# Looking 3D: Anomaly Detection with 2D-3D Alignment Looking 3D: Anomaly Detection with 2D-3D Alignment
Ankan Bhunia, Changjian Li, Hakan Bilen
CVPR 2024
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## Dataset - The `BrokenChairs180K` dataset is available for download from [here](https://uoe-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/s2514643_ed_ac_uk/EjURAFBBbmxHvlMvDGrKvzEBOB29U3QShVRsqekp0rha_g?e=jenLk6). - The dataset contains around 180K rendered images with 100K classified as anomaly and 80K normal. - Each rendered query image is associated with a normal shape reference. - Different types of abnormalities include: missing parts, broken parts, swapped components, mis-alignments. - The query pose is unknown. - Testing is performed on previously unseen instances.
filename and download link folder structure size (after extracting) comments
images.zip BrokenChairs/images/ 21 GB [1] (see below)
annotations.zip BrokenChairs/annotations/ 2 GB [2] (see below)
shapes.zip BrokenChairs/shapes/ 14 GB [3] (see below)
split.json BrokenChairs/split.json 134 KB [4] (see below)
Note: [1]`BrokenChairs/images/`: The filenames for the images have a specifc structure. For example in the file with name `render_183_1944_2.5_300_30_3_normal.png`, `183` is the `shape_id`, `1944` is the `texture_id`, `2.5_300_30_3` contains info on camera paramters (in the format of `___`). [2]`BrokenChairs/annotations/`:``: It contains 2d_bbox, IoU, camera_parameters and texture_id. ``: binary mask of the object part with the anomaly. ``: binary mask of the object part without the anomaly (normal). ``: segmentation mask of the chair with the anomaly. ``: segmentation mask of the chair without the anomaly (normal). Annotations are available for anomaly images only. For some anomaly types like missing component, `````` is not available. [3]`BrokenChairs/shapes/`: ``: grayscale multi-view image, ``: json file containing intristic and extrinsic parameters of the rendered image, ``: npy file containing 2D-3D correspondence points. ``: corresponding ShapeNet id. Please refer to `utils/render_multiview.py` which can be used to obtain the above `` files from any given `obj/stl/glb` mesh shape. [4]`BrokenChairs/split.json`: train/test/val split. Each set has mutually exclusive shape instances. - Distribution of anomaly types within our dataset, categorized by salient chair parts, is shown below. ## Citation If you use the results and code for your research, please cite our paper: ``` @article{bhunia2024look3d, title={Looking 3D: Anomaly Detection with 2D-3D Alignment}, author={Bhunia, Ankan Kumar and Li, Changjian and Bilen, Hakan}, journal={CVPR}, year={2024} } ```