the sums from off our slates we'd wipe and wait for figures to be ripe and go into the fields and pick whole bushels of arithmetic or if we wished to learn chinese we'd just go out and shake the trees and grammar then in all the towns would grow with proper verbs and nouns
[ "the", "sums", "from", "off", "our", "slates", "we'd", "wipe", "and", "wait", "for", "figures", "to", "be", "ripe", "and", "go", "into", "the", "fields", "and", "pick", "whole", "bushels", "of", "arithmetic", "or", "if", "we", "wished", "to", "learn", "chinese", "we'd", "just", "go", "out", "and", "shake", "the", "trees", "and", "grammar", "then", "in", "all", "the", "towns", "would", "grow", "with", "proper", "verbs", "and", "nouns" ]
[ "the", "sums", "from", "off", "our", "slates", "we'd", "wipe", "and", "wait", "for", "figures", "to", "be", "ripe", "and", "go", "into", "the", "fields", "and", "pick", "whole", "bushels", "of", "arithmetic", "or", "if", "we", "wished", "to", "learn", "chinese", "we'd", "just", "go", "out", "and", "shake", "the", "trees", "and", "grammar", "then", "in", "all", "the", "towns", "would", "grow", "with", "proper", "verbs", "and", "nouns" ]
[ "t h e", "s u m s", "f r o m", "o f f", "o u r", "s l a t e s", "w e ' d", "w i p e", "a n d", "w a i t", "f o r", "f i g u r e s", "t o", "b e", "r i p e", "a n d", "g o", "i n t o", "t h e", "f i e l d s", "a n d", "p i c k", "w h o l e", "b u s h e l s", "o f", "a r i t h m e t i c", "o r", "i f", "w e", "w i s h e d", "t o", "l e a r n", "c h i n e s e", "w e ' d", "j u s t", "g o", "o u t", "a n d", "s h a k e", "t h e", "t r e e s", "a n d", "g r a m m a r", "t h e n", "i n", "a l l", "t h e", "t o w n s", "w o u l d", "g r o w", "w i t h", "p r o p e r", "v e r b s", "a n d", "n o u n s" ]
[ 1101, 361, 72, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 710, 2725, 1162, 3199, 2594, 489, 492, 2131, 3368, 1109, 3374, 4876, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 190, 3062, 3062, 3062, 3062, 1942, 304, 1295, 3905, 978, 978, 2292, 1216, 706, 3838, 875, 2396, 2396, 3106, 4629, 4329, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 2641, 1557, 1557, 2557, 4947, 4947, 2225, 2225, 2225, 1111, 1111, 3290, 1966, 1966, 1570, 4272, 4272, 4272, 2956, 3408, 2542, 1564, 3702, 3702, 382, 382, 3708, 1196, 1196, 2711, 2711, 676, 1179, 1179, 1086, 1086, 246, 3373, 445, 3711, 4505, 273, 2940, 2186, 3629, 551, 2833, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 4540, 3058, 4233, 3883, 3355, 3355, 1346, 4477, 1851, 882, 1671, 1671, 1671, 3628, 1236, 2122, 2122, 3209, 2808, 2808, 4675, 4675, 1721, 2436, 2436, 4612, 2850, 4980, 2447, 288, 1704, 288, 4420, 599, 2691, 238, 4420, 3525, 2250, 2760, 3841, 562, 2135, 1714, 3075, 4755, 3268, 2391, 2391, 14, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 3123, 3691, 2833, 1742, 2668, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 246, 3795, 1588, 3883, 2734, 2734, 4635, 1096, 838, 1344, 1344, 2441, 172, 563, 563, 623, 2832, 1096, 3446, 4953, 2370, 2370, 2370, 3879, 4124, 4124, 428, 2106, 2106, 2401, 2401, 525, 4499, 3385, 4050, 4433, 6, 1139, 4092, 114, 63, 885, 1292, 1292, 1292, 260, 3431, 42, 221, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 438, 2478, 135, 3476, 3476, 1988, 926, 3518, 4764, 4764, 4764, 495, 1236, 2585, 2808, 2808, 2933, 1721, 2436, 2436, 2500, 2962, 73, 73, 1375, 1375, 4420, 4, 4, 238, 238, 4420, 2250, 238, 2760, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3736, 4796, 4796, 453, 3673, 3844, 3268, 312, 4281, 2391, 2754, 1406, 3610, 3610, 2838, 4117, 2659, 2647, 42, 559, 2531, 2531, 896, 896, 1809, 1809, 201, 1628, 1628, 3607, 422, 422, 1048, 1048, 712, 2298, 685, 4895, 3326, 114, 3076, 3076, 4375, 3595, 3857, 3857, 3857, 3857, 2801, 2801, 4342, 2924, 2924, 1414, 3350, 4141, 3102, 177, 4730, 2690, 1815, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2923, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 508, 508, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 807, 2488, 1737, 1737, 2985, 2985, 3886, 4260, 3376, 295, 1123, 1234, 1185, 830, 4591, 42, 102, 1644, 1119, 4719, 4719, 4719, 4719, 1391, 823, 815, 3780, 2933, 4186, 935, 3213, 3213, 1481, 2962, 2962, 588, 1646, 1646, 2699, 2699, 4823, 3401, 3401, 1254, 1254, 1254, 1254, 3415, 3415, 2827, 527, 4321, 4063, 3117, 3692, 369, 2893, 2893, 3973, 3973, 3763, 674, 3456, 4905, 1177, 1591, 3133, 3326, 53, 4240, 4240, 4240, 2986, 2504, 603, 3405, 3061, 1273, 776, 2053, 2053, 36, 4289, 4289, 1764, 1216, 3207, 2906, 752, 606, 1168, 1168, 1168, 1168, 3202, 3202, 3166, 3466, 1206, 701, 1567, 1008, 3836, 3836, 1449, 3476, 3476, 1988, 1467, 1467, 1467, 2998, 4966, 2035, 2035, 4775, 1014, 1014, 1777, 1584, 1584, 1584, 3336, 1623, 55, 114, 114, 136, 2260, 2615, 2615, 2615, 3450, 1391, 1391, 815, 1152, 3326, 935, 3213, 3213, 2500, 2962, 2962, 4276, 1704, 1716, 1716, 945, 945, 4823, 4823, 4796, 4796, 3, 3, 3, 3673, 3673, 1103, 1103, 955, 955, 4180, 4180, 30, 4326, 4350, 4350, 3511, 3511, 2524, 2524, 3618, 1202, 474, 474, 474, 4159, 4159, 745, 1300, 396, 3677, 487, 487, 487, 236, 2478, 3649, 4714, 1346, 4477, 2668, 4580, 4580, 4580, 4580, 1527, 1527, 1984, 1984, 1984, 4762, 2103, 2103, 1631, 1139, 84, 84, 55, 114, 63, 1401, 885, 1292, 1395, 2006, 1607, 4588, 275, 2336, 4060, 4060, 4060, 4060, 4060, 3664, 3664, 3764, 522, 4846, 300, 114, 1902, 720, 4522, 4522, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 2175, 2300, 293, 293, 4519, 3531, 3531, 3531, 3531, 3531, 3531, 2416, 3322, 3322, 3979, 3979, 3979, 4287, 536, 536, 2091, 2091, 1011, 4100, 162, 1311, 634, 2967, 3557, 2220, 1286, 110, 2030, 4195, 1162, 2234, 1683, 29, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 3058, 3058, 112, 1206, 1967, 4831, 817, 2658, 2658, 862, 3016, 3626, 462, 2940, 2019, 213, 1829, 559, 2531, 2531, 896, 1809, 1809, 3345, 3345, 3345, 2577, 3487, 3487, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 1026, 2075, 719, 4934, 4934, 3289, 3289, 3289, 3143, 3143, 295, 295, 1123, 1234, 3289, 4834, 4414, 2878, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 3707, 3707, 3707, 418, 418, 2663, 3176, 2664, 986, 2268, 4035, 4141, 10, 1469, 3336, 55, 4291, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 1483, 1483, 1483, 1483, 1483, 584, 2416, 2416, 2416, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3979, 3979, 3979, 4287, 536, 2091, 2091, 2898, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 2967, 3557, 3557, 3796, 3587, 140, 140, 140, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 3268, 312, 2933, 2391, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 2838, 4117, 2659, 2647, 3899, 3326, 126, 4622, 4201, 4201, 3730, 3730, 3730, 3101, 913, 3231, 4134, 4134, 2005, 2005, 1975, 3941, 3941, 2956, 1854, 1854, 1414, 1414, 3196, 1655, 2483, 4742, 4742, 4742, 4742, 989, 4776, 4776, 2549, 1282, 293, 2707, 422, 284, 1270, 1949, 293, 2707, 2740, 2271, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 3456, 2477, 3350, 4035, 4141, 10, 2131, 1469, 3336, 1206, 114, 2657, 541, 2374, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 1306, 217, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 2487, 3226, 3226, 1985, 2292, 32, 706, 4599, 2186, 551, 551, 4807, 845, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 1972, 3883, 4485, 777, 42, 340, 126, 4622, 1801, 1801, 4201, 629, 629, 629, 629, 629, 3066, 3066, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 4042, 4042, 22, 22, 2697, 2833, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 2035, 2821, 4241, 4241, 2933, 1724, 4660, 654, 1215, 2694, 2694, 2694, 2694, 4175, 2467, 251, 2559, 2820, 4769, 4769, 3313, 3941, 172, 2009, 2009, 1677, 1928, 479, 479, 2868, 3372, 2786, 2786, 2786, 2786, 2237, 2237, 4387, 3747, 3747, 3747, 1737, 4421, 2985, 3886, 2906, 3376, 3136, 3136, 295, 1123, 2298, 4608, 4608, 2158, 1471, 3041, 2785, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 217, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 2764, 3226, 3226, 3226, 836, 4284, 4284, 2898, 2898, 1311, 634, 2967, 3042, 1716, 1716, 1128, 329, 329, 329, 3913, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4204320987654321, 0.8608847736625515, 1.1011316872427983, 1.3213580246913579, 1.501543209876543, 1.9419958847736625, 2.1822427983539097, 2.802880658436214, 3.1832716049382714, 3.423518518518519, 3.623724279835391, 4.084197530864198, 4.244362139917696, 4.424547325102881, 5.065205761316872, 5.5256790123456785, 5.7258847736625516, 6.166337448559671, 6.386563786008231, 6.82701646090535, 6.96716049382716, 7.507716049382716, 8.008230452674896, 8.448683127572016, 8.648888888888889, 9.709979423868313, 10.150432098765432, 10.31059670781893, 10.470761316872428, 10.871172839506173, 11.03133744855967, 11.33164609053498, 12.132469135802468, 12.452798353909465, 12.693045267489712, 12.893251028806585, 13.193559670781893, 13.373744855967077, 13.674053497942387, 13.79417695473251, 14.514917695473251, 14.895308641975308, 15.335761316872427, 15.656090534979423, 15.796234567901234, 15.97641975308642, 16.136584362139917, 16.717181069958848, 16.957427983539095, 17.4179012345679, 17.678168724279836, 18.118621399176956, 18.559074074074072, 18.699218106995886 ]
[ 0.4204320987654321, 0.8608847736625515, 1.1011316872427983, 1.3213580246913579, 1.501543209876543, 1.9419958847736625, 2.1822427983539097, 2.802880658436214, 3.1832716049382714, 3.423518518518519, 3.623724279835391, 4.084197530864198, 4.244362139917696, 4.424547325102881, 5.065205761316872, 5.5256790123456785, 5.7258847736625516, 6.166337448559671, 6.386563786008231, 6.82701646090535, 6.96716049382716, 7.507716049382716, 8.008230452674896, 8.448683127572016, 8.648888888888889, 9.709979423868313, 10.150432098765432, 10.31059670781893, 10.470761316872428, 10.871172839506173, 11.03133744855967, 11.33164609053498, 12.132469135802468, 12.452798353909465, 12.693045267489712, 12.893251028806585, 13.193559670781893, 13.373744855967077, 13.674053497942387, 13.79417695473251, 14.514917695473251, 14.895308641975308, 15.335761316872427, 15.656090534979423, 15.796234567901234, 15.97641975308642, 16.136584362139917, 16.717181069958848, 16.957427983539095, 17.4179012345679, 17.678168724279836, 18.118621399176956, 18.559074074074072, 18.699218106995886, 19.439979423868312 ]
and all the flower-strewn hills of arcady the flapping of the sail against the mast the ripple of the water on the side the ripple of girls laughter at the stern the only sounds
[ "and", "all", "the", "flower-strewn", "hills", "of", "arcady", "the", "flapping", "of", "the", "sail", "against", "the", "mast", "the", "ripple", "of", "the", "water", "on", "the", "side", "the", "ripple", "of", "girls", "laughter", "at", "the", "stern", "the", "only", "sounds" ]
[ "and", "all", "the", "flower-strewn", "hills", "of", "arcady", "the", "flapping", "of", "the", "sail", "against", "the", "mast", "the", "ripple", "of", "the", "water", "on", "the", "side", "the", "ripple", "of", "girls", "laughter", "at", "the", "stern", "the", "only", "sounds" ]
[ "a n d", "a l l", "t h e", "f l o w e r s t r e w n", "h i l l s", "o f", "a r c a d y", "t h e", "f l a p p i n g", "o f", "t h e", "s a i l", "a g a i n s t", "t h e", "m a s t", "t h e", "r i p p l e", "o f", "t h e", "w a t e r", "o n", "t h e", "s i d e", "t h e", "r i p p l e", "o f", "g i r l s", "l a u g h t e r", "a t", "t h e", "s t e r n", "t h e", "o n l y", "s o u n d s" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3154, 4544, 4544, 4544, 530, 530, 530, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1922, 1741, 4462, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 1910, 1910, 2747, 1249, 1510, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 604, 4990, 2330, 2875, 2559, 2789, 4918, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 4481, 4481, 1115, 3456, 3456, 2477, 1414, 2268, 2566, 4141, 3513, 4730, 563, 623, 3524, 104, 1615, 1394, 2980, 3670, 3670, 724, 724, 724, 724, 4069, 904, 4475, 4475, 1975, 3941, 1288, 2542, 1417, 158, 382, 120, 120, 347, 347, 609, 3045, 3045, 1520, 2805, 3755, 3764, 522, 2824, 4044, 2818, 3349, 3934, 420, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 1216, 296, 4260, 606, 2446, 384, 2744, 2744, 161, 3487, 3017, 1597, 4322, 3983, 2121, 4012, 383, 1733, 903, 1515, 4530, 3794, 324, 1617, 104, 2231, 2389, 4502, 4502, 1232, 1232, 2416, 2416, 1906, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 272, 272, 588, 1646, 2747, 2699, 92, 3796, 3796, 4823, 4823, 574, 87, 87, 87, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 803, 803, 1849, 1849, 1572, 453, 453, 3673, 2154, 2154, 2677, 2725, 4281, 348, 1504, 489, 492, 2131, 2690, 1815, 623, 2832, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 676, 119, 119, 119, 3323, 2467, 251, 1059, 2419, 3637, 1182, 1697, 2379, 7, 3660, 3660, 150, 2002, 758, 1492, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 3869, 1601, 199, 2268, 104, 2566, 3102, 2131, 3368, 1109, 1544, 4077, 1010, 1069, 3505, 2704, 1608, 3162, 3162, 3162, 3162, 3162, 3866, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 1566, 1566, 1566, 4333, 430, 2471, 2471, 777, 1223, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 277, 4691, 4691, 4691, 462, 3994, 2938, 2268, 1844, 3102, 177, 4730, 1593, 4493, 4493, 5, 939, 2993, 4912, 4912, 4912, 4912, 4939, 1303, 1303, 1303, 997, 2640, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 4995, 346, 346, 4891, 97, 1203, 4790, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3382, 372, 372, 348, 348, 894, 489, 492, 2059, 4354, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1467, 1467, 3088, 4093, 251, 3249, 1059, 371, 2053, 1566, 1566, 4333, 1971, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 721, 3102, 177, 2059, 4725, 4714, 3204, 2783, 1851, 882, 376, 376, 376, 376, 2153, 2153, 4515, 1358, 3840, 3840, 4106, 3417, 3417, 966, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 3364, 40, 3291, 10, 3368, 1109, 1417, 4876, 4876, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 1608, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 869, 1523, 1110, 4102, 154, 1481, 2962, 1915, 586, 92, 1252, 1943, 1943, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 31, 31, 157, 1254, 1254, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2154, 2827, 527, 527, 1416, 348, 348, 1504, 489, 492, 2059, 4354, 1449, 2888, 2888, 1827, 4191, 1467, 3088, 3088, 251, 595, 381, 1059, 2053, 2053, 2053, 668, 4808, 2851, 2851, 471, 758, 1492, 64, 1776, 169, 965, 2184, 2277, 917, 2933, 41, 2272, 3070, 4880, 4880, 4880, 2176, 2176, 3324, 2901, 2901, 900, 4289, 2267, 4050, 4969, 4247, 1836, 4913, 426, 2336, 486, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1303, 451, 1111, 4339, 4154, 1524, 1163, 653, 3184, 4106, 3417, 966, 966, 2127, 898, 3018, 4131, 2712, 628, 2566, 4141, 10, 3368, 1109, 4433, 9, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 1366, 1366, 3664, 3664, 3664, 2487, 1882, 269, 2911, 4681, 2210, 128, 2358, 610, 1915, 92, 1252, 1943, 1943, 31, 23, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4281, 348, 1504, 832, 100, 4885, 1889, 534, 561, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 1263, 1263, 1263, 3100, 3533, 2628, 4101, 2622, 1914, 1544, 2119, 3505, 552, 1608, 190, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 217, 217, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 4394, 3226, 1985, 836, 4284, 2091, 4077, 2898, 145, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 881, 2962, 4276, 3808, 92, 1081, 1081, 1081, 329, 329, 2209, 2209, 72, 2209, 329, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.7211285266457681, 1.0416300940438874, 1.201880877742947, 1.923009404388715, 2.2635423197492166, 2.3837304075235113, 3.3051724137931036, 3.8860815047021946, 4.386865203761756, 4.567147335423199, 4.727398119122258, 5.087962382445142, 5.468557993730408, 5.588746081504702, 6.2497805642633235, 6.590313479623825, 6.910815047021944, 7.010971786833856, 7.1311598746081515, 7.511755485893418, 7.631943573667712, 7.772163009404389, 8.533354231974924, 8.933981191222573, 9.334608150470222, 9.494858934169281, 9.875454545454547, 10.29611285266458, 10.416300940438871, 10.536489028213166, 11.117398119122258, 11.437899686520376, 11.71833855799373 ]
[ 0.7211285266457681, 1.0416300940438874, 1.201880877742947, 1.923009404388715, 2.2635423197492166, 2.3837304075235113, 3.3051724137931036, 3.8860815047021946, 4.386865203761756, 4.567147335423199, 4.727398119122258, 5.087962382445142, 5.468557993730408, 5.588746081504702, 6.2497805642633235, 6.590313479623825, 6.910815047021944, 7.010971786833856, 7.1311598746081515, 7.511755485893418, 7.631943573667712, 7.772163009404389, 8.533354231974924, 8.933981191222573, 9.334608150470222, 9.494858934169281, 9.875454545454547, 10.29611285266458, 10.416300940438871, 10.536489028213166, 11.117398119122258, 11.437899686520376, 11.71833855799373, 12.75996865203762 ]
we hoisted sail the wind was blowing fair for the blue lands that to the eastward lie from the steep prow i marked with quickening eye zakynthos every olive grove and creek ithaca's cliff lycaon's snowy peak
[ "we", "hoisted", "sail", "the", "wind", "was", "blowing", "fair", "for", "the", "blue", "lands", "that", "to", "the", "eastward", "lie", "from", "the", "steep", "prow", "i", "marked", "with", "quickening", "eye", "zakynthos", "every", "olive", "grove", "and", "creek", "ithaca's", "cliff", "lycaon's", "snowy", "peak" ]
[ "we", "hoisted", "sail", "the", "wind", "was", "blowing", "fair", "for", "the", "blue", "lands", "that", "to", "the", "eastward", "lie", "from", "the", "steep", "prow", "i", "marked", "with", "quickening", "eye", "zakynthos", "every", "olive", "grove", "and", "creek", "ithaca's", "cliff", "lycaon's", "snowy", "peak" ]
[ "w e", "h o i s t e d", "s a i l", "t h e", "w i n d", "w a s", "b l o w i n g", "f a i r", "f o r", "t h e", "b l u e", "l a n d s", "t h a t", "t o", "t h e", "e a s t w a r d", "l i e", "f r o m", "t h e", "s t e e p", "p r o w", "i", "m a r k e d", "w i t h", "q u i c k e n i n g", "e y e", "z a k y n t h o s", "e v e r y", "o l i v e", "g r o v e", "a n d", "c r e e k", "i t h a c a ' s", "c l i f f", "l y c a o n ' s", "s n o w y", "p e a k" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 2677, 4063, 1910, 924, 842, 3677, 236, 236, 2863, 4911, 13, 13, 392, 392, 3318, 3318, 3318, 3318, 1173, 4853, 4440, 515, 1641, 2751, 341, 810, 810, 921, 2014, 2951, 2951, 4523, 4523, 2119, 2119, 3505, 3505, 2704, 190, 3162, 3162, 3162, 3162, 3162, 3866, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 3477, 3477, 195, 195, 4450, 4620, 2897, 2358, 4276, 1915, 92, 92, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 31, 31, 31, 157, 157, 23, 828, 2154, 710, 2725, 348, 348, 348, 1504, 489, 492, 2059, 4725, 4714, 1346, 2783, 2910, 864, 864, 864, 864, 864, 3917, 3034, 37, 2513, 2190, 551, 2102, 1909, 855, 2713, 4969, 4969, 3930, 2821, 4241, 739, 2534, 2980, 957, 4051, 4051, 4051, 201, 1628, 1887, 651, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 50, 4120, 4120, 4120, 2832, 146, 2832, 2400, 43, 671, 4998, 4998, 4998, 4998, 700, 700, 4861, 4861, 4203, 4203, 414, 414, 3232, 4635, 4433, 3106, 838, 1344, 4746, 2864, 4416, 424, 3102, 177, 4730, 3327, 2741, 2534, 2534, 2980, 2980, 1454, 1811, 1811, 1811, 1811, 2801, 132, 4495, 1170, 4052, 4588, 1430, 486, 486, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 2451, 2451, 4489, 4489, 209, 3034, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 1011, 4077, 3994, 3994, 2938, 2268, 949, 612, 2965, 2926, 2965, 804, 2068, 571, 1129, 3249, 1058, 3076, 665, 698, 698, 2655, 437, 424, 3102, 1064, 4885, 1889, 3441, 3441, 2552, 545, 545, 545, 545, 1037, 2227, 4440, 515, 3362, 1659, 3629, 551, 2145, 2860, 2860, 1171, 1171, 2014, 1113, 1113, 2251, 426, 1430, 2336, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 533, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 272, 588, 4281, 92, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 803, 4796, 803, 803, 803, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2154, 214, 877, 527, 252, 4658, 785, 785, 2158, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 3252, 3252, 3291, 10, 3368, 1109, 1544, 4077, 9, 1084, 3194, 47, 1643, 3627, 3627, 1013, 1013, 3209, 1761, 3737, 1129, 4397, 628, 3170, 4660, 4660, 4660, 654, 654, 3706, 3706, 1250, 1250, 1250, 2567, 2567, 2567, 2423, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 401, 401, 4298, 1492, 332, 109, 1065, 4193, 2719, 3846, 1593, 1130, 1130, 1130, 202, 995, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 4661, 207, 2914, 2547, 4012, 1108, 1152, 4454, 3972, 3629, 551, 1284, 3044, 3044, 2450, 2035, 213, 1829, 3766, 310, 2902, 3696, 1649, 4334, 4334, 3829, 1743, 894, 903, 2679, 953, 953, 3613, 1605, 4687, 2308, 2379, 4976, 4200, 435, 822, 3724, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1473, 3314, 4499, 3385, 4433, 296, 2345, 1479, 4456, 4456, 891, 91, 581, 3766, 4633, 189, 4443, 4027, 4502, 4502, 4502, 3214, 3171, 277, 1546, 1546, 860, 3945, 3945, 2574, 2619, 3460, 3312, 3312, 3604, 3604, 3604, 3604, 1869, 2640, 3530, 4433, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 3414, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 3587, 3587, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 157, 23, 23, 852, 2030, 312, 1910, 1910, 1886, 4281, 1249, 4630, 4630, 1092, 1092, 3228, 3228, 1637, 1637, 1637, 274, 274, 1041, 587, 1687, 1889, 1, 534, 561, 2557, 1259, 360, 360, 2141, 684, 317, 1197, 2583, 2583, 3894, 2861, 3466, 2184, 2277, 2277, 917, 1897, 41, 126, 4622, 1801, 1801, 4201, 629, 629, 629, 629, 3066, 3066, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 880, 880, 3166, 3654, 3654, 3654, 1365, 245, 197, 781, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1123, 4117, 2659, 2099, 4591, 894, 310, 2000, 2174, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1052, 1122, 3377, 3377, 3377, 1013, 1350, 2430, 2430, 815, 3780, 3780, 2559, 935, 3213, 3213, 97, 1481, 2967, 586, 92, 1252, 1943, 1943, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 23, 23, 23, 852, 1436, 1066, 1066, 1886, 2747, 1249, 2666, 4364, 1845, 2992, 2998, 4966, 2574, 4466, 3794, 4606, 891, 3249, 1733, 1515, 979, 1287, 4472, 279, 4740, 4969, 2019, 213, 1829, 3766, 3317, 305, 3701, 3701, 826, 4341, 2703, 2703, 2703, 2217, 2217, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1581, 1581, 1581, 2459, 2012, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 3004, 3141, 3141, 327, 327, 327, 327, 1254, 1254, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 527, 1416, 4063, 1910, 229, 229, 738, 2606, 2606, 2606, 2606, 91, 581, 628, 560, 3387, 2497, 3873, 4824, 4824, 4824, 1654, 2175, 2175, 3903, 3903, 1244, 1244, 2496, 2496, 2496, 105, 105, 2177, 463, 2160, 4846, 2527, 4834, 760, 760, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 382, 3708, 3708, 4382, 4049, 1429, 1429, 1643, 4275, 4275, 4275, 4275, 4275, 201, 1628, 4087, 1562, 1562, 1745, 1745, 4101, 182, 2753, 4643, 2973, 1644, 1119, 1119, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1013, 1013, 2430, 2430, 2430, 815, 3780, 3780, 628, 935, 3213, 3213, 3213, 97, 2459, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 73, 73, 1375, 1496, 255, 1496, 2747, 1496, 4006, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3071, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4202576687116565, 0.8805398773006137, 1.5009202453987731, 1.9011656441717795, 2.161325153374233, 2.3414355828220863, 2.7416809815950924, 3.121914110429448, 3.2820122699386505, 3.3820736196319023, 3.6622453987730066, 4.142539877300614, 4.382687116564418, 4.502760736196319, 4.662858895705522, 5.103128834355829, 5.82357055214724, 6.363901840490798, 6.483975460122701, 6.784159509202454, 7.264453987730062, 7.424552147239265, 7.804785276073621, 7.944871165644173, 8.42516564417178, 8.705337423312885, 9.826024539877302, 10.426392638036813, 10.826638036809818, 11.326944785276075, 11.507055214723929, 12.20748466257669, 12.90791411042945, 13.548306748466258, 14.648981595092026, 15.169300613496935 ]
[ 0.4202576687116565, 0.8805398773006137, 1.5009202453987731, 1.9011656441717795, 2.161325153374233, 2.3414355828220863, 2.7416809815950924, 3.121914110429448, 3.2820122699386505, 3.3820736196319023, 3.6622453987730066, 4.142539877300614, 4.382687116564418, 4.502760736196319, 4.662858895705522, 5.103128834355829, 5.82357055214724, 6.363901840490798, 6.483975460122701, 6.784159509202454, 7.264453987730062, 7.424552147239265, 7.804785276073621, 7.944871165644173, 8.42516564417178, 8.705337423312885, 9.826024539877302, 10.426392638036813, 10.826638036809818, 11.326944785276075, 11.507055214723929, 12.20748466257669, 12.90791411042945, 13.548306748466258, 14.648981595092026, 15.169300613496935, 16.289987730061352 ]
oh leave oh leave the roses and hold the hands of me she draws the heart from out them she draws away their breath oh would that i might perish and find so sweet a death
[ "oh", "leave", "oh", "leave", "the", "roses", "and", "hold", "the", "hands", "of", "me", "she", "draws", "the", "heart", "from", "out", "them", "she", "draws", "away", "their", "breath", "oh", "would", "that", "i", "might", "perish", "and", "find", "so", "sweet", "a", "death" ]
[ "oh", "leave", "oh", "leave", "the", "roses", "and", "hold", "the", "hands", "of", "me", "she", "draws", "the", "heart", "from", "out", "them", "she", "draws", "away", "their", "breath", "oh", "would", "that", "i", "might", "perish", "and", "find", "so", "sweet", "a", "death" ]
[ "o h", "l e a v e", "o h", "l e a v e", "t h e", "r o s e s", "a n d", "h o l d", "t h e", "h a n d s", "o f", "m e", "s h e", "d r a w s", "t h e", "h e a r t", "f r o m", "o u t", "t h e m", "s h e", "d r a w s", "a w a y", "t h e i r", "b r e a t h", "o h", "w o u l d", "t h a t", "i", "m i g h t", "p e r i s h", "a n d", "f i n d", "s o", "s w e e t", "a", "d e a t h" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 645, 645, 645, 645, 645, 1913, 1913, 3861, 3861, 75, 75, 673, 1910, 2391, 30, 4918, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 201, 1193, 4495, 1170, 4052, 669, 669, 275, 4958, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 4619, 4619, 4619, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3322, 2248, 2248, 1407, 3654, 3654, 3654, 718, 718, 718, 718, 1581, 4153, 245, 4281, 1, 2789, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 1193, 1193, 1193, 4495, 1170, 4052, 4052, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 275, 4958, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 4619, 3322, 3322, 2248, 2248, 1407, 3654, 3855, 3855, 2938, 2047, 4035, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 1449, 3476, 3476, 1988, 2798, 3055, 3055, 3055, 3055, 3055, 1476, 3742, 4922, 4922, 4032, 4433, 472, 1519, 4832, 650, 650, 650, 70, 70, 4287, 67, 1011, 4433, 2214, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 2967, 403, 1351, 1351, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 2071, 2071, 4321, 673, 4281, 2391, 14, 2754, 1406, 1406, 3610, 2838, 604, 2781, 2676, 1149, 3072, 3072, 3072, 369, 369, 2893, 811, 811, 811, 811, 811, 811, 674, 967, 967, 1636, 1636, 402, 4771, 2047, 4035, 4141, 3513, 4816, 4816, 2412, 13, 13, 1007, 3934, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 2451, 1390, 463, 3034, 809, 4655, 4655, 2292, 3886, 3886, 606, 606, 2446, 4526, 384, 2997, 2184, 4567, 2020, 2020, 3807, 4011, 1134, 3768, 2170, 878, 878, 878, 2315, 2315, 2315, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 2689, 1248, 2427, 2427, 931, 555, 555, 2747, 1375, 1375, 962, 962, 4, 4, 4, 4008, 4, 238, 2756, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 3754, 2200, 2200, 2578, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 622, 863, 973, 973, 973, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 2747, 4987, 2490, 4987, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 774, 4063, 4063, 252, 252, 4494, 4494, 1212, 1212, 2638, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1715, 1027, 1166, 1166, 4202, 1568, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2735, 3340, 3340, 3340, 4213, 4213, 4213, 67, 706, 3411, 3994, 2938, 2938, 4035, 1448, 3513, 4816, 2412, 2412, 13, 3072, 3072, 369, 369, 3341, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 4557, 3871, 3871, 3871, 3871, 2883, 2883, 290, 4818, 4818, 1725, 2559, 377, 743, 1340, 1340, 1203, 1203, 3382, 3382, 4658, 785, 785, 4635, 3106, 2943, 4629, 1399, 4329, 906, 3539, 4255, 2641, 786, 1557, 299, 3734, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 2075, 58, 4524, 4818, 1588, 2712, 2712, 974, 3326, 3196, 1767, 1767, 723, 723, 723, 2846, 2876, 2876, 893, 893, 1225, 2139, 2039, 2039, 2039, 931, 931, 588, 2747, 1375, 2699, 1351, 1016, 1016, 1016, 2691, 2691, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 2747, 3841, 3841, 3841, 1981, 2747, 1864, 88, 88, 88, 88, 2982, 2982, 4063, 252, 4494, 4494, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1166, 1166, 1367, 42, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2735, 3340, 719, 4213, 4213, 3886, 3886, 2906, 4607, 430, 2323, 4725, 4725, 4714, 4477, 4477, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 83, 83, 2924, 1307, 3350, 3196, 2546, 3248, 3248, 3248, 4961, 3996, 3996, 1591, 2164, 3133, 3326, 1498, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3137, 3137, 3137, 2226, 2226, 2226, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1581, 2962, 73, 2747, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 238, 4621, 4621, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 4083, 2200, 2200, 4621, 2200, 107, 107, 1619, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 1578, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2154, 527, 4321, 673, 1910, 1742, 30, 4918, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 4042, 22, 22, 22, 4714, 3204, 3204, 2783, 2783, 4280, 4280, 1973, 1973, 1973, 1973, 267, 3333, 1523, 12, 628, 2047, 2047, 949, 1696, 3544, 3544, 1165, 1529, 2355, 2740, 2740, 3246, 2137, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 857, 282, 2301, 2301, 3144, 3846, 436, 1134, 148, 1194, 1194, 1194, 1194, 1194, 495, 1173, 1173, 3795, 4818, 1686, 743, 3895, 3895, 4241, 2607, 1724, 1082, 1644, 1644, 1730, 1730, 2803, 4836, 4836, 4836, 1660, 1660, 470, 870, 4128, 3329, 3329, 3329, 3329, 1527, 1527, 1984, 1984, 1984, 1984, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 4398, 1481, 2967, 2967, 362, 362, 288, 1351, 1351, 1707, 3401, 3401, 140, 3305, 140, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3594, 322, 993, 877, 4125, 4281, 2788, 1510, 1406, 3610, 68, 2838, 4117, 604, 50, 4120, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1096, 1096, 671, 1547, 1547, 1547, 4781, 4781, 4781, 4781, 4065, 4065, 1341, 1538, 1538, 3171, 1882, 37, 37, 2527, 4834, 4523, 4077, 1010, 1069, 313, 1892, 3001, 3001, 427, 427, 427, 427, 201, 1193, 4495, 3408, 2542, 3374, 4077, 3702, 3702, 1069, 313, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 3074, 3074, 3074, 3074, 3074, 1013, 518, 518, 518, 421, 1152, 1725, 2811, 377, 3190, 1365, 245, 983, 2933, 1630, 2746, 4945, 4945, 432, 1617, 3049, 1568, 5, 2212, 1283, 3025, 3025, 772, 772, 772, 772, 772, 772, 3137, 3137, 3137, 3137, 2226, 2226, 2226, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1581, 97, 97, 2012, 2012, 2012, 1302, 73, 4596, 866, 877, 816, 816, 816, 4083, 4222, 3306, 248, 248, 248, 3306, 2587, 2587, 3306, 3306, 2413, 281, 2413, 3579, 3579, 228, 622, 228, 622, 334, 334, 228, 228, 622, 747, 622, 622, 622, 2516, 2516, 2516, 3416, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2654, 2516, 2516, 2516, 3416, 2516, 2516, 622, 622, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 2747, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5205689277899342, 1.161269146608315, 1.4415754923413564, 1.9221006564551422, 2.0622538293216626, 2.8631291028446384, 3.2635667396061265, 3.6239606126914654, 3.7641137855579863, 4.204595185995623, 4.384792122538292, 5.345842450765864, 6.32691466083151, 6.827461706783369, 7.007658643326039, 7.548249452954047, 7.888621444201313, 8.148905908096278, 8.829649890590808, 9.43030634573304, 9.830743982494528, 10.171115973741793, 10.391356673960612, 11.43249452954048, 12.193326039387308, 12.533698030634572, 12.814004376367613, 12.974179431072209, 13.334573304157548, 14.235557986870896, 14.736105032822756, 15.236652078774616, 15.496936542669582, 16.097592997811816, 16.277789934354484 ]
[ 0.5205689277899342, 1.161269146608315, 1.4415754923413564, 1.9221006564551422, 2.0622538293216626, 2.8631291028446384, 3.2635667396061265, 3.6239606126914654, 3.7641137855579863, 4.204595185995623, 4.384792122538292, 5.345842450765864, 6.32691466083151, 6.827461706783369, 7.007658643326039, 7.548249452954047, 7.888621444201313, 8.148905908096278, 8.829649890590808, 9.43030634573304, 9.830743982494528, 10.171115973741793, 10.391356673960612, 11.43249452954048, 12.193326039387308, 12.533698030634572, 12.814004376367613, 12.974179431072209, 13.334573304157548, 14.235557986870896, 14.736105032822756, 15.236652078774616, 15.496936542669582, 16.097592997811816, 16.277789934354484, 18.27997811816192 ]
oh would i were the roses that lie against her hands the heavy burning roses she touches as she stands dear hands that hold the roses where mine would love to be
[ "oh", "would", "i", "were", "the", "roses", "that", "lie", "against", "her", "hands", "the", "heavy", "burning", "roses", "she", "touches", "as", "she", "stands", "dear", "hands", "that", "hold", "the", "roses", "where", "mine", "would", "love", "to", "be" ]
[ "oh", "would", "i", "were", "the", "roses", "that", "lie", "against", "her", "hands", "the", "heavy", "burning", "roses", "she", "touches", "as", "she", "stands", "dear", "hands", "that", "hold", "the", "roses", "where", "mine", "would", "love", "to", "be" ]
[ "o h", "w o u l d", "i", "w e r e", "t h e", "r o s e s", "t h a t", "l i e", "a g a i n s t", "h e r", "h a n d s", "t h e", "h e a v y", "b u r n i n g", "r o s e s", "s h e", "t o u c h e s", "a s", "s h e", "s t a n d s", "d e a r", "h a n d s", "t h a t", "h o l d", "t h e", "r o s e s", "w h e r e", "m i n e", "w o u l d", "l o v e", "t o", "b e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 715, 715, 3057, 1738, 66, 66, 66, 66, 134, 134, 134, 134, 134, 1619, 1619, 134, 4059, 134, 502, 1240, 1240, 1240, 3363, 1240, 1240, 4987, 4987, 2747, 4987, 4987, 2490, 2490, 4987, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 3416, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 2747, 88, 774, 2085, 1910, 1910, 331, 30, 30, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 1193, 1193, 22, 22, 4714, 1346, 2783, 1851, 4280, 1973, 1973, 1973, 1973, 267, 267, 2671, 754, 4713, 2740, 3246, 2137, 2137, 2137, 1065, 857, 1847, 1847, 2301, 3649, 3649, 1345, 1345, 2668, 4870, 4870, 4870, 4870, 4870, 4870, 1343, 1343, 1580, 740, 1854, 1307, 4055, 424, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1988, 2798, 3055, 3055, 3055, 3055, 3055, 1476, 3742, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 472, 1519, 4832, 650, 650, 650, 650, 70, 70, 2456, 4287, 4287, 67, 67, 1011, 1011, 162, 2938, 986, 986, 1844, 949, 612, 612, 612, 1165, 571, 2559, 1113, 2251, 4913, 669, 669, 2336, 2420, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 533, 167, 282, 282, 3168, 3168, 2443, 3566, 430, 2471, 2471, 1710, 894, 1223, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1164, 1164, 4883, 4691, 4691, 4440, 515, 3362, 4995, 4995, 759, 1255, 1337, 1337, 3667, 3667, 3667, 3971, 172, 2325, 3261, 13, 3072, 3072, 1007, 1007, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 2451, 2451, 4489, 209, 3034, 3034, 4210, 3226, 3226, 1985, 1985, 2292, 4284, 1011, 302, 302, 145, 3414, 1311, 634, 2967, 2967, 3808, 92, 3796, 1639, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3811, 3811, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1254, 3415, 2827, 527, 527, 4281, 673, 2933, 1504, 489, 1448, 492, 4816, 2367, 13, 13, 3072, 1007, 1007, 3934, 1774, 1774, 1774, 1774, 1774, 1274, 3094, 1788, 1788, 1562, 1562, 1848, 1848, 1848, 4601, 311, 311, 884, 3910, 3485, 2852, 4500, 4500, 2933, 739, 739, 4427, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 1366, 1366, 1580, 1580, 69, 69, 3613, 3169, 1605, 4687, 2308, 2308, 7, 3086, 3771, 3031, 3031, 2888, 1827, 52, 2798, 3055, 3055, 3055, 3055, 2797, 1476, 3742, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 472, 1519, 4832, 650, 650, 650, 650, 70, 70, 4287, 4287, 67, 67, 1011, 2324, 2324, 3553, 1212, 1212, 2638, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1166, 4202, 1623, 1623, 628, 1781, 136, 2657, 2287, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4818, 1388, 1388, 4281, 2933, 1974, 614, 614, 3197, 1609, 1609, 1609, 4908, 4908, 4908, 70, 70, 2456, 4287, 536, 67, 4077, 2214, 65, 872, 4944, 4944, 4890, 1189, 2752, 2752, 206, 2878, 1212, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1715, 1027, 1166, 2622, 1914, 4077, 4876, 3702, 9, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 1641, 1643, 1555, 590, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2451, 2451, 4489, 4489, 209, 3034, 3034, 4210, 4210, 3226, 3226, 3226, 1985, 1985, 4284, 4284, 2091, 302, 145, 145, 145, 3414, 61, 362, 362, 362, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 2200, 2747, 4621, 3754, 3754, 3754, 2747, 3754, 3754, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 3004, 4002, 214, 88, 2982, 774, 2982, 2747, 3227, 2670, 2670, 3199, 2158, 433, 2389, 3853, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 3769, 3769, 4961, 4961, 3996, 3261, 13, 13, 1007, 1007, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 2451, 2451, 4489, 209, 3034, 3034, 4210, 809, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 4433, 3994, 2938, 986, 1844, 949, 612, 612, 1165, 2307, 4152, 2676, 1149, 3072, 369, 369, 2893, 811, 811, 811, 811, 811, 811, 674, 967, 967, 1636, 402, 4771, 12, 2559, 2566, 4141, 10, 4354, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 2798, 2798, 3055, 3055, 3055, 3055, 2797, 1476, 3742, 4922, 4922, 4032, 4433, 472, 1519, 4832, 650, 650, 650, 70, 70, 4287, 4287, 67, 67, 1011, 1011, 2214, 162, 3414, 4398, 4398, 1668, 1668, 3388, 372, 372, 673, 1683, 1683, 1346, 842, 3331, 2596, 423, 423, 4961, 3996, 3846, 3846, 1593, 1130, 4011, 1456, 995, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 4065, 4065, 1341, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 2160, 3123, 954, 4014, 1952, 845, 3381, 3381, 482, 1972, 1113, 2251, 4913, 3969, 669, 1430, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3466, 3654, 2184, 4339, 4154, 4229, 1058, 3076, 63, 4906, 4906, 2130, 4696, 3327, 3133, 2741, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3697, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 2427, 272, 588, 588, 2747, 3808, 1081, 1081, 1081, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 1.2808767123287672, 1.6611369863013699, 1.8012328767123287, 2.1014383561643837, 2.2415342465753425, 2.901986301369863, 3.1621643835616435, 3.502397260273973, 3.9627123287671235, 4.18286301369863, 4.983410958904109, 5.4036986301369865, 5.864013698630137, 6.484438356164383, 7.104863013698631, 7.325013698630137, 8.045506849315068, 8.225630136986302, 8.42576712328767, 9.586561643835616, 10.347082191780823, 10.88745205479452, 11.08758904109589, 11.427821917808219, 11.567917808219178, 12.268397260273971, 12.648657534246574, 13.088958904109589, 13.289095890410959, 13.60931506849315, 13.769424657534246 ]
[ 1.2808767123287672, 1.6611369863013699, 1.8012328767123287, 2.1014383561643837, 2.2415342465753425, 2.901986301369863, 3.1621643835616435, 3.502397260273973, 3.9627123287671235, 4.18286301369863, 4.983410958904109, 5.4036986301369865, 5.864013698630137, 6.484438356164383, 7.104863013698631, 7.325013698630137, 8.045506849315068, 8.225630136986302, 8.42576712328767, 9.586561643835616, 10.347082191780823, 10.88745205479452, 11.08758904109589, 11.427821917808219, 11.567917808219178, 12.268397260273971, 12.648657534246574, 13.088958904109589, 13.289095890410959, 13.60931506849315, 13.769424657534246, 14.589986301369864 ]
but lovely thoughts in a ceaseless flow through her eyes and her ears and her bosom go motion sight and sound and scent weaving a royal rich content
[ "but", "lovely", "thoughts", "in", "a", "ceaseless", "flow", "through", "her", "eyes", "and", "her", "ears", "and", "her", "bosom", "go", "motion", "sight", "and", "sound", "and", "scent", "weaving", "a", "royal", "rich", "content" ]
[ "but", "lovely", "thoughts", "in", "a", "ceaseless", "flow", "through", "her", "eyes", "and", "her", "ears", "and", "her", "bosom", "go", "motion", "sight", "and", "sound", "and", "scent", "weaving", "a", "royal", "rich", "content" ]
[ "b u t", "l o v e l y", "t h o u g h t s", "i n", "a", "c e a s e l e s s", "f l o w", "t h r o u g h", "h e r", "e y e s", "a n d", "h e r", "e a r s", "a n d", "h e r", "b o s o m", "g o", "m o t i o n", "s i g h t", "a n d", "s o u n d", "a n d", "s c e n t", "w e a v i n g", "a", "r o y a l", "r i c h", "c o n t e n t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 72, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 1910, 348, 331, 1018, 1389, 125, 3854, 4242, 2969, 2408, 2408, 4913, 1430, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1274, 3094, 1925, 4119, 3533, 3533, 3533, 4101, 438, 1227, 2463, 2559, 2574, 2619, 2619, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2913, 2913, 2913, 59, 2743, 2743, 445, 3249, 538, 4505, 3773, 3773, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 1365, 245, 4756, 1, 2666, 287, 1446, 1446, 712, 3398, 1790, 546, 95, 1723, 1417, 1010, 3505, 552, 620, 4757, 4757, 4757, 4757, 1037, 3630, 237, 462, 3863, 1987, 3809, 4133, 1965, 1965, 1965, 4209, 159, 3503, 3503, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 3524, 2607, 1394, 1394, 3670, 3670, 4051, 4051, 4051, 4051, 3066, 3066, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 57, 1873, 391, 4450, 4620, 931, 588, 588, 1646, 1646, 1646, 599, 4222, 3525, 3525, 3525, 4083, 3525, 3525, 3841, 562, 322, 2974, 2974, 2071, 4420, 2982, 2982, 1416, 2670, 381, 499, 499, 3589, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 2801, 132, 1832, 1832, 1255, 1337, 3911, 4199, 3971, 3971, 3971, 2325, 3050, 4355, 2165, 534, 561, 3724, 3724, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4433, 65, 872, 4944, 3143, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 604, 1634, 4192, 1255, 3911, 3911, 3971, 3971, 3971, 2325, 2165, 3441, 2552, 4568, 4568, 4568, 4568, 4568, 4568, 173, 173, 4203, 3850, 3850, 3850, 2038, 2038, 4499, 4287, 1216, 1011, 65, 872, 1842, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 604, 1634, 539, 539, 539, 3971, 2009, 3327, 2933, 739, 1373, 4240, 4240, 4240, 867, 2562, 1360, 472, 1272, 990, 990, 375, 1295, 258, 4846, 2659, 2647, 5, 2272, 2531, 896, 896, 896, 896, 896, 3066, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 57, 391, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 588, 4276, 588, 1646, 4420, 2699, 2699, 3796, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1254, 1254, 570, 570, 570, 214, 214, 214, 527, 527, 4420, 4321, 2234, 4924, 2767, 1934, 1456, 995, 4991, 4991, 4991, 2797, 644, 225, 4780, 4077, 419, 222, 4392, 3534, 3534, 3122, 3122, 2649, 2160, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 4681, 775, 775, 775, 775, 3382, 2404, 2404, 101, 101, 2110, 3505, 552, 2704, 190, 321, 321, 321, 3628, 1236, 2122, 246, 518, 421, 131, 1152, 381, 743, 3190, 245, 245, 197, 197, 3143, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1123, 1185, 1748, 4834, 4834, 4523, 4077, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 190, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 217, 975, 975, 975, 3067, 3764, 37, 37, 2513, 4713, 883, 3136, 3136, 295, 1123, 3832, 1748, 1748, 4834, 760, 1010, 1069, 3505, 2704, 1091, 1091, 3233, 3233, 1331, 1331, 2549, 1374, 3264, 498, 498, 1709, 1152, 1725, 377, 97, 2500, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 2760, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 3075, 4310, 1714, 3075, 4755, 4755, 4755, 1692, 2234, 2234, 1683, 29, 2783, 2668, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1350, 1350, 4406, 3094, 1788, 3637, 501, 501, 2610, 2379, 4976, 3086, 4200, 435, 2660, 546, 4945, 432, 3836, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 52, 926, 3760, 3760, 3760, 3760, 3760, 4875, 4992, 597, 597, 2312, 2901, 36, 2851, 2851, 3427, 1074, 135, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1467, 1467, 1467, 4513, 1056, 2461, 3249, 4797, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 1217, 798, 213, 1829, 2607, 560, 3718, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 735, 685, 4055, 944, 136, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 1331, 1374, 3264, 498, 498, 1709, 1152, 894, 377, 4891, 4891, 97, 2962, 73, 73, 1496, 1496, 1496, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 255, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.48080944350758853, 0.8213827993254637, 1.3422596964586846, 1.5425969645868465, 1.6227318718381112, 2.1235750421585156, 2.78468802698145, 3.345632377740303, 3.5860370994940975, 3.9867116357504213, 4.167015177065767, 4.367352445193929, 4.7680269814502525, 4.928296795952782, 5.0484991568296795, 5.40910623946037, 6.030151770657673, 7.051871838111298, 7.592782462057334, 7.8331871838111296, 8.273929173693084, 8.45423271500843, 9.175446880269813, 9.916694772344014, 10.03689713322091, 10.457605396290049, 10.81821247892074 ]
[ 0.48080944350758853, 0.8213827993254637, 1.3422596964586846, 1.5425969645868465, 1.6227318718381112, 2.1235750421585156, 2.78468802698145, 3.345632377740303, 3.5860370994940975, 3.9867116357504213, 4.167015177065767, 4.367352445193929, 4.7680269814502525, 4.928296795952782, 5.0484991568296795, 5.40910623946037, 6.030151770657673, 7.051871838111298, 7.592782462057334, 7.8331871838111296, 8.273929173693084, 8.45423271500843, 9.175446880269813, 9.916694772344014, 10.03689713322091, 10.457605396290049, 10.81821247892074, 11.859966273187183 ]
when night is come and her children sleep beautiful mother her watch doth keep with glowing stars in her dusky hair down she sits to her music rare and her instrument that never fails is the hearts and the throats of her nightingales
[ "when", "night", "is", "come", "and", "her", "children", "sleep", "beautiful", "mother", "her", "watch", "doth", "keep", "with", "glowing", "stars", "in", "her", "dusky", "hair", "down", "she", "sits", "to", "her", "music", "rare", "and", "her", "instrument", "that", "never", "fails", "is", "the", "hearts", "and", "the", "throats", "of", "her", "nightingales" ]
[ "when", "night", "is", "come", "and", "her", "children", "sleep", "beautiful", "mother", "her", "watch", "doth", "keep", "with", "glowing", "stars", "in", "her", "dusky", "hair", "down", "she", "sits", "to", "her", "music", "rare", "and", "her", "instrument", "that", "never", "fails", "is", "the", "hearts", "and", "the", "throats", "of", "her", "nightingales" ]
[ "w h e n", "n i g h t", "i s", "c o m e", "a n d", "h e r", "c h i l d r e n", "s l e e p", "b e a u t i f u l", "m o t h e r", "h e r", "w a t c h", "d o t h", "k e e p", "w i t h", "g l o w i n g", "s t a r s", "i n", "h e r", "d u s k y", "h a i r", "d o w n", "s h e", "s i t s", "t o", "h e r", "m u s i c", "r a r e", "a n d", "h e r", "i n s t r u m e n t", "t h a t", "n e v e r", "f a i l s", "i s", "t h e", "h e a r t s", "a n d", "t h e", "t h r o a t s", "o f", "h e r", "n i g h t i n g a l e s" ]
[ 38, 2114, 3154, 3154, 72, 139, 139, 139, 1741, 1741, 1741, 4462, 914, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 2677, 4321, 924, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 4812, 410, 4117, 4608, 4608, 411, 2142, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 3628, 1173, 4196, 1708, 3449, 2148, 94, 3077, 3077, 3976, 4969, 2019, 213, 1829, 3766, 3718, 2497, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 2846, 304, 2876, 893, 893, 2139, 2002, 758, 758, 197, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 1461, 4117, 604, 3249, 759, 1255, 3911, 3911, 3971, 4018, 3336, 2607, 4291, 1902, 720, 4522, 1361, 1361, 1361, 1361, 4784, 4405, 4405, 2519, 2115, 2115, 1749, 1749, 54, 3687, 1748, 2527, 4834, 760, 158, 9, 3708, 3708, 1196, 2711, 4993, 2981, 2981, 2981, 2981, 1013, 3209, 3209, 2808, 4675, 4675, 4675, 4675, 1480, 1721, 2436, 588, 1646, 588, 2250, 1351, 1707, 1707, 1707, 3811, 408, 562, 408, 562, 562, 562, 562, 2071, 2925, 1416, 4420, 1416, 4420, 331, 739, 3865, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 216, 960, 960, 960, 2472, 497, 3259, 3259, 413, 413, 36, 36, 1187, 3846, 1593, 3948, 1456, 995, 1465, 1465, 1465, 1465, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 4232, 3941, 1426, 414, 414, 4234, 3485, 3013, 1149, 1255, 1255, 3911, 3911, 3971, 3971, 2117, 3649, 4714, 1345, 1851, 882, 2384, 2384, 2384, 2384, 59, 4513, 1056, 1974, 1974, 4797, 4797, 2103, 2103, 1217, 84, 84, 433, 2231, 902, 1950, 1950, 1950, 2998, 2998, 4966, 2035, 213, 1829, 628, 4633, 678, 708, 2180, 2180, 2180, 2180, 2180, 1013, 3209, 3209, 2808, 4675, 4675, 4675, 1721, 2436, 2500, 2962, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 3071, 4222, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 322, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 643, 643, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3068, 3068, 3068, 993, 2154, 527, 3227, 4321, 331, 924, 1284, 3044, 3044, 3748, 2035, 917, 917, 2559, 1322, 1322, 957, 4051, 4051, 4051, 3066, 1628, 4087, 1887, 651, 2308, 7, 3086, 3771, 782, 760, 9, 4433, 1084, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 1678, 1678, 1678, 1678, 1653, 1653, 1653, 1653, 1653, 1653, 3850, 525, 4499, 4499, 1216, 296, 2906, 3376, 1270, 1270, 712, 3398, 1790, 539, 539, 3971, 2956, 1617, 894, 2231, 902, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1201, 1281, 4697, 4440, 1396, 4043, 4043, 2903, 4443, 4443, 1745, 1745, 1745, 438, 4911, 4911, 3805, 1007, 3934, 2600, 2600, 2600, 2600, 2600, 700, 2078, 2078, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 2358, 931, 588, 588, 3808, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 4823, 3587, 3587, 574, 574, 574, 574, 3305, 3305, 4796, 453, 453, 23, 2154, 2154, 710, 2677, 2670, 2933, 433, 2231, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 217, 3067, 3067, 3764, 1748, 2527, 4414, 1212, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1027, 1166, 2622, 1914, 1544, 4077, 3505, 552, 620, 2339, 2339, 2339, 2339, 3817, 445, 445, 2027, 2027, 2027, 4266, 3411, 6, 1139, 4229, 270, 63, 665, 3419, 3419, 564, 2222, 2222, 539, 539, 539, 3971, 2009, 3846, 4493, 202, 3909, 2853, 2853, 2853, 2853, 4922, 4032, 1360, 472, 3450, 3450, 3450, 1190, 3176, 3249, 1616, 4590, 1626, 1827, 1827, 1988, 1549, 3881, 3881, 3881, 700, 700, 2078, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 272, 272, 588, 588, 588, 1646, 3808, 2699, 1351, 1016, 1016, 1016, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1254, 570, 570, 570, 570, 570, 2154, 527, 527, 527, 1910, 1910, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 604, 1634, 539, 539, 539, 3971, 2325, 2165, 1889, 3441, 4967, 459, 1917, 1917, 2614, 277, 1926, 2187, 4270, 2314, 347, 4265, 4265, 4265, 4265, 1404, 1404, 2539, 249, 249, 1146, 1146, 339, 2215, 2215, 1709, 3945, 2933, 628, 2566, 949, 612, 612, 1165, 4300, 4300, 4997, 1315, 2142, 3041, 4543, 4543, 1505, 351, 484, 484, 1403, 3941, 172, 2009, 563, 623, 3524, 104, 671, 4953, 959, 959, 959, 959, 3866, 3866, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2312, 900, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 4289, 32, 67, 4077, 1011, 2214, 162, 2324, 2324, 1365, 1365, 4756, 2933, 1904, 3125, 580, 580, 3077, 2791, 3976, 4433, 2938, 1844, 4141, 3513, 4816, 2412, 13, 3072, 369, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 207, 207, 2121, 290, 445, 445, 381, 538, 4505, 3773, 3773, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 2324, 1365, 245, 197, 3143, 1097, 4381, 1123, 3364, 4820, 2158, 4141, 3513, 2131, 3368, 380, 2607, 2574, 499, 2034, 2034, 2570, 2570, 4745, 4745, 4745, 2797, 2797, 771, 4524, 445, 445, 1152, 538, 4505, 3773, 4266, 4260, 606, 2446, 2446, 3869, 2997, 701, 539, 539, 539, 3971, 1927, 152, 152, 2142, 3041, 1891, 1891, 3628, 1236, 4196, 216, 4390, 1605, 4687, 2308, 2379, 7, 2605, 2605, 2647, 104, 1223, 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956, 1956, 3866, 1789, 2312, 2312, 3477, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 608, 536, 4284, 302, 302, 145, 145, 3414, 881, 881, 61, 73, 4420, 1496, 1496, 4222, 4006, 4006, 255, 2414, 2414, 2414, 4420, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 1387, 2642, 1387, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.580716934487021, 0.8410383189122373, 0.9812113720642769, 1.3616810877626702, 1.5819530284301608, 1.7221260815822004, 2.142645241038319, 2.7834363411619285, 3.4642768850432635, 3.844746600741657, 4.065018541409147, 4.425463535228678, 4.705809641532757, 5.406674907292955, 5.987391841779976, 6.347836835599506, 6.828430160692213, 6.928553770086527, 7.048702101359704, 7.44919653893696, 8.110012360939432, 8.73077873918418, 8.931025957972807, 9.3114956736712, 9.471693448702103, 9.631891223733005, 10.012360939431398, 10.713226205191596, 11.193819530284303, 11.354017305315205, 11.914709517923363, 12.094932014833129, 12.375278121137207, 13.03609394313968, 13.236341161928307, 13.376514215080348, 13.817058096415328, 14.017305315203958, 14.11742892459827, 14.577997527812114, 14.67812113720643, 14.798269468479607 ]
[ 0.580716934487021, 0.8410383189122373, 0.9812113720642769, 1.3616810877626702, 1.5819530284301608, 1.7221260815822004, 2.142645241038319, 2.7834363411619285, 3.4642768850432635, 3.844746600741657, 4.065018541409147, 4.425463535228678, 4.705809641532757, 5.406674907292955, 5.987391841779976, 6.347836835599506, 6.828430160692213, 6.928553770086527, 7.048702101359704, 7.44919653893696, 8.110012360939432, 8.73077873918418, 8.931025957972807, 9.3114956736712, 9.471693448702103, 9.631891223733005, 10.012360939431398, 10.713226205191596, 11.193819530284303, 11.354017305315205, 11.914709517923363, 12.094932014833129, 12.375278121137207, 13.03609394313968, 13.236341161928307, 13.376514215080348, 13.817058096415328, 14.017305315203958, 14.11742892459827, 14.577997527812114, 14.67812113720643, 14.798269468479607, 16.179975278121137 ]
the smoke upon your altar dies to whom it may concern the smoke upon your altar dies the flowers decay the goddess of your sacrifice has flown away what profit then to sing or slay the sacrifice from day to day
[ "the", "smoke", "upon", "your", "altar", "dies", "to", "whom", "it", "may", "concern", "the", "smoke", "upon", "your", "altar", "dies", "the", "flowers", "decay", "the", "goddess", "of", "your", "sacrifice", "has", "flown", "away", "what", "profit", "then", "to", "sing", "or", "slay", "the", "sacrifice", "from", "day", "to", "day" ]
[ "the", "smoke", "upon", "your", "altar", "dies", "to", "whom", "it", "may", "concern", "the", "smoke", "upon", "your", "altar", "dies", "the", "flowers", "decay", "the", "goddess", "of", "your", "sacrifice", "has", "flown", "away", "what", "profit", "then", "to", "sing", "or", "slay", "the", "sacrifice", "from", "day", "to", "day" ]
[ "t h e", "s m o k e", "u p o n", "y o u r", "a l t a r", "d i e s", "t o", "w h o m", "i t", "m a y", "c o n c e r n", "t h e", "s m o k e", "u p o n", "y o u r", "a l t a r", "d i e s", "t h e", "f l o w e r s", "d e c a y", "t h e", "g o d d e s s", "o f", "y o u r", "s a c r i f i c e", "h a s", "f l o w n", "a w a y", "w h a t", "p r o f i t", "t h e n", "t o", "s i n g", "o r", "s l a y", "t h e", "s a c r i f i c e", "f r o m", "d a y", "t o", "d a y" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 715, 3057, 3057, 792, 792, 792, 792, 2747, 792, 792, 1240, 1240, 1240, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 4491, 4491, 2747, 774, 75, 3199, 673, 628, 1504, 489, 492, 2131, 1109, 1544, 158, 3708, 4382, 1429, 1429, 4338, 1304, 1304, 1304, 4892, 4012, 1733, 2313, 430, 1961, 2261, 894, 1082, 849, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2177, 2485, 2485, 779, 4476, 4476, 172, 2165, 534, 561, 3219, 3219, 3219, 3219, 2239, 2239, 1830, 2476, 4897, 1975, 1288, 4018, 1367, 2231, 1283, 902, 3082, 3082, 3082, 533, 533, 2016, 2016, 1473, 4213, 536, 4969, 3930, 4241, 2607, 1976, 2779, 115, 553, 1736, 1074, 135, 1827, 1988, 4274, 2929, 90, 600, 514, 2867, 2867, 3206, 4419, 2730, 2014, 2959, 4485, 3766, 4633, 678, 708, 2992, 3088, 251, 2933, 1059, 1855, 4133, 4133, 3514, 3514, 1697, 1697, 4914, 598, 151, 443, 2039, 2039, 931, 403, 403, 2747, 4618, 4618, 4618, 1706, 1706, 2071, 2071, 1151, 1151, 673, 3199, 331, 3547, 4191, 3584, 3584, 2930, 2014, 2734, 4635, 3106, 840, 2441, 2441, 1170, 1607, 4588, 1430, 4514, 2056, 2056, 732, 1632, 1632, 4879, 3794, 3497, 952, 3612, 2868, 3372, 4034, 4034, 4244, 2547, 1328, 2543, 649, 273, 6, 4761, 902, 902, 3107, 705, 4407, 1529, 350, 534, 4918, 3007, 3007, 3007, 3007, 1871, 908, 2310, 4387, 4387, 2317, 3499, 3249, 935, 798, 798, 1435, 1018, 1373, 1976, 115, 553, 4246, 1914, 4955, 3505, 1608, 2403, 2228, 2361, 4322, 4012, 2543, 649, 4266, 3838, 2396, 1075, 3554, 4456, 324, 944, 944, 136, 2374, 3598, 3598, 3598, 3598, 4545, 4545, 3173, 1248, 4917, 4917, 730, 555, 555, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2747, 4, 254, 2756, 254, 2756, 2756, 3993, 3993, 2578, 2578, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3416, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1981, 1981, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 88, 2747, 673, 673, 3199, 1784, 3076, 665, 3179, 3179, 2367, 4637, 3015, 3015, 3015, 1336, 2641, 2641, 886, 886, 886, 3880, 4997, 308, 4295, 734, 734, 2382, 49, 1999, 3766, 1000, 4560, 909, 3389, 735, 1748, 4834, 1544, 3505, 3914, 1608, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3424, 3664, 3664, 3664, 1882, 2764, 151, 443, 2039, 1393, 4917, 730, 555, 1375, 1375, 1375, 599, 2250, 599, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 562, 562, 1864, 88, 88, 2982, 2925, 4321, 673, 331, 104, 489, 492, 492, 3368, 1001, 9, 4019, 4382, 1429, 4011, 4338, 1304, 1304, 2797, 3399, 4012, 1733, 2313, 430, 1961, 2261, 104, 1082, 849, 849, 2236, 2236, 2236, 4189, 4768, 2485, 2485, 779, 4476, 4476, 2325, 2165, 534, 2557, 3219, 3219, 3219, 3219, 2239, 2239, 192, 1830, 2476, 3184, 1975, 1288, 4018, 1367, 2231, 1283, 902, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 533, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1473, 3689, 4499, 4287, 4050, 3994, 2938, 1844, 4141, 3513, 4730, 2690, 623, 2400, 1394, 1394, 3670, 724, 724, 724, 724, 724, 4069, 904, 4475, 4475, 525, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4077, 1139, 2751, 1353, 1353, 891, 91, 4633, 678, 708, 4290, 4290, 4290, 550, 550, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 1248, 1248, 2377, 2377, 3422, 3485, 4703, 1435, 348, 2158, 489, 1448, 2131, 2481, 104, 2272, 3070, 4056, 4056, 4056, 4407, 4407, 1358, 4219, 4565, 4565, 159, 1031, 2213, 606, 2446, 3869, 2744, 2867, 779, 779, 4476, 2956, 3408, 1417, 1010, 3914, 2704, 190, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 2547, 1743, 2559, 4115, 4115, 4115, 4606, 2472, 2400, 671, 4794, 4794, 3028, 1765, 1765, 3314, 3630, 2963, 2213, 3715, 2708, 2708, 2791, 3976, 3838, 875, 4983, 1615, 1394, 2980, 3670, 2061, 2289, 605, 3755, 839, 1790, 2323, 2323, 4725, 1345, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 3173, 1248, 4917, 4917, 730, 555, 555, 1375, 2250, 1646, 2135, 2135, 3458, 3458, 4823, 4823, 3401, 4823, 31, 4796, 157, 157, 157, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 673, 3199, 924, 924, 3858, 3858, 393, 2307, 1897, 1897, 3170, 3170, 4660, 654, 1215, 1215, 2694, 2694, 2694, 982, 1111, 3279, 3535, 2609, 215, 4542, 2428, 2712, 974, 2559, 2566, 2483, 4742, 4742, 4742, 989, 3917, 3918, 4846, 300, 4895, 3481, 2491, 2491, 3210, 1109, 4876, 1010, 1069, 3914, 620, 2705, 2705, 2705, 1294, 4848, 3660, 4200, 435, 2363, 2363, 2956, 3408, 1417, 158, 9, 9, 3708, 1196, 2711, 2711, 2726, 2726, 550, 550, 83, 83, 3910, 2924, 4416, 4141, 3513, 3368, 1109, 1544, 4077, 552, 1608, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 2547, 2802, 3249, 1733, 4115, 4115, 4115, 4115, 2472, 1815, 2400, 43, 2043, 4794, 4794, 3028, 1765, 1765, 2122, 2648, 2648, 2648, 3630, 462, 3838, 2396, 2396, 4629, 264, 906, 4255, 258, 2410, 4895, 2231, 4412, 1094, 1997, 2807, 4196, 216, 3481, 198, 630, 1617, 4055, 3496, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 1248, 4917, 4917, 730, 555, 1496, 1496, 1496, 2747, 3103, 3103, 1486, 3103, 2209, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.7209113924050633, 1.0012658227848101, 1.2215443037974683, 1.381746835443038, 2.383012658227848, 5.3868101265822785, 6.207848101265823, 6.388075949367089, 6.48820253164557, 6.608354430379747, 7.389341772151899, 7.849924050632912, 8.130278481012658, 8.350556962025317, 8.530784810126583, 8.791113924050633, 9.171594936708862, 9.291746835443039, 9.692253164556961, 10.152835443037976, 10.33306329113924, 10.65346835443038, 10.733569620253165, 10.873746835443038, 11.414430379746834, 11.534582278481013, 11.75486075949367, 12.275518987341773, 12.716075949367088, 13.096556962025318, 13.316835443037975, 13.457012658227848, 13.697316455696201, 13.797443037974682, 14.077797468354431, 14.217974683544304, 14.878810126582279, 15.018987341772151, 15.159164556962025, 15.259291139240506 ]
[ 0.7209113924050633, 1.0012658227848101, 1.2215443037974683, 1.381746835443038, 2.383012658227848, 5.3868101265822785, 6.207848101265823, 6.388075949367089, 6.48820253164557, 6.608354430379747, 7.389341772151899, 7.849924050632912, 8.130278481012658, 8.350556962025317, 8.530784810126583, 8.791113924050633, 9.171594936708862, 9.291746835443039, 9.692253164556961, 10.152835443037976, 10.33306329113924, 10.65346835443038, 10.733569620253165, 10.873746835443038, 11.414430379746834, 11.534582278481013, 11.75486075949367, 12.275518987341773, 12.716075949367088, 13.096556962025318, 13.316835443037975, 13.457012658227848, 13.697316455696201, 13.797443037974682, 14.077797468354431, 14.217974683544304, 14.878810126582279, 15.018987341772151, 15.159164556962025, 15.259291139240506, 15.799974683544304 ]
we know the shrine is void they said the goddess flown yet wreaths are on the altar laid-the altar-stone is black with fumes of sacrifice albeit she has fled our eyes for it may be if still we sing and tend the shrine some deity on wandering wing may there incline and finding all in order meet stay while we worship at her feet
[ "we", "know", "the", "shrine", "is", "void", "they", "said", "the", "goddess", "flown", "yet", "wreaths", "are", "on", "the", "altar", "laid-the", "altar-stone", "is", "black", "with", "fumes", "of", "sacrifice", "albeit", "she", "has", "fled", "our", "eyes", "for", "it", "may", "be", "if", "still", "we", "sing", "and", "tend", "the", "shrine", "some", "deity", "on", "wandering", "wing", "may", "there", "incline", "and", "finding", "all", "in", "order", "meet", "stay", "while", "we", "worship", "at", "her", "feet" ]
[ "we", "know", "the", "shrine", "is", "void", "they", "said", "the", "goddess", "flown", "yet", "wreaths", "are", "on", "the", "altar", "laid-the", "altar-stone", "is", "black", "with", "fumes", "of", "sacrifice", "albeit", "she", "has", "fled", "our", "eyes", "for", "it", "may", "be", "if", "still", "we", "sing", "and", "tend", "the", "shrine", "some", "deity", "on", "wandering", "wing", "may", "there", "incline", "and", "finding", "all", "in", "order", "meet", "stay", "while", "we", "worship", "at", "her", "feet" ]
[ "w e", "k n o w", "t h e", "s h r i n e", "i s", "v o i d", "t h e y", "s a i d", "t h e", "g o d d e s s", "f l o w n", "y e t", "w r e a t h s", "a r e", "o n", "t h e", "a l t a r", "l a i d t h e", "a l t a r s t o n e", "i s", "b l a c k", "w i t h", "f u m e s", "o f", "s a c r i f i c e", "a l b e i t", "s h e", "h a s", "f l e d", "o u r", "e y e s", "f o r", "i t", "m a y", "b e", "i f", "s t i l l", "w e", "s i n g", "a n d", "t e n d", "t h e", "s h r i n e", "s o m e", "d e i t y", "o n", "w a n d e r i n g", "w i n g", "m a y", "t h e r e", "i n c l i n e", "a n d", "f i n d i n g", "a l l", "i n", "o r d e r", "m e e t", "s t a y", "w h i l e", "w e", "w o r s h i p", "a t", "h e r", "f e e t" ]
[ 1101, 467, 467, 1143, 1143, 1457, 1457, 524, 75, 4321, 673, 1162, 924, 3677, 487, 2863, 3471, 1471, 4921, 4921, 1744, 2864, 1307, 3350, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 2878, 4507, 4783, 897, 4745, 4745, 232, 232, 1341, 293, 1790, 2148, 3077, 2791, 706, 3930, 607, 607, 3326, 479, 3372, 3217, 3217, 3217, 3217, 3704, 4875, 4875, 4992, 1473, 4540, 4540, 1110, 2199, 1480, 775, 819, 819, 819, 372, 2747, 372, 1162, 520, 2594, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 4246, 3374, 2119, 4367, 1608, 793, 793, 793, 793, 4545, 4545, 3173, 884, 3485, 3485, 2352, 2158, 489, 492, 124, 2, 3326, 559, 3070, 4056, 4056, 4056, 4407, 4407, 2355, 4219, 4472, 2791, 1554, 4077, 3838, 4983, 4983, 1096, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 676, 2061, 2815, 605, 605, 605, 605, 2487, 2487, 269, 2911, 4681, 2210, 4401, 610, 4276, 3808, 1351, 1639, 1943, 3913, 23, 2030, 710, 4281, 3199, 1162, 4122, 3611, 2018, 2018, 2969, 1752, 1752, 3476, 3476, 3548, 3548, 3757, 3757, 1350, 279, 1554, 4955, 4955, 1479, 1479, 3460, 4174, 4174, 458, 4189, 4768, 662, 40, 3291, 729, 4705, 80, 3326, 561, 3219, 3219, 3219, 3219, 3092, 2239, 55, 1830, 2415, 2476, 1975, 1975, 1288, 1170, 4588, 275, 2336, 486, 2105, 2105, 2105, 2105, 4583, 4583, 3322, 4540, 1296, 42, 4102, 154, 2962, 588, 4281, 1351, 1286, 110, 1151, 3199, 3199, 1162, 2594, 832, 1064, 100, 1323, 4317, 2271, 3219, 3219, 3219, 3092, 2239, 1206, 1830, 2476, 1975, 1975, 1288, 3408, 2542, 3374, 9, 1084, 3271, 4092, 1643, 2815, 2815, 2815, 2815, 605, 605, 3755, 3764, 293, 2148, 3077, 3077, 4318, 4599, 2821, 4241, 55, 1206, 2534, 2980, 957, 676, 4656, 4656, 4656, 4656, 4656, 2547, 823, 815, 2607, 1616, 551, 318, 3044, 2450, 2035, 4120, 4983, 1096, 3446, 1093, 1093, 1459, 1459, 1459, 307, 2805, 2805, 1030, 1670, 978, 978, 2292, 3886, 606, 2464, 4526, 965, 316, 316, 1010, 313, 1892, 190, 1462, 1462, 1462, 509, 2547, 1743, 4186, 4115, 4115, 4115, 4115, 2472, 2472, 1096, 3446, 4794, 4794, 3028, 3028, 3028, 1765, 1765, 2122, 2648, 2648, 2640, 2640, 3530, 302, 302, 145, 1311, 634, 2967, 3808, 92, 3796, 3587, 3587, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 1162, 30, 4575, 3798, 3798, 3996, 3431, 3537, 3574, 394, 4503, 2807, 2807, 1244, 2443, 2656, 4542, 2307, 1686, 4414, 4077, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1575, 4946, 2443, 1821, 2708, 1289, 706, 4433, 875, 4983, 1096, 1394, 2980, 3670, 3395, 3395, 90, 4515, 4073, 3487, 4272, 4272, 3924, 3924, 3618, 3618, 3724, 3724, 3724, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 3172, 3172, 2016, 1473, 1473, 608, 608, 536, 2091, 2091, 302, 145, 145, 3414, 61, 362, 362, 1375, 599, 599, 3525, 2747, 2250, 3841, 562, 562, 3740, 2982, 2982, 673, 2933, 4658, 785, 3106, 840, 2441, 2524, 3877, 3877, 886, 3880, 2969, 4997, 1134, 4295, 734, 734, 2382, 2382, 49, 182, 3327, 2559, 53, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3697, 2416, 1906, 1906, 569, 884, 587, 1842, 1842, 1202, 474, 4159, 2184, 316, 4876, 9, 1084, 3194, 4092, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2825, 1193, 22, 45, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2622, 1914, 3374, 2119, 2119, 4367, 1892, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2705, 1294, 4848, 4848, 598, 1638, 1638, 2210, 4401, 20, 1915, 3808, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1943, 1245, 3913, 23, 23, 2030, 312, 3199, 2391, 2754, 1406, 3610, 2838, 1185, 685, 114, 136, 541, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 4768, 3918, 662, 3291, 10, 2131, 1109, 2878, 171, 4507, 4783, 4783, 2570, 4745, 4745, 4745, 232, 232, 232, 4065, 1538, 1882, 269, 151, 2210, 4401, 20, 4276, 3808, 1351, 1639, 1639, 1286, 1286, 828, 2030, 710, 252, 252, 1332, 101, 313, 1892, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1295, 1295, 258, 2410, 42, 2212, 1283, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1997, 2807, 3903, 3599, 3599, 3599, 2322, 3543, 4390, 1036, 1036, 1848, 3843, 153, 153, 2377, 1773, 4917, 403, 2747, 403, 1706, 1706, 4618, 4618, 1706, 1151, 1151, 4755, 4755, 30, 2263, 458, 458, 4189, 2298, 954, 3691, 2833, 4477, 2031, 3571, 3571, 3571, 2023, 2469, 3793, 2682, 4897, 652, 4358, 4358, 651, 2308, 2308, 3086, 2605, 3691, 3691, 4477, 2668, 2910, 1294, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 3660, 2605, 3771, 74, 74, 4295, 734, 734, 2382, 2924, 1307, 3350, 1655, 2182, 2182, 2182, 8, 966, 3877, 191, 2378, 661, 488, 488, 2099, 340, 305, 3701, 3701, 2662, 2662, 2662, 2662, 2662, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 269, 443, 2039, 931, 588, 588, 2250, 2747, 2699, 2691, 2691, 2691, 3811, 327, 327, 23, 23, 2154, 28, 673, 1162, 2391, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 2435, 1368, 1096, 3446, 2043, 1547, 4781, 4781, 4781, 4065, 1341, 314, 2682, 3169, 501, 473, 2379, 3086, 2002, 4355, 534, 561, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 3456, 1566, 4333, 3564, 1270, 712, 293, 4990, 2330, 4918, 4016, 4016, 4016, 4016, 3403, 4736, 2355, 3177, 1975, 3941, 1288, 3846, 1593, 4493, 1134, 2990, 3063, 3063, 3063, 3063, 3063, 518, 518, 421, 1206, 377, 3190, 1481, 2962, 588, 1351, 1351, 2747, 1707, 1286, 2827, 2827, 673, 673, 252, 4494, 101, 4077, 9, 3194, 3271, 4092, 688, 688, 688, 688, 550, 550, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 884, 2377, 3485, 3485, 4014, 4014, 2977, 2977, 2977, 2013, 45, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2478, 3649, 2833, 4814, 441, 441, 425, 2848, 2504, 603, 3061, 699, 699, 2151, 1137, 4250, 2419, 2127, 898, 898, 3018, 2676, 1149, 1255, 1337, 4199, 4199, 3971, 3971, 2009, 3232, 1815, 1096, 1096, 2923, 3605, 3605, 3605, 3605, 1013, 518, 518, 290, 421, 1206, 377, 4891, 97, 2500, 2500, 73, 73, 1496, 1496, 4, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 3215, 3215, 2414, 2414, 2414, 4859, 633, 633, 633, 633, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.3001609442060086, 0.440236051502146, 0.5402896995708155, 0.8004291845493563, 0.9004828326180259, 1.3207081545064379, 1.560836909871245, 1.8810085836909873, 1.941040772532189, 2.261212446351932, 2.7414699570815455, 3.061641630901288, 3.2817596566523606, 3.3417918454935625, 3.461856223175966, 3.5819206008583695, 3.882081545064378, 4.522424892703864, 5.122746781115881, 5.2228004291845505, 5.542972103004293, 5.703057939914164, 6.04324034334764, 6.14329399141631, 7.06378755364807, 7.604077253218885, 7.724141630901288, 7.864216738197426, 8.0843347639485, 8.224409871244635, 8.784710300429186, 9.124892703862663, 9.204935622317599, 9.385032188841203, 9.58513948497854, 9.805257510729614, 10.045386266094422, 10.18546137339056, 10.645708154506439, 10.925858369098714, 11.16598712446352, 11.226019313304722, 11.746298283261803, 12.106491416309014, 12.666791845493565, 12.986963519313305, 13.407188841201718, 13.647317596566525, 13.767381974248929, 13.967489270386269, 14.627843347639486, 14.948015021459229, 15.348229613733908, 15.56834763948498, 15.708422746781117, 15.968562231759659, 16.388787553648072, 16.889055793991417, 17.089163090128757, 17.169206008583693, 17.489377682403436, 17.60944206008584, 17.76952789699571 ]
[ 0.3001609442060086, 0.440236051502146, 0.5402896995708155, 0.7804184549356225, 0.9004828326180259, 1.3207081545064379, 1.560836909871245, 1.8609978540772534, 1.941040772532189, 2.261212446351932, 2.7414699570815455, 3.061641630901288, 3.2617489270386266, 3.3417918454935625, 3.461856223175966, 3.5819206008583695, 3.882081545064378, 4.522424892703864, 5.122746781115881, 5.2228004291845505, 5.542972103004293, 5.703057939914164, 6.04324034334764, 6.14329399141631, 7.06378755364807, 7.604077253218885, 7.724141630901288, 7.864216738197426, 8.0843347639485, 8.224409871244635, 8.784710300429186, 9.124892703862663, 9.204935622317599, 9.385032188841203, 9.58513948497854, 9.805257510729614, 10.045386266094422, 10.18546137339056, 10.645708154506439, 10.925858369098714, 11.145976394849786, 11.226019313304722, 11.746298283261803, 12.106491416309014, 12.666791845493565, 12.986963519313305, 13.407188841201718, 13.647317596566525, 13.767381974248929, 13.967489270386269, 14.627843347639486, 14.948015021459229, 15.348229613733908, 15.56834763948498, 15.708422746781117, 15.968562231759659, 16.388787553648072, 16.889055793991417, 17.089163090128757, 17.169206008583693, 17.489377682403436, 17.60944206008584, 17.76952789699571, 18.629989270386268 ]
then ebb the mighty heaves that sway the forest like a troubled sea i love thy wizard noise and rave in turn half-vacant thoughts and rhymes of careless form then hide me from the shower a short sojourn neath ivied oak and mutter to the storm
[ "then", "ebb", "the", "mighty", "heaves", "that", "sway", "the", "forest", "like", "a", "troubled", "sea", "i", "love", "thy", "wizard", "noise", "and", "rave", "in", "turn", "half-vacant", "thoughts", "and", "rhymes", "of", "careless", "form", "then", "hide", "me", "from", "the", "shower", "a", "short", "sojourn", "neath", "ivied", "oak", "and", "mutter", "to", "the", "storm" ]
[ "then", "ebb", "the", "mighty", "heaves", "that", "sway", "the", "forest", "like", "a", "troubled", "sea", "i", "love", "thy", "wizard", "noise", "and", "rave", "in", "turn", "half-vacant", "thoughts", "and", "rhymes", "of", "careless", "form", "then", "hide", "me", "from", "the", "shower", "a", "short", "sojourn", "neath", "ivied", "oak", "and", "mutter", "to", "the", "storm" ]
[ "t h e n", "e b b", "t h e", "m i g h t y", "h e a v e s", "t h a t", "s w a y", "t h e", "f o r e s t", "l i k e", "a", "t r o u b l e d", "s e a", "i", "l o v e", "t h y", "w i z a r d", "n o i s e", "a n d", "r a v e", "i n", "t u r n", "h a l f v a c a n t", "t h o u g h t s", "a n d", "r h y m e s", "o f", "c a r e l e s s", "f o r m", "t h e n", "h i d e", "m e", "f r o m", "t h e", "s h o w e r", "a", "s h o r t", "s o j o u r n", "n e a t h", "i v i e d", "o a k", "a n d", "m u t t e r", "t o", "t h e", "s t o r m" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 453, 3673, 1457, 2154, 524, 2677, 2677, 348, 4321, 1504, 2594, 4461, 899, 899, 899, 3917, 3832, 834, 4990, 2330, 2875, 1, 1045, 187, 1169, 1169, 1169, 1169, 90, 4175, 3747, 2283, 3737, 3855, 3470, 3326, 4035, 1448, 3513, 4730, 2816, 3948, 1134, 148, 1194, 1194, 1194, 1194, 495, 495, 216, 4390, 357, 1745, 1745, 1745, 4101, 4911, 2818, 3349, 1606, 1606, 3064, 3064, 3064, 3064, 3064, 4619, 4619, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3322, 2248, 2248, 3636, 4072, 4072, 4433, 3994, 2938, 949, 612, 612, 2965, 2965, 577, 2951, 4523, 158, 4876, 3702, 382, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 4227, 4227, 4227, 2082, 550, 83, 83, 3910, 2924, 1414, 3350, 4141, 3513, 177, 2690, 563, 623, 1096, 3446, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1772, 908, 908, 4395, 4565, 4209, 159, 3626, 4077, 3863, 1836, 426, 2336, 854, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 1743, 1206, 2313, 1567, 546, 432, 3336, 354, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 1803, 1803, 1803, 4175, 2283, 2715, 4264, 2053, 2053, 36, 4771, 4771, 354, 4523, 4523, 158, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 313, 1892, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 272, 73, 1302, 73, 73, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2250, 254, 254, 4083, 2578, 4420, 2200, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 322, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 214, 214, 2154, 1066, 4321, 30, 30, 794, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 1736, 4052, 4052, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 275, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3466, 3855, 3855, 199, 1206, 3196, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 1736, 1736, 2117, 3649, 4714, 2833, 2668, 2910, 867, 867, 2562, 4032, 3886, 472, 4897, 4419, 1822, 364, 1100, 1895, 1895, 1315, 1471, 1471, 3041, 4013, 4013, 4013, 4013, 4013, 4013, 4875, 4875, 4992, 4992, 1473, 1473, 1473, 3979, 608, 536, 296, 706, 4260, 3136, 3136, 3610, 68, 4117, 3123, 954, 1626, 1132, 3476, 3476, 1988, 1549, 4984, 4984, 528, 528, 528, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 3322, 3322, 2248, 4406, 3266, 3564, 3564, 295, 1234, 1185, 1185, 685, 1546, 114, 1359, 1359, 2657, 541, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3764, 2298, 2824, 4044, 3805, 395, 3934, 2727, 2727, 2727, 2727, 509, 451, 1111, 3275, 3275, 3524, 2158, 479, 1070, 4198, 2502, 2502, 3413, 2663, 1743, 354, 903, 2679, 3951, 3951, 3687, 1185, 830, 1546, 2463, 2774, 628, 4466, 2619, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2913, 2913, 2913, 59, 58, 445, 3711, 273, 4266, 2905, 3376, 3376, 4181, 4181, 1234, 2298, 3123, 3031, 3476, 3476, 1988, 926, 4163, 4163, 4163, 232, 232, 232, 887, 4065, 3187, 3187, 1030, 1670, 978, 2292, 706, 2906, 606, 4526, 384, 965, 2277, 917, 2933, 559, 678, 708, 3750, 3750, 4040, 3750, 4861, 4861, 4391, 4391, 3243, 1940, 4133, 1965, 1965, 1965, 4209, 159, 1031, 4077, 3838, 875, 875, 4983, 1096, 3446, 2043, 2108, 3484, 3484, 3484, 3484, 3484, 178, 2235, 2235, 2235, 2235, 1753, 4788, 4788, 4788, 4788, 3999, 3634, 3634, 1225, 1225, 1225, 2039, 1393, 931, 588, 588, 4420, 92, 92, 3796, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 453, 3673, 3673, 3673, 2154, 2677, 2725, 348, 348, 1504, 3196, 2483, 899, 899, 3917, 4117, 4117, 4044, 4044, 3072, 369, 369, 4307, 4695, 4695, 4695, 4695, 4695, 4695, 167, 167, 282, 282, 1473, 3463, 3058, 2199, 1895, 46, 1014, 3768, 2170, 3504, 3504, 438, 438, 3293, 4635, 4635, 3106, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 906, 2052, 3252, 3252, 4035, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 2878, 18, 171, 4507, 4783, 4783, 897, 642, 642, 3745, 3745, 1955, 1955, 4069, 4069, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 4475, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 1484, 2358, 20, 4276, 586, 92, 3796, 1639, 140, 140, 140, 31, 31, 157, 157, 532, 828, 828, 1103, 710, 4281, 1910, 30, 4575, 4945, 4945, 4945, 1723, 2542, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 2796, 2796, 2796, 1871, 2310, 2310, 1923, 445, 2951, 2951, 4523, 4523, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 2403, 788, 4678, 4678, 201, 1193, 693, 3049, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 3460, 3460, 81, 1747, 3704, 178, 178, 2688, 2688, 2688, 1753, 1753, 3664, 3664, 209, 1882, 269, 269, 2911, 443, 3159, 1482, 2459, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 4420, 1646, 1646, 599, 1646, 4823, 4823, 4823, 4823, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 453, 3673, 3673, 852, 710, 2677, 4281, 2234, 2579, 1471, 25, 4142, 4142, 4142, 4142, 4061, 4966, 4966, 2035, 3632, 4355, 1291, 1291, 2411, 2557, 2557, 4824, 4878, 4878, 4878, 4417, 282, 282, 1912, 4406, 4406, 3094, 1206, 301, 1562, 4400, 1745, 4601, 4540, 2671, 2355, 4571, 2330, 534, 534, 561, 118, 118, 1304, 1304, 2797, 2797, 4892, 4892, 4892, 3399, 815, 3780, 2933, 2559, 935, 3213, 3213, 3213, 97, 97, 2012, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3382, 3382, 4623, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 1461, 2838, 4117, 704, 74, 1130, 1130, 1456, 148, 2929, 2929, 2929, 2929, 4515, 1358, 3840, 3840, 1975, 1288, 4018, 2183, 3326, 3076, 63, 665, 698, 2655, 437, 3350, 4035, 10, 10, 3368, 1109, 4876, 9, 382, 1084, 3194, 4092, 1643, 1555, 1555, 3550, 3550, 3550, 178, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 4788, 4788, 4788, 4788, 3999, 3634, 3634, 1225, 443, 1393, 1152, 128, 128, 2012, 272, 73, 1496, 1496, 4420, 1496, 4006, 3103, 3103, 1081, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 1901, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.6607036247334755, 0.9009594882729212, 1.0411087420042642, 1.361449893390192, 1.8219402985074629, 2.0221535181236674, 2.382537313432836, 2.5026652452025586, 2.903091684434968, 3.123326226012793, 3.1833901918976544, 3.663901918976546, 4.604904051172708, 5.345692963752666, 5.686055437100213, 5.906289978678038, 6.266673773987207, 6.707142857142857, 6.867313432835821, 7.2877611940298515, 7.407889125799573, 7.828336886993603, 8.469019189765458, 8.849424307036248, 8.98957356076759, 9.41002132196162, 9.510127931769723, 10.010660980810234, 10.891599147121536, 11.51226012793177, 11.91268656716418, 12.052835820895522, 12.293091684434968, 12.41321961620469, 13.21407249466951, 13.594477611940297, 13.974882729211087, 15.01599147121535, 15.73675906183369, 16.19724946695096, 16.75784648187633, 17.198315565031983, 17.49863539445629, 17.638784648187634, 17.778933901918975 ]
[ 0.6607036247334755, 0.9009594882729212, 1.0411087420042642, 1.361449893390192, 1.8219402985074629, 2.0221535181236674, 2.382537313432836, 2.5026652452025586, 2.903091684434968, 3.123326226012793, 3.1833901918976544, 3.663901918976546, 4.604904051172708, 5.345692963752666, 5.686055437100213, 5.906289978678038, 6.266673773987207, 6.707142857142857, 6.867313432835821, 7.267739872068231, 7.407889125799573, 7.828336886993603, 8.469019189765458, 8.849424307036248, 8.98957356076759, 9.41002132196162, 9.510127931769723, 10.010660980810234, 10.891599147121536, 11.51226012793177, 11.91268656716418, 12.052835820895522, 12.293091684434968, 12.41321961620469, 13.21407249466951, 13.594477611940297, 13.974882729211087, 15.01599147121535, 15.73675906183369, 16.19724946695096, 16.75784648187633, 17.198315565031983, 17.49863539445629, 17.638784648187634, 17.778933901918975, 18.75997867803838 ]
rude and boisterous as thou art and scraps of joy my wandering ever finds mid thy uproarious madness when the start of sudden tempests stirs the forest leaves into hoarse fury till the shower set free stills the huge swells
[ "rude", "and", "boisterous", "as", "thou", "art", "and", "scraps", "of", "joy", "my", "wandering", "ever", "finds", "mid", "thy", "uproarious", "madness", "when", "the", "start", "of", "sudden", "tempests", "stirs", "the", "forest", "leaves", "into", "hoarse", "fury", "till", "the", "shower", "set", "free", "stills", "the", "huge", "swells" ]
[ "rude", "and", "boisterous", "as", "thou", "art", "and", "scraps", "of", "joy", "my", "wandering", "ever", "finds", "mid", "thy", "uproarious", "madness", "when", "the", "start", "of", "sudden", "tempests", "stirs", "the", "forest", "leaves", "into", "hoarse", "fury", "till", "the", "shower", "set", "free", "stills", "the", "huge", "swells" ]
[ "r u d e", "a n d", "b o i s t e r o u s", "a s", "t h o u", "a r t", "a n d", "s c r a p s", "o f", "j o y", "m y", "w a n d e r i n g", "e v e r", "f i n d s", "m i d", "t h y", "u p r o a r i o u s", "m a d n e s s", "w h e n", "t h e", "s t a r t", "o f", "s u d d e n", "t e m p e s t s", "s t i r s", "t h e", "f o r e s t", "l e a v e s", "i n t o", "h o a r s e", "f u r y", "t i l l", "t h e", "s h o w e r", "s e t", "f r e e", "s t i l l s", "t h e", "h u g e", "s w e l l s" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 914, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 2725, 2933, 2234, 2001, 3547, 3547, 1132, 3476, 1827, 52, 52, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 869, 1296, 4102, 4571, 758, 245, 1, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 2298, 1185, 1185, 4819, 4819, 3133, 2559, 53, 4427, 355, 3318, 3318, 3318, 3318, 4992, 4992, 4992, 1037, 4853, 3626, 4440, 462, 2187, 4270, 1191, 347, 3045, 3045, 3619, 3619, 4899, 4899, 4209, 159, 1031, 923, 65, 872, 4944, 1291, 2834, 4950, 2482, 261, 261, 261, 261, 659, 659, 3578, 4050, 4247, 4247, 2938, 2938, 3196, 1655, 239, 239, 239, 239, 239, 239, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 4298, 2165, 2165, 534, 534, 561, 2557, 1597, 1597, 1597, 1597, 1597, 1597, 207, 207, 1653, 2914, 2914, 290, 290, 290, 1136, 3974, 628, 1725, 377, 3472, 4891, 4891, 97, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 4710, 4710, 4710, 2250, 238, 238, 238, 1646, 1646, 4823, 4823, 3736, 3736, 4796, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1400, 1400, 1400, 1400, 1436, 1436, 312, 2933, 14, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 2838, 4117, 1748, 2527, 4834, 760, 4876, 3702, 3702, 382, 4019, 521, 205, 2360, 2360, 406, 2475, 3459, 119, 119, 119, 119, 96, 59, 4385, 1761, 4250, 4421, 2354, 273, 4266, 4266, 2213, 4260, 606, 2464, 2464, 169, 384, 1601, 3652, 917, 2089, 42, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2097, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 3704, 4875, 4875, 4875, 4992, 4992, 2172, 3910, 3846, 1125, 436, 1134, 3069, 737, 737, 737, 429, 429, 1736, 1736, 3649, 4714, 4477, 2158, 2031, 3571, 3571, 3571, 3571, 2023, 2469, 2469, 2682, 1771, 4897, 652, 652, 4358, 651, 4687, 2308, 4976, 42, 435, 4197, 3600, 4854, 1823, 351, 3266, 484, 1403, 1403, 1288, 2009, 3232, 1815, 623, 3524, 3326, 3446, 2043, 1547, 1547, 4781, 4781, 4781, 4781, 4781, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 2197, 2197, 2197, 706, 4247, 4208, 2612, 3807, 1130, 1130, 1134, 2990, 2678, 2678, 2678, 2678, 2930, 2930, 2199, 12, 3470, 2559, 2047, 1655, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 1654, 282, 2301, 3168, 1323, 4317, 3090, 3681, 3681, 3560, 1761, 4250, 4250, 4567, 1626, 1626, 1132, 3476, 52, 2798, 1382, 1382, 1382, 178, 178, 2787, 2787, 4942, 4942, 470, 870, 870, 3304, 3304, 3304, 3720, 3720, 3619, 3619, 4899, 4209, 159, 4077, 3863, 2940, 4208, 1204, 3807, 1134, 308, 2993, 2700, 2700, 2700, 2700, 2700, 4573, 4573, 509, 1930, 2930, 2199, 1895, 268, 268, 268, 1321, 1321, 2193, 2193, 2193, 2193, 968, 1238, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 3414, 881, 881, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 238, 4083, 238, 238, 238, 4420, 4621, 3736, 3736, 3736, 3736, 3736, 3736, 803, 3, 3, 3, 1400, 1400, 1400, 1400, 1436, 3268, 2677, 1162, 924, 582, 582, 4812, 3364, 40, 3291, 3513, 2131, 3368, 1109, 3374, 158, 9, 1084, 4367, 1892, 190, 1104, 1678, 1678, 207, 207, 207, 2914, 2121, 1923, 3965, 1686, 4952, 2723, 4526, 169, 965, 316, 316, 158, 1010, 313, 1892, 1608, 850, 850, 850, 850, 2930, 4597, 4597, 1175, 3000, 3000, 522, 4108, 1546, 1206, 114, 1359, 2657, 2374, 3585, 3585, 1331, 2057, 1157, 55, 2820, 2419, 4565, 4565, 4209, 159, 1807, 1807, 1807, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 4092, 1643, 1555, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 1343, 2237, 3850, 3850, 525, 4213, 1764, 4050, 3994, 2938, 2047, 4141, 3513, 177, 2690, 563, 623, 3524, 3326, 3446, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1772, 908, 908, 3558, 4565, 4565, 4209, 159, 3626, 462, 3863, 1836, 2251, 426, 275, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 4619, 3322, 3322, 2248, 2248, 3636, 4578, 4072, 2906, 3376, 1270, 1048, 4109, 685, 4895, 114, 1843, 198, 198, 630, 2006, 3261, 13, 392, 392, 4236, 4236, 4236, 4236, 1871, 2310, 2310, 2848, 356, 2227, 3626, 3838, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 381, 3446, 4953, 3642, 3642, 2011, 2011, 2011, 2161, 123, 123, 123, 3884, 4080, 1034, 1034, 1418, 1418, 3843, 311, 311, 884, 884, 2377, 2377, 4409, 2358, 20, 2933, 586, 92, 3796, 1639, 3587, 140, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 1357, 1357, 1357, 23, 828, 828, 710, 710, 1416, 2670, 4281, 2607, 114, 3076, 1824, 1372, 1874, 1874, 2477, 3350, 4035, 3102, 3513, 3368, 1109, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 4783, 897, 642, 642, 642, 3745, 3745, 3745, 4069, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 3941, 1288, 3408, 3408, 1417, 3374, 1010, 313, 1892, 1608, 3705, 3705, 3705, 4556, 4556, 2307, 2734, 4120, 623, 1615, 1615, 3953, 2591, 2591, 2155, 2155, 2155, 584, 584, 2081, 438, 2622, 1914, 3374, 4077, 9, 1084, 3194, 1641, 4092, 1643, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 900, 900, 4213, 4213, 706, 3994, 2938, 1844, 4141, 10, 4816, 2367, 3349, 3349, 1606, 1606, 4548, 4548, 4548, 4548, 307, 307, 3952, 3952, 132, 1810, 2060, 4797, 3553, 3553, 3553, 4037, 382, 3708, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 4227, 4227, 1543, 1543, 4504, 4504, 4504, 709, 1796, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 3477, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 836, 536, 536, 4284, 302, 302, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 881, 881, 4974, 4974, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 4859, 4420, 4859, 4859, 633, 633, 633, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.9210478359908884, 1.1613211845102505, 1.8621184510250568, 2.122414578587699, 2.4828246013667425, 3.30375854214123, 3.8844191343963552, 4.4450569476082, 4.625261958997722, 5.025717539863325, 5.265990888382688, 5.746537585421412, 5.986810933940774, 6.58749430523918, 6.847790432801822, 7.128109339407744, 7.949043280182232, 9.050296127562643, 9.630956719817766, 9.751093394077449, 10.111503416856491, 10.251662870159453, 10.592050113895215, 11.032551252847378, 11.412984054669703, 11.573166287015946, 12.013667425968109, 12.354054669703872, 12.574305239179953, 12.954738041002278, 13.675558086560365, 14.156104783599089, 14.276241457858768, 14.776810933940773, 15.037107061503416, 15.3574715261959, 15.777949886104784, 15.918109339407744, 16.29854214123007 ]
[ 0.9210478359908884, 1.1613211845102505, 1.8621184510250568, 2.122414578587699, 2.4828246013667425, 3.30375854214123, 3.8844191343963552, 4.4450569476082, 4.625261958997722, 5.025717539863325, 5.265990888382688, 5.746537585421412, 5.986810933940774, 6.58749430523918, 6.847790432801822, 7.128109339407744, 7.949043280182232, 9.050296127562643, 9.630956719817766, 9.751093394077449, 10.111503416856491, 10.251662870159453, 10.592050113895215, 11.032551252847378, 11.412984054669703, 11.573166287015946, 12.013667425968109, 12.354054669703872, 12.574305239179953, 12.954738041002278, 13.675558086560365, 14.156104783599089, 14.276241457858768, 14.776810933940773, 15.037107061503416, 15.3574715261959, 15.777949886104784, 15.918109339407744, 16.29854214123007, 17.55997722095672 ]
led on as by enemo's silken strand i come and gaze and gaze upon thy face framed round by silence poised on pearl-white grace of curving throat too sweet for beaded band
[ "led", "on", "as", "by", "enemo's", "silken", "strand", "i", "come", "and", "gaze", "and", "gaze", "upon", "thy", "face", "framed", "round", "by", "silence", "poised", "on", "pearl-white", "grace", "of", "curving", "throat", "too", "sweet", "for", "beaded", "band" ]
[ "led", "on", "as", "by", "enemo's", "silken", "strand", "i", "come", "and", "gaze", "and", "gaze", "upon", "thy", "face", "framed", "round", "by", "silence", "poised", "on", "pearl-white", "grace", "of", "curving", "throat", "too", "sweet", "for", "beaded", "band" ]
[ "l e d", "o n", "a s", "b y", "e n e m o ' s", "s i l k e n", "s t r a n d", "i", "c o m e", "a n d", "g a z e", "a n d", "g a z e", "u p o n", "t h y", "f a c e", "f r a m e d", "r o u n d", "b y", "s i l e n c e", "p o i s e d", "o n", "p e a r l w h i t e", "g r a c e", "o f", "c u r v i n g", "t h r o a t", "t o o", "s w e e t", "f o r", "b e a d e d", "b a n d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 4720, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 524, 75, 2747, 2234, 229, 738, 669, 1688, 3674, 3674, 3674, 3674, 2930, 754, 743, 4571, 2875, 2875, 1045, 4918, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 105, 105, 2177, 1282, 269, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 3159, 3159, 758, 758, 983, 983, 2607, 1249, 2834, 4950, 261, 261, 659, 659, 3578, 4969, 3930, 2821, 4241, 3133, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 3168, 2443, 3566, 4217, 4959, 2146, 152, 25, 25, 3512, 3512, 3512, 1350, 1350, 3144, 1404, 212, 4039, 280, 280, 280, 3956, 3956, 3153, 2267, 2267, 4050, 1807, 4433, 4037, 4037, 3702, 3702, 1069, 552, 552, 620, 4737, 4737, 4737, 4737, 3399, 3399, 3249, 2533, 903, 903, 4439, 4741, 4741, 3687, 1748, 4192, 4414, 382, 382, 382, 120, 2314, 347, 347, 609, 3253, 3675, 3675, 3675, 2451, 2451, 2451, 2451, 2451, 4489, 209, 3034, 4210, 4394, 4394, 412, 4497, 2205, 3190, 1481, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 532, 3844, 1103, 3268, 312, 1910, 30, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 49, 4305, 581, 2559, 560, 3718, 3387, 3387, 3489, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 2846, 2846, 304, 2876, 893, 893, 1225, 2139, 2039, 2039, 128, 2358, 2962, 588, 1646, 92, 1351, 1639, 1639, 3401, 327, 327, 327, 3415, 3415, 2827, 2827, 3268, 28, 1910, 14, 1510, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 2838, 604, 4192, 4192, 3895, 213, 777, 41, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 528, 4583, 3322, 3322, 3559, 3559, 4594, 296, 296, 4260, 3376, 3136, 295, 1123, 1234, 1185, 4728, 4485, 1829, 41, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 4583, 4583, 3559, 3559, 4594, 4433, 2906, 4607, 430, 1961, 2261, 1210, 3170, 1082, 849, 849, 2236, 2236, 2236, 4189, 2548, 3364, 662, 40, 1655, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 429, 49, 3293, 563, 623, 623, 43, 671, 4953, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2640, 2640, 3530, 3530, 542, 302, 302, 145, 145, 145, 3414, 881, 881, 61, 362, 362, 1375, 4, 4, 816, 816, 877, 254, 2200, 3306, 2200, 2200, 3306, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 3416, 1981, 530, 2490, 1714, 1714, 88, 2974, 88, 1714, 1714, 4755, 4063, 4658, 785, 785, 1615, 3953, 3953, 3785, 557, 1017, 1017, 4271, 4271, 2887, 1670, 4224, 4224, 4728, 4713, 4590, 4590, 2729, 1988, 1460, 1460, 4531, 4531, 217, 3067, 4418, 4418, 3925, 212, 1976, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 2301, 4246, 1914, 4876, 158, 3702, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 4417, 1912, 1912, 3243, 1940, 956, 956, 3285, 3285, 2072, 624, 3264, 4883, 4883, 4883, 2811, 1834, 1834, 3773, 3773, 4100, 145, 3414, 1311, 634, 2967, 3808, 92, 3796, 1639, 3587, 140, 31, 327, 327, 327, 23, 828, 2030, 2030, 2677, 2670, 4281, 3170, 1082, 1663, 2758, 2758, 3318, 3318, 3318, 3318, 3318, 4875, 4992, 4992, 4992, 3322, 3559, 3559, 3559, 3559, 3559, 4594, 4594, 4301, 4301, 4301, 3362, 368, 4995, 1365, 245, 1, 2789, 2263, 3180, 4430, 4430, 4430, 3777, 2177, 4768, 1185, 830, 830, 4591, 4591, 381, 3170, 1082, 1644, 1730, 1730, 2803, 2803, 4487, 4487, 4487, 4487, 3324, 3324, 2901, 4905, 1187, 3427, 22, 1346, 1345, 882, 882, 1671, 1671, 1671, 495, 495, 1173, 3795, 4818, 1136, 1725, 743, 3545, 3895, 213, 1829, 41, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 2941, 2941, 2941, 2941, 1816, 4269, 4269, 2648, 3630, 3530, 4077, 542, 542, 3954, 2214, 162, 2324, 1365, 4944, 64, 64, 169, 169, 965, 1601, 2184, 917, 917, 2607, 560, 3718, 3387, 2497, 1621, 1621, 1621, 1621, 4487, 1580, 1580, 4406, 4406, 1788, 3637, 4687, 4687, 2308, 7, 156, 3771, 50, 2463, 2463, 499, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2570, 2570, 2570, 4745, 4745, 4745, 3956, 3956, 4353, 4345, 4524, 4524, 1136, 1136, 2933, 2559, 1725, 377, 4891, 1481, 1481, 2967, 3808, 92, 3796, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 23, 828, 2030, 710, 2677, 4281, 1784, 1058, 3076, 4375, 985, 3624, 3624, 2801, 260, 2542, 1417, 158, 382, 382, 3708, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 3074, 3074, 3074, 3074, 3074, 1350, 246, 3795, 1136, 1136, 1136, 104, 743, 3472, 1806, 2396, 4635, 3106, 838, 1344, 4746, 4746, 1060, 3327, 4055, 3574, 394, 707, 707, 1350, 1350, 4196, 2073, 2073, 4901, 1256, 1822, 364, 3883, 3895, 3133, 739, 1373, 394, 394, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 2451, 2451, 2451, 4489, 209, 209, 3034, 4210, 4394, 4394, 412, 412, 4497, 2205, 2459, 2500, 2962, 588, 588, 2747, 1081, 1081, 1081, 2209, 329, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5607427055702917, 1.0013262599469495, 1.3017241379310345, 1.5019893899204244, 2.082758620689655, 2.5433687002652516, 3.304376657824933, 3.6047745358090184, 4.245623342175066, 4.686206896551724, 5.086737400530503, 5.246949602122016, 5.56737400530504, 5.847745358090186, 6.068037135278514, 7.029310344827586, 7.870424403183023, 8.11074270557029, 8.311007957559681, 9.192175066312997, 10.013262599469495, 10.253580901856763, 11.034615384615385, 11.535278514588859, 11.695490716180371, 12.176127320954906, 12.857029177718832, 13.297612732095489, 13.758222811671086, 13.938461538461537, 14.278912466843499 ]
[ 0.5607427055702917, 1.0013262599469495, 1.3017241379310345, 1.5019893899204244, 2.082758620689655, 2.5433687002652516, 3.304376657824933, 3.6047745358090184, 4.245623342175066, 4.686206896551724, 5.086737400530503, 5.246949602122016, 5.56737400530504, 5.847745358090186, 6.068037135278514, 7.029310344827586, 7.870424403183023, 8.11074270557029, 8.311007957559681, 9.192175066312997, 10.013262599469495, 10.253580901856763, 11.034615384615385, 11.535278514588859, 11.695490716180371, 12.176127320954906, 12.857029177718832, 13.297612732095489, 13.758222811671086, 13.938461538461537, 14.278912466843499, 15.07997347480106 ]
it seems as if some wizard's magic wand had wrought thee for the love of all the race dear face that will not turn about to see the tulips glorying in the casement sun or other days the drizzled raindrops run down the damp walls but follow only me
[ "it", "seems", "as", "if", "some", "wizard's", "magic", "wand", "had", "wrought", "thee", "for", "the", "love", "of", "all", "the", "race", "dear", "face", "that", "will", "not", "turn", "about", "to", "see", "the", "tulips", "glorying", "in", "the", "casement", "sun", "or", "other", "days", "the", "drizzled", "raindrops", "run", "down", "the", "damp", "walls", "but", "follow", "only", "me" ]
[ "it", "seems", "as", "if", "some", "wizard's", "magic", "wand", "had", "wrought", "thee", "for", "the", "love", "of", "all", "the", "race", "dear", "face", "that", "will", "not", "turn", "about", "to", "see", "the", "tulips", "glorying", "in", "the", "casement", "sun", "or", "other", "days", "the", "drizzled", "raindrops", "run", "down", "the", "damp", "walls", "but", "follow", "only", "me" ]
[ "i t", "s e e m s", "a s", "i f", "s o m e", "w i z a r d ' s", "m a g i c", "w a n d", "h a d", "w r o u g h t", "t h e e", "f o r", "t h e", "l o v e", "o f", "a l l", "t h e", "r a c e", "d e a r", "f a c e", "t h a t", "w i l l", "n o t", "t u r n", "a b o u t", "t o", "s e e", "t h e", "t u l i p s", "g l o r y i n g", "i n", "t h e", "c a s e m e n t", "s u n", "o r", "o t h e r", "d a y s", "t h e", "d r i z z l e d", "r a i n d r o p s", "r u n", "d o w n", "t h e", "d a m p", "w a l l s", "b u t", "f o l l o w", "o n l y", "m e" ]
[ 1101, 361, 72, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 453, 1457, 1457, 852, 524, 3268, 4321, 2391, 4826, 1297, 3357, 679, 679, 4739, 4739, 4523, 4876, 3702, 1069, 1069, 313, 620, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 2887, 1030, 1670, 978, 2197, 2197, 3886, 2906, 4890, 1189, 2752, 176, 3886, 3886, 257, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 316, 316, 4523, 2119, 2119, 4367, 4887, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1800, 1295, 1155, 1155, 1155, 1346, 4477, 2668, 2910, 867, 867, 867, 2562, 1360, 1360, 472, 2523, 2523, 2523, 2523, 2488, 1737, 1737, 3668, 1899, 4266, 2940, 4208, 1204, 1014, 1134, 939, 2993, 789, 789, 789, 600, 514, 4843, 3646, 1722, 3536, 2773, 2773, 2773, 1190, 4786, 4786, 1616, 1616, 1569, 4477, 4477, 1851, 882, 787, 787, 787, 787, 24, 24, 209, 3034, 3034, 4210, 4210, 4394, 412, 412, 4497, 2205, 2205, 3190, 1481, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 312, 312, 3117, 3692, 395, 3699, 3127, 2920, 4569, 1972, 4192, 4590, 1626, 2888, 3476, 3476, 52, 1675, 1675, 1675, 2735, 2735, 2735, 365, 2068, 571, 571, 1129, 628, 1206, 3196, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 311, 311, 884, 3910, 3293, 563, 4635, 526, 3106, 838, 1344, 4746, 4746, 437, 3350, 4035, 3102, 3513, 4828, 4052, 4052, 669, 275, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3654, 3654, 3654, 1300, 1365, 245, 1, 2939, 1776, 1776, 1776, 169, 1601, 2184, 2184, 3632, 2330, 2875, 2972, 4641, 4918, 1259, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 4129, 4129, 967, 1187, 2477, 4873, 4873, 4141, 10, 177, 4354, 1449, 3476, 3476, 1988, 1549, 2890, 2890, 2890, 2890, 2890, 1816, 4269, 2648, 2640, 2640, 3530, 3530, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 145, 145, 3414, 881, 881, 362, 362, 73, 1375, 4, 4083, 4, 816, 2747, 2587, 254, 2756, 2756, 3306, 3306, 228, 228, 3306, 3306, 228, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 530, 530, 530, 1167, 214, 322, 1714, 4755, 3227, 2670, 4281, 1784, 2212, 2212, 3853, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 3769, 3996, 3232, 563, 1815, 2832, 2832, 3446, 671, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 1816, 4269, 2648, 3630, 3530, 3530, 542, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 3414, 3414, 4398, 2967, 362, 362, 403, 1351, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 327, 327, 570, 2827, 2827, 527, 1416, 2747, 1162, 2594, 949, 612, 612, 2969, 168, 168, 2833, 4477, 3570, 3570, 1279, 1279, 3299, 3299, 1927, 3471, 1471, 1021, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 4587, 628, 114, 114, 2657, 541, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1366, 1366, 69, 293, 2660, 430, 1961, 3327, 3537, 53, 3110, 2189, 2189, 278, 278, 278, 2075, 2075, 4524, 4818, 4818, 4397, 4397, 2933, 114, 3076, 63, 219, 3490, 3490, 3210, 1109, 3374, 158, 3702, 1069, 4367, 1892, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1080, 1556, 1556, 2081, 3910, 1307, 1414, 4035, 4141, 10, 1469, 3336, 4291, 4291, 1902, 720, 720, 4375, 4793, 4793, 4793, 307, 44, 4706, 4706, 2561, 143, 1230, 4335, 3088, 3088, 3088, 4385, 2808, 2808, 4675, 1152, 4421, 2354, 3773, 4077, 2898, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 586, 1252, 4243, 3134, 3913, 828, 828, 828, 710, 2677, 2670, 2670, 2933, 340, 1322, 1322, 4549, 957, 4135, 4211, 4211, 4211, 2735, 4942, 4942, 470, 3884, 4358, 651, 501, 473, 4976, 4200, 435, 422, 1446, 1446, 1625, 662, 662, 40, 3291, 10, 124, 2, 91, 559, 4633, 708, 708, 3523, 3523, 3523, 3523, 1816, 1037, 3630, 4697, 4077, 462, 3863, 2843, 4775, 4775, 3694, 2539, 249, 4813, 624, 339, 4883, 4739, 2951, 4523, 4523, 1069, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 2065, 690, 690, 690, 690, 1942, 1942, 2549, 1282, 269, 4844, 2911, 4681, 2210, 4401, 931, 20, 1915, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3913, 157, 157, 1400, 532, 3673, 3844, 1103, 1103, 3268, 1066, 4281, 4641, 2789, 4326, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4129, 178, 4129, 4170, 4170, 3340, 3340, 3340, 4298, 2165, 2875, 2972, 4641, 561, 3423, 3423, 457, 457, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 910, 910, 1617, 381, 2212, 2212, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 4545, 4583, 4583, 3979, 3979, 3979, 3979, 4287, 536, 4050, 1011, 3994, 3994, 2938, 986, 1844, 1448, 3513, 2131, 1617, 3049, 1568, 3326, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 867, 867, 867, 2562, 3886, 3886, 472, 776, 2053, 3325, 3325, 967, 967, 1636, 402, 4771, 42, 3883, 4590, 1626, 3476, 1988, 1549, 2936, 2936, 2936, 2936, 4271, 3214, 3171, 2168, 522, 4108, 2158, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 3253, 4362, 4362, 4362, 1879, 1879, 2808, 2808, 2808, 2933, 4421, 4421, 2354, 3773, 4077, 3294, 3294, 1311, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 1103, 1103, 2677, 2725, 4321, 3547, 3547, 3476, 3476, 1988, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 1942, 1942, 2177, 4768, 3918, 3918, 4846, 2410, 42, 2212, 2231, 485, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 217, 975, 3067, 3764, 314, 2352, 4820, 4035, 3102, 177, 1469, 1568, 2559, 2212, 1283, 3025, 4025, 4025, 4025, 3101, 913, 4001, 4001, 4001, 4994, 4587, 1897, 2607, 1721, 396, 144, 1552, 3823, 3823, 3823, 3823, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 4289, 32, 4284, 2091, 2898, 2898, 3294, 4398, 2821, 4241, 1668, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1416, 2747, 331, 1018, 1389, 125, 3854, 3854, 4242, 4818, 4739, 743, 743, 875, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1096, 3446, 2043, 1241, 1241, 1241, 1241, 4147, 1197, 2847, 1142, 1142, 4363, 4363, 4353, 4298, 2165, 2875, 2875, 1, 561, 731, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4324, 438, 3846, 436, 1134, 3768, 878, 878, 878, 878, 878, 2315, 2315, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 2427, 931, 931, 588, 588, 588, 1496, 1081, 1081, 1081, 1081, 2209, 2209, 2209, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5202722513089005, 0.8804607329842932, 1.000523560209424, 1.1606073298429318, 1.4407539267015708, 1.9009947643979055, 2.3212146596858636, 2.961549738219895, 3.3217382198952876, 3.641905759162303, 3.9020418848167537, 4.08213612565445, 4.222209424083769, 4.5623874345549735, 4.802513089005235, 5.082659685863874, 5.222732984293193, 6.183235602094241, 6.903612565445026, 7.603979057591622, 7.964167539267015, 8.1642722513089, 8.324356020942409, 8.604502617801046, 8.964691099476438, 9.164795811518324, 9.444942408376964, 9.565005235602094, 10.345413612565444, 10.945727748691098, 11.04578010471204, 11.165842931937172, 11.746146596858638, 12.406492146596857, 12.986795811518324, 13.30696335078534, 13.747193717277485, 13.907277486910994, 14.407539267015705, 15.287999999999998, 15.748240837696335, 16.108429319371727, 16.228492146596857, 16.568670157068063, 17.168984293193716, 17.549183246073298, 17.989413612565443, 18.32959162303665 ]
[ 0.5202722513089005, 0.8804607329842932, 1.000523560209424, 1.1606073298429318, 1.4407539267015708, 1.9009947643979055, 2.3212146596858636, 2.961549738219895, 3.3217382198952876, 3.641905759162303, 3.9020418848167537, 4.08213612565445, 4.222209424083769, 4.5623874345549735, 4.802513089005235, 5.082659685863874, 5.222732984293193, 6.183235602094241, 6.903612565445026, 7.603979057591622, 7.964167539267015, 8.1642722513089, 8.324356020942409, 8.604502617801046, 8.964691099476438, 9.164795811518324, 9.444942408376964, 9.565005235602094, 10.345413612565444, 10.945727748691098, 11.04578010471204, 11.165842931937172, 11.746146596858638, 12.406492146596857, 12.986795811518324, 13.30696335078534, 13.747193717277485, 13.907277486910994, 14.407539267015705, 15.287999999999998, 15.748240837696335, 16.108429319371727, 16.228492146596857, 16.568670157068063, 17.168984293193716, 17.549183246073298, 17.989413612565443, 18.32959162303665, 19.089989528795808 ]
and when we bear our virtue outward most impulsively most full of invocation and to be most instandy compellant certes there we live most life whoever breathes most air and counts his dying years by sun and sea
[ "and", "when", "we", "bear", "our", "virtue", "outward", "most", "impulsively", "most", "full", "of", "invocation", "and", "to", "be", "most", "instandy", "compellant", "certes", "there", "we", "live", "most", "life", "whoever", "breathes", "most", "air", "and", "counts", "his", "dying", "years", "by", "sun", "and", "sea" ]
[ "and", "when", "we", "bear", "our", "virtue", "outward", "most", "impulsively", "most", "full", "of", "invocation", "and", "to", "be", "most", "instandy", "compellant", "certes", "there", "we", "live", "most", "life", "whoever", "breathes", "most", "air", "and", "counts", "his", "dying", "years", "by", "sun", "and", "sea" ]
[ "a n d", "w h e n", "w e", "b e a r", "o u r", "v i r t u e", "o u t w a r d", "m o s t", "i m p u l s i v e l y", "m o s t", "f u l l", "o f", "i n v o c a t i o n", "a n d", "t o", "b e", "m o s t", "i n s t a n d y", "c o m p e l l a n t", "c e r t e s", "t h e r e", "w e", "l i v e", "m o s t", "l i f e", "w h o e v e r", "b r e a t h e s", "m o s t", "a i r", "a n d", "c o u n t s", "h i s", "d y i n g", "y e a r s", "b y", "s u n", "a n d", "s e a" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 4720, 72, 914, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1066, 4281, 4321, 1510, 2754, 108, 3610, 3610, 2838, 604, 604, 4192, 4192, 3355, 3355, 1569, 3204, 2783, 842, 582, 4812, 4812, 4812, 4812, 3917, 4768, 3123, 954, 3691, 4014, 3677, 487, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 182, 182, 2164, 3133, 2933, 739, 3574, 3932, 3932, 3932, 3932, 3932, 3932, 700, 700, 2078, 2078, 2078, 2078, 4203, 696, 2325, 3050, 3050, 332, 332, 1570, 4272, 4272, 3924, 3996, 3996, 952, 3612, 2868, 3609, 2786, 2786, 2786, 2786, 425, 1923, 1657, 1974, 614, 614, 3311, 3311, 3035, 3035, 3775, 3775, 2518, 401, 2165, 1889, 2875, 381, 2411, 4815, 4815, 1026, 1026, 2075, 2068, 2408, 2408, 168, 168, 1346, 2145, 2145, 2860, 2860, 2860, 2860, 2860, 1171, 4387, 869, 1296, 3883, 2612, 2612, 46, 3807, 202, 148, 417, 3438, 3438, 3438, 3438, 644, 356, 2227, 4440, 4433, 515, 3362, 368, 4995, 4576, 4028, 2378, 2378, 820, 3563, 4508, 4643, 2973, 1663, 116, 3935, 3935, 3935, 3935, 644, 683, 2963, 2963, 121, 655, 2874, 4642, 4642, 4642, 965, 2184, 4567, 2731, 2731, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 814, 3843, 153, 2689, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2358, 610, 4276, 92, 92, 3796, 72, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 1245, 1245, 4796, 4796, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3673, 3844, 1103, 710, 2677, 2725, 955, 4924, 4924, 2767, 1130, 1456, 995, 417, 3438, 2074, 3438, 2797, 644, 644, 356, 356, 3717, 4440, 1458, 515, 3362, 4995, 1659, 2396, 4983, 3106, 3259, 1015, 1015, 1566, 1566, 4333, 2464, 2464, 384, 2744, 701, 4197, 4028, 1917, 2218, 2218, 3918, 856, 3878, 3612, 2868, 3727, 3727, 3727, 3006, 891, 3766, 4633, 3112, 3112, 181, 181, 3690, 3690, 1573, 1573, 3430, 225, 4780, 18, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 636, 636, 2649, 3398, 2707, 3136, 3136, 2479, 1461, 2838, 685, 4895, 1058, 3026, 4906, 4906, 2130, 4696, 2741, 2958, 566, 566, 3686, 438, 3846, 1593, 202, 148, 995, 3438, 3438, 3438, 3438, 356, 2227, 4440, 4077, 515, 3362, 4995, 1659, 245, 2875, 2972, 2933, 2666, 4967, 459, 459, 1917, 2614, 2614, 277, 3149, 4351, 3989, 2187, 2187, 2751, 4294, 4294, 4294, 3951, 3839, 3998, 3998, 2278, 2278, 4119, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 1999, 381, 894, 1000, 4560, 1277, 1277, 1802, 3563, 4508, 4508, 4591, 2973, 1644, 1730, 2803, 3901, 3901, 1881, 4504, 1437, 317, 1197, 2583, 2597, 2597, 596, 596, 2288, 1374, 3264, 2215, 2215, 1709, 1709, 1725, 377, 3472, 3190, 1481, 2967, 586, 586, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 157, 157, 532, 3673, 3673, 1103, 710, 4321, 252, 4494, 1332, 2110, 2110, 3505, 79, 446, 446, 3192, 3192, 425, 4495, 2183, 2183, 1550, 1359, 513, 2260, 2260, 2260, 2465, 3280, 3797, 3559, 1293, 3976, 3503, 4247, 2938, 2158, 165, 1655, 2483, 2182, 2182, 2182, 2182, 700, 4861, 2078, 4203, 4203, 414, 414, 2117, 45, 104, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 1170, 1170, 4052, 4588, 2336, 4514, 1924, 1924, 1924, 1318, 3466, 3466, 2184, 4567, 2020, 3807, 4011, 1456, 148, 417, 3438, 3438, 3438, 3438, 644, 356, 356, 3717, 4440, 1458, 462, 3863, 3362, 1659, 1836, 2251, 426, 426, 2336, 2420, 240, 240, 240, 240, 1236, 1236, 2122, 3680, 3680, 2217, 1271, 1147, 1300, 3713, 4637, 1377, 186, 186, 186, 3111, 3607, 4197, 3487, 4956, 4956, 1823, 351, 2844, 1788, 484, 4232, 4232, 3941, 3941, 414, 414, 4234, 4881, 4336, 4500, 4281, 2933, 4500, 4500, 1498, 1498, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 3322, 3322, 3322, 998, 998, 998, 998, 998, 1941, 1941, 2027, 273, 4266, 2940, 4208, 4208, 1014, 4011, 148, 417, 3438, 3438, 3438, 644, 356, 2227, 4077, 462, 3362, 4995, 1659, 4571, 2330, 2875, 2933, 1045, 187, 2692, 2692, 4938, 4938, 4938, 4938, 4938, 4861, 4861, 4203, 4203, 4203, 414, 414, 414, 3050, 1492, 197, 3143, 3143, 295, 1461, 1234, 3832, 2659, 2099, 104, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 2067, 3451, 3451, 3451, 1627, 3067, 3067, 277, 3711, 2027, 4266, 2213, 3715, 4908, 4472, 4473, 3976, 4969, 4969, 1139, 84, 433, 2231, 902, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 1654, 1654, 4082, 2438, 2308, 2308, 7, 2605, 2485, 2485, 39, 3779, 3779, 3779, 799, 799, 799, 173, 4203, 3850, 3850, 2038, 2038, 608, 608, 536, 2091, 1011, 302, 3294, 1311, 634, 1915, 586, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1943, 3587, 1245, 4796, 157, 157, 157, 828, 3415, 1103, 1103, 2677, 2725, 4281, 348, 1018, 1976, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 4246, 4246, 1914, 4876, 1010, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 2065, 2065, 2065, 1942, 839, 3398, 1790, 3564, 3564, 295, 1123, 3832, 1748, 4834, 4834, 760, 4876, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 2429, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 272, 272, 73, 4276, 1496, 1496, 2747, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4006, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4602882205513784, 0.7204511278195488, 0.9205764411027568, 1.3608521303258143, 1.5409649122807016, 2.021265664160401, 2.5616040100250625, 2.941842105263158, 4.00250626566416, 4.742969924812029, 4.903070175438597, 5.023145363408521, 5.76360902255639, 5.923709273182957, 6.00375939849624, 6.143847117794485, 6.544097744360902, 7.144473684210526, 8.145100250626566, 8.945601503759399, 9.285814536340851, 9.465927318295739, 9.746102756892231, 10.146353383458647, 10.50657894736842, 10.98687969924812, 11.687318295739347, 12.067556390977442, 12.427781954887218, 12.627907268170425, 12.96812030075188, 13.148233082706765, 13.48844611528822, 14.108834586466164, 14.50908521303258, 14.769248120300752, 14.96937343358396 ]
[ 0.4602882205513784, 0.7204511278195488, 0.9205764411027568, 1.3608521303258143, 1.5409649122807016, 2.021265664160401, 2.5616040100250625, 2.941842105263158, 4.00250626566416, 4.742969924812029, 4.903070175438597, 5.023145363408521, 5.76360902255639, 5.923709273182957, 6.00375939849624, 6.143847117794485, 6.544097744360902, 7.144473684210526, 8.145100250626566, 8.945601503759399, 9.285814536340851, 9.465927318295739, 9.746102756892231, 10.146353383458647, 10.50657894736842, 10.98687969924812, 11.687318295739347, 12.067556390977442, 12.427781954887218, 12.627907268170425, 12.96812030075188, 13.148233082706765, 13.48844611528822, 14.108834586466164, 14.50908521303258, 14.769248120300752, 14.96937343358396, 15.949987468671678 ]
but when a soul by choice and conscience doth throw out her full force on another soul the conscience and the concentration both make mere life love for life in perfect whole and aim consummated is love in sooth
[ "but", "when", "a", "soul", "by", "choice", "and", "conscience", "doth", "throw", "out", "her", "full", "force", "on", "another", "soul", "the", "conscience", "and", "the", "concentration", "both", "make", "mere", "life", "love", "for", "life", "in", "perfect", "whole", "and", "aim", "consummated", "is", "love", "in", "sooth" ]
[ "but", "when", "a", "soul", "by", "choice", "and", "conscience", "doth", "throw", "out", "her", "full", "force", "on", "another", "soul", "the", "conscience", "and", "the", "concentration", "both", "make", "mere", "life", "love", "for", "life", "in", "perfect", "whole", "and", "aim", "consummated", "is", "love", "in", "sooth" ]
[ "b u t", "w h e n", "a", "s o u l", "b y", "c h o i c e", "a n d", "c o n s c i e n c e", "d o t h", "t h r o w", "o u t", "h e r", "f u l l", "f o r c e", "o n", "a n o t h e r", "s o u l", "t h e", "c o n s c i e n c e", "a n d", "t h e", "c o n c e n t r a t i o n", "b o t h", "m a k e", "m e r e", "l i f e", "l o v e", "f o r", "l i f e", "i n", "p e r f e c t", "w h o l e", "a n d", "a i m", "c o n s u m m a t e d", "i s", "l o v e", "i n", "s o o t h" ]
[ 1101, 361, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 1741, 1741, 4462, 4462, 4462, 294, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 955, 955, 2747, 4281, 2001, 2001, 1787, 1787, 1440, 3133, 53, 1389, 3854, 3854, 3854, 3854, 3854, 3854, 3854, 1930, 1964, 1964, 290, 290, 2869, 1136, 3249, 1725, 377, 3472, 3472, 1340, 455, 3355, 1683, 29, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 4812, 410, 3398, 1790, 2660, 95, 1723, 1109, 1544, 4077, 1010, 1069, 313, 2704, 1608, 4261, 4261, 4261, 4261, 3763, 3763, 3763, 967, 1187, 1177, 3431, 2741, 1373, 1976, 2779, 115, 553, 553, 49, 3336, 2559, 4291, 1902, 720, 720, 4522, 1317, 3806, 3806, 3806, 3806, 4992, 4992, 1173, 1037, 3630, 2963, 4955, 4955, 4260, 3376, 4181, 1123, 522, 2659, 2659, 3766, 560, 3387, 256, 1199, 1199, 4996, 4996, 4996, 1778, 1778, 2854, 2373, 3155, 614, 3311, 3061, 1840, 4707, 3285, 3839, 3839, 3839, 3264, 3234, 3234, 1834, 3989, 1011, 3411, 6, 1139, 84, 381, 2212, 1283, 902, 1950, 1950, 1950, 2998, 2998, 2998, 4966, 2607, 2774, 499, 499, 2034, 2034, 1319, 1319, 2570, 2570, 4745, 629, 629, 3956, 1628, 1628, 3607, 3607, 299, 3734, 3734, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 2075, 771, 421, 3492, 743, 759, 759, 1255, 1337, 3911, 4199, 3971, 172, 2009, 563, 1815, 623, 2832, 2832, 1096, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 1015, 36, 36, 1187, 1177, 3232, 4120, 2832, 146, 2832, 2832, 1615, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1491, 1491, 908, 908, 2310, 2848, 1869, 1869, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 4944, 2939, 2263, 3180, 458, 3777, 366, 3398, 1790, 2660, 4217, 4217, 4959, 2146, 1559, 3041, 4062, 4062, 4062, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 3941, 1288, 3408, 2542, 1417, 4433, 4876, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 2704, 1608, 4261, 4261, 4261, 4261, 4261, 4261, 3763, 3763, 3763, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 3477, 195, 195, 195, 391, 4450, 2358, 610, 3808, 92, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 1245, 1245, 1245, 4796, 4796, 1245, 3, 3, 1400, 1400, 1400, 3673, 3844, 2030, 2677, 4281, 348, 1504, 1448, 492, 124, 2, 894, 560, 3718, 3387, 256, 1199, 1199, 1199, 4996, 4996, 4996, 1778, 1778, 2854, 277, 3155, 3155, 614, 4077, 3061, 4707, 4707, 3285, 3285, 2072, 624, 3264, 3234, 3234, 1834, 3989, 4266, 2214, 2214, 2324, 1365, 245, 983, 1, 1045, 187, 4112, 4105, 4105, 591, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 463, 3980, 3980, 2513, 2781, 4792, 1806, 2800, 2938, 1844, 4141, 3513, 177, 2, 3766, 560, 3718, 256, 1199, 1199, 1199, 2545, 2545, 1778, 3149, 1926, 3989, 4955, 2874, 343, 343, 343, 1055, 4108, 2373, 4291, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 4550, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 3430, 225, 4780, 4077, 419, 419, 1840, 222, 3534, 3534, 3534, 3122, 2288, 1979, 2911, 2911, 443, 2210, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3673, 3844, 2154, 710, 2725, 4310, 4310, 2234, 2234, 1787, 1440, 2158, 739, 4427, 4327, 4327, 4327, 1935, 1935, 644, 644, 4061, 2226, 4966, 4966, 2035, 2035, 2612, 2612, 3807, 4493, 1134, 185, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2430, 2663, 3249, 935, 935, 1616, 2612, 1204, 3807, 4011, 2990, 3384, 3384, 3384, 3384, 173, 8, 8, 2956, 1170, 4052, 4588, 1430, 2336, 2420, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 1236, 1236, 2122, 2122, 3680, 3680, 3680, 1271, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1581, 1581, 1581, 881, 61, 4276, 403, 322, 1167, 955, 2747, 2747, 955, 955, 955, 2071, 1416, 2747, 4063, 2788, 520, 229, 738, 738, 1430, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3654, 3654, 3654, 718, 718, 718, 1581, 1581, 2500, 2962, 2962, 2747, 3808, 92, 3796, 4823, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 574, 4796, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2154, 2154, 4310, 4310, 252, 4658, 785, 3106, 840, 840, 1883, 247, 2441, 2956, 1170, 1170, 4052, 4588, 1430, 2336, 2420, 240, 240, 240, 240, 240, 1236, 1236, 2122, 2122, 3680, 3680, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1300, 1365, 4944, 4944, 3963, 3867, 4856, 1949, 712, 3832, 1185, 830, 830, 4055, 3170, 1082, 1644, 1663, 996, 996, 996, 996, 996, 996, 4267, 2472, 3279, 4077, 2437, 2698, 2698, 2698, 1190, 2359, 2842, 628, 3972, 3972, 1785, 1149, 1347, 1347, 2893, 4677, 3973, 3973, 3763, 3763, 3763, 3763, 967, 967, 2851, 1566, 471, 1492, 3143, 4381, 1461, 1123, 1234, 604, 2781, 4192, 4571, 4355, 1291, 1291, 187, 4215, 4215, 4773, 4773, 4773, 529, 2887, 1030, 1670, 258, 2659, 2659, 2099, 560, 3718, 3387, 256, 256, 1199, 1199, 4996, 4996, 1778, 1778, 277, 4351, 4351, 158, 4955, 655, 2874, 4962, 2944, 2944, 1404, 2618, 2560, 871, 871, 934, 4196, 216, 106, 4901, 2381, 4434, 921, 2671, 754, 4571, 4571, 4944, 3963, 3125, 580, 580, 3077, 3077, 2791, 3786, 4247, 1836, 1836, 4913, 4913, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 1430, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3166, 3654, 3654, 3654, 3632, 758, 1492, 3963, 3963, 287, 4856, 1949, 712, 3832, 1748, 2527, 4834, 760, 1544, 2119, 2119, 2119, 3505, 3505, 2704, 620, 4926, 3465, 4926, 4926, 4926, 4926, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4345, 4061, 4061, 4061, 2226, 2226, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 634, 2933, 586, 586, 1252, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.9811238532110091, 1.2213990825688075, 1.32151376146789, 1.6418807339449542, 1.862133027522936, 2.262591743119266, 2.382729357798165, 3.0234633027522935, 3.263738532110092, 3.624151376146789, 3.8644266055045873, 4.064655963302752, 4.3850229357798165, 4.965688073394495, 5.125871559633028, 5.566376146788991, 6.367293577981652, 6.807798165137615, 7.5686697247706425, 7.929082568807339, 8.069243119266055, 9.350711009174313, 10.011467889908257, 10.351857798165138, 10.612155963302753, 11.31295871559633, 12.274059633027523, 12.794655963302752, 13.235160550458716, 13.43538990825688, 13.976009174311926, 14.316399082568807, 14.53665137614679, 14.81697247706422, 15.617889908256881, 15.878188073394496, 16.41880733944954, 16.63905963302752 ]
[ 0.9811238532110091, 1.2213990825688075, 1.32151376146789, 1.6418807339449542, 1.862133027522936, 2.262591743119266, 2.382729357798165, 3.0234633027522935, 3.263738532110092, 3.624151376146789, 3.8644266055045873, 4.064655963302752, 4.3850229357798165, 4.965688073394495, 5.125871559633028, 5.566376146788991, 6.367293577981652, 6.807798165137615, 7.5686697247706425, 7.929082568807339, 8.069243119266055, 9.350711009174313, 10.011467889908257, 10.351857798165138, 10.612155963302753, 11.31295871559633, 12.274059633027523, 12.794655963302752, 13.235160550458716, 13.43538990825688, 13.976009174311926, 14.316399082568807, 14.53665137614679, 14.81697247706422, 15.617889908256881, 15.878188073394496, 16.41880733944954, 16.63905963302752, 17.439977064220184 ]
i am the absence that taunts you the fancy that haunts you the ever unsatisfied guess that questioning emptiness wins a sigh for reply nay nothing am i but the flight of a breath for i am death
[ "i", "am", "the", "absence", "that", "taunts", "you", "the", "fancy", "that", "haunts", "you", "the", "ever", "unsatisfied", "guess", "that", "questioning", "emptiness", "wins", "a", "sigh", "for", "reply", "nay", "nothing", "am", "i", "but", "the", "flight", "of", "a", "breath", "for", "i", "am", "death" ]
[ "i", "am", "the", "absence", "that", "taunts", "you", "the", "fancy", "that", "haunts", "you", "the", "ever", "unsatisfied", "guess", "that", "questioning", "emptiness", "wins", "a", "sigh", "for", "reply", "nay", "nothing", "am", "i", "but", "the", "flight", "of", "a", "breath", "for", "i", "am", "death" ]
[ "i", "a m", "t h e", "a b s e n c e", "t h a t", "t a u n t s", "y o u", "t h e", "f a n c y", "t h a t", "h a u n t s", "y o u", "t h e", "e v e r", "u n s a t i s f i e d", "g u e s s", "t h a t", "q u e s t i o n i n g", "e m p t i n e s s", "w i n s", "a", "s i g h", "f o r", "r e p l y", "n a y", "n o t h i n g", "a m", "i", "b u t", "t h e", "f l i g h t", "o f", "a", "b r e a t h", "f o r", "i", "a m", "d e a t h" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 361, 1741, 1741, 1143, 1143, 1143, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 645, 645, 570, 1913, 1913, 214, 774, 3861, 2085, 1886, 1886, 3199, 4641, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 3168, 3168, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1174, 1295, 258, 2352, 3799, 4035, 2086, 729, 4816, 4705, 1889, 3326, 1045, 2411, 2124, 2124, 2124, 2124, 2467, 1761, 3821, 3821, 649, 18, 2905, 4372, 4707, 596, 3285, 3285, 2072, 624, 3264, 3234, 3234, 991, 3989, 1011, 3954, 2214, 162, 4398, 4398, 1668, 1668, 4756, 372, 1151, 372, 1162, 1795, 3196, 612, 612, 2965, 2965, 2307, 2307, 3054, 4397, 4397, 2933, 55, 2877, 2877, 2526, 2526, 2526, 2526, 24, 1585, 2854, 277, 4744, 2027, 2027, 2535, 4671, 4671, 3591, 3591, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4645, 1819, 4042, 391, 391, 4980, 4980, 1393, 627, 555, 403, 403, 599, 599, 599, 599, 599, 3525, 2250, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3841, 3841, 3841, 562, 3075, 3075, 1714, 1922, 4755, 2982, 1416, 1416, 1416, 1162, 4182, 2594, 1448, 3513, 3513, 2059, 2690, 563, 1815, 1096, 3446, 671, 2043, 11, 2347, 2347, 2347, 913, 1585, 2854, 277, 3149, 4351, 1554, 2535, 4372, 2503, 2503, 3684, 2540, 3843, 311, 311, 884, 2377, 3485, 1472, 1472, 2447, 388, 372, 372, 372, 4340, 1795, 2594, 949, 612, 2965, 2965, 1165, 2307, 3883, 2676, 1149, 1149, 3072, 3072, 3072, 369, 392, 2526, 2526, 2526, 2526, 2526, 1585, 2548, 4116, 1447, 3711, 2027, 273, 2905, 4671, 2867, 3591, 3591, 2191, 4645, 4645, 1819, 1846, 391, 4980, 4980, 4980, 4114, 4114, 555, 1375, 2250, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2756, 254, 4222, 254, 2200, 2200, 2578, 2756, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 107, 107, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 2822, 2822, 214, 214, 2982, 2085, 4420, 4321, 1162, 2594, 489, 1448, 729, 4705, 4705, 2875, 2875, 3326, 1045, 3600, 3600, 4854, 4854, 835, 351, 4929, 3888, 3888, 3888, 910, 223, 3050, 2165, 1630, 2411, 3017, 938, 2737, 2023, 2023, 2298, 4108, 2527, 4834, 4367, 1892, 190, 1462, 1462, 1462, 1462, 4556, 3965, 1686, 3109, 2580, 2580, 2580, 4214, 1554, 3838, 875, 4983, 1096, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 167, 282, 3463, 3463, 3058, 2355, 2800, 2800, 4894, 1206, 559, 1057, 3375, 3375, 3375, 3581, 3581, 279, 3530, 542, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 2214, 145, 3414, 3414, 61, 61, 362, 362, 403, 599, 599, 1706, 1706, 1706, 3525, 1706, 4618, 1706, 2071, 2071, 4310, 1151, 4310, 2001, 2001, 4182, 2594, 949, 2229, 320, 804, 804, 2307, 1686, 2959, 4485, 1829, 340, 340, 3696, 2418, 827, 827, 827, 3016, 3626, 2187, 4270, 4270, 3536, 4632, 641, 641, 1794, 293, 3169, 1605, 4687, 2308, 2379, 3086, 2002, 80, 2607, 1630, 187, 4803, 4803, 4803, 4803, 2057, 4001, 4116, 1447, 1524, 1686, 3109, 3043, 3043, 4054, 4054, 4959, 293, 1321, 2193, 2193, 2193, 968, 1238, 2640, 3530, 1275, 542, 4100, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 61, 61, 362, 362, 362, 599, 599, 4420, 599, 599, 2250, 3525, 2691, 2691, 2691, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 1254, 1254, 1254, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2154, 527, 2725, 4321, 1162, 1683, 29, 4973, 2910, 2910, 864, 3757, 3757, 2168, 3918, 3918, 2197, 2197, 273, 2535, 2905, 1479, 1729, 1008, 1992, 1723, 1001, 1554, 1275, 313, 1479, 1276, 4824, 4824, 4824, 4824, 2175, 2175, 282, 2301, 2301, 3910, 884, 2377, 3485, 1472, 1472, 388, 1435, 4658, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 247, 247, 4081, 448, 448, 3260, 4552, 4552, 4626, 750, 4907, 2812, 2607, 263, 4075, 4075, 1178, 1178, 1178, 167, 2175, 282, 266, 266, 266, 4980, 4980, 4980, 931, 627, 555, 403, 599, 599, 4420, 599, 599, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3841, 1167, 1167, 562, 562, 562, 562, 3740, 1714, 1714, 1714, 4755, 4755, 4755, 2234, 1162, 4924, 2579, 1471, 3041, 2285, 550, 550, 550, 2807, 83, 83, 2357, 884, 2377, 1501, 3800, 3800, 3800, 388, 220, 1151, 4321, 1792, 1858, 1471, 1021, 2895, 2960, 2960, 4556, 2029, 3054, 860, 860, 2933, 2047, 964, 349, 349, 3931, 7, 3086, 150, 2002, 80, 1630, 2411, 3017, 3017, 1755, 1545, 1755, 1174, 2641, 4134, 1557, 1557, 1029, 2175, 2175, 2175, 2175, 266, 266, 266, 4980, 4980, 4980, 931, 555, 555, 1375, 962, 962, 962, 374, 4, 4, 4, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 3164, 107, 1280, 1849, 1849, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 3415, 3415, 214, 527, 527, 1416, 3227, 4420, 1162, 1018, 1389, 4296, 4296, 4242, 577, 1100, 2849, 2849, 2047, 4141, 3513, 177, 2690, 563, 1096, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 2024, 4764, 4764, 3628, 495, 2122, 2122, 518, 3373, 421, 131, 131, 2158, 2205, 3190, 1203, 1668, 4756, 220, 220, 1151, 220, 220, 4641, 2789, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 1966, 1567, 546, 432, 4187, 1060, 2164, 1206, 53, 1498, 2790, 2790, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3581, 4934, 131, 131, 3974, 3974, 1206, 977, 977, 4673, 97, 2500, 61, 1704, 1704, 1375, 1375, 1375, 599, 4420, 2250, 4222, 238, 3525, 3525, 3525, 4621, 2691, 562, 562, 955, 955, 955, 955, 955, 2982, 2925, 4063, 4658, 785, 3106, 3106, 840, 1883, 1508, 247, 247, 247, 696, 1316, 1516, 3050, 80, 628, 1630, 794, 794, 109, 1065, 4193, 1847, 3168, 4251, 4251, 1323, 1244, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 4776, 2846, 304, 2876, 893, 151, 775, 775, 1472, 3800, 388, 388, 3388, 1151, 1151, 372, 4340, 1787, 1787, 1787, 2849, 2212, 1283, 4021, 4021, 772, 2656, 3581, 1100, 131, 3974, 3974, 2732, 2732, 2732, 977, 4673, 2500, 2500, 1711, 1302, 1704, 962, 962, 962, 374, 4, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 334, 2578, 334, 334, 334, 334, 863, 863, 863, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.680717299578059, 0.840886075949367, 1.001054852320675, 1.681772151898734, 1.9620675105485232, 2.34246835443038, 2.842995780590717, 3.323502109704641, 3.9241350210970465, 4.304535864978903, 4.704957805907172, 5.385675105485232, 6.066392405063291, 6.386729957805907, 7.267658227848101, 7.8282489451476795, 8.28873417721519, 8.869345991561183, 9.83035864978903, 10.511075949367088, 10.611181434599155, 11.011603375527425, 11.251856540084388, 12.0126582278481, 12.693375527426161, 13.273987341772152, 13.534261603375528, 14.094852320675106, 14.715506329113923, 14.835632911392404, 15.356181434599154, 15.636476793248946, 15.7165611814346, 16.377257383966242, 17.017932489451475, 17.1981223628692, 17.55850210970464 ]
[ 0.680717299578059, 0.840886075949367, 1.001054852320675, 1.681772151898734, 1.9620675105485232, 2.34246835443038, 2.842995780590717, 3.323502109704641, 3.9241350210970465, 4.304535864978903, 4.704957805907172, 5.385675105485232, 6.066392405063291, 6.386729957805907, 7.267658227848101, 7.8282489451476795, 8.28873417721519, 8.869345991561183, 9.83035864978903, 10.511075949367088, 10.611181434599155, 11.011603375527425, 11.251856540084388, 12.0126582278481, 12.693375527426161, 13.273987341772152, 13.534261603375528, 14.094852320675106, 14.715506329113923, 14.835632911392404, 15.356181434599154, 15.636476793248946, 15.7165611814346, 16.377257383966242, 17.017932489451475, 17.1981223628692, 17.55850210970464, 18.959978902953587 ]
or tremble in whispered refrain with your blood beating warm i am the presence that ever baffles your touch's endeavor gone like the glimmer of dust dispersed by a gust
[ "or", "tremble", "in", "whispered", "refrain", "with", "your", "blood", "beating", "warm", "i", "am", "the", "presence", "that", "ever", "baffles", "your", "touch's", "endeavor", "gone", "like", "the", "glimmer", "of", "dust", "dispersed", "by", "a", "gust" ]
[ "or", "tremble", "in", "whispered", "refrain", "with", "your", "blood", "beating", "warm", "i", "am", "the", "presence", "that", "ever", "baffles", "your", "touch's", "endeavor", "gone", "like", "the", "glimmer", "of", "dust", "dispersed", "by", "a", "gust" ]
[ "o r", "t r e m b l e", "i n", "w h i s p e r e d", "r e f r a i n", "w i t h", "y o u r", "b l o o d", "b e a t i n g", "w a r m", "i", "a m", "t h e", "p r e s e n c e", "t h a t", "e v e r", "b a f f l e s", "y o u r", "t o u c h ' s", "e n d e a v o r", "g o n e", "l i k e", "t h e", "g l i m m e r", "o f", "d u s t", "d i s p e r s e d", "b y", "a", "g u s t" ]
[ 38, 4598, 715, 715, 4544, 4544, 4544, 1620, 792, 792, 4491, 4491, 3861, 4755, 75, 75, 4420, 4321, 1249, 2789, 113, 2737, 2737, 2737, 3996, 693, 4934, 1623, 1623, 2933, 270, 2342, 4512, 3022, 3022, 3022, 3022, 2057, 516, 1695, 1695, 741, 4264, 371, 183, 2041, 2041, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4785, 670, 1501, 1501, 1501, 3800, 1262, 1262, 4321, 2788, 1904, 781, 287, 3867, 2793, 1949, 712, 3832, 4190, 3691, 4973, 4973, 2910, 3743, 4435, 3016, 237, 2535, 4308, 4308, 3987, 2927, 2529, 2529, 4769, 86, 86, 696, 696, 1296, 1100, 1100, 4184, 448, 448, 3260, 4552, 713, 3293, 563, 1815, 2400, 1615, 3953, 3785, 557, 557, 1017, 4712, 4712, 4970, 4271, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 1882, 2764, 2764, 151, 443, 443, 2039, 2039, 931, 931, 588, 288, 288, 599, 599, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 3401, 3811, 3811, 1254, 1254, 1254, 408, 408, 562, 2827, 2982, 2925, 1416, 4420, 3227, 3199, 924, 4973, 318, 1140, 1140, 3748, 540, 3054, 2035, 2867, 779, 779, 3596, 3596, 4026, 4026, 1591, 2164, 276, 2534, 2534, 2980, 957, 2554, 2554, 2554, 2554, 1750, 2930, 1523, 1110, 1110, 4102, 154, 154, 3422, 1472, 1472, 1472, 3382, 1651, 3388, 3388, 1706, 372, 372, 372, 4340, 1787, 1787, 1373, 337, 707, 707, 3757, 1350, 1878, 860, 628, 3567, 2402, 160, 160, 2308, 7, 3086, 2605, 4190, 3691, 144, 1851, 1552, 1552, 1552, 4862, 24, 24, 24, 4904, 1978, 2764, 2764, 151, 443, 2039, 1393, 1393, 730, 555, 555, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2756, 254, 254, 4420, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 3754, 3754, 863, 863, 863, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 2885, 2885, 2885, 1133, 4570, 1864, 1864, 4570, 1864, 88, 774, 2982, 2085, 4420, 2933, 2788, 2789, 794, 109, 109, 857, 1847, 1847, 3168, 3168, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1174, 1295, 258, 4846, 3799, 2811, 3347, 3513, 729, 4730, 4187, 2261, 381, 1673, 2790, 4038, 2673, 2673, 2673, 3900, 2562, 1360, 472, 1272, 596, 596, 3285, 2072, 2072, 624, 3264, 3234, 1834, 1834, 3989, 1275, 3954, 162, 4398, 4398, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 3388, 1151, 372, 4321, 331, 1504, 3163, 949, 2965, 2965, 2965, 804, 2307, 2307, 894, 350, 2875, 2607, 1045, 1291, 187, 3600, 4854, 4854, 835, 3011, 3011, 904, 3888, 3888, 1907, 1907, 1907, 694, 694, 3991, 3991, 3991, 4620, 4620, 931, 272, 555, 1375, 4420, 1375, 1375, 1375, 1375, 2250, 4, 4222, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 3841, 238, 3841, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 3811, 408, 1981, 570, 570, 570, 214, 214, 2982, 2085, 1416, 4321, 3227, 4924, 1787, 1373, 3574, 394, 1228, 1228, 1228, 509, 451, 1111, 3279, 3535, 3319, 4264, 776, 2041, 2041, 4644, 3834, 292, 3385, 298, 1275, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 4756, 4756, 1792, 4941, 4122, 779, 779, 4476, 3596, 4026, 4026, 4018, 1623, 894, 2877, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4513, 1974, 614, 18, 3197, 3079, 1609, 4839, 650, 70, 292, 3385, 298, 1275, 923, 162, 2324, 4756, 4756, 4756, 2933, 1249, 781, 1097, 666, 2479, 3453, 2838, 4108, 4108, 2682, 3496, 1276, 3460, 3460, 4285, 4285, 3011, 1628, 4087, 4849, 1907, 1907, 694, 694, 694, 3991, 391, 4620, 4620, 1704, 730, 555, 1375, 1375, 2250, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 238, 238, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2756, 254, 254, 2578, 3754, 3306, 2413, 863, 863, 2413, 2413, 2413, 863, 863, 863, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 3416, 1864, 1864, 3416, 1714, 1714, 1714, 1714, 1714, 2085, 2001, 2234, 2001, 1787, 1787, 4055, 2272, 4138, 3048, 3048, 3048, 3048, 3048, 3048, 3048, 105, 105, 2177, 1282, 269, 2160, 4681, 4681, 775, 775, 775, 3896, 4340, 1742, 229, 738, 1230, 854, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 4934, 1100, 2970, 2849, 4132, 3347, 3513, 729, 1469, 1710, 777, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4135, 4135, 4135, 4135, 1947, 1404, 2618, 2005, 86, 86, 86, 4081, 1857, 1153, 1971, 3516, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 745, 2277, 4894, 1787, 3496, 3496, 902, 1201, 1201, 1201, 93, 1281, 4708, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 3362, 368, 2811, 346, 346, 97, 2500, 1716, 1716, 403, 288, 599, 2250, 599, 599, 599, 599, 3525, 2691, 2691, 2691, 3841, 3841, 3841, 562, 562, 562, 562, 2071, 2925, 1416, 4063, 520, 2001, 1787, 1787, 4182, 3163, 572, 837, 618, 618, 1001, 4969, 4308, 2173, 3987, 2927, 2192, 2782, 4487, 4487, 4487, 4487, 1580, 769, 769, 356, 3717, 4440, 1458, 2333, 368, 4995, 346, 1340, 4756, 4756, 403, 1151, 1151, 1792, 4340, 1787, 1373, 1976, 2779, 115, 553, 3168, 2443, 2443, 546, 95, 2481, 1710, 777, 41, 2272, 3070, 1201, 1201, 1201, 93, 4708, 3717, 1275, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 346, 4891, 97, 61, 61, 2500, 73, 73, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 3103, 3103, 2414, 3103, 2414, 1901, 4420, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5406792452830189, 1.141433962264151, 1.4017610062893082, 1.8823647798742138, 2.7234213836477985, 3.2641006289308176, 3.4243018867924526, 3.8848805031446543, 4.445584905660377, 5.286641509433962, 5.9474716981132065, 6.127698113207547, 6.267874213836477, 6.928704402515723, 7.289157232704403, 8.070138364779874, 9.091421383647797, 9.33172327044025, 9.832352201257862, 10.933735849056603, 11.955018867924528, 12.255396226415094, 12.355522012578616, 12.736, 12.91622641509434, 13.59708176100629, 14.578314465408805, 14.818616352201257, 14.91874213836478 ]
[ 0.5406792452830189, 1.141433962264151, 1.4017610062893082, 1.8823647798742138, 2.7234213836477985, 3.2641006289308176, 3.4243018867924526, 3.8848805031446543, 4.445584905660377, 5.286641509433962, 5.9474716981132065, 6.127698113207547, 6.267874213836477, 6.928704402515723, 7.289157232704403, 8.070138364779874, 9.091421383647797, 9.33172327044025, 9.832352201257862, 10.933735849056603, 11.955018867924528, 12.255396226415094, 12.355522012578616, 12.736, 12.91622641509434, 13.59708176100629, 14.578314465408805, 14.818616352201257, 14.91874213836478, 15.899974842767294 ]
there will be other towers for thee to build there will be other steeds for thee to ride there will be other legends and all filled with greater marvels and more glorified build on and make thy castles high and fair rising and reaching upward to the skies
[ "there", "will", "be", "other", "towers", "for", "thee", "to", "build", "there", "will", "be", "other", "steeds", "for", "thee", "to", "ride", "there", "will", "be", "other", "legends", "and", "all", "filled", "with", "greater", "marvels", "and", "more", "glorified", "build", "on", "and", "make", "thy", "castles", "high", "and", "fair", "rising", "and", "reaching", "upward", "to", "the", "skies" ]
[ "there", "will", "be", "other", "towers", "for", "thee", "to", "build", "there", "will", "be", "other", "steeds", "for", "thee", "to", "ride", "there", "will", "be", "other", "legends", "and", "all", "filled", "with", "greater", "marvels", "and", "more", "glorified", "build", "on", "and", "make", "thy", "castles", "high", "and", "fair", "rising", "and", "reaching", "upward", "to", "the", "skies" ]
[ "t h e r e", "w i l l", "b e", "o t h e r", "t o w e r s", "f o r", "t h e e", "t o", "b u i l d", "t h e r e", "w i l l", "b e", "o t h e r", "s t e e d s", "f o r", "t h e e", "t o", "r i d e", "t h e r e", "w i l l", "b e", "o t h e r", "l e g e n d s", "a n d", "a l l", "f i l l e d", "w i t h", "g r e a t e r", "m a r v e l s", "a n d", "m o r e", "g l o r i f i e d", "b u i l d", "o n", "a n d", "m a k e", "t h y", "c a s t l e s", "h i g h", "a n d", "f a i r", "r i s i n g", "a n d", "r e a c h i n g", "u p w a r d", "t o", "t h e", "s k i e s" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1143, 1741, 2203, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 214, 3861, 774, 2982, 2982, 3227, 4281, 1162, 2594, 2594, 379, 780, 780, 4585, 4585, 172, 2117, 45, 2158, 1952, 3570, 1279, 1099, 3299, 3431, 3537, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 1687, 1889, 1630, 1630, 3423, 3423, 3423, 457, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 4232, 3941, 4018, 2183, 114, 114, 2657, 541, 2374, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 4069, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 2401, 525, 525, 292, 4050, 4077, 3838, 3838, 2396, 2396, 838, 1344, 2441, 4746, 2864, 3350, 3196, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 438, 4202, 114, 3026, 1401, 219, 3490, 4696, 3327, 3537, 3574, 1509, 1509, 1509, 1509, 1509, 2825, 1796, 807, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 1686, 2205, 4891, 97, 1481, 2962, 4276, 92, 3796, 3796, 1016, 1016, 1016, 574, 574, 574, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1849, 1849, 1849, 570, 570, 570, 214, 214, 214, 2982, 2982, 1416, 3227, 4281, 1162, 2594, 379, 780, 4585, 4585, 579, 2833, 1952, 3570, 1279, 1279, 3299, 3299, 3431, 42, 3537, 2958, 566, 3686, 3686, 1687, 1889, 1630, 561, 3423, 457, 457, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 3941, 1288, 3408, 2542, 3374, 4077, 4876, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 55, 4092, 1643, 3627, 3627, 3627, 1013, 2416, 2416, 3322, 3322, 4540, 2488, 1737, 1737, 1737, 628, 2985, 4266, 3838, 875, 2396, 4635, 1096, 838, 1344, 2441, 2441, 2864, 1414, 2047, 3196, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 2081, 438, 2183, 114, 114, 63, 1401, 219, 3490, 630, 1449, 1449, 3476, 3476, 1988, 926, 4981, 4981, 4981, 4981, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 1473, 869, 1110, 1206, 4102, 2459, 2500, 2962, 588, 4281, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 574, 574, 3811, 574, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 570, 570, 214, 214, 4420, 2982, 2982, 2085, 3227, 1162, 628, 2594, 4461, 379, 780, 4585, 579, 579, 2833, 1952, 3570, 1099, 1099, 3299, 3431, 3537, 221, 2958, 566, 3686, 1687, 1889, 1630, 561, 3423, 3423, 3423, 457, 457, 1237, 2844, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 3941, 1288, 1170, 1170, 4588, 275, 275, 486, 486, 2147, 2147, 2147, 600, 600, 514, 4843, 1722, 1722, 4632, 4632, 2626, 2626, 1379, 2288, 3034, 4210, 3226, 3226, 1985, 836, 3326, 4505, 4284, 4433, 302, 145, 3414, 4398, 634, 2967, 2967, 3808, 1351, 1639, 1639, 3401, 3401, 327, 72, 327, 852, 852, 3268, 28, 1066, 4281, 2391, 2754, 1406, 3610, 4249, 4990, 4990, 2875, 534, 534, 4918, 1259, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 4481, 1115, 1115, 3456, 3456, 3456, 4905, 4905, 3232, 4120, 623, 146, 3524, 3524, 1206, 3446, 3178, 4003, 4003, 4003, 2825, 2825, 3092, 807, 1636, 402, 4771, 2781, 3355, 551, 2833, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 540, 2035, 213, 3899, 2933, 55, 340, 126, 4622, 4622, 1801, 1801, 1362, 1362, 4316, 4316, 4316, 4316, 4196, 2355, 2355, 303, 3313, 3313, 3941, 172, 3846, 1593, 1130, 1134, 148, 995, 3200, 3200, 3200, 3200, 3200, 2914, 4267, 4406, 3266, 3266, 4264, 4264, 2053, 2053, 668, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 1216, 706, 3886, 3376, 3136, 295, 1123, 1234, 2298, 74, 74, 1134, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1413, 1205, 1205, 385, 2956, 2009, 4753, 55, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4549, 957, 4211, 4211, 4211, 4211, 4942, 2879, 3558, 4395, 4606, 4606, 2472, 3290, 1096, 1096, 671, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 533, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 869, 1523, 4102, 4102, 2459, 2500, 2962, 2962, 4276, 2699, 2699, 92, 3796, 4823, 3587, 3587, 574, 574, 574, 574, 3164, 3164, 1849, 1849, 2822, 408, 214, 1981, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1714, 2885, 1714, 88, 88, 88, 88, 2982, 2925, 2085, 4420, 4063, 2001, 1787, 42, 53, 3574, 394, 1509, 1509, 1509, 2825, 1796, 3092, 3092, 1636, 2486, 851, 883, 2740, 822, 3201, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 105, 105, 105, 105, 209, 209, 269, 269, 2911, 2911, 1482, 1482, 128, 272, 2962, 2962, 403, 403, 599, 1706, 1706, 3525, 3525, 3525, 562, 3215, 562, 3215, 562, 2071, 2925, 2925, 1886, 4420, 1162, 4641, 2754, 1406, 3610, 4249, 4117, 704, 1134, 308, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2663, 2664, 2664, 2047, 3196, 4176, 4176, 4176, 429, 49, 4305, 3326, 559, 678, 708, 708, 592, 2386, 2386, 2386, 2386, 1303, 1303, 2881, 4708, 2963, 4077, 2905, 4372, 776, 2053, 2053, 900, 4289, 1764, 706, 706, 1785, 1149, 3072, 369, 369, 4307, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 4850, 4850, 2443, 3564, 295, 295, 1234, 1185, 50, 1368, 623, 2832, 3524, 3326, 3446, 4953, 4998, 4998, 4998, 4998, 4998, 700, 700, 700, 2078, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 3422, 3422, 3422, 3382, 3382, 3382, 4703, 3547, 3547, 3476, 3476, 1988, 926, 4981, 4981, 4981, 4981, 167, 167, 282, 3314, 3314, 4922, 4032, 3886, 3886, 3845, 3097, 501, 2610, 2379, 4976, 3660, 4200, 435, 3564, 295, 1123, 2298, 3123, 3031, 1626, 3476, 3476, 3548, 656, 656, 656, 1350, 1657, 3646, 358, 3197, 3845, 501, 473, 2379, 4976, 2002, 2330, 1630, 561, 1712, 1712, 1712, 3560, 1761, 4250, 1206, 396, 2145, 2860, 2860, 1171, 1171, 2014, 112, 2607, 114, 63, 665, 698, 698, 2655, 3350, 4035, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 3374, 158, 9, 4019, 521, 205, 2360, 2809, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 533, 3172, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3979, 608, 608, 536, 2091, 4433, 302, 302, 145, 3414, 881, 634, 2967, 3808, 92, 3796, 1081, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.8008639308855291, 0.9610367170626349, 1.1011879049676023, 1.3814902807775378, 1.8620086393088553, 2.002159827213823, 2.1623326133909284, 2.282462203023758, 2.983218142548596, 3.4837580993520514, 3.6439308855291572, 3.764060475161987, 4.0844060475161985, 4.645010799136069, 4.785161987041037, 4.9853779697624185, 5.145550755939524, 5.966436285097192, 6.486997840172786, 6.627149028077754, 6.767300215982721, 7.087645788336932, 7.948574514038876, 8.328984881209502, 8.68937365010799, 9.109827213822893, 9.310043196544274, 9.770539956803455, 10.331144708423325, 10.451274298056154, 10.711555075593951, 11.892829373650107, 12.673671706263498, 13.234276457883368, 13.614686825053996, 13.834924406047516, 13.995097192224621, 14.535680345572352, 14.976155507559394, 15.1363282937365, 15.656889848812094, 16.29758099352052, 16.437732181425485, 16.81814254859611, 17.15850971922246, 17.27863930885529, 17.41879049676026 ]
[ 0.8008639308855291, 0.9610367170626349, 1.1011879049676023, 1.3814902807775378, 1.8620086393088553, 2.002159827213823, 2.1623326133909284, 2.282462203023758, 2.983218142548596, 3.4837580993520514, 3.6439308855291572, 3.764060475161987, 4.0844060475161985, 4.645010799136069, 4.785161987041037, 4.9853779697624185, 5.145550755939524, 5.966436285097192, 6.466976241900648, 6.627149028077754, 6.767300215982721, 7.087645788336932, 7.948574514038876, 8.328984881209502, 8.68937365010799, 9.109827213822893, 9.310043196544274, 9.770539956803455, 10.331144708423325, 10.451274298056154, 10.711555075593951, 11.892829373650107, 12.673671706263498, 13.234276457883368, 13.614686825053996, 13.834924406047516, 13.995097192224621, 14.535680345572352, 14.976155507559394, 15.1363282937365, 15.656889848812094, 16.29758099352052, 16.437732181425485, 16.81814254859611, 17.15850971922246, 17.27863930885529, 17.41879049676026, 18.51997840172786 ]
a fearless rider on his father's knee an eager listener unto stories told at the round table of the nursery of heroes and adventures manifold
[ "a", "fearless", "rider", "on", "his", "father's", "knee", "an", "eager", "listener", "unto", "stories", "told", "at", "the", "round", "table", "of", "the", "nursery", "of", "heroes", "and", "adventures", "manifold" ]
[ "a", "fearless", "rider", "on", "his", "father's", "knee", "an", "eager", "listener", "unto", "stories", "told", "at", "the", "round", "table", "of", "the", "nursery", "of", "heroes", "and", "adventures", "manifold" ]
[ "a", "f e a r l e s s", "r i d e r", "o n", "h i s", "f a t h e r ' s", "k n e e", "a n", "e a g e r", "l i s t e n e r", "u n t o", "s t o r i e s", "t o l d", "a t", "t h e", "r o u n d", "t a b l e", "o f", "t h e", "n u r s e r y", "o f", "h e r o e s", "a n d", "a d v e n t u r e s", "m a n i f o l d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 4720, 4720, 72, 1457, 1457, 524, 75, 75, 4281, 981, 30, 4575, 4945, 4945, 432, 2690, 1815, 623, 146, 146, 146, 3524, 5, 2923, 4953, 4925, 4925, 4925, 4925, 4925, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4391, 4391, 4391, 4809, 4960, 1965, 1965, 1965, 1965, 1965, 4209, 159, 1031, 4433, 2940, 658, 1626, 1626, 1132, 1827, 1827, 926, 926, 4981, 4981, 4981, 4981, 167, 167, 282, 1912, 3463, 216, 1358, 3840, 2950, 1782, 3417, 3417, 3618, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 3777, 4189, 2824, 4044, 415, 390, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 3503, 875, 4983, 2400, 671, 2043, 2280, 2280, 2280, 535, 535, 535, 1040, 963, 568, 4232, 4232, 525, 2267, 2267, 1899, 4050, 4969, 480, 1693, 1315, 4480, 4188, 25, 3512, 3512, 3512, 3512, 3512, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 610, 3808, 1252, 1252, 72, 1943, 327, 327, 327, 2827, 2827, 2827, 4063, 912, 981, 14, 4575, 4718, 4718, 2687, 4249, 4990, 4990, 2875, 2972, 2933, 3441, 2552, 2552, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 1518, 3879, 3879, 4124, 2098, 2106, 2106, 1975, 3941, 3941, 2956, 1170, 1607, 4588, 894, 2336, 4514, 3002, 3002, 3002, 3002, 3016, 237, 4077, 121, 3863, 4388, 4388, 4388, 3613, 431, 2950, 2950, 2950, 1782, 1426, 2112, 1484, 3050, 1492, 3143, 2978, 2978, 2978, 4108, 4895, 1058, 3026, 198, 198, 198, 3210, 1109, 4876, 4077, 9, 1084, 3194, 104, 1643, 1555, 3550, 3550, 3550, 3550, 4942, 4942, 2879, 4080, 1034, 1034, 500, 3797, 3797, 1764, 4050, 4969, 6, 1139, 2607, 270, 136, 541, 541, 2287, 3337, 3337, 3337, 3337, 3337, 674, 3220, 3220, 3220, 967, 967, 1636, 402, 4771, 851, 175, 2127, 2127, 4131, 2428, 2712, 628, 2566, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 135, 1827, 1988, 1460, 1460, 4531, 4531, 4531, 217, 217, 975, 3067, 3764, 522, 4846, 685, 1546, 894, 1781, 2657, 541, 2374, 4529, 4529, 4529, 4529, 3413, 732, 2759, 1632, 2715, 371, 371, 36, 1566, 1566, 4333, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 424, 3102, 10, 1469, 2146, 411, 3041, 3041, 4361, 4361, 4361, 425, 2848, 769, 4853, 2963, 4077, 121, 2940, 994, 994, 352, 27, 27, 27, 1418, 3843, 153, 153, 2377, 4409, 20, 4281, 3808, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 3587, 31, 31, 31, 157, 828, 828, 2030, 3268, 4281, 981, 30, 1776, 169, 2997, 2184, 3713, 3713, 3349, 3349, 1606, 2840, 2840, 2840, 2840, 2161, 2161, 123, 4469, 2749, 783, 783, 783, 2766, 4363, 1476, 3689, 3689, 4499, 4287, 67, 1011, 2214, 65, 872, 245, 983, 983, 781, 1097, 4381, 1461, 2838, 3832, 3212, 1790, 289, 4379, 4379, 4448, 856, 3878, 3878, 2870, 3612, 2868, 4799, 4799, 4799, 4799, 496, 2854, 4116, 3155, 614, 3311, 3311, 1783, 4239, 2401, 2401, 2401, 525, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4247, 4208, 4208, 3807, 4011, 308, 2993, 3130, 3130, 3130, 3130, 913, 2300, 1005, 3096, 3096, 4606, 2472, 623, 2400, 43, 2043, 4130, 4130, 4130, 4130, 3220, 3220, 3220, 807, 807, 402, 4771, 1152, 4497, 2205, 97, 2500, 2962, 4276, 1375, 2250, 2699, 2699, 2699, 1081, 4420, 3103, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.40078277886497066, 1.0620743639921724, 1.5430136986301373, 1.6632485322896284, 1.8436007827788652, 2.3045009784735817, 2.7854403131115464, 3.2062622309197653, 3.607045009784736, 4.128062622309199, 4.408610567514677, 4.92962818003914, 5.370489236790608, 5.470684931506851, 5.61095890410959, 5.931585127201566, 6.332367906066537, 6.43256360078278, 6.532759295499022, 7.214090019569472, 7.554755381604697, 8.115851272015657, 8.316242661448142, 8.977534246575344 ]
[ 0.40078277886497066, 1.0620743639921724, 1.5430136986301373, 1.6632485322896284, 1.8436007827788652, 2.3045009784735817, 2.7854403131115464, 3.2062622309197653, 3.607045009784736, 4.128062622309199, 4.408610567514677, 4.92962818003914, 5.370489236790608, 5.470684931506851, 5.61095890410959, 5.931585127201566, 6.332367906066537, 6.43256360078278, 6.532759295499022, 7.214090019569472, 7.554755381604697, 8.115851272015657, 8.316242661448142, 8.977534246575344, 10.219960861056752 ]
him onward he spurs victorious over doom before his eyes that love's far fires illume where courage sits impregnable and grim the form and features of her beauty swim beckoning him on with looks that fears
[ "him", "onward", "he", "spurs", "victorious", "over", "doom", "before", "his", "eyes", "that", "love's", "far", "fires", "illume", "where", "courage", "sits", "impregnable", "and", "grim", "the", "form", "and", "features", "of", "her", "beauty", "swim", "beckoning", "him", "on", "with", "looks", "that", "fears" ]
[ "him", "onward", "he", "spurs", "victorious", "over", "doom", "before", "his", "eyes", "that", "love's", "far", "fires", "illume", "where", "courage", "sits", "impregnable", "and", "grim", "the", "form", "and", "features", "of", "her", "beauty", "swim", "beckoning", "him", "on", "with", "looks", "that", "fears" ]
[ "h i m", "o n w a r d", "h e", "s p u r s", "v i c t o r i o u s", "o v e r", "d o o m", "b e f o r e", "h i s", "e y e s", "t h a t", "l o v e ' s", "f a r", "f i r e s", "i l l u m e", "w h e r e", "c o u r a g e", "s i t s", "i m p r e g n a b l e", "a n d", "g r i m", "t h e", "f o r m", "a n d", "f e a t u r e s", "o f", "h e r", "b e a u t y", "s w i m", "b e c k o n i n g", "h i m", "o n", "w i t h", "l o o k s", "t h a t", "f e a r s" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4420, 3057, 3057, 792, 792, 792, 4491, 4491, 4491, 4491, 75, 75, 75, 1886, 2788, 2788, 2789, 2789, 2557, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 105, 2177, 2177, 4768, 3123, 954, 4014, 2145, 2145, 2860, 2860, 1171, 1171, 2730, 1296, 754, 2676, 759, 1422, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 2622, 1914, 1914, 158, 9, 9, 4019, 2173, 2173, 3987, 2607, 2192, 3303, 2157, 2157, 2157, 2157, 2157, 1343, 2237, 1343, 3850, 2118, 2118, 2038, 4213, 4213, 4213, 67, 67, 2940, 875, 607, 3612, 2868, 4509, 4509, 4509, 3829, 2359, 2842, 2842, 104, 1781, 136, 2657, 541, 3968, 2344, 2344, 2344, 2344, 2344, 2344, 2344, 2344, 4942, 4942, 2879, 123, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3304, 3720, 3720, 3619, 3619, 4899, 4899, 4209, 159, 1031, 4433, 2213, 4260, 752, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 695, 695, 147, 147, 1403, 1288, 4018, 1617, 1568, 2607, 433, 2231, 3853, 2681, 2681, 2681, 2681, 2681, 2805, 2805, 2805, 4904, 4904, 4904, 3634, 3634, 1225, 1225, 1482, 1482, 128, 2358, 2962, 288, 4276, 1351, 1639, 3046, 2819, 2819, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3841, 3841, 562, 562, 562, 2925, 4420, 3004, 3227, 331, 1018, 1908, 1257, 1257, 2690, 563, 623, 3106, 2049, 2049, 2093, 2093, 1772, 1772, 172, 3261, 1832, 415, 415, 390, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 296, 296, 2906, 752, 752, 3724, 3724, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 4499, 4499, 1764, 4050, 3994, 2938, 628, 1844, 949, 612, 612, 1165, 2969, 2408, 4913, 4913, 669, 1430, 2336, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3636, 3636, 4578, 4072, 273, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3838, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 2400, 1615, 43, 2043, 2043, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 1653, 1653, 1653, 385, 385, 2956, 2009, 3232, 4120, 4433, 2832, 2832, 2400, 671, 2043, 2043, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 2908, 2908, 3903, 3903, 3903, 1342, 1342, 2401, 2401, 525, 4499, 4499, 1764, 296, 296, 4260, 752, 1008, 1324, 1324, 4828, 1607, 2921, 1688, 4514, 4179, 4179, 4179, 4179, 2805, 2805, 2805, 2805, 2805, 4904, 4904, 4904, 4904, 4904, 3634, 2764, 1225, 1225, 2039, 1393, 1393, 555, 4420, 555, 1704, 4222, 1016, 4222, 4787, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 3754, 3754, 3841, 3754, 3416, 3754, 3754, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 2925, 761, 3004, 3227, 331, 924, 3331, 3331, 2596, 423, 8, 2009, 1694, 581, 894, 560, 3718, 3387, 2497, 4689, 4689, 4689, 1660, 1660, 123, 3558, 4136, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2432, 1974, 3235, 2103, 2103, 3553, 3553, 4523, 2119, 2119, 3505, 3505, 2704, 2339, 2339, 2339, 2339, 2339, 3817, 3817, 445, 1152, 538, 2027, 2027, 4266, 2213, 257, 3376, 2378, 2378, 820, 3563, 4508, 4591, 3170, 4660, 654, 4038, 4038, 2246, 2246, 3457, 3457, 3879, 1412, 1412, 268, 4519, 4798, 727, 727, 336, 628, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 1463, 1566, 1566, 4333, 3564, 295, 295, 1234, 2659, 2659, 2647, 2559, 126, 4622, 1801, 1801, 4201, 1514, 1514, 1514, 3429, 3429, 3429, 3429, 2846, 2846, 2846, 304, 2876, 893, 893, 1225, 2139, 2039, 2039, 1393, 931, 403, 403, 3388, 1706, 1706, 4420, 1151, 1151, 1151, 4281, 331, 1504, 1448, 3513, 177, 2690, 1815, 3524, 3524, 43, 2595, 2108, 3484, 3484, 3484, 378, 2235, 2235, 4788, 4788, 697, 2641, 786, 3564, 295, 1123, 1185, 2435, 1368, 623, 2400, 43, 2923, 4953, 3377, 3377, 3377, 1350, 1657, 1657, 1974, 614, 3311, 1783, 4239, 4239, 525, 4499, 1764, 1216, 296, 2906, 4260, 2446, 2446, 1512, 2997, 2744, 2184, 3713, 3713, 1255, 3911, 4199, 3971, 172, 2753, 1210, 3133, 894, 739, 3865, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4706, 4736, 216, 4390, 357, 1848, 4601, 4601, 438, 2622, 1914, 4876, 4876, 9, 9, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 4227, 1939, 1939, 1939, 3429, 3429, 2846, 2846, 304, 2876, 1225, 1225, 443, 128, 128, 128, 272, 2962, 73, 1375, 4420, 2699, 4787, 238, 238, 238, 238, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 562, 562, 88, 88, 2925, 2925, 3004, 1416, 4420, 3199, 5, 739, 394, 3039, 3039, 3039, 1665, 1743, 1733, 903, 2679, 953, 953, 3613, 3169, 1605, 501, 473, 2379, 3086, 933, 933, 1422, 2293, 3467, 3977, 3977, 375, 2641, 2641, 1557, 1557, 822, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 105, 105, 105, 209, 2177, 269, 3123, 954, 4014, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 540, 2035, 2035, 2251, 4913, 1430, 2336, 1929, 1929, 1929, 1929, 2185, 2185, 383, 3223, 3223, 2354, 3773, 4266, 3994, 2938, 986, 2607, 2566, 949, 612, 612, 1165, 571, 4587, 3524, 2933, 2400, 2923, 4953, 4925, 4925, 4925, 4925, 173, 4203, 3850, 3850, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4077, 2019, 213, 1829, 560, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 1748, 4834, 760, 4077, 3702, 1069, 552, 552, 620, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2003, 2805, 2805, 2805, 2805, 4904, 4904, 4904, 4904, 4904, 2764, 1225, 1225, 2039, 1393, 1393, 555, 555, 4420, 1496, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 4420, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.44054187192118227, 0.8610591133004927, 1.021256157635468, 1.6219950738916258, 2.50307881773399, 2.783423645320197, 3.3841625615763546, 4.024950738916257, 4.245221674876848, 4.645714285714286, 4.8459605911330055, 5.326551724137931, 5.7270443349753695, 6.327783251231527, 7.228891625615764, 7.769556650246305, 8.250147783251231, 8.65064039408867, 9.331477832512315, 9.471650246305419, 10.032339901477833, 10.33270935960591, 10.653103448275862, 10.793275862068965, 11.25384236453202, 11.394014778325124, 11.5542118226601, 11.934679802955666, 12.675591133004925, 13.43652709359606, 13.636773399014778, 13.917118226600985, 14.15741379310345, 14.497832512315272, 14.698078817733991 ]
[ 0.42051724137931035, 0.8610591133004927, 1.021256157635468, 1.6219950738916258, 2.50307881773399, 2.783423645320197, 3.3841625615763546, 4.024950738916257, 4.245221674876848, 4.645714285714286, 4.8459605911330055, 5.326551724137931, 5.7270443349753695, 6.327783251231527, 7.228891625615764, 7.769556650246305, 8.250147783251231, 8.65064039408867, 9.331477832512315, 9.471650246305419, 10.032339901477833, 10.33270935960591, 10.653103448275862, 10.793275862068965, 11.25384236453202, 11.394014778325124, 11.5542118226601, 11.934679802955666, 12.675591133004925, 13.43652709359606, 13.636773399014778, 13.917118226600985, 14.15741379310345, 14.497832512315272, 14.698078817733991, 16.23997536945813 ]
the thought of her distress her lips to kiss mails him with triple might and so at last to lust's huge keep he comes its giant wall wild towering frowning from the precipice
[ "the", "thought", "of", "her", "distress", "her", "lips", "to", "kiss", "mails", "him", "with", "triple", "might", "and", "so", "at", "last", "to", "lust's", "huge", "keep", "he", "comes", "its", "giant", "wall", "wild", "towering", "frowning", "from", "the", "precipice" ]
[ "the", "thought", "of", "her", "distress", "her", "lips", "to", "kiss", "mails", "him", "with", "triple", "might", "and", "so", "at", "last", "to", "lust's", "huge", "keep", "he", "comes", "its", "giant", "wall", "wild", "towering", "frowning", "from", "the", "precipice" ]
[ "t h e", "t h o u g h t", "o f", "h e r", "d i s t r e s s", "h e r", "l i p s", "t o", "k i s s", "m a i l s", "h i m", "w i t h", "t r i p l e", "m i g h t", "a n d", "s o", "a t", "l a s t", "t o", "l u s t ' s", "h u g e", "k e e p", "h e", "c o m e s", "i t s", "g i a n t", "w a l l", "w i l d", "t o w e r i n g", "f r o w n i n g", "f r o m", "t h e", "p r e c i p i c e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 715, 715, 3057, 3057, 792, 4420, 792, 792, 792, 17, 17, 3215, 17, 17, 4491, 4491, 4491, 75, 75, 4281, 331, 1504, 489, 1448, 492, 2131, 380, 2463, 5, 4466, 2619, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2913, 2913, 2913, 4407, 4515, 4073, 2723, 3827, 1493, 2997, 2184, 3713, 3713, 1255, 1337, 3911, 3911, 3971, 1617, 1367, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 82, 82, 4433, 9, 1084, 120, 2314, 2314, 347, 347, 609, 3420, 3420, 3420, 3420, 3420, 93, 93, 3137, 997, 997, 997, 2640, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 2324, 1785, 3692, 1255, 1337, 1337, 4199, 4199, 4199, 3971, 3971, 1343, 414, 414, 414, 4234, 3485, 3013, 3485, 4703, 2251, 229, 1430, 4514, 3088, 3088, 3088, 4385, 3737, 2607, 4421, 2354, 273, 6, 1139, 4229, 894, 1954, 219, 2491, 3494, 2, 2607, 3766, 4633, 678, 678, 678, 708, 708, 3743, 3743, 3743, 3743, 3743, 4273, 3137, 3137, 1238, 2640, 3530, 4077, 542, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 162, 162, 3414, 4398, 4398, 1203, 4790, 1651, 1651, 372, 372, 372, 331, 4924, 4924, 1934, 308, 939, 4376, 4376, 3866, 3866, 3866, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 2901, 900, 4213, 4213, 4050, 1011, 4266, 65, 1785, 1422, 2293, 2293, 3467, 3467, 3467, 353, 304, 2876, 3905, 1155, 1155, 1284, 1284, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 2035, 2035, 2508, 2508, 2852, 974, 2933, 3237, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 2167, 3088, 3088, 4093, 251, 595, 1059, 1916, 371, 36, 36, 1187, 3846, 1593, 3948, 1456, 995, 995, 1194, 1194, 1194, 3628, 3628, 1236, 2122, 2122, 518, 518, 421, 3974, 3974, 1725, 377, 3472, 4891, 97, 1481, 2967, 4787, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 1706, 3525, 2071, 4420, 2071, 2422, 2085, 4321, 2788, 2788, 1510, 2754, 108, 3610, 3610, 68, 4117, 1748, 4834, 760, 760, 4433, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3505, 552, 2704, 788, 788, 788, 788, 788, 201, 1628, 1628, 3607, 2127, 2127, 2127, 3464, 1113, 1113, 2251, 4913, 1430, 2336, 4821, 4821, 4821, 4821, 4821, 4821, 4821, 1303, 1303, 997, 997, 2640, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 368, 628, 346, 1340, 1340, 1203, 1668, 1668, 372, 1435, 4321, 1784, 1058, 63, 63, 665, 198, 198, 4828, 1607, 4588, 4588, 1430, 2336, 2420, 2420, 1201, 1201, 1201, 93, 858, 4708, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 3396, 3396, 3396, 2933, 3396, 1941, 273, 3411, 3411, 2324, 2324, 798, 3349, 3349, 3349, 3349, 1606, 1606, 1606, 4548, 4548, 4548, 4548, 4548, 307, 307, 3952, 4706, 1810, 2060, 1974, 4797, 1217, 2019, 213, 1829, 2607, 4633, 678, 678, 678, 2180, 2180, 2180, 2180, 1013, 1013, 1013, 3209, 3209, 2808, 4675, 4675, 1721, 2436, 1422, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 1999, 91, 381, 560, 3718, 3718, 3387, 3489, 3489, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 601, 304, 304, 2876, 893, 893, 3226, 3226, 1985, 1985, 1985, 32, 4284, 1011, 302, 302, 145, 3414, 881, 881, 2012, 1302, 1302, 73, 599, 599, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3841, 3215, 562, 562, 2925, 2925, 2982, 1886, 4420, 2788, 4826, 1297, 4226, 726, 3444, 3444, 3249, 3668, 3411, 3411, 6, 84, 84, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2097, 4163, 4163, 4163, 1654, 2908, 3903, 3903, 1329, 3951, 4542, 364, 3883, 2190, 3355, 1346, 1346, 144, 1851, 3823, 3823, 3823, 3823, 3823, 3823, 2755, 2755, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3456, 2851, 22, 22, 4714, 3204, 1346, 2783, 1851, 882, 882, 4538, 4538, 4538, 4538, 4538, 4538, 1896, 1896, 1896, 2016, 597, 597, 597, 597, 597, 2312, 2312, 2901, 807, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 4771, 4397, 1435, 1435, 974, 1784, 1781, 1359, 136, 541, 541, 541, 541, 2287, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 4069, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 652, 652, 4731, 4469, 4358, 4358, 651, 1697, 1697, 4914, 7, 2605, 3771, 50, 1368, 4120, 2832, 2832, 2832, 1615, 3953, 3953, 3785, 557, 3528, 3528, 3528, 217, 217, 975, 3067, 3067, 69, 3613, 3169, 501, 501, 2379, 7, 3086, 3771, 50, 1368, 526, 2943, 4629, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 3252, 40, 3291, 10, 177, 2261, 1210, 104, 2973, 654, 4038, 4038, 2246, 2246, 93, 1281, 2963, 4077, 655, 2874, 4962, 4962, 4231, 1210, 2933, 2973, 1119, 4565, 4565, 4565, 968, 968, 1238, 2640, 3530, 542, 302, 302, 145, 1311, 634, 4787, 2819, 2819, 4420, 1387, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5604022988505748, 0.8406034482758621, 0.9406752873563219, 1.0807758620689656, 1.801293103448276, 2.161551724137931, 2.5218103448275864, 2.641896551724138, 3.2823563218390803, 3.882787356321839, 4.102945402298851, 4.363132183908046, 4.803448275862069, 5.383864942528736, 5.844195402298851, 6.104382183908046, 6.2845114942528735, 6.844913793103449, 7.125114942528736, 7.725545977011495, 8.185876436781609, 8.546135057471265, 8.70625, 9.546853448275863, 10.007183908045977, 10.407471264367816, 10.787744252873562, 11.46823275862069, 12.268807471264369, 12.789181034482759, 12.969310344827587, 13.089396551724137 ]
[ 0.5604022988505748, 0.8406034482758621, 0.9406752873563219, 1.0807758620689656, 1.801293103448276, 2.161551724137931, 2.5218103448275864, 2.641896551724138, 3.2823563218390803, 3.882787356321839, 4.102945402298851, 4.363132183908046, 4.803448275862069, 5.383864942528736, 5.844195402298851, 6.104382183908046, 6.2845114942528735, 6.844913793103449, 7.125114942528736, 7.725545977011495, 8.185876436781609, 8.546135057471265, 8.70625, 9.546853448275863, 10.007183908045977, 10.407471264367816, 10.787744252873562, 11.46823275862069, 12.268807471264369, 12.789181034482759, 12.969310344827587, 13.089396551724137, 13.90998563218391 ]
thou art an emblem of the glow of beauty the unhidden heart-the playful maziness of art in old alberto's daughter but when within thy wave she looks-which glistens then and trembles-why
[ "thou", "art", "an", "emblem", "of", "the", "glow", "of", "beauty", "the", "unhidden", "heart-the", "playful", "maziness", "of", "art", "in", "old", "alberto's", "daughter", "but", "when", "within", "thy", "wave", "she", "looks-which", "glistens", "then", "and", "trembles-why" ]
[ "thou", "art", "an", "emblem", "of", "the", "glow", "of", "beauty", "the", "unhidden", "heart-the", "playful", "maziness", "of", "art", "in", "old", "alberto's", "daughter", "but", "when", "within", "thy", "wave", "she", "looks-which", "glistens", "then", "and", "trembles-why" ]
[ "t h o u", "a r t", "a n", "e m b l e m", "o f", "t h e", "g l o w", "o f", "b e a u t y", "t h e", "u n h i d d e n", "h e a r t t h e", "p l a y f u l", "m a z i n e s s", "o f", "a r t", "i n", "o l d", "a l b e r t o ' s", "d a u g h t e r", "b u t", "w h e n", "w i t h i n", "t h y", "w a v e", "s h e", "l o o k s w h i c h", "g l i s t e n s", "t h e n", "a n d", "t r e m b l e s w h y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 524, 524, 75, 75, 4420, 4321, 1504, 4461, 239, 239, 239, 239, 1628, 3607, 3607, 3921, 1464, 3876, 3876, 2121, 1923, 3249, 883, 1812, 1812, 589, 2687, 4990, 2330, 2875, 2972, 2933, 1045, 187, 387, 387, 387, 2057, 2057, 516, 1695, 1695, 741, 1925, 3698, 4133, 3038, 3038, 892, 892, 2846, 304, 2876, 893, 3216, 2002, 1492, 64, 1776, 1776, 3869, 1601, 2184, 701, 1567, 2632, 2481, 1710, 777, 894, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4549, 957, 957, 4051, 4051, 4051, 3066, 3066, 3066, 2621, 2621, 2621, 4042, 401, 401, 4298, 1492, 1492, 64, 4526, 4526, 384, 965, 2184, 2277, 917, 628, 739, 3865, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 44, 4736, 216, 4390, 1036, 1848, 1848, 3843, 3843, 153, 153, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 931, 610, 588, 4420, 3808, 1351, 1351, 1639, 3401, 327, 327, 72, 2827, 2827, 2827, 2071, 1416, 1416, 4321, 331, 1504, 489, 1064, 100, 210, 2443, 938, 938, 2023, 3832, 2824, 4044, 3349, 3349, 3349, 1606, 4304, 4304, 4304, 4070, 216, 1708, 4795, 4795, 4741, 54, 3832, 2824, 4044, 1149, 369, 369, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 4557, 207, 207, 2914, 290, 290, 2585, 1136, 3974, 2933, 1725, 377, 4891, 97, 2500, 2962, 73, 73, 599, 1646, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3841, 562, 562, 1714, 1714, 1714, 2982, 1416, 4281, 331, 1504, 489, 492, 2131, 2261, 1210, 2812, 2559, 4932, 263, 3342, 3342, 2726, 2726, 2726, 2807, 3413, 565, 3293, 2472, 497, 497, 3259, 413, 413, 36, 36, 1187, 1177, 1593, 1130, 1130, 202, 939, 4672, 4672, 4672, 3413, 3413, 3413, 4922, 4922, 4032, 1360, 472, 1562, 1745, 1745, 1658, 1658, 3471, 1321, 2193, 2193, 2193, 2193, 968, 1238, 1238, 2640, 3530, 4077, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 4944, 2939, 64, 1776, 169, 384, 1601, 3632, 4355, 4355, 534, 2557, 1597, 1597, 1597, 207, 207, 2914, 2914, 4387, 290, 290, 421, 1725, 743, 4944, 3963, 287, 1270, 1949, 366, 2707, 2740, 2271, 2253, 2253, 2253, 674, 1636, 1636, 851, 4571, 4355, 3907, 4314, 4314, 2216, 3092, 1591, 2607, 739, 3574, 3932, 3932, 4040, 4861, 2121, 1923, 1577, 104, 1830, 2476, 170, 280, 280, 2267, 2267, 4050, 4969, 1139, 84, 2231, 902, 902, 2280, 2280, 2280, 2153, 2153, 4515, 1358, 3177, 3840, 1782, 1782, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 272, 931, 555, 1704, 1375, 2747, 1375, 4222, 4222, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 107, 107, 973, 973, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 2490, 4987, 2490, 2490, 4987, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2885, 2490, 2490, 2490, 4420, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 88, 2925, 2982, 2085, 3227, 4281, 331, 381, 1389, 125, 3854, 4242, 577, 2307, 2190, 3355, 1569, 1346, 2783, 2668, 582, 4812, 4812, 4812, 3917, 4768, 954, 4014, 4014, 318, 3044, 2450, 3748, 3833, 3833, 21, 21, 21, 21, 1282, 3918, 3918, 662, 662, 5, 1655, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 429, 2301, 1736, 3649, 4714, 4714, 1346, 2668, 3651, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 4583, 4583, 565, 2248, 2248, 1407, 3636, 316, 2878, 1212, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1715, 1027, 1166, 1170, 1607, 4588, 1430, 2336, 1929, 1929, 1929, 1929, 1929, 2185, 2185, 815, 3780, 1152, 1152, 3223, 3223, 2354, 3773, 4077, 4100, 145, 621, 3414, 3414, 4398, 1668, 1668, 1668, 3075, 372, 372, 372, 4281, 924, 4807, 56, 405, 3009, 3009, 358, 1217, 213, 1829, 1829, 41, 1322, 1322, 4549, 826, 4135, 4686, 3002, 4435, 237, 4077, 655, 4646, 4646, 2282, 2282, 4532, 4532, 809, 809, 2197, 2197, 2197, 1216, 3994, 2938, 2268, 1844, 2483, 4742, 4742, 4742, 4742, 989, 4776, 2549, 1282, 2160, 3159, 1492, 3143, 1097, 4381, 1461, 2838, 1185, 1185, 685, 270, 3237, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 3022, 3022, 3022, 3022, 2057, 516, 1695, 1695, 741, 2872, 4264, 2053, 2053, 668, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 536, 2091, 2091, 2898, 621, 3414, 634, 2967, 1915, 92, 92, 1081, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.340257966616085, 0.5203945371775417, 0.7005311077389984, 1.180895295902883, 1.3210015174506828, 1.4210773899848252, 1.8413960546282244, 2.021532625189681, 2.621987860394537, 3.002276176024279, 3.4826403641881636, 4.48339908952959, 4.963763277693475, 5.704324734446129, 5.944506828528072, 6.2447344461305, 6.3848406676783, 6.584992412746585, 7.1254021244309556, 8.186206373292867, 9.10690440060698, 9.327071320182093, 9.64731411229135, 9.88749620637329, 10.247769347496206, 10.427905918057663, 11.308573596358118, 11.848983308042486, 12.129195751138086, 12.289317147192714 ]
[ 0.340257966616085, 0.5203945371775417, 0.7005311077389984, 1.180895295902883, 1.3210015174506828, 1.4210773899848252, 1.8413960546282244, 2.021532625189681, 2.621987860394537, 3.002276176024279, 3.4826403641881636, 4.48339908952959, 4.963763277693475, 5.704324734446129, 5.944506828528072, 6.2447344461305, 6.3848406676783, 6.584992412746585, 7.1254021244309556, 8.186206373292867, 9.10690440060698, 9.327071320182093, 9.64731411229135, 9.88749620637329, 10.247769347496206, 10.427905918057663, 11.308573596358118, 11.848983308042486, 12.129195751138086, 12.289317147192714, 13.16998482549317 ]
trembles-why then the prettiest of brooks her worshipper resembles for in his heart as in thy stream her image deeply lies-his heart which trembles at the beam of her soul-searching eyes
[ "trembles-why", "then", "the", "prettiest", "of", "brooks", "her", "worshipper", "resembles", "for", "in", "his", "heart", "as", "in", "thy", "stream", "her", "image", "deeply", "lies-his", "heart", "which", "trembles", "at", "the", "beam", "of", "her", "soul-searching", "eyes" ]
[ "trembles-why", "then", "the", "prettiest", "of", "brooks", "her", "worshipper", "resembles", "for", "in", "his", "heart", "as", "in", "thy", "stream", "her", "image", "deeply", "lies-his", "heart", "which", "trembles", "at", "the", "beam", "of", "her", "soul-searching", "eyes" ]
[ "t r e m b l e s w h y", "t h e n", "t h e", "p r e t t i e s t", "o f", "b r o o k s", "h e r", "w o r s h i p p e r", "r e s e m b l e s", "f o r", "i n", "h i s", "h e a r t", "a s", "i n", "t h y", "s t r e a m", "h e r", "i m a g e", "d e e p l y", "l i e s h i s", "h e a r t", "w h i c h", "t r e m b l e s", "a t", "t h e", "b e a m", "o f", "h e r", "s o u l s e a r c h i n g", "e y e s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 4720, 4720, 4720, 524, 2677, 2725, 4281, 331, 924, 548, 2181, 2181, 4804, 553, 2924, 1414, 2268, 1655, 4742, 4742, 4742, 3917, 3917, 3364, 662, 40, 3291, 3513, 4730, 2261, 381, 3170, 4660, 4660, 654, 2149, 1700, 1700, 4070, 216, 4390, 1745, 4946, 2443, 4534, 4534, 3569, 159, 1031, 515, 3362, 4995, 2723, 4526, 384, 965, 3652, 1897, 2607, 2559, 1498, 1498, 323, 4331, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2185, 4012, 383, 383, 3223, 2354, 273, 3411, 1785, 1785, 1255, 3911, 3911, 3971, 172, 2117, 4714, 3204, 1346, 2783, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 425, 3967, 2504, 603, 18, 3061, 699, 2151, 2151, 1137, 251, 2933, 894, 2419, 2950, 2950, 2950, 2950, 1782, 1426, 1426, 414, 414, 1484, 3013, 3013, 1472, 3382, 4703, 3547, 3547, 1330, 937, 4988, 127, 613, 613, 4433, 4424, 2345, 3990, 3250, 3250, 3250, 2057, 516, 1695, 1695, 4055, 4264, 2053, 2053, 2053, 668, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 536, 2091, 2091, 2898, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 362, 2250, 1375, 1646, 1646, 4420, 2699, 1016, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 1254, 1254, 570, 570, 214, 214, 2982, 2982, 4420, 4063, 252, 785, 3106, 840, 1344, 2441, 2441, 966, 3618, 422, 284, 1446, 1949, 712, 3832, 2824, 4044, 2818, 3349, 3349, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 2265, 3578, 4969, 4969, 1785, 1785, 3072, 369, 3341, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 4557, 207, 2914, 2914, 290, 290, 290, 1136, 628, 1725, 3190, 3190, 97, 97, 2500, 2962, 403, 403, 3388, 3388, 1151, 1151, 4321, 331, 14, 14, 4950, 1525, 659, 176, 3976, 2906, 257, 284, 284, 1446, 1625, 3364, 662, 662, 2811, 1655, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 429, 429, 2301, 4246, 1914, 1417, 4077, 4876, 382, 382, 120, 2314, 347, 347, 609, 609, 1047, 1047, 1047, 1047, 35, 1953, 2887, 3999, 1670, 1670, 3216, 4044, 1149, 1255, 3911, 3911, 4199, 3971, 2325, 2325, 4185, 1291, 4967, 2855, 2855, 2855, 1947, 1404, 3229, 3229, 3229, 4136, 2582, 2060, 4843, 4797, 2103, 1139, 84, 84, 433, 2389, 3853, 1013, 1013, 1013, 4093, 251, 595, 974, 2770, 2731, 4119, 4541, 663, 4324, 4101, 1170, 1170, 4588, 4588, 2336, 2420, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3979, 608, 608, 536, 536, 2091, 2091, 302, 145, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 588, 3808, 92, 3796, 1016, 4823, 3401, 574, 574, 574, 574, 3305, 3305, 72, 1254, 570, 570, 214, 214, 2982, 2925, 1416, 4420, 4063, 4319, 415, 812, 812, 2265, 4473, 3976, 4599, 1785, 1149, 3072, 369, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 4557, 207, 207, 2914, 290, 290, 1136, 1152, 381, 377, 3190, 1203, 1203, 3382, 2697, 4281, 4807, 56, 405, 405, 3009, 1974, 2103, 2103, 6, 1139, 84, 270, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3022, 3022, 3022, 3022, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2715, 2053, 2053, 900, 4213, 296, 4077, 2906, 175, 2127, 2127, 2428, 2712, 2566, 2566, 3102, 177, 1060, 2164, 3133, 3133, 739, 3574, 682, 682, 682, 682, 682, 1953, 262, 2887, 3999, 3634, 3634, 893, 893, 893, 2139, 2002, 2939, 64, 64, 1776, 169, 2997, 2184, 3713, 1149, 3072, 1255, 1337, 4199, 4199, 4199, 3971, 3971, 172, 2956, 3408, 2542, 1417, 1417, 3702, 1069, 3914, 79, 3001, 4261, 4261, 4261, 3763, 1193, 4905, 2542, 1417, 4876, 3914, 79, 309, 2672, 2672, 2672, 425, 4513, 1657, 381, 1974, 614, 3197, 3845, 1182, 1182, 1182, 2308, 4914, 7, 3660, 150, 150, 2002, 758, 4355, 332, 561, 3724, 3724, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3979, 608, 608, 608, 608, 536, 536, 2091, 302, 302, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 881, 61, 73, 73, 4, 254, 254, 2250, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 334, 334, 334, 4782, 4782, 334, 4782, 4782, 4782, 4782, 4859, 4859, 4859, 3416, 4859, 4420, 4859, 4366, 99, 3215, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.3205136436597111, 0.5208346709470305, 0.6209951845906903, 1.081733547351525, 1.2019261637239165, 1.5424719101123596, 1.702728731942215, 2.3637881219903694, 3.40545746388443, 3.866195826645265, 4.006420545746389, 4.266837881219903, 4.787672552166934, 5.088154093097914, 5.208346709470304, 5.448731942215089, 5.889438202247191, 6.08975922953451, 6.450337078651685, 6.850979133226324, 8.133033707865168, 8.493611556982342, 8.774060995184591, 9.194735152487961, 9.314927768860352, 9.415088282504014, 9.79569823434992, 9.975987158908508, 10.256436597110755, 11.097784911717495 ]
[ 0.3205136436597111, 0.5208346709470305, 0.6209951845906903, 1.081733547351525, 1.2019261637239165, 1.5424719101123596, 1.702728731942215, 2.3637881219903694, 3.40545746388443, 3.866195826645265, 4.006420545746389, 4.266837881219903, 4.787672552166934, 5.088154093097914, 5.208346709470304, 5.448731942215089, 5.889438202247191, 6.08975922953451, 6.450337078651685, 6.850979133226324, 8.133033707865168, 8.493611556982342, 8.774060995184591, 9.194735152487961, 9.314927768860352, 9.415088282504014, 9.79569823434992, 9.975987158908508, 10.256436597110755, 11.097784911717495, 12.459967897271268 ]
the infant leaves thus made reply but we rejoice that we are here we stand in the cerulean gate of life to crown the dying year him who emancipates we love he who enchains is also dear
[ "the", "infant", "leaves", "thus", "made", "reply", "but", "we", "rejoice", "that", "we", "are", "here", "we", "stand", "in", "the", "cerulean", "gate", "of", "life", "to", "crown", "the", "dying", "year", "him", "who", "emancipates", "we", "love", "he", "who", "enchains", "is", "also", "dear" ]
[ "the", "infant", "leaves", "thus", "made", "reply", "but", "we", "rejoice", "that", "we", "are", "here", "we", "stand", "in", "the", "cerulean", "gate", "of", "life", "to", "crown", "the", "dying", "year", "him", "who", "emancipates", "we", "love", "he", "who", "enchains", "is", "also", "dear" ]
[ "t h e", "i n f a n t", "l e a v e s", "t h u s", "m a d e", "r e p l y", "b u t", "w e", "r e j o i c e", "t h a t", "w e", "a r e", "h e r e", "w e", "s t a n d", "i n", "t h e", "c e r u l e a n", "g a t e", "o f", "l i f e", "t o", "c r o w n", "t h e", "d y i n g", "y e a r", "h i m", "w h o", "e m a n c i p a t e s", "w e", "l o v e", "h e", "w h o", "e n c h a i n s", "i s", "a l s o", "d e a r" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 914, 1457, 524, 710, 75, 3227, 3958, 193, 1504, 489, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 1889, 2875, 628, 3441, 3441, 4967, 459, 459, 1917, 1917, 4109, 4001, 4508, 1157, 1368, 2158, 2400, 2923, 1075, 596, 3951, 3951, 2072, 4994, 4994, 1588, 2408, 2278, 4913, 4913, 1430, 2336, 4958, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 4619, 4619, 3322, 3322, 2248, 2248, 2248, 3636, 3636, 3636, 4072, 4072, 273, 3994, 4761, 4761, 4761, 1655, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 3461, 858, 4708, 4697, 3503, 3863, 3930, 4208, 1204, 1014, 308, 185, 4349, 4349, 672, 672, 565, 4540, 2014, 2199, 4590, 4590, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 750, 1210, 2933, 104, 4932, 263, 4075, 4075, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 884, 1248, 4409, 2358, 610, 4276, 3808, 92, 3796, 1639, 3587, 1245, 72, 3913, 3913, 828, 828, 710, 2725, 2725, 912, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 168, 168, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 1074, 2603, 1330, 4988, 4988, 324, 3049, 3249, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2242, 2242, 2242, 1269, 4992, 4992, 4269, 1037, 3630, 4440, 462, 3994, 3994, 4761, 949, 3544, 3544, 1165, 2969, 168, 179, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 4850, 4317, 3921, 3876, 3876, 3876, 2956, 2956, 3261, 3349, 3349, 3349, 1606, 1087, 3480, 3480, 3480, 3480, 3480, 3400, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 930, 2897, 2358, 610, 4276, 3808, 1351, 1351, 4823, 4823, 140, 140, 140, 1245, 1357, 1357, 1357, 532, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 4321, 924, 924, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 1914, 1544, 4077, 9, 1084, 3194, 1641, 47, 1643, 590, 590, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2669, 2451, 4489, 1390, 209, 463, 37, 2513, 2219, 883, 422, 1270, 1625, 1625, 3364, 662, 40, 3102, 3513, 729, 3368, 3368, 1417, 158, 1666, 2119, 3505, 4721, 947, 947, 4572, 3836, 1449, 135, 2888, 52, 3371, 2862, 2862, 4678, 2393, 2393, 2064, 2064, 4146, 1126, 1126, 916, 916, 2626, 54, 3687, 522, 2659, 2659, 2647, 104, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 1086, 1086, 246, 518, 518, 421, 1136, 1136, 3974, 1152, 2007, 3849, 1203, 3382, 3382, 4153, 220, 220, 2939, 64, 64, 1776, 169, 2997, 2184, 4567, 4567, 4913, 1430, 2336, 240, 240, 240, 240, 1236, 1173, 3680, 3680, 1271, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1300, 1300, 4154, 2933, 1058, 1954, 219, 3490, 630, 91, 581, 310, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1122, 3124, 3124, 3124, 217, 217, 217, 975, 3067, 314, 3364, 662, 662, 40, 3291, 3102, 2131, 1469, 1617, 1568, 433, 2231, 902, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 1654, 4082, 4082, 4082, 2438, 2438, 2308, 2308, 7, 598, 2605, 2605, 2605, 2485, 992, 39, 39, 39, 3779, 3779, 3779, 799, 799, 173, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 930, 4917, 730, 730, 730, 555, 1375, 1375, 4222, 4, 2250, 4, 4, 254, 2135, 2135, 3306, 2135, 3993, 3993, 107, 107, 107, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1849, 803, 1849, 453, 453, 2822, 2154, 214, 527, 527, 2982, 4321, 3117, 4319, 4319, 3349, 2293, 4413, 4413, 4413, 4413, 353, 304, 304, 3905, 3905, 3216, 3216, 3216, 4637, 4637, 1377, 1377, 186, 186, 3111, 1628, 2222, 3566, 4840, 4684, 4684, 4684, 3938, 4929, 939, 939, 200, 200, 200, 200, 1585, 1164, 277, 3149, 4351, 4351, 655, 2874, 4962, 4962, 4231, 1210, 628, 2973, 2560, 2560, 871, 934, 934, 934, 246, 3373, 445, 445, 445, 538, 2027, 2027, 4266, 4266, 2940, 3629, 551, 4471, 4471, 487, 2863, 2863, 1166, 1170, 4588, 1430, 2336, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3654, 3654, 718, 718, 718, 1581, 1581, 2962, 588, 4420, 3808, 1351, 4823, 140, 140, 3305, 1357, 23, 23, 828, 2030, 527, 527, 4420, 3117, 4319, 4319, 2198, 2198, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2081, 3910, 4911, 2818, 4637, 4637, 1377, 1377, 186, 186, 3111, 1628, 2222, 2409, 4856, 4856, 661, 735, 685, 4895, 1902, 1902, 720, 4522, 3181, 3181, 3452, 3452, 4271, 4271, 529, 529, 3171, 2168, 809, 4655, 894, 2985, 2213, 4260, 3376, 3077, 3077, 2791, 3976, 4433, 65, 3404, 2330, 534, 4918, 2525, 3297, 3297, 3297, 1933, 1933, 2385, 3928, 3928, 4077, 655, 3762, 2066, 2066, 3128, 1193, 4018, 3049, 1568, 894, 2231, 3853, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 2358, 588, 193, 3808, 92, 1081, 1081, 1081, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.440299727520436, 0.9606539509536786, 1.4409809264305178, 1.7411852861035422, 2.021376021798365, 2.7218528610354222, 3.082098092643052, 3.2221934604904634, 3.7425476839237057, 3.862629427792916, 4.002724795640327, 4.1828474114441425, 4.823283378746594, 5.243569482288829, 5.703882833787467, 5.8239645776566755, 5.964059945504087, 6.604495912806541, 7.064809264305178, 7.304972752043597, 7.645204359673024, 7.805313351498638, 8.165558583106268, 8.30565395095368, 8.765967302452315, 9.54649863760218, 10.26698910081744, 10.467125340599456, 11.38775204359673, 11.547861035422343, 12.208310626702998, 12.608583106267032, 12.808719346049047, 13.369100817438694, 13.549223433242506, 13.929482288828337 ]
[ 0.440299727520436, 0.9606539509536786, 1.4409809264305178, 1.7411852861035422, 2.021376021798365, 2.7218528610354222, 3.082098092643052, 3.2221934604904634, 3.7225340599455046, 3.862629427792916, 4.002724795640327, 4.1828474114441425, 4.823283378746594, 5.243569482288829, 5.703882833787467, 5.8239645776566755, 5.964059945504087, 6.604495912806541, 7.064809264305178, 7.304972752043597, 7.645204359673024, 7.805313351498638, 8.165558583106268, 8.30565395095368, 8.765967302452315, 9.54649863760218, 10.26698910081744, 10.467125340599456, 11.38775204359673, 11.547861035422343, 12.208310626702998, 12.608583106267032, 12.808719346049047, 13.369100817438694, 13.549223433242506, 13.929482288828337, 14.6699863760218 ]
soon will the warders of the storm bring us to our mother sea even as they opened yesternight our prison doors of destiny we envy not the birds now nor the dew to them we leave the forest and to you
[ "soon", "will", "the", "warders", "of", "the", "storm", "bring", "us", "to", "our", "mother", "sea", "even", "as", "they", "opened", "yesternight", "our", "prison", "doors", "of", "destiny", "we", "envy", "not", "the", "birds", "now", "nor", "the", "dew", "to", "them", "we", "leave", "the", "forest", "and", "to", "you" ]
[ "soon", "will", "the", "warders", "of", "the", "storm", "bring", "us", "to", "our", "mother", "sea", "even", "as", "they", "opened", "yesternight", "our", "prison", "doors", "of", "destiny", "we", "envy", "not", "the", "birds", "now", "nor", "the", "dew", "to", "them", "we", "leave", "the", "forest", "and", "to", "you" ]
[ "s o o n", "w i l l", "t h e", "w a r d e r s", "o f", "t h e", "s t o r m", "b r i n g", "u s", "t o", "o u r", "m o t h e r", "s e a", "e v e n", "a s", "t h e y", "o p e n e d", "y e s t e r n i g h t", "o u r", "p r i s o n", "d o o r s", "o f", "d e s t i n y", "w e", "e n v y", "n o t", "t h e", "b i r d s", "n o w", "n o r", "t h e", "d e w", "t o", "t h e m", "w e", "l e a v e", "t h e", "f o r e s t", "a n d", "t o", "y o u" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 914, 524, 524, 75, 1443, 252, 252, 4494, 1332, 101, 2110, 2110, 2110, 79, 620, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 2805, 2805, 3755, 3755, 3755, 3764, 3764, 2160, 3123, 954, 3691, 4014, 1952, 3570, 1099, 1099, 2477, 4873, 424, 3102, 177, 2059, 4725, 4714, 1346, 144, 144, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1871, 908, 2310, 4736, 4597, 1175, 1175, 3000, 3000, 809, 4655, 4655, 2292, 296, 296, 4260, 606, 2446, 1512, 3869, 2997, 199, 199, 2933, 2566, 4141, 10, 10, 3368, 1109, 1417, 158, 382, 1084, 120, 3271, 1641, 47, 1643, 1555, 3550, 3550, 3550, 3550, 2235, 2235, 2235, 2235, 2235, 4788, 4788, 3999, 3634, 3634, 893, 2139, 2139, 2039, 4401, 610, 610, 3808, 1351, 1351, 1639, 3401, 3401, 1254, 3415, 2827, 2827, 527, 527, 1443, 1416, 2670, 2670, 4321, 1018, 1498, 654, 2149, 323, 716, 716, 716, 1294, 4848, 4976, 4200, 4200, 435, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 3461, 858, 3717, 4440, 462, 6, 1139, 4229, 4229, 3076, 2948, 665, 3419, 3857, 3857, 3857, 564, 1628, 3607, 3607, 1570, 4272, 4272, 3924, 3924, 2956, 3846, 3846, 4493, 1130, 4011, 148, 1465, 1465, 1465, 1465, 1465, 1237, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 1975, 3941, 1288, 3408, 3408, 2542, 1417, 4433, 1010, 1069, 3505, 552, 2429, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 1556, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 884, 1248, 1248, 4917, 4917, 4917, 4917, 730, 730, 1443, 1704, 1375, 1375, 1646, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 803, 803, 453, 453, 453, 453, 570, 570, 214, 214, 527, 1443, 527, 2085, 3227, 2234, 4826, 4826, 4826, 1369, 1369, 1369, 2351, 2351, 2351, 3073, 3073, 2158, 1788, 2037, 2037, 2037, 54, 366, 2707, 2707, 4890, 2482, 2482, 2482, 659, 659, 176, 3578, 4969, 4077, 4761, 4761, 1844, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 4850, 1323, 4317, 4317, 762, 762, 762, 2004, 2004, 251, 595, 595, 628, 1059, 2306, 2306, 2306, 4741, 3687, 37, 37, 2513, 4192, 2867, 2867, 2775, 2025, 2018, 2018, 2018, 93, 1281, 4708, 4440, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 1641, 2751, 653, 3175, 2303, 1288, 1927, 3471, 1559, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 3628, 2122, 2122, 518, 518, 421, 2869, 1480, 1480, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1604, 1604, 1604, 4420, 4454, 346, 1340, 1203, 1203, 3382, 220, 220, 193, 220, 1904, 2789, 561, 1570, 4272, 4272, 3924, 2009, 2753, 1210, 2812, 2559, 3170, 4660, 654, 2149, 2255, 2255, 2255, 2562, 2562, 1360, 1272, 1272, 4741, 4741, 3687, 522, 522, 2410, 2410, 104, 2231, 902, 1085, 1085, 1085, 1085, 1085, 2787, 908, 3850, 525, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4077, 2213, 4260, 2446, 4526, 384, 965, 2277, 917, 2607, 4055, 2231, 1283, 3025, 4348, 4348, 4348, 93, 1281, 4708, 4697, 4697, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 1191, 2751, 2751, 573, 573, 1794, 1794, 3613, 4564, 4564, 4564, 3684, 3843, 3843, 2416, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 4409, 20, 1915, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 2725, 2725, 2234, 924, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 1687, 1889, 1291, 187, 387, 387, 387, 387, 496, 2854, 856, 3878, 3612, 1788, 1562, 1562, 1745, 4601, 1658, 3471, 3471, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1183, 2068, 2068, 571, 1588, 2712, 193, 2268, 2566, 3102, 177, 4730, 1060, 2164, 3133, 2933, 739, 1498, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 2237, 4387, 4387, 2488, 2488, 1737, 1737, 538, 2985, 3411, 4433, 480, 1693, 1693, 3770, 2142, 2785, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 2423, 3211, 3211, 3211, 57, 1873, 1927, 2008, 152, 152, 4480, 4480, 2142, 2492, 2492, 2492, 2492, 2492, 3511, 908, 2956, 1854, 1307, 4416, 424, 3102, 2131, 1469, 1617, 1568, 1568, 2933, 894, 2231, 3853, 4793, 4793, 4793, 4793, 2536, 2536, 4669, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 57, 57, 1873, 1873, 4450, 2358, 20, 610, 586, 92, 1639, 1639, 140, 72, 1357, 828, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 348, 1784, 1058, 63, 665, 3179, 2655, 437, 1414, 165, 1655, 1767, 1767, 723, 723, 723, 723, 304, 304, 1295, 3905, 1155, 1155, 4014, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 1170, 1607, 4588, 1430, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 2248, 3466, 3855, 199, 894, 424, 3102, 10, 177, 2690, 1815, 623, 2832, 1615, 43, 2595, 2108, 2637, 746, 746, 746, 4942, 4942, 2879, 3558, 3558, 4565, 4565, 4565, 968, 997, 2640, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 4995, 4576, 3376, 3136, 295, 295, 1123, 3832, 1185, 1185, 685, 4895, 1058, 63, 665, 3179, 3179, 3179, 4216, 790, 790, 992, 3591, 2191, 2191, 988, 988, 4669, 4669, 4669, 4669, 1846, 1846, 57, 57, 391, 391, 391, 4917, 4917, 4917, 1393, 730, 555, 4276, 1496, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4006, 4006, 4006, 255, 4006, 2414, 3103, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.7004504504504504, 0.8805662805662805, 1.0006435006435004, 1.4809523809523808, 1.6010296010296008, 1.761132561132561, 2.461583011583011, 2.9819176319176317, 3.2020592020592016, 3.4222007722007715, 3.6423423423423418, 4.042599742599742, 4.8231016731016725, 5.583590733590733, 5.783719433719433, 5.9838481338481335, 6.404118404118403, 7.344723294723294, 7.704954954954954, 8.085199485199484, 8.465444015444014, 8.585521235521234, 9.526126126126124, 10.006435006435005, 10.346653796653797, 10.626833976833975, 10.786936936936936, 11.227220077220077, 11.587451737451737, 11.887644787644785, 12.047747747747746, 12.588095238095237, 12.928314028314027, 13.208494208494207, 13.368597168597168, 13.628764478764477, 13.748841698841698, 14.349227799227798, 14.529343629343629, 14.689446589446588 ]
[ 0.7004504504504504, 0.8805662805662805, 1.0006435006435004, 1.4809523809523808, 1.6010296010296008, 1.761132561132561, 2.461583011583011, 2.9819176319176317, 3.2020592020592016, 3.4222007722007715, 3.6423423423423418, 4.042599742599742, 4.8231016731016725, 5.583590733590733, 5.783719433719433, 5.9838481338481335, 6.404118404118403, 7.344723294723294, 7.704954954954954, 8.085199485199484, 8.465444015444014, 8.585521235521234, 9.526126126126124, 10.006435006435005, 10.346653796653797, 10.626833976833975, 10.786936936936936, 11.227220077220077, 11.587451737451737, 11.887644787644785, 12.047747747747746, 12.588095238095237, 12.928314028314027, 13.208494208494207, 13.368597168597168, 13.628764478764477, 13.748841698841698, 14.349227799227798, 14.529343629343629, 14.689446589446588, 15.529987129987129 ]
and she climbed up to it to long and wait feel with her hands for it was night and lay her lips to it with kisses thus to pray that it might open to her desolate and lo it trembled lo her passionate crying prevailed a little little way it opened
[ "and", "she", "climbed", "up", "to", "it", "to", "long", "and", "wait", "feel", "with", "her", "hands", "for", "it", "was", "night", "and", "lay", "her", "lips", "to", "it", "with", "kisses", "thus", "to", "pray", "that", "it", "might", "open", "to", "her", "desolate", "and", "lo", "it", "trembled", "lo", "her", "passionate", "crying", "prevailed", "a", "little", "little", "way", "it", "opened" ]
[ "and", "she", "climbed", "up", "to", "it", "to", "long", "and", "wait", "feel", "with", "her", "hands", "for", "it", "was", "night", "and", "lay", "her", "lips", "to", "it", "with", "kisses", "thus", "to", "pray", "that", "it", "might", "open", "to", "her", "desolate", "and", "lo", "it", "trembled", "lo", "her", "passionate", "crying", "prevailed", "a", "little", "little", "way", "it", "opened" ]
[ "a n d", "s h e", "c l i m b e d", "u p", "t o", "i t", "t o", "l o n g", "a n d", "w a i t", "f e e l", "w i t h", "h e r", "h a n d s", "f o r", "i t", "w a s", "n i g h t", "a n d", "l a y", "h e r", "l i p s", "t o", "i t", "w i t h", "k i s s e s", "t h u s", "t o", "p r a y", "t h a t", "i t", "m i g h t", "o p e n", "t o", "h e r", "d e s o l a t e", "a n d", "l o", "i t", "t r e m b l e d", "l o", "h e r", "p a s s i o n a t e", "c r y i n g", "p r e v a i l e d", "a", "l i t t l e", "l i t t l e", "w a y", "i t", "o p e n e d" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3814, 715, 3057, 3057, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 993, 3861, 3004, 75, 4063, 1910, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 4249, 4414, 4414, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1166, 1999, 3766, 310, 3317, 305, 3701, 826, 826, 2297, 2297, 2297, 2297, 1654, 4065, 1030, 1670, 1670, 4224, 4224, 4713, 3090, 567, 567, 3560, 1761, 381, 4903, 4903, 2933, 1058, 3076, 665, 3419, 3857, 564, 2222, 2222, 1266, 1266, 2424, 2869, 1129, 4397, 2933, 1058, 63, 1401, 885, 1292, 2006, 1170, 4052, 4588, 1430, 2336, 2420, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 2426, 2426, 2426, 1598, 1598, 1598, 1301, 1301, 1490, 1490, 2644, 2644, 3789, 4497, 3213, 1203, 3382, 4153, 4153, 781, 3143, 4381, 1461, 2838, 604, 4192, 3355, 1569, 3204, 2783, 1851, 3651, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 1086, 1086, 518, 518, 421, 628, 1725, 3472, 4891, 4891, 1481, 2962, 3027, 866, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3068, 2422, 2982, 1416, 993, 993, 785, 43, 4953, 4889, 4889, 508, 1184, 3011, 2013, 179, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3833, 539, 539, 539, 3971, 3261, 13, 3072, 1007, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 2451, 4489, 4489, 463, 809, 4655, 991, 3411, 2324, 875, 2396, 3106, 838, 1344, 2441, 2441, 2524, 3877, 886, 886, 192, 1145, 3629, 2102, 1909, 373, 2713, 3786, 480, 1693, 3770, 3770, 2142, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 1236, 2122, 518, 421, 1152, 1725, 377, 4891, 1481, 2967, 4420, 3808, 92, 1351, 3796, 3401, 72, 31, 31, 157, 157, 828, 2030, 710, 4281, 1910, 14, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 85, 85, 85, 1430, 2336, 486, 2105, 2105, 2105, 2105, 83, 4911, 1832, 2818, 1255, 1337, 3911, 3971, 3971, 1170, 1170, 1607, 1430, 4514, 4514, 3088, 3088, 1761, 4421, 4421, 273, 1139, 4229, 381, 1954, 665, 3419, 3857, 564, 2222, 1993, 4156, 4156, 754, 1145, 3629, 551, 1284, 3044, 2450, 540, 2035, 917, 628, 3766, 4633, 708, 3743, 3743, 3743, 4435, 237, 4077, 655, 3715, 4832, 650, 650, 70, 608, 536, 1011, 4077, 145, 3414, 1311, 634, 4787, 866, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 993, 912, 2677, 4321, 1504, 4461, 2483, 1220, 1220, 1281, 1031, 6, 1139, 4229, 3026, 1401, 885, 1292, 260, 1210, 2812, 2559, 3170, 4660, 654, 654, 4399, 4399, 4399, 2076, 2076, 2076, 550, 83, 83, 83, 83, 3910, 3910, 2924, 1414, 4416, 949, 4521, 3544, 1165, 4152, 4152, 886, 886, 2601, 89, 1145, 1145, 1014, 148, 1194, 1194, 1194, 495, 2029, 3054, 4571, 2330, 2875, 534, 561, 762, 762, 762, 2004, 2004, 2462, 251, 894, 1059, 2306, 2306, 818, 3687, 300, 4895, 1058, 665, 3419, 3419, 564, 1628, 1832, 1337, 4199, 4199, 3971, 4018, 1617, 1568, 433, 2231, 3025, 4348, 4348, 4348, 1281, 237, 4077, 655, 3412, 3412, 3412, 4960, 4133, 4335, 4335, 4335, 3817, 3817, 131, 894, 977, 3472, 4891, 1481, 2967, 3027, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3004, 3004, 828, 2827, 28, 4281, 1910, 14, 2754, 1406, 1406, 3610, 2838, 4117, 85, 85, 85, 1430, 2336, 2420, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 3066, 3066, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 1873, 1873, 3485, 4153, 4153, 197, 3963, 1297, 679, 2601, 1623, 4291, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3022, 3022, 3022, 3022, 3022, 516, 1695, 104, 2715, 4264, 2053, 2053, 668, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 3492, 2205, 97, 2500, 588, 1704, 866, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3068, 3068, 993, 993, 912, 2234, 2234, 229, 229, 1430, 2336, 1968, 1968, 1968, 1968, 3066, 2621, 2621, 2621, 401, 401, 1832, 1255, 3911, 3911, 3971, 2009, 2753, 62, 2812, 3170, 2973, 1644, 1730, 1730, 1786, 1786, 1786, 1786, 1786, 1786, 3967, 2504, 603, 18, 2256, 2256, 3300, 1794, 4519, 4546, 4546, 4542, 2307, 2636, 3545, 213, 1829, 310, 2000, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1951, 1951, 1951, 1951, 1654, 4082, 4082, 2438, 1817, 7, 3771, 4591, 4591, 3170, 3407, 3167, 3167, 285, 1677, 1928, 2158, 2868, 3372, 4198, 4198, 4198, 3866, 3866, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2901, 807, 807, 402, 4771, 4497, 2205, 1481, 2962, 1915, 1351, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 993, 993, 912, 1910, 30, 4575, 4945, 1324, 1607, 1430, 1791, 1791, 3661, 3661, 456, 192, 2646, 2457, 3447, 3447, 36, 3818, 4333, 4333, 1791, 1791, 4536, 456, 89, 2415, 2457, 3447, 3447, 36, 2041, 3427, 3427, 4714, 4714, 1345, 2668, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 587, 587, 1492, 3963, 886, 886, 2601, 2559, 4152, 3404, 4355, 561, 762, 762, 762, 2004, 2004, 2462, 251, 1059, 2419, 2306, 2306, 2282, 1379, 2288, 4394, 412, 412, 4497, 154, 2500, 2962, 4276, 4276, 1496, 4420, 3103, 4787, 866, 866, 866, 866, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 993, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.4402813299232737, 0.5603580562659847, 0.960613810741688, 1.1007033248081841, 1.2608056265984655, 1.4008951406649617, 1.5810102301790283, 2.0813299232736573, 2.301470588235294, 2.881841432225064, 3.3021099744245523, 3.4622122762148337, 3.5822890025575447, 3.962531969309463, 4.122634271099744, 4.22269820971867, 4.382800511508952, 4.863107416879795, 5.203324808184143, 5.403452685421994, 5.563554987212276, 5.803708439897698, 5.943797953964195, 6.063874680306905, 6.223976982097187, 6.804347826086957, 7.20460358056266, 7.3446930946291555, 7.724936061381074, 7.90505115089514, 8.025127877237852, 8.265281329923273, 8.565473145780052, 8.705562659846548, 8.865664961636828, 9.52608695652174, 9.826278772378517, 10.126470588235295, 10.386636828644502, 11.127109974424553, 11.547378516624041, 11.787531969309462, 12.347890025575447, 12.728132992327366, 13.428580562659846, 13.668734015345267, 13.928900255754476, 14.229092071611253, 14.589322250639388, 14.769437340153452 ]
[ 0.4402813299232737, 0.5603580562659847, 0.960613810741688, 1.1007033248081841, 1.2608056265984655, 1.4008951406649617, 1.5810102301790283, 2.0813299232736573, 2.301470588235294, 2.881841432225064, 3.3021099744245523, 3.4622122762148337, 3.5822890025575447, 3.962531969309463, 4.122634271099744, 4.22269820971867, 4.382800511508952, 4.863107416879795, 5.203324808184143, 5.403452685421994, 5.563554987212276, 5.803708439897698, 5.943797953964195, 6.063874680306905, 6.223976982097187, 6.804347826086957, 7.20460358056266, 7.3446930946291555, 7.724936061381074, 7.90505115089514, 8.025127877237852, 8.265281329923273, 8.565473145780052, 8.705562659846548, 8.865664961636828, 9.52608695652174, 9.826278772378517, 10.126470588235295, 10.386636828644502, 11.127109974424553, 11.547378516624041, 11.787531969309462, 12.347890025575447, 12.728132992327366, 13.428580562659846, 13.668734015345267, 13.928900255754476, 14.229092071611253, 14.589322250639388, 14.769437340153452, 15.629987212276216 ]
there fell out a thread of light and she saw wingd wonders move within also she heard sweet talking as they meant to comfort her they said who comes to-night shall one day certainly an entrance win then the gate closed and she awoke content
[ "there", "fell", "out", "a", "thread", "of", "light", "and", "she", "saw", "wingd", "wonders", "move", "within", "also", "she", "heard", "sweet", "talking", "as", "they", "meant", "to", "comfort", "her", "they", "said", "who", "comes", "to-night", "shall", "one", "day", "certainly", "an", "entrance", "win", "then", "the", "gate", "closed", "and", "she", "awoke", "content" ]
[ "there", "fell", "out", "a", "thread", "of", "light", "and", "she", "saw", "wingd", "wonders", "move", "within", "also", "she", "heard", "sweet", "talking", "as", "they", "meant", "to", "comfort", "her", "they", "said", "who", "comes", "to-night", "shall", "one", "day", "certainly", "an", "entrance", "win", "then", "the", "gate", "closed", "and", "she", "awoke", "content" ]
[ "t h e r e", "f e l l", "o u t", "a", "t h r e a d", "o f", "l i g h t", "a n d", "s h e", "s a w", "w i n g d", "w o n d e r s", "m o v e", "w i t h i n", "a l s o", "s h e", "h e a r d", "s w e e t", "t a l k i n g", "a s", "t h e y", "m e a n t", "t o", "c o m f o r t", "h e r", "t h e y", "s a i d", "w h o", "c o m e s", "t o n i g h t", "s h a l l", "o n e", "d a y", "c e r t a i n l y", "a n", "e n t r a n c e", "w i n", "t h e n", "t h e", "g a t e", "c l o s e d", "a n d", "s h e", "a w o k e", "c o n t e n t" ]
[ 38, 3814, 1233, 3057, 4544, 1898, 993, 3861, 3861, 3861, 75, 75, 993, 993, 1504, 4461, 2483, 2182, 2182, 2182, 4861, 4861, 4861, 8, 2956, 2009, 563, 2400, 43, 671, 3152, 3152, 3152, 3152, 1566, 1566, 4333, 4333, 299, 299, 3734, 3734, 1026, 1026, 2075, 58, 58, 131, 2636, 743, 1365, 983, 2939, 2746, 4945, 4945, 380, 2463, 2774, 499, 2034, 2034, 1319, 2570, 4649, 4649, 4649, 2930, 1529, 1708, 2464, 2464, 384, 2744, 4567, 4913, 426, 2336, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 3628, 3628, 2122, 2122, 518, 421, 1136, 628, 1725, 3472, 3472, 4891, 4891, 97, 1481, 2967, 4276, 92, 4787, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 993, 3004, 3268, 4321, 1910, 14, 2754, 1406, 108, 3610, 4249, 4414, 4414, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1715, 1027, 1166, 2622, 1914, 4077, 2119, 3505, 2704, 846, 846, 846, 846, 846, 846, 4732, 4732, 4732, 3211, 2769, 2769, 22, 4714, 3204, 4055, 2668, 2910, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 4200, 435, 2937, 2937, 2937, 1822, 2014, 4055, 3883, 3355, 1569, 3204, 3204, 3204, 3204, 2783, 1851, 3571, 3571, 3571, 3571, 3571, 2023, 3793, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4897, 4897, 3184, 2401, 2401, 525, 4499, 1764, 3786, 3930, 4208, 1014, 1456, 1589, 4653, 4653, 4653, 880, 880, 3466, 396, 4973, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3942, 3833, 3833, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 2911, 443, 443, 4401, 2358, 610, 1915, 92, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 31, 72, 31, 157, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2827, 527, 527, 4420, 1910, 981, 30, 30, 2525, 2525, 3297, 1933, 1933, 2385, 3928, 121, 3762, 3380, 3380, 3128, 3408, 2542, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1027, 1166, 4911, 13, 3072, 369, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 2237, 4387, 1863, 364, 894, 1806, 3553, 4077, 2110, 3708, 1713, 4858, 3074, 3074, 3074, 3074, 246, 112, 628, 944, 1359, 2657, 541, 2287, 1243, 1243, 1243, 1243, 1243, 4827, 4827, 4012, 1733, 2903, 454, 2653, 2653, 2379, 4976, 4200, 2002, 1492, 3143, 1525, 1525, 176, 1705, 1477, 2938, 1844, 3256, 3256, 409, 1166, 182, 1593, 4493, 308, 939, 3555, 3555, 3555, 496, 4116, 1447, 4792, 4792, 2508, 4229, 270, 1954, 1401, 885, 1395, 1694, 2607, 3766, 3718, 2497, 4158, 4158, 4158, 2057, 4001, 1157, 3279, 3319, 4127, 4127, 4127, 364, 3249, 4152, 759, 1255, 1337, 4199, 4199, 4199, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 2358, 610, 3027, 3027, 866, 866, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 2422, 993, 993, 912, 348, 1504, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 1166, 2622, 1544, 4433, 3505, 2704, 554, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1750, 1750, 3333, 3333, 1523, 3240, 4102, 154, 2459, 1481, 2962, 588, 4420, 1351, 1351, 1639, 1639, 3401, 31, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 828, 710, 710, 4063, 3117, 4637, 1377, 186, 3111, 3111, 1694, 628, 560, 3718, 3387, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 304, 1295, 978, 2197, 2197, 6, 1139, 4229, 63, 1401, 4149, 4149, 3494, 3471, 411, 2142, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 3628, 1236, 2122, 2122, 3373, 131, 743, 1806, 455, 798, 2404, 2878, 1212, 1212, 4783, 1376, 1376, 3617, 3617, 3617, 3299, 4905, 22, 4714, 3204, 1346, 2031, 130, 3583, 1600, 33, 33, 4768, 4108, 2410, 2158, 3496, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 83, 83, 3910, 2622, 1914, 1544, 4077, 552, 309, 4865, 4865, 4865, 1923, 2390, 3078, 1356, 4510, 4510, 2900, 2900, 3529, 4119, 3100, 4541, 2628, 4946, 2443, 2443, 4359, 589, 834, 4990, 2875, 1045, 187, 387, 387, 496, 2854, 2373, 2373, 2952, 2952, 164, 164, 164, 164, 624, 3234, 1834, 3411, 2940, 3629, 3629, 1569, 3204, 144, 2668, 2910, 864, 864, 864, 3008, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 2911, 2911, 2911, 443, 443, 2039, 2039, 1393, 555, 588, 588, 1704, 2250, 2699, 2699, 4787, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 1089, 1089, 1089, 1089, 1089, 1089, 1089, 1089, 643, 643, 643, 643, 993, 3004, 3004, 1572, 2822, 2822, 214, 214, 527, 527, 2925, 3227, 4281, 628, 1504, 2483, 899, 899, 899, 410, 4117, 662, 4820, 4141, 492, 124, 1710, 41, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 1086, 246, 421, 192, 743, 3545, 213, 1829, 310, 305, 305, 3701, 3701, 826, 4467, 4467, 4467, 4467, 4467, 4467, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3689, 3689, 3689, 3559, 3559, 4301, 4301, 3362, 628, 4995, 1842, 3143, 1406, 3610, 1234, 1748, 4414, 1212, 4433, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1027, 2478, 2478, 3649, 3649, 1345, 1851, 1851, 2806, 2806, 2806, 2806, 2806, 4892, 3399, 3399, 3780, 3027, 3027, 3027, 3027, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 993, 3075, 1416, 4321, 1784, 1784, 560, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 735, 685, 270, 1781, 2657, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 1331, 2549, 1374, 498, 498, 498, 3974, 894, 377, 4891, 4891, 4891, 97, 2500, 61, 73, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 4420, 4, 4, 2756, 2200, 2200, 2200, 3306, 1089, 993, 1089, 1089, 1089, 1089, 1089, 1089, 1089, 1089, 77, 77, 77, 77, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 686, 686, 686, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.520627261761158, 0.760916767189385, 1.021230398069964, 1.1213510253317251, 1.4016887816646564, 1.5018094089264176, 2.1025331724969845, 2.482991556091677, 2.6431845597104946, 2.983594692400483, 3.424125452352232, 3.94475271411339, 4.165018094089264, 4.845838359469241, 5.406513872135103, 5.586731001206274, 5.887092882991556, 6.147406513872135, 6.587937273823885, 6.708082026537998, 6.868275030156815, 7.108564535585043, 7.248733413751508, 7.629191797346201, 8.049698431845599, 8.490229191797347, 8.990832328106153, 9.33124246079614, 9.651628468033776, 10.13220747889023, 10.432569360675513, 10.652834740651388, 10.873100120627264, 11.333655006031364, 11.453799758745477, 11.894330518697227, 12.615199034981908, 13.215922798552475, 13.336067551266588, 13.596381182147166, 14.177080820265381, 14.297225572979494, 14.43739445114596, 14.998069963811822 ]
[ 0.520627261761158, 0.760916767189385, 1.021230398069964, 1.1213510253317251, 1.4016887816646564, 1.5018094089264176, 2.1025331724969845, 2.482991556091677, 2.6431845597104946, 2.983594692400483, 3.424125452352232, 3.94475271411339, 4.165018094089264, 4.845838359469241, 5.406513872135103, 5.586731001206274, 5.887092882991556, 6.147406513872135, 6.587937273823885, 6.708082026537998, 6.868275030156815, 7.108564535585043, 7.248733413751508, 7.629191797346201, 8.049698431845599, 8.490229191797347, 8.990832328106153, 9.33124246079614, 9.651628468033776, 10.13220747889023, 10.432569360675513, 10.652834740651388, 10.873100120627264, 11.333655006031364, 11.453799758745477, 11.894330518697227, 12.615199034981908, 13.215922798552475, 13.336067551266588, 13.596381182147166, 14.177080820265381, 14.297225572979494, 14.43739445114596, 14.998069963811822, 16.57997587454765 ]
o if we but knew what we do when we delve or hew-hack and rack the growing green since country is so tender to touch her being s slender that like this sleek and seeing ball but a prick will make no eye at all
[ "o", "if", "we", "but", "knew", "what", "we", "do", "when", "we", "delve", "or", "hew-hack", "and", "rack", "the", "growing", "green", "since", "country", "is", "so", "tender", "to", "touch", "her", "being", "s", "slender", "that", "like", "this", "sleek", "and", "seeing", "ball", "but", "a", "prick", "will", "make", "no", "eye", "at", "all" ]
[ "o", "if", "we", "but", "knew", "what", "we", "do", "when", "we", "delve", "or", "hew-hack", "and", "rack", "the", "growing", "green", "since", "country", "is", "so", "tender", "to", "touch", "her", "being", "s", "slender", "that", "like", "this", "sleek", "and", "seeing", "ball", "but", "a", "prick", "will", "make", "no", "eye", "at", "all" ]
[ "o", "i f", "w e", "b u t", "k n e w", "w h a t", "w e", "d o", "w h e n", "w e", "d e l v e", "o r", "h e w h a c k", "a n d", "r a c k", "t h e", "g r o w i n g", "g r e e n", "s i n c e", "c o u n t r y", "i s", "s o", "t e n d e r", "t o", "t o u c h", "h e r", "b e i n g", "s", "s l e n d e r", "t h a t", "l i k e", "t h i s", "s l e e k", "a n d", "s e e i n g", "b a l l", "b u t", "a", "p r i c k", "w i l l", "m a k e", "n o", "e y e", "a t", "a l l" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 877, 3339, 3339, 3339, 1898, 645, 645, 3068, 4491, 4491, 75, 75, 75, 877, 2788, 4641, 30, 2789, 794, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 2621, 2621, 401, 3607, 3607, 1202, 474, 474, 4159, 4159, 745, 1300, 396, 396, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 438, 182, 3431, 3537, 1389, 4296, 4296, 4296, 4242, 2068, 4300, 4997, 1315, 4188, 1471, 2362, 1046, 1046, 1046, 2538, 2538, 132, 45, 3700, 1751, 2928, 2928, 393, 393, 2969, 168, 168, 2833, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 4202, 1367, 3326, 2212, 3348, 3348, 3208, 3208, 3208, 3208, 2536, 4669, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 57, 1873, 1873, 4450, 4450, 1472, 1472, 3382, 4703, 2697, 924, 924, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 4418, 1155, 1155, 3677, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 4202, 1367, 1206, 2212, 1283, 3025, 3025, 4504, 4504, 4504, 4504, 2216, 2216, 1796, 1796, 1796, 4808, 4808, 4478, 4478, 4478, 1407, 3654, 2744, 1966, 2363, 2363, 2363, 2363, 2956, 3261, 2818, 3349, 1606, 1606, 1606, 1459, 1459, 1459, 1459, 1459, 307, 2536, 4669, 4669, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 57, 391, 391, 391, 1773, 4917, 4917, 931, 627, 627, 555, 555, 4596, 4596, 1646, 816, 4222, 4222, 2691, 4823, 1716, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 1003, 1254, 1254, 570, 570, 570, 570, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2422, 2982, 2422, 4063, 3117, 3692, 3692, 1007, 1007, 3934, 3934, 4205, 4205, 4205, 4205, 4205, 96, 96, 96, 1930, 1930, 823, 815, 815, 3780, 935, 935, 1842, 3136, 295, 295, 1123, 2298, 3123, 3031, 1626, 3476, 3476, 1988, 2710, 2710, 4205, 4205, 4205, 4205, 96, 96, 96, 2547, 823, 815, 815, 383, 3326, 1616, 798, 986, 2933, 4035, 1448, 3513, 124, 2, 3326, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4201, 629, 629, 629, 629, 3066, 1628, 4087, 1887, 1887, 651, 651, 2308, 4914, 7, 3086, 2605, 2647, 2647, 55, 340, 4622, 1801, 4201, 511, 511, 511, 511, 35, 35, 1953, 1953, 262, 262, 262, 1882, 269, 269, 2911, 2911, 2911, 443, 443, 2039, 2039, 1393, 1393, 627, 627, 627, 555, 1704, 1704, 3993, 3993, 3993, 1016, 2691, 2691, 4083, 238, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 3841, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 877, 2925, 2422, 4321, 252, 1332, 1332, 158, 2110, 4367, 620, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1164, 277, 3149, 4351, 3503, 2019, 2019, 1829, 1206, 559, 3387, 3387, 2497, 1083, 1083, 1083, 1083, 496, 4116, 3646, 614, 3311, 2952, 2952, 2952, 352, 352, 27, 27, 1418, 2540, 4850, 2443, 2148, 3077, 3077, 206, 206, 1807, 1807, 4037, 1069, 313, 1892, 3001, 3001, 427, 427, 427, 427, 3153, 4495, 4018, 1623, 381, 114, 136, 2657, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 496, 3793, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4825, 4897, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 1484, 2897, 1472, 3087, 627, 388, 403, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1435, 4281, 1784, 114, 63, 1401, 3490, 3490, 630, 3336, 1623, 3326, 114, 136, 541, 2287, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4513, 4513, 2461, 3326, 3235, 4797, 733, 1117, 1117, 2324, 798, 1149, 1255, 1255, 1337, 4199, 3971, 3971, 2956, 2009, 1591, 3537, 53, 221, 841, 2201, 841, 3565, 3565, 3565, 2438, 2438, 1817, 7, 3086, 2605, 2605, 782, 760, 3374, 4077, 3702, 1069, 4367, 1892, 3001, 3001, 427, 427, 427, 427, 3153, 1193, 4495, 2542, 3374, 3374, 158, 313, 3708, 1196, 1196, 2711, 2711, 2896, 2896, 2896, 496, 2854, 3793, 2682, 2158, 2219, 4825, 4897, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 930, 2358, 931, 627, 627, 4787, 4276, 4596, 816, 816, 816, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2422, 2422, 2982, 2085, 3227, 4281, 1162, 2594, 4461, 2229, 2926, 320, 3183, 3183, 3183, 3183, 804, 1930, 1930, 2743, 2869, 2869, 1588, 1480, 1480, 1792, 1792, 229, 738, 275, 854, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 2663, 3176, 2138, 2664, 986, 2933, 2047, 4141, 138, 4490, 1507, 1542, 1599, 1031, 1807, 4037, 4037, 4037, 3702, 382, 3708, 3708, 1196, 1196, 2711, 2711, 4993, 3862, 3862, 1013, 1013, 2430, 2430, 2663, 383, 383, 4186, 2313, 3136, 295, 1123, 1234, 1748, 4834, 760, 3374, 158, 1069, 1069, 4367, 2429, 2429, 416, 416, 1556, 1556, 4676, 4676, 4676, 2438, 2438, 2308, 2308, 7, 3086, 2605, 3771, 4819, 3133, 628, 53, 4427, 4427, 4871, 4871, 4871, 4871, 4871, 4871, 2755, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3477, 195, 195, 195, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 931, 931, 627, 555, 4596, 4596, 599, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 1716, 1716, 562, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2422, 2422, 2422, 877, 1162, 520, 520, 53, 1389, 3854, 3854, 4242, 1529, 4073, 2660, 546, 432, 4187, 2261, 2096, 55, 1724, 4660, 654, 654, 2149, 2149, 796, 796, 3039, 1391, 1391, 823, 815, 815, 3780, 3780, 935, 1616, 798, 798, 396, 396, 924, 1952, 3570, 1099, 1099, 3299, 3846, 436, 42, 308, 185, 1560, 1560, 1560, 418, 2663, 3176, 4186, 1616, 2612, 1315, 1315, 4480, 1471, 1299, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 201, 1628, 3607, 3607, 3487, 3724, 3724, 4309, 533, 533, 3172, 2016, 2172, 3168, 2443, 2127, 2127, 1529, 4073, 2740, 2271, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3477, 195, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 931, 627, 627, 555, 2747, 4596, 4083, 1496, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 929, 929, 929, 929, 929, 929, 929, 633, 633, 633, 633, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5606451612903227, 0.8209447004608296, 0.9811290322580646, 1.1813594470046085, 1.4016129032258067, 1.581820276497696, 1.721981566820277, 2.0623732718894012, 2.42278801843318, 2.5629493087557607, 3.0635253456221205, 3.1836635944700467, 4.805529953917051, 4.965714285714286, 5.366175115207374, 5.506336405529955, 5.98688940092166, 6.827857142857144, 7.528663594470047, 8.009216589861753, 8.189423963133642, 8.389654377880186, 9.05041474654378, 9.350760368663595, 9.811290322580646, 10.01152073732719, 10.391958525345624, 10.612211981566821, 11.533271889400924, 12.254101382488482, 12.554447004608297, 12.774700460829495, 13.175161290322583, 13.375391705069127, 13.815898617511522, 14.49668202764977, 14.977235023041478, 15.057327188940095, 15.477811059907836, 15.718087557603688, 15.978387096774195, 16.178617511520738, 16.438917050691245, 16.559055299539175 ]
[ 0.5606451612903227, 0.8209447004608296, 0.9811290322580646, 1.1813594470046085, 1.4016129032258067, 1.581820276497696, 1.721981566820277, 2.0623732718894012, 2.42278801843318, 2.5629493087557607, 3.0635253456221205, 3.1836635944700467, 4.805529953917051, 4.965714285714286, 5.366175115207374, 5.506336405529955, 5.98688940092166, 6.827857142857144, 7.528663594470047, 8.009216589861753, 8.189423963133642, 8.389654377880186, 9.05041474654378, 9.350760368663595, 9.811290322580646, 10.01152073732719, 10.391958525345624, 10.612211981566821, 11.533271889400924, 12.254101382488482, 12.554447004608297, 12.774700460829495, 13.175161290322583, 13.375391705069127, 13.815898617511522, 14.49668202764977, 14.977235023041478, 15.057327188940095, 15.477811059907836, 15.718087557603688, 15.978387096774195, 16.178617511520738, 16.438917050691245, 16.559055299539175, 17.359976958525348 ]
of a fresh and following folded rank not spared not one that dandled a sandalled shadow that swam or sank on meadow and river and wind-wandering weed-winding bank
[ "of", "a", "fresh", "and", "following", "folded", "rank", "not", "spared", "not", "one", "that", "dandled", "a", "sandalled", "shadow", "that", "swam", "or", "sank", "on", "meadow", "and", "river", "and", "wind-wandering", "weed-winding", "bank" ]
[ "of", "a", "fresh", "and", "following", "folded", "rank", "not", "spared", "not", "one", "that", "dandled", "a", "sandalled", "shadow", "that", "swam", "or", "sank", "on", "meadow", "and", "river", "and", "wind-wandering", "weed-winding", "bank" ]
[ "o f", "a", "f r e s h", "a n d", "f o l l o w i n g", "f o l d e d", "r a n k", "n o t", "s p a r e d", "n o t", "o n e", "t h a t", "d a n d l e d", "a", "s a n d a l l e d", "s h a d o w", "t h a t", "s w a m", "o r", "s a n k", "o n", "m e a d o w", "a n d", "r i v e r", "a n d", "w i n d w a n d e r i n g", "w e e d w i n d i n g", "b a n k" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 715, 715, 3057, 3057, 792, 792, 1898, 4491, 4491, 4491, 4491, 75, 75, 1886, 877, 2788, 1249, 64, 1776, 1493, 2997, 701, 1567, 1567, 546, 432, 2690, 563, 1815, 4120, 146, 2832, 1615, 1615, 3953, 3953, 3785, 557, 557, 689, 689, 689, 689, 3967, 3967, 3967, 1984, 1984, 18, 1984, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1217, 872, 1365, 245, 197, 781, 3143, 4381, 1461, 1123, 1234, 1185, 2435, 1368, 4120, 623, 3524, 2400, 43, 2043, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 2141, 317, 317, 2847, 2847, 2077, 2077, 2077, 4087, 4087, 1887, 651, 1697, 2308, 7, 3086, 2605, 3771, 50, 4120, 623, 2832, 2158, 43, 2043, 4130, 4130, 4130, 4130, 674, 674, 1636, 2486, 2486, 851, 4825, 1256, 1256, 1822, 364, 3249, 3883, 4590, 1626, 2729, 1988, 2710, 2710, 1355, 1355, 3970, 3970, 3970, 3338, 3756, 2489, 498, 498, 3780, 2559, 935, 3213, 3213, 2500, 3027, 403, 403, 1706, 877, 2071, 2071, 2422, 2422, 2422, 331, 2234, 4924, 2579, 411, 2142, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2743, 2068, 4818, 4739, 2951, 4523, 4876, 4077, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2192, 3303, 4863, 4863, 4863, 4863, 700, 700, 4861, 4861, 4203, 4203, 2730, 869, 869, 1296, 112, 2559, 1895, 1315, 3770, 2142, 2895, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2068, 2408, 2408, 2408, 1569, 3204, 2783, 2031, 130, 905, 905, 905, 905, 1600, 33, 2549, 1282, 269, 269, 2911, 2911, 443, 2039, 2039, 1393, 931, 555, 4596, 4596, 4596, 1646, 816, 816, 816, 816, 877, 87, 3811, 3811, 4621, 4621, 16, 16, 1981, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2422, 2982, 2085, 2422, 4321, 331, 1504, 489, 492, 2131, 1469, 1617, 894, 2231, 1283, 3025, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 913, 913, 463, 463, 2682, 2219, 4825, 776, 2053, 2053, 2046, 4808, 4808, 4808, 402, 2486, 851, 175, 1729, 1992, 1723, 1109, 1544, 4077, 1010, 3505, 2704, 190, 1070, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 2451, 1390, 463, 3034, 3918, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4825, 337, 1070, 3675, 3675, 3675, 913, 913, 463, 3793, 2682, 104, 4825, 776, 2053, 2053, 2053, 668, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 2205, 154, 1481, 628, 586, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 2030, 2030, 710, 4321, 4494, 2365, 4494, 1212, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 642, 642, 642, 642, 642, 509, 4515, 4515, 1358, 4219, 783, 783, 2766, 4363, 4363, 1193, 1854, 1307, 4416, 949, 612, 612, 1165, 571, 4739, 2951, 4523, 4876, 158, 9, 3708, 1713, 4858, 4858, 4227, 4227, 1939, 2865, 3101, 3101, 3101, 4776, 1390, 1030, 1670, 2641, 786, 2363, 2363, 2363, 2956, 3408, 2542, 4876, 4077, 3505, 552, 1608, 190, 2865, 2865, 2865, 2865, 2865, 3970, 3970, 3756, 3756, 2489, 498, 3780, 1152, 935, 3213, 3213, 2962, 1704, 1704, 4787, 599, 3588, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 2974, 2974, 2422, 2422, 2422, 2422, 2422, 4281, 2788, 2789, 3180, 458, 458, 3777, 4189, 3398, 2660, 546, 432, 2816, 4493, 4055, 308, 2993, 3937, 3937, 3937, 4515, 1358, 4219, 783, 783, 783, 783, 4363, 4363, 4363, 2621, 57, 401, 1873, 1873, 758, 758, 983, 2933, 781, 3143, 1097, 4381, 1461, 2838, 1185, 4192, 4192, 4590, 1626, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1990, 1274, 3094, 1788, 4769, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 1484, 1773, 4917, 627, 627, 1704, 1704, 403, 4596, 1706, 599, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 2778, 852, 2827, 877, 2071, 2422, 2422, 2422, 877, 4281, 1249, 1510, 1097, 1406, 3610, 1461, 2838, 4117, 3123, 954, 3691, 3204, 2783, 2668, 2910, 864, 864, 864, 864, 1986, 3034, 4210, 4210, 37, 2513, 4192, 3355, 1569, 1569, 1345, 1851, 882, 787, 787, 787, 787, 787, 4407, 2548, 3793, 2682, 4055, 1771, 4897, 652, 652, 4469, 4358, 4358, 651, 1697, 1697, 4914, 598, 3660, 1638, 150, 775, 3422, 1472, 2697, 2697, 2697, 2933, 924, 2783, 2668, 1970, 1970, 1970, 1013, 4415, 3322, 4540, 4540, 754, 3883, 3355, 1346, 1345, 882, 4600, 4600, 4600, 4600, 232, 1341, 1341, 314, 2682, 4055, 4825, 1605, 4687, 2308, 2379, 3086, 3771, 830, 3925, 739, 3574, 394, 2599, 2599, 2599, 2599, 2599, 3970, 3970, 3756, 3756, 3756, 2489, 815, 3780, 2933, 1725, 935, 3213, 97, 2500, 2500, 73, 4596, 1496, 4006, 4006, 929, 929, 929, 929, 1387, 1387, 877, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5007215007215007, 0.6208946608946608, 1.1817027417027417, 1.402020202020202, 2.0028860028860027, 2.4635497835497833, 3.004329004329004, 3.464992784992785, 3.9657142857142853, 4.266147186147186, 4.9270995670995665, 5.427821067821067, 5.908513708513707, 6.008658008658008, 7.070187590187589, 7.67105339105339, 7.8913708513708505, 8.29194805194805, 8.43215007215007, 9.05304473304473, 9.453621933621934, 9.934314574314573, 10.194689754689755, 10.855642135642134, 11.336334776334775, 12.337777777777777, 13.118903318903318 ]
[ 0.5007215007215007, 0.6208946608946608, 1.1817027417027417, 1.402020202020202, 2.0028860028860027, 2.4635497835497833, 3.004329004329004, 3.464992784992785, 3.9657142857142853, 4.266147186147186, 4.9270995670995665, 5.407792207792207, 5.908513708513707, 6.008658008658008, 7.070187590187589, 7.67105339105339, 7.8913708513708505, 8.29194805194805, 8.43215007215007, 9.05304473304473, 9.453621933621934, 9.934314574314573, 10.194689754689755, 10.855642135642134, 11.336334776334775, 12.337777777777777, 13.118903318903318, 13.85997113997114 ]
they are like deaths they bring a wintry chill to summer's roses and to summer's rill and yet we breathe them still for pure as altar-lights hearts pass away hearts we said to them stay with us stay and they said sighing as they said it nay
[ "they", "are", "like", "deaths", "they", "bring", "a", "wintry", "chill", "to", "summer's", "roses", "and", "to", "summer's", "rill", "and", "yet", "we", "breathe", "them", "still", "for", "pure", "as", "altar-lights", "hearts", "pass", "away", "hearts", "we", "said", "to", "them", "stay", "with", "us", "stay", "and", "they", "said", "sighing", "as", "they", "said", "it", "nay" ]
[ "they", "are", "like", "deaths", "they", "bring", "a", "wintry", "chill", "to", "summer's", "roses", "and", "to", "summer's", "rill", "and", "yet", "we", "breathe", "them", "still", "for", "pure", "as", "altar-lights", "hearts", "pass", "away", "hearts", "we", "said", "to", "them", "stay", "with", "us", "stay", "and", "they", "said", "sighing", "as", "they", "said", "it", "nay" ]
[ "t h e y", "a r e", "l i k e", "d e a t h s", "t h e y", "b r i n g", "a", "w i n t r y", "c h i l l", "t o", "s u m m e r ' s", "r o s e s", "a n d", "t o", "s u m m e r ' s", "r i l l", "a n d", "y e t", "w e", "b r e a t h e", "t h e m", "s t i l l", "f o r", "p u r e", "a s", "a l t a r l i g h t s", "h e a r t s", "p a s s", "a w a y", "h e a r t s", "w e", "s a i d", "t o", "t h e m", "s t a y", "w i t h", "u s", "s t a y", "a n d", "t h e y", "s a i d", "s i g h i n g", "a s", "t h e y", "s a i d", "i t", "n a y" ]
[ 1101, 361, 2455, 645, 645, 645, 645, 645, 645, 4491, 88, 88, 4491, 88, 88, 2925, 2085, 4321, 2670, 4321, 2594, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 3168, 4317, 3921, 3921, 3876, 3876, 3876, 1854, 1170, 275, 2336, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 4164, 2663, 2664, 2664, 4397, 4397, 4500, 2607, 42, 2212, 3025, 772, 772, 772, 772, 3137, 3137, 2998, 4966, 445, 3945, 3945, 628, 538, 1941, 1941, 4505, 3773, 302, 302, 302, 302, 2214, 145, 145, 3414, 4398, 634, 2967, 2967, 1351, 1707, 2827, 2827, 1416, 1416, 4420, 193, 2594, 2594, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 182, 1591, 2164, 3133, 2607, 3537, 1498, 1498, 716, 716, 716, 716, 716, 4848, 7, 2644, 2644, 3789, 3116, 3116, 3116, 3011, 3011, 1155, 3204, 4477, 4477, 2668, 2910, 3852, 3852, 3852, 496, 2854, 4116, 1447, 860, 3326, 114, 4097, 994, 994, 352, 352, 1983, 1983, 1745, 4101, 4202, 2183, 3646, 4291, 1902, 720, 720, 720, 4522, 736, 736, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 4808, 4808, 4808, 2477, 1414, 3350, 4141, 2632, 2632, 1109, 3374, 4077, 1010, 313, 1892, 1608, 850, 850, 850, 2273, 4134, 4134, 2005, 2005, 1975, 525, 2267, 2267, 2267, 4599, 658, 658, 3476, 3476, 52, 2798, 3055, 3055, 3055, 2797, 644, 4922, 4922, 4032, 472, 1519, 4832, 4832, 650, 650, 70, 70, 4287, 536, 536, 2091, 1011, 302, 145, 145, 1311, 2967, 586, 586, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 3844, 3268, 312, 2391, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 4895, 114, 63, 198, 198, 630, 3210, 3374, 1010, 313, 1892, 190, 850, 850, 850, 2273, 4134, 4134, 2005, 2005, 1975, 2401, 525, 2267, 2267, 4318, 4599, 658, 658, 1626, 3476, 3476, 52, 3828, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 3477, 195, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 4620, 4917, 2254, 730, 73, 4420, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4222, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 803, 803, 803, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3673, 3673, 3673, 2154, 2154, 312, 1910, 2391, 1510, 2754, 1406, 3610, 3610, 68, 2298, 2485, 2485, 39, 3611, 3611, 2018, 2018, 1727, 1727, 2743, 2969, 168, 168, 2833, 3677, 3677, 487, 2863, 2863, 1166, 182, 2096, 3133, 42, 1498, 1498, 323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 4323, 1350, 4196, 998, 3942, 3942, 3942, 5, 2047, 1767, 723, 723, 1295, 258, 782, 782, 760, 760, 3702, 9, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 628, 4092, 1643, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2825, 2825, 1796, 3477, 3477, 195, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 4917, 2254, 2254, 730, 730, 1375, 1375, 2250, 3071, 4222, 4, 2250, 4222, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 3306, 3306, 3754, 2135, 3993, 3993, 3736, 3736, 3736, 3736, 803, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3673, 3673, 3673, 3673, 2154, 214, 1714, 4658, 2982, 4420, 2982, 2670, 2670, 785, 3326, 3106, 840, 2441, 2441, 172, 2753, 1478, 62, 2812, 1206, 1724, 1644, 1119, 3865, 1576, 3642, 2011, 2011, 2161, 3417, 966, 966, 3877, 4890, 1189, 2752, 4318, 706, 65, 3404, 2330, 534, 534, 561, 2557, 3219, 3219, 3219, 3219, 3092, 2239, 2239, 1686, 2415, 2476, 4897, 1975, 1975, 1288, 1170, 1170, 275, 227, 2420, 2024, 2024, 2024, 3628, 1236, 2122, 518, 3795, 445, 538, 4505, 4505, 273, 4266, 65, 1785, 1149, 3072, 3072, 369, 369, 3341, 3341, 207, 207, 207, 2914, 2121, 2848, 356, 2227, 4433, 462, 3930, 2821, 4241, 4241, 1724, 102, 1730, 4455, 523, 523, 523, 1427, 1427, 1281, 3626, 4077, 121, 121, 2905, 4260, 1008, 2323, 2323, 4725, 4477, 2668, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 1248, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 2427, 272, 272, 272, 403, 403, 599, 599, 1706, 1706, 3525, 3525, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2982, 2982, 2982, 2925, 3117, 3692, 3692, 3692, 369, 369, 3341, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 207, 207, 2914, 2914, 2121, 290, 290, 290, 1136, 1136, 3974, 3974, 1152, 3326, 538, 4505, 3773, 3773, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 4398, 1203, 3629, 551, 2833, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2622, 1914, 4077, 1544, 2119, 4367, 1608, 793, 793, 793, 793, 2807, 565, 4202, 2183, 628, 114, 3026, 3179, 3179, 3179, 437, 3350, 3196, 1767, 1767, 723, 723, 723, 2846, 304, 2876, 1225, 2139, 2139, 2039, 1393, 128, 272, 403, 403, 1706, 3388, 3388, 372, 3382, 3382, 252, 252, 4494, 1332, 101, 101, 2119, 2119, 1084, 1084, 3194, 3271, 1206, 1643, 688, 688, 688, 688, 2807, 1912, 2478, 579, 179, 1284, 4562, 4562, 4562, 2450, 540, 42, 3833, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 3461, 3461, 3461, 2640, 3530, 3530, 302, 302, 302, 2214, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 4398, 4398, 3849, 1668, 372, 372, 372, 2404, 1332, 1332, 101, 2119, 1084, 3194, 3194, 3271, 4092, 1643, 688, 688, 688, 688, 688, 550, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 2689, 1248, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2962, 588, 588, 3808, 92, 92, 3796, 3796, 3796, 3796, 3587, 574, 574, 574, 574, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1254, 1254, 1254, 570, 570, 570, 570, 852, 214, 214, 527, 1066, 1886, 4321, 4641, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 2352, 42, 3196, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 49, 2622, 1914, 3374, 2119, 2119, 4367, 4367, 1608, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1750, 1750, 1750, 3333, 3333, 1523, 1110, 1110, 1480, 1480, 1480, 1480, 1480, 2962, 1915, 3075, 3075, 4618, 4618, 3388, 4618, 4618, 2071, 2071, 1151, 4321, 252, 4494, 1332, 101, 2119, 4367, 4367, 1608, 4528, 4528, 4824, 4824, 533, 1654, 4082, 4082, 4082, 2438, 2438, 1817, 4976, 4200, 435, 4890, 1525, 1525, 659, 659, 176, 4318, 3994, 4761, 1844, 3196, 3256, 3256, 409, 1166, 2622, 1914, 4433, 4367, 4367, 1892, 1608, 554, 554, 554, 1750, 2930, 2355, 3449, 1993, 1266, 1266, 2424, 2424, 3817, 2869, 1480, 1480, 193, 1480, 1480, 1480, 1480, 819, 3388, 599, 3388, 374, 955, 374, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 4940, 2071, 2982, 2982, 1416, 1416, 2234, 4924, 1858, 2579, 2579, 1471, 1471, 3041, 2285, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 2689, 1248, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 272, 730, 73, 73, 1496, 1496, 1496, 3103, 2760, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5205241935483871, 0.6806854838709677, 0.9409475806451613, 1.5615725806451612, 1.921935483870968, 2.2222379032258064, 2.3223387096774193, 2.862883064516129, 3.243266129032258, 3.4034274193548386, 3.823850806451613, 4.524556451612903, 4.844879032258064, 4.965, 5.405443548387097, 6.1261693548387095, 6.686733870967742, 6.926975806451613, 7.087137096774193, 7.427479838709677, 7.60766129032258, 8.528588709677418, 9.22929435483871, 9.529596774193548, 9.709778225806451, 10.490564516129032, 10.870947580645161, 11.211290322580645, 11.831915322580643, 12.772862903225807, 12.973064516129032, 13.253346774193547, 13.373467741935483, 13.81391129032258, 14.314415322580643, 14.514616935483872, 14.915020161290322, 15.855967741935483, 16.37649193548387, 16.556673387096772, 17.15727822580645, 17.75788306451613, 17.91804435483871, 18.07820564516129, 18.338467741935485, 18.77891129032258 ]
[ 0.5205241935483871, 0.6806854838709677, 0.9409475806451613, 1.5615725806451612, 1.921935483870968, 2.2222379032258064, 2.3223387096774193, 2.862883064516129, 3.243266129032258, 3.4034274193548386, 3.823850806451613, 4.524556451612903, 4.844879032258064, 4.965, 5.405443548387097, 6.1261693548387095, 6.686733870967742, 6.926975806451613, 7.087137096774193, 7.427479838709677, 7.60766129032258, 8.528588709677418, 9.22929435483871, 9.529596774193548, 9.709778225806451, 10.490564516129032, 10.870947580645161, 11.211290322580645, 11.831915322580643, 12.772862903225807, 12.973064516129032, 13.253346774193547, 13.373467741935483, 13.81391129032258, 14.314415322580643, 14.514616935483872, 14.915020161290322, 15.855967741935483, 16.37649193548387, 16.556673387096772, 17.15727822580645, 17.75788306451613, 17.91804435483871, 18.07820564516129, 18.338467741935485, 18.77891129032258, 19.839979838709677 ]
the sunniest days are shortest darkness tells the starless story of the night that dwells in lone and last farewells two faces meet here there or anywhere
[ "the", "sunniest", "days", "are", "shortest", "darkness", "tells", "the", "starless", "story", "of", "the", "night", "that", "dwells", "in", "lone", "and", "last", "farewells", "two", "faces", "meet", "here", "there", "or", "anywhere" ]
[ "the", "sunniest", "days", "are", "shortest", "darkness", "tells", "the", "starless", "story", "of", "the", "night", "that", "dwells", "in", "lone", "and", "last", "farewells", "two", "faces", "meet", "here", "there", "or", "anywhere" ]
[ "t h e", "s u n n i e s t", "d a y s", "a r e", "s h o r t e s t", "d a r k n e s s", "t e l l s", "t h e", "s t a r l e s s", "s t o r y", "o f", "t h e", "n i g h t", "t h a t", "d w e l l s", "i n", "l o n e", "a n d", "l a s t", "f a r e w e l l s", "t w o", "f a c e s", "m e e t", "h e r e", "t h e r e", "o r", "a n y w h e r e" ]
[ 38, 467, 467, 467, 1335, 139, 2327, 2327, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 75, 3744, 3744, 489, 1448, 492, 3368, 1109, 158, 2119, 2119, 104, 2704, 1608, 2065, 2065, 2065, 1942, 2300, 3613, 357, 1745, 1745, 4850, 2443, 4534, 4534, 3569, 4209, 159, 3503, 3863, 1139, 84, 4397, 687, 974, 2231, 4412, 4412, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 4583, 565, 3979, 4499, 1764, 1705, 2906, 752, 3921, 3876, 3876, 2956, 3408, 2878, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 2796, 2796, 2796, 2796, 2796, 1871, 2310, 2310, 2121, 1358, 4219, 4534, 4534, 4534, 3569, 968, 968, 1238, 2640, 2640, 3530, 3530, 542, 1458, 2214, 2214, 145, 621, 3414, 634, 2967, 3557, 3557, 1639, 1639, 1707, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2778, 2071, 2071, 1692, 1416, 1416, 2670, 2670, 2670, 1784, 2231, 1283, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 2914, 2121, 4012, 4012, 383, 2664, 1412, 268, 268, 1321, 2193, 2193, 4209, 279, 1031, 4077, 462, 6, 1139, 1139, 84, 687, 2559, 1781, 136, 541, 541, 326, 326, 326, 326, 326, 326, 4504, 1796, 1796, 900, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4213, 4213, 536, 67, 67, 1011, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 1915, 3808, 92, 1639, 1639, 31, 31, 31, 828, 828, 2030, 710, 527, 1416, 4420, 331, 3614, 1448, 1448, 3368, 1109, 4876, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 2559, 47, 1555, 1555, 1678, 1678, 1678, 207, 2914, 4391, 4391, 4391, 3243, 4960, 4133, 1965, 1965, 1965, 4209, 159, 206, 1807, 1807, 4037, 382, 382, 3194, 3271, 1641, 47, 1643, 3550, 3550, 3550, 3550, 3550, 4942, 4942, 2879, 4080, 1034, 1034, 1983, 1983, 4946, 587, 3050, 1492, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 3102, 2131, 1469, 4959, 152, 152, 152, 411, 2142, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 3628, 246, 246, 3795, 2869, 1588, 3945, 3945, 3945, 628, 2566, 949, 612, 2965, 2965, 1531, 577, 2307, 1200, 4397, 628, 433, 2231, 2839, 2839, 3650, 4227, 1543, 1543, 1543, 709, 709, 2216, 1796, 1796, 900, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 32, 67, 4077, 1011, 3294, 3294, 1311, 2967, 586, 3557, 1252, 1639, 1943, 31, 31, 31, 828, 828, 2827, 710, 527, 4420, 981, 14, 3143, 1097, 4856, 1949, 2838, 4418, 85, 85, 4588, 1430, 2336, 2420, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 605, 605, 605, 3755, 3755, 3764, 366, 3398, 1790, 3136, 295, 2479, 1123, 85, 85, 4588, 1430, 2336, 2420, 2420, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1303, 1303, 1303, 997, 2881, 3717, 3717, 4433, 3503, 3396, 3396, 4067, 4067, 4067, 2324, 3849, 2852, 1435, 3524, 4321, 43, 43, 1075, 2095, 2095, 4285, 2945, 4285, 4929, 4929, 3700, 3666, 4553, 1543, 709, 709, 709, 1796, 3477, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 536, 2091, 302, 302, 302, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 881, 61, 73, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 2699, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 3306, 3306, 3306, 863, 4420, 2578, 3306, 2413, 2413, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 2413, 2413, 863, 2135, 863, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2135, 2135, 1922, 1922, 1922, 3736, 453, 453, 453, 2822, 2154, 527, 527, 3227, 2670, 2670, 628, 1781, 4375, 985, 873, 873, 873, 2801, 2801, 132, 3232, 1815, 623, 2158, 2923, 4953, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 1816, 4269, 1037, 3630, 4955, 4433, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 70, 3976, 3786, 4247, 4208, 4208, 1014, 4011, 2990, 3063, 3063, 3063, 3063, 3795, 3795, 1999, 3349, 3349, 3349, 3349, 1606, 1087, 1087, 1087, 3480, 3480, 3480, 3480, 3480, 3400, 3400, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 414, 414, 414, 414, 1484, 3485, 3422, 3485, 3485, 4703, 2852, 1435, 1435, 4321, 628, 165, 1655, 1655, 2182, 2182, 2182, 2182, 2182, 700, 2078, 2078, 4203, 4203, 4203, 414, 414, 414, 1484, 3040, 20, 71, 4665, 2220, 2220, 1286, 110, 3388, 3388, 1706, 1706, 1151, 1151, 220, 220, 2281, 4326, 113, 113, 3511, 3511, 2524, 3618, 4197, 3406, 3406, 297, 297, 3426, 2501, 506, 2537, 2537, 2537, 4101, 2478, 3649, 1345, 2668, 3331, 3940, 3940, 3940, 700, 700, 4203, 4203, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 2358, 2962, 4276, 3808, 92, 1081, 1081, 1081, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.44032640949554896, 0.9807270029673592, 1.2809495548961425, 1.4610830860534125, 2.3217210682492584, 3.0822848664688425, 3.8428486646884275, 4.163086053412463, 4.7235014836795255, 5.183842729970326, 5.343961424332344, 5.504080118694362, 5.84433234421365, 6.064495548961424, 6.805044510385756, 7.1452967359050445, 7.485548961424333, 7.625652818991098, 8.065979228486647, 9.406973293768546, 10.287626112759645, 10.767982195845697, 11.028175074183977, 11.548560830860534, 12.209050445103857, 12.549302670623145 ]
[ 0.44032640949554896, 0.9807270029673592, 1.2809495548961425, 1.4610830860534125, 2.3217210682492584, 3.0822848664688425, 3.8428486646884275, 4.163086053412463, 4.7235014836795255, 5.183842729970326, 5.343961424332344, 5.504080118694362, 5.84433234421365, 6.064495548961424, 6.805044510385756, 7.1452967359050445, 7.485548961424333, 7.625652818991098, 8.065979228486647, 9.406973293768546, 10.287626112759645, 10.767982195845697, 11.028175074183977, 11.548560830860534, 12.209050445103857, 12.549302670623145, 13.469985163204749 ]
but oh i have a magic way to turn the gloom to cheerful day-i softly sing and if the way grows darker still shadowed by sorrow's somber wing with glad defiance in my throat i pierce the darkness with a note
[ "but", "oh", "i", "have", "a", "magic", "way", "to", "turn", "the", "gloom", "to", "cheerful", "day-i", "softly", "sing", "and", "if", "the", "way", "grows", "darker", "still", "shadowed", "by", "sorrow's", "somber", "wing", "with", "glad", "defiance", "in", "my", "throat", "i", "pierce", "the", "darkness", "with", "a", "note" ]
[ "but", "oh", "i", "have", "a", "magic", "way", "to", "turn", "the", "gloom", "to", "cheerful", "day-i", "softly", "sing", "and", "if", "the", "way", "grows", "darker", "still", "shadowed", "by", "sorrow's", "somber", "wing", "with", "glad", "defiance", "in", "my", "throat", "i", "pierce", "the", "darkness", "with", "a", "note" ]
[ "b u t", "o h", "i", "h a v e", "a", "m a g i c", "w a y", "t o", "t u r n", "t h e", "g l o o m", "t o", "c h e e r f u l", "d a y i", "s o f t l y", "s i n g", "a n d", "i f", "t h e", "w a y", "g r o w s", "d a r k e r", "s t i l l", "s h a d o w e d", "b y", "s o r r o w ' s", "s o m b e r", "w i n g", "w i t h", "g l a d", "d e f i a n c e", "i n", "m y", "t h r o a t", "i", "p i e r c e", "t h e", "d a r k n e s s", "w i t h", "a", "n o t e" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 645, 645, 645, 645, 214, 75, 75, 2422, 3958, 2234, 2001, 4182, 3537, 1389, 125, 3854, 4242, 4242, 2307, 1686, 4571, 2330, 2875, 2972, 2607, 4641, 4918, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 2621, 2621, 4042, 4042, 4042, 4042, 1873, 1482, 1482, 3422, 3422, 2897, 2358, 588, 4276, 3808, 92, 1639, 1639, 31, 31, 31, 157, 157, 532, 852, 852, 28, 1066, 531, 2281, 30, 109, 109, 4193, 4193, 2719, 4911, 4207, 4207, 4207, 889, 3939, 1434, 1434, 1434, 2573, 3266, 3266, 1567, 546, 432, 432, 2816, 1593, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1134, 148, 995, 2993, 2700, 3488, 3488, 3488, 509, 509, 509, 616, 2171, 2073, 2073, 4989, 1826, 2773, 1190, 3176, 3176, 381, 1616, 1616, 4881, 3896, 3896, 1792, 1683, 29, 29, 4477, 2668, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 550, 4545, 4545, 83, 83, 569, 569, 3910, 3910, 2183, 1623, 2607, 114, 1954, 885, 3490, 630, 324, 1623, 1623, 193, 114, 114, 2877, 2287, 1251, 2157, 1251, 1251, 1251, 908, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3764, 3764, 2298, 2160, 2316, 3799, 2047, 3347, 2086, 729, 729, 2481, 1710, 3326, 340, 1322, 4549, 4549, 4135, 4135, 4135, 4179, 2805, 2805, 2805, 2805, 2805, 4904, 1670, 3905, 3905, 300, 1546, 4895, 55, 1954, 665, 3419, 3419, 564, 1628, 2222, 546, 546, 432, 324, 3336, 1623, 55, 4291, 1902, 720, 720, 4522, 736, 736, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 4203, 8, 172, 2009, 3232, 497, 3290, 3259, 3259, 413, 413, 413, 36, 1187, 1187, 3758, 3758, 2849, 42, 3496, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 550, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 931, 588, 588, 4596, 1646, 1646, 2699, 2699, 1016, 1016, 1016, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3164, 3164, 1254, 1254, 570, 3415, 3415, 214, 527, 527, 2422, 1910, 1910, 2391, 794, 109, 4193, 4193, 2719, 49, 2622, 1914, 3374, 3702, 3702, 1069, 313, 313, 1892, 190, 2403, 4352, 4352, 4352, 4352, 4352, 451, 451, 2405, 4339, 4339, 4154, 3509, 3509, 2731, 4119, 4119, 4541, 663, 4324, 4324, 438, 2622, 1914, 3374, 2119, 2119, 2119, 2119, 4367, 4367, 620, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2126, 2705, 1294, 4848, 4848, 4848, 598, 598, 2644, 2644, 2644, 3789, 3789, 3213, 3213, 3213, 97, 2500, 73, 73, 73, 1375, 531, 4, 4, 4083, 4, 2756, 4222, 4222, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 107, 107, 107, 107, 1578, 1578, 1578, 973, 973, 973, 973, 3416, 973, 973, 973, 973, 2490, 3416, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 2925, 88, 2982, 531, 2085, 4063, 2391, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 293, 1790, 1202, 1202, 474, 4159, 4159, 745, 4561, 2047, 4035, 1448, 492, 2059, 2059, 4725, 4714, 42, 4477, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 550, 2807, 83, 83, 3910, 3910, 3910, 4753, 4124, 126, 4622, 4201, 629, 629, 629, 629, 2797, 201, 1193, 3742, 4213, 4213, 4050, 4511, 1275, 6, 1139, 84, 4092, 2212, 1283, 902, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 207, 2914, 1977, 1923, 4012, 383, 383, 4186, 903, 303, 303, 3313, 3313, 3941, 2956, 3408, 2542, 3374, 1275, 9, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 1641, 1643, 3627, 3627, 3627, 3627, 3627, 3627, 2194, 508, 508, 1789, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 3477, 195, 195, 1873, 4450, 2358, 20, 1915, 3808, 92, 1252, 1639, 1943, 1245, 3913, 23, 2030, 2030, 710, 1033, 252, 4494, 1332, 171, 171, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 642, 642, 642, 642, 642, 509, 509, 4515, 2171, 3326, 2073, 783, 1142, 1142, 4563, 4563, 3142, 825, 1296, 364, 2007, 2800, 2697, 2697, 742, 3537, 53, 1976, 2779, 115, 115, 115, 553, 2301, 49, 2622, 1914, 3374, 2535, 1069, 1069, 313, 1892, 1892, 190, 2403, 4683, 4683, 4683, 4683, 4942, 470, 4731, 135, 4469, 2749, 2766, 2766, 2766, 2518, 1476, 3742, 2267, 292, 3385, 4511, 4511, 65, 2324, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 2404, 2404, 101, 158, 1069, 313, 313, 1892, 1608, 2403, 2403, 2403, 4862, 4862, 2273, 24, 3231, 516, 1695, 1695, 741, 1206, 2872, 4769, 4769, 3941, 3941, 3941, 414, 172, 2117, 3649, 4714, 3204, 4477, 4477, 2668, 2910, 1294, 1294, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 4848, 4848, 3660, 3660, 2644, 2644, 2644, 3789, 935, 3213, 3213, 97, 1481, 2962, 2962, 288, 288, 1351, 1351, 1639, 3587, 31, 31, 31, 532, 828, 828, 2030, 710, 163, 3744, 924, 924, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 3748, 540, 3054, 2959, 4485, 2852, 4500, 4500, 367, 340, 1322, 4549, 4549, 2350, 2350, 2350, 2350, 2350, 2350, 4573, 4573, 1930, 616, 2930, 2307, 3054, 3054, 3945, 3945, 3849, 1435, 1435, 193, 2047, 3522, 1353, 1353, 1353, 2690, 563, 623, 146, 2832, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2043, 1547, 4794, 4794, 1384, 533, 1654, 1654, 2908, 282, 3903, 3903, 1329, 1329, 1329, 3285, 4609, 194, 3234, 1926, 3989, 4511, 923, 2213, 257, 4659, 2793, 2793, 2793, 4418, 74, 74, 1134, 3069, 3069, 4733, 4733, 429, 2301, 49, 1227, 380, 2463, 2463, 499, 2034, 2034, 2034, 2570, 2570, 2570, 4745, 4745, 4745, 2797, 2797, 2797, 1476, 771, 771, 771, 4524, 4524, 421, 131, 3326, 377, 3472, 4891, 97, 1481, 2967, 4276, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1033, 2933, 4641, 794, 4193, 4193, 1847, 49, 49, 2753, 1478, 62, 2812, 974, 1724, 102, 3865, 3865, 3865, 3085, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 173, 173, 4203, 3850, 3850, 3850, 2848, 356, 2227, 1275, 4511, 3994, 2938, 986, 2607, 2047, 4141, 2086, 729, 2131, 1617, 3049, 1568, 42, 2212, 1283, 902, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 2914, 2914, 1977, 4012, 4124, 1412, 1412, 268, 268, 1321, 1321, 2193, 2193, 968, 1238, 159, 2535, 2535, 542, 3954, 162, 162, 162, 4398, 4398, 1668, 1668, 3388, 4276, 3388, 1151, 372, 1151, 2234, 1683, 4807, 318, 318, 1140, 3748, 540, 3833, 3540, 95, 4217, 4959, 2146, 152, 152, 1471, 2158, 2142, 3041, 2617, 2617, 2617, 2617, 4678, 2046, 2046, 2046, 771, 771, 771, 4524, 4524, 4524, 421, 3974, 742, 3326, 377, 3472, 4891, 4891, 97, 2500, 2500, 73, 73, 73, 1496, 1496, 1496, 1496, 255, 1033, 4006, 4006, 633, 633, 633, 633, 3215, 633, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5402705410821642, 1.1605811623246491, 1.520761523046092, 1.760881763527054, 1.8409218436873744, 2.441222444889779, 2.8414228456913824, 3.041523046092184, 3.461733466933867, 3.6218136272545083, 4.022014028056112, 4.262134268537074, 4.942474949899799, 6.103056112224448, 6.743376753507013, 7.803907815631261, 8.524268537074148, 8.644328657314627, 8.78439879759519, 9.064539078156312, 9.484749498997996, 10.02502004008016, 10.765390781563125, 11.56579158316633, 11.845931863727454, 12.546282565130259, 13.186603206412823, 13.846933867735467, 14.28715430861723, 14.767394789579155, 15.587805611222443, 15.727875751503003, 15.907965931863725, 16.72837675350701, 17.108567134268533, 17.6488376753507, 17.808917835671338, 18.589308617234465, 18.889458917835668, 18.989509018036067 ]
[ 0.5402705410821642, 1.1605811623246491, 1.520761523046092, 1.760881763527054, 1.8409218436873744, 2.441222444889779, 2.8414228456913824, 3.041523046092184, 3.461733466933867, 3.6218136272545083, 4.022014028056112, 4.262134268537074, 4.942474949899799, 6.103056112224448, 6.743376753507013, 7.803907815631261, 8.524268537074148, 8.644328657314627, 8.78439879759519, 9.064539078156312, 9.484749498997996, 10.02502004008016, 10.765390781563125, 11.56579158316633, 11.845931863727454, 12.546282565130259, 13.186603206412823, 13.846933867735467, 14.28715430861723, 14.767394789579155, 15.587805611222443, 15.727875751503003, 15.907965931863725, 16.72837675350701, 17.108567134268533, 17.6488376753507, 17.808917835671338, 18.589308617234465, 18.889458917835668, 18.989509018036067, 19.949989979959916 ]
and sing and sing i brood not over the broken past nor dread whatever time may bring no nights are dark no days are long while in my heart there swells a song and i can sing
[ "and", "sing", "and", "sing", "i", "brood", "not", "over", "the", "broken", "past", "nor", "dread", "whatever", "time", "may", "bring", "no", "nights", "are", "dark", "no", "days", "are", "long", "while", "in", "my", "heart", "there", "swells", "a", "song", "and", "i", "can", "sing" ]
[ "and", "sing", "and", "sing", "i", "brood", "not", "over", "the", "broken", "past", "nor", "dread", "whatever", "time", "may", "bring", "no", "nights", "are", "dark", "no", "days", "are", "long", "while", "in", "my", "heart", "there", "swells", "a", "song", "and", "i", "can", "sing" ]
[ "a n d", "s i n g", "a n d", "s i n g", "i", "b r o o d", "n o t", "o v e r", "t h e", "b r o k e n", "p a s t", "n o r", "d r e a d", "w h a t e v e r", "t i m e", "m a y", "b r i n g", "n o", "n i g h t s", "a r e", "d a r k", "n o", "d a y s", "a r e", "l o n g", "w h i l e", "i n", "m y", "h e a r t", "t h e r e", "s w e l l s", "a", "s o n g", "a n d", "i", "c a n", "s i n g" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 645, 645, 645, 645, 3861, 75, 75, 75, 4063, 1910, 2391, 2754, 1406, 1406, 3610, 1123, 2838, 4117, 1748, 2527, 4834, 760, 3374, 2119, 2119, 2119, 4367, 1892, 620, 620, 416, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2705, 1953, 1953, 1953, 4848, 1953, 4848, 4848, 4848, 4848, 3660, 3660, 3660, 2644, 2644, 2644, 3789, 3789, 3213, 3213, 3213, 1203, 4790, 4790, 3382, 3382, 4153, 4153, 220, 1262, 4641, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 1123, 4117, 1748, 2527, 760, 760, 1544, 3702, 1069, 1069, 4367, 1892, 620, 620, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2705, 1294, 4848, 4848, 4848, 3660, 3660, 1638, 2644, 2644, 2644, 3789, 3789, 3789, 3213, 2459, 2500, 2500, 272, 73, 73, 3098, 962, 962, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4222, 637, 4083, 2200, 2200, 2200, 248, 248, 87, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 570, 570, 214, 214, 88, 2925, 2085, 2085, 4321, 2933, 4641, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 4193, 1847, 49, 182, 1591, 2164, 1206, 3537, 1498, 1498, 323, 4331, 4323, 1028, 1028, 44, 4706, 825, 998, 998, 2035, 1693, 1315, 1315, 4480, 1471, 1471, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1614, 1614, 1183, 719, 58, 2743, 131, 3326, 1686, 743, 455, 1365, 245, 983, 2972, 2607, 4641, 4918, 4918, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 1571, 1571, 695, 695, 3266, 3266, 147, 1403, 1403, 3941, 3941, 2956, 1854, 1307, 3350, 4035, 4141, 729, 729, 729, 4730, 1060, 2164, 1440, 276, 1206, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 4331, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 4892, 4892, 4892, 3399, 55, 4186, 903, 4439, 4741, 54, 4418, 3563, 4508, 4591, 2096, 2933, 1724, 452, 4455, 3860, 3860, 3860, 3860, 3860, 3860, 1427, 1427, 997, 997, 997, 2640, 3626, 1275, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 55, 346, 346, 97, 1481, 2962, 1033, 4276, 3808, 1351, 3796, 72, 3587, 3587, 3587, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 23, 828, 2827, 710, 710, 2725, 4321, 1162, 1858, 2579, 2579, 4480, 5, 1471, 2492, 2492, 2492, 2492, 2492, 2492, 2787, 908, 385, 385, 385, 2956, 4234, 4018, 3049, 1568, 974, 2212, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 3253, 2449, 2449, 4628, 4628, 4628, 1964, 1964, 1964, 1964, 2998, 2226, 4966, 4966, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3849, 3849, 3849, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1706, 1706, 1604, 1706, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 4063, 1206, 4340, 1683, 29, 29, 144, 1751, 1751, 2928, 2928, 2928, 393, 393, 1529, 2355, 2740, 4197, 4956, 4956, 4956, 4956, 835, 351, 3266, 484, 484, 1403, 3941, 3941, 3941, 2956, 4018, 2183, 1623, 1206, 114, 1359, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 282, 3187, 1030, 1030, 1670, 74, 74, 1134, 4295, 734, 734, 2382, 2382, 565, 49, 182, 1591, 4183, 184, 184, 1498, 323, 716, 716, 716, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 4848, 3660, 2644, 2644, 3789, 3789, 3789, 3213, 3213, 1481, 2962, 2962, 588, 288, 288, 1351, 1351, 4823, 1707, 1707, 3401, 3401, 1254, 1254, 157, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2154, 527, 527, 1033, 1162, 1162, 2579, 2579, 1471, 1471, 1299, 1838, 230, 230, 4888, 201, 1193, 1193, 4495, 3471, 1471, 1471, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 1236, 2122, 2122, 3373, 445, 3326, 3711, 4505, 273, 4266, 4266, 4260, 752, 3487, 3921, 1464, 1464, 3876, 3876, 172, 2956, 4018, 1367, 3326, 2212, 1283, 902, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 207, 2914, 2914, 1977, 823, 815, 3780, 628, 4186, 935, 3213, 97, 1481, 2962, 4276, 588, 288, 1351, 4823, 4823, 3401, 31, 327, 327, 23, 3415, 2154, 710, 527, 1416, 1416, 4321, 4924, 2579, 2579, 1471, 1299, 1299, 230, 230, 4888, 201, 1193, 4495, 693, 3049, 2212, 2212, 1283, 4412, 1094, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 4583, 565, 569, 3797, 3797, 4499, 292, 4511, 2535, 4511, 2905, 752, 3921, 3921, 1464, 3876, 3876, 3876, 1316, 2956, 1170, 1170, 4052, 4052, 669, 275, 275, 2420, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 2426, 2426, 2426, 1598, 1301, 1301, 1301, 1638, 2644, 2644, 3789, 3789, 3789, 3213, 3213, 1481, 2962, 588, 588, 3808, 1351, 1351, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 327, 1254, 3415, 3415, 2827, 527, 527, 1416, 4321, 1162, 1683, 29, 4477, 548, 548, 2977, 2977, 2977, 2977, 2175, 282, 597, 2794, 2794, 1940, 4333, 4659, 4659, 2793, 2793, 1949, 712, 704, 704, 74, 1134, 3069, 737, 4733, 4733, 4733, 429, 1736, 4911, 13, 3072, 3072, 3072, 369, 369, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 4557, 4557, 4557, 4557, 207, 207, 2914, 4387, 1977, 290, 421, 131, 1206, 1686, 3190, 1481, 2962, 2962, 4276, 3808, 92, 3796, 4823, 3587, 3587, 31, 31, 327, 828, 2827, 2827, 2827, 3740, 527, 1416, 2001, 2001, 4377, 4377, 4377, 4377, 165, 1655, 379, 780, 780, 780, 780, 4861, 4861, 8, 8, 2956, 2956, 3408, 2542, 3374, 1275, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 3708, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4227, 4227, 1543, 3901, 4504, 4504, 4504, 1796, 1796, 2901, 3142, 4213, 4213, 3385, 4511, 1275, 923, 3954, 162, 2324, 4756, 4756, 220, 4641, 4641, 4575, 4945, 4945, 1723, 3374, 1275, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 313, 313, 1892, 190, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 1598, 1598, 1598, 1301, 1301, 1301, 2644, 2644, 3789, 3789, 3789, 3213, 97, 2500, 272, 73, 2747, 4596, 4596, 599, 1646, 1646, 599, 4222, 3525, 3841, 3841, 562, 562, 562, 2974, 2974, 88, 2974, 2925, 2422, 2085, 531, 1162, 4641, 1510, 1406, 1406, 3610, 4249, 293, 2707, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 857, 1847, 49, 4305, 4305, 581, 1206, 559, 678, 678, 708, 708, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 2891, 4776, 1390, 1390, 463, 2298, 1748, 2527, 760, 760, 2119, 2119, 4367, 4367, 620, 620, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2705, 1294, 4848, 4848, 4848, 4848, 598, 598, 1638, 2644, 2644, 3789, 3789, 3789, 3213, 3213, 97, 97, 2500, 2500, 1302, 1302, 73, 962, 4, 4, 531, 4, 4, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 334, 3306, 3306, 334, 3215, 863, 2516, 863, 4859, 863, 863, 4859, 4859, 3215, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5002564102564103, 1.2406358974358975, 1.6008205128205126, 2.681374358974359, 3.361723076923077, 3.7219076923076924, 4.202153846153846, 4.6823999999999995, 4.862492307692308, 5.4027692307692305, 6.183169230769231, 6.803487179487179, 7.483835897435897, 8.284246153846153, 8.684451282051283, 8.884553846153846, 9.564902564102564, 10.02513846153846, 10.525394871794871, 10.725497435897436, 11.345815384615385, 11.786041025641024, 12.266287179487179, 12.506410256410255, 13.186758974358975, 13.767056410256409, 13.887117948717949, 14.10723076923077, 14.8276, 15.447917948717947, 16.068235897435898, 16.248328205128207, 17.048738461538463, 17.528984615384616, 17.649046153846154, 18.06926153846154 ]
[ 0.5002564102564103, 1.2406358974358975, 1.6008205128205126, 2.681374358974359, 3.361723076923077, 3.7219076923076924, 4.202153846153846, 4.6823999999999995, 4.862492307692308, 5.4027692307692305, 6.183169230769231, 6.803487179487179, 7.483835897435897, 8.284246153846153, 8.684451282051283, 8.884553846153846, 9.564902564102564, 10.02513846153846, 10.525394871794871, 10.725497435897436, 11.345815384615385, 11.786041025641024, 12.266287179487179, 12.506410256410255, 13.186758974358975, 13.767056410256409, 13.887117948717949, 14.10723076923077, 14.8276, 15.447917948717947, 16.068235897435898, 16.248328205128207, 17.048738461538463, 17.528984615384616, 17.649046153846154, 18.06926153846154, 19.489989743589742 ]
i wish we could love as the bees love to rest or to roam without sorrow or sigh with laughter when after the wooer had won love flew with a whispered good-bye i
[ "i", "wish", "we", "could", "love", "as", "the", "bees", "love", "to", "rest", "or", "to", "roam", "without", "sorrow", "or", "sigh", "with", "laughter", "when", "after", "the", "wooer", "had", "won", "love", "flew", "with", "a", "whispered", "good-bye", "i" ]
[ "i", "wish", "we", "could", "love", "as", "the", "bees", "love", "to", "rest", "or", "to", "roam", "without", "sorrow", "or", "sigh", "with", "laughter", "when", "after", "the", "wooer", "had", "won", "love", "flew", "with", "a", "whispered", "good-bye", "i" ]
[ "i", "w i s h", "w e", "c o u l d", "l o v e", "a s", "t h e", "b e e s", "l o v e", "t o", "r e s t", "o r", "t o", "r o a m", "w i t h o u t", "s o r r o w", "o r", "s i g h", "w i t h", "l a u g h t e r", "w h e n", "a f t e r", "t h e", "w o o e r", "h a d", "w o n", "l o v e", "f l e w", "w i t h", "a", "w h i s p e r e d", "g o o d b y e", "i" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3154, 3154, 139, 1033, 139, 139, 1741, 1741, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1913, 204, 1913, 1913, 3861, 3861, 3861, 1586, 75, 1910, 30, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 2719, 579, 45, 1345, 2668, 4580, 4580, 4580, 1527, 1984, 4433, 1217, 3629, 551, 4471, 236, 236, 891, 2533, 2533, 2080, 4868, 4868, 4951, 1972, 1113, 1113, 2251, 4913, 3969, 3969, 1430, 2336, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3654, 3654, 718, 718, 718, 1581, 4398, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3388, 3388, 3388, 3382, 372, 372, 1910, 14, 1510, 2834, 4950, 2482, 2482, 659, 176, 3786, 1477, 2938, 1844, 4141, 10, 4730, 1060, 3327, 4055, 3574, 707, 707, 707, 707, 1350, 3797, 1764, 4050, 4077, 3863, 1836, 1836, 4913, 4588, 1430, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3654, 718, 718, 1581, 2962, 2962, 588, 588, 1646, 92, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 828, 2154, 527, 527, 3958, 348, 894, 1058, 1401, 198, 630, 3836, 1449, 2888, 1827, 4191, 4161, 4161, 4161, 93, 858, 858, 4708, 4433, 515, 3362, 628, 4995, 4576, 175, 113, 113, 3511, 2956, 2183, 3249, 1058, 63, 1401, 1292, 1292, 1292, 2006, 1074, 1449, 1132, 2888, 1827, 52, 52, 2798, 3920, 3920, 3920, 3920, 2514, 2514, 4904, 4904, 4904, 3634, 3634, 893, 2139, 2139, 2139, 3422, 3422, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3382, 4703, 4703, 1683, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3833, 299, 757, 757, 757, 757, 2075, 58, 2068, 4739, 4739, 4523, 1010, 3914, 552, 1608, 2403, 4683, 4683, 4683, 4683, 4683, 4942, 4942, 2879, 2749, 2749, 2749, 2766, 2766, 2766, 57, 1873, 4298, 4298, 1492, 197, 4326, 113, 113, 3511, 3511, 2956, 2542, 1417, 4077, 3914, 552, 1608, 4528, 2403, 2931, 2931, 533, 533, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 1248, 2427, 2427, 272, 588, 588, 588, 3808, 92, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 803, 1572, 1849, 1572, 1572, 1572, 453, 2822, 3415, 3415, 2154, 527, 2725, 4420, 193, 924, 842, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 2035, 2035, 4913, 4913, 1430, 2336, 486, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1433, 1303, 451, 451, 2405, 4339, 4154, 2559, 2683, 653, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1426, 414, 1484, 1484, 3422, 2897, 4790, 3382, 3382, 3382, 4703, 1683, 1683, 29, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 410, 366, 4990, 4990, 1291, 1291, 2411, 3907, 806, 806, 806, 806, 806, 1841, 1841, 2405, 4339, 4154, 628, 1163, 2683, 3175, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 414, 4234, 1854, 1414, 4416, 1448, 3513, 2059, 4725, 4714, 1346, 144, 144, 4280, 2806, 2806, 3371, 1819, 1628, 1628, 4087, 2950, 2950, 2950, 3941, 3417, 414, 3261, 3805, 4770, 3699, 2920, 2920, 4569, 4569, 4055, 3883, 3355, 1569, 144, 144, 2031, 130, 905, 905, 905, 1600, 1942, 2549, 2549, 269, 269, 2911, 4681, 2039, 2039, 1393, 730, 730, 588, 1033, 288, 1704, 1646, 1646, 1033, 2699, 4823, 4823, 4823, 3401, 574, 574, 3811, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1254, 1254, 570, 570, 3415, 3415, 214, 527, 1033, 527, 912, 2234, 2234, 229, 738, 1430, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3466, 3654, 3275, 3275, 2832, 2832, 2400, 1394, 1394, 1454, 1454, 1454, 1522, 1522, 1522, 1522, 2536, 2536, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1873, 1873, 4450, 3422, 1472, 819, 4703, 4703, 1683, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3942, 3833, 3540, 432, 4725, 4714, 5, 2668, 2910, 3743, 3743, 4435, 3016, 4440, 4308, 3987, 3987, 2607, 2529, 2529, 4419, 4419, 2730, 1863, 1296, 2199, 843, 4485, 4485, 41, 2272, 692, 4835, 4835, 2014, 2199, 2970, 276, 276, 739, 1373, 4943, 4160, 4160, 4160, 4160, 4160, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 730, 1302, 1302, 1711, 1711, 1711, 1711, 4710, 4974, 4180, 4974, 1167, 1167, 4787, 4974, 4974, 4974, 1901, 1901, 228, 228, 1901, 255, 1387, 1387, 1063, 1387, 1033, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.600909090909091, 0.8212424242424242, 0.9213939393939395, 1.1417272727272727, 1.7025757575757576, 2.0230606060606062, 2.1432424242424246, 2.44369696969697, 3.10469696969697, 3.5453636363636365, 3.865848484848485, 3.986030303030303, 4.186333333333334, 4.727151515151515, 5.267969696969697, 5.728666666666667, 5.928969696969697, 6.7502121212121216, 7.371151515151516, 7.932, 8.272515151515153, 8.713181818181818, 8.873424242424242, 9.233969696969698, 9.434272727272727, 10.135333333333334, 10.816363636363636, 11.216969696969699, 11.477363636363636, 11.55748484848485, 12.018181818181818, 12.538969696969698 ]
[ 0.600909090909091, 0.8212424242424242, 0.9213939393939395, 1.1417272727272727, 1.7025757575757576, 2.0230606060606062, 2.1432424242424246, 2.44369696969697, 3.10469696969697, 3.5453636363636365, 3.865848484848485, 3.986030303030303, 4.186333333333334, 4.727151515151515, 5.267969696969697, 5.728666666666667, 5.928969696969697, 6.7502121212121216, 7.371151515151516, 7.932, 8.272515151515153, 8.713181818181818, 8.873424242424242, 9.233969696969698, 9.434272727272727, 10.135333333333334, 10.816363636363636, 11.216969696969699, 11.477363636363636, 11.55748484848485, 12.018181818181818, 12.518939393939394, 13.199969696969697 ]
i wish we could die as the birds die to fly and to fall when our beauty was best no trammels of time on the years of our face and to leave but an empty nest
[ "i", "wish", "we", "could", "die", "as", "the", "birds", "die", "to", "fly", "and", "to", "fall", "when", "our", "beauty", "was", "best", "no", "trammels", "of", "time", "on", "the", "years", "of", "our", "face", "and", "to", "leave", "but", "an", "empty", "nest" ]
[ "i", "wish", "we", "could", "die", "as", "the", "birds", "die", "to", "fly", "and", "to", "fall", "when", "our", "beauty", "was", "best", "no", "trammels", "of", "time", "on", "the", "years", "of", "our", "face", "and", "to", "leave", "but", "an", "empty", "nest" ]
[ "i", "w i s h", "w e", "c o u l d", "d i e", "a s", "t h e", "b i r d s", "d i e", "t o", "f l y", "a n d", "t o", "f a l l", "w h e n", "o u r", "b e a u t y", "w a s", "b e s t", "n o", "t r a m m e l s", "o f", "t i m e", "o n", "t h e", "y e a r s", "o f", "o u r", "f a c e", "a n d", "t o", "l e a v e", "b u t", "a n", "e m p t y", "n e s t" ]
[ 38, 4598, 715, 715, 3057, 3057, 792, 792, 792, 792, 792, 792, 2964, 2964, 2964, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 4491, 4491, 4491, 3861, 3215, 1910, 1910, 1910, 30, 794, 794, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 2478, 3649, 4714, 1346, 2783, 2910, 4580, 4580, 4580, 1527, 1527, 1984, 18, 1984, 1217, 1217, 3629, 3629, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 4305, 628, 1000, 2080, 4868, 4868, 4951, 1972, 2199, 112, 2089, 2089, 2089, 5, 2231, 902, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 884, 2377, 2427, 1472, 1472, 3382, 3382, 4153, 4153, 2834, 4950, 1525, 1525, 176, 3976, 4247, 1477, 2938, 1844, 4141, 177, 4730, 3327, 1373, 4427, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 2237, 4387, 2488, 2488, 1737, 1737, 2985, 273, 3411, 3411, 6, 1139, 2849, 433, 2231, 902, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 2012, 4790, 2012, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1302, 403, 1033, 1706, 1706, 2071, 2071, 1706, 1706, 2071, 2071, 3740, 3740, 1416, 1416, 2670, 193, 270, 3076, 1401, 219, 3490, 630, 2690, 1815, 623, 2832, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 4754, 4754, 4754, 4754, 4754, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 282, 3168, 2443, 3564, 3564, 295, 1123, 1185, 300, 4895, 381, 1058, 1401, 219, 2491, 630, 2690, 563, 1815, 623, 2832, 2832, 43, 2595, 2043, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 2755, 2755, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3477, 4808, 22, 22, 45, 842, 582, 582, 582, 410, 3398, 2707, 4272, 4272, 4272, 3924, 2009, 1591, 2164, 3133, 894, 739, 3865, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 44, 4196, 216, 4390, 357, 1848, 1848, 4601, 2478, 3649, 45, 4807, 2102, 1613, 1909, 373, 2713, 3578, 3786, 4599, 4894, 276, 276, 739, 3574, 4750, 4750, 3397, 3397, 3397, 93, 997, 997, 3717, 3717, 4433, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 346, 346, 1481, 588, 588, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 1943, 1943, 140, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 1357, 1357, 157, 157, 3673, 828, 2030, 710, 1033, 1586, 2234, 4924, 2579, 2142, 1299, 1838, 230, 4888, 1193, 4018, 3336, 628, 4291, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3433, 3433, 3282, 3101, 3101, 913, 3231, 697, 1404, 2618, 4264, 2053, 2053, 900, 4289, 1764, 296, 4077, 2906, 606, 2446, 4526, 384, 965, 2277, 917, 2607, 1781, 136, 541, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 887, 4065, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3999, 3634, 2139, 2139, 2039, 2039, 819, 128, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 4153, 372, 4153, 1604, 1151, 1262, 1262, 2281, 2789, 30, 2263, 3180, 458, 3777, 4189, 662, 662, 3291, 3102, 1445, 4216, 790, 790, 992, 39, 39, 3779, 3779, 799, 799, 799, 173, 3850, 3850, 3850, 525, 4499, 1216, 4433, 2906, 2446, 1512, 2997, 2744, 701, 161, 4272, 4272, 4272, 3924, 172, 3232, 623, 2400, 43, 671, 4953, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2640, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 2962, 588, 1033, 3808, 3808, 92, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 4796, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3844, 3844, 710, 312, 193, 14, 2754, 1406, 108, 3610, 4249, 4895, 104, 3026, 1401, 3490, 2491, 4828, 1607, 4588, 4588, 2336, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 4619, 4619, 2248, 2248, 1407, 3654, 1300, 917, 4241, 193, 2741, 1389, 4296, 4296, 4242, 1529, 4073, 2660, 1812, 589, 2687, 3212, 3398, 4197, 4803, 4803, 4803, 4001, 4001, 1157, 2842, 2842, 1163, 1830, 1562, 1562, 1848, 3843, 3843, 884, 2377, 2377, 3422, 819, 819, 4703, 4703, 4703, 1858, 1858, 2579, 411, 2142, 3041, 2208, 2208, 2208, 2208, 93, 997, 997, 997, 2640, 3717, 3717, 4077, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 1152, 346, 4891, 2500, 2500, 73, 73, 1375, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 4, 2756, 2756, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 1003, 2200, 1619, 1619, 2200, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 2885, 1578, 1578, 1578, 2026, 1280, 2026, 2642, 2642, 2642, 2642, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.7210992366412213, 1.0215572519083969, 1.161770992366412, 1.3821068702290074, 1.8628396946564882, 2.083175572519084, 2.203358778625954, 2.5639083969465646, 3.2048854961832056, 3.5854656488549614, 3.986076335877862, 4.126290076335877, 4.286534351145037, 4.707175572519083, 4.887450381679389, 5.027664122137404, 5.3681832061068695, 5.608549618320611, 6.3697099236641215, 6.850442748091602, 7.3712366412213735, 7.491419847328243, 8.172458015267175, 8.452885496183205, 8.59309923664122, 8.933618320610686, 9.053801526717557, 9.19401526717557, 9.895083969465649, 10.315725190839693, 10.435908396946564, 10.796458015267175, 10.956702290076334, 11.09691603053435, 11.49752671755725 ]
[ 0.7210992366412213, 1.0215572519083969, 1.161770992366412, 1.3821068702290074, 1.8628396946564882, 2.083175572519084, 2.203358778625954, 2.5639083969465646, 3.2048854961832056, 3.5854656488549614, 3.986076335877862, 4.126290076335877, 4.286534351145037, 4.707175572519083, 4.887450381679389, 5.027664122137404, 5.3681832061068695, 5.608549618320611, 6.3697099236641215, 6.850442748091602, 7.3712366412213735, 7.491419847328243, 8.172458015267175, 8.452885496183205, 8.59309923664122, 8.933618320610686, 9.053801526717557, 9.19401526717557, 9.895083969465649, 10.315725190839693, 10.435908396946564, 10.796458015267175, 10.956702290076334, 11.09691603053435, 11.49752671755725, 13.099969465648854 ]
led on as by enemo's silken strand i come and gaze and gaze upon thy face framed round by silence poised on pearl-white grace of curving throat too sweet for beaded band
[ "led", "on", "as", "by", "enemo's", "silken", "strand", "i", "come", "and", "gaze", "and", "gaze", "upon", "thy", "face", "framed", "round", "by", "silence", "poised", "on", "pearl-white", "grace", "of", "curving", "throat", "too", "sweet", "for", "beaded", "band" ]
[ "led", "on", "as", "by", "enemo's", "silken", "strand", "i", "come", "and", "gaze", "and", "gaze", "upon", "thy", "face", "framed", "round", "by", "silence", "poised", "on", "pearl-white", "grace", "of", "curving", "throat", "too", "sweet", "for", "beaded", "band" ]
[ "l e d", "o n", "a s", "b y", "e n e m o ' s", "s i l k e n", "s t r a n d", "i", "c o m e", "a n d", "g a z e", "a n d", "g a z e", "u p o n", "t h y", "f a c e", "f r a m e d", "r o u n d", "b y", "s i l e n c e", "p o i s e d", "o n", "p e a r l w h i t e", "g r a c e", "o f", "c u r v i n g", "t h r o a t", "t o o", "s w e e t", "f o r", "b e a d e d", "b a n d" ]
[ 38, 2114, 3154, 3154, 1620, 1620, 1620, 3215, 4491, 4491, 3861, 75, 75, 2234, 193, 2234, 229, 738, 2336, 486, 3674, 3674, 3674, 3674, 2930, 2930, 1529, 883, 2740, 822, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 105, 105, 105, 209, 1978, 2764, 2764, 151, 2039, 2039, 931, 931, 610, 588, 4276, 1351, 1351, 1707, 1639, 3401, 1286, 1716, 828, 828, 2827, 28, 1886, 1033, 4321, 14, 1510, 4950, 4950, 2482, 261, 659, 659, 176, 3578, 4599, 2821, 4241, 2559, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 49, 1687, 1889, 1291, 187, 666, 666, 3453, 839, 1005, 2597, 3794, 2944, 2944, 4929, 4039, 4039, 280, 280, 3438, 4363, 1476, 3142, 3742, 356, 2227, 1807, 1807, 4037, 4037, 1069, 552, 2704, 620, 4737, 4737, 4737, 3092, 3092, 3399, 1743, 1743, 903, 2679, 4439, 4741, 1055, 522, 2527, 2527, 760, 382, 120, 120, 1641, 347, 347, 609, 609, 4550, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 2451, 2451, 2451, 4489, 4489, 4489, 209, 2764, 2764, 4394, 412, 4497, 154, 2459, 2962, 2962, 588, 288, 288, 1646, 1351, 1707, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3305, 1254, 3415, 3415, 852, 2030, 28, 912, 981, 30, 794, 109, 4193, 1847, 49, 4305, 3249, 560, 3718, 3387, 2497, 3489, 3310, 4862, 4347, 3310, 601, 601, 601, 304, 304, 2641, 786, 3564, 3564, 295, 295, 253, 488, 2647, 104, 1223, 1057, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 4583, 4583, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 3979, 3979, 3559, 3559, 4287, 4594, 67, 296, 4260, 3376, 295, 295, 1123, 488, 488, 2647, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 565, 3559, 3559, 4594, 296, 2906, 4260, 430, 430, 1961, 2261, 4643, 2973, 849, 849, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 4189, 2177, 3364, 662, 1655, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 429, 1736, 3232, 1815, 623, 2400, 2923, 4953, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 1816, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2640, 3530, 3530, 3530, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 145, 3414, 881, 61, 61, 362, 362, 362, 1033, 4222, 1375, 4, 4, 2250, 238, 2756, 2756, 4621, 2250, 4621, 4621, 87, 87, 4621, 3164, 1511, 2885, 1849, 1849, 570, 570, 570, 214, 214, 3740, 2925, 2982, 1033, 4658, 4658, 785, 2832, 1615, 3953, 3785, 3785, 1017, 1017, 1017, 1017, 4271, 2887, 2887, 1670, 4224, 4224, 4224, 3972, 4590, 1626, 1626, 1827, 1988, 1460, 4531, 4531, 4531, 4531, 217, 217, 975, 3067, 314, 4190, 4819, 2741, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 553, 1736, 4246, 2542, 1417, 4876, 158, 3914, 552, 1608, 4528, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 4417, 1912, 1912, 3243, 3243, 3243, 956, 956, 956, 3285, 2072, 2585, 4883, 4883, 1834, 1834, 3773, 4077, 2898, 145, 3414, 3414, 4398, 362, 362, 362, 362, 4276, 1351, 1716, 1716, 3401, 1707, 327, 1254, 2827, 3740, 3740, 527, 1416, 1416, 1033, 2670, 3170, 1082, 2758, 2758, 3318, 3318, 3318, 3318, 4875, 4992, 4992, 3559, 3559, 3559, 4594, 4301, 3362, 4576, 4576, 3201, 1932, 458, 3777, 4189, 4418, 4508, 4591, 2559, 3170, 1082, 1663, 1730, 2157, 2157, 2157, 2176, 2176, 3324, 3324, 2046, 2046, 967, 4808, 4808, 22, 22, 22, 4714, 144, 144, 882, 882, 1671, 1671, 1671, 1671, 495, 1173, 246, 3795, 3795, 1129, 1129, 4397, 4397, 628, 41, 126, 4622, 1801, 1801, 4201, 2941, 2941, 2941, 2941, 1816, 1816, 1816, 4269, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2640, 3530, 4077, 542, 3954, 162, 2324, 4944, 2939, 64, 1776, 169, 965, 2184, 2277, 917, 381, 560, 1579, 3387, 1621, 1621, 1621, 1621, 425, 4267, 4406, 1788, 3637, 4687, 2308, 7, 2605, 3771, 50, 2463, 2158, 499, 2034, 2034, 1319, 2570, 2570, 4745, 4745, 4745, 2797, 2797, 2797, 771, 4524, 4524, 2869, 1480, 1480, 1480, 1480, 627, 403, 388, 3388, 3388, 4618, 3075, 1435, 2670, 2670, 1784, 3076, 4375, 985, 3624, 3624, 3624, 3624, 2801, 3408, 2542, 1417, 158, 382, 382, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 3074, 3074, 3074, 3074, 1013, 246, 3795, 3795, 2734, 2734, 526, 838, 840, 1344, 2441, 2441, 2009, 1591, 3327, 3327, 739, 337, 707, 707, 1350, 1350, 216, 1708, 1313, 1256, 1822, 1822, 1313, 4095, 2800, 4894, 894, 739, 3574, 394, 394, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 2451, 4489, 4489, 4489, 209, 1978, 2764, 412, 4102, 154, 128, 931, 931, 627, 588, 4276, 1496, 255, 1081, 3103, 3103, 1081, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5804154727793697, 1.1007879656160457, 1.5411031518624643, 1.7612607449856734, 2.2816332378223496, 2.7019340974212036, 3.522521489971347, 3.882779369627507, 4.203008595988539, 4.363123209169054, 4.843467048710601, 4.983567335243554, 5.28378223495702, 5.583997134670487, 5.784140401146132, 6.644756446991404, 7.425315186246419, 7.74554441260745, 7.92567335243553, 8.766275071633238, 9.426747851002865, 9.566848137535818, 10.327392550143266, 10.847765042979944, 11.007879656160458, 11.388151862464182, 11.888510028653297, 12.248767908309455, 12.629040114613181, 12.789154727793697, 13.149412607449856 ]
[ 0.5804154727793697, 1.1007879656160457, 1.5411031518624643, 1.7612607449856734, 2.2816332378223496, 2.7019340974212036, 3.522521489971347, 3.882779369627507, 4.203008595988539, 4.363123209169054, 4.843467048710601, 4.983567335243554, 5.28378223495702, 5.583997134670487, 5.784140401146132, 6.644756446991404, 7.425315186246419, 7.74554441260745, 7.92567335243553, 8.766275071633238, 9.426747851002865, 9.566848137535818, 10.327392550143266, 10.847765042979944, 11.007879656160458, 11.388151862464182, 11.888510028653297, 12.248767908309455, 12.629040114613181, 12.789154727793697, 13.149412607449856, 13.949985673352435 ]
it seems as if some wizard's magic wand had wrought thee for the love of all the race dear face that will not turn about to see the tulips glorying in the casement sun or other days the drizzled raindrops run down the damp walls but follow only me
[ "it", "seems", "as", "if", "some", "wizard's", "magic", "wand", "had", "wrought", "thee", "for", "the", "love", "of", "all", "the", "race", "dear", "face", "that", "will", "not", "turn", "about", "to", "see", "the", "tulips", "glorying", "in", "the", "casement", "sun", "or", "other", "days", "the", "drizzled", "raindrops", "run", "down", "the", "damp", "walls", "but", "follow", "only", "me" ]
[ "it", "seems", "as", "if", "some", "wizard's", "magic", "wand", "had", "wrought", "thee", "for", "the", "love", "of", "all", "the", "race", "dear", "face", "that", "will", "not", "turn", "about", "to", "see", "the", "tulips", "glorying", "in", "the", "casement", "sun", "or", "other", "days", "the", "drizzled", "raindrops", "run", "down", "the", "damp", "walls", "but", "follow", "only", "me" ]
[ "i t", "s e e m s", "a s", "i f", "s o m e", "w i z a r d ' s", "m a g i c", "w a n d", "h a d", "w r o u g h t", "t h e e", "f o r", "t h e", "l o v e", "o f", "a l l", "t h e", "r a c e", "d e a r", "f a c e", "t h a t", "w i l l", "n o t", "t u r n", "a b o u t", "t o", "s e e", "t h e", "t u l i p s", "g l o r y i n g", "i n", "t h e", "c a s e m e n t", "s u n", "o r", "o t h e r", "d a y s", "t h e", "d r i z z l e d", "r a i n d r o p s", "r u n", "d o w n", "t h e", "d a m p", "w a l l s", "b u t", "f o l l o w", "o n l y", "m e" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1457, 1457, 852, 852, 3268, 312, 193, 2391, 1297, 3357, 679, 679, 1554, 3374, 158, 4077, 4367, 1892, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 3270, 1953, 2887, 2887, 1670, 978, 2197, 2197, 257, 175, 4890, 1525, 659, 659, 176, 4740, 1705, 3207, 257, 257, 1202, 1202, 474, 474, 474, 4159, 2217, 137, 137, 137, 316, 316, 3553, 101, 2110, 158, 313, 1892, 4887, 3239, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1800, 1800, 1295, 1155, 1155, 1155, 4477, 4477, 2910, 867, 867, 867, 2562, 2562, 3886, 472, 4897, 4419, 4419, 2730, 2488, 1737, 1899, 1899, 3411, 4599, 4208, 1204, 4011, 1134, 939, 2993, 789, 789, 789, 509, 514, 3646, 1722, 4989, 2773, 2773, 1190, 4186, 1616, 3355, 3700, 144, 1851, 882, 882, 787, 4862, 787, 4862, 4862, 4862, 105, 105, 105, 105, 209, 1978, 1978, 2764, 151, 2824, 4044, 1149, 3805, 395, 3699, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 4569, 2014, 843, 3355, 1626, 1132, 3476, 42, 1827, 926, 1675, 3964, 2913, 2913, 59, 59, 2068, 4934, 1588, 2712, 2712, 2268, 2047, 1655, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 2416, 1906, 1906, 569, 3910, 3910, 3232, 526, 526, 838, 1344, 1344, 2864, 437, 3350, 424, 3513, 2059, 2059, 4828, 1607, 1607, 2577, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3466, 1966, 4263, 4263, 2446, 1512, 3869, 2997, 2744, 701, 161, 2271, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 2477, 3350, 3350, 3102, 10, 4354, 4354, 1449, 3476, 3476, 1988, 1549, 2890, 2890, 2890, 2890, 1816, 1816, 2648, 2648, 2648, 2640, 3530, 3530, 4077, 542, 4100, 4100, 145, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 61, 362, 362, 362, 362, 1375, 2250, 4, 4222, 2699, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1619, 1619, 1033, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 2135, 3993, 3993, 3993, 1849, 1280, 1280, 1280, 570, 570, 214, 1864, 3740, 88, 1033, 88, 774, 2982, 2085, 3227, 2670, 2670, 1206, 2212, 3853, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 8, 8, 172, 2009, 3232, 563, 623, 3524, 3524, 2158, 3446, 4953, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 4269, 4269, 4269, 2648, 2648, 3630, 3530, 3530, 542, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 2324, 4398, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1435, 1435, 193, 2594, 949, 612, 2965, 2965, 2969, 168, 168, 2833, 1952, 3570, 1279, 1099, 3299, 3299, 3471, 1471, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 2068, 4587, 55, 1206, 136, 541, 541, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 3664, 3664, 3764, 293, 2660, 430, 1961, 1961, 3327, 2559, 53, 3110, 2189, 278, 278, 278, 2075, 2068, 2068, 4934, 1200, 628, 114, 3026, 219, 3490, 3490, 3210, 1109, 3374, 3374, 1069, 313, 313, 2429, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1080, 1556, 1556, 1556, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 2377, 4409, 4409, 610, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2677, 312, 193, 2594, 489, 1448, 2131, 1469, 3336, 1206, 114, 136, 4375, 985, 2681, 2681, 2681, 2681, 44, 1819, 2393, 2393, 2393, 3011, 2921, 4133, 4335, 2431, 2431, 1137, 4385, 2808, 2808, 4421, 2354, 3773, 1011, 2214, 3294, 4398, 4398, 1668, 1668, 1668, 1668, 4276, 3388, 3388, 2250, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1416, 2670, 1033, 340, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4549, 957, 4211, 4211, 4211, 4211, 4942, 4942, 4942, 4942, 2879, 2879, 4080, 4080, 1034, 651, 651, 2438, 2438, 2438, 2438, 2438, 1817, 7, 4976, 4200, 4200, 422, 422, 1270, 1270, 1625, 3364, 662, 3291, 3102, 177, 124, 91, 3326, 559, 678, 708, 708, 3523, 3523, 3523, 1816, 1037, 1037, 3630, 3626, 3863, 2843, 4775, 4775, 3694, 2539, 4813, 4813, 339, 4994, 2951, 2951, 4523, 2119, 4367, 313, 1892, 1608, 2065, 690, 690, 690, 690, 1942, 1942, 1942, 2549, 2549, 1978, 2764, 151, 151, 443, 2039, 931, 931, 627, 588, 288, 288, 2699, 2699, 1351, 4823, 4823, 3401, 3305, 1357, 1254, 3415, 3415, 2827, 2827, 527, 527, 1416, 3958, 628, 30, 4326, 4326, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 1753, 1753, 385, 385, 414, 1484, 1484, 3013, 3087, 3087, 3087, 3295, 3295, 388, 388, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1033, 1886, 2281, 30, 561, 3423, 3423, 457, 457, 1237, 2844, 963, 4232, 4232, 3941, 1288, 4018, 1367, 2212, 1283, 4412, 4412, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 4545, 4545, 4583, 4583, 3979, 3979, 3979, 3979, 3979, 4287, 536, 2091, 4077, 3294, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 2967, 4811, 3557, 1351, 3796, 3796, 1639, 1639, 3401, 3401, 3401, 31, 31, 157, 1254, 1254, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 2725, 2725, 193, 2594, 489, 492, 2131, 1469, 3049, 42, 1352, 1352, 1320, 3253, 867, 867, 867, 2562, 4032, 3886, 776, 2053, 2053, 36, 1636, 402, 4771, 4590, 1626, 3476, 3476, 1549, 2936, 2936, 2936, 2936, 4271, 3214, 2168, 522, 2410, 1352, 1352, 1320, 3253, 4362, 4362, 4362, 4362, 4362, 59, 2467, 4934, 4421, 2354, 273, 3411, 658, 658, 1626, 1626, 3476, 3476, 52, 1988, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 1942, 1942, 1942, 2549, 1282, 269, 269, 151, 151, 443, 2039, 2039, 128, 1651, 388, 3388, 3388, 372, 1151, 1151, 4340, 1787, 1787, 3326, 2212, 1283, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 217, 975, 3067, 314, 662, 3291, 3102, 2131, 1617, 42, 2212, 1283, 4025, 4025, 200, 200, 913, 1585, 4001, 1157, 4250, 1721, 396, 396, 144, 144, 1851, 3823, 3823, 3823, 3823, 3823, 2755, 2755, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 900, 4289, 4289, 608, 536, 2091, 3830, 2898, 621, 621, 881, 61, 61, 362, 362, 362, 288, 599, 1646, 2250, 2699, 4823, 4823, 4823, 3305, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 3415, 828, 2030, 2677, 2725, 1162, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 2690, 563, 623, 1206, 3446, 2043, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 2141, 317, 2847, 2847, 1142, 1142, 2577, 2577, 2577, 2165, 2577, 2577, 822, 731, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 4541, 2628, 2628, 2628, 4101, 3846, 436, 436, 3768, 3768, 878, 878, 878, 878, 2315, 2315, 2315, 1906, 1906, 2689, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 2427, 272, 555, 73, 1496, 1496, 1496, 2250, 255, 4006, 255, 255, 3103, 633, 633, 633, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4802441505595117, 0.8404272634791455, 1.0205188199389623, 1.2806510681586978, 1.620824008138352, 2.0410376398779246, 2.421230925737538, 2.8614547304170905, 3.121586978636826, 3.4417497456765003, 3.7419023397761952, 3.901983723296033, 4.02204476093591, 4.362217700915565, 4.502288911495422, 4.682380467955238, 4.822451678535097, 5.742919633774161, 6.523316378433368, 7.103611393692777, 7.343733468972533, 7.52382502543235, 7.703916581892167, 8.024079348931842, 8.364252288911496, 8.524333672431332, 9.004577822990845, 9.324740590030519, 10.085127161749746, 10.885534079348933, 10.98558494404883, 11.105645981688708, 11.625910478128178, 12.286246185147506, 13.066642929806715, 13.506866734486266, 14.247243133265513, 14.627436419125129, 15.0476500508647, 15.667965412004069, 16.16821973550356, 16.588433367243134, 16.708494404883012, 16.988636826042725, 17.729013224821973, 18.169237029501524, 18.5894506612411, 18.92962360122075 ]
[ 0.4802441505595117, 0.8404272634791455, 1.0205188199389623, 1.2806510681586978, 1.620824008138352, 2.0410376398779246, 2.421230925737538, 2.8614547304170905, 3.121586978636826, 3.4417497456765003, 3.7419023397761952, 3.901983723296033, 4.02204476093591, 4.362217700915565, 4.502288911495422, 4.682380467955238, 4.822451678535097, 5.742919633774161, 6.523316378433368, 7.103611393692777, 7.343733468972533, 7.52382502543235, 7.703916581892167, 8.024079348931842, 8.364252288911496, 8.524333672431332, 9.004577822990845, 9.324740590030519, 10.085127161749746, 10.885534079348933, 10.98558494404883, 11.105645981688708, 11.625910478128178, 12.286246185147506, 13.066642929806715, 13.506866734486266, 14.247243133265513, 14.627436419125129, 15.0476500508647, 15.667965412004069, 16.16821973550356, 16.588433367243134, 16.708494404883012, 16.988636826042725, 17.729013224821973, 18.169237029501524, 18.5894506612411, 18.92962360122075, 19.649989827060022 ]
deep silence where the shadows cease save for a cry that echoes shrill from some lone bird disconsolate a corncrake calling to its mate
[ "deep", "silence", "where", "the", "shadows", "cease", "save", "for", "a", "cry", "that", "echoes", "shrill", "from", "some", "lone", "bird", "disconsolate", "a", "corncrake", "calling", "to", "its", "mate" ]
[ "deep", "silence", "where", "the", "shadows", "cease", "save", "for", "a", "cry", "that", "echoes", "shrill", "from", "some", "lone", "bird", "disconsolate", "a", "corncrake", "calling", "to", "its", "mate" ]
[ "d e e p", "s i l e n c e", "w h e r e", "t h e", "s h a d o w s", "c e a s e", "s a v e", "f o r", "a", "c r y", "t h a t", "e c h o e s", "s h r i l l", "f r o m", "s o m e", "l o n e", "b i r d", "d i s c o n s o l a t e", "a", "c o r n c r a k e", "c a l l i n g", "t o", "i t s", "m a t e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 3154, 531, 139, 1741, 1741, 1741, 2203, 1741, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 4491, 4491, 4491, 75, 3227, 2670, 2670, 531, 433, 2231, 3853, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 3209, 1761, 3737, 381, 3821, 316, 4523, 4876, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 2704, 1608, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 4417, 1912, 3243, 1940, 4033, 956, 956, 956, 3285, 3285, 624, 624, 3264, 3264, 3264, 3234, 3234, 3234, 1834, 991, 2091, 4077, 3954, 3954, 2940, 2186, 3629, 551, 3331, 2596, 2596, 2864, 437, 424, 3102, 10, 2131, 3368, 1109, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 4783, 642, 642, 642, 642, 642, 509, 4515, 4055, 2073, 4219, 783, 783, 2766, 2766, 4363, 3142, 3142, 3689, 4289, 292, 1764, 206, 1807, 1807, 4037, 4037, 4037, 4037, 1069, 3505, 552, 620, 620, 4757, 4757, 4757, 4757, 4757, 4757, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2640, 2640, 2640, 3530, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 621, 621, 621, 621, 621, 3414, 3414, 881, 1302, 1302, 4787, 877, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2071, 2422, 2422, 252, 252, 1332, 1332, 101, 101, 3702, 2110, 1069, 552, 2704, 1608, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 4583, 4583, 2248, 2248, 2248, 3466, 3275, 4635, 838, 840, 1344, 1344, 2441, 2524, 2524, 546, 432, 2, 91, 628, 310, 2000, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1951, 1951, 1951, 1951, 1951, 1951, 533, 533, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2301, 2924, 2924, 1414, 4416, 949, 612, 612, 1165, 1529, 1708, 883, 1169, 1169, 1169, 4679, 1665, 2533, 1733, 903, 170, 2766, 2766, 4563, 4563, 3742, 3408, 206, 2878, 4433, 171, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 1320, 2570, 2570, 2570, 2570, 420, 2825, 2825, 2825, 1796, 4042, 4042, 4042, 4808, 1873, 3232, 3232, 4635, 4635, 4629, 264, 264, 4255, 2052, 258, 782, 782, 760, 4077, 1010, 1069, 3914, 2704, 4887, 3239, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1800, 1295, 1295, 893, 893, 893, 893, 893, 824, 824, 2139, 775, 775, 775, 775, 819, 819, 372, 193, 4703, 229, 229, 738, 738, 3969, 3969, 1430, 2336, 2420, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 605, 605, 605, 3755, 3755, 3764, 522, 522, 522, 830, 830, 4819, 1440, 1440, 5, 739, 4427, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 2237, 2237, 4387, 2118, 2118, 2118, 869, 869, 869, 1296, 1110, 381, 4102, 2205, 154, 1481, 2962, 588, 588, 3808, 1351, 1351, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 327, 322, 2422, 1416, 1416, 4321, 4321, 1784, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 1031, 462, 3863, 2019, 213, 381, 560, 3718, 3387, 256, 256, 1199, 1199, 4996, 2545, 1778, 1164, 277, 3149, 4351, 3989, 121, 655, 4372, 3412, 3412, 3412, 1072, 1078, 1078, 4033, 4335, 4335, 4335, 4542, 3817, 3974, 531, 1152, 377, 2205, 97, 2500, 2500, 73, 73, 4596, 4222, 816, 816, 4083, 238, 816, 2587, 2587, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 88, 2982, 2982, 2085, 531, 2281, 30, 4575, 4945, 4945, 4187, 91, 581, 2559, 310, 1579, 1579, 1371, 1371, 1371, 2935, 2935, 2935, 2688, 2688, 719, 719, 719, 2177, 4768, 2659, 2659, 2099, 3766, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1122, 3847, 3847, 3847, 3847, 1086, 2430, 2663, 3176, 935, 1616, 798, 798, 798, 2852, 1829, 193, 310, 560, 1579, 3387, 3873, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 1385, 2755, 2141, 3186, 1940, 4033, 3514, 651, 501, 2610, 2379, 3086, 3086, 2605, 3771, 300, 4895, 1058, 63, 665, 3419, 3419, 3857, 564, 2222, 2222, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 3668, 4266, 2940, 4208, 4208, 3807, 4011, 202, 2990, 4672, 4672, 4672, 4672, 1086, 1086, 518, 518, 421, 131, 2559, 377, 3472, 4891, 3190, 1481, 2967, 586, 92, 1081, 1081, 1081, 1081, 2209, 329, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.8814569536423841, 1.6627483443708608, 1.843046357615894, 1.9432119205298013, 2.5642384105960265, 3.3254966887417217, 3.9064569536423837, 4.046688741721854, 4.12682119205298, 4.567549668874173, 4.787913907284769, 5.128476821192053, 5.549172185430463, 5.789569536423841, 6.33046357615894, 6.9114238410596025, 7.612582781456953, 9.135099337748345, 9.595860927152318, 10.417218543046358, 10.958112582781455, 11.138410596026489, 11.358774834437085 ]
[ 0.8814569536423841, 1.6627483443708608, 1.8230132450331125, 1.9432119205298013, 2.5642384105960265, 3.3254966887417217, 3.9064569536423837, 4.046688741721854, 4.12682119205298, 4.567549668874173, 4.787913907284769, 5.128476821192053, 5.549172185430463, 5.789569536423841, 6.33046357615894, 6.9114238410596025, 7.612582781456953, 9.135099337748345, 9.595860927152318, 10.417218543046358, 10.958112582781455, 11.138410596026489, 11.358774834437085, 12.079966887417218 ]
the answer from the misty hill and suddenly the moon withdraws her sickle from the lightening skies and to her sombre cavern flies wrapped in a veil of yellow gauze
[ "the", "answer", "from", "the", "misty", "hill", "and", "suddenly", "the", "moon", "withdraws", "her", "sickle", "from", "the", "lightening", "skies", "and", "to", "her", "sombre", "cavern", "flies", "wrapped", "in", "a", "veil", "of", "yellow", "gauze" ]
[ "the", "answer", "from", "the", "misty", "hill", "and", "suddenly", "the", "moon", "withdraws", "her", "sickle", "from", "the", "lightening", "skies", "and", "to", "her", "sombre", "cavern", "flies", "wrapped", "in", "a", "veil", "of", "yellow", "gauze" ]
[ "t h e", "a n s w e r", "f r o m", "t h e", "m i s t y", "h i l l", "a n d", "s u d d e n l y", "t h e", "m o o n", "w i t h d r a w s", "h e r", "s i c k l e", "f r o m", "t h e", "l i g h t e n i n g", "s k i e s", "a n d", "t o", "h e r", "s o m b r e", "c a v e r n", "f l i e s", "w r a p p e d", "i n", "a", "v e i l", "o f", "y e l l o w", "g a u z e" ]
[ 4079, 4598, 3409, 3409, 3409, 75, 348, 531, 1504, 489, 1064, 100, 4885, 4885, 1889, 1889, 534, 534, 561, 561, 2557, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 1585, 1164, 1164, 277, 3149, 4351, 3989, 3989, 121, 121, 655, 4372, 4372, 4767, 4767, 86, 86, 696, 4234, 3232, 4635, 381, 526, 4629, 264, 906, 906, 4255, 3252, 3252, 4820, 424, 3102, 177, 4730, 2816, 1593, 4493, 4493, 202, 2990, 2522, 2522, 2522, 4435, 3016, 237, 4440, 462, 1458, 1458, 2187, 2187, 2187, 2333, 242, 193, 2751, 2751, 1562, 1562, 1745, 1745, 4601, 311, 587, 4911, 13, 13, 4207, 4207, 4207, 4207, 420, 420, 420, 420, 420, 420, 420, 3371, 4669, 4669, 1796, 1846, 1796, 1846, 3477, 57, 57, 57, 195, 391, 391, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 4620, 4620, 4620, 272, 1302, 1302, 1302, 2691, 562, 2974, 2422, 2422, 2422, 4321, 14, 2754, 2754, 108, 3610, 2838, 4117, 1748, 4834, 760, 760, 4876, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 2704, 1608, 850, 850, 850, 850, 4515, 2171, 2073, 4219, 4795, 2900, 818, 2900, 2900, 3529, 2731, 1112, 494, 2055, 98, 98, 814, 311, 3910, 2924, 1414, 4055, 424, 3102, 3513, 4730, 2816, 1593, 3948, 3948, 995, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 3755, 3755, 3764, 3764, 2160, 3123, 954, 3691, 45, 1346, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 1140, 3748, 540, 4740, 89, 1172, 1172, 1172, 3237, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2046, 2046, 4170, 2046, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 3340, 3689, 3689, 3689, 4213, 4213, 4287, 67, 67, 67, 3954, 3954, 65, 1785, 1785, 1255, 3911, 3911, 4199, 3971, 2956, 3408, 1417, 1417, 4077, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 620, 190, 796, 796, 3829, 1665, 1743, 1733, 517, 2645, 2053, 2053, 2041, 2041, 768, 3834, 3232, 3232, 4635, 526, 2943, 4629, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 3252, 3252, 721, 4141, 3513, 2059, 4828, 4052, 669, 1430, 2420, 2024, 2024, 2024, 3628, 3628, 1173, 246, 1878, 2559, 192, 1356, 953, 268, 268, 3263, 4687, 2308, 2308, 7, 2605, 2605, 782, 782, 760, 4876, 1010, 9, 4019, 521, 521, 205, 2809, 2809, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 1473, 3979, 3979, 3979, 608, 608, 536, 536, 536, 2091, 2091, 2898, 4100, 4100, 145, 621, 621, 3414, 3414, 61, 2962, 588, 1646, 1646, 1351, 2691, 2691, 3811, 3811, 1707, 3594, 322, 2422, 531, 1910, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 1546, 4895, 894, 3076, 4375, 3419, 3857, 3857, 3857, 2006, 1832, 1832, 1255, 1337, 3911, 4199, 3971, 3971, 3408, 2542, 1417, 4077, 1010, 1069, 3914, 552, 2704, 190, 2403, 2403, 4862, 4862, 4862, 2273, 2273, 2057, 516, 516, 1695, 1695, 1695, 741, 2872, 2872, 4769, 4769, 4769, 1782, 3941, 1426, 1426, 414, 414, 414, 414, 4234, 4234, 1694, 581, 193, 3766, 4633, 678, 678, 708, 3387, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 4175, 1274, 3094, 3094, 2439, 547, 547, 547, 547, 54, 2649, 2649, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4846, 2435, 50, 1368, 4120, 2832, 2832, 2832, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 2980, 3670, 4754, 4754, 4754, 4754, 4754, 4754, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 1473, 1473, 3979, 3979, 3979, 3979, 3979, 3979, 608, 608, 536, 536, 536, 2091, 2091, 2898, 2898, 2898, 2898, 621, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 2967, 1915, 1704, 1351, 1707, 1016, 1016, 1016, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 408, 408, 408, 214, 214, 2422, 2422, 2422, 1416, 2234, 2234, 3547, 3547, 3547, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1827, 1827, 1988, 3944, 3944, 3944, 3944, 3944, 3944, 59, 4385, 4385, 2808, 2808, 4675, 4675, 4675, 1108, 1108, 1108, 3974, 3974, 3974, 531, 1725, 377, 377, 4891, 4891, 4891, 97, 2500, 73, 73, 1375, 1375, 816, 816, 4222, 816, 816, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 973, 973, 107, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1981, 973, 3416, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 2982, 2925, 2422, 2085, 1886, 1249, 3125, 1446, 1446, 712, 3398, 1790, 2660, 546, 432, 1677, 1928, 2870, 2870, 2870, 2870, 2158, 2868, 3372, 4198, 4198, 4198, 4198, 4198, 3866, 3866, 3866, 3866, 1789, 1789, 1789, 1789, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2901, 2851, 2851, 1566, 1566, 4333, 1971, 2464, 4526, 169, 2997, 1601, 1601, 4567, 2867, 4423, 4423, 4423, 4423, 992, 992, 992, 2025, 2025, 1881, 1881, 1881, 1437, 4147, 1940, 2847, 2766, 2766, 2766, 2766, 201, 4042, 4042, 4042, 2768, 4753, 3899, 2607, 628, 2272, 2272, 3070, 81, 81, 1747, 81, 2046, 2046, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 3689, 3689, 3689, 3689, 3689, 3689, 4287, 4287, 536, 536, 536, 536, 2091, 2898, 2898, 2898, 621, 621, 621, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 881, 61, 73, 531, 1375, 4222, 4, 816, 816, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2578, 2578, 334, 4859, 4782, 4782, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.34041769041769043, 0.9211302211302211, 1.1213759213759213, 1.2615479115479116, 1.8422604422604423, 2.503071253071253, 3.0036855036855035, 3.5843980343980344, 3.7646191646191647, 4.125061425061426, 5.106265356265356, 5.326535626535627, 5.767076167076167, 5.967321867321867, 6.107493857493858, 6.648157248157249, 7.6293611793611795, 8.02985257985258, 8.170024570024571, 8.39029484029484, 9.111179361179362, 9.812039312039312, 11.073587223587223, 12.515356265356266, 13.216216216216218, 13.316339066339067, 13.897051597051597, 14.117321867321866, 14.597911547911549 ]
[ 0.34041769041769043, 0.9211302211302211, 1.1213759213759213, 1.2615479115479116, 1.8422604422604423, 2.503071253071253, 3.0036855036855035, 3.5843980343980344, 3.7646191646191647, 4.125061425061426, 5.106265356265356, 5.326535626535627, 5.767076167076167, 5.967321867321867, 6.107493857493858, 6.648157248157249, 7.6293611793611795, 8.02985257985258, 8.170024570024571, 8.39029484029484, 9.111179361179362, 9.812039312039312, 11.073587223587223, 12.515356265356266, 13.216216216216218, 13.316339066339067, 13.897051597051597, 14.117321867321866, 14.597911547911549, 16.27997542997543 ]
deep silence in the shadowy land deep silence where the shadows cease save for a cry that echoes shrill from some lone bird disconsolate
[ "deep", "silence", "in", "the", "shadowy", "land", "deep", "silence", "where", "the", "shadows", "cease", "save", "for", "a", "cry", "that", "echoes", "shrill", "from", "some", "lone", "bird", "disconsolate" ]
[ "deep", "silence", "in", "the", "shadowy", "land", "deep", "silence", "where", "the", "shadows", "cease", "save", "for", "a", "cry", "that", "echoes", "shrill", "from", "some", "lone", "bird", "disconsolate" ]
[ "d e e p", "s i l e n c e", "i n", "t h e", "s h a d o w y", "l a n d", "d e e p", "s i l e n c e", "w h e r e", "t h e", "s h a d o w s", "c e a s e", "s a v e", "f o r", "a", "c r y", "t h a t", "e c h o e s", "s h r i l l", "f r o m", "s o m e", "l o n e", "b i r d", "d i s c o n s o l a t e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 3154, 715, 3057, 941, 1741, 2203, 2203, 2203, 4420, 2203, 294, 294, 294, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 4491, 3861, 75, 75, 3227, 348, 348, 5, 433, 2389, 3853, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 3209, 1761, 4675, 4675, 1152, 1721, 2436, 2436, 1203, 1203, 1651, 3382, 3382, 3382, 3382, 3382, 3382, 3382, 2404, 1332, 101, 101, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 2704, 190, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 4417, 1912, 1912, 3243, 4960, 956, 956, 956, 3285, 2072, 3234, 3149, 1834, 1834, 3989, 542, 3954, 4100, 4100, 4100, 162, 162, 3414, 4398, 4398, 1203, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3382, 3382, 3382, 4153, 3125, 1446, 1446, 1625, 3364, 40, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 642, 642, 642, 642, 509, 509, 4515, 4219, 783, 783, 3810, 3810, 4087, 1562, 1745, 1745, 4054, 1170, 1607, 4588, 1430, 2336, 486, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 2451, 4489, 4489, 209, 209, 3034, 4394, 4394, 412, 1742, 2205, 2459, 2459, 2459, 2500, 272, 588, 588, 588, 1646, 2699, 2699, 2699, 4222, 2691, 4621, 2691, 3811, 3811, 3811, 1254, 1254, 1254, 570, 214, 214, 214, 2925, 2747, 1910, 1416, 1416, 2670, 2670, 2089, 1784, 433, 2231, 3853, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 3209, 3209, 2808, 4675, 2933, 104, 2436, 2436, 2436, 1481, 2962, 627, 403, 403, 403, 403, 3388, 1706, 3388, 1706, 1706, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2747, 2071, 1151, 252, 252, 1332, 1332, 101, 101, 101, 3702, 2119, 3505, 2704, 1608, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 4417, 1912, 3243, 4960, 956, 956, 956, 3285, 2072, 498, 498, 1834, 1834, 1834, 3773, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 362, 362, 3808, 1704, 1351, 1016, 1016, 1016, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 1254, 1254, 408, 408, 408, 562, 562, 570, 214, 527, 527, 1416, 4321, 4281, 924, 3331, 2596, 2596, 2864, 4416, 424, 3102, 2131, 3368, 1109, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 642, 642, 642, 642, 509, 4515, 1358, 783, 783, 2766, 4363, 525, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4077, 1807, 4037, 4037, 4037, 1069, 3505, 552, 2429, 416, 4757, 4757, 4757, 4757, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2648, 2640, 2640, 3530, 3530, 542, 4100, 4100, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 881, 2012, 2012, 2012, 272, 73, 1704, 4222, 4222, 4222, 238, 238, 238, 2747, 238, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 3811, 408, 322, 322, 1981, 562, 88, 1714, 1714, 2982, 4063, 4321, 252, 1332, 1332, 101, 101, 3702, 1069, 3505, 552, 1608, 190, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 4583, 565, 2248, 2248, 1407, 3466, 3275, 3275, 526, 526, 838, 840, 1344, 1344, 2441, 2524, 2524, 3877, 546, 432, 2, 91, 104, 310, 2000, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1052, 1951, 1951, 1951, 1951, 1951, 1951, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 3910, 2924, 1414, 4416, 949, 612, 612, 1165, 1529, 350, 2875, 1, 1045, 1169, 1169, 1169, 4679, 2802, 1743, 894, 903, 170, 170, 783, 2766, 2766, 1476, 1476, 3742, 4213, 4213, 4050, 4050, 3553, 3553, 3553, 171, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 1320, 1320, 2570, 2570, 2570, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 2851, 2851, 2851, 2851, 3758, 3232, 4635, 526, 526, 4629, 4329, 906, 906, 2052, 258, 782, 782, 760, 4876, 4077, 1069, 3914, 2704, 4887, 4887, 3239, 1310, 1310, 1800, 1295, 1295, 3905, 3905, 85, 4913, 4913, 3969, 3969, 1430, 2336, 2420, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 605, 605, 605, 3755, 3755, 3755, 3764, 3764, 2160, 3918, 4846, 4846, 830, 4819, 1440, 2607, 739, 3574, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 2237, 2237, 4387, 4387, 1296, 2199, 112, 4397, 2607, 2559, 3522, 2948, 837, 618, 618, 82, 4433, 2940, 2019, 213, 381, 560, 3718, 256, 1199, 4996, 4996, 1778, 1164, 3149, 4351, 655, 2874, 3412, 3412, 3818, 1078, 227, 3521, 871, 871, 934, 1086, 518, 421, 1152, 2559, 377, 97, 97, 2500, 2012, 272, 73, 73, 4281, 4222, 4222, 4222, 4222, 4, 4, 4, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2414, 254, 2414, 4083, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3004, 107, 107, 107, 107, 1578, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.9807401812688822, 1.9214501510574018, 2.181646525679758, 2.301737160120846, 2.762084592145015, 3.5226586102719035, 4.463368580060424, 5.6442598187311175, 6.124622356495468, 6.224697885196375, 6.705060422960726, 7.56570996978852, 8.326283987915408, 8.526435045317221, 8.586480362537765, 9.026812688821751, 9.246978851963746, 9.707326283987916, 10.147658610271902, 10.40785498489426, 10.768126888217523, 11.228474320241691, 11.588746223564955 ]
[ 0.9807401812688822, 1.9214501510574018, 2.181646525679758, 2.301737160120846, 2.762084592145015, 3.5226586102719035, 4.463368580060424, 5.6442598187311175, 6.104607250755287, 6.224697885196375, 6.705060422960726, 7.56570996978852, 8.326283987915408, 8.526435045317221, 8.586480362537765, 9.026812688821751, 9.246978851963746, 9.707326283987916, 10.147658610271902, 10.40785498489426, 10.768126888217523, 11.228474320241691, 11.588746223564955, 13.229984894259818 ]
a corncrake calling to its mate the answer from the misty hill and suddenly the moon withdraws her sickle from the lightening skies and to her sombre cavern flies wrapped in a veil of yellow gauze
[ "a", "corncrake", "calling", "to", "its", "mate", "the", "answer", "from", "the", "misty", "hill", "and", "suddenly", "the", "moon", "withdraws", "her", "sickle", "from", "the", "lightening", "skies", "and", "to", "her", "sombre", "cavern", "flies", "wrapped", "in", "a", "veil", "of", "yellow", "gauze" ]
[ "a", "corncrake", "calling", "to", "its", "mate", "the", "answer", "from", "the", "misty", "hill", "and", "suddenly", "the", "moon", "withdraws", "her", "sickle", "from", "the", "lightening", "skies", "and", "to", "her", "sombre", "cavern", "flies", "wrapped", "in", "a", "veil", "of", "yellow", "gauze" ]
[ "a", "c o r n c r a k e", "c a l l i n g", "t o", "i t s", "m a t e", "t h e", "a n s w e r", "f r o m", "t h e", "m i s t y", "h i l l", "a n d", "s u d d e n l y", "t h e", "m o o n", "w i t h d r a w s", "h e r", "s i c k l e", "f r o m", "t h e", "l i g h t e n i n g", "s k i e s", "a n d", "t o", "h e r", "s o m b r e", "c a v e r n", "f l i e s", "w r a p p e d", "i n", "a", "v e i l", "o f", "y e l l o w", "g a u z e" ]
[ 1101, 361, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2203, 2203, 2455, 2203, 645, 2203, 645, 645, 3215, 645, 17, 17, 4570, 1913, 88, 2925, 2982, 2085, 4281, 1162, 2391, 4575, 4575, 4945, 2, 91, 559, 559, 1579, 3873, 3873, 2935, 2935, 4174, 24, 24, 24, 3764, 4768, 522, 2659, 2099, 55, 340, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1052, 1122, 3847, 3847, 3847, 3847, 1086, 2430, 2430, 2430, 3176, 3326, 935, 935, 3213, 3213, 97, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3382, 372, 4703, 4703, 2933, 559, 3718, 3873, 1385, 1385, 1385, 2755, 2141, 317, 3514, 3514, 501, 473, 7, 3086, 3660, 150, 824, 824, 1172, 1172, 1623, 114, 3076, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 564, 1628, 2222, 4226, 726, 3444, 3668, 3668, 4077, 2940, 4208, 4208, 3807, 1134, 308, 939, 4672, 4672, 4672, 1086, 1086, 518, 421, 131, 628, 1725, 377, 4891, 4891, 97, 2500, 2500, 2962, 2962, 588, 588, 1375, 4420, 2699, 2699, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 408, 408, 408, 408, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 562, 88, 2982, 88, 2982, 2982, 1416, 4281, 4281, 2594, 489, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 628, 1889, 187, 3907, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 1585, 277, 3149, 4351, 4077, 121, 4372, 4372, 4767, 3184, 3184, 1782, 740, 740, 740, 1484, 3013, 2897, 2897, 1472, 1472, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 372, 372, 372, 3382, 4658, 785, 785, 3106, 4629, 4629, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 2641, 786, 546, 546, 432, 436, 4493, 2990, 2522, 2522, 2522, 4435, 3016, 4433, 2187, 242, 4092, 2751, 1562, 1745, 1745, 4101, 4911, 2818, 3349, 1007, 420, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 3477, 3477, 195, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 4620, 272, 555, 555, 1375, 1375, 4, 2250, 4, 4, 238, 238, 238, 2250, 238, 238, 238, 3754, 3841, 3841, 3754, 3754, 3841, 3416, 2490, 2490, 3215, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 322, 2982, 2982, 2982, 4125, 1910, 1910, 4623, 14, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 2838, 4117, 1748, 2527, 4834, 4523, 158, 3702, 1069, 313, 552, 1608, 850, 850, 850, 850, 4597, 4597, 2900, 2900, 2900, 2900, 3529, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 98, 814, 311, 3910, 2924, 1307, 1414, 4035, 4141, 3513, 177, 4730, 1593, 4493, 1134, 1456, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 3755, 3755, 3755, 3764, 3764, 2160, 4844, 824, 775, 42, 1172, 3159, 3422, 2697, 2697, 2697, 2833, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 540, 2035, 2035, 84, 84, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1320, 3253, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 2169, 3787, 3787, 3787, 3787, 719, 719, 4213, 4213, 4213, 1216, 706, 2906, 3079, 539, 539, 3971, 3408, 2542, 3374, 4077, 3702, 1069, 313, 620, 190, 796, 3829, 3829, 1743, 4186, 517, 517, 2053, 2053, 36, 4808, 2851, 1187, 3232, 4635, 4635, 4635, 4629, 4629, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 3252, 3252, 3291, 10, 2059, 4828, 1607, 275, 2336, 2024, 2024, 2024, 3628, 1173, 1173, 4031, 4597, 711, 1175, 953, 1794, 3613, 3169, 4687, 2308, 2308, 7, 2605, 782, 760, 3374, 9, 9, 4019, 521, 205, 2360, 2809, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 608, 608, 3385, 2091, 1011, 2898, 2898, 145, 3414, 881, 881, 61, 2962, 362, 588, 4276, 2699, 2699, 2699, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1254, 1254, 1254, 1254, 2822, 3415, 2154, 527, 4420, 4281, 1910, 1910, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 2838, 4117, 1185, 1546, 1546, 1546, 3326, 114, 3076, 4375, 4375, 985, 3857, 3857, 3857, 3857, 2536, 2801, 1551, 1551, 401, 401, 1832, 1832, 1255, 1337, 3667, 3667, 3408, 3408, 1417, 4876, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 2403, 2403, 4862, 4862, 4862, 4862, 719, 3231, 1695, 1695, 741, 2872, 4769, 1975, 3941, 3941, 2009, 1694, 628, 559, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 1274, 3266, 2873, 547, 547, 547, 54, 2649, 2160, 824, 824, 824, 3251, 3251, 1635, 1635, 1435, 1435, 3803, 3803, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 4754, 4754, 4754, 4754, 533, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3979, 608, 536, 2091, 2091, 2898, 2898, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 881, 2012, 2012, 272, 2962, 73, 588, 2699, 1375, 2699, 2699, 2699, 2699, 1016, 1016, 87, 3164, 87, 3811, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1254, 1254, 1254, 1254, 1254, 3415, 3415, 214, 527, 2925, 527, 1910, 1910, 3547, 3547, 3547, 3476, 1827, 1988, 3944, 3944, 3944, 3944, 3944, 4385, 2467, 1761, 4250, 1108, 1108, 4454, 3972, 3472, 3472, 3190, 97, 1203, 1203, 1203, 2962, 403, 403, 3388, 3388, 1706, 4420, 1151, 1151, 4321, 1910, 1910, 14, 3125, 287, 1446, 1949, 293, 1790, 2660, 546, 432, 1677, 1928, 2870, 2158, 479, 2868, 3609, 4198, 4198, 4198, 4198, 3866, 3866, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 1566, 1566, 4333, 1971, 2464, 4526, 384, 1601, 2184, 4567, 2867, 4423, 992, 39, 2025, 3206, 1881, 1881, 1437, 317, 1197, 2847, 2766, 2766, 2766, 1193, 1193, 2768, 4753, 777, 2559, 559, 3070, 3070, 1104, 2953, 2953, 1603, 4244, 3787, 3787, 1246, 1246, 1246, 1246, 2118, 3689, 608, 608, 536, 536, 4433, 2898, 2898, 145, 621, 3414, 881, 2012, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 4710, 4, 4, 4, 4, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 334, 2578, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 3416, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 4987, 2516, 2516, 2516, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.6607252747252748, 1.5817362637362637, 2.1623736263736264, 2.3625934065934064, 2.562813186813187, 3.3436703296703296, 3.9443296703296706, 4.605054945054945, 5.0054945054945055, 5.105604395604396, 5.445978021978022, 6.166769230769231, 6.8274945054945055, 7.328043956043956, 7.508241758241758, 7.948725274725275, 8.70956043956044, 8.869736263736264, 9.270175824175823, 9.470395604395604, 9.590527472527473, 10.071054945054945, 11.03210989010989, 11.612747252747253, 11.933098901098901, 12.15334065934066, 12.633868131868132, 13.114395604395604, 14.15553846153846, 15.156637362637362, 15.456967032967034, 15.557076923076924, 15.917472527472528, 16.057626373626373, 16.41802197802198 ]
[ 0.6607252747252748, 1.5817362637362637, 2.1623736263736264, 2.3625934065934064, 2.562813186813187, 3.3436703296703296, 3.9443296703296706, 4.605054945054945, 5.0054945054945055, 5.105604395604396, 5.445978021978022, 6.166769230769231, 6.8274945054945055, 7.328043956043956, 7.508241758241758, 7.948725274725275, 8.70956043956044, 8.869736263736264, 9.270175824175823, 9.470395604395604, 9.590527472527473, 10.071054945054945, 11.03210989010989, 11.612747252747253, 11.933098901098901, 12.15334065934066, 12.633868131868132, 13.114395604395604, 14.15553846153846, 15.156637362637362, 15.456967032967034, 15.557076923076924, 15.917472527472528, 16.057626373626373, 16.41802197802198, 18.199978021978023 ]
at noon i passed some labourers in a field the sweat ran down upon each sunburnt face which shone like copper in the ardent glow and one looked up with envy unconcealed beholding my cool cheeks and listless pace yet he was happier though he did not know
[ "at", "noon", "i", "passed", "some", "labourers", "in", "a", "field", "the", "sweat", "ran", "down", "upon", "each", "sunburnt", "face", "which", "shone", "like", "copper", "in", "the", "ardent", "glow", "and", "one", "looked", "up", "with", "envy", "unconcealed", "beholding", "my", "cool", "cheeks", "and", "listless", "pace", "yet", "he", "was", "happier", "though", "he", "did", "not", "know" ]
[ "at", "noon", "i", "passed", "some", "labourers", "in", "a", "field", "the", "sweat", "ran", "down", "upon", "each", "sunburnt", "face", "which", "shone", "like", "copper", "in", "the", "ardent", "glow", "and", "one", "looked", "up", "with", "envy", "unconcealed", "beholding", "my", "cool", "cheeks", "and", "listless", "pace", "yet", "he", "was", "happier", "though", "he", "did", "not", "know" ]
[ "a t", "n o o n", "i", "p a s s e d", "s o m e", "l a b o u r e r s", "i n", "a", "f i e l d", "t h e", "s w e a t", "r a n", "d o w n", "u p o n", "e a c h", "s u n b u r n t", "f a c e", "w h i c h", "s h o n e", "l i k e", "c o p p e r", "i n", "t h e", "a r d e n t", "g l o w", "a n d", "o n e", "l o o k e d", "u p", "w i t h", "e n v y", "u n c o n c e a l e d", "b e h o l d i n g", "m y", "c o o l", "c h e e k s", "a n d", "l i s t l e s s", "p a c e", "y e t", "h e", "w a s", "h a p p i e r", "t h o u g h", "h e", "d i d", "n o t", "k n o w" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 645, 1457, 1913, 214, 75, 4755, 1886, 3199, 4641, 4641, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 2969, 4300, 1315, 1315, 1471, 25, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 3755, 3764, 293, 2707, 3246, 1065, 4193, 1847, 49, 2753, 2096, 55, 102, 1644, 4455, 4455, 523, 523, 523, 1427, 1427, 1427, 2881, 2881, 3717, 4440, 515, 3362, 368, 1659, 4523, 2110, 313, 1892, 4029, 4029, 4029, 1800, 1295, 258, 85, 426, 275, 486, 4529, 4529, 4529, 3413, 732, 2759, 42, 2439, 2439, 652, 652, 652, 2950, 2950, 2401, 525, 525, 1764, 1764, 1216, 706, 4260, 257, 284, 1446, 1949, 293, 1790, 2660, 95, 2690, 563, 623, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 508, 1789, 2312, 2312, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 1206, 2205, 3190, 1481, 2967, 1915, 92, 3796, 1639, 31, 31, 31, 157, 828, 828, 2827, 710, 527, 4420, 1162, 2594, 2594, 1448, 492, 2131, 1109, 3374, 4433, 9, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 4227, 3269, 3269, 3269, 4556, 2869, 4300, 1752, 1752, 3476, 3476, 1988, 1799, 1799, 1799, 1799, 913, 463, 4108, 2410, 3925, 2212, 1283, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 217, 975, 3067, 3764, 293, 430, 430, 1961, 2096, 1724, 102, 849, 849, 2236, 2236, 2236, 4189, 2298, 4990, 1889, 3441, 381, 2552, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 1056, 3646, 4797, 4797, 2103, 3553, 3553, 3553, 101, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 2065, 2065, 2065, 2065, 2177, 4768, 522, 830, 4819, 3925, 2158, 53, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3664, 339, 4744, 1686, 1686, 3545, 4120, 4983, 1096, 3446, 671, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 162, 162, 4398, 4398, 2697, 2697, 1683, 2833, 56, 405, 405, 405, 3009, 3646, 3646, 4797, 3553, 3553, 171, 171, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 4783, 897, 642, 4862, 4862, 4862, 4862, 4862, 105, 105, 209, 1282, 2160, 2160, 85, 85, 275, 854, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 2663, 3176, 3176, 4397, 62, 974, 55, 559, 340, 3387, 3873, 2163, 3552, 3552, 4244, 4244, 2467, 251, 595, 628, 2820, 4769, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1426, 414, 414, 4234, 3485, 80, 983, 1, 4641, 287, 287, 1446, 1446, 1625, 3832, 662, 662, 40, 832, 1064, 210, 1323, 4317, 822, 1597, 1597, 3983, 3983, 2121, 4736, 2355, 2355, 4971, 596, 3951, 3687, 339, 4744, 1206, 1686, 3545, 3895, 2852, 1829, 340, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4549, 826, 4051, 4051, 4051, 3066, 3066, 2621, 57, 57, 391, 4620, 4620, 931, 555, 555, 4420, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4420, 2699, 2699, 4823, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3673, 1436, 1436, 3268, 312, 2391, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 954, 3691, 2833, 4477, 130, 325, 325, 325, 33, 4768, 85, 85, 85, 275, 2336, 1929, 1929, 1929, 1929, 3176, 4186, 2159, 1108, 2559, 4092, 4576, 3090, 3090, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 1712, 3560, 4385, 1761, 4675, 2933, 1721, 396, 1569, 4477, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 540, 540, 2035, 2875, 2972, 2972, 2972, 2972, 4641, 4641, 187, 387, 387, 387, 387, 496, 2854, 3918, 3918, 856, 3878, 2870, 2870, 1870, 301, 1562, 4400, 4400, 4601, 4601, 569, 587, 1247, 1247, 80, 2972, 2972, 2788, 4641, 2789, 938, 938, 938, 938, 2023, 2298, 2659, 2659, 2659, 55, 1206, 559, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 1748, 4834, 760, 4077, 1010, 313, 1892, 1936, 1936, 1936, 1936, 1936, 508, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 807, 807, 402, 4771, 4771, 2205, 142, 2967, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1245, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 532, 532, 3844, 710, 710, 1416, 2670, 2933, 1162, 53, 3060, 4486, 4486, 4486, 4911, 13, 13, 369, 392, 2893, 811, 811, 811, 811, 811, 674, 1636, 1636, 2486, 2486, 851, 2402, 1182, 501, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 3771, 74, 1134, 148, 3069, 737, 4733, 429, 429, 49, 4305, 581, 62, 62, 974, 340, 340, 1579, 1579, 1371, 2947, 2947, 2947, 2947, 717, 717, 717, 36, 1187, 4905, 3729, 1623, 1623, 3326, 4291, 1902, 1564, 720, 4522, 736, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1837, 1350, 2430, 2430, 3176, 4186, 3223, 2354, 3773, 2905, 872, 1842, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 1185, 4190, 4190, 3251, 3251, 2251, 2251, 738, 3969, 275, 4514, 3743, 3743, 4435, 3016, 4433, 2187, 3362, 2022, 1987, 3809, 426, 1965, 1965, 1965, 1965, 4209, 159, 706, 3930, 2821, 4241, 2927, 1724, 102, 1644, 1119, 1890, 3523, 3523, 1816, 1816, 1816, 4269, 4269, 2648, 2648, 3530, 3530, 4077, 542, 4100, 1311, 634, 2967, 586, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 1357, 1357, 23, 23, 23, 2154, 710, 2725, 4063, 1162, 4122, 4423, 4423, 3611, 2018, 2018, 1727, 577, 2355, 2676, 1422, 2198, 51, 1797, 2150, 1766, 579, 45, 179, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 4318, 706, 1785, 1149, 1007, 1007, 3934, 3402, 3402, 3402, 3402, 3402, 2467, 2467, 251, 595, 1206, 1562, 271, 3720, 3720, 303, 303, 3313, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 930, 1472, 1472, 4153, 3382, 372, 372, 1795, 1795, 2594, 2594, 3196, 1769, 2125, 2125, 2125, 201, 4042, 3011, 3011, 4336, 3251, 1635, 1635, 1635, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1172, 4319, 3349, 2198, 2198, 51, 51, 1797, 1797, 1166, 4202, 3326, 2212, 2389, 1537, 1537, 1537, 3120, 1972, 843, 1895, 1315, 42, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2068, 2068, 4300, 1588, 4997, 1858, 1471, 1471, 3041, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 1744, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 931, 627, 555, 1375, 1375, 2250, 4, 4, 4, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3071, 254, 2200, 3071, 3071, 3071, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 863, 863, 863, 3215, 863, 863, 4420, 863, 863, 4859, 4420, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4420, 4859, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5202780748663102, 0.7804171122994653, 0.8804705882352941, 1.3006951871657755, 1.4807914438502674, 1.981058823529412, 2.1011229946524064, 2.18116577540107, 2.761475935828877, 3.08164705882353, 3.381807486631016, 3.641946524064171, 3.922096256684492, 4.222256684491978, 4.5024064171123, 5.082716577540107, 5.54296256684492, 5.8631336898395725, 6.2433368983957225, 6.503475935828877, 7.0037433155080215, 7.203850267379679, 7.343925133689839, 7.744139037433156, 8.364470588235294, 8.844727272727274, 9.024823529411766, 9.324983957219253, 9.565112299465241, 9.865272727272728, 10.385550802139038, 11.50614973262032, 12.32658823529412, 12.546705882352942, 12.946919786096258, 13.387155080213905, 13.607272727272727, 14.127550802139037, 14.787903743315509, 15.208128342245988, 15.328192513368984, 15.548310160427809, 16.10860962566845, 16.5488449197861, 16.788973262032087, 17.029101604278075, 17.309251336898395 ]
[ 0.5202780748663102, 0.7804171122994653, 0.8804705882352941, 1.3006951871657755, 1.4807914438502674, 1.981058823529412, 2.1011229946524064, 2.18116577540107, 2.761475935828877, 3.08164705882353, 3.381807486631016, 3.641946524064171, 3.922096256684492, 4.222256684491978, 4.5024064171123, 5.082716577540107, 5.54296256684492, 5.8631336898395725, 6.2433368983957225, 6.503475935828877, 7.0037433155080215, 7.203850267379679, 7.343925133689839, 7.744139037433156, 8.364470588235294, 8.844727272727274, 9.024823529411766, 9.324983957219253, 9.565112299465241, 9.865272727272728, 10.385550802139038, 11.50614973262032, 12.32658823529412, 12.546705882352942, 12.946919786096258, 13.387155080213905, 13.607272727272727, 14.127550802139037, 14.787903743315509, 15.208128342245988, 15.328192513368984, 15.548310160427809, 16.10860962566845, 16.5488449197861, 16.788973262032087, 17.029101604278075, 17.309251336898395, 18.689989304812837 ]
through my west window streams the setting sun i kneel within my chamber and confess my sin and sorrow filled with vain distress in place of honest joy for work well done
[ "through", "my", "west", "window", "streams", "the", "setting", "sun", "i", "kneel", "within", "my", "chamber", "and", "confess", "my", "sin", "and", "sorrow", "filled", "with", "vain", "distress", "in", "place", "of", "honest", "joy", "for", "work", "well", "done" ]
[ "through", "my", "west", "window", "streams", "the", "setting", "sun", "i", "kneel", "within", "my", "chamber", "and", "confess", "my", "sin", "and", "sorrow", "filled", "with", "vain", "distress", "in", "place", "of", "honest", "joy", "for", "work", "well", "done" ]
[ "t h r o u g h", "m y", "w e s t", "w i n d o w", "s t r e a m s", "t h e", "s e t t i n g", "s u n", "i", "k n e e l", "w i t h i n", "m y", "c h a m b e r", "a n d", "c o n f e s s", "m y", "s i n", "a n d", "s o r r o w", "f i l l e d", "w i t h", "v a i n", "d i s t r e s s", "i n", "p l a c e", "o f", "h o n e s t", "j o y", "f o r", "w o r k", "w e l l", "d o n e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 139, 139, 2327, 2327, 4462, 4462, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 1457, 1457, 75, 3227, 4321, 1784, 499, 2034, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 2768, 1125, 3948, 3069, 3069, 4733, 4733, 429, 2301, 2357, 2478, 3649, 3204, 2158, 2783, 2668, 2208, 2208, 2208, 2208, 93, 858, 4708, 4440, 515, 3362, 4995, 1659, 3629, 1569, 1345, 2668, 2910, 3852, 3852, 3852, 2854, 3793, 3793, 2682, 894, 2219, 4825, 783, 783, 783, 4363, 4363, 57, 57, 1193, 3485, 2542, 2542, 4876, 382, 120, 2314, 1641, 347, 609, 1047, 1047, 35, 2887, 1670, 2197, 2197, 1216, 4761, 4761, 4141, 10, 3368, 1109, 1544, 1010, 1069, 552, 1608, 3705, 3705, 3705, 4515, 1358, 3169, 4687, 2308, 7, 2605, 782, 782, 760, 1010, 1010, 3914, 2704, 1608, 690, 690, 690, 690, 1942, 1942, 2549, 269, 151, 151, 443, 931, 931, 588, 588, 288, 1351, 1351, 3796, 1639, 327, 327, 327, 327, 327, 408, 408, 408, 562, 562, 3740, 88, 3740, 955, 955, 955, 1886, 2933, 1249, 794, 109, 4193, 1847, 49, 1658, 2008, 152, 152, 152, 411, 25, 3512, 3512, 3512, 508, 508, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2851, 2851, 22, 45, 4807, 1284, 318, 4562, 2450, 540, 540, 3833, 3833, 21, 21, 1270, 3687, 704, 74, 148, 3069, 4733, 4733, 429, 49, 3336, 1623, 4291, 1902, 720, 4522, 3181, 3181, 3452, 3452, 578, 578, 3214, 516, 1695, 741, 741, 2872, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1426, 2112, 1484, 1773, 1773, 1472, 1472, 3800, 388, 1262, 4153, 4321, 4281, 1249, 2754, 1406, 3610, 1234, 1185, 2659, 4485, 2559, 3766, 1000, 4560, 909, 909, 3389, 735, 2435, 50, 1368, 623, 3524, 2400, 43, 671, 4949, 4949, 4949, 4949, 4949, 93, 3137, 997, 997, 2640, 3530, 4077, 542, 4100, 4100, 145, 621, 3414, 4398, 61, 362, 362, 362, 3388, 4310, 4310, 4310, 1706, 1706, 1151, 2925, 4420, 331, 4924, 2767, 1934, 3069, 4733, 4733, 429, 4246, 1914, 1544, 158, 3914, 552, 4688, 4688, 4688, 4688, 366, 3398, 3564, 3564, 295, 1234, 1748, 4834, 760, 4077, 3914, 552, 2704, 190, 2403, 4683, 4683, 4683, 4683, 4683, 4942, 470, 470, 2749, 2749, 2766, 2766, 2766, 4363, 57, 57, 57, 1873, 3485, 1472, 3485, 4120, 4120, 146, 2400, 43, 3178, 3178, 4003, 4003, 2825, 1636, 4771, 894, 851, 4973, 1284, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 2035, 607, 2870, 3612, 2868, 3372, 3975, 3975, 3975, 4271, 3171, 2168, 522, 2410, 4055, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 82, 1417, 382, 382, 120, 2314, 347, 347, 609, 3420, 3420, 3420, 3420, 3420, 93, 93, 997, 997, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 145, 3414, 634, 2967, 2967, 3557, 92, 3796, 3796, 140, 72, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 1357, 1357, 453, 3673, 23, 2030, 3268, 312, 2933, 14, 4826, 3867, 4856, 1949, 4117, 830, 4591, 3170, 4932, 263, 3342, 2983, 626, 2983, 1816, 1037, 1037, 2963, 296, 2906, 606, 2464, 4526, 2997, 2744, 3632, 4355, 2557, 2557, 1474, 1474, 1474, 839, 1005, 3479, 4534, 4899, 4209, 159, 3786, 4247, 1139, 381, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 4875, 4875, 4992, 2301, 3910, 3293, 3232, 4635, 526, 3106, 840, 1344, 2441, 2441, 2117, 2117, 4714, 1345, 1851, 4814, 441, 441, 425, 3399, 4012, 3176, 2664, 396, 1345, 2668, 4553, 1543, 1543, 2216, 3092, 4905, 3758, 3049, 1568, 104, 2231, 902, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1451, 1942, 2549, 1978, 1978, 443, 443, 1393, 1393, 555, 4276, 555, 1496, 1496, 255, 4420, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4420, 4006, 4006, 2414, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 99, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.620541012216405, 0.8006980802792322, 1.1409947643979057, 1.6013961605584643, 1.9617102966841187, 2.0818150087260037, 2.4221116928446773, 3.042652705061082, 3.4430017452006982, 3.7632809773123914, 4.063542757417103, 4.24369982547993, 4.784171029668412, 5.064415357766143, 5.845095986038395, 6.22542757417103, 6.405584642233857, 6.545706806282723, 7.046143106457243, 7.386439790575917, 7.526561954624783, 7.766771378708552, 8.627521815008725, 9.027870855148343, 9.328132635253054, 9.42821989528796, 9.768516579406633, 10.048760907504363, 10.248935427574171, 10.489144851657942, 10.68931937172775 ]
[ 0.620541012216405, 0.8006980802792322, 1.1409947643979057, 1.6013961605584643, 1.9617102966841187, 2.0818150087260037, 2.4221116928446773, 3.042652705061082, 3.4430017452006982, 3.7632809773123914, 4.063542757417103, 4.24369982547993, 4.784171029668412, 5.064415357766143, 5.845095986038395, 6.22542757417103, 6.405584642233857, 6.545706806282723, 7.046143106457243, 7.386439790575917, 7.526561954624783, 7.766771378708552, 8.627521815008725, 9.027870855148343, 9.328132635253054, 9.42821989528796, 9.768516579406633, 10.048760907504363, 10.248935427574171, 10.489144851657942, 10.68931937172775, 11.44998254799302 ]
the form the air are all so gentle and so rare the wasted day another day let slip its hours have run its golden hours with prodigal excess all run to waste a day of life the less of many wasted days alas but one
[ "the", "form", "the", "air", "are", "all", "so", "gentle", "and", "so", "rare", "the", "wasted", "day", "another", "day", "let", "slip", "its", "hours", "have", "run", "its", "golden", "hours", "with", "prodigal", "excess", "all", "run", "to", "waste", "a", "day", "of", "life", "the", "less", "of", "many", "wasted", "days", "alas", "but", "one" ]
[ "the", "form", "the", "air", "are", "all", "so", "gentle", "and", "so", "rare", "the", "wasted", "day", "another", "day", "let", "slip", "its", "hours", "have", "run", "its", "golden", "hours", "with", "prodigal", "excess", "all", "run", "to", "waste", "a", "day", "of", "life", "the", "less", "of", "many", "wasted", "days", "alas", "but", "one" ]
[ "t h e", "f o r m", "t h e", "a i r", "a r e", "a l l", "s o", "g e n t l e", "a n d", "s o", "r a r e", "t h e", "w a s t e d", "d a y", "a n o t h e r", "d a y", "l e t", "s l i p", "i t s", "h o u r s", "h a v e", "r u n", "i t s", "g o l d e n", "h o u r s", "w i t h", "p r o d i g a l", "e x c e s s", "a l l", "r u n", "t o", "w a s t e", "a", "d a y", "o f", "l i f e", "t h e", "l e s s", "o f", "m a n y", "w a s t e d", "d a y s", "a l a s", "b u t", "o n e" ]
[ 1101, 1898, 1898, 993, 502, 134, 134, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 134, 1240, 3416, 4987, 1240, 2490, 1133, 1133, 1133, 4570, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 774, 2085, 3227, 4281, 1162, 2594, 489, 492, 2059, 4725, 4725, 4477, 4477, 2668, 3651, 4237, 4237, 1816, 1037, 1037, 3626, 4433, 2187, 242, 4092, 4092, 341, 1256, 1822, 1822, 2199, 112, 2089, 2089, 628, 2212, 2231, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 884, 2377, 3485, 1472, 1472, 1472, 166, 166, 4703, 3199, 3537, 1976, 2779, 115, 115, 1736, 1074, 135, 3476, 1988, 926, 4248, 4248, 4248, 4248, 4175, 2283, 42, 1632, 4127, 4127, 4127, 2730, 1863, 2869, 2869, 350, 350, 983, 4641, 187, 1169, 1894, 1894, 1894, 451, 1111, 2405, 745, 1300, 1300, 2020, 1204, 1014, 1134, 2990, 2157, 2157, 2157, 3561, 593, 593, 4469, 4469, 3828, 3598, 3598, 550, 4545, 3173, 3173, 1248, 1248, 2427, 931, 931, 627, 403, 1706, 1706, 1706, 3388, 1706, 372, 2234, 1683, 3547, 3547, 3476, 4191, 3584, 3584, 3584, 1750, 2930, 2014, 2199, 3883, 2734, 4635, 3106, 840, 1344, 2441, 2441, 2956, 1170, 1607, 4588, 275, 4514, 2056, 2056, 2056, 2283, 2283, 1632, 4879, 4879, 1288, 3497, 952, 3266, 479, 3372, 4034, 4034, 4034, 4034, 4827, 4012, 1328, 2543, 649, 273, 6, 1139, 4092, 1283, 902, 3107, 705, 705, 4407, 2068, 2869, 350, 350, 2875, 534, 4918, 3007, 3007, 3007, 3007, 1871, 908, 908, 2310, 4387, 4387, 2317, 3499, 3326, 935, 3213, 798, 798, 2852, 2933, 3537, 1976, 1976, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 2301, 49, 1591, 2164, 2933, 3537, 3574, 1070, 666, 666, 4776, 463, 2298, 3918, 1185, 830, 4819, 2158, 53, 394, 394, 4040, 4040, 1660, 1660, 123, 123, 2749, 2749, 2053, 668, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 730, 555, 555, 2250, 1375, 4420, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2760, 2135, 3993, 2135, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 2135, 3736, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2822, 214, 214, 774, 2925, 2085, 4420, 2788, 4641, 4575, 4945, 4217, 4959, 1471, 1471, 4062, 4062, 4062, 4062, 1237, 2844, 963, 4232, 4232, 1288, 1288, 4202, 3049, 1568, 3326, 2212, 2231, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1997, 1997, 83, 83, 83, 3910, 1170, 1170, 4052, 4913, 3969, 275, 486, 2971, 2971, 2971, 2971, 4556, 2307, 2951, 4523, 4523, 158, 3702, 9, 3708, 1196, 1196, 1196, 2711, 4993, 3088, 3088, 3088, 3088, 4385, 2808, 2808, 4675, 4675, 2933, 1721, 2436, 2436, 2500, 2500, 2962, 403, 1706, 1706, 1706, 1151, 1151, 4420, 1162, 2788, 4641, 1297, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 3668, 706, 65, 3404, 1630, 1291, 2411, 1955, 1955, 1955, 1955, 1955, 4069, 904, 904, 904, 904, 4475, 2401, 2401, 525, 4499, 1764, 706, 706, 1785, 1785, 889, 635, 635, 3273, 3267, 2744, 4567, 4567, 1626, 3476, 1988, 2710, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 1942, 2549, 1282, 269, 2911, 2911, 443, 2039, 2039, 128, 1651, 955, 1651, 3388, 3388, 3388, 1706, 1151, 2788, 2788, 4641, 1297, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 3668, 706, 2019, 213, 1829, 559, 3070, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 674, 674, 1636, 2486, 851, 851, 4795, 4741, 54, 2298, 4990, 1889, 1291, 2411, 3907, 1955, 1955, 1955, 1955, 1955, 4069, 904, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 2401, 2401, 2401, 2038, 4499, 608, 536, 2091, 4077, 3294, 2324, 2186, 2697, 2697, 29, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 917, 917, 2812, 2607, 1724, 4660, 1215, 1215, 2132, 2694, 2694, 4407, 4736, 1358, 4219, 2406, 4606, 3879, 3326, 517, 517, 4071, 1463, 36, 36, 1566, 4333, 4333, 801, 801, 265, 3241, 55, 2543, 2701, 2279, 1010, 313, 1892, 1608, 491, 491, 491, 491, 491, 93, 93, 997, 997, 997, 2640, 3530, 4077, 542, 4100, 4100, 145, 1311, 634, 2967, 3557, 3557, 1252, 1128, 1245, 1357, 532, 532, 1103, 1103, 1103, 1066, 1066, 1886, 4420, 3199, 4641, 2789, 4918, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 4481, 1115, 1115, 3477, 3477, 2851, 2851, 195, 1873, 3485, 3485, 1472, 2697, 2697, 2697, 3547, 3476, 1988, 4882, 4882, 4882, 1942, 2177, 4768, 4108, 300, 4895, 114, 63, 198, 198, 2006, 4725, 4714, 4477, 4477, 3651, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 1816, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2640, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 4092, 346, 1481, 2967, 2967, 4276, 3808, 92, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 327, 327, 1254, 3415, 852, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1066, 2788, 2788, 4641, 4575, 4945, 4945, 1617, 3049, 3326, 2212, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1997, 83, 4850, 4850, 2443, 1971, 4526, 384, 965, 283, 1601, 4567, 4567, 4913, 275, 2336, 240, 240, 240, 240, 1236, 2122, 3680, 2217, 1271, 1271, 1300, 1300, 986, 2607, 2047, 4141, 3513, 2059, 4828, 1607, 4588, 275, 2336, 486, 4445, 4445, 3014, 3014, 3014, 93, 1303, 997, 997, 997, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 162, 162, 4398, 4756, 4756, 4756, 4756, 4641, 4641, 64, 1776, 169, 384, 1601, 1601, 1601, 4567, 2020, 3807, 1130, 1134, 1043, 1043, 3157, 3157, 3157, 2501, 2501, 506, 3722, 3722, 4101, 2478, 3649, 4477, 2668, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 1037, 1037, 1554, 4440, 2187, 242, 4049, 4092, 341, 810, 1822, 1822, 2014, 112, 2089, 4397, 974, 42, 2212, 4412, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 4583, 4583, 3979, 3979, 4499, 4287, 4287, 67, 67, 67, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 4398, 4756, 4756, 4756, 4641, 4641, 4575, 1594, 1324, 1324, 1607, 275, 227, 486, 4445, 1595, 1595, 4939, 4939, 1303, 1303, 997, 1869, 2640, 3530, 4077, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 4398, 544, 544, 544, 544, 544, 544, 544, 544, 544, 3251, 3251, 3251, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 2670, 2670, 1162, 1018, 53, 4296, 4296, 4296, 4242, 2969, 2408, 2408, 1752, 3204, 3204, 4477, 2031, 130, 905, 905, 905, 1600, 1600, 33, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 151, 151, 443, 2039, 931, 627, 627, 555, 555, 4420, 2699, 1081, 1081, 1081, 1081, 1081, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.8004119464469619, 1.0605458290422245, 1.2606488156539648, 1.9610092687950567, 2.2611637487126672, 2.541307929969104, 2.7214006179196706, 3.381740473738414, 3.4817919670442845, 3.6018537590113286, 3.9420288362512874, 4.182152420185377, 4.982564366632338, 6.103141091658085, 7.043625128733265, 7.343779608650875, 7.643934088568486, 8.16420185375901, 8.54439752832132, 8.964613800205974, 9.164716786817714, 9.564922760041194, 9.905097837281152, 10.28529351184346, 10.805561277033984, 11.06569515962925, 11.5659526261586, 12.366364572605562, 12.966673532440783, 13.266828012358394, 13.406900102986612, 14.107260556127704, 14.427425334706488, 14.667548918640577, 14.807621009268797, 15.147796086508754, 15.287868177136971, 15.788125643666325, 16.06826982492276, 16.36842430484037, 16.828661174047376, 17.328918640576724, 18.129330587023688, 18.609577754891863 ]
[ 0.8004119464469619, 1.0605458290422245, 1.2606488156539648, 1.9610092687950567, 2.2611637487126672, 2.541307929969104, 2.7214006179196706, 3.381740473738414, 3.4817919670442845, 3.6018537590113286, 3.9420288362512874, 4.182152420185377, 4.982564366632338, 6.103141091658085, 7.043625128733265, 7.343779608650875, 7.643934088568486, 8.16420185375901, 8.54439752832132, 8.964613800205974, 9.164716786817714, 9.564922760041194, 9.905097837281152, 10.28529351184346, 10.805561277033984, 11.06569515962925, 11.5659526261586, 12.366364572605562, 12.966673532440783, 13.266828012358394, 13.406900102986612, 14.107260556127704, 14.427425334706488, 14.667548918640577, 14.807621009268797, 15.147796086508754, 15.287868177136971, 15.788125643666325, 16.06826982492276, 16.36842430484037, 16.828661174047376, 17.328918640576724, 18.129330587023688, 18.609577754891863, 19.409989701338827 ]
who has money to spend and a goblet of gold for your fingers to hold at the wave of whose hand leap the salmon to land drop the birds of the air fall the stag and the hare
[ "who", "has", "money", "to", "spend", "and", "a", "goblet", "of", "gold", "for", "your", "fingers", "to", "hold", "at", "the", "wave", "of", "whose", "hand", "leap", "the", "salmon", "to", "land", "drop", "the", "birds", "of", "the", "air", "fall", "the", "stag", "and", "the", "hare" ]
[ "who", "has", "money", "to", "spend", "and", "a", "goblet", "of", "gold", "for", "your", "fingers", "to", "hold", "at", "the", "wave", "of", "whose", "hand", "leap", "the", "salmon", "to", "land", "drop", "the", "birds", "of", "the", "air", "fall", "the", "stag", "and", "the", "hare" ]
[ "w h o", "h a s", "m o n e y", "t o", "s p e n d", "a n d", "a", "g o b l e t", "o f", "g o l d", "f o r", "y o u r", "f i n g e r s", "t o", "h o l d", "a t", "t h e", "w a v e", "o f", "w h o s e", "h a n d", "l e a p", "t h e", "s a l m o n", "t o", "l a n d", "d r o p", "t h e", "b i r d s", "o f", "t h e", "a i r", "f a l l", "t h e", "s t a g", "a n d", "t h e", "h a r e" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 645, 2455, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 294, 294, 1913, 1913, 214, 88, 88, 2925, 2982, 2925, 3227, 2234, 3614, 4637, 1377, 186, 186, 3111, 3111, 3607, 1821, 1821, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 2859, 3578, 4318, 3886, 4247, 4208, 2612, 3807, 3807, 1130, 1130, 1456, 1134, 995, 691, 691, 691, 691, 691, 691, 839, 293, 357, 357, 1848, 4101, 2924, 1313, 3481, 2491, 2491, 3210, 1109, 3374, 4077, 9, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 3987, 628, 1049, 3303, 394, 1070, 2510, 2510, 2510, 2510, 4776, 4776, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 3034, 4210, 4210, 4394, 4681, 3159, 1482, 2459, 2459, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3071, 4, 3071, 254, 2654, 2654, 2654, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 3754, 3754, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 4420, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 2982, 2085, 2085, 4281, 1162, 14, 2754, 1406, 1406, 3610, 68, 293, 1790, 2660, 95, 432, 2481, 3899, 3899, 3326, 2272, 3070, 3070, 3070, 3375, 2984, 4244, 4244, 4244, 4175, 4175, 2283, 2283, 1925, 4133, 4335, 4335, 4335, 1529, 4073, 2464, 4095, 283, 3652, 3652, 3899, 3899, 3899, 3899, 55, 3326, 2272, 2272, 3070, 3070, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3220, 3220, 3220, 3220, 3220, 967, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 4771, 1206, 2205, 154, 2500, 2962, 555, 555, 1375, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 3215, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 3754, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 88, 2982, 2925, 4063, 4658, 785, 785, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 1883, 247, 2956, 4216, 790, 790, 779, 779, 4476, 4476, 8, 2009, 563, 563, 1815, 2832, 1096, 3446, 2923, 671, 4953, 2823, 2823, 2823, 2823, 2823, 1290, 1290, 2098, 2106, 2106, 525, 525, 1764, 4050, 4077, 6, 1139, 1191, 4184, 2491, 2491, 2491, 630, 2412, 13, 1347, 1347, 2893, 2893, 811, 811, 811, 811, 811, 811, 3220, 3220, 3220, 967, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 1206, 4102, 2205, 2459, 2459, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 73, 2250, 4, 4, 4, 4, 238, 2250, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 4621, 107, 3736, 3736, 3736, 3736, 803, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3673, 3673, 3673, 3673, 1436, 1066, 4321, 2391, 2391, 1510, 2834, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 577, 2428, 2712, 2559, 2047, 4141, 3513, 2059, 2059, 4725, 4725, 4714, 3204, 2158, 4477, 2668, 2668, 3651, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 528, 4583, 4583, 4583, 4583, 565, 2248, 4406, 4929, 4263, 4263, 1512, 3869, 283, 3938, 3284, 3261, 13, 3072, 369, 4637, 1377, 3193, 3193, 3193, 3193, 3193, 3193, 3742, 3742, 1293, 1293, 4318, 706, 1785, 1149, 1149, 3072, 1007, 3934, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 2451, 2451, 2451, 2451, 4489, 4489, 209, 209, 463, 1282, 2160, 4681, 4681, 2210, 3159, 128, 2358, 2962, 610, 403, 403, 288, 1646, 599, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4823, 4823, 140, 1245, 3, 1245, 1245, 3, 3913, 3913, 532, 3673, 2030, 2030, 710, 4310, 4310, 2234, 229, 229, 738, 738, 3969, 275, 2336, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 1013, 3209, 3209, 3737, 3737, 628, 3945, 3326, 2047, 4141, 2086, 2632, 3368, 1109, 1109, 3374, 4077, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 313, 313, 1892, 1608, 190, 4595, 4595, 4595, 3101, 3101, 913, 913, 3231, 1947, 4134, 4867, 4867, 1260, 4741, 54, 3687, 4108, 300, 4895, 1550, 1359, 63, 63, 665, 198, 630, 630, 4828, 4052, 4052, 3969, 3969, 275, 2336, 486, 1070, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 3675, 4776, 4776, 4776, 4776, 4776, 4776, 4489, 209, 209, 3034, 3034, 269, 4844, 4844, 2911, 2911, 443, 2039, 128, 128, 272, 588, 588, 588, 1646, 4420, 2699, 1351, 4823, 4823, 4823, 4823, 140, 4796, 4796, 3, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2030, 710, 2725, 1416, 4321, 2670, 1787, 1787, 1787, 1967, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 1320, 3253, 3253, 4362, 4362, 4362, 4362, 4362, 59, 59, 2467, 1761, 3737, 3737, 4903, 3945, 1524, 2047, 753, 2724, 2086, 729, 3683, 1060, 2164, 2164, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1440, 53, 53, 3574, 394, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 2237, 2237, 4387, 4387, 2488, 2488, 1737, 1737, 2985, 2985, 2985, 1216, 3886, 4260, 606, 2446, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 4035, 832, 100, 100, 210, 210, 1323, 1323, 1323, 4317, 2692, 2692, 2692, 4938, 4938, 4938, 4938, 4938, 4938, 2078, 2078, 4203, 4203, 4203, 414, 2112, 1484, 1484, 2897, 2358, 610, 588, 193, 3808, 1351, 1639, 1639, 3401, 3401, 140, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 157, 157, 157, 828, 2030, 2030, 710, 2933, 252, 4658, 4120, 4120, 146, 146, 2832, 1096, 3446, 2043, 2043, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 2755, 2046, 2046, 2046, 719, 719, 719, 2477, 4873, 4873, 4873, 2086, 2632, 3368, 3368, 1109, 1417, 1417, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 1084, 3194, 3194, 3271, 1641, 4092, 1643, 1555, 1555, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 3856, 2317, 2317, 2317, 2317, 3879, 428, 435, 1842, 4197, 4105, 4105, 4105, 1226, 1226, 2838, 3364, 2316, 4820, 4820, 3347, 2086, 729, 4816, 2367, 13, 13, 3072, 3072, 1007, 1007, 3934, 3934, 2600, 2600, 2600, 2600, 700, 700, 2078, 2078, 2078, 2078, 2078, 2078, 4203, 2112, 2112, 2112, 930, 2897, 272, 272, 73, 4276, 1496, 4420, 1496, 255, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.6603622392974753, 0.9605268935236004, 1.340735455543359, 1.4808122941822173, 2.6214379802414927, 3.3618441273326014, 3.461899012074643, 3.922151481888035, 4.042217343578485, 5.102799121844128, 5.763161361141602, 5.963271130625686, 6.423523600439077, 6.563600439077936, 7.5241273326015365, 8.184489571899013, 8.344577387486279, 8.784818880351262, 8.90488474204171, 9.305104281009879, 10.165576289791437, 10.825938529088914, 11.026048298572995, 11.58635565312843, 11.786465422612514, 12.706970362239296, 13.50740944017563, 13.767552140504938, 14.367881448957188, 14.48794731064764, 14.688057080131722, 15.32840834248079, 15.988770581778265, 16.228902305159163, 16.949297475301865, 17.149407244785948, 17.309495060373216 ]
[ 0.6603622392974753, 0.9605268935236004, 1.340735455543359, 1.4808122941822173, 2.6214379802414927, 3.3618441273326014, 3.461899012074643, 3.922151481888035, 4.042217343578485, 5.102799121844128, 5.763161361141602, 5.963271130625686, 6.423523600439077, 6.563600439077936, 7.5241273326015365, 8.184489571899013, 8.344577387486279, 8.784818880351262, 8.90488474204171, 9.305104281009879, 10.165576289791437, 10.825938529088914, 11.026048298572995, 11.58635565312843, 11.786465422612514, 12.706970362239296, 13.50740944017563, 13.767552140504938, 14.367881448957188, 14.48794731064764, 14.688057080131722, 15.32840834248079, 15.988770581778265, 16.228902305159163, 16.949297475301865, 17.149407244785948, 17.309495060373216, 18.20998902305159 ]
who has room for a friend who has money to lend we have room for a friend who has room for a friend who has nothing to lend
[ "who", "has", "room", "for", "a", "friend", "who", "has", "money", "to", "lend", "we", "have", "room", "for", "a", "friend", "who", "has", "room", "for", "a", "friend", "who", "has", "nothing", "to", "lend" ]
[ "who", "has", "room", "for", "a", "friend", "who", "has", "money", "to", "lend", "we", "have", "room", "for", "a", "friend", "who", "has", "room", "for", "a", "friend", "who", "has", "nothing", "to", "lend" ]
[ "w h o", "h a s", "r o o m", "f o r", "a", "f r i e n d", "w h o", "h a s", "m o n e y", "t o", "l e n d", "w e", "h a v e", "r o o m", "f o r", "a", "f r i e n d", "w h o", "h a s", "r o o m", "f o r", "a", "f r i e n d", "w h o", "h a s", "n o t h i n g", "t o", "l e n d" ]
[ 38, 2114, 3154, 72, 3154, 139, 139, 139, 139, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 1913, 1913, 4491, 75, 75, 75, 4063, 3117, 4637, 1377, 186, 186, 186, 3111, 3111, 401, 1832, 1832, 4770, 889, 149, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 2859, 2859, 3578, 3976, 3786, 4247, 4599, 658, 1626, 1626, 1681, 1827, 52, 52, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 2805, 2805, 2805, 4904, 4904, 4904, 4904, 4904, 3634, 893, 893, 893, 2139, 2139, 3159, 1482, 3422, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 1651, 1651, 3382, 3382, 4658, 785, 785, 785, 3106, 3106, 840, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 1508, 247, 908, 908, 172, 3232, 3232, 563, 1815, 1615, 1615, 3953, 3953, 3785, 3785, 3785, 4662, 2702, 2702, 2702, 4171, 4171, 4776, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 1282, 269, 151, 151, 2210, 128, 931, 931, 588, 4420, 588, 588, 4420, 1375, 1375, 2699, 2699, 2699, 2699, 1016, 1016, 4823, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 1572, 1572, 1572, 3673, 3673, 3673, 3673, 2154, 710, 4321, 2933, 1910, 3614, 3614, 3614, 1377, 186, 186, 186, 186, 3111, 3111, 3111, 1019, 3261, 4770, 4770, 4770, 149, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 2859, 2859, 3578, 3578, 3786, 4077, 4247, 4208, 4208, 3807, 3807, 1130, 1130, 1130, 202, 148, 995, 691, 691, 691, 691, 691, 691, 2300, 839, 3613, 357, 357, 1848, 1745, 4601, 2357, 2357, 2357, 2357, 693, 894, 4184, 4913, 4913, 4913, 3969, 3969, 3969, 1430, 227, 1276, 1276, 4628, 3008, 666, 666, 666, 666, 4776, 4776, 4776, 2549, 1282, 1282, 1282, 4844, 4844, 2158, 4844, 3159, 4612, 1482, 1482, 2459, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 599, 599, 599, 2250, 238, 238, 4420, 2569, 1716, 4621, 2691, 4621, 4823, 4823, 3811, 3811, 574, 574, 574, 574, 3305, 3305, 803, 803, 453, 453, 453, 453, 3673, 3673, 3844, 2030, 2725, 2559, 2234, 1683, 29, 842, 3677, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 2863, 2081, 4911, 4911, 4770, 4770, 3939, 3939, 3939, 999, 999, 999, 999, 4484, 4484, 4484, 4484, 2573, 3466, 283, 4567, 4567, 1681, 2729, 2729, 52, 52, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 2805, 2805, 2805, 4904, 4904, 4904, 3634, 3905, 3905, 3905, 3905, 4846, 50, 1368, 4635, 4433, 3106, 840, 1883, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 247, 247, 908, 908, 908, 172, 2009, 3232, 3232, 1815, 1615, 3953, 3953, 3785, 3785, 3785, 4662, 4662, 2702, 2702, 2702, 4171, 4171, 4171, 4776, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 3034, 269, 4210, 4210, 2911, 2911, 443, 4497, 128, 2459, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 4710, 4008, 4, 4, 4, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 3416, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 3215, 1864, 4570, 1864, 4570, 1864, 88, 88, 88, 2925, 2982, 2085, 4063, 2933, 4637, 1377, 186, 186, 186, 3111, 3111, 401, 3261, 1832, 4770, 395, 1450, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 2859, 2456, 3578, 3578, 3786, 3786, 4247, 4599, 658, 658, 1681, 1681, 2729, 52, 52, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 3625, 2805, 2805, 2805, 4904, 4904, 4904, 4904, 3634, 3634, 893, 893, 893, 893, 2139, 2139, 3159, 1482, 3422, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4310, 4658, 785, 3106, 3106, 840, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 1508, 247, 247, 908, 908, 385, 1488, 1488, 2009, 3232, 563, 623, 894, 1615, 3953, 3785, 3785, 3785, 4662, 4662, 2702, 2702, 2702, 2702, 4171, 4171, 4776, 2549, 2549, 2549, 2549, 3034, 3034, 269, 2764, 2911, 4394, 4394, 412, 2039, 1393, 931, 555, 555, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4, 238, 238, 238, 254, 254, 254, 254, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 4420, 3754, 2490, 2490, 3416, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 2925, 88, 2982, 2085, 4063, 4321, 894, 1377, 186, 186, 3111, 3111, 3111, 1628, 2222, 1821, 1821, 1821, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 2859, 2859, 3578, 3976, 4077, 4247, 480, 1693, 1315, 4480, 4480, 4480, 4480, 4480, 4480, 4480, 411, 2142, 3041, 1299, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2998, 2998, 2998, 4966, 2463, 2774, 2574, 2574, 2574, 964, 964, 964, 349, 349, 349, 3359, 3359, 2605, 2605, 300, 4895, 1550, 1359, 63, 219, 219, 2491, 630, 4828, 3818, 1607, 3969, 3969, 2921, 1688, 4514, 1575, 1575, 1575, 1575, 3008, 4286, 4286, 4776, 1978, 1282, 2764, 4844, 2764, 2764, 2764, 151, 3159, 1482, 3159, 2039, 2039, 931, 931, 588, 588, 4420, 1496, 1496, 4006, 3103, 255, 3103, 3103, 2209, 2209, 3215, 2209, 3103, 1901, 1901, 1387, 1387, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5807213930348258, 0.9211442786069651, 1.501865671641791, 1.9223880597014926, 1.9824626865671642, 2.9837064676616913, 3.6845771144278605, 4.105099502487562, 4.585696517412935, 4.745895522388059, 5.767164179104477, 6.508084577114428, 6.94863184079602, 7.369154228855721, 7.64950248756219, 7.749626865671642, 9.251492537313434, 10.392910447761194, 10.813432835820896, 11.454228855721393, 11.954850746268658, 12.014925373134329, 13.07624378109453, 13.777114427860697, 14.157587064676617, 14.878482587064676, 15.078731343283582 ]
[ 0.5807213930348258, 0.9211442786069651, 1.501865671641791, 1.9223880597014926, 1.9824626865671642, 2.9837064676616913, 3.6845771144278605, 4.105099502487562, 4.585696517412935, 4.745895522388059, 5.767164179104477, 6.508084577114428, 6.94863184079602, 7.369154228855721, 7.64950248756219, 7.749626865671642, 9.251492537313434, 10.392910447761194, 10.813432835820896, 11.454228855721393, 11.934825870646765, 12.014925373134329, 13.07624378109453, 13.777114427860697, 14.157587064676617, 14.878482587064676, 15.078731343283582, 16.07997512437811 ]
when the goblet of gold is as far from his hold as the fleet-footed hare or the birds of the air
[ "when", "the", "goblet", "of", "gold", "is", "as", "far", "from", "his", "hold", "as", "the", "fleet-footed", "hare", "or", "the", "birds", "of", "the", "air" ]
[ "when", "the", "goblet", "of", "gold", "is", "as", "far", "from", "his", "hold", "as", "the", "fleet-footed", "hare", "or", "the", "birds", "of", "the", "air" ]
[ "w h e n", "t h e", "g o b l e t", "o f", "g o l d", "i s", "a s", "f a r", "f r o m", "h i s", "h o l d", "a s", "t h e", "f l e e t f o o t e d", "h a r e", "o r", "t h e", "b i r d s", "o f", "t h e", "a i r" ]
[ 38, 4598, 715, 715, 3057, 3057, 3057, 792, 792, 792, 792, 2203, 2203, 294, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 3215, 75, 2925, 75, 3227, 4420, 2234, 1683, 29, 29, 842, 582, 582, 582, 4812, 4812, 410, 3832, 662, 662, 40, 2086, 729, 729, 124, 2481, 1710, 3899, 3899, 3899, 41, 5, 2272, 2272, 3070, 3070, 3070, 1104, 1104, 970, 4244, 4244, 4244, 4244, 4175, 4175, 4175, 2283, 2283, 1632, 1632, 1925, 1855, 1855, 4960, 4133, 4335, 4335, 4335, 4335, 2656, 4652, 4073, 2464, 4526, 384, 283, 4567, 4894, 3899, 3899, 3899, 894, 41, 2272, 3070, 3070, 3070, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3220, 3220, 3220, 967, 967, 967, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 894, 851, 154, 4612, 4612, 2459, 2459, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 2012, 272, 272, 1302, 73, 4420, 1646, 1646, 1646, 238, 238, 4420, 4823, 4823, 4823, 4823, 4823, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 453, 453, 23, 3415, 2154, 2154, 28, 527, 2725, 4281, 628, 4826, 4826, 3125, 580, 580, 580, 580, 3077, 1370, 2791, 1705, 2906, 257, 4890, 3541, 3541, 3541, 1289, 1289, 298, 4077, 923, 3838, 875, 875, 875, 4983, 146, 146, 146, 2832, 43, 2595, 2043, 2043, 1180, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 1653, 1653, 1653, 1653, 385, 385, 2009, 3232, 563, 4635, 4635, 3106, 4629, 1399, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 2641, 786, 2341, 2341, 2341, 2265, 4473, 1289, 298, 4969, 1785, 1149, 3072, 3072, 3072, 369, 369, 392, 2893, 2893, 2893, 811, 811, 811, 811, 3763, 3220, 3220, 3220, 3220, 3220, 3220, 967, 967, 967, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 851, 2205, 154, 2459, 2459, 2459, 4790, 4790, 2012, 2962, 588, 588, 4276, 3808, 1351, 1351, 1016, 1707, 3401, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 72, 3415, 3415, 852, 710, 28, 4321, 981, 14, 14, 2834, 4950, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 659, 659, 3578, 3578, 4247, 1477, 1477, 1477, 2849, 4132, 2724, 2086, 2632, 3368, 2690, 563, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1615, 1615, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2425, 2980, 2980, 2980, 3670, 3862, 3862, 3862, 3862, 3862, 1013, 1013, 2081, 3910, 3373, 3630, 4120, 4077, 4120, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146, 1615, 1615, 4516, 4516, 4516, 461, 461, 461, 4070, 1708, 106, 4901, 1256, 1822, 1822, 1313, 2676, 1149, 3805, 1007, 3934, 2600, 2600, 2600, 2600, 2600, 2600, 2600, 2600, 700, 700, 2078, 2078, 2078, 2078, 4203, 696, 740, 2112, 1484, 2358, 20, 610, 4276, 3808, 92, 92, 1716, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3164, 408, 1254, 1254, 570, 570, 570, 570, 570, 214, 214, 214, 527, 2925, 1416, 4063, 331, 30, 4326, 4326, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 4350, 3511, 3511, 908, 696, 1854, 1307, 1414, 4416, 4141, 3513, 177, 4730, 1060, 2164, 1440, 1440, 1440, 381, 739, 3574, 394, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 1349, 2237, 2237, 2237, 2237, 4387, 4387, 4387, 4387, 869, 2488, 2488, 1737, 1737, 3249, 4505, 4284, 4284, 3140, 3140, 2214, 162, 2324, 4398, 4398, 1203, 1668, 2447, 372, 4310, 4310, 4310, 30, 64, 1776, 1776, 1776, 3869, 3315, 4873, 424, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 210, 1323, 4185, 3590, 2692, 2692, 2692, 4938, 4938, 4938, 700, 2078, 2078, 3346, 3346, 3346, 4980, 4980, 272, 272, 555, 555, 4420, 1496, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4006, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1063, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.7212743362831859, 0.9015929203539823, 1.622867256637168, 1.7631150442477876, 2.80495575221239, 3.4861592920353983, 3.7466194690265486, 4.227469026548673, 4.467893805309735, 4.708318584070796, 5.7301238938053105, 6.391292035398231, 6.571610619469026, 7.613451327433629, 8.495008849557522, 9.136141592920355, 9.316460176991152, 10.097840707964602, 10.338265486725664, 10.518584070796459 ]
[ 0.7212743362831859, 0.9015929203539823, 1.622867256637168, 1.7631150442477876, 2.80495575221239, 3.4861592920353983, 3.7466194690265486, 4.227469026548673, 4.467893805309735, 4.708318584070796, 5.7301238938053105, 6.391292035398231, 6.571610619469026, 7.613451327433629, 8.495008849557522, 9.136141592920355, 9.316460176991152, 10.097840707964602, 10.338265486725664, 10.518584070796459, 11.299964601769913 ]
the kitten sleeps upon the hearth the crickets long have ceased their mirth there's nothing stirring in the house save one wee hungry nibbling mouse then why so busy thou
[ "the", "kitten", "sleeps", "upon", "the", "hearth", "the", "crickets", "long", "have", "ceased", "their", "mirth", "there's", "nothing", "stirring", "in", "the", "house", "save", "one", "wee", "hungry", "nibbling", "mouse", "then", "why", "so", "busy", "thou" ]
[ "the", "kitten", "sleeps", "upon", "the", "hearth", "the", "crickets", "long", "have", "ceased", "their", "mirth", "there's", "nothing", "stirring", "in", "the", "house", "save", "one", "wee", "hungry", "nibbling", "mouse", "then", "why", "so", "busy", "thou" ]
[ "t h e", "k i t t e n", "s l e e p s", "u p o n", "t h e", "h e a r t h", "t h e", "c r i c k e t s", "l o n g", "h a v e", "c e a s e d", "t h e i r", "m i r t h", "t h e r e ' s", "n o t h i n g", "s t i r r i n g", "i n", "t h e", "h o u s e", "s a v e", "o n e", "w e e", "h u n g r y", "n i b b l i n g", "m o u s e", "t h e n", "w h y", "s o", "b u s y", "t h o u" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 3154, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1620, 1913, 3215, 4491, 1913, 4491, 4491, 4491, 75, 75, 3227, 331, 348, 489, 1448, 492, 124, 91, 3249, 4633, 678, 708, 3575, 3575, 3575, 3575, 2014, 4023, 1550, 89, 1356, 4206, 4741, 4741, 1055, 522, 1748, 4834, 760, 4077, 9, 9, 3708, 3708, 1196, 2711, 4993, 4993, 2981, 2981, 2981, 3209, 3209, 2808, 1152, 4421, 2027, 273, 4260, 4260, 430, 1961, 2261, 1210, 3170, 1082, 849, 849, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 4189, 3364, 662, 662, 3291, 3102, 4816, 2412, 2412, 369, 369, 3341, 3341, 3678, 4557, 4557, 207, 2914, 2914, 4387, 2848, 4061, 4061, 2226, 2226, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 97, 2500, 403, 403, 1706, 3388, 1706, 1151, 1443, 3958, 4281, 1504, 489, 1448, 2131, 2, 91, 2559, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1122, 2611, 2611, 3829, 1743, 2559, 2903, 2714, 2714, 215, 4542, 364, 3711, 3711, 4505, 4266, 3411, 1836, 1836, 2336, 2420, 3019, 3019, 4496, 2426, 2426, 1598, 1301, 1490, 1490, 933, 4044, 4770, 889, 635, 635, 2573, 2184, 316, 316, 1010, 1010, 552, 620, 4757, 4757, 4757, 1350, 1037, 3630, 4433, 462, 3994, 3994, 986, 894, 2566, 2546, 677, 677, 172, 3846, 3948, 1456, 995, 4212, 4212, 4212, 4212, 2237, 2237, 2848, 4061, 4061, 2226, 4966, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1481, 2962, 4281, 1915, 92, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 4796, 4796, 157, 532, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2677, 2725, 2933, 348, 1504, 379, 780, 4585, 4585, 3353, 3353, 4050, 4969, 480, 1693, 3770, 2142, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2998, 2463, 2574, 964, 964, 349, 4810, 3359, 2168, 1748, 4834, 760, 4876, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 5, 1643, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 1660, 123, 4358, 4358, 651, 4810, 4810, 3359, 3212, 3398, 422, 284, 1270, 1270, 1625, 662, 662, 662, 3291, 10, 4816, 4816, 2412, 3072, 3072, 1007, 1007, 725, 725, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2586, 2709, 2709, 2709, 1869, 1869, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 542, 3954, 162, 2324, 1203, 1203, 3382, 2404, 2404, 101, 101, 2110, 3914, 2704, 190, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 565, 2248, 3466, 2184, 4567, 396, 144, 2031, 130, 3583, 3583, 1600, 33, 2177, 4768, 522, 3123, 3691, 3691, 3700, 3677, 1970, 236, 2863, 2081, 438, 4911, 4911, 3805, 1347, 4307, 1431, 1431, 1431, 3682, 1290, 3455, 3455, 3957, 3957, 4360, 4360, 4360, 1983, 4601, 1658, 2008, 152, 152, 4188, 25, 3041, 4444, 3088, 3088, 2283, 3133, 1632, 1855, 1855, 4133, 3514, 4810, 4810, 3359, 522, 704, 74, 202, 308, 3095, 4110, 4110, 4110, 2709, 2709, 2709, 1869, 1869, 3530, 3530, 542, 542, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 586, 586, 1252, 4243, 1943, 1943, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 3673, 828, 2030, 527, 2725, 2725, 348, 2933, 1504, 4461, 899, 899, 1006, 4418, 1155, 1345, 1851, 548, 2181, 2181, 4804, 4804, 282, 2301, 4246, 4246, 1417, 1010, 1010, 3914, 79, 3001, 427, 427, 427, 201, 2768, 1591, 3133, 104, 3574, 1325, 1325, 1325, 1325, 2562, 4032, 1360, 472, 1562, 1745, 1745, 4101, 1170, 1170, 4960, 227, 486, 1276, 3745, 3745, 3745, 3745, 2423, 2423, 2423, 57, 391, 4620, 4620, 730, 73, 1496, 1496, 1496, 1496, 255, 4006, 4006, 4006, 1443, 1387, 3103, 3103, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.48092130518234166, 0.9017274472168906, 1.3225335892514394, 1.6231094049904031, 1.7433397312859886, 2.2442994241842613, 2.484760076775432, 2.9456429942418425, 3.206142034548944, 3.406525911708253, 3.707101727447217, 3.8473704414587333, 4.368368522072936, 4.809213051823416, 5.169904030710173, 5.610748560460653, 5.730978886756239, 5.871247600767754, 6.392245681381958, 6.793013435700575, 6.9933973128598845, 7.193781190019194, 7.574510556621881, 7.975278310940499, 8.596468330134357, 8.997236084452975, 9.237696737044145, 9.418042226487524, 9.778733205374282 ]
[ 0.48092130518234166, 0.9017274472168906, 1.3225335892514394, 1.6231094049904031, 1.7433397312859886, 2.2442994241842613, 2.484760076775432, 2.9456429942418425, 3.206142034548944, 3.406525911708253, 3.707101727447217, 3.8473704414587333, 4.368368522072936, 4.809213051823416, 5.169904030710173, 5.610748560460653, 5.730978886756239, 5.871247600767754, 6.392245681381958, 6.793013435700575, 6.9933973128598845, 7.193781190019194, 7.574510556621881, 7.975278310940499, 8.596468330134357, 8.997236084452975, 9.237696737044145, 9.418042226487524, 9.778733205374282, 10.41996161228407 ]
the cottager to her infant by my sister the days are cold the nights are long the north-wind sings a doleful song then hush again upon my breast all merry things are now at rest save thee my pretty love
[ "the", "cottager", "to", "her", "infant", "by", "my", "sister", "the", "days", "are", "cold", "the", "nights", "are", "long", "the", "north-wind", "sings", "a", "doleful", "song", "then", "hush", "again", "upon", "my", "breast", "all", "merry", "things", "are", "now", "at", "rest", "save", "thee", "my", "pretty", "love" ]
[ "the", "cottager", "to", "her", "infant", "by", "my", "sister", "the", "days", "are", "cold", "the", "nights", "are", "long", "the", "north-wind", "sings", "a", "doleful", "song", "then", "hush", "again", "upon", "my", "breast", "all", "merry", "things", "are", "now", "at", "rest", "save", "thee", "my", "pretty", "love" ]
[ "t h e", "c o t t a g e r", "t o", "h e r", "i n f a n t", "b y", "m y", "s i s t e r", "t h e", "d a y s", "a r e", "c o l d", "t h e", "n i g h t s", "a r e", "l o n g", "t h e", "n o r t h w i n d", "s i n g s", "a", "d o l e f u l", "s o n g", "t h e n", "h u s h", "a g a i n", "u p o n", "m y", "b r e a s t", "a l l", "m e r r y", "t h i n g s", "a r e", "n o w", "a t", "r e s t", "s a v e", "t h e e", "m y", "p r e t t y", "l o v e" ]
[ 1233, 3339, 3339, 1944, 3339, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 863, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 3416, 4987, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 4570, 1864, 1864, 1443, 774, 2925, 2085, 3227, 1162, 1162, 2594, 1448, 492, 124, 2, 91, 559, 559, 3387, 3873, 3873, 705, 705, 705, 4407, 4407, 4515, 4073, 4219, 4136, 4136, 2582, 514, 4843, 3646, 1722, 1775, 4239, 1729, 86, 86, 414, 414, 4234, 4018, 1623, 2607, 114, 3076, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 3741, 2222, 539, 539, 3971, 2325, 2165, 1291, 1291, 459, 459, 1917, 1917, 4109, 2435, 2435, 1368, 497, 1096, 3535, 1075, 596, 596, 3951, 2072, 624, 3264, 4994, 4994, 775, 775, 775, 819, 4703, 4703, 1435, 974, 3537, 1976, 1976, 115, 115, 553, 1736, 436, 1134, 1134, 3069, 737, 4733, 429, 49, 4246, 1914, 3374, 3374, 313, 464, 464, 853, 853, 4435, 3016, 3626, 4077, 2187, 242, 4092, 4092, 653, 3184, 3184, 1782, 1426, 2112, 1484, 930, 2358, 2962, 588, 403, 2250, 4618, 3388, 1706, 3388, 1443, 1151, 4321, 1162, 1162, 3537, 1976, 1976, 115, 115, 553, 2117, 3649, 2833, 3700, 1035, 1035, 1035, 1035, 2064, 4146, 1126, 1126, 1590, 1590, 1590, 375, 1295, 1155, 1155, 1155, 4477, 4814, 4814, 441, 2237, 2237, 2121, 2488, 445, 3711, 2985, 3411, 2940, 3629, 551, 3700, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 2237, 2848, 4061, 4061, 2226, 2226, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 2459, 2500, 2962, 2962, 1704, 1716, 3388, 1706, 2071, 1706, 2071, 1151, 1416, 4321, 1162, 1162, 3547, 3476, 4191, 3584, 3584, 2930, 2014, 2199, 3883, 4635, 3106, 838, 1344, 2441, 2441, 2864, 1170, 4588, 275, 4514, 4514, 2056, 2056, 2759, 3327, 1206, 2820, 4879, 4879, 1288, 3497, 952, 479, 3372, 1104, 4034, 4034, 4034, 4827, 2547, 1328, 1328, 2543, 3223, 649, 3411, 1139, 4229, 4092, 902, 3107, 705, 705, 705, 4407, 3276, 3276, 3276, 534, 4918, 3007, 3007, 1231, 1871, 2310, 2310, 4387, 2317, 3499, 3499, 3326, 1616, 1616, 3895, 3537, 3537, 1976, 2779, 115, 553, 1736, 1367, 55, 3138, 286, 2097, 1526, 3966, 4244, 4244, 1051, 3967, 2504, 603, 3061, 3061, 925, 3870, 3810, 979, 223, 1992, 91, 581, 1206, 559, 4560, 434, 434, 436, 1134, 939, 3675, 3675, 3675, 200, 913, 1585, 2682, 2682, 1206, 4825, 653, 3184, 1782, 1782, 2112, 2112, 930, 272, 555, 555, 1375, 1375, 4222, 4222, 4222, 4222, 4222, 4222, 254, 2756, 3306, 3306, 254, 2756, 3306, 2250, 3306, 2578, 2578, 2578, 863, 2200, 3754, 3215, 973, 107, 107, 2654, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 570, 570, 214, 214, 774, 2925, 912, 3227, 348, 2594, 489, 1448, 492, 1469, 1617, 2158, 2212, 4412, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 1997, 565, 3979, 4499, 1216, 4077, 706, 752, 3921, 3876, 3876, 172, 1694, 2096, 1206, 340, 1579, 3387, 3873, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3220, 3220, 967, 807, 1636, 402, 4771, 12, 3470, 3470, 3470, 2047, 1448, 3513, 2131, 1469, 2146, 1471, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 1173, 3373, 445, 3711, 4505, 273, 2905, 4260, 3921, 3876, 3876, 172, 1170, 1170, 4052, 275, 2336, 188, 3019, 3019, 3019, 3019, 2426, 2426, 1598, 1598, 1301, 1301, 1638, 1638, 2039, 128, 128, 2962, 588, 1443, 4276, 92, 1639, 31, 31, 157, 3415, 3415, 2827, 2827, 527, 1416, 1416, 2933, 1162, 2594, 1448, 492, 729, 2131, 4959, 2146, 1471, 1471, 3041, 4506, 4506, 4874, 4874, 2310, 4061, 4061, 4966, 4966, 2035, 3629, 3629, 551, 2668, 864, 864, 4609, 3687, 2298, 1748, 4834, 760, 4523, 4433, 313, 1892, 620, 2705, 2705, 2705, 1294, 4848, 3660, 594, 594, 2197, 2197, 1216, 706, 4260, 4607, 95, 95, 1617, 1367, 2212, 1283, 902, 3354, 3354, 3763, 2046, 3092, 4905, 3232, 497, 4433, 3259, 3259, 413, 413, 36, 36, 1187, 2542, 3374, 1010, 313, 313, 1892, 1608, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 1598, 1598, 1301, 1301, 1638, 1638, 443, 1393, 1393, 588, 931, 588, 588, 1443, 3808, 3796, 1639, 31, 31, 157, 828, 2030, 2827, 527, 1416, 1443, 2933, 1162, 2594, 4461, 899, 899, 410, 2298, 2824, 4044, 3805, 1007, 4307, 2613, 2613, 2613, 2613, 3967, 2504, 603, 1984, 3061, 3197, 4084, 4084, 4084, 1829, 55, 559, 1223, 2252, 2252, 1224, 1224, 4776, 2549, 1282, 4844, 834, 1842, 430, 1961, 2261, 2607, 1724, 102, 849, 849, 2236, 2236, 2236, 2236, 4189, 4768, 704, 74, 1134, 3069, 737, 4733, 4733, 429, 182, 1591, 2096, 2559, 53, 1498, 323, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3247, 93, 93, 997, 997, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 346, 346, 1481, 634, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 1639, 31, 532, 828, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 1162, 1162, 30, 4918, 1259, 537, 537, 4481, 4905, 1125, 1593, 4493, 1134, 939, 3360, 3360, 3360, 3360, 1660, 123, 4080, 1034, 1041, 4101, 438, 1227, 2463, 2933, 2574, 4466, 3146, 3146, 3146, 3931, 3931, 3660, 594, 594, 2292, 1216, 706, 4260, 3376, 3876, 3876, 1927, 2146, 1471, 1471, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 3211, 2577, 2577, 2127, 2127, 3464, 3464, 1752, 1752, 3476, 3476, 4191, 4161, 4161, 4161, 4161, 93, 93, 997, 997, 2640, 3717, 4433, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 346, 1481, 634, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 1639, 31, 31, 31, 157, 828, 828, 2827, 710, 527, 4321, 252, 4494, 1332, 2110, 2110, 313, 1892, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3393, 3413, 2248, 4406, 3466, 2184, 1300, 2731, 2731, 4119, 494, 2055, 814, 814, 311, 153, 884, 2377, 3485, 4703, 2767, 1134, 3069, 737, 4733, 4733, 429, 182, 2096, 628, 1724, 4660, 654, 2149, 2149, 1700, 4070, 216, 4390, 357, 1745, 1745, 4101, 1170, 4588, 275, 2336, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3166, 3654, 718, 718, 718, 718, 718, 1581, 61, 61, 1375, 1496, 1496, 255, 4006, 4006, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 1901, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.8809292502639916, 1.4815628299894403, 1.661752903907075, 1.7818796198521647, 2.302428722280887, 2.5226610348468848, 2.7028511087645195, 4.464709609292503, 6.827201689545935, 8.949440337909188, 9.089588173178457, 9.46998944033791, 9.630158394931362, 9.930475184794085, 10.070623020063358, 10.59117212249208, 10.931531151003169, 11.45208025343189, 11.81246040126716, 11.872523759239705, 12.3129883843717, 12.893600844772967, 13.274002111932417, 13.554297782470961, 13.854614572333684, 14.174952481520592, 14.355142555438226, 14.955776135163674, 15.276114044350582, 15.576430834213305, 15.89676874340021, 16.016895459345303, 16.217106652587116, 16.337233368532207, 16.937866948257657, 17.438394931362197, 17.63860612460401, 17.85883843717001, 18.159155227032734 ]
[ 0.8809292502639916, 1.4815628299894403, 1.661752903907075, 1.7818796198521647, 2.302428722280887, 2.5226610348468848, 2.7028511087645195, 4.464709609292503, 6.827201689545935, 8.949440337909188, 9.089588173178457, 9.46998944033791, 9.630158394931362, 9.930475184794085, 10.070623020063358, 10.59117212249208, 10.931531151003169, 11.45208025343189, 11.81246040126716, 11.872523759239705, 12.3129883843717, 12.893600844772967, 13.274002111932417, 13.554297782470961, 13.854614572333684, 14.174952481520592, 14.355142555438226, 14.955776135163674, 15.276114044350582, 15.576430834213305, 15.89676874340021, 16.016895459345303, 16.217106652587116, 16.337233368532207, 16.937866948257657, 17.438394931362197, 17.63860612460401, 17.85883843717001, 18.159155227032734, 18.93997888067582 ]
nay start not at that sparkling light tis but the moon that shines so bright on the window pane bedropped with rain then little darling sleep again and wake when it is day
[ "nay", "start", "not", "at", "that", "sparkling", "light", "tis", "but", "the", "moon", "that", "shines", "so", "bright", "on", "the", "window", "pane", "bedropped", "with", "rain", "then", "little", "darling", "sleep", "again", "and", "wake", "when", "it", "is", "day" ]
[ "nay", "start", "not", "at", "that", "sparkling", "light", "tis", "but", "the", "moon", "that", "shines", "so", "bright", "on", "the", "window", "pane", "bedropped", "with", "rain", "then", "little", "darling", "sleep", "again", "and", "wake", "when", "it", "is", "day" ]
[ "n a y", "s t a r t", "n o t", "a t", "t h a t", "s p a r k l i n g", "l i g h t", "t i s", "b u t", "t h e", "m o o n", "t h a t", "s h i n e s", "s o", "b r i g h t", "o n", "t h e", "w i n d o w", "p a n e", "b e d r o p p e d", "w i t h", "r a i n", "t h e n", "l i t t l e", "d a r l i n g", "s l e e p", "a g a i n", "a n d", "w a k e", "w h e n", "i t", "i s", "d a y" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 524, 524, 524, 2725, 2725, 4321, 4924, 2579, 2579, 5, 3041, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 4545, 83, 83, 83, 884, 3910, 3910, 3485, 2404, 1914, 101, 4876, 382, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 894, 1643, 1678, 1678, 1678, 1678, 2914, 2121, 3795, 2408, 2408, 4997, 3770, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 2743, 1529, 4073, 175, 2127, 2127, 4131, 2712, 2712, 2559, 2566, 2229, 320, 320, 804, 804, 2068, 4739, 4523, 4433, 9, 4019, 2173, 2192, 3303, 1754, 1754, 207, 207, 2121, 4012, 4012, 2533, 2770, 1855, 1855, 4133, 3514, 4810, 4810, 3359, 1006, 85, 85, 1430, 2336, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 3628, 1236, 2122, 518, 1136, 1152, 1725, 377, 3190, 1481, 2967, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 2725, 1443, 1416, 348, 1784, 1784, 3076, 2260, 94, 94, 3077, 2791, 3786, 4247, 2821, 4241, 2192, 1373, 4296, 4296, 4296, 4242, 2428, 2712, 2933, 2933, 2566, 4141, 3513, 4730, 2816, 4493, 4493, 2990, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 3755, 3764, 3364, 662, 662, 949, 1696, 2965, 2965, 2965, 2969, 4739, 4414, 2878, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 897, 3334, 3334, 3334, 2175, 1341, 3171, 2168, 2168, 809, 1748, 4834, 760, 158, 3914, 3001, 3001, 427, 427, 201, 1591, 3327, 3133, 739, 1498, 323, 1893, 1893, 1893, 1893, 1893, 3628, 1236, 2122, 518, 421, 1136, 381, 1725, 377, 97, 1481, 588, 1443, 3808, 92, 1252, 1943, 1245, 1245, 3913, 157, 157, 532, 3673, 3844, 1103, 3268, 1066, 1910, 981, 2263, 2263, 458, 458, 4189, 3364, 662, 3291, 177, 2059, 4725, 1155, 1345, 2668, 3852, 3852, 3852, 2854, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4825, 783, 783, 201, 1193, 2753, 1210, 4643, 2973, 1644, 1119, 1119, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 4271, 529, 529, 3171, 1882, 2160, 522, 830, 4819, 4819, 2741, 1908, 4456, 324, 3049, 3237, 1352, 1320, 4274, 4274, 4362, 4362, 4362, 4244, 4175, 1761, 1108, 1108, 2559, 3972, 3629, 2804, 2090, 3044, 2450, 563, 3275, 2832, 1615, 4590, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1549, 1017, 4970, 4970, 2936, 4271, 2706, 262, 262, 262, 1882, 269, 4681, 2210, 4401, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 2030, 2030, 710, 2725, 1416, 2670, 331, 1504, 165, 3163, 2483, 2483, 899, 989, 989, 989, 3917, 1282, 3918, 3918, 85, 85, 85, 1688, 1791, 4536, 4536, 456, 1068, 3447, 3447, 36, 1187, 3758, 1568, 433, 1283, 902, 180, 180, 180, 207, 2914, 2121, 4391, 3243, 4960, 4960, 3514, 3514, 4810, 4810, 3359, 2605, 1748, 2527, 4834, 760, 4433, 9, 3708, 1196, 2711, 4993, 2981, 2981, 2981, 3209, 4093, 595, 1059, 2419, 1008, 2471, 2471, 1710, 777, 1223, 1057, 2252, 2252, 1224, 1224, 1224, 2706, 2706, 2706, 262, 1882, 1882, 151, 2210, 4401, 588, 1443, 588, 3808, 92, 3796, 1639, 1639, 327, 327, 327, 3415, 2827, 2827, 2827, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2925, 1416, 1886, 4321, 2788, 1510, 1406, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 954, 3691, 4014, 1345, 2668, 3651, 950, 950, 950, 1086, 2430, 2430, 815, 3780, 383, 1616, 1616, 396, 4807, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 410, 3398, 1790, 1790, 886, 886, 3421, 3421, 1708, 3449, 2148, 94, 94, 2791, 3976, 4077, 4969, 1139, 84, 1641, 2231, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 730, 555, 555, 1375, 1375, 962, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2250, 4, 254, 2756, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 334, 4782, 334, 334, 4782, 4782, 4782, 4782, 4782, 4782, 4859, 4859, 4859, 1443, 4859, 4366, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6611379310344827, 1.1018965517241377, 1.3022413793103447, 1.422448275862069, 1.6227931034482757, 2.123655172413793, 2.6044827586206893, 3.005172413793103, 3.20551724137931, 3.325724137931034, 3.5661379310344823, 3.7664827586206893, 4.127103448275862, 4.267344827586206, 4.848344827586207, 5.188931034482758, 5.289103448275862, 5.609655172413793, 5.990310344827585, 6.43106896551724, 6.611379310344827, 7.112241379310344, 7.57303448275862, 7.853517241379309, 8.294275862068964, 8.594793103448275, 9.235896551724135, 9.63658620689655, 9.937103448275861, 10.137448275862067, 10.257655172413791, 10.437965517241379 ]
[ 0.6611379310344827, 1.1018965517241377, 1.3022413793103447, 1.422448275862069, 1.6227931034482757, 2.123655172413793, 2.6044827586206893, 3.005172413793103, 3.20551724137931, 3.325724137931034, 3.5661379310344823, 3.7664827586206893, 4.127103448275862, 4.267344827586206, 4.848344827586207, 5.188931034482758, 5.289103448275862, 5.609655172413793, 5.990310344827585, 6.43106896551724, 6.611379310344827, 7.112241379310344, 7.57303448275862, 7.853517241379309, 8.294275862068964, 8.594793103448275, 9.235896551724135, 9.63658620689655, 9.937103448275861, 10.137448275862067, 10.257655172413791, 10.437965517241379, 11.599965517241376 ]
now there's a choice heartache or tortured liver a sea-sick body or a you-sick soul do i forget you retchings twist and tie me old meat good meals brown gobbets up i throw
[ "now", "there's", "a", "choice", "heartache", "or", "tortured", "liver", "a", "sea-sick", "body", "or", "a", "you-sick", "soul", "do", "i", "forget", "you", "retchings", "twist", "and", "tie", "me", "old", "meat", "good", "meals", "brown", "gobbets", "up", "i", "throw" ]
[ "now", "there's", "a", "choice", "heartache", "or", "tortured", "liver", "a", "sea-sick", "body", "or", "a", "you-sick", "soul", "do", "i", "forget", "you", "retchings", "twist", "and", "tie", "me", "old", "meat", "good", "meals", "brown", "gobbets", "up", "i", "throw" ]
[ "n o w", "t h e r e ' s", "a", "c h o i c e", "h e a r t a c h e", "o r", "t o r t u r e d", "l i v e r", "a", "s e a s i c k", "b o d y", "o r", "a", "y o u s i c k", "s o u l", "d o", "i", "f o r g e t", "y o u", "r e t c h i n g s", "t w i s t", "a n d", "t i e", "m e", "o l d", "m e a t", "g o o d", "m e a l s", "b r o w n", "g o b b e t s", "u p", "i", "t h r o w" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 1335, 4720, 4720, 1457, 524, 524, 75, 3227, 4420, 4924, 2579, 2785, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2423, 3211, 3211, 3211, 1307, 4416, 379, 780, 4585, 3353, 3353, 3353, 3207, 4607, 95, 95, 324, 3336, 4291, 1902, 4522, 1317, 3806, 3806, 3806, 3806, 3806, 3806, 4875, 4992, 4992, 2122, 2648, 2648, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 542, 4100, 621, 1311, 634, 2967, 3557, 3557, 1252, 1128, 1245, 1357, 532, 532, 3844, 3844, 2030, 710, 4321, 3117, 3692, 3692, 369, 369, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 207, 207, 2914, 2121, 4736, 4073, 4197, 4197, 2949, 2502, 2502, 2502, 2807, 2430, 2430, 3176, 2158, 935, 3213, 3213, 1203, 1472, 388, 388, 388, 4703, 30, 4326, 4326, 113, 4350, 4350, 4350, 3511, 908, 385, 2956, 4234, 4018, 1623, 894, 1781, 2657, 541, 2287, 2371, 2371, 2371, 2371, 1871, 2310, 2121, 1657, 1974, 614, 3311, 1783, 1783, 4239, 4419, 2730, 1863, 1296, 1113, 1113, 2251, 1430, 2336, 4514, 1924, 1924, 1318, 3094, 1788, 484, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 2112, 930, 2358, 2358, 610, 588, 3808, 92, 1639, 1716, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 193, 3075, 3075, 4755, 3268, 193, 30, 4575, 4945, 4945, 2737, 4945, 1723, 1109, 1417, 4876, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 552, 620, 2429, 416, 416, 1556, 2081, 2622, 1914, 4433, 1010, 1010, 552, 620, 796, 796, 796, 1391, 3176, 3176, 2664, 1897, 1897, 628, 1373, 4427, 4627, 4627, 4627, 4627, 4627, 4407, 4515, 1358, 357, 357, 1848, 1848, 1848, 3843, 311, 884, 2377, 2377, 4409, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 3844, 1103, 1103, 1066, 2725, 193, 30, 4326, 4350, 4350, 4350, 3511, 3511, 2524, 2524, 966, 3877, 546, 546, 546, 432, 4216, 790, 790, 992, 992, 2775, 3174, 3174, 4172, 2801, 132, 132, 2542, 1417, 1564, 4876, 1069, 3914, 552, 620, 796, 796, 796, 3829, 3176, 3249, 2543, 649, 4523, 4876, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 2704, 190, 4261, 4261, 4261, 4261, 4261, 3763, 3763, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 3477, 3477, 3477, 195, 195, 391, 391, 1482, 2459, 2012, 272, 272, 73, 73, 1375, 2250, 4, 4420, 4, 4, 4, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2756, 2756, 5, 3993, 3993, 3993, 2200, 3754, 3754, 863, 863, 863, 3215, 863, 2490, 2490, 4420, 2490, 2490, 2490, 4002, 4002, 1864, 4002, 530, 4059, 1714, 2982, 3227, 2670, 2670, 2559, 433, 3495, 1919, 1919, 564, 1628, 3607, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1847, 1736, 3232, 1815, 3106, 1075, 3343, 3343, 3343, 2481, 4055, 1223, 3024, 3725, 3725, 3725, 1024, 4556, 2029, 3249, 2858, 2858, 2858, 3591, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1873, 4450, 4450, 2897, 2358, 610, 610, 92, 92, 3796, 1943, 1943, 140, 1245, 1245, 1245, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1716, 23, 3415, 2154, 2827, 3740, 3075, 3075, 372, 372, 372, 2234, 2234, 544, 3547, 1132, 1132, 1827, 1988, 4191, 4985, 90, 90, 4513, 1657, 1974, 614, 18, 3197, 3845, 4502, 4810, 4810, 4810, 3359, 2168, 809, 809, 4655, 2292, 991, 4077, 6, 1139, 4229, 4738, 2839, 2839, 3650, 3650, 3743, 3743, 4435, 3016, 4440, 4440, 515, 242, 4995, 4576, 3376, 4181, 4181, 1123, 3832, 1185, 685, 4895, 270, 1359, 2657, 2287, 2287, 4824, 4824, 4824, 1654, 1654, 4065, 1341, 1912, 3231, 697, 2618, 4178, 4178, 4400, 4400, 3843, 884, 884, 2377, 4409, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1245, 234, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 1436, 710, 1066, 1910, 1910, 520, 1039, 4059, 1039, 819, 372, 3075, 4623, 4623, 4623, 4918, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 674, 674, 967, 1636, 1636, 402, 4055, 3883, 2612, 3807, 3807, 202, 2990, 2990, 3063, 3063, 3063, 3063, 3063, 1013, 1013, 518, 518, 518, 421, 421, 2559, 377, 3472, 4891, 97, 97, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3382, 4703, 4703, 2852, 1435, 41, 381, 2272, 2272, 692, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 267, 1523, 2014, 754, 2800, 2612, 2612, 1014, 308, 2990, 2990, 3063, 3063, 3512, 508, 508, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2901, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 4289, 32, 67, 1011, 1011, 3954, 162, 162, 162, 2324, 4398, 1203, 798, 2852, 4241, 4241, 193, 739, 1498, 323, 323, 3528, 3528, 3528, 3528, 3528, 3528, 3528, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 3764, 3764, 834, 3284, 455, 2800, 3899, 3899, 4500, 2607, 41, 2272, 3070, 3070, 1104, 2984, 2984, 4244, 4244, 4175, 4175, 2283, 1632, 2609, 2609, 215, 215, 4542, 3817, 445, 3249, 538, 4505, 4505, 4077, 3773, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 245, 983, 381, 2789, 561, 1712, 1712, 1712, 3560, 1761, 3737, 3737, 4675, 2559, 1721, 2436, 2436, 798, 3849, 983, 193, 1904, 2789, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 2301, 2301, 49, 4246, 1227, 2463, 2463, 2774, 499, 499, 2034, 2034, 1319, 1319, 2570, 2570, 2570, 4745, 4745, 3066, 3066, 3066, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 57, 1873, 1873, 1482, 128, 2358, 610, 586, 92, 1252, 1943, 329, 329, 329, 1245, 1245, 1245, 329, 329, 329, 23, 23, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.42050970873786414, 0.6407766990291263, 0.7008495145631068, 1.3616504854368932, 2.162621359223301, 2.442961165048544, 2.983616504854369, 3.5242718446601944, 3.924757281553398, 4.485436893203883, 5.086165048543689, 5.506674757281554, 5.626820388349515, 6.227548543689321, 7.16868932038835, 7.849514563106796, 7.969660194174757, 8.350121359223301, 8.890776699029125, 9.831917475728156, 10.152305825242719, 10.3125, 10.632888349514564, 11.073422330097088, 11.674150485436893, 12.2748786407767, 12.755461165048544, 13.41626213592233, 14.057038834951456, 14.797936893203884, 15.238470873786408, 15.49878640776699 ]
[ 0.42050970873786414, 0.6407766990291263, 0.7008495145631068, 1.3616504854368932, 2.162621359223301, 2.442961165048544, 2.983616504854369, 3.5242718446601944, 3.924757281553398, 4.485436893203883, 5.086165048543689, 5.506674757281554, 5.626820388349515, 6.227548543689321, 7.16868932038835, 7.849514563106796, 7.969660194174757, 8.350121359223301, 8.890776699029125, 9.831917475728156, 10.152305825242719, 10.3125, 10.612864077669903, 11.073422330097088, 11.674150485436893, 12.2748786407767, 12.755461165048544, 13.41626213592233, 14.057038834951456, 14.797936893203884, 15.238470873786408, 15.49878640776699, 16.47997572815534 ]
do i remember acrid return and slimy the sobs and slobber of a last years woe and still the sick ship rolls tis hard i tell ye to choose twixt love and nausea heart and belly
[ "do", "i", "remember", "acrid", "return", "and", "slimy", "the", "sobs", "and", "slobber", "of", "a", "last", "years", "woe", "and", "still", "the", "sick", "ship", "rolls", "tis", "hard", "i", "tell", "ye", "to", "choose", "twixt", "love", "and", "nausea", "heart", "and", "belly" ]
[ "do", "i", "remember", "acrid", "return", "and", "slimy", "the", "sobs", "and", "slobber", "of", "a", "last", "years", "woe", "and", "still", "the", "sick", "ship", "rolls", "tis", "hard", "i", "tell", "ye", "to", "choose", "twixt", "love", "and", "nausea", "heart", "and", "belly" ]
[ "d o", "i", "r e m e m b e r", "a c r i d", "r e t u r n", "a n d", "s l i m y", "t h e", "s o b s", "a n d", "s l o b b e r", "o f", "a", "l a s t", "y e a r s", "w o e", "a n d", "s t i l l", "t h e", "s i c k", "s h i p", "r o l l s", "t i s", "h a r d", "i", "t e l l", "y e", "t o", "c h o o s e", "t w i x t", "l o v e", "a n d", "n a u s e a", "h e a r t", "a n d", "b e l l y" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 645, 645, 645, 3215, 4491, 4491, 4491, 4420, 4491, 4491, 75, 3227, 2670, 193, 1784, 2212, 3495, 3495, 1919, 1919, 1919, 1628, 3607, 3246, 2137, 2137, 1065, 857, 1847, 1736, 1074, 135, 1330, 937, 2284, 2284, 4626, 4245, 3846, 1134, 939, 3195, 3195, 3195, 3195, 2057, 516, 741, 2872, 4769, 4769, 1782, 1782, 2112, 2112, 1484, 1484, 2358, 610, 1915, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 3, 1400, 3, 1400, 1400, 1400, 1400, 1436, 1436, 1436, 1066, 1066, 4321, 1910, 2850, 2850, 4153, 2558, 2558, 1904, 2411, 3907, 3907, 3907, 1814, 1814, 3671, 2547, 2802, 1743, 4186, 2000, 4723, 406, 3527, 2033, 2937, 4542, 4542, 1686, 1686, 1145, 1626, 1626, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 713, 3336, 1623, 2559, 114, 136, 2657, 541, 4017, 4017, 4017, 4017, 4017, 4017, 4017, 4017, 1251, 1251, 1251, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 209, 1882, 1282, 2160, 3159, 758, 758, 197, 3143, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 1461, 2838, 1748, 4834, 760, 4077, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 3708, 3708, 1196, 1196, 1196, 2711, 2711, 4824, 4824, 4824, 1654, 1654, 2175, 1912, 1912, 3144, 4134, 3768, 4178, 2170, 3504, 3504, 3843, 3843, 311, 2689, 884, 2377, 2377, 4409, 20, 388, 388, 372, 1151, 193, 2594, 2594, 1448, 1448, 3513, 3368, 1109, 3374, 4077, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 1892, 1608, 2403, 2403, 2403, 2403, 2403, 4244, 4244, 4244, 1246, 1246, 3747, 3747, 3499, 4421, 4072, 1216, 706, 2905, 4260, 3376, 3136, 295, 1123, 1123, 2298, 1748, 4834, 760, 760, 1564, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 382, 3708, 3708, 1196, 1196, 1196, 4913, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 3969, 275, 2336, 2420, 4313, 4313, 2361, 4175, 4175, 2283, 1632, 4769, 4769, 4769, 4106, 3417, 3417, 966, 1971, 1776, 1776, 3869, 2744, 701, 1567, 546, 1324, 4828, 4588, 275, 2336, 486, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1303, 1303, 2881, 4708, 3626, 4440, 515, 3362, 3362, 1206, 4092, 4671, 2867, 2867, 39, 3779, 3779, 3779, 799, 799, 173, 3850, 3850, 3850, 3850, 525, 525, 2267, 4050, 706, 706, 4599, 2186, 1569, 1569, 3204, 4477, 4477, 1851, 2806, 2806, 2806, 2806, 2806, 3066, 3066, 3066, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 57, 57, 1873, 391, 4450, 20, 381, 610, 399, 1039, 1039, 2760, 4276, 3458, 3458, 3458, 4823, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 3305, 1357, 1357, 23, 23, 23, 852, 28, 28, 4420, 1910, 2391, 2754, 2754, 1406, 108, 68, 4249, 1748, 4834, 760, 760, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 382, 382, 1084, 3194, 3194, 4049, 2559, 4092, 1643, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 4808, 4808, 4808, 2477, 2477, 1414, 3350, 4035, 1448, 492, 2131, 3368, 3368, 3374, 3374, 4433, 313, 313, 1892, 620, 190, 796, 796, 796, 3829, 2802, 3176, 4186, 1616, 4414, 3553, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 699, 2151, 2151, 2151, 3088, 4385, 1761, 3737, 3737, 3945, 4903, 1752, 1626, 3476, 3476, 52, 2798, 1382, 1382, 1382, 1382, 1382, 3763, 3763, 3220, 4170, 4170, 900, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 536, 2091, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 3557, 92, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 140, 140, 140, 3305, 4796, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 453, 453, 453, 453, 322, 710, 2725, 193, 1910, 1910, 2850, 2850, 2850, 4790, 4790, 4790, 2850, 2404, 348, 628, 114, 136, 2260, 2260, 2148, 94, 94, 94, 1370, 1370, 3578, 4318, 706, 65, 1785, 1149, 3072, 369, 3341, 3341, 4829, 4829, 4829, 4829, 4829, 4829, 207, 207, 2914, 2914, 616, 1296, 2355, 883, 3246, 2137, 1065, 4193, 1847, 2719, 2183, 3326, 114, 2657, 2374, 326, 326, 326, 326, 326, 2216, 2064, 2064, 4146, 3591, 3591, 4238, 4238, 4238, 311, 3910, 4202, 55, 114, 3026, 219, 3490, 630, 3336, 3336, 628, 114, 1902, 720, 4522, 736, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 1905, 307, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3742, 1293, 1293, 706, 6, 1139, 1206, 114, 4738, 2839, 3650, 2365, 3188, 3188, 3829, 1328, 2543, 649, 649, 4077, 462, 515, 3362, 2022, 2022, 2022, 2251, 2251, 2251, 4913, 738, 275, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3466, 3654, 3654, 3654, 3654, 1966, 161, 1842, 3136, 3136, 4381, 1461, 1123, 2298, 3918, 4608, 4608, 4608, 152, 3326, 2142, 3041, 3992, 3992, 3992, 4244, 4244, 4407, 4407, 2562, 4032, 1360, 2905, 271, 271, 271, 271, 3720, 3720, 979, 979, 3520, 3520, 3520, 3032, 3991, 3991, 3013, 2358, 20, 71, 399, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 3458, 3458, 1286, 1286, 2778, 2778, 2827, 2827, 3740, 3740, 4420, 2071, 2071, 372, 3117, 3692, 3692, 3692, 3692, 369, 369, 369, 3341, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 4557, 207, 207, 2914, 2914, 2121, 290, 421, 1686, 1686, 743, 4952, 1842, 3136, 3136, 295, 1461, 1123, 2298, 1185, 1185, 1185, 4819, 1440, 1440, 1440, 2158, 53, 3574, 4616, 4616, 4616, 1437, 1437, 317, 1197, 4954, 4954, 4954, 1848, 3843, 3843, 311, 2689, 884, 1248, 2377, 2427, 2358, 610, 627, 627, 92, 1351, 1081, 1081, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 408, 408, 408, 2250, 248, 2414, 2414, 3215, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 633, 4859, 633, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.6006944444444444, 0.7408564814814815, 1.621875, 2.422800925925926, 3.1636574074074075, 3.4439814814814818, 4.124768518518518, 4.465162037037038, 5.045833333333334, 5.286111111111111, 6.147106481481481, 6.267245370370371, 6.347337962962963, 6.767824074074074, 7.208333333333334, 7.949189814814814, 8.489814814814816, 9.070486111111112, 9.31076388888889, 9.651157407407407, 9.991550925925926, 10.932638888888889, 11.653472222222222, 12.073958333333334, 12.194097222222222, 12.434375, 12.594560185185186, 12.75474537037037, 13.215277777777777, 13.635763888888889, 14.036226851851852, 14.27650462962963, 15.117476851851853, 15.858333333333334, 16.078587962962963 ]
[ 0.6006944444444444, 0.7408564814814815, 1.621875, 2.422800925925926, 3.1636574074074075, 3.4439814814814818, 4.124768518518518, 4.465162037037038, 5.045833333333334, 5.286111111111111, 6.147106481481481, 6.267245370370371, 6.347337962962963, 6.767824074074074, 7.208333333333334, 7.949189814814814, 8.489814814814816, 9.070486111111112, 9.31076388888889, 9.651157407407407, 9.991550925925926, 10.932638888888889, 11.653472222222222, 12.073958333333334, 12.194097222222222, 12.434375, 12.594560185185186, 12.75474537037037, 13.215277777777777, 13.635763888888889, 14.036226851851852, 14.27650462962963, 15.117476851851853, 15.858333333333334, 16.078587962962963, 17.279976851851853 ]
and could think hard of only one thing you you you alone could hold my fancy ever and with you memories come sharp pain and dole
[ "and", "could", "think", "hard", "of", "only", "one", "thing", "you", "you", "you", "alone", "could", "hold", "my", "fancy", "ever", "and", "with", "you", "memories", "come", "sharp", "pain", "and", "dole" ]
[ "and", "could", "think", "hard", "of", "only", "one", "thing", "you", "you", "you", "alone", "could", "hold", "my", "fancy", "ever", "and", "with", "you", "memories", "come", "sharp", "pain", "and", "dole" ]
[ "a n d", "c o u l d", "t h i n k", "h a r d", "o f", "o n l y", "o n e", "t h i n g", "y o u", "y o u", "y o u", "a l o n e", "c o u l d", "h o l d", "m y", "f a n c y", "e v e r", "a n d", "w i t h", "y o u", "m e m o r i e s", "c o m e", "s h a r p", "p a i n", "a n d", "d o l e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 28, 3958, 193, 1910, 14, 2754, 4112, 4112, 4105, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 4117, 2659, 4485, 894, 560, 2080, 4868, 4868, 4868, 4951, 4934, 2951, 2321, 2774, 2774, 2774, 2574, 4466, 2619, 971, 971, 971, 4579, 3756, 4886, 1733, 1616, 1149, 1149, 3072, 3072, 369, 369, 3341, 3341, 4829, 4829, 4829, 4829, 4829, 207, 207, 207, 207, 2914, 4387, 4387, 4387, 869, 1296, 883, 2723, 1493, 1493, 2997, 701, 161, 822, 822, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 3100, 4541, 2628, 2628, 4324, 2478, 3649, 1346, 1345, 130, 3583, 3583, 3583, 1600, 33, 4768, 3918, 830, 50, 50, 2463, 2774, 2574, 2574, 2619, 964, 749, 749, 749, 749, 3931, 3931, 3931, 4848, 4848, 598, 3660, 1638, 1638, 1638, 1638, 3159, 1482, 1482, 1482, 2459, 4790, 4790, 4790, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 2760, 4710, 2760, 4222, 2135, 2135, 2135, 4940, 4940, 1922, 1922, 4002, 2982, 4002, 2982, 2982, 372, 372, 2234, 4122, 4122, 4122, 4122, 4423, 4423, 4423, 4423, 512, 988, 988, 988, 988, 988, 988, 4669, 2536, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 391, 391, 1482, 1482, 1482, 2459, 2012, 272, 272, 2962, 588, 588, 3808, 92, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 3305, 72, 3305, 453, 453, 453, 453, 453, 23, 2154, 322, 2725, 1910, 520, 4122, 2234, 2234, 4122, 4423, 4423, 4423, 4423, 4423, 4423, 512, 988, 988, 988, 988, 988, 988, 2536, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 401, 401, 3485, 4216, 4423, 992, 992, 512, 4312, 988, 988, 3161, 2801, 1628, 1628, 3607, 3566, 1324, 1324, 1607, 4588, 227, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 1503, 605, 3755, 3755, 3755, 3764, 2659, 2099, 104, 560, 2080, 2080, 4868, 4868, 4951, 2676, 1149, 1347, 1347, 2893, 811, 811, 811, 811, 674, 674, 1636, 1636, 4771, 3883, 2612, 1014, 148, 3069, 737, 737, 737, 429, 429, 2301, 4246, 3293, 1815, 623, 3524, 3524, 43, 671, 4953, 11, 200, 200, 200, 913, 1585, 1164, 3249, 4351, 3989, 4077, 121, 4372, 2503, 2503, 1745, 4601, 4601, 4850, 1323, 4197, 3600, 4854, 4854, 1823, 351, 3094, 484, 1403, 1403, 1782, 1782, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 930, 2897, 2897, 2358, 610, 627, 588, 288, 288, 2760, 2760, 1039, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3587, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3, 3, 453, 453, 23, 23, 23, 852, 852, 852, 2154, 527, 527, 3958, 4420, 981, 14, 2754, 4112, 4105, 4105, 4105, 1226, 1226, 1226, 4694, 3980, 1634, 4192, 2800, 3355, 551, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 3249, 2035, 2867, 2867, 3591, 3591, 2191, 2191, 988, 988, 988, 4669, 2801, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1551, 1551, 1551, 3485, 3485, 2612, 3807, 2767, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1130, 202, 308, 939, 615, 615, 615, 615, 2057, 1947, 2104, 2439, 1466, 1466, 1466, 1466, 3884, 3884, 27, 500, 500, 500, 3797, 3797, 4499, 1764, 4969, 4433, 2019, 213, 1829, 3766, 3718, 2497, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 304, 304, 2876, 893, 893, 893, 893, 893, 893, 893, 2139, 2139, 2139, 2039, 819, 819, 819, 819, 3388, 4420, 3075, 3075, 3382, 3382, 3382, 2404, 2404, 2404, 1564, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 4783, 897, 897, 4640, 4640, 4640, 4640, 4640, 2914, 2914, 4267, 1761, 1761, 3737, 2559, 1721, 2436, 798, 798, 798, 2852, 1435, 193, 3170, 2973, 1644, 1644, 1730, 1119, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 4271, 2706, 2706, 2706, 529, 262, 262, 262, 1882, 1882, 269, 2160, 3159, 4612, 4612, 1482, 1482, 3422, 3422, 3382, 4153, 4153, 4153, 1510, 4112, 4112, 4105, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 1226, 1226, 4694, 4694, 3034, 3980, 3980, 3980, 5, 2781, 2205, 4612, 455, 455, 1203, 1203, 1472, 388, 388, 3382, 3382, 4703, 2670, 2670, 628, 433, 2231, 1283, 902, 3354, 3354, 3354, 3763, 3763, 3763, 3763, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 3477, 3477, 3477, 195, 195, 391, 1482, 4702, 2897, 2358, 272, 588, 193, 3808, 1081, 1081, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5804315476190476, 0.800595238095238, 1.1208333333333333, 1.5411458333333332, 1.68125, 2.0014880952380953, 2.2616815476190477, 3.102306547619048, 4.263169642857143, 5.06376488095238, 5.323958333333333, 5.764285714285714, 5.944419642857143, 6.204613095238096, 6.424776785714285, 6.945163690476191, 7.665699404761905, 8.306175595238095, 8.546354166666665, 8.886607142857143, 9.627157738095239, 10.347693452380952, 11.14828869047619, 11.868824404761904, 12.449255952380952 ]
[ 0.5804315476190476, 0.800595238095238, 1.1208333333333333, 1.5411458333333332, 1.68125, 2.0014880952380953, 2.2616815476190477, 3.102306547619048, 4.263169642857143, 5.06376488095238, 5.323958333333333, 5.764285714285714, 5.944419642857143, 6.204613095238096, 6.424776785714285, 6.945163690476191, 7.665699404761905, 8.306175595238095, 8.546354166666665, 8.886607142857143, 9.627157738095239, 10.347693452380952, 11.14828869047619, 11.868824404761904, 12.449255952380952, 13.429985119047618 ]
i would behold thee then with all mine eyes george turberville master george his sonnet of the pains of love
[ "i", "would", "behold", "thee", "then", "with", "all", "mine", "eyes", "george", "turberville", "master", "george", "his", "sonnet", "of", "the", "pains", "of", "love" ]
[ "i", "would", "behold", "thee", "then", "with", "all", "mine", "eyes", "george", "turberville", "master", "george", "his", "sonnet", "of", "the", "pains", "of", "love" ]
[ "i", "w o u l d", "b e h o l d", "t h e e", "t h e n", "w i t h", "a l l", "m i n e", "e y e s", "g e o r g e", "t u r b e r v i l l e", "m a s t e r", "g e o r g e", "h i s", "s o n n e t", "o f", "t h e", "p a i n s", "o f", "l o v e" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 3154, 4720, 4720, 1620, 1620, 1620, 4491, 3861, 4491, 75, 75, 1886, 4420, 3199, 1249, 794, 109, 4193, 4193, 2719, 579, 179, 179, 1952, 3381, 3381, 1972, 843, 2970, 1897, 894, 2741, 3060, 4486, 4486, 4486, 4911, 4911, 13, 3072, 3072, 3072, 369, 2893, 2893, 811, 811, 811, 811, 811, 674, 674, 1636, 1636, 1636, 4771, 12, 12, 3470, 3470, 2268, 165, 165, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4176, 438, 2924, 1414, 4377, 4377, 165, 1655, 2483, 4742, 4742, 4742, 989, 989, 989, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 269, 2911, 4681, 3159, 3422, 1472, 2697, 2697, 2697, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 540, 540, 2035, 4355, 2330, 2875, 2972, 2972, 2933, 1, 4918, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 4481, 3456, 3456, 3456, 4905, 1125, 1125, 1593, 3948, 202, 995, 3069, 737, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 366, 834, 3284, 4355, 2330, 2875, 1045, 561, 3724, 3724, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 1473, 3979, 3979, 608, 608, 608, 608, 536, 2091, 4077, 1011, 302, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 362, 962, 962, 962, 4, 4008, 4, 4008, 4, 4, 637, 254, 637, 254, 1239, 1239, 1239, 1239, 2578, 1239, 1239, 1239, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 3215, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4420, 2490, 4987, 4987, 4987, 2490, 4987, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 4570, 3416, 4570, 4570, 4570, 4570, 4570, 88, 88, 774, 774, 2085, 2085, 4063, 2234, 4924, 2767, 2767, 2158, 308, 2993, 4912, 4912, 4912, 4912, 4912, 1303, 2881, 4708, 4440, 4077, 2187, 242, 4995, 2683, 653, 3175, 1288, 4018, 1617, 1967, 3138, 286, 2097, 2097, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 2635, 908, 2310, 4387, 4387, 1810, 2432, 2432, 1152, 104, 3235, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 4398, 61, 61, 1668, 362, 403, 403, 403, 599, 599, 4420, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 562, 562, 562, 2071, 2071, 2982, 2085, 2085, 4063, 3117, 4319, 4319, 415, 812, 812, 2265, 2265, 206, 1807, 1807, 1807, 4037, 3702, 1069, 1069, 3505, 552, 1608, 2403, 2403, 4496, 4496, 4862, 2273, 839, 839, 431, 3379, 215, 215, 215, 3817, 421, 3492, 3492, 3190, 1203, 1203, 4756, 4756, 220, 220, 220, 2933, 64, 1776, 1776, 3869, 2997, 3315, 199, 199, 721, 4141, 10, 4730, 2261, 1210, 2559, 2973, 1644, 1730, 1119, 1181, 1181, 1181, 4271, 4271, 529, 529, 3171, 2168, 809, 809, 4655, 4655, 2292, 296, 4260, 606, 2446, 4526, 384, 965, 3652, 4567, 4913, 4913, 1430, 2336, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3654, 3654, 718, 718, 718, 2500, 2500, 73, 73, 2250, 962, 962, 4, 4420, 4008, 4008, 4, 637, 637, 2414, 254, 2414, 1239, 2414, 2414, 2414, 48, 48, 4782, 48, 4782, 4782, 4782, 940, 4859, 946, 946, 946, 4366, 4366, 99, 99, 1867 ]
[ 0, 0.4408576998050682, 0.6212085769980508, 1.2223781676413255, 1.4428070175438596, 1.8435867446393763, 2.2042884990253415, 2.564990253411306, 3.045925925925926, 3.627056530214425, 5.911500974658869, 6.15196881091618, 6.332319688109163, 7.093801169590644, 7.574736842105263, 8.135828460038987, 8.35625730994152, 8.49653021442495, 8.937387914230019, 9.077660818713452 ]
[ 0.4408576998050682, 0.6212085769980508, 1.2223781676413255, 1.4428070175438596, 1.8435867446393763, 2.2042884990253415, 2.564990253411306, 3.045925925925926, 3.6070175438596492, 5.891461988304094, 6.131929824561404, 6.332319688109163, 7.093801169590644, 7.574736842105263, 8.135828460038987, 8.35625730994152, 8.49653021442495, 8.937387914230019, 9.077660818713452, 10.259961013645224 ]
two lines shall tell the grief that i by love sustain i burn i flame i faint i freeze of hell i feel the pain
[ "two", "lines", "shall", "tell", "the", "grief", "that", "i", "by", "love", "sustain", "i", "burn", "i", "flame", "i", "faint", "i", "freeze", "of", "hell", "i", "feel", "the", "pain" ]
[ "two", "lines", "shall", "tell", "the", "grief", "that", "i", "by", "love", "sustain", "i", "burn", "i", "flame", "i", "faint", "i", "freeze", "of", "hell", "i", "feel", "the", "pain" ]
[ "t w o", "l i n e s", "s h a l l", "t e l l", "t h e", "g r i e f", "t h a t", "i", "b y", "l o v e", "s u s t a i n", "i", "b u r n", "i", "f l a m e", "i", "f a i n t", "i", "f r e e z e", "o f", "h e l l", "i", "f e e l", "t h e", "p a i n" ]
[ 38, 4598, 715, 715, 3057, 3057, 3057, 792, 792, 792, 792, 792, 792, 1240, 1240, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 1161, 4491, 4491, 774, 774, 774, 774, 75, 2085, 2670, 2933, 1784, 1781, 3076, 4375, 985, 985, 873, 873, 873, 2801, 132, 1170, 1170, 4588, 1430, 2336, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 4065, 1341, 1538, 1538, 2168, 809, 4655, 2292, 2292, 3411, 4077, 3553, 1212, 1212, 4507, 3586, 1376, 3617, 3617, 3617, 3299, 3758, 1623, 270, 1781, 136, 541, 541, 2374, 326, 326, 326, 326, 2216, 3092, 3456, 2477, 1414, 1414, 424, 3102, 177, 124, 1710, 3899, 777, 41, 126, 4622, 4622, 1801, 1801, 4201, 2941, 2941, 2941, 2941, 1013, 4269, 4269, 3680, 3680, 3680, 1271, 1271, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1147, 1581, 1581, 1581, 881, 61, 288, 288, 599, 2250, 599, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 3811, 3811, 408, 408, 408, 408, 562, 562, 562, 3740, 88, 4420, 2925, 2982, 2085, 2085, 3227, 331, 1504, 949, 612, 3544, 1165, 1529, 4073, 3246, 2137, 2137, 2376, 1065, 857, 1847, 2301, 49, 182, 1591, 3327, 2741, 1373, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 1736, 1170, 1607, 1607, 3969, 3969, 1430, 2336, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3466, 3466, 316, 316, 4077, 1010, 3505, 4721, 4721, 947, 1746, 3210, 82, 1544, 1544, 3702, 9, 9, 1084, 3194, 3194, 47, 1643, 1555, 2716, 2716, 2716, 4271, 4271, 4271, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 262, 262, 262, 1882, 1882, 2911, 2911, 443, 443, 2039, 1393, 128, 931, 555, 555, 1375, 1375, 599, 4420, 599, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 4621, 4621, 408, 408, 562, 1981, 1981, 562, 562, 88, 88, 88, 2925, 2925, 2925, 2085, 1886, 4321, 2788, 1249, 794, 4193, 4193, 2719, 49, 182, 1591, 2164, 1440, 1440, 3133, 894, 739, 4427, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 2237, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3764, 269, 269, 4681, 4681, 3159, 3422, 3422, 4153, 4756, 220, 220, 2933, 2788, 2789, 794, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 4246, 563, 1815, 623, 3524, 3524, 3524, 3524, 5, 1394, 1394, 2980, 2980, 3670, 3670, 3802, 3802, 3802, 3802, 4271, 4271, 529, 529, 262, 3999, 1030, 3634, 3905, 3216, 3159, 3284, 758, 80, 983, 2559, 2789, 794, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 4246, 3293, 563, 623, 623, 146, 146, 146, 3524, 2400, 43, 671, 4953, 4896, 4896, 4896, 4896, 4271, 3214, 3089, 518, 2489, 2215, 498, 1709, 1725, 377, 3472, 3190, 1340, 1365, 245, 4756, 4756, 220, 1, 1904, 794, 109, 4193, 4193, 1847, 49, 3293, 563, 623, 623, 3524, 3524, 2400, 1615, 3953, 3953, 3785, 3785, 3785, 2591, 2155, 2155, 2155, 584, 2416, 2416, 2416, 3322, 3322, 3979, 3979, 3979, 608, 608, 536, 2091, 4433, 302, 302, 145, 145, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 362, 362, 288, 599, 599, 2250, 599, 2691, 2691, 2691, 3811, 3811, 408, 408, 408, 408, 562, 214, 214, 2982, 2925, 2085, 1886, 2933, 3199, 2789, 64, 1776, 1776, 169, 2997, 1601, 2184, 3713, 1149, 3072, 3072, 3072, 1007, 1007, 1007, 1415, 1415, 4504, 4504, 4504, 2825, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 4808, 2851, 2851, 471, 471, 758, 381, 2939, 794, 109, 1065, 4193, 1847, 49, 3293, 563, 623, 3524, 3524, 3524, 3524, 3524, 43, 2923, 4889, 4889, 4889, 4889, 508, 508, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2901, 3456, 4905, 2477, 1414, 1414, 424, 4141, 3513, 177, 2261, 1210, 894, 2973, 1644, 1119, 1119, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 4271, 4271, 529, 262, 262, 262, 262, 1882, 1882, 2764, 443, 443, 443, 1393, 1393, 1393, 555, 555, 555, 1375, 962, 4, 4, 4, 4008, 4, 4, 4, 637, 254, 637, 254, 2756, 254, 1239, 1239, 1239, 1239, 1239, 1239, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 3792, 2516, 3792, 2516, 3792, 2516, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 2654, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3215, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 747, 3792, 3792, 747, 3792, 3792, 747, 747, 940, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 940, 946, 946, 4366, 4366, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.9213649851632048, 1.3419881305637982, 1.5823442136498516, 1.862759643916914, 2.0029673590504453, 2.7841246290801185, 3.364985163204748, 3.4851632047477747, 3.7455489614243325, 4.086053412462908, 5.227744807121662, 5.748516320474778, 6.3494065281899115, 6.60979228486647, 7.230712166172107, 7.431008902077151, 8.031899109792285, 8.252225519287835, 9.213649851632049, 9.694362017804155, 10.155044510385757, 10.355341246290802, 10.75593471810089, 10.916172106824927 ]
[ 0.9213649851632048, 1.3419881305637982, 1.5823442136498516, 1.862759643916914, 2.0029673590504453, 2.7841246290801185, 3.364985163204748, 3.4851632047477747, 3.7455489614243325, 4.086053412462908, 5.227744807121662, 5.748516320474778, 6.3494065281899115, 6.60979228486647, 7.230712166172107, 7.431008902077151, 8.031899109792285, 8.252225519287835, 9.213649851632049, 9.694362017804155, 10.155044510385757, 10.355341246290802, 10.75593471810089, 10.916172106824927, 13.479970326409495 ]
turberville's answer and distich to the same two lines shall teach you how to purchase love anew let reason rule where love did reign and idle thoughts
[ "turberville's", "answer", "and", "distich", "to", "the", "same", "two", "lines", "shall", "teach", "you", "how", "to", "purchase", "love", "anew", "let", "reason", "rule", "where", "love", "did", "reign", "and", "idle", "thoughts" ]
[ "turberville's", "answer", "and", "distich", "to", "the", "same", "two", "lines", "shall", "teach", "you", "how", "to", "purchase", "love", "anew", "let", "reason", "rule", "where", "love", "did", "reign", "and", "idle", "thoughts" ]
[ "t u r b e r v i l l e ' s", "a n s w e r", "a n d", "d i s t i c h", "t o", "t h e", "s a m e", "t w o", "l i n e s", "s h a l l", "t e a c h", "y o u", "h o w", "t o", "p u r c h a s e", "l o v e", "a n e w", "l e t", "r e a s o n", "r u l e", "w h e r e", "l o v e", "d i d", "r e i g n", "a n d", "i d l e", "t h o u g h t s" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 2250, 3339, 3057, 3363, 3363, 3363, 3363, 3363, 3363, 1944, 3363, 1944, 3363, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 1944, 2516, 1944, 2516, 4420, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 3416, 2516, 2158, 3993, 3993, 3993, 622, 622, 622, 622, 973, 2516, 973, 2516, 2516, 2516, 4987, 622, 622, 622, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 1133, 2885, 1133, 1133, 1133, 1133, 2490, 2490, 2885, 2885, 2885, 2885, 1133, 4570, 4570, 4002, 4002, 4570, 1864, 4570, 4570, 774, 774, 774, 774, 4420, 2085, 2670, 1784, 1784, 114, 136, 541, 541, 2287, 2157, 2157, 2157, 425, 4267, 2759, 2759, 1632, 2782, 4769, 3941, 1288, 2009, 952, 479, 479, 3609, 420, 420, 2825, 2216, 2901, 3142, 2267, 2267, 1899, 706, 706, 65, 3404, 3404, 1889, 1630, 187, 3907, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 1585, 277, 3149, 4351, 4351, 4433, 2905, 4372, 4767, 3184, 3184, 1782, 1782, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 1484, 2358, 610, 610, 610, 403, 1351, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 4420, 4618, 2827, 2071, 1151, 1416, 4420, 2933, 4641, 1510, 1406, 4381, 1461, 2838, 4117, 1185, 2410, 2410, 2089, 1568, 628, 2212, 2389, 2992, 2992, 2992, 4435, 3016, 3626, 4433, 3503, 2119, 462, 2187, 2187, 242, 4092, 4092, 1643, 3450, 3450, 1391, 1391, 1391, 815, 815, 2933, 935, 935, 798, 2508, 2852, 974, 114, 3076, 63, 665, 698, 698, 2655, 437, 3350, 4035, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 158, 1544, 4367, 1892, 1892, 190, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 4271, 4271, 529, 529, 529, 3999, 3999, 3634, 3634, 1225, 1225, 2039, 1393, 1393, 730, 730, 555, 1704, 962, 962, 962, 4, 4420, 4, 4, 4, 4, 637, 637, 254, 637, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 3754, 2654, 2135, 2135, 3993, 3993, 3993, 107, 1578, 1578, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 570, 570, 214, 3215, 1864, 88, 88, 88, 2925, 2925, 2982, 2085, 2925, 2670, 1784, 1206, 3076, 4375, 4375, 985, 873, 873, 873, 2801, 1170, 1170, 4588, 275, 275, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 232, 4065, 1341, 1538, 1538, 2168, 809, 4655, 4655, 2292, 3411, 3411, 3553, 3553, 1212, 4507, 3586, 1376, 1376, 3617, 3617, 3299, 4905, 2183, 1623, 114, 136, 136, 541, 2260, 2465, 2465, 2465, 2465, 1350, 1657, 1657, 1206, 3646, 614, 2103, 2858, 2858, 3591, 2191, 4645, 4645, 3161, 401, 3261, 13, 1149, 1007, 1007, 395, 1348, 1348, 1348, 4020, 1348, 4020, 4020, 2423, 2423, 2423, 57, 57, 57, 391, 391, 391, 4450, 4620, 4620, 931, 403, 403, 403, 1706, 3388, 1706, 1706, 2250, 2071, 1151, 1416, 2670, 2670, 1784, 114, 3076, 1401, 219, 3490, 630, 2261, 2096, 2607, 3326, 102, 1663, 3352, 3352, 3352, 425, 2121, 1657, 1657, 3646, 614, 3311, 2528, 2528, 2528, 4209, 159, 3626, 4077, 3863, 3863, 1836, 1836, 426, 275, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3266, 3266, 1567, 1008, 4217, 4959, 2146, 152, 1471, 1471, 2362, 1046, 1046, 1046, 1046, 2538, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 391, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 4620, 931, 555, 555, 2250, 1375, 1375, 599, 2250, 599, 3525, 3525, 322, 2691, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1254, 408, 408, 408, 408, 214, 214, 214, 214, 4310, 2925, 2982, 2925, 2085, 4063, 1162, 520, 2001, 229, 29, 275, 486, 2971, 2971, 2971, 2971, 2969, 4300, 4300, 1752, 1752, 1626, 1132, 1132, 3476, 1988, 3548, 3548, 1517, 1517, 1517, 1350, 1350, 4922, 4032, 3886, 3886, 1272, 1272, 1521, 4741, 54, 2298, 2298, 3123, 3031, 3031, 1132, 135, 3476, 3476, 52, 52, 3118, 3118, 3118, 3118, 3118, 3118, 717, 717, 717, 4170, 4170, 4808, 4808, 2851, 22, 3485, 2697, 2697, 3204, 29, 4477, 3331, 3331, 2596, 2596, 423, 8, 2956, 1170, 1170, 1607, 3969, 3969, 275, 275, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3466, 3466, 2184, 1300, 2277, 84, 1206, 2212, 2389, 3029, 3029, 3029, 4951, 2014, 3883, 3355, 1626, 1626, 3476, 3476, 1988, 1549, 1549, 2936, 2936, 2936, 2936, 4271, 2706, 529, 262, 262, 262, 262, 1882, 269, 269, 2911, 4681, 3159, 3159, 1482, 3422, 2962, 403, 388, 3388, 1151, 1151, 4420, 2933, 4641, 1510, 1097, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 604, 604, 2781, 4571, 4355, 2330, 2875, 2972, 2972, 1206, 561, 2557, 4878, 4878, 4878, 4878, 4417, 1912, 4736, 216, 1068, 3447, 3447, 36, 36, 1187, 380, 2463, 2774, 2774, 3326, 4466, 2619, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2913, 2913, 59, 59, 290, 445, 445, 628, 4505, 4505, 3773, 4077, 302, 2214, 162, 2324, 1365, 4756, 4756, 1262, 220, 4641, 2746, 4614, 829, 829, 1001, 2878, 18, 171, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 4783, 3035, 1905, 1905, 1905, 2536, 2536, 2536, 1846, 1846, 1846, 266, 283, 3938, 3042, 4980, 4917, 730, 555, 555, 555, 1375, 962, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 1239, 254, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 107, 107, 107, 2654, 2654, 107, 107, 107, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1280, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 4772 ]
[ 0, 2.783321385902031, 3.48415770609319, 3.8846356033452807, 4.54542413381123, 4.7256391875746715, 4.885830346475507, 5.887025089605734, 6.74805256869773, 7.148530465949821, 7.388817204301074, 7.749247311827957, 7.909438470728793, 8.450083632019115, 8.810513739545996, 9.331135005973715, 9.551397849462365, 10.332329749103943, 11.013142174432495, 11.55378733572282, 11.974289127837514, 12.294671445639187, 12.65510155316607, 12.895388291517323, 13.436033452807646, 13.89658303464755, 14.277037037037037 ]
[ 2.783321385902031, 3.48415770609319, 3.8846356033452807, 4.54542413381123, 4.7256391875746715, 4.885830346475507, 5.887025089605734, 6.74805256869773, 7.148530465949821, 7.388817204301074, 7.749247311827957, 7.909438470728793, 8.450083632019115, 8.810513739545996, 9.331135005973715, 9.551397849462365, 10.332329749103943, 11.013142174432495, 11.55378733572282, 11.974289127837514, 12.294671445639187, 12.65510155316607, 12.895388291517323, 13.436033452807646, 13.89658303464755, 14.277037037037037, 16.739976105137394 ]
it made the people pause in a crowd and lay odds as to which would beat the street cad scoffed as he hunted the hat the errand-boy shouted hooray
[ "it", "made", "the", "people", "pause", "in", "a", "crowd", "and", "lay", "odds", "as", "to", "which", "would", "beat", "the", "street", "cad", "scoffed", "as", "he", "hunted", "the", "hat", "the", "errand-boy", "shouted", "hooray" ]
[ "it", "made", "the", "people", "pause", "in", "a", "crowd", "and", "lay", "odds", "as", "to", "which", "would", "beat", "the", "street", "cad", "scoffed", "as", "he", "hunted", "the", "hat", "the", "errand-boy", "shouted", "hooray" ]
[ "i t", "m a d e", "t h e", "p e o p l e", "p a u s e", "i n", "a", "c r o w d", "a n d", "l a y", "o d d s", "a s", "t o", "w h i c h", "w o u l d", "b e a t", "t h e", "s t r e e t", "c a d", "s c o f f e d", "a s", "h e", "h u n t e d", "t h e", "h a t", "t h e", "e r r a n d b o y", "s h o u t e d", "h o o r a y" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 715, 3057, 3057, 3215, 792, 792, 792, 792, 792, 792, 792, 17, 17, 17, 1913, 1913, 4491, 1922, 1436, 1066, 4321, 2281, 1249, 1297, 3357, 679, 679, 2307, 3054, 3054, 1895, 46, 46, 202, 308, 4349, 4349, 672, 672, 672, 565, 3058, 12, 12, 104, 2566, 4141, 10, 4730, 2261, 1210, 2812, 2812, 2607, 452, 1154, 211, 211, 1532, 1532, 4093, 251, 595, 2559, 1059, 1916, 371, 371, 2041, 768, 768, 768, 670, 3485, 1478, 62, 62, 62, 62, 62, 2607, 452, 452, 1603, 1603, 1603, 1603, 1603, 1603, 719, 719, 616, 4922, 4032, 296, 2906, 3376, 1270, 1270, 712, 3398, 2660, 546, 432, 2, 581, 310, 2000, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1122, 3124, 3124, 3124, 3124, 3124, 3124, 2709, 2709, 771, 771, 869, 1296, 1110, 1110, 4102, 154, 2459, 2459, 2897, 272, 272, 73, 73, 1375, 1375, 4420, 2699, 2699, 2699, 1016, 1016, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 1280, 1280, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1864, 88, 88, 2982, 2925, 1886, 1886, 2281, 193, 1510, 4112, 108, 108, 3610, 2838, 4117, 4117, 85, 2251, 669, 1186, 1688, 2105, 2105, 2105, 2807, 2807, 83, 587, 3050, 2165, 2330, 2875, 1, 534, 534, 4918, 2557, 3182, 3182, 3182, 3182, 1879, 616, 2488, 2488, 1737, 3711, 4505, 3773, 1275, 3294, 3294, 2324, 4398, 4398, 634, 2967, 4276, 3808, 1351, 1351, 2250, 1706, 4618, 1706, 1706, 4618, 4420, 562, 562, 562, 562, 562, 2071, 2071, 2925, 1416, 1886, 4420, 981, 1510, 4950, 2482, 261, 659, 176, 298, 2535, 1139, 4229, 1954, 665, 3419, 1395, 2006, 2006, 4714, 3204, 4973, 4973, 56, 3906, 3906, 3906, 3009, 1974, 4797, 358, 1217, 3629, 551, 551, 1952, 845, 845, 3381, 482, 1972, 843, 2970, 2970, 1440, 276, 739, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 1575, 4415, 4415, 4415, 569, 266, 266, 4336, 4336, 4114, 1635, 555, 1704, 1704, 1704, 1704, 4974, 4974, 4222, 4222, 4, 4222, 4222, 2250, 637, 254, 254, 254, 2756, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 334, 334, 3306, 863, 2516, 863, 863, 622, 2413, 622, 4059, 622, 622, 2413, 4059, 4059, 4059, 4059, 4059, 4059, 1619, 4059, 4059, 4059, 4059, 4059, 4059, 4059, 4059, 4059, 4059, 2885, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 4002, 4002, 4002, 4002, 4002, 4002, 1692, 1692, 955, 2001, 2001, 4182, 3163, 489, 492, 3368, 1109, 9, 3065, 2314, 2314, 347, 4512, 2100, 2100, 2100, 1350, 1350, 3373, 1100, 2959, 4485, 687, 628, 4633, 1057, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 3581, 2029, 2951, 4523, 2535, 9, 382, 521, 205, 205, 2809, 2809, 3070, 3873, 3428, 3428, 3428, 1879, 451, 451, 1271, 2405, 4339, 1534, 4454, 4454, 346, 154, 2459, 1481, 2447, 15, 15, 399, 1351, 3796, 3796, 3796, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 1254, 1254, 408, 408, 408, 570, 570, 570, 214, 214, 852, 3268, 1066, 1886, 1886, 193, 1249, 1510, 4950, 2482, 2482, 2482, 659, 176, 1705, 1705, 472, 3519, 3519, 3519, 1166, 4911, 13, 3072, 369, 4307, 3577, 3577, 3577, 496, 4116, 1447, 1447, 894, 341, 810, 4434, 921, 2014, 12, 2849, 2268, 3347, 1064, 1209, 1209, 1209, 4911, 4911, 13, 1007, 3934, 3934, 119, 119, 119, 119, 1930, 1930, 290, 421, 131, 2559, 1725, 377, 4891, 97, 97, 2962, 2967, 288, 3808, 92, 1351, 3796, 1016, 1016, 1016, 2691, 2691, 2691, 374, 4621, 4621, 4621, 1167, 4621, 4621, 4621, 228, 4621, 4621, 228, 228, 107, 1981, 228, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1981, 1981, 570, 214, 214, 955, 2982, 955, 955, 2234, 4182, 4182, 3163, 489, 1064, 100, 4885, 4885, 1687, 1889, 2972, 1045, 187, 187, 3113, 3113, 3113, 1857, 1153, 4902, 4286, 4741, 54, 3687, 522, 4190, 830, 4819, 3925, 1373, 4427, 355, 355, 355, 4875, 4875, 4992, 4992, 2301, 4246, 2542, 2878, 2878, 18, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 642, 3714, 3714, 3714, 3714, 2075, 2075, 1442, 1442, 860, 192, 2415, 341, 2381, 4434, 1558, 3198, 1110, 894, 2205, 154, 2459, 2459, 2500, 2962, 403, 403, 403, 1033, 1716, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 1716, 4618, 955, 955, 2071, 2071, 955, 955, 955, 1151, 955, 1416, 3744, 3117, 3692, 3692, 392, 1656, 1656, 1656, 3561, 3836, 593, 593, 593, 1988, 3828, 3828, 3598, 550, 550, 2807, 550, 83, 83, 1906, 2689, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2897, 272, 272, 272, 555, 3098, 3098, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4006, 4006, 4006, 3103, 255, 1167, 3103, 3103, 3103, 1387, 1033, 1387, 1387, 99, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6608870967741935, 0.9612903225806452, 1.081451612903226, 1.5821236559139786, 1.9826612903225806, 2.0827956989247314, 2.162903225806452, 3.124193548387097, 3.8251344086021506, 4.105510752688172, 4.806451612903226, 5.247043010752688, 5.387231182795699, 5.687634408602151, 5.907930107526882, 7.049462365591398, 7.890591397849462, 8.231048387096775, 8.491397849462366, 9.33252688172043, 9.893279569892472, 10.013440860215054, 10.393951612903225, 10.534139784946237, 11.375268817204303, 12.056182795698925, 12.697043010752688, 13.518145161290322 ]
[ 0.6608870967741935, 0.9612903225806452, 1.081451612903226, 1.5821236559139786, 1.9826612903225806, 2.0827956989247314, 2.162903225806452, 3.124193548387097, 3.8251344086021506, 4.105510752688172, 4.806451612903226, 5.247043010752688, 5.387231182795699, 5.687634408602151, 5.907930107526882, 7.049462365591398, 7.890591397849462, 8.231048387096775, 8.491397849462366, 9.33252688172043, 9.893279569892472, 10.013440860215054, 10.393951612903225, 10.534139784946237, 11.375268817204303, 12.056182795698925, 12.697043010752688, 13.518145161290322, 14.879973118279569 ]
the scavenger stood with his broom in his hand and smiled in a very rude way and the clergyman thought i have heard many words but never until to-day did i hear any words that were quite so bad as i heard that young man say
[ "the", "scavenger", "stood", "with", "his", "broom", "in", "his", "hand", "and", "smiled", "in", "a", "very", "rude", "way", "and", "the", "clergyman", "thought", "i", "have", "heard", "many", "words", "but", "never", "until", "to-day", "did", "i", "hear", "any", "words", "that", "were", "quite", "so", "bad", "as", "i", "heard", "that", "young", "man", "say" ]
[ "the", "scavenger", "stood", "with", "his", "broom", "in", "his", "hand", "and", "smiled", "in", "a", "very", "rude", "way", "and", "the", "clergyman", "thought", "i", "have", "heard", "many", "words", "but", "never", "until", "to-day", "did", "i", "hear", "any", "words", "that", "were", "quite", "so", "bad", "as", "i", "heard", "that", "young", "man", "say" ]
[ "t h e", "s c a v e n g e r", "s t o o d", "w i t h", "h i s", "b r o o m", "i n", "h i s", "h a n d", "a n d", "s m i l e d", "i n", "a", "v e r y", "r u d e", "w a y", "a n d", "t h e", "c l e r g y m a n", "t h o u g h t", "i", "h a v e", "h e a r d", "m a n y", "w o r d s", "b u t", "n e v e r", "u n t i l", "t o d a y", "d i d", "i", "h e a r", "a n y", "w o r d s", "t h a t", "w e r e", "q u i t e", "s o", "b a d", "a s", "i", "h e a r d", "t h a t", "y o u n g", "m a n", "s a y" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 66, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 294, 294, 645, 2116, 4002, 1913, 570, 214, 955, 955, 1692, 1692, 3744, 1162, 2594, 1448, 492, 2131, 3368, 3374, 158, 4019, 521, 205, 2360, 1057, 4337, 4337, 3640, 3640, 509, 1274, 3266, 2873, 4488, 818, 818, 2854, 3454, 2166, 2166, 1722, 1775, 4239, 4239, 86, 86, 696, 4446, 2542, 3374, 1275, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 4049, 4049, 4092, 1643, 1731, 1731, 1731, 1731, 4951, 2014, 2199, 3883, 3355, 2833, 2833, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 3833, 2341, 2341, 2265, 4473, 4318, 706, 706, 3930, 4894, 4241, 3133, 628, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 4331, 1028, 2805, 2805, 2805, 4904, 4904, 697, 3905, 4134, 786, 422, 1270, 1270, 712, 293, 1790, 2341, 2341, 2341, 4473, 4473, 4318, 706, 1785, 1785, 3072, 1007, 3934, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 2451, 2451, 209, 209, 3034, 4210, 4394, 412, 2781, 154, 1481, 142, 2593, 2447, 1711, 1711, 1711, 4974, 4974, 4974, 4974, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 530, 1039, 530, 530, 530, 530, 1692, 1692, 1692, 1692, 1692, 1692, 4641, 4641, 1406, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 4834, 760, 3374, 4077, 3702, 382, 3708, 4382, 4382, 1429, 1429, 1456, 4338, 3848, 3848, 3848, 3848, 1896, 282, 2794, 2794, 4644, 2486, 851, 883, 422, 1270, 712, 366, 293, 2660, 546, 432, 432, 1677, 1928, 479, 479, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 519, 1857, 1153, 274, 1041, 1041, 4101, 2478, 448, 448, 448, 448, 448, 52, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1819, 1819, 1819, 1296, 1100, 42, 3883, 3355, 3355, 4973, 2833, 2668, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 83, 83, 153, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 931, 555, 555, 555, 2250, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 2250, 254, 254, 254, 2250, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 973, 973, 973, 973, 3416, 973, 973, 4420, 1280, 1280, 1849, 1849, 570, 570, 852, 852, 214, 214, 1066, 1886, 1886, 1886, 2281, 193, 4641, 1510, 108, 108, 108, 3610, 4249, 2316, 3799, 2047, 3347, 492, 729, 124, 2, 2096, 3326, 3317, 2445, 2445, 2445, 4341, 2010, 2010, 2010, 4081, 4652, 3638, 3638, 1722, 3536, 3536, 3043, 4054, 2944, 436, 1438, 1438, 1260, 1260, 4609, 3917, 3687, 522, 830, 1546, 2463, 2559, 4466, 4466, 1663, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2913, 2913, 59, 1923, 2029, 131, 131, 2007, 142, 2962, 610, 288, 1351, 1351, 1704, 599, 599, 2250, 599, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 3525, 3525, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 562, 1714, 4002, 1714, 1714, 4002, 4002, 1714, 2925, 2982, 2982, 1692, 4755, 4755, 4641, 4641, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 4911, 3805, 3805, 395, 889, 3939, 635, 635, 635, 4484, 2573, 3466, 3466, 4567, 3713, 3072, 3072, 1347, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 1977, 1863, 2014, 2199, 843, 1895, 46, 3807, 1134, 308, 1043, 3157, 3157, 3157, 2501, 2501, 506, 3722, 3722, 4101, 2478, 3649, 3649, 2833, 4477, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 441, 1580, 2118, 2488, 2488, 1737, 1737, 538, 4505, 2091, 4077, 3294, 3414, 1311, 634, 2967, 362, 4276, 1351, 1351, 2699, 1016, 1016, 2691, 1016, 1016, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1254, 570, 570, 570, 2822, 570, 570, 2154, 527, 527, 1910, 2001, 1787, 1787, 3537, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 577, 2307, 3054, 1895, 1315, 4480, 2158, 1471, 4543, 4543, 4543, 1505, 351, 3266, 3888, 3888, 4081, 1516, 4383, 2165, 1492, 332, 3017, 2978, 2978, 2978, 2023, 2298, 4108, 1447, 1447, 1206, 1824, 1372, 1372, 1874, 768, 3834, 2183, 55, 114, 4149, 4149, 4149, 324, 1617, 42, 3496, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 2807, 2807, 83, 153, 884, 2377, 2427, 2427, 931, 627, 403, 4420, 403, 403, 599, 599, 599, 4618, 599, 2250, 4618, 3525, 3525, 3525, 562, 562, 562, 562, 562, 562, 2071, 3740, 2925, 2982, 4321, 1416, 2001, 2001, 1787, 42, 2212, 2389, 1537, 1537, 3120, 1529, 4073, 3246, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 857, 1847, 4911, 2818, 3349, 3349, 1087, 1087, 386, 386, 386, 386, 696, 696, 696, 740, 3050, 3050, 80, 2875, 2972, 2972, 1045, 1045, 3406, 3406, 297, 297, 3426, 2501, 506, 506, 2537, 2537, 4101, 4101, 2478, 2478, 3649, 2833, 4477, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 441, 1580, 2488, 2488, 2488, 2985, 2985, 4247, 1477, 1477, 2047, 949, 612, 612, 2965, 1165, 2307, 1206, 2190, 4973, 4973, 3361, 3361, 3361, 3996, 1694, 581, 581, 62, 62, 193, 340, 340, 3696, 3696, 1649, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1236, 1173, 3373, 3054, 3326, 2951, 4523, 4523, 313, 313, 1892, 3001, 427, 427, 427, 427, 4563, 2768, 1591, 2164, 276, 53, 3574, 394, 4573, 4573, 4573, 4573, 4573, 4573, 1930, 3333, 1523, 1110, 1206, 4102, 154, 1481, 610, 610, 288, 288, 1351, 1351, 1351, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 3401, 3401, 3401, 574, 574, 574, 3305, 327, 3164, 1254, 1254, 1254, 570, 570, 570, 570, 852, 852, 852, 852, 28, 1066, 1886, 4420, 193, 4641, 2834, 4950, 1525, 1525, 659, 176, 3886, 2906, 3246, 1065, 1065, 1065, 4760, 1736, 13, 13, 3072, 369, 1347, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 1580, 616, 1296, 2014, 12, 2849, 1206, 3196, 2229, 320, 320, 804, 577, 2307, 1100, 2007, 338, 4423, 992, 992, 2025, 2025, 2388, 2388, 2388, 3682, 3682, 1490, 3771, 3771, 74, 1134, 1134, 235, 3955, 3955, 3955, 3448, 3448, 463, 2298, 1748, 2527, 4834, 4523, 4433, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 793, 793, 793, 793, 2807, 2807, 266, 2689, 2689, 2689, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 272, 73, 73, 962, 962, 2250, 962, 4, 4, 4222, 4787, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 3416, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 3215, 2516, 4987, 2516, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4859, 3416, 4859, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.6006211180124224, 1.2412836438923396, 1.601656314699793, 1.7818426501035196, 1.9420082815734991, 2.302380952380952, 2.422505175983437, 2.602691511387164, 3.3634782608695657, 3.8840165631469983, 4.3444927536231885, 4.444596273291926, 4.524679089026915, 4.845010351966874, 5.18536231884058, 5.946149068322981, 6.646873706004142, 6.766997929606625, 7.387639751552795, 8.188467908902693, 8.729026915113872, 9.009316770186334, 9.269585921325051, 9.58991718426501, 10.37072463768116, 10.951325051759836, 11.271656314699793, 11.632028985507246, 12.332753623188406, 12.893333333333334, 13.013457556935819, 13.333788819875778, 13.674140786749483, 14.054534161490684, 14.23472049689441, 14.434927536231884, 14.815320910973085, 15.01552795031056, 15.776314699792962, 16.356915113871636, 16.47703933747412, 16.757329192546585, 16.997577639751555, 17.27786749482402, 17.538136645962734 ]
[ 0.6006211180124224, 1.2412836438923396, 1.601656314699793, 1.7818426501035196, 1.9420082815734991, 2.302380952380952, 2.422505175983437, 2.602691511387164, 3.3634782608695657, 3.8840165631469983, 4.3444927536231885, 4.444596273291926, 4.524679089026915, 4.845010351966874, 5.18536231884058, 5.946149068322981, 6.646873706004142, 6.766997929606625, 7.387639751552795, 8.188467908902693, 8.729026915113872, 9.009316770186334, 9.269585921325051, 9.58991718426501, 10.37072463768116, 10.951325051759836, 11.271656314699793, 11.632028985507246, 12.332753623188406, 12.893333333333334, 13.013457556935819, 13.333788819875778, 13.674140786749483, 14.054534161490684, 14.23472049689441, 14.434927536231884, 14.815320910973085, 15.01552795031056, 15.776314699792962, 16.356915113871636, 16.47703933747412, 16.757329192546585, 16.997577639751555, 17.27786749482402, 17.538136645962734, 19.319979296066254 ]
a strong wind lifted his hat from his head and he uttered some words that were far from sweet and then he started to follow the chase and put on a spurt that was wild and fleet
[ "a", "strong", "wind", "lifted", "his", "hat", "from", "his", "head", "and", "he", "uttered", "some", "words", "that", "were", "far", "from", "sweet", "and", "then", "he", "started", "to", "follow", "the", "chase", "and", "put", "on", "a", "spurt", "that", "was", "wild", "and", "fleet" ]
[ "a", "strong", "wind", "lifted", "his", "hat", "from", "his", "head", "and", "he", "uttered", "some", "words", "that", "were", "far", "from", "sweet", "and", "then", "he", "started", "to", "follow", "the", "chase", "and", "put", "on", "a", "spurt", "that", "was", "wild", "and", "fleet" ]
[ "a", "s t r o n g", "w i n d", "l i f t e d", "h i s", "h a t", "f r o m", "h i s", "h e a d", "a n d", "h e", "u t t e r e d", "s o m e", "w o r d s", "t h a t", "w e r e", "f a r", "f r o m", "s w e e t", "a n d", "t h e n", "h e", "s t a r t e d", "t o", "f o l l o w", "t h e", "c h a s e", "a n d", "p u t", "o n", "a", "s p u r t", "t h a t", "w a s", "w i l d", "a n d", "f l e e t" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 139, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 4462, 4462, 914, 914, 914, 914, 524, 524, 3268, 4420, 981, 30, 4575, 4945, 4945, 1723, 1001, 4876, 4077, 120, 2314, 1641, 347, 609, 609, 919, 919, 919, 2426, 2426, 2426, 3682, 1490, 1490, 1490, 3771, 3691, 3691, 4973, 4973, 2668, 864, 864, 864, 864, 3917, 2168, 522, 4190, 85, 2251, 669, 1688, 4514, 2703, 2703, 2703, 2405, 2405, 4154, 1524, 628, 1163, 341, 810, 810, 921, 921, 754, 2676, 759, 1422, 415, 390, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3976, 4969, 4969, 1785, 1785, 1149, 3072, 3072, 3072, 1007, 3934, 3934, 119, 119, 119, 119, 2743, 2029, 3054, 3054, 2734, 2734, 4635, 4635, 2943, 4629, 4329, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 2641, 786, 2341, 2341, 2341, 2265, 4473, 3976, 4969, 65, 1785, 1149, 1007, 3934, 942, 942, 942, 942, 942, 1750, 1523, 1110, 4055, 4102, 154, 2459, 2358, 2962, 588, 588, 1375, 1375, 2699, 2699, 2699, 1016, 1016, 1016, 87, 2250, 87, 87, 4420, 87, 87, 87, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 1578, 1578, 1578, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 1849, 453, 453, 453, 852, 1436, 1436, 1066, 3958, 4321, 14, 1510, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 2824, 4044, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 1687, 1889, 332, 3017, 2929, 2929, 4556, 3965, 2559, 3567, 3109, 1502, 2523, 2523, 2523, 1964, 1863, 3058, 1100, 3054, 2559, 2951, 4523, 158, 2110, 552, 4887, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1800, 4418, 1155, 1155, 1155, 1346, 2783, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 441, 1580, 2118, 869, 2488, 2488, 3249, 2985, 1011, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 4276, 586, 92, 1639, 1639, 1639, 3401, 3401, 1707, 3401, 1254, 1254, 1254, 1254, 2827, 562, 3740, 2071, 527, 1416, 3958, 4420, 2001, 4182, 5, 949, 612, 2965, 2965, 577, 3883, 2190, 1870, 4973, 763, 3361, 3361, 3361, 4026, 3142, 3232, 563, 4120, 2832, 2832, 2400, 43, 2043, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 2883, 2883, 719, 3232, 3232, 4635, 526, 3106, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 258, 782, 782, 760, 158, 3702, 382, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 3074, 3074, 3074, 1013, 1350, 518, 421, 421, 3974, 894, 377, 3472, 4891, 4891, 97, 97, 2500, 2500, 362, 73, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4222, 4, 637, 2756, 2756, 2756, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 622, 3306, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 3215, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 3215, 88, 88, 88, 2982, 2085, 1886, 1886, 193, 1249, 2754, 108, 3610, 3610, 4249, 4117, 2352, 4820, 3163, 2483, 899, 899, 899, 989, 3917, 3832, 2824, 2818, 2818, 3349, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 2622, 1914, 4876, 9, 3065, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 1678, 1678, 1678, 865, 865, 1442, 3965, 3249, 3109, 341, 810, 4434, 921, 364, 1200, 1200, 2559, 1954, 885, 1395, 1395, 2006, 563, 1815, 2400, 2400, 43, 2043, 1241, 1241, 1241, 1241, 4147, 1940, 2847, 1142, 1142, 2864, 1307, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 1469, 3336, 1623, 4291, 4291, 1902, 720, 720, 4522, 1317, 3181, 3181, 1470, 1816, 1816, 1816, 4583, 4583, 3322, 3979, 3979, 4287, 4287, 2091, 1275, 1011, 4100, 145, 3414, 3414, 881, 61, 4811, 15, 1711, 1704, 4389, 4389, 374, 374, 374, 374, 4974, 2691, 374, 2691, 1167, 4621, 4621, 3811, 87, 3811, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1849, 1849, 1849, 453, 453, 570, 852, 852, 852, 3268, 1066, 193, 14, 1510, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 68, 4117, 4728, 1546, 62, 62, 62, 687, 1673, 2466, 2466, 2466, 1918, 577, 4023, 3567, 2740, 3201, 1222, 1222, 1222, 3777, 4189, 4768, 522, 1748, 4834, 760, 4876, 4876, 382, 4019, 2173, 3987, 3987, 3987, 4049, 193, 2192, 3303, 4427, 2157, 4487, 4487, 81, 2046, 1580, 2118, 290, 421, 131, 131, 2636, 2205, 3190, 97, 1481, 2962, 2962, 403, 403, 403, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 2250, 4618, 4618, 562, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2071, 1151, 1416, 3744, 3744, 4321, 3163, 949, 2965, 2965, 1165, 2307, 2190, 2190, 4973, 4973, 2102, 1613, 373, 855, 3578, 3786, 3786, 2535, 4599, 658, 3355, 3355, 1569, 3204, 2783, 1851, 882, 882, 4538, 4538, 4538, 2175, 2175, 282, 2794, 2794, 4644, 4644, 4644, 670, 4571, 80, 983, 781, 781, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1461, 2838, 1185, 2435, 50, 1368, 1368, 1615, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 3862, 3862, 3862, 1013, 1350, 518, 518, 421, 3974, 3974, 1725, 377, 3472, 4891, 4891, 97, 97, 61, 362, 73, 73, 1496, 1496, 4420, 1496, 4222, 4948, 1618, 4948, 4948, 4948, 4948, 4948, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 3215, 2414, 1387, 1387, 1387, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5206860158311346, 0.9412401055408971, 1.2216094986807389, 1.622137203166227, 1.8824802110817942, 2.18287598944591, 2.4031662269129286, 2.603430079155673, 3.344406332453826, 3.9652242744063324, 4.0853825857519785, 4.525963060686015, 4.786306068601584, 5.427150395778364, 5.847704485488127, 6.067994722955145, 6.368390501319261, 6.648759894459102, 7.670105540897098, 8.41108179419525, 8.63137203166227, 8.791583113456465, 9.272216358839051, 9.41240105540897, 9.732823218997362, 9.893034300791557, 10.814248021108181, 11.435065963060685, 11.655356200527706, 11.835593667546174, 11.895672823218998, 12.656675461741424, 13.097255936675461, 13.377625329815304, 13.818205804749342, 14.038496042216359 ]
[ 0.5206860158311346, 0.9412401055408971, 1.2216094986807389, 1.622137203166227, 1.8824802110817942, 2.18287598944591, 2.4031662269129286, 2.603430079155673, 3.344406332453826, 3.9652242744063324, 4.0853825857519785, 4.525963060686015, 4.786306068601584, 5.427150395778364, 5.847704485488127, 6.067994722955145, 6.368390501319261, 6.648759894459102, 7.670105540897098, 8.41108179419525, 8.63137203166227, 8.791583113456465, 9.272216358839051, 9.41240105540897, 9.732823218997362, 9.893034300791557, 10.814248021108181, 11.435065963060685, 11.655356200527706, 11.835593667546174, 11.895672823218998, 12.656675461741424, 13.097255936675461, 13.377625329815304, 13.818205804749342, 14.038496042216359, 15.159973614775724 ]
by a desert spring he drank the tiger's name was hate then i saw a placid lamb lying fast asleep like a river from its dam flashed the tiger's leap
[ "by", "a", "desert", "spring", "he", "drank", "the", "tiger's", "name", "was", "hate", "then", "i", "saw", "a", "placid", "lamb", "lying", "fast", "asleep", "like", "a", "river", "from", "its", "dam", "flashed", "the", "tiger's", "leap" ]
[ "by", "a", "desert", "spring", "he", "drank", "the", "tiger's", "name", "was", "hate", "then", "i", "saw", "a", "placid", "lamb", "lying", "fast", "asleep", "like", "a", "river", "from", "its", "dam", "flashed", "the", "tiger's", "leap" ]
[ "b y", "a", "d e s e r t", "s p r i n g", "h e", "d r a n k", "t h e", "t i g e r ' s", "n a m e", "w a s", "h a t e", "t h e n", "i", "s a w", "a", "p l a c i d", "l a m b", "l y i n g", "f a s t", "a s l e e p", "l i k e", "a", "r i v e r", "f r o m", "i t s", "d a m", "f l a s h e d", "t h e", "t i g e r ' s", "l e a p" ]
[ 38, 3814, 715, 715, 3057, 1898, 993, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 75, 3262, 993, 993, 761, 1373, 4943, 4160, 4824, 4824, 4824, 4824, 1654, 1654, 2908, 3903, 3903, 1342, 86, 4285, 696, 1992, 4018, 1617, 3049, 2089, 1568, 628, 433, 1283, 3025, 4348, 4348, 4348, 4348, 3900, 2562, 4032, 1360, 472, 472, 4127, 4419, 2730, 4542, 364, 2951, 4523, 4077, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2927, 2192, 2192, 1498, 1498, 4802, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 4848, 4848, 4848, 3660, 150, 933, 3789, 2818, 3349, 2198, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 1166, 4202, 1568, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 1320, 3253, 3253, 3265, 3265, 3265, 3970, 3970, 3338, 3756, 3756, 3756, 2489, 4886, 3780, 935, 3213, 3213, 1481, 2962, 2747, 3808, 92, 1351, 1639, 140, 140, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 1254, 2827, 2827, 2827, 2827, 527, 673, 3199, 348, 1504, 2724, 2592, 492, 2131, 1469, 1623, 2607, 270, 136, 2657, 541, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 4417, 3457, 3879, 4124, 428, 2106, 1975, 525, 2267, 2267, 4050, 480, 1693, 1693, 1315, 411, 2142, 3041, 174, 174, 174, 174, 174, 4271, 529, 529, 262, 2887, 3999, 3634, 3634, 3905, 2139, 1482, 3422, 3422, 1472, 388, 3388, 3388, 372, 673, 3382, 4703, 1683, 1683, 29, 4144, 4144, 1613, 2335, 2335, 1289, 298, 4077, 65, 1785, 3072, 1007, 1007, 4253, 4253, 4253, 2502, 1086, 1086, 518, 518, 518, 421, 381, 1725, 3472, 3472, 4891, 4891, 2500, 61, 4787, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 816, 866, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 1089, 16, 1089, 1089, 1089, 16, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 2422, 2422, 761, 993, 761, 3163, 2483, 899, 899, 899, 989, 989, 989, 3917, 1282, 1282, 3918, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 2158, 2707, 3246, 3246, 2137, 1065, 4193, 2719, 4246, 1914, 4876, 1010, 1069, 1069, 552, 1608, 846, 846, 846, 846, 846, 4732, 4732, 4732, 4732, 4732, 4298, 3050, 1492, 2746, 4945, 4945, 432, 2261, 628, 3170, 4932, 4932, 263, 263, 3342, 3342, 676, 676, 4939, 4939, 4939, 1303, 2881, 4697, 655, 4372, 2937, 2937, 1822, 364, 1113, 4913, 4588, 1430, 1430, 2336, 486, 1860, 1860, 1860, 1860, 1860, 3101, 3101, 4489, 4489, 4489, 4489, 4489, 2846, 3634, 3634, 1225, 1225, 443, 4401, 931, 610, 403, 3388, 2747, 3388, 1706, 2747, 1151, 372, 1910, 1910, 2425, 2425, 738, 738, 738, 3969, 3969, 669, 2336, 2420, 4288, 4288, 958, 958, 958, 232, 1654, 1654, 282, 3903, 3903, 916, 3203, 3203, 3203, 3687, 2160, 2160, 4844, 824, 3159, 3422, 3422, 3382, 4658, 4120, 4120, 146, 3524, 3199, 2559, 671, 11, 11, 11, 4939, 4939, 4939, 4939, 1303, 2881, 2881, 4697, 4440, 1191, 1191, 1008, 1008, 829, 1723, 1001, 4876, 9, 3708, 1196, 1196, 2711, 4993, 4993, 2981, 2981, 2981, 1013, 1013, 266, 266, 4114, 3027, 3027, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 16, 993, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 643, 16, 643, 643, 643, 643, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 993, 993, 761, 2001, 229, 738, 738, 3969, 1430, 2336, 1596, 1596, 1596, 4164, 4164, 4164, 2430, 2663, 3176, 894, 935, 3632, 245, 2939, 2746, 4614, 3798, 3798, 3836, 3836, 1449, 135, 135, 1681, 3828, 3828, 3584, 2992, 1990, 835, 283, 3279, 3279, 3535, 3535, 3319, 3319, 4769, 2157, 3941, 3941, 172, 3232, 563, 4120, 146, 2832, 1615, 1615, 3953, 3953, 1399, 4329, 3539, 3539, 4255, 2052, 2641, 786, 2341, 2341, 2265, 4473, 298, 4077, 462, 1139, 84, 1641, 433, 1283, 3025, 4025, 4025, 4025, 4025, 4025, 4025, 3101, 3101, 4489, 4489, 4489, 2846, 304, 304, 3634, 893, 893, 2139, 2139, 2039, 4401, 610, 1915, 92, 92, 3796, 1639, 140, 72, 1357, 1357, 828, 828, 2030, 527, 4321, 252, 4658, 4658, 4120, 2832, 2832, 1615, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 2980, 3670, 676, 4817, 4817, 4817, 4817, 4817, 4817, 1303, 3967, 3967, 3967, 1984, 1984, 4762, 4762, 1631, 368, 4995, 346, 3190, 1340, 1481, 1668, 403, 1706, 3388, 3388, 3388, 1151, 2747, 1151, 673, 3199, 1504, 2724, 492, 2131, 1469, 1623, 628, 270, 136, 2657, 541, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 4417, 3457, 3879, 4124, 428, 2106, 1975, 525, 2267, 2267, 4050, 4077, 3863, 1836, 1836, 4913, 426, 1430, 4993, 4958, 770, 770, 1013, 1013, 1013, 518, 3209, 2808, 4675, 4675, 1721, 2436, 2436, 2500, 73, 4787, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5607650273224044, 0.6809289617486339, 1.1816120218579236, 1.7023224043715848, 1.8625409836065574, 2.563497267759563, 2.9440163934426233, 3.4246721311475414, 3.9253551912568305, 4.265819672131148, 5.106967213114754, 5.908060109289618, 6.108333333333333, 6.428770491803279, 6.548934426229508, 7.049617486338798, 7.670464480874317, 8.431502732240437, 8.892131147540983, 9.733278688524589, 10.474289617486338, 10.594453551912569, 11.075109289617487, 11.375519125683061, 11.555765027322405, 12.196639344262296, 13.13792349726776, 13.39827868852459, 13.87893442622951 ]
[ 0.5607650273224044, 0.6809289617486339, 1.1816120218579236, 1.7023224043715848, 1.8625409836065574, 2.563497267759563, 2.9440163934426233, 3.4246721311475414, 3.9253551912568305, 4.265819672131148, 5.106967213114754, 5.908060109289618, 6.108333333333333, 6.428770491803279, 6.548934426229508, 7.049617486338798, 7.670464480874317, 8.431502732240437, 8.892131147540983, 9.733278688524589, 10.474289617486338, 10.594453551912569, 11.075109289617487, 11.375519125683061, 11.555765027322405, 12.196639344262296, 13.13792349726776, 13.39827868852459, 13.87893442622951, 14.639972677595628 ]
i saw a lion tawny-red terrible and brave the tiger's leap overhead broke like a wave in sand below or sun above he faded like a flame
[ "i", "saw", "a", "lion", "tawny-red", "terrible", "and", "brave", "the", "tiger's", "leap", "overhead", "broke", "like", "a", "wave", "in", "sand", "below", "or", "sun", "above", "he", "faded", "like", "a", "flame" ]
[ "i", "saw", "a", "lion", "tawny-red", "terrible", "and", "brave", "the", "tiger's", "leap", "overhead", "broke", "like", "a", "wave", "in", "sand", "below", "or", "sun", "above", "he", "faded", "like", "a", "flame" ]
[ "i", "s a w", "a", "l i o n", "t a w n y r e d", "t e r r i b l e", "a n d", "b r a v e", "t h e", "t i g e r ' s", "l e a p", "o v e r h e a d", "b r o k e", "l i k e", "a", "w a v e", "i n", "s a n d", "b e l o w", "o r", "s u n", "a b o v e", "h e", "f a d e d", "l i k e", "a", "f l a m e" ]
[ 38, 3814, 1233, 1233, 1233, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 993, 75, 993, 993, 761, 30, 794, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 4246, 1914, 4876, 4077, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 846, 846, 846, 846, 846, 846, 4732, 4732, 4732, 4732, 4732, 4298, 1492, 2746, 4945, 4945, 1324, 1324, 1607, 3969, 3969, 3969, 1430, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 958, 958, 232, 1654, 1341, 3903, 3903, 3903, 916, 916, 2626, 54, 2649, 2160, 2160, 4846, 4846, 775, 2852, 1435, 1435, 3199, 270, 1781, 136, 541, 2287, 2287, 4862, 4862, 4862, 4862, 105, 2300, 839, 357, 1562, 1745, 4101, 2478, 1074, 1449, 135, 4055, 1827, 1988, 3584, 3584, 3584, 3584, 3584, 3584, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1964, 3333, 3333, 1523, 4055, 4102, 154, 154, 2358, 610, 1704, 3808, 3808, 1639, 1943, 31, 31, 31, 31, 157, 828, 828, 912, 710, 2670, 673, 1784, 270, 1781, 136, 541, 541, 541, 3030, 3030, 3030, 3030, 3030, 3030, 1660, 123, 870, 3558, 4306, 4306, 727, 1820, 336, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 1463, 1463, 668, 4808, 4808, 1873, 471, 758, 197, 781, 781, 1097, 4381, 4381, 4381, 1226, 4694, 2838, 3918, 1185, 830, 4819, 3925, 894, 739, 1498, 1498, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 323, 3114, 3114, 3114, 3114, 3114, 3114, 4583, 4583, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3322, 2248, 2248, 3166, 3166, 3654, 718, 718, 718, 1481, 2962, 588, 588, 3808, 1351, 3796, 4823, 3587, 140, 140, 140, 4796, 4796, 4796, 3913, 3913, 532, 828, 2030, 710, 673, 912, 348, 1504, 2948, 1729, 729, 2131, 3336, 1623, 1623, 894, 1781, 2657, 541, 2287, 3383, 3383, 3383, 3383, 4417, 3457, 3879, 4124, 428, 2106, 4472, 4472, 2267, 4050, 4969, 3863, 1836, 1836, 2251, 426, 1430, 4958, 4958, 770, 770, 1013, 1013, 3209, 3209, 2808, 381, 1721, 2436, 2436, 798, 1203, 4153, 4756, 220, 3199, 2788, 2933, 2789, 4918, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 695, 695, 147, 1403, 1403, 1288, 2367, 13, 13, 1007, 1007, 3934, 942, 942, 942, 942, 942, 942, 942, 1750, 1750, 1750, 3333, 3333, 1523, 2559, 4102, 154, 1481, 2962, 403, 403, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 1706, 1151, 1151, 1151, 2747, 673, 673, 2933, 739, 1498, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 4331, 1680, 1680, 1680, 1680, 2797, 4892, 3399, 815, 3780, 935, 935, 3213, 97, 1481, 2962, 403, 2747, 403, 4618, 4618, 4618, 3388, 1706, 1151, 1151, 2747, 673, 673, 2234, 2234, 229, 738, 1430, 2336, 854, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 1743, 1733, 2313, 1567, 546, 432, 432, 4725, 4714, 2158, 1345, 2668, 3651, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 4237, 4583, 4583, 4583, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3322, 266, 2248, 2248, 3654, 3654, 718, 718, 1581, 2962, 2747, 588, 1646, 2699, 2699, 1016, 4823, 3401, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1254, 3415, 2747, 2827, 2827, 28, 673, 673, 981, 14, 2754, 1406, 4856, 1949, 2838, 4117, 1185, 1748, 2527, 4834, 760, 4077, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 4595, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 3675, 2451, 2451, 4489, 1390, 463, 4768, 3918, 3918, 4846, 4819, 4819, 4055, 1908, 2590, 2590, 3818, 1607, 4588, 4588, 1430, 2336, 4051, 4051, 4051, 4051, 3066, 3066, 3066, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 4042, 4042, 4042, 1873, 1873, 4298, 4153, 1492, 4326, 4326, 3659, 3659, 3511, 3511, 3511, 2956, 2956, 3408, 1417, 4876, 4077, 3702, 1069, 3505, 3914, 2704, 1608, 2065, 690, 690, 1942, 1942, 4768, 3212, 2707, 430, 430, 1961, 1060, 2164, 628, 739, 1373, 4427, 2916, 2916, 2916, 2916, 2916, 2916, 2916, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3654, 718, 142, 20, 4276, 3808, 92, 1252, 3134, 1357, 23, 23, 2030, 710, 2747, 2725, 3117, 4319, 2198, 51, 1797, 2652, 1166, 3293, 563, 4120, 2832, 2832, 3524, 2400, 43, 4953, 4953, 2433, 2433, 2433, 3413, 3413, 4196, 216, 106, 106, 4901, 4434, 4434, 1558, 3198, 3198, 364, 1113, 85, 4913, 4913, 426, 854, 854, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 2663, 383, 2933, 104, 1733, 546, 95, 2690, 563, 623, 3524, 3524, 3524, 1615, 1394, 2980, 2980, 3670, 3802, 3802, 3802, 3802, 3802, 4271, 2706, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 262, 3999, 3999, 3634, 2764, 2911, 443, 443, 1393, 1393, 555, 4787, 4787, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 993, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5003654970760233, 0.86062865497076, 1.0007309941520466, 1.5411257309941517, 2.621915204678362, 3.5025584795321634, 3.7627485380116954, 4.643391812865496, 5.023669590643274, 5.5040204678362565, 5.904312865497075, 6.824985380116958, 7.585540935672513, 8.025862573099413, 8.085906432748537, 8.846461988304092, 9.24675438596491, 9.707090643274853, 10.287514619883039, 10.567719298245613, 10.867938596491227, 11.548435672514618, 11.848654970760231, 12.369035087719295, 12.66925438596491, 12.749312865497073 ]
[ 0.5003654970760233, 0.86062865497076, 1.0007309941520466, 1.5411257309941517, 2.621915204678362, 3.5025584795321634, 3.7627485380116954, 4.643391812865496, 5.023669590643274, 5.5040204678362565, 5.904312865497075, 6.824985380116958, 7.585540935672513, 8.025862573099413, 8.085906432748537, 8.846461988304092, 9.24675438596491, 9.707090643274853, 10.287514619883039, 10.567719298245613, 10.867938596491227, 11.548435672514618, 11.848654970760231, 12.369035087719295, 12.66925438596491, 12.749312865497073, 13.669985380116957 ]
the lamb said i am love lion tell your name the lion's voice thundering shook his vaulted breast i am love by this spring brother let us rest
[ "the", "lamb", "said", "i", "am", "love", "lion", "tell", "your", "name", "the", "lion's", "voice", "thundering", "shook", "his", "vaulted", "breast", "i", "am", "love", "by", "this", "spring", "brother", "let", "us", "rest" ]
[ "the", "lamb", "said", "i", "am", "love", "lion", "tell", "your", "name", "the", "lion's", "voice", "thundering", "shook", "his", "vaulted", "breast", "i", "am", "love", "by", "this", "spring", "brother", "let", "us", "rest" ]
[ "t h e", "l a m b", "s a i d", "i", "a m", "l o v e", "l i o n", "t e l l", "y o u r", "n a m e", "t h e", "l i o n ' s", "v o i c e", "t h u n d e r i n g", "s h o o k", "h i s", "v a u l t e d", "b r e a s t", "i", "a m", "l o v e", "b y", "t h i s", "s p r i n g", "b r o t h e r", "l e t", "u s", "r e s t" ]
[ 38, 3814, 993, 715, 3057, 3057, 1898, 1898, 1898, 75, 75, 993, 993, 761, 489, 492, 492, 4828, 1607, 1607, 4588, 1430, 486, 486, 1860, 1860, 1860, 1860, 3101, 3101, 1390, 1390, 1670, 1670, 258, 782, 760, 4077, 3914, 2704, 1608, 554, 554, 554, 554, 554, 554, 1750, 1750, 1750, 1750, 3333, 3333, 1523, 4102, 154, 154, 2358, 20, 2747, 3808, 1351, 1639, 1707, 4618, 4618, 2071, 2071, 1151, 2925, 1886, 4063, 2788, 3199, 1249, 794, 794, 2376, 109, 857, 857, 1847, 3168, 3168, 1755, 1755, 1755, 1174, 1295, 258, 85, 4913, 4588, 1430, 1430, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3654, 718, 718, 128, 2962, 588, 4276, 403, 1351, 1351, 1286, 1286, 1286, 852, 2827, 4195, 1692, 372, 4281, 2234, 2234, 229, 229, 229, 738, 669, 1430, 2336, 958, 958, 958, 958, 958, 1654, 4417, 3903, 3903, 3903, 916, 916, 2626, 2626, 2288, 1282, 2160, 4844, 4681, 4681, 2210, 2039, 2039, 931, 403, 403, 4276, 403, 3388, 4618, 4618, 4618, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1151, 2670, 2670, 348, 1784, 1784, 136, 2657, 2374, 326, 326, 326, 326, 2216, 2064, 2064, 4216, 790, 992, 992, 779, 4476, 4476, 4476, 8, 2956, 1927, 3471, 411, 25, 174, 174, 174, 174, 174, 174, 4271, 2706, 2706, 529, 262, 262, 3999, 3999, 2764, 2764, 1225, 4980, 1393, 1393, 730, 4787, 374, 4787, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 866, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 643, 643, 643, 643, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 2422, 993, 993, 761, 761, 3163, 2592, 729, 729, 2575, 3938, 4052, 3969, 3969, 1430, 2336, 2420, 958, 958, 958, 958, 1654, 2908, 3903, 3903, 916, 4465, 1006, 2267, 2267, 2267, 3207, 607, 607, 894, 2868, 4258, 4258, 4258, 4258, 4258, 4258, 4992, 4992, 4269, 2648, 2648, 3630, 3630, 1031, 462, 462, 4067, 2321, 2321, 2321, 2852, 1435, 3199, 3199, 4466, 2619, 4715, 4715, 4715, 4715, 2023, 2469, 2682, 104, 4897, 4723, 652, 4731, 4469, 4358, 4358, 3203, 3203, 3203, 3203, 3203, 2288, 1282, 269, 4844, 2911, 4681, 2210, 4401, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1943, 1245, 234, 3913, 532, 3844, 2030, 2030, 710, 912, 252, 4494, 4494, 1212, 171, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 1828, 1828, 1828, 1828, 2185, 4012, 383, 1733, 759, 1422, 415, 1728, 1728, 2265, 4473, 3786, 4599, 607, 607, 3612, 104, 2868, 3372, 1647, 3935, 3935, 3092, 2239, 2239, 894, 1830, 513, 341, 1256, 1822, 1822, 4437, 843, 2164, 2164, 3133, 2933, 739, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3247, 93, 3137, 997, 997, 997, 2640, 3717, 4433, 2333, 368, 4995, 346, 4891, 97, 61, 588, 588, 4787, 866, 866, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 16, 3588, 16, 16, 16, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 2422, 2422, 993, 993, 2788, 2789, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 3168, 3168, 1755, 1755, 1174, 1174, 1295, 258, 258, 85, 85, 4913, 3969, 1430, 2158, 2336, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3654, 3654, 718, 718, 20, 4276, 586, 1639, 1286, 1286, 828, 710, 710, 2725, 2747, 2234, 2001, 544, 544, 544, 544, 1787, 1787, 1440, 1440, 276, 739, 1373, 1976, 2779, 4943, 4160, 4824, 115, 553, 282, 2301, 2301, 2671, 1708, 337, 1575, 4472, 4472, 1001, 4876, 4077, 4037, 382, 4019, 2173, 3987, 3987, 2927, 104, 3303, 4802, 4802, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1105, 1294, 1294, 4848, 4848, 4848, 3660, 3660, 3660, 3660, 3660, 3660, 4844, 150, 150, 775, 775, 1472, 1472, 388, 3388, 3388, 3388, 3388, 3388, 3388, 372, 372, 372, 372, 4281, 1787, 1787, 739, 1498, 1132, 1132, 2888, 1498, 323, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1079, 1237, 1040, 2844, 2844, 568, 568, 4232, 4232, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 2358, 20, 588, 4276, 3808, 1351, 1286, 1286, 2747, 1151, 1151, 673, 3199, 2234, 229, 229, 738, 738, 738, 738, 3969, 3969, 669, 1430, 486, 2971, 2971, 2971, 2971, 4556, 1529, 4073, 2311, 2311, 2311, 3461, 4209, 159, 1031, 4077, 462, 2940, 2324, 798, 2612, 4340, 3547, 3547, 3547, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1827, 1988, 4191, 4161, 4161, 4161, 4161, 93, 3137, 997, 997, 997, 2640, 2640, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 2559, 346, 346, 4891, 97, 2500, 61, 73, 1375, 2250, 1496, 2747, 255, 4006, 4222, 866, 866, 686, 1089, 686, 1089, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 686, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.38051841746248294, 0.7209822646657572, 1.3418281036834925, 1.6622646657571623, 1.8224829467939971, 2.52343792633015, 3.384611186903138, 3.885293315143247, 4.085566166439291, 4.826575716234652, 5.327257844474762, 5.767858117326058, 6.208458390177353, 7.049604365620737, 7.530259208731241, 7.7305320600272855, 8.151105047748977, 8.992251023192361, 9.412824010914052, 9.59306957708049, 10.354106412005455, 10.814733969986356, 10.974952251023193, 11.735989085948159, 12.697298772169168, 13.177953615279671, 13.458335607094133 ]
[ 0.38051841746248294, 0.7209822646657572, 1.3418281036834925, 1.6622646657571623, 1.8224829467939971, 2.52343792633015, 3.384611186903138, 3.885293315143247, 4.085566166439291, 4.826575716234652, 5.327257844474762, 5.767858117326058, 6.208458390177353, 7.049604365620737, 7.530259208731241, 7.7305320600272855, 8.151105047748977, 8.992251023192361, 9.412824010914052, 9.59306957708049, 10.354106412005455, 10.814733969986356, 10.974952251023193, 11.735989085948159, 12.697298772169168, 13.177953615279671, 13.458335607094133, 14.659972714870396 ]
dear god our life is beautiful in every splendid gift it brings but most i thank thee humbly for the joy of little things
[ "dear", "god", "our", "life", "is", "beautiful", "in", "every", "splendid", "gift", "it", "brings", "but", "most", "i", "thank", "thee", "humbly", "for", "the", "joy", "of", "little", "things" ]
[ "dear", "god", "our", "life", "is", "beautiful", "in", "every", "splendid", "gift", "it", "brings", "but", "most", "i", "thank", "thee", "humbly", "for", "the", "joy", "of", "little", "things" ]
[ "d e a r", "g o d", "o u r", "l i f e", "i s", "b e a u t i f u l", "i n", "e v e r y", "s p l e n d i d", "g i f t", "i t", "b r i n g s", "b u t", "m o s t", "i", "t h a n k", "t h e e", "h u m b l y", "f o r", "t h e", "j o y", "o f", "l i t t l e", "t h i n g s" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 4720, 914, 524, 524, 2677, 3227, 4420, 348, 1784, 433, 2389, 3853, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 8, 8, 8, 2956, 2009, 4753, 777, 41, 2272, 4138, 4056, 4056, 4056, 4056, 4056, 4056, 1246, 1246, 616, 2930, 4073, 4355, 1492, 332, 332, 1570, 4272, 4272, 3924, 2956, 1170, 1607, 4588, 1430, 2336, 2420, 240, 240, 240, 1236, 1236, 246, 3680, 2217, 3279, 5, 1966, 1966, 2148, 94, 3077, 3077, 2791, 3786, 3786, 2821, 4241, 3133, 739, 3865, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4118, 4736, 1358, 960, 960, 960, 960, 2472, 4077, 497, 3259, 3259, 413, 413, 413, 1463, 668, 668, 195, 195, 195, 1873, 4450, 2358, 2607, 586, 1252, 4243, 4243, 1245, 3913, 23, 3844, 1436, 3268, 1066, 193, 1249, 1510, 287, 1446, 1949, 712, 4117, 834, 4990, 2875, 2875, 2972, 2972, 193, 1, 187, 4630, 4630, 1092, 1092, 1092, 3228, 3228, 1637, 1637, 1637, 274, 1041, 1041, 438, 2622, 1417, 4077, 9, 9, 4019, 2173, 2927, 2192, 3303, 2896, 2896, 2896, 2896, 496, 2469, 2219, 4901, 4434, 1822, 1822, 843, 4485, 777, 41, 1223, 3281, 2703, 2703, 2703, 2703, 2405, 4339, 4154, 4454, 4576, 175, 886, 886, 3464, 2969, 4587, 3133, 2559, 1498, 1498, 323, 716, 716, 716, 716, 1294, 1294, 4848, 4848, 4848, 3660, 3660, 1638, 594, 594, 1985, 836, 836, 4284, 2091, 4077, 2898, 302, 145, 145, 1311, 634, 2967, 1915, 92, 3796, 4823, 31, 31, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 157, 532, 3673, 3673, 1103, 2677, 1066, 4125, 1604, 1604, 1604, 2670, 4420, 2670, 104, 1389, 125, 125, 125, 4242, 2969, 2408, 2408, 2408, 4997, 2767, 1130, 202, 148, 995, 417, 3438, 3438, 3438, 3438, 644, 644, 1869, 356, 2227, 3717, 4440, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 4995, 1365, 245, 983, 1, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 4193, 1847, 49, 4246, 1227, 2463, 2463, 2774, 2574, 4466, 2619, 971, 2988, 2988, 2988, 4579, 3756, 2489, 2489, 4886, 4886, 2138, 1616, 2938, 986, 165, 165, 4176, 4176, 4176, 4601, 438, 4911, 3261, 13, 3072, 369, 4307, 1298, 1298, 1298, 1298, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 1925, 1855, 1855, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 814, 311, 311, 884, 884, 2377, 2377, 3422, 3422, 1472, 3382, 4276, 372, 4658, 785, 785, 3106, 838, 840, 1344, 2441, 2864, 437, 4416, 424, 3102, 3513, 2131, 1469, 3049, 2089, 2089, 2559, 1967, 3138, 4077, 286, 2097, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 4875, 4875, 4875, 4992, 2172, 2172, 587, 587, 1492, 1492, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 169, 384, 1601, 4567, 4567, 4913, 4588, 1430, 1791, 4536, 4536, 456, 1358, 1068, 3447, 3447, 36, 1187, 1187, 380, 380, 2463, 2774, 2574, 2574, 2619, 3146, 3146, 3146, 3146, 3931, 3931, 4848, 4848, 598, 598, 1638, 1638, 3226, 594, 594, 836, 836, 836, 4284, 4284, 2091, 302, 302, 302, 145, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 881, 61, 73, 4, 4, 4, 4222, 4420, 2756, 1239, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 334, 2756, 334, 334, 2756, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 3215, 747, 747, 940, 940, 940, 946, 946, 1063, 4366, 3367, 1867 ]
[ 0, 0.5009784735812134, 0.8817221135029355, 1.0620743639921724, 1.3626614481409003, 1.5229745596868887, 2.2844618395303327, 2.6652054794520548, 3.0459491193737773, 3.5068493150684934, 3.7673581213307243, 3.8675538160469674, 4.689158512720157, 5.21017612524462, 5.751232876712329, 5.931585127201566, 6.272250489236791, 6.492681017612526, 7.073816046966733, 7.354363992172212, 7.514677103718201, 7.955538160469668, 8.155929549902154, 8.47655577299413 ]
[ 0.5009784735812134, 0.8817221135029355, 1.0620743639921724, 1.3626614481409003, 1.5229745596868887, 2.2844618395303327, 2.6652054794520548, 3.0459491193737773, 3.5068493150684934, 3.7673581213307243, 3.8675538160469674, 4.689158512720157, 5.21017612524462, 5.751232876712329, 5.931585127201566, 6.272250489236791, 6.492681017612526, 7.073816046966733, 7.354363992172212, 7.514677103718201, 7.955538160469668, 8.155929549902154, 8.47655577299413, 10.219960861056752 ]
last night i looked across the hills and through an arch of darkling pine low-swung against a limpid west i saw a young moon shine and as i gazed there blew a wind loosed where the sylvan shadows stir bringing delight to soul and sense the breath of dying fir
[ "last", "night", "i", "looked", "across", "the", "hills", "and", "through", "an", "arch", "of", "darkling", "pine", "low-swung", "against", "a", "limpid", "west", "i", "saw", "a", "young", "moon", "shine", "and", "as", "i", "gazed", "there", "blew", "a", "wind", "loosed", "where", "the", "sylvan", "shadows", "stir", "bringing", "delight", "to", "soul", "and", "sense", "the", "breath", "of", "dying", "fir" ]
[ "last", "night", "i", "looked", "across", "the", "hills", "and", "through", "an", "arch", "of", "darkling", "pine", "low-swung", "against", "a", "limpid", "west", "i", "saw", "a", "young", "moon", "shine", "and", "as", "i", "gazed", "there", "blew", "a", "wind", "loosed", "where", "the", "sylvan", "shadows", "stir", "bringing", "delight", "to", "soul", "and", "sense", "the", "breath", "of", "dying", "fir" ]
[ "l a s t", "n i g h t", "i", "l o o k e d", "a c r o s s", "t h e", "h i l l s", "a n d", "t h r o u g h", "a n", "a r c h", "o f", "d a r k l i n g", "p i n e", "l o w s w u n g", "a g a i n s t", "a", "l i m p i d", "w e s t", "i", "s a w", "a", "y o u n g", "m o o n", "s h i n e", "a n d", "a s", "i", "g a z e d", "t h e r e", "b l e w", "a", "w i n d", "l o o s e d", "w h e r e", "t h e", "s y l v a n", "s h a d o w s", "s t i r", "b r i n g i n g", "d e l i g h t", "t o", "s o u l", "a n d", "s e n s e", "t h e", "b r e a t h", "o f", "d y i n g", "f i r" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 3339, 4420, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 2756, 134, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3416, 3416, 1240, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 774, 774, 2982, 2085, 3227, 4420, 1162, 275, 2420, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1303, 2881, 2881, 3626, 3503, 1150, 1150, 3863, 1693, 1315, 1471, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 1736, 1529, 4073, 3246, 1065, 1065, 4193, 1847, 2719, 1170, 1607, 4588, 275, 2336, 1929, 1929, 1929, 1929, 2185, 2185, 1328, 1108, 1108, 4454, 1686, 4571, 245, 983, 1, 2746, 1594, 1594, 3165, 91, 340, 340, 2000, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 4244, 1051, 2881, 4708, 3626, 462, 3994, 3994, 2938, 1844, 4035, 3102, 10, 4816, 2367, 2367, 3805, 1007, 420, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 4318, 4433, 65, 1365, 245, 1630, 3143, 1406, 1406, 3610, 2838, 4117, 1185, 50, 50, 2463, 2774, 2158, 499, 2034, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 1592, 2801, 132, 401, 401, 4298, 1492, 1630, 2746, 1812, 589, 2687, 293, 4990, 2330, 534, 561, 1597, 1597, 1597, 3983, 3983, 2121, 4513, 1056, 1206, 3646, 3197, 3079, 2723, 2464, 4526, 965, 3652, 1568, 3326, 2212, 902, 1475, 1475, 207, 2914, 4267, 4012, 4186, 2770, 1855, 4133, 3514, 4687, 2308, 2308, 156, 3771, 830, 4591, 1724, 102, 1730, 116, 3819, 232, 232, 232, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 1882, 269, 443, 2210, 4401, 20, 586, 1252, 1639, 1639, 3401, 72, 31, 31, 157, 157, 157, 157, 532, 1103, 1103, 2677, 912, 628, 229, 229, 275, 1968, 1968, 3066, 201, 1193, 4495, 2542, 3374, 3374, 3702, 382, 382, 3708, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 4858, 4227, 2915, 2915, 2915, 2915, 2915, 3682, 1490, 4200, 435, 430, 430, 2471, 2481, 1206, 559, 1057, 1057, 1211, 1211, 1211, 1211, 496, 1164, 277, 3149, 4691, 3503, 3503, 515, 3362, 4092, 1365, 245, 1630, 2746, 4945, 1324, 4828, 1607, 1607, 4588, 275, 275, 4514, 3923, 3923, 3923, 4001, 1157, 1157, 2820, 2419, 2937, 2937, 1822, 2014, 2190, 3355, 2833, 4477, 2668, 2208, 2208, 2208, 2208, 93, 93, 858, 997, 3717, 3626, 515, 2333, 4092, 1659, 245, 983, 983, 1, 4641, 794, 109, 1065, 4193, 1847, 2719, 4246, 4246, 1914, 3374, 3702, 3702, 3702, 2119, 2119, 2119, 42, 1892, 846, 846, 846, 846, 846, 846, 4732, 4732, 4732, 4732, 3050, 332, 2746, 4945, 4945, 432, 4216, 790, 992, 992, 2025, 2025, 2388, 2388, 2388, 3682, 3682, 1490, 3771, 3771, 74, 1134, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 3764, 2298, 2298, 2527, 4414, 2878, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 2764, 443, 443, 4401, 2358, 610, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 72, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 453, 23, 852, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1066, 1886, 193, 4641, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 4990, 4990, 2875, 2875, 628, 4641, 2411, 4950, 2482, 2482, 2482, 2482, 2482, 659, 176, 1705, 3886, 752, 3246, 1065, 4193, 1847, 49, 4753, 777, 559, 1223, 1057, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 3641, 4583, 565, 3322, 3559, 3559, 3559, 4594, 4594, 4301, 4433, 4301, 3994, 2938, 986, 2268, 2047, 4461, 379, 780, 780, 8, 8, 2009, 1591, 2164, 3133, 1206, 2534, 2534, 1454, 1454, 1811, 1811, 1811, 1522, 2801, 2222, 2222, 546, 546, 2323, 4725, 4725, 4714, 2833, 2668, 2910, 864, 864, 864, 864, 4776, 2549, 2549, 2549, 3034, 4210, 4394, 412, 412, 2781, 377, 3472, 3190, 634, 1915, 586, 1252, 1639, 31, 31, 157, 157, 828, 1103, 1103, 2677, 2725, 1416, 3958, 4420, 229, 229, 2336, 4179, 4179, 4179, 4179, 44, 4345, 4706, 356, 2227, 3626, 4433, 462, 515, 3362, 1659, 3629, 551, 3331, 2596, 2596, 2864, 3350, 3350, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 3374, 3374, 2119, 4367, 4367, 620, 4737, 4737, 4737, 4737, 3092, 4406, 4406, 3266, 1788, 4795, 4741, 54, 3687, 1748, 2527, 4414, 2878, 4077, 4783, 897, 642, 642, 642, 642, 509, 4515, 1358, 783, 783, 2766, 2766, 525, 4499, 1764, 1807, 4077, 4037, 4037, 382, 1084, 3194, 4092, 4092, 1643, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 2237, 1343, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 2358, 2962, 193, 586, 92, 1252, 1639, 31, 31, 31, 157, 157, 157, 157, 3844, 1103, 2677, 1066, 2725, 3958, 2670, 2670, 4500, 2670, 1206, 53, 1498, 323, 716, 716, 716, 716, 1290, 4200, 4200, 2653, 2653, 473, 2379, 156, 3771, 2410, 2212, 572, 1353, 1353, 4828, 3818, 275, 227, 2319, 2319, 2319, 2319, 3628, 1236, 2122, 246, 3795, 3795, 1129, 1200, 3326, 114, 63, 198, 198, 630, 3210, 3374, 4077, 4876, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3505, 1892, 1892, 4261, 4261, 4261, 4261, 3763, 3763, 3763, 3763, 967, 967, 3456, 2851, 471, 471, 1492, 1630, 3143, 4381, 295, 1123, 2298, 2298, 1748, 4834, 760, 1544, 2119, 2119, 2119, 4367, 1608, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1331, 1374, 1374, 3264, 4883, 1834, 1834, 3989, 4266, 2214, 2214, 2214, 3994, 2938, 1795, 4035, 489, 1448, 4730, 1060, 2164, 2164, 3133, 1724, 1498, 1498, 1498, 323, 323, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3247, 3137, 2998, 2998, 4966, 4966, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1365, 983, 4420, 1, 2939, 64, 1776, 169, 169, 1601, 2184, 2277, 917, 1568, 2559, 2212, 1283, 902, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 3082, 4082, 4082, 4676, 2438, 2438, 2308, 2308, 3086, 2605, 3771, 50, 1368, 1815, 2832, 1096, 1096, 3446, 4123, 2157, 4123, 2157, 2237, 1343, 1426, 1426, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 2897, 272, 73, 1375, 1496, 2250, 1496, 1081, 3103, 3103, 3103, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.9405170517051705, 1.2006600660066005, 1.3007150715071507, 1.640902090209021, 2.1411771177117713, 2.3012651265126514, 2.6814741474147414, 2.8815841584158415, 3.2417821782178216, 3.401870187018702, 3.662013201320132, 3.782079207920792, 4.202310231023103, 4.822651265126513, 5.643102310231023, 6.123366336633663, 6.243432343234324, 6.643652365236524, 7.063883388338835, 7.284004400440044, 7.644202420242024, 7.764268426842684, 8.024411441144114, 8.264543454345434, 8.984939493949396, 9.425181518151815, 9.705335533553356, 9.825401540154017, 10.265643564356436, 10.485764576457646, 10.725896589658966, 10.845962596259625, 11.426281628162817, 11.966578657865787, 12.126666666666667, 12.226721672167217, 12.626941694169416, 13.067183718371838, 13.667513751375138, 14.327876787678768, 14.728096809680968, 14.948217821782178, 15.428481848184818, 15.648602860286028, 16.108855885588557, 16.28895489548955, 16.74920792079208, 16.969328932893287, 17.40957095709571 ]
[ 0.9405170517051705, 1.2006600660066005, 1.3007150715071507, 1.640902090209021, 2.1411771177117713, 2.3012651265126514, 2.6814741474147414, 2.8815841584158415, 3.2417821782178216, 3.401870187018702, 3.662013201320132, 3.782079207920792, 4.202310231023103, 4.822651265126513, 5.643102310231023, 6.123366336633663, 6.243432343234324, 6.643652365236524, 7.063883388338835, 7.284004400440044, 7.644202420242024, 7.764268426842684, 8.024411441144114, 8.264543454345434, 8.984939493949396, 9.425181518151815, 9.705335533553356, 9.825401540154017, 10.265643564356436, 10.485764576457646, 10.725896589658966, 10.845962596259625, 11.426281628162817, 11.966578657865787, 12.106655665566556, 12.226721672167217, 12.626941694169416, 13.067183718371838, 13.667513751375138, 14.327876787678768, 14.728096809680968, 14.948217821782178, 15.428481848184818, 15.648602860286028, 16.108855885588557, 16.28895489548955, 16.74920792079208, 16.969328932893287, 17.40957095709571, 18.169988998899893 ]
this morn i saw a dancing host of poppies in a garden way and straight my heart was mirth possessed and i was glad as they i heard a song across the sea as sweet and faint as echoes are and glimpsed a poignant happiness no care of earth might mar
[ "this", "morn", "i", "saw", "a", "dancing", "host", "of", "poppies", "in", "a", "garden", "way", "and", "straight", "my", "heart", "was", "mirth", "possessed", "and", "i", "was", "glad", "as", "they", "i", "heard", "a", "song", "across", "the", "sea", "as", "sweet", "and", "faint", "as", "echoes", "are", "and", "glimpsed", "a", "poignant", "happiness", "no", "care", "of", "earth", "might", "mar" ]
[ "this", "morn", "i", "saw", "a", "dancing", "host", "of", "poppies", "in", "a", "garden", "way", "and", "straight", "my", "heart", "was", "mirth", "possessed", "and", "i", "was", "glad", "as", "they", "i", "heard", "a", "song", "across", "the", "sea", "as", "sweet", "and", "faint", "as", "echoes", "are", "and", "glimpsed", "a", "poignant", "happiness", "no", "care", "of", "earth", "might", "mar" ]
[ "t h i s", "m o r n", "i", "s a w", "a", "d a n c i n g", "h o s t", "o f", "p o p p i e s", "i n", "a", "g a r d e n", "w a y", "a n d", "s t r a i g h t", "m y", "h e a r t", "w a s", "m i r t h", "p o s s e s s e d", "a n d", "i", "w a s", "g l a d", "a s", "t h e y", "i", "h e a r d", "a", "s o n g", "a c r o s s", "t h e", "s e a", "a s", "s w e e t", "a n d", "f a i n t", "a s", "e c h o e s", "a r e", "a n d", "g l i m p s e d", "a", "p o i g n a n t", "h a p p i n e s s", "n o", "c a r e", "o f", "e a r t h", "m i g h t", "m a r" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 1143, 4024, 1143, 1143, 914, 1457, 524, 524, 2677, 3227, 3227, 1586, 628, 2594, 4461, 3759, 3759, 647, 1542, 1599, 3626, 3289, 1150, 3863, 3930, 4208, 1014, 1134, 1456, 1054, 1054, 1054, 1054, 2688, 2688, 908, 3664, 3664, 3764, 293, 3284, 758, 1492, 1206, 794, 109, 1065, 4193, 1847, 2719, 4246, 1914, 3374, 2119, 4367, 1892, 1608, 846, 846, 846, 846, 4732, 4732, 4732, 4732, 1492, 2746, 4945, 4945, 4945, 432, 3049, 1568, 3326, 2212, 1283, 3025, 200, 200, 200, 200, 1585, 1164, 277, 3149, 4351, 4351, 4955, 4372, 3845, 4687, 2308, 2379, 3086, 933, 933, 4044, 1347, 1347, 4307, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 4892, 771, 1869, 1869, 2640, 3717, 1458, 2333, 2333, 4995, 1365, 245, 983, 1, 2939, 1776, 1776, 169, 384, 1601, 2184, 917, 917, 628, 1724, 1082, 1663, 1663, 116, 116, 3552, 3552, 3552, 4244, 4175, 2467, 2820, 2419, 1562, 1848, 500, 500, 3797, 4499, 4499, 1764, 1216, 706, 65, 872, 4944, 287, 1446, 1625, 293, 1790, 2660, 432, 2481, 777, 559, 2272, 3070, 3663, 3663, 3663, 207, 2121, 2121, 4736, 4597, 1175, 3000, 3000, 2298, 954, 3691, 2833, 4477, 4477, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 2689, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2358, 4420, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1400, 3673, 1436, 1436, 1066, 1066, 1886, 2788, 4641, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 2838, 4117, 1748, 4834, 760, 760, 158, 3702, 382, 382, 382, 120, 120, 2314, 2314, 347, 347, 609, 609, 2100, 2100, 2100, 1086, 246, 246, 3795, 4300, 4997, 1014, 148, 3069, 4733, 4733, 429, 429, 4911, 3261, 13, 369, 369, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 4557, 2914, 2121, 290, 2869, 1588, 1752, 2697, 1569, 2833, 2102, 4144, 1613, 373, 855, 2713, 4318, 4077, 4247, 3930, 2612, 3807, 3807, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1134, 148, 2157, 4212, 4212, 425, 425, 2848, 4061, 4061, 4966, 4966, 4966, 2035, 3895, 4241, 687, 1724, 3407, 2828, 2828, 2828, 613, 4424, 3886, 2345, 2233, 2233, 2233, 2233, 2233, 93, 93, 997, 997, 2640, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 346, 1365, 4756, 220, 193, 4641, 1510, 1406, 1406, 3610, 68, 2298, 834, 4990, 2875, 2875, 628, 4641, 561, 2376, 2376, 1029, 1029, 857, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 2478, 579, 179, 2102, 2102, 1909, 855, 2713, 3976, 4318, 4247, 2019, 1829, 340, 1322, 4549, 826, 2350, 2350, 2350, 2350, 509, 4515, 2355, 3449, 4890, 1189, 2752, 176, 4318, 4318, 4247, 2938, 2938, 2607, 3196, 1655, 3256, 3256, 3256, 3256, 550, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 3173, 2689, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2358, 588, 588, 3808, 3808, 2699, 1016, 1016, 1016, 3811, 3811, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 408, 408, 1280, 1280, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1864, 3740, 3740, 1714, 2982, 2982, 1886, 1886, 2281, 4641, 794, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 1847, 4911, 4911, 13, 13, 3072, 3072, 369, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 2237, 1863, 4736, 2355, 2660, 546, 95, 1723, 3374, 3374, 2119, 2119, 4367, 4367, 1892, 2403, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 1598, 1598, 1301, 1490, 1490, 2002, 2002, 1630, 1630, 2746, 1594, 1594, 4187, 91, 1206, 340, 2000, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 1383, 4244, 1051, 2881, 4708, 3717, 4077, 462, 3994, 3994, 2938, 986, 193, 2047, 4035, 3102, 10, 3368, 3368, 1109, 3374, 4077, 2119, 4367, 4367, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 2689, 1248, 2377, 2358, 20, 1915, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 3913, 532, 3673, 852, 3268, 1066, 1886, 4420, 4420, 4641, 1510, 4950, 3292, 3292, 3292, 659, 176, 206, 1807, 1807, 4037, 4037, 3702, 3702, 382, 3708, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 3074, 3074, 3074, 3074, 3074, 1350, 3795, 3795, 1588, 1588, 1480, 1262, 220, 193, 781, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1123, 2298, 1185, 2435, 50, 4120, 4433, 2832, 3524, 1186, 671, 4896, 4896, 4896, 4896, 4896, 3214, 3171, 350, 350, 1630, 1630, 4890, 1189, 1189, 176, 4318, 3886, 2906, 752, 4197, 1169, 1169, 3829, 1743, 4186, 903, 170, 2766, 2766, 4563, 4499, 1764, 4318, 706, 3404, 4355, 822, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1653, 1653, 385, 385, 1426, 414, 414, 2112, 1484, 2358, 3087, 2593, 2593, 399, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 140, 1245, 1245, 4796, 4796, 3913, 1357, 23, 23, 852, 852, 1066, 1066, 1886, 4420, 1886, 2788, 4641, 2754, 1406, 3610, 3610, 2838, 4117, 1185, 2659, 2647, 2647, 2647, 42, 340, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4549, 4549, 826, 4135, 3923, 3923, 3923, 2057, 4001, 4883, 4250, 4421, 3989, 4433, 1458, 1631, 3362, 4092, 1659, 245, 983, 1630, 2746, 4945, 4945, 432, 4187, 2096, 2096, 2559, 1724, 1082, 1663, 2758, 3318, 3318, 3318, 3318, 3318, 3089, 3214, 3171, 1548, 2485, 2070, 2070, 1148, 3951, 3951, 339, 4994, 350, 4044, 1149, 3072, 1007, 1007, 3402, 3402, 3402, 3402, 3402, 2467, 251, 595, 2820, 1562, 1745, 1745, 4101, 1658, 3471, 1321, 2193, 2193, 2193, 2193, 968, 1238, 1238, 2640, 3530, 4433, 542, 2214, 2214, 162, 4398, 1668, 4756, 4756, 4756, 372, 2281, 4340, 1858, 2579, 4480, 1471, 1299, 1838, 230, 230, 4888, 1193, 1694, 3326, 559, 678, 678, 708, 708, 3750, 3750, 3750, 3750, 4861, 4861, 4203, 385, 414, 2325, 1492, 1630, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 169, 384, 1601, 2744, 2744, 3632, 534, 561, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2848, 4061, 4061, 4966, 4966, 4966, 2035, 2612, 1204, 1014, 1134, 995, 1194, 1194, 2175, 1173, 3795, 2969, 4997, 4997, 1134, 148, 995, 3816, 3200, 3816, 3816, 3816, 1653, 1653, 1753, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 2897, 272, 73, 588, 1496, 1496, 255, 255, 4420, 3103, 3103, 2209, 2209, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5405812701829924, 0.9410118406889127, 1.101184068891281, 1.361463939720129, 1.4815931108719054, 1.9821313240043057, 2.402583423035522, 2.582777179763186, 3.143379978471475, 3.2635091496232507, 3.323573735199139, 3.683961248654467, 4.264585575888051, 4.765123789020452, 5.205597416576964, 5.385791173304629, 5.686114101184069, 5.9864370290635085, 6.4068891280947255, 7.007534983853605, 7.327879440258342, 7.508073196986007, 7.728310010764262, 8.008611410118407, 8.148762109795479, 8.909580193756726, 9.470182992465016, 9.75048439181916, 9.850592034445642, 10.25102260495156, 10.791603875134554, 10.991819160387513, 11.532400430570506, 11.992895586652313, 12.453390742734122, 12.673627556512377, 12.993972012917114, 13.154144241119482, 13.494510226049515, 14.095156081808396, 14.5756727664155, 15.116254036598493, 15.236383207750269, 15.77696447793326, 16.517761033369215, 16.798062432723356, 17.178471474703983, 17.378686759956942, 17.679009687836384, 17.93928955866523 ]
[ 0.5405812701829924, 0.9410118406889127, 1.101184068891281, 1.361463939720129, 1.4815931108719054, 1.9821313240043057, 2.402583423035522, 2.582777179763186, 3.143379978471475, 3.2635091496232507, 3.323573735199139, 3.683961248654467, 4.264585575888051, 4.765123789020452, 5.205597416576964, 5.385791173304629, 5.686114101184069, 5.9864370290635085, 6.4068891280947255, 7.007534983853605, 7.327879440258342, 7.508073196986007, 7.728310010764262, 8.008611410118407, 8.148762109795479, 8.909580193756726, 9.470182992465016, 9.75048439181916, 9.850592034445642, 10.25102260495156, 10.791603875134554, 10.991819160387513, 11.532400430570506, 11.992895586652313, 12.453390742734122, 12.673627556512377, 12.993972012917114, 13.154144241119482, 13.494510226049515, 14.095156081808396, 14.5756727664155, 15.116254036598493, 15.236383207750269, 15.77696447793326, 16.517761033369215, 16.798062432723356, 17.178471474703983, 17.378686759956942, 17.679009687836384, 17.93928955866523, 18.579978471474703 ]
had you been temperate stinging me only one at a time you might have got a good deal of fun out of me as it is you have driven me into a secure retreat for i can snap you up as fast as you come in through the bung-hole learn from this the folly of intemperate zeal
[ "had", "you", "been", "temperate", "stinging", "me", "only", "one", "at", "a", "time", "you", "might", "have", "got", "a", "good", "deal", "of", "fun", "out", "of", "me", "as", "it", "is", "you", "have", "driven", "me", "into", "a", "secure", "retreat", "for", "i", "can", "snap", "you", "up", "as", "fast", "as", "you", "come", "in", "through", "the", "bung-hole", "learn", "from", "this", "the", "folly", "of", "intemperate", "zeal" ]
[ "had", "you", "been", "temperate", "stinging", "me", "only", "one", "at", "a", "time", "you", "might", "have", "got", "a", "good", "deal", "of", "fun", "out", "of", "me", "as", "it", "is", "you", "have", "driven", "me", "into", "a", "secure", "retreat", "for", "i", "can", "snap", "you", "up", "as", "fast", "as", "you", "come", "in", "through", "the", "bung-hole", "learn", "from", "this", "the", "folly", "of", "intemperate", "zeal" ]
[ "h a d", "y o u", "b e e n", "t e m p e r a t e", "s t i n g i n g", "m e", "o n l y", "o n e", "a t", "a", "t i m e", "y o u", "m i g h t", "h a v e", "g o t", "a", "g o o d", "d e a l", "o f", "f u n", "o u t", "o f", "m e", "a s", "i t", "i s", "y o u", "h a v e", "d r i v e n", "m e", "i n t o", "a", "s e c u r e", "r e t r e a t", "f o r", "i", "c a n", "s n a p", "y o u", "u p", "a s", "f a s t", "a s", "y o u", "c o m e", "i n", "t h r o u g h", "t h e", "b u n g h o l e", "l e a r n", "f r o m", "t h i s", "t h e", "f o l l y", "o f", "i n t e m p e r a t e", "z e a l" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 3339, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 3068, 1898, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 993, 1714, 1692, 4063, 3117, 3117, 3692, 3692, 3692, 395, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 2930, 42, 2858, 512, 4312, 4312, 260, 3431, 1206, 221, 1888, 1888, 1888, 3687, 2298, 685, 4895, 114, 136, 2657, 2374, 3585, 3585, 3585, 3585, 4001, 1157, 1206, 1059, 2439, 2439, 652, 4879, 2033, 2033, 2033, 4542, 3817, 2869, 2869, 1480, 1480, 1480, 1206, 1480, 1481, 588, 2747, 1646, 1351, 1351, 1639, 1639, 31, 157, 828, 828, 710, 710, 4321, 252, 1332, 101, 101, 9, 1084, 3194, 4092, 1643, 1555, 2705, 1294, 1294, 4200, 4200, 454, 2653, 473, 2379, 7, 156, 3771, 436, 3768, 2170, 3504, 3504, 2315, 587, 3050, 1492, 1630, 561, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 3100, 2628, 2628, 2628, 2478, 2478, 3649, 3204, 3204, 3204, 2783, 2031, 130, 3583, 905, 1600, 33, 293, 1790, 2127, 2127, 2127, 1708, 4073, 2660, 546, 432, 3336, 55, 114, 136, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 3634, 1225, 2139, 2039, 1393, 3027, 3027, 866, 866, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 993, 993, 993, 761, 4122, 512, 512, 4312, 3161, 3161, 3846, 1593, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1456, 148, 1194, 1194, 1194, 1194, 1236, 1173, 3373, 421, 1686, 743, 759, 889, 889, 2211, 2211, 2211, 3267, 2184, 917, 381, 559, 2272, 4138, 1439, 1439, 1439, 3653, 3653, 59, 2743, 2029, 1686, 3492, 3472, 1340, 1365, 983, 1, 2939, 2746, 4945, 432, 2481, 777, 628, 559, 2272, 692, 4835, 4835, 4835, 4951, 112, 112, 3326, 3326, 2389, 1098, 1098, 1098, 508, 1789, 2312, 1566, 4333, 4333, 2464, 2464, 384, 563, 3275, 1564, 2832, 1096, 3446, 2043, 1553, 1553, 1553, 1942, 2300, 293, 2707, 4197, 4815, 4815, 4015, 4015, 1358, 4073, 3827, 3827, 1493, 965, 2184, 2277, 2020, 1014, 1014, 3768, 2170, 2170, 3504, 3504, 2315, 153, 1248, 1248, 2427, 4917, 730, 730, 730, 73, 2250, 1375, 1375, 4222, 4222, 4222, 866, 866, 866, 866, 1089, 16, 1089, 1089, 1089, 643, 1089, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 3068, 3068, 993, 993, 3004, 3004, 1910, 1910, 1066, 1886, 1886, 1886, 4281, 2788, 1510, 4950, 4950, 2482, 2482, 2482, 659, 659, 3578, 4318, 4433, 2905, 886, 886, 886, 3421, 2355, 3449, 2148, 4693, 4693, 4693, 4693, 4693, 1370, 2456, 2456, 2456, 2456, 2456, 4287, 4287, 67, 67, 2898, 4100, 145, 145, 145, 3414, 4398, 1481, 588, 588, 3808, 92, 1639, 140, 31, 1357, 3913, 3913, 532, 3844, 1436, 3268, 312, 1910, 4122, 4122, 512, 512, 4312, 3161, 3161, 1821, 3273, 3273, 3273, 3267, 2277, 917, 974, 55, 1352, 1352, 1320, 4223, 4223, 4223, 1274, 3266, 2873, 1540, 1540, 3687, 704, 704, 1134, 3768, 2170, 3504, 3504, 2315, 311, 884, 2377, 2377, 1247, 758, 983, 1630, 3963, 1048, 1048, 1048, 4109, 685, 42, 1843, 3595, 3595, 3595, 564, 2222, 2222, 546, 1723, 1109, 3374, 4077, 313, 4721, 947, 947, 1746, 891, 91, 559, 189, 189, 189, 189, 3642, 3642, 3642, 3642, 2011, 2011, 2792, 2792, 178, 2787, 2787, 1753, 385, 385, 172, 1074, 135, 3476, 1330, 937, 2284, 2284, 4626, 3336, 1206, 114, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 4957, 4957, 4957, 4957, 1013, 518, 518, 421, 131, 3974, 3974, 2559, 377, 377, 4891, 4891, 97, 97, 2500, 2962, 588, 1646, 1704, 92, 92, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 574, 574, 3305, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 3673, 3673, 3844, 2030, 2677, 1162, 4658, 3106, 3106, 840, 840, 2441, 2524, 3618, 3246, 1065, 4193, 2719, 4305, 4186, 1000, 1539, 4729, 4729, 3790, 735, 2527, 760, 4876, 4077, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 3708, 3708, 4382, 4382, 1429, 1471, 2142, 3033, 3033, 3033, 3033, 509, 3323, 2467, 3737, 3737, 628, 2820, 2867, 2867, 3591, 2191, 2191, 4645, 1628, 1628, 3607, 3090, 1712, 1712, 1712, 3560, 3560, 2808, 2808, 4675, 4675, 4675, 4281, 4675, 1721, 2436, 2436, 4153, 4153, 4153, 1904, 781, 2834, 3292, 3292, 3292, 176, 4318, 3838, 875, 875, 4983, 3524, 3524, 2158, 3446, 11, 11, 4939, 4939, 4939, 4939, 1303, 2881, 2881, 4708, 4440, 4077, 1458, 2333, 368, 4995, 346, 1365, 245, 983, 1, 781, 1525, 1525, 659, 176, 3886, 4671, 512, 4312, 4312, 3161, 4305, 2933, 559, 559, 3718, 3489, 3489, 3310, 3310, 601, 601, 2641, 786, 1557, 21, 21, 21, 21, 1282, 522, 300, 1546, 2463, 499, 2034, 3589, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 2864, 1307, 3350, 4141, 10, 4730, 1060, 2164, 1206, 53, 4427, 617, 4920, 4920, 3682, 3682, 1490, 1490, 1490, 3771, 4044, 13, 1347, 2893, 2893, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3763, 3763, 4170, 195, 195, 391, 4620, 4917, 4917, 730, 730, 73, 2747, 1375, 1646, 4222, 4222, 4222, 1646, 238, 2760, 2135, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3, 3, 3, 532, 3673, 3844, 2030, 312, 1910, 2001, 229, 2425, 738, 738, 3969, 3969, 3969, 2336, 486, 4060, 4060, 4060, 4060, 3664, 3764, 3918, 522, 2435, 50, 1368, 4635, 1096, 2943, 4629, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 3252, 3252, 3252, 1655, 138, 2495, 2495, 2495, 4273, 1238, 2640, 3530, 4433, 542, 542, 4100, 162, 162, 162, 4398, 4398, 1203, 1203, 3382, 4703, 4941, 1795, 1795, 165, 4141, 1448, 3513, 2059, 2690, 563, 146, 2832, 146, 2832, 1096, 3446, 671, 2043, 4928, 4928, 4928, 4928, 2141, 2141, 317, 317, 1197, 4954, 4954, 1848, 1418, 3843, 311, 884, 587, 3050, 758, 758, 197, 2939, 2939, 64, 1776, 169, 384, 2744, 701, 161, 4028, 2378, 661, 735, 1185, 685, 55, 114, 136, 2657, 541, 2374, 3585, 3585, 3585, 2057, 4001, 1157, 595, 1206, 1059, 2439, 1380, 652, 652, 2033, 2033, 2033, 2033, 4542, 1686, 743, 743, 2800, 2425, 613, 613, 4424, 4424, 2345, 3990, 3627, 3627, 3627, 508, 508, 508, 1789, 1789, 2312, 3477, 3477, 3477, 195, 195, 391, 4620, 4917, 4917, 730, 730, 4596, 2747, 1496, 4083, 1496, 4222, 4222, 4222, 2135, 3993, 1486, 1486, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 1901, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.780795918367347, 0.9009183673469389, 1.0610816326530614, 1.7818163265306126, 2.3824285714285716, 2.5225714285714287, 2.862918367346939, 3.083142857142857, 3.203265306122449, 3.2633265306122454, 3.9240000000000004, 4.324408163265307, 4.624714285714286, 4.804897959183674, 5.125224489795919, 5.265367346938776, 5.50561224489796, 5.725836734693878, 5.825938775510205, 6.086204081632653, 6.226346938775511, 6.346469387755103, 6.9871224489795924, 7.707857142857144, 7.848000000000001, 8.40857142857143, 8.788959183673471, 8.929102040816328, 9.229408163265306, 9.42961224489796, 9.749938775510206, 9.850040816326532, 10.450653061224491, 11.3115306122449, 11.812040816326533, 11.892122448979594, 12.092326530612247, 12.552795918367348, 12.71295918367347, 13.033285714285716, 13.333591836734694, 13.794061224489798, 13.974244897959185, 14.094367346938778, 14.33461224489796, 14.494775510204082, 14.755040816326533, 14.835122448979593, 15.736040816326533, 16.356673469387758, 16.59691836734694, 16.99732653061225, 17.277612244897963, 17.79814285714286, 17.998346938775516, 18.739102040816327 ]
[ 0.780795918367347, 0.9009183673469389, 1.0610816326530614, 1.7818163265306126, 2.3824285714285716, 2.5225714285714287, 2.862918367346939, 3.083142857142857, 3.203265306122449, 3.2633265306122454, 3.9240000000000004, 4.324408163265307, 4.624714285714286, 4.804897959183674, 5.125224489795919, 5.265367346938776, 5.50561224489796, 5.725836734693878, 5.825938775510205, 6.086204081632653, 6.226346938775511, 6.346469387755103, 6.9871224489795924, 7.707857142857144, 7.848000000000001, 8.40857142857143, 8.788959183673471, 8.929102040816328, 9.229408163265306, 9.42961224489796, 9.749938775510206, 9.850040816326532, 10.450653061224491, 11.3115306122449, 11.812040816326533, 11.892122448979594, 12.092326530612247, 12.552795918367348, 12.71295918367347, 13.033285714285716, 13.333591836734694, 13.794061224489798, 13.974244897959185, 14.094367346938778, 14.33461224489796, 14.494775510204082, 14.735020408163267, 14.835122448979593, 15.736040816326533, 16.356673469387758, 16.59691836734694, 16.99732653061225, 17.277612244897963, 17.79814285714286, 17.998346938775516, 18.739102040816327, 19.59997959183674 ]
same woodyard the dog and the bees a dog being very much annoyed by bees ran quite accidently into an empty barrel lying on the ground and looking out at the bung-hole addressed his tormentors thus
[ "same", "woodyard", "the", "dog", "and", "the", "bees", "a", "dog", "being", "very", "much", "annoyed", "by", "bees", "ran", "quite", "accidently", "into", "an", "empty", "barrel", "lying", "on", "the", "ground", "and", "looking", "out", "at", "the", "bung-hole", "addressed", "his", "tormentors", "thus" ]
[ "same", "woodyard", "the", "dog", "and", "the", "bees", "a", "dog", "being", "very", "much", "annoyed", "by", "bees", "ran", "quite", "accidently", "into", "an", "empty", "barrel", "lying", "on", "the", "ground", "and", "looking", "out", "at", "the", "bung-hole", "addressed", "his", "tormentors", "thus" ]
[ "s a m e", "w o o d y a r d", "t h e", "d o g", "a n d", "t h e", "b e e s", "a", "d o g", "b e i n g", "v e r y", "m u c h", "a n n o y e d", "b y", "b e e s", "r a n", "q u i t e", "a c c i d e n t l y", "i n t o", "a n", "e m p t y", "b a r r e l", "l y i n g", "o n", "t h e", "g r o u n d", "a n d", "l o o k i n g", "o u t", "a t", "t h e", "b u n g h o l e", "a d d r e s s e d", "h i s", "t o r m e n t o r s", "t h u s" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1143, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 1913, 1913, 527, 527, 4063, 252, 4494, 1332, 2110, 4077, 313, 1892, 190, 2511, 2511, 2511, 4076, 1328, 2543, 556, 556, 18, 419, 1840, 4392, 821, 3122, 54, 522, 4846, 300, 4895, 114, 3076, 4375, 985, 985, 3820, 3820, 3820, 2536, 2536, 1846, 1846, 391, 391, 4450, 4917, 4620, 4620, 730, 403, 403, 1646, 1646, 599, 2747, 599, 599, 3075, 3993, 3075, 562, 2071, 562, 2071, 2974, 2071, 2071, 2747, 1416, 1910, 2234, 2001, 4182, 4182, 489, 1448, 492, 2131, 1469, 3049, 4055, 2212, 2231, 902, 2994, 2994, 2994, 2994, 2994, 2994, 2994, 1246, 1246, 1246, 2317, 2317, 3499, 3499, 935, 154, 3422, 3422, 3422, 1651, 1651, 3382, 372, 3388, 220, 220, 220, 2747, 4281, 4641, 1510, 4381, 4381, 1461, 2838, 3364, 662, 40, 3102, 10, 4730, 1060, 3327, 3326, 53, 3574, 707, 707, 1232, 1232, 2416, 2416, 3322, 3322, 3979, 3979, 3979, 608, 536, 2091, 1011, 3294, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 2747, 3808, 92, 3796, 3587, 3587, 31, 31, 31, 31, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 2677, 1416, 348, 4281, 1206, 53, 1976, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 2301, 1687, 1687, 1889, 1291, 187, 3907, 4086, 4086, 4086, 4086, 913, 1585, 516, 3563, 3563, 4819, 4819, 42, 1498, 323, 323, 4331, 4331, 3055, 3055, 2797, 1476, 1476, 3742, 1293, 1216, 706, 3930, 4894, 4894, 276, 3537, 53, 3574, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 3850, 3850, 2848, 2848, 1869, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 145, 621, 3414, 881, 881, 2500, 61, 73, 4596, 816, 4, 4, 816, 816, 4083, 254, 2587, 2587, 254, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 863, 334, 863, 334, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 4083, 863, 863, 77, 863, 77, 863, 3004, 1578, 1578, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2822, 214, 214, 1684, 1684, 1684, 88, 2974, 2982, 2982, 2085, 1886, 673, 3199, 4641, 4575, 4945, 4945, 432, 1367, 42, 2212, 1283, 902, 2994, 2994, 2994, 2994, 2994, 2994, 1246, 1246, 2317, 2317, 3499, 3499, 3499, 935, 3213, 1203, 1203, 4790, 4790, 1651, 3382, 3382, 4703, 4703, 2001, 1787, 1787, 1440, 3326, 53, 221, 841, 841, 3565, 3565, 1817, 1817, 7, 3086, 3771, 856, 2870, 2158, 479, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 3309, 3309, 4080, 274, 1041, 1041, 3144, 436, 436, 1134, 751, 751, 751, 751, 2448, 1056, 3646, 358, 3197, 3079, 1008, 4217, 4959, 2146, 1471, 3041, 4013, 4013, 4013, 4013, 4875, 4992, 3463, 2014, 843, 1897, 628, 3537, 1976, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 182, 1591, 3327, 42, 3574, 3574, 707, 707, 1232, 2416, 2416, 2416, 3322, 3979, 3979, 3979, 4287, 4287, 2091, 4077, 1011, 3294, 3294, 4398, 4398, 1203, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3388, 3388, 372, 372, 372, 2234, 3547, 3476, 3476, 1988, 1799, 1799, 1799, 1799, 1799, 1390, 463, 2298, 2659, 2099, 55, 340, 2902, 2902, 3696, 3696, 3696, 1649, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1703, 1173, 246, 131, 1686, 4571, 245, 1, 1045, 2411, 3907, 4007, 1640, 3218, 2547, 1328, 2543, 2701, 649, 4433, 2905, 4177, 4177, 4177, 3543, 2355, 1221, 3493, 2765, 2765, 1331, 496, 4116, 4116, 1447, 2559, 3509, 1987, 2731, 4119, 4119, 494, 2055, 98, 814, 814, 884, 884, 2377, 2377, 3422, 4153, 4153, 220, 4281, 2788, 2666, 3125, 287, 1048, 1048, 1048, 4109, 685, 1206, 3076, 1843, 3595, 3595, 3595, 3857, 3857, 3857, 1551, 1551, 2222, 1812, 589, 2687, 2687, 4990, 4990, 2875, 1, 187, 4803, 4803, 4803, 4803, 4001, 1157, 2842, 2842, 2607, 1163, 2979, 1562, 1745, 4101, 182, 1591, 2164, 3133, 53, 3574, 394, 3932, 4040, 4040, 1660, 123, 2879, 2749, 2749, 4357, 2053, 668, 4808, 4808, 4808, 3485, 1607, 4913, 4588, 275, 2336, 2420, 4288, 4288, 4288, 4288, 1654, 4082, 4082, 2438, 2438, 1817, 4976, 4200, 4200, 435, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 662, 40, 3291, 10, 124, 777, 126, 4622, 1801, 4201, 4201, 3772, 3772, 3772, 3772, 3772, 3772, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 4394, 4394, 412, 412, 2781, 2205, 2500, 2962, 588, 1704, 1375, 1646, 2699, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1039, 2760, 2760, 4787, 866, 993, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 16, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 2422, 2422, 993, 761, 1510, 2754, 108, 108, 3610, 2838, 604, 2781, 4192, 4913, 4913, 1430, 1929, 1929, 1929, 1929, 4012, 4186, 454, 454, 2653, 2653, 2379, 4976, 4200, 435, 299, 3734, 3734, 1026, 4015, 58, 4073, 4073, 2127, 2127, 4131, 2712, 628, 2047, 4141, 10, 4730, 1060, 2164, 628, 53, 4427, 1104, 617, 4920, 4920, 3682, 3682, 1490, 1490, 1490, 3771, 3261, 1149, 369, 392, 2893, 2893, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3763, 3763, 967, 4808, 4808, 195, 4450, 4450, 3422, 3422, 4153, 4153, 220, 2747, 220, 2788, 4641, 4575, 1594, 3165, 324, 55, 1352, 1352, 1320, 3253, 932, 932, 932, 93, 2881, 4708, 3626, 3362, 4995, 4576, 2341, 2341, 4472, 1289, 6, 1139, 84, 55, 136, 2657, 541, 2287, 2371, 2371, 2371, 2371, 2371, 1871, 4267, 3231, 697, 4134, 939, 2765, 3555, 3555, 496, 4116, 1447, 381, 1830, 2476, 3184, 2401, 2401, 525, 1764, 4050, 706, 3994, 2938, 2268, 3196, 1655, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 3137, 997, 997, 2640, 3530, 4077, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 145, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 61, 362, 73, 4596, 1375, 2747, 4, 4, 4008, 238, 238, 2760, 2760, 4222, 2760, 248, 866, 686, 1089, 686, 929, 993, 2642, 1818, 3071, 2642, 686, 993, 633, 4772 ]
[ 0, 1.8810398230088494, 2.701493362831858, 2.8215597345132744, 3.581980088495575, 4.242345132743362, 4.562522123893805, 5.783196902654867, 6.683694690265487, 7.203982300884955, 7.6242146017699115, 7.884358407079646, 8.14450221238938, 8.484690265486725, 8.644778761061946, 9.165066371681416, 9.58529867256637, 9.985519911504424, 10.84599557522124, 11.286238938053097, 11.486349557522123, 11.82653761061947, 12.226758849557521, 12.626980088495575, 12.74704646017699, 12.847101769911504, 13.707577433628318, 14.307909292035397, 14.648097345132742, 14.808185840707964, 14.888230088495575, 15.008296460176991, 15.708683628318584, 16.188949115044245, 16.309015486725663, 16.989391592920352 ]
[ 1.8810398230088494, 2.701493362831858, 2.8215597345132744, 3.581980088495575, 4.242345132743362, 4.562522123893805, 5.783196902654867, 6.683694690265487, 7.203982300884955, 7.6242146017699115, 7.884358407079646, 8.14450221238938, 8.484690265486725, 8.644778761061946, 9.165066371681416, 9.58529867256637, 9.985519911504424, 10.84599557522124, 11.286238938053097, 11.486349557522123, 11.82653761061947, 12.226758849557521, 12.626980088495575, 12.74704646017699, 12.847101769911504, 13.707577433628318, 14.307909292035397, 14.648097345132742, 14.808185840707964, 14.888230088495575, 15.008296460176991, 15.708683628318584, 16.168938053097346, 16.309015486725663, 16.989391592920352, 18.069988938053093 ]
when he had concluded he awaited a reply there wasn't any reply for the bees had never gone near the bung-hole they went in the same way as he did and made it very warm for him
[ "when", "he", "had", "concluded", "he", "awaited", "a", "reply", "there", "wasn't", "any", "reply", "for", "the", "bees", "had", "never", "gone", "near", "the", "bung-hole", "they", "went", "in", "the", "same", "way", "as", "he", "did", "and", "made", "it", "very", "warm", "for", "him" ]
[ "when", "he", "had", "concluded", "he", "awaited", "a", "reply", "there", "wasn't", "any", "reply", "for", "the", "bees", "had", "never", "gone", "near", "the", "bung-hole", "they", "went", "in", "the", "same", "way", "as", "he", "did", "and", "made", "it", "very", "warm", "for", "him" ]
[ "w h e n", "h e", "h a d", "c o n c l u d e d", "h e", "a w a i t e d", "a", "r e p l y", "t h e r e", "w a s n ' t", "a n y", "r e p l y", "f o r", "t h e", "b e e s", "h a d", "n e v e r", "g o n e", "n e a r", "t h e", "b u n g h o l e", "t h e y", "w e n t", "i n", "t h e", "s a m e", "w a y", "a s", "h e", "d i d", "a n d", "m a d e", "i t", "v e r y", "w a r m", "f o r", "h i m" ]
[ 38, 3154, 3814, 715, 3057, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 1898, 17, 4491, 3068, 3068, 993, 3861, 1910, 4281, 1683, 1683, 29, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 410, 2824, 4044, 2818, 2818, 2198, 2198, 51, 1797, 2652, 2652, 4911, 4911, 3805, 395, 1450, 3127, 3127, 3127, 3369, 2930, 2199, 4485, 1829, 3766, 1000, 4560, 909, 3389, 253, 488, 2099, 3766, 3317, 305, 3701, 2445, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1998, 44, 4736, 216, 106, 4901, 4434, 1558, 3198, 1110, 4102, 154, 2459, 2897, 2962, 403, 403, 403, 1706, 3388, 4281, 3075, 3075, 3458, 3458, 1286, 1286, 2030, 710, 4195, 673, 3117, 4319, 2198, 2198, 51, 1797, 4850, 2443, 3566, 2323, 2323, 4725, 4714, 1346, 2783, 2668, 3651, 4237, 4237, 4237, 4196, 216, 106, 4901, 4434, 921, 1708, 2660, 546, 546, 3836, 3836, 2603, 2603, 937, 4988, 4988, 713, 2261, 1210, 628, 2973, 263, 263, 4075, 4075, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2172, 2172, 1248, 1248, 4917, 4917, 730, 730, 555, 555, 1375, 2747, 1375, 1375, 1646, 4222, 3993, 3993, 866, 866, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 643, 643, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 2422, 993, 2234, 2001, 165, 4461, 379, 780, 4585, 172, 2117, 45, 1345, 1851, 4144, 335, 335, 4425, 4425, 2562, 1360, 1272, 4279, 4279, 4279, 339, 4744, 192, 4952, 4952, 3406, 3406, 297, 3426, 2501, 506, 2537, 2537, 4101, 2478, 1074, 2603, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 750, 1210, 4643, 2973, 4932, 263, 4075, 4075, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 1178, 533, 3172, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2377, 4917, 4917, 730, 588, 4276, 1704, 4787, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 2422, 2422, 993, 993, 761, 840, 1344, 2441, 437, 4416, 3102, 492, 4730, 2164, 3133, 628, 739, 3574, 707, 707, 1232, 1232, 2416, 2081, 3979, 4499, 1764, 1216, 296, 65, 1785, 3699, 3699, 2920, 4569, 1972, 1895, 3770, 2142, 3041, 4543, 4543, 1505, 351, 484, 1403, 1403, 3941, 2009, 4753, 41, 2272, 4138, 4138, 3048, 3048, 3048, 3048, 105, 2177, 4768, 4608, 4608, 152, 411, 25, 25, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 4203, 8, 1854, 1307, 4416, 424, 3102, 177, 1060, 3327, 894, 739, 4427, 617, 4920, 4920, 4920, 3682, 1490, 1490, 3771, 933, 1149, 1347, 1347, 2893, 3973, 3973, 3973, 3763, 3763, 3477, 195, 195, 391, 4450, 4620, 730, 588, 4281, 288, 3993, 3458, 4787, 866, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3068, 3068, 3068, 3068, 2422, 2422, 993, 993, 761, 1504, 4461, 3256, 409, 409, 579, 45, 1345, 2668, 2728, 2728, 2728, 2728, 339, 1447, 1447, 2559, 1830, 4952, 422, 21, 21, 21, 3917, 1282, 3364, 662, 662, 40, 3291, 3513, 3368, 1109, 4876, 4077, 158, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 2088, 529, 2887, 1030, 1670, 1155, 1155, 3700, 2668, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 83, 4850, 2443, 1189, 1189, 1189, 176, 4969, 4077, 1785, 1422, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 2652, 4202, 1367, 2158, 2389, 3029, 3029, 3029, 3029, 3029, 3198, 1523, 1110, 4102, 154, 2459, 2500, 2962, 588, 2747, 1646, 1646, 1716, 3458, 3458, 3458, 1245, 1245, 1245, 3913, 3913, 1400, 3844, 1436, 1436, 312, 1910, 2788, 2933, 2754, 1406, 3610, 4249, 3123, 74, 202, 185, 4349, 4349, 672, 672, 2671, 1708, 1993, 4156, 4156, 2601, 4300, 4300, 1897, 4500, 1635, 974, 2870, 2870, 2870, 2870, 2870, 2870, 2870, 631, 631, 2460, 2460, 2460, 2460, 2460, 3309, 3309, 123, 274, 274, 274, 1041, 4101, 2478, 3649, 3649, 3204, 144, 144, 1552, 1552, 1552, 1552, 2688, 2235, 4788, 1030, 1670, 1670, 258, 50, 1368, 4635, 2400, 104, 2595, 1883, 1508, 1508, 1508, 247, 908, 2524, 2524, 3877, 4408, 4408, 3977, 375, 2876, 1225, 1225, 1225, 2039, 1393, 2254, 2254, 2254, 2254, 4710, 4710, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4083, 4006, 4006, 4222, 3103, 1486, 1486, 1486, 1486, 2209, 2209, 2209, 329, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.7005434782608696, 0.8606677018633541, 1.08083850931677, 1.8614440993788821, 2.1816925465838506, 2.6020186335403728, 2.682080745341615, 3.5627639751552795, 4.1231987577639755, 4.463462732919255, 4.6636180124223605, 5.404192546583851, 5.784487577639752, 5.884565217391305, 6.184798136645963, 6.3249068322981365, 6.585108695652174, 6.865326086956522, 7.105512422360249, 7.225605590062112, 8.026226708074534, 8.446552795031057, 8.706754658385092, 8.866878881987578, 9.027003105590062, 9.367267080745341, 9.547406832298137, 9.68751552795031, 9.847639751552794, 10.32801242236025, 10.70830745341615, 10.888447204968944, 11.08860248447205, 11.528944099378883, 11.889223602484474, 12.109394409937888 ]
[ 0.7005434782608696, 0.8606677018633541, 1.08083850931677, 1.8614440993788821, 2.1816925465838506, 2.6020186335403728, 2.682080745341615, 3.5627639751552795, 4.1231987577639755, 4.463462732919255, 4.6636180124223605, 5.404192546583851, 5.784487577639752, 5.884565217391305, 6.184798136645963, 6.3249068322981365, 6.585108695652174, 6.865326086956522, 7.105512422360249, 7.225605590062112, 8.026226708074534, 8.446552795031057, 8.706754658385092, 8.866878881987578, 9.027003105590062, 9.367267080745341, 9.547406832298137, 9.68751552795031, 9.847639751552794, 10.32801242236025, 10.70830745341615, 10.888447204968944, 11.08860248447205, 11.528944099378883, 11.889223602484474, 12.109394409937888, 12.869984472049689 ]
and o'er her forehead curving down fell dark the shadow of a frown then backward deep and stormy fair she tossed the tempest of her hair then of her lips full rose disdain made a pink folded bud again
[ "and", "o'er", "her", "forehead", "curving", "down", "fell", "dark", "the", "shadow", "of", "a", "frown", "then", "backward", "deep", "and", "stormy", "fair", "she", "tossed", "the", "tempest", "of", "her", "hair", "then", "of", "her", "lips", "full", "rose", "disdain", "made", "a", "pink", "folded", "bud", "again" ]
[ "and", "o'er", "her", "forehead", "curving", "down", "fell", "dark", "the", "shadow", "of", "a", "frown", "then", "backward", "deep", "and", "stormy", "fair", "she", "tossed", "the", "tempest", "of", "her", "hair", "then", "of", "her", "lips", "full", "rose", "disdain", "made", "a", "pink", "folded", "bud", "again" ]
[ "a n d", "o ' e r", "h e r", "f o r e h e a d", "c u r v i n g", "d o w n", "f e l l", "d a r k", "t h e", "s h a d o w", "o f", "a", "f r o w n", "t h e n", "b a c k w a r d", "d e e p", "a n d", "s t o r m y", "f a i r", "s h e", "t o s s e d", "t h e", "t e m p e s t", "o f", "h e r", "h a i r", "t h e n", "o f", "h e r", "l i p s", "f u l l", "r o s e", "d i s d a i n", "m a d e", "a", "p i n k", "f o l d e d", "b u d", "a g a i n" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 715, 3057, 3057, 792, 792, 792, 792, 792, 17, 17, 17, 17, 4491, 4491, 3861, 3861, 75, 4281, 331, 4623, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 3398, 2740, 822, 822, 3659, 3659, 3659, 3659, 2577, 4285, 1403, 385, 172, 1832, 1255, 1337, 3911, 4199, 3971, 172, 3232, 563, 623, 3524, 2400, 43, 2595, 2108, 2108, 2637, 2637, 2637, 1772, 1772, 908, 385, 3261, 1832, 1347, 942, 942, 942, 942, 942, 1750, 3333, 1523, 1110, 2959, 4485, 2852, 628, 560, 3718, 3387, 1621, 1621, 1621, 1621, 425, 4267, 4406, 4406, 1788, 3637, 501, 2308, 7, 3086, 3771, 3771, 2410, 104, 2231, 1283, 485, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 269, 269, 2911, 2210, 2039, 2039, 819, 819, 819, 3388, 3388, 1706, 1706, 1151, 372, 4658, 4658, 3524, 2933, 43, 671, 3152, 3152, 3152, 3152, 2216, 4905, 3758, 3049, 2089, 1568, 628, 433, 2231, 902, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 1475, 207, 2914, 2914, 823, 3176, 3176, 2664, 3945, 2933, 2566, 4141, 3513, 2131, 3368, 2878, 2878, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 642, 642, 642, 642, 509, 4515, 1358, 783, 783, 2766, 2766, 4499, 1764, 1216, 296, 2906, 606, 2446, 1512, 3869, 2997, 701, 1567, 546, 432, 2690, 563, 1815, 2832, 1615, 1615, 3953, 3785, 3785, 3785, 3205, 3528, 3528, 3528, 3528, 217, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 269, 2911, 443, 2039, 1393, 730, 555, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4, 4222, 4222, 238, 238, 238, 2250, 4420, 238, 2200, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 322, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1981, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 2982, 2085, 4321, 2234, 2001, 4182, 4024, 3163, 2483, 2483, 899, 899, 3917, 2838, 4117, 830, 4819, 1440, 739, 3574, 1455, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4656, 96, 2547, 1743, 2559, 1616, 396, 2145, 2860, 2860, 2860, 1171, 1171, 2730, 869, 1110, 4102, 4102, 154, 1203, 2500, 1651, 3388, 3388, 3388, 3388, 3388, 1706, 372, 1787, 1787, 2670, 2670, 1784, 433, 2231, 3853, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 1013, 3209, 1761, 251, 628, 1721, 1842, 422, 4856, 1949, 1234, 1185, 1748, 4834, 4876, 4077, 9, 1084, 3194, 1641, 1643, 1555, 3550, 3550, 3550, 2688, 2310, 4788, 697, 697, 4178, 4178, 1745, 1745, 438, 3293, 563, 623, 3524, 2832, 5, 671, 4953, 4998, 4998, 4998, 4998, 700, 700, 700, 2078, 2078, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 2358, 20, 193, 586, 1351, 1639, 1639, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 2827, 2827, 2827, 527, 4063, 252, 4494, 1212, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1166, 1166, 1623, 1623, 270, 1781, 2657, 2287, 2287, 1243, 1243, 4244, 4244, 59, 2881, 4708, 4440, 4440, 3994, 2938, 986, 1844, 3102, 2131, 1469, 3336, 2559, 1781, 136, 2374, 2374, 3585, 3585, 3585, 4001, 1157, 1059, 1059, 4565, 4565, 4209, 159, 4440, 4077, 515, 3362, 4995, 2723, 2446, 2446, 1512, 2997, 2744, 701, 539, 539, 539, 3971, 3261, 3261, 13, 3072, 1007, 1007, 3934, 3934, 2600, 2600, 2600, 2600, 2600, 700, 700, 2078, 2078, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 2358, 2962, 588, 3808, 92, 2699, 2699, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 87, 87, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3416, 3754, 2490, 2490, 3215, 2490, 1864, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 2982, 2982, 4420, 4063, 2001, 4182, 1504, 3163, 2483, 899, 899, 366, 2707, 1971, 1168, 1493, 2968, 2744, 701, 539, 539, 3971, 3971, 1170, 4052, 3969, 3969, 1430, 2336, 4514, 3088, 3088, 3088, 3088, 4385, 1761, 3737, 4421, 4421, 273, 4077, 3411, 3838, 875, 4983, 4635, 43, 2595, 1015, 1015, 1015, 2046, 1187, 1187, 3427, 1449, 1449, 2888, 1827, 2798, 2798, 3055, 3055, 3055, 2797, 1476, 3742, 1293, 1293, 4969, 4969, 1139, 4229, 3522, 572, 837, 837, 618, 82, 1031, 4433, 9, 3194, 3271, 1641, 1643, 1555, 3025, 2716, 1181, 1181, 4271, 4271, 4271, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 262, 1882, 1882, 269, 2911, 4681, 2210, 2039, 931, 931, 403, 403, 1706, 3388, 1706, 3388, 4420, 3075, 3075, 955, 955, 2234, 4340, 2767, 2767, 2767, 308, 185, 4349, 672, 672, 4196, 2671, 1708, 2660, 859, 432, 2261, 1210, 2812, 628, 2973, 1119, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126, 3756, 2489, 4886, 4886, 1616, 1616, 4120, 2400, 2832, 1615, 2595, 2043, 4130, 4130, 4130, 674, 674, 1636, 2486, 851, 4901, 1256, 1822, 1822, 2014, 843, 2970, 1440, 276, 1373, 4427, 2929, 2929, 2929, 2929, 4515, 4073, 2660, 430, 2471, 1710, 777, 4055, 1223, 1057, 2252, 1224, 4970, 4970, 4970, 4271, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 1882, 1882, 2911, 2911, 2911, 443, 443, 2039, 1393, 1393, 4787, 4787, 1704, 4787, 1496, 4006, 255, 4006, 929, 929, 2747, 929, 929, 929, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 3215, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6204010349288486, 0.8405433376455368, 1.020659767141009, 1.5610090556274256, 2.001293661060802, 2.5816688227684343, 2.9819275549805946, 3.322147477360931, 3.5022639068564034, 3.882509702457956, 4.022600258732212, 4.122664941785252, 5.043260025873221, 5.703686934023285, 6.4041397153945665, 6.844424320827942, 7.004527813712807, 7.424799482535575, 8.025187580853816, 8.425446313065978, 8.78567917205692, 8.905756791720568, 9.326028460543338, 9.446106080206985, 9.586196636481242, 10.446752910737386, 11.087166882276842, 11.207244501940492, 11.347335058214746, 11.707567917205692, 11.947723156532987, 12.287943078913324, 13.088460543337643, 13.508732212160412, 13.568771021992237, 13.868965071151356, 14.289236739974125, 14.489366106080206 ]
[ 0.6204010349288486, 0.8405433376455368, 1.020659767141009, 1.5610090556274256, 2.001293661060802, 2.5816688227684343, 2.9819275549805946, 3.322147477360931, 3.5022639068564034, 3.882509702457956, 4.022600258732212, 4.122664941785252, 5.043260025873221, 5.703686934023285, 6.4041397153945665, 6.844424320827942, 7.004527813712807, 7.424799482535575, 8.025187580853816, 8.425446313065978, 8.78567917205692, 8.905756791720568, 9.326028460543338, 9.446106080206985, 9.586196636481242, 10.446752910737386, 11.087166882276842, 11.207244501940492, 11.347335058214746, 11.707567917205692, 11.947723156532987, 12.287943078913324, 13.088460543337643, 13.508732212160412, 13.568771021992237, 13.868965071151356, 14.289236739974125, 14.489366106080206, 15.449987063389392 ]
then quicker than all utterance all changed and at a word a glance her anger rained its tears then passed and she was in my arms at last the austere woman doubly dear and lovelier for each falling tear
[ "then", "quicker", "than", "all", "utterance", "all", "changed", "and", "at", "a", "word", "a", "glance", "her", "anger", "rained", "its", "tears", "then", "passed", "and", "she", "was", "in", "my", "arms", "at", "last", "the", "austere", "woman", "doubly", "dear", "and", "lovelier", "for", "each", "falling", "tear" ]
[ "then", "quicker", "than", "all", "utterance", "all", "changed", "and", "at", "a", "word", "a", "glance", "her", "anger", "rained", "its", "tears", "then", "passed", "and", "she", "was", "in", "my", "arms", "at", "last", "the", "austere", "woman", "doubly", "dear", "and", "lovelier", "for", "each", "falling", "tear" ]
[ "t h e n", "q u i c k e r", "t h a n", "a l l", "u t t e r a n c e", "a l l", "c h a n g e d", "a n d", "a t", "a", "w o r d", "a", "g l a n c e", "h e r", "a n g e r", "r a i n e d", "i t s", "t e a r s", "t h e n", "p a s s e d", "a n d", "s h e", "w a s", "i n", "m y", "a r m s", "a t", "l a s t", "t h e", "a u s t e r e", "w o m a n", "d o u b l y", "d e a r", "a n d", "l o v e l i e r", "f o r", "e a c h", "f a l l i n g", "t e a r" ]
[ 38, 4598, 2747, 715, 715, 3057, 792, 792, 792, 792, 792, 17, 17, 17, 17, 4491, 4491, 75, 75, 4420, 331, 4182, 4461, 2483, 899, 899, 3687, 4117, 2659, 2099, 581, 381, 310, 2902, 3696, 1649, 4334, 4334, 4334, 3829, 1743, 2559, 1733, 903, 303, 3313, 3313, 1854, 1854, 1414, 2268, 1655, 1980, 1980, 1980, 366, 3398, 2707, 822, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 2851, 2851, 471, 2330, 534, 561, 2929, 2929, 2929, 2929, 4515, 1358, 4166, 3620, 652, 4731, 4469, 2639, 3285, 3285, 3285, 2072, 3264, 3234, 1834, 1834, 3989, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 245, 983, 2789, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 4481, 3456, 4905, 3758, 1623, 381, 1902, 720, 4077, 720, 4522, 3181, 3181, 3452, 3452, 3452, 578, 578, 529, 529, 529, 262, 3454, 3454, 3454, 3454, 3442, 3442, 4762, 4762, 1631, 1631, 368, 346, 346, 4891, 1340, 1203, 1668, 372, 220, 4321, 1249, 1510, 1406, 3610, 68, 3398, 2707, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 1529, 2660, 546, 546, 4725, 4714, 144, 144, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 2237, 2237, 2237, 4387, 4387, 869, 1296, 4102, 154, 2459, 2500, 1472, 403, 403, 4420, 3388, 3388, 3388, 3388, 1706, 3388, 1151, 1151, 220, 4281, 2788, 2789, 4575, 4945, 4945, 432, 2481, 3899, 2559, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4549, 826, 3036, 3036, 3036, 3036, 3036, 3036, 200, 200, 4489, 4489, 1374, 498, 498, 3974, 1834, 1834, 1834, 3773, 302, 4100, 4100, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 881, 61, 73, 4276, 1375, 1375, 238, 2250, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 238, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 1981, 1981, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 2982, 2982, 4420, 4063, 3117, 3692, 1337, 3911, 3971, 3971, 2325, 2165, 2875, 1045, 187, 3502, 3502, 3502, 3502, 3502, 1624, 1290, 3455, 3455, 2098, 2106, 2106, 1975, 3941, 172, 172, 1449, 2888, 2888, 1988, 1549, 2936, 2936, 4271, 4271, 3214, 2168, 37, 2219, 883, 4226, 726, 726, 3444, 3668, 4266, 4077, 6, 1139, 4229, 1781, 136, 2657, 2260, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 173, 4203, 3850, 3850, 2038, 2038, 608, 4287, 536, 67, 1011, 4077, 162, 2324, 2938, 986, 1795, 165, 1655, 2483, 899, 899, 989, 3917, 3832, 1185, 830, 4591, 4591, 2933, 2973, 1644, 1730, 4455, 4455, 523, 523, 523, 523, 1427, 1427, 1427, 1427, 1303, 997, 997, 2640, 3717, 4433, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 346, 3190, 634, 4276, 3557, 92, 1351, 1351, 1707, 1707, 1707, 3401, 3811, 3811, 3811, 1254, 1254, 1254, 1254, 2827, 2827, 527, 527, 2725, 1910, 3614, 3614, 1406, 1234, 1748, 4414, 4414, 1212, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1715, 1027, 1027, 1766, 579, 45, 45, 2102, 1909, 1909, 373, 855, 3578, 3786, 2906, 257, 284, 284, 1446, 1949, 3832, 704, 3948, 3069, 3069, 737, 737, 4733, 429, 3168, 4317, 4317, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 2036, 4935, 4935, 4788, 1030, 1670, 978, 2292, 1216, 2906, 175, 2127, 2127, 3464, 3464, 4300, 4913, 1430, 5, 486, 4821, 4821, 4821, 4821, 4821, 4821, 4821, 1303, 1303, 1303, 1303, 997, 997, 2640, 3717, 4433, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 346, 346, 97, 2500, 73, 73, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4083, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 334, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 3416, 863, 863, 863, 863, 3754, 4987, 4987, 4987, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 2974, 3215, 1684, 88, 774, 2925, 761, 761, 4321, 1504, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 4317, 822, 2557, 3927, 3927, 4244, 1051, 2881, 4708, 4433, 4440, 2187, 242, 2751, 1643, 3085, 2452, 173, 173, 8, 172, 172, 2117, 3649, 1346, 144, 1851, 397, 397, 397, 397, 397, 1947, 4867, 4867, 1260, 1379, 1379, 1282, 2160, 4844, 4681, 4681, 775, 775, 775, 1435, 1435, 1435, 1435, 4281, 2607, 433, 1283, 4068, 4068, 4068, 4068, 2283, 2283, 1925, 2731, 3100, 663, 663, 4324, 438, 3049, 1568, 2559, 2231, 3853, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 1484, 2358, 610, 4276, 2220, 3388, 3388, 3388, 1151, 4321, 220, 220, 1249, 1510, 1097, 4381, 1461, 68, 4117, 85, 85, 4913, 3969, 1430, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1274, 3094, 4567, 2731, 4119, 3533, 3533, 3533, 4946, 1244, 303, 303, 303, 3313, 1426, 2112, 1484, 1484, 3422, 4703, 785, 526, 2400, 3106, 840, 1344, 2441, 2441, 2325, 2165, 1889, 3441, 2552, 2552, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 4513, 1056, 1974, 4797, 1217, 875, 4983, 2400, 43, 2043, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 2141, 317, 317, 3514, 3514, 4687, 2308, 3086, 2605, 1546, 1546, 894, 1781, 136, 2260, 2260, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 730, 555, 555, 555, 4787, 2747, 4596, 1496, 1496, 4006, 4006, 4006, 4083, 4006, 929, 4083, 929, 929, 929, 929, 929, 929, 1387, 1387, 1387, 1387, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5803684879288435, 0.9606099110546377, 1.1807496823379922, 1.4008894536213468, 2.0012706480304954, 2.241423125794155, 2.901842439644218, 3.1219822109275728, 3.2220457433290974, 3.3020965692503172, 3.8424396442185507, 4.102604828462515, 5.003176620076238, 5.523506988564167, 5.883735705209656, 6.163913595933925, 6.324015247776365, 6.864358322744599, 7.144536213468869, 7.945044472681067, 8.32528589580686, 8.4853875476493, 8.72554002541296, 8.845616264294788, 9.065756035578143, 9.345933926302411, 9.466010165184244, 10.466645489199491, 11.107052096569248, 11.587357052096568, 12.007623888182973, 12.44790343074968, 12.968233799237609, 13.28843710292249, 13.828780177890723, 14.088945362134687, 14.349110546378652, 14.729351969504446 ]
[ 0.5803684879288435, 0.9606099110546377, 1.1807496823379922, 1.4008894536213468, 2.0012706480304954, 2.241423125794155, 2.901842439644218, 3.1219822109275728, 3.2220457433290974, 3.3020965692503172, 3.8424396442185507, 4.102604828462515, 5.003176620076238, 5.523506988564167, 5.883735705209656, 6.163913595933925, 6.324015247776365, 6.864358322744599, 7.144536213468869, 7.945044472681067, 8.32528589580686, 8.4853875476493, 8.72554002541296, 8.845616264294788, 9.065756035578143, 9.345933926302411, 9.466010165184244, 10.466645489199491, 11.107052096569248, 11.587357052096568, 12.007623888182973, 12.44790343074968, 12.968233799237609, 13.28843710292249, 13.828780177890723, 14.088945362134687, 14.349110546378652, 14.729351969504446, 15.729987293519693 ]
but why we quarreled how it grew i can not tell i never knew perhaps t was love he who with tears would show how fair a face appears as after storm the sky s more blue a wildflower s fairer for the dew
[ "but", "why", "we", "quarreled", "how", "it", "grew", "i", "can", "not", "tell", "i", "never", "knew", "perhaps", "t", "was", "love", "he", "who", "with", "tears", "would", "show", "how", "fair", "a", "face", "appears", "as", "after", "storm", "the", "sky", "s", "more", "blue", "a", "wildflower", "s", "fairer", "for", "the", "dew" ]
[ "but", "why", "we", "quarreled", "how", "it", "grew", "i", "can", "not", "tell", "i", "never", "knew", "perhaps", "t", "was", "love", "he", "who", "with", "tears", "would", "show", "how", "fair", "a", "face", "appears", "as", "after", "storm", "the", "sky", "s", "more", "blue", "a", "wildflower", "s", "fairer", "for", "the", "dew" ]
[ "b u t", "w h y", "w e", "q u a r r e l e d", "h o w", "i t", "g r e w", "i", "c a n", "n o t", "t e l l", "i", "n e v e r", "k n e w", "p e r h a p s", "t", "w a s", "l o v e", "h e", "w h o", "w i t h", "t e a r s", "w o u l d", "s h o w", "h o w", "f a i r", "a", "f a c e", "a p p e a r s", "a s", "a f t e r", "s t o r m", "t h e", "s k y", "s", "m o r e", "b l u e", "a", "w i l d f l o w e r", "s", "f a i r e r", "f o r", "t h e", "d e w" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 2747, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 3339, 645, 645, 645, 1684, 645, 645, 1684, 1684, 1684, 2974, 88, 88, 774, 2085, 3227, 4281, 4321, 2594, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 2969, 168, 168, 3204, 4477, 4477, 548, 2181, 2181, 2181, 4804, 4804, 282, 2301, 2478, 3649, 2833, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 4305, 581, 628, 340, 2902, 3696, 3696, 1649, 1649, 3274, 3274, 746, 746, 4942, 4942, 2879, 2879, 3324, 2053, 2053, 807, 807, 402, 4771, 4771, 1686, 2205, 1203, 1203, 3382, 3692, 3692, 3692, 1007, 3105, 3105, 4020, 4020, 4090, 4090, 3211, 1628, 3607, 886, 886, 2601, 4300, 2959, 3899, 3326, 126, 4622, 4622, 1801, 3749, 3749, 3749, 3749, 3749, 3749, 2536, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1873, 391, 4450, 4620, 4620, 272, 403, 4276, 403, 4618, 4618, 2250, 4618, 4618, 4618, 955, 955, 955, 955, 955, 955, 955, 1886, 4321, 4641, 794, 4193, 2719, 4305, 2096, 1206, 4633, 678, 1539, 2891, 2891, 2891, 3790, 293, 293, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 1200, 1206, 114, 1359, 136, 2657, 2374, 326, 326, 326, 326, 326, 326, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 195, 391, 391, 4620, 931, 627, 403, 403, 403, 4618, 1706, 1706, 4618, 4618, 1706, 4618, 1706, 2071, 2071, 3075, 1151, 1886, 1886, 2933, 4641, 794, 109, 4193, 2719, 2008, 152, 1471, 3041, 4543, 4543, 1505, 1505, 3266, 484, 1403, 1403, 1288, 1288, 1927, 152, 1471, 1471, 2362, 1046, 1046, 1046, 1046, 2538, 2536, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 391, 391, 391, 4620, 1393, 730, 555, 4420, 2250, 1375, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 863, 334, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 863, 2516, 863, 863, 863, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 4570, 88, 88, 774, 774, 2085, 3227, 2933, 102, 3407, 3982, 3982, 3982, 3982, 3982, 3805, 4770, 2274, 2274, 2274, 2274, 2274, 2467, 4250, 4421, 649, 6, 1139, 4229, 4738, 2839, 2839, 3650, 4144, 1613, 2335, 855, 2713, 3786, 4247, 1836, 4913, 4913, 275, 275, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3166, 3166, 3654, 3654, 718, 1581, 1203, 1668, 403, 3388, 3388, 3388, 1151, 4063, 4319, 4319, 3349, 2198, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2377, 2377, 3422, 3422, 3382, 3382, 4637, 4637, 1377, 186, 186, 186, 3111, 45, 2833, 1284, 318, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 917, 917, 55, 114, 136, 2657, 2260, 2452, 2452, 2452, 2452, 173, 173, 173, 4203, 3850, 3850, 2038, 4499, 4499, 1764, 706, 3294, 634, 20, 586, 586, 1639, 1639, 1639, 3401, 3401, 31, 157, 157, 828, 1103, 1103, 2677, 2747, 1162, 924, 1952, 845, 3381, 482, 1972, 4414, 4414, 1564, 171, 4507, 4507, 897, 897, 3985, 3985, 3985, 3892, 201, 201, 401, 3261, 3805, 395, 3105, 3105, 3105, 3105, 4090, 1193, 3232, 563, 4120, 2832, 2832, 2832, 1096, 3446, 4953, 4998, 4998, 4998, 4998, 4998, 700, 4861, 4203, 4203, 3417, 3445, 966, 3877, 546, 4945, 432, 563, 623, 3524, 1206, 3446, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 1037, 3630, 3626, 4077, 2905, 4260, 1008, 1008, 3165, 2096, 2559, 1724, 1644, 1119, 1119, 1576, 1576, 1576, 1576, 3085, 173, 173, 173, 4203, 3850, 3850, 2038, 2038, 2038, 608, 608, 536, 2091, 2091, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 588, 1704, 2699, 1646, 2699, 1016, 238, 2747, 238, 238, 4083, 4621, 4621, 4621, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3416, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 88, 88, 322, 2085, 531, 761, 4641, 1510, 4559, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 261, 659, 659, 3578, 3578, 706, 3886, 872, 4355, 1291, 1291, 3907, 806, 806, 806, 1841, 1841, 4250, 4154, 3326, 2683, 2683, 3175, 1975, 1288, 3408, 2542, 3374, 4077, 382, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 4092, 1643, 1555, 3550, 3550, 3550, 3550, 178, 2235, 2235, 2235, 4788, 4788, 1030, 1670, 3905, 3252, 3252, 3291, 3102, 2131, 3368, 3374, 4433, 9, 521, 521, 2360, 2360, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 2294, 167, 282, 3314, 3314, 1764, 706, 3930, 4208, 1014, 1134, 203, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 1205, 172, 2009, 1591, 2164, 3133, 3537, 2534, 2534, 1454, 1811, 1811, 1811, 1811, 1811, 2536, 2536, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 4042, 1873, 4450, 2358, 20, 1915, 92, 1351, 1351, 1707, 1707, 1707, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 562, 562, 562, 562, 562, 2071, 2071, 1416, 1416, 1886, 4281, 4641, 4575, 4945, 432, 4725, 4714, 3204, 4477, 1851, 882, 4538, 4538, 4538, 4538, 1896, 597, 2312, 2901, 2901, 807, 1636, 402, 4771, 2734, 4120, 1615, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 724, 724, 724, 724, 724, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 2401, 525, 525, 3077, 4318, 706, 3838, 875, 875, 4983, 146, 2832, 2158, 3446, 4953, 4998, 4998, 4998, 4998, 4861, 2392, 470, 870, 4469, 303, 3313, 3313, 3313, 1426, 414, 2112, 1484, 3013, 1472, 3382, 3382, 4658, 785, 785, 785, 526, 526, 3106, 840, 1883, 2441, 2864, 2864, 3350, 1206, 4035, 3102, 2131, 1469, 1617, 2089, 1568, 42, 2212, 1283, 4793, 4793, 3208, 2536, 2536, 2536, 2536, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 391, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 4787, 3141, 3141, 3141, 3141, 3141, 4710, 4008, 4083, 4006, 4006, 929, 929, 929, 4083, 929, 929, 929, 929, 929, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 633, 4859, 4859, 633, 633, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.7608568207440812, 1.0211499436302143, 1.1613077790304396, 1.7419616685456594, 2.0022547914317923, 2.1223900789177, 2.7030439684329197, 3.043427282976325, 3.223630214205186, 3.403833145434047, 3.984487034949267, 4.304847801578354, 4.585163472378805, 5.526223224351748, 6.647485907553551, 6.707553551296505, 6.927801578354003, 7.42836527621195, 7.848838782412627, 8.149177001127395, 8.349402480270575, 8.930056369785794, 9.290462232243517, 9.530732807215331, 9.771003382187148, 10.131409244644871, 10.23152198421646, 10.53186020293123, 11.532987598647125, 12.213754227733935, 12.574160090191658, 13.03467869222097, 13.154813979706878, 13.475174746335965, 13.555264937993236, 13.795535512965051, 14.456279594137543, 14.8567305524239, 15.657632468996619, 15.757745208568208, 16.278331454340474, 16.53862457722661, 16.69880496054115 ]
[ 0.7608568207440812, 1.0211499436302143, 1.1613077790304396, 1.7419616685456594, 2.0022547914317923, 2.1223900789177, 2.7030439684329197, 3.043427282976325, 3.223630214205186, 3.403833145434047, 3.984487034949267, 4.304847801578354, 4.585163472378805, 5.526223224351748, 6.647485907553551, 6.707553551296505, 6.927801578354003, 7.42836527621195, 7.848838782412627, 8.149177001127395, 8.349402480270575, 8.930056369785794, 9.290462232243517, 9.530732807215331, 9.771003382187148, 10.131409244644871, 10.23152198421646, 10.53186020293123, 11.532987598647125, 12.213754227733935, 12.574160090191658, 13.03467869222097, 13.154813979706878, 13.475174746335965, 13.555264937993236, 13.795535512965051, 14.456279594137543, 14.8567305524239, 15.657632468996619, 15.757745208568208, 16.278331454340474, 16.53862457722661, 16.69880496054115, 17.739977452085682 ]
words will not say what i yearn to say-they will not walk as i want them to but they stumble and fall in the path of the way of my telling my love for you
[ "words", "will", "not", "say", "what", "i", "yearn", "to", "say-they", "will", "not", "walk", "as", "i", "want", "them", "to", "but", "they", "stumble", "and", "fall", "in", "the", "path", "of", "the", "way", "of", "my", "telling", "my", "love", "for", "you" ]
[ "words", "will", "not", "say", "what", "i", "yearn", "to", "say-they", "will", "not", "walk", "as", "i", "want", "them", "to", "but", "they", "stumble", "and", "fall", "in", "the", "path", "of", "the", "way", "of", "my", "telling", "my", "love", "for", "you" ]
[ "w o r d s", "w i l l", "n o t", "s a y", "w h a t", "i", "y e a r n", "t o", "s a y t h e y", "w i l l", "n o t", "w a l k", "a s", "i", "w a n t", "t h e m", "t o", "b u t", "t h e y", "s t u m b l e", "a n d", "f a l l", "i n", "t h e", "p a t h", "o f", "t h e", "w a y", "o f", "m y", "t e l l i n g", "m y", "l o v e", "f o r", "y o u" ]
[ 38, 467, 467, 715, 3057, 139, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1742, 1741, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 294, 4462, 4462, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 2822, 2822, 2822, 214, 214, 214, 214, 214, 2982, 2085, 2925, 4321, 2234, 924, 842, 4814, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 2237, 2237, 2237, 2237, 4387, 4387, 2488, 2488, 1737, 1737, 2985, 4077, 2940, 2186, 551, 551, 4807, 1952, 3570, 1279, 1279, 3299, 768, 3758, 1559, 1021, 389, 389, 1183, 2029, 2951, 2951, 4523, 158, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 2704, 1608, 793, 793, 793, 793, 793, 83, 83, 83, 3910, 579, 45, 4807, 1751, 2928, 2928, 393, 1529, 4073, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1847, 49, 790, 790, 992, 2775, 2775, 2025, 3206, 3206, 4060, 4060, 1366, 1366, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3764, 2168, 300, 300, 4895, 3026, 1401, 219, 3490, 3494, 3210, 1417, 4876, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 552, 2704, 1608, 793, 793, 793, 793, 793, 550, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 2689, 2689, 2689, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2012, 4790, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 73, 599, 599, 1646, 599, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3841, 2691, 3811, 327, 327, 570, 570, 3415, 214, 2827, 527, 2982, 4063, 2234, 1910, 2001, 4377, 165, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 579, 45, 1952, 1952, 1099, 1099, 1099, 3299, 3299, 3427, 3427, 2921, 1021, 1021, 389, 389, 1183, 2029, 3054, 4300, 1752, 1752, 1752, 1569, 144, 1851, 1851, 882, 4518, 4518, 4518, 4518, 4518, 4518, 4518, 4518, 1879, 1879, 1879, 4827, 823, 815, 815, 3780, 3780, 1152, 381, 935, 3213, 3213, 1340, 1203, 1203, 4790, 3382, 3382, 4153, 4153, 2834, 1525, 1525, 1525, 176, 3786, 2906, 2906, 3246, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1847, 1736, 3649, 45, 1346, 1345, 2031, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2548, 2854, 4744, 2712, 2559, 2566, 1767, 723, 723, 375, 258, 258, 300, 4895, 944, 1359, 3076, 4375, 985, 3820, 3820, 3820, 3820, 2536, 2536, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 4620, 2897, 272, 272, 73, 73, 3071, 1375, 1375, 4420, 4, 238, 238, 238, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 3754, 1981, 1981, 1981, 4420, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 88, 88, 2982, 2925, 2925, 4321, 331, 2234, 4182, 4182, 1389, 1389, 125, 4242, 577, 1862, 2712, 2559, 2566, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 409, 49, 2622, 1914, 1275, 4876, 9, 1084, 3194, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 2651, 2651, 2651, 1298, 1298, 2057, 516, 516, 1695, 1695, 1695, 741, 2872, 4264, 2053, 2053, 2053, 668, 3477, 4785, 195, 195, 195, 195, 391, 391, 4450, 2897, 2897, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 599, 2250, 599, 4420, 3525, 2691, 2691, 3811, 3811, 1254, 1254, 1254, 3415, 2827, 2827, 527, 4420, 4321, 1910, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 2435, 50, 4120, 2832, 2832, 43, 2595, 2043, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 2755, 2755, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3186, 3186, 1566, 4333, 422, 284, 1446, 1625, 2316, 2316, 4132, 3291, 3513, 4730, 2261, 1210, 628, 3170, 1082, 1644, 1730, 4455, 4455, 4455, 3860, 3860, 3860, 3860, 3860, 3860, 3860, 1427, 1303, 1930, 1930, 1930, 4061, 2226, 4966, 2535, 3891, 4260, 2723, 2446, 1512, 3869, 3912, 3855, 199, 894, 424, 3102, 10, 2059, 4725, 4714, 5, 144, 1851, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 83, 1906, 2689, 2689, 2689, 2689, 884, 1248, 2377, 2377, 3422, 3422, 3422, 4153, 4153, 4153, 2939, 2939, 64, 1776, 169, 2968, 3912, 2184, 2020, 2020, 4011, 1456, 148, 3069, 737, 737, 737, 429, 429, 2301, 2301, 4202, 2183, 628, 944, 1359, 136, 541, 2374, 326, 326, 326, 1437, 4147, 1940, 4033, 3514, 1182, 1182, 1697, 2610, 4914, 598, 3660, 3660, 1638, 1638, 150, 3159, 1482, 4401, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 3134, 3134, 532, 532, 2030, 710, 2725, 2725, 4281, 4924, 4924, 1934, 1456, 3069, 3069, 737, 737, 737, 429, 429, 2301, 2301, 49, 1170, 4052, 669, 1430, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3466, 3275, 3275, 4635, 526, 838, 840, 1344, 2441, 2441, 4216, 4216, 790, 992, 3591, 3591, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4645, 4669, 4669, 4669, 1846, 1846, 1846, 1846, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 4620, 4620, 272, 1302, 73, 73, 1375, 1496, 2250, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4222, 4222, 4222, 248, 248, 2200, 3103, 2200, 2200, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 3215, 1901, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 1.4219267299864313, 1.602170963364993, 1.8224694708276798, 2.122876526458616, 2.343175033921302, 2.463337856173677, 2.803799185888738, 2.9840434192672998, 4.40597014925373, 4.606241519674355, 4.8265400271370416, 5.447381275440977, 5.767815468113975, 5.88797829036635, 6.108276797829036, 6.3085481682496605, 7.029525101763907, 7.690420624151967, 7.910719131614654, 8.892048846675712, 9.372700135685209, 9.813297150610582, 9.913432835820895, 10.033595658073269, 10.554301221166892, 10.694491180461329, 10.834681139755766, 11.315332428765263, 11.6157394843962, 11.896119402985073, 12.557014925373135, 13.017639077340569, 13.298018995929443, 13.498290366350068 ]
[ 1.4219267299864313, 1.602170963364993, 1.8224694708276798, 2.122876526458616, 2.343175033921302, 2.463337856173677, 2.803799185888738, 2.9840434192672998, 4.40597014925373, 4.606241519674355, 4.8265400271370416, 5.447381275440977, 5.767815468113975, 5.88797829036635, 6.108276797829036, 6.3085481682496605, 7.029525101763907, 7.690420624151967, 7.910719131614654, 8.892048846675712, 9.372700135685209, 9.813297150610582, 9.913432835820895, 10.033595658073269, 10.554301221166892, 10.694491180461329, 10.834681139755766, 11.315332428765263, 11.6157394843962, 11.896119402985073, 12.557014925373135, 13.017639077340569, 13.298018995929443, 13.498290366350068, 14.739972862957936 ]
something but this is all-i try and i try but the rhymes are dull as though they were damp and the echoes fall limp and unlovable
[ "something", "but", "this", "is", "all-i", "try", "and", "i", "try", "but", "the", "rhymes", "are", "dull", "as", "though", "they", "were", "damp", "and", "the", "echoes", "fall", "limp", "and", "unlovable" ]
[ "something", "but", "this", "is", "all-i", "try", "and", "i", "try", "but", "the", "rhymes", "are", "dull", "as", "though", "they", "were", "damp", "and", "the", "echoes", "fall", "limp", "and", "unlovable" ]
[ "s o m e t h i n g", "b u t", "t h i s", "i s", "a l l i", "t r y", "a n d", "i", "t r y", "b u t", "t h e", "r h y m e s", "a r e", "d u l l", "a s", "t h o u g h", "t h e y", "w e r e", "d a m p", "a n d", "t h e", "e c h o e s", "f a l l", "l i m p", "a n d", "u n l o v a b l e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 715, 715, 4544, 3409, 75, 75, 1910, 2234, 2001, 4182, 1787, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 1862, 3470, 2811, 165, 165, 138, 3759, 3759, 1542, 1599, 4433, 2213, 257, 2148, 94, 3077, 2791, 3786, 4433, 2906, 752, 752, 822, 2271, 2271, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3477, 3477, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4785, 391, 391, 1482, 2897, 2012, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 599, 4420, 2250, 3808, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 4796, 157, 157, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 852, 852, 852, 214, 527, 527, 1910, 1910, 1910, 30, 30, 2789, 794, 109, 109, 109, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 4246, 3336, 3249, 4291, 3237, 3237, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 3433, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 533, 533, 533, 533, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 3168, 2443, 3564, 2479, 2479, 366, 3398, 2707, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1847, 1847, 49, 4202, 2183, 1623, 4291, 3237, 4374, 4374, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 3433, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 533, 533, 533, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 884, 1248, 2377, 2377, 3485, 3485, 4703, 4703, 1787, 276, 1389, 1389, 125, 4242, 4242, 1862, 894, 2566, 1448, 3513, 4354, 4354, 593, 2729, 2729, 1988, 926, 926, 4163, 4163, 4163, 4163, 232, 1654, 4065, 4065, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3999, 1030, 1670, 3905, 3905, 978, 978, 2292, 32, 1216, 2906, 2906, 3921, 3921, 3876, 3876, 2956, 4018, 3049, 2089, 1568, 628, 433, 2231, 902, 3354, 3354, 3354, 3354, 3354, 3354, 3354, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3477, 3477, 3477, 3477, 3477, 195, 195, 391, 391, 4450, 4620, 128, 2897, 272, 2962, 588, 588, 4276, 92, 92, 3796, 1943, 1943, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 852, 852, 852, 852, 3268, 2725, 4321, 1910, 14, 2834, 4950, 1525, 1525, 659, 176, 3786, 4247, 1477, 1477, 3470, 894, 165, 1769, 1769, 2090, 2090, 260, 1307, 4416, 1655, 2546, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 579, 579, 179, 1952, 763, 4870, 4870, 1316, 2956, 693, 3049, 2089, 2089, 2089, 4500, 4500, 4500, 974, 433, 433, 2231, 3025, 4025, 4025, 4025, 4025, 3101, 3101, 913, 1585, 304, 4001, 3264, 3264, 893, 893, 4001, 2215, 2215, 2215, 4675, 4675, 4675, 2607, 1721, 2436, 2436, 2459, 2459, 1481, 2962, 588, 588, 3808, 92, 1252, 1943, 1245, 327, 23, 23, 3844, 1436, 3268, 4281, 981, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 2316, 4820, 832, 1064, 100, 210, 1323, 4317, 4197, 1169, 1169, 4679, 3829, 1743, 2559, 1733, 903, 170, 783, 783, 2766, 4363, 4363, 1476, 1476, 3742, 3742, 4499, 1764, 4050, 1275, 3411, 3838, 3838, 875, 875, 4983, 4983, 43, 2595, 2043, 2043, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 2755, 2755, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3477, 3477, 4785, 4785, 4785, 195, 391, 1482, 1482, 2897, 2012, 2012, 2012, 272, 272, 73, 1375, 4420, 1646, 1646, 2699, 2699, 4621, 4621, 4621, 87, 87, 3164, 3164, 408, 408, 408, 1981, 1981, 570, 570, 214, 2982, 527, 4420, 912, 1910, 1910, 229, 229, 738, 669, 1688, 4514, 4514, 3923, 3923, 3923, 3923, 2057, 4001, 4001, 4001, 2215, 1157, 4675, 4675, 4675, 2933, 1721, 2436, 2436, 2436, 97, 97, 1203, 2012, 1651, 272, 403, 403, 4420, 3388, 1706, 4618, 4618, 4618, 1706, 2071, 2071, 2071, 1706, 1151, 1151, 1910, 1910, 14, 1510, 1097, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1461, 366, 3398, 2707, 938, 938, 938, 938, 4768, 3918, 85, 85, 669, 1230, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1274, 3094, 161, 4798, 727, 727, 1820, 336, 894, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 1463, 668, 4808, 195, 195, 195, 391, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 2254, 2254, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 962, 4222, 3071, 2569, 3993, 3993, 4222, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 254, 2756, 254, 2200, 2200, 2200, 107, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 334, 334, 3416, 863, 863, 1619, 2413, 2413, 1619, 1619, 1619, 2413, 2413, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4420, 4366, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.28043343653250774, 0.38058823529411767, 0.6009287925696596, 0.8012383900928794, 2.143312693498452, 2.7041795665634676, 2.9044891640866877, 3.0246749226006195, 3.785851393188855, 4.066284829721362, 4.186470588235294, 4.74733746130031, 4.927616099071208, 5.668761609907121, 6.229628482972137, 6.449969040247679, 6.610216718266254, 6.87061919504644, 7.671857585139319, 8.032414860681115, 8.17263157894737, 8.713467492260062, 9.614860681114553, 10.696532507739938, 11.137213622291023 ]
[ 0.2604024767801858, 0.38058823529411767, 0.6009287925696596, 0.8012383900928794, 2.143312693498452, 2.7041795665634676, 2.9044891640866877, 3.0246749226006195, 3.785851393188855, 4.066284829721362, 4.186470588235294, 4.74733746130031, 4.927616099071208, 5.668761609907121, 6.229628482972137, 6.449969040247679, 6.610216718266254, 6.87061919504644, 7.671857585139319, 8.032414860681115, 8.17263157894737, 8.713467492260062, 9.614860681114553, 10.696532507739938, 11.137213622291023, 12.919969040247679 ]
simply take what the scrawl is worth knowing i love you as sun the sod on the ripening side of the great round earth that swings in the smile of god
[ "simply", "take", "what", "the", "scrawl", "is", "worth", "knowing", "i", "love", "you", "as", "sun", "the", "sod", "on", "the", "ripening", "side", "of", "the", "great", "round", "earth", "that", "swings", "in", "the", "smile", "of", "god" ]
[ "simply", "take", "what", "the", "scrawl", "is", "worth", "knowing", "i", "love", "you", "as", "sun", "the", "sod", "on", "the", "ripening", "side", "of", "the", "great", "round", "earth", "that", "swings", "in", "the", "smile", "of", "god" ]
[ "s i m p l y", "t a k e", "w h a t", "t h e", "s c r a w l", "i s", "w o r t h", "k n o w i n g", "i", "l o v e", "y o u", "a s", "s u n", "t h e", "s o d", "o n", "t h e", "r i p e n i n g", "s i d e", "o f", "t h e", "g r e a t", "r o u n d", "e a r t h", "t h a t", "s w i n g s", "i n", "t h e", "s m i l e", "o f", "g o d" ]
[ 38, 2114, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 139, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 2203, 2203, 72, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 774, 774, 2925, 774, 4063, 252, 4494, 1332, 101, 101, 2110, 2110, 3914, 620, 620, 2318, 2318, 2318, 2057, 4001, 1157, 1059, 1925, 4119, 4541, 663, 4054, 4202, 3336, 270, 944, 1359, 2657, 541, 4046, 4046, 1852, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 4299, 4583, 2430, 2430, 2430, 2430, 815, 3780, 3780, 3780, 3780, 2933, 935, 935, 3213, 3213, 3213, 1203, 4790, 4790, 4790, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3382, 3382, 4703, 924, 4807, 1751, 2928, 2928, 393, 577, 1862, 2712, 894, 2566, 1448, 2131, 3368, 1109, 4876, 4077, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 2174, 1052, 1052, 1122, 1122, 4871, 4871, 4871, 2755, 2755, 1115, 1115, 3186, 1940, 4333, 2148, 3077, 3077, 2791, 3786, 4599, 3629, 1569, 1345, 1345, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 2237, 2237, 2118, 4061, 4061, 4061, 4061, 2226, 2226, 4077, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1581, 97, 2500, 2500, 1302, 1302, 1704, 1704, 1704, 1704, 1646, 1646, 1646, 2699, 4823, 4823, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 574, 31, 157, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 2154, 214, 527, 527, 4063, 912, 348, 4924, 2579, 2142, 3041, 4921, 1744, 1744, 201, 1628, 4087, 1887, 651, 651, 2610, 2379, 4976, 4200, 435, 1557, 2137, 2137, 2137, 1065, 857, 1847, 2301, 1170, 4052, 669, 1430, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 3466, 3466, 3466, 2867, 2867, 3591, 3591, 2191, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4669, 401, 1628, 3607, 3566, 4890, 2752, 2752, 206, 1417, 4876, 1807, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 690, 690, 690, 1942, 1942, 1942, 2177, 1282, 3918, 3918, 4844, 3918, 4846, 2352, 4820, 3347, 1448, 729, 4472, 3368, 1109, 4876, 4876, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 2704, 190, 2403, 2403, 81, 2046, 2046, 1879, 1879, 1879, 3333, 3333, 1523, 3240, 3974, 3974, 3974, 4420, 1152, 1725, 377, 4891, 4891, 97, 97, 2500, 2962, 4276, 588, 1646, 4420, 2699, 4823, 4823, 4823, 4823, 574, 31, 31, 4796, 157, 157, 157, 157, 3673, 3673, 3844, 1103, 1103, 312, 312, 981, 30, 3180, 3180, 3777, 4189, 3364, 662, 3347, 3102, 177, 4354, 1449, 2888, 1827, 1988, 926, 3518, 3518, 495, 495, 1173, 4093, 251, 628, 1059, 2419, 953, 953, 1794, 3613, 1605, 4687, 2308, 2308, 7, 3086, 3771, 782, 782, 760, 4876, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1473, 3463, 2671, 754, 883, 2723, 1512, 3869, 3315, 199, 894, 721, 3102, 10, 124, 1710, 2559, 126, 4622, 4622, 1801, 1801, 1362, 1362, 4316, 4316, 4316, 4316, 246, 3795, 3795, 1588, 381, 1588, 1752, 1752, 628, 1752, 2729, 1460, 1460, 4531, 4531, 4531, 217, 217, 975, 3067, 3067, 3764, 314, 37, 2513, 2158, 4713, 2740, 4197, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 4387, 4061, 4061, 4061, 4061, 2226, 2226, 2226, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1581, 2500, 2962, 588, 588, 1375, 1646, 2699, 2699, 2699, 1016, 4823, 3811, 574, 574, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1280, 570, 570, 570, 214, 214, 214, 3215, 88, 88, 2982, 2982, 2925, 3227, 2234, 348, 1504, 949, 612, 2965, 1165, 2307, 2951, 2951, 4523, 4523, 3702, 382, 3708, 3708, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 4858, 4227, 4227, 1294, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 4848, 3660, 3660, 3660, 3660, 3660, 3660, 3660, 1638, 1638, 1638, 594, 3226, 3226, 1985, 1985, 1985, 1985, 32, 536, 2091, 2898, 2898, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 621, 621, 621, 621, 3414, 4398, 4398, 2962, 2962, 588, 403, 1646, 1351, 1707, 1707, 2827, 2827, 562, 2071, 2071, 2925, 1151, 1416, 4281, 981, 14, 4826, 287, 1446, 1446, 1625, 3364, 2316, 3347, 3291, 10, 3368, 1109, 1417, 4077, 382, 382, 3708, 4382, 1429, 1429, 1456, 4338, 3848, 3848, 3848, 3848, 1896, 1896, 597, 2794, 1940, 4033, 1971, 4526, 384, 3912, 2184, 2184, 2277, 917, 2607, 3766, 2272, 2272, 3070, 4056, 4056, 4056, 4056, 4056, 1879, 1879, 1879, 290, 3240, 3240, 3974, 3974, 3974, 3974, 1152, 1725, 377, 3472, 4891, 4891, 97, 97, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 4710, 4710, 4710, 1818, 2569, 248, 248, 248, 254, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 4782, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 1387, 1387, 4420, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 1.2016713091922004, 1.8625905292479106, 2.163008356545961, 2.2831754874651806, 2.703760445682451, 2.8439554317548748, 3.6650974930362112, 4.486239554317548, 4.626434540389972, 4.906824512534818, 5.087075208913649, 5.307381615598885, 5.707938718662952, 5.928245125348188, 6.7293593314763225, 7.1899999999999995, 7.310167130919218, 7.890974930362116, 8.411699164345402, 8.491810584958218, 8.611977715877435, 8.992506963788301, 9.433119777158774, 10.234233983286908, 10.835069637883008, 11.936601671309191, 12.337158774373258, 12.477353760445682, 12.897938718662951, 13.01810584958217 ]
[ 1.2016713091922004, 1.8625905292479106, 2.163008356545961, 2.2831754874651806, 2.703760445682451, 2.8439554317548748, 3.6650974930362112, 4.486239554317548, 4.626434540389972, 4.906824512534818, 5.087075208913649, 5.307381615598885, 5.707938718662952, 5.928245125348188, 6.7293593314763225, 7.1899999999999995, 7.310167130919218, 7.890974930362116, 8.411699164345402, 8.491810584958218, 8.611977715877435, 8.992506963788301, 9.433119777158774, 10.234233983286908, 10.835069637883008, 11.936601671309191, 12.337158774373258, 12.477353760445682, 12.877910863509747, 13.01810584958217, 14.359972144846795 ]
simply take what the scrawl is worth knowing i love you as sun the sod on the ripening side of the great round earth that swings in the smile of god
[ "simply", "take", "what", "the", "scrawl", "is", "worth", "knowing", "i", "love", "you", "as", "sun", "the", "sod", "on", "the", "ripening", "side", "of", "the", "great", "round", "earth", "that", "swings", "in", "the", "smile", "of", "god" ]
[ "simply", "take", "what", "the", "scrawl", "is", "worth", "knowing", "i", "love", "you", "as", "sun", "the", "sod", "on", "the", "ripening", "side", "of", "the", "great", "round", "earth", "that", "swings", "in", "the", "smile", "of", "god" ]
[ "s i m p l y", "t a k e", "w h a t", "t h e", "s c r a w l", "i s", "w o r t h", "k n o w i n g", "i", "l o v e", "y o u", "a s", "s u n", "t h e", "s o d", "o n", "t h e", "r i p e n i n g", "s i d e", "o f", "t h e", "g r e a t", "r o u n d", "e a r t h", "t h a t", "s w i n g s", "i n", "t h e", "s m i l e", "o f", "g o d" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 139, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1741, 1003, 1741, 1741, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 1457, 1913, 75, 2925, 75, 252, 4494, 1332, 2110, 2110, 3914, 2704, 620, 2318, 2318, 2318, 2057, 4001, 1157, 1157, 3249, 1059, 2731, 1112, 663, 2628, 4054, 4054, 2183, 1623, 894, 944, 2877, 4046, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 2430, 2663, 3176, 383, 383, 383, 3189, 1616, 3849, 388, 388, 166, 372, 163, 4321, 924, 1751, 2928, 2928, 2928, 393, 577, 1100, 2849, 4132, 3347, 4631, 1507, 1001, 298, 2535, 4308, 521, 205, 381, 310, 2000, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1052, 1122, 1122, 4274, 1382, 4871, 2755, 2046, 2046, 2046, 719, 3186, 3186, 1566, 1566, 4333, 2148, 3483, 3483, 3077, 2791, 298, 2535, 923, 2940, 2940, 2186, 3629, 551, 1346, 1345, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 1580, 719, 4061, 4061, 4114, 4114, 4114, 4114, 4114, 367, 3891, 1581, 2447, 2447, 1711, 163, 4974, 4974, 1716, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 408, 408, 562, 562, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2422, 2422, 2422, 2422, 4321, 2234, 4924, 2579, 2579, 2579, 411, 2142, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 1628, 4087, 1887, 1887, 1887, 651, 2610, 2610, 4914, 598, 1638, 2210, 2210, 2039, 3087, 3087, 315, 627, 315, 315, 315, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2982, 2422, 1886, 1886, 2788, 1249, 794, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 1847, 2301, 1736, 1170, 4052, 669, 1230, 1688, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 3466, 3466, 3654, 4567, 2867, 3591, 3591, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 1819, 1873, 4450, 4980, 3800, 3800, 3800, 315, 1262, 1262, 1262, 1262, 220, 220, 1033, 1249, 2411, 4950, 4950, 261, 261, 261, 659, 4446, 206, 298, 1807, 1807, 4037, 4037, 4037, 1069, 1069, 552, 2704, 1608, 190, 690, 690, 690, 1942, 1942, 2177, 2177, 4768, 3918, 4108, 3799, 3925, 4132, 4184, 337, 618, 1001, 1544, 1275, 1010, 3914, 552, 1479, 1276, 1729, 2228, 2228, 2228, 2228, 4322, 3581, 3346, 3346, 4114, 4114, 4114, 4114, 377, 2205, 2500, 1302, 4974, 4974, 4974, 374, 374, 1003, 374, 238, 238, 238, 4621, 4083, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 877, 4621, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1849, 570, 2822, 852, 852, 2422, 2422, 2422, 531, 2281, 1249, 2789, 3180, 3180, 3777, 3777, 2177, 4768, 2316, 2316, 5, 3347, 2086, 729, 4354, 4354, 1681, 1681, 1681, 1827, 1988, 926, 3518, 3518, 495, 495, 1173, 2467, 251, 595, 595, 953, 953, 953, 3613, 3169, 4687, 4687, 2308, 7, 3086, 2605, 782, 760, 760, 158, 1069, 3505, 552, 1608, 4528, 4528, 321, 321, 3628, 495, 1236, 1173, 3373, 421, 131, 3249, 743, 4571, 245, 4756, 4756, 1262, 1262, 1033, 2939, 64, 1776, 169, 2968, 3912, 3855, 4561, 2607, 4132, 2724, 2632, 2632, 2, 581, 2607, 41, 126, 126, 4622, 1801, 1801, 1362, 1362, 4316, 4316, 4316, 4316, 565, 246, 3373, 131, 894, 2636, 1145, 4590, 4590, 4590, 4590, 1681, 1681, 1681, 1827, 1460, 1460, 4531, 4531, 4531, 4531, 217, 975, 3067, 3067, 3067, 314, 2513, 4728, 4497, 4571, 2330, 2972, 742, 1, 1045, 561, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 1580, 1580, 769, 4061, 4061, 2226, 2226, 4966, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1581, 2962, 288, 288, 288, 288, 2250, 1707, 1716, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 3841, 2974, 3841, 3841, 3841, 562, 877, 2974, 2974, 2071, 88, 2925, 2982, 877, 1416, 2234, 2001, 4182, 3163, 949, 612, 2965, 2965, 1531, 2307, 2307, 3054, 2607, 2951, 2951, 1666, 2948, 3708, 1713, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 4227, 1294, 1294, 1294, 1294, 1294, 4848, 4848, 3660, 3660, 594, 594, 2197, 2197, 991, 1275, 1011, 2214, 3294, 1311, 1311, 634, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4811, 4389, 1003, 4618, 4618, 4618, 110, 4618, 2778, 2778, 1692, 1692, 1692, 1886, 1692, 2281, 1249, 287, 2793, 1949, 1625, 3364, 2316, 2316, 3347, 2086, 2632, 3368, 1109, 1544, 2535, 9, 9, 3708, 4382, 4382, 1429, 1429, 4011, 148, 3848, 3848, 3848, 3848, 3848, 1654, 1896, 282, 597, 597, 2794, 2561, 1940, 4033, 3487, 3487, 2737, 3516, 169, 3912, 3912, 2184, 2277, 917, 1829, 742, 628, 2272, 3070, 3070, 4056, 4056, 4056, 4056, 4056, 1879, 719, 290, 2585, 3974, 3974, 3974, 3974, 3974, 1152, 377, 4673, 2500, 73, 4596, 374, 816, 816, 816, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 929, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 877, 4782, 3306, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2654, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4366, 4366, 4366, 4366, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 1.0207005494505494, 1.4409890109890109, 1.66114010989011, 1.8012362637362638, 2.3215934065934065, 2.5417445054945054, 3.222211538461538, 4.302953296703296, 4.723241758241758, 5.023447802197802, 5.343667582417582, 5.723928571428572, 6.084175824175824, 6.244285714285714, 7.084862637362637, 7.645247252747253, 7.805357142857142, 8.365741758241759, 8.82605769230769, 9.026195054945054, 9.166291208791208, 9.626607142857143, 10.106936813186813, 10.827431318681318, 11.387815934065934, 12.188365384615384, 12.548612637362638, 12.68870879120879, 13.209065934065933, 13.369175824175823 ]
[ 1.0207005494505494, 1.4409890109890109, 1.66114010989011, 1.8012362637362638, 2.3215934065934065, 2.5417445054945054, 3.222211538461538, 4.302953296703296, 4.723241758241758, 5.023447802197802, 5.343667582417582, 5.723928571428572, 6.084175824175824, 6.244285714285714, 7.084862637362637, 7.645247252747253, 7.805357142857142, 8.365741758241759, 8.82605769230769, 9.026195054945054, 9.166291208791208, 9.626607142857143, 10.106936813186813, 10.827431318681318, 11.387815934065934, 12.188365384615384, 12.548612637362638, 12.68870879120879, 13.209065934065933, 13.369175824175823, 14.549986263736264 ]
words will not say what i yearn to say-they will not walk as i want them to but they stumble and fall in the path of the way of my telling my love for you
[ "words", "will", "not", "say", "what", "i", "yearn", "to", "say-they", "will", "not", "walk", "as", "i", "want", "them", "to", "but", "they", "stumble", "and", "fall", "in", "the", "path", "of", "the", "way", "of", "my", "telling", "my", "love", "for", "you" ]
[ "words", "will", "not", "say", "what", "i", "yearn", "to", "say-they", "will", "not", "walk", "as", "i", "want", "them", "to", "but", "they", "stumble", "and", "fall", "in", "the", "path", "of", "the", "way", "of", "my", "telling", "my", "love", "for", "you" ]
[ "w o r d s", "w i l l", "n o t", "s a y", "w h a t", "i", "y e a r n", "t o", "s a y t h e y", "w i l l", "n o t", "w a l k", "a s", "i", "w a n t", "t h e m", "t o", "b u t", "t h e y", "s t u m b l e", "a n d", "f a l l", "i n", "t h e", "p a t h", "o f", "t h e", "w a y", "o f", "m y", "t e l l i n g", "m y", "l o v e", "f o r", "y o u" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3814, 715, 3057, 3057, 792, 792, 792, 792, 792, 1240, 1240, 792, 1240, 2203, 2203, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 1684, 4491, 877, 774, 2085, 2085, 2085, 2234, 2234, 1683, 29, 1851, 1751, 3858, 3858, 393, 393, 2029, 3965, 1550, 977, 1145, 1145, 3629, 4973, 4973, 3570, 3570, 1279, 1279, 768, 3834, 3834, 2008, 1315, 4480, 411, 2142, 1021, 1021, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 1183, 825, 2029, 3054, 894, 2951, 2951, 4523, 1275, 121, 655, 4372, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1556, 1556, 153, 266, 1248, 2377, 1472, 1472, 388, 388, 372, 372, 1033, 331, 842, 1751, 2928, 2928, 393, 577, 2307, 3054, 2636, 2636, 4571, 2330, 2875, 2972, 2972, 1262, 2972, 2972, 2972, 2281, 2789, 2789, 2557, 3017, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 719, 719, 4992, 2301, 2301, 2301, 4216, 790, 992, 992, 992, 2775, 2775, 3741, 3741, 1366, 1366, 4609, 3453, 2168, 522, 4108, 300, 4895, 1058, 1954, 885, 1395, 3494, 3210, 1417, 2535, 1010, 1069, 3914, 552, 2429, 1080, 1080, 793, 1556, 1556, 4415, 1906, 2689, 266, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 931, 627, 3098, 288, 288, 288, 2250, 599, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 408, 408, 408, 408, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 88, 2974, 877, 2982, 2925, 2234, 2001, 4182, 4182, 2849, 3163, 4461, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 579, 579, 4973, 3570, 1279, 1279, 1279, 3299, 768, 3834, 2008, 152, 4480, 104, 2142, 1021, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2743, 2029, 2636, 743, 743, 4792, 1145, 3629, 3629, 551, 551, 1345, 1851, 882, 4518, 4518, 4518, 4827, 4827, 4827, 4012, 815, 3780, 231, 935, 3213, 245, 4756, 1262, 1262, 1033, 1604, 2850, 1604, 1604, 1604, 1604, 220, 1886, 1904, 1904, 1904, 2834, 4950, 1525, 1525, 1525, 659, 176, 298, 2535, 923, 65, 3404, 2330, 2875, 2972, 2972, 2972, 2972, 163, 1, 2789, 561, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 1847, 1847, 2301, 2301, 2478, 2478, 3649, 45, 1346, 1345, 3700, 2031, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2548, 2548, 4116, 1709, 894, 743, 4792, 4792, 2508, 986, 104, 3163, 1655, 1767, 723, 723, 723, 375, 1670, 258, 300, 1546, 1546, 2607, 1058, 3076, 3076, 4375, 985, 3820, 3820, 3820, 1819, 1819, 1819, 391, 4980, 4980, 4980, 4114, 315, 315, 1711, 1711, 374, 1033, 374, 374, 374, 2691, 2691, 2691, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 4621, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2422, 2422, 2085, 3227, 331, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 577, 1100, 1100, 3470, 2712, 193, 3163, 2592, 3256, 409, 409, 4054, 2622, 1914, 4876, 1275, 9, 9, 1084, 3271, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 2651, 2651, 1298, 1298, 2057, 516, 1695, 1695, 741, 2872, 4264, 2053, 2053, 2053, 668, 4785, 4785, 4785, 391, 4620, 931, 315, 15, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 1707, 1707, 2691, 1707, 1254, 1254, 1254, 1254, 2827, 2827, 2071, 2422, 2422, 2422, 1886, 531, 1249, 1510, 4112, 4381, 1461, 68, 2838, 4117, 1185, 4728, 50, 4120, 4120, 4120, 146, 146, 146, 2832, 2400, 43, 2043, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 2755, 2755, 719, 719, 3186, 3186, 4785, 4785, 4785, 670, 4450, 931, 3087, 3087, 315, 315, 15, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 4389, 1707, 1707, 327, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 23, 1436, 1436, 1066, 1066, 1886, 1886, 1886, 1886, 2788, 1249, 287, 3867, 1446, 1949, 1625, 3832, 2316, 2316, 4820, 4820, 3347, 3102, 177, 4730, 2261, 1210, 62, 62, 2812, 231, 2973, 1644, 1730, 1730, 1730, 2803, 4455, 3860, 3860, 3860, 1303, 3137, 2998, 2998, 4966, 4966, 193, 3249, 1966, 2723, 3516, 4789, 2968, 3912, 3912, 3652, 4561, 4561, 367, 2268, 3347, 337, 1353, 1353, 952, 1870, 1870, 1870, 3609, 337, 1575, 1575, 1575, 4415, 4415, 266, 266, 266, 4114, 4980, 4980, 4114, 163, 403, 163, 288, 403, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 1003, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1151, 1886, 1886, 531, 2789, 2789, 2331, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 3912, 745, 745, 1300, 2020, 2020, 1204, 3807, 4011, 1456, 3069, 737, 737, 737, 737, 737, 429, 429, 2301, 2301, 49, 4202, 2183, 104, 944, 1359, 1359, 2657, 2260, 2374, 326, 326, 1184, 1437, 4960, 2561, 4033, 3514, 160, 160, 2379, 598, 151, 151, 775, 775, 4276, 388, 388, 372, 4276, 4924, 2767, 1934, 3069, 3069, 4733, 4733, 429, 429, 1170, 4052, 4052, 3969, 669, 669, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1111, 1271, 3275, 3275, 3275, 526, 2158, 838, 1344, 1344, 4746, 4746, 4216, 790, 790, 3591, 2191, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 3346, 4980, 4980, 4114, 555, 555, 3098, 3098, 3098, 1496, 1496, 1496, 4948, 255, 4006, 4006, 4948, 4006, 929, 2414, 929, 929, 2414, 929, 2414, 929, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1387, 4366, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.9406088082901555, 1.1807642487046632, 1.5009715025906738, 1.8411917098445596, 2.3815414507772026, 2.701748704663213, 3.0019430051813476, 3.1620466321243526, 4.342810880829016, 4.5629533678756475, 4.903173575129534, 5.443523316062176, 6.02389896373057, 6.344106217616581, 6.724352331606219, 6.984520725388602, 7.624935233160622, 8.265349740932642, 8.485492227979275, 9.326036269430054, 9.806347150259068, 10.606865284974093, 11.08717616580311, 11.26729274611399, 11.707577720207254, 11.867681347150262, 12.027784974093265, 12.508095854922281, 12.968393782383421, 13.28860103626943, 13.828950777202074, 14.109132124352332, 14.409326424870468, 14.609455958549225 ]
[ 0.9406088082901555, 1.1807642487046632, 1.5009715025906738, 1.8411917098445596, 2.3815414507772026, 2.701748704663213, 3.0019430051813476, 3.1620466321243526, 4.342810880829016, 4.5629533678756475, 4.903173575129534, 5.443523316062176, 6.02389896373057, 6.344106217616581, 6.724352331606219, 6.984520725388602, 7.624935233160622, 8.265349740932642, 8.485492227979275, 9.326036269430054, 9.806347150259068, 10.606865284974093, 11.08717616580311, 11.26729274611399, 11.707577720207254, 11.867681347150262, 12.027784974093265, 12.508095854922281, 12.968393782383421, 13.28860103626943, 13.828950777202074, 14.109132124352332, 14.409326424870468, 14.609455958549225, 15.429987046632126 ]
i want to sing something but this is all-i try and i try but the rhymes are dull as though they were damp and the echoes fall limp and
[ "i", "want", "to", "sing", "something", "but", "this", "is", "all-i", "try", "and", "i", "try", "but", "the", "rhymes", "are", "dull", "as", "though", "they", "were", "damp", "and", "the", "echoes", "fall", "limp", "and" ]
[ "i", "want", "to", "sing", "something", "but", "this", "is", "all-i", "try", "and", "i", "try", "but", "the", "rhymes", "are", "dull", "as", "though", "they", "were", "damp", "and", "the", "echoes", "fall", "limp", "and" ]
[ "i", "w a n t", "t o", "s i n g", "s o m e t h i n g", "b u t", "t h i s", "i s", "a l l i", "t r y", "a n d", "i", "t r y", "b u t", "t h e", "r h y m e s", "a r e", "d u l l", "a s", "t h o u g h", "t h e y", "w e r e", "d a m p", "a n d", "t h e", "e c h o e s", "f a l l", "l i m p", "a n d" ]
[ 38, 4598, 4598, 715, 1742, 3057, 3057, 941, 1922, 1922, 3363, 3363, 3363, 3363, 3363, 3363, 3363, 1240, 134, 2654, 2654, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 1240, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 1240, 1133, 1133, 17, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 88, 88, 774, 2085, 2085, 1886, 4321, 2788, 2789, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 579, 579, 3700, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2548, 4116, 4744, 4895, 4024, 3026, 219, 2761, 3494, 3210, 4876, 1275, 1069, 1069, 3914, 552, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2705, 1294, 7, 3086, 782, 782, 760, 4523, 2535, 2119, 2119, 3505, 2704, 4887, 250, 250, 250, 2904, 2904, 1295, 4001, 1157, 1157, 2463, 2463, 2574, 2574, 2574, 964, 964, 349, 349, 349, 4914, 598, 598, 4980, 1393, 1393, 730, 730, 1711, 1711, 163, 599, 3098, 374, 374, 374, 374, 374, 2691, 2691, 238, 2691, 2691, 2691, 4621, 3811, 408, 408, 4621, 3841, 408, 408, 408, 408, 408, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 774, 2982, 2422, 2085, 3227, 4321, 331, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 577, 2307, 3054, 3945, 3945, 2268, 894, 3163, 138, 4631, 4631, 1542, 1599, 1275, 2213, 3715, 2148, 94, 3077, 2791, 298, 4969, 65, 3404, 2875, 2875, 2875, 2972, 2972, 1, 2789, 4918, 1259, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4129, 4129, 1115, 719, 3186, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4980, 931, 931, 315, 315, 315, 15, 15, 163, 15, 374, 374, 374, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 3841, 3841, 3841, 4621, 3841, 3841, 3841, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 1981, 2974, 88, 2982, 2974, 2422, 2422, 2085, 1886, 531, 2788, 794, 109, 4193, 4193, 2719, 49, 4202, 1623, 4291, 3237, 3237, 4374, 4374, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3433, 3433, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 2172, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 2427, 2447, 2447, 2447, 122, 1033, 4618, 1716, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 1286, 852, 1436, 1066, 1066, 1886, 2281, 2281, 1510, 2754, 108, 108, 68, 2838, 604, 1634, 883, 3246, 1065, 4193, 4193, 49, 4202, 3336, 1623, 3237, 3237, 4374, 4374, 4374, 3826, 3826, 3826, 3433, 3433, 117, 117, 117, 117, 117, 533, 533, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 266, 1248, 2377, 4980, 931, 627, 163, 555, 288, 288, 288, 4389, 4389, 1016, 4389, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 2691, 3841, 3841, 1003, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 562, 2974, 3215, 1714, 1714, 1714, 88, 2982, 2422, 2422, 2085, 3227, 2001, 4182, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 577, 1862, 381, 3347, 1448, 729, 2059, 4354, 1449, 1681, 2888, 1988, 926, 926, 4163, 4163, 1654, 1654, 1341, 1030, 1670, 1670, 978, 2292, 991, 2535, 2213, 2213, 1479, 1729, 1729, 766, 766, 3996, 693, 3049, 2089, 2089, 4500, 4500, 742, 2811, 2231, 2231, 1283, 902, 3354, 3354, 3354, 3354, 3354, 3354, 1796, 1796, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4980, 4980, 4980, 4980, 931, 555, 555, 3098, 3098, 288, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 1016, 87, 87, 87, 4621, 4083, 2587, 2587, 2587, 4083, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77, 77, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 643, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 1684, 3068, 3068, 3068, 2982, 2422, 2085, 2085, 531, 2788, 1249, 1510, 4950, 4950, 2482, 2482, 659, 659, 279, 298, 298, 6, 1139, 1191, 2948, 3116, 2090, 2090, 260, 693, 2849, 3665, 753, 337, 1575, 1575, 3757, 2357, 579, 1870, 4973, 2782, 3361, 3361, 1992, 693, 1623, 1623, 4500, 4500, 687, 231, 1781, 2231, 2231, 1283, 1070, 4025, 4025, 4025, 4025, 1545, 1545, 1545, 1585, 1978, 1978, 1978, 4980, 4675, 4675, 4114, 163, 730, 315, 122, 122, 122, 122, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 4618, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 562, 562, 2071, 2071, 2071, 2422, 2422, 2422, 1886, 531, 1249, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 3364, 2316, 4820, 2086, 729, 4705, 1687, 3441, 2552, 1845, 1845, 891, 1665, 2533, 104, 903, 1579, 2804, 170, 3116, 4563, 4563, 4563, 4563, 292, 292, 298, 1275, 923, 3838, 875, 875, 875, 4983, 2832, 2400, 43, 2595, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 2755, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4170, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4980, 4980, 931, 627, 315, 627, 315, 15, 15, 374, 374, 374, 1033, 4222, 4222, 2691, 374, 3525, 3841, 4083, 3841, 3841, 408, 2974, 562, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2974, 2422, 2422, 2982, 877, 2234, 2234, 229, 229, 738, 738, 3969, 1430, 1688, 4514, 4514, 3923, 3923, 3923, 3923, 4001, 4001, 2215, 2215, 1157, 4675, 4429, 4675, 1721, 2436, 2436, 2436, 2447, 122, 122, 122, 122, 122, 3388, 122, 122, 3388, 3388, 1151, 1151, 1886, 1886, 2281, 2788, 1249, 1097, 4112, 4381, 4381, 1461, 4694, 2838, 3980, 604, 4728, 4571, 2330, 2875, 742, 2559, 1045, 561, 938, 938, 938, 938, 2023, 4768, 3918, 4190, 4190, 2921, 2921, 1688, 1732, 1732, 3497, 952, 1870, 1870, 1788, 4798, 4798, 4798, 727, 1820, 336, 1152, 336, 2715, 646, 646, 1463, 668, 3346, 3346, 4980, 4980, 4114, 555, 374, 374, 1496, 1496, 4006, 2250, 4006, 4006, 4083, 929, 4006, 929, 929, 929, 929, 929, 929, 929, 1387, 1387, 1387, 4083, 1486, 1486, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 1.1006626506024095, 1.3007831325301205, 1.440867469879518, 1.7810722891566264, 2.7816746987951806, 3.4020481927710837, 3.642192771084337, 3.88233734939759, 5.243156626506024, 6.0036144578313255, 6.46389156626506, 6.563951807228915, 7.484506024096385, 8.084867469879518, 8.224951807228916, 8.605180722891566, 8.825313253012048, 9.865939759036143, 10.7264578313253, 10.92657831325301, 11.06666265060241, 11.28679518072289, 11.98721686746988, 12.3874578313253, 12.507530120481926, 12.987819277108432, 13.788301204819275, 14.728867469879516 ]
[ 1.1006626506024095, 1.3007831325301205, 1.440867469879518, 1.7810722891566264, 2.7816746987951806, 3.4020481927710837, 3.642192771084337, 3.88233734939759, 5.243156626506024, 6.0036144578313255, 6.46389156626506, 6.563951807228915, 7.484506024096385, 8.084867469879518, 8.224951807228916, 8.605180722891566, 8.825313253012048, 9.865939759036143, 10.7264578313253, 10.92657831325301, 11.06666265060241, 11.28679518072289, 11.98721686746988, 12.3874578313253, 12.507530120481926, 12.987819277108432, 13.788301204819275, 14.728867469879516, 16.589987951807228 ]
in a dream the streets that narrow to the westward gleam like rows of golden palaces and high from all the crowded chimneys tower and die a thousand aureoles down in the west the brimming plains beneath the sunset rest one burning sea of gold
[ "in", "a", "dream", "the", "streets", "that", "narrow", "to", "the", "westward", "gleam", "like", "rows", "of", "golden", "palaces", "and", "high", "from", "all", "the", "crowded", "chimneys", "tower", "and", "die", "a", "thousand", "aureoles", "down", "in", "the", "west", "the", "brimming", "plains", "beneath", "the", "sunset", "rest", "one", "burning", "sea", "of", "gold" ]
[ "in", "a", "dream", "the", "streets", "that", "narrow", "to", "the", "westward", "gleam", "like", "rows", "of", "golden", "palaces", "and", "high", "from", "all", "the", "crowded", "chimneys", "tower", "and", "die", "a", "thousand", "aureoles", "down", "in", "the", "west", "the", "brimming", "plains", "beneath", "the", "sunset", "rest", "one", "burning", "sea", "of", "gold" ]
[ "i n", "a", "d r e a m", "t h e", "s t r e e t s", "t h a t", "n a r r o w", "t o", "t h e", "w e s t w a r d", "g l e a m", "l i k e", "r o w s", "o f", "g o l d e n", "p a l a c e s", "a n d", "h i g h", "f r o m", "a l l", "t h e", "c r o w d e d", "c h i m n e y s", "t o w e r", "a n d", "d i e", "a", "t h o u s a n d", "a u r e o l e s", "d o w n", "i n", "t h e", "w e s t", "t h e", "b r i m m i n g", "p l a i n s", "b e n e a t h", "t h e", "s u n s e t", "r e s t", "o n e", "b u r n i n g", "s e a", "o f", "g o l d" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 3339, 3339, 645, 645, 645, 645, 645, 645, 645, 645, 3861, 1443, 2925, 1886, 1886, 1886, 2281, 4641, 287, 3867, 1949, 293, 1790, 2660, 95, 432, 1617, 3326, 2212, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 1320, 1320, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 35, 1953, 1953, 1953, 2887, 3999, 3634, 893, 893, 893, 893, 4846, 2352, 2047, 2047, 4141, 492, 2131, 3368, 1109, 3374, 382, 1084, 120, 2314, 4092, 347, 609, 2100, 2100, 2100, 2100, 1350, 3795, 1388, 538, 4505, 273, 3411, 3994, 2938, 1844, 949, 612, 612, 2969, 571, 4997, 1315, 152, 1471, 1471, 3041, 1402, 1402, 1402, 1402, 1660, 470, 470, 2749, 2749, 2766, 2766, 4363, 3956, 3153, 4495, 2183, 114, 63, 698, 698, 437, 3350, 4035, 10, 177, 4725, 4714, 1206, 4477, 2668, 2208, 2208, 2208, 2208, 1281, 4708, 3626, 515, 3362, 4092, 3629, 551, 2833, 2145, 2860, 2860, 482, 482, 1686, 3883, 2800, 4894, 2852, 3899, 3899, 2607, 340, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4549, 4549, 4549, 4135, 4135, 4135, 4135, 4135, 4135, 4135, 35, 35, 1953, 1953, 1953, 262, 3999, 3999, 3634, 893, 893, 1225, 2139, 2039, 1393, 931, 588, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 3796, 3587, 31, 31, 31, 157, 157, 23, 828, 2030, 2030, 710, 2725, 912, 229, 229, 2336, 854, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 571, 571, 4300, 1752, 1626, 1132, 1132, 1132, 3476, 1827, 2798, 2798, 4194, 3055, 3055, 3055, 3055, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3952, 3689, 4499, 1764, 3886, 3886, 606, 2464, 2464, 384, 965, 3652, 3899, 3899, 3899, 3326, 559, 3070, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 674, 674, 967, 1636, 2486, 2486, 4597, 4597, 1175, 3000, 3000, 522, 830, 830, 4591, 62, 2812, 193, 102, 1663, 4933, 4933, 4933, 4933, 4933, 4147, 1197, 2583, 4551, 4551, 4551, 4214, 2963, 4077, 121, 2905, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 650, 70, 70, 536, 2091, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1943, 3587, 3587, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 327, 327, 1254, 1254, 3415, 3415, 852, 1436, 1436, 312, 312, 2391, 2754, 3610, 68, 604, 1634, 1149, 1149, 3072, 369, 369, 4307, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 3910, 3293, 563, 4635, 1206, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 4255, 2052, 3216, 2875, 2875, 1, 4641, 4918, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 1354, 4129, 4481, 3456, 2477, 4873, 4035, 3513, 177, 2, 91, 2559, 340, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1122, 3124, 3124, 3124, 3124, 3124, 217, 2075, 616, 4736, 2355, 106, 4901, 1256, 1822, 364, 1686, 89, 1172, 2508, 2508, 2508, 2852, 1635, 1635, 1435, 1435, 1443, 974, 4291, 1902, 720, 720, 4522, 3482, 3482, 3482, 3482, 3482, 2057, 516, 258, 258, 3529, 268, 268, 4564, 4564, 3859, 3859, 3859, 3797, 1764, 1764, 4050, 4433, 3411, 6, 1139, 84, 84, 62, 62, 974, 193, 114, 136, 2657, 541, 541, 2287, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 3410, 4069, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 1907, 1907, 694, 740, 3050, 1492, 1492, 1630, 3143, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1123, 2298, 1185, 2410, 2089, 2089, 4500, 1443, 381, 2212, 1283, 902, 3082, 3082, 4824, 4824, 533, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2908, 111, 111, 546, 546, 432, 380, 380, 2463, 2774, 2774, 2774, 2774, 2158, 4466, 2619, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 4682, 1267, 1267, 1267, 2709, 3742, 4922, 4922, 4032, 3886, 4218, 4218, 4218, 4218, 1055, 37, 2781, 2781, 2740, 2740, 3007, 3007, 3007, 3007, 4942, 470, 470, 870, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3720, 1244, 1244, 1244, 280, 3312, 3312, 3312, 3763, 4170, 4170, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 4289, 536, 2091, 2898, 2898, 2898, 621, 621, 621, 881, 61, 362, 362, 1375, 2250, 238, 1443, 2200, 87, 87, 87, 2654, 3736, 3736, 322, 322, 322, 322, 2982, 2925, 2982, 2982, 3227, 2670, 1443, 1784, 2212, 485, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 217, 1390, 3764, 293, 422, 1270, 1625, 662, 40, 3291, 10, 2059, 4725, 4714, 1346, 4477, 4477, 2910, 2208, 2208, 2208, 2208, 93, 858, 4708, 3626, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 4092, 346, 1806, 1340, 2938, 2047, 2047, 4035, 1448, 729, 2131, 1060, 2164, 3133, 2607, 3537, 1498, 1498, 323, 1514, 1514, 3429, 1947, 4134, 3637, 4687, 2308, 2308, 7, 2605, 830, 4591, 2096, 62, 193, 1724, 4932, 263, 263, 3342, 3342, 3342, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 1181, 4271, 2706, 2706, 2706, 262, 262, 1882, 1882, 809, 809, 809, 1985, 2292, 32, 67, 706, 706, 2821, 4241, 4241, 2927, 3537, 1908, 3060, 1257, 4959, 2146, 1471, 4142, 4142, 4142, 4142, 1350, 2226, 4966, 3942, 3942, 3942, 4035, 4141, 10, 3368, 1109, 3374, 1564, 1069, 1069, 313, 1892, 2065, 2065, 2065, 2065, 2065, 2854, 2298, 2527, 760, 3374, 4433, 313, 313, 1892, 1608, 3705, 3705, 3705, 3705, 3269, 3817, 2869, 2869, 2559, 743, 3849, 3849, 1792, 4340, 3547, 1132, 1132, 3476, 3476, 1988, 4191, 4161, 4161, 4161, 4161, 4161, 93, 93, 3137, 997, 997, 2640, 3717, 4433, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 368, 368, 346, 3190, 1481, 2967, 586, 1252, 1252, 1943, 1245, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 1400, 3844, 1103, 1103, 1103, 2677, 2725, 4321, 1683, 29, 29, 4477, 2031, 130, 130, 3583, 1600, 1600, 1600, 2177, 4768, 2160, 3159, 3159, 3040, 71, 4665, 3134, 3134, 3134, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2725, 4063, 4340, 4340, 4340, 1787, 1787, 1440, 1440, 1440, 1206, 53, 3574, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 3053, 1366, 1366, 69, 69, 293, 3169, 1605, 4687, 4687, 2308, 7, 3086, 2605, 2605, 3771, 2527, 760, 3374, 1564, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 1069, 313, 313, 1892, 2429, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 1556, 2416, 1906, 4850, 4850, 2443, 1971, 4526, 4526, 384, 2184, 2277, 917, 3899, 3899, 1206, 2272, 3070, 3070, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3220, 3220, 3220, 3220, 3220, 4170, 967, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 4102, 2205, 154, 1481, 2962, 588, 193, 92, 1351, 1639, 1707, 1707, 1707, 2827, 2827, 633, 633, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.48049844236760125, 0.5605815160955347, 1.101142263759086, 1.3013499480789201, 1.6817445482866042, 1.8619314641744547, 2.242326064382139, 2.3624506749740393, 2.48257528556594, 3.0031152647975077, 3.803946002076843, 4.344506749740394, 4.744922118380062, 4.885067497403946, 5.365565939771547, 6.266500519210799, 6.686936656282451, 7.127393561786085, 7.367642782969886, 7.587871235721702, 7.707995846313603, 8.308618899273103, 9.04938733125649, 9.629989615784009, 9.870238836967808, 10.270654205607476, 10.35073727933541, 10.99140186915888, 11.992440290758047, 12.55302180685358, 12.633104880581515, 12.753229491173416, 13.153644859813083, 13.353852544132916, 13.754267912772587, 14.414953271028036, 14.795347871235721, 14.935493250259606, 15.596178608515055, 16.437050882658358, 17.117757009345794, 17.85852544132918, 18.25894080996885, 18.419106957424713 ]
[ 0.48049844236760125, 0.5605815160955347, 1.101142263759086, 1.3013499480789201, 1.6817445482866042, 1.8619314641744547, 2.242326064382139, 2.3624506749740393, 2.48257528556594, 3.0031152647975077, 3.803946002076843, 4.344506749740394, 4.744922118380062, 4.885067497403946, 5.365565939771547, 6.266500519210799, 6.686936656282451, 7.127393561786085, 7.367642782969886, 7.587871235721702, 7.707995846313603, 8.308618899273103, 9.04938733125649, 9.629989615784009, 9.870238836967808, 10.250633437175493, 10.35073727933541, 10.99140186915888, 11.992440290758047, 12.55302180685358, 12.633104880581515, 12.753229491173416, 13.153644859813083, 13.353852544132916, 13.754267912772587, 14.414953271028036, 14.795347871235721, 14.935493250259606, 15.596178608515055, 16.437050882658358, 17.117757009345794, 17.85852544132918, 18.25894080996885, 18.419106957424713, 19.259979231568018 ]
soon soon shall fly the glorious vision and the hours shall feel a mightier master soon from height to height with silence and the sharp unpitying stars stern creeping frosts and winds that touch like steel
[ "soon", "soon", "shall", "fly", "the", "glorious", "vision", "and", "the", "hours", "shall", "feel", "a", "mightier", "master", "soon", "from", "height", "to", "height", "with", "silence", "and", "the", "sharp", "unpitying", "stars", "stern", "creeping", "frosts", "and", "winds", "that", "touch", "like", "steel" ]
[ "soon", "soon", "shall", "fly", "the", "glorious", "vision", "and", "the", "hours", "shall", "feel", "a", "mightier", "master", "soon", "from", "height", "to", "height", "with", "silence", "and", "the", "sharp", "unpitying", "stars", "stern", "creeping", "frosts", "and", "winds", "that", "touch", "like", "steel" ]
[ "s o o n", "s o o n", "s h a l l", "f l y", "t h e", "g l o r i o u s", "v i s i o n", "a n d", "t h e", "h o u r s", "s h a l l", "f e e l", "a", "m i g h t i e r", "m a s t e r", "s o o n", "f r o m", "h e i g h t", "t o", "h e i g h t", "w i t h", "s i l e n c e", "a n d", "t h e", "s h a r p", "u n p i t y i n g", "s t a r s", "s t e r n", "c r e e p i n g", "f r o s t s", "a n d", "w i n d s", "t h a t", "t o u c h", "l i k e", "s t e e l" ]
[ 1101, 3339, 3339, 1443, 3339, 645, 645, 3215, 3215, 3861, 3861, 3861, 75, 252, 4494, 1332, 101, 2110, 2110, 313, 79, 620, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 2805, 2805, 2805, 2487, 3764, 269, 151, 443, 2039, 1393, 1393, 730, 1443, 555, 1375, 1375, 1704, 1375, 1375, 1375, 599, 238, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 2135, 3458, 3458, 3458, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1400, 3844, 2030, 2677, 252, 4494, 1332, 101, 3702, 1069, 1069, 313, 79, 620, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 2805, 2805, 3755, 3755, 3764, 1282, 4844, 4844, 4846, 2527, 2527, 4414, 2878, 1212, 1212, 4507, 1376, 1376, 3617, 3617, 3617, 3617, 3299, 3092, 4905, 3232, 3232, 4120, 146, 146, 146, 146, 3524, 3524, 1615, 1394, 1394, 2980, 3670, 3670, 4754, 4754, 4754, 4754, 4754, 4754, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2172, 3910, 2924, 3350, 424, 1448, 3513, 124, 2481, 777, 3326, 1322, 1322, 4549, 957, 4211, 4211, 4211, 4211, 4942, 4942, 470, 870, 4080, 3304, 3304, 3720, 3720, 3619, 3619, 4899, 4899, 159, 3626, 4433, 2940, 607, 3612, 2868, 3609, 602, 602, 602, 2986, 4221, 4221, 222, 4392, 636, 636, 151, 2039, 2039, 1393, 931, 4276, 128, 288, 1646, 1443, 2699, 1016, 1016, 3811, 3811, 3811, 3811, 408, 408, 570, 570, 852, 28, 1066, 981, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 3364, 40, 832, 1064, 100, 100, 1323, 4317, 4317, 4197, 4197, 1955, 1955, 1955, 1955, 1955, 1955, 1955, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 4475, 4475, 3804, 3804, 3804, 4499, 4499, 1764, 4050, 4077, 3411, 2324, 2324, 3553, 3553, 1212, 1212, 1212, 3586, 1376, 1376, 3617, 3617, 3299, 3299, 4905, 3232, 563, 623, 3524, 1096, 2158, 2923, 4953, 4889, 4889, 4889, 508, 508, 1789, 2312, 1566, 4033, 2660, 546, 546, 432, 2816, 1593, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1134, 995, 1194, 1194, 1194, 1194, 495, 1173, 1173, 1878, 1206, 2646, 513, 2979, 1562, 4946, 3720, 303, 303, 910, 3846, 436, 1134, 148, 995, 4912, 4912, 4912, 4912, 4912, 4140, 2881, 2881, 4708, 3626, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 4092, 653, 4767, 1907, 1907, 694, 3991, 930, 2897, 2358, 588, 4276, 92, 92, 3796, 4823, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1254, 3415, 3415, 2154, 2154, 1443, 252, 4494, 1332, 101, 101, 2110, 1069, 313, 79, 620, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 1520, 2805, 2805, 3755, 3755, 3764, 269, 4681, 3159, 4401, 20, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 2030, 2677, 2725, 785, 3106, 2943, 1399, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 4044, 1149, 3072, 3072, 3072, 369, 369, 369, 4307, 4695, 4695, 4695, 3628, 495, 1173, 1173, 3795, 421, 1686, 743, 4792, 2508, 2508, 2852, 2852, 193, 114, 3076, 63, 665, 198, 2491, 2412, 2412, 2412, 13, 3072, 369, 369, 4307, 4695, 4695, 4695, 4695, 3628, 495, 1236, 2122, 2122, 3795, 1136, 2559, 1725, 743, 3472, 1806, 3629, 551, 551, 4807, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 2035, 316, 316, 4523, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 2704, 190, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 2886, 4417, 1912, 1912, 2561, 4033, 956, 956, 3285, 3285, 624, 3264, 4883, 4883, 1834, 1834, 3989, 3954, 3954, 2213, 4260, 3376, 2479, 2479, 1234, 2316, 4820, 3347, 3102, 729, 2131, 1723, 1109, 2878, 4507, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 897, 4640, 4640, 4640, 4640, 4640, 2883, 2883, 2883, 2467, 251, 595, 2820, 2419, 3376, 938, 938, 3453, 2298, 1185, 830, 4591, 2812, 193, 1724, 452, 3575, 3575, 3575, 4070, 3326, 192, 2415, 2017, 3043, 1745, 4946, 4676, 4676, 2438, 4687, 2308, 2308, 7, 2605, 782, 782, 760, 1564, 158, 382, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 1206, 1643, 1555, 1555, 1678, 1678, 1678, 1678, 1653, 1653, 1653, 2883, 2883, 719, 2118, 4499, 1764, 2091, 1564, 3294, 1311, 2967, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 234, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 3844, 2677, 312, 4494, 1332, 158, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 382, 382, 1084, 120, 3271, 4049, 4049, 381, 47, 1643, 1555, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1366, 1390, 3764, 1282, 2160, 522, 3159, 2800, 2099, 2852, 62, 62, 1443, 340, 340, 2000, 2174, 2174, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1052, 1122, 3377, 3377, 3377, 1013, 3209, 3209, 251, 595, 193, 2820, 3637, 4687, 4687, 2308, 2379, 7, 2605, 3771, 50, 50, 4120, 4120, 146, 3326, 1615, 1615, 3953, 3953, 3953, 3785, 3785, 3785, 3205, 3205, 3428, 3428, 3428, 1879, 1879, 997, 997, 2640, 3717, 3717, 1458, 1458, 1458, 2333, 2333, 368, 3396, 3396, 3396, 4505, 3773, 3954, 4100, 162, 1311, 2967, 586, 4665, 4243, 234, 1400, 1400, 3844, 1436, 3268, 1066, 2281, 628, 1510, 4381, 4381, 68, 2838, 604, 4728, 2781, 4192, 3355, 3204, 3204, 3204, 42, 2783, 2783, 2910, 864, 864, 864, 864, 864, 2854, 4210, 4210, 4210, 4210, 4210, 4210, 4210, 4210, 37, 412, 4728, 3251, 42, 538, 2292, 32, 32, 67, 3994, 2938, 2938, 1844, 949, 612, 612, 2965, 571, 571, 1588, 2559, 1725, 4792, 4792, 2508, 84, 2852, 62, 62, 974, 1443, 114, 136, 2657, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4513, 1388, 1388, 3646, 3235, 733, 733, 2103, 1217, 1217, 1836, 2251, 426, 275, 2336, 854, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 4164, 1173, 4648, 4648, 4786, 3780, 3223, 4523, 4523, 4523, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 4049, 4049, 4049, 4049, 1641, 1643, 3627, 3627, 3627, 3627, 3627, 3627, 3627, 508, 508, 1789, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 3477, 3477, 195, 195, 391, 4620, 931, 1704, 1704, 1081, 1081, 1081, 1081, 1081, 1081, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 1.1006043956043956, 1.9210549450549452, 2.3012637362637363, 2.8415604395604395, 3.0016483516483516, 3.561956043956044, 4.102252747252747, 4.4624505494505495, 4.6025274725274725, 5.142824175824176, 5.422978021978023, 5.743153846153846, 5.843208791208791, 6.323472527472528, 7.103901098901098, 7.9243516483516485, 8.364593406593407, 8.784824175824177, 9.004945054945056, 9.445186813186812, 9.74535164835165, 10.425725274725275, 10.545791208791208, 10.665857142857144, 11.066076923076924, 11.76646153846154, 12.526879120879121, 13.347329670329671, 14.047714285714287, 14.928197802197802, 15.288395604395603, 15.928747252747252, 16.208901098901098, 16.709175824175826, 17.109395604395605 ]
[ 1.1006043956043956, 1.9210549450549452, 2.3012637362637363, 2.8415604395604395, 3.0016483516483516, 3.561956043956044, 4.102252747252747, 4.4624505494505495, 4.6025274725274725, 5.142824175824176, 5.422978021978023, 5.743153846153846, 5.843208791208791, 6.323472527472528, 7.103901098901098, 7.9243516483516485, 8.364593406593407, 8.784824175824177, 9.004945054945056, 9.445186813186812, 9.74535164835165, 10.425725274725275, 10.545791208791208, 10.665857142857144, 11.066076923076924, 11.76646153846154, 12.526879120879121, 13.347329670329671, 14.047714285714287, 14.928197802197802, 15.288395604395603, 15.928747252747252, 16.208901098901098, 16.709175824175826, 17.109395604395605, 18.18998901098901 ]
out of the depth beyond the eastern bars glittering and still shall come the awful night
[ "out", "of", "the", "depth", "beyond", "the", "eastern", "bars", "glittering", "and", "still", "shall", "come", "the", "awful", "night" ]
[ "out", "of", "the", "depth", "beyond", "the", "eastern", "bars", "glittering", "and", "still", "shall", "come", "the", "awful", "night" ]
[ "o u t", "o f", "t h e", "d e p t h", "b e y o n d", "t h e", "e a s t e r n", "b a r s", "g l i t t e r i n g", "a n d", "s t i l l", "s h a l l", "c o m e", "t h e", "a w f u l", "n i g h t" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 4720, 4720, 914, 1436, 1436, 1066, 1066, 1886, 4321, 1249, 2789, 2411, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4815, 4015, 2075, 771, 4524, 4818, 104, 743, 743, 3190, 245, 983, 983, 2939, 64, 1493, 3869, 3315, 199, 721, 4141, 3102, 2131, 1469, 1617, 1568, 1568, 894, 433, 2231, 3025, 3025, 4143, 4143, 4143, 4143, 3137, 4385, 4648, 3737, 2559, 4421, 2226, 4966, 3891, 2035, 798, 3895, 1897, 1897, 193, 2741, 1908, 3060, 4486, 4251, 1323, 4317, 822, 4724, 4724, 4724, 4724, 4724, 2177, 2177, 3918, 3918, 3918, 3918, 37, 2352, 2352, 4820, 2566, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 1889, 3441, 3441, 2552, 545, 545, 545, 545, 1037, 3016, 4440, 4440, 2187, 2187, 242, 242, 2022, 2022, 1175, 4078, 2942, 1055, 522, 830, 4819, 3925, 3133, 3133, 4055, 1373, 4427, 1104, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 1653, 2883, 2883, 2883, 2883, 719, 719, 2118, 4499, 1764, 3786, 4599, 2019, 213, 1829, 1829, 193, 41, 41, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4549, 4549, 669, 4135, 4135, 4135, 4135, 4070, 370, 2390, 3078, 2646, 2476, 2476, 994, 652, 652, 652, 4731, 4469, 4358, 4358, 651, 651, 2610, 2610, 7, 3660, 150, 150, 4401, 3040, 1915, 586, 4665, 4243, 4243, 234, 234, 234, 3913, 3913, 3844, 1436, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1066, 2281, 1249, 1510, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 2838, 604, 4728, 4728, 4728, 2636, 4192, 4523, 4077, 4523, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 382, 1084, 3194, 4049, 4049, 4049, 4049, 4049, 4049, 193, 47, 1643, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2825, 2825, 2825, 1796, 3477, 3477, 195, 195, 195, 4450, 4620, 2358, 610, 1704, 3808, 92, 1351, 1639, 1639, 31, 31, 532, 532, 3844, 1436, 2030, 2725, 252, 4494, 1212, 1212, 18, 4507, 4783, 1376, 1376, 3617, 3617, 3617, 3617, 3299, 4905, 1694, 1694, 581, 62, 62, 2607, 3766, 3718, 3718, 3387, 3489, 3489, 3310, 3310, 3310, 3310, 601, 2846, 304, 2876, 893, 1225, 2139, 1393, 931, 610, 610, 1704, 1351, 1351, 1351, 1351, 1707, 1707, 1707, 1707, 4618, 1707, 2778, 2778, 3415, 852, 852, 852, 4195, 2725, 348, 348, 1504, 489, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 1889, 2875, 2875, 2972, 628, 1045, 4918, 3007, 3007, 3007, 3007, 3007, 2735, 2735, 365, 1111, 1111, 3279, 497, 2811, 3535, 3259, 413, 413, 413, 1463, 668, 668, 668, 195, 195, 4450, 4620, 4620, 931, 1704, 1704, 403, 403, 1443, 1375, 599, 599, 599, 599, 599, 238, 3071, 3071, 238, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 3841, 562, 562, 562, 562, 88, 88, 1443, 2982, 2925, 2925, 2982, 2925, 1443, 2234, 1858, 1858, 2579, 4480, 4480, 4480, 4480, 4480, 411, 2142, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 1236, 2122, 2122, 2585, 1136, 1136, 2559, 1725, 377, 3472, 3472, 4891, 4891, 97, 2500, 61, 362, 1704, 1704, 962, 962, 962, 374, 4008, 374, 4008, 4008, 374, 4008, 4008, 4008, 637, 2756, 2756, 637, 2756, 637, 1239, 1239, 2756, 1239, 1239, 228, 1239, 228, 1239, 1239, 334, 334, 4782, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 622, 1127, 1127, 940, 1443, 940, 940, 946, 946, 946, 4366, 4366, 1063, 3367, 1867 ]
[ 0, 0.5811284046692607, 0.7414396887159532, 0.8817120622568093, 1.3426070038910507, 1.8035019455252919, 1.983852140077821, 2.4647859922178985, 2.965758754863813, 3.9476653696498056, 4.4686770428015565, 5.33035019455253, 5.871400778210117, 6.512645914396887, 6.973540856031128, 7.95544747081712 ]
[ 0.5811284046692607, 0.7414396887159532, 0.8817120622568093, 1.3426070038910507, 1.8035019455252919, 1.983852140077821, 2.4647859922178985, 2.965758754863813, 3.9476653696498056, 4.4686770428015565, 5.33035019455253, 5.871400778210117, 6.512645914396887, 6.973540856031128, 7.95544747081712, 10.279961089494163 ]
he was a friend by every fire in every cot and hall-a guest to every heart's desire and now he's nought at all old papers thrown away old garments cast aside the talk of yesterday are things identified
[ "he", "was", "a", "friend", "by", "every", "fire", "in", "every", "cot", "and", "hall-a", "guest", "to", "every", "heart's", "desire", "and", "now", "he's", "nought", "at", "all", "old", "papers", "thrown", "away", "old", "garments", "cast", "aside", "the", "talk", "of", "yesterday", "are", "things", "identified" ]
[ "he", "was", "a", "friend", "by", "every", "fire", "in", "every", "cot", "and", "hall-a", "guest", "to", "every", "heart's", "desire", "and", "now", "he's", "nought", "at", "all", "old", "papers", "thrown", "away", "old", "garments", "cast", "aside", "the", "talk", "of", "yesterday", "are", "things", "identified" ]
[ "h e", "w a s", "a", "f r i e n d", "b y", "e v e r y", "f i r e", "i n", "e v e r y", "c o t", "a n d", "h a l l a", "g u e s t", "t o", "e v e r y", "h e a r t ' s", "d e s i r e", "a n d", "n o w", "h e ' s", "n o u g h t", "a t", "a l l", "o l d", "p a p e r s", "t h r o w n", "a w a y", "o l d", "g a r m e n t s", "c a s t", "a s i d e", "t h e", "t a l k", "o f", "y e s t e r d a y", "a r e", "t h i n g s", "i d e n t i f i e d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 139, 2327, 2327, 2327, 2327, 4462, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 710, 75, 4281, 3117, 4319, 2198, 51, 1797, 2150, 1766, 579, 179, 4144, 4144, 1613, 2335, 2335, 2713, 1705, 2906, 4607, 95, 1723, 563, 1815, 623, 3524, 2400, 3953, 4662, 4662, 2702, 2702, 4171, 3917, 463, 37, 37, 2781, 2800, 2800, 3327, 104, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 3168, 3168, 4317, 4630, 4630, 1092, 1092, 3228, 3228, 1637, 1637, 274, 274, 4101, 3293, 563, 4120, 146, 146, 146, 2832, 104, 671, 2043, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 1669, 2908, 2908, 2908, 1342, 1342, 1342, 4203, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 2358, 20, 2933, 586, 1252, 3134, 3134, 1286, 23, 2030, 710, 673, 4281, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 4249, 3398, 2707, 4630, 4630, 1092, 1092, 3228, 1637, 1637, 274, 274, 1041, 1999, 91, 2559, 560, 3718, 3387, 3387, 3873, 705, 705, 705, 705, 4322, 2743, 2029, 3249, 192, 2646, 4952, 4206, 4181, 4181, 3687, 522, 2824, 4044, 13, 369, 392, 2417, 2417, 2417, 2417, 2417, 2755, 2755, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3477, 195, 195, 391, 4620, 931, 588, 588, 1646, 2699, 2699, 3796, 1016, 4823, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 3305, 4796, 3305, 3305, 1572, 1572, 3673, 3415, 3415, 2154, 527, 673, 3199, 30, 30, 4575, 4945, 4945, 2481, 3899, 3899, 628, 1223, 1057, 1057, 3375, 3375, 93, 858, 4708, 4440, 4433, 462, 1139, 4229, 1058, 63, 665, 3419, 3857, 564, 2222, 3607, 4630, 1092, 1092, 3228, 3228, 1637, 274, 274, 1041, 4101, 4911, 13, 13, 369, 3341, 4557, 4557, 4557, 207, 2914, 1923, 445, 1899, 273, 3411, 6, 1139, 84, 104, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 613, 613, 4424, 4424, 2345, 3990, 259, 259, 259, 259, 259, 259, 2908, 2908, 3903, 1342, 1342, 4203, 1782, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 2897, 2897, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3382, 4153, 4153, 1904, 1904, 1510, 1406, 108, 108, 3610, 2838, 4117, 4608, 4608, 4480, 4480, 4480, 2158, 2142, 2785, 2785, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2338, 2423, 2423, 2423, 2423, 3211, 57, 57, 1873, 4450, 2358, 610, 4276, 586, 92, 1639, 3134, 1286, 1286, 2030, 710, 2725, 3117, 4319, 2198, 2198, 51, 1797, 3353, 3353, 3353, 3786, 4433, 480, 1693, 1315, 411, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1183, 2743, 3965, 2415, 4952, 175, 2127, 4131, 1577, 4152, 4952, 2740, 2271, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 481, 1115, 1115, 3477, 195, 4702, 4620, 4620, 272, 588, 588, 1375, 2250, 2747, 2699, 2699, 2699, 1016, 87, 87, 87, 87, 574, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2154, 2154, 527, 2747, 673, 331, 30, 4918, 2253, 2253, 2253, 674, 674, 1636, 4771, 3883, 3895, 628, 3170, 1082, 1644, 1119, 450, 450, 450, 450, 3413, 4093, 251, 381, 1059, 4769, 2401, 2401, 525, 525, 2542, 4050, 3411, 2321, 2321, 499, 2034, 2034, 2570, 4745, 4745, 4745, 605, 3755, 3764, 3398, 2660, 2323, 2323, 4725, 4714, 1345, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 2689, 884, 2377, 2377, 4409, 2358, 610, 627, 403, 403, 403, 1706, 4618, 4618, 2747, 2071, 1706, 1151, 1151, 1886, 2788, 3199, 2789, 4918, 2253, 2253, 2253, 674, 674, 1636, 4771, 3883, 2800, 3899, 777, 41, 2272, 3070, 3070, 3663, 3663, 3663, 207, 2914, 2121, 3231, 697, 2618, 2539, 2609, 215, 4542, 445, 538, 4505, 273, 4077, 2019, 2019, 1829, 4633, 678, 708, 708, 2386, 2386, 2386, 2386, 2881, 4708, 3717, 4077, 462, 515, 242, 2559, 2751, 4576, 1008, 829, 1109, 1544, 158, 1069, 3914, 2704, 4528, 4528, 2931, 2931, 2931, 2931, 167, 167, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 4540, 4540, 2671, 4102, 154, 154, 20, 1915, 1915, 92, 1252, 1943, 1943, 1943, 3587, 3587, 3587, 31, 31, 157, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 2725, 673, 331, 1504, 489, 1448, 2131, 1469, 3336, 944, 136, 541, 2287, 1243, 1243, 1243, 1243, 1243, 59, 4827, 4012, 1743, 1733, 2313, 2723, 4526, 384, 2997, 2744, 4567, 2867, 992, 3611, 2025, 2018, 2018, 1281, 4708, 4440, 4433, 2187, 2187, 242, 2751, 653, 2303, 2303, 3543, 3665, 3496, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 884, 587, 3050, 758, 80, 983, 332, 1464, 1464, 3876, 3876, 2956, 3408, 380, 2463, 2463, 2774, 2574, 2574, 2619, 3146, 3146, 3146, 3931, 4848, 3660, 3660, 594, 594, 2292, 1216, 296, 2906, 752, 3487, 3115, 3115, 2175, 49, 1367, 1568, 433, 2231, 3025, 2510, 2510, 1331, 839, 1005, 3096, 4606, 4606, 2472, 1815, 2400, 43, 671, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 4794, 533, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 869, 1523, 104, 4102, 154, 2459, 2962, 2962, 588, 1646, 3808, 1081, 1081, 1081, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.46060052219321146, 0.6608616187989557, 0.7409660574412533, 1.0814099216710182, 1.3217232375979113, 1.602088772845953, 2.2028720626631855, 2.4632114882506526, 2.7035248041775457, 3.0239425587467363, 3.204177545691906, 4.245535248041776, 4.565953002610966, 4.686109660574412, 4.926422976501305, 5.266866840731071, 5.967780678851176, 6.268172323759791, 6.7487989556135775, 7.149321148825066, 7.389634464751958, 7.549843342036554, 8.17065274151436, 8.771436031331591, 9.191984334203655, 9.472349869451696, 10.053107049608355, 10.493681462140993, 10.994334203655352, 11.354804177545692, 12.135822454308094, 12.496292428198434, 12.79668407310705, 12.93686684073107, 13.597728459530027, 13.858067885117494, 14.238563968668409 ]
[ 0.46060052219321146, 0.6608616187989557, 0.7409660574412533, 1.0814099216710182, 1.3217232375979113, 1.602088772845953, 2.2028720626631855, 2.4632114882506526, 2.7035248041775457, 3.0239425587467363, 3.204177545691906, 4.245535248041776, 4.565953002610966, 4.686109660574412, 4.926422976501305, 5.266866840731071, 5.967780678851176, 6.268172323759791, 6.7487989556135775, 7.149321148825066, 7.389634464751958, 7.549843342036554, 8.17065274151436, 8.771436031331591, 9.191984334203655, 9.472349869451696, 10.053107049608355, 10.493681462140993, 10.994334203655352, 11.354804177545692, 12.135822454308094, 12.496292428198434, 12.79668407310705, 12.93686684073107, 13.597728459530027, 13.858067885117494, 14.238563968668409, 15.319973890339426 ]
he left no footstep mark or place in either shade or sun the last year he'd a neighbour's face in this he's known by none all nothing everywhere mists we on mornings see have more of substance when they're here and more of form than he
[ "he", "left", "no", "footstep", "mark", "or", "place", "in", "either", "shade", "or", "sun", "the", "last", "year", "he'd", "a", "neighbour's", "face", "in", "this", "he's", "known", "by", "none", "all", "nothing", "everywhere", "mists", "we", "on", "mornings", "see", "have", "more", "of", "substance", "when", "they're", "here", "and", "more", "of", "form", "than", "he" ]
[ "he", "left", "no", "footstep", "mark", "or", "place", "in", "either", "shade", "or", "sun", "the", "last", "year", "he'd", "a", "neighbour's", "face", "in", "this", "he's", "known", "by", "none", "all", "nothing", "everywhere", "mists", "we", "on", "mornings", "see", "have", "more", "of", "substance", "when", "they're", "here", "and", "more", "of", "form", "than", "he" ]
[ "h e", "l e f t", "n o", "f o o t s t e p", "m a r k", "o r", "p l a c e", "i n", "e i t h e r", "s h a d e", "o r", "s u n", "t h e", "l a s t", "y e a r", "h e ' d", "a", "n e i g h b o u r ' s", "f a c e", "i n", "t h i s", "h e ' s", "k n o w n", "b y", "n o n e", "a l l", "n o t h i n g", "e v e r y w h e r e", "m i s t s", "w e", "o n", "m o r n i n g s", "s e e", "h a v e", "m o r e", "o f", "s u b s t a n c e", "w h e n", "t h e y ' r e", "h e r e", "a n d", "m o r e", "o f", "f o r m", "t h a n", "h e" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 361, 1143, 1143, 294, 294, 645, 645, 1913, 1913, 3861, 75, 2747, 673, 3117, 4319, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 2652, 1166, 1170, 275, 2336, 2304, 2304, 2304, 2304, 1111, 2405, 4339, 4339, 1693, 1315, 1471, 1299, 1838, 230, 4888, 1193, 3232, 563, 1815, 2832, 2832, 1096, 3446, 4516, 461, 461, 461, 2068, 1588, 2951, 4523, 4876, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 4092, 1643, 3615, 3615, 3615, 3323, 4385, 2808, 2933, 4250, 1721, 2436, 1203, 1203, 3382, 372, 4703, 2234, 4924, 2767, 1934, 1134, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 1497, 207, 2914, 823, 823, 815, 2559, 4186, 1616, 1365, 1630, 4326, 113, 113, 3511, 3511, 2009, 2753, 2096, 628, 1724, 4932, 4932, 263, 3342, 3342, 626, 626, 626, 626, 1816, 4269, 2648, 2648, 3630, 4433, 542, 542, 3954, 2214, 162, 872, 4944, 4944, 3143, 1270, 3453, 366, 293, 25, 2955, 2955, 2955, 2955, 1040, 2844, 963, 4232, 4232, 1288, 3408, 2878, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 3707, 3707, 3707, 528, 1086, 565, 2671, 2355, 2740, 113, 113, 3511, 3511, 2956, 3408, 3374, 3374, 158, 1069, 4367, 1892, 1608, 2065, 690, 690, 690, 1942, 1942, 2549, 1282, 269, 2911, 2911, 2911, 3159, 1482, 128, 2358, 588, 3808, 3046, 3141, 4787, 2819, 2819, 599, 2699, 4823, 4823, 140, 574, 574, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 2154, 2154, 527, 673, 2933, 2594, 2594, 1448, 492, 2059, 4828, 4588, 275, 2420, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1595, 1303, 1303, 2881, 4708, 3626, 4440, 515, 4270, 2858, 2858, 2867, 39, 3779, 3779, 3779, 799, 799, 173, 4203, 4203, 414, 414, 1484, 3013, 3349, 3349, 2198, 2198, 51, 1797, 2652, 4196, 2671, 883, 2660, 95, 4217, 4959, 1471, 1471, 3041, 2372, 2372, 2372, 2372, 3413, 732, 2759, 1632, 4769, 1975, 3941, 525, 2267, 1554, 4433, 3838, 875, 875, 1096, 3446, 4953, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 1816, 4269, 2648, 2640, 3530, 542, 542, 4100, 145, 3414, 1311, 2967, 2967, 3808, 92, 3796, 1639, 3587, 31, 31, 31, 157, 157, 828, 828, 710, 2725, 4321, 2391, 2391, 2754, 1406, 1406, 3610, 68, 2838, 4117, 2352, 2352, 2352, 2158, 3196, 1655, 138, 2495, 2495, 2495, 4273, 4273, 1238, 2640, 3530, 4077, 542, 542, 4100, 162, 162, 4398, 4398, 634, 2967, 3808, 3557, 1351, 1639, 1286, 1286, 2827, 2827, 1151, 673, 3117, 4319, 2198, 51, 51, 1797, 2652, 3353, 3353, 3353, 3786, 4247, 480, 1693, 1315, 1471, 2142, 4921, 2289, 2289, 2289, 605, 605, 3755, 3764, 3123, 4819, 4819, 42, 1976, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 2301, 1658, 2008, 1471, 1471, 3041, 2291, 2291, 2291, 2291, 1942, 2549, 1282, 269, 2911, 2911, 1482, 128, 128, 272, 588, 2747, 1375, 2250, 1375, 4, 2699, 4, 2699, 2200, 87, 2200, 87, 107, 107, 87, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1280, 1572, 1280, 2822, 2822, 2822, 214, 214, 214, 88, 2982, 2085, 1886, 673, 2281, 2789, 794, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 3456, 4905, 1927, 2008, 2008, 4480, 4480, 4480, 1471, 3041, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2998, 2463, 2574, 2574, 964, 964, 349, 349, 2610, 4976, 4200, 435, 435, 4197, 4630, 1092, 1092, 1092, 3228, 1637, 1637, 274, 274, 1041, 2478, 3649, 4714, 42, 2668, 3940, 3940, 3940, 3940, 3940, 700, 2078, 2078, 4203, 4203, 414, 414, 1484, 1484, 3422, 2897, 2358, 610, 388, 403, 3388, 1151, 2747, 4281, 673, 2234, 4924, 1934, 2990, 2522, 2522, 2522, 2522, 3016, 3626, 4077, 4440, 1458, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 4067, 162, 2324, 2324, 3629, 4941, 29, 29, 4477, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 2863, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 569, 587, 587, 1492, 332, 2263, 458, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 4768, 3123, 704, 74, 3948, 1456, 995, 1054, 1054, 1054, 2688, 2688, 2121, 69, 293, 3169, 3263, 2308, 2379, 3086, 2605, 55, 782, 760, 4523, 4433, 1069, 1069, 313, 2429, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 1556, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2377, 2377, 4409, 610, 610, 2933, 3808, 92, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 72, 3587, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 2030, 710, 2725, 673, 3117, 3692, 395, 3939, 999, 1434, 1434, 2573, 3267, 2184, 3652, 2020, 46, 3807, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 908, 2524, 966, 1971, 1493, 169, 965, 2184, 316, 4876, 3702, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 190, 3091, 3091, 3091, 4373, 3821, 3821, 4077, 4440, 2187, 242, 3326, 2751, 4294, 4294, 4294, 3285, 2072, 624, 3234, 1834, 1834, 3989, 3411, 2940, 2186, 3355, 1569, 2833, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 4812, 410, 4768, 3918, 824, 2352, 4377, 4377, 165, 1655, 2546, 3248, 3248, 3248, 632, 8, 8, 2956, 3261, 2818, 3349, 1606, 1087, 1087, 3480, 3480, 3480, 3480, 3400, 3400, 173, 4203, 4203, 4203, 1426, 1426, 2112, 2112, 2358, 20, 610, 3808, 92, 1252, 1639, 140, 140, 140, 1357, 1357, 1357, 3415, 828, 2827, 710, 28, 4281, 2391, 14, 2754, 4112, 108, 108, 1226, 2838, 604, 4192, 2800, 2800, 3807, 1130, 1134, 203, 4838, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 1205, 2524, 966, 3877, 1493, 384, 3275, 3275, 3275, 2832, 1096, 3446, 2595, 2108, 3484, 3484, 3484, 378, 2235, 908, 4788, 4788, 1670, 1670, 258, 4873, 3196, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1123, 2298, 2824, 2818, 2818, 2198, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2416, 1906, 2689, 2689, 1248, 2427, 2427, 272, 588, 2747, 2747, 1496, 1496, 255, 1081, 1081, 2209, 329, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.4605239179954442, 0.7208200455580865, 0.881002277904328, 1.541753986332574, 1.982255125284738, 2.1624601366742593, 2.6229840546697036, 2.7831662870159453, 3.0234396355353073, 3.34380410022779, 3.4839635535307516, 4.124692482915717, 4.5651936218678815, 4.9456264236902046, 5.185899772209567, 5.426173120728929, 5.46621867881549, 5.906719817767653, 6.487380410022779, 6.847790432801822, 7.368382687927107, 7.7688382687927104, 8.049157175398634, 8.269407744874714, 9.010250569476081, 9.691025056947609, 10.13152619589977, 10.832323462414577, 11.433006833712984, 11.733348519362185, 11.993644646924828, 12.474191343963554, 13.054851936218679, 13.615489749430523, 13.855763097949884, 13.995922551252846, 14.636651480637813, 14.876924829157176, 15.157243735763098, 15.737904328018223, 16.138359908883825, 16.398656036446468, 16.498769931662867, 16.819134396355352, 16.999339407744873 ]
[ 0.4605239179954442, 0.7208200455580865, 0.881002277904328, 1.541753986332574, 1.982255125284738, 2.1624601366742593, 2.6229840546697036, 2.7831662870159453, 3.0234396355353073, 3.34380410022779, 3.4839635535307516, 4.124692482915717, 4.5651936218678815, 4.9456264236902046, 5.185899772209567, 5.426173120728929, 5.46621867881549, 5.906719817767653, 6.487380410022779, 6.847790432801822, 7.368382687927107, 7.7688382687927104, 8.049157175398634, 8.269407744874714, 9.010250569476081, 9.691025056947609, 10.13152619589977, 10.832323462414577, 11.433006833712984, 11.733348519362185, 11.993644646924828, 12.474191343963554, 13.054851936218679, 13.615489749430523, 13.855763097949884, 13.995922551252846, 14.636651480637813, 14.876924829157176, 15.157243735763098, 15.737904328018223, 16.138359908883825, 16.398656036446468, 16.498769931662867, 16.819134396355352, 16.999339407744873, 17.55997722095672 ]
words will not say what i yearn to say-they will not walk as i want them to but they stumble and fall in the path of the way of my telling my love for you simply take what the scrawl is worth knowing
[ "words", "will", "not", "say", "what", "i", "yearn", "to", "say-they", "will", "not", "walk", "as", "i", "want", "them", "to", "but", "they", "stumble", "and", "fall", "in", "the", "path", "of", "the", "way", "of", "my", "telling", "my", "love", "for", "you", "simply", "take", "what", "the", "scrawl", "is", "worth", "knowing" ]
[ "words", "will", "not", "say", "what", "i", "yearn", "to", "say-they", "will", "not", "walk", "as", "i", "want", "them", "to", "but", "they", "stumble", "and", "fall", "in", "the", "path", "of", "the", "way", "of", "my", "telling", "my", "love", "for", "you", "simply", "take", "what", "the", "scrawl", "is", "worth", "knowing" ]
[ "w o r d s", "w i l l", "n o t", "s a y", "w h a t", "i", "y e a r n", "t o", "s a y t h e y", "w i l l", "n o t", "w a l k", "a s", "i", "w a n t", "t h e m", "t o", "b u t", "t h e y", "s t u m b l e", "a n d", "f a l l", "i n", "t h e", "p a t h", "o f", "t h e", "w a y", "o f", "m y", "t e l l i n g", "m y", "l o v e", "f o r", "y o u", "s i m p l y", "t a k e", "w h a t", "t h e", "s c r a w l", "i s", "w o r t h", "k n o w i n g" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 2327, 2327, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 75, 75, 4281, 673, 331, 924, 2783, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 2237, 2237, 4387, 2488, 2488, 2985, 2985, 4599, 3629, 1952, 1099, 1099, 3299, 4959, 1559, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2068, 571, 2951, 4523, 4523, 158, 1069, 3914, 2704, 1608, 793, 793, 793, 793, 793, 83, 83, 2478, 2117, 45, 3700, 1751, 2928, 393, 1529, 4073, 2740, 3246, 2137, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 4216, 790, 992, 2775, 2025, 3206, 4060, 4060, 3664, 3664, 3664, 2168, 300, 4895, 4895, 1058, 1401, 219, 3490, 630, 3210, 1417, 4077, 1010, 3914, 552, 1608, 793, 793, 793, 793, 793, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 884, 2377, 2377, 4409, 2358, 610, 588, 2747, 1646, 3808, 1351, 4823, 4823, 4823, 3401, 574, 327, 327, 327, 327, 23, 2154, 2154, 527, 673, 673, 3199, 1504, 4461, 3256, 409, 1766, 579, 1952, 1099, 1099, 4959, 1559, 2142, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 2068, 2408, 168, 144, 144, 882, 882, 2384, 2384, 2384, 4244, 4827, 4012, 1743, 1733, 2313, 4890, 1189, 176, 3976, 2906, 752, 2137, 1065, 1065, 2719, 2478, 3649, 3204, 894, 1851, 882, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2111, 2111, 1585, 4116, 2428, 2712, 2566, 1767, 1767, 723, 723, 375, 258, 300, 4895, 4895, 270, 3076, 4375, 985, 3820, 3820, 3820, 3820, 2536, 4669, 1846, 1846, 57, 1873, 4450, 4620, 2358, 588, 4276, 588, 2747, 1351, 1351, 4823, 4823, 3401, 3401, 31, 31, 157, 1254, 3415, 2827, 710, 2677, 673, 4281, 1018, 1389, 125, 125, 4242, 2428, 628, 2566, 4461, 3256, 409, 409, 4246, 2622, 1914, 4077, 3702, 3702, 382, 1084, 3194, 3271, 47, 1643, 1555, 2651, 2651, 1298, 1298, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 5, 4264, 2053, 2053, 668, 1566, 2577, 4333, 3136, 3136, 4381, 1461, 2838, 604, 4192, 2734, 4120, 2832, 146, 146, 2832, 2400, 2595, 2043, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 2755, 2755, 2755, 1115, 1115, 3456, 1566, 1566, 4333, 3564, 1270, 1270, 1625, 662, 40, 3291, 3513, 4730, 2261, 2607, 3170, 1082, 1644, 1730, 4455, 4455, 3860, 3860, 3860, 3860, 1427, 1303, 451, 2998, 4966, 381, 2035, 1479, 3827, 1512, 2864, 437, 437, 424, 4141, 10, 2059, 4725, 4714, 1346, 1345, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 3173, 83, 4850, 2443, 1971, 1776, 169, 2997, 2184, 2020, 2020, 3807, 4011, 148, 3069, 737, 737, 737, 737, 429, 282, 2301, 49, 4202, 1623, 381, 1781, 136, 2657, 541, 2374, 326, 326, 326, 1437, 1437, 317, 1197, 3514, 3514, 651, 473, 2379, 3086, 3771, 3771, 74, 202, 148, 3069, 737, 737, 737, 737, 429, 429, 2301, 1170, 1170, 4588, 1430, 2420, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 3166, 3275, 3275, 526, 526, 838, 840, 1344, 2441, 2441, 4216, 790, 3591, 3591, 2191, 2191, 4645, 4645, 4669, 1846, 1846, 391, 391, 4620, 931, 588, 588, 4596, 1646, 1375, 2747, 1646, 2699, 2699, 2699, 87, 87, 87, 574, 574, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1280, 1280, 408, 3754, 3754, 4083, 228, 228, 228, 228, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1981, 1981, 1280, 1280, 1981, 1684, 1864, 2747, 2747, 88, 88, 88, 774, 4063, 4063, 252, 1332, 101, 158, 2110, 3914, 552, 620, 2318, 2318, 2318, 4001, 1157, 1157, 3249, 2770, 4119, 3100, 663, 4324, 4101, 4202, 1623, 2559, 1781, 2657, 4046, 4046, 1852, 1852, 4299, 4299, 2663, 2663, 1733, 1616, 4807, 1751, 2928, 2928, 577, 2428, 2559, 2566, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 1417, 158, 382, 382, 521, 521, 205, 2809, 406, 406, 1122, 4274, 4871, 2755, 2755, 2755, 2755, 3456, 1566, 4333, 4333, 94, 3077, 3077, 3976, 4969, 4599, 2186, 1569, 1569, 1345, 1851, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 2237, 2237, 2848, 4061, 4061, 2226, 2226, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 1646, 1704, 1496, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.6605263157894737, 0.780622009569378, 1.0208133971291866, 1.2810207336523127, 1.5212121212121212, 1.6613237639553429, 1.921531100478469, 2.0616427432216904, 3.022408293460925, 3.142503987240829, 3.302631578947368, 3.5628389154704947, 3.7229665071770337, 3.8230462519936204, 4.0832535885167465, 4.2433811802232855, 4.703748006379586, 5.144098883572568, 5.324242424242424, 5.844657097288676, 6.024800637958533, 6.425119617224881, 6.525199362041468, 6.6452950558213715, 7.005582137161085, 7.105661881977671, 7.225757575757576, 7.465948963317384, 7.626076555023924, 7.906299840510367, 8.34665071770335, 8.586842105263159, 8.827033492822967, 8.987161084529506, 9.727751196172248, 10.688516746411484, 10.968740031897926, 11.08883572567783, 11.208931419457734, 11.589234449760767, 11.749362041467304, 12.129665071770336 ]
[ 0.6405103668261564, 0.780622009569378, 1.0208133971291866, 1.2810207336523127, 1.5212121212121212, 1.6613237639553429, 1.921531100478469, 2.0616427432216904, 3.0023923444976077, 3.142503987240829, 3.302631578947368, 3.5628389154704947, 3.7229665071770337, 3.8230462519936204, 4.0832535885167465, 4.2433811802232855, 4.703748006379586, 5.144098883572568, 5.324242424242424, 5.844657097288676, 6.024800637958533, 6.425119617224881, 6.525199362041468, 6.6452950558213715, 7.005582137161085, 7.105661881977671, 7.225757575757576, 7.465948963317384, 7.626076555023924, 7.906299840510367, 8.34665071770335, 8.586842105263159, 8.827033492822967, 8.987161084529506, 9.727751196172248, 10.688516746411484, 10.94872408293461, 11.08883572567783, 11.208931419457734, 11.589234449760767, 11.749362041467304, 12.109649122807017, 12.529984051036683 ]
and then i slept and dreamed and marked no change the night went on with me into my dream this only i remember that i cried o
[ "and", "then", "i", "slept", "and", "dreamed", "and", "marked", "no", "change", "the", "night", "went", "on", "with", "me", "into", "my", "dream", "this", "only", "i", "remember", "that", "i", "cried", "o" ]
[ "and", "then", "i", "slept", "and", "dreamed", "and", "marked", "no", "change", "the", "night", "went", "on", "with", "me", "into", "my", "dream", "this", "only", "i", "remember", "that", "i", "cried", "o" ]
[ "a n d", "t h e n", "i", "s l e p t", "a n d", "d r e a m e d", "a n d", "m a r k e d", "n o", "c h a n g e", "t h e", "n i g h t", "w e n t", "o n", "w i t h", "m e", "i n t o", "m y", "d r e a m", "t h i s", "o n l y", "i", "r e m e m b e r", "t h a t", "i", "c r i e d", "o" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3409, 3409, 3409, 4281, 981, 1510, 2754, 1406, 3610, 4249, 4117, 3123, 856, 1870, 1870, 1870, 1870, 582, 899, 989, 989, 3917, 839, 3398, 3246, 1065, 4193, 4246, 1914, 4876, 4077, 9, 3708, 3708, 1196, 1196, 1196, 2711, 4993, 3915, 3915, 3915, 3915, 3323, 4385, 1761, 2559, 3737, 1108, 1108, 3945, 2933, 350, 197, 3143, 3136, 295, 1461, 2838, 1185, 1185, 2410, 2410, 1967, 1352, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 35, 1953, 1953, 2887, 1030, 1670, 4224, 4224, 2513, 4571, 4944, 197, 3143, 1097, 2479, 1123, 4117, 1185, 704, 74, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1456, 148, 995, 1497, 1497, 1497, 4661, 2914, 2121, 823, 3176, 383, 628, 935, 1616, 3849, 2612, 1858, 1315, 3770, 2142, 1838, 230, 230, 4563, 3011, 4495, 3608, 3608, 2665, 1666, 1902, 720, 4522, 1317, 3181, 3452, 3452, 3452, 3452, 578, 529, 529, 262, 1882, 3454, 3454, 3454, 3442, 3442, 733, 733, 18, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 3414, 4398, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2962, 588, 4787, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3004, 3004, 527, 2747, 1910, 2234, 4321, 2001, 2810, 2810, 2810, 729, 729, 729, 4959, 4959, 2146, 1559, 3041, 1891, 1891, 1891, 3628, 1173, 246, 2869, 3054, 2636, 3883, 3355, 1569, 1346, 1345, 2031, 2728, 2728, 2728, 2728, 4768, 834, 894, 2330, 534, 561, 561, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 1222, 105, 105, 105, 2177, 4768, 3123, 954, 4014, 4973, 1284, 318, 1140, 3748, 1100, 843, 46, 46, 3807, 1130, 202, 3768, 2170, 878, 878, 878, 2315, 2315, 1906, 569, 587, 1247, 1492, 3963, 287, 1048, 1048, 712, 4109, 685, 4895, 1058, 1843, 1843, 3595, 3857, 2006, 1125, 3948, 3069, 3069, 4733, 4733, 429, 49, 49, 4202, 4055, 1967, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 35, 1953, 262, 3999, 3999, 3634, 3634, 1225, 1225, 443, 2039, 2039, 2039, 1393, 1393, 2933, 128, 272, 2962, 4276, 2699, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 993, 3004, 2154, 527, 2747, 4063, 1910, 1910, 2001, 2001, 4182, 1870, 1870, 138, 3759, 2495, 647, 1542, 1599, 1031, 4433, 542, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 2324, 1365, 4944, 332, 4918, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 3100, 4541, 2628, 4324, 1687, 4185, 332, 3246, 1065, 1065, 4760, 1074, 2603, 937, 937, 4988, 4245, 4245, 1593, 4493, 2158, 3195, 3195, 3195, 3195, 3195, 3195, 516, 1695, 741, 2872, 4769, 4769, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 414, 2112, 1484, 1484, 2897, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4790, 3382, 3382, 4703, 4703, 1870, 1870, 1870, 4973, 4812, 2737, 2737, 1313, 3246, 1065, 4193, 1847, 1999, 4305, 3766, 2000, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1122, 1122, 1951, 1951, 1951, 1951, 1951, 533, 533, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 869, 1523, 1110, 894, 4102, 154, 2459, 2459, 2012, 2012, 2012, 272, 2962, 4281, 588, 3808, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 993, 761, 1910, 30, 30, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 201, 3408, 2542, 1417, 4876, 4433, 1069, 552, 2704, 190, 190, 4595, 4595, 4595, 4322, 509, 509, 1111, 3279, 3279, 104, 3535, 170, 170, 280, 280, 280, 4363, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 1873, 1873, 1873, 4450, 4702, 4702, 4702, 4790, 4790, 4790, 4153, 4625, 918 ]
[ 0, 0.30028846153846156, 0.5405192307692308, 0.6406153846153846, 1.0810384615384616, 1.2812307692307692, 1.7416730769230768, 1.9418653846153848, 2.362269230769231, 2.5424423076923075, 3.3432115384615386, 3.7035576923076925, 4.003846153846154, 4.304134615384616, 4.5844038461538466, 4.804615384615385, 5.0248269230769225, 5.385173076923077, 5.565346153846154, 6.266019230769231, 6.906634615384616, 7.246961538461539, 7.3470576923076925, 8.04773076923077, 8.388057692307694, 8.468134615384615, 9.449076923076923 ]
[ 0.30028846153846156, 0.5405192307692308, 0.6406153846153846, 1.0810384615384616, 1.2812307692307692, 1.7416730769230768, 1.9418653846153848, 2.362269230769231, 2.5424423076923075, 3.3432115384615386, 3.7035576923076925, 4.003846153846154, 4.304134615384616, 4.5844038461538466, 4.804615384615385, 5.0248269230769225, 5.385173076923077, 5.565346153846154, 6.266019230769231, 6.906634615384616, 7.246961538461539, 7.3470576923076925, 8.04773076923077, 8.388057692307694, 8.468134615384615, 9.449076923076923, 10.38998076923077 ]
ere i leave this paradise sing me one song of those lost books of yours for which we poets still go sorrowing that when i meet my fellows on the earth i may rejoice them more than many pearls and she the sweetly smiling answered me as one who dreams
[ "ere", "i", "leave", "this", "paradise", "sing", "me", "one", "song", "of", "those", "lost", "books", "of", "yours", "for", "which", "we", "poets", "still", "go", "sorrowing", "that", "when", "i", "meet", "my", "fellows", "on", "the", "earth", "i", "may", "rejoice", "them", "more", "than", "many", "pearls", "and", "she", "the", "sweetly", "smiling", "answered", "me", "as", "one", "who", "dreams" ]
[ "ere", "i", "leave", "this", "paradise", "sing", "me", "one", "song", "of", "those", "lost", "books", "of", "yours", "for", "which", "we", "poets", "still", "go", "sorrowing", "that", "when", "i", "meet", "my", "fellows", "on", "the", "earth", "i", "may", "rejoice", "them", "more", "than", "many", "pearls", "and", "she", "the", "sweetly", "smiling", "answered", "me", "as", "one", "who", "dreams" ]
[ "e r e", "i", "l e a v e", "t h i s", "p a r a d i s e", "s i n g", "m e", "o n e", "s o n g", "o f", "t h o s e", "l o s t", "b o o k s", "o f", "y o u r s", "f o r", "w h i c h", "w e", "p o e t s", "s t i l l", "g o", "s o r r o w i n g", "t h a t", "w h e n", "i", "m e e t", "m y", "f e l l o w s", "o n", "t h e", "e a r t h", "i", "m a y", "r e j o i c e", "t h e m", "m o r e", "t h a n", "m a n y", "p e a r l s", "a n d", "s h e", "t h e", "s w e e t l y", "s m i l i n g", "a n s w e r e d", "m e", "a s", "o n e", "w h o", "d r e a m s" ]
[ 1101, 3800, 220, 220, 4281, 2788, 2281, 1510, 2692, 2692, 2692, 4938, 4938, 4861, 4861, 8, 2325, 2325, 3050, 332, 794, 2137, 1065, 1065, 4193, 1847, 1736, 1170, 1170, 1607, 4588, 275, 1688, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 4619, 4619, 4619, 2248, 2248, 283, 1870, 1870, 1870, 2592, 4631, 4631, 1507, 1542, 1599, 1031, 462, 2940, 875, 3608, 2804, 2803, 2803, 4836, 4836, 1402, 1402, 1660, 2879, 3558, 4395, 4395, 4395, 2171, 3496, 3496, 902, 3028, 3028, 3028, 1765, 1765, 1765, 1473, 3314, 2648, 2640, 3530, 1275, 542, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 162, 621, 3414, 4398, 634, 2967, 4787, 3027, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 993, 761, 252, 1332, 101, 2110, 1069, 313, 620, 2705, 2705, 2705, 2705, 4848, 3086, 3771, 3771, 74, 3768, 2170, 3504, 3504, 2315, 2478, 2478, 3649, 4714, 3204, 2833, 2031, 130, 3583, 3583, 1600, 33, 4768, 1748, 2527, 760, 760, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 2704, 190, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 4496, 1598, 1598, 1598, 1301, 1490, 4200, 1492, 64, 1776, 1776, 2968, 1601, 1601, 3855, 4377, 3196, 4592, 4592, 1363, 3801, 3801, 356, 356, 4511, 1275, 923, 3863, 1836, 1836, 2251, 426, 275, 2336, 1719, 1719, 1719, 1719, 1719, 1051, 2881, 4708, 3626, 462, 515, 3362, 2022, 2022, 4894, 276, 276, 276, 53, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2042, 2185, 3399, 3223, 2354, 273, 2905, 4260, 606, 4526, 384, 2997, 2744, 4567, 2867, 992, 779, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 3596, 908, 908, 3850, 2038, 2038, 292, 4287, 67, 67, 67, 67, 3954, 4100, 162, 162, 3414, 4398, 634, 1915, 3046, 3588, 993, 3588, 761, 761, 785, 3106, 840, 840, 1883, 2441, 2441, 172, 2117, 2117, 3649, 4714, 3326, 56, 2954, 2954, 2954, 3009, 1056, 4797, 18, 2103, 1217, 1217, 2821, 4241, 628, 1724, 1082, 1663, 116, 2966, 2966, 2966, 2966, 2966, 1628, 1628, 1628, 4087, 2609, 215, 215, 4542, 3817, 445, 445, 3711, 4505, 4523, 158, 4037, 4037, 9, 1084, 3194, 3271, 3326, 1643, 2194, 2194, 2194, 2825, 3299, 3834, 4753, 3899, 3326, 559, 2272, 2531, 896, 1809, 1809, 201, 1193, 3408, 2542, 3374, 3374, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 2403, 4683, 4683, 4683, 4683, 4942, 2879, 2879, 2749, 2749, 2766, 2766, 3011, 1628, 4087, 1887, 651, 651, 1697, 1697, 4914, 598, 1638, 1638, 2210, 1482, 1482, 128, 2012, 2012, 272, 272, 588, 588, 322, 1707, 3525, 322, 322, 3415, 214, 214, 527, 2982, 4281, 4063, 2234, 2001, 2425, 1870, 1870, 1870, 2483, 899, 989, 989, 989, 4776, 3917, 1282, 1282, 2298, 954, 3691, 3691, 2833, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 4812, 410, 293, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1847, 49, 49, 3846, 1593, 4493, 1134, 2990, 3063, 3063, 3063, 3063, 3063, 246, 3373, 421, 3054, 1895, 46, 46, 1134, 3069, 4733, 4733, 429, 429, 4246, 3293, 1815, 1096, 1096, 3446, 671, 3712, 3712, 3712, 1437, 1437, 317, 317, 2847, 2847, 2766, 2766, 2766, 2766, 4499, 4499, 1764, 1216, 1275, 3886, 872, 4944, 2263, 3180, 458, 458, 4189, 1006, 2316, 3799, 1870, 832, 100, 100, 210, 1323, 1323, 4317, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 4387, 4061, 4061, 131, 628, 1686, 2007, 3190, 2459, 2459, 4790, 4790, 2012, 1651, 1651, 1651, 599, 3525, 322, 3588, 3588, 993, 761, 1910, 2391, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 2719, 49, 436, 436, 4295, 4295, 734, 2382, 2382, 1074, 1074, 2603, 937, 2284, 4552, 4626, 4202, 3049, 42, 1967, 286, 2097, 2242, 2242, 2242, 2242, 1269, 4992, 1037, 3630, 3626, 1275, 3863, 3994, 2800, 2425, 1870, 1870, 1767, 2667, 723, 4609, 4684, 1295, 1593, 74, 1456, 1456, 203, 4838, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1413, 1413, 1413, 1205, 1753, 1753, 385, 385, 414, 4234, 4234, 3485, 1870, 1870, 1870, 1980, 1980, 1980, 3453, 3453, 2298, 704, 74, 2158, 1134, 1043, 1043, 3157, 3157, 3157, 2501, 506, 3722, 3722, 4101, 182, 1478, 2812, 2559, 1724, 4660, 654, 1119, 2157, 2157, 2157, 2176, 2176, 2176, 2176, 3324, 3324, 2053, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 292, 3385, 2091, 3830, 3954, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 145, 3414, 3414, 3414, 881, 2012, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 73, 2747, 599, 4222, 4222, 3004, 1716, 408, 570, 570, 214, 214, 322, 2982, 2085, 2747, 2391, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 1748, 2527, 4414, 1212, 1212, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1715, 1715, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 884, 2377, 2377, 2377, 2427, 2427, 2358, 2962, 588, 3808, 3046, 1286, 2827, 2071, 1706, 1706, 372, 372, 372, 2933, 2001, 2001, 4182, 4182, 2810, 2592, 2086, 729, 3368, 1109, 3374, 4876, 9, 313, 3708, 1713, 4858, 3074, 3074, 3074, 3074, 3373, 3965, 3509, 3509, 2731, 2731, 4119, 4541, 663, 4324, 4324, 2622, 1914, 3374, 9, 9, 3708, 4382, 1429, 1429, 1456, 3848, 3848, 3848, 3848, 3848, 4417, 1912, 1184, 1184, 3243, 4960, 3514, 3514, 1182, 1697, 1697, 4914, 4914, 598, 1638, 150, 2210, 1206, 3422, 2427, 4790, 4790, 4790, 1651, 3382, 372, 4321, 4281, 1904, 1904, 2411, 3907, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 3947, 1164, 277, 3149, 4351, 4351, 655, 4372, 4897, 4419, 4419, 2730, 1863, 2014, 843, 46, 1014, 3768, 2170, 3504, 3504, 3504, 2315, 311, 884, 884, 2377, 2377, 2377, 2427, 2427, 2427, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3388, 1706, 3388, 1151, 2747, 4063, 2788, 1510, 2834, 1525, 1525, 659, 1289, 4511, 4599, 4599, 2186, 3355, 3355, 3204, 3204, 3204, 144, 2031, 130, 130, 905, 905, 1600, 33, 33, 1282, 2160, 2824, 4044, 4044, 4637, 1377, 186, 186, 3111, 260, 4202, 3049, 3326, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 4009, 35, 1953, 1953, 262, 262, 262, 3999, 3634, 978, 978, 1985, 32, 4284, 2091, 2898, 2898, 2898, 145, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 881, 61, 362, 362, 73, 1375, 2250, 4, 4, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 3754, 3754, 3754, 3416, 1901, 1901, 1901, 633, 633, 1901, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.42044538706256634, 0.5806150583244964, 0.9209756097560977, 1.1211876988335103, 2.042163308589608, 2.4626086956521744, 2.6628207847295866, 2.923096500530223, 3.303499469777307, 3.4436479321314954, 3.743966065747615, 4.124369034994698, 4.424687168610817, 4.564835630965006, 5.0653658536585375, 5.405726405090139, 5.6660021208907745, 5.766108165429481, 6.246617179215271, 6.5469353128313905, 6.747147401908803, 7.648101802757159, 8.188674443266173, 8.408907741251326, 8.529034994697774, 8.829353128313892, 9.009544008483564, 9.530095440084837, 9.670243902439026, 9.830413573700957, 10.330943796394488, 10.591219512195122, 10.771410392364794, 11.271940615058325, 11.47215270413574, 11.832534464475081, 12.072788971367975, 12.353085896076355, 13.213997879109227, 13.674485683987278, 14.19503711558855, 14.635503711558856, 15.095991516436905, 15.836776246023332, 16.39737009544009, 16.73773064687169, 17.178197242841996, 17.478515376458116, 17.638685047720045 ]
[ 0.42044538706256634, 0.5806150583244964, 0.9209756097560977, 1.1211876988335103, 2.042163308589608, 2.4626086956521744, 2.6628207847295866, 2.923096500530223, 3.303499469777307, 3.4436479321314954, 3.743966065747615, 4.124369034994698, 4.424687168610817, 4.564835630965006, 5.0653658536585375, 5.405726405090139, 5.6660021208907745, 5.74608695652174, 6.246617179215271, 6.5469353128313905, 6.747147401908803, 7.648101802757159, 8.188674443266173, 8.408907741251326, 8.529034994697774, 8.829353128313892, 9.009544008483564, 9.530095440084837, 9.670243902439026, 9.830413573700957, 10.330943796394488, 10.591219512195122, 10.771410392364794, 11.271940615058325, 11.47215270413574, 11.832534464475081, 12.072788971367975, 12.353085896076355, 13.213997879109227, 13.674485683987278, 14.19503711558855, 14.635503711558856, 15.095991516436905, 15.836776246023332, 16.39737009544009, 16.73773064687169, 17.178197242841996, 17.478515376458116, 17.638685047720045, 18.85997879109226 ]
fall winter fall for he prompt hand and headpiece clever has woven a winter robe and made of earth and sea his overcoat for ever and wears the turning globe
[ "fall", "winter", "fall", "for", "he", "prompt", "hand", "and", "headpiece", "clever", "has", "woven", "a", "winter", "robe", "and", "made", "of", "earth", "and", "sea", "his", "overcoat", "for", "ever", "and", "wears", "the", "turning", "globe" ]
[ "fall", "winter", "fall", "for", "he", "prompt", "hand", "and", "headpiece", "clever", "has", "woven", "a", "winter", "robe", "and", "made", "of", "earth", "and", "sea", "his", "overcoat", "for", "ever", "and", "wears", "the", "turning", "globe" ]
[ "f a l l", "w i n t e r", "f a l l", "f o r", "h e", "p r o m p t", "h a n d", "a n d", "h e a d p i e c e", "c l e v e r", "h a s", "w o v e n", "a", "w i n t e r", "r o b e", "a n d", "m a d e", "o f", "e a r t h", "a n d", "s e a", "h i s", "o v e r c o a t", "f o r", "e v e r", "a n d", "w e a r s", "t h e", "t u r n i n g", "g l o b e" ]
[ 38, 4598, 715, 715, 3057, 792, 792, 792, 4491, 3262, 2747, 3004, 4063, 252, 4658, 4658, 146, 146, 146, 2832, 104, 2595, 2043, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 2755, 2755, 2755, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3456, 3456, 4905, 22, 22, 4714, 1346, 2668, 2910, 2910, 3852, 3852, 496, 2854, 4116, 1447, 1830, 2948, 2476, 4767, 1975, 1975, 3941, 172, 3232, 563, 4120, 4120, 2832, 2832, 2832, 43, 2595, 2043, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 4452, 2755, 2755, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 1115, 3477, 195, 195, 1873, 1873, 4450, 4702, 3422, 3422, 3382, 3382, 3382, 4703, 785, 4635, 3106, 840, 840, 1883, 247, 2441, 2441, 2956, 2956, 3261, 1832, 2818, 3349, 2198, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 2427, 272, 272, 588, 588, 2747, 1351, 3046, 3046, 2827, 1416, 4063, 1416, 348, 348, 1784, 1673, 4660, 654, 1215, 2694, 2694, 4174, 2273, 4001, 3737, 1108, 2007, 2007, 1149, 1149, 3072, 3072, 1007, 1007, 3934, 3934, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 3139, 2451, 2451, 2451, 4489, 4489, 209, 3034, 37, 2513, 2781, 4571, 1492, 3143, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1123, 4117, 2824, 4044, 3805, 1007, 3934, 942, 942, 942, 2930, 2014, 2199, 2959, 1897, 1897, 104, 2973, 1119, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1159, 1037, 3630, 3630, 2535, 462, 2019, 2019, 1829, 3766, 3317, 305, 305, 3701, 3701, 826, 4341, 4341, 4854, 835, 1274, 351, 484, 484, 4769, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 1484, 930, 2897, 2897, 272, 2962, 4787, 866, 866, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3588, 3004, 710, 4281, 3117, 3692, 395, 395, 149, 4674, 4674, 2859, 2859, 3578, 3786, 4599, 2186, 3355, 1569, 1569, 144, 1851, 2806, 2806, 2806, 2806, 4678, 4892, 4892, 4406, 3094, 1788, 2873, 4795, 1540, 1540, 1379, 54, 1282, 2160, 834, 2002, 758, 80, 197, 2939, 2746, 4945, 4945, 4725, 4725, 4714, 1345, 1345, 2910, 3852, 3852, 3852, 4116, 1447, 1447, 1830, 2476, 2476, 1975, 1975, 3941, 172, 1074, 1449, 2888, 2888, 1827, 52, 2798, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2094, 2797, 1476, 1476, 1476, 4892, 3747, 3747, 3747, 3499, 1721, 2436, 2436, 2459, 2459, 4790, 2500, 2962, 3046, 866, 993, 3588, 3588, 3004, 1066, 4321, 4281, 14, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4117, 704, 74, 2158, 308, 4349, 4349, 672, 672, 4196, 2671, 1708, 883, 2464, 1493, 384, 2184, 2184, 3632, 2330, 2875, 2933, 1045, 1045, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2848, 4061, 4061, 4061, 2226, 2226, 2226, 3891, 3891, 3891, 2933, 3891, 2035, 1365, 245, 983, 381, 1904, 781, 1097, 4381, 1461, 1123, 2838, 1748, 2527, 760, 158, 1010, 1069, 1069, 3914, 552, 2429, 416, 416, 416, 416, 1556, 2416, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 1248, 1248, 1248, 2427, 2427, 2427, 2427, 2427, 272, 1716, 3388, 4787, 3588, 993, 761, 3117, 4319, 812, 812, 2265, 4473, 298, 4077, 923, 65, 3404, 2875, 534, 534, 4918, 4918, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 695, 695, 147, 1403, 3941, 2009, 1694, 628, 2533, 1579, 3387, 1698, 1698, 1698, 1698, 1698, 2797, 2797, 644, 825, 1923, 1100, 2007, 2734, 4433, 4635, 4635, 3106, 840, 840, 1883, 2441, 2441, 2441, 4855, 4855, 2325, 3050, 2165, 1889, 1291, 1291, 3600, 3600, 4854, 4854, 4854, 4854, 835, 351, 3094, 1788, 484, 1403, 1403, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 1426, 414, 2112, 2112, 1484, 1484, 1484, 2897, 2897, 2897, 272, 272, 4276, 3388, 3388, 1151, 372, 520, 520, 14, 1510, 1097, 1406, 108, 3610, 2838, 2838, 824, 824, 824, 824, 954, 3691, 1569, 104, 2783, 2668, 3940, 3940, 3940, 3940, 700, 4861, 4861, 123, 3850, 4855, 2841, 2841, 2841, 4209, 3385, 2535, 4077, 923, 3994, 3994, 986, 381, 2724, 2086, 729, 729, 1469, 1623, 628, 1550, 1359, 2948, 541, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 3664, 3664, 3664, 69, 3212, 3212, 3169, 4687, 2308, 2308, 3086, 488, 2647, 2647, 894, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4549, 957, 2509, 2509, 2509, 2509, 2509, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3747, 3747, 3747, 3747, 3499, 894, 1721, 2436, 2436, 2459, 2459, 2459, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012, 2012, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 1302, 4710, 4, 254, 2747, 254, 254, 254, 4083, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 2414, 48, 2414, 2414, 2414, 4859, 4859, 1387, 1387, 1901, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.7610888252148997, 1.2017191977077364, 1.7424928366762178, 2.1030085959885385, 2.563667621776504, 3.204584527220631, 3.665243553008596, 3.8254727793696275, 4.3862750716332375, 5.067249283667622, 5.5679656160458455, 6.068681948424069, 6.208882521489971, 6.629484240687679, 7.210315186246418, 7.4907163323782235, 7.711031518624642, 7.8712607449856735, 8.392005730659026, 8.67240687679083, 9.133065902578798, 9.573696275071633, 10.21461318051576, 10.535071633237823, 11.135931232091691, 11.556532951289398, 12.057249283667623, 12.197449856733526, 12.678137535816619 ]
[ 0.7610888252148997, 1.2017191977077364, 1.7424928366762178, 2.1030085959885385, 2.563667621776504, 3.204584527220631, 3.665243553008596, 3.8254727793696275, 4.3862750716332375, 5.067249283667622, 5.5679656160458455, 6.068681948424069, 6.208882521489971, 6.629484240687679, 7.210315186246418, 7.4907163323782235, 7.711031518624642, 7.8712607449856735, 8.392005730659026, 8.67240687679083, 9.133065902578798, 9.573696275071633, 10.21461318051576, 10.535071633237823, 11.135931232091691, 11.556532951289398, 12.057249283667623, 12.197449856733526, 12.678137535816619, 13.959971346704872 ]
our lips may feel the goblet's edge and taste the loving cup we pledge while from each foaming glass escape the precious perfumes of the grape but ah we hear it not and so we give the touch that all men know
[ "our", "lips", "may", "feel", "the", "goblet's", "edge", "and", "taste", "the", "loving", "cup", "we", "pledge", "while", "from", "each", "foaming", "glass", "escape", "the", "precious", "perfumes", "of", "the", "grape", "but", "ah", "we", "hear", "it", "not", "and", "so", "we", "give", "the", "touch", "that", "all", "men", "know" ]
[ "our", "lips", "may", "feel", "the", "goblet's", "edge", "and", "taste", "the", "loving", "cup", "we", "pledge", "while", "from", "each", "foaming", "glass", "escape", "the", "precious", "perfumes", "of", "the", "grape", "but", "ah", "we", "hear", "it", "not", "and", "so", "we", "give", "the", "touch", "that", "all", "men", "know" ]
[ "o u r", "l i p s", "m a y", "f e e l", "t h e", "g o b l e t ' s", "e d g e", "a n d", "t a s t e", "t h e", "l o v i n g", "c u p", "w e", "p l e d g e", "w h i l e", "f r o m", "e a c h", "f o a m i n g", "g l a s s", "e s c a p e", "t h e", "p r e c i o u s", "p e r f u m e s", "o f", "t h e", "g r a p e", "b u t", "a h", "w e", "h e a r", "i t", "n o t", "a n d", "s o", "w e", "g i v e", "t h e", "t o u c h", "t h a t", "a l l", "m e n", "k n o w" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 2114, 3154, 139, 139, 294, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 1913, 1913, 4491, 2747, 75, 75, 1886, 4321, 1249, 30, 794, 4272, 4272, 4272, 3924, 2956, 1170, 1170, 1607, 4588, 1430, 2336, 4514, 3088, 3088, 3088, 1761, 3737, 4421, 4421, 2354, 273, 4266, 2940, 4208, 1204, 1014, 308, 4295, 734, 734, 2382, 49, 4246, 3293, 1815, 623, 3524, 3524, 2158, 2923, 4953, 4889, 4889, 4889, 508, 508, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 4808, 4808, 2477, 4873, 4873, 4141, 10, 124, 2481, 1710, 2272, 3070, 3070, 4138, 2984, 4244, 4244, 4175, 2283, 1632, 1925, 4133, 4335, 4335, 4335, 4542, 445, 3711, 1899, 2213, 4260, 752, 4197, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 3333, 1523, 2432, 2432, 894, 3235, 733, 733, 1117, 1117, 1117, 4398, 881, 2962, 2962, 588, 1646, 3808, 92, 3796, 1639, 3401, 72, 140, 31, 31, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 2154, 710, 710, 2747, 1910, 981, 14, 2754, 1406, 1406, 3610, 2838, 4117, 685, 4895, 944, 136, 2657, 2374, 2374, 1470, 1470, 1816, 1037, 1037, 3630, 4440, 462, 3994, 4761, 1844, 1844, 1448, 3513, 2059, 4828, 1607, 4588, 1430, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1274, 1788, 3637, 4687, 4687, 2308, 7, 3086, 2605, 488, 2099, 560, 3718, 3387, 2434, 2434, 2434, 2434, 2434, 4385, 1761, 4675, 2559, 1721, 396, 396, 396, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 182, 2753, 2607, 4643, 2973, 4932, 263, 3342, 676, 676, 2829, 2147, 1750, 3333, 1523, 2432, 2432, 628, 3235, 3235, 733, 1117, 1117, 1117, 1117, 3414, 881, 2500, 61, 73, 73, 4276, 1375, 1646, 1646, 4, 4222, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1619, 1619, 1619, 1619, 322, 3164, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 2154, 214, 2925, 4063, 1910, 1910, 2234, 1683, 29, 29, 144, 548, 548, 81, 81, 2046, 2046, 3456, 4905, 3232, 563, 4635, 4635, 1615, 2943, 2943, 1399, 4329, 3539, 3539, 3539, 4255, 2052, 3905, 3216, 2002, 2330, 3441, 2552, 2552, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 4513, 1056, 381, 4797, 2103, 1217, 1217, 875, 4983, 4983, 43, 671, 2043, 3443, 3443, 3443, 2514, 3231, 697, 2618, 3637, 4687, 4687, 2308, 7, 3086, 488, 2647, 104, 1322, 1322, 4549, 826, 3573, 3573, 3573, 3573, 3573, 1303, 1303, 2881, 3630, 2963, 4433, 2213, 1008, 829, 829, 1001, 4876, 4433, 4019, 521, 205, 2809, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 1327, 3209, 3209, 2808, 2808, 4675, 4675, 4675, 1721, 2436, 97, 97, 2012, 1651, 1651, 1651, 4310, 4310, 4310, 1651, 1651, 1651, 819, 4310, 348, 348, 4281, 1784, 489, 1448, 177, 4730, 2261, 1210, 3170, 4660, 654, 4038, 4038, 2246, 2246, 2246, 3967, 2504, 603, 18, 3061, 3061, 1364, 1364, 4899, 4899, 4209, 159, 1031, 462, 2940, 2821, 2821, 4241, 2973, 1644, 3407, 3949, 996, 996, 996, 4267, 3232, 563, 623, 2832, 2400, 43, 1093, 1093, 1459, 1459, 1459, 1459, 307, 2805, 2805, 1030, 1670, 809, 809, 3226, 978, 978, 2292, 296, 4077, 4260, 752, 64, 1776, 1776, 3869, 2997, 1601, 3855, 199, 721, 424, 4141, 10, 124, 1710, 2559, 126, 4622, 4201, 4201, 1073, 3847, 3847, 3847, 3209, 3209, 2808, 4675, 1721, 2436, 2436, 97, 97, 2500, 2254, 2254, 2254, 2254, 2254, 2254, 3071, 3071, 4222, 3071, 4222, 4222, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1039, 3458, 3458, 4796, 157, 157, 3673, 3673, 852, 2154, 2677, 2725, 348, 348, 1018, 1389, 1389, 3854, 2737, 4705, 3276, 3276, 2875, 2972, 381, 2789, 2557, 3875, 3875, 3875, 3875, 3875, 3875, 3875, 3875, 3875, 3875, 3875, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 4702, 4702, 4702, 4790, 4790, 4790, 3382, 3382, 4703, 2697, 2697, 29, 29, 3677, 3677, 487, 2863, 2863, 4911, 4911, 2818, 1606, 1087, 386, 386, 3400, 3417, 3445, 966, 1993, 1993, 4156, 4156, 3464, 4300, 4300, 1315, 1315, 894, 2142, 1021, 2895, 2895, 1614, 1614, 1183, 1930, 290, 290, 2869, 1480, 1480, 1480, 1480, 4281, 1480, 1480, 819, 819, 819, 819, 3004, 1651, 4153, 4153, 220, 220, 4281, 1904, 1510, 2754, 1406, 3610, 3610, 2838, 4117, 1748, 2527, 760, 4876, 4077, 1069, 3914, 552, 1608, 788, 788, 788, 788, 788, 788, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 1873, 1873, 4450, 2358, 610, 3141, 3388, 3388, 1706, 2747, 1151, 372, 372, 372, 761, 924, 3677, 3677, 487, 2863, 1166, 1710, 894, 1223, 3281, 3281, 2553, 2553, 2553, 1318, 3466, 3466, 3855, 199, 721, 1844, 4141, 3513, 2131, 1469, 3336, 944, 136, 2657, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4837, 4513, 1056, 4797, 4797, 4797, 2103, 2103, 3994, 2938, 949, 949, 612, 2965, 1531, 3276, 3276, 534, 4918, 1259, 1259, 1354, 537, 4129, 4481, 3456, 3456, 1177, 1125, 1593, 4493, 308, 235, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 3917, 1282, 4768, 3918, 4608, 4608, 4608, 152, 411, 2142, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 3066, 2621, 2621, 57, 57, 391, 391, 391, 4620, 2897, 2897, 272, 272, 1704, 1704, 1704, 1496, 2747, 255, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 1618, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5807407407407408, 0.9011494252873563, 1.1214303959131546, 1.481890166028097, 1.602043422733078, 2.082656449553001, 2.6433716475095785, 3.0639080459770116, 3.384316730523627, 3.5044699872286076, 3.844904214559387, 4.1252618135376755, 4.285466155810984, 5.146564495530013, 5.827432950191571, 6.107790549169859, 6.408173690932312, 6.808684546615581, 7.14911877394636, 7.809961685823755, 8.110344827586207, 8.610983397190294, 9.351928480204343, 9.51213282247765, 9.63228607918263, 10.273103448275862, 10.813793103448276, 11.254355044699873, 11.554738186462323, 11.75499361430396, 11.915197956577266, 12.39581098339719, 12.776296296296296, 13.196832694763728, 13.577318007662834, 13.817624521072798, 13.957803320561942, 14.258186462324392, 14.458441890166029, 14.658697318007661, 14.919029374201788 ]
[ 0.5807407407407408, 0.9011494252873563, 1.1214303959131546, 1.481890166028097, 1.602043422733078, 2.082656449553001, 2.6433716475095785, 3.0639080459770116, 3.384316730523627, 3.5044699872286076, 3.844904214559387, 4.1252618135376755, 4.285466155810984, 5.146564495530013, 5.827432950191571, 6.107790549169859, 6.408173690932312, 6.808684546615581, 7.14911877394636, 7.809961685823755, 8.110344827586207, 8.610983397190294, 9.351928480204343, 9.51213282247765, 9.63228607918263, 10.273103448275862, 10.813793103448276, 11.254355044699873, 11.554738186462323, 11.75499361430396, 11.915197956577266, 12.39581098339719, 12.776296296296296, 13.196832694763728, 13.577318007662834, 13.817624521072798, 13.957803320561942, 14.258186462324392, 14.458441890166029, 14.658697318007661, 14.919029374201788, 15.659974457215837 ]
and thus do all the senses share the pleasure that can banish care and that is why the glasses clink when good old honest wine we drink
[ "and", "thus", "do", "all", "the", "senses", "share", "the", "pleasure", "that", "can", "banish", "care", "and", "that", "is", "why", "the", "glasses", "clink", "when", "good", "old", "honest", "wine", "we", "drink" ]
[ "and", "thus", "do", "all", "the", "senses", "share", "the", "pleasure", "that", "can", "banish", "care", "and", "that", "is", "why", "the", "glasses", "clink", "when", "good", "old", "honest", "wine", "we", "drink" ]
[ "a n d", "t h u s", "d o", "a l l", "t h e", "s e n s e s", "s h a r e", "t h e", "p l e a s u r e", "t h a t", "c a n", "b a n i s h", "c a r e", "a n d", "t h a t", "i s", "w h y", "t h e", "g l a s s e s", "c l i n k", "w h e n", "g o o d", "o l d", "h o n e s t", "w i n e", "w e", "d r i n k" ]
[ 38, 2114, 72, 1039, 1039, 530, 530, 530, 530, 530, 530, 530, 1913, 1714, 4491, 4491, 3861, 3861, 673, 4063, 4755, 14, 4826, 2754, 1406, 3610, 68, 4249, 662, 4820, 1655, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 858, 4708, 4433, 462, 462, 462, 6, 1139, 84, 1641, 2389, 3348, 1919, 1919, 1919, 2801, 4298, 2165, 534, 534, 4918, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 3456, 2477, 4416, 424, 3102, 10, 3368, 1109, 1544, 1010, 552, 1608, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1331, 1164, 3149, 3149, 3989, 4433, 655, 1519, 4832, 650, 70, 4446, 206, 2878, 171, 171, 4507, 4783, 897, 876, 876, 876, 876, 876, 700, 4861, 4203, 4203, 1426, 2112, 2112, 1484, 930, 2358, 610, 4276, 92, 92, 3796, 3796, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 31, 31, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 2747, 2725, 348, 348, 331, 1504, 489, 1448, 177, 4730, 1210, 3170, 3170, 4932, 263, 263, 3342, 676, 3900, 3900, 3900, 3900, 3900, 4221, 4221, 4221, 1775, 1775, 4239, 4239, 1782, 1782, 1782, 1426, 1426, 414, 414, 414, 1484, 3013, 3422, 3422, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3382, 4703, 4703, 4703, 4340, 1795, 4055, 3163, 1655, 612, 2965, 2965, 2965, 804, 2969, 4587, 4587, 3766, 1000, 1539, 4729, 4729, 3790, 3832, 1185, 1185, 4819, 3925, 739, 3574, 394, 2347, 2347, 2347, 2347, 913, 2300, 839, 3479, 3329, 3329, 3329, 1527, 1527, 1984, 1984, 2103, 2103, 1217, 2019, 213, 1829, 4633, 678, 708, 3750, 3750, 3750, 3750, 700, 700, 4861, 4203, 1426, 1426, 2112, 930, 930, 4917, 730, 4787, 588, 4276, 1704, 92, 3796, 3796, 3796, 4823, 140, 3587, 140, 31, 31, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 852, 852, 710, 527, 1066, 1886, 673, 4281, 1249, 1510, 1406, 1406, 3610, 68, 2838, 4117, 2352, 5, 165, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 3183, 3183, 804, 804, 2743, 3276, 3276, 3276, 197, 381, 3963, 3125, 580, 580, 3077, 2791, 3976, 4599, 4599, 3355, 3355, 1345, 548, 2181, 2181, 2181, 744, 744, 4804, 4804, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2172, 2172, 2924, 1414, 381, 2566, 1448, 3513, 124, 1710, 2559, 1322, 1322, 4549, 826, 676, 3573, 3573, 3573, 3573, 1303, 2881, 2881, 2963, 4433, 121, 3715, 3715, 4832, 650, 650, 70, 1764, 67, 1011, 3411, 2019, 213, 1829, 381, 3317, 305, 3701, 3701, 826, 2126, 2126, 2126, 2126, 3756, 2489, 2489, 4886, 4886, 935, 935, 3213, 3213, 97, 2500, 1481, 2962, 4276, 92, 3796, 1639, 3587, 31, 31, 31, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2827, 527, 527, 527, 4321, 1910, 1910, 2234, 1683, 842, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 410, 3832, 1185, 2659, 2659, 2647, 3899, 2559, 41, 2272, 692, 692, 692, 4835, 4835, 4835, 267, 3333, 1523, 1110, 2199, 754, 4571, 758, 4756, 983, 220, 220, 4281, 2789, 4918, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 674, 674, 1636, 1636, 4771, 851, 4571, 2330, 534, 561, 2557, 2557, 1474, 1474, 1474, 2273, 839, 1005, 3479, 3479, 4565, 968, 4209, 159, 1031, 4077, 462, 462, 2940, 798, 3629, 1569, 1569, 3204, 2783, 1851, 882, 4600, 4600, 4600, 4600, 4600, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 269, 269, 2911, 4844, 4681, 4681, 3159, 3422, 3422, 3382, 3382, 3382, 4703, 2697, 1683, 4807, 3677, 487, 487, 2863, 1166, 4202, 4055, 1352, 1352, 1320, 3253, 3265, 3265, 3265, 3265, 3265, 3756, 2489, 498, 3780, 3780, 3780, 935, 3213, 3213, 97, 2012, 2012, 1302, 73, 73, 4222, 4222, 4, 816, 816, 816, 816, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2587, 4083, 2587, 2587, 2587, 2747, 2578, 2747, 2578, 2578, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 1127, 334, 334, 334, 334, 228, 4782, 863, 863, 1127, 863, 1127, 1127, 622, 622, 622, 4859, 4859, 877, 4366, 1867 ]
[ 0, 0.5809847198641765, 0.8414261460101867, 1.0617996604414262, 1.3022071307300507, 1.4424448217317485, 1.863157894736842, 2.4441426146010183, 2.8448217317487265, 3.52597623089983, 3.8665534804753814, 4.086926994906621, 4.547707979626486, 5.208828522920203, 5.669609507640067, 5.970118845500848, 6.190492359932088, 6.5110356536502545, 6.651273344651951, 7.212224108658742, 7.853310696095075, 8.334125636672324, 8.754838709677419, 9.115449915110355, 9.57623089983022, 10.09711375212224, 10.337521222410865 ]
[ 0.5809847198641765, 0.8414261460101867, 1.0617996604414262, 1.3022071307300507, 1.4424448217317485, 1.863157894736842, 2.4441426146010183, 2.8448217317487265, 3.52597623089983, 3.8665534804753814, 4.086926994906621, 4.547707979626486, 5.208828522920203, 5.669609507640067, 5.970118845500848, 6.190492359932088, 6.5110356536502545, 6.651273344651951, 7.212224108658742, 7.853310696095075, 8.334125636672324, 8.754838709677419, 9.115449915110355, 9.57623089983022, 10.09711375212224, 10.337521222410865, 11.779966044142613 ]
wine is so excellent a thing to lowest subject or to highest king that every sense alike should share the pleasure that can banish care thus may each merry eye behold the sparkle of the red or gold
[ "wine", "is", "so", "excellent", "a", "thing", "to", "lowest", "subject", "or", "to", "highest", "king", "that", "every", "sense", "alike", "should", "share", "the", "pleasure", "that", "can", "banish", "care", "thus", "may", "each", "merry", "eye", "behold", "the", "sparkle", "of", "the", "red", "or", "gold" ]
[ "wine", "is", "so", "excellent", "a", "thing", "to", "lowest", "subject", "or", "to", "highest", "king", "that", "every", "sense", "alike", "should", "share", "the", "pleasure", "that", "can", "banish", "care", "thus", "may", "each", "merry", "eye", "behold", "the", "sparkle", "of", "the", "red", "or", "gold" ]
[ "w i n e", "i s", "s o", "e x c e l l e n t", "a", "t h i n g", "t o", "l o w e s t", "s u b j e c t", "o r", "t o", "h i g h e s t", "k i n g", "t h a t", "e v e r y", "s e n s e", "a l i k e", "s h o u l d", "s h a r e", "t h e", "p l e a s u r e", "t h a t", "c a n", "b a n i s h", "c a r e", "t h u s", "m a y", "e a c h", "m e r r y", "e y e", "b e h o l d", "t h e", "s p a r k l e", "o f", "t h e", "r e d", "o r", "g o l d" ]
[ 4079, 2114, 1335, 1335, 139, 139, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 1457, 524, 75, 2747, 75, 1910, 2234, 1683, 1683, 29, 2783, 1851, 548, 4600, 4600, 4600, 4600, 232, 4065, 1341, 1538, 1538, 1882, 2160, 4844, 824, 824, 824, 3284, 758, 758, 983, 628, 2666, 580, 580, 580, 3077, 2791, 206, 1807, 158, 4037, 3914, 79, 3001, 427, 427, 427, 201, 401, 2165, 2875, 2972, 1045, 187, 4679, 4679, 4679, 2802, 2543, 649, 2279, 121, 655, 3412, 3412, 3412, 3412, 4960, 956, 956, 956, 3951, 2072, 4994, 350, 2933, 1249, 2746, 4884, 4945, 1723, 380, 2463, 2574, 2574, 4466, 2619, 749, 4970, 749, 3931, 1953, 3359, 1282, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 2039, 2039, 2039, 1393, 1393, 730, 4276, 1704, 1646, 1646, 3808, 1351, 4823, 3401, 3401, 322, 2974, 2974, 2071, 2071, 2747, 2982, 1416, 1416, 2670, 4281, 1058, 3076, 63, 665, 198, 198, 630, 4828, 1607, 4588, 1430, 2336, 1968, 1968, 1968, 3066, 1628, 1628, 4087, 4534, 3569, 4209, 206, 1807, 4037, 4037, 3914, 2704, 190, 3091, 3091, 3091, 4373, 3287, 3287, 3287, 4843, 1722, 3288, 3288, 3288, 3288, 3288, 4076, 1328, 1328, 2159, 1108, 4454, 628, 377, 3472, 1340, 1340, 1203, 3382, 3388, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2788, 4326, 4326, 113, 3511, 3511, 4018, 2183, 1550, 3026, 198, 198, 2367, 2412, 13, 369, 4307, 2551, 2551, 2551, 2551, 4417, 282, 3168, 3903, 4534, 4534, 3569, 4209, 159, 1031, 462, 3863, 2019, 213, 1829, 4633, 678, 1409, 1409, 1865, 1865, 1865, 3943, 3943, 4848, 4848, 3660, 1638, 1638, 443, 2039, 1393, 1393, 1393, 2254, 2254, 2254, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3071, 3306, 3306, 2578, 3306, 3306, 3306, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2654, 863, 3416, 2135, 3004, 3004, 1849, 1849, 1849, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2154, 2154, 2154, 527, 673, 3227, 2234, 1504, 4461, 1696, 133, 2926, 1531, 3276, 3276, 3276, 1291, 4630, 4630, 1092, 1092, 1092, 3228, 3228, 1637, 1637, 1637, 1637, 274, 274, 1041, 4101, 2622, 1914, 1417, 4876, 1069, 1069, 552, 2704, 1091, 1229, 1229, 1229, 1331, 1164, 277, 3149, 1834, 4351, 4077, 2213, 4260, 1008, 1324, 1324, 1324, 1607, 4588, 1430, 2336, 1596, 1596, 1596, 2175, 1173, 2663, 3176, 381, 2138, 4414, 1212, 1212, 3586, 920, 920, 4225, 3330, 1972, 2199, 1152, 2951, 4414, 2878, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 876, 876, 876, 876, 4861, 4861, 4203, 1426, 1426, 2112, 1484, 930, 1773, 4917, 819, 819, 819, 2254, 819, 4787, 3004, 3141, 3141, 3401, 3401, 3004, 31, 157, 1254, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2827, 2974, 527, 2422, 1416, 348, 348, 1504, 489, 1448, 492, 4730, 2261, 1210, 3170, 4932, 263, 3342, 3342, 676, 3900, 3900, 3900, 2562, 4221, 4221, 1775, 1775, 4239, 1975, 1288, 1854, 1854, 1414, 4416, 949, 612, 2965, 2965, 1165, 1743, 104, 1000, 1539, 4729, 3790, 3790, 3832, 1185, 830, 3925, 894, 3574, 394, 2347, 2347, 2347, 2347, 2300, 839, 1005, 3479, 3329, 3329, 1527, 1984, 18, 2103, 1217, 213, 381, 4633, 678, 708, 3750, 3750, 3750, 3750, 3750, 700, 4861, 4203, 1426, 2112, 2112, 930, 930, 2897, 4917, 2254, 2254, 2254, 730, 73, 1375, 2250, 1375, 4, 2250, 4222, 2760, 2760, 2760, 1619, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 2135, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1280, 1280, 3004, 1922, 1922, 803, 803, 803, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 2822, 852, 2154, 710, 527, 4063, 2234, 2001, 4182, 4182, 2811, 3163, 1655, 1220, 1220, 1220, 1220, 858, 4708, 1031, 1031, 462, 2940, 4208, 1204, 1014, 308, 4295, 734, 734, 2382, 2382, 83, 587, 1247, 1889, 3441, 1, 2552, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 2275, 4513, 1974, 4797, 4797, 733, 1217, 1217, 2612, 2612, 3807, 4493, 308, 939, 3360, 3360, 3360, 3360, 1660, 123, 870, 4080, 1034, 1034, 1041, 4101, 1687, 1889, 1889, 534, 561, 3724, 3724, 4309, 4309, 533, 167, 282, 2301, 182, 3431, 3327, 2741, 3060, 4486, 4486, 4486, 4911, 13, 3072, 369, 2893, 2893, 811, 811, 811, 811, 3220, 3220, 3220, 3220, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 4497, 2205, 154, 2500, 2962, 4787, 4596, 1646, 599, 599, 599, 1716, 1716, 1716, 1716, 3004, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 852, 852, 710, 2725, 1416, 4281, 4281, 1504, 489, 1448, 492, 3368, 1109, 4876, 4077, 9, 4019, 2173, 3987, 2192, 3303, 1754, 1754, 1754, 4661, 207, 2914, 4267, 4012, 1743, 2559, 1733, 517, 2053, 2053, 2053, 668, 4808, 4808, 471, 758, 1492, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 1776, 3869, 2997, 1601, 3855, 721, 721, 424, 3102, 3513, 2059, 4354, 135, 2888, 1827, 1988, 3584, 3584, 3584, 3584, 1750, 2930, 2014, 4571, 4571, 1492, 2939, 4326, 113, 3511, 3511, 172, 2009, 777, 777, 41, 2272, 3070, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3047, 3220, 3220, 3220, 807, 807, 402, 402, 4771, 4497, 4497, 2205, 2459, 2500, 272, 4276, 1704, 1496, 2747, 1496, 2569, 1081, 1081, 3103, 3103, 3103, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.8009987515605494, 1.0212734082397004, 1.2215230961298378, 1.7621972534332084, 1.8623220973782773, 2.4430461922596756, 2.883595505617978, 3.244044943820225, 3.8648189762796505, 4.105118601747816, 4.2252684144818975, 4.6457927590511865, 5.526891385767791, 6.307865168539326, 6.688339575530588, 7.048789013732834, 7.429263420724095, 7.66956304619226, 8.270312109862672, 8.670811485642947, 9.091335830212236, 9.231510611735331, 9.411735330836455, 9.81223470661673, 10.653283395755306, 11.454282147315856, 11.714606741573034, 12.055031210986268, 12.43550561797753, 12.675805243445692, 13.45677902621723, 13.857278401997505, 14.417977528089889, 14.598202247191011, 14.758401997503123, 15.0187265917603, 15.178926342072412 ]
[ 0.8009987515605494, 1.0212734082397004, 1.2215230961298378, 1.7621972534332084, 1.8623220973782773, 2.4430461922596756, 2.883595505617978, 3.244044943820225, 3.8648189762796505, 4.105118601747816, 4.2252684144818975, 4.6457927590511865, 5.526891385767791, 6.307865168539326, 6.688339575530588, 7.048789013732834, 7.429263420724095, 7.66956304619226, 8.270312109862672, 8.670811485642947, 9.091335830212236, 9.231510611735331, 9.411735330836455, 9.81223470661673, 10.653283395755306, 11.454282147315856, 11.714606741573034, 12.055031210986268, 12.43550561797753, 12.675805243445692, 13.45677902621723, 13.857278401997505, 14.417977528089889, 14.598202247191011, 14.758401997503123, 15.0187265917603, 15.178926342072412, 16.019975031210986 ]
when from the poet's plinth the amorous colocynth yearns for the aloe faint with rapturous thrills how can he hymn their throes knowing as well he knows that they are only uncompounded pills
[ "when", "from", "the", "poet's", "plinth", "the", "amorous", "colocynth", "yearns", "for", "the", "aloe", "faint", "with", "rapturous", "thrills", "how", "can", "he", "hymn", "their", "throes", "knowing", "as", "well", "he", "knows", "that", "they", "are", "only", "uncompounded", "pills" ]
[ "when", "from", "the", "poet's", "plinth", "the", "amorous", "colocynth", "yearns", "for", "the", "aloe", "faint", "with", "rapturous", "thrills", "how", "can", "he", "hymn", "their", "throes", "knowing", "as", "well", "he", "knows", "that", "they", "are", "only", "uncompounded", "pills" ]
[ "w h e n", "f r o m", "t h e", "p o e t ' s", "p l i n t h", "t h e", "a m o r o u s", "c o l o c y n t h", "y e a r n s", "f o r", "t h e", "a l o e", "f a i n t", "w i t h", "r a p t u r o u s", "t h r i l l s", "h o w", "c a n", "h e", "h y m n", "t h e i r", "t h r o e s", "k n o w i n g", "a s", "w e l l", "h e", "k n o w s", "t h a t", "t h e y", "a r e", "o n l y", "u n c o m p o u n d e d", "p i l l s" ]
[ 38, 4598, 715, 715, 3057, 792, 4420, 792, 792, 792, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 4491, 4491, 3861, 3861, 761, 1910, 2620, 2620, 2620, 842, 842, 582, 582, 4812, 4812, 410, 4768, 3918, 4846, 4846, 2435, 50, 50, 4120, 4120, 146, 146, 146, 1615, 1615, 3953, 1399, 1399, 3539, 3539, 3539, 4255, 2052, 1295, 3905, 258, 2352, 3925, 3470, 4377, 165, 4141, 3513, 3513, 2059, 4730, 2261, 1210, 62, 62, 2812, 2812, 2973, 452, 2966, 2966, 2966, 4678, 1628, 4087, 4087, 2609, 2609, 4542, 445, 445, 445, 3711, 1899, 273, 4433, 2940, 3930, 2821, 4241, 4241, 62, 62, 193, 2607, 2973, 4932, 263, 263, 2980, 3342, 676, 676, 3008, 3008, 4609, 496, 3264, 2215, 3234, 2226, 2226, 4966, 3891, 3891, 3942, 3942, 3942, 165, 1844, 832, 1064, 100, 100, 4885, 1687, 1687, 2875, 1, 2875, 2972, 2972, 2972, 193, 1045, 3907, 4086, 4086, 3101, 913, 1947, 1947, 2618, 2439, 2439, 652, 4469, 3619, 3619, 4899, 4209, 159, 4433, 462, 3863, 2019, 213, 1829, 2559, 4633, 678, 592, 1070, 4628, 1881, 1437, 4147, 1197, 2583, 4610, 4610, 3794, 4214, 4214, 237, 4077, 121, 121, 3914, 4372, 1479, 596, 596, 596, 4609, 3453, 624, 3264, 2215, 4744, 4744, 4966, 2035, 2035, 4671, 2867, 2867, 4423, 4423, 4423, 992, 2775, 2775, 2025, 3206, 3206, 1251, 1251, 1366, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3664, 3764, 3034, 809, 809, 809, 809, 2197, 2197, 2197, 32, 32, 67, 3411, 3838, 3838, 875, 2396, 2396, 3106, 838, 840, 1883, 1883, 2441, 2864, 1307, 1307, 4184, 1064, 100, 100, 210, 1323, 2443, 3566, 3566, 1324, 4828, 1607, 4588, 4588, 1430, 2336, 2420, 81, 81, 1503, 3066, 3066, 2046, 605, 4042, 4170, 4042, 4042, 4042, 3011, 3011, 3142, 3142, 3938, 3938, 4612, 1482, 1482, 128, 2358, 931, 610, 588, 193, 1351, 1639, 3401, 3401, 3401, 322, 2827, 322, 2250, 2071, 1416, 4063, 252, 4658, 4658, 4120, 146, 2832, 2832, 2832, 43, 2923, 4953, 4953, 1070, 4896, 4896, 4896, 4896, 3214, 565, 518, 518, 518, 3373, 3373, 421, 1709, 3974, 193, 2636, 1145, 2190, 3629, 551, 1569, 4807, 4807, 1284, 1284, 318, 318, 3044, 1140, 2450, 3748, 540, 540, 2035, 3355, 4894, 1626, 1132, 1132, 2888, 1827, 1988, 2710, 3944, 3944, 3944, 3323, 1761, 3737, 2559, 3821, 2842, 614, 3311, 1783, 1783, 4239, 4239, 1975, 3619, 3619, 3619, 4899, 159, 298, 4433, 462, 462, 462, 2940, 658, 658, 4590, 4590, 1681, 2888, 2570, 2570, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 2825, 1796, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 4289, 2292, 32, 67, 4433, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 3027, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 3525, 3525, 3525, 1716, 562, 3075, 3004, 2030, 28, 4321, 3117, 3117, 3692, 3105, 3105, 4020, 4020, 4090, 4090, 1193, 2768, 1694, 581, 581, 581, 2559, 4633, 4633, 678, 319, 319, 319, 319, 319, 319, 319, 3917, 4768, 2824, 4044, 2818, 3349, 3349, 2198, 51, 2631, 2631, 2631, 2652, 2081, 2081, 4911, 4911, 2818, 3349, 3349, 1606, 2293, 4413, 4413, 3429, 353, 353, 304, 2876, 3905, 893, 893, 893, 893, 4846, 2352, 2352, 3925, 4377, 4377, 4377, 165, 1655, 1729, 677, 2157, 8, 2956, 2956, 380, 380, 2463, 499, 499, 2034, 2034, 1319, 2570, 2570, 2570, 4745, 4745, 3066, 3055, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3689, 3689, 3689, 3689, 3689, 4287, 4287, 4287, 4287, 67, 67, 67, 3294, 1311, 634, 3027, 3027, 2819, 2819, 2819, 4420, 1706, 1706, 4420, 2071, 3075, 2071, 3004, 1910, 2001, 2001, 2001, 1858, 2579, 4480, 4480, 4480, 2142, 2142, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 1744, 201, 201, 1628, 1628, 4087, 1887, 1887, 651, 651, 2610, 2610, 2610, 4914, 7, 4976, 3660, 150, 2158, 435, 1842, 4890, 4890, 1189, 3541, 3541, 3541, 3578, 3578, 3786, 3786, 4599, 2186, 3355, 1569, 3204, 3204, 2783, 2783, 4553, 1543, 1543, 1543, 709, 2216, 3092, 2851, 3261, 1832, 1832, 2198, 51, 1797, 1797, 1797, 2652, 1658, 2008, 152, 152, 152, 4480, 411, 2142, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 3066, 3066, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3689, 3689, 3689, 3689, 4213, 4287, 67, 67, 1011, 1011, 3294, 634, 2967, 3027, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2250, 2071, 1706, 1706, 2071, 3075, 4063, 761, 348, 4182, 4377, 165, 949, 1696, 133, 1531, 1165, 2428, 2428, 2712, 2268, 894, 165, 4461, 3256, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 4850, 4850, 1323, 4317, 3921, 3921, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3876, 3876, 3876, 2325, 2325, 2165, 2875, 2875, 2972, 2972, 2972, 1, 2972, 2972, 193, 2789, 4918, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 1263, 1263, 1263, 1112, 3100, 4541, 2628, 2628, 2628, 814, 311, 311, 569, 587, 587, 3050, 2330, 2875, 381, 1045, 561, 938, 938, 938, 938, 2023, 4768, 3918, 3918, 2659, 2659, 2099, 894, 2533, 714, 805, 805, 1277, 1277, 1277, 1802, 3563, 3563, 3563, 4508, 4508, 4591, 628, 2973, 452, 116, 1053, 4862, 4862, 24, 3067, 314, 2682, 2219, 4901, 4434, 4434, 1822, 2014, 843, 1897, 1897, 2607, 739, 3574, 420, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 1796, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4289, 4289, 836, 836, 4284, 4284, 4284, 302, 302, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 145, 145, 3414, 881, 61, 362, 362, 362, 4420, 1496, 4787, 1081, 1081, 2209, 2209, 2209, 72, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 1901, 2209, 2209, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.7604481132075471, 1.140672169811321, 1.380813679245283, 1.921132075471698, 2.4014150943396224, 2.7015919811320757, 3.2419103773584905, 4.062393867924529, 4.702771226415094, 4.9028891509433965, 5.042971698113208, 5.863455188679245, 6.6839386792452835, 7.044150943396226, 7.684528301886792, 8.42496462264151, 8.865224056603774, 9.205424528301887, 9.425554245283019, 9.905837264150943, 10.125966981132077, 10.946450471698114, 11.766933962264151, 12.027087264150943, 12.327264150943396, 12.487358490566038, 13.207783018867925, 13.588007075471698, 13.82814858490566, 14.188360849056604, 14.78871462264151, 15.809316037735849 ]
[ 0.7604481132075471, 1.140672169811321, 1.380813679245283, 1.921132075471698, 2.4014150943396224, 2.7015919811320757, 3.2419103773584905, 4.062393867924529, 4.702771226415094, 4.9028891509433965, 5.042971698113208, 5.863455188679245, 6.6839386792452835, 7.044150943396226, 7.684528301886792, 8.42496462264151, 8.865224056603774, 9.205424528301887, 9.425554245283019, 9.905837264150943, 10.125966981132077, 10.946450471698114, 11.766933962264151, 12.027087264150943, 12.327264150943396, 12.487358490566038, 13.207783018867925, 13.588007075471698, 13.82814858490566, 14.188360849056604, 14.78871462264151, 15.809316037735849, 16.949988207547168 ]
what time the poet hath hymned the writhing maid lithe-limbed quivering on amaranthine asphodel how can he paint her woes knowing as well he knows that all can be set right with
[ "what", "time", "the", "poet", "hath", "hymned", "the", "writhing", "maid", "lithe-limbed", "quivering", "on", "amaranthine", "asphodel", "how", "can", "he", "paint", "her", "woes", "knowing", "as", "well", "he", "knows", "that", "all", "can", "be", "set", "right", "with" ]
[ "what", "time", "the", "poet", "hath", "hymned", "the", "writhing", "maid", "lithe-limbed", "quivering", "on", "amaranthine", "asphodel", "how", "can", "he", "paint", "her", "woes", "knowing", "as", "well", "he", "knows", "that", "all", "can", "be", "set", "right", "with" ]
[ "w h a t", "t i m e", "t h e", "p o e t", "h a t h", "h y m n e d", "t h e", "w r i t h i n g", "m a i d", "l i t h e l i m b e d", "q u i v e r i n g", "o n", "a m a r a n t h i n e", "a s p h o d e l", "h o w", "c a n", "h e", "p a i n t", "h e r", "w o e s", "k n o w i n g", "a s", "w e l l", "h e", "k n o w s", "t h a t", "a l l", "c a n", "b e", "s e t", "r i g h t", "w i t h" ]
[ 38, 4598, 715, 715, 3057, 941, 941, 3363, 3363, 3363, 3363, 134, 134, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 1240, 2885, 2885, 204, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 4420, 774, 2982, 2085, 4281, 3117, 1910, 2620, 2620, 1751, 1751, 3858, 3858, 3858, 393, 2029, 3054, 3054, 4397, 4397, 974, 628, 1781, 1359, 2657, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3999, 1030, 1670, 3905, 4846, 2352, 2352, 4820, 165, 1448, 3513, 2059, 2059, 4730, 2261, 1210, 2812, 2812, 2559, 452, 2966, 2966, 2966, 2966, 4563, 1628, 4087, 2609, 2609, 4542, 1529, 2676, 4770, 4770, 889, 149, 4674, 4674, 2841, 2998, 2998, 4966, 4966, 2035, 2035, 2804, 1729, 1729, 4359, 3429, 4359, 4285, 2846, 2846, 304, 2876, 893, 893, 893, 4210, 4394, 4394, 4224, 4224, 412, 412, 4401, 142, 3027, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2071, 1706, 2071, 1151, 1416, 761, 2234, 2001, 4182, 489, 1448, 492, 2059, 4354, 1449, 1449, 1132, 1132, 1827, 1988, 926, 926, 4981, 4981, 2175, 2175, 1173, 1173, 3314, 998, 998, 998, 998, 998, 998, 3637, 1182, 160, 160, 2308, 4914, 7, 3086, 2605, 2605, 74, 74, 1130, 1130, 1130, 202, 2990, 4979, 4979, 4979, 4979, 565, 565, 4540, 4540, 3058, 754, 2251, 2251, 738, 669, 669, 1688, 2420, 4288, 4288, 4824, 2175, 2175, 2175, 1173, 1173, 2357, 998, 998, 998, 2921, 2035, 3809, 3809, 738, 669, 1430, 1688, 4514, 4514, 3429, 3429, 3429, 3429, 304, 2876, 2876, 893, 893, 893, 4210, 4224, 4224, 4224, 4224, 412, 4497, 154, 154, 1481, 20, 586, 3046, 3027, 2819, 2819, 2819, 3525, 4420, 3525, 3525, 3525, 1716, 3841, 3004, 3004, 3415, 2154, 710, 4321, 4063, 4658, 2670, 310, 310, 2902, 2902, 3696, 3696, 3696, 1649, 1649, 4334, 4334, 4334, 1318, 4406, 4406, 3094, 484, 2439, 2439, 652, 652, 652, 652, 4358, 4358, 651, 651, 651, 2610, 2610, 2379, 7, 3660, 3660, 150, 5, 435, 435, 2740, 3201, 3180, 4430, 4430, 4430, 3777, 4189, 2177, 4768, 2160, 4844, 4844, 824, 834, 3284, 455, 2330, 2875, 2972, 628, 1045, 2411, 3907, 4086, 4086, 4086, 3671, 1947, 1947, 1404, 1777, 2005, 3561, 3561, 4731, 593, 593, 4469, 4469, 3828, 1276, 666, 666, 666, 496, 1164, 1164, 3264, 277, 4744, 998, 4377, 4966, 3891, 2774, 3891, 3891, 2574, 301, 301, 4400, 4502, 3757, 3757, 4286, 3359, 2146, 3212, 3212, 1559, 2707, 4197, 3907, 3488, 3488, 3671, 3671, 3671, 858, 279, 1031, 4077, 462, 3838, 875, 875, 4983, 1615, 1075, 1075, 4456, 4456, 324, 2171, 3496, 3496, 4504, 4504, 4504, 4504, 4504, 4504, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 3477, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4785, 1482, 1482, 1482, 2358, 1915, 586, 4787, 2819, 2819, 2819, 3525, 4420, 3525, 3525, 1706, 2071, 3075, 2925, 3004, 761, 312, 3117, 3692, 3105, 3105, 4020, 4090, 4090, 2768, 1694, 2533, 2533, 678, 1539, 319, 319, 319, 319, 3917, 69, 2824, 4044, 2198, 3519, 1797, 2652, 1166, 182, 1210, 2812, 193, 3170, 2973, 1119, 1119, 4896, 4896, 4896, 4896, 3214, 3214, 246, 421, 3249, 743, 759, 759, 1337, 539, 539, 3971, 172, 2117, 3649, 4714, 1346, 2783, 1851, 4280, 2806, 2806, 2806, 2797, 2797, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3952, 3689, 3689, 3689, 3689, 608, 4287, 536, 67, 1011, 67, 3294, 3294, 1311, 634, 2967, 2967, 4787, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2250, 1706, 2071, 4420, 2071, 3075, 4063, 761, 4924, 1858, 1858, 2579, 2579, 4480, 4480, 2142, 2142, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 1744, 201, 1628, 1628, 4087, 1887, 1887, 651, 160, 2610, 2610, 2379, 7, 3660, 3660, 3660, 150, 4200, 435, 435, 4890, 4890, 4890, 3292, 3541, 3541, 3541, 3578, 3578, 3786, 4599, 2186, 3629, 1569, 3204, 1346, 2783, 1851, 4553, 1543, 1543, 709, 2216, 3092, 1566, 3261, 1832, 2818, 2198, 51, 1797, 2150, 1166, 1658, 2008, 152, 152, 411, 411, 4921, 4921, 1744, 1744, 1744, 201, 201, 1476, 3742, 4213, 1293, 4247, 1477, 4055, 1844, 949, 1696, 3544, 3544, 1165, 1165, 2869, 3054, 1480, 350, 3800, 2972, 220, 193, 220, 220, 1262, 193, 3803, 2789, 2789, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 3456, 4905, 1694, 1694, 581, 628, 3766, 1000, 1539, 4729, 4729, 3790, 3790, 4117, 1185, 4819, 4819, 276, 276, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3686, 3686, 438, 2622, 1914, 4077, 158, 3702, 3702, 1069, 3914, 552, 2704, 1608, 3705, 3705, 3705, 3705, 4556, 2307, 3883, 3883, 1626, 1626, 1626, 1132, 2888, 1827, 1988, 926, 3518, 3518, 3518, 3628, 1236, 1236, 2122, 2122, 518, 518, 3373, 421, 894, 4102, 154, 142, 20, 4276, 71, 3557, 3046, 3046, 4125, 4125, 2234, 1683, 29, 842, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 2450, 540, 2035, 2959, 917, 1829, 2559, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 592, 3640, 1437, 1437, 317, 1197, 2583, 2583, 3794, 3794, 2944, 1593, 4493, 4493, 894, 4039, 1276, 4504, 4504, 4504, 4504, 4504, 1796, 1796, 3477, 24, 3477, 3477, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 4620, 4917, 2254, 2254, 2254, 2254, 2254, 2254, 4710, 4710, 2254, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 1.1614180929095355, 1.6219804400977995, 1.7821760391198045, 2.1426161369193157, 2.4029339853300735, 2.9035452322738386, 3.26398533007335, 3.9047677261613694, 4.24518337408313, 5.406601466992665, 6.427848410757946, 6.768264058679707, 7.86960880195599, 8.83078239608802, 9.251295843520785, 9.47156479217604, 9.631760391198045, 9.972176039119804, 10.152396088019561, 10.853251833740833, 11.654229828850857, 11.914547677261615, 12.194889975550122, 12.315036674816627, 12.695501222493887, 13.03591687041565, 13.41638141809291, 13.676699266503668, 13.896968215158926, 14.277432762836186, 14.798068459657703 ]
[ 1.1614180929095355, 1.6219804400977995, 1.7821760391198045, 2.1426161369193157, 2.4029339853300735, 2.9035452322738386, 3.26398533007335, 3.9047677261613694, 4.24518337408313, 5.406601466992665, 6.427848410757946, 6.768264058679707, 7.86960880195599, 8.83078239608802, 9.251295843520785, 9.47156479217604, 9.631760391198045, 9.972176039119804, 10.152396088019561, 10.853251833740833, 11.654229828850857, 11.914547677261615, 12.194889975550122, 12.315036674816627, 12.695501222493887, 13.03591687041565, 13.41638141809291, 13.676699266503668, 13.896968215158926, 14.277432762836186, 14.798068459657703, 16.35997555012225 ]
is it and can it be nature hath this decree nothing poetic in the world shall dwell or that in all her works something poetic lurks even in colocynth and calomel i cannot tell
[ "is", "it", "and", "can", "it", "be", "nature", "hath", "this", "decree", "nothing", "poetic", "in", "the", "world", "shall", "dwell", "or", "that", "in", "all", "her", "works", "something", "poetic", "lurks", "even", "in", "colocynth", "and", "calomel", "i", "cannot", "tell" ]
[ "is", "it", "and", "can", "it", "be", "nature", "hath", "this", "decree", "nothing", "poetic", "in", "the", "world", "shall", "dwell", "or", "that", "in", "all", "her", "works", "something", "poetic", "lurks", "even", "in", "colocynth", "and", "calomel", "i", "cannot", "tell" ]
[ "i s", "i t", "a n d", "c a n", "i t", "b e", "n a t u r e", "h a t h", "t h i s", "d e c r e e", "n o t h i n g", "p o e t i c", "i n", "t h e", "w o r l d", "s h a l l", "d w e l l", "o r", "t h a t", "i n", "a l l", "h e r", "w o r k s", "s o m e t h i n g", "p o e t i c", "l u r k s", "e v e n", "i n", "c o l o c y n t h", "a n d", "c a l o m e l", "i", "c a n n o t", "t e l l" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1143, 1143, 1143, 1457, 852, 852, 1066, 75, 1886, 1886, 4420, 4641, 4826, 4364, 4364, 4693, 4693, 4693, 1370, 1370, 1370, 3578, 3207, 3207, 3207, 257, 1993, 4378, 4378, 2424, 421, 131, 131, 3974, 628, 377, 3190, 1481, 2967, 586, 4787, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 1706, 1706, 1706, 4420, 2071, 3075, 3075, 3004, 3268, 1910, 1162, 4623, 14, 2754, 4112, 108, 1226, 4694, 4694, 1282, 3980, 3980, 3918, 824, 824, 2659, 2659, 4485, 4591, 628, 559, 4633, 678, 319, 319, 319, 319, 3790, 839, 293, 1790, 886, 886, 4156, 2307, 3054, 3054, 2970, 276, 276, 3537, 221, 2958, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3697, 3697, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 569, 884, 2377, 3040, 1915, 586, 4665, 4665, 3046, 3027, 2819, 2819, 2819, 4420, 1706, 1706, 4420, 2071, 3075, 2071, 322, 1910, 2234, 2001, 1858, 1858, 2579, 4480, 4480, 2158, 25, 3041, 3622, 3622, 3622, 3622, 3413, 246, 1657, 1657, 628, 3646, 614, 3311, 3311, 1783, 1783, 4239, 4239, 1975, 3941, 414, 414, 3261, 3261, 1149, 1149, 3072, 1007, 1007, 395, 1450, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 4674, 3137, 3137, 4061, 2226, 2226, 2226, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1203, 1203, 1203, 936, 4756, 1792, 1792, 1792, 1795, 1795, 1795, 4377, 165, 138, 4490, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1542, 3626, 4077, 462, 462, 6, 1139, 84, 84, 2212, 572, 572, 1353, 1353, 1353, 891, 91, 1206, 340, 2000, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1052, 984, 2155, 4525, 4525, 584, 584, 584, 2416, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 884, 2377, 4409, 20, 610, 3027, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 2819, 599, 599, 3525, 3525, 3075, 3525, 3004, 3004, 23, 852, 852, 3268, 1066, 2234, 193, 2001, 1858, 2579, 4480, 4480, 3326, 2142, 1299, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2960, 2998, 2998, 4433, 2574, 964, 964, 349, 349, 349, 349, 4914, 7, 3660, 3660, 150, 4846, 830, 1546, 4591, 62, 2812, 55, 102, 452, 116, 2966, 2966, 2966, 2966, 3011, 3011, 3011, 3011, 3810, 4087, 3418, 3418, 90, 90, 4515, 1358, 4219, 4989, 2773, 2773, 2773, 1391, 1190, 3176, 3780, 193, 1206, 935, 2313, 422, 284, 1446, 1625, 3364, 662, 662, 3196, 3196, 138, 4490, 4490, 1507, 1542, 3626, 4433, 2940, 2940, 2186, 3629, 1569, 3204, 3204, 144, 1851, 1851, 1214, 1214, 1214, 1214, 1214, 2176, 3324, 3324, 2901, 807, 1636, 402, 4771, 4771, 2951, 4414, 1212, 1212, 3586, 3586, 1376, 3617, 3617, 3299, 1187, 3758, 3758, 3665, 2212, 4738, 2839, 1569, 4477, 3650, 4227, 4227, 1543, 1543, 709, 709, 709, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 3477, 3477, 4808, 2851, 4785, 1873, 1482, 1482, 4620, 2358, 1704, 2962, 588, 1704, 1704, 4787, 2819, 2819, 599, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3525, 3841, 322, 3841, 3841, 88, 88, 88, 88, 2982, 2925, 2085, 761, 761, 4641, 4326, 4350, 4350, 113, 3511, 3511, 2956, 1854, 1414, 4377, 4377, 165, 949, 1696, 2926, 2926, 2926, 1531, 2743, 2029, 131, 131, 3326, 743, 3472, 1365, 4756, 4756, 2972, 2972, 2972, 4641, 2666, 287, 3867, 1446, 1446, 1949, 712, 3832, 2160, 834, 4990, 80, 2875, 2875, 2875, 2972, 2972, 2972, 2972, 2250, 1604, 1604, 1604, 220, 1886, 1886, 2281, 4641, 4918, 1259, 1259, 537, 537, 537, 537, 4481, 4481, 3456, 3456, 2851, 3261, 3261, 1832, 1832, 1255, 1255, 3911, 3911, 4199, 3971, 3971, 172, 2117, 3649, 4714, 3204, 3204, 144, 144, 1851, 4814, 4814, 441, 441, 441, 441, 2237, 2237, 823, 823, 815, 815, 3223, 3223, 2354, 2354, 3773, 542, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 2324, 4398, 936, 4756, 193, 1792, 4941, 1332, 101, 158, 1069, 313, 1892, 4887, 250, 250, 250, 2904, 2904, 4001, 4001, 1157, 1157, 1157, 4903, 2574, 964, 964, 349, 349, 349, 349, 4914, 7, 3660, 3660, 3660, 3660, 150, 150, 3771, 3485, 830, 1478, 1478, 2607, 1724, 452, 3739, 2966, 2966, 2966, 1628, 1628, 4087, 4087, 3418, 90, 4515, 1358, 2773, 2773, 1190, 1190, 4186, 1616, 1616, 3809, 426, 275, 227, 2010, 2010, 2010, 425, 2121, 823, 815, 815, 3780, 3780, 3223, 3223, 2354, 3773, 542, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 145, 3414, 1311, 634, 2967, 3046, 3141, 3141, 322, 2819, 2819, 3525, 562, 2071, 2071, 2982, 4420, 1886, 761, 2788, 4641, 4826, 1369, 1369, 1369, 2351, 2351, 2351, 2351, 3073, 3073, 3266, 2037, 2037, 2037, 4741, 366, 293, 1790, 422, 4856, 4856, 712, 2298, 1185, 2659, 2659, 2647, 3326, 559, 1223, 1057, 1070, 3488, 3488, 1437, 4147, 1197, 2583, 4610, 4610, 3794, 4214, 1554, 4433, 313, 2905, 1479, 1091, 4359, 4609, 3453, 339, 4116, 1709, 1447, 4966, 2035, 3376, 4359, 295, 1123, 2298, 1185, 2659, 2647, 3899, 42, 559, 1057, 3375, 3375, 3375, 3640, 1437, 317, 1197, 2583, 4610, 3794, 2944, 2816, 436, 1134, 1134, 4039, 4504, 4504, 4504, 4504, 4504, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 3477, 195, 4785, 4785, 4785, 4785, 1482, 1482, 2358, 2962, 610, 3808, 92, 3796, 3046, 4787, 866, 866, 322, 3141, 140, 3305, 3305, 1254, 1254, 1254, 408, 408, 408, 408, 408, 570, 214, 214, 88, 2982, 2982, 2982, 2982, 1886, 1886, 2281, 2788, 4641, 2789, 794, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 2376, 857, 857, 857, 1847, 2301, 2301, 2301, 1999, 4305, 581, 1206, 559, 1539, 1539, 4729, 2891, 2891, 3790, 3687, 4608, 4608, 1471, 1021, 1021, 389, 389, 389, 1183, 1183, 2029, 3054, 1200, 4397, 193, 4397, 55, 114, 136, 2657, 2374, 326, 326, 326, 326, 2216, 2216, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 195, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 2254, 2254, 2254, 2254, 2254, 2254, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4710, 4222, 254, 254, 254, 254, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 3306, 2578, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 334, 863, 2516, 2516, 2516, 334, 2516, 622, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 3215, 2516, 863, 622, 622, 622, 622, 622, 2516, 2516, 4420, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 2516, 622, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.5402857142857143, 0.9605079365079364, 1.4607724867724867, 1.7409206349206348, 1.901005291005291, 2.401269841269841, 3.2817354497354496, 3.8220211640211637, 4.222232804232804, 5.1227089947089945, 5.963153439153439, 6.683534391534391, 6.803597883597883, 7.043724867724867, 7.503968253968254, 7.7641058201058195, 8.524507936507936, 9.024772486772486, 9.424984126984127, 9.86521693121693, 10.305449735449734, 10.585597883597883, 11.225936507936508, 11.986338624338623, 12.506613756613755, 13.186973544973544, 13.72725925925926, 13.887343915343914, 14.527682539682539, 14.687767195767195, 15.828370370370369, 16.428687830687828, 16.948962962962963 ]
[ 0.5402857142857143, 0.9605079365079364, 1.4607724867724867, 1.7409206349206348, 1.901005291005291, 2.401269841269841, 3.2817354497354496, 3.8220211640211637, 4.222232804232804, 5.1227089947089945, 5.963153439153439, 6.683534391534391, 6.803597883597883, 7.043724867724867, 7.503968253968254, 7.7641058201058195, 8.524507936507936, 9.024772486772486, 9.424984126984127, 9.86521693121693, 10.305449735449734, 10.585597883597883, 11.225936507936508, 11.986338624338623, 12.506613756613755, 13.186973544973544, 13.72725925925926, 13.887343915343914, 14.527682539682539, 14.687767195767195, 15.828370370370369, 16.428687830687828, 16.948962962962963, 18.88998941798942 ]
the pallid faithful moon has been the one companion of the earth her tender face pale with the swift keen purpose of that race which at time's natal hour was first begun
[ "the", "pallid", "faithful", "moon", "has", "been", "the", "one", "companion", "of", "the", "earth", "her", "tender", "face", "pale", "with", "the", "swift", "keen", "purpose", "of", "that", "race", "which", "at", "time's", "natal", "hour", "was", "first", "begun" ]
[ "the", "pallid", "faithful", "moon", "has", "been", "the", "one", "companion", "of", "the", "earth", "her", "tender", "face", "pale", "with", "the", "swift", "keen", "purpose", "of", "that", "race", "which", "at", "time's", "natal", "hour", "was", "first", "begun" ]
[ "t h e", "p a l l i d", "f a i t h f u l", "m o o n", "h a s", "b e e n", "t h e", "o n e", "c o m p a n i o n", "o f", "t h e", "e a r t h", "h e r", "t e n d e r", "f a c e", "p a l e", "w i t h", "t h e", "s w i f t", "k e e n", "p u r p o s e", "o f", "t h a t", "r a c e", "w h i c h", "a t", "t i m e ' s", "n a t a l", "h o u r", "w a s", "f i r s t", "b e g u n" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 139, 1741, 1741, 1741, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 2203, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 88, 88, 774, 2925, 2925, 2925, 3227, 348, 5, 1504, 489, 492, 492, 4730, 2261, 1210, 628, 3170, 1082, 1663, 1730, 4933, 4933, 4933, 4933, 4933, 684, 4147, 1940, 2583, 2583, 1642, 1642, 1642, 2937, 1964, 1964, 3198, 1523, 894, 754, 3883, 2734, 4120, 4120, 2832, 2400, 5, 2923, 4953, 4953, 2433, 2433, 2433, 2433, 3413, 565, 4061, 4966, 4966, 2035, 2396, 497, 497, 3259, 3259, 413, 413, 413, 413, 36, 1187, 1187, 1177, 3846, 1593, 4493, 202, 308, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 4058, 2805, 3755, 3755, 3755, 3764, 3764, 269, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 3159, 3159, 3422, 3422, 4790, 3692, 3692, 395, 149, 2708, 2708, 2859, 4969, 4969, 3930, 4241, 2741, 221, 1264, 1264, 1264, 3171, 3364, 3364, 40, 3291, 3513, 2059, 4725, 45, 1345, 2031, 130, 3583, 3583, 1600, 33, 2177, 4768, 3918, 4844, 824, 824, 4846, 2659, 2099, 4591, 1829, 560, 1000, 1277, 1277, 1277, 1802, 4508, 4508, 4591, 62, 2812, 628, 2973, 1644, 2803, 2347, 2347, 2347, 2347, 913, 1548, 1548, 2070, 2070, 2070, 1148, 1148, 2626, 54, 366, 3398, 2707, 1971, 1512, 1512, 3869, 2997, 3855, 199, 721, 424, 832, 1064, 100, 4885, 1687, 1687, 2875, 2972, 1045, 1045, 561, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 2156, 1580, 1580, 2118, 3137, 4061, 4061, 2226, 2226, 3974, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1581, 1581, 1581, 1581, 61, 73, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4, 4, 2699, 2699, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 1578, 107, 107, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 107, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1578, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 4987, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 4420, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 1864, 88, 4420, 88, 88, 88, 2982, 2085, 4321, 4063, 3117, 3692, 3692, 1255, 1337, 3667, 3667, 3667, 4487, 2667, 4961, 4961, 3996, 3996, 2183, 944, 944, 136, 2657, 2374, 2374, 3929, 3929, 3929, 1331, 496, 2854, 3793, 3793, 2682, 2219, 4825, 4767, 910, 910, 223, 3996, 3996, 563, 4120, 146, 146, 146, 146, 146, 43, 43, 671, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 1816, 4269, 2648, 2648, 2648, 2648, 2640, 3530, 4077, 542, 542, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 3954, 162, 162, 2324, 2821, 2852, 1435, 62, 4420, 381, 2973, 1644, 1119, 2803, 4376, 4376, 3866, 3866, 3866, 3866, 3866, 1789, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2901, 3477, 2851, 2851, 2851, 2851, 22, 22, 45, 4807, 4807, 1284, 318, 3044, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 3942, 3942, 3942, 3942, 3942, 193, 2566, 165, 832, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 1209, 569, 569, 569, 3910, 2622, 1914, 1544, 101, 9, 382, 3708, 1713, 1713, 1713, 4858, 1468, 1468, 1468, 1468, 1468, 3137, 2217, 2217, 2405, 2405, 4339, 4154, 4154, 4454, 1659, 3545, 3895, 1829, 974, 4633, 4633, 708, 4027, 4027, 4027, 4027, 35, 35, 1953, 3171, 2168, 2168, 522, 522, 4846, 830, 1546, 4591, 62, 62, 193, 3170, 452, 996, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 3352, 4267, 251, 251, 595, 894, 1059, 4565, 4565, 4565, 968, 4209, 159, 4077, 121, 2213, 4260, 606, 2446, 1512, 1512, 2997, 1601, 2184, 3855, 199, 165, 1655, 2229, 320, 320, 320, 804, 804, 2307, 3883, 1145, 1145, 1626, 1626, 1626, 1132, 2888, 1827, 1988, 1549, 2890, 2890, 2890, 2890, 2890, 1816, 4269, 4269, 2648, 2648, 3630, 3530, 542, 542, 3954, 2940, 2940, 2186, 551, 4807, 56, 405, 1876, 3009, 3009, 2559, 1974, 3197, 3079, 2127, 2127, 4131, 2307, 1200, 4397, 4397, 2607, 1781, 2657, 541, 625, 625, 2113, 2113, 2113, 887, 887, 3187, 3187, 3187, 1030, 1670, 978, 1899, 3786, 480, 1693, 1693, 3770, 25, 1070, 4841, 1470, 2807, 4196, 1878, 894, 192, 2457, 2457, 3447, 3447, 36, 36, 2851, 471, 2165, 2330, 1, 1045, 3907, 1955, 1955, 1955, 1955, 1955, 4069, 4069, 904, 904, 904, 4475, 4849, 2577, 2769, 2577, 3011, 3011, 3700, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 3976, 4050, 4077, 3838, 875, 875, 4983, 4983, 43, 671, 3236, 3236, 3236, 3236, 1580, 1580, 769, 356, 4440, 515, 3362, 368, 4995, 3545, 3895, 4241, 193, 2741, 1908, 4486, 848, 1710, 777, 3766, 41, 1223, 1057, 3070, 2399, 2399, 2399, 2399, 2399, 1942, 1942, 2177, 1282, 269, 4844, 4844, 2911, 2911, 2911, 2911, 2911, 2911, 443, 2039, 1393, 128, 2962, 588, 588, 588, 1375, 2699, 92, 92, 3796, 3796, 3796, 3587, 3587, 3587, 3587, 329, 329, 329, 329, 329, 4796, 4796, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 2976, 2976, 2976, 2976, 447 ]
[ 0, 1.0412621359223302, 1.6019417475728155, 2.2226941747572813, 2.683252427184466, 2.983616504854369, 3.1638349514563107, 3.3040048543689324, 3.5643203883495147, 4.265169902912621, 4.4053398058252435, 4.605582524271845, 6.247572815533982, 7.689320388349516, 8.22997572815534, 8.990898058252426, 9.571601941747574, 9.891990291262136, 10.172330097087379, 10.733009708737864, 11.133495145631068, 11.714199029126213, 11.854368932038835, 12.154733009708737, 12.635315533980583, 12.855582524271846, 12.995752427184467, 13.41626213592233, 13.816747572815535, 14.217233009708737, 14.45752427184466, 14.837985436893204 ]
[ 1.0412621359223302, 1.6019417475728155, 2.2226941747572813, 2.683252427184466, 2.983616504854369, 3.1638349514563107, 3.3040048543689324, 3.5643203883495147, 4.265169902912621, 4.4053398058252435, 4.605582524271845, 6.247572815533982, 7.689320388349516, 8.22997572815534, 8.990898058252426, 9.571601941747574, 9.891990291262136, 10.172330097087379, 10.733009708737864, 11.133495145631068, 11.714199029126213, 11.854368932038835, 12.154733009708737, 12.635315533980583, 12.855582524271846, 12.995752427184467, 13.41626213592233, 13.816747572815535, 14.217233009708737, 14.45752427184466, 14.837985436893204, 16.47997572815534 ]
and with her mantle veils the sun's bold eyes then in the gloaming finds her lover's lips while far and near the men our world call wise see only that the sun is in eclipse
[ "and", "with", "her", "mantle", "veils", "the", "sun's", "bold", "eyes", "then", "in", "the", "gloaming", "finds", "her", "lover's", "lips", "while", "far", "and", "near", "the", "men", "our", "world", "call", "wise", "see", "only", "that", "the", "sun", "is", "in", "eclipse" ]
[ "and", "with", "her", "mantle", "veils", "the", "sun's", "bold", "eyes", "then", "in", "the", "gloaming", "finds", "her", "lover's", "lips", "while", "far", "and", "near", "the", "men", "our", "world", "call", "wise", "see", "only", "that", "the", "sun", "is", "in", "eclipse" ]
[ "a n d", "w i t h", "h e r", "m a n t l e", "v e i l s", "t h e", "s u n ' s", "b o l d", "e y e s", "t h e n", "i n", "t h e", "g l o a m i n g", "f i n d s", "h e r", "l o v e r ' s", "l i p s", "w h i l e", "f a r", "a n d", "n e a r", "t h e", "m e n", "o u r", "w o r l d", "c a l l", "w i s e", "s e e", "o n l y", "t h a t", "t h e", "s u n", "i s", "i n", "e c l i p s e" ]
[ 1101, 361, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 645, 2203, 2203, 2203, 645, 17, 17, 645, 17, 1864, 645, 17, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 88, 75, 75, 4420, 1910, 2391, 2391, 14, 2754, 108, 108, 68, 4249, 1686, 4192, 3629, 2833, 2833, 1284, 318, 3044, 1140, 3748, 540, 3833, 759, 1255, 1337, 3667, 3667, 3996, 3846, 436, 436, 1134, 308, 2993, 3130, 3130, 2347, 913, 1585, 2854, 4116, 1447, 1686, 2457, 2457, 776, 2053, 36, 36, 1187, 1187, 1177, 1677, 1928, 479, 479, 479, 3372, 4198, 4198, 4198, 4198, 3866, 3866, 1789, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2312, 2901, 900, 900, 900, 900, 4289, 4213, 4213, 706, 3994, 2938, 2047, 2047, 4141, 1448, 2131, 3368, 3374, 3374, 158, 313, 313, 1892, 1892, 2065, 690, 690, 690, 690, 1942, 1942, 2177, 4210, 4210, 4210, 809, 809, 4655, 2267, 1899, 706, 4599, 2821, 4241, 193, 42, 53, 4427, 4130, 4130, 4130, 4130, 4130, 674, 3220, 3220, 967, 967, 967, 1636, 1636, 402, 4771, 4771, 2781, 4571, 758, 245, 983, 193, 4641, 1045, 2557, 3724, 3724, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 533, 3172, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 1473, 1473, 1473, 3979, 3979, 608, 608, 608, 608, 4287, 536, 2091, 2091, 2898, 2898, 2898, 2898, 4100, 4100, 621, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 588, 1704, 3808, 2699, 92, 3796, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 574, 3811, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 3305, 4796, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2154, 710, 2725, 2725, 348, 348, 2594, 3196, 2483, 2483, 2483, 899, 899, 989, 989, 989, 989, 2549, 2549, 2549, 1282, 1282, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 42, 2707, 422, 1270, 1270, 1625, 3364, 662, 40, 3291, 3102, 3513, 124, 2, 2096, 1206, 559, 559, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4135, 4135, 2509, 2509, 3956, 2805, 3153, 3231, 4134, 4134, 3637, 4687, 2308, 2308, 7, 2605, 2605, 50, 1368, 1096, 1096, 3446, 3446, 2043, 1547, 1384, 4781, 4781, 4781, 4065, 4065, 1341, 1538, 3171, 314, 2298, 809, 2197, 2197, 273, 4077, 2905, 2905, 1785, 1337, 1337, 3667, 3667, 3667, 3667, 3996, 1170, 4052, 4052, 275, 275, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 3266, 3266, 484, 3888, 2232, 3804, 3804, 3804, 2267, 4318, 706, 706, 3863, 3863, 1836, 2251, 738, 669, 275, 4514, 4514, 3088, 3088, 3088, 3088, 4385, 2808, 2808, 2808, 4675, 4675, 4675, 4675, 2250, 4675, 4421, 4421, 4421, 2354, 3773, 302, 302, 302, 145, 145, 145, 621, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 881, 61, 4222, 1375, 2756, 2200, 2200, 254, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 2200, 87, 87, 87, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 107, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 2490, 2885, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 2490, 1864, 1864, 1864, 4420, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 88, 88, 2925, 2925, 1910, 1910, 1910, 2234, 2001, 1683, 29, 4477, 548, 548, 2977, 2977, 2977, 2977, 1896, 1896, 2312, 719, 719, 719, 4905, 4905, 3232, 563, 4120, 1096, 1096, 1096, 3446, 671, 2043, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 4752, 1653, 1653, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 129, 3050, 758, 80, 3326, 1630, 1630, 781, 1097, 4112, 4112, 591, 591, 1226, 1226, 1226, 4694, 2298, 3980, 604, 2781, 1742, 2781, 1806, 2800, 2508, 1315, 1315, 4480, 4480, 1471, 1471, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 1536, 3769, 3769, 3769, 2078, 2078, 694, 694, 740, 740, 740, 3991, 3991, 3013, 3422, 3422, 4703, 2852, 2047, 2047, 2047, 3196, 1448, 492, 729, 4730, 2816, 436, 436, 1134, 939, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 2257, 3917, 1282, 1282, 2160, 4844, 4844, 834, 2002, 758, 3326, 1630, 1630, 332, 561, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3924, 3924, 2737, 719, 719, 719, 2769, 22, 4714, 4714, 3204, 3204, 144, 1851, 1851, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 1866, 3324, 3324, 3324, 3324, 2901, 1636, 402, 402, 4771, 1686, 1686, 3545, 3895, 1829, 55, 559, 559, 1579, 1371, 1885, 1885, 1385, 1885, 1385, 1385, 2046, 967, 1636, 2851, 2851, 3427, 3355, 3355, 3204, 2811, 3204, 4477, 1851, 882, 744, 744, 744, 744, 744, 744, 744, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 1473, 1473, 3559, 608, 4287, 3385, 2091, 4077, 2091, 302, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 4100, 621, 621, 3414, 881, 61, 588, 588, 588, 3808, 2699, 3796, 1016, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1254, 408, 408, 408, 408, 214, 1864, 214, 1864, 88, 88, 88, 88, 88, 2982, 2925, 252, 4494, 1332, 1332, 101, 4367, 4367, 2429, 2429, 1080, 1080, 1080, 1556, 2081, 1687, 1889, 1630, 1291, 187, 731, 731, 731, 731, 731, 3437, 3437, 1263, 1263, 1263, 1263, 1263, 1112, 4541, 2628, 2628, 814, 814, 311, 3910, 3910, 2924, 1414, 3350, 3196, 1696, 1696, 133, 1531, 1165, 2428, 2712, 628, 2047, 4141, 3102, 2131, 3368, 1109, 3374, 3374, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 1892, 1608, 2065, 690, 690, 690, 690, 1942, 1942, 2177, 1282, 4844, 4844, 4844, 293, 2707, 2148, 580, 580, 3077, 2791, 4318, 3886, 3886, 257, 3376, 1270, 589, 2687, 293, 293, 2660, 4840, 3165, 891, 2096, 581, 559, 340, 3317, 305, 305, 2445, 826, 826, 3088, 3088, 3088, 3088, 4385, 2808, 2808, 4675, 4675, 4675, 4675, 4675, 4675, 4675, 2250, 4421, 4421, 2354, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 4222, 248, 254, 254, 2578, 254, 3306, 2578, 2578, 2578, 334, 2578, 334, 334, 334, 4782, 2516, 2516, 973, 973, 973, 973, 622, 622, 622, 622, 4859, 2516, 2516, 2516, 4987, 4987, 3215, 4987, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4859, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.8408936170212765, 1.0210851063829787, 1.1612340425531915, 1.621723404255319, 2.1622978723404254, 2.322468085106383, 2.823, 3.3435531914893617, 4.484765957446809, 5.30563829787234, 5.465808510638298, 5.60595744680851, 6.106489361702128, 6.587, 6.787212765957447, 7.267723404255319, 8.829382978723405, 10.210851063829786, 10.731404255319148, 11.191893617021277, 11.692425531914894, 11.952702127659576, 12.353127659574467, 12.673468085106382, 13.194021276595745, 13.594446808510638, 14.735659574468086, 15.436404255319149, 15.876872340425532, 16.137148936170213, 16.29731914893617, 16.677723404255318, 16.877936170212763, 16.998063829787235 ]
[ 0.8408936170212765, 1.0210851063829787, 1.1612340425531915, 1.621723404255319, 2.1622978723404254, 2.322468085106383, 2.823, 3.3435531914893617, 4.484765957446809, 5.30563829787234, 5.465808510638298, 5.60595744680851, 6.106489361702128, 6.587, 6.787212765957447, 7.267723404255319, 8.829382978723405, 10.210851063829786, 10.731404255319148, 11.191893617021277, 11.692425531914894, 11.952702127659576, 12.353127659574467, 12.673468085106382, 13.194021276595745, 13.594446808510638, 14.735659574468086, 15.436404255319149, 15.876872340425532, 16.137148936170213, 16.29731914893617, 16.677723404255318, 16.877936170212763, 16.998063829787235, 18.799978723404255 ]
shines ever on her lover as they run and lights his orbit with her silvery smile sometimes such passionate love doth in her rise down from her beaten path she softly slips
[ "shines", "ever", "on", "her", "lover", "as", "they", "run", "and", "lights", "his", "orbit", "with", "her", "silvery", "smile", "sometimes", "such", "passionate", "love", "doth", "in", "her", "rise", "down", "from", "her", "beaten", "path", "she", "softly", "slips" ]
[ "shines", "ever", "on", "her", "lover", "as", "they", "run", "and", "lights", "his", "orbit", "with", "her", "silvery", "smile", "sometimes", "such", "passionate", "love", "doth", "in", "her", "rise", "down", "from", "her", "beaten", "path", "she", "softly", "slips" ]
[ "s h i n e s", "e v e r", "o n", "h e r", "l o v e r", "a s", "t h e y", "r u n", "a n d", "l i g h t s", "h i s", "o r b i t", "w i t h", "h e r", "s i l v e r y", "s m i l e", "s o m e t i m e s", "s u c h", "p a s s i o n a t e", "l o v e", "d o t h", "i n", "h e r", "r i s e", "d o w n", "f r o m", "h e r", "b e a t e n", "p a t h", "s h e", "s o f t l y", "s l i p s" ]
[ 1101, 361, 361, 361, 1143, 1741, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 4462, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 294, 2203, 2203, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1913, 1913, 1913, 1913, 214, 1913, 3215, 214, 88, 88, 2925, 2085, 2925, 252, 4494, 4494, 1212, 1212, 4507, 4783, 897, 897, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 1882, 2168, 809, 2197, 2197, 2197, 1216, 4433, 3886, 752, 752, 3600, 4854, 4854, 1823, 351, 3266, 484, 1403, 4106, 3417, 3445, 966, 3618, 1932, 1932, 1932, 4189, 2824, 2824, 4044, 1255, 1255, 1337, 3667, 3667, 3996, 1107, 4052, 4052, 3969, 275, 275, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1274, 3266, 484, 484, 2950, 4106, 4106, 3445, 3445, 3445, 3877, 4890, 1189, 2752, 176, 4318, 4511, 3994, 3994, 2938, 2559, 3196, 2546, 3256, 3256, 409, 409, 49, 2478, 1074, 1449, 1132, 1132, 1132, 1132, 2888, 2888, 3476, 1988, 2710, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 4882, 1942, 1942, 2549, 1282, 1282, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 834, 2707, 1842, 3136, 295, 1123, 1234, 1234, 4190, 4190, 4190, 4728, 4728, 1113, 2251, 738, 738, 669, 275, 275, 2420, 2024, 2024, 2024, 2024, 3628, 1236, 1173, 3373, 445, 445, 538, 538, 2027, 2027, 273, 4433, 3954, 3954, 2213, 1785, 1422, 415, 390, 3837, 2265, 2265, 4473, 3578, 67, 4433, 706, 2940, 3404, 2330, 2330, 2875, 1, 4918, 4918, 3007, 3007, 3007, 3007, 3007, 2735, 4026, 2759, 2759, 3326, 1632, 2609, 2609, 215, 4542, 364, 1686, 3883, 3629, 551, 2833, 1284, 318, 3044, 3044, 2450, 3748, 3833, 3833, 3540, 1337, 3667, 3667, 3667, 3996, 3996, 2542, 3374, 3374, 1010, 313, 313, 1892, 4737, 4737, 4737, 4737, 4737, 3092, 3092, 4406, 695, 3266, 484, 2439, 652, 652, 3884, 3884, 3884, 1983, 1983, 4054, 2542, 1417, 4876, 9, 382, 3708, 4382, 1429, 1429, 1429, 4338, 3848, 3848, 3848, 3848, 3848, 3848, 3848, 1896, 1896, 597, 597, 597, 2312, 2312, 2312, 3477, 3477, 195, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 272, 588, 1704, 588, 1704, 1375, 1375, 4420, 2699, 2699, 2699, 3796, 3796, 4823, 3587, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 574, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 803, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1280, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 973, 2490, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1280, 1280, 973, 1280, 1280, 1280, 2490, 2490, 1280, 1280, 4570, 4570, 1864, 1864, 88, 88, 4420, 2925, 252, 252, 1332, 1332, 1332, 1332, 2110, 4367, 1892, 4887, 3239, 3239, 1310, 1800, 1295, 258, 1546, 4895, 55, 114, 2657, 625, 625, 868, 2113, 868, 868, 868, 868, 887, 4065, 3187, 3187, 3187, 3187, 1030, 1670, 3905, 3905, 978, 978, 1985, 2292, 991, 4523, 4433, 4037, 4037, 4037, 2110, 1892, 1892, 3020, 3020, 657, 657, 657, 1056, 1056, 3646, 4797, 2103, 1217, 2821, 4241, 2096, 2607, 1724, 1644, 1730, 1786, 1786, 1786, 1786, 1786, 1786, 3967, 3967, 603, 4077, 419, 1840, 4392, 641, 641, 1794, 293, 4546, 4546, 4546, 4542, 364, 89, 1113, 2251, 2251, 738, 669, 275, 2336, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1732, 1565, 1565, 1565, 3166, 3654, 3654, 3654, 3326, 1300, 1300, 84, 974, 2212, 2212, 1283, 902, 1950, 1950, 1950, 1950, 2998, 2998, 2998, 2226, 2158, 3891, 3891, 3891, 1300, 3632, 1365, 4944, 197, 197, 3963, 287, 1446, 1446, 1949, 712, 3832, 3918, 2824, 4044, 4044, 1255, 1337, 1337, 3667, 3667, 3667, 3667, 2769, 1074, 1449, 1449, 135, 1132, 1132, 1132, 3476, 1988, 1988, 926, 926, 4981, 4981, 4981, 4981, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 1473, 1473, 1473, 608, 608, 608, 536, 2091, 4433, 2898, 2898, 2898, 621, 621, 621, 3414, 3140, 3140, 61, 73, 1704, 4222, 1375, 1375, 2250, 4, 2699, 2699, 2699, 2699, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 87, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 1280, 214, 1981, 1981, 214, 214, 214, 88, 2982, 2085, 2085, 3227, 2670, 193, 42, 2212, 485, 485, 2912, 2912, 2912, 1877, 1877, 1877, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 3764, 269, 4681, 2435, 1368, 4635, 3106, 2943, 4629, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 3216, 4044, 1255, 1255, 1337, 3667, 3667, 3996, 1591, 2096, 628, 3326, 3574, 707, 707, 707, 1350, 4196, 1878, 1686, 4597, 1175, 1175, 3000, 3000, 1055, 522, 522, 830, 4591, 4591, 2812, 1206, 102, 1663, 1730, 4455, 4455, 3860, 3860, 3860, 3860, 3860, 3860, 2883, 2883, 2883, 451, 4061, 2226, 2226, 4966, 2035, 2035, 3553, 3553, 3553, 1212, 1212, 2638, 1872, 1872, 1715, 1027, 1027, 1166, 2622, 1914, 3374, 1010, 313, 1892, 1892, 4352, 4352, 4352, 4352, 4352, 1111, 2405, 4339, 4339, 4154, 3509, 2731, 2731, 4541, 663, 663, 4324, 2622, 1914, 1914, 3374, 9, 382, 382, 3708, 3708, 1196, 1196, 1196, 2711, 4993, 4993, 3088, 3088, 3088, 4385, 2808, 2808, 4675, 4675, 4675, 4675, 4675, 4675, 4421, 4421, 2354, 3773, 3140, 3140, 3140, 3140, 621, 621, 621, 621, 621, 3414, 3414, 61, 4222, 255, 1496, 4222, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 3103, 4420, 3103, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 2976, 4772 ]
[ 0, 1.541768082663605, 1.8020665901262918, 1.9622502870264065, 2.1424569460390357, 2.5228932261768087, 2.7030998851894377, 2.9834213547646384, 3.4439494833524686, 3.744293915040184, 4.244867967853042, 4.585258323765787, 5.025763490241102, 5.225993111366246, 5.426222732491389, 5.926796785304249, 7.508610792192882, 9.330700344431689, 9.671090700344433, 10.311825487944892, 10.692261768082664, 11.112743972445465, 11.353019517795637, 11.633340987370838, 12.954856486796787, 13.93598163030999, 14.176257175660163, 14.336440872560278, 14.736900114810563, 15.257497129735937, 15.49777267508611, 15.978323765786454 ]
[ 1.541768082663605, 1.8020665901262918, 1.9622502870264065, 2.1424569460390357, 2.5228932261768087, 2.7030998851894377, 2.9834213547646384, 3.4439494833524686, 3.744293915040184, 4.244867967853042, 4.585258323765787, 5.025763490241102, 5.225993111366246, 5.426222732491389, 5.926796785304249, 7.508610792192882, 9.330700344431689, 9.671090700344433, 10.311825487944892, 10.692261768082664, 11.112743972445465, 11.353019517795637, 11.633340987370838, 12.954856486796787, 13.93598163030999, 14.176257175660163, 14.336440872560278, 14.736900114810563, 15.257497129735937, 15.49777267508611, 15.978323765786454, 17.419977037887485 ]
but i had the cottages in a row up to their shining eyes in snow and i thought i had the folk within i had the sound of a violin i had a glimpse through curtain laces of youthful forms and youthful faces
[ "but", "i", "had", "the", "cottages", "in", "a", "row", "up", "to", "their", "shining", "eyes", "in", "snow", "and", "i", "thought", "i", "had", "the", "folk", "within", "i", "had", "the", "sound", "of", "a", "violin", "i", "had", "a", "glimpse", "through", "curtain", "laces", "of", "youthful", "forms", "and", "youthful", "faces" ]
[ "but", "i", "had", "the", "cottages", "in", "a", "row", "up", "to", "their", "shining", "eyes", "in", "snow", "and", "i", "thought", "i", "had", "the", "folk", "within", "i", "had", "the", "sound", "of", "a", "violin", "i", "had", "a", "glimpse", "through", "curtain", "laces", "of", "youthful", "forms", "and", "youthful", "faces" ]
[ "b u t", "i", "h a d", "t h e", "c o t t a g e s", "i n", "a", "r o w", "u p", "t o", "t h e i r", "s h i n i n g", "e y e s", "i n", "s n o w", "a n d", "i", "t h o u g h t", "i", "h a d", "t h e", "f o l k", "w i t h i n", "i", "h a d", "t h e", "s o u n d", "o f", "a", "v i o l i n", "i", "h a d", "a", "g l i m p s e", "t h r o u g h", "c u r t a i n", "l a c e s", "o f", "y o u t h f u l", "f o r m s", "a n d", "y o u t h f u l", "f a c e s" ]
[ 1101, 361, 1003, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 2455, 792, 2964, 2964, 645, 2203, 1240, 2964, 1240, 2964, 1033, 17, 17, 1161, 1161, 1161, 1161, 4570, 4002, 4002, 88, 88, 774, 774, 2925, 2085, 3227, 4281, 1018, 1389, 125, 4242, 577, 2355, 883, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1847, 2719, 4911, 3805, 395, 1450, 1450, 1718, 1718, 1718, 3369, 2014, 12, 2559, 2047, 4141, 3513, 124, 2, 91, 628, 559, 3718, 3387, 3873, 3873, 3428, 3428, 3428, 1051, 1442, 1686, 3078, 2415, 2406, 2582, 2582, 3646, 1722, 1722, 1609, 1609, 1609, 4839, 4839, 4839, 1964, 4499, 1764, 4511, 4077, 706, 872, 4944, 287, 284, 1446, 712, 293, 1790, 2660, 546, 3836, 3836, 1449, 3476, 3476, 52, 2798, 2798, 4194, 4194, 4194, 3066, 3066, 3066, 4353, 4353, 4353, 57, 57, 1873, 4450, 4450, 4620, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 1651, 3382, 4153, 4153, 1, 42, 2789, 1712, 1712, 1712, 3560, 4250, 4250, 4903, 4154, 114, 114, 665, 698, 698, 2655, 437, 3350, 3196, 2546, 677, 3248, 3248, 4961, 3996, 3408, 2878, 2878, 171, 4507, 4507, 4783, 897, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 3334, 4065, 1341, 1341, 69, 42, 3169, 1605, 4687, 4687, 2308, 2379, 7, 3660, 150, 2644, 3789, 3789, 4881, 4881, 2330, 1630, 1630, 2557, 3724, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 4309, 282, 2016, 1473, 1473, 1473, 3979, 3979, 4499, 1764, 706, 4077, 2905, 3376, 284, 4856, 1949, 712, 3832, 1748, 2527, 4834, 760, 4876, 9, 9, 3708, 4382, 1429, 1429, 1471, 3041, 4275, 4275, 4275, 4275, 4275, 3066, 4353, 4353, 4353, 4353, 4353, 391, 391, 4620, 4620, 730, 730, 555, 555, 73, 962, 962, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 254, 254, 254, 2756, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2756, 2200, 107, 107, 107, 107, 973, 973, 973, 973, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 1578, 803, 1578, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 1280, 2822, 2822, 2822, 214, 214, 88, 4420, 88, 774, 4063, 1910, 1910, 628, 4641, 1510, 4112, 591, 591, 591, 1226, 4694, 3980, 604, 1634, 3246, 3246, 1065, 4193, 2719, 1736, 380, 2463, 2574, 2158, 4466, 2619, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2831, 2735, 365, 365, 1442, 2390, 2646, 2646, 4952, 3246, 2137, 1065, 1065, 1065, 4760, 4911, 3805, 3805, 395, 1450, 1718, 1718, 1718, 3369, 2014, 12, 2712, 3326, 4035, 4141, 3513, 4730, 2690, 1815, 4433, 1096, 3446, 671, 3443, 1304, 1304, 1304, 2797, 4892, 3399, 815, 1206, 4186, 1616, 1616, 396, 2833, 1284, 318, 318, 3044, 2450, 3748, 3833, 3833, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 2911, 2911, 4681, 3159, 1482, 2358, 610, 588, 3808, 3808, 1351, 1639, 1639, 3401, 3401, 3401, 3401, 31, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2827, 1103, 28, 3958, 1162, 2391, 30, 109, 109, 4193, 2719, 4911, 3805, 3805, 395, 1450, 1450, 1718, 1718, 1718, 3369, 2930, 2014, 3054, 2636, 4792, 1806, 2938, 986, 2047, 4035, 4141, 3513, 2131, 3368, 3374, 3374, 313, 313, 1892, 1608, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 217, 217, 975, 3067, 3067, 37, 2513, 2781, 2723, 1512, 3869, 701, 1567, 1567, 546, 432, 1677, 1928, 1928, 479, 2868, 3372, 2550, 2550, 2550, 2550, 2550, 4417, 3903, 3903, 3510, 3510, 3510, 1072, 1078, 143, 275, 227, 3008, 3008, 3008, 3008, 3008, 4776, 2549, 2549, 1282, 269, 2911, 2911, 443, 443, 128, 128, 2012, 272, 272, 73, 1375, 1375, 1375, 1375, 4420, 2699, 2699, 2691, 2250, 4823, 3811, 3811, 574, 574, 574, 3305, 4796, 4796, 157, 157, 157, 3415, 3415, 3415, 2154, 2154, 28, 2725, 2933, 2391, 30, 794, 109, 109, 4760, 2719, 3805, 395, 1450, 1450, 1718, 1718, 3369, 2355, 2660, 546, 432, 2481, 777, 340, 1322, 1322, 4549, 4135, 4135, 4135, 3923, 3923, 4001, 4001, 4883, 4883, 4421, 4421, 649, 462, 3954, 462, 3994, 2321, 2321, 2321, 3849, 388, 388, 1435, 1435, 2774, 499, 2034, 3589, 3589, 1592, 1592, 1592, 2801, 260, 1999, 581, 628, 559, 559, 3718, 678, 2497, 1621, 4487, 1621, 4487, 1580, 1580, 616, 1442, 1686, 2646, 1356, 1356, 4206, 4741, 54, 3687, 522, 85, 85, 669, 275, 2336, 486, 1179, 1179, 1816, 1816, 4269, 1037, 1037, 3630, 4433, 121, 2905, 3715, 4832, 4832, 650, 650, 650, 70, 70, 608, 536, 2091, 1011, 2898, 3294, 3414, 1311, 634, 4276, 3808, 92, 92, 3796, 3796, 140, 140, 140, 1357, 4796, 3913, 3913, 532, 532, 828, 1436, 1436, 3268, 1066, 1886, 4420, 1206, 2789, 2331, 4789, 4789, 2968, 1601, 2744, 4567, 2800, 2867, 4423, 992, 992, 2775, 2775, 4872, 4872, 4872, 4872, 4061, 4061, 4966, 4966, 2035, 2035, 2396, 2396, 497, 3259, 3259, 413, 413, 413, 3325, 1187, 1177, 3232, 563, 1815, 1096, 1096, 3446, 2108, 3484, 3484, 3484, 3484, 3484, 378, 2235, 2235, 2235, 4904, 4904, 4904, 3634, 3634, 893, 3905, 978, 1985, 2292, 1216, 706, 706, 4260, 3136, 3136, 2479, 1461, 2838, 604, 604, 3326, 4192, 2867, 2775, 2775, 4872, 4872, 4872, 4706, 4061, 4966, 4966, 2035, 2035, 2035, 2396, 2396, 3259, 3259, 413, 413, 413, 36, 1187, 1177, 3232, 1815, 1096, 1096, 3446, 4953, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1890, 1816, 4269, 1037, 4853, 3626, 4433, 2905, 3715, 3715, 4832, 650, 650, 70, 70, 608, 536, 2091, 2091, 2898, 2898, 145, 621, 3414, 881, 2012, 2012, 1302, 73, 1496, 1033, 1496, 2250, 1081, 3103, 1081, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 2209, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 1901, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.9611047180667434, 1.0612197928653624, 1.2814729574223245, 1.4016110471806673, 2.0623705408515534, 2.20253164556962, 2.2826237054085152, 2.783199079401611, 3.103567318757192, 3.243728423475259, 3.4639815880322207, 4.104718066743383, 4.525201380897584, 4.685385500575374, 5.746605293440736, 6.647640966628308, 6.7477560414269275, 7.12819332566168, 7.248331415420022, 7.448561565017261, 7.588722669735328, 7.909090909090909, 8.669965477560414, 9.07042577675489, 9.350747986191024, 9.550978135788261, 9.871346375143842, 9.991484464902188, 10.051553509781357, 11.132796317606443, 11.613348676639816, 11.773532796317607, 11.833601841196778, 12.354200230149598, 12.674568469505179, 13.135097813578826, 13.99608745684695, 14.456616800920598, 15.017261219792864, 15.577905638665133, 15.758112773302646, 16.238665132336017 ]
[ 0.9611047180667434, 1.0612197928653624, 1.2814729574223245, 1.4016110471806673, 2.0623705408515534, 2.20253164556962, 2.2826237054085152, 2.783199079401611, 3.103567318757192, 3.243728423475259, 3.4639815880322207, 4.104718066743383, 4.525201380897584, 4.685385500575374, 5.746605293440736, 6.647640966628308, 6.7477560414269275, 7.12819332566168, 7.248331415420022, 7.448561565017261, 7.588722669735328, 7.909090909090909, 8.669965477560414, 9.07042577675489, 9.350747986191024, 9.550978135788261, 9.871346375143842, 9.991484464902188, 10.051553509781357, 11.132796317606443, 11.613348676639816, 11.773532796317607, 11.833601841196778, 12.354200230149598, 12.674568469505179, 13.135097813578826, 13.99608745684695, 14.456616800920598, 15.017261219792864, 15.577905638665133, 15.758112773302646, 16.238665132336017, 17.379976985040276 ]
over the snow my creaking feet disturbed the slumbering village street like profanation by your leave at ten o'clock of a winter eve
[ "over", "the", "snow", "my", "creaking", "feet", "disturbed", "the", "slumbering", "village", "street", "like", "profanation", "by", "your", "leave", "at", "ten", "o'clock", "of", "a", "winter", "eve" ]
[ "over", "the", "snow", "my", "creaking", "feet", "disturbed", "the", "slumbering", "village", "street", "like", "profanation", "by", "your", "leave", "at", "ten", "o'clock", "of", "a", "winter", "eve" ]
[ "o v e r", "t h e", "s n o w", "m y", "c r e a k i n g", "f e e t", "d i s t u r b e d", "t h e", "s l u m b e r i n g", "v i l l a g e", "s t r e e t", "l i k e", "p r o f a n a t i o n", "b y", "y o u r", "l e a v e", "a t", "t e n", "o ' c l o c k", "o f", "a", "w i n t e r", "e v e" ]
[ 38, 3814, 2250, 715, 3057, 3057, 2026, 941, 2964, 1922, 1741, 2203, 2203, 1741, 1741, 1741, 4462, 4462, 294, 294, 294, 294, 1457, 1457, 1457, 1913, 3861, 3861, 3861, 2085, 1886, 1886, 1886, 2933, 1249, 2789, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1664, 1571, 1571, 695, 695, 147, 3888, 910, 2864, 1307, 4416, 4416, 4141, 3102, 2131, 3368, 1109, 1417, 4077, 9, 382, 382, 3708, 4382, 1429, 1429, 2142, 3041, 4275, 4275, 4275, 4275, 3956, 3956, 4353, 4353, 4353, 4353, 4495, 3846, 1125, 3948, 1456, 3069, 3069, 737, 4733, 429, 429, 49, 4305, 4305, 581, 628, 310, 310, 2000, 2174, 2174, 1052, 1122, 3377, 3377, 3377, 1350, 2430, 1665, 1743, 628, 2903, 2903, 454, 2653, 4687, 2308, 2308, 7, 3086, 3771, 3771, 50, 4120, 4120, 2832, 2832, 43, 2923, 4953, 3605, 3605, 3605, 3605, 1350, 246, 3795, 1136, 894, 743, 4792, 4792, 2508, 2508, 84, 104, 3522, 572, 837, 618, 82, 4876, 4433, 9, 9, 3194, 3271, 1641, 47, 1555, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 3080, 1580, 1580, 2118, 3747, 3747, 3747, 3737, 1108, 1534, 3972, 3972, 1806, 2938, 721, 1844, 4141, 3513, 2131, 3368, 1109, 4876, 4077, 3914, 3708, 1196, 1196, 2711, 2711, 1298, 1298, 1298, 2057, 516, 1695, 741, 2158, 2872, 2439, 2439, 652, 652, 652, 4358, 4358, 651, 2308, 2308, 7, 3086, 3771, 3771, 3878, 1928, 2870, 2868, 2868, 1957, 1957, 1957, 4147, 4033, 478, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2060, 1974, 2951, 2951, 3553, 3553, 382, 382, 1084, 120, 2314, 1641, 347, 347, 609, 2100, 2100, 2100, 2100, 1013, 246, 3373, 421, 1725, 743, 4792, 1806, 1836, 1836, 426, 2336, 854, 854, 854, 854, 4164, 2663, 3176, 1616, 1616, 917, 62, 2607, 974, 3170, 4660, 4660, 654, 1215, 1215, 1685, 1685, 1685, 3956, 3153, 3153, 2472, 3279, 3535, 1075, 1075, 4456, 1701, 1794, 2146, 1559, 4519, 1198, 1808, 1808, 3690, 3690, 1573, 3430, 3430, 225, 4780, 18, 3405, 419, 1840, 222, 4392, 3534, 3122, 3122, 1979, 1979, 2911, 443, 443, 443, 1393, 1393, 555, 4276, 288, 1704, 288, 288, 2699, 288, 3796, 4823, 4823, 4823, 574, 574, 322, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 3305, 1572, 1572, 453, 453, 3673, 3594, 3594, 4125, 761, 2933, 1018, 1373, 1976, 2779, 2779, 2779, 115, 115, 553, 2301, 2301, 790, 790, 992, 992, 779, 4476, 3596, 3596, 3596, 3596, 4026, 4026, 4026, 4052, 4052, 669, 669, 1688, 4958, 770, 770, 770, 770, 770, 4619, 4619, 3322, 3322, 3322, 3322, 2248, 2248, 2248, 3654, 3654, 718, 718, 718, 1481, 1481, 1915, 586, 1252, 1639, 1286, 1286, 1286, 2827, 2827, 28, 28, 1033, 981, 14, 2834, 898, 898, 898, 3018, 2307, 3492, 4792, 4792, 2508, 1139, 84, 104, 1781, 136, 541, 2374, 3929, 3929, 1331, 2300, 1005, 431, 2660, 4606, 3165, 2, 2533, 310, 305, 305, 3701, 826, 4927, 4927, 4927, 4927, 4927, 1879, 1879, 4827, 3399, 815, 2559, 935, 935, 3213, 798, 1365, 245, 1, 2939, 64, 1776, 1776, 169, 2997, 2744, 1567, 1567, 546, 432, 4725, 4714, 1346, 1345, 2910, 3852, 3852, 3852, 3852, 2854, 4116, 1447, 192, 2646, 513, 2476, 4767, 910, 910, 223, 4705, 1889, 3441, 3441, 2552, 2230, 2230, 2230, 2230, 2230, 2230, 4619, 3322, 3322, 3322, 2248, 2248, 2248, 3654, 718, 718, 718, 1581, 97, 2459, 2500, 2500, 1302, 1302, 73, 3098, 2250, 962, 962, 3071, 4008, 4008, 4008, 4008, 3071, 637, 3071, 637, 637, 248, 3071, 3071, 3071, 1239, 1239, 1239, 2654, 1239, 1239, 2654, 334, 2654, 2654, 334, 2654, 2654, 2654, 2654, 334, 334, 334, 334, 2654, 2654, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 2654, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 2654, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 2413, 622, 2516, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 3792, 747, 3792, 2516, 3792, 747, 747, 3792, 747, 747, 3416, 747, 747, 747, 747, 747, 622, 747, 747, 747, 747, 940, 940, 1033, 940, 940, 940, 1033, 946, 4366, 4366, 4366, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.9615023474178402, 1.1217527386541468, 1.5424100156494522, 1.8028169014084505, 2.4037558685446005, 2.784350547730829, 3.5255086071987476, 3.665727699530516, 4.3067292644757424, 4.70735524256651, 5.107981220657276, 5.42848200312989, 6.75054773082942, 7.391549295774647, 7.671987480438183, 8.31298904538341, 8.653521126760563, 8.91392801251956, 9.43474178403756, 9.63505477308294, 9.715179968701095, 10.155868544600938 ]
[ 0.9615023474178402, 1.1217527386541468, 1.5424100156494522, 1.8028169014084505, 2.4037558685446005, 2.784350547730829, 3.5255086071987476, 3.665727699530516, 4.3067292644757424, 4.70735524256651, 5.107981220657276, 5.42848200312989, 6.75054773082942, 7.391549295774647, 7.671987480438183, 8.31298904538341, 8.653521126760563, 8.91392801251956, 9.43474178403756, 9.63505477308294, 9.715179968701095, 10.155868544600938, 12.779968701095461 ]
i had such company outward bound i went till there were no cottages found i turned and repented but coming back i saw no window but that was black
[ "i", "had", "such", "company", "outward", "bound", "i", "went", "till", "there", "were", "no", "cottages", "found", "i", "turned", "and", "repented", "but", "coming", "back", "i", "saw", "no", "window", "but", "that", "was", "black" ]
[ "i", "had", "such", "company", "outward", "bound", "i", "went", "till", "there", "were", "no", "cottages", "found", "i", "turned", "and", "repented", "but", "coming", "back", "i", "saw", "no", "window", "but", "that", "was", "black" ]
[ "i", "h a d", "s u c h", "c o m p a n y", "o u t w a r d", "b o u n d", "i", "w e n t", "t i l l", "t h e r e", "w e r e", "n o", "c o t t a g e s", "f o u n d", "i", "t u r n e d", "a n d", "r e p e n t e d", "b u t", "c o m i n g", "b a c k", "i", "s a w", "n o", "w i n d o w", "b u t", "t h a t", "w a s", "b l a c k" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3154, 3154, 139, 139, 139, 2327, 2327, 1741, 4462, 4462, 914, 914, 914, 1457, 1457, 524, 524, 1066, 3958, 4281, 30, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 1847, 4911, 3805, 3805, 395, 1450, 1450, 1718, 1718, 3369, 3369, 2930, 2199, 2951, 4523, 4523, 1010, 3914, 552, 3020, 3020, 657, 657, 657, 657, 1388, 1388, 4797, 2103, 1217, 213, 1829, 3766, 3718, 2497, 4965, 4965, 4965, 4965, 2057, 4001, 1157, 1157, 1059, 1611, 1611, 1611, 1794, 3613, 4564, 4564, 2540, 4601, 4601, 587, 1687, 1889, 1291, 2411, 3907, 4815, 4815, 1026, 1026, 2075, 58, 2029, 192, 1145, 3629, 551, 2145, 2860, 2860, 1171, 364, 843, 843, 1897, 1897, 2933, 739, 3574, 394, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 1053, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 4210, 4394, 4394, 412, 412, 894, 2205, 154, 2459, 2500, 2962, 4276, 288, 288, 288, 599, 599, 2691, 2691, 2760, 2760, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 1039, 530, 530, 2071, 4310, 4755, 4755, 4755, 981, 30, 794, 109, 109, 4193, 2719, 579, 3649, 4714, 3204, 1346, 2783, 2668, 2728, 2728, 2728, 1331, 1164, 4883, 4883, 1725, 4792, 4077, 4792, 1139, 4229, 381, 1058, 1824, 1372, 1874, 1874, 2864, 437, 4416, 1655, 379, 780, 780, 780, 4961, 4961, 579, 179, 763, 3361, 1927, 2008, 1559, 2142, 1299, 1838, 1838, 4888, 3153, 2009, 1694, 628, 3766, 560, 3718, 3387, 3873, 3428, 3428, 3428, 3428, 370, 2390, 3078, 2415, 4136, 4136, 2582, 2582, 4843, 1722, 3536, 1609, 4839, 650, 650, 70, 1764, 4969, 4077, 3838, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 43, 671, 2043, 2238, 2238, 2238, 3890, 3890, 217, 217, 975, 975, 975, 2487, 2487, 3034, 4394, 4394, 4394, 412, 412, 104, 2205, 154, 2459, 2500, 2962, 588, 1375, 1375, 1375, 2699, 2699, 4787, 1016, 1016, 87, 87, 87, 4420, 87, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 3164, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 1572, 2822, 2822, 214, 214, 852, 527, 1886, 1886, 1886, 2281, 1249, 794, 109, 4193, 1847, 2719, 4202, 1623, 1623, 270, 1781, 136, 541, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1251, 1366, 1366, 1366, 463, 3034, 4210, 37, 37, 2513, 2219, 883, 3136, 295, 295, 1234, 3832, 3031, 3031, 1330, 937, 4988, 713, 713, 2261, 1210, 4643, 2973, 1644, 1119, 2803, 3721, 2510, 1331, 496, 2854, 2854, 4116, 1447, 192, 1830, 513, 341, 2381, 2381, 2381, 1558, 3198, 3198, 3240, 3492, 2205, 3190, 1481, 2962, 1704, 403, 4618, 1707, 1707, 4618, 4618, 4618, 3388, 1151, 1151, 4321, 4321, 331, 1018, 1389, 125, 4242, 577, 3883, 2959, 4485, 1829, 3766, 560, 3718, 2497, 3489, 3310, 3310, 601, 1947, 2618, 3637, 501, 473, 2379, 7, 3771, 4819, 4819, 3133, 739, 3574, 1455, 1455, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4692, 4656, 96, 823, 823, 815, 3780, 628, 935, 3213, 3213, 3213, 1203, 2500, 403, 403, 4420, 4618, 1706, 3046, 3046, 4195, 3744, 4321, 14, 30, 109, 4193, 4193, 2719, 4246, 1914, 4876, 4077, 1069, 3914, 3914, 2704, 846, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3500, 3340, 3340, 4026, 1927, 2008, 152, 152, 104, 1299, 1299, 1838, 1838, 4888, 4888, 1193, 22, 4714, 3204, 104, 2783, 2910, 3852, 3852, 3852, 3852, 2854, 3793, 3793, 2682, 5, 4825, 783, 783, 783, 783, 4363, 4353, 4353, 3910, 182, 1591, 628, 2741, 4296, 4296, 4296, 4242, 577, 1862, 2712, 2268, 2566, 1655, 1696, 612, 2965, 2965, 2969, 168, 168, 168, 4807, 2102, 1909, 373, 855, 3976, 4969, 3930, 2821, 4241, 3133, 739, 2534, 2980, 957, 676, 4656, 4656, 4656, 4656, 4656, 96, 823, 823, 815, 3780, 1152, 935, 935, 3213, 3213, 97, 97, 2500, 2500, 73, 3098, 962, 1375, 4222, 4008, 1033, 4008, 3306, 254, 254, 1239, 1239, 2578, 2578, 2578, 2578, 4782, 2578, 334, 334, 4782, 334, 4782, 4782, 1033, 4782, 4782, 4859, 2413, 4859, 4859, 4859, 946, 1387, 99, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.5809430894308942, 0.8413658536585364, 1.1418536585365853, 1.6626991869918697, 2.123447154471545, 2.904715447154471, 3.3253983739837394, 3.6258861788617884, 3.8462439024390243, 4.026536585365854, 4.146731707317072, 4.266926829268293, 4.907967479674797, 5.889560975609756, 6.430439024390243, 6.871154471544715, 7.011382113821138, 7.832715447154471, 8.173268292682927, 8.553886178861788, 9.094764227642276, 9.375219512195121, 9.695739837398374, 9.936130081300814, 10.396878048780486, 10.617235772357722, 10.837593495934957, 11.017886178861788 ]
[ 0.5809430894308942, 0.8413658536585364, 1.1418536585365853, 1.6626991869918697, 2.123447154471545, 2.904715447154471, 3.3253983739837394, 3.6258861788617884, 3.8462439024390243, 4.00650406504065, 4.146731707317072, 4.266926829268293, 4.907967479674797, 5.889560975609756, 6.430439024390243, 6.871154471544715, 7.011382113821138, 7.832715447154471, 8.173268292682927, 8.553886178861788, 9.094764227642276, 9.375219512195121, 9.695739837398374, 9.936130081300814, 10.396878048780486, 10.617235772357722, 10.837593495934957, 11.017886178861788, 12.299967479674796 ]
happy field or mossy cavern choicer than the mermaid tavern have ye tippled drink more fine than mine host's canary wine or are fruits of paradise sweeter than those dainty pies of venison
[ "happy", "field", "or", "mossy", "cavern", "choicer", "than", "the", "mermaid", "tavern", "have", "ye", "tippled", "drink", "more", "fine", "than", "mine", "host's", "canary", "wine", "or", "are", "fruits", "of", "paradise", "sweeter", "than", "those", "dainty", "pies", "of", "venison" ]
[ "happy", "field", "or", "mossy", "cavern", "choicer", "than", "the", "mermaid", "tavern", "have", "ye", "tippled", "drink", "more", "fine", "than", "mine", "host's", "canary", "wine", "or", "are", "fruits", "of", "paradise", "sweeter", "than", "those", "dainty", "pies", "of", "venison" ]
[ "h a p p y", "f i e l d", "o r", "m o s s y", "c a v e r n", "c h o i c e r", "t h a n", "t h e", "m e r m a i d", "t a v e r n", "h a v e", "y e", "t i p p l e d", "d r i n k", "m o r e", "f i n e", "t h a n", "m i n e", "h o s t ' s", "c a n a r y", "w i n e", "o r", "a r e", "f r u i t s", "o f", "p a r a d i s e", "s w e e t e r", "t h a n", "t h o s e", "d a i n t y", "p i e s", "o f", "v e n i s o n" ]
[ 38, 4598, 3156, 3156, 3692, 3692, 3934, 3402, 3402, 3402, 3402, 2467, 2467, 595, 628, 1059, 1562, 1562, 1745, 1745, 4101, 438, 3293, 563, 623, 3524, 5, 43, 2923, 2040, 2040, 2040, 2040, 508, 1789, 1789, 2312, 2901, 807, 1636, 402, 4771, 851, 883, 2363, 2363, 2363, 2363, 172, 2009, 1593, 1593, 1130, 1130, 1456, 995, 995, 2738, 2738, 4244, 4244, 1051, 1051, 2881, 2963, 2963, 121, 655, 4372, 1562, 1562, 1745, 1745, 4601, 4601, 438, 1999, 581, 2933, 3766, 4633, 678, 708, 592, 592, 4107, 4107, 4107, 4107, 509, 509, 4175, 1274, 3094, 1788, 547, 547, 547, 547, 547, 3664, 2288, 269, 269, 4681, 2210, 2210, 2039, 931, 78, 403, 4125, 4310, 520, 1902, 1902, 720, 720, 4522, 1317, 3806, 3806, 3806, 3806, 4875, 4992, 1173, 1037, 4853, 2963, 2963, 121, 655, 4372, 1562, 271, 4251, 4251, 4251, 1244, 303, 303, 3313, 3313, 3313, 1426, 1426, 414, 414, 1484, 3485, 3485, 1414, 3470, 2933, 165, 949, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 3364, 662, 662, 3291, 3102, 177, 2816, 4493, 3948, 148, 4212, 4212, 4212, 4212, 425, 425, 3231, 3846, 4493, 4493, 308, 939, 4979, 4979, 4979, 4979, 672, 565, 4540, 3058, 2199, 112, 4397, 270, 1781, 1359, 136, 2657, 2374, 2374, 4595, 4107, 119, 119, 119, 509, 509, 1274, 3094, 3094, 484, 547, 547, 547, 547, 547, 547, 3664, 1882, 269, 4844, 2911, 2911, 4681, 4681, 2039, 2039, 2039, 1393, 403, 4787, 1151, 4420, 4125, 4125, 4281, 3117, 3692, 395, 3939, 3939, 999, 999, 999, 635, 4484, 2573, 2573, 3466, 4055, 4567, 2867, 4423, 4423, 512, 4238, 4238, 4238, 4238, 4238, 4238, 569, 569, 3910, 4202, 1623, 1623, 1623, 2559, 1781, 1359, 1359, 3498, 3498, 3498, 3498, 4093, 251, 1059, 1059, 4264, 2053, 2053, 2053, 36, 1636, 402, 4771, 4771, 894, 4713, 1806, 2800, 455, 2508, 3049, 2089, 1568, 104, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 3265, 3265, 3265, 3265, 3756, 2489, 4886, 4886, 1616, 1616, 2612, 1204, 1204, 3807, 203, 203, 4838, 4838, 4838, 1413, 1205, 1205, 385, 172, 172, 2009, 3232, 4120, 623, 146, 104, 1615, 43, 671, 2043, 1547, 1384, 4600, 1384, 1384, 232, 232, 232, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1882, 1882, 2160, 4844, 3159, 3159, 455, 936, 936, 4941, 4941, 1795, 1795, 4377, 4377, 4377, 165, 1655, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 410, 3832, 3918, 704, 74, 4011, 148, 3069, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 4065, 1341, 1538, 1882, 522, 2824, 4044, 1149, 3072, 3072, 369, 392, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2797, 644, 1869, 356, 2227, 4440, 4440, 1458, 2333, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 1941, 3773, 3773, 3954, 3954, 2214, 162, 2019, 213, 1829, 560, 1000, 4560, 434, 434, 4959, 1559, 4519, 4519, 4040, 4040, 4040, 1660, 1660, 123, 123, 4080, 1034, 1983, 1745, 4101, 438, 2478, 3649, 4714, 1346, 2783, 1851, 1851, 882, 4600, 4600, 4600, 4600, 4600, 4600, 4600, 232, 4065, 4065, 4065, 4065, 1538, 1538, 1538, 1882, 1882, 269, 4681, 4681, 4681, 3159, 3159, 758, 4125, 4420, 4321, 2789, 4326, 113, 4350, 4350, 4350, 3511, 3511, 385, 385, 385, 2325, 2325, 3050, 4355, 332, 332, 1464, 1464, 1464, 1464, 3876, 385, 385, 172, 172, 2009, 563, 623, 3524, 3524, 2400, 1615, 3953, 3785, 3785, 1028, 1028, 1028, 1028, 4345, 1923, 445, 2559, 538, 4505, 273, 4266, 2213, 4260, 606, 2446, 4526, 4526, 169, 3202, 1601, 1601, 1601, 137, 137, 2277, 62, 4420, 62, 4281, 3170, 1082, 1730, 2803, 4836, 4836, 4836, 4836, 1660, 123, 3558, 3558, 4395, 4395, 4395, 4606, 1617, 3049, 1568, 4055, 3496, 902, 902, 902, 3028, 4824, 4824, 3028, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 1473, 3979, 3979, 4287, 4287, 67, 2091, 1011, 65, 455, 455, 936, 4941, 4941, 2404, 1417, 101, 4077, 3702, 3702, 3702, 382, 382, 3708, 1713, 1713, 1713, 4858, 4858, 3074, 3074, 3074, 3074, 1350, 216, 104, 1358, 303, 3313, 3313, 1288, 1854, 1307, 2268, 4416, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1980, 1234, 3364, 662, 40, 1655, 4592, 1363, 1363, 3864, 3801, 3801, 3742, 1293, 1293, 3786, 4247, 1139, 84, 381, 2231, 1283, 4896, 4896, 4896, 4896, 3214, 2854, 4116, 1447, 192, 1830, 2979, 1745, 1745, 1745, 4601, 438, 2753, 1210, 4281, 4643, 2973, 452, 116, 3819, 3819, 3819, 3819, 3819, 533, 533, 3172, 3172, 3172, 2016, 2016, 1473, 1473, 3979, 3979, 4287, 1764, 296, 296, 65, 1365, 245, 1, 2939, 2939, 64, 64, 1776, 169, 169, 2997, 1601, 1601, 2870, 2870, 2870, 104, 2870, 2868, 3609, 3372, 666, 4799, 4799, 90, 2300, 839, 1005, 3479, 3096, 3096, 4214, 159, 237, 4077, 121, 655, 4646, 4646, 1521, 1521, 1521, 1379, 2288, 1282, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4681, 4681, 2039, 2039, 2039, 1393, 1393, 1393, 128, 1651, 1651, 4276, 1651, 3382, 4153, 99, 447 ]
[ 0, 0.44028571428571434, 0.8605584415584416, 1.0206623376623378, 1.500974025974026, 2.1614025974025974, 3.001948051948052, 3.242103896103896, 3.3621818181818184, 3.8625064935064937, 4.602987012987013, 5.063285714285715, 5.283428571428572, 5.883818181818182, 6.324103896103897, 6.6443116883116895, 7.224688311688313, 7.564909090909092, 7.905129870129871, 8.50551948051948, 9.025857142857143, 9.64625974025974, 9.986480519480521, 10.26666233766234, 10.686935064935065, 10.92709090909091, 12.06783116883117, 12.60818181818182, 12.808311688311688, 13.108506493506495, 13.508766233766234, 14.089142857142859, 14.349311688311689 ]
[ 0.44028571428571434, 0.8605584415584416, 1.0206623376623378, 1.500974025974026, 2.1614025974025974, 3.001948051948052, 3.242103896103896, 3.3621818181818184, 3.8625064935064937, 4.602987012987013, 5.063285714285715, 5.283428571428572, 5.883818181818182, 6.324103896103897, 6.6443116883116895, 7.224688311688313, 7.564909090909092, 7.905129870129871, 8.50551948051948, 9.025857142857143, 9.64625974025974, 9.986480519480521, 10.26666233766234, 10.686935064935065, 10.92709090909091, 12.06783116883117, 12.60818181818182, 12.808311688311688, 13.108506493506495, 13.508766233766234, 14.089142857142859, 14.349311688311689, 15.389987012987014 ]
o generous food drest as though bold robin hood would with his maid marian sup and bowse from horn and can i have heard that on a day mine host's sign-board flew away nobody knew whither till an astrologer's old quill
[ "o", "generous", "food", "drest", "as", "though", "bold", "robin", "hood", "would", "with", "his", "maid", "marian", "sup", "and", "bowse", "from", "horn", "and", "can", "i", "have", "heard", "that", "on", "a", "day", "mine", "host's", "sign-board", "flew", "away", "nobody", "knew", "whither", "till", "an", "astrologer's", "old", "quill" ]
[ "o", "generous", "food", "drest", "as", "though", "bold", "robin", "hood", "would", "with", "his", "maid", "marian", "sup", "and", "bowse", "from", "horn", "and", "can", "i", "have", "heard", "that", "on", "a", "day", "mine", "host's", "sign-board", "flew", "away", "nobody", "knew", "whither", "till", "an", "astrologer's", "old", "quill" ]
[ "o", "g e n e r o u s", "f o o d", "d r e s t", "a s", "t h o u g h", "b o l d", "r o b i n", "h o o d", "w o u l d", "w i t h", "h i s", "m a i d", "m a r i a n", "s u p", "a n d", "b o w s e", "f r o m", "h o r n", "a n d", "c a n", "i", "h a v e", "h e a r d", "t h a t", "o n", "a", "d a y", "m i n e", "h o s t ' s", "s i g n b o a r d", "f l e w", "a w a y", "n o b o d y", "k n e w", "w h i t h e r", "t i l l", "a n", "a s t r o l o g e r ' s", "o l d", "q u i l l" ]
[ 1101, 3409, 1886, 4420, 2788, 4641, 30, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 3244, 1193, 4495, 4495, 3049, 3049, 1568, 42, 3138, 3138, 286, 2499, 2499, 1334, 1334, 1334, 3679, 293, 1005, 3620, 3620, 652, 4469, 3619, 3619, 3619, 4899, 4209, 159, 3626, 4077, 3838, 3838, 875, 4983, 4983, 146, 3524, 1096, 5, 671, 4436, 4436, 4436, 4436, 4436, 4436, 4436, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 3952, 869, 869, 1296, 1110, 4102, 2205, 455, 936, 936, 1792, 1792, 1792, 4340, 1787, 1787, 1787, 42, 1352, 1352, 1320, 1320, 3253, 932, 932, 932, 93, 4708, 3626, 4077, 515, 3362, 3326, 4092, 1806, 455, 455, 80, 983, 2607, 4641, 781, 4950, 4950, 1525, 1525, 659, 659, 176, 3578, 3578, 67, 4247, 1477, 2938, 4377, 2047, 3196, 1769, 1769, 2125, 2125, 3066, 201, 1193, 2768, 1591, 1591, 2164, 1440, 1440, 2933, 628, 53, 4427, 4130, 4130, 4130, 4130, 4130, 4130, 3220, 3220, 3220, 3220, 967, 967, 967, 967, 1636, 402, 4771, 1686, 1686, 1806, 2800, 2800, 1626, 1626, 1132, 3476, 3476, 1988, 2710, 4248, 4248, 4248, 4248, 4248, 4175, 4175, 2283, 1632, 4795, 4795, 4741, 54, 3687, 522, 2298, 2824, 4044, 13, 1347, 1347, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 1278, 267, 267, 267, 3333, 1523, 1523, 1110, 1110, 1110, 3326, 2205, 4612, 4612, 4612, 2459, 2459, 97, 97, 97, 2012, 272, 73, 4276, 4420, 2250, 322, 1706, 1416, 1151, 322, 2234, 1683, 1683, 29, 29, 2783, 4280, 4280, 2398, 1973, 1973, 2398, 267, 267, 3333, 1523, 1110, 1110, 1206, 4102, 154, 455, 2459, 1203, 3629, 551, 551, 2833, 842, 1284, 318, 3044, 2450, 540, 540, 3833, 3713, 1422, 390, 390, 1728, 2265, 2265, 4473, 3578, 3786, 706, 3930, 4208, 1014, 1134, 308, 4979, 4979, 4979, 4979, 672, 565, 4540, 3058, 2199, 1686, 4192, 2612, 1204, 46, 3807, 1134, 308, 3360, 3360, 3360, 3360, 3360, 1660, 123, 123, 4080, 1034, 3304, 4601, 4946, 4850, 916, 2626, 2626, 2626, 1379, 2288, 1282, 2160, 4844, 4681, 3159, 3159, 3422, 3422, 3422, 936, 936, 1792, 4941, 2404, 1332, 101, 101, 3702, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 190, 3091, 3091, 3323, 2467, 251, 628, 2820, 2419, 4795, 4359, 4741, 3687, 3918, 3918, 522, 830, 4819, 4819, 42, 53, 4427, 3582, 3582, 3582, 3066, 3066, 1476, 1476, 1476, 1476, 3689, 3689, 3689, 4499, 4287, 67, 706, 706, 3838, 2396, 2396, 2943, 4629, 4329, 906, 906, 4255, 2052, 3216, 4044, 4044, 13, 392, 392, 4236, 4236, 4236, 4236, 2688, 2688, 2688, 2310, 3664, 69, 293, 293, 1790, 3564, 295, 1123, 1234, 2298, 2659, 2659, 4485, 55, 559, 678, 708, 592, 592, 3978, 3978, 3978, 1545, 1545, 4776, 4776, 2549, 1282, 4210, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 4844, 2911, 4681, 2039, 2039, 931, 588, 4281, 322, 1716, 3046, 3594, 761, 4623, 4623, 30, 794, 109, 109, 857, 857, 1847, 3168, 1821, 3273, 3273, 3273, 2573, 3267, 3713, 3713, 1347, 1347, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 4432, 2237, 4387, 1863, 1863, 3058, 12, 12, 2559, 3196, 949, 1696, 133, 133, 1531, 1531, 2355, 4073, 2740, 3201, 3201, 458, 458, 458, 4189, 839, 293, 1790, 2660, 546, 546, 432, 1617, 3049, 2089, 2089, 1568, 2607, 1206, 2212, 2231, 4412, 4412, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 1094, 4545, 83, 83, 83, 83, 569, 3910, 3910, 3485, 1773, 775, 3485, 2767, 1130, 1130, 1130, 1134, 1134, 3069, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 1734, 232, 4065, 1341, 1538, 2168, 2298, 2824, 4044, 1149, 3072, 3072, 3072, 369, 369, 392, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 2074, 644, 644, 356, 2227, 2227, 3717, 1458, 1458, 2333, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 3396, 4505, 3773, 4266, 162, 2324, 936, 4756, 1792, 4941, 4941, 4941, 2404, 101, 4077, 3702, 1069, 313, 1892, 1608, 190, 3104, 3104, 3104, 3104, 232, 232, 4065, 1341, 1538, 3171, 2298, 522, 830, 4819, 42, 53, 4427, 4427, 1338, 1338, 1338, 1338, 1871, 908, 4387, 4387, 869, 1296, 2199, 2199, 3883, 2734, 623, 3524, 1096, 1096, 1394, 1394, 1454, 1454, 1522, 1522, 1522, 1522, 1522, 2801, 1628, 3607, 3607, 2323, 2323, 2323, 2323, 4725, 4714, 4714, 4477, 4477, 1945, 1945, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 2082, 4545, 4545, 4545, 4545, 3173, 3173, 3173, 1906, 1906, 1906, 2689, 2689, 2689, 2689, 2689, 4612, 1482, 1482, 3422, 3382, 4703, 4703, 4703, 1858, 2579, 2579, 1471, 1299, 1838, 1838, 230, 4888, 201, 2768, 2759, 42, 3537, 2604, 2604, 2604, 216, 2355, 357, 1848, 1745, 4101, 1658, 2008, 152, 4188, 1471, 2362, 1046, 1046, 1046, 1046, 2538, 2538, 2801, 132, 132, 132, 22, 22, 4714, 3204, 4477, 4477, 2668, 2910, 4386, 4386, 4386, 1040, 1040, 42, 2844, 963, 568, 4232, 4232, 1782, 1426, 1426, 1426, 414, 414, 1484, 1484, 2897, 2897, 3382, 4703, 819, 372, 348, 1435, 2670, 2933, 114, 3076, 2657, 4375, 1824, 1372, 1372, 1372, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 3477, 3477, 195, 195, 195, 1873, 1873, 4450, 4450, 4450, 4450, 3422, 4153, 4153, 220, 4281, 4641, 781, 781, 4718, 4718, 4718, 4718, 2687, 834, 4990, 4990, 80, 2972, 193, 4641, 2746, 4851, 829, 1723, 1417, 3374, 382, 382, 382, 382, 120, 120, 2314, 2314, 347, 347, 609, 609, 609, 3517, 3517, 3517, 360, 2141, 317, 317, 1197, 2583, 3719, 3719, 3719, 2582, 514, 3326, 1722, 1722, 1775, 2950, 2950, 2950, 2401, 2401, 2401, 2038, 2038, 2038, 2038, 608, 4287, 536, 67, 4077, 706, 2324, 1365, 245, 220, 4641, 2789, 561, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 2253, 674, 674, 967, 1636, 4771, 4771, 4771, 1206, 4192, 3545, 213, 1829, 1829, 340, 340, 2902, 2902, 3696, 3696, 3696, 3696, 3696, 3696, 1649, 1649, 4334, 420, 420, 420, 2825, 2825, 2825, 1796, 1796, 1796, 3477, 3477, 3477, 3477, 3477, 195, 195, 195, 1873, 1873, 4450, 1472, 1472, 819, 4625, 4772 ]
[ 0, 0.26027896995708155, 0.9009656652360516, 1.5216309012875537, 2.0822317596566524, 2.3625321888412016, 2.6828755364806867, 3.2234549356223177, 3.703969957081545, 4.364678111587983, 4.985343347639485, 5.265643776824035, 5.505901287553648, 5.826244635193133, 6.526995708154506, 6.927424892703862, 7.107618025751073, 7.548090128755365, 7.76832618025751, 8.108690987124463, 8.268862660944206, 8.889527896995709, 9.189849785407725, 9.350021459227468, 9.650343347639486, 9.870579399141631, 10.05077253218884, 10.190922746781116, 10.671437768240343, 11.151952789699571, 11.812660944206009, 12.653562231759658, 12.99392703862661, 13.674656652360516, 14.27530042918455, 14.595643776824033, 15.176266094420601, 15.897038626609444, 16.257424892703863, 17.438690987124463, 17.839120171673823 ]
[ 0.26027896995708155, 0.9009656652360516, 1.5216309012875537, 2.0822317596566524, 2.3625321888412016, 2.6828755364806867, 3.2234549356223177, 3.703969957081545, 4.364678111587983, 4.985343347639485, 5.265643776824035, 5.505901287553648, 5.826244635193133, 6.526995708154506, 6.927424892703862, 7.107618025751073, 7.548090128755365, 7.76832618025751, 8.108690987124463, 8.268862660944206, 8.889527896995709, 9.189849785407725, 9.350021459227468, 9.650343347639486, 9.870579399141631, 10.05077253218884, 10.190922746781116, 10.671437768240343, 11.151952789699571, 11.812660944206009, 12.653562231759658, 12.99392703862661, 13.674656652360516, 14.27530042918455, 14.595643776824033, 15.176266094420601, 15.897038626609444, 16.257424892703863, 17.438690987124463, 17.839120171673823, 18.639978540772532 ]