{ "_checkpoint": { "global_record": { "index": -1, "route_id": -1, "status": "Completed", "infractions": { "collisions_layout": 0.0, "collisions_pedestrian": 0.0, "collisions_vehicle": 0.0, "red_light": 0.0, "stop_infraction": 0.0, "outside_route_lanes": 0.0, "min_speed_infractions": 7.339, "yield_emergency_vehicle_infractions": 0.0, "scenario_timeouts": 0.0, "route_dev": 0.0, "vehicle_blocked": 0.0, "route_timeout": 0.0 }, "scores_mean": { "score_composed": 89.57595, "score_route": 100.0, "score_penalty": 0.89576 }, "scores_std_dev": { "score_composed": 0, "score_route": 0, "score_penalty": 0 }, "meta": { "total_length": 408.776, "duration_game": 26.9, "duration_system": 258.159, "exceptions": [] } }, "progress": [ 1, 1 ], "records": [ { "timestamp": "975_9_route0_10_27_06_17_12", "index": 0, "route_id": "RouteScenario_17_rep0", "status": "Completed", "num_infractions": 3, "infractions": { "collisions_layout": [], "collisions_pedestrian": [], "collisions_vehicle": [], "red_light": [], "stop_infraction": [], "outside_route_lanes": [], "min_speed_infractions": [ "Average speed is 93.48% of the surrounding traffic's one", "Average speed is 85.28% of the surrounding traffic's one", "Average speed is 85.28% of the surrounding traffic's one" ], "yield_emergency_vehicle_infractions": [], "scenario_timeouts": [], "route_dev": [], "vehicle_blocked": [], "route_timeout": [] }, "scores": { "score_route": 100, "score_penalty": 0.89576, "score_composed": 89.57595 }, "meta": { "route_length": 408.776, "duration_game": 26.9, "duration_system": 258.159 } } ] }, "entry_status": "Finished", "eligible": true, "sensors": [ "carla_opendrive_map", "carla_imu", "carla_speedometer", "carla_camera", "carla_camera", "carla_camera", "carla_camera", "carla_camera", "carla_camera", "carla_lidar" ], "values": [ "89.57595", "100.0", "0.89576", "0.0", "0.0", "0.0", "0.0", "0.0", "0.0", "0.0", "0.0", "0.0", "0.0", "0.0", "7.339" ], "labels": [ "Avg. driving score", "Avg. route completion", "Avg. infraction penalty", "Collisions with pedestrians", "Collisions with vehicles", "Collisions with layout", "Red lights infractions", "Stop sign infractions", "Off-road infractions", "Route deviations", "Route timeouts", "Agent blocked", "Yield emergency vehicles infractions", "Scenario timeouts", "Min speed infractions" ] }