I0324 23:39:33.801035 23448569585024 data_model.py:84] Loading graph from out/data/wikipedia/v2/full/graph_depth_3.json
I0324 23:39:35.477426 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:31] Splitting graph at depth 2, selecting 614/1229 nodes
I0324 23:39:35.641157 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:67] Depth 0: 100.00% nodes in train, 100.00% nodes in test. 100.00% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 1 nodes.
I0324 23:39:35.648178 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:81] Depth 0: 100.00% edges in train, 100.00% edges in test. 100.00% shared edges. 100.00% covered edges. Total 41 edges.

I0324 23:39:35.648605 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:67] Depth 1: 100.00% nodes in train, 100.00% nodes in test. 100.00% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 41 nodes.
I0324 23:39:35.655901 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:81] Depth 1: 65.23% edges in train, 61.37% edges in test. 26.60% shared edges. 100.00% covered edges. Total 1372 edges.

I0324 23:39:35.656782 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:67] Depth 2: 64.77% nodes in train, 60.78% nodes in test. 25.55% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 1229 nodes.
I0324 23:39:35.674792 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:81] Depth 2: 55.29% edges in train, 49.21% edges in test. 5.94% shared edges. 98.57% covered edges. Total 16461 edges.

I0324 23:39:35.679864 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:67] Depth 3: 56.51% nodes in train, 51.84% nodes in test. 8.35% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 12615 nodes.
I0324 23:39:35.696375 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:81] Depth 3: 40.82% edges in train, 32.64% edges in test. 2.55% shared edges. 70.91% covered edges. Total 10501 edges.

I0324 23:39:35.698166 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:91] Overall: 57.37% nodes in train, 52.77% nodes in test. 10.15% shared nodes. 100.00% covered nodes. Total 13886 nodes.
I0324 23:39:35.719250 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:99] Overall: 50.48% edges in train, 43.74% edges in test. 5.82% shared edges. 88.40% covered edges. Total 28375 edges.
I0324 23:39:35.719344 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:108] Saving train graph to out/data/wikipedia/v2/train_test_split/train_graph.json
I0324 23:39:35.719466 23448569585024 data_model.py:68] Saving graph to out/data/wikipedia/v2/train_test_split/train_graph.json
I0324 23:39:37.472535 23448569585024 train_test_split.py:110] Saving test graph to out/data/wikipedia/v2/train_test_split/test_graph.json
I0324 23:39:37.473039 23448569585024 data_model.py:68] Saving graph to out/data/wikipedia/v2/train_test_split/test_graph.json