import os for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk('/content/Per Capita GDP of All Countries 1970 to 2022.csv'): for filename in filenames: print(os.path.join(dirname, filename)) import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import as px import plotly.graph_objects as go import plotly.offline as pyo import as pio import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') df = pd.read_csv('/content/Per Capita GDP of All Countries 1970 to 2022.csv') print('### first 5 lines ###', '\n') df.head() df.drop(["Sr.No"], axis=1, inplace=True) rows = df.shape[0] cols = df.shape[1] print("Rows : " + str(rows)) print("Columns: " + str(cols)) print('### Dataframe information ###', '\n') print('### Total Null Data in DataFrame ###', '\n') df.isnull().sum() print("Number of duplicates: " + str(df.duplicated().sum())) df['Growth_GDP_ 1970_2022_%'] = (((df['2022'] - df['1970'])/df['1970'])*100).round(2) df.head() df_country = df.dropna() char_bar = df_country.groupby(['Country'])[['2022']].sum().reset_index() char_bar = char_bar.sort_values(by=("2022"), ascending=False) top = char_bar.head(10) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=top['Country'], y=top["2022"])) fig.update_layout(title='Highest Countries According to GDP 2022', xaxis_title='Country', yaxis_title= "2022", plot_bgcolor='#F0EEED', paper_bgcolor='#F0EEED', font=dict(color='black')) pyo.init_notebook_mode(connected=True) pyo.iplot(fig) char_bar = df_country.groupby(['Country'])[['2022']].sum().reset_index() char_bar = char_bar.sort_values(by=("2022"), ascending=True) top = char_bar.head(10) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=top['Country'], y=top["2022"])) fig.update_layout(title='Lowest Countries According to GDP 2022', xaxis_title='Country', yaxis_title= "2022", plot_bgcolor='#F0EEED', paper_bgcolor='#F0EEED', font=dict(color='black')) pyo.init_notebook_mode(connected=True) pyo.iplot(fig) char_bar = df_country.groupby(['Country'])[['Growth_GDP_ 1970_2022_%']].sum().reset_index() char_bar = char_bar.sort_values(by=("Growth_GDP_ 1970_2022_%"), ascending=False) top = char_bar.head(10) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=top['Country'], y=top["Growth_GDP_ 1970_2022_%"])) fig.update_layout(title='Highest Countries According to Growth_GDP) 1970_2022)%', xaxis_title='Country', yaxis_title='Growth_GDP_ 1970_2022)%', plot_bgcolor='#F0EEED', paper_bgcolor='#F0EEED', font=dict(color='black')) pyo.init_notebook_mode(connected=True) pyo.iplot(fig) char_bar = df_country.groupby(['Country'])[['Growth_GDP_ 1970_2022_%']].sum().reset_index() char_bar = char_bar.sort_values(by=("Growth_GDP_ 1970_2022_%"), ascending=True) top = char_bar.head(10) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=top['Country'], y=top["Growth_GDP_ 1970_2022_%"])) fig.update_layout(title='Lowest Countries According to Growth_GDP_ 1970_2022%', xaxis_title='Country', yaxis_title= "Growth_GPD_ 1970_2022)%", plot_bgcolor='#F0EEED', paper_bgcolor='#F0EEED', font=dict(color='black')) pyo.init_notebook_mode(connected=True) pyo.iplot(fig) df_europe = df.loc[df['Country'].isin(['Portugal', 'Spain', 'Italy', 'Germany', 'France'])] dfy = df_europe.iloc[:,:-1] dfy = dfy.transpose() cols = dfy.iloc[0].to_list() dfy.columns = cols dfy = dfy.iloc[1:, :] dfy.plot(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.title("Evolution of GDP - Europe", fontsize= 12) plt.xlabel('Year', rotation=0, fontsize = 10) plt.ylabel('GPD', rotation=90, fontsize = 10) plt.grid(); df_eastern_euro = df.loc[df['Country'].isin(['Hungary', 'Poland', 'Romania', 'Albania'])] dfy = df_eastern_euro.iloc[:,:-1] dfy = dfy.transpose() cols = dfy.iloc[0].to_list() dfy.columns = cols dfy = dfy.iloc[1:, :] dfy.plot(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.title("Evolution of GPD - Eastern Europe", fontsize = 12) plt.xlabel('Year', rotation=0, fontsize = 10) plt.ylabel('Growth Rate (%)', rotation=90, fontsize = 10) plt.grid(); df_top5 = df.loc[df['Country'].isin(['United States', 'China', 'Germany', 'Japan', 'India'])] dfy = df_top5.iloc[:, :-1] dfy = dfy.transpose() cols = dfy.iloc[0].to_list() dfy.columns = cols dfy = dfy.iloc[1:, :] dfy.plot(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.title("Evolution of GDP - Top 5 World Economies", fontsize= 12) plt.xlabel('Year', rotation=0, fontsize = 10) plt.ylabel('Growth Rate (%)', rotation=90, fontsize = 10) plt.grid(); df_brics = df.loc[df['Country'].isin(['Brazil', 'USSR (Former)', 'India', 'China', 'South Africa'])] dfy = df_brics.iloc[:, :-1] dfy = dfy.transpose() cols = dfy.iloc[0].to_list() dfy.columns = cols dfy = dfy.iloc[1:, :] dfy.plot(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.title("Evolution of GDP - BRICS", fontsize = 12) plt.xlabel('Year', rotation=0, fontsize = 10) plt.ylabel('Growth Rate (%)', rotation=90, fontsize = 10) plt.grid(); df_2_korea = df.loc[df['Country'].isin(['Republic of Korea', 'D.P.R. of Korea'])] dfy = df_2_korea.iloc[:, :-1] dfy = dfy.transpose() cols = dfy.iloc[0].to_list() dfy.columns = cols dfy = dfy.iloc[1:, :] dfy.plot(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.title("Evolution of the GDP - South Korea vs North Korea", fontsize = 12) plt.xlabel('Year', rotation=0, fontsize = 10) plt.ylabel('Growth Rate (%)', rotation=90, fontsize = 10) plt.grid(); df_70_22 = df[['Country', '1970', '2022']] char_bar = df_70_22.groupby(['Country'])[['1970', '2022']].sum().reset_index() char_bar = char_bar.sort_values(by=("2022"), ascending=False) top = char_bar.head(20) top.plot(x="Country", y=["1970", "2022"], kind="bar", figsize=(12, 5)) plt.title("Comparison between GDP 1970 and 2022 - Top 20 Countries", fontsize = 12) fig = px.choropleth(df, locations='Country', locationmode='country names', color = '2022',hover_name="Country", color_continuous_scale='Viridis_r') fig.update_layout(margin={'r':0,'t':0,'l':0,'b':0}, coloraxis_colorbar=dict( title = 'GDP - 2022', ticks = 'outside', tickvals = [0,50000,100000,150000,200000,250000], dtick = 12))