 19, 2011 at 10:20 PM", "DesertHen said...\n\nWOOT! WOOT! Happy Retirement to you! My sister just retired last Friday as well and she is on cloud nine! Sounds like you have some great projects lined up that are fun, fun, fun...and when you are having fun, well it really isn't work at all! =) Congrats and have a blast doing just want you want to do!!\n\nNovember 20, 2011 at 6:19 PM", "LKP said...\n\nNGL, all those new shoes & the constant new shoe smell would be like crack to me! just sayin'. it's who i am. :)\n\nspending time there sounds like a perfect fit for you. and yeah after reading the other work stuff over the weekend, the retirement is PHENOMENAL! i've worried about how you've actually been doing, ever since i commented over there. so, my heart feels better to know you're finito & one to more blissful endeavors as of 12/1. good for you!\n\nplus you WILL have greater flexibility for your family & road trips, etc! uber win-win.\n\nlove you. so ecstatic for you. ::hugs::\n\nNovember 21, 2011 at 4:21 AM", "Just M said...\n\nHmm, how did I miss this? Oh I know, I suck at reading blogs lately. Better late than never. CONGRATULATIONS on your retirement!! So happy for you!\n\nNovember 21, 2011 at 1:52 PM", "Way to go. Retiring is a good thing, especially for grandma's who want to play more..\n\nand selling running shoes is awesome. But I have a feeling you will be spending your pay checks on new shoes.\n\nI might have to come and buy some shoes from you.\n\nNovember 21, 2011 at 4:15 PM", "gigi said...\n\nAwe... I am just so happy for you!!!!!!!!!! In the Lord's own time things will always fall into place. Congrats my friend!\n\nNovember 21, 2011 at 5:28 PM", "Cystic Fibrosis Foundation - Fighting until CF stands fo Cure Found", "I'm her Mimi", "And hers", "This is the right place", "I like to hang out here", "Run, girl, run!", "The Few, The Proud", "Semper Fi", "I'm a Marine Mom", "I bleed red, white and blue.....", "Mi Familia", "Go Yankees", "Jeter's #1 fan", "Who's traveling my way?"], "url": "http://em-cat.blogspot.com/2011/11/wednesday-wrandom-wrambling-friday.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 428, "original_height": 350, "original_width": 309, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f0d632f958f498e503890eba13ad27c8910e07e7e4a51b201ea083423bae4a3d"], "__index_level_0__": 78, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://cdn2.trend.az/media/pictures/2012/11/05/Georgia_Parliamnet_051112.jpg", null, null, "http://cdn2.trend.az/media/thumbnails/410x307/2015/02/04/greece_flag_040215.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 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The Chairman of Parliament David Usupashvili intends to appeal to the Georgian president regarding convening an extraordinary session in the near future.\n\nAs the parliament speaker told journalists, the ratified document will be submitted to Parliament by the government today or tomorrow. He did not rule out that high-ranking guests will come to Georgia on the day of ratification of the agreement.\n\nMeanwhile, Usupashvili met with chairman of the upper house of the Polish parliament Bogdan Borusewicz, who is on a visit to Tbilisi.\n\nA problem with the ratification of the Association Agreement between Georgia and the European Union is not expected in Polish Parliament. The Foreign Ministry will give text of the document to the Polish parliament for ratification in the near future, according to Borusewicz.\n\nEdited by CN", "Export of Azerbaijan’s goods to Georgia increases\nEconomy news 17:02", null, "Rouhani vows to double non-oil export, eliminate extreme poverty"], "url": "http://en.trend.az/scaucasus/georgia/2292765.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 255, "original_width": 340, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 307, "original_width": 410, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["de4e97951403c6cd7cf645b409f7c309d8c526f993232d380fea42bc4862b1d4", "ec868f4651ce3d43f00293935d40ea6ba15323b6f1024edce68b1bbeb3d065ba"], "__index_level_0__": 79, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-21/155ff7d91bc65f.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-25/15605a84691064.jpg", "http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-25/156057c90637cc.jpg", "http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-24/1560429b843f12.jpg", "http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-24/156041032ed3d1.jpg", "http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-23/15602e2a7b60f4.jpg", "http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-22/156019c9521937.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8863579630851746}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://everydaycarry.com/posts/9254/work-and-play\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-21/155ff7d91bc65f.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-21/155ff7d91bc65f.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ff d bc f\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://everydaycarry.com/posts/9254/work-and-play\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-25/15605a84691064.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-25/15605a84691064.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://everydaycarry.com/posts/9254/work-and-play\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-25/156057c90637cc.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-25/156057c90637cc.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c cc\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://everydaycarry.com/posts/9254/work-and-play\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-24/1560429b843f12.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-24/1560429b843f12.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b f\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://everydaycarry.com/posts/9254/work-and-play\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-24/156041032ed3d1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-24/156041032ed3d1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ed d\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://everydaycarry.com/posts/9254/work-and-play\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-23/15602e2a7b60f4.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-23/15602e2a7b60f4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e a b f\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://everydaycarry.com/posts/9254/work-and-play\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-22/156019c9521937.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.everydaycarry.com/thumbnails/15-09-22/156019c9521937.jpg\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Featured September 21, 2015", "Dominic Mercier\nSalesman (age 23)\nMost of this is carried on me at all time. The earbuds and 3DS is usually in my backpack. I'm a big fan of Victorinox products, wich is why I have so many on me.\n\nEDIT : The keyring / carabiner is the Keybiner by Fortiusarms, an awesome little thing and great seller. I had a notch on mine due to a manufacturing defect and he offered to replace it free of charge without hesitation. I decided to keep it as is, because I was too impatient to wait for the new one.\n\n#victorinox #multi-tools #headphones #nintendo #nintendo-3ds #writing-instruments #secrid #secrid-mini-wallet #electronics #gerber-swagger #wallets #gerber #victorinox-alox-classic #victorinox-swiss-tool-rs #knives #victorinox-swisscard-lite #clothing-accessories #survival #loadouts see all\n\nWho Likes This (50)", "41 others\n\nDiscussion (5 total)", "David M · September 27, 2015\nWhat is the carabiner key holder - it isn't listed.\n1 Reply", "Patrick Mackey · September 28, 2015\nthe KeyBiner\n0 Reply", "David M · September 29, 2015", "Salman · September 27, 2015\nNice carry. The earphones are the JBL Synchros Reflect right? How are they?", "Dominic Mercier · September 29, 2015\nThey're great. The fit well in the ear and they don't come off when working out or jogging. I use them mostly at the gym, but the sound is good enough to be an all-day all-scenario earphones. They got about 3 1/2 hours of battery life (I now carry a rechargeable battery to charge them on the go so it's not a problem). For 130$ (CAN), it does the job, but you can get a lot better with that kind of money, just not wireless...", null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://everydaycarry.com/posts/9254/work-and-play", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 763, "original_width": 900, "width": 445}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 300, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 187, "original_width": 300, "width": 606}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 187, "original_width": 300, "width": 606}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 187, "original_width": 300, "width": 606}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 300, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 187, "original_width": 300, "width": 606}], "image_hashes": ["c152d1e425580631f8d11afdebdee10f653706757a044396d612afb55b88f84c", "45db10aabcad795f94d8a07bbe8686e99d812a4a2a99069f1d4c9f5e252d601b", "2fa1df26ee28ac8a908e56485e9ce4e268072f4fc646be7bef060da1dedeed75", 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If you're in the UK you can listen to it here for the next 7 days. Zip right on through to the last 5 minutes if you don't want the discussion on oil prices.\n\nIt's as completely flippant, patronizing and inconsequential as you'd expect of BBC coverage of a topic like this, but at least you get to hear Ian Livingstone gamely going along with it with a finely judged tone of Mancunian irony. What I liked was when the interviewer asked, \"Will we ever see a literary gamebook?\" A very timely question, answered here.\nPosted by Dave Morris at 01:08", "Labels: BBC, gamebooks, Ian Livingstone, inkle, radio", "This month's pageviews", "All fired up", null, "The Keep of the Lich Lord", "The Serpent King's Domain", "Fabled Lands Publishing UK", "Tekumel RPG", null, "Sparta Sourcebook", "Enter the Mayan underworld!", "Dragon Warriors", "80 Days", "Starship Captain", "Avenger returns!", "Peter Andrew Jones Art Studio", "Books from Fabled Lands Publishing", "The horror... The horror...", "Critical IF Gamebooks", "You have come upon the fabled lands\n\nFind out about our gamebooks:\nSpark Furnace collections", "Fabled Lands Book 5 now on Amazon", "Fabled Lands Book 6 now on Amazon", "Tension between Sovereign and Shogun threatens Akatsurai with civil war", "Roald Dahl Prize 2012", "Sites of interest:", "Fabled Lands 2nd edition", "Mirabilis digital comic book", "Android, iPhone and PC/Mac - first two issues FREE", "A Minotaur at the Savoy", "Harkun comic book #1", "Jamie's and Russ's work-in-progress. Rough pencils.", "Harkun comic book #2", "Rough pencil WIP. Click on the cover pic.", "Fabled Lands RPG", "Mirabilis - Year of Wonders Vol 1", "Mirabilis - Year of Wonders Vol 2"], "url": "http://fabledlands.blogspot.com/2012/03/gamebooks-on-world-at-one.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 483, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 313, "width": 378}, {"height": 640, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 500, "original_height": 389, "original_width": 294, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["de62886eac9051978ed919b639d30b9987ae0ef39a325b1a8bbf2164d589b4e7", "4d943e7efe46d2716250bda0b1004b5ff990a81164493a033ed0896ac04a22aa", "d2503c94b700ac757fb5801632294087180e3235ab3436addda8cb9d817f0354"], "__index_level_0__": 81, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8I4-AjPYIwY/UqutKRTSuhI/AAAAAAAAHg8/0cjuuZuB7kI/s1600/IMG_3297.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IEnH_Cw3Qws/Uqusj8_12tI/AAAAAAAAHg0/K84WudZd9Eg/s1600/IMG_3292.jpg", null, 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There was a pool, tropical palm trees, monkeys and orchids. We exchanged gifts among people bronzing themselves in swimsuits.", null, null, "I don't think I could have gotten further away from my childhood's white Christmas.\nIt's been already 17 years since I first came here to Ecuador and 17 years since my first Ecuadorian Christmas. I must say that it wasn't easy. The first Christmas was filled with awe in the strangeness of my surroundings; everything was \"exotic\" and \"interesting\".\nThe second Christmas was filled with crazy work to make traditional Finnish Christmas a success story in Ecuador. We baked, cooked and prepared everything for weeks. The result was quite delicious. But it wasn't a Finnish traditional white Christmas and Santa.\nI remember standing outside in the sunshine and heat praying for a rainstorm so it would be at least a bit darker and fresher, a bit more like a \"real\" Christmas.\nThe third Christmas rolled past without much enthusiasm on my part. It just didn't feel like Christmas, not without the cold and snow, the light among the darkness and Santa visiting the \"good\" children.\nIt took quite some time for me to rediscover Christmas.", null, null, null, "The key was when I started to ask what the first Christmas must have been like. Israel isn't known for its cold winters and huge amount of snow. And when we consider that Christ was actually born during springtime, there really should have not been any snow around.\nWhat there were was Mary, Josef and the pastors, the angels and the wise men.\nSo, I concentrated my Christmas, not on the snow and Father Christmas but Christ child and His birth.\nNowadays I get occasional bout of homesickness around the Christmas. I like to look at the pictures of snow and remember my childhood. But that is not my Christmas anymore.\nIn my house Christmas is to celebrate the Savior.", null, "We give gifts, not many and not very expensive either. There is some decoration, usually an angel or two, maybe some Christmas lights. We still have some Finnish traditional Christmas dishes, especially one made of potatoes that I absolutely adore. There definitely is Christmas music and carols. But most of all, there will be the Christmas gospel that we will read together.\nMy Christmas essentials:\n1) My family\n2) Finnish Christmas food\n3) Handel's The Messiah\n3) The Nativity scene\n4) The Christmas gospel\n\nIf you enjoyed this article about Essential Christmas maybe you'll also enjoy another one about Essential Christmas Music."], "url": "http://faitfullyinecuador.blogspot.com/2013/12/esential-christmas.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 602, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1004, "width": 378}, {"height": 505, "original_height": 1024, "original_width": 765, "width": 378}, {"height": 506, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1195, "width": 378}, {"height": 505, "original_height": 448, "original_width": 335, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 765, "original_width": 1024, "width": 505}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 335, "original_width": 448, "width": 505}], "image_hashes": ["a6613de57b77b9d73fbdffa7ba1608e72e8ca49e746d5825edeac4412fcd3411", "f0c8a1653f2021f40a2604293b8eeeebaed36c6358f91c1ace1f978532d7d950", "d74692f8aacd3fc6e43146ab00e2c089b94931012a4e40c74470847b8ce44c92", "5168b9c2883d5bdf0ad1c6cbd8829dc1fe3df42a150480b0b9c68e5c5016e0bd", "15230d4a8c4aa66b97220c8ed3270bd14cc02ef75756732f8a4803303bdc012f", "1667d9c8e8b5c48f5ae69c229776e602b3f648a52643600bff860f3635366325"], "__index_level_0__": 82, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aOXp8iqmivA/UcpN83xZenI/AAAAAAAABaM/uRX5GF3O3SY/s640/ALIM2291.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-AsiWSWS3hbA/UabVUvcdhpI/AAAAAAAABVI/HJ3dKchjx3w/s1600/side%2Bpicture.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.925446629524231}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://fearlessloves.blogspot.com/2013/07/if-you-could-see-me-now.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i60.tinypic.com/etbnk8.png\", \"src\": \"http://i60.tinypic.com/etbnk8.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"etbnk\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://fearlessloves.blogspot.com/2013/07/if-you-could-see-me-now.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i62.tinypic.com/2ppmo1s.png\", \"src\": \"http://i62.tinypic.com/2ppmo1s.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ppmo s\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://fearlessloves.blogspot.com/2013/07/if-you-could-see-me-now.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i60.tinypic.com/5ppqmp.png\", \"src\": \"http://i60.tinypic.com/5ppqmp.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ppqmp\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://fearlessloves.blogspot.com/2013/07/if-you-could-see-me-now.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i60.tinypic.com/155garl.png\", \"src\": \"http://i60.tinypic.com/155garl.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"garl\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://fearlessloves.blogspot.com/2013/07/if-you-could-see-me-now.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i61.tinypic.com/2ivi9fo.png\", \"src\": \"http://i61.tinypic.com/2ivi9fo.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ivi fo\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fearlessloves.blogspot.com/2013/07/if-you-could-see-me-now.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aOXp8iqmivA/UcpN83xZenI/AAAAAAAABaM/uRX5GF3O3SY/s640/ALIM2291.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aOXp8iqmivA/UcpN83xZenI/AAAAAAAABaM/uRX5GF3O3SY/s640/ALIM2291.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ALIM\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fearlessloves.blogspot.com/2013/07/if-you-could-see-me-now.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-AsiWSWS3hbA/UabVUvcdhpI/AAAAAAAABVI/HJ3dKchjx3w/s1600/side%2Bpicture.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-AsiWSWS3hbA/UabVUvcdhpI/AAAAAAAABVI/HJ3dKchjx3w/s1600/side%2Bpicture.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"side Bpicture\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 199}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fearlessloves.blogspot.com/2013/07/if-you-could-see-me-now.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i48.tinypic.com/ofdj5k.png\", \"src\": \"http://i48.tinypic.com/ofdj5k.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ofdj k\"}]", "texts": ["Monday, 8 July 2013\n\nif you could see me now", null, "Sunglasses - Accessorize\nTop - New Look\nJeans - ASOS\nConverse - ASOS\nSocks - Amazon\n\nThis was actually taken a few weeks back I just keep forgetting to post it! I've been feeling a bit disconnected from my blog as I've just moved house so I have a lot of things going on at the moment! However before moving I wrote a few posts up, so I will keep on posting for the moment! :3", null], "url": "http://fearlessloves.blogspot.com/2013/07/if-you-could-see-me-now.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 199, "original_width": 200, "width": 379}], "image_hashes": ["e5420bfb9d7862e0246a922bd2dc801824d34b5270175b308b322044a1219931", "d853074b81bcdd1b99affc11bfc38d5f91e53792ed2c8061e1b294337ef78020"], "__index_level_0__": 83, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://lh3.ggpht.com/-wZeST-kHyG4/T2VvF1QCV4I/AAAAAAAAEwM/iti_rPuOqAI/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252001.jpg", null, "http://lh6.ggpht.com/-gq3SgwCd214/T2VvIcOXEXI/AAAAAAAAEwU/Ql5ahClpgxU/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252002.jpg", null, "http://lh3.ggpht.com/-1EnozOaUHJQ/T2VvK_P27CI/AAAAAAAAEwc/766AEDygfDc/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252003.jpg", null, "http://lh4.ggpht.com/-D6xmjdEmAec/T2VvN4gnnpI/AAAAAAAAEwk/3Jp7B4ishWE/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252004.jpg", null, "http://lh6.ggpht.com/-hveEwoeoPLA/T2VvQhMOVxI/AAAAAAAAEww/8NsVpvfZrFQ/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252005.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.974170982837677}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://feistyfoodie.com/2012/03/28/southern-hospitality-hells-kitchen/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://lh3.ggpht.com/-wZeST-kHyG4/T2VvF1QCV4I/AAAAAAAAEwM/iti_rPuOqAI/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252001.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh3.ggpht.com/-wZeST-kHyG4/T2VvF1QCV4I/AAAAAAAAEwM/iti_rPuOqAI/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252001.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Southern Hospitality Hell s Kitchen\", \"alt_text\": \"Southern Hospitality - Hell's Kitchen 01.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://feistyfoodie.com/2012/03/28/southern-hospitality-hells-kitchen/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://lh6.ggpht.com/-gq3SgwCd214/T2VvIcOXEXI/AAAAAAAAEwU/Ql5ahClpgxU/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252002.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh6.ggpht.com/-gq3SgwCd214/T2VvIcOXEXI/AAAAAAAAEwU/Ql5ahClpgxU/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252002.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Southern Hospitality Hell s Kitchen\", \"alt_text\": \"Southern Hospitality - Hell's Kitchen 02.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://feistyfoodie.com/2012/03/28/southern-hospitality-hells-kitchen/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://lh3.ggpht.com/-1EnozOaUHJQ/T2VvK_P27CI/AAAAAAAAEwc/766AEDygfDc/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252003.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh3.ggpht.com/-1EnozOaUHJQ/T2VvK_P27CI/AAAAAAAAEwc/766AEDygfDc/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252003.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Southern Hospitality Hell s Kitchen\", \"alt_text\": \"Southern Hospitality - Hell's Kitchen 03.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://feistyfoodie.com/2012/03/28/southern-hospitality-hells-kitchen/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://lh4.ggpht.com/-D6xmjdEmAec/T2VvN4gnnpI/AAAAAAAAEwk/3Jp7B4ishWE/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252004.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh4.ggpht.com/-D6xmjdEmAec/T2VvN4gnnpI/AAAAAAAAEwk/3Jp7B4ishWE/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252004.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Southern Hospitality Hell s Kitchen\", \"alt_text\": \"Southern Hospitality - Hell's Kitchen 04.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://feistyfoodie.com/2012/03/28/southern-hospitality-hells-kitchen/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://lh6.ggpht.com/-hveEwoeoPLA/T2VvQhMOVxI/AAAAAAAAEww/8NsVpvfZrFQ/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252005.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh6.ggpht.com/-hveEwoeoPLA/T2VvQhMOVxI/AAAAAAAAEww/8NsVpvfZrFQ/Southern%252520Hospitality%252520-%252520Hell%252527s%252520Kitchen%25252005.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Southern Hospitality Hell s Kitchen\", \"alt_text\": \"Southern Hospitality - Hell's Kitchen 05.jpg\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I get invitations for all sorts of fun things frequently. It’s part of the benefit of not only maintaining my own blog and having an audience that reads what I write, but also, living in a large city like NYC (okay, the largest in the country, but I’ll stop bragging now). Sometimes I just can’t attend all the events, or they just don’t pertain to the blog in a way that I could feel comfortable attending an event simply for swag… so I decline out of respect for other people who might want to go.\n\nWell, I was recently invited to a Star Wars event, the launch of GUM brand toothbrushes for kids. Though there is hardly a way for me to work this into a post for my site, here I am, doing it. Why? Well, I attended for two reasons: first and foremost, I absolutely adore my nephews, both of whom are HUGE Star Wars fans. Well, they love the video games…as this next anecdote will tell you.\n\nI was watching my nephews in the playroom while my sister made dinner upstairs. I asked my nephews if they’d ever seen Star Wars, and my older nephew, D, responded, “No, not since a long time ago. Mom says they’re too violent so maybe one day when I’m older I can watch it again…” (Apparently, they saw it when they were too young to understand what was on the screen.) “So we haven’t watched it except a long, long time ago.”\n\nI responded – quite wittily I might add! – “In a galaxy far, far away?” and started giggling like mad.\n\nD and B both just looked blankly at me, until I finally stopped giggling and said “Ah well, you guys didn’t get my joke, it’s okay.”\n\nD came over, put a hand on my arm, and said very seriously, “That was a good joke, yeeyee.”  (Yeeyee is what he calls me.)\n\nBack to GUM brand toothbrushes and why I attended: as I said, my nephews love Star Wars, and we were encouraged to bring our children. I immediately RSVP’d and decided to bring both nephews (with the help of my sister, of course), though unfortunately, D had lacrosse.  So I went along with B and we had a blast, taking pictures with light sabers, meeting Darth Vader and a Storm Trooper, and enjoying the Ripley’s Believe It or Not space in Times Square, where the event was held.  I learned about proper brushing techniques for children and watched with amusement as new brushes that light up for 60 seconds – the proper amount of time for brushing the top teeth, and then the bottom teeth – were displayed, and just had a grand time.\n\nOh, the second reason I attended? Sherri of MomTrends is such a sweetheart, I absolutely adore her. Spending time chatting with her is always such a pleasure. Thanks again for inviting us, Sherri!\n\nFor more information about these awesome toothbrushes and full coverage of the event, check out Sherri’s post here. If you have Star Wars fans in your life, definitely check these out – I wish they’d make them in adult size, I was pretty jealous as I handed over our samples to my sister to give to D to use… but it was his birthday the next day, so I can’t complain too much!\n\nAnd after the event was over, we walked over to Southern Hospitality to have dinner before driving back home.  I’ve been to Southern Hospitality on the UES but never to the Hell’s Kitchen location, and enjoyed it in the past, so why not give it a go?", null, "Though my usual beverage of choice with BBQ is root beer, they had Abita, which isn’t my preferred root beer, and then this Sprecher fire brewed cream soda piqued my interest.  Fire brewed? Unfortunately, it wasn’t all that interesting, just… like cream soda, which isn’t one of my favorite things to drink. Not since I was 10 anyway.  I would definitely pass on this next time.", null, "An order of fried pickles to start – since I’d introduced FeistySis to these, she’s been casually looking for them. These were markedly better than the ones I’d had at the Upper East Side location, but still missed something. Easy enough to eat, but just not the best I’ve had.", null, "For B, an order of mac&cheese, which I found horrible. Gummy, with bland cheese (!!!), and barely worth touching. Luckily, his palate is less discerning than ours… though FeistySis opted to only give him a bit of this (and made the rest of his meal from her own platter).  I must say, though, I find mac&cheese in most BBQ places to be pretty bleh; unless they’re making it on the spot (which is rarely the case), it tends to turn out gummy and overcooked unless you luck into a fresh batch- which I have yet to do, unfortunately.", null, "I ordered the sticky ribs with creamed spinach and tater tots.  The server – who was not exactly on top of her game – gave this to me and then said “oh, do you want a steak knife for your ribs?” I quirked an eyebrow at her and declined, then remarked to my sister, “There’s a problem if I need a steak knife for these…” but I should have listened and accepted.  While I do like ribs with a little chew to them – I don’t necessarily want them to always fall right off the bone – these were downright tough. Ummm, what?  Yeah, not good.  I took 3/4 of the ribs home, and eventually took all the meat off the bone and froze it instead of eating it; when I have time to make it into soup or hash, I’ll do so – but as it was, the meat was totally tough and unpleasant to eat the way it was. Tragic, really, because the creamed spinach was, again, some of the best I’ve ever had – garlicky, creamy, delicious – and the tater tots were great, fried crisp and just fantastic.", null, "FeistySis ordered fried chicken with mashed potatoes and cole slaw. It pains me to say this – because there’s almost nothing worse in the world than bad fried chicken – but she really, really did not like her meal whatsoever.  She even made sure to impress this upon me the next time I saw her, about a week later, to make sure I wrote this in my review: the chicken was fried nicely, and the meat was not overcooked, with the breast staying juicy even after reheating it several hours later to eat as a late night snack – but there was just no taste to the meat.  While her standards are far stricter than mine – I’ve encountered a lot of fried chicken with this problem, and wouldn’t say they were horrible, though just not what I seek – I must say that her assessment was spot on. I sampled the drumstick, which was fried properly and juicy, with a crisp exterior, but the meat lacked any salt.  It was disappointing to say the least.  She also didn’t like her mashed potatoes, which I didn’t try. Overall, though, she firmly stated that she did not enjoy our meal and thought it was really disappointing and not very tasty. I picked wrong…\n\nYvo says: While the tater tots and creamed spinach were really great (and why don’t more places offer tater tots? Seriously!), the rest of the food – the main components of our meals – was just too disappointing for me to bother with a return trip. Sadly, as it’s in an area I find myself frequently lately, but there is excellent BBQ just a few avenues away… I will not visit here again.\nnot recommended", "Please note that I attended the GUM Star Wars toothbrush event courtesy of MomTrends, but was under no obligation to post about my experience, positive or negative, and received no monetary compensation to do so. Thank you again to Sherri for her hospitality! Southern Hospitality was not affiliated with the event in any way. FeistySis graciously paid for dinner, but as you may all realize by now, I do not subscribe to the ethos that ‘if it’s free, it’s good’ !"], "url": "http://feistyfoodie.com/2012/03/28/southern-hospitality-hells-kitchen/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 512, "original_width": 341, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 341, "original_width": 512, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 341, "original_width": 512, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 341, "original_width": 512, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 341, "original_width": 512, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["080c968037784f6ad04f3f9e6e1fac7802d160761b966fc1c71681d8c06f3f56", "3fc253e2608b5f076222e3c0519c2c3abbe7a22e4e572ece49864ce1168ad0dc", "bf9d0836ab6322574eda92a631d2779981e606689af77bca024652efba8dfe77", "a6762ff92897c977002138ec55789b47163fd455c37ab0691f4c924530383e98", "4ccd2031faa98c279a5adc889fcb9fd8f8117ca3fb521e96075d52c93bc3adb0"], "__index_level_0__": 84, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/buc.jpg", null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/brux.jpg", null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/medicine.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/bd1.jpg", null, null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/teef.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9678374528884888}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fishwhackerswindle.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/buc.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/buc.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"buc\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fishwhackerswindle.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/brux.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/brux.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"brux\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fishwhackerswindle.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/medicine.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/medicine.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"medicine\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fishwhackerswindle.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/200/crimescenehouse004.2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/200/crimescenehouse004.2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"crimescenehouse\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fishwhackerswindle.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/bd1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/bd1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bd\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fishwhackerswindle.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/teef.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/320/teef.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"teef\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fishwhackerswindle.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/1600/RondoHatton.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/512/1670/1600/RondoHatton.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"RondoHatton\", \"alt_text\": \"My Photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 66}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://fishwhackerswindle.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2517/322/1600/Best%20Character.0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2517/322/1600/Best%20Character.0.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Best Character\", \"alt_text\": \"Voted Best Character!\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Keeping with the theme of excrement, which for some reason most of the comments on my last post focused on to the exclusion of all the other fascinating aspects of my Brussels trip: when I was an overworked, underpaid, put-upon, abused, tortured and entirely unselfpitying house officer (US: intern) in my first hospital post, one of the jobs we all dreaded was faecal disimpaction. This needed to be done when a severely constipated patient, usually elderly, could not pass stool with the help of even the most powerful laxatives and enemas. (As an aside, there’s a product used to irrigate the colon in preparation for bowel surgery which has the name ‘Golightly’. Let’s have more of this kind of humour when naming medicinal products.) What you did in extreme cases was shove a pipe called a flatus tube up the patient’s anus. Bowel gas would then come exploding forth and the force of this would expel much of the solid contents with it. The rest of the stool could then be removed manually.\n\nUnderstandably this was not the most sought-after task, and responsibility for it would ping-pong back and forth between the nurses and the doctors. As house officers, we were the lowest rung on the ladder and usually ended up with the job, since the nurses would get out of it by pointing out that it was technically an invasive procedure and therefore one they were not permitted to carry out. Bullshit, of course, but I couldn’t blame them. One evening I was called upon to rise to the occasion. My heart leapt, for that week I was blessed with the presence of a medical student. Most of the time med students were a pain in the arse as they got under your feet when you were trying to do things and they made constant demands to be taught, for crying out loud. But they were extremely useful when something unpleasant needed doing because you could pull rank on them.\n\nDan (not his real name) was an enthusiastic young chap into whom all my sterling efforts to knock some cynicism had failed. I handed him the tube and watched his face, expecting to see the first flickers of what would inevitably become the doctor’s permanent expression of sourness. If anything, he beamed even more broadly, grasped the tube like a baton in a relay race (which is quite a pertinent comparison now that I think of it) and strode off to the patient’s bedside.\n\nThe problem with the procedure is that no matter how painstakingly you position yourself out of the way of the tube, the expulsive force always, always results in at least some spattering of your clothes, your skin or your hair. I watched Dan ask the patient to turn on her stomach, then position the bucket behind her on the floor (a token effort if ever there was one). What he did next, I wasn’t expecting. He moved round to the patient’s head and reached down across the length of her body, sliding the tube in by pulling its end towards him. The flatus escaped with a Krakatoa-like detonation, the shit shot several yards to spray against the cubicle curtain, and nary a fleck besmirched Dan.\n\nAnd the patient promptly vomited, great gouts of green and khaki spew drenching Dan’s legs and crotch. He was too self-controlled to cry out but I noticed with satisfaction that his grin twitched a little. I fled outside, and stood near the entrance doubled over, gales of laughter wracking me.\n\nDan earned himself the sobriquet Rainbow that day, and as far as I know they still call him that.\n\n# posted by Foot Eater @ 5:08 pm 56 comments", "Tuesday, April 18, 2006\n\nEater's Easter", null, "If a latter-day Dick Whittington were to go looking for a city whose streets were paved not with gold but with dog shit, he’d be well advised to head for Brussels. The pavements are slathered with the stuff. Christ knows what they feed their dogs, but I suspect it might be the same praline spread you see on breakfast tables as the faeces are of the same colour and creamy consistency.\n\nVampirella and I spent two days there, and a terrific Easter weekend it was too. The beer is fabulous. I sampled some nine varieties but barely dipped into the pot as there are over 500 kinds. My favourite was ‘Judas’, an apparently innocuous brew which, true to its name, bites you on the figurative arse once you’ve had a bottle and suddenly can’t stand up. The food’s pretty good too, though I started to tire of mussels after the first meal. I mean, they’re all very well, but they do look like detached vulvas and they don’t really fill you up. Rabbit stewed in cherry beer was a better bet.\n\nAs with most continental European cities, the public transport system is excellent and cheap, and puts our own British travesty to shame. Brussels is not a beautiful city by any means, and while its cathedral and Grand Place square are mighty impressive, there’s an air of drab seediness hanging over the place, as though all the money there has gone into the trough feeding the hogs in the EU area which it probably has. That said, many of the buildings are decorated with enormous murals from comic strips, Belgium being one of the comic capitals of the world, and you can go on a walking tour of comic mural sites as we did.\n\nThere’s a weirdness about the place that I found fascinating and unsettling at the same time. Bizarre statues – of stooped old ladies, of busty cartoon rabbits riding bicycles, of dogs cocking their legs – appear all over the city free of any apparent context. Going back to my earlier remark about dog turds, there are places where an emblem of a squatting dog appears on the pavement, without a line through it, as though this is a designated canine toilet area. And, of course, the city’s most famous landmark is a pint-sized statue of a urinating little boy, which says a lot.\n\nThe night life is excellent. We wound up in a cheesy jazz bar and got to sit up on a balcony where we could watch the super-slick bartenders mixing drinks with dazzling speed and elan. At one point I was buying a round and the lounge singer was belting out Hey Big Spender, which was entirely apt considering that I was handing over a 20 Euro note for two drinks and getting a couple of coins as change.\n\nWorth a visit, especially since there are very few Brits there. Those people are awful on holiday.\nMay they step in dog shit up to their waists.\n\n# posted by Foot Eater @ 5:57 pm 25 comments", "A user's guide to doctors", null, "The medical profession. What’s it like? Grave but kindly Kildare types trudging through the gloaming? Dashing young bestubbled lads sprinting down corridors, ER-style, their jaws set grimly and their minds on nothing but the saving of lives?\n\nArse to all that. I might as well come clean here: I have inside knowledge of the profession, and a more fractious, faction-ridden collection of backbiters and fudge-tunnel-shafters (metaphorically speaking) I have yet to come across. There are of course several species of the genus doctor, to wit:\n\nSurgeons. The most macho of the specialties, surgery’s proponents are arrogant sods to a man, and most of them are indeed men, as it’s the most macho of the specialties. Did I mention how macho it is? Laying waste the integrity of the flesh wherever they find it, this lot believe there is no human ill but that it cannot be banished through brute excision. The term ‘bedside manner’ has no meaning to them except in a sexual context, and they regard politeness to colleagues and, God forbid, patients as unspeakably gay. Any woman who breaks through into their holy ranks is automatically assumed to be of the Sapphic persuasion. A subspecies, orthopaedic surgeons, comprises palaeolithic throwbacks who lacked the qualifications to become car mechanics. A qualified surgeon in Britain revels in the title Mr rather than Dr, as a result of the specialty’s origins in carpentry in the Middle Ages. They hate physicians, radiologists, psychiatrists and anaesthetists, and are regarded with reciprocal contempt. Bastards.\n\nPhysicians. Known as internists in the US, these are the boffins of the profession. They think so, anyway. Essentially they deal with every part of the malfunctioning body that does not involve the genitalia and does not lend itself to removal with a knife. Masters of diagnosis, they often place this skill above all else, including the ability to heal, and have been known to spend so long arguing over the medical equivalent of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin that their patients have died of old age in the mean time. Their middle grade, the registrar, is the most overworked being on earth and is prone to screaming at you in the middle of the night. They hate anyone who refers patients to them, and have a particular loathing for psychiatrists and accident and emergency doctors. Swine.\n\nPaediatricians. I don’t have much to say about them as they’re generally quite nice. They have an unfortunate tendency to have their homes vandalised by illiterate vigilantes, and are usually quite deaf by the age of 35 as a result of exposure to crying children all day. They don’t hate anybody. Likeable sorts.\n\nAnaesthetists. Usually people with no social skills (but see pathologists below), these rather odd types prefer their patients unconscious. A smug crowd, really, they sit around in the operating theatre reading magazines while all hell is breaking loose, and never fail to sneer at their surgical colleagues’ errors. They love to cancel operations at a moment’s notice for the most trivial of reasons, such as a surgeon’s poor grammar in a patient’s case notes. They appear to hate surgeons but are probably really repressing homosexual urges. Smarmy slime.\n\nPsychiatrists. These are the misfits of the profession, people who spent years at medical school paralysed by insecurity and self-doubt and don’t like to touch human flesh. They’re hilariously touchy about being confused with psychologists, and about being told that their discipline is not as scientific as others in medicine. They burn out fast, and have a high prevalence of substance abuse and sexual perversion. They hate surgeons, A&E doctors and psychologists. Freaks.\n\nPathologists. Closet necrophiliacs, especially their subspecies forensic pathologists, these whey-faced denizens of the crypt lack even the most basic human empathy and interpersonal skills, and practise a bizarre form of ‘horse-has-bolted’ medicine. They think they’re safe from being sued as most of their patients are already dead, but recently received a few kicks up the collective jacksie in this regard. They hate (and envy) any type of doctor who gains the trust of patients as they by definition are unable to do so. Weirdos.\n\nRadiologists. These chaps and ladies are wannabe surgeons who are too squeamish actually to break the flesh in order to see what’s inside, and therefore view our internal workings through the cowardy-custard world of high technology. They are trained to refuse every request made of them as a matter of course, which makes them most unloved. They have a penchant for illicit sex with their radiographers in the darkroom. They hate everyone and are hated in turn by everyone except paediatricians, who hate nobody. Shits.\n\nObstetricians/gynaecologists. I mean, come on, really. Spending your working life wrist-deep in chuff? They hate themselves, and fear everyone else. Perverts.\n\nGeneral practitioners (family doctors in the US). No, I’ll have no Harold Shipman wisecracks here, thank you very much. GPs are a pretty mixed bunch, more reflective of outside society than the other specialties. Some are noble upholders of Hippocrates’s tradition, others are utter dross. They hate, love, laugh and weep as do the lumpenproletariat. Normal people.\n\nSo there you have it. Cut out and keep this helpful guide, and consult it next time you consider having that twinge investigated. You might think twice.\n\nAnd no, I’m not telling you which of the above I am.\n\n# posted by Foot Eater @ 5:08 pm 25 comments", "Tuesday, April 11, 2006\n\nHope everyone had a great Easter weekend. I did, though for some reason I got a few funny looks when I arrived back at work today.\n\nThe other day I went for a walk in the woods and took along my labrador, Fritz. He’s a gentle soul, as labradors are, and so when I left him by himself and wandered off to look at some ducks, I wasn’t surprised to see on my return that all manner of woodland folk had come up to make friends with him: squirrels, foxes and even a badger. I had to shoo them away, which I felt a bit sorry about, and Fritz himself seemed reluctant to part from his new acquaintances.\n\nImagine my surprise when a group of children and their mothers began to scream at the sight of him a few minutes later. I called after them that he wouldn’t bite but they didn’t seem to hear. Perhaps they were cat lovers?\n\nThat evening I told Vampirella about this curious episode. She sighed, put her hand on mine and said in that soft, touching way of hers: “Foot, it’s been six weeks now. Don’t you think it’s time to bury him?”\n\nBlogosaurus entry: Wanker’s cramp – blogging block.\n\n# posted by Foot Eater @ 8:06 pm 20 comments", "Saturday, April 08, 2006\n\nInspector Shrike investigates", "(The story began here. Click on the link first if you want to make any sense of the following correspondence.)\n\nFurther to the unexplained disappearances of Roland Batter, Olive Fry, Anais Meeyal and Brian Eaton in the Edenglen Valley, the Chief Constable is giving this investigation Code One priority. As you are aware, Edenglen Valley is the constituency of the Secretary of State for Health, and the political dimension to this matter does not need to be pointed out. Leave is henceforth cancelled until further notice. I shall be meeting with all of you on Monday 10.04.06 to establish a task force dedicated to this investigation.\n\n20 May 2006\n\nChief Superintendent F Strong\nHartwickshire Police\nWillow Downs\n\nDear Fred\n\nJust a quick note to ask how things are progressing with the Edenglen Valley business. It’s been six weeks now and the Home Secretary’s breathing down my neck, what with the local elections coming up. Have any of those leads you mentioned at the last briefing thrown anything up?\n\nI have to tell you, Fred, I have a bad feeling about this, and the shit is going to hit the fan if we don’t produce some results soon.\n\nHow’s Joan and the kids?\n\n21 May 2006\n\nChief Constable James Dredge\n\nDear Jim\n\nI appreciate the pressure you’re under but could I ask that you not get on my back like this? I do understand the implications of fucking this one up. As it happens, one of our officers, DI Shrike, has come across something rather interesting which I’ve asked him to follow up. Please find attached a copy of his report.\n\nJoan and the boys are fine. Thanks.\n\nToday (18 May) I was visiting my mother in Acorn Park Nursing Home, Edenglen Valley. My mother mentioned that one of her fellow residents had become very agitated recently every time there was a report on the television news about the ‘disappearances’. I spoke to this resident, a man named Mr Harry Foot. Mr Foot, 45, is a Falklands War veteran and suffered a severe head injury during that conflict, hence his placement in a nursing home. He also lost his right leg. I found him extremely difficult to interview as he was incoherent at times and seldom answered questions directly. I showed him the pictures of the four missing persons and he began laughing and shouting: “They’ve been et [sic].” I subsequently asked who ‘et [sic]’ them, to which he replied: “He did, the one what [sic] et [sic] my leg.”\n\nFurther questioning of Mr Foot proved fruitless, but I made enquiries among the nursing staff and later Mr Foot’s general practitioner. Apparently he and the remains of his company were rescued during the war after having been cut off for several days and having sustained severe injuries. Mr Foot never regained his full mental faculties but he has maintained that his leg, far from having been blown off by enemy fire, was removed and eaten by one of his fellow soldiers. He has never identified the alleged perpetrator, and it has always been assumed that this story was a product of his unfortunate mental condition. Nonetheless, it is interesting that he should now allege that four missing persons have been eaten by the same man as the one he claims ate his leg, when he has never claimed anything like this for the last twenty years and more.\n\nI request permission to interview Mr Foot further, and sequentially, to explore this avenue.\n\n22 May 2006\n\nWhat in Christ’s name is this shit? We’re in the middle of one of the biggest investigations this force has ever seen and you send me some report from a shitty little DI about raving loonies in nursing homes with cannibal fixations?\n\nThe Home Secretary is, as you know, close enough to the Health Secretary to be his arsehole buddy, and has warned me that the repercussions of a balls-up would be far-reaching. I’m sorry to say this, Fred, but I’m not carrying the can for this on my own. Get me some results. A fucking body would be a start.\n\n23 May 2006\n\nI wasn’t going to bring this up if I could help it, but you leave me no choice. Remember that New Year’s party, 2002? Not the one at the office, the other one, afterwards? Of course you don’t; you were too pissed. Too pissed to see me there with the new camera I’d got for Christmas.\n\nTake a look at the enclosed photos, Jim, and then let me know if you’re going to back off or if I need to have a little word with that Times journalist I’ve got cosy with.\n\nI will produce something. At the same time, I will allow DI Shrike to continue with his investigation. Every little helps.\n\nEmail 30.05.2006\n\nRecipient: email@example.com (CS Frederick Strong)\nSender: firstname.lastname@example.org (Superintendent David Duffy)\nSubject: d i shrike\n\nDI Mike Shrike has vanished. he didnt report in this morning and no-ones seen hide nor hare of him since yesTERDAy. As you know sir he lives alone but his neybours havent seen him neither, he was lookin into this stuff about the war vetran geezer and left me a ansafone messege sayin the geezer told him the name of the bloke whot ate his leg and killed and ate the missgn persons. he didn’t say who it was tho but he said he couldn’t belive it. He said he was goin to look into it his self and let me no what he found. Sir I don’t no what to do.\n\n17 June 2006\n\nThe Rt Honorable Christopher Stark, MP\nSecretary of State for the Home Department\nHouse of Commons\n\nDear Chris\n\nI am genuinely sorry that your Detective Inspector Shrike is still missing. From the profiles I have read he appears to be a dedicated police officer and an example to us all. It is also unfortunate that he should disappear in the middle of such a crucial investigation, when all available manpower is so desperately required.\n\nThis brings me to my next point. The investigation into the disappearances in my constituency has not borne fruit, and while I fully accept that this is through no fault of your own, I am anxious to draw a line under the matter. It is in no-one’s interests, least of all the country’s, to be distracted by a police investigation while important elections are underway. Furthermore, with violent crime on the increase in our provincial towns as well as inner cities, it seems to me imprudent to divert already-stretched police resources away from where they are most needed.\n\nI therefore respectfully ask if you would consider closing the investigation on the ‘Edenglen Valley Four’. I do not of course wish to stray into your territory but might I suggest that if a little smoke needs to be put out to satisfy the press, could we consider something along the lines of DI Shrike’s having stymied the investigation through his unnecessary pursuits up blind alleys? Regrettable though this might be, it is unlikely that it will affect DI Shrike adversely as he is, as we used to say in the Forces, Missing In Action.\n\nLucinda and I look forward to seeing you and Jenny next week.\n\nThe Rt Honorable Colin Fenby, MP\nSecretary of State for Health\n\n# posted by Foot Eater @ 1:15 am 12 comments", "Thursday, April 06, 2006\n\nTo Bob", null, "Though some say your music is naught\nBut a most frightful din,\nI’d say, O Bob, to genius\nIt is far more akin.\n\nHungbunny calls you Bob ‘The Knob’\nBut that’s not really fair;\nAll I dislike, O Bob, ’bout you\n’S your rancid facial hair.\n\nYour voice, it’s true, has worn quite thin -\nYou sound like Eartha Kitt -\nAnd Love And Theft, let’s face it, Bob,\nWas pretty f*cking sh*t.\n\nIt’s memories, though, that keep the flame\nAblaze within my soul –\nOf pillbox hats of leopard skin,\nIsis, and stones that roll.\n\nA hetero man am I, and\nOne who would never turn.\nBut if I were a girl, O Bob,\nHow you’d make my nub burn!\n\nI wouldn’t even have to be\nA lady with a f**ny;\nI think I’d fancy you, dear Bob,\nWere I a pre-op tr*nnie.\n\nYou’d beckon me with wicked grin,\nAnd where you’d lead, I’d follow;\nI’d **** your ****, you’d ***** my ****,\nAnd at the end, I’d sw*l*ow.\n\nDazed with passion, limp with desire,\nMy head and heart sent swimming,\nWe’d **** and ***** and *** and *******\nAnd then move on to ri*m*ng.\n\nThen **** ** ***, and *** in ****,\nAnd ******, and even worse;\nO Bob, O Bob, O Bob, O Bob,\nI’m running out of verse.\n\nSo ignore all the naysayers\nAnd keep on keeping on –\nClapped out and wrinkly though you are,\nI’ll miss you when you’re gone.\n\n# posted by Foot Eater @ 7:31 am 13 comments", "Monday, April 03, 2006\n\nHouse of horror", null, "I went to the dentist on Saturday for the first time in two years. “Why have you left it for two years?” asked Ali as he rammed cold jagged vibrating steel between my jaws. As if he gives a monkey’s: my self-neglect means there’s more for him to fix, and therefore more for him to spend on fripperies like that midlife crisis toy parked outside the surgery.\n\nIt’s a private facility and upstairs from a heart clinic, which is handy in the event of somebody suffering a cardiac arrest in the chair, or more likely when the receptionist gives him the bill afterwards. As a familiar if infrequent customer I’m entitled to a freebie with Monica four times a year. Monica is a buxom wench who wears some heady scent that would stir a man’s blood even if she was 70, elephantine and had a face like a yak, which she isn’t and doesn’t. She’s not a prostitute, by the way, as far as I know, but rather a dental hygienist, and on Saturday I emerged from her tender ministrations with all the relevant parts satisfyingly polished.\n\nThe session with the dentist was not as much fun. It got off to a bad start. I tried wrong-footing him by saying loudly and sheepishly as I sat down, “I know, I know, I should -” but he’d clearly rehearsed his lecture and wasn’t going to be denied. Phoebe, his nurse, who has a voice indistinguishable from one of his drills, chipped in with little acerbic bon mots. It was like being back at school and I was about to pull my trousers down and bend over for the inevitable when I got a grip on myself and remembered that I was the customer and they were my paid helpers. Curtly, I asked Ali to get the fuck on with it.*\n\nSo we moved on to X-rays, Ali gabbing away as dentists do about every bloody thing on God’s earth and engaging in playful flirtation with Phoebe, even going so far as to whack her bottom with my dental records at one point. I quite like Ali, really, and he’s a good dentist, but they’re all cut from the same cloth. He went out to get the X-rays and Phoebe tried to engage me in a conversation about football, without success as I know nothing about the game and care less. Ali came back in, shaking his head slightly and with the tip of his tongue squeezed into a thin white strip between his perfect front teeth.\n\n“Oh my God,” he crowed in the grating cod-Indian voice he likes to put on for what he tragically believes is the amusement of his patients and staff. He’s second-generation British Asian and normally has a Kensington accent that could cut glass. “Wery bad, wery bad, Mr Eater.”\n\nIt turned out I needed three fillings and there was a wisdom tooth that was likely to impact some time soon. I felt sick and angry. I brush twice a day, floss more or less daily – well, three times a week anyway – and don’t really eat sweets. I kicked the fags five years ago so my gums should be in good shape (and to be fair, they were according to him). But if all that effort yields such slim pickings, what’s the point? He could do the two worst fillings now, and it would take about an hour.\n\n“Don’t worry,” said Ali, mercifully back in his soothing normal voice, “we have a new entertainment system for you to use while I’m working.” And so they did. It was a pair of spectacles onto which was projected a DVD film. I had a choice of films and TV shows. There wasn’t much that appealed, and what I did like, I’d seen before, but in the end I picked an episode of Jam, the brilliant Channel Four programme from five or six years ago by the legendary satirist Chris Morris. It’s a nightmarish sketch series, comedy in only the broadest sense of the word and probably the most twisted thing that has ever appeared on television.\n\nAnd the horror began. The footage playing on the glasses was also showing on a small screen visible to Ali and Phoebe, and what bothered me was that they were chortling away from the start. I find Jam hilarious but I’m unnerved when other people do, especially people with a responsible job taking care of my dental well-being. After the unutterable pain of the anaesthetic injections I focused on the programme, assuming the worst was over and that all I’d feel was a little gentle pressure. One of the milder sketches came on, involving a young man who goes for acupuncture with a terrifying woman who treats her clients by driving ten-inch nails through their arms and legs and pinning them to boards. (As she says, “The treatment’s very successful… I’ve never had a patient come back.”)\n\nIn an eerie instance of coincidence:\n\nWHACK went the nail into the man’s hand -\n\nCRRRRRRZZZZZZTTTT went the drill bit into my jaw, prying forth rotten tooth contents –\n\nFifty minutes later I staggered out of the building and ran to my car, a wad of bloodied swab crammed against my mouth. The journey home was quick, no doubt helped by the lightening of my wallet that had occurred, though the new metal in my mouth would have counterbalanced this somewhat.\n\nAli should be arrested forthwith, his assistants with him, and the police must dig up the foundations of that building because there are bodies buried under it, I swear to Christ. Dentists are evil and must be abolished. Children should be genetically tampered with so that they don’t grow teeth.\n\n*Actually, what I said was, “I’m really sorry and I’ll take better care of my teeth in future,” but I’m not going to admit that to the likes of you. I maintain this blog so that I can present myself as something I’m not: a heroic figure.\n\n# posted by Foot Eater @ 11:44 pm 18 comments", "Name: Foot Eater\n\nAbout me is the cold fluorescence of the morgue\n\nPositive feedback\n\nVoted Best Character! Foot Eater! He's THE BEST CHARACTER!", "All a bit previous\n\nFor pity's sake don't bother here\n\nThey link, the fools"], "url": "http://fishwhackerswindle.blogspot.com/2006_04_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 570, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 212, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 243, "original_width": 320, "width": 497}, {"height": 428, "original_height": 315, "original_width": 278, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 300, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["8917707a49de9959ed66eeeda12caab3c9cdafb7adf00a0ec9b7cb5a7e7b0401", "22f2199399297a7c68bab83d0dc096e365f18be970313ac766d494632a1e5fed", "874e706513ba237fd6ffc2ed30b66781db6cc1e25d63b059cd530d7b7af636a5", "afd3ff16bd2bf27ec36ea522403ff4ad92422eb9a4ef803be0d609a4e9a85e0b", "afc21569b477fbfd9ea09ae1bc75edcaf45ab4c078fb09d538a2db66d87bab3f"], "__index_level_0__": 85, "cc_dump": 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"texts": ["Yes, I met someone and rather than keep living the same day in my life over and over, I jumped into the abyss.\n\nSo currently I am working in Luxembourg (at least until the end of February 2015) and living in Montpellier France.\n\nFrench Police Car", null, "Michael Drips\n\nmisanthrope, environmentalist, historian, author, photographer", "Subscribe To My Musings", "Where am I?", "Michael's Google Reader items", "Cheesecake Factory SF", null, "A free meal courtesy of the Dallas Mavericks!"], "url": "http://forevervoyaging.blogspot.com/2015/02/a-return-to-blogging-after-5-year-hiatus.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 538, "width": 564}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 203, "original_width": 271, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["b3dbfd465003a9972665a1db9ddecbdf055e05a7b64235b1997acd5bb302dc55", "c3df2c169c79bcb2707497ab6fc5cafbbf9a3deb25ace3780e9a0436ae98ecfa"], "__index_level_0__": 86, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} 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He's got a show coming up in LA in March at Corey Helford Gallery. Check the links for more info..."], "url": "http://framesf.blogspot.com/2011/01/henry-lewis.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 578, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 209, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["cc8e5e96a0fd2d3fa22560ce4c2697a5ab356a17d62ad26f3e138ba5d503b10c", "4979e49301b7a5e44cfd00e4a2e65defc631f386397d17a403b8bccc660385a0"], "__index_level_0__": 87, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XC0q-JfLBOg/T2-U9QipnyI/AAAAAAAAFHA/oSTGdzkQxcM/s640/fog.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8568110466003418}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://frommidnight.blogspot.com/2012/03/mikes-top-50-horror-movies-countdown-45.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XC0q-JfLBOg/T2-U9QipnyI/AAAAAAAAFHA/oSTGdzkQxcM/s640/fog.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XC0q-JfLBOg/T2-U9QipnyI/AAAAAAAAFHA/oSTGdzkQxcM/s640/fog.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fog\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://frommidnight.blogspot.com/2012/03/mikes-top-50-horror-movies-countdown-45.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y82/dyjafi/bt_pic_horiz.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y82/dyjafi/bt_pic_horiz.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bt pic horiz\", \"alt_text\": \"Large Association of Movie Blogs\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://frommidnight.blogspot.com/2012/03/mikes-top-50-horror-movies-countdown-45.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/80x15.png\", \"src\": \"http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/80x15.png\", \"alt_text\": \"Creative Commons License\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://frommidnight.blogspot.com/2012/03/mikes-top-50-horror-movies-countdown-45.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_N91xwP-lKvw/S28L8iW8mWI/AAAAAAAAAWE/iXqu3nwNwEg/S214/HBA+Member.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_N91xwP-lKvw/S28L8iW8mWI/AAAAAAAAAWE/iXqu3nwNwEg/S214/HBA+Member.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"HBA Member\", \"rendered_width\": 214, \"rendered_height\": 144}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["The Mike's Top 50 Horror Movies Countdown: #45 - The Fog\n\nThe Fog\n(1980, Dir. by John Carpenter.)", null, "Why It's Here:\nJohn Carpenter's follow-up to Halloween - a movie you just might see later on this list - is one of those horror films that is truly one-of-a-kind.  Aside from a haphazard remake, there are very few supernatural tales out there that capitalize on the same supernatural feeling that exists in most of the film's scenes.  The movie plays like a mixed bowl of horror standards with a few slasher movie tricks thrown in, and a cast of wonderful actors keeps the film afloat while Carpenter shows off his mastery of the genre.\nThe Moment That Changes Everything:\nI think the opening moments - from the Edgar Allan Poe quote to a campfire story by John Houseman to opening credits full of paranormal hijinx - do as much for setting the tone for this film than any opening sequence ever has.  It's immediately established that anything can happen in the world of The Fog, and we're already uneasy before the characters and setting are set up during the following daylight hours.\nIt Makes a Great Double Feature With:\nDan O'Bannon and John Carpenter had one heckuva falling out around the end of the '70s, but that doesn't mean their styles stopped working together.  The O'Bannon scripted Dead & Buried - directed by the severely underrated Gary Sherman - shares the same ominous mood and sets its story in a similar seaside town.  The stories differ greatly, but the combo seems like a fun dose of supernatural fun to me.\nWhat It Means To Me:\nThe Fog has never been my favorite Carpenter film - it probably would struggle to make my top five, even - but that doesn't mean I don't dig it greatly.  It's a prototype for what I want from a \"midnight movie\", and it seems like it's gotten better with each viewing.  I still have some issues with the story to work out, but I can take in the cast and the style of The Fog any day.\nMidnight Musings by The Mike at 7:02 PM", "Keywords: 1980s, Horror, John Carpenter, Top 50 Horror Countdown", "Ashley Shannon said...\n\nI love The Fog, only saw it a couple of years ago but thought it was such an original premise. It could so easily have come off as silly but Carpenter's ability to create atmosphere (usually through his amazing scores) elevate way above that. Great film, props for putting it on your list :D\n\nThey Made Me Do It\n\n2:38 AM, March 26, 2012", "Enbrethiliel said...\n\nIs this the one in which a DJ begs listeners of her radio programme to go to her home and save her son? If so, then I saw it as a child and never forgot it!\n\nBut I've not watched it again since, for the silliest reason . . . I saw The Mist a few years ago, thought these two were the same movie, and kept turning down invitations to catch this with friends, saying \"I've already seen it.\"\n\n3:15 AM, March 27, 2012", "Marvin the Macabre said...\n\nDead & Buried, huh? I'll have to check it out.\n\nI agree that The Fog gets better every time I watch it. Last summer, we hung up a sheet on our deck and watched this one under the stars. Pure magic.\n\nI remember seeing the original TV promos for The Fog when I was 5. scared the doo-doo brown outta me, and made me freak out at every foggy day. And back then I didn't even know about the ghost lepers.\n\n11:36 PM, March 30, 2012", "joe hughes said...\n\n5:00 PM, April 05, 2012", "The Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards", "FMWL across the web!\n\nFMWL on Facebook\nThe Mike on Twitter", "Contact The Mike!", "Subscribe to FMWL!", "The Mike writes here too!", "Dawning - Now on DVD/Blu-Ray!", "Features an Audio Commentary that includes The Mike!", "Midnight Archive", "The Midnight Warriors!", "The League of Tana Tea Drinkers"], "url": "http://frommidnight.blogspot.com/2012/03/mikes-top-50-horror-movies-countdown-45.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 604, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["560a0fe49f4323b7b066f0c16c1fb64f18f934d6f284a48c6b06d3781e280011"], "__index_level_0__": 88, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MG7JU3oS-i0/U2rk0wA6S0I/AAAAAAAAEFg/JoJh6nA8ZA4/s1600/2014-05-07_18-34-15_956.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9172707796096802}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://frugalupside.blogspot.com/2014/05/a-frugal-life-healthy-life.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MG7JU3oS-i0/U2rk0wA6S0I/AAAAAAAAEFg/JoJh6nA8ZA4/s1600/2014-05-07_18-34-15_956.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MG7JU3oS-i0/U2rk0wA6S0I/AAAAAAAAEFg/JoJh6nA8ZA4/s1600/2014-05-07_18-34-15_956.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 180}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://frugalupside.blogspot.com/2014/05/a-frugal-life-healthy-life.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-m_5rbqcIf7U/T9piKDrSIEI/AAAAAAAABxs/nh3-vRgvOkw/s80/MGG%2B3%2B%25283%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-m_5rbqcIf7U/T9piKDrSIEI/AAAAAAAABxs/nh3-vRgvOkw/s80/MGG%2B3%2B%25283%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MGG B B\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 53, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null]", "texts": ["A Frugal Life, A Healthy Life\n\nA favorite frugal meal graced our table tonight.  Chicken black bean soup and whole wheat corn muffins. Baking at the moment are oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, which will be served tomorrow in place of a birthday cake for my husband.  He does not like cake, but adores my homemade chocolate chip cookies. Thankfully I increased the portions while cooking, allowing me to set aside muffins, soup and cookies to be delivered as a care package in the morning.  Earlier this week a friend (who is my age, married, and has two children of similar ages) underwent cancer surgery.  I signed up through TakeThemAMeal.com and wanted to drop off something healthy.  I hope I hit the mark.\n\nFrugal living has many upsides, one of which I bank on is that it will provide long-term health benefits.  Upon turning 40 another friend said \"we've entered the decade of divorces and cancer diagnoses\".  Sadly I see that happening to those around me on a weekly basis.  In my 20s and 30s frugal living allowed me to pay down $97,000 in student debt and then create a nice sized down payment on a house.  Frugal has been more about finances than health for me.  I sense that my motivation is beginning to shift.\n\nIf the soup sounds tasty, give it a try, it could not be more easy: 2 cans black beans, 2 cups broth, 1 jar salsa.  Mix and simmer.  I tossed in fresh cilantro, scallions bought at the farmers market today, and leftover chicken.  Simple, healthy, and easy on the budget.", null], "url": "http://frugalupside.blogspot.com/2014/05/a-frugal-life-healthy-life.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 900, "original_width": 1600, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["56276227b5772a934ec88391bd1b757427fdb198b2f55b4e2427edebe7e409d3"], "__index_level_0__": 89, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://img.youtube.com/vi/M5keJHZdWYM/hqdefault.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9441996216773988}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://gabixlerreviews-bookreadersheaven.blogspot.com/2015/10/this-little-piggys-leaving-home-whats.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zY3i58PwTsE/VYRABNz4uvI/AAAAAAAAZoY/QNc2tI8uFMU/s1600/images.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zY3i58PwTsE/VYRABNz4uvI/AAAAAAAAZoY/QNc2tI8uFMU/s1600/images.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"images\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://gabixlerreviews-bookreadersheaven.blogspot.com/2015/10/this-little-piggys-leaving-home-whats.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.youtube.com/vi/M5keJHZdWYM/hqdefault.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://img.youtube.com/vi/M5keJHZdWYM/hqdefault.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hqdefault\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, October 15, 2015\n\nThis Little Piggy's Leaving Home... What's Happening at BRH!\n\nWell, the time is finally here...\n\nRemember when I shared a poem from Body Language by Janet Cameron Hoult...\nIf not, here it is again...\n\nTwisted Toe", "My second toe just doesn't know\nwhich direction it should go\n\nIt starts to bend, then curves around\nI'm just not sure which way it's bound\n\nRight now it's brushing up against\nits sister toe which has the sense\n\nTo keep on straight and to ignore\nthe one that doesn't know the score\n\nFor it should stop its funny moves\nand keep its owner in the groove\n\nSo she doesn't completely unwind\nand end up landing on her behind.\n\nIt was fun counting toes with Mommy when we were young, but when we've aged, sometimes those toes make problems for us... Like the picture above, a problem which is called a Hammertoe, decides to start moving to the side rather than straight... Mine is now laying across the big toe...\n\nSo, if you remember the poem, This little piggy went to Market...and this little piggy stayed home...\n\nWell, that little piggy that stayed home is now blocking the big piggy from going to the market!\n\nSo I had to talk to my doctor and he decided that the piggy who always stayed home needs to finally leave! And that's going to happen tomorrow sometime...\n\nI have no idea what physical reaction I might have as a result of the surgery, so you may not see me for a few days...\n\nSure would appreciate your prayers and thoughts if you care to speak to the Big Guy for me!", null], "url": "http://gabixlerreviews-bookreadersheaven.blogspot.com/2015/10/this-little-piggys-leaving-home-whats.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 480, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["e74fb7ca60d32fa43219248f6239df972bd4ea47c0d73a1a0371a1cca2920282"], "__index_level_0__": 90, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-M4ccEvgoAy8/Uba46fJau7I/AAAAAAAABqk/2n0yrb_nxR4/s1600/iPhone+5.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.945873498916626}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://gadget-design.blogspot.com/2013/06/7-important-things-that-are-not-owned.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-M4ccEvgoAy8/Uba46fJau7I/AAAAAAAABqk/2n0yrb_nxR4/s1600/iPhone+5.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-M4ccEvgoAy8/Uba46fJau7I/AAAAAAAABqk/2n0yrb_nxR4/s1600/iPhone+5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"iPhone\", \"alt_text\": \"7 Important Things That Are Not Owned by iPhone 5\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 380}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://gadget-design.blogspot.com/2013/06/7-important-things-that-are-not-owned.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-M4ccEvgoAy8/Uba46fJau7I/AAAAAAAABqk/2n0yrb_nxR4/s72-c/iPhone+5.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-M4ccEvgoAy8/Uba46fJau7I/AAAAAAAABqk/2n0yrb_nxR4/s72-c/iPhone+5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"iPhone\", \"alt_text\": \"7 Important Things That Are Not Owned by iPhone 5\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["7 Important Things That Are Not Owned by iPhone 5\n\n10:39 PM  Art Style and Design   Labels: Apple, iPhone", null, "INFO GADGET - Present as an Apple's most advanced smartphone, the iPhone 5 does seem to have it all which has specifications, performance, and also the best features.\n\nHowever, no product is absolutely perfect in this world, as well as the iPhone 5. There are still some things that can not be done by a device that reportedly will soon get the next generation.\n\nHere are 7 important things that are not owned by the iPhone 5, as quoted by Business Insider.\n\n1. Has not been equipped with NFC\n\nSmartphones that are circulating lately, most are equipped with NFC. Unfortunately, until the 6th generation, Apple still has not embed these components.\n\nNFC is actually the development of card technology Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). By using NFC, the user can perform payment activities simply by attaching the phone to a reader.\n\nApple itself is already \"replace\" NFC with Passbook system which became available in iOS 6. Through these features, users can store tickets, gift cards, boarding passes, and much more.\n\nThis feature can also run some (not all) of the NFC. For example, users can not use the NFC to wirelessly send money to other people's PayPal account.\n\nWith the increasing number of stores that support NFC, Apple has had to apply these components to the new device.\n\n2. Comforts in typing\n\nTyping on the touch screen it will never be as comfortable as typing on the physical keyboard. Developers are working hard to expand the application type, which makes comfort in typing rise.\n\nOne of the applications that have been successfully accommodate is Swype. Unfortunately, this application is only available in Android only.\n\nInstead of having to type in the letters in the alphabet, users can drag the application (sliding a finger without lifting a finger from the screen) to make words.\n\nIn fact, Apple gives auto-text/autocorrect function that can predict words who want to typed by users. However, it is often words that produced inaccurate. The case certainly make users increasingly slow and reduce the level of comfort in typing.\n\n3. Support for SD cards\n\nAlmost all Android based phones on the market lately are backed by a microSD port. With the existence of these ports, users can expand the storage capacity of their devices. On average, the device supports microSD cards until 64GB.\n\n4. Capacity seems insufficient\n\nTalking about the storage media, the capacity provided by Apple for its iPhone devices is between 8, 16, 32, and 64GB. Currently, the most widely circulated is 16 and 32GB.\n\nMany users are complaining about the lack of capacity of the storage media.\n\nPerhaps, for the future, Apple can deliver a device with a larger internal capacity, as they once present in the iPod Classic. At that time, it has the largest capacity is 160GB.\n\n5. Standard USB cable\n\nWhether intentional or not, Apple is trying to be different in the case of a USB cable. Apple does not use a standard USB cable for charging and data transfer.\n\nIn fact, smartphones on the market today mostly use the same micro USB cable.\n\n6. Watching videos on the other display\n\nMost upscale smartphone already has a micro-HDMI port. Through these ports, users can move the phone screen to other screens, such as TV.\n\nUnfortunately, Apple does not provide the port to the iPhone. Users have to pay an extra few hundred thousand dollars to buy a special adapter, if you want to do that.\n\n7. The battery can be removed\n\nIPhone 5 battery life is increased compared to the iPhone 4S. Users can call for 8 hours on 3G networks, 8 hours of surfing the internet, watching 10 hours of video, and 40 hours of music listening.\n\nHowever, what if the battery is damaged? Users should go to the after-sales service to replace the battery. Unibody design that is owned by the iPhone does not allow the user to replace the battery yourself."], "url": "http://gadget-design.blogspot.com/2013/06/7-important-things-that-are-not-owned.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 475, "original_width": 800, "width": 636}], "image_hashes": ["ccb47003d051e7639ed77145bf4385fc4dada97562ea026335d837a0fbea8615"], "__index_level_0__": 91, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2uIx2nGH9zE/TV0K0Be9KzI/AAAAAAAAHtE/MU7vI4PpbHc/s640/February+Rhodies.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jhwS-Er0aSM/TV2vu6iROBI/AAAAAAAAHuI/HjG0tuHYBes/s640/February+PJM.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MGF9u0mnkbU/TVxdtlP6BLI/AAAAAAAAHrw/kGmKeSNERCA/s640/February+Type+III+Hagley.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-idg_JYGK6XA/TV0H9yu1wGI/AAAAAAAAHsI/XZL4jqedAJw/s640/February+Hagley.jpg", null, 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Hopefully things will warm up soon for you! The clematis and rhododendron are beautiful!\n\nFri Feb 18, 07:56:00 AM 2011", "Larry said...\n\nYour PJM 's look exactly as I wish mine would look! I have planted a couple dozen over the years and most eventually whither away. I pruned my clematis in the fall this year... I try to stick with Type 3's as it's just another way to simplify my garden life. You commented on my lupines... I've been posting from the '08 season and they are another thing that I've pretty much gotten rid of in the interest of simplifying the gardens... have a great weekend... if you get that rain it should pretty much take care of your snow I'd think! Larry\n\nFri Feb 18, 08:23:00 AM 2011", "ONG said...\n\nI love the PJM's but with my poor draining soil and lack of even a bit of shade I've given up on them. I felt myself getting all pumped up as I read through your post - c'mon spring, bring it already!\n\nFri Feb 18, 09:02:00 AM 2011", "joey said...\n\nHope for spring ... thanks for the reminder, Eileen. Happy weekend :)\n\nFri Feb 18, 09:50:00 AM 2011", "Jennifer@threedogsinagarden said...\n\nHi Eileen, I liked this post-it was like seeing on of those magazine makeovers- before and after! And you \"afters\" are stunning. Those purple rhododendrons! Wow! You should see the one sorry rhodo in my garden. You would be appalled. I think I need to lavish a bit more attention on it. Enjoy the weekend.\n\nFri Feb 18, 10:02:00 AM 2011", "Edith Hope said...\n\nDear Eileen, I can sense your impatience to get out into the garden and start the season. But,how lovely to look back on your wonderful Clematis that were so magnificent last year. Their day will come again!\n\nFri Feb 18, 01:28:00 PM 2011", "Hocking Hills Gardener said...\n\nIt will be so good to see the Rhododendrons bloom again. Yours are so pretty. Your clematis vines are so lovely. I really like the Bee's Jubilee. I hope some of your snow has melted with this little warm up we have had. Have a wonderful weekend.\n\nFri Feb 18, 03:40:00 PM 2011", "allanbecker-gardenguru said...\n\nIt's always a pleasure to visit your garden, even in February.\n\nFri Feb 18, 04:29:00 PM 2011", "Gatsbys Gardens said...\n\nHi Dave,\n\nWe have warmed up but they are talking about rain and snow for next week. I do see a few things poking out of the groung.\n\nFri Feb 18, 04:44:00 PM 2011", "Larry, I am thinking I should have stuck with Type III's also. Some of the Type II's are all broken from the snow drifts so there won't be many flowers on them this year.\n\nFri Feb 18, 04:46:00 PM 2011", "We had a lot of trouble with the Rhodies at first, replaced them and then improved the soil, planted them shallow and ever since they have been great.\n\nFri Feb 18, 04:54:00 PM 2011", "You are right Jennifer, it really looks very before in the winter.\n\nFri Feb 18, 04:55:00 PM 2011", "Hi Edith,\n\nI am afraid that Henryi won't look great this year. He took a beating with the snow drifts, broken vines, but it will grow back.\n\nFri Feb 18, 04:56:00 PM 2011", "Hi Lona,\n\nBee's Jubilee was a surprise. I had bought, I thought, two Bee's Jubilee.\n\nFri Feb 18, 05:08:00 PM 2011", "Thanks Allan,\n\nI can't wait for March and April ...", "fer said...\n\nthat is a big difference what seasons make. Hope you get some spring soon in your garden\n\nSat Feb 19, 02:33:00 AM 2011", "CanadianGardenJoy said...\n\nEileen girl your blog design is gorgeous : ) I almost I didn't (I think mine is too busy ! haha)\nYES ! .. we have to hire a handy landscaper to sink my arbor gate properly and do a stone path by the shed door .. a few things have to done but you are so right about lining them up early !\nI'm sorry about your yew .. I have two in the front that I love .. but sometimes a plant/shrub/tree is just not going to work so it is better to haul it out as my poor white lilac left but my beautiful amur maple took over : )\n\nSat Feb 19, 05:56:00 AM 2011", "Thanks Joy,\n\nI am anxious to get out there and repair some things, slowly getting the mountain of snow off of my veggie garden.\n\nSat Feb 19, 08:54:00 AM 2011", "garden girl said...\n\nOur snow is virtually gone now, so I took advantage of the glorious temps this week to get out and do some pre-spring garden cleanup.\n\nThose rhodies are gorgeous.\n\nSat Feb 19, 12:33:00 PM 2011", "Hi GG,\n\nWe have these mounds still in the back garden. The rabbits have been busy eating the rose bushes, probably sitting on top of the mounds of snow.\n\nSat Feb 19, 03:49:00 PM 2011", "Pat said...\n\nEileen I enjoyed seeing your garden so very much.\n\nThank you for the pruning information.\n\nSun Feb 20, 12:48:00 PM 2011", "Thanks Pat,\n\nVisit again.\n\nSun Feb 20, 06:23:00 PM 2011", "Zoey said...\n\nIt amazes me that the dead-looking foliage will spring to life and in a couple of months you will have all those gorgeous clematis and rhododendrons!\n\nMon Feb 21, 04:09:00 AM 2011", "I know, Zoey, it is a miracle how the garden changes from being asleep to overflowing with growth.\n\nMon Feb 21, 06:40:00 AM 2011", "Betty819 said...\n\nI love clematis vines and have a Dr. Ruppel and Westerplatte, both Type 2.\nI hate the look of the dried, brown leaves left in the summer after they are finished blooming. Dr. Ruppel still has a few blooms but Westerplatte has never performed like Dr.Ruppel. I had Comtesse de Bouchard but I cut it back in the Fall as it is a Type 3, about 6 inches from the ground, come spring, it never put on no more than about 6 leaves and those leaves were looked like they had wilt. Never grew no taller than the 6 in. I cut it back to in the Fall. I dug it out as it was old, but having Type 3 makes my life simpler. What do you do with those dried brown leaves after there is no more blooms?"], "url": "http://gatsbysgardens.blogspot.com/2011/02/february-in-garden.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 512, "original_width": 341, "width": 378}, {"height": 387, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 625, "width": 378}, {"height": 390, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 619, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 427, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 582, "original_width": 640, "width": 415}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 427, "width": 378}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 427, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["95680a27ecbbfd84eef576d736f938150a332e204260f37f117d02d69f123318", "90e6ba88188fb53d126d2245f5dd51e31e797f9f7cd5f615bbb59873e8aea81f", "0dee6932705e9802c42ea1e1b2f57cc2317715c7c5970046fb4c1af22e253b9d", "59db7889a0d45f3fa5f0026af8057451e1afd77b1d84cc84a60474f520c10b5d", "d18040aba517aea74b172102d1fc36414cf153cb225431cfe4eb72ca740b2a69", "591c050f77273fdb9590f44c8e6a815a900207ca71fa4b9b22667b1768c06e60", "ca0e35979ddc18e51415fbde358f4273e228fdcf3c15655a25fc1a234f5a3416", "a5df25b517d4e5d5a51eb60a86d28c2222dc337c3788cf080598b338c303b914", "709f2a395f8af575ca920b667c28913a755571a6f3af0ec30b81fd394c73319c", "58662e9d1061b1d8c1a95f8746a7b9b0696384cc4989ad22ce30155a11052c26"], "__index_level_0__": 92, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6fOoOQsZJiQ/TObzonNm1HI/AAAAAAAAAIQ/o4B-7_a_4R4/s400/A+Room+with+a+View+2.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9179266095161438}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://gayeadams.blogspot.com/2010/11/room-with-view-oil-on-canvas-6x8.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6fOoOQsZJiQ/TObzonNm1HI/AAAAAAAAAIQ/o4B-7_a_4R4/s400/A+Room+with+a+View+2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6fOoOQsZJiQ/TObzonNm1HI/AAAAAAAAAIQ/o4B-7_a_4R4/s400/A+Room+with+a+View+2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"A Room with a View\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 290}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://gayeadams.blogspot.com/2010/11/room-with-view-oil-on-canvas-6x8.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh5.googleusercontent.com/-gvf6bTmf-7Y/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAXY/td8a7w0h-9o/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-gvf6bTmf-7Y/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAXY/td8a7w0h-9o/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["November 19, 2010\n\n\"A Room with A View\" oil on canvas, 6X8\"", null, "Here's my first piece from Santa Barbara...this is what I woke up to morning before last, out my bedroom window.  I am staying with my cousin Leslie in Santa Barbara for a whole month (Lord bless her) and my mission is to visit the wonderful galleries in town, and there are a lot, and to push out as   many plein air pieces as possible.  I feel rather smug as it is getting mighty cold and dark at home these days.\n\nWhen I arrived here last Sunday,  I looked off the patio view from my room and wondered how on earth I would paint it.  The early morning fog presented a solution, so I took a stab.  I knew that unless I simplified greatly, I wouldn't stand a chance at getting this in before the light and the fog changed to the point where I would be relying strictly  on visual memory to get the job done.\n\nI painted on the beach yesterday - what a rough life-  I'll send that your way next."], "url": "http://gayeadams.blogspot.com/2010/11/room-with-view-oil-on-canvas-6x8.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 290, "original_width": 400, "width": 521}], "image_hashes": ["0b85bbea042d9600d7e375dd60ae4e68eef8f3918da91393b3171d324078d5ee"], "__index_level_0__": 93, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_pFVMFRiiX5g/TQp5HpzIWWI/AAAAAAAABJ0/4W54SPorPDU/s320/centrum_holiday_contest.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_pFVMFRiiX5g/TQp4oK2oeTI/AAAAAAAABJk/Vb7vsb3wsCU/s320/CentrumContestImage.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9231926202774048}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://giveawaygal.blogspot.com/2010/12/centrums-americas-most-amazingly.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_pFVMFRiiX5g/TQp5HpzIWWI/AAAAAAAABJ0/4W54SPorPDU/s320/centrum_holiday_contest.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_pFVMFRiiX5g/TQp5HpzIWWI/AAAAAAAABJ0/4W54SPorPDU/s320/centrum_holiday_contest.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"centrum holiday contest\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://giveawaygal.blogspot.com/2010/12/centrums-americas-most-amazingly.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_pFVMFRiiX5g/TQp4oK2oeTI/AAAAAAAABJk/Vb7vsb3wsCU/s320/CentrumContestImage.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_pFVMFRiiX5g/TQp4oK2oeTI/AAAAAAAABJk/Vb7vsb3wsCU/s320/CentrumContestImage.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"CentrumContestImage\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://giveawaygal.blogspot.com/2010/12/centrums-americas-most-amazingly.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, December 16, 2010\n\nCentrum's America's Most Amazingly Energized Woman Contest!!", null, "Hey everyone, I wanted to tell you all about a contest I just heard about. It is being sponsored by the makers of Centrum and Molly Shannon. This is a contest for America's Most Amazingly Energized Woman. Now, you get to nominate someone!! Sounds like fun huh? Go to LoveFeelingHealthy.com and make sure to get your nomination in. You have to submit a 300 word or less nomination sharing their secret to enjoying life and love to the fullest during the Holidays. You can even nominate yourself!! You have to do this by January 3rd. Then, a panel of judges will select five finalists and then the public get to vote:)", null, "America's Most Amazingly Energized Woman CONTEST PRIZING\nSo, I would definitely head over there and get your nomination in. The prizes are great and the contest is a way to encourage someone who is dear to you:)\n\nI am a member of One2One Network and this post is part of a member project where I am eligible to win prizing. I make no claims about Centrum as a product or it's effectiveness."], "url": "http://giveawaygal.blogspot.com/2010/12/centrums-americas-most-amazingly.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 199, "original_width": 320, "width": 607}, {"height": 404, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 299, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["897ddec2b77f5cfedab4fc885af4e36df1d6f317a8e4204a9778ee13b628f9f8", "f4678c535435dd381678eb69cec5480c92255133da84e6f8fc5539acfb28b73d"], "__index_level_0__": 94, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0EWeygQECys/USqbO5M09pI/AAAAAAAAEjE/K5weTAF8gtU/s400/bright+buys2.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kIKqkevgQ8k/USqbQmIRv8I/AAAAAAAAEjM/X2E0J--MdfA/s400/bright+buys.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9726001620292664}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://glamorousgirl2014.blogspot.com/2013/02/bright-buys.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0EWeygQECys/USqbO5M09pI/AAAAAAAAEjE/K5weTAF8gtU/s400/bright+buys2.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0EWeygQECys/USqbO5M09pI/AAAAAAAAEjE/K5weTAF8gtU/s400/bright+buys2.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bright buys\", \"rendered_width\": 298, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://glamorousgirl2014.blogspot.com/2013/02/bright-buys.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kIKqkevgQ8k/USqbQmIRv8I/AAAAAAAAEjM/X2E0J--MdfA/s400/bright+buys.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kIKqkevgQ8k/USqbQmIRv8I/AAAAAAAAEjM/X2E0J--MdfA/s400/bright+buys.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bright buys\", \"rendered_width\": 298, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://glamorousgirl2014.blogspot.com/2013/02/bright-buys.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-ICsa2Mgp92A/VJ-PlqYsLkI/AAAAAAAAGUU/etNrNjIF7HI/s80/southernsasysavvy1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ICsa2Mgp92A/VJ-PlqYsLkI/AAAAAAAAGUU/etNrNjIF7HI/s80/southernsasysavvy1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"southernsasysavvy\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://glamorousgirl2014.blogspot.com/2013/02/bright-buys.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LMq1WRqFzTg/TzbZIx2-6-I/AAAAAAAAC0s/5D62dNAuzIc/s250/SkinCareRx-160x50%2B%25281%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LMq1WRqFzTg/TzbZIx2-6-I/AAAAAAAAC0s/5D62dNAuzIc/s250/SkinCareRx-160x50%2B%25281%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SkinCareRx B\", \"rendered_width\": 159, \"rendered_height\": 49}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, February 24, 2013\n\nBright Buys\n\nI'm not even going to comment on my lack of blogging activity..\n\nYesterday I went shopping with some family and friends and picked up some bright buys. Not bright as in \"woah what a genius purchase\", but bright as in \"WHAM BAM COLOR.\"\n\nI had a gift card from Forever 21 that I received back in December for my birthday, so I decided that it was time to spend it. I tried on a few things, but once this dress was on I knew I had to take it home with me!", null, "I had not tried the hi-lo trend, but I'm glad I did! This dress hits at a great spot in the front and in the back. Not too short and not too long. I also love the bright purple with gold accents.\n\nI ventured into JCP and came across this bright neon-ish yellow button up Worthington top. I decided to try it on and I surprisingly liked it! I'm not normally a fan of yellow (much less neon yellow), but it really popped against my skin. It was only a mere $10, so I knew it had to come home with me.", null, "I plan on pairing this with jeans (or black pants), heels, and a bright pink lip.\n\nHave you guys made any new clothing purchases?\nI think I'm going to wear the dress to a concert I'm going to next Friday.\nWill keep you guys updated!\n\nPosted by Savannah at Sunday, February 24, 2013"], "url": "http://glamorousgirl2014.blogspot.com/2013/02/bright-buys.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 505, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 299, "width": 378}, {"height": 505, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 299, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["81263344b7cede4d5d6302c4eeae817dd45f1a246094b74ec8e75c233dc5a834", "669e523f03fb384ff7809a9ca3a481832ab166a5e059dfd9ebd1619101b88c43"], "__index_level_0__": 95, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3a6a7IBU4Uo/VwvWI4dqL2I/AAAAAAAAGwM/tpuMZl4ijlIUbRcnlHMF5tUVR4J8FLBMQ/s400/gbc.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8288902044296265}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://greenspansbodycount.blogspot.com/2016/04/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3a6a7IBU4Uo/VwvWI4dqL2I/AAAAAAAAGwM/tpuMZl4ijlIUbRcnlHMF5tUVR4J8FLBMQ/s400/gbc.png\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-3a6a7IBU4Uo/VwvWI4dqL2I/AAAAAAAAGwM/tpuMZl4ijlIUbRcnlHMF5tUVR4J8FLBMQ/s400/gbc.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gbc\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 306}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null], "url": "http://greenspansbodycount.blogspot.com/2016/04/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 307, "original_width": 400, "width": 492}], "image_hashes": ["3fe620793252e11111115e64eb7f6da6a0a0812d29db48fdc5ce43665e6c590e"], "__index_level_0__": 96, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://groupstoday.com/images/groupstoday/Blog/baby-boomer-travel-trends-web.jpg", null, "https://groupstoday.com/images/groupstoday/Blog/this-wouldnt-look-better-as-a-lake-web.jpg", null, "https://groupstoday.com/images/groupstoday/Blog/route-50-web.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9268057942390442}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://groupstoday.com/advertise\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/cache/imageresizer/1ee9b5f354bceb3b272be419edda2e2eemail.png\", \"src\": \"https://groupstoday.com/cache/imageresizer/1ee9b5f354bceb3b272be419edda2e2eemail.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ee b f bceb b be edda e eemail\", \"alt_text\": \"email\", \"rendered_width\": 32, \"rendered_height\": 32}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://groupstoday.com/advertise\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/groupstoday/Blog/baby-boomer-travel-trends-web.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://groupstoday.com/images/groupstoday/Blog/baby-boomer-travel-trends-web.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"baby boomer travel trends web\", \"rendered_width\": 66}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://groupstoday.com/advertise\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/groupstoday/Blog/this-wouldnt-look-better-as-a-lake-web.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://groupstoday.com/images/groupstoday/Blog/this-wouldnt-look-better-as-a-lake-web.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"this wouldnt look better as a lake web\", \"rendered_width\": 66}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://groupstoday.com/advertise\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/groupstoday/Blog/route-50-web.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://groupstoday.com/images/groupstoday/Blog/route-50-web.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"route web\", \"rendered_width\": 66}, null]", "texts": ["Today's Planning Resource for Tomorrow's Group Travel.\n\nGroups Today is the perfect publication to reach all buying segments with one advertising campaign at a reduced rate! The publication is a bi-monthly resource for travel professionals who arrange packages for those traveling in groups. As North America's leading magazine for group travel, Groups Today offers content on important industry happenings, fresh destination ideas, best business practices, and smart planning tips.\n\nGroups Today is today's planning resource for tomorrow's group travel and allows advertisers to maximize their marketing dollars by reaching all buying segments with one ad placement. Our account executives are available to help you create a marketing plan that works best with your budget and your needs. Click here to find information about how Groups Today can support your overall packaged travel advertising needs or call 1-866-252-7108. A media kit can be downloaded here.\n\nRecent Blogs", null, "Baby Boomer Travel Trends", null, "This Wouldn't Look Better as a Lake\n\n\"Wouldn't this look better as a lake?\"", null], "url": "http://groupstoday.com/advertise", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 630, "original_width": 1200, "width": 720}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 630, "original_width": 1200, "width": 720}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 630, "original_width": 1200, "width": 720}], "image_hashes": ["b5a07a02fa6e52d8886865f240309a404605e239410608da9f5ff62adf5a8416", "8205cc0784ad6aa7ca6bd71e4a4f31c951035a6581762ddcc90d2f0bd64ef07f", "c30903bc3329abb59d8777aa3a5641a47ca649e5b8265583027c7b1f6651ae03"], "__index_level_0__": 97, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tdigh4oblg4/UkXu1yRQmDI/AAAAAAAAA0Y/jCEi2gWBiy8/s320/ClimateChange-iceburg.jpg", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zu3codkrSiQ/UkMtT1JK5YI/AAAAAAAAA0I/74ZnvzPa5ps/s1600/David-Harvey.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8pxGiESPTt0/UkCRytV7t3I/AAAAAAAAAz4/Xv5RKR2ivsQ/s320/naomikleinphotodebrafriedman.jpg", null, null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-oTSWO9Pic8o/UjykRHK__xI/AAAAAAAAAzo/BJEuPNF7WFI/s1600/positivemoney.jpg", null, null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_uI3Me7zYjM/UjiWmpbpdcI/AAAAAAAAAzY/sI2a3b1Q-jM/s320/RoyalMail.jpg", null, null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eAmvG6Xfbmg/Ui4Y1VfXRmI/AAAAAAAAAzA/2Aq3ibmPEWk/s1600/Green+New+Deal.png", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9633582234382628}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://haringeygreens.blogspot.com/2013/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tdigh4oblg4/UkXu1yRQmDI/AAAAAAAAA0Y/jCEi2gWBiy8/s320/ClimateChange-iceburg.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tdigh4oblg4/UkXu1yRQmDI/AAAAAAAAA0Y/jCEi2gWBiy8/s320/ClimateChange-iceburg.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ClimateChange iceburg\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 212}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://haringeygreens.blogspot.com/2013/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zu3codkrSiQ/UkMtT1JK5YI/AAAAAAAAA0I/74ZnvzPa5ps/s1600/David-Harvey.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zu3codkrSiQ/UkMtT1JK5YI/AAAAAAAAA0I/74ZnvzPa5ps/s1600/David-Harvey.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"David Harvey\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://haringeygreens.blogspot.com/2013/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8pxGiESPTt0/UkCRytV7t3I/AAAAAAAAAz4/Xv5RKR2ivsQ/s320/naomikleinphotodebrafriedman.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8pxGiESPTt0/UkCRytV7t3I/AAAAAAAAAz4/Xv5RKR2ivsQ/s320/naomikleinphotodebrafriedman.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"naomikleinphotodebrafriedman\", \"rendered_width\": 246, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://haringeygreens.blogspot.com/2013/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-oTSWO9Pic8o/UjykRHK__xI/AAAAAAAAAzo/BJEuPNF7WFI/s1600/positivemoney.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-oTSWO9Pic8o/UjykRHK__xI/AAAAAAAAAzo/BJEuPNF7WFI/s1600/positivemoney.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"positivemoney\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://haringeygreens.blogspot.com/2013/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_uI3Me7zYjM/UjiWmpbpdcI/AAAAAAAAAzY/sI2a3b1Q-jM/s320/RoyalMail.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_uI3Me7zYjM/UjiWmpbpdcI/AAAAAAAAAzY/sI2a3b1Q-jM/s320/RoyalMail.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"RoyalMail\", \"rendered_width\": 219, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://haringeygreens.blogspot.com/2013/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eAmvG6Xfbmg/Ui4Y1VfXRmI/AAAAAAAAAzA/2Aq3ibmPEWk/s1600/Green+New+Deal.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eAmvG6Xfbmg/Ui4Y1VfXRmI/AAAAAAAAAzA/2Aq3ibmPEWk/s1600/Green+New+Deal.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Green New Deal\"}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://haringeygreens.blogspot.com/2013/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jPKP6wdGbxY/TW0pypGmRNI/AAAAAAAAATU/68Vj2Yej0pw/s350/FIWFF.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jPKP6wdGbxY/TW0pypGmRNI/AAAAAAAAATU/68Vj2Yej0pw/s350/FIWFF.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FIWFF\", \"rendered_width\": 348, \"rendered_height\": 70}, {\"document_url\": \"http://haringeygreens.blogspot.com/2013/09/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_OlUxwt-t_Yo/SM2rekvcbmI/AAAAAAAAABU/bFeCkJ0ClW0/S226/GreenPetals.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_OlUxwt-t_Yo/SM2rekvcbmI/AAAAAAAAABU/bFeCkJ0ClW0/S226/GreenPetals.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"GreenPetals\", \"rendered_width\": 226, \"rendered_height\": 191}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, 27 September 2013\n\nIPCC Report Summary - 95% Caused by Human Activity", null, "Headline messages in the IPCC report:", "Wednesday, 25 September 2013\n\nDavid Harvey interview: The importance of postcapitalist imagination", null, "First published at Red Pepper\n\nPosted by Mike Shaughnessy at 11:41 No comments:", "Monday, 23 September 2013\n\nInterview with Naomi Klein - Big Green in Hock with Big Business", null, "It was go along or get along.\n\nAnd what do you think the key lessons are?\n\nI hate to end a downer like that.\n\nI’m not sure that is a downer.\n\nIt might not be.\n\nFirst published at Earth Island Journal\n\nPosted by Mike Shaughnessy at 12:21 1 comment:", "Sunday, 22 September 2013\n\nLabour Party Conference - Welcome to Brighton\n\nThe Green party welcomes Labour to Brighton with the message. We are the real opposition to the ConDems.\n\nPosted by Mike Shaughnessy at 08:39 No comments:", "Labels: Caroline Lucas, elections, general politics, Labour, privatisation, video\n\nFriday, 20 September 2013\n\nThe Green Party takes on the banks", null, "This is a guest post by Daniel Key who is an ex member of Haringey and of Tower Hamlets Green Party. He is a member of the Policy Committee of the Green Party of England and Wales. He tweets at @danieloliverkey.\n\nLast weekend, the Green Party of England and Wales made history by joining the United States Green Party in calling for an end to the private creation of money by banks. After a debate on the motion at the Autumn Conference in Brighton, the Green Party has collectively decided to instead place this power with a democratically accountable National Monetary Authority at the Bank of England. This represents a huge change in Green Party policy, as we are now calling for full reserve banking, alongside other radical policies such as a citizen's income, land value tax and of course the decarbonisation of the entire economy as we move to a post carbon and equitable world.\n\nTo recap: currently private banks create money as debt when they make loans. This electronic bank money now represents 97% of the UK money supply, with only 3% being created debt-free by the government in the form of notes and coins (a good place to start to understand the UK money system is the one hour documentary 97% Owned. This money is allocated by the lending decisions of the high street banks, and so we see money pumped into the housing market (putting house prices way beyond the means of young people) instead of small businesses, as banks receive collateral if mortgage holders default on their loans. This is massively undemocratic, as control of the banks' power to create money is in the hands of its board members, who are only accountable to the bank's shareholders.\n\nMoney creation is pro-cyclical – too much is created in an economic boom, whereas we are currently living through a period where lending is restricted and money is therefore destroyed when debt is paid down. This is why the Bank of England has introduced quantitative easing to indirectly get money into the economy, and the government has introduced the Help to Buy scheme to encourage the public to take on more debt, creating a housing bubble in the process.\n\nFrom an environmental perspective, the biggest problem with the current money system is that the level of debt is constantly growing. This in turn means the economy is compelled to grow, even when this leads to environmental destruction. This is the engine behind such environmentally damaging innovations such as planned obsolescence (designing products with a limited useful life to perpetuate consumption), as Michael Rowbotham recognised in his book The Grip of Death over a decade ago. The current debt-based system of creating money is incompatible with the goal of a sustainable, steady-state economy, as pointed out in the recent green economics book Enough is Enough.\n\nTo achieve a steady state economy we must eliminate the growth imperative that is built into the existing banking system.\n\nFull reserve banking is recognised as the missing link in the move to a sustainable economy by a number of leading green economists and thinkers. These include:\n\nHerman Daly (grandfather of green economics and the author of Steady State Economics)\n\nAs Caroline Lucas points out in this video, the best way to use the debt-free money created as a result of these reforms (estimated at £1 trillion over 20 years) would be to spend it on the Green New Deal in an effort to build the green economy. This way we can get unemployed people into labour-intensive jobs, with more taxes paid by a larger workforce, creating a virtuous circle for government revenues and society as a whole.\n\nThe potential transition scenario to a full reserve banking system, as well as the finer details of the reforms, are laid out in the book Modernising Money. We have adapted these proposals to suit Green Party principles.\n\nWith the Icelandic parliament looking into the potential of introducing full reserve banking[3], we may have a working example of these reforms in the years to come. As the proposer of the motion, Andrew Waldie, puts it, “This motion strikes a blow at the heart of financial capitalism by removing from banks their power to create money”. We may have improved our policies, but the real battle will be taking this power back from the banks when our movement reaches a critical mass.\n\nRead the Green Party Banking Reform Motion here - http://2joz611prdme3eogq61h5p3gr08.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Green-Party-C%CE%A903-Banking-and-Monetary-Reform-Composite.pdf\n\nRead the Background Paper to the motion here - http://2joz611prdme3eogq61h5p3gr08.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Banking-reform-motion-GP-Conf-Autumn-2013-Background-Paper-submitted.pdf\n\nCheck out some Frequently Asked Questions about full reserve banking here -\n\nPosted by Mike Shaughnessy at 12:57 No comments:", "Wednesday, 18 September 2013\n\nSome thoughts on the Green Party conference\n\nYou probably read the Guardian’s coverage of the Green Party conference this weekend. Some good, though with one misleading headline;  Natalie Bennett’s leader’s speech to the Green Party’s conference in Brighton this weekend was actually very little about the surveillance state and firmly foregrounded  the social justice agenda; see http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/sep/13/green-leader-parties-spying-scandal   and http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/sep/13/greens-food-poverty-inequality-leader.                    Some critical; Neal Lawson ( http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/sep/15/greens-favourite-party-winning-seats?INTCMP=ILCNETTXT3487 ) and Rowena Mason (http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/sep/13/green-leader-natalie-bennett-party-pleasant-green-field ) should have stayed longer to learn what was really going on.\n\nThose of us who were there on Friday and Saturday heard a soul-searching debate which echoed the question raised by Neal Lawson and also in the latest Red Pepper (http://www.redpepper.org.uk/taking-on-the-fruitcakes-how-can-we-stop-ukip/); why is UKIP doing so well and the Greens/the far left parties not ? The debate brought out precisely one of the conclusions of one of Neal’s favourite web sites, Common Cause, the need to put over a party’s  values at least as much as its policies. Green core values highlighted in this discussion included caring, sharing, peace, and fairness – from which it should have been clearer to some participants that we are not hoping to compete for the same voters as Farage, presented as the strong man with the winning xenophobic smile behind his beer glass.  To reflect our values, it was said, we need to build a movement, to engage in action – in other words, it’s not just about elections. Caroline and the other anti-fracking demonstrators recently set a good example here. Neal Lawson is right that we should not be a “me too\" political party – winning elections may be a target for pride, but the most attainable goal may be to shift the left to be lefter and greener, just as UKIP has shifted the Tories to the right. For us this means getting stuck into single issue campaigns and a bit of NVDA sometimes.\n\nWe also heard an fairly positive account by Jason Kitcat, Green leader of Brighton Council, of their first two years in office. (Read a lot more on http://www.brightonhovegreens.org/assets/BHGP_PDFs/publications/Mid%20Term%20Report%20September%202013.pdf) . Despite the June row about the bin men’s allowances, over which a hasty decision outraged both the unions and the local Green MP, Brighton Greens can celebrate many achievements. There’s a commitment to evict nobody on account of bedroom tax arrears, a living wage across the Council and its contractors, a reduction of salary spread  amongst Council employees, a prize-winning new park, a major increase in use of buses and bikes, better school results and some economic improvement. Plus ring-fencing of youth services and children’s centres, engagement of the population with anti-cuts campaigning, and 500 empty homes brought back into use. Plus free insulation for all over 60s (regardless of income), disabled and low income households, and lots of energy efficiency measures and new heating systems in council housing.  All this was paid for by economising on the council’s use of buildings and on energy use within them, by ending council tax discount on empty homes and second homes, and by astute use of competitively won external grants. [There are some lessons for London here – including a suggestion from an Islington member that encouraging cycling and walking could become part of local authorities’ new expanded mandate for public health. By comparison, Haringey can also claim to have the living wage in all but a handful of sub-contractor jobs. But the bedroom tax remains a sore issue, and the 40-20 carbon reduction programme has been very slow to take off. ]\n\nSome on the left of the Green Party remain critical of Brighton Greens’ decision to cling to their minority administration after their ‘no cuts, but raise council tax’ budget was defeated eighteen months ago, leaving Greens with a hard choice about whether to resign or implement £4 million of cuts for lack of more council tax money. But a conference motion respected the Brighton councillors’ decision and reminded Greens of the dangers of allowing the party’s rivals to make capital out of criticism in the public arena. The far left press had a field day a few months ago when Brighton Council was threatened with strikes in the row over employees’ allowances. Jason Kitcat, speaking to conference, claimed that this had now been resolved with a re-jigging of allowances which was fair and had achieved its aim of greater equality for women.\n\nOther highlights of the conference included Caroline Lucas’ private members bill to re-nationalise the railways. Based on the mechanism of taking franchises back into state or community ownership whenever they expire (or the operator goes bankrupt, withdraws or is sacked), this could be a useful model for undoing some NHS privatisations as well. Further details can be found on http://www.carolinelucas.com/media.html/2013/06/26/bring-railways-back-into-public-hands-to-save-a-billion-a-year,-urges-green-mp/ or http://www.bringbackbritishrail.org/.\n\nAnd lastly, an interesting session covered the threat posed by academy schools, now around half of all English schools. Private companies – by far the majority of school providers - and some religious organisations alike were exposed for cherry-picking pupils, increasing the number of exclusion orders, and employing unqualified teachers. As a local party, in Haringey we perhaps haven’t paid enough attention to the academy issue.\n\nPosted by Anne Gray at 02:59 1 comment:", "Tuesday, 17 September 2013\n\nThe Great Royal Mail Robbery – But Will They Get Away With It?", null, "I was pleased to see that the Green Party conference unanimously passed the motion to stop the privatisation of Royal Mail and support the campaign by the union the Communication Workers Union (CWU) to fight the sell-off.\n\nI worked for BT for twenty years, joining just a few years after it was privatised in 1984 which was the first of the public utilities to be sold off by the Thatcher Tory government, but was followed by many more, some under the subsequent Labour government, in an ideological process of robbing the poor to the benefit of the wealthy.\n\nIn the time that I worked at BT it did change a lot, going from 250,000 employees down to something like 80,000 by the time that I left, and I think even lower now. When I started working there I did think that there was a plausible argument for privatising a business where thousands of people had to wait six months or more for a telephone connection in an industry that was obviously going to expand because of technology.\n\nOf course the government at the time could have made that investment themselves, but that was the whole point, take ownership off everyone and concentrate the profits generated, which amounted to billions of pounds a year, into the hands of those who could afford to buy the shares. Despite share issues to staff and some allocations of shares to ‘small investors’, the ownership largely fell into the hands of the big investors. And the drive to increase share price superseded everything else, including service.\n\nAsset stripping became the policy in BT, with over a hundred buildings and land sold for development in London alone and Royal Mail is well endowed in property, but selling it off is bound to have a more acute effect on customers in the mail trade, with longer distances to collect registered mail etc.\n\nCustomer service has actually gone down in the privatisation years. Who hasn’t despaired of the call centre customer service experience? Who can be bothered to examine the bewildering array of choice of providers and their myriad ever changing tariff deals?\n\nOne cultural thing that did linger in BT up until the time I left, was a unionised one, with around 80% membership amongst sub management grades and even a decent proportion in the lower ranks of management. This cultural attachment to the union, is even stronger in Royal Mail than it is (was) in BT, and I fully expect a huge vote in favour of industrial action, and a really solid response from the rank and file.\n\nI was a CWU rep in my time working at BT, so I mixed with activists from the postal side of the union and I know that they are not going down without a fight on this. But all may not be lost.\n\nBig political beasts have tried to privatise Royal Mail like Michael Heseltine and Peter Mandleson, only to be thwarted by a campaign of resistance, not only from the CWU, but from Tory MP’s and now probably Lib Dem MP’s in rural constituencies, where inevitably the service will get worse and more expensive, despite assurances to the contrary. It could well cost some of these MP’s their seats, so I do not discount a U-Turn on this policy by the government.\n\nSupport the CWU Campaign Save Our Royal Mail\nPosted by Mike Shaughnessy at 10:56 No comments:", "Labels: ConDems, demonstrations, economics, privatisation, trade unions, work\n\nSaturday, 14 September 2013\n\nCaroline Lucas Conference Speech Autumn 2013\n\nGreat speech by Caroline Lucas MP, to this year's Green Party conference in Brighton.\nPosted by Mike Shaughnessy at 10:53 1 comment:", "Labels: Caroline Lucas, video\n\nWednesday, 11 September 2013\n\nWhat is the Gagging Law?\n\nA very illiberal law is being proposed by the ConDem government, which will limit the amount of political campaigning that organisations such as trade unions, charities and pressure groups by allowing them to only spend a small amount of money. Big business of course will be unaffected.\nPosted by Mike Shaughnessy at 11:00 1 comment:", "Labels: civil liberties, ConDems, democracy, trade unions, video\n\nMonday, 9 September 2013\n\nUK is urged to invest £50bn in a greener economic recovery", null, "Campaigners have warned that Britain is hurtling towards a new economic crisis, and call for a £50bn \"Green New Deal\" to create more sustainable growth and better-paid jobs and equip the country for a low-carbon future.\n\nAfter two quarters of better-than-expected GDP growth and a batch of positive economic indicators – including rising house prices and upbeat business surveys – the coalition is hoping the summer economic bounce will turn into a longer-term recovery. But five years on from their first demands for a radical reworking of Britain's business model, the Green New Deal group, which includes Green party MP Caroline Lucas, economist Ann Pettifor and tax expert Richard Murphy, says the need for an alternative approach is greater than ever. In a report published on today, it argues that recent growth has been based on unsustainable rises in consumer spending and house prices and could end in \"the mother of all credit busts\".\n\n\"Recovery is an interesting word to apply to an economy that is marked by rapidly rising personal debt, highly insecure and often low-paid work, and rising underlying carbon emissions. What we're calling a recovery is poor, divided, indebted and polluting,\" said Andrew Simms, chief analyst at thinktank Global Witness and an author of the report.\n\nCentral banks have poured cheap money into financial markets to drive down interest rates and prevent deflation and depression. But Green New Deal says this is a dangerous gamble: \"Given the choice, they prefer to have the problem of asset prices going through the roof than the problem of deflation. If they are wrong and the bubble bursts before the recovery arrives, it will be the mother of all credit busts,\" it says.\n\nUnder an alternative plan in the Green New Deal report, the government would invest £50bn into expanding green technologies over five years, building low-cost housing, and employing a \"carbon army\" to insulate hundreds of thousands of homes and reduce energy use.\n\nThe authors say these measures would create more, and better-paid, jobs than the current debt-fuelled bounce, which Pettifor described as an \"Alice in Wongaland\" recovery. Lucas, who is the MP for Brighton Pavilion, said a grassroots workforce could be trained to lag Britain's chilly lofts \"within weeks\". \"Ministers want to cut a nice big ribbon on a new nuclear power station – but this would be far more effective in getting our emissions down quickly,\" she said.\n\nReal incomes have continued to fall over the past year, as above-target inflation has outpaced pay growth, in what the TUC has described as the greatest wage squeeze since the 1870s. Green New Deal argues that if more workers were paid a living wage it would help to create more sustainable consumer demand. Frances O'Grady, the general secretary of the TUC, which begins its annual congress in Bournemouth on Sunday, supported the Green New Deal initiative, saying: \"The green economy already employs nearly a million people, in areas from electric-car manufacturing to wind-turbine installation. Implementing some of the ideas in this report could help these industries create more of the skilled and well-paid jobs we need if we are to build a sustainable recovery.\"\n\nThe authors argue that a rapid boost in the supply of housing would also help to \"dampen the housing bubble beginning to appear in response to government measures such as Help to Buy, which facilitates prospective homebuyers to find a deposit\". The controversial Help to Buy scheme was the centrepiece of George Osborne's March budget, and has been questioned by a number of critics, from the former governor of the Bank of England, Lord King, to the International Monetary Fund, amid fears that it could create a new property boom.\n\nMark Carney, the Bank's new governor, has said he is \"very alert personally\" to the risk that a housing boom is emerging – and said he was ready to burst any bubble, by targeting mortgage lending.\n\nReforming the bailed-out banking system is another central proposal of the report, suggesting that Royal Bank of Scotland, which is majority-owned by the taxpayer, could be broken up into a series of regional lenders that would build relationships with local industries. \"All the mechanisms which have been brought into play to encourage lending to the productive part of the economy don't seem to be working,\" says Simms.\n\nLabour has promised to introduce a British Investment Bank, to boost lending to businesses; but it has eschewed much of the Green New Deal agenda over the past five years, focusing on an emergency VAT cut as the centrepiece of its policies to create a recovery.\n\nOther members of Green New Deal include Charles Secrett, former director of Friends of the Earth; Jeremy Leggett, chairman of green energy firm Solarcentury; and Larry Elliott, economics editor of the Guardian.\n\nFirst published at The Observer newspaper\n\nYou can read the full report here\nPosted by Mike Shaughnessy at 11:58 1 comment:", "Labels: budget deficit, business, Caroline Lucas, economics, employment, energy, environment, work\n\nSunday, 8 September 2013\n\nThe Case for Land Value Tax\n\nThis video was produced by the Coalition for Economic Justice (CEJ). They stand for:-\n\n1. We seek to influence politicians and policy makers by establishing contacts, meeting with parliamentarians, political parties and government officials, lobbying and holding events;\n2. We seek to influence the wider public through work with opinion formers and the media and  by appealing to peoples’ innate sense of justice;\n3. We seek to engage and collaborate with a wide range of organisations with similar or compatible aims, particularly (but not exclusively) with those seeking money reform, linking the public collection of the community-created value of economic rent with the need for a just and sustainable economy; and\n4. We seek to work with academics, think-tanks and the range of educational institutions to influence both the understanding of economic rent and the development of academic courses and to encourage the involvement of students”\n\nCheck out their website here...\n\nPosted by Mike Shaughnessy at 07:24 No comments:", "Labels: council tax, democracy, economics, equality, local government, tax, video\n\nThursday, 5 September 2013\n\nGMB Union’s move shows that unions feel sidelined by Labour", "The GMB added this ominous statement to their press release: “It is expected that there will further reductions in spending on Labour party campaigns and initiatives.”\n\nMuch more will come out this weekend as the annual TUC conference kicks off in Bournemouth, but it’s telling that no one from any of the major unions was willing to make a statement on BBC World at One today. Only Ronnie Barker from the Bakers Union came on to say that he wouldn’t be surprised if other unions follow suit.\n\nThere’s a tendency for many within Labour to see their relations with Trade Unions as a battle of wills rather than an equal relationship. So many will interpret this as a ‘warning shot’ from GMB that requires a ‘robust response to show we’re not weak’ etc. But I think they forget that there are far more Britons who see their union as more relevant to their lives than the Labour party.\n\nAs George Eaton points out, the GMB has decided to slash its funding in advance, rather than seek to recruit members to the party. And they’re not even bothered about picking a public fight over this.\n\nThis is bad for the Labour not just because it deprives of the money, but because it indicates relations are so bad the unions are largely unwilling to work with Labour to make it a mass-membership party. They’re essentially saying: ‘if you’re going to treat us like this, then don’t expect us to help you‘.\n\nIf that attitude among unions hardens and becomes entrenched, especially if the Labour leadership decide to take it as a personal attack, then expect more unions to follow and eventually look at disaffiliation."], "url": "http://haringeygreens.blogspot.com/2013/09/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 320, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}, {"height": 491, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 246, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}, {"height": 549, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 220, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 168, "original_width": 168, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["11e0c0fa73518677d4a473254a640010fa57a8d8c544f0f1acf0f7ebdc501a35", 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First single from the band's forthcoming LP!\n\nA familiar name to fans of '60s UK psychedelia, July have made a number of selective live appearances since reforming for their 2011 comeback. And vinyl fans will be happy to hear they have a forthcoming 7” single due out in May on Fruits de Mer Records. 'Can I Go Back Again' is a track from the band's new album Resurrection, but features here in an extended version with the slightly more lo-fi demo version on the flipside.\n\nThe track opens with a drone and sitar motif before settling into vamped piano chords. Over the hypnotic backing the lyrics pay homage to the heady days of their '60s high watermark via lyrics which list titles of Beatles' songs along with snatches of their lyrics. A simple enough trick and one which on paper shouldn't work. Truth is, as the track progresses you're pulled in by its genuine yearning and simple charm. I get the impression they're not yearning for lost youth as such, more for a lost age of innocence and open possibilities. I think we're all down for that, where do we sign up?\n\nReleased on May 9th as a limited edition colour vinyl 7”.\n\nClick here for July on Facebook.\nClick here for Fruits de Mer Records.\n\nat 14:25 Links to this post", "Labels: Can I Go Back Again, Dandelion Seed, Fruits De Mer Records, July, My Clown, psych, psychedelia\n\nSunday, 17 April 2016\n\nThe Neighbourhood Strange – The Neighbourhood Strange/Wytches Sky (Ltd. 7”)", null, "Is there something strange in your neighbourhood? Who you gonna call?\n\nIf your postcode has an SP prefix there's definitely some strange in your neighbourhood, namely The Neighbourhood Strange, a six-strong gang of '60s loving renegades who are on the verge of releasing their debut 45 on their own £.s.d Records imprint.\n\nPressed on reassuringly heavy black vinyl, with the band's circular logo on a similarly dark sleeve. Retro? Yes, but in a good way! The eponymous A-side harks back to the '60s purple patch, when psychedelia gripped the world's switched on youth. Though it's not the fully bloomed '67 flower power era the band echo, they're more attuned to the tightly clenched fist of 1966's dark satanic psych, with a sound propelled by nascent guitar fuzz, Farfisa solos and Jagger-inspired swagger.\n\nThe flipside 'Wytches Sky' takes a further step into the darkside of garage-rock. Not so much riot on Sunset Strip as strange rituals in darkened rooms. This is a record for fans of the Nuggets and Pebbles compilations, Aftermath-era Stones, Them and early Love. With the band already getting airplay on BBC6 Music, their future looks ironically bright! Look out for the band coming to make your neighbourhood that little bit stranger soon.\n\nClick here for The Neighbourhood Strange on Facebook.\nClick here for The Neighbourhood Strange on Bandcamp.\nOut soon on £.s.d Records.\n\nat 16:19 Links to this post", "Labels: £.s.d Records, garage rock, psych, psychedelia, Salisbury, The Neighbourhood Strange, Wytches Sky\n\nFive reasons to love Sandy Denny", null, "Sandy Denny must surely be one of the greatest singers these shores have ever produced. She was gifted with a voice that seemed to carry an eternal truth. It was and remains a voice you simply could believe in and added depth and weight to any song she sung. A voice that didn't try and sell you the song, but made sure you simply had to listen.\n\nThis Friday sees the release of I've Always Kept A Unicorn, a 2CD set of acoustic songs containing demos, live performances, radio sessions and previously unreleased recordings spanning her all too short career. It features Sandy Denny's solo work along with recordings she made as vocalist with Fairport Convention, Fotheringay, The Strawbs and The Bunch. Alongside the 40 songs it also comes with extensive and beautifully written sleeve-notes by Sandy's biographer Mick Houghton.\n\nTo mark it's release here's a short list of reasons why everyone should love Sandy Denny. (click over the jump.)\n\nat 14:30 Links to this post", "Labels: Fairport Convention, folk-rock, I've Always Kept A Unicorn, John Peel, Sandy Denny, The Bunch, The Strawbs\n\nSaturday, 16 April 2016\n\nSons of the Void - Sons of the Void", "One for the modern day sonic adventurists. Eight tracks of poppy, jangly neo-psychedelia.\n\nCurrently gracing the turntables of many neo-psych fans is the debut LP from Sons of the Void. That the album hits a sweet spot is no surprise given that the duo behind the music have a proven track record when it comes to making music that transports, challenges and pleases in equal measure; David Max cut his teeth as bassist and songwriter in Hoboken psych outfit Tadpoles before moving to Switzerland for a 5-year stint on guitar and songwriting duties in Psychic TV. His meeting with Nick Nobody led to the pair building a studio, writing lots of new songs and striking out on their own as Sons of the Void.\n\nEight of those new songs have made the cut on the pair's self-titled debut long-player. Perhaps less experimental than his previous output and collaborations (Max has also worked with Sonic Boom and Gibby Haynes), the songs are in a poppier vein that will appeal to fans of both '67 psychedelia and bowl haircutted mid-80s indie as well as to us modern day sonic adventurists.\n\nCharacterised by gentle ascending chord progressions, pretty arpeggios, well thought out textures and gentle melodies delivered via soft, knowingly buried vocals. It's a sugary pill that's tempered with the occasional tangential heavy freakout and venture into sonics. Good to know that the search for the lost chord continues.\n\nClick here for more on Sons of the Void.\nClick here for Sunrise Ocean Bender Records.\n\nat 17:30 Links to this post", "Labels: David Max, neo-psych, Nick Nobody, psychedelia, Psychic TV, Sons of the Void, Sunrise Ocean Bender, Tadpoles\n\nWednesday, 13 April 2016\n\nThe Galileo 7 - The Live-O-Graphic Sessions", null, "“Nearly live” LP from Medway's leading garage-psych outfit led by former Prisoners bassist Allan Crockford.\n\nWe've had the pleasure of featuring releases from The Galileo 7 in the past on Harmonic Distortion - Their FalseMemory Lane LP from 2014 and last year's 7” on State records 'One Lie At ATime'. Good to know then that the band are as busy as ever. To coincide with their recent French tour the band have released a blistering “nearly live” LP entitled The Live-O-Graphic Sessions. The 10 tracks give you an alternative “best of” and offer a taste of what the band sound like live. And that's pretty darn tasty!\n\nSpontaneously recorded in the space of an hour with the help of Jon Barker (The Senior Service) at his ad-hoc studio set up amidst his lithographic printing press premises, the album is less soft-psych than their previous studio outings and back in touch with their garage band roots. Power-pop melodies and harmonies backed up with drumming set to the rarely heard Keith Moon energy level. The VU meters must have been working overtime, with the songs gaining extra brio and brashness as a result. Recommended.\n\nThe Galileo 7 are -\nAllan Crockford – vocals, guitar\nViv Bonsels – organ, vocals\nPaul Moss – bass, vocals\nMole – drums, vocals\n\nLook out for The Galileo 7 at the Medway Legends Weekender in San Sebastian, Spain on June 3rd.\n\nClickhere for the The Galileo 7's website.\nat 12:24 Links to this post", "Labels: Allan Crockford, Fools Paradise Records, Jon Barker, State Records, The Galileo 7, The Live-O-Graphioc Sessions, The Prisoners, The Senior Service\n\nThe Boy from The Crowd - Revelator\n\nCombining blues, garage rock with a hint of prime Bowie glamour and swagger and this is what you get. The Boy From The Crowd are an East London duo currently doing the rounds. Their album Where Bees Come To Die was released at the tail-end of last year. Check it out via the band's Bandcamp page or watch the rather stylich video for lead single Revelator above.\n\nat 11:31 Links to this post", "Labels: East London, Revelator, The Boy From The Crowd, Where Bees Come To Die\n\nNew band alert - The Bordellos\n\nHeading from the unique hinterland betwixt scouse and woollyback that is St. Helens The Bordellos have have been ploughing their unique furrow over the last decade. Making music that's of no fixed genre but mixes post-punk with alt-folk and whatever form best serves their songs at any given time. Infused with an outsider spirit and twisted sense of humour that anyone along the M62 rust-belt will recognize.\n\nThink Beefheart meeting Half Man Half Biscuit in a Joy Division tribute band (or summats like that.) Anyway you decide - Their Bandcamp page is full of free downloads that have overspilled from album and EP releases along with various radio session tracks and other odds and ends. Well worth a trawl through. It's full of music that doesn't take itself too seriously but still has more to say than most of the dross we're hawked by the corporate music machine. Of particular interest is their track 'The True Meaning of Record Store Day', a timely reminder to go out and do something less boring this Saturday than line up in a queue with amoral speculators.\n\nat 10:59 Links to this post", "Labels: alt-folk, post-punk, Record Store day, St. Helens, The Bordellos\n\nSunday, 10 April 2016\n\nSmashing Time - Satire on swinging '60s London.\n\nBugger all on the telly tonight so maybe time for this movie. A satire on the notion of swinging '60s London, written by George Melly and starring Rita Tushingam and Lynn Redgrave, what's not to like?!\nat 20:59 Links to this post", "Labels: George Melly Smashing Time, Lynn Redgrave, movie, Rita Tushingham, Swinging London\n\nSunday, 3 April 2016\n\nHYPNOS - Cold Winds - New album out this month!", null, "Swedish heavy rockers, HYPNOS, release the official teaser for their 2nd album Cold Winds, which is set to be released on April 29, 2016, via Crusher Records.\n\nCold Winds was recorded in Gothenburg, Sweden, at KUST Studio with Henrik Magnusson.\nThe band comments: \"We are really excited our new album \"Cold Winds\" will be released on April 29th! The album is packed with stuff that makes us who we are blended with where we might be going. The album was recorded at Studio Kust here in Gothenburg with the amazing Henrik Magnusson at the helm and we've had a blast. Now we can barely wait for this new album to be released and hit the road again to play these songs for you. Until then, don't let the cold winds catch you, watch out for evil hands and beware your nightmares!\"- Hypnos\n\n\"Cold Winds\" will be released on vinyl, CD and digital download - click here to pre-order your copy. here:\nat 15:22 Links to this post", "Labels: Cold Winds, Crusher Records, Heavy Metal, Hypnos, rock, Swedish music\n\nNew band alert - Prana Crafter", null, "A new name to me but one well worthy of attention is Prana Crafter, the musical vehicle for one William Sol. Hailing from the deep wilderness of Washington State's woodlands, his mix of homespun acid-folk and meditative new-age soundscapes perfectly captures the inherent melancholy of all points north.\n\nHis latest album release Rupture of Planes (on US label Deep Water Acres) is a great starting point, and takes its cues from vintage British acid-folk but opens it up with a widescreen American feel. This tumbleweed meets mushroom approach is a surprisingly intoxicating one, the music veering from the pastoral to the full on electric freakouts often within the same track, finger picked acoustic guitars give way to bristling electric solos in a manner not dissimilar to the recent LP from Heron Oblivion.\n\nWeather, forests and landscape are returning themes, as are their effects on human moods and psyche. Fans of the aforementioned Heron Oblivion, The Greek Theatre, or nature mysticism in general will find much to enjoy here. Also worthy of investigation is the Opal Crown Transmission EP available via Prana Crafter's Bandcamp page. Check out the links to both releases below."], "url": "http://harmonicdistort.blogspot.co.uk/2016/04/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 283, "original_width": 320, "width": 427}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8f1c2b286499da5ed5de8e434fb375a3d6bf9924a3f4ed772cf1d430caa84f7c", "d2fa79651ab3259650b01721c2451b6ff4dd9ab3c987752c04377993e8af5557", "698a50e9de7677b3405e1de70833b11c415861712cc39b4bc7501d4e75a7607e", "4eecf276abdf953a67468986dd6993990cc33ea8f05b00bcba24ab7d8e8d19f6", "1317ad95d9af0a951afc7701a0d80a5380172554f748337b81682e50a69485bd"], "__index_level_0__": 99, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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We have a winner from the random draw Janel did and it’s Lois! Her comment was: \" What cute images...and to win them all...whoo hoo!!!. Now Lois just needs to email us her address and Janel will send her a set of our new Heartwarming Vintage Images & Journal Notes. The 4 themes include Birds & Botanicals, Childhood, Homemade and Summertime and the response has been so great! Thanks to all 140 of you who entered and the wonderful and positive feedback so many of you left!!! The books are shipping to stores now and also available here on Shopatron.\n\nIt feels good to know we are on the right track because we have started on at least 6 more new titles that will be available later this summer. Look for vintage Halloween, Christmas, Women, Men, Little Girls, Little Boys and possibly other titles!\n\nIn case you tried to download Janel’s Stir Stick Album Sheet, I wanted to let you know it’s been added to our website now HERE as the link wouldn’t work properly on the blog.\n\nThis week the talented Lisa Zappa from our design team will be presenting some cool ideas that will be posted here on the blog next! In the meantime, you can visit Lisa’s blog here at http://shabbychickjunk.blogspot.com/ Lisa loves to go junking and shopping for cool new stamp and paper supplies and that’s exactly what she did this weekend with friends – lucky girl!\n\nAlso, I wanted to congratulate Vicki Chrisman from our design team for being the featured artist today here at scrapscene You can still also enter the contest on Vickis blog here and the draw is tomorrow!\n\nLast weekend I took my 3 daughters (Katie 25, Holly 22 and Chelsea 21) for a girls roadtrip to Portland and we had so much fun we are going to make it an annual event. To make the 5 hour drive go by faster I made sure we left really early and although they thought the travel Bingo sheets I printed and brought along were corny, they got right into it when they found out I had a pile of prizes in $5.00 bills, 3 cheap bottles of wine and chocolate bars. We laughed so hard we cried and the drive seemed to go by fast. You can print Travel Bingo sheets here at http://www.momsminivan.com/printables.html in case you ever want them to entertain your passagers! For any mom that has teenagers, I want to assure you the fighting stops and your kids will likely become much closer as they get older. My daughters have become best friends and it makes me so happy, because they fought like crazy as pre-teens!\n\nIf you ever go to Portland, be sure to visit the Portland Saturday Market, which is on every Sat & Sun and the transit downtown was free! It was so much fun shopping outdoors and it was hot and sunny and all kinds of great food. Here’s some photos from our trip.", null, null, "Posted by Crafty Secrets Heartwarming Vintage Co. at 20.4.08", "janel said...\n\nCute cute cute you all are! What great memories and fun times.\n\nCongratulations Lois! I know you will have fun with the booklets..they are darling!\n\nApril 20, 2008 at 7:23 PM", "Vicki C said...\n\nCongrats to Lois!!!\nThe photos of you and the girls are so good! It makes me really MISS you all!!!\n\nApril 20, 2008 at 10:52 PM", "Angelnorth said...\n\nCongrats to Lois! The road trip looks like fun Sandy - great to hear your girls are such good friends now!\n\nApril 21, 2008 at 1:06 PM", "Lori Craig said...\n\nOh how fun is this!! I know you had a fabulous time! You are one rockin' momma! :)\n\nApril 21, 2008 at 1:48 PM", "chelemom said...\n\nCongrats to the winner! All of you are gorgeous gals! Glad you had a good time!"], "url": "http://heartwarmingvintage.blogspot.com/2008/04/we-have-winner-plus-some-inspiring.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 320, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 212, "original_width": 320, "width": 570}], "image_hashes": ["40da521b87e93ea4da3e622d2eb34a65ec46accb3a97dffe8be7b79a0aa148c3", "1965b2bfd716c4e2f2335c2b30bd690b0a2cc2e79482bfb0b86b5ff46ec251d8"], "__index_level_0__": 100, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_loyD_QyynHY/SghWuEpmpDI/AAAAAAAAAhk/9waew4uM3Oo/s400/l_75f34c2c394435a99cf370793ef6d565.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_loyD_QyynHY/SghXI_2s_vI/AAAAAAAAAhs/z2R1_Rsg0Nc/s400/n707581461_362099_2493.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9300285577774048}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hisgirlspacey.blogspot.com/2009/05/happy-birthday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_loyD_QyynHY/SghWuEpmpDI/AAAAAAAAAhk/9waew4uM3Oo/s400/l_75f34c2c394435a99cf370793ef6d565.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_loyD_QyynHY/SghWuEpmpDI/AAAAAAAAAhk/9waew4uM3Oo/s400/l_75f34c2c394435a99cf370793ef6d565.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"l f c c a cf ef d\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hisgirlspacey.blogspot.com/2009/05/happy-birthday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_loyD_QyynHY/SghXI_2s_vI/AAAAAAAAAhs/z2R1_Rsg0Nc/s400/n707581461_362099_2493.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_loyD_QyynHY/SghXI_2s_vI/AAAAAAAAAhs/z2R1_Rsg0Nc/s400/n707581461_362099_2493.jpg\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://hisgirlspacey.blogspot.com/2009/05/happy-birthday.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ML3B5jvyBSw/USQ-GgO-2gI/AAAAAAAABrk/pkpaoD5AANs/s300/250me.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ML3B5jvyBSw/USQ-GgO-2gI/AAAAAAAABrk/pkpaoD5AANs/s300/250me.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"me\", \"rendered_width\": 214, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null]", "texts": ["(pictured here in her daddy's baseball mitt while she was still in the hospital)", null, "To the little girl who had to be the first\n(and only) kid in the family to break\na bone before she was 2.", null, "to my sister suzie.\n\nLove you with all my heart!\n\nAuntie Sarah!\n\n(to read more about Alene you can go to Hi From The Hoffmans where her mommy wrote a birthday post about her."], "url": "http://hisgirlspacey.blogspot.com/2009/05/happy-birthday.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["8d5bad6123e08313fe69d499ff66265127e58bb15dfe443172414b87f5d78ce4", "7de4ede6c44003f56be8f5e0ce0edd72746a5e3e2ac538778bcffbb537fe29c0"], "__index_level_0__": 101, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4445/866/200/books.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7961069345474243}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://historymike.blogspot.com/2006/06/quote-shelf_13.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4445/866/200/books.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/4445/866/200/books.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"books\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Excellent Mike!\n\nThat one's a keeper."], "url": "http://historymike.blogspot.com/2006/06/quote-shelf_13.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 200, "width": 472}], "image_hashes": ["df50b20f237ee9d5bec097e502cf147cb5699a1ef4a431026db7b0b20756aefa"], "__index_level_0__": 102, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://humandesignamerica.com/media/k2/galleries/12/1_front.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8306122422218323}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://humandesignamerica.com/books/general-education/item/12-love-book\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/media/k2/galleries/12/1_front.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://humandesignamerica.com/media/k2/galleries/12/1_front.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"front\", \"alt_text\": \"front\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "View the embedded image gallery online at:\n\nThis book covers each of the Gates that specifically relate to love. Is love a chemistry and therefore an illusion? Many of us have been conditioned by an inaccurate idea of love. Through understanding our Designs, we cultivate a relationship to love in a connected way. The Love Book explores the way human beings relate intimately in connection to each other in the matrix of Design."], "url": "http://humandesignamerica.com/books/general-education/item/12-love-book", "images_metadata": [{"height": 503, "original_height": 800, "original_width": 601, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2a8d883f8e996f3a32340e55c64c3139f46a84a54235330af9957a3f0b71a01d"], "__index_level_0__": 103, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AHUu1KtB_w4/S70asqtE42I/AAAAAAAAJhs/Q7ZbMokhL08/s400/tropical+flowers.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AHUu1KtB_w4/S70ayE1qSRI/AAAAAAAAJh0/d9qBHyC3zzk/s400/tropical+flowers+closeup.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_AHUu1KtB_w4/S70a3ZZg2HI/AAAAAAAAJh8/TZn95fpclpk/s400/tropical+flowers+inside.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.871935248374939}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://iembellish.blogspot.com/2010/04/in-times-of-trouble.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AHUu1KtB_w4/S70asqtE42I/AAAAAAAAJhs/Q7ZbMokhL08/s400/tropical+flowers.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AHUu1KtB_w4/S70asqtE42I/AAAAAAAAJhs/Q7ZbMokhL08/s400/tropical+flowers.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tropical flowers\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 307}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://iembellish.blogspot.com/2010/04/in-times-of-trouble.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AHUu1KtB_w4/S70ayE1qSRI/AAAAAAAAJh0/d9qBHyC3zzk/s400/tropical+flowers+closeup.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AHUu1KtB_w4/S70ayE1qSRI/AAAAAAAAJh0/d9qBHyC3zzk/s400/tropical+flowers+closeup.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tropical flowers closeup\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 273}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://iembellish.blogspot.com/2010/04/in-times-of-trouble.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_AHUu1KtB_w4/S70a3ZZg2HI/AAAAAAAAJh8/TZn95fpclpk/s400/tropical+flowers+inside.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_AHUu1KtB_w4/S70a3ZZg2HI/AAAAAAAAJh8/TZn95fpclpk/s400/tropical+flowers+inside.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tropical flowers inside\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://iembellish.blogspot.com/2010/04/in-times-of-trouble.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://iembellish.blogspot.com/2010/04/in-times-of-trouble.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh4.googleusercontent.com/-W6t8j5AOKDc/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAiQQ/JYouS-rfWm8/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-W6t8j5AOKDc/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAiQQ/JYouS-rfWm8/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://iembellish.blogspot.com/2010/04/in-times-of-trouble.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8499/8342194016_8fa7a059d1_o.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8499/8342194016_8fa7a059d1_o.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fa a d o\", \"rendered_width\": 150}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["In Times of Trouble...", null, "\"He shall set me upon a rock.\"\n\nIsn't that nice?  I don't know about you, but I seem to know a lot of people who are going through difficult times right now.  I'm so glad to have a beautiful stamp set like this to use to make cards for those kind of situations and difficult circumstances.  The stamp set is called By Your Side  ~", null, "Card Details\nStamps: By Your Side by GinaK Designs\nCardstock: GinaK and DCWV patterned\nInk: Versafine black\nOther: Embossing powder, stickles, Spellbinder's Nestability dies; corner rounder; GinaK Ribbon", null, "I kept the card simple with a spot to add a hand written note on the inside.\n\nCheck back in with me tomorrow night as we are having a GinaK challenge blog hop event!  It will be open to everyone to participate in and will be the way that Gina chooses the next Guest Designer who will join us for April's release!\n\nSee you then ~\nPosted by Jessica Fick at 7:01 PM", "Labels: GinaK Designs, Nestabilities", "Crystal said...\n\nLove this, Jessica ! The mix of patterns play off each other so wonderfully! Love the sentiment and that dotted ribbon !\n\n4/08/2010 6:48 AM", "Jessica Fick", "Contact me @ email@example.com", "Sweet 'n Sassy Design Team", "Tuesday Trigger Winner\n\nAn Idea in Yellow", "Let's Go Shopping!", "Thank you for stopping by!"], "url": "http://iembellish.blogspot.com/2010/04/in-times-of-trouble.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 308, "original_width": 400, "width": 490}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 274, "original_width": 400, "width": 551}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["bbf92e5cf073b5999c7a5528f221988cdcca40bd93d0bff0afb9372a6eba0096", "7575a46d580a4cad5df4dd94b7b87f1c169a7c0395ed73cd9ffd6cc37e747bf2", "388cd801babc94eaacab15c45aea946a24dec5796d77a36cf44315b8d396b25a"], "__index_level_0__": 104, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GO4-cYpaCYM/UISCe0Ja2nI/AAAAAAAAB9A/qTRwcYX1tbw/s1600/Shinsenden_061.png", null, null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aQVC59EjEwc/UHymJJo69vI/AAAAAAAAB1Y/p1nQG2ayTjk/s1600/Technical+Difficulties.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9535315036773682}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://inconsolablenung.blogspot.com/2012/10/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GO4-cYpaCYM/UISCe0Ja2nI/AAAAAAAAB9A/qTRwcYX1tbw/s1600/Shinsenden_061.png\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GO4-cYpaCYM/UISCe0Ja2nI/AAAAAAAAB9A/qTRwcYX1tbw/s1600/Shinsenden_061.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Shinsenden\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://inconsolablenung.blogspot.com/2012/10/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aQVC59EjEwc/UHymJJo69vI/AAAAAAAAB1Y/p1nQG2ayTjk/s1600/Technical+Difficulties.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-aQVC59EjEwc/UHymJJo69vI/AAAAAAAAB1Y/p1nQG2ayTjk/s1600/Technical+Difficulties.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Technical Difficulties\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 237}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["It's times like this that reaffirms the decision to include translated JRPGs.  Not only are there some gems that never made it to North America but there are also some that disregard the standard RPG conventions and do something completely different.  Such is the case with Sweet Home, a game that incorporates many aspects not usually found in RPGs.  The first difference is in the setting; an old manor in which five modern-day investigators are there to find and photograph the frescos of Mamiya Ichirou located within.  Soon upon entering, they discover that the manor is quite haunted and the ghostly apparition of Mamiya appears and traps the characters.\n\nThe second big difference is the heavy use of puzzle elements, akin to those typical found in adventure games.  In fact, Sweet Home is very similar to Maniac Mansion, right down to being able to split the group up and have characters in completely different locations.  This splitting of the group is enforced as a subgroup is only allowed to have a maximum of three characters.  Each character has four item slots which are restricted thusly: one for a weapon, one for the character's signature item, and two open slots for miscellaneous items found.  The signature items are used to bypass a lot of the puzzle barriers found.  For example, cool man Shen's item is a lighter which can be used to burn down rope barriers.\n\nIf the current group doesn't have the item needed, it's necessary to switch over to the other group and have them find the others.  The random battles can sometimes be difficult for a group of two if the other three characters are ahead.  Often the tougher characters in the main group will leave the weakest one behind while they go and retrieve the other two members one at a time.  Backtracking is also necessary in the game itself; there are many previous locked doors that I have not been able to open yet.  It's easy enough to get back to older areas as the battle difficulty is dependent on the area.  The battles themselves mostly consist of spamming the fight button but sometimes the signature items can be used to inflict more damage than normal.\n\nIn addition to these regular RPG battles, there are also encounters with (what I'm guessing are) poltergeists that chuck various objects at the characters, such as chandeliers and chairs.  Instead of fighting the object, a menu is displayed with various options to try to avoid it.  This seems to be completely based on chance but even if failed, the damage delivered is a paltry amount.\n\nBeing that the characters are in a haunted house, the creepy factor is in full effect.  In addition to a classic bestiary of macabre monstrosities, the music plays a huge role as well.  While wandering around the twisted passages and gloomy rooms, the music is suitably dark and spooky.  Sometimes when examining an object, the music immediately cuts out and a spine-tingling high pitched shriek is unleashed along with a closeup of the object.\n\nThe frescos that are scattered throughout the mansion give hints after they are photographed.  Yes, even though the characters are trying to escape the manor with their very lives, they are still taking the time to do their initial job.  Gotta admire that dedication.  The hints range from the mundane to the crucial; the hidden location of the mallet needed to break through a boulder barricade was given by a fresco.  Unfortunately, the frescos themselves all look the same and are quite ugly.\n\nSo far there has not been a resting place for the characters to regain health and prayer points.  Tonics can be found which will fully restore the current group but they are a one time use and not all that common.  This puts all the characters on a timer and makes grinding an unwise choice.  This aspect of gameplay, more than anything else, really makes Sweet Home feel like horror survival.  Character migration from area to area needs to be planned out somewhat but there are plenty of pitfalls which force an immediate change in plans.  It will be interesting to see what else the Mamiya manor has in store for the stalwart investigators.\n\nUploaded by Shen Nung at 19:42", "October 23, 2012\n\nShinsenden - Ranking\n\nStory & World\n\nThe setting of ancient China is well established throughout the game.  Everything from the story to the monsters to the graphics and sound just ooze of the Orient.  The main objective of recovering mystical and unique \"named\" blades seems well-suited to the period as well.  As opposed to China itself, each of the four chapters of Shinsenden exist within a tiny overworld map.  Quite often it is possible to see a dungeon entrance right after leaving a village.  With the encounter rate being as high as it is, the small map size is a plus but the thrill of exploration is sorely missed.  Dungeons are likewise short and, worse still, very linear.  10/20\n\nCharacter Development\n\nThere are three main stats that occasionally decide to increase when levelling and even when they do, it's by a small amount.  Hit, magic, and technique points raise a little more reliably but most important is the acquisition of new spells (of which there are many).  There are no items or anything available to alter stats, giving no control over the character's development.  Purchasing new weapons and armour is a crapshoot; often a new item will only increase attack or defense power by one or two points (not even noticeable in combat).  They also all have very asian-sounding names, which is good for story flavour but bad for knowing what the hell I'm buying.  A small number of weapons have a special ability, usually duplicating an attack spell.  4/20\n\nCombat & Monsters\n\nThe difficulty of the regular battles ensure that every encounter will end up draining magic points, either from using attack spells or having to heal after if sticking with straight melee attacks.  In order to save on MP, the spirit-holding gourd has to be heavily used in every encounter.  The potential of the gourd could have made for some interesting battles but unfortunately that only happened in the boss battles.  The gourd basically just becomes an enemy vacuum cleaner in regular encounters, sucking them up and cleaning them out for more room.  Still, a very cool idea.  There are lots of spells to choose from and older spells eventually get overwritten with more powerful versions.\n\nThe majority of the monsters are taken from Chinese folklore, I assume.  I didn't recognize much, other than the jiangshi (hopping vampires).  Every new place brought with it a strange and surprising bestiary.  I never knew what was going to kick my ass next! >:|  There are also some goofy creatures as well, such as the shark fin soup or the several tofu-based ones.  11/20\n\nGraphics & Sound\n\nWhile the artwork design is nicely done, I found the colour choices to be either too uniform or too clashing.  Many monster sprites use only one or two colours but do make good use of shadowing.  The music is superb and consistently keeps the oriental feel flowing throughout the game.  The village tune was even good enough to get the virtual wife humming it from time to time.  15/20\n\nIf I hadn't failed so badly in properly testing items out, I think Shinsenden would still classify as a difficult game but not stupidly difficult.  The very beginning and the solo quest during the middle are the most frustrating parts but it eases up towards the end.  Once the final blade is possessed, regular attacks finally start doing decent damage.  Grinding (and there's a lot of it) was mostly done not for levels, but for gold to purchase the best equipment available and as many healing potions as could be carried; for most of the game, it's not remotely feasible to tackle a dungeon otherwise.  The momentum of the game is kept strictly on the rails; there is no freedom to explore (not that the encounter rate would let one get far anyhow).\n\nControls are fine; the only problem is navigating through the spell list during battle.  The list only displays three spells at a time and the words are often crammed close to each other, making selection cumbersome.  This is likely due to the nature of Japanese to English translations; Japanese is a more compact writing system than English is.  7/10\n\nFinal Ranking:  47/100\nUploaded by Shen Nung at 20:33", "October 21, 2012\n\nShinsenden - End Game\n\nDear Shin,\n\nShen Nung", null, "Uploaded by Shen Nung at 17:22", "Shinsenden - Follow the Gourd!", null, "Uploaded by Shen Nung at 19:30", "October 06, 2012\n\n[Game 027] Shinsenden (NES - 1989)\n\nI go into any JRPG with the expectation that it will start off fairly difficult but Shinsenden sets the bar to a new high.  As the scene opened, I found myself in the lithe body of a well-trained monk.  My sensei was giving me and another monk, Raichi, a quest to retrieve the Ichimai Charm located in a nearby cave.  Good thing sensei didn't need the charm anytime soon because it would be weeks before we'd be successful.  No sooner had we stepped outside the temple when we were attacked by a gang of four monsters.  Even after spending all our available magic and technique points, the two remaining monsters worked Raichi's face while ignoring my feeble regular attacks.  Luckily, we were able to flee and return to the temple for a nap.  The next day we made much better progress and were able to go two whole steps before being ganked by another four monsters.  This time they were much nicer and only worked Raichi's kidneys.  After a few days of this horseshit, it was becoming clear that we were going to need help.\n\nAfter loading up on some locally made fireballs, we were finally able to win our first fight and immediately level up.  We actually starting seeing some battles with just one or two foes, so it must have just been bad luck with the initial set of encounters.  So, now that we could survive for a fight or two, exploring could commence.  We've been told that the village of Horai (just one screen away) has better weapons and armour available for purchase.  It looked to be like such a short jaunt but the encounter rate had something to say about that.  Big time.  It loves to slap me around with, on average, a fight every three or four steps.  It'll also line 'em up one after another, too, so I can enjoy all the fun of making dick all for progress.\n\nGeez, you can see the bloody cave right from the temple but it still took until reaching level nine and buying all the best equipment to get there.  Yeah, you'd think that I'd be a little overpowered by that point but you'd be dead wrong.  The \"better\" weapons raised the attack power by such a measly amount, increasing damage by a whole single point!  The first floor of the cave was filled with familiar monsters but the second floor decided to add not only tougher monsters but ones filled with poison.\n\nQuickly burning through the few poison salves we had on hand meant that it was time to beat a hasty retreat back to Horai.  Overstuffing our pockets with antidotes and healing potions, we were finally able to get through the rest of the cave and get the stupid amulet or whatever.\n\nWhile trekking back through the cave, we have a run-in with some dude who's being hassled by guards.  We make short work of them and then, before we can explore the last bit of the cave, are transported automatically back to the temple to heal the dude's wounds.  It's then he tells us of a special blade called Genbu that we, of course, need to get and that it's hidden back in that goddamn cave.  After essentially redoing the fetch quest again, we are told that there are three other such charmed blades and should next head west to the kingdom of Byakko.  Upon our arrival, the castle is immediately beset by enemy forces looking for the Genbu blade.  In the confusion, Raichi disappears and is considered captured.\n\nAfter things settle down, the king of Byakko assigns two of his warriors to accompany me to rescue Raichi from the king of Genbu castle (no wonder he wants the Genbu blade) whilst a man named Toron hides the Byakko blade.  Before we can confront King Genbu, though, we have to find the Crimson Gourd, which can be used to capture yokai (spirits).  Apparently King Genbu is quite the summoner (or perhaps a yokai himself).  The gourd is located somewhere in the Fengshui Pagoda; the home of a band of brigands.  Much like the earlier cave, the encounter rate gives the impression that there are hundreds of creatures living here.  All are well-trained in the fighting arts, requiring multiple visits before acquiring the gourd.\n\nWith the yokai-absorbing gourd in my possession, it should now be possible to enter Genbu palace and rescue Raichi.  However, before heading there, I would like to address the difficulty that I've been complaining so much about.  A big part of why the difficulty was so intense at the beginning ended up being partially my own fault.  You see, this game is obviously of the Dragon Quest clone variety and I was treating it as such.  In DQ, the encounter rate is determined by the terrain type (e.g. grasslands are low while hills are high).  So, when I was trying to grind, I was sticking mainly to hilly regions.  This was my downfall.  In Shinsenden, the encounter rate is static while the terrain determines the types of monsters fought.  I was hanging out in the hard hills when I should have been kicking it in the easy grasslands.  Now, the game isn't completely off the hook because the initial fights did take place in grasslands or forests; however, at probably around level five, the grassland monsters would be manageable.  I'll concede this point to the game but I still feel the encounter rate itself is whine-worthy."], "url": "http://inconsolablenung.blogspot.com/2012/10/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 512, "width": 403}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 304, "original_width": 410, "width": 509}], "image_hashes": ["9fe9c854998b2a6b64807fe1eab77c5146dcc67400e2ebd912710cc0a9acb614", "8eeedee34fdbadae1e7a1dc3bf04cde02ef09ffb06bf6c9a6ed3140d2c22748f"], "__index_level_0__": 105, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kNailqajAV8/UQsj2WosK9I/AAAAAAAAClo/aNUjSYzDDXs/s400/February+2013.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9316986203193665}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://introvertedart.blogspot.com/2013/01/hearting-february.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kNailqajAV8/UQsj2WosK9I/AAAAAAAAClo/aNUjSYzDDXs/s400/February+2013.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kNailqajAV8/UQsj2WosK9I/AAAAAAAAClo/aNUjSYzDDXs/s400/February+2013.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"February\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 271}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Click here for the full size February desktop. Right click, save, and enjoy.\nPosted by Introverted Art", "Ariel said...\n\nHappy February to you Ana. Hope you have a great creative month.\n\nJanuary 31, 2013 at 6:30 PM", "Cloudia said...\n\nhow wonderful\n\nJanuary 31, 2013 at 7:07 PM", "Fay Iseminger said...\n\nHow nice. What a beautiful picture. Thank you for sharing.\n\nJanuary 31, 2013 at 7:13 PM", "Debra She Who Seeks said...\n\nJanuary 31, 2013 at 7:37 PM", "Shahrul Niza said...\n\nWOW, this is the most beautiful & happy thing I've seen this morning!! Ahhh, bliss! Thanks for sharing with us. HUGS.\n\nJanuary 31, 2013 at 7:59 PM", "Red Shoes said...\n\nThat is beautiful!!\n\nI LOVE it!!\n\nHappy February!!\n\nJanuary 31, 2013 at 9:02 PM", "Carmela said...\n\nJanuary 31, 2013 at 9:16 PM", "foxysue said...\n\nTweet-tweet, the little birds all say thank you! x\n\nJanuary 31, 2013 at 11:33 PM", "Sulky Kitten said...\n\nLovely, Ana - Thank you!\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 2:22 AM", "Cristiane Marino said...\n\nOi Ana!\n\nObrigada pelo lindo calendário.\nComo você consegue dar esse aspecto de penas tão reais, principalmente na cabeça do pássaro?\nEstá lindo, adorei a combinação de cores.\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 2:33 AM", "Lorraine said...\n\nHow delightful, I never remember days or dates sinceI've retired...well at least I'll know the date and day in beauty thank you very much for sharing your art it is stunning\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 2:42 AM", "Hwee said...\n\nVery pretty!\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 3:27 AM", "tinajo said...\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 3:29 AM", "jgy said...\n\nHappy February!\nBeautiful color and feeling in your painting.\nHere in Japan the ume (plum) trees are just beginning to show their buds, little pink dots on the branches like the pink in your picture, I can feel `February` through that pink!!\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 4:01 AM", "Arkansas Patti said...\n\nWhat a delightful idea. Now if I can just find where I sent it I will apply it. Thank you so much.\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 4:41 AM", "Found it and applies it. It looks just wonderful and I will think of you each time I turn on my computer and maybe I won't lose days as I am prone to. Thanks again.\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 4:45 AM", "Plowing Through Life (Martha) said...\n\nThat is beautiful! When I saw it, it made my heart skip a beat thinking of all the birds that will arrive here in a few weeks from the south. The American Robins should be here within a month ---- can't wait!\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 4:57 AM", "Optimistic Existentialist said...\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 5:24 AM", "WoW ♦ what a beautiful site you have! Look forward to seeing more :o)\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 7:11 AM", "Amalia K said...\n\nSuch a stunning bird! Happy February to you, Ana. XO\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 10:38 AM", "Kyra Wilson said...\n\nOh how pretty! Love it! Happy February!\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 12:20 PM", "So very lovely :)\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 6:35 PM", "Magic Love Crow said...\n\nThis is so nice! Thank you ;o)\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 7:08 PM", "Riot Kitty said...\n\nCheers! So nice of you to share your wonderful art with us.\n\nFebruary 1, 2013 at 7:30 PM", "Jeanie said...\n\nThis is so beautiful and filled with hope. It reminds me somewhere summer birds are still flying -- and in a few months they will fly here!\n\nFebruary 2, 2013 at 7:12 AM", "This is so sweet!\n\nI love what you did with the \"February\" text. That's a cute little detail there.\n\nFebruary 2, 2013 at 5:38 PM", "These are so pretty but I have not a clue how you can do them for every month. I would fail miserably at getting them up in time!\n\nBeautiful bird and flowers and February. Love!\n\nFebruary 2, 2013 at 9:12 PM", "Zena said...\n\nHow precious! Thanks!\n\nFebruary 3, 2013 at 1:46 AM", "NatashaMay said...\n\nSo sweet of you to share it with us. :) Love the birdie.\n\nFebruary 3, 2013 at 6:09 AM", "Fundy Blue said...\n\nHi Ana, I found your blog through Martha at Plowing Through Life. I enjoyed looking through several posts so much that I decided to follow your blog. I feel peace and calmness when I look at your artwork. Also your dogs sunbathing were a hoot. It made me want to lie in the sunshine with them. Thanks for sticking up for we introverts! Have a good week!\n\nFebruary 3, 2013 at 10:51 AM", "Anikó said...\n\nlove it! so bright and cheery with the promise of springtime in it. thanks for sharing! x\n\nFebruary 3, 2013 at 5:20 PM", "Alice M said...\n\nVery beautiful! Can't wait to see your Bahamas sketches!!! Have fun!!!!!!\n\nFebruary 4, 2013 at 7:59 PM", "geetlee said...\n\nThis is awesome!! Thank you!\n\nFebruary 6, 2013 at 9:24 PM", "Gosto tanto daqui que coloquei seu blog na lista dos links recomendados do meu.\nBjs e ótima semana\n\nFebruary 7, 2013 at 2:24 AM", "McMGrad89 said...\n\nThank you for the wallpaper. Just beautiful!"], "url": "http://introvertedart.blogspot.com/2013/01/hearting-february.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 272, "original_width": 400, "width": 555}], "image_hashes": ["35eabbb521386cc510b76b7070568e17fb6222c5c4f0771a40048b6e85aee380"], "__index_level_0__": 106, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://www.wichitaphotos.org/graphics/wschm_R2dymax5.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9195369482040404}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://isola-di-rifiuti.blogspot.com/2007/04/larkinesque-or-not.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.wichitaphotos.org/graphics/wschm_R2dymax5.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.wichitaphotos.org/graphics/wschm_R2dymax5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wschm R dymax\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://isola-di-rifiuti.blogspot.com/2007/04/larkinesque-or-not.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://info.detnews.com/dn/pix/2004/05/03/rouge/a003-rougetime1-0504n-4.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://info.detnews.com/dn/pix/2004/05/03/rouge/a003-rougetime1-0504n-4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a rougetime n\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, April 09, 2007\n\nLarkinesque, or Not", "A Distant Cloud\n\nThe way the interrupts. (A Clark Coolidge sentence.) The way the interrupts (avoiding the Latinate “shun,” the way it co-opts the abrupt rapture of interrupts’s “push,” all meaning being sound’s crave, what replaces the vacuum left by sound’s expulse—just to put it as dauntingly as possible) of a long weekend—the “other chores”—bedraggle one, make a late Sunday awry with unfinished incohesives, and cold with a skiff of granular snow.\n\nWhat’d I do? Putter’d through some busywork. Try’d, edging into the kingdom of sleep, to conclude the life of Larkin, and failed. (Increasingly struck by the paucity of the finish’d works, the paltry number—like Elizabeth Bishop’s—how it adds up to an out-sized repute. The limited palette, the restraint, and the failure, seemingly, to consider “form” anything beyond a hand-me-down thing, a unquery’d way—is it my American jive-ass big destiny talking\n\n(or is that American big-ass jive destiny? I know some of those, too) that faults one for a small job done decently? (Larkin warn’d against that thing precisely, worrying how one may “insensibly come to embrace what I think of as the American, or Ford-car, view of literature, which holds that every new poem somehow incorporates all poems that have gone before it and takes them a step further.” Obviously never, that Larkin, reading the Robert\n\nBly poem that refers to Ford, in Cuba, “saying ‘History is bunk!’”) Reminding me: I recently visit’d the Henry Ford Museum, in Dearborn, former “white flight” city par excellence, meaning ad nauseum, meaning the police’d routinely harass any blacks who stray’d therein—it is now largely populated by Arab-Americans. Likely forty years back I visit’d that museum: dim pictures of huge gleamingly black turbines in a monstrous hall,\n\nand household appliances—one hundred upright vacuums!—arranged in bag-empty squads across the floor. Unprepared to find the only remaining Dymaxion house assembled there today—R. Buckminster Fuller’s circular aluminum-alloy house hanging off a central pole, with moveable (non-load-bearing) interior walls. Invented in 1929. Fuller’s attempt, post-WWII, to arrange for financing for the Beech Aircraft Co. in Wichita to convert", null, "Dymaxion House\n\nto making Dymaxion houses failed. Costing $6,500, unpack’d and assembled by ten men in two days. Removable, transportable, environmentally efficient. Ford’s museum is full, naturally, of cars (though no Dymaxion car (1933), Fuller’s three-wheeled “Omni-Medium Transport,” intend’d to carry ten passengers, and, eventually, go on land and water, and in the air.) Odd to descend a ramp painted to resemble a two-lane American highway,\n\nadvancing “through” history and notice, first, a gigantic list of automobile manufacturers, probably six or seven hundred, active in the early part of the twentieth century, all, or nearly all, neatly crossed off with red ink: representing the fail’d companies. Odd to note how many were marked “electric” or “steam.” Odd to see a Doble steam car, apparently something of a technological success, with a note to the placard, indicating\n\nsomething like “stock irregularities” caused the company’s collapse. Odd to find one small display of union newspapers—cheaply printed dullish rags—looking evanescent—about to fly into papery slivers—amidst all the buff’d up shine of glossy metal, and a copy of the famous photograph of Ford’s goons kicking and punching UAW organizer Richard Frankensteen (whom they disabled by pulling ’s coat over ’s head)\n\nalong with Walter Reuther and two others in the 1937 Battle of the Overpass, near the entrance to the River Rouge plant. Ford of the private police force. Later, my brother explain’d how he’d had the opportunity a few years back to visit a huge house east of Ann Arbor, towards Ypsilanti, up on a bluff overlooking the Huron. Years before, it’d belong’d to the chief of Ford’s thugs. My brother described how a long underground passageway\n\nled down the hill and empty’d out near the river. Construct’d with irregular stair-steps—likely to cause a pursuer’s mis-step—and side rooms for ducking into. A place that’d hold terrible stories. And Larkin? The Ford-car view of poetry? I don’t know: I refuse both. If Larkin’s popularity (differing from ’s achievement) amounts to the countless knowing recitals of “They fuck you up, your mum and dad. / They may not mean to, but they do . . .”\n\n(and so Larkin drolly admitted: “‘They fuck you up’ will clearly be my Lake Isle of Innisfree. I fully expect to hear it recited by a thousand Girl Guides before I die.”) along with the spectacle of the gloomy fish-faced myopic of Hull, then what? Is the choice between a public presence diminish’d to two lines and a Zukofsky-like heritage as “poet’s poet’s poet,” meaning zero? It’s not a choice anybody makes, frankly.\n\nOne manages whatever one can manage and nose-thumbs it all. Though one is allow’d to enter into the public space of one’s “era” and try to dissuade it off its most repellent idiocies. Or one is compell’d through moral prod and fervor—these bloom within and nowhere else. Larkin (to Barbara Pym): “the notion of expressing sentiments in short lines having similar sounds at their ends seems as remote as mangoes on the moon.”\n\nLarkin’s humor (in a letter): “A nice-ish evening, have eaten all I want of a good macaroni cheese (not too thick, not too thin), read most of the second half of Laurels are Poison (I think the chapter entitled ‘Iddy Umpty Iddy Umpty Iddy’ the most remarkable, and in a way the most creepy, in modern detective fiction) and am now awaiting the broadcast of the flyweight championship of the world (9.15 p.m.). Wonder what Ted Hughes is doing?”\n\nRecognizing, good-humor’dly, the holy foolishness of the paltry domestic routine, the puttering. Versus the heroic, the asinine heroic, all myth and history in a mere couplet? Larkin’s parody of Hughes: “The sky split apart in malice, / The stars rattled like pans on a shelf, / Crow shat on Buckingham Palace, / God pissed himself.” There is, finally, no proper “way”—this is about one’s “way” after all—one sods along in one’s own sod,\n\nmaking whatsoever one is able, umpty, iddy, or umpty iddy. And the years scoot by with little yelps of meaning, and one gets down, or gets it down, or it gets one down. At least it’s soddish to think so.", "The Battle of the Overpass"], "url": "http://isola-di-rifiuti.blogspot.com/2007/04/larkinesque-or-not.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 484, "original_width": 600, "width": 468}], "image_hashes": ["bab409e8ac61b423f171ac0668496bee28da80283ab5e561791ff4f653a67afc"], "__index_level_0__": 107, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-j72UiAtabaQ/UQJVDCtYY7I/AAAAAAAAALo/ca98BPZnyd0/s320/CIMG0435.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9065795540809632}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://italywiththeresa.blogspot.com/p/contact.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-j72UiAtabaQ/UQJVDCtYY7I/AAAAAAAAALo/ca98BPZnyd0/s320/CIMG0435.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-j72UiAtabaQ/UQJVDCtYY7I/AAAAAAAAALo/ca98BPZnyd0/s320/CIMG0435.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"CIMG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "A native of Buffalo, NY, Theresa first traveled to Italy as a student. After a semester in Florence where she ventured to learn Italian, discover her familial roots and find romance, she discovered her true love was Italian art. She continued her advanced education in Rome with a Masters degree in Art History specializing in Renaissance Architecture and the Etruscan Civilization. She enjoys the privilege of sharing her knowledge and passion with others through private city walks and writing travel and culture articles for various newspapers and magazines including The Buffalo News, New York Post, The Patriot Ledger, and Wanted in Rome magazine. She is selected as a \"recommended guide\" by the United States Embassy in Rome and is featured in Journey Woman travel magazine, The Buffalo News Sunday feature section, and on the Buffalo NBC evening news -Meet Theresa. She has also appeared on the Travel Channel. She is a licensed tour guide by the European Tour Operator Association and the New York Department of Consumer Affairs and manages her own private walking tour company called Tour with Theresa."], "url": "http://italywiththeresa.blogspot.com/p/contact.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["9885021b0940f07e6862809a4227af3a3468087853fa51ed940c8d6257d54a39"], "__index_level_0__": 108, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-gOKfbG4rZfk/VS6_OmJ0qJI/AAAAAAAASEQ/WH_u_gX-MX8/s1600/Tyrone%2BPower%2B-Where%2Bare%2BMy%2BChildren%2B(1916).png", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jJYTkQL24ok/VS6_L9c8EiI/AAAAAAAASDg/8JD13DjcVLM/s1600/The%2BQuestion...%2B%2B-%2BWhere%2Bare%2Bmy%2Bchildren%2B(1916).jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6635841131210327}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ithankyouarthur.blogspot.com/2015/04/if-you-have-to-ask-where-are-my.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-gOKfbG4rZfk/VS6_OmJ0qJI/AAAAAAAASEQ/WH_u_gX-MX8/s1600/Tyrone%2BPower%2B-Where%2Bare%2BMy%2BChildren%2B(1916).png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-gOKfbG4rZfk/VS6_OmJ0qJI/AAAAAAAASEQ/WH_u_gX-MX8/s1600/Tyrone%2BPower%2B-Where%2Bare%2BMy%2BChildren%2B(1916).png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Tyrone BPower B Where Bare BMy BChildren B( )\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 293}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ithankyouarthur.blogspot.com/2015/04/if-you-have-to-ask-where-are-my.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jJYTkQL24ok/VS6_L9c8EiI/AAAAAAAASDg/8JD13DjcVLM/s1600/The%2BQuestion...%2B%2B-%2BWhere%2Bare%2Bmy%2Bchildren%2B(1916).jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-jJYTkQL24ok/VS6_L9c8EiI/AAAAAAAASDg/8JD13DjcVLM/s1600/The%2BQuestion...%2B%2B-%2BWhere%2Bare%2Bmy%2Bchildren%2B(1916).jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"The BQuestion\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 235}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ithankyouarthur.blogspot.com/2015/04/if-you-have-to-ask-where-are-my.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/_UctGd9f0hko/S5pAyJ981dI/AAAAAAAAAAM/Yyv_nQmu4jk/S220-s80/arthur.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_UctGd9f0hko/S5pAyJ981dI/AAAAAAAAAAM/Yyv_nQmu4jk/S220-s80/arthur.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"arthur\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 61, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Lois Weber’s work is always an interpretive challenge for the modern viewer but her films are precious primary evidence: gobbets of accepted wisdom and contemporary morality frozen in celluloid as surely as mosquitoes captured in amber. Our mission, should we chose to accept it, is to understand the reasons why by examining the historical context rather than taking a quick look through the prism of hind-sight.\n\nHaving read a number of reviews and comments many, for example, cannot avoid mentioning Eugenics and then making a direct link to its interpretation and implementation in Germany in the late 20’s and beyond.\n\nThere were different strands to this line of thought and many liberal-minded people, Sydney and Beatrix Webb and other members of the early UK Fabian Society included, felt that controlled breeding could help to improve society and lessen the level of suffering amongst the poor. That doesn’t make them right nor does it make them signed up members of a fascist movement that was not fully formed for over twenty-thirty years in another culture. Socially interventionist, “negative” eugenics, is abhorrent to most modern minds but you can see its origins in the context of the morals, medicine and poverty of the day.\n\nAlso, in an age of more fragile mortality there were many, many more who believed in Christianity in a literal sense and for whom the idea of pearly gates was very real. For these people a film that starts with the unborn souls of children descending from heaven was reassuringly-believable and not a source of mirth. Weber’s use of this device is especially effective when contrasted to the very modern attitudes of the self-serving socialites who spend the film avoiding responsibility in order to extend their leisure time… Not very “sisterly” you might think but these people were being dishonest and Miss Weber had a low tolerance for hypocrisy as established in one of her previous films.", null, "This film is pro-choice but of a different kind. Amazingly abortion wasn’t outlawed in the USA until the 1860s and two generations down the line back-street terminations came with no guarantee of medical competence. Weber’s film is firmly against these practices preferring instead the kind of education about and practice of birth control as espoused by Margaret Sanger who was her inspiration here and specifically for one of the film’s two court room scenes.\n\nSanger was a member of the Women's Committee of the New York Socialist party who took part in strikes and social activism in addition to her work as a visiting nurse in the slums of New York City’s lower East Side. She saw the impact of unwanted pregnancies on women who could barely feed themselves and yet information on contraception was prohibited on the grounds of obscenity by the federal Comstock law of 1873 as well as state law. Sanger vowed to change the laws and in 1914 launched The Woman Rebel newsletter to promote contraception using the slogan \"No Gods, No Masters\". She popularized the term \"birth control\" and proclaimed that each woman should be \"the absolute mistress of her own body.\" In 1914 she was indicted before fleeing to Canada whilst her estranged husband was jailed for 30 days for passing on copies of her Family Limitation… which brings us back to the film…\n\nThe campaigner is represented in the film by a man, Dr Homer (C. Norman Hammond), who is being prosecuted for the indecency of distributing a book on contraception. As our nominal hero, District Attorney Richard Walton (Tyrone Power Snr) reads out more from the book the more he can see the connections between birth control and eugenics. For himself he has always longer for children and yet to his great regret his wife (Helen Riaume, Mrs Power at the time) has yet to be blessed… He cannot understand why anyone would not want to have a family whilst at the same time believing that society would be better served if not everyone who can do should do.\n\nHe hears compelling evidence from Dr Homer about his heart-breaking experiences in the slums: families at war with themselves in a nightmare of poverty and alcoholism with violence and crime driven by the need to provide for more mouths than can be afforded and children who are malnourished and genetically disadvantaged…\n\nRichard’s sister (Marjorie Blynn) has contracted an “eugenics marriage” and her off-spring will be inevitably fit, healthy and well-provided for. Cursed be those who pass up this opportunity and Weber is relentless in her disapproving view of the lounging classes, one dog for every aborted child and a relentless round of coffee mornings at each other’s opulent abodes.\n\nMrs Walton arranges a quickie abortion for her best friend Mrs. William Carlo (Marie Walcamp) with one Dr. Herman Malfit (Juan de la Cruz). She seems totally at ease in his forbidding surgery smiling knowingly at another woman who tries to hide her face in shame and yawning at the everyday inconvenience of having to be there.\n\nBut such complacency cannot last as her brother Roger (A.D. Blake) comes to stay and takes an immediate shine to the housekeeper’s daughter Lillian (Rena Rogers). Weber is no less forgiving of his attitude as a title card sneers: “Practice teaches men of this class, the bold methods that sweep in-experienced girls off their feet”. And so he does but not without consequences that will have a devastating impact on all concerned.\n\nNo spoilers: The film is still hard-hitting and the final sequence is a poignant one… dear reader, a handkerchief may well be required.\n\nWeber marshals her cast well and Power is especially impressive as the man with the firmest of backbones. The story flows well and you can see why Weber was so well regarded – it is a fact universally utilized that she was the highest paid director of the day.\n\nThe film caused some controversy but broke records in such places as New York and Atlantic City (was that you Nucky?I). A comparison could be drawn with Birth of a Nation which was banned in Boston on the grounds of its depiction of the races whilst Pennsylvania banned this film on the grounds that it was “filth”… things were obviously moving too fast for the Quaker State but these issues remain controversial in some sections of society.\n\nI watched the 2000 renovation on the Treasures From American Film Archives 3 box set which comes with Martin Marks' marvelous modern score skilfully orchestrated by Allen Feinstein. It's a bit collectable I'm afraid but still good value. More details on the NFPF site.\n\nPostscript: The film was *almost* shown in London recently but cancelled the day before screening… does controversy linger still over Lois Webster’s work? Hopefully it can be re-scheduled..."], "url": "http://ithankyouarthur.blogspot.com/2015/04/if-you-have-to-ask-where-are-my.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 490, "width": 514}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 490, "width": 514}], "image_hashes": ["2778ab550f5590cd8af611d9c5a136cef92f069aafe0571cd0e058eda4e26cc3", "62cb1ea7372c04449e18b75fed701321dd6e148b35109c06cf4ee1f80e982754"], "__index_level_0__": 109, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-i88iACMUlNI/UqUcuogB2FI/AAAAAAAAIII/7QvFQYvKd-8/s640/Main+Image.png", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YucHOrBAW5g/UqUhWAlANRI/AAAAAAAAIIU/Uk96E225B0k/s640/Let+it+Snow+1.png", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-9-gEUMgqmjk/UMynHgJGWKI/AAAAAAAAEPs/61asuGj2o94/s640/Winter+Wreath.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9146433472633362}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": 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I hope you had a great weekend! Maybe you spend the last two days setting up Christmas decorations like I did? It really is great to have everything put isn't it? Except for making my stockings and tree skirt, I have everything up and it looks great! I'll share pictures soon!\n\nI went a little crazy with wreaths this year (not surprisingly). This year, I have three wreaths inside and one outside. Yep, in my one-bedroom apartment. But I promise, they aren't overwhelming!\n\nTo share all of my new wreaths and all of the other wreaths I'm loving, I'm dubbing this Week of Wreaths!\n\nFirst up is my Glamorous Winter Wreath.", null, "Like I mentioned on Friday, I'm going for the black, white, and red color scheme for this Christmas. Knowing I wanted to decorate with wreaths,  headed to Hobby Lobby looking for inspiration (after scouring Pinterest). I knew I had the frosted red berries (I got them for pennies on the dollar at my local pay-by-the-pound Goodwill) but other than that I was at a loss. After a few minutes (more like 30) of wandering the aisles, I came across the pearlescent berries and it all clicked.\n\nTo create your own glamorous winter wreath you will need:\n\n1 wreath form cut in half\n1 spool of black satin ribbon (2\" x 4 yds)\n1 branch of white pearlescent berries (Hobby Lobby)\n1 branch of red frosted berries (Hobby Lobby via Goodwill)\n1 cute sign (Michael's last year)\nStraight pins\nWire cutter\nHot glue gun\n\nStep One: Unwrap your ribbon from the spool.\nStep Two: On the back, pin one end of the ribbon with straight pins.\nStep Three: Wrap the ribbon around the wreath being sure to overlap and pull tightly to create a smooth surface.\nStep Four: Using straight pins, pin the last end to the back.\nStep Five: With the white pearlescent berries, slip the bottom of pick through one of the overlaps of the ribbon (this way you can reuse the wreath without making marks in the ribbon).\nStep Six: Using wire cutters, cut up the red berries into smaller sections\nStep Seven: Place the smaller pieces of red berries in different overlaps of the ribbon.\nStep Eight: Hot glue two thumbtacks on the back of the cute sign.\nStep Nine: Pin the cute sign to the wreath.", null, "I love that it is a little different for a winter wreath!", null], "url": "http://itsalwaysruetten.blogspot.com/2013/12/glamorous-winter-wreath-week-of-wreaths.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 475, "original_width": 640, "width": 509}, {"height": 406, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 595, "width": 378}, {"height": 505, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 479, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["37e43c3d8d3c49e2d9a329c49f0957932b8eeb5d4089f5431d1f1964aa0c189b", "7ed3d876807b4fe3bd04a3acaf1b9c9ea21aecdca91d943d14ec0f2561a62cfc", "2c4b9a9c38adfe79ab59e8aa72ba716051ccb99fa25efd2c45142a359f93e179"], "__index_level_0__": 110, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/S9xoNxw41EI/AAAAAAAAAW4/0hUL7PHyL98/s320/cute+cousins+LO.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/S9xoF79RZCI/AAAAAAAAAWw/uA-DEGINXr0/s320/stitched+gift+card+holder.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/S9xoi5hh-8I/AAAAAAAAAXA/xb5zS9sp1DE/s320/DSC_0163.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9041764736175536}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://j-and-a-mama.blogspot.com/2010/05/guest-toot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/S9xoNxw41EI/AAAAAAAAAW4/0hUL7PHyL98/s320/cute+cousins+LO.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/S9xoNxw41EI/AAAAAAAAAW4/0hUL7PHyL98/s320/cute+cousins+LO.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cute cousins LO\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://j-and-a-mama.blogspot.com/2010/05/guest-toot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/S9xoF79RZCI/AAAAAAAAAWw/uA-DEGINXr0/s320/stitched+gift+card+holder.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/S9xoF79RZCI/AAAAAAAAAWw/uA-DEGINXr0/s320/stitched+gift+card+holder.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"stitched gift card holder\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://j-and-a-mama.blogspot.com/2010/05/guest-toot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/S9xoi5hh-8I/AAAAAAAAAXA/xb5zS9sp1DE/s320/DSC_0163.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/S9xoi5hh-8I/AAAAAAAAAXA/xb5zS9sp1DE/s320/DSC_0163.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://j-and-a-mama.blogspot.com/2010/05/guest-toot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/TU4Yxs5jgcI/AAAAAAAAAec/N029O4eyySs/s150/I%2527ve%2BBeen%2BPublished%2B1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/TU4Yxs5jgcI/AAAAAAAAAec/N029O4eyySs/s150/I%2527ve%2BBeen%2BPublished%2B1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"I ve BBeen BPublished B\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://j-and-a-mama.blogspot.com/2010/05/guest-toot.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/TLvL1gthUuI/AAAAAAAAAcE/RAxWSM6GP_w/S150/i+love+echo+park.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6Psi8EnLZb0/TLvL1gthUuI/AAAAAAAAAcE/RAxWSM6GP_w/S150/i+love+echo+park.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"i love echo park\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Here are a few other projects I've been working on recently...", null, null, null, "May you have a wonderful May Day! It's raining here, but hopefully the sun will peek out sometime today and we can get out and enjoy it!\n\n~Til next time <3\nPosted by Carly at 10:47 AM", "Love those cute layouts Carly :)\n\nMay 02, 2010 2:08 AM", "Great layouts! Congrats on the guest design spot!\n\nMay 04, 2010 7:36 PM", "Chloe :-) said...\n\nCongrats on the GDT spot! You work is gorgeous and love these bright fun creations :-)\n\nJune 14, 2010 3:29 PM", "My First Pub :)", "Designing for...", "Mixed Media Albums and Embellishments"], "url": "http://j-and-a-mama.blogspot.com/2010/05/guest-toot.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 313, "original_width": 320, "width": 386}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 277, "original_width": 320, "width": 436}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["c6d9f46884082372f80d3cc3115782d890e32785ccc1d84bb663712935a7fdff", "5971dc878da179d03b397e362fd77b94938f398f8166b580aa39ebd148aba4fb", "6d09954c6dba5a4c22a933b24148929015514f9295050ee4690e4eb03c0a9e38"], "__index_level_0__": 111, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-H93oYnuIVB4/Teqb2SGcjBI/AAAAAAAAAt0/ExQ_hfFJgs8/s400/1.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-45O47meg9VU/Teqb8KsG-SI/AAAAAAAAAt4/CAOFylMWILs/s400/2.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8478792309761047}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jankestauorg.blogspot.com/2011/06/sacred-dogon-fishing-ritual-in-lake.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-H93oYnuIVB4/Teqb2SGcjBI/AAAAAAAAAt0/ExQ_hfFJgs8/s400/1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-H93oYnuIVB4/Teqb2SGcjBI/AAAAAAAAAt0/ExQ_hfFJgs8/s400/1.jpg\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://jankestauorg.blogspot.com/2011/06/sacred-dogon-fishing-ritual-in-lake.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-45O47meg9VU/Teqb8KsG-SI/AAAAAAAAAt4/CAOFylMWILs/s400/2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-45O47meg9VU/Teqb8KsG-SI/AAAAAAAAAt4/CAOFylMWILs/s400/2.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Located in the Malian region of Gao, the small Lake Antogo is considered sacred by the Dogon ethnic group. On one day of the year the Dogon people of Mali can fish in the sacred water of Lake Antogo. It’s every fisherman for himself as the lake is emptied in minutes.", null, null, "Labels: bizarre, Nature", "Matteo Bertolino said...\n\nDear Sir,\nimages Number 1 and 4 belong to me, I am the author.\nKindly acknowledge my rights, or remove the images, since these are ALL reserved. Thank you."], "url": "http://jankestauorg.blogspot.com/2011/06/sacred-dogon-fishing-ritual-in-lake.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 201, "original_width": 400, "width": 752}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 201, "original_width": 400, "width": 752}], "image_hashes": ["7984ac885fd127f8265fd7431493da0f5cb056c724d285bd56e13b914ed49d5e", "8a2af92af22a6a01011f33fd722c7e199290afe3517ac7f679bc466ff0ecb6d3"], "__index_level_0__": 112, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_z7Cpxt9Me_c/SRkJCpc56BI/AAAAAAAAAgY/jfqbwJhpJ2I/s400/GhostRider_30_VillainVariant.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8037964105606079}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jasoneaaron.blogspot.com/2008/11/ghost-rider-variant-cover.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_z7Cpxt9Me_c/SRkJCpc56BI/AAAAAAAAAgY/jfqbwJhpJ2I/s400/GhostRider_30_VillainVariant.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_z7Cpxt9Me_c/SRkJCpc56BI/AAAAAAAAAgY/jfqbwJhpJ2I/s400/GhostRider_30_VillainVariant.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"GhostRider VillainVariant\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "I give you The Orb by the legendary Richard Corben. If you see something more awesome than this today, and it doesn't involve proof of alien existence or uncovered female breasts, then I wanna know what it is."], "url": "http://jasoneaaron.blogspot.com/2008/11/ghost-rider-variant-cover.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 570, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 265, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["cf9971d2c5727d07cb19bf639370ff6b442790b6266f30abff894d2fe3295253"], "__index_level_0__": 113, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://inapcache.boston.com/universal/site_graphics/blogs/bigpicture/diwali_10_23/d26_20763081.jpg", null, "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8034/8067360837_77213a3399.jpg", null, null, null, "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7187/6900774791_c30474abb6.jpg", null, "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7019/6632268547_588f929a73.jpg", null, "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7159/6632269633_e5d38892b4.jpg", "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7175/6632270119_262dae4315.jpg", 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I found it here, along with more gorgeous photos of Diwali celebrations around the globe. These are from 2009.", null, "Today is Canadian Thanksgiving! Happy Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Canadian friends and family. Ted was born in Canada, and though he renounced his citizenship as a child when he became an American citizen, recent changes to Canadian law say that if he wants to be, he can be Canadian as well. Groovy, huh?\n\nWe celebrated last night with a typical Thanksgiving feast, including roast turkey and stuffing, candied yams, cranberry sauce, pie, and veggies. Yum. Give thanks, for whatever things you have to be thankful for. For us, right now, it’s family, friends, enough food to eat, a comfortable place to sleep. Interesting work, a good school for Maya, a country where we have such a good life. Health insurance and healthy bodies, books to read and movies to watch. We are fortunate in so very many ways. So today, we give thanks.", "(picture found here)", "Humid Day in Philly = Cranky Baby", null, "I went looking for Valentine’s Day recipes last week, and I found a delicious looking recipe for lamb with some kind of jammy sauce on Food Network. I remembered a few months ago that Ted’s mom and I went to an event at Elizabeth Spencer Winery, they had an appetizer of lamb chops in a pomegranate jelly sauce that was absolutely delicious. So I decided to make it, but instead of buying a special black cherry jam, I used leftover blackberry/pomegranate jam from the amazing Christmas cookies I made a few months ago. Results? de-li-cious. If you like lamb, this is a wonderful dish. The risotto that went with it was lovely. Not the best I’ve ever had, but not gloppy, which sometimes happens when I try to make risotto. It was a lovely dinner. Like the brownie with a little powdered sugar heart for dessert? Yummy also.\n\nRecipe by Rachael Ray, found here.\n\nBlack Cherry and Black Pepper Lamb Chops with Sweet Pea Risotto\n\n1 quart chicken stock\n2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, divided, plus some for drizzling\n2 tablespoons butter, divided\n1 small onion, chopped\n1 cup Arborio rice\n1/2 cup white wine\n1 cup peas, defrosted\n1/2 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano, a couple of handfuls\n2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint leaves, plus a few sprigs for garnish (I omitted the mint and parsley, though I did buy them. Lame.)\nHandful flat-leaf parsley, chopped\n4 loin lamb chops, each 1 1/2 inches thick\n1 shallot, thinly sliced\n1/2 cup black cherry all fruit preserves (or blackberry/pomegranate jam, whatever floats your boat)\n3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar\n1/2 teaspoon cracked black pepper, eyeball it in your palm", null, "Maya had the French Toast, which she really enjoyed.", null, null, null, null, null, "Here are a few examples.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Saturday we celebrated one of my favorite holidays of the year: Baking Day. Baking Day is the day that the family all gathers together at Ted’s parents’ house, and we each pick a cookie (or other sweet treat) recipe, make it, and then we all take home an assortment of yummy goodness. I like it because it’s not a day for large meals and grand statements (like Christmas and Thanksgiving, both of which I love, but it’s really nice to have such a casual, fun day there in the middle), but instead it’s just a day to come together, bake delicious treats, and at the end of it all, counteract the rich sweetness of it all by feasting on salt and fat in the form of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Yum.\n\nWhen deciding what to make this year, I saw this recipe online. Bon Appetit is pretty safe for recipes, they’re generally delicious, and the picture was beautiful. I love the colors of the different jams, and buttery sugar cookies are a nice counterpoint to the rich (and delicious) brownies/fudge (Joan Lunden fudge…I can see I need to post that recipe as well…) that Ted always makes. I have to say, this recipe was a delicious success. They were buttery, flaky, tender, and sweet. The keys to yummy cookies (as if you’d listen to me, I’m not a baker at all) are fresh ingredients, cold dough, and in this case, I love the hint of lemon in the cookies and the icing. For my jams, I chose apricot, seedless raspberry, and pomegranate/blackberry. All delicious.\n\nTea Cake Sandwich Cookies\n\ntest-kitchen tip\nRolling out the dough between sheets of waxed paper cuts out the need for lots of extra flour to prevent sticking.\n\nArrange cookie bottoms on work surface. Spread each with 1 teaspoon preserves. Sift powdered sugar over plain cookie rings or decorate with icing and sugar crystals or edible glitter as desired. Press 1 top ring onto each prepared cookie bottom. DO AHEAD Cookies can be made 3 days ahead. Store airtight between sheets of waxed paper in refrigerator.\n\nI tried both the icing and the powdered sugar, as you can see. The powdered sugar was far easier than the icing, which oozed out of the top of the pastry bag and made a mess (did I mention, I don’t bake?), but the icing, with the hint of lemon from the juice, was delicious as hell. Totally yum.", "Happy Friday, everyone.", "We did, that’s who.\n\nHappy Labor Day, everyone!\n\nPretty pretty please, don’t you ever ever feel\nLike you’re less than, less than perfect\nPretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel\nLike you’re nothing, you are perfect to me*\n\nI don’t even like this song. Sorry Pink. Nothing personal. But the other day I was in the car, and it came on, and I found myself wondering if Maya knows that this is how I feel about her. I know, I nag. Pick up your clothes. Do your homework. Make your bed. Finish your girl scout award commitment. But none of that means I think any less of her. It means I know she’s a teen, and sometimes needs a little nudge and reminder to get things done. Really, I wouldn’t change anything about her, because all of the aspects that come together, including the need to be nudged sometimes to get things done, they make her Maya. She’s going to move out someday, and she’ll have to nag herself, with lists, whatever. I still have to nag myself sometimes. And I know, I’m far from perfect.\n\nExcept, perhaps, to my mom. There was nothing I could do wrong in this world that she didn’t see my side of it, didn’t empathize, didn’t forgive me completely. Thinking of that, realizing it, was like a slap in the face. It woke me up. It made me cry. Because who else will love you so unconditionally, so forgiving and completely, as a parent does? It made me miss my mom so very much. And it made me thankful to still have my dad. But mostly, because she’s gone, and because every single day I wish she weren’t, it made me miss my mom.\n\nMother’s Day is hard. I wonder if it always will be? Ted and Maya spoiled me with gifts and meals and cards and love. I love being a mother. I love being a wife, and the mother to Ted’s child. These are the best things I’ve done with my life. But I really liked being my mom’s daughter, too. I miss you, mom. You’re perfect to me.\n\n*I’m not sure if there is a radio version where these are the lyrics or not, but this is how I hear them, without the censored F word. You know me, I don’t have a problem with the F word. But I like this song better without.", "picture found here, along with the story of how Pi Day came to be celebrated)\nToday is Pi Day, 3/14. (Which reminds me that I totally forgot to do anything for National Grammar Day! Drat.) To celebrate, you can talk about the properties of pi, you can listen to a musical representation of the number pi, you can watch a rap music video about pi, and of course, you can eat pie. A few years ago I decided that we would have turkey pot pie for dinner for pi day, and I bought some from the freezer section of the grocery store, and overall, I was VERY unimpressed. So this year, I’ve decided to trust Ina, and make a Barefoot Contessa version. We’re having it for dinner tonight, so I’ll have to let you know how it turns out. But in the interest of being timely and topical, and in case you’re motivated to do something similar, here’s the recipe. I’ll be cheating and making one big pie rather than individual pies, and using a store bought pie crust. Homemade pie crust intimidates me. The recipe says it makes 4 individual pot pies, but I’m thinking they’d be huge, and you could probably feed 8 with this. I’m going to halve the recipe for the three of us. The recipe also says cook time 55 minutes, but that is clearly a lie, as you cook the chicken for 40, then assemble the pies, then bake for another hour. Someone at FoodNetwork.com isn’t paying attention.\n\nChicken Pot Pie\n\nFor the pastry:\n\nPreheat the oven to 350 degrees F.\n\nPreheat the oven to 375 degrees F.\n\nOh, and it’s also Albert Einstein’s birthday! Get your inner math geek on, folks!\n\nUPDATE: DELICIOUS! If you’re any kind of fan of pot pies, this is a keeper. Also, I made a chicken pot pie awhile ago from the New Basics Cookbook that wasn’t nearly as good, but called for homemade chicken bouillon cubes (as if!), so I went and found this amazing demi glace, which is a wonderful, rich addition to a recipe when calling for bouillon or just a rich gravy or sauce. I used the demi glace in place of the bouillon in this recipe. Yummy yummy yummy. For the pastry, I just went to see the little puffy guy in the Pillsbury area of the fridge section, and found a delicious and easily rolled out product. Thanks again, Ina, and to the rest of you, next time you’re in the mood for chicken pot pie, this recipe isn’t difficult, esp if you don’t make your own chicken stock and pie crust.", "Maya's Gingerbread House\n\nFor years, Maya wanted to make a gingerbread house. She would ask, and I would think about the mess, the candy, my lack of crafty skills, the mess, and the what-does-one-do-with-it-after aspect, and say, hmmm….maybe. But never get around to it. A local supermarket has gingerbread house parties, where you can come and pay to make one there, which seemed a perfect solution to me, but I could never seem to get there and sign her up in time. By the time I found out about the party, it was either fully booked or fully over. So I would think, maybe next year, and feel a twinge guilty for not being the type of mom to bake the components and put it all together for her, or at least buy one of those kits with pre-made gingerbread parts, where you just glue them together and decorate. I’m just not crafty. I don’t know why.\n\nSo this year, in her Freshman year of High School, Maya was invited to her friend’s house for a cookie exchange/gingerbread house decorating party. She made fudge (no nuts) to share, and went and had a great time, and came home with a beautiful gingerbread house. And I had a thought, which is that we cannot and should not try to be all things to our child, that we should not have as our goal to make every magical memory for them. It’s exhausting, and sometimes they will get to have those magical memories outside of our sphere, with friends or family or someone who isn’t us. And that’s a good thing.\n\nWhich got me to thinking about gifts. I was remembering a couple I used to know, how when they had finished all of their shopping, gotten their children the things on their list plus a few others, decided that there was no ‘WOW’ gift for them under the tree, nothing to make the day truly magical and wonderful, and so they went out and spent a couple of hundred dollars on a pool table. I don’t know if the kids enjoyed the pool table or not, but the reasoning behind the purchase always struck me. When did Christmas get to be so focused on making our children’s every wish come true, and then some? It seems like we are confused as to what we want from our kids. We want children who are happy with the simple things, like Laura Ingalls when Mr. Edwards walked from town 14 miles away (40 miles in the book, and you can read about the discrepancy here, and gosh, I’ve never even walked 14 miles in one day, so I’m still mighty impressed) to bring them a penny, a tin cup, and a piece of candy. But we also want kids to be blown away by the overwhelming awesomeness of our gift, like these kids are. And perhaps these aren’t different desires, to be able to give our children something that they will enjoy and be grateful for on Christmas, whether it’s a game console or a tin cup. But somehow, I think seeking that ‘WOW’ factor is a part of where the after Christmas let down that so many people feel comes from. So much anticipation, that probably nothing we might give them can measure up, and there they stand in a pile of gifts and shredded wrapping paper with a look on their face that seems to say, “that’s it?”. Perhaps we need to find a way to make the focus of the holiday about something other than gift giving. If you’re religious, you can make it about Church and Jesus, and if you’re secular, you can make it about family and love. You can make it about charity and caring, like Scrooge learned from his 3 ghosts.\n\nI’m not sure exactly what I’m trying to say here. Merry Christmas to all of my bloggy friends, and I hope that your holiday is everything you wish for.", null, "Pete falls out, who’s left?  Repeat!  OK, so for a repeat performance, here’s a picture of Maya on Santa’s lap circa 1996, when she was 9 months old.  If the picture looks familiar, I posted it about 3 years ago on this very blog.\n\nChrissy and Glinda both reminded me of this photo…Chrissy when she posted a picture of her poor baby freaking out on Santa’s lap, here, and Glinda when she asked about the cuteness of Santa photos, here.\n\nIn this picture, Santa is a family friend dressed up, not a guy at the mall, which is probably why she’s not screaming. Also, she’s young. Had she sat in a stranger’s lap a year later, she would have lost her mind. We never did the Santa thing, really, so this was her only chance.  We weren’t big Disney people, either, and look at the dress she’s wearing.  A Disney dress.  Sometimes family hears that you don’t want to do something, like Santa or Disney, and they do what they can to make sure you do it anyway.  And guess what?  All these years later, I’m glad that we have the Santa photo.  The Disney dress?  Still not a fan.  But it’s OK."], "url": "http://jellyjules.com/?cat=14&paged=2", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 621, "original_width": 990, "width": 602}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 375, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, 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white felt and black buttons for eyes.", null, "And there he is - the first Incredible Hulk Sock Monkey all finished!", null, "And I made his friend the same way with the other pair of Hulk socks.", null, "His legs actually say 'The Incredible Hulk' if you put them together!", "They make a cute pair don't you think?", null, null, "And hopefully they will be loved by their recipients when given as gifts at Christmas time!\n\nI only have one more pair of socks in my stash to use up.\n\nDo come back tomorrow to see what I make with them!\n\nFor lots more ideas and inspiration for upcycling clothes, take a look at the long term linky that has over 600 projects linked up. Feel free to add your own too!"], "url": "http://jembellish.blogspot.com/2016/08/the-incredible-hulk-sock-monkeys.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 566, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 427, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 640, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 640, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 380, "original_width": 640, "width": 636}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 470, "original_width": 640, "width": 514}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 640, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 554, "original_width": 640, "width": 436}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 409, "original_width": 640, "width": 591}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 640, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 640, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": 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She had packed enough to sustain her if she had to chase Morris down to the de Warrenne country house, but sincerely hoped she did not have to. Although she was a good rider, she had not ridden any great distances for a long time.\nFury warmed her blood as she rode through the cool, misty streets of London towards Morris’s town house. The man had been a thorn in her side from the moment her useless husband had breathed his last, but this act went far beyond being a nuisance. For a moment she considered setting the authorities on his trail, but she was not sure who to go to or if she could even afford such help. Legal help of any kind did not come cheaply and, after so many court battles with her brother-in-law, both her and her father’s purses were painfully light.\nJust as she rode within sight of Morris’s town house she saw him shoving a thrashing, screaming Alwyn into his carriage. Shouting at him to halt gained her only a hard glare before he joined her son in the carriage, which began to move. The heavy traffic upon the road made a swift escape impossible, but it also slowed down all her attempts to catch up with him.\nCursing softly, she did her best to gain enough speed to overtake Morris’s carriage, but the only thing she was able to do was keep him in sight. Catryn knew he would soon reach a road that lead out of the city. If she could not catch him before then she would quickly lose sight of him. Her mare was a fast, sturdy creature, but the animal could not outrun a carriage pulled by four strong horses.\n“Never expected him to actually leave the city, Sorley,” she muttered to her horse. “Am certainly readied for a journey but truly did not expect, or wish, to make one.”\nIgnoring the curse shouted at her by the man she splattered with much as she wove her way though the crowded streets, she struggled not to lose sight of Morris’s carriage. It troubled her when she realized they would soon leave the part of the city she knew well, might even pass through the more dangerous streets. Even as a child she had been sternly warned about the dark, filthy, and dangerous streets where the desperate poor and the criminals lived. Catryn prayed that Morris’s carriage would soon turn away from that rapidly approaching peril.\nA moment later Morris’s carriage took a left turn and she breathed a sigh of relief. She quickly moved to follow him, only to see several small boys rush into the street to pick up the coins Morris had tossed out of the carriage. In her frantic attempts to avoid trampling the children, Sorley reared and then stumbled as its hooves hit the cobblestones again. Once she was safely through the crowd, Catryn realized that the hasty prayer she had uttered that they would all survive the brief confrontation unharmed had not been answered. Sorely’s gait was no longer smooth.\nMoving to the far edge of the street, Catryn dismounted and began to walk her horse, closely studying the way the animal moved. The injury was not a bad one, just soreness in the muscle or hoof but there would be no more chasing Morris on horseback now. Not only would continuing to ride Sorely worsen the mare’s injury, but she would have no chance of catching the man while riding an injured horse. She would have to come up with another way to chase after the man. Fighting the strong urge to weep or scream, Catryn walked along trying to think of what she could do.\nThen she saw it. It was like a miraculous answer to her prayers. The carriage stood in front of a pleasant town house, ready to be driven away. It was being idly polished by a liveried servant as the man waited for the passenger to arrive. Catryn’s heart pounded with excitement and terror as a desperate plan formed in her mind. Stealing a carriage was a hanging offense, she reminded herself as she approached the vehicle and the servant, but she might find some mercy for her actions since she was attempting to rescue her kidnapped son.\n“Can I be of some help, ma’am?” asked the servant when she halted in front of him, dismounted and yanked her saddlebags off her horse.\n“Why, yes, I believe you can.” She pulled her pistol from a hidden pocket in her skirts and aimed it at the man. “I have need of this carriage.”", "Orion was a bit a charmer, but we didn't get to see too much of that, or have it cause any problems between him and Catryn.  I loved the way he cared for his son Giles, even though he had only recently met him.  Having never known love as a child, he doesn't even know what exactly he feels.  That only lasts until he meets Catryn and is finds himself wanting the wife and family he didn't think he could have.\n\nCatryn has a hard time trusting men, but finds herself trusting Orion with not only her safety, but that of her kidnapped son.  No man has brought our her passionate side, until she meets Orion.   She eventually gives in to her feelings, and decides to become his lover while they are on their trip.  She knows that the affair will end, more than likely when they rescue her son.  She figures that their time together will be enough, and she will have the memories to sustain her.\n\nThis was the first book I read from this series, and it can be read as a stand-alone.  What an interesting lot of people we come across with the Wherlocke and Vaughn families. I found this to be a very interesting historical romance with a bit of paranormal thrown in.  I can honestly say that I have never read a book with a similar plot.  It was nice to see the author take a different route from other books in the same genre.", null, null], "url": "http://jensreadingobsession.blogspot.com/2014/10/if-hes-daring-by-hannah-howell-book.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 621, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 730, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 314, "original_width": 209, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 314, "original_width": 209, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 314, "original_width": 209, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 314, "original_width": 209, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 618, "original_width": 1138, "width": 696}, {"height": 625, "original_height": 1104, "original_width": 667, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["55f3731e83d6efa50bd4835c7c5bd790bdcfef13e1a7f23c5e1303ee28f43d0b", "60a5013f431125c9aa0ee80653c05d26a0c7f5cb6a4e335e888280b96c1ffd18", "ef26e95361a9d89a3780d7d80318c1391d6fe79ca200bda3fdffbf644ef38466", "892dd64dca6cf80661661598ae3a6ec899cad4ba1c1f91549c4056bfc585b87b", "6e2613d94a237cccb49caa3b7413e7ff6d6a20ce014a62974a582f1011946976", "68a1c70ad56de6aa8d974a6140496129d0bd4c20825f3b6c2ed4c899e643936a", "1c236155c0ab42c151efed3bb873cc4db303686fa8aa66402abc6e974445dd83"], "__index_level_0__": 116, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Ab1SANppA6k/S_qL90_ZKFI/AAAAAAAACXg/JWrdymMKs6s/s640/Stoked+SessionsSaturday.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.915104329586029}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jessiebr.blogspot.com/2010/05/support-at-risk-teens-better.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Ab1SANppA6k/S_qL90_ZKFI/AAAAAAAACXg/JWrdymMKs6s/s640/Stoked+SessionsSaturday.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Ab1SANppA6k/S_qL90_ZKFI/AAAAAAAACXg/JWrdymMKs6s/s640/Stoked+SessionsSaturday.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Stoked SessionsSaturday\", \"rendered_width\": 426, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jessiebr.blogspot.com/2010/05/support-at-risk-teens-better.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/_Ab1SANppA6k/TPdaps2sNZI/AAAAAAAACtY/8apoWywxpsE/S220-s80/Screen%2Bshot%2B2010-12-02%2Bat%2B12.35.19%2BAM.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Ab1SANppA6k/TPdaps2sNZI/AAAAAAAACtY/8apoWywxpsE/S220-s80/Screen%2Bshot%2B2010-12-02%2Bat%2B12.35.19%2BAM.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Screen Bshot B Bat B\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jessiebr.blogspot.com/2010/05/support-at-risk-teens-better.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Ab1SANppA6k/TTOI1OFJv1I/AAAAAAAAC0k/uScT19wjCb8/S165/JBR%252Bwhite%252Bletters.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Ab1SANppA6k/TTOI1OFJv1I/AAAAAAAAC0k/uScT19wjCb8/S165/JBR%252Bwhite%252Bletters.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"JBR Bwhite Bletters\", \"rendered_width\": 165, \"rendered_height\": 127}]", "texts": ["Support at-risk teens & the better coordinated at Stoked Sessions.\n\nOn Saturday, June 5th, during Culver City ArtWalk (which you should be at anyway if you've got any taste for culture and/or awesome neighborhoods)--Stoked, a non-profit dedicated to helping at-risk teens through action sports and mentoring (at least these teens are one up on me in the coordination category), presents Stoked Sessions 2010. Stop by to find out more about the organization and to view (and yes, purchase) work of some incredible participating artists. I hope to see many of you there!", null, "Shared with care & kisses by Jessie B. R. at 7:25 AM", "Labels: action sports, art in LA, ArtWalk, Culver City, mentoring, non profit, teenagers, The RSVP Line", "These are a few of my friends."], "url": "http://jessiebr.blogspot.com/2010/05/support-at-risk-teens-better.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 426, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["54db85049c7b6941ed42c9231813b156ebd3bdf2eec5772f72eab30a351bc3d7"], "__index_level_0__": 117, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zYjub0Cglww/Txnhqzn8SwI/AAAAAAAAAq4/01YYQMVFmGw/s320/002.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8335756063461304}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jessycaspage.blogspot.com/2012/01/second-kroger-trip-of-day-120.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zYjub0Cglww/Txnhqzn8SwI/AAAAAAAAAq4/01YYQMVFmGw/s320/002.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zYjub0Cglww/Txnhqzn8SwI/AAAAAAAAAq4/01YYQMVFmGw/s320/002.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jessycaspage.blogspot.com/2012/01/second-kroger-trip-of-day-120.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.goldilocssweeps.com/gplus.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.goldilocssweeps.com/gplus.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gplus\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jessycaspage.blogspot.com/2012/01/second-kroger-trip-of-day-120.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-2y3PVjgvbwk/WG71jlxFZJI/AAAAAAAABI8/2IHFb6Pvg5QTpXEBBqCG4I9gYXfx4jjCgCK4B/s80/15941575_10206822564636578_1727301246_n.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2y3PVjgvbwk/WG71jlxFZJI/AAAAAAAABI8/2IHFb6Pvg5QTpXEBBqCG4I9gYXfx4jjCgCK4B/s80/15941575_10206822564636578_1727301246_n.jpeg\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 48, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null], "url": "http://jessycaspage.blogspot.com/2012/01/second-kroger-trip-of-day-120.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["84592d4a6be8c691ad0336978750c100d6e3e5ba7da74877b6d4d0904d6a5f31"], "__index_level_0__": 118, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6963/1929/400/100_3583.jpg", null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6963/1929/400/100_3580%5Bb%5D.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9635181427001952}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jimmiehov.blogspot.com/2006/09/road-rage-ii-huskers-56-troy-state-6.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6963/1929/400/100_3583.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6963/1929/400/100_3583.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://jimmiehov.blogspot.com/2006/09/road-rage-ii-huskers-56-troy-state-6.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6963/1929/400/100_3580%5Bb%5D.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6963/1929/400/100_3580%5Bb%5D.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Bb D\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, September 23, 2006\n\nRoad Rage II - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Huskers 56, Troy State 6\n\nNebraska Football First!", null, ".[Click on picture to enlarge, then do 'F 11']\n\n[Do F 11 and \"Back\" button to return to normal]\n\nThat's my prediction. Here are Harry Husker and Adi, just ready to root for Nebraska in good ol' Nebraska Football! Go here to find out the Harry Husker history.\n\nMy day is full today. I have a lot of work to do in finishing up my Sunday school lesson I'm supposed to teach tomorrow.\n\nI hope to get enough done so I can listen to the Nebraska game via streaming audio at six tonight, probably from Radio KFAB (link), Omaha, Nebraska. A lot of times I will listen on Penquin Internet Radio (link), they have it coming from KLAV (Los Vegas) and their own audio link.\n\nMrs. Jim has flown the coupe this weekend to play at Calgary, Alberta, Canada (link). There she will do some more Mother/Daughter bonding as Karen is there on a business trip.\n\nMy bachelor days will end Tuesday evening. She has plenty of chores to keep my busy. Maybe more on that later.", null, "Road Rage II stuff.\n\nIt doesn't last very long, but this lady's license plate (L.O.L.) sure wasn't funny at the moment.\n\nIn no time I caught up with her, I was coming back from taking Mrs. Jim to the airport and helping Mema with a few things.\n\nI was in a hurry, this lady wasn't. The speed limit on our Farm to Market Road 1097 is 55, most go at least 60. She was going 43 when I caught up with her. As you can see, there isn't any passing for the next five miles!\n\nFirst she smoothed her hair and did more lipstick. I was tailgating so I could watch her pull down her vanity mirror. Then she had to call her husband to check in. She almost went off the road dialing, that's what she was doing in this picture. Sports Driving Photos Travel Life Humor\n\nWouldn't you know it, finally we got to the lake bridge where I could pass and she upped her speed to 68. Her husband must have said hurry, he was hungry and it was almost dinner time!\n\nI was fuming and fussing all the way but you would be proud of me. No cuss words! A few other choice ones though!\n\nLabels: Cars, Jim Does, Road Rage\n\n# posted by Jim : 9/23/2006 11:56:00 AM", "I'm proud of you Jim for not running into her and pushing her out of the way!! It can be quite frustrating at times to say the least!!\n\n# posted by", "Rachel : Sat Sep 23, 01:08:00 PM 2006\n\nOh, you better behave with Mrs. Jim gone! I too have to teach my Sunday School class tomorrow, so I must work on that today as well.\n\nAlso we have been getting huge amounts of rain. The rain guage said 3 1/2 inches overnight and more rain is on the way and severe storms. We have a tornado watch until 9 p.m. What a day for the first day of fall!!\n\nEnjoy your weekend and the game!! Goooo Nebraska!!!", "Rachel : Sat Sep 23, 01:11:00 PM 2006\n\nWell Rachel, there isn't a mean bit in my body, I wouldn't ever do that.\nI'm really pretty nice so I wasn't tailgating her at all. I cut the picture down to make it look closer.\nSorry to disappoint anyone.\nBe careful with those tornado watches! Keep your ears open for trains. Thats what we do.\nThanks a lot for the Nebraska cheer.", "Jim : Sat Sep 23, 01:15:00 PM 2006\n\nI was wrong, it was 56 to Nothing [0].\nYea Huskers! Congratulations!", "Jim : Sat Sep 23, 09:06:00 PM 2006\n\nHi, Jim, I just found your blog and enjoyed this post!\n\nI used to say, when a car was going really slow in front of me, that it had to be either a little old woman in glasses or a little old man in a hat. I sincerely apologize to any little old people, because I now see the error of my thinking. Usually when someone is crawling in front of me, it's a person on a cell phone!\n\nAlso, a shameless plug. I recently started a blog for people to share their wacky, weird, frustrating driving experiences. It's called m u d g u a r d. Your post would be perfect for it.", "Musing : Sun Sep 24, 06:44:00 AM 2006\n\nWas that the Troy State Blind School? I see the Sooners whooped up on Middle Tennessee State (who?) 59-0 the same day. Still I'm proud of your Huskers, where the N on the helmet stands for Nowledge.", "Jerry : Sun Sep 24, 11:49:00 PM 2006\n\nAdi did look truly enthusiastic didn't she? It is a shame there seem to be so many impolite motorists around these days. Is it legal to use a mobile phone whilst driving over there? It is not legal here but one would never know that by the number of people who do it. Thanks for comments on my site, no I did no know Steve Irwin personally, but know people who did."], "url": "http://jimmiehov.blogspot.com/2006/09/road-rage-ii-huskers-56-troy-state-6.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 258, "original_width": 400, "width": 586}], "image_hashes": ["d9c02eee1de97934e9611ba100b0b925547889213ca3b3441d7d9d189d947e3a", "9fcb0a89a21e9a669039f58444ad485e68d0189c85c667c51c81176a39da520e"], "__index_level_0__": 119, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nzAcSRXR8nU/R4N77MB6veI/AAAAAAAAAAM/8x7l6cpwNjA/s320/book-of-john.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9841739535331726}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://journaljohn.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nzAcSRXR8nU/R4N77MB6veI/AAAAAAAAAAM/8x7l6cpwNjA/s320/book-of-john.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nzAcSRXR8nU/R4N77MB6veI/AAAAAAAAAAM/8x7l6cpwNjA/s320/book-of-john.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"book of john\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://journaljohn.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7908/1267/320/me3%20copy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/7908/1267/320/me3%20copy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"me copy\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["A story about a Dead Earth and the tiny handful of survivors trying to bring together a new civilization based upon a far smarter social 'common sense' in a far more dangerous world.\n\nWednesday, July 06, 2005", null, "Roan Carratu\nThe Silence and The Bones\n\n-Copyright 2000 Roan Carratu\n\nSample: Entries 1 - 16 (Book Rated PG-13) Warning, this book talks and describes sexual encounters and subject matter in a frank way, hopefully somewhat tastefully. It describes polyamory relationships which some will consider gross and horrible. Fanatical religionists will not like it. Email me if you wish, pro or con. Writing suggestions or style comments are appreciated.Roan Carratu Day 1 BD July 11, 2012 I'll start at the beginning... or maybe it should be called the End. I call it Big Death Day or BD.\n\nI was in Utah when the world ended. I was in Ogden, Utah, at the local college, participating in an experiment for which I was to receive $600 for literally doing nothing but watching TV for three days. It was something to do with aging in white males, according to the newspaper ad I read, and I was perfect for the job, being 38 and at at the beginning of their research period. I had met the doctors, been tested, probed, and washed incredibly clean, then I entered a slightly silvered glass booth and had about 50 little sticky tabs put on shaved spots all over me, even one on the bottom of my foot. I sat in a chair that reminded me of a barber's chair, but this one, in which I sat naked, had a toilet built in, complete with a padded seat.\n\nI was to sit there naked for three days, watching TV, while they monitored my body and brain waves. They wanted me to literally do nothing at all, and do it quite publicly, or it felt that way. The first few hours I was acutely aware of the young female interns who had unrestricted view of my naked genitals, but I got used to the nudity, and expected to watch most of the Star Trek's series, \"The New Generation\", \"Deep Space Nine\", and \"Voyager\", a little dream of mine. Sit and watch TV and get paid for it... I was sure happy the doctors had let me pick my own viewing.\n\nSix hours into the experiment, on the first day, there was a shift change, and among the new scientists and, I guess, undergraduate and postgraduate students, there was one small red haired female experimenter, only five or six years younger than I, about 32 or 33, which really caught my eye. I had seen the episode anyway, so I was watching her as she watched a monitor which showed some part of my sensor readouts. I was thinking that she would be well worth asking out, even if she turned me down or was married, when she suddenly looked up at me with a surprised look in her green eyes.\n\nShe seemed to shiver, as if a wave of heat distorted her image, and went down like a sack of grain, just slumping with her green eyes wide open, and as I watched with horror, her skin, eyes, hair, everything, just crumbled, her flesh pouring off her bones as if it had suddenly turned to power. In just a few seconds, I was looking at pale white bones amid white coats and clothing, all filled with a pile of reddish dust where a living, vivacious, and very lovely woman had stood.\n\nMy mouth open, I looked around and found four skeletons laying in the outer room. My whole body was shaking, sweating, my heart pounding, my fingers gripping the chair arms so tightly they hurt, but my mind pegged it all as part of the test. If they wanted my reactions, they were getting them! Why else would they be paying me so much just to sit? However they were creating the illusion, it had to be a test! The silvered look to the thick transparent material they observed me through was the clue, I figured, thinking about it as I tried to stop shaking.\n\nReassuring myself that it was part of the experiment, I calmed down, figuring to beat them at their own game by just ignoring the strange images they had projected on the glass of the booth. I just sat watching the TV monitor, my whole body shivering, hoping, REALLY hoping it was just part of the experiment. When The videotape ended, and nobody came to change it, I sat there in a high state of anxiety, waiting for someone to come in through the door I could easily see, ...if that wasn't a projection also.\n\nI could sip water, coffee, or warm soup from three straws near my mouth, and the food, a tasty thick bar that tasted different each time, sometimes sweet, sometimes salty, slid into the booth automatically every two hours. I just sat and waited, keeping my eyes off the little piles of dust and bones, the TV screen random gray static, and daydreamed of what I was going to do with the money I was supposed to get. It was outside my budget. Fun money! Or maybe I'd upgrade my computer!\n\nThe chair was comfortable, and I thought about setting up a computer station exactly like this. I wouldn't have to get up to do anything! I laughed at the thought... the perfect computer station! I could have pizza slide down the slot, instead of the food bars, although they were pretty good for snacking. Forget the warm soup... I would have coffee come from all three straws, and just sit, eat pizza, sip coffee, and work on the Internet.\n\nThe hours passed way too slow, and according to my watch, I was in there for all three days of the experiment, not daring to leave the booth in case it was just part of the experiment. They had me sign a contract, and it emphasized that if I interrupted the experiment before the time period expired, I forfeited the money. So I slept and sat and ate and knew the scientists were watching my every move, ...and the time seemed endless. The lights stayed on constantly, and while the chair laid flat for sleep, it was not very comfortable. I would have to change the design in my imaginary computer station. Maybe build inflatable cushions into the seat, so it would inflate into a better mattress.\n\nFor awhile, I sat and planned how to manufacture and sell my imaginary computer station. I wished I had some paper and a pen, so I could draw the whole plan out, but there was nothing like that in the glass cubical.\n\nI spent some time examining the image projected on the wall screen. It looked real. It had a 3d look, discovered by leaning way over to one side and moving to the other side slowly, so the image changed with perspective. I had seen graphics that good before, although it was very expensive. Make any picture high resolution enough, it will look totally real. Put in microlenses and the right projection and it would look 3d. And a University certainly would have the money to spend to make the illusion real. I even thought I knew the projector equipment they had used... and even I could make someone melt into skulls and red power in an image. Anyone who knew computer graphics could.\n\nEven the silence was oppressive, the only sound outside my own occasional whistling, singing, or speaking to the invisible scientists I assumed were out there, was the hiss from air coming in a vent and the dull thud as the food bars dropped into the tray. I felt like I was in a time warp, living the same moment over and over again, and wondered what their instruments showed them as I thought that!\n\nI marveled at the way the green traces and numbers on the monitoring equipment out in the lab changed when I moved or stood up to stretch my legs. The immediate feedback to the image seemed pretty well done, and I spent a lot of time figuring out how the projected image would have that kind of changes, finally deciding more than one projector was used, one for the overall image and several for the small sections showing the monitor screens. I finally decided it was doable, and even I could set it up to achieve the illusion.\n\nThe gray static on the TV outside the booth was irritating, and I would have given anything for a book to read or for something to happen outside the booth... anything. The Army had gotten me used to sitting doing nothing for days, but that was a long time ago. The bars of processed concentrated food did not really take my hunger away, the soup apparently ran out late the second day, providing only hot water, and by the end of the third day, July 14, I was beginning to think they weren't paying me enough! Day 4 BD July 14, 2012 By my watch, it was late afternoon of July 14, a few hours before the agreed upon time for ending the experiment, when the power went out. I was waiting for the experiment to be over, for the white coated scientists to come in and get me out, but suddenly I was plunged into a darkness that seemed to be as deep as a cave in the windowless lab room. I was a little pissed off, actually. This was going too far!\n\nOf course, I should have known they would not do an experiment so easy as just sitting without putting me through some kind of trauma, but this seemed ridiculous.\n\nAfter a few minutes, as my eyes adjusted to the darkness after three days of bright lights all day and night, I saw that emergency lights had come on, with enough illumination that I could dimly make out the room. It was either the best 3D holographic projection I had ever seen... or it was real. My hands shaking badly, I had to find out for myself, even if I blew the experiment and the money. I pulled the wires and sticky tabs off my body and climbed off the chair, my legs feeling shaky after so long sitting. I never felt so naked, standing there looking out at the dimly red lit room, but my whole being wanted this `experiment' over. I had to fumbled around for some way to open the glass door, finally finding a small emergency handle which released it, then pushed it open, hoping I would find myself in a bright room filled with young scientists and the bustle of activity.\n\nFear burned through my nerves when I found the outside just as I had seen in the inside. It was not a projection, and the young woman's skeleton was still there, in her white lab coat, the dark opening of her eye holes empty in the skull.\n\nI stood there a long time. I don't know how long, but finally I left the glass booth, carefully stepping over a pile of clothing and bones just outside, feeling the reddish dust from the bodies stick to the bottom of my bare feet.\n\nI had hoped to open the glass door and find the scientists there, alive and well, the images I had seen just an illusion projected on the slightly silvery glass of the booth, but what I had seen was real, and I stepped over several bundles of cloth and bones to reach the wall lockers I had seen them put my clothing in. In the back of my mind, I thought what I had seen was a projection, and while it was running, the scientists had set the room up with the skeletons and dust, to see what I would do when I thought it real. I just couldn't believe the four scientists had died, crumbled into dust right in front of my eyes.\n\nI got dressed slowly, my shaking hands fumbling with fasteners, almost hyperventilating, coughing often with the dustiness of the air and an acrid smell that was really unpleasant. When I left the lab, stepping into a dim hallway, lit only from light shining through windows, I saw other bundles of cloth and skulls, and knew then, without a doubt, something really terrible had happened. Shaking badly, my mind seemed paralyzed, unable to think about it, my entire attention on what I was perceiving, my heart beating so hard and fast I could hear it in my ears.\n\nI walked slowly down the hall towards the front entrance, knowing it was near sundown, the air in the hall also reeking with dust and that acrid smell. The absolute silence was un-nerving, not the slightest sound except for a dripping of water somewhere, coming from another lab. I smelled something burning, and in a lab I was passing, I saw a bluish flame and went in, stepping over a white coated bundle and turned off a Bunsen burner under a fragment of burnt flask, an experiment that had boiled away and shattered the container, probably days ago.\n\nWhen I reached the sunlight coming in the front hall of the building, I had counted over fifty bundles of clothing, most wearing the white lab coats, but some in regular clothing, including small clothing and tiny white skulls, ...children. I stepped over a brown suited bundle by the entrance as I looked out the glass wall at the campus, immediately seeing a car smashed against a tree at the far end of the parking lot. As I looked around at the campus, I saw a scene of such horror, I thought for a moment I was just having a nightmare. It couldn't be real!\n\nFunny thing... despite all the horror movies I had seen, I had no desire to scream. I felt very tiny and afraid, and felt like I wanted to hide somewhere and not make a single sound. It was the absolute Silence... even my breathing seemed like a roaring wind, and although I almost tiptoed through the hallway, the slightest sound echoed through the silence.\n\nThere were bundles everywhere, gaping white skulls, most with piles of books nearby. I walked out, past a pile of bones wearing a uniform, a security guard, who had his finger bones wrapped around the handle of his pistol, obviously having managed to pull it out in the seconds that he was dissolving into dust. I picked it up, irrationally feeling a little bit safer with it's heavy weight tucked in my belt. Then I pushed open the glass doors.\n\nThere was a few hours until sunset. I stepped out into the heat of the summer, noticing that the grass, trees, bushes, all the plant life seemed unaffected. The trees blew slightly in a very light wind over gaping skulls and human bones. I could barely feel the breeze, but it was enough to stir the reddish dust, and I noticed there was a low reddish haze low to the ground as it blew slowly away. I had expected to hear birds and the roar of cars on surrounding streets, but beyond my own loud breathing, and the rustle of my clothing, all I heard was a very tiny sliding sound, the sound of the slight breeze going through the shrubbery lining the sidewalk.\n\nI picked up a notebook computer, and it came on easily, but when I tried to access the Internet, it was password protected. I closed it and carried it with me. I would try again later. I walked to the student union, finding it filled with bundles of bones also. A TV was on, watched by empty skulls, but showed only blank screen.\n\nThe Silence!\n\nI could hear the sound of a small fan running somewhere in the building, but otherwise, the Silence prevailed, like a scraping absence along my nerves. The power must have gone off only in the lab building. I started to feel panicked, and ran through the building, almost hysterical, shouting the whole time, but nobody answered. When I nearly tripped over a bundle of bones on the stairs, I stopped, panting, realizing there couldn't be anyone left alive in the building. They were all dead. I wandered to the exit, wondering what to do next. I knew I was in shock, my mind feeling like it was encased in pillows. The feeling of unreality was intense, and I really wanted to wake up, sitting in the booth, with the scientists outside doing their research.\n\n(Perhaps, I thought, they had me in some kind of mental illusion, a vivid dream, spinning an illusion in my mind as my body lay in the booth, my reactions carefully monitored. My anger flared for an instant before my normal self-control squashed the impulse, not letting it grow into a rage. I slammed the wall beside me, the pain in my fist sucking away what anger I had, rather than suppress it. I hadn't gotten mad in decades, and I idly wondered if the scientists had induced the anger, to get my reactions.)\n\nAs I emerged from the building again, I yearned to hear traffic. The silence was nerve racking, my ears straining to hear anything, even a birdcall. I had once stayed overnight in a cave, deep underground... the silence there was profound and this was similar. I wondered if they had somehow shut my hearing off, or perhaps put sound canceling headgear on me, since I could clearly hear my own breathing. Headgear would not affect that.\n\nA moment later, I saw a small skeleton of a bird, and as I walked towards the main street across the grass of the campus, I saw a squirrel skeleton also. But the plants were untouched, still very alive, as if whatever had killed everyone had not affected plants. In a puddle I saw algae but nothing higher on the food chain, no tadpoles, no insects, nothing moving. I saw smoke boiling into the sky just over a steep grassy grade, and knowing a main street ran on top, I hurried towards it.\n\nThe street was a mess. Where I climbed up, I could see the city stretched out almost to the lake and behind me the mountains went up to the blue sky. From that vantage, I could see fires, several buildings blazing and a few smaller fires. One was just a few dozen feet down the nearby hill, a burnt car that had run into a ditch. Other cars had also burnt, sometime in the last three days, and some buildings had burnt down and now only smoldered. I could see a skull hanging half way out the burning car's window, obviously someone who had been driving when they died. Many or most of the fires were likely car crashes days ago, but many would result from stoves left on and electrical damage.\n\nI went into a nearby convenience store, finding the bundles behind the counter wearing the corporate uniforms, and helped myself to a few hot dogs, throwing the old wrinkled dogs out and putting new dogs on the cooker rollers. I had a soda, glad that the electricity still worked. The hot dogs were unaffected, as far as I could tell. Meat in their little packages sat in their cooler displays in a most ordinary manner, unchanged by all the death around them.\n\nI wondered if only living flesh had been consumed. The store was still air conditioned, so I dropped my money on the counter and stood looking out the window for any movement at all, eating a warm, if uncooked, hot dog slowly and sipping my drink, my mind a blank. I felt nothing, nothing at all. I wasn't even shaking anymore. Weird.\n\nStepping outside, I heard an engine running somewhere nearby. I found a car parked at the gas island still running, and pulled the bundle behind the wheel out, then brushed as much of the dust out as I could. I found the skull on the floor of the back seat, and picked it up, shivering as I tossed it out, then jumped at the loud hollow thud of it hitting the pavement. I watched it roll away down to the gutter, then drove over to the vacuum and vacuumed out the remaining dust, not wanting to sit in someone's remains. Irrational, really, since I stood and walked in a steady flowing stream of red dust everywhere, blown by the slightest drift of air.\n\nAfter running in idle for two or three days, the car was running on fumes. I filled it up with gas, having to go in and authorize it before the machine would work. I waved at the store camera as I gathered up some food and filled a cooler with various cold sodas, then went out and filled up the tank. I sighed when I was done, glad to hear the normal sound of the engine starting up.\n\nI drove slowly through the city, driving around smashed cars, looking for anyone still alive. I saw bundles of clothing and skeletons everywhere. Dogs, cats, birds, and people, all reduced to dust and bones. The electricity was still on everywhere, and I had to go around some places where poles were down and live wires sparked. I drove out to the freeway to Salt Lake City, and found incredible destruction there. All those cars and trucks, all going at 60 or 70mph, suddenly no longer controlled and smashing into each other. There were fires still burning everywhere, and I could not go far before I came to huge pileups that blocked the entire highway. I crossed over to the oncoming side and found the way blocked there just a short distance further on.\n\nI found all the exits blocked also, and finally had to go back and exit on the same ramp I had entered on, the only unblocked ramp I saw. I drove up the old highway about 15 miles to Brigham City, and found it just as dead. I stopped there because it was too dark to make much headway around all the car wrecks, pulling into a motel next to a supermarket. Turning the car engine off opened me again to the Silence, and I sighed, feeling a little afraid of the growing darkness of dusk, wondering if the Silence would be even worse.\n\nI ate in the restaurant across the street, fixing myself a great meal, and sat silently in the Silence, looking out as the automatic lights came on around me, watching the sun set through the large west facing windows, noticing that it was reddish tinged also, rather spectacularly. I tried a radio when making my meal in the kitchen, but there was literally nothing on FM, and just a tiny bit of static on the AM. I was grateful for the static. It was preferable to the Silence.\n\nAfter eating, I went back to the motel room I had picked out, mainly because it had no bundles of bones in it or the reddish dust, and turned on the TV, finding it still blank, which was not a good sign since a satellite dish fed it's cable system. I took a shower and lay down naked on the bedspread, the gun in my hand, and went to sleep in the most absolute total silence I had ever experienced above ground. The Silence of the Dead.\n\nDay 5 BD July 15, 2012\n\nWhen I woke up, the sun was shining in, and I was sweating despite the coolness of the hotel room. I had been woken up by a terrible nightmare, although I couldn't remember it. The gun on the floor beside the bed and the sticky spots from the medical stickers all over me brought back the memory of the day before like a small explosion in my mind! I sat down and shook for ten minutes, remembering the hours of driving, the wrecks on the highway, and all the rest. For once, waking up was a far more horrible nightmare than anything I ever encountered in my sleep.\n\nFor a moment, sitting on the edge of that bed, I considered picking up the gun and ending it all. Being the only man alive was the essence of the shortest horror story of all time... The Last Man! I didn't have any purpose to remain alive, didn't want to live, and if I had felt lonely before, sitting in my small apartment, I was going to be much lonelier now... weeks, months, years... but I could join everyone else wherever they were... just with one bullet. There wouldn't even be anyone left to notice my death or mourn me.\n\nBut I didn't pick the gun up. In fact, I left the gun laying there, not daring to pick it up, and instead, I showered, finding the hot water plenty hot and wonderful, got dressed, and went out into the Silence of the day.\n\nNothing had changed much. The winds during the night had blown the dust around, and most of the outdoor bundles held only bones now. A gaping skull in the parking lot seemed to look at me with dark shadowed death as I walked towards the restaurant, wishing that there was some traffic to dodge or a barking dog to avoid... anything! But there was only a large fire a few blocks away, where a whole block must be burning. I heard an explosion from far off, a big one, the whomp of it's shock wave causing me to jump and turn around. Something big, very big, I thought.\n\nI suddenly wondered about the planes and jets that were in the sky when the Big Death occurred... did the metal skins and inboard air pressure save the people within them? I looked up but saw no contrails... just a few high wispy clouds.\n\nI ran over to a smaller car and tossed a bundle of woman's clothing and bones out, glad when it started up. I transfered the cooler and food from the other car, glad the windows had been open and only a couple of small drifts of reddish brown dust remained in the smaller car. I drove down the street, hoping the much smaller car would more easily drive between the wrecks. I decided I would go to Salt Lake City International Airport.\n\nAs I drove, I kept wondering what had killed everyone. Disease? Poisonous gas? Radiation? Everyone in the lab had dissolved at the same time. Gas would have missed as many as the winds missed, and since the booth I sat in was not sealed, taken me also, and disease, even if airborne, would not have worked so fast, and I would have died also... or so I guessed, anyway.\n\n(Or did I lay in the booth, scientists monitoring the progress of the illusion they generated in my supine helpless body? I slammed my fist against the dash, then winced with the pain. Did a bruise appear on the hand of my body in the booth, causing some concern among the scientists? The dashboard and the pain certainly felt real.)\n\nI stopped at a place where I could see the lake and the far island mountains, and prayed that I was just in an experiment, living an illusion. I didn't usually pray, being a Buddhist, but I wanted to somehow wake up in the booth, the experiment over... or have someone shout at me for stopping in the middle of the road... or anything but the obvious brought to me by my senses!\n\nIf this was real, and this disaster was not from gas or disease, that left some kind of radiation or something totally new to me. But what radiation effects only living tissue? That seemed far fetched also. But then again, the scope of the disaster was so big... alien weapons? I had only the event to figure from, and nothing I knew could do this, not even nuclear radiation.\n\nHalf way to Salt Lake City, I stopped in a fast food place and made myself a meal, making sure to turn off the friers and other equipment. There was certainly enough food around to last me a long life, if it didn't spoil or be lost to fire. Of course, I realized I wasn't really sane... if that fast food place burned down, there were thousands more throughout the Salt Lake Valley... if it was an illusion, then there was nothing to burn... but either way, I didn't really care. I felt like nothing I did made any difference at all... so why not?\n\nWhen I finally worked my way through dozens of side streets, I found the alleys were the best route through the city. The streets were filled with wrecks, some of them tanker trucks leaking possibly toxic chemicals. The train yard was burning, as well as several whole neighborhoods up the side of the mountains. To the south of the Great Salt Lake and far to the west, huge billowing clouds of smoke showed where one explosion I had heard had occurred... probably oil processing plants. The other fires, at other oil plants, might have gone off while I slept the night before or the days in the booth. The smoke going up was massive, huge billowing clouds streaming up into the sky, looking more like a volcano than a fire.\n\nI had to walk about a mile to the Airport itself, after driving on the grass for several miles, inching between wrecks. I tried not to drive over bones, but that was really impossible. The sound of crunching skulls under the tires would probably be in my nightmares for weeks to come. No... being alive would be a greater nightmare for the rest of my life! As the Silence ate at my soul, I didn't think the rest of my life would be very long.\n\nI saw nobody, not one indication that anyone had survived but me. My spirits sank when I saw the crashed wreckage of a plane sticking out from the demolished and fire blackened multilevel parking garage, and a few minutes later, as I entered the terminal proper and rode up an escalator that still moved slowly up to a pile of clothing and bones at the top, I saw the wreckage of at least four more planes on the field itself.\n\nI passed through metal detectors and bones in uniforms, through a `Authorized Personnel Only' stairwell, then out onto the field, my spirits sinking, as I saw that nobody was alive around me. Only bones in coveralls, skulls gapping everywhere... death and destruction. ...and the Silence.\n\nAs I stood looking at the field, cluttered with sitting and crashed planes, I suddenly realized I had never thought about the event being just local. I had assumed from the beginning that it was a global event, that everyone had died everywhere on the planet. Perhaps because of the strange way the scientists in the lab had died... I wonder how long the radiation or poisonous air or whatever had stayed around? If I had come right out of the booth, would I have died too? Perhaps the plane's metal and pressurized fuselages had protected the people within, but when the plane landed and they came out, or just opened the doors, they had died.\n\nBut how could I tell? If I walked around to all the planes I saw, how would I tell which had been flying and landed and which had not taken off yet, with the people still getting onboard? Even the waiting planes would have probably pulled back to the boarding area when the tower went silent, and opened their doors to let the people out, so if they had lived, there would be some indicator that people had been around, but there wasn't any at all. The terminal looked like everyone had died right where they stood or sat. Nothing had disturbed anything. After four days, even planes waiting to take off would have likely run out of fuel. I didn't hear any, anyway.\n\nI climbed into a plane, bones in a stewardess's uniform at the top of the steps by the door. I walked through the ship, finding bones filling almost every seat. Certainly the metal body of the plane had not protected them. Which really made me wonder why I had lived.\n\nI walked through the terminal, just in case, and found nothing to indicate that anyone had been through it since the Big Death. I headed down into the employee area and was going by large trolleys filled with luggage when I smelled it... corruption!\n\nFirst I found a huge fridge with it's door open, and footprints in the red dust around it, and following the horrid smell, a few minutes later I found the body in a small office, in one corner, the reek of decay intense enough to make me vomit. The swollen corpse wore a stewardess uniform but I couldn't tell anything else about her. She held a pistol on one hand, still gripping it after using it to blow her brains out.\n\nWhoever she was, she had no skin or hair at all, and the putrefaction swelling her was within her body organs. After I staggered out of the room and into fresh air, I sat a long time, thinking, and decided that the girl had come out of the cooler when the main effects of the radiation or whatever was declining, and just caught the end of it. In great pain, she had found a gun and killed herself. How did she find the gun with her eyes gone, I wondered, going back into the reeking hallways, searching the area around the food locker ...and found a security guard uniform on a bundle of bones only two doors down from the food locker, outside the booth with her body. She had obviously found her way by memory, driven by desperate agony.\n\nRunning back out into the open air, I sat down on the cement and cried for her, and everyone else, for at least an hour, with waves of grief pouring through me, gagging me, convulsing me... The horror seemed to blanket my mind, to fill my thoughts to the deepest level... even the sunlight seemed filled with blood...\n\nFinally I lay on the ground for a long time. I couldn't find a single reason to get up. Then the thought occurred to me that others might live somewhere in the world. I remembered that I had heard rumors back in the last millennium of underground cities constantly filled with people in case of nuclear war... that was during the cold war, and I wondered if there were still people there, if such places had ever existed.\n\nI had survived, after all! I should assume that others had survived. Perhaps, somewhere, someone else had been in a booth or something, with the same properties that had kept me alive.\n\n(And always, in the back of my mind, I thought I felt hands moving my body, motion around me, non-understood words being spoken... was that reality, laying in the booth, being watched over and maintained by scientists? Or was that really gibbering insanity, waiting until I weakened enough to swamp my consciousness in a self-made illusion, an escape from this terrible reality?)\n\nSo I got up, ate something from an airport restaurant, and then headed out to the city, heading for the nearest TV studio. The fires on the mountainsides had grown, the clouds of smoke obscuring the smaller peaks. But the electricity was still on, which surprised me a little. I stopped at a stop light by habit, then laughed and drove on, heading for a skyscraper with CNN on the top in huge letters.\n\nI had to drag out at least six bundles of bones from an elevator, and sweep out most of the dust in order to ride it, but the remains bothered me less and less. I was afraid the dust would choke me when the elevator moved. Some of it felt so incredibly powdery, like flour, and puffed into the air with each footstep I took. Some of it felt almost wet and heavy, like red sand. The unidentifiable acrid smell was fading however, and while in closed places the dust was still pretty thick, I could live with it, I figured.\n\nHair and fingernails were not really alive, nor was the outside few layers of skin... why did they dissolve when meat in a freezer didn't? I looked closely at the red powder, but saw no fingernails or hair... which likely meant something, but I could not figure out what.\n\nI went through several bundles of clothing and a purse to find a keycard which opened the locked studio door. I left credit cards scattered all over the studio foyer, laughing when I thought about it. I had to laugh or I would go insane in the Silence, I thought, but I had some difficulty ceasing the laughter, which scared me a little.\n\nInside, I found the broadcast room and sat down at a computer obviously already logged on the Internet. I found the 'net up and going, although I could not access several of the biggest sites, like Google. I wrote a message telling who I am and where I could be found and spammed every elist I could find. I also searched a multitude of servers for any new accesses less than three days old, but found none.\n\nI also checked all the equipment for any kind of signal, but I didn't know what did what. I couldn't even figure out how to send myself out on the feed. If I could broadcast to all the affiliates in the CNN system, I could show up on a huge number of turned on TV sets in America and possibly many other countries, but I couldn't figure it out.\n\nAfter about six hours of trying things which didn't seem to do anything, thumbing through many volumes of manuals I didn't understand, I finally went down to the restaurant on the ground floor and ate something. I sat eating a sandwich, talking to a skull of a cook on the floor nearby, but it didn't reply. I was glad it didn't reply.\n\nI turned on a radio and found a AM station on, playing music and ads, then, after a few moments of heart rending intense relief and excitement, I realized it was probably a repeating tape. The relief drained from my taut muscles, leaving a sour feeling in my stomach. I wanted to wake up in that booth SO BAD!\n\nI wondered how long the power would stay on, then wondered if the building I was in had back up generators. Many large buildings did, I knew.\n\nI watched the sunset from the top of the building, over forty floors above the city, watching a glorious color-filled natural pastel sunset made far more intense from the still burning oil refinery to the west. The wind forced me down to the lower floor hotel, and I sat in a bar there watching the automatic lights go on up and down the streets, wishing that a light in an office or apartment would also go on, to show someone was alive there... but the buildings stayed dark but for security lights in hallways.\n\nTired of the weight of the Silence, I turned a radio on, hearing the same music again, and considered making myself a drink... but I hadn't had any alcohol for a dozen years, and I didn't think I could handle the skulls and bones everywhere when even slightly drunk. I settled on a fresh pot of coffee and listened to the taped radio station, hearing the same commercials for a second time. Obviously at least a two hour tape replaying itself.\n\nI started this autobiographical account after finding a small notebook computer I liked. I will keep it up, writing before going to bed or the next morning if I forget. Maybe someday someone will read it. Alien anthropologists from the stars, maybe, studying the end of a great civilization? Yeah, right!\n\nI went up to bed at ten, early for me, just taking the nearest room without bones or dust in it, and brought this account up to date. I hope I sleep well. I am very tired, like I hauled 40 pound crates upstairs all day, or some other heavy work. Looking around the room, there is nothing but the Silence to show the emptiness of the outside... It's amazing how I miss the sounds we take for granted!\n\nDay 6 BD Jul 16, 2012\n\nI slept very deeply, apparently dreamlessly. Thank goodness!\n\n(Or did the scientists decide I needed some uninterrupted sleep and give me a drug intravenously?)\n\nI woke up before sunrise, and went back up to the roof with this little computer and a cup of coffee to get me going. The fire in the rich neighborhoods on the mountainside have died back almost completely, but several new small house fires are burning here and there. I wondered again how long the electricity would last, then how long the city would last before most of it had burned up. How many people had been cooking on gas stoves when they died, with the gas flames still burning a week later above their skulls?\n\nIt took quite a while for the sun to rise above the mountain that loomed over the city. I love the view, but it would be more interesting with the movement of people and cars up and down the streets. It's my third day out of the booth, sixth day since the Big Death. The date on my watch says Wednesday July 16, and I already miss talking to another person very badly. Thinking of living decades without talking to another person started my hands shaking again. I feel a dread that is just one notch less than panic, and I have to constantly relax to keep from throwing myself off the edge of the building. It's a horrible feeling.\n\n(If I did throw myself off, would I die smashed on the ground, or would the scientists wake me up in the booth? ...or would I land on my feet and be totally unhurt? Should I find out? Wouldn't this show I was in a 'matrix' if I jumped? Or would I just die? The temptation was intense, the motivation compelling, and only my uncertainty held me in place.)\n\nI checked the Internet, finding that more big sites down, and no message for me. I'm going swimming in the hotel swimming pool on the fifth floor. But I'm going to make sure there's no bones on the bottom of the pool.\n\nI wonder if water blocked whatever had killed everyone, and what about submarines? Nuclear subs could stay down for months... It excited me, until I realized how far I was from the ocean.\n\nShould I go to LA or San Diego or San Francisco or somewhere else?\n\nI thought about it for a long time, sitting in the pool, watching the smoke rise above a neighborhood to the south. I was glad for the shade of an umbrella, knowing I would burn easily in the summer sun. I had seldom gone out in the sun over the last few years, preferring the glow from my computer screen instead.\n\nAt least I don't have to worry about getting mugged! I laughed just to hear my own voice, and frankly, it scared me.\n\nNo people, no mugging... but what if I got sick or injured? Being alone had it's own dangers. I remembered movies about this exact situation, post holocaust situations, and realized there must be other people in the world, people in deep mines, in subs, in bunkers, in sealed underground lockers doing scientific experiments... but I had the feeling they had to stay there several days before they were safe. For some reason, I thought if they had come out too soon, then they would have died. Shift miners would likely come out too soon.\n\nI ate in the pool naked, ignoring the sign that specifically forbid being naked in the pool, and right under the sign that forbid eating in the pool. It's funny. Everything seems funny.\n\n(Am I going insane? Am I in a coma, laying in a hospital, having had a stroke while in the booth?)\n\nThere is plenty of food, water until the water system shuts down, and lights until the electricity goes out. Water could be a problem since Salt Lake City was in a desert... but there are streams coming down the mountain and the freshwater lake near Ogden would be a permanent source of water if it isn't polluted by the fires or chemicals from smashed tanker trucks.\n\nI just heard a phone beeping! Close!\n\nFalse alarm! I erupted out of the water, running towards the sound, and ran right over it. It had rang four times before I found it in a bundle of cloth and bones, and was shouting into it before I realized it was a recorded telemarketer voice, probably on autodial. I listened to the recorded sales pitch for a cosmetic kit just to hear the human voice, and was sorry when it ended. Sheesh... I felt like my heart was going to explode!\n\nI put on shoes and walked around the hotel naked, laughing as I walked into ladies rooms and even the woman's shower room off the gym. But it was an empty gesture, walking through rooms with skeletons a lot more naked than I was, and when I sat down here in the bar, thinking about it, I started to wonder again if I going crazy.\n\n(Am I going crazy?)\n\nThe Silence doesn't answer.\n\nI guess when it does, I will be.\n\nIsolation could turn the most hardened person into a nut! I rode the cleaned out elevator to the bottom floor, a parking garage two levels underground, wondering if someone might have survived there, but found bones even in the deepest room under the skyscraper, a bundle of bones wearing coveralls, probably a maintenance man. As I climbed back up to the elevator, glad there were still lights on so deep in the ground, I wondered how to contact any survivors, if they were truly very few and very scattered?\n\nI just realized the answer! Ham radio! Every post-holocaust movie I ever saw had people using short wave radios to find other survivors!\n\nBut where do I find a short wave radio?\n\nDuh! Yellow pages!\n\nWell, I drove around the city naked the rest of the day, stopping to shower occasionally when I felt grimy, and eating everywhere I went. The whole city is mine now, I figure. All the buildings, all the food, all the stuff... and I've found I really don't want anything but a short wave that works, that I won't have to spend a long time setting up. I drove to stores, Ham Radio clubs, which turned out to be private houses, and found ham sets and components but found no working ham systems, something ready to use. So I started driving around looking for the distinctive antennas which should stick up above the houses, and found one, finally, behind a house in the suburbs.\n\nReader! If you are reading this, if anyone is reading this, it's because of this short wave in front of me right now! It's in a shed behind a house, and it's an old set, with the small metal and plastic cards Ham operators used to send to each other, all nailed up all over the walls.\n\nI turned it on and started going through the frequencies, hearing nothing but squeaking and beeping that sounded like automatic equipment. Then, finally, I heard a voice, calling way back in the shrill squeaking, and figured out that it was someone far away who spoke Spanish, but I couldn't tell anything else. I don't know Spanish!\n\nSomeone else is alive! SOMEONE ELSE IS ALIVE! SoMeOnEeLsEiSaLiVe!\n\nI thought my heart would explode with relief! My thoughts seemed to pulse with my intense heartbeat, and it took some effort to unclench my hands from the chair arms and relax. My cheeks hurt I was smiling so hard. Someone else is alive. The most beautiful words in any language.\n\nIt got dark as I sat there, and after checking my email from the computer beside the ham set, I finally went into the house and cleaned out the several sets of bones I found there, grinning from ear to ear. From the pictures, knick knacks, and furnishings, I could tell the people had been elderly, and I spent an hour figuring out who lived there from the pictures, a kindly old man and woman. The man's picture was up next to the short wave, a picture of the man when he was much younger. They were probably the bones I had thrown out the back door, the dust I had swept up and tossed away. I am going to bed, and I feel a bit weird to be sleeping in those people's bed. But they don't need it, do they? At least I changed the sheets and pillowcases.\n\nIf one lives besides me, then others likely live also, maybe lots of others!\n\nWell, I can't sleep. I'm going to take a walk.\n\nDamn! I started to take a walk down the street, but it was too spooky. The dark shadows seemed to form into people, and the total lack of normal night sounds was un-nerving. The wind came up and the branches rustled above me, and they were almost voices, like the dead talking far away...\n\n(Were the scientists trying to wake me up? Did I hear their voices?)\n\nSo I got in the car and drove around, not a speedy trip as I drove around wrecks in the empty city, finding it also rather spooky. I drove by house fires, and jumped several times as motion detectors switched on lights suddenly as I drove by. I went to the lit up Mormon Temple and drove around it, then I went up to the big university above the downtown area, and went to the science building.\n\nI had the thought that I might be able to analyze the dust still heaped in buildings where the wind couldn't reach, and perhaps figure out what had turned living flesh into a powder so quickly. And why the living flesh but not the flesh in the food displays at the supermarkets... too many questions! But I found I had no idea of where to start, nor did I know how to use the equipment in the labs there. I played with a piece of equipment for awhile, making a computer screen display jiggling lines as I ran a sensor over everything it could reach. I found a radiation detector, but it didn't show anything much, just a little background radiation. I didn't even know if I calibrated it properly.\n\nUnder a microscope, some of the red material looked like very tiny pink crystals and some showed as large, almost transparent, red brown complex crystals. That told me almost nothing, but I found it interesting anyway.\n\nI finally drove back to the short wave house. I had some trouble finding it, and when I got here, I lay for hours, my mind going over memories which seemed much more vivid than before. I relived whole conversations with friends from years before. I hope I can sleep despite the vast emptiness and the Silence. How big the world seems now that I am so incredibly alone! At least I know I am not the only survivor. I'll bet they feel exactly like I do. I'm going to try to sleep again. I'm even too tired to type anymore.\n\nDay 7 BD Jul 17, 2012\n\nWhen I woke up, it was late morning. Beautiful day, although the air smells smoky, a slight burning plastic smell drifting through.\n\nI'm going out to the short wave shack and try to find someone closer that is alive, somewhere in the US. It's good to know that someone else is alive in the world. Really excellent! But I will spend the day listening to the short wave. I almost enjoy hearing the horrific noise of the short wave as I scan the bands... it's so much better than the Silence!\n\nWell, reader, it's pretty late now. I made out another voice today, speaking some language that might have been Chinese. That is three people alive so far! There has to be more! I transmitted my location and data over and over on different bands, but heard no response. I hope someone heard me and felt encouraged, like I do hearing them. I wondered if there are any subs with living crews. Wouldn't they think of short waves and suchlike in their search for survivors?\n\nI took a few breaks from listening to the signal. I walked through the neighboring houses and looked for home video tapes and movies, finding a few, and brought them back to the shed, where I set up a TV and VCR and watched the birthday parties and weddings and a few more colorful and intimate events in people's lives. It was good to see other faces and hear voices, even though I knew they were now dead.\n\nI also watched some rented videos now never to be returned, and enjoyed the funny ones, laughing too loud, and missing someone to share the humor with... and when the movie ended, the incredible silence and vast emptiness seemed heavier than ever, an emptiness so overwhelming... I had no idea before the Big Death what comfort I had gotten with the knowledge of all the people living around me, even when alone in my tiny apartment...\n\nAnd, I admit it. Sometimes I cried.\n\nAnd before coming into the house, I stood in the front yard and screamed for awhile... hoping beyond hope that it would bother someone!\n\nDay 8 BD Jul 18, 2005\n\nToday, I drove to the nearest grocery store and loaded up a truck with food of various kinds, spent an hour picking out at least 50 videos from a video store, a few XXX rated and hidden in the store's back room, then drove back, parking in front and carrying in only what I needed for a day or so. I sat at that short wave and broadcast the same message over and over again as I watched the tapes... I heard the Chinese voice again, but no contact. Depressing to call for hours and not get through.\n\nI wondered how far the short wave reached. I knew it could sometimes reach half way around the planet, but usually didn't go that far. I would have to look that up, probably at one of the libraries. One thing is for sure... nobody is 'walking on my signal'.\n\nThe movies almost made me forget the death around me, for hours at a time, but several times in every movie, I would realize this young star or that child star was now dead, simply a skeleton somewhere, and that would destroy the illusion of the movie for me... Hell of a Friday night!\n\nI guess tomorrow night I will get an X-box and whatever other video games I can find and play video games. In a way, the sound of the games, like the movie's audio, fights the Silence. It is the hardest aspect of my existence, the total Silence.\n\nDay 9 BD Jul 19, 2005\n\nWhen I slept, I had no dreams at all. It was a refuge!\n\nSpent the day just like yesterday, sending my message over the short wave and playing video games rather than watching tapes, but still, it was the same, really.\n\nI've been hearing noises from outside, from other rooms when I'm in the house, from down the street when I went out to the grocery truck.\n\nI thought I heard a child crying, and ran through the neighborhood like a wild man, heart pounding, trying to find where the sound was coming from... but it stopped, and then I realized it was very likely from my own mind.\n\nThe Silence is like a weight on me, an intense blanket over me, smothering me!\n\n(I also thought maybe the experiment went wrong, and I was in a catatonic state, and all this is just an illusion, a delusion, a virtual world I had sunk into... but somehow it doesn't make any difference. It seems real to me, and here I am. It scared me to think about it, because the only logical thing to do would be to kill myself, and then maybe I would come out of the illusion... I cannot do that. I won't take that route. I will not surrender to the Silence.)\n\nI didn't hear anyone over the short wave today. The radio squeal is just not enough noise, so I played CD's at full volume until now, as well as the video game sounds turned up full blast. How can the Silence be so real to me even in a bedlam of sound?\n\nIt is, you know.\n\nOh, my ancestor, if you exist, the Silence is the worse of it, worse than the bones, the red crystals, the acrid smell which I now associate with death...\n\nI am going to bed, and I'm going to leave some music going softly when I fall asleep, just to hear a human voice in my dreams.\n\nDay 10 BD Jul 20, 2012\n\nThis evening at 10 pm, the 10th day after the Big Death, I heard a voice broadcasting in English! It's the biggest thrill I think I have ever had... better than my first kiss, or for that matter, my first sex with a real live girl!\n\nIt was a female voice, very young, only 15 years old, and she didn't seem to hear my excited sending to her. Her name was Meiko, and she lived in a small city in California called Bishop, in a high desert valley on the east side of the Sierras. I found a map and traced California highway 395 up to Bishop, excited to think that a girl lived there, a real living human female!\n\nI tried and tried to get her to hear me, but when the voice faded after a few hours, she had still not heard me. I immediately started planning the trip to the town and lay in bed thinking, immensely excited. I realized the drive would be very long and slow, with so many cars smashed on the highways between here and there. Even on a motorcycle, the large amount of oil on the highways from wrecks would make that very dangerous.\n\nWriting this, I just realized the map showed a landing field near Bishop, so I've decided to fly there. I'll start learning how tomorrow. I've always wanted to fly.\n\nDay 11 BD Jul 21, 2012\n\nI was too excited to sleep, thinking of the girl, Meiko, and the ramifications of contact with her... I eventually fell asleep for only a few hours as the sun came up over the mountains. Then I got up and drove to the airport, not in the car, but on a motorcycle, which could get though not only to the terminal but then across the field to the parking area of the small private planes. I really had a hard time avoiding the oil slicks which seemed everywhere, and carried a bag of sand on the back of the cycle, to spread over the worse places I had to pass over. The highway and many roads are covered in oil, leaking from all the smashed cars. I decided I would stay near the airport tonight, rather than fight my way through the walls of destruction on the freeways and roads.\n\nI went through all the small planes carefully, not sure of what to look for, but looking for anything that might be wrong with them. I went through the offices there also, and found the flight logs of most of the planes. I'm spending the night in the nearest motel, trying to understand the flight and maintenance logs, along with some flight training books I found in one of the offices. I will pick the most recently serviced small plane tomorrow, and I will try to fly it.\n\nSomehow, knowing that Meiko lives, even hundreds of miles away, diminishes the Silence more than anything else, even the music I had played constantly.\n\nDay 12 BD Jul 22, 2012\n\nWhen I woke up this morning, pre-dawn, I found the power out in most of the city. I could see lights in the south of the city, but mostly I saw complete darkness dotted with many fires. After finding a small plane owned before the Big Death by a doctor, I spent most of the rest of the day gathering up supplies to take in the plane with me, storing them carefully, some of them with the idea I might have to land in some desolate spot and go overland. I tried to remember everything I could about survival in a desert mountain area, and loaded up the plane appropriately.\n\nAfter stowing everything, I sat in the cockpit for a few hours, studying the many dials and controls with the help of a book from the small library in a flying club's building. I tried to remember everything I had ever seen on TV about what was what, as well as the few flight simulators games I had played. ...and I finally thought I had the dials all figured out. Scared half to death, I figured I had little to lose.\n\nI started up the plane and waited for the engine to warm up, then taxied slowly towards the only stretch of field which looked clear enough to take off on. I felt immense excitement, but also more than a little fear. Nobody would come to help me if I crashed, no emergency crews would come to dig me out of the wreckage and bind my injuries, and I had never done anything like this before. Even with instruction, nobody would let me in the pilot's chair immediately.\n\nBut, with my desire to meet Meiko so strong it overcame my good sense, I went for it. I started speeding up, faster and faster, and suddenly the plane took a sudden turn to the right, the wing scraped the ground, and in a shower of glass and a screech of metal, I suddenly found myself hanging from the harness staring at cement, pain flaring from a dozen bruises. In the first five minutes I had almost killed myself!\n\nThe engine totally wrecked, I felt very fortunate that nothing ignited the fuel dripping on the ground, and I crawled out much wiser. After an hour sitting on the ground, looking at the plane and shaking with aftershock, I got up and limped back to the motel. Frankly, I felt like an idiot!\n\nAfter a hot bath, finding my legs bruised but nothing else damaged, I realized my ignorance. I really didn't know what I didn't know existed about flying, so I went to the city library and found flight training books. Then I went back to the motel to read them from cover to cover by candlelight. I'm sure glad I picked up extra batteries for this computer. The accident scared me half to death, and I have realized what a fool I am. But the Silence overwhelms me, and the bones drive me crazy. Being a fool may have survival value in this new empty world... and if it doesn't help me survive, then it leaves me with a way out... blessed death..., so either way, I cannot lose... I'm going to find another plane and try again tomorrow, if I feel I understand what I'm doing better.\n\nDay 13 BD July 23, 2012\n\nWell, reader, here I go. This might be the last entry, the last sentence, the last word for me in this world. I'm taking off.\n\nSurprise! I survived! With my heart in my throat, I picked and loaded another small plane, almost identical to the first, climbed in again, taxied around the standing and smashed jets, and following what I had read plus the simulations I had run, I took off. The takeoff, other than a little wobbling as I got used to the sensitivity of the controls, seemed perfect. I survived it, I flew, I remained alive.\n\nRemember the old saying... a perfect landing is any landing you walk away from? Well, it applies to takeoffs also.\n\nI flew up to 4000 feet, my ears popping, and flew a slow circle around the airfield, feeling totally elated, then flew west over the Great Salt Lake, totally mind blown by the incredible beauty of the land around me.\n\nThe sky was a perfect blue, bruised by black clouds from burning oil refineries to the south, and I searched the horizon for clouds which might indicate a storm, but didn't see any. I flew entranced by the beauty, wishing I had done this years ago. During the first half hour of my flight, I could see the freeway to Wendover, on the Utah/Nevada border, and I was very glad I did not try to make my way through the smashed cars and trucks I could see far below me, in large clumps of twisted metal that often covered the entire highway for a hundred yards or more.\n\nThe Great Salt Lake shimmered with an oil slick for miles from several leaking tanker trucks on the devastated freeway. An amazing sight in itself.\n\nI could not rest or know what weather I would run into. I had marked on the map all the fields between Salt Lake and Bishop, as well as forty more to the north and south in case I got blown off course.\n\nThe land was beautiful, flying glorious, and in what seemed like almost no time at all, I realized I would have to land for the night. I faced my first landing, without instruction except for books, and with no weather knowledge. The wind could flip or stall me if coming from the wrong direction, and I knew I had to do it right the first time. When I reached a small town in a valley with a small landing field, I flew over it twice, coming lower each time, checking the field's windsock carefully, until I felt I could land it, and came down almost perfectly, skipping twice but not nosing over as I feared.\n\nWhen my heart had stopped beating in absolute terror, I climbed out and found that the terminal consisted of a repair shack and tanks of aviation fuel, no other planes or cars sat anywhere in sight, and I had to walk a half mile to the nearest house. I ate what I found here, mostly canned food, and will sleep in a child's bed, the room lit by a large candle, because the larger bedroom has a number of skeletons in it. Despite the absolute dark Silence of the night, I feel good. I had conquered flight, all by my self. Move over, Wright Brothers!\n\nDay 14 BD Jul 24, 2012\n\nEating breakfast today, I wondered about bacteria.\n\nHad it died also? I vowed to find out and drove an old pickup to a small college in the nearby town, finding it in a phone book. I looked at various materials under the microscope, and found bacteria in abundance. Certainly they seemed unaffected, but so much time passed since BD day, how could I tell if most had died on BD day? I know bacteria reproduce very fast, like 80 generations a day? I had looked at the red dust under a microscope at the Salt Lake university, but it had never occurred to me to look for bacteria. I know I saw none at the time, but I did not look for it. I could not tell anything about the dust from the microscope, and anyone who could likely died.\n\nI drove back to the airfield and took off after refueling. The second takeoff seemed smoother and better than the first, mainly because the stronger wind allowed me to fly directly into it. I had to fly high to get over the mountains, flying in climbing spirals to the right altitude, my ears popping and the height seeming incredible, but besides some scary moments from up and down drafts, I made it over the mountain ranges, over Death Valley, and then the high passes of the White Mountains, and headed down into Owen's valley, flying north up towards Bishop.\n\nWhen I flew over the small city, I saw only a few burnt out buildings, although a huge grass fire burnt further south, up against the mountainsides to the east. I circled the downtown area several times, looking for Meiko, for any movement, but didn't see anything alive.\n\nWhen I landed at Bishop's small airfield, I nearly crashed this time. I bounced hard, and rocked back and forth, and for a moment, I thought I would die, but when the noise and shaking and being thrown back and forth ended, I sat on the ground with only a few bruises from the seat harness on my shoulders to add to the ache in my bruised thighs.\n\nSo excited and eager to meet another living person, I jumped out and ran to the nearest car, parked next to the small tower building, and impatiently hot wired it, the first time I ever tried that. After a half hour of frustration and fumbling, my heart beating fast and furiously, I drove at almost a dangerous speed to the town, shouting wildly as I drove, deliriously happy!\n\nMy jaw dropped in shock when I reached downtown Bishop. The main street, also highway 395, had one long six block pile of bones, human and horses all suffering the same fate. From the bright and colorful clothing and decorations on the horse bones, the Big Death had interrupted a parade, all dying amid the finery. After driving from one end of the town to the other and back, going up and down every street, looking for any sign of Meiko, I parked at a small restaurant. After tossing out a few sacks of bones, I fixed a meal and sat wondering, listening to the Silence, afraid for the young girl Meiko.\n\nAfter reading the last issue of the town's small newspaper, now a chronicle of past happenings, I walked slowly over to a nearby motel room, aching too much to go walking or driving around looking for the girl in the dark. I hope she remained here. The thought she might have left terrifies me, to say the least.\n\nThe Silence seeps into my bones... I try not to think, to worry that Meiko hadn't stayed here, or had taken the easy way into the Silence... I cried some at that thought, my hands shaking with that thought. ...that horrible thought!\n\nMeiko, where are you?\n\nDay 15 BD Jul 25, 2012\n\nI found a colorful silver encrusted horse blanket and saddle carefully laid out in a restaurant across from the courthouse this morning. The restaurant seemed cleaned up recently, swept out, no bones anywhere inside. Someone, Meiko I'm sure, piled dishes and rotting scraps in a pile to one side of the back door, obviously just tossing them out an open window in the back. The water runs in the taps, but as far as I can tell, no electricity flows here. I'm going to finish my cold instant coffee, really bad tasting stuff when made without hot water.\n\nI walked through the city all day, until dusk, hurting from a multitude of bruises and resting often, panting with the high altitude, looking for the girl, shouting her name, but never received an answer or saw a single movement.\n\nJust after the sun went down over the mountains to the West, an intense wind drove me into a motel, but the wind died down just as suddenly as it came, leaving a profound silence and more stars than I ever imagined. I remembered the evening wind from the night before, glad it didn't blow like that when I landed!\n\nEven if Meiko left or died, I have to admit the beauty of this town will stick with me for a long time. Beautiful place to live!\n\nI just heard a generator start up somewhere! I'm going to go find it. Meiko!\n\nReader, whoever you are, alien or descendant, I found it, and her.\n\nI ran towards the sound, and after a few blocks I saw a light on in the police station in the city hall. So excited and scared I could hardly breathe, I walked slowly towards the lights. I walked in and down a hall to the sheriff's office, and before I opened the door, I heard Meiko's voice as she called on the short wave, saying much the same message I heard a week ago.\n\nWhen I opened the door, Meiko screamed and jumped up, and I found myself looking down the barrel of a shotgun, held confidently by a tiny slender oriental girl, with long black hair and wide, scared, black eyes. She wore brown shorts and a tan shirt with many pockets, like a National Park field shirt, and large thick boots.\n\n\"Uh...\" I said, then cleared my throat, having not spoken a conversational word in many days. I had shouted all the way to town, and called Meiko's name all day, and my voice sounded hoarse and raw. \"Uh, my name is John, and I heard your call on short wave.\" I wanted to jump up and down, grab the girl and dance around with her, but the shotgun definitely put a damper on my celebration.\n\n\"Are you alone?\" The girl asked, right off, her voice so sweet, if shaky, I shivered with the sound. After so long without a living voice to hear, it seemed almost divine.\n\nI nodded, amazed at the question.\n\nMeiko looked at me wide eyed, but didn't lower the shotgun. \"I was hoping someone would come.\" She said, voice even and clear. \"I didn't know how to use the short wave, but I kept trying, hoping someone would hear. My name is Meiko, and I am half oriental and half Hopi native. You got a problem with that?\"\n\nI looked at her, finding her incredibly beautiful. At that moment, she fit my ideal image of the most beautiful woman in the world... well, girl, anyway. \"uh... not at all. I'm so happy to meet another living person... well... I don't know how to act!\"\n\nMeiko smiled slightly, and I realized her attitude showed wariness rather than fear. \"Well, John, I just turned 15 years old and I plan to stay a virgin until I'm sixteen. Any problem with that?\"\n\nTaken aback for sure, I looked at her, another living person, I wanted to shout and jump up and down and hug her to me, but that shotgun never wavered, pointing at my chest with firm steadiness. \"Uh... no expectations at all.\" I replied, shaking my head. \"I... I was just so lonely and... how did you survive Big Death day?\"\n\n\"Where did you come from and how did you get here?\" Meiko asked, her voice steadying, sitting down but not lowering the gun. I felt on trial, and not sure Meiko saw my innocence. The girl had the steadiest sharp black eyes, and they never wavered. Totally serious!\n\n\"I was in Ogden, Utah, in a medical experiment... in a sealed booth of some kind, and when I saw what happened to the people in the lab, I... thought it was part of the experiment... and stayed in there for three days before coming out. I found nobody alive, and when I heard your broadcast, I tried to reach you but you didn't seem to receive. I flew here from Salt Lake City in a small plane to meet you.\"\n\nFor the first time, the girl lowered the shotgun, and motioned to a chair across the room. I sat down, and realized when I looked back at the chair, the small teen had switched from the shotgun to a small pistol, which now centered on my chest unerringly.\n\n\"Don't try anything, John, or I will kill you without hesitation.\" Meiko said, the only sign of her own nervousness a slight shaking of her hand holding the pistol. \"I will be no man's sex slave, servant, or whipping post. I was aware that almost anyone might come here in response to my calls, and I figured out what might happen to every extreme. In my mouth, I have a capsule of poison which I will bite and which will kill me very quickly if I am overpowered. That's how serious I am about my freedom!\" Meiko's lips wiggled, and I saw something small held between them for a moment, then she must have put it back between her cheek and her gums. She did not smile. If she thought I had bad intentions, she might well kill herself.\n\n\"Uh... I understand. Hurting you or forcing you to do anything was the farthest from my mind. But I can see how you have to be careful.\" I had not considered the danger to a young girl of meeting a strange person for the first time with nobody to protect her whatsoever.\n\n\"I was in a cave, sealed from the world, as a kind of ritual my family practiced since ancient times on our fifteenth birthday. I had no idea what had happened until my father did not come to get me, and I left the cave after five days within it.\" For the first time, I saw her face change, her eyes growing teary and her chin quiver as she suppressed a sob. \"They were all dead. Everyone killed only hours after I entered the cave, on the day of the annual parade. My family was among the bones of those watching the parade.\" Her face grew even more quivering, threatening to break down into outright crying, her pain and grief showing in her whole body.\n\nI wanted to hug her, to give her solace, but the unwavering gun held me tight to my chair. I didn't want to start off the wrong way with this girl, the only person I knew existed in possibly thousands of miles.\n\n\"Was there a sealed door on this cave?\" I asked, wanting to divert her mind from her loss.\n\nShe frowned at me, wondering what I was getting at. \"Yes. It was a bomb shelter in the fifties and sixties, and has several doors which were sealed. The air I breathed was from a recycler and tanks. My father was always afraid of a buildup of gases, especially radon gas from the rock around here.\"\n\n\"Then maybe there are others who survived in such places then. Just because we haven't found them doesn't mean they didn't survive.\" I said, smiling at her. My hope could become her hope!\n\nSuddenly the girl got up and tucked the pistol in the waistband of the shorts she wore, and smiled at me, holding out her hand. \"OK, I think you are cool, John.\"\n\nI got up, almost tripping over my own feet, and took her small hand in mine, shaking it almost formally. Grip just tight enough, her small hand cool, she looked me right in the eye, appraisingly.\n\n\"Uh... I'm very glad to know you, Meiko!\" I said, letting her hand go, not wanting to give the wrong impression. It passed through my mind that this slender beautiful girl might well mother my children someday, but I fought the thought away, thinking such thoughts more than a little premature. Also aware she had the little poison capsule in her cheek, I would not make any fast motions. I didn't want the only other person alive to die because of my stupidity.\n\n\"Thank you for coming so far to meet me, John. Are you thinking of settling down here, or moving on?\" Meiko said, smiling friendly, although her eyes stayed on me warily, measuring me acutely.\n\nAstonished, I hadn't thought about that. I assumed we would stay together, whatever the relationship we developed. \"Uh... well, since there are only the two of us, I would like to hang around, if it's ok with you?\"\n\n\"Well, I certainly invited you, didn't I?\" the girl replied, smiling with some warmth. \"I... I would like that also... if you behave yourself!\"\n\nI had just turned 38 years old, and Meiko had just turned 15, less than half my age. But somehow it didn't mean anything. I didn't see her as a child, and she didn't see me as an `adult'... our loneliness and the death all around us made us equal in a way I had never considered possible.\n\n\"Would you like some lemonade, John?\" Meiko asked, breaking a silence that stretched on for some minutes. She waved at a pitcher, picking up a glass and sipping it, and I eagerly poured myself a glass, surprised to find it filled with ice.\n\n\"I thought the electricity was completely down?\" I asked, as I dragged the chair slightly closer and sat down facing her. \"You don't run the generator all the time, cause I heard it come on tonight.\" I sipped the cold drink, looking at Meiko's lovely young face.\n\n\"The local substation has electricity, but something in the equipment there broke. I don't know enough to even try to fix it. But there is a ice maker there.\" Meiko replied. \"There was electricity throughout the town until just a few days ago, then something happened to shut it down. The generator came on automatically here, and I figured out how to turn it on and off. It runs on diesel fuel and has a huge tank almost completely full, but I turn it off during the day.\"\n\n\"What do you think happened?\" I asked the girl the most burning question in my mind, not able to wait any longer.\n\n\"I... I don't know.\" Meiko replied, in a small voice. \"You said... you said you saw them... die?\" The tears had returned to her eyes, and I almost changed the subject, but she looked up with total interest, so I answered.\n\n\"Yes. They were fine one moment, and the next they just sort of... shimmered... and then they were dust.\" I said, shivering as I remembered the girl I had been looking at in the lab. \"I don't think they felt anything but surprise. They were... gone so fast...\"\n\n\"It wasn't... painful?\" Meiko said, her voice strained. She stared at my shoes, a tear slowly dripping down her cheek. She looked up into my face, pleadingly.\n\n\"No, I don't think so.\" I replied softly, wondering what she felt like to have lost her whole family, all at once. I thought of the grief Meiko must feel, glad I had nobody when it happened. She suddenly scooped something out of her cheek, and I realized she had held the poison capsule in there the whole time since I had come in. \"No need for this now, I think...\" she looked at me pointedly... \"I hope.\"\n\n\"Where... where did you get that?\" I asked, looking amazed at the tiny plastic or glass capsule.\n\n\"I made it at my... my school.\" Meiko said, sliding it into a small leather pocket on her belt and fastening it carefully. \"I had learned how to melt and mold lab tubing last semester, and found the poison in the storeroom. I would rather die than be raped. I always put it in when I come here, since this is where someone might find me, as you did.\"\n\nThe girl said it so flatly, tonelessly, that I realized she would guard herself with me until she learned to know me as harmless. Meiko had an inner strength I could feel in her, even in the short time I had known her. No flighty young girl... She had iron!\n\n\"Don't worry, Meiko.\" I said softly. \"I am a Buddhist, and I have taken a vow to do no harm.\"\n\nShe frowned at me, but then dismissed the thought, sipping from her own glass of lemonade instead.\n\n\"Uh... Meiko... why couldn't you receive my return call on the short wave?\" I asked, breaking another long silence.\n\nShe looked at me, then the short wave set. \"It doesn't seem to work. I wasn't even sure until you told me that I was sending. The little light moves when I talk into the microphone, but when I switch to receive, nothing happens.\"\n\n\"May I look at it?\" I asked, standing back up slowly.\n\nMeiko got up warily, her hand on the handle of the gun, and moved back away from the table. She definitely didn't trust me yet. \"Sure, John, please do.\" She replied, waving at the set in invitation. She wanted me to prove myself a good person so bad, she was quick to trust me a little... but only a little.\n\nThe Silence did that, I realized. I also wanted Meiko to prove herself a good person so bad, I would do anything, almost, to support that feeling.\n\nI looked at the short wave, realizing the model as far more modern than the one I used in Salt Lake. It looked brand new, and very advanced. I switched it to receive, hearing nothing, then pushed a button marked `squelch'. Slowly the squealing sounds came into hearing, and turning up the volume, I realized that had prevented reception. She had the volume and squelch turned down too far.\n\n\"You made it work!\" Meiko said, smiling big, almost jumping up and down. \"Now we can hear anyone who might reply?\" I winced at the squeal, never liking that sound, although I considered the Silence much worse. I pushed an `autoscan' toggle and on the small touch screen, small red lights appeared and flashed in sequence, at least a hundred of them. The squeal had gone off but as the small red lights flashed, one of them suddenly turned green, and a voice filled the room, very clear.\n\n\"...line! Are you there Caroline? Come in!\" a male voice asked, almost frantically. It had a distinctive Spanish accent, and I wondered through my sudden excitement where it came from. I thought my heart would jump out of my chest, excited all at once.\n\n\"I'm here, Manual.\" A woman's voice replied, sounding much farther away. Almost grainy, low and tight, the voice faded in and out slightly. \"Just a little fadeout, my friend. Go on with your story.\"\n\nMeiko had let out a little squeak when the first voice came in, and she ran up beside me, our eyes locking as we looked at each other in incredible delight and excitement. Two more people! Two more survivors! I remembered to breath, then almost hyperventilated. The voices exceeded the most beautiful sounds I had ever heard, along with Meiko's little squeaks behind me.\n\n\"I was in the neutrino detector for five days before I figured out something was wrong. I usually stay down there seven days, and then I get out for fourteen days before going back down again. When the detector had pegged the meter for two days straight at the end of my shift, I had sent the data up to the Center, and had imagined the excitement up there when they saw the huge numbers, but then nobody came to relieve me, which made me suspicious.\"\n\n\"The elevator didn't work, so it took me a whole day to access and climb up the emergency ladder, and when I got to the top, I found... Daphine's bones blocking the elevator door. That's when I knew something terrible had happened. Over.\"\n\n\"So you think it was an unknown radiation from another... another Galaxy that killed everyone? Over.\" Caroline asked, her voice sounding tired.\n\n\"Yes, Caroline. Not another Galaxy but from the direction of our own galactic Center. The neutrinos flooded through for two days, two huge spikes, and the direction shifted perfectly for that source. I don't think the neutrinos caused the mass extinction event, but they were traveling with it, a by product of whatever radiation it was. I have gone through a number of recorded sensor readings from the scisats, and whatever kind of radiation it was, it had a lot of energy with it. A thick layer of rock apparently stopped it, and probably there were other possible ways to have been sheltered from it, but the duration was so long that most would have not stayed in a shelter until the radiation stopped. The second day of the event would catch them outside. Believe me, I have more questions than answers about it. Over\"\n\n\"Well, it's good to know, Manual, although it doesn't help me much. I'm on my third day without food, and I've got maybe two days of water left. I'll have to hike out of here in a little while, and try to get to somewhere there is food and water. Over.\"\n\n\"Manual, Caroline, this is John. Do you read me, over?\" I said, excitedly, keying the microphone. For a moment, I thought keying the mike had caused a problem, because the voices stopped for a long minute.\n\n\"John, this is Manual!\" Merged with \"This is Caroline. Read you high and wide!\" in a tangled signal, both voices totally excited.\n\n\"This is John, using Meiko's short wave in Bishop, California!\" I replied, hoping we would get some kind of rhythm in our sending. \"Meiko is here beside me! uh... over!\"\n\n\"Meiko!\" Caroline's voice exclaimed. \"Yes, I've been hearing her for several days but couldn't get through to her. Over.\"\n\n\"There are seven of us now!\" Manual said, in his turn. \"I am just outside San Diego, John, and Caroline is in Arizona, in the Grand Canyon. She is in trouble, John! She has run out of food and almost out of water and she's a long way from anyone by foot, although only a few miles as the crow flies. Can you help? Over.\"\n\n\"I flew here from Salt Lake City, Caroline. I might be able to get near you the same way. Where exactly are you? Over.\" I asked, suddenly unwilling to let a survivor die if I could help it. Meiko was jumping up and down behind me, saying `seven!' softly over and over again, deliriously happy. She seemed content to let me do the talking but I easily felt her intense attention behind me, hanging on every word.\n\n\"I am in the Grand Canyon, John. There is no place to land here, and even a helicopter would have real trouble reaching me here. It's all vertical. I plan to hike to the South Rim by an old trail I know of. I walked it before, a few years ago, but never with this small amount of supplies, especially water. There is a small airfield on the South Rim, and I have a Park Ranger friend who has a short wave, although he is probably dead, but I can used his set to call you when I get there. If I can make it to Phantom Ranch in the canyon bottom, I'll be OK. Over.\"\n\n\"How long will it take you, Caroline? Over?\" I asked, thinking about the logistics. I wasn't sure the plane I came in was damaged or not from the hard landing.\n\n\"Three days... maybe four days, John, or not at all. Over.\" Caroline sounded so tired, I wondered if she could make it without food. \"I am going to sign off now and get started. Water is the main consideration. I will have to carry all my water, and just hope it gets me to the river. I will call you immediately upon getting to my friends house, John. I would love to come and live with you and Meiko, or perhaps you might want to come to Flagstaff to live. The land is pretty fertile in some valleys around here, and the weather is pretty mild. Over.\"\n\n\"We'll talk about it, Caroline. I just got here an hour or so ago, so we need to figure out what we are going to do. Over.\"\n\n\"OK, John. It's wonderful to have talked with you, Manual, John, Meiko... I had no idea what had happened until Manual told me. I came out of the cave I was studying to find my two partners nothing but bones. I thought it was something weird here, so I hung around waiting for Michael to bring me some food and water. Now I know he isn't coming. I have to get going. See youall soon, I hope. Caroline out!\"\n\n\"Suddenly everything is going fast again.\" Meiko said behind me, her voice tight and intense. \"I was afraid nothing would change, that I would be here alone the rest of my life, watching the town fall apart.\"\n\n\"Manual, who are the others you mentioned. Over.\" I asked, feeling desperate, walking on his transmission. \"Uh, sorry.\" I said, but I really wanted to know.\n\n\"There is one in South America, an engineer named Paolo, a girl in China whose name I cannot pronounce, and a young boy, Micky, in Kansas City, John. Over.\" Manual replied, his voice far clearer than Caroline's voice.\n\n\"Good to know, Manual.\" I replied, as Meiko sighed behind me. \"Perhaps others will come on when they think of using short wave. I think we should pick you up also, Manual. With so few of us, we need each other a lot. Over.\" I stated the obvious, of course. Suddenly even complete strangers had infinite value.\n\n\"I wonder how many there really are in the world?\" Meiko said, stepping up beside me. \"If there are seven on short wave, there could be several hundred around the world who have not thought of short wave for connecting.\" She put one small hand on my forearm, and I almost shivered... the touch of a human hand became the greatest joy I could imagine, even a heartfelt but unassuming touch from a young girl.\n\n\"That's possible.\" I said, smiling at her. She smiled back, the suspicion seemingly gone now. \"There are also submarines that might have living crews out there too. I also found a dead girl which had been in a food locker when it happened, although she came out too soon to survive. There could be thousands of people we don't know about.\"\n\n\"John, I think you are right, Amigo.\" Manual's voice said from the receiver. \"I think we should come together somewhere. Flagstaff is fine with me. But you don't need to come and get me, I can drive there on a motorcycle. There should be enough food in Flagstaff for decades, even for a few thousand people, if that many survived, and then there is also Phoenix to raid for food if necessary. No rats or mice survived, as far as I can tell, so it should be undisturbed for centuries. It seems that bacteria survived, but insects didn't. At least I haven't seen any insects. I can be there in a week, I think. Will you be going there? Over.\"\n\nConsidering the wrecks on the highway, I thought him rather optimistic. \"We have to talk about it, Manual.\" I replied, looking over at Meiko. Her expression only showed thoughtfulness, and I wondered if she wanted to stay in Bishop. \"We will contact you with our decisions. By the way, how did Caroline survive? Over.\"\n\n\"She was in a deep cave for three days, John. She is an archaeologist and spelunker, and had found some Anazazi stuff deep in this cave chain under the North Rim. She mapped the whole cave with two other archaeologists, but they had gone to the entrance for more supplies on the second day of the radiation. She continued to excavate deep in the cave and when they didn't return she came out on the third day and found their bones. Over.\"\n\n\"Meiko also survived in a cave, Manual. I was in a booth during the Big Death, and apparently it protected me as well as a cave. I would think most of the survivors will have similar stories except those in submarines, if any such survived. Over.\"\n\n\"Submarines! Of course!\" Manual almost shouted. \"I hadn't thought of subs! If the crews of subs were protected, then there could be tens of thousands of people alive, ...but they will be mostly male. Over.\"\n\nI suddenly realized Manual studied radiation! \"The metal roof of the booth I was in couldn't have been more than a half inch thick, Manual, if that, and the walls were thick reflective glass. How could I have survived if people in the bottom floors and basements of skyscrapers died? It seems unreasonable, now that I think of it! Over.\"\n\nThere was a long silence, and for a moment I thought he had stopped broadcasting. \"The booth might have had a magnetic field around it, or be made of some alloy that blocked the radiation. The glass walls does make the question more complex. I don't have an answer for you, John, but when we meet in person, you can tell me all the details and maybe we can figure it out. Over.\"\n\nMeiko stepped up and took the microphone. \"Manual, this is Meiko. Is there any chance that the radiation will come through again?\"\n\n\"...Over.\" I added, knowing it was the only way the man could know we were finished.\n\n\"There is no way to know, Meiko.\" Manual replied, pretty much what I had figured also. \"I hope to access the Hubble telescope from the Burnham Institute in Flagstaff and take a look at the Galactic Center. Maybe I can tell what happened. My first thought is that a large black hole collided with the giant black hole in the Galactic Center, and this radiation is the result... the question is, why didn't we detect it before, or perhaps we did and didn't know it. Perhaps that's why we haven't found any indication of other civilizations in the Galaxy. Hopefully the instruments at the Institute recorded it on some sensor, and we will know a little more about it. Anyway, that's why I want to go there, besides the fact that I want to meet Caroline. Over.\"\n\n\"But I thought you couldn't see the center of the Milky Way? Uh... Over.\" Meiko asked, looking into my eyes. \"High school science class.\" She whispered to me, rolling her eyes as I looked at her, surprised.\n\n\"True, Meiko, from the surface of the Earth, you can't see the galactic center because of the huge clouds of carbon blocking the view,\" Manual replied, humor in his voice. \"But the Hubble can using various sensors, and we can see if anything has changed in the images. A blast of radiation that strong must have left some detectable effect somewhere, it seems to me. And any new data is better than what we have now. I also don't understand how the radiation could kill almost everyone on the planet when, like light not curving around an object, the radiation should not have been able to reach the far north. But perhaps there is some lensing involved, by our planetary magnetic field or something like it... I have a lot of questions about it. Over.\"\n\n\"Thanks, Manual.\" Meiko said, shrugging. \"I will be going to Flagstaff, myself, so I'll see you there, OK? Over.\"\n\nI was surprised again. \"Uh, if you are going, then I am going.\" I said to the teen. \"I want to go, but I want to go with you. I need people, and you seem to be a real nice person.\"\n\nMeiko smiled at me, a wry little smile, then shrugged. \"I figured you were being cautious. You don't need to be. My father and mother were once hippies, and I was raised under the principle of being `up front', totally honest with other people. Just say what you want to say, and don't worry about saying something that will offend me. I don't offend very easily.\" She turned back to the microphone. \"Thanks, Manual. We will be going to Flagstaff also. Over.\"\n\n\"Great, Meiko, John. I will be looking for you. Dios! We need to figure out a meeting place in Flagstaff. The Institute is out of the way, so maybe somewhere downtown?\"\n\n\"We will get back to you about that, Manual.\" I replied, thinking hard. \"I know there must be a Flagstaff city map somewhere here in Bishop, so we will find a place and call you back. We won't be leaving for at least a day, so we will be back at the short wave tomorrow night, I'm sure. I have some things to do before I leave here... some personal things. When will you be leaving, and can we stay in contact as we travel? Over.\"\n\n\"Is the telephone system working there? Over.\"\n\n\"Yes, Manual. But I don't know how long it will stay up. Over.\" Meiko replied, smiling at me excitedly.\n\nI poured another glass of lemonade, thinking about the problem. But the communication system, the phones and the Internet were very complex, and would not work without continuous human maintenance. The power systems were already going down, and while much of the main phone and Internet systems had power backups, they would not last long either.\n\nMeiko gave Manual the phone number of the police station, and several others around town, just in case. She also copied down a bunch of phone numbers Manual gave her, including a satellite linked phone he would be carrying with him on the trip. I wondered if there were any such phones in Bishop... something to ask Meiko.\n\nAs we sat there, the phone rang, and it was Manual, checking the system. We were all excited that the whole system still worked, at least from San Diego to Bishop. He didn't talk long though, surprisingly. He seemed to be in a hurry.\n\n\"As long as the power and communication systems stays working, we have a chance to find other people,\" I commented to Meiko, \"but when they go down, we will have almost no chance. Someone could roam the world for a lifetime and never meet another person now.\"\n\n\"Except for short wave with generators!\" Meiko reminded me. I nodded. Most police and fire stations had short wave sets and generators, but I wasn't sure about hospitals or other official buildings. There were certainly more short wave sets with generators in the world than people, now.\n\nManual signed off the short wave and hung up the phone, and Meiko and I sat talking for a couple of more hours, waiting for the fancy short wave scanning the frequencies to locate another voice, and once we heard a voice, just a couple of words, but it was incomprehensible and obviously speaking another language. We couldn't even tell if it was male or female.\n\nMeiko told me about her family, her parents, an older sister, and younger brother. She had buried her parents and little brother's bones, but she hadn't found her sister's bones yet. The fancy saddle I had found was her mother's, who rode it in the parade. She found her mother's skeleton on top of the horse's skeleton where they had died, among a dozen others. Her father and brother had been on the sidewalk down the street, identifiable by their clothing. But Meiko didn't know what clothing her sister had worn that day, so finding her was more a matter of luck. She might not have been at the parade, but off with her boyfriend somewhere.\n\nI told her of my life, living at my computer, not really going anywhere for years. I had been content to travel cyberspace, rather than real space, and I had made enough money to live so I could do that for a long time. The experiment was a lark, just to do something different. The scientist had promised to show me the results when it was done, and I had been curious. It seemed like easy money, just to sit naked and watch TV.\n\nWe also talked about the trip. I told her my experience of trying to drive on the highways with all the wrecks, and how flying had been easier but just as dangerous. Flying had been much faster, but driving was slower and no safer. Meiko thought we should fly, but agreed that there were too few of us to take the chance unless we were certain the plane was in excellent shape. We decided to go back out to the air strip the next morning and look at the small plane I had arrived in and figure it out then.\n\nInstead of going to a motel or a local house, I slept in the small jail cell just off the sheriff's office, where I could hear the short wave as it endlessly cycled through the frequencies, looking for a carrier wave. Meiko slept in the next one, across the short hall, and not to my surprise, she locked herself in. A barred cell was certainly the most safe place to sleep, considering that there was no protection from anyone who might arrive suddenly and want to violate a young girl found sleeping deeply.\n\nI didn't lock mine. Sleeping was difficult, with all sorts of thoughts going through my head. Planning for the trip, either by plane or motorcycle, where to find things we might need, how Meiko and I might get along, what kinds of problems would so few people face in trying to survive, and most of all, the question which had arisen when I first heard her voice on the short wave in Salt Lake... what about inbreeding in future generations? Yes, reader, I do have strange thoughts.\n\nBut I finally fell asleep, a busy jumbled sleep, waking up every little while at the slightest sound from the short wave...\n\nDay 16 BD Jul 26, 2012\n\nI woke up very early. I felt tired and dense, sitting on the edge of the bed with my head down, feeling exhausted. I walked slowly into the Sheriff's office and fixed a cup of coffee, then realized I should dress, rather than walking around in my bunhuggers.\n\nWhen fully dressed, after a cup of hot coffee, I felt a little better. I looked into Meiko's cell, and found her gone, which surprised me. I walked over to the restaurant across the street, and found her there, to my surprise. The restaurant with the saddle and no bones or dust, of course. I had been so close to her the day before, but somehow missed her.\n\n\"Good morning!\" Meiko exclaimed, as I walked slowly in, looking around at a restaurant that looked pre-BD. Meiko had changed clothes, and now wore a print dress that made her look older than her 15 years. \"Kinda cool for late July this morning, isn't it?\"\n\nI nodded, still bleary, and sat down at the counter. I had noticed the chill to the air, surprising for the hottest time of the year... except for August, of course, always the hottest everywhere I had ever lived.\n\n\"Uh... Did you sleep well?\" I asked, wanting to maintain the feeling of normalcy the clean restaurant gave me.\n\n\"Wonderful, actually!\" Meiko replied, full of energy and youthful vigor. \"Having you nearby made me feel so relaxed I slept like a boulder on the flatlands all night! But you don't look like you slept well?\" To my surprise, the girl brought me a cup of coffee, like a waitress.\n\nI chuckled, and shook my head. \"I slept like... well, badly. All kinds of weird dreams. I only remember one... I was walking through Manhattan, New York City, and there were people so thick they were like... like a river or something... and I couldn't get through them, like I was always walking against the flow of traffic on the sidewalk...\" I shook my head again, and sipped the coffee. Wincing, I spooned in some sugar and stirred it, watching the girl bustling around, cooking bacon and eggs. I suddenly realized she cooked far more than she could eat alone. Meiko fixed me breakfast!\n\n...and the bacon smelled more delightful than anything I had ever considered possible. My mouth slobbered at the smell alone, the smell almost as delightful as the sight of her back standing at the grill.\n\n\"Uh... I'll cook lunch!\" I said, and she looked over at me, smiling, her black eyes glittering.\n\n\"You sure will!\" Meiko replied, definitely, with a little firm smile, tossing two eggs and bacon on a plate. \"I used to work here, you know.\"\n\n\"You were a waitress?\" I asked, as she put the plate down on the counter, smiling like an angel at me. Lively and petite, she seemed to glow with life force!\n\n\"Waitress, cook, dishwasher, everything!\" Meiko replied, smiling at me again. Every time she smiled at me, I felt like singing or reading poetry! Like I had lived in two different worlds, the profound contrast of total aloneness and then... here with Meiko! \"My mother owned this restaurant, and Kimmi, my sister, and James, my little brother, both worked here when we were not at school.\"\n\n\"Family business, eh?\" I asked, conversationally, as I scooped the fried eggs onto the toast, feeling better every moment. \"That must have been nice.\"\n\n\"Most of the time, anyway.\" Meiko replied, setting her breakfast down beside me. She walked around the end of the counter and sat down, still smiling at me. \"We used to argue a lot in the back, but I would do anything to go back and grow up again exactly the same.\" For the first time this morning, her face looked sad for a moment.\n\nThen she brightened up, suddenly. \"Well, my father always said to make the most of every new moment, so I will not be freaked out anymore!\"\n\nI didn't say anything, but I felt the emotion she suppressed. I felt the same loss, and I didn't have a family to mourn.\n\nWe ate in silence after that, each in our own thoughts. The breakfast was really good, and afterwards, I felt much better. \"Great breakfast!\" I commented, sipping my coffee. \"Great!\"\n\n\"Thanks!\" Meiko replied, smiling. \"So, what are you going to do today?\"\n\n\"Uh... I thought we were going out and look at the plane?\" I said, surprised.\n\n\"Manual called this morning, right after first morning glow, and told me that he had an idea, that we shouldn't leave until he called us back. He wouldn't tell me what it was, but he definitely thought there was a better way to get to Flagstaff than either driving or flying.\"\n\nI looked at her in total surprise. \"He called? I didn't hear the phone ring!\"\n\n\"You were sleeping pretty soundly then, because it woke me up. I am going to look for my sister's bones today. He said he would call back when he could. What are you going to do?\"\n\nNon-plussed, I hadn't believed I had slept deeply at all, but I guess I finally did. \"Well, I could start gathering supplies we might need for any trip, or I could go with you to find your sister... would you like that?\"\n\nMeiko smiled again, and I realized she smiled a lot. \"Yes... and we can do both, I think.\" She answered simply, and slipped off the counter stool.\n\nI knew I wanted to be near her, not for some weird reason, but simply because now that I had found another person, I wanted to be around her. Since I had spent years alone in my small apartment, not wanting to hang out with anyone, the need felt new and different... and wonderful!\n\nI climbed off the stool also, and picked up my plate, following Meiko's lead. She walked to a back window and tossed the dish and cup onto a pile just outside, laughing as she did so. I looked at the many dishes and cups and silverware piled there and realized at least 15 days worth of meals for one lay smashed there.\n\n\"Well, I guess we won't be needing these anyway, will we?\" I said, also laughing, and tossed my plate on the pile, wincing at the smashing sound.\n\n\"No way!\" Meiko said, heading back into the kitchen. \"Especially if we are leaving soon. Nobody is going to wash dishes here again. And if we stayed for two more weeks, the supply of dishes would last easily. My mother always bought more, every year, even when we had trouble finding a place to store them.\"\n\nWe headed out, with Meiko looking at every pile of bones along the sidewalk. I had the feeling she had already looked at them several times before, but she didn't want to take the chance of missing her sister's remains.\n\n\"There is one way we might be able to identify her.\" Meiko said, as she reached down and pulled on a blouse enclosing someone's bones. \"My sister usually wore her boyfriend's class ring on a metal necklace. If we find it, we may have her body. But several other girls did also, so I will bury all of them I find.\"\n\n\"You know what bothers me the most?\" I said, standing and watching her check several more bundles of bones. \"The lack of birds!\" I looked at the smooth blue sky, uninterrupted from the mountains to the West to the mountains to the East, no birds, no insects zipping by, nothing alive at all. ...there were not even clouds.\n\n\"For me, it's the lizards.\" Meiko replied, wiping sweat off her forehead. The sun had just cleared the White Mountains to the east but already the heat caused sweat. \"I used to love watching the lizards and skinks and snakes everywhere... also the ants and other insects. With the whole top of the food chain gone, a lot of plants will die out. I wonder if the earthworms were also killed off?\"\n\n\"And the bats... they live in caves.\" I added, looking around a neck bone for a necklace. \"Surely some would have lived.\"\n\n\"Doubtful.\" Meiko replied, walking on down the sidewalk, carefully stepping over the many remains. \"They come out at night, and would have to stay in for at least two nights to survive. They would likely starve to death in that time, if they did that.\"\n\nImpressive! Meiko's intelligence surprised me again. \"True. But there are many creatures which never come out of the ground. I wonder how far the radiation penetrated?\" \"It went through skyscrapers and into basements, right?\" Meiko looked up at me, lifting one eyebrow.\n\n\"I found bones in subbasement parking under a skyscraper in Salt Lake.\" I agreed. \"But something kept me alive. Some alloy or field in the booth. It may be that different materials block the radiation more than others. I wonder if we could find someplace and dig for earthworms?\"\n\n\"Sure!\" Meiko replied, suddenly excited. \"One of the local natives has a large compost pile from the restaurant garbage. We can dig in it. He brought in new seed worms every few months.\" She suddenly walked away, then stopped and looked back at me. \"Come on!\"\n\nI followed her, panting from the thin air and the heat, as she walked a block over and down the side street. She didn't seem much effected by the heat, although I found it hard to keep up with her. Walking beside her, however, was one of the most pleasant things I had done in my life!\n\nShe went only a few blocks, then walked through a gate to a house that seemed made mostly of corrugated tin. She went right in, of course, and stopped just inside, waiting for me.\n\n\"There is probably some beer or sodas in the fridge here.\" She said, as I climbed the steps and walked past her. I headed for the kitchen and found a pepsi. I stuck my head in the fridge, amazed at the small nagging reluctance to keep the door open that long despite the fact it had no power. My mother had always yelled at us when we kept the fridge door open for more than a moment or two, but now it meant nothing. Sipping a slightly cool soda and feeling the coolness inside the house made me feel much better, and after a few minutes, I went looking for Meiko.\n\nI found her standing next to a bed containing bones. She looked up as I entered, and I realized she had tears dripping down her lovely cheeks.\n\n\"This was Coyote Walks, a friend of mine. He was an alcoholic and usually pretty sick, but he was always nice to me. He died happy, I think.\" She pointed at the bottle of whiskey beside the bones, the fingerbones laying around the still upright bottle.\n\nI didn't know what to say so I backed out of the room, and headed for the back yard, looking for the compost pile. Meiko followed, still sobbing softly, and pointed to a bin next to a shed.\n\nWe dug around in the crumbly dark material for a half hour, but found no worms of any kind. I felt a distinct sense of loss at this. Without the slimy little creatures, somehow the world seemed even more empty. Then I laughed, silently, ...realizing mourning worms when most of the world's creatures, including nearly seven billion people, had died ...seemed irrational. I realized the edge of my own insanity in it, not deniable if I remained honest with myself. It came with survival in this new dead world, I think.\n\nWith Meiko there, being a little crazy didn't bother me much. She kept me sane, just by her existence.\n\nWe headed back towards the courthouse, to check the answering machine for any call from Manual. Half way there, as we crossed a parking lot of a small jewelry store, Meiko suddenly let out a little squeak, and ran over to a car.\n\nShe was crying when I caught up to her. \"My sister Kimmi and her boyfriend.\" Meiko explained, tears dripping off her golden cheeks. Inside the car, two entangled skeletons... they must have hugged as they died. The skulls were on the floor in the back seat, but around a spine bone entangled in a blouse, I could see a silver necklace with a class ring on it. \"This is his car and his leather jacket is distinctive. This has to be them.\"\n\nI helped her take the bones out, touching them with reverence, knowing from Meiko's steady sobbing the importance of this. We placed every little bone of both the remains in a blanket from the back seat, getting even the small toe bones that had fallen under the front seat, then carried them to the town park. Meiko sobbed as we walked, and my heart sobbed with her, the heaviness dragging at my feet as it did hers.\n\nThere, Meiko had a hole already dug, and we lowered the bones into the ground. Meiko didn't say anything, just started shoveling dirt onto the blanket, sobbing, and I followed her lead, scooping the dirt in with my two hands.\n\n\"It... It isn't... necessary... to say anything.\" Meiko said, through sobs. \"It's what is in my heart that... that counts.\"\n\nAfterwards, we walked back to the courthouse, and I went in and took a shower, pulling on a police uniform I found in a locker that was clean and fit me pretty good. When I came out, wearing the shorts and brown shirt, even wearing the sand brown belt with the pistol in it's holster, Meiko whistled.\n\n\"You look pretty good in that uniform, John!\" she exclaimed, walking around me, obviously teasing me. \"I put my gun away, and you start wearing one... good! That's the way it should be!\"\n\n\"I would never use it.\" I said, smiling. \"Remember, I took a vow to do no harm to anyone. But the gun was a decoration that goes with the uniform.\" I took the gun belt off and tossed it into a corner, then poured a glass of what looked like tea. Freshly made and full of floating ice, I really appreciated the cold tart liquid in the heat. I already sweated again, even just after a cold shower.\n\nWe sat and talked until dusk, Meiko talking mostly about her sister and school, while I listened. She cried several times, but always softly and brightened right up when she finished. Meiko felt easy to get along with, and I really liked that. Her mourning made my heart heavy, but it also made me face my own mourning for a world of people now lost. I cried a little also, quietly.\n\nWhen the hours passed with no call from Manual, we worried a little, but waited patiently. Finally Meiko called an automated system in LA which gave the exact time and we couldn't get through. No more phone system! ...which explained why Manual didn't call. Hungry, we turned the short wave on loud, opened a window, and left it on as we went to eat.\n\nAt the restaurant, we could hear the noise from the short wave even across the Court Yard lawn and the bone filled street, cutting through the Silence even when Meiko turned on a generator in the back for lights. I fixed dinner, nothing complex, but Meiko seemed impressed. Afterwards, I moved a TV and VCR into the Police Station and we watched movies from a video rental place, the weird sound of the short wave in the background. It helped against the Silence... any sound helped against the Silence, especially at night.\n\nI found it hard to get into the two movies. With every town and city a ghost town or city, nobody did any of those things anymore. We turned the second one off before the ending, and went to bed, and to my surprise, Meiko hugged me briefly before going to her cell and locking it behind her. I stood mute and emotional as I heard her cell door close and lock, trying to hold onto the feeling of her living body against mine. Her touch, the first since the small hand gripping my arm while we talked to Manual and Caroline, seemed the most precious gift possible, something almost holy.\n\nWe had agreed not to worry about Manual or Caroline, but we both do, some.\n\nI feel blessed by Meiko's presence, her Being something beyond just another survivor and human being. The depth to her personality beyond her years, her way of taking it all better than I can, I found her so endearing I could not believe my own feelings. I still feel, deep within me, a terror which lay in my heart, always with me. And I cannot forget it. ...the Silence reminds me, always."], "url": "http://journaljohn.blogspot.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["107b3430d016e34866f53bac57546d5ddce190bb4d9cba5ffeccbeaedc756bd2"], "__index_level_0__": 120, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://journalrecord.com/files/2017/05/17-018_I-235_southbound_lanes-300x160.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8291306495666504}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://journalrecord.com/2013/07/24/brown-to-lead-midwest-regional/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCspecial-offer.png\", \"src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCspecial-offer.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"OKCspecial offer\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://journalrecord.com/2013/07/24/brown-to-lead-midwest-regional/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCdigital.png\", \"src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCdigital.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"OKCdigital\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://journalrecord.com/2013/07/24/brown-to-lead-midwest-regional/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2016/08/OKCprintnew.png\", \"src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2016/08/OKCprintnew.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"OKCprintnew\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://journalrecord.com/2013/07/24/brown-to-lead-midwest-regional/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCspecial-offer.png\", \"src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCspecial-offer.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"OKCspecial offer\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://journalrecord.com/2013/07/24/brown-to-lead-midwest-regional/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCdigital.png\", \"src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCdigital.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"OKCdigital\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://journalrecord.com/2013/07/24/brown-to-lead-midwest-regional/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2016/08/OKCprintnew.png\", \"src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2016/08/OKCprintnew.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"OKCprintnew\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://journalrecord.com/2013/07/24/brown-to-lead-midwest-regional/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCspecial-offer.png\", \"src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCspecial-offer.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"OKCspecial offer\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://journalrecord.com/2013/07/24/brown-to-lead-midwest-regional/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCdigital.png\", \"src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2010/07/OKCdigital.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"OKCdigital\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://journalrecord.com/2013/07/24/brown-to-lead-midwest-regional/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2016/08/OKCprintnew.png\", \"src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2016/08/OKCprintnew.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"OKCprintnew\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://journalrecord.com/2013/07/24/brown-to-lead-midwest-regional/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2017/05/17-018_I-235_southbound_lanes-300x160.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://journalrecord.com/files/2017/05/17-018_I-235_southbound_lanes-300x160.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"I southbound lanes\", \"alt_text\": \"This view of southbound I-235 is from the N. 50th Street bridge, which will be removed during an upcoming full closure of I-235 near the I-44 interchange from 8 p.m. June 2 to 8 p.m. June 7, weather permitting. When the interstate reopens June 7, both northbound and southbound traffic will be significantly shifted to new, temporary lanes and the eastbound I-44 ramp to I-235 will reopen. (Courtesy photo)\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 160}, null]", "texts": ["Damon Brown, Oklahoma market CEO with Midwest Regional Medical Center in Midwest City, will assume responsibility for the day-to-day operations of the 255-bed acute care facility.", "Forgot your password?\n\nMidwest Regional Medical Center 11:51 pm Wed, July 24, 2013\nJournal Record Staff\n\nTagged with: Midwest Regional Medical Center", null, "I-235 closing for five days in June"], "url": "http://journalrecord.com/2013/07/24/brown-to-lead-midwest-regional/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 300, "width": 708}], "image_hashes": ["53077f22ca4d6a760194e31269d2c9c3133128b8fa684ededbf582cd3277639a"], "__index_level_0__": 121, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SFBhV5ymOwI/AAAAAAAAAB8/ycm2jGDzijc/s200/DSC01649.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SFBhWsauBbI/AAAAAAAAACE/Tr-MLY8dd5c/s200/DSC01651.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.953623592853546}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://joyintheburbs.blogspot.com/2008/06/bags-bags-everywhere-bags.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SFBhV5ymOwI/AAAAAAAAAB8/ycm2jGDzijc/s200/DSC01649.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SFBhV5ymOwI/AAAAAAAAAB8/ycm2jGDzijc/s200/DSC01649.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 150}, {\"document_url\": \"http://joyintheburbs.blogspot.com/2008/06/bags-bags-everywhere-bags.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SFBhWsauBbI/AAAAAAAAACE/Tr-MLY8dd5c/s200/DSC01651.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SFBhWsauBbI/AAAAAAAAACE/Tr-MLY8dd5c/s200/DSC01651.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://joyintheburbs.blogspot.com/2008/06/bags-bags-everywhere-bags.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk199/MelMama1/From%20My%20Front%20Porch%20to%20Yours/BlackWhiteAltFont.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i280.photobucket.com/albums/kk199/MelMama1/From%20My%20Front%20Porch%20to%20Yours/BlackWhiteAltFont.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BlackWhiteAltFont\", \"alt_text\": \"Font2\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://joyintheburbs.blogspot.com/2008/06/bags-bags-everywhere-bags.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.momsintouch.org/email/MITI/MITI_Link_Web.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.momsintouch.org/email/MITI/MITI_Link_Web.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MITI Link Web\", \"rendered_width\": 100, \"rendered_height\": 120}, {\"document_url\": \"http://joyintheburbs.blogspot.com/2008/06/bags-bags-everywhere-bags.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SLdlYnK9DHI/AAAAAAAAAG8/pQmZyWuQ_GM/S240/canvas-grocery-bag.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SLdlYnK9DHI/AAAAAAAAAG8/pQmZyWuQ_GM/S240/canvas-grocery-bag.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"canvas grocery bag\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 240}, {\"document_url\": \"http://joyintheburbs.blogspot.com/2008/06/bags-bags-everywhere-bags.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SNbhGy5OHvI/AAAAAAAAAJs/U_Gbgudo5oo/S240/BillyGThumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SNbhGy5OHvI/AAAAAAAAAJs/U_Gbgudo5oo/S240/BillyGThumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BillyGThumb\", \"rendered_width\": 138, \"rendered_height\": 83}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://joyintheburbs.blogspot.com/2008/06/bags-bags-everywhere-bags.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SGQK1XJP5YI/AAAAAAAAAE0/BjeEdjZVh1s/S240/animoto_190x60_03.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_xhpi8TRor9w/SGQK1XJP5YI/AAAAAAAAAE0/BjeEdjZVh1s/S240/animoto_190x60_03.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"animoto\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 47}, null, null]", "texts": ["Bags, Bags, everywhere Bags...(not counting the ones under my eyes)", null, null, "I promised I would have some \"green in the suburbs\" ideas for you so here goes. I want us to stop and think about the number of plastic bags that come into our homes on a weekly basis. The newspaper bags, drycleaning bags, grocery bags, bread bags, plastic that our papertowels and toiletpaper are packaged in and many other examples at our house and I'm sure your house as well.\n\nI attached a picture of the bags that I've been collecting for just the last month. Our curbside recycler will not accept them, but I can take them to Walmart or Kroger and put them in the container there to be recycled. Start putting them all together in a larger bag and drop them off when you go to the store.\nAnother thing I love is that most of the grocery stores sell the reusable totes now. I have several of these. The red one actually zips up and can fit in my purse. I have a couple of totes from Kroger and they hold a lot. I keep them in my car and take them in when I go to the grocery store. I'm seeing lots of folks starting to use these. They are the perfect alternative. So when your at the grocer store and the bagger asks \"Paper of Plastic?\" smile and hand over your cloth bags. :)"], "url": "http://joyintheburbs.blogspot.com/2008/06/bags-bags-everywhere-bags.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["a99a397240a8cfe71f00bf9f7fbda8f593a3838cf8a45b690ecc8eea7fc79094", "835cee1f7684e4bf650a3d89ba036063520ed35344b978d51f3c6b4e1c3d2005"], "__index_level_0__": 122, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pwLGLpSro1Q/Vbyh6xO6orI/AAAAAAAAJ0A/2PAOhk-tteQ/s1600/heat%2Bwaves.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9555853605270386}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://justadrone.blogspot.com/2015/08/weekend-update-from-big-d.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pwLGLpSro1Q/Vbyh6xO6orI/AAAAAAAAJ0A/2PAOhk-tteQ/s1600/heat%2Bwaves.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-pwLGLpSro1Q/Vbyh6xO6orI/AAAAAAAAJ0A/2PAOhk-tteQ/s1600/heat%2Bwaves.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"heat Bwaves\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Weekend Update\n\nGood morning.  I am coming to you from Dallas this morning as we begin our summer vacation. After a brief stop here to see family, we're heading to California.  It was a week heavy in earnings.  Yesterday it was FLR & NSU.  They were both disappointing and took a pretty hard hit, off 8 and 7%.\n\nEarlier in the week it was NHTC (very strong, witnessed big short squeeze),  DEPO (I thought they were quite promising), BAH (quite good), IPCM (very good), MNDO (not the disaster the stock price had suggested), PPC (I thought they were quite good) and RGR (very good),.\n\nSo net net, I went from being up 5.3% to up 8.3% for the year as it was certainly more good news than bad news.\n\nMFI Select\n\nGreat week here, up about 5% on the strong earnings (NHTC really helped).\n\nI think my May portfolio is making a good comeback, now just down 1%. It was down over 10% a month ago.\n\nNot quite as an exciting week here, the NSU drop yesterday hurt."], "url": "http://justadrone.blogspot.com/2015/08/weekend-update-from-big-d.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 165, "original_width": 240, "width": 549}], "image_hashes": ["b05ac39f2bd817fb0f9b8cdc7e1a5e926ff28c44931b62c5d2c5c2de4c2f7a7b"], "__index_level_0__": 123, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_e1ERHn4FwB0/SXqWp09iMJI/AAAAAAAAAEw/yf8Pi30Ua2s/s320/100_0068-pola.jpg", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_e1ERHn4FwB0/SXqXU8F29HI/AAAAAAAAAFA/BGRLdM0FFYc/s320/easter+show+%2708+peeps-pola.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_e1ERHn4FwB0/R89ugMdJCBI/AAAAAAAAAAM/QF-eU2rlWRU/S240/n663799918_706046_2301.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8616710305213928}, "metadata": "[null, null, 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cure this.\nabsinthe can't numb this.\n\nstaying positive and keeping my faith would probably do. *sigh*\nPosted by mo.zarell.a at 8:26 PM 1 comment:", "Labels: moz. reality\n\ni missed sydney this morning.", null, "and the never-ending laughter with the ganjas.", "vera. jane. risty. wyna. chacha. debs. cella.", null, "forever this moment lives in our hearts.\n\nJan - Oct 2008\n\nPosted by mo.zarell.a at 8:17 PM No comments:", "Thursday, January 15, 2009\n\nLabels & Masks\n\n“To label me a prodigal would be only scratching the surface of who I've been known to be”\n- Rush of Fools\n\nThey say ‘the way we present ourselves\nDetermines how people would perceive us’\nIn conjunction to that, how people perceive us\nDetermines most things in our life:\nRelationships, carrier, and even our future", "From how we present ourselves,\nPeople label us\nFrom that label,\nThey generate ways to treat us\n\nIf people don’t like the way we present ourselves\nIs it our fault?\n\nWould they prefer us to present ourselves the way they like it\nWhich is not necessarily authentic and could be superficial\nIn order to look 'acceptable'\n\nOr would they prefer us to present ourselves as it is\nNot as it could be\nAs they expect it to be\nOr as it should be\n\nWould we then be labeled ‘good enough’ and get chances to excel?\n\nIf everything is determined by masks that I should put on.\n\nI don’t think I could cope up.\nPosted by mo.zarell.a at 12:50 AM 2 comments:", "Labels: moz. philosophy.\n\nFriday, January 9, 2009\n\nmeet moza\n\ni have opened a new fb especially made to keep in touch with people who really matter to me\n\nmeet Moza Denina", "if you think you know me. message me ok.\nPosted by mo.zarell.a at 7:08 AM 1 comment:", "Wednesday, January 7, 2009\n\nso long, facebook\n\n'akhirnya..waktu membuktikan, cucuku yang katanya binal..\ndebora..anaknya chris dan yoty yang katanya steril..kelakuannya liar dan tersebar di internet'\n\nsebuah penghinaan yang menusuk tajam hati gw.\n\nhari ini.. orang tua gw cuma bisa diem\nnerima penghinaan orang laen\nyang adalah keluarga besarnya sendiri.\n\ngw udah ga tau mesti ngmg apa.\n\ngw emang pernah\nnakal ato apalah kata lo.\n\nterserah. gw ga tau mesti block sapa aja. karena orang2 yg tak disangka pun stalk gwe.\n\nmulai hari ini. debora christy manusama sudah dihapus. thx\nPosted by mo.zarell.a at 7:52 PM 4 comments:", "what i learned today\n\nfind out what you're good at\nand do it like nobody else does it", "do not hasten to throw up the bitter\nfor it might be an antidote\ndo not hasten to swallow the sweet\nfor it might be a poison\nPosted by mo.zarell.a at 10:01 AM No comments:", "waiting room.\n\noh how much do we all hate it, when someone says 'please wait here for a moment'\nwaiting rooms are usually made of four surrounding walls\nwith a few chairs and nothing else", "probably a water dispenser and a tv\nbut the most important thing in the waiting room\nis the clock. that reminds u and tells u\nhow long have u been waiting.\n\nregardless of what the clock is telling us\nwe have to let others come first\nembrace that unpleasant vibe of being 'left hanging uncertainly'\nwait patiently though we might have an urgent need\nand let the waiting takes our time and energy\n\non the 6th day of the year\nit's the room where I'm at.\n\nall i want is to hear my name called.\nPosted by mo.zarell.a at 7:10 PM No comments:", "breaking the spell of the typical", "MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com", "i am", "the media buff. the daydreamer.", null], "url": "http://justlikemozarella.blogspot.com/2009/01/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 459, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 263, "width": 378}, {"height": 459, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 263, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["164431705f6a647a13dab203efb556049bda0ae71e8652682290084ce2a168f6", "0563f8118a4215b3ee8d722fa41c1f141118a2a881eb3b5ac54b712f015a0eae", 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Like mother like daughter.\n\nAnd just like me, it doesn't matter which foot, but one of them has to stick out. At all times. No matter the season or the temperature.\n\nIt sort of serves as some sort of regulator so you don't get too hot. And socks? Out of the question. You'll never ever find me wearing socks while I'm trying to sleep.\n\nAnd now that I've seen Jade take on mommy's little foot ritual, I won't be putting any on her either. Not even when winter comes.\n\nI'm sure Jade will be thankful for no more flashes in her room at random hours of the night. Oh to be a mommy blogger's child. I need to add \"set up therapy fund for children\" to my to-do list.", "Posted by Colored With Memories at 3:50 PM", "Labels: Jade, picture posts", "What is more amazing than watching your own child sleep. We enjoyed today. Thanks for having us all invade your house. It always nice to see everyone. Enjoy those precious southern girls. They are so adorable.\n\nJuly 18, 2008 at 8:38 PM", "My2Gs said...\n\nThat's cute. I kinda do the same thing. I hang my leg off the side of the bed sometimes :)\n~ Lacie\n\nJuly 18, 2008 at 8:58 PM", "Jackie @ Our Moments Our Memories said...\n\nOh my word. That's amazing...she sure knows what she likes! And there's no getting around the fact that she's a bloggin' mama's child. :)\n\nJuly 19, 2008 at 1:49 AM", "Melissa :) said...\n\nHahahaha! That is so cute! :)\n\nAnd don't feel alone - I too snap photos of my miniatures when they're asleep. Sometimes us mom's just have to! :)\n\nJuly 19, 2008 at 8:20 AM", "Jenn said...\n\nHow cute! I take tons of pics of Brody sleeping,because I'm just so thrilled he's doing it!\n\nJuly 19, 2008 at 10:42 AM", "Christina said...\n\ni defintely agree with the one foot out rule. it really makes a difference. i sleep like that occasionally-last night actually. but, for me socks help me if i am cold but dont want to add more clothes!\n\nJuly 19, 2008 at 12:42 PM", "The Sullivan Sitcom said...\n\nI just took pics of my kids sleeping for the blog this week too, drool and all!\n\nJade must like her head up next to the side too. When you find something that works, stick with it. Very cute pics!\n\nJuly 19, 2008 at 7:22 PM", "Rachelle said...\n\nI also enjoy the one leg out... unless it is freezing...or one million degrees in or house...in that case, I keep the entire body out....OK..so maybe I am not a true one leg girl....NEVERMIND....\n\nJuly 20, 2008 at 9:36 PM", "Michelle said...\n\nI do the same thing! How stinkin' cute. And I totally agree about the therapy fund :) here through ICLW\n\nJuly 21, 2008 at 11:43 AM", "Heather J. said...\n\nToo funny! I do the same exact thing. My crazy son though, he HAS to have socks on his feet at night. Nuts!"], "url": "http://justusgibsons.blogspot.com/2008/07/girl-after-my-own-heart.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["a3aac479ccc54fc08e11f0557a851f20037b2847ecc396a3da94241714da839e", "1828bbe4d5896481ca57ef786bf6c2c2408f4f116471fb60109412d62ea9a84d", "04ee43511f4a1ada0ea54b9bef3ede61281acc8943f2a30e9016501adff78504", "c6cd5da5ab8f159421f205a936716792d412ea7e8144be5b68899bc92faa844c", 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Vintage Photo, Cracked Pistachio, and Broken China Distress Oxide inks were applied in various ways to 140 lb. Mixed Media cardstock (Strathmore). When I was happy with the look, Peeled Paint Distress ink was sponged over the Moving Vines stencil (The Crafter's Workshop) and Broken China Distress ink was sponged over the Gears Mini Layering stencil (Stampers Anonymous).\n\nMedia Modeling Paste (DecoArt) was scraped across the netting on the Mini Nautical Chains stencil (The Crafter's Workshop) in three places and allowed to dry. When it was dry, Media Texture Sand Paste (DecoArt) was scraped along the bottom. Some tiny gears and an anchor charm were embedded in the wet paste. When the Media Texture Sand Paste was dry, Vintage Photo Distress ink was lightly sponged to highlight the texture and add a depth to the color.\n\nThe netting was touched up with a White Gelly Roll gel pen (Sakura), then Steampunk Sea Turtle and Steampunk Baby Sea Turtle were adhered. The image panel was matted with metallic copper, then adhered to a green card.", "Thanks for visiting today!\n\nI shall enter this card into the following challenges:\n• SanDee and amelie's Steampunk Challenges: Anything Goes\n• Let's Craft and Create Challenges: Create a Background\nPosted by Kathi at 3:00 AM", "Labels: DecoArt, I Brake for Stamps, IBFS, Stampers Anonymous, The Crafter's Workshop", "Stampotique Design Team", "Stampotique Designer's Challenge Team", "Stampotique Designers Challenge", "Stampotique Originals", "I Brake For Stamps", "Certified, ergo \"Certifiable\"", "DecoArt Blogger", "Mixed Media Art", "SanDee & Amelie's Steampunk Challenges", "House Mouse and Friends", "Queen of Snark!", "Princess of Snark"], "url": "http://kathstales.blogspot.com/2017/05/sea-you-soon.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 273, "original_width": 400, "width": 553}], "image_hashes": ["175f310ba352e7693587ea0794d573916e7c0164e0552aa308eb4ff0f4332768"], "__index_level_0__": 126, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-fxjDQjQctP8/VvQZTHmrJrI/AAAAAAAAtJ8/TfoW86o0hys4oM5qV-afl2UJXVyIW-DHA/s400/chicks.JPG", null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-hdQA5HiPurM/VvQZdEjroII/AAAAAAAAtKA/nHZ5PXPMJ7kTmS7oLvira2_korEwAq2cA/s400/fireplace.JPG", null, null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-I3gfzLISSBw/VvQahW__poI/AAAAAAAAtKM/cMzjBqk-igY3z7LkW46wWRNRxDQHsdh5g/s320/candycontainers.JPG", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0N_1BStORdA/VvQcHo9IyvI/AAAAAAAAtKc/YAxTqKiMI18jsy2sRkpbifZWh-WuWfX4g/s400/shelf.JPG", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vEXjZqBibL0/VvQboBFou2I/AAAAAAAAtKY/t1vX0nTEHp04xRqYRlePPef_1RJ0SAnVw/s400/eggcups.JPG", 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are special gifts from previous years of swapping with Viv (viv's whimsy).  I love them so!", null, "I also added this cute collection of 4 wooden Egg cups that I rescued at an estate sale earlier this winter.", null, "As you can see, the top of my pie safe is nice and full this year.", null, "A few blowmold Easter bunnies having taken up residence in our front windowbox.", "I don't think the Easter bunny is going to have any problems finding our house this year.", null, "Wishing you a Happy and Blessed Easter!!!", "Written with love by Musings from Kim K. at 3/25/2016", "Labels: Easter, Easter bunnies, Vintage Easter", "Joyce Mayer said...\n\nHi Miss Kim,\n\nIt's me...Prudence. We love to see your bee-u-tee-ful home decorated for Easter, everything is so perfectly displayed.\n\nHappy Easter Blessings.\n\nPrudence & family\n\nMarch 25, 2016 at 8:21 AM", "Absolutely adorable! I really love the blow-molds. Happy Easter Kim-enjoy:@)\n\nMarch 25, 2016 at 9:45 AM", "Diane Mars said...\n\nWow you sure have a knack with Holiday Decorating... wish we lived closer so I could pop on over and play!\n\nMarch 25, 2016 at 11:34 AM", "White Lace and Promises said...\n\nWhat fun! I sang this to my little 15 months old yesterday. She laughs at my singing.\n\nMarch 25, 2016 at 1:46 PM", "Pam Kessler said...\n\nHope you have a fun holiday weekend and get tons of chocolate from the Easter Bunny!!\n\nMarch 25, 2016 at 3:55 PM", "La Vie Quotidienne said...\n\nYou make the holiday seasons so much fun for all of us. Thank you.\n\nMarch 25, 2016 at 3:58 PM", "Much Easter cuteness!\nEaster Blessing!\n\nMarch 25, 2016 at 4:16 PM", "Very cute and fun! Happy Easter Kim! Have fun with your family!\n\nMarch 25, 2016 at 7:53 PM", "Pam~ Virginia Retro said...\n\nSuch cute Easter decorations. Love your grandmothers cookie jar. Have a Happy Easter!\n\nMarch 25, 2016 at 9:29 PM", "Margaret said...\n\nIt looks amazing. I think this is the most you've ever done too! What a wonderful collection of Easter stuff!\n\nMarch 25, 2016 at 9:40 PM", "Shara said...\n\nCuteness overload! I just posted my decorations and I used the same title as you. Great minds..... Happy Easter to you and yours!\n\nMarch 26, 2016 at 12:40 AM", "Lynne said...\n\nI think the Easter Bunny knew exactly where to find you . . .\nDelightful . . .\nThe Tin Easter Basket . . . What a find!\nAdorable . . .\n\nMarch 27, 2016 at 10:09 PM", "Jodee said...\n\nSo cute! You can never have too many Easter decorations!\n\nMarch 28, 2016 at 10:30 PM", "vivian said...\n\nhow did I miss this post? I love all your easter decorations. Im glad you are enjoying the pieces I sent you! those swaps were fun. I dont seem to have the energy or is it the time for them these days.. lol! I hope you had a great easter. Im sure you did. I was so tired yesterday that I actually plopped onto the couch at 6:00 and watched the chronicles of narnia! then fell asleep on the couch around 9:00.. all the Easter festivities and commotion kicked my butt! lol!\nhave a great week!!!\n\nMarch 29, 2016 at 6:27 AM", "About me...", "Halloween Party Blog Hop", "A Fanciful Twist", "Follow me on Instagram!", "Follow me on Pinterest!", "Ad free blog", "Type a keyword to search my blog", "Grab my Button!", "I love my followers!", "Visit our dollhouse collection!", "Kim K's Craft Room Pics", "Treehouse Interior Pics", "Cowboy/Cowgirl Western Birthday Party Ideas", "Kim K's Easter Decorations", "Flamingo-Tropical Birthday Party Ideas", "Paris Party Ideas", "Rainbow Party Ideas", "Harry Potter Birthday Ideas", "CNY Party Ideas", "Halloween Party Ideas", "Josie's Hospital Pics", "Gotcha Day Pics", "Orphanage Pics", "Nanchang Pics", "Magpie Ethel", "Pixie Vintage", "Creative Breathing", "Golden Egg Vintage", "Imagimeri's Creations", "Cutie Pie Cottage", "521 Lake Street", "Free Pretty Things", "Rook No. 17: A Little Bird Told Me", "Lavender Dreams", "free pretty things for you", "147 Million Orphans", "Click on image to learn more and purchase some fabulous items."], "url": "http://kenward.blogspot.com/2016/03/hippity-hoppity-easter-is-on-its-way.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": 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Well, not so much bills, but mail from friends and acquaintances ... you know what I mean.:-)\n\nI think that in some ways it's a shame that letter writing and card sending has been taken over by email and other computer fueled ways of communication. In many ways it seems less personal ...\n\nSuzanne at AT HOME WITH THE FARMER\"S WIFE hosts a POSTCARD PROJECT whenever she pops off on vacation. That's something else that I'm still getting used to saying, 'Going on Vacation' instead of 'Going on Holiday'. But I digress ....\n\nThe idea is that you send her your mailing address and she sends you a postcard from wherever she may be....\n\nYesterday, I received this in the mail...", null, null, "Thank you ever so much, Suzanne !!! It was much appreciated. :-)\n\nAhhhhhh ... summer holidays .....\n\nPosted by Karen Hayward-King at 4:08 PM", "Labels: postcards from Arkansas", "Cecily R said...\n\nSounds like you got some Good Mail! Such a fun part of blogging, don't you think?\n\nThanks for coming by from SITS and commenting today!\n\n23 September 2008 at 9:48 PM", "Kat said...\n\nHow fun. Real mail! And you'll be getting some real mail soon - with presents. I am about to start the matching process with our swap :-)\n\n23 September 2008 at 10:08 PM", "DysFUNctional Mom said...\n\nWhat a great idea! You can call it 'holiday' to me any time. My hubby's family is from England and I love to listen to them talk. We always tease his aunt because she doesn't say 'tuna', she says 'chuna'. And the way she says 'squirrel' cracks me up!\n\n24 September 2008 at 12:56 AM", "addhumorandfaith said...\n\nHi Karen --\n\nI think I remember that song, Summer Holiday, but I don't remember seeing that guy. What a cutey!\n\nWhat a nice idea Suzanne had to send those post cards. But, I would think that's an idea that, if it took off and lots of people did it, could make vacation alot of work!\n\n24 September 2008 at 5:15 AM", "Suzanne said...\n\nOh Karen, I'm glad you got the card. I agree that it's fun to get mail other than bills and junk mail. That video is so cute.\n\n- Suzanne, The Farmer's Wife\n\n24 September 2008 at 7:29 AM", "What a great idea! Keep saying \"go on holiday\", it's so cute. :)\n\n24 September 2008 at 9:07 AM", "Chris H said...\n\nWhat a nice idea! I love getting mail too.. am awaiting your card for me 50th Birthday! LOL\n\n24 September 2008 at 11:28 AM", "Sydney said...\n\nI LOVE getting postcards! Really I do. In fact, my mom has saved every postcard I've sent her since I was in college. She has them in a big basket on the coffee table in her living room. She also stockpiles postcards wherever she visits. So that way, she always has great photos of the places she visits. I love this idea, and hope to implement it in my own house!\n\n24 September 2008 at 5:59 PM", "I agree--it's so much fun to get stuff in the mail! There's nothing like it!"], "url": "http://kiwibyrds.blogspot.com/2008/09/look-what-arrived-in-mail.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 241, "original_width": 320, "width": 501}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 241, "original_width": 320, "width": 501}], "image_hashes": ["9f458fefcbd7634f3f74ef51c67289f4c03a6f51290b77674ad3fe1429a94c63", "90f83d8055a7f6e705eaf477ac8b281526ed7bf5fb4c98a1b3339efcb6a0a60d"], "__index_level_0__": 128, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oQVfruiOL9k/RcY2PbROkpI/AAAAAAAAALM/kZeCt_34W0A/s320/Ivy+Progress+001cropweb.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_oQVfruiOL9k/RcY2PrROkqI/AAAAAAAAALU/Y5zhgisJvwU/s320/Ivy+Progress+002cropweb.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oQVfruiOL9k/RcY2P7ROkrI/AAAAAAAAALc/3Lw62WS4sGY/s320/Ivy+Progress+003cropweb.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9749447107315063}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://knitivy.blogspot.com/2007/02/now-for-sleeves.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oQVfruiOL9k/RcY2PbROkpI/AAAAAAAAALM/kZeCt_34W0A/s320/Ivy+Progress+001cropweb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oQVfruiOL9k/RcY2PbROkpI/AAAAAAAAALM/kZeCt_34W0A/s320/Ivy+Progress+001cropweb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ivy Progress cropweb\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://knitivy.blogspot.com/2007/02/now-for-sleeves.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_oQVfruiOL9k/RcY2PrROkqI/AAAAAAAAALU/Y5zhgisJvwU/s320/Ivy+Progress+002cropweb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_oQVfruiOL9k/RcY2PrROkqI/AAAAAAAAALU/Y5zhgisJvwU/s320/Ivy+Progress+002cropweb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ivy Progress cropweb\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://knitivy.blogspot.com/2007/02/now-for-sleeves.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oQVfruiOL9k/RcY2P7ROkrI/AAAAAAAAALc/3Lw62WS4sGY/s320/Ivy+Progress+003cropweb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oQVfruiOL9k/RcY2P7ROkrI/AAAAAAAAALc/3Lw62WS4sGY/s320/Ivy+Progress+003cropweb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ivy Progress cropweb\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, February 04, 2007\n\nNow for the sleeves", null, "Hi there, I was posting as Carola but now we have switched to New Blogger I'm showing up as Knitbert, just in case anybody got confused! I've finished both the fronts now, and here they are, joined to the back at the shoulders, and blocking.", null, "A closer view of both fronts", null, "I've started the sleeves, I'm knitting both at once and so far that is working well. I tried on the fronts and back before blocking and I think it's going to be a good fit and look great! I'm really looking forward to being able to wear my Ivy!\n\nposted by WildPurl at 2:31 PM", "Glenna said...\n\nCarola, I absolutely love that colour! Such a nice between-colour from pink and purple."], "url": "http://knitivy.blogspot.com/2007/02/now-for-sleeves.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 237, "original_width": 320, "width": 510}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 215, "original_width": 320, "width": 562}], "image_hashes": ["9f09f3e9e29f2529f8b26a8fef595912862455359e9247cac9965afee5e66488", "74122966d1c8c4ffdc2ba1ac7ce63eb86763d525eb05d15ecfd2a98e3ef08f46", "f8f8946ee53e9b64f0daf27eea5ac9dc5566406b6b4683fa3bf0ce6d7517d1a8"], "__index_level_0__": 129, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nDNF_AAY7GY/TcmSXzBjujI/AAAAAAAAGGQ/FFVxBgfPF2c/s320/DSCN2376.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pm32ZJ0NceM/TcmR0gnL6lI/AAAAAAAAGGI/BTiPt8Kj9g4/s320/DSCN2378.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-u2znp0zk9bc/TcmR0YgX3eI/AAAAAAAAGGA/Pmy5O_8p298/s320/DSCN2386.jpg", 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It's crazy how quickly time flies. We knew my parents were coming out the first week in May so we decided to bless Craiger that weekend so they could be here for it. Then we notified Trek's parents so they could be here as well. He was dolled up so \"handsome\" in his little white tux. I can't believe how BIG he is now!", null, null, null, null, null, null, "In his blessing he was officially given his name:\nCraiger Boone Potter\non Sunday, May 1st, 2011 in Seaside, CA at our stake center.", null, "It was fun having Grandma Kinsfather here too. We HAD to get a 4 generation picture.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "It was a beautiful day with family. I'm SO grateful to be a member of this church & for being able to celebrate a baby's name & blessing. Craiger is going to be a STRONG little guy someday! And I can't wait to watch him grow into that strong young man!"], "url": "http://krazykingdom.blogspot.com/2011/05/craigers-baby-blessing.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["ff502ce066c696943bfefc6faf39104c914f7f28bdc7eee50e750c844417f166", "462e577ced236ee7aedd9bb58eaa43d655c626750fbcc712ef7d467213c1813e", "45c0a04ccfbbac06aa52d824c1818ab9a6c23ea1a8ebc62c2460c695afc6be1e", "b49e2bc3348f8d13207eb9d57c3c62a9924f0dbee2c718522f92b7b1d9512084", "e47bd64b49f58edb9e836342946baa1cea3139b835425f9267336f5db54b7139", "d849986de694f752b4bfebfd852b4814de725d65cde24e22f7c26855201db11c", "2a087214dc2882712f2bf77b0e1d7da3ac483fa8c04ad274a2692074987bb113", "33b3f3d02e5193c8cfa72b26af1ea9f7e4e40699eefbc8a8335f8d1095a0c5ae", "dbbf3b70e820089193a44357d3c6f6b2e63050371542cfa2cc5dc6ec0c05652b", "e2c2f65926de067ca8014ba78859584bbf9883a384b4a41e89fbee8f2d8e1a0c", "609e56e2f99afab9d3b1e16ca78dbf33ea88715392a9b530f5bd297ca7e01454", "08676cfa8e3165ad574a40604268db1f47ccf7fd4b7a1599ac11600b498505e6", "436730499bf4fdc7dc3f420d859bd0da1814dbfeb1ee90e835212b19c56a13c6", "ddb55b3fa00220efdbc34753ad49aa51a0a0573c56d17d3a398ad58e8bd06bf1", "9d78ba6e889f795945ed179ffe76d237e941bbbdd80b279b9f7c97469acba567"], "__index_level_0__": 130, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PWvkuQTdud0/V9eDXrB17tI/AAAAAAAAC7M/8bwmXe6Ct14v35p1gDDt4HQ7k2gs0-FtgCLcB/s320/IMG_2886.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9789260029792786}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lastbustovasco.blogspot.com/2016/09/miss-anne-menezes-my-teacher-my-friend.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PWvkuQTdud0/V9eDXrB17tI/AAAAAAAAC7M/8bwmXe6Ct14v35p1gDDt4HQ7k2gs0-FtgCLcB/s320/IMG_2886.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-PWvkuQTdud0/V9eDXrB17tI/AAAAAAAAC7M/8bwmXe6Ct14v35p1gDDt4HQ7k2gs0-FtgCLcB/s320/IMG_2886.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "-Brian Mendonça\n\n‘I want you to come for my 90th birthday,’ said the frail voice on the phone. Still drowsy after my afternoon nap I struggled to focus. It was a voice from out of the past – one that was strangely familiar. It was a weekday so I said I probably might not make it. ‘It’s quite all right. I understand,’ the caller ended the conversation.\n\nBut you just don’t miss an invitation to a 90th birthday – even if it is lunch. Not if it is for a dearly loved teacher. My students too urged me to go. Miss Anne Menezes taught me in college. She was the one who shared the treasures of Shakespeare’s plays, i.e. As You Like It, Twelfth Night and Antony and Cleopatra. But it was not only the lectures which remained.  It was more of the character formation which we imbibed from Miss Anne. Highly principled, she was always first in the class, while we sneaked in sheepishly.\n\n‘Make friends with at least one member from every community,’ she used to say. This missive motivated me throughout my life. It made the world a better place for me and in my years away from home every community became my family.  She often used to ask me if I would join politics because Goa needed good leaders. She used to extol the virtues of Uday Bhembro.\n\nWhen we met her lately she advised one to join politics only if one had the support of a group. Having been sarpanch of Aldona on two occasions, on both she was voted out on a no-confidence motion. Why? - simply because she would not give her assent to her team members to amass wealth unethically.\n\nMiss Anne taught me in college in 1986. We never really lost track of each other. She was always interested in how I was doing and used to inquire about each member of my family. She was the ideal teacher whose students were students for life. When we came to Goa to settle down we paid her a visit and she gifted baba a huge box of shapes to play with.\n\nAnd now here she was on her 90th birthday being celebrated at Asilo, Home for the Aged, Aldona. With 3 cakes in front of her she looked quite bemused. Happy in the fold of her friends and family she was a picture of contentment. And by her side was the faithful Annama (72) who had constantly been looking after her after Miss Anne’s mother passed on. Later Miss Anne thanked us for the shawl we presented her and the sheaf of Weekender articles I saved for her.\n\nMiss Anne kept her interest in literature alive by writing a column for the Navhind Times on great books and great writers. She also contributed to Renovaçao. She reviewed my book A Peace of India.\n\nWhen I told her I would be writing about her, she quipped, ‘Better to read it before I die.’\n\nPublished in Gomantak TimesWeekender, St. Inez, Goa on Sunday, 4 September 2016. Pix taken at Asilo, Aldona on 31 July 2016."], "url": "http://lastbustovasco.blogspot.com/2016/09/miss-anne-menezes-my-teacher-my-friend.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["a2a403861a509722fc153d2547766095fa4ab799a63391d3b3a05729ce19fc34"], "__index_level_0__": 131, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yrHJxb9ACmU/UUU4_T-3E_I/AAAAAAAAevk/Tj8LvrVd0EY/s320/IMG_1401.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-12_MDYrlOT4/UUU5VJJufBI/AAAAAAAAev0/HEb_7Wct9sI/s320/P1090290.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zZZIeSyIQ58/UUU5i6HX5hI/AAAAAAAAev8/KSPLWpykyDY/s320/P1090293.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vkYxkVJ5Cqg/UUU50YYxjmI/AAAAAAAAewE/O4N4sG23hIs/s320/P1090299.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MoRPYsKbBuk/UUU6AOsbY0I/AAAAAAAAewM/IueVf3Goqcw/s320/P1090296.JPG", 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Frances Dee can be found in my post on that wonderful day. The ranch, which is on the National Register of Historic Places, is a fascinating intersection of California film and ranching history. My original post includes several photos of the ranch's Visitor Center.", null, "Today I returned to the ranch as the guest of one of the volunteer docents, a lovely person who has become a friend thanks to meeting via this blog. What made this visit extra-special was the opportunity to visit areas of the ranch which are not yet available for public tours.\n\nI found it very moving to see where the family lived and gain new insights into their personalities and lifestyle. The more I learn, the more Joel and Frances impress me. They were not simply highly accomplished film stars, but smart, kind people who had priorities which were quite different than one might expect from successful movie actors. They loved making movies, but their biggest love was working on their ranch, where they had a herd of cattle and grew oats and barley.\n\nThe front of the McCreas' ranch-style home:", null, "The McCreas moved into the ranch very soon after their 1933 wedding and lived there for the duration of their 57-year marriage; Frances continued to live there for many years after Joel's death. I think some people would be surprised to learn just how simply the McCrea family lived. Their home, designed by John Byers, is sprawling, but many of the rooms are relatively small. Heat came from old-fashioned stoves placed throughout the house. The first few years they lived at the ranch they didn't even have a telephone!\n\nThe McCreas' chief interests are reflected throughout their home: family, the ranch, pets, books, music, and U.S. history. There are books in most of the rooms; the porch and a small sitting room which catches the afternoon sun must have been wonderful places to sprawl with a book. They had a television for a brief time but then Frances decided to get rid of it. Joel had a little TV in an office on the property where he could watch football!\n\nCloser views of the front porch:", null, null, "The living room window, above, looks out on a garden landscaped by Frances. There's a simple pool which was filled in the summertime, with a small cabana next to it; we were told Gary Cooper helped inaugurate use of the pool when it was first built. To the left is a treehouse built by Joel for his son Peter, who was much younger than his brothers:", null, null, "The McCrea children, Jody, David, and Peter, led a happy, outdoorsy life. Their parents kept the boys' photos out of fan magazines to give them privacy and a normal childhood. They attended the local schools, rode horses, and worked on the ranch. Joel loved the beach and often took the family there; consequently, when Jody grew up and was in the \"Beach\" movies, he was the only one in the cast who actually knew how to surf!", null, "The rear approach to the house from the drive,with an entrance to a mud room at the top of the stairs.  The kitchen is in the center, looking out over the windowboxes of flowers.  The boys' bedroom is further left, over the garage.  To the right is the maids' quarters.  A pair of sisters traded weeks working on duty with the family for many years. (The ranch foreman was with the family for over four decades!)", null, "This little bunkhouse, seen below, is now over 120 years old. It served for years as Joel's office and the place where he would meet reporters. It's located near a main road, and Joel liked to sit out front and wave over passing neighbors to stop by for a visit.", null, "After Joel's passing, Frances at some point moved from the more remote ranch house into the bunkhouse, which was easier for her to navigate in her later years. This tiny cottage, with a living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bath, would probably fit into the living room of my house. Her choice is yet another reflection of the simple lifestyle which was the McCreas' preference.\n\nThis sign hangs on the bunkhouse porch:", null, "Joel's 1947 pickup truck is still parked near the bunkhouse, and it still runs!", null, "The ranch must have been a wonderful respite from the filmmaking business not only for the McCreas but for their friends who came to visit. Alfred Hitchcock was a huge fan of the butter made in a milkhouse on the ranch premises! I also learned that the McCreas cared for Robert Taylor's horse when he served in WWII. He and Joel both graduated from Pomona College; Joel was a handful of years older.", null, "The ranch is run by the Conejo Recreation and Park District which schedules periodic events. It's hoped that eventually the ranch will be open to the public on set days of the week.\n\nThere is much work to be done restoring buildings and making them safe for the general public, as well as countless other projects to preserve the ranch history and provide additional programs.\n\nClassic film fans interested in supporting this endeavor can make tax-deductible donations at the Joel and Frances McCrea Ranch Foundation website.\n\nposted by Laura @ 10:35 PM", "Vienna said...\n\nWonderful, Laura. Thank you so much for this article and the lovely photos. I hope the ranch may indeed be open to the public one day.\n\n1:19 AM", "Caftan Woman said...\n\nThanks so much for sharing your visit. What a treat to see the real life behind such favourite performers. There's a reason we're fans.\n\nNo phone? Now, that's living!\n\n9:17 AM", "DKoren said...\n\nLovely post, and I really enjoyed seeing these pictures and reading your descriptions of the buildings and grounds. Love it.\n\n10:19 AM", "I'm so glad you have all enjoyed it!\n\nRe the phone -- until they had one installed, if you needed to reach them urgently you sent them a telegram! Frances had a habit of jotting phone numbers right on the wall around the phone in both the ranch kitchen and the bunkhouse, and they're all still there today.\n\nJoel also had a cute saying along the lines that his ranch was \"close enough for me to get to Hollywood, and far enough Hollywood can't get to me.\"\n\nBest wishes,\n\n12:02 PM", "barrylane said...\n\nWhy would their be a need for donations. Didn't McCrea-Dee leave a significant estate...?\n\n12:45 PM", "I don't know what all the financial aspects are, Barrylane -- much of their estate was tied up in land and much of that was donated to local charities and groups, such as the YMCA, Girls and Boys Clubs, Cal Lutheran University, and an Open Space Conservation Agency. The land where the ranch sits, as I mentioned, is now part of the Conejo Recreation and Park District.\n\nI'm not privy to more financial information than that, other than knowing what has been and needs to be done: the ranch house was brought up to earthquake code and a visitor's center was built, the foreman's house needs extensive safety work, volunteer docents are being trained, and there is a desire to provide interpretive programs and activities for schoolchildren and the general public. Step by step work is being accomplished as the funds become available.\n\n12:56 PM", "Blake Lucas said...\n\nThis was just fascinating to read. Thanks for sharing in such detail. I look forward to visting that ranch sometime. I love both Joel McCrea and Frances Dee from their movies--and unlike many movie actors it's nice to learn something about them because they plainly didn't care about the Hollywood life and are one highly attractive couple who appear to have made marriage to each other work from beginning to end.\n\n1:29 PM", "James Corry said...\n\nI've said this before (I don't know if I've said it here on your blog Laura....but I certainly have to all my friends!)and I'll say it again; why Joel McCrea didn't play Jack Driscoll in \"King Kong\" is a mystery to me. He was RKO's top young star in 1932-33 and \"Kong\" was being shot concurrently with \"The Most Dangerous Game\" (in which Joel DID star)using the same sets, same director, same producer, same composer, and practically the same cast (Fay Wray, Robert Armstrong, Noble Johnson)but why McCrea didn't star in it is a mystery to me......Bruce Cabot was good, but he was no Joel McCrea.\n\n6:06 PM", "Cliff Aliperti said...\n\nFantastic pics, Laura, thanks for taking us along on the tour!\n\n2:43 PM", "Raquel Stecher said...\n\nOh wow! What a fantastic post Laura. Thanks for sharing pictures and some information about the Ranch. Would love to visit there some day.\n\n12:49 PM", "So glad to know you all enjoyed it, I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and vicariously share in a special day. :)"], "url": "http://laurasmiscmusings.blogspot.com/2013/03/a-visit-to-mccrea-ranch.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 506, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 239, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 470, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 257, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0b50a0bb151c2bff238d2000989065a458e302f0cddd90803b472794069c724b", "447ebfa5338089e2dca2031543a841c5cd6734339ee1ce7b6359d19922c5068e", "8ca4997f075384af2f7530235d8e5ab82094b328bca2167751933e9606a01be9", "0d1b57780f980292e04573fc7b0721676cc7e2dcbbcd1468c0b0d53316625cec", "d8a726aaf117d45b97e8d87af474deb0f930159b71141b255bdd4159d53bcf52", "a87a67c1ab0a3c9ba73e606089ac48a5d311f1ec6d465ec080f68d4d7074830c", "01449ed599a2e2057f0f7388bdd88af0fe1c1379f0a695ac8772c867c352ccb0", "db9b21520bbe480417bcc4b572f64b8e3bff6177d735786f09ba4d5b9893ff9c", "ee2a78a8df69d7c585b6d1d4f63fe295975a1141044a26ed43df299daa9b5f35", "96a56d7869e5b44766f89af3d20a23cc608aef2da4810df1d9a9e55168e100ba", "c20d0e861cb4e489b2a0c70e5ad4b99a7b6d67c393a29074f23fee9cc76cba64", "a62a5da77c2b4bc49f6cde16c8aefdeef980f70c1da638e2217a01a4daa76c15"], "__index_level_0__": 132, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8150/7490592954_e37f88efe9_b.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.910018801689148}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lavendamemory.blogspot.com/2012/07/portland-fashion-photographer-black.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8150/7490592954_e37f88efe9_b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8150/7490592954_e37f88efe9_b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e f efe b\", \"alt_text\": \"me melissa and anna-101\", \"rendered_width\": 725, \"rendered_height\": 483}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "For some reason photobucket isn't working and since my blog is still ghetto BLOGGER-  the above photo has been uploaded via flickr. Hollah Blogger, can't you update your photo sizing options so we can have a seamless uploading process?\n\nPhoto from a recent shoot. Those beautiful babes are the free-styling stylists for Solestruck. Fabu.\n\nPosted by Lavenda Memory at 4:08 PM", "Labels: anna branch, black milk, fashion photographer, jeffrey campbell, melissa lachance, Portland, solestruck", "city said...\n\nnice posting.. thanks for sharing."], "url": "http://lavendamemory.blogspot.com/2012/07/portland-fashion-photographer-black.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 483, "original_width": 725, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["ab1b73fb6670c0d5d3d7c3447c36713b1a24b171689040019e3f12a17089c5fa"], "__index_level_0__": 133, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv0VUPrv5aE/S_v_nNQnWbI/AAAAAAAACBg/6gyjv4mKuWo/s320/IMG_8853.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.939539074897766}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lawhawk.blogspot.com/2010/05/photo-of-day.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv0VUPrv5aE/S_v_nNQnWbI/AAAAAAAACBg/6gyjv4mKuWo/s320/IMG_8853.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv0VUPrv5aE/S_v_nNQnWbI/AAAAAAAACBg/6gyjv4mKuWo/s320/IMG_8853.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lawhawk.blogspot.com/2010/05/photo-of-day.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2631/719/320/realdemocracy6jt.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/2631/719/320/realdemocracy6jt.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"realdemocracy jt\", \"alt_text\": \"Regime Change Iran\"}]", "texts": ["Tuesday, May 25, 2010", null, "That's Old Faithful erupting at Yellowstone National Park. While many park visitors come with the expectation that it erupts hourly or on a truly regular schedule, the geyser actually is somewhat erratic and average 90 minutes between eruptions, although they can be between 45 and 120 minutes. The duration of each eruption is between 1.5 and 5 minutes and the geyser can erupt as high as 180 feet.\n\nThere are several other geysers in the park that are predicted besides Old Faithful, and we got to see some of them. For me, the most spectacular geyser isn't Old Faithful, but Steamboat geyser, which is the tallest geyser in the world, but hasn't had a major eruption in several years. While we were there, Steamboat put on a show of sustained 40 foot eruptions, but Steamboat is known for getting as high as 300 feet or more."], "url": "http://lawhawk.blogspot.com/2010/05/photo-of-day.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 565, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 214, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1fd34146818049c130a71b27454e6dce78b29b5451c8b7ac7ecac95dc1191428"], "__index_level_0__": 134, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://legostories.com/FLC/FLC001/Page_1.jpg", "http://legostories.com/FLC/FLC001/Page_2.jpg", "http://legostories.com/FLC/FLC001/Page_3.jpg", "http://legostories.com/FLC/FLC001/Page_4.jpg", "http://legostories.com/FLC/FLC001/Page_5.jpg", "http://legostories.com/FLC/FLC001/Page_6.jpg", "http://legostories.com/FLC/FLC001/Page_7.jpg", "http://legostories.com/FLC/FLC001/Page_8.jpg", "http://legostories.com/FLC/FLC001/Page_9.jpg", "http://legostories.com/FLC/FLC001/Page_10.jpg", 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birthday card for my nephew. I made a few pages of 6\"x 4\" layout. I like small layout coz\nno need to spend more than a day to think of one LO design. I also did 12\" x 12\" , took me ages to finish it.. Keep on changing design... opss..that's remind me.... a few pending layout still on my desk..", null, "Cover page", null, "\"Having Good Times\"", null, "\"Renew, Refresh , Relax\" -by darkroom door stamp", null, "\"Enjoy every moment\"", null, "\"Enjoy the little things \"", null, null, "Lynnda Hosni said...\n\nAwesome...The photographs are beautiful!!! well-taken...This is way too lovely... xx"], "url": "http://letscraft.blogspot.com/2010/05/accordian-card.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 564, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 268, "width": 378}, {"height": 564, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 268, "width": 378}, {"height": 564, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 268, "width": 378}, {"height": 564, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 268, "width": 378}, {"height": 564, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 268, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["b019319b588c47e03c83d21f18aae0688be8e383b9ad567dcd5684a511d3dda6", "a3337a24023a37800bbee8ef8184583dc00489c22d4cc278a69ac7bb966cda58", "5ccef3bfca52da3420c5214e77353aca8f593d211a82a6eefc6c7089dc364c25", "11d225def7628d3e04f37301d5dfcc423df0d819a329baaa3291f7abd05bda54", "f3089184619a06614fae78362bbcc831ecccb5d9c724956676fb8a6e52e625b5", "68eca5f585e4357d1b86afb76fee705cdf55f6768e5f037a57458a22402cab9b", "bcdc2f517bab56e2bda3891765599a13692997d2efb34b67da02f9a60ee5d646"], "__index_level_0__": 136, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://static-content.springer.com/cover/journal/11540/35/3.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7922965288162231}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02357703\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static-content.springer.com/cover/journal/11540/35/3.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static-content.springer.com/cover/journal/11540/35/3.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Potato Research\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Potato Research\n\nSeptember 1992, Volume 35, Issue 3, pp 227–233\n\nEffect of two plant growth regulators on the yield and quality of russet burbank potatoes\n\n10 March 1992\n\nDOI: 10.1007/BF02357703\n\nRex, B.L. Potato Res (1992) 35: 227. doi:10.1007/BF02357703\n\nFoliar applications of ethephon (ETH) 300 g a.i. ha−1; chlormequat chloride (CCC) 920 g a.i. ha−1, with a second application of 230 g a.i. ha−1 approximately 2 weeks later; and a mixture of the two (ETH/CCC) 156 g a.i. ethephon and 299 g a.i. chlormequat chloride ha−1 were made to field-grown Russet Burbank potatoes in 1986, 1987 and 1989. All the treatments increased the number of tubers set and reduced the average tuber weight compared to the control resulting in a reduction in premium and marketable tubers, and an increase in small tubers. Differences were greatest for ETH and least for CCC. ETH and ETH/CCC decreased the specific gravity, increased the incidence of deformities, and decreased the incidence of tubers with hollow heart. The growth regulators did not affect fry colour."], "url": "http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02357703", "images_metadata": [{"height": 573, "original_height": 232, "original_width": 153, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["834762e850036d63228bb6a02966bd2c68d873453f00d1b1f8d8a9e283490124"], "__index_level_0__": 137, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://static-content.springer.com/cover/journal/40613/5/1.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8948615193367004}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40613-016-0045-5\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static-content.springer.com/cover/journal/40613/5/1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static-content.springer.com/cover/journal/40613/5/1.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"International Journal of Dharma Studies\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "International Journal of Dharma Studies\n\nDecember 2017, 5:3\n\nBody, Self and Consciousness according to Tirumūlar’s Tirumandiram: A comparative study with Kashmir Śaivism\n\n19 January 2017\n\n24 March 2016\n20 December 2016\n\nDOI: 10.1186/s40613-016-0045-5\n\nAnand, G. & Menon, S. Int. J. Dharma Studies (2017) 5: 3. doi:10.1186/s40613-016-0045-5\n\nTirumular’s Tirumandiram is the earliest known Tamil treatise on yoga. This text is considered to be both, a devotional work as well as a tantric text. Unlike other major Siddha compositions, Tirumandiram does not contain any section on medicinal preparations or alchemy. It is the only Tamil text where the sections are named tanṭiram. In contrast to the popular pluralistic Śaiva Siddhānta, Tirumandiram, one of the twelve Saiva cannons (tirumurai), is monistic in its philosophy. This study, while elaborating on the metaphysics of the text Tirumandiram, also examines the shared philosophical thoughts between the monistic Kashmir Śaivism and Tamil Siddha mystics.\n\nTamil Siddha Tirumular Tirumandiram Tirumanṭiram Consciousness Body Self Kashmir Śaivism Pratyabhijna\n\nThe Tamil Siddha tradition, an off-shoot of the pan-Indian tantric system, uses the body and the mind as a tool to go beyond the limitations of time, space, and causation. Kamil Zvelebil’s book, Poets of Power, gives details on Tamil Siddha tradition with its distinct characteristics (Zvelebil 1973: 76). Unlike the philosophical schools that dismiss the body as an impediment, the Tamil Siddhas place great emphasis on the role of body and mind to reach supreme states of consciousness. While both Vedanta and Āgama are considered as the basis of this school of philosophy, Āgamas are considered to be more specific and pragmatic than the Vedanta.\n\nTirumūlar’s Tirumandiram, a flagship Tamil Siddha work, is unique in that it blends philosophical exposition with practical techniques such as ashtanga yoga and mantra yoga. Unlike other major Tamil Siddha compositions such as Agatthiyar vāda saumyam, Bogar 7000 and Konkanavar kāviyam, Tirumandiram does not discuss medicinal preparations or alchemy. While the date of Tirumūlar cannot be established unequivocally, as is common with the Tamil Siddhas, T.N.Ganapathy feels that Tirumūlar must have lived between the fifth and sixth century (Ganapathy 2006 :27–32).\n\nAmong the several versions of Tirumandiram, Tiruppanandhāl mata’s version translated into English by Ganapathy et al.1 contains 3047 verses classified into nine tantiram. The work begins with code of ethics in the first tantiram. In tantiram 2 Saiva puranic episodes and the five acts, creation, sustenance, dissolution of both the macrocosm and the microcosm concealment and bestowing of grace are described. Ashtanga yoga and special yoga such as paryanga yoga and kechari yoga are the themes of tantiram 3. Tantiram 4 is about various chakras. The fifth tantiram discusses the four main themes of an Agama, the charya, kriya, yoga and jnana, supporting Tirumular’s claim that his work is an Āgama. In the sixth tantiram the three concepts, knower, known and object of knowledge are discussed along with the behavior of a true saiva. Tantiram 7 elaborates on the characteristics of a saiva recluse, rituals such as his death ritual, worship, food and receiving alms. This tantiram contains five sections that describe five types of Aditya, a term used to indicate emergence of knowledge. Types of bodies, states of consciousness and the experiences of the soul in these states form the central theme of tantiram 8. In the concluding tantiram 9 Tirumandiram discusses the five types of panchakshara indicating their correspondence with the five types of bodies. Five koothu or dances are described here along with the ultimate state, the mona samadhi or state of silence. Tirumandiram is the only Tamil Siddha text that discusses consciousness in an elaborate fashion.\n\nThere is a conjecture that Tirumandiram shares its philosophical views with the monistic Kashmir Śaivism. In his study on the roots of Srividya Sakta Tantrism in South India, Douglas Renfrew Brooks points out that Tirumandiram has “much in common with certain strands of Tantrism- especially Trika Śaivism” (Brooks 2002: 63). Cēkkiļār, the author of Peria Puranam, a biography of the sixtythree Nayanmars, mentions that Tirumūlar came to South India from the north. Sisir Kumar Das (Sisir Kumar Das 2005: 148) mentions a belief that Tirumūlar belonged to Kashmir and that he came to the South carrying with him the doctrines of Pratyabhijna philosophy. However, there is no proof in Tirumandiram for this opinion other than the expression “kayilai vazhi vanden” (v 91) “I came in the path of Kailaya”. The path of Kailaya is interpreted as from Himalayas or North India. However, Agatthiyar meijnana kāviyam2 mentions a kailaya varga, a lineage that originated with Siva, as opposed to mula varga originating from Tirumular and the malai varga or hill lineage which considers Sakti as the primary deity.\n\nThis paper aims to presents Tirumandiram’s description of types of souls, the bodies they adorn, states of consciousness and the soul’s experiences in these states.\n\nTirumandiram uses the terms aṛivu, bodham, nandi and sivam to indicate consciousness Tantiram 8 section 14 discusses the nature of aṛivu (verses 2355–69). aṛivu is consciousness about one’s Self (tannai ariyum arivu). The form of the soul is aṛivu. Aṛivu occurs due to Divine grace (arul). Such an aṛivu is neither created nor destroyed and has only itself as its substratum. It is not static but dynamic as it is aware of its own nature (aṛive aṛivai aṛikinṛathu). It does not need any external agent to facilitate its own identification. No one can see the boundary of aṛivu (v130). It is the expansive effulgence (akanda oḷi) (v2808). Aṛivu realizes its nature as the eternal light within.\n\nTirumandiram states that individual self is none other than Śiva who has forgotten his real nature (v 2017). When jiva cognizes “itself” as Śiva then jiva remains as Śiva. This is similar to Navjivan Rastogi’s description of the experience of the self as not a simple act of knowing but as a complex act of re-knowing (Rastogi 1979:48). When recognition of self occurs, the limited consciousness merges with the supreme consciousness as “there is no other place for ciṭ to merge other than ciṭ” (v 135). Tirumūlar compares this to space merging with space and light merging with light. Śiva is the grace that helps jiva in this effort (v 202). When this realization occurs, the soul has nothing else to know, no other state to reach except to remain with this awareness (aṛive vadivenṛu aṛinthu irunthén). Tirumūlar says that the eight mystical accomplishments such as anima, mahima are agents through which aṛivu knows itself. When the knowledge about self occurs, the Divine tells the soul that it the “big one” (nee periyāi) (v2360).\n\nTirumandiram calls the state of existence with knowledge as nandi (v 2361) and meijnana jyoti. By the grace of this awareness (nandiyin arul) the soul becomes all-pervasive supreme consciousness (v2363). Tirumular calls this awareness as the mantra that remains holding the body (ūn paṛṛi ninṛa uṇṛvuṛu mantiram). When this state is repeatedly contemplated upon, then realization occurs (v24).\n\nTirumandiram calls the cit or supreme awareness as bodham. The beginning and end-less Supreme Being distinguishes itself first into parāparam and parāparai. Parāparai is bodham (bodhamadāga puṇaṛum parāparai) (v381). Bodham brings to end the three distinct states, knower, known and knowledge, when the Samadhi of “self becoming Him” is achieved (thān avan ākum samādhi) (v2381). The supreme consciousness is also called sivabodham which destroys the state of limited self and the factors that cause the limitation (v2539).\n\nTirumandiram describes nenju, a concept similar to that of hrdaya of Kashmir Śaivism. It says that nenju of those who have aṛivu is supreme space, supreme austerity and the locus of the supreme state (v2364). Vetta veļi is another Tamil Siddha term which indicates the supreme state (v2591) similar to the hrdaya that Muller-Ortega and Paul Eduardo (Eduardo Muller-Ortega 1989: 100) explain as “the sky of consciousness which is also the embodiment of cosmos”.\n\nInnate impurities or mala bring about limitation to consciousness. Tirumandiram says that the impurities cover the soul like verdigris (kalimbu) (v2213). When the soul’s eye of grace is opened by the Lord then the verdigris is cut away (v114). When aṛivu is covered by innate impurities it associates with senses (pulan) and loses itself in mundane knowledge as if it is immersed in deep waters (v119). A guru will reveal this state and help the soul transcend the innate impurities. When the innate impurities and the influence of senses are removed then aṛivu regains its original status. Tirumūlar calls the process of limited soul becoming universal soul as sivayogam and souls that attain this state of awareness as śivaciṭṭar, those who remain in the light of self (v122). They remain as aṛivu, as bodhan (v2019).\n\nThe Lord, the beast and the attachment\n\nTirumandiram establishes itself as a Saiva Siddhanta by discussing the three entities pasu, pati and pāsa. It calls the pasu as arivu, pati as the arivu of arivu and pasa as that which limits the arivu and says that all the three are eternal. However, when the original state as arivu is realized these distinctions disappear (v 2405, 115). Transcending the innate impurities makes this possible.\n\nAccording to Tirumandiram there are five innate impurities, ānava or egoity, maya or delusion, kāmiya or karma, mayeya or product of maya and tirodāyi or the concealing power. Tirodāyi, the power which conceals the true nature of soul to it, transforms into grace and confers the soul the supreme knowledge of the Self. The first three impurities are considered to be the primary causes for distinctions. Hence, Tirumandiram discusses only these three in the context of types of souls.\n\nTirumandiram goes further and says that even the popular deities are under the influence of the innate impurities (v2183). Brahma is under the influence of the five mala, Vishnu is under the influence of four, Hara is under the influence of three, Isa is under the influence of two and Sadāsiva is under the influence of ānava mala. Thus, the mala-free states begin only from Sakthi. Tirumūlar describes the ānava, kanmam and maya as the inner covering, husk and awn that encase a paddy grain. Thus, the mala do not change the soul but cover it like a shell (v2192). Paul Murphy (1986: 27) quotes verse 57 from Abhnivagupta’s Paramartasara which uses an identical imagery of a husk, awn and chaff and says that without these coating the seed will be “freed” from growth.\n\nThe impurities impart causal attributes (kāraṇa upādi) and the resultant attributes (kāriya upādi) to souls. The causal attributes are jiva upādi or characteristics of a jiva and para upādi or attributes of param. These attributes define the states of existence, the kāriya, with specific characteristics, upādi. The param causes manifestation with suddha maya. It creates the tattva or principles that cause the jiva state and hence it becomes the kāraṇa for the kāriya, the jiva state. The jiva upādi ends when the soul leaves all the limitations and reaches the state of suddha maya. This process involves transcending the void, maya pāzh which is the termination of the resultant state. Transcending the param state is crossing the bodha pāzh, the void created by awareness. The soul then remains in the state of tranquility or upasantha. Crossing even this state, the upasantha pāzh, the soul reaches the ultimate state of paramparam (v2496). Tirumandiram makes a distinction about the supreme state and calls it a rare land while clarifying that it is not a void (v2498).\n\nTypes of souls\n\nThe states due to attributes or upādi are experienced as states of existence or avatthai. The jiva upādi causes souls to exist in three causal states, the kevala, sakala and suddha, based on their association with senses and consciousness (v2227).\n\nTannai aṛi suttan tat kevalan tānum\n\nPinnam uṛa ninṛa peta sakalanum\n\nManniya sattusatthu satasatuṭan\n\nTunnuvar tattam tozhiṛku aļavākave\n\nSouls initially remain in the kevala state. They are unconscious, immersed in ānava. The suddha kevala or those who remain in the pure kevala state do not have a body as they are not associated with maya which brings other concepts that result in a body. When they become conscious due to maya, karma and products of maya (mayeya) are added to them. The mayeya are the vidya tattva or principles that grant knowledge. The souls then become sakala in suddha state who have self-awareness (v2236). Tirumular says that the kevala remain associated with asat (lack of consciousness), sakala are associated with sat-asat (conscious sometimes and unconscious otherwise) and the suddha are associated with sat (fully conscious).\n\nBased on the number of innate impurities functioning in them, souls are classified into vijnanakala, pralayakala and sakala. The vijnanakala have āṇava, pralayakala have maya along with āṇava and the sakala have karma along with the other two. Tirumandiram differs from sivajnana siddhiyar, a seminal Saiva Siddhanta text which states that the pralayakala are under the influence of karma and not maya. The vijnanakala are called so because their association with maya and karma were removed by intellect. The kevala among the vijnanakala are unconscious of everything. They are the kevala-kevala. The tanjňāna are those who have the sense of self. They are the suddha-kevala. The ashta vidyeswara belong to this category. The enjňāna are the mantra nāyaka or lords of seven crore mantra. They are the sakala-kevala. The meijňāna are vijnanakala who are free of ānava due to divine grace. They remain in the state of śivam.\n\nAmong the sakala the apakva are those who do not attempt to remove the mala, the sādaka are those who are attempting to remove the mala and the jivan mukṭa are those who remain with their ciṭṭam in tune with supreme Ciṭ. The jivan mukṭa are souls that possess both, the limited consciousness that causes worldly experiences as well as mukti cit or the consciousness of the liberated. Both these states of consciousness are in balance in them. Hence, they are not affected by the three innate impurities.\n\nThe sakala are classified into kevala in sakala, sakala in sakala and suddha in sakala. The kevala in sakala are those who exist in jagrit turyathita. The sakala in sakala exist in jagrit-jargrit state. The suddha in sakala are the pralayakala. The ānava is more dominant in them while traces of maya continue to exist. As they are suddha by nature, they exist in the state of tatparam or divine grace (2251). The hundred and eight Rudras belong to this group.\n\nThe meijnana of the vijnanakala are the suddha souls. By divine grace they leave their attachment with the innate impurities, reach the state of omkara and remain as nirmala or suddha (v2233).\n\nThe kevala, sakala and suddha are kārana avatthai. These causal states are experienced through the resultant states of consciousness, the kārya avatthai, which are the five states, wakeful (jāgrit), dream (svapna), deep sleep (suṣupti), turiya and the turyātita. A soul remains in one of the causal states depending on the fruits of its previous action. When it realizes the truth about its nature, the kevala and sakala states are burnt and it attains the suddha state (v2409). The five states of consciousness that the soul experiences are created by the number of tattva or principles functioning in them.\n\nThe number of tattva or limiting factors in Tamil Siddha philosophy\n\nThe specific state of consciousness experienced by a soul is in accordance with the fruits of its previous action. The states of consciousness have varying number of principles functioning in them. According to Tamil Siddhas there are totally 96 principles that constitute a lifeform3. Their emergence is traced from parāparam.\n\nThe Supreme parāparam distinguished itself into two entities, parāparam and parāparai. From these two emerge the paranada and parabindu or the parai and param. They are also called parasivam and parasakti. The parabindu and paranada give rise to Śiva and Śakthi through suddha maya. Siva and sakti states are called apara bindu and apara nada. Jnāna emerges from siva and kriya from sakthi. These two lead to iccha that causes the appearance of the manifested world beginning with sadasiva or the sadhakya principle. Thus, the manifested world is not different from the Supreme Being who is not a silent witness but one who appears as many. Tirumular defines param or parasivam as the unarvu or consciousness that animates the body from within (v418).\n\nThe five siva tattva,siva (apara bindu), sakti (apara nada), sadasiva, maheswara and suddha vidya emerge from suddha maya. They give rise to the seven vidya tattva, kalā, kāla, niyati, raga, avidya, purusha and maya, which are the products of asuddha maya. The twenty four atma tattva- five karmendriya (senses of action), five jnanendriya (senses of knowledge), five elements (sky, air, fire, water and earth), five subtle qualities (sound, touch, form, taste and smell), four modifications of the mind (mind, intellect, ahamkara and chittham) are products of prakriti maya. The atma tattva manifest as sixty secondary principles or sārpu tattuvam or pura karuvigal (external instruments). They are listed below:\n\nFrom Earth: hair, bone, skin, nerves, flesh\n\nFrom Water: saliva/urine/chile, blood, semen, brain, marrow\n\nFire: hunger, sleep, sexual desire, fear, laziness\n\nAir: walking, running, standing, sitting and lying\n\nSky: anger, greed, miserliness, malice and obstinacy\n\nEarth: ten nadi or energy channels idai, pingalai, sulumunai, gandhari, atthi, asvani, aalam, purusha, sootham, singuvai\n\nFire and air: five primary vital breaths, prana, apana, udhana, samana, vyana\n\nAll the five elements: the five secondary vital breaths, nagan, koorman, kirikaran, devadatthan, dhananjayan\n\nSky: the three attachments (etanai) wealth, world and offspring\n\nVak or speech- talking, memorizing, singing, weeping and exulting\n\nPrakriti: the three qualities- rajas, tamas and satva\n\nBindu: four stages of sound, paishanthi, madhyama, vaikari, sukshma\n\nAmong the 36 internal instruments, the karmendriya and jnanendriya are called the pulan or senses. The five subtle qualities and the three modifications of the mind without the chittham are called puriashtakam or eight senses.\n\nFive States of consciousness\n\nTamil Siddhas call the wakeful state as nanavu (jāgrit), the dream state as kanavu (svapna), the deep sleep state as cuļinai or āļurakkam (suṣupti), the turiya state as appāl (beyond) and the turiyāṭīṭa state or aṭīṭam as appālukkappāl (beyond the beyond).\n\nAccording to Tirumandiram among the three qualities, the satva guna is responsible for wakeful state, the rajo guna for the dream state and the tamo guna for deep sleep. The turiya is beyond the three guna and is hence, nirguna (v2296).\n\nTirumandiram states that  most of the states of consciousness are experienced in the sakala state. The kevala in sakala, sakala in sakala and suddha in sakala experience five states of consciousness each. The states of consciousness experienced during yoga also occur in the sakala state. Thus, the total states of consciousness experienced in the sakala state are twenty. Besides these, the true kevala experience five states and the suddha experience five states. Thus, the total number of states of consciousness is thirty.\n\nStates of consciousness of kevala in sakala\n\nThe kevala-kevala are unconscious until maya stirs them. Then they experience the descending states of consciousness or kezhāl avatthai and ascending states of consciousness or melāl avatthai. These states are called so as they descend from the brow middle to the navel and ascend back. Tirumūlar calls a soul emerging from its inactive state as a student who is woken up by the teacher with the help of a stick. The soul is unconscious, in the state of eternal sleep, immersed in ānava. The Lord wakes it up with the help of maya and makes it experience all the five states (v2162).\n\nThe descending states of consciousness are experienced in different parts of the body.\n\naiyaintu matthimaiyānatu sākkiram\n\nkaikanṭa pannānkil kaṇṭam kanāvenpar\n\npoikaṇṭilāta puruṭan idhayam suzhunai\n\nmeikaṇṭavan untiyākum turiyamē (verse 2142)\n\nAmong the five śiva tattva all of them function in the wakeful state, four in the dream state (suddha vidya is nonfunctional), three in deep sleep (maheswara is also nonfunctional), two in turya (śiva and sakti) and only śivam in the turyāṭīṭa (v2143). As the number of siva tattva functioning differ in the different states, the corresponding vidya tattva and the atma tattva also differ. These principles depend on the siva tattva to turn them on. Thus, the states of consciousness differ in the number of instruments functioning in them.\n\nThe participants of the wakeful state are ten senses, five elements, five subtle qualities, ten vital airs, four modifications of the mind and the purusha. It is experienced in the middle of the brow. The soul remains with objective experience of the world (v2144).\n\nIn the dream state the soul settles in the throat with the ten vital airs and four modifications of the mind. The ten senses are discarded in this state. All the experiences are due to the modifications of the mind (v2154). The experiences in the dream state are created by maya.\n\nIn deep sleep, the soul descends to the heart and remains with prāna and ciṭṭam. The other modifications of the mind do not work in this state. The prāna is operated by ahamkara but it does not confer the sense of “I-ness”. As intellect is not functioning, the purusha is unable to remember the experiences in this state. Tirumandiram calls this state as avyakta or unclear (v2155).\n\nIn the turya state, the soul is with prāna only. It remains at the navel. Tirumūlar says that it remains as the speechless one who has left the ignorance caused by the body. The soul remains with the sense of Self. Tirumandiram says that the turiya state remains within all other states and that there is no state which is free of it (v2156).\n\nTirumandiram describes the turyātīta state as “we do not know”(v2158).\n\nStates of consciousness of sakala-sakala\n\nThe sakala-sakala experience madhyāl avatthai or middle states. They are experienced at the brow middle. All the five states of consciousness are experienced in the jagrit state. Hence, they are given as combinations of the jagrit state. The jagrit in these souls differ from the jagrit of the descending states in that all instruments are functioning here and the soul experiences the world fully. Sakala are souls that possess all the five innate impurities. Tirumandiram explains the relationship between the innate impurities and the states of consciousness. Maya operates in jāgrit-turya. Kāmiya mala functions in jāgrit-suṣupti. Mayeya mala functions in jāgrit-svapna and tirodāyi mala functions in jāgrit jāgrit. This leads to the inference that the āṇava functions in jāgrit-turyatita.\n\nsākkira sākkiram tannil tirõdāyi\n\nsākkira soppanam tannidai māyeyam\n\nsākkiram tannil suzhutthitanil kāmiyam\n\nsākkiram tannil turiyatthu māyaiye (v2167)\n\nAs all the instruments function in jagrit-jagrit, the soul experiences the world through its external and internal senses. In jāgrit-svapna only the modifications of the mind are functioning and so the soul does not see the world. Its experiences are as thoughts and impressions. The action of perception stops with the jāgrit-suṣupti as the karma functions only up to this state. The soul experiences happiness and sorrow only up to this state. In the jāgrit-turya only the vidya tattva function and the soul experiences only the I-sense. In the jāgrit-turyatita the siva tattva start to activate the vidya tattva.\n\nTirumūlar compares the experiences of the middle state of consciousness to the experiences of a blind man (v2169). Turiya is where the man remains without any sight. Suṣupti is when he feels the ground in the front of him. Dream state is when he gets a stick and with its help starts moving about. Wakeful state is when he suddenly gets his vision.\n\nStates of consciousness in the suddha in sakala state\n\nThe suddha in sakala experience suddha avatthai. This category includes the states experienced during yoga. The suddha are souls that have voluntarily forsaken their dependence on the senses. Hence, unlike the sakala in sakala who experience all the five states of consciousness as combinations of jagrit, the suddha-sakala experience other states such jagrit in svapna and svapna in svapna that do not need the senses for perception.\n\nThe jagrit states of the suddha are the subtle component of the gross states experienced in the sakala-sakala state. The kevala-suddha and kevala-sakala experience these states. The soul remains in the suddha maya and experiences these states as if they are a dream. The jagrit-jagrit state of suddha souls possesses the vidya and siva tattva. The atma tattva do not function. Jagrit-svapna is leaving the vidya tattva and possessing only the siva tattva. The jagrit-sushupti is leaving the siva tattva and remaining in suddha maya. The state of purusha created by maya ends in turiya and the souls are not associated with a body anymore (v2197–98).\n\nThe jagrit-atīta state is when the soul leaves the ānava and tastes the para state. However, the para state is not permanent (v2254). When these souls transition to the pure suddha state or the meijnana state then they experience the param as a permanent state. Jāgrit in svapna is seeing the dream as if it is real. Svapna in svapna is seeing the dream and forgetting it. Suṣupti in svapna is “not seeing” but only remembering some ideas or scenes from the dream. Turya in svapna is lack of even the feeling of having seen something (v2202).\n\nTirumūlar explains jāgrit in suṣupti as that where nothing occurs. This is the state from which a person emerges into wakeful state knowing that he came from somewhere but does not know the “where”. Svapna in suṣupti is the emergence of a feeling. Suṣupti in suṣupti is objective awareness getting destroyed by awareness or being aware of subjective awareness. Turiya in suṣupti is indescribable void (v2203).\n\nThe four states of consciousness are present in the turya also. Jagrit in turya is the knowledge of idam. Svapna in turya is the knowledge of aham. Sushupti in turiya is vyoma and turiya in turiya is the state when the self realizes that it is param. The vyoma is the state of sadāsiva where the soul experiences oneness with the “Universal Transcendental Being”. Vyoma or space according to Tamil Siddhas is a form of the Supreme Being which emerges from its effulgence. Param state is the effulgence of the parāparam (v2205).\n\nTirumandiram explains turiyātīta states of consciousness in terms of arivu. The jāgrit in turyatīta is awareness or aṛivu becoming conscious of itself. Svapna is arivu becoming unaware. Suṣupti is not being aware of aṛivu knowing itself. Turya is arivu becoming arivu (v2206).\n\nTuriyāṭīṭa in turiyāṭīṭa is a state of absolute fullness of consciousness. It is the state where the soul is immersed completely in sivananda.\n\nThe niramala and para states of consciousness of the meijnana\n\nThe meijnana of the vijnanakala are the pure suddha who experience states of consciousness different from the suddha states mentioned as a combination of sakala. These souls experience nirmala avatthai and reach the state of param with the help of nandi or consciousness of the self (v2278). The suddha maya, instead of bringing about limitation, serves as the light. The soul goes to the state that is free of even the trace of mala. It reaches the param state in its turiya (v2278). This param state is permanent.\n\nThe param state also enjoys para avatthai to reach the supreme state. In the para jagrit and svapna states the soul loses its association with the world and enjoys tranquility. In the sushpti it has the form of omkara. In the para turiya the soul reaches sivam state (v2283). The sivam state is that of supreme consciousness. The soul is freed of its causal and resultant limitations or upādi. It enjoys the bliss of awareness or sivananda. It then reaches the supreme state of paramam and ultimately the paramparam state (v2285).\n\nParamsivan melām paramam parattil\n\nParamparan melām parananavāka\n\nVirindha kanāidar vīttim suzhunai\n\nUramtaru mānandi yāmunṇmai thane.\n\nThus, the soul gets knowledge about the five states in sakala, attains awareness or nandi in the suddha avatthai and with the help of nandi attains the state of param. Then it moves through the para avatthai, attains the state of effulgence or body of light and loses all the innate impurities (v2293).\n\nTirumūlar explains the reason for these suddha souls still undergoing transformation with the example of an iron piece that is red hot even after taking it out of the fire. Even though these souls are devoid of mala, the impression of faults or vāsana still lingers in them (v2309). When nandi grants the grace, the impressions also leave the soul and they become param (v2310).\n\nIn para jāgrit, nada, the cause of sound occurs. In para-svapna the nada abides and becomes subtle. In para suṣupti, bodham occurs and in the para turya the paramam becomes visible. However, the process does not stop here. The para turyathitha state which is “becoming” the paramam has to occur. When the soul realizes its nature as sivam, the para upādi leaves it (v2314).\n\nTirumandiram says when the darkness and light, the soul and parai, are crossed the soul experiences sivananda (v2325). In this state all the principles will become siva cit, sivam or supreme consciousness (v2328).\n\nTirumandiram calls the ultimate state as Hamsa or annam. It is reached by when the soul merges with the Divine in such a way that there are no distinctions (kuṛi aṛiyā vagai kūdumin) (v2353). It is the state of “becoming” where not even the consciousness of being conscious remains. This is the parāparam state. It is attained by divine grace or arul. In this state the soul merges with the power of grace or arul sakti and becomes all pervading (8.13.23) Souls in the supreme state of sivam have the sign of jnana (jnana kuṛi). Such souls are the mauni or the silent ones. They enjoy the jnana ananda or bliss of realization. They perform the five acts of siva, creation, sustenance, dissolution, concealment and bestowing of grace, adorning the form of tatparam. The body of this state is jnana, its parts are kriya and its soul is iccha (v2332).\n\nTirumandiram sums up the role of arivu through the statement, when sivam or supreme consciousness pervades the param, it becomes the paramparam and arivu grants it the ensuing sivananadam (v2449).\n\nTypes of bodies\n\nTirumandiram tantiram 8 section 1 describes the body that each type of soul takes. A meijnana has the body of sivam, the body of light. A yogin takes the body of bindu and nada. A mauni or a supreme soul in the state of silence takes a body of mukti which is beyond all the three voids. The vijnanakala’s body is made up of ānava, that of enjnana’s is maya and ajnana or sakala’s body is karma. Thus, it becomes clear that by the term body, Tirumandiram refers to the plane in which a soul operates.\n\nTat tvam asi and states of consciousness\n\nTirumandiram assigns the turiya the role of being a transition state. In jiva turya the soul moves from jiva state to para. In para turiya it moves from para to sivam state. The siva turiya or penultimate state is the “ariya turiyam” or the rare turiya beyond which is the ultimate state of siva turiyatita.\n\nThe mahavakhya or great statement “Tat tvam asi” or “thou are that” is explained in terms of three types of turiya. Tvam is the jiva turiya experienced by the meijnana. The para turiyatita is tat. The siva turiya is asi (Mudhaliar 1972:26-29).\n\nNine states of consciousness\n\nTirumandiram names the soul in the wakeful, dream and deep sleep states of jiva, para and siva states of consciousness as visvan, thaijasan, prāgnan for jiva, virāttan, ponkarppan (hiranya garbha) and avyākirtan for param and idhayan, prajāpatyan and sānthan for siva states. The soul crosses these states and reaches the turiya state to become sivam. Tirumandiram mentions that the turiya state exists in other states. Thus the total number of states where turiya exists are ten, four as jiva, four as para and two as siva. In the siva state only the turiya and turiyatita exist. At the end of the ten states the soul merges with the supreme state (v2469).\n\nIraintu avatthai isai mutturiyattuļ\n\nNerantam āka neṛivazhiye senṛu\n\nPārantham āna parāparatthu aikkiyatu\n\nÓrantha mām iru pātiyai serntiṭe\n\nTirumandiram also describes three types of mukti or liberation. Mukti indicates the end of a state. The jiva mukti is turiyātīta, para mukti is upasantham and siva mukti is ānandam or bliss (v2474). Crossing this state, the soul reaches the “appāl” or beyond, a state that is beyond verbal description.\n\nKashmir Saiva concept of souls and states of consciousness\n\nThe Trika system’s descriptions of states of consciousness are similar to those in Tirumandiram. The Trika system focuses on the soul’s self-awareness in these states. Swami Lakshman Jee says that the jňāni and yogins have different names for these states4. The yogins call wakeful state as pindasṭa as the soul is one with the objective world. The jnāni call this svatobadra or seeing Śiva as everything, everywhere. The dream state is defined by the yogins as padasṭam or being in one own state. Jnāni call this vyāpṭi or pervasion. Yogins call the deep sleep state as rūpasṭa or established in one’s own self. Jnāni call this state mahavyapti or great pervasion as “there is absolutely no limitation of objectivity.” The turiya state is rūpāṭīṭa as it is being in one’s self. The jnāni call it pracyaya or an undifferentiated state or state of totality. The yogins do not have a name for turyāṭīṭa as yoga is not possible in this state as there is “nowhere to go”. This is similar to Tirumūlar saying that he does not know this state. The jňāni call this state mahapracaya or “unlimited and unexplainable supreme totality”.\n\nSimilar to Tirumandiram the Trika system also explains that each of the state of consciousness includes all the four states within.\n\nTrika system explains the wakeful states similar to Tirumandiram’s description. Jāgrit - jāgrit is awareness. Jāgrit-svapna is living in the state of impressions of objectivity. This is the state of buddhāvastha where there is some consciousness. Jāgrit- suṣupti is the state of prabuddha where the soul remains without experiencing the external world or internal impressions. Jāgrit-turya is suprabuddha where the soul remains with the consciousness of Self.\n\nIn Kashmir Śaivism, jāgrit in svapna is seeing something in a dream and not being conscious of seeing. This is the state of gaṭāgaṭam. Svapna in svapna is seeing different things but forgetting that they were seen. This is the state of suvikṣiptam. Suṣupti in svapna is developing some awareness while seeing something and forgetting it. It is the state of saṁgatam or “being touched” by consciousness. Turya in suṣupti is the state of susamāhitam. However, this is not a permanent state. The soul dreams, realizes that it is dreaming and enters into samadhi but then again it goes into dreaming. Tirumūlar may be referring to this when he says turya is inferring.\n\nKashmir Saivism explains jāgrit in suṣupti as remaining in absolute void but not being aware of it, not enjoying it. This is the state of uditam or full of rising towards Śiva. Svapna in suṣupti is vipulam. Suṣupti in suṣupti is explained as being uninterruptedly aware of remaining in the world of subjective consciousness. It is the state of sāntam. Turya in suṣupti is being fully blissful yet not being fully aware of that bliss.\n\nAccording to Kashmir Śaivism transcending the states above vijňānakala does not need any effort on the part of the soul as it has crossed maya. These are states of pramiti, purely subjective states without any agitation due to objectivity. The turya states described by Tirumūlar are similar in that they are beyond maya and hence free of objectivity. The suddha vidya state of Kashmir Śaivism is similar to the jāgrit turya described in Tirumandiram as experiencing the bodham or knowledge of idam. Kashmir Śaivism describes this state as experiencing both the reality of the self (aham aham) and the unreality of the universe (idam idam). Tirumandiram describes svapna in turya as the bodham of aham. This is similar to the state of īśvara pramātri in Kashmir Śaivism which describes it as a state with more permanent knowledge of aham or reality of Self. Suṣupti in turya is vyoma or space. This is similar to the state of sadāsiva where the soul experiences oneness with the “Universal Transcendental Being”. Vyoma or space according to Tamil Siddhas is a form of the Supreme Being which emerges from its effulgence. Turya in turya is the state of param, the effulgence of the Supreme Being, parāparam. Trika system describes only three states, up to suṣupti in turya. They are manonmanam, anantham and sarvārtham respectively. There is no turya in turya state.\n\nThe turiyāṭīṭa is the state of absolute fullness of consciousness in both the systems.\n\nTirumandiram is the earliest and probably the only Tamil Siddha text that describes the nature of the soul, its states of consciousness and the experiences in those states so elaborately. To fit with its claim to be an Agama it describes the four parts, charya, kriya, yoga and jnana and equates them to dasa marga, satputra marga, sakhā marga and san marga. The effects of going through these steps are salokya, sameepya, sarupya and sayujya respectively. It elaborates on ashtanga yoga as the path for Samadhi whose ultimate aim is to become one with sivam. Without prescribing a particular path for liberation it lists various rituals and chakra as paths for attaining supreme knowledge. The preliminary work on SriVidya concepts in Tirumandiram needs to be explored further. In this context, it will be interesting to compare Tirumular’s explanations with that of Agatthiyar in the work Devi Chakaram which is available as a palm leaf manuscript.\n\nThe controversy, whether Tirumandiram subscribes to monistic or pluralistic view needs careful exploration. Tirumandiram’s inclusion in the tirumurai that are mostly pluralistic in nature may have been a way to protect it and point it out as an important Saiva text. Verses that say Siva is not different from jiva and that self becomes “him” in the end indicate that Tirumandiram is a text which aligns with monism. Preliminary work presented in this area (Ganapathy et al. 2006) needs a thorough study.\n\nThe states of consciousness are mentioned in Tirumandiram as paths for jiva merging or attaining samavesa with Siva. The soul attains the supreme state by recognizing its original nature as sivam. Sivam’s form is explained as the supreme light within the state of turiya. This light is perceived through sakti. These concepts and others such as the nature of pati, pasu, pasa, vimarsa and vikalpa need further exploration to see if the philosophy presented in Tirumandiram has similarity with other saiva schools such as the Pratyabijna school of Kashmir Saivism and the VeeraSaiva school.\n\n1English translation of Tirumandiram published by Babaji’s Kriya Yoga order of Acharyas (ed.Ganapathy 2010), Canada. The numbering of verses in this paper is according to this book.\n\n2Agatthiyar meijnana kāviyam (Tamil) Manuscript no. R 1852, T.T.1022, CD no. 3, p 4 Adyar oriental library, Chennai. (author’s translation) verses 67, 68.\n\n3Agatthiyar saumya sagaram (1993). Thamarai Noolagam, Chennai, (Translation not available, author’s translation) verse 26–49.\n\n4Swami Lakshmi Jee’s book Kashmir Shaivism The Secret Supreme (Swami Lakshman Jee 1998) was used as the reference material.\n\nAuthors’ contributions\n\nGA conceived the project and studied the states of consicousness in Tirumandiram and other sources. SM supervised the project and provided suggestions on the manuscript. Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.\n\nCompeting interests\n\nThe authors declare that they have no competing interests."], "url": "http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40613-016-0045-5", "images_metadata": [{"height": 501, "original_height": 203, "original_width": 153, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2ee8df73cbf8e589de92c0a78e1e021599012db12cd287e19f091fa1c0214372"], "__index_level_0__": 138, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://static-content.springer.com/cover/book/978-3-540-73408-6.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8941878080368042}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-540-73408-6\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static-content.springer.com/cover/book/978-3-540-73408-6.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static-content.springer.com/cover/book/978-3-540-73408-6.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Public Key Infrastructure\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "EuroPKI: European Public Key Infrastructure Workshop\n\nPublic Key Infrastructure\n\n4th European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice, EuroPKI 2007, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, June 28-30, 2007. Proceedings\n\nConference proceedings EuroPKI 2007\n\nDOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-73408-6\n\nPart of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCS, volume 4582)\nLog in to check access\nBuy eBook\nUSD 79.99\nLearn about institutional subscriptions\n\nTable of contents\n\nAbout these proceedings\n\nThese proceedings contain the papers accepted at the 2007 European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice (EuroPKI 2007), held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, during June 28–30, and hosted by the Computer Science Department of the University of Balearic Islands (UIB) with the support of the Balearic Islands Government and the Private Law Department at UIB. This year’s event was the fourth event in the EuroPKI Workshops series. Previous events of the series were held in: Samos, Greece (2004); Kent, UK (2005); and Turin, Italy, (2006). In response to the call for papers, 77 papers were submitted to this year’s workshop, setting a record of the highest number of papers submitted to an EuroPKI event so far and confirming an increased interest in PKI research and in the EuroPKI event. Each paper was reviewed by three members of the Program Committee, and evaluated on the basis of its significance, novelty, technical quality and relevance to the workshop. The paper selection process was very competitive: of the papers submitted, only 21 full papers and 8 short papers were selected for presentation at the workshop and inclusion in this volume."], "url": "http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-540-73408-6", "images_metadata": [{"height": 573, "original_height": 232, "original_width": 153, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["5d43d92f47d9b97091146736aed83b98814467583fed9cf57b3441c7ffd5ed8e"], "__index_level_0__": 139, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://img0.etsystatic.com/il_fullxfull.276487160.jpg", null, "http://img2.etsystatic.com/il_fullxfull.247085498.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9700539112091064}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://littleowl.com/heidi/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img0.etsystatic.com/il_fullxfull.276487160.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img0.etsystatic.com/il_fullxfull.276487160.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"il fullxfull\", \"rendered_width\": 470, \"rendered_height\": 504}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://littleowl.com/heidi/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img2.etsystatic.com/il_fullxfull.247085498.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img2.etsystatic.com/il_fullxfull.247085498.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"il fullxfull\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 413}, null]", "texts": ["I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. I’m just…struggling to find words to fill the empty page/text box.\n\nPosted in Everyday | 1 Comment »\n\nBaby, baby\n\nMay 22nd, 2012 by heidi\n\nWe found out yesterday that my husband’s brother, and his partner, had their baby. They’re in Australia, which means a delay in news (as well as in cuddling my new little niece!) but I’m thrilled to bits to be an auntie for the first time. So close to my son’s sixth birthday (how am I going to be the mother of a six-year-old in a couple of weeks!), it’s making me remember that first sight of my little lad, purple and not breathing, and then the utter joy of holding a pink, healthy newborn in my arms. Even after miscarrying my first early on in that pregnancy, I didn’t know what it would mean to suddenly have a complete and utter stranger be the center of my universe, and that he is.\n\nWe’re not going to have another baby, so he’s it. The little things we missed out on (like pics of me holding him in the hospital), we’ll never be able to make up, but I don’t mind that so much. I am sorry not to have another child to love like I love Ciaran. I’m sorry to not have the chance to be an experienced parent of a newborn, instead of a complete newbie who put way, way too much pressure on herself. I’m sorry for those things. My brother- and sister-in-law are so lucky to be starting on that journey, even if I don’t envy them any of the sleeplessness that they’ll no doubt experience over the next weeks and months!\n\nBut I do envy them the introduction to the new little one and I envy holding a warm little body and kissing a fuzzy baby head. That’s a memory I hope I never forget.\n\nPosted in Big Bad Mummy | 2 Comments »\n\nStupid Brain and Massive Health[ism]\n\nApr 24th, 2012 by heidi\n\nTrigger warning – self-harm discussed below.\n\nFat is not a mental health diagnosis, as Ragen has so eloquently explained but, certainly, some of us fats struggle with depression. My blog seems to have been nothing but grey skies for the last few months, when I’ve bothered to write at all, not generally because I’ve been having acute depressive episodes but just because that smoke cloud of chronic depression has been looming large.\n\nI tried cutting for the first time in my life a few months ago, when an external crisis made me wonder if, when all was said and done, it was better than trying to off myself (which I won’t do.) It wasn’t and I won’t do it again (thankfully things have evened out with the issue that triggered the depressive episode anyway) but it was pretty terrifying. I’ve worked so hard, and spent so many therapy hours (and dollars) trying to deal with that pit and it’s just so hard to escape it. And so discouraging when the spiral brings me back to that place in my life.\n\nRight now I’m desperately needing to find an internship to finish off my MSLIS (master’s in library & information science). The requirements are SO specific, and my full-time M-F job timing is such that it is going to have to be just the right internship, just the right opportunity, or it won’t work. I want to be hopeful and positive but I struggle to have the confidence that I have the skills and knowledge to do anything but what I’ve always done – more office admin. I’m grateful for my paycheck and coworkers that keep me sane even when phones are ringing off the hook and I’m deluged with Stuff [tm], but confidence is my bugbear. Believing that I have the ability to do more is my real issue, not skills, training, or actual ability.\n\nWhat seems to be most prominent in my life at the moment is stupid drama. Namely, stupid Facebook drama. I’m considering doing away with it entirely. I am so, so tired of having even a respectful statement misread (I’m probably guilty of this too, mind you). The latest brouhaha was over a blog post in Massive Health, which appears to push a healthist agenda HARD HARD HARD. (Is “healthist” a word?).\n\nTake a look at the graphics in that blog post. It begins with the assertion that “We Eat Less Healthy Than We Think”. The only definition of health they give is “fit” vs “fat” – there are no fit fat people, it would seem, and all thin people are fit. Apparently people on a diet, any diet, “eat at least 15.2% healthier than those who eat everything.” Really? 15.2% healthier? I would call the cabbage soup diet, or the lemonade diet, or any of the other diet fads out there dramatically less healthy than a balanced diet, but that’s just me.\n\nAnd the final infographic, where we are informed that fat people are more likely to have fat friends, because “obesity and healthiness are contagious.”\n\nI mentioned my issues with the infographic and was shot down by multiple people claiming that my negative interpretation (i.e, that the infographics were fat-shaming) wasn’t accurate. They were just statistics, mind you, with no anti-fat bias at all. I would argue that defining “healthiness” as not-fatness is pretty anti-fat. Finally my friend, who is an educated, intelligent person whom I respect, felt it necessary to bring it to private message to tell me that, fundamentally, if I don’t like the app, I don’t have to buy it.\n\nWhich is true. But I was respectful in all of the things I said and only pointed out the anti-fat bias of the infographics. Is that drama-worthy enough to go private with? Is it drama-worthy at all? Apparently on Facebook it is. The cutting episode crisis was also inflamed by FB drama (note: I’m not blaming the people involved in said drama for my own reaction to the emotional trauma – that’s on me – but drama seems to be characteristic of many of my interactions there, despite my best efforts to the contrary).\n\nHow to connect with the people on Facebook without actually using Facebook is the dilemma. But, and I suspect this will happen soon, not enough of a dilemma for me to keep using it.\n\nPosted in Everyday, Size acceptance | 6 Comments »\n\nWhat Goes Around – FA Resources?\n\nMar 27th, 2012 by heidi\n\nBlogging hasn’t really been on my radar lately. I’m realizing that I really must have SAD, to some degree or another, because winters (especially grey, gloomy Seattle winters) take such a toll on me, mood-wise. Now that we’re seeing a little more sun, I’m starting to come back out of my shell, and what a tempest there is in the FA teapot!\n\nThe NOLOSE letter and responses thereto are fairly easy to find, so I’m not going to re-link. I’m also not going to engage in the discussion over whether the letter, or responses thereto, are appropriate/not appropriate, as far more eloquent/vocal FA folks than I have already chimed in to a far greater extent than I currently have the spoons to deal with.\n\nThat said, I found aspects of the discussion quite fascinating. It might be a year, or perhaps two, since Katie and I mentioned the possibility of an introductory FA space, with Racism 101, Sizeism 101, and other helpful places where newbies (or oldsters!) could ask questions and have them answered in a respectful way. It would not, of course, eliminate asshattery but perhaps might deal with the general accusation that “I can’t get a question answered without Googling it and I don’t know what to Google!” and similar.\n\nKatie and I envisioned a community but, for a variety of reasons, I think people felt it wouldn’t be workable but I don’t see that mutual understanding has improved very much in the intervening time and that saddens me. If people who supported FA were a majority, arguing and infighting might not be as problematic. As it is, however, every time we have a major drama, I see people becoming discouraged with the movement and that weakens us.\n\nWe don’t have to agree on everything, which is just as well, because that would be impossible anyway. What I do worry about is that, without a coherent focus, we can’t effect change.\n\nSince a community space seems to not be something people want, and despite the fact that I’m a little discouraged about my librarian prospects at the moment, I’m wondering if it would be helpful to have a pathfinder for FA – a compilation of every FA resource that we can find, from books to feeds to…? Is that something that would be useful for future reference?\n\nPosted in Size acceptance | 1 Comment »\n\nWanted: One Three-Day Weekend\n\nFeb 5th, 2012 by heidi\n\nIt’s been a hell of a week. I mean last week, obviously, since Sunday is widely opined to be the first day of the week, something I’ve never understood because, well, it’s the weekEND.\n\nIt’s been a hell of a post-Christmas, is what I should say. I was out sick from work the week after New Year’s because of a helluva virus that knocked me down, jumped on me, and left me doing not much but watching TV and reading books. The following week was nuts at work, because I was trying to catch up on everything I hadn’t done the week before, and then the week after THAT? We had layoffs. The other member of my team, the receptionist, was laid off and my job was made into my job AND her job. I now sit at the reception desk doing a mashup of two jobs and, while I’m exceedingly grateful both to have a job and for the title/pay upgrades that were accordingly awarded, adjusting to a new schedule is impressively hard. It’s also difficult to adjust to constant phone calls and visitors interrupting my work, although I’ve had this role before in other jobs. I’m hoping that I will soon move into “just” busy rather than insanely-want-to-scream busy…but what hasn’t helped with that is the multiple-whammies of last week.\n\nLast week I was hormonal (yippee!), insanely-want-to-scream busy, and got pummeled twice in Facebook brawls, both of which left me feeling very shaken. I very seriously considered quitting FB altogether but decided to just step back and not post anything political for some time. I’m okay now, if feeling twice-bitten, thrice-shy, but the real doozy was the head cold I came down with Friday evening. Hormonal stuff tends to cause me headaches and I can cope with all but the most head-pounding of them but head colds send me into a self-pitying, grumpy, exhausted spiral of woe. I’d take tomorrow off, only the above-mentioned work changes mean that it’s especially difficult to deal with sick days, because we now have people in the office filling in for reception on breaks, rather than temps, so I inconvenience everyone if I’m sick. But, it also means there are four people I’m directly exposing, because they cover for me at my desk during breaks/lunch, and even sanitizing wipes might not work.\n\nI just wish it weren’t all at once and, invariably, that’s what seems to happen. I really, really just want one more day off, without having to worry about reception cover and guilt, to feel better and a little less fragile.\n\nWee Regrets\n\nJan 10th, 2012 by heidi\n\nI’m a worrier.\n\nYou had probably noticed that.\n\nI’m a worrier who worries about big things, little things, middle-sized things. All The Things [tm], to quote Hyperbole and a Half. If it’s out there, I’ve probably worried about it at least once, from Yosemite blowing up and exterminating my family (okay, that was a short-lived, insane worry that I mostly don���t worry about any more, given that Seattle’s very own Cascadia subduction zone could produce an over-9-point earthquake with a tsunami up to 30 meters high, so I’ve got more immediate problems on my hands, obviously), to whether or not it should matter to me that people in the office haven’t said that my new scarf is pretty today.\n\nYes, I worry. Yes, I know this is bad. Yes, I worry that I’m worrying myself into an early grave. It’s what I do. I’m good at it. I’m working on not doing it so much…but did any of you other chronic worriers notice how hard that is?! Back when I was doing my first master’s degree, I took a great biofeedback and meditation class that worked really well for shutting off the 2:00 am crazies. Since getting out of the habit, though, the worrying has come back with a vengeance.\n\nLast night I think I spent two hours feeling like a terrible person because, back when I worked with students in Manchester, I didn’t give a girl a class refund of all of 4 pounds when she was obviously really desperate for it. It was the rule, and I was following the rules, but, in hindsight, I wish I’d broken them. An hour worrying about that, and an hour reading to try to stop worrying about that…and I’m exhausted today.\n\nIt’s almost funny. I know, of course, that we all should let go of our guilt and fly free like happy butterflies, but the knowing and the doing (and the flying thereafter) are all entirely disconnected steps. I can let go of things. I can close the door on some things, knowing that I’ve done my best and that was the best I could do, but it’s the pesky moments when I let someone down, or when I let myself down, that plague me. Letting go of those, acknowledging that I’ve grown as a person and am trying to improve, just seems so difficult to accomplish, because the logical reminders of my growth don’t seem to hold much weight in the middle of the night, especially when, being human and all, I keep making more pesky mistakes to regret.\n\nPosted in Insomnia | 3 Comments »\n\nShopping for Doctors\n\nJan 5th, 2012 by heidi\n\nSo, a nasty cold/flu/whatever thing meant that I needed to call my doc today for an appointment to get checked out. After two hours of not hearing from her, I gave up and called the clinic my husband visited for the first time yesterday. One same-day appointment later, it really is just a virus, I have a refill for my rescue inhaler, and all is well.\n\nThing is, my regular doctor hasn’t been great lately. I needed a Metformin refill and didn’t hear from her for a week. Luckily it’s for PCOS, not diabetes, but I consider that bordering on negligent, myself. I’ve had trouble booking appointments and her assistant never actually answers calls. They just go straight to voicemail and you get to hope that you’ll get a call back…sometime. Not okay, for my purposes, so I’ve been considering shopping for doctors and this was the final straw.\n\nThe guy I saw today was friendly and seemed to be really eager to be helpful. He’d never heard of HAES but was okay with my saying that I didn’t want to discuss my weight. He said that he was fine with that, although if I came in for a sore back, say, he’d want to throw it out there as a possible avenue, but that he would absolutely respect my wishes. The office was fine with my asking not to be weighed, which is also nice.\n\nI think I’ll switch over, for the time being, although I’m tempted to mail him a copy of “Health At Every Size” for some homework reading. What made me proudest was that, when he said that he’d be willing to be my PCP if I wanted, I was very firm and unapologetic about my history of ED and desire not to discuss weight loss. I didn’t feel embarrassed, either. If he hadn’t been okay with it, that would have been fine, but I would have moved on to find a different doctor without feeling ashamed. I think.\n\nIt felt like a step forward. Now I just have to deal with all the other freaking issues that I’ve got, the biggest of which I can’t discuss here, resulting in my long absence from posting!\n\nPosted in Everyday, Size acceptance | 3 Comments »\n\nYou forgot the disclaimer…\n\nOct 18th, 2011 by heidi\n\nThe thing they don’t tell you about adulthood as a kid, when you dream of all the freedom that you’ll have when you’re grown up, is that as an adult, you don’t get the kid- or teen-excuse card to play that is sort of your get-out-of-jail-free. Your excuse to do, say, and feel whatever’s on your mind and have it all written off as “teenage angst.”\n\nNot as an adult. When you’re having a hormonal sort of day, your son woke up with a cough and you had to keep him home from kindergarten even though he wanted to go, and you found out that one of your very best work colleagues (one of those people that keeps you going to work in the first place) is moving away, and everyone seems to be NEEDY!NEEDY!NEEDY, and you didn’t get anything tangible accomplished over the weekend, and said work friends is going out with two other work friends and you were invited but can’t go because they set it at about the ONLY time during the day when your schedule precludes it, and you are being expected to know information that nobody gave you in the first place, and all you want to do is either throw a screaming tantrum or huddle up in a ball and weep…you don’t get to.\n\nYou get to smile, and do the job at the time that you had it scheduled, and you don’t get to go home, and you don’t get to say that you don’t wanna do it and you’re not gonna, and you suck it up and you do it. Because if you don’t, you’ll lose your job, and you’ll lose your income, and the little person at home depending on you won’t get the new clothes he needs, and you’ll default on your student loans and and and…\n\nAnd you still have to do it anyway. And it sucks. It sucks so much that I wonder why I ever wanted to be a grown up anyway. Being in high school and college might have been some of the most screwed-up, depressing, horrible times of my life…but at least I could go home, cry, and think that some day, as a grown up, it would be better. I’d make it better.\n\nAnd I haven’t.\n\nAs a teenager, you can always think that it may suck now but it is going to get better. As an adult, not so much. This could be as good as it gets, ever.\n\nAnd I thought I had it bad back then!\n\nPosted in Miscellanea | 3 Comments »\n\nRetail Therapy\n\nOct 17th, 2011 by heidi", null, "I also fell for this:", null, "Posted in Miscellanea | 1 Comment »\n\nOh, Monday\n\nOct 3rd, 2011 by heidi\n\nIt has been the most Mondayish of Mondays, what with the carryover of feeling nauseated all day yesterday, which meant I didn’t get nearly as much done as I had hoped, save for baking a homemade peach pie (and even that wasn’t quite right, because I forgot the lemon juice, which meant it was a tad overly-sweet). When Sunday is a bit crummy, Monday’s not going to get any better and it hasn’t.\n\nBut, I did manage one tiny little mental breakthrough that I need to write down, lest I forget it. I was in the shower, doing my groggy-ugh-Monday waking thing and, for some reason, my thoughts were wandering to shopping with a work friend on Friday – I realized that, back in the day, I could have fit a women’s large too and that I sitll thought of myself as horribly fat. I wondered, as I’ve wondered before, what size I would be now if my dad, mom, and grandmother had recognized that putting on a bit of chub around age 9/10 is normal, given the fact that I started my period less than two years later, and had never started the “oh, don’t eat that, or you’ll get fat!” mantra. What if I had been taught that PE was fun, instead of seeing it as the miserable place where I was clumsy, awkward, and never did anything well enough not to be chosen last? Would I still be a size large? Or just XL?\n\nAnyway, I was suddenly filled with this fury toward my PE teachers. How DARE they take the joy of movement away from me? When I was little I rode bikes. I climbed trees. I walked all over the place. And then I learned to hate my body, to feel like it wasn’t good enough, that I wasn’t good enough, and I stopped doing any kind of movement for joy.\n\nLast night, in bed, my husband was telling me about the local swimming pool and mentioned that they have a rope swing that goes out over the water. I said I thought maybe I should go to the pool too and he said that he wasn’t sure they’d let me on the swing. I know he didn’t mean it hurtfully; he’s not that sort of person, but entirely factually, they might not let me on the swing, because I’m fat. Things that I used to love doing as a kid, like scrambling over rocks, or swinging on rope swings…my body is in no shape to do those things, not just because I’m fat but because I haven’t voluntarily done movement in so long that I know I’m out of shape. My lower back has been killing me for weeks now (my chiropractor says there’s a nerve, possibly in the s1 vertebra, being pinched…which…ugh) and I just feel really OLD. I’m only 34 and I feel old.\n\nDamn those stupid PE teachers for taking fun movement away from me. Now I “just” need to figure out how to get it back, so that I stop feeling so sore, achy, and tired all the time."], "url": "http://littleowl.com/heidi/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 400, "original_height": 604, "original_width": 570, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 513, "original_width": 600, "width": 442}], "image_hashes": ["588e5bf0772eb54eff3afe78c7ccda204bdd85a6a3dc6adee2e46830f1d7d439", "f56efa833cb15f7866fa56f13201b7035675789c9e5fc567dfbea5f35867d49b"], "__index_level_0__": 140, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7128/7595776050_d72ddd143d_o.jpg", "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7258/7595775994_8ca8e4e727_o.jpg", null, "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8011/7595798702_e3b6f9fd9d_o.jpg", null, "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7110/7595867864_ea0a2f6824_o.jpg", "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8158/7595867778_9a0c99d689_o.jpg", null, "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8290/7595913260_35c021aa63_o.jpg", 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parsley, green onion, peppers, squash, and thyme.", null, null, "Jun 1, 2012 I found that the seeds sprinkled into the pots did much better. Half the ones in the professional greenhouse did not make it, but we were persistent and planted new seeds in the pellets with missing sprouts time and time again.", null, "Jun 3, 2012 We moved our seedlings into pots so that they would have more room to grow. I’ve looked at Home Depot, Lowes, Target, Walmart, Hobby Lobby, and Michaels to do a price comparison, and those green and yellow pots below are the cheapest ones I’ve found (priced at $2 at Walmart).", null, null, "Jun 14, 2012 Finally, for the first time in the history of the Lee-Fu household, we got to pick our herbs and use them in our kitchen!  Nothing too fancy. We used the cilantro to make tostadas and soon will be using the basil for spring rolls.", null, null, null, "With the help and care of neighbors, while we were on vacation, this is how these babies are doing today. We even gave Ceci, Sheldon, Bobby, Celine, Stan, and some others up for adoption.  If you would like to adopt a plant from us and live in Atlanta, please let me know!", null, null, null, "You Might Also Love:", "Don't worry, it's monthly and not spammy.", null, null, null], "url": "http://localadventurer.com/herbgarden/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 433, "original_width": 650, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 488, "original_width": 650, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 433, "original_width": 650, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 433, "original_width": 650, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 975, "original_width": 650, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 433, "original_width": 650, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 488, "original_width": 650, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 488, "original_width": 650, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, 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Aren't they pretty! I just did a little research and learned that it is legal to pick our state flower but is not encouraged. It ruins their ability to reseed and keep growing wild if you pick them and they only last about an hour once picked if you do.", null, "This is a field next to our church. The bluebonnets grow wild along freeways and in deserted fields. If you click on this picture to see Micah closer you'll see a big grin on his face. There is something about a field of bluebonnets that makes you want to run!", null, "And not worry about your pants falling down! Not a care in the world!", null, null, "Let's race! It was a contagious feeling of freedom to be among wildflowers!", null, null, "Then, once you are out of breath, you just have to sit down in them!", null, "Or lay down and dream!", null, "I was so bummed that AJ wasn't with us this afternoon. He had been invited to a friends house to play after church. He reassured us that he had more fun than we did running around in bluebonnets.", null, "Michael Frye stood in for AJ. He is our new adopted son. He just moved here from Florida to work at GFA with Rich. He hangs out with us quite often now and is fitting in with our family really well. As you can see, he is taking AJ's place in this photo!", null, null, null, null, "This is a nice place to take a nap!\nPosted by Olivia at Sunday, April 18, 2010 1 comment:", "Sunday, April 11, 2010\n\nBad Habits", null, "The weather in Texas has been absolutely fantastic the past few weeks. 70's and 80's is perfect weather for yard work. I had noticed some really ugly weeds in our front yard and finally got out my \"weeder digger\" and tackled them. I thought it would only take me a few minutes since I remembered only seeing a couple of them. Well, I must have been out there an hour or so finding dozens of weeds in our front lawn. This lent me lots of time for contemplation of weeds and their significance from a spiritual perspective.\nThe small weeds were not so hard to get up and really didn't take any effort to pull out by the roots but as they got bigger it took much more effort! This one in the picture above was the largest one I dug up and it was no easy task. This reminded me of a conversation that my brother and I had the night before. We were discussing bad habits that are so engrained in who we are that we sometimes don't even notice them until years and years have passed and God sends that trial or struggle to show us our sin. We all of sudden see this ugly habit or character flaw that has been a struggle our whole lives! It seems like such a daunting task to weed it out especially when the roots are big and deep. This is when we realize that God is so much bigger then we are and wants to change us to have His character. He says we are a new creation, created in His image.\nI really want flowers in my life, not weeds. but in order to get flowers to emerge in my life I have to get those ugly weeds out. How? I believe it takes a willingness to see the weeds first of all and then a change of heart. . . a surrendered heart, one that doesn't fight the change. It's really not my job to dig up roots of ungodliness myself but God promises to do that part. It's only hard if we fight it.", null, "God has been showing me that He wants to use our home to welcome others. It's His home anyway, isn't it? Everything we have is His. God's heart is loving people. Shouldn't it be mine too? Since I'm a homemaker, my home is my sanctuary, my resting place, my nest. Sharing it has been a struggle over the years. I don't like chaos and messes make me uneasy. It's just a natural thing that when you have more people in a home, the more chaos and mess is present.\nSo I can choose to close my doors and keep it quiet and tidy (restful for me) or let God open my doors and be a blessing to others. Once I understood the concept of giving my home to God and surrendering this area to him, my desires began to shift. I'm finding great joy in preparing a pleasant place for friends (or strangers) to hang out. I'm amazed at how God has opened our doors unexpectedly without me even trying to \"have company\". It is so obvious that He is doing all the work and bringing friends and neighbors who need fellowship and love.\nI pray that whoever knocks on my door will know that they are always welcome and won't ever fear being turned away. It is never a bad time for Jesus when we want to come sit with him and talk or just rest in His presence with a cup of tea.\nAbove is a picture of Easter weekend. Michael, in the orange shirt, just moved down here from Florida to join GFA as staff. He is now rooming with Alex, on the left. They spent Easter weekend with us along with Michael's Dad who drove down with him. If you look closely you'll see chocolate on some faces from the dessert we were eating. AJ got a little carried away with the fun of smearing chocolate on his face.", null, "Carly (ACU sweatshirt) and her friend (middle, back row) came over for dinner recently. These two were a joy to have over and our children love them. It looks cold in this picture because of the fire in the background but it really wasn't that long ago. Just a flukey snow day during March! Rich is laying down in the front because he was trying to get in the picture and there wasn't much room. You know, when you prop the camera up and you only have a little time to find a spot before it takes.", null, "Recent picture of Julia. She is growing up right before our eyes these days!", null, "I love this picture of Olivia in our tree out back!", null, "Micah in the sun, eating dirt. What are little boys made of?", null, null, null, null], "url": "http://lodilowdown.blogspot.com/2010/04/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 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Karol, has been phenomenal!\n\nAmy Amani", "Watch the video\n\nGet our newsletter\n\nBuy a ticket\n\nBuy a ticket to the LSF"], "url": "http://londonscreenwritersfestival.com/whats-on/sessions/digital-collaboration-the-creative-solution", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}, {"height": 534, "original_height": 280, "original_width": 198, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2a378e8fd8af498c7ae2213f4471cf6cd3a7231463497a1d961992fe8e744842", "6a42fb87810c79bc0aeef60f9261a60ac81cedc190950513fbf31aca4b6013b5"], "__index_level_0__": 143, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://www.executedtoday.com/images/Jurgen_Stroop.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9206461906433104}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": 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Isle of Wight.\n\nBound in half-calf with pebbled boards, raised bands, red leather title label; some scuffing here and there, but overall a Very Good copy. Bookplates from the University Library of Edinburgh, Chemical Library, over which there is a small 1-inch oval “cancelled” stamp; there are no other markings in the volume.  $200\n\nThere are some very big names here writing on a wide variety of subjects, including: Herschel, Gay-Lussac, Ampere, Becquerel, Davy, Prout, Berzelius, and numerous others.", "Some of the most interesting papers include:\n\nHerschel, J.F.W. “Mr. Herschel on certain Motions produced in Fluid Conductors when transmitting the Electric Current”, pp 170-176; AND \"Mr.Herschel on certain Motions produced in Fluid Conductors when  transmitting the Electric Current (concluded)”, pp 271-286. This was first published earlier in this same year in the Philosophical Transactions.\n\nGay-Lussac, Joseph Louis. “M. Gay-Lussac on the Assay of Chloride of Lime. (With a Plate.) “, pp. 218 -226. This is an interesting work in that Gay-Lussac was on a leading panel to discuss the wide-ranging applications of lightning conductors to all large churches in France after it was established in 1822 that a national effort needed to be made to protect large structures. AND WITH “M. Gay-Lussac on Conductors of Lightning. (With a Plate.) 427-439. Ampere, Andre-Marie. “MM. Ampere and Dulong on M. Rousseau's New Method of measuring the Power of Bodies to conduct Electricity”, pp 39-42;\n\nBecquerel, Antoine. “M. Bequerel on the Electro-motive Actions produced by the Contact of Metals with Liquids”, pp 42-45;\n\nPowell, Baden. “Mr. Powell's Remarks on Solar Light and Heat”, pp 81-94; AND “Mr. Powell's Remarks on Solar Light and Heat (continued) 287-294;\n\nDavy, Humphrey. “Sir H. Davy on the Corrosion of Copper Sheetmg by Sea Water”, pp 94-99; AND “Dr. Bostock on the Applicability of Sir H. Davy's Discovery to Copper Vessels employed for Culinary Purposes”, 176-180;\n\nProut, William. “Dr. Prout on the Nature of the Acid and Saline Matters in Animals” 117-119;\n\nBerzelius, Jons Jakob. “M. Berzelius on the Decomposition of Silica “, pp 121-123 (this is an English appearance , truncated, of the announcing article where Berzelius “isolates sillicon and zirconium, the latter following many unsuccessful attempts by others. Berzelius succeeds in the zirconium isolation by heating a mixture of potassium and potassium flouride in an iron tube protected by a platinum crucible”--C Parkinson, Breakthroughs, , p. 276) AND WITH “Distinction of Positive and Negative Electricity” via taste! A short note on p 236; AND WITH “M. Berzelius on Fluoric Acid” pp 330-342; AND WITH “M. Berzelius on the Combinations of Acetic Acid with Peroxide of Copper”, pp 188-202;\n\nPosted by John F. Ptak in Chemistry, Physics | Permalink | Comments (0)", "Small, Compact, Unusual Comparative Heights of Mountains Map\n\nJF Ptak Science Books", "[Small detail from the quantitative display, below; measures 2x2 3/4\".]\n\nGenerally the dozens of maps/charts showing the comparative heights of mountains and lengths of rivers maps that have come through the store part of this blog have been somewhat large--or at least larger than the present example, which may be about the smallest (at about 11x8\") detailed representative of this genre that I have seen.", "There's a lot of comparatively-displayed information presented on 88 square inches, including the lengths of 30 rivers and the heights of about 500 mountain peaks distributed over Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas.  And for as much imagery and data there is on this sheet, the whole is very nicely designed, a real success in the display of quantitative data.\n\nPosted by John F. Ptak in Maps | Permalink | Comments (0)", "Joseph Henry and Electro-dynamic Induction, 1841\n\nThe London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, conducted by David Brewster, Richard Taylor, Richard Phillips, and Robert Kane, volume XVIII, January-June 1841, and printed in London, 8vo, vii (1), 616, with 3 engraved plates. Bound in half calf with raised bands, and with red and black spine labels; scuffing to boards and spine edges and board tips; text is crisp and bright. Overall, a Good copy.  $225\n\nThere are many articles of interest in this volume, though leading the way in my opinion is:\n\n“Prof. J. Henry's Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism.  No. IV. On the Electro-dynamic Induction\", pp 482-514. It looks as though this is the first appearance in Great Britain and in Europe, the article first appearing in the Transaction of the American Philosophical Society, vol viii, 1840.\n\nAlso included in the volume:\n\n“Mr. J. Williams on the Electricity of Steam”, pp 93-95;\n\n“M Peltier on the Phenomena of the Electricity of Steam, observed by Mr. Pattinson and Mr. Armstrong”, pp 100-102;\n\n“Prof. J. J. Sylvester's Introduction to an Essay on the Amount  and Distribution of the Multiplicity of the Roots of an Algebraic Equation”, pp 136-139;\n\n\"Mr. W. S. Harris on Lightning Conductors, and on Experiments relating to the Defence of Shipping from Lightning\", pp 172-182;\n\n\"Mr. Thomas's Remarks on Prof. Whewell's Paper on the Mean Level of the Sea 183-184;\n\n\"Prof. J. J. Sylvester on a new and more general Theory of Multiple Roots\", 249-255;\n\n\"H. Kopp on the Atomic Volume and Crystalline Condition of Bodies, and on the Change of Crystalline Form by means of Heat\", pp 255-265;\n\n“Prof. A. De Morgan on a Suggestion relative to Barrett's  Method of computing the Values of Life Contingencies\"; pp 268-270;\n\n\"Prof. J. J. Sylvester on a linear Method of Eliminating between  double, treble, and other Systems of Algebraic Equations”, pp 425-436;\n\n\"The Rev. J. Challis on the Principles of the Application of Analysis to the Motion of Fluids\", pp  477-482;\n\n“Sir David Brewster's Correction of an Error in Prof. Dove's Letter on the Law of Storms”, p 514", "Other works in this volume include some very big names:", "Eight Very Early Sound-on-Film Motion Picture Reports", "\" From the producer's standpoint, variable area film recording has one great advantage that places this system in a class far ahead of all others\".", "Arthur C. Hardy, The Optics of Sound Recording Systems.  Typed carbons, 17 leaves, 11x8 inches, paper clip binding.  Published in the Transactions of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers, vol. XII, no. 35, 1928, pp. 760-777.\n\nWorldCat/OCLC locates copies at MIT and Margaret Herrick Library.\n\nRare. $450\n\nArthur C. Hardy was president of the Optical Society of America.", "\"The trouble about these beautiful, novel things is that they interfere so with one's arrangements. Every time I see or hear a new wonder like this I have to postpone my death right off..\" Mark Twain (1906)\n\nOperating Instruction for RCA Photophone Type PM-15B, Newsreel Recording Equipment, Including Operating Instructions for RCA Photophone Instructions for RCA Photophone Model 4PA38A1 Portable Recording Amplifier.\n\nPrinted by RCA Photophone, Inc., New York, U.S.A. 11x8.5\", 11 pages, with 12 original photographs of equipment, plus a large folding schematic. Printed ca. early 1930's.\n\nNo copies located in WorldCat/OCLC.   $1250", "\"RCA Photophone was the trade name given to one of four major competing technologies that emerged in the American film industry in the late 1920s for synchronizing electrically recorded audio to a motion picture image. RCA Photophone was an optical sound, \"variable-area\" film exposure system, in which the modulated area (width) corresponded to the waveform of the audio signal. The three other major technologies were the Warner Bros. Vitaphone sound-on-disc system, as well as two \"variable-density\" sound-on-filmsystems, Lee De Forest's Phonofilm, and Fox-Case's Movietone. When Joseph P. Kennedy and other investors merged Film Booking Offices of America (FBO) with the Keith-Albee-Orpheum theater chain and Radio Corporation of America, the resulting movie studio RKO Radio Pictures used RCA Photophone as their primary sound system...”--Wikipedia\n\nThe machine -- eventually branded the RCA Photophone -- failed to catch on, in part because 35 mm film was expensive and required time-consuming photographic processing before it could be played back. The device lost out to competing technologies and was eventually abandoned.--retrothing.com\n\n“The research engineers of the General Electric Company and the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, being aware about ten years ago of the probable value to the theatrical industry of an effective system of sound motion picture production, initiated fundamental researches which have been carried forward to the point of fully meeting the aims of these investigators. The resulting basic methods, suitably developed, and tested by extensive commercial experience in the studio recording and theater reproducing installations of RCA Photophone, Inc., form a complete and modern system which is at present widely used in the sound motion picture industry. ..”-­Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers Volume 18, Number 10 October, 1930. “THE RCA PHOTOPHONE SYSTEM OF SOUND RECORDING AND REPRODUCTION FOR SOUND MOTION PICTURES* BY ALFRED N. GOLDSMITH AND MAX C. BATSEI\n\nThe introduction of sound-on-film motion pictures--the Talkies--was a major innovation and social experience--to hear people talking seemingly on-screen was at first an astonsihing moment for many:\n\n\"On the evening of February 15, 1931 four journalists were invited to the London offices of the Producers Distributing Company, an American film distributor,\" as documented by Jean-Marc Pelletier (2009). There, the engineer Eric Allan Humphriss, who had been working on the RCA Photophone sound-on-film technology, reproduced in front of the journalists the vocal line \"all of a tremble\" that he had manually painted in ink \"on a strip of cardboard\" and then \"photographed onto the sound track of a blank film.\" By all accounts the journalists themselves trembled.18 Cecil Thompson (1931, p. 1) opened his report for the Daily Express by setting the atmosphere: \"Four men sat in a darkened room in London\"; then, astonished by the events, he imparted that his biases about the supernatural had been superseded by the progress of technology, \"It was not a spiritualistic séance. There was nothing supernatural about the phenomenon. The experience can only be described as the birth of the world's eighth wonder-the creation of the 'robot' voice\"...\" --\"Re-voicing\" Reality: Synthesis as Simulation\", in \"Sound Synthesis, Representation and Narrative Cinema in the Transition to Sound (1926-1935)”, by Maurizio Corbella; Anna Katharina Windisch, in Cinemas : Revue d'Études Cinematographiques = Journal of Film Studies, 10/2013, Volume 24, Issue 1.", "The large folding schematic, 17x23\":", "Continue reading \"Eight Very Early Sound-on-Film Motion Picture Reports\" »", "Weapon System 133B, Aerospace Vehicle, Structural Design Criteria. Cover letter: Letter of Approval incorporating AFBSD 62-66 (September 1962) into WS-133B, and signed by Col John Chandler for Brig General Samuel Phillips, USAF, Deputy Commander for Minuteman.\n\n11X8.5”, offset printed, 37 leaves, gathered with a staple at upper left corner. Document dated 25 September 1962. This is in regards to the structural design for the SM-80C Minuuteman Vehicle, (Minuteman 1), which was first launched 28 September 1962 at Vandenburg. Fine  $150\n\nItems covered in this assessmernt of this ICBM include system characteristics, strucutral design, limit loads, proof factors, buckling considerations, stiffness requirements, design conditions and environments, pre-launch and launch conditions, flight conditions (pp 19-27), along with evidences of structural adequacy.", "Dove on the Law of Storms, 1837\n\n“Dove's role in the history of meteorology was evaluated very controversially by his contemporaries as well as by meteorologists of the 20th century. A. v. Humboldt 1848 has considered Dove to be \"the founder of the present day meteorology\" and regarded him as the main authority in this field of science. Dove was styled \"the Father of Meteorology\" in an obituary note published in Nature, cited immediately in the necrologue printed by the Journal of the Austrian Meteorological Society (1879) and also two decades later in the famous History of the Prussian Academy of Sciences (Harnack 1900, vol. I/2). The physicist G. Kirchhoff in his election proposal for W. v. Bezold in 1886 has Dove called retrospectively the \"single representative (of the meteorology, this new science which was founded essentially by Dove\" --”Heinrich Wilhelm Dove's position in the history of meteorology of the 19th century”, by Karl-Heinz Bernhardt Leibniz-Sozietät e.V .\n\n“In sense of a \"dynamic\" climatology, Dove has used for the first time monthly mean values , ten- and five-day means, deviations of the mean temperature from the latitudinal mean values) etc. Further, he has studied diurnal and annual changes of air temperature, air pressure, precipitation, and wind direction, but also non-periodic long time temperature changes over extended areas and, last not least, the mean course of weather over the year including pronounced singularities, as cold spells in May, and a number of various weather events. “ AND: “The method of local observations and their statistical treatment was also the starting point of Dove's view on atmospheric dynamics, first of all on the theory of storms. Dove deduced the counteraction of conflicting equatorial and polar currents in mid latitudes from the shape of wind-roses at mid-latitude stations, and he derived the turning law (\"Drehungsgesetz\") from the statistics of local wind direction changes in time (beginning from Dove 1827).The same way, the behaviour of air pressure, temperature, and water vapour pressure within the both air currents as well as in cases of their displacement each other was derived by Dove from corresponding (barometric, thermic, hygric) wind-roses which show the mean values of those parameters in dependence on wind direction.”--Heinrich Wilhelm Dove's position in the history of meteorology of the 19th century”, by Karl-Heinz Bernhardt Leibniz-Sozietät e.V .", "Warsaw Uprisings, 1943 and 1944\n\nHow Warsaw Fell.  1944.  8 pp.  11x8 inches.  Very good condition.  WorldCat/OCLC locates 8 copies (including three in the U.S. and five overseas). $250\n\nThis is bound to be a great smoothing-out of a complex issue, but, well, that’s okay: I think that in spite of the simplification the result is the same. The bottom line of the Second Warsaw Uprising (August/September 1944) is that the Soviet Union allowed the Polish Home Army to fail, watching from its position across the Vistula as the Nazis and Poles slugged it out, both exhausting themselves, the Nazis ultimately defeating the Poles, eliminating most of the Soviet concern for the Polish military and government, allowing the Soviet Union to take the country over more completely when the time came a few months earlier.  It was the Soviet’s choice to see two enemies annihilate themselves to have more control over Poland and immediately turn it into a vassal state when it rolled into Warsaw in January, with 85% of the city destroyed and 600,000 of the city’s population  dead.", "With this in mind,  where was the Polish Home Army or the Americans or the Brits-or anyone--when the first Warsaw Uprising occurred? Absent.1 This battle–generally known as the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising–took place about three years after the Nazis established it as a means of control for the city’s 400,000 or so Jews. In the intermediary years hundreds of thousands of Jews had been “deported” (that is, sent to the concentration camps to be exterminated or worked to death), so that by the time of the Uprising only 60,000 people remained in the Ghetto.  And by this time there was no doubt in anyone’s mind who lived there (and perhaps too in Warsaw as a whole) what the euphemism of “deportation” actually meant.  The battle started off well for the home defence (the ZOB2) but, ultimately, with little access to resource and with nowhere to actually retreat or regroup in the few acres that remained of the original Ghetto, whoever was left in the Ghetto were either killed or captured by 16 May.  The German commander, SS Brigadefuhrer Jurgen Stroop reported on that day that “the former Jewish quarter in Warsaw is no longer in existence”:", null, "“Progress of large-scale operation on 16 May 1943, start 1000 hours.\n“ 180 Jews, bandits, and subhumans were destroyed. The former Jewish quarter of Warsaw is no longer in existence. The large-scale action was terminated at 2015 hours by blowing up the Warsaw Synagogue.\nTotal number of Jews dealt with 56,065, including both Jews caught and Jews whose extermination can be proved. “\n\nStroop was arrested and hanged in Poland, in Warsaw, in 1952.", "So, this 6-page pamphlet, published by Liberty Publications in London at the end of 1944 (and received by the Library of Congress on 10 January 1945), detailed the misery of the non-recognition of the second Warsaw Uprising and the reason(s) for it. It details the travesty, the disinterest, and the political accomplishment of the Soviet Union gained by its criminal inaction. There is of course no mention whatsoever of the first Warsaw Uprising.  Selfish inaction breeds itself, consumes others and then--like yeast--consumes itself.\n\n1. \"WHEN THE revolt in the ghetto broke out in April 1943, all of Warsaw was aware of the fighting. The news of the revolt was transmitted to the Allied capitals by the Polish underground, but no help came for the Jewish fighters - not from the US or England, nor from the Soviet Union; not even a sign of recognition or an acknowledgement by the Allies of the battle raging in the ghetto. The Jewish fighters in the Warsaw Ghetto were unknown soldiers, isolated from the world. Only two years later, after the end of the war, did their valiant battle receive universal recognition.\"--\"Who Defended The Warsaw Ghetto?\", by Moshe Arens, in the Jerusalem Post, 29 April, 2003.\n\n2.  The ZOB  was the Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa, led by Mordechai Anielewicz, and ZZW (Zidowski Zwiazek Woskowy) led by Pawel Frenkel.", "A Great Leap Forward in the Development of the Motion Picture (1834)\n\nThe London, Edinburgh Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, London, printed by Richard Taylor, volume IV, January-June 1834. The entire volume offered: 8vo, vii, 432pp. Bound in full calf, with raised bands, and with red and black spine labels; the covers are impressed in gilt with the arms of the \"Society of Writers to the Signet\".  Very nice copy. Very Good condition. $350\n\nW.G. Horner, \"On the Properties of the Daedaleum, a New Instrument of Optical Illusion\", pp 36-41. \"In 1834, William George Horner proposed a more convenient device based on Plateau’s Phenakistoscope which eliminated the need for a mirror and allowed several people to view the device at one time. Horner’s idea was to take shape in the form of drum with an open top into which was placed a hand drawn sequence of pictures on a strip of paper. The pictures were placed around the inside of the edge of the drum and could be viewed through slots in the outside of the drum. The images gave the illusion of movement as the drum was spun. Horner referred to his device as his Daedalum. Strangely the Dadalum was almost forgotten for over thirty years until 1887, at which point it was patented almost simultaneously by William F. Lincoln in America who gave it the name Zoetrope, and in England by M. Bradley.\"--Oldcinema dot com\n\nWilliam Henry Fox Talbot, “Facts relating to Optical Science. No. I. Communicated by  Mr. H. F. Talbot\",   on pp 112-115. Of great interest here is the article by one of the early and great leaders in the history of photography, William Henry Fox Talbot (1800-1877), writing on the meaning of the lines in spectroscopy, assert[ing] that the dark lines observed by David Brewster in the spectrum of light shining through nitrous acid vapors are caused by the absoprtion of light by those vapors,,,Talbot also distinguishes lithium from strontium  through spectroscopy\"--Claire Parkinson, Breakthroughs, a Chronology of Great Achievements in Science and Mathematics, pg 300.\n\n“The early nineteenth century witnessed the adoption and modification of new theoretical frameworks in chemistry and optics. The discovery of many new substances stimulated increasing concern with chemical composition and structure, while the wave theory of light posed problems with dispersion, absorption, photochemical reaction, and other forms of light-matter interaction. Although Talbot counted Wheatstone, Brewster, and Babbage among his scientific friends, he most closely followed the ideas of his friend John Herschel on light. Adopting the wave theory of light and a kinetic interpretation of light, heat, and matter, he pursued the problem of light-matter interaction through the study of optics, crystallography, and spectra. Intrigued by the similar optical characteristics of light and radiant heat as demonstrated by Melloni and Forbes, he sought to show the unity of the chemical rays with visible rays and heat rays. He also sought to use light and optical properties as analytical tools in order to determine the nature and structure of matter and to develop methods of chemical identification. Utilizing the vibratory theory of molecular behavior in gases, he suggested in 1835 a connection between spectral lines and chemical composition.”--Dictionary of Scientific Biography\n\nOther papers of interest in this volume include:\n\n“Rev.W. Whewell's Remarks on a recent Statement by Berzelius respecting the Use of Chemical Formulae” 9-11;\n\n“Rev. W. Ritchie on the Reduction of Mr. Faraday's Discoveries in Magneto-Electric Induction to a general Law. ...” 11-13\n\n\"Mr. T. Graham's Reply to Mr. R. Phillips's Observations on  the Use of Chemical Symbols”, 106-107;\n\n“Sir David Brewster's Observations on the supposed Vision of  the Blood-vessels of the Eye”, 115-120;"], "url": "http://longstreet.typepad.com/books/2016/09/index.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 389, "original_width": 259, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d6243711ab790e6f4518e56f8b28973f52e45a526355a0a0d344708e7d9235f9"], "__index_level_0__": 144, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7170/6646743753_5ca9cb06ea.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.943280816078186}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://lorimoonstudio.blogspot.com/2012/01/friday-frenzy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wTKaNWbs1i0/TlHIGYSgksI/AAAAAAAAAB8/qy8GqQtkB70/s760/mosiac%2Bfor%2Bblog.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wTKaNWbs1i0/TlHIGYSgksI/AAAAAAAAAB8/qy8GqQtkB70/s760/mosiac%2Bfor%2Bblog.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mosiac Bfor Bblog\", \"rendered_width\": 760, \"rendered_height\": 192}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lorimoonstudio.blogspot.com/2012/01/friday-frenzy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7170/6646743753_5ca9cb06ea.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm8.static.flickr.com/7170/6646743753_5ca9cb06ea.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ca cb ea\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 375}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lorimoonstudio.blogspot.com/2012/01/friday-frenzy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lorimoonstudio.blogspot.com/2012/01/friday-frenzy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/-fXg2LjTx3mY/TlGzC_ivYxI/AAAAAAAAAAU/RpaRSM-9XtA/s80/Me.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fXg2LjTx3mY/TlGzC_ivYxI/AAAAAAAAAAU/RpaRSM-9XtA/s80/Me.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Me\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lorimoonstudio.blogspot.com/2012/01/friday-frenzy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Fy7xCWSpP-s/T3BUi-xOw2I/AAAAAAAAAPg/vVAxHl1Z8ts/s151/2012-03-251.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Fy7xCWSpP-s/T3BUi-xOw2I/AAAAAAAAAPg/vVAxHl1Z8ts/s151/2012-03-251.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 151, \"rendered_height\": 151}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, January 6, 2012\n\nFriday Frenzy\n\nSo, I know that I will probably regret saying this out loud......I miss snow. The weather has been colder this past week and honestly if it is going to be cold then there should be snow. I blame this attitude on growing up in Wisconsin.\nThis a photo that I took almost one year ago. The Alice In Wonderland statue in Central Park is one of my favorite.", null, "I can honestly say that I haven't really thought about what I wanted to accomplish this weekend. Normally, before I sit down to right this post, I have an outline or a written list that I have created while sitting at my day job, but not this time. It has been a little difficult to get back into the swing of the day job after being off for 13 days and it has been busy so daydreaming hasn't happened as much. Sigh...\nMy frenzy:\nOk, that's it, I am sure there will be a subway trip with the BF to explore a different neighborhood, shop or just escape for tea and dessert.\nWhat does your weekend frenzy include?"], "url": "http://lorimoonstudio.blogspot.com/2012/01/friday-frenzy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["b9c0bd969faf86a056af190f1975664c60fc42b7e6cf8974af693e29978003a0"], "__index_level_0__": 145, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_vFBngh9w_8k/TScl1jh1BTI/AAAAAAAAEDU/pPUrfoUx--k/s400/IMG_4687.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vFBngh9w_8k/TScl2Vn40eI/AAAAAAAAEDs/4_iiErZEygY/s400/IMG_4689%2BFuse.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vFBngh9w_8k/TSck6enMqaI/AAAAAAAAEDM/NazgNJnUTIQ/s400/IMG_4743.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.96323424577713}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lukebrazell.blogspot.com/2011/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vFBngh9w_8k/TScl2D0oMBI/AAAAAAAAEDk/xV2SwKQ8Ma8/s400/IMG_4696%2BStitch.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_vFBngh9w_8k/TScl2D0oMBI/AAAAAAAAEDk/xV2SwKQ8Ma8/s400/IMG_4696%2BStitch.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG BStitch\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lukebrazell.blogspot.com/2011/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_vFBngh9w_8k/TScl1jh1BTI/AAAAAAAAEDU/pPUrfoUx--k/s400/IMG_4687.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_vFBngh9w_8k/TScl1jh1BTI/AAAAAAAAEDU/pPUrfoUx--k/s400/IMG_4687.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lukebrazell.blogspot.com/2011/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vFBngh9w_8k/TScl2Vn40eI/AAAAAAAAEDs/4_iiErZEygY/s400/IMG_4689%2BFuse.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vFBngh9w_8k/TScl2Vn40eI/AAAAAAAAEDs/4_iiErZEygY/s400/IMG_4689%2BFuse.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG BFuse\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lukebrazell.blogspot.com/2011/01/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vFBngh9w_8k/TSck6enMqaI/AAAAAAAAEDM/NazgNJnUTIQ/s400/IMG_4743.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_vFBngh9w_8k/TSck6enMqaI/AAAAAAAAEDM/NazgNJnUTIQ/s400/IMG_4743.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, January 14, 2011\n\nOut to lunch. Back in 3 weeks\n\nJust a reminder. I'm leaving tomorrow and will be gone for the next 3 weeks for my vacation. So if you don't hear anything from me (and you probably won't), that's why. And if you're out of the loop and don't know where I'm going, look at my previous note/post/email. See ya!\nPosted by Luke at 10:29 AM No comments:", "Next stop Southeast Asia", "The view of Halla Mountain at the center of the island from my apartment building's roof.\n\nLast time I promised more details about my upcoming trip. The biggest news (which I just found out) is that my friend Jason is coming with me. He's extremely relaxed and great fun to hang with. Having him along will definitely make the trip better. It also means double the pictures (I can hear some of your groaning already. Cheer up. More pictures means less words!)", null, "The Provincial Office of Education (POE)\n\nAs far as what's actually going to happen, this is the plan. We'll fly into Bangkok late late on the night of Saturday the 15th. We'll take a couple days to explore, then catch a cheap flight to Singapore and repeat. From there we'll take the overnight train to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. After about 2 days there we'll hop back on the train and head North back to Thailand. We'll stop in the Southern region to go to a gorgeous tropical island called Ko Phangan. We'll stay there for 10 days in a beachfront bungalow snorkeling, watching breathtaking sunsets from hammocks, riding elephants, learning to scuba dive, etc. When reality finally drags us back kicking and screaming, we'll catch the train to Bangkok on Friday the 4th to fly back to Jeju.\n\nI don't talk about this on here often but at times I get very lonely and very sad living so far away from everyone I love. The price you pay for the lifestyle i'm currently living is loneliness, cravings for things you can't have and being perpetually outside your comfort zone. The rewards are many but some of the biggest are trips like these. So don't be too mad at me for taking it. I'm paying the price.", null, "A normal street in Jeju-Si (Jeju City)\n\nNow this might sound like a packed schedule but there's a ton of flexibility built into it. That's where I need YOUR HELP (yes YOU). As I've never been to any of these places, suggestions for what to do and see would be awesome. Thanks in advance for the tips. I'm only sad that I can't take more of my friends from back home with me :(\n\nPS. On a small but wonderful note for me in my continuing quest to find my beverage of choice everywhere in the world, I found a website that allows you to buy groceries online and have them shipped to you. They had Dr. Pepper. I ordered 3 12-packs. They sent 3 24-packs!!!! I don't think the smile that gave me will leave my face for a month :D", null], "url": "http://lukebrazell.blogspot.com/2011/01/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 224, "original_width": 400, "width": 675}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 400, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["8e6e44ef636cd2ce5e7842ea19bedf4cca86a3782e456db2696d3d95c5d83451", "3ec759f71b0663b2385a22f56cdcdc0c952db1252ec92dfc0b0dfea7caac9233", "882ebe5334576fe896a878ca2c1b9fcd458d16d83a216aef598318c1e1f2cefd"], "__index_level_0__": 146, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_4-EoB6iw-q0/SmusoKVgPuI/AAAAAAAABSk/6VDE76s9-0I/s400/IMG_6514.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4-EoB6iw-q0/SmusoVwg0ZI/AAAAAAAABSs/ZwNZN8vT6Us/s400/IMG_6515.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4-EoB6iw-q0/Smuso7lL_rI/AAAAAAAABS0/u8M_oh-cC-8/s400/IMG_6516.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9435768723487854}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lymericky.blogspot.com/2009/07/fantastic-voyage-quilt.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4-EoB6iw-q0/Sgsq0q84REI/AAAAAAAAA_c/yJFzJzsW21M/S180/drink+recipe+copy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4-EoB6iw-q0/Sgsq0q84REI/AAAAAAAAA_c/yJFzJzsW21M/S180/drink+recipe+copy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"drink recipe copy\", \"rendered_width\": 180, \"rendered_height\": 180}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lymericky.blogspot.com/2009/07/fantastic-voyage-quilt.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_4-EoB6iw-q0/SmusoKVgPuI/AAAAAAAABSk/6VDE76s9-0I/s400/IMG_6514.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_4-EoB6iw-q0/SmusoKVgPuI/AAAAAAAABSk/6VDE76s9-0I/s400/IMG_6514.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lymericky.blogspot.com/2009/07/fantastic-voyage-quilt.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4-EoB6iw-q0/SmusoVwg0ZI/AAAAAAAABSs/ZwNZN8vT6Us/s400/IMG_6515.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_4-EoB6iw-q0/SmusoVwg0ZI/AAAAAAAABSs/ZwNZN8vT6Us/s400/IMG_6515.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://lymericky.blogspot.com/2009/07/fantastic-voyage-quilt.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4-EoB6iw-q0/Smuso7lL_rI/AAAAAAAABS0/u8M_oh-cC-8/s400/IMG_6516.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_4-EoB6iw-q0/Smuso7lL_rI/AAAAAAAABS0/u8M_oh-cC-8/s400/IMG_6516.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Fantastic Voyage measuring 65 X 65\nI made this quilt for my mother-in-law to thank her for watching my kids for a week. I wanted her to have something special to help her remember just how much we love and appreciate her.", null, "It was very unusual for me to do this kind of quilt -- normally I stick to traditional geometric shapes and patterns. Also, I use pastels and fruity type colors. So, this was stepping pretty far out of my comfort zone. As I worked on it, I kept asking myself, \"Does this look OK?\" or \"Is this going to work???\"\n\nI think in the end it turned out very nice. The random patterning actually appeals to me now -- I think I'll be trying more like it in the future.\n\nI like this quilt so much, I'll be putting a tutorial up in step-by-step form for you to use at your leisure. It will use pre-cut fabrics to make it even easier! Yeah! I love easy. I wish I had thought to use the pre-cut fabric before I cut all those little pieces by hand!", null], "url": "http://lymericky.blogspot.com/2009/07/fantastic-voyage-quilt.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 267, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["113bbf9476950db605cbdf1d62a030bca02488eb53aaac37bb38752605c89446", "081af0d323e728c294e1cea66bd9b72554fff51112d039c60639a89a042ddfe2", "2b61253b24a2d1b16c96470834ba4f002ebf11fd03ec1413a8af673a9395dbbe"], "__index_level_0__": 147, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://media2.fdncms.com/styleweekly/imager/u/mobilestory/2250591/trump_1_.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9629797339439392}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://m.styleweekly.com/richmond/trump-riles-up-and-inspires-crowd-at-henrico-rally/Content?oid=2250592\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://media2.fdncms.com/styleweekly/imager/u/mobilestory/2250591/trump_1_.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://media2.fdncms.com/styleweekly/imager/u/mobilestory/2250591/trump_1_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"trump\"}, null]", "texts": ["Trump Riles, Inspires, Infuriates in Richmond Rally\n\nOctober 15, 2015", null, "Scott Elmquist\n\nThousands of people who came to support Donald Trump at his Henrico County rally punctuated his speech with thunderous applause, others criticized him and some wanted to see the celebrity in person.\n\nIn the crowd, estimated by Richmond International Raceway Complex staff to be about 5,000, there were clashes. One woman began shouting “black power,\" which drew a handful of people into a shouting match. Several people were escorted out after the altercation. A few college students heckled the hour-long speech by shouting “dump trump.” In response, the crowd chanted, “We want Trump.”\n\nThings hit a low when a protester was spit on by someone in the crowd, presumably a supporter, with a video of the incident circulated widely and discussed on national outlets.\n\nThe Republican presidential frontrunner didn’t seem fazed either way. He tried to calm the crowd after the heckling incidents, mentioning freedom of speech, and noting that he was “first place everywhere” in the polls.\n\nTrump spoke to the issues of immigration and women’s rights. He promised to build a wall at the Mexican border, with “a big beautiful door” for legal immigrants.\n\nTo the issue of women in the workforce, he said he has a high number of women in executive positions. “In fact, the men are all complaining,” he says. “To hell with them.”\n\nAfter the event, Trump took to Twitter to say what he felt about the Richmond metro area. “Incredible crowd in Richmond Virginia tonight,” he wrote. “So much spirit and energy.” See more photos of the rally from photographer Scott Elmquist on our Facebook page."], "url": "http://m.styleweekly.com/richmond/trump-riles-up-and-inspires-crowd-at-henrico-rally/Content?oid=2250592", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 902, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["a6fe7a78bba781f4b80e2614124158cb2b27f8be6e877c695b3290f2da98c9de"], "__index_level_0__": 148, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bBLZbinnnuw/UZ9qAjsIMzI/AAAAAAAABd8/bEVxJCp0RPY/s640/liz+and+bob.png", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FVdhQrKmdTk/UXPPYfOyiyI/AAAAAAAABYk/-OY92YkdgTo/s640/may+preview8.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gOlwEIrCuBc/UGUPicpFr7I/AAAAAAAABDQ/XyByaaPzYLk/s640/Jacinta+and+Liz+sept+2012.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nfhWO0XErro/UZ9pq_cJsZI/AAAAAAAABd0/uOyNPQOqJIw/s640/Open+Door...LizAndBob+Designs.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9258816838264464}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://madenthornbury.blogspot.com/2013/05/meet-maker-liz-and-bob-designs-greeting.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bBLZbinnnuw/UZ9qAjsIMzI/AAAAAAAABd8/bEVxJCp0RPY/s640/liz+and+bob.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-bBLZbinnnuw/UZ9qAjsIMzI/AAAAAAAABd8/bEVxJCp0RPY/s640/liz+and+bob.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"liz and bob\", \"rendered_width\": 468, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://madenthornbury.blogspot.com/2013/05/meet-maker-liz-and-bob-designs-greeting.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FVdhQrKmdTk/UXPPYfOyiyI/AAAAAAAABYk/-OY92YkdgTo/s640/may+preview8.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FVdhQrKmdTk/UXPPYfOyiyI/AAAAAAAABYk/-OY92YkdgTo/s640/may+preview8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"may preview\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 540}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://madenthornbury.blogspot.com/2013/05/meet-maker-liz-and-bob-designs-greeting.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gOlwEIrCuBc/UGUPicpFr7I/AAAAAAAABDQ/XyByaaPzYLk/s640/Jacinta+and+Liz+sept+2012.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gOlwEIrCuBc/UGUPicpFr7I/AAAAAAAABDQ/XyByaaPzYLk/s640/Jacinta+and+Liz+sept+2012.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Jacinta and Liz sept\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 426}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://madenthornbury.blogspot.com/2013/05/meet-maker-liz-and-bob-designs-greeting.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nfhWO0XErro/UZ9pq_cJsZI/AAAAAAAABd0/uOyNPQOqJIw/s640/Open+Door...LizAndBob+Designs.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nfhWO0XErro/UZ9pq_cJsZI/AAAAAAAABd0/uOyNPQOqJIw/s640/Open+Door...LizAndBob+Designs.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Open Door\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 478}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://madenthornbury.blogspot.com/2013/05/meet-maker-liz-and-bob-designs-greeting.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5Vakd3PG7TI/TwUC8SJDoBI/AAAAAAAAAhw/24Ijd48GHeE/s250/facebook.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5Vakd3PG7TI/TwUC8SJDoBI/AAAAAAAAAhw/24Ijd48GHeE/s250/facebook.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook\", \"alt_text\": \".\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 67}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["is definitely inspiring some present buying from our local customers.\n\nAnd every great gift needs the perfect card.\n\nThankfully we have the very creative Liz....\n\nOpen Door......... A Pop Up Shop by TWNH\nMeet the Maker – Liz And Bob Designs", null, "Tell us a little about your business ?\n\nLizandbobdesigns uses original digital designs with made using iPad apps.  I started making greetings cards and branched out into a few other products including prints on canvas and vinyl posters. Liz does all the work, Bob is her dog who allows his image to be used as the logo.", null, "How long have you been in business ?\n\nWe've just had our first birthday, though it feels longer because we've come such a long way in just 12 months.\n\nWho inspires you ?\n\nPeople who have bought my cards inspire me.  The best part is knowing that hundreds of special occasions have now been marked by the giving of a Lizandbobdesigns card.", null, "I wouldn't be doing this at all if it wasn't for the Make Craft Your Business Course and subsequent Made 'n Thornbury  Craft Markets. It really was a lucky day for me when I signed up for the course.", null, "What are you plans or dreams for your business ?\n\nTo keep developing and trying new things. To keep having fun with it. To be rich and famous!\n\nThanks Liz (and Bob) !\n\nDon't forget our Open Door....Pop Up Shop is open all weekend.\nWe look forward to seeing you at 825 High Street, Thornbury over the weekend.\n\nMade n Thornbury Community Market\nMade n Thornbury madenthornbury at 11:25 PM", "Thanks for your interest in the Made n Thornbury Market", "Made 'n Thornbury on Instagram", "Upcoming Markets", "Made n Thornbury", "to market to market\n\nThe feedback has been great and the vibe local.\n\nThe market is an intiative of Thornbury Women's Nieghbourhood House."], "url": "http://madenthornbury.blogspot.com/2013/05/meet-maker-liz-and-bob-designs-greeting.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 515, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 469, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 540, "original_width": 640, "width": 448}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 479, "original_width": 640, "width": 505}], "image_hashes": ["4d937656c2679f838cd4c516f32ff8f42e650a702911033ef001faca35e658c8", "e8dbc85a0630c92d11cfbf920258591a3d83dce010370a9111aa0520c21e8fc7", "85a8465a12b3f231e9014fddc811ff452f6107cba6c28548dd6163a8d48f44fe", "d14eef76339f5835b3af55720c78094adfa98391967804a86676fad67a4dc0a5"], "__index_level_0__": 149, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6Gp9STjwI/AAAAAAAABKg/3ZxJpDAMK6g/s400/FxCam_1274550408400.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6GsdCQcVI/AAAAAAAABKo/4zvngNgX7Ao/s320/FxCam_1274550351167.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6G8K86zeI/AAAAAAAABKw/9fFX87YYu-o/s320/FxCam_1274550313616.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6HFMhi7cI/AAAAAAAABK4/M6lTym2Cdf0/s320/FxCam_1274550460936.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9371588230133056}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://madmadamimm.blogspot.com/2010/05/chicken-little.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6Gp9STjwI/AAAAAAAABKg/3ZxJpDAMK6g/s400/FxCam_1274550408400.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6Gp9STjwI/AAAAAAAABKg/3ZxJpDAMK6g/s400/FxCam_1274550408400.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FxCam\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 338}, {\"document_url\": \"http://madmadamimm.blogspot.com/2010/05/chicken-little.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6GsdCQcVI/AAAAAAAABKo/4zvngNgX7Ao/s320/FxCam_1274550351167.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6GsdCQcVI/AAAAAAAABKo/4zvngNgX7Ao/s320/FxCam_1274550351167.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FxCam\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://madmadamimm.blogspot.com/2010/05/chicken-little.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6G8K86zeI/AAAAAAAABKw/9fFX87YYu-o/s320/FxCam_1274550313616.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6G8K86zeI/AAAAAAAABKw/9fFX87YYu-o/s320/FxCam_1274550313616.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FxCam\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://madmadamimm.blogspot.com/2010/05/chicken-little.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6HFMhi7cI/AAAAAAAABK4/M6lTym2Cdf0/s320/FxCam_1274550460936.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_RyrK4Fd5LFg/S_6HFMhi7cI/AAAAAAAABK4/M6lTym2Cdf0/s320/FxCam_1274550460936.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FxCam\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I thought it was about time for an update on our little silkie babies.\n\nPonyo and Sosuke have now moved in together. Since Momma chicken (Noir) would only take care of her wee black birdie (Sosuke), we had to move the two babies in together. Ponyo was so lonely, and starting to think she was a person. :P\n\nWanna see 'em in their humble abode?  They're currently residing under our carport, so excuse the gorgeous surroundings.", null, null, null, null, "It cracks me up that the one we had to help out of the egg (Ponyo), has turned out to be the biggest. They are definitely funky chickens.\n♥♥♥ Heather Rose", "Lables Schmables: critters, God's so awesome, life, love, NaBloPoMo"], "url": "http://madmadamimm.blogspot.com/2010/05/chicken-little.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 339, "original_width": 400, "width": 446}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 271, "original_width": 320, "width": 446}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 271, "original_width": 320, "width": 446}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 271, "original_width": 320, "width": 446}], "image_hashes": ["3a562038cf4781b4e1b566a23e23d141104c8025f93c0b0bdb88a6800dea9f90", "f9c494b88e6ed2cf5942ba028ffb1ebd5f30f57112411a01c3f9c9a9071edd56", "655512792d9049c8061750cd5567b01d8a97ad4d24648045889843295f7f969a", "4737576d76ac1ea6cc1207da770d824771b66e452f343647d425b4b602133ab1"], "__index_level_0__": 150, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WefE5_0ec_E/SueAi-byYiI/AAAAAAAACn0/ynqN3qXMlw8/s320/DSC_6947+5x7.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9361296892166138}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://magnoliaandboothe.blogspot.com/2009/10/magnolia-is-2-part-2.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WefE5_0ec_E/SueAi-byYiI/AAAAAAAACn0/ynqN3qXMlw8/s320/DSC_6947+5x7.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_WefE5_0ec_E/SueAi-byYiI/AAAAAAAACn0/ynqN3qXMlw8/s320/DSC_6947+5x7.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, October 27, 2009\n\nMagnolia is 2, Part 2....\n\nThe girls had their most recent doctor's appointments and Magnolia came in just under 30 lbs and is 35.5 inches tall; maintaining her 90th percentile status. Boothe weighed in at 13.5 lbs and is 25 inches; putting her in the long and lean catagory. 90th percentile for length and 50th for weight. Both girls and happy and healthy!", null], "url": "http://magnoliaandboothe.blogspot.com/2009/10/magnolia-is-2-part-2.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 528, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 229, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8bdf2841f9ac1a3929bfcac6a514d3fda9ac5384d25cc7ad94dc49b6965873dd"], "__index_level_0__": 151, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-g8ir4y6G-Zs/ToY_DeHC_uI/AAAAAAAAAJU/D3uLVUC3yJ0/s200/Frankenstein.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9563107490539552}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mariposacruz.blogspot.com/2011_10_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-g8ir4y6G-Zs/ToY_DeHC_uI/AAAAAAAAAJU/D3uLVUC3yJ0/s200/Frankenstein.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-g8ir4y6G-Zs/ToY_DeHC_uI/AAAAAAAAAJU/D3uLVUC3yJ0/s200/Frankenstein.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Frankenstein\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mariposacruz.blogspot.com/2011_10_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-45hX2g27l-A/VEvSG8xHeYI/AAAAAAAAAis/2g5pYndpYV8/s1600/MC%2BPackage%2BDeal.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-45hX2g27l-A/VEvSG8xHeYI/AAAAAAAAAis/2g5pYndpYV8/s1600/MC%2BPackage%2BDeal.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MC BPackage BDeal\", \"alt_text\": \"Let's Dance\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 330}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mariposacruz.blogspot.com/2011_10_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XR5Ernqgvp8/VU90nrH2c4I/AAAAAAAAAlg/3lLC9MFQnec/s1600/MC%2BHot%2BFlash2%2B%2Bkindle.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XR5Ernqgvp8/VU90nrH2c4I/AAAAAAAAAlg/3lLC9MFQnec/s1600/MC%2BHot%2BFlash2%2B%2Bkindle.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MC BHot BFlash B Bkindle\", \"alt_text\": \"Bring on the Heat!\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 330}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mariposacruz.blogspot.com/2011_10_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-v19aESoD31g/VU912lpG0ZI/AAAAAAAAAls/ZCs82_MM2_s/s1600/Roar_w6211_680%2B%25281%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-v19aESoD31g/VU912lpG0ZI/AAAAAAAAAls/ZCs82_MM2_s/s1600/Roar_w6211_680%2B%25281%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Roar w B\", \"alt_text\": \"Let's Roar!\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 330}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mariposacruz.blogspot.com/2011_10_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NNbphkHEIfs/VU94p_2wliI/AAAAAAAAAmE/0QNJXgKS818/s1600/howl_w3855_300.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NNbphkHEIfs/VU94p_2wliI/AAAAAAAAAmE/0QNJXgKS818/s1600/howl_w3855_300.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"howl w\", \"alt_text\": \"Ready to Howl?\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thank you for having me as your guest. I’m Barbara Edwards, a native New Englander with a Master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Hartford.\nI’m a past president of the Central Florida Romance Writers and a member of Romance Writers of America. I founded the Charter Oak Romance Writers in Hartford, CT a Chapter of Romance Writers of America, along with several close friends.\nI’m married to a retired Police Sergeant. I love Civil War re-enacting, visiting museums, art galleries and battle sites. I taught Romance Writing at Manchester Community college for three years. I write historical romance, romantic suspense and paranormal romance.\nWhat inspired you to become a writer?\nMy biggest influence was my father. He read to my sister and I every night. We heard Robinson Crusoe, Tom Sawyer, Tarzan, Huckleberry Finn, Little Women, and many more a chapter at a time. It was magical and I wanted to tell stories of my own.\nWho are your favorite romance characters (besides your own?)\nI love Scarlett O’Hara and Rhett Butler, and always dreamed of ways to make their story end happily. Roarke and Dallas from JD Robb give me so much pleasure I look forward to every book. I have a hundred others, but don’t want to offend any of my friends by not mentioning their work.\nTell me what inspired this story.\nThe Finding Rhodes End Series and this story started with a nightmare. I grew up next to an old cemetery in New England and there were nights I couldn’t sleep because I was afraid something creepy would appear. To this day I remember that fear and have new nightmares.\nHow do you balance your day-to-day commitments with your writing life?\nNot easily. My husband and I are civil war re-enactors and participate in a number of events. I love traveling and never turn down the chance to see somewhere new. We’re also restoring a Gothic Victorian house built in 1875 and planting a garden with antique perennials. So where do I fit in my writing? I have an Alpha-smart that goes in the front seat and I write as my husband drives. When we’re home I plan my day so I write early when I’m more focused, but have learned to just do it.\nIs there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?\nI hope everyone has an ebook reader and checks out the wonderful authors at my publisher’s website. I’ve found some of the best reading material there.\nAncient Blood by Barbara Edwards\nLily Alban escapes a murderous stalker, but his vicious attack leaves her with the ability to see auras. She finds safety in the tiny hamlet of Rhodes End where a stranger stands out like a red light. Try as she might to deny her growing desire for Cole, she seeks his help but soon discovers the man she loves is not a man at all.\nWerewolf Cole Benedict resists his attraction to Lily. A botanist researching the healing herbs to find a cure for Lycanthropy, he’s determined to protect Lily from her stalker as well as himself even in human form, but instinct takes over when he changes to his inner beast.\nTogether they must use their extraordinary gifts to catch Lily’s stalker before he attacks again, but revealing their secrets to one another could destroy their growing love or save them both.\n\n“What makes you so important? Or is this another secret?”\nCole’s eyes darkened. “Lily. I’m pushing the line with you. Give me some slack.”\n“I want answers, Cole.” She grabbed his arm as he turned and pulled him to a halt.\nHe gently, carefully drew her fierce grip into his grasp. His golden eyes heated as he lifted her hand to his lips. “I already told you, Lily. You’d have to mate with me to learn all my secrets.”\nUrgent need raced from his lips to her center. His scorching gaze melted her from the inside out. All her being longed to step into his arms, to become one in a way she’d never known. She trembled as she recognized the danger.\nThanks for joining us today Barbara! You can find out more about Barbara at the following sites:\nAuthor Website: http://barbaraedwards.net\nBlog Site: http://barbaraedwardscomments.wordpress.com\nFacebook: http://facebook.com/BarbaraEdwards\nAncient Blood http://on.fb.me/naHRY5\nTwitter: http://twitter.com/barb_ed\nAuthors Den: http://authorsden.com/barbaraedwards\nAmazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/-/e/B003F6ZK1A\nBuy link for Ancient Blood: http://tinyurl.com/3f627vh\nPosted by Mariposa Cruz at 5:00 AM 4 comments:", "Labels: Author Interview, Romance, Shapeshifters\n\nSaturday, October 1, 2011\n\nMeet the Frankensteins", null, "When I was 9 I played the demon king in Cinderella and it launched me on a long happy life playing a monster.” Boris Karloff\nLike Lon Chaney, Karloff started his film career in the silent film industry. After nearly 20 years and 80 films, Karloff became an overnight sensation at age 44 with his portrayal of Frankenstein’s monster, even though the opening credits simply listed Karloff as “?”. A slim man standing 5’11”, Karloff wore lifts and padding to portray the monster. Karloff also played the monster in the sequels Bride of Frankenstein (1935) and Son of Frankenstein (1939).\nA founding member of the Screen Actors Guild, Karloff’s diverse career included stage, films, radio, television and recordings. Much later he would give the Grinch his voice and narrated the tale ultimately winning a spoken word Grammy for the recording.\n“There is no such thing as a person that nothing has happened to and each person is as different as his fingertips.” Elsa Lanchester\nThough she played a variety of roles throughout her long career including, Peter Pan at London’s Palladium and a match-making witch in “Bell, Book and Candle”, Elsa Lanchester is most recognized as the Bride of Frankenstein. Lanchester played dual roles in the film, author Mary Shelley and the monster’s bride. While she was named in the credits as Mary Shelley, consistent with the previous movie, as the monster’s bride Lanchester was simply listed as “?”. Despite the “anonymous” billing, Lanchester had a successful film career including two Academy Award nominations for Best Supporting Actress."], "url": "http://mariposacruz.blogspot.com/2011_10_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1370706858ff598b5e8dd183a2598404284a71efd140261ebcabf81739b69cc1"], "__index_level_0__": 152, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://cdn.marketplace.akc.org/media/61585/1481566579_2014_2908.jpg", "http://cdn.marketplace.akc.org/media/61585/1481565814_8197_8149.jpg", "http://cdn.marketplace.akc.org/media/61585/1481566489_4636_1995.jpg", "http://cdn.marketplace.akc.org/media/61585/1481566528_8341_9420.jpg", "http://cdn.marketplace.akc.org/media/61585/1481566548_1227_4716.jpg", "http://cdn.marketplace.akc.org/media/61585/1481566560_2985_2194.jpg", 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Our passion is English and American Golden Retrievers.. Our puppies are lovingly raised inside our home. The parents have wonderful pedigrees full of champions of European decent. They have excellent genes and include OFA, PENN HIP eye CERTS and genetic testing. All puppies are FREE of Retinal Atrophy and Ichthyosis diseases. They are kept very clean and both the puppies and the parents are well cared for. They are exposed to all kinds of sights and sounds. We play with them often and they enjoy playing outside where they are exposed to cats, horses, deer and enjoy romping and playing in the tall grass. At night they are all nestled in their kennel for a good nights sleep.\n\nKennel Name: Carolyn Nielsen\n\nBreeder Name: Carolyn Nielsen\n\nBreeding for: 2 years.\n\nBreeder's Location: Herriman, UT 84096\n\nContact By Phone: 801-558-9191\n\nCarolyn Nielsen's Profile\n\nContact Carolyn Nielsen", "Your message has been sent! Want to send another?", "There was an internal error, please try again later.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://marketplace.akc.org/carolyn-nielsen-33892/golden-retriever-81175", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 248, "original_width": 331, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 246, "original_width": 329, "width": 505}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 778, "original_width": 1037, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 362, "original_width": 483, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1346, "original_width": 1795, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 296, "original_width": 395, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 750, "original_width": 999, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 326, "original_width": 435, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 326, "original_width": 435, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, 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From tongue twisters, to singing scales, to doing that motorboat sound with your lips while humming, Each pro seems to have their own tricks and rituals.\n\nI've stumbled across a technique that really works well for me and serves multiple purposes at the same time.", null, "I picked up a Vicks Personal Steam Inhaler.  It's basically a heating element and a funky plastic cone that directs the steam up and out. You pour a few ounces of water in the base, turn it on and in about a minute it's steaming.\n\nYou could also do this with a tea kettle. I usually begin my day with a mug of hot tea. I've become a connoisseur of the stuff. One of my kitchen cabinets is filled with all kinds of tea: loose leaf, bagged, Oolong, Lapsang Suchong, Darjeeling, Orange Pekoe, and a bunch of fruity blends that friends have given me as gifts over the years.  The warm tea is great on the throat and the steam helps open the sinuses and clear out congestion. Sometimes I will stand over the boiling tea-kettle with a towel over my head just breathing in the steam while doing vocalizations mentioned above - which, of course, is hilarious to my girlfriend.\n\nAs most VO's know, one of the cheapest and easiest ways to practice voiceover is to read out loud every day. This really helps to improve your cold-reading skills.\n\nSo my trick, now that I have the steam inhaler is to read out loud while breathing in the steam for about 15 minutes. I have a variety of books on my tablet PC. So while my face is over the steam, I turn on the e-reader and read out loud. Currently I'm reading Harlan Hogan's \"VO: Tales and Techniques of a Voice Over Actor\" - Harlan is a great guy and has been doing voiceover longer than I've been alive, so it's safe to say he knows a thing or two about the business. His book is in the second edition (or \"Take 2\" as Harlan would say) and should be considered a mandatory read if you're just starting out in the VO business.\n\nSo I stand over the steamer, reading out loud from the book. This serves several purposes:\n\nSteam therapy is a great way to help alleviate congestion from allergies and colds. Personally, when I'm sick, Hot Toddies are my go-to drink. The steam loosens the gunk in my chest, the honey soothes the throat and the whiskey...well, the whiskey lets me not care so much that I'm sick.\n\nBut for non-sick days when there's going to be a lot of time spent in the studio, the \"hot steam/ cold read\" technique is perfect."], "url": "http://marleyaudioblog.blogspot.com/2014/11/the-perfect-vocal-warmup-hot-steam-cold.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 354, "original_width": 450, "width": 480}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["aedd5991e9b7d0d4c9c64c41483680a1f5e805f39b5b137aed643c187136311b", "6f0d7b2eaf02d92e4ae98ac3e9846f41f7467d0d2d614377087ca729577def4b"], "__index_level_0__": 154, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9cETVj847Ys/TENZzCBM7XI/AAAAAAAAETk/lTDZD9V12MU/s400/IMG_0553.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9cETVj847Ys/TENZyrf67yI/AAAAAAAAETc/f1K9WDSo6ZI/s400/IMG_0558.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_9cETVj847Ys/TENZx8yr2fI/AAAAAAAAETU/pLGv-THk3rQ/s400/IMG_0563.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9082539081573486}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://marthasvienna.blogspot.com/2010/07/viennas-fabulous-drinking-water.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9cETVj847Ys/TENZzCBM7XI/AAAAAAAAETk/lTDZD9V12MU/s400/IMG_0553.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9cETVj847Ys/TENZzCBM7XI/AAAAAAAAETk/lTDZD9V12MU/s400/IMG_0553.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://marthasvienna.blogspot.com/2010/07/viennas-fabulous-drinking-water.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9cETVj847Ys/TENZyrf67yI/AAAAAAAAETc/f1K9WDSo6ZI/s400/IMG_0558.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9cETVj847Ys/TENZyrf67yI/AAAAAAAAETc/f1K9WDSo6ZI/s400/IMG_0558.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://marthasvienna.blogspot.com/2010/07/viennas-fabulous-drinking-water.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_9cETVj847Ys/TENZx8yr2fI/AAAAAAAAETU/pLGv-THk3rQ/s400/IMG_0563.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_9cETVj847Ys/TENZx8yr2fI/AAAAAAAAETU/pLGv-THk3rQ/s400/IMG_0563.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://marthasvienna.blogspot.com/2010/07/viennas-fabulous-drinking-water.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-d_6qD-DX7aQ/TpMnUKkVNDI/AAAAAAAAGlI/tedG-4L_lpM/s80/Martha%2Bby%2BRick.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-d_6qD-DX7aQ/TpMnUKkVNDI/AAAAAAAAGlI/tedG-4L_lpM/s80/Martha%2Bby%2BRick.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Martha Bby BRick\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 72, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Vienna's Fabulous Drinking Water\n\nAnother of the great reasons for living in Vienna is its drinking water is among the world’s best. For quality, purity and taste, it just doesn’t get much better than this. Alpine spring water is piped from protected mountain regions to the city using the natural forces of gravity.\n\nYet, surprisingly, if you ask for water in a restaurant, you will be offered expensive bottled water that, in my opinion, does not compare to the taste of Vienna’s tap water. Ask for “leitungswasser” if you want Vienna’s fresh Alpine spring water...but be prepared for a less-than-enthusiastic response from your waiter.\n\nWhen I was doing volunteer work for the Natural History Museum in Vienna, the then director, Dr. Bernd Lötsch, thought it was outrageous that this wonderful water was used for cleaning the streets.\n\nVienna celebrates its extraordinary water at a large, beautiful fountain at Schwarzenberger Platz.", null, null, "Ironically, this magnificent fountain that celebrates Vienna's fabulous drinking water, is surrounded with signs cautioning you not to drink the fountain's water.", null], "url": "http://marthasvienna.blogspot.com/2010/07/viennas-fabulous-drinking-water.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["1d5a0d4e704711ffbdfa114fd4cf25612870831098b0f8323b949ff7b26877d8", "f5bf229bee5be81b34ddddc5038e5a28cf58a4d1ec317579f96cfe4e19b1f72c", "e5dce157ea5548b2ad501d96e150ebde555bbb9fa120bd374c064232e9daebee"], "__index_level_0__": 155, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://bp0.blogger.com/_hjzO9boK0PA/R5qq3z8V60I/AAAAAAAAACQ/u0ODCmlTkzI/s400/flea%2Bmarket%2Bmap.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8256556391716003}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://marvelcakes.blogspot.com/2008/01/meet-us-at-flea-market-in-subang-jaya.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp0.blogger.com/_hjzO9boK0PA/R5qq3z8V60I/AAAAAAAAACQ/u0ODCmlTkzI/s400/flea%2Bmarket%2Bmap.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp0.blogger.com/_hjzO9boK0PA/R5qq3z8V60I/AAAAAAAAACQ/u0ODCmlTkzI/s400/flea%2Bmarket%2Bmap.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"flea Bmarket Bmap\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, January 25, 2008\n\nMeet us at Flea Market in Subang Jaya!!!\n\nMeet MARVELCAKES live !!! We will set up a booth at a FLEA MARKET in Subang Jaya.\n\nBelow are the details :\n\nDate : 2nd Febuary 2008 (Saturday)\nTime : 10 am - 7pm", null], "url": "http://marvelcakes.blogspot.com/2008/01/meet-us-at-flea-market-in-subang-jaya.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["027981d74e761e523d7ca59c0dae7bcb821763e2910d5642d1516d37539536fa"], "__index_level_0__": 156, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kugrbdrX5Gg/VPiMFrY_XBI/AAAAAAAAaZY/4NCXb5FnJH4/s1600/102476568-Samsung_kennel_2.530x298.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9037322998046876}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://marysbeagooddogblog.blogspot.com/2015/03/luxury-dog-kennel-for-tech-saavy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kugrbdrX5Gg/VPiMFrY_XBI/AAAAAAAAaZY/4NCXb5FnJH4/s1600/102476568-Samsung_kennel_2.530x298.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kugrbdrX5Gg/VPiMFrY_XBI/AAAAAAAAaZY/4NCXb5FnJH4/s1600/102476568-Samsung_kennel_2.530x298.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Samsung kennel\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 179}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://marysbeagooddogblog.blogspot.com/2015/03/luxury-dog-kennel-for-tech-saavy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VfAioK-bbJs/V2ONrqTIf-I/AAAAAAAActs/vGBMK8D1sd4kbFSOGHW4Rnobq11LqRLJQCK4B/s1600/rainbow%2Btears.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VfAioK-bbJs/V2ONrqTIf-I/AAAAAAAActs/vGBMK8D1sd4kbFSOGHW4Rnobq11LqRLJQCK4B/s1600/rainbow%2Btears.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rainbow Btears\", \"alt_text\": \"Why does this keep happening?\", \"rendered_width\": 236, \"rendered_height\": 283}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://marysbeagooddogblog.blogspot.com/2015/03/luxury-dog-kennel-for-tech-saavy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6ntpK5oW4mE/Vo816Kd2woI/AAAAAAAAbqk/2LJLfcEeXbw/s1600-r/glancing%2Btoward%2Bhawaii%2Bkaty%2Btold.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-6ntpK5oW4mE/Vo816Kd2woI/AAAAAAAAbqk/2LJLfcEeXbw/s1600-r/glancing%2Btoward%2Bhawaii%2Bkaty%2Btold.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"glancing Btoward Bhawaii Bkaty Btold\", \"alt_text\": \"switching to new template\", \"rendered_width\": 246, \"rendered_height\": 130}, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, March 5, 2015\n\nLuxury Dog Kennel for Tech Saavy Canines ($31,000)...samsung\n\nHeh. For a really good dog...", "The kennel will not go on sale but is available as a prize in a competition across Samsung's social media channels.\nThe Dream Doghouse was six weeks in creation and comes with two indoor living areas—one for \"rest and relaxation\", the other for \"dining and entertainment\"—as well as an outside astroturfed area. Features include a \"doggy\" treadmill, a hot-tub spa, a \"push-to-woof\" call bell, bespoke wallpaper and framed portraits of family and friends, a skylight and a dog-operated snack dispenser.", null], "url": "http://marysbeagooddogblog.blogspot.com/2015/03/luxury-dog-kennel-for-tech-saavy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 298, "original_width": 530, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["ff94e703e664d3af8c112159b110a35027024b113aedbc438d48eb027b2944af"], "__index_level_0__": 157, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4ONxQgOFEuU/TsxCSRcJQGI/AAAAAAAAAc4/S_8eCBl1v6s/s320/allie+bullet.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8621696829795837}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mayorgia.blogspot.com/2011/11/allies-love-triangle-of-ducks-and-geese.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4ONxQgOFEuU/TsxCSRcJQGI/AAAAAAAAAc4/S_8eCBl1v6s/s320/allie+bullet.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4ONxQgOFEuU/TsxCSRcJQGI/AAAAAAAAAc4/S_8eCBl1v6s/s320/allie+bullet.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"allie bullet\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mayorgia.blogspot.com/2011/11/allies-love-triangle-of-ducks-and-geese.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-sjUcKqZIR_s/Tysq0CEow6I/AAAAAAAABFI/6dzd6RsBW1g/s270/store%2Brainbow.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-sjUcKqZIR_s/Tysq0CEow6I/AAAAAAAABFI/6dzd6RsBW1g/s270/store%2Brainbow.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"store Brainbow\", \"rendered_width\": 270, \"rendered_height\": 117}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mayorgia.blogspot.com/2011/11/allies-love-triangle-of-ducks-and-geese.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/-A7yKdcn_CoE/TpzHeGA5K6I/AAAAAAAAABg/i2oKWretzjA/s80/allie2.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-A7yKdcn_CoE/TpzHeGA5K6I/AAAAAAAAABg/i2oKWretzjA/s80/allie2.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"allie\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 73}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mayorgia.blogspot.com/2011/11/allies-love-triangle-of-ducks-and-geese.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-C1LCRxFBP7w/T7Gerx-ZPeI/AAAAAAAACSU/wQuN2jKqbqQ/s270/gia_twitter.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-C1LCRxFBP7w/T7Gerx-ZPeI/AAAAAAAACSU/wQuN2jKqbqQ/s270/gia_twitter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gia twitter\", \"alt_text\": \"Friend/Follow/Like Me? 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And things got FREAKY from there.  Sure, I don’t know exactly what they were thinking, but I’m going to pretend I do. In fact, I’ve written a short play about it.  Presenting:\nCold Blooded Love\nA Play in One Act\n[Warning: this play is filled with images of sweet, sweet gator love. Done in an explicit yet beautiful way. A plastic duck and wooden goose are involved. Okay, maybe they don’t have genitalia, but you can use your imagination. Also, there are adult themes.]\nAllie, the alligator\nGoose, the goose\nDucky, the duck\nGia,  Allie's owner\nSetting: House in Seaside Town\nAllie: Seaside town? HELLLZ YEAH! Time to get my party on!", "/end scene\nScene I: It Begins\n[Allie spots wooden goose and leaps on it.]", "Goose: Oh my!\nAllie: Why, hello there, you sexy goose.\nGoose:  Do I…do I know you?\nAllie: You’re about to. Shake those tailfeathers baby! [looks up] Hey…who is that?\nGoose: That’s ducky. He’s real friendly.\nDucky: Heeeeeyy sexy lady! Wazzzzzzaaap?\nAllie: ….seriously?\nDucky: You from around here?\nAllie: Nope. Just visiting for the weekend. Getting to know Goose right now.\nDucky: God that’s hot.\nAllie: Good, because voyeurism is my second favorite fetish (next to autoerotic asphyxiation).  Watch this:\n[Allie stops, looks at Ducky. Ducky looks back]", "Allie: Ducky, I’m…I’m so drawn to you.\nDucky: I’ve never felt like this before.\nAllie: I must…have…you…..\nScene II: The Betrayal", "[Cue music: Can you feel the looove tonight?]", "Goose: What the fuck? You’re a whore, Allie.\nGoose: [whispering] whore\nAllie: Ducky, come here…just come a little closer. Aha!", "Gia: Allie!! What are you doing!\nAllie: Ducky likes autoerotic asphyxiation too?\nGia: Allie….\nAllie: What?\nGia: Drop iiiiit..\nAllie: No.\nGia: Drop it!\nAllie: RAWR!\nGia: Drop ducky and I’ll give you a cookie.\nAllie: [drops ducky] Gia, you bitch. You know I can’t turn down cookies. Especially not after the aforementioned weed.\nGia: We’re gonna talk about your language later, Allie.\nScene III: The Confrontation\nDucky: [laughs nervously while rubbing neck]  uhh, that was fun, Allie.\nAllie: I’m pure danger, wrapped in sexy.\nGoose: Hey, fuck BOTH of you. Ducky, Allie’s just here for the weekend. I thought you and I had something special. How could you let a reptile come between us birds?\nAllie: Whoa whoa whoa, why’d you have to go there, goose?\nGoose: I’m just saying…\nAllie: It’s 2011, Goose. I thought we moved past this kind of discrimination.\nGoose: Hey, one of my best friends is a reptile. I’m cool, I’m cool.\nAllie: Whatever.\nScene IV: Reunited, and It Feels So Good\nDucky: Goose, you said you wanted an open relationship too.\nGoose: I, I do. It’s just that…. I was feeling rather ignored.  [sniffles]\nDucky: Oh Goose, how could I ever ignore you? You’re a whole lotta bird to love. Allie’s just a new sexy gator. You have my heart.\nGoose: Oh Ducky! I love you too!\nScene V: Breaking Point\nAllie: [sobbing] I can see I’m not wanted here. [climbs on table] No one loves me, I might as well be dead. I’m just going to do it. I’m going to bite the bullet and do it…", null, "Gia: ALLIE! What are you doing with Boyfriend’s ammo??\nAllie: [hysterically crying] I’m going to kill myself, see? I’M BITING THE BULLET.\nGia: Um, you know you’re not going to die by literally biting a bullet, right?\nAllie: [sniffling, trying to regain composure.] Um, I did not.\nGia: it’s just a phrase.\nAllie: [muttering] A stupid phrase.\nGia: Not stupid!\nAllie: What does it mean, then?\nGia: Well, it’s an old phrase from back when… See, back in the day, people…bullets are complicated things- you know what, it doesn’t matter, Allie. It just is.\nAllie: Whatever, brainiac. Where does Boyfriend keep his gun?\nGia: Boyfriend’s REGISTERED gun is in the bedroom. In a special case I’m sure you won’t be able to open without thumbs.\nAllie: Why is it there?\nGia: To protect me from the demons! I mean, intruders. ….and demons.\nAllie: …\nGia: Shut up.\nAllie: ….\nGia:  Wow you’re really judgmental for someone who was about to kill herself. Um, why were you trying to kill yourself, anyway?\nAllie: See, I met Goose…and Ducky… and they liked me but then they rejected me andnowi’mallALLOOONNNEEE. [starts sobbing again]\nGoose: Allie! [pauses dramatically] No. You’re not.\nScene VI: Climax (pun intended)\nAllie: What did you say, Goose?\nGoose: You’re not alone, Allie.\nDucky: We like you Allie. Sure, you’re a bit fumbly but you’re super enthusiastic and you try real hard.\nGoose: My jealousy is an issue stemming from my childhood. I grew up with a swan. Fucker got allll the attention.\nDucky: God, childhood issues are hot. Damnit, I don’t want to have to choose between you two!\nAllie: Hey guys, no need to choose! There’s plenty of gator to go around! In fact, I have an idea…\n[Allie whispers something to Goose and Ducky]\nGoose: Hell yeah!\nDucky: Did someone turn on the heat because IT IS GETTING HOT IN HERE."], "url": "http://mayorgia.blogspot.com/2011/11/allies-love-triangle-of-ducks-and-geese.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["9c9634b932472dda46c9e18556dccbe52dbb9031fa728b7ba20911fdd090fddf"], "__index_level_0__": 158, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zrscoizE3bM/WQ0neLDY6AI/AAAAAAAAG8E/uB_J1aVOwIAW3nDvh67VJKgO8Um2sBDCwCK4B/s252/may2017.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9700199365615844}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mcclernan.blogspot.com/2006_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://ycba.yale.edu/exhibitions/images/06_shakespeare_sm-ph01.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://ycba.yale.edu/exhibitions/images/06_shakespeare_sm-ph01.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"shakespeare sm ph\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mcclernan.blogspot.com/2006_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"images/halfoff.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://mcclernan.blogspot.com/images/halfoff.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"halfoff\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mcclernan.blogspot.com/2006_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"images/ette.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://mcclernan.blogspot.com/images/ette.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ette\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mcclernan.blogspot.com/2006_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oEbI_tRQkdM/WEYlLmv960I/AAAAAAAAGH0/r_iHUXegX_wIuXy75ULZmQMUPQHsDBQBQCK4B/s1600/mm_warhol.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oEbI_tRQkdM/WEYlLmv960I/AAAAAAAAGH0/r_iHUXegX_wIuXy75ULZmQMUPQHsDBQBQCK4B/s1600/mm_warhol.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mm warhol\", \"alt_text\": \"Andy Warhol @Artsy.net\", \"rendered_width\": 252, \"rendered_height\": 323}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mcclernan.blogspot.com/2006_07_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zrscoizE3bM/WQ0neLDY6AI/AAAAAAAAG8E/uB_J1aVOwIAW3nDvh67VJKgO8Um2sBDCwCK4B/s252/may2017.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zrscoizE3bM/WQ0neLDY6AI/AAAAAAAAG8E/uB_J1aVOwIAW3nDvh67VJKgO8Um2sBDCwCK4B/s252/may2017.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"may\", \"alt_text\": \"MAY 2017\", \"rendered_width\": 252, \"rendered_height\": 239}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["The Hunting of the President\n\nI finally got to see the movie The Hunting of the President. I had read the book a few years ago, and forgot some of it, so it was just riveting to be reminded of the horrors of the \"Arkansas Project\" and the total complicity of the mainstream media, especially CNN in trying to pump up the Whitewater non-story and an adulterous blowjob into an impeachable offense.\n\nI had forgotten about the horrible expriences that Susan McDougal had to go through for refusing to lie for evil Ken Starr and his evil crew. When McDougal refused to cut a deal with them, and went to jail instead, they made sure to make her experience as miserable as possible.\n\nMcDougal talks about it in this interview at Buzzflash.\nPosted by Nancy at 7:55 PM 0 comments\n\nBush keeps pushing the authoritarian envelope\n\nYahoo News:\n\nThe Administration is slowly inching its way towards a government that can detain any citizen at any time for any reason without the right to a fair trial. And all the people that support Bush are aiding and abetting his goal of an authoritarian state.\n\nPeople like those recently mentioned by Paul Krugman\n\nAnd meanwhile, Chris Matthews lavishly praises crazy fascist crackpot Ann Coulter.\nPosted by Nancy at 1:39 PM 0 comments\n\nThe New Yorker on Wikipedia\n\nThere's a good article about Wikipedia in this week's New Yorker. Favorite part:\n\nWikipedia has become a regulatory thicket, complete with an elaborate hierarchy of users and policies about policies. Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda B. Viegas, two researchers at I.B.M. who have studied the site using computerized visual models called \"history flows,\" found that the talk pages and \"meta pages\" - those dealing with coordination and administration - have experienced the greatest growth. Whereas articles once made up about eighty-five per cent of the site's content, as of last October they represented seventy per cent. As Wattenberg put it, \"People are talking about governance, not working on content.\" Wales is ambivalent about the rules and procedures but believes that they are necessary. \"Things work well when a group of people know each other, and things break down when it's a bunch of random people interacting,\" he told me.\n\nFor all its protocol, Wikipedia's bureaucracy doesn't necessarily favor truth. In March, 2005, William Connolley, a climate modeller at the British Antarctic Survey, in Cambridge, was briefly a victim of an edit war over the entry on global warming, to which he had contributed. After a particularly nasty confrontation with a skeptic, who had repeatedly watered down language pertaining to the greenhouse effect, the case went int arbitration. \"User William M. Connolley strongly pushes his POV with systematic removal of any POV which does not match his own,\" his accuser charged in a written deposition. \"His views on climate science ar singular and narrow.\" A decision from the arbitration committee was three months in coming, after which Connolley was placed on a humiliating one-revert-a-day parole. The punishment was later revoked, and Connolley is now an admin, with two thousand pages on his watchlist - a feature that enables users to compile a list of entries and to be notified when changes are made to them. He says that Wikipedia’s entry on global warming may be the best page on the subject anywhere on the Web. Nevertheless, Wales admits that in this case the system failed. It can still seem as though the user who spends the most time on the site - who yells the loudest - wins\n\nConnolley believes that Wikipedia \"gives no privilege to those who know what they're talking about,\" a view that is echoed by many academics and former contributors, including Larry Sanger, who argues that too many Wikipedians are fundamentally suspicious of experts and unjustly confident of their own opinions. He left Wikipedia in March, 2002, after Wales ran out of money to support the site during the dot-com bust. Sanger concluded that he had become a symbol of authority in an anti-authoritarian community. \"Wikipedia has gone from a nearly perfect anarchy to an anarchy with gang rule,\" he told me. (Sanger is now the director of collaborative projects at the online foundation Digital Universe, where he is helping to develop a Web-based encyclopedia, a hybrid between a wiki and a traditional reference work. He promises that it will have \"the lowest error rate in history.\") Even Eric Raymond, the open-source pioneer whose work inspired Wales, argues that \"'disaster' is not too strong a word\" for Wikipedia. In his view, the site is \"infested with moonbats.\" (Think hobgoblins of little minds, varsity division.) He has found his corrections to entries on science fiction dismantled by users who evidently felt that he was trespassing on their terrain. \"The more you look at what some of the Wikipedia contributors have done, the better Britannica looks,\" Raymond said. He believes that the open-source model is simply inapplicable to an encyclopedia. For software, there is an objective standard: either it works or it doesn't. There is no such test for truth.\n\nThe territoriality of Wikipedians is a huge problem. And to be an insider, you have to have lots of time on your hands to participate in Wikipedia editing.\n\nOf course territoriality isn't limited to Wikipedia. It pops up all the time in human groupings. There's a seemingly desperate need to distinguish insiders from outsiders. This even happens, absurdly on Internet discussion boards where your identity can be completely hidden and the rewards of being an insider are almost nil - it's not like a country club where you get access to the best golf times and tennis courts and business networking through your insider status.\n\nThe best part of observing group dynamics on Internet discussions is that the insider/outsider games are played in black and white print, and you can easily watch and analyze it, and track it through time.\nPosted by Nancy at 6:53 PM 0 comments\n\nMonday, July 24, 2006\n\nShakespeare exhibit", "The Yale Center for British Art currently has an exhibition of paintings and documents associated with William Shakespeare and his times. It's a good show, and the museum is free, so it's well worth the trip to New Haven.\nPosted by Nancy at 12:14 AM 0 comments\n\nWarriors! Come out to play-ay!\n\nThe Warriors Subway Scavenger Hunt\n\nGrand Prize: Nine leather \"Warriors\" vests, and an August 3rd brunch with the cast and crew of The Warriors!\nPosted by Nancy at 11:06 AM 0 comments\n\nCarnival of the Liberals\n\nI made it into Carnival of the Liberals #17\nPosted by Nancy at 11:03 AM 2 comments\n\nWednesday, July 19, 2006\n\nI emailed this article to Steven Pinker\n\nDismissing ‘Sexist Opinions’ About Women’s Place in Science is about Ben A. Barres, a female-to-male transsexual who has experienced the science world from both sides now, and has some strong opinions about the claim, made by Lawrence Summers, heartily supported by Steven Pinker, that discrimination against women is less important than evolutionarily-endowed female incompetence and female disinterest in math and science.\n\nI don't expect to get a response from Pinker, but I imagine his response will be that Barres was a man trapped in a woman's body all along and that's why he is good at math and science.\n\nOf course Barres doesn't make his claims based purely on his personal experience.\n\nInteresting excerpt from the article:\n\nQ. What about the idea that men and women differ in ways that give men an advantage in science?\n\nA. People are still arguing over whether there are cognitive differences between men and women. If they exist, it’s not clear they are innate, and if they are innate, it’s not clear they are relevant. They are subtle, and they may even benefit women.\n\nBut when you tell people about the studies documenting bias, if they are prejudiced, they just discount the evidence.\n\nQ. How does this bias manifest itself?\n\nA. It is very much harder for women to be successful, to get jobs, to get grants, especially big grants. And then, and this is a huge part of the problem, they don’t get the resources they need to be successful. Right now, what’s fundamentally missing and absolutely vital is that women get better child care support. This is such an obvious no-brainer. If you just do this with a small amount of resources, you could explode the number of women scientists.\n\nAnd Elizabeth Spelke debated Pinker on the issue a year ago, and smited evolutionary psychology just-so stories about female incompetence with the mighty power of data.\nPosted by Nancy at 2:04 PM 1 comments\n\nTuesday, July 18, 2006\n\nI love David Brock\n\nDavid Brock does such good work with his Media Matters for America organization. But don't overlook his excellent autobiography Blinded by the Right - The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative.\n\nWhen he was a conservative, Brock wrote a book called The Real Anita Hill which smeared Anita Hill and portrayed her as \"a little bit nutty, a little bit slutty.\" When Jane Mayer and Jill Abramson's book Strange Justice came out in response to the Brock book, Brock and conservative friends went to work:\n\n...Ricky (Silberman, vice chairman of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commision and close friend of Clarence Thomas) and I sprang into action to discredit the Mayer and Abramson book. At mid-morning, we met at the Capitol Hill offices of Paul Weyrich's Free Congress Foundation, the most powerful right-wing lobby behind the Thomas nomination... Rick was joined by Barbara Ledeen, a neo-conservative operative who was the executive director of the Independent Women's Forum, the antifeminist group Ricky had formed, in part with Scaife money, from Women for Judge Thomas...\n\nLike the Hiss-Chambers case, the Thomas-Hill case lent itself to endless hairsplitting over the true meaning of obscure factoids. I knew the ins and outs of the case better than anyone, and I knew how to twist and turn them to our advantage. I had done this previously, in my book, in the service of a sincerely held belief. Now, I wasn't sure why I was doing it. I was just doing it. As Barbara Ledeen took notes on a legal pad, I played the role I was expected to play. Donning my defense lawyer hat, I dissected the Mayer and Abramson excerpt, methodically turning back each new damaging allegation they raised and patching up the sizable holes they had shot in Thomas's defense.\n\nThe three of us then collaborated on a radio script for Rush Limbaugh's show at noon... We would use Rush to crush Mayer and Abramson, defend Justice Thomas, and protect Republican prospects in the impending election that would bring Newt Gingrich to power. We faxed off the script. Tuning in to his show, I listened as Limbaugh read from the fax virtually verbatim. The war was on! Hearing Rush blast those feminazis gave me a jolt of adrenaline. I was back on message. Forget that hysterical Ricky Silberman, I told myself. I'd show her, too, by going out and proving that Mayer and Abramson were frauds and liars. Consumed by a kind of mania, as if my entire worldview and indeed my self-conception depended on the outcome, I was now on a mission to sink Strange Justice.\n\nWorking harder than I ever had, I set about re-reporting the book for a review for the Spectator... My work on the Spectator review inevitably caused me to reinterview sources I had relied on in writing my book. One of them was Armstrong Williams, who had been on Thomas's Equal Employment Opportunity Commission staff at the time Anita Hill also worked for him in the early 1980s... In my book, I relied heavily on Williams's recollections to discredit the testimony of Hill and another ex-employee of Thomas's, Angela Wright, who also claimed that Thomas had behaved inappropriately toward her. Williams had supplied me with a particularly evocative anecdote that I used to show Thomas - in contrast to Anita Hill's portrait - as prudish in sexual matters. According to Williams, Thomas had once compelled him to dispose of a copy of Playboy Williams had been toting, telling his aide the magazine was \"trash.\" I had interviewed Williams in his Dupont Circle office and on the telephone several times, and we had kept in touch since the book's publication, though we hadn't spoken at any length since I had come out as gay in the Washington Post eight months before. Williams invited me to discuss Strange Justice over dinner at a Tex-Mex place on the Hill, then asked me back to his apartment for a drink.\n\nSitting on an overstuffed sofa not far from me, Williams had something else besides Strange Justice on his mind. As he began to pepper me with graphic questions about whether I was dominant or submissive in bed, I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat, looked away, and tried to change the subject. Williams, who was unmarried, countered with increasingly lewd banter until I quickly brought the conversation to a close, thanked him for his time, got up, and walked out. Was Williams baiting me like an antigay bigot? Was he coming on to me? I had no way of knowing for sure, but either way, I had to conclude that he was a poor character witness for Clarence Thomas... I grew agitated as I glimpsed some uncomfortable truths about who these conservatives really were, and what they really represented...\n\nIt was at this moment that Brock finally admitted to himself just how low he had fallen to be part of the hard-right crowd:\n\n...I was no better than the Arkansas Project brigade after all. The strange lies were mine. All the attacks, the hateful rhetoric, the dark alliances and strange conspiracies, an eye for an eye, nuts and sluts, defending Pinochet, throwing grenades, carpet-bombing the White House, Bob Bork, Bob Tyrrell, Bob Dornan, Bob Bartley, Bob Barr - it all led right here: I lost my soul.\n\nBrock has been working on getting his soul back ever since, and running Media Matters is part of that project.\n\nThis is important stuff. But one of the most memorable parts of the book has to be this portrait of Laura Ingraham:\n\nI hadn't known of Laura's antigay past at Dartmouth, where along with her then-boyfriend Dinesh D'Souza, she had participated in the infamous outing of gay students, who were branded \"sodomites,\" until I cringed as I read about her Dartmouth Review exploits in a 1995 profile in Vanity Fair. To make matters worse, I was quoted in the piece saying that Laura was unreservedly accepting of homosexuality, which in my presence she always had seemed to be. On more than one occasion, I had taken her barhopping along the gay strip in Washington, where she seemed to have a blast. Inevitably though, as we drownded ourselves in more and more alcohol, the evening would take a ghastly turn. One night, after downing several cocktails and snorting an unidentifiable white powder an acquaintance had given me - which turned out to be the cat tranquilizer Ketamine - I was sick in the bathroom for several hours trying to get my bearings as Laura, in a drunken stupor, crawled through the packed two-story dance club on her hands and knees looking for me. Her purse had been locked in my car trunk, causing her to call a friend in the wee hours of the morning to rescue her. In the meantime, she had managed to leave me a series of violent messages, threatening to \"break every window in my house\" if I didn't return the keys immediately.\n\nDavid Brock is a regular guest (usually Wednesdays) on the Al Franken Show.\nPosted by Nancy at 4:41 PM 0 comments\n\nMonday, July 17, 2006\n\nHow did I become a Republican?\n\nI don't know what's going on. I've gotten two voicemails from some New York congressman saying that he wants to recognize me as some kind of Republican pioneer - I ignored them figuring it must have been a mistake. Then I just got a Grassroots Survey from Dennis Hastert commissioned by the National Republican Congressional Committee.\n\nI've checked my financial records and don't see any signs of identity theft where somebody donated money to the Republicans in my name. I certainly never deliberately gave Republicans money. Is this some rightwinger's joke? Did somebody donate in my name with their own money as a prank?\n\nOh well, I'll fill out the survey and send it back. Although I imagine my answers are going to skew the results.\nPosted by Nancy at 4:10 PM 1 comments\n\nSaturday, July 15, 2006\n\nSale at K-Mart", "Bob, my pal and clinic defense partner loved this joke so much, you can hear both sides complaining about it in this video clip.\nPosted by Nancy at 3:38 PM 0 comments\n\nFriday, July 14, 2006\n\nMy husband sucks, but he can't help it - nature made him that way\n\nWhat is it with women who write for the NYTimes? Poor Daphne Merkin can't find a daddy, Maureen Dowd blames feminism for dating woes - although claims she herself has a great social life - then Amy Sutherland writes an article about what a jerk her husband Scott is When she objected to some stuff he did \"he'd drive faster instead of slower; shave less frequently, not more; and leave his reeking bike garb on the bedroom floor longer than ever.\" In other words, no bitch was going to tell Scott what to do.\n\nSutherland's answer to her husband's deep-seated hostility and aggression was to try to train him to behave reasonably and with consideration using animal-training techniques.\n\nSutherland didn't come out and say her husband couldn't be expected to treat her wishes with consideration due to the fact, detected by evolutionary psychologists, that men are just like that, but she used the language of evolutionary psychology, explaining that:\n\nMaybe Judith Warner noticed that Sutherland's article has been the Times's first or second most-emailed article for about two weeks now, and wanted a piece of that action, which is why she wrote an article confessing that her husband treats her with contempt:\n\nOn Sunday night, though, as I read The Times’s laid-back-boys-on-campus piece — while simultaneously giving a bath, putting away laundry and writing a week’s worth of columns in my head — the colorful image of sarong-clad men and women suddenly lodged itself inside my mind. It seemed to have some kind of great significance; column potential. So I raced to share it with Max, who was having a little lie-down on the couch, having done some very tiring driving earlier in the day.\n\nAs I began to talk, his fingers reflexively felt for the TV remote, trying — and I really don’t think this was conscious — to turn me either down or off. When this proved fruitless, he resorted to words: “interesting,” first, then “work on that” and, finally (TV volume rising now) “Sounds great — get to it!”\n\nWarner's husband wants to make sure she knows that no matter how big a hoity-toity famous writer for the NYTimes she is, he's more interested in watching TV than hearing about her work. No bitch is going to take up HIS TV time.\n\nWarner doesn't claim that scientists have found a biological reason for why her husband is such a creep, but she expects they WILL find it soon:\n\nThe pattern of selective male laziness and female frenzy that begins among young men and women in college persists long after graduation. Someday soon, I am sure, an evolutionary biologist will teach us how all this is hard-wired — and why it is worthwhile.\n\nOf course Warner immediately assumes that the cause is biological, not social. Notice that Warner doesn't attribute her husband's attitude to their relationship. No, it turns out that her husband, as a man, is naturally \"lazy\" while she, being female, is of course in a female frenzy. This is not about Judith and Max, it's about the supposed essential natures of men and women, and Judith's and Max's personalities happen to be a perfect match for these alleged universal male/female traits.\n\nBoth Warner and Sutherland seem to believe that their marriages are just swell. They sound like awful relationships to me, even though Sutherland, at least, tries to present alpha Scott as having traits that make up for his incredible screw-you attitude. After all, he does do an hysterical rendition of a northern Vermont accent. How many men even know there is a \"northern Vermont accent?\" That's gotta outweigh all kinds of obnoxious, risky, selfish behavior.\n\nWhen organizations like The National Marriage Project wring their hands and search for reasons for why women are increasingly uninterested in marriage, they have no further to look than the NYTimes. If intelligent, accomplished women are fed shit by their husbands and call it chocolate eclairs, what the hell's the point? Who needs to spend time with someone in your off hours who responds to your request to pick up stinking clothes by picking them up LESS, as alpha Scott does; or who makes no secret of the fact that he'd rather watch TV than listen to his accomplished wife talk about her interesting ideas, as lazy Max does? And I'm sure that the Judith/Max household can afford Tivo, so there's NO excuse for that behavior.\n\nJudith, Amy, please: sooner or later, even evolutionary psychology will no longer be sufficient to keep you from realizing that the person who swore in public to love and honor you now treats you like a buzzing gnat or insubordinate household help. Sooner or later your resentment and self-respect are going to assert themselves and you'll be forced to admit that you and he aren't really gender archetypes acting in a script authored by natural selection after all. Someday, maybe, even your power to get back at your husband by portraying him as a jerk to an audience of millions will not suffice.\n\nPermanent link\nPosted by Nancy at 12:49 AM 1 comments\n\nPlame & Wilson sue Cheney\n\nEx-C.I.A. Officer Sues Cheney and Others Over Leak\n\nIn a lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court, Valerie Plame and her husband, Joseph Wilson, a former U.S. ambassador, accused Cheney, Rove and I. Lewis ''Scooter'' Libby of participating in a ''whispering campaign'' to reveal Plame's CIA identity and punish Wilson for criticizing the Bush administration's motives in Iraq.\nThe lawsuit accuses Cheney, Libby, Rove and 10 unnamed administration officials or political operatives of putting the Wilsons and their children's lives at risk by exposing Plame.\n\nOH Yeeeeahhh! It's Watergate time for the Bush crime syndicate!\n\nExpect the Bush Admin to attack the judiciary more than ever now.\nPosted by Nancy at 7:40 PM 0 comments\n\nMy dealings with the Copyright Office to date:\n\nsubmitted via the Copyright Office's web form 7/6/2006:\n\nWhy doesn't the Copyright Office ask for proof of authorization for derivative works? Someone registered a derivative copyright on my play, TAM LIN, without my authorization and then used it as the basis for a very expensive lawsuit against me for violating this unauthorized copyright when I produced the original work.\n\nI noticed that the derivative work copyright registration form doesn't even ask for the name of the author of the original work, much less proof of authorization.\n\nWhy doesn't the Copyright Office do a better job of protecting authors of original work from unauthorized derivative work copyright registration?\n\nNancy McClernan\n\nFrom: Copyright Information [mailto:email@example.com]\nSent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:53 AM\nTo: nancy@\nSubject: Re: derivative copyright\n\nOnly the owner of copyright in a work has the right to prepare, or to authorize someone else to create, a new version of that work. The owner is generally the author or someone who has obtained rights from the author. Anyone interested in a work who does not know the owner of copyright may search the records of the Copyright Office. Or, the Office will conduct a search at a fee of $75* per hour. For further information, request Circular 22, \"How to Investigate the Copyright Status of a Work.\"\n\nAmong its other functions, the Copyright Office serves as an office of record, a place where claims to copyright are registered when the claimant has complied with the requirements of the copyright law.\nWe are glad to furnish information about the provisions of the copyright law and the procedures for making registration, to explain the operations and practices of the Copyright Office, and to report of facts found in the public records of the Office.\nHowever, the Regulations of the Copyright Office (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 37, chapter II) prohibit employees from giving specific legal advice on the rights of persons, whether in connection with particular uses of copyrighted works, cases of alleged domestic or foreign copyright infringement, contracts between authors and publishers, or other matters of a similar nature.\n\nMany requests for assistance require professional legal advice, frequently that of a copyright attorney. Your local bar association may be able to recommend a copyright attorney.\n\n**************IMPORTANT NOTE**************\nAs of July 1, 2006, most filing fees are $45 per application.\nFor other fees, please see:\n\nFrom: Nancy\nSent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3:05 PM\nTo: 'Copyright Information'\nSubject: RE: derivative copyright\n\nYou did not answer my question. I wasn't asking for legal advice, or for an explanation of copyright laws.\n\nI thought my question was pretty easy to understand, but maybe not, so let me rephrase.\n\nWHY doesn't the Copyright Office's derivative work copyright registration form ASK for proof of authorization?\n\nPlease answer that question, or explain why you can't answer that question.\n\nThat has nothing to do with legal advice and everything to do with the practices of the Copyright Office.\n\nI've already BEEN through courts, and forced, at GREAT EXPENSE, the registrant of the unauthorized copyright to cancel his ill-gotten registration. The case was Edward Einhorn v. Mergatroyd Productions tried on April 24 - 26, 2006 by Judge Lawrence Kaplan in the US Southern District Court in Manhattan and my attorney sent you all the materials needed to support the cancellation. Why hasn't the cancellation of registration PA-1-254-494 gone through yet? I still see it listed in your database.\n\nBut the point is I never should have had to do it. Every single copyright owner can find themselves in the same position as I - if they are lucky enough to afford the court costs - because of the failure of the US Copyright Office to protect their rights.\n\nThe Copyright Office's statement: \"Only the owner of copyright in a work has the right to prepare, or to authorize someone else to create, a new version of that work.\" is absolutely meaningless because the Copyright Office does exactly NOTHING to enforce it. There should be mechanisms to prevent the easy defrauding of the Copyright Office, and penalties for those who do defraud the Copyright Office.\n\nThe current situation is intolerable and has got to stop.\n\nSo please answer the question about the failure of the current derivative copyright registration form to demand proof of authorization of the owner of the original copyright.\n\nPosted by Nancy at 1:01 AM 2 comments\n\nMonday, July 10, 2006\n\nI blogged a couple of weeks ago that An Inconvenient Truth was the 7th-highest grossing documentary of all time. Well it recently surpassed Madonna to become number 4.\n\nHere are the current rankings:\n\n1 Fahrenheit 9/11 $119,194,771\n2 March of the Penguins $77,437,223\n3 Bowling for Columbine $21,576,018\n4 An Inconvenient Truth $15,039,000\n\nThe #1 grossing documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11 is going to be tough to beat, but Bowling for Columbine better watch its back. Michael Moore take note.\nPosted by Nancy at 3:11 PM 0 comments\n\nWhy would a feminist wear high heels?\n\nThe typical stick-heeled high heeled shoes that the fashion industry insists that women wear are pointless and idiotic. I could maybe see wearing them if your partner has some kind of sexual kink involving such shoes - and then only if you're pretty sure you won't be walking around much in them - but other than that, what's the point?\n\nIn her annoying, typically light-weight review of Katha Pollitt's latest book Virginity or Death! Ana Marie Cox, aka Wonkette, complains that mean old Katha is too strident because she expresses distate for such shoes. Cox says:\n\nBut the difference is degree, not kind.\n\nOther then some kind of iron-clad traditionalist aesthetic that causes you to be utterly incapable of shaking the idea that mincing around on your tip-toes is the pinnacle of beauty, or being a slave to the fashion industry, what possible reason is there for any woman, much less any feminist to wear stick-heeled tippy tap shoes for walking around in? It makes NO SENSE AT ALL.\n\nSo Pollitt objects to high heels and Cox calls her strident. Anybody who doubts Cox's fundamental anti-feminist position should think about that for a moment. \"Strident\" is an absolute cliche of anti-feminist rhetoric. And to use it in reference to a reasonable and relatively low-keyed writer like Pollitt (who once suggested I tone down my rhetoric when I cc'd her on an email) is simply Cox's way of upholding the grand anti-feminist tradition of characterizing ALL feminists as \"strident.\"\nPosted by Nancy at 1:24 PM 6 comments\n\nFriday, July 07, 2006\n\nEinhorn's nonsense\n\nI see that Edward Einhorn has written his own piece about the case of Einhorn v Mergatroyd Productions, and predictably, it's full of bullshit.\n\nTo begin with the first paragraph:\n\nRecently, I was involved in a drawn out and highly publicized dispute between myself and Mergatroyd Productions over my direction of a stage play entitled Tam Lin. The dispute centered around the concept of a director's copyright. Mergatroyd had fired me the day before the opening of the play and then used, I contended, the blocking and choreography I had created for the play without paying me for my work. Judge Kaplan's final decision avoided the question of copyright, awarding me money for the implied contract we had instead—that I would be paid, and that Mergatroyd Productions would be able to use my work. This made the copyright question moot.\n\nThe judge actually agreed with Mergatroyd Productions. We never said we wouldn't pay Edward Einhorn - we told him, both in person and via email that we would pay him. The issue was that Edward Einhorn wanted the full $1000 that we originally offered. But since we had to fire him for the good of our show, and since he then tried to sabotage the production through an email to the cast and crew, we felt he didn't deserve the full amount.\n\nAnd JUDGE KAPLAN AGREED WITH US - awarding Einhorn $800 - LESS than what Einhorn demanded. Actually he tried to extort $2000 out of us, by serving us a cease and desist letter from David Einhorn, his brother. Eight hundred dollars was very close to what we were prepared to pay Einhorn, had he deigned to negotiate with us instead of pulling his bullshit copyright scheme, in the words of Judge Kaplan \"aided and abetted by\" his brother. So this incredibly expensive lawsuit was really over a couple of hundred dollars, David Einhorn's lack of professional ethics, and Edward Einhorn's gigantic ego.\n\nAnd of course the argument for a director's copyright is flawed from start to finish. I'm currently working on an article about the Einhorn v. Mergatroyd Productions lawsuit, complete with transcripts from the trial for the Dramatists Guild's newsletter. Then I'll be posting an expanded version here, with additional gory details like the Village Voice's article about the trouble that playwright Richard Foreman had with Edward Einhorn (scroll down to \"Disobeying the Foreman.\") In private correspondence, Foreman told me that he always thought Einhorn made a mess of his (Forman's) plays, which is why he told Einhorn on a Manhattan street corner one day that he'd prefer that Einhorn never direct his plays again. Unfortunately, I didn't know about Foreman's experience with Einhorn until after we hired Einhorn, and Einhorn proceeded to make a mess of my play.\n\nEinhorn agreed to cancel his ill-gotten derivative copyright on my play TAM LIN, although I see that it's still listed in the Copyright Office's database. I recently wrote to the Copyright Office asking them why they are so lackidaisical about confirming whether or not an author of an original work has authorized a derivative work. I will report their response (or non-response if it comes to that) here.\n\nIt was on the basis of his fraudulent derivative copyright registration that Einhorn sued me for producing my own work. If the Copyright Office had been doing its job, Einhorn would never have been allowed to register his bullshit \"blocking and choreography\" script.\n\nEinhorn admitted on the stand that the copyright registration was a scheme he and his brother devised to extort money from Mergatroyd Productions (wait until you read the transcript.) But the Copyright Office's weakness will be there for unscrupulous attorneys like David Einhorn to exploit until people speak up.\n\nMore once the article is complete...\nPosted by Nancy at 2:50 PM 2 comments\n\nHang on Stevens\n\nA message to the liberal-moderate members of the Supreme Court via the Al Franken Show blog.\n\nPerformed by Mike Ruekberg and 2 Tickets 2 Paradise, with lyrics by Ben Wikler.\n\nNow if only I can get a copy of the Paul Krugman theme song.\nPosted by Nancy at 4:15 PM 0 comments\n\nHas This Country Gone Completely Insane?\n\nThe rightwingers must be chortling for joy over this incident:\n\nvia Ann Bartow at Sivacracy\nPosted by Nancy at 1:51 PM 0 comments\n\nMonday, July 03, 2006\n\nNEWSFLASH: Ann Coulter has no ethics\n\nWolcott links to a NYPost article pointing out that Ann Coulter is a massive plagiarist. Wolcott takes Jonathan Alter and others to task for appearing on TV with Coulter and he's so right:\n\nConfronted with a serial plagiarist, commentators often attempt a jackknife dive into the murky motives of the offender, trying to untangle the nagging compulsions that made the copycat risk his or her career by taking a heaping helping of other people's work. (Thomas Mallon's Stolen Words is probably the definitive book on the psychodynamics of plagiarism.) In Coulter's case, no dive is necessary, no onion-peeling of motives required. She is so devoid of character and psychology that any investigation would be superfluous. She's swiping other people's work not because she's trying to slip something past us but because she's sloppy, lazy, and arrogant. She just doesn't give a fuck. She's learned that the rules of journalism and public discourse don't apply to her, having cheerfully violated them so many times before only to be rewarded with the cover of Time, countless cable-news appearances, and bestselling success.\n\nWho are the twisted freaks in the media who keep promoting Coulter's career? She IS a freakshow. Al Franken finally wised up and stopped appearing with her because she's just a bag of bluster and hate, with virtually no substance. And WHO are the creatures who like her? It's scary to think that they're out there running loose, disguised as human beings.\nPosted by Nancy at 12:36 PM 0 comments\n\nIs the NYTimes on an anti-feminist crusade?", "Smirkette Cox (left) would like to replace Smurfette Dowd as the lone female in the New York Times Op Ed hive colony.\n\nIt seems like you can't read the NYTimes anymore without discovering yet another article attacking feminists. Whether it's the shameless Smurfette Maureen Dowd pushing anti-feminist stereotypes, to David Brooks giving women typically idiotic advice like have children young and start your career at 40, to the relentless promotion of evolutionary psychology aimed at keeping women in their proper place through \"science\" from John Tierney and Daphne Merkin, the Times appears to be a serious feminist hater.\n\nFrom Pandagon comes news of yet another attack on feminism, in the guise of a book review by the smirking Ana Marie Cox, formerly known as Wonkette. She should be called Smirkette now. It's utterly appalling that they would give a review of Katha Pollitt's latest book, Virginity or Death! to a second-rate gossip columnist like Cox.\n\nI'm convinced that Cox is trying to position herself as a replacement for Dowd in the \"woman columnist\" slot in the Times' Op-Ed section by becoming a clone of Dowd - shallow, obsessed with being popular with the kewl kidz, and a feminist basher while freely enjoying the fruits of the hard work of feminists. Of course Cox has always been shallow and obsessed with popularity, so it's a cinch for her to fill Dowd's pointy-toed, 4-inch heel tippy tap shoes.\n\nIt's significant that Cox would bash Katha Pollitt - Pollitt should be the replacement for Dowd in the \"woman columnist\" slot. She's a better thinker AND writer than either Cox or Dowd, and if the Times insists on limiting female op-ed voices to a single representative, it should pick someone who isn't an embarassment to womankind.\nPosted by Nancy at 6:25 PM 6 comments\n\nLife is...\n\nLife is a tragedy for those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.\n-- Horace Walpole\n\nAnd a farce by the Marquis de Sade for those who think and feel.", null], "url": "http://mcclernan.blogspot.com/2006_07_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 252, "width": 398}], "image_hashes": ["30705203d7677b49bbde9d6ac875f38170fd5e2b003f9dbbdc5e11a1621df41c"], "__index_level_0__": 159, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ySJMbIykA_4/VPa4ncTyQgI/AAAAAAAACds/YXudDiFebuE/s1600/TRanslationIsALove.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9671576619148254}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://messybooker.blogspot.com/2015/03/translation-is-love-affair-jacques.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ySJMbIykA_4/VPa4ncTyQgI/AAAAAAAACds/YXudDiFebuE/s1600/TRanslationIsALove.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ySJMbIykA_4/VPa4ncTyQgI/AAAAAAAACds/YXudDiFebuE/s1600/TRanslationIsALove.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"TRanslationIsALove\", \"rendered_width\": 297, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, 4 March 2015\n\nTranslation is a Love Affair - Jacques Poulin (translated by Sheila Fischman)", null, "Today a short review for a short work.\n\nOur cover flap advises that this work is “A quietly affecting modern fairy tale”, so what is a fairy tale? If you browse numerous online dictionaries you’ll come across words such as elves, fairies, giants, hobgoblins, dragons or folkloric fantasy characters. Or maybe “A fictitious, highly fanciful story”. Well I can categorically state the latest work I have read by Jacques Poulin, has no elves, fairies, giants, hobgoblins or dragons. However it does contain cats, isolation, and psychologically scarred individuals, just like “Mr Blue” and “Spring Tides” which I have previously reviewed here. This work is slightly different though, this time we have a “witch”.\n\nOur small work opens with our female narrator explaining her story, she is single, finding it hard to love and is a translator. She is currently working on translating a French book into English for Monsieur Waterman:\n\nUsually I don’t have much confidence in men, but for him I made an exception. Despite being twice my age he was my best friend though we hadn’t known each other very long. He’s a writer and he’d started a new novel.\nAs for me, I’d started to translate one of his novels, the one that talks about the Oregon Trail. If there was a way to get close to someone in this life – of which I was not certain – it might be through translation.\n\nOur protagonist, Marine, and Monsieur Waterman come across a stray cat, with a collar and a phone number, however although she rings the phone number she decides not to leave a message. Later she discovers a hidden message in the collar “My name is Famine, I am on the road because my mistress can no longer take care of me, or of herself…”\n\nThis opens up a mystery, how to locate the owner as our heroes are concerned for her wellbeing. Knowing the phone number of the owner, that a “witch” dumped the cat outside of the property where Marine is living, and with the help of a private detective they go on a mission to “save” the young girl (with scars on her wrists) from the “witch”.\n\nYes, this is so much more than a simple tale of two people attempting to find a cat’s owner and rescue her. This is a work which celebrates language and languages, it revels in the art of translation, it embraces rhythm, pace and meter.\n\nAnother sign that I was zouave: on my way back up to the chalet I started talking to the birch trees. There were a dozen of them along the path. They weren’t in very good shape, they were huddled against one another: it was as if they needed to defend themselves against the invasion of maple and ash trees. Their roots were growing just above the surface of the earth and they were barely clinging to the rocky cliff. They had a hard life and I explained to them that my life was getting complicated too, that I was losing my independence and that I was feeling vulnerable, like them.\n\nThe themes from Poulin’s other works are to the fore here as well, isolated lives becoming complicated by outsiders, the season passing, cats, tennis(?), writers struggling with their art, vulnerable people including attempted or even successful suicide, broken relationships, the impossibility of a true love. But ultimately a wonderfully written piece, language coming to the fore and the celebration of telling stories, joy in nature and our surroundings.\n\nJacques Poulin’s works may be simply told but they are a simple celebration of life itself. Sit back, look around you, how amazing it all is, if only I could find the right word to describe it…..better get out my dictionary."], "url": "http://messybooker.blogspot.com/2015/03/translation-is-love-affair-jacques.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 406, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 372, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["fffb708d320719b3f4e48e745d32e75f7f11e7d3dc63f6674103cc9b2feec62e"], "__index_level_0__": 160, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6451/522/200/Dave%27s%20Garterlac%20Dishcloth.jpg", null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6451/522/200/Three%20and%20One%20checked%20cloth.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9092230796813964}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://michelleincoloradosprings.blogspot.com/2006/08/dishcloths.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6451/522/200/Dave%27s%20Garterlac%20Dishcloth.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6451/522/200/Dave%27s%20Garterlac%20Dishcloth.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Dave s Garterlac Dishcloth\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://michelleincoloradosprings.blogspot.com/2006/08/dishcloths.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6451/522/200/Three%20and%20One%20checked%20cloth.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/6451/522/200/Three%20and%20One%20checked%20cloth.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Three and One checked cloth\"}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://michelleincoloradosprings.blogspot.com/2006/08/dishcloths.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_89RK-CR-fF4/R_lvX6Ikr7I/AAAAAAAAAZw/yVBZXoyrUas/S259/150-x-120-tuesdays-with-dorie.thumbnail.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_89RK-CR-fF4/R_lvX6Ikr7I/AAAAAAAAAZw/yVBZXoyrUas/S259/150-x-120-tuesdays-with-dorie.thumbnail.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"x tuesdays with dorie\", \"alt_text\": \"Tuesdays with Dorie\", \"rendered_width\": 128, \"rendered_height\": 102}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, August 31, 2006", null, "I have been making dishcloths, I saw many people making Dave's Garterlac Dishcloth and I just had to make one, or two. Right now I making number 3.\n\nProject: Dave's Garterlac Dishcloth\nYarn: Sugar n' Cream I lost the name of the color.\nNeedles: Bates 24\" circular, size 6 .\nFinished Dimensions: About 8.5 inches high and 9 inches wide.\nThoughts: I loved the pattern, this was a great way to learn how to do entrelac.", null, "After I made these I went and did the latest Dishcloth of the Month, Three and One checked cloth. It was a lot of fun. I like the way the variegated yarn striped.\n\nI am thinking of making the Bee Stitch Cloth next. The only problem is knitting with the cotten hurts my hands after a while.\nPosted by Michelle in Colorado Springs at 5:39 PM", "Jodi said..."], "url": "http://michelleincoloradosprings.blogspot.com/2006/08/dishcloths.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["0faf30b0fd6d6f484e2493e4c62964a0cb7ae467e361c01677e5f8c76ba02de7", "06a89bbf5e9531a7e91d5229640e538d8761a21f70de021821a544669cc8daba"], "__index_level_0__": 161, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://bp0.blogger.com/_Rj2KsHkZELY/RyzPpv_QpgI/AAAAAAAAACw/m2EkXtv-63M/s320/DSC00355.JPG", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.943419873714447}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://millersriverflyfishingforum.blogspot.com/2007/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://bp0.blogger.com/_Rj2KsHkZELY/RyzPpv_QpgI/AAAAAAAAACw/m2EkXtv-63M/s320/DSC00355.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://bp0.blogger.com/_Rj2KsHkZELY/RyzPpv_QpgI/AAAAAAAAACw/m2EkXtv-63M/s320/DSC00355.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://millersriverflyfishingforum.blogspot.com/2007/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-p-jjNYw5WMs/WANJlYnuDqI/AAAAAAAAFSM/S5rwIYWWeKcEGTyIe2RtbCknpMI5gn2PwCK4B/s296/DSCN0145.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-p-jjNYw5WMs/WANJlYnuDqI/AAAAAAAAFSM/S5rwIYWWeKcEGTyIe2RtbCknpMI5gn2PwCK4B/s296/DSCN0145.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN\", \"alt_text\": \"Fly Fishing For Beginners\", \"rendered_width\": 296, \"rendered_height\": 222}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://millersriverflyfishingforum.blogspot.com/2007/11/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-17pHQmtpSI8/V58S7wteNgI/AAAAAAAAFCI/JzscVxrLklkV-Ib9zS1P-B8IwZaOwedNwCK4B/s295/IMAG0414.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-17pHQmtpSI8/V58S7wteNgI/AAAAAAAAFCI/JzscVxrLklkV-Ib9zS1P-B8IwZaOwedNwCK4B/s295/IMAG0414.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMAG\", \"alt_text\": \"Swift River Bow - 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Saturday November 24\n\nNow, this was great!!! Stole two early morning hours and landed 12 trout, all 'bows and one brookie. All were caught on one fly, a #16 \"Hot Spot\". The hot spot is any dark, slender nymph with either a yellow, orange or pink band of dubbing around it's middle. No tail, no hackles. Just dead drift this nymph WITHOUT an indicator unless you begin to see nyphing rises and then drift it under some indicator putty and only six inches under the indicator too.\n\nIndicator putty - the best stuff going and I don't know why it's not used more often. Unlimited sizes, easy to put on and adjust and easy to take off. Still, flyfishers are using their cork \"bobbers\" and yarn indicators that are the size of a shaving brush!!!\n\nI may try a weekend day on the Millers if the water level stays down but the Swift is calling me.\n\nPosted by Millers River Flyfisher at 7:10 PM No comments: Links to this post", "Labels: Hot Fly For The Swift\n\nTuesday, November 20, 2007\n\nSaturday, November 11, on the Swift\n\nSaturday morning found me on the beautiful Swift River for the third consectutive Saturday. This was different from the past two outings. first, it was not raining and second, it was loaded with flyfishers. I made my first cast below \"the pipe\" at 7:45am and by 9:00am I counted eight other anglers fishing above and below this section. What made it special and entertaining was the presence of flyfishing celebrity Marla Blair with a camera crew of one who spent over two hours recording her flyfishing prowness. Marla caught a lot of trout but the major event was the dunking of her camerawoman who fell \"back first\" into those frigid waters. She and her camera survived and that's a good thing. Marla is a fishing machine!! So was the young guy, maybe twenty, dressed in waders and a hooded sweatshirt (a Swift River homey) who yanked trout out of thin air that morning. This kid can fish!!!!\n\nThe count - 11 rainbows either landed or almost landed. Early on the trout were slow to respond with only a #16 dark beadhead showing any interest. By 10:00am the fish became more active. You could see them darting back and forth. That's when a #20 dark olive emerger began to bring trout to the net. The days obligations made me leave just before 11:00am when I KNEW that a full blown hatch would start soon.\n\nWinter is a special time on the Swift. I need to spend a full day there.\n\nI will soon.\n\nPosted by Millers River Flyfisher at 8:16 PM No comments: Links to this post", "Saturday, November 3, 2007\n\nSaturday on the Swift", null, "The alarm went off at 6:00am. Soon I was driving down Rt 202 under dark skies and breezy conditions to get my spot on the lower Swift River. The weatherman on the radio spoke of the Nor'easter charging up the coast with hurricane gusts and buckets of rain. If this holds off till noon I'll be fine.\nNow here I am, below the \"pipe\" and I'm the ONLY one here!!!! I guess my brother longrodders have been scared off for a second Saturday because of a forecast. Soon I'm joined by the only other angler I'll see this morning. I tie on a #16 grouse and flash and for the next two hours bring only two small rainbows to the net. This pipe stretch, so good last Saturday, is just off today. I end up switching spots with the other angler, taking a position at the deeper, slower section a few hundred feet below the pipe. This section is LOADED with fish and they appear to occasionally be taking something just below the surface. Then things change as a tiny olive mayfly appears. Soon the surface is awash in them and the trout really begin to rise. A search through my\"tiny fly box\" reveals only two olives and they are #20, a bit large for this occasion but they will have to do. Short story - I lost both those flies after taking four of those rainbows. Time to leave.\nSix trout in four hours isn't that bad and it beats raking leaves! As I drive over the Rt.9 bridge I notice that the \"Y Pool\" parking lot is EMPTY!!!!!!! I've NEVER seen that before.\nIt's early evening and it's raining. I have a roast in the oven, a glass of wine next to me and I'm half way through tying up some tiny olives. Next time.......\nPosted by Millers River Flyfisher at 3:38 PM No comments: Links to this post", "Fly Fishing For Beginners", "Good Days (The Wall Of Fame)", "Swift River - An Uncrowded Spot"], "url": "http://millersriverflyfishingforum.blogspot.com/2007/11/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["22987471da3353c314244eb8540ec7cb1a64ebf89a577ad750320267f83b150d"], "__index_level_0__": 162, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3bs7w-fLaAg/UVKgh7fZvnI/AAAAAAAAAEY/jE3oEC-8PVg/s640/IMG_1976.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9190452098846436}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://missrebeccajanefood.blogspot.com/2013/03/slimming-world-lasagne.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3bs7w-fLaAg/UVKgh7fZvnI/AAAAAAAAAEY/jE3oEC-8PVg/s640/IMG_1976.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3bs7w-fLaAg/UVKgh7fZvnI/AAAAAAAAAEY/jE3oEC-8PVg/s640/IMG_1976.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://missrebeccajanefood.blogspot.com/2013/03/slimming-world-lasagne.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh6.googleusercontent.com/--iNwNoLGWG0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAR8/mt30RIdkDQw/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/--iNwNoLGWG0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAR8/mt30RIdkDQw/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://missrebeccajanefood.blogspot.com/2013/03/slimming-world-lasagne.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1293.photobucket.com/albums/b581/Missrebeccajane94/bloglovin_zpsd2abbe00.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1293.photobucket.com/albums/b581/Missrebeccajane94/bloglovin_zpsd2abbe00.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bloglovin zpsd abbe\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://missrebeccajanefood.blogspot.com/2013/03/slimming-world-lasagne.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1293.photobucket.com/albums/b581/Missrebeccajane94/twitter_zps0964b895.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1293.photobucket.com/albums/b581/Missrebeccajane94/twitter_zps0964b895.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter zps b\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://missrebeccajanefood.blogspot.com/2013/03/slimming-world-lasagne.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1293.photobucket.com/albums/b581/Missrebeccajane94/instagram_zpse9c17356.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1293.photobucket.com/albums/b581/Missrebeccajane94/instagram_zpse9c17356.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"instagram zpse c\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://missrebeccajanefood.blogspot.com/2013/03/slimming-world-lasagne.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1293.photobucket.com/albums/b581/Missrebeccajane94/pinterest_zpsb36bc9f8.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1293.photobucket.com/albums/b581/Missrebeccajane94/pinterest_zpsb36bc9f8.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pinterest zpsb bc f\"}, null]", "texts": ["Now, I love Lasagne, Lasagne is my most favourite Italian meal, I have eaten it out at so many restaurants and I have even made my own, although my own consisted of cream, white sauce, cheese sauce and full fat cheese, which in my defense is absolutely gorgeous, so so yummy,  but I can't bare to think of the syn content on that, so whilst I was trailing through the Slimming World website, I can across a Lasagne recipe, so I got all the ingredients and made it :)\n\nServes 4 People.\nPreparation Time: 30minutes.\nCooking Time: 25-30minutes.\nSyns Per Serving: 1.5 (although you have to add 6 syns if your not using extra lean minced beef)\n\n♥ 380g extra lean minced beef (less than 5% fat)\n♥ 1 courgette (cut into small slices\n♥ 1 red pepper (de-seeded and cut into small chunks)\n♥ 1 onion (peeled and cut into pieces)\n♥ 400g can of chopped tomatoes\n♥ 400g of pasatta\n♥ 4 garlic cloves (peeled and crushed)\n♥ 2 tsp of dried mixed herbs\n♥ 500g fat free natural yoghurt\n♥ 2 eggs (lightly beaten)\n♥ lasagne sheets\n♥ 4 level tbsp of grated parmesan\n♥ salt and pepper\n♥ mixed salad\n\nHow To Cook Lasagne:\n1) Pre heat your oven to 200oc/Gas Mark 6. Get a large non stick frying pan and place it over a high heat. Add the minced beef, red pepper, courgette, onion, garlic and stir fry for 6-8 minutes. Then add the tomatoes, passatta and mixed herbs. Season well, continue to the stir the ingredients and cook for another 12-15 minutes.\n\n2) In a separate bowl, mix together to yoghurt and the eggs, until their really smooth.\n\n3) Spoon half the meat mixture into a dish and then place lasagne sheets on top. Coat the lasagne sheets with half of the yoghurt mixture and then place the remaining meat mixture on top. Add the final lasagne sheets, cover with the remaining yoghurt mixture and top with grated parmesan.\n\n4) Bake in the oven for 25-30minutes, or until the top is golden brown. Serve on plates with your mixed salad.", null, "It is so so simple, and I must say it tasted so nice, the only that was different was the sauce, because it was yoghurt and egg, it was a different texture and didn't hold so well when I cut the first piece, it's also a different texture, its like the topping of a moussaka, that soft, light mousse style sauce."], "url": "http://missrebeccajanefood.blogspot.com/2013/03/slimming-world-lasagne.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["bb675a382235bce44d1d3f651ec4fa37a02e0d50fc59abf0d479a5781e680cb2"], "__index_level_0__": 163, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://mohma.org/imagetool/image.php/in222.jpg?width=562&height=369&image=http://www.mohma.org/instruments/MedicalBookImages/in222.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8516429662704468}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": 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\"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, January 18, 2012\n\nHomeschool Doldrums\n\nSince Christmas and New Years, I'm having a hard time getting our homeschool back on track.  As a matter of fact, I'm having a hard time getting anything back on track.  Our Christmas decorations are still up!\nWe are at least getting a lesson of math in each day, but beyond that, it's a struggle.  Yesterday we started using the book \"Take Ten for Writers\" by Bonnie Neubauer which uses fun writing prompts with a ten minute time limit. That was fun!  Even I wrote one with the kids.  Just needed to get something down on paper instead of using a keyboard!\nI also found \"The Way Things Work\" by David Macaulay at our local thrift store to use for science until we get back on track with our regular science.\nTrying also to get back on schedule with the Sonlight Read-a-Louds.  I'm almost caught up in \"Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze\" by Elizabeth Foreman Lewis.  We are using the Eastern Hemisphere core by Sonlight.\nBut that's all we've been doing--oh, and a little of the literature from A Beka's \"Of People\".\nSo, I think it's time for the teacher (me!) to make myself focus and get serious again about homeschooling and I think in that way, my 3 students will follow my lead.", null, null], "url": "http://momsoblessed411.blogspot.com/2012/01/homeschool-doldrums.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d0c1bc610683f53c6009e52e7a833be2f2c28b7a4a9dd2d5a22cfef8d1aadc1e", "01649de140528e71891811fc0e226bff179a2af4e33e4724b23b67cdb560d9bc"], "__index_level_0__": 165, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_zSBvwrGisZA/RyI9yPFYR1I/AAAAAAAAAEI/Sp3Ev8fqSDM/s320/Pumpkin+2007.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.978539764881134}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://morrisjournal.blogspot.com/2007/10/cheater-cheater-pumpkin-eater.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_zSBvwrGisZA/RyI9yPFYR1I/AAAAAAAAAEI/Sp3Ev8fqSDM/s320/Pumpkin+2007.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_zSBvwrGisZA/RyI9yPFYR1I/AAAAAAAAAEI/Sp3Ev8fqSDM/s320/Pumpkin+2007.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Pumpkin\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, October 26, 2007\n\nCheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater", null, "Cindy said...\n\nHi Alys! Saw the link to your blog on Becky's. I love your pumpkin! We bought carving kits this year, too...I remember when I was young I used to get a paper and pencil out and draw what I wanted before carving it...those were the days!\n\nOctober 26, 2007 at 2:22 PM", "The Willis Family said...\n\nHey, Alys! I'm so glad you found me, I've been wondering if you had one. I know what you mean, I haven't scrapped since I've been here. I need help!\n\nOctober 27, 2007 at 6:12 AM", "Tresure said...\n\nNice job on the pumpkin! I'll have to come see it on person."], "url": "http://morrisjournal.blogspot.com/2007/10/cheater-cheater-pumpkin-eater.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["197487bb83ef0d2e50f9d5f6e9761d9ea2ad07c88460981a45958a37ab172f2a"], "__index_level_0__": 166, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5I-Dd0hLjC0/UC-v_z10lQI/AAAAAAAACJA/UXowZtY6_rI/s320/pancho-magalona.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FeMstvjHFGA/UC-wIqHU5hI/AAAAAAAACJI/gbr5RNum8Y4/s320/TITA+DURAN2.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Aqo3-sT7aoU/UC-xI2QRXyI/AAAAAAAACJQ/KXHOQTHqxKA/s320/FRANCIS-MAGALONA.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8789539337158203}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://movie-industry.blogspot.com/2012/01/pancho-magalona-tita-duran.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5I-Dd0hLjC0/UC-v_z10lQI/AAAAAAAACJA/UXowZtY6_rI/s320/pancho-magalona.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-5I-Dd0hLjC0/UC-v_z10lQI/AAAAAAAACJA/UXowZtY6_rI/s320/pancho-magalona.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pancho magalona\", \"rendered_width\": 228, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://movie-industry.blogspot.com/2012/01/pancho-magalona-tita-duran.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FeMstvjHFGA/UC-wIqHU5hI/AAAAAAAACJI/gbr5RNum8Y4/s320/TITA+DURAN2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FeMstvjHFGA/UC-wIqHU5hI/AAAAAAAACJI/gbr5RNum8Y4/s320/TITA+DURAN2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"TITA DURAN\", \"rendered_width\": 228, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://movie-industry.blogspot.com/2012/01/pancho-magalona-tita-duran.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Aqo3-sT7aoU/UC-xI2QRXyI/AAAAAAAACJQ/KXHOQTHqxKA/s320/FRANCIS-MAGALONA.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Aqo3-sT7aoU/UC-xI2QRXyI/AAAAAAAACJQ/KXHOQTHqxKA/s320/FRANCIS-MAGALONA.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FRANCIS MAGALONA\", \"rendered_width\": 228, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, January 03, 2012\n\nPancho Magalona -Tita Duran\n\nPancho Magalona was born  Enrique Gayoso Magalona, Jr. on 1921 in the southern Philippine province of Negros Occidental and was the son of Philippine Senator Enrique B. Magalona, Sr.", null, "He married Tita  Duran and they were the most popular love team in the movies.", null, "Pancho and his real life wife Tita Duran, appeared in numerous Sampaguita Pictures movies.\nThey were the parents of the singer-raper-actor Francis Magalona.", null, "Other children who did not join the movies are:\n\n2.  Susan M. Contreras\n3. Vicky,\n4. Victor (married to Ma. Angeles)\n5.  Henry, Popeye \"Pye\",\n6. Malot,\n7. Maricar M. Martinez\n8. Martin.\n\nPancho Magalona  co-starred on some Hollywood movies that were shot in the Philippines, such as The Hook (with Kirk Douglas) and Merrill's Marauders (with Jeff Chandler).\n\nHe won the Famas Best Actor Award in 1958 for \"Hanggang sa Dulo ng Daigdig\" and is best remembered for playing the character Simon in the movie version of Jose Rizal's novel El Filibusterismo.\nSuffering from emphysema for a year, he later died at Lung Center of the Philippines in April 1998"], "url": "http://movie-industry.blogspot.com/2012/01/pancho-magalona-tita-duran.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 528, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 229, "width": 378}, {"height": 528, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 229, "width": 378}, {"height": 528, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 229, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["70e918c5a0d036a6ba932a7d79858cdbfa536ace53f03b37c6486c186d4218f2", "a4fae8586439a3a3bee168541c24be8e1a5fc821b0fdf264cbcc61a5df92a52d", "f8dbb8b1c81f74b96f6cb7e467d60df16cb0cab1fa89b563c9b0f759c66edc04"], "__index_level_0__": 167, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ln3tJodTzLQ/ReGnUc-x7LI/AAAAAAAAAHc/_0TRIwM6HhI/s320/sunrise.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ln3tJodTzLQ/ReGndM-x7MI/AAAAAAAAAHk/sTzUFy3pzXM/s320/Wings.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9611592888832092}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://movietimecapsule.blogspot.com/2007/02/first-best-pictures.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ln3tJodTzLQ/ReGnUc-x7LI/AAAAAAAAAHc/_0TRIwM6HhI/s320/sunrise.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ln3tJodTzLQ/ReGnUc-x7LI/AAAAAAAAAHc/_0TRIwM6HhI/s320/sunrise.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sunrise\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://movietimecapsule.blogspot.com/2007/02/first-best-pictures.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ln3tJodTzLQ/ReGndM-x7MI/AAAAAAAAAHk/sTzUFy3pzXM/s320/Wings.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_ln3tJodTzLQ/ReGndM-x7MI/AAAAAAAAAHk/sTzUFy3pzXM/s320/Wings.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Wings\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://movietimecapsule.blogspot.com/2007/02/first-best-pictures.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//bp3.blogger.com/_ln3tJodTzLQ/RonLcGT0n4I/AAAAAAAAAMU/qUTffP95LtM/s80/Andrew.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://bp3.blogger.com/_ln3tJodTzLQ/RonLcGT0n4I/AAAAAAAAAMU/qUTffP95LtM/s80/Andrew.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Andrew\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "January 11, 1927 - Louis B. Mayer hosts a banquet for 3 dozen VIPs from 5 branches of the motion picture industry (producers, directors, actors, writers, technicians) to promote an organization to be called The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. All 36 sign on and become the Academy Founders.\n\nMay 4, 1927 - The Academy becomes a legal corporation. 300 eligible industry professionals are invited to a banquet where the Academy's newly elected first president, Douglas Fairbanks, convinces over 200 of them to become new members.\n\nHe also announced that the Academy will give awards of merit. These awards were not initially voted on by the Academy members, but determined by a panel of judges. Each member was allowed to vote for a nominee in their own branch. A panel of judges in each branch would count the votes and narrow the nominees down for a central board of judges. This board would have 5 members, one from each branch, and they would decide the winners.\n\nInitially there was two best picture categories: Best Production was awarded to \"the most outstanding motion picture considering all elements that contribute to a picture's greatness\"; and Artistic Quality of Production was given to \"the most artistic, unique and/or original motion picture without reference to cost or magnitude.\" Because The Jazz Singer was such a sensation, the Awards Committee decided to rule it ineligible for either of the best picture awards and gave it its own special award.", null, "Wings won for Best Production and Sunrise won for Artistic Quality of Production, but there was some controversy. The Central Board of Judges initially decided to award the Artistic Quality of Production award to King Vidor's The Crowd, but Louis B. Mayer, who was there despite not officially being a judge, persuaded them to give the award to F.W. Murnau's Sunrise. One of his arguments was that if they gave the award to a Fox production, it would prove there was no collusion between Mayer, The Academy, and MGM. After arguing until 5:00 am, the Central Board relented.\n\nFebruary 18, 1929 - The winners are announced in the Academy Bulletin.\n\nMay 16, 1929 - The banquet is held and the statuettes are handed out. Douglas Fairbanks presented all the awards, and they were all distributed in less than 5 minutes.\n\nThis would be the only time that there would be two best picture categories. I think it's interesting to consider what might have happened if they continued to award art movies in a separate category from big productions. It seems inappropriate to compare Good Will Hunting with Titanic, or Lord or the Rings: The Return of the King with Lost in Translation. But I supppose that's what The Independent Spirit Awards are for.\n\nInexplicably, Wings and The Jazz Singer are not available on DVD (at least not on GreenCine or NetFlix), so I've not been able to see either of them. I did find these clips of Wings on YouTube:\n\nPosted by akrizman at 12:02 AM", "I made the WINGS music video on your page.\n\nThis is available on DVD. It's the version that TCM used to show about 15 years ago. It's a sort of crappy VHS transfer to DVD with additional Chinese subtitles ( you can't remove ). I found it on eBay. I purchased it from a Honk Kong reseller via Britain, I beleive.\n\nAnyway, they are still producing it. I got it for $8 dollars, within 4 days. And that price included the shipping. :-)\n\nMarch 3, 2007 at 8:14 AM", "akrizman said...\n\nThe video was truly inspired. Thanks for that.\n\nAlso thanks for the heads up on the DVD. I think I'll wait for the proper release, though. They're bound to release a restored version with bells and whistles someday.\n\nI checked out RudeHouse.com; way cool.\n\nMarch 4, 2007 at 11:07 AM", "How I select which year to review each month:\n\nThe year for each month in 2010:"], "url": "http://movietimecapsule.blogspot.com/2007/02/first-best-pictures.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 481, "original_height": 275, "original_width": 216, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 195, "original_width": 195, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["86609b0285919ef901b3ac0f7d6fa2ca2f7493b2d9ea1da5632469e20b8fbea0", "c33d4da33ff4ba2232cd835eeca4c7ad97627a2ed454da95964936ddddc560d4"], "__index_level_0__": 168, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vb6u_KmtzI4/VXxacRZ595I/AAAAAAAAcGw/KZFyEg5Z0iw/s400/Mentioned%2BDuring%2Bthe%2BVideo%2B%2B%2BCanva.png", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GdimmLvLwAE/VXxa2zRhZ0I/AAAAAAAAcG4/Bu0YpWBHWhc/s640/Orbiting-Jupiter-Gary-Schmidt-Cover.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.900031328201294}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mrschureads.blogspot.com/2015/06/happy-saturday-mr-sharp_13.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vb6u_KmtzI4/VXxacRZ595I/AAAAAAAAcGw/KZFyEg5Z0iw/s400/Mentioned%2BDuring%2Bthe%2BVideo%2B%2B%2BCanva.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vb6u_KmtzI4/VXxacRZ595I/AAAAAAAAcGw/KZFyEg5Z0iw/s400/Mentioned%2BDuring%2Bthe%2BVideo%2B%2B%2BCanva.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Mentioned BDuring Bthe BVideo B B BCanva\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 283}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mrschureads.blogspot.com/2015/06/happy-saturday-mr-sharp_13.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GdimmLvLwAE/VXxa2zRhZ0I/AAAAAAAAcG4/Bu0YpWBHWhc/s640/Orbiting-Jupiter-Gary-Schmidt-Cover.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GdimmLvLwAE/VXxa2zRhZ0I/AAAAAAAAcG4/Bu0YpWBHWhc/s640/Orbiting-Jupiter-Gary-Schmidt-Cover.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Orbiting Jupiter Gary Schmidt Cover\", \"rendered_width\": 426, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, June 13, 2015\n\nHappy Saturday, Mr. Sharp!\n\nDear Mr. Sharp,\n\nI hope you're having a fun and productive Saturday. I'm looking forward to seeing you next month at nErDcamp. :)\n\nHave a great day!\n\nPlease visit Mr. Sharp's blog to watch his video.", null, null], "url": "http://mrschureads.blogspot.com/2015/06/happy-saturday-mr-sharp_13.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 400, "width": 532}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 427, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4a6240e373f29f0ae7adae121806b8c2ef6a96bd884725937cefee66dc0d66fe", "d919f35f0a88301bc026d222e13c1b008fd8496427abbe1818b1c46730bad114"], "__index_level_0__": 169, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5471/30548183425_13e51092eb_c.jpg", null, null, "https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5818/30548350885_ab009b186f_z.jpg", null, "https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5538/29915260023_1ede636ef2_z.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9782012104988098}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mummyisagadgetgeek.co.uk/review/tmnt2dvd-skate-masterclass/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5471/30548183425_13e51092eb_c.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5471/30548183425_13e51092eb_c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e eb c\", \"alt_text\": \"starting to skate TMNT2DVD\", \"rendered_width\": 534, \"rendered_height\": 800}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mummyisagadgetgeek.co.uk/review/tmnt2dvd-skate-masterclass/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5818/30548350885_ab009b186f_z.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5818/30548350885_ab009b186f_z.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ab b f z\", \"alt_text\": \"kidzania checking bank balance\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 427}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mummyisagadgetgeek.co.uk/review/tmnt2dvd-skate-masterclass/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5538/29915260023_1ede636ef2_z.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5538/29915260023_1ede636ef2_z.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ede ef z\", \"alt_text\": \"kidzania chocolate making\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 427}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mummyisagadgetgeek.co.uk/review/tmnt2dvd-skate-masterclass/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://mummyisagadgetgeek.co.uk/review/tmnt2dvd-skate-masterclass/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.mumsnet.com/images/bloggers_network/MN-blognetwork-174-final.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.mumsnet.com/images/bloggers_network/MN-blognetwork-174-final.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MN blognetwork final\", \"alt_text\": \"mumsnet\", \"rendered_width\": 206, \"rendered_height\": 174}, null]", "texts": ["Half term started off quite excitingly for Seb and D this October. Not only was there the release of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Out of the Shadows, but also a skate masterclass to celebrate! And even more excitingly, the masterclass was at Kidzania London… Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows is available on Digital, DVD and Blu-ray now!\n\nAs you’d expect with the heroes in a half shell, its packed full of adventure. We ordered in some pizza (we have to have pizza apparently, that’s what turtles eat) and sat down to watch it. Shredder is back on the loose, and the turtles have only hours to track him down before the entire earth is turtley in turmoil thanks to his crazy plans. The kids thought it was brilliant, they loved all the antics and of course they loved the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. There were times when they got a little worried on the Turtles’ behalf but of course, it’s a happy ending…or is it?\n\nIf you can’t wait to watch it yourself, then here’s a sneaky little peek of whats in store for you:\n\nNot to be left out, the kids were offered their very own adventure – learning to skate with Camp Rubicon, complete with awesome turtle shell backpacks and colourful turtle eyemasks. D in particular was very nervous before we arrived, as she’s never even set foot on a skateboard before. Seb was quite nervous too, since he HAS tried a skateboard before and it didn’t go very well… and I was nervous on both their behalfs as the whole idea of trying to balance on a board with wheels, much less do tricks on it, makes me feel a bit gibbery.", "As it happens, they both got on really well! One of the instructors, Jeff, was fantastic with D and helped her grow her confidence so much that by the end she was happily skating across the room and even doing a trick or two. Seb got the hang of it pretty quickly as well, hopping and skating with a big grin on his face. They both enjoyed it so much that they’ve asked to give skating another go very soon. I don’t think they are quite ready for Camp Rubicon yet (you have to be 9  to attend – dates for Summer 2017 are available now) but perhaps by the time they reach the right age they will be! In the meantime, it turns out we have a local skateboarding group nearby so they are in luck 🙂", null, "And then the fun continued, because they had two hours to spend exploring Kidzania – which is basically a child sized city, completely in the control of the visiting children. They can be firefighters, supermarket assistants, couriers, pilots, factory workers, air conditioning maintenance engineers, estate agents, animators, fashion stylists, sportspeople… basically the list is long, and incorporates just about every urban job you might imagine. Each child (and accompanying adult, if they are under 8) is given an electronic wristband to wear that keeps track of location, which means you can leave them to explore safe in the knowledge they can be easily found if necessary.\n\nSeb and D immediately decided that the shop was their first destination, with Seb being employed as a shop assistant and D taking on the role of shopper. Being half term, Kidzania was pretty busy and they had to queue for a while before it was their turn. Once they got in there though, it was all taken very seriously, with D conscientiously picking out all the items on her shopping list, and Seb carefully scanning all the items in his customer’s trolley before facing up the shelves at the end of his ‘shift’. His reward – payment of 8 kidzos, the Kidzania currency which can be saved and used to pay for activity experiences such as being a firefighter, or spent in the Kidzania department store.", "Seb chose to put his Kidzos on a bank card, which can be done once you achieve 75 kidzos. The card can be used at one of the various ATM’s around Kidzania to check the balance, or withdraw paper money. He doesn’t have a bank card in the real world, so he is very pleased with his Kidzania one!", null, "D’s overall favourite activity was chocolate making in the Cadbury factory, made super exciting by the fact that she got a voucher at the end to exchange for a tiny weeny chocolate bar on her way out. Seb was extremely happy to have the opportunity to take part in the Pokemon animation studio – he and his teammate made a short stop-animation video of Pikachu and his friends getting into a little bit of mischief.", null, "By the time we were ready to get the train home, they were completely adventured out, just like the Turtles felt by the end of Out of the Shadows, I imagine. The perfect opportunity to chill out and finish off the day with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows activity sheet 🙂"], "url": "http://mummyisagadgetgeek.co.uk/review/tmnt2dvd-skate-masterclass/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 566, "original_height": 799, "original_width": 533, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["6311e97a9e8fdbfe8bd4475746224cee09b0ae75fb161b8bd32f099e5dddd609", "ce6dc6aae49a2c8e3df4929498c8e16d8dff07cf074bf5cdb50cdfda719ed1d2", "b2ff8ff5465c018a3c13b0d629c4bac3bc2c3b94ee006ff2d4957ab3266bb651"], "__index_level_0__": 170, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://mushroomobserver.org/images/320/337829.jpg", "http://mushroomobserver.org/images/320/337826.jpg", "http://mushroomobserver.org/images/320/337827.jpg", 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Today we're missing out our our regularly scheduled programming due to two sick little boys, but I'm determined to make the most of it and still doing something fun. To get me off to the right start I'm sharing some little gifts . . .", null, "752. Oliver crawling over to sit beside me and then putting his little arm around my neck. all. the. time.\n\n753. intentional [slobbery, snot-filled, open mouth] kisses from Oliver, right on the lips\n\n754. Emerson hiding behind the couch and covering his eyes while I read the part about the big bad mouse in \"The Gruffalo's Child\"\n\n755. pumpkin cheerios\n\n756. fresh sheets\n\n757. the babe in hoods and hats with little ears\n\n758. watching Emerson pick all the books at the library\n\n759. playing outside\n\n760. candle flickering in the evening hours\n\n761. misty mornings on the soccer field\n\n762. pumpkins on the porch\n\n763. mums of all the colors\n\n764. new dinner ideas\n\n765. making a new pumpkin recipe\n\n766. being noticed when you don't show up at church two weeks in a row\n\n767. slow mornings\n\n768. eating breakfast in pajamas\n\nThese are the little gifts that carry me through each day. What are some of the little gifts in your life this week?", "Posted by Hannah at 7:39 AM", "Laura Darling said...\n\nFresh sheets are the very best! :) Although new pumpkin recipes are pretty good too!\n\nOctober 18, 2016 at 9:30 PM", "Kristen @ See You In A Porridge said...\n\neating anything in pajamas is always good to me! breakfast or dinner. haha. i love a good misty morning as well.\n\nOctober 19, 2016 at 9:54 AM", "We just put fresh sheets on the bed. the best! Hope everyone is feeling better! We've had a case of strep & an ear infection. First time for both. :(\n\nOctober 19, 2016 at 12:16 PM", "Laura Marie Keenan said...\n\nThose mums are gorgeous! And I so want to try the pumpkin cheerios, but my store is always sold out!\n\nOctober 23, 2016 at 10:42 AM", "Hi there, I'm Hannah!", "our little family", "me and the hubs"], "url": "http://mydeliciousadventure.blogspot.com/2016/10/little-gifts-752-768.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 426, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["932988df603d2193498ccf9986e48f9c36b09b480330abe791d6596e4d583cff"], "__index_level_0__": 172, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mCTG4cOWy7I/U1Wg9eGsINI/AAAAAAAAFos/lhWPhGCTX2U/s1600/IMG_20140421_171329.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8774076700210571}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nailedatnight.blogspot.com/2014/04/april-2014-lootcrate.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mCTG4cOWy7I/U1Wg9eGsINI/AAAAAAAAFos/lhWPhGCTX2U/s1600/IMG_20140421_171329.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-mCTG4cOWy7I/U1Wg9eGsINI/AAAAAAAAFos/lhWPhGCTX2U/s1600/IMG_20140421_171329.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I just got my April 2014 LootCrate in the mail and decided to actually post it this month. The past month or two haven't been my favorites and I was considering cancelling. While this month isn't amazing, it's better than the previous one.", "What I received:\n1) Symbiote Studios & Bethesda - Elder Scrolls Online Exclusive Figure\n- I'll be honest, I have no clue what this thing is.\n2) Funko & HBO - Game of Thrones Mystery Mini\n- I haven't watched Game of Thrones yet, but have heard great things about it.\n3) Harcos Labs & Loot Crate Labs - Dragon Jerky\n- Uhhh this is tinged green, it's beef jerky. My boyfriend will love this.\n4) Loot Crate Labs - Dragon Shield Screen Cleaner\n- I like this! I'll put it on my phone.\n5) Loot Crate Labs - 20 Sided Stress Dice\n- Boyfriend will snag this and put it at his desk at work as soon as he sees it.\n6) Loot Crate Labs - 20 Sided Polyhedral Dice\n- Boyfriend will snag this as well for when he plays that one game. With the cards. What's it called? *confused*\n7) Loot Crate Labs - Dragon Slayer Tag\n- I like jewelry haha so this is awesome to me.\n\nBelow is a pic of the blind box figures I received. The Game of Thrones one looks like he's a jerk, let me know if he is lol", null], "url": "http://nailedatnight.blogspot.com/2014/04/april-2014-lootcrate.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1536, "original_width": 1536, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e9c7f4cdeb5b3924f740c7a74efe0996dd1072aa62c45710826c1513c2879f38"], "__index_level_0__": 173, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/live/MY/showunit/320/5160_011995_1452844448.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6634764075279236}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://newlaunch.iproperty.com.my/listing/all-residential/kuala-lumpur/damansara/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/common/arrow.png\", \"src\": \"http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/common/arrow.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"arrow\", \"rendered_width\": 9, \"rendered_height\": 8}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://newlaunch.iproperty.com.my/listing/all-residential/kuala-lumpur/damansara/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/live/MY/showunit/320/5160_011995_1452844448.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/live/MY/showunit/320/5160_011995_1452844448.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Glomac Residensi Damansara\", \"rendered_width\": 232, \"rendered_height\": 160}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Size : 1314 sq. ft. - 2529 sq. ft.\nLocation : Damansara, Kuala Lumpur\nPosted Date : 29/01/2016Developer: Glomac Damansara Sdn Bhd", "MORE ▼", "Save Your Shortlist\n\nPlease login to save your shortlist for future visits."], "url": "http://newlaunch.iproperty.com.my/listing/all-residential/kuala-lumpur/damansara/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 355, "width": 670}], "image_hashes": ["f619b9ca7e8d0de89b9fa5dd4af336cb43ade55757984527a37154f13b8ab0f2"], "__index_level_0__": 174, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/live/MY/newpropertyreview/0_325070_1490340502.jpg", null, "http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/live/MY/newpropertyreview/0_388841_1490340549.jpg", null, null, null, "http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/live/MY/showunit/320/2058_279187_1412929448.jpeg", null, "http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/live/MY/showunit/320/4106_375189_1389338331.jpg", "http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/live/MY/showunit/320/4141_529357_1466474112.jpg", "http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/live/MY/showunit/320/4397_101067_1428894490.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.885994553565979}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://newlaunch.iproperty.com.my/platinum/Country-Garden-Central-Park/5375\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/live/MY/showunit/640/5375_456869_1495074862.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://assets.newlaunch.ippstatic.com/live/MY/showunit/640/5375_456869_1495074862.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Country Garden Central Park - 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Located just 11 kilometres away from Johor Bahru’s city centre, Country Garden Central Park offers contemporary and stylish living spaces.\n\nDream homes\n\nPromising dream homes amidst urban amenities in a suburban enclave, Country Garden Central Park offers 1,778 residential units with 5 layout options as follows:\n\nDesigned to exude contemporary style combined with practicality, the units are all north-south facing, with a 180 degree view of the surroundings. The units are also equipped with sophisticated smart-home locks systems, and multi-tiered security system complete with perimeter compound security, phase-by-phase border security, floor access security, smart lift security, smart home access and smart car access systems. In addition to this, the units also come with kitchen cabinets, hood and hob, and water heaters alongside top quality finishing.\n\nQuality fittings and workmanship adorn the homes which also come with multi-storage foyer cabinets, 800 x 800 tiles and special drip-edge guard design worktops in the kitchen. The development features 5-star hotel grade property services for the convenience and comfort of residents.\n\nLaunched in March 2017, the development is expected to be completed by March 2020. The developer is targeting buyers from all age groups and is offering 15 percent bumiputera discount. A referral fee is also offered to introducers.", null, "Fascinating facilities\n\nCountry Garden Central Park presents an interesting array of in-house facilities for discerning buyers. One can unwind in the cool waters of the swimming pool or at the poolside bar. Take a vacation within the comforts of home and enjoy the ambience at the pool deck or play a game or two of tennis or basketball at the respective courts. Workout those tired muscles at the gymnasium or spend quality time with the children at the outdoor playground.\n\nOne can even catch up with friends and family at the barbeque area or take a jog down the scenic jogging track. The development also provides 24-hour security surveillance, ample car park facilities, public wi-fi, power outlets, emergency buttons at strategic locations and a community hall. Harmonise with nature at the unique green community park that boasts 15.6 acres of lush greenery, water elements and a spectacular landscape.\n\nSterling locale\n\nCountry Garden Central Park is an ideal choice for those seeking a suburban abode with all the trappings of urban living. Strategically located in the bustling township of Tampoi in Johor Bahru, the development is within a stone’s throw from various amenities and conveniences. Popular shopping hotspots within several minutes’ drive include Sutera Mall, Plaza Angsana, KSL City Mall, The Zon Duty Free Mall and JB City Square.\n\nPremier healthcare facilities within a few minutes’ drive include Hospital Sultan Ismail, Hospital Sultanah Aminah, and Hospital Permai Johor Bahru.\n\nPopular tourist destinations such as Legoland, Puteri Harbour and the Hello Kitty Town are just 15 – 20 minutes distance from the development. The renowned Danga Bay is just 5 kilometers away, while Austin Heights Water and Adventure Park is located 20 kilometers away.\n\nCountry Garden Central Park is only 8 kilometers from the vibrant commercial centre of Taman Sutera Utama, 9 kilometers from Bukit Indah, and 10 kilometers from the reputable enclave of Mount Austin. The Woodlands Checkpoint is just 13 kilometers away, while Senai International Airport is 22 kilometers distance from the development.\n\nCountry Garden Central Park also offers excellent accessibility and is well-connected via major highways that include the Pasir Gudang highway, the North-South highway and the Skudai highway.", "The Developer\n\nCountry Garden Central Park is the brainchild of a joint-venture between Damansara Realty Sdn Bhd (DBhd) and Country Garden Holdings Co. Ltd. The development is managed by DAC Properties Sdn Bhd, the joint-venture company, 30 percent of which is owned by DBhd’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Damansara Realty Johor Sdn Bhd (DRJ) and 70 percent by Country Garden Management Sdn Bhd (CGM). CGM is owned by Country Garden.\n\nCentral Park is the fourth real estate project by Country Garden whilst the company has two other projects, Danga Bay in Johor Bahru and Country Garden Diamond in Kuala Lumpur as well as its flagship mega-project, Forest City. Country Garden is one of China’s most reputable developer with an impressive track record across China, Malaysia and Australia.\n\nFor more information on Country Garden Central Park, contact 1300-88-0888/ +607- 239 6508 or visit www.countrygardencentralpark.com.\n\nProperty Features\n\n- Poolside Bar\n- Basketball Court\n- Security\n- Park\n- Facilities floor public Wi-fi\n- Power Outlet\n- Emergency Button\n- Community Hall\n\nProperty Details\n\nCountry Garden Central Park, a 53-acre freehold township that is well crafted for urban and wholesome living to promote a healthy holistic contemporary lifestyle, retails and an indulgent range of leisure and entertainment facilities.  It is strategically located next to Johor Bahru City Centre, reflect a new dimension urban living capitalizing on the pleasures of unique green park community lifestyle with 15.6-acre lush greenery and water element.\n\nCentral Park  - A new development by Country Garden Holdings Co Ltd and joint venture (JV) with Damansara Realty Bhd. Besides residential units, it will also have commercial shop office and various amenities. Its first phase will be launched in the first quarter of 2017, adopts the innovative design of the community living into a stunning nature's embrace park, promenade, jogging track, football field, BBQ area, poolside bar and many other facilities. Country Garden Central Park create an iconic landmark in the heart of Johor Bahru.\n\nSurrounding Amenities\n\nShortlist Email Print", "1300 88......\n\nSend us an enquiry and we will reply you shortly.\n\nNew Properties Nearby", null, "Fortuna Hub Premier\nJohor Bahru,Johor\n\nBuild up: From 6720sq. ft.", null, null, null], "url": "http://newlaunch.iproperty.com.my/platinum/Country-Garden-Central-Park/5375", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 768, "original_width": 1190, "width": 585}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 768, "original_width": 1151, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 311, "width": 587}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 340, "width": 642}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 300, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 342, "width": 646}], "image_hashes": ["46ce624fbfc4efde5f475f3523a092ab48b8d8ff54b0d0e8c470f31b597b822a", 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and 2013.\n\nKiev must tackle this problem urgently, even as its leaders confront Russia's territorial ambitions.\n\nThe scale of the graft under the previous administration, if the allegations turn out to be true, is breathtaking.\n\nPrime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk has accused the Yanukovych regime of stealing $37 billion from the state—equal to one-fifth of Ukraine's GDP in 2013—during its four years in power.\n\nThis corruption is said to have taken several forms.\n\nThe Yanukovych administration was allegedly able to buy natural gas at low, state-controlled prices and then resell it at market prices that could be as much as eight times higher.\n\nVolodymyr Groysman, Ukraine's current deputy prime minister, has said that gas worth $2.5 billion was sold this way.\n\nInfrastructure projects have also come under suspicion.\n\nIn August 2008, for example, the city of Lviv was accepting tenders for a football stadium to host the 2012 European championships.\n\nAlpine, an Austrian company, placed a bid at $191 million, according to company records, but it was rejected since the request was for proposals of up to $116 million.\n\nIn the end, the construction of the stadium was awarded to Donetsk-based Altkom, according to the Ukrainska Pravda.\n\nThe total cost came in at $370 million, according to government documents.\n\nThe European Investment Bank, which had intended to contribute to the financing of the stadium, withdrew in protest.\n\nSeveral criminal charges have been brought against Yanukovych by the new Ukrainian government, accusing him, among other things, of unlawful enrichment, money laundering and, most recently, abuse of office, according to the Russian news agency RIA Novosti.\n\nYanukovych has denied these allegations repeatedly.\n\nStill, the former leader's ouster in February has created an opportunity to confront corruption in Ukraine.\n\nBut the country's problem is much bigger than any single politician or administration.\n\nIt is potentially significant, for instance, that the new parliament in Ukraine remains a club of millionaires in a country where the per-capita GDP is less than $4,000.\n\nOleh Rybachuk, the chief of staff to former-president Viktor Yushchenko, runs a nongovernmental organization that has examined the apparent expenditures and legally declared incomes of the 450 members of parliament who sat from 2007 to 2012.\n\nMr. Rybachuk's NGO found that only a handful of these members could have plausibly claimed to live solely off their official incomes.\n\nAnd there is ample anecdotal evidence that the Ukrainian public service is pervasively corrupt, as many people who have tried to secure a business license, or even been pulled over for speeding, could attest.\n\nCleansing Ukraine of its corruption will require several interrelated measures.\n\nIn this regard, Estonia and Georgia have shown the way.\n\nTo begin with, the state needs to limit its regulatory role by abolishing or merging many state agencies.\n\nMinimizing state interference in the economy—whether by privatizing state-owned assets or cutting regulations—reduces opportunities for corruption in the first place.\n\nThe government should also cut public expenditures, and corrupted subsidies must be eliminated.\n\nThe deregulation of gas and electricity prices in this case must be seen as a matter of combating corruption, not as a social issue.\n\nThe poor can be given targeted cash compensation instead.\n\nThe tax system also needs to be simplified and the tax police abolished, to shield taxpayers from lawless persecution.\n\nUkraine has recently adopted a law on public procurement requiring open public tenders, and voters should demand their leaders follow that law to the letter.\n\nOfficials also must focus on delivering reliable rule of law.\n\nThis should entail the creation of an independent commission scrutinizing all the top judges and prosecutors in Ukraine and dismissing those found to have engaged in graft.\n\nBy signing the Association Agreement with the European Union, Ukraine has committed itself to adopting hundreds of reform laws, while the EU has committed itself to providing substantial technical assistance in drawing up new laws and reorganizing state agencies.\n\nThat deal is on hold for now, but Brussels and Kiev can still find ways to move forward.\n\nThose parts of the agreement that target corruption, for example, should be a priority; as should building a strong and independent judicial system.\n\nThe Ukrainian people have made a choice for Europe.\n\nIf they stick with it and pursue reform with determination, they will have their best chance to clean out the Augean stables of a long-corrupt system.\n\nSource: The Wall Street Journal", "Lorenz Maddalun said…\nAfter collapse of soviet union there was a division between being russian and living in russia and Russian and living in an ex soviet country. So now with many prrssures around the ukranians russians wants come back to be unite. The west doesn't want it .\n3:01 AM", "Igor Skakovsky said…\nNo one holds Ukrainian Russians to pack their bags and move to Russia for unification. Who really wont to do that have long done that."], "url": "http://news.kievukraine.info/2014/10/ukraines-enemy-within.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 254, "original_width": 400, "width": 595}], "image_hashes": ["78680f1523c09212cbfbff832117fc1d5309f2bb4fe1b5e5169d2fe211673ed3"], "__index_level_0__": 176, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-vXAcKIudbvU/UvkhGW4u1DI/AAAAAAAAK-8/JhdrRcVKMLU/s1600/IMG_0111.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lYCHHGXgSCY/UvkhE1r_5NI/AAAAAAAAK-0/eB9uZQh4x8s/s1600/IMG_0112.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AqJmjJvfnNQ/UvkhqNemvGI/AAAAAAAAK_E/_uxTEcSt3_o/s1600/IMG_0118.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-1AtNeJl66Rs/Uvkjch1bhsI/AAAAAAAALAY/ecvRukUtY9o/s1600/IMG_0141.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-eI-pgYiWYho/UvkjeaN4aOI/AAAAAAAALAg/XnY7xRiZ5M4/s1600/IMG_0142.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CT29EnXjkAo/UvkjZx3HnNI/AAAAAAAALAQ/ucWnqw8lm_c/s1600/IMG_0140.JPG", 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you have a closet like this?\n\nOurs is at the end of the upstairs hallway and I often bless the lady who designed and had this house built - she put a closet in every possible spot......but really it just creates more places for clutter.\n\nWhen we moved in to this house almost 10 years ago I did not bless the aforementioned lady for the fuzzy palm tree wall paper and the hideous grey shag carpets.  We had to do a pretty quick renovation just to live here so the one thing I did was store all the framed photos and much of the framed art...... just for a while......\n\nHmmmmm .....funny how I found them all in the closet on Saturday.\n\nAs well as boxes of photos never framed or scrap booked - long before digital was a thing.", null, null, "In fact I found boxes that came with us from South Africa......my own birth announcement and cards my parents received, our engagement announcement, wedding photos, photos of trips taken as a child and with Allan when we were newly wed....... Allan's bagpipes.......", null, null, null, "So of course the actual closet clean out stalled as I was sucked back in time........ way back.\n\nIt is sobering, fun, sad and happy to see ones life so laid out in snippets......the babies that are now teens, the skinny, curly haired me, the big hair phase, the beach holidays, family now missing, old pets.....old homes..... so many emotions.... so many memories.", null, "And due to other more exciting activities like furniture shopping and wine and cooking and baking and coffee dates and watching movies (me again!) and photography and poutine ....", null, "The closet remains in disarray....even though at least 3 boxes made it to the dumpster......many frames are now emptied and if I could find a moment to finish editing the photos from our trip I could fill them up again and actually hang them.......seeing as I took down the SA trip wall...... sigh.", null], "url": "http://nickybyres.blogspot.com/2014/02/down-memory-lane.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 420, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1438, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["482ce84142e31d09674c9dc1885cefe67de24c5f1aca3a4ec0bbb9ef3a8a7fcb", "f9352a7686aae754be44ed119b12e5149408e36f4dda4b27675c1e58ee0b47cc", "a77d6090e4cdb898803771c813aab944f73066de7b48c706d8adbbb968bada91", "6115ee0a7bd948690290e6931c4173868c481d6475c7139c41628d6b0848f755", "e4a45f557a24647882fc07c4a4fcb0fc4e8cf11437a7428f20958d79d09b0ab0", "48d73489b75b03767484d4fdce1f5327803f79a2b6a8af330da2718eccb00346", "17667d36286482ab970c476b7b73233fd912ef98e5ea87b1bcc215e048d50527", "013972d9d0e725a83e32840db24d6d0afafabf657b1210e4c7948b26be97f655"], "__index_level_0__": 177, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-j7lGgAJ5TVY/WGkIGXuuYnI/AAAAAAAACSU/T1nISCKjqyA5EYTZfsR0nYGzgSocfemjwCLcB/s320/IMG_1098.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.975486695766449}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nicrophorus.blogspot.com/2017/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-j7lGgAJ5TVY/WGkIGXuuYnI/AAAAAAAACSU/T1nISCKjqyA5EYTZfsR0nYGzgSocfemjwCLcB/s320/IMG_1098.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-j7lGgAJ5TVY/WGkIGXuuYnI/AAAAAAAACSU/T1nISCKjqyA5EYTZfsR0nYGzgSocfemjwCLcB/s320/IMG_1098.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null]", "texts": ["Went to a Citizen's Bank this afternoon and since the line was so long, I used the ATM to make a deposit.\nThe machine took my card, sucked in 2 $100 dollar bills, then proceeded to freeze.\nThe tellers were able to retrieve my card but I have to wait until Tuesday to get my money back as that is when they reconcile all the money in the machine.\nIt should show an overage of that amount (I HOPE)\nNeedless to say, I was pissed off beyond belief.\nI don't blame the people who work at Citizen's and I was as polite as I could possibly be and they were very apologetic.\nThe money was birthday money I was using to pay off a credit card charge for a pair of boots.\nImagine if that money was for something absolutely essential?\nSome sort of payment that needed to be made\nMoney that needed to be in my account that day or first thing Monday morning.\nI would be shit out of luck.\nI'm grateful that I'm in a position where the temporary loss of that money is merely a minor inconvenience.\nSo, if you happen to be in a position where a deposit of cash or checks is a matter of the utmost importance, a matter of life or eviction,\n(Remember Terminator? The machines hate you. Every last one of them.)\nWait in line.\nGet a printed receipt.\nFrom a person.\nI don't think that the convenience that would have saved me maybe 10-15 minutes of waiting was worth the two hundred bucks I may or may not get back in 3 days\n\nWhile you are at it, if your friend gives you a tube of homemade lip balm to try,\nDo not text them several hours later to tell them, as a joke, that you had an allergic reaction and your lips have swelled 2x their normal size.\nIt was right after that moment that my day went downhill so you could argue that I had that coming to me and I would agree that you are probably right.\n\nMoral of the story: Don't have a machine do the work of an actual person if it's really important and bad jokes only bring bad karma.\n\nPosted by Cindy Holt at 7:52 PM No comments: Links to this post", "Wednesday, February 08, 2017\n\nDon't Stop Believing\n\nDon't Stop Believin' by Journey came on this morning as I was driving the kids to school.\n\nA few weeks ago, bored during a hockey game, I forced her into a duet when the same song came on.\n\n\"G!\" I exclaimed, turning the volume up, \"It's our song!\"\n\nAfter singing along loudly for a few verses, I informed her that I was planning on playing this song at  top volume every time I picked her up from any where.  I told her it will get to the point where if any of her friend's hear that song in the distance, they will say, \"Here comes G's mother!\"\n\nI looked over at her and removed the hand closest to her from the wheel to ward off any sudden blows and reminded her that it was against the rules to hit the driver.\n\n\"I am punching you in my head.\" was her curt reply.\n\nPosted by Cindy Holt at 8:46 AM No comments: Links to this post", "Sunday, January 01, 2017\n\nHappy New Year!\n\nHere is Von posing with the turtles of Bass Pro.", null, "So we started at Bass Pro and ended here:\n\nLook how quickly things can take a turn.\n\nShit like this can happen in a matter of seconds.\n\nHe is OK. We made it home just before midnight.\n\nAppreciate anything that you have that you can appreciate.\n\nEspecially your loved ones.\n\nAnd I love the rest of you just for being here.\n\nI will blame work stress on this year's crappy choices.\n\n2016 Reading List\n\nNot too bad for a busy lady.\n\nHappy and Healthy New Years\n\nBe sure to enjoy and appreciate these last 20 days!"], "url": "http://nicrophorus.blogspot.com/2017/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["f07b9d3505e8fff3b23d5b5c56383031c78a6fc788744e9759bd4cc282533a0b"], "__index_level_0__": 178, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://northstarnews.com/userimages/Circle%20of%20Hope(1).jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.932303249835968}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://northstarnews.com/about/the_circle_of_hope/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/userimages/Circle%20of%20Hope(1).jpg\", \"src\": \"https://northstarnews.com/userimages/Circle%20of%20Hope(1).jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Circle of Hope( )\", \"rendered_width\": 226, \"rendered_height\": 150}, {\"document_url\": \"http://northstarnews.com/about/the_circle_of_hope/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/userimages/article_files/ColumnBucketWalter.png\", \"src\": \"https://northstarnews.com/userimages/article_files/ColumnBucketWalter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ColumnBucketWalter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://northstarnews.com/about/the_circle_of_hope/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/userimages/article_files/mmorialColumnBucket.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://northstarnews.com/userimages/article_files/mmorialColumnBucket.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mmorialColumnBucket\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://northstarnews.com/about/the_circle_of_hope/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/userimages/article_files/ColumnBucketDaniels.png\", \"src\": \"https://northstarnews.com/userimages/article_files/ColumnBucketDaniels.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ColumnBucketDaniels\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://northstarnews.com/about/the_circle_of_hope/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/userimages/cms_buckets__bucket_image_blackpress_usa.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://northstarnews.com/userimages/cms_buckets__bucket_image_blackpress_usa.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cms buckets bucket image blackpress usa\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://northstarnews.com/about/the_circle_of_hope/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/userimages/cms_buckets_65_bucket_image_tbw.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://northstarnews.com/userimages/cms_buckets_65_bucket_image_tbw.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cms buckets bucket image tbw\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://northstarnews.com/about/the_circle_of_hope/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/userimages/cms_buckets__bucket_image_govtrackus-_tracking_the_us_congress.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://northstarnews.com/userimages/cms_buckets__bucket_image_govtrackus-_tracking_the_us_congress.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cms buckets bucket image govtrackus tracking the us congress\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://northstarnews.com/about/the_circle_of_hope/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/userimages/cms_buckets_46_bucket_image_.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://northstarnews.com/userimages/cms_buckets_46_bucket_image_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cms buckets bucket image\"}, null]", "texts": ["The Circle of Hope\n\nThe Circle of Hope is a not-for-profit organization based in Prince George’s County, Maryland founded by Hank Johnson and Jamal Spratley. The organization grew out of concern for the plight of African-American youth in the county and has its origins in the congregation of Ebenezer A.M.E Church in Fort Washington, Maryland. The Circle of Hope is our official video production team as a result of Executive Editor Walter Fields’ relationship with the group’s co-founder Jamal Spratley on another project in the nation’s capital. Today, the organization provides NorthStar News with on-the-ground video production support for covered events. We continue to work with The Circle of Hope to find ways to support young people and further the understanding of journalism by our youth.", null], "url": "http://northstarnews.com/about/the_circle_of_hope/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 226, "width": 569}], "image_hashes": ["a83a46c2125ffb6b274e232bdf49d173aa8155f331a4c29f829af85e5c11df06"], "__index_level_0__": 179, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Z3w5QZ-aksk/TPkD4E9DWII/AAAAAAAAAjg/mDfNC9XfZcI/s320/julie-christie-doctor_l.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Z3w5QZ-aksk/TPkD6ra0KOI/AAAAAAAAAjk/BB1LUuMlWxk/s320/julie+omar.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8941498398780823}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://notanotherfuckingfashionblog.blogspot.com/2010/12/from-russia-with-love.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Z3w5QZ-aksk/TPkD4E9DWII/AAAAAAAAAjg/mDfNC9XfZcI/s320/julie-christie-doctor_l.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Z3w5QZ-aksk/TPkD4E9DWII/AAAAAAAAAjg/mDfNC9XfZcI/s320/julie-christie-doctor_l.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"julie christie doctor l\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, {\"document_url\": \"http://notanotherfuckingfashionblog.blogspot.com/2010/12/from-russia-with-love.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Z3w5QZ-aksk/TPkD6ra0KOI/AAAAAAAAAjk/BB1LUuMlWxk/s320/julie+omar.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Z3w5QZ-aksk/TPkD6ra0KOI/AAAAAAAAAjk/BB1LUuMlWxk/s320/julie+omar.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"julie omar\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 217}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://notanotherfuckingfashionblog.blogspot.com/2010/12/from-russia-with-love.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/_Z3w5QZ-aksk/TBUeWvXbFTI/AAAAAAAAACM/OVxitP5Yaqk/S220-s80/me.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Z3w5QZ-aksk/TBUeWvXbFTI/AAAAAAAAACM/OVxitP5Yaqk/S220-s80/me.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"me\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 71, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null]", "texts": ["Friday, 3 December 2010\n\nFrom Russia With Love\n\nThe ground is still blanketed in snow and the weather outside is indeed frightful. My snow style inspiration: Julie Christie in Dr Zhivago. She is beautiful and looks entirely chic throughout the whole film. I am also absolutely loving her natural, understated makeup and nude lips: it's so AW10. So you don't freeze, top off your look with a fur hat for a touch of cold weather glamour.", null, null], "url": "http://notanotherfuckingfashionblog.blogspot.com/2010/12/from-russia-with-love.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 217, "original_width": 320, "width": 557}], "image_hashes": ["9c92df407fb18b6087545a2311ff3cf7af92c29c4ea29fbd972b2022005a809b", "fd791279c7e265bb9eac15bd8602820b00e272c24a2b6db5cf20478794859386"], "__index_level_0__": 180, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ZdZ39z90Dmo/ThVJni-C0PI/AAAAAAAACY8/UI-vhx9zRXI/s400/_DSC0225%255B210%255Dr%2B%2528Snowy%2BPlover%2529.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GQTiJZWwucI/ThVJoIrpRxI/AAAAAAAACZE/vOMs2BviGjQ/s400/_DSC0208%255B210%255Dr%2B%2528Snowy%2BPlover%2529.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9819347262382508}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nwbirdblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/snowy-plover.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-f9V6hYcS1ls/ThVJoT41n_I/AAAAAAAACZM/V4fIPl_IaMw/s400/_DSC0229%255B210%255Dr%2B%2528Snowy%2BPlover%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-f9V6hYcS1ls/ThVJoT41n_I/AAAAAAAACZM/V4fIPl_IaMw/s400/_DSC0229%255B210%255Dr%2B%2528Snowy%2BPlover%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC B Dr B Snowy BPlover\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://nwbirdblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/snowy-plover.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ZdZ39z90Dmo/ThVJni-C0PI/AAAAAAAACY8/UI-vhx9zRXI/s400/_DSC0225%255B210%255Dr%2B%2528Snowy%2BPlover%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ZdZ39z90Dmo/ThVJni-C0PI/AAAAAAAACY8/UI-vhx9zRXI/s400/_DSC0225%255B210%255Dr%2B%2528Snowy%2BPlover%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC B Dr B Snowy BPlover\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://nwbirdblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/snowy-plover.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GQTiJZWwucI/ThVJoIrpRxI/AAAAAAAACZE/vOMs2BviGjQ/s400/_DSC0208%255B210%255Dr%2B%2528Snowy%2BPlover%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-GQTiJZWwucI/ThVJoIrpRxI/AAAAAAAACZE/vOMs2BviGjQ/s400/_DSC0208%255B210%255Dr%2B%2528Snowy%2BPlover%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC B Dr B Snowy BPlover\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nwbirdblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/snowy-plover.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-LLsxjndcKFA/TmHF_paR9qI/AAAAAAAACrA/DH2psU8_TGo/s80/_DSC0023%255B174%255Dr%2B%2528Rick%2529.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LLsxjndcKFA/TmHF_paR9qI/AAAAAAAACrA/DH2psU8_TGo/s80/_DSC0023%255B174%255Dr%2B%2528Rick%2529.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC B Dr B Rick\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, "Since Crater Lake didn't work out for us (see yesterday's post), we decided to spend the rest of our holiday at Bandon. It's become one our favorite vacation spots since first staying at Bullard's Beach State Park 5 or 6 years ago.\nLast time we visited a couple of years ago, we explored the Face Rock and Elephant Rock areas and enjoyed them immensely. My wife had a vague recollection of walking some non-beach trails during that time and wanted to return, so we set out to find them Sunday evening. While looking for the trails, we stopped at one of the entries to Bandon State Natural Area. It wasn't what we were looking for, but there were some interesting signs discussing Snowy Plovers.\nEvidently they breed on that beach and the signs were there to help educate people about their existence, their endangered status and how easy it can be to damage their nests. It was very interesting and I decided that I would come the next morning and see if I could find any.\nI arrived at about 7:30 on Monday morning and found that a large sand dune with beach grass was roped off. There signs on each post stating that the area behind the ropes was off limits to the public because of the nesting. Because of the sensitivity of the area, I kept my distance from the ropes, but followed along the beach parallel to them.\nTo my surprise, I wasn't there more than a few minutes when a couple of Snowy Plovers appeared ahead of me on the beach sand. They were aware of me, but seemed OK with my presence as long as I didn't move around too much. I took some pictures then decided I wouldn't disturb them anymore and moved on.\nAfter doing some research, I discovered that Snowy Plovers make nests in the sand similar to the way Killdeers make open nests on the ground. They are easily scared off and will abandon their nests when startled leaving them vulnerable to predators. One thing that that I am still confused on is that the area that was roped off was covered with beach grass. My understanding is that they build their nests on open sand and that introduced European grass was robbing the Plovers of nesting habitat. It doesn't quite add up, but I'm sure they must know what they are doing."], "url": "http://nwbirdblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/snowy-plover.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 206, "original_width": 400, "width": 733}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 218, "original_width": 400, "width": 693}], "image_hashes": ["01a34931ecdc0b52588b099076fa7563940bca76f1b952250da34bdc86705c99", "c56bf22957abab99421e8d472256fd23f3487c29d5ac136a6de46cc25606327c"], "__index_level_0__": 181, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_5IjG34QCQmI/SODzjeM5siI/AAAAAAAABLk/VcFtOPZXSBM/s400/nyc+the+blog+033.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7433179020881653}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nyctheblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/christmas-creep-in-nyc.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_5IjG34QCQmI/SODzjeM5siI/AAAAAAAABLk/VcFtOPZXSBM/s400/nyc+the+blog+033.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_5IjG34QCQmI/SODzjeM5siI/AAAAAAAABLk/VcFtOPZXSBM/s400/nyc+the+blog+033.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nyc the blog\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nyctheblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/christmas-creep-in-nyc.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/362/tumblrj.png\", \"src\": \"http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/362/tumblrj.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tumblrj\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 60}, {\"document_url\": \"http://nyctheblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/christmas-creep-in-nyc.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/4787/youtubejr.png\", \"src\": \"http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/4787/youtubejr.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"youtubejr\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nyctheblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/christmas-creep-in-nyc.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/3197/envelopej.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/3197/envelopej.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"envelopej\", \"rendered_height\": 16}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://nyctheblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/christmas-creep-in-nyc.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/362/tumblrj.png\", \"src\": \"http://img709.imageshack.us/img709/362/tumblrj.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tumblrj\", \"rendered_width\": 34, \"rendered_height\": 32}, {\"document_url\": \"http://nyctheblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/christmas-creep-in-nyc.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/9886/screenshot20100722at101.png\", \"src\": \"http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/9886/screenshot20100722at101.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"screenshot at\", \"rendered_width\": 34, \"rendered_height\": 32}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, September 29, 2008\n\nChristmas Creep In NYC", null, "Cafe Lalo on 83rd St btw Amsterdan and Broadway has lights on their trees all year long. (as well, all year long their dessert is overpriced and clearly made elsewhere, possibly even frozen or sara lee)\n\nThough the photo isn't great, if you look at the terrace above Cafe Lalo with the lighted trees, you can see that someone has draped Christmas lights around the railings. That's the spirit! Christmas in October. (Unless of course they just happen to keep their lights up all year as well.)"], "url": "http://nyctheblog.blogspot.com/2008/09/christmas-creep-in-nyc.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 564, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 268, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["457af26432da1040ec3b017eb83195408a7275b3c1cc99e098192f0ffb3850ee"], "__index_level_0__": 182, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://cdn.makezine.com/make/makerfaire/mini/free-digital-subscription.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7705642580986023}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://old.makerfairemilwaukee.com/2016-makers/nigel-the-purple-dalek/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.makezine.com/make/makerfaire/mini/free-digital-subscription.png\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.makezine.com/make/makerfaire/mini/free-digital-subscription.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"free digital subscription\"}, null]", "texts": ["Doctor Who Dalek built by Chris Adams\n\nDescription: Driven by PowerWheels motors with 2 joysticks, Nigel The Purple Dalek is almost 5 feet tall. Constructed mostly of wood, MDF and Masonite. Then dome is a stainless steel mixing bowl from IKEA. Nigel is sometimes piloted by my 14 year old daughter. When she's not available, he is remote controlled.", null], "url": "http://old.makerfairemilwaukee.com/2016-makers/nigel-the-purple-dalek/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 494, "original_height": 314, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b195992a358000d0ee011ef4e9110cd48f6902a5e8136ce6491df4afe39e71f6"], "__index_level_0__": 183, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cQ2xhpZfenk/R7b7L2cIm5I/AAAAAAAAB2o/F0oCSwfhyIw/s320/fra%27andy+bertie.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9332032799720764}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://orbiscatholicus.blogspot.com/2008/02/rome-requiem-mass-for-fraandrew-bertie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cQ2xhpZfenk/R7b7L2cIm5I/AAAAAAAAB2o/F0oCSwfhyIw/s320/fra%27andy+bertie.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cQ2xhpZfenk/R7b7L2cIm5I/AAAAAAAAB2o/F0oCSwfhyIw/s320/fra%27andy+bertie.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fra andy bertie\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://orbiscatholicus.blogspot.com/2008/02/rome-requiem-mass-for-fraandrew-bertie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cQ2xhpZfenk/SF9zR8SHoGI/AAAAAAAACr8/nOSdoml23G8/S220/bayern.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_cQ2xhpZfenk/SF9zR8SHoGI/AAAAAAAACr8/nOSdoml23G8/S220/bayern.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bayern\", \"alt_text\": \"Know Catholic Culture.\", \"rendered_width\": 220, \"rendered_height\": 165}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, February 16, 2008\n\nRome Requiem Mass for Fra'Andrew Bertie...", null, "Photos were not allowed, so I got yelled at for this one. But anyways, here you get a glimpse of the Knights of Malta chapel and the lying in state of their Prince and Grand Master.\n\nThe altar in the chapel is one of my most favorite in all of Rome. It's all white marble, dusty, but very nice. The view of Rome from outside the chapel is stunning.\n\nIt was a joy to flip through the pages of the two condolence books in the rear of the chapel. Lots of ambassadors, cardinals and nobles, etc. Alessandra Borghese, a faithful Catholic, was there too, as one sees here at all these church events."], "url": "http://orbiscatholicus.blogspot.com/2008/02/rome-requiem-mass-for-fraandrew-bertie.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["95d3c1aa4ce7ca1bb9d8e3ce2c31196c83f65bdff689540895866b3a003c8fc3"], "__index_level_0__": 184, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FtKyao-nhBg/TgJo-NPQbxI/AAAAAAAABSk/9gi1mdqD-Cg/s640/IMG_2964.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-v0ZBr9puYww/TtPFF7eEN9I/AAAAAAAAB1c/78xTG9w7k7s/s640/IMG_5628.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PMnOLsrlvB4/Tsg2k1SkzrI/AAAAAAAABzM/8IebZ8Y17HU/s640/IMG_5630.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-K1ZDDKG1lJQ/Tsg2oLqbutI/AAAAAAAABzU/wwuf-C6Vct4/s640/IMG_5632.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9001643657684326}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ournestingground.blogspot.ca/2011/11/hazelnut-cream.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FtKyao-nhBg/TgJo-NPQbxI/AAAAAAAABSk/9gi1mdqD-Cg/s640/IMG_2964.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-FtKyao-nhBg/TgJo-NPQbxI/AAAAAAAABSk/9gi1mdqD-Cg/s640/IMG_2964.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ournestingground.blogspot.ca/2011/11/hazelnut-cream.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-v0ZBr9puYww/TtPFF7eEN9I/AAAAAAAAB1c/78xTG9w7k7s/s640/IMG_5628.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-v0ZBr9puYww/TtPFF7eEN9I/AAAAAAAAB1c/78xTG9w7k7s/s640/IMG_5628.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, {\"document_url\": \"http://ournestingground.blogspot.ca/2011/11/hazelnut-cream.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PMnOLsrlvB4/Tsg2k1SkzrI/AAAAAAAABzM/8IebZ8Y17HU/s640/IMG_5630.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PMnOLsrlvB4/Tsg2k1SkzrI/AAAAAAAABzM/8IebZ8Y17HU/s640/IMG_5630.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, {\"document_url\": \"http://ournestingground.blogspot.ca/2011/11/hazelnut-cream.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-K1ZDDKG1lJQ/Tsg2oLqbutI/AAAAAAAABzU/wwuf-C6Vct4/s640/IMG_5632.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-K1ZDDKG1lJQ/Tsg2oLqbutI/AAAAAAAABzU/wwuf-C6Vct4/s640/IMG_5632.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ournestingground.blogspot.ca/2011/11/hazelnut-cream.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zCgHrM5bEAw/VgFt_6VkPkI/AAAAAAAAFGE/2M5AmvTiSek/s180/IMG_1067.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zCgHrM5bEAw/VgFt_6VkPkI/AAAAAAAAFGE/2M5AmvTiSek/s180/IMG_1067.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"Our Family\", \"rendered_width\": 180, \"rendered_height\": 172}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ournestingground.blogspot.ca/2011/11/hazelnut-cream.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/carriesue425/Pink%20and%20Polka%20Dot/fridaysfeaturedslipcoverscopy.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s272/carriesue425/Pink%20and%20Polka%20Dot/fridaysfeaturedslipcoverscopy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fridaysfeaturedslipcoverscopy\", \"rendered_width\": 125}, null]", "texts": ["Monday, November 28, 2011\n\nHazelnut Cream\n\nI like monochromatic rooms done in creams and whites. I suppose some people find that boring, but I think it can create a calm and inviting space.", "Source: joannagoddard.blogspot.com via Kirsty on Pinterest", "Source: Uploaded by user via Ashley on Pinterest", "Source: alifeofbeautyandgrace.tumblr.com via Tammy on Pinterest", "Source: Uploaded by user via Abbe on Pinterest", "Source: centsationalgirl.com via Bee on Pinterest", "Source: countryliving.com via Lauren on Pinterest\n\nDon't you feel calmer now?\n\nThe guest bedroom before. Not much to see here besides yellow walls and brown carpet. Good night moon.", null, "The walls went from sunshine yellow to Hazelnut Cream, by Behr, and the trim and doors got a fresh coat of white semigloss.\n\nI added a little color and a bit of pattern with the drapes and throw pillows, all of which we already owned. I borrowed the bench from the foot of our bed to add some seating. Zach and I both agree we like it better in here, so it will probably stay. (We've purchased a pair of armchairs for our room so we won't be losing any seating.)", null, null, null], "url": "http://ournestingground.blogspot.ca/2011/11/hazelnut-cream.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["08a3d9290b4c8de16d31ed2e97337098eee1ed3a2fb33093256de14c34b135aa", "c8edd7bb3a690243e7bb4aa715c1dff750da2f19a6491660aad7c416a0bbf80c", "c303220d935d38dd0f63006682dbbced1ac158c0f9972326a3a5a69e7eec4a2f", "57d9d64ccfcc607bc9a9f72d69411e51fcdaa59ff82001c9df9367c16d0f3480"], "__index_level_0__": 185, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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card.\n\nitems used\n\nJustrite Good Friends .  labels twenty nine stamps\nLabels twenty nine die\nCard creator 5x7 Detailed Scallop die\nMemory box\nFlowering Vine border\nDarrington  Corner die\ncheery Lynn\nhappy birthday die\nM-bossabilities dainty dots folder\nRibbon / liquid pearls\nall available from here   oyster stamps\nthank you for calling by  and any comments you care to leave, pam\nPosted by pam at 15:41", "UK Time", "Follow Me On Pinterest.", "Bloglovin followers please click below.", "Email me here.", "I design For Poppystamps", "I design for Oyster Stamps..."], "url": "http://pam-simcrafts.blogspot.com/2013/04/good-friends_7301.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 391, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 309, "width": 378}, {"height": 449, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 269, "width": 378}, {"height": 380, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 318, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["22943b92bca1f01f130f85cae56d8b38b80c83137ecd144c21c528f2edfe78ef", 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The only thing one could add, I should surmise, is that Sodomy, unlike Murder, is somehow \"unnatural\" (as Aquinas would insist), even though both are clearly MORTAL sins that would damn your soul to hell without due penance and amendment of life.\n\n9:47 AM", "Dr. Blosser, I hope you realize that just as signers of the American Declaration of Independence were putting their lives on the line, so your posting of articles such as these leaves a record in cyberspace that may someday soon inculpate you in hate crimes. By the same token, I respect and admire your courage."], "url": "http://pblosser.blogspot.com/2012/07/rainbow-flag-imperialism.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["97b485193d005f6915f83655859eaf2fd3c4f23a74b077915728b9080c546f94"], "__index_level_0__": 187, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1kG3HqtBpKU/TA64pAE4Q_I/AAAAAAAAAMU/_X_zdd1eKbk/s320/the+water+seeker.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8290407657623291}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pclkidsbooks.blogspot.com/2010/06/water-seeker.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1kG3HqtBpKU/TA64pAE4Q_I/AAAAAAAAAMU/_X_zdd1eKbk/s320/the+water+seeker.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_1kG3HqtBpKU/TA64pAE4Q_I/AAAAAAAAAMU/_X_zdd1eKbk/s320/the+water+seeker.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"the water seeker\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pclkidsbooks.blogspot.com/2010/06/water-seeker.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.provolibrary.com/images/library/homepage/main/bookmyne-app.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.provolibrary.com/images/library/homepage/main/bookmyne-app.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bookmyne app\", \"rendered_width\": 30, \"rendered_height\": 30}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "By Kimberly Willis Holt\nHenry Holt and Company, 2010. 305 pp. Juvenile fiction.\nThe BEST J Fiction I've read this year! This is the story of Amos Kincaid. He's the son of Delilah, who died during childbirth, and Jake, a reluctant dowser. (dowser - a person who uses a diving rod to find underground water) Before Amos is born, his mother has a dream in which she sees him being passed along to different women while they all stand beside a river. In his young life, Amos is taken care of by several women, most of whom are good people. His adventures take him across the young United States to the Oregon Territory, just about the time it becomes a territory. In addition to Amos and his parents, The Water Seeker if full of interesting, endearing characters, all playing an important part in Amos' life. Some of these characters separately see an apparition, a wild, redheaded woman who always seems to be where Amos is. Some of them also notice the constant presence of birds, all different species, flying, flocking everywhere, that is, where Amos is. A great book, masterfully laid out by Holt, with the evidence of good, solid research on every page. A strong recommendation from me!"], "url": "http://pclkidsbooks.blogspot.com/2010/06/water-seeker.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 570, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 212, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["bbd714e2a9630d8f77b5b1fc3db60122be775a9c774cae8524d0854ab451579d"], "__index_level_0__": 188, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7E6Ga-nzSAU/UlzLvP22K1I/AAAAAAAALWM/1kLfRTnVsPs/s640/IMG_9398.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-uJlIPuc9xjY/UlzLvpieCjI/AAAAAAAALWQ/aggE0NxtXKc/s640/IMG_9408-2.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RPGRR-1tUt8/UlzLvG1lH_I/AAAAAAAALWI/-RLhzeSY6Lg/s640/IMG_9418-2.JPG", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NkcAs3s_fyc/UlzLwcFLPUI/AAAAAAAALWc/2v3my-ZRmp0/s640/IMG_9421-2.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-S39QA8ZIR4A/UlzL2ZXzVII/AAAAAAAALWo/y0twxIoKYDo/s640/IMG_9443.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lJsxCFUR5Vk/UlzM1hpycZI/AAAAAAAALXc/DsipwmeYwcI/s640/IMG_9447-2.JPG", 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out to pick up my mom in SLC before heading to Pine Valley. It was great to have a second driver at that point.  She helped me navigate our annual BYU indoctrination stop at campus.  Always a must-do.\n\nPit stop at Shoshone falls in Twin Falls, Idaho. So awesome!  Why haven't we been before?!", null, "Our first apartment as newlyweds just off BYU campus.  It was on the sketchy side then...and seems to look exactly the same still.  Aww...such memories!", null, "BYU Campus!", null, null, "And finally arriving at our destination...my parents beautiful home in Pine Valley, Utah.  Love.", null, "We don't need any scheduled activities to have fun at Grandma's house.", null, null, "And after a couple of days the cousins arrived!  Nothing better than summer vacation with cousins! We missed the Bryce Dalley crew so much!!!", null, "The two year olds were quite a handful (well, at least MINE was)...but these three are so adorable together!", null, "Loved that Aunt Erin could visit for a few days too!", null, "The guys took all the kids on a fishing/hiking trip one afternoon while the girls escaped for some shopping in St. George.", null, "We found a new favorite spot: Swig!  Loved their sugar cookies and dirty diet coke.", null, "And the stars aligned and my BFF and from high school, Carmen, and her newlywed husband just happened to be vacationing at Zions National Park...and I convinced her to come to Pine Valley for a night!", null, "I took her and Clark for a wild (not really) ATV ride at sunset. Gorgeous views, awesome company! What a treat to spend the day with her!", null, "These boys were in heaven like they are every year. Something about a rural town and dirt roads is just so perfect for growing-up kids.", null, "Grandma created an awesome scavenger hunt for all the grand kids.  Always such a hit!", null, "These kiddos love their grandma!", "Aunt Erin set up her new tent in the garage to have a sleep over with the kids one night.  They loved it.", null, "And then Carson and my cousin McCormick took over the tent the next night.  So glad he had such a fun friend to hang out with for a few days!", null, "I got to attend church twice at our favorite little chapel right there in town.", null, "Traditional shot of the fam on the steps.", null, "These three.  Oh my. So adorable.", null, null, "Loved having the Johnnie and Maddie there with us...We all love the Snow girls and they are always so loving and helpful with all the little kiddos.", null, null, "So grateful this year to have THIS picture with my Grandma and Grandpa.  It was exactly a year ago that my grandpa had a stroke (just one day after we arrived for the reunion last year). He spent a long time in a comma, and it has been an excruciating year of recovery.  He still can't walk or use his left hand or leg.  He has a long journey ahead of him.  But we are so blessed to have him with us!  His mind is 100% in tact...and we are grateful to be able to continue to learn and be blessed by his life.", null, null, null, "Posted by Rochelle at 10:27 PM\n\nthe Holyoaks 10:48 PM\n\nI know it's hard sometimes, but keep chipping away! I love the updates!"], "url": "http://pettingillfamily.blogspot.com/2013/10/annual-road-trip-pine-valley-utah.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 426, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, 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The beans further up the bean structure had to be picked. Can't say I put as much thought into it as I should have. Do you think the benefits of growing vegetables might decrease with each extra foot you have to climb to pick them?", "It was a good idea to use a S-hook to hang the basket on the trellis and to free up both hands. Not such a good idea was deciding to take photos while I was up there. (But the camera was just there in the basket, as it usually is when I go to the garden.)\nHow about standing on the top of the wobbly, old 2-foot stepladder? It was easier to carry than the larger one! Oh, yes, in garden flipflops! This time with socks (sorry) since the feet were still complaining about picking blackberries in flipflops on Saturday.\nAnd stretching for that last bean, several times? Maybe not a good idea. It's still there, below...", null, "Fortunately, there are no injuries to report. And the dinner in process that includes the purple pepper, a pattypan squash, garlic, tomatoes & the beans might bump that quality decision making ability back up there!\n\nPosted by Petunia's Gardener at 6:48 PM", "Labels: = Beans", "Hey, you made me dizzy just reading about your bean picking method. Cute shot of your feet. :-)\n\n8/24/2009 9:57 PM", "sweet bay said...\n\nThose beans look worth the climb. :)\n\n8/25/2009 6:39 PM", "Becca's Dirt said...\n\nGood shot of the flip-flops and socks. Love it - cause I do the same. Great method for growing beans if you have a ladder or are very tall. Love your blog. I am now following you.\n\n8/27/2009 11:41 AM", "lottie said...\n\nThose fabulous veggies are worth it though aren't they!\n\n8/28/2009 11:18 AM", "Matron said...\n\nI've always wondered just how high a climbing bean will grow. I might try a washing line up to the roof of the house next year!"], "url": "http://petunias-garden.blogspot.com/2009/08/bean-adventures.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 336, "original_width": 395, "width": 444}], "image_hashes": ["197373a5ea45d4531788b8c40fb30dda4ff7e5b195628582b43c68b13c3213ce", "e18a5778ffaf951d229417ea40d00b229ff5af2908e1e92e20732cf2a994eec2"], "__index_level_0__": 190, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://phoenixdex.alteredorigin.net/images/maps/labels/skyrates-run.png", "https://phoenixdex.alteredorigin.net/images/maps/accolanto.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9516536593437196}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://phoenixdex.alteredorigin.net/regions/accolanto/skyrates-run/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/maps/labels/skyrates-run.png\", \"src\": \"https://phoenixdex.alteredorigin.net/images/maps/labels/skyrates-run.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"skyrates run\", \"alt_text\": \"Map of the Accolanto Region, Skyrate's Run marked\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://phoenixdex.alteredorigin.net/regions/accolanto/skyrates-run/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/maps/accolanto.png\", \"src\": \"https://phoenixdex.alteredorigin.net/images/maps/accolanto.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"accolanto\", \"alt_text\": \"Map of the Accolanto Region, Skyrate's Run marked\"}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "A long, once-secret tunnel with an underground river running through it. Thieves once used this cave to smuggle out stolen or illegally-mined gemstones from Charcoal City, the river’s current carrying them north all the way to Amaranth Bay; they could then slip into other boats and head out into the ocean to take their illicit goods wherever they pleased. These days the tunnel is fairly well-known and is no longer used for large scale smuggling trips, although sometimes people who make their way through it discover small trinkets and treasures that the runners left behind.\n\nGastrel and Skyrate did not originally live in the cave. The tunnel’s name arose because the smugglers encouraged them to move in and to the area just outside the Amaranth Bay exit, hoping that they would serve as a deterrent to rival smugglers or anyone trying to catch them."], "url": "http://phoenixdex.alteredorigin.net/regions/accolanto/skyrates-run/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["15d91215f275b2b6e1bd36a1faad82febae3199d538635edf73e685c279c27b2", "e49315456df6092f4b19635acff42fe1c065c697fc9d814c931551d5ae22b71c"], "__index_level_0__": 191, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4_VfSzWyaQM/VTFmOaG6GgI/AAAAAAAAEOc/g7HNyV2-u1A/s1600/PlanEx%2BIG%2BJ.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8717741370201111}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pinstripechris.blogspot.com/2015/04/planet-express-ship-for-my-weekend.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4_VfSzWyaQM/VTFmOaG6GgI/AAAAAAAAEOc/g7HNyV2-u1A/s1600/PlanEx%2BIG%2BJ.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4_VfSzWyaQM/VTFmOaG6GgI/AAAAAAAAEOc/g7HNyV2-u1A/s1600/PlanEx%2BIG%2BJ.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"PlanEx BIG BJ\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, April 17, 2015\n\nPlanet Express Ship for my Weekend Travels", null, "Happy Friday everyone! I'm getting on a plane today for some cross country travels which inspired this drawing. As a big cartoon fanatic I wondered \"If I were to travel by any means of my choice, what would it be?\" Planet Express Ship- Oh yes. Markers/Acrylics on Marker Paper."], "url": "http://pinstripechris.blogspot.com/2015/04/planet-express-ship-for-my-weekend.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 720, "original_width": 720, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d97eb0cb03e138a4c63137336e1239f67377635b3cd5897c4b97b755b8e74bef"], "__index_level_0__": 192, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jChu4Do1sfs/WJYRNHaNHuI/AAAAAAAAM3c/UEtq4eBaa24te2R90Ww8wtQwGwevKhW7wCLcB/s1600/Olger%2BBurton%2BBurtness.png", null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Mtdg53hB12k/WJYVMRrs8kI/AAAAAAAAM3o/d6s9J88uQqsgTdbB9TBrf_AQV0NgdsYJgCLcB/s400/Olger%2BBurtness%2B1910.png", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6EOJ3w21LHY/WJYv_UQHnGI/AAAAAAAAM34/h4dT4DgCvZUDKNH79V4wDpwI-zW7-wsxgCLcB/s1600/Olger%2BBurtness%2BGrand%2BForks%2BHerald%2BJune%2B30%2B1917.png", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9782201647758484}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://politicalstrangenames.blogspot.com/2017/02/olger-burton-burtness-1884-1960.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jChu4Do1sfs/WJYRNHaNHuI/AAAAAAAAM3c/UEtq4eBaa24te2R90Ww8wtQwGwevKhW7wCLcB/s1600/Olger%2BBurton%2BBurtness.png\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jChu4Do1sfs/WJYRNHaNHuI/AAAAAAAAM3c/UEtq4eBaa24te2R90Ww8wtQwGwevKhW7wCLcB/s1600/Olger%2BBurton%2BBurtness.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Olger BBurton BBurtness\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://politicalstrangenames.blogspot.com/2017/02/olger-burton-burtness-1884-1960.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Mtdg53hB12k/WJYVMRrs8kI/AAAAAAAAM3o/d6s9J88uQqsgTdbB9TBrf_AQV0NgdsYJgCLcB/s400/Olger%2BBurtness%2B1910.png\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Mtdg53hB12k/WJYVMRrs8kI/AAAAAAAAM3o/d6s9J88uQqsgTdbB9TBrf_AQV0NgdsYJgCLcB/s400/Olger%2BBurtness%2B1910.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Olger BBurtness B\", \"rendered_width\": 215, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://politicalstrangenames.blogspot.com/2017/02/olger-burton-burtness-1884-1960.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6EOJ3w21LHY/WJYv_UQHnGI/AAAAAAAAM34/h4dT4DgCvZUDKNH79V4wDpwI-zW7-wsxgCLcB/s1600/Olger%2BBurtness%2BGrand%2BForks%2BHerald%2BJune%2B30%2B1917.png\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6EOJ3w21LHY/WJYv_UQHnGI/AAAAAAAAM34/h4dT4DgCvZUDKNH79V4wDpwI-zW7-wsxgCLcB/s1600/Olger%2BBurtness%2BGrand%2BForks%2BHerald%2BJune%2B30%2B1917.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Olger BBurtness BGrand BForks BHerald BJune B B\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://politicalstrangenames.blogspot.com/2017/02/olger-burton-burtness-1884-1960.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8jGEoCLNIC8/WJZC0MwONBI/AAAAAAAAM4I/e8gQgx1XGRcfEOr5dCqA5_Az_MDg0IxHgCLcB/s320/Olger%2BBurtness.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8jGEoCLNIC8/WJZC0MwONBI/AAAAAAAAM4I/e8gQgx1XGRcfEOr5dCqA5_Az_MDg0IxHgCLcB/s320/Olger%2BBurtness.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Olger BBurtness\", \"rendered_width\": 266, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, February 4, 2017\n\nOlger Burton Burtness (1884-1960)", null, "Portrait courtesy of the Library of Congress.\n\nA six term member of the U.S. House of Representatives from North Dakota, Olger Burton Burtness was a prominent figure in North Dakota politics for nearly fifty years. A county prosecuting attorney and state legislator prior to his election to Congress, Burtness would later serve as a city attorney and state district court judge after his last term in Congress concluded in 1933.\nOlger B. Burtness' birth occurred on March 14, 1884 in Grand Forks County, North Dakota, being the son of Ole and Mary Anderson Burtness. Raised on a farm in that county, Burtness received his education at a school in Mekinock and later enrolled at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks. A member of that school's football team and debating society, Burtness also was head editor of the unversity yearbook, the Decorah. Earning his bachelor of arts degree in 1906, Burtness received his bachelor of laws degree the following year and in 1907 was admitted to practice law.\nEstablishing his practice in Grand Forks, Burtness married in September 1909 to Zoe Ensign (1884-1962), to whom he was wed for over fifty years. The couple's union is believed to have been childless. In 1910 Burtness tested the political waters for the first time, successfully winning election as Prosecuting Attorney for Grand Forks County. Taking office at the start of the new year, Burtness held that post for six years and in 1916 served as part of the North Dakota delegation to that year's Republican National Convention in Chicago that nominated Charles E. Hughes for the presidency.", null, "From the Grand Forks Evening Times, Oct. 31, 1910.\n\nOlger Burtness set his sights on higher office in June 1917 when he announced his candidacy for the U.S. House of Representatives from North Dakota's first congressional district. One of five aspirants to file for that office, this was a special election to fill the vacant seat of Henry Thomas Helgeson, who had died some weeks previously. After winning the endorsement of the republican district convention, Burtness hit the campaign trail, stumping at a number of locations throughout his district. Despite being touted in local newspapers as the son of a pioneer Grand Forks family, as well as a farmer and prominent citizen, Burtness lost out on election day that July, being defeated by Non- Partisan League candidate John M. Baer by a vote of 13, 211 to 8, 969.", null, "A Burtness campaign notice from the Grand Forks Herald, 1917.\n\nReturning to his law practice following his defeat, Burtness announced his candidacy for the North Dakota House of Representatives in 1918 and won election to that body in November of that year. Taking his seat at the start of the 1919-20 session, Burtness was once again a candidate for Congress in 1920 and in November of that year defeated John W. Baer by \"an official majority of 11, 458.\"\nBurtness' first term as a representative saw him serve on the committees on Alcoholic Liquor Traffic, Indian Affairs and Public Lands. Reelected to Congress by wide margins in 1922, 1924, 1926, 1928 and 1930, Burtness would attempt to win election for a seventh term in 1932 but was not renominated, the nod instead going to North Dakota Attorney General William Lemke (1878-1950).\nAfter leaving Congress Olger Burtness returned to his Grand Forks law practice. He would continue to be politically active, serving as Grand Forks City Attorney in 1936-37 as well as being a delegate to the Republican National Conventions of 1936 and 1948. Burtness was called to public service once again in 1950 when then Governor Frederick Aandahl appointed him as judge for North Dakota's First Judicial District, succeeding retiring Judge Peter Swenson. Burtness would subsequently win reelection to the bench in 1952 and 1956 and served until his death four years later.\nIn addition to the above Olger B. Burtness gained prominence in several non-political areas, including service as director of the Red River National Bank and as a member of the Grand Forks Chamber of Commerce. Further honors were accorded to Burtness in 1930 when President Herbert Hoover selected him as a member of the U.S. delegation to celebrate the centennial of the Icelandic parliament.\nOlger B. Burtness died in Grand Forks on January 20, 1960 at age 75 and was interred at the Memorial Park Cemetery in that city. Shortly after his death Zoe Burtness would donate $100,000 in her husband's memory to the University of North Dakota to establish the Burtness Theatre, which was dedicated in April 1963.", "Olger B. Burtness in old age."], "url": "http://politicalstrangenames.blogspot.com/2017/02/olger-burton-burtness-1884-1960.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 482, "original_height": 452, "original_width": 354, "width": 378}, {"height": 700, "original_height": 367, "original_width": 198, "width": 378}, {"height": 529, "original_height": 534, "original_width": 381, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f640660482e4a36b7f1cd8b5d34a068690ced53e420d4974a7a15354d27946f4", "30af6da9e370d7f2cfb65daca86e85a716de4e35c29111d8fc9a428cc2af138e", "15342839a99a3c325d284614569d9779977d3b93b8f066fb1d9e6e5fedef17a4"], "__index_level_0__": 193, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-QCJ5mHB-L4M/U1bzk6Ky0zI/AAAAAAAAGtM/4oXisbdsUDE/s1600/zz+junction.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.963703989982605}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://popculturebeast.blogspot.com/2014/04/dvd-review-junction.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IjWFqfCcyPk/UPXjx2Js_NI/AAAAAAAAHaE/YmlFYfZ95og/s200/144.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-IjWFqfCcyPk/UPXjx2Js_NI/AAAAAAAAHaE/YmlFYfZ95og/s200/144.png\", \"alt_text\": \"Pop Culture Beast presents Show!\", \"rendered_width\": 144, \"rendered_height\": 130}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://popculturebeast.blogspot.com/2014/04/dvd-review-junction.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_BstqMhJHNTM/TO8C9GHDbQI/AAAAAAAAEJI/cc3ilMHTniw/s200/smile_donate.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_BstqMhJHNTM/TO8C9GHDbQI/AAAAAAAAEJI/cc3ilMHTniw/s200/smile_donate.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"smile donate\", \"alt_text\": \"Pardcast-A-Thon 2013 - November 29, 2013\", \"rendered_width\": 195, \"rendered_height\": 85}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://popculturebeast.blogspot.com/2014/04/dvd-review-junction.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NulSwghyKlQ/TwzHIFifYZI/AAAAAAAAFaU/mtrpCAiPL38/s200/Demonic2.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NulSwghyKlQ/TwzHIFifYZI/AAAAAAAAFaU/mtrpCAiPL38/s200/Demonic2.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Demonic\", \"alt_text\": \"Garon's book now available on Kindle and Nook!\", \"rendered_width\": 156, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://popculturebeast.blogspot.com/2014/04/dvd-review-junction.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-QCJ5mHB-L4M/U1bzk6Ky0zI/AAAAAAAAGtM/4oXisbdsUDE/s1600/zz+junction.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-QCJ5mHB-L4M/U1bzk6Ky0zI/AAAAAAAAGtM/4oXisbdsUDE/s1600/zz+junction.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"zz junction\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["An all-new Pop Culture Beast is coming!", "Pardon our dust!", "Pop Culture Beast proudly supports The Trevor Project", "Please consider doing the same.", "Pop Culture Beast presents Show!", "Nerd stuff and laughs.", "Pardcast-A-Thon 2013 - November 29, 2013", "Pop Culture Beast Archives", "Garon's book now available on Kindle and Nook!", "You can help make Pop Culture Beast better!", "Support PCB and Shop at Amazon!", "Tuesday, April 22, 2014\n\nDVD Review: Junction", null, "Junction is an exceptional, exciting, intense character-driven thriller about a simple burglary that escalates into a hostage situation, but is about so much more.\n\nJunction begins with a bit of voice over narration describing a childhood nightmare, whose main image has never quite disappeared. Then during the opening credits we see a group of four people in car, in a series of close-ups from outside the car. Each person is isolated, from us because of the barrier of the windows, and from each other through the choice of single shots. None of them is talking.\n\nThey arrive at the home of their drug dealer, and David (Tom Pelphrey), the driver, goes in. He doesn’t have the money and asks for the drugs as a favor. It’s revealed through the dialogue that David and the dealer went through rehab together, which is a nice touch. The film, though intense, actually has many humorous touches like that. What’s wonderful about those moments is that they don’t lessen or destroy the tension, but in some ways actually add to it, because these moments show that even comedy is robbed of its ability to solve, or even ease the situation.\n\nTai (Anthony Ruivivar), the dealer, mentions that he wants to get a television for his mother’s birthday, so David sees that as an opportunity to get the crystal meth that he and his three friends are desperate for. So the four of them break into the house of a family that had recently moved in (figuring the family likely hadn't installed alarms yet). David finds a large flat-screen television and puts it in the car. Donald (Neal Bledsoe) has meanwhile found an older style television in the attic, and they decide to use that as a back-up in case Tai doesn’t want a flat-screen.\n\nDavid, Kari (Summer Crockett Moore) and Spot (Harris Doran) wait in the car, but it is taking Donald way too long to bring down the other television. While Spot urges them to just leave him, their loyalty to their friend causes them all to go back into the house. By then, the older television isn’t even necessary, as David has talked to Tai on the phone, and Tai said the flat-screen would be fine. So we as audience members just want Donald to get out of there. But in the meantime Donald has discovered some videos in the machine of the older television, and now his goals have changed.\n\nDonald makes David promise that if the cops do nothing about what they’ve discovered, that they themselves will take care of it. But then, as they are finally leaving the house, the man, Connor (Anthony Rapp) arrives home, followed soon by his wife, Jennifer (Sharon Maguire), and young daughter, Mia (Danielle Kotch). And what was going to be a simple robbery turns into a hostage situation, when Donald flips out.\n\nThis is a totally intense film with excellent performances by the entire cast. The relationships are so interesting, and change throughout the film. These are well-defined relationships, and that includes that between the two main cops (played by David Zayas and Michael O’Keefe). They’re given a lot to work with, including a bit of a back story that comes into play with how they handle this situation. Basically, the plot is really well thought out, with layers that make it feel much more real. The cops aren’t just cops. The thieves aren’t just thieves. And the victims certainly aren’t just victims. Everyone has depth which makes this film not your average thriller.\n\nBonus Features\n\nThe DVD includes The Making Of “Junction,” which features interviews with a lot of the cast, including Summer Crockett Moore (who was also a producer on this project), Neal Bledsoe, Tom Pelphrey, Harris Doran (who mentions how the cast had a week of rehearsals) and Sharon Maguire. Key crew members are also interviewed, including writer/director Tony Glazer, Adrian Correia (the cinematographer, who talks about the film noir elements in the look of the film), Austin Wintory (the composer), and Pat Patterson (a producer). They talk about the effects of crystal meth, and how the makeup really helped the actors get into character. This special feature is thirty-two minutes.\n\nThe DVD also includes the film’s trailer.\n\nJunction was written and directed by Tony Glazer, and was released on DVD on April 22, 2014 through Grand Entertainment Group."], "url": "http://popculturebeast.blogspot.com/2014/04/dvd-review-junction.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 520, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 218, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d5441e02614356b192145f665ce2bbd194fa325db97cee315efa6c2fa66ae52c"], "__index_level_0__": 194, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/wp-content/themes/port-city/images/services-section-bg-small.jpg", null, "http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/wp-content/themes/port-city/images/conditions-treated-bg-small.jpg", null, "http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/wp-content/themes/port-city/images/about-section-bg-small.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8952392339706421}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/wp-content/themes/port-city/images/services-section-bg-small.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/wp-content/themes/port-city/images/services-section-bg-small.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"services section bg small\", \"alt_text\": \"Services\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/wp-content/themes/port-city/images/conditions-treated-bg-small.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/wp-content/themes/port-city/images/conditions-treated-bg-small.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"conditions treated bg small\", \"alt_text\": \"Conditions Treated\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/wp-content/themes/port-city/images/about-section-bg-small.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/wp-content/themes/port-city/images/about-section-bg-small.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"about section bg small\", \"alt_text\": \"About\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "At Port CIty Integrative Health, we listen carefully to understand your health concerns and thoughtfully prescribe a comprehensive treatment plan. Integrating the best of Naturopathic Medicine and Chinese Medicine, we can assist you in transforming your health. Schedule online for a FREE 15-minute phone consultation to hear how we can help you!\n\nSee All Services\n\nConditions Treated", null, "Your body is smart! Symptoms are your body's way of communicating that something is out-of-balance. We work hard to understand how all your symptoms relate in order to get the root cause; and not just to treat the symptoms, but the whole person.\n\nSee All Conditions Treated\n\nAbout PCIH", null, "Whether you have been diagnosed with a health condition, or you just have the feeling something isn't quite right, we are here to help. Our job is to educated you about your health condition, so you can play an active role in your health care and take the steps necessary for life-changing results!"], "url": "http://portcityintegrativehealth.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 729, "original_width": 1100, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 800, "original_width": 1100, "width": 519}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 800, "original_width": 1100, "width": 519}], "image_hashes": ["342bc723f6ac470f389caea7a726e352d72ce579af2d33bf7b9f073dd17d2c5f", "d99a314ce6adeeb5f8f9c83d2d27f00b920a6a345a607fb7f043feaa71a492de", "b4d6a43ade6ecc8d76464a776961800a9ec5e3d39e28a689448d036581c99320"], "__index_level_0__": 195, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CjMtLQ35O6Q/UXU9jSomsuI/AAAAAAAABUY/jPjS5uwfmLo/s320/DSC_4675.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9680477976799012}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://prettycrochetthings.blogspot.com/2013/04/seemed-like-good-idea-at-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CjMtLQ35O6Q/UXU9jSomsuI/AAAAAAAABUY/jPjS5uwfmLo/s320/DSC_4675.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CjMtLQ35O6Q/UXU9jSomsuI/AAAAAAAABUY/jPjS5uwfmLo/s320/DSC_4675.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://prettycrochetthings.blogspot.com/2013/04/seemed-like-good-idea-at-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//bp0.blogger.com/_MfQ-hEEPdbc/R4OF5RamsBI/AAAAAAAAAAM/PaY2ykEtGfE/S220-s80/profile_picture.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://bp0.blogger.com/_MfQ-hEEPdbc/R4OF5RamsBI/AAAAAAAAAAM/PaY2ykEtGfE/S220-s80/profile_picture.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"profile picture\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 57, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null]", "texts": ["Monday, 22 April 2013\n\nSeemed like a good idea at the time...", null, "Well I thought I was doing really well when I washed out this cute stackable storage container that used to be filled with bath confetti and repurposed it into button storage.\n\nHowever it seems that not only can my mischievous 18 month old get into my crochet supplies she can also open this container up.\n\nShe was caught red handed with it open and quite a few of the buttons missing - these were to be found being sucked fiercely as she seemed to think these were sweets. Buttons have been taken away now and put somewhere high up...\nPosted by Jessica at 06:45"], "url": "http://prettycrochetthings.blogspot.com/2013/04/seemed-like-good-idea-at-time.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3290950fd2cb7911826114805fe7a5d15b78cc98a7246d763f2f52969e499537"], "__index_level_0__": 196, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_rXp-HjVZqRQ/SkdShbJC_EI/AAAAAAAAAN8/Xi0PDIOmF5w/s320/HPIM4524.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.948421597480774}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pricelessones.blogspot.com/2009/06/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rXp-HjVZqRQ/SkdX3nUScdI/AAAAAAAAAOM/gqj9WvfvbWw/s200/061009-colors.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_rXp-HjVZqRQ/SkdX3nUScdI/AAAAAAAAAOM/gqj9WvfvbWw/s200/061009-colors.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"colors\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pricelessones.blogspot.com/2009/06/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_rXp-HjVZqRQ/SkdShbJC_EI/AAAAAAAAAN8/Xi0PDIOmF5w/s320/HPIM4524.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_rXp-HjVZqRQ/SkdShbJC_EI/AAAAAAAAAN8/Xi0PDIOmF5w/s320/HPIM4524.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"HPIM\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pricelessones.blogspot.com/2009/06/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rXp-HjVZqRQ/SkdTJO8GhTI/AAAAAAAAAOE/MugS_I1b4bA/s200/HPIM4526.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rXp-HjVZqRQ/SkdTJO8GhTI/AAAAAAAAAOE/MugS_I1b4bA/s200/HPIM4526.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"HPIM\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pricelessones.blogspot.com/2009/06/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/-R9I6BTxgq6E/ToqEEzJmG0I/AAAAAAAAAow/BdtGKahCTkM/s80/profile_face_jlp.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-R9I6BTxgq6E/ToqEEzJmG0I/AAAAAAAAAow/BdtGKahCTkM/s80/profile_face_jlp.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"profile face jlp\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 50, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["My friend Kathy and I share the same birthday. The timing coincided with Kristina Werner's Color Inspiration #54, giving me colors to design with.\n\nYes, I know that challenge was nearly three weeks ago. But June 12 and 13 went by in a blur as the dishwasher leaked all over the kitchen floor and into the crawl space, and the toilet bubbled when we ran water so we had to get the septic tank pumped and the pipes blown out. When all that was done, I had totally forgotten to post this and submit the card to Kristina's web site.", null, "All products are from Stampin' Up! I really like using Crystal Effects. Gives a little something more to these gift boxes:", "And, if you're wondering, the dishwasher was spared with $176 of fitting repair. And, the septic tank was up and running after $400 of pumping and blowing out. That was a costly week, for sure.\nPosted by Jackie at 6/28/2009 06:19:00 AM 0 comments", "Labels: Color Inspirations\n\nWe attended a U2Charist event at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in LaGrange on Friday night. The service was nice, and it's always fun to hear Elevation play.\n\nThe blessing for the evening:\n\nMay the blessing of the God of Abraham and Sarah, and of Jesus Christ born of our sister Mary, and of the Holy Spirit, who broods over the world as a mother over her children, be upon you and remain with you always."], "url": "http://pricelessones.blogspot.com/2009/06/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}], "image_hashes": ["ed00066b6a39e7d32eb73fe6db23a3485c3573b07834a1ef5f5e17659b8ed3bc"], "__index_level_0__": 197, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eyfmHIR2ZUg/VQyVK5hxGVI/AAAAAAAABgs/L--lQzpxzRk/s1600/TUSAL%2BMar%2B2015%2B(2).JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fCZNj_xQni0/VQyViIuJqWI/AAAAAAAABg8/CFUOthJFrMM/s1600/Pack%2BCards%2BFinished.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Uq6rPaA6pZU/VQyVK3C0OjI/AAAAAAAABgw/d0BkDDjBRlE/s1600/TUSAL%2Bto%2Bdate%2BMar%2B2015%2B(2).JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9390011429786682}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://prupertgirl.blogspot.com/2015/03/its-tusal-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eyfmHIR2ZUg/VQyVK5hxGVI/AAAAAAAABgs/L--lQzpxzRk/s1600/TUSAL%2BMar%2B2015%2B(2).JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-eyfmHIR2ZUg/VQyVK5hxGVI/AAAAAAAABgs/L--lQzpxzRk/s1600/TUSAL%2BMar%2B2015%2B(2).JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"TUSAL BMar B B( )\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://prupertgirl.blogspot.com/2015/03/its-tusal-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fCZNj_xQni0/VQyViIuJqWI/AAAAAAAABg8/CFUOthJFrMM/s1600/Pack%2BCards%2BFinished.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-fCZNj_xQni0/VQyViIuJqWI/AAAAAAAABg8/CFUOthJFrMM/s1600/Pack%2BCards%2BFinished.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Pack BCards BFinished\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://prupertgirl.blogspot.com/2015/03/its-tusal-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Uq6rPaA6pZU/VQyVK3C0OjI/AAAAAAAABgw/d0BkDDjBRlE/s1600/TUSAL%2Bto%2Bdate%2BMar%2B2015%2B(2).JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Uq6rPaA6pZU/VQyVK3C0OjI/AAAAAAAABgw/d0BkDDjBRlE/s1600/TUSAL%2Bto%2Bdate%2BMar%2B2015%2B(2).JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"TUSAL Bto Bdate BMar B B( )\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 309}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Huh, what am I talking about? Go to Daffycat's blog and check it out.\n\nMy ORT pile doesn't look very big for a month,", null, "but those little threads do include a finish!", null, "And this is all of 2015 in it's holder.", null, "Posted by Bea at 2:51 PM", "Labels: 2015, Pack of Cards, TUSAL", "cucki said...\n\nPretty stitching my dear xx\n\nMarch 21, 2015 at 2:16 AM", "Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...\n\nYour finish looks great, such a funny saying, I am sure your friend will love it. Can't speak for her hubby though LOL\n\nMarch 22, 2015 at 12:26 PM", "Jan Jones said...\n\nNever fear Bea, the year isn't even half over. Your ort jar will be plenty full by the end of the year! Congrats on the new finish I'm sure your friend will love it.\n\nMarch 22, 2015 at 5:59 PM", "Lovely stitching that saying is so sweet, your Orts are adding up and by years end you will have more, every thead counts.\n\nMarch 23, 2015 at 6:11 AM", "D1-D2 said...\n\nDon't worry about your small pile, it will get bigger :)"], "url": "http://prupertgirl.blogspot.com/2015/03/its-tusal-time.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 503, "original_height": 490, "original_width": 368, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 368, "original_width": 490, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 356, "original_width": 368, "width": 390}], "image_hashes": ["f07fecaa379501f3aaceb05b1364279ed21c9390c165c2af64ffefbd7d89abfd", "c271c9e907688c0279aff1c42955e248a844715d3ffb02606c0604946e90e3eb", "e17bd1f3409f6b2d82239b4929ddd85d8488a77483e13bb15195d3cf9892b64c"], "__index_level_0__": 198, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sL9AsJQA6wA/UmrtKahsySI/AAAAAAAACf0/FyzhkDo6XQQ/s400/Cousins.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-D9l0OEpnvt8/UmrvJywvVBI/AAAAAAAACgA/OojFAT2OAX4/s320/DD4.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9619382619857788}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/10/sister-birthdays.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-twitter_04.png\", \"src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-twitter_04.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ps twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/10/sister-birthdays.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-pinterest_05.png\", \"src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-pinterest_05.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ps pinterest\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/10/sister-birthdays.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-insta_06.png\", \"src\": \"http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii244/eggsturnbow/ps-insta_06.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ps insta\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/10/sister-birthdays.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sL9AsJQA6wA/UmrtKahsySI/AAAAAAAACf0/FyzhkDo6XQQ/s400/Cousins.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-sL9AsJQA6wA/UmrtKahsySI/AAAAAAAACf0/FyzhkDo6XQQ/s400/Cousins.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Cousins\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/10/sister-birthdays.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-D9l0OEpnvt8/UmrvJywvVBI/AAAAAAAACgA/OojFAT2OAX4/s320/DD4.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-D9l0OEpnvt8/UmrvJywvVBI/AAAAAAAACgA/OojFAT2OAX4/s320/DD4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DD\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, October 25, 2013\n\nSister Birthdays.\n\nSo on my birthday my lovely cousin-like-a-sister wrote this sweet, humbling, wonderful post. I hope I can half repay that favor.", null, "She: in all black. Me: Unfortunately in all peach.\nSamantha is my sister, whether or not you or the universe likes it. She was born my cousin but I will always think of her as my closest family. She is one of those people who makes you feel understood, is willing to gripe with you, and makes you almost pee your pants with laughter every dang time you see her.\nSeeing my Samantha become a mother has been something kind of magical. She has transformed into this amazing woman-hero  who is capable of baking, child rearing, working, and blogging all in a span of a few hours. Like, are you Superwoman? Get outta here! Plus she chats with me via Facebook IM the whole time.\nHonestly? I don't know what I'd do without her. If it's good news or bad news, she is one of the first people I tell every single time and I sprint to her for advice at every obstacle. I love her face and guts and heart and soul. She is someone who is forthright with her feelings, she will make you feel like a million bucks and like you are worth an actual million bucks.", null, "Kaeli, Samantha, Me, My Mom\nSam always works to better herself as a human--which sets the bar high for the rest of us since she's already really great. She is my cousin, my sister, my bestie, the coolest."], "url": "http://pskisskiss.blogspot.com/2013/10/sister-birthdays.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["03d37b6dc12036c026581ec50efee7e03d20f0cfda791b7f18d1f1c89f4b4c3b", "d9275e9ff3574aab2574b1c40f9c2dfe0681ac056e2fc1cd2901500186374bdf"], "__index_level_0__": 199, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Kp1mDeqNHlE/SxiGkISsK3I/AAAAAAAAAgU/HCuslABmk1Q/s320/Funny-Christmas-Cartoons-Twilight-gift-for-Christmas.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/SxhdhHiENJI/AAAAAAAAClg/YFmKfPgno7M/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk-5.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/Sxhdg3fbAYI/AAAAAAAAClY/gERQp3Uh1wI/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk-4.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/SxhdgTr3JCI/AAAAAAAAClQ/VqO3ynAJwiI/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk-3.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/SxhdfxrRz_I/AAAAAAAAClA/kuPnsHlPbtA/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9722577333450316}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pugnawarcraft.blogspot.co.uk/2009_12_03_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Kp1mDeqNHlE/SxiGkISsK3I/AAAAAAAAAgU/HCuslABmk1Q/s320/Funny-Christmas-Cartoons-Twilight-gift-for-Christmas.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Kp1mDeqNHlE/SxiGkISsK3I/AAAAAAAAAgU/HCuslABmk1Q/s320/Funny-Christmas-Cartoons-Twilight-gift-for-Christmas.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Funny Christmas Cartoons Twilight gift for Christmas\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://pugnawarcraft.blogspot.co.uk/2009_12_03_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/SxhdhHiENJI/AAAAAAAAClg/YFmKfPgno7M/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk-5.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/SxhdhHiENJI/AAAAAAAAClg/YFmKfPgno7M/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk-5.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"alvin the chipmunk\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://pugnawarcraft.blogspot.co.uk/2009_12_03_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/Sxhdg3fbAYI/AAAAAAAAClY/gERQp3Uh1wI/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk-4.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/Sxhdg3fbAYI/AAAAAAAAClY/gERQp3Uh1wI/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk-4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"alvin the chipmunk\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://pugnawarcraft.blogspot.co.uk/2009_12_03_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/SxhdgTr3JCI/AAAAAAAAClQ/VqO3ynAJwiI/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk-3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/SxhdgTr3JCI/AAAAAAAAClQ/VqO3ynAJwiI/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk-3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"alvin the chipmunk\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://pugnawarcraft.blogspot.co.uk/2009_12_03_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/SxhdfxrRz_I/AAAAAAAAClA/kuPnsHlPbtA/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_J9PlRvGGXS8/SxhdfxrRz_I/AAAAAAAAClA/kuPnsHlPbtA/s400/alvin-the-chipmunk.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"alvin the chipmunk\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, December 3, 2009\n\nFunny Christmas Cartoons: Twilight gift for Christmas", null, "I had the idea for this cartoon comes from a combination of things. One is, for those of you who saw my last entry about the construction worker I had sketched that was haunting me. The second was a couple of commercials that I saw on the topic of team Edward and Team Jacob as well as it being the Christmas season and without being specific about your Christmas wish list, you kind of have to be ok with the fact that you get what you get for the most part. On the subject of the whole “Twilight” thing, I have a couple of friends who are both male that have seen the movie with their families and said that it was kind of a chic-flick, at least to them. I have to say that based on the trailers I have seen, if I had the time I would give it a look not to mention the story behind the author. I think it is one of those positive “you can succeed if you want to” stories. Anyway, the cartoon came from all this stimuli bouncing around in the cartoon factory. Enjoy and have a great day.\nat 7:49 PM\nLabels: cartoons, christmas, Christmas cartoons, funny, funny cartoons, funny Christmas cartoons\n\nAlvin and the Chipmunks Cartoon Series", null, null, null, null, "at 4:48 PM\nLabels: Alvin And The Chipmunks\n\nPicture of Cartoon Boy was Running with A Torch", "He continued to run along with his friend to the spirit. They did not look tired or sad. They were very excited because they needed to get to the destination to start a fire."], "url": "http://pugnawarcraft.blogspot.co.uk/2009_12_03_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 233, "original_width": 320, "width": 519}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 269, "original_width": 400, "width": 562}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 288, "original_width": 400, "width": 525}], "image_hashes": ["27eb709de5e9b780f7b8f69de231e169176f128d5af607182fb852e21d591092", "e2548263591d81d2a22aff4181fde2426e208f0fddb1a1bbd1704970e4a65a42", "8babf1fb7d0beaa8e304fd64d8d91366f66586ec29dccec84ab17ca88a548284", "8903135cca6d1d1a8533b0ff0822d03663b3000c6bae63c946d6e6fc52a5704b", "bb60730f26cdd7a8fc09e13dfd4f2c6f7ce8e8b01ad557fdadea09579e5e0704"], "__index_level_0__": 200, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-k9Qh2MgJf8Y/Uk5dQzb0fAI/AAAAAAAAC9Q/aTsOD92aroE/s400/oakshott+5+in.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9480215311050416}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://quiltotaku.blogspot.com/2013/10/quilt-fabric-organization-by-color.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-k9Qh2MgJf8Y/Uk5dQzb0fAI/AAAAAAAAC9Q/aTsOD92aroE/s400/oakshott+5+in.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-k9Qh2MgJf8Y/Uk5dQzb0fAI/AAAAAAAAC9Q/aTsOD92aroE/s400/oakshott+5+in.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"oakshott in\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://quiltotaku.blogspot.com/2013/10/quilt-fabric-organization-by-color.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_XJnKrzmQNJU/SS50FgORS3I/AAAAAAAABIc/dKdeUCX4ZbU/S150/contact1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_XJnKrzmQNJU/SS50FgORS3I/AAAAAAAABIc/dKdeUCX4ZbU/S150/contact1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"contact\", \"rendered_width\": 100, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, October 17, 2013\n\nQuilt Fabric: Organization by Color & Collecting", null, "Collections.  Collections of collections.\n\nI think most people probably have them.  People collect all manner of things from PEZ dispencers to tea cups, from Bundt cake pans to scissors, and in some cases even cameras (ahem, DH) .  You can probably collect just about anything.\n\nIf you're like me, collecting either virtually or actually is as satisfying as seeing all your shoes lined up under the bed.\nAbove is a photo of my Oakshott Cotton 5\" squares before they became hexagons.  It's a collection for sure and I will confess to having really enjoyed organizing it.\n\nOur son was home sick recently so I gave him my button collection and told him to arrange it for fun.  He got really into it and the photo below is what he created.\nDo you collect something?  I'd love to hear what it is.\n\nDo you actively avoid collecting?  I'd love to hear how and why.", "Some beautiful things I bumped into lately:\n\nA video of somebody making a hand bound book - lovely\n\nA video of sea life made out of jewels - sparkles, cool\n\nA recipe for Chinese style Tomato Eggs - yum\n\nPosted by Marisa at 8:48 PM", "Labels: Oakshott", "Granny Maud's Girl said...\n\nPlaying in my mum's button tin was a fun thing to do when I was a kid. We talked about the buttons' origins - whose clothes and uniforms they came from.\n\nOctober 18, 2013 at 3:31 AM", "AnnaVallance said...\n\nI love collecting! I think my biggest collection is buttons but all the others are big too; seashells,postcards,old thread spools, sockdarners, marbles,old wood boxes,books, pitchers,corks, and fabric of course."], "url": "http://quiltotaku.blogspot.com/2013/10/quilt-fabric-organization-by-color.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["fbf26488ee0d7f5d2b391a64c64bfb018bdb936ed035192e6bf9acf67cd291ff"], "__index_level_0__": 201, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://rxi.iscdn.net/2016/08/130343_alldredge-oaklandsx201_e6e9.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.955727756023407}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://racerxonline.com/2016/08/19/injury-report-budds-creek\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//rxi.iscdn.net/2016/08/130343_alldredge-oaklandsx201_e6e9.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://rxi.iscdn.net/2016/08/130343_alldredge-oaklandsx201_e6e9.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"alldredge oaklandsx e e\", \"alt_text\": \"Injury Report: Budds Creek\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Aaron Hansel\n\nInjury Budds Creek\n\nAugust 19, 2016 12:00pm\nby: Aaron Hansel\nAdvertisement | Advertise with Us\nPresented by:\n\nJason Anderson – Collarbone\nComment: Anderson, who was recently named to Team USA for this year’s MXoN, will be back at Ironman next weekend after breaking his collarbone earlier in the year.\n\nBlake Baggett – Shoulder\nComment: Baggett is out for the season after reinjuring his collarbone during practice at Southwick.\n\nJustin Bogle – Neck\nComment: Bogle hasn’t raced since crashing in the second moto at Southwick. Before Unadilla he announced on Instagram a neck injury will keep him out for the remainder of the season.\n\nTyler Bowers – Shoulder, Ribs, Leg\nComment: Bowers will miss the rest of Lucas Oil Pro Motocross after incurring injuries to his shoulder, ribs, and leg at Glen Helen.\n\nTrey Canard – Concussion\nComment: Trey Canard crashed after Spring Creek and will miss Budds Creek.\n\nJosh Grant – Ankle\nComment: Grant is out for the season after having surgery on both ankles.\n\nRyan Dungey – Neck\nComment: Dungey broke a vertebrae in a crash at Thunder Valley and is out for the season.\n\nWil Hahn – Collarbone, Labrum, and Scapula\nComment: Hahn is back on the bike and is heading to Australia to compete in the 2016 Australian Supercross Championship later this year.\n\nTommy Hahn – Ankle\nComment: Hahn is out for the season with an ankle injury originally suffered in Monster Energy Supercross.\n\nBen LaMay - Torn MCL\nComment: LaMay is out for the season after tearing his MCL in practice at Washougal. Austin Howell will serve as his fill-in at the Blue Buffalo/Slater Skins Yamaha team.\n\nChristophe Pourcel – Neck\nComment: Pourcel fractured his C6 Vertebrae at Washougal and is out for the season.\n\nJames Stewart – Shoulder\nComment: Yoshimura Suzuki announced yesterday that Stewart would miss the final two rounds due to a nagging shoulder injury.\n\nBroc Tickle – Pelvis\nComment: Tickle suffered a season-ending pelvis fracture at Spring Creek.\n\nCole Seely – Finger\nComment: Seely had a plate and four screws inserted in his pinky finger after breaking it while practicing. He’s out for the season.\n\nJesse Wentland – Collarbone\nComment: Wentland will miss the rest of Lucas Oil Pro Motocross after breaking his collarbone while practicing.\n\nChris Alldredge – Pelvis\nComment: Budds Creek will host Alldredge’s return to racing after the Monster Energy/Pro Circuit Kawasaki rider fractured his pelvis in Las Vegas.\n\nZach Bell – Collarbone and Infection\nComment: Bell had two surgeries to fix a broken collarbone and subsequent infection. He’s out for all of Lucas Oil Pro Motocross. Or, this is all an elaborate ruse to allow Bell to anonymously compete for Ukraine in the Rio Olympics?\n\nChristian Craig – Leg\nComment: Craig broke his tibia and fibula at Glen Helen and his out for the rest of Lucas Oil Pro Motocross.\n\nAlex Frye – Knee\nComment: Frye tore his ACL, had surgery, and will miss the rest of Lucas Oil Pro Motocross.\n\nMichael Leib – Foot/Ankle\nComment: Mid-season during supercross, Leib discovered he’d broken his talus and navicular in January. Leib had surgery and is working on recovering.\n\nJeremy Martin – Ribs\nComment: Martin’s shot at a title defense ended when he fractured two ribs in a pileup during the second moto at Washougal. He’s out for the season.\n\nShane McElrath – Concussion, Shoulder, Lungs, and Ribs\nComment: McElrath suffered a grade 3 AC separation in his shoulder, bruised lungs and seven broken ribs at Southwick. He’s out for the season, and has apparently been passing the time by honing his ping pong skills for the 2020 Olympics.\n\nJessy Nelson – Back\nComment: Nelson crashed hard at Unadilla and fractured his T4 and T5 vertebra. Earlier this week he still had no feeling or movement in his legs but was starting to regain sensation in his chest and ribs. Nelson underwent successful surgery on Wednesday, and doctors told the family that “there was no further damage and the surgery went well and according to plan.” It is still too early to confidently stay the extent of Jessy’s injuries. If you’re able, contribute to the Road 2 Recovery fund that has been set up for Nelson.\n\nColt Nichols - Knee\nComment: Nichols will miss the rest of the season after having surgery on a meniscus injured at Washougal.\n\nChase Sexton – Knee\nComment: Just days after receiving the AMA Horizon Award, Sexton suffered an avulsion fracture (when the ligament pulls off a piece of bone) in his knee. He was slated to make his pro debut at Unadilla but will wait until Monster Energy Supercross in 2017.\n\nCoty Schock – Broken Vertebra, Wrist\nComment: The privateer went down hard in the first moto at Unadilla; the race was red flagged as a result. Schock underwent successful surgery earlier this week to repair a broken L1 vertebrae. Doctors were able to repair the broken L1 vertebrae with two rods and a plate. He also sustained a broken wrist, but it will not require surgery. Road 2 Recovery has set up a fundraising campaign to help with expenses."], "url": "http://racerxonline.com/2016/08/19/injury-report-budds-creek", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 2400, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["694f5b2d1eea442931099915edcd7f61c981261106249fc5b44a09546c0812f2"], "__index_level_0__": 202, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SwYSW4GR1LU/RYwo4-u8OHI/AAAAAAAAAAk/lVTMgVRNYOU/s400/food1.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.931492805480957}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rainbowpastor.blogspot.com/2006/12/friday-christmas-foodie-five-yum.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SwYSW4GR1LU/RYwo4-u8OHI/AAAAAAAAAAk/lVTMgVRNYOU/s400/food1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_SwYSW4GR1LU/RYwo4-u8OHI/AAAAAAAAAAk/lVTMgVRNYOU/s400/food1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"food\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rainbowpastor.blogspot.com/2006/12/friday-christmas-foodie-five-yum.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//photos1.blogger.com/blogger/378/1575/1600/rainbow2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/378/1575/1600/rainbow2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"rainbow\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "NOTE: To Singing Owl--no, this is not my family. It's a nice photo, evocative of a certain time of year and of the previous century. Just to be clear about this.\n\n1. Favourite cookie/candy/baked good without which, it's just not Christmas.\n\nNow that is a tough one…my mother and I were just talking about Christmas baking the other day, and all the different recipes we used to make—cherry blinks, spritzen, lebkuchen, gingersnaps, candy canes, stockings (the latter two variations on sugar cookies), macaroons, and rum balls. I think I’d have to go with sugar cookies, Mexican wedding cakes or cream wafers. Recipes for the second two below.\n\n2. Do you do a fancy dinner on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, both, or neither? (Optional: with whom will you gather around the table this year?)\nI’m still in the process of re-creating a holiday tradition—between pastoring and a divorce, I haven’t done the same thing two years in a row for about five or six years. My vote, however, goes to what my family always did. Big dinner Christmas Eve (generally “roast beast,” as we called it, following the immortal Dr. Seuss), then opening one present, followed by the candlelight service at church. In the morning, presents with Mom’s cinnamon coffee cake, coffee and Mimosas (plus candy from our stockings), then church, with an open house all afternoon after church, with sausage, chips, crackers, cheese, dip, cookies, punch, etc. Then in the evening left-over roast beef sandwiches and a sugar coma.\n\nThis year DP is headed back to visit her children for Christmas, so I’ll be spending Christmas Eve with the church—pretty literally, with a service at 1:30 pm and then another at 11 pm, followed by a Chinese dinner (a tradition here). Christmas Day after worship, I’ve been invited to a brunch and then to a dinner. It’s sort of a progressive meal, hosted by two couples who are part of a circle DP and I are becoming closer to this year. They are all amazing cooks, so I’m really looking forward to those meals!\n\n3. Evaluate one or more of the holiday beverage trifecta: hot chocolate, wassail, eggnog.\nMy personal favourite is eggnog, even if I can’t have the roaring traditional recipe I used to make—it called for a fifth of bourbon, rum and less than a dozen eggs. Cook those raw eggs with alcohol, baby! Now I generally get the pasteurized stuff at the store—it doesn’t taste at all the same (even if you add rum and bourbon), but it’s healthier. Sigh.\n\nHowever, I do like hot spiced wine—in , it’s called gluehwein, and I love the stuff. Again, it’s no good for me (red wine = migraine). Of course.\n\nHot chocolate is good and a comfort food, but I have it too often during the winter for it to be very Christmassy for me.\n\n4. Candy canes: do you like all the new-fangled flavours or are you a peppermint purist?\nA pox on fancy flavours! Peppermint is the real flavour!\n\n5. Have you ever actually had figgy pudding? And is it really so good that people will refuse to leave until they are served it?\nIf it’s anything like my mom’s plum pudding, you betcha I’ll refuse to go until I get some! Lots, even!\n\nBonus item: the fruitcake. Feel free to add your thoughts on this most polarizing holiday confection.\n\nWell…I confess I used to bake it. I helped my mom make it when I was young—chop the nuts, slice the citron and cherries, etc. She always made big batches of it for all her brothers and sisters. After they were baked (in early November), they were wrapped in rum-soaked cheesecloth (are we sensing a theme here?) and left to marinate for four weeks before being sent off around the country.\n\nBecause it seemed like a required part of Christmas, I baked it myself for the first four or five years after I left home. But then I realized I didn’t eat it, and neither did much of anyone else we had over at Christmas. So I stopped. Life is much better now.\n\nBy the way, re-reading this, it sounds like my childhood home was steeped in rum, drowned in champagne, and boiled in bourbon. That’s really and truly not the case! It’s just the holidays, that’s all.\n\nMexican Wedding Cakes\n(I have no idea why they are called that. With the pecans, they should be called wedding cakes, I think).\n\n½ lb butter\n2 cups flour\n¼ cup sugar\n1 cup pecans (chopped fine, but not to dust)\n1 teaspoon vanilla\nConfectioners sugar\n\nCream butter; add sugar and vanilla, beat until light and fluffy. Add flour and pecans, mix well. Roll in 1-inch balls and place 1 inch apart on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake at 350° for 18-20 minutes or until lightly browned. Remove from cookie sheet and roll in confectioners sugar while still warm. Cool on wire rack.\n\nThese (and the next one) are great because they’re not terribly sweet, but very addictive. You can eat half a batch before you even realize you’re eating them.\n\nCream Wafers\n1/3 cup cream\n1 cup butter\nMix into dough and chill at least thirty minutes. Roll 1/3 at a time, on lightly-floured board, keeping remaining dough chilled. Roll 1/8-inch thick and cut in 1 ½-inch circles (I use the top of a spice bottle). Coat both sides with granulated (not confectioners) sugar. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Prick once or twice with a fork. Bake at 325° for 8-10 minutes. Do not allow to brown. Put together, sandwich cookie-style, with filling.\n\n¼ cup soft butter\n¾ cup confectioners sugar\n1 egg yolk\nFood coloring if desired\nMix well.\n\nKiller Eggnog\n10 egg yolks\n1 ¼ cup granulated sugar\n½ cup light rum\n2 cups milk\n2 cups heavy cream\n1 fifth bourbon\n10 egg whites, beaten stiff\nBeat yolks well; slowly fold sugar in. Very slowly add rum. Stir in milk and cream. Add bourbon slowly, and fold in egg whites. Chill well. Top with nutmeg. Hide the car keys.\n\nAnd a special bonus recipe:\nHanukah Cheeseball\n8 ounces cream cheese, softened\n1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese\n2 cups shredded cheese\nWhite wine\n\nMix together by hand (do not use blender or mixer); use just enough wine to allow the cheeses to blend. Chill. Shape into one large ball. Roll ball in paprika, coating it. Then roll in sesame seeds. Wrap in plastic and chill at least 8 hours. Serve with crackers. This also freezes well.\n\nPosted by Rainbow Pastor at 1:41 pm", "Reverend Dona Quixote said...\n\nWow, RP, yummy, yummy, yummy!\n\nRemember that Texas started out as Spanish territory, then became northern Mexico, before it became its own nation for awhile and then one of the United States ... perhaps that's why they're Mexican Wedding cookies instead of Texas Wedding cookies.\n\n3:44 pm", "Rainbow Pastor said...\n\nI hadn't thought of that, RDQ. You are probably right.\n\n3:51 pm", "reverendmother said...\n\nOooh, recipes too! Thanks!\n\n4:38 pm", "And I forgot to mention that the cheeseball is very good in sandwiches, too.\n\nTime for dinner!\n\n4:43 pm", "1-4 Grace said...\n\npass the rum balls, pleas. kitty sleppin on my left arm = NO CAPS!\n\n4:56 pm", "Quotidian Grace said...\n\nRev DQ may be right--all I know is these cookies are called Mexican wedding cakes (or cookies) down here.\n\nMy Scottish grandmother made these but soaked them with bourbon and called them bourbon balls. Gotta love those WASPS!"], "url": "http://rainbowpastor.blogspot.com/2006/12/friday-christmas-foodie-five-yum.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 380, "width": 652}], "image_hashes": ["75c92557c082a32909aac98638d8dad59d2059afcf689e3c9d0d201e04ac3613"], "__index_level_0__": 203, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-R7tEP8aEiGs/VJFuXV7J9HI/AAAAAAAAA-g/mo4rX6indGo/s1600/ITR%2Befiling.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.886084258556366}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rajan-c-mathew.blogspot.com/2013/07/income-tax-mandatory-e-filing-system.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-R7tEP8aEiGs/VJFuXV7J9HI/AAAAAAAAA-g/mo4rX6indGo/s1600/ITR%2Befiling.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-R7tEP8aEiGs/VJFuXV7J9HI/AAAAAAAAA-g/mo4rX6indGo/s1600/ITR%2Befiling.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ITR Befiling\", \"rendered_width\": 320, 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Of late, may individual house hold users use other browsers such as Google Chrome, Motzilla Firefox, etc.\n\nIn any case there would be only a minority of individual home users who are using genuine certified browser software that they had purchased by paying money. This is also true for many commercial users many of them, including government owned ones, use these browsers which are essentially unlicensed.\nOf late, the software companies have come up with latest versions of these softwares with certain inbuilt mechanisms which could give them the idea about the user and know whether a particular user is using a licenced version or not.\n\nFor normal internet use they do not create any problem. But, when people use it for official or commercial purposes, these softwares start creating problems.\n\nFor example, very few people would be in a position to open the official e-filing site of the Income Tax department of India with their browsers.\n\nIf you would like to experience it yourself try opening this link by clicking it:\n\nMany of you won't be able to do it. Some versions of the Internet Explorer (Microsoft) simply do not open it. The Google Chrome would display this message: 'Invalid Server Certification' Return back to safety.\n\nI do not know whether this is a problem due to the browser or it is due to the problem of securtity certification of the server of the Income Tax Department of the government of India. Most likely it could be due to the latter. Because, it is the government departments in India that do not recognize the internet legal aspects and safety norms. There is a likelihood that they are using some software systems that are not with the necessary safety standards.\n\nI and many of my friends could use the Motzilla Firefox to file the return a few weeks earlier. However, now when I try with the same browser for filing the e-return of some other, I find the above said site though opening up initially returns a message which tells that I am using an old version of the browser and I should use instead use some other latest versions ( it specifies the versions and the makes of the softwares) The site simply becomes non cooperative after that.\n\nAnother problem which came to my notice is the way the site is designed. If a person has to register for e-filing he or she should have a valid e-mail id. But the funny thing is that this government IT site would not allow any one to enter an e-mail id if it has certain special characters such as the hyphen (-). Ridiculous, is n't it.\n\nWhile filing the numerous columns in the site for entering data, this site is highly user unfriendly.\n\nIt will not allow any one to copy - paste common data. You have to enter data every time with care. If you are not good in data entry into computers you are likely to make gross errors.\n\nThe governement of India and the IT department's software designers think that every one in India who get over 5 L salary are employed in the software development companies ! Perhaps, they are right ! That is the general perception in India.\n\nFortunately, the site provides some relief to the individual tax payers. They can take the help of certified tax filing service providers ! For the time being you may not find the breed of such people in India any where.\n\nThis e-filing system has started on an experimental basis last year for those getting over 10 Lakhs per year as salary. That time the system was downloading a predesigned form, filling it up, then coverting it to another form called the xml form (after conversion the individuals cannot see what the said software created as the xml file. There are umpteen examples where the xml so created was with gross errors of which the tax payers came to know only after an year when the Income Tax department started e-mailing them with orders for recovery and the like. Event the functioning of these softwares were not so reliable and were prone to error creation without the person ever knowing it)\n\nAnother problem the individuals faced was the total absence of help menu. What help menu being provided are where it is not so required. For serious helps like the meaning of the clauses of the IT rules, there is no help at all. Remember, this is not at all difficult to be provided in the IT site and if so, it would have been a gesture of transparency. But it seems the governement and the IT officials are not interested in transparency.\n\nLast year, the individual after uploading the created xml file was required to print the acknowledgement file (called the IT-V form by the taxmen). But this file would not open if you do not know the in built pass word.\n\nUnless you are very knowledgeable to read and understand the fine legal english language, you are not going to know what is the password required to open it. Incidentally, this password is your date of birth written in ddmmyyyy form without the usual slash (/) Had you accidentally entered a wrong number while entering your return form, your IT-V would never open for getting it printed.\n\nThen, comes the next problem. You should have a high quality laser or inkjet printer for printing your IT-V. Dot matrix printers are a strict no-no. How many persons in India have these high quality printers in their homes and office ? But the government assumes that if you get over 10 L salary you should have these in your office or home ! Many employees of PSUs and government departments and even private employees do not have such facilities in their offices. The government should have done a survey initially or they should have made and order to make these mandatory facilities for all employees getting more than 10 Lakh annual salary !\n\nYou should not ask what would happen to those people who work in remote areas, mines and such other places where internet facility and computer peripherals and accessories do not exist for all practical purposes.\n\nThen comes the next problem. Even if you had printed your IT-V as specified, you are required to sign it and post it to the IT departments central e-processing facility at Bangaluru. You should only post it by ordinary post. No courier business ! Whether, the Indian Postal department is efficient to deliver all these signed documents back to Bangaluru from all over India is another question. (We know what had happened with the aadhaar cards !)\n\nEven for this year (AY 2013-14) e-filing for some can be direct online. There are problems and perhaps no one in this country could solve those. You are required to get IT-V printed and posted as was done last year. If your signed form do not reach the central processing people, your IT return would not be taken for processing. You may not get back your refunds.\n\nAs far as refunds are concerned, it seems the IT department people had been instructed not to do so. Because now every person is going to get demand notices and not refunds. Demand notices with hefty penal interests and fines for no fault of theirs. Because, now the government has linked your bank accounts with your PAN and all the interest accrual information is known through what is now called the 26-AS form. The banks have taken the 10% from those 3.5 % to 8.5 % interest your balances have gained and have remitted it to the IT department. But that is not the end. Once you have got more than 10 L as salary, you owe another 23 % tax to be given on those peanut interests. If you have not paid it, then the IT is waiting for penalizing you later. The more the delay, the more the government of India is to gain by way of penalties and penal interests.\n\nSo, now comes the game plan. A faulty IT return system is in place. Even if you honestly want to pay your taxes and file you returns, you cannot perhaps do it properly. The system would not allow you to do it. And the government's system failure is not admissible as an excuse. Because, after all government is the one who wields the lathi, or the power. In a lathi wielding governmental system, citizens have no rights !\n\nThe government is not bothered if you do not have any job tomorrow and you no longer earns the 10 L. The government of India is not bothered whether you worked in a PSU or private sector where there is no pension for surviving your after job life. They would not even allow you to get even the simple 3.5 % interest from your bank account. They will tax it with out any sympathy ! Neither they would think of implementing any practical social security system as that is with the progressive nations of the world.\n\nBecause of all these, even those Indians who get more than 10 L a year as salary, much better than lakhs of their other fellow Indians, could not live happily in this country. That is why they are eagerly trying to send their children to become citizens of USA, Canada, Australia and such other progressive nations. Regrettably that is what most of the political leaders of India who are responsible for making ridiculous rules and laws are also doing !\n\nIt is like burning your home and running away to take shelter in your neighbour' home !\n\nIs this country ever escape from these kind of ridiculous taxation rules and such other things which make life in India a horror for law abiding citizens ?\n\nYou may also like to read these:\n\n1. Some Ridiculous Income Tax Provisions of India !\n\n2. A Modern Non Pinching Taxation Regime- Transaction Tax!\n\n3. Revolutionary Ideas for Financial System and Taxation Improvements in India\n\n4. Some Thoughts on Abolishing the Mandatory IT Return Filing for the Salaried Class"], "url": "http://rajan-c-mathew.blogspot.com/2013/07/income-tax-mandatory-e-filing-system.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 984, "original_width": 1312, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["eb7fa313e40f067d0c00c09e3de6cdfaf9abda1f8c18c097a5b842331b1220f7"], "__index_level_0__": 204, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-cCgWYdQuLiA/UsrzxyN75yI/AAAAAAAAB38/_iE2By5b890/s1600/Porcelain+Keys+FULL+SIZE+RGB.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-50DQSWP9QPc/UvQ2kGKbe_I/AAAAAAAAB5Q/9hy8Sb63Mpw/s1600/Sarah+Beard.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9292382001876832}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ramblingsof2readers.blogspot.com/2014/02/review-of-porcelain-keys.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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brought to light.  Like a song that grasps you from the very first note, \"Porcelain Keys,\" grabs you on the first page.  From the moment I read the opening scene, I was engaged in Aria's journey that swept me away on the notes of her life, both the highs and the lows.\n\nBeard treats readers to not only a love story, but a life story.  The budding relationship between Aria and Thomas is a central part of the novel, but the story transcends far beyond a romance.  Beard constructs a plot full of imagery, detail, and emotion.  I sympathized with the characters, especially Aria and Thomas, whose feelings were raw and multi-faceted.  They both have struggles to overcome as they begin their transitions into adulthood.  Those struggles are painful to witness, but make the song of this story much more poignant and memorable.\n\n\"Porcelain Keys\" is not a light-hearted story; it is a novel with substance and soul.  Sarah Beard writes on her website that she began writing this novel 6 years ago and shares her inspiring story behind \"Porcelain Keys\" (read more at www.sarahbeard.com) Her efforts give readers a book worth reading and recommending, and I will certainly anticipate reading more books from Sarah Beard in the future.\n\nI received a complimentary e-copy of this book from Sarah Beard. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed above are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.", null], "url": "http://ramblingsof2readers.blogspot.com/2014/02/review-of-porcelain-keys.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 225, "width": 378}, {"height": 519, "original_height": 297, "original_width": 216, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a56e89b087e7ea522bd67ada2c9428d3c2e9f6963976f60dfe6f05e2db34ffab", "ba428fde553a21cd09abf76c113a7188daaa306bfa1a79adee3151299bab115e"], "__index_level_0__": 205, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_M4sqyDwhC7U/TPt-_Z6eAwI/AAAAAAAABI8/Ui5FZ-zyfpE/s400/west%2Bcoast%2Bchronicles.jpeg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6769168972969055}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": 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Thanes\nLarsen 7\"\n\nLittle Girl\nThe Chesterfield Kings\nMisty Lane 7\"\n\nOn Your Own\nFood 7\"\n\n4AD 7\"\n\nNext week, the episode will be #70, so it will be time for some more great Covers\n\nIn 2 weeks, it will be the Monday before Christmas, so it will be time for the Red Red Wine On A Sunday 2010 Christmas Extravaganza.\n\nIf you have any suggestions or songs to contribute to either of those shows, please let me know at email@example.com\nPosted by Jerry Pinhead at 9:00 PM", "Listen to the Latest show", "Suscribe to the Show in Itunes and get it every week", "Click the Button above to subscribe", "Facebook Twitter, Pinterest and Google + links", "Live traffic", "Jerry Pinhead", "Mats Lore", "Some Great Podcasts and Radio Shows"], "url": "http://redredwineonasunday.blogspot.com/2010/12/red-red-wine-on-sunday-69-live-undone.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 379, "original_height": 281, "original_width": 280, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": 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murmur it\ngently spins in the breeze, and\nnights seem less heavier with its\nlusty stories.\nThrough the secret window, unfastening\nthe roots, a girl, a goddess,\na tigress flows.\nWhen it looks at me with a pupil\ngolden, the nerves sick,\nthe lost spine, my limbs suck its\nenormous shadows.\n\nLet the eternal wait see an end.\n\nLet this bride see a true spring.\n\nPosted by Monika at 10:46 PM", "Labels: bride, owl, pink, poem, window", "Monika said...\n\nMy heartiest pleasure :)\n\nMay 23, 2011 at 11:58 PM", "lorely said...\n\nBeautiful pink lass indeed...she sounds much like you! :)\n\nMay 24, 2011 at 1:53 AM", "Susie Swanson said...\n\nBeautiful Monika, she is just like you. I can see her so clear... Thank you for your beautiful comments on mine.. Susie"], "url": "http://restiveabsence.blogspot.com/2011/05/pink-lass.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["fd237edda1dd864a0c52d58f20ad80fdd6b1f92c7a0c59e324a6eafd06ed8200"], "__index_level_0__": 207, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/TGGJLcWhGdI/AAAAAAAAI8k/f3hUdMM2pr0/s400/RW_SchoolTime_08-2010.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/S5CHKPp3IvI/AAAAAAAAHWk/Dc8kf1d9eRg/s320/2008_0823play0004.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9125033020973206}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rhondagale.blogspot.com/2010/08/daisy-doodles-school-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/TKiPRelcV2I/AAAAAAAAJNY/2aC7hMJ8t68/s200/Store.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/TKiPRelcV2I/AAAAAAAAJNY/2aC7hMJ8t68/s200/Store.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Store\", \"alt_text\": \"Shop for your Digi's here!\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 59}, {\"document_url\": \"http://rhondagale.blogspot.com/2010/08/daisy-doodles-school-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/TKiRQdbm0NI/AAAAAAAAJNo/wO9GZTM2GGk/S150/DT-Coord-DD.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/TKiRQdbm0NI/AAAAAAAAJNo/wO9GZTM2GGk/S150/DT-Coord-DD.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DT Coord DD\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 58}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rhondagale.blogspot.com/2010/08/daisy-doodles-school-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x190/juebowie/tabs/cmw.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x190/juebowie/tabs/cmw.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cmw\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://rhondagale.blogspot.com/2010/08/daisy-doodles-school-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/S0lSZzSl5FI/AAAAAAAAFkg/3x21uLKivJY/s200/566765.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/S0lSZzSl5FI/AAAAAAAAFkg/3x21uLKivJY/s200/566765.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 46}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rhondagale.blogspot.com/2010/08/daisy-doodles-school-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/TGGJLcWhGdI/AAAAAAAAI8k/f3hUdMM2pr0/s400/RW_SchoolTime_08-2010.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/TGGJLcWhGdI/AAAAAAAAI8k/f3hUdMM2pr0/s400/RW_SchoolTime_08-2010.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"RW SchoolTime\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rhondagale.blogspot.com/2010/08/daisy-doodles-school-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/S5CHKPp3IvI/AAAAAAAAHWk/Dc8kf1d9eRg/s320/2008_0823play0004.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/S5CHKPp3IvI/AAAAAAAAHWk/Dc8kf1d9eRg/s320/2008_0823play0004.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"play\", \"rendered_width\": 216, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rhondagale.blogspot.com/2010/08/daisy-doodles-school-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/85789/rhondagale/a15bb6e77a0b14bd9dddb5d1fd24d11e.png\", \"src\": \"http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/85789/rhondagale/a15bb6e77a0b14bd9dddb5d1fd24d11e.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a bb e a b bd dddb d fd d e\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rhondagale.blogspot.com/2010/08/daisy-doodles-school-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rhondagale.blogspot.com/2010/08/daisy-doodles-school-time.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/S3j6KSeZhaI/AAAAAAAAGts/Kdw2qSAzQ_A/S199/Reno.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_AmwWI0qBP44/S3j6KSeZhaI/AAAAAAAAGts/Kdw2qSAzQ_A/S199/Reno.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Reno\", \"alt_text\": \"How Cool Is This?\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 149}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["It's hard to believe it but it's that time again.  \"School Time\"   My grandkids start back on Monday...where did the summer go!?!   I decided to make a card using Daisy Doodles  \"School time\".  There are 6 images in this set and I used 5. And right now Miss Daisy is having a 25% off sale on EVERYTHING in the store.  So you can get this 6 stamp set for $2.25.  WHAT A DEAL!!!!", null, "I am trying to get out of my creative slump!  The papers are from my scrap basket (they were digital but I don't know from where).  The red trim came from a $1 bin at JoAnns.  I cut out and colored each digi stamp with Prismacolor Pencils and OMS.  And that is everything..lol.  I would like to enter this card in the Paper Playtime Challenge  -  School Days.\n\nI had been so preoccupied with my little dog ... Pepper ... that I could not do anything.  I honestly thought I was losing her.  She is 12 and totally blind and contracted a uterine infection.  It has been over a week now but she is on the mend.  She is so skinny and I am having to cook and hand feed her every hour or so to try and put weight on her.  She is very weak but is moving around ... I am seeing improvement in her every day now.    Here is a pic of my baby girl:", null, "I have had a wedding dress for 2 weeks to alter and couldn't get it done because I couldn't bring myself to leave Pepper long enough to go upstairs to my sewing/craft room to do it.  So now that is my project for today.  I think that maybe I am coming out of my slump and hopefully afterwards can work on some more cards.\nHave a great rest of the day!!!!  :)\n\nThank you for coming by,", "at 1:35 PM", "Labels: Daisy Doodles, Digital Stamps, School", "Cheryl said...\n\nGreat card! I love the bold, primary colors.\n\nI'm glad to hear your dog is on the mend.\n\nAugust 10, 2010 at 2:08 PM", "Shelly Schmidt said...\n\nFabulous Back to school card! Love the great traditional colors. So glad to hear Pepper is coming around!\n\nAugust 10, 2010 at 5:37 PM", "Joanne Gilch said...\n\nThat pic of pepper Ann is so cute. I am so glad that she is getting better every day and you are such a good \"mom\" to her to feed her so often and be sure that she puts some weight back on her. Oh, yeah, the card...Really cute, the images are adorable and I am loving that pompom fringe. Take care! HUGS\n\nAugust 11, 2010 at 6:51 AM", "1CardCreator said...\n\nCute card, I love all the school elements you were able to bring into 1 card! Thanks for sharing. ~Diane\n\nAugust 11, 2010 at 9:13 AM", "Kathy said...\n\nSuch a bright and fun school themed card. So glad to hear that your little Pepper is improving every day!"], "url": "http://rhondagale.blogspot.com/2010/08/daisy-doodles-school-time.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 472, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 556, "original_height": 293, "original_width": 199, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1ec45f79aace35d67a2884456a6c15498e07b211beea4c5a86e84b1798a29b9b", "acbd3897767d74528c4a207b5ffb2824a611faeeaf201fc93b43546110c0880b"], "__index_level_0__": 208, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://ny-image1.etsy.com/il_fullxfull.101403971.jpg", "http://ny-image1.etsy.com/il_fullxfull.101403953.jpg", "http://ny-image1.etsy.com/il_fullxfull.101403982.jpg", null, "http://ny-image2.etsy.com/il_fullxfull.96593222.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8645631670951843}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rkdsign88.blogspot.com/2009/12/christmas-cupcakes-printable-pdf-files.html\", 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2009\n\nChristmas Cupcakes Printable PDF Files", null, null, null, "Christmas is so close. If you don't want to go to crowded malls any more, you can make your own Christmas cards, tags and envelopes by using this Christmas Cupcakes Printable PDF Files. This really makes your Christmas decoration gift more handmade & more personal.\n\nThis PDF illustration is from my original sketch & colored digitally.\n\nThis PDF file includes:\n\n1. Instructions\n\n2. Folded card (4x5.25 inch)\n\n3. Folded tag (2x2 inch)or flat tag (2x4 inch)\n\n4. Matching Envelope\n\nIf you like to purchase this sweet Printable PDF File, please check this out at my etsy shop.\n\nThank you so much for looking and Happy Holidays!\n\nPosted by rkdsign88 at 7:13 PM\n\nDuni said...\n\nyour Christmas cupcake card set is as lovely as ever!!!\nI love that heart on top..so cute :)\n\nDecember 3, 2009 at 2:12 AM\nMeghann LittleStudio said...\n\nSo cute and pretty!\n\nDecember 3, 2009 at 6:33 AM\nrkdsign88 said...\n\nThank you so much guys, for your sweet notes.\n\nDecember 3, 2009 at 8:51 AM\njanis said...\n\nsoo cute!\n\nDecember 3, 2009 at 11:42 PM\n*SparkleMirror* Kiln-Fired Art Studio said...\n\nYour art does make me feel very happy, and is creatively inspirational. Love your spark, RK.\n\nDecember 4, 2009 at 12:51 PM\n\nThank you so much Janis & SparkleMirror for your lovely notes.", null], "url": "http://rkdsign88.blogspot.com/2009/12/christmas-cupcakes-printable-pdf-files.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 347, "original_width": 355, "width": 386}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 347, "original_width": 355, "width": 386}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 334, "original_width": 355, "width": 401}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1000, "original_width": 1000, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b1f58d575c4ccf07a414cc754876f7d67df29985b0d9941170c3252a3cc6f42e", "a37b5efb1fdb06350143b6276e68e42b78ed9252bfde133907b0e5d6d13618b2", "47be75db0eb62820dd16785b1d06b1fc1a6485cddd1892997318f2c8491a3829", "a17678ec2d4ac55cc014cb85dc2081e1f82cf9c86e2dd5df46cd00910438f3ae"], "__index_level_0__": 209, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://rnao.ca/sites/rnao-ca/files/imagecache/bpg_big/Crisis-Intervention-Cover.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7738038897514343}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://rnao.ca/bpg/guidelines/crisis-intervention\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://rnao.ca/sites/rnao-ca/files/imagecache/bpg_big/Crisis-Intervention-Cover.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://rnao.ca/sites/rnao-ca/files/imagecache/bpg_big/Crisis-Intervention-Cover.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Crisis Intervention Cover\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null]", "texts": ["Speaking out for nursing. Speaking out for health.", "Home » Best Practice Guidelines » Guidelines", "Crisis Intervention", null, "This guideline describes best practice in crisis intervention. While its primary focus is on mental health crises, its application has relevance to all settings and populations who experience developmental, situational, community or environmental crises.\n\nIt is intended that this guideline will enhance the understanding of crisis intervention and standardize its practice, as well as enhance professional nursing practice.\n\nSupplement: 2006\n\nRelated File(s):\nImplementation Resources:\nToolkit: Implementation of Best Practice Guidelines, Second Edition\nTranslations for this Guideline:\nIntervención en casos de crisis\nRelated Fact Sheets:\nUnderstanding Crisis\nRelated Projects / Initiatives:\nMental Health & Addiction Initiative\nPanel Members:\n\nPanel Members (2006)\nJoanne Walsh, RN, BA, MHS - Team Leader\nJeannette LeGris, RN, BN, MHSc, PhD (cand.) - Co-Team Leader\nLori Adler, RN, BScN, MHSc\nKristine Diaz, RN, BA, MEd\nRosanna DiNunzio, RN, BScN, MSc, CPMHN (C)"], "url": "http://rnao.ca/bpg/guidelines/crisis-intervention", "images_metadata": [{"height": 472, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["46dd36dbc6845b09b0365d1af7fa58b805b110be45d5f0beb50d03c98b1c7b59"], "__index_level_0__": 210, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mE1fqOLjAnY/VmLyI5WQdOI/AAAAAAAAAXU/MkYdqlhlFb8/s1600-r/cover%2Bphoto.jpg", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6_e0rLoIlWE/Vaus1uBCpvI/AAAAAAAAAP0/ComjcL9ewXk/s1600/Fogland.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-mMrMr-XA-es/UCTzSGtEz8I/AAAAAAAAAHM/uNqORXWBvIQ/s250/image002.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JfvNCO1o8xM/VausKbzyVjI/AAAAAAAAAPc/1Du1DKJlqVo/s1600/my%2Bhouse.jpeg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.972437024116516}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://robynnerandauthor.blogspot.com/2012/06/necessary-evil-in-publishing.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mE1fqOLjAnY/VmLyI5WQdOI/AAAAAAAAAXU/MkYdqlhlFb8/s1600-r/cover%2Bphoto.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-mE1fqOLjAnY/VmLyI5WQdOI/AAAAAAAAAXU/MkYdqlhlFb8/s1600-r/cover%2Bphoto.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cover Bphoto\", \"alt_text\": \"Robynne Rand\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 268}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://robynnerandauthor.blogspot.com/2012/06/necessary-evil-in-publishing.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6_e0rLoIlWE/Vaus1uBCpvI/AAAAAAAAAP0/ComjcL9ewXk/s1600/Fogland.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6_e0rLoIlWE/Vaus1uBCpvI/AAAAAAAAAP0/ComjcL9ewXk/s1600/Fogland.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Fogland\", \"alt_text\": \"Summer at my old house\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 110}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://robynnerandauthor.blogspot.com/2012/06/necessary-evil-in-publishing.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-mMrMr-XA-es/UCTzSGtEz8I/AAAAAAAAAHM/uNqORXWBvIQ/s250/image002.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-mMrMr-XA-es/UCTzSGtEz8I/AAAAAAAAAHM/uNqORXWBvIQ/s250/image002.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"image\", \"alt_text\": \"Shore Road Publishing\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 162}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://robynnerandauthor.blogspot.com/2012/06/necessary-evil-in-publishing.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JfvNCO1o8xM/VausKbzyVjI/AAAAAAAAAPc/1Du1DKJlqVo/s1600/my%2Bhouse.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JfvNCO1o8xM/VausKbzyVjI/AAAAAAAAAPc/1Du1DKJlqVo/s1600/my%2Bhouse.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"my Bhouse\", \"alt_text\": \"Winter at my old house\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null]", "texts": ["Friday, June 29, 2012\n\nThe Necessary Evil in Publishing\n\nI'm talking reviews. I check my stats daily because I'm neurotic that way, and cringe every time I go to my \"book\" section. I have so few reviews, when a new one is posted, I get a cramp in my stomach and my head starts to spin wondering if it will be favorable or not.\n\nNow some authors don't read their reviews. I do. I shouldn't, but I do. I can't help it. It's like watching the nightly news. I have to see what truck has caused a major pile up on the highway.\n\nIf it's a good review I smile for days after. If it's a bad review I rail at the computer screen.\n\nWhy do we authors feel the need for such validation? I think it comes from somewhere deep down inside -- that mother's love thing. When Mommy said, \"Good job\" on your homework, or \"That's fantastic\" when you brought home a good report card.  It goes back to that.\n\nWho wants to be told \"you suck\" at something you've poured your heart and soul into for months on end?\n\nI write reviews. I post them. I think it's the least I can do for my friends. We've all been in this together for a long time and that's what friends do for each other. Help them along. And you know what else, I give them all 5 stars. Because anything less wouldn't be right. And so what. Sure there are things in the book I didn't like, sure there were typo's and other junk I saw, but I don't mention it in the review. I save that for a personal note. Why should I lambast another in public? It won't give me anything but a bad taste in my mouth. And if you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all. And then there is always Karma ready to kick your ass at a moment's notice. What goes around comes back around and when it does... well, let's hope no one gets hurt. I figure if I write good reviews, someone will do the same for me.\n\nI know this post could be so much more, and perhaps I'll write more about it next week, but I keep missing my deadlines due to the dreaded moving debacle. And now the Monster is awake and nattering on about me setting up the pool today. It's supposed to be 100 degrees, so I guess it's time.\n\nDo you post reviews?\nPosted by Robynne Rand at 8:57 AM", "Roland D. Yeomans said...\n\nMy days are so filled with my duties as a rare blood courier on call it seems for eternity and with writing that I am sadly remiss in writing reviews for my friends' books. Karma as you say reigns there, too, since I have very few reviews of my own books.\n\nTo make up for my lack of reviews, I make contests to reward those who review (no mandatory favorable ones -- just reviews)\n\nFor END OF DAYS, my best friend, Sandra, struggling with cancer, will draw from the names of the reviewers and those who do posts on my book.\n\nThe prizes are an autographed photo of Robert Downey Jr and an autographed art book by Micheal Whelan\n\nThe draw date is July 4th. Seven names for Sandra to draw from. Sigh.\n\nSome reviews are better than no reviews I tell myself.\n\nI thought of you when I wrote END OF DAYS since it is told through the eyes of a Victorian girl/ghoul. Looking at modern life through a Victorian perspective was a challenge.\n\nAs always a great post, Roland\n\nJune 29, 2012 at 10:09 AM", "Anne R. Allen said...\n\nBad reviews sure do sting. But like bad critiques, sometimes they can be helpful. Not in the way the reviewers think, but they can inform readers. I'm going to do a post on this early in July.\n\nI got one review that says \"this plot was so complicated I had no idea who the villain was until the very end.\" OK, I didn't like getting the one star, but it sure does tell smart readers that this is a mystery that's going to hold their interest.\n\nI got another one that said \"I read lots of lesbian romances and this is the worst one I've ever read.\" OK, this is really helpful to readers looking for lesbian romance. Because my books aren't romances and they're not primarily about lesbians. So anybody looking for hot girl on girl action isn't going to buy my book. Good. They'd be horribly disappointed.\n\nAnd those one and two stars? They do bring down our ratings, but look at all the big name popular writers: none of them get an overall 5-stars. (If you're really popular, somebody is going to hate you.) So if your overall rating is three and a half stars--you're up there with the big names. Enjoy it!\n\n(Yeah, I know it's not easy to take, but it's always good to look for a silver lining.)\n\nOK, now my post is half done for July. :-)\n\nJune 29, 2012 at 3:21 PM", "Stina Lindenblatt said...\n\nI've already decided that if I'm published, I won't be reading the reviews. There's not much you can do once you've published the book. I mean sure you can fix the errors if you self publish, but then you'll have to change the title and the cover (which I know a lot of authors do).\n\nBut when you consider that I have panic attacks when I get my comments back from my CP and beta readers, you can see why reading reviews might not be a good thing for me.\n\nJuly 2, 2012 at 9:51 PM", "Here is my blog post - sky 12 months\n\nMay 19, 2013 at 7:12 PM", "Robynne Rand", null, "Follow @RobynneRand", "Summer at my old house", null, "The road to my old house", null, null], "url": "http://robynnerandauthor.blogspot.com/2012/06/necessary-evil-in-publishing.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 505, "original_height": 305, "original_width": 228, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 881, "original_width": 1600, "width": 686}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 202, "original_width": 250, "width": 467}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 800, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": 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[null, "\"To Find Your Place in the World\" is an animated poetry short film that brings alive the challenges and rewards of giving back to your community. The piece follows four young people as they commit to a year of service finding themselves and their communities in the process. Drawing from the traditions of both social realism and surrealism, the visuals are underscored by a spoken word poem that illuminates the characters' experiences and inner transformations.\nThe piece is a collaboration between myself and poet Kelly Tsai, sound designer Mike Skinner, and original music by Norvis Jr. We premiered \"To Find Your Place in the World\" this July at the Public Allies National Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. The film has been distributed by AmeriCorps VISTA and AmeriCorps Alums, and stills from the animation were included in the American Illustration 35 exhbition, book, and archives. Please share with audiences you feel it would resonate with!", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://ryhartley.com/to-find-your-place-in-the-world", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 829, "original_width": 1200, "width": 547}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 770, "original_width": 1368, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 770, "original_width": 1368, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 770, "original_width": 1368, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 770, "original_width": 1368, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 770, "original_width": 1368, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 770, "original_width": 1368, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 770, "original_width": 1368, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 770, "original_width": 1368, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 770, "original_width": 1368, "width": 671}], 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2013\n\nMy peeps met HER\n\nHey everyone!\nWow, my peeps are still talking about the great time they had earlier this week!   Why, you might ask...well, it's because they got to meet HER in the furs.  You know that's Daisy, Bella and Roxy's Mom from Scotsmad.   If you've been watching Frankie's blog, you've seen some of the action already.   See, SHE is here visiting from Australia and my peeps met up with Frankie, Ernie, Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs to visit with HER while she's here.   OMD they must have had a blast together.\n\nHere are some of the pix!", null, "Left-to-Right is Papaw Pantslegs, SHE is holding Ernie, Mamaw is holding Frankie.", null, "They exchanged some pressies!   Ernst sent some goodies to his girlfuriend Roxy.", null, "SHE sent me a pack of these really cool snacks!\nI can't wait to try them...the peeps say they are for Christmas.  Boooooo.\nSHE also gave my peeps a pack of delish looking cookies!\nSHE is so very nice and my peeps say SHE was really fun to visit with.", null, "Here are Mamaw's legs, HER legs, Frankie and Ernie, and Papaw Pantslegs'...well, pantslegs!  BOL\n\nI wish I had been there for all of the fun, but alas, I was busy working as the resident Yard Guard!  We are overrun with turkeys and deer and raccoons and I gotta try to bash them all.   So, I missed the fun, but I got some treats and I got to snuffle my peeps all over because they smelled like F-n-E and Mamaw and Papaw Pantslegs and HER.   Oh, they had a fabulous visit!\n\nGrr and Woof,\nSarge, Pol Comm\n\nPosted by Sarge\nLabels: Tobi", "Molly The Wally said...\n\nSarge you sure got a lot of vermin in your yard to chase. Lucky you. Pawsome visit.\nHave a fabulous Friday.\n\nBest wishes Molly\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 7:24 AM", "Frank The Tank said...\n\nHi Sarge!\nOMD it looks like your Peeps had a great time with HER from Scotsmad, it must have been so much fun for them! I have heard all about it from Frankie and Ernie, they were both very excited about it all and had some real good times! I'm really sorry that you coulnt join in and take part in all the fun but seriously Sarge working as the resident Yard Guard is a really imPAWtant job and you can not neglect your duties! Are you really over run with turkeys, deers and raccoons?? That sounds like so much fun! Love and Licks from your fuiend Frnak xxxxxx\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 7:48 AM", "3 doxies said...\n\nI sorry but I couldn't see Papa Pantslegs...must has been from da camo...BWHAHAHAHAHAHA...Oh I do declare I is hilarious.\nAnyways, I knows they all had a blast meetin' up withs each udders...but you and me should be upset we wasn't theres.\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 8:00 AM", "Lassiter Chase and Benjamin said...\n\nLooks like everyone had a pawsome time!\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 8:30 AM", "Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...\n\nHow FUN and Frankie n Ernie got to meet them too. Always PAWsome to meet bloggie friends. Happy Friday! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar\n\nBTW: I invite you check out my post today for a delish treat giveaway and a chance for you to see again my balancing trick act. Golden Woofs, Sugar\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 8:35 AM", "Frankie Furter and Ernie said...\n\nHi CUSSIN SARGE;...It is ME (ERNIE) and I gotta tell you I was sooooo happy to have ROXY's MUM HUG ME. It felt JUST LIKE a Cuddle with MY Steady Girrrrlfurend ROXY. I will SAVOR that HUG all the days of my Life.\nTHIS was the bestest day I (Ernie) have EVERY had. Just sayin.\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 9:26 AM", "stellaroselong said...\n\nwhat fun they all must have had, wouldn't it be just great if we could meets all our blogging friends...oh what excitement there would be in the air!! Glad you stayed home and kept everything safe sarge.\nstella rose\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 9:41 AM", "Reilly-Denny Cowspotdogs said...\n\nisn't that just the coolest thing....what a great visit\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 9:53 AM", "Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...\n\nSo nice that your mom got to meet their mom and their were treats! So great! Lee and Phod\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 10:49 AM", "Jazzi said...\n\nSounds like it was a fun afternoon. To bad you couldnt have been with Sarge.\n\nJazzi and Addi\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 11:36 AM", "Idaho PugRanch said...\n\nThat looked like a totally pawsome meet up! How great the were able to get together.\nBailey, Hazel & Greta\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 11:58 AM", "Madi and Mom said...\n\nSarge I, Madi(son)D. Cat, Mayor thank you for sacrificing fun with\nFnE and Ma and Pa Pantslegs and a meeting with HER. A PC's work is never finished and your devotion to the job is appreciated\nHugs Madi your bfff\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 12:53 PM", "Two French Bulldogs said...\n\nHow cool is that. It must have been so exciting.\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 4:38 PM", "STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...\n\nHowdy Sarge, wowza and yaahoo. What a fabo meet and greet. Sorry ya couldn't make it butt ya got to smell HER and ya got treats so all in all pretty darn good we reckon. Take care Sarge and have a grreat weekend. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 4:46 PM", "Lovable Lily said...\n\nWe've been reading all about the pawsome meeting over at F&E's blog. It's always wonderful to meet fellow bloggers.\n\nWe're glad to hear that you're keeping on top of all those animals in your yard. Sounds like a lot of chaos!\n\nLily Belle & Muffin\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 5:48 PM", "Murphy said...\n\nSo Ernie was held by the same arms that hold Roxy? Wow, he must have gone nuts over that!\n\nYour Pals,\n\nMurphy & Stanley\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 7:38 PM", "harrispen said...\n\nWell even if you couldn't be there at least you got some treats from it.\n\nNovember 15, 2013 at 8:04 PM", "Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...\n\nSuch a wonderful visit ….. I always knew SHE would be good funs!"], "url": "http://sargespeaksout.blogspot.com/2013/11/my-peeps-met-her.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 258, "original_width": 400, "width": 586}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 276, "original_width": 400, "width": 547}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 265, "original_width": 400, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 340, "original_width": 400, "width": 444}], "image_hashes": ["771591518726619123e7c78b71b6650af241da0edeb4bd7637e9507a1334c11e", "78aeedab7048d7239c8916ab135c84dc62e5796275eb9d05aa1fed4a0dafed1a", "2882e95f26cdbd5a5614662c2fdafecdd84d5bc5e354de97207b830461962150", "e9e26c72f152cea86ff07d8f57ff4151827c7713d55c9283d958faa9f2de9f2f"], "__index_level_0__": 213, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://ak1.ostkcdn.com/images/products/8942087/Swing-Bed-with-Canopy-dedf7771-529c-4fa6-a003-91c6ee65d21a_600.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8787181377410889}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://saveberlin.com/outdoor-bed-swing-cushions-diy-project-download/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://ak1.ostkcdn.com/images/products/8942087/Swing-Bed-with-Canopy-dedf7771-529c-4fa6-a003-91c6ee65d21a_600.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://ak1.ostkcdn.com/images/products/8942087/Swing-Bed-with-Canopy-dedf7771-529c-4fa6-a003-91c6ee65d21a_600.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Swing Bed with Canopy dedf c fa a c ee d a\", \"alt_text\": \"outdoor bed swing with canopy 3\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://saveberlin.com/outdoor-bed-swing-cushions-diy-project-download/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://saveberlin.com/plans3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://saveberlin.com/plans3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"plans\", \"rendered_width\": 860, \"rendered_height\": 670}, null]", "texts": ["Cedar Marlboro Single Mattress Swing Bed. Outdoor furniture is getting more and more popular these days and you might be. Bench,Rectangle Outdoor Cushions & Pillows – Add comfort and style to your patio furniture with outdoor cushions & pillows. Bed & Bath Bed & Bath. Buy Outdoor Pillows & Cushions at Wayfair. Bed & Bath. Whether you want to put a set on your porch swing or give a bit of added comfort to your dining set, our outdoor chair cushions will let you enjoy your outdoor furniture to its fullest potential!.\n\nPopular Items For Porch Swing On Etsy", null, "Greendale Home Fashions 44 inch Outdoor Swing/Bench Cushion, Skyworks Multi. Shop our selection of Porch Swings in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot. Leisure Season Patio Swing Bed with Canopy. Model SBWC402. (2). This classic slat-rail Sunday Porch Swing is hand crafted of eucalyptus to be naturally moisture and insect resistant, and finished in a warm whitewash. Outdoor Double 2 Person Hammock Cotton Camping Sleeping Bed Swing Hang W/ Pillow. Our weather-resistant outdoor bench cushions are available in a multitude of sizes, shapes and colors for your wood and wicker furniture pieces. Polyester Classic Swing/Bench Cushion, 5426quot; x 1826frac12;. Outdoor swing bed is utterly the ultimate piece of furniture that will without any doubt provide you with uber comfort and super relaxing time.\n\nPorch Swing Beds\n\nShop Outdoor Porch Swing Cushions – choose from a huge selection of Outdoor Porch Swing Cushions from the most popular online stores at BHG.com Shop. If you do not have the space or budget for the swing bed there are other options to help you relax in motion. Outdoor cushions can be made with fast-draining marine foam if they will remain outside for long periods to decrease drying time and help prolong their life. Our optional outdoor Bed Swing cushions are going to last much longer than any regular indoor mattress or air mattress and not to mention look better too!. It’s an outdoor swinging bed- not for a bedroom or anything!\n\nOur swing beds are hand-built, unique and customized per client. If you can dream it, we can build it. Sunbrella material is outdoor durable and can withstand wind, rain and sun. A&L Furniture Royal English 4 Foot Cedar Outdoor Swing Bed With Cushion available at Ultimate Patio. Hand-crafted by Amish woodworkers in Pennsylvania, A&L Furniture takes pride in producing beautiful and timeless outdoor swing beds for your porch. Shop replacement furniture cushions from Grandin Road to give your favorite furniture a fresh look. These all-weather outdoor cushions come a variety of colors and styles. Bed & Bath."], "url": "http://saveberlin.com/outdoor-bed-swing-cushions-diy-project-download/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["071dae154d0e73259a9fc71dfbac45916c7eaf3134cb27f94820406a631c9047"], "__index_level_0__": 214, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_PXh3lsOnKUo/TKGgCImJyMI/AAAAAAAAMQs/i6bST0XZlYY/s320/tatsoi.jpg", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_PXh3lsOnKUo/TKGgCTcpIyI/AAAAAAAAMQ0/PiUVTho-nM8/s320/wickingbeds.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_PXh3lsOnKUo/TKGgBx094UI/AAAAAAAAMQk/qG1YXGqgGOg/s320/oldworms.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_PXh3lsOnKUo/TKGgBrM6O3I/AAAAAAAAMQc/siO45UAL5v4/s320/newsetup.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_PXh3lsOnKUo/TKGgUg2sNrI/AAAAAAAAMQ8/xoGdv45w31U/s320/worms.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PXh3lsOnKUo/TKGgBK5jarI/AAAAAAAAMQU/gm3WCmWmM6I/s320/greenbroc.jpg", null, null], 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Well I thought it was!", "Basil Lettuce Leaf Ocium basilicum Diggers\nBean Bush Blue Lake Green Harvest\nBean Climbing Purple King DT Brown\nBean Dwarf Butter DT Brown\nCaraway Carum carvi Eden Seeds\nChives Allium schoenoprasum DT Brown\nCucumber Italian Non Acid Cornucopia Seeds\nCucumber Lebanese Phoenix Seeds\nCucumber White Wonder The Lost Seed\nRockmelon Delicious Phoenix Seeds\nSweetcorn Anasazi Eden Seeds\nZucchini Golden Eden Seeds\nZucchini Black Beauty Diggers\nAll went into punnets\n\nNasturtiums DT Brown\nSunflower Sun King DT Brown direct in the garden.\n\nPotting up:\nBasil Purple, Mrs Burns Lemon, Large Sweet Italian\nCalifornia Poppies\nCapsicum California Wonder\nCossack Pineapple Physalis pruinosa\nCucumbers Lebanese, White Wonder\nKale Toscano\nPumpkins Potimarron, Kakai, Lady Godiva\nPurple Sage Salvia officinalis 'Purpurea'\nRosemary Dark Blue\nSquash Delicata\nTomato Oxheart\nWormwood Tree Artemisia arborescens\nYellow Daisy Euryops pectinatus\nZucchini Cocozelle, Golden\n\nPotted up from volunteers in the garden:\nLemon Balm\nNew Zealand Spinach\n\nIn the Garden This week:\nAs you can see from the list above lots of potting up of cuttings taken earlier in the year. As the seedlings grow their first true leaves it's time to pot them on too! I'm running out of room to put them all but it seems our frosts might be over. Maybe.\nNo planting outside just yet...that can wait until mid October so the soil has a chance to warm up.\nI'm catching many earwigs daily in the traps so the seedlings will benefit from some extra growth before going outside to brave the weather and the bugs!!", null, "Doc has been helping me build some new Wicking Beds ready for spring planting that will be happening very soon! Doc will be writing up a simplified step by step guide to wicking beds on his blog very soon, so keep an eye out for that.", null, "With a population explosion in the worm farm\nI have finally relented\nand bought a stacking type of worm farm.", null, "I set it up as per the (very helpful) instruction booklet.", null, "The worms seem very happy with the result!", null, "This Purple Sprouting Broccoli...isn't purple???", "Weekly Harvest Tally:\nDoesn't include Greens fed to the chooks on a daily basis or herbs picked for use in the kitchen for cooking or tea making."], "url": "http://scarecrowsgarden.blogspot.com/2010/09/potting-up.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["a73cfed4048f7b84451ac02ac1c62be7cc60f3a2aa12a614ad969b6d018c642e", "18c1a50911d27345f2506c407cfa1a38031f2ebad086bfd60f7c58c498d54d0d", "9b250fde6ae910f7654372268296a414168d2a2912be61347de37b93ef6c0347", "3faa0bcbfc8ae26fa41c60775c022828d1bd3423f7c36f1b4b498440f98d05c6", "a824cb5f573c5512e8f6842dbc4e9f9fa1f6fbe8ad58ff1254a5e33a207ca38f", "91ee92f77176d661182486eab69df971e55668551882ec59d9d9aeaae91f8650"], "__index_level_0__": 215, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "https://i.imgflip.com/t96sp.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9268336296081544}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://seethrumag.com/10-things-egyptians-say-and-never-mean/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.imgflip.com/t96sp.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.imgflip.com/t96sp.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"t sp\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null]", "texts": ["Egyptians have a special timing system than no one else knows about. Being 30 minutes late is on time for us! So when we say, “I’m in the elevator,” we mean we just stepped out of the shower.", "We don’t literally want to see you turn 100 years old. It’s just something we say… and we really don’t know why!", "If the number of awy’s surpasses three… she’s lying.", "Change is sacred to all Egyptians, so if someone wants it, you lie about having it!", "20 hours? Really? Were you driving to Sudan or what?", "Egyptian food is full of butter and ghee, so as we become more health-conscious, our mothers start lying so that we can eat their cooking. Who are you kidding, mom, I can literally see the grease!", "The everlasting study break! But will you go back to studying at 8?", null], "url": "http://seethrumag.com/10-things-egyptians-say-and-never-mean/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4835191a4772849dbc3b31f30a8f943e7341a29816eee3cfae2069bbb04090c9"], "__index_level_0__": 216, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/7215/2340/320/564446/Serena2005.jpg", "http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/7215/2340/320/814941/IMG_2695.jpg", "http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/7215/2340/320/146115/IMG_2708.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7164070010185242}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://serenadavidson.blogspot.com/2006/11/state-of-arts-photography-show-at_24.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/7215/2340/320/564446/Serena2005.jpg\", \"src\": 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Which means most of us here know Stephanie, the Yarn Harlot. We know for five years now she's gotten on a bike, riding from Toronto to Montreal to raise money for PWA (the Toronto People With Aids Foundation), and that every year the organization is blown away by the generosity of knitters.\n\nRecently, Stephanie wrote about the organization having to cut some programs due to lack of funding. As the Bike Rally is their main funding source each year, this means that they're in need of more donations than ever before! And if you've been around here for any length of time, you know I love to give.\n\nSo here's what's happening, in Robyn land. I've got this growing makeup business, which still feels incredibly surreal and amazing. And I give 25% of my earnings each week to Charity Water, which makes me feel good, and helps bring clean water to folks in desperate need.\n\nBut I'm going to do more. From now until the end of June (that's right, six full weeks and then some), I'm going to give 100% of commissions from my Robyn's Lashes to Steph and her team**!! This means I for real will not make any money in the next six weeks from any sales on my website.\n\nNot a penny.\n\nIf you've ever considered buying this mascara, or any of our other products, now is the time to do so. With summer quickly approaching, we've got some great products you'll love, and I'll be sharing about them on Robyn's Lashes And More, as well as sharing a bit here each week.\n\nI'd also love for you to spread the word! If you'd love to help me reach as many people as possible, and thus donate as much as possible, I want to help you do so by providing images, links, and even a few rewards to say thanks!! E-mail me at email@example.com for more information, connect with me on Facebook, or even just comment below!\n\n**This 100% donation will come from my \"personal parties\" only, which run through my website address. Any parties I set up for hostesses will have 50% of their proceeds donated towards this fundraiser, so I can also keep donating money to Charity Water during these six weeks as well.", null], "url": "http://shemakeshats.blogspot.com/2015/05/most-of-us-here-are-knitters.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 817, "original_width": 1600, "width": 740}], "image_hashes": ["a77a95799ecdad3a69611920ff12a82750efbeb72d2131df559d6aa533b01737", "b6bc5912f5a9e668a8408012ff2aadc5562eebf67fe3e1f9eb631406150b4b80", "f6d6e4b1cfb1adeb725b59a30c4bee5d01d8f0ad8bda8623e28851020d062abf"], "__index_level_0__": 219, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zAnwS_pyV3A/VO1OUKZs4zI/AAAAAAAAEM8/NuW22sl5yqM/s1600/P1050554.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OlC2lD3Ik5g/VO1OUAFweGI/AAAAAAAAEM4/fdCx1uwU10M/s1600/P1050576.JPG", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MVa7A5XbyK4/VN-GG88QAmI/AAAAAAAAEKg/gsjJGGjT0jw/s1600/P1050540.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qm3plT_dR2c/VN-GYpd0DbI/AAAAAAAAEKo/Yn9fHzRjM5Q/s1600/P1050534.JPG", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LfHK9aSVC60/VNEZL8sInFI/AAAAAAAAEKE/-Qnh3mKiShE/s1600/Wyatt%2Band%2BEmily.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9420062303543092}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sherryrind.blogspot.com/2015/02/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zAnwS_pyV3A/VO1OUKZs4zI/AAAAAAAAEM8/NuW22sl5yqM/s1600/P1050554.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zAnwS_pyV3A/VO1OUKZs4zI/AAAAAAAAEM8/NuW22sl5yqM/s1600/P1050554.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, {\"document_url\": \"http://sherryrind.blogspot.com/2015/02/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OlC2lD3Ik5g/VO1OUAFweGI/AAAAAAAAEM4/fdCx1uwU10M/s1600/P1050576.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-OlC2lD3Ik5g/VO1OUAFweGI/AAAAAAAAEM4/fdCx1uwU10M/s1600/P1050576.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sherryrind.blogspot.com/2015/02/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MVa7A5XbyK4/VN-GG88QAmI/AAAAAAAAEKg/gsjJGGjT0jw/s1600/P1050540.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-MVa7A5XbyK4/VN-GG88QAmI/AAAAAAAAEKg/gsjJGGjT0jw/s1600/P1050540.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sherryrind.blogspot.com/2015/02/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qm3plT_dR2c/VN-GYpd0DbI/AAAAAAAAEKo/Yn9fHzRjM5Q/s1600/P1050534.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qm3plT_dR2c/VN-GYpd0DbI/AAAAAAAAEKo/Yn9fHzRjM5Q/s1600/P1050534.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sherryrind.blogspot.com/2015/02/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LfHK9aSVC60/VNEZL8sInFI/AAAAAAAAEKE/-Qnh3mKiShE/s1600/Wyatt%2Band%2BEmily.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LfHK9aSVC60/VNEZL8sInFI/AAAAAAAAEKE/-Qnh3mKiShE/s1600/Wyatt%2Band%2BEmily.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Wyatt Band BEmily\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sherryrind.blogspot.com/2015/02/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s263/LNeilB2/Dogs%20general/petbloggerhoppinkcopysmall.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s263/LNeilB2/Dogs%20general/petbloggerhoppinkcopysmall.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"petbloggerhoppinkcopysmall\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://sherryrind.blogspot.com/2015/02/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/_O8-VL0Bge5Y/SWfnAFsRhkI/AAAAAAAAALg/xdeR832vQdk/S220-s80/shrunkpic2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_O8-VL0Bge5Y/SWfnAFsRhkI/AAAAAAAAALg/xdeR832vQdk/S220-s80/shrunkpic2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"shrunkpic\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 69}, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, February 24, 2015\n\nVerbless Vednesday Staring Contests", null, null, "Posted by Sherry at 8:24 PM 6 comments: Links to this post", "Saturday, February 14, 2015\n\nAfter the Dance\n\nWyatt and Stanzie escorted Emily and Miro to the Heart-to-Heart Dance.  Emily says that the way to an Airedale girl's heart is through a serving of cheese. I think she ate too much of it, though.", null, "Miro is sleeping off the festivities in his favorite spot.", null, "Posted by Sherry at 9:33 AM 3 comments: Links to this post", "Tuesday, February 3, 2015\n\nVote for Wyatt and Emily\n\nWyatt invited Emily out to dinner for an unprecedented show of good manners:", null, "They need your vote if they're to continue sharing dinners. Go to: this page and scroll down to vote.\nEmily is so thrilled to be associated with such a celebrity as Wyatt that she almost--well, they're eating outdoors, after all."], "url": "http://sherryrind.blogspot.com/2015/02/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 300, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["d5d9d6937a87f94fa8a5722f76869def53813d79030e006a711aeec30f8a8cc8", "9b1b15565c350e5a28fabd65aafbbe7463140d128ca2ca6301c966755413a49e", "d0825d6b17534fd65752a3b33fffb16f9d19507696e08060d7a5bbd5549a2530", "3c892669457084a16cbbdd2847d9822938b0259faa0bbc298b163dde84acc062", "e82406259a92f773905ec351b143ba80f43b6378f1f4f2742b4e1bf67eea624c"], "__index_level_0__": 220, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/c0f7b708-62e4-42e9-bef1-8763ecfff046.png", "https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/4a41c58f-727b-4a41-848f-04506fe47a3b.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8204545974731445}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://shirt.woot.com/offers/modern-myths-12\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/c0f7b708-62e4-42e9-bef1-8763ecfff046.png\", \"src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/c0f7b708-62e4-42e9-bef1-8763ecfff046.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c f b e e bef ecfff\", \"rendered_height\": 441}, {\"document_url\": \"http://shirt.woot.com/offers/modern-myths-12\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/4a41c58f-727b-4a41-848f-04506fe47a3b.png\", \"src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/4a41c58f-727b-4a41-848f-04506fe47a3b.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a c f b a f fe a b\", \"rendered_height\": 441}, null]", "texts": ["woot-offbot Says\n\nHey, we just really liked this one ok?! 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Click here.", "Get this Recent Comments Widget", "ASSI's Guest bloggers", "Sell 2 condomiums to buy 1 landed property?\n\nSaturday, July 2, 2016\nHi AK,\nI chanced upon your blog recently while searching for landed property and found your blog very interesting.\n\nI would like to have your opinion on my property search.\n\nI am in my late 40s and owns 2 condos in the OCR with my wife.\n\nOne of the property is fully paid off and rented out. The other property where we live in, still have a loan of $800k for 20 years.\n\nI am confidence of paying off the loan when I reach 55 because of the rental and we have a combine income of more than $20k per month.\n\nWe are considering selling off our 2 condos and purchasing a landed property. I did my sum and conclude that we still can have the similar loan of $800k if we purchase a landed home at $2.2 mil.\n\nNow my Questions\n\n1) Does it make economic sense to swap 2 condo for 1 landed if everything remain the same or similar? interest rate, loan tenure and amount etc.\n\n2) Although with the landed, I will have no more rental income. But I will still be able to reduce the loan significant when I reach 55 with my CPF withdrawal.\n\n3) Any pitfall that I need to consider seriously? Like is it realistic to have a $2.2mil landed?\n\nThanks in advance for any advice (professional or unprofessional) :-)\n\nBest Regards", null, "Hi B,\n\nWelcome to my blog. :)\n\nFinancially, I believe that you are in a comfortable position now and buying that $2.2 million landed property doesn't seem like a demanding thing. It is affordable.\n\nHowever, you did not mention how much you have in your emergency fund or what are your plans to help fund your retirement if you were to purchase the landed property.\n\nLike you said, buying the landed property would mean giving up your rental income and it could also mean drawing upon your CPF money (which is really meant for retirement funding) to reduce the loan for the landed property at age 55.\n\nI am just raising some pertinent questions and you don't have to tell me anything else if you don't feel comfortable to do so.\n\nIn closing, I just want to say that it is probably OK to up our consumption level if we have certainty we will avoid financial hardship later down the road.\n\n1. Do I need a bigger home?\n2. 2015 passive income all gone.\n\nPosted by AK71 at 11:59 AM\n\nLabels: passive income, real estate\n\njasper quek said...\n\nmy (unprofessional view) , Kaypo comment.\n\nFrom your sharing, buying a landed is not a problem at present, many in the market to suit your $2.2m.\nHowever selling both your condos will be a challenge at present market, of course unless your expectation of selling price is low as your have invested long time ago.\n\nI would get a agent to market both condo to test the market response, and decide later.\n\nYes, if I am in your situation.\nI would trade 2 condos for 1 landed :)\n\nJuly 2, 2016 at 1:02 PM\nAK71 said...\n\nOn my FB wall:\n\nDaryl Lee:\n\"Doesn't make sense from investment pov, only if living in landed is his aspiration. Currently his $800k loan is finance by opm. If he sell 2 get 1, it'll be financed by his own reduced income.\"\n\nJuly 2, 2016 at 2:00 PM\nRayNg said...\n\nConversion with a friend (40+) who live in land property for 3 years...\nI have his permission to share what we chat (kapoh).\n\nme: Since you live in landed property... what do you think?\n\nD: I view landed as a slow & long term investment. It is better the person buys it at right price & 'enjoy' the stay as long as possible without thinking too much about it as an investment. Perhaps to move out only when kids grows up or house is too big to maintain at an older age.\n\nme: Thanks for insightful thought.\n\nCan I share your view (as landed prop owner) perspective?\nYour name will not be mentioned.\n\nD: Sure no problem.\n\nD: Anyways, from an investment perspective, tho we dont hv full picture of their financials, i would not suggest this couple to do it as I don't think their financial is that solid. I would rather accumulate funds, wait for ABSD to be lifted for Singaporeans & get another condo for start or rent purpose.\n\nme: He has 1 fully paid up condo and enjoying rental income.\n\nCurrent stay 2nd condo, with $800K loan for 20yr. He says he can pay up by 55 (<10yr).\n\nLook OK to me.\n\nThat's means 2 swap to 1 (landed) and fully paid by 55.\n\nD: Assuming both couple can maintain their income position I think not a big issue. Oso, the paid condo 's rental is helping to cover their current condo, there are some luxury there. Moving into a 2.2mil landed assuming in a decent neighbourhood may probably requires some extensive renovation or sprucing up. On going maintenance & bill will be higher too. Also rental yield would not be there...\n\nSo back to my first point is the mindset much be right.. slow & long term. Enjoy & don't think too much.\n\nme: Let's see if \"B\" say anything... after all he knows his circumstances.\n\nHave a good weekend. 🙂\n\nD: U too Bro! ☺\nChat Conversation End\n\nJuly 2, 2016 at 2:03 PM\n\nHa ha just saw Chua En Lai new advertisement as Hermit Crab looking for house.\n\nonly you know which \"Shell\" fit your need\n& like what the advertisement said , your choice must ensure you are “高枕无忧“\n\nJuly 2, 2016 at 9:18 PM\n\nMonthly Popular Posts", "Wealth Creation: $1 million trilogy + 2.", "Wealth creation: Fraud.", "Singapore Business", "Business News", "This week's Top Blog Posts.", "Reads for undergrads and fresh grads.", "Fundamental Analysis", "Wealth Creation: Earn and save.", "Wealth Creation: CPF and SRS.", "Wealth Creation: Investing in real estate.", "Passive Income: A journey.", "My methods and philosophy."], "url": "http://singaporeanstocksinvestor.blogspot.com/2016/07/sell-2-condomiums-to-buy-1-landed.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, 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Laura stated that there must be minimum requirements that come from this ACTIONS Laura, Basil and Dave Riley to review current draft and categorize –Must be done –nice to have –Discretionary Within each category, they will prioritize importance 1 to N Bill West will aggregate the results 8 Return to Agenda\n\n9 TC/PC Processes and Procedures Updates and Plan forward (Melanson) Status DRAFT TAC charter distributed Developed Document Naming convention Proposed Resolution for existing documents 9\n\n10 Proposed Document Naming Convention AREA_X_file name_V##.ext Note: Use underscores between sections of name. AREA Identifier: TAC Technical Activities Committee NIS New Initiatives Subcommittee AASG Aircraft and Atmospheric Systems Group ADSG Aerospace Design & Structures Group ASG Aerospace Sciences Group ETMG Engineering & Technology Management Group ISG Information Systems Group PEG Propulsion & Energy Group SMG Space and Missiles Group X : this is the file category identifier (R – reference; T – training; C – control doc). Perhaps this needs to be 2 digits. C Control Document (documents policy; highest level TAC document) F Forms (form used in a process or procedure) P Process (details a specific process or procedure) R Reference document (reference information) 10\n\n11 Proposed Document Naming Convention (contd) AREA_X_file name_V##.ext File name : a descriptive file name (try to keep it short). Include Draft in Name while in draft status(as the last word in the name). V## or D##: version number or draft number V followed by two digit sequential version number. Released and approved document version identifier. Update sequential number when DRAFTS are approved or accepted (if a previous version exists). Use preceding zero if version is less than 10. Initial releases are version 01. D followed by two digit sequential version number. Draft documents being developed. If a previously released version exists, always start from the latest release version for new draft. Use preceding zero if draft version is less than 10. Initial drafts are version 01..ext normal document type as described by program used in creation. doc MS Word (2007 uses.docx).pdf Adobe PDF.ppt MS Powerpoint (2007 uses.pptx).xls MS Excel (2007 uses.xlsx) others As appropriate Working on Changes/Drafts: Amend name to include \"DRAFT\" prior to existing file name; use existing version number until draft has been accepted, then update version number and delete DRAFT. 11\n\n12 Team Voluteers and Focus areas (as of 5/7/10) 12\n\n13 Current Document Cross Reference (as of 5/7/10) 13\n\n14 Current Document Cross Reference (as of 5/7/10) 14\n\n15 Current Document Cross Reference (as of 5/7/10) 15\n\n16 Current Issue Identification (as of 5/7/10) 16\n\n17 TC/PC Processes and Procedures Updates and Plan forward Next steps Review Draft Charter for issues, errors, or omissions –Whole team, focus on your area of specialty –Consider document retention plan in context of what is in the charter –Identify inconsistencies, omissions, errors, conflicting direction Review retained documents –Identify inconsistencies, omissions, errors, conflicting direction –Web-based spreadsheet will be used to collect issues Volunteers needed to lead changes and updates to each document (next pages) 17 Return to Agenda\n\n18 Document Lead Volunteers (as of 5/7/10) 18 DocumentChange LeadMediaDocument TypeProposed Final Status 10b_NIS_Charter_January07_Proposed WordProcessDelete; part of new TAC Charter 2008 Intro WordReferenceDelete; part of new TAC Charter AIAA TC ChairTraining Jan 2010.ppt PowerpointTrainingRetain AIAA Value Rev 2 PowerpointTrainingRetain AIAAdirectortrainingJanuary2010 PowerpointTrainingRetain Comp Reg Process Final 040209-staff comments WordProcessRetain Ethical Standards – TAC 0108 Rev A WordProcessRetain; link to TESS in charter; change name to reflect publication focus NDATCProposal PDFReferenceDelete in favor of new TC formation Document Newsletter article template(draft).doc Melanson WordFormsRetain Nom pkt cover letter Guille WordReferenceRetain Nomination packet Guille WordProcessRetain PC Governing Doc_v2_Part 1 WordProcessRetain unique sections; incorporate policy into charter Starting a new TC WordProcessDelete in favor of new TC formation Document\n\n19 Document Lead Volunteers (as of 5/7/10) 19 DocumentChange LeadMediaDocument TypeProposed Final Status Starting a TC_PC PowerpointTrainingDelete in favor of new PC formation Document TAC Organizational Chart 2009-2010 Guille PDFControlRetain TAC Position Paper Process 090730 Duerr WordProcessRetain TAC-NIS Reorganization Project_Final_BH NO CHANGES PowerpointReferenceRetain, no changes TCchrhandbook Melanson WordProcessRetain, link to charter Tcnom Guille WordFormRetain Tcpresentation PowerpointReferenceRetain TechAwardsGuidelinesMAY07 GL PDFProcessDelete; incorporate in Charter WG Lessons Learned Melanson PowerpintReferenceRetain Workshop Seminar - v4 WordFormRetain TC Formation Process Melanson WordProcessNew PC formation Process WordProcessNew TC Funds Request Form WordFormNew TC Annual Report Template Anderson WordReferenceRetain Meeting Minutes Template Melanson WordReferenceRetain Return to Agenda\n\n20 20 Structured Programming Education Requirements Study Return to Agenda\n\n21 New Business Items 21\n\n22 TC Newsletter Status – Draft Delivery Concept 22 Welcome to TAC News! Welcome to the inaugural edition of TAC News. This new forum will be distributed periodically to provide information and news to the heart of AIAA it s technical and program committee members. We hope to highlight important information about the work you are doing in your committees and how that work ties into Technical Activities Committee (TAC) and AIAA as a whole. We welcome your participation; email your suggestions to Betty Guillie at email@example.com. firstname.lastname@example.org Thanks, Laura McGill Vice President AIAA Technical Activities Committee In this Issue TAC Leadership Participates in Workshop on Standards - Members of TAC, TC and PC chairs joined the AIAA Standards Subcommittee to work on ways that TAC and Standards can improve AIAA s efforts. Read more …Read more … Wonder how conference rates are determined? - Technical Conferences make up a big part of AIAA s contribution to our industry. They also are a significant part of AIAA overall budget. Ever wonder how conference rates are established? Read more … Honors and Awards: A big part of your TC Job! – Recognition, in the form of participating in AIAA Honors and Awards, is a key part of your volunteer job. Here are some of the important things to know about AIAA Honors and Awards. Read more …\n\n23 TC Newsletter Concept highlights Emailed Teaser to TC/PC members Links to typically one page articles on TAC sharepoint site –Allows for sharepoint topical searches; becomes a repository of information over time Three of four articles per issue max Periodic (quarterly, or twice per year??) –Success will hinge on your willingness to continually participate 23\n\n24 TC Newsletter Status – Draft Article Format 24\n\n25 TAC Newsletter Status Proposed Launch Articles Workshop – Arrington Author (complete, may need status update) AIAA Strategic Plan Update TAC Annual Report Summary Name…Ideas thus far? TACt. the atTACk TACless TACky See At TAC hments TACometer 25\n\n26 TAC Newsletter Status Articles Ideas Honors and Awards –Focus on the importance, need for good pool and regimented process, not for current members Conference rates –Summary of Riley information Conference exhibits and the future –Communicate the need to grow and improve… –Possible consolidation of like conferences? TAC funds TAC organization and how it can help TCs/PCs PCs, what are they and how to best integrate across TCs How to increase the value of TC participation to your company 26\n\n27 TAC Newsletter Status More Articles Ideas???? 27 Return to Agenda\n\n28 TC Membership Categories and Membership Numbers Issues May 2010\n\n29 29 Issues on the Table There are a few related issues relative to TC membership that have been raised over the past few months. In general, the issues fall into two areas: 1.Overall size of the TCs in terms of membership. 2.TC membership categories. Recognized categories: »Associate »International Ad hoc categories: »Emeritus Members\n\n30 30 Issues on the Table TC size really brought to a head by GNC: Total membership of 80 per their annual report. Emeritus status members was already being investigated by Basils group (Nancy Andersen action). No definition of Emeritus category. No rules relative to term length or number of Emeritus members. What is the impact on AIAA and conference settings? Cost of dinners. Size of meeting rooms.\n\n31 31 TC Membership Totals Is there a general problem, or just a couple TCs that are really pushing the envelop? 2009 membership statistics from Betty for 70 TCs. Data includes number of Members, Associate members and International members. No Emeritus member data.\n\n32 32 Membership Statistics - 2009 Data from 70 TCs: MembersAssociateInternationalTotal Sum20051282852418 Average TC292435 TCs with over 35 Members: 15 TCs with over 45 Members: 1 TCs with under 30 Members: 34 55 TCs have International members. Average of 5 International Members for these TCs. 34 TCs have Associate members. Average of 4 Associate Members for these TCs\n\n33 33 Membership Statistics - 2009 GNC is the leader for Members (50), Associate (17) and Total Membership (80) and near the top for International (13). Two other TCs have 40 or more Members: Space Transportation (41) Thermophysics (40) Five TCs have a Total membership of 50 or more: GNC (80) Electric Propulsion (55) Adaptive Structures (52) Fluid Dynamics (51) Propellants & Combustion (51)\n\n34 34 Membership Statistics - 2009\n\n35 35 Membership Statistics - 2009\n\n36 36 Proposal to address issues: Develop guidelines for TC membership (in addition to the 35 Member limit). Work with the offending TC and those on the verge to get their membership numbers in order. General training for all TCs on new guidelines. Actions to address TC membership totals\n\n37 37 Establish a Total Membership limit of 50 per TC. This will include all categories (Members, Associate, International and Emeritus…and anything else). However, keep the 35 Member limit in place. This gives each TC at least 15 additional membership slots for the other categories. Otherwise, a TC could just load up on Members and not go after Associate or International members. Membership Guidelines - Proposal\n\n38 38 Used by several TCs, some formally, while others are more informal. Some examples of uses for Emeritus members: Recent past chair (mentoring of new officers, etc.). Awards nomination board. Conference support. Guidelines for Member Emeritus: Most have a specific purpose (defined goals and objectives). Should have a defined term (not member for life). Not intended to keep folks around just for the sake of keeping them around; we want turnover on the TCs and production from the membership. –Document processes, rather than rely on Yoda. Member Emeritus\n\n39 39 Leave details up to the discretion of each TC. However, TC must define roles and responsibilities for Emeritus members. Must also have a defined term (1 to 3 years, say). Proposal to be reviewed by Deputy Directors and approved by group Director. Emeritus Member Guidelines Return to Agenda\n\n40 Back-up Charts\n\n41 41 Membership Statistics - 2009\n\n42 42 Term limits for International members? (match Members). May impact ability for International members to attend a conference (TC membership provides impetus for funding). Term limits for Associate members? (probably not needed). Other points to consider/address…. Return to Agenda\n\n43 43\n\n44 Comparison of AIAA and ASME Fellows Process (DRAFT) Jim Keenan Deputy Director, Flight Sciences Aerospace Sciences Group\n\n45 45 Background ASG approached about differences between AIAA and ASME Fellows process Determine the following: limitation on the number of members allowed for promotion to Fellow breakdown of Fellows per year (PhD, MS, BS, Other) current requirements/qualifications for becoming Fellows of each organization\n\n46 Points of Contact 46 Carol Stewart, MBA Manager, Honors and Awards AIAA 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA 20191-4344 703.264.7623 (phone) 703.264.7551 (fax) email@example.com Leila Persaud Manager, Honors and Fellows ASME Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 Tel: (212) 591-7071 Fax: (212) 591-8080 firstname.lastname@example.org Cathy Mervyn Coordinator, Honors & Fellows ASME Three Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 212-591-7736 email@example.com\n\n47 Limitation on number of Fellows AIAA Requires Fellows to be Associate Fellows prior which takes minimum of 12 years bylaw wording is one Fellow for every 1000 voting members may be elected annually. ASME 10 years of active practice and ASME membership No set limit on number of members who can be promoted to Fellow 47\n\n48 Summary of Fellow Information 48 AIAAASME Total Membership~30,000~127,000 Required years before applying for Fellow 12 years required to become Associate Fellow 10 years ASME membership 10 years active practice Required rank prior to becoming a Fellow Associate FellowN/A % of members who can be promoted 0.1%N/A Maximum number per year based on membership 30No upper limit Number of Fellows by year 200930123 200830*75 200730*140 200630*135 200530*125 200430*135 200330*100 200230*128 200130*94 200030*108 199930*77 *assumed based on total membership Over the last 11 years, the number of ASME Fellows has ranged from 75 (0.06%) to 140 (0.11%). The average number of Fellows from that time span is 112 per year which is approximately 0.088% of the total ASME membership. AIAA is set at 0.1% of total voting members.\n\n49 Breakdown of Fellows by degree & year AIAA is unable to break down its Fellows by degree ASME does track the number of Fellows and degrees doctorate degrees (PhD or ScD) range from 73% to 90% over the last 11 years 49\n\n50 Current requirements/qualifications AIAA: individuals of distinction in aeronautics or astronautics who have made notable valuable contributions to the aerospace arts, sciences, or technologies. ASME: have been responsible for significant engineering achievements. appears to have a broader scope through the use of Qualification Categories (back-up material) includes members outside of technical research who focus on engineering including education, professional leadership, codes & standards, and engineer/statesmen. 50\n\n51 Current requirements/qualifications Examination of AIAA peer review evaluations form Quality of endorsements is redundant based on the other evaluation criteria Weakness in the AIAA evaluation process for service to the profession (elected officials can receive more points than long serving individuals) service to profession double-dips by recognizing publishing papers which is also accounted in the Technical evaluation Management is only considered important by the AIAA if the manager is a program manager or a full professor. Equates full profess to a program manager. 51\n\n52 Conclusions AIAA and ASME have similar basic requirements for Fellow Similar percentages of members who become Fellow Slight difference in length of time required to nominate Major shortcomings for AIAA No explicit emphasis is placed on leadership or innovation in education, standards development, or statesmanship Apparent requirement/reliance on networking to achieve Fellow status (election/quality of endorsements) Bias of AIAA toward research, academic positions, elections, and open publications limits the pool of possible Fellows 52\n\n53 Recommendations AIAA should: 1.Develop a Qualification Category to aid nominations and evaluations 2.Eliminate overlap between topic areas (technical vs. service to the profession) 3.Clarify broad terms (e.g. Program Manager, Well Known for Cost Effective Management) 4.Eliminate or reduce the reliance on quality of endorsements 5.Determine other metrics for service to the profession 53 Return to Agenda\n\n55 Qualifications for AIAA Fellow 55 http://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=183http://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=183 (4/22/2010) Fellow Individuals of distinction in aeronautics or astronautics who have made notable valuable contributions to the aerospace arts, sciences, or technologies. Nominees must be Associate Fellows. Five AIAA member references (of specific AIAA member grades) are required. Nomination forms are due by 15 June; references are due by 15 July.\n\n56 Qualifications for AIAA Fellow 56 https://www.aiaa.org/pdf/membership/fellowupgrade.pdfhttps://www.aiaa.org/pdf/membership/fellowupgrade.pdf (4/22/2010)\n\n57 Qualifications for ASME Fellow 57 http://www.asme.org/Governance/Honors/Fellows/Fellows.cfm http://www.asme.org/Governance/Honors/Fellows/Fellows.cfm (4/22/2010) FELLOW QUALIFICATIONS: At the time of advancement from member grade, a Fellow shall be a corporate member of the Society, have been responsible for significant engineering achievements, and shall have had: A Fellow, one who has attained a membership grade of distinction, at the time of advancement shall be a corporate member of the Society, shall have been responsible for significant engineering achievements, and shall have not less than 10 years of active practice and 10 years of continuous corporate membership in ASME.\n\n58 Qualifications for ASME Fellow Qualification Categories Design Engineering Product Application Research & Development Education Project Management Industrial Leadership/Management Leadership in the Engineering Profession Codes & Standards Engineer/Statesman http://www.asme.org/Governance/Honors/Fellows/Qualification_Categories.cfmhttp://www.asme.org/Governance/Honors/Fellows/Qualification_Categories.cfm (4/22/2010) 58 Return to Agenda\n\n59 59", null, "New Initiatives Subcommittee Report Wednesday, July 28th, 2010 Mark Melanson 1.", "Break Time Remaining 10:00.", "Clock will move after 1 minute", "PP Test Review Sections 6-1 to 6-6", "Select a time to count down from the clock above", "5 minutes.", ": 3 00.", "GEtServices Services Training For Suppliers Requests/Proposals.", null, "Development of renewable energy sources in Germany in 2011", null, null], "url": "http://slideplayer.com/slide/727733/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 338, "original_width": 450, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 338, 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after her tormentors failed to show up for a court hearing, an ethnic Karen girl who suffered severe injuries at the hands of an abusive Thai couple has been taken to a Bangkok hospital to receive treatment.\n\nThe 12-year-old girl, whose identity remains concealed to protect her privacy, is expected to undergo testing at Mahidol University’s Ramathibodi Hospital on the extensive damage done to her skin through repeated scalding allegedly inflicted by the couple, whom she accused of abducting her five years ago.\n\nThe couple, Nathee Taeng-orn, 35, and Rattanakorn Piyavoratharm, 33, of Kamphaeng Phet Province, failed to appear in court on Monday after being released on bail earlier this month. The girl escaped from their custody on Jan. 31.\n\nThai police have offered a reward of 100,000 baht (US $3,350) for information leading to their arrest.\n\nAccording to Naing Htun, a Burmese labor official who is acting as the government’s official contact with the girl, the head of the children’s shelter where she has been staying since her escape said she would be transferred to Bangkok on Wednesday.\n\n“He told me on the phone yesterday that they would be taking the girl to the best hospital in Bangkok today,” Naing Htun told The Irrawaddy on Wednesday.\n\nThere were earlier reports that the girl was be taken to a hospital in Nakhon Sawan Province, which neighbors Kamphaeng Phet. However, the severity of her injuries, which have caused her left arm to fuse with her chest, will require more advanced treatment than the hospital can provide.\n\nNaing Htun said that he had expressed concern about the Thai court’s decision to grant the couple bail, but was assured that it wouldn’t prevent them facing justice.\n\n“I asked the police about the couple’s release on bail, but they said they had already gathered enough evidence, and now it was up to the prosecutors to do their work,” he said. “They assured me everything would be done in accordance with the law.”\n\nHe said that the Burmese embassy also sent a letter to Thailand’s Foreign Ministry last week urging the Thai government to take the case seriously and to impose appropriate punishment on the perpetrators of the various crimes committed against the child.\n\nMeanwhile, on Tuesday, the Karen Network for Culture and Environment submitted a letter to Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra urging her to take immediate action in the case.\n\nNai Wai Ying, the network’s coordinator, was quoted by the Thai-language Hedlomnews newspaper on Tuesday as saying that the group is worried that the case will soon be forgotten, as often happens when the victim is a foreign national.\n\nBurmese migrants in Thailand frequently suffer from discrimination and right abuses in Thailand, but such cases seldom result in a satisfactory court judgment, according to labor activists. In most instances, they say, the issue is swept under the rug after an initial period of media attention in extreme cases.\n\nNaing Htun, who formerly worked at the Burmese embassy in Bangkok, echoed this concern, saying that he has seen the same thing happen many times in the past.\n\n“I’m worried that this case will also disappear in the near future, because we have experienced many such incidents before,” he said.\n\nA Burmese official working with migrant workers in Thailand also said that there is a real danger that justice won’t be done in this case.\n\n“Whenever rights abuses happen, the Thais tend to be quiet and then forget about them after a while. We used to hire lawyers in labor disputes or abuse cases, but in the end, we Burmese always lost in court,” he said."], "url": "http://socialactionforwomen.blogspot.com/2013/02/abused-girl-heads-for-hospital-as-thai.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 162, "original_width": 210, "width": 490}], "image_hashes": ["53bc271928cb5a9ed35c464a3acdf201edc3d6f40603df6285f1a64dab57a318"], "__index_level_0__": 227, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://solentwireless.com/solentwireless.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.946629762649536}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://solentwireless.com/?paged=6\", \"unformatted_src\": \"solentwireless.png\", \"src\": \"https://solentwireless.com/solentwireless.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"solentwireless\", \"alt_text\": \"Solent Wireless\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "View on Facebook\n\nFollow @SolentWireless\n\nLocal radio operators are hoping that the City of Portsmouth is one of ten pilot areas licensed by radio regulator Ofcom to trial small scale DAB digital radio services. If successful in their application, transmissions could start as soon as July.\n\nThe application is a collaboration led by Angel Radio involving local community broadcasters Express FM, JAMM Radio and The Flash that plan to bring more choice to DAB digital radio in Portsmouth.\n\nThe broadcasters involved and their proposed services are:\n\nExpress FM – a simulcast of the popular local community radio service for Portsmouth featuring music, talk and live Portsmouth FC commentary.\n\nThe Flash – a classic rock service featuring blues and music from local bands.\n\nA dance music service will also feature.\n\nThe Ofcom pilot will allow many very small broadcasters the opportunity to be heard on DAB digital radio for the first time. One of the stations taking part is The Flash, a community radio station based in Havant. The station founder Martin Kirby said:\n\n“We have been operating as an internet station for almost three years now with the occasional seven day FM broadcast to the local area. To have the chance to take part in this Ofcom trial is by far the most exciting opportunity we have had so far. It will give us the chance to offer our unique service to a wider audience and for a more substantial period of time.”\n\nTony Smith, Station Manager of Angel Radio, said:\n\n“We will be able to offer extra choice to listeners in Portsmouth through our proposed spin-off service, Angel Xtra. This is a very exciting opportunity available to us and we have worked hard collaborating with our broadcast partners to come up with a proposition that showcases the best in Portsmouth broadcasting.”\n\nDavid Harber, Commercial Manager of Express FM said:\n\n“Many people are aware that much of the offering from commercial radio stations is homogenised and lacks real variety. We are proud to be working in partnership to not only geographically extend own range of ‘Passionately Portsmouth’ programmes but also to support this opportunity to fully extend listener choice in and around Portsmouth”.\n\nThe Ofcom trial will last for up to nine months. Once the trial concludes Ofcom will form a policy on how to formally licence small scale digital radio services for longer periods."], "url": "http://solentwireless.com/?paged=6", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 465, "original_width": 812, "width": 660}], "image_hashes": ["d5104efce96e7ad8ad87885bf1a4cd45183619333ad92e162671a4f3a96d8f09"], "__index_level_0__": 228, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_RaIEXF8c1Q8/RuZzxKSw-ZI/AAAAAAAACAs/5pn0d4akHOM/s400/panasoni01.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_RaIEXF8c1Q8/RuZz8KSw-aI/AAAAAAAACA0/qR2NFZZRCbw/s400/panasoni03.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_RaIEXF8c1Q8/RuZ0HaSw-bI/AAAAAAAACA8/18zBKaFHHDU/s400/cowfish.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 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suitable for inclusion in altered states of consciousness, I am sad to announce that The Blobfish’s tenure as Fish of the Month has come to an end.\n\nI am, however, delighted to announce the unveiling of a new Fish of the Month...\n\nThe Longhorn Cowfish", null, "It’s got horns. It’s bright yellow\n\nPosted by Stef at 11:52 am", "Labels: Fish of the Month, Photography", "About 3 years ago, I found the skeleton of that very fish on a coastline of the South China sea.\n\nI was very scared as I'd never seen anything like it. It looked like I had come across the skeleton of a small devil. I had no idea it was a fish, until someone gave Stef the link to exotic fish.\n\nThe horns are made of bone. The whole skeleton was almost exactly the shape of the fish.\n\n- lw\n\n11 September 2007 at 12:16", "Wolfie said...\n\nThanks for the close-up on the ad!\n\nI nearly lost my lunch.\n\n11 September 2007 at 14:10", "Stef said...\n\nShe'll be visiting you tonight when you sleep\n\n11 September 2007 at 14:32", "7/7 Links", "This blog really misses...", "Ed Teague", "Post Feed", "Comment Feed", "This Month's Special Offer", "Say Goodbye to Fiat currency!!", "Quote of the Month", "Yield to the Conspiraloon™ Collective Consciousness Today!!", "...because Resistance is Fertile", "The Conspiraloon™ Alliance - Fear it for it is Mighty", "This blog supports the US constitution", "Biblical Accounting Standard of the Month", "Independent Conspiraloons™", "Conspiraloon Alliance Campaign of the Month", "This Blog approves of Economicians who sound like ducks", "Michael Hudson", "F W Engdahl", "Proudly sponsored by:", "Fish of the Month", "Piglet Squid", "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome\n\nAdd your candidate(s) here\n\nWe can beat this - TOGETHER!", "Multiversal Cluster Map", "Very Important On-Line Campaign", "...because it's not Fascism when We do it"], "url": "http://stefzucconi.blogspot.com/2007/09/new-fish-in-town.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 519, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 291, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 395, "original_width": 398, "width": 380}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 275, "original_width": 400, "width": 549}], "image_hashes": ["865ec8451eca4844e58fdbfef7d321a31be24c8238a57caf864ef7c7b4719b38", "377b1972a7b841021b725a656805959107dc0df08a2c9d46b6794d8395d089d8", "4555df86c737e59d2ed1e677b461cb8160d53b2667942364c67ffc8ded1dc3bb"], "__index_level_0__": 229, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, "http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2619/4119097412_6fd7f6cf7b.jpg", null, "http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2498/4105100472_74c01c5503.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9738394021987916}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stillisstillmoving.com/willienelson/category/interviews/page/2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2619/4119097412_6fd7f6cf7b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2619/4119097412_6fd7f6cf7b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fd f cf b\", \"alt_text\": \"img850 by you.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stillisstillmoving.com/willienelson/category/interviews/page/2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2498/4105100472_74c01c5503.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2498/4105100472_74c01c5503.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c c\", \"alt_text\": \"Image result for Willie Nelson Dwight yoakam\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Saturday, January 28th, 2017", "Willie Nelson, Robert Scheer, Micah Nelson\n\nby:  Alexander Reed Kelly\n\nIn the second portion of a two-part conversation, the American musician Willie Nelson told Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer why, in spite of prevailing political conditions, he is optimistic about the future of the United States. Nelson also discussed his start in the music industry as a DJ and promoter and his love of Texas and Texans, and explained why he’s not afraid of getting older.\n\nWhy do Texans keep voting for “assholes,” Scheer asks Nelson. “Because assholes keep running,” Nelson replies.\n\nWhen Scheer points out that many liberals do not understand why millions of their fellow citizens voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election, Nelson says: “I recorded a song called ‘Living in the Promiseland.’ … It’s about welcoming everyone: ‘Living in the promiseland, our dreams are made of steel. The prayer of every man is to know how freedom feels. Bring us your foreign songs, we will sing along. …’ Come on. Come on, America. We love you. We’ll help you. We’ll find a spot for you.”\n\nScheer asks, “So you’re still optimistic?” Nelson replies: “I’m still optimistic that all the people are coming in and it will be as great tomorrow as it is today.”\n\n“So you’re not for building walls?” Scheer asks. “Fuck no,” says Nelson.\n\nListen to the first part of the conversation here.\n\n—Posted by Alexander Reed Kelly\n\nPart One\n\nPosted in Interviews | No Comments »\n\nWillie Nelson Interview (Sheer Intelligence) (part 1)\n\nFriday, January 20th, 2017", "Willie Nelson and his son Micah, with Truthdig Editor in Chief Bob Scheer, center, at Nelson’s home in Hawaii. (Annie Nelson)\n\nIn part one of a two-part conversation at his home in Hawaii, broadcast on KCRW’s “Scheer Intelligence,” American musician Willie Nelson tells Truthdig Editor in Chief Robert Scheer that his upbringing during the Depression was an ideal childhood.\n\nNelson recently released his autobiography, “It’s a Long Story”, about his “bare bones” childhood with his grandparents in Abbott, Texas, his trouble with the law and his bumpy path to success as an artist. Speaking with Scheer, he describes the influence of the church on his music and experience, a run-in with the IRS in the early 1990s that he considers positive, and his well-known appreciation for marijuana.\n\n— by Alexander Reed Kelly\n\nPosted in Interviews, Micah Nelson | No Comments »\n\nWillie Nelson talks about new album, “God’s Problem Child”\n\nSaturday, January 14th, 2017\n\nby: Kory Grow\n\n“You can’t watch TV without seeing something about the inauguration,” Willie Nelsonsays with a laugh. Throughout the election cycle, the country singer had voiced support for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Now that the election is over, he has revealed in an interview with Rolling Stone that he has written a song titled “Delete and Fast-Forward” for his upcoming album.\n\nWhen asked about the tune, he speaks some of its lyrics: “Delete and fast-forward, my friend/ The elections are over and nobody wins/ But don’t worry too much, you’ll go crazy again/ Delete and fast forward, my friend.” When Rolling Stone suggests that it may be fast-forwarding only four years, he simply says, “Yeah.”\n\nMuch like the song’s lyrics, Nelson is unconcerned about the Trump administration possibly tightening the regulation of marijuana; Nelson owns Willie’s Reserve, a company that legally sells marijuana in Colorado. “Who cares?” he says gruffly about possible changes to the law. “I didn’t have any problem finding [marijuana] when it was illegal, and now that it’s legal, it’s still no problem. Making it illegal again won’t stop people from smoking. They should have learned that back in prohibition days.” (Nelson chuckles when asked about the weed-themed Christmas sweater Snoop Dogg sent him over the holidays. “It’s great; it’s a funny sweater,” he says.)\n\nNelson’s new LP, God’s Problem Child, will come out in April and will feature many new songs that he wrote with producer Buddy Cannon, who has worked on several Nelson records in recent years. “We have a system that works,” Nelson says of working with Cannon. “I write a verse and he’ll write a verse and next thing you know, we’ve got a song completed. Then we’ll get a melody, and he’ll go in the studio with a band to record it and put his vocal on there. Then when I get a chance, I go in the studio and I’ll record my vocal. Over the years, we put out four or five albums. It’s been really easy to do it that way.”\n\nOne of Nelson’s new originals is “Still Not Dead,” which Nelson says he wrote “’cause I’m still not dead.” “I got up two or three times in the last couple of years and read the paper where I’d passed away,” he says. “So I just wanted to let ’em know that’s a lot of horseshit.”\n\nNelson doesn’t stress out too much about songwriting, which he’s been doing more of in recent years. Whenever he gets an idea, he writes it down. “It could be anytime, day or night,” he says. And he’s not losing sleep over what he writes and whether or not he’s challenging himself. “I’m just conceited enough to think I can do anything,” he says. “Sometimes I can’t but I thought I could.” But that doesn’t mean he’s not open to other writers’ ideas.\n\nThe title track, which Nelson calls “a great song,” was written by Jamey Johnson and Tony Joe White. White and Nelson’s old buddy, Leon Russell, who died last year, make appearances on the song. “I guess that’s the last song he recorded,” he says of Russell. “I wasn’t in the studio when he did his part. I was gone. Last time I saw Leon was right after the [4th of July] Pi\n\n“He was a great musician, a great singer and songwriter and a good friend,” he continues. “We liked hanging out together.” Russell, after all, was the first person to sign Nelson’s famous guitar, “Trigger.” “He wanted me to sign his guitar, and then he signed mine,” Nelson says.\n\nAnother song on the album, whose title Nelson declined to reveal, was written by Cannon’s mother. “His mom is 85 years old and plays the harmonica and she’s writing songs,” Nelson says. “She sang it and he sang it to me. I didn’t get a chance to meet her yet, but she wrote a great country song talking about the old house on the hill. Like Harlan Howard says, ‘A good country song is three chords and the truth.'”\n\nNelson will continue to spread those truths this year with several tour dates booked around the U.S. He’s also keeping busy with a movie he’s been writing and prepping for an appearance in Woody Harrelson’s upcoming “live movie” Lost in London, which is about a bad night Harrelson had in 2002 when he got arrested for breaking a taxi ashtray. The movie, which is a comedy, will be broadcast around the world in a single take on Thursday. “Woody asked me if I’d do it, and I said yeah,” Nelson says of the latter film. “In the film, he’s going through some problems and I’ll be giving him a little moral support.”\n\nSo is Nelson, who’s keeping such a busy schedule and recently wrote “Still Not Dead,” ready for retirement? “After every tour, I think about it, and after a while of not working, I’m ready to play,” he says. “I think I enjoy playing music more than I enjoy not playing music.”\n\nPosted in Albums, Interviews | No Comments »\n\nWillie Nelson talks about life with Southern Living\n\nSouthern music legend Willie Nelson has been around through decades of music, yet he’s still selling out shows all around the world to all ages. There’s a reason that he’s transcended generations of music fans. Other than his distinctive and classic “outlaw country” sound, 83-year-old Willie has an incredibly hopeful attitude towards life that sets him apart. He’s a very positive, eclectic soul with an affinity for martial arts and a love of breakfast foods. We sat down with the Texas-born icon on his tour bus in Mississippi to talk about living without worry, the rules he lives by, and why he loves music so passionately. There’s a lot more to this Highwayman than meets the eye.\n\nMickey Raphael Podcast (Chris Shiflett “Walking the Floor”)\n\nTuesday, December 13th, 2016", "photo:  Ebet Roberts\n\nby:  Robert Crawford\n\nA member of Willie Nelson’s band since 1973, Mickey Raphael has become one of the most celebrated harmonica players in country music, bending notes for everyone from Chris Stapleton to Jason Isbell along the way. Talking with podcast host Chris Shiflett during this week’s episode of Walking the Floor, he shares highlights from more than four decades of countrified close encounters, from the Texas picking party where he first met Shotgun Willie to the California tour stop that found him sitting in the backseat of Neil Young’s Cadillac, chauffeured around San Jose by the Crazy Horse front man himself.\n\nTheatre, hours before a Willie Nelson performance this past October. Stream the entire conversation below. We’ve also rounded up several highlights, from the name of Willie Nelson’s next record – an album that has yet to be officially announced – to unknown guests on the country legend’s tour bus.\n\nMickey Raphael was introduced to Willie Nelson not by a fellow musician, but by Coach Darrell Royal, who led the Texas Longhorns to nearly a dozen Southwest conference titles between 1957 and 1976.\n\nThe year was 1972. At the time, Raphael was gigging with B.W. Stevenson, whose “My Maria” would eventually become a Grammy-winning hit for Brooks & Dunn. Stevenson’s tour schedule often took the band through Austin, where Coach Royal – a genuine music fan, apparently – caught wind of Raphael’s talent. One day, the coach reached out, inviting Raphael to a picking party that he was throwing in his hotel room after a weekend game.\n\n“I was 20 years old,” remembers Raphael, who brought along his harmonicas. When he arrived, Nelson was already at the party. The two played several songs together that afternoon, with Raphael earning a crucial invitation – “Willie said, ‘Hey, if you ever hear we’re playing somewhere, come sit in,'” he remembers – before the picking party was over.\n\nNelson never officially hired Raphael to play in his band. He just never asked him to stop showing up.\n\nAs early as 1973, Raphael was traveling in his own car to Nelson’s gigs, sitting in with the band whenever he could. He was just a guest at first, although he quickly became an indispensable part of the band’s sound. Even so, the harmonica wiz never received any sort of grand introduction into the inner circle of Nelson’s touring lineup.\n\n“One day,” he remembers, “Willie says to Paul [English, the singer’s longtime drummer], ‘What are we paying Mickey?’ And Paul goes, ‘Nothing. He’s just coming to sit in.’ And Willie goes, ‘Double his salary.’ I tell people I wasn’t officially hired; I was just never asked to leave.”\n\nRaphael first joined Nelson in the studio for 1975’s Red Headed Stranger, an album that was so sparse, the executive at Columbia Records thought it was a demo.\n\n“[Nelson] basically had these songs written on a napkin,” says Raphael, who took the band to the same Dallas studio where he’d been doing regular work as a session musician, “and we just set up in a circle in the studio, and he’d be playing them, and that record is so sparse because we’re really just hearing them for the first time. There’s barely anything. . . The label said it was a good demo, and they wanted to put strings on it, and Willie said, ‘No, this is the record.'”\n\nProducer Dave Cobb deserves credit for first introducing Raphael to Chris Stapleton, whose live shows often feature the harmonica wiz.\n\nRaphael had already played harmonica on several of Cobb’s projects when the producer asked him to join a relatively unknown songwriter named Chris Stapleton in the studio. Those sessions spawned Traveller, Stapleton’s blockbuster solo debut. They also landed Raphael one of his most high-profile touring gigs. Now, whenever holes arise in Willie Nelson’s touring schedule, Raphael generally hits the road with Stapleton, although he readily admits the band sounds just fine without him.\n\nThat said, don’t expect Willie Nelson’s touring schedule to slow down anytime soon.\n\n“He loves it,” says Raphael, who still plays more than 100 shows a year with Nelson. “He likes the connection with the audience. Somebody asked him one time, ‘When are you gonna retire?’ And he said, ‘All I do is play golf and play music. Which one am I supposed to quit?’\n\nNelson continues releasing new albums at a rapid rate, too, with a new record – the unannounced, unconfirmed God’s Problem Child – apparently in the can. That said, with all the commotion generated by a consistent touring schedule and, presumably, a healthy cannabis intake, there’s still plenty of room for the unexpected.\n\n“There was a guy that rode our bus years ago that nobody even knew,” Raphael remembers with a laugh. “It was like, ‘I thought he was with you.’ ‘No, I thought he was your friend!'”\n\nPosted in Interviews, Magazines, Mickey Raphael | No Comments »\n\nWillie Nelson on The Big Interview (AXS)\n\nSunday, December 11th, 2016\n\nPosted in Interviews, You Tube, Vimeo | No Comments »\n\nWillie Nelson Interview\n\nFriday, December 9th, 2016", "by:  Kevin O’Hare\n\nAt the age of 77, Willie Nelson is still riding high and riding strong, touring steadily as always and celebrating the release of his exceptional new album “Country Music.” It’s the latest in a rather astounding catalog of more than 200 albums, some dating back to his earliest days as a songwriter in the early 1960s, when he attracted the interest of stars like Patsy Cline, who famously recorded Nelson’s “Crazy,” and Ray Price, who had a major hit with Nelson’s “Night Life.”\n\nEventually Nelson shifted from Nashville to Austin where he became a key player in the “country outlaw’ movement that tossed aside every known stereotype about traditional country music of the era. Nelson’s hair got longer, he became well known for smoking marijuana and he turned into a superstar in 1978 with his distinct reworking of pop standards titled “Stardust.”\n\nHe began recording at a frenzied pace around this period, making sure to release albums of duets with old friends like Price, Merle Haggard, Leon Russell and many others. Whether he over-saturated the market at the time is still worthy of debate but his concert sales remain strong and steady to this day.\n\nHe recently spoke from his home in Texas about his amazing career, famous friends like the late great Cline, his reputation for smoking lots of weed, his new album and his thoughts for the future:\n\nYou’ve released more than 200 albums. How in the world can you try and deliver something fresh on the new album “Country Music?”\n\nWell it depends a lot on the songs, the producers and the musicians. With this particular album “Country Music” it was a no brainer. T Bone Burnett knows this music as well as anyone. I’m sure it was easy for him to come up with great musicians and come up with some great songs. “Dark as a Dungeon,” “Oceans of Diamonds” and all those great songs that we’ve all heard and sung for many years but they’ve been sort of lost in the shuffle along the way and he was sharp enough to put them all together and say “Hey let’s do these again.”\n\nWhat was it like working with T Bone Burnett and how did you guys get to first know each other?\n\nWell, we’re old Texas buddies, he’s from Ft. Worth and I’m from somewhere around there. I’ve known about him for years and years. His wife and my wife were buddies. We played golf together not too long ago and talked about doing something. He’d just had the “Crazy Heart” movie and I felt maybe it’d be a good time for us to do a CD together and I just turned it over to him really.\n\nThere’s a great song on the album called “Satan Your Kingdom Must Come Down.” Do you see Satan in the world around us? If so, where?\n\nWell of course. We all see things that are the opposite of peace and love so we put a name on it and it’s Satan. No matter what your thoughts and beliefs are, God is good, Satan is hate. And that’s just the way it is. We who sing gospel songs talk about God and Satan as mortal enemies. In this particular song, it’s an old traditional, it’s a wonderful song.\n\n“I’ve been promising myself to take it easy on myself and not work so hard so we’ll see how it goes.”\n\n– Willie Nelson\n\n“Pistol Packin’ Mama.” Tell me a little about the song.\n\nThat song has been in my repertoire for a long, long time. Al Dexter, who originally recorded it, was a friend of mine, we knew each other back in the old days back in Ft. Worth. I’ve sung the song a lot. When T Bone brought it to the session I said “Hey where’s that song been?”\n\nSpeaking of “Pistol Packin’ Mama,” who’s the craziest woman you ever had a relationship with?\n\n(extended laughter) How much time you got?\n\nI got the time, if you’ve got the money.\n\nI probably shouldn’t put names on them but there are a few (laughs).\n\nWhen you had the huge breakthrough in the 1970s with “Red Headed Stranger” and then “Stardust” you started recording albums at an amazing pace. Did you ever worry that you might be over-saturating the market?\n\nWell I was sort of warned that I could, but there really wasn’t a lot that I wanted to do about it because this was my shot and I had a chance to get stuff, record it and get it out there. I felt I could do it, I wasn’t overloading myself. I might have been overloading the record companies and their ability to market all that stuff. I could see where they were coming from.\n\nThere was some talk years ago that you might do an album of duets with Bob Dylan. Whatever happened to that?\n\nIt was an idea that is still a good idea that may or may not happen. As close as we came, we did write one song together, we were gonna write a whole album and then record it but we ended up doing one song together. He hummed a melody and cut a track and it went like (Nelson sings melody). What it wound up being was (“Heartland”) “There’s a home place under fire tonight in the heartland … My American dream fell apart at the seams.” He wrote it a little bit, I wrote it a little bit, we went into the studio and cut it.\n\nOn April 30 you turned 77. You’re still playing about 200 dates every year. How can you keep that up?\n\nI don’t know, it’s crazy and I’ll probably slack off a little bit. I’ve been promising myself to take it easy on myself and not work so hard so we’ll see how it goes.\n\nI interviewed B.B. King a few years ago and he said the same thing but I don’t think he’s slowed down too much either.\n\nNo but it’s in the back of our minds. We know that we’re down here rounding third so it’s really whether we want to slide into home or just kind of trot across (laughs).\n\nYou take a lot of kidding for your rather legendary marijuana smoking. Larry King seemed startled that you had smoked up before appearing on his show recently. When did you start and do you ever see a day when you’ll stop?\n\nOh, I have stopped before and gone days and days and days. It’s not as though if I don’t get marijuana I get headaches. There have been cases where if I smoked too much my lungs get congested and I lay off awhile. Things are getting so simple now. In California and about 12, 15 different states you can buy edibles and you can get high eating candy. It’s not necessary to destroy your lungs anymore smoking if you just want to get high.\n\nIs your bus as bad as Toby Keith says?\n\nToby can’t handle it (laughs) He’s a little wimpy in that department. He’s the first to admit it. God love him.\n\nA few years ago you took up running. Are you still doing that?\n\nI went out for a little run today. I don’t run as far or as fast as I used to but I still try and get in a few steps a day.\n\nYou’re still golfing?\n\nI’ve had to stop golfing for awhile because I hurt my arm … golfing naturally. So I’ve not been golfing for about three months now.\n\nThat must be killing you.\n\nWell, it’s good enough for me I guess, if I had a better swing I wouldn’t have done it.\n\nHopefully you’ll be back on the course soon.\n\nOne of these days, but I had a ruptured bicep from overdoing something and then I tore the rotator in my left arm. My left side is a little bit out but it will get better.\n\nCan you tell me a little bit about Patsy Cline?\n\nWell, she was the greatest female vocalist maybe all around ever, but for sure, for country, that I ever heard. There’s this joke. After Patsy Cline did “Crazy” and everyone else has tried it, and this joke is really not meant to hurt anybody else’s feelings but when they say “How many girl singers does it take to sing “Crazy” and they answered “All of them.” But as Patsy Cline nailed it, who else since then, it’s like Ray Charles singing “Georgia.” I had enough nerve to cover him but I never thought I did as good a job on it as he did.\n\nWere you and Patsy close?\n\nYeah, we toured together and … I first met her one night back there in Tootsies Bar, drinking a little beer and her husband Charlie Dick was there and we were talking, listening to some songs that I’d just brought up from Texas. I had Tootsie put a couple of 45s on her jukebox. One of them had “Crazy” and “Night Life.” And Charlie Dick just really loved “Crazy” and wanted to play it for Patsy. We went over to his house and he wanted me to go in and meet Patsy and I wouldn’t do it. I said “No it’s late and we’re drinking, I don’t want to wake her up. He said “Aw she’ll be fine.” I didn’t go in. He went in and then she came out and got me and made me go in. She was a wonderful person, fixed us coffee, was just a great gal. I got to know her real well, we toured some together and she was just great.\n\n\\You were in the Highwaymen. What are your favorite memories of playing and touring with Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson and you all in one band?\n\nWell every night was a great show for me ‘cause I was way over on the right and I got to see three of my heroes perform all night long all over the world. It doesn’t get any better than that.\n\nWhat was it like after the shows?\n\nWell we had all our families with us. Most of our wild days were behind us by the time we got together in the Highwaymen. Actually the last two or three times we went on tour, we had all our kids and families and went to Singapore and Australia and different places. We had 278 pieces of luggage.\n\nWho had the idea of the four of you working together?\n\nWe had gone to Switzerland to do a Christmas show with Johnny Cash and June Carter. They invited me and Waylon and Kris to play on their Christmas show. We were having a photo session one day and the photographer said “What are you all going to Switzerland for?” And we said. “That’s where Jesus was born.” And the photographer said “Oh, ok.” We laughed about that awhile. We did that and decided it was a lot of fun and thought maybe we should do some records together. Someone, I forget who it was, had the song “The Highwayman,” the Jimmy Webb song. We played it and liked it and thought this might be something we want to do.\n\nHow long did it take you to record the new album “Country Music?”\n\nA couple of minute s (laughs) It was really quick. Everyone knew the songs. Most of the things we did in one or two takes, it doesn’t take long to record when you do it that way.\n\nYou’re not a seven, or eight or nine take guy anyway are you?\n\nNo, three’s my limit. Usually I get it in one ‘cause usually we do not press the record button until we know just what we’re doing. Then once that happens I like to do two more just for insurance in case I’m not hearing something. But a lot of times I take the first take.\n\nOf the movies you have made, which one is your favorite and why?\n\nI liked “Barbarosa” and “Red Headed Stranger.” Hell, I enjoyed doing “The Songwriter” and “A Pair of Aces” with Kris. With “The Songwriter,” Kris and I always had a lot of fun. As far as “Red Headed Stranger” and “Barbarosa,” I like horses a lot and I got along with them ok so that was always fun where I could ride a horse or play my guitar.\n\nSpeaking of your guitar, your Martin guitar has a huge hole in it. That hole was there back in the 1970s. Has it gotten bigger and how long can you keep playing it?\n\nIt’ll last longer than I do probably. It still plays fine. I have to take it in every few years and have them do a reinforcement in the inside to make sure it hasn’t collapsed anymore in there. But right now it’s in fine shape, it’ll last longer that I will.\n\nYou have a lot of signatures on there right?\n\nWell the first person I heard of anybody signing their guitar was Leon Russell and he asked me to sign his. I said “Sure” and I started to sign it with a marker and he said “No scratch it in there with a knife.” He had a knife there so I scratched my name with a knife. Then I said “Now that I’ve done yours why don’t’ you do mine?” So I had him scratch his name on Trigger (the name of Nelson’s guitar), he was the first one I had on there.\n\nHow is Leon Russell doing, I’d heard he’s been sick.\n\nI think he’s doing fine. I think he and Elton John are doing an album together and he’s supposed to play my 4th of July picnic down in Austin so I think he’s doing better.\n\nYou two made a great album, “One For the Road”\n\nWe have another one that’s in the can that we’re waiting to put out.\n\nWhen did you record it?\n\nLast year sometime.\n\nWhat songs did you do?\n\nWe did some country things that I like, some Vern Gosdin things. We did “My Cricket and Me, “Jumpin’ Jack Flash, “Chiseled in Stone,” a lot of different songs that we like.\n\nWhat do you still want to achieve and what are you working on next?\n\nHonestly, I want to achieve this tour (laughs). It’s been a long one. Then I can figure out what I want to do next. Once it’s over with, I want to rest a while and then I can figure out what I want to do next. So far we’ve had a good year, the album’s doing good, I really don’t have a lot to worry about anything right now.”\n\nWillie Nelson & Dwight Yoakam announce Florida shows in March 2017\n\nTuesday, December 6th, 2016", null, "Willie Nelson has announced several Florida concerts next March, including three shows with special guest Dwight Yoakam.\n\nMarch 4\nPompano Beach, FL\n\nMarch 7\nSt. Augustine, Florida\n\nMarch 8\nTallahassee, Florida", null, "Musician Magazine\nMay 1998\nby Mark Rowland\nPhotograph by Jay Blakesberg\n\nNot far from the Santa Monica Pier one sunny afternoon, Dwight Yoakam and Willie Nelson were hanging out on Willie’s tour bus, listening to Nelson play … reggae. More precisely, they were listening to a tape of a record he’d just completed with producer Don Was, featuring reggaefied versions of great Willie Nelson songs like, “Three Days,” and “One in a Row,” along with a few classics of the genre like “The Harder They Come”\n\n“Don Was could hear me singing reggae,” Nelson explained. “Cause I wasn’t too familiar with it. I just didn’t know it. But he could hear me doing my songs to a reggae rhythm.”\n\n“That’s ironic,” Yoakum said, “’cause I’m doing a covers album, and I was gonna cover a Peter Tosh song. And listening to his stuff, there was a real emotional affinity to what they were doing in reggae, some of the early stuff, and what country was doing then.” There’s a certain melancholy essence with what you write and with some of those melodies. I think Don must have picked up on that.”\n\n“Well,” Nelson replied, “you can take a really sad lyric and you put this rhythm behind it and it sort of leavens it a little bit, so the lyric doesn’t knock you down so much — you don’t want to get drunk and slash your wrists, you want to dance.” “You want to hear another one?”\n\nFive minutes into their first joint interview ever, and Willie Nelson and Dwight Yoakam have staked out common ground in the Southern Caribbean. Somehow that shouldn’t surprise. After all, both musicians widened the frame of country music’s possibilities by combining a deep reverence for that music’s past with an idiosyncratic vision of its future.\n\nBoth made their mark despite initial indifference if not hostility from the Nashville establishment, fomenting their insurrections on the dance floors of Austin and Southern California, respectively, and putting the “W” back into C&W in the process. Within that milieu, it can easily be argued, both became the most influential singer/songwriters of their generations.\n\nYoakam, who grew up in the era of the ’60s rock concept album, spends years meticulously putting together records with his producer Pete Anderson. His effort shows; on each he’s found ways to expand his musical vocabulary, culminating with his latest effort, Gone, an album at once wildly inventive and polished to a blinding sheen.\n\nNelson, by contrast, grew up in the old school of Texas troubadours — write songs, make records when you can, hit the road. Since he cut his first sides nearly forty years ago he’s carved out a career of mythic proportion, and he’s never really showed down. ” I think that’ s just my personality and my character,” he says. “I’m not supposed to be sitting around much. I get bored real quick when I’m not doing something.”\n\nNot to worry — along with the reggae record, Willie’s completed a trio album of original songs with sister Bobbie Nelson on piano and Johnny Gimble on fiddle, also scheduled for release later this year. He’d just returned from a tour of Australia with the Highwaymen before this interview, and as soon as it ended he cruised down the coast to begin a serious of duet shows with Leon Russell. He’s started work on a blues record, too.\n\n“You know, if you listen to the people in each country you go into, it all sounds very much the same,” he was saying. “African country, Jamaincan country, the Swiss — have you been to Switzerland yet?”\n\n“Oh, yeah,” said Yoakam.\n\n“There’s some great country cowboys up there. Jamaicans go more with the heartbeat, their rhythms do. These guys were telling me that reggae came into existence by way of our country radio. That they were picking up the radio stations years ago, but they wouldn’t hear the bottom — so they put their own rhythms over what they heard. Now the biggest music in Jamaica is country and one of the biggest guys is Jim Reeves.”\n\nYoakam laughed. “Hey man, get a big sailboat and get ready to tour. You could be king there!”\n\nNelson nodded, “Well,” he said evenly, “it’s worth a shot.\n\nPosted in Interviews, Shows | No Comments »\n\nWillie Nelson interviews Sister Bobbie\n\nMonday, November 28th, 2016\n\nPosted in Bobbie Nelson, Interviews | No Comments »\n\nWillie Nelson New York Times interview (Feb. 23, 1995)\n\nTuesday, November 22nd, 2016", "by Alex Witchel\nFebruary 23, 1995\n\nMost men will tell you Willie Nelson is a hero. With a copy of his 1982 hit “Always on My Mind” and the phone number of a good florist, they can get away with murder. “Girl, I’m sorry I was blind,” indeed.\n\nThey learn from a master. Mr. Nelson, who is married to wife No. 4, may be most recognizable for his Pocahontas braids, but it’s those eyes that start the trouble. Even now, at 62, they are perfectly almond shaped, deep brown and, well, just deep. Look into them for too long and you may regret it.\n\nMr. Nelson’s misfortune in love may be the reason he can wail his songs about heartbreak so well. Not to mention write them. When he went home drunk and passed out cold for the thousandth time, his first wife sewed him into the bedsheets “buck naked,” as he likes to say, and piled his clothes and the kids into the car and left. It makes you wonder whom he really wrote “Crazy” about.\n\nThese days, though, Mr. Nelson insists, he’s a cheating heart no more. His newest album, “Healing Hands of Time” (EMI Liberty), is filled with classic love songs, his and other people’s, accompanied by a 63-piece orchestra. But life can be funny for a crooning cowboy. A new album means going on the road to sell it, so he has to sing his love songs to everyone but his wife, Anne Marie, back in Spicewood, Tex., for whom they are meant.\n\nAnd being on the road again means living on his bus, Honeysuckle Rose II. The previous night, he played Syracuse; this night, in early February, the United States Military Academy.\n\nAt 5 P.M. it’s not quite dark outside, but it certainly is dark in the bus. Up front, there are built-in couches along the sides, and thanks to a satellite dish, CNN is on TV. At the back is the door to Mr. Nelson’s bedroom. In the middle is a small kitchen area with a cut watermelon in the sink. Mr. Nelson sits at the table wearing a sweatshirt, sweatpants and thick white socks. Behind him is what he calls the art museum, snapshots of his two youngest sons, Lucas, 6, and Micah, 5, and a drawing with the message “Hi, Dad From Lucas” surrounded by hearts. His hair, reddish-brown and finely sifted with gray, hangs loose down his back. And his face! It is marked with so many creases, hollows and furrows it looks almost geological. He sits quietly, watching, like a cornered animal that can’t decide if he should pounce, flee or purr.\n\nHow was Syracuse? “It was cold.”\n\nWhat did he do today? “Slept till noon.”\n\nWhy did he make this new album? “It seemed like the thing to do.”\n\nHow’s his back? (He fractured it baling hay as a teen-ager.) “Let me tell you a strange story,” he says, suddenly animated, as if a quarter dropped into his slot. And with the passion of pain he starts his tale of woe and redemption, which culminates in Rolfing.\n\n“My wife recommended it highly,” he says. “I heard it was painful, but I didn’t care. The first of 10 sessions fixed it.” He rests his thick hands on the table. His wedding band looks loose on his finger. That seems right.\n\nIt’s hot in here. Navy velvet curtains hang over the windows, and the dark brown paneling and dark carpet seem to soak up light. “It’s kind of like living in a submarine,” Mr. Nelson acknowledges, showing a small smile. “But I’m happy on the bus. Home is where you’re happy. It can be anywhere, out there playing music, wherever I’m at. I refuse to stay where I’m not happy, and if I can’t change it, because of bad vibes or whatever, there’s no reason to stay.”\n\n“A lot of people get tired of the road,” he continues. “But as much as I enjoy being at home with the toys I have there, I still need to leave that and go play music. I have the best of two worlds, though it’s hard to balance them. They’re both fragile. There’s the desire to be where you are plus the desire to go back where you were.”\n\nThe phone rings. It’s his eldest daughter, Lana, 41.\n\n“Hey, nothing. What do you know?” Mr. Nelson asks affectionately. “Oh, we’re traveling to the gig. West Point. Yes, the West Point. As opposed to the east point. I don’t know what we’re doing. We’re playing for the folks.”\n\nHe speaks so quietly, barely above a whisper, that it’s hard to conjure visions of his legendary temper. Does he still have one? “If I said I didn’t I’d be lying,” he says. “I don’t show it every time. At least I hope I don’t. People say about me, ‘He’s a tough old bird.’ I must be or I wouldn’t be here.”\n\nHe says he doesn’t know exactly how many albums he’s made. “Somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 to 100 legitimate albums, but there’s also bootleg.” From which he doesn’t make money, of course.\n\nMoney has been a loaded issue for Mr. Nelson since 1990, when the Internal Revenue Service seized his house and all his assets for nonpayment of $16.7 million in taxes. What happened, he says, was that he owed $2 million in taxes, and on advice of his accountants, Price Waterhouse, was told to borrow $12 million to invest in tax shelters so he wouldn’t have to pay the $2 million. The only problem, he says, was that, after the fact, the shelters were disallowed.\n\nBut the story has ended happily. He settled out of court with Price Waterhouse and paid back the Government. When his house was auctioned, a group of farmers bought it for him, grateful for the singer’s Farm Aid concerts, which have raised $12 million, so now he has it back. “There’s a lot of good people out there,” Mr. Nelson says simply.\n\nSo, why bother touring, especially if his debts are paid? “Well, I don’t know,” he says. “I seem to be happier when I’m working. I tend to get into trouble with too much time on my hands.”\n\nLike what?\n\n“Like you name it,” he shoots back.\n\nHe started working by the age of 5, picking cotton in Abbott, Tex. (When he was a toddler, his mother, a dancer, and his father, a musician, left him and his older sister, Bobbie, who plays keyboards in his band, to be raised by their grandparents.) He played his first professional date at 8, and as an adult sold vacuum cleaners door to door. After working as a disk jockey, he moved in the early 1960’s to Nashville, where he sold his songs and despaired of becoming a singer. The fact that he didn’t sound like anyone else was not an advantage at the time. Now, of course, his idiosyncratic phrasing and nasal twang could be copyrighted.\n\n“I never pretended to have a great voice,” he says. “It works and I can carry a tune. If you have a good song, that’s about all that’s required.”\n\nThe new album has lots of good songs. “EMI Liberty, my new record label, said I should do an album of standards. Like ‘Crazy.’ ” He smiles. “I hadn’t been looking at those as standards.”\n\nAs a writer, Mr. Nelson has slowed down in recent years, though it’s hard to blame him. He says that between the mid-1950’s and mid-1970’s, he wrote about 2,000 songs.\n\n“I went into the studio last week with my original band and a new songbook of mine,” he says. “We started on the first page, and in two days we did 11 segments. I want to do that with all my songs, the way I hear them and feel them now. People wouldn’t know but one or two of ’em.”\n\nIn this, his 54th year of performing, does he worry about the show-biz adage “No one is on top forever”? “That’s not my plan,” he says. “There’s a saying I could never decide was mine or Roger Miller’s. I decided I’d take credit for it: ‘I didn’t come here and I’m not leaving.’ ”\n\nVery wise. Does that wisdom extend to fatherhood? He has had seven children in all, yet he has traveled his entire life, leaving home for vast stretches of time. His eldest son, Billy, who had been treated for alcohol abuse, committed suicide three Christmases ago. Should he have done anything differently?\n\n“Well, you have all those guilts and regrets, but you can run yourself crazy,” he says quietly. “You’re not the same person now you were then, so why take responsibility for something you didn’t do?” When he lifts his eyes, the anguish in his face belies the slickness of the words.\n\nThe bus has parked, and he goes inside the Eisenhower Hall Theater for a rehearsal. He starts to sing, and his familiar voice lifts, the cry of an old soul who’s seen more than he’s wanted to. He is completely fallible, which is his charm. A frog prince who’d rather stay a frog.\n\nA few cadets peer at him from the wings, while Larry Gorham, a former Hell’s Angel who is Mr. Nelson’s bodyguard, glares. “Be all that you can be,” he grumbles not-so-under his breath.\n\n“Be nice,” Mr. Nelson calls out.\n\nIt’s only 7 P.M. Rehearsal is over, and the show’s not until 8. Mr. Nelson heads toward the bus. What’s he going to do now? He smiles.\n\n“I’m gonna roll me up a big joint and smoke it.” Then he eats a plate of vegetables and settles back with some of the band to watch videos of himself, including one from Howard Stern’s cable-television show, in which he handily wins a joint-rolling contest. Everyone laughs. The feeling is easy, relaxed. You would never know that, a few yards away, 4,400 people are growing restless.\n\nToward the end of the tape, he goes into his bedroom and comes out with his hair braided (he does it himself). At 8:10 P.M. he walks backstage and picks up his guitar with no noticeable increase in energy. He keeps his world small, parking his living room just outside and walking in here now to play. He could be anywhere. On the other side of the curtain are howls and whoops as the lights go down. One member of the band asks, “Should we open with ‘Anchors Aweigh’?”\n\nWhen the curtain rises and the flag of Texas unfurls behind them, though, they launch into “Whisky River,” their customary opening number. They’re all so used to each other, they’re like fingers on a hand. They just stand and play, with no videos or special effects.\n\nBut when Mr. Nelson launches into “Always on My Mind” the yelling accelerates. “My favorite song!” a man screams from the balcony. As Mr. Nelson sings, his energy is intense. He invests the words with all kinds of feeling, every bit he can muster. When he sings “Give me one more chance to keep you satisfied,”the meaning seems to switch and he’s no longer pleading with a woman but with the audience. He’s not young, he’s not pretty, he doesn’t have a fancy headset or smoke machines. He holds Trigger, his old, beaten guitar with a hole in it, and sings his heart. And it goes, the sound, the feeling, the plea, and hits the cadets and the rest full force, and they scream and holler and clap.\n\nAnd then he asks, “Everybody doing all right out there?” And they roar, “Yeah,” back at him, and someone tosses a cadet’s hat onto the stage, which he puts on — a real sight with those braids.\n\nAnd when he says, “Good night, everybody,” and the roar intensifies, they somehow find their way backstage, and they’re lining up outside near the bus, and everywhere he goes there are arms and hands and people shouting, “Willie!”\n\nAnd he talks to each of them, one at a time, in no particular rush now to climb back on the bus and drive into the night. He’d like to stay awhile.\n\nPosted in Interviews, News and Reviews | No Comments »\n\nWillie Nelson Interview (Spinner, January 2008)\n\nSunday, November 20th, 2016", "Willie Nelson is 74 years old and has absolutely no plans of slowing down. Lucky for us.‘Moment of Forever, ‘ a collection of songs that mirror his life: There’s a little bit of humor, a lot of love and a sound that stands the test of time.\n\nI hear you’re talking to us in between golf games right now. What’s your handicap?\n\nMy driver and my putter! [laughs]\n\nThe music icon and all-around national treasure somehow found time between touring, his philanthropic endeavors and his golf game to record\n\nSpinner caught up with the Redheaded Stranger to talk about his new project and his surprisingly simple explanation for his prevalence in modern music. And, of course, we couldn’t help but let the conversation drift back to his notoriously wilder days.\n\nAnd you actually bought a golf course!\n\nI’m across the street from it right now. It’s a little nine-hole golf course called Pedernales Country Club. We have a lot of fun over there.\n\nSo you’re a golf course owner, singer, songwriter, actor, philanthropist and father of ten. Is there anything you’ve yet to accomplish that’s on your to-do list?\n\nI don’t like to think too far ahead. I’ve been lucky enough to get a lot done and have a lot of success. I don’t want to be greedy. And when I’m happiest is when I’m out here playing music and staying out of trouble! [laughs] In the early days, we’d be out on the road and go out and play our concert, and then go back to the hotel and party till daylight. And then when it came time to leave, you couldn’t find anybody! [laughs] So I decided somewhere along the way that it’s better to leave town right after the show. And since we’ve started doing that, I’ve noticed that the marriages are actually staying together. [laughs]\n\nYou have certainly changed your ways; people may not realize that you’re actually somewhat of a health nut these days.\n\nWell, I have started running. What I was trying to do was do at least as much good in the daytime as I was destroying in the nighttime. [laughs] But it got to the point where I was losing ground. I had to start trying to stay alive or I was going to die. So I’ve had to give up the smoking and drinking. And when I quit that and started running, I got a lot healthier.\n\nWhat would you say is the biggest misconception about you?\n\nThere probably aren’t any. [laughs] But if you think of all the people who don’t like me, just think of all the millions who’ve never heard of me!\n\nI can’t imagine there are “millions” who haven’t heard of you. You’re Willie Nelson! You probably get recognized several times a day. Does your fame ever overwhelm you?\n\nHonestly, no. I love it. I thrive on it. I enjoy people. And when I first started out watching Gene Autry and Roy Rogers on the movie screen every Saturday, I wanted to be like them. I wanted to ride my horse, shoot my gun, sing my songs and be like Gene and Roy. And that’s what I’m doing, and I couldn’t be happier. And I’m making enough money to pay the bills and support my family, so I have no complaints.\n\nSpeaking of your family, your youngest sons Micah and Lukas are featured on your new album in the opening track, ‘Over You Again.’ And they’re actually musicians themselves, right?\n\nThey have a band called 40 Points and have toured with me over the last couple of years, but they’re back in school now. They’re just two really talented kids. I’m proud of them.\n\nYou also worked with Kenny Chesney on this CD. He acts as both duet partner on ‘Worry B Gone’ and as co-producer of the album. What did he bring to the table that was different from your past producers?\n\nFirst of all, he’s a good musician and has a good ear in the studio. And his name certainly didn’t hurt at all, either! [laughs] He’s a big star, and after hanging out with him for a while you can see why. He’s got a lot of talent.\n\nIn addition to Chesney, are there any other artists these days who you think have a real shot at longevity?\n\nThere are a lot of guys who seem to have staying power … Toby Keith, Brooks & Dunn, Travis Tritt. Those guys are going to be out there working for a long time. They’ve got talent.\n\nAs someone who’s certainly achieved it, what do you think is the secret to longtime success in the music industry?\n\nI think you’ve just gotta keep living! Just look at Johnny Cash or Waylon [Jennings]. They kept going until they died. Ray Price is still doing great, and he’s 82 years old. We just celebrated his birthday over in Tyler, Texas. He and I and Merle [Haggard] are all touring again this year. So I think staying busy is important.\n\nYou’ve collaborated with so many different artists, from Waylon and Merle to Julio Iglesias to Dave Matthews. Is there anyone you haven’t worked with yet but would like to?\n\nCan you sing? [laughs]\n\nYou don’t want to hear me sing, at least not sober.\n\n[laughs] Darn, then I’ll have to find somebody else.\n\nHow about all the different artists who’ve covered your songs. Is there one that stands out to you?\n\nYou’ve got to go back to ‘Crazy,’ Patsy Cline. How could you top that one? Also, Ray Price with ‘Night Life,’ Roy Orbison, ‘Pretty Paper’; Billy Walker, ‘Funny How Time Slips Away’; Faron Young, ‘Hello Walls.’ Those performances … there’s just no way to beat ’em.I just heard a Hank Williams classic, ‘I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.’ That’s a piece of literature. I don’t wish I’d written it, but I am glad somebody did!\n\nIf you could change anything about the country music business, what would you change?\n\nI would like to see more airplay for all artists, no matter what age. I think there’s a lot of money being spent toward the young guys, but a lot of the older guys are the ones who blazed the trail for those young guys. Plus, the old guys have kept those record companies in business for all these years. So I think there’s a certain amount of respect due. I’m not complaining … we’ve made some good records and have sold a lot. I’m talking mainly for the other artists coming along. They’ll have a better chance if they stay traditional and don’t try to get too far out one way or another. Like Toby Keith, Brooks & Dunn, Ray Price … they’ve stayed traditional, and they’re gonna be around for forever.\n\nYou tend to be pretty vocal about your political beliefs. So, what do you think is the most important issue in the ’08 presidential election?\n\nStop the war. Stop the bleeding. That’s the first thing. Then the economy — we have all kind of problems, but the number-one priority is to stop this war. Once that happens, all the trillions of dollars that we’re spending over there can be spent here on our people, our poor people, for health insurance and all the things that evidently we don’t have the money to work with because it’s all over there fighting wars. And if it’s not that war, it’s another war. It’s just this series of one war after another.\n\nAre you supporting any particular candidate?\n\nI liked Dennis Kucinich, but he dropped out. I like Obama and Hillary, so I’ll wait to see which one of those folks come out on top. But they’ve both changed their positions on the war, I think, in the last several months. Dennis never did have to change his position, because he was always against it. But as for who I’ll support, I don’t really know yet.\n\nWas it your stance on the war that drove you to start the Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute?\n\nI wanted to connect all people who are thinking about peace on Earth. When I was growing up, that was the theme that every Sunday morning, they yelled at us. [laughs] “Peace on Earth!” And then it looks like that somewhere along the way, people forgot that message. Now it’s war on Earth. So I want to connect all the people who think like I do, that there should be and hopefully will be peace on Earth.\n\nIf we were to ask you to write Willie’s Theme, a rule you live your daily life by, what would it say?\n\nA couple of funny ones come to mind. My ex-wife Martha used to say, “Don’t worry about a thing, because there ain’t nothin’ that’s gonna be all right.” [laughs] And my father-in-law when I was married to Connie used to say, “Take my advice and do what you want to.” I thought that was funny.\n\nI think the lyrics to your new song ‘Always Now’ are a good rule to live by.\n\nI think you’re right. That’s an absolute truth.\n\nWillie Nelson Interview with Nick Forester, of eTown Radio in Boulder\n\nWednesday, November 2nd, 2016", "Follow this link to listen to interview.\n\nListen to Willie Nelson’s 1996 visit to eTown:\n\nWillie Nelson x Angélique Kidjo on eTown (8.23.1996)\n\nPosted in Colorado, Interviews | No Comments »\n\nWillie Nelson and Cannabis\n\nFriday, October 28th, 2016", "Willie Nelson plays his guitar at Humphreys by the Bay in San Diego, California on October 19,2016. The country music legend discussed his history with marijuana, the time he stole and tried to smoke hemp and his new cannabis line, Willie’s Reserve which is for sale in Colorado with Cannabist editor-in-chief Ricardo Baca on his bus before the show.\n\nby:  Ricardo Baca\n\nSAN DIEGO — Willie Nelson’s relationship with cannabis is the stuff of legend.\n\nDoes weed help with his creative process?\n\nAn anachronistic view of cannabis\n\nThe conversation steers toward the presence of dry counties in the American South that still disallow alcohol sales, and I take the opportunity to get Nelson’s take on the legalization movement in Arkansas, where the Bible Belt state will vote on two potentially historic medical marijuana initiatives on Election Day (although one of the measures was disqualified in a court ruling Oct. 27).\n\n“I would. I don’t care.", "Posted in Interviews, marijuana, NORML, hemp | No Comments »\n\nWillie Nelson with Ralph Emery on RFD-TV\n\nWednesday, October 19th, 2016\n\nRelaxing in his tour bus before Wednesday’s concert, Willie Nelson said he was happy to be back in Branson.”The people here were very nice and they liked our show,” said Nelson, who performed during the 1992 season. “Branson has changed a little bit since then. They used to have only five or six roads back then, and it was kind of hard to get around.”\n\nNelson gave an afternoon audience a special treat when he sat on the front of the stage with country music deejay Ralph Emery. The interview was the first of a new weekly series RFD-TV will air on Mondays.\n\nNelson, with his trademark braids hanging to his waist, talked about his Farm Aid benefits.\n\n“Call your representatives and say we need a good farm bill,” he said. “We need to grow alternative fuels to keep us from having to go around the world looking for oil.”\n\nAbout 2,000 people in the theater erupted into applause. Nelson also thanked the men and women serving in the Middle East. “They have really been put in a hard spot over there, and the quicker we bring them back, the better,” he said.\n\nAlso in the audience were several dozen members of the FFA, who had been invited to the concert.\n\nKatie Fisher of Strafford said she appreciated Nelson’s efforts to help farmers.\n\n“Without agriculture, we wouldn’t have anything at all,” she said.\n\nRFD-TV The Theatre is on the west end of the strip in what was formerly the Ray Stevens Theatre. RFD-TV is a television network dedicated to rural America and agriculture. RFD-TV founder and president Patrick Gottsch purchased the 2,000-seat theater last summer.\n\nThe network was launched from its headquarters in Omaha, Neb., in December 2000. Gottsch is a former farmer who wanted to provide coverage that was missing for rural residents, he said. The initials stand for Rural Free Delivery, an old name for mail delivery in farming areas.\n\nThe theater will produce concerts with well-known talent including Loretta Lynn and Lorrie Morgan in April. They also offer a twice-daily variety show and will operate from March through December, Gottsch said.\n\nWillie Nelson on current events, with Andy Langer\n\nThursday, October 13th, 2016\n\nBy Andy Langer & Andy Brooksbank\n\nOutlaw musician Willie Nelson performed at Wednesday’s Austin City Limits Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Celebration. The Central Texas icon was there to celebrate with B.B. King, Bonnie Raitt and Kris Kristofferson. But, he found some time to talk current events with our Andy Langer.\n\nCatch Part Two of the Interview During Backstage Pass on Friday."], "url": "http://stillisstillmoving.com/willienelson/category/interviews/page/2/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 522, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 362, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["684fb78c74f2e12fef5cae9a814cf97299ed2be543166470b5d22c5628ddca01", "8ee80fb63298d38c8defe46d47b85fce6e2b782a79e6ca906ad5f48437d17658"], "__index_level_0__": 230, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7700/17139384161_448a267649.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9058471322059632}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stillisstillmoving.com/willienelson/willie-nelson-in-barbarosa-3/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7700/17139384161_448a267649.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7700/17139384161_448a267649.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"11096779_10202878229791580_356228949_n\", \"rendered_width\": 549, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null]", "texts": [null], "url": "http://stillisstillmoving.com/willienelson/willie-nelson-in-barbarosa-3/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 364, "original_width": 499, "width": 518}], "image_hashes": ["5ea14c6d777b14210cadfb8a9dd01c9b99ea4416f99de35cb573a125d1f99698"], "__index_level_0__": 231, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/file/2016/01/digitizing-embroidery.jpg", null, "http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/file/2016/01/embroidery-digitizing1.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9444056749343872}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/embroidery-digitizing/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/file/2016/01/embroidery-digitizing.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/file/2016/01/embroidery-digitizing.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"embroidery digitizing\", \"alt_text\": \"embroidery digitizing\", \"rendered_width\": 478, \"rendered_height\": 151}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/embroidery-digitizing/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/file/2016/01/digitizing-embroidery.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/file/2016/01/digitizing-embroidery.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"digitizing embroidery\", \"alt_text\": \"digitizing-embroidery\", \"rendered_width\": 136, \"rendered_height\": 170}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/embroidery-digitizing/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/file/2016/01/embroidery-digitizing1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/file/2016/01/embroidery-digitizing1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"embroidery digitizing\", \"alt_text\": \"embroidery-digitizing\", \"rendered_width\": 165, \"rendered_height\": 191}, null]", "texts": ["Embroidery has been the queen of clothing fashion for many centuries. Embroidery designs could be traced to sometime around the 5th century and it has evolved so much over time. One of the major developments in the recent times is the digitization of embroidery. The infusion of technology into handmade delicacies of the thread has made a tremendous impact in today’s fashion. The minute patterns that usually take tender and careful weaving of experienced seamstress for long hours can be done with much greater accuracy and lesser time with embroidery digitizing. The patterns can be fed into a specialized software to produce designs, that could then be fed into sewing machines for that perfect design.\n\nThe Evolution:", "As history goes the initial stages of embroidery can be dated back to the 5th century to the ancient Chinese region. It later evolved as people started stitching the edges in patterns in order to have a firm seam. Embroidery became an important part of clothing during the medieval and colonial English periods when the long skirts were in the vogue. Embroidery moved beyond fashion and it waged on to become one of the scales to measure quality, richness, beauty and power. Women of the royal societies wore elaborate gowns that had thousands of intricate, hand-sewn embroidery patterns.\n\nEmbroidery remained a craft of the hand for a long period of time and it was during the time of Industrial revolution when machine-made embroidery patterns started coming into existence. Technological advances have introduced so many new tools and techniques in the field of embroidery. This has made mass production of materials a very easy process, thus reducing the cost of the end product and the time taken to create these fabrics. However, nothing beats the fineness and precision of a seamstress’s fingers. Designs with minute stitches and complex patterns are still hand embroidered and are sold at a higher rate than the mass produced embroidery patterned fabrics. Listed below is the process to follow while creating a digitized embroidery pattern.\n\nThe Process:\n\nThere are many different types digitizing software available in the market. Choose the one that is comfortable and easy to use. Basic design patterns could be designed in any of the zillion designing software available. The design is then fed into the digitizing software where the machine creates intricate patterns that could be interpreted by the sewing machine.\n\nThe digitizing software:\nMany of the latest sewing machines come with inbuilt digitizing software that would help you feed the design pattern. The digitizing software contains basic design patterns, and coordinates for the needles to stitch in the desired pattern. There are some basic commands that are used to perform other functions like start and stop, color change and so on. Latest model sewing machines come with versatile input file formats.\n\nPreparing your design:\n\nEach design has a different and unique pattern. The first thing that one needs to do is to analyze is the complexity of the designs. Few designs might have very minute details that cannot be easily captured by the designing software. Some patterns may have text of very small font size which needs to be exaggerated to a bigger size. Fewer the designs, better the digitized output.\n\nThe designing process:\n\nThe next step is feeding the design to the embroidery software. The graphic created is now converted to what is", null, "called a stitch file. A stitch file is a file format that we use in the digitizing format. The next step is to determine the path. It is the process in which one needs to decide the start and end point and the path in which the needle needs to travel to finish the stitch. This requires experience and precision as a wrong input may give out an output that may have unfinished stitching or unnecessary spaces between the stitches. The “pathing” is efficient when it takes less number of steps and a shorter duration.\n\nThe stitching process:\n\nThe next step is to decide and define the stitching patterns that suit the pattern. In order to get a proper pattern, the designer weaves a stitch called the “underlay” stitch. The underlay stitch helps the cloth to have a firm base, thus ensuring an even embroidery pattern. The underlay pattern adds depth to the design thus enhancing the embroidery patterns. Not having an underlay may affect the fabric causing minor damages. Designer chooses any of the basic stitching patterns like satin or fills stitches to do an underlying pattern. The consistency of the stitch depends also on the material of the fabric. One requires much care while determining the technique to weave an underlay pattern.\n\nThe needle movement:\n\nThe next aspect of digital embroidery is the movement of the needle in the sewing machine. It runs at a very high speed performing a considerable number of in and out moments in a minute. This rapid movement may cause turbulence in the cloth pattern and may move the cloth from it actual position. The designer must ensure that he takes into account all possible mishaps and design alternatives and adjustments accordingly. A smaller cloth is much easier to embroider than a large fabric material as the latter may have considerable shift in position while stitching.", null, "Digitizing of an Image\n\nWorking with a digitized embroidery software and machine is a complex process and requires a lot of focus and experience. It becomes easier to understand and adapt if one has a very good experience in hand–embroidery. Digital embroidery involves lot of instructions, calculations and patterns which cannot be learnt in a single day. It is intimately connected with the visualizing capacity and the thorough knowledge about the different kind of stitches. In order to master digital embroidery, it is imperative to have hand on experience in embroidery and a commendable knowledge about the stitches and patterns. It is advised to master embroidery first and go for digitization as and when necessary."], "url": "http://stitchwelldigitizing.com/embroidery-digitizing/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 503, "original_height": 550, "original_width": 413, "width": 378}, {"height": 420, "original_height": 771, "original_width": 693, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4ec174651678e66c0da2618ddbd45bc93b30836792f521d4fcea7c95faa2341d", "665e9814e4499711d7ff77875e7560b549429456e58b8b79a931d720cee4bd32"], "__index_level_0__": 232, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://stopmedicineabuse.org/assets/content/Dr._Michael_Popkin.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.95438814163208}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stopmedicineabuse.org/blog/details/spotting-the-icebergs-dont-let-our-kids-go-down-with-the-ship\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/assets/content/Dr._Michael_Popkin.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://stopmedicineabuse.org/assets/content/Dr._Michael_Popkin.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Dr\"}, null]", "texts": ["Thanks in part to Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, we’re all familiar with the story of the Titanic, the safest ship ever built. We know that five days after embarking the captain received a telegram warning that a dangerous ice field lay ahead. He had plenty of time to slow the engines, change his course and avoid risking a disaster. However, he mistakenly thought he could save time by steering around any icebergs in his path. The result is now history—while he was able to steer around the upper portion of an iceberg visible above water, the underwater portion ripped through the Titanic’s hull, killing the 1,524 people who went down with the ship.\n\nWhat does the story of the Titanic have to do with stopping medicine abuse or preventing kids from smoking, which is the focus of my work at Real Parents Real Answers? Just this: teens and tweens often approach risky situations just as the Titanic captain approached the iceberg: with a combination of challenge and denial.\n\nTeens are aware that ventures such as drinking, smoking, drug use, sex and criminal activity are risky, but they mistakenly believe they can steer around those risks and slide by unharmed. It’s what I might call the “I can stop anytime I want” syndrome. What they fail to see is the bulk of the danger—addiction, overdose, pregnancy, accidents, criminal records, prison, death—hidden beneath their surface actions.\n\nFor a long time on the Real Parents Real Answers blog, our focus was on getting parents to talk to their kids about smoking. What we’ve learned over the years—and what the Stop Medicine Abuse blog addresses so well—is that raising a healthy, happy, drug-free and smoke-free child goes far beyond just telling our kids, “Hey—don’t do that.”\n\nWe can help our teens make the decision to turn away from smoking, medicine abuse and other risky behaviors by:\n\nThis is why the Real Parents Real Answers blog now covers topics ranging from managing stress and teaching good decision making to eating healthy and staying active. Helping teens to say “no” to risky behaviors is a process, not a one-time conversation.\n\nAlthough I will always stress to parents the importance of talking to teens about not smoking (and role-playing scenarios where your child is offered a drug or cigarette, so they have a rehearsed script and know what to say), my emphasis these days is on making sure that we are actively engaged in our kids lives. This is easier said than done in an age where work creeps into our private time via laptops and phones, and family overscheduling is a chronic issue. But there simply is no other way—our kids know when we are dialing it in.\n\nI will also add that kids aren’t the only ones who mimic the captain of the Titanic in their behavior; parents do it, too. “Not my teen,” we think on the surface, failing to look beneath the waters and see dangers lurking.\n\nCommunicating with tweens and teens, showing them respect and offering them independence while still having boundaries are learned skills. Take the time to research what works. Engage in new strategies and behaviors to reach your teen. This will help your child steer clear of dangers.\n\nFor more information on keeping kids from smoking (and engaging in other risky behaviors), visit us at the Real Parents Real Answers blog. We’d love to hear your thoughts.", null, "Michael H. Popkin, Ph.D., is the longtime spokesperson for Lorillard’s Youth Smoking Prevention Program and is the founder of Active Parenting Publishers. He has written and produced more than a dozen books, videos and discussion programs that have helped millions of parents develop cooperation, responsibility and courage in their children. He is widely known for his expertise in the ¬field of parent education and has appeared on over 100 TV programs, including CNN and “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Dr. Popkin earned a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology from Georgia State University and served as Director of Child and Family Services at an Atlanta hospital before entering private practice. He lives in Atlanta with his wife and two children. For more information about Dr. Popkin as well as a list of parenting workshops in your area, visit www.activeparenting.com."], "url": "http://stopmedicineabuse.org/blog/details/spotting-the-icebergs-dont-let-our-kids-go-down-with-the-ship", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 536, "width": 562}], "image_hashes": ["85ae637fac29df4a40c9eb35c752281cc6619b7ccc6c2a6ef4e1cbd1611ae338"], "__index_level_0__": 233, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8aIfYGUy-n0/TL-lPTE24zI/AAAAAAAACqs/kkshzbr5Go0/s400/photo.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9485843777656556}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://studiompdx.blogspot.com/2010/10/willamette-valley-outing.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8aIfYGUy-n0/TL-lPTE24zI/AAAAAAAACqs/kkshzbr5Go0/s400/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8aIfYGUy-n0/TL-lPTE24zI/AAAAAAAACqs/kkshzbr5Go0/s400/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Willamette Valley Outing\n\nOctober has been gorgeous. The colors, sun, weather and warmth have all made us Northwesterners feel a little less upset about the late-start we got to our summer this year. Fortunately I had a reason to get out of the office yesterday and ferry myself through some of the before-mentioned elements. The Glancing Girls at Second Glance and I had a date to talk about the new website. Their logo is complete and will be debuted with the launch of the new site. Anyway. Corvallis was shining. This is just a shot I took to prove it. I think I need to visit Corvallis (and the Glancing Girls!) more often.", null], "url": "http://studiompdx.blogspot.com/2010/10/willamette-valley-outing.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["098ce3a7367739e8fca0e596f85c17d5edc43055abdea4ed93c530946347cc77"], "__index_level_0__": 234, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv2JCUhRdUE/Sj_LF5p5RuI/AAAAAAAACOM/w6Bj0YRMYT4/s400/AlexanderMcQueen_SS10_1.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv2JCUhRdUE/Sj_K6c7ifZI/AAAAAAAACOE/XNl_TQd9vUA/s400/AlexanderMcQueen_SS10_2.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv2JCUhRdUE/Sj-xFGTqU8I/AAAAAAAACN8/R6NmdgGBNL8/s400/McQueen_SS10_paintershoes.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9396185278892516}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stylesalvage.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/mcqueen-plays-with-paint.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv2JCUhRdUE/Sj_LF5p5RuI/AAAAAAAACOM/w6Bj0YRMYT4/s400/AlexanderMcQueen_SS10_1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv2JCUhRdUE/Sj_LF5p5RuI/AAAAAAAACOM/w6Bj0YRMYT4/s400/AlexanderMcQueen_SS10_1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"AlexanderMcQueen SS\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stylesalvage.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/mcqueen-plays-with-paint.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv2JCUhRdUE/Sj_K6c7ifZI/AAAAAAAACOE/XNl_TQd9vUA/s400/AlexanderMcQueen_SS10_2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv2JCUhRdUE/Sj_K6c7ifZI/AAAAAAAACOE/XNl_TQd9vUA/s400/AlexanderMcQueen_SS10_2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"AlexanderMcQueen SS\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stylesalvage.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/mcqueen-plays-with-paint.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv2JCUhRdUE/Sj-xFGTqU8I/AAAAAAAACN8/R6NmdgGBNL8/s400/McQueen_SS10_paintershoes.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Bv2JCUhRdUE/Sj-xFGTqU8I/AAAAAAAACN8/R6NmdgGBNL8/s400/McQueen_SS10_paintershoes.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"McQueen SS paintershoes\"}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stylesalvage.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/mcqueen-plays-with-paint.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://stylesalvage.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/mcqueen-plays-with-paint.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4083/4968841974_fc27b39e4e.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4083/4968841974_fc27b39e4e.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fc b e e\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stylesalvage.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/mcqueen-plays-with-paint.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4147/4968269973_ca7262eb75.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4147/4968269973_ca7262eb75.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ca eb\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://stylesalvage.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/mcqueen-plays-with-paint.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4148/4968876686_844d20f0a8.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4148/4968876686_844d20f0a8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d f a\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://stylesalvage.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/mcqueen-plays-with-paint.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4108/4968876402_8c3af54014.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4108/4968876402_8c3af54014.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c af\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://stylesalvage.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/mcqueen-plays-with-paint.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4105/4968269687_f623a53abc.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4105/4968269687_f623a53abc.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f a abc\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://stylesalvage.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/mcqueen-plays-with-paint.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4085/4968269463_a487c171ff.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4085/4968269463_a487c171ff.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a c ff\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "A gaping hole was undoubtedly left by Alexander McQueen's decision to shun the traditional runway show opting to release a collaborative film along with photographer David Sims in support of the collection. McQueen rarely fails to deliver some theatre and the shows thus far have been safe, solid Spring/Summer offerings but little have provoked a stir of interest or a flurry of excitement. The short film is available to watch on his website but I am interested more in the accompanying look book and the blog images posted on Dazed Digital. This is a collection which features splatters and hand prints of paint and looks a whole lot of fun, a breath of fresh air in the face of the stiff collections previously shown in Milan over the weekend.", null, "After discovering Edward Lorenz's graduate collection I was tempted to dip my fingers in to paint to attempt something similar and now McQueen has reignited the desire to get hands on with paint. Whereas the graduate's collection was all about using paint to document sartorial craftsmanship, McQueen's vision for SS10 is a celebration of the craft of the painter. A surge of twitter activity followed the release of collection images where a number of us talked up the DIY opportunities. The most intriguing for me are the paint splattered shoes. This DIY project is simpler than attempting the knock off Prada studded brogues as shown on Fashion156's Daily Blog.", null, "Image sourced fron Dazed Digital.\n\nThis coming weekend I will hit the High Street and pop in to the odd vintage store on the hunt for a pair of suitable blank canvases, I mean brogues to attempt my own paint splattered homage. No doubt quite a few of us will be getting out hands dirty having seen this collection which is why this offering stands out from the Milan crowd. Hopefully next season McQueen will return to the runway because his presence on the catwalk has been sorely missed this season.\nSent by Style Salvage Steve at 20:08", "Mat Ahoy - Buckets and Spades said...\n\nthis has certainly sparked few of us to want to do abit of diy, im excited to see what everyones attempts look like. im off to find some soon\n\n22 June 2009 at 20:19", "Ruth said...\n\nSeriously fun prints! Ruth @ Matches\n\n23 June 2009 at 15:27"], "url": "http://stylesalvage.blogspot.co.uk/2009/06/mcqueen-plays-with-paint.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 400, "width": 420}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 400, "width": 420}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["e5ec924f264c75fdfd6d5535b01ac4121e0650e4a8a544e171e930b370528cf9", "2415b0fe4318c38156f48d62a7b6bb0698a073a6a06f84ad8b0c71b6d9d874fe", "2ad6504732215dbe8f038892bbb18ca024b9f200c89352ec34594f8a975ebda2"], "__index_level_0__": 235, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_G2oAmDoWceQ/Sn-1YVYruFI/AAAAAAAABks/0TnhN9724Rs/s400/nutrition+month.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8833889961242676}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://subicbaynews.blogspot.com/2009/08/olongapo-city-culminates-nutrition.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_G2oAmDoWceQ/Sn-1YVYruFI/AAAAAAAABks/0TnhN9724Rs/s400/nutrition+month.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_G2oAmDoWceQ/Sn-1YVYruFI/AAAAAAAABks/0TnhN9724Rs/s400/nutrition+month.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nutrition month\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://subicbaynews.blogspot.com/2009/08/olongapo-city-culminates-nutrition.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/S6CNXxVLfLI/AAAAAAAABj4/HWh2rXNT9JE/s400/ejp_tocp2010sb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/S6CNXxVLfLI/AAAAAAAABj4/HWh2rXNT9JE/s400/ejp_tocp2010sb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ejp tocp sb\", \"alt_text\": \"Most \\n\\nOutstanding Councilor Philippines\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://subicbaynews.blogspot.com/2009/08/olongapo-city-culminates-nutrition.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/R5GIcKs5JVI/AAAAAAAAAKE/VjcZkRLLa5A/s320/olongapo-%0D%0A%0D%0Afreeport-city-welcome-arc.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/R5GIcKs5JVI/AAAAAAAAAKE/VjcZkRLLa5A/s320/olongapo-%0D%0A%0D%0Afreeport-city-welcome-arc.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"olongapo D A D Afreeport city welcome arc\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://subicbaynews.blogspot.com/2009/08/olongapo-city-culminates-nutrition.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/R5GKsKs5JWI/AAAAAAAAAKM/YRZz7ol5hLA/s320/olongapo-%0D%0A%0D%0Acity-proper-cabalan.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/R5GKsKs5JWI/AAAAAAAAAKM/YRZz7ol5hLA/s320/olongapo-%0D%0A%0D%0Acity-proper-cabalan.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"olongapo D A D Acity proper cabalan\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://subicbaynews.blogspot.com/2009/08/olongapo-city-culminates-nutrition.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/R5GLd6s5JXI/AAAAAAAAAKU/HNaLbkdj_ik/s320/olongapo-city%0D%0A%0D%0A-ulongapo-rotunda.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/R5GLd6s5JXI/AAAAAAAAAKU/HNaLbkdj_ik/s320/olongapo-city%0D%0A%0D%0A-ulongapo-rotunda.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"olongapo city D A D A ulongapo rotunda\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://subicbaynews.blogspot.com/2009/08/olongapo-city-culminates-nutrition.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/R5GML6s5JYI/AAAAAAAAAKc/nOZpxCpIiug/s320/olongapo-%0D%0A%0D%0Asubic-vista-marina-lighthouse.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/R5GML6s5JYI/AAAAAAAAAKc/nOZpxCpIiug/s320/olongapo-%0D%0A%0D%0Asubic-vista-marina-lighthouse.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"olongapo D A D Asubic vista marina lighthouse\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://subicbaynews.blogspot.com/2009/08/olongapo-city-culminates-nutrition.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/R5GMxas5JZI/AAAAAAAAAKk/Rf8Di4RgWvQ/s320/olongapo-%0D%0A%0D%0Asubic-spanish-gate.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_u2L_gLm6IWY/R5GMxas5JZI/AAAAAAAAAKk/Rf8Di4RgWvQ/s320/olongapo-%0D%0A%0D%0Asubic-spanish-gate.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"olongapo D A D Asubic spanish gate\"}, null]", "texts": ["Olongapo SubicBay BatangGapo Newscenter\n\nA culminating activity in celebration of Nutrition Month at FMA Hall of the Olongapo City Hall was held recently.\n\nMayor James “Bong” Gordon, Jr. stressed in his message during the program the prohibition of selling junk food and soft drinks in school canteens operating within the premises of all elementary and high schools in the city.\n\n“We are making sure that the students are getting the right kind of nutrition, even when they are in school. School canteens can only serve nutrient-rich foods based on DepEd memorandum,’’ Mayor Gordon said.\n\nThe DepEd Order No. 8 (series of 2007) deals with the guidelines on the operation and management of school canteens in public elementary schools and secondary schools.", null], "url": "http://subicbaynews.blogspot.com/2009/08/olongapo-city-culminates-nutrition.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 286, "original_width": 400, "width": 528}], "image_hashes": ["b7ed17a2f2a6f5097125c451e12c738a90356cfd61e8a6a516248fe661af3b90"], "__index_level_0__": 236, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-w1y3o77jPr8/TaeYKs0cm6I/AAAAAAAAAbI/650rlq2ByF0/s400/apr+14.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EnXMBcAAFG0/TaeYMdGXpTI/AAAAAAAAAbM/_FJxWXzwvaY/s400/apr+14a.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9414619207382202}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": 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I am disappointed, but the weights are tight and a good day tomorrow could put me back in $10,000 territory!", null], "url": "http://survivinginthereelworld.blogspot.com/2011/04/looking-to-tomorrow.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 267, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e434da9547ab1eb477f8ca343a3690c4313510208b53116f5ca1c18d9ee07c3c", "ce86006f9c9d621dd569d20b1e3cb6f36af146841ca9e4a1909789d16899dd5c"], "__index_level_0__": 237, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://bp1.blogger.com/_is8WSsttgp4/ReMOCu4-JEI/AAAAAAAAAFg/-R0Z5iXrT5M/s400/IMGP2600.JPG", null, "http://bp2.blogger.com/_is8WSsttgp4/ReMOg-4-JFI/AAAAAAAAAFo/w-9jQLydszI/s400/IMGP2601.JPG", null, null, "http://bp0.blogger.com/_is8WSsttgp4/RdLg1XybBdI/AAAAAAAAAFU/C4rAB14WVk0/s400/IMGP2581.JPG", null, null, 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This is such a great piece to stitch and I am really enjoying it. I love this birs it really has texture and gives the piece some texture and depth.", null, "I received Annemarie NRR from mum (Veronica) and I am now planning what I'm going to stitch on it, I have always known the house I want to do so I'll be starting that soon.\n\nI'm sending away 2 of my tin exchanges this week and so hopefully sometime next week I will have some pictures of them to show you.\nWe received our names of our parthers on the FGBB Biscornu exchange and I have already starting stitiching my biscornu, the way its shaping I don't think I'll want to part with it LOL!!!\nat Monday, February 26, 2007 23 comments:", "A pinkeep", null, "Its a friends birthday real soon and I wanted to stitch her a little something as she is a lovely friend to me, so I chose to stitch this pinkeep by Fancy Work from the chart 'A pair of pinkeeps' this one is the Victorian one, its stitched on 32ct white linen and I used my silk threads by Kaalund. I'm going to pop this in the post today so that hopefully it will get to its destination in time.\nat Wednesday, February 14, 2007 38 comments:", "Labels: Birthdays, Fancy Work\n\nNew Build - new neighbourhood", null, "It was Barbaras turn to get a house built on her neighbourhood, and for me this time I found it surprisingly easier to think what to stitch for her.\n\nThe house is by the 'Irish Hare' and taken from the chart Love thy neighbour. I of course changed all of the house colours to tone in with Barbs neighbourhood. The tree and squirrel are an adaption from Sheepish Designs 'Betsy' The fence and birdhouse is from Prairie Schooler 'A prairie village II' The flowers/butterfly are my own as I wanted them to kinda tone in with Barbs as I wanted to link our gardens together. The wee bird, I shamelessly copied from Barbara so that he followed on from her little chubby birds.\n\nIf you would like to see how her full neighbourhood is progressing (2 blank spaces waiting for their homes - Carol next to build) then pop over to our neighbourhood blog. There is also progress on there of the other neighbourhoods.\nat Wednesday, February 14, 2007 10 comments:", "Needlework smalls exchange FROM Nancy", null, "Nancy was drawn to send to me on SBEBB which I thought was great as I had sent to her (even though we didn't know we had each other - if you know what I mean), anyway she stitched me this gorgeous needlebook I just love it and its so beautifully finished and stitched, unfortunately the day is very dull here and my photos I don't feel does it justice.", null, "On the reverse of the 'book' Nancy stitched our initials. - Thankyou so much Nancy I really love it.\nat Tuesday, February 13, 2007 13 comments:", "Part 2 completed", "I've completed Part 2 of the SAL for Garden of Life, - this wee house is so sweet and I love the colours that was used for it the bricks look old and warm, I'll be starting Part 3 in the next couple of days. If you would like to see everyones progress on this delightful design please visit our album that Eva set up - SAL Album\n\nI've almost completed Barbaras Neighbourhood, and I was feeling very inspired with this one and I hope that she likes what I have stitched - pictures tomorrow.\n\nI received my needlework smalls exchange and I received from Nancy, my camera is charging up at the moment, but hopefully before today is out I will have pictures of what she has sent - its really lovely.\nat Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9 comments:", "Labels: Blackbird Designs\nat Monday, February 12, 2007 2 comments:", "My stitching small exchange to Nancy", "I heard from Nancy that she had received my SBEBB Stitching smalls exchange and that she liked it - which I'm glad. I had wanted to stitch for the longest time, carnations by Prairie schooler and after visiting Nancys' blog I could see that she liked PS so I was pleased. This chart is an old freebie. I reckoned the design shouted 'pinkeep, pinkeep' so thats what I did, I stitched it on 32ct pearl evenweave using all the rich recommended colours for it and I have backed it using a dark but faded green. When I was in Durham the last time I found a market stall that sold the really large headed glass pins and those were what I used for around the edge.", "I always worry that folks won't like what I have stitched for them, but saying that I have signed up for 2 more exchanges lol!!! So this year I'm yet to be exchanging in the Our Love of Needlework, Spring Quaker, ABC Exchange, Needlework Smalls (Pinkeep), Garden theme and Biscornu, the Garden theme I'm moderating again.\nPlus I have my PIF's and I am doing my Neighbourhood RR, and the Blackbird GoL SAL, I'm doing a SAL with KarenV when I get back from Holiday in April we are going to do BRD- Sealed with a kiss and I'm really looking forward to doing that one.\nPlus on top of that I have some private exchanges I'm doing, I'm doing one with Chris and then I have my 4 tin exchanges - all of which are now stitched, I just need to do the tins all pretty and then I'm ready to start sending them out. So I can't share pics of them just yet but will be able to soon. I don't think I've missed anything out - all the exchanges are well staggered for me - Oh yes, I have missed out FGBB SAL's I'm moderator for Shepherds Bush SAL and we are in the process of seeing how many people would like to join in on a SAL and also I'm moderating the freebie challenge and for March I've set the challenge of 4 freebies to be stitched in the month - so come over and visit us, you don't need to be a blogger to join and its a friendly international board.\n\nHope everyone has a great weekend and if you've snow - Pleeease send some to Cumbria.\nat Saturday, February 10, 2007 27 comments:", "Labels: Exchanges, Prairie Schooler\n\nMy Valentine exchange to Chris", "target=\"_blank>Chris let me know today that the exchange I sent for Valentines Day has arrived safe and sound.\n\nAs Chris had told me that it was her wedding anniversary on Valentines day\nI really wanted to stitch something very romantic, my inspiration came from target=\"_blank>VeroM's blog, a friend of hers had sent her a lovely pillow and I just loved the way it had been finished, so I'm truthful to say I stole the finishing idea and adapted it for myself.", "The design is a Blackbird Designs one and its called 'Fond Hearts', but as usual I changed the colours, I didn't want the colours that were stated on the chart so I changed them to my own choice and used Linen thread from DMC. Its stitched on Pearl evenweave (32ct).\n\nI just love the verse on this design:\n\n'When two Fond Hearts unite\nThe yoke is easy,\nThe burden light'\n\nat Wednesday, February 07, 2007 38 comments:", "Valentine Exchange from Patti", null, "Patti sent me this wonderful parcel which I received today - Isn't it wonderful, she made this delightful and beautifully stitched and finished scissor fob with scissors attached in a pale pink leather holder - I have never seen any holders like that before.", null, "I was absolutley delighted with it. The exchange was the Valentines exchange from SBEBB. It really brightened up my day as I'm not having the best of weeks so far, so now its bound to look up don't you think with all those wonderful goodies which were all beautifully wrapped in heart tissue paper (which I will try and re-cycle.", null, "What else has been happening on the stitching front? - Well I have almost completed Part 2 of the Garden of Life SAL I will pos\nt pictures before the end of the week for that. I have completed 3 of the tin toppers for the tin exchanges I just will have one more to do and then I can make up the tins and decorate the insides. One PIF has been stitched, but not made up yet and I'm still trying to decide who to send it to.\n\nHope everyone is having a good stitchy week?\nat Tuesday, February 06, 2007 20 comments:", "Exchange Goodies", null, "I was very fortunate on Saturday to receive my Valentine exchange from the JABB Valentine exchange, I was partnered to Sandra and she sent me a beautiful fob and some threads and a treasure, I love the fob and gifts- Thankyou Sandra.", null, "This exchange was a great one with a really wonderful bunch of ladies.\n\nBecky invited me to join her Friends Gather Bulletin Board (FGBB)which you can join even if you aren't a blogger which is marvellous and what a great board its going to be, there are all sorts of parts to it not just for exchanges but chat about various different designers and help and enthusiasm for stitching things well worth a vist I would say.\nat Monday, February 05, 2007 12 comments:", "Exchanges & Birthdays", null, "Yesterday was my mums birthday, she was 21 again or maybe not cos what age will that make me? - Amy told her she was going backwards now in age and promptly knocked her 2 years off - don't you just love 8 year olds LOL!! I stitched a wee fob as part of her birthday gift. The fob is by Shepherds Bush and called in my garden. Its stitched on 40ct white linen and for the writing I used WDW Iris the rest is the recommended colours.", null, "On the back of the fob instead of the date I personalised it with her initials. Mum said that she loved it, so I'm pleased.", null, "My next stitching piece is an exchange piece for the Valentine Exchange on Jaynes Attic and I heard yesterday that my partner Chris has received it. The design is by Ewe & Eye & Friends, I stitched it on pink 32ct evenweave I had in my stash, using the recommended colours I really enjoyed stitching this and I finished it as a flat fold (which was my very first one and very nerve racking to make up and hard to do when you've got both your fingers and toes crossed all at the same time LOL!!)", null], "url": "http://susimac.blogspot.com/2007_02_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 392, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 385, "width": 378}, {"height": 429, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 352, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 326, "original_width": 400, "width": 463}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, 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The US president was Harry S. Truman (Democratic). Great Expectations, directed by David Lean, was one of the most viewed movies released in 1947\nBut much more happened that day: find out below..\n\nOr have a look at the whole 1947.", "Old Newspapers", "Have a look at the old newspapers from 1 June 1947 and get them!\n\nUK newspapers of 1 June 1947 US newspapers of 1 June 1947", "Browse our list of old newspapers", "Which were the most popular movies released in the last months ?", null, "Great Expectations\n\nDirected by: David Lean\n\nStarring: John Mills, Valerie Hobson, Tony Wager\n\nCountry: United States\n\nMore info", null, "Born to Kill\n\nDirected by: Robert Wise\n\nStarring: Claire Trevor, Lawrence Tierney, Walter Slezak", "Miracle on 34th Street\n\nDirected by: George Seaton\n\nStarring: Edmund Gwenn, Maureen O'Hara, John Payne", "For the Love of Rusty\n\nDirected by: John Sturges\n\nStarring: Ted Donaldson, Tom Powers, Ann Doran", null, "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir\n\nDirected by: Joseph L. Mankiewicz\n\nStarring: Gene Tierney, Rex Harrison, George Sanders\n\nSee other popular movies of the week\n\nTV Series", "The Wife Saver\n\nStarring: Allen Prescott", "In the Kelvinator Kitchen\n\nStarring: Ray Forrest, Alma Kitchell", "Café Continental\n\nWritten by: Henry Caldwell\n\nStarring: Claude Frederic\n\nCountry: United Kingdom", null, "Birthday Party\n\nStarring: Ted Brown, Aunt Grace, Bill Slater", "Kraft Theatre\n\nFind out your future", "Get a FREE Numerology report based on the digits of 1 June 1947!", "Wish him/her..", "Send him/her your special wishes with this personalized page\n\nClick here for a personalized message", "Historical Events\n\nWhich were the important events of 1 June 1947 ?\n\nFamous Birthdays:\n\nSee other famous people born on 01 June\n\nMusic Charts\n\nTop #1 songs in the USA\n\nSearch For Your Ancestors\n\nSubscribe to our Newsletter\n\n...and if 1 June 1947 was your Birth Date then Join our Birthday Club!\n\nMake this date unforgettable", "Have a look at our special collection of personalized gifts\n\nLook at our personalized gifts", "CD and DVD Birthday Cards", "CD and DVD cards from 1 June 1947 to enjoy the time of your life\n\nSee our collection", "Magazine Covers\n\nWhat news were making the headlines those days in June 1947?", "Which were the most popular books released in the last weeks ?", "The Miracle of the Bells\n\nBy: Russell Janne", null, "The Moneyman\n\nBy: Thomas B. Costain", null, "Gentleman's Agreement\n\nBy: Laura Z. Hobson", null, "Lydia Bailey\n\nBy: Kenneth Roberts\n\nRemember when", "Birthday and personalized Football books\n\nDiscover our birthday books", "Tell the world why 1 June 1947 is such a special date for you!"], "url": "http://takemeback.to/01-June-1947", "images_metadata": [{"height": 540, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 350, "width": 378}, {"height": 541, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 349, "width": 378}, {"height": 538, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 351, "width": 378}, {"height": 544, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 347, "width": 378}, {"height": 541, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 349, "width": 378}, {"height": 586, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 322, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 375, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8a8e612c71548d33a03d00a1befce44134c4465f8148b512392d66a907c65a7d", "723cad2be1dfe5852a5c748e4cffc099102523a27bcce9a88fd227a6c3f6832a", "bfc9fbd533298680b9ce28e2b29757e4720ea6e9a67625d75293e29a158248a5", "9c678229a2baf745183ce6eb44d29338f53c77dc124b5e3191059aceebfedc14", "9b1fc4de0d7b0f96443785ee046e4166d578893fd7ebb01f1b482a8b44f02f49", "ca310c21967564bb486c4757784ca080f4f9f3ec77dcd2e6c8780efbde19a87c", "078b6043768dadecfb046e179f95814480055655f0feb9aa819d674d036018e1"], "__index_level_0__": 239, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yQEieyo5THk/TlrWz4875kI/AAAAAAAAAyY/0WB_q9Bfwfo/s320/invitation.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8127771615982056}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tamayorox.blogspot.com/2011/08/september-is-coming-watch-out-for-promo.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yQEieyo5THk/TlrWz4875kI/AAAAAAAAAyY/0WB_q9Bfwfo/s320/invitation.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-yQEieyo5THk/TlrWz4875kI/AAAAAAAAAyY/0WB_q9Bfwfo/s320/invitation.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"invitation\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tamayorox.blogspot.com/2011/08/september-is-coming-watch-out-for-promo.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tamayorox.blogspot.com/2011/08/september-is-coming-watch-out-for-promo.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/_RVoCVENSJZQ/TFgbCBQp6LI/AAAAAAAAAm8/Mdd1aWSpmpc/S220-s80/P4290102.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_RVoCVENSJZQ/TFgbCBQp6LI/AAAAAAAAAm8/Mdd1aWSpmpc/S220-s80/P4290102.JPG\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Yes, you have read it right.  Next month, starting on September 4, 2011 I'll be having a giveaway for the second year anniversary of Simple Yet Rock and being an Odesk member.  Actually it's my first time to hold such promo event on my blog.  Hope everyone will join.  I am very excited! ^_____^"], "url": "http://tamayorox.blogspot.com/2011/08/september-is-coming-watch-out-for-promo.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b1ca88b01d6d23a87a53d7846ca020a1cd445bf841b493d419d9610402a6251f"], "__index_level_0__": 240, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52d7b398e4b01fc900f8275b-pic5soldh.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6670135259628296}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tastyfix.com/recipe/dee-s-pig-in-the-blanket-food\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52d7b398e4b01fc900f8275b-pic5soldh.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52d7b398e4b01fc900f8275b-pic5soldh.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d b e b fc f b pic soldh\", \"alt_text\": \"Dee's Pig in the Blanket\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tastyfix.com/recipe/dee-s-pig-in-the-blanket-food\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://tastyfix.com/images/consumer/share.png\", \"src\": \"http://tastyfix.com/images/consumer/share.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"share\", \"alt_text\": \"Share on Newzsocial\"}, null]", "texts": ["Dee's Pig in the Blanket", null, "25 mins (prep 10, cooking 15)\n8 ingredients\n3 servings\nThe boys ate this growing up. This is basically a biscuit dough wrapped around hot dogs and cheese. I measured everything exactly and the recipe is right.\n\nCategories:  rolls~biscuits , <-30-mins , lunch~snacks , kid-friendly , sandwich , high-in... , breads , high-calcium , time-to-make ,", "Serving Size (137.96 g)\nServings 3\nAmount per Serving\nCalories 565.19 Calories from Fat 211.05\n% Daily Value *\nTotal Fat 23.45g 108.25%\nSaturated Fat 2.89g 43.33%\nTrans Fat 0.51g %\nCholesterol 20.7mg 20.7%\nSodium 1419.48mg 177.43%\nTotal Carbohydrate 73.66g 73.66%\nDietary Fiber 8.57 g 102.89%\nSugars 15.07 g %\nProtein 20.86g 125.18%\nVitamin A 59.8IU% Vitamin C 2.35mg%\nCalcium 653.27mg% Iron 3.49mg%\n*Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your diet value must be higher or lower depending upon your calorie needs:\nCalories 2,000 2,500\nTotal Fat Less Than 65g 80g\nSat Fat Less Than 20g 25g\nCholesterol Less Than 300mg 300mg"], "url": "http://tastyfix.com/recipe/dee-s-pig-in-the-blanket-food", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 461, "original_width": 563, "width": 461}], "image_hashes": ["c71b433ebb92e745c8d7f60df3f8feea6c376fd3caa9456ca14322e9ae7345f2"], "__index_level_0__": 241, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52e0ff41e4b01e490c9ccf30-exps10820_th10059c27d.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6551027894020081}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tastyfix.com/recipe/mushroom-corn-casserole-recipe-tahm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52e0ff41e4b01e490c9ccf30-exps10820_th10059c27d.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52e0ff41e4b01e490c9ccf30-exps10820_th10059c27d.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e ff e b e c ccf exps th c d\", \"alt_text\": \"Mushroom Corn Casserole Recipe\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tastyfix.com/recipe/mushroom-corn-casserole-recipe-tahm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://tastyfix.com/images/consumer/share.png\", \"src\": \"http://tastyfix.com/images/consumer/share.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"share\", \"alt_text\": \"Share on Newzsocial\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Serving Size (20.73 g)\nServings 4\nCalories 108.43 Calories from Fat 81.72\nTotal Fat 9.08g 55.86%\nSaturated Fat 5.71g 114.22%\nTrans Fat 0.36g %\nCholesterol 23.85mg 31.8%\nSodium 362.17mg 60.36%\nTotal Carbohydrate 6.07g 8.1%\nDietary Fiber 0.25 g 4.02%\nSugars 0.03 g %\nProtein 0.92g 7.34%\nVitamin A 277.36IU% Vitamin C 0.03mg%\nCalcium 4.42mg% Iron 0.39mg%\n*Nutrition information was calculated excluding the following ingredients:\nchopped green pepper, finely chopped onion, package, shredded swiss cheese, soft bread crumbs"], "url": "http://tastyfix.com/recipe/mushroom-corn-casserole-recipe-tahm", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a3497d741102651146461bafb30c2bef2aee64c5dd6b9f125dd98e9028a62b2f"], "__index_level_0__": 242, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52d70bc3e4b01fc900f5033b-picboak7v.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6808444261550903}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tastyfix.com/recipe/strawberries-in-lemon-lavender-syrup-food\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52d70bc3e4b01fc900f5033b-picboak7v.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52d70bc3e4b01fc900f5033b-picboak7v.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d bc e b fc f b picboak v\", \"alt_text\": \"Strawberries in Lemon-lavender Syrup\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tastyfix.com/recipe/strawberries-in-lemon-lavender-syrup-food\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://tastyfix.com/images/consumer/share.png\", \"src\": \"http://tastyfix.com/images/consumer/share.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"share\", \"alt_text\": \"Share on Newzsocial\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "8 mins (prep 5, cooking 3)\n6 ingredients\n4 servings\nThis recipe was adapted from Chef Revsin of Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc. You can find the lavender flowers in the herb sections of the supermarket. Or try 2 to 3 whole cardamom seeds in place of the lavender-lovely!"], "url": "http://tastyfix.com/recipe/strawberries-in-lemon-lavender-syrup-food", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 460, "original_width": 614, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["a34ca80f261755f15224e3c3b1577b413571556012dfc1e7e22770a6774d0b67"], "__index_level_0__": 243, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52d778a5e4b01fc900f6f2d1-picdvyrax.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.680983304977417}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tastyfix.com/recipe/succulent-skirt-steak-food\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52d778a5e4b01fc900f6f2d1-picdvyrax.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s3.amazonaws.com/tastyfix/recipe/52d778a5e4b01fc900f6f2d1-picdvyrax.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d a e b fc f f d picdvyrax\", \"alt_text\": \"Succulent Skirt Steak\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://tastyfix.com/recipe/succulent-skirt-steak-food\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://tastyfix.com/images/consumer/share.png\", \"src\": \"http://tastyfix.com/images/consumer/share.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"share\", \"alt_text\": \"Share on Newzsocial\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Skirt steak is a delicious cut of beef, but it has to be cooked over intense heat. Marinate the meat for 12-24 hours, then sear it over firey hot coals for an intense flavor and mouth-watering taste. The charred slices of steak goodness will have you coming back for more!", "Serving Size (299.35 g)\nCalories 712.28 Calories from Fat 520.29"], "url": "http://tastyfix.com/recipe/succulent-skirt-steak-food", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 460, "original_width": 614, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["db4b629ebf1c28fff723b5562ec3d3e55ddf2c6973e0c4d64bfea49b9eafb8a5"], "__index_level_0__": 244, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3583/3372244777_0e7ced4da7.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8672583103179932}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teacherdudebbq.blogspot.com/2009/03/all-along-watch-tower.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3583/3372244777_0e7ced4da7.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3583/3372244777_0e7ced4da7.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e ced da\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teacherdudebbq.blogspot.com/2009/03/all-along-watch-tower.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/_DMikOhhB2NU/ScYGliG44oI/AAAAAAAACS0/XH5-LI2Y7Bg/S220-s80/3367073005_56a5556853.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_DMikOhhB2NU/ScYGliG44oI/AAAAAAAACS0/XH5-LI2Y7Bg/S220-s80/3367073005_56a5556853.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 53}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "All Along the Watch Tower, originally uploaded by Teacher Dude's BBQ."], "url": "http://teacherdudebbq.blogspot.com/2009/03/all-along-watch-tower.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 564, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 335, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["fd28ded1c60a9250fb7eae10fa59c5526a969a7ca40bfd0392fb2e02d41261e8"], "__index_level_0__": 245, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, "https://convertkit.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/pictures/31554/499785/content_freebie-library-768x1316.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9519739151000975}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teachingtoinspire.com/2015/07/constructed-response-freebie-math-is.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u378/designbychristi/blogs/ttisig.png\", \"src\": \"http://i1064.photobucket.com/albums/u378/designbychristi/blogs/ttisig.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ttisig\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teachingtoinspire.com/2015/07/constructed-response-freebie-math-is.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://convertkit.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/pictures/31554/500221/content_freebie-library.png\", \"src\": \"https://convertkit.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/pictures/31554/500221/content_freebie-library.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"content freebie library\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teachingtoinspire.com/2015/07/constructed-response-freebie-math-is.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://convertkit.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/pictures/31554/499785/content_freebie-library-768x1316.png\", \"src\": \"https://convertkit.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/pictures/31554/499785/content_freebie-library-768x1316.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"content freebie library\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["For this month’s Math is Real Life, I am writing about a few of our recent trips to the lake. On the way back from the lake, my mom texted me and asked me how much gas we used on one trip. After telling her about 1/4 of a tank and that the tank held 32 gallons, I realized this was a good example of using math in real life. Fast forward to the next trip to the lake when we almost ran out of gas. We had about 1/3 of a tank of gas, which should have been more than enough. However, we did a lot more driving and less “hanging out and swimming” on that day. This affected the amount of gas we used. Thankfully, we made it back to the ramp and to the boat trailer. This is a great example of how outside circumstances in the real world affect math sometimes.\n\nHere is a picture of my sons on the tube. They absolutely love it!", "In the spirit of this Math is Real Life, I have a constructed response freebie to share with you. This task mirrors my new Multi Part Constructed Response Tasks. Each task is available in three formats to allow for differentiation.", "This constructed response math task comes differentiated at three levels. The task itself is not differentiated. Instead, the response section itself is differentiated to allow all students to complete grade level work with scaffolds to organize their answers and thoughts.\n\nThe first level separates each part and provides sentence stems to ensure the students answer the question completely. The sentence stems also help ensure the students understand the task.", "The next level separates each part to help the students organize their answers and work but does not provide any stems.", "Finally, the most advanced task provides no organization support and no sentence stems. This is eventually where I want all my students to be as this mirrors what they will be expected to do at the end of the year.", "Click here to download the free resource! And if you like the format of this freebie and want to see more, make sure you check out the bundle that contains 60 of these!", null], "url": "http://teachingtoinspire.com/2015/07/constructed-response-freebie-math-is.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 519, "original_height": 800, "original_width": 582, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["adff1a351c2e968daabeed181bb6937ff0c24fe2e54ef49881ad5821813ba528"], "__index_level_0__": 246, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/sponsored_programs/health_human_services/ahrq/tot_fun.jpg", "http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/sponsored_programs/health_human_services/ahrq/part_fun.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.934035062789917}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://texasrefluxsolutions.com/surgical-options/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/sponsored_programs/health_human_services/ahrq/tot_fun.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/sponsored_programs/health_human_services/ahrq/tot_fun.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tot fun\", \"rendered_width\": 333, \"rendered_height\": 330}, {\"document_url\": \"http://texasrefluxsolutions.com/surgical-options/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/sponsored_programs/health_human_services/ahrq/part_fun.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/sponsored_programs/health_human_services/ahrq/part_fun.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"part fun\", \"rendered_width\": 333, \"rendered_height\": 330}, null, null]", "texts": ["For some people, surgery to strengthen the barrier between the stomach and esophagus may be a treatment option for acid reflux. This surgery to treat GERD is called a “fundoplication” (pronounced fun-doeply-KAY-shun). Your doctor can tell you if surgery might help you.\n\nHow does surgery for GERD work?\n\nThere are two types of surgery: total fundoplication and partial fundoplication.", null, null, "What does the research say about surgery?\n\nWhat are the side effects?\n\nEndoscopic treatments", "Endoscopic (pronounced en-doh-SKAHP-ik) treatments help strengthen the muscle that keeps food and acid from going up into your esophagus. These treatments are not considered surgery because no cuts are made in your belly. Instead, a doctor puts a thin tube called an endoscope through your mouth and down your esophagus to do the treatment.\n\nThree types of endoscopic treatments are EndoCinch™, Stretta®, and EsophyX™. These treatments are very new and are not as common as medicines or surgery to treat GERD. People receiving one of these treatments may be in a study to see how well it works.\n\nWhat does research say about endoscopic treatments?\n\nWhat are the side effects of endoscopic treatments?"], "url": "http://texasrefluxsolutions.com/surgical-options/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 330, "original_width": 333, "width": 381}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 338, "width": 383}], "image_hashes": ["28c1085980a7f56ff4486271cf8d05277b65ee4c46ff50d884fac35ff054deed", "59349b9f6871883bcceda37d47e5a07f987a30cdcc763699d0c76608b4ecc89a"], "__index_level_0__": 247, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2051/2810477019_75f66ec554_o.jpg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9TniXaAP2hY/SLS6YqdxTII/AAAAAAAABWY/y36WK-vU3Ag/s320/coffeebreakver.1.33.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_9TniXaAP2hY/SJkU3GFwhII/AAAAAAAAA84/uj11vVNtNyo/s320/coffee+break+ver.1.30.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9355577230453492}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teystirol.com/2008/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2051/2810477019_75f66ec554_o.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2051/2810477019_75f66ec554_o.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f ec o\", \"alt_text\": \"sep08desktop\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teystirol.com/2008/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9TniXaAP2hY/SLS6YqdxTII/AAAAAAAABWY/y36WK-vU3Ag/s320/coffeebreakver.1.33.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9TniXaAP2hY/SLS6YqdxTII/AAAAAAAABWY/y36WK-vU3Ag/s320/coffeebreakver.1.33.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"coffeebreakver\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://teystirol.com/2008/08/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_9TniXaAP2hY/SJkU3GFwhII/AAAAAAAAA84/uj11vVNtNyo/s320/coffee+break+ver.1.30.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_9TniXaAP2hY/SJkU3GFwhII/AAAAAAAAA84/uj11vVNtNyo/s320/coffee+break+ver.1.30.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"coffee break ver\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, "Drum your fingers.\n\nRoll your eyes.\n\nKill the drivers next to you with your stares.\n\nCount how many celebrities are splattered on billboards all over the expressway either in sexy swimwear or underwear or make a note to self to confirm if so and so politician promoting skin care products really has flawless skin.\n\nIf commuting, catch up on much needed sleep lost due to the previous night’s gimick.\n\nAnd so much more…\n\nThis might come as a surprise but sometimes (actually, a lot of times) I enjoy being in traffic jams especially when I commute. It becomes a pocket of time where I can find sanctuary from the cares of everyday life. No one tugging at me, calling me for this and that, asking me to do so many things all at the same time.\n\nBasically, I am a creature of solitude and in order for me to function well I need to have those specific times where no one disturbs me at all and I can have the opportunity to process things thoroughly. I turn it into a moment to imagine, dream, reflect and take stock of life and be thankful. Deep noh? Well, having two homeschooled kids, no househelp, work at home deadlines etc., I crave for those moments of silence.\n\nI actually have fond memories of the time when I got caught in a traffic jam years ago while I was riding a bus and no one offered me a seat. I distinctly remember that scene where I was holding on to the rail above and enumerating in my head all the things God had given me like peace in my heart, His unconditional acceptance of who I am, the blessings I had even if times were hard so much so that I was already smiling I think to the bewilderment of the other passengers who must have thought I was nuts. I remember that to this day and it still shields me from the frustration of being stuck in a place where I am not in control.\n\nSometimes I get frustrated when I know I prepare early and do everything not to be late for an appointment and something out of the blue happens to prevent that, I find out later that the other party wasn’t available at all or was also late etc for reasons beyond our control. I have also learned that most of the time, when I fret and rant about not being able to get to a place I’m supposed to be at and I have diligently tried my best to be on time but the circumstances prevented me from doing so, most of the time it was because God was ordering my steps and orchestrating things to work out something special not just for me but for other people as well.\n\nSo I have learned to choose to be calm and spare myself the wrinkles from the unnecessary freaking out and just use that pocket of time to watch how the shadows fall on the ground, look up at the sky and check out if it has any fancy formations, read the ridiculous and often funny business sign boards typically Pinoy, observe the expressions on the faces of the people passing by and wonder what their story is all about and how to capture their moments in picture or in words. When all these things fill my heart and my mind it leads me to sing a silent song of worship in my heart as I thoughtfully consider all these things He has made.\n\nI do a lot when I’m in a traffic jam and sooner than I think, I’m already where I need to be.\n\nThose are my thoughts for now. Dinnertime beckons me and I must heed the call of the mundane. Later y’all!.\n\nMy nephew who passed the ECE board exam (you can read about it in an earlier post : grin and bare it) early this year is finally in the workforce. He landed a job somewhere in Ortigas and is living in the ‘real world’. Bye-bye school books, hello paycheck! I still owe him a salon treatment but life in the ‘real world’ is quite hectic and chaotic so I never got the chance to give him the treat. Maybe I’ll just buy him an acne treatment cream straight from the drugstore… cheap eh? LOL Anyway, he also owes me a foodie treat as well from his first earnings so we’ll just wait each other out since we live on opposite sides of the archipelago. Look out world, here comes VAIN BOY!\n\nA Haiku about my life at this moment…\n\nSpinning… swirling… me                                                                                                                         in my ordered disorder…                                                                                                                       random and yet not…\n\nAbsence of chaos…                                                                                                                            or absolute disorder…                                                                                                                         can they reconcile…\n\nPushing and pulling…                                                                                                                          giving and seldom getting…                                                                                                               yet filled to the brim…\n\nI lift up my hands…                                                                                                                               in childlike surrender be                                                                                                               still in my chaos…\n\nCocooned in His palm…                                                                                                                    wrapped in His blanket of peace…                                                                                                      still… silent… knowing…\n\nHe is God… He is…                                                                                                                              be still my heart and listen…                                                                                                           He is God… He is.\n\n– teys 8/25/08\n\nThere are a lot of things to be thankful for right now. I didn’t get to sleep much last night cause the kids were sick but now all is quiet in the house and everyone’s asleep except me. The kiddos have improved a lot since yesterday, thank God. No homework for now and the hubby let them watch a few videos in our “vid” room, get it “vid” room as in bedroom?  I think I caught a bad joke virus from my son. LOL  The kiddos just huddled around the tiny dvd player today (nah! no fancy schmanzy home theater seating thing folks, although I wish it were) to watch Indiana Jones and Evan Almighty. The nice part about the whole thing today was they weren’t coughing that much anymore and as the little girl said, “I don’t have to take all those “drugs” anymore, right daddy?” Yup, no more taking “dr-ughs” during my night shift.  😀   Thank God!  My eyes are getting droopy now so I’m signing off for the night.\n\nJust checking in to update my blog. Our house has been a war zone these past few days because the kids are sick. The young ‘un started out with tummy trouble and has been to the ER twice. Now she’s caught her brother’s cough and colds and hopefully we can stop it from progressing into a full asthma situation. So we are all under house arrest, well sorta… cause we are stuck at home and it feels like a hospital ward with hubby and I taking turns doing the midnight rounds for the kids’ medications. Too bad they’ll miss their cousin’s birthday party tomorrow. Hopefully, they recover fast for my son’s birthday in a couple of weeks. I wouldn’t want him to spend it in bed. Catch y’all later folks,!\n\nHave a safe and healthy weekend!\n\nI’ve been offline most of the day today, cleaning up the old desktop, scanning and defragging cause I think I got infected with something from hubby’s usb. grrr! Anyway, I just checked MM’s Idea Gallery and this just made my day. sigh! Another LO featured in the gallery! Different layouts are featured every day at Memory Makers and seeing this one at this time after stressing over the ‘puter is a sight for (literally) sore eyes. So here’s a snapshot of the layout as seen in MM :", "and here’s a link to see it up close:\n\nI think I’m going take a break from the computer to watch something else. I’m tired watching the defrag screen so maybe I’ll watch a bit of the Olympics. I wonder when the equestrienne competition will be shown? Actually, I just love the equestrian clothing part. Reminds me of Elizabeth Taylor in National Velvet. So I’ll check in later while you check out my layout. 😀\n\nTamang-tama po ang temang ito sapagkat ito po ang dahilan kung bakit ako nawala nang pansamantala. Ako po ay nag-liwaliw ng konti kasama ang aking pamilya at ng aking mga biyenan at kami ay kung saan saan napadpad sa Maynila at Makati gaya nang makikita sa mga sumusunod na larawan. Dahil ako po ay taga-probinsya, sa siyudad naman kami naglagalag.\n\nIto ang tanawin sa tapat ng aming condotel na tinirahan sa Taft Ave. At ang nasa larawan ay ang baseball diamond ng La Salle – Taft. 😀 Ganda ng view di po ba? 😛", "Eto ang ebidensya na ito po ay La Salle.", "Dahil ako ay taga-probinsya, wala pong ganitong gusali na matatanaw sa gabi kaya sinamantala ko nang kumuha ng litrato sa gabi. First-timer lang po ako sa ganitong uri ng kuha at wala din po akong tripod (nakasandal lang po ako sa pader he he) kaya medyo ganyan ang naging resulta.", "Eto naman po ang tanawin pag tumingin naman ako sa gawing kanan ng gusali. Ang Manila Sunset na di ko makita ang sun.", "Ito naman po ay kuha sa siyudad ng Makati sa labas po ng Shangrila Hotel.", "At ang pangwakas na tagpo sa dalawang linggo ng aming pagliliwaliw ay ang ‘curtain call’ sa palabas na “Cinderella” na tinanghal sa CCP.", "Makigulo na sa mga lagalag na blogistang litratista sa Litratong Pinoy!", "coffee break ver. 1.30", null, "CIRCLES at the Shangri-la Makati :\n\nThe Manila Peninsula\n\nKanin Club at Paseo de Sta. Rosa or Westgate Alabang\n\nSONYA’S GARDEN in Tagaytay\n\nMAX’s Fried Chicken\n\nChow King\n\nYou can’t beat P39 Chao Fan anytime. Busog kaayo!\n\nWe had the opportunity to watch Lea Salonga as Cinderella at the CCP just recently. A close family friend was so generous and kind enough to get us front row (actually second row from the front) orchestra tickets at the very last minute and so we got to enjoy the show right in front of our very noses. We got to drive up the ramp and use the main entrance instead of the side stairs through the Little Theatre. We were greeted at the lobby with a couple of  booths that were selling souvenir items like souvenir programs, glass slipper pendants, company logo shirts, the soundtrack album etc. etc.\n\nWhen we got inside I was in awe of the set. It was so beautiful… especially the pumpkin carriage. Amazing! The sound was good, the costumes were great, the orchestra flawless and of course, Lea and the whole cast were excellent. Another Pinoy to be proud of. Sitting in the front row I also got to observe what was happening in the wings and I have to say it was really professional – no stray cast members waiting for their cue. None of the props were in sight until it was time for them to be pulled onstage and the backstage crew were really pro – the transitions between scenes were seamless.  Excellent!\n\nI never really expected that we could watch the show. I wanted to but it wasn’t in our budget but God is good. He makes even silly wishes come true. I leave you with this SOOC shots I took during the curtain call.", "Ballet is one of my all-time loves. I’m no longer in it as a dancer but it still is very much a part of what I do and who I am and I think I might have imparted this ‘addiction’ to my little girl. Of course like most little girls who love pink and purple, she loves anything and everything ballet. Hopefully, when the time is right we can be able to send her to a ballet school one of these days. Earlier this year, a friend of mine who owns her own ballet school and teaches in several schools as well had a despedida for one of her dancers – Sarah J. Lee. We sent her off to New York to audition for the top ballet schools in the Big Apple. She auditioned for NYCB, ABT and Joffrey Ballet and she passed them all but she settled for Joffrey Ballet School in the end because she was granted a full scholarship with them. We are so proud of her achievements.\n\nHopefully, when my little girl reaches Sarah’s age and she is still determined to pursue this path, dh and I would be able to uproot ourselves from wherever we are, transplant our whole family and get those New York movers to help us settle us somewhere in the City that doesn’t sleep for the sake of a little girl’s dream.", "Sarah’s (kneeling, bottom row, right) piece for the NAMCYA competition last year was as Odette from Swan Lake.\n\nIt’s quite late now and I still have to pack our stuff cause we are finally going home tomorrow. I had been staying up late prior to this trip, sometimes even up to 4 o’clock in the morning. My skin was already breaking out with mild acne because of all the late nights I spent preparing the house while we were in the city and now is the only time that I have been awake this long since then. So as soon as I’m done with this I’ll be packing up our suitcases and be getting some sleep soon. Yey! We’re going home! There’s no place like home, talaga!\n\nFinally, I get to update my blog, whew! It’s been an event packed week and a half or so and I’m trying to catch up on a lot of stuff but it has been quite a fruitful time for us. (Thank you to all those who visited my blog, I’ll do my updating when we get back home :D)One of the best things hubby and I discovered was the unexplored benefits of living in a condotel. We were scheduled to stay at the Charter House in Makati originally until we started looking for alternative places to stay. That’s when we discovered the condotel. We were not aware that there were places like these in the city – serviced condominium units that were being rented complete with a living room, kitchen and cooking utensils at a more reasonable price compared to staying in a hotel. Had we known this sooner we would have chosen this instead of booking in a hotel.\n\nOne such place that we got invited to stay at was the Fraser Place in Makati located at Paseo de Roxas and Valero close to Citibank. We got to meet up with family friends whom we haven’t seen for quite some time (more on that later). One of the first things hubby and I checked out was the gym. We had been dying to go to the gym because of all the “pigging out” we’ve been doing and we were so happy to find that there was a gym available with no additional fees. Not only that, there were two treadmills we could use at the same time among the other equipment they had. We were so happy that at least we could burn off some of the “guilt” we had from eating too much. Yey! I had always wondered what it was like to live in a serviced residence and it actually is quite convenient especially here at the Fraser Place. I think the condotel is one of the best kept things that we’ve discovered and will be our first priority whenever we need a place in the city next time around. Definitely."], "url": "http://teystirol.com/2008/08/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 369, "original_width": 492, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 241, "original_width": 320, "width": 501}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 271, "original_width": 320, "width": 446}], "image_hashes": ["0978b34ac7dfb22d8f8412c935d94ca6094b4b3a8ef46d9d76f694985b6ad498", "f4dc4ac67368f8b2354fef2699ebd65743698f267fad729e9f291289254efdd1", "cb223bb53d9548720171555f7dfc797dd5d8241a92e841d931516f3c32f22200"], "__index_level_0__": 248, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3250/2319115379_19ccbf66f5_o.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7558561563491821}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thatsmyskull.blogspot.com/2008/03/there-will-be-byrne.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3250/2319115379_19ccbf66f5_o.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3250/2319115379_19ccbf66f5_o.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ccbf f o\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thatsmyskull.blogspot.com/2008/03/there-will-be-byrne.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//farm1.static.flickr.com/206/502902357_8854920ea5_o.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm1.static.flickr.com/206/502902357_8854920ea5_o.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ea o\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 65, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Too late? Too soon? Hey, I just saw the film for the first time yesterday.\n\nScene from the awesome and Heinlein-esque Star-Lord Special Edition opus by Chris Claremont and John Byrne. Originally published in Marvel Preview #11 (Summer 1977)."], "url": "http://thatsmyskull.blogspot.com/2008/03/there-will-be-byrne.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 517, "original_width": 720, "width": 526}], "image_hashes": ["f6da13acf68f6123cc498c0b8c52278a5175d85d480f5ead22387363dcfbc4db"], "__index_level_0__": 249, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_9UzEv22_-To/SUw3udXt2cI/AAAAAAAAAAM/eJBWCiIIZLU/s320/DSC_0020.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_9UzEv22_-To/SUw5aH3msgI/AAAAAAAAAAc/uEwU-ZflxZM/s320/DSC_0015.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_9UzEv22_-To/SUw5arcztkI/AAAAAAAAAAk/QLSVG54B3s0/s320/DSC_0018.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_9UzEv22_-To/SUw5a21Mt9I/AAAAAAAAAAs/EGmxkmRAE8I/s320/DSC_0019.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_9UzEv22_-To/SUw8t473uPI/AAAAAAAAAA0/QbLEPX3PP8E/s320/DSC_0034.JPG", null, 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We had to smile or we would be punished - fifty lashes for poor morale.", null, "We also have tons of food. Check out our fridge. Mmmmmm...cheese and diet Dr. Pepper...Now, I'm no certified expert, but in my professional opinion, that's some high quality nutrition we got there.", null, "AND...we managed to avoid the toe-numbing weather. We had everything moved in well before mother nature decided to use Iowa as her personal toilet to expel of her unappeasing freezing leavings.", null, "And this morning it was all over our driveway. I would like to think that she held it in for as long as she did...just because we were moving.\n\nAnd now that we've moved, unpacking must be done. Now...unpacking...that's a whole new beast to battle...but if playing video games has taught me anything, it's that you tend to be rewarded with gold and experience points for every beast defeated...and occasionally some sort of item. To be honest though, if moving has taught me anything - I have way more than enough items - just wait till you see my random nick nacks, paddy whacks, trinkets, and whatchakajiggerbobs.\n\nSpeaking of unpacking, I nigh plum forgot - we still have to pack so's we can leave tomorrow. We'll have to finish the beast upon the glorious return from our homelands, laden with foreign tradestuffs attained from holiday festivities...and raiding...raiding always gets you the best stuff...\n\nWe'll try to keep in touch over the holidays. For now - Merry Christmas to you all, may your journeys be mild and your parties wild!", "Posted by Running the gauntlet naked at 4:02 PM 1 comment:", "no no, yes yes\n\nLast weekend I went to MN with Kris to visit some friends (amy and nick) of hers/mine. It was Great! We hung out almost the Entire Friday in our pajamas!! Amy and Nick were wonderful, and so was baby Jack!", null, null, "We read books together...One of my favorites was the \"no no, yes yes\" book", "The \"yummy yucky\" book wasn't there, but i think it would be quite good, too...", "but I must say...I ...I like mud pie.\n\nstay tuned for our day of moving in the...", "(expletive) (expletive) iowa.\nPosted by Its dangerous business walking... at 5:51 AM 1 comment:", "What do you Call it?\n\nA friend of mine recommended BabyCenter a while ago as a good \"source\" if you will.... It really has been a helpful and useful site. We've tracked what's \"happening\" by week, and it even has neat pictures of what things supposedly look like (although I think its all a lie...).", "My butt Totally doesn't look like that. But, anyway! 15 weeks along, and this week it is apparently the size of an apple.", "It has maybe been the most fun part, looking up what size it is, compared to some ... tangible object. In fact, in class, and around town, when talking about it, we refer to it as \"apple\" or as \"lime\" ...one week it was \"shrimp\" .......before those we dubbed it \"parasite.\".... that was when it was making me throw up, and stealing all of my energy. :)\n\nI suppose the only Weird thing about naming it after food is that....well ...i Love apples. I eat a lot of apples. ....That seems weird.\nPosted by Its dangerous business walking... at 5:43 PM 3 comments:", "Saturday, December 13, 2008\n\nA Favorite Quote\n\nEven before all of this... One of my FAVORITE movie quotes of All time came from the movie \"The Waitress\"\n\nAnd I must say that... now, it is Especially my favorite quote. :)\n\nThe first kid thing we've purchased:", "You know its the cutest thing you've seen since... since... ever.", "Posted by Its dangerous business walking... at 7:06 PM 5 comments:", "In the beginning...\n\nAs I sit here and pull at my beard (an obvious catalyst to thinking), I take a look at the past year, and I want to say that, well, a lot of things have changed...just one short year. To think that human civilization has spanned somewhere around ten thousand times that amount makes you feel quite miniscule indeed, but in the end, it's really the small things that count...even stars are made of the tiniest atoms. And it's the small things that someone does for someone else that often build the foundation of any relationship. And so, accumulations of any number of these fleeting events (some with bigger consequences than others) have led to the development of the current, rather exciting (occassionally hectic) situation. For those of you who don't know, Kim and I are going to be parents, mother and father, maw and paw, mere et pere, madre y padre, mom n pop, mutter und vater, well....you get the point.\n\nSo...I ponder...what does this really mean? Where will this take me? Where will this take Kim? Will she be able to put up with my incessant nagging? What challenges must we face, what kind of madness lies around the corner for us? Stay tuned next week...\n\nMadness...well...it's what you make of it...some of the happiest people are completely out of their ghourd. At any rate, it's going to be difficult to explain how the situation is affecting me (let alone Kim) and what it all means in such ephemeral discourse, but I'll do my best...it's enough to drive you up a wall at times, but, in reality, it is simply a challenge, inexorable and invigorating. Life comes at you and if you're not careful, you're going to get hit - so make sure you're ready - pull it in close and spin around with it (I like to spin). When life throws poop at you, then fertilize your garden! Poop is the best fertilizer...all natural and whatnot.\n\nReally though, the initial shock has worn off, and the garden has been fertilized...so to speak...and now we wait...and what an adventure that is! I use the term waiting loosely, because it is more of findaplacetoliveandgeteverythingreadystilltryingtogetworkdonetryingtogetachancetobreathing ... which reminds me of taekwondo practice. Sometimes Master Pak lets you breathe, but it is juuuuuust long enough so that you don't pass out in the next few rounds up and down the floor, and the more you do it, the better you get at catching your breath. It is happy, and it is scary, it is stressful, yet relieving...especially to know that I am not alone. It is exhausting at times and exhilarating at others. Yet, still, I don't think it has sunk in all the way.\n\nSome days I can barely hold it in. Kim (for all the times I am driven to meaningless hair pulling by her unrelenting swarms of homework) is such an amazing person. As happy as I would be to point them out, I won't go into the myriad reasons she is such a fantastic person (and lover ;))...if you know her, then you know already how great she is, and if you don't, well, then, you're missing out. Besides, this thing is going to be long enough as it is. You all are lucky I don't go off on a tirade about robots and aliens and lasers or something anyway, so ha! Honestly, though, I couldn't ask for more. She's a different breed of nerd than I am, but, then, you can't build a picture puzzle with just one type of piece, we just happen to be two right next to each other...probably an edge and a corner...because those are the tastiest ones... and again...it's the small things she does that let me know...ugh...sorry to get all sappy on you, the reader that is reading this blog at this very moment. How are you by the way? Doing all right, there? Did I just break the fourth wall...or is that the wrong terminology?...so much for staying on topic.\n\nWhere was I? Kim? Baby? Life? Family? Friends? I am grateful that everyone has shown so much support for us...to those people, I offer my sincere gratitude...you all are like the rest of the puzzle. I cannot put into words my appreciation, so, I will most likely put it into beer and snacks, and maybe a few rounds of brawl for those who need it the most (Jesse).\n\nThis is the beginning of the rest of our lives, this is the start of a family - everything from extraordinary to mundane - holidays and traditions, vacations, taking trips to the park, making breakfast in the morning, bedtime at night, doing chores, having unexpected adventures (hopefully not too many requiring the cleansing of any number of the diverse array of bodily emissions), craft projects, taking pictures, smiling, wondering, a whole lotta love, and the compulsory frustration, joy, and exuberance that comes with it all, ultimately harboring some of life's most valuable experiences. All the small things...everything we do...it all adds up...and right now, if I am any good at math, I'd say it comes out to be pretty well priceless.\n\nIf you stuck around to read this whole thing, then this is for you - Robots are the way of the future...or telekinetic/telepathic humans - sensitives. I'm not sure which. Right now it's leaning more towards robots, but aliens could come at any time and disrupt anything...something to think about. I think being telekinetic would be pretty freakin' awesome, personally. I would get a sword...and use it to deflect bullets...with my mind...yes! That would kick ass!\n\nWell, I think that's everything. As a final note, I would like to welcome you, the reader, to the chronicles of our adventure. Think of it as a work in progress, that...really never quite gets finished, and has minimal editing... So...get ready...for non-stop excitement...unbelievable sights...incredibly realistic special effects...dynamic lighting...featuring an eighty eight-time award-winning director...five hundred and seventy two oscar winning actors and actresses...IN...the lowest budget...production ever producted! We proudly present...for your twisted, morbid, and understandably human curiosity, a Kim and Jared production.\n\n...I am really going to need to figure out how to post more than text in these things...KIM!...help!!\nPosted by Running the gauntlet naked at 6:00 PM 5 comments:", "Things our child has heard..."], "url": "http://the-two-least-likely-to.blogspot.com/2008_12_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 280, "original_width": 320, "width": 432}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["270e9923583827437f6ae37a0d92de4d40c3233396cc2270207c118d63f03eb7", "ede839feeef7216a6f6ebef8d482ee8da454e2b8baac73accaea0e09010d6479", "419631e6909b44ed2d63b69ce64fa299afce3922aa4e3e8557301fc2e2ea87de", "37071398f83d9efbddc2d21174d8b9306e700635ab0d8a177d24ac2aa7f55ed1", "02c9738185e892631424f8c09d9da1990a144432f65c11bcae26e7b236905e3f", "11f25eb8e2868e64f9cf465e280692cf53ca59633fd58a39f40ea98ce77feab9", "8e23562cbe8ce1ed9b427e2b7d60fd7cc2de0a11817ae0e72047be592c2061f9", "23ff9b0832a2059a96896f25f98ac2209cc65e36472ae462528be3545391ea1a"], "__index_level_0__": 250, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Q0EnxCRe6gA/TQWbRkkDCII/AAAAAAAAHnw/m6FCg9rFnMA/s640/il_570xN.175091879.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8809143900871277}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theardentsparrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/sixth-and-main-giveaway-winner.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Q0EnxCRe6gA/TQWbRkkDCII/AAAAAAAAHnw/m6FCg9rFnMA/s640/il_570xN.175091879.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Q0EnxCRe6gA/TQWbRkkDCII/AAAAAAAAHnw/m6FCg9rFnMA/s640/il_570xN.175091879.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"il xN\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 490}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theardentsparrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/sixth-and-main-giveaway-winner.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}]", "texts": ["Congratulations to Ally, the winner of this week's giveaway with 'Sixth and Main'! Thank you to Myan and all those who participated and stay tuned for the final giveaway of the year!", null], "url": "http://theardentsparrow.blogspot.com/2010/12/sixth-and-main-giveaway-winner.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 381, "original_width": 497, "width": 493}], "image_hashes": ["f95dc7b34ff03bd40c39696cab74dd3f4c9ea869961b10f086c420f442e82ea1"], "__index_level_0__": 251, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KJDTThxFY7M/V8Yg90kdQMI/AAAAAAAAv9s/mk822rk38McetW7WYl5qIIQQZ5F1bWJ3ACLcB/s1600/MAC%2BStar%2BTrek%2BCollection%2BFall%2BSeptember%2B2016.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8685526847839355}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thebeautylookbook.com/2017/05/mac-fruity-juicy-collection-review-swatches.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KJDTThxFY7M/V8Yg90kdQMI/AAAAAAAAv9s/mk822rk38McetW7WYl5qIIQQZ5F1bWJ3ACLcB/s1600/MAC%2BStar%2BTrek%2BCollection%2BFall%2BSeptember%2B2016.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-KJDTThxFY7M/V8Yg90kdQMI/AAAAAAAAv9s/mk822rk38McetW7WYl5qIIQQZ5F1bWJ3ACLcB/s1600/MAC%2BStar%2BTrek%2BCollection%2BFall%2BSeptember%2B2016.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MAC BStar BTrek BCollection BFall BSeptember B\", \"rendered_width\": 520}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["MAC Fruity Juicy Collection Review and Swatches\n\nMay 18, 2017", "MAC launches their Fruity Juicy Collection online today and it has some of the cutest packaging I’ve ever seen. The collection has summery vibes with a mix of bright shades with bronzers and I have a few pieces to review today. Items with descriptions:", "A closer look at the items and swatches, up first are the two cheek products Baiana Bronze and Oh My, Passion!:", "I swatched the colors for Oh My, Passion separately and swirled. Together it gives the skin such a pretty soft peachy tint!", "A look a the lip colors and a quick beauty look, shown left to right is Cha-Cha-Cha, Summer Succulence and Love at First Bite:", "Swatched left to right is Summer Succulence, Cha-Cha-Cha and Love at First Bite:", "Lip swatches on bare lips, beauty look has the Oh My Passion Pearlmatte Face Powder, Honeylust Eyeshadow, Love at First Bite applied and blotted down topped with Cha-Cha-Cha gloss.", "Last but not least a look a the Prep+Prime Fix+ in Coconut, I’m in love with the packaging. It’s so fun and summery and the colors matched all the flowers we have in our backyard.", "That rounds up the pieces I have from the collection. Everything is limited-edition. The items launch online today at MAC Cosmetics and Nordstrom. It should be available at other counters and MAC stores as well.", "Most of the Fruity Juicy items featured provided as press samples. Oh My Passion purchased by me.\n\nMACSummer 2017", null, "MAC x Star Trek Collection Picks\n\nAugust 31, 2016", "MAC In the Spotlight Strobe Creams and Extra Dimension Skinfinishes\n\nNovember 19, 2016"], "url": "http://thebeautylookbook.com/2017/05/mac-fruity-juicy-collection-review-swatches.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1600, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["349e1aa1e005b43a9dada1155886a1f7f3d728746faba4106167f64331dd3549"], "__index_level_0__": 252, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_-fDgmU7S43o/TAcwNSTfYQI/AAAAAAAABPo/Syzl3aXWbSQ/s400/IMG_2101.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-fDgmU7S43o/TAcxOaF2dDI/AAAAAAAABPw/FnAaXdAtEkk/s400/IMG_2100.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_-fDgmU7S43o/TAcxmVWah9I/AAAAAAAABP4/lXA2q3jEIXY/s400/IMG_2105.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_-fDgmU7S43o/TAc0NSFX4qI/AAAAAAAABQA/-WZnuNUWbb8/s400/IMG_2107.JPG", null, 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My first Peony bloomed today.", null, "It is a \"Bowl of Beauty\"Peony and I just love it. It was actually one that I was not sure about planting because I love the all pink ones so much, but after seeing it I want more. I got all my Peonies at Bland's Nursery in West Jordan Utah by the way. It is only my favorite nursery, and the ladies are so helpful.", null, "Everything about Peonies is so beautiful. They have the prettiest waxy green leaves that I am sure will look great in arrangements.", null, "I could stare at their tight small flower buds all day trying to figure out how they pack so many frilly petals in there.", null, "I am crossing my fingers that I do not kill them and that they will flourish where I have planted them. My neighbor has a whole row of them plated against her fence and I am so envious of their maturity. I can not wait until my little area looks full like hers. It gives me hope that our area is good for growing them though.", null, "In my tiered grow areas down to the basement I have what is probably a weed growing between the stone, but I love how it looks.", null, "My wise neighbor also taught me that a weed is anything that is growing where you do not want it to. So since this is growing where I want it to I am going to unclassified it as a weed. I just go off of looks since I do not know a whole lot about plants.\n\nMy neighbor has a huge hydrangea bush too.", null, "I even clipped some to put on the dining room table. They are such fun little puff balls.", null, "I want some hydrangeas in the backyard for-sure. I have even had a spot scoped out for the last year.", null, "I want some under this window, so I will need a dwarf version that does not get as big as the neighbors. This area back by the window is also where I want our fire-pit and benches to be. Some how it turned into our junk pile over the weekend with the fence project going on. Please forgive me for the state of our lawn and yard. Weeding, fertilizing, mowing, and edging have all taken a back seat to putting up the fence.\nPosted by Jill Hutchings at 10:06 PM", "Labels: garden", "Black & White Invitation Printable", "Fishing Magnets : Usable on Planetbox Rover", "Fiesta Invitation Printable", "Halloween Magnets: Usable on PLanetbox Rover", "the Bird and the Berry"], "url": "http://thebirdandtheberry.blogspot.com/2010/06/peony-love.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 379, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 398, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 292, "original_width": 400, "width": 517}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 379, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 398, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ad4f87a05cde0f7a30e4494346344ccd56ac3a851f029cedae043c6db4f3bde0", "a63dda9856f4144c709fcacd78e4a642bcbb9717f5bf5948f18547b501cdf3f0", "6b2628428060c90ff7b27e6340afc57503da60b593b4bf6a4b86ca48745cdcd1", "ec56f950055ff1f0e44070937f4ad40eda9194cf6704912fdefe4f3d9ecfbbab", "569421ccd7a826ee0d99d7ed1ebffef1ea4b65359ab6347edb678988e6a7aae6", "391bf29cb327fa15cad6b300ec771ad267167280d41f66a69298960d2f5fa70b", "54b32e197df64b4ce3fb3b8a3aee0b9e941b717fdd10d21d95585d3fac22fc2a", "7a2cf1c2a998f1b645af2689b610e3bff981222e28d6f943540574db79574d06", "8bd9cb895de8aa54796b0d42e28a984dc50f21cab658bd0857eb3eb581ffbeef"], "__index_level_0__": 253, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_K7bKlaJyHTw/R_vrcP21tjI/AAAAAAAAFS0/cnMHCxBtJzU/s400/IMG_5208.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_K7bKlaJyHTw/R_vrcv21tkI/AAAAAAAAFS8/PBzsWNQjkZA/s400/IMG_5210.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_K7bKlaJyHTw/R_vrc_21tlI/AAAAAAAAFTE/600exuRo4LQ/s400/IMG_5215.JPG", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9131648540496826}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thechutneygarden.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_K7bKlaJyHTw/R_vrcP21tjI/AAAAAAAAFS0/cnMHCxBtJzU/s400/IMG_5208.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_K7bKlaJyHTw/R_vrcP21tjI/AAAAAAAAFS0/cnMHCxBtJzU/s400/IMG_5208.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thechutneygarden.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_K7bKlaJyHTw/R_vrcv21tkI/AAAAAAAAFS8/PBzsWNQjkZA/s400/IMG_5210.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_K7bKlaJyHTw/R_vrcv21tkI/AAAAAAAAFS8/PBzsWNQjkZA/s400/IMG_5210.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thechutneygarden.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_K7bKlaJyHTw/R_vrc_21tlI/AAAAAAAAFTE/600exuRo4LQ/s400/IMG_5215.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_K7bKlaJyHTw/R_vrc_21tlI/AAAAAAAAFTE/600exuRo4LQ/s400/IMG_5215.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thechutneygarden.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//farm2.static.flickr.com/1400/542966291_73ec3849ea_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1400/542966291_73ec3849ea_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ec ea m\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 75}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thechutneygarden.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www2.clustrmaps.com/stats/maps-no_clusters/thechutneygarden@blogspot.com--thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www2.clustrmaps.com/stats/maps-no_clusters/thechutneygarden@blogspot.com--thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thechutneygarden@blogspot\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thechutneygarden.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.chookooloonks.com/storage/125x75_youbeau.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.chookooloonks.com/storage/125x75_youbeau.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"youbeau\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thechutneygarden.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.bloggingfusion.com/images/linkware/bloggingfusion80x1502.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.bloggingfusion.com/images/linkware/bloggingfusion80x1502.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bloggingfusion\", \"alt_text\": \"Blogging Fusion Blog Directory\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, 8 April 2008\n\nThe colour of the yellow poui is so vibrant that you can't find it on a colour chart. It has an intensity that is almost shocking. These trees pop into bloom one after the other all over Trinidad and the flowers completely cover the tree before gentlly falling to the ground.", null, "To flower the tree sheds most (if not all) of its leaves and gives a last hurrah with these saffron bells. By the time the last flower falls off, the tree is bursting with new life and sending forth tender leaflets. I have three in my garden and they stubbornly refuse to bloom. One is looking as if its thinking about trying the experience by tentatively dropping a leaf here and there just to tease me. The poui typically flowers three times times during the dry season with the last flowering said to be the precursor to the rainy season.", null, "The first flowers from my large white begonia. This is not the \"bread and cheese\" variety but another one with a large green leaf. It is aggressively vigourous but has taken almost two years to bloom. The flower is far sweeter and more demure than many other begonias which makes me think this is probably good old pure stock who has spent time evolving to suit the tropical environment.", null, "Posted by My Chutney Garden at 16:55", "Labels: Yellow poui", "Oh, this yellow! Beautiful! I haven't seen poui trees before! I get to learn so many unknown plants you show. Thank you!\n\nThursday, April 10, 2008"], "url": "http://thechutneygarden.blogspot.com/2008/04/blog-post.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 566, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 267, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 302, "original_width": 400, "width": 500}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 267, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2c40da151e4a1480824315387675a9aecaca4731ca0a0e477711f0bd5e60f21e", "895bc38c9074645a0ad486c63dbab426d8eae346f6c0bbc4d7effb179a9c12fe", "657f616a4ff25279d3b596bf21db399e160d167b622e9fe9c92408429735057d"], "__index_level_0__": 254, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9n2WZQyI/AAAAAAAAAH4/XmotZeVHHII/s320/IMG_1779.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9nSE0kGI/AAAAAAAAAHw/rrKgxkW4v6A/s320/IMG_1777.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9m7OUFLI/AAAAAAAAAHo/qwzDmPiCPW0/s320/IMG_1778.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9mJMjjII/AAAAAAAAAHg/PvluSuSqsNM/s320/IMG_1781.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.948663055896759}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thecozyhouse-mamabeaks.blogspot.com/2009/08/busy-busy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9n2WZQyI/AAAAAAAAAH4/XmotZeVHHII/s320/IMG_1779.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9n2WZQyI/AAAAAAAAAH4/XmotZeVHHII/s320/IMG_1779.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://thecozyhouse-mamabeaks.blogspot.com/2009/08/busy-busy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9nSE0kGI/AAAAAAAAAHw/rrKgxkW4v6A/s320/IMG_1777.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9nSE0kGI/AAAAAAAAAHw/rrKgxkW4v6A/s320/IMG_1777.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://thecozyhouse-mamabeaks.blogspot.com/2009/08/busy-busy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9m7OUFLI/AAAAAAAAAHo/qwzDmPiCPW0/s320/IMG_1778.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9m7OUFLI/AAAAAAAAAHo/qwzDmPiCPW0/s320/IMG_1778.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://thecozyhouse-mamabeaks.blogspot.com/2009/08/busy-busy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9mJMjjII/AAAAAAAAAHg/PvluSuSqsNM/s320/IMG_1781.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_CWuNoq6VLaQ/SoR9mJMjjII/AAAAAAAAAHg/PvluSuSqsNM/s320/IMG_1781.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, null, null, "thanks, i'm not sure what will sell in this town, i might come home with it all. LOL........ maybe i will do an etsy site, greg always wanted me to. i just worry if my stuff is good enough to sell."], "url": "http://thecozyhouse-mamabeaks.blogspot.com/2009/08/busy-busy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}, {"height": 672, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["dce172c0c63745b129992787faf4ba5ab5c1dcf57c17faf021dc9435ae767906", "c6d5758903dcfa469c6227f011818342bfbb04b69125ddb152c18e41977f3811", "13727fe0ccda05d4abb77397f5bd5c783939d5a319e976abf34cbbd87f43a744", "340e454644d27bb9020cba8ed434a2044b33f250fdcd78f47c55b4075bf29cfa"], "__index_level_0__": 255, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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Doubly so because today is my birthday! Before I go stuff my face full of free Red Robins burger and cheesecake though I remembered I had to share my tutorial for Dream A Little Bigger with you guys.\n\nIsn't this a bummer? Your washing machine eats one of your best shirts and now it has a giant hole in it?", null, "Fear not good crafters! I have the solution!", null, "Make and embroider your own speech bubble patch for your holey shirts! Get the full tutorial here!\nI am off to go celebrate being alive for 21 years, I honestly didn't think I'd make it this far. Not in a negative way or anything, just as a kid I remember not being able to imagine far past 18. Jeeze, I'm getting old. Anyway I'm rambling, bye!\n\nPosted by RaChil Luke at 7:00 AM 2 comments: Links to this post", "Labels: Contributor, DIY, Style\n\nThursday, November 13, 2014\n\nVenture Visits #1: Carly and Silkworm from Zauberbear\n\nI am happy to finally debut the first part in this long awaited series, Venture Visits! Venture went off to visit a good blogger friend of mine, Carly and her pet magical bear Silkworm (from the infamous site, Zauberbear) Venture had  a bumpy start getting his adventures started (due to a caffeine-lacking me and strange postal computers.) I finally got him on his way about August 21st. I wanted to build up a few posts so that I would have guaranteed content for this segment, every month for a few months.So every post you see is going to be from the past.", null, "I'm about to turn things over to Carly, but I wanted to remind you guys that Venture is always on the look out for hosts, so just check out this post for info and if you're interested email me at cwaftycreations(at)gmail(dot)com or comment below.", "Labels: Guest Post, Venture\n\nCurrently Obsessed: Harley Quinn\n\nSo, this is probably going to be the subtitle of many Talk About It Tuesdays: Currently Obsessed. I am a fangirl, I just can't help it. I have great love for many different things and most of them are geeky. Right now I'm currently obsessed with Harley Quinn.", null, "This isn't really a new obsession, since I mostly cycle though my obsessions. Being really into something for a bit until I move on to something else, repeat with X number of awesome things.\nIf you want to read about my mad love for the clown queen of crime, click below!", "Labels: Comics, Talk\n\nThursday, November 6, 2014\n\nShared Roll of Film with Carly from Zauberbear\n\nIf you didn't already know, I have a passion for film photography. It was incubated in a class I took during my first year of college, Black and White Photography 1. It was a magical experience of having 3 hours every Tuesday and Thursday to listen to music and create photos in the dark room. I wish I could go back, I might even this upcoming semester if it could miraculously fit into my schedule.", null, "Since there isn't a local darkroom and my college only allows you to use ours if you're currently paying for a photography class, my camera has sat collecting dust until my friend Carly from Zauberbear emailed me with an idea.", "Labels: Art, Photography\n\nTuesday, November 4, 2014", null, null, null], "url": "http://thecwaftyblog.blogspot.com/2014/11/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 550, "original_width": 550, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 456, "original_width": 550, "width": 455}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 550, "original_width": 550, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 550, "original_width": 550, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 387, "original_width": 550, "width": 537}, {"height": 668, "original_height": 884, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 479, "original_width": 550, "width": 434}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 550, "original_width": 550, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 438, "original_width": 550, "width": 474}], "image_hashes": ["6ef892146a7431104e15f1da259f6f40256763b5771cc67c41f57ebf427cb3fc", "94aa8070b2e1b4d969dd54f7ae4d2f603a5d37f3d4a8dd9062c08c0d96240b3f", "b6d8f13f43963926c9b055ba89b5be52f0b349b1fbf04fec46766267f8a8966b", "73dc29649d30f27b3c54a688a29751b700b43ea48a954e192730bda0ca9f6e45", "600c34b288111a27e8ddeda95e85172785b4802ae8b3057a20a7bc0f09b52476", "1b9fd9f071fc0a730d8a2c283555d66b4bb2df89364769d17579014a44bfa775", "58bc76a2aeaf330f3825b5600b23abfdbfb59b71a904ed0a5ff7295e986e8fb7", "0d77474d83a6ced52c003c5d08786851841d54e497b3efdb56ca6bb23d325363", "ce3ffc68dc11d8f8cc6d89d7ccfbcc4a638a8b97608db6fe29e517950616b079"], "__index_level_0__": 256, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wkMSc5DjQ18/RmBkgpmkdvI/AAAAAAAAAzs/rQBL2a_LRvY/s320/oncesat.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wkMSc5DjQ18/RmBkrpmkdwI/AAAAAAAAAz0/vRwpSe32bfM/s320/fitzcarraldo1995.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_wkMSc5DjQ18/RmBk1ZmkdxI/AAAAAAAAAz8/ud5TFxZpc7k/s320/once_4.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9733586311340332}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theeveningclass.blogspot.com/2007/06/once-sf360-interview-with-john-carney.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wkMSc5DjQ18/RmBkgpmkdvI/AAAAAAAAAzs/rQBL2a_LRvY/s320/oncesat.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wkMSc5DjQ18/RmBkgpmkdvI/AAAAAAAAAzs/rQBL2a_LRvY/s320/oncesat.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"oncesat\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theeveningclass.blogspot.com/2007/06/once-sf360-interview-with-john-carney.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wkMSc5DjQ18/RmBkrpmkdwI/AAAAAAAAAz0/vRwpSe32bfM/s320/fitzcarraldo1995.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wkMSc5DjQ18/RmBkrpmkdwI/AAAAAAAAAz0/vRwpSe32bfM/s320/fitzcarraldo1995.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fitzcarraldo\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://theeveningclass.blogspot.com/2007/06/once-sf360-interview-with-john-carney.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_wkMSc5DjQ18/RmBk1ZmkdxI/AAAAAAAAAz8/ud5TFxZpc7k/s320/once_4.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_wkMSc5DjQ18/RmBk1ZmkdxI/AAAAAAAAAz8/ud5TFxZpc7k/s320/once_4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"once\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, June 01, 2007\n\nONCE—The SF360 Interview with John Carney, Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova (and a Personal Aside)", null, "In tandem to my SF360 interview with the creative team of Once, I offer this personal aside:\n\nDuring the course of my conversation with John Carney, Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova, I mentioned to Glen that compensation for being a film writer is minor and that the true reward lies in the perks, primarily in meeting the creative agents behind any given film; in the case of Once, Glen Hansard specifically. A couple of years back recovering from a hospitalization and an emotional meltdown, I fled to Paris where—in a moment of divine prescience—I had reserved and paid for an apartment months in advance. I hid out in that apartment raging at the out-of-control forces in my so-called world, licking my wounds and listening to music. One of the albums that soothed me during that stay was Lisa Stansfield's The Moment on which her cover of \"Say It To Me Now\" spoke to me, spoke for me. Its defiant core of outrage served my state of mind and helped me heal.\n\nSo imagine my surprise when in the first few scenes of Once Hansard, the song's creator, belted out a raw angry version via his busker persona. I only knew the song from Stansfield's album so I hadn't made the connection to The Frames or Hansard. \"Of course not,\" Hansard understood, \"Who would?\" But the perk of being a film writer and talking to you about Once, I explained to him, is that I now get to sit face to face with you to thank you personally for a song that was such a lifeline during a difficult time in my life and that meant so much to me. Hansard was amazed by my connection to his song, turned to Carney and the two of them bantered about how my story confirmed for them something they had just been discussing about the powerful longevity of music and its capacity to reach people over long distances and time.", null, "Aware that \"Say It To Me Now\" has also been part of Hansard's repertoire for some time, originally recorded on The Frames' second album Fitzcarraldo in fact, I was intrigued by its surfacing in the film all these years later. I asked if he could give me the back story on the song.\n\n\"I remember writing the song at the time for my grandmother. My grandmother and my grandfather used to fight continuously. They must have been really deeply in love because they just fought and fought and fought and quite passionately argued all the time. Then my grandmother died and it was one of those strange things where my grandfather just fell apart; but yet you would say they never got on. Do you know what I mean? And yet there must have been all this love. In a way I wrote [the song] for them and, again, just the whole thing about relationships and revenge and the idea that, 'We've split up and you've gone and done the one thing that I would hope you wouldn't have done. You've stuck the knife in and now it's warped.' That's part of the revenge—'Is this what you've waited for? Your chance to even up the score?'—and that's the song. It's in some ways positive; it's like, 'Fuckin' bring it on.' I guess that's what the song says. If you have something to fuckin' say to me, say it now. That's the way I was feeling at the time. 'I can fuckin' take it. I can take the truth but I can't take all the lies.' \"", null, "Later that evening I showed up for the screening of Once at the Roxie Film Center where Carney fielded questions from the audience and Glen and Marketa sang a few songs from the film. Imagine my surprise—and delight—when Glen started out their mini-concert by dedicating \"Say It To Me Now\" to me! Confirming that it's true, then, that for film writers like myself the rewards are in the perks, as well as in the healing.\n\nCross-published at Twitch.\nPosted by Michael Guillen at 6/01/2007 11:15:00 AM", "It's all about connecting through different art mediums, so well summed up by your personal aside, making your 'personal' aside (un)ironically a universal aside.\n\nFriday, June 1, 2007 at 11:35:00 AM PDT", "Paul Martin said...\n\nSweet, very sweet. Once is screening at the Melbourne International Film Festival under the International Panorama. I'll be sure to check it out in reference to your comments.\n\nFriday, June 1, 2007 at 8:48:00 PM PDT", "tb said...\n\nMichael, I'm reading terrific book right now called \"Movie Mutations that I think you'd love, by Jonathan Rosenbaum and Adrian Martin. Kent Jones has a piece in it about the connections between music and movies and movement that speaks a lot to the way music melts time and distance between people.\n\nSaturday, June 2, 2007 at 2:43:00 PM PDT", "Maya said...\n\nThanks for the kind words, guys. It counters the bitchery over at Twitch.\n\nPaul, let me know when you post your response; I'd love to read what you have to say.\n\nTB, that book sounds great. I'll look for it.\n\nMonday, June 4, 2007 at 12:18:00 PM PDT", "No sweat, Michael. I had also heard very good things about that book and bought it some time ago on Amazon. It's waiting patiently in line on my bookshelf and will get a read sometime this decade (hopefully).\n\nWednesday, June 6, 2007 at 5:02:00 PM PDT", "Michael said...\n\nI was completely stunned by the film, and the gorgeous music that was so essential to it. I was also only familiar with 'Say It To Me Now' as an extremely beautiful Lisa Stansfield number..that girl can belt it like virtually no other.. , but this version just BLEW the top off the roof. I'm in love with this film.\n\nSunday, September 2, 2007 at 9:51:00 AM PDT", "Michael, thanks for hailing in from Austin. I concur. I love the film and love the music. Finally when out and bought the soundtrack even though most of the cuts are available on the website.\n\nGlen's version of \"Say It To Me Now\" is much much angrier than Lisa's, eh? I love them both. But I'll always have an affection for Glen's version now since he dedicated it to me in his mini-concert."], "url": "http://theeveningclass.blogspot.com/2007/06/once-sf360-interview-with-john-carney.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 447, "original_height": 237, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 190, "original_width": 190, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 188, "original_width": 320, "width": 643}], "image_hashes": ["e00b7793f9b8b77ae4f3cc9e9860c40de390473ebd44905c7b1a63e77dd25f5c", "73d93a23449473f67076605aa014bff505743b19181ca10ba432ab691160ab34", "812d0c876438f88ecc9ad322a8adf2d60cc4aedad2b11de303bc3284a07a9fc7"], "__index_level_0__": 257, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2_rFCFpAbYM/T8QVXXAcArI/AAAAAAAAJko/eHir69nARps/s320/DSCN8184_edited-1.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-24VPAepvkB4/T8QVvWLzZYI/AAAAAAAAJkw/8XprzUfezII/s320/DSCN8183_edited-1.jpg", 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hasn't stopped!\nI mean the other ones are growing too, just not as fast:", null, "Most of them are still on the small side, though I can see some growth.\nSort of.\nI can even see some of the Saguaro getting bigger:", null, "I think.\nI mean I think they're getting bigger.\nThe carnegiea gigantea must be like the slowest growing cactus ever and if I live to be a hundred, they might finally stick up out of the pot.\nOkay, I'm exaggerating.\nMaybe in like five years.\nI also got this blue cactus that's doing well:", null, "When I bought these guys they were only like four inches tall or so.\nThe star though, is my cross bred Hawaiian cactus.\nI took some koa wood, and of course a cactus, and grafted them together to make this:", null, "That's right pokey things fans!\nCanoe Paddle Cactus!\nOkay, not really.\nThat's my opuntia!\nIt's finally getting getting flat!\nSomething is also munching on it as you can see so I moved the pot into a vase so crawly things can't well, crawl up on it.\nI'm so stoked!\nI swear it was looking like string bean cactus then a couple of months ago that flat part started to well, get flat.\nI'm not sure exactly what kind of opuntia it is so for now it's Hawaiian Canoe Paddle opuntia, but I hope it's the kind of opuntia that gives edible fruit.\nThen I'll be a cactus eating sonofagun lemme tell you!\nThe Cactus Army grows.\nWorld domination looms.\nYou just have to be patient.", "Labels: flatness of opuntianess, slowness of Saguaroness", "Steve A said...\n\nSo, when you gonna move to Arizona and plant these guys?\n\nMay 28, 2012 at 2:47 PM", "Chandra said...\n\nI like the Canoe Paddle cactus. I am tempted to call it the \"sucker\" cactus, you know, like a sucker/lollipop thingy?...\n\nLooks like you have a knack for cacti, Limom! Looks great!\n\nPaz :)\n\nMay 28, 2012 at 6:19 PM", "John Romeo Alpha said...\n\nSedona bed and breakfast. Next time.\n\nMay 28, 2012 at 7:10 PM", "limom said...\n\nSteve A, I'm growing a piece of Arizona right here.\n\nChandra, thanks!\n\nJRA, on my list.\nYou know, for the magic rocks."], "url": "http://theflattire.blogspot.com/2012/05/monday-cactus-update.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 570, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 212, "width": 378}, {"height": 547, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 221, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 292, "original_width": 320, "width": 414}, {"height": 557, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 217, "width": 378}, {"height": 430, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 281, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ceaba2bd548cb70b32c083b3a18fac407c2503021fc7a4a7f88873d5807a3dbf", "d13bd64975cdb0e5df44ecfacb829b3a6db4bb39a1ad04699d70c60ad6993cf1", "878c3668e1e5d6e06a412fe0a1780e8f97cf4c9dde1b3ed1f7dc42acd563257c", "c36d45a545e23192e1c0223b8a0d81b74b0db316970e70fd66b73a9ee937aaae", "bf4b4a3087353ec023e062c633442772163b810007ba125558048c5e10a800cf"], "__index_level_0__": 258, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_nDsabwHYejI/RlltqosBRpI/AAAAAAAAACw/MDzmzFptdOs/s320/Xathome315494.jpg", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nDsabwHYejI/RlBMxIsBRnI/AAAAAAAAACg/wVve8TtPJBk/s320/soundstruestore_1948_15268598.jpg", null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_nDsabwHYejI/RjtgvX__7QI/AAAAAAAAACI/YDxw-4q9TUo/s320/cousins.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9642554521560668}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thegoldblog.blogspot.com/2007_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_nDsabwHYejI/RlltqosBRpI/AAAAAAAAACw/MDzmzFptdOs/s320/Xathome315494.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_nDsabwHYejI/RlltqosBRpI/AAAAAAAAACw/MDzmzFptdOs/s320/Xathome315494.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Xathome\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thegoldblog.blogspot.com/2007_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nDsabwHYejI/RlBMxIsBRnI/AAAAAAAAACg/wVve8TtPJBk/s320/soundstruestore_1948_15268598.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nDsabwHYejI/RlBMxIsBRnI/AAAAAAAAACg/wVve8TtPJBk/s320/soundstruestore_1948_15268598.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"soundstruestore\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thegoldblog.blogspot.com/2007_05_01_archive.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_nDsabwHYejI/RjtgvX__7QI/AAAAAAAAACI/YDxw-4q9TUo/s320/cousins.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_nDsabwHYejI/RjtgvX__7QI/AAAAAAAAACI/YDxw-4q9TUo/s320/cousins.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cousins\"}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I was talking to a mate the other day about how despite all this InterNerd downloading hoo-haa apparently destroying the pope-musique industry, that I've still been buying heaps of music these days, albeit they are all remastered RE-ISSUES..My mate went on about how 'yeah that's because you're getting older and you know there's not much better ahead, so you listen to old shit to remind you of the 'good ole' days' or something.' I told him that's a piece of bullshit, I like 'contemporary' or 'new' bands like the Drones (OK, so they're quickly turning into the new fucking Paul Kelly band or something, but they had their moments as few years back) and James McCann's Dirty Skirt Band and the Eddy Current Suppression Rings and the Hate Rock Trio amongst a handful. Am I'm always checking out young bands to see if they're any good or trying anything different and fucked up. But they reality is the young bands are fucken shit that must be killed. None make music in their own image, they all have an image before they have a sound, and despite the fact that most of the young bands are really fucking adept at playing their instruments, none can actually 'play' and if they do, they sound exactly like the Kinks or Ac/DC or some other fucking shit. I then forced this friend to watch our hip video-clip show on the Telly – RAGE – and all these bands have video clips that are more expensive than the last 5 Werner Herzog movies, they all have that fucking real-drummer-playing-disco-beat sound with a singer that sounds like fucken the guy from fucken Spandau Ballet, and the 'indie' bands are basically just trying to get their stuff endorsed as product by the next season of 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy', and/or sound like B-grade Matador Records bands from the last I dunno 15 years. So I beat my mate in this particular argument, and basically told him that the cool thing about re-mastered re-issues is they sound better and are good value for money in today's expensive I-borrow-more-than-I-can-afford times...SO I start with my favourite re-issue of the minute...", null, "X – At Home With You...Another totally fine and 'value for money' re-issue by OZ-rock re-issue kings AZTEC MUSIC...X – the AUSSIE ONE – in their day were something like the Australian version of Motorhead...They weren't quite punk (just like Motorhead weren't quite 'metal'), were always on the verge of being 'the next big thing', had a strong live following, and were probably the heaviest band of their time (and place)...I was lucky to see X in the middish 80s sorta twice. The first time I walked into the Seaview Ballroom and X had just finished. There were squashed beer cans, vomit and a well known (and dead)skatepunk junkie on the floor. The second time I saw them was at Melbourne University. X headlined a gig that featured Ed Kuepper, Venom P Stinger, and Nick Cave doing spoken word. Everyone had gone home by the time X took the stage. Ian Rilen kept fucking up all the songs. Cathy Green was in a shit mood. They played maybe 30 seconds of a song properly, but when the it, it all seemed to make sense..In those days Australia had a triumvirate of 'grunge' 3-piece bands well before hippie-rednecks from Seattle made it cool. There was the always rumoured killer 3-some gig featuring the Cosmic Psychos, Feedtime and X to be held at the Prince of Wales in St.Kilda, unfortunately it never happened.....Anyway their 'masterpiece' 'At home with you' has been released in a lurvely digipack with extensive liner notes and a great 'live' bonus CD...The quality here isn't much better than the album, though the songs have aged quite well, expect for throwaways like 'you say that you love me'..Everyone keeps trying to pin what 'X' sounded like. Sure they're as punk as you wanna be, they rock n' roll like the best of them, and they even have that pub-rock slobber with the horns and whatnot. Rilen's bass rolls like an alcoholic porno-star, Cathy Green remains truly under-rated as one of the HEAVIEST DUTY female drummer of all-time, and Steve Lucas had a great voice and primal scratch guitar style with classy chops. Put it all together and Aussie X's 'extremeness' made them one hellava great no-wave-boogie band.\n\nThe bonus CD was recorded live at the Prince of Wales Hotel, which in it's day was like Australia's version of Max's Kansas City, a place where junkies, fags, alcoholics, transsexuals, recently freed criminals and rock fans could see live music in a suitable decadent and free-think environment that just DOESN'T exist today, despite the great grunge-indie-liberal revolution of the 90s or whatever... The recording initially sounds flat as it was taken off a mixing desk, but once 'Degenerate Boy' kicks in, you'd check yr ears that it was done of the desk, as the remastered job has somehow transcended the general dullness of desk-recorded jobs. Absolutely killer is 'T.V Glue'. Lucas plays a truly transcendent sonic drone chord, loaded with overtones that has to be heard to be believed...\n\n..and speaking of drones and overtones, some old-cunt called LOU REED has released a new album on some indie new-age/meditation label, designed for people to meditate to! Now what LOU has basically done is make a HARDCORE meditation record that will undoubtedly freak-out the Prozac-addicted yuppies that buy this shit. Titled HUDSON RIVER WIND MEDITATIONS, First track 'Move your heart' pulses like those alien-pods out of Luigi Cozzi's CONTAMINATION for about half an hour, while the second drone 'find your note' is basically an update of all that LaMonte Young/Tony Conrad/early Cluster drone. 'Hudson River Wind' sounds like an out-take from the ERASERHEAD soundtrack and closer 'Wind Coda' is just a lazy mish-mash of track 1 and 3 but for only 5 minutes. HUDSON RIVER WIND MEDITATIONS definitely ain't a new age record, nor is it like a true meditation record like Tony Scott's 'music for zen meditation', but it'll definitely work for people who read THE WIRE or the Forced Exposure catalogue, and that ain't no mean feat for an old cunt.\n\nPosted by Mr. Goldblog at 5/27/2007 09:34:00 PM No comments:", "Sunday, May 20, 2007\n\nNew Lou", null, "Meditate, don't masturbate (actually masturbating IS meditative!)\n\nYep, Uncle Lou has put out an ambient album to meditiate to called 'Hudson River Wind Meditations'...Basically electronic ambient music comprised of drones and the like, nothing really new for Lou since he's been doing that shit since Year Zero, but it's pretty nifty for nervous wrecks like myself. You can only buy this from some 'new age' health joint.\n\nOtherwise, you can always chill out to the last Ryhthm & Sound album, or Eno's 'Music for Airports'.\n\nPosted by Mr. Goldblog at 5/20/2007 11:23:00 PM No comments:", "Ar'll be bark\n\nDRECK MIT LEIBER is a Yiddish saying that literally means 'shit with liver', and probably the perfect word that describes the way-over-the-top sadistically violent 'shoot-a-gook' fest that is the trailer of the world's most famous steroid abuser's latest Rambo vehicle. why couldn't the pussy go out and splatter a few Islamofascists instead of some harmless horries? Anyway my life has been a busy mess, hence no verbal spewage and gulchural vomit, but I have the following lined up for Bloggage:\n\nPosted by Mr. Goldblog at 5/20/2007 09:12:00 PM No comments:", "Saturday, May 05, 2007\n\nI'm sorry for nothing", null, "In one of the most outrageously nutzoid examples of Conservative pressure, Australia's second best Aussie-rules football player, Ben Cousions of the West Coast Eagles, made a pre-recorded 'apology' to his fans, club and most importantly Corporate sponsors for his recent apparent drug problems. In recent times, Cousins has been known to hang out with drug dealers, and besides being a fan of the socially acceptable 'piss' (alcohol), he apparently is a coke head and in recent times an Ice head. Kinda funny considering the fact this guy earns well over a million bucks a year, is probably the most famous person in Western Australia, and he smokes the cheapest and nastiest loser drug ICE! But enough of that. His pre-recorded 'apology' after his much falooted Malibu rehab session would have made Osama Bin Laden proud. Basically Cousins's didn't give a shit because this media joke is a pure example of 'conservative' or neo-Con pressure on this guy to 'get in line'..It seems kinda obvious Cousins was sent to a drug clinic, where the experts there found him to be a recreational user, not an 'addict' as all these clueless conservatives media 'experts' and sport commentators have painted him. Why don't we take on these bozo ALCOHOLICS in the conservative media at their own game? Just coz it's legal, don't mean it's any better, let alone 'moral'. Sure Cousines is a TERRIBLE role model for kids, but everyone likes an outlaw, especially in sports where these days they're all bloody robots. Imagine how I feel, my team Carlton, used to be like say the Dallas Cowboys, and now we're probably as good football players as the guys in Debbie Does Dallas or something!\n\nANYWAY I just saw the 'hot' new Aussie 'punque' banmd the EDDY CURRENT SUPPRESSION RING. Yeah I like their songs and will buy their album. Their live show was slick, and their rhythm section was tight and pro as the West Coast Eagles midfield that that Cousins guy plays in. This bloke, who is the Molly Meldrum of the indie-internerd-underground has been hyping them as the new messiah of the week. Sure they sound like Wire meets the Modern Lovers meets the Fall with the lead singer on the Victims out front, but part of their popularity is becuase they really sound like the Storkes, I mean Strokes or the Kings of Leon. Good luck to 'em. good night."], "url": "http://thegoldblog.blogspot.com/2007_05_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 284, "original_width": 320, "width": 425}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 219, "original_width": 320, "width": 552}], "image_hashes": ["237bf51e1bb27fb1092de2b30bbb37c1c21c184e6c112061e1ba6b6666c196aa", "785435c1371fe7a3259c4e3cf9633549d9920e77af99318ae7d0fedc98b95c5f", "1984b2b0118881a76565e5cab5cd15964692d611fb57906950c8a502fbee9589"], "__index_level_0__": 259, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-T5cpAjHvrv8/Thv0NQaA7HI/AAAAAAAABQQ/wgJkVWwTIKM/s400/DSC_1012.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SeGFh7tbiWU/Thv0din0b6I/AAAAAAAABQU/SnCLV0B0EHM/s400/DSC_1014.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VsNVvQjIMa8/Thv059NzrcI/AAAAAAAABQY/mIE3J0nL4UU/s400/DSC_1017.jpg", null, 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The clients live in Queensland, but all their family is in Melbourne. Wanting to have a party but not burden the family with all the plans, Mary engaged us to help pull it together.\n\nWorking with Mary we organised; spit roast catering, hire of equipment, the fabulously huge dessert station, beautiful kids table and even a Jungle Explorer, who made balloon animals with the kids and did face-painting for everyone. Her family all pitched in and sourced a marquee, chairs and a gorgeous cake.\n\nOn the day, Mary and her family were able to enjoy catching up with family and friends - and showing off their little monkey - perfect!\n\nAs usual I have taken way too many photos (please excuse the quality of them - the inside of the marquee was very dark!). Tonight we will share the kids table and tomorrow, the dessert table. Come safari with us....", null, "On the kids table, we had orange table cloths, brown runners and a green grass centre runner.", null, "The jungle plants were accessorised with little green, orange and yellow tissue paper pom poms, with stripy straw sticks.", null, "Place settings were in yellow and each child had a set of wooden cutlery. These will soon be available in our store.", null, null, "Jungle gift bags for each child to fill up with lollies", null, null, null, "These jungle plants took up residence on the presents table\nYou may notice some of the designs and products are from our Jungle Safari theme in our store... these are all available for purchase here.\nTomorrow night we promise to share the dessert station!", "Posted by Unknown at 7:00 PM", "Labels: Inspired Parties, jungle, safari\n\nWe love to read your comments!", "We were thrilled to have been featured on...."], "url": "http://theinspiredoccasion.blogspot.com/2011/07/going-on-jungle-safari.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}, {"height": 568, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 266, "width": 378}, {"height": 568, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 266, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}, {"height": 568, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 266, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}, {"height": 568, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 266, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["bcb8081e51600e0dbde4bef13581d678ad8a1712b17171072e9a3d48c6b23be5", "3e89609cdd7779b381cd6cff9bdd87924828d3bba05918540acb4717a4ff9722", "90c1a3095eeadedbca98bd40d8d8ed0f5f1f3d843440e85188e5abf818a983ce", "73e052ee2ad82777aa5297fefc4500719bbcbfd74eec14cb75d24cf9584de147", "51c834d5ac2d016819ea613f410ecd6192333043a6f86b01d2a3248a886206b4", "dbc586c392298c4c85f5338dcf292b7c38ddc857d8f77571adae8bcca15aa707", "ccea0ee705ef12b55c0e8f546d384a801652c7649df1621d4b3fb9a6e8b4fa96", "05354cc628b01e94a571c3fab03adcf3ea5c3d1f0506d0e3a6a73440d5a54bdc"], "__index_level_0__": 260, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8fXsaAaiY3I/S5aI2pTM0sI/AAAAAAAACVI/npeZathMO7U/s320/Cooley.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.934525728225708}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thejailreport.blogspot.com/2010/03/drunken-joyride-on-stolen-bike.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/_8fXsaAaiY3I/SorZ0NNoi_I/AAAAAAAABPs/3AKn9w0p--g/S220-s80/URL.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_8fXsaAaiY3I/SorZ0NNoi_I/AAAAAAAABPs/3AKn9w0p--g/S220-s80/URL.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"URL\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thejailreport.blogspot.com/2010/03/drunken-joyride-on-stolen-bike.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8fXsaAaiY3I/S5aI2pTM0sI/AAAAAAAACVI/npeZathMO7U/s320/Cooley.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_8fXsaAaiY3I/S5aI2pTM0sI/AAAAAAAACVI/npeZathMO7U/s320/Cooley.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Cooley\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "The Augusta Chronicle is reporting this morning about a teen arrested for taking a drunken joyride down East Martintown Road in North Augusta on a stolen bicycle.\n\nWe have the teen's mugshot (above).\n\nMatthew Ray Cooley, 19, of Augusta, was charged this morning with shoplifting, disorderly conduct public drunk, giving false information to police and two counts of possession of a controlled substance.\n\nThe arrest was made by the North Augusta Department of Public Safety after an officer saw the teen riding the bike in the middle of the road and swerving about 2 a.m. today. The suspect had allegedly stolen the bicycle from Walmart, according to The Chronicle's story."], "url": "http://thejailreport.blogspot.com/2010/03/drunken-joyride-on-stolen-bike.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["9dc4a15d0f1c2551157a5de9b105bd9b1900f502d34e5a51db9f85880dbf61e9"], "__index_level_0__": 261, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-VftDcBMeOfg/TFQHwzywEZI/AAAAAAAAATU/OGEqaYU3hhQ/Thelemic%252520Schools.jpg", null, "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-GMxyzESLPyI/TFQHuNNbKbI/AAAAAAAAATA/MmmHnb3by3Q/The%252520Thelema%252520Religion%252520Comes%252520Of%252520Age.jpg", null, "https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-v-cCwDSKLYc/TNwZzBct4OI/AAAAAAAABp0/8XUzuwISAe0/Crowley%252520Literary%252520Overview.png", null, null, null, null, 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A more engaging article is in the works and should be posted over the next week and a half. Before that article goes into my future post queue, I wanted to discuss a few minor things that I have been noticing on the blog scene, as well as talk a little bit about some topics that I am currently thinking about.\n\nI can say that both approaches are satisfactorily documented, making this book a lot more valuable than it might be if one approach was chosen over the other. Scott is an excellent writer and has made this book quite accessible to the average occultist, so it shouldn't be difficult for anyone who seeks to master this system of magick to be able to do so. As a friend and magickal associate, Scott is one of those remarkable men that I have had the honor to know and talk with from time to time. So I am recommending that if you have any interest in Enochian magick, this book is an important addition to your library of magickal books. Also, you can find his book on Amazon here, and his blog, here.\n\nNot very many magicians have worked with the Heptarchia Mystica, those mysterious 49 spirits who are also called the Bonarum, or \"Good Spirits.\" These entities are divided into three groups, which include seven kings, seven princes and thirty-five ministers. The seven kings are used to produce a high level type of magick (visions, knowledge and illumination), and the seven princes are used for more practical or earth-based endeavors. The groups of seven kings and seven princes each have a controlling or ruling spirit (Carmara and Hagonel), which brings the number to eight spirits in each group. The rest of the 35 spirits are supernumerary ministers who are invoked through the hierarchy of king and prince. Like most forms of planetary magick, the magician must use both the planetary ruler of the day and the hour to \"tune\" the working to the specific planet. Scott has been careful to ensure that the use of these spirits are in agreement with the text found in the diaries and writings of John Dee, thus establishing the boundaries of what would be considered the accepted Enochian tradition of magick.\n\nI have also worked extensively with the Heptarchia Mystica, but unlike Scott, I approached this system in a manner that completely ignored what Dee wrote and established in his diaries. To me, a matrix of 49 spirits would obviously represent a symbolic table consisting of a base planet that is qualified by a second planet. In other words, I saw these spirits as a kind of binary planetary intelligence. Even their names begin with a \"B\" - representing to me that each spirit is a \"Beta\" or binary entity. Invoking one of these spirits would produce a complex whose basic meaning and value would oscillate between the qualities of the two planets; where the base planet would anchor the focus and the qualifier would add an additional dimension or even a conflicting polarity.\n\nHaving two planets banging against each other might seem strange or even counter productive, but such a mechanism can be found if one examines the dynamics of astrological planetary aspects in a natal, progressed or transit chart. The planets are in an angular aspect to each other, producing good and negative combinations in a natal chart, and this represents the dynamic planetary nature of a human psyche according to astrology. Using the spirits of the Heptarchia Mystica in this fashion will emulate the astrological dynamic interaction of two planets, which would unleash the power of that dynamic in the personality of the magician and all who are exposed to it. This produces a kind of magick that is not particularly useful for making probability changes in the physical world, but is truly amazing in the kind of powerful magickal internal effect that it manifests in the psyche of the magician. Thus, from the standpoint of the kind of magick that the 49 Bonarum would produce using my model, this type of magick would be purely theurgic. In other words, it would represent a process that I have referred to as a magickal \"ordeal.\"\n\nJust so you understand what I am saying when I talk about engaging in ordeals as part of my magickal regimen, I am not discussing how difficult or intense the working is when performed. What I am referring to is a theurgic process that is analogous to the transformative initiatory cycle (which I have previously discussed), so that would mean that an ordeal is a kind of mini-initiation which advances the mind and spirit of the practitioner through an ultimate process of ascension. When I performed a series of seven invocations of these Bonarum, I did them every weekend for seven weeks, and ended the process through invoking the ruling spirit Carmara, therefore pulling the whole construct together into union with a ritual that I called the Septagramic Vortex Gate. The combination of all these invocations, performed in a tight and contiguous period of time, produced within my mind a profoundly illuminating process, which I have called an ordeal. It was also like going through a few years of psycho-therapy in just under two months.\n\nEach of the distinct invocations of one of the seven Bonarum spirits produced a correspondingly powerful psychic effect. Some of them amplified internal psychic issues and complexes within me, producing disturbing and intensely difficult mental processes. Others exalted what could be considered my internal psychic virtues. Each spirit communicated directly with me, and gave me an important piece of my overall spiritual and magickal puzzle. I have written up each of these experiences and have analyzed them over the years. I can say that they greatly helped to advance my knowledge of magick and to evolve me as a person. Since I subscribe to the belief that magick should have an overall transformative effect on the practitioner, ascribing the Heptarchia Mystica to this kind of role makes sense to me. By opening the magician to the dynamics of his or her own internal psychic processes, the element of undergoing a kind of personal mystery seems to justify how I ended up developing this system of magick.\n\nLooking over Scott's book, I am fairly certain that what I have done with the Heptarchia Mystica is completely unwarranted and unsupported by the traditional Enochian lore as set down by Dee. Yet this is how I approached this obscure system of magick, and I had the assistance and advise of spirits that Dee himself had invoked and encountered many centuries ago. If those spirits sent me in a completely different direction than Dee himself went with these spirits, then I can only say that it is likely just one of many different resolutions that are available to a magician who is practicing magick in an inventive and creative manner. What that means is that there isn't one correct or right way to work magick, which makes the practice of magick more like an art than a science.\n\nMorgan Drake Eckstein has been furiously writing up some interesting blog articles as of late. For those who are interested in the ongoing discussion between traditionalists, reconstructionists and revisionists in the Golden Dawn blogsphere, you can find his blog postings here. One thing that Morgan has recently discussed involves how to have a constructive discussion within the intra-Golden Dawn community instead of a flame war. He seems to be concerned that his comments and statements of belief will be misconstrued as a flame war by the other side of the Golden Dawn divide, namely the traditionalists headed by David Griffin of HOGD. Another point that he has discussed is the synthetic nature of the original Golden Dawn as shown in the contents of the Cipher Manuscripts, and that Mathers lost his connection to the Third Order due to his illicit mixing of various systems in the second order workings, and having that issue revealed by Aleister Crowley in the Equinox. This has brought up the issue of mixing unlike systems together, and whether or not you have to be a \"master\" in order to rightly perform this task.\n\nFirst off, a flame war, in my opinion is where someone deliberately engages in defaming another individual or organization. Discussing differences of opinion is one thing, which if unresolvable, becomes nothing more than two people or parties agreeing to not agree. That isn't a flame war. However, to declare that important beliefs and foundational ideals of a person or group are actually fraudulent, is, in my definition of the term, a form of flame war, especially if it isn't true.\n\nYou can agree or disagree that secret chiefs and a third order is relevant to your particular Golden Dawn organization, but to say that anyone who says that they have contact with such individuals or organization is a liar amounts to defaming their entire organization. This seems to be crux of the ongoing argument between certain Golden Dawn reconstructionists, who say that the secret chiefs never really existed, or that the founding of the Golden Dawn was fraudulent, or that Mathers was a liar, pervert or somehow demented, and the traditionalists, who truly believe in the secret chiefs, the third order and that the Golden Dawn was founded by individuals who were trustworthy and sound. This doesn't mean that the founders of the Golden Dawn were perfect, but it does represent the fact that in order to accept the Golden Dawn teachings, you have to accept many of the inherent beliefs.\n\nTo attack the foundation is to destroy the organization, so why some reconstructionists feel it necessary to completely defame the Golden Dawn is beyond my understanding. I find that I don't agree with anyone who seeks to destroy the foundation on which the Golden Dawn was based, so I have been in a natural harmonious agreement with those who revere the Golden Dawn and believe in its tenets.\n\nIn my opinion to push these various toxic talking points is to promote a flame war, since all it does is anger folks (some of whom are not even in the GD Order) and create extreme polarization within the community. However, to disagree and state one's opinion, but to respect that others might hold a different or opposite belief (even passionately), is the basis of a constructive dialogue - one that I feel would be beneficial to the GD community. Name calling and defamation are not part of a dispassionate and constructive discourse. I hope that this simple contrast makes that difference quite clear.\n\nAlso, I suspect that the real reason that the third order cut its ties with Mathers had a lot more to do with his emerging instability, stubbornness and his poor choices in who to trust, such as the Horos scandal, the London lodge rebellion and the subsequent order schism, which occurred in 1900. Crowley didn't publish the second order material in the Equinox (Liber O) until 1909, which was nearly a decade after all of these events had already occurred. So I truly doubt that the breaking of the relationship between Mathers and the secret chiefs was due to any inappropriate syncretism, despite what David Griffin has reported. When that severing of relationships occurred is anyone's guess, but the early 1890's were times of remarkable growth and expansion in the GD community.\n\nThis brings me to the issue of syncretism and the fusion of incompatible lore. There are two schools of thought on this issue, and one is that whatever works is OK. Then there is another opinion that seeks to apply a certain amount of esthetics to the development and practice of magick and the occult. I think that a beginner or a careless dilettante doesn't concern themselves about the esthetics of their rituals or even the congruency of their beliefs. Yet those who have had years of experience will discover by trial and error, and later, through a refined sensibility, what combination produces an elegant resolution and what combination produces occult garbage. Esthetics are, of course, subjective, but I think that one rule of thumb is to establish boundaries between different cultures, systems and methodologies that could produce disharmonious combinations or unworkable structures when mindlessly joined together.\n\nSimplicity, consistency, orderliness and a certain intrinsic and intuitive harmonious blending of elements makes for an esthetically derived ritual or ceremony. To produce a manual on how one would do this could result in quite a large volume of writing, and its usefulness and relevancy would be hotly debated. I think that this is not a particularly useful topic, so I think that the prime rule is functionality.\n\nIf the early Golden Dawn seems to be highly syncretistic, then I think that state is analogous to most systems of occultism, both ancient and modern. As a witch, revisionist and ritual developer, I have no problems with experimentation and attempting to combine various systems together to discover new possibilities. By doing this I have, in my time, produced some unworkable junk, but also some truly astonishingly elegant systems and techniques - knowing the difference requires judgement, experience and making lots of mistakes.\n\nFrater Barrabbas\n\nKeywords: magick love spell  lost love spell  satanism black magic  love spell free  thoth tarot  christian mythology  magic spells real  mini voodoo dolls  love spell free\n\nPosted by magic at 5:29 PM\n\nReview The Weiser Concise Guide To Yoga For Magick", "\"I was in Chapters in Dublin recently and on passing the yoga section a picture popped at me immediately. It was Charles Stansfield Jones, AKA Frater Achad in the dragon asana (detailed in Crowleys Liber E vel Excitorum). As it was on sale I bought a copy!My overall impression of the book is positive. It is well written and edited and maintains a good flow. It has a good balance between theoretical material and practical suggestions. It is written by someone who has a background in both yoga and magick. This is in many ways a very thelemic book in that the instructions are mainly derived from Crowley texts (especially liber E). References to several other thelemic texts are made throughout. If one reviews the content, it is in many ways a recapitulation of Crowleys BOOK 4:\n\nPART 1\" and \"EIGHT LECTURES ON YOGA\" but streamlined down to a minimum of theory and some practical suggestions. Most of the suggestions for practice are derived from \"LIBER E VEL EXCITORUM\" (also by Crowley), though reference is also made to\" LIBER III VEL JUGORUM, LIBER RESH VEL HELIOS\", and a rather fleeting reference to \"LIBER ASTARTE VEL BERYLLI\", which I personally found quite disappointing as this (along with the applied examples of \"LIBER NU\" and \"LIBER HAD\") is THE thelemic reference for batkhi yoga.\n\nIn giving a history of yoga a severe over emphasis was placed on Aleister Crowley whilst ignoring other magickal luminaries like Dion Forune, whose book \"THE CIRCUIT OF FORC\"e deals with decidedly with the occult anatomy of yoga); Franz Bardon, whose \"INITIATION INTO THE HERMETICS\" is the first integrated system of Western yoga; and no mention is made of the work of John Woodruffe, AKA Arthur Avalon in the impulses of yoga in the West.\n\nIt was also initially confusing as to what branch of yoga was being explored as the initial introduction made a big hullabaloo about the advantages of hatha yoga, yet the rest of the book deals almost exclusively with Raja yoga. Of quite some use is the chapter on the chakras and the nadis, which does not appear in any of the Crowley works mentioned above. It is concise yet informative.Overall this book is a synopsis of several texts by Aleister Crowley on yoga and practical instruction. It has limited added material for a well read Thelemite and in most cases Crowley covers the ground more deeply. Still in all of this I am not criticising this book at its core because it does exactly what it says on the tin.\n\nIt is a concise guide to yoga for (Thelemic) magick. It does not fulfil my wildest wet dreams for a book on yoga and magick, but it is suitable and accessible for someone approaching this subject for the first time, and the synthesis of multiple texts and the editing down to the bare essentials makes it a better starting point than Crowley for the budding Thelemite. If I'm asked for a text by a Cath initiate (newbie), I will probably be referring them to this book. And for my Irish readers, though I would first like to point out I am not an employee of Chapters, copies are still available at only EUR5.99!\n\nKeywords: black magic book  necronomicon tarot deck  astral travel courses  astral travel to other planets  new spirituality  black magic book  instant astral projection  how to do astral travel  free guided meditations  benefits of lucid dreaming\n\nPosted by magic at 2:50 AM\n\nThelema Office Of The Readings", null, "This article links to all of the components of the Office of the Readings for the Thelemic High Holy Days, March 20th through April 10th. It will serve as a general reference for anyone who would like to perform this series of rituals in upcoming years. \"The Rite of the Office of the Readings\" is performed for all of the readings following \"The Invocation of Horus\" on March 20th. It may also be used with \"The Prologue of the Unborn\" on March 19th at your own discretion. We've done it both ways over the years.\n\n\"The Invocation of Horus\"\n\n\"The Rite of the Office of the Readings\"\n\nMarch 19th - \"The Prologue of the Unborn\"\n\nMarch 20th - Saturn/Earth, The Universe\n\nMarch 21st - Fire/Spirit, The Aeon\n\nMarch 22nd - Sol, The Sun\n\nMarch 23rd - Pisces, The Moon\n\nMarch 24th - Aries, The Emperor\n\nMarch 25th - Mars, The Tower\n\nMarch 26th - Capricornus, The Devil\n\nMarch 27th - Sagittarius, Art\n\nMarch 28th - Scorpio, Death\n\nMarch 29th - Water, The Hanged Man\n\nMarch 30th - Libra, Adjustment\n\nMarch 31st - Jupiter, Fortune\n\nApril 1st - Virgo, The Hermit\n\nApril 2nd - Leo, Lust\n\nApril 3rd - Cancer, The Chariot\n\nApril 4th - Gemini, The Lovers\n\nApril 5th - Taurus, The Hierophant\n\nApril 6th - Aquarius, The Star\n\nApril 7th - Venus, The Empress\n\nApril 8th - Luna, The Priestess\n\nApril 9th - Mercury, The Magus\n\nApril 10th - Air, The Fool\n\nAll Office of the Readings posts may also be viewed here.\n\nSuggested ebooks:\n\nTuesday Lobsang Rampa - The Cave Of The Ancients\nDion Fortune - The Machinery Of The Mind\nAlice Hoffman - The Book Of The Sagas\nPosted by magic at 5:19 PM Labels: blackmagic, herb, occultist, thelema, wiccan\n\nAnthropology Of Religion", null, "[An interminable debate on 'methods']\n\nHere GC (misunderstands or rather refuses to accept) the comparative technique. He desires to have each myth told in its entirety and\nanalyzed, so the reader can learn the metaphorical meanings or ethical lessons that are symbolized or defined. But this is not the way the comparative method is properly used. It's purpose is not to explain the detailed meanings of a single myth, rather it is a means of extracting an unusual detail or motif and relating it to other myths from other cultures with a similar unusual detail or motif. This process requires that many elements of a specific myth must be ignored (it is a filtering process) as local, and therefore irrelevant, embellishments. It is in essence a forensic technique.\n\n-- nick, ca Jul 22, 2010, EU blog\n\n\"In contrast, David Talbott, inspired by Immanuel Velikovsky's theory of interplanetary upheaval, developed a method for comparing the myths of far-flung cultures. His objective was to discover whether reliable\nmemories are embedded in the different stories. This method is similar to the reasoning of lawyers in a court of law, questioning witnesses who may be lying, or incompetent, or remembering incorrectly. When\nstatements from independent witnesses converge on unique details, they tend to corroborate each other, even if the witnesses are not reliable in other things they say. Similarly, according to Talbott, there are hundreds of common themes in world mythology, where different words and different symbols point to the same remembered events. The more peculiar the points of convergence, the more unreasonable it is to dismiss them.\n\nTalbott insists that a comparative\napproach can demonstrate the common roots of such mythical themes.\n\nThe comparative method can also account for numerous details that\nthe experts have missed. Most dramatic is the connection between the Scarface theme and the lightning of the gods. Talbott gives as an\nexample the god Enceladus, struck down by a thunderbolt of Zeus. The god was remembered as \"the lightning-scarred god\". Enceladus appears to be a counterpart of the monster Typhon, the \"thunderstruck\" god. Both can be identified as the terrible aspect of the celestial warrior, according to Talbott, for it was in his \"man-slaying\" rampage that Ares received his wound.\n\n-- *The Case for an Electric Universe*\nby Amy and Nel Acheson\n\nnote by Jno: I think that the 'comparative method' is reductive, and leads nowhere fast. Why look for roots, when you can as well start with a reasonable model, and seek confirmation instead of roots. As in this case: he has Typhon wrong, it has nothing to do with the \"scarfaced warrior\".\nEnceladus belongs to the second battle of the Gods, ca 3150 BC, not in the\n8th or 7th century BC. Oh well.\n\n\"Yes I desire each mythological tale to be analysed in its entirety but not just so the reader can learn metaphorical or ethical lessons. I wish the tale to be taken in its context not to be cherry-picked for a word or phrase then abandoned. That there are metaphorical, ethical and\nallegorical elements to myths is not my invention, it has been\nrecognised for thousands of years, e.g. by Plato. A further point which I made in the critique and have mentioned more than once on this forum is that every part of a given tale is information it is not padding.\nI still do not understand your (and the Saturn theorists) use of the word forensic.\n\n-- Grey cloud, same thread, answer to nick\n\n\"And the only way for anyone to discover what the original reports were is to find all of the things, i.e. motifs, that all of the ancient myths had in common, not the many details added by later generations in each nation.\n\nWhy do you ignore the many scientists who contribute to this site\nand the forum? Most of them probably haven't read Cardona's\nexpensive book, but many know the basic theme, based on some of the material here and from Thoth and other sites.\n\n-- Lloyd\n\nPoint me to the many scientists on this site and the forum who provide evidence for the science involved in either Cardona's or Talbott's\nplanetary merry-go-round.\n\n-- Grey Cloud\n\n... later, responding to Stephen Jay\n\nYou consistently maintain that the \"humanities\" cannot be examined\nvia the scientific (forensic) method but, rather, must ONLY be\nmetabolized in their larger philosophical context. Sorry, but that\nsounds suspiciously pseudo-religious to me.\n\nWhy do Saturn theorists and their supporters have to invoke the word forensic? Can a myth be recreated in a lab? The humanities are more art than science as they rely on subjective judgement. Sure, artefacts etc can be dated using scientific techniques but the Saturn theorists don't accept the dating techniques, or the ice-core records or any other science which disagrees with their theories anyway, so where does that leave 'forensic science'?\n\nWhat I actually maintain is that any mythological tale or episode should be examined in context.\n\n--Grey Cloud\n\nKeywords: learn astral projection  astral travel course  astral travel how to  astral projection travel  obe astral projection  is the necronomicon real  enochian magic dangers  god of the sea  meditation cd s\n\nPosted by magic at 7:54 PM\n\nMeditation An Alternate View On Messengers And Religion", null, "It is said in the Final Testament \"TO EVERY PEOPLE (WAS SENT) A MESSENGER \"(Quran 010:047). Now sometime we narrow down the meaning of religion and messenger. All spiritual leaders or messengers were social reformer than anything else. Their work is what we namel religion. We often forget that view point.\n\nIf one read the life of all the great messengers, inspirational teachers one can see that they didn't start to preach a religion. THEY STARTED WITH ADDRESSING SOME SOCIAL PROBLEM. THEY ALL WERE GREAT SOCIAL REFORMER ABOVE ALL OTHER IDENTITY.\n\nSo from SECULAR POINT OF VIEW, THESE GREAT TEACHERS DIDN'T STARTED ANY RELIGION. The appreciator or companions or followers of the teachers actually formed the religion. Neither Buddha, nor Moses nor Muhammad started with religion. Religion was the name of the result of their work perhaps. Perhaps the concept of God (incase of Biblical Prophets and Muhammad) or our own Life (in case Buddha) was the best motivation for them, thats why their social reformation always resulted in some religion.[+] Please visit MysticSaint.Info For full multimedia experience and enjoy special music.\n\nSir James George Frazer - The Golden Bough A Study Of Magic And Religion\nOrder Of The Golden Dawn - Meditation With The Archangel Auriel\n\nKeywords: astral travelling  astral projection for  induce astral projection  tarot decks  an astral projection  alyster crowley  astral projection dangerous  meditation website\n\nPosted by magic at 10:16 PM\n\nReligion Belief Beeswax", "Vision Ritual Candles remove the blinders we wear to keep us aware of limited aspects of the universe. Opens up the whole world to up, casting aside all illusions of a narrow mundane existence. Allowing us to see both the beauty and the mystery of the other world. Also makes transparent self deceptions and deceptions placed upon us by others, allowing us to see clearly what is in our lives and where the paths we chose are leading us.\n\nVision Ritual Candles are anointed and charged to bring spiritual vision and clarity of insight. When you light the flame, center your focus upon it.\n\nYou may choose to let the Vision Ritual Candles to burn completely at one time to release those ritually strengthened thoughts into the universe, or you may wish to light and concentrate upon the candle 3 days in a row.\n\nVision Ritual Candle Specifications:\n\nInscribed And Magickally Charged\n\nAlready Anointed\n\n100% Beeswax\n\nWilliam Alexander Craigie - Religion Of Ancient Scandinavia\nChantepie De La Saussaye - The Religion Of The Teutons\n\nKeywords: aleister crowley satanist  marseilles tarot deck  astral travel techniques  magic books  necronomicon books  astral projection can you  chakra dhyana meditation  witchcraft wicca spells  wiccan spells of love\n\nPosted by magic at 9:33 PM\n\n1 000 Points Of Light Personal Temples", "Remember - Here in the Alpha Omega:\n\n\"We Make Magicians!\"\n\nPersonal Temple in Melborne, Australia\n\nHOGD, AO, 33, 90, 96\n\nAleister Crowley", "Posted by magic at 7:10 PM\n\nAmulet Good Luck Symbols Really Do Work", null, "Other tests showed that simply wishing good luck to someone improved the volunteers manual dexterity. They used the German \"'Ich drucke meinen Dauman for Dich'\" which roughly translated means \"'I press the thumbs for you'\". It's the equivalent of the English crossing your fingers for good luck.\n\n\"Florence Scovel-Shinn\" gives an example of this:\n\nWilliam Henry Frost - Fairies And Folk Of Ireland\nAlbert Pike - The Book Of The Words\n\nKeywords: the world tarot  astral travel to other planets  aleister crowley d gray man  aleister crowley book of the law  astral travelling  candle magic rituals  astral projection how to\n\nPosted by magic at 9:18 PM\n\nMagic How To Be Wizard 5 The Book Of Shadows", "{lang: 'en-GB'}\n\nIn the previous two posts we had outlined eight of the most common tools that are used in the magickal practices. Today on \"How To Be A Wizard\", we are going to discuss a compelling topic: The Book of Shadows.\n\nIn yet another example of what makes these traditions so unique and special, the main text is not some ancient, esoteric volume of controversial origin, but rather something you yourself write! You see, The Book of Shadows is a personal tool of each practitioner. You will be creating your own Book of Shadows. It will act as a journal, guide and record of your learning and progress.\n\nThis is where you will write out the particulars of the spells and rituals that appeal to you.\n\nIt is also where you will be able to track your correspondences. As you progress on the path of learning how to be a wizard, you will become more and more familiar with correspondences. This simply means objects that are analogous to certain energies, sentiments, and even people. For example, the present writer uses certain gemstones while performing distance healing sessions in order to represent the core of the person who is receiving the healing.\n\nAs your practice grows, you will find that there are indeed many correspondences you may want to keep track of. For example: trees, herbs, other plant life, colors, numbers, elements, lunar and seasonal cycles, and animals all have their own qualities and associations. As you become familiar with these, you will further personalize your use and understanding of these objects and symbols. You'll integrate this information and use it in your own way. This is a big way in which the path of learning how to be a witch and how to be a wizard is fun and becomes marked with your own personal style!\n\nFollowing this, you can easily see how the Book of Shadows is also a place to keep note of the stories and legends that most appeal to you, and of course their attendant goddesses and gods. These figures are generally thought of as aspects of energies and consciousness, currents of the human and collective psyche that in their own regard are real. Thus, they offer specific powers and insights to those who seek them.\n\nPlease bear in mind that if you feel called to join a coven, there may well be a group Book of Shadows that acts as the document for what is important to that specific group. Oftentimes there will be a group Book of Shadows, while individual members are also encouraged to maintain their own.\n\nSometimes, the an individual may offer the contents of their Book of Shadows to someone who is newer to the practice in order to kick start their experience. If you are on the receiving end of this, you may appreciate it as a gracious giftbut please, as with all things, take in and accept only what feels right to you. As you walk the path learning how to be a wizard or witch, always honor your own personal sovereignty.\n\nCULTIVATING YOUR INNER LIFE IS VITAL TO THE PATH OF THE WISE WITCH AND WIZARD. The New Super Mind course teaches you how to apply the Seven Principles of Hermes/Thoth, helping you use more of your mind. The principles are: Mentalism, Vibrations, Polarity, Correspondence, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. THESE WERE SECRET CONCEPTS TAUGHT TO INITIATES IN THE EGYPTIAN MYSTERY SCHOOLS."], "url": "http://thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com/2012_01_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 285, "original_width": 285, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 360, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["56e4d29839e3f4a9b8ada1736ca34cc4f6b5b80a21cbe0fde01dfc24f13efd3d", "d971e7b386eda51938c7deaaa0f4de2940533c8d97a8f85037fd45cacac0b70f", "a9f48447e2bffa90c1302bec39760dbb664ce15b165d0db518c5f1e64e9d2cc9", "901332826f6dfe1600a45f372ad0445de36c599d07e075e2f23c8f8caca2ebd9"], "__index_level_0__": 262, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YhyqgJsslz4/VV6Kb9Jgs9I/AAAAAAAAK24/fAMXmiZ7Ndg/s640/DSC_0611.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fRSmVerLTGk/VV6Ls2-SjmI/AAAAAAAAK3E/Ej-i_-Ak_To/s640/DSC_0618.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bNzimEPdOI8/VWUzKdNoVVI/AAAAAAAAK5A/wB1WK8X224I/s640/photo%2B2.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vA5SCcdPP0s/VWUzSJTUg2I/AAAAAAAAK5I/YlHxNSC2UqY/s640/photo%2B3.JPG", null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dpzksNnY6xA/WQvWFMSV9CI/AAAAAAAAOm8/-O3nCyRPJ7s09zZoEqoBc0FOk2oPfP4UACLcB/s320/DSC_0913.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9496502876281738}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thepalacewithinmydreams.blogspot.com/2015/05/friday-five-17.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YhyqgJsslz4/VV6Kb9Jgs9I/AAAAAAAAK24/fAMXmiZ7Ndg/s640/DSC_0611.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-YhyqgJsslz4/VV6Kb9Jgs9I/AAAAAAAAK24/fAMXmiZ7Ndg/s640/DSC_0611.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 426}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thepalacewithinmydreams.blogspot.com/2015/05/friday-five-17.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fRSmVerLTGk/VV6Ls2-SjmI/AAAAAAAAK3E/Ej-i_-Ak_To/s640/DSC_0618.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fRSmVerLTGk/VV6Ls2-SjmI/AAAAAAAAK3E/Ej-i_-Ak_To/s640/DSC_0618.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 426}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thepalacewithinmydreams.blogspot.com/2015/05/friday-five-17.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bNzimEPdOI8/VWUzKdNoVVI/AAAAAAAAK5A/wB1WK8X224I/s640/photo%2B2.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bNzimEPdOI8/VWUzKdNoVVI/AAAAAAAAK5A/wB1WK8X224I/s640/photo%2B2.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo B\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thepalacewithinmydreams.blogspot.com/2015/05/friday-five-17.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vA5SCcdPP0s/VWUzSJTUg2I/AAAAAAAAK5I/YlHxNSC2UqY/s640/photo%2B3.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-vA5SCcdPP0s/VWUzSJTUg2I/AAAAAAAAK5I/YlHxNSC2UqY/s640/photo%2B3.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo B\", \"rendered_width\": 528, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thepalacewithinmydreams.blogspot.com/2015/05/friday-five-17.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dpzksNnY6xA/WQvWFMSV9CI/AAAAAAAAOm8/-O3nCyRPJ7s09zZoEqoBc0FOk2oPfP4UACLcB/s320/DSC_0913.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dpzksNnY6xA/WQvWFMSV9CI/AAAAAAAAOm8/-O3nCyRPJ7s09zZoEqoBc0FOk2oPfP4UACLcB/s320/DSC_0913.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Between my last week of vacation before the start of my internship, Memorial Day Weekend, and my first week at work, I've been busy!\n\nI finally got that haircut I've been meaning to get, and I did some damage at the Banana Republic Outlet with my mom (think this jacket can pass off as a work appropriate blazer?). I also got to catch up with a bunch of my family friends at a party last weekend (where I wore a sari!), kicked off the summer with the first burger barbeque at home on the deck, and as you can see from the first of this Friday Five went to New York City!\n\nI've said it before, I'll say it again: I love cities and I love NYC. I was definitely disappointed to not be able to work in the city this summer (but I was absolutely happy to forgo that horrendous commute), so it by far made my week to spend some time there last weekend. But seriously, you cannot beat those views! Between some picnicking in Brooklyn with my brother Kevin and his friend Christine, some pizza on his 40th floor roof, and brunch overlooking the East River the next morning, some time in NYC is always good for my soul. (Spoiler alert: I'll be there next weekend as well!)\n\nIt was the perfect way to segue into my first week of work. I'm starting to get settled in there now, and things are moving along nicely. While I broke up the work week with a sushi dinner with high school friends one night, I'm looking forward to meeting up with college friends this weekend at a wedding! To say I'm excited is an understatement. Have a good weekend!", null, "Morning run followed by chocolate chip pancakes. Sometimes nothing beats the boxed stuff topped with the good maple syrup", null, "Evening stroll (to walk off some afternoon Pei Wei) made even better by blue skies", null, "View of the East River and the Brooklyn Bridge on a sunny day", null, "Making our own brunch for the quintessential way to end off the long weekend. Mimosa anyone?\n\n4th and 5th pictures taken with iPhone 4", null], "url": "http://thepalacewithinmydreams.blogspot.com/2015/05/friday-five-17.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 640, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}, {"height": 458, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 528, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}], "image_hashes": ["97608d0eeec35c58d05838b13047e75aacff3adab449a1851ca3858b7aeb983c", "d9b789e7dc3c9fc0b745f45a3dcdf16144d0859a31060202d1929fe3d6ccd6be", "adbe4c749dddf62578ec913d9ecd3d80317595fc76ee58cced5e7c178913d8cf", "2df27eb47e107ecd2673e200fe8c81874eb0f03bc0439218220b7187af340bcf", "d63dcac376f7c3a1fe47cf3aefcb417cde6d05c5f99f7a60d1b50cf73a82835e"], "__index_level_0__": 263, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": 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Yesterday was a really really rough day. Really tough. Teddy was attacked by a trio of dogs, (neighbors dogs all belonging to one owner from a distance) they are I believe some kind of hybrid wolf mix, not sure but they look eerily like a pack of wolves with very tall skinny legs and long snouts....they ferociously marched onto our property and took full advantage of my precious little Teddy, who was just sitting in the grass minding his business.  We didn't realize at first how bad it was. But at the vet, after they shaved the areas that were affected, we soon realized that he had been bitten multiple times, and had received several serious deep bites all the way to the muscle. By the time we got to the vet, his fever spiked all the way past 105 and excess fluid started to build all over his little body. He was having a hard time walking and was so lethargic, it was incredibly painful to see my little buddy like that. Just writing this is so unbelievably hard. To know Teddy is to love him, everyone at the animal hospital adores him, they could not believe that despite the tremendous pain he was in, that his little tail was still wagging while we were all petting him (while he was being examined)....that's how sweet he is!", null, null, "Bottom line he is having surgery in the morning, last night his condition was too fragile, his fever too high to put him under general anesthesia,  but hopefully this morning he will be good to go. He will remain in the hospital for at least 3-4 days,  as he will have several drains and though we desperately want him home,I know that's the best place for him. The house feels eerily quiet without him. Walking into the kitchen is just not he same without him there to greet me, cooking seems boring and mundane without his curious little face at my side wanting samplers as I go along, there is no \"taste tester\" like Teddy, my morning walks will come to a halt as I have no interest in them if he can't be with me. I cannot imagine his amazingly sweet disposition and adorable face not here for the next four days. I am trying to channel my extreme anger and turn it into something positive for Teddy's sake.\nI know everything will be OK. You really don't realize just how important a dog is to you, until something happens, just how much a part of your family they are until something occurs that shakes you up to your core and you realize that your family is not your family without them. Well this has really shaken me up more than words can say. Somehow, it just doesn't seem appropriate today to post about the things I normally love to post about...not when my heart is aching and is somewhere else. So today I am taking the day off. I will keep you posted. I am praying and hoping for great news today . Promise to update you tomorrow. Thank you and wishing you all a wonderful day!", null, null, null, "Teddy, I cannot wait to see you just lounging about as you do best next to the flower beds, just \"doing your thing\". I love you dear sweet boy and cannot wait until you come home!\nUPDATE AS OF 3:40PM.....He is comfortable, on heavy duty painkillers, stable, wagging his tail (amazing that his sweet personality shines through even while going through such trauma), they were able to put in two additional drains today, so he has a total of 3 now, they did not operate today, because his body is getting rid of the excess fluid of which is there is a great deal. They will access tomorrow how things are looking and if its a good idea to operate tomorrow. His fever is thankfully down and they are doing to do stomach xrays. We are going see him at around 6pm. Fingers crossed that all continues to go well. I cannot thank you enough for this TREMENDOUS OVERWHELMING outpouring of support, I was blown away when I came onto to see nearly 200 comments and tons of emails overflowing my email box, thank you, thank you, thank you.....they truly touched my heart. Its been a rough 24 hours and you better believe I will give you en ear full of this owner and his pack of horrendous vicious dogs and whats going on over there as soon as all this goes away...........will continue to keep you updated. I am confident he is going to be just fine. Thank you again......."], "url": "http://thesingledomestic.blogspot.com/2016/04/say-prayer-for-teddy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 428, "original_width": 640, "width": 565}, {"height": 390, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 620, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 428, "original_width": 640, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 428, "original_width": 640, "width": 565}, {"height": 595, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 254, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e57b25932186f4c4ed77ecd6320c3ca5d0ef20fc21b19f8f6a7ae461b84466c3", "3a5f9de755cc2d51efd1615a88e9d15f7a73b74c964f9768f314a6117a2451b4", "d5e22e0c1f1022c41c0744d671c5549fa0c64f2b8bc02e9049661f195e11f628", "e376a09d091b1fd6fb05f5bad9055cdb3e8a50b5bd2e3934fd353a70453aa95e", "fd4e0ad7459e89f55cd140f63103f997d36b0876aada4738057195932e7f96d7"], "__index_level_0__": 265, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.theboobirds.com/images/soft-pretzel.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9626221060752868}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://thetimewearegiven.blogspot.com/2014/10/donotparticipate.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.theboobirds.com/images/soft-pretzel.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.theboobirds.com/images/soft-pretzel.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"soft pretzel\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 280}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, October 13\n\nThis is sort of a special installment in the \"Meredith Talks About Social Media\" series.\n\nThose of you who know me personally know that my interaction with other members of humankind is a constant struggle between sassymouth Meredith and sensible, kind Meredith. This is a struggle magnified in person because those interactions happen in real time. It's important to me that I maintain a good Christian testimony and that I am gracious to others. Consequently, I generally avoid voicing my opinions in person because I have a very good chance of slipping from intelligent debate into senseless and immature argumentation.\n\nSince I am somewhat lacking in the controlling-myself-verbally-around-others department, I choose to voice my opinions here.\n\n(And that's where I'm probably going to lose most of you...)\n\nIf you're reading this, there's a good chance that you're a person.\n\nIf you're a person, then there's a good chance that you're a social media user.\n\nAnd if you're a social media user, then there's a good chance that somewhere along the way in your wonderful social media journey, you've fallen prey to something like this:\n\n\"Thousands of YOUR skin cells are dying every day. Little did you know that every time you scratch your arm, you KILL poor, helpless skin cells. STOP SCRATCHING AND SAVE YOUR SKIN. #SaveOurSkin #StopScratching #WorthItToItch #Hashtag #Selfie #Awareness\"\n\nYes, this is an exaggeratedly shallow hypothetical awareness post. I didn't want to step on any toes.\n\nI wouldn't be surprised to find out there's a toe-stepping awareness kick going on somewhere and I would hate to step on their toes because they might hashtag me to death.\n\nI digress...\n\nIf you have seen something like my ludicrous skin cell salvation example, then you have experienced the most recently developed ways to support a cause: social media activism.\n\nI am an almost-embarrassingly regular user of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. In my experience with these sites, I have observed a lot of shallowness, narcissism, and - the good homeschooler in me cringes to say the \"S\" word - downright stupidity.\n\nGenerally, I don't mind that much, because hey - people are just dumb sometimes. But in the case of social media \"activism,\" I find myself more and more irritated with every new awareness trend.\n\nI feel like now would be an excellent time to clarify something: I acknowledge that social media can be a very effective way to raise awareness for legitimate, serious issues, and I have no problem with that.\n\nHere are the problems I do have with social media activism when it is abused or misused.\n\nRaising awareness is excellent. However, the vast majority of social media activists seem to be okay with just raising awareness. The point of raising awareness for a cause is to help get support for the cause. Don't commit to just awareness - awareness without support is useless.\n\n\"Oh yeah, I saw someone's post about that\" is much different from \"Oh yeah, that person got physically involved with that/donated money/did whatever it is people do when they support a cause.\" One of those two courses of action is going to show that you're legitimately committed and that you really think it's worth people's time. I'll give you three guesses, and the first two don't count.\n\nRight. The people who get involved are going to leave more of an impact.\n\nSocial media is a very powerful way to communicate with others and get a message out. It is becoming increasingly more common that social media activism trends go viral. A good principle to keep in mind when entering the world of social media activism is that with great power comes great responsibility. (And NO I am not quoting Spider-Man's Uncle Ben - it's Voltaire, dearie.) Make sure you know what you're plugging. Think about the possible outcomes (and consequences). If you passionately (and publicly) support an \"awesome\" cause that later turns out to have been not so great, it will reflect badly on you and you are going to look very foolish.\n\nHonestly, we could avoid a lot of problems if people would just think about things a little more.\n\nMy biggest issue with social media activism is the fact that because many of its participants are uninformed and not really dedicated to the cause that they so vehemently defend on social media, were you to bring it up in a real conversation, it is unlikely the person would be a very convincing activist. Your social media \"life\" should not be a completely separate entity from your real life. The two are intertwined, like a cool twisty pretzel.", null, "While this concept applies to every aspect of social media use, it should be especially true in something that you are supposedly defending and trying to raise awareness for.\n\nGuys. Keep it real. We as individuals are very small and we like to feel...well, not small. Being a part of something bigger is fulfilling and makes us feel powerful. But don't be fooled.\n\nWhen you see this:", "My knee-jerk reaction would be to recommend #DONOTPARTICIPATE (probably because I think like a grumpy old person)\n\nHowever, you are probably a better person than I am.\n\nSo if you just can't resist, proceed with caution. Don't support something on social media that you don't really care about any time other than the five minutes it takes to do an Instagram post. And if you honestly care about something, do your research and find out how you can really get involved.\n\nChallenge yourself to do more than hashtag your way to feeling like you've helped."], "url": "http://thetimewearegiven.blogspot.com/2014/10/donotparticipate.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 350, "original_width": 400, "width": 432}], "image_hashes": ["26b9e7d06af5f5d8364fa0b74882cf20666441421a5d26147fa32f05369444f3"], "__index_level_0__": 266, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bVhwyABzC0w/TC0wu0dkxwI/AAAAAAAAARg/U-U0GskS5AU/s400/IMG_0973.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bVhwyABzC0w/TC0w-d3etiI/AAAAAAAAARw/oIYo0vumFA8/s400/IMG_0978.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_bVhwyABzC0w/TC0w4a6ZtLI/AAAAAAAAARo/3Vm6eXVBNmM/s400/IMG_0975.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.924724817276001}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": 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(salted)\n4 teaspoons vital wheat gluten\n2 1/2 tablespoons honey\n2 teaspoons yeast\n\nWhat I Did:\n\nBring a slice to the Dennis for your couple of laps around the Park.  Just kidding, that's not a direction, but sharing is caring.  These are the slices we ate:", null, "This loaf came out pretty well- I wish I was a little more patient on it's second rise because it didn't really get bigger in the oven but I got a great texture again (I think it might have to do with the steam in the oven) and nice upper crust from brushing with the honey-water.", null, "I am definitely going to try this loaf again but wait longer for it to rise fully."], "url": "http://theupperyeastside.blogspot.com/2010/07/hearty-whole-wheat.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": 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for the winter timeframe).", null, "The data I uncovered was the result of digging through records of the Arctic Oscillation. I put together the proposition of using early spring Arctic Oscillation values to predict the next winter's temperatures and atmospheric flow throughout the Northern Hemisphere. For this case, I used years where Arctic Oscillation values in February were negative, but the year after that, the AO values were even deeper into negative territory. For example, if February 1978 had an Arctic Oscillation value of -0.75, and February 1979 had a value of -2.08, I would use February 1978 to compare to the current year and see if the patterns match up. If the patterns do match up, it would be plausible to expect a negative Arctic Oscillation in the forthcoming winter, thus a higher potential for cold. The image above shows 500 millibar height anomalies for five different years- February 2009, 1984, 1977, 1968 and 1962. You may immediately notice years like 2009 for its Northeast impacts, as well as 1984, the year before the epic polar vortex collapse. All of these years have had a negative Arctic Oscillation value in February of that year, to be followed one year later by an even more negative AO value. A quick glance over the image reveals low pressure in the East US, general high pressure across Canada and towards Greenland, as well as to the north of Europe. Low pressure tendencies are found in Western Europe, the Bering Sea and East Asia. I'm going to show observed height anomalies for this past February next; bear in mind the placement of the high and low pressure tendencies in the image above when looking at February 2013 below.", null, "Let's run over the checklist of high and low pressure tendencies we looked at above and compare them to what February 2013 held in store. We see low pressure in the East US, as well as high pressure anomalies in Canada and into Greenland. We also observe deep low pressure in western Europe, in addition to East Asia and the Bering Sea. High pressure prevails to the north of Eurasia. Taking a look at the images together should set off multiple alarms- all the items I listed in the last couple of sentences appeared not only in February 2013, but also in the averaged-out 5 years image at the top of this post. Now, there are a few differences, like extreme high pressure in the northeast Pacific in 2013, as well as more extended low pressure in the multiple year image that we don't see in 2013. However, you get the general idea- there are several similarities between these images.\n\nSo, what does this all mean? Well, we've managed to figure out that the atmospheric flow in February 2013 is at least reasonably similar to that of the five years listed above. This means that, going forward, it is plausible to be on the lookout for a pattern similar to 2009, 1984, 1977, 1968 and 1962 going forward. What this also means is that the winter of 2013-2014 could see some similar features as far as the winters of 2009-2010, 1984-1985, 1977-1978, 1968-1969, and 1962-1963 go.", null, "The image above shows average surface temperature anomalies for the aforementioned winters. We see a wide swath of below normal temperatures stretching from the northern Plains into the Midwest and engulfing the Central and East US regions. This widespread cold shouldn't be surprising- January 1985 was the month where the polar vortex truly collapsed, while the winter of 2009-2010 was the snowiest of record for many. All in all, the analog years spell a chilly winter ahead.\n\nI understand if you don't really get how I chose the analog years, my explanation at the top may not have been as sufficient as I would have liked. If you have any questions, comment them below and I'll try to answer them as soon as possible.\n\n**Don't forget, the Anniversary Festivities begin April 26th with two MAJOR posts!!**"], "url": "http://theweathercentre.blogspot.com/2013_04_24_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 309, "original_width": 400, "width": 489}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 309, "original_width": 400, "width": 489}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 309, "original_width": 400, "width": 489}], "image_hashes": ["be430741bcd6be086a0841d74408334e2cf889aa9d4eb123e1fbac7af3715190", "2f54d34be378f99941002c35219ccc57c5d6a57e538f0239a10d400220a3f7d1", "c2a81050687149f88aabca03dc2fad77d35a926effd3b160efc89ee7599fe7b7"], "__index_level_0__": 268, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_DgFThMtvKC4/R0DKO2nm0kI/AAAAAAAAAts/KvopG9Jjt5A/s320/jenny+class+2007+%2816%29.JPG", null, 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That's why there's been this long stretch between entries. I usually do posts late at night in my bed with the television on. I don't like sitting at the desk to do it. Well, here I am at the shop doing this update from my desk since we probably won't have the wireless back up for days and days. Bummer.\n\nWell, tomorrow is my Grand Reopening / One Year Anniversary and I've been working hard to get ready and I still feel like there's hours of work and tonight is a Michigan Hockey Game for crying out loud!\nBut here's the door Prize list:\n\nEnter to win\n\nTwo Sets of Swallow Needles in Sizes 3.25 mm to 5.5 mm with knitting Gauges\n\nEach is a $35.00 Value\n\nShannon Okey’s Spin to Knit along with a Notebook for your own designs\n\n$30.00 Value\n\nChristmas Classics DVD Set with 7 Features\n\n$22.00 Value\n\nAshford Tote Bag with an Assortment of Spinning Fibers\n\n$75.00 Value\n\nTriangle Loom and Stand\n\n$180.00 Value\n\nPretty good right? So here is the list of specials for the day:\n\nPurchase a Spinning Wheel and Receive 16 Ounces of Select Wool Roving as well as 15% off any spinning accessories such as additional whorls, lazy kate, niddy noddy, flyers, etc.\n\nTriangle Looms and Stands – 50% off the Retail Price\n\nGreat way to put those stray handspun bits to use.\n\nAshford Tekapo Worsted WeightYarn – 50% off\n\nNavajo Singles Yarn – Regularly 21.00 per 4oz skein\n\nNow $10.00 per skein\n\nGreat for Weaving and Felted Knits\n\nLouet Gems Merino – All in stock cones Regularly $4.00 per ounce\n\nNow $2.00 per ounce when you buy the remainder of a color.\n\nBuy 5 or more colors and pay only $1.50 per ounce.\n\nGreat for Sock Knitters and Weavers\n\nMercerized Cotton Cones – Reg $2.95 per ounce\n\nBuy the remainder of a color and pay only $1.50 per ounce\n\nAll In Stock Gaywool Dyes Any Size $5.00 each.\n\nRegularly $10.95 to $14.95 each\n\nCheck out the center of the main room for great prices on the remaining Ready Spin as well as select Merino and Merino/Silk Top.\n\nBraided Shetland Rovings Regularly $2.00 per ounce.\n\nBuy the Whole Braid and pay only $1.00 per ounce.\n\nStill good right? Well, there's more. There are mini cheesecakes and little tiny desserts and cheese balls and sparkling grape juice and hot chocolate and as always - Peanut M&M's\n\nOn top of all that I got some new Spinning Loft Totes. They are clear vinyl with the sheep on them. There's a large 19\" Tote and a small accessories case. Cute as heck. They will be for sale for $18.50 and $8.50 each. I love them.\n\nIf you are near by please come and say hi.\n\nPictures in a couple of days I promise.\nPosted by Beth at 3:39 PM 3 comments: Links to this post", "Wednesday, November 21, 2007\n\nThe Things I Think About.\n\nPlenty to talk about but first -\n\nThe Spinning Loft is going to be open on Friday from 10 to 4 and Saturday from 10 to 4. So, if you want to come and spin with me, come on over.\n\nSaturday from 10Am to 12 noon is the 4th Saturday spinning clinic where you can bring your problems and questions and leave a better spinner.\n\nOk. now you all know and I expect there to be a crowd. Please don't make me regret missing out on door buster sales at Kohl's. (hee, hee)\n\nO.K. on to the fun stuff. When Jenny was here she told us that Ingeo has a low melting point of 170 degrees. I googled it and came up with several websites corroborating her information. I was curious and decided to do some experimentation.\nHere is the original sample which I spun in the New Wave Fibers class last Thursday.\n\nSo I first got some boiling water (at least 212 degrees) and poured it over the sample in a bowl. Then I poked at it a little with a spoon. Nothing happened except it puffed up a little.\nHere it is right out of the boiling water.\nSo I dumped out most of the water and microwaved the sample - first for 1 minute and then for two minutes. Some dye came out.\nBut the sample is still intact. Now I need to do some dry melting experiments. Maybe with an iron or a curling iron. The best I can find for curling iron operating temperatures is between 100 and 200 degrees. (I'm hesitant to use my Rowenta Iron on it.) More to come.\n\nWe went out to Red Robing for dinner on Monday night to celebrate Ryan's 4th birthday. Shannah came along and we had a great time. Here are the two of them looking for our dinner delivery. Shannah is food aggressive and so I try to stay clear when she is eating.\nThen came the sundae and the singing wait staff. He got a little shy. After the ice cream and the singing we went to the Hockey store and he got a new helmet complete with a cage and a hockey stick too big for him. He and dad cut it down last night and now all is well. He's destined to be a hockey player.\n\nSpinning Wheels\nLook what came today.\nWe had twins.\nEach has it's own little ladybug birthmark. This one on the back support.\nThis one on the flyer holdy part. (That's the real technical name. Call Schacht and ask them.)\nLook how cute they are.\nThe one on the left is set up for Scotch Tension. The one on the right is set up in double drive. Both work equally well. I love these wheels. Simple. Easy to use. Smooth to treadle. Good price point. Schacht engineering and quality. Come in a try them out. I will definitely be stocking these on a regular basis.\n\nOther New Stuff\nLast time I was at Ikea was over 10 years ago. I still haven't been back. Not really by choice. Mostly has to do with proximity. My darlin' went there today to pick up this table which I found on the website. Gate legs. This photo is showing only one leaf set up. It also has 6 drawers. I was pleasantly surprised at the Ikea quality for the price. I will definitely be shopping there again. I hope I actually get to visit the store next time.\n\nThis warp was wound and I began warping back in May. Hmm. I decided I'd better get to work. So I got to work. I was unsure of what condition the warp chains would be in. Couldn't;t remember. Sometimes when I make them I do a pretty bad job of it so I was a little nervous. Also, unmercerized 8/2 cotton likes to stick with it's neighbor so it's not the easiest thing to straighten out.\n\nI got all of the heddles threaded after about 2 hours. 1,2,3,2,1,4,3,4. Over and over and over....and over. Lou stopped by to pick up the car seats so he could go get the kids. He asked my favorite question. What's for dinner? My answer? 12321434, 12321434, 12321434.\n\nThen while I was winding it on this song came into my head. Strummin' my pain with his fingers, Singin' my life with his words, Killin' me softly with his song...\n\nWhat!!!!??? Where did that come from? I haven't heard that song in ages. I don't even like it. Maybe I'm going crazy.\n\nHere I am with the freshly warped loom. I still need to tie it onto the front beam. 3 cotton towels coming right up.\nLook how red my cheeks are. I have a cold. I'm fighting it as hard as I can. I can't get sick until mid January. Crazy. Now I'm scheduling the germs.\nPosted by Beth at 8:13 PM 5 comments: Links to this post", "Sunday, November 18, 2007\n\nThe Spider Made Me Do It!\n\nI know I haven't been blogging very often lately but there's stuff and things and stuff and I'm so busy but I'm going to rectify the non blogging I promise - for all 4 of you who read this bloggy thing on a regular basis.\n\nSo, Spinning Spider Jenny just left. She arrived on Wednesday afternoon and her plane left this afternoon. It was fantastic. The classes were top notch. Full of information. And also fun. Jenny was a great sport for many reasons. First of which she was willing to stay in my unorganized mess of a house. Sleep in my 3 year old's bed sight unseen. Can anyone say potty training? And second because she was up for any adventure short of camping outside.\n\nCamping inside was another story though.\n\nI have a Ravelry group called \"wool shop sleepover\". Currently there are only 3 members because when Galina was in town Erica, Kate and I slept in the shop and made this little group. Not a lot of action in the group but it is pretty tiny and we email each other usually. I think this is going to slowly change though. The group is open to those who have slept overnight in a wool shop. Now Jenny and Shannah are part of the group. We all slept on the floor. Lee (Baabins on Ravelry) stayed pretty late but she was afraid she would wake us all up with her horrific night noises.", null, "This is a picture of Jenny's friend Noreen in the green sleeping bag, Jenny in the middle and Shannah on the right. Jenny's friend Jofran is over in the lace room sleeping away at this point. She was in the class and there's a photo of her coming up. Noreen is not a spinner. I have a feeling she may be one soon though. I was able to get her to do some woolhuffing.\n\nWoolhuffing is my version of recreational drugs. You take a nice amount of grease fleece in your hands, put your face right into it and breath in deeply. There's nothing like that smell. Many breeds smell different from one another too. I expect to be able to - in the future - identify a sheep's breed by it's smell as well as I can identify it by it's look and feel.\n\nSo, Noreen was game and so I gave her a free sniff of several of my favorite fleeces. You know, like a drug dealer would to get you hooked:-)", null, "Here are Shannah and Jenny at the beginning of Thursday - New Wave Fibers. I think Shannah is giving Jenny her blog address. They hit it off immediately.", null, "Here is just one picture of the samples Jenny brought. Amazingly spun skeins and beautifully knitted pieces. Under the table were notebooks and notebooks of samples and swatches and notes for us to look at. I didn't take full advantage of this opportunity and regret it already.", null, "This is Shannah showing and telling about her first knitted item from her own handspun. I let her tell you the story but I love the scarf.", null, "Here are some samples from the plying class - Saturday. In the front is Cindy, Shannah behind her, and behind Shannah is Kathy who you may not be able to see very well. Kathy is great fun. If you have a class get her to come. She'll certainly liven it up!", null, "I just like this picture of the wall of fleece.", null, null, "This is Jenny telling us to not listen to anybody and be as disobedient as possible and question everyone. Hee, hee.\nActually, she told us to question things and if anyone ever says you MUST do something in one particular way then just smile and say thank you and continue with what works for you. I will definitely be questioning conventional wisdom from now on, and have pages and pages of notes on spinning experiments I want to do.", null, "More plying. That's Lisa in the front, then Michelle, Roberta, Mary, Lee, Jofran, and Jenny (holding up nothing).", null, "And here we are this morning before Jenny headed off to the airport. I had a great time with her. She's like a spinning genius, funnyfunnyfunny, and a wonderful teacher where all of the students feel wonderful and welcome and talented. I'm hoping she'll be willing to come back to teach again.\n\nETA I can't forget that Maple was there on Friday and also Sylvia ( who I think has a blog but can't remember it and hopefully she'll come by and remind me what it is.)\nPosted by Beth at 5:49 PM 9 comments: Links to this post", "Sunday, November 11, 2007\n\nShop Move Update", null, "So Thursday was quite exhausting. Carrying all of that stuff down the stairs. Up and down the stairs over and over. You would think I lost another 10 pounds - nope. My charming husband was there all day, as well and the two blogless Lisas. One blogless Lisa was there to almost the bitter end. I finally went home at 7PM. The next day (Friday) I was back at 8:30 AM and surprisingly the little elves did not come and do the jobs I assigned. You can't rely on those stinkin' elves.", null, "So Erika and her son got there at about 11AM and stayed and stayed until we were presentable to open on Saturday. I think it was about 9:00 when we finally went home.", null, "This is what the shop looked like about 2PM.", null, "Amy and Jillian stopped by at about 3:30 and dug around a bit. Not necessarily the condition you want your shop to be in when Amy Singer drops in but...what could I do? I'm always happy to see her and Jillian just makes me laugh. (She's one of those girls who you just have to smile at when she walks in.)", null, "Things are coming along here.", null, "And here it is mostly together. There are still some little things I want to change and bits to see if they will work where we put them.", null, "Isn't this cute. It's the lace room. The needles and little bits and books are all here. It's quite a cozy little space.", null, "This is also in the lace room. The tea cart is in here so when you come please stop and have a cup of tea and some chocolate and whatever other little snack I happen to pick up.", null, "This is the class room. All of the coned yarns are in here as well as the looms and some wheels. It's very nice in here too.", null, "This is my favorite part. The Wall O Fleeces. All of these are in the grease fleeces of all different breeds. Here you will see 36 fleeces - I believe - and they are from 32 different breeds. The duplicate breeds are different colors. I love these. If you are looking for a little bit of a breed let me know because you can by just a couple of ounces and if you want I'll wash it up for you too. I love washing fleece.", null, "Saturday after I closed the shop me and my sweetie and my Forester spindle went to the UofM Hockey game. We worked on some Michigan Blue silk while the kicked the pants of the team from Alaska.\nPosted by Beth at 9:14 PM 7 comments: Links to this post", "Thursday, November 08, 2007\n\nWhere have I been, you ask? Well, it's a loooong story with a lot of pictures. And I didn't even include them all. This first picture is of my mom and Ryan playing hockey together. Ryan looks so handsome in his Michigan colors. Ok. I'm getting off track already.\nI taught beginning spinning at the Fiber Expo which took place two weeks ago in Ann Arbor. I had 8 students in the morning and 9 in the afternoon. It was very busy. The majority of them didn't even have a wheel. I was able to fit 8 wheels into my Honda Accord. Of course 5 of them were folding wheels. The picture above includes Cathy from Ravelry and.... I didn't write anything down and I am lame at names. Now, ask me what kind of wheel a person had and I probably can tell you in an instant.\nAnd this is Anna from Ravelry and.....help me out here. The fabulous lady in the front is the proud owner of a new spinning wheel. Wish I could tell you her name. The classes were wonderful and fun and everyone was very patient as I went from one student to the next. It was hard work but I do love teaching. Anna's husband was in the class too. He's a hoot. Of course I was pretty focused so these are the only two pictures I took all day.\nAfter the Expo I got back to work at the shop and on Halloween night we left for a very short visit to the families back east. Lou went to his mother's and I went to my parents. We got to stay for two days before we started the stupid long drive back to Michigan. My mom was decorating for Christmas. I think she was going to put the Jack-O-Lantern away though.\nHere's the Christmas Village all set up. I took all of those houses out of the boxes. She has to have like 40 of them. (and I'm not exaggerating).\nHere she is yelling at me. Happens a lot. Don't feel sorry for me though because I'm used to it. I have a thick skin. I still love her.\nMaggie got her hair cut while we were in Pennsylvania.\nIsn't her new hair style cute?\nShe is donating her hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths where they will use the hair to make wigs for cancer patients. Two years ago she donated her hair to Locks of Love. She started wanting to do this because her friend, Tabitha, had Leukemia and lost all of her hair. Tabitha is recovered now but Maggie is still wanting to do the donations. She says she'll grow it again for donation.\nWe went to Red Robin and the wait staff sang Happy Birthday to my mom and Ryan. Ryan's birthday is on the 17th of this month and my mom's was this past Tuesday. Ryan was a little shy about the whole thing.\nAnd...what's been going on with me you ask? Well, I'm moving. I've moved all of my stuff from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor of the shop. Phil, the architect, and owner of the building, went upstairs. I've taken a few pictures of what it looks like tonight. This is my desk /check out area.\nThis is another room which is the book / pattern / lace knitting room. It will also have the tea cart with herb teas and hot chocolate and snacks.\nThis is the color wall.\nThis is the natural colored wool wall. It will have raw fleeces as well as undyed rovings.\nThis will be the classroom and will have all of the weaving yarns as well as any in stock looms.\nThis area will be for luxury fibers. That big cardboard box is filled with mostly silk in all of it's glorious forms!\nThe box of wool wash selections waiting for its assigned area.\nAnd piles of fiber everywhere.\nI have to say, I had no idea how much fiber I had until I started moving it. You know, I've rearranged things but never all at the same time. It's crazy. Man I have a big stash! Will you help me make it smaller please? I promise I'll buy more. I can't help it.\n\nSpinning Spider Jenny is coming in less than a week for 3 days of classes. I am so excited to meet her. Her blog is full of fantastic information and I get to be near her for a while and ask all the questions I can think of until she gets back on the plane on Sunday the 18th. You could come too if you wanted. Call me and tell me you want to. I still have room for a couple more."], "url": "http://threesheeps.blogspot.com/2007_11_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, 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"Nice isn't it?!  This quilt is made of 42 Around the World blocks, and would finish out at 60\" x 70\".  A good sized throw.  I don't think it needs borders.  I love that \"mountains just keep going on and on and on\" look.\n\nFabric requirements for this are\n\nnow back to work....", "Sewing Directions:", null, "Look at the drawing above.  Notice that there are two A rows (top and bottom), two B rows (second from top and bottom), and one C row.\n\nBecause all of the blocks are the same we can construct them with jelly roll sized strips and then sub cut them into  the pieces we need.", "Posted by Cindy Sharp at 12:00 AM", "Benta AtSLIKstitches said...\n\nI have seen instructions for around the world and Bargello type quilts that start with \"you will need a zillion squares each of 17 different fabrics ...\" and I dispair how many newbies will have been put off straight away!!! So glad you haven't taken that route!!!!"], "url": "http://topstotreasures.blogspot.com/2014/03/smore-rows7-mountains-around-world.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}, {"height": 440, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 343, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1fec9e134a3c24eadca3be3a146d3f37138b975e291b4f1f2dc8c4bfe2aae651", "0008775af17e41ca83cc499cfe88fc0e71f91bc2772d869aba9b4230259a9a71", "6dc84deedcec533dce1ee8a6d16bab3cb25d4296882762665bdbeb7506bee765"], "__index_level_0__": 272, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://media.cleveland.com/cleve_top_stories/photo/continentaljpg-4e38335e4d510f3d.jpg", null, null, "http://www.airport-houston.com/images/houston-george-bush-intercontinental-united-hub.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 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solicit for volunteers to get off the last flight to Louisville to put a must ride crew on, is still WTF level and indefensible.", null, "It's also an unfolding PR disaster to add to the other ones United has had this year.\n\nI've been in that situation as someone who worked IAH departure gates in which a must ride crew suddenly pops up at the last moments before departure on a full flight and I have to solicit for oversale volunteers because they must be on that plane to take it out on time from that outstation city in the morning", "And yes, it is like pulling teeth to get volunteers in that situation, but if you make the deal sweet enough, eventually you'll get them.   In the situation I encountered, I needed two seats for a captain and a first officer,   It took me $1000 vouchers for each of the two passengers I needed to give up seats, 50,000 OnePass miles, dinner and seats on the next bird four hours later to make it happen.\n\nThis situation on the UA Chicago-Louisville flight could have and should have been handled far better than it disastrously turned out.  Some folks need to lose jobs including the security guard and whoever is handling public relations for United.\n\nIt is definitely as of this writing negatively affecting UA's stock price, it's got United once again taking a PR beatdown in the news to the point even the White House has commented on the incident, and its stock price has fallen 6% since the Dow Jones opened today.", null, "Air travel is still the best and only way to travel long distances quickly. But since we have gone down via mergers to four major national airlines (American, Delta, United and Southwest) plus smaller regional carriers like JetBlue, Frontier, Spirit and Alaska, some airlines have forgotten the lesson that superior customer service can increase profits.", "During my 14 years in the airline business, I watched Continental go from during my time there from 1987-2001 from one of the worst during the Frank Lorenzo regime to under Gordon Bethune winning multiple JD Power awards.  We did so by emphasizing customer service, on time performance.and a corporate culture that emphasized treating employees with dignity and respect\n\nThe emphasis on customer service, treating customers and employees with dignity and respect and on time performance in the 90's took us from bankruptcy in 1993 to profitability in a very short time, and led to us being in that strong financial position when the merger with United happened.\n\nI've noted the decline in airline customer service in the 2000's as carriers focused on becoming larger.  When you do have a flight with a meal service, you have to pay for it   You have to pay to check bags.  It's past time airlines started emphasizing customer service again instead of coming up with ways of how to squeeze every last dollar out of you when you fly.\n\nThey'll discover that when you relentlessly focus on customer service and treating employees and passengers with respect, the end result is you'll build a brand loyalty that will be profitable for you and your fiscal bottom line long term.\nAirlines also need to relearn the message and recite it like a mantra that airline customer service matters.\nPosted by Monica Roberts at 12:00 PM", "Labels: airlines, customer service, Moni's commentary\n\nTransGriot Tip Jar\n\nThank you for supporting TransGriot!", "Official TransGriot Technology Sponsor 2016", "About The TransGriot", "Copyrighted Blog-Reprint Rights", "TransGriot Blog Mission Statement\n\n--Mission Statement compiled January 2, 2011", "The TransGriot Loves Comments\n\nI reserve the right to edit your comments for clarity.", "Page Hits Since January 17, 2007", "Who's Following TransGriot?", "TransGriot Twitter Updates", "Saying it loud, I'm unapologetically Black, trans and proud!", "Interesting Links", "Houston/Lone Star Blogs", "2014, 2017 GLAAD Media Awards Outstanding Blog Finalist", "2011 BWA Best LGBT Blog Finalist", "2010 BWA Judges' Vote Winner Best LGBT Blog", "2015-2017 NLGJA Member", "TransGriot Speaking/Education Efforts Info", "This is separate from my speaking fee."], "url": "http://transgriot.blogspot.ie/2017/04/airline-customer-service-matters.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 203, "original_width": 303, "width": 564}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 602, "original_width": 950, "width": 596}], "image_hashes": ["63c8151acf72009515c85eff7f74d037e2ee7cd00adcb80dab3b93dc6dc4fb3c", "92b4217b651606e7c17da0c5d343ba4c6334498bb002e4fd3381dfac8c2401df"], 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We participated in three different swap groups and received postcards from all over the world: Singapore, Japan, Wales, France, and Cape Verde just to name a few.", null, "We looked the countries up on our Atlas to locate them, and read about the countries in our Children Just Like Me book. For now, they are posted in our dining room but they will eventually make it into our continent boxes. This was a lot of fun, and I hope we can do something similar again soon."], "url": "http://txgranolamom.blogspot.com/2010/11/where-in-world-postcard-swap.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["a84d12659681efe00340a50cb390a3aed1dc10eed524723073eec03e1f77efba"], "__index_level_0__": 274, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SyYgUZ0UIEg/Uf8afMgSBzI/AAAAAAAAE0g/ISITdc2CNX8/s400/img448a.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wIuzicqU5EU/Uf8arfBZwVI/AAAAAAAAE0o/YLdCB9C6W7Y/s640/img448b.jpg", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-26Ntv7SikRk/Uf95XI__7zI/AAAAAAAAE1A/hPuppcWA6fs/s320/Beauty-2.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9696975946426392}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://undereverystone.blogspot.com/2013/08/here-lies-sleeping-beauty-alvina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-nOeWrHB9zSA/Uf56tloDSAI/AAAAAAAAEzw/OFBEn2sWzxI/s1600/Sleeping+Beauty+01.17.1908.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-nOeWrHB9zSA/Uf56tloDSAI/AAAAAAAAEzw/OFBEn2sWzxI/s1600/Sleeping+Beauty+01.17.1908.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Sleeping Beauty\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://undereverystone.blogspot.com/2013/08/here-lies-sleeping-beauty-alvina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SyYgUZ0UIEg/Uf8afMgSBzI/AAAAAAAAE0g/ISITdc2CNX8/s400/img448a.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SyYgUZ0UIEg/Uf8afMgSBzI/AAAAAAAAE0g/ISITdc2CNX8/s400/img448a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"img a\", \"rendered_width\": 392, \"rendered_height\": 400}, {\"document_url\": \"http://undereverystone.blogspot.com/2013/08/here-lies-sleeping-beauty-alvina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wIuzicqU5EU/Uf8arfBZwVI/AAAAAAAAE0o/YLdCB9C6W7Y/s640/img448b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-wIuzicqU5EU/Uf8arfBZwVI/AAAAAAAAE0o/YLdCB9C6W7Y/s640/img448b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"img b\", \"rendered_width\": 390, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://undereverystone.blogspot.com/2013/08/here-lies-sleeping-beauty-alvina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jxbz-RGjpmk/Uf95XLrdY4I/AAAAAAAAE1E/PbnXbeejeQA/s640/Beauty-1.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jxbz-RGjpmk/Uf95XLrdY4I/AAAAAAAAE1E/PbnXbeejeQA/s640/Beauty-1.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Beauty\", \"rendered_width\": 288, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://undereverystone.blogspot.com/2013/08/here-lies-sleeping-beauty-alvina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-26Ntv7SikRk/Uf95XI__7zI/AAAAAAAAE1A/hPuppcWA6fs/s320/Beauty-2.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-26Ntv7SikRk/Uf95XI__7zI/AAAAAAAAE1A/hPuppcWA6fs/s320/Beauty-2.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Beauty\", \"rendered_width\": 317, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://undereverystone.blogspot.com/2013/08/here-lies-sleeping-beauty-alvina.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/-2_JG_tKMTXw/Tnk6ihHBKRI/AAAAAAAAAAs/y_EyTV_xLcs/s80/Jim%2BPhoto.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-2_JG_tKMTXw/Tnk6ihHBKRI/AAAAAAAAAAs/y_EyTV_xLcs/s80/Jim%2BPhoto.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Jim BPhoto\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 49, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null]", "texts": ["Friday, August 9, 2013\n\nI have a lot of fun \"digging up\" stories for this blog.  Sometimes I stumble upon an interesting tombstone and look for the story under it, and other times I find an interesting story and look for the tombstone that goes with it.  That's what happened in this case.  I was browsing the Chicago Tribune newspaper archives for material about Leo Kovetz, a future subject of this blog, when I happened upon this story from the Chicago Daily Tribune of January 17, 1908:", "This was too good of a story to pass up.  Before we check to see if her final wishes were carried out, let's see what we can find out about Mrs. Alwin Schaeffer.\n\nAlvina Beyer was born December 20, 1856 (even though her tombstone says 1861) in Magdeburg, Saxony, Germany.  Her first name is also spelled Alwina, and Allwine.  Her parents were Carl Jacob Beyer and Marie Sophia nee Kruger.  Alvina had two brothers:  Wilhelm Christian Andreas Beyer (1844-1913) and Robert.  Alvina seems to be the only family member who immigrated to America.\n\nLittle is known of Alvina until March 3, 1884 when she married hotelier Henry Schaeffer in Chicago.  The marriage lasted twenty years until September 20, 1904 when Mr. Schaeffer was granted a divorce.  As part of the settlement, Alvina came to own side-by-side townhouses at 3555-3557 S. Prairie Avenue in Chicago:\n\nAlvina Beyer Schaeffer died of cancer of the omentum on December 29, 1907 in Chicago. She was just forty-six years old.  (Thanks to the members of Genlighten who deciphered the death certificate for me).\n\nAnd then the fun started!  As stated above, Alvina requested the following in her will:\n\n1.  Tombstone labelled \"Here Lies the Sleeping Beauty\" in German with gold letters.\n2.  A willow tree planted at her grave\n3.  Her poodle Lottie given to one of the richest families in Chicago - they would receive $2.00 per week for Lottie's care\n4.  Two festivals per year  (one on August 3rd) for German, Bohemian and German-American Protestant orphans.  First church services, then a children's production of Sleeping Beauty.  Prizes of $25.00 each to the boy and girl with the highest grades in school.  Other prizes 50 cents to $1.00 each.  Two ten-piece bands:  one German, one American.\n\nWell, Alvina's body was not even cold when there were objections to the will - by her \"friends\", as noted in the Chicago Daily Tribune of January 18, 1908:", null, null, "What were the friends' objections?\n\n1.  They thought the epitaph \"Here Lies the Sleeping Beauty\" was inappropriate.\n2.  Alvina gave Mrs. Mary Zuber her bank book showing an account of $900.00 cash and told Mrs. Zuber she could have the money, but did not mention her in the will\n3.  Alvina had already given her poodle Lottie to Mrs. S.F. Norman, who lived next door on Prairie Avenue.  We can assume that Mrs. Norman was not a member of \"one of the richest families in Chicago\".\n\nAnd these were just the objections of her friends - we still hadn't heard from Alvina's two brothers!\n\nSurprisingly, there is no further mention of Alvina or her will (or Lottie) in the archives of the Chicago Tribune.\n\nSo, I decided to take a trip out to Alvina Schaeffer's final resting place to see if at least those wishes regarding her tomb were carried out.  Alvina is buried in Section G, Lot 913 of Oak Woods Cemetery in Chicago. This would be my first trip to Oak Woods.\n\nI had been warned that Oak Woods Cemetery is in a bad neighborhood, and they weren't kidding.  Oak Woods is a HUGE cemetery (183 acres).  It's not as large as Rosehill (350 acres) but it seemed much larger to me, maybe because I was unfamiliar with it.  I've been at Rosehill so many times it feels like my own backyard.\n\nOak Woods is surrounded by a stone wall topped with barbed razor wire, to keep intruders out.  Other than the staff in the office I didn't see another living soul the whole time I was at Oak Woods, but I did not feel the least bit afraid.  Both Oak Woods and Rosehill are now owned by Service Corporation International (SCI); however, unlike their colleagues at Rosehill the office staff at Oak Woods could not have been more friendly, or more helpful.  Without my asking, the man in the office went back and pulled the plot card for Alvina's plot to see who, if anyone, was buried in Lot 913 besides Alvina.  It turned out that Alvina has Lot 913 all to herself.\n\nSo, with my trusty map from the office, I set out to find Alvina Schaeffer to see if her last wishes regarding her burial were carried out.\n\nHere is a photo of Alvina Schaeffer's tombstone.  It is a substantial monument, about 6 feet tall.", "Standing in front I could see the inscription:", null, "Hier Ruhet\nGeb. 20 Dez. 1861\nGest. 29 Dez. 1907\n\nHere Rests\nSleeping Beauty\nBorn 20 Dec. 1861\nDied 29 Dec. 1907\n\nSo, at least part of her request was carried out.  Her tombstone does say \"Here Rests (the) Sleeping Beauty\", although the letters are not in gold.  Just as well - if there were gold letters, they would have been stolen long ago.  When Alvina died, gold coins were still in general circulation in the United States.  No willow tree there - or evidence that a willow tree was ever there.  In fact, I don't think I saw any willow tees at Oak Woods.\n\nIn checking the Chicago Tribune archives I could not find any mention of the twice-yearly festivals for the orphans, nor any mention of the adoption of Lottie by any wealthy family.  In fact, as mentioned above, I could find no further mention of Alvina other than when Leo Kovetz, her executor sold her property on S. Prairie Avenue.  (There is a lot more to the story of Leo Kovetz, but that will be in a future post).  The property on S. Prairie was sold on May 15, 1909 to Lon Well for $15,000.00.\n\nSo that, dear readers, is the story of Alvina Schaeffer.  She certainly had good intentions about the way she wanted to leave her money. The gold lettering may have been a little much, but the twice-yearly festivals and prizes for orphan children would have been nice.  And what about Lottie?  Those of us who are dog lovers hope that our beloved dogs would be taken care of if anything happened to us.  Remember, Alvina was only 46 years old when she died.  Hopefully the neighbor Mrs. Norman took care of Lottie for the remainder of the dog's life - with or without the $2.00 weekly.  If there is any lesson to be learned here, it is to take care of as many of your final arrangements as you can before you die.  That way you are not relying on other people to see that your last wishes are carried out.\n\nI think I can safely say that very few people have thought about Alvina Schaeffer in over 100 years.  She and Henry Schaeffer had no children; her brothers never left Germany.  I have said before that one of the purposes of this blog is to see that the people I write about are not forgotten.  We'll never know if I stumbled upon Alvina's story by accident, or whether I was \"guided\" by someone to find her story.  But, thanks to the miracle of the internet, Alvina Schaeffer and her story will not be forgotten.\n\nAlvina Schaeffer - \"Here Lies the Sleeping Beauty\" - May she rest in peace."], "url": "http://undereverystone.blogspot.com/2013/08/here-lies-sleeping-beauty-alvina.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 384, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 393, "width": 378}, {"height": 617, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 392, "width": 378}, {"height": 380, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 318, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e264249182d0c876401aca6dbfc42926f5a35390361f42662a0a232203bda7e8", "1ca3784b10190b8e92ad189f9461abc3257e43fda677aa9097f8e71650b069e8", "71f22c9f7c4469c07fe8cff0764ce8cf6de74c9fe9f02f99f8f576c5298cc742"], "__index_level_0__": 275, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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\"formatted_filename\": \"fb m\", \"alt_text\": \"Eastern Market reopening, wtih a closed to traffic 7th Street SE, Saturday June 27th, 2009\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 180}, {\"document_url\": \"http://urbanplacesandspaces.blogspot.com/2010/12/1987-report-on-eastern-market-dc.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2282/2290414135_6f6b3cf55b_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2282/2290414135_6f6b3cf55b_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f b cf b m\", \"alt_text\": \"7th Street, Eastern Market\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 180}, {\"document_url\": \"http://urbanplacesandspaces.blogspot.com/2010/12/1987-report-on-eastern-market-dc.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2326/2290436813_d2d5f1fb46_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2326/2290436813_d2d5f1fb46_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d d f fb m\", \"alt_text\": \"Main aisle, Eastern Market, DC\", 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Eastern Market Community Advisory Committee (on which I sit), one of the committee members brought to the meeting to give back to EMCAC two decades of meeting minutes and other materials, materials that he had recently organized.\n\nI thumbed through the massive bound volume of a report on Eastern Market that was produced under the Barry Administration in the late 1980s (close to two inches thick), after earlier efforts had been made to convert the Market into more of a food court.\n\nI was shocked to learn that (1) preliminary recommendations had been made in the deliberations to close 7th Street SE in front of the Market on Saturdays (it wasn't until the early 1990s that the Market began opening on Sunday, after the success of the Sunday Craft and Flea Market) and (2) that the local ANC had conducted an inquiry on parking (I'd like to think of this more broadly as \"transportation\" related) in 1977,\n\nIt's amazing that it took 20-30 years for the street to be closed on the weekends.\n\nSince I've been on the committee, I have agitated for the creation of a master plan for the Market and the area (now I call for a Capitol Hill destination development plan) as well as a consumer market study.\n\nAgain, while a master plan per se wasn't created for the Market in the 1987 deliberations, a pretty good market study was conducted, and excellent recommendations made concerning broadening the retail mix there.\n\nOf course, as local food and agriculture has become more trendy, these findings would need to be updated, but again, I was saddened to see that an excellent market study had been conducted 20+ years ago and has mostly laid fallow ever since.", null, null, null, "Labels: civic engagement, commercial district revitalization planning, food-agriculture-markets\n\nposted by Richard Layman @ 8:51 AM&Permanent Link", "Name: Richard Layman\nLocation: Washington, DC, United States\n\nSubscribe to Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space by Email\n\nEmail me\n\nANC 4B Square 2986 Committee\n\nGlobal Site Plans Top 20 Blog\n\nGuardian Cities Best Blogs", "My Flickr\n\nStreetsBlog Network\n\nParking Day - Friday September 16th, 2016\n\nBusiness Affiliations\n\nProjects I've Done\n\nWestern Baltimore County Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Plan\n\nBaltimore County Pedestrian and Bicycle Legislation\n\nCambridge, Maryland Commercial District Revitalization Framework Plan\n\nEasy print Florida Market Directory\n\nFlorida Market Map & Directory\n\nFlorida Market History Sign\n\nUrban Safeway Design Misses Mark op-ed, WBJ\n\nTemper Walmart Glee with Planning op-ed, WBJ\n\nANC4B Large Tract Review Report on Walmart, 5/2011\n\nANC4B Large Tract Review Report on Walmart, Summary Recommendations\n\nBoard membership\n\nCommunity Forklift - Building Materials Recovery & Resale\n\nEastern Market (DC)\n\nBordercross Communications (Corinna Moebius)\n\nHysterical Preservationist\n\nThis is None: Storytelling by Design\n\nVictorian Secrets\n\nOther blogs I am involved with\n\nCapital City Market (w/Frozen Tropics)\n\nDr. Transit/League of Transit Doctors\n\nUrban Agenda\n\nArchives -- by month\n\nDC Government Civic Events Calendar\n\nDC City Council--Current Calendar\n\nAlternative Papers & Online Pubs\n\nPost-Katrina Revitalization\n\nAtlantic Yards, Brooklyn\n\nArchitecture, Urban/City Issues & Revitalization Blogs\n\nBest Practice Revitalization Links\n\nGreat Urban Journalism\n\nBest Practice Local Revitalization Programs\n\nArts, Culture & Creative Class\n\nBusiness Development, Retail/BIDs/Main Streets & Retail Entrepreneurship\n\nCivic Engagement and Participatory Democracy\n\nDisaster Planning\n\nEducation, Libraries, Children & Youth\n\nEnergy, Environment, Green & Sustainability\n\nHealth/Public Health\n\nHistoric Preservation & History -- Practical Advice\n\nHistoric Preservation & History -- Magazines\n\nHistoric Preservation & History -- DC/Regional\n\nHistoric Preservation & History -- U.S.\n\nHistoric Preservation & History -- World\n\nHousing: Affordable/Public/Social\n\nInfrastructure & Utilities\n\nParks, Public Gardens and Receation Planning\n\nRivers, Canals and Waterfronts\n\nSuburban Revitalization\n\nUrban & Community Forestry & Trees\n\nReal Estate Development\n\nUrban Design & Placemaking\n\nRegional Media\n\nDC Government Links\n\nDC Links\n\nSome DC Area Links\n\nSome Baltimore/Maryland Websites & Blogs\n\nWard 6 Links\n\nEast of the River (Wards 7 & 8\n\nWard 9 Links (Prince George's County, MD)"], "url": "http://urbanplacesandspaces.blogspot.com/2010/12/1987-report-on-eastern-market-dc.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": 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It seems that the most popular summer snacks were watermelon, fresh tomatoes from the garden (omg, I’m so jealous of you people!), fresh seasonal berries, cherries, and ice cream. I’m all over the seasonal fruits and the homegrown tomatoes straight up!\n\nSeveral of you have either commented or emailed asking about the next workshop. At this point, things are wide open and I haven’t had a chance to mull over which direction to take the workshop. Of course, if there is another Food and Light workshop, you’ll hear about it on urb. Thanks for your interest!\n\nSo let’s get to the winner of the giveaway… Believe it or not, Miss Kaweah’s metabolism is slowing down and the whole “pick a number/eat the treat” method has been phased out. Instead, we have opted for the “pick a toy that corresponds to a number”. It is decidedly and supremely random. When Kaweah picked a digit, we would insert a new toy to replace that digit for the next round (we’ve had issues with her returning to the same toy, so this is more fair).\n\nfirst digit: 6 (the kong)", null, "second digit: 3 (stick tiger courtesy of manisha)", null, "third digit: 3 (giant hedgehog!!!!)", null, "whew, that is hard work", null, "The number is 633 mod 544 which gives us 89. SheilaM is our winner! Congratulations!! I’ll contact you shortly for your mailing address. Big thanks to CHEFS catalog for being such a wonderful and generous sponsor. Another thank you to all of you for entering!\n\nOur yard is dotted with all manner of colors: reds, purples, blues, whites, yellows, oranges, different yellow, a greenish yellow, more whites, pinks�� That’s pretty impressive considering how we do NOTHING to maintain our yard (then again, I wouldn’t recommend playing lawn darts in our yard). The afternoon thunderstorm cycle is revved up and the wildflowers beckon. When it is February and our deck is under three feet of snow, this is what I think of when my thoughts turn to summer.\n\nkaweah inspects a handful of our wildflowers", null, "Because it is so brief, timing is everything and I’m heading out into that there yonder. There is work to be done. Hopefully this recipe will tide you over until the next one – whenever that will be. It’s a noodle dish because I am a noodle grrl. It does require the use of heat, but I think you’ll find the brief blast of BTUs worth it. Totally. Worth. It. [Feel free to insert ZOMGs and noms as you see fit.]\n\nchinese broccoli (gai-lan), wide rice noodles, pork, garlic", "get saucy: fish sauce, thick soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar", "I met with joyous success when I made Pim’s pad thai last year (oh wow, posted a year ago to the day). That was after years of crappy versions that just… sucked. It’s been a full year of pad thai bliss. A few months ago, I had a reader ask me if I knew how to make pad see ew. What’s that? I am the most pathetic kind of Thai food junkie. I love it and I have no idea what it is called. Some searching on the interwebs led me to a handful of trusted food bloggers and ultimately to Pim.\n\npeeling the chinese broccoli stems", "slicing pork", "Turns out I’ve had it before, loved it, and never quite caught the name. A one-night stand… but no more! We’ve been reunited. I was worried that I would have to drive to BFE far away places to secure some fresh wide rice noodles, but my local Asian market had some. SCORE. Actually, most all of the ingredients in this dish are relatively easy to find.\n\nmix and marinate the pork", "mise en place: noodles, chinese broccoli leaves and stems, pork, garlic, egg", "I love my vegetables. I love my greens. What I really love are my Asian greens. Chinese broccoli is one of my favorites AND it is getting easier to find around here. Like Pim, I like to use the stalks. Some people throw them out which I think is a crying shame because the leaves and the stems are almost like two separate vegetables in your stir-fry. Eat them up, they’re good for you.\n\nsauté the chinese broccoli", "stir-fry the noodles", "Those noodles were a little tricky to handle. The ones I bought were refrigerated and a tad brittle. Oh, and they stuck together like crazy. Prying them apart resulted in a lot of broken noodles – nothing longer than 3-inches. But they cooked up perfectly into a soft and chewy texture, soaking up the colors and flavors of the added sauces.\n\ndrop the egg into the pan when the pork is almost cooked", "add the cooked vegetables back into the pan", "The key to this dish is to have everything ready and on-hand. Each component gets cooked quickly and then removed until the end when it is all tossed together. The total cooking time was maybe 5 minutes, which is a good thing because the aromas rising from the pan will taunt you. We loved these noodles. I found this recipe easier than the pad thai by a smidge, but they both live in the “favorites” section of my brain.\n\ntoss with vinegar, fish sauce, and thick soy sauce to taste", "pad see ew", "Pad See Ew\nfrom Chez Pim\n\n8 oz. (225g) pork loin, sliced thin against the grain\n1/2 tbsp fish sauce\n1 tbsp oyster sauce\nsplash of dark sesame oil\n\nMix together in a bowl and let sit for 30 minutes.\n\nthe rest of it\n2-3 tbsps cooking oil\n9 oz. (250g) Chinese broccoli, cut into bite-size pieces (use the leaves too!)\nfish sauce to taste\n11 oz. (300g) fresh wide rice noodle*\n1 tbsp thick soy sauce\n2 cloves garlic, minced\n1 egg\n1 tbsp rice wine vinegar\nground black pepper to taste\n\n* Pim says if you use dry noodles, that you should soak them in lukewarm water until they are pliable, but not soft. Drain them well before cooking to avoid oil splatter.\n\nIt’s a good idea to get your mise en place (mess in place) because the cooking part happens rather quickly. Heat a tablespoon of oil in your wok or pan over high heat. When the oil is hot, add the Chinese broccoli stems and sauté for about a minute. Then add the leaves and a splash of fish sauce, sautéing until the leaves are wilted (this won’t take long). Remove the greens from the pan and set aside. Add another tablespoon (or more) of oil to the pan and toss in the noodles, coating them with the oil. Add thick soy sauce, a few splashes of fish sauce (like a tablespoon total?) and stir the noodles about until they are evenly cooked. You can even go for the charred bits by letting some of the noodles sit on the pan for a little longer. If the noodles start to stick, Pim says you can add more oil. Remove the noodles from the pan and set aside. Scrape off any remnants from the pan, add another tablespoon of oil and set over high heat. When the oil is hot, add the garlic and stir for a second, then add the pork. Stir-fry until the pork is almost cooked through. Push the pork to the side of the pan and add an egg to the middle. Let it cook for a few seconds then stir it together with the pork. Add the Chinese broccoli and the noodles. Stir together. Remove from heat. Add more soy sauce and/or fish sauce to taste (you may not need any) and then toss the noodles with a tablespoon of rice wine vinegar and a few grinds of black pepper. Serves 2.\n\nJuly 6th, 2010: 7:50 pm\nfiled under asian, meat, savory, vegetables"], "url": "http://userealbutter.com/2010/07/06/pad-see-ew-thai-noodles-recipe/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 544, "original_height": 576, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 382, "original_width": 576, "width": 569}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 390, "original_width": 576, "width": 558}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 384, "original_width": 576, "width": 567}, {"height": 564, "original_height": 576, "original_width": 386, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e9eab1a78087e6c58f2f8b5f913d48aa6d744826d2d5d390190d44794e9e9836", "8cf8098508e1e80e898620ca1ac1f4df98c59e83392638e82287e32ef594bec7", "4c17053c76cb6318970ce2422695c4cb59695931d42c486cf4051433007b1094", "2be1417687be20492226f502097cb4001a37f39a47a197c0984bfb3505fb9053", "787133a375f535ac23dea85f34ece21f1f8e9189d0e621c3d89b9be3109cb7d0"], "__index_level_0__": 277, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YVg4zTDVbXY/UqQow6n07SI/AAAAAAAAAA0/CFXYEajPpOY/s1600/07kurds.xlarge1.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9703121781349182}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://usmilitarywithreid.blogspot.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YVg4zTDVbXY/UqQow6n07SI/AAAAAAAAAA0/CFXYEajPpOY/s1600/07kurds.xlarge1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YVg4zTDVbXY/UqQow6n07SI/AAAAAAAAAA0/CFXYEajPpOY/s1600/07kurds.xlarge1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"kurds\", \"alt_text\": \"United States Military In Iraq\", \"rendered_width\": 246, \"rendered_height\": 144}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["For anybody who is looking to join the Military I would suggest that people look at the statistics. Statistic brain has all the information that people would like to know. Each branch has different things that the stats can provide. For example for women I would suggest that you would enlist into the Air Force, Navy, or Army in that order. Those branches have the higher percent of women in the Military. For people that are considered minorities the perfect branch to join would be the Navy with a huge percent at 33.8% of minorities join the Navy. Each branch will differ in everything. For people who want to join the biggest branch and extend the brotherhood or become an Officer I would recommend that you join the US Army. While if you’re joining with a bachelor’s degree or higher it would be better to join the Air Force or join the Army and work on advanced equipment. Since the Air Force has 99% of people in the Air Force have bachelor’s degrees while serving. I would highly recommend that people look deeply into what they feel is perfect for them and to find something that they would like to do.\n\nPosted by Rlewis1996 at 9:03 AM 3 comments:", "Labels: Army, Enlistment, Military\n\nFriday, March 21, 2014\n\nHold On Credit To Sgt.1st Class Andre Anderson\n\nThis black earth it holds me back\nI only wish that I were home\nSo you could tell me what was right\nAnd I could try to change what's wrong\nDiyahnnn diyahnnnnnn\nIt's all the distance between us now\nThat gives me fear that you are gone\nPlease hear my heart that beats loud\nAnd just hold onnnnnnn\nJust hold on...\nIf the battles I have lived through\nWere in vain then give me death\nIn this war there are only losers\nAs the victors beat their chests\nI'm just animal in nature\nWithout knowing I am in your heart\nJust not knowing brings out anger\nAnd it's tearing me apart\nHold on...hold on...\nThe fertile earth consumes me now\nUnderneath this great dark cloud\nYour last words deeply cut me\nFrom my grave I'll cry out loud!\nSomeone waiting for a Soldier to come home wrote the other anonymous poem\nThe T-Shirt\nMingling musk\nsweat scent\npowder punctures\ncotton creases\nTears trickle\nAway now\nsave again for later\nbring the ache\ntomorrow still gone\nanother day\nwithout you\n\nCredit to Sgt.1st Class Andre Anderson of the United States Army for his winning poem.\nPosted by Rlewis1996 at 8:38 AM No comments:", "Friday, March 7, 2014\n\nResponse to Air National Guard colonel charged with 110 criminal counts\n\nAir Nation Guard Colonel Gerard Mangis was arrested Wednesday March 5th. He was arrested on the account of having 110 criminal accounts filed against him. The accounts filed against him were conspiracy, honest service wire fraud, false claims against the United States, and theft of government property. I believe that this guy should be stripped of all military decorations on his uniform and every perk that came with it should be disbanded and he should never be set free. This man is a disgrace to military personnel. He is the type of person who joins the military for all the wrong reasons and not for the greater good but only for himself and anything that could help him. For all the active military personnel this makes our military look like some of us are just corrupt bastards that will give out anything just to earn a quick buck in our pockets. When in reality it is true that some will join for the money but some also join to help the greater good. This guy is a disgrace and I hope to high hell that this guy doesn't have a family and if he does I would feel bad for them that they would possibly have the burden to have to deal with this guy’s messed up choices. They would possibly catch the backfire from his poor choices instead of people leaving the weight to only be on the Colonels shoulders if something does start to come down and the family is threatened or treated different. I wouldn't like to see innocent people being treated different by their friends and neighbors just because of what somebody in their family did. But I hope that this guy gets life in a federal prison do to his crimes against the American Government. For more information click here and read more about it.\nPosted by Rlewis1996 at 9:22 AM 3 comments:", "Thursday, February 27, 2014\n\nOut Gunned Credit to Usmilitary.about.com\n\nSeems there was a young soldier, who, just before battle, told his sergeant that he didn't have a rifle.\n\"That's no problem, son,\" said the sergeant. \"Here, take this broom. Just point it at the Germans, and go 'Bangety Bang Bang'.\"\n\"But what about a bayonet, Sarge?\" asked the young (and gullible) recruit.\nThe sergeant pulls a piece of straw from the end of the broom and attaches it to the handle end. \"Here, use this... just go, 'Stabity Stab Stab'.\"\nThe recruit ends up alone on the battlefield, holding just his broom. Suddenly, a German soldier charges at him. The recruit points the broom. \"Bangety Bang Bang!\" The German falls dead.\nMore Germans appear. The recruit, amazed at his good luck, goes \"Bangety Bang Bang! Stabity Stab Stab!\" He mows down the enemy by the dozens.\nFinally, the battlefield is clear, except for one German soldier walking slowly toward him. \"Bangety Bang Bang!\" shouts the recruit.\nThe German keeps coming.\n\"Bangety Bang Bang!\" repeats the recruit, to no avail. He gets desperate. \"Bangety Bang Bang! Stabity Stab Stab!\"\nIt's no use. The German keeps coming. He stomps the recruit into the ground and says... \"Tankety Tank Tank.\"\nFor more Military jokes go to http://usmilitary.about.com/library/miljokes/bloutgunned.htm\nPosted by Rlewis1996 at 8:58 AM 2 comments:", "Friday, February 14, 2014\n\nInterview With Sergeant Banks From The United States Army\n\nOn Tuesday February the 11th I held an interview with my recruiter Sergeant Michael (Mike) Banks from the United States Army.\nQ: What’s your name to start off with?\nA: Sergeant Mike Banks of the US Army.\nQ: What made you want to join the Army?\nA: The fact that I could get free schooling and travel anywhere I want for much less then what I would originally pay for and who wouldn't want free schooling like damn really.\nQ: What's your MOS in the Army and why did you choose it?\nA: My MOS is Airborne Infantry and I didn't really choose it I wanted Infantry and they asked if anybody wanted to come and join the Airborne Infantry so I just raised my hand and there I was Joining the Airborne Infantry.\nQ: When did you realize you wanted to join the Army?\nA: I decided when I was a senior in high school so pretty much like you kind of had to decide.\nQ: Have you always wanted to go into the Army?\nA: Yes I had no other thoughts about any other branch of service.\nQ: Have you ever seen combat and if so what was it like?\nA: Yes, it was like being in the most stressful situation that you could ever be in just knowing that anything can happen and then knowing if something happens to the leader of the squad that you may have to step up and take charge.\nQ: What was basic training like?\nA: It's the same as what you will be doing except you won’t have to jump out of planes as training since it’s not in your job requirements but anyways it was pretty difficult and well worth it.\nPosted by Rlewis1996 at 9:09 AM 2 comments:", "Labels: Army, Sergeant, Training\n\nCallobo blog\n\nToday Tyler Newman will talk about the Marines special operations unit, RECON.\n\nMarines Special forces, RECON\nAll future RECON, depending on which they are going, force or battalion. Both have similar training, the only difference is their commander, it's either the Task Force Commander or the Battalion Commander. Any person going recon must attend SOI (School of Infantry). In recent years, Marines weren't allowed to even attend RIP (indoc) for recon. You had to have at least three to four years of experience in the field and have a score of at least 285 on the PFT (physical fitness test) which consists of a: 3 mile run in 18 minutes or under, 20 pull ups, and at least 80 sit ups in 2 minutes; Now young Marines who are very motivated can attend RIP right after boot camp, scoring at least a 285 on the PFT. The qualifying training to begin actual training consists of two obstacle courses in under 2:00 each time; swim 500 meters in full cammies in 17:00, and other fun water activities. 10 mile ruck with 50lbs pack in less than 2 hours.\n\nHowever, just because you made it past boot camp and qualifying training, doesn’t mean you will automatically get selected for RECON. You will have to pass an interview with the team leader and company.  It all depends on your attitude and teamwork skills that get you in.\n\nOnce selected you go to RIP (Recon Introductory Platoon) which is like going back to boot camp.\nThe Marines only get supervised liberty, physical training and classes at all time of the day and night at the Amphibious Reconnaissance School (ARS).  Training has 3 phases. Phase 1 is four weeks long and focuses on Marine individual physical skills such as running, high repetition PT, obstacle courses, ocean swims with fins, rucking, land navigation, helicopter rope suspension training, communications and supporting arms. Phase 2 is three weeks long and concentrates on small unit tactics, mission planning and includes a nine-day exercise in full mission profiles. Phase 3 is two weeks and focuses on the maritime mission.  Held in Coronado, CA, the Marine will conduct amphibious reconnaissance, boat operations and nautical navigation. Once a Marine finishes ARS, they are a Reconnaissance Marine.\n\nThat’s basically the summed up version of how to go recon, if you want to know more go to here or contact a recruiter.", null], "url": "http://usmilitarywithreid.blogspot.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 350, "original_width": 600, "width": 648}], "image_hashes": ["d58d7dac684749e03ec21fda816c99426b98069727658b35f9fcb1a7b3a856e3"], "__index_level_0__": 278, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_awq8I-Z3Hu4/TNQW8xdjZcI/AAAAAAAACSc/aQSw-7CznQs/s400/003.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_awq8I-Z3Hu4/TNSXBgI6ecI/AAAAAAAACSk/UjJLJ9p9Aqc/s400/015.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_awq8I-Z3Hu4/TNSMiE587KI/AAAAAAAACSg/P8apVrM668c/s400/Jesus_the_Christ.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9732574224472046}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": 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give me a minute.\n\nBelieve.  Or don't believe.  I love you either way.\n\nThe thoughts I want to write about today go beyond just liking Jesus.  Being Christian.  Or being religious at all.\n\nRemember this song from the 1980's?  Bruce Hornsby and Range:  The Way It Is\nand these lyrics:\nStanding in line marking time, waiting for the welfare dime\n\n'Cause they can't buy a job\nThe man in the silk suit hurries by as he catches the poor ladies' eyes\nJust for fun he says \"get a job\"\n\nI saw some folks last week in \"that\" line.  Folks that don't have jobs.  Or cars.  Or clean underwear.\n\"They don't even have a pot to pee in\" as my mother would say.  Literally.", null, "Folks like this man I saw sleeping on the ground in Montreal.\nThis very moment, a week ago, I was \"in line\" with those folks at the Kansas City Rescue Mission.  Yep, a men's homeless shelter.  I had been invited to a \"graduation\" of sorts.\nThe graduation was two homeless men who had just completed their 6 month addiction recovery program offered by the shelter.  One was a tiny white man named Eric.  The other was a huge black man named Kip.  They were \"brothers\" as Kip said.  Brothers in their addictions and brothers in their sobriety.  \"I won't believe you will be an addict again\" said Kip to Eric.\nIsn't that cool?  Someone who believes in you that much.  That is how much homeless Kip believes in homeless Eric.  He believes SO much that he WON'T believe it.\nI like friends like that.  A friend, like Saudi Arabia, that tells you that you have bombs on your American soil.\nA friend who has your back.\nA friend that won't believe it.  I have some of those friends.  You know who you are.\nNo doubt that all 40 of those men, sitting there in that small chapel, have been to the end of their rope.  They have gone to hell--real hell--some of which have come back and some have not made it back quite yet.  As one newby said, \"I am here now because I am finally open-minded enough to watch you.\"  He is in his personal hell now, only looking from across the shore to those who have traversed their way to higher ground.", null, "(this is not Eric)\nEric didn't say much.  He was a tiny man, with nicely pressed slacks and shaky notecards in his shaky hand when he got up to say some remarks.  One amazing fact about him:  even when he was homeless and living on the streets for that 1 1/2 years, he still volunteered his time to the Humane Society.  Can you believe that?\nThe residents there said that Eric was a \"friend of God's.\"\nI go to church every Sunday and I don't know if I can say that about myself.\n\nKip was the opposite personality.  He was smiling, and spoke like a fully ordained minister.  He made me want to believe in whatever he was selling.\n\nI don't know these people.  Didn't matter.  I don't need to.\n\nWhich brings me to what I think Jesus might think about these guys.\n\nThe bottom line is that I think Jesus loves them.", null, "I think Kip said it best.  \"God is using us even in the midst of being broken.\"\nThe current president of the LDS Church, Thomas Monson, said some things recently that I have given a lot of thought about in regards to these men.\n\"Charity...impels us to be sympathetic, compassionate and merciful...\n[even] in times of weakness or error on the part of others.\nIt is accepting people as they truly are.  It is looking beyond\nphysical appearances to attributes that will not dim through time.\nIt is resisting the impulse to categorize others.\"\nHow did I find myself in a better place?\nI guess to me, the bottom line isn't just what I think Jesus thinks or what I think He wants me to do.  The bottom line is that I am a fellow sojourner in this life.  The bottom line is that in the end, it is none of my business that Kip was snorting coke in a hotel room six months ago.  That piece shouldn't and doesn't matter to me.\nThe bottom line is that I not called to save or fix these people.  As I have heard, \"They have a Saviour and it's not me.\"\nThe bottom line to me is I believe that I am called to love them.\n\nThat's it.  Just plain old love.\nI heard this song once and it instantly become one of my all time favorites.  I think you will like it.\nIt is called Face of Christ--by Chris Rice."], "url": "http://visitval.blogspot.com/2010/11/i-think-i-saw-jesus-at-homeless-shelter.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 490, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 308, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["c4ce130f281b94665d276841e8a0e9b247e73ea3dadf945f3e05fd6c70d1c4ae", "6bf0c0cec14c8a7886148ff5c5eeeb1d043da0aaca0aa6612050309eb15cbc8e", "09aedba4e3608979605939d8b98090cd5327f39f618ddb40b79b399dd5a16e76"], "__index_level_0__": 279, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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emails uncovered through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request showed that she worked with leftwing advocacy group Media Matters for America to smear whistleblowers and members of Congress and the media who sought to investigate DOJ scandals under Attorney General Eric Holder."], "url": "http://vitalsignsblog.blogspot.com/2013/05/more-intimidation-from-eric-holders-doj.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["1b58290f7d280b24252eedeaf28680ed77f6ba61ddaef5a24e592ff3e2549c80"], "__index_level_0__": 280, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbj6diPfsH1rge74zo1_1280.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9617217779159546}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://waswatching.com/2014/02/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbj6diPfsH1rge74zo1_1280.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbj6diPfsH1rge74zo1_1280.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tumblr mbj diPfsH rge zo\", \"rendered_width\": 630, \"rendered_height\": 427}, null]", "texts": ["Jesus Montero is the forgotten prospect. He’s no longer something to build on. He’s something to be salvaged. To many around baseball and within the organization, he’s just another guy filled with potential, but unaware that he’s squandering it.\n\nThis should have been a seminal offseason for Montero. He was coming off one of the worst years of his professional career. He was given the starting catching job in the offseason, lost it two weeks into the season, was sent to Triple A in May and told he was converting to first base, he injured his knee requiring surgery and then after coming back for a handful of games he was suspended for the remainder of the season for being linked to the BioGenesis.\n\nIt was a full year of disappointment.\n\nFor most players, a season like that would be the ultimate motivation. For most players, they would take the offseason to prepare like they’ve never prepared before and come to camp ready to have writers pump out the “best shape of his life” stories.\n\nInstead, Montero came in heavier than ever. He even admitted it, making the regrettable line: “after winter ball, all I did was eat.”\n\nAfter each season, players meet with training and medical staff to set up their offseason. Each player is given a target weight they are expected to come in at for the following season. According to sources, Montero has never once met that target weight since joining the Mariners. This year he came in 40 pounds over the weight the Mariners wanted him to come in at.\n\nIt’s led to frustration within the organization. General manager Jack Zduriencik was particularly critical of Montero and his future.\n\n“We are disappointed in how he came in physically,” Zduriencik said bluntly.\n\nThat disinterest in conditioning in the offseason didn’t do much change the minds of people who have been skeptical of Montero’s work ethic. It certainly didn’t inspire Zduriencik, who was clearly unhappy with the situation.\n\n“It’s up to him,” Zduriencik said. ” I have zero expectations for Jesus Montero. Any expectations I had are gone.”\n\nHmmm…Dr. Evil likes them big and hairy!", null, "Filed under Trap Door Items · ·\n\nKelly Johnson = Curtis Granderson?\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 28th, 2014 · Comments (2)\n\nIn terms of the amount of times he’s going to whiff, per plate appearance, yes, I think it’s close.\n\nBoy, The Mets Are Bad\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 28th, 2014 · Comments (10)\n\nDid you know that 28 of MLB’s 30 teams have had at least one winning season in the past five years? The two who have not are the Mets and the Astros.\n\nMaybe Mets fans should consider “The Curse of Willie Randolph”?\n\nIchiro, The Bench Player\n\nVia Barry Bloom –\n\n“He’s a player in waiting,” Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said Thursday as his team opened its home spring schedule with an 8-2 loss to the Pirates at George Steinbrenner Field. “We have [Alfonso] Soriano, [Carlos] Beltran, [Brett] Gardner and [Jacoby] Ellsbury currently ahead of him. He obviously provides a great deal of speed and defense and is a contact hitter. He’s going to be a choice for [manager] Joe [Girardi] off the bench. And that could be a very important role for us.”\n\nAsked if Suzuki would be on the Yankees’ 25-man roster for the April 1 season opener in Houston, Cashman added: “Oh, no question. Yes!”\n\nLet’s face it, the last time Ichiro was an above average player was 2010. And, in the last 3 years, he’s gotten worse each season.\n\nGranted, he does have some useful skills coming off the bench – fielding, base running, and the ability to make contact. But, will he be happy in that role? Time will tell.\n\nSo, Which Team Will Derek Jeter Own Someday?\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 27th, 2014 · Comments (4)\n\nI’m not sure.  But, it will interesting to see who when it happens…\n\nSomething You Will Never See In Baseball\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 27th, 2014 · Comments (0)\n\nIn the major leagues, a catcher who steals 40+ bases in a season.  It’s never happened, to date, in the history of the game.\n\nFiled under Baseball History · ·\n\nCashman Has Concerns\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 27th, 2014 · Comments (16)\n\nVia George King –\n\nHowever, Cashman does have concerns.\n\n“I am more focused on the bullpen, the rotation and how that will shake out and the infield that is not Mark Teixeira or Derek Jeter,’’ Cashman said.\n\nThat’s a strong indication the Yankees will look to upgrade at third and second base, where Kelly Johnson, Brian Roberts and Eduardo Nunez are in the mix.\n\n“I have said it’s a developing story that the Yankees have to keep focused on,’’ Cashman said of second and third. “Do we have the answer, the exclamation point right here in camp? If the answer is no, we have to look outside.’’\n\nCashman said any possible upgrade from the outside won’t cost the Yankees much.\n\n“If we need to do improvements it has to be cheap,’’ Cashman said. “We spent our money.’’\n\nIt’s really a shame that the Cano free agency snuck up on Cashman the way it did, with no warning, so that he couldn’t have years of forewarning that he was going to need a second baseman in 2014. Ditto on the A-Rod suspension. I mean, it’s not like Cashman knew for over a year that he may need a third baseman in 2014, right?\n\nCashman: Yanks Were Over-Achievers Last Year\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 27th, 2014 · Comments (11)\n\nVia Ken Davidoff –\n\nThese 2014 Yankees have more ground to make up than you might realize. The good news for those of you who root for this team is the team’s decision-makers know it.\n\n“Our team over-performed last year,” general manager Brian Cashman said Tuesday, before the Yankees defeated Florida State, 8-3, at Steinbrenner Field. “It’s a credit to everybody involved in that process. But the record didn’t reflect the talent. And so when you take a sledgehammer to the roster like we did this winter and spend the money we did, it’s more reflective of recognizing. Of not being fooled.”\n\nIf you watched the 2013 Yankees play, carrying essentially 2 ¹/₂ valuable position players — Robinson Cano and Brett Gardner, plus a half-credit for Alfonso Soriano — you know their 85-77 final record, the fact they remained mathematically alive into the season’s last week, carried an air of improbability to it.\n\nThe math backs that up. The 2013 Yankees scored 650 runs (their lowest total since tallying 603 in 1991) and allowed 671 runs, and that gave them an expected won-loss mark of 79-83. Therefore, Cashman and his front-office teammates went to work with the mentality they needed to improve upon a 79-win club, rather than an 85-win team.\n\n…the record didn’t reflect the talent…\n\nRemind me again: Who is responsible for placing talent on the big league roster? Funny, that whole point is somehow forgotten, as it always is, when it comes to Cashman.\n\nBigger Than The Game\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 26th, 2014 · Comments (0)\n\nGotta check this one out.\n\nI loved his first two books.\n\nGood Luck, Mets\n\nVia the Post –\n\nIn less than two weeks with the Mets in spring training, Jose Valverde has emerged as the leader of, what the reliever calls, the team’s “Dominican Mafia.”\n\nThe members include young pitchers Jenrry Mejia, Jeurys Familia, Rafael Montero and Gonzalez Germen, and meetings are held in a corner of the clubhouse near Valverde’s locker. Another veteran Dominican pitcher, Bartolo Colon, also presides.\n\n“It feels like we are brothers here,” Mejia said Tuesday.\n\nValverde views his leadership of the “Dominican Mafia” as part of the job description, as he attempts to land a spot in the Mets bullpen, after signing a minor league deal with the club this month.\n\nOmar Minaya could not be reached for comment.\n\nFiled under Rivalry Snapshots · ·\n\nAnother Reason Why The Yankees Should Be Embarrassed\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 26th, 2014 · Comments (19)\n\nEvery season, Baseball America lists their “Top 100 Prospects” in the game.  And, they do a pretty good job with it.  I would estimate that 90% of those who make their list go on to play in the major leagues.\n\nThis season, the Boston Red Sox have 8 players in the Top 100.  The New York Yankees have 2 players –  and only the Angels, Giants and Rays have less than two players in the Top 100.\n\nFurther, one of the Yankees two is Masahiro Tanaka – who really shouldn’t be considered as a “prospect find” by the Yankees.\n\nWhy Brian Cashman still has a job is beyond me?\n\nFiled under Cash's Report Card · ·\n\nStephen Drew & Kendrys Morales\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 25th, 2014 · Comments (4)\n\nAre they going to sit the first half of the season? See:\n\nScott Boras, agent for free-agent 1B Kendrys Morales (Mariners) and SS Stephen Drew (Red Sox), said both players are willing to wait until after the draft to sign with a team since there would not be any draft compensation linked to them.\n\nI wonder if they would be willing to play for some Indy team, until June, just to stay in shape and showcase themselves?\n\nWhere Nobody Knows Your Name\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 25th, 2014 · Comments (2)\n\nThis one looks good.\n\nAnother Reason Why Buck Showalter Is Great\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 25th, 2014 · Comments (1)\n\nGritty, Gutty, Going Nowhere For Five Years\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 24th, 2014 · Comments (2)\n\nVia Bob Klapisch –\n\nRemember all that off-season chatter about Brett Gardner being traded, especially after the Yankees signed Jacoby Ellsbury as a free agent? You can forget the subject was ever raised, as Gardner agreed to a four-year contract extension worth $52 million Sunday.\n\nEven though he wasn’t eligible for free agency until after the 2015 season, the Yankees had no intention of letting Gardner slip away, giving him a huge raise over the $5.6 million he’s earning in 2014.\n\n“The numbers worked out for both sides,” general manager Brian Cashman said. “Brett is tough, and has really developed into a solid, everyday major league player.”\n\nGardner’s willingness to forego free agency might’ve seemed odd considering how much outfielders are currently earning, including Ellsbury’s $153 million, seven-year deal. But as much as Gardner was “intrigued” by possibly testing his value on the open market, he also said he was “scared” of free agency.\n\nThat, along with his desire to begin and end his career with one team, moved along negotiations that began a few weeks ago and ended with Sunday’s announcement.\n\nWhere Gardner fits in 2014 largely depends on several other factors, including how many times Derek Jeter is used in the DH spot. If the captain is healthy, Gardner will be in left field every day, especially at home where he and Ellsbury, with their speed, will be especially suited for the Stadium’s vast dimensions in left-center. But if Jeter can’t play more than 120 games at short, and instead needs to increase his DH at-bats, the Yankees might be forced to use Alfonso Soriano in left more than they’d like. The Bombers would like to use Soriano as the primary DH and limit his exposure to right field, where he has never played.\n\nFor now, however, Gardner is happy with the deal and happy to be staying put. “Where I come from [Holly Hill, S.C.], this is a lot of money,” he said.\n\nThat’s a lot of money for a guy whose lifetime OPS+ is 97 (in 2,228 big league PA). Of course, yes, that’s just the bat and you have to include Gardner’s glove into the equation as well.\n\nTo me, Gardner is a lot like Lance Johnson. And, it would not shock me to see him have good seasons for the next four years – in terms of being a league average hitter with speed who plays very good defense.\n\nI’m not saying he will do that…just that he might/could do it.\n\nTime will tell…\n\nAlso: What does this say for the state (and future) of Yankees outfield prospects, now that the Yankees have two runners locked up long term – and that Beltran will be around, contractually, for a while?\n\nFiled under Roster Moves · ·\n\nYanks Ink Andrew Bailey\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 23rd, 2014 · Comments (33)\n\nVia CSN –\n\nThe Yankees and Andrew Bailey have agreed to an incentive-laden minor league, Buster Olney tweets.\n\nBailey had surgery in July to repair a torn labrum in his shoulder and the Red Sox were comfortable letting him walk. Bailey managed to record just 44 innings after being acquired by the Red Sox from Oakland in a 2011 winter trade.\n\nFollowing the surgery, Bailey likely won’t be ready to pitch until mid-May at the earliest.\n\nThere were reportedly more than 15 teams interested in Bailey’s services, but in the end, the Yankees end up poaching their second Red Sox of the offseason. The Yanks signed Jacoby Ellsbury earlier in the winter.\n\nBorn in New Jersey and went to High School there. And, he attended college on Staten Island. Expect the Yankees to work the local boy angle coming home to death…\n\nConsider this David Aardsma, Part II.\n\nCashman specializes in this move – signing those who should be left for dead.\n\nBarry Bonds Is Back In Baseball, Sort Of…\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 22nd, 2014 · Comments (1)\n\nThe story –\n\nHall-of-Famer Willie Mays strolled into the Scottsdale Stadium clubhouse Saturday morning, a small bag hanging over his right shoulder. The next member of the 600-homer club to walk through the door will bring considerably more baggage.\n\nBarry Bonds is scheduled to return to the Giants from March 9-17, serving as a special instructor for the organization’s young hitters. Bonds has long wanted to take on a more active role with the organization, but the two sides have not been connected in an official capacity since 2007, Bonds’ last season in Major League Baseball.\n\n“He’s part of what we’ll do here,” manager Bruce Bochy said. “He’s going to be part of the group of instructors, like (Will) Clark, (J.T.) Snow or (Jeff) Kent. He’s going to be like the other guys and help where he can.\n\n“I don’t have any concerns.”\n\nDuring an appearance at AT&T Park in 2012, Bonds told reporters that he had approached Giants CEO and President Larry Baer about working for the club in some form. The conversations have continued informally since then, and the Giants felt that the timing was finally right to bring back one the best players in baseball history, albeit one with a complicated history.\n\n“Collectively within the organization, we felt that given Barry’s desire to continue to contribute to the Giants, we should be open-minded about giving him the same invite that we have given to other players in the past,” Baer said.\n\nThe first thing I thought of, for whatever reason, when hearing this story was Barry’s old recliner. More on that:\n\nThe chair in front of Barry Bonds’s lockers at Pacific Bell Park is big and black, a $3,000 Sharper Image leather recliner so large that it appears to block off one side of the San Francisco Giants’ clubhouse. All other members of the team — no matter how well established — sit in dinky folding metal chairs, the kind found leaning against the back wall of high school auditoriums. Sometimes, when San Francisco scribes feel like taking a poke at Bonds’s legendary ego, they will write about his four lockers and his Moby Dick of a recliner.\n\n“You know, it’s just a massage chair,” says Bonds, reclining three hours before a recent Giants home game, an ice pack on his neck as he glances at the movie showing on the 32-inch TV on the floor by his footrest.\n\nI wonder if the chair will be showing up with Bonds this spring training?\n\nLucchino & Levine Are At It, Again\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 22nd, 2014 · Comments (21)\n\nVia Sean McAdam –\n\nThe rivarly between the players on the field — save for an occasional Ryan Dempster target practice at A-Rod — has cooled. But as long as Larry Lucchino and Randy Levine are around, the Red Sox and Yankees will always be the Hatfields and the McCoys.\n\nIn his annual spring-training meeting with the media on Friday, Lucchino seemed to take more than a little satisfaction in watching the Yankees spend more than a half-billion dollars this winter on free agents Brian McCann, Jacoby Ellsbury, Carlos Beltran and Masahiro Tanaka, trying to play catch-up to the world champion Red Sox.\n\n“We’re very different animals,” the Red Sox CEO said of the Sox and Yanks. “I’m proud of that difference. I always cringe when people lump us together.”\n\nBy contrast, the Sox continued the philosophy that brought them a championship, signing complementary players — like catcher A.J. Pierzynski and pitcher Chris Capuano — to cheaper, shorter-term deals.\n\nThe Yankees, said Lucchino, “are still, this year at least, relying heavily on their inimitable old-fashioned Yankees style of high-priced, long-term free agents. And I can’t say that I wish them well, but I think that we’ve taken a different approach.”\n\nWell, you knew Levine — the Yankees’ president and CEO, who has tangled with Lucchino in the past — wouldn’t take that lying down.\n\n“I feel bad for Larry; he constantly sees ghosts and is spooked by the Yankees,” Levine said. “But I can understand why, because under his and Bobby Valentine’s plan two years ago, the Red Sox were in last place.”\n\nWell then.\n\n“[Boston general manager] Ben Cherington and the Red Sox did a great job last year winning the World Series,” continued Levine, “but I’m confident [Yankee GM Brian Cashman and manager Joe Girardi] and our players will compete with a great Red Sox team to win a world championship this year.”\n\nLucchino and Levine are both blowhards who need to learn to stay quiet. Lucchino only talks when he team has done well and then he crawls under a rock when they tank. And, Levine needs to learn that playing the ghosts card died in 2004. On the whole, they both need to wake up and realize that they are not Williams and DiMaggio, or Fisk and Munson, or even Schilling and A-Rod, and no one wants to hear a couple of stuffed shirts trying to be macho.\n\nThe Only Real Game\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 21st, 2014 · Comments (0)\n\nKing Of The Hill\n\nNice run.\n\nThe Yanks Headline That Made Me Throw Up My Dunkin Donuts Turkey Sausage Breakfast Sandwich This AM\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 21st, 2014 · Comments (9)\n\nCashman to be last Yankee standing.\n\nFiled under The Airing of Grievances · ·\n\nSoooooo Cool!\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 20th, 2014 · Comments (0)\nFiled under Uncategorized · ·\n\nDown Goes Frazier…Jeter Memory Lane\n\nStory never gets old.\n\nNo Save Needed Ferris, For One Day\n\nVia the Dallas News –\n\nFerris pitcher Evan Pontley had a simple philosophy at Mabank on Monday night: stick mainly with his fastball, and “throw it as hard as I could.”\n\nIt resulted in the game of his life.\n\nPontley pitched a complete game no-hitter in a 13-3 win, striking out 22 batters – one more than the number of outs in a seven-inning game.\n\n“Everything I threw was working,” Pontley said.\n\nAfter the first inning, Ferris actually trailed 2-0, despite Pontley striking out the first six batters. The two batters that scored during the inning reached on dropped third strikes and throwing errors by the catcher, scoring on a passed ball and a dropped third strike.\n\n“I was a little embarrassed after that first inning,” Ferris coach Matthew Wolfe said. “That would drive any coach crazy, and I think it took a few years off my life. But they gathered their composure and played pretty flawless after that.”\n\nPontley struck out the first 20 batters he faced until a fly-out in the sixth inning.\n\nFerris (1-0) tied the game in the third inning, and broke it open with a nine-run sixth inning.\n\nAt that point, Wolfe went to Pontley – whose pitch count was in the low 80s – to ask him how he was feeling.\n\n“He said, ‘I don’t feel anything. I’m finishing this game,’” Wolfe said. “And I’m like, ‘You bet.’”\n\nPontley finished allowing no hits, no earned runs and one walk, throwing 97 pitches. A Class 3A all-state shortstop last season, he went 2-4 at the plate as well, with two RBIs and a run scored.\n\nAccording to the National Federation of State High School Association’s record book, Pontley’s effort is tied for seventh-most in high school history. Lingleville, Texas pitcher Brett Jennings holds the record for strikeouts in a seven-inning game, with 24 in a 6-3 loss to Santo in 1986. Pontley said it was “unbelievable” that his game on Tuesday could put his name in the national record book.\n\n“It’s crazy – and means the world to me,” he said.\n\nSounds like the kid was throwing strikes…at least a bunch of them swinging.\n\nPlaying 2,500+ Big League Games For One Team Only\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 19th, 2014 · Comments (2)\n\nIt’s a very small group:\n\nProvided by Baseball-Reference.com: View Play Index Tool Used\nGenerated 2/19/2014.\n\nPretty cool that most of these guys are still alive.\n\nIt’s Not Where You Start, But Where You Finish\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 19th, 2014 · Comments (1)\n\nIn his first professional season, Derek Jeter batted .210 (in Rookie and A-Ball, combined). The next year, he had 56 errors during the year.\n\nIn the end, things worked out pretty good for him, eh?\n\nFiled under Yankees History · ·\n\nPicturing America’s Pastime\n\nPosted by Steve L. on February 19th, 2014 · Comments (0)\n\nPretty cool.\n\nKeri On The Yankees\n\nVia Grantland –\n\nIt’s hard to overstate how bad this Yankees infield might be from first base all the way around to third. Aside from the Grantland-approved Brian McCann signing, things are bleak. Mark Teixeira is coming off a lost season and has admitted that his wrist hasn’t fully healed; Brian Roberts is expected to start at second despite failing to play more than 77 games in a season since 2009; Derek Jeter is almost 40 and is coming off an injury-ravaged year; and Kelly Johnson looks like the best bet at third with Alex Rodriguez suspended.\n\nThe Yankees obviously addressed needs by spending loads of money to get McCann, Jacoby Ellsbury, Carlos Beltran, and Masahiro Tanaka, but it would be a mistake to use last year’s 85 wins as a baseline and assume the Yankees will now coast to 90-plus. This team was so old and leaky in 2013 that it’s a damn miracle Joe Girardi coaxed it to a better-than-.500 finish. The offseason additions are nice, but the Yankees’ former best player is now in Seattle, the bullpen looks weaker without Mariano Rivera, and Andy Pettitte’s quiet consistency will be missed in its own right.\n\nThis is a good team, but it still might not be a playoff team.\n\nCan’t disagree with any of this…\n\nBrian Johnson\n\nBrian Johnson is a prospect in the Red Sox chain. If he makes it, I wonder how many times he will be asked about this:\n\nMan, that was scary. Glad he turned out OK."], "url": "http://waswatching.com/2014/02/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 630, "width": 557}], "image_hashes": ["bc9bf718ebde7ff44ee678821a5f5cfc4da84ad3e6ec6491ea84873590e81394"], "__index_level_0__": 281, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_K7WIkKur_AA/S74X6ARUcOI/AAAAAAAABHE/UBfJw7PV46c/s400/streetstyle1233.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8580134510993958}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://welcomehomeprettygirl.blogspot.com/2010/04/bring-those-bells-back-girl.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_K7WIkKur_AA/S74X6ARUcOI/AAAAAAAABHE/UBfJw7PV46c/s400/streetstyle1233.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_K7WIkKur_AA/S74X6ARUcOI/AAAAAAAABHE/UBfJw7PV46c/s400/streetstyle1233.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"streetstyle\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": 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In fact i relish the opportunity to see a film my friends would not want to see because of the towering task of reading subtitles. This film was a discovery made while trying to find a film my friends would NEVER have seen. And I gotta tell you, I was really impressed. Of coarse a 1983 film is going to have some hiccups 9 times out of 10, but taking that fact into consideration… I was just plain surprised with this flick. Lets see if surprise is enough to make this a good movie.\n\nLadies and gentlemen, lets take a look at Angst.\n\nMandatory Horror\n\nPLOT - 4\nThe plot of Angst is very simplistic but I gave it a high rating because it's simplicity did not derail from the suspense the situation provided. We're essentially watching a man who was born with uncontrollable sadistic urges living his first few days out of prison, and the trouble he quickly finds himself in. And for this one occasion I feel as if the simple plot actually added something to the overall presentation. After all, Michael Myers first scenes were him leaving a mental institution.\n\nCharacters - 3\nThis might actually be the first time I mention characters negatively in a movie. Granted they didn't break the piece, but the supporting cast seemed wooden and forced in many spots. We're supposed to be watching a chilling piece about a blood hungry murderer and it's hard to feel the fear you're portraying when I can't believe that your supporting actor is afraid. Though this is one of those things I need to cut this movie a break for because of it's age. That being said, the characters did damage the delivery a bit, but not so much that the movie was unenjoyable.\n\nAudience retention - 4\nThis is a very, very suspenseful piece with it's ducks all lined in a nice little row. What I mean to say is our first six minutes of film we are doing nothing but learning about the many reasons why this man getting out of prison is a bad idea. And then, the moment we have it solidified that this person (as tragic as his story could be interpreted) belongs away from the general populous, he's released. I would equate it to watching a man talk about how dangerous his pit bull is before letting it's cage open and leaving the area. I think most people would want to see this until the end because of how well the suspense would built.\n\nRe-watch-ability - 3\nI'm starting to realize that this score is directly tied to how good a movie is in an overall sense. After all i wouldn't re watch a movie that I didn't enjoy. I take into account several factors such as how slow does the movie progress, is it more action oriented, and the overall presentation of the film. After watching angst 3 times for the mention I gotta say I never really wanted to stop watching, though I never really wanted to press the play button another time. This movie did very well, not to mention I'm in love with the camera work, but it is a dated piece and many people might find it a bit tasking to sit through this piece more than once. Up to you to decide, i give her a 3\n\nWas I entertained - 4\nThis movie was entertaining. Not much else to add. There were so many bits and pieces I enjoyed, from the madness of the star to the sound track to the rather unique camera work (especially for the time). There's also a tragic duality to our monstrous anti hero, leaving us wondering how to feel. This I'll talk about more in the summary, but for my overall entertainment score, it's got a 4.\n\nSo we understand these pieces are good, but the pieces themselves deserve a look over in order to truly understand the setting and the personal nightmare that is the life of our lead. And we aren't given any time to digest the information before watching this man leave prison. His quick summary at the start of this film gave him all the sadistic, lustful qualities that make a serial killer what he is. But we also hear how many times he asked for help with this terrifying urge, and how many times the people he begged help from gave him none.\n\nThis is where much of my feeling for this movie comes. I've still not decided how I feel about our lead. We witness his actions through the movie to be brutal, unrepentant, down right gruesome. But every scene where he is fighting against normal and trying to satiate these uncontrollable urges, I can't help but remember how many times this man asked for help. How many times the system denied him treatment that he may be able to live a normal life, and be safe to the people around him. Still doesn't take away from the fact that this is the same man who stabbed his mother on a kitchen floor many times and left her to die. I still can't help but wonder how this character would have developed with some help, despite how short the movie would have been. Maybe it's this internal struggle that makes me see this movie in such a positive light.\n\nAnother thing I enjoyed greatly from Angst were it's camera angles. Many of them were tracking and following shots of the killer lead, which I found to be terribly effective at creating a tense atmosphere. Every time I saw the camera keep distance at a slow rotating shot while he walked down the street, eyes narrowed and looking left to right, I couldn't help but ask what he was going to do, what was he thinking. Who isn't safe? This is a recurring effect in the film and I agree with it. I can't tangibly explain exactly why I loved this particular camera trick so much, but I suggest you find out for yourself and give me what you think. You'll know exactly what I mean about 4 times over by about 30 minutes in.\n\nThis movie does stick out as both a slasher film and a character study, as well. After all with our lead and the killer of the movie explaining his actions to us in narrative and telling us stories about his previous excapade the whole way through, it's hard not to call it a character study. I do wonder after it's all said and done though whether or not this character study truly is worth the mention or if I simply enjoyed the dual nature of a killer needing help. Being a man who advocates for mental health and upkeep, i can understand if I have a bit of a bias to this type of story. But after three viewings I think I can safely say that no, it's just a good piece of a decent film from a time past.\n\nBut yeah, sooner or later we'd have to talk about the supporting roles. And honestly they're very wooden. None of them have much of a backstory or a character, they simply show up as we discover them through the eyes of our lead. But again, this might lend accredation to the movie. Afterall, we learn nothing more about these people than the killer does. We are given as much information as our lead actor and no more. This is a technique that I believe lets the audience better step into the scene, and feel as if they might actually be there witnessing the events unfold. It's far easier to do without holding knowledge that the main character doesn't. A level playing field, we'll call it. But that doesn't excuse the acting, which was questionable at best in many spots. I'll be honest and straight forward, outside of our lead, i didn't enjoy much of the acting at all, mostly because there wasn't much. This movie was made for the lead role, and the supports are simply happening around the lead. Not something I can't get behind, but still, something that took away from the film.\n\nAt the end of the day I think this movie is certainly worth a watch. I was entertained thoroughly, and the things done right in this film greatly outweigh that with which corners were cut. This is a scary, suspenseful look into the mind of a man driven mad by a condition he did not understand, forced to grow into a life needing to curb his urges instead of live his life with some form of treatment. I guess the more I talk about the movie I find it to be a personal tragedy, for although the man could have been lying about wanting or needing help, he still regularly asked for it and had it denied, allowing the potential for this to truly be a case of sickness gone unchecked. I suppose I leave the final verdict up to you, my readers.\n\nAs always I found this movie on Shudder.Com if you're looking for a viewing.\n\nUser Rating 0 (0 votes)\nCategory WellHey Productions WHP Blog WHP Movie Reviews Tag Angst German horror JC reviews Mandatory Horror Master Creep Masterful Creeper Movie Review", "NORWAY’S GOT TROLLS!! And Troll Hunter, a found footage film", "Beware Crimson Peak\n\nAdd your comment Cancel Reply\n\nAll streamers are currently offline.", null, null, null, null, "Riley Collins", "Chibi WHP!! 😀 So cute!!", "Samuel \"Doom\" Fuentes"], "url": "http://wellhey.com/angst/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["c798117582e637913b6f241c546186e9803dec099d9ba97ba5ec7e60e721b28a", "8eef473900362b394fe6ac5bfdaa02f3b4db871c00cec3d1ea30ce64b57568f9", "ef2a4e56cf7bba9c393f43af3aa961295834faa29dfdcc64d6872c9eb77f0e87", "c20321aaaa596a612e5b85d331e9bdf8b2d650b3311dd2bf0fbab0265d1c9604"], "__index_level_0__": 283, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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and Portsmouth City reported to be joining the list.", null, "Inexplicably, there is one loss.  South Gloucestershire will not be repeating last year's display of regional consciousness.  The reason advanced is that the council has changed hands from ‘No Overall Control’ to Conservative, and the ruling Conservative group doesn't want to fly the flag.  Very odd, considering that it was a Conservative minister, Eric Pickles, who relaxed the rules on flying the Wyvern and went on to declare 25th May as Wessex Day.  No doubt there are still some years of such confusion ahead of us as the London parties grapple with the fact of Wessex identity, stop regarding it as some sort of crime, and join in the celebration of our patron saint’s day.  The protestations that ‘WESSEX DOESN’T EXIST!’ will continue, but nowadays are too shrill even to be worth refuting.  One way or another, today's culture is always the foundation of tomorrow's constitution.  It's the pace of change that's uncertain.\n\nWessex itself is not a party-political idea.  It’s for everyone to make of it what they will.  We welcome the growth of other organisations, such as Wessex Society, with the means to reach out to and engage with a much larger audience than we can expect to attract.  The stronger and more varied the suite of Wessex organisations becomes, the stronger Wessex will be.  But let’s not run before we can walk.  The organisations we have need to be nurtured: putting down roots comes before sending out shoots.  So dissipating our energy wouldn’t be clever.\n\nThis is especially so in the political field, where there’s huge potential for a territorial party to tap into the frustration that exists with the London parties, and the admiration that exists for the SNP’s onward-rolling bandwagon.  Let everyone who cares for Wessex speak up for Wessex and do it NOW.\n\nLet’s do it though in ways that are complementary and not divisive.  The establishment would love us to fall out over something.  It could be our name, or how we define Wessex, or any other faultline of convenience that’s open to exploitation if we allow it to be, but the fact is that changing political reality is about sustained hard work and nothing else.  Magic bullets don’t exist.  Things will move faster if we stick together: the greatest risk at times like this is for the impatient to split off, burn brightly for a season and then sink without trace.  People’s Front of Wessex versus Wessaxon People’s Front?\n\nQuite unnecessary, of course.  WR is a broad church, and open to influence from within.  Scotland and Wales have learnt from the tragedy of Ireland that the room for diverse oppositional politics in a time of revolutionary change is not unlimited.  We’re aware of at least five groups – or possibly lone individuals – claiming to speak for Mercia, which is one reason why any formal alliance of English regionalists isn’t practical, because who do you recognise or not recognise as a legitimate ally?\n\nWR has emerged stronger from the 2015 election, especially in terms of social media interest.  This blog attracted some 3,000 visits last month, twice the figure seen during the Eastleigh by-election in 2013.  However, one of the features of social media is the absence of any financial or organisational commitment.  It costs nothing to like on Facebook or follow on Twitter.  That’s why our cyber membership is growing a lot faster than the actual membership by which we are, unfairly, judged.  This is not a sustainable model in the long-term: it’s the actual membership whose subscriptions pay for the website that serves as the hub of our media operations.\n\nReal-world politics – standing in elections as committed challengers to the status quo – costs real money, for deposits (£500 a go for Parliament), for leaflets (expect 50,000 of them in a Westminster contest) and for all the expenses of canvassing and travel to media locations.  Being a Wessex Regionalist is free.  Being a member of the Wessex Regionalists is not, and for good reason.  That’s why wishing for a free Wessex is nowhere near as effective as applying for membership today.  It can be a great party, but bring a bottle.\nPosted by David Robins at 1:00 AM No comments:", "Labels: Activities, Media, Wyvern\n\nOnwards and Upwards\n\nDefying expectations, David Cameron, far from being locked out of Downing Street, now has the full bunch of keys (with just 37% of the vote), at least until his slim Commons majority is whittled away over the next five years.  He has promised a land of hope and glory, a Britain greater still and greater, one nation, with further devolution to some of the smaller nations the ‘nation’ paradoxically contains.  ‘Fairness’ for England even.  But the self-governing devolved assemblies that are good enough for others will not do for the English.  We can look forward only to more unwanted metro mayors, city ‘deals’ and a continuing denial of regional realities.  If things are done for the regions they will be done to the regions, not by them.\n\nWitney might seem unpromising territory for WR.  Oxfordshire is a border shire which, despite the defining role of Burford, Dorchester-on-Thames and Oxford in Wessex history and culture, can sometimes seem unsure of its place.  Yet we do have growing support there and a good candidate can make a lasting positive impression.", null, "At Witney, our candidate (2nd from left) almost doubled his previous vote there, finishing 7th of 12 candidates.  It was our best result since 2001.  Colin’s campaign attracted widespread and sincere interest, even from those who ended up placing their cross elsewhere.  One emailer to Colin and his team confessed that, “I just wanted to write and say how touched I am by your passion to make this world a better place.  And that is so appreciated.  You are beautiful human beings.”  It is a particular pleasure to record the assistance of the McLoone family, who volunteered as WR counting agents for the long night at the leisure centre, awaiting a declaration that came just before 6.\n\nBy then the wider picture had been largely coloured in.  Above all there was the unmistakeable roar of the Scottish lion.  The fact that Ed Miliband could not do the juggling act of simultaneously keeping on board both the Scots and middle England shows how far rigid, class-based politics is no longer fit for purpose and has to be superseded.  Don’t expect fully synchronised universal trends.  The Scots will perhaps want to ask why Plaid Cymru and the Greens failed to increase their representation at Westminster, despite a good showing in the leaders’ debates.  In the north of Ireland, nationalism actually lost a seat.\n\nThis was Nicola Sturgeon’s night as much as it was David Cameron’s.  Two Scots with very different visions for Scotland and for the rest of us.  Never mind who got the power this time: it's the direction of travel that matters.  The Unionist debacle north of the border will change the Unionist parties, leaving them much less Scottish, while increasing Scots’ sense of being let down by others.  Not even the strongest devolved government in the world will alter that very much.  Salmond is the new Parnell, and the nationalist tide is still rising.  Trident replacement will propel it higher.  If Cameron believes that Scotland can be fixed he is likely to be disappointed.  Labour will now have to decide whether to go back to Blairism; having dipped their toe into socialist waters and got it shockingly wet, they won’t be offering a real alternative ever again, and so will remain damned in the eyes of the Scottish electorate.  Anti-austerity won a landslide; austerity-lite flopped, and deservedly so.\n\nUKIP’s results have generated a new enthusiasm on the Right for proportional representation, once the lonely preserve of a minority on the Left.  (It would, among other things, make the SNP’s triumph a lot less triumphal.)  The UK’s relationship with the EU will move centre-stage, at least for a short while, during which time our relationship with the UK will be conveniently elbowed off the agenda.  Mistrust of the Conservatives, given their abuse of the word ‘localism’, especially over planning issues, is almost tangible in Cameron’s constituency and throughout Wessex.\n\nAnyone who expected this election to resolve the key constitutional issues – who gets to decide what, and what qualifies as real democracy – should now be plainly aware that interesting times are only going to get more interesting.  We shall be looking to position ourselves to benefit from the debates unfolding over the next five years, meanwhile looking into the possibility of entering the fray at local government level.  We urge supporters of a regional Wessex, wherever they live, to join us in making sure that the wyvern’s roar is heard loud and clear too.\nPosted by David Robins at 3:00 PM No comments:", "Labels: Colin Bex, Elections, Local Government, Scotland, Witney\n\nTuesday, May 5, 2015\n\nFor the Record\n\nGuest contribution by Colin Bex, Wessex Regionalist candidate for Witney\n\nThe Editor\nThe Oxford Times\nNewspaper House\nOsney Mead\n\nI refer to your report 'One of the safest seats in Britain' (Oxford Times 30 April 2015 p.7) by Luke Sproule.\n\nUnder the caption 'THE CANDIDATES', there is no mention of four of the candidates standing for Witney including myself – Colin Bex Wessex Regionalists – the party for Wessex.\n\nA cursory note at the end of the report patronisingly lists 'other' candidates (including myself), two of whom already are featured as 'THE CANDIDATES'.\n\nContrary to the allegation so called 'other' candidates did not provide biography details – on Wednesday 22 April I personally visited Newspaper House at Osney Mead and hand delivered the press release attached together with my details, and further, I provided my biography to a reporter in person, and attended a photo-call at his request in which I saw results of some twenty images taken of my likeness all of which I was assured would be available for choice for future publication both in your organ and in your sister daily, the Oxford Mail.\n\nFor the time being as you should well know, all candidates standing in British elections do so on the same terms as all the others, so at the very least these omissions constitute journalistic incompetence – at worst they constitute culpable bias not least in depriving the Witney electorate of information crucial to their being able to cast a vote intelligently based on the information provided which must be made available to them.\n\nFollowing the flagrant abuse by Churches Together against democracy on Friday 10 April in which seven candidates not only were excluded from addressing the 1% selectively cleansed minority of constituents, also they were banned from so much as witnessing this travesty of democracy – as were both the national and local press photographers present, I should have expected that local press such as yourselves would have made sure you would redress such democratic deficit – not compound it.\n\nNo wonder people need the opportunity to vote for me and others who are standing against such shenanigans being allowed to occur ever again.\n\nBefore deciding how to vote, all voters are entitled to know that I am standing to make Witney one of the safest seats in Britain – safe that is from the damage and betrayal being planned as I write by the three people whose likenesses feature at the head of the report, and that my aim is to poll more than 22,000 votes to be able to win Witney for a majority of its good people to be able to reclaim their lives and rightful freedoms from malicious debt and from any further damaging diktat from the next Westminster government – from what ever most likely unlawful concoction it may be contrived.\n\nKindly note, if you fail to publish this letter in the next issues both of the Oxford Times and the Oxford Mail together with a report on both the press releases attached, before and on the day of the election – in full together with a full and unambiguous apology, not only shall I lodge an election petition declaring the results of the election void – also I shall take legal advice on what action may be available to me against both your organs on account of your part in depriving me and the electorate of our respective democratic rights as set out by the Electoral Commission, the Representation of the People Act and the Levison Report.\n\nKindly acknowledge receipt of this letter and respond without delay.\n\nYours sincerely,\nColin Bex\nCandidate, Witney,\nWessex Regionalists – the party for Wessex\ntweet – X for Bex for Witney\nPosted by David Robins at 11:55 PM No comments:", "Labels: Colin Bex, Democracy, Elections, Media, Witney\n\nX for Bex for Witney\n\nThis is the five-word tweet Colin is suggesting to all those he meets who are too young to vote, to send amongst their friends in Witney, to provide them with input to influence their parents to benefit the Wessex cause – and which has produced an enthusiastic response.\n\nMeanwhile, Colin’s leaflet has been finalised for distribution to all households in the constituency, and uploaded to our website."], "url": "http://wessexregionalists.blogspot.com/2015/05/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 384, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 315, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["565867e83b36b0cac8185c364cb6105c46b16804d6911cddf6e59864cd0b4b78", "8dde2f119307e62ebb627c6177ffa04ad2d54d16b6a0e8277fdebdc3412b8021"], "__index_level_0__": 284, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-VUGDdQjlqrg/UkhFw-McnEI/AAAAAAAAAnI/L9887EHfaUo/s640/blogger-image--871367019.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-AY431bDGJC0/UW1oh4ovzBI/AAAAAAAAATA/RJ8VPRTP8Ak/s250/136612429616761.png"], 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here. I can't believe it's already October because it seems like just yesterday I was starting classes and moving back into my apartment. Time always just flies by me, but I'm ok with that because if it moves quickly this semester, the sooner I'll be in Paris! Anyway, enough rambling. Here are my September Favorites.\n\nAlmay Color + Care Liquid Lip Balm - This stuff is amazing. I've posted about these balms recently and did a full review, but they needed a spotlight in my favorites post this month. They're creamy and smell like cotton candy and they provide moisture along with a hint of shine.\n\nRevlon Raspberry Pie Lip Butter - I'm not usually one for dramatic lips, but I love Raspberry Pie for fall. I think this will be a staple for me in the coming months. In my Autumn Tag post, this was deemed my favorite fall lip color.\n\nPureology Sea Kissed Highlight Stylist Spray - I'm a big fan of salt sprays because of my lifeless flat hair so I find great pleasure in testing out new sprays. I'll always love my Catwalk by TIGI Beach Spray, but sometimes you need to branch out! This does wonders for my hair, and although my hair is not color treated, I think the highlights I developed over the summer will appreciate the more moisturizing salt spray rather than the grittier TIGI Beach Spray.\n\nPhilosophy Falling in Love Perfume - I didn't wear this fragrance too much over the summer, but the moment I pulled out my fall scarves I smelled this perfume left over from winter and spring. I immediately pulled it out and began wearing it daily. It smells like vanilla and berries and I love it.\n\nBenefit Brow Zings - All summer I left my brows natural and didn't fill them in. I feel like summer is a time to let go of beauty regimes and just enjoy the weather and the sun. Once school started up I felt like my face was missing something. That something was brows! I have very light brows that are almost unnoticable without the Benefit Brow Zings. The colors in the duo are perfect and I switch off between using the brow wax and using solely the powder. Both are great and it really pulls together any look.\nBath and Body Works Sweet Clementine Hand Cream - This smells incredibly fresh and I love citrus scents for early fall when I'm not quite ready for pumpkin scents.\n\nBlueberry Pumpkin Candle - Although, when I am looking for a pumpkin scent, this is it. A combination of my two favorite scents is heavenly. Just go smell it. Believe me it is amazing.\n\nAlmay Intense I-Color Eyeliner in Brown Topaz - I've had this eyeliner for so long, but it never gets old. I'm an eyeliner hoarder, so in my makeup collection eyeliners often get neglected and forgotten. Not this guy. The brown coppery shade has a beautiful shimmer to it and compliments my blue eyes.\n\nBare Minerals Round the Clock Waterproof Eyeliner in 5PM (Plum) - I recently purchased this dark purple eyeliner because I'd run out of my favorite CoverGirl purple shade. This matte waterproof liner is smudge resistant and is a nice departure from normal black and brown shades. I like the smooth application and the staying power.", null], "url": "http://wheniwearthisdress.blogspot.com/2013/09/september-favorites-2013.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1e7b938eaf3c91f24510cbe084071bf27428984dfd89fc94ee1e47088a27332a", "10f23042ab61937456a9571770e12978f399fcaafd4bf3f0b8da1d76a2e16019"], "__index_level_0__": 285, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/150618103304-dylann-roof-charleston-shooter-medium-plus-169.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.958634614944458}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://whereistheoutrage.net/tag/wednesday/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/150618103304-dylann-roof-charleston-shooter-medium-plus-169.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/150618103304-dylann-roof-charleston-shooter-medium-plus-169.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dylann roof charleston shooter medium plus\", \"rendered_width\": 307, \"rendered_height\": 173}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "This looks like terrorism to me.\n\nFrom CNN:\n\nMore updates here.\n\nFrom TPM:\n\nFlorida Judge Jessica Recksiedler on Wednesday stepped down from the second-degree murder case of George Zimmerman, the man accused of killing unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin.\n\nRecksiedler gave in to a request from Zimmerman’s attorney, who said the judge had a conflict of interest because her husband was hired by CNN to do commentary on the case.\n\nThe Orlando Sentinel reported that Judge Kenneth Lester Jr., would take over.\n\nSpent too much time tonight watching the famed Ohio State juggernaut get its hat handed to it to write much in detail tonight. Suffice it to say that those in favor of a true college football playoff now have yet another year to point to in which the BCS flopped.\n\nAnyway, Congress is back tomorrow bright and early and the 100 Hours will start ticking.\n\nFirst up on the agenda is the implementation of the rest of the 9/11 Commission’s recommendations. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has the rest of the week’s schedule in his press release here. To quote:\n\nThe 100 hours schedule will proceed as follows:\n\nTuesday, January 9 – Implement the 9/11 Commission Recommendations\n\nWednesday, January 10 – Increase the Minimum Wage\n\nThursday, January 11 – Expand Stem Cell Research\n\nFriday, January 12 – Allow Negotiation for Lower Prescription Drug Costs\n\nWednesday, January 17 – Cut Interest Rates on Student Loans\n\nThursday, January 18 – End Subsidies for Big Oil and Invest in Renewable Energy\n\nBefore the week is out, though, and immediately after President Bush unveils his “Clap Louder… Let’s Try Again” plan for Iraq on Wednesday night, the House is going to start digging into the Iraq mess. A CBS poll says that that’s what the people want… so that’s what they’ll get. Kind of refreshing. Because everything over the last few months had said that they were going to spend the first several weeks focusing on popular domestic agenda items before going after Iraq issues.\n\nInstead, on Thursday, they are going to summons Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to the House Foreign Affairs Committee for her to try to defend whatever load of malarkey is unveiled on Wednesday. A House Armed Services Committee hearing previously scheduled for Jan. 19 is also being moved up in the schedule to Thursday and Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Marine Gen. Peter Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will be asked to give their defense of the proposed plan. On the Senate side, the Foreign Relations Committee starts hearings on Iraq on Wednesday, grills Rice on Thursday, and digs into Gates and Pace on Friday.\n\nStay tuned.\n\nErrington C. Thompson, MD", "A Letter to America"], "url": "http://whereistheoutrage.net/tag/wednesday/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 173, "original_width": 307, "width": 670}], "image_hashes": ["52c0bc9c86f7746fdfff50f41b2d23d6fb09391846d141c32b6466bd90cd715e"], "__index_level_0__": 286, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-80347-bIros/V2cJiF-NopI/AAAAAAAAB08/NyfASi3F3FgdmIFr6S87AOZZVxQt7NlkgCLcB/s320/DSC_0080%255B1%255D.JPG", null, "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Q3GzpWOg-xU/V2cI7v78hMI/AAAAAAAAB0c/D-c9xPKEs_wXan_bQjGi4gQolKxeZMR8QCLcB/s320/DSC_0043%255B1%255D.JPG", "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-NWpTUNcmTx4/V2cJoWRaehI/AAAAAAAAB1I/pbu6DDpA_BUniUW_FJUvFnDdWNAjuWAHwCLcB/s320/DSC_0045%255B1%255D.JPG", null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-1ivAzq3gZ_8/V2cJBu6DLvI/AAAAAAAAB0k/3oDRd8XJJOEahdqR4gx-PZtqKIvAgk9wwCLcB/s320/DSC_0050%255B1%255D.JPG", null, 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on the Moor.  The Crohns & Colitus UK Charity walk from Norsworthy Bridge up to Hingston Hill and Down Tor.  I doubted my fitness because although at work I am on my feet all day, I don't walk huge distances.  Perhaps a few diversions from the charity walk could be planned, but 3-and-a-half miles sounded fine to me!\n\nA few years back, I'd have thought nothing of 3-and-a-half miles.  I say a few: I walked the 27 mile OATS walk in under 7 hours over 20 years ago now!  Each of my letterbox walks since 2014 have been comfortably below 10 miles.  I'd love to believe I could recover my hill fitness.  I see it as my goal now.  To get back on Dartmoor more often, walking a bit more, and reforming a relationship with my favourite place on earth.", null, "What happened to this bond with Dartmoor?  This place so special to me.  I've really missed it.  To me, as with many people, Dartmoor is my escape.  My antithesis to the stresses and strains of everyday life.  In the past 18 months, I've had a few of these.  A close friend advised me to simplify my life.  This wasn't easy.  My wife is expecting our first child.  Work isn't getting any easier.  If the advice meant: take control of the things I could control, then getting back on Dartmoor regularly would be how i'd interpret it.", null, "Norsworthy Bridge car park was closed when I got there.  A fishing competition was underway at Burrator, so I parked up in the Arboretum car park.  I took a short cut through the mixed plantation to join the track near the Middleworth Farm ruins.  In typical Saturday style, the reservoir seemed alive with dog walkers, runners, cyclists.  The speeding motorcyclists on the Princetown road were audible as ever, even from this distance.  It did not take long though to leave the noise behind, as the walk took me out to Combshead Tor and Cuckoo Rock.", null, "I found myself resting regularly and often.  I've never been one to break unnecessarily when Letterboxing.  Yet, here I was, desperate to refind my groove.  To clear my mind, and rekindle the enjoyment of being on the Moor.  I wandered off the trail up Newleycombe Lake towards Drivage Bottom.  The going underfoot was tough.  I found unexpected boxes, and explored mine workings I doubt I'd seen before.  The lush valley was remote, narrow, winding, and symbolised the experience - the Dartmoor - I sought.  At one box, a young foal, within sight of it's mother, guarded the site.  Watching me as I stamped up, it nibbled on my walking boots, moving me along.  I returned to the reservoir late in the day, tired, but partly restored after a great day of Letterboxing.  It'll take a few more walks like this to feel fully revitalised, yet I know that this will happen.  25 boxes found today, which means I've passed the 15,300 mark at long last!"], "url": "http://who-is-the-challenger.blogspot.com/2016/06/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, 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I enjoyed looking at Jobe's work as well, he is very good ! Awesome Thanks !\n\n9:59 AM", "I was on Jove's site, amazing works ! I love his loose approach in applying the paint.He has a great eye ! I apologize for the incorrect spelling of his name the first time.\n\n10:08 AM", "Uncle Phil said...\n\nNice painting Bill. Is Ben and and Jen's lifedrawing/painting session the one in Silver Lake?\n\n..and thanks for learning me some Jove.\n\n8:59 PM", "william wray said...\n\nThanks Sheri, it's just a rough sketch, but I can see the improvements or at least I've fooled myself. Belief is a big part of it.\n\n9:24 PM", "This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.\n\n9:29 PM", "Hey Phil, No it's the Los Feliz one . Check my December entry for info under the entry title \"Junkyard.\"\nGood chance I'll be there Wednesday night for the long pose, stop by if you can.", "ya know what, i meant to say Los Feliz. I've been there for the short pose. Maybe i'll try to make it.\n\n10:03 AM", "UrbanBarbarian said...\n\nHave you ever done a painting in front of him and yelled, \"By Jove, I think I've got it!!!\" and then started dancing about not unlike a crazed gibbon?\n\nI think you might impress him if you tried something like that. I'm sure he's never heard that expression before. Might be good for him.\n\nAnd you.\n\nThink about it.\n\n10:23 PM", "Freiluftmaler said...\n\nHi Bill,\ngood writing about Jove ! Quite exactly what I would think and not write :).I bought one of his books 1-2 years back and I am definitely a fan even though I can`t attach to all of his work.\n\n6:32 AM", "Hey Martin,\n\nI enjoyed looking thru your Mono types. I've always wanted to try doing some, maybe I'll take a class.\nAs far as Jove's work. I'm looking forward to his new book because I do love all his work in his current book either. Has a bit to much of his formative work for my taste. There are some great ones in there though. I feel the same way about CW Mundy's book, about half I really don't care for. What they have in common is a rough style that when it working, it's fantastic, but when they fail or do something less interesting It shows. I feel it makes them more human. It shows how difficult it is to do lose expressionist painting due the the emotional side of the painting has to be strong or the piece lacks. Very tight painters don't have to worry about this as much as tightness helps hide things, conversely they may not ever do a emotionally risky painting.", "panchien said...\n\nI am so sorry to bother with you.\n\nCould you give me a favor?\n\nI know Jove Wang before 10 year ago in Taiwan\n\nI want to contact Jove Wang\nby email or phone.\n\nCan you tell me about his email or phone as possible.\njust let him know my email address\nMy email:email@example.com\nbe contact or not depend on him"], "url": "http://williamwray.blogspot.com/2006/04/fan.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 473, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 319, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["084a91240614196de251834519193b10d406e0738b36e4295bffd0c6fc407bcd", "1af2186e8543a66de9f01d5235b17266a8db0961da50c5fe0c4c4d6b5b121985", "cd2136c976034ab3042dc08ff5467c959bd7653206b959815224c543b646b453", "350d8356d6147ca8ccb7c77956d61d26fa974087d90acc7805d0934ee99195d3"], "__index_level_0__": 288, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_L9igTjXjQpM/TGGUHThrYtI/AAAAAAAABnE/KobiKtblZsM/s400/tumblr_ksr3vbulQX1qa7854o1_500_large.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8392078280448914}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wilywiley.blogspot.com/2010/08/and-winner-is.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_L9igTjXjQpM/TGGUHThrYtI/AAAAAAAABnE/KobiKtblZsM/s400/tumblr_ksr3vbulQX1qa7854o1_500_large.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_L9igTjXjQpM/TGGUHThrYtI/AAAAAAAABnE/KobiKtblZsM/s400/tumblr_ksr3vbulQX1qa7854o1_500_large.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tumblr ksr vbulQX qa o large\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 270}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wilywiley.blogspot.com/2010/08/and-winner-is.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DU5b2o-hfnI/Te68QKPoPXI/AAAAAAAAC6E/U38Yu5dmZIQ/s1600/DSCN4742edited.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-DU5b2o-hfnI/Te68QKPoPXI/AAAAAAAAC6E/U38Yu5dmZIQ/s1600/DSCN4742edited.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSCN edited\", \"alt_text\": \"About.\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 142}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["and the winner is...", null, "the winner of the gorjana westerly giveaway is chelsea bird!\nthanks to designer apparel for sponsoring this great giveaway and congratulations chelsea!  i will be emailing you shortly for your shipping information. thank you to all who entered!\ni look forward to another giveaway very soon.", "Posted by wiley at Tuesday, August 10, 2010", "email me.", "style envy."], "url": "http://wilywiley.blogspot.com/2010/08/and-winner-is.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 270, "original_width": 400, "width": 560}], "image_hashes": ["7c9fc51590471c2a0e72a26df06823b4d6b14ee3f5cf489d56b0c2f962d5eb42"], "__index_level_0__": 289, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_TqklJy4_skA/RxYagak8amI/AAAAAAAAAKI/KZpu6c3MSTw/s320/whistler_painter-mother.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9459874629974364}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wiryaxel.blogspot.com/2007/10/with-apologies-to-famous-artist.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_TqklJy4_skA/RxYagak8amI/AAAAAAAAAKI/KZpu6c3MSTw/s320/whistler_painter-mother.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_TqklJy4_skA/RxYagak8amI/AAAAAAAAAKI/KZpu6c3MSTw/s320/whistler_painter-mother.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"whistler painter mother\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wiryaxel.blogspot.com/2007/10/with-apologies-to-famous-artist.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//www.daniellaswriting.com/ax_smile2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.daniellaswriting.com/ax_smile2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ax smile\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 77, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["With Apologies to the Famous Artist\n\nThe Wire Yahoo Group is running a contest to feature a Wire Fox Terrier in a famous painting. Mom went to work immediately and came up with this...the little known, Surrogate Mother of Whistler:", null, "I am NOT amused as that is ME in the picture! I am a boy first of all, and second of all, I don't think I look good in a bonnet!\n\nPosted by Daniella at 7:20 AM", "Smitty said...\n\nHa ha! Axel, you never looked prettier! Poor Axel, I'm sorry but I just couldn't resist. Actually, your mom did a really good job - you may win the contest! (I guess you wouldn't like that, huh?)\n\nYour pal,\n\n7:27 AM", "Wiry Axel said...\n\nI need to acknowledge that the photo of me was taken by Finn and Mackie's Mom Melissa at the Dog Show two weeks ago. It was the perfect profile shot for the photo.\n\nPS I would like to win!!\n\n10:11 AM", "Jackson said...\n\nHey Axel, you look quite a babe with the bonnet! It's a good look on you pal! Hehehehe! J x", "William Tell said...\n\nOh, no! Now my Mom's getting ideas!\n\nWilliam Tell\n\n2:50 PM", "Gus said...\n\nHey, it takes a real guy to let his mom do something like that. You are brave and much admired. We won't laugh, we promise\n\n4:27 PM", "Mommi and I awe wolling on the gwound laughing soo hawd..that is pwiceless! way bettew than the owiginal! I hope you win!\nDaddi thanks you and youw family fow the good wishes!\nsmoochie kisses(I know you don't want them..they'we fow youw Mom)", "Hey Ax, there's a new WFT kid in town. Check out his blog at\nhttp://katiezipperdoodle.blogspot.com/ and tell him I sent you! J x\n\n2:35 PM", "Hi Axel! Thanks for visiting our blog and I do love to make new friends!\n\nDon't fret Axel, my mom does bizarre things like that to me, too. I just abide, as I believe she is turning senile. She is quite daft.\n\nI hope you win! I am pawing for you!\n\n6:44 AM", "Scruffy & Lacie said...\n\nEr, Ax...you'd look good with a pearl earring too...hahahahahaha...oops, Lacie made me say it! You are one long suffering dude....\n\nps Poker in my cell tonight...guys only\n\n6:25 PM", "Mumsie....am still laughing...it's cruel...so cruel...you probably will win!\n\n6:26 PM", "Um....Axel...u better go back to our blog. Unless ur playing poker with Scruff. Mumsie sent ur pic to half of her inbox...this came back from Big Bruvver...who thinks we're all crazy. Obviously, he's as crazy as the rest of us!\n\nLacie...Pee Ess...check out my new earrings.", "Hey Axel...Mumsie loved ur photo sooooo much that she peemailed it to everyone of her friends or family who might actually appreciate it for its true terrier value. Big Bruvver makes fun of Mumsie's fox terrier obsessions at times...(that's when he's NOT asking for $$$$$$)....but he sent back the photo (unasked) of Lacie with a pearl earring....we were rolling on the floor...what she didn't post was the absolutly horrible pic of me stuck in the middle of the Mona Lisa's face...crooked, I might add...once Mumsie gets her photo shop for Christmas, she's gonna put Bruvver's face on the top of a Great Dane....\n\nHope that clears up ur confooosion....did u win????????\n\n6:58 AM", "Philly native loving the big city."], "url": "http://wiryaxel.blogspot.com/2007/10/with-apologies-to-famous-artist.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 278, "original_width": 320, "width": 435}], "image_hashes": ["92964da97c1fff821784e97fb750f2ab0a9c090b57b9659ea5bf8d9653143440"], "__index_level_0__": 290, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5101/5621352405_34ba971630_z.jpg", null, "http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5068/5670324629_5075a9549d_z.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9847308397293092}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://withoutfilters.blogspot.com/2011/05/learning-curves.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5101/5621352405_34ba971630_z.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5101/5621352405_34ba971630_z.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ba z\", \"alt_text\": \"IMG_8226\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 427}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://withoutfilters.blogspot.com/2011/05/learning-curves.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5068/5670324629_5075a9549d_z.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5068/5670324629_5075a9549d_z.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a d z\", \"alt_text\": \"IMG_9276\", \"rendered_width\": 427, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://withoutfilters.blogspot.com/2011/05/learning-curves.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-LLB0PxgnTU8/UJ1rmwQhCCI/AAAAAAAAErs/PHFA_6voMjs/s220/Monica_full-27.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-LLB0PxgnTU8/UJ1rmwQhCCI/AAAAAAAAErs/PHFA_6voMjs/s220/Monica_full-27.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Monica full\", \"alt_text\": \"Here I Am\", \"rendered_width\": 147, \"rendered_height\": 220}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, May 5, 2011\n\nLearning Curves\n\nIt's been a little over a year since I jumped into the world of quilting and I really am enjoying this new hobby of mine. What first drew me in was the online modern quilting movement (and beautiful fabric) but it has been the Dallas Modern Quilt Guild that has encouraged me to grow as a quilter. This group is beyond talented, inclusive, down to earth, sincere and fun.\n\nAt last month's meeting I was super excited to show off Owen's finished quilt! This was started in the Fall & was intended to be a playmat. I was disappointed I finished after the \"we've gone mobile\" milestone but Owen doesn't seem to mind. He is a nut about this quilt. If he sees it out he dashes to it like a maniac & throws himself on it. Turns out its perfect for peek-a-boo & general rumpus! In fact, Owen was with me when I took this to the guild meeting & everyone thought it was hilarious how he went after his quilt during show and tell.", null, "The quilt was built on the disappearing nine patch block that I learned from a class at Bernina, taught by my friend Michelle. I felt a real sense of accomplishment in finishing this but to be honest was disappointed when I pulled it out of the dryer to find that it didn't lay flat.\n\nMitch assured me that it wouldn't make a difference in the end & I've come to agree that he's right. Not really a surprise as I've learned in almost nine years of marriage my husband is usually right :)\n\nWhile I certainly want to improve my technical skills it's important to remember we all start somewhere. It will only be with practice and through my mistakes that I will improve. When I sit with that perspective I am able to see how far I've come from Owen's first quilt and I'm pretty happy.\n\nIn the craft room I have a Halloween quilt that is waiting for binding & hope to share that with you soon. Of course, now that I've learned to make sure my quilt is \"square\" before binding I'll be doing a remeasure before I attempt machine binding for the first time!\n\nI've also learned that more than one quilt in progress overwhelms me so I'm going to be a one woman quilt from now on. At the top of my list is piecing Mitch's quilt top; I'm excited to pull it back out. And until then, I'll keep my eyes open for fabric that I have to add to my stash.", null, "About a month ago I had the best fun hunting these Denyse Schmidt fabrics in town with my girlfriends. You would have thought it was some sort of elusive drug we needed a fix of from our emails.\n\nThe alarm has just gone off for me to wake up so it's time to get ready for a day of meetings. I've actually been up for awhile since I don't sleep well without my husband which means I was pretty much awake around 2:30 when I received this text from Mitch \"The little guy climbed out of his crib\". Seriously? He becomes an escape artist when I'm not at home!\n\nMy first question of course was if he was hurt. Nope, just sitting at his door waiting for someone to come get him. Oh, Mr. Mischief.", "Have a wonderful Wednesday!", "Labels: sewing", "Ellen said...\n\nMay 5, 2011 at 9:22 AM", "Becky Handforth said...\n\nI have just found your blog thru Becky Higgins. I love it. I have a love of quilting and scrapbooking with PL. I also started out with CM and they are still so chronological based and only CM products that if I go to a crop I don't feel right. Oh well on to quilting. Do you hand or machine quilt yours. I machine piece all of mine and they they go to a wonderful lady who does my quilting of them. I can't stand to handquilt. Well I just wanted to say hi and I love your posts."], "url": "http://withoutfilters.blogspot.com/2011/05/learning-curves.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 427, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["65545e6e0453c9db63006af76d573ba5fda2dcbdbac87ea2a6bd67d3fc78e060", "21c28e04d5c99c30a23bffb7d7ed5901139584db01ecdfaf7266d2a5a8b66059"], "__index_level_0__": 291, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-njwfbyvKI/AAAAAAAAA7s/95GD9UsQAs8/s400/db+FlintKnapping001.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-nllJVSrbI/AAAAAAAAA70/H_V6TDS-dcA/s400/db+FlintKnapping002.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-nm6alhAuI/AAAAAAAAA78/d9fL_YMcsnM/s400/db+FlintKnapping003.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-nqYakvvxI/AAAAAAAAA8M/kFfhYxfWBsM/s400/db+FlintKnapping005.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.95746111869812}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://woodtrails.blogspot.com/2010/05/flint-knapping-centuries-old-hands-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-njwfbyvKI/AAAAAAAAA7s/95GD9UsQAs8/s400/db+FlintKnapping001.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-njwfbyvKI/AAAAAAAAA7s/95GD9UsQAs8/s400/db+FlintKnapping001.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"db FlintKnapping\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://woodtrails.blogspot.com/2010/05/flint-knapping-centuries-old-hands-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-nllJVSrbI/AAAAAAAAA70/H_V6TDS-dcA/s400/db+FlintKnapping002.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-nllJVSrbI/AAAAAAAAA70/H_V6TDS-dcA/s400/db+FlintKnapping002.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"db FlintKnapping\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 266}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://woodtrails.blogspot.com/2010/05/flint-knapping-centuries-old-hands-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-nm6alhAuI/AAAAAAAAA78/d9fL_YMcsnM/s400/db+FlintKnapping003.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-nm6alhAuI/AAAAAAAAA78/d9fL_YMcsnM/s400/db+FlintKnapping003.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"db FlintKnapping\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 267}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://woodtrails.blogspot.com/2010/05/flint-knapping-centuries-old-hands-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-noubL-anI/AAAAAAAAA8E/cpdrzVPMVZY/s640/db+FlintKnapping004.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-noubL-anI/AAAAAAAAA8E/cpdrzVPMVZY/s640/db+FlintKnapping004.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"db FlintKnapping\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 251}, {\"document_url\": \"http://woodtrails.blogspot.com/2010/05/flint-knapping-centuries-old-hands-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-nqYakvvxI/AAAAAAAAA8M/kFfhYxfWBsM/s400/db+FlintKnapping005.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/S-nqYakvvxI/AAAAAAAAA8M/kFfhYxfWBsM/s400/db+FlintKnapping005.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"db FlintKnapping\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 292}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://woodtrails.blogspot.com/2010/05/flint-knapping-centuries-old-hands-on.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//3.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/TAWvHS36OHI/AAAAAAAABEU/ukIqcWRqZnU/S220-s80/db+Alaska3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_oZmRpTEE_zA/TAWvHS36OHI/AAAAAAAABEU/ukIqcWRqZnU/S220-s80/db+Alaska3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"db Alaska\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 73}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "As I have so often mentioned in many other postings, the Boy Scouts is a mecca of hands-on opportunities for kids to explore the connections between their hands and brains... an area that modern schools are failing miserably.\n\nAt two different Scouting events this spring I have found the craft of flint knapping and the lines of kids to try their hands at this ancient art are always long. It's one thing to find a nice arrowhead point while scouring the banks of a river, but to actually learn how the Native Americans made them hundreds of years ago is education at its best.", null, "To watch a skilled teacher of the art so precisely chip a raw piece of flint into a working tool is a joy to watch, learn, and absorb. As new \"knappers\" learn the ways of chipping their own stone while listening to stories about the living history of the people who once depended on this skill for their very survival brings full-circle an education more complete and more meaningful to a young mind than any classroom lecture could ever compete.", null, "As you can see in the pictures to the left and below, one of the Scouts in our troop at a recent event quickly found himself enthralled with the flint knapping station where he learned how to make his own flint and obsidian points. Back in campsite he was very proud of his newfound skill and was showing off his two points. Not only did he learn a new skill but also a hands-on lesson that will stick with him for a lifetime, unlike any classroom lecture that he will ever endure.", null, "The picture to the right is of me in 1983 while leading a 28 day canoe trip on Georgia's Ocmulgee-Altamaha rivers. During our four weeks on the river we taught the boys a lot about Indian culture as we dug daily in the rivers bank finding tons of broken pottery and chippings.\n\nOn one such dig I found the greatest point in my life as seen in the picture to the right of a perfect intact arrowhead. Even today it amazes me that another human being held this same stone hundreds of years ago. I still wonder who that person was and wish that I could meet him.\n\nClassroom lectures are perhaps part of the equation in eduction, but when you're in the \"real\" world making dirty hands, listening to first-hand stories, while learning an ancient skill by chipping your own stone into something useful you are taking education to a new level. If you're trusting the educational bureaucracy with the education of your own children then they're probably being left behind at some level. Take matters into your own hands and get their hands \"dirty\" learning about the real world in a real way. The Boy Scouts is a good place to start looking.\nPosted by Dave Brock at 7:57 PM", "Labels: Boy Scouts, flint knapping, hands on learning", "Please vist my followers", "More than 125,000 hits through 2012. Thank You!"], "url": "http://woodtrails.blogspot.com/2010/05/flint-knapping-centuries-old-hands-on.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 268, "original_width": 400, "width": 564}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 290, "original_width": 396, "width": 516}], "image_hashes": ["56374eff1ef16c7d2bfffa925799fc10dc55485109d146a1eaf695276a16fd7e", "12171e168e7d8b3170b409c37e38acc3bcfce20dfd5de96e23c8d33af65f1a8b", "0c86fb9ec7ef882dd183cd54832e4a333ba8d5e81a0084f6b4c034d10a639c3a", "f26f8d47bfde3271c82c3ca5c3ea518c4da7fa77aebd10cef777467631ea08a2"], "__index_level_0__": 292, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5hV4kDmrzTc/UTUoFIHj6HI/AAAAAAAAATU/wyZ-Ehk5AjQ/s400/IMG_8274.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Kq-Zwrjx-sI/UTUnI25dIUI/AAAAAAAAATM/dGICKYQOOEs/s1600/IMG_8278.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zcfPjpA3OHU/UTUop27eCmI/AAAAAAAAATc/nZPt75y_M9s/s1600/IMG_8291.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WqR75dSDDcM/UTUpcSz2SvI/AAAAAAAAATk/AvxjJP6T850/s400/2013-03-03+10.31.33.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tA0A5OAFERs/UTUqgDZFL8I/AAAAAAAAATw/E0MWUOetf34/s1600/IMG_8299.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8U6pup0DbBw/UTUsP2mjlJI/AAAAAAAAAUA/2o1iBz7GbxQ/s1600/IMG_8305.jpg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CUzsgEY3Kwg/UTUsuC8t4oI/AAAAAAAAAUE/pTzX5CVZ-SA/s400/IMG_8317.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9303126335144044}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wordbursts.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-bass-drumming-is-anthem-we-step-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5hV4kDmrzTc/UTUoFIHj6HI/AAAAAAAAATU/wyZ-Ehk5AjQ/s400/IMG_8274.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-5hV4kDmrzTc/UTUoFIHj6HI/AAAAAAAAATU/wyZ-Ehk5AjQ/s400/IMG_8274.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 265}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wordbursts.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-bass-drumming-is-anthem-we-step-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Kq-Zwrjx-sI/UTUnI25dIUI/AAAAAAAAATM/dGICKYQOOEs/s1600/IMG_8278.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Kq-Zwrjx-sI/UTUnI25dIUI/AAAAAAAAATM/dGICKYQOOEs/s1600/IMG_8278.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 266}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wordbursts.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-bass-drumming-is-anthem-we-step-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zcfPjpA3OHU/UTUop27eCmI/AAAAAAAAATc/nZPt75y_M9s/s1600/IMG_8291.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-zcfPjpA3OHU/UTUop27eCmI/AAAAAAAAATc/nZPt75y_M9s/s1600/IMG_8291.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 266}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wordbursts.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-bass-drumming-is-anthem-we-step-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WqR75dSDDcM/UTUpcSz2SvI/AAAAAAAAATk/AvxjJP6T850/s400/2013-03-03+10.31.33.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-WqR75dSDDcM/UTUpcSz2SvI/AAAAAAAAATk/AvxjJP6T850/s400/2013-03-03+10.31.33.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 265}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wordbursts.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-bass-drumming-is-anthem-we-step-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tA0A5OAFERs/UTUqgDZFL8I/AAAAAAAAATw/E0MWUOetf34/s1600/IMG_8299.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-tA0A5OAFERs/UTUqgDZFL8I/AAAAAAAAATw/E0MWUOetf34/s1600/IMG_8299.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 266, \"rendered_height\": 400}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wordbursts.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-bass-drumming-is-anthem-we-step-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8U6pup0DbBw/UTUsP2mjlJI/AAAAAAAAAUA/2o1iBz7GbxQ/s1600/IMG_8305.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8U6pup0DbBw/UTUsP2mjlJI/AAAAAAAAAUA/2o1iBz7GbxQ/s1600/IMG_8305.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 266}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://wordbursts.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-bass-drumming-is-anthem-we-step-to.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CUzsgEY3Kwg/UTUsuC8t4oI/AAAAAAAAAUE/pTzX5CVZ-SA/s400/IMG_8317.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-CUzsgEY3Kwg/UTUsuC8t4oI/AAAAAAAAAUE/pTzX5CVZ-SA/s400/IMG_8317.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 265}, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["All photo credit for this post goes to Joshua Bason, who was amazing in his supporting me in my running, providing transportation, cheering me on, and, of couse, taking photos.", null, "I put together an epic playlist of 200 songs to run to. Obviously I knew I'd hardly make a dent in that, but I like variety and just kept finding more and more songs I wanted on there. I knew I wanted a good song to start off, and then I figured I'd let it go on to shuffle. Well, I ended up having a fantastic eclectic mix of songs come up during my run, but I chose to start with my favorite Blink 182 song, Anthem Part 2. It's used in the film Stick It (which I love) in a fantastic sequence of rebellious gymnasts kicking ass, and never fails to make me smile. Next up was Abba, \"Does Your Mother Know\", followed by Jack's Mannequin, \"Orphans\", and then--Emeli Sandé. She's an incredible artist with a fantastic voice and moving lyrics, and I got not one but 2 of her songs on my run--my two favorites.", null, "\"I never thought this day would come,\nThey tell me that you've finally run,\nI guess you always said you would someday...\"\n-Jack's Mannequin, \"Orphans\"", null, "\"Though our feet might ache, the world’s upon our shoulders\nNo way we goin’ break, ‘cos we are full of wonder\n\nWoah, oh we came falling under\nWoah, oh we are full of wonder.\"\n-Emeli Sandé, \"Wonder\"\n\nAmber did amazing on her run as well! She finished in 45 minutes, far below her goal time of 50 minutes :) After that came \"No More Cry\", an old but well-loved song by the Corrs. This was the group I ran with for the middle section of the race. Afterwards I found them again, congratulated and thanked them for helping me get through that portion of the race! And the accompanying song--", null, "\"The bass drumming is the anthem we step to the heartbeats of our granddaughters and grandsonsAnd rise,Together we rise, together we riseTogether we rise, together we riseTogether we rise, together we rise...\"-Flobots, \"Rise\"", null, "You've got a heart as loud as lionsSo why let your voice be tamed?Baby we're a little differentThere's no need to be ashamedYou've got the light to fight the shadowsSo stop hiding it awayCome on, Come on...\"-Emeli Sandé, \"Read All About It, Pt. III\"\nI love the determination on my face in this photo. This was in the final kilometer, when I was slowing down but I knew I had to finish strong, and Emeli Sandé once again helped me along. This song was followed by \"Warrant\" by Foster the People, and I came down the home stretch and crossed the finish line to \"El Niagara en Bicicleta\", by Juan Luis Guerra. This is one of my mom's favorite songs by this Dominican artist, and one of mine too.", null, null], "url": "http://wordbursts.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-bass-drumming-is-anthem-we-step-to.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1066, "original_width": 1600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1066, "original_width": 1600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1066, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1066, "original_width": 1600, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 266, "original_width": 400, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["25cbe6ee0569afb3cbc7eef6ea8e2d7d084a99f6d75d41b6939b88da5ba19966", "0fe270963cfea89c7c035da3b5f188e5d0254ebaa996b79527291a09e650d049", "5d6363edecefc6464529c96814c49bdc2313103c28292066279f175ae4f14a5f", "5a3cbbfe2c4aab9862a57b0a63a2886de8d27503879711fd887f63914d51cd62", "a78188dbb704b02f3334332b543e87825834844e15160953685104c8a4284e8b", "404c4303b80038adcbc1e2a6aad9ad9e7ad340e6fb371b51c3ab765a3ea97cbb", "6e08c6dcc1eb223482f1cf4511711e0f67d90faa685034800b30870e549fb0f6"], "__index_level_0__": 293, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SmcbrUwraSM/UKnQtwLMABI/AAAAAAAAGQc/qoa7pAEq4Us/s400/Cranberry+Orange+Tea+Cakes.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.843492329120636}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://workout-then-cook.blogspot.com/2012/11/holidays-start-now-with-cranberry-tea.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SmcbrUwraSM/UKnQtwLMABI/AAAAAAAAGQc/qoa7pAEq4Us/s400/Cranberry+Orange+Tea+Cakes.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SmcbrUwraSM/UKnQtwLMABI/AAAAAAAAGQc/qoa7pAEq4Us/s400/Cranberry+Orange+Tea+Cakes.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Cranberry Orange Tea Cakes\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 297}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://workout-then-cook.blogspot.com/2012/11/holidays-start-now-with-cranberry-tea.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, November 7, 2012\n\nHolidays Start NOW with Cranberry Tea Cake!\n\nOne of my favorite books is Martha Stewart's Holiday Handbook. Why? Well, i LOVE the holidays and I LOVE Marth! One of the recipes that caught my attention was Cranberry Orange Tea Cakes, which I thought is the PERFECT way to start the holiday baking! The only change I made was substituting pecans for walnuts. OMG I'm SO amazed by how yummy these are!", null, "Ingredients: (8 mini loaves)\n\n1/2 c (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened\n1 c sugar\n1 Tbsp orange zest\n2 eggs\n3/4 c heavy cream\n2 Tbsp orange juice\n1 tsp vanilla extract\n2 c flour\n1/4 tsp baking powder\n1/4 tsp baking soda\n1/4 tsp salt\n1 c fresh cranberries\n1/2 c pecans, chopped\n\nPreheat oven to 350°F. Spray mini loaf pan with cooking spray.\n\nCream together butter, sugar and orange zest until fluffy.  Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition.\n\nIn a large measuring cup, stir together the heavy cream, orange juice and vanilla. In a large bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt.\n\nBeat flour mixture into the butter mixture in 3 additions, alternating with cream mixture. Gently fold in the cranberries and pecans.\n\nDivide batter among pans and smooth the tops. Bake until the cakes are golden and a toothpick inserted into the center omes out clean, about 20 minutes."], "url": "http://workout-then-cook.blogspot.com/2012/11/holidays-start-now-with-cranberry-tea.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 298, "original_width": 400, "width": 507}], "image_hashes": ["5968f368a34fe37e23f9c3f36050b67ec04465099267332d24f340c28e413ba1"], "__index_level_0__": 294, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Q2wEZcdJVHI/T8bFe3hrC8I/AAAAAAAAAVQ/iujkxjU9I-k/s320/Day+51C.jpeg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PoLUAq6kOzE/T8bEIEaimBI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/_RQhfQnoO0s/s320/Day+51A.jpeg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6GFUbGIKe_Y/T8bEK-k5QMI/AAAAAAAAAUY/nQlZdiJrpuE/s320/Day+51B.jpeg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HCZCoSxzITU/T8bEPd5xJjI/AAAAAAAAAUo/Lbp03InHxLo/s320/Day+51D.jpeg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1QqT-EUEQhI/T8bESBfB0jI/AAAAAAAAAUw/IM5BCSGpTD0/s320/Day+51E.jpeg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GGsf0-sdsIw/T8bEaCDN9UI/AAAAAAAAAVI/n9tiPudOpFk/s320/Day+51H.jpeg", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XJgf_NZUQls/T8bEXvXJciI/AAAAAAAAAVA/QWt-M2A4RKw/s320/Day+51G.jpeg", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gfkAuoJZzvY/T8bEUxyaQdI/AAAAAAAAAU4/Z89n-X3xUkE/s320/Day+51F.jpeg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9912703037261964}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://worldinstrides.blogspot.com/2012/06/day-51-may-24-2012_4711.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Q2wEZcdJVHI/T8bFe3hrC8I/AAAAAAAAAVQ/iujkxjU9I-k/s320/Day+51C.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Q2wEZcdJVHI/T8bFe3hrC8I/AAAAAAAAAVQ/iujkxjU9I-k/s320/Day+51C.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Day C\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://worldinstrides.blogspot.com/2012/06/day-51-may-24-2012_4711.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PoLUAq6kOzE/T8bEIEaimBI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/_RQhfQnoO0s/s320/Day+51A.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-PoLUAq6kOzE/T8bEIEaimBI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/_RQhfQnoO0s/s320/Day+51A.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Day A\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, {\"document_url\": \"http://worldinstrides.blogspot.com/2012/06/day-51-may-24-2012_4711.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6GFUbGIKe_Y/T8bEK-k5QMI/AAAAAAAAAUY/nQlZdiJrpuE/s320/Day+51B.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6GFUbGIKe_Y/T8bEK-k5QMI/AAAAAAAAAUY/nQlZdiJrpuE/s320/Day+51B.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Day B\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, {\"document_url\": \"http://worldinstrides.blogspot.com/2012/06/day-51-may-24-2012_4711.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HCZCoSxzITU/T8bEPd5xJjI/AAAAAAAAAUo/Lbp03InHxLo/s320/Day+51D.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-HCZCoSxzITU/T8bEPd5xJjI/AAAAAAAAAUo/Lbp03InHxLo/s320/Day+51D.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Day D\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, {\"document_url\": \"http://worldinstrides.blogspot.com/2012/06/day-51-may-24-2012_4711.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1QqT-EUEQhI/T8bESBfB0jI/AAAAAAAAAUw/IM5BCSGpTD0/s320/Day+51E.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1QqT-EUEQhI/T8bESBfB0jI/AAAAAAAAAUw/IM5BCSGpTD0/s320/Day+51E.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Day E\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, {\"document_url\": \"http://worldinstrides.blogspot.com/2012/06/day-51-may-24-2012_4711.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GGsf0-sdsIw/T8bEaCDN9UI/AAAAAAAAAVI/n9tiPudOpFk/s320/Day+51H.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GGsf0-sdsIw/T8bEaCDN9UI/AAAAAAAAAVI/n9tiPudOpFk/s320/Day+51H.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Day H\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, {\"document_url\": \"http://worldinstrides.blogspot.com/2012/06/day-51-may-24-2012_4711.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XJgf_NZUQls/T8bEXvXJciI/AAAAAAAAAVA/QWt-M2A4RKw/s320/Day+51G.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XJgf_NZUQls/T8bEXvXJciI/AAAAAAAAAVA/QWt-M2A4RKw/s320/Day+51G.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Day G\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, {\"document_url\": \"http://worldinstrides.blogspot.com/2012/06/day-51-may-24-2012_4711.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gfkAuoJZzvY/T8bEUxyaQdI/AAAAAAAAAU4/Z89n-X3xUkE/s320/Day+51F.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gfkAuoJZzvY/T8bEUxyaQdI/AAAAAAAAAU4/Z89n-X3xUkE/s320/Day+51F.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Day F\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "I woke up on day 51 in Edwards MS. I was behind a church sleeping up against a small fenced area around a drainage. It was about 8:30 and it was already getting hot. When I woke up there were a few mesquito bites on my face and I also felt my eye not opening all the way again. I felt my eye lid and it was also bitten. But it was not swelled shut like before and didn't seem bad.\nI got up and packed up. I looked around the church for a charger and a water spicket but the church didn't have any. It was pretty old. So I headed out and figured I would try and find somewhere to fill up before I was out of Edwards. I came to a church ahead about a half mile. It was bigger and newer. I went up and there was an outlet there. I plugged in and then also found a water spicket around the back of it. I filled my water jugs but the water was really green. Even after I ran it for 5 minutes it was still pretty green. I filled them up anyways and figured if I passed another place I could refill them.\nSo I headed out again. I walked towards the end of town and right before the open road there was one last church. I found a spicket and poured my bottles out to refill them. But again, the water was still green. At that point I just hoped that was just the way the towns water was, and that it was still ok to drink. So I filled them all again and walked west,\nAs soon as I got out of town the country side was beautiful. The highway was old looking and the whole walk was really pretty. I was taking tons of pictures, so many that my pace was pretty slow. It seemed like every 5 minutes I saw something more beautiful and snapped another picture.\nThere were hardly any cars and it was peaceful. I would walk stop and go slowly for the next 5 miles. I came to a bridge and just as I approached it a man pulled off and gave me a country style lunch. Complete stranger. It was potatoes, Mac and cheese, peas, and a biscuit. It was the bomb diggity. I pulled off and sat up on the rail of the bridge and ate it. Really peaceful.\nAfter that I continued. My knees felt good and all around I was feeling ok. I walked about another 3 miles when I decided to take a break. I was at another bridge and pulled off right after it under some shade trees. It was real quiet and nice there. I had a blister starting on my left foot ring toe, and on my right heel. Not bad but I could feel them slowly coming on. So I patched them up a little and then also taped my shoe soles for a fresh coat. I sat there about an hour. Then before I left I hiked down under the bridge where I took an amazing peaceful dump by the creek. It was epic.\nI walked a few more miles when the 80 came back right next to the 20. So I stopped there at a gas station to get a drink. It was hot and something sweet sounded good. So I bought a fanta and sat inside there on a bench to drink it. When I was there I heard a lady at the register didn't have enough to pay for her drink and snack. She looked ragged and possibly homeless, so I hurried to grab a bar in my backpack. I ran up and gave it to her. It was the same as the bars I've been giving out to  homeless and has a $5 McDonald gift card and $5 cash with it. She was so thankful.\nI sat there a while and charged my electronics. After a while the sun started to set. There was a church across the way so I headed over there. It was a really good spot to stay. I made a bed and laid down. It was a nice easy day and everything went well. I fell asleep around 11.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://worldinstrides.blogspot.com/2012/06/day-51-may-24-2012_4711.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["60b6f3d7eb7e5ce1bf4e29b64b95ecbfe7a9c9549dad8a0dd27cfa2037168bf0", "9da6cbb0bfaf84e404d17645c40b025c469cf27807c23cf216ef54a4d1edd434", 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this military court, which does not meet any international standard,” he noted.\n\nThe country's security court has been sentencing political activists to death and imprisonment as part of the state's frenzied efforts to suppress opposition.\n\nIn a popular revolution, thousands of anti-government protesters have been staging protests on Bahrain's streets since mid-February, calling for an end to the over-40-year rule of the Al Khalifa dynasty.\n\n“As you know, the military trial is going on. Every day, there is somebody being sentenced. We do not know what is the procedure…. It is [a] very closed court. Nobody is allowed to get in except very few people, who are known to be close to government. Nobody can ask no question,” Rajab said.\n\nHe cited the case of one detainee, who had notified the judge of the threats he had received, should he speak out in the court against the government.\n\nThe detainee had told the court, “In this courtroom, I received the threat. If I talk (sic) to you I would be killed,” Rajab said, adding that “and the judge ignored him completely and tried not to listen to him.”\n\n“He was not allowed to see his family later. So we do not know how is his condition,” he added.\n\nPosted by Stewart at 5:21 PM", "Russia Today (Live)", "World News 2017", "South Front Military Review 2017", "Syria - News 2017", "US News 2017", "The Russian Perspective", "Debate – Global Issues 2017", "Current Affairs - Important Interviews – 2017", "Important Information 2016 - 2017", "Yemen News 2017", "Turkey News 2017", "Ukraine News 2016 - 2017", "Palestine & Israeli Crime 2017", "Iraq News 2017", "Iran News 2016 - 2017", "Important Documentaries", "Viewpoint, Discussion & Opinion - 2017", "Abby Martin – Empire Files", "Global Economic News 2017", "Egypt News 2016 - 2017", "Libya News 2016 - 2017", "Bahrain News 2016 - 2017", "Sheik Imran Hosein - Islamic Eschatology", "George Galloway – Comment & Opinion", "English FA Cup 2016 – 2017", "New Age Weather", "Space News", "Music for the Revolutionary Mind", "Global Revolution LIVE!\n\nWatch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com", "Japan’s 3 Nuclear 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couple of feet out then turned around and came back to the front door.  Click and treat for \"end of walk\".  I continued to repeat this until we reached the end of the walkway in front of the house.  End of the night.\n\nThe next couple of times I repeated the above, unlatch gate, click and reward, then when the wind opened gate, continued walking out to the end of the driveway.\n\nThe last few times I unlatched the gate and opened it.  He sat there.  HE SAT THERE AND WAITED FOR MY CUE TO WALK!!!  I could have peed my pants I was so happy.  Chance is like a runner on the starting blocks who takes off at the sound of the gun when the gate opens and here he was sitting there not making a move and waiting for my command.  It was a fantastic feeling.  So I practiced this over and over while I keep going further down the road.  Always turning around, back and forth.  I noticed yesterday he was getting comfortable with walking by my side, going at my pace.  He had relaxed into it.  It helped that he was boosting my confidence and helping me to relax with him since we tend to feed off of each other.\n\nNow instead of letting him pull at all, I'm stopping at the slightest twinge, which is HUGE for me.  I used to just let him do it then try to stop him when it became too much.  Yea, I know, makes a lot of sense.  I have always walked my dogs with tension on the line, and never corrected them.  Now I'm not tolerating any.  What a difference.  Not just for me but for Chance and understanding that, because he is responding well to it.  I'm seeing him make sure he stays at my pace, not getting too far ahead.  I'm using a heel position, but he has some play, he can still reach his head to the ground.\n\nI am so impressed with myself for something I never thought I could ever do.  I have decided to just work with Chance at this time.  I would like to work with Blaze also, but she comes with a completely different set of rules that I don't feel as confident about yet.  I think just sticking to one dog at a time and building my confidence and skills is the best way to start.  What a wonderful feeling doing something I never thought I could ever do.  I love watching Chances reactions.  They are calmer and quieter, like he's able to gain control over himself.  What a beautiful feeling of watching two minds work together for a greater purpose.\n\nAll barking by 24 Paws of Love\nLabels: Chance, clicker training, pull, walks", "ForPetsSake said...\n\nCongratulations!! Honesty makes me hope that i can achieve the same goal with my 2. I haven't used a clicker since before we got Nyxie, but maybe that's just the right thing for them....\n\nJanuary 13, 2011 at 12:58 AM", "That is just wonderful. Mom says she hopes to get Ciara to do better. She isn't too bad, but she really should be corrected now rather than later. Thunder does very well on a leash, and Phantom, well at 12 years old, he is still a puller, and she doesn't think she can ever change him. Congrats on some great work.\n\nWoos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara\n\nJanuary 13, 2011 at 6:49 AM", "Kristine said...\n\nYay! It can be done! Congratulations on your recent success. Isn't it an awesome feeling when you finally realise it is possible to accomplish something that seemed so impossible only a moment before?\n\nDog training is just awesome. Good for you for working so hard. Yay Chance!\n\nJanuary 13, 2011 at 8:08 AM", "HoundDogMom said...\n\nSo are you volunteering to leash train dogs? I could sure use you at my house. Our male basset Winston does this to me as well. I walk 3 at a time on retractable leashes. I know call me insane. The girls are perfect at walking by my side, but Winston wants to drag me down the street. We have worked on going out the door, which is getting better but taking one dog out at a time seems to be my downside. I feel like the others are being left out. I am going to continue to watch for some great advice from you as you work through this. HoundDogMom\n\nJanuary 13, 2011 at 10:20 AM", "Peggy Frezon said...\n\nGreat job!I bet you are both happier for it too. Happy walking!\n\nJanuary 13, 2011 at 12:59 PM", "Trixie, Lily, and Sammy-Joe said...\n\nUh... we wish our Mama never read this post! Now she's probably going to try it with us! The dogs among us love to pull on our leashes when walking. Or we just stop to sniff something and won't keep walking. Now you're teaching our Mama tricks!\n\nJanuary 13, 2011 at 2:40 PM", "Lavi said...\n\nCongratulations on your success! I'm sure in time you will teach the other dogs to walk calmly too.\n\nI also tried teaching Aschiuta today on the way to the vet. She only started walking next to me on the way back, but I'm sure we still have a long way to go.\n\nI'll try your treat method too, who knows?\n\nJanuary 13, 2011 at 4:05 PM", "houndstooth said...\n\nIt's really a great feeling when you're training a dog and you have that moment when they get it! Congratulations to you!\n\nAnother trick we've tried is to just have a bait bag full of treats and randomly feed ours as they walked beside us in the right position. I'm betting you'll have good luck with Blaze, too!\n\nJanuary 13, 2011 at 6:46 PM", "KB said...\n\nYay - that's great! It sounds like it's been taking a ton of patience but it's well worth it. I've used the same technique with my dogs and it sure does work!\n\nJanuary 13, 2011 at 11:42 PM", "Great job! It looks like both you and Chance are getting rewarded from doing the right thing (positive reinforcement).\n\nAnd lucky for you, Chance is very smart. I remember standing at our front storm door with Shadow waiting for her to stop obsessing on the outside and look to me to open the door. For the first two weeks, I had to wait 20 minutes before she even noticed I was there. She was a very, slow, doggy.\n\nJanuary 17, 2011 at 7:01 AM", "THis is really exciting to me! I have a new dog, my first dog that is really MINE and he pulls! You're using the same techniques that I want to use but am having trouble enforcing because it's so tedious. I never though I would be one to say that, but oh boy is it exhausting! I'm trying to change direction or stop when he pulls but he just doesn't get it- or doesn't care. That's what I get for having a beagle. STUBBORN!"], "url": "http://www.24pawsoflove.com/2011/01/learning-to-walk-chance.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 540, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 224, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["82fab9f963c059003b921c8147c1973784b794e9c135014b9f3ca4a5fae7b3e5"], "__index_level_0__": 297, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-r8TWtZ7gF40/WI3jPta_mWI/AAAAAAAABe8/2Yjs3smIjF8/s640/blogger-image--1024106258.jpg", null, "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-j2bFxVY-elM/WI3jTvnFcKI/AAAAAAAABfE/shKgNJ6Azh0/s640/blogger-image-1424649971.jpg", null, "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-nKpcGTpxNEs/WI3qbsXI3wI/AAAAAAAABfw/p7msIt7csbk/s640/blogger-image--1872449407.jpg", null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SLl2qFgyEb4/V9HULzW9hXI/AAAAAAAAA3Y/Yy69wg3ZCIU0gp4MmmP5mhZEFxBzvcq2wCK4B/s1600/IMG_4733.JPG", null, null, null, null, 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thought I'd share some of the things I've been grateful for over the last week, things that have brightened my day, and that I've documented in photos over on my Instagram account.\n\nThis week I have been mostly grateful for coffee and good friends! I honestly don't know how I would get by without it or them. With more teeth on the horizon for Miss Dot and the general exhaustion of daily life at the moment I am surviving purely on caffeine! A very dear and totally awesome friend gave me this mug last week which I have taken to work and it really makes me smile whenever I drink from it and it has reminded me of a mama's superpower - keeping going because we have the best reason ever to do so. Raising a mug to all the other tired mamas out there! Cheers!", null, "After some grey days there have been some beautiful winter days this week, cold and frosty but with bright blue skies and sunshine. It's really given us all a spring in our step as we head to school/playschool/work and I'm super grateful for it because the alternative is just no fun at all, particularly on the school run! Miss Tibs loves the sparkly grass covered in frost and the way it crunches under her feet. I love how children notice these things; it's one of the most magical things about being a parent I think, seeing the world again through fresh eyes.", null, "I was going to save this next photo for this months Sibling Project post... It's not the best quality photo by any means but it captures a moment between my children that I am so grateful for. I'm so grateful to be their mummy, I'm so grateful for the love they have for each other and how they without fail make me smile every day and my heart leap. I took this one bedtime this week as they were saying goodnight to each other.", null, "Bedtimes can be hard especially as I usually undertake at least 4 solo but this is just such a nice way to end the day before I make my way downstairs to clear up the day's chaos and makes any struggles so very worth it. I often pop back up and check on them once they are asleep and love seeing them asleep so peacefully. Sometimes having rushed them into bed because I am tired and I have so much to do I want to scoop them up and wake them up and hear their little voices and the sound of their laughter. Any challenging moments from the day are forgotten and forgiven and they look like little angels, so along with the bedtime cuddles i'm grateful for bedtimes!\n\nReminding myself of the ordinary things and moments I am grateful for has been such a lovely thing to reflect on this week. What are you grateful for this week? I'd love to hear, do share in the comments below.\n\nMe x\nPosted by 3 little ladies and me", "Leave a reply:", "The 3 little ladies", null, "Miss Dot, Miss Tibs & Miss Boo", "And me...", "I'm Taryn, click to find out more about us", "The Magic Of A Teepee - With The Great Little Trading Co", null], "url": "http://www.3littleladiesandme.com/2017/01/things-i-am-grateful-for-this-week.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 481, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 481, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1600, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1fa3be72d56005ca5dc9003308e0edaba4dd6fd32c1c0f4c40176f8c3e318fe9", "8051700ed251354dcfc3909289cb6f4a77b7d8955bef01cc496b50c8715a727b", 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Is it preservative free products?  Non-greasy products? Easy to use products? Recommended by doctors products? What about products that are proven to relieve diaper rash is 6 hours? I know you said yes to all of those, who wouldn't. I said yes to all of those products. Would you be surprised if I told you they were all the same product?", null, "Aquaphor Diaper Rash Cream is all of that and more. I have partnered up with Momtrends and Aquaphor for this review. My opinion is 100% my own, that why I was so excited to do this campaign. It's a product my family knows, loves and trusts. Aquaphor has been here for us through not only diaper rashes but chapped lips, windburn, sunburns, scrapes, and my secret weapon for new tattoo's.", null, "Do you know how nice it is for the baby to be comfortable even in hot months. I know with my girls they would get red lines in their little chub rolls. The ring where their leg connects to their body, neck, armpits, backs of knees, inside elbows, everywhere there is skin, is protected by Aquaphor.\n\nDiaper rashes happen. I know the thought process on it. Expecting first baby, my kid wont have a diaper rash, I will keep my baby clean and dry and I will never have to worry about it. HA! Reality is diaper rashes aren't planned but they happen.\n\nCassie had such sensitive skin, we called her Rashey Cassie. I tried every kind of marketed baby product I could find. Then her pediatrician told me about Aquaphor. That became the diaper bag necessity. I even kept the travel sized tubes in my purse, just in case. She had such fast relief. It is easy to use, not messy, and if all of that wasn't enough, it's affordable.\n\nAquaphor is sponsoring a giveaway for us :) I really hope you enjoy it.", null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.aarlreviews.com/2015/09/aquaphor-diaper-rash-cream-review.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 358, "original_width": 640, "width": 675}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 640, "width": 453}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 286, "original_width": 286, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 268, "original_width": 320, "width": 451}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["64c7f422220f2a75fe4ea249307af657a407419de265c2b48112e2e3b42b256d", "9156af63f4ce5b6709b09787c047d1adc262925e3acfac3b98d33778e5e7a50f", "2e444d6f8fe7026a296ca37c02f72dfc83e44dc9d64729d33f196dff4c24d0f9", "7deefdc67c11c8ac57f63d18ec90e7ddaae98ac9010bb4d209ba18aa8bcab24f", "1407ebbd29b23e30f568ec66baaead1b574f9ce80725d344c6027977240bc79b", "7ee019b5e1e23f94d92310b8d5a1413fab827b2bf1d014cdcea204dfe3d9a68e", "52f202e682121b5d8e695ea4a325e28b6a4d1377f50e3f2f9429437ddba858b9"], "__index_level_0__": 299, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/6/e/8/74941799.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9590781331062316}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/4841571-racine-wisconsin-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/top.png\", \"src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/top.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"top\", \"alt_text\": \"top\", \"rendered_width\": 50, \"rendered_height\": 50}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/4841571-racine-wisconsin-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/6/e/8/74941799.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://d1n3ar4lqtlydb.cloudfront.net/6/e/8/74941799.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Labrador Retriever/German Shepherd Dog Mix Dog for adoption in Racine, Wisconsin - Tucker\", \"rendered_width\": 219, \"rendered_height\": 329}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/4841571-racine-wisconsin-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/contact_bubbles.png\", \"src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/contact_bubbles.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"contact bubbles\", \"alt_text\": \"contact bubbles\", \"rendered_width\": 73, \"rendered_height\": 67}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/4841571-racine-wisconsin-labrador-retriever-mix\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/pink_bubble.png\", \"src\": \"https://dq25e8j0im0tm.cloudfront.net/images/public/pet_details/pink_bubble.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pink bubble\", \"rendered_width\": 106, \"rendered_height\": 106}, null]", "texts": [null, "Tucker's Info...\n\nTucker's Story...\nTucker came to us from a shelter in Florida a little over a year ago. He was one of 5 labs who were scheduled to be euthanized ( too many dogs) and lab rescue only had room for 4. He was adopted rather quickly but his humans had no clue! He was allowed to be a jerk in the household and basically take over. No surprize that this became an issue! He is in a foster home now that has given him clear instructions on dog behavior and he is very happy to have a leader human. Tucker is about 60 pounds, very smart and responsive and plays well with others after an initial meeting. Estimated date of birth is 9-18-08. Adoption fee is $88 and includes Vet check, 30-day health guarantee (valid only at our clinics),Spay, Microchip , Leash and collar, New pet packet including food, coupons, toys and treats, Mandatory Training classes (available in your area), One year subscription to Critter Quarterly newsletter All dogs are kept in foster homes and are not at our shelter. If you are interested in meeting this dog you must first fill out an application, you can access one on www.hopesafehouse.org. Obedience classes are paid for by Hope Safehouse and are a mandatory part of the adoption package."], "url": "http://www.adoptapet.com/pet/4841571-racine-wisconsin-labrador-retriever-mix", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 329, "original_width": 219, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["598dad308c5b2b270024b9536deb1e6f2a3443855e1a550095ec811fc489366f"], "__index_level_0__": 300, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/272336-tlsnewslandscape.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9626174569129944}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.afl.com.au/news/2012-12-19/mclachlan-to-deputy-ceo\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Videos/Thumbnails/626739_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Videos/Thumbnails/626739_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Highlights: Richmond v Carlton\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.afl.com.au/news/2012-12-19/mclachlan-to-deputy-ceo\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Videos/Thumbnails/626749_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Videos/Thumbnails/626749_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Malthouse rues costly mistakes\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.afl.com.au/news/2012-12-19/mclachlan-to-deputy-ceo\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Videos/Thumbnails/627084_thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Videos/Thumbnails/627084_thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"Ess v Haw: Watch the last two minutes\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.afl.com.au/news/2012-12-19/mclachlan-to-deputy-ceo\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/196428-tlssmallthumbnail.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/196428-tlssmallthumbnail.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tlssmallthumbnail\", \"alt_text\": \"Sunday football as it happened\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.afl.com.au/news/2012-12-19/mclachlan-to-deputy-ceo\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/226064-tlssmallthumbnail.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/226064-tlssmallthumbnail.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tlssmallthumbnail\", \"alt_text\": \"St Kilda v Richmond as it happened\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.afl.com.au/news/2012-12-19/mclachlan-to-deputy-ceo\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/AFL/Files/Images/2_02CoCa13MW%20181.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/AFL/Files/Images/2_02CoCa13MW%20181.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"CoCa MW\", \"alt_text\": \"Carlton v Collingwood as it happened\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.afl.com.au/news/2012-12-19/mclachlan-to-deputy-ceo\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/AFL/Files/Images/Dr-Geoffrey-Edelsten2-62060.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/AFL/Files/Images/Dr-Geoffrey-Edelsten2-62060.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Dr Geoffrey Edelsten\", \"alt_text\": \"Saturday football as it happened\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.afl.com.au/news/2012-12-19/mclachlan-to-deputy-ceo\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/320461-tlssmallthumbnail.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/320461-tlssmallthumbnail.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tlssmallthumbnail\", \"alt_text\": \"Fantasy review: round three\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.afl.com.au/news/2012-12-19/mclachlan-to-deputy-ceo\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/328257-tlssmallthumbnail.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/328257-tlssmallthumbnail.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tlssmallthumbnail\", \"alt_text\": \"Football world sends off Hafey in style\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.afl.com.au/news/2012-12-19/mclachlan-to-deputy-ceo\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/272336-tlsnewslandscape.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/Media/Images/272336-tlsnewslandscape.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tlsnewslandscape\", \"alt_text\": \"AFL 2012 Media - 2013 Fixture Announcement\"}, null]", "texts": ["11:45am Apr 14, 2013", "St Kilda v Richmond as it happened\n\n04:00pm Apr 5, 2013", "Carlton v Collingwood as it happened\n\n10:36pm Jul 5, 2013", "Saturday football as it happened\n\nRecap a day bookended by two major boilovers\n\n01:00pm Mar 30, 2013", "Fantasy review: round three\n\nIt was a tough round for AFL Fantasy coaches, Warnie writes\n\n10:42pm Apr 6, 2014", "Football world sends off Hafey in style\n\nTom Hafey remembered as a great coach and a wonderful man\n\n06:15pm May 19, 2014\n\nMcLachlan named deputy CEO in AFL executive reshuffle\n\nAshley Browne  December 19, 2012 4:14 PM", null, "Gillon McLachlan has been named deputy CEO in an AFL executive reshuffle\n\nGILLON McLachlan has been confirmed as the clear second-in-charge at the AFL following his elevation on Tuesday to the new role of deputy chief executive officer.\n\nMcLachlan has been with the AFL since 2000 and has been its chief operating officer since 2008, with broad responsibilities across fixturing, broadcasting, stadiums and venues and the creation of AFL Media.\n\nHe was acting chief executive officer of the AFL for several weeks last winter while Andrew Demetriou took an extended break overseas.\n\nMcLachlan will continue to perform the duties of chief operating officer in his new role.\n\nHe was a leading contender earlier this year to become the new chief executive of the National Rugby League and his decision not to see that process through to its conclusion leaves him the heavy favourite to eventually replace Demetriou.\n\n\"Gill has made a significant contribution to the AFL across a number of strategic fronts and this promotion is well deserved,\" Demetriou said, while announcing a restructure of the League's executive structure.\n\nThe AFL's executive team has suffered several departures in the past two months with Adrian Anderson (football), Andrew Caterall (strategy and marketing) and Christina Ogg (human resources) all moving on from the League.\n\nThe AFL has engaged an executive search firm to identify their replacements and will soon advertise nationally to fill the positions of general manager of football operations, general manager of people and culture and general manager of fan development and customer acquisition.\n\n\"It is timely to establish a new-look team at the executive level to ensure the AFL maintains an organisational structure that is aligned with our future strategic priorities,\" Demetriou added.\n\nMcLachlan will also be acting head of football operations from the start of next year until the permanent appointment is made to fill that position."], "url": "http://www.afl.com.au/news/2012-12-19/mclachlan-to-deputy-ceo", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 370, "original_width": 620, "width": 633}], "image_hashes": ["14ba53401114c66fdb7826cc8ba18e5080a210c987094868733d0491b05af8dd"], "__index_level_0__": 301, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.alwinhoogerdijk.com/files/2009/11/artofignoring-eswc-620001.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7896100878715515}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.alwinhoogerdijk.com/tag/eswc-2009/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.alwinhoogerdijk.com/files/2009/11/artofignoring-eswc-620001.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.alwinhoogerdijk.com/files/2009/11/artofignoring-eswc-620001.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"artofignoring eswc\", \"alt_text\": \"artofignoring-eswc-620001\", \"rendered_width\": 620, \"rendered_height\": 465}, null]", "texts": ["Here’s the video of my second presentation at last weekend’s European Software Conference in Berlin. This presentation is about web-applications, about their advantages and disadvantages for both users and ISVs and about our first experiences with the Collectorz.com Connect online apps.", null], "url": "http://www.alwinhoogerdijk.com/tag/eswc-2009/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 465, "original_width": 620, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["22e7e5e969c337a0ec6605032f622773b7e3ae9d774e822fb5adcc52caddc7cd"], "__index_level_0__": 302, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8JlCCr3Mi7A/US_vmqK6V4I/AAAAAAAAAU0/7EEgyQve9A0/s640/Pinteresting-71.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7390348315238953}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.artsyfartsymama.com/2013/03/pinteresting-features-n-shtuff-71.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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March 2nd is Dr. Seuss's birthday. We love his books at our house, and love all the fun crafts, recipes, and party ideas I have seen around the internet. Here are 10 awesome Dr. Seuss-inspired ideas that I've recently added to my Pinterest boards:\n\nTweedle Beetle Battle Bottle Game", "{Source: Pin via Mad in Crafts}\n\nDr. Seuss Bookshelf", "{Source: Pin via The Alabamahamians}\n\nLorax Felt Storyboard", "{Source: Pin via Mod Podge Rocks!}\n\nDr. Seuss Snacks", "{Source: Pin via Crazy for Crust}\n\nDIY Dr. Seuss Shirts & Hair Clips", "{Source: Pin via Fancy Frugal Life}\n\n{Dr. Seuss Inspired} One Fish Two Fish Counting Game", "{Source: Pin via Mama Miss}\n\nDr. Seuss' Sneetches Cupcakes", "{Source: Pin via Sweet Rose Studios}\n\nDr. Seuss Push Pops", "{Source: Pin via The Country Chic Cottage}\n\nTruffula Tree Pens", "{Source: Pin via Blue Skies Ahead}\n\nDIY Dr. Seuss Book Necklace", "and just something funny...", "{Source: Pin via SomeECards}\n\nSee you next week for more Pinteresting Features n' Shtuff!", "Thanks for taking time to leave a comment!"], "url": "http://www.artsyfartsymama.com/2013/03/pinteresting-features-n-shtuff-71.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 508, "original_width": 640, "width": 476}], "image_hashes": ["b76e109bcd3b593eb2c2cb4ae6e2443b7061ba2034c00812cc89f29c1e1bb103"], "__index_level_0__": 303, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1RF9pCt7Af4/Ux0UPXkBWwI/AAAAAAAAOfo/PjgpQtHpXWU/s1600/photo+3.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Pb4Fijd55Y4/Ux0UMzUh0XI/AAAAAAAAOfU/Ciqi-q0qjk4/s1600/photo+1-7.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Ba9UhBciWNo/Ux0UN9W0w0I/AAAAAAAAOfg/YUF0kFXiO9I/s1600/photo+2-6.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gCmICBw4Ibc/Ux0UQg2Nt2I/AAAAAAAAOgA/gyRRAMnN-GA/s1600/photo+4-4.JPG", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-IaN8BZ8nNBE/Ux0UI-_oygI/AAAAAAAAOfI/8rxl-qpbnH0/s1600/1960789_10104678638642474_851261150_o.jpg", null, 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above fall :P}", null, "{Dirty 30!}", null, "{Lovely Ladies}", null, "{Games and Whimsy}", null, "{With the bachelorette/birthday girl of honor - we had a pajama party on Saturday night}", null, "{My favorite restorative scent}", null, "{How my knee-surgery-recovering-fiance has been spending his time :)}\n\nLinks Worth Sharing.\n\nBeautiful behind the scenes pictures of the National Ballet of Canada preparing for Swan Lake via Fieldguided (and I missed her backstage photos of Giselle from December - gorgeous!)\n\nAdorable DIY Shamrock Straw Toppers by The Sweetest Occasion.\n\nStyle Me Pretty gives us what to look for When Buying Flowers.\n\nHere's the story behind Mad Men's Season 7 Poster Design, just released on Friday via The New York Times."], "url": "http://www.aspotofwhimsy.com/2014/03/grateful-march-10-2014.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1600, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, 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(Source: CBS 5 News)", null, "Alberto Lopez-Ruelas (Source: Maricopa County Sheriff's Office)", null, "(Source: Maricopa County Sheriff's Office)", null, "(Source: CBS 5 News)", null, "A man who allegedly hit a good Samaritan at the scene of a deadly crash on a Phoenix interstate has been booked on a felony hit-and-run charge.\n\nHe's identified as Alberto Lopez-Ruelas.\n\nA woman who was ejected from a car on a Phoenix interstate and then hit by multiple vehicles was killed. Three other people were hurt.\n\nBart Graves with DPS told CBS 5 News they received a call at 5:21 a.m. about a vehicle that was blocking the high-occupancy vehicle lane in the northbound lanes of Interstate 17 at Thunderbird.\n\nGraves said the driver of that vehicle, a white Chevy Malibu, lost control before slamming into the median. The passenger in that vehicle was thrown into the southbound lanes when a second vehicle, a maroon Mercury Cougar, hit the disabled Malibu. She was hit several times by other drivers and died on the scene.\n\nAccording to Graves, it appears the driver of the Malibu was impaired and is facing manslaughter charges when she is released from John C. Lincoln North Valley, where she is being treated for injuries from the crash.\n\nA good Samaritan saw this unfold and pulled over to help. He got out of his car to render aid and as he crossed the road he was hit by a black SUV driven by Lopez-Ruelas.\n\nThe driver of that vehicle then fled the scene but returned a few minutes later where members of the public held him until police arrived. The good Samaritan had surgery this afternoon for a pelvic fracture.\n\nDPS said one other passerby stopped to help after the initial crash. Officers are now trying to find that person as the investigation continues."], "url": "http://www.azfamily.com/story/25172544/dps-help-us-find-motorist-who-rendered-aid-in-fatal-crash", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 472, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 472, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 640, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 640, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["e158122e5e126ef38a3d4302be245543e1f4357f24c67ac1c8bd48840004f2c5", "0cc15289298e0afdc585d46af318f0361844a5f62eb3ef51dfb9e9f710441375", "a3b92a0b0b54addf6f06e0f27a6bcbdb65f525592b6adcd6ced8b14a7dad3536", "f7322cc2651e9d8e37ee619e8e5389bef9dfe8e4ac234a1fc10f3ce3471c0ecd", "2afdc2e3f135f6dd6b66094e50b85bf6f1c6c73560777e757ba89cc80a8a7a54"], "__index_level_0__": 305, "cc_dump": 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take place Saturdays from 9:30am to 2:30pm at the Center for Arts at the Armory. A soft opening will take place Saturday, November 12th and 19th and the market will run every Saturday through May 26th with the exception of November 26th.\n\nThe winter market represents a partnership between Shape Up Somerville and the Armory and is part of the city's commitment to healthy living. In its inaugural season, the market drew 2000 shoppers every Saturday and the market is expected to draw even more this season with the extended hours of operation of 9:30am to 2:30pm.\n\nShoppers can look forward to seeing all of their favorite vendors from last season in addition to several new ones.\n\nWHAT: Somerville Winter Farmers’ Market\nWHEN: Every Saturday, Through May 26th, from 9:30am to 2:30pm\nWHERE: The Center for Arts at the Armory – 191 Highland Ave / Somerville, MA 02143\n\nEmail me at email@example.com\n\nShopping | Links to this post |", "VIP Opening Night of \"High\" - 12/7", null, "The National Tour of HIGH starring Kathleen Turner in association with Fenway Health are offering a limited number of $100.00 VIP tickets to the Opening Night Performance at The Cutler Majestic Theatre. Admission includes Premium Seating to the December 7th performance and admittance to the Gala Reception at the W Hotel with a special meet and greet with Ms. Turner, playwright Matthew Lombardo, director Rob Ruggiero and cast members Evan Jonigkeit and Tim Altmeyer. 50% of each ticket purchase will be donated to the local health leader.\n\n“I am so pleased to be able to give back to such a wonderful organization” Lombardo said in a statement. “Fenway Health was an extremely supportive institution in my early recovery from crystal meth and it gives me enormous pleasure to be able to help them raise money so they can continue the great work of assisting those struggling with substance abuse issues.” Lombardo is committed to continuing this type of local fundraising in each city where the tour of his play will be performed.\n\nIn HIGH, Turner plays Sister Jamison Connelly, who agrees to sponsor a 19 year-old drug user in an effort to help him combat his addiction. Struggling between the knowledge she possesses as a rehabilitation counselor and a woman of religious conviction, she begins to question her belief in miracles and whether people can find the courage to change. HIGH explores the universal themes of truth, forgiveness, redemption and human fallibility.\n\nVIP tickets to the December 7th Performance are $100. Use the HIGHFWY code to purchase benefit tickets or call 617.824.8000 or stop by the Cutler Majestic Box Office, 219 Tremont Street, Boston.\n\nClick (here) to get tickets.\n\nCharity, Culture | Links to this post |", "Holiday Poem From Lisa's Hands of Time", null, "Click (here) to visit Lisa's Hands of Time.\n\n| Links to this post |", "Not A Box New Play Festival - Starts 12/1", "Click (here) for tickets.\n\nCulture | Links to this post |", "Harpoon Holiday Party at the Harp - 12/9", null, "Click (here) to get on the VIP list.\n\nNightlife | Links to this post |", "Review: Foodler", "Click (here) to visit Foodler.\n\nDining, Review | Links to this post |", "Get Kickass Cupcakes at Whole Foods", "Click (here) for the Kickass Cupcakes website.\n\nDining | Links to this post |", "Recipe: Ken Oringer's Orecchiette with Chicken Sausage", null, "I can't remember the last time I cooked.  I remember it was osso bucco, but it was so long ago I can't remember when I actually cooked it.  I'm definitely doing at least a little cooking for Thanksgiving and I was recently emailed about Ken Oringer's appearance on the Rachael Ray Show.  Here's the recipe he shared:\n\nKen Oringer's Orecchiette with Chicken Sausage and Long Cooked Broccoli\n\nFor the Orecchiette:\n1 pound orecchiette\nChicken Sausage\nLong-Cooked Broccoli\nParmigiano Reggiano, to taste\n\nFor the Chicken Sausage:\nMix all ingredients in a bowl, and cover with plastic. Let marinate overnight.\nPreheat oven to 400°F, spread mixture on a cookie sheet and bake for 20 minutes until browned and cooked through. Crumble when cool and set aside.\n\nFor the Long Cooked Broccoli:\nIn a large casserole dish, heat the olive oil and sauté onion, garlic and spices until translucent. Add broccoli, chicken stock, thyme and tomatoes, and bring to a boil. Stew slowly until broccoli starts falling apart, about 45 minutes to an hour. Swirl in the butter and reserve.\n\nMMmmMM.... \"swirl in the butter.\"  That's bound to make anything taste good.\n\nClick (here) to watch the clip.", "Wednesday, November 16, 2011\n\n7 p.m.\n\nHarvard Book Store\n1256 Massachusetts Avenue\nCambridge, MA 02138\n\nClick (here) for more details.\n\nCelebrities, Dining | Links to this post |", "Thanksgiving Canned Food Drive - til 11/20", null, "Charity | Links to this post |", "27th Annual Faneuil Hall Tree Lighting - 11/19", "It's that time of year again, that time when it's way too early to be getting ready for Christmas (seeing as how we haven't even hit Thanksgiving yet), but we do it anyway.  Coming up this weekend is the Annual Faneuil Hall Tree Lighting ceremony.\n\nThe lights get turned on around 5pm'ish, but there will be events going on all day:\n\nWhat is being determined as the first holiday tree lighting in Boston, the 27th annual Faneuil Hall Marketplace ceremony is slated for Sat., Nov. 19 from 11AM-6:30PM.\n\nThe 85 ft. Norwegian spruce {hailed the tallest tree in New England & provided by the upper state N.Y. Egan Acres Tree Farms} weighs in at 9,000 tons, boasts 3,500 ornaments, and will illuminate the entire Marketplace with 300,000 'B' lights.\n\nHighlighted by thousands of pieces of confetti, the internationally known street performers, dance troupes, music ensembles, Santa Claus, guest appearances by Boston Ballet \"Nutcracker\" characters & more, the actual switching on of the tree lights {by Mayor Menino-if his schedule allows and a major sports celebrity-TBA} is slated for approx. 5:00PM-5:15PM.\n\nEntertainment is scheduled all day from 11AM-6:30PM.\n\nThe ceremony is open to everyone free of charge and all Marketplace shops, restaurants, venues, pushcarts, food courts and boutiques are open all day.\n\nClick (here) for more info.\n\nFaneuil Hall, Outdoors | Links to this post |", "Stuff: YOP @ Salvatore's - 11/15", null, "Click (here) to RSVP.", "Review: Bokx 109", null, "Bloggery media rep Sara swung by Bokx 109 last week, here's what she had to say:\n\nApologies for my delayed post; for the past few days I have been busy digesting one of the best meals I’ve had in quite a while! Last Wednesday night I had the pleasure to attend a 6-course meal at the Chef’s Table at Bokx 109 in Newton.\n\nFirst let’s start with location:\n\nNewton may seem like a stretch for some of us city-dwellers, but Bokx 109, located inside of Hotel Indigo, is actually super-easy to get to. The restaurant is only about a 10-minute ride from Boston (not during rush hour – take my advice and do NOT attempt to go during rush hour), and has plenty of free parking for restaurant guests. For those without cars, the hotel is right next to the Riverside T-Stop on the D-Line.\n\nAnd now the important stuff…the food:\n\nUpon arriving, I was seated at the Chef’s Table and greeted with a glass of champagne by our chef for\nthe night, Jarrod Moiles. The first course consisted of a scrumptious seared scallop atop mushrooms and baby Brussels sprouts. I normally do not care for mushrooms, but in this dish they tasted fantastic. Next up were roasted beets with a goat cheese brulee, pistachio brittle, and balsamic onion jam. The beets were so colorful and fresh, and tasted delightful (and very fall) paired with one of my favorite Rieslings, Chateau Ste. Michelle. Each course got more delicious than the next. Next up was lobster-stuffed dover sole. I am a huge seafood lover, and this was soooo delicious! The dish was served with braised Swiss chard and a roasted shallot cream. Even though I was starting to fill up by this course, I could not put my fork down!\n\nThree courses to go….\n\nThe fourth course was a bacon-wrapped pork, plated beautifully atop a corn pancake, with a house-\nmade mustard and pickled relish. As full as I was getting at this point, the course I was most-looking\nforward to was up next: braised beef short rib with a vegetable ragout. Delish! How I had room for\ndessert I’m not sure, but there was no way I was going to pass-up the last course, and _____ panna\ncotta. The dessert was paired with a sweet and scrumptious dessert wine, and Jarrod even treated us to\nsome of Bokx 109’s green apple cotton candy.\n\nThe entire dinner was very seasonal, and the wine pairings were right on key. An extreme amount of\nprecision went in to the presentation of each meal, and everything came out looking as impressive as it\ntasted. Bokx 109 is definitely worth the trip.\n\nClick (here) to visit the Bokx 109.", "The 8th Annual Mayor’s Holiday Special - 11/8", "As part of The 8th Annual Mayor’s Holiday Special,  Mayor Menino opens the holiday season for the performing arts:\n\nBoston Pops conductor Keith Lockhart, costumed performers & arts leaders join the Mayor to celebrate over 75 sparkling holiday shows.\n\nTuesday, November 8 at 12 noon (ending by 12:30pm)\nInside the Peter Pan tent on City Hall Plaza\n\nCurtains up! Join Mayor Thomas M. Menino as he declares Boston’s magical holiday arts festivities underway. With a flip of the giant switch, he’ll light Boston’s way to delightful holiday experiences.\n\nAlongside the Mayor: arts luminaries and costumed performers for a glorious image, including:\n\nBoston POPS conductor Keith Lockhart\nCaptain Hook and flying Tinkerbell from 360º presents J M Barrie’s Peter Pan\nThe Nutcracker and The Bear from Boston Ballet’s classic The Nutcracker\nThe Sugar Plum Fairy from BalletRox’s Urban Nutcracker\nThe Dancing Doll from Jose Mateo’s Ballet Theatre The Nutcracker\nBrian O’Donovan, host of WGBH’s A Christmas Celtic Sojourn\nA tuxedoed trumpeter from Handel & Haydn’s Handel’s Messiah\n\nIt’s easy to explore all 75+ shows with The 8th Annual Mayor’s Holiday Special, Boston’s one-stop website for planning holiday fun, created by The Mayor's Office of Arts, Tourism & Special Events in partnership with local non-profit ArtsBoston and the Greater Boston Convention & Visitors Bureau.\n\nArts | Links to this post |", "Post-Marathon Thoughts", null, "Here are my post-marathon thoughts.\n\nSelf | Links to this post |", "Review: Uber", "Bloggery media rep DanDan swung by the launch event for a new car service called Uber last week.  Here's what he had to say.\n\nI *love* Uber! I apologize for how advertisement-y this sounds, but I had the chance to stop by Uber's launch party and have used it several times since and I have to say that it is a truly amazing service.\n\nBasically, Uber let's you book a luxury limo sedan for just a few bucks more than a normal taxi. Using the service is as easy as pulling out your smart phone, opening the app, and requesting the car with one click (you can also request a car by text). Uber let's you know exactly where your car is (you can watch as the car approaches on Uber's map) and how long it'll take to get to you. Then, the driver actually calls you to let you know he's arrived! Typically, wait times are between 5 and 10 minutes.\n\nAND, you know how cabs drivers usually get grumpy when you want to pay by card? When you register with Uber, you give them your credit card number so, when you Uber to your destination, you don't even have to pay. Your card automatically gets charged (you don't tip Uber drivers) and you're all set to go.\n\nSo, why do I love Uber so much? Well, remember the snow storm on Saturday night? I was getting out of the Night of the Stars at the Boston Ballet (wonderful show!) and I met up with some friends at an event across the street. The event ends and I'm stuck on Washington St in a three piece suit just after 1am during a nasty snow storm with no cabs in sight. Luckily, Uber to the rescue! Just under seven minutes later, my personal car pulls up, the driver steps around and opens the door and I get home. Later, I check and see that the trip cost $15 for a cab ride that would typically cost around $12 with tip.\n\nClick (here) to Uber out.", null], "url": "http://www.beantownbloggery.com/2011_11_01_archive.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 381, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 198, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 449, "original_height": 630, "original_width": 530, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 230, "original_width": 312, "width": 512}, {"height": 405, "original_height": 161, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 518, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 467, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 320, "width": 506}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 194, "original_width": 320, "width": 623}, {"height": 452, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 167, 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And sushi trays for ~$10. Good option for a quick, relatively healthy snack.", null, "Food: our usual Sunday lunch consists of...", null, "Bento sets (black tray, top) - comes either with sukiyaki beef (this is the one shown above), teriyaki chicken or a combination of both. Each set comes with a generous serving of meat, rice, a small salad, and pickles. Taste is average. The teriyaki chicken is tender but consistently too salty. Good if you want a filling meal!\n\nRainbow roll (black plate, middle) - 4 beautiful rolls, each with a different filling. These include one with prawn, one with smoked salmon and another with raw tuna. Looks good, variety is good and the plate is value for money. However, the taste was not particularly memorable.\n\nChilli tempura sushi (yellow plate, bottom) - sushi roll filled with crumbs of fried tempura batter, served with chilli powder. The one here has too much rice and not enough crunch. Every time I have this plate I wish I was eating the crunchy, tasty chilli tempura sushi at Go Sushi in the city instead.", null, "Prawn avocado sushi (above) - my sister's favourite, prawn is of good, crunchy, just-cooked texture and slides down well with the avocado.", null, "Cooked salmon sushi (above) - tastier than the raw salmon variety (fried food is always tasty)! Looks good, tastes good.", null, "Chicken karaage (above) - fried chicken served with Japanese mayonnaise. Crispy, tasty and juicy on the inside, even better than KFC! Melts perfectly with a dip of creamy mayonnaise. I love this dish and always order it, mmm!", null, "Udon or soba served with soup (above) - we ordered a plain udon, but there are also options of prawn and a variety of meats with the soup. Soup is light but tasty, with wakame (seaweed). The texture of udon noodles was thick and just right consistency. The dish is quite plain if that is all you're ordering. But I would not recommend the extras - a long time ago I ordered a prawn udon, and the one piece of tempura prawn was hardly worth the extra $2.50.", null, "Daifuku - mum's favourite dessert. Nice sticky, floury texture, with a centre that has just the right amount of sweet red bean paste.\n\nOther: Bar Zushi has a nice feel - the Japanese-style interior design gives an authentic and calming atmosphere to the restaurant (although we all know the owners are non-Japanese Asians). The sushi train is a convenient and fun way of picking your sushi plates, although direct ordering is possible too. Sunday lunchtimes are a good day to go, with the $4 plates. However, it is busy on Sunday so a large group may have difficulty getting seats. Plus the table service may be slow because of the crowd.", null, "Rating: 4/5 a positive dining experience because of its convenience, comfortable and unique design and some good tasting options. Bar Zushi is definitely classy compared to other similar-priced takeaway options in Casuarina. However, I can't but help compare this place with Go Sushi, which is the only other Japanese restaurant in town. We go to Bar Zushi for convenience, but Go Sushi (Japanese owned) for better and more authentic tasting sushi and sushi rice!"], "url": "http://www.bitingtravels.com/2011/01/bar-zushi.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 234, "original_width": 320, "width": 516}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 320, "width": 537}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 235, "original_width": 320, "width": 514}], "image_hashes": ["d020a1d12283ed8e748f0d6a51e5e6368b0ace298c3ffbfc9a5b722a86994bbe", "d0f07be24980eb07f731364ae17c083e3a8799ce062964d0897c16247fc7b4fe", "1d42f85860c89599139068593dced9888080578a68e70cab60a86245cfed115c", "707b5fef9fc925f10a6d0f943c40f9601e74333e7371b7fd8602d60f03ba7c8b", "473abfcc606b8ee7e66414502a5e34ed52ed5ae6e61f92ca37c283f7995f0551", "ef9f15db1e6323ce7a0892918f5990975cd128443017d5ec684aa9dcd77b6f7c", "9730267faac05b8b1eb92dde1f92d5afd5629fb43c82d499696c372ee27e4d38", "fa6302c555076865fdd96f32ad3cd36bf5470ddd80a38a64258d29dd8bfd09e4", "c678602291464b59c5921d2e92ef737f7f7974d0bca8ccdafc02a760cff9f423"], "__index_level_0__": 308, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.bookreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/book_main/covers/0743212002_0.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.971446454524994}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/print/12288\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/book_main/covers/0743212002_0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/book_main/covers/0743212002_0.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 158, \"rendered_height\": 214}, null]", "texts": [null, "For fans of either of the Clarks, this book is a real treat. By using characters that each of the authors already has developed --- Regan Reilly, the intrepid sleuth of Carol's work, and Alvirah Meehan, the lottery winning amateur detective of Mary's --- readers of either Clark come into the story with some background.\n\nThe story in a nutshell --- Nora Regan Reilly, Regan's mom and a well-known mystery author, is in the hospital with a badly broken leg. After visiting his wife in the hospital, Luke Reilly (a funeral director) and his female driver are kidnapped by a relative of one of the his recently deceased clients, who is upset that his inheritance has been donated to a philanthropic gardening group. Wonderfully humorous moment here --- his client had come to know the gardeners at a benefit dinner where Luke had been honored, recognized for his contribution to the floral industry. I admit I never thought about a funeral director in quite those terms. I can picture the Clarks laughing as the conjured up this plot line.\n\nLuke Reilly and Alvirah Meehan's husband both use the same dentist in New Jersey, which is where Alvirah and Regan meet us --- Alvirah is accompanying her husband home from an appointment to get a nasty infection taken care of, while Regan is hoping to track down her father, who is missing. From there the story is a romp filled with mystery, intrigue, and a smattering of romance. And yes, there are the inevitable phrases from songs that make these stories even more clever!\n\nAt the start of the book, each author's writing style is distinctive. They each trade chapters to introduce characters, and I saw a definite change in voice and structure as I turned the page from one chapter to the next. As the story progressed, the voices blended and so did their styles, as the focus turned to the characters and the action. There are references to each other's books throughout this one, but they are not intrusive. I am an ardent fan of Mary's books, but I had never read any of Carol's. After closing this one, I added her backlist to my reading list.\n\nI could visualize the Clarks working together, feeding their ideas and working through the storyline. The opening line in the acknowledgments tackles the question readers will ask: \"Was it hard to work together?\" The authors say, \"The answer is 'No.' It was fun. By the time we got to the closing pages, we were so in tandem that if we were searching for a descriptive word, we often would come out with the same one in the same breath.\"\n\nThis book is the perfect gift for a mom or daughter who enjoy light, fun reading, or for you to treat yourself to a wonderful escape from holiday chores."], "url": "http://www.bookreporter.com/print/12288", "images_metadata": [{"height": 511, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 158, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4c60de4b679b6edcb4589cebbb272cf3f1ffea2afa72fbed37467248fda73806"], "__index_level_0__": 309, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.bookreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/book_main/covers/capital%20crimes.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9812226295471193}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/reviews/capital-crimes-0/excerpt\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/book_main/covers/capital%20crimes.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/book_main/covers/capital%20crimes.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"capital crimes\", \"rendered_width\": 158, \"rendered_height\": 239}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/reviews/capital-crimes-0/excerpt\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/book_main/covers/capital%20crimes.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/book_main/covers/capital%20crimes.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"capital crimes\", \"rendered_width\": 158, \"rendered_height\": 239}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/reviews/capital-crimes-0/excerpt\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/book_main/authors/Jonathan%20Kellerman.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.bookreporter.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/book_main/authors/Jonathan%20Kellerman.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Jonathan Kellerman\", \"rendered_width\": 158, \"rendered_height\": 235}, null]", "texts": [null, "Chapter One\n\nThe club was from another age. So was Mother. The Woman's Association of Northern California, Conquistadores Chapter Number XVI, was housed in a sumptuous turn-of-thecentury, Beaux-Arts-touched-by-Gothic castle topped by crenellations and turrets, and constructed of massive blocks of mauve-gray Deer Isle granite from a long-dead quarry in Maine. The interior was predictable: somber and dark save for stained-glass windows featuring historical Gold Rush scenes that blew jeweled patches on the walls when the sun shone through. Antique Persian rugs softened well-worn walnut floors, the staircase banister gleamed from decades of polish, thirty-foot ceilings were coffered and rimmed with gold. The ground floor of the building held all the public rooms, the two floors above contained sleeping chambers for the members. Mother had been a member of the Association for more thanfifty years and sometimes slept over in a room far too modest for her. But the fees were nominal, and nostalgia was worth something. Her dinners at the club were frequent. They made her feel special. They made Davida feel like a freak but she gritted her teeth and indulged Mother's preferences because the woman was a not-too-healthy eighty. Most dinners meant Motherand various selections of dear friends, each one of them more than a step out of time. The entire concept of the Association with its genteel Gatsby pretensions would have been\n\nanachronistic anywhere. Nowhere was it more absurd than here in Berkeley.\n\nA stroll from the club was the People's Park, originally conceived as a monument to free speech but reduced to a square block of homeless encampments and ad hoc soup kitchens. Good intentions in the abstract, but the brown rectangle reeked of unwashed bodies and decaying food and on hot days anyone not blessed by nasal congestion kept a wide berth.\n\nNot far from the park was the Gourmet Ghetto, the foodie mecca that typified Berkeley's mix of hedonism and idealism. And dominating it all, the UC. It was these contrasts that gave the city a unique character, with everything blanketed by a definite Point of View.\n\nDavida loved the city with all its strengths and its foibles. Leftist and proud, she was now part of the system, duly elected state representative from District 14. She loved her district and she loved her constituents. She loved the energy and the electricity of a town stoked by people who cared about issues. So different from her hometown, Sacramento, where dishing dirt was respectable recreation.\n\nAnd yet, here she was commuting back to the capital.\n\nAll for a good cause.\n\nTonight the dome-roofed, hush-hush dining room was dense with tables dressed with starched linen and sparkling silver and crystal, but shy on diners. Members were dying off and very few women elected to follow in their mothers' footsteps. Davida had joined the Association a few years back because it was politically smart to do so. She knew most of the members as friends of her mother and they enjoyed the attention she paid them. Their monetary contributions were stingy compared to their assets, but at least they gave --- more than Davida could say about a lot of her own allegedly altruistic pals.\n\nTonight, it was just Davida and Mother. Their server handed them menus and Davida and her mother silently scanned tonight's choices. The entrées, once biased toward steaks and chops, had conceded to present-day realities with more chicken andfish. The food was excellent, Davida had to grant that. In Berkeley, bad food was almost as serious an iniquity as being a Republican.\n\nMother insisted on flirting with the waiter, an elfin-looking man in his thirties named Tony who was undoubtedly gay. Mother damn well knew he was gay but she batted her lashes like a moony adolescent.\n\nTony played his part by smiling and batting back. His lashes outclassed Mother's --- thicker and darker than any man's deserved to be. Davida knew Mother was worried, trying to mask it with a false cheer. Still dwelling on the incident.\nThough it had seemed like a big deal last week --- and certainly demeaning --- Davida now had the perspective to see it for what it had been: a stupid prank executed by stupid people.\n\nEggs. Sticky, repellent, but not dangerous.\n\nStill, Mother brooded as she forked her shrimp cocktail. Davida's minestrone soup remained untouched because dealing with Mother tightened up her esophagus. If the wall of silence didn't come down, both of them would end up with indigestion and Davida would leave the club in need of . . . something.\n\nDavida loved her mother, but Lucille Grayson was a supreme pain in the ass. Lucille called Mr. Eyelash over, asked for a refill of Chardonnay and drained it quickly. Maybe alcohol would settle her down.\n\nTony returned and announced the specials. Mother ordered the blackened Chilean sea bass and Davida opted for the linguini with chicken in vodka and sun-dried tomato sauce. Tony gave a dancer's bow and sailed away.\n\n\"You look good,\" said Davida. Not a lie. Lucille maintained clear blue eyes, a sharp nose, prominent chin and strong teeth. Thick, luxuriant hair for an old woman, once auburn, now a gray one shade darker than the club's granite walls. Davida hoped she'd age as well. Decent odds; she bore an uncanny resemblance to Mother and at forty-three, her own auburn waves lacked a single silver strand.\n\nMother didn't answer.\n\n\"Your skin looks great,\" said Davida.\n\n\"It's the facials,\" Mother responded. \"When --- and if --- you go to the spa, ask for Marty.\"\n\n\"I'll go.\"\n\n\"So you say. How long has it been, Davida, since you've taken care of your skin?\"\n\n\"I've had other things on my mind.\"\n\n\"I bought you a certificate.\"\n\n\"It was a terrific gift, thank you, Mother.\"\n\n\"It's a stupid gift if you don't use it.\"\n\n\"Mother, it doesn't have an expiration date. Don't worry. It'll get used. If not by me, I'm sure Minette will be happy to indulge.\"\n\nMother's jaw set. She forced a smile. \"No doubt she would be. However, she isn't my daughter.\" She picked up her wineglass and sipped, trying for nonchalance but a trembling lip betrayed her. \"You have a little bruise . . . on the apple of your right cheek.\"\n\nDavida nodded. \"The cover-up must have come off. How bad does it look?\"\n\n\"Well, darling, you wouldn't want to face your public like that.\"\n\n\"True.\" Davida smiled. \"They might think that you were beating up on me.\"\n\nMother didn't appreciate the humor. Her eyes misted. \"Bastards!\"\n\n\"I agree.\" Davida took the old woman's hand, the skin nearly translucent, traced with delicate veins the color of a misty sky. \"I'mfine. Please don't worry.\"\n\n\"Any idea yet who did it?\"\n\n\"Stupid kids.\"\n\n\"That's ambiguous and elusive and I'm not the press, Davida. Have the police made any arrests?\"\n\n\"Not yet. I'll let you know when it happens.\"\n\n\"When, not if?\"\n\nDavida didn't answer. A Latino busboy murmured something polite and removed appetizer dishes. Moments later, he returned with the entrées. Davida wondered why, infine restaurants, the busboys always served the meal. What were the waiters? Food Transport Consultants?\n\nShe thanked him in Spanish and swirled a forkful of pasta. \"Delicious. How's your food, Mother?\"\n\n\"Fine.\" Again blue eyes clouded. Lucille looked close to tears.\n\n\"What is it, Mother?\"\n\n\"It could have been bullets.\"\n\n\"Luckily, it wasn't. So let's just enjoy this meal and being together.\" Which was an oxymoron because whenever they were together conflict was inevitable.\n\nMother harrumphed, and then abruptly plastered a smile across her face as she waved across the room to two women who'd just entered.\n\nDarlene MacIntyre and Eunice Meyerhoff. The duo hobbled over to the table, tongues clucking in unison. Darlene was short and pudgy, Eunice tall and severe with impossibly black hair drawn back in a Dragon Lady bun.\n\nLucille blew air kisses.\n\n\"Darling!\" Eunice gushed. \"How are you?\"\n\n\"Fabulous, what else? Enjoying a dinner with my busy daughter.\"\n\nEunice turned her eyes to Davida. \"Are you all right, honey?\"\n\n\"I'mfine. Thanks for asking.\"\n\n\"That was just terrible!\"\n\nLucille said, \"Not to mention frightening.\"\n\nDarlene said, \"Motherfuckers!\"\n\nDavida broke into laughter, but was grateful that the room was empty. \"I couldn't have said it better, Mrs. MacIntyre.\" She took a sip of her wine. \"Would you two like to join us?\" \"We wouldn't dream of intruding,\" Eunice said. \"Your mother rarely sees you.\"\n\n\"Is that what she tells you?\"\n\n\"All the time, dear.\"\n\nDavida shot a mock-stern look at Mother then focused her gaze back to the two old women. \"Well, then, it's lovely to see you both. Enjoy your evening.\" \"You, too,\" Darlene answered. \"And don't let those assholes get you down.\"\n\nWhen they'd toddled off, Davida said, \"I hardly see you?\"\n\nMother reddened slightly. \"Eunice is a troublemaker ...I don't complain about you chronically, Davida. That battleaxe is smitten with jealousy because her Jane detests her.\"\n\n\"Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration?\"\n\n\"Hardly, Davida. Eunice sided with Jane's ex during the last divorce. Though I suppose one can understand her frustration, seeing as it was a third divorce.\" Sly smile. \"Or perhaps sixth. Ortwenty-sixth, I've lost count.\"\n\n\"Third,\" Davida said. \"I heard about Eunice taking Parker's side. On top of being tacky and disloyal, it was misguided. Parker Seldey's a jerk and a maniac.\"\n\n\"But good-looking.\"\n\n\"Once upon a time. I hear he has quite the temper.\"\n\n\"So do I, but that doesn't concern Eunice. Because he was courtly to her --- remembering her birthday, that kind of nonsense.\" Lucille sighed. \"One's blood is one's blood. Still, by the same token, despite Eunice's quirks, Jane shouldn't despise her.\"\n\n\"She's angry at Eunice, but she doesn't hate her, Mother. Believe me, I know.\" Jane Meyerhoff had been Davida's friend since grade school and\n\none of her roomies at the UC. Both had been rebellious teenagers, smoking dope, skipping school, hauled in more than once for petty theft in Sacramento. Stupid self-destructive acts committed because neither girl liked herself.\n\nJane had carriedfifty extra pounds and hated her \"summer squash\" nose. She starved and vomited the weight off during her freshman year in college, got the nose job as a junior. But old self-images die hard, and Jane had never been comfortable with who she was.\n\nProbably never would be comfortable, Davida decided with some sadness.\n\nShe, on the other hand, came to grips with herself well before college. Everything changed a few months before her senior prom when she came out.\n\nLike birthing a child: painful, but you had something to show for it. Coming out meant life was suddenly honest --- illuminated by a clean, bright light Davida had never imagined.\n\nShe chewed her pasta while glancing across the table. Mother had many faults, but homophobia wasn't one of them. She'd never given a rat's ass that her only surviving child was gay.\n\nPerhaps it was because Mother, though resolutely heterosexual, didn't care for men in general and hated Davida's father, in specific.\n\nThe Honorable Stanford R. Grayson, District Court Judge (ret.), now lived in Sarasota, Florida, where he played golf with a second wife twenty years younger than Lucille. Mother had been thrilled when the old man got re-hitched, for now she had something else to complain about. And Father had step-grandchildren with Mixie, so he ignored Davida and left her all to Lucille.\n\nIf Mother ever felt pangs about her lack of grandchildren, she never expressed her longings to Davida.\n\nMother picked at her food and pushed it around on her plate. \"How often do you see Janey?\"\n\n\"A bit more since she moved to Berkeley.\" Davida smiled tightly. \"I try to keep in contact with all my old college roomies.\"\n\nMother had wanted her daughter to go to Stanford. Davida insisted on Berkeley. Once there, she'd never really left, workingfirst as an assistant to the mayor, then moving to the capital, where she gofered for Ned Yellin, the most progressive member of the assembly. Ned's shockingly sudden death from a heart attack had propelled her own career.\n\nNow she represented her district with workaholic pride and loved her job.\n\nAlthough there were days like yesterday that made her wonder why she'd ever shaken the hornet's nest that was state politics. It was challenge enough to deal with the vagaries of constituents basically in harmony with her views. Working with --- and around --- her less-enlightened colleagues could be as frustrating as . . . there really wasn't anything worse.\n\nLess enlightened; her euphemism of the month. Bigoted and biased would be more accurate. Then again, everyone had his own agenda. She certainly had hers and it had nothing to do with sexual orientation.\n\nWhen she was ten, her older sister Glynnis hadfinally succumbed to her protracted battle with rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare muscle tumor. Davida had loved her sister and watching Glynnis spend her last days confined to a hospital bed, hooked up to tubes, clammy gown wrapped around a sallow, stick-thin body, bleeding from her gums and nose . . .\n\nGlynnis' blood cells were in steady retreat and there were no new donors to be found.\n\nStem cells would have saved Glynnis, Davida was convinced of that. How different would things have been for the Grayson family if the scientific community had been funded righteously?\n\nTwo and a half years ago, Davida had been heartened when the people voted in an initiative funding a state stem-cell institute. But years later, she was disillusioned and angry: all the institute had accomplished was creating a board of directors and issuing a namby-pamby mission statement.\n\n\"Science works gradually\" was the excuse. Davida wasn't buying it. People like Alice had the answer, but Alice hadn't even been consulted by the new board --- Davida's repeated requests notwithstanding.\n\nShe decided she'd waited long enough. Buttressed by a battalion of scientists, doctors, clergy, humanists and genetic sufferers, she went to war every day in Sacramento, laboring to convince herless-enlightened colleagues that a less grandiose but more efficient legislative approach was the answer.\n\nAnd got precious little for her efforts.\n\nIt wasn't that the stodgy pols really cared about aborted fetuses, because she'd learned that few pols cared about anything other than getting reelected. Though they screamed a good case. Six months into her struggle, she was convinced it was Davida they were rejecting. Because of who she was.\nDay after day of wearing out her vocal cords, making deals she really didn't want to make, wasting hours on mind-numbing meetings. Now eggs in her face, on her blouse ...right there on the capitol steps, the humiliation.\n\nWhat a mess --- there was a metaphor for you. Mother's voice snapped her back to the here and now. Prattling on about dangers lurking around every corner.\n\nAccording to Lucille, Davida was a major target of every white-supremacist hate group in California, not to mention Bible Belt pro-lifers, hypermacho antigay farmers from the San Joaquin Valley, and, of course, misogynists of every stripe and gender.\n\nShe recalled Mother'sfirst words after the election results were tallied and Davida's supporters broke into raised-fist cheers in the social hall of the old Finnish church.\n\nBe careful, dear. Don't get cocky and think because you can get elected here that you're really popular.\n\nMother was being her typical negative self, but there was some truth to her admonitions. Davida knew she'd made many enemies, many of whom she had never met.\n\n\"Don't worry, Mother, I'm fine.\"\n\n\"On top of that, you work too hard.\"\n\n\"That's what a public servant does, Mother.\"\n\n\"If you're going to keep such long hours, you should at least be compensated for your efforts. Like in the corporate world. With your experience, you could write your own --- \"\n\n\"I don't care about money, Mother.\"\n\n\"That, my dear, is because you've never been without it.\"\n\n\"True, Mother. Fortunate people go into public service to pay back. Stop worrying about me.\"\n\nLucille Grayson's look was injured. And frightened. She'd lost one daughter. Survival could be a burden, thought Davida. But she tried to be compassionate. \"No one wants to hurt me. I'm too insignificant.\"\n\n\"That's not what I saw on TV.\" \"They'll have an arrest soon. Whoever did it wasn't clever. Probably imbeciles from the White Tower Radicals.\" \"They may not be clever, Davida, but that doesn't mean they're not dangerous.\"\n\n\"I'll be especially careful, Mother.\" Davida took a bite, put down the fork and wiped her mouth. \"It's been lovely, but I have piles of paperwork and it's past nine. I have to get back to the office.\"\n\nMother sighed. \"All right. Go ahead. I have to pack up myself.\"\n\n\"You're not staying overnight?\"\n\n\"No, I have a meeting tomorrow morning with my accountant back home.\"\n\n\"Who's driving you, Hector?\"\n\n\"He's a good guy.\" Davida stood up and helped her mother to her feet. \"Do you need any help packing?\"\n\n\"No, not at all.\" Lucille kissed her daughter on the cheek. \"Let me give you a ride to your office.\"\n\n\"It's a beautiful night, Mother. Not too cold and not too foggy. I think I'll walk.\"\n\n\"It's not late.\"\n\n\"It's dark, Davida.\"\n\n\"I know everyone en route and as far as I know, none of them plans to egg me. You be careful yourself. I don't like you going home so late. I wish you'd sleep here overnight.\"\n\nNot inviting Mother to her own apartment; there were limits.\n\nLucille said, \"Sacramento is only an hour away.\"\n\nDavida smiled. \"Not the way Guillermo drives.\"\n\n\"A shorter journey means less opportunity for problems, dear. You have your business, I have mine.\"\n\n\"Fair enough.\" After bidding good-bye to Mother's friends, Davida accompanied the old woman out of the dining room and helped her up the staircase to her room. \"I'll talk to you tomorrow, Mother. And I'll tell Minette you said hello.\"\n\n\"But I didn't.\"\n\n\"In domestic matters, honesty isn't always the best policy.\"\n\nChapter Two\n\nWalking through the stillness of Berkeley's business district, a thin fog veiling street signs and darkened storefronts and tickling her nose, Davida jammed her hands into her pockets and enjoyed the solitude. Then the silence got to her and she shifted to Shattuck Avenue, the core of the Gourmet Ghetto. The cafés that lined the street teemed with life. As much a concept as a place, the ghetto featured an architectural mix, like Berkeley itself, that refused to conform to anything resembling a standard. Fussy Victorian morphed to Arts and Crafts California bungalow to Deco to Fifties Dingbat. There were a few nods to the contemporary, but permits were hard to come by and developers often gave up. Though she'd never admit it to anyone, Davida had long come to realize that Berkeley, like any other small, affluent town, had its own conservative core --- change was threatening unless it toed the party line. In this case, the party was hers and she loved the controlled heterogeneity. Walking with her head down, she trudged up Shattuck, breathing in lungfuls of foggy, saline air. Ducking into her office, she checked the messages on her cell. There were dozens of them but the only one that interested her was from Don. Once upon a time, she had known his number by heart. A lifetime ago. She hit the green call button. His wife answered. \"Hi Jill, it's Davi --- \" \"I'll get Don for you.\" \"Thank you.\" Their typical conversation. Five words from Jill Newell was a discourse. The woman just couldn't get past her husband's old high school romance. Davida thought Jill's pettiness astounding after all these years. Especially considering who Davida was. But forget logic; Jill simply hated her.\n\nDon came on the line. \"Congresswoman Grayson.\"\n\n\"Detective Newell. What's the word?\"\n\n\"Actually, I do have some news. We got a couple of eyewitnesses on your egg throwers. Couple of moron brothers, Brent and Ray Nutterly. We paid them a visit at their trailer, which conveniently reeked of weed. They're spending the night in the slammer courtesy of SPD. We may be able to send them up for six months to a year for what they did to you, but they aren't going to do any hard time.\"\n\n\"Tell the DA to go for the max.\" Davida Grayson, brand-new convert to tough sentencing.\n\n\"Absolutely,\" said Don. \"Everyone from the chief on down is pissed at them for making us look bad. Toss the capital police into the equation and they're definitely not winning any popularity contests.\"\n\nHe lowered his voice. \"Davy, I don't have to tell you this but you know there are others waiting in the wings who are a lot more malicious than those two assholes. Think about hiring a bodyguard.\"\n\n\"Not a chance.\"\n\n\"Just until you get further along on your bill. All that walking around --- \"\n\n\"Exactly. I need mobility and accessibility. Thanks for your concern, Don. Now I have another favor. My mom's due to come home in about an hour, hour and a half. She's been looking a little feeble and refuses to have anyone live with her. Guillermo will drop her off but at this hour, I don't like her being conspicuous. Could you send a squad car past her house just to make sure she's okay?\"\n\n\"Not a problem. When are you going to be in the neighborhood? I've been thinking about a barbecue.\"\n\n\"Sounds great, Don, but you know how swamped I've been.\"\n\n\"I know.\"\n\n\"Say hello to Jill and the kids for me.\"\n\n\"Didn't Jill answer the phone?\"\n\n\"She didn't seem too loquacious.\"\n\nThere was a pause before he answered. \"That's Jill.\"\n\nAfter the phone rang three times, Minette picked up the receiver. She wasfinishing up the last of her bourbon and the smoky aftertaste lingered on her palate. Just as cigarettes had lingered back in the Good Old Nicotine Days.\n\nShe stretched on the sofa and caressed her body. Tonight, she had on a lacy red uplift bra, matching thong, and thigh-high stockings purchased at Good Vibrations. She'd looked forward all day to peeling them off in front of her partner. Slowly. Agonizingly slowly.\n\nThe thought of stripping made her horny. She whispered an enticing hello into the receiver.\n\nDavida said, \"Hi, honey.\"\n\n\"Hel-lo.\" Minette hoped she didn't sound as drunk as she felt. \"I've been waiting for you.\"\n\nOoh, that sounds good was the answer over the line. Then the pause Minette hated. \"I've got some pressing paperwork tonight, Min. It's going to take some time for me to go through all of it.\"\n\n\"How long is some time? A minute, an hour, a day, a week?\"\n\n\"More than a minute and less than a week.\"\n\nMinette did not laugh. Davida tried to keep her patience. She knew Min had been drinking because she was slurring her words, but now was not the right time to get into it. \"I've got a committee hearing on the bill in two days, the wording needs to be perfect or some yahoo's going to jump on it.\"\n\n\"Another committee?\"\n\n\"And two more after that, but things will ease up, soon, I promise.\"\n\n\"No, they won't,\" said Minette. \"You'llfind some other cause to rob all your time.\"\n\nDavida tried to change the subject. \"Did youfinalize the Tecate reservation?\"\n\n\"Yes --- why? Do I have to cancel it?\"\n\n\"No, no. The entire week is engraved into my BlackBerry. I can't wait.\"\n\n\"Me, neither.\" But Minette couldn't muster up much enthusiasm. Davida had aborted their spa vacation at Rancho La Puerta twice before. \"When are you coming home?\"\n\n\"I'll try to make it before one, but don't wait up.\"\n\nMeaning she wasn't coming home. Minette sighed. Stroked a lace bra cup. Hooked a thumb inside. \"Don't work so hard, baby.\"\n\n\"Thanks for being so understanding, honey. I love you.\"\n\nMinette's I love you, too, was cut short by the click.\n\nPouting, she hung up. Nine thirty-five, and she looked and felt every bit as sexy.\n\nThe evening was still very much alive. She pressed a memorized set of numbers into her cell phone, then hit the send button. When the caller answered, Minette tried to steady her voice. \"As expected, she's coming home very late tonight if at all. What are your plans?\"\n\n\"Well, I guess I'm coming over to your place.\"\n\n\"How long will that take?\"\n\n\"Give me an hour to make excuses.\"\n\n\"I'll see you then. Oh, and pick up a bottle of Knob Creek,\" Minette said. \"We're out of joy juice.\"\n\nChapter Three\n\nThe call came in at eight twenty-two am, just enough time to interrupt Will Barnes's treadmill torture. Every day, he blasted his joints into oblivion with the faint hope that the mindless machine would increase his life expectancy. Will's father and grandfather had died of heart disease in their early sixties. Will's cardiologist said his ticker looked great, but the unspoken message got through: take special care. He slowed the pace, said, \"Barnes.\" The Loo said, \"Davida Grayson was found dead in her office.\" Barnes was so stunned that he almost tripped. Hopping off the machine, he wrapped a towel around his thick, sweaty neck. \"What the hell happened?\" \"That's what you're supposed tofigure out. I'll meet you at the crime scene. Amanda is also on her way. Lucky for you, you've got a pard who knows how to work the media, because this is going to be high profile. Cap has scheduled a press conference at eleven. Town hall meeting will be at seven tonight. We need a quick close, Will, before the community goes haywire.\" \"Can I put my pants onfirst?\" \"Sure. You can even do it one leg at a time.\"\n\nWilliam Tecumseh Barnes was a wide-shouldered guy with a football-flattened nose and soft blue eyes. Prone to a beer gut and a double chin, he sometimes reckoned himself over the hill. But women liked those baby blues and he had his own hair, most of it still brown with a dusting of pewter at the temples. He'd gone from high school halfback to the army to law enforcement, spendingfifteen years at Sacramento PD, ten as a homicide detective, until family matters brought him to the Bay Area.\n\nWill's only sibling, Jack, was a gay man who made a living out of being a gay man. Jack had moved from Sacramento to San Francisco at sixteen and by twenty had been a \"well-known activist,\" a fanatical in-your-face kind of guy who'd managed to offend everyone.\n\nWill knew the abrasiveness went beyond idealism; he'd spent half his youth cleaning up Jack's messes. But family was family, even if Will hadn't ever really understood his brother.\n\nWhen Jack was murdered, their parents were long gone and Will faced his grief alone. As the case grew cold, he knew what he had to do. Recently divorced with no kids or baggage keeping him in the capital, he requested a temporary leave of absence. That turned into two years as he searched for his brother's killer. Bit by bit, as he probed into Jack's death, he came to know Jack's life. Jack's friends grew to trust him, confided in him, related snippets that came together like the squares of a patchwork quilt. In the end, Jack's death turned out to be one of those stupid homicides: an argument with the wrong person.\n\nWhen it was time to return to Sacramento, Will discovered that he loved the beauty of the Bay Area, and had grown to respect --- albeit in a begrudging way --- the political diversity. He applied to Berkeley PD because a detective position had just opened and because chasing down his brother's killer had left him drained and exhausted and it seemed like a cushy, small-town job.\n\nNot this morning, with Davida Grayson a vic.\n\nWill showered and shaved and locked up his piece of California real estate --- a two-bedroom, one-bath, eight-hundred-square-foot bungalow. When Will plunked down a thirty-five-thousand-dollar deposit on itfifteen years ago, it had been a dump. Now his mess wasfixed up and prettified and damn if it wasn't the best investment he had ever made.\n\nThe area around Grayson's district office on Shattuck was roped off with yellow tape. All the magpies were in place: local TV, radio, the papers. Barnes spied Laura Novacente from theBerkeley Crier and gave her a wave. They'd dated a couple of years ago and though it had ended, it had not ended badly. Laura weaved and elbowed herself through the throng and sidled up to him, making sure to give a little hip-to-hip contact.\n\n\"What's going on, Willie?\"\n\n\"You tell me, Laura.\" Barnes looked around for Amanda Isis. His partner lived in San Francisco, in a twenty-three-room Pacific Heights mansion overlooking everything. It would take her at least another half hour to make it over the bridge. \"You got here before I did, lady.\"\n\n\"You don't listen to your own scanners?\"\n\n\"Not at eight in the morning, I don't.\"\n\n\"I heard she was shot in the head.\"\n\n\"Then you heard more than I did.\"\n\n\"Give me something, Willie.\"\n\nHe sized Laura up with a swift sweep of the baby blues. Ten years younger than him, with long gray hair that flew in the wind like the mane of a galloping horse. Still that trimfigure; he wondered why the two of them had gone south. \"Captain's arranged some kind of press conference --- \"\n\n\"I thought we were friends.\"\n\nHe loved the urgency in her voice. Had heard it many times before in a different context. \"Your number is still lodged in my brain, Laura. If Ifind out anything, I'll give you a ring, maybe we can meet.\"\n\n\"The usual place?\"\n\n\"I'm a creature of habit, Laura.\"\n\nDavida was slumped over her desk, face cradled in the crook of her arms as if she'd been napping away her last moments on earth. Detective Amanda Isis preferred to think that the transition from a temporary sleep to a permanent had been painless. The nape of Davida's neck was blown wide open, pellets hitting with enough force to shred her spinal cord. Just about decapitated.\n\nAmanda was medium-sized, slim, thirty-eight, delicately beautiful with honey-colored hair layered short and enormous brown eyes. She had on a charcoal pantsuit that didn't show the dirt. Armani Couture, but tailored to look run-of-the-mill.\n\nThe scene was gruesome and bloody with crimson spray all over the desk and the walls. Not at all the kind of murder that Amanda was used to seeing. When BPD dealt with homicides, they were usually drug killings confined to the dark alleys of the West Berkeley region, brutal but ultimately mundane crimes that often germinated in Oakland.\n\nAmanda studied the body again. Someone had been serious. When she looked closely, she could see shotgun pellets embedded in flesh. Brushing honey-colored locks from her eyes, she turned to Will. \"This is nauseating.\"\n\n\"Lots of spray ...a couple of partial shoeprints.\" Barnes pointed to several spots. \"If the past is any predictor of the future, someone somewhere is dumping bloody clothing. But the idiots always think twice about tossing the shoes.\"\n\n\"Who called the murder in?\"\n\n\"Jerome Melchior --- Davida's chief aide. I've got him stowed away in a cruiser, drinking coffee, hoping we can steady his nerves. I'd like to interview him while his memory is fresh, get him away from the magpies before the press conference.\"\n\nBarnes checked his watch. \"We've only got about an hour, Mandy. Ready to hustle?\"\n\n\"Go interview him, I'll take over here. Then, while I'm working the microphones with the brass, you can have a look around and we'll compare notes.\"\n\n\"You got it.\" His perfectly organized partner. After a year they synched well, like a nicely tuned clock. Will hadn't been thrilled to work with someone who'd married into a hundred million bucks, had heard the ice-queen dilettante chatter,figured how could it be otherwise. But Amanda worked as hard as anyone. Harder. Maybe those lottery winners who claimed they'd never quit their day jobs were righteous.\n\nShe smoothed the jacket of one of those designer pantsuits with gloved hands, took another look at Davida and shook her head. \"You ever have any dealings with her, Will?\"\n\n\"Not professionally.\" Barnes sighed. \"She's a Sacramento girl. I knew her.\"\n\nBarnes shook his head. \"Her older sister, Glynnis, was a couple of years younger than me. She died when Davida was a kid. My brother, Jack, knew Davida in high school. They ran in different circles, but I know when she came out in her senior year, it had a big impact on Jack.\" He turned to face her. \"What about you and Larry? You guys go to parties with pols.\"\n\n\"Good deduction, Detective Barnes. Yeah, I've run into her a few times but no extended conversations. She came across as a reasonable person. Not pro-police but not as antagonistic as some of the others we've had. When she talked, though, she got animated. I guess that was passion about what she believed in.\"\n\n\"If you're passionately for something, chances are there's somebody that's passionately against the same thing.\"\n\n\"The stem-cell deal, that egging last week,\" said Amanda. \"Wonder if SPD has anything on that.\"\n\n\"I still know people over there. I'll check.\"\n\n\"Maybe we should visit the capital,\" Amanda suggested. \"Scope out her enemies and her friends.\"\n\n\"At the capital, they can be one and the same. Sure, good idea, but I think hobnobbing with those in the know is more up your alley, Mandy.\"\n\n\"What's your forte, compadre?\"\n\n\"Talking to her folk.\"\n\nAmanda knew he meant the gay and lesbian community. Of all the contacts that a detective might cultivate, she couldn't have thought of a more odd combination than Will and gays. But he got info from them like no one else could. Perhaps they trusted him because he was the last person in the world to be condescending or patronizing. \"Sure you don't want to take on the Gray Suits, Willie? It was originally your territory.\"\n\n\"My territory, but never my people.\""], "url": "http://www.bookreporter.com/reviews/capital-crimes-0/excerpt", "images_metadata": [{"height": 571, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 158, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["c2f4a77a0b13f1c306125b9e7d6971ea32d36b71ed13c16209cb16a30cc110c3"], "__index_level_0__": 310, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://centralctcommunications.smugmug.com/Other/Bristolpress-Newspaper-8/i-kNRGfFx/0/9d02c02c/L/MIKE_Paige%20McLaughlin-L.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9666714072227478}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.bristolpress.com/BP-Bristol+Eastern+Sports/281838/mclaughlin-crucial-for-bristol-eastern-softball-behind-at-plate-of-late\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://centralctcommunications.smugmug.com/Other/Bristolpress-Newspaper-8/i-kNRGfFx/0/9d02c02c/L/MIKE_Paige%20McLaughlin-L.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://centralctcommunications.smugmug.com/Other/Bristolpress-Newspaper-8/i-kNRGfFx/0/9d02c02c/L/MIKE_Paige%20McLaughlin-L.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MIKE Paige McLaughlin L\", \"alt_text\": \"Paige McLaughlin\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Bristol Eastern's Paige McLaughlin tosses the ball at the end of an inning a game easlier this season. | Mike Orazzi | Staff Buy this photo\nPublished on Thursday, 4 May 2017 22:54\n\nBRISTOL - The Bristol Eastern softball team finally snapped its losing streak against Bristol Central on Monday with a 3-0 victory and one of the players that stood out for the Lancers was catcher and No. 9 hitter Paige McLaughlin.\n\nThe sophomore caught pitcher Erin Girard’s one-hit complete game, which featured 11 strikeouts of which three ended on a called third strike. While Girard had her best stuff going against her team’s biggest rival, Bristol Eastern coach Scott Redman thought McLaughlin had at least a little bit to do with the pitching success.\n\n“Paige did a heck of a job as the backstop, calling a great game, framing pitches and giving a good look to the umpires,” he said. “She gets a lot of credit.”\n\nWhile her coach clearly thought very highly of her work behind the plate, McLaughlin modestly diverted all the credit to Girard.\n\n“I don’t really do much behind the plate. Erin’s the one doing most of the work,” she said. “She hits all her spots. She’s really great on the mound and she’s got a great defense behind her to back her up.”\n\nMcLaughlin also picked up an assist on an out, throwing to third to pick off the Rams’ Xia’ian Carrasco at third base after Girard’s only walk to end the third inning.\n\nShe was one of the top defensive players for Bristol Eastern but McLaughlin was arguably the most successful Lancer on offense on Monday. In three plate appearances, she recorded three hits and, in the seventh inning, scored the Lancers’ third run. The only thing missing from her stat line was an RBI but she led off the seventh and was the only Bristol Eastern player to get on base in the fourth.\n\n“She did it all,” Redman said. “[She] laid down a beautiful bunt to get on the first time. She had a really nice game [Monday].”\n\nMcLaughlin has been in the bottom half of the lineup all season so for her, Monday’s success on offense was exciting.\n\n“It’s pretty great,” she said with a smile. “I haven’t been hitting that well this season so it felt good to be able to get some hits and score for our team.”\n\nThe bottom of the order has been a weak point of late for Bristol Eastern so Redman was just as happy to get three hits from McLaughlin.\n\n“The top of the order has been really carrying us. So to get some contributions from the bottom of the lineup was huge,” he said. “Getting Nicole [D’Amato] back helps in the middle of the lineup so everybody kind of ticks down a little bit. Paige did some work on some good pitches. We’ll take it.”\n\nThis is just McLaughlin’s sophomore season and she is already having an impact, which bodes well for the future. And, according to Redman, a big reason for why she’s had so much success is her character on and off the field."], "url": "http://www.bristolpress.com/BP-Bristol+Eastern+Sports/281838/mclaughlin-crucial-for-bristol-eastern-softball-behind-at-plate-of-late", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 436, "original_width": 599, "width": 519}], "image_hashes": ["2d2e1c0d7550c7481927433dbaa56561060684d0c1da9f8e755db41ca42951a3"], "__index_level_0__": 311, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.castanet.net/content/2014/3/bang_22455_p.jpg", null, "https://www.castanet.net/events/photos/28th_annual_downtown_95668_m.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8941369652748108}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.castanet.net/news/Entertainment/111582/James-Franco-and-Seth-Rogen-spoof-Kim-Kardashian-VOGUE-cover\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/img/mh/contact.png\", \"src\": 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All rights reserved.\n\nJames Franco and Seth Rogen have spoofed Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's VOGUE cover.\n\nThe actors poked fun of the US magazine's controversial new cover, which was unveiled yesterday (03.21.14) to mass uproar from the fashion world, by photoshopping their heads onto the couple's body in a mock-up version of the April issue's defining image.\n\nThe fashion bible's cover - which was shot by famed photographer Annie Leibovitz - shows reality star Kim looking demure in a strapless Lanvin wedding gown as Kanye wraps his arms around his bride-to-be, the concept a nod to their upcoming nuptials in Paris this May.\n\nJames posted his digitally-altered handiwork on Instagram, jokingly adding: \"Seth! Love you, dog!\"\n\nHis fans' response was overwhelmingly positive, with one enthusing, \"Omg what a beautiful couple!!!\", and another noting, \"A much better cover photo\".\n\nThis isn't the first time renowned jokers Seth and James have mocked Kanye and Kim. Last November, they filmed a spoof of Kanye's 'Bound 2' video, which sees the comedians imitating the cringe-inducing video by smooching shirtless on the back of a motorbike.\n\nMeanwhile, the Muppets have also joined in on the act, with puppet power couple Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy recreating Kimye's VOGUE cover.\n\nSharing the image on Facebook, Miss Piggy said: \"Kermie and Moi are honored to be featured on the cover of Vague as the #UniversesMostTalkedAboutCouple!! (Are you surprised, though?)\"\n\nVOGUE Editor-in-Chief Anna Wintour - who previously declared Kim would appear in the magazine \"over her dead body\" - has defended her cover star choice in the Editor's letter of April's Shape issue, explaining that she admires Kim's \"strength of character.\"\n\nShe added that the magazines prides itself on \"being able to feature those who define the culture at any given moment, who stir things up, whose presence in the world shapes the way it looks and influences the way we see it.\"", null], "url": "http://www.castanet.net/news/Entertainment/111582/James-Franco-and-Seth-Rogen-spoof-Kim-Kardashian-VOGUE-cover", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["805180ea550493f1d93dfbe15f6f3dbb71ef74a4632f93fa337439dd5a9c7923", "05b44520eb6accead862eef7b0e449e0b616581fa1e02070d2e9088a6de76a55"], "__index_level_0__": 312, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i.cbc.ca/1.1893761.1380862994!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/li-page-00827384-620.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.950876235961914}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/old-age-security-sustainable-says-budget-watchdog-1.1197116?cmp=rss\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1893761.1380862994!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/li-page-00827384-620.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1893761.1380862994!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/li-page-00827384-620.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"li page\", \"alt_text\": \"Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page issued revised projections about Canada's future finances Wednesday and said Old Age Security is an affordable program in the years ahead.\", \"rendered_width\": \"100%\", \"rendered_height\": 349}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/old-age-security-sustainable-says-budget-watchdog-1.1197116?cmp=rss\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1702109.1465719302!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9tight_140/image.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1702109.1465719302!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9tight_140/image.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"image\", \"alt_text\": \"Old Age Security math\", \"rendered_width\": 140, \"rendered_height\": 79}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/old-age-security-sustainable-says-budget-watchdog-1.1197116?cmp=rss\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1702102.1465719602!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9tight_140/image.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1702102.1465719602!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9tight_140/image.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"image\", \"alt_text\": \"MPs on Old Age Security\", \"rendered_width\": 140, \"rendered_height\": 79}, null]", "texts": [null, "MPs on Old Age Security 9:21\n\nCanada can ride out the wave of retiring baby boomers and their cost to the Old Age Security program with room to spare, a new report by Parliament's budget watchdog released Wednesday suggests.\n\nThe income support program is sustainable and affordable given the federal government's projected revenues and economic growth, Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page said.\n\nIn a report on fiscal sustainability and elderly benefits, Page revised some of his earlier predictions based on the government's announcement late last year that the Canada Health Transfer would be tied to GDP after 2016-17.\n\nBenefits for Canada's older population, including the monthly OAS cheques, are financed out of general revenues, and the policy move on the CHT therefore drastically changed the parliamentary budget officer's predictions about the government's fiscal sustainability.\n\nPage had earlier raised concerns about sustainability, but his new debt-to-GDP projections show that not only is OAS sustainable, but the government could even increase the amount it spends on it. To be considered fiscally sustainable, Canada's debt cannot grow faster than the economy.\n\nOpposition pounces\n\nOpposition parties seized on the OAS issue during question period and said Page's findings show, contrary to what the government has been saying, that there is no coming OAS crisis because of the aging population.\n\nHuman Resources Minister Diane Finley was pounded with questions about the government's plans for OAS, but she refused to answer whether the age of eligibility for the benefit will be raised beyond the current age of 65.\n\n\"What our government is doing is preventing a crisis, the kind of crisis that we've seen hit in Europe,\" she said.\n\n\"We've got to make changes. We're going to do it responsibly and gradually,\" she said, without specifying what changes are being contemplated.\n\n\"We know there's a coming crisis, that's in Old Age Security, that's why we're taking steps now before it's too late because we do not want to burden future generations with massive, massive tax increases to support OAS,\" said Finley.\n\nInterim Liberal Leader Bob Rae said Page's report shows the OAS program is sustainable and the only thing putting it at risk is the government.\n\nThe NDP's finance critic Peter Julian said Page's report shows the government has no justification to change OAS.\n\n\"They're trying to create an artificial crisis when the figures clearly show the pension system is sustainable. I think the government lacks credibility,\" he said.\n\nBut Finance Minister Jim Flaherty cast doubt on Page, calling him \"unbelievable, unreliable, incredible\" because he put out a report last year saying Canada's fiscal sustainability was at risk and his new report says the opposite.\n\nPage revised his projections because of the government's health funding announcement.\n\nDavos announcement prompts uncertainty\n\nOld Age Security suddenly became a hot topic on Parliament Hill after Prime Minister Stephen Harper suggested in a speech in Davos, Switzerland, in late January that changes to the retirement income system are on their way.\n\nHe did not mention OAS specifically, but his office quickly supplied estimations of how much OAS will cost in the years ahead, and Harper and his cabinet have been talking ever since about ensuring that income support programs are sustainable in the future.\n\nCommunity Reaction\n\nRead comment highlights and take our poll: Do you trust that OAS is sustainable?\n\nOAS provides a monthly cheque to Canadians, 65 years of age or older, and the amount of the payment is adjusted every three months to account for increases in the cost of living according to the consumer price index. The average monthly amount was $508.35 in the last quarter of 2011. The amount of the cheque is also clawed back for people earning a higher income; in 2011, the level was set at $67,668.\n\nAccording to a federal government report from last June, the number of recipients of OAS is expected to almost double over the next 20 years — 4.7 million in 2010 to 9.3 million by 2030, mainly due to the retirement of the baby boom generation over that period.\n\nCosts for the program are expected to rise 32 per cent over the next five years, from $36.3 billion in 2010 to $48.3 billion in 2015 and to $108 billion by 2030.\n\nRelative to the size of the economy, Page estimates that the cost of OAS and other elderly benefits together will increase from 2.2 per cent of GDP in 2010-11 to a peak of 3.0 per cent of GDP in 2031-32. Then the cost will slide to 1.8 per cent of GDP by 2080.\n\nHis report says that with the new plan for the health transfers, Canada's fiscal framework is sustainable \"even under the baseline assumption that there is some additional enrichment to elderly benefit payments.\"\n\nNDP launching tour about OAS\n\nIf the government doesn't enrich the payments and keeps it only tied to CPI, Canada can pay off debt even faster, Page said.\n\nPage's fiscal sustainability projects don't take into account the budget cuts that are going to be announced in the upcoming 2012 federal budget. The picture could change again depending on future policy decisions of the government.\n\nThe government is saying no cuts to OAS will be in the upcoming budget and that whatever changes are made, they will not affect current retirees or those \"nearing retirement.\"\n\nBut the government has not indicated what changes are being contemplated or when it would implement them.\n\nThe opposition parties have been trying to get answers out of the government and have been demanding that it be clearer on its plans.\n\nThe NDP used its opposition day in the House of Commons last week to table a non-binding motion that called on MPs to reject \"calls by the prime minister to balance the Conservative deficit on the backs of Canada's seniors by means such as raising the age of eligibility for Old Age Security and calls on the government to make the reduction and eventual elimination of seniors' poverty a cornerstone of the next budget.\"\n\nThe motion was defeated during a vote on Monday, 147 to 127.\n\nThe NDP now is launching a Canada-wide tour to draw attention to the OAS issue. Its aim is to \"build opposition to Conservative threats to roll back Old Age Security\" and to promote the NDP's own ideas on retirement security."], "url": "http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/old-age-security-sustainable-says-budget-watchdog-1.1197116?cmp=rss", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 349, "original_width": 620, "width": 671}], "image_hashes": ["0bd31d7d27023090b6bf46040daeb187bd31d7e441869841c915322488f38403"], "__index_level_0__": 313, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://i.cbc.ca/1.1374986.1378964284!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/baumann-940.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9416443705558776}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/sports/canada-s-tabitha-baumann-wins-gold-at-santa-clara-grand-prix-1.1353840\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1374986.1378964284!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/baumann-940.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1374986.1378964284!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/baumann-940.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"baumann\", \"alt_text\": \"Tabitha Baumann is the daughter of Canadian Olympic champion and former world-record holder Alex Baumann.\", \"rendered_width\": \"100%\", \"rendered_height\": 349}, null, null]", "texts": ["Clocks personal best in women's 1,500-m freestyle\n\nThe Canadian Press Posted: May 30, 2013 10:16 PM ET Last Updated: May 30, 2013 10:15 PM ET", null, "Tabitha Baumann is the daughter of Canadian Olympic champion and former world-record holder Alex Baumann. (Ezra Shaw/Getty Images)\n\nOttawa's Tabitha Baumann won the gold medal in the women's 1,500-metre freestyle on Thursday at the Santa Clara Grand Prix.\n\nBaumann clocked a personal best 16 minutes and 37.08 seconds finishing ahead of Chare Escobar Torres of Mexico in second at 16:40.53 and Carolina Queiroz of Brazil third in 17:00.42.\n\n\"I wasn't expecting to post such a fast time,\" said Baumann, 17, the daughter of Canadian Olympic champion Alex Baumann. \"It's a really good feeling.\"\n\nBridget Coley of Toronto was fourth in 17:00.49 and Heather Maitland of Toronto seventh.\n\nIn the men's 800-metre freestyle, two-time Olympic medallist Ryan Cochrane of Victoria took the bronze medal in 7:59.71. Connor Jaeger of the United States won the gold in a meet record 7:50.14 and Mack Horton of Australia was second in 7:59.64.\n\n\"It's not exactly what I expected,\" said Cochrane, tuning up for this summer's FINA World Championships. \"I was happy though with how I controlled my stress and kept my good habits.\"\n\nCompetition continues through to Sunday."], "url": "http://www.cbc.ca/sports/canada-s-tabitha-baumann-wins-gold-at-santa-clara-grand-prix-1.1353840", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 349, "original_width": 620, "width": 671}], "image_hashes": ["3fd5e71a25977e77eefeb87d0c095189aacf75d125ee9fa8196c72c5a3b76221"], "__index_level_0__": 314, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i.cbc.ca/1.1481408.1380777231!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/daly-bill-120913.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9749757051467896}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/nhl-lockout-negotiators-decide-on-tight-lipped-approach-1.1152197\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1481408.1380777231!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/daly-bill-120913.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.cbc.ca/1.1481408.1380777231!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/16x9_620/daly-bill-120913.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"daly bill\", \"alt_text\": \"NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly has taken a more prominent role in recent days for the league, but he's choosing not to negotiate through the media.\", \"rendered_width\": \"100%\", \"rendered_height\": 349}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly has taken a more prominent role in recent days for the league, but he's choosing not to negotiate through the media.\n\nFor those hoping to see a resolution to the NHL lockout, silence is the best sound that can come out of Tuesday's collective bargaining talks.\n\nNegotiations have reached a critical juncture with the league and NHL Players' Association scheduled to meet in New York City.\n\nVery little was said after an informal meeting between deputy commissioner Bill Daly and NHLPA special counsel Steve Fehr over the weekend — something both sides have quietly warned might happen when progress started being made.\n\nThe trend continued on the eve of formal talks resuming. When asked Monday if he was optimistic that negotiations could pick up steam this week, Daly responded: \"Sorry, going to keep quiet between now and the end of these meetings.\"\n\nThese are clearly delicate times.\n\nAt this point, it seems the only thing that would see either side resume giving public updates is a breakdown in negotiations. Internally, there's a sense that the time for waging a public relations battle is over.\n\nThe lengthy meeting between Daly and Fehr, held at an undisclosed location, serves as an interesting precursor to Tuesday's bargaining session. In brief statements, the men acknowledged having a \"frank discussion\" on the \"most important issues\" while sitting down together for several hours.\n\nOne veteran labour negotiator indicated that the quiet setting would likely have been beneficial to the deputies at this stage in the process. \"If there's lots of wood to chop, it will happen in private,\" he said.\n\nThe league has since indicated a willingness to see owners assume more of the liability but hasn't yet presented a formal offer on that matter, according to a source.\n\nThere are also contract issues to sort out. Among the changes suggested by the NHL are a five-year cap on contracts, entry-level deals that last two years instead of three and unrestricted free agency beginning at age 28 or after eight years of service.\n\nNHLPA executive director Donald Fehr has said he doesn't believe players should have to give up any of the concessions they earned in those areas during the last round of negotiations.\n\nThe union held a Monday afternoon conference call with its negotiating committee and executive board to update constituents on where things stood heading into another round of talks.\n\nWhile there appeared to be some reason for optimism with the sides getting back to the bargaining table, a number of players spoke of the importance of remaining even-keel. The negotiations have had plenty of ups and downs over the last few months.\n\n\"I'm more confident [now] because there is dialogue and that's good,\" Penguins captain Sidney Crosby told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on Monday. \"Nothing, I don't think, got settled [over the weekend] as far as a clear-cut issue. They've talked about it, agreed to a meeting this week and that's good.\n\n\"You kind of don't want to read into anything.\"\n\nThe best-case scenario for the NHL is a shortened season that begins on Dec. 1.\n\nWith all regular-season games cancelled until then, the league and union have a little over two weeks to sign off on a new CBA and open training camps that would last roughly seven days. They'll clearly need to start working towards that goal as soon as Tuesday.\n\nThe best clue they're making progress will likely come from how many details of the meeting emerge after its finished.\n\nAt this point, the less that is said the better."], "url": "http://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/nhl-lockout-negotiators-decide-on-tight-lipped-approach-1.1152197", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 349, "original_width": 620, "width": 671}], "image_hashes": ["6e983bffddcbf8f4c0c26159f3583d457b292b2dafd0636018c252f905dea437"], "__index_level_0__": 315, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space.jpg", null, "http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space002.jpg", null, "http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space003.jpg", null, "http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space004.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9085733294487}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/decor/glam-oscar-party-space\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"glam oscar party space\", \"alt_text\": \"Glam Oscar-Party Space\", \"rendered_width\": 600, \"rendered_height\": 337}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/decor/glam-oscar-party-space\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space002.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space002.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"glam oscar party space\", \"alt_text\": \"Glam Oscar-Party Space\", \"rendered_width\": 600, \"rendered_height\": 337}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/decor/glam-oscar-party-space\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space003.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space003.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"glam oscar party space\", \"alt_text\": \"Glam Oscar-Party Space\", \"rendered_width\": 600, \"rendered_height\": 337}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/decor/glam-oscar-party-space\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space004.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/content/images/glam_oscar_party_space004.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"glam oscar party space\", \"alt_text\": \"Tommy Smythe\", \"rendered_width\": 600, \"rendered_height\": 337}, null]", "texts": ["Planning an Oscar viewing party to catch all the fun and fashion with your friends? Do it in style with these decor tips from Tommy Smythe.", null, "Above: cradenza, sofa, chairs, wood bowl, bar table, lamp, rug, ottomans, Cocoon; sofa table, coffee table, Zilli Home; TV, LG; posters, movieposter.com\n\nComfortable seating is a must\n\nAwards shows and sporting events can go for four to six hours non-stop, so comfortable seating is a necessity. You want this space to feel like a home theatre, but not look like a Cineplex, so consider a sectional couch for maximum seating. If your space cannot accommodate a sectional go for a couch with chairs and ottomans for additional seating.", null, "All amenities must be in arm's reach\n\nTransform your credenza or sideboard into a bar. Crystal barware provides the opulence you need for a great Oscar party.\n\nBe tech-savvy\n\nPart of watching any broadcast is connecting with social media in real time. Encourage your guests to use social media by making it accessible and part of your schematic: create a media hub with iPads, smartphones, etc.\n\nGo bold with gold\n\nFor the ultimate Oscar party, make sure you've got the glitter and glitz of gold. Metallics are neutral, so they can work with the rest of your decor. You can glam it up even further with luxury items like silk cushions.", null, "Sprinkle in a touch of vintage\n\nThe Oscars never depart from the event's Hollywood roots, so play it up!\n\nGo all the way with your theme\n\nThere's no such thing as an over-the-top theme party, but you can still keep it tasteful. Interactive and fun elements will add life to your party. Create a ballot box and entries for your very own party awards like 'Best Dressed Guest' and 'Most Likely to Get Carried Away at the Bar.'", null, "Submission Policy\n\nFeng Shui for a Romantic Bedroom\n\nExquisite Master Bath\n\nMore From This Episode\n\nentertaining living room oscars tommy smythe"], "url": "http://www.cbc.ca/stevenandchris/decor/glam-oscar-party-space", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 337, "original_width": 600, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 337, "original_width": 600, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 337, "original_width": 600, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 337, "original_width": 600, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["6a392c74f710a9f9d10c1f2bde2b5a6d28e9b01855e12043493f1d7eb3000f34", "26189b0f6420c5c156f1777d5916a9c6d0049aaa30931f1acdd986dad9e73d3f", "5eb45d06c682d50f843e8d7ba934f00cf7983b847a6ac5212037b3654f2d553c", "b9b08cd208d763cdeb05d43abe53b82d05f06c268dfecefe0f6442277d29c232"], "__index_level_0__": 316, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://cdn.simplesite.com/i/46/c1/284571205974344006/i284571214473277667._szw480h1280_.jpg", null, "http://cdn.simplesite.com/i/46/c1/284571205974344006/i284571214473276095._szw1280h1280_.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8760136365890503}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.chessdiagonals.ch/431660776\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.chessdiagonals.ch/images/tinyMceEditor/smilies/hehe.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.chessdiagonals.ch/images/tinyMceEditor/smilies/hehe.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"hehe\", \"alt_text\": \"Ha ha\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.chessdiagonals.ch/431660776\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.chessdiagonals.ch/images/tinyMceEditor/smilies/wink.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.chessdiagonals.ch/images/tinyMceEditor/smilies/wink.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wink\", \"alt_text\": \"Winken\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.chessdiagonals.ch/431660776\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.simplesite.com/i/46/c1/284571205974344006/i284571214473277667._szw480h1280_.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.simplesite.com/i/46/c1/284571205974344006/i284571214473277667._szw480h1280_.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.chessdiagonals.ch/431660776\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//cdn.simplesite.com/i/46/c1/284571205974344006/i284571214473276095._szw1280h1280_.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn.simplesite.com/i/46/c1/284571205974344006/i284571214473276095._szw1280h1280_.jpg\"}, null]", "texts": ["(==> part of Biel International Chess Festival, 50th years jubilee in 2017)\n\nBosna, Sarajevo, former strong invitational, now a rather local Open Special feature\n\nCappelle-la-Grande Open, currently of rather local character\n\nCanadian Open Chess Championship, at various venues\n\nDubai Open Sheikh Rashid Bin Hamdan Al Maktoum Cup, Dubai Extras\n\nGibraltar Chess Congress Tradewise Masters Catalan Bay / La Caleta Superopen 2017\n\nGrenke Chess Open, Karlsruhe (following the Neckar-Open, Deizisau)\n\nHastings Chess Congress, legendary invitation tournament, now Open Special feature\n\nIsle of Man chess.com Open, Port Erin, today in Douglas Superopen 2017 Preview\n\nPolitiken Cup, Xtracon Chess Open, Copenhagen, today in Helsingør\n\nReykjavik Open, starting as an invitation tournament\n\nRilton Cup, Stockholm\n\nU.S. Open Chess Championship Special feature\n(1st edition held in 1900,annually without any break!!)\nin swiss system since the mid-1940s, at various venues\n\nWorld Open, mainly in Philapelphia, early editions in New York,\nlater sometimes also in Arlington or other U.S. cities\n\npast Superopen:\n\nLloyds Bank Masters, London, 1977-1994 An easy-to-read survey\n\n18 consecutive editions: First winner in 1977 was Miguel Quinteros, last winner in 1994 young Alexander Morozevich, both outright\n\nLone Pine, California, 1971-1981 Louis D. Statham Tournament Full history\n\n11 consecutive editions: First winner in 1971 was Larry Evans, last winner in 1981 Viktor Korchnoi, among the winners, sole or shared, Tigran Petrosian, Bent Larsen, Svetozar Gligoric (2x), Vladimir Liberzon (2x), Oscar Panno, Vlastimil Hort, Florin Gheorghiu, Walter Browne, Arthur Bisguier, and Nona Gaprindashvili\n\nLugano Open, Switzerland, 1976-1989 Exlusive in the web!\n\n14 consecutive editions: First winner in 1976 was Gennadi Sosonko, last winner in 1989 Viktor Korchnoi (3x, plus one co-win), among the winners Yasser Seirawan (2x), Gyula Sax, Lubomir Ftacnik, Vladimir Tukmakov, Bojan Kurajica, Sergio Mariotti, as well as Nigel Short (co-winner), Kevin Spraggett (co-winner), or Eugenio Torre (co-winner); many top ten / top twenty players participating, including also Anand and Spassky, Larsen, Miles, Nunn, Timman, Lautier, Hübner, Unzicker, Hort, Pachman, Gligoric, Ivkov, Szabo, Ribli, Adorjan, Gulko, De Firmian, Browne, Reshevsky and the strongest ladies, Lugano was really internationally mixed in gender and ages\n\nNew York Open, New York City, 1981-2000 (no editions '82, '99) Extended version to come\n\n18 editions: First winner in 1981 was Lev Alburt, last winner in 2000 Ilya Smirin, both outright\n\nrecently cancelled or interrupted series:\n\nMillionaire Chess (MC) Open, Las Vegas 2014 & 2015, Atlantic City 2016\n\nQatar Masters, Doha, 2014 & 2015\n\nThis listing of about twenty recurring international Open Supertournament series (named \"Superopen\" in analogy to the closed \"Supertournament\") in classical chess, from past and present, including two legendary longlasting series with an earlier peak time as a world elite invitation tournament (the famous Hastings Chess Congresses and Bosna in Sarajevo), is a best-effort, with a subjective component, no offense intended!\n\nA Chess Superopen series is big and divers (strength and largeness of the top participating grandmasters and the status of the tournament in continuation), mixed in gender and ages, with players representing not only various countries, but also different continents.\n\nBy definition, the overview is focussed on series. Apart from series, only rarely a one-off open tournament had been superstrong, too; i.e. the Vienna IBM Open in 1986, the first international Chess Open ever featuring four current top ten players of the world, or the somehow forgotten Alekhine Open Memorial in 1992, held parallel to the Alekhine Invitation Memorial, both played at Moscow. Thus, these two Superopen are also presented briefly.\n\nApart from these series open to everyone, there were / are official \"open\" chess tournaments, held in swiss system, by name:\n\n> Interzonal Manila 1990\n\n> Interzonal Biel 1993\n\nBoth of these two last FIDE Interzonal tournaments (embedded in the World Chess Championship cycle), within a relatively large field of more than 60 strong players\n\n> GMA Open (qualification) 1988-89; 1990\nBelgrade, Moscow, Palma de Mallorca; Moscow\n\n> PCA Open (qualifying) 1993 Groningen\n\n> FIDE Grand Prix (qualification cycle) 2017, within small fields of less than 20 players,\nSharjah, Moscow, Geneva, Palma de Mallorca\n\nThe format changed from a round robin (all-play-all) to a swiss system for the 2017 FIDE GP, with in total 24 players participating in the whole cycle: Four events will take place with 18 players in competing in each nine-round Swiss tournament!\n\nIn other words: In contrast to the previous editions where players played a full round-robin, each Grand Prix is now a 18-player, 9-round Swiss and players will each appear in three of the four tournaments (organised by AGON for FIDE).\n\nThe World Chess FIDE Grand Prix 2017 is a series of four chess tournaments that form part of the qualification cycle for the World Chess Championship 2018. The top two finishers (point scoring overall) will qualify for the 2018 Candidates Tournament.\n\n> Team competitions, especially the biannually played Chess Olympiad since 1976 in Haifa, or the European Team Chess Championship (ETCC) since 1989 in Haifa, European Chess Club Cup, etc.\n\n> World Junior Chess Championships (mostly) and World Senior Chess Championships\n\n> National Championships in some countries (for instance, Switzerland has an alternate rhythm)\n\nHistory of the Swiss System\n\nSwiss system: Pairing system invented by Dr. J. Müller of Brugg, Switzerland, and first used in a chess tournament at Zurich in 1895.\n\nGeorge Koltanowski later introduced the Swiss System in the United States.\n\nThe first use of the Swiss system in the United States was the Texas Championship in 1942.\n\nThe first national event to use the Swiss system was the 1945 U.S. Intercollegiate Championship followed by the 1947 U.S. Open in Corpus Christi, Texas.\n\nSince 1947 every (annually played) U.S. Open has been conducted under the Swiss System.\n\nThe first Swiss System at the Chess Olympiad (biannual team event) was Haifa, Israel in 1976.\n\nGeorge Koltanowski: The man who established the Swiss System in chess competitions\n\nGeorge Koltanowski, a Belgian-born American chess player, promoter, organizer, arbiter, and writer, was awarded the International Master title in 1950 when the title was first officially established by FIDE, and he was awarded an Honorary Grandmaster title in 1988.\n\nHe showed up for the 1946 U.S. Open Chess Championship (U.S. Open)in Pittsburgh, but was eliminated in the preliminary section and did not qualify for the finals.\n\nThe 47th U.S. Open in 1946, played in Pittsburgh was for the first time using the swiss system to determine different final sections in round robin.\n\nIn those years, the U.S. Open was played in round-robin preliminary and final sections. However, the next year, George Koltanowski returned, not as a player but as the director, introducing the Swiss system to the U.S. Open. He directed the 1947 U.S. Open in Corpus Christi, Texas, using the Swiss system for the first time ever in a U.S. Open chess event as a whole.\n\nAfter that, he traversed the country, holding Swiss system tournaments everywhere. Before long, the Swiss system was adopted as the standard for most chess tournaments in America, and Open Festivals worldwide.\n\nDefinition & Explanation: https://www.thespruce.com/the-swiss-system-611537 (Edward Scimia), https://www.chess.com/chessopedia/view/swiss-system (Bill Wall), Swiss system (Wikipedia), https://www.fide.com/fide/handbook.html?id=83&view=article (FIDE Handbook, pairing rules)\n\nVienna IBM-Open 1986 – four current top ten players\n\n1.-2. Korchnoi at age of 55 (winner on tie-break scores), and Beliavsky; ahead of Ftacnik (3.-9., third on tie-break), Karpov, Nunn, Garcia-Palermo, Gheorghiu,  Quinteros, Spassky, Chandler, Dückstein, Züger, Danner, Kindermann, Klinger, Farago, Schüssler, Matanovic, Mednis, Borik, Zsuzsa Polgar, Helene Mira, among others\n\nFour reigning top ten players of the world in an Open competing: Karpov (#2), Korchnoi (#6), Beliavsky (#7=), Spassky (#9=), followed by Nunn (#top twenty of ELO list January 1986).\n\nKarpov (white) and Korchnoi (black) drew their individual encounter at IBM-Vienna Open, a hard-fought game: http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1068520.\n\nIBM-Invitation Open tournament in January 1986, based on the model of Lone Pine, nine rounds swiss system, 48 invited participants in an international mix of absolute superstars, youngsters, female players and some local heroes (Austria, Germany, Switzerland).\n\nOne of the very few times, Anatoly Karpov playing an Open in classical chess (he remained unbeaten but with six draws out of nine games and was upset to be paired with too many 'minor' players due to swiss system). DIE SCHACHWOCHE no. 3 & no. 4 / 1986, and GM Robert Byrne,\n\nAlekhine Open Memorial 1992 – a forgotten Superopen\n\nIn 1992 (100th anniversary of Alexander Alekhine, Alekhine Festival), there was held an additional Alekhine Memorial Open in Moscow, won by Sergei Tiviakov (then Russia) as clear first (ahead of Epishin, in a strong field with – among others – Aseev, Ehlvest, Malaniuk, Serper, Yudasin, Kramnik, Dolmatov, Oll, Sveshnikov, Sakeev, Smirin, Psakhis, Dreev, Sveshnikov, M. Gurevich, Kuzmin, Smyslov, Tseshkovsky, Xie Jun, Svidler, Akopian, Bagirov, Savon, Gipslis, Geller, Kholmov.\n\nWatch out: http://al20102007.narod.ru/it/1992/al_ope92.html (60 players)\n\nOf course, it was not much internationally mixed, but you rarely see such a line-up in an non-official swiss system. A big achievement for Tiviakov!\n\nThe Open was running parallel to the closed invitation tournament (with Botvinnik, Najdorf, and Lilienthal forming the jury!), won jointly by 1.-2. Anand and Gelfand, followed by 3. Kamsky, 4.-6. Karpov, Salov, Jussupow, 7. Shirov, and 8. Timman.\n\nFor a selection of his tournament wins: http://www.chessdiagonals.ch/402840528 (scroll down)\n\nAn Open defined as a supertournament: big and divers, in status and strength\n\nBiel Chess Festival regularly offers both, a closed invitation tournament (round robin) and an open tournament (swiss system) of high level calibre; the large and strong Open (MTO), sometimes forgotten / outshined by the Invitational (GMT), including three Interzonals.\n\nThus the near complete (really complete!) elite of the last forty years played at Biel Chess Festival in one or the other way – a feat only matched by Wijk aan Zee with its A,B,C groups.\n\nAs mentioned, the former world-class tournaments of Hastings and Sarajevo (Bosna) are now played in a swiss system and lost their previous stardom.\n\nGlory and fame of a tournament (series) seem sometimes unpredictable, there are so many imponderabilities in economic life, well, in life in general", "This has not necessarily to do with a format change, other factors count as well: an excellent combination of serious chess, playing conditions, organisation, sightseeing, location, good food, sponsoring, prize money, time, duration, media coverage and reception, the love and respect for the players!!\n\nReykjavik for instance gained much on reputation in status and strength after switching from a closed invitational tournament to an Open Festival today. As Gibraltar Tradewise, Isle of Man, Moscow Aeroflot, Dubai or Doha (Qatar Masters) it is proof, that an Open can successfully be launched on a high level, big and diverse. They have reached the status of a supertournament, too, and are offering several hundred of rated players to join the chess community.\n\nThose were the days, Lone Pine, California in the '70ies (1971 until 1981), Llyods Bank Masters Open in London (1977 - 1994), New York Open (1981 - 2000) and maybe foremost the Lugano Open Festival Series, especially in the '80ies, can be regarded as the prominent predecessors and role model of the Gibraltar Tradewise Masters Chess Congress, the relaunched Isle of Man Open, Qatar Masters Open in Doha, Aeroflot Open in Moscow, Dubai or Reykjavik Open today.\n\nChessdiagonals reveals exclusively the Top Twenty Open (Super)series in classical chess of past and present, ordered alphabetically:\n\nAeroflot Open, Moscow, since 1999\n\nhttp://www.acfed.ru/tournament/aeroflot-open-2017/ (Official Site)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeroflot_Open (Wikipedia)\n\nThe Aeroflot Open is an annual open chess tournament played in Moscow and sponsored by the airline Aeroflot. It was established in 2002 and quickly grew to be one of the strongest open chess tournament; 2013 it was converted to a rapid and blitz event, while in 2014 it wasn't held.\n\nThe winner is invited to the Dortmund chess tournament held later in the same year, a tradition begun in 2003. Beside the main tournament (A Group), there are also B and C-class tournaments at Aeroflot Open.\n\nRecord winner is Ian Nepomniachtchi. He won 2008 and 2015 the Aeroflot Open in classical chess plus the 2013 edition blitz event.\n\nBiel International Chess Festival, since 1968\n\nhttp://www.bielchessfestival.ch/en/home/ (Official Site in english)\n\nhttp://www.bielchessfestival.ch/fr/home/ (Official Site in french)\n\nhttp://www.bielchessfestival.ch/de/home/ (Official Site in german)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biel_Chess_Festival (Wikipedia)\n\nBiel Festival - www.chessdiagonals.ch (overview)\n\nWinners at Biel - www.chessdiagonals.ch (scroll down)\n\nBosna, Sarajevo, since 1957, starting as Invitational\n\nhttp://skbosna.ba/index.php/en/ (Official Site)\n\nSarajevo *1957 - www.chessdiagonals.ch\n\n(No Wikipedia english entry so far)\n\nCappelle-la-Grande Open, since 1985\n\nhttp://www.cappelle-chess.fr/en2/default.php (Official Site)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cappelle-la-Grande_Open (Wikiepdia in english)\n\nhttps://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_de_Cappelle-la-Grande (Wikipedia in french)\n\nThe Cappelle-la-Grande Open is a chess tournament held every year in Cappelle-la-Grande, France, since 1985.\n\nThe tournament is usually played in the second half of February with an accelerated Swiss-system format in nine rounds. It is organized by the chess club L'Echiquier Cappellois and is played in the Palais des Arts of Cappelle-la-Grande.\n\nIt has become over the years one of the largest opens in the world, but in terms of average player strength slightly behind the Giants.\n\nThe 26th edition of 2010 had 652 participants, with 82 Grandmasters and 61 International Masters from 57 countries.\n\nRecord five-time winner is Mark Hebden (in 1989, 1990, 1994, 1995 and 1997, always shared).\n\nIt faced a near-collapse in 2017 and is reduced to a smaller event due to financial problems.\n\nCanadian Open Chess Championship, since 1956\n\nhttp://windsorchess.com/tournaments.php (Official Site)\n\nhttp://www.windsorchess.org/canadian-open.php (Official Site)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadian_Open_Chess_Championship (Wikipedia)\n\nPlayed at various venues in  Canada. Not to mix with the national Canadian Chess Championship.\n\nThe Canadian Open Chess Championship is Canada's international Open chess championship, launched in 1956, and held annually since 1973, usually in mid-summer. It is organized by the Chess Federation of Canada. The event celebrated its 50th rendition in 2013.\n\nIt was organized every two years from 1956 until 1970. In 2015, no tournament was held.\n\nSince 2016, the Open takes part in Windsor, Ontario.\n\nThe tournament rotates around the country, and has been held in seven of Canada's ten provinces during its 60-year history. The format has usually been a Swiss system with nine or ten rounds, usually over a nine-day period. It is open to all players who wish to enter, from Grandmasters to beginners.\n\nThe Championship's list of winners has included some of the world's strongest players, including Grandmasters Boris Spassky (in 1971, while he was World chess champion), Bent Larsen, Alexei Shirov, Vassily Ivanchuk, Viktor Bologan, Artur Yusupov, Bu Xiangzhi, Alexander Moiseenko, Kevin Spraggett, Ljubomir Ljubojević, Larry Evans, Pal Benko, William Lombardy, Gyula Sax, Igor Ivanov, Walter Browne, Tony Miles, Larry Christiansen, Joel Benjamin, Eduardas Rozentalis, Vladimir Tukmakov, Jonathan Rowson, Luke McShane, Vladimir Epishin, Vladimir Malaniuk, Pentala Harikrishna, Alexander Shabalov, Nigel Short, Eric Hansen, and many other top stars.\n\nToronto has hosted the most Canadian Opens with ten, followed by Ottawa with seven and Edmonton with six (as of 2014).\n\nMontreal 1974 saw the largest attendance to date, with 648 players. Ottawa 2007 set a tournament record with 22 Grandmasters participating.\n\nThe first tournament in Montreal 1956 was noteworthy for the presence of 13-year-young prodigy Bobby Fischer, a future World chess champion, who tied for 8-12th places.\n\nLaszlo Witt made the only perfect score (9-0) at Ottawa 1962.\n\nMark Bluvshtein is the youngest champion, at age 17 at Edmonton in 2005. Daniel Yanofsky was the oldest champion, at age 54, also in Edmonton in 1979.\n\nCanadian Grandmaster Kevin Spraggett has the record for most titles with eight (either clear first or shared).\n\nDubai, Sheikh Rashid Bin Hamdan Al Maktoum Cup, since 1999\n\nhttp://www.dubaichess.ae/ (Official Site)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubai_Open_Chess_Tournament (Wikipedia)\n\nMagnus Carlsen earned his final GM norm at Dubai in 2004, Wang Hao claimed the Dubai Open in 2005 as an untitled player above more than 50 GMs, Wesley So won his first major event at Dubai in 2008. Gawain Jones from England is the first player to defend his Champion title successfully, as double winner in 2016 and 2017.\n\nDubai Chess and Culture Club, UAE\n\nThe Dubai Chess and Culture Club, United Arab Emirates was established in 1979 as a part of the UAE Chess Federation, the governing body of chess in the UAE, and was officially recognized as an independent entity on May 16, 1981. The club’s headquarters was originally located in Burj Nahar in Deira District before it was moved permanently to its current location in Al Mamzar, Dubai.\n\nThe club's current headquarters was built on May 2, 1999 and was widely acknowledged as the most modern and biggest dedicated chess club in the world when it was completed. The building is designed in the shape of a rook.\n\nSheikh Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktourm, Deputy Ruler of Dubai and Minister of Finance, is the honorary president of the Club. Sheikh Hamdan has played a major role in supporting the chess movement in the region. Some of the most notable members of the club include Saeed Ahmed Saeed, the UAE’s first world champion in chess and first IM, and Taleb Moussa, the UAE’s first GM.\n\nThe club played a major role in organizing the 27th World Chess Olympiad in 1986, which was hosted by the UAE Chess Federation at the Dubai World Trade Centre, and has organized other international chess events such as the 2014 World Rapid and Blitz Championships, Asian Cities Championships, Arab Championships and since 1999 the annual Dubai Open.\n\nDubai Open\n\nYear-by-Year History\n\nDatei runterladen\n\nGibraltar Masters, Catalan Bay /La Caleta, since 2003\n\nhttp://www.gibraltarchesscongress.com/ (Official Site)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gibraltar_Chess_Festival (Wikipedia)\n\nGreat Britain series - www.chessdiagonals.ch\n\nGrenke Chess Open, Karlsruhe, since 2016\n\nhttp://www.grenkechessopen.de/en/ (Official Site in english)\n\nhttp://www.grenkechessopen.de/de/ (Official Site in german)\n\nGrenke Open, Karlsruhe, is following the Neckar-Open, Deizisau, 1997 – 2015\n\nhttp://neckar-open.de/index.php/ (former Official Site, still active)\n\nGrenke Open is not to mix with the closed Grenke Chess Classic, held unregularly at Baden-Baden, sometimes as national, sometimes as international invitation tournament\n\nhttp://www.grenkechessclassic.com/de/ (Official Site)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grenke_Chess_Classic (Wikipedia)\n\nHastings Chess Congress, since 1920/21 (famous Summer Congress in 1895), starting as Invitational\n\nhttp://www.hastingschess.com/ (Official Site)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hastings_International_Chess_Congress (Wikipedia)\n\nHastings *1920/21 - www.chessdiagonals.ch\n\nIsle of Man (IoM) International Open Chess Tournament, since 1993\n\nhttp://iominternationalchess.com/ (Official Site)\n\nhttps://www.facebook.com/iominternationalchess/ (IoM Official Facebook)\n\nhttps://twitter.com/iomchess?lang=de (IoM Official Twitter)\n\nhttps://www.visitisleofman.com/ (Official Visitor Website)\n\nIsle of Man Open has been played under three different labels:\n\nViktor Korchnoi played at the IoM in (13th) 2004, scoring 6/9, leading solely after five rounds: https://de.chessbase.com/post/kortschnoj-fhrt-auf-isle-of-man/1, but losing to Chandler in rd 8, beating Rowson in style: http://www.365chess.com/game.php?gid=3025257 and Williams, too: http://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1730608 (Viktor and Simon in a gruelling duel; Simon took his revenge in Switzerland in 2009, but mighty Vic immediately hit back the same year in London at the Staunton Memorial).\n\nEhsan Ghaem Maghami won on tie-break above Petr Kiriakov, both at 7/9 in a field including Smirin, Volkov, Moiseenko, Milov, Zhang Zhong, Rogers, Kotronias, Agrest, Ramesh, a bunch of the best Brits as Speelman, Chandler, Conquest, Gallagher, Wells, Howell, Rowson, Williams, McNab, plus some of the best ladies, Arakhamia-Grant, Li Ruofan, Houska, Bosboom-Lanchava, Skripchenko, as well as legendary veteran Korchnoi, 73 or novice Nakamura, 17, already a gm rated above Elo 2600; Korchnoi finished 7th, young Nakamura finished 16th, in total 96 players (26 GM, 4 WGM).\n\nChess.com Isle of Man International Chess Tournament 2017\n\nEntries are now open for the 2017 edition of the Chess.com Isle of Man international Chess Tournament, to held in Douglas from 23 September to 1 October, made possible by substantial sponsorship from the Scheinberg family.\n\nThe Masters section may well be the world’s strongest open tournament this year, with an expected field of up to 174 players, with 53 titled players already entered, including 38 Grandmasters. In addition, there will be two subsidiary, FIDE rated tournaments aimed at club players, the Major and Minor. Entry forms and Terms & Conditions for all three sections are now available via the homepage of our website.\n\nThe Masters will again be run as a 9 round Swiss, with a prize fund of £127,500, including a first prize of £50,000 already attracting the attention of many of the world’s elite players.\n\nSo far, six of the world’s top ten players have indicated their intention to play in the tournament, subject to their progress in the World Cup in Georgia, the latter stages of which overlap with our opening weekend.Some of the top names that have committed to our event include: Wesley So (world number 2); Fabiano Caruana (3); ex-World Champion Vladimir Kramnik (4); Maxime VachierLagrave (5); Hikaru Nakamura (6); ex-World Champion Vishy Anand (7). Other big names include Michael Adams and Nigel Short of England; Boris Gelfand of Israel; Alexei Shirov of Latvia; and Peter Leko of Hungary; all of whom have been World Championship finalists. There will also be a number of strong female players, including the world number 1, Hou Yifan of China, and the world number 11, Harika Dronavalli of India.\n\nThe tournament will again be held in the prestigious Royal Hall of the Villa Marina, with the backing of the Isle of Man Department of Economic Development which is kindly covering the cost of hiring the venue.\n\nChess.com, the world’s biggest and best online chess site will be streaming live coverage of the tournament over 9 days, with the popular duo of Grandmaster Simon Williams  and Woman International Master Fiona Steil-Antoni  again being the two commentators. Manx Technology Group (MTG) will be kindly assisting Chess.com with the technical aspects of the commentary production.\n\nAn innovation for this year’s Masters is that the first round draw to determine pairings will be fully random, i.e. any player can be paired against any other player in round 1. Another change is that there will be a play-off in the event of a tie. See the Terms & Conditions for details.\n\nMore news will follow over the coming weeks and months, see:\n\nAlan Ormsby\n\n(Chairman, Isle of Man International Chess Committee)\n\n3 April 2017, Official Site\n\nIsle of Man: Port Erin (first 16 editions), Douglas (today)\n\nExclusive Year-by-Year History\n(No Wikipedia entry so far)\n\nLloyds Bank Masters, London, 1977 – 2000\n\nMorozevich lost twice against a player more than fifty years older than him, meanwhile Kasparov was eliminated in the first round against a rather inhuman opponent.\n\nLone Pine, California (Louis D. Statham Tournament), 1971 – 1981\n\nLone Pine International was a series of chess tournaments held annually in March or April from 1971 through 1981 in Lone Pine, California. Sponsored by Louis D. Statham (1907–1983), millionaire engineer and inventor of medical instruments, the tournaments were formally titled the Louis D. Statham Masters. The events were seven- to ten-round Swiss system tournaments, with entrance requirements that made them the strongest recurring Swiss tournaments in the U.S. in the 1980s. Former United States Champion and Grandmaster Isaac Kashdan served as the tournament director.\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lone_Pine_International (Wikipedia)\n\nYear-by-Year statistics (Chessgames)\n\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=80794 (1971)\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=80748 (1972)\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=80952 (1973)\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=80953 (1974)\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=80676 (1975)\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=80955 (1976)\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=80958 (1977)\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=81012 (1978)\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=80680 (1979)\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=81014 (1980)\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chess.pl?tid=81016 (1981)\nhttp://www.chessgames.com/perl/chesscollection?cid=1012379 (game compilation)\n\nLone Pine: Viktor Korchnoi and the Soviets\n\nThat means, no invitation for Viktor Korchnoi to estimated 40 possible international chess tournaments from 1976 up to 1983 because of boycott against him by the former Soviet Union.\n\nLone Pine: Alla Kushnir\n\nAlla Kushnir was the first woman ever to compete at Lone Pine  – and she defeated GM Larry Evans in the first round of the event. Later she defeated also GM Istvan Bilek and Jeremy Silman, too.\n\nKushnir was the only woman IM at Lone Pine Tournament 1975. She came over from Israel with her other Ex-Russian compatriots, Vladimir Liberzon and Leonid Shamkovich. She had been the previous challenger three times in a row against Nona Gaprindashvili. Kushnir was the second ranking woman chess player in the world but in order to expedite her move to Israel in 1974 from the Soviet Union, she had to agree not to enter the current cycle for Woman’s World Championship.\n\nShe drew against GM’s Reshevsky, Csom and Robatsch and beat GM Bilek of Hungary and most notably, the upset in round one against American GM Larry Evans. This must have been the fire lit to drive him to place second in this event. She finished the Lone Pine Open 1975 with 5 points following 3 wins (Silman was her third win), 4 draws and 3 losses.\n\nIn the Soviet Union, men and women were strictly separated and not allowed to play each other (decadence!). Kushnir's otb meeting with Evans was the first top-level tournament chess game where a woman played a man since the days of Vera Menchik.\n\nVera Menchik (16 February 1906 – 27 June 1944) was a British-Czech chess player who gained renown as the world's first women's chess champion. She also competed in chess tournaments with some of the world's leading male chess masters, defeating many of them, including future World Champion Max Euwe.\n\nIn 1944, during one of the last German air attacks on London, the 38-year-old Vera, who was widowed the previous year, still holding the title of women's world champion, her sister Olga, and their mother were killed in a V-1 flying bomb attack which destroyed their home in the Clapham area of South London.\n\nSubsequently, in 1976, FIDE decided to award Women Grandmaster titles, too. Kushnir earned her WGM title, among a few other female players that inauguration year.\n\nIn 1977, Georgian Nona Gaprindashvili (USSR) took part at Lone Pine, and co-won, alongside with Balashov, Panno, and surprising Sahovic.\n\nR.I.P., Alla Kushnir (1941 - 2013).\n\nLugano Open 1976 – 1989\n\nA legendary Open chess tournament, and one of the strongest Open series ever held, sponsored by the Banca del Gottardo, from 1976 to 1989 annually played in March in the beautiful (Swiss-Italian Tyrolian) Prealps town of Lugano, Ticino. Principal initiator and organiser was Alois Nagler from the SG Zürich.\n\nLugano had a great Narrative: mixed gender and ages (legends and youth, both together), different styles and countries, plus prominent and promising players from the hosting nation.\n\nOpen Scacchistico Internazionale di Lugano 1976 – 1989\n(Palazzo dei Congressi di Lugano, Patrocinato dalla Banca del Gottardo)\n\nFirst winner at in 1976 was Gennadi Sosonko, last winner in 1989 Viktor Korchnoi (winning 1982, 1986, 1989, and 3rd (shared 1.-7.) in 1988, within five entries), among the winners Yasser Seirawan (2x winner within six entries), Gyula Sax, Lubomir Ftacnik, Vladimir Tukmakov, Bojan Kurajica, Sergio Mariotti, as well as Nigel Short (co-winner), Kevin Spraggett (co-winner), or Eugenio Torre (co-winner).\n\nLugano Open 1989, Auszug aus der Rangliste:\n\n1. Kortschnoi mit 8/9 P. im 1. Rang; mit Petursson punktgleich im zweiten Rang; ganze 1.5 Punkte (!) vor 3.(=) IM Lautier (amtierender Junioren-Weltmeister von 1988), 4. De Firmian, 5. Gheorghiu, 6. Miles, 7. Tschernin, 8. King, ... 30. Sax, 31. Nunn, 34. Ftáčnik, 36. Nikolic, 40. Torre, 43. GM Maja Tschiburdanidse (amtierende Weltmeisterin 5.5/9P.), 46. Seirawan, 57. Hübner (mit 5/9P.), 81. Tukmakow, 86. Larsen (mit 4.5/9P.), ua. 184 TeilnehmerInnen Meisterturnier, 208 TeilnehmerInnen Hauptturnier.\n\nLugano Open series (1976-89), big and diverse:\nHistory: Lugano Open - www.chessdiagonals.ch\n\nMillionaire Chess (MC) Open Las Vegas, Atlantic City, 2014 – 2016: Intense three years\n\nhttp://www.millionairechess.com/ (Official Website)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millionaire_Chess (Wikipedia)\n\nNew York Open, New York City, 1981 – 2000\n\nRecord winner: Lev Alburt with three wins or co-wins.\n\nWinners, sole or shared (full list):\n\n1981 (first edition) Alburt, 1982 no edition, 1983 Alburt, Miles, Browne, IM Shirazi, IM Kudrin (five players), 1984 Dzindzichashvili, 1985 Ljubojevic, Seirawan, Christiansen, Kudrin, IM De Firmian, IM Dlugy (six players) 1986 Smejkal, Sax 1987 Seirawan, Adorjan, 1988 Ivanchuk, 1989 Fedorowicz, 1990 IM Khalifman, 1991 Goldin, 1992 Lobron, 1993 Goldin, Ehlvest, Benjamin, Alburt, Adianto, Hellers, IM Ilya Gurevich (seven players), 1994 Ehlvest, Oll, 1995 Blatny, 1996 Van Wely, 1997 Bologan, Krasenkow, 1998 Minasian, 1999 no edition, 2000 (last edition) Smirin\n\n(Kasparov, Karpov, Korchnoi never played)\n\nPolitiken Cup, Xtracon Chess Open, Copenhagen, today in Helsingør, since 1979\n\nttp://www.xtraconchessopen.dk/ (Official Site)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xtracon_Chess_Open (Wikipedia)\n\nThe Xtracon Chess Open (formerly the Politiken Cup) is an international chess tournament and the main feature event of the annual Copenhagen Chess Festival. Organized by the Copenhagen Chess Federation (KSU), it was originally set up to give Danish players the opportunity of international experience and title norms. Starting from modest means in 1979, with just 22 contestants, it has grown to become one of the world's largest and most respected open chess tournaments, with numbers of participants rising to 200 in 2003, and nowadays reaching well in excess of 400.\n\nThe tournament has attracted many of the world's strongest grandmasters as well as promising youngsters. Former world champion Vassily Smyslov was among the winners in 1980 and 1986, while other notable winners have included Viktor Korchnoi as clear first in 1996 at the age of 65 and Nigel Short in 2006. At the Politiken Cup in 2003, Magnus Carlsen achieved his third and final IM norm.\n\nThe early editions were held in Copenhagen and its suburbs, before moving to Helsingør. The tournament has always taken the format of a large \"Open\", accessible to both titled and non-titled players, except in 1983, when there was an invite-only, all-play-all Grandmaster event and a subsidiary Open tournament aimed at International Master level.\n\nFrom 1979 to 2015, the main sponsor was the Danish daily newspaper Politiken, but new arrangements have been announced for 2016–2018. The main sponsor is now Xtracon A/S, a Danish IT company with a chess playing owner. Accordingly, the tournament has been renamed to reflect the change, although it is anticipated that the format will remain broadly the same.\n\nIn later years the tournament has taken place during July/August, over 10 rounds, at the Konventum, a convention centre and resort set in the scenic surroundings of Helsingør.\n\nQatar Masters, 2014 & 2015\n\nhttp://www.qatarmastersopen.com/ (Official Site, expired)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar_Masters_Open (Wikipedia, prize funds and winners)\n\nReykjavik Open, since 1964, starting as Invitational\n\nhttps://www.reykjavikopen.com/ (Official Site)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reykjavik_Open (Wikipedia)\n\nThe Reykjavik Open is an annual chess tournament that takes place in the capital city of Iceland. It was held every two years up to 2008, since then it runs annually. The first edition was held in 1964 and was won by Mikhail Tal with a score of 12.5 points out of 13. The tournament is currently played with the swiss system, while from 1964 to 1980 (biannually) and again in 1992 it was a round-robin tournament. The first Open of the series was won by Lev Alburt as clear first in 1982. (Wikipedia)\n\nThere have been several (further) strong international invitation tournaments at Reykjavik, which are not part of the traditional and numbered series.\n\nIn 1972, Reykjavik hosted the World Chess Championship between Boris Spassky (USSR) and Bobby Fischer (USA), also known as \"Match of the Century\".\n\nRilton Cup, Stockholm, since 1971/72\n\nhttp://www.rilton.se/ (Official Site)\n\nhttp://www.rilton.se/historia.html (List of winners, scroll down)\n\nhttps://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rilton_Cup (Wikipedia in swedish)\n\nhttps://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rilton_Cup (Wikipedia in polish, all winners)\n\nStockholm 1971:\n\nOne day, an envelope arrived at the doors of the organizers of the local chess tournament, Stockholm Open. In the envelope there was money — and a note: \"Make a strong tournament!\"\n\nThe event's namesake Dr. Tore Rilton, who died in 1983, wanted the new tournament to become an opportunity for young Swedish talents to challenge strong masters from abroad.  The story about Rilton Cup and its donator: http://chessbase.in/news/rilton-preview/ (ChessBase India).\n\nIn 1971/72, IM (then) Jan Timman won the inaugural event above clear second Walter Browne, the beginning of an annual series played over New Year with a rich national and international tradition. Legendary Vasily Smyslov, Viktor Korchnoi (unbeaten as =5th in 2003/2004), or Mark Taimanov participated, too. Indian Krishnan Sasikiran triumphed outright at the recent Rilton Cup 2016/17 ahead of clear second Sergey Volkov. Top-seeded Gata Kamsky finished joint third.\n\nStockholm's Chess Federation and the Rilton Committee are working continuously to create to create an even more attractive tournament for the world's elite and chess lovers of all levels. Every player is portrayed over the board with a professional photo during the event and covered on the official website.\n\nU.S. Open Chess Championship, since 1900 (no break!!)\n\nPlayed in swiss system since the mid-1940s, at various venues in the United States.\n\nhttp://www.uschess.org/tournaments/2017/usopen/ (Official Site)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Open_Chess_Championship (Wikipedia)\n\nU.S. Open *1900 - www.chessdiagonals.ch\n\nThe Swiss System was used for the first time (after the first two rounds were paired by lot) to determine qualifiers for the various final sections at the U.S. Open in 1946.\n\nBeginning with the U.S. Open in 1947, the Swiss System would be used for the entire tournament and the number of players began to grow. This helped solve the scheduling problems which had plagued previous Open tournaments, when two or three games would have to be played every day for an extended period.\n\nWorld Open, since 1973\n\nHeld mainly in Philapelphia, early editions in New York, later sometimes also in Arlington or other U.S. cities.\n\nhttp://chessevents.com/worldopen/ (Official Site)\n\nhttp://chessevents.com/worldopen/world-open-winners/ (List of winners)\n\nhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Open_chess_tournament (Wikipedia)\n\nThe World Open is usually played in the first week of July, sometimes beginning at the end of June. All editions have been organized by the Continental Chess Association.\n\nThe 1986 edition had as many as 1507 participants (all sections together), arguably a world record for a chess tournament. Nick De Firmian won that World Open of 1986 outright and the first prize of $21,930 at that time supposed to be a record for a swiss system tournament.\n\nOpen serials (swiss system) - present\n\nClassical chess, annually recurring individual international Open Festivals (swiss system),\npresent, a selection of the most important series in status and strength\n\nU.S. Open Chess Championships (Open, played annually at various venues) since 1900 without any break!, Reykjavik (Open, at the beginning up and including 1980 and once again in 1992 a biannual international invitation tournament) since 1964, World Open (most often in Philadelphia, sometimes in New York and other U.S. cities) since 1973, Politiken-Cup / Xtracon Chess Open (with renaming in 2016), Copenhagen, Helsingor et al. since 1979, Cappelle-la-Grande (Open), France since 1985, Isle of Man Open (IoM), originally under the patronat of \"Monarch Assurance\", annually played in Port Erin from 1992 to 2007, after a seven-year break, now relocated in Douglas as \"PokerStars\" in 2014, and after another extensive relaunch in 2016 labelled as \"Chess.com\", Dubai Open (Sheikh Rashid Bin Hamdan Al Maktoum Cup) since 1999, Moscow, Aeroflot Open from 2002-2012 (rapid and blitz edition in 2013, no edition in 2014), and again since 2015, Gibraltar Chess Congress (Open) since 2003 in Catalan Bay (span. La Caleta), initially sponsored by Gibtelecom, since 2011 by Tradewise, Las Vegas (for the first two editions) and Atlantic City, Millionaire Chess (Open) launched in 2014, or Qatar Masters (Open) in Doha launched in 2014\n\nNote: Hastings (first invitation tournament in 1895), is today played as an Open Festival using the swiss system since 2005/06 (after one year with knock-out modus). Hastings International Chess Congress welcomed Tradewise Insurance Services as a new sponsor since the edition of 2015/16, in conjunction with Hastings Borough Council and the English Chess Federation. The traditional Sarajevo (Bosna), starting in 1957 with a ten-year break due to Balkan conflicts, is today played as an Open Festival since 2010\n\nSurvey in alphabetical order of about 50 annually recurring Open Festivals in classical chess:\n\nAbu Dhabi Chess Festival, Open\nAl-Ain Chess Classic, Open\nAndorra Open, in La Massana\nBad Homburg, “Rhein-Main-Open”\nBad Wörishofen, ChessOrg Open\nBaku, Open\nBangkok, BCC Bangkok Open\nBarcelona, “Open de Sants, Hostafrancs i La Bordeta”\nBasel (Riehen), Schachfestival Neujahrs-Open (ex Hilton)\nsince 1948 Belgrade Trophy, Open\nsince 1968 Biel Master Tournament, Open\nBratto, Open\nBunratty Masters, Open\nsince 1956 Canadian Open, at various venues\nCapo d'Orso, Porto Mannu Open in Palau, Sardinia\nCappelle-la-Grande, Open\nChicago Open, in Wheeling, Illinois\nCopenhagen, Helsingor et al. Xtracon Open (former “Politiken-Cup”), Open\nDehli, Open\nDresden, “ZMDI Festival”, Open\nDubai, “Sheikh Rashid Bin Hamdan Al Maktoum Cup”, Open\nGibraltar, “Tradewise Chess Festival”, Open\nGuernsey Chess Festival, Open\nsince 1963 Groningen Chess Festival, Open\nsince 1920/21 (1895 Summer Congress) Hastings Chess Congress, Open\nIsle of Man  (IoM), “Chess.com Isle of Man International”, in Douglas,\n(originally “Monarch Assurance” in Port Erin), Open\nKarlsruhe, “Grenke Chess Open” (since 2016 following Deizisau, “Neckar-Open”)\nDoha, “Qatar Masters”, Open\nKolkata (Calcutta), Open (successor of Goodricke)\nKuala Lumpur, “Malaysia Open”\nLas Vegas (MC1 & MC2), Atlantic City (MC3), “Millionaire Chess” Open\nLiechtenstein Open, in Mauren, Triesen et al. (1983-2014, relaunch possible)\nMalta Open, in Sliema\nsince 1960 Mar del Plata, Open\nMérida, Yucatán (Torre Repetto Mem), Open\nMetz, Open\nMoscow, Open\nMinsk, Open\nNational Open, in Las Vegas, Nevada et al.\nNorth American Open, in Las Vegas, Nevada\nPhiladelphia Open, Pennsylvania\nPardubice, “Czech Open”\nsince 1964 Reykjavik, Open\nSan Sebastian, “Donostia”, Open\nsince 1957 Sarajevo, “Bosna”, Open\nSharjah Masters, Open\nSkopje, Macedonia “Karpos Open”\nSt. Petersburg (Chigorin Mem), Open\nsince 1971/72 Stockholm, “Rilton-Cup”, Open\nTrieste, Open\nsince 1900 U.S. Open, at various venues\nVancouver (Keres Mem), Open\nVienna Open (mostly in bi-annual rhythms)\nVlissingen, “Hogeschool Zeeland”, Open\nVoronezh Master (Alekhine Mem), Open\nsince 1973 World Open, at various venues\nZürich Weihnachts-Open (ex Nova-Park)\n\nSincere apologies to anyone whom I have unintentionally omitted to mention\n\nFrom a technical point of view, some open tournaments revealed an incredible strength (number of grandmasters participating), but lacked somehow of the same status / prestige  as a closed invitation tournament. Maybe this will change in near future. In 2015, for the first time ever since 1971, Boris Spassky, co-winning at the Canadian Open Chess Championship, held that year in Vancouver, a reigning World Chess Champion participated again in an open tournament (swiss system instead of round robin): Magnus Carlsen, winning at the Qatar Masters in Doha.\n\nFrom the absolute top-level players, Viktor Korchnoi had the biggest impact, the broadest range of won Superopen Tournaments, followed by Hikaru Nakamura at relatively young age (many strong, but not that much internationally mixed Open in the USA, plus an epic record at Gibraltar), rivalled maybe by Nigel Short and Tony Miles (many of moderate strength), surprising Vlastimil Hort, and several GMs from the United States, of course. If you do consider all Open Festivals with titled players competing, then Sergei Tiviakov is a contender for achieving the most wins in different international swiss system tournaments, above pure local level.\n\nMost of the Superopen are divided into different sections for players of all level\n\n==> There are hundreds of fascinating local Open Chess Events and Festivals !!\n\nWatch out in your area", "Open serials (swiss system) - past\n\npast, a selection of the most important series in status and strength\n\nLone Pine, California, formally titled the Louis D. Statham Masters (strong international Open 1971-1981 with a semi-invitational character, less than hundred players per edition), Lugano, Switzerland (strong International Open 1976-1989, in the 1980 years extremely tough mixed in countries, gender and age of competitors and regularly with top ten players), London Lloyds Bank (strong international Open 1977-1994, many British players), New York Open (strong international Open 1981-2000, no edition in 1982 and 1999, many American players, biggest price money), Berlin Summer (large international Open 1983-1998, many German players, about 400 players in one field), as the arguably five most prominent past series of Chess Open Festivals, among various other cancelled tournaments (Aosta Valley Open in Saint Vincent, Bled Open, Liechtenstein Open, etc.)\n\nSpecial, large and strong Swiss system in classical chess:\n\nGMA World Cup Open series 1988-1990\nin Belgrad, Moscow, Palma de Mallorca and Moscow (final)\n\nFIDE Interzonal played in a swiss system\nin Manila 1990, and in Biel 1993\n\nplus Junior, Senior, and team competitions\n\nHow to figure out a style that will work in Opens", null, "Leko in 2006. Photo by Milan Kovacs\n\nPeter Leko explained that the Isle of Man (IoM) Open 2016 was his first open with a classical time control since 1992, Sydney Open in Australia when he was 13 years young!\n\nLeko who finished with 5.5/9 at IoM in 2016 said he wants to play more after his relative inactivity over the last two years (that means, he did no longer got invitations after dropping out of the top ten, top twenty in the Elo list and losing his youth bonus).\n\nLeko also said he has to figure out a style that will work in Opens. That’s really a good idea :)\n\nMore and more top-level Grandmasters are beginning to take part in Opens and sometimes the very same players win those events, too.\n\nCarlsen triumphed in Qatar, Nakamura won Gibraltar thrice in a row.\n\nNow the chess.com Isle of Man tournament is going to break all records.\n\nCompare Alina L’Ami, IoM 2016 in ChessBase:\n\nWho's afraid of Virginia Woolf?\n\nOpen Chess Tournaments or When your meal depends on your next move..\n\nThe gap (loss) of a few dozen rating points can make the difference between regular invitations to closed supertournaments and “banishment” to the chancier and less rewarding world of the Open chess circuit:\n\nThat's why top ten, top five players didn't often play in open tournaments (swiss system). No guaranteed prize money (except you got conditions) plus potential to lose face and a ton of rating points if they have a couple of drawn games.\n\nRare empirical exceptions of fearless top-level chess prominence, playing as well even during their heyday frequently in Open tournaments (swiss system, non predictable opponents contrary to a closed round robin, no chances for drawing masters), are especially Korchnoi or Nakamura (i.e. Short, Miles and others accelerate to play in international Open when they were no longer top ten, top twenty ranked).\n\nFrom the absolute top-level players, Viktor Korchnoi had the biggest impact, the broadest range of Superopen series, followed by Hikaru Nakamura at relatively young age (many strong, but not that much internationally mixed Open in the USA, plus an epic record at Gibraltar), rivalled maybe by Nigel Short and Tony Miles (including many tournaments of rather moderate strength), surprising Vlastimil Hort, and several GMs playing and surviving the harsh competition of the large Open tournaments in the United States, of course. If you do consider all Open Chess Festivals with titled players participating, then Sergei Tiviakov is a contender for achieving the most wins in different international swiss system tournaments, above pure local club level, yet sometimes, Tiviakov, the traveller was the only grandmaster in the open field.\n\nFischer  played in the inaugural edition of the Canadian Open Chess Championship, held at Montreal in 1956 as a thirteen years young teenager, later as reigning World Champion (and for twenty years afterwards) he didn’t play any competitive chess game whatsoever.\n\nKarpov  very rarely played in an Open tournament during his prime time, and never as a reigning World Champion. He heavily criticized the swiss system, eg. after the IBM-Vienna Open in 1986 with four top ten players, Karpov himself, Korchnoi, Beliavsky, and Spassky (organized in the style of Lone Pine).\n\nKasparov  did never play a swiss system after becoming a Grandmaster in 1980.\n\nKramnik  did not play any swiss system in classical chess after the FIDE Interzonal tournament in Biel 1993 and the PCA Qualifier (equivalent to FIDE's Interzonal) in Groningen 1993, then both held in swiss system up to the first Qatar Masters at Doha in 2014, a span of 21 years! Prior to that, he played for instance at Dortmund Open in 1992 or at Gausdal Troll Masters (Open) in 1992.", null, "Vladimir Kramnik at Doha, Qatar Masters 2014 in his first Open Chess Tournament after more than 20 years! Who the heck am I playing..? A photo by Maria Emelianova that went viral\n\nNew trend?\n\nTop players entering (and winning) in swiss system formated Open Festivals!\n\nMagnus Carlsen emulates Boris Spassky (1971) and reaps reward at Qatar Open (2015):\n\nMagnus Carlsen’s bold decision to play in an open tournament at Doha, Qatar Masters in 2015, the first reigning male world chess champion to do so since Boris Spassky in 1971, paid off handsomely when the 25-year-old Norwegian won first prize unbeaten on 7/9 with one of his best performances. He tied with Yu Yangyi, then crushed his Chinese rival 2-0 in the speed tie-break.\n\nhttps://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/jan/01/magnus-carlsen-emulates-boris-spassky-qatar-open (Leonard Barden)\n\nThe Qatar Masters Open took place 19th to 30th December 2015. World Champion Chess Magnus Carlsen heads a stellar field. This was the first appearance by a reigning male World Champion in a Swiss system Open at standard time controls since Boris Spassky played in Vancouver in 1971.\n\nVladimir Kramnik, Anish Giri, Wesley So, Sergey Karjakin, Li Chao, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Evgeny Tomashevsky, Pentala Harikrishna, Dmitry Jakovenko Yu Yangyi, Wei Yi, etc. 18 players rated over 2700 Elo and 50 over 2600 Elo compete. Magnus Carlsen won the event after defeating last year's champion Yu Yangyi 2-0 in play-off (blitz, there was no previous rapid). They both had tied on 7/9.\n\nWorld Chess Champions winning a major International Open Festival (swiss system) in classical chess\n\nOpen Festivals of major status in classical chess (standard controls), no rapid of blitz, no events in k.o. or a combined format; no official qualification or national tournaments, no team competitions, no Junior or Senior\n\nReigning World Champions\n\nSpassky: Canadian Open in Vancouver 1971 (together with Hans Ree)\n\nGaprindashvili: Lone Pine Louis D. Statham Tournament 1977 in a four-way tie at the top, making this the first Statham tournament with co-champions (Balashov best on tie-break, Sahovic, Panno, and Gaprindashvili, nine rounds).\n\nCarlsen: Qatar Masters (Open) in Doha 2015 (after blitz play-off vs. Yu Yangyi)\n\nNon-reigning World Champions\n\nFischer: U.S. Open in Cleveland, Ohio 1957 (on tie-break above Arthur Bisguier)\n\nPetrosian: Lone Pine, Louis D. Statham Tournament 1976 as clear first in a seven-round length\n\nSmyslov: Politiken-Cup 1980 (shared) and 1986 (shared); in addition, Smyslov won also the 6th edition of the Reykjavik series (outright) in 1974, but then played as an invitation in round robin\n\nSpassky: Lloyds Bank Masters 1984 (shared, Nunn best on tie-break in a five-way tie), U.S. Open in Hollywood, Florida 1985 (shared with Seirawan and Benjamin)\n\nTal: Berlin Summer 1986 (best on tie-break); Tal won also the inaugural event of the Reykjavik series in 1964, but then played as an invitation in round robin\n\nVierte Ausgabe 1986 in Berlin, 466 Teilnehmer ! (davon 12 GM, Pia Cramling und Computer Mephisto)\n\n1. Michail Tal (Sieger nach Wertung), IM Nathan Birnboim, Arild Lauvsnes (Norwegen), ua. vor Dizdar, Drasko, Hertneck, Jansa, Velikov, Lengyel. Kindermann, Gheorghiu, Gutman, Rogers, Inkiov, Pia Cramling, Klundt, Radulov, Bellon, King, Spassov, Tringov.  Mephisto-Computer  mit 5.5/9!\n\nLetzte Runde mit GM Velikov vs. GM Tal 0-1, IM Birnboim vs. GM Lengyel 1-0.\n\nErstmalige Teilnahme eines sowjetischen Spielers: Top-Favorit Ex-Weltmeister Michail Tal gewann, wenn auch knapp (Levente Lengyel hätte Turniersieger werden können mit einen Sieg gegen Nathan Birnboim).\n\nDie Sieger des vorangegangenen Jahres 1985 waren Suba (Feinwertung) und Kortschnoi. Die Serie Berliner Sommer Open startete 1983 unter dem Namen American Summer, Hort als Alleinsieger, 1984 Lobron (mit Hulak und Lein), und wurde jährlich bis und mit 1998 ausgetragen, in den '90er Jahren jedoch ohne Stars.\n\nAnand won many rapid & blitz and events, and k.o.-format series or advanced chess, i.e. he is multiple winner of the Corsican Circuit and at Leon series. In classcial chess, he was co-winner of the Kolkata Open. Kramnik is a Troll winner, an Open in Gausdal, Norway, and shared winner at Dortmund Open, which is of minor strength compared with the traditional Open series above. Karpov won an Open in Moscow, Kasparov won a national qualification open tournament in Daugavpils, joint with Igor Ivanov. Carlsen won other Scandinavian and / or youth events as well."], "url": "http://www.chessdiagonals.ch/431660776", "images_metadata": [{"height": 563, "original_height": 522, "original_width": 350, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 470, "original_width": 705, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["161e3453370cdf6a759e6612581195defa7469e2c39a62a2caa55a941ad62e88", "4e5605fb2b2ff4ee09524bfc6580820ca73cccaf83a3bb86db09d012b13f942b"], "__index_level_0__": 317, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.chicagosculptureexhibit.org/W2009/final/005.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9603493213653564}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.chicagosculptureexhibit.org/dennis-downes-2009/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/W2009/final/005.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.chicagosculptureexhibit.org/W2009/final/005.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Trail Marker Tree\"}, null]", "texts": ["TITLE: Trail Marker Tree\n\nLOCATION: Broadway and Sheridan - Gill Park\n\nSIZE: 8’ x 5’ x 3’\n\nMATERIALS: Bronze with Chilton Washtone Boulder\n\nSPONSOR: East Lake View Neighbors\n\nDennis tells a little known fact from the history of the Midwest with this sculpture. Since the Midwest is frequently clouded, an ingenious method was created to lead the way to trails. Saplings located near a path were tied down to limit the growth on one side while encouraging the growth of limbs straight up into the air. Once formed, these saplings were untied and a directional post was created. This bronze Trail Marker Tree is sited on a boulder and replicates the released sapling and adds to our knowledge and appreciation of those who inhabited this land before it became settled.", null], "url": "http://www.chicagosculptureexhibit.org/dennis-downes-2009/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 572, "original_height": 448, "original_width": 296, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["99ed3b8ff37976906f36959ee7752a53fa9b3bd02661cbdf6457b5b09c03e62a"], "__index_level_0__": 318, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TT7iQtyTOJk/VDLmF2iLXyI/AAAAAAAC4XY/8nRDw3gpKDs/s1600/IMG_8013.JPG", null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qhQgaapqmo0/VDLpZVxJcFI/AAAAAAAC4YE/LBON9_Q5xIQ/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2014-10-06%2Bat%2B2.06.23%2BPM.png", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-uDZPYVJ9pdc/VDLpYNDbXHI/AAAAAAAC4Xs/QC6XDl-ij8k/s1600/Screen%2BShot%2B2014-10-06%2Bat%2B2.03.05%2BPM.png", null, 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People can get in on the action too. And we don't even have to hunt and gather, unless you count hunting for bargains and gathering great deals at Jewel Osco!", null, "SAVE BIG and squirrel away loads of your family's favorites during the Stock Up Sale, which runs through October 14th. We'll be running updates and our Jewel Osco favs for 2 weeks, so check back with ChiIL Mama early and often.", "Customize It\nHere are a few sale items we're particularly stoked about. You can go on the Jewel Osco web site and click your favorites and the site will circle them in red, so you can find them again easily! Pretty cool, huh.\n\n*Deals featured below are good until 10/7", null, "It's apple season, ya know. And Michigan apples are phenomenal. We've already munched through a big bag of McIntosh Apples and the latest batch we bought after that are not long for this world. My kids dig apples and it's a healthy snack I can feel great about.", null, "With a competitive team gymnast in the house, we go through Gatorade like you wouldn't believe. So, when I see a great price, you better believe I stock up.", null, "Keeping up with the kiddos and their early morning schedules requires caffeine... LOTS of caffeine. If you agree with me, DOUBLESHOT is your friend! I really like the tasty Refreshers too, and drink those all day. I'm one of those morning people who can't make coffee before I've had my morning coffee. I do silly things like leave the filter in the sink, start it without water, and so on. These are a foolproof way to wake up on the run and avoid DIY coffee disasters.", null, "Salty sweet salty sweet. Yes, salty IS sweet. And the Blackhawks season is starting imminently. So after you've been all healthy and good and eaten your yogurt and fresh, local apples, treat yourself to some snacks while you watch your favorite sport or check out a movie.", null, "Labels: #StockUpSale, ad, coupons, deals, grocery, Jewel, Jewel-Osco, sponsored post, Stock UP Sale\n\nGoogle Analytics Code", "Subscribe To ChiIL Mama", "CLICK IMAGE for Chicago summer Cirque Du Soleil show dates & information", "Click image for show information.", "Click image for show info!", "Follow On Twitter\n\nFollow @ChiILMama", "Twitter Followers", "Click To Follow ChiIL Mama on Instagram", "Follow ChiIL Mama on Pinterest", "StatCounter Code", "Bonnie Kenaz-Mara", "High Google Page Rank of 4", "ChiIL Mama's Monthly Page Views 428,964 as of June", "2016 Cast Member", "Clever Girls Widget", "High KLOUT Score", "Clever Girls Network Blogger", "Thrilled To Blog With The Motherhood", "Massive Sway", "Best Blog Chicago-Top 3 Finalist", "Click image for more details.", "ChiIL Mama is proud to work with American Girl since 2011", "Mom It Forward Network", "Chicago Moms Blogger", "Mom Buzz Blogger", "She Speaks Member", "Sverve Blogger", "Proud Member of Sits Girls", "Influenster Blogger", "US Family Guide", "Social Rev Up Blogger", "Bloggers Over 40", "Mom Impact Member", "Also Read Me Here", "Click The Title To Check Out ChiIL Live Shows\n\nChiIL Live Shows\n\nlive show photo archives\n\noriginal band and theatre video interviews\n\nCD, DVD & show reviews and give aways\n\nfree downloads\n\nworld wide music news and Chicago tour dates\n\nChiIL Mama\n\nFamily friendly events and products\n\nall ages shows\n\nfamily and children's theatre news, reviews, and give aways"], "url": "http://www.chiilmama.com/2014/10/jewel-osco-stock-up-sale-is-on-through.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 327, "width": 561}, {"height": 422, "original_height": 621, "original_width": 556, "width": 378}, {"height": 453, "original_height": 636, 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The inquiry will focus on whether the ban kills competition by shackling programmers from using third-party developer tools, a source told The New York Post.\n\n[ Apple may just be an evil empire in the making, writes CIO.com's Tom Kaneshige. | Last week was a wild one for Apple. ]\n\nApple CEO Steve Jobs blasted Flash in a blog post last week. He complained that Flash is closed technology that drains battery life. Thus, iPhones and iPads won't be supporting Flash anytime soon. Adobe's stock fell two percent that day.\n\nAdobe CEO Shantanu Narayen fired back, saying Jobs' technical complaints are a mere \"smokescreen\" to Apple's real intent: apps that run only on Apple mobile devices. Now mobile app developers will need \"two workflows,\" one for the iPhone OS and another for the other mobile platforms that support Flash.\n\nThe decision over which department will make the inquiry is reportedly only days away.\n\nIn an ironic twist, Apple historically has played the role of the underdog, calling for inquiries into the monopolistic behavior of its competitors. With the success of the iPhone, however, Apple is now the giant in question, with its actions subject to review.\n\nNext read this:\n\n6 trends that will shape cloud computing in 2017\n\nTom Kaneshige is a senior writer for CIO.com.", "Your guide to top tech conferences 2017\n\nGet our Daily News newsletter", "How to run your small business with free open source software", "iPhone 7 vs. Google Pixel: Why I'm switching to Pixel", null, "IT service providers investing in North America", "The 3 best wearables to buy right now"], "url": "http://www.cio.com/article/2418500/consumer-technology/is-apple-another-microsoft-.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 300, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["2cc04427f5faa1faf6f6e5fc07bde7b97b2f8efebd4c5aa5e18fba79677103f6"], "__index_level_0__": 320, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://core4.staticworld.net/images/article/2017/05/it-dev-in-north-america-100723188-medium.3x2.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9646194577217102}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cio.com/article/2977630/social-networking/virginia-shooting-exposes-dark-side-of-social-video.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/08/pcxpo1-100604674-medium.idge.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://core0.staticworld.net/images/article/2015/08/pcxpo1-100604674-medium.idge.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pcxpo medium\", \"alt_text\": \"pcxpo1\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cio.com/article/2977630/social-networking/virginia-shooting-exposes-dark-side-of-social-video.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://core4.staticworld.net/images/article/2017/02/1-small-business-security-100709649-medium.3x2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://core4.staticworld.net/images/article/2017/02/1-small-business-security-100709649-medium.3x2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"small business security medium\", \"alt_text\": \"1 small business security\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cio.com/article/2977630/social-networking/virginia-shooting-exposes-dark-side-of-social-video.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://core3.staticworld.net/images/article/2017/01/phones-100702616-medium.3x2.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://core3.staticworld.net/images/article/2017/01/phones-100702616-medium.3x2.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"phones medium\", \"alt_text\": \"iPhone 7 vs. Google Pixel\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cio.com/article/2977630/social-networking/virginia-shooting-exposes-dark-side-of-social-video.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://core4.staticworld.net/images/article/2017/05/it-dev-in-north-america-100723188-medium.3x2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://core4.staticworld.net/images/article/2017/05/it-dev-in-north-america-100723188-medium.3x2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"it dev in north america medium\", \"alt_text\": \"it dev in north america\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cio.com/article/2977630/social-networking/virginia-shooting-exposes-dark-side-of-social-video.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://core4.staticworld.net/images/article/2016/11/fitbit-charge-2-heart-rate-fitness-100695727-medium.3x2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://core4.staticworld.net/images/article/2016/11/fitbit-charge-2-heart-rate-fitness-100695727-medium.3x2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fitbit charge heart rate fitness medium\", \"alt_text\": \"fitbit charge 2 heart rate fitness\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cio.com/article/2977630/social-networking/virginia-shooting-exposes-dark-side-of-social-video.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://core5.staticworld.net/images/article/2016/10/blockchain-bitcoin-100688415-medium.idge.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://core5.staticworld.net/images/article/2016/10/blockchain-bitcoin-100688415-medium.idge.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blockchain bitcoin medium\", \"alt_text\": \"blockchain bitcoin\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cio.com/article/2977630/social-networking/virginia-shooting-exposes-dark-side-of-social-video.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://core5.staticworld.net/images/article/2017/05/fitbit-user-data-100722891-medium.3x2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://core5.staticworld.net/images/article/2017/05/fitbit-user-data-100722891-medium.3x2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fitbit user data medium\", \"alt_text\": \"fitbit user data\"}, null]", "texts": ["After shooting three people during a live news broadcast in Virginia last week, the alleged perpetrator, Vester Lee Flanagan, took to social media to detail the atrocities. While police were looking for the suspect, Flanagan posted about grievances he had with his two former coworkers, both of whom were killed, and shared video before and during the attack on his personal Facebook, Twitter and YouTube accounts. (An interview subject was also wounded but survived.)\n\nThe tragic event played out live on social media, and it brings up a larger issue related to social video, auto-play features and sensitive or graphic content. The suspect's accounts were shut down within several minutes, but the video and posts were repeatedly retweeted and viewed. Many social users were caught off guard because video on Twitter and Facebook auto-plays by default, and lots of people aren't aware, or don't take advantage of, the opt-out setting.\n\nAccount shutdown is first response to abuse of social streams\n\nSocial media services will never be able to predict the actions of criminals, and shutting down the alleged shooter's accounts was the right thing to do, according to Jess Harris, founder of Jess Harris Consulting, and content and social media manager at Kabbage. \"The nature of social media is such that, there will always be a risk of this type of situation happening, no matter what efforts the social media platforms make to mitigate it,\" she says. \"Even if they impose restrictions or platform modifications to lessen the impact, people will always find workarounds.\"\n\nThe suspect posted graphic video content, but his accounts also provided an important trail for law enforcement to follow. The essentially open nature of social media sites is a double-edged sword that social media providers and police both had to grapple with last week. \"The more the suspect keeps talking on social media, the more information authorities have to help capture him and better understand facts in the alleged crime,\" says Bill Jasso, professor of practice with a specialty in public relations, at Syracuse University's Newhouse School of Public Communication.\n\nFuture of auto-play video uncertain\n\nThe act of posting graphic video leading up to and during the shooting is disturbing, but the auto-play feature made it worse for many users. Some people felt ambushed by the videos, and they weren't aware of the default auto-play setting or cognizant enough to dodge other users' retweets. Some were upset that people retweeted and posted the content, believing it gave the shooter a voice and a platform.\n\nCompanies such as Twitter and Facebook (and many websites that include video ads) use auto-play to entice users to watch video, and so advertisers ultimately get more views. However, the incident in Virginia last week should lead these organizations to re-examine the features, according to Jasso. \"I have no doubt that there are high-level meetings going on today at several major social media companies, examining the capabilities of auto-play and the current opt-out policy.\"\n\nSome of these features are relatively new, companies are still experimenting with them, and Jasso says he believes auto-play will eventually move from opt-out to opt-in. Harris disagrees, and says one situation, no matter how tragic, will probably not spur major changes in social media settings. \"People are understandably upset that this awful video auto-played in their feeds,\" she says. \"However, I don't foresee a huge shift in content streaming based on one case, even it if is highly tragic.\"\n\n(We reached out to Twitter and asked about its stance on auto-play moving forward but did not receive a response.)\n\nDamage control for social sites following tragedies\n\nIn the future, social media companies, as well as news organizations, will need to make tough decisions about the many ways breaking news events are covered on their websites, including auto-play of potentially graphic videos and the sensitive balance between showing events in real time and shielding users from offensive content.\n\nHarris says in situations like last week's shooting, following the removal of questionable media, social media companies can do several things to be proactive, starting with transparency. After things calm down and emotions are tempered, social organizations can release details on their solutions and explain the actions are not \"a magic fix,\" she says. The companies should also start conversations with users and get their suggestions on how things could be handled differently in the future.\n\n\"When people are upset about a social issue, they want to feel they can contribute to the matter — much of it is emotions mixed with a sense of powerlessness in the situation,\" she says. \"Solicit the feedback, ask for ideas and solutions and begin a discussion — make them part of the solution so that they're not focused on pointing at you as the problem.\"\n\nJasso says social media companies should band together to figure out how to handle these issues. \"Sure, Google, Twitter and Facebook are having their own private conversations, but I believe they all need to have those conversations together, and quickly. In addition, I think they need to include major institutions in those conversations, like government and law enforcement authorities.\"", null], "url": "http://www.cio.com/article/2977630/social-networking/virginia-shooting-exposes-dark-side-of-social-video.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 300, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["2cc04427f5faa1faf6f6e5fc07bde7b97b2f8efebd4c5aa5e18fba79677103f6"], "__index_level_0__": 321, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/c26d3c8e-82ae-42ac-a172-7ed7170d4ff9/5fbe7ba2-ab8c-4a7e-b98b-b7ffa1fc88df.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9084284901618958}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.cmichaelexteriors.com/doors\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/c26d3c8e-82ae-42ac-a172-7ed7170d4ff9/5fbe7ba2-ab8c-4a7e-b98b-b7ffa1fc88df.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/c26d3c8e-82ae-42ac-a172-7ed7170d4ff9/5fbe7ba2-ab8c-4a7e-b98b-b7ffa1fc88df.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fbe ba ab c a e b b b ffa fc df\", \"alt_text\": \"image\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cmichaelexteriors.com/doors\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/c26d3c8e-82ae-42ac-a172-7ed7170d4ff9/5fbe7ba2-ab8c-4a7e-b98b-b7ffa1fc88df.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/c26d3c8e-82ae-42ac-a172-7ed7170d4ff9/5fbe7ba2-ab8c-4a7e-b98b-b7ffa1fc88df.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fbe ba ab c a e b b b ffa fc df\", \"alt_text\": \"image\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cmichaelexteriors.com/doors\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/248447a5-8818-44d5-b990-aa9a6f2f7dab/022f24f2-ce2f-4631-9c0c-f3bf97f327cf_l.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/248447a5-8818-44d5-b990-aa9a6f2f7dab/022f24f2-ce2f-4631-9c0c-f3bf97f327cf_l.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f f ce f c c f bf f cf l\", \"alt_text\": \"image\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cmichaelexteriors.com/doors\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/13ac8253-be49-421e-a51c-6da4b91c839c/24c32593-b977-41ae-b619-af446e742817_t.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/13ac8253-be49-421e-a51c-6da4b91c839c/24c32593-b977-41ae-b619-af446e742817_t.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c b ae b af e t\", \"alt_text\": \"image\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cmichaelexteriors.com/doors\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/13ac8253-be49-421e-a51c-6da4b91c839c/c9030a12-1eb3-4bcf-89b1-c6302a39858b_t.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/13ac8253-be49-421e-a51c-6da4b91c839c/c9030a12-1eb3-4bcf-89b1-c6302a39858b_t.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c a eb bcf b c a b t\", \"alt_text\": \"image\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.cmichaelexteriors.com/doors\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/13ac8253-be49-421e-a51c-6da4b91c839c/4512d66d-e7a4-4f7c-a4d2-ebe32ae2b49e_t.png\", \"src\": \"https://d3ciwvs59ifrt8.cloudfront.net/13ac8253-be49-421e-a51c-6da4b91c839c/4512d66d-e7a4-4f7c-a4d2-ebe32ae2b49e_t.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d d e a f c a d ebe ae b e t\", \"alt_text\": \"image\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Names like Wansau, Pro-Via, Anderson, Sunrise and more. Most doors we offer also qualify for the tax credit under the 2009 Federal Stimulus Package. We offer all front entry doors, made of solid steel or fiberglass, solid wood or wood veneer. From Sliding glass patio, to Atrium and French doors with or without transoms, as well as sidelights, and leaded glass, and storm doors... all at a quality price to fit any budget.\n\nOur entry doors are guaranteed to be strong and secure, to keep your loved ones and homes safe from intruders and the weather. They are each expertly installed by our own hand selected contractors. We ensure no shortcuts are taken- should something not be up to par with you- Let us know! Exterior doors are a great way to enhance the look of your home, after all it is the focal and entry point! With all the doors and options for them we have to offer; it's just another way to make your home as beautiful and unique as you are! From color, to material, to options in door handle, to the style and add-ons, glass or no glass.... your entry door could end up being completely one of a kind! Don't forget to finish it off with an energy efficient storm door!", "Your Home Deserves the absolute BEST!"], "url": "http://www.cmichaelexteriors.com/doors", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 181, "original_width": 344, "width": 718}], "image_hashes": ["7089352837b1ceeb1ee0859e1641043ce3d0e2aba559b97e75f49e17462bf91c"], "__index_level_0__": 322, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/-AjepZhF-p8We.wPVqHK.Q-smallh.jpg", "http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/tSSnrNQ3vVnyOacohi-q0g-smallh.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8349447250366211}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/50658-national-geographic-sounds-of-space-age\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/-AjepZhF-p8We.wPVqHK.Q-smallh.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/-AjepZhF-p8We.wPVqHK.Q-smallh.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"AjepZhF p We\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/50658-national-geographic-sounds-of-space-age\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/tSSnrNQ3vVnyOacohi-q0g-smallh.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/tSSnrNQ3vVnyOacohi-q0g-smallh.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tSSnrNQ vVnyOacohi q g smallh\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/50658-national-geographic-sounds-of-space-age\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/users/m0tYotMsHq5iWkvKuAH7PA-thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/users/m0tYotMsHq5iWkvKuAH7PA-thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"m tYotMsHq iWkvKuAH PA thumb\", \"alt_text\": \"waxhead\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/50658-national-geographic-sounds-of-space-age\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/users/sVNlihxkZ.rUB5gLptGAOQ-thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/users/sVNlihxkZ.rUB5gLptGAOQ-thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sVNlihxkZ\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/50658-national-geographic-sounds-of-space-age\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.collectorsweekly.com/assets/mystery-solved.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.collectorsweekly.com/assets/mystery-solved.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mystery solved\", \"alt_text\": \"Mystery Solved\", \"rendered_width\": 247, \"rendered_height\": 22}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.collectorsweekly.com/stories/50658-national-geographic-sounds-of-space-age\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/1odRfFlTrb_W5G0vl8xb9w-thumb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cf.collectorsweekly.com/stories/1odRfFlTrb_W5G0vl8xb9w-thumb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"odRfFlTrb W G vl xb w thumb\"}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "(469 items)\n\nThis is a National Geographic December 1969. Sounds of the Space Age\nfrom Sputnik to Lunar Landing. I t was narrated by Col. 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Now that he's home, it's time to get serious about the food and stop re-heating leftovers. So here's what I've got planned.", "Breakfasts: Smoothies, Conecuh sausage and mushroom omelet, Cereal, Hashbrown baskets, Cinnamon rolls (pizza dough experiment)\n\nLunches: Cheese quesidillas, Pizza (from freezer), Tuna noodles, PB&J, Bean burrritos, Soup w/grilled cheese, Leftovers\n\nBaked Tofu w/green beans and red potatoes\nSpaghetti w/salad\nBroccoli, bean, and cheddar soup w/bread\nBlack bean burgers w/sweet potato fries\nCrockpot ham w/cauliflower & field peas\n\nRecipe Review\n\nEnchilada Lasagna: As soon as Pat took a bite of this he said, \"Mmmmm, that's good.\" Now, as always, I altered the recipe. To begin with, I used whole wheat flour tortillas (fajita sized) instead of corn. I also did NOT use 5 1/2 cups of cheese. That seemed a little redonkuous. Instead, I used one 8oz bag of shredded Mexican cheese. As well, instead of sour cream I used plain Greek yogurt. Lastly, I seasoned the chicken with some chili powder, granulated garlic, and adobo as well as the salt and pepper before cooking it in coconut oil instead of vegetable oil. There's a good chance I will make this again with the same alterations  since the hubby liked it so much.\n\nI've failed to mention in my last few posts that I've got a few new items in the Etsy shop - specifically these wire and bone earrings that I adore\nand this necklace/bracelet that apparently just didn't photograph well.\nNow it's time to start kicking butt and taking names. . .or just getting stuff done. Yeah, that'd be good. Happy Monday y'all!"], "url": "http://www.craftyhope.com/2014/03/meal-plan-and-recipe-review-324.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 800, "original_width": 904, "width": 427}], "image_hashes": ["cac5ba4f5d6b0c1c939750ed81e0047de7a734d6ac6a19fc783b0d763a178f6b"], "__index_level_0__": 324, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.comicmonsters.com/previews/DGAOD01-Covers-Renaud.jpg", "http://www.comicmonsters.com/previews/DGAOD01-Covers-Campbell.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9264298677444458}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.deadites.net/danger-girl-and-the-army-of-darkness-comic/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.comicmonsters.com/previews/DGAOD01-Covers-Renaud.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.comicmonsters.com/previews/DGAOD01-Covers-Renaud.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DGAOD Covers Renaud\", \"alt_text\": \"Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 300}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.deadites.net/danger-girl-and-the-army-of-darkness-comic/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.comicmonsters.com/previews/DGAOD01-Covers-Campbell.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.comicmonsters.com/previews/DGAOD01-Covers-Campbell.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DGAOD Covers Campbell\", \"alt_text\": \"Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness #1\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Just when you thought they were done with Army of Darkness comic crossovers…comes Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness!", null, null, "Abbey Chase, the world’s most daring adventuress, returns to action as she aims to recover a dark and mysterious piece of ancient history. When Abbey learns that the elusive Book of the Dead has resurfaced and fallen into nefarious hands, she and the Danger Girls embark on a mission to track down the powerful tome. But when their journey leads them to cross paths with another seeking the book – a man with a personal vendetta and a literal hand in the book’s sordid history – they find themselves spiraling through the most outrageous and sure-to-be-talked-about cross-over event of the year! Don’t miss Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness #1 coming up in April 2011!\n\n“Many artists go through an entire career without one real signature project, and I’ve been fortunate to have to with both Gen 13 and Danger Girl,” says artist J. Scott Campbell. “And I really enjoy the Army of Darkness movies and absolutely love Bruce Campbell! This will be an incredibly compelling series!”\n\n“Danger Girl and the Army of Darkness has been a long time coming,” says writer Andy Hartnell. “Fans of the original Danger Girl series may recall seeing the infamous Necronomicon in the library of one Abbey Chase, way back in her days before joining the Danger Girl organization. They’ve always asked what that was all about. Well, now is the time to revisit that adventure. Now that Abbey is a full-fledged Danger Girl, with her new skills and allies, she also has the ‘help’ from some knucklehead named Ash.”\n\n“Fans that have been clamoring for Army of Darkness to return won’t need to wait any longer, and this time Ash has company,” says Dynamite Entertainment President Nick Barrucci. “We’re extremely excited to have Ash’s ongoing series re-launch and also be J. Scott Campbell’s and Andy Hartnell re-introduction of Danger Girl to the comics market! Dynamite Entertainment and IDW are proud to have two such unlikely franchises meet-up on what is sure to be one entertaining romp!”\n\nFeatured Scene", "Check Out", "Features the latest news, information, and media for Sam Raimi's Evil Dead films and Ash vs Evil Dead TV series. Serving Evil Dead fans since 1997.\n\nFan Work\n\nBruce Campbell\nAsh vs Evil Dead\nThe Deadite Slayer\nBook of the Dead\n\nDeadites Online © 1997-2016. All RIghts Reserved. Site by Kain Productions.\nAll images, logos, and other media are copyright their respective companies."], "url": "http://www.deadites.net/danger-girl-and-the-army-of-darkness-comic/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 1050, "original_width": 700, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 1050, "original_width": 700, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["af92b0ea082b13d2ffef7b2ada288743efb9e75d56e479dc9b1cebf3ab514fb5", "9fe462dd855debc3074f25a1a109bbffb66ccc92483b6d5d253be76f8cb963e9"], "__index_level_0__": 325, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HloGHHTzo94/T0hbcDWeyhI/AAAAAAAABDo/-unL2GKzgG4/s320/whateverhappenedtobabyjane.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.956609845161438}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.dvdinfatuation.com/2012/02/558-what-ever-happened-to-baby-jane.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HloGHHTzo94/T0hbcDWeyhI/AAAAAAAABDo/-unL2GKzgG4/s320/whateverhappenedtobabyjane.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HloGHHTzo94/T0hbcDWeyhI/AAAAAAAABDo/-unL2GKzgG4/s320/whateverhappenedtobabyjane.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"whateverhappenedtobabyjane\", \"rendered_width\": 208, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.dvdinfatuation.com/2012/02/558-what-ever-happened-to-baby-jane.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RVZq8Tvagwg/WKhOBUuAj_I/AAAAAAAAKG0/Wp0GG5fI2ccwFm1Wuqo_7M0GWRCzqM9YQCK4B/s1600/patreon1.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-RVZq8Tvagwg/WKhOBUuAj_I/AAAAAAAAKG0/Wp0GG5fI2ccwFm1Wuqo_7M0GWRCzqM9YQCK4B/s1600/patreon1.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"patreon\", \"alt_text\": \"My Patreon Account\", \"rendered_width\": 153, \"rendered_height\": 160}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.dvdinfatuation.com/2012/02/558-what-ever-happened-to-baby-jane.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y82/dyjafi/bt_assoc_r.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y82/dyjafi/bt_assoc_r.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bt assoc r\", \"alt_text\": \"Large Association of Movie Blogs\"}]", "texts": [null, "Thank You So Much for Classic Flashbacks like this one!\n\nEmily Hill\n\nApril 2, 2012 at 11:41 AM", "Dave B. said...\n\nEmily: You're too kind! I greatly appreciate the compliment, and look forward to checking out your new book \"Ghost Stories: When The Dead Return\" in the near future.\n\nThanks for stopping by, and for the comment!\n\nApril 2, 2012 at 5:41 PM", "beep said...\n\nI think that this is a sadly overlooked film. Bette basically ran away from the mirror to the dark end of the room and redefined what it meant to be an actor. Side note: I was a child when this film came out. I was addicted to TV and so the paper was spread out for me in front of it so I could eat my dinner. And then. Then there was that ad. The broken doll's head. That's all. Just a broken doll. I was eating a rare steak. I have never (and I'm talking 50 years on) even attempted to eat a rare stake. Go figgah.\n\nJune 12, 2013 at 2:44 PM", "Hum, I do have to ask what you thought of the follow-up film \"Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte\". This flick is buried deep in my medula as it was the first Bette movie for me. Saw it in the theater back when crappy speakers were the norm (and I DO remember thinking about those crappy speakers; I couldn't have been more then twelve or so...) At any rate, this was THE film that broke a number of taboos (hand sliced off, severed head bouncing down a stair). Of course, this film is pretty silly in retrospect (it really doesn't work; yes, I do have a copy), but at the time, it completely redefined horror for me. What was your filmic defining moment(s)?"], "url": "http://www.dvdinfatuation.com/2012/02/558-what-ever-happened-to-baby-jane.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 581, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 208, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["930f94b73df5e1baf1104bcd3aa67471718798880d8654728facd50a99567390"], "__index_level_0__": 326, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-0Mpx_HpxY98/U1MZzZU6VpI/AAAAAAABMr0/E-YxUzpd-s8/s1600/Cinder_hi-res1-678x1024.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-RlH8NH-TPFU/U1Mba4myyeI/AAAAAAABMsA/5L2e-eHu1TY/s1600/Twilight-cover.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9477381110191344}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.epbot.com/2014/04/book-review-cinder.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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be honest: you had me at \"Cyborg Cinderella.\" ;)\n\nTo say that Cinder is a cyborg Cinderella story really doesn't do it justice, though - much like this cover:", null, "Apparently Meyer's publisher hoped a Twilight cover clone would make us confuse her with Stephenie Meyer - a deception only made worse by the fact that not only does Cinder never wear red shoes in the book, she doesn't even have skin over her metal foot. Ug.", null, "Quick comparison shot.\n\nThat's about where my griping ends, though, and we can't hold the cover against Meyer; odds are she didn't have a say in it anyway.  Besides, cover notwithstanding, Cinder is darn close to absolute literary perfection.\n\nYou heard me: perfection.\n\nNow, you might be tempted to think - as I did - that a cyborg Cinderella story simply MUST have an element of humor to it.\n\nIt doesn't.\n\nIn fact, Cinder is a wholly nuanced, sophisticated, and surprisingly believable story that adheres to the fairy tale only in its most basic aspects. It then builds on those aspects, layering in a deeper, richer story with so much more at stake than romance. At times Cinder is fighting for friendship, for family, and later for the freedom of her entire planet. This is not the Cinderella who runs weeping to her room; this is the Cinderella with the strength and independence to fight for both herself and those she loves.\n\n[To clarify: there are lighter moments of humor in Cinder, like in any good book, but the overall story isn't meant to be funny. Sorry if I made it sound too dark!]\n\nThe setting for Cinder is its own character: a futuristic \"New Beijing\" that reminded me strongly of the cityscapes in Blade Runner or The Fifth Element, complete with hovercrafts and cramped marketplaces. The Asian cultural elements sprinkled throughout add another layer of depth and color, as the prince won't be king some day, he'll be emperor.\n\nCinder herself is a mechanic - the best in the city - but she's reviled for the android limbs and programming that make her a cyborg. She tries to hide her identity behind gloves and high boots, but a chance encounter with the prince soon makes her life a lot more complicated.\n\nAgain, Meyer does a masterful job of raising the stakes: a deadly plague is decimating the country, while a hostile planet continues to threaten war. She also tries to create a mystery around Cinder's origins, but sadly gives the whole thing away on page 44 (!!) with her heavy-handed hints. I wish she hadn't made the \"mystery\" so obvious, but that's a minor qualm, really, and not so central to the story that it makes much difference.\n\nI should also mention this is one of those stories that grabs you from the first line and refuses to let go, so clear your schedule before you pick it up. I made the mistake of starting it around midnight, and was close to finishing all 450 pages in the same sitting, except John started questioning my sanity around 7AM. Ha! Tired as I was the next day, my first priority after work wasn't a nap, it was finishing this book. (Don't you love that feeling?)\n\nCinder feels like an older YA title, but content-wise it's fine for younger kids, too; no violence, language, or sexual content. There are some heavy topics and potentially disturbing imagery, but no where near as dark as, say, The Hunger Games trilogy.\n\nCinder's ending doesn't exactly end, but it does reach a point where I felt pretty satisfied to leave off.\nYou all know how I feel about cliff hanger endings (KILL THEM WITH FIRE), but no obvious threads were left dangling, and you're given a strong sense of what's going to happen next, so it feels like a natural stopping point.\n\nThat's a tricky line to toe, reaching a conclusion while still moving forward, and I'm really impressed with how well Meyer pulls it off. I've already ordered the sequel, Scarlet", ", but I'm not so much desperate to see what happens next as just looking forward to continuing a great story. If only all \"cliffhangers\" ended so well!\n\nSo in a nutshell: definitely pick this one up if you haven't already - but maybe get a good nap in, first. ;)\n\nLooking for more? Then check out my complete list of book reviews and recommendations right here. And as always, please tell me what I should read next in the comments!\n\nPosted by Jen at 8:00 AM", "Labels: BookReviews", "BlogHer Side", "Replaced Blogherad", "Donate Buttons", "The Bra Post", "Trust Me. Read This.", "Flip-Flop Hangers", "Doll Hair", "How To Fix Frizzy Doll Hair", "Penny Desk", "Penny Desk Tutorial", "Foam Bracers", "\"Leather\" Fun Foam Bracers", "DIY Floating Candles: The Best Method", "Barn Door", "Make Your Own Sliding Barn Door - For Cheap!", "My Latest Cosplay: The BB-8 'napping Jawa!", "Add the Epbot Button to Your Blog!", "300 x 600 Supplemental", "300 x 600 Supplemental 2"], "url": "http://www.epbot.com/2014/04/book-review-cinder.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 570, "original_height": 1024, "original_width": 678, "width": 378}, {"height": 594, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1018, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["51cee2a8574a1840167df2dab3c70ee1d372f14c5b5582cf4b53a1928a36e6df", "361e6a68d42a46f9fd8328e7ad1ec68846a9c1791a58c7f345f04ae9aa08356a"], "__index_level_0__": 327, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.eventim.co.uk/obj/media/UK-eventim/teaser/222x222/2017/michael-mcintyre-tickets.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.924583375453949}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.eventim.co.uk/michael-mcintyre-biography.html?doc=artistPages/biography&fun=artist&action=biography&kuid=474938\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/obj/media/UK-eventim/teaser/222x222/2017/michael-mcintyre-tickets.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.eventim.co.uk/obj/media/UK-eventim/teaser/222x222/2017/michael-mcintyre-tickets.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"michael mcintyre tickets\", \"alt_text\": \"Michael Mcintyre\", \"rendered_width\": 60, \"rendered_height\": 60}, null, null]", "texts": ["Tickets for Concerts, Festivals, Theatre, Sports & Attractions\n\nMichael McIntyre\n\nWe're sorry but your ticket reservation period has expired.\n\nPlease reselect your tickets.\n\nReservation time:\nLoading tickets", null, "Michael Mcintyre\n\n20/04/18 - 19/05/18\n\nMichael Mcintyre Live\n\nTickets from £30.45 Tickets\n\nOrder Tickets\n\nMichael's big break came at the Royal Variety Performance in 2006.\n\nHe now hosts his own BAFTA nominated BBC 1 series, Michael Mcintyre's Comedy Roadshow, and has won British Comedy Awards for Best Live Stand-up in 2009 and Best Male TV Comic in 2010.\n\nIn 2010 he became the youngest ever host of The Royal Variety Performance and released his bestselling autobiography, Life and Laughing.\n\nIn 2011 Michael was a judge on the hit ITV1 show Britain's Got Talent. He also hosted Michael Mcintyre's Christmas Comedy Roadshow on BBC1 Christmas Day which was watched by over 8 million viewers.\n\n2012 continued with a massive tour playing some of the biggest venues UK and Ireland tour.\n\nPlease enable cookies\n\nCustomer Services\n\nConnect with Eventim\n\nTop Shows this week", "Ticket Hotline:\n0844 249 1000"], "url": "http://www.eventim.co.uk/michael-mcintyre-biography.html?doc=artistPages/biography&fun=artist&action=biography&kuid=474938", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 222, "original_width": 222, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["af076635833aea967acba7d0af9f330d76ec1fec683301bd27787b5da9403a1d"], "__index_level_0__": 328, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-_k9yQXNMACA/WGxgh-t9uAI/AAAAAAAAYYQ/4BKsFURI0YQt1OfQTpuLJQSSic7aHspywCLcB/s1600/2.png", "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Cp76UuZO9WA/WGxgiODEA7I/AAAAAAAAYYY/G56O0vg1SxIAz_LJaJKJiCuHEKpqZcoIQCLcB/s1600/4.png", 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associate professor in Florida Atlantic University’s School of Communication and Multimedia Studies within the Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters, was one of 49 winners of the 2013 Miami Knight Arts Challenge. The winners, who were chosen out of more than 1,400 applicants, recently were presented with the awards at a ceremony at the New World Symphony Center in Miami Beach.\n\nThe Knight Arts Challenge, which was established in 2008, is a community-wide contest for ideas from local artists. Projects must be about the arts, take place in or benefit South Florida, and the presenter must match the Knight Challenge’s funding. Knight has received more than 7,500 ideas from the South Florida community since launching the challenge in 2008. In total, 193 projects have received almost $22.1 million in funding.\n\n“The Knight Arts Challenge has helped blossom a culture of creativity across South Florida, inspiring and challenging those of us who live here,” said Knight Foundation President Alberto Ibarguen.\n\nBargsten’s proposal was for a multimedia opera titled MELANCHOLALALAND™, which integrates traditional elements of opera with past works into a futuristic spectacle that showcases the fusion of live performance, interactive video and animation. He will receive $2,500 for his project, which will be produced at a Miami venue during the 2014-15 academic year.  Bargsten teaches interactive multimedia courses on FAU’s Davie campus, and in FAU's M.F.A. program in Media, Technology, and Entertainment (MTEn). He has created live multimedia performances with his media experimental ensemble™, meme™, throughout South Florida since 2009."], "url": "http://www.fau.edu/artsandletters/news/bargsten-award.php", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 244, "original_width": 300, "width": 464}], "image_hashes": ["01a68961a787f6f6789ec5bb8e2faf6ff6b5376e4c702d9de75344a223f3f8ab"], "__index_level_0__": 330, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_e-YxtJRmw3s/SLa36dXiiqI/AAAAAAAAA2M/vL6djT5UPUM/s200/eli-erik-082408.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9418984651565552}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.fermentedlychallenged.com/2008/08/beer-run-to-remember.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xec9ZyGQF8k/V4PfF8GlpLI/AAAAAAAAbfI/RDHpaqe_kKQOIQOZSQ5RzNEZyPyEC72SwCLcB/s1600/site-highlights300x50.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-xec9ZyGQF8k/V4PfF8GlpLI/AAAAAAAAbfI/RDHpaqe_kKQOIQOZSQ5RzNEZyPyEC72SwCLcB/s1600/site-highlights300x50.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"site highlights\", \"alt_text\": \"Site Highlights\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fermentedlychallenged.com/2008/08/beer-run-to-remember.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Db3JeLB-Fdo/V4PfFx-eCxI/AAAAAAAAbfA/iYOrmfLIsn0uQZ3VZTGTaxAyujYNpzWfQCLcB/s1600/most-pop-articles300x50.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Db3JeLB-Fdo/V4PfFx-eCxI/AAAAAAAAbfA/iYOrmfLIsn0uQZ3VZTGTaxAyujYNpzWfQCLcB/s1600/most-pop-articles300x50.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"most pop articles\", \"alt_text\": \"Most Popular Articles\"}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fermentedlychallenged.com/2008/08/beer-run-to-remember.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh4.googleusercontent.com/-EL0MwMcL2T0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAbHw/TXNtPCyHryg/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-EL0MwMcL2T0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAbHw/TXNtPCyHryg/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fermentedlychallenged.com/2008/08/beer-run-to-remember.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-nNsvNknPKBQ/Tw7sA11sYSI/AAAAAAAAFsI/pA0HCxj5WZE/s400/email.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-nNsvNknPKBQ/Tw7sA11sYSI/AAAAAAAAFsI/pA0HCxj5WZE/s400/email.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"email\", \"alt_text\": \"Subscribe by Email\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fermentedlychallenged.com/2008/08/beer-run-to-remember.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Y2cZznEG0aY/Tw7sUa9uoCI/AAAAAAAAFsU/N6TFnlOLDEY/s1600/twitter.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-Y2cZznEG0aY/Tw7sUa9uoCI/AAAAAAAAFsU/N6TFnlOLDEY/s1600/twitter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter\", \"alt_text\": \"Follow on Twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fermentedlychallenged.com/2008/08/beer-run-to-remember.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4Mw6zlR6pkI/Tw7sgKzYx6I/AAAAAAAAFsg/mt9x762cqU4/s1600/facebook.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-4Mw6zlR6pkI/Tw7sgKzYx6I/AAAAAAAAFsg/mt9x762cqU4/s1600/facebook.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook\", \"alt_text\": \"Like on Facebook\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fermentedlychallenged.com/2008/08/beer-run-to-remember.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DS4jhH_2hl0/TuJ6dr6LWUI/AAAAAAAAFUE/ajNm1e6KHGg/s400/untappd.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DS4jhH_2hl0/TuJ6dr6LWUI/AAAAAAAAFUE/ajNm1e6KHGg/s400/untappd.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"untappd\", \"alt_text\": \"Untappd Checkins\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fermentedlychallenged.com/2008/08/beer-run-to-remember.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mmoZUDLlCHA/V3z-T8-D5JI/AAAAAAAAbdM/E_DNxThGKWMZqq-raG_FwvkVOLetx81xwCLcB/s1600/instagram.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mmoZUDLlCHA/V3z-T8-D5JI/AAAAAAAAbdM/E_DNxThGKWMZqq-raG_FwvkVOLetx81xwCLcB/s1600/instagram.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"instagram\", \"alt_text\": \"Instagram\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fermentedlychallenged.com/2008/08/beer-run-to-remember.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_e-YxtJRmw3s/SLa36dXiiqI/AAAAAAAAA2M/vL6djT5UPUM/s200/eli-erik-082408.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_e-YxtJRmw3s/SLa36dXiiqI/AAAAAAAAA2M/vL6djT5UPUM/s200/eli-erik-082408.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eli erik\", \"alt_text\": \"Eli Shayotovich and Erik Boles\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, August 28, 2008\n\nA beer run to remember", null, "I'm here to report on my most ultimate beer run that I've had in a lifetime. I got a message from my good Internet beer buddies (pictured here) Eli Shayotovich (The Mad Beer Geek and the former Colorado Springs Beer Examiner) and Erik Boles (head honcho of BeerTapTV / Drench Networks) about a beer run they wanted to do and wanted to know if I could come along. Heck ya! I've been wanting to meet these guys in person for a long time and now I finally had the chance.\n\nThey suggested three destinations: Applejack Liquors in Wheat Ridge, DaveCo Liquors in Thornton and LiquorMax in Loveland. At first we were going to visit all three stores but ultimately decided on DaveCo. And wow, did we make the right choice.\n\nFor those of you not familiar with DaveCo Liquors, they are the World's Largest Liquor Store. Yup, the biggest according to the Guinness Book of World Records. I mean this place was HUGE! I called it the Super WalMart of liquor stores. This place was bigger than my local King Soopers and every aisle was packed with wine, beer or hard liquor.\n\nErik brought along his trusty iPhone and recorded our reaction in a video to the massive selection of bottles we saw in the coolers. I'll post the video below as well. If you can't view the video below, check it out on QIK.com.\n\nWe must have spent a couple hours in that store just gaping at the selection. They had a nice section dedicated to 6-packs and 12-packs as well. Here is a run down of the selections I made: - Breckenridge 471 Small Batch 22oz - St. Bernardus Abt 12 - Chimay Blue and Red - 330ml bottles - Avery Ale to the Chief - 22oz - Great Divide Oak Aged Yeti (x2) 22oz - Duvel .750L - Stone Vertical Epic 08-08-08 22oz - Russian River Pliny the Elder 16oz - Russian River Blind Pig 16oz - Westmalle Double 330ml - Fort Collins Brewery Double Chocolate Stout 22oz - Boulder Beer Cold Hop 22oz - Left Hand Oktoberfest 6-pk - Great Divide Yeti (regular) 4-pk - Twisted Pine Sampler (12-pk) Plus I got to swap 1 or 2 bottles from Eli and Erik's cart and picked up some extra singles. After checking out, the damage was added up and I managed (somehow) to spend less than Eli or Erik, but as Erik says \"We've got a beer show to put on\". He needed to stock up for their future shows. We ended our beer run with a stopover at the local Old Chicago's in Broomfield just a bit southwest of DaveCo. I had a delicious Deschutes Black Butte Porter and a bunch of yummy nachos. Needless to say I wasn't very hungry for dinner when I got home. Ah well. Great beer run guys. Let's do this again sometime soon, er that is, once I've managed to deplete most of this stock. Related links: - Eli's account of the beer run. - Erik Boles' QIK video page. This article came from FermentedlyChallenged.com Help us grow. Forward this article to a friend and have them subscribe here"], "url": "http://www.fermentedlychallenged.com/2008/08/beer-run-to-remember.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["18bf818761e88cc18b6c8cd749fbf2b45b801c8383b5061da43ce28b39abc2c5"], "__index_level_0__": 331, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://images.fibre2fashion.com/Newsresource/images/165/165923176806.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8973879218101501}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fibre2fashion.com/news/apparel-news/newsdetails.aspx?news_id=165923\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://images.fibre2fashion.com/Newsresource/images/165/165923176806.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images.fibre2fashion.com/Newsresource/images/165/165923176806.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fibre2fashion.com/news/apparel-news/newsdetails.aspx?news_id=165923\", 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“Expiration Date”).\nTarget has accepted for purchase $725,236,000.00 aggregate principal amount of Notes validly tendered and not validly withdrawn. Target will pay aggregate Total Consideration and Late Tender Offer Consideration of $999,999,150.10 for the Notes accepted for purchase.\nAs further explained in the offer to purchase and related letter of transmittal, each dated June 17, 2014 (the “Tender Offer Documents”), Target accepted the Notes for purchase in accordance with the “Acceptance Priority Levels”. Target accepted for purchase 100% of the Notes.\nDue to oversubscription, Target accepted for purchase on a pro rata basis approximately 18% of the Notes at Acceptance Priority Level 2. Target has not accepted for purchase any of the Notes at Acceptance Priority Levels 3 through 6. Target expects to make payment for the applicable Notes accepted for purchase in same-day funds on July 16, 2014. The Notes not accepted for purchase will be promptly credited to the account of the registered holder of such Notes with The Depository Trust Company or otherwise returned in accordance with the Tender Offer Documents.\nHolders of Notes who validly tendered and did not validly withdraw their Notes at or prior to 5:00 p.m., New York City time, on June 30, 2014 (such date and time, the “Early Tender Date”) are eligible to receive the “Total Consideration”."], "url": "http://www.fibre2fashion.com/news/apparel-news/newsdetails.aspx?news_id=165923", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 223, "original_width": 226, "width": 383}], "image_hashes": ["c119b2a90078b9f581b7c935ab76294319ebe26fc0188aa49bebf99495a74313"], "__index_level_0__": 332, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-XoKDxDhFjw8/UL2AMfQ8mqI/AAAAAAAAFwk/aKhU7RshxnY/s400/Falling+Apart+just+cover.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.913578987121582}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fictionalcandy.com/2012/12/zombie-hash-recipe-giveaway-by-bonnie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-XoKDxDhFjw8/UL2AMfQ8mqI/AAAAAAAAFwk/aKhU7RshxnY/s400/Falling+Apart+just+cover.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-XoKDxDhFjw8/UL2AMfQ8mqI/AAAAAAAAFwk/aKhU7RshxnY/s400/Falling+Apart+just+cover.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Falling Apart just cover\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fictionalcandy.com/2012/12/zombie-hash-recipe-giveaway-by-bonnie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FpVWIDzHuOA/ULwheaZl2DI/AAAAAAAAFv0/34hu1BdwDO4/s200/Unsaved+Project+Medium+Web+view.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-FpVWIDzHuOA/ULwheaZl2DI/AAAAAAAAFv0/34hu1BdwDO4/s200/Unsaved+Project+Medium+Web+view.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Unsaved Project Medium Web view\", \"rendered_width\": 132, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fictionalcandy.com/2012/12/zombie-hash-recipe-giveaway-by-bonnie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0UOzHUdczG4/USDjuyJCndI/AAAAAAAAAY8/5nN8AcBcvHs/s1600/Bloggertrix-facebook.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0UOzHUdczG4/USDjuyJCndI/AAAAAAAAAY8/5nN8AcBcvHs/s1600/Bloggertrix-facebook.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Bloggertrix facebook\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fictionalcandy.com/2012/12/zombie-hash-recipe-giveaway-by-bonnie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H-E4Ll7i2-0/USDjw3bxgVI/AAAAAAAAAZc/a2kMp8rGRVU/s1600/bloggertrix-twitter.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-H-E4Ll7i2-0/USDjw3bxgVI/AAAAAAAAAZc/a2kMp8rGRVU/s1600/bloggertrix-twitter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bloggertrix twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fictionalcandy.com/2012/12/zombie-hash-recipe-giveaway-by-bonnie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--KlnPhT6pRA/USDjvgwOluI/AAAAAAAAAZM/_O8TI0WivQk/s1600/Bloggertrix-Googleplus.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--KlnPhT6pRA/USDjvgwOluI/AAAAAAAAAZM/_O8TI0WivQk/s1600/Bloggertrix-Googleplus.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Bloggertrix Googleplus\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fictionalcandy.com/2012/12/zombie-hash-recipe-giveaway-by-bonnie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1187.photobucket.com/albums/z392/FictionalCandy/lb.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1187.photobucket.com/albums/z392/FictionalCandy/lb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"lb\", \"alt_text\": \"Photobucket\"}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fictionalcandy.com/2012/12/zombie-hash-recipe-giveaway-by-bonnie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XvWO218dlCI/UiCkQNe6UYI/AAAAAAAAJQk/FElGmYaZOCg/s220/profile.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-XvWO218dlCI/UiCkQNe6UYI/AAAAAAAAJQk/FElGmYaZOCg/s220/profile.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"profile\", \"alt_text\": \"Amazon\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 68}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.fictionalcandy.com/2012/12/zombie-hash-recipe-giveaway-by-bonnie.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i1187.photobucket.com/albums/z392/FictionalCandy/favorites.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://i1187.photobucket.com/albums/z392/FictionalCandy/favorites.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"favorites\", \"alt_text\": \"Fictional Candy\", \"rendered_width\": 175}, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, December 3, 2012\n\nZombie Meatloaf Recipe (& Giveaway) by Bonnie Paulson, author of Falling Apart (Barely Alive Series)", null, "Falling Apart\n(Barely Alive #2)\nBonnie R Paulson\n\nThank you again, so much for having me! I have a gluten free recipe today… I don’t need gluten free, but sometimes, it’s just plain fun to see what you can substitute, like when Paul substitutes cow for human.\n\nZombie Meatloaf – Gluten Free\n\nHalf-pound cooked bacon (you can decide crispiness)\nTwo pounds of lean ground beef\nTwo eggs\nOne tablespoon dried parsley\nOne teaspoon Worcestshire sauce\nOne teaspoon soy sauce\nHalf cup ketchup (because this is inevitable in any meatloaf)\nOne tablespoon brown sugar\nHalf chopped onion\n\nPre-cook bacon and chop into small pieces – not tiny.\nMix all ingredients including bacon into a bowl. Form on a pan – I use a cookie sheet because it gives the juices somewhere to go besides swarming the loaf. Bake at 350 until cooked through. Note: This makes for a denser meatloaf but doesn’t have gluten and will appeal more to that walking undead you call your mother-in-law ;)."], "url": "http://www.fictionalcandy.com/2012/12/zombie-hash-recipe-giveaway-by-bonnie.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 619, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 244, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["407d07e10a22d4a3eff9672bb105c229a7d832afdbd4a227bcb20de77c755ba1"], "__index_level_0__": 333, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-eesMn40TyTg/U0QEi812pdI/AAAAAAAAGxs/2x5DvC63KIA/s1600/DSC_0035.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GaM0G4Shu-Y/U0QDhvdRB2I/AAAAAAAAGxE/Tv_AC_DvgIk/s1600/DSC_0009.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-MFqLoSRIjME/U0QEEIyHz2I/AAAAAAAAGxU/F-GRP9wvPeU/s1600/DSC_0017.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tb5fcyqLksc/U0QD2tF8LGI/AAAAAAAAGxM/sx63IBDNCFg/s1600/DSC_0015.jpg", null, 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out like sore thumbs in their pink jackets and boots, but that's part of the gain in this experience.", null, "It's important to feel out of place sometimes—\nto recognize different walks of life,\nto appreciate the unfamiliar.", null, "Scenes like this are a vast departure from my Northern Jersey upbringing, that's for sure.\nBut I'm completely into it.", null, "Braving the knee-deep mud and brutal winds, I find more inspiration in tractor tires and rusted farm equipment than I ever did in display cases at The Short Hills Mall.", null, "Bikes, horses and buggies redefine valet parking in the best way.", null, "There's incredible beauty in these piles of the past—proving that one man's trash is another man's treasure.", null, "Man, do I love living here.\nHere's to finding the magic in every moment, friends.\nXOXO From My Hearth to Yours\n\nP.S. Don't forget to enter the Mars In My Room GIVEAWAY this week to win some magic for the budding scientists you love!"], "url": "http://www.frommyhearthtoyours.com/2014/04/one-mans-trash.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1059, "original_width": 1600, "width": 571}, {"height": 571, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1059, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1059, "original_width": 1600, "width": 571}, {"height": 571, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1059, "width": 378}, {"height": 574, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1053, "width": 378}, {"height": 571, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1059, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1059, "original_width": 1600, "width": 571}], "image_hashes": ["0e0abb332ab9d4d7fa66ccac8e16f46fce410dd6584d07561811fac0dff15e35", "872d66a8731334a6343203b868b80974ee85d341a5d89b44d6311c7d4884971f", "8bae4485c8741e19943f207758b0e1f09d9d4d7ea568c0cdb3fcb954f04de5f0", 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This fantastic mod based on the InWin H-Tower NVIDIA special edition was showcased at Chinajoy 2016 and was created by none other than Chinese modder Wei Zheng. This awesome mod is powered by a GeForce GTX 1080 and was most certainly a crowd pleaser.", null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.geforce.com/whats-new/articles/rig-spotlight-htower-nvidia-edition", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1093, "original_width": 1156, "width": 399}, {"height": 503, "original_height": 1666, "original_width": 1250, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1429, "original_width": 1429, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 954, "original_width": 1429, "width": 566}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 1877, "original_width": 1253, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ef73c7704a53b8f2cfd709f88ecabf87dd7c967512b8a83833b810a57ebf78e8", "879256cd00dc1a07405d2e6f2895484adb8035c93b38ea5ca534fa11359662ce", "838dc774aebe74565b65812cdf77ea8dfbb1b99096bc0cbd1e1a28ec156c6a2a", "320ffa1ec442863fed16db8588bd3836ca61b480dbfd0a33bb4212be02b77d29", "82272279de8661537b3e0ac096d60e1bd46bbf93f877186bca2c4c370252d498"], "__index_level_0__": 336, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://s0.geograph.org.uk/geophotos/02/99/85/2998579_b8809755.jpg", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.824379026889801}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2998579\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s0.geograph.org.uk/geophotos/02/99/85/2998579_b8809755.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s0.geograph.org.uk/geophotos/02/99/85/2998579_b8809755.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Pasture Field near Cirencester\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2998579\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/links/20/search.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/links/20/search.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"search\", \"rendered_width\": 14, \"rendered_height\": 14}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2998579\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"geotag\", \"alt_text\": \"geotagged!\", \"rendered_width\": 10, \"rendered_height\": 10}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2998579\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"geotag\", \"alt_text\": \"geotagged!\", \"rendered_width\": 10, \"rendered_height\": 10}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2998579\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"external\", \"alt_text\": \"External link\", \"rendered_width\": 10, \"rendered_height\": 10}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2998579\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"external\", \"alt_text\": \"External link\", \"rendered_width\": 10, \"rendered_height\": 10}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2998579\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"external\", \"alt_text\": \"External link\", \"rendered_width\": 10, \"rendered_height\": 10}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2998579\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"geotag\", \"alt_text\": \"geotagged!\", \"rendered_width\": 16, \"rendered_height\": 16}, null]", "texts": [null, "The trees hide a large road junction where the A429 intersects with the A419 just north east of the town. This field is in a triangle formed by these two roads and the old Fosse Way.", "Grid Square\nSP0302, 34 images   (more nearby", "SP 0386 0273 [10m precision]\nWGS84: 51:43.3967N 1:56.7311W\nCamera Location", "SP 0399 0273\nView Direction\nWEST (about 270 degrees)"], "url": "http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/2998579", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["580899fe45913fea86354f588b9f2a8f5c9a45d2b78fae3e00342a778c9057ba"], "__index_level_0__": 337, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://s0.geograph.org.uk/geophotos/03/21/42/3214234_a8d306a3.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8012948632240295}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3214234\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s0.geograph.org.uk/geophotos/03/21/42/3214234_a8d306a3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://s0.geograph.org.uk/geophotos/03/21/42/3214234_a8d306a3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a d a\", \"alt_text\": \"Lost in the maize\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3214234\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/links/20/search.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/links/20/search.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"search\", \"rendered_width\": 14, \"rendered_height\": 14}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3214234\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"geotag\", \"alt_text\": \"geotagged!\", \"rendered_width\": 10, \"rendered_height\": 10}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3214234\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"geotag\", \"alt_text\": \"geotagged!\", \"rendered_width\": 10, \"rendered_height\": 10}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3214234\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"external\", \"alt_text\": \"External link\", \"rendered_width\": 10, \"rendered_height\": 10}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3214234\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"external\", \"alt_text\": \"External link\", \"rendered_width\": 10, \"rendered_height\": 10}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3214234\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/external.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"external\", \"alt_text\": \"External link\", \"rendered_width\": 10, \"rendered_height\": 10}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3214234\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"src\": \"http://s1.geograph.org.uk/img/geotag_16.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"geotag\", \"alt_text\": \"geotagged!\", \"rendered_width\": 16, \"rendered_height\": 16}, null]", "texts": ["taken 5 years ago, near to Foremark, Derbyshire, Great Britain\n\nMore sizes", null, "Lost in the maize\nThe paths proposed for the western extension of the Trent Valley Way have been reasonably easy to follow westwards thus far. But not through this field of maize. Thank goodness this is not a rape field in summer - impossible to get through.", "SK3327, 14 images   (more nearby", "Tim Heaton   (find more nearby)\nImage classification?\nDate Taken\nSaturday, 27 October, 2012   (more nearby)"], "url": "http://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3214234", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["4c6d1c5ff6376ca8ada4362e290a82aeb35e7ae4e5b527a413f3088fdd569567"], "__index_level_0__": 338, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.golocalprov.com/cache/images/cached/cache/images/remote/http_s3.amazonaws.com/media.golocalprov.com/Lifestyle/isaaknewportsq_360_360_90.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9168843626976012}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.golocalprov.com/lifestyle/music-chris-isaak-on-fire-at-newports-sunset-music-series/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/cache/images/cached/cache/images/remote/http_s3.amazonaws.com/media.golocalprov.com/Lifestyle/isaaknewportsq_360_360_90.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.golocalprov.com/cache/images/cached/cache/images/remote/http_s3.amazonaws.com/media.golocalprov.com/Lifestyle/isaaknewportsq_360_360_90.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"isaaknewportsq\", \"rendered_width\": 360, \"rendered_height\": 360}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.golocalprov.com/lifestyle/music-chris-isaak-on-fire-at-newports-sunset-music-series/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/media/images/endbox-tw.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.golocalprov.com/media/images/endbox-tw.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"endbox tw\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.golocalprov.com/lifestyle/music-chris-isaak-on-fire-at-newports-sunset-music-series/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/media/images/endbox-fb.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.golocalprov.com/media/images/endbox-fb.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"endbox fb\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.golocalprov.com/lifestyle/music-chris-isaak-on-fire-at-newports-sunset-music-series/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/media/images/endbox-tw.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.golocalprov.com/media/images/endbox-tw.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"endbox tw\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.golocalprov.com/lifestyle/music-chris-isaak-on-fire-at-newports-sunset-music-series/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/media/images/endbox-fb.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.golocalprov.com/media/images/endbox-fb.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"endbox fb\"}, null]", "texts": ["Tuesday, July 16, 2013\n\nKen Abrams, GoLocalProv Music Critic", null, "Photo: Mojo Photography\n\nTrue to the concert series label, Chris Isaak is the perfect “sunset” artist. His romantic ballads and classic covers made for a great show last week in Newport at the Sunset Music Series. Isaak is multi-talented and his appeal goes beyond his music; he’s also acted and modeled over a thirty year musical career.\n\nHis slow groove is the perfect accompaniment to a warm summer evening, even on a night when storms threatened. His originals were early show highlights. The crowd enjoyed San Francisco Days, Somebody’s Cryin, and of course, Wicked Game. Things got outright bluesy on Baby Did a Bad Thing, a song highlighting his rockabilly roots.\n\nIsaak has fun with the crowd, playing leading man, and leading comedian at the same time, pausing to “strike a pose” when the mood suits. Although the music remains front and center, he doesn't always take it so seriously. Noting the Newport tent setting felt like a state fair, Isaak offered to make balloon animals while craving a corn dog.\n\nThe Sun Sound\n\nHe also did well by the “fathers,” performing several gems from Elvis, Cash, Orbison, James Brown, and Jerry Lee Lewis. If you missed Pretty Woman, Now or Never, Ring of Fire, orGreat Balls of Fire you can check out his “Beyond the Sun” album, or better yet, “Beyond the Sun Live,” to get a good feel for these tunes.\n\nHis renditions of the classics are certainly updated, with brilliant vocals and a kick-ass backing band.  He’s probably the best interpreter of the Sun Records sound out there–he does a great Elvis, a smooth Johnny Cash, and a falsetto rivaling Roy Orbison. And he seemingly does it with ease, infusing his own great voice while not sacrificing the essence of the original song.\n\nOpening Acts\n\nRhode Island singer-songwriter Allysen Callery and Massachusetts native Cara Brindisi opened for Isaak. Both offered terrific performances with Callery covering several from her recent release “Mumblin Sue.” The album continues to get national and international attention, receiving a stellar review in the UK–http://www.folkradio.co.uk.  Give it a listen if you haven’t already.\n\nBrindisi, a musical therapist by day, strummed a nice set of covers and originals on the main stage, including Neil Young’s Old Man, and Little Black Submarine by The Black Keys. She throws her heart and soul into her originals; see her new video, Okay, here. Both these artists play regularly in the area –be sure to check out their touring schedules."], "url": "http://www.golocalprov.com/lifestyle/music-chris-isaak-on-fire-at-newports-sunset-music-series/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 360, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["41245b533ecd3baa3c1b1615d2e9e5b73b78b47b143d43cb453dea9f638696e2"], "__index_level_0__": 339, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tUzhGrfDqM0/SpBZH4aVI9I/AAAAAAAAAIE/5_pJvU3s-x4/s200/littlelighthouse.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_tUzhGrfDqM0/SpBY586-ggI/AAAAAAAAAH8/vfgGArm0haY/s200/cliffs.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tUzhGrfDqM0/SpBYpHX4YaI/AAAAAAAAAH0/robCgDnJBmQ/s200/lighthsefromcliff.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tUzhGrfDqM0/SpBYAaPHVJI/AAAAAAAAAHs/WpHZ2-m1Gtk/s200/sailboats.jpg", "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_tUzhGrfDqM0/SpBXwbT7LuI/AAAAAAAAAHk/RBmQafz2YOg/s200/windsurfs.jpg", null, 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It was so windy that I had a difficult time holding the camera steady.", null, "The cliffs were covered with yellow and purple wildflowers.", null, null, "We saw lots of sailboats and fishing boats.", null, "At one beach there were dozens and dozens of windsurfers.", null, "We also went to a harbor town called Malahide. It was a beautiful sunny day and lots of people were out on the water in their boats.", null, "We walked through the narrow streets.\nMany buildings had flowers cascading down the fronts. At one intersection, the buildings faced each corner at an angle which made it look like the streets were at an angle. too, but they weren't.", null, null, "Malahide Castle was at the other end of the town. It seemed like quite a long walk. We didn't go on the guided castle tour for several reasons, such as Katie's aversion to narrow, winding steps and we were all extremely hungry. So I really don't know any thing about the castle except it's in Malahide."], "url": "http://www.happydancequilts.com/2009/08/cliffs-coast-and-castle.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": 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\"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null]", "texts": ["Tea time at the Greenbrier", null, "One of my favorite Greenbrier traditions is afternoon tea.  It is served every afternoon in the Main Dining Room (to celebrate the Dining Room's 100th year in service).  This is the first time I have been able to share this experience with my kids.  My daughter was totally into it, like me, and my son cared for it about as much as my husband does.  :)   We went every day while we were staying at the Greenbrier.\n\nYou can choose from hot or iced tea from this table below and then help yourself to the treats on the main table.", null, "I love the fact that they have a piano player (on a grand piano of course) to add to the ambiance.  And yes, I did sing that song, \"Tea for two and two for tea\" because I couldn't help myself. ;)", null, "Each tea starts with presenting the treats and a dance.  I filmed this part for you to get a better idea of what it is like.\n\nMost of the treats are replenished after they are eaten, but there are a few things that they only bring out one time.  I think this is why people go crazy in the beginning.  I must admit, I have my favorite things that I try to get before they are all gone as well.", null, null, null, "My favorites are the blueberry tarts (which go fast and don't come back), the scones with jam and cream (the most amazing cream on top..LOVE it), and the square cookies with crumbles on top (not sure what it is, but it's yum).  I have tried all of it...yes, it's true, and it is all yummy.  I just like some things better than others.", null, "Which one do you think would be your favorite?\n\nSee what others are eating on Peasandcrayons.com & where others are going on Travel Photo Thursday & Oh the Places I've Been", "Labels: Greenbrier, Oh the Places I've Been, The Greenbrier, TPthursday, West Virginia, WIAW\n\nThanks so much for leaving a comment! I ❤ them!", "Places I've been..."], "url": "http://www.happytravelbug.com/2013/05/tea-time-at-greenbrier.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 575, "original_width": 640, "width": 420}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 635, "original_width": 640, "width": 380}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 640, "width": 756}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["13ec2bcd8936615b6df96f2df3a6c458c53cbcc97c07b10ac3f634b65580ae49", "c2b0111591c2a9064dc6849abfeb4444a4d8117ef9e0e899c22d390250779b14", "86aaf367419c8c71266b6696e49e475cfb12fe6f14782c096609fed1ed267f68", "c3f268f84bed81c21a10530ed413a942cbf95f26ebf001084b27e72b5d8fa98c", "3e774c479b34ddec0443d1a52f8c655378e33150faf53d78203600e11e29fd49", "68dba1361f0f7818644d5f723800076ad0b2b4d62c0fdd1eb30580fffacb4092", "62e5d9ef74e7dc0b3fc0fa904cc8c58dc4d6e96f9768cdc6dcc12171e773a827"], "__index_level_0__": 341, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://www.heritage.org/sites/default/files/~/media/images/reports/2012/02/wm3485_chart2.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9443836808204652}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.heritage.org/jobs-and-labor/report/heritage-employment-report-january-jobs\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/default/files/~/media/images/reports/2012/02/wm3485_chart1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.heritage.org/sites/default/files/~/media/images/reports/2012/02/wm3485_chart1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wm chart\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 907}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.heritage.org/jobs-and-labor/report/heritage-employment-report-january-jobs\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/default/files/~/media/images/reports/2012/02/wm3485_chart2.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.heritage.org/sites/default/files/~/media/images/reports/2012/02/wm3485_chart2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wm chart\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 600}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that in January, the economy added 243,000 jobs—108,000 more than the consensus forecast of 135,000. As a result, the unemployment rate fell from 8.5 percent to 8.3 percent, the lowest level since February 2009. For the last three months, job creation has averaged 201,000 a month, a sign that the labor market recovery may be truly underway.\n\nUnfortunately, many fiscal policies enacted by Congress have generated little job growth. A two-month extension of the payroll tax cut does little to create employment, because the duration of the tax change is seen as temporary. Even worse, businesses have the added uncertainty of the expiration of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, which will constrain hiring.\n\nThe January Report\n\nThe American labor market had a strong month in January. The unemployment rate fell from 8.5 percent to 8.3 percent as many Americans were able to find work. The unemployment rate for adult men fell to 7.7 percent, the first time it has been under 8 percent since January 2011. This matches the unemployment rate of women, which fell from 7.9 to 7.7 percent.", "The establishment survey had very good news, with 243,000 new jobs being created and upwards revisions of 60,000 for the two previous months. The number of hours worked also increased from 33.7 to 33.8 hours, and wages increased by 2 cents an hour. This is solid evidence of a strengthening labor market as more workers were added and existing workers worked more.\n\nPrivate-sector job growth was 257,000 and was widespread. Manufacturing (50,000) and construction (21,000) had solid growth for the second straight month. The service sector (176,000) was led by professional business services (70,000) and health care (29,700). Temporary services (20,100) had a solid month. Government (–14,000) shed jobs mostly at the local level (–11,000) and federal level (–6,000).\n\nDropping Out of the Labor Force\n\nThe jobs report does contain some disturbing news: The labor force participation rate shows no sign of improving. Revisions to the population estimates show that only 63.7 percent of adult Americans are active in the labor force (either employed or looking for a job). This is the lowest since 1983, a time when far fewer women worked.\n\nThis is a worrying trend. Demographic factors caused labor force participation to peak in 2000 and gradually decline—as the baby boomers aged and started to retire, their labor force participation fell. Since the recession began, however, participation rates plunged by 2.3 percentage points—a drop that demographic factors do not explain.[1]", null, "This phenomenon reduces the measured unemployment rate, because individuals who are not looking for work do not count as unemployed. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the unemployment rate would be 1.25 points higher if labor force participation had not unexpectedly declined.[2] CBO estimates that while the participation rate will stabilize in the near future, it will continue to decline as boomers retire. The unemployment rate does not reflect this labor market weakness.\n\nImpact of Uncertainty\n\nThe January report gives hope that the long-awaited labor market recovery is well underway. Unfortunately, many fiscal decisions in Washington have been made that have not helped the labor market. In December, Congress extended a reduction in the payroll tax for two months as a way to stimulate job growth. A one-year extension, much less a two-month extension, does nothing for job growth, as companies are forward-looking. There is evidence that companies are more concerned about the looming expiration of the 2001 and 2003 tax bills instead of yet another short-term tax measure. Temporary tax cuts do little to increase economic growth instead of more permanent tax measures.\n\nResearchers regularly ask small businesses what the single greatest problem they face is. In January, almost twice as many said the tax or regulatory burden (41 percent) as did poor sales (23 percent).[3] Congress can do little to improve business sales, but it directly controls taxes and regulations. Congress can encourage businesses to expand and hire by creating a favorable business climate. Congress should not raise taxes—especially not on entrepreneurs—and should streamline or eliminate unnecessary regulations.\n\nA Steady but Weak Recovery\n\nThe January report is one of the strongest reports since last spring. Even better news is that there is now a three-month trend of job growth exceeding 150,000 jobs. It looks like the labor market recovery is strengthening. Unfortunately, the recovery is still too weak for where it should be in this business cycle. Congress should make permanent the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts as a way to bolster hiring and economic growth.\n\nRea S. Hederman, Jr. , is Assistant Director of and Research Fellow in the Center for Data Analysis, and James Sherk is Senior Policy Analyst in Labor Economics in the Center, at The Heritage Foundation.\n\n[2]Congressional Budget Office, “The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2012 to 22,” January 2012, p. 37, at http://cbo.gov/ftpdocs/126xx/doc12699/01-31-2012_Outlook.pdf (February 3, 2012).\n\n[3]William C. Dunkelberg and Holly Wade, “Small Business Economic Trends,” National Federation of Independent Business, January 2012, p. 18, at http://www.nfib.com/Portals/0/PDF/sbet/sbet201201.pdf (February 3, 2012).", "Rea Hederman\n\nDirector, Center for Data Analysis and Lazof Family Fellow", "James Sherk\n\nResearch Fellow, Labor Economics\n\nMore on This Issue\n\nJobs and Labor\n\nREPORT18 min read\n\nGovernment Penalties on Work Impede Higher Living Standards for Older Americans\n\nCOMMENTARY2 min read\n\nBump to $15 an Hour Would be a Job Killer"], "url": "http://www.heritage.org/jobs-and-labor/report/heritage-employment-report-january-jobs", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6efb4f4074b44dee18cd48bf886f4c00ea87d58ac42ec2ab849d812854d3b16e"], "__index_level_0__": 342, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": 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From beach totes to hand towels, if there was a surface on which initials could be placed, they’d likely already considered doing so.\n\nIt stood to reason, then, that they’d share their customizing enthusiasm with me. I can vividly recall two sweaters, both wool, one fire engine red, the other butter yellow, emblazoned with AMA, for Ashley Marie Adams, my maiden name. I tell you, there’s nothing like truly calling something one’s own to endear it to you. I loved those sweaters, and wore them until holes formed and stitches began to unravel.\n\nThat affinity for “ownership” of an object is precisely why creating customized garden totes serves as an ideal means of fostering an interest in gardening for wee ones. While any old vessel can be filled with gardening implements, one ornamented with a child’s name, nickname, initials or date of birth creates a truly distinguishable, one-of-a-kind gardening tote. Just as research has shown that children are much more likely to consume fruits and vegetables they had a hand in growing, they’re also much more inclined to get engaged in the entire gardening process if they have a container all their own.\n\nCreating a customized garden tote couldn’t be easier. It’s also quite affordable to make. Any vessel with a handle works well. Plastic and metal are good considerations, as they can withstand the ravages of harsh weather better than a natural material such as a rattan or wicker basket, should they get left outdoors (as children often tend to do!). Craft, thrift and dollar stores are all locations to scour for sourcing a suitable vessel at a low cost. Craft stores will also have lettered and numbered stickers, which you’ll need.", null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.hgtv.com/outdoors/gardens/garden-styles-and-types/a-quick-and-easy-childs-garden-tote", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 462, "original_width": 616, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 174, "original_width": 231, "width": 501}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 174, "original_width": 232, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 174, "original_width": 231, "width": 501}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 174, "original_width": 231, "width": 501}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 174, "original_width": 231, "width": 501}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 174, "original_width": 231, "width": 501}], "image_hashes": ["014ddd8937cd3caeab6f007e96a2aaa9172d084f0c362dc4e21c28dc9a9de85b", "d8f6b275d32ece33658c396912768b96fb4f553f50639df30efe5a02aaf99fd7", 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Fitzgerald, a customer who orders from us via highlandwoodworking.com. John kindly gave us permission to share it here with our readership. We always appreciate receiving feedback from the people we do business with. We especially love hearing that our efforts to deliver on our promise of satisfaction have been successful.\n\nThank you, John. And thank you to everyone we have the pleasure of doing business with. We join John in wishing all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!\n\nHere is John's email:\n\nHi, Folks:\n\nI just received my order (number 113577) which I placed on December 18.\n\nAs I've come to expect from Highland Woodworking, it was very well packed, and very promptly shipped.\n\nI was very pleased with the quality of the Anant spokeshaves and bench holdfasts I ordered (although, since I've purchased Anant planes from you, I'd guessed that I'd be happy with them).\n\nI just wanted to take a moment out to tell you how much I enjoy doing business with you -- you put together a terrific catalog and have thoroughly mastered the intricacies of Internet marketing.\n\nMost of all, you appear to be people of integrity who honestly describe the wares you have to offer, charge fair prices, and follow through beautifully on every order.\n\nWhat a pleasure it is to buy from you!\n\nFrom my house to all of your houses, and from my family to all of your families, have the Merriest of Christmases and a Wonderful New Year!\n\nJohn Fitzgerald\n\nPosted by Chris Bagby, Highland Woodworking Owner at 10:41 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)\n\nDecember 24, 2008\n\nCare and Sharpening of Router Bits\n\nIf router bits were hand tools we'd almost certainly handle them quite differently, but when it's the power company that's doing most of the work, it's easy to forget what makes cutting tools cut.", null, "When working with hand planes or chisels, we take it for granted that we'll have to stop fairly often for a quick round of re-sharpening. Even though good-quality carbide can be expected to hold an edge perhaps twenty times longer than tool steel, it should be fairly clear that sharpening is going to have to be regular business. If a good chisel might need sharpening twenty times during the course of a week's hard work, then a carbide-tipped router bit doing the same work will have to be sharpened at least once a week. I don't know about you, but that sure isn't the way I used to treat my router bits. Even on a hard, brittle wood like oak, tearout can be greatly reduced with a sharp bit.", null, "Sharpening router bits is surprisingly easy to do. You don't need a sharpening jig, precision measuring instruments or complex machinery. All you need are a couple of diamond paddles (or diamond needle files for the smallest router bits), a good light source and a comfortable place to sit. You're only going to work on the flat radial face of each flute, so there's no fancy fingerwork required. (You don't want to work on the outside edge of the flute, of course, because that would alter its diameter or profile quite quickly.) It's fairly important to sharpen uniformly so the router bit will remain balanced and cut smoothly. Rather than working on one flute until it's sharp, and then doing who knows what to the other flute, you can insure an even job simply by giving one flute five or ten strokes, rotating the router bit and giving the next flute the same number of strokes, then back to the first, and so on. Lay the diamond paddle or needle file on the flat face of the flute, holding it lightly so you can feel it staying flat, and have at it. Your diamond abrasives can be used dry, but they'll resist clogging better and need cleaning less often if you keep them wet with water or light oil.  We usually hold the router bit in one hand and the sharpener in the other, but if it feels better to you, try securing the router bit in your router collet or drill chuck on your workbench.", null, "Take a good close look at each flute as you work. What you're accomplishing will be unmistakably clear, and it will be obvious if you're doing the job the way you want to, or if you're putting more pressure in one place than another, or perhaps missing a spot entirely. By the way, don't be surprised to discover that the surface of the flute isn't flat as it comes from the factory.  It might take some extra work the first time out to lap each flute entirely flat so you can get on with the business of creating a sharp edge. We suggest that you work with fine (600 grit) or extra-fine (1200 grit) diamond abrasives; if a router bit needs more aggressive work than these can provide, it probably ought to be sent out for professional grinding. Coarse diamond abrasive wielded by hand will simply fracture brittle carbide edges. How do you know when the router bit is finally sharp? Just feel it and look at it.  If under a strong light you see no flecks of light along the edge, and if it feels good and sharp, then it is—you're done.", null, "Regular cleaning is nearly as important as sharpening.  Baked-on crud around a cutting edge interferes with chip clearance, reduces relief behind the cutting edge and increases frictional heating just as if the edge were dull. We use our non-caustic Blade and Bit Cleaner instead. Remove ball bearing pilots before cleaning. Brush or spray a liberal coating of cleaner all over the cutting edges, let stand ten or fifteen minutes, then scrub clean with a toothbrush or brass stove brush under a stream of warm water. Dry the router bit thoroughly and go back to work. We recommend against oiling router bits to prevent corrosion, since it's friction that holds them in the router. Just dry them well and you should have no problem with rust.\n\nIf you're working in pine or other resinous woods, it might be necessary to clean your router bits every day. It might take a while to get used to that idea, but the payoff will be pretty convincing. Dri-Cote, a spray-on coating available from Highland Woodworking, does an effective job of slowing resin accumulation on router bits and helping them run cooler.\n\nThe time you spend cleaning, sharpening and using your router bits gently almost surely costs less than replacing a router bit when it dies before its time. It's certainly worth a fair amount of work to avoid the nuisance of feeling a router bit has gone defective on you, sending it back where you bought it and then waiting for a replacement. And if your work turns out a little better because your router bits are always in like-new condition, call it a bonus—you'll have earned it.\n\nGo to our Online Router Bit Catalog\n\nPosted by Chris Bagby, Highland Woodworking Owner at 12:49 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)\n\nDecember 22, 2008\n\nRoy Underhill chooses our Hoffman and Hammer woodworking workbenches for his new woodworking school", "Our good friend, Roy Underhill of Woodwright's Shop television fame, has chosen our Hoffman and Hammer large German workbenches for students to use in the new woodworking school he is opening in Pittsboro, NC (about 30 miles west of Raleigh) sometime in 2009. This 7-foot long, 286 pound, 2-1/4\" thick solid beech workbench meets all of Roy's requirements for the traditional style of hands-on woodworking he will be teaching.\n\nA full container of new premium woodworking workbenches has just arrived in Atlanta from Germany. Twelve of the larger size workbenches are headed to North Carolina to outfit the bench room in Roy's new school. We're very excited that Roy will be using workbenches from Highland Woodworking in his new woodworking school. Details on the school's opening will be announced soon. Check back in early 2009 for more information.", "Hoffman and Hammer premium large German woodworking workbench, model 114103\n\nPosted by Chris Bagby, Highland Woodworking Owner at 11:37 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)\n\nDecember 21, 2008\n\nSteel City 40615G 6\" longbed jointer now available from Highland Woodworking", "We are pleased to announce the addition of Steel City Tools model 40615G 6\" jointer to the Highland Woodworking product line for nationwide distribution.\n\nWe are extremely impressed with the Steel City Tools 40615G 6\" longbed jointer. (Click image for close-up view). It is a solid, professional quality machine that Highland Woodworking is pleased to offer our customers at the unusually low price of $599.99 because we are at the end of its 2008 model year.\n\nThe 40615G jointer's oversized cast iron infeed and outfeed tables (measuring 68\" total length) provide extra support and control, great for jointing long, heavy stock. Each is mounted on sturdy dovetailed ways providing stability and long life.\n\nThe Steel City Tools 40165G's signature oversized center-mounted solid granite fence provides maximum support throughout the entire cut, allowing unsurpassed accuracy when edge jointing. The granite fence will never warp, twist or rust. It tilts 45 degrees in and out, and has positive stops at 45 and 90 degrees in and out.\n\nThe Steel City Tools 40615G jointer's 3-knife cutterhead is driven by a powerful 1.5 HP TEFC induction motor, and rotates at 5000 rpm, producing 15,000 cuts per minute. An ergonomic paddle type electric switch is positioned high above the table for greater visibility and quick operator access.\n\nWeighing 317 lbs. net, the Steel City Tools 40615G jointer's enormous mass provides a solid base for serious work, while it's cleverly-integrated sturdy mobile base allows easy repositioning of the machine whenever necessary even in tight quarters at no added expense.\n\nMaximum depth of cut is 1/2\". Rabbeting capacity is 1/2\". Maximum width is 6-1/8\". An easy to read depth of cut scale is right up front and features a positive 1/8\" stop.\n\nOur offer includes the sturdy enclosed steel stand with mobile base, a comprehensive FIVE-YEAR Steel City Tools factory warranty, a set of 3 HSS knives, a 4 inch dust port, push blocks, wrenches, and the Steel City Tools 40615G jointer User Manual with complete parts breakdown.\n\nHighland Woodworking has in stock a limited supply of the Steel City Tools 40615G jointers available for the special price of $599.99, which considering the unit's massive size and excellent features and benefits is indisputably an outstanding bargain. Previously the unit sold for $879. While our limited supply of the 40615G jointer's 2008 model lasts, we can ship the machine to destinations within the 48 contiguous U.S. states for a freight charge of $125. Price for both the 40615G machine and its shipping charges are current as of 12/21/08, and are subject to change.\n\nGo to Steel City Tools 40615G Jointer page of our online catalog\n\nPosted by Chris Bagby, Highland Woodworking Owner at 5:33 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)\n\nDecember 20, 2008\n\nSteel City 50100G 14\" Bandsaw now available from Highland Woodworking", "We are proud to announce that we have added Steel City's model 50100G 14\" Enclosed Stand Bandsaw to the Highland Woodworking product line for nationwide distribution.\n\nThe Steel City Tools 50100G 14\" Bandsaw is a step up from other 14\" bandsaws in nearly every respect. Its precision-balanced cast iron wheels provide enormous mass and inertia for smooth, steady performance, and are driven by a powerful 1-1/2 HP, single phase 115/230V TEFC motor. The Steel City Tools 50100G's two-speed drive system enables you to set the speed and torque of the blade to suit your particular application and density of material.\n\nThe Steel City Tools 50100G bandsaw's eccentric-adjustable ball bearing guide system maintains exceptional control of the blade, and the smooth rack & pinion adjustment mechanism for the guides allows the user to reset thickness of cut quickly and easily up to a 6-1/4\" maximum. The 50100G bandsaw also features Steel City Tools' signature solid granite table, which will never rust, twist or warp.\n\nMore than half our bandsaw customers install the optional cast iron height adapter which in the case of the the Steel City Tools 50100G increases the bandsaw's maximum depth of cut from its standard 6-1/4\" up to a full 12\". In tandem with our legendary optional WOOD SLICER precision resawing blade, phenomenal versatility becomes possible for producing wide, thin boards (or even your own veneers) from thicker stock with minimal waste of material.\n\nA quick release lever makes it easy to instantly apply appropriate tension to the blade. The Steel City Tools 50100G band saw comes equipped with an ergonomic on/off safety switch and integral dust port, and a sturdy mobility kit is built into the heavy steel stand.\n\nOur offer includes Steel City Tools comprehensive FIVE-YEAR factory warranty. A sturdy rip fence with removable resawing pivot bar, fence rails, wrenches, built-in magnetic light, the mobility kit and the Steel City Tools 50100G Bandsaw User Manual with complete parts breakdown are all included as standard equipment.\n\nHighland Woodworking has in stock a limited supply of the Steel City Tools 50100G bandsaw available for the special price of $599.99, which considering the unit's features and benefits is indisputably an outstanding bargain. Previously the unit sold for $899. While our limited supply lasts, we can ship the 50100G bandsaw to U.S. destinations east of the Mississippi River for a $100 freight charge. For delivery to contiguous U.S. states west of the Mississippi, the freight charge is $225. Price for both the 50100G machine and its shipping charges are current as of 12/20/08, and are subject to change.\n\nAdditional Steel City Tools 50100G Band Saw Specs:\nHeight under guide: 6-1/4\"\nMax Rip Left of Blade w/Rip Fence: 11-3/4\"\nMax Rip Right of Blade w/Rip Fence: 7-1/2\"\nBlade: Length: 93-1/2\" (105\" with optional riser kit)\nMax. Blade Width: 3/4\" (we recommend a practical maximum of 1/2\" blade width)\nMin. Blade Width: 1/8\"\n2 Speeds: 1500/3000 surface feet/minute\nTable: Size: 16\" x 16\" granite\nTilt: 48 degrees Right and 10 degrees Left\nMiter Slot: 3/4\" x3/8\" (Miter guide is optional)\nOverall bandsaw dimensions: 68\" H, 38\" W, 24\" D.\nWeighs 271 lbs. including motor and stand\n\nGo to Steel City Tools 50100G Bandsaw online catalog page\n\nPosted by Chris Bagby, Highland Woodworking Owner at 12:28 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)\n\nDecember 18, 2008\n\nFREE DEMO 12/27/08: Inside the Acoustic Guitar with Billy Rhoton", "FREE Saturday morning demonstration at Highland Woodworking Saturday, Dec. 27, 2008, 10 AM - 12 PM\n\nInside the Acoustic Guitar with Billy Rhoton\n\nThe acoustic guitar is an iconic symbol of American music. Few people, however, have ever had the opportunity to look inside of one, at least until now.\n\nYou are invited to join Billy Rhoton at 10 AM on Saturday, December 27 at Highland Woodworking's Atlanta retail store for a rare visual tour inside one of his handcrafted instruments. He will discuss bracing patterns and carving techniques and their relationship to tone. He will also discuss the necessary woodworking tools and traditional construction methods. The demonstration is free, and no advance registration is necessary. Highland Woodworking is located at 1045 N. Highland Ave, NE in Atlanta.\n\nUsing his talents as an instrument maker, Billy is able to combine his passion for both music and woodworking. A student of master instrument maker Ivon Schmukler, he has studied guitarmaking at the Leeds Guitarmakers School in Northampton, Massachusetts.\n\nHaving worked as a cabinetmaker since 2001, Billy founded W.R. Rhoton Guitarworks in 2008. As a musician he has toured regionally and nationally in various bluegrass and American bands, and is currently a member of the Athens, GA-based rock band, Lake City. He also gives technical assistance to woodworking tool customers at Highland Woodworking 4 days a week.\n\nMAP/Directions to Highland Woodworking in Atlanta\n\nBilly has a guitarmaking website under construction at www.rhotonguitars.com.", "Posted by Chris Bagby, Highland Woodworking Owner at 4:52 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBacks (0)\n\nDecember 8, 2008\n\nWoodworking fun: Erich Schatt's incredible wooden machine", null, "Is it a sculpture or a machine? For the past several years, woodworker Erich Schatt of Zurich, Switzerland has used his free time designing and building an exquisite machine built entirely of wood. What exactly does the machine do? Well, mainly it causes people's jaws to drop whenever they see Erich sitting in the driver's seat pedaling away on this amazing contraption, spinning the dozens of wooden gears whose movements are intricately intertwined using wooden chains (that resemble the drive chain on a bicycle). It even features wooden universal joints and a wooden transmission.", null, "Woodworking has been Erich's hobby and passion since he was a child. At a very young age, he was already scavenging through condemned houses salvaging timbers and flooring. Some of this beautiful wood he used in his own woodworking. The rest he sold to others to help fund the purchase of new woodworking tools for himself. Old-fashioned joinery and antique furniture continued to fascinate him as he began his woodworking career as a furniture maker and machinist. Eventually he made the restoration of antique furniture his specialty.", null, "For the last several years, Erich has devoted about six hours of woodworking each Saturday building his machine. It had its genesis in 1998 when his interest in sprocket wheels and chains led him to successfully build a bicycle chain entirely out of wood, a process which required numerous complex calculations to get all the parts to fit together and function correctly. This led to the idea of building a wooden machine which eventually grew to occupy more than 400 cubic feet of space.", null, "Using his considerable woodworking skills, he completed the machine in 2002 and successfully exhibited it at the annual convention of the Swiss Sawmill Association in Schaffhausen where it drew considerable interest from members of the timber industry. Since then he has continued showing and demonstrating the machine at European conventions and exhibitions.", null, "This woodworking machine is of course not the only thing he has built out of wood. Besides furniture of every type, he has also built toys, games, lanterns, attache cases, a guinea pig stable and six-foot model of an American truck. He has turned down offers from people who want to buy the truck. Instead he hopes to complete a second trailer for the truck equipped with two chambers from which red and white wine can be dispensed at company celebrations.", null, "Erich never lacks for ideas. He is already underway building a second machine, which though not as large as the first, will be considerably more intricate, featuring a planetary gear system nearly three feet in diameter. It is driven similar to the first machine using a wooden chain. The operator sits on a wooden saddle which slides backwards and forwards along \"a swallowtail butterfly guide rail.\" He expects it will take another three years of woodworking before it is ready to exhibit.\n\nMore photos of Erich's woodworking \"holzmaschine\" can be viewed on his website www.holzmaschine.ch\n\nVisit our free online woodworking magazine Wood News\n\nPosted by Chris Bagby, Highland Woodworking Owner at 8:08 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBacks (0)\n\nDecember 1, 2008\n\nHighland Woodworking's New Woodworking Class Schedule", "We're pleased to announce our schedule of woodworking classes for the first quarter of 2009. Woodworking classes are held in two classrooms at our store at 1045 N. Highland Ave, Atlanta, Georgia, and are open to the public. Space is limited, so it is important to register early to reserve a seat. Click on each woodworking class name for more information and registration information.\n\nJanuary 10, 2009: Beginning Turning\n\nJanuary 10-11, 2009: Woodworking for Women: The Basics\n\nJanuary 17, 2009: Introduction to Marquetry\n\nJanuary 17, 2009: Basic Bowl Turning\n\nJanuary 18, 2009: Intermediate Bowl Turning\n\nJanuary 20-21, 2009: Wood Turning With Mike Mahoney\n\nJanuary 24, 2009: Hand Cut Dovetails\n\nJanuary 25, 2009: Cutting Mortise & Tenon By Hand\n\nJanuary 28, 2009: French Polish Workshop\n\nJanuary 30, 2009: Bookcase Design\n\nJanuary 31, 2009: Make & Take a Bookcase\n\nJanuary 31, 2009: Pen Turning\n\nFebruary 7, 2009: Sharpening for Turners\n\nFebruary 7, 2009: Tablesaw Basics\n\nFebruary 8, 2009: Band Saw Basics\n\nFebruary 14, 2009: Hollow Vessel Turning\n\nFebruary 15, 2009: Basic Bowl Turning\n\nFebruary 21-22, 2009: Beginning Turning Workshop\n\nFebruary 21, 2009: Picture Framing\n\nFebruary 22, 2009: Picture Framing\n\nFebruary 25, 2009: Gilding and Gold Leafing\n\nFebruary 27, 2009: Exploring the Maloof Rocking Chair with Charles Brock\n\nFeb. 28-March 1, 2009: Building a Maloof-Inspired Rocker with Charles Brock\n\nFebruary 28, 2009: Build a Durable Picture Frame\n\nMarch 7, 2009: Wood Turning: Learning to Use the Skew\n\nMarch 7-8, 2009: Cabinet Building Workshop\n\nMarch 8, 2009: Make a Pepper Grinder\n\nMarch 14, 2009: Woodworking Furniture Repair\n\nMarch 14, 2009: Intro to Chip Carving\n\nMarch 14-15, 2009: Turning Lamps & Candlesticks\n\nMarch 18-22, 2009: Altar in Your Space\n\nMarch 25, 2009: Quick Woodworking Finishes\n\nMarch 28-29, 2009: Woodworking Hand Plane Clinic\n\nMarch 28-29, 2009: From a Bowl to a Platter"], "url": "http://www.highlandwoodworking-blog.com/weblog/archives/2008/12/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 264, "width": 399}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 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Sockets\n\nMounting Brackets\n\nNote: PFC-N8 Mounting Brackets are included with 61F-GP-N[], 61F-GP-N8[], 61F-GPN-V50, 61F-GPN-BT/-BC, and 61F-"], "url": "http://www.ia.omron.com/products/family/264/lineup.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 198, "original_width": 198, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f1aa872def74cbce311997d83e58780fdb37dd6608ae8285ad961ce97279ecf5"], "__index_level_0__": 345, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://www.indiandacoit.com/media/00/02/2432795425.jpg", null, "http://www.indiandacoit.com/media/01/00/1698868197.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9555479884147644}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.indiandacoit.com/archive/2013/04/06/a-pilgrimage-to-the-god-frro-god-of-visas.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://indiansamourai-en.hautetfort.com/media/02/01/2106038184.jpg\", \"src\": 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posts\n\n« A story about ants, sinks, glues and electricians | HomePage | Do what I say and don't do what I do... »\n\nA pilgrimage to the God FRRO (God of visas)\n\nThe other day I went on my yearly pilgrimage to the (now famous) Foreign Registration Office (FRRO for the inner circle).\n\nSo here I drove, all the way from Khar to CST (also known as Victoria Station), near the Police Commissioner Office and Crawford market.\n\nI thought I had become an expert – it was my fourth renewal of my employment visa mind you – and got a bit overconfident. As a result, I had missed one paper, a new one, some form you have to fill online, and get an appointment. I had checked the website but never found the right page so I didn’t put any fight and left.\n\nThinking I still stood a chance to get an appointment the same day (it was not even 11 AM), I went roaming around in Crawford Market in look for an internet café. Walking 30 minutes in the chaos of this market and under 35 degrees was a baaaaad idea… And since I am still shy, it took me a long time to gather the courage to ask someone. But it’s good I did it coz the guy was used to the visa applications (since he owns the closest internet place to the FRRO) and found the form for me!! To be downloaded here for these who need…", null, "A computer like you don't see them anymore, worth struggling to find an Intern café!\n\nSo I went back to work, slaloming between taxis, carts, people, bikes and god knows what. You name it and it is there in the streets of Mumbai… Driving and texting is not even an option here as you would kill someone within five minutes!\n\nThe next day I went back. Counter 12, ticket 3. I sat, expecting someone to come and call. I did some work on my phone and decided to go inspecting the office. Good I did so… There were only 8 counters… I asked the lady who collects payments and found out that they have converted the old computer section into more counters. And my counter was free, I could have waited long like that… Sunita (the officer in charge of counter 12) was simply sitting and chatting with an African lady! But well…\n\nShe started dealing with my case. Now I have to say the FRRO has come a long way… From completely manual 5 years ago to completely computerised. Quite impressive.\n\nShe sent me out for 3 hours, the time to prepare the visa. I decided to walk a bit, up to Pain Quotidien in Colaba. Doing so, I got lost – but google map was there on my Blackberry! And anyway it gave me the chance to discover new things, like Starbuck (okay okay when you come to India you despise Starbuck and prefer the local chai stand in the street, but hey, a good coffee in a nice place (this one is quite stylish by the way), when you have walked 30 minutes in the Mumbai madness, it is something of a blessing! – my personal opinion).", null, "Kala Ghoda Starbuck\n\nFull of Starbuck frapuccino and Pain Quotidien tartine, I walked back to the FRRO and what a walk. I had to stop every five minutes to take pictures of amazing stuff happening (pics to come in the coming days). And listening to this music:\n\nAnd my visa (last and final, though not mentioned on the paper) was ready! Since I have used this visa for 5 years (with four renewals), I have to go back to France to get a new employment visa next year!!"], "url": "http://www.indiandacoit.com/archive/2013/04/06/a-pilgrimage-to-the-god-frro-god-of-visas.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["fd27f29eb6bef13c7cdd566e1f647b024199521ca37aeba77accbed318c2f729", "44d8b43ebc7c37fdc359f944b03cdae57872d885e5f9efab7b230a6e24da37de"], "__index_level_0__": 346, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.indielondon.co.uk/images/26648.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9518123865127563}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.indielondon.co.uk/Film-Review/pirates-of-the-caribbean-on-stranger-tides-review\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/img/il-twitter-follow.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.indielondon.co.uk/img/il-twitter-follow.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"il twitter follow\", \"alt_text\": \"Follow Us on Twitter\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.indielondon.co.uk/Film-Review/pirates-of-the-caribbean-on-stranger-tides-review\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.indielondon.co.uk/images/26648.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.indielondon.co.uk/images/26648.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides\", \"rendered_width\": 254, \"rendered_height\": 160}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Review by Rob Carnevale\n\nIndieLondon Rating: 3 out of 5\n\nAFTER the relative disappointments of the second and third Pirates of the Caribbean movies, the idea of reviving Johnny Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow for a fourth adventure was always going to be a tricky proposition.\n\nBut while the changes have been rung, and several franchise regulars have long since walked the plank, this reboot is only partially successful.\n\nOn the plus side, the decision to focus more of the movie’s attention on Captain Jack pays off, as does a slightly less convoluted plot and the addition of some fun new characters.\n\nBut just as many questioned the need for Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley in belated Pirates movies, so others will question the need for Sam Claflin and Astrid Berges-Frisbey in this one, while the 3D element also feels unnecessary as does a running time well in excess of two hours.\n\nThat said, let’s focus on the positives for now. Depp is on typically roguish and charismatic form as Captain Jack, admittedly content to riff on the same formula but still clearly enjoying the opportunity to do so, while Geoffrey Rush continues to be good fun as [now peg-legged] Barbossa.\n\nOf the newcomers, Ian McShane is a suitably larger-than-life Blackbeard (although not as menacing as perhaps he should be), Penelope Cruz combines sass with sex appeal as a former love interest of Jack’s, and Stephen Graham is on fine form as new pirate Scrum (and clearly relishing the opportunity to play something other than a psycho).\n\nIncoming director Rob Marshall maintains the same sense of spectacle as the first three movies, transporting viewers from Greenwich, London, to some spectacular Hawaii locations, while at the same time maintaining the franchise’s irreverent and sometimes subversive sense of humour.\n\nThe set pieces, too, are directed with gusto and include two highlights: an early escape from Greenwich by Captain Jack and a spectacular night-time attack by seductive mermaids.\n\nThere are also blink and you may miss them appearances from Keith Richards, Richard Griffiths and Dame Judi Dench that add a fun element.\n\nThe negatives, however, come in the form of the extravagant running time, several needless plot points and the fact that the early magic and sense of uncertainty has long since gone.\n\nThe plot, too, remains a little too convoluted for its own good, focusing on a quest to retrieve the magical Fountain of Youth and a race to get there between the barely seen Spanish Armada, Blackbeard, Sparrow and Barbossa.\n\nThere are the usual lies and double crosses, with no one apparently who they seem… some of which works and some of which feels superfluous and designed to bog down the running time.\n\nAnd as good as the mermaids are, the decision to provide a romantic sub-plot for one, involving Berges-Frisbey’s sea-going creature and Claflin’s preacher, just feels like padding that doesn’t really go anywhere.\n\nThe aforementioned Spanish element, too, feels unnecessary, particularly as their late comeback after early references comes at a time when the film feels like its reached a natural conclusion.\n\nIndeed, there is a very real sense at several points that this latest adventure is trying too hard and therefore lacks the out-and-out fun that made the fifth film in the Fast & Furious franchise such a pure guilty pleasure.\n\nA post-credits attempt to set up its own fifth adventure also feels like chancing its arm somewhat… although, to be fair, On Stranger Tides has done enough to warrant a shot given that, in the main, this is a satisfying enough return that certainly remains closer in spirit to that glorious original."], "url": "http://www.indielondon.co.uk/Film-Review/pirates-of-the-caribbean-on-stranger-tides-review", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 254, "width": 600}], "image_hashes": 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the ways in which they work together.\n\nDue to NDA’s on the content we cannot share the films, however you can see some behind the scenes shots from the studio shoot below.", null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.inhousefilms.com/work/pfizer-customer-insight-series/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 213, "original_width": 320, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["2d6fd6fd24abe7d0af619f9b5ad7292c7d69b938799f76b67cc4710cc52cca57", "d632a5d3867b45e0cd38b40ed7941bba1abc51a8da2a7832678c63e6d401c143", "e76a611f47e37a0543fb707ad8a2b6f18243a67c640dd07574e269da703e9e5f", "b7f2529865bddc3629812cb64a7478a1857a755d6d0ec6d61e06e675b805fcd7"], "__index_level_0__": 348, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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As more your surname is common in San Martino in Pensilis, as more it could be difficult to find the right info about your ancestors in San Martino in Pensilis archives if you have not exact dates.\nIt could be useful for you to know that the most common surnames in Campobasso province are:\nBattista, Calabrese, Caruso, Ciocca, D’Alessandro, D’Amico, D’Angelo, D’Aversa, De Santis, Di Biase, Di Domenico, Di Iorio, Di Paolo, Di Stefano, D’Onofrio, Fanelli, Felice, Florio, Greco, Iannetta, Lombardi, Mancini, Manes, Manocchio, Marinelli, Marino, Martino, Mastrangelo, Mignogna, Moffa, Niro, Occhionero, Palladino, Palmieri, Panichella, Pasquale, Perrella, Petrucci, Petti, Romano, Rossi, Russo, Salvatore, Santoro, Spina, Testa, Trivisonno, Venditti.\n\nIf you have the opportunity to visit San Martino in Pensilis and Campobasso province, you could plan to investigate churches’ archives by yourself, but from abroad is very difficult to obtain any result unless you find a reliable local help.", "If you are interested to start or to continue your genealogy research in San Martino in Pensilis, or if you have questions regarding your family in San Martino in Pensilis, just leave a message below, we will answer you by email\n\nIf your research is in a dead end and you need some professional advices from skilled and reliable Italian genealogists write to email@example.com"], "url": "http://www.italianside.com/molise/campobasso/san-martino-in-pensilis/genealogy/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 373, "original_width": 488, "width": 494}], "image_hashes": ["b9ee63d8837626cc234ff565a37c0286068832d5bb73f616acee01f10aca9856"], "__index_level_0__": 349, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.iteuropa.com/sites/default/files/images/ixia_lori.jpg", null, "https://www.iteuropa.com/sites/default/files/images/exclusive-olivier_2.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.888806939125061}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.iteuropa.com/?q=channel-news&page=8\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.jenxsw21lb.com/72548.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.jenxsw21lb.com/72548.png\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.iteuropa.com/?q=channel-news&page=8\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://iteuropa.circdata-solutions.co.uk/Fusion//client_files/default/DynamailImages/MSPs_in_Europe_fireplace3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://iteuropa.circdata-solutions.co.uk/Fusion//client_files/default/DynamailImages/MSPs_in_Europe_fireplace3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MSPs in Europe fireplace\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.iteuropa.com/?q=channel-news&page=8\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/default/files/images/ixia_lori.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.iteuropa.com/sites/default/files/images/ixia_lori.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ixia lori\", \"rendered_width\": 140, \"rendered_height\": 140}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.iteuropa.com/?q=channel-news&page=8\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/default/files/images/exclusive-olivier_2.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.iteuropa.com/sites/default/files/images/exclusive-olivier_2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"exclusive olivier\", \"rendered_width\": 110, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["After some poor results, parent may want to concentrate on other divisions\n\nPeriod of great change as prepares to sell tech division\n\nMoves away from reactive response in Security Operations Centre\n\nA-Tek uses sales portals extensively\n\nNext step in brand-building for the distribution business with three divisions", null, "Two tier distribution aims to increase margins and encourage skills\n\nBechtle has confirmed that it has been named a Dell EMC Titanium Black Partner along with Computacenter and Atea. This is a new status within the Titanium Tier of the Dell EMC Partner Program, which will launch on February 8. Titanium Black Status is reserved for those partners who have shown an “exemplary commitment” to Dell EMC and customers as they transform IT and become digital businesses.", null, "Dutch distributor has 150 staff and includes a Fortinet, Brocade, Infoblox, Gemalto business portfolio\n\nClaims more legacy-based vendors are ditching two-tier model to save margin"], "url": "http://www.iteuropa.com/?q=channel-news&page=8", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 399, "original_width": 399, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 310, "width": 651}], "image_hashes": ["cb8684f14b545b147bba3ef5eb71537ffd42de08666ee49a1da48688ec067c19", "9c93b185f1add1b5d5a66e6a07a57e3e209ad03c48fee4b2c0f57152cf3e87f6"], "__index_level_0__": 350, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_RUVSMJZIFYo/S7BQ4nSAbII/AAAAAAAAA5w/o-YrDTsu2SA/s320/P1010597.JPG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9403857588768004}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.johnroscigno.com/2010/03/weekends-are-too-short.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_RUVSMJZIFYo/S7BQ4nSAbII/AAAAAAAAA5w/o-YrDTsu2SA/s320/P1010597.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_RUVSMJZIFYo/S7BQ4nSAbII/AAAAAAAAA5w/o-YrDTsu2SA/s320/P1010597.JPG\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, March 28, 2010\n\nWeekends Are Too Short\n\nI had a wonderful weekend in the city with Bunny; I’ll post more about it later this week, but I had a thought to post a photo I took last summer when we walked across the Golden Gate Bridge. The zoom on my camera astounded me when I realized that from the road bed looking up to the spires you can see a reflection of the cars in the cameras up above. Enjoy:", null], "url": "http://www.johnroscigno.com/2010/03/weekends-are-too-short.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["4e332658b4b02ae11cc2dc244101425923b71a0af173e6172cd0447b83506382"], "__index_level_0__": 351, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57800e79ff7c501754e6a21d/587d5342d1758eda635c56eb/587d5343be65944eb79315f7/1484608866362/15994468_10211761047762984_8994814059265165497_o.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/57800e79ff7c501754e6a21d/587d5342d1758eda635c56eb/587d54f66b8f5b64b1e5faee/1484608834149/unnamed-4.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8826548457145691}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.kellydumar.com/new-blog/2017/1/16/newthisday-writing-from-my-photo-stream\", \"unformatted_src\": 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Emails ensued, and now I'm happy to say that I've read and enjoyed one of Joanna Campbell Slan's mysteries (you'll read the review of it next week), and it's a pleasure to have her here to answer a few of my questions.\n\nThis Agatha Award nominee for best first novel writes the Scrap-N-Craft series featuring Kiki Lowenstein, a newly widowed mother of a young daughter, who works in a scrapbooking store in St. Louis, Missouri.\n\nIf you'd like to know about Joanna, here are a few links that you can follow:\n\nJoanna's website\nJoanna's blog\nJoanna on Twitter\nJoanna on Facebook\n\nIf you haven't read one of Joanna's Kiki Lowenstein mysteries, I certainly hope you'll give one a try. I'll have information about her latest at the end of the interview. Speaking of interviews, let's get started!\n\nIt must have been Dick and Jane, because suddenly I could read! And having words come alive on the page was like riding your bicycle without training wheels for the first time. The wind blows through your hair. The scenery rushes past. Nothing can stop you now. Oh, the places you’ll go!\n\nBut the first book that rocked my world was Jane Eyre. Remember, the subtitle? An Autobiography. I was too young to know it was fiction. Because I was plain and insignificant, the book gave me hope.\n\nI walk the beach and then come home to create. Zentangle. Scrapbook and paper arts. Shell mirrors and right now, the cutest shell covered purse. Jewelry. Miniature scenes. Have glue gun, will travel.\n\nI now live on Jupiter Island in Florida, so I’d suggest that you have lunch at Guanabana’s, go shelling at Blowing Rocks Nature Preserve, visit the sea turtles at Hobe Sound Nature Center, climb to the top of Jupiter Lighthouse, wander through the House of Refuge at Gilbert’s Bar, and eat dinner at Shrimper’s on the water. Then you could come to my house. We’d sit on the balcony off my office and watch the sun set over the ocean.\n\n[Wow-- where do I sign up???]\n\nEmma Watson\n\nI admire the intelligence that burns in her eyes. Our coloring isn’t the same, but we are both smallish and have tiny noses.\n\nWho is your favorite recurring character in crime fiction?\n\nThat’s a tough question, and if I told you one of my author friends would probably kill me. Honestly, the more friends I have who are authors, the harder it becomes to point to any one piece of work. I read more than ever, and the mystery community has been incredibly generous to me.", null, "Lives of the Monster Dogs by Kirsten Bakis. It’s a parable based on Frankenstein, and the book forces you to wonder, “What does it mean to be human?”\n\nGosh. I didn’t see my first book on the shelves—Using Stories and Humor: Grab Your Audience—for years. It’s a textbook, so very few places stocked it. But my second—Scrapbook Storytelling—was always on the shelves in Michael’s, the craft store. I would notice other shoppers looking at craft books, and one time I suggested my book to the customer. I flipped through it, showing her the features, and then stopped at the author photo and said, “Besides. I think she looks like a nice person, don’t you?” Well, that woman did a double-take. We both started laughing. She bought the book and I signed it.\n\nHonestly, I don’t remember celebrating when I first got published. You see, I was living a very tough existence, it was a rough time in our family, so it sort of slipped past me. I know! Isn’t that sad? Now I tell every newbie—CELEBRATE. But back then, it was almost a disappointment because here I’d worked so hard and then there was just this…this box on my doorstep. So I picked it up, opened it, and recycled the cardboard.\n\nI have a wonderful fan, a man who came to one of my classes, oh, fifteen years ago. He came to one of my book events and brought his wife and neighbor. They all bought copies of my books—and he and his wife refused to share with each other! Each wanted a copy of his/her own! Then he took my photo for an hour and a half. I mean, is that devoted or what? He’s just the kindest, sweetest man and I wonder what I could possibly have done that he might care so much.\n\nI think they are absolutely FABULOUS. No more TBR (to be read) pile threatening to take over your bedside table. No more searching for reading glasses. No more “out of print” or “out of stock” problems. Instant gratification. The ability to look up words as you read. The ability to carry an entire library in your purse. WOW.\n\nAs an author, I am delighted. It’s not about the paper or the ink. It’s the story. Sure, I love traditionally published books. Always have. Always will. I have nine bookshelves in my house. I wish I could add more. But I buy books for both my ereader and for my bookshelves. I buy more books than ever! And with our aging baby boomer population, a group that’s ever more mobile and pressed for time, e-books make sense. Now I can reach more readers than ever, and more economically, too.\n\nThank you so much, Joanna, for spending this time with us.  May your book sales do nothing but increase!\n\nat Monday, September 19, 2011", "Labels: Author Interviews, Joanna Campbell Slan, Scene of the Crime", "Search Kittling: Books", "Upcoming Featured Authors:\n\nJo Nesbo\n\nJenn McKinlay\n\nKate Carlisle\n\nStephen Hunter\n\nLaurie R. King\n\nMartin Walker\n\nFrancine Mathews\n\nStuart Neville\n\nFiona Barton\n\nJ.C. Eaton", "My Goodreads Progress", "My Best Reads of 2017:", "Current Read: eBook", "Current Read: Physical Book", "My Book Rating Scale:\n\nA...I loved it!\n\nB...I really liked it."], "url": "http://www.kittlingbooks.com/2011/09/scene-of-crime-with-author-joanna.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 584, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 207, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["26b2df1e8ec9cad7628b9c654fc7b15d4bc1188da9084b8623af8afcf6efa102"], "__index_level_0__": 353, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-N6BB6c4hYLA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAFxM/SF944j9nHyw/s512-c/photo.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9540684223175048}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.lifestyleofpeace.com/2017/02/a-philosophical-transformation-series.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh4.googleusercontent.com/-N6BB6c4hYLA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAFxM/SF944j9nHyw/s512-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-N6BB6c4hYLA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAFxM/SF944j9nHyw/s512-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"rendered_width\": 50}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.lifestyleofpeace.com/2017/02/a-philosophical-transformation-series.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//lh4.googleusercontent.com/-N6BB6c4hYLA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAFxM/SF944j9nHyw/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-N6BB6c4hYLA/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAFxM/SF944j9nHyw/s80-c/photo.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.lifestyleofpeace.com/2017/02/a-philosophical-transformation-series.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388358813s/49064.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1388358813s/49064.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Every Man's Battle: Winning the War on Sexual Temptation One Victory at a Time\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.lifestyleofpeace.com/2017/02/a-philosophical-transformation-series.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328855146s/1463242.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328855146s/1463242.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Creative Bible Teaching\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.lifestyleofpeace.com/2017/02/a-philosophical-transformation-series.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1320546823s/332711.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1320546823s/332711.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Competent Christian Counseling, Volume One: Foundations and Practice of Compassionate Soul Care\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.lifestyleofpeace.com/2017/02/a-philosophical-transformation-series.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1175714433s/549205.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1175714433s/549205.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Happiness is a Choice: Symptoms, Causes, and Cures of Depression\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.lifestyleofpeace.com/2017/02/a-philosophical-transformation-series.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1386925646s/73188.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1386925646s/73188.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"The Cross of Christ\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.lifestyleofpeace.com/2017/02/a-philosophical-transformation-series.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MB8V5UYHPKA/VzufqTzvwaI/AAAAAAAAFFE/nBaYtVM24m0NNEMQakyFgTtYpHyS9kgiACK4B/s186/ChlQeVcUYAEIuGE.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MB8V5UYHPKA/VzufqTzvwaI/AAAAAAAAFFE/nBaYtVM24m0NNEMQakyFgTtYpHyS9kgiACK4B/s186/ChlQeVcUYAEIuGE.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ChlQeVcUYAEIuGE\", \"alt_text\": \"I Support a Convention of States\", \"rendered_width\": 186, \"rendered_height\": 186}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, February 12, 2017\n\nA Philosophical Transformation Series: God's Overarching History: The Big Picture\n\nAccompanying Video: \"The Spread of the Gospel\"\n\nMessage Audio:\n\nHow do you see history? How does your mind frame the world around you? Are you seeing it from a Godly perspective, or from a secular perspective? Today we’re going to talk about God’s Overarching History: The Big Picture. Today we’re going to go from Genesis to John to Revelation and frame within our minds how God accurately portrays history.\n\nIn the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. Amazing. Over 6 days God makes the universe, Earth, nature, animals, and humanity. It was perfect, from the beginning. God is this self existent being, existing forever, in a timeless state, and he chooses to create a universe, laws, physics, and he creates life. You’re here right now because God decided to sovereignly create a human species. He wanted there to be us.\n\nHe creates the first two human beings, and designs a garden for them to live in on the surface of the pre-historic earth. God lives in direct contact with his creation, genesis 3:8 says that God himself walked in the garden.\n\nIt’s assumed that previously, before God made man, he had also made the angels, these spiritual beings who serve him. One of these beings named Lucifer, the most beautiful of all the angels, by some act of the will, manifests pride in his own heart. Isaiah 14:13 says “You said in your heart,‘I will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high.” And perhaps it had something to do with God’s creation of man.\n\nSo Lucifer, also known as Satan, goes to the first two humans, and tempts them. God has created a perfect reality for his people to live in, but he also offers one option, one tree that they must not eat from, to allow for a sacred choice: to obey or disobey. It’s much easier to obey in this world, because there is only one tree that must be avoided. Yet as we know, scandalously, amazingly, shockingly, the first humans accepted the temptation, and decided to play god for themselves. They disobeyed god, and opened up a nightmare that would unfold throughout human history.\n\nThe perfect universe, and the perfect earth became fallen. This one decision changed everything, opening a door for Lucifer to become Satan, the fallen one. By successfully tempting Adam and Eve, Satan gained control over them, the earth, and everything on it. Humanity had given up their dominion over the earth, and ceded it to Satan. As 1st John 5:19 says “We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”\n\nYet God promised, though man had fallen and would now face mortal death, through the human race would come one who would defeat Satan, and restore humanity to it’s place of fellowship with God.\n\nIsaiah 46 verse 9 says “Remember the things I have done in the past.”\n\nHistory is so very important. What do they say about history? Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. So we must remember what God has done and what he will do.\n\nHistorical revisionism is a very real threat. In fact the truth is, many of us probably don’t know much about Christian history. I didn’t know anything about Christian history until I attended a Christian college. You see in public education, any mention of Christianity is edited out. Did you know that the first settlers coming to America did so for quote “the glory of God and advancements of the Christian faith?” Unfortunately that part of the mayflower compact is often edited out. I had never heard of the great awakenings in the United States, or how Christians founded the first universities, orphanages, and hospitals. They didn’t change anything, they just kind of didn’t mention it.\n\nHistory is so vital. So we must be certain as Christians that we are seeing history as it truly is, and not as the world has taught us it is. The modern view is fairly simple: Everything is getting better all the time. Humanity is “evolving” and doesn’t need that drab old religious stuff anymore. Through science and technology man will ascend the heights! In fact if you were to watch television, or television programs for many hours you would probably never hear mention of Christianity, churches or faith. It’s excluded. They edit it out of our daily lives.\n\nWe must fight the false narrative, to claim a Christian concept of history. So let’s continue. As we discussed, humanity fell away from God, and were expelled from the garden in an event we call the fall of man.\n\nSoon the world has become so corrupted, that there is only one man and his family who must safeguard the future. At one point in human history the entire hope of the planet, the species, and the various animals of the earth resided on an ark, while the entire surface of the earth was covered in flood waters.\n\nAbsolutely astonishing!\n\nAs we all know, God eventually raised up a nation called Israel to be a beacon to the nations. God planned to bring about a great revolution upon the Earth by raising up this nation. He gave Israel the law, which became a covenant, an agreement between God and the Israelites. If they would follow his laws, and live by faith, upholding justice and mercy, then He would be their God and they would be his people. Many of the greats we know of today all lived under this “old covenant” people like Moses, Aaron, Joseph, Isaac, Daniel, and others.\n\nBut ultimately all of these events were leading up to a moment when God himself would enter human history as a man, to save his people personally. This we know of today as the coming of Jesus Christ. All of the books of the Old Testament, hundreds of prophecies all pointed to the future hope of the coming of Christ.\n\nJesus Christ came, the God man, and lived a sinless life. He perfectly obeyed the old testament laws, all of them. Having lived a sinless life, he fulfilled the old testament laws, and established the new covenant through his crucifixion. This is why we call the last 27 books of the the Bible the “new testament.” It’s a new deal, a new arrangement.\n\nSo you have human history coming to this point of culmination, to the point that the calendar was formed around this crucifixion of Christ, B.C. and A.D. Though recently they changed it to B.C.E. and C.E. Big shocker there, that they don’t want history to revolve around Christ, right? Revisionist history. They change history to suite their narrative, the secular one. The evolution narrative, the goo man, rising up, improving himself through self effort to bring about a bright future of human triumph. That’s the man-made narrative, but it isn’t Gods. And it isn’t the truth.\n\nDo you see how we can fail to perceive history accurately? The world can really influence us to assume that we’re here to live a prosperous American life, and it affects our priorities. It affects how we live. It affects how we view ourselves and the people around us.\n\nI want to see the world through God’s eyes. I want to see the world as a culmination of God’s history, not the triumph of man. There is no such thing, only to God be the glory.\n\nSo Jesus Christ, God with us, is crucified offering himself as a replacement for us. He takes our punishment for sin upon himself. Not only that, but Christ resurrects from the dead, and shows himself to hundreds of witnesses over a 40 day period. And Christ ascends to heaven, promising to return at the end of the age.\n\nSo from about 30 A.D. to 2017 A.D. we see a period of the rapid expansion of the church on Earth. It begins with a smattering of a few hundred followers, the twelve apostles, and Paul. From that little group, flying into the Roman empire after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem… Christianity today is the single largest faith on Earth with approximately 2.1 billion people indicating they are followers of Christ.\n\nAs we saw in the video, Christianity grew rapidly, and has been confronted by various contrary worldviews, first the paganism of the roman empire, then the barbarian tribes, then Islam, later on communism, and today the primary foe of Christianity must certainly be secularism, and naturalism, which began in 1859, when Darwin’s origin of species was first published.\n\nWe are part of this period in human history, when the Holy Spirit lives on Earth with us, and He is at work building the church on Earth, fulfilling Christ’s great command to go to all the nations and baptize them in the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit. The Salvation Army is part of the mission, founded in 1865, and enduring today along with many other fine traditions spreading the gospel far and wide.\n\nSo rejoice. You are part of a proud line of missionaries and evangelists who have fought under the banner of Christ, as his hands and feet, delivering the gospel to the world.\n\nGod asks us to remember. He says to us, Isaiah 46:11b “I have said what I would do, and I will do it.” And verse 10b “Everything I plan will come to pass, for I will do all that I please.”\n\nGod in the shadows, is the orchestrator of this grand theatrical sequence, one moment to the next, allowing for the free choices of man on a continuum of time and space, as His plan unfolds before our eyes. We see it in everything, even when we don’t realize it, his saga plays out before our very eyes.\n\nNow this may be the point when many a skeptic would say “Why? Why should I believe God’s story? Because the Bible says so? Why should I believe that the Bible is God’s word?“\n\nWell that’s talk about the Bible and History for a moment. Did you know the Bible is historically reliable? It’s true. Biblical data can in fact be tested, tested against history. If the Bible says that Jesus was crucified under a Roman governor named Pontius Pilate, we can look into history and see that there was indeed an ancient Roman empire, and it did control Israel at that time in history. Archaeology also shows that the Bible is historically accurate.\n\nAs an academic matter, we generally look into the past, and are able to understand ancient documents and respect them as authentic history by how many ancient copies of the document exist and how well they match one another.\n\nAdditionally, historians respect manuscripts based on how recently they are dated from the original events they depict.\n\nSo it’s very interesting that so many people question the reliability of the Bible, when as far as historical tests, it passes with flying colors, not only passes, but is the single most incredible document ever to grace recorded history. Could the skepticism be rooted in emotion and resistance to the fact of a God who asks us to account for our actions? Very interesting.\n\nFinally, one of several ways to indicate that the Bible is not only history, but also the word of God, are the over 300 prophecies predicting the coming of Christ and all he would do, that were all fulfilled by Jesus Christ when he came. A document can be considered to be the word of God in that it predicts accurately future events. Given the cumulative evidence, it becomes increasingly reasonable to conclude that the Bible is in fact God’s word.\n\nGod is sovereign over all this history, and the development of his creation, his people, and the spread of the church. Ultimately all of these events are culminating to a point when dark times will come, the church will undergo times of great persecution, the enemy’s kingdom will fully come about on Earth, all concluding with the return of Jesus Christ. He will rule and reign on Earth, establishing his millennial kingdom. And finally at the conclusion of all things in the old world, the final defeat of evil will occur, and the new heavens and the new Earth will be created. And the old will pass away.\n\nThat is our future destiny. Thousands of years ago God created man, and man chose to disobey God. The law came into effect, and Israel was formed. Then God came into human history, as Jesus Christ the son of God, to personally atone for the sins of the people. His church grows today. And Christ is coming again to establish his kingdom, and eventually create the news heavens and the new Earth.\n\nOur destiny as a species, as a people, is to live in the direct presence of God almighty, to worship him, to love him and be loved by him. To experience for eternity, millions and billions of years and more, the mysteries of his kingdom, and the work he has for us to do there. There will be great adventures, great joy, and wonder in this new kingdom he will establish. There will be no, no death, no curse, and no tears. It will not be boring. But every day will be an amazing, awe inspiring adventure, a constant experience of what we were always meant to be as people. What we are now is not what we were originally designed for. Our original design, which has been re-established in Christ is to be constantly in the presence and love of God, to enjoy Him forever, and to experience the wonders and mysteries of life in communion with him and with all other humans in a perfect state of existence. That is what we have to look forward to.\n\nToday in your life, God is sovereign. When you live in the world out there, don’t forget who you are. You a prince, a princess, a king and queen, under Christ, destined to reign with Christ, destined to live in harmony with Him. This fallen world is a struggle. But we look forward to a great inheritance.\n\nHistory is God’s story. And the world’s narrative fails to stand up to scrutiny. So believe the Bible. And Believe in Christ. Our faith in Him will yield a vast ocean of abundance and glory in eternal life, which is our destiny.\n\nA Philosophical Transformation Series\n\n1. What is Truth? A Battle of Worldviews\n2. Science & Faith: The Existence of God\n3. God's Overarching History: The Big Picture\n(Coming up...)\n4: Theology: Understanding God\n5: Anthropology: Who are we? Human Origins (The Fall)\n6: Sociology: The Divine Image, the Family & The Social Order\n7: Redemption of Man: The Cross (Paradise Regained)\n8: Morality: How should we live?\n9: Working to God’s Glory: Created to Create, Community & Charity, Giving & Building\n10: Government & Law: The Unique American Experiment\n11:  The Future Destiny of Man: The New Heavens & New Earth", null], "url": "http://www.lifestyleofpeace.com/2017/02/a-philosophical-transformation-series.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 512, "original_width": 512, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d3b1ec3bf2264af7e0569fbc9aea9bded27b9ee2cf2b20e47756acff72eaeae9"], "__index_level_0__": 354, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fvgQ3bwwikA/U_FSGX47-yI/AAAAAAAAEC8/_u9LFX2_O3w/s1600/Happy%2BBirthday%2B7Kids%2BWM.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8412185907363892}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": 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Just popping in with a birthday card!", null, "Stamp: Calligraphy (Crafty Individual)\nPaper: K& Company\nInk: Versamark Ink\nRanger Tea Dye Distress\nEmbossing Powder: Ranger Super Fine Black"], "url": "http://www.mackiemade.com/2014/08/happy-birthday.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1579, "original_width": 1600, "width": 383}], "image_hashes": ["a091cc652ad78c6bf242d75124522bdcb213f00ffb2ae61090e4babc39ce31ca"], "__index_level_0__": 355, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-LxWUKAncIg8/T0fDbxVp-GI/AAAAAAAAAvw/5fQX-68uTow/s640/king+prawns.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-puSoSmg3FhQ/T0fDYRJAOZI/AAAAAAAAAvY/i9ECZhC0pt4/s640/butternut+squash.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-DZ5nO2pdIEw/T0fDZagLHKI/AAAAAAAAAvg/Ej6dkerJkYU/s640/calzone.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-YLW8xGfIdAY/T0fDagJjz1I/AAAAAAAAAvo/1O2EdfRACec/s640/chicken+skewers.jpg", null, 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It is one of the more successful European (Italian in this case) franchised chain of restaurants with the likes of other competitors such as Bella Italia, Carluccios, Cafe Rouge, that commands a presence in most if not all major cities in the UK. In the city centre of Leicester itself, there are already 2, one nestled at the new Highcross Shopping Centre, and the other (which is the one we frequent) is located along the high streets on Belvoir Street.\n\nWe particularly favoured this particular branch of Zizzi owing to its interior decorations, which gave a very 'warm' feeling. Split over 2 levels, separated by a small flight of stairs, you could even witness your food being prepared before you by the chefs working at the open-concept kitchen.\n\nAttracted by their recent introduction of a new menu, 'Cichetti' (pronounced CHEE-KET-TEE), we decided to give it a try! It was basically a separate set of menu which offered a variety of dishes in smaller portions, compared to the usual offering, though there were some variations from the main menu in terms of food items. All items were charged at £4.95/dish universally, which really was designed for friends or couples alike for sharing.\n\nNot in the mood for heavy drinking, we started the evening light with a glass of Prosecco (Italian sparkling white wine) each. 'Chin chin!', let the glasses clink away as the evening unfolds!\n\nIt would be a sin really not to kickstart your meal with this fabulous starter..\n\nTomato Pesto Bread (£3.95/ = S$8/-)\nBread with tomato, basil and pine nut pesto.", "(+) Certainly very generous in serving, was more like a pizza main rather than starter.\n(+) The bread was freshly toasted, giving a sharp crisp to the bite.\n(+) The combination of tomatoes and basil went very really, exuding a strong fragrance.\n(+) Pesto was lusciously savoury, prime choice for starter.\n(+) It looked so good that the lady seated at the table next to us ordered it too!\n\nVerdict: 8.0/10\n\nNow that we were done with the starters...let the cichetti be served!\n\nKing prawns cooked in a fish and wine stock with a pinch of chilli, served with baked dough sticks.", null, "(+) The prawns were succulent, juicy and firm. Gives a slight crunch too to the bite.\n(+) Stock was a divine combination, especially when sprinkled with some lemon juice.\n(+) Dough sticks were the soft, yielding sort, slightly toasted. Consumed together with the prawn in 1 bite (and dipped in the stock) gave a varied mouthfeel of crunchiness and tenderness, coupled with a luscious flavoursome stock, couldn't help for extra serving.\n\nVerdict: 8.5/10\n\nZucca Al Forno\nOven-baked butternut squash with goats' cheese, sweet roasted garlic and mint.", null, "It was actually our first time tasting butternut squash, which is actually a type of winter squash. It has a sweet, nutty taste similar to that of pumpkin. Growing on a vine, the orange fleshy pulp turns increasingly orange, sweeter and richer in taste.\n\n(+) The ripeness of the butternut squash was prime, delivering a subtle natural sweetness.\n(+) Not overly cooked, still retained a rather firm texture, instead of mushy.\n(+) Think of oven-baked pumpkin, and you should roughly figure out the taste.\n(+) Contrary to popular belief, the goats' cheese served was not appalling nor repugnant. It was soft, mildly smoked and melted in our mouths.\n\nTwo mini calzone; one with spicy n'Duja sausage and rocket; other with goats' cheese and pepper (vegetarian).", null, "Calzone is actually a turnover that originated from Italy. (Think pizza folded into half) Also one of my favourite dishes in an Italian restaurant, it is shaped like a semi-circle, made of dough and filled with ingredients, common to that of a pizza. The smaller calzone featured in the picture above is the one with n'Duja sausage, while the larger calzone is vegetarian.\n\nI always endeavour to figure out what exactly am I putting into my mouth. Little did I realize that n'Duja sausage is actually made from pork, cos it smelled and resembled the taste that of beef. It is in fact made with different parts of the pig, such as shoulder, belly, jowl as well as tripe, roasted peppers and a mixture of spices, a Calabrian (place in Italy) variation of salami.\n\n(+) Ingredients were generous inside the calzone, and went well with the dip provided.\n\n(-) The crust was not as crispy as what I had expected it to be, which kind of defeated the whole purpose of ordering calzone.\n\nVerdict: 6.5/10\n\nSpiedini Di Pollo\nOven baked chicken skewers with roasted peppers, rosemary and lemon.", null, "(+) Red and yellow peppers were crisp. Ingredients were fresh.\n\n(-) Being a fan of using rosemary in cooking, I could hardly detect any scent of it.\n(-) The chicken chunks were slightly overcooked, tasted too dry and 'stiff' for our liking.\n(-) Overall, a very mediocre dish, nothing too impressive.\n\nArancini Al Funghi\nMini risotto balls with mushrooms, mozzarella, thyme and rosemary, served with a pomodoro dip.", null, null, "This came as quite a surprise, cos we waited in anticipation how 'risotto balls' would look like. It certainly beat our expectations when it came as deep fried golden crispy balls. Creative.\n\n(+) Particularly enjoyed the varied texture, crispy exterior with a soft, mushy interior.\n(+) Appropriate amount of mozzarella used to make it a rich flavoursome bite, yet not too overwhelming to upset one's appetite with excessive cheese.\n(+) The dip (which tasted like salsa) complemented and enhanced the overall taste of the golden delicious balls very well.\n(+) Overall, a good balance of proportions of ingredients to make it a very gratifying treat.\n\nBruschetta Al Funghi\nMushrooms in a rich mascarpone, wine and thyme sauce, served on top of a mini ciabatta.", null, "(+) The flavours of the mascarpone, wine and thyme sauce were infused into the mushrooms. At first bite, it was bursting with rich flavourful juices.\n(+) Mushrooms were tender, yet not overly soft.\n(+) The toasted ciabatta was crisp and crumbles at first bite.\n(+) Mushrooms served on the ciabatta served a perfect varied mouthfeel, a simple yet beautifully composed dish.\n\nLemon Sorbet with Limoncello (£4.95/- = S$10/-)\nLimoncello is a type of lemon liqueur which originated from Italy. Traditionally made from zest of lemons (without the pith), it would be steeped in grain alcohol until the oil is released. The resulting yellow liquid is then mixed with simple syrup. The clarity and viscosity are affected by the relative temperatures of both liquids. It has an optimal alcohol content of about 32%.", null, "Like some of the other Cichetti dishes, we were waiting in anticipation for this lemon dessert, hopefully to round up our perfect Italian meal. Being a fan of lemon desserts, it would not be difficult to explain our excitement!\n\n(+) The lemon sorbet tasted very refreshing and strong in its lemon flavour.\n\n(-) The cocoa powder sprinkled on top of the lemon sorbet was a complete disaster to the flavours. We had to try to scrap it off the surface before tasting the sorbet on its own.\n(-) More importantly, we ordered this for I wanted to try Limoncello being introduced to the sorbet, however all that was tasted was a good serving of lemon sorbet, sorely lacking any liqueur taste nor fragrance.\n\nVerdict: 6.0/10\n\nSo far, our dining experiences at Zizzi had been more than satisfactory, though I must comment on their quality control over their calzones. I had by now tried all the different types of calzones served, and I still hope one day to taste the calzone which I first tried at Zizzi. Personally, the emphasis is on a good crisp crust, which sounds easy, but seemingly a hard to achieve feat for the chefs behind the counter.\n\nThe server for our table was not very familiar with the new Cichetti menu and we overheard on a few occasions that she landed wrong orders for the diners beside us. Well, it was not a huge deal for me as long as the food was good and more importantly, it helped to bring a smile on my lady's face. That was itself worth it all.\n\nHaving tried both the full menu dishes and now the Cichetti, I would most certainly recommend the latter if you enjoy tasting various dishes like us both. We would most certainly return to try out the other dishes.\n\nFor information about a Zizzi branch near you, visit www.zizzi.co.uk\n\nTags: Desserts, Italian Cuisine, UK\n\n\"You only live once, make your calories count\""], "url": "http://www.makeyourcaloriescount.com/2012/02/uk-zizzi-leicester-belvoir-st.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": 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-applying the Grenadian statute\n\nExamination question 4- December 2002 Angela and Brando, both lawyers in private practice, marry in 1990. They live rent-free in an apartment owned by Brando's parents. On 20 November 2002, Brando strikes Angela repeatedly with his fists and a belt and uses abusive language towards her. Distraught, Angela immediately leaves and goes to stay at her parents' house, which is two hours drive away. Because of this, she is unable to appear in court the following weeks and she asks a colleague to take over some of her matters. As a result, Angela loses $20,000 in income. Angela wants to return to the apartment and her work but is very fearful about Brando's violence. Her best friend, Gemma, is encouraging her to get relief under domestic violence legislation without notice being given to Brando, because she fears Brando will bring constitutional challenges to delay relief. Angela is very fragile emotionally and Gemma wants to bring an action on her behalf. Advise Gemma In advising Gemma the jurisdiction of choice is Grenada and the applicable legislation to the fact scenario is the Domestic Violence Act 2001. ADVICE TO GEMMA Can Gemma bring an action on behalf of Angela? Gemma as a 'best friend' is not covered by the statute to bring an action on behalf of Angela who is classified as a spouse under the statute. ...read more.\n\nSection 2 of the statute states 'domestic violence by a person means abusive conduct directed towards a member of the person's household; or a spouse' Angela is married and therefore qualifies as a spouse under the statute and should be afforded the necessary protection. Do Brando's actions amount to domestic violence as defined by the Act? The difficulty arises here because the evidentiary burden is on Angela to prove that Brando's conduct amounts to domestic violence. The facts of the case indicate that Brando strikes Angela repeatedly with his fists and a belt and uses abusive language towards her on November 20 2002. There is no requirement in the statute for there to be a pattern of behaviour and therefore the one abusive act after ten years amounts to physical abuse which consecutively connotes domestic violence. The statute in its interpretation section (s 2) supports this view and suggests that domestic violence 'includes physical abuse, emotional or psychological abuse.' Even though it is unclear whether she was abused before November 20, 2002, the abusive actions directed towards Angela on that particular day are indicative of physical, emotional and psychological abuse; which of course includes persistent intimidation of the person by the use of abusive or threatening language. ...read more.\n\nFurthermore, in section 22 the court on making these orders and for the protection of married life may recommend the parties to participate in counseling. One is in support of this option. Ancillary Relief The Grenadian Statute in section 15 speaks about the power of the courts to make ancilliary relief on or after making an application for an occupation order. However, the relief available in this statute is not widespread and mainly speaks of granting the use of furniture, household appliances or household effects, or if the applicant is dependent - financial support. It is ambiguous from the facts whether Angela was dependent on Brando. However, the shortfall of this section is that it does not provide compensation for monetary loss. In the Trinidad and Tobago statute compensation is provided for monetary loss incurred by an applicant as a direct result of the conduct that amounted to domestic violence. The compensation must not exceed $15,ooo and can include compensation for loss of earnings, medical and dental expenses, moving and accommodation expenses and reasonable legal costs including the cost of an applicant under the act. This would be beneficial to Angela since the facts have indicated that she has loss earning because of her inability to work. Regrettably, the most Angela would get in relief under the Grenadian statute is the use of the furniture and household appliances. 1 ...read more."], "url": "http://www.markedbyteachers.com/as-and-a-level/law/domestic-violence-applying-the-grenadian-statute.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 487, "original_height": 281, "original_width": 218, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a8be77e959e2f0c73f1891596859326c802b414f6415b0da8c94ad200e287c69"], "__index_level_0__": 357, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://static1.mbtfiles.co.uk/media/docs/newdocs/gcse/english/english_language/writing_to_inform_explain_and_describe/4112/images/preview/img_218_1.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.99056077003479}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.markedbyteachers.com/gcse/english/creative-writing-regrets.html\", \"unformatted_src\": 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Regrets\n\nCreative Writing : REGRETS Another year has passed, another day has ended; the days will come and go but still no answers are given. No pain is reduced. My heart is still in pieces. I often just lie here, wondering why. Why I can not reconcile with what has happened. Why you were taken from me and why I was never given a reason for your absence. I would have rather it had been me than you. I had destroyed my life. You had years of life to lead. You were young and free! We had always been getting up to mischief when we were younger; we were like Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee. You were always the brave ambitious one, \"Come on\" you would say, \"it will be a laugh.\" Your motto was \"if you get hurt, you get hurt\" if you fall off your horse, get back on it; you only live once. Might as well make the most of it! Me, well I was always the sensible one, \"yes dad\" you would say when I used to tell you to be careful! I was always warning you about dangers in life, what not to do and what to do! We were not identical twins and really had no likeness at all. ...read more.\n\nand a baby girl. And me; a city dosser. I hated him so much and resented my family for not helping me out when I needed them the most. All it had ever been was Ben, Ben, Ben!!. It was July the fourth as I remember. I had just pulled off this cracking deal with these guys and had got myself a lot of cash. I had become involved in hard drugs now that meant large sums of money! I was in financial ruin and would do anything to get out of it! What ever it would take, I would accept any offers that were available! I was a complete mess. There I sat slouched on the sofa, in front the television. The walls were cold and damp, the room lacked light and the walls stood dressed in cracks and mould. My mind was fixated on the spider's web that had been growing in the right corner. There in the web was a fly caught up in the sticky mess. He had flown into the trap with no escape from his future, young and vulnerable. He had made one wrong move and he would suffer the consequences for the rest of his life, or what he had left. The spider, on the other hand was strong and focused. ...read more.\n\nMy body should have been burned not his. All this time I had envied him and even hated him. I had been seeking attention all my life, which had resulted in the death of my brother. My parents stood by the side of my bed; finally, I had attention. But now it hit me; the life of my twin was much more important than any type of attention. He was now gone, never to return, He was a father, husband, brother and a son and now was nothing but a memory! Due to my selfishness. Another year has passed. Another day has ended. The days have come and gone and I have found the answers I was looking for. No pain is reduced, my heart still in pieces, now I lie here knowing why my brother died. I cannot deal with what has happened, you were taken from this earth, and the answer was there all along. It should have been me not you. I had destroyed my life due to selfish jealousy. I cannot replace a brother, son, father or husband, and for that I am truly sorry. Nevertheless, know this much: He will always be with you all, but for me, I have made terrible mistakes in my life and caused many heartache and pain. I will leave you all and join with my other half. One day I will see you again, but for now I feel, my brother needs me. It is nobody's fault Only mine... ...read more."], "url": "http://www.markedbyteachers.com/gcse/english/creative-writing-regrets.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 488, "original_height": 282, "original_width": 218, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d099553e854354dcf00e42bce0bae59ae34a7732e46adcd0b55d375211713a14"], "__index_level_0__": 358, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://static3.mbtfiles.co.uk/media/docs/newdocs/gcse/english/english_literature/prose_fiction/emily_bronte/1209928/images/preview/img_218_1.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9515738487243652}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://www.markedbyteachers.com/gcse/english/letter-to-heathcliff-from-isabella-wuthering-heights-emily-bronte.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://static3.mbtfiles.co.uk/media/docs/newdocs/gcse/english/english_literature/prose_fiction/emily_bronte/1209928/images/preview/img_218_1.jpg\", \"src\": 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There is a question in my mind, do you want everyone to celebrate you absence and wish that you?d be dead soon? For your kind information everyone includes me. I know that it is quite mean and stone-hearted to do such a thing to a human but you?re not a human and I do not have a heart to be polite. ...read more.\n\nI know that Catherine was blind like me to have fallen for you, but she realized it early and had my brother beside her. You know I still remember the times you were away, Catherine used be flourished of happiness. Your arrival caused her death; you must know that you are a murderer. Oh! ...read more.\n\nYou shall forget that I ever loved you, and I threw your ring you shall get another one if you want me back. And remember you are not going to get my child; you?re not being a father. Oh! I thank Lord that such an evil creature like you were not blessed with parents. I shall have happiness only by seeing you dead as I won?t have those evil eyes gazing my way. Truly to say you have given me nothing but tears, joy is out of question. ISABELLA ...read more."], "url": "http://www.markedbyteachers.com/gcse/english/letter-to-heathcliff-from-isabella-wuthering-heights-emily-bronte.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 487, "original_height": 281, "original_width": 218, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["592f0f362dde4a92030f808d4f1b8d4c200faf3d2efbe294d0935b11dfdb7fdd"], "__index_level_0__": 359, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--Igzkl3ZlG4/T7WhuBDjYKI/AAAAAAAAA-s/2JVxiF9tqKM/s640/_MG_1351.jpg", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IraWZlEdF0Q/T7WojMDGfDI/AAAAAAAAA-4/QXRFGjDdkI4/s640/_MG_1358.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9174509644508362}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.mimissweets.net/2012/05/freedom-high-school-water-polo-cake.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--Igzkl3ZlG4/T7WhuBDjYKI/AAAAAAAAA-s/2JVxiF9tqKM/s640/_MG_1351.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/--Igzkl3ZlG4/T7WhuBDjYKI/AAAAAAAAA-s/2JVxiF9tqKM/s640/_MG_1351.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MG\", \"alt_text\": \"Freedom High School Water Polo Cake\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 425}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.mimissweets.net/2012/05/freedom-high-school-water-polo-cake.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IraWZlEdF0Q/T7WojMDGfDI/AAAAAAAAA-4/QXRFGjDdkI4/s640/_MG_1358.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IraWZlEdF0Q/T7WojMDGfDI/AAAAAAAAA-4/QXRFGjDdkI4/s640/_MG_1358.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MG\", \"alt_text\": \"Freedom High School Water Polo Cake\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 426}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.mimissweets.net/2012/05/freedom-high-school-water-polo-cake.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ffCwmHe5WHk/UTQcA1ntIgI/AAAAAAAACV8/K4p0yMvRToI/s270/_MG_1118.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ffCwmHe5WHk/UTQcA1ntIgI/AAAAAAAACV8/K4p0yMvRToI/s270/_MG_1118.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"MG\", \"rendered_width\": 270, \"rendered_height\": 180}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "So, the water polo team from Freedom High School in Orlando asked me to make the cake for their awards ceremony that was held this evening. 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This book can definitely be read without confusion if you haven't read the first one. Mainly you'll recognize the town on the Oregon coast and some of the characters but the story is definitely stand alone.\n\nEric is returning to his hometown after losing his job and is looking forward to the slower pace and the peace he's looking for. When he arrives to his childhood home, he finds that his father is converting the home into a bed and breakfast.\n\nBJ has been living in Hope Harbor for about a year now and she, too, was seeking the slower, quieter pace. She's grown to love her new home but when Eric arrives, she doesn't really trust him. He's much too slick for her taste and she is cautious of him.\n\nBoth Eric and BJ carry hurts from their past and they are trying to regroup in their new life in this sweet town. While Eric only intends to stay long enough to restart his career, the pull of the town and of each other, changes both of them.\n\nI love the faith in this book and how there are different levels of faith with different characters. The growth through seeing how God really cares is wonderful. Of course, I can't leave out Charley of the Taco Stand. His wise words and friendship to those around him are so wonderful and heartwarming.\n\nI loved this book. It was such a relaxing read and the characters were complex and real. I highly recommend this book especially for a nice summer read."], "url": "http://www.moreofhim.net/2016/06/book-review-sea-rose-lane.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 584, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 207, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 213, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["04d95b93bf731b024bb0ba7f4417d6128e84a95370ae0a70aa46aa55770c3763", "9f78a209bf130756276eaf015a803539e6f447edc1166adf9d821012dccc7dc7"], "__index_level_0__": 361, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_wPGF9M7yrDs/TGj29vtDYkI/AAAAAAAAAQo/TFFHV34BHEY/s400/IMG00204-20100815-0935.jpg", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_wPGF9M7yrDs/TF7_ueTyggI/AAAAAAAAAQQ/fYzPljVN9nc/s400/IMG00187-20100808-0910.jpg", null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_wPGF9M7yrDs/TF8B0zx4S5I/AAAAAAAAAQY/EQzBUqY65uE/s400/IMG00188-20100808-1059.jpg", null, 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I was fortunate enough to be able to ride with Gerry today, it was great to get him back on the bike. We went for a pleasant ride out to the sandpan and then past Dunblain, into the open veld.\n\nIt is on days like this that you can really appreciate living in South Africa and be blessed with the opportunity to have mountain bike rides into the great outdoors.\n\nWe did over 40km at a comfortable pace, there was a nasty headwind at the end of the ride that really tested the legs. Below is a photo of Gerry successfully navigating crossing the stream near Seringetti golf estate, marvelous engineering design of these rudimentary bridges used by the locals to not get their feet wet.\n\nIt must be noted that I noticed another way over that entailed only one short hope over a single tyre - sorry Gerry I should have given you more warning of the alternative (but I did enjoy watching you traverse this obstacle).", null, "Sunday, August 8, 2010\n\nSunday ride 08-08-2010\n\nAwesome ride today, over 60km of tough riding but a really great route and company. I first met up with Greg and his racing snake friend (rode to Clarens just for fun) - Gary. Next we went to Justin's house (fresh from World BMX championships) - eish riding with these guys could only mean one thing - tired sore body.\n\nWe went out past Dunblain horse estate and into the farmlands. A few short hills to get the heart rate up and plenty of sandy roads, with some water crossings thrown in. Pictured below are the 3 'strong' boys after 30 odd kms - hardly worked up a sweat yet.", null, "Really great to be in wide open spaces, we rode past a game farm that had loads of buck and antelope. The legs were starting to hurt, but fortunately the guys slowed down at times to let me catch up.\nThe last 10 odd kms to Justin's house were really tough but I made it - thanks boys for waiting for me.", null, "The light at the end of the tunnel:", null, "New road bike\n\nNo I haven't gone to the other side and I am not about to shave my legs. I got a real bargain on a road bike that I can use for the 94.7 this year. Makes a nice picture hanging in my garage whilst my first love Trek MTB gets all my attention.", "Monday, August 2, 2010\n\nThe Country Challenge - Walkerville Sunday 1st August\n\nGreg and me had a great race at Walkerville, the route was completely different to the races we had both done here previously, it was pretty fast not too technical, with a few hills thrown in for fun.", "There was a small field (compared to the Nissan series at least), over 50 for the 60km and over 80 for the 37km races. Greg did really well, finishing in 22nd position in a time of 1:55 and I came in half an hour later at 2:25 (without falling once). The week before at Cullinan really made us tougher and more resilient to any mountain bilking terrain and conditions - the tougher it gets the easier it gets.", null, "Now to get back to those morning rides - summer is around the corner, Stan you better get ready buddy cause I ain't going away."], "url": "http://www.mountainbikingdiary.com/2010/08/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 400, "width": 454}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 379, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 319, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["2ca65e9017aca1777e305fc0b05cc90607707dc881d90e53206c792135f024e4", "7dd5e263ccdb8ed6655dbb38831bfdec57084c693fa42af2519b135a04a546bf", "f831ab110096180ade1d38b47d439c32141e4f0f2ad0d828d593579958a8b7f7", "768235aa2f51059c12bdddcb370e7d6d156e07bff2fc1f384d467bfc11f97c65", "74091c1407381c9354703ef7f837041b90bc1cb17602deae79f92be466f3526d"], "__index_level_0__": 362, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52627348e4b0823534b23503/t/55dd26a0e4b09a5c064569ca/1440556709755/Hang+globe+screen+shot.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7765832543373108}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.movestrongfit.com/shop/hanging-globes\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52627348e4b0823534b23503/t/55dd26a0e4b09a5c064569ca/1440556709755/Hang+globe+screen+shot.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52627348e4b0823534b23503/t/55dd26a0e4b09a5c064569ca/1440556709755/Hang+globe+screen+shot.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Hang globe screen shot\"}, null]", "texts": ["Another fun and challenging grip strength tool by MoveStrong! Use the included webbing strap to secure on a pull-up bar, tree branch, or other secure structure to hang it from.\n\nKey features:\n\nAllow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Continental US shipping only for online orders. Contact us for special needs, lead times, additional info and any other shipping needs to complete your order.\n\nGlobe Size/Color:\nAdd To Cart\nFacebook0 Twitter Google LinkedIn0 StumbleUpon Reddit Tumblr Pinterest0", null, "The MoveStrong Hanging Globes are a grip strength tool that can be used as an attachment on Pull-up bars, monkey bars, rings, suspension trainers, resistance bands, and a cable attachment. Different sizes available in 3.5\", 6\", and 8\" diammeter globes and includes webbing straps for securing to anchor point."], "url": "http://www.movestrongfit.com/shop/hanging-globes", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 563, "original_width": 1000, "width": 671}], "image_hashes": ["3d6106a429563ba3273195b7c26252356546800e78d7937ede1402cafac34809"], "__index_level_0__": 363, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0Jvbjgwv4bg/V7Yf5LpGpSI/AAAAAAAAB7Q/_DlPidSVNpA41ivk9MoFmn2HoWFE7NNtQCK4B/s1600/13996176_10101643222411316_6067238325464413483_o.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8788135051727295}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.mrsbarnettfirstgrade.com/2014/02/live-animal-cams.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MruONNH2qzQ/VUwE9U0paaI/AAAAAAAA3Zc/rmVCv8SQp8I/s1600/SM-Twitter1.png\", \"src\": 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This has been a much more difficult task than I thought it would be. During this process I realized that I needed specific photos for the website. So I decided to take my own stock photos instead of buying them online. So the Pic of the Day today was a stock photo I took today to go along with an excerpt on the site about teaching. So this is the photo I took to go along with \"teaching photography\""], "url": "http://www.newtography.com/pic-of-the-day/2014/4/14/my-own-stock-photographer", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 645, "original_width": 1000, "width": 586}], "image_hashes": ["0309a2587b986ae97b301d154335ac549f16fd4302e0872017e6cf60a1d74c79"], "__index_level_0__": 366, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i2.wp.com/3.bp.blogspot.com/_JAtlQGqPg_M/Sq-0FjfPYAI/AAAAAAAAB48/ApNazz85KTc/s400/landry-jones.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.930681049823761}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ngngsports.com/2009/09/landry-jones-is-getting-attention-from.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/3.bp.blogspot.com/_JAtlQGqPg_M/Sq-0FjfPYAI/AAAAAAAAB48/ApNazz85KTc/s400/landry-jones.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/3.bp.blogspot.com/_JAtlQGqPg_M/Sq-0FjfPYAI/AAAAAAAAB48/ApNazz85KTc/s400/landry-jones.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"landry jones\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "The night Sam Bradford went down with a shoulder injury was a sad day for Boomer Sooner. But a knight with a shiny mustache came to the rescue. Yes, they went on to lose that game against BYU, but Oklahoma’s most intriguing mustache had now been put on full display for the nation to marvel at. This was Landry Jones’ mustache coming out party.\n\n“After the first game, people were calling and texting me from back home in North Carolina saying, ‘What’s up with your QB’s mustache?’ ” said guard Brian Simmons. “People in my class, tutors in study hall, everyone has been asking me about it.”\n\nStudents came to Saturday’s game sporting fake mustaches and T-shirts that said, “Fear the Stache” and “Mustache Mafia.” OU football operations coordinator Matt McMillen and video director Brian Martin have begun growing mustaches to show solidarity with Jones.\n\nThe power of Jones’ mustache reaches farther than just Norman, Oklahoma. Oh no, this mustache has a star quality. The type of quality that has the American Mustache Institute giddy.\n\n“We’ve been paying attention to Landry,” said Aaron Perlut, chairman of the Institute. “We love it. Unfortunately, when he first entered the game, there was a lot of criticism the following week about his mustache. We find that very disappointing.\n\n“That’s the life of downtrodden, mustache-wearing Americans.”\n\nPerlut pointed out Jones’ style of mustache is a “Chevron,” worn wide and long to cover the top border of the upper lip.\n\n“We are inspired by Landry and appreciate everything that he’s doing,” Perlut said. “He is a shining beacon of freedom for all the young people out there who wear mustaches.”\n\nKeep fighting the good fight, Landry and wear that Chevron like no other Chevron has been worn before.\n\n* Photos by David Ubben, The Oklahoman\n\nLandry Jones and his mustache have reached celebrity status (NewsOK)"], "url": "http://www.ngngsports.com/2009/09/landry-jones-is-getting-attention-from.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 400, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["c2122746215327141c0a1fea9c3158cff405483b8cce8932fc6d80621eddc22c"], "__index_level_0__": 367, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jo5Y1-ErB1M/WCSY0cq-kGI/AAAAAAAAwJE/KMw5MFAvtustFARksmsWyC661UXwSURlQCLcB/s200/Circle_GSP_reverse_reasonably_small.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9345149993896484}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.njfootlights.net/2016/11/george-street-playhouse-announces.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jo5Y1-ErB1M/WCSY0cq-kGI/AAAAAAAAwJE/KMw5MFAvtustFARksmsWyC661UXwSURlQCLcB/s200/Circle_GSP_reverse_reasonably_small.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-jo5Y1-ErB1M/WCSY0cq-kGI/AAAAAAAAwJE/KMw5MFAvtustFARksmsWyC661UXwSURlQCLcB/s200/Circle_GSP_reverse_reasonably_small.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Circle GSP reverse reasonably small\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.njfootlights.net/2016/11/george-street-playhouse-announces.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-t9KSlIfV298/VSfeuGY8xFI/AAAAAAAAj0E/-KVnd5AQt7s/s1600/Rickcrop.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-t9KSlIfV298/VSfeuGY8xFI/AAAAAAAAj0E/-KVnd5AQt7s/s1600/Rickcrop.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Rickcrop\", \"alt_text\": \"Rick Busciglio\", \"rendered_width\": 120, \"rendered_height\": 174}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.njfootlights.net/2016/11/george-street-playhouse-announces.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CVZ9m-OPsnk/WNQ2Nz3h_nI/AAAAAAAA0r4/sEqPpDmcoW02uNXdk3rCoQD-ayVzwKPGgCK4B/s120/nea5.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-CVZ9m-OPsnk/WNQ2Nz3h_nI/AAAAAAAA0r4/sEqPpDmcoW02uNXdk3rCoQD-ayVzwKPGgCK4B/s120/nea5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nea\", \"alt_text\": \"Save the NEA\", \"rendered_width\": 78, \"rendered_height\": 120}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.njfootlights.net/2016/11/george-street-playhouse-announces.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-a2jAs-xcqHg/WCjV_zIlEfI/AAAAAAAAwNA/T8LhyKqai9YU0ZNGRsL4F7n2Hi42LImGwCK4B/s1600/tones%2B002.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-a2jAs-xcqHg/WCjV_zIlEfI/AAAAAAAAwNA/T8LhyKqai9YU0ZNGRsL4F7n2Hi42LImGwCK4B/s1600/tones%2B002.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tones B\", \"alt_text\": \"See A Play!\", \"rendered_width\": 120, \"rendered_height\": 157}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.njfootlights.net/2016/11/george-street-playhouse-announces.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-we9u3VLWQ60/VlMouzvwq1I/AAAAAAAAogQ/_jItw0ISxD0/s1600-r/tom.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-we9u3VLWQ60/VlMouzvwq1I/AAAAAAAAogQ/_jItw0ISxD0/s1600-r/tom.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tom\", \"alt_text\": \"Theatrical Photograpy\", \"rendered_width\": 294, \"rendered_height\": 536}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, November 10, 2016\n\nGeorge Street Playhouse Announces Casting for DADDY LONG LEGS, a New Musical\n\nThe off-Broadway romantic musical hit based on Jean Webster's classic novel comes to New Brunswick for four-week run\n\nGeorge Street Playhouse has set the cast of Daddy Long Legs, a romantic holiday musical running from November 29 through December 24 at the New Brunswick theatre. The musical, with book by two-time Tony Award winner John Caird (Les Miserables, Nicholas Nickleby) and music and lyrics by Tony Award nominee Paul Gordon (Jane Eyre), stars Ben Michael as Jervis, the titular “Daddy Long Legs” who anonymously sponsors the college education of Elise Vannerson's Jerusha.\n\nThe musical, based on Jean Webster's classic novel of the same name, will feature musical director Darren Cohen on piano, Sam Quiggins on cello and Luke McGinnis on guitar. The production will be helmed by Michael Mastro, George Street Playhouse's Resident Artistic Director.\n\n“Daddy Long Legs is a moving, lovely, beautiful and funny new musical,” said Mr. Mastro. “It’s sure to warm the hearts of our patrons this holiday season.”\n\nIn this award-winning musical, a witty young woman’s wishes are answered when an anonymous young gentleman she nicknames \"Daddy Long Legs\" gives her the opportunity to move from her orphanage and attend university. Over the years, Jerusha shares her life with her secret benefactor through letters and songs, and experiences her first budding romance with a young suitor.\n\nThis heartwarming new musical has charmed audiences of all ages from London to New York. Based on the classic novel that inspired the 1955 movie starring Fred Astaire, Daddy Long Legs—a Drama Desk Award-winner and Outer Critics Circle Award nominee—was described by Stage Scene LA as “one of the most enthralling, entertaining and moving love stories on the American musical theater stage.”\n\nBen Michael (Jervis Pendleton) is a familiar face to Philadelphia theatre-goers, appearing in a number of Walnut Street Theatre productions, including South Pacific, Miss Saigon, Fiddler on the Roof, 9 to 5 and Elf. Other musicals include Spring Awakening and Into the Woods (Theatre Horizon), and Carousel (Theatre at Monmouth).\n\nElise Vannerson (Jerusha Abbott) portrayed Lindsay Marchiano in “Lovelace: The Rock Musical” at the Edinburgh (U.K.) Festival Fringe in 2010 and performed in a workshop of Snapshots at NoHo Arts Center. Other appearances include Whose Life Is It Anyway?, The Women and The Pajama Game.\n\nJohn Caird (Book) is a two-time Tony Award-winning author and director working in theatre, opera and musical theatre in London, New York, Tokyo and all around the world. Published works with MTI include Les Miserables (Schools Edition), Children of Eden (with music by Stephen Schwartz), Jane Eyre (with music by Paul Gordon) and his own new version of Leonard Bernstein's Candide (originally performed at the National Theatre in London). He has won numerous awards, including Olivier Awards for Nicholas Nickleby and Candide, and Tony Awards for Les Misérables and Nicholas Nickleby. Caird's book about directing, Theatre Craft, is published by Faber & Faber in London and New York.\n\nPaul Gordon (Music and Lyrics) was nominated for a 2000 Tony Award for his score to Jane Eyre, which ran at the La Jolla Playhouse in Summer of 1999 and opened on Broadway at the Brooks Atkinson Theater in December of 2000. Co-authored and directed by multiple Tony Award-winning director John Caird (Les Miserables, Nicholas Nickleby, Stanley) the musical was first presented at the Royal Alexandra Theater in Toronto in December of 1996. His previous musical, the contemporary pop opera Greetings From Venice Beach, in which he co-wrote the book and the music and lyrics, was first presented in Los Angeles in 1993. Paul has also written the music and lyrics for The Circle, with book by Shem Bitterman.\n\nMichael Mastro (Director/Resident Artistic Director) enters his second season as GSP's Resident Artistic Director. Here at GSP, he helmed last season’s Nureyev’s Eyes, 2014’s The Fabulous Lipitones and 2011’s The Subject Was Roses with Stephanie Zimbalist. He has also appeared on our stage in such productions as The Sunshine Boys, The Pillowman, The Fox on the Fairway and Inspecting Carol. In recent years, he has directed Ingmar Bergman’s Nora at Delaware Theatre Company, where he was Associate Artistic Director, and appeared in Ayckbourn’s The Things We Do For Love at the Westport Country Playhouse. He has also helmed several NYC celebrity play readings to benefit various nonprofits, working with actors like Zachary Quinto, Bernadette Peters, Jean Smart, Beau Bridges, Michael McKean, Stockard Channing, Melissa Leo, Laura Benanti, Cynthia Nixon, John Slattery and Cecily Strong. Other directorial assignments include associate director of the recent first national tour of West Side Story, helmed by David Saint, as well as the direction of many new American one-acts for several NYC theatre companies. As an actor, he works regularly on and off Broadway, regionally, and in film and TV, where he is currently recurring on Law and Order: SVU. Member: Actors Equity, SAG-AFTRA, SDC, Naked Angels, The Actors Center.\n\nDarren Cohen (Musical Director/Piano) has served as musical director for Broadway and off-Broadway productions of A Chorus Line, Chicago and Fosse. He returns to George Street for the first time since musically directing 1995’s Off-Key. Mr. Cohen will be accompanied by Sam Quiggins on cello and Luke McGinnis on guitar.\n\nThe set is designed by Alexis Distler (GSP’s Nureyev's Eyesr; assistant on Broadway’s Act One, which earned a Tony Award for Best Scenic Design), with costumes by Esther Arroyo (GSP’s Nureyev's Eyes, The Fabulous Lipitones). The creative team also includes lighting designer Christopher Bailey (GSP’s Nureyev’s Eyes, My Name is Asher Lev) and sound designer Ted Crimy (GSP’s The Whipping Man, Our Town). The production stage manager is Jane Pole (Broadway’s The Addams Family, Macbeth). Casting is by McCorkle Casting, Ltd.\n\nDaddy Long Legs is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI (www.MTIshows.com).", null], "url": "http://www.njfootlights.net/2016/11/george-street-playhouse-announces.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2163672e628a956594c871a496e9e20a2f006e8ae869b359bbdc622d24bdbc17"], "__index_level_0__": 368, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WkC-SUz3hWk/TZK0S-Dnl-I/AAAAAAAAABs/J2NU_0Qlqmw/s400/IMG_0910.JPG", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9512458443641664}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.novelmatters.com/2011/03/my-self-publishing-experience.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/oo13/novelmatters/latayne-1.jpg\", \"src\": 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2011\n\nMy Self-Publishing Experience", "In the comments section of our previous post, \"The Times They Are a’Changin’\" a reader, BK, said she’d like to hear from someone who has published both traditionally and by self publishing during the last two years.\n\nWell, I’m the only NovelMatters author who has gone both routes in the last two years. I’m not comfortable doing dollars and cents, but I can tell you from my experience some things you might not have considered.\n\nTwo years ago Zondervan released my non-fiction, The Mormon Mirage, and Moody published my fiction, Latter-day Cipher. They both had given me advances against the royalties that the books would subsequently earn at the rate of over 10 percent (I'm being deliberately imprecise here) on each copy sold at full retail price. So—until the point of “earning out,” technically I earned more than that percentage. Meanwhile, the publishers took the financial risk and paid for typesetting, cover design, editing, my book trailer, advance copies sent to reviewers, print advertisement, contacting radio and television stations, and many other elements of my books.\n\nAll of those became my job when my agent concluded that there was no interest from publishers in another nonfiction, The Hinge of Your History: The Phases of Faith. But I knew there was tremendous interest in this book because I spoke on it so often. So with my agent’s blessing I self-published it last fall through Amazon CreateSpace. My profit on the books I buy and resell is more like 70%. But, again—all the manuscript and cover preparation was my job. All the publicity is my job.\n\nBut you know what – I’m loving it. The sales on the initial printings (which all sold from two speaking appointments, one newsletter blast, and announcements on NovelMatters and Facebook) have given me the funds to create some neat promotional products I’ll sell/give away when I’ll speak next month before 900 women at the Women Walking With God conference in Wichita Kansas.\n\nHere’s a picture. From the top going clockwise: the back of my book, the front of my book, a pen imprinted with my website address, two wristbands that read, “It’s a Contradiction!” and my website address, a pocket-sized notebook, a bookmark that has the cover image on the front and a list of my most popular speaking topics on the back. Center: a checkbook cover with the “hinge” image crossing from front to back (just as the book has.)", null, "I’d like to give away some of these promotional products to a NovelMatters reader. I will choose from the people who make comments below. If you can answer any of the following questions (have read the book), you will be entered twice:\n\nWhat is the \"hinge\" of the book title?\n\nWhat are the four layers that span the spines of the book and the checkbook cover?\n\nWhat are the three phases of faith?\n\nWhat is the meaning of the phrase, \"It's a Contradiction!\"?\n\nPosted by Unity at 3:33 AM", "Labels: promotional products, self-publishing, The Hinge of Your History: The Phases of Faith", "Marti Pieper said...\n\nI see this as a great example of embracing the publishing options of the times. I have a friend who has a a traditionally published nonfiction book, but sales didn't warrant the publisher's investment in its companion workbook. She self-published it and, like you, offers it at her speaking engagements. Love your cover and the tie-in products, too.\n\nI haven't read the book but Amazon tells me the three phases are Promise, Contradiction, and Resolution. I'm intrigued by this and by the concept of using Sarah to teach phases of faith.\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 4:47 AM", "BK said...\n\nTwo things:\nTHank you for allowing the \"search inside this book\" feature--for nonfic I always have to view the table of contents. It drives me nuts to browse nonfics that don't have this feature! After all, that is the cyber-equivalent of pulling a book off a shelf and looking it over.\n\nDo you plan to release in e-book format as well?\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 5:58 AM", "Latayne C Scott said...\n\nI am incredibly blessed to have overt images as \"controlling concepts\" for both the book and the products associated with it. The hinge and the four-layer model are ideal for helping people visualize the ideas in the book.\n\nThe book cover design (and subsequent other designs) were done by Noel Green the genius SIL who designs many things at www.parkeastinc.com.\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 6:02 AM", "BK, I am going to release it in e-book format just as soon as I'm competent with the software that will allow me to present it in a way that will be satisfying to people who read it on all kinds of e-readers.\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 6:04 AM", "Wendy Paine Miller said...\n\nLatayne, This is fascinating to know about your journey.\n\nI already know I love your writing.\n\nLove the hinge on the book!\n~ Wendy\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 6:32 AM", "Susan Gregory said...\n\nThank you for addressing this issue. Quite helpful.\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 8:13 AM", "Paul said...\n\nLatayne, it was great working with you to create a couple of the products you featured. Best of luck with your new book. I look forward to reading it!\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 8:30 AM", "Marti, good job on answering those questions! You get a double entry!\n\nWendy, you are so supportive. Thank you! The hinge is the artwork of the aforementioned genius SIL Noel Green.\n\nSusan, good to hear from you!\n\nPaul, your turbothreads.com company was such a help with the wristbands and the pens. Thank you!\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 11:00 AM", "BK -- I'm sorry I couldn't give more detail about the financial part. I think most people would be greatly surprised to hear how little money even \"successful\" midlist Christian authors clear.\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 11:12 AM", "baleen said...\n\nI'm excited you will release it in ebook format! Eager to hear how that goes. A colleague and I have self-published a book since 2005 for parents who have children with challenging behavior. We make most of the money but it has been a pain with orders, printing, shipping, etc, so we gave it to a publisher and it will be out this summer. Can't imagine the 10% we get will make us much money but the 70% option sounds good! Sorry I can't answer your questions. I'd like to have a book so I can read it!\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 11:52 AM", "Nick Cassidy said...\n\nLatayne -\nI'm so glad you were able to publish this material - what a valuable resource it will be. Here are my answers:\n1) If I remember correctly, the hinge is the connective link between the unseen and the seen realms.\n2) The four layers are: the Holy Spirit, revelation, faith, and language\n3) the three phases of faith are: promise, apparent contradiction, and resolution.\n4) Not sure what the phrase, \"It's a Contradiction!\" means (having not read the book yet), but I'll venture that is has to do with reminding ourselves to represent our current difficult circumstances in light of what God has revealed about Himself and His faithful promises?\n\nThe preacher from the church in Patchogue, NY and I recently exchanged pulpits, and I took the opportunity to preach about the phases of faith from Psalm 105. Got some feedback about some folks who were greatly helped by these things that I have learned from you and Mike.\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 12:30 PM", "Megan Sayer said...\n\nI'm living in a contradiction! And yes, I'm kind of excited about it - but only because I've read your book Latayne. I'd be freaking out otherwise.\n\nGod gave me a promise late last year, which was fabulous! I love it when you know because you know because you KNOW you've heard from God (phase one). This was a new venture, a very exciting one, that takes a bit more money than we're usually comfortable spending, but if it's God it's okay, right?\n\nAnd then we entered phase 2. The money dried up. Everything else dried up. Nothing. Zip. Nada. All looking very OFF the agenda right now...the contradiction.\n\nAnd I'm standing here, swaying in the breeze like the stalk of grass that missed the mower. I feel a bit ridiculous, but I'm still believing. I'm really grateful - God HAS given me little hints in the last month or so, financial miracles that prove He's right about the promise. I'm grateful because so many people in this stage don't even have that.\n\nI'm really, REALLY looking forward to phase 3 - the resolution. And Latayne I can't tell you how grateful I am for having read your book. Believing is possible only because I know it's not just me, I haven't mis-heard Him nor have I fallen short. Thank you!\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 2:12 PM", "baleen -- your experience represents another facet of self-publishing, which is that you have to be the distributor of the books, too. One good thing about Create Space is that they will mail books for you on a royalty basis. It's nice.\n\nNick -- so good to hear from you, dear friend! And you know just how helpful the 3-D model is! How encouraging to get your input.\n\nMegan, I know from my own experience if I didn't know about the phases of faith, I would lose heart when things get really rough. But be of good cheer, as Jesus would say. Your redemption is nigh!\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 7:50 PM", "promise, contradiction, resolution.\n\nConfession time: I pulled the phases from the book description on Amazon, and it looks like something I'd love to read. Do I still get two entries? :)\n\nMarch 30, 2011 at 9:18 PM", "Sara, sure that counts!\n\nMarch 31, 2011 at 7:59 AM", "Latayne I had this big revelation last night: the three phases of faith correspond directly to three acts of story structure:\n\nAct 1 - the hero receives a Call to Adventure - promise\nAct 2 - while the hero tries to move forward/act on it everything goes completely and absolutely wrong, leaving the hero wounded, broken and lost - contradiction\nAct 3 - the hero stands strong in the final battle and wins the ultimate reward promised in the beginning - resolution.\n\nI'm really excited! I love it when life mirrors art (or the other way round) and God shows His creative nature in those ways.\n\nMarch 31, 2011 at 1:42 PM", "Oooh, Megan. I like that!\n\nApril 1, 2011 at 5:18 AM", "Deborah said...\n\nI was THERE and heard you speak at the Women Walking With God conference, so already know the answers to your questions. I also bought your \"Hinge\" book and love it!!! Thank you for making the effort to publish it, in spite of the discouraging attitude of the publishers you had worked with."], "url": "http://www.novelmatters.com/2011/03/my-self-publishing-experience.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["3848813c2b26b336c40800e0f14c636ff9cc95a75ad18e9c6100b9052fe99077"], "__index_level_0__": 369, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.ocmdhotels.com/images/oc/blog/large/ocNight.jpeg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.896263062953949}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ocmdhotels.com/blog/fall-is-here\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.ocmdhotels.com/images/oc/blog/large/ocNight.jpeg\", \"src\": \"http://www.ocmdhotels.com/images/oc/blog/large/ocNight.jpeg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ocNight\", \"alt_text\": \"Ocean City nighttime skyline\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Ocean City thrives in the fall months. Warm days and cool nights and manageable crowds make Ocean City an ideal place to get away for a weekend.\n\nWater temps are still in the upper 60s and many of the outdoor pools will still be open this weekend. But if the cold has got you feeling the chills, check out the great rates at the Hilton or Holiday Inn Suites where you can enjoy a full size jacuzzi tub in your room with massaging jets!"], "url": "http://www.ocmdhotels.com/blog/fall-is-here", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 368, "original_width": 710, "width": 729}], "image_hashes": ["df0e814886312adc5add10c8b13309bb1e18f9ae42520c596a58b40149b60047"], "__index_level_0__": 370, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GkLgFIDLmsU/Unrn0z1PvdI/AAAAAAAAaXI/J3cL2bR0N28/s320/APSPDR.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9143050909042358}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ohsofreshmusic.com/2013/11/taylor-swift-i-knew-you-were-trouble-apspdr-remix.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-GkLgFIDLmsU/Unrn0z1PvdI/AAAAAAAAaXI/J3cL2bR0N28/s320/APSPDR.jpg\", \"src\": 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That's only because producer APSPDR+ remixed her popular \"I Knew You Were Trouble,\" and it's fresh. It's a completely different sound from her pop/country anthem and he experiments into the chillwave realm. Keep an eye on APSPDR+ because his music never disappoints."], "url": "http://www.ohsofreshmusic.com/2013/11/taylor-swift-i-knew-you-were-trouble-apspdr-remix.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["2ca488c36a6cc447fac7ef50f7d3b0ba1a61de7c73e9e953fec91619aa094e47"], "__index_level_0__": 371, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2858/8872345834_2b7840b45a.jpg", null, "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8534/8860084100_83111ec1e4.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8255/8754534700_4bc1b13a15.jpg", null, "http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7285/8738670686_b14ee188cf.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9212217330932616}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.patriciaanders.com/?m=201305\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2858/8872345834_2b7840b45a.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2858/8872345834_2b7840b45a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b b a\", \"alt_text\": \"umbrella tree\", \"rendered_width\": 360, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.patriciaanders.com/?m=201305\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8534/8860084100_83111ec1e4.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8534/8860084100_83111ec1e4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ec e\", \"alt_text\": \"little limbs\", \"rendered_width\": 374, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.patriciaanders.com/?m=201305\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.patriciaanders.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/frownie.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.patriciaanders.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/frownie.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"frownie\", \"alt_text\": \":(\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.patriciaanders.com/?m=201305\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8255/8754534700_4bc1b13a15.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8255/8754534700_4bc1b13a15.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bc b a\", \"alt_text\": \"Romaine\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.patriciaanders.com/?m=201305\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7285/8738670686_b14ee188cf.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7285/8738670686_b14ee188cf.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b ee cf\", \"alt_text\": \"birdie eggs\", \"rendered_width\": 460, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Thursday, May 30th, 2013", null, "Posted in drawing | Comments Off on\n\nLittle Limbs\n\nTuesday, May 28th, 2013", null, "Posted in drawing | Comments Off on Little Limbs\n\nTree and Stump\n\nFriday, May 24th, 2013", "Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013", "How to make a papier mache Norwhal whale\n\nMonday, May 20th, 2013", "Or, the things you do for your niece’s homework assignment…\n\nFirst gather your supplies: flour, white glue, newspaper, tin foil, masking tape, card board or white tag board, celluclay, piece of heavy wire. Also have a picture of a Norwhal whale ready to reference as needed.\n\nIn a small pan, pour some water and put on the stove top burner with a low flame, heat the water and slowy add the amount of flour you guess you will need for the project. for this project I used about a cup of water and about a cup of flour, adding the flour and whisking to be rid of any lumps. When your paste is a smooth and not watery consistency take it off the burner and put into a bowl where you will be dipping your newspaper strips into. save left over paste in a plastic container and put into the fridge for later projects.", "Tear your newspaper into strips ( I prefer smaller strips to bigger or wider strips)", "Make your small batch of pulp ahead of time and have a spatula or butter knife handy for applying. I use celluclay rather than making pulp from scratch usually because I am lazy that way. Celluclay can be purchased at your local craft store and in comes in both white and grey. I prefer the grey because it seems to be more sticky. Experiment for your own preference.", "Determine how big you want your whale and form the simple shape using aluminum foil. Insert a piece of wire (I used coat hanger wire) where the cork screw sword like nose will be, mold the foil around it, put it in deep so you won’t risk it falling off.", "Cut out left and right fins and tail fins and tape to your foil form. Cover the entire form with masking tape because the paper strips will adhere easier to the tape than to the foil. It is also the first step in smoothing out the natural bumps and valleys which inherently occur with tin foil.\n\nDip your newspaper strips into the paste, pull the strips between two fingers to take off excessive amounts and layer the strips across the entire form three times with even applications varying the direction. At this point one could continue on or the piece could be put into the oven to dry at 200 degrees or set outside in the sun until it dries. Or continue on with the application of pulp which is what I did because of the simplicity of the form.", "At this point the form still has a lumpy body with dents and crevices from the foil. Now take a knife and smooth in the uneven areas. Take outside till it is completely dry and then begin the second phase for its completion.", "After you have covered the entire body with pulp and let dry, use some string or clay wrapped around the wire to create a corkscrew look. I used apoxie sculpt, an air dry clay.", "your whale is ready to be lightly sanded, primed and painted.\n\nTags: Aluminium foil, Flour, Masking tape, Norwhal, paper mache, papier mache, whale, Wire\nPosted in mixed media | 2 Comments »\n\nMy gigantic romaine\n\nSunday, May 19th, 2013\n\nthrills 😀", null, "Sweet surprise!\n\nTuesday, May 14th, 2013", null], "url": "http://www.patriciaanders.com/?m=201305", "images_metadata": [{"height": 523, "original_height": 499, "original_width": 360, "width": 378}, {"height": 505, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 374, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 410, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 460, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a37ae2034002e71509105a730f9e133bf3ff3463b9e696cccbc9a58ed6afe79f", "1b2c55c6bb3c59c51a3b2cf363af785c6b489803e704b94c6a54b96a5d9756dd", "9f84c2ffb54bb488357ff2907fd7543509553f7343f8bffefab10b05571c4168", "9b3a532418f560fca7966a99116bd2527060599ffffbf5a6969e1a72eca19d21"], "__index_level_0__": 372, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, "https://d1o0huee1ib439.cloudfront.net/cache/383feda58c512b6a2a77b20915187c09/lifestyle--christmas--cover--pugs-might-fly--biddy-pug-cushion-cover-no-pompoms-black-with-neon-pink-pug-black--pmf-00051--0.jpg", "https://d1o0huee1ib439.cloudfront.net/cache/957d135238c9641a222b3f5690fb05c5/lifestyle--decorating--paint-my-dog--tan-pug-painting--pmd-00013--0.jpg", "https://d1o0huee1ib439.cloudfront.net/cache/a4c0b60510cc0c59806849d59fe7f662/lifestyle--cushions--mutts-hounds--dogs-linen-cushion-natural--mah-00117--0.jpg", "https://d1o0huee1ib439.cloudfront.net/cache/fcf4dcca54f6c8f467c23b5bb5825d0c/lifestyle--decorating--paint-my-dog--grace-english-pointer--pmd-00008--0.jpg", "https://d1o0huee1ib439.cloudfront.net/cache/c505bf417f364cfac312982d1bb44699/lifestyle--small-furry--gifts-for-people--white-rabbit--rabbit-lamp--wrb-00009--0.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8623284697532654}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.petspyjamas.com/product/pug-small-art-print/PMD-00014/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d1o0huee1ib439.cloudfront.net/cache/383feda58c512b6a2a77b20915187c09/lifestyle--christmas--cover--pugs-might-fly--biddy-pug-cushion-cover-no-pompoms-black-with-neon-pink-pug-black--pmf-00051--0.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d1o0huee1ib439.cloudfront.net/cache/383feda58c512b6a2a77b20915187c09/lifestyle--christmas--cover--pugs-might-fly--biddy-pug-cushion-cover-no-pompoms-black-with-neon-pink-pug-black--pmf-00051--0.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"lifestyle christmas cover pugs might fly biddy pug cushion cover no pompoms black with neon pink pug black pmf\", \"alt_text\": \"Pugs Might Fly - 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Rabbit Lamp\"}, null]", "texts": ["British artist Justine Osborne combines her passion for dogs with her talent for art to produce modern, stylish and bespoke prints of furry friends. In this print, Justine has focussed on the pug’s characteristically endearing bulgy eyes, creating a contemporary and heart-melting centre piece that will look great in any home. With its neutral grey background and warm brown tones, this print is the perfect way to add a touch of colour to your room.\n\nImage size 16x16cm (61/4 x 61/4in), paper size approx 20x23cm (8x9in)\n\nProduct code: PMD-00014\n\nPlease click here for full PetsPyjamas general returns information.", "Earn PetPoints", "Leave a review\n\nWe want to hear all about your purchase once it arrives.", "PetsPyjamas Approved\n\nHand selected and tested by our in-house pet stylists.", null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.petspyjamas.com/product/pug-small-art-print/PMD-00014/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 175, "original_width": 175, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 175, "original_width": 175, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 175, "original_width": 175, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 175, "original_width": 175, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 175, "original_width": 175, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["71fe8f07b30725a19870df492952eef7c4a65055dd4d9ff3b3cf441f3ee3e6bb", "ca52446956613012341307982259e69088328d6cb7c0d5deb4a46c492f0a3c5b", "20042c41e5cc165e5cada610b7bfbb90e0a2b034585316422e2d14d898a45248", "00f93a47eb081db0124d383a2d2ccf0425dcc3637c2858516146a67f459fec4e", "0105048ace6f1b8db65da777db293d4a62fb21532979a69f373e16d27b4b094c"], "__index_level_0__": 373, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3222/2683281533_eda32e91fd_m.jpg", null, "http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3207/2684100994_215dd92121_m.jpg", "http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3214/2683287903_1d25450b71_m.jpg", null, "http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3277/2683290331_4b0602093a.jpg", null, "http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3173/2684108032_4966f4a170_m.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.977345049381256}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.picnicknits.com/blog/picture-laden\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3222/2683281533_eda32e91fd_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3222/2683281533_eda32e91fd_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eda e fd m\", \"alt_text\": \"DSC02045\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.picnicknits.com/blog/picture-laden\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3207/2684100994_215dd92121_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3207/2684100994_215dd92121_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dd m\", \"alt_text\": \"DSC02074\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.picnicknits.com/blog/picture-laden\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3214/2683287903_1d25450b71_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3214/2683287903_1d25450b71_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d b m\", \"alt_text\": \"DSC02076\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.picnicknits.com/blog/picture-laden\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3277/2683290331_4b0602093a.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3277/2683290331_4b0602093a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b a\", \"alt_text\": \"DSC02104\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.picnicknits.com/blog/picture-laden\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3173/2684108032_4966f4a170_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3173/2684108032_4966f4a170_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f a m\", \"alt_text\": \"pokernight\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Picture heavy is such a weak post title. It's been a long day, but a good one. My husband's company had a beach party today. It was lots of work, but lots of fun. This is what my trunk looked like this morning.", null, "We had catered lunch by Bono's, water-gun fights, sand-castle contests, and cream pie eating contests...", null, null, "I got some quality time in the ocean. I enjoy going to the beach, but mostly I sit in a chair and knit and watch the boys and the man play in the surf. But the man was busy today helping with the party, so I went into the water. I stepped on five different slimy things that I can only assume were dead fish. (Blech!) But the boys and I had mad fun, and the ocean kicked my butt.", null, "This is why I love living here. I can look out at the ocean and feel small and it's wonderful. To know that there is so much more to life than strip malls and big box stores. We saw a school of dolphins today. It scared the bejeebers out of me, because my instant reaction to seeing a fin in the water is SHARK! Fortunately I was wrong. No sharks today.\n\nAnd speaking of things that are scary...", null, "The man taught the boys to play poker tonight. Yeah. Welcome to my world."], "url": "http://www.picnicknits.com/blog/picture-laden", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 185, "original_width": 239, "width": 488}], "image_hashes": ["f166909c539e381cb18e39f8bf5ecc5ced60d006b98b30c3586740bcd1f8ad7d", "dcdf46efd1d3c974d980b7fede3a5d70ce82efac5be987eb070b63cdc0056529", "596fb2e545d60fe1d08e110d89a5e5a82249ae8d978640a47e025eb7232aa107", "891455c3211ae80596880cd9ae4ab5d10f207e56564281ec7e81d40155544288", "be0095ae6829e93839b27766f1b1c64673c1b25d017f5d1afe22d768d84d8fe3"], "__index_level_0__": 374, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rBiD10_NDJQ/Tp9_Jlc4gTI/AAAAAAAAAIs/pxJ8HXCJxTQ/s320/DSC01446.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9587411284446716}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.pittsburghhappyhour.com/2011/10/diamond-market.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rBiD10_NDJQ/Tp9_Jlc4gTI/AAAAAAAAAIs/pxJ8HXCJxTQ/s320/DSC01446.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rBiD10_NDJQ/Tp9_Jlc4gTI/AAAAAAAAAIs/pxJ8HXCJxTQ/s320/DSC01446.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 240}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.pittsburghhappyhour.com/2011/10/diamond-market.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gqylz-pfCIo/WBODDfe_6eI/AAAAAAAAByw/MgputI1u01ANEINzbArzHSV2y_BtYCDMACK4B/s1600/phh2.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-gqylz-pfCIo/WBODDfe_6eI/AAAAAAAAByw/MgputI1u01ANEINzbArzHSV2y_BtYCDMACK4B/s1600/phh2.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"phh\", \"alt_text\": \"#pghhappyhour\", \"rendered_width\": 250, \"rendered_height\": 162}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Diamond Market just opened in Market Square, which is quickly becoming the bastion of downtown happy hour mayhem. The establishment is owned by the folks who own Primanti Brothers, and it shows. A lot of the furniture is the same and the general layout and feel of the menu is also similar.\n\nI struggled with the menu. I was trying to explain to a friend recently that I enjoy menus that are challenging. I personally like a menu that has some exotic food options including items I've never tried before and things that I cannot, or have not made at home. We all suffer some form of human weakness. I find that many eaters enjoy routine. They like the same meal, prepared the same way, with genuine consistency. (This is after all how McDonald's became the world's most successful restaurant.) Personally, I suffer from a condition where I desire that which I cannot have.\n\nThe Diamond Market menu was not exciting. It looked like a re-tooled Primantis menu minus the traditional sandwiches. Some items that caught my eye included the Pittsburgh poutine and the deviled eggs. Poutine because, well, I've never seen it on a menu in Pittsburgh. Deviled eggs because, well, eww. Despite my reservations towards the menu, I cannot deny that I really enjoyed the one item that I did try.", null, "I attempted to tell one of the restaurant patrons that the grilled cheese was out of this world. He laughed at me. Grilled cheese is one of those timeless classics that is really good no matter what, unless you burn it. This grilled cheese knocked me out though. It had a delightfully crunchy exterior due to the use of home-style bread and a parmesan crust. The pairing of internal cheeses was even more delightful - cheddar, gruyere and cambozola. Cambozola was the dominant flavor, a combination of camembert creaminess and gorgonzola punch. I must admit that after being hesitant to eat based on the menu I cannot wait to get back to Diamond Market to see what their other dishes are like.\n\nAlso, this place was absolutely slammed for happy hour. We met a nice Japanese man, a Greek who insisted he knew someone in every region of the world and the mayor of Pittsburgh just happened to be there with a giant entourage. Like I said, bastion of happy hour mayhem."], "url": "http://www.pittsburghhappyhour.com/2011/10/diamond-market.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["5b25d2a29f449dfc31b146af4ab5541fb8847e394ba908c8bf2b28e6d14e3ad5"], "__index_level_0__": 375, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-e8OmwzAcbSQ/Te7HMea7BrI/AAAAAAAAKBU/bCnoN_DCJac/s640/IMG_6706.JPG", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qAPwVLRhOLI/Te7HZv8WX9I/AAAAAAAAKBY/u-biklpwQyA/s640/IMG_6707.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.816143274307251}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.plainchicken.com/2011/06/grilled-chicken-piccata-pasta.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-e8OmwzAcbSQ/Te7HMea7BrI/AAAAAAAAKBU/bCnoN_DCJac/s640/IMG_6706.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-e8OmwzAcbSQ/Te7HMea7BrI/AAAAAAAAKBU/bCnoN_DCJac/s640/IMG_6706.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"Grilled Chicken Piccata Pasta Recipe - lemon pepper marinated chicken, grilled - tossed with pasta in a lemon, garlic and caper sauce - Ready in 15 minutes!\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.plainchicken.com/2011/06/grilled-chicken-piccata-pasta.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qAPwVLRhOLI/Te7HZv8WX9I/AAAAAAAAKBY/u-biklpwQyA/s640/IMG_6707.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qAPwVLRhOLI/Te7HZv8WX9I/AAAAAAAAKBY/u-biklpwQyA/s640/IMG_6707.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"Grilled Chicken Piccata Pasta Recipe - lemon pepper marinated chicken, grilled - tossed with pasta in a lemon, garlic and caper sauce - Ready in 15 minutes!\", \"rendered_width\": 480, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.plainchicken.com/2011/06/grilled-chicken-piccata-pasta.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-9LiZ9PDOe1w/UH9XILQkgUI/AAAAAAAAObI/S-wuUI8gQLo/s1600/facebook.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-9LiZ9PDOe1w/UH9XILQkgUI/AAAAAAAAObI/S-wuUI8gQLo/s1600/facebook.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"facebook\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.plainchicken.com/2011/06/grilled-chicken-piccata-pasta.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-j-QPDt-oW6U/UH9XJu5suDI/AAAAAAAAObc/yqysN7uJZQQ/s1600/pinterest.png\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-j-QPDt-oW6U/UH9XJu5suDI/AAAAAAAAObc/yqysN7uJZQQ/s1600/pinterest.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pinterest\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.plainchicken.com/2011/06/grilled-chicken-piccata-pasta.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-M_g4GmT-rEA/UH9XLGJvw-I/AAAAAAAAOb0/ufNV3zasXDE/s1600/twitter.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-M_g4GmT-rEA/UH9XLGJvw-I/AAAAAAAAOb0/ufNV3zasXDE/s1600/twitter.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.plainchicken.com/2011/06/grilled-chicken-piccata-pasta.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VuI2ph9D3b4/UH9XJGHvrCI/AAAAAAAAObU/jYkvVpjarLk/s1600/instagram.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VuI2ph9D3b4/UH9XJGHvrCI/AAAAAAAAObU/jYkvVpjarLk/s1600/instagram.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"instagram\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.plainchicken.com/2011/06/grilled-chicken-piccata-pasta.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IRZDzEHcw6s/UH9Z0GyOQlI/AAAAAAAAOck/RBsNzic4yFA/s1600/email.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-IRZDzEHcw6s/UH9Z0GyOQlI/AAAAAAAAOck/RBsNzic4yFA/s1600/email.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"email\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.plainchicken.com/2011/06/grilled-chicken-piccata-pasta.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, June 10, 2011\n\nGrilled Chicken Piccata Pasta", null, "We are always looking for new ways to enjoy some of our favorite dishes.  This dish combines two of our favorite dishes - grilled chicken and chicken piccata.\n\nI used a bottled lemon pepper marinade for the chicken and added some minced garlic.  I whipped up the sauce while Chicken Legs grilled the chicken.   It all came together in no time.  We both absolutely loved this dish.  The chicken was juicy and extremely flavorful.  The sauce tasted amazing!  It was definitely a fun change to our usual chicken piccata.", null, "Chicken Marinade\n1 cup lemon pepper marinade (I used Ken's)\n1 Tbsp minced garlic\n2 large boneless, skinless chicken breast\n\n2 cups chicken broth\n2 tsp garlic\n2 tbsp butter\n1 tbsp flour\n1/4 cup capers\n1 tbsp parsley\n\n6 oz cooked fettuccine pasta\nparmesan cheese for topping\n\nCombine the lemon pepper marinade and garlic.  Pour over chicken and marinate for at least one hour or overnight.  Grill chicken until done.\n\nWhile the chicken grills, prepare the sauce.  In a medium sauce pan, melt butter and add flour.  Stir to combine.  Whisk in chicken broth and garlic.  Stir in capers and parsley.  Simmer sauce for 5-10 minutes, until it reduces by a third.\n\nSlice chicken into bite sized chunks and add chicken to the sauce. Cook for 2 minutes, then pour sauce mixture over fettuccine. Top with cheese and toss to combine."], "url": "http://www.plainchicken.com/2011/06/grilled-chicken-piccata-pasta.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6d9b19244451d01a44667d41aff73a4d76ad638262ea4aa25efac0d494f2bef2", "454bbd827194e967ea82affe6d5f4dc4ac70c438e22272c3faa58e399821d6ea"], "__index_level_0__": 376, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.plyboo.com/sites/all/files/brafton_images/Bamboo-is-becoming-a-bigger-part-of-making-homes-and-other-buildings-more-efficient-and-sustainable_1268_497153_0_14092241_500.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9297369122505188}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.plyboo.com/news/upgrading-your-home-bamboo-flooring\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.plyboo.com/sites/all/files/brafton_images/Bamboo-is-becoming-a-bigger-part-of-making-homes-and-other-buildings-more-efficient-and-sustainable_1268_497153_0_14092241_500.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.plyboo.com/sites/all/files/brafton_images/Bamboo-is-becoming-a-bigger-part-of-making-homes-and-other-buildings-more-efficient-and-sustainable_1268_497153_0_14092241_500.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Bamboo is becoming a bigger part of making homes and other buildings more efficient and sustainable\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 333}, null]", "texts": ["Upgrading your home with bamboo flooring.\n\nOrder Samples Case Studies Get a Quote Buy Now", null, "Bamboo products and the environmentally friendly home\nAs demand for cleaner, greener products and technologies continues to expand and standards and certifications like Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design from the U.S. Green Building Council become more prevalent, the future of the American home is in the midst of a major shift toward a more intelligent, efficient future. A major part of that shift is occurring with the wider adoption of bamboo products for the home.\n\nAs an environmentally friendly product, bamboo offers a number of advantages. The farming and processing of bamboo has a minimal environmental impact compared to traditional hardwood forestry, offering more effective carbon sequestration, erosion prevention and natural annual regeneration.\n\nFor those looking to make their home as efficient and sustainable as possible, there are a number of products available that can easily be tailored to your living environment. And bamboo wood floors capture the look and feel of traditional hardwood floors without contributing to deforestation.\n\nBamboo products and home design\nBamboo can provide a number of benefits for your home beyond its environmental advantages. Whether it's used in apartment buildings to reduce noise between units or in high-traffic areas throughout the home such as play rooms for the kids, bamboo's durability and pliability reduce noise and hold up to heavy use at an exceptional rate.\n\nAnd aside from the utilitarian benefits, when used in the home, bamboo wood floors are also aesthetically pleasing. Sporting a natural wood finish, they fit in seamlessly with most home design environments and can be used to enhance the look and feel of any room in the house.\n\nFinding the right bamboo home products\nAs people become more aware of the advantages bamboo confers on the home, more products are entering the marketplace. Plyboo, available in both plywood and flooring, manufactured by San Francisco-based Smith & Fong Company, is a well-established brand, having first been introduced more than 20 years ago.\n\nBeing so far out in front of the sustainable home products movement, Plyboo has been able to establish itself as a leader long before the industry had even begun to fully develop. That long track record and a reputation for quality have helped make Plyboo the standard for bamboo plywood products."], "url": "http://www.plyboo.com/news/upgrading-your-home-bamboo-flooring", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 500, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["e92c2ea8e20e6c7c118e93f6cc0bd1c722f5d78c9cea72713848f33436ea9873"], "__index_level_0__": 377, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-njEjm9_1hPA/WMjRb-Ic-WI/AAAAAAAAAnI/8pKpE0mpEr44dqdRmkYZiwjgcAy_OpD1ACK4B/s400/IMG_2598b.JPG", "https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LhxWGo7jVFU/WMjTACO6t-I/AAAAAAAAAnc/eVyNo7yInAc7Fpt2miMatziJUfU-zvwVACK4B/s400/IMG_2579%2Bcopy.png", "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pEeijmUegOA/WMjTdVoAPdI/AAAAAAAAAnk/b-vn4eVP-Vg6p4wwkpvj5-cCowv-Gh09wCK4B/s400/IMG_2582%2Bcopy.png", null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-n8Skcs0pciQ/WMjUCoO61WI/AAAAAAAAAnw/tGLnHtaZbxkXD9dd2xcJo1JwgbvYjeg1ACK4B/s400/IMG_2584%2Bcopy.png", 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The following is the result of that boredom. Hope y'all like ‘em!", null, null, null, "(Ok, sorry. That one was pretty gross.)", null, null, null, "Also, don't touch my Keeyah Rio!!!", null, null, "This dude was on the World Series of Poker tour until his catnip problem caught up to him."], "url": "http://www.psimnaked.com/2017/03/take-memeo.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 285, "original_width": 400, "width": 530}, {"height": 553, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 273, "width": 378}, {"height": 669, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 226, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 210, "original_width": 360, "width": 648}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 400, "width": 672}, {"height": 392, "original_height": 291, "original_width": 280, "width": 378}, {"height": 502, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 301, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 214, "original_width": 320, "width": 565}], "image_hashes": ["1ef9697afd11e3a877ed6943a170eaba2340a21702721b858f2e5f5f2dcf3b0e", "6734b5f30fcc3bbbdb155758a55e244614f589de7a2ad0c2b14a5d9d13a05a5a", "87db00238f07c759b9cb0531f294518edf74dea3b519e1db6666f57f2e5aa309", "fdfb783c3860b50b97dbb089de84081454970d53a5350b267f81e707c24b7bac", "5b0d9bd461be76da296e1b49bea7eb023e4b5129d718a318008d36effaf57568", "4de291bcd08cedcdfd8cbd9f5a230285a56ebd7d2004e8080cad4d6bde3a98cd", "63e26f67d2d07ce3cbf2c58b70d8a606904ac3c8b0cd39364ae8e0e6f07c4873", "06898f20f50946b9d93d91ddcef18f0f097b35fbff62fc0006ef1dff3c0a2cd9"], "__index_level_0__": 378, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Zrp_Z9GGk-4/UopzrI9ST0I/AAAAAAAARZU/YMn04lGcawU/s1600/christmas+music+(5).JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7DVEXDTAhJs/UopzqPDcV5I/AAAAAAAARY8/cys4rEfw7KU/s1600/christmas+music+(1).JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LEVFK5L0z4c/UopzqZALJpI/AAAAAAAARZE/K8S5lPMkgL4/s1600/christmas+music+(2).JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kDl51KnLpSI/UopzqS0HQkI/AAAAAAAARZA/myJDVd63DiI/s1600/christmas+music+(4).JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.828819215297699}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.punkprojects.com/2013/12/christmas-music-document-life-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Zrp_Z9GGk-4/UopzrI9ST0I/AAAAAAAARZU/YMn04lGcawU/s1600/christmas+music+(5).JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Zrp_Z9GGk-4/UopzrI9ST0I/AAAAAAAARZU/YMn04lGcawU/s1600/christmas+music+(5).JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"christmas music ( )\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.punkprojects.com/2013/12/christmas-music-document-life-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7DVEXDTAhJs/UopzqPDcV5I/AAAAAAAARY8/cys4rEfw7KU/s1600/christmas+music+(1).JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7DVEXDTAhJs/UopzqPDcV5I/AAAAAAAARY8/cys4rEfw7KU/s1600/christmas+music+(1).JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"christmas music ( )\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.punkprojects.com/2013/12/christmas-music-document-life-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LEVFK5L0z4c/UopzqZALJpI/AAAAAAAARZE/K8S5lPMkgL4/s1600/christmas+music+(2).JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-LEVFK5L0z4c/UopzqZALJpI/AAAAAAAARZE/K8S5lPMkgL4/s1600/christmas+music+(2).JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"christmas music ( )\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.punkprojects.com/2013/12/christmas-music-document-life-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kDl51KnLpSI/UopzqS0HQkI/AAAAAAAARZA/myJDVd63DiI/s1600/christmas+music+(4).JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-kDl51KnLpSI/UopzqS0HQkI/AAAAAAAARZA/myJDVd63DiI/s1600/christmas+music+(4).JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"christmas music ( )\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.punkprojects.com/2013/12/christmas-music-document-life-workshop.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://static.shareasale.com/image/67805/300x250_2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://static.shareasale.com/image/67805/300x250_2.jpg\"}, null]", "texts": ["This weeks challenge at Document Life Workshop is to use gift wrap. I grabbed some cute blue Christmas wrapping paper that I'm using to wrap gifts, and fussy cut out circles to use on my art journal page.\n\nFor the background, I layered matte medium over stencils and smeared blue and silver gelatos over top of that. I added music notes with a black Posca marker and dots with glitter glue.", null, null, null, null, "I'm also linking this to Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge blog. I love their challenges.\n\nBe sure to see what the other Document Life Workshop Creative Team members created with gift wrap. You're sure to be inspired. :)\n\nHas your radio stations started playing Christmas music yet? Ours started playing holiday songs about a week before Thanksgiving, but I've been listening to Christmas music on my phone for even longer. I love Christmas music- it's so happy!\nWhat's your favorite Christmas song? Mine's White Christmas. (The Bing Crosby version.)"], "url": "http://www.punkprojects.com/2013/12/christmas-music-document-life-workshop.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 324, "original_width": 640, "width": 746}, {"height": 405, "original_height": 687, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}, {"height": 382, "original_height": 648, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 640, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["03550443b2a4b3387c9d60dc733866779d5047443d15d5ebcb26fbc59b36ddb5", "7f28df9428667a9773aacda79ab3791e08450c5bad1f4af9bbf554efa82ef966", "41dd62bbec55d3e3a348d69146e0d6ee88cd6c257e8bb945540a66adc8612d37", "10ffb3af3709ad2a2ba1b6b1749b413e727b57c9fb50a66e57e8d0605e205420"], "__index_level_0__": 379, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fCSg9RxVwT8/TfJ7Tp1YD0I/AAAAAAAAAlc/c0YsLu-UrNA/s1600/haslam03.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8919651508331299}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ramzpaul.com/2011/06/tenn-law-bans-posting-images-that-cause.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fCSg9RxVwT8/TfJ7Tp1YD0I/AAAAAAAAAlc/c0YsLu-UrNA/s1600/haslam03.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-fCSg9RxVwT8/TfJ7Tp1YD0I/AAAAAAAAAlc/c0YsLu-UrNA/s1600/haslam03.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"haslam\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["A new Tennessee law makes it a crime to post an image that is likely to \"frighten, intimidate or cause emotional distress\" to anyone who sees it.\nViolators could face almost a year in jail or be fined up to $2500.\n\nPoliticians that sign laws to restrict my First Amendment rights \"frighten\" me and cause me \"emotional distress\". And as the law is based on how a person \"feels\", I am officially notifying Tennessee that seeing a picture of their governor, Bill Haslam, has caused me emotional distress. I demand that Tennessee follow their laws and immediately arrest the governor.", null, "This image has caused \"emotional distress\""], "url": "http://www.ramzpaul.com/2011/06/tenn-law-bans-posting-images-that-cause.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 225, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["855c3ed5650ae04d5196c19cc0f3e7669dc81d82f1c1f3f3c77a11a057051792"], "__index_level_0__": 380, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://www.rantsports.com/nfl/files/2016/06/Tiki-Barber-Believes-Washington-Redskins-Kirk-Cousins-Is-Best-QB-In-NFC-East-280x158.jpg", "http://www.rantsports.com/nfl/files/2016/05/Jerome-Miron-USA-TODAY-Sports-280x158.jpg", "http://www.rantsports.com/nfl/files/2016/05/Jordan-Reed-Getty-Images-280x158.jpg", "http://www.rantsports.com/nfl/files/2015/05/Jordan-Reed-Getty-Images-Copy.jpg", "http://www.rantsports.com/nfl/files/2016/04/MAIN-11-280x158.jpg", 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His leg bent back awkwardly and he hobbled a little bit off the field. He came back in after sitting for one play and completed 2 out of 4 passes for 36 yards before having to come off the field again. Kirk Cousins then got the ball into the end-zone to pull within 2 points and then a quarterback draw evened up the game. Kai Forbath ended up kicking the game-winning field in overtime to make the final score 31-28.\n\nIt was welcome news Monday morning when Mike Shanahan announced that Griffin would not be ruled out for next Sunday’s game, plus he will be re-evaluated on Wednesday.\n\n“We did not know going into the (MRI) if was a Grade 1, 2, or 3,” Shanahan said. “So it’s a Grade 1, you’re hopeful with rehab it gets better very quickly, but we don’t know for sure. We’ll have to go day by day and evaluate it day by day.”\n\nGriffin will be getting treatment all week and if he is on the field next Sunday, he will probably be wearing a knee brace at the game.\n\nShanahan also said that he would not put Griffin out on field if it was not in Griffin’s best interests physically.\n\nThis will be an interesting decision for the Redskins. The part of me that wants to see Griffin on the field for years to come wants Shanahan to hold him out next week. The typical full recovery time for a Grade 1 LCL sprain is about 2-4 weeks. I’m worried, though, that Shanahan will want the playoffs too badly to hold Griffin out if he says he’s ready to go. Of course Griffin WILL say that he is ready to go, because he is an ultimate competitor, but will it actually be in his best interests? We’ll see.\n\nTeams in this article »\nWashington Redskins", "5 New Washington Redskins Who Will Have The Biggest Impact In 2016", null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://www.rantsports.com/nfl/2012/12/10/robert-griffin-iii-has-grade-1-knee-sprain-but-definitely-not-ruled-out-for-cleveland-browns-game/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 158, "original_width": 280, "width": 669}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 158, "original_width": 280, "width": 669}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 158, "original_width": 280, "width": 669}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 640, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 158, "original_width": 280, "width": 669}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["155a1598af78a956447433f3c89c287340a673c214d4b82bdc8b1a851cac5cb2", "ece5c69cbc67ec9410fe9282c4aa939d9a47a80cda5b413c73b60faf2bf8c4c9", "ff58068d5c6d0151a4b58c6b5a0edfdab7a8691077b76f541a887b21172b656d", "3ee5dce9495b1db8e5935952d90ece5a667465bf6c517ab82c122a726912b80a", "df1b5dca654addf13434119eefddddda029b2a113c74dad37ac519774b3d8f2e", "e6e0049bdcc8e174098a2bd0d7fa0b2bc59e0cae7c12b843fec7ed46fec7e419"], "__index_level_0__": 381, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/images/japanese-bamboo-p51-188_medium.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8760585188865662}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/bamboo-palm-c7/japanese-bamboo-p51\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//www.redhotplants.co.uk/images/modules/promo_units/1439458107slither1.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/images/modules/promo_units/1439458107slither1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"slither\", \"alt_text\": \"Free UK Mainland Delivery\", \"rendered_width\": 330, \"rendered_height\": 40}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/bamboo-palm-c7/japanese-bamboo-p51\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//www.redhotplants.co.uk/images/modules/promo_units/1436172835slither2.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/images/modules/promo_units/1436172835slither2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"slither\", \"alt_text\": \"Leading UK Artificial Plant Supplier\", \"rendered_width\": 330, \"rendered_height\": 40}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/bamboo-palm-c7/japanese-bamboo-p51\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//www.redhotplants.co.uk/images/modules/promo_units/1436172842slither3.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/images/modules/promo_units/1436172842slither3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"slither\", \"alt_text\": \"100% Secure Online Shopping\", \"rendered_width\": 330, \"rendered_height\": 40}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/bamboo-palm-c7/japanese-bamboo-p51\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/left_arrow3.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.redhotplants.co.uk/images/left_arrow3.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"left arrow\", \"alt_text\": \"Previous Image\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/bamboo-palm-c7/japanese-bamboo-p51\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/right_arrow3.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.redhotplants.co.uk/images/right_arrow3.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"right arrow\", \"alt_text\": \"Next Image\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/bamboo-palm-c7/japanese-bamboo-p51\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/images/japanese-bamboo-p51-188_medium.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/images/japanese-bamboo-p51-188_medium.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"japanese bamboo p medium\", \"alt_text\": \"Japanese Bamboo \", \"rendered_width\": 490, \"rendered_height\": 490}, null]", "texts": [null, "Hover over image to zoom.\n\nJapanese Bamboo\n\nThe classic Japanese Bamboo is beautifully replicated here. The canes are real Bamboo Canes, no plastic is used, the leaves are elongated and compliment the plant perfectly. The Bamboo is a great choice for creating an oriental feel in a room or restaurant.\n\n*The artificial Japanese Bamboo is made bespoke to order by us, we can also make the Bamboo in larger sizes, please enquire about this Tree in sizes from 8ft (2.4m) to 16ft (5.0m) high."], "url": "http://www.redhotplants.co.uk/bamboo-palm-c7/japanese-bamboo-p51", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 490, "original_width": 490, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0e5846dc35bce8cb29f2f97666ba3157243772186f161139f30490b0b58cbc9d"], "__index_level_0__": 382, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/128k/127102/44727945/127102_998418_IMG_17_0000_max_656x437.jpg", null, "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/128k/127102/44727945/127102_998418_FLP_02_0000_max_600x600.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8706651329994202}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-44727945.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_44727945_s/QR_127102_REF_998418.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_44727945_s/QR_127102_REF_998418.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"QR REF\", \"alt_text\": \"QR code\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-44727945.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/128k/127102/44727945/127102_998418_IMG_17_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/128k/127102/44727945/127102_998418_IMG_17_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG max\", \"alt_text\": \"Picture 2\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-44727945.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/128k/127102/44727945/127102_998418_FLP_02_0000_max_600x600.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/128k/127102/44727945/127102_998418_FLP_02_0000_max_600x600.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FLP max\", \"alt_text\": \"Floorplan area for info only, not for \\u00a3sq/ft val\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-44727945.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rightmove.co.uk/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green wifi\", \"alt_text\": \"Broadband\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "New Home Under offer\n\nPrev 1 of 8 Next\n\nTenure: Leasehold\n\nOne of the newly build penthouses on the fourth floor, this two bedroom flat boasts stylish accommodation including a large open-plan reception room with contemporary kitchen and a delightful full-width balcony.\n\nNightingale Lane boasts a great variety of bars, shops and restaurants while also being just moments from Clapham South Underground Station. The open spaces of Clapham Common are also easily accessed.", null], "url": "http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-44727945.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 434, "original_width": 656, "width": 571}, {"height": 630, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 360, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3be45b1f0065f1e22733f13d41c36e520268da74fb2ab91662a4af0233163792", "18dfecde192d6444f45269a556c607b7b2a671a2fd1bb50671273063499f5c71"], "__index_level_0__": 383, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/47k/46314/45131949/46314_528584033_IMG_06_0000_max_656x437.jpg", null, "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/47k/46314/45131949/46314_528584033_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8925999999046326}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45131949.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_45131949_s/QR_46314_REF_528584033.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_45131949_s/QR_46314_REF_528584033.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"QR REF\", \"alt_text\": \"QR code\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45131949.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/47k/46314/45131949/46314_528584033_IMG_06_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/47k/46314/45131949/46314_528584033_IMG_06_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG max\", \"alt_text\": \"Picture 1\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45131949.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/47k/46314/45131949/46314_528584033_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/47k/46314/45131949/46314_528584033_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FLP max\", \"alt_text\": \"Floorplan\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45131949.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rightmove.co.uk/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green wifi\", \"alt_text\": \"Broadband\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "New Home\n\nPrev 1 of 6 Next\n\nA contemporary two bedroom duplex town house set in a newly converted traditional Victorian building. The internal accommodation comprises a bright and spacious living area with an open plan modern kitchen / dining area. The first floor offers a bay fronted master bedroom as well as a second double bedroom and high spec shower room. The property benefits from double glazing and electric panel heaters throughout. Externally the block paved driveway provides two secure parking spaces with an additional communal car park to the rear. Please note that all sales particulars and images are for marketing and illustrative purposes only. Advertising images may include upgrades as home specifications can vary. EPC available on completion.\n\nOur View\n\nA rare opportunity to purchase such a unique duplex townhouse set in a stunning period property. Finished to an incredibly high standard and providing a convenient location this contemporary property is an ideal purchase for first time buyers.\n\nOpen Plan Living Room / Kitchen 24' 7\" (max) x 17' 1\" (7.5m (max) x 5.2m )\n\nFirst Floor Landing 10' 6\" (max) x 8' 2\" (max) (3.2m (max) x 2.5m (max) )\n\nBedroom 1 14' 9\" x 16' 9\" (into bay) (4.5m x 5.1m (into bay) )\n\nBedroom 2 10' 0\" x 8' 2\" (3.04m x 2.5m )\n\nShower Room / WC 6' 11\" x 4' 6\" (2.1m x 1.38m )", null], "url": "http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45131949.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 437, "original_width": 655, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 341, "original_width": 600, "width": 665}], "image_hashes": ["96aff6fb38fe3441a173dc3291f6e3b7b61c0eefb660b5ecd31bfcfded9f8cc9", "3f920566e38e378209ee91074b20453bcdb8728babd08ac01d03f38236c43c65"], "__index_level_0__": 384, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/16k/15233/45230334/15233_600150838_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg", null, "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/16k/15233/45230334/15233_600150838_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpg", "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/16k/15233/1372944188028_bp_mpu_r.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9018888473510742}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45230334.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/16k/15233/1479998048944_bp_pd_h_r.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/16k/15233/1479998048944_bp_pd_h_r.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bp pd h r\", \"alt_text\": \"Get brand editions for Frost's Estate Agents, St Albans\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45230334.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_45230334_s/QR_15233_REF_600150838.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_45230334_s/QR_15233_REF_600150838.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"QR REF\", \"alt_text\": \"QR code\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45230334.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/16k/15233/45230334/15233_600150838_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/16k/15233/45230334/15233_600150838_IMG_01_0000_max_656x437.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG max\", \"alt_text\": \"Picture 1\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45230334.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/16k/15233/45230334/15233_600150838_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/16k/15233/45230334/15233_600150838_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FLP max\", \"alt_text\": \"Floorplan\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45230334.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/16k/15233/1372944188028_bp_mpu_r.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/16k/15233/1372944188028_bp_mpu_r.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bp mpu r\", \"alt_text\": \"Get brand editions for Frost's Estate Agents, St Albans\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45230334.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rightmove.co.uk/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green wifi\", \"alt_text\": \"Broadband\"}, null]", "texts": ["3 bedroom flat for sale\n\nHighfield Manor Highfield Lane, Tyttenhanger, St. Albans, AL4", null, "Prev 1 of 9 Next\n\nA simply stunning executive three bedroom apartment located on a private gated development that sits in beautifully manicured and extensive communal grounds and provides excellent access to the popular local motorway networks. The property provides a wealth of versatile living space of approximately 1200 sq ft that is presented over two floors and benefits from a number of unique benefits such as air conditioning and bespoke fitted units throughout. The property comprises of an entrance hall that leads from the communal entrance that provides lift access to all floors, a living room with dual aspect windows, fitted kitchen, a second reception that can be used as a third bedroom, family bathroom and a further bedroom. The beautiful wooden staircase leads to a second floor that has a study room and stunning master bedroom with en-suite and dressing area. There is also access via pull down ladder to a boarded loft area that provides excellent storage solutions. Highfield Manor is an attractive building that sits in the middle of extensive communal grounds that benefit from a secure gated entrance, water features, large lawned areas and borders of mature woodland and shrubbery. There are also two allocated parking spaces and visitor parking. Internal viewing is absolutely essential. Energy Rating C.\n\nStarting out from our office on Chequer Street turn left, at the traffic lights turn left onto London Road, proceed along for approx 2 miles, at the roundabout take the 1st exit onto N Orbital Road. Turn left onto Highfield Lane.\n\nCommunal Entrance\n\nEntrance Hall\n\nLiving Room 16' 2\" x 11' 10\" (not measured into bay) (4.93m x 3.61m (not measured into bay) )\n\nKitchen 11' 3\" x 5' 8\" (3.43m x 1.73m )\n\nDining Room / Bedroom 11' 3\" x 9' 3\" (3.43m x 2.82m )\n\nBathroom 8' 7\" x 5' 4\" (2.62m x 1.63m )\n\nBedroom 13' 5\" x 8' 10\" (not measured into bay) (4.09m x 2.69m (not measured into bay) )\n\nFirst Floor Landing\n\nStudy 10' 7\" x 5' 6\" (3.23m x 1.68m )\n\nEn-Suite 6' 2\" x 7' 6\" (1.88m x 2.29m )", null, null], "url": "http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-45230334.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 437, "original_width": 655, "width": 566}, {"height": 685, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 331, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 218, "original_width": 284, "width": 492}], "image_hashes": ["5ac0510768bf802342d045d6b46501124e7507e6c16460e720677cddc70c72bb", "3fdf1c131d2255aec0c9c15edde0c3230e66d1938ae445b017e67925f90e4ad4", "0bf0c16b18cb09a37ac28a92864a80b79697971f9633849d939f15a1d20fb116"], "__index_level_0__": 385, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_IMG_13_0000_max_656x437.JPG", null, "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.PNG", "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_FLP_02_0000_max_600x600.PNG", "http://media.rightmove.co.uk/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_FLP_03_0000_max_600x600.PNG"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9068122506141664}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-55390843.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_55390843_s/QR_2211_REF_12932187.png\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/qr/www.rightmove.co.uk/s2p_55390843_s/QR_2211_REF_12932187.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"QR REF\", \"alt_text\": \"QR code\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-55390843.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_IMG_13_0000_max_656x437.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/dir/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_IMG_13_0000_max_656x437.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG max\", \"alt_text\": \"Front Elevation\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-55390843.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.PNG\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_FLP_01_0000_max_600x600.PNG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FLP max\", \"alt_text\": \"Ground Floor\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-55390843.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_FLP_02_0000_max_600x600.PNG\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_FLP_02_0000_max_600x600.PNG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FLP max\", \"alt_text\": \"First Floor\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-55390843.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_FLP_03_0000_max_600x600.PNG\", \"src\": \"http://media.rightmove.co.uk/3k/2211/55390843/2211_12932187_FLP_03_0000_max_600x600.PNG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FLP max\", \"alt_text\": \"Second Floor\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-55390843.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rightmove.co.uk/ps/images17118//propertydetails/green_wifi.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"green wifi\", \"alt_text\": \"Broadband\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Front Elevation\n\nImagine yourself nestling on the fringe of around 250 acres of a scenic Country Park, where you can wander round crystal clear lakes and see the wildlife, from swans and geese to ducks and wild rabbits; where hard surface pathways make it easy to take a walk at any time of the year. Make the most of your leisure time with a variety of outdoor pursuits; try your hand at windsurfing or scuba diving, wild swimming or the gentler art of angling for one of the monster carp in the lakes! The Larkfield Leisure Centre nearby offers swimming pools and a gym amongst other things too.The home itself is perfectly designed for modern living; you have the convenience of a toilet on every level, great for the family and when friends visit. Enjoy the luxury of an en-suite bathroom and shower room to complement each of the bedrooms on the top floor, so queues for the bathroom in the mornings will be a thing of the past.Town houses have fantastic versatility and allow you great flexibility in how you choose to use specific rooms and change according to your needs, either permanently or occasionally. You can park your cars with ease here and forget the worries of cramped parking that others have to put up with, as you have the exclusivity of off road parking at the rear behind double gates. With so much on your doorstep and a friendly location with little passing traffic it’s a wonderful spot to live and put down some roots!\nPlease refer to the footnote regarding the services and appliances.\n\nWhat the Owner says:\n\nI bought my home 13 years ago and without a doubt it was the beautiful lake view opposite the house that set it apart from the others I saw in my search for a home. My daughter went to Maidstone Grammar School for Girls with school access being easy from here. You have a great choice of motorway, coach and rail commuter connections too.Sun lovers will adore the rear garden which catches the sun all day and is not overlooked from behind either, a great “outdoor room” perfect for relaxing or having a barbecue; all low maintenance too. I am able to sell ‘chain free’ to offer a simplified sale, so there are no hold ups for anyone wanting to get in quick!", null, null, null], "url": "http://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-55390843.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 437, "original_width": 656, "width": 567}, {"height": 746, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 304, "width": 378}, {"height": 741, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 306, "width": 378}, {"height": 713, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 318, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["aa71bb78ab887fbd63ea9226daab7ae3c23ca81a509759f59c65d72c17c9cd6b", "e259b40e5d0d824f12a15665387b0e6f496c8cdc3a67fe1b6098741b63ba25d6", "9d53910b00b193758baef1560f6052d6030e1fb4be7b65aee5201ae1ddb70b9d", "3126ec2271f12188e7a76bcf7422657b26ac0093e722aac0004ee5288c92dc86"], "__index_level_0__": 386, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pik85vymzKs/UqjM004mRYI/AAAAAAAAEOs/w5uFMEi39j8/s640/2013-12-11_0718.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9460086822509766}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rtovey.com/2013/12/the-gorgeous-harry-newborn-session.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pik85vymzKs/UqjM004mRYI/AAAAAAAAEOs/w5uFMEi39j8/s640/2013-12-11_0718.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-pik85vymzKs/UqjM004mRYI/AAAAAAAAEOs/w5uFMEi39j8/s640/2013-12-11_0718.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 640}, null, null]", "texts": ["Wednesday, 11 December 2013\n\nThe Gorgeous Harry! Newborn Session.\n\nI'm delighted to share little Harry's newborn and family photography session with you.\n\nI met Lauren and Nigel at a wedding I photographed earlier this year. It was great to see them again with this little bundle of joy, in their gorgeous home.\n\nHarry was so good, I'm a little hooked on newborn photography now.\n\nIf you enjoyed these photos have your own little ones, or are expecting their arrival please get in touch at email@example.com for an information pack about childrens portrait sessions at reasonable prices.", null], "url": "http://www.rtovey.com/2013/12/the-gorgeous-harry-newborn-session.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 640, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4c78d57bba360e95ebc85b12e77b292595ce291f990d148653babee1bbacb453"], "__index_level_0__": 387, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "https://www.rxmuscle.com/images/AAAThumbs/misc/LOCKOUT200x200.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.924296736717224}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rxmuscle.com/articles/latest-news/7215-npc-athletes-of-the-month-septemeber.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/media/system/images/arrow.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rxmuscle.com/media/system/images/arrow.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"arrow\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rxmuscle.com/articles/latest-news/7215-npc-athletes-of-the-month-septemeber.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/media/system/images/arrow.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rxmuscle.com/media/system/images/arrow.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"arrow\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rxmuscle.com/articles/latest-news/7215-npc-athletes-of-the-month-septemeber.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/media/system/images/arrow.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.rxmuscle.com/media/system/images/arrow.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"arrow\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rxmuscle.com/articles/latest-news/7215-npc-athletes-of-the-month-septemeber.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/ATHLETE-OF-THE-MONTH-SEPTEMBER-GOOD.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.rxmuscle.com/images/ATHLETE-OF-THE-MONTH-SEPTEMBER-GOOD.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ATHLETE OF THE MONTH SEPTEMBER GOOD\", \"alt_text\": \"ATHLETE-OF-THE-MONTH-SEPTEMBER-GOOD\", \"rendered_width\": 650, \"rendered_height\": 269}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rxmuscle.com/articles/latest-news/7215-npc-athletes-of-the-month-septemeber.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/AAAThumbs/misc/Ask_Blau200x200.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.rxmuscle.com/images/AAAThumbs/misc/Ask_Blau200x200.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Ask Blau\", \"alt_text\": \"Ask Blau200x200\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.rxmuscle.com/articles/latest-news/7215-npc-athletes-of-the-month-septemeber.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/AAAThumbs/misc/LOCKOUT200x200.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.rxmuscle.com/images/AAAThumbs/misc/LOCKOUT200x200.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"LOCKOUT\", \"alt_text\": \"LOCKOUT200x200\"}]", "texts": ["NPC Athletes Of The Month: September", "Written by Aaron Singerman", "PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA (December 20, 2012) - The National Physique Committee and Gaspari Nutrition have announced seven competitors – Dallas McCarver, Tammy Jones, Sabrina Nicole, Dawn Fernandez, Danielle Delikat, Anton Antipov and Jill Rudison – as the NPC Athletes of the Month for the month of September.\n\nAll of the athletes won Overall titles in their respective divisions at the IFBB North Americans in September. Each of the winners will be profiled on the NPC News Online and will receive free product from Gaspari Nutrition.\n\nFor complete profiles and galleries of the August NPC Athletes of the month, go to www.npcnewsonline.com.\n\nAbout the September Athletes of the Month:\n\n- Men’s Bodybuilding: Dallas McCarver, 21, became the youngest competitor in history to win an Overall title at a pro qualifier when he won the Super Heavyweight and Overall titles at the IFBB North Americans.\n\n- Women’s Bodybuilding: Tammy Jones, 33, started training after joining the Army as a teenager. Jones won the Heavyweight and Overall at the IFBB North Americans.\n\n- Figure: Forty-four year-old Dawn Fernandez, a mother of three, started training as a way to get back in shape after having her third son. Fernandez, who started out as a Bikini competitor, won the Overall and Class F titles at the North Americans.\n\n- Bikini: Sabrina Nicole of Dallas, Texas, won her class and the Overall at the North Americans. Nicole, 35, started competing in 2011.\n\n- Men’s Physique: Anton Antipov is a former fashion model who was born in Belarus and moved to New York City at the age of 14. Antipov, a self-described “skinny teenager”, won his class and the Overall at the North Americans.\n\n- Women’s Physique: Jill Rudison, 34, started competing in Figure in 2010 on a dare from a friend. Rudison won her class and the Overall at the North Americans.\n\n- Fitness: Danielle Delikat, 35, took two years off from fitness competitions to work on her routine for the 2012 season. The layoff paid off, as Delikat won the Overall and an IFBB Pro card at the North Americans.", null], "url": "http://www.rxmuscle.com/articles/latest-news/7215-npc-athletes-of-the-month-septemeber.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["5afd713e61b8aba36f7782f591ca867883ac3d434e221c5c776755dca45b5718"], "__index_level_0__": 388, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://cdn2.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/images/methode/2017/04/15/0453088c-202e-11e7-ba38-4217a96bb749_1320x770_115837.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9440473914146424}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2087518/10-minutes-xi-jinping-changed-donald-trumps-mind-north?edition=hong-kong\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://cdn2.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/images/methode/2017/04/15/0453088c-202e-11e7-ba38-4217a96bb749_1320x770_115837.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://cdn2.i-scmp.com/sites/default/files/images/methode/2017/04/15/0453088c-202e-11e7-ba38-4217a96bb749_1320x770_115837.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c e e ba a bb\", \"rendered_width\": 660, \"rendered_height\": 385}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["US President Donald Trump said he once thought Beijing had more than enough power to rein in North Korea, but changed his mind after talks last week with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.\n\nRecounting his meeting with Xi in Florida and an hour-long phone call on Wednesday, Trump told The Wall Street Journal that he had “great chemistry” with the Chinese leader, a reversal of his previous anti-China rhetoric.\n\nChina’s nuclear get-out clause over defence of North Korea\n\n“We like each other. I like him a lot. I think his wife is terrific,” Trump was quoted as saying.\n\nAt a summit in which bilateral trade and North Korea’s nuclear programme topped the agenda, Trump said he told Xi that he ­believed Beijing could easily take care of the threat of Pyongyang, prompting Xi to explain the ­history of China and Korea, the report said.", null, "“After listening for 10 minutes, I realised it’s not so easy,” Trump was quoted as saying.\n\n“I felt pretty strongly that they had a tremendous power over North Korea ... But it’s not what you would think.”\n\nTrump gave orders on the weekend to send an aircraft ­carrier strike group towards the Korean peninsula.\n\nIn Wednesday’s phone call, Trump urged Xi to let North Korean leader Kim Jong-un know that the United States also had nuclear submarines.\n\n“You cannot allow a country like that to have nuclear power, nuclear weapons,” Trump was quoted as saying. “That’s mass destruction. He doesn’t have the delivery systems yet, but he will.”\n\nThe two leaders also discussed China turning away North Korea coal shipments, the report said.\n\nIn recent months, Trump has criticised China for not doing enough to resolve threats from North Korea and accused Beijing of manipulating the yuan.\n\nDespite those tensions, the two leaders spent hours with each other at the summit, including long stretches without their retinues. The opening discussion between them was originally planned for up to 15 minutes, but lasted for three hours.\n\n“And then the second day we had another 10-minute meeting and that lasted for two hours,” Trump said. “We had just a very good chemistry.”\n\nThat personal relationship was not something the US leader had expected. “He’s so smart. It’s to his advantage. I like to call it flexible ,” Trump said.\n\nXi was also the first world leader to learn of Trump’s decision to launch a barrage of missiles into Syria on Thursday night in response to a chemical attack.\n\nTrump told Xi of Syria strikes over 'beautiful piece of chocolate cake'\n\nAccording to Fox News, Trump told Xi of his decision when they were having “beautiful piece of chocolate cake”. Xi paused for 10 seconds before saying that he was “OK” with the strike because the gas attack had killed children.\n\nThe rapport was reminiscent of the relationship Xi established with Trump’s predecessor Barack Obama at Sunnylands in 2013.\n\nChinese analysts said Trump’s assessment amounted to diplomatic rhetoric, and the Trump-Xi relationship was not yet on par with that between Obama and Xi.\n\nZhang Zhexin, a US affairs specialist from the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, said: “It takes time to develop this initial chemistry between two leaders into a working relationship between two governments. Trump’s unpredictability and his evolving and unstable administration make it harder to develop genuine friendship with Xi.”\n\nSummit with Trump sends a message home for Xi\n\nLiu Weidong, a US affairs analyst from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said Trump’s ability to change tack had helped him gain ground with China.\n\n“By saying things conventional politicians would never say, Trump succeeded in optimising US national interests. But it takes time to see whether this ‘bromance’ is real – a conflict could ­totally destroy it,” Liu said.\n\nThis article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as:\nXi ‘changed Trump’s mind’ on N KoreaXi ‘changed Trump’s mind’ on North Korea", "SCMP invites you to watch The West Side Story", "Get your FREE LuxeHomes Property Outlook 2017 now!", "Post Magazine\n\n12 May 2017 - 7:45am 36", "Making the magic happen on holiday\n\nIn partnership with: HKT PREMIER", "12 May 2017 - 9:33am 4", "Startup Gets Thumbs-up from Alibaba’s HK Entrepreneurs Fund\n\nSponsored by HKUST Business School", "Hong Kong shames itself again by its treatment of domestic helpers\n\n11 May 2017 - 7:45pm 26", "Hong Kong\n\nPatient’s daughter slams hospital for keeping family in dark about error\n\n11 May 2017 - 10:59pm 10", "12 May 2017 - 9:44am 13", "Leaders of China and South Korea discuss Pyongyang nuclear crisis\n\n11 May 2017 - 11:28pm 2", "Why are Hong Kong domestic helpers forced to sleep in toilets?"], "url": "http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2087518/10-minutes-xi-jinping-changed-donald-trumps-mind-north?edition=hong-kong", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 770, "original_width": 1320, "width": 648}], "image_hashes": ["34bcd37969d0bbef29a03ab8839af78b03b47d7aa7c4b0f9132801501dce9d74"], "__index_level_0__": 389, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://a.scpr.org/i/43d7283e490ec3241e6ec268305c9b0d/65971-full.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.934697151184082}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.scpr.org/news/2013/08/17/38755/san-diego-may-seek-restraining-order-against-mayor/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://a.scpr.org/i/43d7283e490ec3241e6ec268305c9b0d/65971-full.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://a.scpr.org/i/43d7283e490ec3241e6ec268305c9b0d/65971-full.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"full\", \"alt_text\": \"65971 full\", \"rendered_width\": 1024, \"rendered_height\": 683}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.scpr.org/news/2013/08/17/38755/san-diego-may-seek-restraining-order-against-mayor/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://a.scpr.org/i/43d7283e490ec3241e6ec268305c9b0d/65971-full.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://a.scpr.org/i/43d7283e490ec3241e6ec268305c9b0d/65971-full.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"full\", \"alt_text\": \"65971 full\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "As a recall drive targeting San Diego's embattled mayor is set to begin, the city attorney's office says it is considering seeking a restraining order barring Bob Filner from City Hall.\n\nThe Los Angeles Times reports the order would claim Filner'spresence allegedly creates a hostile working environment for women.\n\nAll nine City Council members have called on the mayor to resign over allegations of sexual harassment, including of three women who are city employees.\n\nMichael Giorgino, spokesman for City Attorney Jan Goldsmith, told the newspaper on Friday a restraining order is a \"possibility as a last resort.\"\n\nFilner, the city's first Democratic mayor in two decades, has not been seen publicly since entering an intensive two-week therapy session.\n\nA recall drive begins Sunday.\n\nThe best SoCal news in your inbox, daily.\n\nCatch up each morning with KPCC's Short List newsletter."], "url": "http://www.scpr.org/news/2013/08/17/38755/san-diego-may-seek-restraining-order-against-mayor/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 683, "original_width": 1024, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["013814180b2f9f1c20236b80ee866d050207d1d029d10612da446be9f35d7a1e"], "__index_level_0__": 390, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://ww2.hdnux.com/photos/60/56/07/12771785/6/270x0.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.947645366191864}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.sfgate.com/tv/article/DVD-review-I-Spy-Complete-Series-5675639.php\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://ww2.hdnux.com/photos/60/56/07/12771785/6/270x0.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://ww2.hdnux.com/photos/60/56/07/12771785/6/270x0.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Musician Roger Waters performs during the VH1 Save The Music Foundation Gala at the Tent at Lincoln Center on September 20, 2007 in New York City. (Photo by Kevin Kane/WireImage)\"}, null]", "texts": ["John Stanley\n\nUpdated 3:06 am, Sunday, August 10, 2014\n\nPhoto: Timeless Media\n\ndvd set: \"I Spy: The Complete Series\"", "In the summer of 1964, when Bill Cosby was enjoying a newfound respect as a stand-up comedian during an extended engagement at San Francisco's hungry i nightclub, few would have suspected that within a year he would be starring in an NBC espionage series.\n\nCosby played Alexander (\"Scotty\") Scott, a secret agent who travels the world posing as training assistant to professional tennis star Kelly Robinson (also an undercover man, played by Robert Culp).\n\nWhat made these disguised operatives different was their sense of humor and casual attitude, allowing a new kind of comedy to creep into the dangerous world of enemy agents and plots to harm America. Cosby's comedic side was now a subtle aspect of a weekly series that was controversial in the beginning. Some Southern states refused to carry the series because of Cosby's presence, but NBC and Desilu Studios executive producer Sheldon Leonard stuck to their concept, and the series became a ratings success. Cosby won three Emmys, one for each of the show's seasons.\n\nThe series was shot in many places - Acapulco, Venice, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Florence, Athens, Rome - but don't miss the episode shot in San Francisco, \"An American Empress,\" in the Season 3 box of this collection. It includes sequences at the city zoo, where one afternoon in 1967 near Monkey Mountain, Cosby told me the series was helping him \"put across the reality of a situation because that's the basic rule in comedy: Make it believable, then come on like gangbusters with the humor. Like Mark Twain, who painted a scene before he sprinkled in the laughs.\"\n\nCrosby and Culp were having a ball that day, kidding each other to the delight of onlookers. Another classic episode from Season 3 is \"The Warlord,\" in which Culp portrays Kelly as well as the titular evil one, Chuang Tzu, with makeup by John Chambers. Because of that makeup job, Chambers was hired to do the masks for the \"Planet of the Apes\" film series.\n\nLatest entertainment videos\n\nAll 82 \"I Spy\" episodes can be found on 18 discs in three boxes. The only bonus: a colorful booklet with photographs and brief descriptions of story lines.", null], "url": "http://www.sfgate.com/tv/article/DVD-review-I-Spy-Complete-Series-5675639.php", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 176, "original_width": 270, "width": 579}], "image_hashes": ["81e32fe677610bbc90ae7749a35098c80e5986fe97f16d0c3aa82f8735a50d4c"], "__index_level_0__": 391, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5623f3ffe4b04bb42a1b755b/t/5631505ee4b032b9df454389/1446072418094/Shotz+Ski-+Upstarts+and+Underdogs+%7C+Teton+Gravity+Research+2015-10-28+15-45-47.jpg", "https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5623f3ffe4b04bb42a1b755b/t/56314ef4e4b05d19670d447d/1446072053612/powder-mag-article.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8278563618659973}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.shotzski.com/special-events\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5623f3ffe4b04bb42a1b755b/t/5631505ee4b032b9df454389/1446072418094/Shotz+Ski-+Upstarts+and+Underdogs+%7C+Teton+Gravity+Research+2015-10-28+15-45-47.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5623f3ffe4b04bb42a1b755b/t/5631505ee4b032b9df454389/1446072418094/Shotz+Ski-+Upstarts+and+Underdogs+%7C+Teton+Gravity+Research+2015-10-28+15-45-47.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Shotz Ski Upstarts and Underdogs C Teton Gravity Research\", \"alt_text\": \"Teton Gravity Research\\u00a0story\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.shotzski.com/special-events\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5623f3ffe4b04bb42a1b755b/t/56314ef4e4b05d19670d447d/1446072053612/powder-mag-article.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5623f3ffe4b04bb42a1b755b/t/56314ef4e4b05d19670d447d/1446072053612/powder-mag-article.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"powder mag article\", \"alt_text\": \"Powder Mag article\"}, null]", "texts": ["Special Events\n\nFundraising Events\n\nShotzski has been a part of various fundraising events. If you're putting something on in your community and need a cool raffle prize or auction item - let us know. We can customize your order to fit the fundraising event no problem.\nGet in touch with the Evil Elf\n\nDo you want to put on one hell of a party for your big day? What about a one-of-a-kind wedding gift for the bride and groom? Shotzski might be a good option. Let us know a little about the newly weds and we can put one hell of a gift together.", null, null], "url": "http://www.shotzski.com/special-events", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 395, "original_width": 609, "width": 582}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 633, "original_width": 963, "width": 575}], "image_hashes": ["9ed08bb6d1669614368aec7ec1162d419b3fb5bfee8b0525fe10024fcc43b61b", "0c449a550e9c37183715f8e3d6d240a923596025070e8e4396575f10ea8080b3"], "__index_level_0__": 392, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "http://flashharry.sonicftp.com/vid_thumbs/poster/namm17_wampler00000002.jpg", null, "http://flashharry.sonicftp.com/vid_thumbs/poster/namm17_ircam00000002.jpg", null, "http://flashharry.sonicftp.com/vid_thumbs/poster/messe17_aaten00000002.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8393676280975342}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.sonicstate.com/news/2010/06/16/free-voicechanger-vst/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.sonicftp.com/news/images/thumbnails/sl_nyx_review00000002.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.sonicftp.com/news/images/thumbnails/sl_nyx_review00000002.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sl nyx review\", \"rendered_width\": 75, \"rendered_height\": 50}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.sonicstate.com/news/2010/06/16/free-voicechanger-vst/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://flashharry.sonicftp.com/vid_thumbs/poster/namm17_wampler00000002.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://flashharry.sonicftp.com/vid_thumbs/poster/namm17_wampler00000002.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"namm wampler\", \"rendered_width\": 302, \"rendered_height\": 170}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.sonicstate.com/news/2010/06/16/free-voicechanger-vst/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://flashharry.sonicftp.com/vid_thumbs/poster/namm17_ircam00000002.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://flashharry.sonicftp.com/vid_thumbs/poster/namm17_ircam00000002.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"namm ircam\", \"rendered_width\": 302, \"rendered_height\": 170}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.sonicstate.com/news/2010/06/16/free-voicechanger-vst/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://flashharry.sonicftp.com/vid_thumbs/poster/messe17_aaten00000002.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://flashharry.sonicftp.com/vid_thumbs/poster/messe17_aaten00000002.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"messe aaten\", \"rendered_width\": 302, \"rendered_height\": 170}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.sonicstate.com/news/2010/06/16/free-voicechanger-vst/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://flashharry.sonicftp.com/vid_thumbs/poster/sb17_day200000002.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://flashharry.sonicftp.com/vid_thumbs/poster/sb17_day200000002.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sb day\", \"rendered_width\": 302, \"rendered_height\": 170}, null]", "texts": ["G200kg releases RoVee      16/06/10 G200kg has released RoVee , a cut-down version of their full featured pitch-correction plug-in KeroVee. Here's what they have to say about it...\nRoVee is a VoiceChanger / formant tweaking plugin that works as a VST effect. That can convert voices to like male, female, toys or robotic.\nPricing and Availability:\nFree download More information:", "More From: G200KG\nEven more news...\n\nMore Stories:", null, "NAMM 2017: Wampler Dracarys and Bravado\n\nNew High Gain Pedal and First Tube Amp From Wampler", null, "NAMM 2017: IRCAM Spatial Processor\n\nSpat V3 in collaboration with Flux", null, "Super high end multiformat field recorder", "Superbooth 17: Floor Walk Day 2\n\nYes we did get lost, but nevermind.."], "url": "http://www.sonicstate.com/news/2010/06/16/free-voicechanger-vst/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 405, "original_width": 720, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 853, "width": 671}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 853, "width": 671}], "image_hashes": ["a300b4ee8b98db452d90ad5b3358779f3e591291c44b108c9202ae1986307837", "d55c7930e74abd338a94f8b0132eeed881fa4ec55df2c80958e7dc57db156f3c", "f1416626975e600bd0fff481af36e4e5e6d730c5edd8ec1a017a7b6a2f440b91"], "__index_level_0__": 393, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ponoTAe0y6Q/THvOFKLrc4I/AAAAAAAAE2w/Io4fUX-I_zg/s640/038.JPG", null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bLs27tHB76I/THvDpuZi_cI/AAAAAAAAE5M/1uKcDEC0A_A/s400/005.JPG", null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2MDjZQ4729M/THvLFxXdYAI/AAAAAAAAE5Q/6IOaeq5GgFc/s400/044.JPG", null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9162287712097168}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.spcookiequeen.com/2010/08/pasta-e-fagioli-w-fresh-cranberry-beans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ponoTAe0y6Q/THvOFKLrc4I/AAAAAAAAE2w/Io4fUX-I_zg/s640/038.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ponoTAe0y6Q/THvOFKLrc4I/AAAAAAAAE2w/Io4fUX-I_zg/s640/038.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.spcookiequeen.com/2010/08/pasta-e-fagioli-w-fresh-cranberry-beans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bLs27tHB76I/THvDpuZi_cI/AAAAAAAAE5M/1uKcDEC0A_A/s400/005.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bLs27tHB76I/THvDpuZi_cI/AAAAAAAAE5M/1uKcDEC0A_A/s400/005.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.spcookiequeen.com/2010/08/pasta-e-fagioli-w-fresh-cranberry-beans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2MDjZQ4729M/THvLFxXdYAI/AAAAAAAAE5Q/6IOaeq5GgFc/s400/044.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2MDjZQ4729M/THvLFxXdYAI/AAAAAAAAE5Q/6IOaeq5GgFc/s400/044.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.spcookiequeen.com/2010/08/pasta-e-fagioli-w-fresh-cranberry-beans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.spcookiequeen.com/2010/08/pasta-e-fagioli-w-fresh-cranberry-beans.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/-7nG6AEFLF9o/UIXKMslHtDI/AAAAAAAAHYc/X2zji4T_xdc/s80/IMG_2638-1.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-7nG6AEFLF9o/UIXKMslHtDI/AAAAAAAAHYc/X2zji4T_xdc/s80/IMG_2638-1.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IMG\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 80, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Monday, August 30, 2010\n\nPasta e Fagioli with fresh Cranberry Beans", null, "I was shopping at one of my favorite farm stands the other day when I found some fresh Cranberry beans or Borlotti beans as they are known in Italian. I just knew I wanted them, hadn't settled on what I was going to do with them.", null, "I was sifting through them looking for some nice ones when this older Italian gentleman sorting green beans next to me gives me the eye. He tells me he is going to make a minestrone, with the hand up and eyebrow at the same time. After rattling off recipes and hearing about his grandchildren, pasta e fagioli it is; seriously that was the extent of my excitement for the day!\n\nCranberry beans they are so cool to look at when fresh, too bad they turn brownish/gray when cooked. You are going to want to shell them and boil them in a little salted water for about 20-25 minutes and drain them, before adding them to your soup.\n\nThey are easy to shell, run your fingernail along the spine and they will open right up. You just want the inside beans not the pod.", null, "1-2 tbsp. olive oil\n4 ounces chopped pancetta\n1 box low-sodium chicken stock\n5-6 black Russian heirloom tomatoes, skinned and crushed (use whatever variety you can find)\n2 zucchini, chopped\n1 onion, chopped\n2 carrots, chopped\n2 stalks celery, chopped\n1 lb. fresh cranberry beans (if you can't find these (1) can rinsed cannellini beans will work great)\n1 cup cooked pasta\ncouple of sprigs of fresh Thyme\nKosher salt\nFreshly ground black pepper\n\nHeat a large stockpot on medium, add olive oil. Add pancetta and cook for a couple of minutes until some of the fat is rendered. Add onions, carrots, celery and garlic, cook for 5-7 minutes till softened. Add chicken stock and bring to a boil. Add zucchini, beans, tomatoes, pasta, thyme (leaves only, not stems), salt and pepper.\n\nTurn the heat down to simmer and cook for 10-15 minutes longer. I like my veggies still crisp, if you want yours a little softer, just leave it on for another 5-10 minutes.\n\nTip for the tomatoes: Cut an X on the bottoms and dip in boiling water for a minute or two till the skin is loosened, put in ice water to cool, then peel.\n\nYou can grate some fresh Parmesan over the top before serving, but I like to make some Parmesan crostini. Slice a sourdough baguette on the diagonal, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with grated Parmesan, sprinkle with salt and pepper, bake in a 350 degree F oven for 10-15 minutes till crisp.\n\nServes 6.\n\nPosted by Gina Stanley at 8:41 AM", "Gina Stanley", "Copyright Policy", "Just a few of the sites I enjoy!"], "url": "http://www.spcookiequeen.com/2010/08/pasta-e-fagioli-w-fresh-cranberry-beans.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["8b84192a98134f423c5e0390a22f1b6cddee9621ea9c7599c8536d3ca36081de", "fe07ff94becd627883b687940dbcbd9601572b7741b64e09a973b74b7ab04ba9", "b7155316182ea5388d46d3cb4f7c4c7a6bb39a8c3af386abd42c528583db6478"], "__index_level_0__": 394, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": 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meat on hand\", but you could easily sub out shredded chicken, cheese, or anything you have on hand.  You need a few basics down and you can let your imagination be your guide from there.\n\nChile Colorado\n10-12 dried Pasilla chilies", "10-12 dried California Chilies", "First thing you are going to want to do is give your chilies a good soaking.  I pour enough hot water over them to submerge them.  Let sit for 30-40 minutes, then pull the stems off and discard the stems.  When you do this the seeds should come out too.", null, "2 medium onions, chopped\n5-6 cloves minced garlic\n1 - 14.5 oz. can diced tomatoes\n4 canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, stems removed\n4-5 cups liquid from chilies\n\nIn a skillet heat a couple tablespoons of vegetable oil and add onions and garlic, cook for 5 minutes or so on medium heat.  Add 2 teaspoons of salt and 1 teaspoon of black pepper.  Set aside.\n\nPlace half of the peppers, chipotles, and half the tomatoes in a blender cover with 2 cups liquid from the chilies, and process till smooth.  Strain through a fine sieve to remove skins and seeds. Repeat with rest of ingredients and add to skillet.\n\nBring to a boil, reduce to simmer and cook for 30 minutes until thickened.  I like to put the sauce in a bowl and run an immersion blender in it for a few seconds.  I make my sauce the day before making the tamales.  Store it in the refrigerator in an air tight container.", null, "Other ingredients:\n1 large package dried corn husks\n5-8 pounds fresh masa harina\n\nWhen I make tamales I need about 20 pounds of masa so I buy it pre-made at the Mexican grocery store. 20 lbs. isn't a typo, and yes they are all gone.  I also go through two or three packs of husks.  But a good place to start is 1 batch of sauce, 5-8 pounds of masa and one package of husks.  You can also buy masa harina flour and make it yourself.", null, "Put the dried corn husks in a large bowl of water, place a plate on top to weight them down and let them sit for a couple of hours to soften.\n\nShred the pork.  You will need about 6 cups of shredded meat and 2 cups of sauce at a time.  Mix well.", null, "Grab one husk and place a handful of masa, about the size of a large golf ball in the center.", null, "Spread the masa out into a rectangle and place a strip of meat down the center.  I have this pet tamale peeve, you know what I'm talking about, tamales with too much masa and not enough meat.  My preferred method is to use a larger amount of meat than masa.", null, "Grab one side of the tamale and pull it over to the other side, tucking it to meet the other side and keep rolling till it's a cigar shape.", null, "I always see them all cutely tied, but there really is no need.  I roll them, and fold the end over, that's it.  If you have that much free time on your hands, that makes you feel the need to tie them and make them fancy let me know, I have lots of laundry around here that needs washing.", null, "I place them upright in a colander and lower them into a larger pot with water on the bottom and a rack to place the colander on.  Steam for 75-90 minutes.  You don't need to have the heat higher than medium.", null, "I think if you are going to go through the trouble of making them, make a larger quantity and give some away or freeze some for later.  Don't worry I'm going to show you the pig this pork came from, I have more photos to process and then you too can be a professional pig roaster and tamale maker."], "url": "http://www.spcookiequeen.com/2011/01/pork-tamales-easier-than-you-think.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 428, "original_width": 640, "width": 565}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 286, "original_width": 400, "width": 528}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 305, "original_width": 400, "width": 495}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 274, "original_width": 400, "width": 551}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 245, "original_width": 400, "width": 617}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 302, "original_width": 400, "width": 500}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 304, 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well-being had reached the top ranks of the company", null, "Newly obtained emails highlight how much the promoters behind Michael Jackson’s ill-fated 2009 comeback may have known about the late pop legend’s shaky state prior to his death that June, the Los Angeles Times reports.\n\nThe 250 pages of confidential messages by executives at Anschutz Entertainment Group indicate concerns about Jackson’s well-being had reached the top ranks of the company promoting his scheduled 50-show stand in London. One email described Jackson as “an emotionally paralyzed mess.” Another called him a “basket case.” Another referred to his “weakened and troubled state” and cautioned that “the best thing we can do is get a top Psychiatrist in to evaluate him ASAP.”\n\nThe emails obtained by the Times are expected to factor heavily into two separate lawsuits against AEG set for trial in 2013, one by the show’s insurers and the other by Jackson’s heirs. AEG has denied any misconduct, and the company’s lawyers told the Times the emails mostly came to light as part of the litigation. While the lawyers reportedly said the emails were only partial and seemed to have been leaked to make AEG look bad, they declined to give the Times further correspondence they said provided needed context, blaming legal restrictions.\n\n“If you are in the creative arts business, you are going to be involved with individuals who have a great many problems,” AEG attorney Marvin Putnam told the newspaper. “Michael Jackson was an adult and … it is supercilious to say he was unable to take care of his own affairs.” (In case you don’t have your copy of Great Expectations handy, he’s suggesting AEG’s legal opponents are being haughty or arrogant.)\n\nStill, the Times report indicates that while AEG publicly hailed Jackson as “very sane … very focused … very healthy,” his behavior didn’t always fit that description. One email recounts AEG executives dressing Jackson after finding him intoxicated and “scared to death,” unwilling to leave his hotel suite. In another email, a production manager writes, “He was a basket case … Doubt is pervasive.”\n\nPerhaps the most tragic correspondence came from Kenny Ortega, the director of Jackson’s comeback show and someone who had known the singer for 20 years. “It is like there are two people there,” Ortega wrote to Randy Phillips, an AEG promoter. “One (deep inside) trying to hold on to what he was and still can be and not wanting us to quit him, the other in this weakened and troubled state … I believe we need professional guidance in this matter.” Reportedly, Phillips replied, “It is critical that neither you, me or anyone around this show become amateur psychiatrists or physicians.”\n\nThe specific substance implicated in Jackson’s death doesn’t come up in the correspondence. AEG’s lawyers told the Times that none of the company’s executives knew of Jackson’s use of propofol, the anesthetic Jackson’s doctor Conrad Murray told police he gave the pop star nightly. The lawyers pointed out that none of the emails mentioned the drug.\n\nJackson’s father recently dropped a wrongful death lawsuit against Murray. Lloyd’s of London, which insured the comeback shows, is asking a judge to invalidate a $17.5 million policy, accusing AEG of buying the policy based on false claims about Jackson’s stability. The other suit AEG faces is a separate wrongful-death claim by Jackson’s heirs, alleging that AEG ignored signs Jackson was unable to go on with the shows.\n\nJackson’s Bad is due for release as a 25th-anniversary box set on September 25. Spike Lee is directing a documentary for the occasion, and Afrojack recently remixed “Bad” with an assist from Pitbull. In short, let’s all be grateful for Ne-Yo’s “Smooth Criminal” cover.", "Marc Hogan\nTags: michael jackson, Music News\n\nRecommended for you \\", "Watch the First Trailer for Lifetime’s New Michael Jackson Biopic", "Paris Jackson Encourages Support for #NoDAPL at 2017 Grammys", "Paris Jackson Believes Father Michael Jackson Was Murdered\n\nReviews \\", "Review: Jlin’s Black Origami Is Her Boldest, Brightest Work Yet", "Review: Girlpool’s Bigger Sound Can’t Sustain Their Intimate World on Powerplant\n\nBull Sessions.\n\nSign up for the SPIN newsletter and stay in the know.", "25 Years of Talking to Chris Cornell for Spin", "The Unbelievable Story of the Most Expensive Record Ever Sold on Discogs"], "url": "http://www.spin.com/2012/09/michael-jackson-aeg-emails-sickly-mess-this-is-it/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 426, "original_width": 639, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["3832f7dcd5208f5244c78cfc4a36909f2ee2fee7716d2c6fbb8427be604ad10f"], "__index_level_0__": 396, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/story_medium/public/thumbnails/image/2014/03/19/16/imagegen.ashx_1.jpg", null, "https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/story_medium/public/thumbnails/image/2014/03/21/17/Holkham-beach-med-jpg.jpg", null, "https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/story_medium/public/thumbnails/image/2014/03/19/17/Capture.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9131988883018494}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/travel/weekend-getaways-near-to-london-9196620.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/story_medium/public/thumbnails/image/2014/03/19/16/imagegen.ashx_1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/story_medium/public/thumbnails/image/2014/03/19/16/imagegen.ashx_1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"imagegen\", \"alt_text\": \"imagegen.ashx_1.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 564, \"rendered_height\": 376}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/travel/weekend-getaways-near-to-london-9196620.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/story_medium/public/thumbnails/image/2014/03/21/17/Holkham-beach-med-jpg.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/story_medium/public/thumbnails/image/2014/03/21/17/Holkham-beach-med-jpg.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Holkham beach med jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Holkham-beach-med-jpg.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 564, \"rendered_height\": 376}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/travel/weekend-getaways-near-to-london-9196620.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/story_medium/public/thumbnails/image/2014/03/19/17/Capture.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/styles/story_medium/public/thumbnails/image/2014/03/19/17/Capture.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Capture\", \"alt_text\": \"Capture.JPG\", \"rendered_width\": 564, \"rendered_height\": 380}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/travel/weekend-getaways-near-to-london-9196620.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/all/themes/ines_themes/independent_theme/img/reuse.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.standard.co.uk/sites/all/themes/ines_themes/independent_theme/img/reuse.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"reuse\", \"rendered_width\": 25}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/travel/weekend-getaways-near-to-london-9196620.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/sites/all/themes/ines_themes/standard_theme/img/signposts/lifestyle-newsletter.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.standard.co.uk/sites/all/themes/ines_themes/standard_theme/img/signposts/lifestyle-newsletter.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"lifestyle newsletter\", \"rendered_width\": \"100%\"}, null]", "texts": ["Wedged in the wilds of the New Forest, The Pig styles itself as a restaurant with rooms, but in reality it's a very beautiful, cosy Georgian mansion with every comfort. Romp around the forest, lounge in front of the fire with cocktails before a slap-up dinner in the beautiful conservatory-style dining room. The menu's always changing but stick to the theme and go for something piggy. No room at the inn? Stay 20 minutes away at their satellite B&B, The Pig in the Wall in Southampton, a beautiful guesthouse set in to Southampton's medieval wall that super cosy and comfortable — they'll even ferry you to The Pig for dinner in the hotel landrover.\n\nBeaulieu Road, Brockenhurst, Hampshire, SO42 7QL, thepighotel.com", null, "The Hoste, Norfolk\n\nCan't be separated from your canine pal? The Hoste in north Norfolk if the perfect weekend away for dog-lovers. Slap bang in the middle of picturesque Burnham Market, the Hoste is but minutes from the coastline and its stunning beaches, including the famously wide expanses of Holkham. Despite its pristine rooms, this four star hotel is more than happy to host your pooches — ask for Room 18 with its own private patio. Make the most of the local area's vintage shops, boutiques and chippies. The Hoste also has a decent spa for those that require pampering.\n\nThe Green, Burnham Market, King's Lynn, Norfolk PE31 8HD, thehoste.com", null, "The Rosewood, London\n\nOkay, if you're mum point blank refuses to leave the city, take her to the Rosewood, Holborn's new uber grand hotel. After a day shopping on nearby Bond Street or Covent Garden, start off with cocktails at the Scarfes bar with some Basil Gin Smashes — it's got the whole country house library vibe going on — the move to the Holbron Dining Rooms for dinner. If you feel like a massage or a facial, they can take care of that too. If you want to splash some serious cash and get one of the premier suites with your own butler, marble bath and living room.\n\n252 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7EN, rosewoodhotels.com/london\n\nBabington House\n\nIf your mum's all about the pampering, it has to be Babington House, the Soho House group's Somerset base where the Cowshed spa originated in 1998. Separated into Cowshed Active and Cowshed Relax, you can book in for mud soaks, massages, facials as well as outdoor hot tubs, swimming pools and sauna rooms. They even have cooking classes for their foodie guests so check what's on before you go.\n\nBabington, Frome, Somerset, BA11 3RW, babingtonhouse.co.uk", null, "Reading Rooms in Margate\n\nAny mum with an arty inclination will love a trip to the seaside in Margate. Tracy Emin was born and bred here and it's home to the new Turner Contemporary Gallery in addition to other museums. The Reading Rooms is a white-washed gem of a boutique hotel with ace breakfast in bed and fautless design. Expect stripped back floors, French-style beds and giant free-standing baths. If you fancy a blustery walk head to Botany Bay or Kingsgate Beach."], "url": "http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/travel/weekend-getaways-near-to-london-9196620.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 376, "original_width": 564, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 376, "original_width": 564, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 380, "original_width": 564, "width": 561}], "image_hashes": ["79bec0e1d5d8ae2c238ce2d29ecf175118e88587644ae54dbfc2cf85e5fd96b2", "a66c24faec3cfb4f4cf1a437854d27e0fa21cb1e1b1717f2074764608cd742b7", "5eb1ba309a5e831a08d776a6bed3468ae9862c59fe6874c508940f6187623d4e"], "__index_level_0__": 397, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3225/3124443099_368a2915fe_b.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9577993154525756}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.stateofdigital.com/are-you-ready-for-christmas/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3225/3124443099_368a2915fe_b.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3225/3124443099_368a2915fe_b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a fe b\", \"alt_text\": \"Wanted: Santa Claus\", \"rendered_width\": 1024, \"rendered_height\": 756}, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "It seems that it is never too early to prepare for Christmas – UK retailer Selfridges recently raised a few eyebrows by launching its first Christmas PR stunt, beating all the other retailers to it.\n\nThey launched their first ‘Christmas shop’ in early August, complete with Santa Claus and fake snow. It was a simple and effective stunt that mixed experiential marketing and PR knowhow.\n\nBy being first mover they secured coverage in The Guardian, Metro, Daily Mail. The ‘first mover’ Christmas angle is usually occupied by John Lewis, which launches its Christmas advert in early October and is usually met with radio discussions about the commercialisation of Christmas. Meanwhile tills and online checkouts ring in the cash.\n\nIf the annual ‘Christmas comes early’ PR stunt is clearly just a creative way to attract attention for a brand, there is a serious message here because most of the retail sector has been obsessed with Christmas for many months now and Selfridges is no exception. The trade bible The Grocer recently had a sneak peak of the Christmas range at Selfridges. According to Retail Week, Harrods is not far behind and neither is the rest of the market.\n\nWe all know why they are obsessed with Christmas. Just take a look at Google Trends and you can see just how seasonal Selfridges’ business is. The annual spike you can see is branded search in December each year with another small spike each June, which I’d guess is the summer sale. Most retailers follow this pattern.", "If PR people complain about planning Christmas editorials in July then try working in ecommerce – some of the guys I know working in that sector will be really sick of Santa by now. They say that they are preparing in January for their golden quarter and Christmas.\n\nProduct selection and logistics are key….\n\nA good retailer should have a robust understanding of what products will do well at Christmas. Sure, there are old staples that sell year in and year out but each Christmas there are new products that seem to capture the zeitgeist of the moment and attract the most attention. And ‘attention’ equals footfall and visitors.\n\nNot only must these products be available but they must be in the UK and available for journalists to test, ideally from July onwards. This sounds simple but when some retailers are working with suppliers in the Far East, this can be a major headache.\n\nFull product details, RRP and high quality images are needed, too. Without the details it is nigh on impossible to ensure maximum penetration in competitive Christmas gift guides.\n\nTo win the PR war Christmas does start in July for real\n\nSome of the long lead print consumer media (which are mainly men and women’s monthly magazines) have already pulled together their Christmas stories and Christmas gift guides.\n\nMaking sure that products are in the right magazines and newspapers at the right time is critical to a PR and content marketing campaign.\n\nThe long lead media also give us a tantalising idea on what products are going to be popular generally and can help shape the medium and short lead, and national newspaper, sell ins.\n\nWith every media outlet writing about Christmas at different times, embargoed Christmas announcements can go horribly wrong if not planned meticulously, especially as we are now faced with long lead media which have online offerings. No one wants to see their Christmas campaign leaked too early, ruining all your planning and any negotiated exclusives with the national media in the process.\n\nCampaigns over products\n\nProduct marketing is essential and a basic building block of PR but it can often be the hardest thing to get right. Yet, without a good overarching campaign, retailers can concede a lot of ground to their competitors.\n\nJust look at the Christmas advertising wars where John Lewis spends millions on its festive TV adverts even building whole campaigns around the adverts’ heroes, such as #MontyThePenguin, and hiring popular music artists to do the soundtrack with one eye on a Christmas number one.\n\nOf course you don’t need millions of pounds to run a great Christmas campaign. A well thought through creative PR and content marketing strategy will suffice for those with more modest budgets. Social trends linked to Christmas often give the most PR mileage – and I’ve got a great budget idea for Poundland if they are reading…\n\nPlan for Black Friday\n\nLast year saw many retailers and etailers declaring Black Friday as the biggest one-off sales day.\n\nAhead of Christmas I had many discussions with digital marketers and etailers who were wondering what Black Friday was going to bring, as some felt it seemed like an American idea being forced on the UK.\n\nSome were worried it would be a damp squib, others that it would cannibalise Christmas sales. As it turned out, British consumers lapped up Black Friday as a pre-Christmas shopping event.\n\nThis year I know that retailers are taking Black Friday very seriously and I’m seeing huge amounts of marketing spend in this area, dwarfing last year’s activity.\n\nMy gut feel is that it will be the discount retailers that will again ‘win’ Black Friday this year, while the premium brands sit back and snipe from the sidelines.\n\nSeasonal summary…\n\nIt is never too early to think about Christmas. Not least because first mover advantage gives retailers and brands a chance to secure press coverage and attention well ahead of the conventional national narrative.\n\nBlack Friday and Cyber Monday have certainly helped marketers out because these two constructs get consumers thinking about Christmas a lot earlier than before-hand. Far from cannibalising sales most brands with an active Black Friday and Cyber Monday strategy have reported good increases in sales.\n\nSo, if you hadn’t started planning for Christmas in July like most PR people then get on the bandwagon and quickly. The good thing about PR and content marketing is that a good idea or creative campaign can be very quick to turn around so you don’t miss the boat.  An award-winning campaign just needs a smart mind rather than a multimillion pound advertising budget.\n\nKnow about what is changing in marketing!", "About James Crawford\n\nJames Crawford is an award winning B2B and consumer PR practitioner and has worked with at some of the biggest PR agencies in the UK. He focuses on using reputation and ecommerce metrics to track the ROI of PR."], "url": "http://www.stateofdigital.com/are-you-ready-for-christmas/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 756, "original_width": 1024, "width": 512}], "image_hashes": ["8c762442c005f0d7e883c92178ced3790f3515800d1b5c28cf1919a7b2a05c67"], "__index_level_0__": 398, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6MzlPdfjNe0/UC7y0Vr-hMI/AAAAAAAAAP8/cXNctoTimv0/s1600/IMG_2657-cropped-watermark2.jpg", null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-XiJ4hFlXijc/UC7ym_QQrZI/AAAAAAAAAP0/bqSeTgHwOf0/s1600/heart.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8681601881980896}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.stuffbybelle.com/2012/08/scraplift-challenge.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6MzlPdfjNe0/UC7y0Vr-hMI/AAAAAAAAAP8/cXNctoTimv0/s1600/IMG_2657-cropped-watermark2.jpg\", 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The journaling banners are Echo Park Springtime.  I got all the paper from Crop Chocolate, my favorite place to shop for scrappy sweetness.  I also used Distress Ink-Broken China, Black Soot and Worn Lipstick Lush rhinestones (from CC) and MM Paper Reverie pearl gems (from CC).  Some of the tiny circles are stamped with Distress Ink and a pencil eraser.  I also used Distress Stickles-Broken China.  One of my new favorite techniques is masking, which I did all around the layout.  I adhered everything to the page with the Xyron Mega Runner, one of my latest purchases from Crop Chocolate.", "I still have to do some journaling but I am linking up to the challenge so wish me luck!  Oh, and if you feel inspired, PLEASE link up a project of y our own.  I hope you do!!\nPosted by belle at 10:23 PM", "Woo Hoo!!", "I design for:", "EXCITED to be a", "Oh yes I do!!"], "url": "http://www.stuffbybelle.com/2012/08/scraplift-challenge.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 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Or use kitchen shears to carefully cut through the breastbone.\n\nRearrange the skin to neatly cover the chicken breast during cooking.\n\nFeatured Recipes", null, "Barbecued Cola Chicken\n\nMy husband is a diabetic, so I'm always looking for great-tasting recipes that are low in sugar and carbohydrates. To reduce the sugar content of this recipe even further, I use diet cola.—Mildred Dieffenbach, Womelsdorf, Pennsylvania\n\nRelated Tips\n\nHow-to Grate Citrus Fruits\n\nHow-to Make Pan Gravy\n\nPour pan drippings into a heat-resistant measuring cup along with any browned bits scraped from…\n\nHow-to Carve a Bone-in Half Ham"], "url": "http://www.tasteofhome.com/cooking-tips/how-to-s/how-to-halve-a-chicken", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d146ad265faf42cb054fb4ed6fe9901de24afd57de6d9e51b272e7ea520aa450"], "__index_level_0__": 400, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://www.techspot.com/images2/news/bigimage/2012/2012-08-21-image-8.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9414359927177428}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.techspot.com/news/49868-radioshack-to-launch-no-contract-wireless-service-on-sept-5.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.techspot.com/images2/news/bigimage/2012/2012-08-21-image-8.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://www.techspot.com/images2/news/bigimage/2012/2012-08-21-image-8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"image\", \"alt_text\": \"radioshack sept no contract wireless\"}, null]", "texts": ["Cricket already offers a similar no-contract plan but RadioShack will reportedly be upping the ante by including an 8GB microSD memory card with phones equipped to use Cricket’s Muve Music rental service. As CNET described during a review of the service, it’s essentially a clever way to roll a music subscription service into a monthly plan that includes talk, text and data.", null, "All we have to go on at this point is the memo shown above which unfortunately doesn’t outline which phones will be available under the RadioShack No Contract Wireless program. Furthermore, monthly pricing isn’t mentioned but if we had to guess, it’ll likely be priced in line with other pre-paid wireless services – or around $50 per month at most.\n\nGotta Be Mobile doesn’t believe RadioShack will have access to the recently-launched iPhone for Cricket as they say it’s usually pretty hard for mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs) to get Apple’s handset on their network. That said, they expect RadioShack to mostly offer Android-based handsets and lower-end feature phones.\n\nAs it stands, September 5 is gearing up to be pretty busy as Motorola is hosting their Razr HD event and Nokia is putting on their Windows Phone 8 event the same day. Given those two events, RadioShack’s launch could fall behind in press coverage."], "url": "http://www.techspot.com/news/49868-radioshack-to-launch-no-contract-wireless-service-on-sept-5.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 448, "original_width": 600, "width": 506}], "image_hashes": ["11aea2fa778a9f5b2590aade71055d82f9e9aa7ee95b0bd66bf8453073a186cd"], "__index_level_0__": 401, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vZvfkui3iOM/V_AlHkyByHI/AAAAAAAAA44/MrBcC6Y3N_AJIsVJwMKIgt4yJZvgzUzgQCLcB/s320/Hardship%2BEcnomy.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9265098571777344}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thebiafratelegraph.co/2016/10/nigeria-56years-on-still-no-change-one.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vZvfkui3iOM/V_AlHkyByHI/AAAAAAAAA44/MrBcC6Y3N_AJIsVJwMKIgt4yJZvgzUzgQCLcB/s320/Hardship%2BEcnomy.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-vZvfkui3iOM/V_AlHkyByHI/AAAAAAAAA44/MrBcC6Y3N_AJIsVJwMKIgt4yJZvgzUzgQCLcB/s320/Hardship%2BEcnomy.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Hardship BEcnomy\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 194}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thebiafratelegraph.co/2016/10/nigeria-56years-on-still-no-change-one.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-uIq8c21Nkeo/VhvyM0X9-zI/AAAAAAAAAGc/GdIA_YutHRQ/s1600/M.png\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-uIq8c21Nkeo/VhvyM0X9-zI/AAAAAAAAAGc/GdIA_YutHRQ/s1600/M.png\", \"alt_text\": \"Magpress\", \"rendered_width\": 96, \"rendered_height\": 96}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thebiafratelegraph.co/2016/10/nigeria-56years-on-still-no-change-one.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-M_VeK5sTaTU/WL0zqInOpHI/AAAAAAAAQGY/n3_QdMMHKFQQ72eBbkM5V0Dw4HzvrJmgwCLcB/s320/336x280.png\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-M_VeK5sTaTU/WL0zqInOpHI/AAAAAAAAQGY/n3_QdMMHKFQQ72eBbkM5V0Dw4HzvrJmgwCLcB/s320/336x280.png\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 268}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thebiafratelegraph.co/2016/10/nigeria-56years-on-still-no-change-one.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OIL7GFbWu9E/VsrSuv-Y2aI/AAAAAAAAJ4c/kYTU6rNO24M/s320/Biafra-inquiry-line.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-OIL7GFbWu9E/VsrSuv-Y2aI/AAAAAAAAJ4c/kYTU6rNO24M/s320/Biafra-inquiry-line.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Biafra inquiry line\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 151}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "02 October 2016\n\nNigeria celebrates 56yrs of independence with grudges and moody faces,  harsh economic recession and excess poverty agitate Nigerians,\nmore of them are behaving indifferently to the cultures of the old, when you tell someone \"Happy Independence\" They give you a cold reply usually with a question, you get either this \"What are you celebrating\" Hunger or poverty or corruption or no light or no job or no money?\n\nThere's nothing to celebrate, the mood is no longer the same, the youths are suffering and no more smiling, nobody cares about the independence celebration anymore, Nigerians hate the country they live in, they hate that they are Nigerians and they hate their leaders.\n\nThe changer has become the changed, There's fire on the mountain\nIt ought to be happy independence Nigeria after 56 years but the country is in a sorry state presently, soon they will sell off government assets to themselves, these corrupt politicians will go to any length to keep their pockets full and the stomachs of the citizens empty, they care less about the people.\n\nNigerians are witnessing the real change of things they bargained for, they are gradually sliding away to everlasting hunger and poverty, in the North, it is not just hunger, there is also an outbreak. This is really not what they bargained for, Could this really be the change?\n\nNigerians were very hopeful in 1960 for a better Nigeria, they connived with the evil British mercenaries to kill and wipe us (Biafrans) away in 1970 during and after the war, we have being marginalised and our resources were stolen. they abandoned everything and embraced oil.\n\n56 years later they are doubting their hopes now because of CHANGE that brought real separation, they are beginning to ask questions, but questions alone can not change the change, I see a revolution at sight and it will not take long before they pour out to the street and demand the real change.\n\nThey are absolutely losing hope, becoming more hopeless and no remedy what so ever, niara will keep falling while prices of things will keep going up, jobs will continue to disappear while unemployment will skyrocket, hunger and poverty will fill the land while crime will be the order of the day, this is the real change, Nigerians brace up and be prepared for what is to come.\n\nAs for us Biafrans, we are going home, we are leaving this evil contraption, we are not born to suffer, we are a rare breed, we are hardworking people, blessed children and we are going back home.\nwe cannot be tied down by our evil politicians neither can we be held down by Buhari. therefore, we can never be part of this change.\n\nBiafra the land of the rising sun, the land that flows with milk and honey\nThe land of hope and the sunshine of grace, the land of peace and prosperity."], "url": "http://www.thebiafratelegraph.co/2016/10/nigeria-56years-on-still-no-change-one.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 194, "original_width": 320, "width": 623}], "image_hashes": ["9bcf940264f0767f8005ca3d5596faefa2555061a0220450c55d14aa5ac0c0f6"], "__index_level_0__": 402, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 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2C white bread flour, add 2t sea salt and 3T toasted sesame seeds.  Heat 2 1/4 C water with 1/4 c honey and 3T butter to 120 degrees farenheit.  Add liquids to flour mixture, mix in the KitchenAid on speed 2 for 3 mins.  Add 3c whole wheat flour and enough white bread flour so it pulls away from the bowl.  I turn the oven on for about 5 mins, turn it off and put dough in to rise (this part always rises excellently!)  Once doubled, pull it out, punch it down, make 2 loaves, put in loaf pans, heat oven back up for a couple more minutes, and then wait and wait and wait and wait for loaves that never rise as much as I would like!!", "thomaschacon (not verified)\nNov 29 2011 - 10:01am\nLikely a fermentation issue.\n\nThat's a lot of yeast (2 tablespoons) for 2 cups of white flour and 3 cups whole wheat flour.\n\nMy guess is that your yeasts are running out of food by the time you reach second rise.\n\nCould the original recipe have called for 2 teaspoons of yeast?\n\nIf you don't wish to decrease the amount of yeast, try decreasing the amount of time for the first rise (bulk fermentation) such that the yeast will still have food for the second rise (proofing).", "Dec 1 2011 - 8:46am\nI thought it seemed like a\n\nI thought it seemed like a lot too, based on other recipes I have seen, but that is what it actually calls for.  Should I perhaps try using less?   I will try decreasing the time for the first rise as well and see if that helps.", "ronnie g\nNov 29 2011 - 8:45pm\nThis should be your order.\n\nThis should be your order.  Mix, bulk rise or proof, knock back, shape, place in pans, second proof (to 1 1/2 times the original size), then bake.  Is that what you are doing?  Or are you putting the bread in to bake straight after you place in the pans?", "Dec 1 2011 - 8:44am\nWhat you listed is my order\n\nWhat you listed is my order -- I do allow a second rise, the loaves just don't get that big no matter how long I let them sit.", "Dec 1 2011 - 9:35am\n\nTest your yeast and test your water. Use the search function, upper left, to find more info about yeast and water.", "Dec 2 2011 - 5:45am\nThank you, Jim.  Will do!", "Dec 1 2011 - 11:36am\nI concur with Thomas. Is\n\nI concur with Thomas. Is sounds like your over-proofing in the bulk rise. Try using a container with straight sides to better help you determine when your dough has \"doubled\"  Many use something like this.", null, "Dec 2 2011 - 5:47am\nTruthfully, I did not realize\n\nTruthfully, I did not realize that the dough could over-rise, or rather that it would make a difference if it did. I will give this a try.  Thanks, Allan!\n\nUser login\n\nRecent Forum Posts\n\nBread Books\n\nAlso on TFL", "Croissant with Sourdough Starter - TXFarmer VS. TX summer", "Onion, Poppy seed and Turmeric"], "url": "http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/26148/my-bread-never-rises-very-much-any-advice-please", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["9449f78a06eb411df680feefc77bca4c076128159bf57c387bd4ee2d3a77ed82"], "__index_level_0__": 403, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Tw1sndhsRFQ/UMQGK-Ek9MI/AAAAAAAAASU/sK1nn5YF8uI/s320/galaxys3_s3_cm10_jb41_src34.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8926823139190674}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.theinfow.com/2012/12/android-41-jelly-bean-update-for-galaxy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Tw1sndhsRFQ/UMQGK-Ek9MI/AAAAAAAAASU/sK1nn5YF8uI/s320/galaxys3_s3_cm10_jb41_src34.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Tw1sndhsRFQ/UMQGK-Ek9MI/AAAAAAAAASU/sK1nn5YF8uI/s320/galaxys3_s3_cm10_jb41_src34.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"galaxys s cm jb src\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 209}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.theinfow.com/2012/12/android-41-jelly-bean-update-for-galaxy.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_5UzqrQjtYEQ/TYFthVkLkhI/AAAAAAAAA_U/D9gMMrSiWmA/s000/social-connect-facebook.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_5UzqrQjtYEQ/TYFthVkLkhI/AAAAAAAAA_U/D9gMMrSiWmA/s000/social-connect-facebook.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"social connect facebook\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, December 09, 2012\nBack in the second week of November, we got to know that Samsung Galaxy S3 Users were finally getting the Android 4.1 Jelly Bean OTA Update on their smartphones.\n\nBut, just after two weeks of the release, it was barred. Samsung India testified the barring by clearing that the update containted some bugs which could harm the devices. Samsung had also promised to roll out the update as soon as possible.\n\nSamsung indeed did keep up its words. It has now again made the update available. But when the users tried to do an OTA update, they received automatic software update message, which said that, “Access to the software update service is provided to users in the order in which they request it. Try later.”\n\nThis might mean that the update is under process and thus, users might receive the update over the air in a few days. Meanwhile, Jelly Bean update for Samsung Galaxy S3 users in India is available via Samsung Kies with a file size of 290MB.\n\nThe new Android 4.1 Jelly Bean Update will include – New Live Camera, Camcorder Filters, Optimized Indoor and Low-Light Photos, Easy Resizing of Pop-Up Play Picture and Ability to disable incoming calls, LED indicators and other notifications for a period of time\n\nOther key enhancements that came with the update include offline Google Voice Dictation and improved keyboard followed by expandable notifications.\n\nUsers can also check for the update manually from Settings → About → Software update.", null, "Share your views..."], "url": "http://www.theinfow.com/2012/12/android-41-jelly-bean-update-for-galaxy.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 210, "original_width": 320, "width": 576}], "image_hashes": ["a7fbfd45100da595ebd623900bbfba0d40da22c55285b9f74c0d0c162271aec6"], "__index_level_0__": 404, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://media.socastsrm.com/wordpress/wp-content/blogs.dir/856/files/2017/04/PVILLE-DRIVE-BY.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9818922877311708}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thelounge999.com/2017/04/06/apparent-drive-by-shooting-in-parksville/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://media.socastsrm.com/wordpress/wp-content/blogs.dir/856/files/2017/04/PVILLE-DRIVE-BY.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://media.socastsrm.com/wordpress/wp-content/blogs.dir/856/files/2017/04/PVILLE-DRIVE-BY.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"PVILLE DRIVE BY\", \"alt_text\": \"Apparent drive-by shooting in Parksville\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "PARKSVILLE — Three gunshot blasts rang out in south Parksville early Wednesday morning, according to Oceanside RCMP.\n\nCpl. Jesse Foreman said police responded to a Martindale Rd. property where two abandoned vehicles were hit by gunfire at about 3:20 a.m.\n\nHe said there were no injuries.\n\nForeman said while incidents like this are concerning and rare locally, he believed this shooting was not random.\n\n“We’ve been there many, many times,” Foreman said of the property. “It’s well known to police…for property crime offences and drug related offences.”\n\nForeman said the incident appeared to be a drive-by shooting and police were unable to immediately advance their investigation once they arrived.\n\n“We were there very quickly after the event was called in, there were no vehicles or people nearby.”\n\nOceanside Mounties and RCMP forensic specialists are actively investigating, according to Foreman.\n\nAnyone with information is asked to contact Oceanside RCMP at 250-248-6111, or anonymously via Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477."], "url": "http://www.thelounge999.com/2017/04/06/apparent-drive-by-shooting-in-parksville/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 551, "original_width": 980, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["17e210541d56e1e5b163d562780f39c1b16ac7a477caa9532d539956b91fcec3"], "__index_level_0__": 405, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ggpri_zMB2k/UbD-9E8CgUI/AAAAAAAAAzs/uHjliIWNQ7Q/s640/spicy+corn+dip+final.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.93048095703125}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thesavvyspoon.com/2013/06/spicy-hot-corn-dip.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ggpri_zMB2k/UbD-9E8CgUI/AAAAAAAAAzs/uHjliIWNQ7Q/s640/spicy+corn+dip+final.JPG\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-ggpri_zMB2k/UbD-9E8CgUI/AAAAAAAAAzs/uHjliIWNQ7Q/s640/spicy+corn+dip+final.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"spicy corn dip final\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 427}, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thesavvyspoon.com/2013/06/spicy-hot-corn-dip.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww267/fabkcreative/20122/instagram-11_zpsb843d96d.png\", \"src\": \"http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww267/fabkcreative/20122/instagram-11_zpsb843d96d.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"instagram zpsb d d\", \"alt_text\": \"Photobucket\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thesavvyspoon.com/2013/06/spicy-hot-corn-dip.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww267/fabkcreative/20122/twitter-21_zps4f1087aa.png\", \"src\": \"http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww267/fabkcreative/20122/twitter-21_zps4f1087aa.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitter zps f aa\", \"alt_text\": \"Photobucket\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thesavvyspoon.com/2013/06/spicy-hot-corn-dip.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww267/fabkcreative/20122/pinterest-29_zps399d9310.png\", \"src\": \"http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww267/fabkcreative/20122/pinterest-29_zps399d9310.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pinterest zps d\", \"alt_text\": \"Photobucket\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thesavvyspoon.com/2013/06/spicy-hot-corn-dip.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww267/fabkcreative/20122/mail-17_zps6f744f3d.png\", \"src\": \"http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww267/fabkcreative/20122/mail-17_zps6f744f3d.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mail zps f f d\", \"alt_text\": \"Photobucket\"}, null]", "texts": ["Sooo I came to an informative and wise conclusion the other day.\nWhen it comes to choosing a restaurant, I'm kind of annoying. Kind of meaning like, really totally annoying. I really don't love going somewhere that I normally eat lunch at for dinner- freaks me out. I really like brunching... btw when that's considered a sport, someone let me know because then I can call myself an athlete... but anyways we end up going to the same couple restaurants over and over because... welp... I like their drink specials. I ain't afraid to admit it I want an extra spicy bloody or a bubbly oj now and again and for $5 or less kthanx. But the main course? I mean I care... just not that much.\n\nI finally figured out the other day that when it comes to choosing a place to eat, I really only have three legit criteria I judge by: 1. appetizer availability 2. ambiance 3. drink selection. When I say appetizer availability, I mean I can't think look speak breath before we have an app order in, and I finally reach my happy place with an app in hand/mouth/belly. So is this just another dip? Neg. This is a spicy, cheesy, creamy (yet skinny don't panic) and warm corn dip. This is your future happy place too.\n\nPrep Time:  | Cook Time:  | Serves 4+", null, "at 6/06/2013"], "url": "http://www.thesavvyspoon.com/2013/06/spicy-hot-corn-dip.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 430, "original_width": 640, "width": 562}], "image_hashes": ["2ec72a75812886a9451a29aa3380703a0438085309df86652cf1860d72dfa6a7"], "__index_level_0__": 406, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-I0cR0Chn32Y/WPOuA6R3CRI/AAAAAAAAY0Y/9lUTQaPdG_Mk1nZZDSxlZ0m52LCVRgGLgCLcB/s1600/Matalan-Street-Style.jpg", "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2XRFbFyRtR8/WPOuSo6TXaI/AAAAAAAAY0g/fK3yfCHStCUAYXf3CYJ7LQbkcbsVlPOfACLcB/s1600/Heather-Gardner-Jewelry.jpg", "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/--w_SluO4NUs/WPOuLR-SuLI/AAAAAAAAY0c/dR8X1_Hn9NkJlgpcQ8MxGJznTlUndvB1gCLcB/s1600/Bristol-2017-Street-Style.jpg", "https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GYTgYy5qKoI/WPOuaNXqp9I/AAAAAAAAY0k/Ouc6oIGDQ6cmLkuRwuEd1iSVHj1n1EvkQCLcB/s1600/Matalan-Stripe-Bardot-Blouse.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9466515183448792}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thestylerawr.com/2017/04/matalan-stripe-bardot-blouse.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-I0cR0Chn32Y/WPOuA6R3CRI/AAAAAAAAY0Y/9lUTQaPdG_Mk1nZZDSxlZ0m52LCVRgGLgCLcB/s1600/Matalan-Street-Style.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-I0cR0Chn32Y/WPOuA6R3CRI/AAAAAAAAY0Y/9lUTQaPdG_Mk1nZZDSxlZ0m52LCVRgGLgCLcB/s1600/Matalan-Street-Style.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Matalan Street Style\", \"alt_text\": \"Matalan Street Style\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thestylerawr.com/2017/04/matalan-stripe-bardot-blouse.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2XRFbFyRtR8/WPOuSo6TXaI/AAAAAAAAY0g/fK3yfCHStCUAYXf3CYJ7LQbkcbsVlPOfACLcB/s1600/Heather-Gardner-Jewelry.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-2XRFbFyRtR8/WPOuSo6TXaI/AAAAAAAAY0g/fK3yfCHStCUAYXf3CYJ7LQbkcbsVlPOfACLcB/s1600/Heather-Gardner-Jewelry.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Heather Gardner Jewelry\", \"alt_text\": \"Heather Gardner Jewelry\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thestylerawr.com/2017/04/matalan-stripe-bardot-blouse.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/--w_SluO4NUs/WPOuLR-SuLI/AAAAAAAAY0c/dR8X1_Hn9NkJlgpcQ8MxGJznTlUndvB1gCLcB/s1600/Bristol-2017-Street-Style.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/--w_SluO4NUs/WPOuLR-SuLI/AAAAAAAAY0c/dR8X1_Hn9NkJlgpcQ8MxGJznTlUndvB1gCLcB/s1600/Bristol-2017-Street-Style.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Bristol Street Style\", \"alt_text\": \"Bristol 2017 Street Style\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thestylerawr.com/2017/04/matalan-stripe-bardot-blouse.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GYTgYy5qKoI/WPOuaNXqp9I/AAAAAAAAY0k/Ouc6oIGDQ6cmLkuRwuEd1iSVHj1n1EvkQCLcB/s1600/Matalan-Stripe-Bardot-Blouse.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-GYTgYy5qKoI/WPOuaNXqp9I/AAAAAAAAY0k/Ouc6oIGDQ6cmLkuRwuEd1iSVHj1n1EvkQCLcB/s1600/Matalan-Stripe-Bardot-Blouse.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Matalan Stripe Bardot Blouse\", \"alt_text\": \"Matalan Stripe Bardot Blouse\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.thestylerawr.com/2017/04/matalan-stripe-bardot-blouse.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...\"}, null]", "texts": ["Sunday, 30 April 2017\n\nMatalan Stripe Bardot Blouse\n\nWhen it comes to high street brands, Matalan are killing it right now! I've always enjoyed browsing my local store and would occasionally find the odd thing I like, but as of late, I've been making purchase after purchase.\n\nThis season I'm all about the bardot top and this particular stripe bardot blouse, is my absolute fave. I just adore the three quarter sleeves with wide frill cuffs and party at the back. Isn't it cute? It's also an absolute steal at only £16.", null, null, null, null, "Top: Matalan - Jeans: F&F - Bracelet: Melinda Maria at JewelStreet - Watch: Olivia Burton\n\nChange the record, I know, but I can't wait for summer. This blouse will also look hella cute with some ripped denim shorts when the weather heats up. Last time I went to Matalan I also bought a red and white candy striped bardot top which, for some weird reason, makes me think of a Punch & Judy show at the beach. Boy did I love those performances as a kid.\n\nSpeaking of punch and all things fruity, I'm looking for a new post-workout smoothie. Does anyone have any recommendations? I've heard watermelon is great for refuelling your muscles, replenishing electrolytes, liquids and glucose... So I might give it a go. Please do share your fruity recipes with me!\n\nOn a side note: I know our blogging schedule has been a bit sporadic as of late, but I have four more style posts coming soon, so stay tuned. I've still been documenting my looks, I've just been a bit tight on time so haven't had a chance to add words to them... Until now. I'm excited to be back!\n\nPosted by The Style Rawr at 30.4.17"], "url": "http://www.thestylerawr.com/2017/04/matalan-stripe-bardot-blouse.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 566, "original_height": 1198, "original_width": 800, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 534, "original_width": 800, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 534, "original_width": 800, "width": 566}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 1198, "original_width": 800, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e1c148b685c7676ecf3993fcc03ba557258ace1baccfd04d8031afa6eea400a3", "252ba3d810e4b117477ba553f41bad2fbd5a4c572ac2b8c4cfd63fb61d3faa3b", "a42599614e5e88670a6d1874ef2673cc53036c61467bd9ed5f763a9eabed0339", "a913141cc03572b114a55c27ba1d774506aa07b769d1603d442ca7b363b069ce"], "__index_level_0__": 407, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": 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across during a road trip in Kentucky near Georgetown.", null, "This picture was taken by me at Fort Columbia State Park in Chinook, Wash. Notice the big orb looks like it is behind the bars.", null, "Submitted by Jeremy Jones\nNot necessarily haunted, but Dachau Concentration camp ranks high on my chilling scale.", null, "We went here on Halloween last year and got so spooked! My kids were acting like monkeys without their bananas! Then to make matters scarier, some old lady came out wearing a with hat! My kids thought she was a witch and ran around screaming. I will never forget last year.", null, "Submitted by Ashleigh Stewart\nThis is a picture of the balcony at Ford's Theatre in Washington, DC. The balcony is the place where President Abraham Lincoln was shot. Three orbs appear in this picture. The one orb on the upper left appears as if there is a facial image. This picture was taken in the summer of 2007.", null, "Submitted by Courtney Anderson\nThis picture was taken while I was on a ghost tour in Salem, Mass. last month. Notice the milky white orb next to the tombstone.", null, "Submitted by Carin Steele\nThis is our family in Salem, MA...Very witchy!!!", null, "Submitted by jeff pontsler\nUpsidedown Pumpkin Scarecrow", null, "Submitted by Sallie Carey\nWe saw this creepy Moray Eel while snorkeling on Grand Cayman.", null, "Submitted by Ted Stedman\nIn Panama, I explored a partly submerged jungle cave and came upon this huge spider. With its outstretched legs, this creepy thing was the size of a large grapefruit. It was all I could do to get close enough to take this photo.", "Along Colorado's Front Range there are several corn mazes with spooky surprises like this....Booo!", null, "Submitted by Eddie Trujillo\nWeird happenings in a home in San Diego, CA.", null, "Submitted by Christianna Jackson\nOur jack-o-lantern takes first prize at the Allan Fall Harvest Party.", null, "Submitted by Gene Ruiz\nJack-O-Lantern Blaze 08 @ Van Cortland Manor, Croton-On-Hudson, NY.\nSubmitted by Zach Eichelberger\nGetting shaky in a Tokyo graveyard at dusk.", null, "Submitted by Carolyn Fridman\nI caught this guy spinning a web at our house in Costa Rica.", null, "Train Station Ghoul at Worlds Of Fun in Kansas City, MO", null, "When I unrolled my towel at the beach in Costa Rica, I found a stowaway.", null, "Submitted by David Lotker\nCrossing a bridge over the Danumbe in Budapest, this was one of hundreds of spiders \"setting up shop\" on a warm summer evening.", null, "Submitted by John Stetson\nOur moon setting (over witches brooms, the tops of Pine trees). The trees were two miles away on Raymond Cape across Jordan Bay on Sebago Lake in Southern Maine.", null, "This was taken in Gettysburg on a battlefield using a digital camera. There were no visible lights in the area, no people around and that is not a road behind them, just a field. We still cannot figure out what the objects are and how they got there without us seeing them. One looks like a three headed dog (in red) and an angel (in green)."], "url": "http://www.today.com/id/27367261/ns/travel-seasonal_travel/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 356, "original_width": 474, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 356, "original_width": 474, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 356, "original_width": 474, "width": 503}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 411, "original_width": 308, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 356, "original_width": 474, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 356, "original_width": 474, "width": 503}, {"height": 672, "original_height": 548, "original_width": 308, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 356, "original_width": 474, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 316, "original_width": 474, "width": 567}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 411, "original_width": 308, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 356, "original_width": 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Blog Post\n\n01 May 2014", null, null, "Special Donut made for trailer\nCustomer designed a trailer sign  cut from 1/8\" plate.  Circle is a 36\" diameter.  Left unpained for a rust finish.\n05 March 2016", null, null, null, "Torchcraft YouTube Video\n\nThe Making Of A Sign - Jerry Kirby", null, null, null], "url": "http://www.torchcraft.com/photo-blog/custom-fireplace-screen.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 368, "original_width": 500, "width": 513}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 450, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 960, "original_width": 1280, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 503, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 400, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 400, "original_height": 250, 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Sherry Davidson with the WVU Extension in Barbour Co. selects an item of produce from The Market Place to prepare and offer samples of for an event.\", \"rendered_width\": 180}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.tristateupdate.com/story/25979902/the-market-place\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://WVSTATE.images.worldnow.com/images/4166765_G.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://WVSTATE.images.worldnow.com/images/4166765_G.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 180}, null]", "texts": ["The Market Place - WOWK 13 Charleston, Huntington WV News, Weather, Sports\n\nMember Center:", "The Market Place", null, "CYNTHIA McCLOUD / For The State Journal. Sherry Davidson with the WVU Extension in Barbour Co. selects an item of produce from The Market Place to prepare and offer samples of for an event.", null, "Farmer’s Market Has Consignment Shop Feel\n\nFor The State Journal\n\nPhilippi’s Farmers Market is growing both the incomes and the food options of Barbour County residents.\n\nHeart and Hand House Inc., a nonprofit mission project affiliated with the United Methodist Church, has operated the Community Garden Market for 21 years, recently moving it to a location organizers named The Market Place, located at 106 S. Main St., Philippi.\n\nIts goals are two-fold and mesh with Heart and Hand House, which assists low-income families with utility bills, home repair and construction, provides baby layettes to new mothers and operates a food pantry and thrift stores.\n\n“Our mission is to help low-income families in our county with an extra income-earning opportunity,” said Brenda Hunt, executive director of Heart and Hand House Inc. “If they have jobs or childcare needs that would keep them from setting up a stand at a farmer’s market, they can just bring us things to sell for them and go.”\n\nAnyone can sell or shop at The Market Place — from people who farm for a living to gardeners and crafters. Sellers drop off their wares, The Market Place displays and sells them, then cuts the producer a check for 80 percent of the proceeds, keeping 20 percent for overhead costs.\n\n“I’ve got a neighbor who sells eggs and apples from his orchard and produce and it provides him with $800-$1,000 of extra spending money a year,” said Bucky Poling of Moatsville. “It’s the same with a lot of different farmers in the county. It costs a lot to grow a garden and by the time you process everything for your own home, you always have a little extra. The Market Place gives you an outlet to make a little money back.”\n\nPoling sells extra eggs from free-range chickens on his 147-acre farm. He puts the proceeds into his grandchildren’s savings accounts for college.\n\nThe Market Place’s stock changes with the season.\n\n“Right now, we’re picking zucchini, tomatoes, bell peppers, hot peppers, asparagus, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries,” said Lisa Sickler of The Sickler Farm in Philippi. “We also produce flowers like mums and spring hanging baskets and bedding plants.”\n\nIn May, because of Mother’s Day, Lisa and her husband, Jeff, made $4,000 at The Market Place, though that’s not a typical month’s sales.\n\nThe Sicklers like the convenience of having their goods in front of the public five days a week at one location where someone else makes the sale, freeing them up to work their farm or man booths at other farmer’s markets.\n\n“It is one of two consignment-type farmer’s markets in West Virginia,” Hunt said. “As far as I know, we were the first, then The Wild Ramp opened in Huntington.”\n\nThe Sicklers also sell honey, and The Market Place also carries jams, meat, baked goods such as cakes and pepperoni rolls and a few craft items.\n\n“They have some unusual items I don’t necessarily grow in my garden, like strawberries and kale,” said Patty Bowmar of Philippi.\n\nRetired from Alderson-Broaddus University, Bowmar knits dishcloths and sews quilted potholders she sells at The Market Place.\n\n“I like to sew and quilt, and I like to shop for crafts,” Bowmar said. “I think crafts add a nice little extra thing to The Market Place.”\n\nWith bakery cases and produce coolers, The Market Place feels like a grocery store — and not just because it’s located in the old Philippi IGA. There’s even a coffee and doughnut shop.\n\nA local foods café will be added in the future.\n\n“We will take what is available at the garden market and prepare some simple luncheon and maybe breakfast items,” Hunt said.\n\nNow, one day a week, West Virginia University Extension agents prepare dishes from what’s in season, such as kale, and give shoppers a taste of a food they’ve maybe never tried before or didn’t know how to cook.\n\nThe Market Place is open from 7 a.m.-5 p.m., Tuesday-Friday, and 7 a.m.-noon Saturday. This past year was the first it was open year-round.\n\n“Several farmers in the area have purchased and are implementing high tunnels to increase their capacity to produce longer into the year and earlier in the year,” Hunt said.\n\nThe site is also becoming a gathering place, with Main Street Philippi and Bible study groups hosting meetings there.\n\n“It’s open to the entire community,” Hunt said. “We also want to promote the use of local, fresh, healthy foods in our community. We keep those dollars local and that helps us all as a community all the way around.\n\n“We want to encourage them and empower them to be somewhat self-sufficient so there’s the opportunity for them to sell but also a place for them to purchase good nutritious food for their families,” she said. “We try to give vouchers out with our food pantry boxes they can spend at The Market Place. And growers will bring in produce and say, ‘I don’t want the proceeds; donate them to Heart and Hand House’ or, ‘I want to donate this directly to the food pantry.’”\n\nThe Market Place accepts SNAP benefits, WIC and senior citizen vouchers, cash, check and credit/debit cards."], "url": "http://www.tristateupdate.com/story/25979902/the-market-place", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 667, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["00cccebeacaa2d12ed6265d7e78203de98d137aa9238c404f2a5aeea44c0087e", "d030c25daccf1ab23274c95efb19e0b36eb54ae4e9477b942655e307981cf211"], "__index_level_0__": 411, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_PdIpP5rmbD8/S6WJZyEPBGI/AAAAAAAABK4/3i5We5iGBQs/s400/VC%20032010%20(4)%20%5B800x600%5D.JPG", 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official opening day of SE PA trout season.  Valley Creek on the other hand is special regulations water, so it's strictly artificial lures, catch and release. I decided I wanted to fish my tenkara rod downstream from the landmark covered bridge, a stretch of water I've only fished once before.\n\nI'll be honest, I never have much success at Valley, but today I had fish on my line constantly.  Although the haul doesn't sound huge (5 to hand and at least 4 more that spit my fly during the fight), it was my best day at Valley on fly fishing tackle, tenkara style or otherwise.  Here's some pics of a few of the fish, all in the smallish 6 to 8 inch range, but a blast to play and bring in on the ultra-sensitive Tenkara USA Iwana rod.", null, null, "Most of the fish were caught on a Zebra Midge (a gift from \"flyguy\" on the PAanglers.com forum) drifted beneath an Elk Hair Caddis used as an indicator.\nFishing Reports Tenkara Valley Creek\nLocation: Valley Forge National Historical Park, King of Prussia, PA 19406, USA\n\nIt Was Bound To Happen", null, "The 5 Best Tenkara Rods?\n\nFebruary 17, 2017", "5 Landing Net Options For The Tenkara Angler\n\nMay 10, 2017", "Tenkara USA Net\n\nIs Hot Spotting Really A Bad Thing?"], "url": "http://www.troutrageous.com/2010/03/great-day-outside-in-valley-forge.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 286, "original_width": 400, "width": 528}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 768, "original_width": 1024, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["71d443a234ca6ea7433ea3852528f67d2908a19937467ca36b2720aa8e2aa328", "82e536e049585a637574e400f1937e9e2c717bf91e5c7ba7ec45d5b028a33937", "46e476b8ee8552249269b368d951f7a99c8d133a670a0618779c843659c3a5d0"], "__index_level_0__": 412, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ElMoLw-pw28/Tw9O5JAGf0I/AAAAAAAAB-E/BoThpdMHcIU/s400/AirMech+Linux+Game.jpg", 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\"alt_text\": \"Follow on Facebook\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/07/carbon-games-needs-your-help-in.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bF8gPVucwf4/TwG-kcZ6h3I/AAAAAAAAB1M/zohhxVyuDgM/s1600/1325513940_plastique-social_208.png\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bF8gPVucwf4/TwG-kcZ6h3I/AAAAAAAAB1M/zohhxVyuDgM/s1600/1325513940_plastique-social_208.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"plastique social\", \"alt_text\": \"Subscribe to me on YouTube\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/07/carbon-games-needs-your-help-in.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-D92snNGLu-4/TwG-l4c5yYI/AAAAAAAAB1U/IMbBca61sA4/s1600/1325514134_plastique-social_63.png\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-D92snNGLu-4/TwG-l4c5yYI/AAAAAAAAB1U/IMbBca61sA4/s1600/1325514134_plastique-social_63.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"plastique social\"}, {\"document_url\": 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Then instantly transform into robot mode and fight alongside them. Level up to unlock new AirMechs and Units and customize your army to suit your unique play style.\n\nThe game also has a multiplayer mode that features 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3 for the ultimate in cooperative team play. Play with friends or be matched against opponents of similar skill level. You can also test your skills in Survival missions with up to 4 players cooperatively defending against incoming waves of enemies.\n\nAirMech is being developed by Carbon Games and it has pretty great visuals, sound effects and addictive gameplay. You can play the game right now in Google Chrome using Native Client, just follow the instructions here.\n\nAirMech is completely made from open source tools. This chart below nicely summarizes their way of working:", null, "Carbon Games plans to release native versions of AirMech for Linux and OSX. You can help them in their endeavors by posting your hardware specs in their forum. This serves as both a \"vote\" for the platform and also helps them to target the platform better."], "url": "http://www.ubuntuvibes.com/2012/07/carbon-games-needs-your-help-in.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 225, "original_width": 400, "width": 672}, {"height": 505, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 299, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["232528839f1d1e09972091d91f44ecc1a36e24764d6e3f736407e5bca16d6bb3", "3db9c5bf3d8bfc5350b9ef101aae4dd5d3321dd4bf93213654678c8eb8561fb1"], "__index_level_0__": 413, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.unhcr.org/thumb1/52b94a356.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.969914734363556}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.unhcr.org/52b9498a9.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/thumb1/52b94a356.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.unhcr.org/thumb1/52b94a356.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b a\"}, null]", "texts": ["Rosita Pica was among some 200 people living on a beached ship until UNHCR staff gave them an alternative – tents close to home.\n\nBy: Fernando del Mundo, ed. Vivian Tan   |  24 December 2013   |  Français", null, "Rosita Pica and her family preparing dinner near their temporary shelter in Tacloban, the Philippines.  © UNHCR/K.Bolisay\n\nTACLOBAN, the Philippines, December 24 (UNHCR) - For 31 days, a rusting dredging ship tossed by Typhoon Haiyan 100 metres inland into a coastal shanty town was home for seven-month-pregnant Rosita Pica and her family.\n\nAlong with 38 other families, they shared cramped spaces inside the vessel that was also home to many dead bodies. The stench of decomposition mixed with the smell of crude oil and other odours was overpowering even more than a month later.\n\nLiving conditions were bad, but there was no other choice for the 34-year-old mother of five and 190 other survivors, mostly children. Their homes had been destroyed and debris was strewn all over. There was nowhere else to shelter them from the rains and looters roaming the city in the early days of the emergency.\n\n\"We had to endure it all. We had nowhere else to go,\" said Rosita, a survivor of Haiyan, the strongest cyclone to ever hit land, killing more than 6,000 people, uprooting trees and power poles and demolishing even concrete structures along its path.\n\nRosita and her family survived the storm by taking refuge in an evacuation site. Her hut was destroyed. When she and the other residents of an area called Barangay 75 saw the beached ship, they climbed the vessel that lay awkwardly among a sea of debris and took refuge there. They crammed its every nook and cranny, even the ledges in the engine room.\n\n\"It was hot during the night, mosquitoes feasted on us,\" Rosita said.\n\nThe people there shared one stove to cook food rations handed out by the government's Department of Social Welfare and Development. It rained most of the days and when it stopped, they would use two makeshift ladders to climb down from the vessel and sleep in the debris below. This was particularly dangerous for the children living on the ship.\n\nSome local residents brought the plight of Rosita and the other residents to UNHCR's attention.\n\n\"When we found the community still living on the boat, we contacted UNDP [the UN Development Programme] that immediately mobilized its cash-for-work workers to clear some of the debris around the area,\" said UNHCR's Eilish Hurley, who has been deployed to Tacloban to respond to the crisis. \"This allowed UNHCR and its partner agency CFSI [Community and Family Services International] to provide family tents for the boat residents so that they could escape the squalor and dangers that the ship posed to them.\"\n\nSolar lanterns were also distributed along with blankets and kitchen sets to help communities temporarily set up a safer and more dignified living space while a permanent site was identified.\n\nA day after receiving the tent, Rosita's husband - an assistant in an electrical shop - pitched it near the ship that was once their home. Rosita chatted animatedly with her neighbours, patted her tummy and remarked, \"If this baby is a girl, I will name her Yolanda,\" referring to the local name for the typhoon.\n\nTacloban is gradually showing some signs of normalcy with roads being cleared, small shops re-opening slowly and electricity being restored in some parts of the city. But mounds of twisted corrugated iron roofs and steel, crushed concrete and wood still litter the landscape, including around the tents of Rosita and her neighbours. This is being cleared gradually by the government and UNDP.\n\nFour million people still remain displaced after the storm and it will take many months and years before some of them are able to rebuild their homes and lives.\n\nTo date, UNHCR has assisted over 306,000 survivors of Typhoon Haiyan, distributing family tents, solar lanterns, plastic sheets, plastic rolls, blankets, kitchen sets and jerry cans.\n\nThe most appreciated items are the temporary shelter materials. UNHCR tents have been set up throughout the city, providing much-needed emergency shelter to people like Rosita. As she noted, these tents and solar lamps have given her and other families temporary respite from their suffering.\n\nBy Fernando del Mundo, in Tacloban, the Philippines\n\nRelated news and stories\n\nMindanao's returnees get help with kelp in the Philippines\n\nFighting in southern Philippines island displaces more than 120,000"], "url": "http://www.unhcr.org/52b9498a9.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 532, "original_width": 800, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["0a9aae597a40a306a084b4d94fa1322c803b59924686e27ea403f6eff86f44bc"], "__index_level_0__": 414, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usedphotosna/55382433_614.jpg", "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usedphotosna/55382439_614.jpg", "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usedphotosna/55382446_614.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7294023633003235}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": 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Trio\n...From The Hungry I\nAt Large\nHere We Go Again\nString Along\nThe Last Month Of The Year\n\nSeven for $5.00 in total."], "url": "http://www.usedottawa.com/classified-ad/The-Kingston-Trio---Folk-LPs_28240785.lite", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 461, "original_width": 614, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 461, "original_width": 614, "width": 503}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 461, "original_width": 614, "width": 503}], "image_hashes": ["aad8c8765f7dcfcf975d37b76d516da7eabf17d93902b1ab50af0dd8e5e2d876", "02730c548cb76ebd6ebfd459a4a038e627decde24a7502672d3b4c7b82efd5d8", "44c4a41d411995e53f3a3a3920ddd26f1d2fdc6b5cf0cf6951e12620f885c9c4"], "__index_level_0__": 415, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usedphotosuk/106043472_614.jpg", "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usedphotosuk/106043471_614.jpg", "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usedphotosuk/106043474_614.jpg", 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corner sofa,\n\ncost over £1500 when we bought it 2 years ago, unfortunately the dog has badly scratched 3 of the cushion covers when he was younger so we just covered them with throws as we hadnt got round to having the re-upholstered or got new covers (see pictures) easily covered with throws or not that expensive for upholstrey work, includes all reversible scatter cushions etc.\n\nwe also have the matching foot stool poof too not pictured as its in a seperate room that the dog used to sleep on and is covered in dog hair but can have it if you wanted."], "url": "http://www.usedwalsall.co.uk/classified-ad/Scs-Matrix-large-corner-sofa-60-if-gone-this-week_25311624.lite", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 460, "original_width": 614, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 460, "original_width": 614, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 460, "original_width": 614, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 460, "original_width": 614, 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Currently it is only being sold in China, but I imagine it is just a matter of time before we see it on this side of the pond.\n\nRegular phone features include a 1.3 megapixel camera behind and a VGA camera in front, a microSD memory card slot, and dual SIM carriages. While two cameras normally mean a 3G-capable handset,"], "url": "http://www.vagablond.com/2345/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 204, "original_width": 300, "width": 555}], "image_hashes": ["c274f3c2c0e8b2b779ddbb1086002640b7d318e07fb36ea3542d5bcf77a13faa"], "__index_level_0__": 417, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3280/2686484733_65c50def37_m.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9413002729415894}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wealth-prosperity.info/2008/07/everything-is-mindset.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3280/2686484733_65c50def37_m.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3280/2686484733_65c50def37_m.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c def m\", \"alt_text\": \"Money & Abundance\", \"rendered_width\": 240, \"rendered_height\": 180}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wealth-prosperity.info/2008/07/everything-is-mindset.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"src\": \"http://www.linkwithin.com/pixel.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pixel\", \"alt_text\": \"Related Posts with Thumbnails\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wealth-prosperity.info/2008/07/everything-is-mindset.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sBRdTr7GAwM/VOhdABtijDI/AAAAAAAALNg/lbLWcnavoFs/s1600/subliminalvideos.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-sBRdTr7GAwM/VOhdABtijDI/AAAAAAAALNg/lbLWcnavoFs/s1600/subliminalvideos.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"subliminalvideos\", \"alt_text\": \"Subliminal manifestation videos\"}, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Are you wondering why you still haven't attracted money or abundance? It's probably because you you haven't been working on changing your mindset. David Cameron Gikandi, the mastermind behind the Wealth Fundamentals Pack, says:\n\nHorizons are a mindset. Poverty is a mindset. Wealth is a mindset. Happiness is a mindset. Depression is a mindset. Health is a mindset. Dis-ease is a mindset. It is all a mindset, with its accompanying emotions. The secret is that the mind is limitless, so you truly have no limits except those that you have accepted as real.\n\nDon't get frustrated and think that what you're doing right now to attract abundance isn't working just because whatever you want to attract isn't showing up instantly. For some people, building a positive mindset takes time.\n\nWhen you choose to become positive, you will become positive. Make the decision to have a mindset of abundance and happiness. Write it down as a goal and look at that goal every day. After 30 days of doing that, come back to this post and let me know how your life has changed ;)"], "url": "http://www.wealth-prosperity.info/2008/07/everything-is-mindset.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 240, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["89bbe0731d958c189df39f350112f4dd1a899e63fe54a1c33b7264c44aebb31f"], "__index_level_0__": 418, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-jBXDHJiRBAs/VZnY4eI_oPI/AAAAAAABR3U/ZMa9AY0gZX0/s1600/IMWAYR.jpg", null, null, "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-QXhz-23z4Dg/VZoNrYPZ06I/AAAAAAABR3s/aIOHuqIqmII/s200/A%2BYear%2Bof%2BBiblical%2BWomanhood.jpg", null, null, "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Av0xY91x-vE/VZoOll2PyLI/AAAAAAABR38/w4XiE1gmSaI/s200/Ivy%2Band%2BBean.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7658049464225769}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": 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that has kept me going with it so far.  I'm about 25% of the way through it, but I'm still waiting for something to happen.  It came to me with a lot of great recommendations, so I'm fairly confident that it will turn around soon.  At least, I hope it will.", null, "The \"Phone\" Book:\nA Year of Biblical Womanhood by Rachel Held Evans\nI don't usually read non-fiction on my phone (I prefer fluffy reads), but this has a good structure for phone reading--it is broken up by months and the chapters are not overly long.  Plus, I've had this book sitting in my kindle queue for a couple years, so it was TIME.", "My \"Deep Think Thoughts\" Book:\nWonderstruck: Awaken to the Nearness of God by Margaret Fineberg\nI could call this category the \"reading on the toilet\" book, but I'm not quite willing to bold that.  Anyway, I decided to take a little break from short stories and read some of my other non-fiction around.  I'm really enjoying this one so far.", null, "With My Daughter\nIvy and Bean by Annie Barrows\nMy daughter got several chapter books for Christmas and her birthday (which was in February).  As you know if you've been reading this blog, we were stuck in Charlotte's Web for MONTHS.  However, we've re-established our bedtime routine so I'm back to reading to her every night.  We're about a quarter of the way through this one and my daughter is loving it.\n\nLast week, I read:", "Daisy Dawson is on Her Way by Steve Voake (Finished 6/29, no review)\nThis is another of my daughter's chapter books and I really liked this one.  The best part about it is that it isn't \"written down\" and the voice is mature.  My daughter liked that I had a many opportunities to use different voices", "Newport by Jill Morrow (Finished 7/3, review 7/10)\nI won't say much about this book since my review will be up in a few days, but I will say that it was a unique reading experience.  I don't mean that in a bad way at all, but it wasn't what I expected.\n\nSo, that's it for this week!  I'm hoping to have more time to read in the days to come as my daughter will be at day camp.  I do have a lot of driving back and forth to do, but I'll only have one child at home with me, so we'll see...."], "url": "http://www.westmetromommyreads.com/2015/07/its-mondaywhat-are-you-reading-76.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 290, "original_width": 300, "width": 391}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}, {"height": 500, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 151, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["1f969fb0eb599213814d66d8e9d06a56c5bb0c818bb17c4f1e27d2318de97d85", "3fff9dafbdf2585f7dd12a445e0c6b7a3719e275088130b6a87063920bfccf9c", "3a3f49ae38952e4e5eeab78c29477df126a31d1b27d029ad09bed8beb2cd4df1"], "__index_level_0__": 419, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, 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triangles, books dealing with alcoholism, books with unreliable narrators.\n\nMy Thoughts:\nI had to think about this book for a few days after I finished it to decide how much the hype around it affected my experience reading it.  I do realize that I'm one of the last people on the planet to read this....which means I went into reading this knowing that it was supposed to be spectacular.\n\nDid I find it spectacular?  Not at all.  There was much I liked about it. Hawkins has a great writing style and sh mastered the pace of the book so that not only did she control the rate at which information became to available to the reader, but also so that she could build up the necessary dramatic tension.  The story is told through the eyes of 3 women, which sounds like a disaster.  Hawkins, however, successfully develops three distinct voices so that the reader is never confused about who is who.\n\nRachel, the main character, is expertly drawn.  She is at rock bottom at the start of the book and manages to go lower and lower.  My reaction to her was not that she was unlikable, but that she was pitiful and I believe that was what Hawkins was going for with her.\n\nThe story itself is interesting, although I will admit to figuring out the mystery well before I think the author wanted me to. For most of my life, that would be a major strike against the book. However, I've become such a critical reader in the past few years that I've learned to just accept that as par for the course in my reading now.  Because of that, I don't think I'm a good source for someone wanting to know if they'll be surprised by twists and turns in this book.\n\nMy biggest problems with the book was that I couldn't find a single character to really root for.  As I said, Rachel was pathetic to the point that she felt like a lost cause. All the other major characters, whoever, were just downright unlikable.  I couldn't stand any of them.  I think Hawkins tried to make two of the minor characters--Megan's therapist and Rachel's roommate--somewhat \"nice\" but she essentially failed on both counts.  Megan's therapist, well, makes some bad choices.  Rachel's roommate, Cathy, on the other hand, is just downright unbelievable.  Most of the time, she's little Miss Sunshine and, when she's not, she doesn't really have any teeth in her bite.  I'm not saying that Hawkins needed a nice hero in this book somewhere but, as a reader, I needed someone--even a minor character--that I felt had some humanity and who I could root for.  Without that, I never felt completely pulled into the book.\n\nIn line with that, I really felt that there was some serious male-bashing in this book.  The men, like everyone else, are not \"nice,\" but they are not nice in very stereotypical and predictable ways.  I wish Hawkins had found a more unique way to create the male characters and had stayed away from tired cliches.\n\nIn the end, The Girl on the Train didn't live up to the hype for me, nor did I feel that it was unique enough to deserve all the hype.  However, I can recognize why others would enjoy this book.  While I would recommend this book, I would be selective on who I would recommend it to.  This book is really for people who are looking for something dark and twisty and are able to get sucked into a book without needing a character for them to root for."], "url": "http://www.westmetromommyreads.com/2015/09/book-review-girl-on-train-by-paula.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 570, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 212, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["90288b98e93a479c37fe74235de4e02b6870226b304339a190eb483ffdaa4c8d"], "__index_level_0__": 420, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "http://images.agoramedia.com/wte3.0/gcms/wte-toddler-sleep-problems.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9479671716690063}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.whattoexpect.com/toddler-sleepwalking-sleep-talking.aspx\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//images.agoramedia.com/wte3.0/gcms/wte-toddler-sleep-problems.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://images.agoramedia.com/wte3.0/gcms/wte-toddler-sleep-problems.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wte toddler sleep problems\", \"alt_text\": \"toddler sleep problems\"}, null]", "texts": ["Toddler Sleepwalking and Sleep Talking\n\nIf your child's nighttime wanderings (or chats) have you all on edge, try to relax. Here's how to get him back to bed safely.", null, "Getting kids to stay in bed and stop their chattering is hard enough when they’re awake, but what about when they’re asleep? Children can walk or talk in their sleep almost as soon as they’ve mastered both milestones during the day. Sleepwalking and talking typically runs in families, so if you or your partner has done it, chances are your child might too. Though it’s more prevalent in older children, 25 to 30 percent of little kids will experience at least one episode. If your toddler is going to sleepwalk or strike up a conversation after bedtime, he’ll usually do it in the first two hours, when he’s in deep non-REM sleep. Doctors don’t really know why sleepwalkers’ brains signal their legs and mouths to get moving, but most agree that there are steps you can take to help your child get the sleep he needs.\n\nIn This Series\n\nStart some healthy sleep habits. A consistent schedule and a comforting, predictable bedtime routine can go a long way toward helping your child stay put. If your nocturnal chatterbox wakes up from all his roaming and has a hard time settling back down, you may want to move bedtime up a bit earlier to help him make up for the lost z’s.\n\nKeep him safe. The best way to handle your child’s late-night activities is to make the house as safe as possible. Sleepwalkers can do some silly things — like putting a toy in the fridge — so take precautions to keep the floor clear so he won’t trip over anything on the way to the kitchen (or family room). Move furniture, like a night table or lamp, farther from the bed than usual so he won’t bump into something or knock it over. If you’re worried about him falling down stairs, install a gate at his bedroom door or at the top of the stairs. And be sure to lock all the doors and windows (although adult sleepwalkers have been known to unlock them). For an extra precaution, you might even hang a bell on his bedroom door to alert you — or wake him — when he starts strolling.\n\nDon’t wake up your little rambler. Instead of trying to rouse your nighttime nomad, gently guide him back to bed. Though he’s asleep, he may actually respond to your voice. Contrary to traditional thinking, waking him isn’t dangerous, but it may make getting him back to sleep harder. If he returns to bed without waking, he won’t remember anything about it the next morning\n\nKeep mum. Whatever you do, don’t talk about his sleepwalking or talking with him! It may make him anxious about going to bed. In the meantime, just sit tight and wait: For many kids, nighttime muttering or roaming is a short-lived phase. And though it may persist into the school years for others, most children outgrow it by adolescence. If you can’t wait that long or if you have other concerns, ask your pediatrician for help."], "url": "http://www.whattoexpect.com/toddler-sleepwalking-sleep-talking.aspx", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 315, "original_width": 315, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["8b080a1a0dd2c7325995d2fdddd7048faa43ca3723f6ddf31564c23968ece614"], "__index_level_0__": 421, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/707bf9c5-79c7-4acd-85eb-60414a240c48.jpg", "https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/9e57795d-63a1-4731-8e09-5b633c94ddc8.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6836413741111755}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.woot.com/offers/17-lighted-closet-organizer-w-drawers\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/707bf9c5-79c7-4acd-85eb-60414a240c48.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/707bf9c5-79c7-4acd-85eb-60414a240c48.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bf c c acd eb a c\", \"rendered_height\": 441}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.woot.com/offers/17-lighted-closet-organizer-w-drawers\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/9e57795d-63a1-4731-8e09-5b633c94ddc8.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://d3gqasl9vmjfd8.cloudfront.net/9e57795d-63a1-4731-8e09-5b633c94ddc8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e d a e b c ddc\", \"rendered_height\": 441}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "With the lights on\n\nWarranty: 90 Day Woot Limited Warranty\n\n7m 55.117s\n\nIn the Box:"], "url": "http://www.woot.com/offers/17-lighted-closet-organizer-w-drawers", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 441, "original_width": 588, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 441, "original_width": 588, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["61be6b6f0b85cf57368eef61bdc87eabcb97e5eb6c07cda8c81ed5cedf2af311", "a39dfbbeee27298fff3dcb2d458a2f8ebe6853f4580815fda7faf40d4e15f7b7"], "__index_level_0__": 422, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/photo/E36rqw1SKht9HwYsiSIbWg/o.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.854271650314331}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wral.com/Durham/Electronics/Time-Warner-Cable/14716666/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/ui/ratings/stars/off.png\", \"src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/ui/ratings/stars/off.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"off\", \"alt_text\": \"1\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wral.com/Durham/Electronics/Time-Warner-Cable/14716666/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/ui/ratings/stars/off.png\", \"src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/ui/ratings/stars/off.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"off\", \"alt_text\": \"2\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wral.com/Durham/Electronics/Time-Warner-Cable/14716666/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/ui/ratings/stars/off.png\", \"src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/ui/ratings/stars/off.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"off\", \"alt_text\": \"3\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wral.com/Durham/Electronics/Time-Warner-Cable/14716666/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/ui/ratings/stars/off.png\", \"src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/ui/ratings/stars/off.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"off\", \"alt_text\": \"4\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wral.com/Durham/Electronics/Time-Warner-Cable/14716666/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/ui/ratings/stars/off.png\", \"src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/ui/ratings/stars/off.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"off\", \"alt_text\": \"5\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wral.com/Durham/Electronics/Time-Warner-Cable/14716666/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/photo/E36rqw1SKht9HwYsiSIbWg/o.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/photo/E36rqw1SKht9HwYsiSIbWg/o.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"user image\", \"rendered_width\": 35}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.wral.com/Durham/Electronics/Time-Warner-Cable/14716666/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/content/entertainment/oaa/yelp_star_2.png\", \"src\": \"https://wwwcache.wral.com/presentation/v3/images/content/entertainment/oaa/yelp_star_2.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"yelp star\", \"alt_text\": \"rating\"}, null]", "texts": ["3100 Tower Blvd, Durham, NC 27707\n(919) 794-3703\nOther phone: (919) 246-8536 x 9197943683\nVisit Their Website", "Not Yet Rated\n\nSign in to add your rating\n\nWRAL & Yelp Reviews", "Rating: 2 based on 1 reviews", null, "Abbie N. Dec 7, 2016", "Unfriendly staff. Nothing special to write home about. If it was not for their location closer to home I would not come here for anything."], "url": "http://www.wral.com/Durham/Electronics/Time-Warner-Cable/14716666/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 401, "original_height": 1000, "original_width": 941, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b90daea1a2ff6707b5cc95a82eb7b0e658cdb6ff581efb74a9b213a307adb51e"], "__index_level_0__": 423, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a3/5e/4e/a35e4ebecc7367f421d074e28f92958a.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.966697871685028}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.yepi6.org/sports-activities-illustrated-almanac-2015-sports-illustrated-sports-activities-almanac-2.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a3/5e/4e/a35e4ebecc7367f421d074e28f92958a.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a3/5e/4e/a35e4ebecc7367f421d074e28f92958a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a e ebecc f d e f a\", \"rendered_width\": 252}, null]", "texts": [null, "All Sports activities Arena is home to recreational youth, men’s and women’s roller and DEK (Ball/Street) hockey, soccer, lacrosse, birthday events, special occasions and more. We teach our youth good sportsmanship and the abilities necessary to be successful in the sport of their choice.\n\nThe situation of the Integratron is a necessary a part of its functioning. Its placement was chosen based mostly on a fancy set of theories involving the earth’s magnetic field and the Integratron’s relationship to the Great Pyramid in Egypt and Big Rock, the world’s largest freestanding boulder. In 1947, Van Tassel began working the Big Rock Airport three miles away from the Integratron, and in 1953 initiated communications with further-terrestrials after a bodily encounter at Big Rock. He subsequently hosted 17 Spacecraft Conventions there for UFO fanatics.\n\nNike has at all times been a brand associated with athletic excellence, and their latest foray into movement-managed gaming isn’t any exception. Progress in the sport ends in real-world rewards within the form of NikeFuel factors. There is a strong give attention to changing into part of the group, and you will get messages from Nike athletes and trainers to maintain you on monitor. If you’d like extra outside support and accountability in your at-residence health routine, this sport is for you.\n\nBy the 11th century AD, we’ve got information from Northern and Western Europe. In Scandinavia the Vikings indulged in various pulling trials of strength. One was a contest by which groups seemingly competed to tug heavy animal skins over pits of fire (1)(5). Relatively less violent (and perhaps a little less Viking-like) was a contest in which two males could have sat facing each other with their feet together. Grabbing the ends of a short rope, they would have tried to pull one another over (6). At this time, some Canadian eskimos have a similar contest often known as ‘arsaaraq’ (2)(four).\n\nThe operation itself was day surgical procedure and the process was slightly below an hour. I was lucky to be first on the listing so was on the desk by 8.30am and left by noon. I walked out of hospital with 2 crutches and after 2 days I walking with out them. I was additionally on sturdy painkillers for three days (they provide enough for two weeks) and since then have only needed to take paracetamol twice. I had the wound checked yesterday and it’s healing properly no sutures this time just a lot of strips and the scar is appears much smaller in comparison with my different."], "url": "http://www.yepi6.org/sports-activities-illustrated-almanac-2015-sports-illustrated-sports-activities-almanac-2.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 533, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["da027293b70bc082f0e0db01fa2adc5ea97a449412a691c23596ecfee08e1b13"], "__index_level_0__": 424, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://lid.zoocdn.com/645/430/044de81ac4929e6159f0ed3e1d8157d1562a7826.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8603905439376831}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/details/42953340\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://lid.zoocdn.com/645/430/044de81ac4929e6159f0ed3e1d8157d1562a7826.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://lid.zoocdn.com/645/430/044de81ac4929e6159f0ed3e1d8157d1562a7826.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"de ac e f ed e d d a\", \"alt_text\": \"2 bed flat for sale in Fairway Drive, London\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["2 1 1", null, "Start photo slideshow\n\n1 of 6\n\nImage 1\n\nInterested in this property? Call 020 3641 2410 * or Request Details\n\nProperty description\n\nWe are delighted to present to the market this 2 bedroom top floor apartment which is conveniently situated for schools, parkland and Thamesmead shopping center. Accommodation comprises: Entrance hall, open plan reception room which leads to a fitted kitchen. Two well proportioned bedrooms and a bathroom.\n\nBenefits include no forward chain, electric storage heaters, floor coverings to remain and allocated parking space.\n\nWe feel this property would make an ideal investment purchase due to massive regeneration in the surrounding area and the coming Crossrail link! Call for further information or to arrange an appointment to view.\n\nEntrance hall\nAccess to loft, fitted carpet.\n\nWindow to side, fitted carpet, wall mounted storage heater,\n\nWindow to side, range of fitted wall and base units, integral electric oven and hob, plumbed for washing machine, stainless steel sink unit with mixer taps and draining board. Plumbed for washing machine, part tiled walls, vinyl floor covering.\n\nBedroom 1\nWindow to rear, wall mounted storage heater, Fitted carpet,\n\nBedroom 2\nWindow to rear, wall mounted storage heater, fitted carpet.\n\nPanelled bath with shower over, pedestal hand basin, low level WC, vinyl floor covering.\n\nProperty info\n\nProperty value data/graphs for SE28\n\nCompare to another area", "Current asking prices in SE28\n\nAverage: £307,216\n\nCurrent asking rents in SE28\n\nAverage: £1,185 pcm\n\nFun facts for SE28\n\nWhat Zoopla users think of SE28\n\nOverall rating:\n\nVery good - 76% (123 ratings)\n\nRatings breakdown:\n\nRate SE28:\n\nNearby transport\n\nNearby schools\n\nView all schools in Bexley\nNote: Distances are straight line measurements\n\nLocal info for Bexley\n\nAbout the neighbours in SE28\n\nAskMe Q&A for Bexley\n\nSee all AskMe Q&A in Bexley\n\nArrange Viewing\n\nFor more information about this property, please contact\nRedwood Estates, SE18 on 020 3641 2410 * (local rate)\n\nMonthly running costs Beta", "Home insurance costs explained\n\nSource: Autonet Insurance Ltd", "Energy costs explained\n\nEstimated consumption\n\nGas: 9500 kWh/year\nElectricity: 2800 kWh/year\n\nSource: National Energy Efficiency Data Framework\n\nCouncil Tax\n\nLocal authority\n\nContact Redwood Estates about this property\n\nProperty descriptions and related information displayed on this page, with the exclusion of Running Costs data, are marketing materials provided by Redwood Estates, and do not constitute property particulars. Please contact Redwood Estates for full details and further information. The Running Costs data displayed on this page are provided by Zoopla to give an indication of potential running costs based on various data sources. Zoopla does not warrant or accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the property descriptions, related information or Running Costs data provided here.\n\nProperties on the market nearby\n\n43 more properties like this\n\nView all SE28 property for sale\n\nMarketed by", "Redwood Estates (view all property for sale)\nGunnery House, 9 Gunnery Terrace, Woolwich, London, SE18 6SW\n\nCall 020 3641 2410 *\n\nRequest Details\n\nWhat's it like to live here?\n\nBroadband speed at this location\n\nUp to 40 Mbps"], "url": "http://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/details/42953340", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 430, "original_width": 645, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["312e92b2407798314d00cbe83fd6f9f05f064ff3bba64cd0a6295fb97ee9bdbc"], "__index_level_0__": 425, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/research/warwickcommission/financialreform/coversmall.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": 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That means the sweet potatoes have now stopped growing and it is time to find out what we've grown this year. At today's Garden Gathering we pulled up the vines and dug up the tubers. We noticed that the ones that were put in late had much smaller tubers so it looks like it is important to get these growing early and into the garden as soon as possible in spring if you want to get good yields. Everyone took home cuttings of the 3 different sweet potatoes to grow some plants for next year. You can grow sweet potato plants several different ways but we've had good results from cuttings which are very easy to do.\n\nJust take a piece of stem", null, null, "and cut into sections with 4-8 nodes (nodes are where the leaves grow,", null, "cut off the lower leaves", null, "and put the pieces into a jar of water.", null, "If you are lucky you might even find a stem where roots have already started to grow. You can pop these into a jar of water or into potting mix.\n\nKeep your cuttings inside where it is warm and keep topping up the water as it evaporates. You may need to change the water every now and again if it starts to go green.\n\nThe cuttings should produce roots in the water and will grow slowly through winter. When the ground has warmed up in spring your new sweet potato plants will be ready to plant into the garden.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "http://yackandandahcg.blogspot.com.au/2017/05/sweet-potatoes.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1067, "original_width": 1600, "width": 566}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1067, "width": 378}, {"height": 566, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1067, "width": 378}, {"height": 566, 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"texts": [null, "I like your latest blog entry on the lottery winning secret formula, Yuan Kong Leaning Star also worked for me, so far I have made 30 billionaires in lat 30 days. Anyone who wants to find out where to put water to win the next lottery, just send me USD100.00 and my secret formula is in the mail for the next winner. But you have to be quick because my formula only works for one winner per day, so you may have to wait in line if you are not quick enough to send me that money.\n\nCheers :-)\n\nJune 9, 2009 at 9:57 AM", "Chris Chan said...\n\nUS$100 to be a billionaire. I'll take the chance. Who are you?\n\nDavid, I think lottery tickets cheaper than buying moosti spots lah!\n\nJune 10, 2009 at 4:25 PM", "It is not original, we met a Qigong healer once in China using his Lingkongjin to cure all over the place and hundreds of his disciples to do the same, when we asked him how can he control the ethical behavior of his followers, he looked us in the eyes and sad very seriously, \"I only give them one year of supply of my healing qi and they have to come back to me for more, so this way I will keep them in check\".\n\nJune 10, 2009 at 7:43 PM", "The \"lottery king\" can be reached at http://howardchoy.wordpress.com/\n\nSo, what are you waiting for?\n\nJune 10, 2009 at 7:47 PM", "What a lots of bullshit,so easy to strike,no more poor man\n\nJune 23, 2009 at 1:16 AM", "Hi Anonymous,\n\nI like your sense of humour. That is why there is a lot of demands for these bullshits that FengShui Monsters are able to make their days so easily without question. That is another story.\n\nAnyway, this is a real case. Perhaps Bazidiary can decipher his winning BaZi for you and you will be the next in line. Meanwhile don't forget to donate some for charity, ;-)\n\nJune 23, 2009 at 1:50 AM", "Free e-Book Down Load", "Free PDF Down Load", "FengShui History", "FSQY Newsletter", "A Special Request", "Donation For Services\n\nThank You."], "url": "http://yifengshui.blogspot.com/2009/06/lottery-winning-secret-formula.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 320, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["474397bdc83ff9e05482eea14fd3b2be2ff470b5f00351270a41cbd5d601cb6f"], "__index_level_0__": 428, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_h_4LI9FCco8/S6rL5gIM-OI/AAAAAAAAFKI/EY2cYd6lalk/s400/Whizzerrr_by_samax.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8727071285247803}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"http://ziontific.blogspot.com/2010/03/daily-yeah-right-sketch-whizzer.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_h_4LI9FCco8/S6rL5gIM-OI/AAAAAAAAFKI/EY2cYd6lalk/s400/Whizzerrr_by_samax.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_h_4LI9FCco8/S6rL5gIM-OI/AAAAAAAAFKI/EY2cYd6lalk/s400/Whizzerrr_by_samax.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Whizzerrr by samax\", \"rendered_width\": 400, \"rendered_height\": 358}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": [null, "here's my sketch of the Whizzer from the classic Marvel Alternaverse JLA limited series Squadron Supreme", "(which I HIGHLY recommend, if you never read it). did this for the daily sketch challenge (been too busy to do it daily) with a ball point and a sharpie. the speed lines were done in photoshop.\n\nhappily, this one came really fast (about 15 minutes)... there's a pun in there somewhere, but I gotta go now!"], "url": "http://ziontific.blogspot.com/2010/03/daily-yeah-right-sketch-whizzer.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 359, "original_width": 400, "width": 421}], "image_hashes": ["334f6ffd350fade4ad3ca6dd3cd64c7d2fde5855a7fc3553ebc9595d71e35bb1"], "__index_level_0__": 429, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/851/4077/1600/blog%20pic.jpg", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UkYY1GnvgBs/TZF0h0D5ViI/AAAAAAAAAkc/1xikgDe52fI/s200/DSC08949.JPG", "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-h7HIdtV8ruY/TZF0H5USm_I/AAAAAAAAAkM/gEPOch-aFBY/s200/DSC08946.JPG", "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CX9_zXEzmtc/TZF0SaYzXTI/AAAAAAAAAkU/CEt2gm_qHlQ/s200/DSC08952.JPG", "http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eM9u0QhkNrk/TZF0zGLau-I/AAAAAAAAAkk/etnM56fMZKU/s400/DSC08955.JPG", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9490549564361572}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"http://zombeck.blogspot.com/2011/03/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_JLpS6Sh_IYA/Sps0QY0KUQI/AAAAAAAAAYk/GvG0pwZV2eU/S150/DSC07171.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_JLpS6Sh_IYA/Sps0QY0KUQI/AAAAAAAAAYk/GvG0pwZV2eU/S150/DSC07171.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 113}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://zombeck.blogspot.com/2011/03/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//photos1.blogger.com/blogger/851/4077/1600/blog%20pic.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/851/4077/1600/blog%20pic.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"blog pic\", \"alt_text\": \"My photo\", \"rendered_width\": 53, \"rendered_height\": 80}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://zombeck.blogspot.com/2011/03/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UkYY1GnvgBs/TZF0h0D5ViI/AAAAAAAAAkc/1xikgDe52fI/s200/DSC08949.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-UkYY1GnvgBs/TZF0h0D5ViI/AAAAAAAAAkc/1xikgDe52fI/s200/DSC08949.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://zombeck.blogspot.com/2011/03/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-h7HIdtV8ruY/TZF0H5USm_I/AAAAAAAAAkM/gEPOch-aFBY/s200/DSC08946.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-h7HIdtV8ruY/TZF0H5USm_I/AAAAAAAAAkM/gEPOch-aFBY/s200/DSC08946.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"http://zombeck.blogspot.com/2011/03/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CX9_zXEzmtc/TZF0SaYzXTI/AAAAAAAAAkU/CEt2gm_qHlQ/s200/DSC08952.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CX9_zXEzmtc/TZF0SaYzXTI/AAAAAAAAAkU/CEt2gm_qHlQ/s200/DSC08952.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, {\"document_url\": \"http://zombeck.blogspot.com/2011/03/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eM9u0QhkNrk/TZF0zGLau-I/AAAAAAAAAkk/etnM56fMZKU/s400/DSC08955.JPG\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-eM9u0QhkNrk/TZF0zGLau-I/AAAAAAAAAkk/etnM56fMZKU/s400/DSC08955.JPG\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSC\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, null, null, null, "It was cold...........Windy......Did I say COLD!! 31*F.. The fish were biting, we lost a few before we got them in, But landed these two nice Brown Trouts a 14 in. and a 11 in. A very nice start of the fishing season if i say so myself.."], "url": "http://zombeck.blogspot.com/2011/03/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 568, "original_height": 448, "original_width": 298, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 150, "original_width": 200, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f130f1cfe8016e7a63270682f5c6868c0caf723a4c04db13f43b40a27ea7b1ce", "7c2c0d5b03072e017e9a9eac16c346acd9ce90c1d92451d1acbed13dac478a78", "2cfb6fd51e6b9963a5010c9a7cb9eab7460153e75fad54f45dfa9823b42b70a3", "6ebf24fac13d5c22298a08a42baab8c5856455c3fe1f899e75610bbc6c80e39e", "09c5ac330fd055cdf1d7412a93d5e0db9f35d7431ee24bd0820241b1d9804e79"], "__index_level_0__": 430, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://catimages.8thstreet.com/large/40971-large.jpg", null, "https://images.8thstreet.com/40971.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8303163647651672}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://8thstreet.com/Product/Get/40971/soundcraft-epm8-10-channel-mixer-with-eight-mic-preamps-3-band-channel-eq-and-peak-led-metering\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://catimages.8thstreet.com/large/40971-large.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://catimages.8thstreet.com/large/40971-large.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"large\", \"alt_text\": \"EPM8\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://8thstreet.com/Product/Get/40971/soundcraft-epm8-10-channel-mixer-with-eight-mic-preamps-3-band-channel-eq-and-peak-led-metering\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images.8thstreet.com/40971.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images.8thstreet.com/40971.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"EPM8\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://8thstreet.com/Product/Get/40971/soundcraft-epm8-10-channel-mixer-with-eight-mic-preamps-3-band-channel-eq-and-peak-led-metering\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.positivessl.com/images-new/PositiveSSL_tl_trans.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.positivessl.com/images-new/PositiveSSL_tl_trans.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"PositiveSSL tl trans\", \"alt_text\": \"Multi Domain SSL\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "2   2", null], "url": "https://8thstreet.com/Product/Get/40971/soundcraft-epm8-10-channel-mixer-with-eight-mic-preamps-3-band-channel-eq-and-peak-led-metering", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 497, "original_width": 750, "width": 570}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 199, "original_width": 300, "width": 569}], "image_hashes": ["249c0b4ae3b0f2da9d930212c393f1d098a73f87aadf0b4cbd407708b9bcba26", "85d1070ef405bcbe3fa5883c03748268f686409c73cf6ee1661014d1a3c3bc50"], "__index_level_0__": 431, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://assets.answersingenesis.org/img/panel/special/uk-mega-2017.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9487914443016052}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://answersingenesis.org/blogs/simon-turpin/2017/04/13/resurrection-did-not-happen-say-quarter-of-christians/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://assets.answersingenesis.org/img/panel/special/uk-mega-2017.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://assets.answersingenesis.org/img/panel/special/uk-mega-2017.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"uk mega\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Find Out More\n\nA recent survey commissioned by the BBC suggests that “a quarter of people who describe themselves as Christians in Great Britain do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus.”1 For secular media organisations like the BBC, these statistics are apparently meant to be meaningful, but if a quarter of Christians in Great Britain do not believe in the Resurrection, then guess what? They were not Christians to begin with, as Scripture makes clear:\n\nBelief in the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, is central to the Christian confession of faith. To deny it is to deny the faith. But in a culture that is basically “Greek” and evolutionary in its thinking it should not surprise us that many people reject the Resurrection of Jesus. The Resurrection has always been something that “Greek” thinking people have been philosophically opposed to and see as foolishness (see Acts 17:32; 1 Corinthians 1:23).\n\nInterestingly, the article quotes Reverend Lorraine Cavanagh from the Modern Church, which promotes liberal Christian theology, saying:\n\nDr Cavanagh’s promotion of modern or liberal Christianity is not Christianity at all; it is altogether another religion. It is the result of the secularization of Christianity. But, notice, for Dr. Cavanagh it is science (which no doubt in her mind includes evolution) that ultimately rules out belief in the Resurrection. Because in the secular worldview there is no room for the miraculous. This is the lasting effect of the church in Great Britain succumbing to the philosophy of the age.\n\nUltimately, those who deny the Resurrection do so not because they have looked at the evidence, such as the eyewitness testimonies of those who saw the risen Lord, and found it wanting, but because of the worldview that they bring to the evidence. As Jesus pointed out, evidence is not the problem: “But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead” (Luke 16:31).\n\nIf you want to answer critical challenges to the Resurrection of Jesus, then I recommend Tim Chaffey’s In Defense of Easter and He Is Risen.\n\nPrevious Article The Genesis Flood: Unique Revelation or Ancient Myth? Next Article New Speaker Added to UK Mega Conference! Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson\n\nSimon Turpin Blog Updates\n\nSee all email lists\n\nThank You!\n\nFinish your subscription\n\nSupport the creation/gospel message by donating or getting involved!"], "url": "https://answersingenesis.org/blogs/simon-turpin/2017/04/13/resurrection-did-not-happen-say-quarter-of-christians/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["09d5d9cc21a1c9cd3bb5950f6d05c24f1ebd22363e647bf5542d020e633d7ed5"], "__index_level_0__": 432, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://architecturalheritagecenter.z2systems.com/np/clients/architecturalheritagecenter/resources/ahc-logp.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8893652558326721}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://architecturalheritagecenter.z2systems.com/np/clients/architecturalheritagecenter/eventRegistration.jsp;jsessionid=2DE33F9A2B090FC5A2A556C5DDB5B76F-n1?event=2159\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/np/clients/architecturalheritagecenter/resources/ahc-logp.png\", \"src\": \"https://architecturalheritagecenter.z2systems.com/np/clients/architecturalheritagecenter/resources/ahc-logp.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ahc logp\", \"alt_text\": \"Architectural Heritage Center\", \"rendered_width\": 180, \"rendered_height\": 188}, null]", "texts": [null], "url": "https://architecturalheritagecenter.z2systems.com/np/clients/architecturalheritagecenter/eventRegistration.jsp;jsessionid=2DE33F9A2B090FC5A2A556C5DDB5B76F-n1?event=2159", "images_metadata": [{"height": 394, "original_height": 376, "original_width": 360, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["836c211a53b07320fd96c8014af98055a68fe3c1077c2dbd52bbcbeea1ab5be8"], "__index_level_0__": 433, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e3/9f/49/e39f49e1616dd1f1f6cc55856d56a0fb.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/12/be/b4/12beb45042bdf839767cf0652409aa61.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/b6/f1/0eb6f11bf8131878b42ee6e615e643f2.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f1/37/35/f13735e9b354ff6fd4723274d0c0055c.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b9/64/d4/b964d477a26cb8a874ffa3c5f4cae475.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9e/90/4f/9e904f655814700d97443162c41bb9e9.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/82/1b/b0/821bb02165d410bd9abcd04c23c81f37.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/e8/73/b4e8736bc51eb2e334f5b1449d73318c.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fd/ba/19/fdba19ab49ba42489fd4b0c7d9874bea.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7639957070350647}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://au.pinterest.com/explore/division-activities/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e3/9f/49/e39f49e1616dd1f1f6cc55856d56a0fb.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e3/9f/49/e39f49e1616dd1f1f6cc55856d56a0fb.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e f e dd f f cc d a fb\", \"alt_text\": \"Representing Division - Ashleigh's Education Journey\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://au.pinterest.com/explore/division-activities/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/12/be/b4/12beb45042bdf839767cf0652409aa61.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/12/be/b4/12beb45042bdf839767cf0652409aa61.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"beb bdf cf aa\", \"alt_text\": \"Strategy for teaching division along with more helpful tips for teachers!\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://au.pinterest.com/explore/division-activities/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/b6/f1/0eb6f11bf8131878b42ee6e615e643f2.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/b6/f1/0eb6f11bf8131878b42ee6e615e643f2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eb f bf b ee e e f\", \"alt_text\": \"Figure Me Out! An \\\"All About Me\\\" math activity for the beginning of the year. This could be ADAPTED FOR YOUNGER children by using addition and subtraction equations. (scheduled via http://www.tailwindapp.com?utm_source=pinterest&utm_medium=twpin&utm_content=post7536508&utm_campaign=scheduler_attribution)\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://au.pinterest.com/explore/division-activities/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f1/37/35/f13735e9b354ff6fd4723274d0c0055c.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f1/37/35/f13735e9b354ff6fd4723274d0c0055c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f e b ff fd d c c\", \"alt_text\": \"Get ready to dole out the division! 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to define and select an appropriate scope, ending up with either an unmanageable list or a too-narrow list as a result. The sites without intermediary category pages (i.e., all categories displayed a list of products) suffered greatly as the subjects made wrong selections or were unable to define an appropriate scope and were left with very broad category scopes displaying thousands of products to navigate and filter further.", null, "An example of a well-designed intermediary category page. Notice how IKEA hasn’t implemented their 1st level “Living Room” category as a product list but instead displays a range of sub-categories to help the user select a more well-defined scope before displaying any products. During testing IKEA’s intermediary category pages gained many unsolicited positive comments regarding the navigation and had a high completion rate.\n\nOther of the tested sites relied heavily on sub-category pages. But it turned out that the exact implementation details had a great impact on the subjects’ experience with the sub-category pages, ranging all the way from direct abandonments (due to poorly designed sub-category pages) to unsolicited appraisals for how simple and smooth the site was to navigate. In other words, sub-categories can be disastrous when implemented poorly and magnificent when implemented well.\n\nOf the top e-commerce sites 62% currently use custom intermediary category pages in the first 1-2 levels of the site hierarchy - see 74 examples of intermediary category pages from our usability benchmark. However when evaluated on how usable these intermediary category pages are, 52% of them are likely to provide a sub-par user experience, as in; do more harm than good.\n\nIn this article we’ll examine the concept of custom intermediary category pages closer - based on the findings from the Homepage & Category usability study and subsequent benchmark of the top US e-commerce sites’ navigation.\n\nWhy Intermediary Category Pages Are Good\n\nDuring testing,intermediary category pages proved to be an excellent opportunity for promoting certain navigation paths, encouraging users to make a more deliberate path selection before displaying hundreds of products, and especially in assisting in making good scope selections.\n\nWhile some users have a clear idea of exactly what product they want, others need inspiration and guidance and only make up their mind as they explore the site. They are undecided or don’t fully understand the sub-options, and want the most generic option to get a better understanding of their sub-options before making a scope selection. For these users, the intermediary category page – with thumbnail previews, longer titles, and maybe even descriptions of the sub-categories – will provide much-needed guidance that can help clear up selection ambiguity.", "During testing of Toys’R’Us, the intermediary category pages helped the subjects visualize the categories with industry jargon naming, which would otherwise require considerable domain knowledge to fully understand and select between. Contrary, when testing sites where industry-jargon options were presented just as a text link, e.g. in a drop-down menu as seen in the right image of Go Outdoors, subjects had much greater difficulties decoding the options. Here a subject contemplated, “I have no idea what a ‘mummy bag’ is. Or these others. I’ll just select a completely random one here to see what happens”.\n\nEspecially for users who are unaware of industry jargon, any sub-categories with thumbnails and descriptions can help clear up otherwise ambiguous category titles. A title such as “Bridge Camera” becomes much more understandable with a thumbnail, especially if placed next to thumbnails of “Compact Camera” and “DSLR Camera” categories so the user can see the differences.", null, "“Clothing” as a product list pages rarely make sense since nearly all users will still need to navigate at least one layer deeper in the hierarchy. This subject couldn’t find the right category for jackets, as it was called “Outerwear,” and therefore didn’t match the keyword she scanned the page for. Had the “Clothing” category been implemented as an intermediary category page instead of a product list, the subject would have been much more likely to discover the “Outerwear” category.\n\nIndustries with lots of category ambiguity, such as electronics and apparel, can often benefit from intermediary category pages where the options can be assisted by thumbnails and inline descriptions. Other industries that may benefit from intermediary category pages include verticals where the customer isn’t the end-user (such as toys and gifts), sites that cater to children who haven’t reached full reading proficiency, and international sites where the site language might not be the user’s native tongue and therefore commonly used terminology is less likely to be recognized.\n\nMore generally, intermediary category pages also have the benefit of being quite flexible in what type of content they can contain. Beside the obvious featured sub-categories with accompanying thumbnails, the intermediary category pages can also be used to promote various content and paths which can otherwise be difficult to feature prominently in an unobtrusive way:\n\nWhen to Have Intermediary Category Pages\n\nIntermediary category pages should be used whenever further navigation or scope definition is needed before it makes sense to display a list of products to the user. Generally, intermediary category pages make the most sense in the one or two top layers of the hierarchy where the scope is often too broad to produce a meaningful product list.", "At both Chemist Director and Macy’s, the use of an intermediary category page encouraged the selection of a more well-defined scope, and the thumbnails for the featured sub-categories helped the subjects quickly understand the differences between the sub-category options.\n\nUnfortunately, intermediary category pages can also be overdone. There’s a very real danger in having intermediary category pages too low in the navigation hierarchy as it encourages users to select a further-defined scope, luring them into overly narrow product lists. This is also why it is important to have a “View all” link whenever you have intermediary category pages below the first level of the hierarchy, as you otherwise disable the user’s ability to get a complete overview of all products within a certain scope (even if it’s too broad to make much sense, users should still have the ability if they judge they are up to the task).\n\nOne should always remember that an intermediary category page is just a navigation page and holds little value in itself, so users will often feel they get a poor return on their click investment if they have to navigate through multiple layers of sub-categories before being able to even see some products. Yet, there are a few exceptions where having sub-categories pages lower in the hierarchy still makes sense.", "Macy’s: The thematic category “Activewear” is too generic as it is simply a style / use-context category, so implementing it as an intermediary category page makes sense as nearly all users will want to define the overall type of activewear product. BestBuy: the very generic “Accessory” category was implemented as a sub-category and the subjects encountering this page scanned the long list of sub-category thumbnails to make the right scope selection for their continued product search.\n\nThere are two exceptions where intermediary category pages positioned lower than the first 1-2 levels in the hierarchy still make sense. These are categories which are thematic or style-based, and “Accessory” categories, both of which will need further scope definition before it makes sense to display product lists, as the product types would otherwise be too arbitrary. Especially, a generic “Accessories” parent category is a perfect candidate for being implemented as an intermediary category page, since the accessory sub-categories will often be furthermore ambiguous. Therefore, these benefit greatly from accompanying thumbnails and possibly a short description or another guide, such as a wizard or product finder, to get the user onwards along the right path.\n\nAlways Prominently Include Sub-Categories\n\nNow to the negative observations. Despite intermediary category pages proving very effective for encouraging selections and clearing up selection ambiguity, some of the intermediary category pages that were tested performed very poorly despite being implemented at the very top level of the hierarchy and for accessory categories.", null, "At this intermediary category page, there were so many featured sales and suggested filter-based paths (“Featured Brands”) that the sub-categories were pushed almost entirely below the page fold. As a result, the subjects encountering this page paid little attention to the sub-categories and focused intensely on the featured products, which were ambiguous for some, a good match for a few, and a poor match (and thus a dead end) for most.\n\nWhen users land on an intermediary category page, they exhibit much of the same behavior as they do when landing on the homepage – they try to infer the category taxonomy, the breadth of what the particular category offers, and which path will suit them best. Therefore the intermediary category page often faces the same challenges as the homepage, such as instantly conveying the category contents and making the primary navigation path (the sub-categories) stand out among any featured promotions and products.\n\nWhen implementing intermediary category pages, one should always place the sub-category options close to the top of the page since the very purpose of the page otherwise becomes unclear. While the notion that users never scroll below the fold is considered long dead by most, users still consistently rely on what is above the fold when forming their opinion about what they can do at a given page and what the site wants them to do on the page (confirming the exact same observations made during our M-Commerce and Checkout Usability studies).", "While the first layer in the hierarchy didn’t lead to a product list, it still proved problematic as it didn’t prominently feature any sub-category options but only thematic and promotion based paths. For this subject, clicking the “Ladies” main navigation item from the homepage (left) resulted in a largely useless intermediary category page (right) as it didn’t feature any sub-categories to lead her toward the correct path.", null, "“I’m buying in blind here”, a subject said in despair. “I’d just choose one of these, not really having any kind of overview”. At this intermediary category page, more than 50% of the subjects testing Pixmania completely mistook the purpose of the page when seeing a clear focus on specific products, believing this was in fact a product list. These subjects didn’t navigate beyond this page but ended up choosing one of the featured products, finding the selection at Pixmania very limited. Notice how the sub-categories are only available in the sidebar and therefore become secondary. Of course, it doesn’t help that the page is also split by poorly positioned ads and has sub-divided product lists.\n\nWhile featuring specific products on intermediary category pages can be great, the focus on specific products should never be primary on an intermediary category page – fantastic offers or not – as it can lead to fundamental misconceptions of the entire site hierarchy, as seen in the Pixmania example where more than half of the subjects ended up believing the featured products on the intermediary category page represented the site’s entire camera selection.\n\nGenerally put, any intermediary category page which isn’t implemented as a product list page should have a main focus on assisting the user in making the right path and scope selection. This often means featuring the sub-categories as center content, close to the top of the page, and with each sub-category accompanied by a thumbnail and possibly a short inline description to provide information scent. Any featured filters, products, paths, help, and inspirational content can be a great addition, but these should be kept secondary.\n\nLastly, it is important to note that while the sub-categories should be featured as center content with thumbnails, also having a traditional category sidebar may be beneficial since a group of subjects strongly preferred navigating via text links, likely as a list of text links in close proximity is faster to read than 8-15 attention-demanding thumbnails. So while the traditional pure text sub-category sidebar is more boring and open to (mis)interpretation, it’s also more noise-free and easier to compare for the users who know the industry jargon. Having both will cater to both sub-groups and have the benefit of enabling the center content to only consist of featured or popular sub-categories, while still having the complete list in the sidebar containing the less frequented categories.\n\nIntermediary Category Pages Conclusion\n\nShowing the entire list of products contained in a top-level category often won’t make sense as the list will simply be too long and too generic – the scope must be further defined before a meaningful and manageable collection of products can be shown. Intermediary category pages solve this exact problem and should therefore be utilized in the 1-2 top levels of the hierarchy.\n\nAlas, despite their obvious value, 38% of the benchmarked e-commerce sites don’t have any kind of intermediary category pages. Furthermore, in practice around half of the intermediary category pages currently found at e-commerce sites have sub-par implementations (usability wise). The two most important things to remember when designing intermediary category pages are to have a representative thumbnail for each featured sub-category, and to display the sub-categories as center content high on the page.\n\nFor additional inspiration see the 74 examples of intermediary category pages from our usability benchmark.\n\nAuthored by Christian Holst. Published on December 3, 2013.\n\nUser experience research, delivered twice a month\n\nDue to spam, you need JavaScript to do that.\n\nArticle series", "7 Navigational Implementations that Make Kohl’s Best-in-Class\n\nComments (5 so far)\n\nMallory December 3, 2013 › Reply to this comment\n\nAnother exception should be when the number of products in a (sub) category is huge. For example, our e-commerce clients often offer over 300 different printers under “Printers”, which are under “Office Machines” on a site selling pretty much everything to do with Office. While you can view all 300+ printers, we needed to subcategory them by type. On some shops printers is the 3rd level down.\n\nOr would printer count as a theme? To me it’s a fairly clear product type, except like cameras and many other things, might just have too many specialties. There is a group of people who don’t care, they just want something cheap that prints, and another who needs something quite specific.\n\nChristian, Baymard Institute December 3, 2013 › Reply to this comment\n\nHi Mallory,\n\nThanks for commenting.\n\nCategory taxonomy is a major topic, but generally put “printers” is a product type and should be a category. The “Printer Type” however (“Laser”, “inkjet”, “multifunction”, etc.) will often have product attributes shared across all types of printers and should therefore be implemented as filtering options within the generic “printers”-category.\nThis allows users to see “all printer”, combine filters (all “laser” + “multifunction”), or see just a list of specific printer types (only “laser”) and combine these lists with other filtering types (capacity, price, brand, etc.).\n\nChristian, Baymard Institute February 2, 2017 › Reply to this comment\n\nFor more on Category Taxonomy, and when something should be a category vs. a “product type” filter see both:\nand https://baymard.com/blog/promoting-product-filters\n\nAshley August 6, 2014 › Reply to this comment\n\nGreat article! I am a firm believer in spending a large amount of time and energy to get the navigation, including all sub-navigation, correct before you can move on, as the navigation is the key to a customer being able to use your site.\n\nOne little nitpicky comment…. there is a typo in the last paragraph of the article. “The twp most important” should be “The two most important”. Minor thing, really. I just happen to be one of those people who is highly tuned to typographic inconsistencies and errors.\n\nChristian, Baymard Institute August 13, 2014 › Reply to this comment\n\nGlad you liked it, and thanks for letting us know about the typo. It’s fixed."], "url": "https://baymard.com/blog/ecommerce-sub-category-pages", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 564, "original_width": 1032, "width": 691}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 710, "original_width": 1032, "width": 549}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 977, "original_width": 1032, "width": 399}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 860, "original_width": 1002, "width": 440}, {"height": 637, "original_height": 1738, "original_width": 1031, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f6497393b4ebeab2f363c63bcc613c790c719a9696eedf162a7fa063d2d04064", "05a1b4931c7f924a4c3c06cec81864d25f9c763427f0762112c367529443cc29", "486ae7255c3733ba07a8c52cb419915c05f244ebde1eae7204522d642c24d2d3", "816f1fb983e49cf1a2808c17bf2c45cc6c6bbce87af28a1f7659de39d991e802", "65e16f6e6de2858a9578e37b38d7906588cdb56e4ef69389a8137e62d1396be8"], "__index_level_0__": 435, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://blog.diegovalle.net/images/blogger_images/2.bp.blogspot.com__q3Caf3YFFAs_TFsUDPk_dDI_AAAAAAAAESs_F8zIt_OrR5Y_s320_cisen-exec.png", null, "https://blog.diegovalle.net/images/blogger_images/4.bp.blogspot.com__q3Caf3YFFAs_TFnIVzo-JiI_AAAAAAAAESg_7gsn8ry2l4w_s320_cisen.jpg", null, "https://blog.diegovalle.net/images/blogger_images/3.bp.blogspot.com__q3Caf3YFFAs_TFsT_KyE0WI_AAAAAAAAESo_urmd6CmfA44_s320_cisen-vs-milenio.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.942167103290558}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://blog.diegovalle.net/2010/08/hacking-cisen-homicide-data.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/diego-valle-jones.png\", \"src\": \"https://blog.diegovalle.net/images/diego-valle-jones.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"diego valle jones\", \"alt_text\": \"Diego Valle-Jones\", \"rendered_width\": 70, \"rendered_height\": 70}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://blog.diegovalle.net/2010/08/hacking-cisen-homicide-data.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/blogger_images/2.bp.blogspot.com__q3Caf3YFFAs_TFsUDPk_dDI_AAAAAAAAESs_F8zIt_OrR5Y_s320_cisen-exec.png\", \"src\": \"https://blog.diegovalle.net/images/blogger_images/2.bp.blogspot.com__q3Caf3YFFAs_TFsUDPk_dDI_AAAAAAAAESs_F8zIt_OrR5Y_s320_cisen-exec.png\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 190}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://blog.diegovalle.net/2010/08/hacking-cisen-homicide-data.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/blogger_images/4.bp.blogspot.com__q3Caf3YFFAs_TFnIVzo-JiI_AAAAAAAAESg_7gsn8ry2l4w_s320_cisen.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://blog.diegovalle.net/images/blogger_images/4.bp.blogspot.com__q3Caf3YFFAs_TFnIVzo-JiI_AAAAAAAAESg_7gsn8ry2l4w_s320_cisen.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 181}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://blog.diegovalle.net/2010/08/hacking-cisen-homicide-data.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/blogger_images/3.bp.blogspot.com__q3Caf3YFFAs_TFsT_KyE0WI_AAAAAAAAESo_urmd6CmfA44_s320_cisen-vs-milenio.png\", \"src\": \"https://blog.diegovalle.net/images/blogger_images/3.bp.blogspot.com__q3Caf3YFFAs_TFsT_KyE0WI_AAAAAAAAESo_urmd6CmfA44_s320_cisen-vs-milenio.png\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 190}, null]", "texts": ["The director of the CISEN, the Mexican agency in charge of generating intelligence to safeguard Mexico’s security, said in a presentation yesterday that the number of homicides linked to the drug war was a little over 28,000 since the start of the Calderon administration.\n\nGuillermo Valdés didn’t provide the raw data so I used Engauge to digitize the slide with the homicide data from the presentation:", null, "And here’s the original screen capture from the video:", null, "In spite of the permanent [joint police-military] operations, homicides, kidnappings and extortions persist…\n\nNotice how the y axis doesn’t have a scale, but it didn’t matter since the total sums to 28,228. I simply set the scale arbitrarily and multiplied the monthly numbers by a constant so that they summed to 28,228.\n\nWe can also compare the CISEN data to the number of executions as reported by the Mexican newspaper Milenio. From January 2007 to July 2010 Milenio reported about 3,900 less executions than the CISEN. Even so, the trendlines are pretty close:", null, "There was a temporary drop in the number of executions with the start of the joint operations in Michoacan (December 11, 2006) and Acapulco (January 15, 2007). Executions stayed constant for the rest of the year and then rose again around the time Joint Operation Chihuahua started (March 27, 2009), and just kept on rising, with a brief respite during early 2009, which was probably due to the reinforcements sent to Ciudad Juarez. The big increase at the start of 2010 was probably due to the Gulf Cartel reneging its alliance with the Zetas.\n\nIf the CISEN can get this kind of data one has to wonder why the Mexican Government gave the ICESI incomplete homicide data for 2009.\n\nThe code is here and the data is available as a Google Spreadsheet\n\nUpdate 5/August/2010: In a statement today the Mexican government put the exact number of drug-related homicides as 28,228 and clarified that what they term “executions” only include members of criminal bands, drug-related homicides as counted by the CISEN include both members of criminal bands and drug-related aggressions against public security forces.\n\nMexican newspapers, as opposed to the Mexican government, include all drug-related homicides in what they term executions. In this post I’ve elected to use the term “execution” as used by Mexican newspapers rather than the government since they were the first to publish their data.\n\nI’ve updated the Google Spreadsheet data and some of the numbers in this post to reflect the exact 28,228 drug-related homicides according to the CISEN."], "url": "https://blog.diegovalle.net/2010/08/hacking-cisen-homicide-data.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 190, "original_width": 320, "width": 636}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 182, "original_width": 320, "width": 664}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 190, "original_width": 320, "width": 636}], "image_hashes": ["bf881449b5201aeb107912a7e880af5cf8cea07aa28eaff138551ce635942e75", "a2607603533f994f94684997d3a7bcb1f97b17ec5e7450b99d424857cc9e8e9c", "822b6de6665931e2019cc92d8cde4f3ef90a341f475fb7512245e87f3f908b93"], "__index_level_0__": 436, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, 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Ambassador Nikki Haley Vows Support for Refugees", "Poland’s EU Isolation Spells Trouble Ahead", "Dumped by Trump, Remaining TPP Nations Vow to Forge Ahead", "German Central Bank Warns Trump’s Tax Reform Would Hurt U.S. Economy", "R. Jai Krishna\nFeb 6, 2014 3:15 pm IST", null, "Anirban Roy/The Wall Street Journal\nMercedes-Benz launched a bullet-proof sports utility vehicle, the M-Guard, at the New Delhi Auto Expo, Feb. 6.\n\nIf you have a lot of money and a lot of enemies in India, Mercedes-Benz has a new car for you–its bullet-proof sports utility vehicle called the M-Guard.\n\nWhether you are a billionaire, a Bollywood star or a corrupt bureaucrat, you will feel safe in Mercedes’ latest version of its special protection variant of its SUV.\n\nWhile it looks like a regular ride, this bullet-resistant SUV comes with a protection level of VR4, which means it has been tested to protect you from attacks by anything from blunt instruments to handguns.\n\nMore In Auto Expo 2014\n\nThe sticker price (before some taxes and fees): 24.9 million rupees or around $400,000.\n\nThe gasoline-fueled SUV can reach a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour in 6.5 seconds and can travel at a top speed of 210 kilometers per hour.\n\nUntil now Mercedes has only sold four earlier versions of such VIP vehicles in India. President of India, Pranab Mukherjee, is riding one around the capital."], "url": "https://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2014/02/06/a-bullet-proof-suv-for-indian-vips/?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LatestHeadlines", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 369, "original_width": 553, "width": 566}], "image_hashes": ["96632df66a00350300506ac2efd67e7a399aa7fced67aa756a7d1039bc3d7f52"], "__index_level_0__": 438, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/OB-IL238_SPXOpe_E_20100510094409.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8436514139175415}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2010/05/10/now-thats-an-open/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN392_URBANH_C_20170519153848.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN392_URBANH_C_20170519153848.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BN TN URBANH C\", \"alt_text\": \"Why Millennials Are (Partly) to Blame for Housing Shortage\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2010/05/10/now-thats-an-open/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN849_33yji_C_20170522095836.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN849_33yji_C_20170522095836.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BN TN yji C\", \"alt_text\": \"Mike Flynn Won\\u2019t Comply With Senate Subpoena\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2010/05/10/now-thats-an-open/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN641_34Qwe_C_20170521154846.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN641_34Qwe_C_20170521154846.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BN TN Qwe C\", \"alt_text\": \"Mike Pence Faces Silent Protest at Notre Dame Graduation Ceremony\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2010/05/10/now-thats-an-open/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN530_0521mi_C_20170520092620.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN530_0521mi_C_20170520092620.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BN TN mi C\", \"alt_text\": \"Missing WWI Servicemen Getting Full Recognition With \\u2018Doughboy MIA\\u2019 Project\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2010/05/10/now-thats-an-open/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/FT-AA343_NUCLEA_C_20170517130126.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/FT-AA343_NUCLEA_C_20170517130126.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"FT AA NUCLEA C\", \"alt_text\": \"A Nuclear-Power Idea Gets Floated\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2010/05/10/now-thats-an-open/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN633_DEMVET_C_20170521142034.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN633_DEMVET_C_20170521142034.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BN TN DEMVET C\", \"alt_text\": \"Democrats Enlist Veterans Ahead of 2018\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2010/05/10/now-thats-an-open/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN568_34Nro_C_20170521053456.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TN568_34Nro_C_20170521053456.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BN TN Nro C\", \"alt_text\": \"Trump Calls on Muslims to Confront Extremism\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2010/05/10/now-thats-an-open/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TM301_DAIRY0_C_20170517103537.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-TM301_DAIRY0_C_20170517103537.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"BN TM DAIRY C\", \"alt_text\": \"Got Milk? 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The Dow’s up 4.2%, the S&P 4.6%, the Nasdaq composite 4.8%. The Russell 2000 index of small-cap stocks … 5.2%. The S&P tech sector is surging higher by more than 5%, as are the industrials and the financials. The broad S&P 500 has also reclaimed the 1150 mark, where it first lost its footing last Thursday before the “Flash Crash.”\n\nIf you’re not prone to seasickness, take a look at this chart over where the S&P has been over recent days, as the S&P went from the depths of the “flash crash” on Thursday to the euphoria of Monday morning:", null, "Thomson Reuters\n\nIndeed the action is unbelievable, which raises the question: Should you believe it? Is this the …\n\nPrevious EU Bailout: Here's a Good Sign Next Not So Fast Stock Markets, There Are Still Some Signs of Doubt"], "url": "https://blogs.wsj.com/marketbeat/2010/05/10/now-thats-an-open/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 239, "original_width": 359, "width": 567}], "image_hashes": ["4b90cdc0265a464ca57dbf62f16dedd2133870ae11a49f2eccc27107a7be06e8"], "__index_level_0__": 439, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://cdn3.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2017/03/nokia3310-1-796x398-796x398.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9269450306892396}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://bobbiehollowell.wordpress.com/2017/03/14/dumbphones-are-so-obsolete-theyre-no-longer-used-to-measure-inflation/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn3.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2017/03/nokia3310-1-796x398-796x398.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn3.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2017/03/nokia3310-1-796x398-796x398.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"nokia\", \"rendered_width\": 796, \"rendered_height\": 398}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "The UK government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) determines the annual rate of inflation by creating an standard shopping basket (which has the totally-snappy title of the “Consumer price inflation basket of goods and services“), and seeing how it changes year-on-year. The products include common household goods, essential foodstuffs, as well as consumer electronics. The idea is to reflect what the average British consumer spends their hard-earned shillings on. Today, this basket bulges with such 21st century essentials like streaming subscription services, game downloads, and set-top boxes. But as time goes on, certain things are removed. Today, the ONS announced that…"], "url": "https://bobbiehollowell.wordpress.com/2017/03/14/dumbphones-are-so-obsolete-theyre-no-longer-used-to-measure-inflation/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 398, "original_width": 796, "width": 756}], "image_hashes": ["b5c4dec6d710dd82af7f638428f80170340bb214789a7db9de63ce4b2a154495"], "__index_level_0__": 440, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, "https://christaquilts.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/teaching_at_quiltcon_2017_v2.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9702051281929016}, "metadata": "[null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://christaquilts.com/2015/03/09/christas-soap-box-why-i-quilt-my-own-quilts/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://christaquilts.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/the-quilters-patch-title-card.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://christaquilts.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/the-quilters-patch-title-card.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"the quilters patch title card\", \"alt_text\": \"Craftsy Instructor\", \"rendered_width\": 300, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://christaquilts.com/2015/03/09/christas-soap-box-why-i-quilt-my-own-quilts/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://christaquilts.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/precutstoresquareblogwithborder.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://christaquilts.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/precutstoresquareblogwithborder.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"precutstoresquareblogwithborder\", \"alt_text\": \"The Precut Store\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://christaquilts.com/2015/03/09/christas-soap-box-why-i-quilt-my-own-quilts/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://christaquilts.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/teaching_at_quiltcon_2017_v2.png\", \"src\": \"https://christaquilts.files.wordpress.com/2016/04/teaching_at_quiltcon_2017_v2.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"teaching at quiltcon v\", \"alt_text\": \"The Precut Store\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://christaquilts.com/2015/03/09/christas-soap-box-why-i-quilt-my-own-quilts/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://christaquilts.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/weallsew.png\", \"src\": \"https://christaquilts.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/weallsew.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"weallsew\", \"alt_text\": \"We All Sew\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 200}, {\"document_url\": \"https://christaquilts.com/2015/03/09/christas-soap-box-why-i-quilt-my-own-quilts/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/farm8.staticflickr.com/7292/9516033027_5c4d1d8030_q.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/farm8.staticflickr.com/7292/9516033027_5c4d1d8030_q.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c d d q\", \"alt_text\": \"I'm a member of the MQG!\", \"rendered_width\": 150, \"rendered_height\": 150}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["I’ve come a long way since I began my quilting journey so many years ago. My style has changed over the years, but my passion has not. In fact, it’s gotten stronger, the more quilts that I make! I was recently reflecting about why I do what I do and what drives me to do it! A large part of my personal quilting style is that I choose to quilt my own quilts. The reasons for it have changed over the years, and I feel like I’ve come a long way since I began.", "WIP sneak peek #1 – gotta love all that texture! I used Aurifil 50 wt cotton – my favorite!\n\nI first started off quilting my own quilts because I didn’t know any better. I just thought that’s what you did. Of course, my first couple of finished quilts were actually tied but I loved them just the same.\n\nWhen I began quilting in earnest around 1994-95, most award winning quilts were still hand quilted and longarms were just coming onto the scene in a big way. I knew people who owned one and came so close to purchasing one. A friend was selling hers cheap and I thought about buying it. When I mentioned it to my mom, she agreed to loan me the money, but by the time I got back to my friend, she had already sold it to someone else.", "WIP sneak peak #2 – I free-motion quilted the spiral with the help of a stencil.\n\nSo I just continued to quilt my quilts because that was my only option. I will admit that I did go through a period of quilt snobbery where I thought it was cheating if you didn’t quilt your own quilt. But then I was enlightened when I realized not everyone enjoyed that process. Just as I don’t like to sew clothing or accessories and will gladly pay someone for those services,  I’ve realized that many quilters are perfectly content to do the piecing while others are perfectly happy to just quilt. What a great match!\n\nAt one time I took orders for custom quilts and even gave professional quilting a try on my domestic machine, but that was really way too stressful. I am still a recovering perfectionist so I’m much happier to make mistakes on my own quilts rather than the quilts of others. Over the years I’ve tried longarm quilting, but it’s just not for me, and I’m totally cool with that.", "WIP sneak peek #3. I enjoy quilting straight lines, and my machingers gloves are a must!\n\nAfter making quite a few quilts in a short period of time last year, I finally realized that the reason I quilt my own quilts is for the sheer pleasure of it. Instead of feeling stressed and overwhelmed that I had to a tight deadline to meet, I enjoyed every minute of it!  In fact, I had a little bit of a letdown when I had finished my quilting obligations!", "Wip sneak peek #4 –  the pieced back is as much fun as the front! The final reveal will be shown in a future issue of Make Modern magazine. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it!\n\nFor now, I will continue to enjoy the journey I’m on and share my methods with others if they want to learn. And if they decide it’s not their thing, at least they tried, right? (I can’t tell you how many things I have tried that are not for me… but that’s another post for another day!)", null], "url": "https://christaquilts.com/2015/03/09/christas-soap-box-why-i-quilt-my-own-quilts/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 1000, "original_width": 1000, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["cd4ee4eefcc23406a203a14b7c2c67c0bfaea9021524b0e138a64f45392bb600"], "__index_level_0__": 441, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://classiccontainers.com/1883-large_default/09-20-410-smooth-wall-cap-f-217.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.704369068145752}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://classiccontainers.com/-caps-for-plastic-bottles/501-09-20-410-smooth-wall-cap-f-217.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://classiccontainers.com/1883-large_default/09-20-410-smooth-wall-cap-f-217.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://classiccontainers.com/1883-large_default/09-20-410-smooth-wall-cap-f-217.jpg\", 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I decided to emboss it in ivory CE powder on a background I created using Colour Cloud Blending inks. The sentiment in the centre is from the same stamp set.\n\nI sprayed some water over when finished and bled away some of the colour from the background and from the flowers. I then used the colour cloud ink to colour some of the leaves and flowers again.\n\nI used part of the Sue Wilson Diagonals Labyrinth die set to place over the frame for the card.\n\nPosted by Linby at 06:00:00", "Viv's Visuals said...\n\nA really striking card Linby. Love your dragonflies in the below post too. x\n\n13 February 2016 at 10:39", "Another gorgeous card & my favourite colours too x\n\n14 February 2016 at 15:04", "Ellibelle said...\n\nGorgeous creation Lynn. Loving the background and such a gorgeous stamp too!\n\n14 February 2016 at 19:04", "Merry said...\n\nThis is just beautiful Linby, the colours are so pretty together. I thought of you when I saw this post over at Beccy's Place. Thought you may like a sticky beak. http://beccysplace.blogspot.com.au/2016/02/new-release-poppies.html\n\n14 February 2016 at 21:32", "Daffodil Cards said...\n\nOh! so beautiful, love the black frame.\n\n16 February 2016 at 16:15", "Lynn Dalby said...\n\n25 February 2016 at 13:03", "My crafty followers", "LIM Leaves and a trip to Japan", "proud to design for", "Proud to be on the CEDT", null, "Proud to design for.....", "Proud to design for....", "Thrilled to be published in July 2016", "Great for Creative Expressions products and free P&P!", "fav challenges", "fun in the snippets playground"], "url": "https://craftylinby.blogspot.com/2016/02/creative-expressions-saturday-friends.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 393, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 615, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["7dab74724d9cae025f36a333e93b3a0c94b1b04a286e6b2b54e8d3fa134a1c2b", "dc0d304f8e33ee4ed82966205e8614789d92f31bb3d41c078a6d759763eb6679"], "__index_level_0__": 443, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://i1.wp.com/i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp171/Therese500/5396128_c997b3ee17_o-1.jpg", null, "https://i2.wp.com/25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6g2e48P0X1rp9ko0o1_500.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9352462887763976}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://creativemetaphor.wordpress.com/2012/07/02/inspirations/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp171/Therese500/5396128_c997b3ee17_o-1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/i409.photobucket.com/albums/pp171/Therese500/5396128_c997b3ee17_o-1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c b ee o\", \"rendered_width\": 480, \"rendered_height\": 480}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://creativemetaphor.wordpress.com/2012/07/02/inspirations/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6g2e48P0X1rp9ko0o1_500.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6g2e48P0X1rp9ko0o1_500.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"tumblr m g e P X rp ko o\", \"rendered_width\": 480, \"rendered_height\": 318}, null]", "texts": ["(note: none of these pictures belong to me)", null, "Drawing © Debbie Ridpath Ohi\n\nLayer upon layer, a slow build up, bit by bit over time so it creeps up on you and before you even know it, you’re lost.\n\nIt starts when you’re little, when you don’t even know any better. “Be nice to your Aunt. Don’t frown so. Say thank you to your brother.” Each one, another piece carefully constructed.\n\nSoon it isn’t others telling you, it’s yourself. “Fit in. Smile so they like you. Don’t talk about the bad things.” They lay so easily over those first layers that you hardly even notice anymore. You notice these ones, they’re uncomfortable but you need them. You need them.\n\nEventually it isn’t even a conscious thing anymore. You’re just so used to it, it’s automatic. Layer up on layer. “Pretend you didn’t have a big fight last night. Act more confident than you feel. Don’t let them see your real feelings. Laugh at their jokes.”\n\nUntil one day you’re standing in front of the mirror and you can’t even see your own face. You don’t even know what you really look like, the mask is so well constructed, blended so well with your skin.\n\nBut someday that mask is going to crack. All those layers are going to unravel, and you’ll be left wondering if you even know who you are anymore. You don’t know how to live without the mask: the plastered smiles and painted features that give the world what they want to see.\n\nSomeday you’ll have to peel it away and rediscover yourself.", null, "Source: Get Scribbling\n\nJust fish in a pond\nNot realizing the world is so much bigger\nThan a little blue puddle\nWith a muddy bottom\n\nClamoring for fresh oxygen at the surface\nOr a nibble of bread crumbs\nThat the ducks let fall\n\nHuddled together in shiny-scaled schools\nMake such easy pickings\nFor the man with the net\n\nThrashing and gasping for a breath of water\nLying weak and helpless\nOn the stony shore\n\nGoing about their fishy lives, day by day\nNever knowing all along\nThey’re just fish in a pond\n\n2 thoughts on “Inspirations”\n\nAbout Eliza, Briefly (also, legal stuff)\n\n*Legal Stuff*\n\nUp To The Moment"], "url": "https://creativemetaphor.wordpress.com/2012/07/02/inspirations/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 600, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 332, "original_width": 500, "width": 569}], "image_hashes": ["b1480e5525ad35fb307cf8ec5d2e37c3ca87d5f5c1e9424ed3f5786b649ff385", "5fc679af5dfeca0d87fb98fb98ad3016bb547a0935930b47e877bf8a82067919"], "__index_level_0__": 444, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://creativeslice.com/files/40under40.png", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.921318769454956}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://creativeslice.com/2011/08/tucson-40-under-40-2011/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://creativeslice.com/files/40under40.png\", \"src\": \"https://creativeslice.com/files/40under40.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"under\", \"alt_text\": \"40under40\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 279}, null]", "texts": [null, "Every year the Arizona Daily Star recognizes 40 individuals under the age of 40 who are making significant achievements and contributions to their profession and the Tucson community. This year I was nominated, along with 250 others who are doing great things for this city, and today I’m proud to say I made the list!\n\nBeing chosen for this 40 Under 40 award is truly an honor and I’m happy my work with Creative Slice and the design community of Tucson has made a difference.\n\nYou can see a full list of this years winners below and check back on October 6th when the 40 Under 40 Man & Woman of the Year will be announced!\n\nRead more about this award at http://azstarnet.com/events/40-under-40/\n\nInterested in hiring Creative Slice?\n\nLet's Talk"], "url": "https://creativeslice.com/2011/08/tucson-40-under-40-2011/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 527, "original_height": 279, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a3fdfa4b17596cf9d7895431b3dad0a01e5641408b80e77a7b991f9f99fae227"], "__index_level_0__": 445, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://i0.wp.com/media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/37/d1/43/37d1432f8c406cc791bd69c87a1e91ab.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.904386341571808}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://cricketmuse.wordpress.com/2014/04/07/poetry-workshop-the-villanelle/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/37/d1/43/37d1432f8c406cc791bd69c87a1e91ab.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/37/d1/43/37d1432f8c406cc791bd69c87a1e91ab.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d f c cc bd c a e ab\"}, null]", "texts": ["a writer's journey as a reader", "Poetry Workshop: The Villanelle\n\nThe villanelle is one of those poem forms that when rendered well looks so effortless it’s surprising to learn how difficult they really are to write.", null, "What is a villanelle?\n\nThis is a rather strenuous poem in that it contains nineteen lines, which amounts to five stanzas of three lines and one stanza of four lines containing four lines with two rhymes and two refrains.\n\nNow if that isn’t complicated enough, keep this in mind: the first, and then the third lines alternate as the last lines of stanzas 2, 3, and 4, with stanza 5 ending in a couplet.  Oh, yes–the villanelle is usually written in a tetrameter, which is four feet or perhaps a pentameter, constituting of five feet\n\nIt’s best to see how a villanelle is wired together. If curious, or willing to try a villanelle with the example by Edward Arlington Robinson found at WikiHow\n\nIf you’re thinking, “Well, bosh and bother, I think I’ll pass on the villanelle,” I will leave you some well-known villanelles to contemplate.  Look for those repeating lines.  Like I mentioned earlier, a well-rendered villanelle won’t even appear to be trying so hard.  These poets make it seem rather effortless, don’t they?\n\nDylan Thomas’ “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night”  is one of the most famous villanelles. To demonstrate how the villanelle works the repetition is boldface and italics. A deeper discussion can be found at this link\n\nAnother villanelle example:\n\nWhen I saw you last, Rose,\nYou were only so high;—\nHow fast the time goes!\n\nLike a bud ere it blows,\nYou just peeped at the sky,\nWhen I saw you last, Rose!\n\nNow your petals unclose,\nNow your May-time is nigh;—\n\nAnd a life,—how it grows!\nYou were scarcely so shy\n\nIn your bosom it shows\nThere’s a guest on the sly;\n\nIs it Cupid? Who knows!\nYet you used not to sigh,\nWhen I saw you last, Rose;—\n\n–Austin Dobson\n\nYou probably found those repeating lines all on your own, didn’t you?\n\nHere’s a more contemporary villanelle.  Do check out more of Elizabeth Bishop’s poetry. She’s amazing.\n\nOne Art\nElizabeth Bishop (1911-1979)\n\nThe art of losing isn’t hard to master;\nso many things seem filled with the intent\nto be lost that their loss is no disaster.Lose something every day. Accept the fluster\nof lost door keys, the hour badly spent.\nThe art of losing isn’t hard to master.Then practice losing farther, losing faster:\nplaces, and names, and where it was you meant\nto travel. None of these will bring disaster.\n\nIf you haven’t filled up on villanelles yet, I suggest clicking here and reading on a rather nice collection.\n\nThanks for stopping in for the workshop.  I do hope you will give the villanelle a try, and even if you don’t, I hope you’ve gain an appreciation for a fascinating poem form."], "url": "https://cricketmuse.wordpress.com/2014/04/07/poetry-workshop-the-villanelle/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["3269533ba447fb023cfa9fb2b095c6b1f6fe2c7d908c7087cc38986bbd4835bb"], "__index_level_0__": 446, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i0.wp.com/ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/512M2AT5Z8L._AA240_.jpg", null, "https://i1.wp.com/bp2.blogger.com/_14nCKweyfTc/R-EjX1jsDTI/AAAAAAAAAVY/eId-fA0M7b8/s400/wsj-five.jpg", null, null, "https://i0.wp.com/bp1.blogger.com/_14nCKweyfTc/R96ljVjsDSI/AAAAAAAAAVQ/mc21ZKbwe8I/s200/Kristol_Bill.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.96140056848526}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://editdesk.wordpress.com/2008/03/page/2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/512M2AT5Z8L._AA240_.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/ec1.images-amazon.com/images/I/512M2AT5Z8L._AA240_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"M AT Z L\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://editdesk.wordpress.com/2008/03/page/2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/bp2.blogger.com/_14nCKweyfTc/R-EjX1jsDTI/AAAAAAAAAVY/eId-fA0M7b8/s400/wsj-five.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/bp2.blogger.com/_14nCKweyfTc/R-EjX1jsDTI/AAAAAAAAAVY/eId-fA0M7b8/s400/wsj-five.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"wsj five\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://editdesk.wordpress.com/2008/03/page/2/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/bp1.blogger.com/_14nCKweyfTc/R96ljVjsDSI/AAAAAAAAAVQ/mc21ZKbwe8I/s200/Kristol_Bill.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/bp1.blogger.com/_14nCKweyfTc/R96ljVjsDSI/AAAAAAAAAVQ/mc21ZKbwe8I/s200/Kristol_Bill.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Kristol Bill\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "That would be a good way to start a Q&A on the terrorist organization. Given recent confusion among politicians and reporters, we could use a good explainer on the status of the group, who’s in it, where they are and what their affiliations are.\n\nThe Associated Press sheds some light on the al-Qaida situation in this “fact check” alternative story form, but it’s a topic worth more explanation to counter rhetoric and misstatements.", null, "The Winston-Salem Journal offers an Associated Press story on the anniversary accompanied by this timeline. That’s reasonable enough, but this bit of design experimentation isn’t. (Click on the image for a better view.)\n\nBeware of shaping text into numerals or objects. Sure, it may look cool when your design desk makes a story into the shape of a wine glass (a gimmick that’s been done enough to discard, by the way). But ask yourself: Does this design serve the content? Does it help the reader?", "Cary, N.C., is a suburb of Raleigh. It’s known for its tough zoning regulations and its appearances on “best places to live” rankings in magazines. The old joke is that Cary stands for “Containment Area for Relocated Yankees.”\n\nDespite its size, Cary prefers to be a “town,” with the official flag flying that label proudly. Some of its residents are buying into that idea, and one man successfully pushed for the replacement of 50 road signs so drivers cross the “town limits” rather than the “city limits” when entering Cary.\n\nAt $2,000, that’s a fairly pricey edit.", null, "So far, Kristol has stumbled on the facts. His first column had an attribution blunder. The latest mistake in Kristol’s work on the op-ed page should give editors pause about the quality of his work. The subject of his most recent column is Barack Obama’s church and the pastor’s comments about the war and other political issues. Kristol alleges that Obama was in attendance when particularly controversial remarks were made from the pulpit. Yet, as noted here, Obama was not there that day in July 2007.\n\nThis is a step in the right direction, but it doesn’t go far enough because the error is still in the column. It’s an assertion that is central to Kristol’s argument, not just a piece of trivia. That part of the column needs editing as well, which is easy enough to do online.\n\nAdditionally, the column needs a rewrite for the wire services. Many newspapers run Times columnists a day or two after their works appear in the Times. It’s possible some newspapers will run the Kristol column as is, which will spread the error.\n\nUPDATE: Keith Olbermann of MSNBC has named himself one of his nightly “Worst Persons In the World” for a goof related to the Kristol column. Earlier in the week, Olbermann had singled out Times executive editor Bill Keller for the Worst Person “honor” for not firing Kristol. Alas, Keller plays no role in the editorial pages and has no say on the hiring and firing of op-ed columnists. (Related post here.)\n\nWith National Grammar Day behind us, it’s time for Sunshine Week. That is when journalists, librarians and others remind us of the importance of open government."], "url": "https://editdesk.wordpress.com/2008/03/page/2/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 240, "original_width": 240, "width": 378}, {"height": 640, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 487, "original_height": 200, "original_width": 155, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["b250951a2d64902253bdc7043010228f0d6160de30151ec95a0c8dc1f807649b", "e16e45fa67bc03bc1ab02980c40ff7967fc0d173e05d443392c6363a735c200e", "c939e5444592215a8de7e8931fbc0518a5be64a0dd629aad3e8a05f5dbe27f38"], "__index_level_0__": 447, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://i0.wp.com/bp0.blogger.com/_8VA-3aQA9c8/Ryf8Z0yQs-I/AAAAAAAAAME/8uVcMSrjSz4/s320/sarcasm.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9503208994865416}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://emissary7.wordpress.com/2008/01/04/measuring-discernment-and-critism-an-insightful-article-by-brother-wilkerson/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/bp0.blogger.com/_8VA-3aQA9c8/Ryf8Z0yQs-I/AAAAAAAAAME/8uVcMSrjSz4/s320/sarcasm.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/bp0.blogger.com/_8VA-3aQA9c8/Ryf8Z0yQs-I/AAAAAAAAAME/8uVcMSrjSz4/s320/sarcasm.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"sarcasm\"}, null]", "texts": ["This is an excerpt from one of the blogs that I try to visit frequently. I’ve written an article on the subject awhile back from a different angle  and to investigate the articles, I’d humbly suggest that one go here for more:\n\nThat aside, though, I felt that the brother from this blog brought up many points that have never been seen before when it comes to the issue of apolegetics and the many ways in which blogs exposing error handle things.\n\nPray that it blesses someone:\n\nMeasuring Discernment and Critism\n\nWith Gospel and Charity\n\nIt’s late…I’m in a hotel room…on the last night of my last leg of business travel for the year. I’m “worn slap out” as we say here in the south. This is my preface to help offset what I hope is not an altogether uncharitable attitude towards those who are not being very charitable…in my tired opinion.", null, "Further, citing Paul (in Galatians and Corinthians) or Jesus (in the temple angry or with the Pharisees) as examples proves to be difficult for several reasons. For one, it presents basic hermeneutical difficulties. When is it right to emphasize a writer’s inspired writing practices over and above what is clearly given to us in Scriptures as direct instruction for our behavior and speech? The argument that this is the Son of God and arguably the greatest Apostle always breaks down at some point. But it seems to hold up here. I’m fearful that as one outside of biblical inspiration I can argue with the same communication techniques and be as effective as they were. If ever there were men who got the balance 100% right, it was these two. I’m not in that group and I don’t know of anyone else who is either.\n\nSECOND, if love endures all things, as 1 Corinthians 13:7 teaches, then what does that endurance look like as it regards those who we think are neglecting, ignoring, or rejecting the gospel? That answer seems simple, too. 2 Timothy 2:24-25 shows us Paul’s own example. “The Lord’s servant must NOT be quarrelsome but KIND to EVERYONE, able to teach, PATIENTLY ENDURING evil, correcting his opponents WITH GENTLENESS. God may grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth…”\n\nNow for those who consistently bring up Paul’s tone in Galatians as a defense of how we can talk to people today who neglect the gospel like they did, here’s a good question to ponder: is it possible that the Paul of 2 Timothy 2:24-25 showed the same attitude towards the Galatians? If not, why not? If so, how so?\n\nLet’s say for argument sake that we are dealing with a different Paul, in terms of these two books lying at opposite ends of his writing career. If so, and I’m willing to grant this very reasonable line of thought, then isn’t the Paul in 2 Timothy (facing martyrdom) much more mature than the Paul of Galatians (at the very beginning of his writing ministry)? We certainly see evidence of this in other places, like his progressive humility in 1 Corinthians 15:8 to Ephesians 3:8 to 1 Timothy 1:15; or else his separation with John Mark in Acts 15 and his request for John Mark’s assistance in 2 Timothy? Is it possible that if he had it to do over again he might change his tone a bit toward the Galatians like he did toward John Mark? The argument of inspiration with the inclusion of the human side makes this a tough argument to think through, indeed. But it is certainly one worthy to consider.\n\nTHIRD, even with this argument when we look at the second letter Paul wrote, 1 Thessalonians, we still see a man, early in his ministry, who had the “tone” of “a nursing mother taking care of her own children” (1 Thess. 2:7), “being affectionately desirous” (v. 8), and “a father with his children” (v. 11). Do we think that Paul didn’t have the same heart toward the Galatians or the Corinthians because they were in error? It seems foolish to try to argue that because we don’t see the tone of 1 Thessalonians 2, or 1 Corinthians 13 or 2 Timothy 2 in Galatians that it wasn’t there at all. This is the gentleness and kindness in “tone” with which Paul dealt with with everyone – from new believers like the Thessalonians all the way to false teachers like those in Ephesus where Timothy was pastoring.\n\nFOURTH, if we look to the Master we see one of the only places in the Scriptures where we get a glimpse of what Jesus is like as a person. That is found in Matthew 11:28-29, and there we are told that Jesus is meek and lowly in heart. He is one to whom those run who are weary and burdened in their lives. He seeks to give rest to people’s souls! But this is not and cannot be reflected when we communicate with abrasion and sarcasm. Polemics are necessary, but they ought to be utilized with the spirit and attitude of the gospel…and with the meekness and lowliness of the Savior who has come to rescue them from false teaching.\n\nIf we deal with the same thing Jesus dealt with in His day in false teaching, can we expect to handle it with the perfection and precision of speech and attitude in which He did? There’s just no way. We’re too tainted with sin to even hope to do so. So if we should err on one side or the other in Jesus’ responses, it seems most wise and logical that we would err on the side of His meekness and lowliness and humility and gentleness and kindness with people…rather than on the side of the whip-swinging, rebuke-throwing Jesus in the temple and with the Pharisees.\n\nSo how do I wrap up a late night blog where I’m hoping and praying that my wearied body and sleepy mind have communicated with some clarity? How about with these words. They seem to give a biblical balance to this whole issue.\n\n“Don’t just pretend that you love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Stand on the side of good. Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other” (Romans 12:9). “Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8)."], "url": "https://emissary7.wordpress.com/2008/01/04/measuring-discernment-and-critism-an-insightful-article-by-brother-wilkerson/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 256, "original_width": 320, "width": 472}], "image_hashes": ["4098f4bfebc2aedabcd47e3ee051fccf7c8a931761bd02dd1da6cfd28754d376"], "__index_level_0__": 448, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, "https://i2.wp.com/www.act-consult.com/Graphics/KM/Knowledge_management.jpg", null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8905028700828552}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://eternalsunshineoftheismind.wordpress.com/category/what-is-an-information-system/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/cobhomepages.cob.isu.edu/kreggaytes/mba624/images/IS%20Strategy%20Triangle.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/cobhomepages.cob.isu.edu/kreggaytes/mba624/images/IS%20Strategy%20Triangle.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"IS Strategy Triangle\", \"rendered_width\": 624, \"rendered_height\": 244}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://eternalsunshineoftheismind.wordpress.com/category/what-is-an-information-system/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/www.emeraldinsight.com/content_images/fig/0510140702002.png\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/www.emeraldinsight.com/content_images/fig/0510140702002.png\", \"rendered_width\": 669, \"rendered_height\": 366}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://eternalsunshineoftheismind.wordpress.com/category/what-is-an-information-system/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/www.act-consult.com/Graphics/KM/Knowledge_management.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/www.act-consult.com/Graphics/KM/Knowledge_management.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Knowledge management\", \"rendered_width\": 575, \"rendered_height\": 431}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://eternalsunshineoftheismind.wordpress.com/category/what-is-an-information-system/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/mis-duha.wikispaces.com/file/view/DSS.png/313097778/DSS.png\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/mis-duha.wikispaces.com/file/view/DSS.png/313097778/DSS.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"DSS\", \"rendered_width\": 317, \"rendered_height\": 203}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://eternalsunshineoftheismind.wordpress.com/category/what-is-an-information-system/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/www.emeraldinsight.com/content_images/fig/0730120304004.png\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/www.emeraldinsight.com/content_images/fig/0730120304004.png\", \"rendered_width\": 625, \"rendered_height\": 490}, null, null]", "texts": ["A Strategic Information System (SIS) is a system that helps companies change their business strategy and structure. It is typically utilised to speed up the reaction time to environmental changes and aid it in achieving a competitive advantage.\n\nKey features of the Strategic Information Systems are the following:\n\n1) Decision support systems that enable to develop a strategic approach to align Information Systems (IS)  with an organisation’s business strategies.\n\n2) Primarily Enterprise resource planning solutions that integrate the business processes to meet the enterprise objectives for the optimisation of the enterprise resources.\n\n3) Database systems with the “data mining” capabilities to make the best use of available corporate information for marketing, production, promotion and innovation. The SIS systems also facilitate identification of the data collection strategies to help optimize database marketing opportunities.\n\n4) The real-time information Systems that intend to maintain a rapid-response and the quality indicators.\n\nThe relationship among business strategy, organizational strategy, and information strategy. It illustrates how important the business strategy is.", "I will also add in this video on SIS which might also help explain it.\n\nManagement Information Systems\n\nHey fellow bloggers today I am going to tell you a little on Management Information Systems,\n\nManagement Information Systems (MIS) is a computer system that stores and distributes information on how to successfully manage an organisation, and it is usually regarded as a subset of the internal controls of a business.\n\nManagement Information Systems are an efficient and methodical approach to collecting, storing and processing raw data that underlines what needs to be done in order to handle an enterprise effectively.\n\nBefore data had to be manually inputted and consulted, which meant there was more of a risk for human errors and delays in terms of putting together the data into proper reports to facilitate management functions and it was more expensive. Nowadays, the advancement of MIS into the organised procedure that it is now has vastly improved the way businesses are run.\n\nAnalysing Data\n\nThe data stored in Management Information Systems covers various categories, such as technologies, people, documents and procedures.\n\nFaster and more systematic than manual consulting and handling, this technology can analyse and collate raw data that it stores into reports which outline trends and patterns in decision-making and organisation functions.\n\nManagers can then refer to these reports in order to systematically plan and direct business operations. These reports can also include knowledge about assumed scenarios resulting from prospective management-changing decisions.\n\nMIS saves time, allowing for managers to make informed decisions more quickly, but also assist in helping those with authorisation to the information to better understand the enterprise and the nature of the industry.\n\nThis video also explains MIS very well, I hope you enjoy it.\n\nHi Bloggers,\n\nSome Benefits:", "Best of Luck in the end of year exam!\n\nThe Many Different Types of Information System Continued…\n\n1. Accounting Information Systems:\n\nAdvantages of an Accounting Information System:", "2. Knowledge Management Systems:\n\nDifferent types of Knowledge Management Systems include:", null, "3. Executive Information Systems:\n\nEIS components can typically be classified as:\n\nEIS also has many advantages and disadvantages:\n\nAdvantages of EIS\n\nDisadvantages of EIS", "The Many Different Types of Information Systems…\n\n1. Management Information Systems:\n\nWhy are they different to other information systems?\n\nManagement Information Systems have many advantages:", "2. Decision Support Systems:\n\nThings that would be typically visible in a decision support system:\n\n3 fundamental components in a DSS are:\n\nAs well, DSS boast many benefits including:", "3. Transaction Processing Systems:\n\nThe following features are considered important in evaluating transaction processing systems.\n\nContinuous availability\n\nData integrity\n\nEase of use\n\nModular growth", "How information systems create a competitive advantage\n\nHello bloggers how are ye all today? Have a read through this interesting article.\n\nTechnology is now one of the most important part of every business. What used to be manual are now automated, and electronic means of communication which have been become key in helping in all businesses. Since technology has been developed in recent decades it has transformed today’s business practices.\n\nInformation systems have been around for a few decades now, but as they develop, they are being outdated everyday and offer many more possibilities. IS can be used in a many ways. Many businesses today have realised the advantages technology has, but  not all businesses get the potential out of technology.\n\nDon’t think of your IS systems as a commodity, view it as an assets and a way to gain a competitive advantage in your field.\n\nMaximize your information systems:\n\n• Enhance jobs\n\nImplementing IS is expensive at first but it may mean you have to employ less people and makes jobs more efficient so employees can move onto other jobs. Staff do not have to spend valuable time sorting through statistics, data and other pertinent information because the system has ability to gather it for them. IS provides a cost-effective way to conduct transactions, significantly cutting down the time involved in processing.\n\n• Differentiation\n\nIS provides the capability to strategically define your organisation in a way that makes the business stand out from the competition. IS can be integrated  in such a way where customers can be offered something no one else provides. With a disctint design that makes your business appealing to do business with, you can easily increase your customer base.\n\n• Coordination of supply and distribution\n\nIS provides a terrific way to monitor and track inventory. Typically, managers will use information system to track goods and to manage their entire supply/chain management process. If s problem arises, you can easily pick out and find a solution before it becomes a costly issue.\n\n• Customers\n\nIntegrating  business processes with the web is a great way to maximise your technology. You can generate efficiency, effectiveness and enhancement all at the same time. Employee work load is relieved and you can improve your customer’s shopping experience at the same time.\n\n• Decision making\n\nInformation systems allow the key element of providing “real-time” information. In today’s competitive environment, a manager needs to make rapid decisions and to do this effectively, you will need the most up to date information available. Properly designing your IS to custom fit your needs will enable you to accomplish this. You will get fast action when you can quickly assess a situation.\n\nThe importance of Analysis and Design in business\n\nBoth of these topics are very closely related -you could even say, system design is a part of the System Development Life Cycle or SDLC which you may remember from Cathal’s lectures.\n\nFirstly you have to understand what a “system” is. First of all, information systems are all around us. Think about your local supermarket, they have a system which tracks inventory levels and reorders stock as required. They also have a system which looks after the financial side of the organisation; how much money has been made from a day of trading. These systems don’t just include computers and software. They also include the people that use the system and procedures. So in short, an information system is a collection of hardware, software, data, human and procedural components intended to give the right data and information to the right person at the right time.\n\nSystems Analysis deal with the process in which analysts go through to decide how a system should run – that is deciding what roles the system should perform, whether it’s viable for the system to be developed (such as financial feasibility; do the benefits of the system outweigh the costs of developing the system?), what data is going to be collected and stored. In essence, Systems Analysis is concerned with problem solving and having a system that will solve an organisations problems.\n\nThis is a interesting video which tells us how important system analysts are\n\nSystems Design is actually the third step of the SDLC – it’s where the analysis designs how the system will operate. The physical components of the system are defined here which specifies how the problem at hand will be solved.\n\nThis video gives a more detailed view on System Design:\n\n← Older Entries\n\nTop Rated\n\nEternal Sunshine of the IS Mind"], "url": "https://eternalsunshineoftheismind.wordpress.com/category/what-is-an-information-system/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 719, "original_width": 959, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["d5e99fd3a8b54c9ad75ac1eda9b9dd964634eccac461fda30b4674b348fa833a"], "__index_level_0__": 449, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://i2.wp.com/media.salon.com/2013/06/serena_williams-620x412.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9442559480667114}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fall2015ces101.wordpress.com/2015/09/11/serena-williams-racism-and-sexism-double-participation/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/media.salon.com/2013/06/serena_williams-620x412.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/media.salon.com/2013/06/serena_williams-620x412.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"serena williams\", \"alt_text\": \"The world only has ugliness for black women. That's why Serena Williams is so important\"}, null]", "texts": ["Serena Williams is widely considered the greatest woman tennis player ever. But all too often, instead of being celebrated, she’s targeted with outrageous racist and sexist comments. This bigotry has tarnished nearly every victory, magazine cover, and interview of her entire incredible career.\n\nFor example, in the moments surrounding her win at the French Open in June 2015, Williams was compared to an animal, likened to a man, and deemed frightening and horrifyingly unattractive. One Twitter user wrote that Williams “looks like a gorilla, and sounds like a gorilla when she grunts while hitting the ball. In conclusion, she is a gorilla.” And another described her as “so unbelievably dominant … and manly.”  ESPN sports commentator Bomani Jones responded to those reactions — as well as to the ones that dismissed them as subjective commentary — with a series of tweets.\n\nIndian Wells and beyond\n\n(Clive Brunskill/Getty Images)\n\nBut the most recent commentary is a reminder that that didn’t mark an end to the racialized, sexualized, dehumanizing comments about her. It’s nearly impossible to imagine these comments being made about any of her peers; they’re a genre unto themselves, offering a case study on how biases make their way into media coverage. As James McKay and Helen Johnson write in a 2008 article published in Social Identities, about what they called the “pornographic eroticism and sexual grotesquerie in representations of African American sportswomen,” even so-called complimentary commentary about Williams’s athleticism is often grounded in stereotypes about black people (animalistic and aggressive) and black women specifically (masculine, unattractive, and overly sexual at once).\n\nShameless, explicit racial stereotypes\n\nInappropriate scrutiny and sexualization of her body’s size and shape\n\nHyperbolic descriptions of her physical power\n\n“The prominence of narratives that depict the Williams sisters as ‘overwhelming’ and ‘destroying’ their female opponents are significant for they call upon enduring stereotypes of the ‘dangerous’ black body and the ‘strong black woman,'” Douglas wrote, noting the way both Venus and Serena’s strong black female bodies were “described as ‘pummeling,’ ‘overwhelming’ and ‘overpowering’ (apparently frail and powerless) white female opponents.”\n\nThe Telegraph’s Sue Mott seemed to embrace Tarpischev’s (and others’) characterization of Williams as scary and take it another, dehumanizing level, when she wrote in 2002 that Williams and Venus had “evolved into players of Amazonian physique and piranha mentality.”\n\n“The racism raining down on Serena’s victory parade highlights the nature of white supremacy. … her career has been one marred by the politics of hate, the politics of racism and sexism,” Leonard wrote.\n\nThe world only has ugliness for black women. That’s why Serena Williams is so important\n\nFor two decades, Williams has dominated an overwhelmingly white sport, a powerful statement on black womanhood", null, "Serena Williams  (Credit: Reuters/Daniel Munoz)\n\nOn Saturday morning when I dragged myself out of bed to watch Serena Williams compete for her 21st Grand Slam title at Wimbledon, I sent my mother a simple text: “Tennis?” More than a thousand miles away and one time zone behind, Mama texted back, “Yes!”\n\nThis has been our ritual since I left home nearly half a lifetime ago, just around the time it became clear that Williams Sisters were a force that would not go away quietly. My mother and I spent many lazy summer weekends watching greats like Steffi Graf, Monica Seles, Andre Agassi, Pete Sampras, Jimmy Connors and John McEnroe. I vaguely remember watching Arthur Ashe play, and my mother always took care to point out Black players like Zina Garrison and Malivai Washington. Unlike basketball, which I also loved back then, in the heyday of Michael Jordan, tennis was an overwhelmingly white sport.\n\nThen came the Black girls—sisters from Compton with beads and braids, playing “power tennis.” That is how sportscasters like Mary Carillo, Pam Shriver and Chris Evert derisively referred to the Sisters’ monster serves and walloping forehand winners down the line way back then. A few months younger than Venus, and a few older than Serena, I was instantly protective and proud of these young sisters the same age as me, who had entered an all-white world and dominated white women with such consistency and force, and so unapologetically, that white women’s heads spun on a regular basis.\n\nIt is never a thing Black people would admit in polite company (which is to say, in front of white people), but watching these beautiful, powerful Black girls square up against white girls and win is catharsis. Despite sportscaster commentary which focused heavily on the athleticism of their bodies while giving them no credit for being thoughtful or strategic on the court, the sisters won, and kept on winning.\n\nI’m sure many hoped we would not be here in the middle of the second decade of the 20th century still watching the Williams sisters compete against each other in grand slams. But we are. And while Venus — long my favorite of the two (loyalty to the sister born the same year as me if nothing else) — no longer enjoys the same success and visibility as her sister, the two are still seen as some of the most formidable players in the game.\n\nSome things have changed since we began to call the names of Venus and Serena. Their games have improved. Serena has figured out how to corral all that power into a gorgeous, focused finesse on the court. Watching Venus play at Wimbledon is like watching a Black girl ballet on grass. Because of Venus’ active campaign with Billie Jean King, women now earn equal pay with men at Grand Slam tournaments. And Chris Evert, one of the Williams Sisters’ most ardent critics a decade ago, can now regularly be heard calling Serena the “greatest” to ever play the game. What has not changed, however, is the ugly and virulent racist commentary to which Serena is subjected each and every time she wins.\n\nMedia personalities suggest that she’s doping. And racists emboldened by the mouthpiece and anonymity of twitter misgender her, calling her a man and deriding the strength of her body. In a piece at the New York Times, Ben Rothenberg interviews several current women’s tennis players who evince varying levels of anxiety about how playing the sport makes them look “unfeminine.” In the midst of this, Serena says, “I’m really happy with my body type, and I’m really proud of it. Obviously it works out for me. I talk about it all the time, how it was uncomfortable for someone like me to be in my body.”\n\nThat kind of body confidence from a dark-skinned, “thick” Black woman, with a round posterior that all my homegirls and I, straight and gay alike, admire, is hard won. This world does not love Black girls or women, and it takes every opportunity to project its own ugliness onto our bodies. We spend a lifetime trying to resurrect our self-esteem from these hastily dug mass graves."], "url": "https://fall2015ces101.wordpress.com/2015/09/11/serena-williams-racism-and-sexism-double-participation/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 412, "original_width": 620, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["671eb1978701ad776d62a32905126ea81a02ef9b9465592a4e33fe144541ab48"], "__index_level_0__": 450, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/51/44/ac/5144acfe31a52797e0e75e0360b7a07c.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/cd/8b/0c/cd8b0cb002540c796bc286704197f79e.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1f/2f/79/1f2f790a5cdb081848856feed2919ef7.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/15/37/64/1537642d1523740a46166d1f1a2be524.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/18/cf/fb/18cffbbf438da6b94a9c4127f30e0d7b.jpg", null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8a/35/62/8a3562095f9030a4d24141cbab4045b7.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/10/64/e6/1064e6762c6b0293d553acc0042a9b62.jpg", null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ff/de/ca/ffdeca8eaffcb3af3bb8870cf12ddc40.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8128887414932251}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fr.pinterest.com/pin/536350636843193250/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/51/44/ac/5144acfe31a52797e0e75e0360b7a07c.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/51/44/ac/5144acfe31a52797e0e75e0360b7a07c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"acfe a e e e b a c\", \"alt_text\": \"Trademark Poker 40-601LASER Emerald Green Laser Designer Billiard Cue by Trademark Global. $29.24. This stylish cue is 58 inches long and weighs 20 ounces and is made of Hard Wood. It is a 2 piece cue with Brass Joints to provide a precision fit to guarantee straightness over the length of the stick. The butt of the cue features an outstanding graphic of a design done in emerald green and pearl white with gold outline. 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I'm mostly looking at the legs and beautiful carvings. Not too fond of the felt color.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fr.pinterest.com/pin/536350636843193250/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/18/cf/fb/18cffbbf438da6b94a9c4127f30e0d7b.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/18/cf/fb/18cffbbf438da6b94a9c4127f30e0d7b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cffbbf da b a c f e d b\", \"alt_text\": \"Chiappa Mare's Leg takedown in .44 mag. Apart it fits in a brief case. Good for close range in tight quarters. Not particularly utilitarian but if you want something, sometimes thats justification enough. :)\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fr.pinterest.com/pin/536350636843193250/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/9e/95/64/9e956446962b858b306fa23a4f2369df.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/9e/95/64/9e956446962b858b306fa23a4f2369df.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e b b fa a f df\", \"alt_text\": \"Poker 500 Capacity Aluminum Poker Game Chip Case Black Interior New\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fr.pinterest.com/pin/536350636843193250/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8a/35/62/8a3562095f9030a4d24141cbab4045b7.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8a/35/62/8a3562095f9030a4d24141cbab4045b7.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a f a d cbab b\", \"alt_text\": \"Pool Player's 5-Piece Cue Accessory and Cue Case Package by Billiard Evolution. $28.50. What a value! This Pool Player's Cue Accessory and Cue Case Package includes five top quality items: Joint Protector Set, Pocket Chalk Holder, Moosehead Bridge Head, Tip Tapper Tool and 1x1 Classic Tube Cue Case.1) Protect your cue's joint with our durable, plastic Joint Protectors. This set includes two black (one male and one female) protectors made to fit a cue with a 5/16\\\" x ...\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fr.pinterest.com/pin/536350636843193250/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/10/64/e6/1064e6762c6b0293d553acc0042a9b62.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/10/64/e6/1064e6762c6b0293d553acc0042a9b62.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e c b d acc a b\", \"alt_text\": \"Gerber Gorge Folding Shovel. Want for camping. Good for burying traces.\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://fr.pinterest.com/pin/536350636843193250/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ff/de/ca/ffdeca8eaffcb3af3bb8870cf12ddc40.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ff/de/ca/ffdeca8eaffcb3af3bb8870cf12ddc40.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ffdeca eaffcb af bb cf ddc\", \"alt_text\": \"Black Cheap Oakley Flak Jacket Sunglasses 2013 Cheap Oakley Eyewear 20\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Trademark Poker 40-601LASER Emerald Green Laser Designer Billiard Cue by Trademark Global. $29.24. This stylish cue is 58 inches long and weighs 20 ounces and is made of Hard Wood. It is a 2 piece cue with Brass Joints to provide a precision fit to guarantee straightness over the length of the stick. The butt of the cue features an outstanding graphic of a design done in emerald green and pearl white with gold outline. Above the slip resistant grip is a laser style g...", null, "10 Players Texas Hold em Poker Table Gn With Wooden Racetrack; Cup Holders", null, "Blue Glass Candle Lantern 8\"\n\nBlue Glass Candle Lantern 8\" 9th Anniversary Color : Lapis Lazuli (Blue)", null, "Billiards Table. I'm mostly looking at the legs and beautiful carvings. Not too fond of the felt color.", null, "Chiappa Mare's Leg takedown in .44 mag. Apart it fits in a brief case. Good for close range in tight quarters. Not particularly utilitarian but if you want something, sometimes thats justification enough. :)", "Details about Poker 500 Capacity Aluminum Poker Game Chip Case Black Interior New\n\nPoker 500 Capacity Aluminum Poker Game Chip Case Black Interior New", null, "Pool Player's 5-Piece Cue Accessory and Cue Case Package by Billiard Evolution. $28.50. What a value! This Pool Player's Cue Accessory and Cue Case Package includes five top quality items: Joint Protector Set, Pocket Chalk Holder, Moosehead Bridge Head, Tip Tapper Tool and 1x1 Classic Tube Cue Case.1) Protect your cue's joint with our durable, plastic Joint Protectors. This set includes two black (one male and one female) protectors made to fit a cue with a 5/16\" x ...", null, "Gerber Gorge Folding Shovel. Want for camping. Good for burying traces.", "Ranger Tactical Tomahawk. I have one and it's perfect to go along with a machete for you BoB. You never know when you would need either.", null], "url": "https://fr.pinterest.com/pin/536350636843193250/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 156, "original_width": 236, "width": 571}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 555, "original_height": 347, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 157, "original_width": 236, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["4239a2fffd25da447dd88f29a6a9de7d2c3d6b184042d0c30866afa08f9aa8d1", "8a9bf6c2b2609fbb494a6f15f6e4f5e2a81313a435e249f9a23f6673e484fc3c", "9179826236d324d6fa082e6ed34a6b7cda8e8948ba127b60713b16aa797f697a", "79eda134b08f6e58d31f30c33b6fdd6c1bb47c74a8491299f7862059ac896f6c", "8b9216c0a7d3a861bfcab1abf2e2b054b48333d1ad726856169a299f9ff3f793", "5027dd7bf8d059f39979848e846cc643c6aaddc9539695eec6dc828e1d1949ab", "03db9f1d021bc629be5767371261839aaf67604c07653dae2ecd94e805e6db65", "d5f55b0be85f9bcc23bbc81ba701f956fa6b8f23bafdf15ce9a1831505dc26ac"], "__index_level_0__": 451, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NjNozPJ2a4c/V9JLJrcyFxI/AAAAAAAAgbc/hoxDhOttK7sCP5gXfjdVL-ekMyL_RlhlACLcB/s640/1.jpg", "https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XWdpUaNvcvg/V9JLPGmtzoI/AAAAAAAAgbg/Yiw8vGlt5XcCVDDq7BJwFxd6itPUOZ09QCLcB/s640/2.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9432852268218994}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://hearasingle.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/dodgy-what-are-we-fighting-for.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NjNozPJ2a4c/V9JLJrcyFxI/AAAAAAAAgbc/hoxDhOttK7sCP5gXfjdVL-ekMyL_RlhlACLcB/s640/1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NjNozPJ2a4c/V9JLJrcyFxI/AAAAAAAAgbc/hoxDhOttK7sCP5gXfjdVL-ekMyL_RlhlACLcB/s640/1.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 632}, {\"document_url\": \"https://hearasingle.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/dodgy-what-are-we-fighting-for.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XWdpUaNvcvg/V9JLPGmtzoI/AAAAAAAAgbg/Yiw8vGlt5XcCVDDq7BJwFxd6itPUOZ09QCLcB/s640/2.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-XWdpUaNvcvg/V9JLPGmtzoI/AAAAAAAAgbg/Yiw8vGlt5XcCVDDq7BJwFxd6itPUOZ09QCLcB/s640/2.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 640, \"rendered_height\": 632}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["Friday, 9 September 2016\n\nDodgy - What Are We Fighting For", null, null, "Ah those heady Brit Pop days! Looking back two decades, I know, I know, it wasn't all about Blur v Oasis and Jarvis waving his backside at Michael Jackson. There was some great pop to come out of it and that can get forgotten amongst the images of Liam gurning.\n\nThat Pop included the likes of The Lightning Seeds, The Bluetones, The Supernaturals and many more, but one band more than any lit up Brit Pop. Dodgy were kings of summer pop and lest we forget became rather big, noting their Glastonbury 1997 slot.\n\nThree fantastic albums and a run of singles from So Let Me Go Far to Found You that stands up with any fine pop you'd care to name. Live they were a great trio too, they could play, All are equal in that effort, but a special mention should go to drummer Mathew Priest, one of the most underrated drummers around. Those harmonies were ace too, testified by their acoustic performances.\n\nBefore we get to the now, kudos should be given to Nigel Clark's  excellent solo album, 21st Century Man.\n\nComebacks are always dicing with danger, but 2012's Stand Upright In A Cool Place was great. The trademark harmonies were there, but it wasn't a continuation of the past. More acoustic, certainly darker, without insulting the band, it seemed a really grown up album. There was plenty of sterling guitar from Andy Miller. An all round cracker of an offering.\n\nSo what of 2016? Well the three piece have been expanded by adding Stu Thoy on Bass and Ultrasound's Vanessa Wilson is on four of the tracks.\n\nThe new album certainly isn't acoustic dominated, as demonstrated by the opener above.  Now Means Nothing is the 60's of early Who and California Gold is West Coast wonder down to Any Miller's trippy solo. Are You The One is superb, harmonies and jangling are all present, a great song and probably the best track on the album with another great Miller solo.\n\nDemonstrating the variety, The Hills could be any great 70's Singer Songwriter, Al Stewart springs to mind. Never Stop is pure Psych Pop. Mended Heart could be CSNY What Are We Fighting For, the title track, is a six and a half minute behemoth. a splendidly orchestrated anthem, absolute joy.\n\nWhat Are We Fighting For isn't the happy clappy Dodgy of 20 years ago, but would you want it to be? We have those songs for the summer months forever. The harmonies and technical ability are still there and Nigel Clark is in fine voice, but this is a much deeper album and all the better for it.\n\nThe 2016 Dodgy could very well have provided their best album yet and have certainly provided a contender for anyone's Top 20 albums of the year."], "url": "https://hearasingle.blogspot.co.uk/2016/09/dodgy-what-are-we-fighting-for.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 634, "original_width": 640, "width": 381}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 634, "original_width": 640, "width": 381}], "image_hashes": ["13d405ee0df747432fe85871d5d7489c83492679093a8f03d4907f700f165f3f", "b216a223c06104bfb02bdc2cddbe74bd649af4fc74d20a0afcd5de7e889b0de9"], "__index_level_0__": 452, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/55/74e4c052d311e69d7a752c9bfddb50/housekeeper-chantekia-taylor-loris-d7451f5b.jpg", "http://dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/56/1e924052d311e6922a0fc309da0bc5/housekeeper-chantekia-taylor-loris-d7451f5b.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8813117146492004}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://housekeeper.com/i-love-to-work-getting-the-job-done-is-key-housekeeper-loris-sc\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/55/74e4c052d311e69d7a752c9bfddb50/housekeeper-chantekia-taylor-loris-d7451f5b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/55/74e4c052d311e69d7a752c9bfddb50/housekeeper-chantekia-taylor-loris-d7451f5b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"housekeeper chantekia taylor loris d f b\", \"alt_text\": \"Housekeeper Provider Chantekia Taylor's Profile Picture\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://housekeeper.com/i-love-to-work-getting-the-job-done-is-key-housekeeper-loris-sc\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/56/1e924052d311e6922a0fc309da0bc5/housekeeper-chantekia-taylor-loris-d7451f5b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/56/1e924052d311e6922a0fc309da0bc5/housekeeper-chantekia-taylor-loris-d7451f5b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"housekeeper chantekia taylor loris d f b\", \"alt_text\": \"Housekeeper, House Sitter in Loris\", \"rendered_width\": 160, \"rendered_height\": 160}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://housekeeper.com/i-love-to-work-getting-the-job-done-is-key-housekeeper-loris-sc\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/55/74e4c052d311e69d7a752c9bfddb50/housekeeper-chantekia-taylor-loris-d7451f5b.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/55/74e4c052d311e69d7a752c9bfddb50/housekeeper-chantekia-taylor-loris-d7451f5b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"housekeeper chantekia taylor loris d f b\", \"alt_text\": \"Housekeeper Provider Chantekia Taylor's Profile Picture\"}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "I Love to Work, Getting the Job Done is Key.\n\nHousekeeper · House Sitter\n\nLoris, SC\nLast seen over a week ago\n\nCall on Phone\n\nHousekeeper in Loris\n\nHow's it going everyone? I'm Chantekia, I have been doing Housekeeping for about 8 years now and I am 21 years old. I love to clean and I do mean clean! I am a very thorough and deep cleaner so if you're looking for great quality work, my friend, here is where you'll find it. Long story short, all of those dirty messes from construction and painting and brand new appliances, to just downright messy, they can be a thing of the past with Chantekia on your team! So for all of your dirty job needs, call me Chantekia at 843-507-... Anytime!! Don't wait!! Book your date!!\n\nHousekeeper Details\n\nRecommendations for Chantekia Taylor", "Ray Thermezi\n\nChantekia is hardworking, dedicated, always motivated and is all around great.\n\nShare This Housekeeper\n\nMore in Loris, South Carolina\n\nLooking for Housekeeper jobs in Loris, SC?\n\nHousekeeper Jobs\n\nFind available jobs in your city.\n\nSend a Message to Chantekia Taylor\n\nFeatured Housekeepers near Loris, SC", "Tina Feagin\n\nHonest, Dependable, Mrs. Clean!", "Bianca Walker\n\nHouse keeper for 6 years.", "Rose Havery\n\nFirst Class Cleaning Service", "Sabrina Johnson\n\nSabrina Johnson I am i", "Janice Sapp\n\nA+ Housekeeper Now", "Chantekia Taylor I Love to Work, Getting the Job Done is Key."], "url": "https://housekeeper.com/i-love-to-work-getting-the-job-done-is-key-housekeeper-loris-sc", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["c937c652855990b753d9925fc8a1ddf48d0631d19784558c23c1dc1d709c15a6", "5240c115e825ae5be79a5bdaab287e33cbbd6a7c8a36b198da2f97cd97c43df8"], "__index_level_0__": 453, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5b/33/b9/5b33b96ab19407c93587daee36d67520.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/9d/5f/cd9d5f930b84d76ce7281ea32948cb35.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/8b/1a/60/8b1a60060981ba64ddc3e338e2e4d005.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/52/ab/f3/52abf3edfe1dffda81f5df95eaef18e8.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/cd/53/ec/cd53ecd4a28c716a9cff966b70692dc7.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/73/e2/4c/73e24c65469a19c49dbff7b829b49eec.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ac/5b/2b/ac5b2b33715f83180259036c34a6e3dc.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8467400670051575}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://id.pinterest.com/aaronfarrow75/danger-home-materials/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5b/33/b9/5b33b96ab19407c93587daee36d67520.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5b/33/b9/5b33b96ab19407c93587daee36d67520.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b b ab c daee d\", \"alt_text\": \"Thousands of houses and public buildings used asbestos-containing material, turning Australia to be one of the countries with many asbestos-related diseases. 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There are several items such asbestos. Just connect with us and give your support. Thanks\n12 Pin103 Pengikut", null, "Thousands of houses and public buildings used asbestos-containing material, turning Australia to be one of the countries with many asbestos-related diseases. That's why you need this #asbestostesting guide!", null, "Asbestos Removal Cost is Nothing Compared to What’s at Risk\n\nAsbestos Removal Cost is Nothing Compared to What's at Risk", null, "Growing proportion of mesothelioma cases #asbestos #asbestosremoval #mesothelioma", null, "Victims of asbestos-related mesothelioma have joined medical researchers to try and find a cure for the deadly disease. #asbestos #mesothelioma", null, null, null], "url": "https://id.pinterest.com/aaronfarrow75/danger-home-materials/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 490, "original_width": 736, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 511, "original_width": 599, "width": 443}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 700, "original_width": 700, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 700, "original_width": 700, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 700, "original_width": 700, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 564, "original_width": 736, "width": 493}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 700, "original_width": 700, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["bb5531ecbfdf2089418d5e76bfff0dcb64ec5240a985b8288fee72037cfc63f1", "d1052decd42cf94fa60d386390027d25371120404897f1e6be53a1966991e8bb", "358419b5a242102a54d7b238e330fdbff3b3fa747503099348df2f713a727a73", "2b113d0299bba37c8099378114e1ad1db393bc2cd7c46503dcd5ac34263ca902", "7cb7b51f9a86b217c1d20ff3ab16ce7c7fd596a581b6ac964d62a72c5e1a5247", "d293f095881a993493504471daa0880d32242ce57e5069ea9a0e3648d3c6cbed", "f125cedd50a94fe7c79fb24b0d2386c6255b0998ae2220204d0796f1a7a80c02"], "__index_level_0__": 454, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, null, null, null, "http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_YPFDDjQ_y_Y/SQX5j8I9PII/AAAAAAAAC-0/7662Fyq65aE/s400/gray_cube.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9243132472038268}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://idrawgirls.blogspot.com/2008/10/values-study-exercise-how-to-shade.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/_YPFDDjQ_y_Y/SPzcB9lkJyI/AAAAAAAAC9Y/O5QUge6uG5M/s400/values_compare_window_tool.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YPFDDjQ_y_Y/SPzcB9lkJyI/AAAAAAAAC9Y/O5QUge6uG5M/s400/values_compare_window_tool.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"values compare window tool\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://idrawgirls.blogspot.com/2008/10/values-study-exercise-how-to-shade.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/_YPFDDjQ_y_Y/SPzcCQrqRrI/AAAAAAAAC9g/ht9xihyxHUQ/s400/values_compare_tool.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YPFDDjQ_y_Y/SPzcCQrqRrI/AAAAAAAAC9g/ht9xihyxHUQ/s400/values_compare_tool.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"values compare tool\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://idrawgirls.blogspot.com/2008/10/values-study-exercise-how-to-shade.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/_YPFDDjQ_y_Y/SPyuJ4U3PwI/AAAAAAAAC9I/ENxONMpMDII/s400/munsell_value_chart.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_YPFDDjQ_y_Y/SPyuJ4U3PwI/AAAAAAAAC9I/ENxONMpMDII/s400/munsell_value_chart.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"munsell value chart\"}, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://idrawgirls.blogspot.com/2008/10/values-study-exercise-how-to-shade.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//4.bp.blogspot.com/_YPFDDjQ_y_Y/SQX5j8I9PII/AAAAAAAAC-0/7662Fyq65aE/s400/gray_cube.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_YPFDDjQ_y_Y/SQX5j8I9PII/AAAAAAAAC-0/7662Fyq65aE/s400/gray_cube.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gray cube\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://idrawgirls.blogspot.com/2008/10/values-study-exercise-how-to-shade.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//1.bp.blogspot.com/_YPFDDjQ_y_Y/SQXjWbF02kI/AAAAAAAAC-g/uAbGf1OgvMM/s400/black_cube.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_YPFDDjQ_y_Y/SQXjWbF02kI/AAAAAAAAC-g/uAbGf1OgvMM/s400/black_cube.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"black cube\"}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://idrawgirls.blogspot.com/2008/10/values-study-exercise-how-to-shade.html\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//2.bp.blogspot.com/_btyum0CjLME/SqjGbVxuWtI/AAAAAAAAABA/yfYicrujq9Y/S45-s35/profilepicture.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_btyum0CjLME/SqjGbVxuWtI/AAAAAAAAABA/yfYicrujq9Y/S45-s35/profilepicture.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"profilepicture\", \"rendered_width\": 35, \"rendered_height\": 35}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["This is part one of the three cubes exercise. You have now done the one white cube. Here on this post there are one black one, and one a mid gray.\n\nAt this stage was to paint each one in isolation, now starting with the mid value, the black cube. Remember, paint the value as how you see it, not what you think you see.\n\nThis tool to find the solid value if you are not sure what you are seeing:\n(Click to enlarge. Save it then print out on a thick piece of paper.\nThen cut them up into 10 pieces also cut off the circle hole to see thru.\nInstruction is as in the pic below it.)", "But challenge yourself, after a while by just squintting without relying on tool. :)\n\nhow to render and see value from the real object and apply it into your painting, illustration and concept design.\n\nHere is Definition of Value as Munsell's Explain it.\n\nValue, or lightness, varies vertically along the color solid, from black (value 0) at the bottom, to white (value 10) at the top. Neutral grays lie along the vertical axis between black and white.", "Here is a mid value gray cube", "Here is a black cube", "After you complete the isolation practice: Now lay them all out together and paint the three cubes in one scene. This should be fun and you will learn that the darker object will see to have more contrast (hint, noticeable highlight so it appear lighter than it actually is.). But the lightest light on dark object is still not as light as the mid value of the white cube. See how you eyes sometimes deceive you?\n\nHere are all three cubes:", "TOOLs You'll need: *home made edition :)\nAnd here is a printout of \"white cube\" (if you cannot find wooden cube)\nPrint this out on a thick piece of paper then fold them together you can create a box or cube for your exercise: (click on a bigger version, then right click to save...then print it!)\nGray Cube & Black Cube", null, "Previous post or part I: How to shade, render, tone, paint values drawing lesson\n\nRelated posted:\n-Color temperature warm vs cool for artist.\n-Basic Color Scheme for Artist, Monochromatic.\n-Achromatic color scheme\n-Monochromatic color scheme\n-Analogous color scheme\n-Complimentary color scheme, basic.\n\nDrawing Software & Tools I used and recommended:", "-Genius MousePen 6x8", "New tutorials:-How to draw face soft shading female.\n-Concept Art tutorial, magma river lava environment.\n-How to draw chibi robot Gigantor step by step\n-How to paint water and mountain landscape technique\n-Art tutorial, how to paint gold armor", "Luca said…\nthanks bro... really useful- I'll try this one for sure! I really agree with you that the eyes can really decieve you! Also today you repeated one of the best things I've learned from you... \"Draw what you see, not what you think you see!\"\n\nThanks & Peace!\nOctober 27, 2008 at 12:59 PM", "XIA said…\nLuca> You are welcome, you guys ask for it...then I will try to find it and share them to you all. :)\nYes, when in doubt during painting, SQUINT to find values!\nOctober 28, 2008 at 11:53 AM", "Steffen Rye said…\nGuess this comment is \"one year late\" on this post, but I just discovered this site and it is amazing! Already learned so much from it.\nI've never actually \"done the basics\" I just jumped right into drawing without any goal and purpose. But thanks to this site I have a lot of basic things to start with. Like this one! =)\nThanks again!\nDecember 9, 2009 at 10:08 PM", "Steffen Rye> Thanks, it's true that the basic is very boring and everyone wants to draw cool stuff. But once in a while you have to step back and say to yourself...how would I improve and take my art to the next level? Solidify your Foundation is everything. Values (lighting), if you master it, you can basically paint anything. Now you did the right thing brother! Cheers!\nDecember 10, 2009 at 3:24 PM", "kagemusha said…\n\nI recently discovered your site, and have been going through some youtube tutorials - Im having some trouble, with the basic drawing, mainly because ( I think ) i don't know how to set my brush - Could you tell me what Brush settings you recommend and is it best to use the default ( Circle) brush for beginners ?\n\np.s BRILLIANT videos.\nNovember 1, 2010 at 9:47 PM", "idrawgirls said…\nKagemusha> I don't have anything special in setting, I just use default setting...as long as your brush pressure can change taper and opacity then it can do the job. It took me 6 month to a year to get use to it. be patient, take times and play around with it.\nNovember 3, 2010 at 12:51 PM", "How to draw hand video tutorial\n\nHow to draw hand video tutorial learn step by step basic.", "Concept art waterfall bridge environmental design\n\nHere is a final sketch waterfall bridge wonder:\n\nSometimes, it is great to paint over your old pa…", "How to draw lips\n\nBelow is a How to draw mouth a…"], "url": "https://idrawgirls.blogspot.com/2008/10/values-study-exercise-how-to-shade.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 494, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 306, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["f6746f2b6c0b2307602b5d8c239141fe607cf6f967285e38686b0d2774d1c3ac"], "__index_level_0__": 455, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fd/72/cd/fd72cd9a86560f27c3c1d61e8f098869.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d9/9f/d1/d99fd18c283502941f86a20c8307586e.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ef/61/38/ef61383bf019085b75124baa7c52b163.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/43/93/a2/4393a2e3be64831187e3e552bfabc4d9.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f6/75/51/f67551faeea798598bea6e3f7d9db1c2.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/17/f9/11/17f911b4b299514e083c0f060161e4a6.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/80/79/7b/80797bdaed11cec9134840b7b4dbcfd8.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/46/d1/91/46d191a07903829e2c672e4b2e3a8b2b.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ed/7a/1a/ed7a1afe9d60ebb0cf856722d8abac08.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ca/a9/d8/caa9d84021bdb6ca4a799cfa3a50622c.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.6946434378623962}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://in.pinterest.com/gneal1/out-and-about/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fd/72/cd/fd72cd9a86560f27c3c1d61e8f098869.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fd/72/cd/fd72cd9a86560f27c3c1d61e8f098869.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fd cd a f c c d e f\", \"alt_text\": \"making buildings with numicon, numbers, counting, language related to size.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://in.pinterest.com/gneal1/out-and-about/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d9/9f/d1/d99fd18c283502941f86a20c8307586e.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d9/9f/d1/d99fd18c283502941f86a20c8307586e.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d fd c f a c e\", \"alt_text\": \"How high is your tower? 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finished sewing their ugly dolls because they have made the trip home. I personally wished I could have convinced a few more students to keep their creatures at school so that I could include them in the art show, but they could not wait another minute to get them home. Many students have reported back to me about the special place their ugly doll now lives in their bedroom.\n\nThis project was really loved by the 3rd graders. For every art class in the past 5 weeks, they have come into the art room eager to get started sewing, sometimes impatiently appeasing my need to teach them at the carpet for 5 minutes before getting started. They have learned the Whip stitch, Straight stitch, how to thread a needle and how to end the thread using a looping technique. We have also looked at other contemporary examples of Fiber Arts, discussed organic vs. geometric shapes, complimentary colors and the design principles, Emphasis and Contrast.\n\nNext, we will start a unit that focuses on texture through a Surreal Landscape Painting. In this project, students will create their own characters that inhabit a fantasy land full of different visual textures. They will explore the difference between visual and physical texture and learn to create the illusion of texture on a 2-D surface. For this painting, students will also have practice in creating custom colors, mixing primaries and secondary colors in a variety of combinations to achieve interesting tints and shades. They will learn about atmospheric perspective and various techniques for creating depth.\n\nThanks to all of the volunteers who will be helping set-up the art Show next Friday and Saturday, the 8th and 9th of May. We have plenty of helpers for setting up but still could use a few more volunteers to take down the Art Show on Friday afternoon, May 29th between 12:45-5:00.\n\nPlease click the hyperlink to reach the Sign-up Form to help out if you're available. http://goo.gl/forms/OJNO6ilbho OR send me an email if you can help out.", null, null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "https://intlschool.org/class-of-2017/2015/5/4/may-1-2015-art.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 419, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 219, "original_width": 300, "width": 517}, {"height": 538, "original_height": 427, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 232, "original_width": 300, "width": 488}, {"height": 462, "original_height": 367, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 273, "original_width": 300, "width": 415}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["4f7bfe22cef07f5e248237edfa9aed4cc597934f124f1ea280a8c549819aeeba", "893d370800cf3ea2daede20d94673f5dcd754070cdf0a207a5079adc11097266", "b707b8534c64e7ce2367b735af99c89cbce824d1019e4edbd706db6b151da89b", "c1686c3bd05dc109068e3fd9056bebd165093d54f25263cdf5c6d356d4314cf0", "7ceb83ae6303ab6fe2072697f6d792f98065d610753df8dda7ada73f54b29d31", "37fd158386fd3955f557911f4977b14f6f0377d7b422088f1fc66e0476c25ab7", "a5390f5d005a49d3b0d5904924b3da48e3b1f96bedaaee1c6fd35b24182246bb"], "__index_level_0__": 458, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://photo.isu.pub/fz_juelich/photo_large.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8884842991828918}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://issuu.com/fz_juelich/stacks\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://photo.isu.pub/fz_juelich/photo_large.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://photo.isu.pub/fz_juelich/photo_large.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo large\", \"alt_text\": \"Forschungszentrum J\\u00fclich\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Forschungszentrum Jülich\n\nJülich, Germany\n\nForschungszentrum Jülich pursues cutting-edge interdisciplinary research addressing the pressing issues of the present. With its competence in materials science and simulation, and its expertise in physics, nanotechnology and information technology, as well as in the biosciences and brain research, Jülich is developing the basis for the key technologies of tomorrow.\n\nIn this way, Forschungszentrum Jülich helps to solve the grand challenges facing society in the fields of energy and the environment, health, and information technology. Forschungszentrum Jülich is also exploring new avenues in strategic partnerships with universities, research institutions and industry in Germany and abroad.\n\nWith more than 5,000 employees, Jülich – a member of the Helmholtz Association – is one of the large interdisciplinary research centres in Europe."], "url": "https://issuu.com/fz_juelich/stacks", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["49794624e1fcb44e53f8194d3f424f570b5a3325d9a0b9be60f2aaf3b34cf028"], "__index_level_0__": 459, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://image.isu.pub/130618045420-107d643d985e23e06dc5461c3fff1520/jpg/page_1_thumb_large.jpg", null, "https://photo.isu.pub/riderslodgee/photo_large.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9587661027908324}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://issuu.com/riderslodgee/docs/how_to_select_the_perfect_gear_for_\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://image.isu.pub/130618045420-107d643d985e23e06dc5461c3fff1520/jpg/page_1_thumb_large.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://image.isu.pub/130618045420-107d643d985e23e06dc5461c3fff1520/jpg/page_1_thumb_large.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"page thumb large\", \"alt_text\": \"Page 1\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://issuu.com/riderslodgee/docs/how_to_select_the_perfect_gear_for_\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://photo.isu.pub/riderslodgee/photo_large.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://photo.isu.pub/riderslodgee/photo_large.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"photo large\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "How To Select The Perfect Gear For Horse Riding In Singapore Many people enjoy the thrill of horse riding in Singapore because it offers perfect opportunities for doing so. It is an activity that sounds fun and exciting; and if thrill is on your mind then Singapore horse riding offers both; the thrill and excitement in a safe environment. However before you go and indulge in this activity you need to have your horse riding gear in place. It is very important for your safety and also looks stylish and fashionable.\n\nThe most important piece is the helmet, which a rider should wear at all times during horse riding in Singapore, which includes mounting, dismounting and being around the horse in general. For horseback riding Singapore has many clubs. It is a high-risk sport and requires considerable amount of caution. There are approved and certified helmets available for Singapore horse riding. Shirts and jackets form an interesting pair for show events. They are especially designed to fit over the saddle. Pants and breeches are also available in a variety of styles. All these clothes are snug fit to provide maximum comfort during a ride. You can amp up your style quotient by opting for Chaps and Chinks as well. Apart form looking stylish, they offer more grip while your in saddle and prevents your legs from the sweat of your horse. You should select chaps that fit you perfectly as ill-fitting chaps can mar your Best Singapore horse riding experience. Choose a perfect pair of shoes with heels and a smooth sole and you are good to go for a ride! Apart from the rider, the horses also require some equipment. You should always buy quality equipment for a horse, as it is a matter of your safety and also your horse’s health. Ill fitting halters and leads can irritate a horse and put you in some amount of danger. You should always check your horse for any injuries or irritations before you ride him. Saddle is the most important part of horse riding gear, as not many people prefer to ride bareback. It helps to keep you balance on the horse\n\nalong with safety. It enables you to ride for longer periods of time.If you are fond of horse riding then just don’t let it remain a fondness alone, turn it into your passion by taking professional horse riding lessons. Nothing can beat the thrill and excitement of galloping away with your horse and bonding with him. For details visit website: http://www.riderslodge.com.sg\n\nHow to select the perfect gear for horse riding in singapore\n\nMany people enjoy the thrill of horse riding in Singapore because it offers perfect opportunities for doing so. It is an activity that sound...", null], "url": "https://issuu.com/riderslodgee/docs/how_to_select_the_perfect_gear_for_", "images_metadata": [{"height": 535, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 339, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["34aa4c057e236e63bbf4657c0ceee14450b6000b9e95170cdce193a531124279", "ade6945813d10de3aee884003ad2833e532f1b7343ba15b4a9e3f0be704e8ff1"], "__index_level_0__": 460, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/23/ae/38/23ae38b55fc726bd9df7bf49ab71969d.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/07/2e/2a/072e2a5058c36937a18192452dbbfe4f.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b0/6a/17/b06a17ab62a8b8be3e096aa094d61caf.jpg", null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/38/84/82/388482ccf02d901b9df360917887593a.jpg", null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/75/0d/2c/750d2c2ec995f63b8446deafca8a7b8b.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/dd/fb/83/ddfb8365ce92f272b4fc5e1d4c0a2031.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/09/e7/57/09e757dab15429ab73c81859fd1f94b8.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/79/2b/48/792b480e8dfb785058057bc4fcf0a05e.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7198103070259094}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://it.pinterest.com/nicolepigozzo/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/216x146/a4/d7/3c/a4d73c2710dec41b107e456404d6ba8f.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/216x146/a4/d7/3c/a4d73c2710dec41b107e456404d6ba8f.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a d c dec b e d ba f\", \"alt_text\": \"Cose da indossare\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://it.pinterest.com/nicolepigozzo/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/216x146/93/0a/e1/930ae11dc2b8dc60ebec8ff2a4485c91.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/216x146/93/0a/e1/930ae11dc2b8dc60ebec8ff2a4485c91.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ae dc b dc ebec ff a c\", \"alt_text\": \"Tatuaggi\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://it.pinterest.com/nicolepigozzo/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/23/ae/38/23ae38b55fc726bd9df7bf49ab71969d.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/23/ae/38/23ae38b55fc726bd9df7bf49ab71969d.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ae b fc bd df bf ab d\", \"alt_text\": \"sugar skulls\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://it.pinterest.com/nicolepigozzo/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/07/2e/2a/072e2a5058c36937a18192452dbbfe4f.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/07/2e/2a/072e2a5058c36937a18192452dbbfe4f.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e a c a dbbfe f\", \"alt_text\": \"Starfish on the Beach: Arrrrrrrr!!\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://it.pinterest.com/nicolepigozzo/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b0/6a/17/b06a17ab62a8b8be3e096aa094d61caf.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b0/6a/17/b06a17ab62a8b8be3e096aa094d61caf.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b a ab a b be e aa d caf\", \"alt_text\": \"Instagram photo of acrylic nails by botanicnails\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://it.pinterest.com/nicolepigozzo/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/38/84/82/388482ccf02d901b9df360917887593a.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/38/84/82/388482ccf02d901b9df360917887593a.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ccf d b df a\", \"alt_text\": \"Nautical Nail Design\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://it.pinterest.com/nicolepigozzo/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f6/ba/69/f6ba693a0b0936619d7eb06f1049ceb7.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f6/ba/69/f6ba693a0b0936619d7eb06f1049ceb7.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f ba a b d eb f ceb\", \"alt_text\": \"The nautical nails inspiration u\\u00f1as modelo barco-ancla muy monas\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://it.pinterest.com/nicolepigozzo/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/75/0d/2c/750d2c2ec995f63b8446deafca8a7b8b.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/75/0d/2c/750d2c2ec995f63b8446deafca8a7b8b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d c ec f b deafca a b b\", \"alt_text\": \"The Beauty Buffs - 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Maybe with a moon instead of a flower, and brought further down, almost between the eyes....with red shading around the eye sockets.....?\"}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "Starfish on the Beach: Arrrrrrrr!!", null, "Instagram photo of acrylic nails by botanicnails", "Nautical , floral nail design", null, "Nautical Nail Design", "The nautical nails inspiration uñas modelo barco-ancla muy monas", null, "The Beauty Buffs - Nautical/Beach Trend Nail Art - Wondrously Polished", null, "sugar skull | Flickr - Photo Sharing!\n\ndi brokenarttattoo", null, "That's pretty awesome, it's still elaborate but at the same time a bit simple; and it's great.", null, "I'd love this on my right arm. Maybe with a moon instead of a flower, and brought further down, almost between the eyes....with red shading around the eye sockets.....?"], "url": "https://it.pinterest.com/nicolepigozzo/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 507, "original_height": 317, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 467, "original_height": 292, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 177, "original_width": 236, "width": 504}, {"height": 394, "original_height": 246, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 533, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 354, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 230, "original_width": 236, "width": 387}], "image_hashes": ["a4a2c1826663081a58f1f24353c9766a11988361f684811079b6e97efd9d9a62", "b7e340f83aeb88c0a7740daff1b24fe3c3b346800c57f72a33f27ff1d0c0c2f3", 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I think it’s actually dangerous for him.\n\nNever mind that he was laughing and happy, and clearly not distressed by his lack of hat.", null, "Jesse does own hats, and can occasionally be bribed to wear them with wooden blocks.\n\nEven if all these things were not the case, where do people get the idea that they can go up to a stranger, poke them repeatedly (yeah, I swear I couldn’t make this stuff up) and tell them their kid needs a hat.  The folks over at Car-Free with Kids have a great post on how being car-free means being more visible.  Most of the time, this isn’t actually a bad thing in my book (stay tuned for tomorrow’s post about the good parts!) but on Saturday, all I wanted was to get home with my husband, son, and groceries without being accosted by a well-meaning-but-clueless stranger (who then got annoyed at me when I thanked her for her concern and said the baby was fine)."], "url": "https://mamasandmilk.wordpress.com/2011/11/14/parenting-in-public-hats/", 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of drama but this time the kids did great. we took a lot of snacks with us, small books, crayons and of course, the tablet for my older one (not happy about that but is life nowadays).\n\nberlin is a city that we quite often visit because my husband's sister lives there with family.\nis one of my favorite cities. i love the architecture there and the look of small, old streets. i also love the energy of berlin.\nwe don't actually go sightseeing because we already know all the popular places. we often just enjoying the beautiful charlottenburg and our favorites spots there.\nthis time we spent three days in berlin. the first day me and my sister-in-low just went shopping with our little girls. we needed some time for relax with good coffee. here are all best places for shopping in berlin.\nthe second day we took the kids to zoo. germany's oldes zoo zoological garden / zoo aquarium we spent a whole day there. the kids love it. we came back home totally exhausted! it was a great day!\nthe third day we planned to visit old national gallery but the little lady of mine got sick and we had to stay at home. till the next time national gallery!\n\nhere are few photos from our trip to berlin:", null, "off to zoo", null, null, "elephants in big city (a bit strange for me...)", null, "boys chacking the map", null, null, "this crazy guys", null, "the best fries in zoo", null, "they run very fast", null, "aquarium my fav part", null, "why they look at the rocks???", null, "playground the best part of the zoo trip!", null, null, "fall is coming...", null, "the best ice creams in berlin are from eisstein.berlin\nmy little lady had blueberries and pistachio for me!\nso delicous!!!", null, null, "the city life\nit's nice for a few days but i'm for sure a country girl", null, "true berliner armin von kisiuś the son of our cat ginger", null, "homemade sushi made by cris!", null, "holiday inn at my sister's\n\nhave you ever been in berlin? what are your fav spots to visit there???\nlet me know!\n\nAutor: mommy in the woods o 23:37:00\nWyślij pocztą e-mailWrzuć na blogaUdostępnij w usłudze TwitterUdostępnij w usłudze FacebookUdostępnij w serwisie Pinterest\nEtykiety: Berlin, city, city life, family, kids, lifestyle, relax, sightseeing, travel, travellers, trip, zoo, zoo berlin", null], "url": "https://mommyinthewoodss.blogspot.com/2015/08/hello-from-berlin.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, "original_width": 300, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 400, 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A \"Christmas\" Girls' Night Out to watch \"Elf\".", null, "handprint santa", null, "Felt Ornaments Sew-in-the-Hoop Machine Embroidery Designs More", null, "Where did Rudolph go after Christmas? Writing Prompt", null, "Delicious Edible Gift Food Present and Holiday Craft Ideas\n\nHoliday Crafts", null, "Deck out a table or shelf with the heartfelt word of our Holiday Sentiment Decor. Sculpted with intricate details in warm holiday colors, it uses a Christmas symbol or character to help spell out a word that evokes the season. Coordinating designs ma", null, "Cute Felt Snowman DIY Winter Decorations\n\nCute Felt Snowman DIY Winter Decorations | Get out your felt, because you'll want to get working on these cute little decorative felt craft ideas right away.", null, "FREE Printabe Santa's Sleigh and Reindeer Decoration for Christmas", "Christmas Reindeer Embellishments-Cupcake Toppers\n\nHere are 2 handmade Reindeer Lollipop embellishments/cupcake toppers. These adorable embellishments are great for scrapbooking, cardmaking, gifts and many other projects. Each Lollipop measures approx. 3\" Need a larger quanity or diffrent color just convo me and I will see what i can come up with. Thanks for taking a peek!!!", null, "shed covered in moss - Google Search"], "url": "https://nl.pinterest.com/pin/440719513507449200/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 450, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 420, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 192, "original_width": 192, "width": 378}, {"height": 469, "original_height": 293, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 456, "original_height": 285, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 448, "original_height": 280, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 519, "original_height": 320, "original_width": 233, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 491, "original_height": 260, "original_width": 200, "width": 378}, {"height": 610, "original_height": 381, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 448, "original_height": 280, "original_width": 236, 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favorite of mine, rolled chicken filled with ham and cheddar.  For dessert, Rob brought French pastry and I rounded it all out with \"Crème au Chocolat Noir\" (dark chocolate pudding) from \"My Little French Kitchen\" by another favorite author, Rachel Khoo.  Of course, we all thoroughly enjoyed the pudding topped with dollops of freshly whipped cream, although Declan deemed it to be \"too rich\" to finish his portion.  Where did I get that kid?\nBy the time we were on to celebrating Val's birthday the following week, we felt like the snow was never going to leave us, still piled high aside driveways and completely covering flower beds that by this time are usually raked free of dead leaves to allow the daffodils to poke through.  It was way too cold to imagine the sun would be able to ever melt it all and pretty much all of my friends on facebook were still posting photos of \"icebergs\" clogging the shores of Chapoquoit beach (enough, already!!).  This doom and gloom feeling called for not one but two chocolate cakes in celebration of Val and the springtime that was hopefully on its way sooner than later.  The flourless chocolate cake from epicurious.com which uses far less than the usual 400 eggs and 20 pounds of butter found in many flourless cake recipes is just as decadent and you don't have to use most of your grocery budget to buy the ingredients.  Sadly, when I search the website for the recipe to create a link, I cannot seem to find it but here it is below.  Lucky me, I wrote it down on a scrap paper!  I chose to adorn mine with powdered sugar, fresh raspberries and homemade whipped cream.  You can do whatever you want.", null, "\"epicurious.com\" Flourless Chocolate Cake\n(serves 8)\n4 oz. bittersweet chocolate\n1 stick butter\n3/4 cup sugar\n3 large eggs\n1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder plus extra for dusting\n(optional) powdered sugar for dusting\nfresh raspberries\nhomemade whipped cream (recipe follows)\nPreheat oven to 375 degrees.\nGrease an 8\" round cake pan, line the bottom with wax paper and grease the paper.\nChop the chocolate into small pieces.  Place the chocolate in a double boiler with the butter and melt over medium heat until the mixture is smooth.  Remove mixture from heat and whisk in sugar.  Add the eggs and whisk well.  Sift 1/2 cup cocoa powder over chocolate mixture and whisk until just combined.  Pour batter into pan and bake in the middle of the oven 25 minutes or until the top forms a thick crust.\nCool the cake in the pan on a rack for 5 minutes then invert onto serving plate.  Dust cake with additional cocoa powder or powdered sugar.  Serve with fresh raspberries and generous dollops of whipped cream.\nHomemade Whipped Cream\n( a good amount)\n1/2 pint heavy cream\n2 tablespoons sugar\nPour all ingredients into the bowl of a stand mixture with whisk attachment.  Cover top of stand mixer with a dish towel and allow towel to hang over sides of the bowl. (Do this to prevent splatter all over kitchen!)  Beat mixture on high for 1-2 minutes until still peaks form.  Enjoy immediately.", null, "I baked another chocolate cake for no other reason except that I just couldn't help myself.  This one is also gluten free. (My sister, Karyn is my new guinea pig/muse with her gluten free diet.)  I found this recipe on the amazing website www.food52.com   The Chocolate Mochi Snack Cake https://food52.com/recipes/34383-chocolate-mochi-snack-cake not only looked delicious in the photo (The website has drool worthy photos.) but I also wanted to try it because it only had one ingredient that I would have to add to my pantry: rice flour.   I used Bob's Red Mill brand and it baked into spongy perfection.  So many gluten free baking recipes call for an array of odd and expensive types of flour that it makes me want to abandon the idea completely.  This one was not only easy to make, but I will be baking it again for anytime not just to accommodate dietary restrictions.\nWe sent Val and Dick off to California to celebrate Ethan and his son's Nate birthday(s) hoping that when they arrived home a week later that the sun would be beating down on us but as you all know, the average temperature by the 25th of March was still about 20 degrees.  AAARGH!\nTime to prepare for Ava's birthday on the 27th and my nephew, Ryson's day whenever this teenager could make himself available for us to shower gifts upon him.  Ava chose chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting.  She must have been reading my mind, I have been dying to make Ina Garten's\nChocolate Cupcakes & Peanut Butter Icing from her cook book \"Barefoot Contessa At Home\".  http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/chocolate-cupcakes-and-peanut-butter-icing-recipe.html  The chocolate cupcake is deep and dark chocolaty tasting, so much so that Declan declared it to be \"too rich\" as he dramatically clutched his stomach which can only mean it is the perfect amount of dark chocolate perfection for me.  Was my kid switched at birth?  Never mind, we enjoyed the cupcakes for Ava's birthday dinner and the leftovers the next day along with her BFF's after a showing of the new \"Cinderella\" movie.  (A must see!)", null, "March is always, for us, a marathon of celebrations and birthday sweets.  It's exhausting.  But I'm also thankful for the 31 days of complete madness that makes the end of the winter go by much faster and ushers in springtime just in time for all the raking and yard work so I can attempt to work off all of my indulgences.  Happy Birthday!"], "url": "https://notesfromvalskitchen.blogspot.com/2015/04/marathon-of-birthday-sweets.html", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 1600, "width": 504}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 1600, "original_width": 1200, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["7fcb88c80d8ad28cc19d96ab9f39ae5f12553117f3db0aa145cee8806b809d5f", "8167beb4b29839bfef82bea021b0ab42d7def5dc9f8c95a97352da93b5dcab36", "b546d4f5d6d42a2c7a984a2e35266acbeb075eec89ce935f30111524afa14691"], "__index_level_0__": 467, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/49/a4/39/49a439bdd38bc69f781b4ca0c348f52c.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a5/3b/d0/a53bd0c7c740fd3940501cdbf096138c.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f0/5f/54/f05f54ef2494c4eeaff6335445ca81e8.jpg", null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b5/be/00/b5be00655c4933e8e5fd6736788728f1.jpg", null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f7/93/c5/f793c5ae69954ec15cbfeda028fb2af4.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/09/60/3c/09603c8cb487bff07dc150d957a8fc62.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7422119975090027}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/most-interesting-documentaries/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4c/ea/aa/4ceaaa8dca0db73f78cf980ab1a0dc50.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4c/ea/aa/4ceaaa8dca0db73f78cf980ab1a0dc50.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ceaaa dca db f cf ab a dc\", \"alt_text\": \"Husband made the Hearty Nachos for a superbowl party and they were a hit! Gone by intermission... er... halftime.. whatever.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/most-interesting-documentaries/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/49/a4/39/49a439bdd38bc69f781b4ca0c348f52c.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/49/a4/39/49a439bdd38bc69f781b4ca0c348f52c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a bdd bc f b ca c f c\", \"alt_text\": \"7-year-old daughter, Jani, has been diagnosed with one of the most severe cases of childhood schizophrenia Jani's doctors say they've ever seen.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/most-interesting-documentaries/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a5/3b/d0/a53bd0c7c740fd3940501cdbf096138c.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a5/3b/d0/a53bd0c7c740fd3940501cdbf096138c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a bd c c fd cdbf c\", \"alt_text\": \"Finding Vivian Maier (2013) A documentary on the late Vivian Maier, a nanny whose previously unknown cache of 100,000 photographs earned her a posthumous reputation as one the most accomplished street photographers.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/most-interesting-documentaries/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f0/5f/54/f05f54ef2494c4eeaff6335445ca81e8.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f0/5f/54/f05f54ef2494c4eeaff6335445ca81e8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f f ef c eeaff ca e\", \"alt_text\": \"Making a Murderer (2015)-- This is the most riveting documentary series I have seen. Please watch and share!!!\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/most-interesting-documentaries/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3a/c4/cc/3ac4ccfb05ea662442d8c1490a7f0af8.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3a/c4/cc/3ac4ccfb05ea662442d8c1490a7f0af8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ac ccfb ea d c a f af\", \"alt_text\": \"The amazing story of one of the most vicious serial killers in history... - The Meta Picture\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/most-interesting-documentaries/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b5/be/00/b5be00655c4933e8e5fd6736788728f1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b5/be/00/b5be00655c4933e8e5fd6736788728f1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b be c e e fd f\", \"alt_text\": \"I want this on canvas!!! I love it so so much!!! Giorgio Tsoukalos from Ancient Aliens.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/most-interesting-documentaries/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/51/d7/16/51d716dffeca4147a0531cee0d364c80.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/51/d7/16/51d716dffeca4147a0531cee0d364c80.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d dffeca a cee d c\", \"alt_text\": \"Link to watch the whole 90 minute documentary - slavery by another name. It talks about the exploit of mostly African American men after emancipation in the form of convict leasing. Really interesting.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/most-interesting-documentaries/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f7/93/c5/f793c5ae69954ec15cbfeda028fb2af4.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f7/93/c5/f793c5ae69954ec15cbfeda028fb2af4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f c ae ec cbfeda fb af\", \"alt_text\": \"World's 10 Most Mysterious Pictures Ever Taken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7Cd5FWMusE\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/most-interesting-documentaries/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ed/91/b9/ed91b9c7e2d124f8ba434f42e30cd8b9.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ed/91/b9/ed91b9c7e2d124f8ba434f42e30cd8b9.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ed b c e d f ba f e cd b\", \"alt_text\": \"This is incredibly eye opening and explains almost every health issue most Americans face every day.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/most-interesting-documentaries/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/09/60/3c/09603c8cb487bff07dc150d957a8fc62.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/09/60/3c/09603c8cb487bff07dc150d957a8fc62.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c cb bff dc d a fc\", \"alt_text\": \"6 Life-Changing Documentaries Every Yogi Needs to See (Free on Netflix!)\"}, null]", "texts": ["Husband made the Hearty Nachos for a superbowl party and they were a hit! Gone by intermission... er... halftime.. whatever.", null, "The 7-Year-Old Schizophrenic\n\nChildhood SchizophreniaSchizophrenia SymptomsAbnormal PsychologyMental IllnessYoung GirlsA YoungPsychiatric HospitalMedical HistoryMental Health", null, "Finding Vivian Maier (2013)\n\nThe NannyVivian MaierStreet PhotographersDocumentary PhotographySuper ExcitedThe ChicagoYou MustI Want ToVery Interesting", null, "Netflix TvNetflix SeriesTv SeriesMaking A MurdererDocumentariesCaseSteven AveryCriminal JusticeMovies\n\nby Robin Marchant", "Creepy ThingsCreepy StuffRandom StuffElizabeth BathoryAmerican Horror StoriesAction FiguresCreepy StoriesThe StoryBlood\n\nThe amazing story of one of the most vicious serial killers in history... - The Meta Picture", null, "Aliens GuyAliens And UfosGiorgio AliensAncient Aliens MemeAlien AlienUfo SightingConspiracyMy CrushArea 51", "The Emancipation ProclamationAfrican American MenForced LaborTeaching HistoryHistory BooksOur CountryAbraham LincolnThe MapBento\n\nLink to watch the whole 90 minute documentary - slavery by another name. It talks about the exploit of mostly African American men after emancipation in the form of convict leasing. Really interesting.", null, null], "url": "https://nz.pinterest.com/explore/most-interesting-documentaries/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 218, "original_width": 290, "width": 502}, {"height": 720, "original_height": 1200, "original_width": 630, "width": 378}, {"height": 583, "original_height": 721, "original_width": 467, "width": 378}, {"height": 540, "original_height": 644, "original_width": 450, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 480, "width": 504}, {"height": 680, "original_height": 900, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e00f9bbcf9b08d190ec97e16863cc5e6c0189af7a96af2e006671cb5256f4289", "fc85f0c2d9ab33574021ce5e89753acf7136f75d237a6d70c4a625223f19b8eb", "5cdf1426bcc0057093c8301142aa0288b419375fe30822ae874b16655017f15f", "99ad2bf92a874523df40d1f8e80b1d75a934f27d01521299598d1f39df0f578a", "c534fce5da8734554536ad41d058d480241f05ea21a1fa7a322edb9fba10f110", "b45087d6f3567c177e69e18726a82a99ec7b51f6d69a7a77eb706f8abbe681f0"], "__index_level_0__": 468, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a0546987916_16.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.810201108455658}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://octavcat.bandcamp.com/album/bleep-com-filtered-compilation\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a0546987916_16.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a0546987916_16.jpg\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://octavcat.bandcamp.com/album/bleep-com-filtered-compilation\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://f4.bcbits.com/img/0006968973_21.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://f4.bcbits.com/img/0006968973_21.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Octavcat image\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Last year, Bleep started a project to explore the musical underground - a seemingly infinite amount of talented music makers yet to be discovered.\n\nBleep alongside partners Warp Records, SoundCloud, and Transition Mastering Studios, reviewed over 4,000 demo tracks to get to this stage...\n\nIncluded in the final release is 10 tracks (plus 2 bonus tracks only available on Bleep) - filtered and hand-picked especially for this compilation, spanning the length and breadth of the many sub-genres that make up electronic music today."], "url": "https://octavcat.bandcamp.com/album/bleep-com-filtered-compilation", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 700, "original_width": 700, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["32f48a6b09108f0d295d01d4c18da39958f21ce1f643c9cb51bfcdc1df40d3b6"], "__index_level_0__": 469, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions1.jpg", null, "https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions2.jpg", null, "https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions3.jpg", null, "https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions4.jpg", null, "https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions5.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9434547424316406}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://permaculturenews.org/2010/9/28/permaculture-creek-repair/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"huggins gabions\", \"rendered_width\": 370, \"rendered_height\": 251}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://permaculturenews.org/2010/9/28/permaculture-creek-repair/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions2.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"huggins gabions\", \"rendered_width\": 369, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://permaculturenews.org/2010/9/28/permaculture-creek-repair/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions3.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions3.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"huggins gabions\", \"rendered_width\": 370, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://permaculturenews.org/2010/9/28/permaculture-creek-repair/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions4.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"huggins gabions\", \"rendered_width\": 370, \"rendered_height\": 249}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://permaculturenews.org/2010/9/28/permaculture-creek-repair/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions5.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.permaculturenews.org/images/huggins_gabions5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"huggins gabions\", \"rendered_width\": 373, \"rendered_height\": 252}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]", "texts": ["September 28, 2010 by Nick Huggins & filed under Biological Cleaning, Commercial Farm Projects, Gabions, Land, Regional Water Cycle, Soil Conservation, Soil Erosion & Contamination, Soil Rehabilitation, Trees, Water Conservation, Water Harvesting\n\nStory by Nick Huggins.\nVideo by Patrick Blampied.\n\nFor the past month I have been in and out of airports and driving from one end of the Australian continent consulting and talking Permaculture, and one topic that is of great interest to me – the repair of the Australian Landscape.\n\nFellow consultant Patrick Blampied came along for the ride, to see what’s required in the first steps of the repair of a 1.5km creek on the South Western slops of NSW, which was damaged when big rains hit in August of last month.\n\nNo one could have imagined what would have happened next. And the hardest lessons are always the best and most valuable. Using natural systems and Permaculture Design, we have to keep in mind we are pioneers. Like all pioneers there is no hard or fast rule for this type of work.", null, "This photo shows one of the 16 gabions constructed in a 2 week period. The water in the centre of the photo after the construction works was about 700mm deep and was back flooding 80 – 100m back up the creek and there were already signs of water being sucked back up into the eroded creek banks by capillary action into the subsoil. It was like the land taking a big drink.", null, "Same photo again from the opposite side. You can see between the water and the logs we used pea straw bales and submerged them in the water, unbroken and also broken up with the idea that the silt and sediment would be caught up in the straw and then the pea seeds would germinate and start to accumulate weeds and seeds to bind and filter the water.", null, "After some of the biggest rain since the drought started our work paid off. You can see the sediment that has formed in the middle of the creek. There is over 1m difference in height in the creek now at this spot compared to before construction. Still some bales of straw can be seen, half were washed into the next gabion, still not wasted.\n\nJust think of all that sediment now retained on the property. With a good warm spring this gabion will burst into life with all the silt collected and seeds of the ever ready pioneer species ready to take a foothold.", null, "For some reason I didn’t take a post construction photo of this site. We are now 200m back up the creek and at the site of a natural choke point in the creek. By choke point, I mean a point at where the creek narrows naturally. Using the resources of 2 trees anchored to the creek bank, we locked in 3 large logs between them and then placed 4 large rocks and 5 tonne of small rocks to fill in the gaps on the upstream side of the trees. Again bales of straw were placed to filter the sediment and the water flow. Take note of the small track that cattle and sheep have used behind the willow to cross the creek in the past. Also the natural rock bottom of the creek just too the left, middle side of the photo and see how that rock is pushing the water across to the willow.", null, "Bad news…. The water took a big bite out of the creek bank and caused some damage. This part of the creek had natural granite acting as the bottom of the creek. So what we think happened was the water came rushing down hit the rock and straw bales at the bottom of the picture and found the point of least resistance and decided if it couldn’t take the rocks, it would then instead take the soil.\n\nYes, lesson learnt. When opportunities coming knocking to do this sort of work and these sorts of results happen, we should let it be known. I don’t mind admitting it. You can’t second guess yourself and you can’t predict the season. As a good friend of mine, Matt Kilby from www.globallandrepair.com.au, said to me on surveying the triumphs and the failures “it’s taken 150 years to get to this level of damage in the Australian landscape, it’s going to take another generation to get us back”. There are no fast track solutions for this sort of work, but small steps over time will get us there.\n\nThe key point here in this project is that until you can educate the other property owners higher in the catchment to slow the water in the landscape, repair creeks and deep eroded streams and implement farm pasture regeneration, then the work in this 1.5km of creek will need regular maintenance to ensure their existence over time.\n\nMost of the properties above this creek are flogged sheep properties. And I mean flogged – if there’s any sign of green grass the sheep are sent in to knock it down. As soon as rain hits the dirt, it’s 90% runoff. So it’s like having hundreds of thousands of acres of concrete ground channeling water into a small creek no wider than 2 meters at some points.\n\nLater on in the year we hope to go back and see progress from this latest post-flood work. We contracted a local landscape company just before the willow trees burst their spring buds last month to plant 2000 willow cuttings. We planted them 3 cuttings wide with 1m spacing and 30m across the creek at each gabion, straight on top of our current gabions in the silt and straw bales. So around 200 trees per site. There has not been a season like it, to do this sort of pioneer work in many, many years. What we are hoping the willows will do is to bind our work together into the creek bank and over (tree) time they will form their own natural gabions, collecting dead trees, silt, leaves and restore the creek to a chain of ponds, that will spread the water across the flood plain and pacify the water flow.", "A Mere 20 of the Roles Trees Can Play in Permaculture Design", "Researchers Can Make Water Out of Thin Air with New Technology"], "url": "https://permaculturenews.org/2010/9/28/permaculture-creek-repair/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 251, "original_width": 370, "width": 557}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 369, "width": 557}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 370, "width": 559}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 249, "original_width": 370, "width": 561}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 252, "original_width": 373, "width": 559}], "image_hashes": ["f6b88477f66d500c11e087d5b1693789c9e0251e03efc64751c2eb1c783e1d80", "b797a097bb891ed2aef201174bc3f6217e7654ba91ce6b1e547618755d128bf3", "9b6c160e880c9d4df8a86d2bcb4128d607bc1a48c9d80e456b407527b71237dc", "5f4c1af34a3e333baa6febf792325f36e68efb6035d4600db23aa1149999eaa9", "d5b192637f1e55f9a643154aee4385742722c213b94b98f1e43252f56f339092"], "__index_level_0__": 470, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/ff/0447f0cb8f11e49c83cf02015ed296/pet-sitter-dustin-evans-wixom-6bd83660.jpg", "http://dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/00/2b3bc0cb9011e49e7287654b8fd3fd/pet-sitter-dustin-evans-wixom-6bd83660.jpg", null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7977480888366699}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://petsitter.com/attentive-care-giver-for-pets-pet-sitter-wixom-mi\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/ff/0447f0cb8f11e49c83cf02015ed296/pet-sitter-dustin-evans-wixom-6bd83660.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/ff/0447f0cb8f11e49c83cf02015ed296/pet-sitter-dustin-evans-wixom-6bd83660.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pet sitter dustin evans wixom bd\", \"alt_text\": \"Pet Care Provider Dustin Evans's Profile Picture\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://petsitter.com/attentive-care-giver-for-pets-pet-sitter-wixom-mi\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/00/2b3bc0cb9011e49e7287654b8fd3fd/pet-sitter-dustin-evans-wixom-6bd83660.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/00/2b3bc0cb9011e49e7287654b8fd3fd/pet-sitter-dustin-evans-wixom-6bd83660.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pet sitter dustin evans wixom bd\", \"alt_text\": \"Dog Walker, Pet Sitter in Wixom\", \"rendered_width\": 160, \"rendered_height\": 160}, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://petsitter.com/attentive-care-giver-for-pets-pet-sitter-wixom-mi\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/6d/b777d0783c11e6a49659d355f20881/pet-sitter-happi-pawz-novi-1f14e0cd.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/6d/b777d0783c11e6a49659d355f20881/pet-sitter-happi-pawz-novi-1f14e0cd.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pet sitter happi pawz novi f e cd\", \"alt_text\": \"We step in to care for your fur babies when you have to step out!\", \"rendered_width\": 40, \"rendered_height\": 40}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://petsitter.com/attentive-care-giver-for-pets-pet-sitter-wixom-mi\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/ff/0447f0cb8f11e49c83cf02015ed296/pet-sitter-dustin-evans-wixom-6bd83660.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://dhuh3lqp0wlh3.cloudfront.net/ff/0447f0cb8f11e49c83cf02015ed296/pet-sitter-dustin-evans-wixom-6bd83660.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"pet sitter dustin evans wixom bd\", \"alt_text\": \"Pet Care Provider Dustin Evans's Profile Picture\"}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "16 yrs old, get along with pets of all kinds, and am very attentive to all kinds of pets. I'm available on later weekday hours and all weekend hours. You can reach me at ...@gmail.com or text at 248-278-...\n\nPet Sitter Details\n\nShare This Pet Care Provider\n\nMore in Wixom, Michigan\n\nLooking for Pet Sitter jobs in Wixom, MI?\n\nPet Sitter Jobs\n\nSend a Message to Dustin Evans\n\nFeatured Pet Care Providers near Wixom, MI", "LaMesha Williams\n\nI love animals", "Jodi Neirynck\n\nPet care for dogs and cats"], "url": "https://petsitter.com/attentive-care-giver-for-pets-pet-sitter-wixom-mi", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ff7b9ec31688013c4d522d9ae2149c2d538f3024d48265c023f59b08ab3abbf3", "034fbe5206d493cb23e069971fd7e4f477aa8a9a222e113b188a16925cca0f4b"], "__index_level_0__": 471, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://philosophynow.org/media/images/covers/medium/issue119.jpg", null, 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Beale 2013\n\nOnora O’Neill has the rare distinction among those who appear in this column of still being alive. She studied in Germany and became a Kantian philosopher. She has also served as President of the British Philosophical Association, chaired the UK’s Equality and Human Rights Commission, and has found time to become a Baroness.\n\nShe is particularly interested in trust and autonomy in medicine and bioethics. Our age is one of enormous advances in science and medicine: we are healthier, and live longer. Yet, at the same time, we seemingly don’t really trust those responsible for creating or administering these advances (given that Dr Frankenstein is the archetypal scientist-doctor, is that so surprising?). Here Baroness O’Neill diagnoses a case of too much autonomy held by the practitioners. How can you trust someone who has the power to remove your kidneys, when all you want is some powder for your athlete’s foot?\n\nWhat is her prescription to cure this ill? Immanuel Kant, of course! As Kant argued, unlimited autonomy – unfettered, unbound, do-whatever-you-want autonomy – the sort of freedom to act that could be a threat to someone’s vital organs – is no recipe for ethical living. What is needed is principled autonomy – the kind that’s limited by the obligations we owe others: I won’t take your kidneys, you don’t take mine. In Kant’s formulation, principled autonomy – which he called ‘the categorical imperative’ – gives rise to actions whose justifying principle ought to be adopted by everyone in equivalent circumstances.\n\nBut, says the Baroness, that’s not enough. Autonomy also requires information. Much of our information comes to us from the media. But if that information constantly tells us to mistrust scientists and doctors and biotech companies, and the regulators who control them, then we will mistrust them, even if, in truth, there’s every reason to trust them. That is, media misinformation leads to misplaced mistrust. And so the media must also recognise its own obligation not to deceive and mislead in a shallow pursuit of profits. It should, in other words, also act on the basis of principled, not unlimited, autonomy.\n\nIt really is a lot to think about, and anything involving Kant always gives me quite a headache. I need an aspirin.\n\n© Terence Green 2017\n\nTerence is a peripatetic (though not Peripatetic) writer, historian and lecturer. He holds a PhD in the history of political thought from Columbia University, NYC, and lives with his wife and their dog in Wellington, NZ. He blogs at hardlysurprised.blogspot.co.nz."], "url": "https://philosophynow.org/issues/119/Onora_ONeill_1941-", "images_metadata": [{"height": 504, "original_height": 207, "original_width": 155, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 474, "original_width": 500, "width": 398}], "image_hashes": ["2cba25e7e5dbe9225d64780d0afb5c66986b5ba490fdb1cea2ccb087f1d9cc7a", "bde2d1c018b0ae9dfc9442b406694ec2bb97c20ba82b0b358ae29ce47bb57bfb"], "__index_level_0__": 472, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i1.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6155/6164025226_5987748380.jpg", "https://i0.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6172/6171773589_eaeef70d85.jpg", null, "https://i0.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6176/6167700662_156ef349e5.jpg", null, "https://i2.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6170/6168670055_5c27ca34da.jpg", null, "https://i1.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6152/6171679891_207f869cbf.jpg", null, "https://i2.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6151/6174579721_5aeb5697e0.jpg", null, "https://i1.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6176/6179442082_7dab70c3fe.jpg", null, "https://i2.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6159/6182952204_573d5afff2.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9456521272659302}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://psychosako.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/photography-365-project-week-ten/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6155/6164025226_5987748380.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6155/6164025226_5987748380.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"63\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://psychosako.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/photography-365-project-week-ten/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6172/6171773589_eaeef70d85.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6172/6171773589_eaeef70d85.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"eaeef d\", \"alt_text\": \"66.3: the Harley moves!\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://psychosako.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/photography-365-project-week-ten/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6176/6167700662_156ef349e5.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6176/6167700662_156ef349e5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ef e\", \"alt_text\": \"64: ciao!\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://psychosako.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/photography-365-project-week-ten/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6170/6168670055_5c27ca34da.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6170/6168670055_5c27ca34da.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c ca da\", \"alt_text\": \"65: 1/3 of my keys\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://psychosako.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/photography-365-project-week-ten/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6152/6171679891_207f869cbf.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6152/6171679891_207f869cbf.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f cbf\", \"alt_text\": \"66\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://psychosako.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/photography-365-project-week-ten/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6151/6174579721_5aeb5697e0.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6151/6174579721_5aeb5697e0.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"aeb e\", \"alt_text\": \"67.1\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://psychosako.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/photography-365-project-week-ten/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6176/6179442082_7dab70c3fe.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6176/6179442082_7dab70c3fe.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dab c fe\", \"alt_text\": \"68: Fancy Bitches Society Meeting III: La Tasca\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://psychosako.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/photography-365-project-week-ten/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6159/6182952204_573d5afff2.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/farm7.static.flickr.com/6159/6182952204_573d5afff2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d afff\", \"alt_text\": \"69.1\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 500}, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, "I walked up to work to on Thursday to it being towed!\n\nLet me tell you a story:\n\nApparently it was stolen. There was some accident, and the guy who stole it figured it would draw police, so he parked it, walked a block up, and stood in a doorway to watch. Sure enough the cops came to handle the accident, so he didn’t come back for the bike. He abandoned it, and it sat directly in front of our doors for a week. Finally, the building security folks (who are swell folks, btw), reported it and had it towed.\n\n(tues 09.20.11)", null, "A block down K street, someone rides this vespa to work, perfectly legally from the looks of it. CIAO.\n\n(wed 09.21.11)", null, "A third of my keys. Wanted to rock some tight close up macro-ey type shots. The red one is the valet key to my sister’s car, which i never got the chance to give back to her. I think someone’s keys speaks very loudly about what kind of person they are.\n\n(thur 09.22.11)", null, "King Street, Alexandria. One of my favorite places to hang out, thought i don’t get the chance to do so very often.\n\n(fri 09.23.11)", null, "A foggy day at the Springfield Metro. End of the line means that you get first pick of the seats when the train first rolls up.\n\n(sat 09.24.11)", null, "Once a season, some friends of mine and i get together, dress in are sunday best, and go to a fancy restaurant. We call these gatherings “Meetings of the Fancy Bitches Society”. We invite women who don’t get the opportunity to doll themselves up and go out. Women who wear t-shirts and jeans to work, or some god awful uniform, or just love to eat yummy things and dress up.\n\n( sun 09.25.11)", null, "Dad and i, while taking a much needed break from working on the weekend, finally took it upon ourselves to check out the Joe’s Crab Shack in Fredericksburg, and you know what? It doesn’t suck."], "url": "https://psychosako.wordpress.com/2011/09/27/photography-365-project-week-ten/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["53d62867c789fdd493fcb368ff1dff3c0a4674d9d34e12c9dbdae474bd7c6831", "4ed2c4af9b6b4164c5a73b0f249d04ca3e6c9fe09ed6ea70534f6dee528d839b", "0bac3b0e31322eaf9fa562e1fb4a2a7548b5661039a4790fe5b02261d7b11b12", "45b84f2178f4de93d03b447db5cac2c2811605d32a9b5d792dd2c3ad9966cb85", "11b6dc4283a989695f5ffef714ec0bed5f99ef06fdf9706f73a3c6ba4e0928ea", "44455f8988793c4b4d2080170be225715b10b1efbd5599ad43178563a2c03a6b", "b24e7605c232960e4f504a78993a13fef36306a56c23e12cb246674e673bcb03", "496222714df2c9ae456e6ad173e9ac00869763ed939d618f38d69dbeeb06815c"], "__index_level_0__": 473, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://i1.wp.com/static.flickr.com/12/18808197_f2eaf22ea8.jpg", null, "https://i0.wp.com/www.aporrea.org/imagenes/2006/03/fer.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9473880529403688}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://razarumi.wordpress.com/about/abu-ghraib-horrors-by-botero/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/img.lasegunda.com/2007/02/12/File_200721211633.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/img.lasegunda.com/2007/02/12/File_200721211633.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"File\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 133}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://razarumi.wordpress.com/about/abu-ghraib-horrors-by-botero/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/images.amazon.com/images/P/3791337416.01._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_V60270928_.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/images.amazon.com/images/P/3791337416.01._SS500_SCLZZZZZZZ_V60270928_.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 350, \"rendered_height\": 350}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://razarumi.wordpress.com/about/abu-ghraib-horrors-by-botero/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/ulive.free.fr/blog/images/botero/Botero2.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/ulive.free.fr/blog/images/botero/Botero2.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Botero\", \"rendered_width\": 170, \"rendered_height\": 251}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://razarumi.wordpress.com/about/abu-ghraib-horrors-by-botero/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/static.flickr.com/12/18808197_f2eaf22ea8.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i1.wp.com/static.flickr.com/12/18808197_f2eaf22ea8.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f eaf ea\", \"rendered_width\": 500, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://razarumi.wordpress.com/about/abu-ghraib-horrors-by-botero/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/www.aporrea.org/imagenes/2006/03/fer.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/www.aporrea.org/imagenes/2006/03/fer.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fer\", \"rendered_width\": 249, \"rendered_height\": 300}, null, null]", "texts": ["In the recent years, his works are turning into pieces of neo-real social and political resistance. He has painted some of the horrors that have taken taken place in his native Colombia and most recently 50 huge “Abu Ghraib” series.\n\nThe artist has been driven by the passion to shake up the collective conscience in our times. In some ways his works are a sequel to Picasso’s Guernica painted as an expression of outrage  during the Spanish Civil War.", null, "My friend wrote these ascerbic lines:\n\n“Evidently, aside from Berkeley, only one other place in this entire country expressed any interest in holding this exhibition. You have to see these paintings in person to really appreciate them. They ought to hang some of these in the White House.”", null], "url": "https://razarumi.wordpress.com/about/abu-ghraib-horrors-by-botero/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 500, "width": 630}, {"height": 455, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 249, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6dcf2671a9d774a58db96f0511e09e77e4de39248f3cf6bfbf844b6346753651", "8442952a940126a76748eaa4a2b031307dd7d2710b352ad42853f218d2d5a0c2"], "__index_level_0__": 474, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://i0.wp.com/ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5113GxfgY3L._SS500_.jpg", "https://i2.wp.com/ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51TB5JTBHYL._SS500_.jpg", null, null, "https://i0.wp.com/i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/cdd727/twitrev5.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9327142238616944}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://skinnyankle.wordpress.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5113GxfgY3L._SS500_.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/5113GxfgY3L._SS500_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"GxfgY L\", \"rendered_width\": 250, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://skinnyankle.wordpress.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/images.daytrotter.com/concerts/320/20031015-3737554.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/images.daytrotter.com/concerts/320/20031015-3737554.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 200, \"rendered_height\": 200}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://skinnyankle.wordpress.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51TB5JTBHYL._SS500_.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i2.wp.com/ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51TB5JTBHYL._SS500_.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"TB JTBHYL\", \"rendered_width\": 250, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://skinnyankle.wordpress.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/images.daytrotter.com/concerts/320/20032207-37382247.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/images.daytrotter.com/concerts/320/20032207-37382247.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 320, \"rendered_height\": 320}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://skinnyankle.wordpress.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/cdd727/Picture1.png\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/cdd727/Picture1.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Picture\", \"rendered_width\": 430, \"rendered_height\": 50}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://skinnyankle.wordpress.com/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/cdd727/twitrev5.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i0.wp.com/i4.photobucket.com/albums/y141/cdd727/twitrev5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"twitrev\", \"rendered_width\": 560, \"rendered_height\": 800}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "James Murphy claiming This Is Happening will be his last album as LCD Soundsystem is as preposterous as Michael Jordan’s first retirement. Not only is Murphy the best at what he does right now, but his three albums under the LCD moniker represent his own personal three-peat.\n\nNow he can live his father’s dream as a baseball player (or hide his gambling problems per the commish’s edict for you conspiracy theorists) and then come back wearing number 45 and make three more incredible albums – or something equally preposterous.\n\nHowever, it’s probably best to keep this review in the present and consider just how great This Is Happening actually is.\n\nNew Arcade Fire tracks\n\ntags: Arcade Fire, New Song, News, Songs\n\nAfter months of anticipation and a very (very) brief leak the first songs from the upcoming Arcade Fire 12″ is out.\n\nPitchfork has all kinds of various news updates about the single, but what is really important, of course, are the songs themselves. The first song, “The Suburbs,” feels lighthearted and poppy, almost the opposite of “Month of May,” the second song from the 12″.\n\nThe lyrics of “The Suburbs” paint the picture of a urban dystopia running opposite the jaunty nature of the pop music they are set to. Steadily pounding piano and acoustic guitar backed by the traditionally delicate and intricate Arcade Fire instrumentation make the song seem familiar, but distinctly new.\n\n“Month of May” provides a stark contrast, musically, to “The Suburbs.” It hits heavy from the very beginning with it’s chugging Ramones-esque guitar that seem to be more fitted for it’s companion on the 12″ single.\n\nWin Butler’s voice and the lovely harmonies of his conspirators are the same we’ve heard before, but this one feels all new. The vocals have the same urgency that were present on “Antichrist Television Blues” mixed with the dour nature of “My Body is a Cage,” the addition of a synthesizer also lends an eerie nature to the song that reminds of “Cage.”\n\nThe songs, however, need to be heard by one and all, so without further ado I present them both courtesy Consequence of Sound:\n\nfrom → News\n\nFeel that barn floor buckle", "Daytrotter Barnstormer III\nKalyx Center\nMonticello, Ill.\n\nfrom → Live Shows\n\nPygmalion announces first round of bands", null], "url": "https://skinnyankle.wordpress.com/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 540, "original_height": 800, "original_width": 560, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6ce9e3aa56e97f2fbd90f906cdb5b2626a5399a336ef5614d04e35bcc7016693", "86257328a55364c0cd931f65be2f384046268b11de7736acff6c0e0e12cc5b51", "f9a6d93e446c2cff9e75e75419fa13bf658ba153c0030eb168848adf44098d44"], "__index_level_0__": 475, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://ssl.gannett-cdn.com/usatsimg/image/thumb/650-550nw/8051571.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9723689556121826}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://sportschatplace.com/tennis-picks/2014/09/01/kei-nishikori-vs-milos-raonic-2014-us-open-pick-odds-prediction\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://ssl.gannett-cdn.com/usatsimg/image/thumb/650-550nw/8051571.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://ssl.gannett-cdn.com/usatsimg/image/thumb/650-550nw/8051571.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Kei Nishikori vs. Milos Raonic 2014 US Open Pick, Odds, Prediction\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://sportschatplace.com/tennis-picks/2014/09/01/kei-nishikori-vs-milos-raonic-2014-us-open-pick-odds-prediction\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.sportschatplace.com/experts-replace-app-new.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.sportschatplace.com/experts-replace-app-new.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"experts replace app new\", \"rendered_width\": 301}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://sportschatplace.com/tennis-picks/2014/09/01/kei-nishikori-vs-milos-raonic-2014-us-open-pick-odds-prediction\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://cdn.sportschatplace.com/assets/app/images/dog-illustration.png\", \"src\": \"https://cdn.sportschatplace.com/assets/app/images/dog-illustration.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dog illustration\", \"alt_text\": \"SCP Pup\"}]", "texts": ["The Line: See the Latest Odds\n\nTV: ESPN, CBS, Tennis\n\nKei Nishikori and Milos Raonic meet in the fourth round of the 2014 US Open.\n\nKei Nishikori has played some impressive tennis through the first three matches, winning all nine sets he’s played so far. Nishikori’s most recent victory came against Leonardo Mayer, a match that needed only 27 games to be decided. In the victory, Nishikori won 70 percent of his first serve points, 80 percent of his net points and hit 25 winners. He was only broken once the entire match. Kei Nishikori has always had the potential to be one of the better players on tour, but he’s struggled at times with consistency and has made too many costly errors that has prevented him from taking that next step. However, Nishikori is in great form right now and should be fresh for this match given how little he’s played. Nishikori has not made it past the fourth round of a major since the 2012 Australian Open.", null, "Milos Raonic has been a little shaky so far with his play but has only lost one set in his first three matches. While Raoni remains one of the dark horses in the tournament, his last four sets played have needed tiebreaks to be decided. That includes Raoni’s most recent match against Victor Estrella Burgos, as all three sets were won 7-6. In the win, Milos Raonic did hit 22 aces and average a first serve speed of 124 mph, but he made 46 unforced errors and got just 58 percent of his first serves in play. It’s no secret that Raoni will have to clean up his game if he hopes to make a deep run at his first major title in his career. Nevertheless, Raonic has won 13 of his last 15 matches and has reached at least the quarterfinals in two of the first three majors this season.\n\nThese two have met three times in the past and Kei Nishikori leads the series, 2-1. They’ve played twice this season and Kei Nishikori won at the Madrid Masters, while Milos Raonic pulled off the victory at the Wimbledon. This will just be the second time they’ve played on hard court.\n\nI’m expecting Raonic to be the favorite, but I like Nishikori to pull off the upset. Not only has Nishikori had success against Raonic, but he’s also playing better tennis and has had to play far less leading up to this match. Endurance and fatigue starts kicking in around this time. Give me Nishikori for the win.\n\nFollow Me @GrabThePoints\n\nClick to Get Mitch's Best Bets Of The Day!!"], "url": "https://sportschatplace.com/tennis-picks/2014/09/01/kei-nishikori-vs-milos-raonic-2014-us-open-pick-odds-prediction", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 432, "original_width": 650, "width": 568}], "image_hashes": ["0c8e4b37bf33a4ec9b141a4de8b88b0176b3163440f9323067c199d6a1252cad"], "__index_level_0__": 476, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, null, "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vend/zd-content-images/master/images/ecommerce/Theme%20troubleshooting/2015-10-30-create-links.png", null, "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vend/zd-content-images/master/images/ecommerce/Theme%20troubleshooting/2015-10-30-use-column-links.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8454238176345825}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://support.vendhq.com/hc/en-us/articles/213403157-Adding-Footer-Quick-Links-to-your-Ecommerce-Loft-Theme\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vend/zd-content-images/master/images/ecommerce/Theme%20troubleshooting/2015-10-30-create-navigation.png\", \"src\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vend/zd-content-images/master/images/ecommerce/Theme%20troubleshooting/2015-10-30-create-navigation.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"create navigation\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://support.vendhq.com/hc/en-us/articles/213403157-Adding-Footer-Quick-Links-to-your-Ecommerce-Loft-Theme\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vend/zd-content-images/master/images/ecommerce/Theme%20troubleshooting/2015-10-30-navigation-link.png\", \"src\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vend/zd-content-images/master/images/ecommerce/Theme%20troubleshooting/2015-10-30-navigation-link.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"navigation link\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://support.vendhq.com/hc/en-us/articles/213403157-Adding-Footer-Quick-Links-to-your-Ecommerce-Loft-Theme\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vend/zd-content-images/master/images/ecommerce/Theme%20troubleshooting/2015-10-30-create-links.png\", \"src\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vend/zd-content-images/master/images/ecommerce/Theme%20troubleshooting/2015-10-30-create-links.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"create links\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://support.vendhq.com/hc/en-us/articles/213403157-Adding-Footer-Quick-Links-to-your-Ecommerce-Loft-Theme\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vend/zd-content-images/master/images/ecommerce/Theme%20troubleshooting/2015-10-30-use-column-links.png\", \"src\": \"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vend/zd-content-images/master/images/ecommerce/Theme%20troubleshooting/2015-10-30-use-column-links.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"use column links\"}, null, null]", "texts": ["If you have purchased one of the Loft theme styles such as Swell, Tarn, Amber or Fennel, then this article will help you set up your \"quick links\" in your footer:\n\n1. First up, go to Vend Ecommerce -> Design -> Navigation.\n\n2. Next Click on Create a New Navigation List :", "3. Create a new navigation list called “footer menu” and add your links to this navigation:", "4. Click the Add a link button and Add your links to this navigation:", null, "Note: You can add collections, pages or external links to your quick links. Check this link for more information on how to do that.\n\n5. Disable the “use column links in footer” option from the Loft theme settings found under Design -> Theme -> Loft -> Footer , this will display your footer menu items like this store here.\n\nNote: If you'd like your footer menu items to act as containers for your links, leave the 'use column links' option checked. If you choose to do this, your footer will appear like this store here.", null], "url": "https://support.vendhq.com/hc/en-us/articles/213403157-Adding-Footer-Quick-Links-to-your-Ecommerce-Loft-Theme", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 581, "original_width": 851, "width": 553}, {"height": 629, "original_height": 533, "original_width": 320, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["da5e789244fe9d28904e8c8ff8a9549d9670b32a56e21853a485a3e88d319b03", "b66276bf40c82a35f1d798668b63fcedcc1938d3c88aed914d577a3e0f11882d"], "__index_level_0__": 477, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://torrentfreak.com/images/filesonic-alexa.png", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9690866470336914}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://torrentfreak.com/major-cyberlocker-filesonic-goes-offline-after-traffic-plummets-120831/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/filesonic-alexa.png\", \"src\": \"https://torrentfreak.com/images/filesonic-alexa.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"filesonic alexa\", \"rendered_width\": 440, \"rendered_height\": 250}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://torrentfreak.com/major-cyberlocker-filesonic-goes-offline-after-traffic-plummets-120831/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/filesonicbroken.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://torrentfreak.com/images/filesonicbroken.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"filesonicbroken\", \"alt_text\": \"Filesonicbroken\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://torrentfreak.com/major-cyberlocker-filesonic-goes-offline-after-traffic-plummets-120831/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/TF-VPN.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://torrentfreak.com/images/TF-VPN.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"TF VPN\"}, null]", "texts": ["A major cyberlocker described by the MPAA / RIAA-affiliated International Intellectual Property Alliance as an “infringing distribution hub” appears to be in serious trouble. Filesonic, previously listed among the top 10 largest file-sharing sites in the world, was badly affected by the Megaupload shutdown and lost huge amounts of traffic in 2012. During the last 48 hours it simply ceased to function.", "In the wake of the January shutdown of Megaupload, many of the Internet’s leading cyberlocker services changed their business models in the hope they could avoid a similar fate.\n\nOne such site, Hong Kong-based Filesonic, took the drastic measures of discontinuing both their rewards program and all third-party sharing. In the file-hosting world their decisions were a pretty big deal. At the time Filesonic was one of the top 10 file-sharing sites on the Internet, with a quarter billion page views a month. As can be seen from the Alexa graph below, the effects were dramatic.", null, "Despite the efforts of Filesonic to stay out of the copyright infringement spotlight (in December 2011 the company had partnered with anti-piracy company Vobile), in February 2012 the International Intellectual Property Alliance reported Filesonic to the USTR. IIPA, who count the MPAA and RIAA as members, described Filesonic as an “infringing distribution hub.”\n\nBut today, six months on, it appears something is seriously amiss with this former giant of the file-sharing world. For two days Filesonic has been completely unreachable via its .com domain after changes were made to its DNS settings.\n\nThe site does have plenty of other domains with different extensions, but strangely none of those have been updated to include the same settings as the .com domain. For example, Filesonic.net, .ch, and .jp are all registered to Earnwell Hong Kong LTD, the company behind Filesonic. However, Filesonic.com is now registered to Seychelles-based Renovatio Management Limited.\n\nWhile the .com domain is completely broken and no longer uses the traditional Filesonic DNS servers, the other domains do resolve to the Filesonic site but it is completely non-functional.", "In order to find out exactly what’s happening with Filesonic, TorrentFreak attempted to contact the file-hoster in three different ways but we received no response. We also contacted Renovatio Management but they didn’t respond either. The only people we could get to say anything at all was Filesonic’s hosting company, but they told us they would not discuss their client’s business.\n\nThis year has been a miserable one for Filesonic, and it’s still not over. Aside from its traffic woes and now unexplained disappearance, along with Oron (another cyberlocker that has simply vanished), Filesonic is being sued by adult entertainment company Flava Works. The company does not yet appear to have responded to the lawsuit.\n\nThe disappearance of both Oron and now Filesonic raises plenty of questions, but perhaps what is most unusual is the complete lack of communication with their customers. A simple message on the sites’ homepages would suffice, but neither filehost has obliged. Exactly why is anyone’s guess."], "url": "https://torrentfreak.com/major-cyberlocker-filesonic-goes-offline-after-traffic-plummets-120831/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 250, "original_width": 440, "width": 665}], "image_hashes": ["076c7ffd0b66ac9c4ff89450b45919deb247df476ab4a3defc420b66c714d372"], "__index_level_0__": 478, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/65/a7/ee/65a7ee7943ceb06fb8c16118809302bc.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/bf/c2/0ebfc239ac4d45eb0217b6910ea84a33.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/f5/50/4bf550831d23b2fda33430c60b71b764.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b9/1e/17/b91e176cebb69fd085a1d5ef94a3d652.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/85/a7/13/85a713c66521fe53ab807408763167e1.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ba/03/04/ba0304e5ef1096407368de30eb78385c.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/2f/bc/b42fbc6f9d61a4d31bc6251b79517e8b.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7643513679504395}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tr.pinterest.com/explore/dr-seuss-at%C4%B1%C5%9Ft%C4%B1rmal%C4%B1klar/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/65/a7/ee/65a7ee7943ceb06fb8c16118809302bc.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/65/a7/ee/65a7ee7943ceb06fb8c16118809302bc.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a ee ceb fb c bc\", \"alt_text\": \"Spies met banaan, aardbei en druif.\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tr.pinterest.com/explore/dr-seuss-at%C4%B1%C5%9Ft%C4%B1rmal%C4%B1klar/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/bf/c2/0ebfc239ac4d45eb0217b6910ea84a33.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/0e/bf/c2/0ebfc239ac4d45eb0217b6910ea84a33.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ebfc ac d eb b ea a\", \"alt_text\": \"Children's Food\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tr.pinterest.com/explore/dr-seuss-at%C4%B1%C5%9Ft%C4%B1rmal%C4%B1klar/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/f5/50/4bf550831d23b2fda33430c60b71b764.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/f5/50/4bf550831d23b2fda33430c60b71b764.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"bf d b fda c b b\", \"alt_text\": \"Rainbow Fruit Snack (oranges: mandarin, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple (chunks), grapes: red & green) on a skewer....\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tr.pinterest.com/explore/dr-seuss-at%C4%B1%C5%9Ft%C4%B1rmal%C4%B1klar/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b9/1e/17/b91e176cebb69fd085a1d5ef94a3d652.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b9/1e/17/b91e176cebb69fd085a1d5ef94a3d652.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b e cebb fd a d ef a d\", \"alt_text\": \"This Veggie Train Snack is fast and easy to make and so fun for the kids. Don't worry about getting it perfect, the kids will love it!!!\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tr.pinterest.com/explore/dr-seuss-at%C4%B1%C5%9Ft%C4%B1rmal%C4%B1klar/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/85/a7/13/85a713c66521fe53ab807408763167e1.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/85/a7/13/85a713c66521fe53ab807408763167e1.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a c fe ab e\", \"alt_text\": \"15 Muffin Tin Recipes For Kids\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tr.pinterest.com/explore/dr-seuss-at%C4%B1%C5%9Ft%C4%B1rmal%C4%B1klar/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ba/03/04/ba0304e5ef1096407368de30eb78385c.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ba/03/04/ba0304e5ef1096407368de30eb78385c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ba e ef de eb c\", \"alt_text\": \"School Book Sandwiches ~ so cute and so easy to make... a perfect healthy snack to bring to your kid\\u2019s classroom, but they can be personalized for any occasion. 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Details on Frugal Coupon Living.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tr.pinterest.com/explore/dr-seuss-at%C4%B1%C5%9Ft%C4%B1rmal%C4%B1klar/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/2f/bc/b42fbc6f9d61a4d31bc6251b79517e8b.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b4/2f/bc/b42fbc6f9d61a4d31bc6251b79517e8b.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b fbc f d a d bc b e b\", \"alt_text\": \"Spider snacks for kids\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "This perfect treat for kids who love to be grossed out.", null, "Children's Food", null, "Rainbow Fruit Snack\n\nRainbow Fruit Snack (oranges: mandarin, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple (chunks), grapes: red & green) on a skewer....", null, null, null, null], "url": "https://tr.pinterest.com/explore/dr-seuss-at%C4%B1%C5%9Ft%C4%B1rmal%C4%B1klar/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 586, "original_height": 1142, "original_width": 736, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 412, "width": 415}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 600, "original_width": 400, "width": 378}, {"height": 639, "original_height": 1100, "original_width": 650, "width": 378}, {"height": 572, "original_height": 1024, "original_width": 676, "width": 378}, {"height": 718, "original_height": 1029, "original_width": 541, "width": 378}, {"height": 603, "original_height": 1175, "original_width": 736, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["0643d895c28ffa90b4aa04d99bfe32dd667b25b5681e7c44332e2a11fbf6346c", "6bc73824072c08717caf9a3e6a43b69cdefa6e94808d673d94fc907cf38d94da", "d497a30b1a8f776f1e5f0db6f03d5767b07c5b9d1b93476e917ba2f621f7eaea", "76ccdfbe29a472077f5e8d3cc8006add10d7b3eb6551edcd151269f202738783", "9c1520af071836ace67d116f1a9004a080599f2cfa02aec466cd7d2cdf61a87f", "e5cfb0373fa8417e1d54830099516b8339d0ec35bae36b4ede1f071de7210f57", "5f2338bc56f407d3c84948751233c21fc7600f55fdb71184c692d2d1075e2d9a"], "__index_level_0__": 479, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://translateforjustice.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/prize.png"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8354288339614868}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://translateforjustice.com/2016/01/26/solidarity-with-turkish-colleagues/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://translateforjustice.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/prize.png\", \"src\": \"https://translateforjustice.files.wordpress.com/2015/10/prize.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"prize\"}, null]", "texts": ["Translated from German by Translators for justice\nSource: http://akg-online.org/aktuelles/solidaritaet-mit-den-kolleginnen-der-tuerkei\nJanuary 18th, 2016\nSolidarity with Turkish Colleagues\nThe Assoziation für kritische Gesellschaftsforschung (AkG, The Association for Critical Social Research) calls on the Turkish government to respect the autonomy and freedom of opinion of Academics for Peace.\nCriticism of the state is a fundamental principle of democracy and it cannot be arbitrarily restricted or punished for political reasons. The investigations into Academics for Peace must stop immediately so that the people who have been subjected to them can continue their scholarly work without restrictions.", null], "url": "https://translateforjustice.com/2016/01/26/solidarity-with-turkish-colleagues/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 184, "original_width": 187, "width": 384}], "image_hashes": ["403c129df73128d2d5dcb447b5260c4bab8e0639e1107df51f777724cab9e663"], "__index_level_0__": 480, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://c.tribune.com.pk/2014/12/811513-TrueDetectiveTVcopy-1419428783-945-640x480.jpg", null, null, null, null, null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9461538195610046}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tribune.com.pk/story/811513/best-of-2014-television/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c.tribune.com.pk/2014/12/811513-TrueDetectiveTVcopy-1419428783-945-640x480.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c.tribune.com.pk/2014/12/811513-TrueDetectiveTVcopy-1419428783-945-640x480.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"TrueDetectiveTVcopy\", \"rendered_width\": 625, \"rendered_height\": 469}, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tribune.com.pk/story/811513/best-of-2014-television/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c.tribune.com.pk/2017/05/1397955-cartoon-1495424516-204-160x120.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c.tribune.com.pk/2017/05/1397955-cartoon-1495424516-204-160x120.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cartoon\", \"rendered_width\": 134, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tribune.com.pk/story/811513/best-of-2014-television/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c.tribune.com.pk/2017/03/1370920-cartoonsabirnazarthapril-1493486600-486-160x120.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c.tribune.com.pk/2017/03/1370920-cartoonsabirnazarthapril-1493486600-486-160x120.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cartoonsabirnazarthapril\", \"rendered_width\": 134, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tribune.com.pk/story/811513/best-of-2014-television/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c.tribune.com.pk/2017/03/1342982-cartoonsabirnazarstmarch-1490896935-474-160x120.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c.tribune.com.pk/2017/03/1342982-cartoonsabirnazarstmarch-1490896935-474-160x120.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cartoonsabirnazarstmarch\", \"rendered_width\": 134, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://tribune.com.pk/story/811513/best-of-2014-television/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://c.tribune.com.pk/2017/01/1312833-cartoonsabirnazarthfebruary-1488219354-943-160x120.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://c.tribune.com.pk/2017/01/1312833-cartoonsabirnazarthfebruary-1488219354-943-160x120.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cartoonsabirnazarthfebruary\", \"rendered_width\": 134, \"rendered_height\": 100}, null, null]", "texts": [null, "Stylistic scripts, big-budget production value and cinematography that pushes the envelope have placed TV in an enviable position this year, where it commands just as much respect as films. It has not only bitten out of the film distributors and cineplex’s market share but has even managed to reinvent the distribution model altogether. Here are five of my favourite TV shows that have been a great source of entertainment throughout 2014.", "Second World War (WWII) dramas have been a staple for cinema and, more recently, television. Imbuing this sub-genre with the-familiar-yet-new, however, has become increasingly difficult. But Manhattan has managed to do that with an intoxicating blend of historical accuracy and dramatic license.\n\nThe episodic series is a semi-fictional tale about the city that housed the scientists who developed the atomic bomb, their families and their work. It begins exactly 766 days before the US drops an atomic bomb (Little Boy) on Hiroshima and traverses the lives of the inhabitants of Los Alamos, a town with no postal code and the all-powerful military police. The race is on to be the first ones to develop the A-bomb: will it be Dr Reed Aikley’s Thin Man project that delivers the bomb or will it be the underfunded, mad genius Dr Frank Winter and his band of scrappy theoretical physicists that make the possible annihilation of all mankind a reality.\n\nThe writing is taut and exemplary, something that we’ve all come to expect from American episodic television. The characters are flawed but likably human and extremely relatable even if they are theoretical physicists that would make history and rewrite modern warfare. The immaculate production design transfixes the audience in 1940s war ravaged America and the art team assembled by Ruth Ammon delivers to the picometres. Manhattan is strictly narrative, but it is one of the best you will watch for a while. It is already renewed for a second season that will premiere in 2015.\n\nThe Americans", "At the end of WWII, USA and USSR emerged as the only superpowers that had the military and scientific strength to command global hegemony. This resulted in a 44-year stance of political and military tension between the two countries. Ordinary salt-of-the-earth people were swept away in either the Marxist-Leninist ideology or the American system of capitalism; and this deep-rooted sense of personal righteousness resulted in people spying for the government on both sides and perpetuated the clandestine nature of the Cold War.\n\nThe Americans deals with this subject head on as it explores the lives of Elizabeth (Keri Russell) and Philip Jennings (Matthew Rhys), two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple living in the northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, DC. What heightens the stake is the new neighbour who happens to be FBI counterintelligence agent Stan Beeman (Noah Emmerich). The Russian Foreign Intelligence Agency has planted the Jennings’ in the US to gather sensitive government documents. Their double lives start to take a toll on their once cozy familial relationships and the second season explores this disintegration of Norman Rockwell’s all-American façade. This breakdown occurs through small things like their daughter’s insistence on attending church and reading the Bible. The historical contexts of the narrative arc is multilayered and a genius reduction of macro global politics on a micro level.\n\nThe show was created by ex-CIA officer Joe Weisberg and this is evident in the minutiae of secret service protocols and dead-drops that lend the show an authenticity. This, in turn, makes it immediately appealing to viewers who want to know more about the particulars of spying and spies themselves. The Americans is not only engaging, insightful and thoroughly entertaining but also one of the best written and best produced shows of the year.\n\nThe Knick", "The Knick focuses on the Knickerbocker Hospital in Manhattan, which was at the forefront of medical innovation on the cusp of the 20th century. It stars Clive Owen as Dr John W Thackery, a cocaine-fuelled genius, equal parts Edison and equal parts Dr Frankenstein. He is a decorated doctor that injects cocaine to do what he does and visits prostitutes at night, and the show exhibits a similar duality between the sublime and the vulgar.\n\nThe polar opposite of Dr Thackery is Dr Algernon Edwards (Andre Holland), an African-American doctor trained in Europe fighting against systemic racism to earn his due respect at the Knick. The cast is rounded off by an eclectic array of individuals who will challenge the viewers’ refined sensibilities.\n\nThe writing is crisp and clinical where it needs to be. The art direction is given special consideration with Dr Stanley Burns of the Burns Archive providing expert, on-set medical advice and sharing the archive’s many photographs as references for medical equipment, procedures and even a prosthetic worn by a recurring character. The detail that has been meticulously married to emotionally enrapturing writing and inspiring cinematography is what sets this show apart from others. Special mention needs to be given to the music composer Cliff Martinez whose electronic synthesised tracks for the show pulsate perfectly between the old world and the new. One ought to point to The Knick as one of the  harbingers of the golden age of TV.\n\nTrue Detective", "True Detective is the story of evil that lurks beneath and on both sides of the law and of old wounds that can haunt the present. Woody Harrelson (Martin Hart) and Matthew McConaughey (Rust Cohle), two former Louisiana State Police Detectives who solved a murder mystery in 1995, are brought in for questioning in 2012 as the case is reopened after 17 years. Timelines of the past and present are braided together in a way that one is unclear about the ‘true’ nature of things. As the series unfolds, the relationships of the two protagonists unravel and we are presented with the world that sparked the initial disintegration.\n\nThe show has the distinction of being one of the recent few that have been shot on celluloid film and also has a remarkable four-minute, one-take shot in episode four. The writing by Nic Pizzolatto is revelatory and the cinematography by Arkapaaw supports it with old school flair. It is narrative filmmaking at its best.\n\nThe Affair", "Showtime, much like HBO, is gaining traction for pushing the envelope in original programming. Their latest offering, The Affair, explores the emotional effects of an extramarital relationship between Noah Solloway, a New York City school teacher, doting husband and father of four, and Alison Lockhart, a married woman who is trying to piece her life back together after the death of her young son. The two meet in the idyllic town of Montauk where Allison is a waitress and Noah is visiting his in-laws. The story of the affair is told separately with distinct memory biases from each of the lead character’s perspectives. But there is more to the show than just two people lying to their spouses: It explores whether the characters’ are on a path of self-discovery or if they are merely lying to themselves as well.\n\nThe show harkens back to dramas like Kramer Vs Kramer, Ordinary People and, more recently, shows like Tell me you love me where the psychological impact of human frailty and the all-too-human bond of love is examined through a cinematic lens. The classic shots by Steven Fierberg along with theatrical writing and immersive acting make The Affair a must-watch."], "url": "https://tribune.com.pk/story/811513/best-of-2014-television/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 480, "original_width": 640, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["0c573f0f50ae9ffaa2db7bd0e52e7055a73fe7ab742413943fe675152e644332"], "__index_level_0__": 481, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3c/c1/08/3cc108d579ed5a4684089d9350de47ff.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/6a/1a/af/6a1aaf99bfa9da23b54408dbc3e01a01.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a2/f8/aa/a2f8aa54150a87f2b1c5687292c00814.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a8/3e/a1/a83ea1935a2df355df0beab83b152947.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b6/1e/3b/b61e3b6b6692ffa540c27b2a51289fc8.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e5/1e/0e/e51e0ebdc8e92fe041350ef2ba8bfc8f.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d0/79/f1/d079f1d55218426314daf3fcf410cc2c.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/17/58/a3/1758a3709f9f1a787ee3d675fa110f7b.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/08/99/6d/08996db2ae233d5b8bd077f2df182366.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.664552628993988}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://uk.pinterest.com/lynnemurphy82/ideas-for-cranley/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3c/c1/08/3cc108d579ed5a4684089d9350de47ff.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3c/c1/08/3cc108d579ed5a4684089d9350de47ff.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cc d ed a d de ff\", \"alt_text\": \"Upholstered, winged chairs will give your dining room an air of elegance. 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Deep button tufts add a hint of sophistication and lends in this chair’s superior comfort. Fully upholstered, t...", null, null, null, null, null, null], "url": "https://uk.pinterest.com/lynnemurphy82/ideas-for-cranley/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 567, "original_height": 1104, "original_width": 736, "width": 378}, {"height": 379, "original_height": 350, "original_width": 349, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 736, "original_width": 736, "width": 378}, {"height": 504, "original_height": 640, "original_width": 480, "width": 378}, {"height": 425, "original_height": 718, "original_width": 638, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 475, "original_width": 475, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 510, "original_width": 640, "width": 474}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}, {"height": 534, "original_height": 1041, "original_width": 736, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["d4eb4d97fd71cc6a22d06c3a1200eccb0a373688acc803cf3adbfc4d0d003bd2", "c5775c3d7264c40608bbde1c92963c704d842898ff812a4110dd0537703ebb62", "521949648cf3b3b0547792e78e79f1452d593f0a3b6f202a397279d2370def0e", "4910ebbfb87d3b6a745e087de9309229a45713743ba1004c29195883a093734c", "59c641132146b94bcef75add7ec8fe90f0db0ac55f3c3df0c1111f8e1f9e3ebf", "d3fb1d716b5158e5933f7eee5b4361885883fbb0316f878a247e6e47f26aa531", "5cda72037a2e80254a15d3594e68347078235b9c1ec14a97e39b1cabf769dac9", "f93f898319e1bf67691d1912547d55fad91cee7a0a10ff520c64bc257d34d741", "8f2606b1e31327c4a350d30a462954736b164d782116604cb54263119cb85513"], "__index_level_0__": 482, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://pictures.abebooks.com/KAIVALYA/md/md1404162244.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7666404843330383}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.abebooks.co.uk/Cottagers-Glenburnie-Tale-Farmers-Ingle-Nook-Hamilton/1404162244/bd\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://pictures.abebooks.com/KAIVALYA/md/md1404162244.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://pictures.abebooks.com/KAIVALYA/md/md1404162244.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"md\", \"alt_text\": \"The Cottagers of Glenburnie; A Tale for the Farmer's Ingle-Nook: Hamilton, Elizabeth\"}, null, null, null]", "texts": ["The Cottagers of Glenburnie; A Tale for the Farmer's Ingle-Nook", null, "Bookseller Image\n\nView Larger Image\n\nPublished by C. Daly, London, 1839\nUsed Condition: Poor Disbound\nSave for Later\nFrom Renaissance Books (Dunedin, New Zealand)\n\nAbeBooks Seller Since 06 June 2002\n\nSeller Rating", "About this Item\n\nxv, [1], 240 pages + extra engraved title page. All page edges gilt. Page dimensions: 105 x 64mm. Lacking the free endpapers and the half-title page. The frontispiece has a 1\" chip that is adhering to the front pastedown endpaper. Green cloth boards with gilt decoration on spine. Rear board detached. Binding loose. The cloth spine has been detached and glued back on upside-down in an amateur fashion. A novel.; 32mo 4\" - 5\" tall. Bookseller Inventory # 9333\n\nAsk Seller a Question\n\nBibliographic Details\n\nTitle: The Cottagers of Glenburnie; A Tale for the ..."], "url": "https://www.abebooks.co.uk/Cottagers-Glenburnie-Tale-Farmers-Ingle-Nook-Hamilton/1404162244/bd", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 251, "original_width": 300, "width": 451}], "image_hashes": ["fcc953cdaa486f84ce49dfc94ff481a4d1e75b437441ceb2df1d2cb33e8a45d3"], "__index_level_0__": 483, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, null, "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Wb-Z130HkyY/mqdefault.jpg", null, "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/u5gprw7ESVQ/mqdefault.jpg", null, "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2VjVHUd76Ro/mqdefault.jpg", null, "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R4sB5qc_xgE/mqdefault.jpg", "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/g6GikYXz3Qw/mqdefault.jpg", "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3ffF3FbNFRY/mqdefault.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8494260907173157}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.chaptercheats.com/cheats/ps-vita/172794/Cross-Channel-To-All-People-Cheats.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.chaptercheats.com/boxshot/172794.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://img.chaptercheats.com/boxshot/172794.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Cross Channel: To All People\", \"rendered_width\": 100, \"rendered_height\": 127}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.chaptercheats.com/cheats/ps-vita/172794/Cross-Channel-To-All-People-Cheats.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Wb-Z130HkyY/mqdefault.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Wb-Z130HkyY/mqdefault.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mqdefault\", \"alt_text\": \"Zombeer - Gameplay Video\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.chaptercheats.com/cheats/ps-vita/172794/Cross-Channel-To-All-People-Cheats.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/u5gprw7ESVQ/mqdefault.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/u5gprw7ESVQ/mqdefault.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mqdefault\", \"alt_text\": \"Stranger Of Sword City Revisited - Gameplay Video\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.chaptercheats.com/cheats/ps-vita/172794/Cross-Channel-To-All-People-Cheats.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2VjVHUd76Ro/mqdefault.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/2VjVHUd76Ro/mqdefault.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mqdefault\", \"alt_text\": \"Berserk And The Band Of The Hawk - Gameplay Video\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.chaptercheats.com/cheats/ps-vita/172794/Cross-Channel-To-All-People-Cheats.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R4sB5qc_xgE/mqdefault.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/R4sB5qc_xgE/mqdefault.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mqdefault\", \"alt_text\": \"IO - Gameplay Video 2\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.chaptercheats.com/cheats/ps-vita/172794/Cross-Channel-To-All-People-Cheats.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/g6GikYXz3Qw/mqdefault.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/g6GikYXz3Qw/mqdefault.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mqdefault\", \"alt_text\": \"Oceanhorn: Monster Of Uncharted Seas - Gameplay Review Trailer\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.chaptercheats.com/cheats/ps-vita/172794/Cross-Channel-To-All-People-Cheats.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3ffF3FbNFRY/mqdefault.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3ffF3FbNFRY/mqdefault.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"mqdefault\", \"alt_text\": \"Valkyria Revolution - First Impressions Trailer\"}, null]", "texts": ["Sat, 15 Mar 2014 04:16:39 Cheats, Hints & Walkthroughs\nPlaystation Vita Games\n\nCross Channel: To All People Cheats for Playstation Vita\n\nHome / Playstation Vita /\nSub Menu\n\nThis page contains Cheats for Cross Channel: To All People organized by sections for Playstation Vita. This game has \"Adventure\" as genre, made by 5pb, released on Jun 26, 2014. If you can't find a hint or secret in our list, then please check this page periodically for the latest updates.\n\nBoxshot & Details", "Submit Cheats", null, "Zombeer - Gameplay Video", null, "Stranger Of Sword City Revisited - Gameplay Video", null, "Berserk And The Band Of The Hawk - Gameplay Video", null, null, null], "url": "https://www.chaptercheats.com/cheats/ps-vita/172794/Cross-Channel-To-All-People-Cheats.htm", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 180, "original_width": 320, "width": 672}], "image_hashes": ["aff0d40e619335be8b75bd6219028dd8d7e85d05923a7dd90424ef48ac006888", "aefacd7758983f7874745d2b789372cb2decd15f2538f3d11364e2251132b769", "f2c98a15300d47daf18e4a23c958b1cf682cfd52125a43192b218a1906aef45d", "24be7429ee614de5d233bc0c9fb0f1bf481d414f6991a7bcf040882ee363f426", "be14edff0305f5ed2da732615104c9e7efe8052e0c41e81f5b425002f042637a", "042e8458a92e7e7368ff3eec640403103345859d63e6587adc154441d0c1a05e"], "__index_level_0__": 484, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["http://dkqvlsfy4i18r.cloudfront.net/1022/zs45u7u.jpg", null, "http://dkqvlsfy4i18r.cloudfront.net/1022/3uvvxxd.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9431662559509276}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.childtime.com/your-local-school/virginia-beach-va-1022/local-reviews/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//dkqvlsfy4i18r.cloudfront.net/1022/zs45u7u.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://dkqvlsfy4i18r.cloudfront.net/1022/zs45u7u.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"zs u u\", \"alt_text\": \"What Families Are Saying About Childtime Daycare in Virginia Beach, VA\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.childtime.com/your-local-school/virginia-beach-va-1022/local-reviews/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"//dkqvlsfy4i18r.cloudfront.net/1022/3uvvxxd.jpg\", \"src\": \"http://dkqvlsfy4i18r.cloudfront.net/1022/3uvvxxd.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"uvvxxd\", \"alt_text\": \"Review Our Virginia Beach, VA Childtime on Google Places\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "What do families just like yours think of Childtime? Many of our families have taken the time to share their honest thoughts on every aspect of the Childtime experience. The following comments from real Childtime families will give you some idea. To get an even broader perspective on Childtime, check us out on independent forums like Google and Yelp.\n“My daughter has attended Childtime for three years and it has been a truly wonderful experience for her, my wife, and myself. Not only are the teachers, staff, and directors courteous and professional, but the drop off and pick up is so easy and convenient.”\nKevin V\nVirginia Beach\n“My child is so fortunate to have a spot in Childtime's infant program. The teachers are knowledgeable and caring individuals who go above and beyond for the children each day. I feel confident knowing my daughter is safe and nurtured when I go to work in the morning.”\nCallan B\n“We are very pleased with the caliber of care my granddaughter is receiving. It is refreshing to know that she is in good hands on a daily basis. We look forward to picking her up every evening to see what new things she is doing.”\nAnthony C\n“I've been humbled by the patience and understanding I've been given during my child's time at this school. Even more so, I am thankful that the entire staff has gotten to know her by name and that her teachers give her such love. The school's passion for children really shows. They're all amazing!”\nBlair S\n“I am so thankful I found this school for my daughter! I know she is safe when she gets picked up from her elementary school and her homework is always completed when I pick her up. I love the small classroom sizes and we always feel welcome when we walk in! I could not ask for better care for her.”\nJeffrey F\n\nRead Reviews from Others\nor Share Your Own!", null, "Check us out on Yelp\n\nTour Our School\n\nSee what Childtime\nhas to offer your child.\n\nPay your child's tuition through our online payment system."], "url": "https://www.childtime.com/your-local-school/virginia-beach-va-1022/local-reviews/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 318, "width": 546}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 155, "original_width": 250, "width": 609}], "image_hashes": ["de44c2d575447650af699fa9f4bbdcfb4c33a37230ec77ab345a32b93662f1e4", "2df347b902944f3a69144b2d1b89613eb7c3c384137dfce6a9e81c70cb14f1ac"], "__index_level_0__": 485, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Gqnbk-F4L.jpg", "https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51gejEJQKIL.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8703693747520447}, "metadata": "[{\"document_url\": \"https://www.desertcart.ae/products/720774-skinit-protective-skin-fits-ipod-classic-6g-binghampton-university-basketball-jersey\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Gqnbk-F4L.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Gqnbk-F4L.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Gqnbk F L\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.desertcart.ae/products/720774-skinit-protective-skin-fits-ipod-classic-6g-binghampton-university-basketball-jersey\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51gejEJQKIL.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51gejEJQKIL.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gejEJQKIL\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.desertcart.ae/products/720774-skinit-protective-skin-fits-ipod-classic-6g-binghampton-university-basketball-jersey\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Gqnbk-F4L.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51Gqnbk-F4L.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Gqnbk F L\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.desertcart.ae/products/720774-skinit-protective-skin-fits-ipod-classic-6g-binghampton-university-basketball-jersey\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51gejEJQKIL.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51gejEJQKIL.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"gejEJQKIL\"}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "Skinit Protective Skin Fits Ipod Classic 6G (Binghampton University Basketball Jersey)\n\nby Skinit\n\nThis product is currently out of stock.\n\nProduct ID: 720774\n\nSkinit allow you to personalize and protect your device with form-fitting skins, covers & cases. Our products are\ndesigned to fit perfectly and not interfere with other accessories. Skinit skins present vivid, photo-quality, glossy\nprinting that shows off your style and lasts for years. Skins are easy to apply and remove with no residue, no mess and"], "url": "https://www.desertcart.ae/products/720774-skinit-protective-skin-fits-ipod-classic-6g-binghampton-university-basketball-jersey", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 395, "original_width": 420, "width": 401}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 391, "original_width": 500, "width": 483}], "image_hashes": ["104c9103d6a0ac8f67e292e0045a75d31446443c5bfe4f12adaabdd6d5b5de09", "cb5afe26907e9bd1a3ffc7e164e546f34904a76ada66a794623457b9f6f14ae8"], "__index_level_0__": 486, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://covers.elsevier.com/author/186/1033996.jpg", null, null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8494759798049927}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.elsevier.com/books/fluoropolymer-additives/ebnesajjad/978-1-4377-3461-4\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://covers.elsevier.com/author/186/1033996.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://covers.elsevier.com/author/186/1033996.jpg\", \"rendered_width\": 120, \"rendered_height\": 90}, null, null]", "texts": ["Published Date: 16th December 2011\nPage Count: 310\nView all volumes in this series: Plastics Design Library\n\nInstitutional Access\n\nTax Exempt Orders\nSupport Center\n\nSeries page\n\nPART 1. Introduction\n\n1. Introduction\n\n1.1 Introduction\n\n1.2 Uniqueness of Fluorine\n\n1.3 Fluorine Characteristics\n\n2. Descriptions of Fluoropolymer Additives\n\n2.1 Introduction\n\n2.2 Polymeric Fluorinated Additives\n\n2.3 Perfluoropolyether (PFPE) Additives\n\n2.4 PTFE-Modified Waxes\n\n2.5 Fluorinated Graphite\n\n2.6 Fluorination\n\nPART 2. Manufacturing and Properties\n\n3. Manufacturing and Properties of High-Molecular-Weight Fluoropolymer Additives\n\n3.1 Introduction\n\n3.2 Tetrafluoroethylene (TFE) Preparation\n\n3.3 Properties of Tetrafluoroethylene\n\n3.4 Polymerization of Tetrafluoroethylene\n\n3.5 Tetrafluoroethylene Polymers\n\n3.6 Polymerization Mechanism\n\n3.7 Suspension Polymerization of Tetrafluoroethylene\n\n3.8 Emulsion Polymerization of Tetrafluoroethylene\n\n3.9 Characterization of Polytetrafluoroethylene\n\n4. Manufacturing and Properties of Low-Molecular-Weight Fluoropolymer Additives\n\n4.1 Introduction\n\n4.2 Molecular Weight Reduction\n\n4.3 Degradation of Polytetrafluoroethylene\n\n4.4 Production Methods\n\n4.5 Direct Polymerization\n\n4.6 Other Manufacturing Methods\n\n4.7 Commercial Products\n\n5. Manufacturing and Properties of FluoroelastomerBased Additives\n\n5.1 Introduction\n\n5.2 Manufacturing Process\n\n5.3 Emulsion Polymerization\n\n5.4 Suspension Polymerization\n\n5.5 Development of Polymeric Process Additives\n\n5.6 Commercial Products\n\nPART 3. Applications\n\n6. Applications of Fluorinated Additives for Lubricants\n\n6.1 Introduction\n\n6.2 Friction\n\n6.3 Wear Processes\n\n6.4 Fluorinated Additive Types\n\n6.5 Lubrication Processes\n\n6.6 Lubricant Base Oils\n\n6.7 Lubricant Additives – General\n\n6.8 Comparison of Solid Lubricant Additives\n\n6.9 Polymeric Fluorinated Additives\n\n6.10 Lubricant Application Categorization\n\n6.11 Low-Viscosity Lubricants\n\n6.12 Engine Oil\n\n6.13 Grease\n\n6.14 Suppliers of Lubricants Containing Fluorinated Additives\n\n7. Fluorinated Additives for Plastics\n\n7.1 Introduction\n\n7.2 Types of Fluorinated Additives\n\n7.3 Friction and Wear Processes\n\n7.4 Friction and Wear of High- and Low-MW PTFE\n\n7.5 Role of PTFE Manufacturing Process and Particle Size on Wear and Friction of Plastics\n\n7.6 Development of Fluoroadditive Use for Friction/Wear Enhancement of Thermoplastics\n\n7.7 Plastic Wear Under Water\n\n7.8 Types of Non-Fluorinated Anti-Friction and Anti-Wear Additives\n\n7.9 Plastic Types\n\n7.10 Fluorinated Additives for Improved Melt and Mechanical Properties\n\n7.11 Additives to Alter Plastic Surface Properties\n\n7.12 Fluoropolymer Additives to Inhibit Melt Dripping in Fire Situations\n\n7.13 Compounding of Fluorinated Additives into Thermoplastics\n\n8. Addition of Fluoropolymers to Printing Ink\n\n8.1 Introduction\n\n8.2 Printing Processes\n\n8.3 Inks\n\n8.4 Fluoropolymer Addition to Ink\n\n8.5 Abrasion/Rub Resistance of Prints\n\n8.6 Blocking\n\n8.7 Commercial Suppliers of Fluorinated Additives to the Ink Market\n\n9. Use of Fluorinated Additives in Coatings\n\n9.1 Introduction\n\n9.2 Purposes of Addition of Fluoropolymer Additives to Coatings\n\n9.3 Thermoplastic Coatings\n\n9.4 Thermosetting Coating Parameters\n\n9.5 Coating Processes\n\n9.6 Fluoropolymer Types Used in Coatings\n\n9.7 Perfluoropolymer/Metal Coatings by Electrolytic or Electroless Processes\n\n9.8 Prevention of Staining of a Coating\n\n9.9 Commercial Fluoroadditive Products\n\n10. Fluorinated Additives for Rubber\n\n10.1 Introduction\n\n10.2 Rubber Compositions and Compounding\n\n10.3 Characterization of Rubbers\n\n10.4 Fluorinated Additive Types\n\n10.5 Silicone and Fluorosilicone Rubbers\n\n10.6 Addition of Fluorinated Additives to Fluoroelastomers\n\n10.7 Addition of Fluorinated Additives to EPDM Rubber\n\n10.8 Commercial Fluoroadditive Products for Elastomers\n\n11. Applications of Processing Aid Additives\n\n11.1 Introduction\n\n11.2 Low-Molecular-Weight Processing Aids\n\n11.3 Important Applications of PPAs\n\n11.4 Select Applications of PPAs\n\nPART 4. Compliance and Economics\n\n12. Compliance with Regulations and Standards\n\n12.1 Introduction\n\n12.2 Food Contact and Medical Applications\n\n12.3 FDA Requirements for Polytetrafluoroethylene Resins for Food Contact\n\n12.4 Compliance of Commercial Micropowder Products\n\n12.5 Standards\n\n13. Safety, Health, Environment, Disposal, Recycling, and Economics\n\n13.1 Introduction\n\n13.2 Toxicology of Fluoropolymers\n\n13.3 Thermal Properties of PTFE\n\n13.4 Emission During Processing\n\n13.5 Safety Measures\n\n13.6 Fluoropolymer Scrap and Recycling\n\n13.7 Environmental Protection and Disposal Methods\n\n13.8 Economics\n\nAPPENDIX 1. Food and Drug Administration\n\nAPPENDIX 2. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)\n\nIn this first book on an additive group of growing importance, the authors review the commercial additives available on the market. The applications chapters provide you with a step by step description of techniques to select and incorporate these additives in various products.\n\nEngineers and scientits involved in polymer processing need practical information about these additives, their applications, and proper and safe handling. Until now much of this information has been difficult to obtain because of commercial secrecy.\n\nIn recent years, the applications of fluoropolymer additives have expanded significantly, with even the meaning of ‘fluoropolymer additives’ expanding from relatively the narrow definition of PTFE powder fillers to a wide variety of fluoropolymer elastomers, used as a processing aid for plastics processing such as extrusion, injection molding, and film blowing. The benefits of fluoropolymer additives used in plastics are the elimination of sharkskin defects, increases in process speed and output (up to 20%), the reduction of die build up, the reduction of gels and optical defects, etc.\n\nIn addition, fluropolymer additives are being increasingly used in inks, lubricants, and coatings. For example, in the coating industry fluoropolymer additives can increase the life cycle of exterior coatings due to their excellent  weatherability and subsequently increase the time between recoats.\n\nPlastics Engineers and Product Design Engineers across a wide range of industrial sectors: automotive, aerospace, electronic, pharmaceutical, consumer, furniture, printing/publishing, lubricants, oil&gas, medical devices; Plastics Compounders. University researchers and graduate students, purchasing managers, fluoropolymer manufacturers, fluoropolymer additive manufacturers\n\nNo. of pages:\n\n© William Andrew 2012\n\n16th December 2011\n\nWilliam Andrew\n\neBook ISBN:\n\nHardcover ISBN:", null, "Fluoroconsultants Group, Chadds Ford, PA, USA\n\nRequest Quote\n\nTax Exemption", "Elsevier.com visitor survey\n\nThanks in advance for your time."], "url": "https://www.elsevier.com/books/fluoropolymer-additives/ebnesajjad/978-1-4377-3461-4", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, 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We begin discussion with national and world wide organization in understanding how to better tap into and leverage their programs to service dad and me. From the UN to the CERN and IUCN, we are now working on some very exciting collaborations to be conducted at the local level. Whether it be a collaboration with a University Engineering Department where dads and kids get a chance to build their own LEDs to place inside halloween pumpkins to programming robots to spending time on the beach through an obstacle course to doing a hike we come back to a single beacon;\n\nThe best gift we can give to a child (and ourselves) is time.\n\nLook for a big announcement this year that will see an expansion of Dad and Me and promoting the incredible value it has for  the child, the father, the entire family and community.\n\nwe are not alone here in this thinking.", null, "The Dad and Me campaign is a way for dads to promote and celebrate their role set up their children for a lifetime of healthy development — something psychologists, sociologist and even the White House deems vital.\n\nDid you know that preschoolers with actively involved fathers have stronger verbal skills?\n\n•Or that girls with strong relationships with their fathers do better in mathematics?\n\n•And that fathers’ involvement seems to encourage children’s exploration of the world around them and confidence in their ability to solve problems.\n\nThat means dads can help their kids grow up to be smarter, more confident and solve problems easier just by being there for them. Playing laser tag. Going to a museum. Exploring a nature trail. All the kinds of things dads and kids will commit to do together as part of the Dad and Me campaign!\n\nfodada is keen to start a revolution that redefines what being a great dad means, and is introducing the Dad and Me campaign to spark a radical change that sweeps the country. Want us to help with setting up a program in your community? Contact us at email@example.com", null, null, null, null, "red beanie campaign", null, "Red Beanie Campaign exceeds 10,000 families\n\nLife's Simple 7\n\n1. Get Active\n\n2. Control Cholesterol\n\n3. Eat Better\n\n4. Manage Blood Pressure\n\n5. Lose Weight\n\n6. Reduce Blood Sugar\n\n7. Stop Smoking\n\nFourth annual fodada International Women’s Self Defense day reaches new milestones", "Over the past five years we have pushed for women’s empowerment. Yes, a brand dedicated to the celebration and promotion of great dads wants to empower women. Why? first, every great dad has amazing women in his life whether it be their mother, spouse, sister or daughter that he cares deeply about. Second, the legacy of teaching our kids and bringing to the forefront the importance of empowering and protecting women.\n\nAround the globe, thousands of women have come together to receive these free two hour seminar on self-defense, empowerment, awareness, and safety. From locations across the US to as far as Pakistan, India, South Africa, Belgium, and Israel, fodada has provided these free self-defense classes on behalf of dads everywhere who care deeply about the incredible women in their lives and want to impress upon their children the importance of empowering others.\n\nFrom schools, to community centers, business board rooms and to open fields, fodada partners with individuals, groups, companies and organizations like yours that recognize the importance of women’s empowerment, and are interested in becoming catalysts for this powerful message and movement. There is no cost for the program and our facilitation.\n\nWant your city or community to be part of our next? contact us at email@example.com\n\nWorking with dads in the prison system", "In 2015 we began a relationship with the penitentiary system in the State of Oregon as part of fodada’s “dad and me” program in an attempt to pilot a version of the program to provide interaction opportunities for dads behind bars with their children. The initial group has been selected and the dads and kids have already signed their commitment letters. We are looking to collaborate on a camp later in the year. More information and updates to come."], "url": "https://www.fodada.com/programs", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 885, "original_width": 1000, "width": 427}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 608, "original_width": 900, "width": 559}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 620, "original_width": 1000, "width": 609}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 780, "original_width": 1000, "width": 484}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 804, "original_width": 1000, "width": 470}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 430, "original_width": 750, "width": 659}], "image_hashes": ["4a3dc7355f6c7abf92e52f5e73caaf273afc96cb249ec5cb9bfd5da7fc8f9fe1", "3b2af0d7cd0c066fce734c8fe68b0c47cf71db9562ed039fc6e352b445a28c08", "d9047057097a981e30fcbfea5268ab760a9a3a4553d2b49d22f46b8409a0454f", "629ed1fd634662415304f10ec162eb9b93ce061603a66f8dfcede29fad956387", "e3bfb55fe14d52ed168e96ea811102858aa1c875c6630facc30393dbc43e1e93", "1ebaff8a896e38417523f87ce723181186c66a747658c1ec280006f3087704f3"], "__index_level_0__": 488, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.forewordreviews.com/books/covers/the-witchs-master-grimoire.w250.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.902321457862854}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.forewordreviews.com/reviews/the-witchs-master-grimoire/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.forewordreviews.com/books/covers/the-witchs-master-grimoire.w250.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.forewordreviews.com/books/covers/the-witchs-master-grimoire.w250.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"the witchs master grimoire\", \"rendered_width\": 250}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.forewordreviews.com/reviews/the-witchs-master-grimoire/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://www.forewordreviews.com/images/hearts/foreword.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.forewordreviews.com/images/hearts/foreword.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"foreword\", \"rendered_width\": 117, \"rendered_height\": 21}, null]", "texts": ["The Witch's Master Grimoire\n\nAn Encyclopedia of Charms Spells Formulas and Magical Rites", null, "Reviewed by Carol Lynn Stewart\nDecember 16, 2000\n\nIn this book a practicing witch and the author of Reclaiming the Power, offers an abundance of spells to aid both the merely curious and the serious seeker. From amulets to the zodiac, this collection of spells, potions, and rites shows the reader how to draw love and prosperity, how to banish unwanted guests, how to stop harmful gossip, and even how to create fairy dust for attracting help from the fairy realm. The spells the author provides have all proved efficacious during the twenty years she has been a practicing witch, and were selected to fit into a busy modern witch’s life.\n\nThis grimoire gives the reader all she or he needs to cast a spell, and the ingredients are often readily available from the kitchen, garden, or department store. For example, to make a love-attracting oil one needs a wild rose, a sprig of rosemary, rose oil, and a green satin ribbon.\n\nThe spell chants are clear and easy to recite. For example, a “Knot the Wind” spell for inspiration and creativity requires the reader to face East, which is the place of Air, to tie a knot, and to recite: “I knot the wind, the wind of desire, I knot the wind, the wind that shall inspire.” Once the spell-caster has tied three knots, the first part of the spell is complete. Then the knotted string is hung over the desk or work space. When the spell-caster wants inspiration, he or she must untie the first knot, chanting: “I free the wind, the wind of desire, I free the wind, my mind to inspire.”\n\nThe Witch’s Master Grimoire provides the reader with a step-by-step process of performing a witch’s magic."], "url": "https://www.forewordreviews.com/reviews/the-witchs-master-grimoire/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 598, "original_height": 396, "original_width": 250, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["14b0ee4ba471ed32de1a82861471b20d6c6c2adc4bf9dddf297cba0348918f80"], "__index_level_0__": 489, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://www.free-ebooks.net/2d_covers/large/1463528201.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.900120735168457}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.free-ebooks.net/ebook/Keeper-from-the-Koffins\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/2d_covers/large/1463528201.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.free-ebooks.net/2d_covers/large/1463528201.jpg\", \"alt_text\": \"Keeper from the Koffins\", \"rendered_width\": 180}, null]", "texts": [null, "Click to Preview\n\nAuthor: Maremerchant\n\nDownloads: 430\n\nPages: 167\n\nPublished: 1 year ago\n\nRating: Rated: 0 times Rate It\n\nBook Description HTML\n\nA Team of Marines Ordered to search a long lost time forgotten village deep in Mexico. They will come face to face with a monster that resembled a gargoyle. A large zombie army that will eat the rodents and animals that they catch. This team of soldiers will encounter more than they bargained for. But before it ends. This small army of marines will find ghosts demons zombies and that creature that lives on revenge."], "url": "https://www.free-ebooks.net/ebook/Keeper-from-the-Koffins", "images_metadata": [{"height": 560, "original_height": 267, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["13f868c0f8c8cc36c64ee839e20d13bf7414f88fab34151fc4bafbae424d14a6"], "__index_level_0__": 490, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.gangstagroup.com/sub/gangstagroup.com/shop/product/resized/./the-new-designers-spleen-grey-15250.thumb_202x202.jpg", null, "https://www.gangstagroup.com/sub/gangstagroup.com/shop/product/resized/./the-new-designers-spleen-black-15249.thumb_202x202.jpg", null, "https://www.gangstagroup.com/sub/gangstagroup.com/shop/product/resized/./the-new-designers-spleen-khaki-15248.thumb_202x202.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7532102465629578}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": 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189,90 € Save: 47 %", null, "S, M\n\nThe New Designers Spleen Black\n\n99,90 € 159,90 € Save: 38 %", null, "S, L, XL\n\nThe New Designers Spleen Khaki\n\nEstablished in 2012 by Alexander Pap, The New Designers concept is a shop just like the creator, dedicated to new fashion trends : the opposite of mainstream and urban view. After a few collaborations  with young fashion passionate artists, from differents circles, Alexander Pap decided to create a community through his brand to expose these fashion geniuses to everyone and offer them the chance to express and realise their passion."], "url": "https://www.gangstagroup.com/the-new-designers/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 202, "original_width": 202, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 202, "original_width": 202, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 202, "original_width": 202, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["bab51e9a2dc6df8f091bc3d95be0835fe1a86de0c773ccd9b13e5500a3a2b1e5", 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She became a mom after the birth of her first child, Jason. She became a writer after the death of her youngest child, Emma.\n\nWhile Donna has been an active business writer for many years, she first became a published author in 2013 after she wrote Tomorrow Comes: An Emma Story in order to create a future for her 19-year-old daughter who went to sleep one night and never woke up. “In my heart,” Donna observes, “I  ...See more > could not accept that Emma – who was so vibrant, so alive, so central to so many lives – simply didn’t exist anymore.”\n\nEmma lives on in AFTER\n\nIn Tomorrow Comes, on the day Emma’s eyes fail to open here on Earth, they pop open bright and shiny in a magical, mystical place called AFTER where Emma can still be pretty much herself. But she quickly discovers some very cool differences. She has the house to herself, she can shop without money, and she can use her car to transport to wherever she wants to go. She lays clear claim to the ‘party queen’ title when she gets THE Michael Jackson to sing at an impromptu get-together in her basement.\n\nOver time, Emma develops command of new abilities that allow her to stay in touch. She observes events back in BEFORE, including her own funeral. She reads Facebook posts about how much people are missing her. She also figures out how to send signs from AFTER and connect directly with loved ones, and she uses these talents to help steer them through their grief.\n\nA one-of-a-kind-work of ‘Reality Fiction’\n\nDonna calls Tomorrow Comes a work of “reality fiction” because it captures the reality of grief that family and friends endured after Emma died at the same time that it creates an enchanting fictional world of AFTER where Emma can live on in her fun-loving, rule-bending ways.\n\nThe story is told from a variety of perspectives, weaving the storyline of Emma’s new encounters and adventures with the experiences of family members who are grappling with the heartbreak of losing her. Each perspective brings fascinating new insights and, as Kirkus Reviews sums up, “the stirring moral of each journey remains the same: it will all be OK.”\n\nBackground of the author\n\nBorn in Pennsylvania as the daughter of a US Navy Commander, Donna Mebane moved frequently in her childhood years and so developed an easy, approachable style and a warm sense of humor that helped her make new friends easily. She applies these same attributes to her writing, mixing gentle good humor with heart-breaking authenticity and simple, accessible language with profound truths about loss and hope.\n\nDonna lives with her husband, Rod, and daughter, Sarah, in Geneva, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Her son, Ben, also lives in Geneva and son, Jason, lives in Seattle. Emma is always close in spirit. Donna is currently working on a Tomorrow Comes sequel, with the working title, Tomorrow Matters.\n\nDonna Mebane welcomes queries regarding:\nAgent Representation\nEvents & Signings\nFilm Rights\nForeign Publication\nMedia Coverage\nU.S. Publication\n\nConnect with Donna Mebane\n\n\"An emotional novel about grief and the enduring power of love after death.\"\n\n– Kirkus Reviews\n\nTomorrow Comes by Donna Mebane of Geneva, 2014\n\nInterview with Donna Mebane (BloggerNews), 2014\n\nNovelist 'Breathes Life' into Deceased Daughter, 2014\n\nGeneva mom remembers, honors daughter with book, 2013", null, "Download Sample Chapter\n\nA teenager dies and discovers a new world on the other side in Mebane’s debut novel.\n\nNineteen-year-old Emma Mebane is a bubbly, well-liked college student from a close-knit Chicago-area family. She’s home from school for the summer when the unthinkable happens: She dies suddenly in her sleep. Her friends, family and community are left in a state of shock—how will they go on without her? Emma, however, can see all these events unfolding. After she awakens with her late Aunt Patsy, Grandpa and other loved ones in a place that she calls “After,” she finds that she can invisibly observe and move among her mourning family members. In the weeks following her death, Emma must learn how to balance her “before” life with her afterlife and learn how to tell her family that she is indeed OK in her world while still allowing them to move on in theirs. With help from her late relatives and other old and new friends, Emma learns that love doesn’t end when life does but in fact grows stronger. This book was inspired by the story of Mebane’s real-life daughter, also named Emma. It’s truly a labor of love, and readers can easily imagine Emma’s vivacious love of life. The novel, however, is not without flaws, as the structure can be a bit confusing. For example, each chapter is headed by a different character, a device which muddles the plotline; a more straightforward structure would likely have served the book better. The work also contains many long, hard-to-follow sections of italicized thoughts, mostly Emma’s. Overall, however, the characters are well fleshed out, and each family member offers a different perspective on the process of mourning. It’s shown to be a distinctive experience for every individual, but the stirring moral of each journey remains the same: It will all be OK."], "url": "https://www.kirkusreviews.com/author/donna-mebane/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 575, "original_height": 274, "original_width": 180, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["ce0ca8a4bab5df05a8924ab5c522e7b4831b122b9154057ae112503f9a1c0330"], "__index_level_0__": 492, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/b54aa091dca4b95c4b11c8e252867233/201512015/Will+Smith+and+Jimmy+Fallon+Beatbox+Thursday%2C+February+5.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9807358384132384}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.moviefone.com/2015/02/06/best-of-late-night-tv-will-smith-beatboxes-jeff-bridges-omming/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/b54aa091dca4b95c4b11c8e252867233/201512015/Will+Smith+and+Jimmy+Fallon+Beatbox+Thursday%2C+February+5.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/b54aa091dca4b95c4b11c8e252867233/201512015/Will+Smith+and+Jimmy+Fallon+Beatbox+Thursday%2C+February+5.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Will Smith and Jimmy Fallon Beatbox Thursday C February\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Will Smith was on \"The Tonight Show\" Thursday night. Since Jimmy Fallon is a self-described \"classically trained beatboxer,\" he and Will beatboxed to \"It Takes Two,\" using an iPad app. It took them a while to get into it, but it's good. Will also got the audience involved. It was a big night for performing to and with the audience, as you can see in other show videos below. Jeff Bridges - who has to be one of the best people on our planet - was on \"Conan\" and talked about his Super Bowl ad. You should watch his \"Epic Omming Session\" with Conan, Andy and the audience. It goes on for a while and Conan checks his watch about halfway through. Jeff also shared a bizarre \"Big Lebowski\" story. Turns out he had a rather R-rated prank pulled on him during The Dude's dream sequence. Lily Collins was also on \"Conan,\" and it turns out she and Jeff Bridges are both big fans of Renaissance Faire. She also revealed in an interview that she would like to be a master baker, and she realized afterward that it sounded kind of dirty. Magic Johnson was on \"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" to discuss his first NBA title (35 years ago!) and he shared some advice for the Lakers, including \"if you're going to be bad, but all the way bad so we can get a good draft pick.\" Magic and Jimmy also played some wiffle ball - with Guillermo as catcher - so check that out. Let's just say there's a reason he's best known for basketball. Scotty Foley was on \"Jimmy Kimmel Live\" to talk about \"Scandal\" and how he tries to break the tension on set. He also discussed his odd Twitter fight with William Shatner. Scott thinks he turned Shatner from a hater into a \"Scandal\" fan. Seth Meyers will probably relive last night in his dreams, many times over, since he got to hang out with Victoria's Secret supermodels Candice Swanepoel and Lily Aldridge. They discussed how dangerous the giant wings are during VS shows, showing how Ariana Grande got hit by one. Former SNL-er Brooks Whelan was also on \"Late Night\" and he was upset to miss the \"babes\" who were on the couch before him. Martin Short was on \"Late Show with David Letterman\" and he arrived on stage singing \"Fly Me Through the Room\" as he did just that on wires. Great intro! Martin is always a good time, and he talked about his book, dishing on a hilarious drunken dinner he had with Nick Nolte. He also shared a story about working with Larry David at SNL. Martin was only on one season, '84-'85. \"The Late Late Show\" has a series of guest hosts and right now John Mayer is hosting. Thursday night, Bob Saget, Bob Weir and Mary Lynn Rajskub were guests. John and Bob Saget reminisced about when they met and did stand-up. Mary Lynn played a song she wrote about John. To close the show, John and Bob Weir performed \"Althea.\""], "url": "https://www.moviefone.com/2015/02/06/best-of-late-night-tv-will-smith-beatboxes-jeff-bridges-omming/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 350, "original_width": 660, "width": 712}], "image_hashes": ["f4b3d8234c81972615b58eca67766a0f0e211f8a5cb064ea32900c338bea628a"], "__index_level_0__": 493, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://img.rt.com/files/oldfiles/politics/lukashenko-political-prisoners-west/lukashenko-aleksandr-675.jpg", null], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9686068892478944}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.rt.com/politics/lukashenko-political-prisoners-west/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/oldfiles/politics/lukashenko-political-prisoners-west/lukashenko-aleksandr-675.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://img.rt.com/files/oldfiles/politics/lukashenko-political-prisoners-west/lukashenko-aleksandr-675.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"lukashenko aleksandr\", \"alt_text\": \"Lukashenko ready to send political prisoners to the West\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Aleksandr Lukashenko (AFP Photo / Belta / Pool / Gennady Semyonov) / AFP\nThe Belarusian president will “buy a ticket tomorrow” for all political prisoners in the country if Western states are willing to accommodate them.\nTagsConflict, Protest, Politics, Europe, Human rights, Belarus, Law, Lukashenko\n\n­This is not an issue for Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko said during a working trip to the city of Shklov in Mogilev Region on Thursday. The West may take political prisoners if it is so concerned about them, he said. The president promised to take a decision and send them all in one wagon, “including those who are free today and making a humming noise in the [public] squares.”\n\nLukashenko was referring to those participating in the Revolution Through Social Networks, which is currently unfolding in Belarus. Silent protesters take to the main streets and squares, expressing their dissatisfaction with the current economic and political situation just by standing, walking or clapping.\n\nThe Belarusian leader said he was even ready even to expel the protesters “in a flash” by plane if the West wanted them. At the same time, he noted that in accordance with the law, there are no political prisoners in Belarus. He recalled that some 600 people had been detained during protest rallies following the presidential election in December last year. About 30 of them were sentenced by the courts for organizing riots or public disorder, he noted.\n\nBelarus is not refusing to take part in consultations as proposed by Poland’s Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, Lukashenko said, though he later went on to contradicted himself. “Maybe [Sikorski] has understood that he is guilty himself, that it is not we who have created this situation here,” Lukashenko said. “Maybe this is a signal, we do not refuse signals, it’s just that we don’t need any consultations.”\n\nBut the president noted he would not exchange those detained for taking part in protest rallies for talks with Western countries. “These are people, bad or good, these are the fates of humans,” he noted.\n\nSikorski had earlier urged the Belarusian authorities to free all political prisoners in exchange for consultations as a way to overcome the current economic crisis in Belarus.\n\nOn Wednesday, police detained a record number of silent protesters who took part in recent events as a part of the Revolution Through Social Networks. The protest actions took place in Minsk, Mogilyov, Grodno, Vitebsk, Brest, Bobruisk and other Belarusian cities."], "url": "https://www.rt.com/politics/lukashenko-political-prisoners-west/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 300, "original_width": 400, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["18e07a9e703bf4077f6dab030261e2145ad74ad506669dce319b06fe8671b3bd"], "__index_level_0__": 494, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.scorpion.co/images/Blog/Authors/Jordan-Wilson[1].jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.9553931951522828}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.scorpion.co/franchise-marketing/2015/how-online-marketing-can-help-you-beat-out-your-/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/Blog/offers/SF-blog-graphic-OnlineReviews.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.scorpion.co/images/Blog/offers/SF-blog-graphic-OnlineReviews.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"SF blog graphic OnlineReviews\"}, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.scorpion.co/franchise-marketing/2015/how-online-marketing-can-help-you-beat-out-your-/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/Blog/Authors/Jordan-Wilson[1].jpg\", \"src\": \"https://www.scorpion.co/images/Blog/Authors/Jordan-Wilson[1].jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"Jordan Wilson[ ]\"}, null]", "texts": ["Whether you're just starting out as a local franchisee owner or you have decades experience in the industry, there's always room for improvement. Better equipment, more efficient techniques, and a larger base of loyal customers – these are the components that will keep your business going strong. And they are the same components that must be incorporated into your online marketing campaign, especially if you want to beat out local competitors.\n\nThe Problem\n\nHow do people make a decision when choosing your business over another one in the area – or vice versa? Years ago, they might look in the phone book or ask friends and family for a reference, but more and more they're relying on the Internet.\n\nSavvy customers pull out their laptops and smartphones to search their town's name and the service they need. And they’ll likely end up with a long list of search results that includes not only your business, but many of your competitors as well. The big question here is, why should they choose your business over a competitor’s?\n\nThe Opportunity\n\nThis is where your business's online image and reputation comes in. The competition your local franchise faces is a golden opportunity to grow your business's online presence. You can use a number of strategies:\n\nThe Solution\n\nA franchise isn't an army of one. To run your business successfully, you may already utilize additional resources such as equipment suppliers, a mobile bookkeeper, and many other entities. It may be time to think about another piece of this puzzle: a company that can create a strong online presence and compelling marketing campaign.\n\nYour money is valuable and so is your time. Sure, you could take a shot in the dark and create your own website. You could even try to manage your own campaign on Google Adwords. However, if your efforts don’t work, the reputation of your local franchise branch could take a significant hit (and your competitors will look a little – if not a lot – better). There are no sure things in business, but the better bet is to consult with experienced professionals who solve problems like yours every day.", null], "url": "https://www.scorpion.co/franchise-marketing/2015/how-online-marketing-can-help-you-beat-out-your-/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 168, "original_width": 168, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["6035e2431c56327a396d5579a986160eb0e329025b2b9cc2dcbf313db1ac7fa7"], "__index_level_0__": 495, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://www.stlyrics.com/images/ama/setitoff_4614.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8439056873321533}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/setitoff/angel.htm\", \"unformatted_src\": \"/images/desktop/fb_gr.png\", \"src\": \"https://www.stlyrics.com/images/desktop/fb_gr.png\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fb gr\", \"rendered_width\": 26, \"rendered_height\": 26}, {\"document_url\": 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Remember to come back to check for updates to this guide and much more content for Tom Clancy's The Division\n\nA Guide to The Division\n\nBy testuser\nPrint this page More Guides\n\nAchievements / Trophies\nFollow this guide to hear about updates\nThe guide is a work in progress and will be updated regularly\n\nThis is our guide to playing and surviving a city of dangerous challenges and opportunities to help.\n\nThe game opens with a slick video showing the start and spread of a virus through New York and the subsequent breakdown of society. Leading to the activation of the Division agents and finally to your own activation, finishing in the character customisation interface.\n\nTom Clancy's The Division Game Introduction Video\nTop of\nGuide Menu\n\nASK A QUESTION for Tom Clancy's The Division\n\nComments for Introduction\n\n1Game Glitches and punishment\n\n1Daily challenge\n\n2Open Beta play - what do you think?"], "url": "https://www.supercheats.com/the-division/walkthrough/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 160, "original_width": 160, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["a69cf93c8e02c16f65e710db874741cd17d8cbc51bdb011a6b4fb02f4ddc57ea"], "__index_level_0__": 498, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": [null, "https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.thepeanutshop.com/images/LEFTPROMO_5-17-16.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.8611164093017578}, "metadata": "[null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://www.thepeanutshop.com/category/gluten-free-nuts\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.thepeanutshop.com/images/LEFTPROMO_5-17-16.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.thepeanutshop.com/images/LEFTPROMO_5-17-16.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"LEFTPROMO\"}, null]", "texts": ["Gluten Free\n\nPage [1]  2  3  4  5    View All\n\nWe are proud to say many of our items contain no gluten ingredients. 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I’m Blue, one of the writing leaders. It’s kinda impossible to show off any of my writing for this project without spoiling things, so in celebration of 10k follows I did the only other thing I’m good at… which is science.\n\nThe picture above is of glow-in-the-dark bacteria that I grew in the shape of our logo! This bioluminescent bacteria is called Vibrio fischeri, which is closely related to the same microorganisms that cause cholera. It was lovingly painted on an MH agar plate and left to incubate in our lab for 24 hours before this picture was taken.\n\nAside from showing you some cool bacteria, I mainly wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks to all 10k of you for supporting us. This project is near and dear to my heart and it means a lot to me that so many of you are cheering us on. Thank you! <3\n\n- @bluewuf\n\nundertale undertale dating simulator undertale dating sim\n140 notes\n\n#Bobtailsquid are masters of disguise!\n\nSpecialised mucous glands allow them to glue sand and shells to their head and upper body. At night they use a light organ in their gill cavity which contains special glowing bacteria. The bacteria are fed sugars by the squid in return for making light. The organ contains filters which may alter the wavelength of luminescence closer to that of downwelling moonlight and starlight, thus allowing the squid to cancel its silhouette and remain undetected as it swims above upward-looking predators.\n\n#cephalopod #squid #cuttlefish #edithburgh #southaustralia #australia #ocean #animal #underwater #yorkepeninsula #underwatervideo #oceanvideos\n\nunderwater underwatervideo bobtailsquid yorkepeninsula squid cuttlefish australia edithburgh oceanvideos animal southaustralia ocean cephalopod\n398 notes", "Made with Instagram", null, null, null, null, "Nature to illuminate research\n\nImage credits: Terry Priest, s58y, Cassandra Stowe", null, "by the way this is the GENETICALLY MODIFIED GLOWING BACTERIA that I, a humble 18 year old biology student, CREATED over the last 2 days\n\nhow FREAKING AWESOME is that I can’t believe we literally transferred genes from a jellyfish into (harmless) E.coli bacteria in a goddamn SCHOOL LAB the future is now\n\n(To be fair we cheated because the gene for fluorescence had already been taken from jellyfish DNA and put into plasmids for us, we just got the bacteria to take in the plasmids, which is the easy part. But still)\n\ndraco speaks\n6 notes\nNew Research Shows That Bioluminescence Evolved Frequently in Fish\n\nLearn more about this research.\n\nbioluminescence New Research biofluorescence fish ichthyology\n1,096 notes", null, null, "Angel’s glow at the Battle of Shiloh,\n\nOne of the bloodiest battles of the early American Civil War, the Battle of Shiloh in April of 1862 left over 16,000 wounded men on the battlefield.  Due to the inadequacy of medical care, which was completely unprepared in handling mass casualties, many wounded men were left lying on the battlefield for hours, even days.  The area around Shiloh was a very wet, swampy area, and there was constant rain.  Many wounded men lied for hours in fetid mud swampy puddles.  When collecting the wounded, many at Shiloh on both sides noted that countless of the wounded had wounds that would glow a faint green.  In addition, medics and surgeons noted that those who had the glowing wounds tended to have a higher survival rate, tended to heal and recover faster, and tended to have less scarring after the wound had healed.  The mystery of the glowing wounds almost seemed paranormal, a miracle that could only be done by God.  Thus, many referred to the phenomenon that occurred that night as “angel’s glow”. The cause of angel’s glow remained a mystery.\n\nThen in 2001 two teenagers named William Martin and Jonathan Curtis found an answer.  When the two students learned that their microbiologist mother was experimenting with a type of luminescent bacteria called Photorhabdus luminescens, they came up with a theory for their local high school science fair.  After researching P. luminescens and researching the conditions of the Shiloh battlefield, they found an amazing answer.\n\nP. luminescens is a luminescent bacteria that glow faint green when exposed to light and oxygen.  It is commonly found in the gut of small worms called nematodes, which tend to live in wet and muddy areas.   Nematodes feed by burrowing into insects and secreting P. luminescens to kill them.  The nematode then feeds at will.  The wet and swampy conditions at Shiloh, combined with plenty of warm bodies with open wounds were perfect conditions for nematode propagation.  Eventually, wounded soldiers lying in the mud would have picked up theses nematodes and been infected with P. luminescens, causing glowing green wounds.  The cold conditions of Tennessee in the early spring have also helped P. luminescens to grow and propagate as they live better in cold conditions.  While generally, bacterial infections are generally bad for wounds, P. luminescens will fight off other invading bacteria to protect their nematode hosts.  Hence, those infected fared much better than other soldiers who were not.\n\nI love it when History and Science meld together for a good story.\n\nhistory science civil war battle of shiloh angels glow nematodes P. luminescens wounds wounded biology microbiology\n1,076 notes\nFor the au!\n\nPemprika’s au for mermaid mika got me like “damn boi!” And even though I’m exhausted I just have to write what comes to mind. Though it’s been a while since I’ve checked in on the ons fandom I hope I’ve still got a grasp on these two. I’ll be putting them in older ages that way I can work more emotionally with them. Hope you enjoy~\n\nHe had the most pristine color of green eyes, Mikaela had ever seen someone have. He could recall just so fondly how bright they were in the sun, the way, Yuu’s eyes would appear to sparkle when he became excited or how they hardened with his determination to succeed.\n\nSo many years ago, Mikaela could remember being so happy, so elated to have found a friend in the unlikeliest of individuals. A Mermaid himself there were strict rules that his guardian, krul, set forth in order to keep both peace and safety for the inhabiting species just below the oceans clear surface. Poor Mikaela never understood back then in his youth just what kind of danger he put himself in.\n\nBut was it so bad to simply yearn for the sun so directly? wish so desperately to be above the waters top and see the world above the fish and coral reefs or the rocky cascades of the coves? Surely not, but for someone like him, someone who belonged to the ocean, that was far to much to ask for, as simple as it may have sounded. Originally, Mikaela, had been cautious during his secret explorations to the shallow waters by the beaches edge. With each visit he would become steadily braver and dare get closer with each new appearance until gradually he’d self proclaimed a few larger rocks as his territory. HIS space to visit.\n\nThe day he met that human sitting upon the rocks just by his usual surfacing sight Mika swore he’d never seen someone, or something as enamoring as that young boy who’s thoughts and nose were buried in the pages of parchment tightly bound between a books spine. He knew, Yuu-Chan was human, and he also knew that he wanted nothing more than to get closer and know this human. It was the first he’d ever seen with his own eyes! How amazing he thought, Yuu, was.\n\nSure it had been nothing more than an accidental meeting. A poor choice in timing on the mermaids fault for he hadn’t bothered to check if anyone was nearby. Mika could see every detail of, Yuu’s surprised face from that time as his mouth hung open in shock, his eyes blown wide with wonder. At first, Mika had wanted to tell the young human to flee before he’s drag him down into the water and ruin whatever he was reading, but something in those green eyes, those beautiful green wonder filled eyes, halted his thoughts.\n\nNow years later, Mikeala pondered over whether it would have been far more beneficial to have done just that. But of course no, his own curiosity lead him to question, talk with, and befriend the human. The books he would read would be so foreign to Mika that most of their visits consisted of, yuu-chan, teaching Mika to read human Japanese scripture. There were so many characters to memorize Mikaela found himself wanting to learn more! See more of this world that he was denied seeing!\n\nFor weeks, months, perhaps even a year or two, the two boys continued to meet by their same sight of interest, those jagged but comfortable hiding rocks on the beachside. Every day was better than the one before. Yuu- chan would babble on about something of the human world and Mika himself would find himself entranced by his friends voice that he had vague thoughts that he’d be content only ever listening to the human speak, whichever tone he so chose to use.\n\nThe sun would set and by that time the two would separate, promising the other of their next time to meet up. Jose days were a blessed in Mika’s memory, the very thought of those times filled Mika’s heart even now with immense joy that he longed to feel again. To think that it all fell apart within a few days. Such a befitting tragic way to lose it all.\n\nMika cursed his impatience during that week. He’d gone on so much to krul about how cute, how exciting, how interesting his new friend was. Krul seemed more than overjoyed to notice his sudden change in mood at the prospect of finally finding himself bonding with someone else\n\nAs happy as he was to tell krul of all the wonderful things he and yuu-chan had some together that in itself proved to be Mika’s one mistake aside from befriending yuu-chan. Days later, impatient with his human friends delayed arrival Mika had decided he would swim up the ocean side where a small stream led into the nearby wooded area. He never dared go this far up to where humans resides but seeing all the beautiful plants and trees the sunset would light with beautiful hues of reds and oranges, Mika wanted only to go further and further up stream.\n\nThe sound of laughter made the mermaid flinch at first and so he hid himself behind a large stone and peered out from behind it. Three human children walked over what yuu-Chan informed him was called a bridge. A creation used by humans to cross over large open spaces without falling into them. Out of all the voices one stood out. Was it his yuu-chan he heard? Further peeking proved his ears to be right. His assumption it was his human friend was spot on.\n\nSomething about the scene before him however caused an uprise in emotions that Mika wasn’t familiar with all to much. Yuu-chan was smiling, laughing even with these other humans. He looked to get along so well with them.\n\nSo….naturally. He fit in with these other children much better and conversation appeared much easier for him. Mika guessed that yuu-chan perhaps had become distracted by these other humans and the fun they were having that he forgot that today was the end of the week, the day they were to meet up and talk after yuu-chan finished his studies. Mood sullied and furthermore downcast, Mikeala decided he would visit and old underwater cavern system in which it’s only air pocket was a hole in the rocks above where the moon wild shine and brighten up the glowing sea life bacteria that lived there.\n\nThe memory of yuu-Chan smiling made his chest ache so tightly that Mika would hunch over his rock with eyes stinging in unknown sadness. Remaining under the full milk for hours it dawned on the mermaid that the very real reality of his friendship with the human was that no matter how much he wished or wanted to be like Yuu. It was hopeless to assume, to hope that everything would be perfect and they could always be together. Mika was a mermaid, yuuichiro a human. Two young boys who belonged to very different worlds with vastly different rules.\n\nMikaela loved krul dearly, with all his heart he cares fondly for the woman who took her time to raise and spoke Mika with a variety of things as he grew up. However that night he realized how much he wanted to be with Yuu but couldn’t his world and his small dream wills only crumble further.\n\nUpset with his dangerous and deceitful withholding of information of who Yuu-chan was, his outrageous behavior to go to the surface by himself when he cooks get hurt, krul deemed Mika fit for punishment.“\n\n“Mika…for such a decision from someone as innocent as you, this is unforgivable. You will not be allowed to wonder by yourself or go to the surface ever again.”\n\nThat simple foul swoop of words crushed Mika’s heart. How could she do that to him if she knew how dear yuuichiro was to him? Yuu-chan made him happy, yes he was now saddened at knowing they’d never be the same, but still Yuu-chan was a very dearly loved friend of his.\n\nNow, years later, Mika understood that krul did so only out of worry and to keep her beloved ‘child’ safe. Yes he spent days crying to himself in his chambers, tears blending with the salty water of the ocean, he understood her reasoning behind it all. Mika dared only once sneak out to the meeting site. There he found his favorite book that Yuu-chan would bring for him. The green book with that funny twist in chapter three. Yuu-charm had left it for him to look at while he wasn’t there.\n\nMika treasured the book when he took it below into the oceans depths with him. Yuu-chan took the time to carefully laminate the pages so water wouldn’t ruin the writing. The mermaid spent days reading the book, and even years letting his eyes wander over the pages endlessly whenever he wanted to escape reality.\n\nFour years went by before Mika even knew it. Not once had he gone to the surface. He hardly smiled during his time away from the surface for it just didn’t seem right. He didn’t want to smile, his joy had been taken away from him in the name of protection even thought not once did he ever feel like he was in danger. Mika often wondered if, Yuu-chan still visited the old meeting site. Did Yuu-chan miss him? Had the human been worried when he didn’t show up for so long ask give up after a while of no visits?\n\nDid he find happiness among the other humans that chatted with him so delightfully that day years ago in the past? Mika hoped so, and at the same time he didn’t want that. He wanted Yuu-chan to be happy around Mika only. Where Mika could indulge himself and selfishly keep Yuu’s bright smile to himself and only him.\n\nOne day, by sheer luck, Krul appeared to no longer stand seeing Mika go without smiling or appear happy. Yes she knew he wanted to go up the the world above and see all he’d learned and dreamed about again, but she was frightened that someone would occur that would take her beloved Mika away. Yet despite this Mika’s unhappiness proved to win over her judgement. So for one day and one day only, Mika was granted leave of his sparring with the soldiers of the guard and given a pass to go to the surface until the moon began to rise above the water.\n\nTold this whilst reading, shock and pure anxiousness Welled inside of Mika until he couldn’t tolerate it for a second longer. He’d irate I’m his chambers and Alan his old memorized route to the surface that brought him to his old territory. Bursting from the surface, Mika could feel his pupils shrink considerably as the direct rays of the Suns light struck his eyes. The feeling was a minor welcomes inconvenience.\n\nNot a single thing had changed about his old favorite spot. The waters were still clear, the rocks still as large and flat for sitting despite being s little work away now from the assaults of extremely salty water. Mika wanted to cry tears of joy. His heart soared with bittersweet happiness. Yes to be back he was feeling better than he had in so long but casting a glance to a single rock, one where he could still picture a smiling young Yuu-chan, his heart only ached more.\n\nHe was alone here. There was nobody else now. Clutching his treasured book tightly Mika swam to the closest rock and hauled himself over onto its warm flat surface until only the mere edge of his tail fin remained below the water. Again for the probably thousandth time, Mika began to read the book carefully, turning each page gently and committing the words to memory.\n\nThe suns position in the sky had barely changed when his ears caught the sound of scraping shoes against rock sediment. Spooked and worried about being found out so early into his reunion with the world above, he dropped the book and quickly dragged himself into the water with as little sound as he could manage.\n\nHe let at least a few seconds go by until deciding to go to a nearby rock to hide behind and look around its side to see who it was that wondered over to this usually abandoned place. Well now it probably wasn’t years later but when he was younger it was. Getting a moderately good look, Mika determined it was a human, a young man, more than likely around his same age, fifteen or am sixteen years old.\n\nThey were wearing a faded green jacket and dark swim trunks. Their hair an absolute mess with ravenous cowlicks seemingly stuck there without any hope of smoothing them down. The human had their back to them. He heard them grumble about something, then notice something just beside their foot.\n\nHis book! Mika clutched the rock he was hiding behind. How could he have dropped it! That was his one treasure and he just let it fall during his panic like an idiot. Torn between fleeing and keeping under water and Saying something, Mika chose to watch the humans behavior slowly change. They picked up the book with shaking hands, flipping through its pages rapidly and murmuring softly to much for Mika to make out.\n\nWas something up with them? Were they confused to find a book there? Without hesitation the human closed the book and looked out over the ocean, and in a desperate voice yelled\n\nShocked to hear his name Mikeala shrank further behind the rock. Only one big could know of his name and be human and where his heart and mind both raced, he remained still behind the rock, never uttering a sound.\n\n“MIKA?! Where are you?! I know you’re out there! Please…please come talk to me!” Of course Mika knew who it was. Yuu sank to his knees, his voice cracking slightly as he pleaded his old friend come and speak to him just once more. After so long and so many days. Why would he not appear?\n\n“I’ve come every day.” He hiccuped. “For four years I came here waiting for you. Why won’t you come and talk to me anymore?” Yuu turned around to sit on the rock, leaning his side against the incline of it, his face pitiful and heartbreaking. There were tears collecting in his eye, and his face reflecting deep sorrow.\n\n“Did I say something to upset you? I’m sorry if I did.” Oh his voice just kept getting quieter and worse sounding the more he forced it as he tried not to cry.\n\nMika wanted so badly to go and wipe those tears away from Yuu’s cheeks. Assure him that he did nothing wrong and he still held Yuu-chan deeply in his heart above all others. It was his only day on the surface…but.\n\nMika knew better. “I’m sorry, yuu-chan.” They just couldn’t be together and neither of them would ever probably find full happiness but that’s how unfair the world was where two different worlds diverged into existence. Silently Mika watched yuu sit upon the rock, sniffling and running at his eyes as he looked through the book again.\n\nLike this, as unfulfilling as it was, Mika decided this was enough. Watching yuu-Chan simply live, breathing and moving around in front of him. Knowing deep down that he left this kind of impact on someone he cared so much for that they were in tears for him. About him.\n\nYuu-chan missed him and he yuu-chan. But their worlds were not the same and they could not exist in the same life together like they wanted. They would never find happiness for it was not in their fate. For hours Mika sneakily would place shells around the rock when yuu-chan wasn’t looking. Picking ones in the color he remembered to be the other boys favorite. Each new she’ll caused more tears and more pleas doe Mika to come up and speak. To show any sign that he was there.\n\nHis last day on the surface, until the very same moon rose over the water, Mika found a bittersweet love in those tears that he caused yuu-chan to spill over him. Yuu-chan, exhausted, picked up every she’ll that had mysteriously but obviously been left for him on the rocks edge. There was a green one, a deep night sky black, and a pristine blue one resembling a calming and familiar hue.\n\nThat night Mika watches yuu-chan leave their meeting site, still rubbing his nose, but his hoodie pocket stuffed with shells and the book under his arm.\n\n“I give you my upmost loved treasure, yuu-chan. I wish we could be more but I can only watch you walk away from me. I hope….that one day. We can find happiness, somewhere in the future, or maybe the next life.” Mika’s throat began to ache when he sank back into the water and swam home.\n\nHis last day on the surface was one that left a bad taste in his mouth.\n\n“What a bittersweet way to end it all, huh Mika?” Yuu-chan looked over to ocean every day and night for another possible ‘mysterious’ visit. But none came. “Let’s be friends again, Mika. The next time we meet.”\n\nI may write a happier ending but I like hurting these two. A lot. Haha. Ok now for sleep.\n\nsubmission ons mermaid au submission AAAAYYYYY BRUH NICE!!!!!!! I LOVE ANGST SO MUCH! no mika don't do this :-((( thank you for reviving the mermaid AU for me! i want to restart this AU again so maybe i might be able to draw more of it this week! aaaaa thank you for writing this i love it a lot! this inspired me to possibly /attempt/ to write but we'll see about that thank you for inspiring me you're amazing!!! pemprika replies fynx-mirideon\n184 notes", null, "Requested by @megazaprat\n\nBioluminescence seems to be a common trope in pokémon, from Lanturn to Starmie and now Watchog! Animals (and pokémon) might need to light up for a number of reasons. To attract prey, to see in the dark, to camouflage, to threaten predators, or send warnings to the rest of their pack.\n\nIn short, it’s a chemical reaction, similar to a glowstick (but with different chemicals. The chemical luciferin reacts with oxygen, to produce light! Many fish (like an anglerfish) enlist the help of bacteria to get the luciferin they need to glow.\n\nDifferent chemicals can give off different colors of light, but the most common are blues and greens, because those colors travel the farthest underwater, more than 80% of all luminescent species life in the deep water. In fact, bioluminescence is used almost exclusively used by salt water animals, with a few exceptions in fireflies and some fungus. Fungi and bacteria glow continuously when the process is triggered. Algae and other animal species flash instead.\n\nBut Watchog is a mammal. The first glow-in-the-dark mammal was actually a mouse, from a Stanford project in 1995 which extracted the glowing-genes from bacteria and successfully put them into the mouse.\n\nSo, it’s possible that Watchog might have its own genes to make it glow. The glowing parts of Watchogs body, its stripes, would be the equivalent of a Firefly’s light generating organ.\n\nAlternatively, Watchog might use some other creature to help make the light, like how fish use bacteria to get the glow. Perhaps Watchog uses a glowing fungus or algae, which grows in its fur like certain algaes do in sloths. Watchog could clean and groom its fur, keeping some areas clean and the stripes full of glow. Decorator crabs, vultures, and certain insects have been known to cover themselves with pieces of coral, miscellaneous human trash, red soil, and even the carcasses of their prey for aesthetic purposes. Watchog might do it with glowing algae!\n\nIn any case, their shine helps them scare off predators and navigate the dark tunnels they dig. So Watchog seems to have it figured out.\n\nWatchog uses a chemical reaction, possibly created by bacteria or algae, to glow. Flashing its patterns helps scare of predators, and helps them see in the dark underground.\n\nwatchog pokemon scientificpokedex bioluminescence pokemon science Professor Julie\n153 notes", "I created this piece during my Molecular Illustration course. We performed a bacterial transformation which produced E.coli bacteria that glowed in the dark. This process is explained in my piece and it also explains how the bacterial transformation process can be used to create human insulin. This piece is a 2 page spread designed to fit in a magazine like National Geographic.\n\nscience scientific illustration science art biology biomedical art Biomedical Illustration animals human human anatomy bacteria ecoli molecular molecular illustration Illustration insulin anatomy\n287 notes\n\nanonymous asked:\n\nHave you ever read about the Angel's Glow? Glowing wounds in Civil War soldiers during the.. battle of Shiloh I believe. It's pretty neat to read about.", "yes! I wrote for mental_floss online for a while, and that’s one of my favorite historical oddities I learned about from them. :3 They have a great short online synopsis about it, as well as a piece in one of their first books.\n\nand yes, it was the Battle of Shiloh - the retreat to the swamps was where the bacteria naturally grew. I’ve made a note to do a proper post on this sometime.\n\nangel glow battle of shiloh civil war bacteria weird to do note to self\n108 notes", null, null, "Glow in the dark bacteria in the Nyholm lab\n\ncool science science bacteria glowing bacteria", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Out of the darkness\n\nSome of the darkest places on Earth sparkle with light thanks to a curious natural phenomenon known as bioluminescence."], "url": "https://www.tumblr.com/search/glowing%20bacteria", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 281, "original_width": 500, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 333, "original_width": 500, "width": 567}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 376, "original_width": 500, "width": 502}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 332, "original_width": 500, "width": 569}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 375, "original_width": 500, "width": 504}, 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So sad! How's about taking them out once in a while....\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/bhattingh20/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/dd/82/2b/dd822bb9a267984cf2934ea6d3a052ef.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/dd/82/2b/dd822bb9a267984cf2934ea6d3a052ef.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"dd bb a cf ea d a ef\", \"alt_text\": \"every child quotes quote family quote family quotes parent quotes mother quotes\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/bhattingh20/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f1/af/d4/f1afd496a7c141735a1b253403334a19.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f1/af/d4/f1afd496a7c141735a1b253403334a19.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f afd a c a b a\", \"alt_text\": \"So proud of and thankful to have a man so wise and unafraid to stand up for all his beliefs, knowing that the kingdom of the Lord will have the ultimate power. 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Welcome to NC where one day it's hot, the next day it's not!!\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/bhattingh20/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/46/23/70/4623704d016e515968d8bac62c706a7f.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/46/23/70/4623704d016e515968d8bac62c706a7f.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d e d bac c a f\", \"alt_text\": \"picture quotes about being alone | How To Overcome Loneliness and A Fear Of Being Single! | rohan7things\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/bhattingh20/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/85/f2/e3/85f2e3715ac41970569273fbd2a1f8ac.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/85/f2/e3/85f2e3715ac41970569273fbd2a1f8ac.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f e ac fbd a f ac\", \"alt_text\": \"This is so true - Take care of you and the people that matter to you - everyone else, let go!!!!\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/bhattingh20/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a6/c8/22/a6c822525f78ddfa6e2a59ccce09d760.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a6/c8/22/a6c822525f78ddfa6e2a59ccce09d760.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"a c f ddfa e a ccce d\", \"alt_text\": \"This is an excellent site for people who can relate... Link verified - Sanctuary for the Abused: THE SMEAR CAMPAIGN - Hallmark of a Narcissist or Sociopath\"}, null, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/bhattingh20/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/35/e8/47/35e847c25e8f58c2184a652deba0b443.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/35/e8/47/35e847c25e8f58c2184a652deba0b443.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e c e f c a deba b\", \"alt_text\": \"No wonder people come and go out of your life all of the time. You are a horrible manipulative self important ungrateful lazy lying sack of shit. All you had to do was think about someone other than yourself once in a while.\"}, null]", "texts": [null, null, "Mother of the Year, Not! So sad! How's about taking them out once in a while....", null, "Parent QuotesChild QuotesQuotes ChildrenSo SadParentsKidsSo TrueFavorite QuotesAmenFeelings\n\nevery child quotes quote family quote family quotes parent quotes mother quotes", null, "Some PeopleOther PeopleAmenDr. WhoTruthsWisdomFavorite QuotesSo TrueTrue LoveThoughtsOthersThe LoveWords\n\nSo proud of and thankful to have a man so wise and unafraid to stand up for all his beliefs, knowing that the kingdom of the Lord will have the ultimate power. And as from the beginnig, I will stand behind his decisions always with love and support as and Godly partner should want to do :) #blessedblessedblessed #amazed at the bond between this father and son :)", null, "Funny WeatherBipolar QuotesBipolar FunnyBipolar DisorderDisordersAnimal HumorFunny AnimalsSmileFunny StuffColors", null, "Being Alone Quotes Single LifeMeant To Be Alone QuotesLove Being SingleLoneliness PicturesOvercoming LonelinessBeing Alone Is BetterSingle Quotes FunnyPlay HousesOne Sided Relationship\n\npicture quotes about being alone | How To Overcome Loneliness and A Fear Of Being Single! | rohan7things", null, null, "This is an excellent site for people who can relate... Link verified - Sanctuary for the Abused: THE SMEAR CAMPAIGN - Hallmark of a Narcissist or Sociopath", "Makeup TricksBeauty TricksMakeup IdeasBeauty SecretsBeauty 101Eye Makeup TutorialsBeauty TutorialsBeauty ProductsGood TutorialsMakeupFashionHairstylesAdviceWorkshopMasksTruthManicureDesignHairShadowsBeautiful EyebrowsCreativeCrafts\n\nEvery girl should know", null, "Appreciation QuotesBe ThankfulGrateful ForRelationship QuotesRelationships HumorReal TalkLife LessonsLife Lesson QuotesQuote LifeLuis BorgesDayProverbs\n\nNo wonder people come and go out of your life all of the time. You are a horrible manipulative self important ungrateful lazy lying sack of shit. All you had to do was think about someone other than yourself once in a while."], "url": "https://za.pinterest.com/bhattingh20/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 232, "original_width": 236, "width": 384}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 354, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 151, "original_width": 236, "width": 590}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 220, "original_width": 236, "width": 405}, {"height": 472, "original_height": 295, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 197, "original_width": 236, "width": 452}, {"height": 472, "original_height": 295, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 236, "original_width": 236, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["cde3b8468e84a8a215273e2bea41e30519488f4c7c731395af8f0f90d10592b5", "520ffc87b8f328380ced6e98adf6c6706698c5968e94e01486aab2feb8da24cb", "d31e4a69b633fe49a1fc78a878a7070f647f76e9321e78c163d514d4e64ca4e5", "cecb8aed7eac0e22ec58e3ddc00f6ddd6110a20710fb9f5352c93840630e6bef", "36dd9e4b98f028799cd3549d575099579c7f8f93fa6dc3dc606d80f234a6ae5b", "ef657f134b1897739ffb7bed3865251e148281c3604f9c358bec15f6ba8e5169", "e53897d17dc8e7b2b8f5911d745a62c6a73a54c8a66a58f3e955979d1176f6df", "bf92d8edaec18b5273195580ed8be5a57c060b8544b0972dbc570c5a4148e3d1", "cffbda251d725a7bc36914465676afc1b76e00cf62e49b5e4b52864fdae3ba49"], "__index_level_0__": 501, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/40/c7/6e/40c76ea80aae9dace286fd69834cee87.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3e/20/67/3e20676dd438a0987237562201a01384.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b9/f4/05/b9f4059804f506f44f46f15a03045b8c.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4e/d9/ec/4ed9ec31a57c32e7a1d703a029ac5385.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/c9/bb/94/c9bb94d9378f95b1e79398757eaf1a9c.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/e4/ff/d7/e4ffd73829d2020141971b388cb4a046.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/44/9d/fe/449dfe5456263d9540f336c434cab26e.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7b/0e/61/7b0e61933876af3321cc5ae4ab3f2ed7.jpg", "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/64/ed/8f/64ed8f3a9395200e7fbab19112148576.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7301711440086365}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/nikon-sb600/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/40/c7/6e/40c76ea80aae9dace286fd69834cee87.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/40/c7/6e/40c76ea80aae9dace286fd69834cee87.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"c ea aae dace fd cee\", \"alt_text\": \"Nikon SB600 - Modo Manual\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/nikon-sb600/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3e/20/67/3e20676dd438a0987237562201a01384.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3e/20/67/3e20676dd438a0987237562201a01384.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"e dd a a\", \"alt_text\": \"The Nikon SB600 has been discontinued from production but still remains my most versatile workhorse flash for on-camera and off-camera work.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/nikon-sb600/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b9/f4/05/b9f4059804f506f44f46f15a03045b8c.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b9/f4/05/b9f4059804f506f44f46f15a03045b8c.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b f f f f f a b c\", \"alt_text\": \"Nikon SB600 Speedlight Over view\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/nikon-sb600/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4e/d9/ec/4ed9ec31a57c32e7a1d703a029ac5385.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4e/d9/ec/4ed9ec31a57c32e7a1d703a029ac5385.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ed ec a c e a d a ac\", \"alt_text\": \"https://flic.kr/p/Tx7nvE | Pristimantis gr. taeniatus | This direct-developing frog inhabits cloud forest along the western slopes of the Cordillera Oriental in eastern Colombia. 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See samples of the portraits done with this pan in the Photography section.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/nikon-sb600/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7b/0e/61/7b0e61933876af3321cc5ae4ab3f2ed7.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/7b/0e/61/7b0e61933876af3321cc5ae4ab3f2ed7.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"b e af cc ae ab f ed\", \"alt_text\": \"Nikon SB600 Speedlight - Let there be light! This works wireless also with my Nikon D80. Great light.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/nikon-sb600/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/64/ed/8f/64ed8f3a9395200e7fbab19112148576.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/64/ed/8f/64ed8f3a9395200e7fbab19112148576.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"ed f a e fbab\", \"alt_text\": \"Nikon SB700 vs Nikon SB600 Basic over view and comparison of the Flash Speed Light\"}, null, null]", "texts": [null, null, "The Nikon SB600 has been discontinued from production but still remains my most versatile workhorse flash for on-camera and off-camera work.", null, "Nikon Sb600Photography LightingYoutubeWatchesTips\n\nNikon SB600 Speedlight Over view\n\nby shouldigetit", null, "Nikon Sb600The WesternColombiaFrogsDataOrientalWesternsCloudForests\n\nhttps://flic.kr/p/Tx7nvE | Pristimantis gr. taeniatus | This direct-developing frog inhabits cloud forest along the western slopes of the Cordillera Oriental in eastern Colombia. This female is one of the largest individuals I've found during years of fieldwork in this region, attaining well over 35mm of snout to vent length. Adult males are strikingly smaller in comparison. Strobist data: two Nikon SB600 speedlights with softboxes placed at 12:00 and 9:00 o' clock. Flashes set on TTL mode…\n\nfrom Flickr", null, "Nikon Sb600Photography TutorialsTutorial DiyPhoto TipsPhotography\n\nSB600 Remote - Setting it up as a slave/strobe", null, null, null, null], "url": "https://za.pinterest.com/explore/nikon-sb600/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 652, "original_height": 259, "original_width": 150, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 480, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 414, "original_width": 736, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 491, "original_width": 736, "width": 566}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 480, "width": 504}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 414, "original_width": 736, "width": 672}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 569, "original_width": 736, "width": 488}, {"height": 539, "original_height": 492, "original_width": 345, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 360, "original_width": 480, "width": 504}], "image_hashes": ["296735a9a934d8d1a871385ebc9a6a81cd971d0e7465395a024e49c6f0321dbd", "356600dfe3d6df1a25c5b34790da32bc69eec74cbf5d3488876201ee950c5007", "e2a62877abf7397bc5684b29340c06bbaece4f0615ca24f5d2d3805848751c29", "c0cfa54cdb60e73a372b64375f8f30d90dc44bfe68986c982b84698912b094cb", "4d34e4832a0b6ad464b471549d1ede07e15f9feec31e96928df70a391e1fb96b", "4d6d6a2d99aa0679881a5c4d13d4e64a5a47fbcb91aca7a50aafbf9394d7cda5", "c11e43be6916b8233a01d1bdbc8a27a3976c74f876b89bf9ec2e73720950e63b", "519d3ad53a31b6855203136fe250e50c2f5a2c47d5ae76d3852a7675f38644e8", "2c0fff206b126b4f34ad57b48a6baf3405bcab86cbb16b1ba64fd08ca656cc42"], "__index_level_0__": 502, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"} -{"general_metadata": "{}", "images": ["https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/07/f9/f407f9ffb07df07e9c9d35a030dfe352.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d6/e4/fb/d6e4fb416d0434ec986c44eba489942e.jpg", null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3d/2b/ae/3d2baef1951194f3a80df93aff0978e6.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ef/21/f9/ef21f9cd27cf8e79f78e236c6f8d54ea.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d2/33/0a/d2330a882a520171368493fdda629b0e.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/37/db/a2/37dba239aba95b0e258aa9647b7b4810.jpg", null, null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/2f/b7/6b/2fb76b54c9f52a57bdda13ced1361554.jpg", null, "https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fa/8a/a3/fa8aa3a54b3e62583df0a4e081205ea4.jpg"], "language_id_whole_page_fasttext": {"en": 0.7307990789413452}, "metadata": "[null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/ski-jumping/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/07/f9/f407f9ffb07df07e9c9d35a030dfe352.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/f4/07/f9/f407f9ffb07df07e9c9d35a030dfe352.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"f f ffb df e c d a dfe\", \"alt_text\": \"Taylor Henrich of Canada competes in the Women's Ski Jumping, Normal Hill Individual Competition, during the FIS Nordic Ski World Championships in Lahti, Finland, on February 24, 2017.\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/ski-jumping/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d6/e4/fb/d6e4fb416d0434ec986c44eba489942e.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/d6/e4/fb/d6e4fb416d0434ec986c44eba489942e.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d e fb d ec c eba e\", \"alt_text\": \"Ski Jumping World Cup 2016-2017 Thread (rolling) - Social - Drowned in Sound Community\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/ski-jumping/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/96/cd/b8/96cdb8c18ec1e25e0a365cf10db79566.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/96/cd/b8/96cdb8c18ec1e25e0a365cf10db79566.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"cdb c ec e e a cf db\", \"alt_text\": \"Kraftb\\u00f6ck Is Everything \\u2014 kraftstefan: describe Andreas Wellinger in one...\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/ski-jumping/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3d/2b/ae/3d2baef1951194f3a80df93aff0978e6.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/3d/2b/ae/3d2baef1951194f3a80df93aff0978e6.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"d baef f a df aff e\", \"alt_text\": \"Preferencje na temat moich ulubionych skoczk\\u00f3w narciarskich. 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Just don't yell \\\"shot ski\\\" if you are afraid of groups. ;)\"}, null, {\"document_url\": \"https://za.pinterest.com/explore/ski-jumping/\", \"unformatted_src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fa/8a/a3/fa8aa3a54b3e62583df0a4e081205ea4.jpg\", \"src\": \"https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fa/8a/a3/fa8aa3a54b3e62583df0a4e081205ea4.jpg\", \"formatted_filename\": \"fa aa a b e df a e ea\", \"alt_text\": \"gregor schlierenzauer, red bull\"}, null]", "texts": [null, "Taylor Henrich of Canada competes in the Women's Ski Jumping, Normal Hill Individual Competition, during the FIS Nordic Ski World Championships in Lahti, Finland, on February 24, 2017.", null, "Daniel Andre TandeSki JumpingNorgeWorld CupJumpersSport\n\nSki Jumping World Cup 2016-2017 Thread (rolling) - Social - Drowned in Sound Community\n\nfrom Drowned in Sound Community", "Andreas WellingerWattpadJumpersEverything\n\nfrom Kraftböck Is Everything", null, "Ski JumpingAndreasWattpadJumpers\n\nPreferencje na temat moich ulubionych skoczków narciarskich. Zresztą … #losowo Losowo #amreading #books #wattpad", null, "Ski JumpingJumpers\n\ngrafika ski jumping and kamil stoch", null, "Ski JumpingPolandSwedenIn South AfricaPhotos OfMike D'antoniMarchThe DayTypography\n\nPiotr Zyla of Poland competes during the Men's Team HS134 Large Hill Ski Jumping during the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships at the Lugnet venue on February 28, 2015 in Falun, Sweden.\n\nfrom Getty Images", null, "A może by tak... pobujać w obłokach? Z nartami czy bez zapraszam do s… #losowo Losowo #amreading #books #wattpad", "Andreas WellingerTo TellJumpersNowFelt\n\nAndreas Wellinger, wgat happened today (19.03.2017) was soo sad. I felt so sorry for him. I just wanted to hug him and to tell to not give up", null, "Shot SkiSki JumpingWide WorldDifferent CountriesFur HatsUpper PeninsulaJump InSkiersCome Together\n\nLocated in Iron Mountain, Michigan each year is the annual ski jump. Thousands of people come together from around the world to watch skiers from roughly 12 different countries jump. If you like to tailgate with friends, wear fur hats, and see extreme athletes, this is an activity for you. Just don't yell \"shot ski\" if you are afraid of groups. ;)", null], "url": "https://za.pinterest.com/explore/ski-jumping/", "images_metadata": [{"height": 378, "original_height": 541, "original_width": 736, "width": 514}, {"height": 675, "original_height": 500, "original_width": 280, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 251, "original_width": 448, "width": 674}, {"height": 567, "original_height": 750, "original_width": 500, "width": 378}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 483, "original_width": 736, "width": 576}, {"height": 378, "original_height": 407, "original_width": 407, "width": 378}, {"height": 503, "original_height": 981, "original_width": 736, "width": 378}, {"height": 534, "original_height": 750, "original_width": 530, "width": 378}], "image_hashes": ["e502e3a5f3790f56f53dd85e4c1ae624a7f1e24af2e02fe9f0619cc7d5b311fc", "277d156ef19db7e326ad7c04fe1c03b63ed0c429f1c79894ad7967d5c454daa3", "db2660975cb327e3085cdf7a965abb31724492c6b9d39e970c6afdcd8434ec6d", "5cd74319c814133e63babca504e38ea1430142c3a08d039dcbc0d906519de9e4", "a741ad14be5df2c4c5f404453269d741e6dea2d974deba567e49f560618c1def", "462f4b83552b2694e66d989134e1c1f5768f29c6ecd45228bb123ab6b433e340", "386675c92951441cad0b8eaea796b1e91bf831813e5727aa6e4ca3a4a4921d66", "250e9e88a4b3bd401d8d61d8bdabe5f2948dedc8358b05595bcbe7964cb2ba02"], "__index_level_0__": 503, "cc_dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-22"}