diff --git "a/lol-champs-train.jsonl" "b/lol-champs-train.jsonl" deleted file mode 100644--- "a/lol-champs-train.jsonl" +++ /dev/null @@ -1,16663 +0,0 @@ -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Look for picks with your E in the late game. Landing an E with follow-up damage from your team could result in a kill or favourable fight. Continue to delay team fights when possible so you can get your Passive tentacles down."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Look for choices with your Ultimate E. If you can catch someone when the enemy is not organized, you will be able to force a team fight or a goal after."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "His maxed-out Ultimate R will allow him to dish out a lot of damage in a short time. If he can set up a death brush, then he will automatically win the fight."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "You should cancel Shen's Ultimate R with a CC capacity if possible. Canceling the capacity is not possible, so ping and pushing the minion wave into the Shen tower as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Do not walk through un-warded areas alone if you're unsure where Elise is during the mid and late game. In team fights, Elise may try to"} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Having a certain Element may not be helpful in lane for Qiyana. If Qiyana is behind, she will not deal any damage in team fights."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Unless you've paired him, be careful because he's going to win trades and entrances. Akshan is really good at roaming."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "She should be able to draw a lot of attention for her team so they can get stuff done elsewhere like the Dragon or Baron. At level 9, Fiora will max out her Q."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The combination of the ultimate capacity of zilean t with its p makes it possible to carry almost unattackable and indestructible. zilean's p allows it to guarantee a Q W Q hit on a specified target, which can be very beneficial in setting up a deathbrush before a major objective fight."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "You're weaker than your opponents early in the game. It is recommended that you avoid fighting at this stage in order not to fall back."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Watch your positioning at all times so it can't put crucial spells on you. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to force it to overwork for the farm."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Do not fight inside the jungle or around objectives when Rakan has his Ultimate R up, because your team will be grouped closer together. Being slightly apart makes it harder for Rakan to get a multi-person Ultimate R."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin is vulnerable to CC during team fighting. Do not ignore Xin during team fights."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "You want to go for short burst trades in this matchup. Use Q and W as much as possible in this matchup."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Having the minion wave closer to your side of the map increases gank opportunities. Ganking forces Thresh and its ADC to overextend, making them more vulnerable."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "The enemy team members can easily choose Lux if they move too far away from their own team or try to take the Blue Buff. Lux is very vulnerable when targeted by a complete attack by the enemy team."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Her all-in-one combo will be pretty powerful. The split thrust in the middle of the game is a key strategy."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "At level 6, you'll have access to your Ultimate R. During the mid-game, look for picks all around the map."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Extended trades work in Kalista's favour and should keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her r. Kalista will have the range advantage against all melee champions."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan's level 2 power spike is quite prominent. He may look for an aggressive all-in play if he gets the level up first."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal was trying to take that objective too. ezreal will harass and poke the enemy as often as ezreal can with their Q."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "It's hard for Alistar to escape unless he has Flash. Your goal is to hit level three as quickly as you can."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani's team fight is quite decent during this phase of the game. Sejuani can CC his enemies for a long time."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu is very dominant because of his early damage to game and the usefulness of the spell. Track defences are vulnerable to Lulu's capabilities."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Your support is crucial to make the heavy lifting at the beginning of the game. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "The different weapon combinations available to an ADC make him very versatile who can adapt to nearly any given situation (provided he doesn't fall back massively in the game). The AoE damage on Aphelios' Infernum Ultimate is well as the potential to CC an entire enemy team with his Gravitum Ultimate makes him really good during team fights (especially in closed and clumped fights)."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Keep an eye on your positioning. Disengagement if you are weak in health because its all-in-one combo inflicts a surprising amount of damage."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "The Ultimates cooldown will be slightly lower which could enable her team to win the fight by picking off a key target. Renata would\u2019ve completed multiple items at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Continue to cultivate your jungle as well as gank and help your allies. It's important that you don't fall behind gold and XP while ganting."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The extended automatic attack jobs still work in favour of AD champions. Wait until Swain uses his E before playing aggressively and looking for all-in."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Once you unlock your Ultimate k, you can start being more aggressive. You can use your Ultimate k as a trading tool when it's unlocked."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "It will also be easier for him to execute his targets. Urgot is really strong in the middle of the game because of his team combat presence."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "This makes Kog'maw very bad for AD construction. By playing in the middle of the game, it is essential to stay together with your team."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Monkeyking can use its capacity there to strengthen its survival and damage. The first element is a decent peak that helps to get over the track easily."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "syndra will have most of its capabilities maximized during this phase of the game. This means that Syndra will be a persistent threat wherever she goes."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "At level 1, Blitzcrank should play aggressively to take advantage of his abilities and safety. At level 2, Blitzcrank can safely mount up to access additional abilities and increase safety."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger has 3 Towers Q up, so he will always be a threat whenever that condition occurs. At level 6, when Heimerdinger unlocks his Ultimate R, he basically gets 3 new abilities."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "The chances of the enemy team securing the Dragon or Baron are reduced by Kalista's presence. If Kalista's team managed to win a fight but lost their Jungler, they can still secure the objectives."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "The enemy should be poked down as much as possible while the team takes towers or the Dragon or Baron. Team fights should be delayed for as long as possible while the enemy is harassed and poked down with d and d."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Once Jayce maxes his s at level nine, he will be able to dish out a lot of damage. This is especially true if Jayce hides in the fog of war and manages to burst down an unsuspecting squishy enemy with his w > s combo."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "The first element allows Malzahar to spam his abilities frequently. It also increases the production of damage, especially when using its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "A push from an enemy can lead to Rammus getting ahead of his team. Regular opportunities for a push can help Rammus get his team quite ahead."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "If an enemy invades you, step back because they can easily kill you, especially if you're behind. They can get goals much easier than you."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus is very weak early Nasus can't gank at all until he has a lot of levels under his belt."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox is strong regardless of what if you cannot dodge all instances of his Q. Practice makes perfect for dodging Aatrox's Qs whenever possible."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu's roaming can be really hard to deal with. Ping should be notified as soon as Nunu goes missing because Nunu will look for help from his allies."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "You will want to prioritize tenacity if the enemy has a lot of CC in their team. This will help you escape from unfavorable situations with ease."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "This will allow him to inflict massive damage during the fights of ganks and mid-games. His team fight is quite powerful during this phase of the game, especially if he gets a multi-man E on the enemy."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Do not separate or depart from them otherwise the enemy may try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Focus the closest enemy champion on your carts and work as a team to bring down the enemy one by one."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The player should play aggressively throughout the laning phase to win dead people. If the player wins one or two shots, he can quickly make snowballs."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Avoid regrouping if possible. Use your strong duel potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel anyone who tries to prevent you from pushing to break up."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko is prone to CC. If Ekko gets hit by layered CC, it's going to be difficult for him to deal damage, use his W or escape the fight with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Its objective control is quite correct. Objective control refers to a player's ability to influence or dominate the battlefield."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's Passive allows him to quickly top up his health bar back to full. This may result in your team losing out on key spells for the remaining of the fight."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Giving Kassadin a rough start will reduce his scaling and impact. Once Kassadin has his Ultimate, he will be able to trade more frequently."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "A very short cooldown means that you can frequently fight around the map. Fighting frequently around the map is allowed as long as you're in the fog of war."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Early boots make the ploughing phase less stressful Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "His main peak of power is during this phase of the game, as he will have several articles, several piles, and will be able to flagrante all-in and choose enemy champions out of his will. Nasus is at his weakest at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Play less aggressive when his Ultimate e is in place. Mobility Boots help him roam really easily."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick's first capacity is usually its Q. The additional support and damage to Warwick's first capability will make it a huge threat to the enemy."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz will max his first ability at level 9. At level 9, Fizz's kill pressure and skirmishing power will be quite high."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "You should try to get the enemy Jungler out of the pit using your Ultimate Lee Sin should finish the game by then, as it will now begin to fall."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Fighting around the targets or in the jungle can be avoided because Nami's Ultimate R (Riptide) is large and the landing of multiple knock-ups is guaranteed in narrow areas. On level 1 and 2, Nami's poke is pretty deadly."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "His abilities are telegraphed and he must maintain his health up to level 6. Malzahar's presence will skyrocket to level 6 and become a major threat to the enemy's launch."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "If Nunu is eliminated, his healing ability will cease to function. Nunu\u2019s weak early in the laning phase."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "It'll help him clean up, and his Jungle will wipe out. Continuing to collect and secure jungle camps is crucial as Jungler."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo is rather immobile and can easily be killed when locked down. Request assistance from your Jungler to execute Dr Mundo when he is low."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus can finish off enemies who have managed to escape with a sliver of health when the level cap is reached. Once Karthus gets his first item component, he will spam his abilities frequently due to the increased mana."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "A Kha'Zix completes his first element, he will seek to fight more often. Kha'Zix is looking for more ganks/invades."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Azir\u2019s late game is very strong. Avoid standing too close to Azir's Soldiers W because he can auto attack you from afar."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "This will give him a lot of power. Ivern is really good in fights during this stage as he will be full build and will act as secondary support for the team."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "In team fights, avoid grouping too closely as Ornn can use his Ultimate R to get a multi-person knock up and start the team fight. Ornn has the ability to knock up enemies that are close to his Q, terrain and walls."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Because Kayn-S Ultimate R and mobility, you should look at yourself as you remember. You should stay in the middle of the track so it's easy for you to escape if Kayn comes out nearby."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold. You should use your capabilities to clear minion waves quickly so that your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Place vision inside and near his jungle entrances. This will reduce his usefulness and his ability to gank as your team can see him before he arrives at their lane."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear's selection potential is high in the middle and end of the game due to the shorter cooling of its Ultimate R. Volibear should always try to kill enemies who have been caught unaccounted for."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Agriculture should be a priority rather than fighting with enemies until the viktor has an object behind them. After moving the bot track to the medium track, the viktor should turn towards the bot side of the map or another place to continue farming and win XP."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Ward your flanks and nearby bushes when sieging objectives because Neeko may use her Passive and W to get a good engage off with her Ultimate R. Neeko uses her Ultimate R to stun multiple people when they are too close together, so it's best to split up and not stand too close to others in team fights."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Use your range advantage to intimidate Malphite down during the game as a varied Mid laner. Use your range advantage to harass Malphite every time it advances for the last hit."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Take out the squishies first for maximal effectiveness. Another point in his Ultimate will increase his dueling potential and allow him to be a looming threat all around the map."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so you do not get caught out."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Leblanc has a closer gap / escape capacity thanks to his W. This makes her a huge threat in the way and makes her a little safe from the ganks."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "This will give Rengar a huge boost and allow him to easily blow up unique targets. Rengar is quite decent in a team fight, especially if he manages to use a brush frequently."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "This camping of kassadin can hamper him from CS'ing and will set him back massively. kassadin is extremely weak against all-in champions."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Instead, he hoped that when his opponent made Q the wave, he would not damage himself at the same time. Zilean's Q W Q combo can be used to stun a group of enemies that is very beneficial in the nearby neighborhood fight."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Tristana's damage will be amplified by a fairly decent amount. To stick to support throughout the middle of the game is crucial for the survival of tristana."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "During the nap of a goal or starting Baron/Dragon, be sure to keep your flanks. Alistar's Ultimate provides him with additional defensive statistics."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Boots are a solid early game purchase for Maokai, allowing him to ride and respond to the skirmishes of the jungle. Maokai is particularly great around the track brushes due to the damage that his gaule chord."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie will put the second point in her Ultimate R at level 11. Tibbers R's AOE is a key factor in Annie's ability to stun multiple targets during mid-game team fights."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "As Viego becomes imperturbable, it can avoid incoming damage. Viego is a fun champion to play thanks to his Passive and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "The strategy during the early stages of the game is to keep poking the enemy with your d. As the game progresses, use the d to create a zone around which you can fight effectively."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "According to the construction path for which the Trundle left, it will culminate at different times. They go gank early, and Pantheon can gank early too."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Another point of its Ultimate capability will allow it to use capacity frequently and increase damage from clone breakup. Look for selections all around the card during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "As a protective champion, you should be the first to respond to fights around the map. This is especially true for champions on the bot side river."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Its first peak of major power is when it reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate m. Its Ultimate m can constantly push the enemy into their turn."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "If a major objective is up, hold off from using your Ultimate t to secure objects. Avoid team fighting unless your Ultimate t is up as it deals tons of damage."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "He has a versatile build path. This means that he is great in the later stages of the game regardless of how ahead or behind he was in the earlier stages of the game."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "At the end of the game, Zeri should be almost complete. As long as Zeri is well positioned and kites, she will be very good in team fighting."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Death brushes can offer opportunities for a few more deaths in the enemy jungle. Malphite will now have several items that will increase its damage production."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma shines during mid-game fights as she can keep her entire team safe at any given moment while dealing consistent damage to the enemy. Karma is a really viable choice when dealing with heavy engagers."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Level 2 allows Jarvan to get cheesy ganks off in either the mid or bot lane once he's unlocked both his d and e. Jarvan is pretty mobile and able to escape a lot of trades."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "If your team is going to get caught out or if the game isn\u2019t one-sided you need to group with your team to help them fight. Play on the side of the map that has the next major objective up so you can rotate to take it with your team."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "That's because you can waste your execution on him and he will survive. Keep this in mind when trading too!"} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Even if you are a powerful division pusher in the middle of the game, being ready to regroup with your team is crucial. When there are no more goals to be taken nearby, it is generally safe to start regrouping with your team."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "These objects will allow him to flatten tons of damage. Protracted team fights will see him win effortlessly."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "When no team fight occurs, Sett gets into a side lane and tries to divide the thrust. When he is alone, you can seek to choose him or start a team struggle with his allies when he is unable to help them."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath's damage will skyrocket during this stage of the game. This allows Xerath to carry his team later in the game."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "You will win a fight with her after she uses her stun. 6 will just keep pushing you into your tower, so try to force her to over extend and then chase her down the lane."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "At level 6, Nautilus has an excellent gank configuration and can go to kill in his way or in others. If you can't configure your Jungler, try to move in the middle and help your Mid Lane."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Aatrox will win the extended due to multiple Q knock-ups and his Passive Deathbringer Stance's heal. Keeping range with your Q and Umbral Dash can allow you to deal damage while preventing Aatrox's engage."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Keep poking the enemy champions with your Q. Keep poking the enemy champions with your W."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Having pupils on this side of the map, however, if he makes his way to the battle. His first major power peak is at level 4 when he gets 2 points in his Q."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "You should be able to take Baron with ease as Master Yi. Always use the fog of war to bambooize the enemy."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle is weak early on; hence she will have to depend on her Q for most of her poke and farming in the lane. This is the phase that needs to be played very carefully by Kayle. Her level six will give a massive power spike due to her ranged auto-attacks. This allows her to play more liberally and let her play the lane more safely."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "the first element will give viktor both manas and wave removal capabilities. having these capabilities will limit the ability of enemy travellers to wander freely."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Your d > e combo will quickly let you all-in any unsuspecting enemy laner. This combo will also allow your allied laner to follow up on the engage."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "She will do a lot of damage in the fights and will be able to carry them solo if she is early at this stage of the game. At level 9, Zeri will maximize its Q-capacity."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "The enemy team will have to invest in items that offer magical resistance to deal with the damage of the syndra. This includes items such as items that reduce magic damage taken and items that increase magic resistance."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Zeri will put the final point in his Ultimate R at level 16. His Ultimate R will now cause maximum damage in the fighting."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio is much stronger and has a good gank setup when he's healthy and both of his abilities are up. Galio's biggest power spike is reached at level 6."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Keep this in mind and hold on to any CC abilities until she starts the channel. Avoid fighting around objectives as Poppy may use her Ultimate R to knock away the Jungler and cost your team the Baron/ Dragon."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "A maximum of the Ultimate n will allow Trundle to easily resume the fighting. It can quickly become more tankier or inflict more damage depending on the enemy it uses the Ultimate on."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "W > Q for Soraka will provide a lot of healing for his team. All Soraka has to do is not get killed while we're getting her ready to work."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "His kit allows him to play both aggressively and defensively at the same time. Its ability to cancel damage will be the final nail on the coffin of its enemies during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr can work with his support and E to get free murders and snowball his lead. Udyr's objective control is excellent because it can quickly run around the map and achieve another goal."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco is pretty decent during team fighting. This is mainly because its clone can cause all the chaos for the enemy team."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Warding common flanking spots reduces Ekko's potential for successful flanking. Ekko must devote time to clearing wards if he wants to pick off enemy champions successfully."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "You should always try to squeeze the wave with your Q and go to any path that has an extended lantern. This will allow you to use your E and Ultimate to catch up with these extended targets, and get rid of them quickly."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Level nine is a massive powerspike for Heimerdinger. Heimerdinger will now have maxed out an ability and will be dishing out a lot of damage depending on his maxed ability."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch will ignore the bush rooms often placed with its capabilities. Place the vision around its entrances in the jungle or above the camps to find it more easily."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "As you don't have much in early play, you may want to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressive. Once you have some levels under your belt"} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Delay fights and be prepared to disengage if it\u2019s still on cooldown."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The player decided to bait his first Q. He then got into play with his W."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Avoid gifting him kills. Feeding him kills allows him to snowball out of control."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Try to secure major objectives when you can, as you have decent objective control. You could gank bot then take Drake afterwards."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka's goal is to harass the enemy throughout the laning phase with Q. The constant harassment of the enemy should lead to murder."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This increase lets Jarvan use his ability quite often. With this level of investment, Jarvan's team can follow up on fights with ease."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "At the 13th level, Yuumi's two Qs and Es will be maximized. Maxing out Yuumi Q and E at level thirteen means that she will heal her portages at an alarming rate."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "When you jerk off, it's a great way to close the gap. Zed has a good all-in-one potential"} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "It cannot be used as an effective finishing movement unless Ziggs has items or two points in that capacity. Maintain constant enemy harassment with Q."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus will have a good amount of batteries. Nasus is going to participate in the team fights."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "If you use it in the late game, you're going to be vulnerable. Anivia's damage in the late game will be truly horrific."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain uses Zhonya's Hourglass to be imperturbable for a while, inflicting damage all the time. Swain's Ultimate R will let him survive the fighting with ease."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Keep poking the enemy relentlessly. Once you get your Ultimate R, your team fight impact will increase massively."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Samira has an incredibly strong all-in-one. An all-in refers to Samira."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Use E discreetly in this way as it allows all-in and to disengage against enemies. The goal is to get the first element quickly so that all elements become more powerful and deadly."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Warning of your flanks is crucial when it comes to an objective. Avoid fighting in the jungle because it will be easier for Zac to land his E."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere has a lot of pressure to kill and if you push, it could easily all within you and pursue you in the way. Look for fights when Trendamere has few Fury in his resource bar."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Aphelios excels in extended trades with slight variations depending on his weapon combination. Combined with the sustenance from items and his Severum, he can easily turn the tide of a fight if he manages to survive the enemy's attempt to kill him at the start of a fight. You are quite immobile which can make you a prime target for chain CC and assassins."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Its potential for escarming depends on its availability in W. Without its availability in W, it will not be able to use its Q consistently, which is the backbone of all its skimming power."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Play safely and focus on using your loaded and Q attacks to evict the enemy. Use your E with extreme discretion in this matchup."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Be prepared to rotate around the map and help them fight. Jax's maxed out level nine o (maxing out) is a superpower spike for him."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego has a high skill ceiling which means more effort put in him the better you will be to him. The more effort you put in Viego the more likely your ranks are to be raised."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Being caught by yourself has resulted in a 4v5 disadvantage for the team. The warning was carried out only if a player was aware of the enemy's location."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Continue to kite in team fights and consistently adapt your positioning. Avoid standing still in fights as you\u2019ll be an easy target."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Don't get caught trying to harass and bring down the enemy. Level 16 is a massive peak for syndra as it can decimate the squishy enemies."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Every time his Ultimate e is broken, try to abuse cooldown and look for murders. Once its ultimate e is in place, its pressure of death and survival increases much."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Do not regroup too closely as this can allow him to get a stun of 5 people. Riven can easily defeat a champion at level 3 if she's in a favorable game."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Positioning is the key to Kog' Maw because if it mispositions or walks too far forward, it gives you the opportunity to take it down. When Kog' Maw is wrong or walks too far to harass and harass his y, capitalize on this mistake by dropping it."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Due to his Ultimate k and his item spikes, if he manages to get some kills early on with the help of his Jungler and Support, he will completely take over the game effortlessly. kassadin's early game is very weak and he can be killed countless amounts of time during this phase."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "You're xinzhao Your goal at the beginning of the game is to advance your allies."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "After the post-six, Yasuo becomes extremely strong due to its Ultimate R crowd control as well as the penetration of bonus armor during its use. With the additional powerspike element, Yasuo becomes a force to count with even if it is behind the track."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Without elements, Tristana's chances of winning are greatly diminished compared to a disadvantage 5 v 4. The strategy for Tristana is to continue to make short exchanges with your E and Q."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco's damage to the enemies will be a central peak for him. The first element will help Shaco with its dual potential and clear speed."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "At level 6, his Ultimate t is very strong and can allow him to execute enemies who are on low health. If he is facing a weak laner, don\u2019t be afraid to go for the kill."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Yuumi's gonna try to catch you with his Q."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Your goal is to hide in the fog of war during team fights and then get a massive team-wide CC on the enemy team. Fighting around chokepoints should be very fruitful for you."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Try to lull Xerath and catch him out of his position. Use the number advantage to take the goal or start a team fight."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Stand towards the back end of your team near your Support. Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Make sure you are close to your team at all times so you can get in the quick fight. His tankness will be really high during this phase of the game due to his articles."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Zoe's aggressive spells will make her look for jobs. Zoe will be looking for selections at the beginning of the team fight with her E."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "This will be really useful in clumped areas like the objective pits and the Jungle paths. Heimerdinger has an ability called CC that allows him to CC key targets."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "You need gold and XP to buy items, and if you fall behind it will be unlikely that you will be able to cover the damage in the fighting. When there is an opportunity, look for choices with your Support/Jungler to get murders and increase your lead."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser has a strong duel potential in the way thanks to his W. Its W capability allows it both to block damage and to heal itself in a respectable amount."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "In the team fights, try CC Viego as soon as it runs and blows it out first. Viego is vulnerable to CC and can be killed before he removes his combo, which causes the enemy to lose a lot of damage."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Your Ultimate w can be a game decider if you use it properly during this phase of the game. Use it in combination with your y to secure long-ranged picks for your team."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana has a great objective control because of its speed in capturing the objectives. Shyvana needs to put the vision around in advance to follow the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "When doing a team fight, make sure to peel for your carts. Use W to slow down the enemy front line before targeting the nearest enemy champion in the fight."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you're away from your team."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Make sure you don't fall back in XP trying gank constantly The first games of Xin Zhao are on another level."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Your W and Q compensate for excellent locking and CC, while your E can damage the target."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "you can start being a bit more aggressive. Focus on farming early."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz's Ultimate R deals a lot of damage. The Ultimate R has a large radius."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor's damage capabilities allow him to disrupt entire fighting with his d and Ultimate m. Fighting in close spaces is advantageous for Viktor because of its capabilities."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali should trade more often after recovering it. Once Akali has access to all its basic capabilities, it can start negotiating with the enemy more effectively."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Its electronic use will dictate how good it is Riven. She is a decent champion early, especially if she manages to use the track brushes to her advantage in the track."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Post-level 6, Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave. Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave if he is ahead of you."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu is rather immobile during team fighting once the fight has started. Lock Nunu down with crowd control during team fights so he can be kited."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox is not an easy champion to learn. He has a unique mechanic on his Q which does take some time getting used to."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Another point in Rengar's Ultimate R will increase its selection potential. Rengar can easily follow enemy paths and accumulate tracks."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "You will be unable to engage at all if the enemy has knock-ups or interrupts in the lane. To work around this, either look to roam or use your t from an unwarded bush to engage."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "The reduced W damage from the first grievous injuries will help his enemies even out of duels during the early match. Play safe for the first levels."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "By fighting Taliyah, keep this in mind. The first element of the Taliyah component will significantly increase its track damage."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "He is at his strongest when his Ultimate R is up because it enables him to Dr.Mundo can straight up dive the enemy team by walking towards them during this stage."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "This ability helps a lot against the champions of the range and of melee. Tryndamere's first element will give him a strong boost with greater survival."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Try to play aggression frequently to earn a healthy lead After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane"} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Don't be afraid to look for 1v1 fights at this point. After your first item, you will be a lot stronger."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "You can either send someone who has TP (teamfight potential) to prevent her from taking side towers, or you can quickly engage on to the enemy team and start a fight. Do not delay a team fight as it will give Quinn time to take an objective or rotate to join her team."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Using the wrong form at the wrong point for Elise's Q can prevent a kill. Buying time with the wrong form of Elise's Q allows the enemy to collapse on her and potentially get a kill."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her. If you\u2019re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "This damage boost allows him to get picks frequently with Rammus' Ultimate 2. Team fighting is where Rammus excels the most."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. In doing so, Kled will be less effective."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "You\u2019ll be able to look for picks frequently. You\u2019ll also be able to get your second b up after you land or miss your first."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe's kite damage will be able to turn the tide of late game team fights. Don't let Ashe push you under your tower early."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Multiple items offer him low cooldowns and a lot of burst damage. Don't be afraid to go for plays."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka will go to the hall alone in the middle of the game. You can abuse this by trying to ambush Soraka while she is guarding a goal."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka is perfect in the middle of the game because of her powerful healing and her ability to systematically satisfy many damage to enemies. The Melee champions will find it hard to face Soraka."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick was weak at the beginning of the game, but strong in later parts of the laning phase. Once Warwick has levels and objects under his belt, he'll be stronger."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "The ability will have quite a short cooldown, making it easy for him to win team fights frequently. He should be working with his team and setting up death brushes around the map."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "and can only resort to split thrust. This puts his team at a disadvantage and causes a lot of tension to accumulate within the team."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Wait for Jhin's team to engage or when he is isolated to try and pick him off. Jhin doesn't have an escape or a dash, so he should be pretty easy to kill."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Back up and protect your allies after using g, and focus on protecting the closest champion. Look for choices with your Ultimate E."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka can cause damage in team fighting because of his Q. Soraka can heal a lot in team fights because of her E."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Delaying a team fight will allow Karma to harass your team and make the fight much riskier. If Karma uses her empowered Q when trying to poke, use the cooldown to start a team fight."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Farming your jungle is important for XP. Try not to fall behind in XP by constantly trying to gank."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Peel for your allies as much as possible, keeping them alive in team fights is crucial to winning the game. Xerath's damage will skyrocket during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise can secure objectives alone or with her team. To secure every Dragon possible, Elise should try to find picks with her E."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "He should give his teammates a decent leash if possible. If that is not possible, he should kite the camp around well enough to ensure small amounts of damage are taken."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Hold off from using Q until close to them to make it easier to get kills. Secure objectives such as Rift Herald and Dragons."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "If Thresh disappears from the track, immediately alert your team. Thresh is a traveling champion with a potential for danger."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "The use of his Ultimate R as soon as he arrives will help his way to get more murders and throw a snowball. After changing with the middle lane, make sure you have the average priority at all times."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Do not separate or depart from them otherwise the enemy may try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Focus the closest enemy champion on your carts and work as a team to bring down the enemy one by one."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "His team fight is also quite powerful. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Many champions becoming tankier makes it harder for Darius to kill them. At level 16, Darius\u2019s Ultimate will be an essential tool in team fights."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The enemy team will face difficulties in finding young trees or a Maokai with an extremely powerful all-in-one combo in jungle brushes. Your Ultimate R will be on a short cooldown during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille will often hunt vulnerable targets who are isolated walking around the map. Stick with your team to reduce Camille's assassination attempts."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "The enemy can always react to Jax\u2019s plays and send someone from their team to prevent him from split pushing. The enemy can kill Jax's entire team and then go for crucial objectives like the Baron."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "If they die at first, you won't be able to win the fight alone. Focus on your team's heats at the end of the game."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Level 6 is a massive power spike because Janna can now heal up her entire team during team fights. The knockback of Level 6 is quite beneficial as the last-ditch disengage tool as well."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Once Ornn unlocks his Ultimate R, he will have an easier time in lane. He will be able to look for kills and even set his Jungler up once he has it available to him."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Yuumi will slow down an entire enemy team with the effects of its Ultimate R, adding to its value. Yuumi heals for herself increases after reaching level thirteen and earns two points in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Their obtaining and securing the Dragon soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game. Look for choices with your team. If you can choose someone, make the call for Baron or Dragon"} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "When Fiora hits level 6, her duelling potential is fully realized. At this point, she can 1v1 almost anyone while her R is up."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "He has a bait out ability. Then you fight him."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Your best course of action in the late game is to stick with your Support as much as possible. If you are weak, do not leave your Support's side, otherwise you will be an easy target."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "The enemy champions with a varied crowd control can quickly get to the top of velkoz with their team after interrupting their Ultimate R. The strategy for Velkoz involves harassing the enemy throughout the laning phase with your W and Q."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "If Urgot hits his Fear Beyond Death R, try to kill him before he executes your partner. If you kill Urgot's Fear Beyond Death R successfully, your partner will live."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Once Ahri has completed her first item, she will deal a lot of damage and be able to push the wave/fight more frequently. It's recommended to respect Ahri's all-in damage."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Once Galio gets his first item, his Q and E will deal a lot of damage during all-ins. Galio's level 6 ability allows him to make cross-map plays around the map."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan's all-in potential will also see a significant boost depending on which ability he decided to max first. Getting level 11 is another significant power spike for Jarvan IV."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "His next major power peak is at level 11 when he puts the second point in his Ultimate R. Once its first element is finished, Malzahar's damage in the way will increase a lot."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Split up and farm the side waves once ADC and Support have rotated to the mid lane. Kassadin will have 2 points in his Ultimate at level 11."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner will build tank items. You need to invest in armor and magical penetration items to effectively counter Skarner."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Try to gank often pre-6 to reduce his effectiveness post 6. Prioritize taking those major objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "This is particularly effective when (he) has his Sweeper activated, or the enemy team has no vision set up. (He) unlocks his true power when (he) gets his Ultimate n."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "As you are the Jungler after all, make sure to try to take them as often as possible. Your champion is very good at taking them alone."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "The effectiveness of Lisandra's strategy depends entirely on her team's agreement with her. Lisandra's ultimate R is more a utility tool than a damaging tool, making it less effective against stronger opponents."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Avoid standing down the track as Maokai will place Saplings E inside the bushes and they will inflict a lot of damage if you are taken by them. You should hit Level 2 at the same time or before Maokai because it has great all-in level 2."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "With this level of investment, Jarvan's team can follow up on fights with ease. At the late game, Jarvan becomes a really tanky champion."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Combining his slow E with his W allows him to target individuals and bind them for a while while others follow behind him. Maokai is weak at the beginning of the game and can easily be killed, especially if he faces a varied enemy."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Lane brushes are used to land poke on the enemy team, allowing ezreal to accumulate a lead. ezreal's goal is to shove the enemy out of the lane after accumulating a lead."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "The increased power of Ziggs Q allows him to quickly break out the enemies. With the increased power of Ziggs Q, it will push the wave quickly."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Can do a lot if the enemy team disengages when its Ultimate r is active. Very sensitive to the CC, so if the enemy saves their CC for him, he will die."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Avoid regrouping closely so that Seraphine cannot get a powerful R. Seraphine is good in team fighting thanks to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn will seek to execute someone before a team fight or objective spawning. Do not move around the map alone whenever a major goal is about to spawn."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Once she has completed her Jungling item, her damage output will be very good. Avoid fighting her unless you can catch her out of position or if you\u2019re stronger than her."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "A player's strong potential for duellage in the middle of the game should be used to fight anyone who tries to prevent them from sharing the push. Although a player is strong at the split push in the middle of the game, he should be ready to regroup with his team and fight 5v5."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's main spike comes when he reaches the late game and has multiple items in his inventory. So now he can actually 1 v 5 against the enemy team and come out on top."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "You should look at your positioning. Do not use E recklessly."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah does not have an incredible control Rift Herald in early play. It is recommended to take Rift Herald before Taliyah receives assistance from a nearby route."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille is incredibly mobile thanks to her E. Camille has a sharp learning curve, making it challenging to play effectively."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "To initiate ganks, use your E to slow down the exaggerated enemies. This means that you will need gank when a new wave of minion appears."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Stay outside the minion wave so she can't push you and hit you with her E. But stand behind the minion wave instead so she can't put her Q on you while you're isolated."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "He will need to use the lane brushes and trade when the enemy gets too close to him or terrain. His level six is a massive power spike as he can now impact team fights consistently."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Eve is very good in the mid-game as enemies will be walking around the map on their own. As Evelynn is an assassin, if she can get picks on isolated targets she can get herself a huge lead."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "You must stick with your team in the late game. Do not move around the map or go anywhere unless someone is with you."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch's ultimate c has two points, which will allow him to resume team fighting and disrupt them. Its positioning will be very important after obtaining two points in its final c."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Staying behind your Caster Minions will prevent Swain from using its E root. At level 6, Swain's death pressure and increased survival."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "If that is not possible, he should kite the camp around well enough to ensure small amounts of damage are taken. Once all basic abilities are unlocked, Brand should gank over-extended lanes whenever a chance presents itself."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "A massive power peak at level six allows it to use its capabilities as a finishing movement if it can get the enemy low enough with its E. With the first element, Tristana will easily win the fights."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "If Ashe can poke the enemy with her y and activate her Q in late game team fights, she will have incredibly high damage output. Ashe's kite damage will be able to turn the tide of late game team fights."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Avoid track brushes if you do not have the vision of them and Zion is absent from the track. Keeping your half-filled resource bar should help you significantly in this matchup, especially if Sion decides to cover you."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion's first power peaks depend on what he builds for: if he goes in a tank, he will be weaker sooner, if he goes to damage, he will be heinous and strong. Neutral objective fighting is very important to me."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's R Ultimate has a very short cooldown and can be used freely during the early game for waveclear. waveclear with Ezreal's R allows him to clear waves quickly in order to get a recall."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "If Darius misses-timing his Ultimate e, his damage output will be severely reduced and may cost the team fight. Darius needs to cast his Ultimate e as soon as the enemy gets within health range to maximize its effectiveness."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Provide shields to CDA whenever they need them. It is recommended that the lower lane tower be destroyed after a successful lacquering phase."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "It can both set up and follow the ganks with ease. This is extremely advantageous when it has a support that has a lot of crowd control in their kit."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "He has the potential to chain his crowd control capabilities with his allies. Capacity E makes him a powerful ganker because of its effects."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Level 6 capability can also be used to safely fly neutral lenses or shots. The first element helps compensate the right poke by continuing to harass the enemy bot track with track brushes."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Its Ultimate R has defensive capabilities beyond mere target selection. Its mid-game potential is strong to gain choices and priority over neutral goals."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "At level 9, Zac's first capacity will be maximized. He will now be able to cover his enemies from afar and inflict a heavy amount of damage at the same time."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu is quite vulnerable to damage caused by poke. Try to harass Amumu as much as possible so that it is almost impossible for him to enter without dying in return."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane. Rotating to the mid lane allows you to take that tower."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "The risk of being targeted by an enemy gank increases when it has varied CC. Positioning is crucial to playing syndra."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "The key to winning at the end of the game is not to commit unless your Ultimate R is in place. Your Ultimate R will have a shorter cooldown in the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Fighting without this will make the end-of-game team's fights much more difficult. Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if it's still about to cool down."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Damage to your team in the team fights. You will be extremely tanky at this stage of the game, so you can tank a lot of damage for your team."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Depending on his build path, Cho'Gath will either deal a lot of damage in late game fights or be incredibly tanky."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Its ultimate R will allow it to target specific enemies, granting it extended immunity. Having three points in his Ultimate R is a massive powerpike for Xin Zhao."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "If the enemy gathers together, also look for a group with your team. In team fighting, continue to focus on the most squishiest and easier to kill high priority targets in backline."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Use your Ultimate R very carefully as it can be the decisive factor in the victory of a fight. Use the capability of CC multiple targets."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis is low early because its presence is negligible. Malphite cannot do much against the various champions."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora is a skilled duelist who can take on anyone one vs one if she gets an early lead. Fiora's Passive allows her to deal damage to both squishies and tanks, giving her team flexibility."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Try not to give Akali kills at the beginning of the game. She's a heavy snowball champion and once she has gold under her belt, she can easily take the card."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze is excellent at the end of the game because he can completely take over the game with his total damage combo and his passive. All he has to do is be part of important fights."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "At level 13, Akshan will maximize his E. The additional mobility provided by Akshan's E is very powerful in the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "When pushing, try to hit both the minion wave and Hwei at the same time. Having many abilities can make someone complicated and overwhelming for players."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "The best time to all-in them will be when the enemy frontline decides to all-in your team. Doing so will ensure that the enemy frontline has no form of follow-up."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The first element will allow Maokai to survive the fighting. The first element adds to Maokai's damage."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Once they're level 6 they become stronger than you and it will be harder for you to lane against them. Post-six, he can start avoiding ganks and can roam around and try to get kills."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can also take towers very quickly or slow multiple enemies with his E. The first mythic item will allow Heimerdinger to dish out a ton of poke damage in the lane with his turrets."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "At level 16, Annie will have 3 points in her Ultimate R Tibbers will deal a lot of damage if he is used in conjunction with the rest of her abilities and her Passive"} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz is good at getting picks with his Ultimate R. You should look to catch out enemies who are alone or who are too far forward."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Yone is incredibly mobile in the way."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali is at his strongest in divided fighting or peaks rather than right 5v5. In addition, the enemy should start buying defensive items, which will make it more difficult to remove them."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "If you're the Jungler, you need to make sure you\u2019re always alive in the late game. If you die before a major objective spawns, the enemy will be able to take it for free."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Poke, disengagement and CC will reduce Sejuani's ability to fight. If possible, try to harass her and get her down from a distance to make it incredibly difficult to use her Q and engage."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The strength of the Nautilus increases with the number of articles it obtains On level 6, Nautilus will be extremely scary"} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "If you are not the one who is fed, consider using your E to protect an ally acting as the bearer. Such an ally that will be made CC'd will mean the death of your team."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar has a shield that will protect him from damage. This increases Malzahar's survival on the way."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Use your abilities in the late peeling game for your wearer to keep them alive. Your Ultimate R should be used on the nearest enemy champion and focus them first."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The effects of serious injuries will also have an impact on the balance in the middle of the game. When the Swain uses its Ultimate R, it will not have amplified healing and AoE damage."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin needs time to come online and gain experience before engaging with other players. If kassadin falls behind, they will struggle to lane effectively and delay their first major power spike."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Save your ultimate for when Gragas uses his ultimate because if he pushes you into his team, you can all-in with it quickly. Keep harassing and wave clearing with your Q in the lane."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "it will find much easier to win self-attack exchanges with the enemy laner. When there are no team fights, go on a side track and push."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Try to blow Lillia up as quickly as possible in a team fight so she can't use her Ultimate R to sleep your entire team. Keep an eye on where Lillia moves around the river and sitting targets like the Baron or the Dragon as she can use her E to inflict some brilliant damage to you and your team."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's Q being maxed at level 13 will give him a massive power boost. Jax will be able to win duels with ease from now on."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "To execute the split push effectively, use your strong duelling potential in the mid-game. This involves fighting and dueling anyone who tries to stop you from achieving your objective."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Take part in neutral objective fights. Blind multiple people with your Q, as this ability does a lot of damage and allows you to burst down the enemy."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "In team fights, Janna will try to use e to knockback enemies to delay their engage. If you need to get on to the enemy to kill them, be prepared to flank from the side to make it harder for her to anticipate your movements."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "If Dr Mundo isn't ahead, he will find it hard to be the frontline for his team. If Dr Mundo is behind, he will not be able to tank a lot of damage and will have to fall back quite quickly."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Try and track Irelia's Ultimate cooldown post 6. It is important to do this as you don\u2019t want to be caught out by Irelia's superior damage post 6. Whenever Irelia leaves lane, try to communicate with your team so they know they\u2019re missing. If you can, try to match their roam."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "In the mid-game, Blitzcrank's b will be on a somewhat shorter cooldown. This is very beneficial for Blitzcrank as it will allow him to use his b over and over again if he misses the first Hook b."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Ward big goals and place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game. Keep monitoring so you can see the enemy movement around the map and detect when they start taking a goal."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "This is an important power spike for Ashe as she can use it to poke the enemy down before her team commits to a team fight. When Ashe hits level 11, she will put a secondary point in her Ultimate w."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Can be kited quite easily. Can be disengaged or CCed (Crowd Controlled) in team fighting."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Play around your Ultimate and look for killers every time he's upstairs. Keep a good objective control!"} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "If you can, try to split up slightly so that she can only hit 1 or 2 champions at most. Lissandra's cooldown Ultimate R is about to be completed, making it rather vulnerable in team fighting."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "It will be difficult for the enemy to shoot him down. The enemies will stack defensive objects, so it will become difficult for you to kill them."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Use your R! to force the ganks at the beginning of the game. Ganking often happens in early play, so you also have to look at gank as often as possible."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Fighting in close spaces is very advantageous for him. He can pursue a single target using a fanciful foot, using his r."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "When Ahri's Charm was downstairs, she has no real way of defending herself without blowing her Ultimate. Look to fight Ahri when her charm is not available."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke's Ultimate R ability can be used frequently with multiple points, increasing the damage dealt. This ability will be incredibly powerful during the mid-game due to its frequent use and potential for high damage."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "When you unlock your Ultimate, roaming and all-in will be easier and you will be more of a threat. After you finish your first component element, you'll be strong enough in 1v1s and have a greater chance of getting murders."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "You will have your basic items now, and you will be able to intimidate your laner relentlessly. Stand on your W for situations where you have to interrupt your laner."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine lacks an escape tool, reducing her chances of escaping skill strokes and making it more difficult to escape from the enemy. The shield and healing you get from your W are douchers, especially in early play."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh is one of the most difficult supports to master. It will take a lot of time and effort to play Thresh at its full potential."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "The first component will give Jayce a damage boost, enabling him to play more aggressively and engage in frequent burst trades after poking the enemy out with his w > s combo. Stick with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "You will want to regroup with your team as often as you can. Don't try to execute Wukong if he still has his available place."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Aphelios relies on extended trades, so taking him out quickly will give the enemy team a huge advantage (especially if he has his Infernum W up when he dies). Some weapon combinations are really bad on Aphelios and don't synergize well."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Don't let the enemy poke you down in the very early game. Whittle the enemy down with your Q before looking for the all-in."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki shouldn\u2019t find it hard at all to keep the enemy pushed into their tower once he completes it. At level 6, Corki\u2019s wave clear increases as his e can help him push the enemy into their tower."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Its ability to cancel damage will be the final nail on the coffin of its enemies during this phase of the game. Be careful of the opponent who plays aggressively at Level 1."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "In the way, always have a minion between your position and Nautilus' position. Keep in mind that Nautilus has the most CC in the game."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "This will prevent Akshan from moving you away from the farm. It will also allow you to all-in-Akshan when it climbs to the minion wave."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "If Pantheon's team doesn't follow up on him after he uses his Ultimate R, it can get him killed. Pantheon can get killed if he goes in too deep without any assistance during a fight."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Take the middle tower of the track. This will open the map."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The abuse of the timer of death can make more gold. You could take a ride."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "See if you can displace enemies with your Q. Use your abilities to deal with the enemy front line."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Avoid giving Udyr kills to reduce his ability to wear in the middle of the game. Trinity Force is a key element on Udyr."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "He will certainly try to distinguish you in this matchup with his Ultimate. That's why you'll have to choose him first."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Always stay on the top side of the map when the Baron is standing. If you go bot, always show yourself quickly to deny the objective to the enemy."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Make sure someone can match Shen in the way so that he can't divide the thrust freely. Be careful because Shen has a potential for ambush in the middle of the game thanks to his E capability."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Your base objects will increase burn damage to your ultimate and onboard capabilities, making them difficult for the enemy team to resist. When attacking the enemy team, be in an appropriate position to maximize the effectiveness of your ultimate and on-board capabilities."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Nashor's Tooth is a central element for Teemo. The Nashor Dent gives Teemo a lot of additional statistics that make it more threatening."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia is one of the most immobile champions in the game. This makes Cassiopeia a prime target for ganks and teams with good dive potential."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "This means that her damage output will be phenomenal. She can dismantle an enemy team by securing picks before a significant fight."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "This allows him to act easily as a disruptor during team fighting. Its E combined with its W can allow it to easily descend a single enemy target."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett needs the coordination of his team to effectively use his Ultimate R. This champion is a bully."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian's E makes him rather slippery, allowing him to easily escape the ganks. Lucian is very vulnerable when his E (capacity) is in decline and may be susceptible to enemy Junglers ganks."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Maxing out its Ultimate b reduces its cooling and allows it to use it frequently. This will be a decisive factor in the objective fights."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "I use Jungle brushes to stop enemies wandering in the Jungle without vision. My Ultimate R allows me to disrupt the fighting and kill the carriers with ease in the bottlenecks."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "The first element increases Urgot's survival in the track. The first element will be instrumental when combined with Urgot track brushes."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "By targeting the nearest enemy champion to your carry, you will survive longer and keep your carries alive."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "When she completes her first item, her trading and skirmishing power intensifies. Another early game power spike is at level 6."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "In team fighting, Miss Fortune really shines. As soon as she runs her Ultimate E, disengage immediately."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "its production of damage will increase considerably. Monitor your positioning so you can't easily remove Lee Sin when it completes its first component."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "You'll be pretty strong and your global potential will be high. At the end of the game, you will begin to fall a bit because the teams will be grouped together so that you need to play with your team."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's ability to deal damage will skyrocket during this phase of the game. He will be quite tanky due to his items and stats, which means that he will be a powerhouse of consistent DPS."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "For AD champions, invest in an Executioner's Calling when Janna is ahead. This will reduce her healing and shielding capability on her allies."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "During the mid-game, team fights will start. Make sure you participate in them and help your team when needed. Continue placing vision for your teammates."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Caitlyn's Q offers her a lot of wave clear. When paired with a poke Support, the enemy should never be able to leave their tower."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The ability to maximize Ultimate b will be a decisive factor during objective combat. Rumble will spread a lot of damage during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "It would be a good idea to disengage and avoid fighting Singed once he activates his Ultimate n. Singing is really good in the middle of the game because it can pull a lot of pressure."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "If she gets caught out of position, she is going to die instantly. Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in lane."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "It is recommended that the Drake and Rift Herald be monitored whenever they are standing, as they can be easily secured by his colleagues. It's very good in roaming and ganking, so make sure to contact your team so they know when it's missing."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "This includes playing around her Q in mid-game fights. You will miss out on a lot of damage if you don't play around it."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux is usually good during team fighting. Lux will excel in the fight against bottlenecks."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "A player is a very strong split pusher in the middle of the game. A player should usually start regrouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Investing in this article will help you reduce his healing and maintain. She'll be vulnerable when her Q and E's down."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Keep track of Ekko's Ultimate R in fights as he can use it to either set up an escape or an engage. Keep vision in typical flanking spots as Ekko will try to set up an engage with his W from out of vision."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Your goal in early play is to take calculated trades while fighting the enemy. You should look for short favorable transactions once you have a few levels under your belt."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Do not do extended operations with him unless you have an advantage. Kogmaw is very motionless."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "At level eleven, Gnar will have two points in his Ultimate R. Having two points in his Ultimate R increases the overall damage dealt by the ability and reduces the general cooldown."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "It is essential to maintain a safe distance while still being near your ADC to exert control over the lane. Your first power spike is at level 3, where you can access all your basic abilities."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Zyra's AOE capabilities make her good at inflicting damage to several enemy champions both because of her. It would also have completed several elements when the mid-game roles around it."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "It is crucial to monitor the entrances to your jungle so that you can spot them before they invade your jungle and kill you. Beware that Xin Zhao is much stronger than you are early."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Don't walk too far forward when you sit a goal as Sett can use his Ultimate R to take the closest champion and throw them into their allies behind them. If you are grouped together and in agreement with each other, it will be more difficult for him to do so."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Level 6 is a massive spike for qiyana. At level 6, qiyana can dominate fights and duels in the Jungle."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The CC chain works particularly well against stationary carts if he or someone else in his team gets to CC a target. Regenerating health with W can surpass enemies in the way."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Playing around Akshan's Ultimate will be very beneficial in the middle of the game. Without this, he will not be able to maximize his damage."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "The Jungle will be Lux's playground. Lux can easily catch and shoot squishy targets in the Jungle."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Usually start grouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby. Trendamere's level 11 isn't too good because it doesn't give it a lot of statistics."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "The track freeze prevents Tahm from doing anything to escape an all-in/gank. Tahm Kench is a champion of melee."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin should finish the game by then, as it will now begin to fall. But he can always choose his enemies."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan has tons of mobility thanks to his E. Akshan's E can allow him to move in the way with ease, and quickly pass to the enemy lantern."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This allows you to open the map and create opportunities for yourself or your allies. Nasus will have a good amount of batteries."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "You can use your Q capability to break the spell shield just before a gank so that its shield is lowered and your Jungler can the CCs quickly. Keep track of Malzahar's ultimate cooling and keep your distance from him when he's high."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "When Qiyana has her River Element (the blue one), play safer There is probably a reason Qiyana picked up this Element and her Jungler may be nearby"} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Once Yone gets a chance to hit 100% critical, he'll fix a lot of damage. His Passive gives him a double chance."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven is an early game monster. Draven has a Passive that allows him to snowball easily if he gets an early kill."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Avoid moving around the map or going anywhere unless someone is with you. Stand towards the back end of your team near your Support."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani has huge locking potential with both options range and melee CC. Sejuani can act as a CC initiator or follow-up source depending on the comp team."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "You are a strong early game Jungler. So make sure you try to exploit your early advantage."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "As long as Zeri is well positioned and kites, she will be very good in team fighting."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "This allows her team to play around her and her Jungler to gank her. Her Passive combined with her Ultimate R can be a deadly combo."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Tristana becomes useless if she falls behind in early play due to her dependence on articles. Without elements, Tristana's chances of winning are greatly diminished compared to a disadvantage 5 v 4."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "You should stand near your Caster Minions and walk forward when it throws its root E so that the minions get CC'd and not you. At level 6, Swain's death pressure and survival increases."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Look to fight Gwen when she doesn't have many Q stacks as her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Gwen's damage output will be lower when she has no stacks."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Tarics R is very versatile and can keep its allies alive for longer and completely mitigate damage. Taric has bonus resistors provided by its W that can be really beneficial in the long term due to door generally not buy defensive items, especially in the lower elos."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Play safe for the first levels. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana has good roaming/all-in potential after level 6. Don't let the enemy poke you down in the very early game."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise can start ganking from level 3 onwards when she has access to her E. Gank as often as you can, Elise is a good early game Jungler."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Its mid-game potential is strong to gain choices and priority over neutral goals. its ability to secure choices translates into gains on neutral goals."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "If possible, do not walk around the map alone and without your team. Stick to warded areas and try to stay away from Annie at all times."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise needs to use her E properly to make sure an all-in goes well without avoiding important CC abilities. Elise's Q works differently based on her form."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox is not an easy champion to learn. He has a unique mechanic on his Q which does take some time getting used to."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "His range is greater than that of a champion of melee. At level 6, he's gaining more utility."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She should always try to find a flank on the enemy's carries. The best time to all-in them will be when the enemy frontline decides to all-in your team."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, Ekko will be looking to split push. Avoid leaving Ekko alone in a side lane by making sure there is always someone matching him."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "He will start to dish out a lot of damage during the mid-game. He will find it much easier to take down the enemy frontline during the mid-game."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "In team fighting, flank to facilitate access to the enemy backline. Be close to your team at all times so you can get into the fight quickly."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "A heavy power peak on level two was introduced for champion Lucian, allowing him to run an enemy down with his E, Q combo. The combo E, Q can be used to kill a squishy target when combined with its Passive Spells and Invocation."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Your Ultimate R is an excellent skimmer tool. You can get killed with it."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo will be able to deal with tanks more effectively as the game continues. At level 9, Yasuo will have maximized his r."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Keep the wave near the tower and focus on the tankier in this game. Not doing so can easily allow the enemy of all of you."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "This will help you avoid being taken out of position and lessening its control of the crowd. If possible, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "The first item component for Olaf is a massive spike, increasing his overall damage in the game. Massive spike bolsters Olaf's overall damage potential."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen deals a surprising amount of damage, so don\u2019t be afraid to move around the map and try to assassinate someone with your team. A skilled player will use Garen\u2019s abilities to harass enemies in lane."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "When sieging an objective like Baron or Dragon, do not start it if Cho'Gath is alive. With his Ultimate t, he deals more damage than Smite, so it's best to not take the 50/50."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn has completed her first item, and her kill pressure intensifies. If you\u2019re behind, avoid fighting Quinn at all costs as she will undoubtedly beat you in a 1v1."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "While Azir's poke is good he is incredibly weak in the early game. You should not trade too much before your first back so you don't fall behind."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "At level 16, Fiora will put the third and final point in her Ultimate R. Fiora will be grouped during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Securing the goals is very important, especially during this phase of the game, as these goals can be the decision-maker of the game. Your e should allow you to make really fancy pieces."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Although she is weak in mana, use this opportunity to refuse her farm. When driving around the map, keep an eye on the minion wave in the middle."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Correct timing with your W can make the difference between winning or losing a fight. Ganking pushed enemies is a good strategy, but be on the opposite side of the map when a neutral goal is about to spawn results by losing an easy goal."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The person can regenerate his or her health quickly because of his or her liabilities His real damage will melt through the enemy health bars."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "This is really beneficial for jax during full-blown team fights. Besides, the E CC also acts as a really good initiation tool for his team."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Section Content"} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Your Ultimate capability allows you to lock and kill door-to-doors easily. Using your Ultimate in bottlenecks will easily win the game."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Winning 3 points in his Ultimate n will give him a huge boost. It will be a constant source of DPS, even if it goes for a full support construction."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "When you sit goals or step back from a fight, look at your positioning as you can walk in Malzahars Q that can be devastating for your health bar. As soon as Malzhar focuses a champion with his Ultimate R try CC so the chain is canceled."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "It can damage many enemies at once and do so through vision, giving the enemy a small window to react. Do not fight in the late part unless your Ultimate h is in place."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "All she needs to do is keep on poking enemies and landing multi-man Ultimate ds."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "As Darius is immobile, champions with dashes, range advantage or poke make it difficult for Darius to get on to them and kill them. He falls off in the late game."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "It is best to delay engaging Annie as long as possible while poking her down. If Annie is low on health, be careful not to engage or use Tibbers R aggressively."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Ranged Supports can easily abuse Galio. The enemy ADC can abuse Galio's position for free."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "As you are great at duelling, try to make early games around the card to get yourself and your allies in advance. Since Xin Zhao has a strong potential for invasion, it is crucial to monitor the entrances to your jungle so that you can spot them before they invade your jungle and kill you."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "It is slightly weaker when disassembled. At level 6, Kled increased mobility and impact potential on several tracks with its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "She is an early ganker and has a strong early game presence. Look to counter gank her and try to be as proactive as you can be early on."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "She can also cancel dashes with her W that prevents enemies from escaping. Level six is a good spike as she can now disrupt fights with the ability."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank will always be stronger if he has a Barrel E placed under him. It's key that your team knows that Gangplank can use his Ultimate R to impact a fight at level 6."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map throughout the early game. This is the best place for the wave to be because it offers tons of extra protection."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Don't be more dangerous when it comes to using your capabilities that your energy regenerates quickly enough. Warding will be an essential element of your game style during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Bait out Nilah's W before starting a team fight then abuse its cooldown. Wait for Nilah's W cooldown to finish then start the fight."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You should avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you\u2019re gone. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6. To prevent Ashe from getting extra damage down on you in the early game, stand behind the minion wave at all times so they block her Volley y damage for you."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Don't fight with Urgot on level 1 because he'll have all his gun knees ready."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi\u2019s E creates a spirit of the champion it hits, which is treated like a champion for Dark Harvest Stacks. Illaoi often pushes quickly with her Q."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus won't take a lot of damage but can return a lot of damage if enemies attack him consistently. A maxed-out Ultimate 2 will allow Rammus to completely take over a fight."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "That ability is her paramount damage ability, and it will start dishing out a lot of damage from now. As a result, her enemies will have a hard time dealing with her now."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "This helps in neutral and objective fighting because it can lure the enemy Jungler to waste their Smit. Avoid team fighting at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "His first element will give him a massive boost in his healing. It will also get an additional mana regeneration that is always suitable for Sona."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "His E allows him to quickly pick off targets without taking damage in return. His W allows him to quickly pick off targets without taking damage in return."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can use his empowered W to take down low health enemies. Heimerdinger can use his empowered E to set a multi-man, long-ranged CC which can allow his team to follow up on his CC."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah will want to delay the team fight as long as possible while she takes you with her Q. Try to fight as soon as you spot her."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "The capacity will be over a short cooling period that allows it to use it both aggressively and defensively when it wants to. All its capabilities will be exhausted now, which means that it will be able to use its W to reposition itself frequently and inflict massive damage to its enemies simultaneously."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "When you fight the enemy, you win the fight as long as you are healthy, have your cooldowns and dodge Zac. If you do not avoid this ability before entering, you will not win 1v1."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "As soon as you get your first component, start pushing Ryze with your capabilities. Make sure to target your abilities so they grow and poke Ryze at the same time."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Ping your teammates so they know that you are missing if she leaves lane. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will allow you to get gold and XP without fear of Quinn zoning you away and denying you farm."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Keep your wave somewhere in the middle of the lane to give you enough opportunities to take down the enemy. The mid-lane position provides a balance between safety and aggression."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Try and be as proactive as you can with your E early on. Try to gank often to get your allies ahead."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "As it will be overheard, it will allow your Jungler to gank your way. This will also force him to use his Ultimate y or e to grow with- from which you can profit."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Its damage to the E Tower allows Tristana to destroy the towers with ease. This will put Tristana forward in the way."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "She will be better at skirmishing and trading with the enemy too. At level nine, kaisa's Q was completely maxed out and dealt a lot of damage to her enemies."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine's selection potential is enormous during this phase of the game due to its ability to CC enemies with its E. CC represents crowd control, which refers to a mechanic who limits the movement or actions of an enemy champion."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "At level 6 Jinx\u2019s Ultimate R can be a great trading tool and it can turn the tide of the lane. If she is not using it in her own lane she might try to secure kills with it in other lanes with it."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Focus on kiting and auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion. Avoid walking too far forward so you do not get caught out and focused by the enemy."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "roam around the map help her allies"} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric will also be strong enough in the fight against scuttle crab. Taric will be very strong in team fighting because his Ultimate R can be used to protect his allies."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "The minion wave should be kept pushed into the enemies tower. The enemy will be unable to roam or help their allies if they are under constant pressure in the tower."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Using Galio's Ultimate R at the right time could also enable him to get a 5 person knockup with his allies. Galio can assist his Jungler with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Concentrate Malzahar in this game. It is weak early and will die quickly if you focus it first."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora can easily take out isolated enemies on the map, regardless of whether she is ahead or behind. Her ability to pressureize and take control of a portion of the map with targeted picks makes her a formidable opponent."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo will have a lot of articles completed during this stage of the game. With its passive damage and r, Yasuo can decimate the enemy."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "It will be quite the peak of power for him. Kled will have several objects in the middle of the game, making it a devastating force to manage."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Place a vision around the entrances to the Maokai jungle to spot it when leaving its jungle. If you know that Maokai has been on the same side of the map, make sure that the hidden saplings E are placed inside the bushes."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Counter pushes from the enemy team is a must in the late game. Stick with your team and use your Ultimate m to prevent the enemy from sieging objectives."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight. Your ability (W) will be over a shorter cooling time in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai is a strong thug. Don't forget to guarantee these goals."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Once he gets his Ultimate, be very careful in this matchup. Failing to do so can easily get you pinned and killed."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Stay with your Support throughout the mid-game. If you move away from your Support, you will be an easy target for the enemy."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Playing safe and keeping your ADC alive in the way is a priority. Your early play can be weak, requiring more time to come online."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate capability is in place. Fighting without your Ultimate ability will make the fights of the late game team much more difficult."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "As long as he can get the channel off, Fiddlesticks will be very good in the late game. Teams will continue to group in the late game."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "It can help you absorb a lot of damage and can keep you healthy for regular all-ins. Try to get to the enemy backline when possible to cause mayhem."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "You can expect him to play aggressively and get killed. Every time Renekton has more than 50 Fury, his next capacity will be strengthened."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Grouping with the team is crucial when your Ultimate is available or when the team is ready. Use your flanking ability to position yourself for easier team fights."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "To counter the pressure of the monkey, a qualified player must also be ready to play around his Ultimate appearance. The ability of a player (it) can allow (it) to juke as well as to initiate ganks with ease."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "When the assassin isn't there, she will force fights. The assassin will flank from afar in team fights."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "In addition, Galio can now help other laners out frequently. Galio can keep his wave shoved in at all times."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Once you hit mid-game, you'll have to play more respectable with Swain. He's really good at team fighting thanks to his AOE Ultimate R."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Once Yasuo reaches level 11, his Ultimate R will have two points in it. Yasuo will have maximized his r at level 9."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean should stick to his team as glue because its ultimate ability will cause the enemy team to fall if it is used properly. The lower cooling of Zilean's Ultimate capacity facilitates prolonged fighting for his team."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is at his weakest in the early game."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Skarner can easily counter-gank the Ivern because he lacks CC once he goes in. At level 6, he truly comes online and his ganks are more potent."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R will help Seraphine during team fighting. Seraphine can do a lot of damage."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Do not try to take objectives like the Dragon or Baron when Brand is alive. The Dragon or Baron may be taken by Brand using his Ultimate R to deal lots of burst damage."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "He's vulnerable when his t's down, and may be engaged if its motion speed k is reduced."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Taking the midway tower will open the map and give your team a gold lead. Veigar's first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus has tons of map pressure when his Ultimate e is up. As long as he keeps an eye on the minimap at all times, he can use it to pick up kills easily."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "A weak early game makes it hard for Karthus to survive the laning phase, especially against strong champions. Karthus is a farm heavy champion."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "However, he starts to fall off in the late game because it will be harder for him to kill tanks."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Ward the flanks when sieging objectives as Pyke can attack from the side or pick someone off with his Q and win the fight. When no team fights are occurring, Pyke will be in a side lane split pushing."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "In the middle of the game, Aatrox has items that reduce the rest time of his abilities. Through levels 9-13, the capabilities of Aatrox will have a very short cooling."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "By playing as a melee champion with Vayne, be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health. Don't let Vayne kill you at the beginning of the game because it will make her stronger in the last game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma's early game poke is really obnoxious, especially for laners who are melee in nature. She can use her Q to both poke and wave clear simultaneously, which allows her to get lane priority, and her Jungler can safely invade the enemy as a result."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze's weakness is quite astounding at the beginning of the game. He should make sure that he plays safely and that he is careful."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Team-wide CC on the enemy team should be achieved. Chokepoints around which fighting occurs will be very fruitful for you."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "His first major power peak is at level 4 when he gets 2 points in his Q. It will be easier for him to trade right now."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "To ensure victory, you need to make sure your team is in a position to follow up. If you go in without them, you\u2019re going to die."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "The incorrect use of his Ultimate can result in both Twisted Fate and his team being killed, which will eventually lead to a massive launch. Twisted Fate is a macro-based champion, so proper decision-making is needed to play this champion effectively."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong is important during this phase of the game, but can fight to kill enemies because of their purchase of defensive items. It is recommended that Wukong gather as often as possible with his team."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "The presence of Nocturne around the map will be felt. The enemy team will have difficulty pushing up against Nocturne's presence."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Winning 2 points in his Ultimate will skyrocket the ability of Shaco's duel. It can easily hide somewhere and use its clone to crush enemies and inflict free damage on them."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Peel for your team in team fights. Use Daisy R to peel for your team while focusing on using your W to shield your carry."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin's first major power spike is when he hits level 6. Although, his Ultimate R is not going to be effective during the skirmish."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "If your carry dies at the beginning of the fight, there is no way to win it solo. You should stick with your team in late game and not split up or walk away from them."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "This will allow him to initiate the all-in and demarcate the enemy in neutral and objective combats. Renekton is a strong early-game champion."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Sticking to walking around the map through warded areas only especially if you're ahead. Graves is really strong in the early game."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "kalista's level 16 isn't too powerful for her as she gets nothing much out of it. kalista will be able to set up engages from the fog of war now."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "His level 6 power spike is incredibly strong. A good Nautilus will keep ganking whenever his Ultimate e is up."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Your Ultimate e is an excellent trading tool that makes you much stronger. Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax should try to split push and duel anyone if he isn't too far behind. Jax's main spike comes when he reaches the late game and has multiple items in his inventory."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's early enema is not particularly strong. Maokai can use track brushes and its E to keep the enemy lantern at hand."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Teams will continue grouping in the late game. Grouping helps Anivia land a 5-person t in the late game."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Once Vex reaches level 3 and gets access to each of her abilities, she could look to play aggressively and make a play. Unlocking Vex's Ultimate R at level 6 is a precious power peak for it."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Vi will have three points in his Ultimate R. This means that Vi can easily use the ability to lock enemies in a frequent way."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Lookout and be cautious when trying to get a good Ultimate R off so you don\u2019t get killed before a fight breaks out. When sieging an objective, make sure you ward around the objective in question to catch out Fiddlesticks before he engages with his R."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "It is essential to stand outside the minion wave at all times. Standing outside the minion wave forces the enemy team to choose between pushing and robbing you."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Try to go for short burst trades with your 1 in the lane. The goal is to ensure that the enemy can't all-in you during the laning phase."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Post-6 Kog'Maw will do a lot of damage in a trade thanks to his e and his Ultimate y. Try to lure his e before you get involved in the all-in-one."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh relies heavily on help. His skill shots are not easy to land."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "With the reduced cooldown and the damage, Gangplank will be able to take over the game effortlessly. This is the point of the game where Gangplank becomes really scary."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki can be very strong during the mid game and in team fights. You should try to shut down Corki early so he isn't very strong during the mid or late game."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "The enemy will be able to poke you down if you are not careful. It is crucial that you do not let the enemy land a hit upon you while playing Brand."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "If Twitch pushed the wave and left track, he's either trying to lure you forward and make an exchange, or he went in the middle of the way with his support."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "You should not trade items with others until you are at least level 6. Once you unlock your Ultimate R, you can be more aggressive."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "The shield will be powerful, so it will work really well against assassination attempts. It will allow him to peel several carriers at the same time."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Standing outside the minion wave forces the enemy team to choose between pushing and robbing you. The objective in this situation should be to focus solely on agriculture and interference, rather than trying to exchange or use capacities such as R."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen can deal a lot of damage very quickly with a fully stacked Q. Look for trades when Gwen has max stacks."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank will be able to soak up more damage in the late game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "This champion is quite still and is inclined to the CC. CC will probably die if they get caught."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's late-game damage is very high and must be taken out beforehand if the enemy team has any chance of winning the game. Her 3rd empowerment is essential for making Kayle very powerful."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "This position will give you the opportunity to bring down enemy players. Kennen was rather squishy during the early game and can be killed easily."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This means that it will get a massive boost to its survival and damage and will be a force with which to count. Zac will be massively tanky during this stage, and the enemy team will find it difficult to kill him."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The level 3 of Swain is a massive power peak as it can now go for all-in with a large amount of burst damage. The concealment of his position in the bushes of the track should also give him the element of surprise."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "This ultimate capacity will increase the damage inflicted by capacity. This ultimate capability will also increase the shield if this capability is used defensively."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If the Baron is standing, it is essential to stay on the top side of the card to avoid taking. Avoid going down and showing yourself if you're on the bot, as this will give the enemy free access to the lens."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Maintaining a prudent mindset will help prevent Nasus from returning the exchange. Use your Q frequently to poke Nasus in this matchup."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Our strategy should focus on achieving Level 2 first. Once we reach Level 2, we should look for a favorable trade with the enemy."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon can get killed if he goes in too deep without any assistance during a fight. Champions with strong damaging Ultimates can kill Pantheon during level 6 all-ins."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed should try to go for isolated targets when possible despite enemies buying defensive items from now on. Enemies buy defensive items from now on."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Using Q in the middle of the track will give you more space to avoid. Using Q in the middle of the track will allow you to hit most of the shards on the enemy."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Zyra would also have completed several elements when the roles in the middle of the game around. As a result, your abilities will cause much more damage that will allow you to choose squishy targets."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "If you don't get together, she'll just force a fight with her Ultimate R, so make sure you're grouped as a team. Poke, disengagement and CC will reduce Sejuani's ability to fight."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Have wards on that side of the map though just in case he makes his way to join the fight. Aatrox is strong from level 2 to 6."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego is pretty decent during team fighting due to his W and Q. His life as a thief will help him during the fighting, and his Ultimate R will act as a gesture of decent end."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "However, by standing close together, the ability to do so is reduced. Camille often hunts vulnerable targets who are isolated walking around the map."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Do not split push or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them. Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton will maximize its Ultimate capability at level sixteen. A considerable early advance is essential for Renekton to stay in the game."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia's Ultimate R is a challenging ability to land on ranged carries due to enemy dashes and kiting. Once irelia lands her Ultimate R, she has limited follow-up options as the enemy team can evade her."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "If Blitzcrank is nowhere to be seen, you might find him on your flank trying to get a good Hook b. You should have vision near you when sieging objectives to watch for Blitzcrank's whereabouts."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Try to take the middle tower of the track. Rotation towards the middle of the track will open the map and give your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Xin Zhao will have two points in his Ultimate R at level 11. At level 11, Xin Zhao's Ultimate R will allow it to use capacity more often, making it easier for it to convert fighting to 1 v 1 as needed."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Use your Ultimate to scout for picks. At the late game, you would've completed multiple items and got a lot of levels under your belt. You will be strong in the late game, too."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Destiny gave Twisted Fate a lot of pressure on the card, expected it to be divided by pushing in the middle of the game. While fighting with the advantage of numbers may seem viable, keep an eye on Destiny to disengage if he makes his way for the fight."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "You can use this as an opportunity to engage on her team when she is unable to impact the fight. Keep an eye on Qiyana though and be prepared to recall if she is getting close to your tower."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "At level 6, Leona's death pressure increases as she can use her Ultimate e from afar to lock you up. Play respectfully and do not push up if you are without Flash."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Gank leads the robots and take the Drake with them if you can. Your first Dragon control is far superior to Evelyn's."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "When sieging an objective, make sure nobody in your team is too far forward as she can pick them off with her E and start the fight. Quinn's early game is incredibly strong."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Abuse this by playing around its cooldown and trying to make plays whenever it is up. Galio can engage potential enemies (E) along with his CC combo, which deals respectable amounts of damage and allows his team to follow up on the knocked up target (W)."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas can use his Bodyslam E to interrupt your engage. With this in mind, wait for him to use his E before diving into him unless you can get the catch on to him."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "When Lissandra reaches level 6, you should push the minion wave and walk backwards so they can't trade with you or press R on you. It is recommended to stand outside the minion wave at all times."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal was to use his E aggressively only when he is 100% sure he cannot get abused for it. ezreal's E should not be used aggressively in late game fights because he will be vulnerable briefly."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "If you try to fight as a team when one of them breaks down, you will be rather vulnerable. Use your abilities in the late peeling game for your wearer to keep them alive."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Stick with your team and use your Ultimate m to prevent the enemy from sieging objectives. This will make it hard for them to destroy your tier 3 towers."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Ganking forces Thresh and its ADC to overextend, making them more vulnerable. If Thresh disappears from the track, immediately alert your team."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The first element will allow Malphite to spam its abilities quite frequently. The first element will also let Malphite inflict more damage, especially once it has its Ultimate."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "It can be hard to gank your allies if the minion wave is between you and the enemy. Focus on getting level 3 quickly in this matchup."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Although Camille finds it harder to kill carries on her own, she will be quite tanky. Camille deals a lot of damage thanks to the items she buys."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Focus on good wave management and going for favourable trades. If you are constantly pushing, you will not be able to get kills as your W doesn\u2019t protect you against tower shots."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere relies heavily on its state-of-the-art capacity. Slow capacity is also crucial for Trendamere's game style."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna should be part of as many fights as possible. The first ability of Orianna will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Electric farming is intended to reach level 6. Level 6 electric farming can help unlock the Ultimate faster."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia can push the wave very quickly and you will lose a lot of the tower's health if you're gone for too long. Try to walk around while she's at the base so she can't take your turn."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "It can also proc Electrocute very easily with its combo Q W AA. Once Leblanc reaches level 6, his death pressure increases."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Samira has the ability to dismantle what allows him to escape from difficult positions. Stay with your support throughout the middle of the game."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "During the laning phase, Fiora's opponent can prevent her from proc'ing her Passive by using the terrain to block the direction in which Vital appears. Look for constant skirmishes with the enemy to gain health or kill lead."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "The damage inflicted by Sejuani is quite powerful. Sejuani uses a CC capability (crowd control) that affects its enemies"} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "The benefits of Gangplank's first core item include increased duel ability speed and increased damage against squishier targets. Gangplank has a weak early game as he is reliant on items for dealing damage."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Due to her liabilities, she is rather low in 1v1s unless she is in advance or she can get a very good Ultimate e-off. Miss Fortune is a professional player,"} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave. Try to match his wave clear so he doesn't keep you pushed in."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "The health regen while burrowed is possible through use of the W key. Rek'Sai is incredibly mobile."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Work with your team to shoot down Singed after you kill him. Keep the wave near your tower to limit the size potential of Singed."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Even if they don't die, squishies will be too chunked to participate in a team fight with karthus. You will be able to burn through the entire enemy team with proper positioning and karthus."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Once you have an object behind you, you can constantly push the enemy into their turn. Malzahar is fragile early because its presence is negligible."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Do not play too aggressive or lose a lot of health early on. Wait to trade and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you can look for an all-in later on."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "It can try to get some early healing reduction, which can significantly affect your survival. Be sure to keep an eye on this potential strategy."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "No one suspects Zion to use his Ultimate R from the base down or midway. Sion's E skill is very easy to get and guarantees a Q at the end of Sion, which can be of great value for setting up ganks for his Jungler."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Investing in early boots can help you avoid ahri's skill plans and make the laning phase less stressful. The Ahri Passive offers additional support in the way that can help it survive even the most difficult matches."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "At level 16, Zyra will put the last point in his Ultimate R. The utility and damage that this capability provides to this rank is very good, and it will be a threat in team fighting."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "A ward in the river at 1:25 can help determine if he\u2019ll Hook b or not. If Blitzcrank shows on the ward, pull the monster outwards so he cannot easily land his Hook b."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere is really good at split thrust due to its kit. Its kit allows it to target 1 v 1 with ease while making sure that it can escape in time if the enemy team decides to collapse on it."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Ideally, fight Nunu when in the river or not near a camp. Nunu can easily solo the Dragon at level 4 and after."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "By this stage of the game, Darius should be near max build. A max-build for Darius involves items that enhance his damage and offer protection."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Check your team's positioning before starting a fight because starting a fight without follow-up is useless. Flanking the enemy team and using the fog of war are tactics to use during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "ShShe can easily get surprise kills post 6 if she lands her E on the enemy target. During the laning phase, it\u2019s really easy for you to steal your ADC\u2019s farm by mistake."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Keeping the wave here also allows you to zone it away from the farm, or trade aggressively if it tries to hit a minion for the last time. Maokai can escape your W and avoid your Q is easily with its W."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If Garen goes for a full AD build when his team lacks a frontline, he won't be able to contribute. This should serve as a signal for the enemy Jungler/team to camp him when possible."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "If you stay healthy at more than 25%, your chances of winning the way and surviving increase. If you are below 25% health, Urgot can use his E for car once and finish you with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "A good vision is needed before using Ryze-S' ultimate ability to avoid getting his team killed. Agriculture is essential to get as much gold and XP as possible."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "He can throw lap dives early and try to get killed once his laner pushes the wave in. Its ability to drop the aggro tower and take reduced damage to the tower allows it to attack safely."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Once Senna is level 6, her card pressure and kill pressure increases. Ping your team once it's level 6 so they know it can influence a fight with its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Watch out for a potential Flash engage by Pantheon. When engaging in team fights, do not stand too far forward because Pantheon may try to make a play from there."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "As Support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go towards, when you move around the card, and when you are alone. To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You can dish out a lot of consistent damage if you are given the chance. Sand soldiers and Passive make it much easier for you to stop all-ins in their tracks."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger's E allows him to CC key targets but has a long cooldown early on. Fortunately, he will not have this problem during the late game and will now take down many enemies with his E."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Continue to grow in the side lanes with your support/jungler to get additional deaths and expand your lead. The pursuit of key targets alongside your support/jungler can trigger the Baron Nashor, greatly improving the performance of the team."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "However, Galio can use his Q to bypass this limitation during early stages of the game. When using Galio's Q, he should try to hit enemy champions for bonus points."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's abilities cause heavy damage. Syndra can practically take a single shot or take them out of the fight for a while."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Be prepared to back off slightly when Brand gets the level up so you don\u2019t risk losing your health bar. The longer the game goes, the stronger Brand gets thanks to the items he\u2019ll get."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Take advantage of Jinx when she is alone in the lane. Jinx is defenceless without her Flash active."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "The Akshan W also allows him to be camouflaged for a long period of time if he remains near a wall. Akshan doesn't do well in the various matches."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia can help take these objectives incredibly fast. Make sure you have vision around your lane at all times"} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Just the kite and the automatic attack of the closest enemy champion. If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Having someone and catching them out of position will make it easier to win the end-of-game team fights \u2013 especially if your allies are nearby. Avoid separating. You have to stay with your team at the end of the game to win."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle will become much more tankier after having activated his Subjugate n. Your tanks will be weak when Trundle activates his Subjugate n."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona's Q poke accumulates enormously over time. The constant use of Sona's capacity forces its travelers to suddenly remember and cause a setback in their plans."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Pantheon is a champion who can gank early. Before invading, make sure you have your passive stacked so you can win the trade."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Smite is a popular multiplayer online fighting game. A Smite fight refers to a competitive match between two teams in the game."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "She can be both a tank destroyer and a decimator of squishier champions depending on the build she chooses. Kaisa is very strong in a 1v1 with no minions present."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "This peak of power will allow Vladimir to impact the fighting quite easily from now on. The first element will give Vladimir an important kick."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "You\u2019re Darius, not an assassin and you\u2019ll struggle to kill anyone alone. But, you can soak damage and deal loads at the same time."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner just needs to lock the most priority target and get them to his team. The first element will allow Skarner to quickly clear its camps."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "A champion who is quite vulnerable and easy to kill is Lulu. A champion should focus on firing the enemy."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "In team fights, Heimerdinger uses his empowered E to get picks and start the fight. Catching someone out and getting a kill can give his team enough time to take objectives like Baron or Dragon."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus' tenacity will be a force with which he will count because he will not die as long as he finds a target to use his Q. This will provide the Nasus team with a reliable front coating."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "This will make Rumble prone to ganks and will not allow it at all to CS (farm). Your goal in early play is to play safely, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy lantern."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled usually gets enough follow-up due to the increased speed of movement of the team. Once he gets two points in his Ultimate R, Kled can focus on the race of the enemies down and destroy them completely with his team."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "This player will take advantage of gloved enemy players to win an early lead. Level 6 is a significant increase in power as it adds another layer of damage to its overall attack strategy."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "This makes jhin very good with champions who have hard CC or slows in their arsenal. jhin can keep going for regular short trades with his auto-attacks and his Q."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "If the enemy looks to fight you while you have max stacks of Tibbers on Annie, you can quickly turn around the fight. After completing the first component item for Annie's build, her wave clear and trading power increase."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Level 6 is an important power peak for Sylas, but its effectiveness depends on the composition of the enemy team. To be effective at level 6, Sylas must take the ultimate correct capabilities."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw is rather squishy in early play."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Its Ultimate r can completely move the tide of a fight if it is left uncontrollable. Must feed the early play of the farm and therefore has no impact unless the enemy exceeds or exceeds the limits."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon is a strong Jungler in the early game. Pantheon is able to spot you before he is able to gank a lane with his Ultimate R if you place vision inside Pantheons jungle."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Try to team fight in the open so he is unable to use his empowered E to stun your whole team. Do not fight inside the jungle as the size of his E is roughly the same as the jungle."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Level 16 isn't that big a spike for Galio. Although his Ultimate R cooldown is reduced and the cast range is increased, he won't have any incentive to use it for himself."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "In the middle of the game, Nasus picked up several hundred piles on his Q. You will soon become a huge threat if you continue to grow."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Avoid using major CC abilities on orrn when his W ability is off cooldown, as he can use it to dodge or escape CC. After orrn hits level 6, get vision in the river to spot junglers early and anticipate ganks."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Try to break Malzahar's spelling shield before using your abilities, as it can cancel a lot of damage and crowd control effects. You can use your Q capability to break the spell shield just before a gank so that its shield is lowered and your Jungler can the CCs quickly."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is weak at the beginning of the rolling phase. If Swain faces a champion who can all-in-one and CC him, it's especially true for him."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Do not die otherwise your team will not be able to secure them and the enemy will take it for free. Once you've gone in, make sure you fall back and peel for your allies."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Use your Passive only if it is beneficial for the entire team. Do not use [Passive] aggressively unless the whole team can follow up with you."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks is not very strong. His job is to survive early."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin will have 2 points in his Ultimate at level 11. The ability cooldown reduction for Kassadin's Ultimate will allow him to deal massive amounts of burst damage."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's W is a great tool that can stop incoming abilities such as Thresh Q or Blitzcrank b. Thresh Q is an ability that Gwen's W can stop."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko is a melee champion. Ekko will get bullied down by the superior range from other Mid laners if he does not take action."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Your Ultimate R will help you a lot in the backline. In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Level 16 is a massive peak for Trundle. Trundle can now make itself really powerful using the Ultimate on the right person."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "During the laning phase, this could be devastating if you go in at the wrong time. Get level 2 first and look for a favourable trade."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "SHe should be able to 1v1 most enemy Junglers if she gets the jump on them. Elise can secure objectives alone or with her team."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "An enemy cannot enter a certain part of the map while Anivia blocks them. The Ultimate ability of Anivia has incredibly strong sieging power."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's Ultimate R will do a lot of damage. Viego's Ultimate R will allow him to execute the enemies easily during the fighting."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Wards in the jungle provide valuable vision for the team, allowing them to track Nocturne's movements and position themselves for counter-ganks. The ability to spot enemy champions using wards is critical to taking out Nocturne effectively before he can use his ultimate ability."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus is at his weakest at the beginning of the game. Early play refers to the period of time shortly after the beginning of a game."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Track him with vision and try to counter his ganks. Skarner can easily counter-gank the Ivern because he lacks CC once he goes in."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "While Fiddlesticks is good in the late game, he is incredibly squishy. Lookout and be cautious when trying to get a good Ultimate R off so you don\u2019t get killed before a fight breaks out."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Look for picks in the late game. If you can take someone down, you can use the numbers advantage to force a fight or an objective."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Avoid being too forward because he can push you to his team and then all of you. Poke is your best friend against Trundle."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Grouping too closely will make you vulnerable to Zac's E and Ultimate R. If you are slightly separated, you will be harder to catch by Zac's E and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Zeri's weak from behind. Many champions are weak from behind."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "It's important that you commit as soon as you find her so she can't escape. The longer the game, the stronger Senna will be in the team fights."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is solid during the end-of-game fights that his Q and Ultimate will hit like a truck now. All he has to do is wait for the perfect moment to use his abilities effectively."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Zoe's Q interval increases on her E once she reaches level 6. At that time, Zoe's pressure will also increase."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan's first item component will give him a massive boost to his dueling and survivability. He will now be able to put his d Passive to good use, especially if he manages to catch an enemy out on his own."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "It is highly beneficial for her team as that ability does a lot of damage and can completely change the tide of a fight. At level nine, Gwen will be able to max out her Q."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Invading and trying to fight Graves, setting him behind, should be the priority. The player is a good counter-ganker."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Use your range and energy advantage to gain an early lead. Try to harass the enemy champion as often as possible."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "If the Saplings E are close, walk to them before you flee. Walking towards Saplings E can 'bait' out of their position."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The goal for a beginner like me is to hit level three as quickly as possible. Hitting level 3 quickly will give a boost to my clearance speed, but I won't be able to gank effectively until I'm level 6."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo has good Dragon control and can take it with ease after his first back. With this in mind, ensure that you take the bot side scuttle crab or keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot and kill him while he's doing it."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "If Blitzcrank oversteps and uses his b and misses it, he can easily get killed. You\u2019ll need to watch your positioning and not overextend without backup."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Take care of Yorick Graves. Yorick Graves has three or more gules in which he can spawn."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "CC (Crowd Control) is your best friend in the fight against Tahm Kench. Against Tahm, opt for regular exchanges from inside the minion wave to keep you safe from all-in-one potential."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Be prepared for Elise's top lane ganks at level 3. Her mobility makes it really quite hard for you to win any fight versus her, so it\u2019s probably best to avoid trying to fight her early on."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "The enemy Support will try to stay away from Annie's stun. Holding onto her stun, Annie can make it harder for the enemy Support to do anything."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Don't be alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Its Ultimate R offers additional protection and health regeneration. Swain is weak early in the game."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "When she's outstretched, try to play aggressive and burst when she positions herself forward. Once Sona reaches level 6, her death pressure increases and she can start playing more aggressively."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "If you're on the flank, try to take him down while he's focusing on his shots. Jhin scales decently into the mid and late game."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's W is an important spell in his kit. Without Gangplank's W, he is very weak once that ability is down during the early game."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "It is over for the enemy team if she manages to get a flank on them."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Finishing the game quickly is often the wisest choice to play against Twitch. Twitch's first power peak occurs at level 2, giving it access to art."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "At level nine, Gwen will be able to max out her Q. That ability is her paramount damage ability, and it will start dishing out a lot of damage from now."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "This can allow Nami to push the enemy down and win trades with ease. She can also use her W to heal herself if a job goes wrong."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "His d Passive allows him to perform well in team fights. He is also able to CC multiple enemies at a go with his d > e combo."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "If Rengar jumps on you without a battery, try to exchange it with him. Keep your abilities just to trade with him when he jumps on you. Play down the way."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Try to keep the wave as even as possible by matching his damage on the minion wave. If Azir uses an ability, you\u2019ll need to use one too."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger will have many items now. His abilities can easily one-shot enemies if they are not careful or if Heimerdinger sets a death brush somewhere."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne is solid during the mid-game due to his gank potential. Nocturne can quickly turn the tide of a fight with his Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "You will find great success with him if you put a lot of effort into him. Its level 6 power peak is very strong."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon has a great potential for homelessness thanks to his E. His early death pressure is crazy!"} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille can often outplay the enemy and turn around or escape exchanges with ease. Camille is a challenging champion that is quite fun and rewarding."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank scales well which makes his Passive damage really helpful in keeping his enemies away from him. His E can be set from weird angles that can catch the enemy off-guard and cause a lot of damage."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "You get two points in his Ultimate R at level 11. This is mainly because Yone can easily remove enemies during this game phase, especially from the fog of war."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "If Olaf manages to flank enemies, immobile carries will be doomed. The first item component for Olaf is a massive spike, increasing his overall damage in the game."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Once Sylas reaches level 6, he can steal someone's Ultimate with his Ultimate R. According to the Ultimate he flies, his strength at that time will be different."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn is much stronger than you early, and you can reduce their early power by keeping your allies, so they don't die for ganks. Playing around your Ultimate is the key in this matchup. You waste opportunities to waste when you sit on your Ultimate and not ruin your allies."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Almost all champions point to level 16 when they put the 3rd point in their Ultimate R. The teams will regroup at the end of the game."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Staying in the fog of war is very beneficial to LeBlanc. The search for peaks on enemy Jungler, Support, or ADC should be his game plan."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You should invest in additional support to stay healthy on this path. You should always stand behind the minions to minimize Taliyah's Q damage."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "This will prevent him from moving and keep the solitary man safe against him. The author of this passage asks to continue writing up to level 3."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Their Ultimate makes them stronger for 6 seconds. He's a very dominant player."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's early game is rather weak and needs time to come online. Being melee in nature, Diana can\u2019t really deal well with ranged carries when her t is down."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Pay close attention to the location of Orianna\u2019s Ball d throughout the laning phase. Try and adapt your positioning and move to the opposite side of the lane to where her Ball d is."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Zeri was at level 16. At level 16, Zeri will put the final point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "He will be able to easily bite down on and execute enemies who are caught out of position by his team. Depending on his build path, Cho'Gath will either deal a lot of damage in late game fights or be incredibly tanky."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "You must stick with your team in the late game. Do not move around the map or go anywhere unless someone is with you."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Your Ultimate is a key part of your game plan. Grouping with your team can help you get closer to the enemy front line."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal's E provides a safety net, allowing him to quickly recover from unfavorable situations Ezreal is very squishy."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Keep the wave somewhere in the middle of the lane. It will give you enough opportunities to take the enemy down."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This means overall increased damage and chasing potential."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You should start the fight as soon as possible rather than delaying it. Azir's best friend to counter his engage is CC."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "For this reason, Zac can really use them as a tool for engagement or escape only once in a fight. If you know he's without these abilities, try to fight him."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily. Make sure you are close to your team at all times so you can get in the quick fight."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Fortunately, he will not have this problem during the late game and will now take down many enemies with his E. Heimerdinger's Ultimate R will gain additional empowerments."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Hold the push in the middle of the game and try to secure the secondary goals. Avoid regrouping when your Ultimate R is down."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "When fighting Neeko, keep in mind that she can cast her Ultimate R and deal damage and CC you. Neeko has completed her first item when she will have tons of wave clear and be able to push the wave very fast."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "You're much stronger than Shyvana, so go invade her and try to fight her to deny her gold and XP. Post 6 will make it harder to fight Shyvana alone, so keep this in mind if you want to play aggressively."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Excels in the fighting taking place in the bottlenecks and nearby neighborhoods as it allows him to quickly stack his Passive. This combined with his Ultimate R can easily allow him to destroy the enemy team."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Fighting in the jungle will cause teams to be quite close together which allows Ornn to knockup multiple champions at once. Proper turret placement and spacing is vital for winning this matchup."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn. Expose Kog'Maw for ganks by keeping the wave near your tower."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target. Since Senna's Passive leaves its scale infinitely, it should be really awesome as the game continues."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "The enemy will avoid fighting at 6 years because they are stronger with their Ultimate and can easily kill you. He's gonna get mad a lot sooner."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Focus on achieving objectives. As you are the Jungler after all, make sure to try to take them as often as possible."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "His Ultimate R allows him to cross a long distance almost immediately. Its Ultimate R will provide a lot of use in bottlenecks."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Make sure you engage as soon as possible in a team fight so Jayce is unable to poke you down and poke you out of the team fight. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Back early once you have enough gold for your first item. Ezreal usually wants to recall when he has enough gold for Tear."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Once Trendamere's Ultimate e is in place, its death pressure and survival greatly increases. Trendamere relies heavily on its state-of-the-art capacity."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Getting them low first will make it easier for you to win the fight. Peel for your carries and focus the nearest enemy champion if you\u2019re weak."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Stay with your support throughout the later parts of the game. You should not go around the map alone because you will die easily."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie's burst damage is almost non-existent when her Ultimate R is down. Any champion or player who can play around Annie's Ultimate R can set her back massively."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "After that, Ziggs can just cut the building off with his W. This means that the enemy can do nothing to defend its turn."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Keeping your allies alive is crucial to winning the game. Her last game is phenomenal as she can peel for her team for days."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Having vision around major objectives is key. Look for picks during the mid-game."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The monkey's early play is pretty decent. At the beginning of the game, the monkey can go for complete coherent jobs and return to safety thanks to its ability."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "If you're melee, stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward. Post level 6, you need to respect Tibbers R and her stun."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "If you become too cuckolded and underestimate Nasus during this time, he can turn the exchange and enjoy your mistakes. Ask him every time he tries to reach CS."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine's play medium is solid, making it difficult to catch it. Its damage to the CC and the AoE will easily leave it at the top of the damage cards."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Every time your Ultimate e is in place, you can look for aggressive games to try to kill the enemy. Your Ultimate e is an excellent trading tool that makes you much stronger."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Opt for support and defensive statistics in early play. Once Lulu has completed its first article, its protection and protection capacity will increase considerably."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Agriculture and strike level 6 were essential to increase the potential for spoilage. You must reach level 6 as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "In general, start regrouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby. After entering with your Ultimate, be ready to fold and peel for your allies."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "This grouping is good for Braum as his Ultimate r is an AOE tool that can knockup multiple champions. Braum is going to be very strong in late game team fights."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Good times to roam are straight from base or when your ADC will be safe and will not die. Nautilus can now all-in the enemy blatantly and come out of the engage after taking no damage in return."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Once Pantheon hits level 6, communicate with your team. Pantheon may use his Ultimate R to roam and help another lane whenever he recalls or leaves lane."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Post-six, you should be able to all-in Ezreal regularly in this matchup. Just make sure that his E is down beforehand."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "At level 3, Zeri will be relatively strong. The next power peak for Zeri is usually at the level where it unlocks its first component element."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "The enemy team may waste a lot of valuable summoner spells by baiting Garen into attacking aggressively. Garen's E ability lets him do more damage in 1 v 1\u2019s when the enemy is alone, allowing for increased damage output with one complete rotation of his abilities."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You still need to play safely, though. On getting your Ultimate e, finish off kills in other lanes."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "If she uses it to trade with and miss, use this timer to play aggressive and drop it. Post 6, if Syndra has a lot of bullets on the floor, don't commit to an exchange because his Ultimate R will bring a lot of extra damage."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Look at what Summoner Spells Hecarim has taken. If he\u2019s taken Ignite, he will be looking to play ultra-aggressive early to get kills."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Continuing to collect and secure jungle camps is crucial as Jungler. Do not fall back in the middle of the game as a Jungler is critical."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "the effectiveness of irelia's E is crucial in determining the outcome of a team fight and can mean the difference between victory and defeat. irelia's Ultimate R not only slows down enemy escape, but also sets up her teammates for successful CC to trap the enemy team."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "At level nine, Ivern will be able to peel for his carries with utmost ease. He can now use his E's slow to initiate an all-in."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "The extended trades do not work in Sion's favor. If you can lure a capacity, you could try to exchange and abuse its cooldowns to make it low."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "This results in a significant advantage for Gwen in duels."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down. Continue to fly kites in team fights and systematically adapt your positioning."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "This allows carriers to play more freely. Sion's Ultimate R can be used to install ganks on other tracks."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "You should focus on the vision and control rooms to spot Twitch before it gets ganks. Vision will help you see Twitch approach and prepare for an invasion."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai is good in team fighting because his Ultimate R has a great zone of effect. Maokai is good from level 2 because he can lock you up with his W."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's Ultimate can serve as a substitute for vision. Teemo's Ultimate deals a lot of damage when it is kept in the right places."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Early kills with quinn can snowball the game. quinn has early strength that allows her to make aggressive plays."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "With this item, Karthus' mana will not run out quickly. Karthus' damage will increase significantly with this item."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus will have a massive amount of batteries during this phase of the game. This can easily let the enemy at a single stroke of Nasus carry that are relaxed by the enemy team."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Expect that Sejuani gank every time his Ultimate R is in place. As soon as Sejuani's finished juggling, she'll be pretty tanky."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench should try to use the war fog combined with his W to secure peaks on the enemy."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives. Look for peaks in the middle of the game. You deal a lot of damage and can easily blow up the champions."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate R, look for as many clumped fights in the Jungle as possible. Sit in a Jungle brush and wait for a bunch of enemies to walk towards you."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia has tools to defend herself like her t and e. It's recommended to flank Anivia rather than running directly at her to make it harder for her to escape."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Watching your positioning is the key when you play as this champion. This champion must commit to every side."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "This will make Leona a very reliable hirer, especially the fog of war. Leona's e and r will be maximized during this game stage."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "At level 6, Neeko will be quite strong. Her Ultimate R can be used as an engage or disengage/ utility tool."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "This first element benefits Malphite because it allows faster clearing of jungle camps. A faster clearing of jungle camp gives Malphite more gank opportunities quickly."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "She should be good at taking down early towers. At level 11, Caitlyn\u2019s Ultimate R will come in handy as she can execute higher health targets. Caitlyn\u2019s Ultimate R is useful for high health targets at level 11."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "After entering with your Ultimate R, you should be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights. To facilitate access to the enemy emergency line, you should regroup with your team, but stay on the side."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir's Ultimate capability allows him to do a lot of AoE damage. In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "A lot of AOE abilities are in Hwei's kit. AOE abilities allow Hwei to deal a lot of damage in fights."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Can separate from the thrust, It can be a real pain for the enemy."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "At level 1, do not let Quinn bully you down with her basic attacks. Unlike other champions, Quinn\u2019s level 6 power spike doesn\u2019t offer much in lane."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Its Q reduces the track space where it can use capacity freely as well. After your bot track has moved to the medium track, turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to grow and win XP."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "When Zilean's death pressure does not increase exactly, his survival does so at level 6. Every time Zilean uses his Ultimate ability, try to abuse cooldown and play aggressive as he goes down."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Once his Ultimate R (Riot) Maiden killed, Yorick loses a lot of DPS sustained in a team fight. Pick the Riot Maiden before a fight lets him damage you."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "She will also have maxed out most of her abilities. She can spam her abilities, which directly translates into more damage and healing for her."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "His Passive makes him win almost every auto-attack battle. This skillset makes Darius a great duelist in low ELO matches."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "It's recommended to end the game before Kassadin reaches level 16. Try to abuse your range advantage to gain an early health lead."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Mid-game is when everyone is lane swapping and warding around. This is the perfect time for Hecarim to take over the game due to his kit being able to pick and burst enemies down in a jiffy."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Its Ultimate R will become really powerful when it is maximized. This means that she will be able to take enemies with ease and whenever she wants."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "If there are no opportunities for Warwick, he could try to take the Dragon instead. Keep it permanently so you can see it on it."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Her ultimate will reduce its cooldown as well. She will now have core items to deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "To prevent the enemy from responding to fighting in the river. Neutral objective fights will be easily won if you use your Qs and Ws effectively."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "In team fighting, tanky players like the Ruler should peel (protect) their allies. A key strategy in team fighting is to keep the porters alive, as the strength of the Reign depends largely on their ability to stay alive."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "All she has to do is not die and stay with her team. The main objectives should be placed in high traffic areas at the end of the game."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Make sure your flanks are monitored during the nap of a lens so that it cannot get the jump on you. In the middle of the game, Zed will often be in a lateral thrust track."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "The more the game goes, the more Xayah's strength will increase. Try to put Xayah behind the game early so it is not as useful in the middle and end of the game."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce doesn't really spike at level 6 due to his Ultimate G from level one. The fact that Jayce has access to three more ability variations than his opponent means he can use them to gain a lead before level 6."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "You must be careful about your backline getting dove of war fog when Kennen uses his Ultimate. You should jump on Kennen immediately if he uses his Ultimate."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Whenever your Ultimate R is in place, use it on enemy tracks to get their health weak. Ideally, drop them first before using it to make it easier for you to kill the enemy."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "If possible, look for peaks on isolated targets. Keep a constant eye on your positioning."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The lower cooling of Zilean's Ultimate capacity facilitates prolonged fighting for his team. Zilean will maximize its Ultimate capacity at level 16, allowing tiny cooling."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "His tankiness was out of bounds during this phase of the game. He can quickly run down enemies."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "It will help him farm and trade with the enemy. Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "This allows Hecarim to take extended trades while laning, as well as while jungling. This combined with his rune choices can cause Hecarim to sustain himself as well."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "You should stick with your team in late game and not split up or walk away from them. Doing so can lead to the enemy targeting you individually or initiating a 4v5 fight when you're absent from your team."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "This will let him clear minions waves with ease, and the damage dealt to champions will be really high. Jhin's damage ability will be really high during the mid-game."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "If you see Twitch crashing, you should invade his jungle and steal his camps. Ultimate c allows it to shred the enemy team if they are grouped closely."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "This is particularly important because Amumu has linear gank patterns with only his s to get a vision across the river will drastically reduce his gank success. Rek-Sai is much more gank-heavy than Amumu in the early game that allows him to put in place huge advantages through repeated ganks on which Amumu cannot act reliably."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "It will also be a good finishing capacity when they are ill-healthed enemies. Kog'Maw is rather squishy in early play."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Its E (capacity) is an integral part of its kit. Once his E capability is broken, the enemy can easily do everything inside him and insure a murder on her."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Stacking up her Passive allows her to roam to other lanes using her E. Annie is a team fighting champion thanks to the AOE on Tibbers R."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs is a threat to which one must remember because of a bad reminder allowing him to quickly take the enemy tower with his Passive and W. Ziggs is vulnerable when his W (Bombarde) is broken because he has no other escape capacity in his kit."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Make sure no one is too far ahead, especially portages to make it harder for them to get a choice. Avoid separating by playing against Sejuani."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "You should turn to the bot side of the map if the bot track does not work well or you can continue to grow somewhere else on the map. When there are no team fights, go on a side track and push."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Make sure you continue to flank otherwise you\u2019ll get poked down and forced to retreat. Camille is good at picking off champions with her Ultimate R in the late game."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "At the end of the game, players should stay with their team. Players should look for choices with their R."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Try to get Lissandra down or get her out of the street so she can't defend her Turrets. Lissandra is very good at level 6."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana can push the wave very quickly by launching too. After six posts, the timidvan becomes a monster."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Separating the enemy frontline from the backline should be relatively easy for you. Aim to trade when Jax has used his e as it will block basic attacks."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "When his shield is down, he is much weaker and easier to kill. Try and place vision inside the river and around his jungle entrances."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "If Taric activates its Ultimate R, have two options Option 1: detonate Taric and ADC before protection"} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "This stage 2 Ultimate R will give Lucian significantly more damage in neutral and objective battles and duels. If you stay with your team in the later parts of the game, it will be 4v5 and the enemy may be able to force a fight or end the game."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "The good times to use CC capabilities or trade with Yasuo is when it is overheard after using its E. Yasuo is overheard after using his E."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, look to play aggressively and go for kills. Fizz has a lot of burst damage, which makes killing the enemy easier."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "If you die before a major goal scares, the enemy will be able to take it. Make sure you are always on the side of the map that the next major goal is on."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "talijah can inflict heavy amounts of damage in very short time. The enemy has very little time to react to the damage of the Taliyah explosion."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Once Jarvan gets to level 16, he will have 3 points in his Ultimate m. Having 3 points in his Ultimate m increases the overall damage output for Jarvan."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "You should save a k charge for skirmishing with the enemy bot lane. Saving a k charge will prevent the enemy ADC from dropping vision in the lane brushes."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyahs Ultimate R will allow him to take enemies who are alone or isolated without assistance. Taliyah has good potential with his C."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "The emphasis on agriculture was a priority. Agriculture and strike level 6 were essential to increase the potential for spoilage."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Fighting is quite crowded, and you can easily afflict multiple targets. Do your best not to get yourself killed, because the murderers will certainly try to plunge you."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "When Soraka's Ultimate is in place, use it to increase your chances of winning. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will allow you to engage Soraka more easily."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "At level 9, his Q will be maximized. his Q will allow him to inflict tons of damage with a single bomb."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Leaving the teammates alone when the enemy team has 5 members will probably lead to a defeat. The commitment of your team's opposing team may result in a loss."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Make sure to focus on taking Dragons for your team. After ruining the lower lane and turning immediately, you can take the first Dragon."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Show up to neutral, objective fights as well since your e will be really effective in those situations. Karthus has great objective control due to the amplified damage dealt by his 1 on single targets."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Once Heimerdinger reaches level 6, he gains access to three new abilities and should be approached with caution during skirmishes. Heimerdinger might use his magic card during team fights and kill you if not prepared."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Deny Garen's Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible. Garen's E deals extra damage to lone targets."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's ability should start doing a lot of damage to enemies and help clear the jungle and secure objectives with her team. By level 11, Diana will put the second point into her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "a genuine tank would take ages for jhin to get rid of. jhin's Ultimate R ability roots him in place."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Keep your wave near your tower and focus on agriculture. It is recommended to stay away from the ground as it can let Lillia use its splash E."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton is a dominant champion of the game. You can expect him to play aggressively and get killed."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "This will make it very important for the enemy to keep an eye on Yone, otherwise it can easily Ultimate R several people from the war fog. When playing the Yone, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies during the late game."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Flanking enemies with your Ultimate R is viable but do it during a fight so that the enemy isn't paying much attention to your positioning. The lower the elo, the more effective this tactic is."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Avoid feeding him at the beginning of the game to reduce his strength in the middle and at the end of the game. Always keep an eye on what Ultimate Sylas has."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton has great selection potential, so look at your positioning. It's not uncommon for Flash Renekton to catch someone who's too forward."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo can kill the squishies easily because of its high yield in damage. Completing many articles in Yasuo makes it extremely powerful."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Try and fight after Irelia uses her E as it is one of her best tools to start a fight, and catching her off guard can give you an advantage. Catching Irelia off guard with her E will make it harder for her to escape or reset, giving you an opportunity to attack"} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the lane to create opportunities for jungle assistance and to have a longer lane to chase down Karma and her ADC if needed. If Karma roams, focus on punishing the enemy ADC by trying to secure a kill or applying pressure."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Post level 6, you shouldn\u2019t freeze as it will give Quinn an opportunity to roam. Quinn cannot team fight easily."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Level 2 in the bottom lane is the first minion wave followed by the next 3 melee minions Your goal during the laning phase is to look for kills and abuse the enemy as often as you can"} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "After following the dashboard, Trendamere will eventually die if your team is nearby. The wave should be kept close to the tower in this matchup for Jungler/laners gank occasions."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Bard's first power spike occurs once he hits level 2. If you have picked up a few meeps before the minions spawn, Bard will always hit level 2 before the enemy."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She should start ganking as soon as she hits level three. The burst damage of Diana is relatively high."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks first power spike is at level 6. At this point, unlocking his Ultimate offer him extra kill pressure in lane."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "The first component will allow her to spam abilities and not run out of mana. This will also let her deal a lot of damage in the lane."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "The best place to do so will be in the unwarded areas of the map and in choke points. Once Jarvan gets to level 16, he will have 3 points in his Ultimate m."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "She will be able to maximize her Ultimate R at level 16. This will have a considerable impact on team fighting since his Ultimate R will be on a very short cooldown."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "After completing its first article, Lulu's shielding and shielding capacity increased considerably. At this stage, Lulu inflicts a significant amount of damage during the negotiation."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune's first capability will be maximized to Level 9. This will dramatically increase his damage and leave his squishies at once."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "The additional damage of the component element helps Xin Zhao last strike and close easily. You should be part of neutral goals because your Ultimate R allows you to easily disrupt the fights."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "This allows him to lock the enemies easily. A good roaming potential is one of Nautilus' key forces as he can push the wave and then move to another path and help his allies."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "If Tryndamere is divided by pushing down in the middle of the game, avoid sending a lot of people to stop him when the Baron goes up. You'll need time to kill him even if you hire five champions to kill him, which could give his team a lot of time to take the Baron."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "This will give him an important boost, and Urgot should hit the skirmishes very easily. Having two points in its ultimate R will increase the damage inflicted by capacity."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana will have a production of poke and very high damage in the middle of the game. You shouldn't let Shyvana's poke take you down."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Two points in his Ultimate R will result in a considerable peak of power, as he can use it frequently and effectively during objective combat. Maokai performed exceptionally well in the team fights at the end of the game due to his Ultimate R and his all-in-one combo."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Your objective control is pretty good. Make sure to solo enemies as often as possible to get your team ahead."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Whenever Anivia's Passive is down, she is incredibly vulnerable to an all-in. Play safer whenever it is on cooldown. Her (t) is easy to dodge. If she misses it, she is incredibly vulnerable to an all-in."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona is incredibly vulnerable at the beginning of the game. Before level 6, try to mistreat her as much as possible."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus is pretty decent in late-game fights due to his ability to pick enemies off easily. Rammus should focus on making sure that his allies don't get killed by flanks to ensure an easy victory."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Overall, you're going to help your team a lot during the fighting. Since your Ultimate R will be on a short cooldown, use it as much as you can,"} -{"label": "viego", "text": "His E should help him shoot several ganks as well. Viego will have three points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "During the middle game, make sure you're not ADC'ing systematically. Cleaning kills when possible but don't get too close to the heavy CC champions otherwise, you'll certainly get killed."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Playing around Tristana's Ultimate R makes it more difficult for her to kite/escape combat. The slow on his W allows him to get killed quite easily."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Its ability to impact team fighting is really high. His AoE abilities allow him to shoot down several enemies at once."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "When he unlocks his Ultimate at level 6, his death pressure becomes much more intense. You should keep this in mind when playing against Akshan and avoid staying on track when health is weak."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "It is recommended that if assistance is needed, ask your allies for help in order to take objectives together Jarvan IV will be unlocking his d > e combo at level two, which will allow him to catch and CC overextended enemies with utmost ease."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Predictable gank patterns by Fiddlesticks before item level 6 can be easily avoided with wards in the river. Rek'Sai's good counter ganks can punish an immobile Fiddlesticks if he attempts a gank."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Your champion is weak at the beginning of the game. Avoid fighting with the enemy until you have an object behind you."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Liabilities allows Yasuo to reach this state quickly. Once Yasuo reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R, its death pressure increases."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Taking one enemy down could be enough to win the next fight or take the Baron. In the late game, Diana should be near full build."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Your E will be pivotal for fighting during this phase of the game. Always try to flank the enemy and get killed on the back."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "When Vex has finished his Mythic article, his free wave and his poke in the way will be devastating. Vex will stay out of the wave of minions."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Post 6 should avoid fighting khazix at any cost because it is much stronger with its Ultimate and will easily kill you. It's going to get gloved much earlier, so make sure you apply as much pressure as you can to match its first ganks."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "His damage output will be pretty high as well. Galio's Ultimate R will still be handy during fights due to its knockup and low cooldown."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The monkey is strongly thwarted by an appropriate vision placement, especially during the start of the game. This will prevent him from moving and keep the solitary man safe against him."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "dodge incoming damage and escape ganks easily. At level 6, Fizz gains access to his Ultimate R which is a great tool at all stages of the game."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "When combined with its Ultimate I, its enemy can be baited to attack the clone CC the enemy/champion team that attacked him."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Once his E capability is broken, the enemy can easily do everything inside him and insure a murder on her. xayah is very vulnerable when its Ultimate R (capacity) is broken."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "This is especially true when your Jungler tries to take the Rift Herald or invades the enemy jungle. In a team fight, aim to isolate an enemy from their team members."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Ward around correctly before doing anything. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should have a lot more effectiveness in dueling enemies."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Although, its early game damage is pretty good at level 1 and 2. When he unlocks his Ultimate at level 6, his death pressure becomes much more intense."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin will have several elements during this phase of the game. it will allow it to survive longer during its fighting and to play the role of the disruptor very effectively."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is really strong once he has time to apply multiple stacks of his Passive onto an enemy champion. Darius is very strong at level 6 as his Ultimate e is an execute. Do not fight him post 6 unless his Ultimate e is down."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen will be very strong when she has her Passive stacked. Think twice before committing to an all-in or 1v1 against Gwen when you see her fully stacked."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Any still enemy will be very dangerous now. Warwick will do a lot of damage while being extremely tanky with her."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Staying with your own team at all times prevents you from getting caught alone. Moving around the map increases the risk of being taken out, which gives a 4v5 advantage to the enemy."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "But her Ultimate ability does offer a lot of roaming potential. As soon as Quinn hits level 6 and goes missing, communicate with your team so they know she is left lane."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "If facing towards Cassiopeia at level 6, her Ultimate R will only stun you. It is recommended to turn yourself around after using abilities and try to put yourself in her shoes, and think of when you would use it if you were her."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Stick with your team in the late game. Avoiding splitting up or walking away from your team is crucial."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives. Look for selections in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Hide in the brushes and wait for the enemies to show up near the brush in which you hide. Your Q will easily take care of enemies if the brush is not rewarded."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to blow up your opposition regularly. Look for selections all around the map and keep track of the recently completed fighting."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Keep this in mind and beware of heimerdinger\u2019s empowered abilities. Try to team fight in the open to prevent Heimerdinger from using his empowered E stun entire team."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled was able to destroy his enemy in dealing with his Qs and Es, but the details of how this happened are not clear. At level 6, Kled obtained access to his Ultimate R, which allowed him to access all the corridors in different lanes. He also made surprise visits to the bot track."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Avoid getting caught playing against Shen. Avoid leaving Shen Flash E on anyone."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Look for constant skirmishes with the enemy to gain a health or kill lead. In the early game, keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "As soon as you touch level 6, use your Ultimate capability on the minion wave. Use your ultimate ability to keep the minion wave pushed into the enemy tower."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Although you will suffer a considerable amount of damage, it will be harder for you to shoot targets like the enemy team would have started collecting defensive objects. At level 16, Zyra will put the last point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Try to lure that ability and play aggressive while it's on cooldown. When Lulu gets his Ultimate R, his survival increases a lot."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "In some matchups you\u2019ll need to just focus on farming and surviving. Gangplank's level 6 is a good powerspike for him in this lane, especially if Gankplank has been pushed in the entire time."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "You will be extremely tanky at this stage of the game, so you can tank a lot of damage for your team. Keep looking for choices with your Ultimate at the end of the game."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "This will allow you to kill multiple targets with your Ultimate h, especially in intertwined fighting. Malphite will have several elements during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Your goal early is to keep poking them down. Try to avoid going for extended trades as they will often win those."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Try to blow Lillia up as quickly as possible in a team fight so she can't use her Ultimate R to sleep your entire team. Keep an eye on where Lillia moves around the river and sitting targets like the Baron or the Dragon as she can use her E to inflict some brilliant damage to you and your team."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. Your bot lane's position was in the mid lane."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Fighting in the jungle can bring you together, allowing Seraphine to get another good Ultimate Roff. Try to fight in the open and separate slightly to avoid being CC'd by Seraphine."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "This could lead to a situation where she is forced to take risks and get caught by other players. You can take advantage of this opportunity to set up your Jungler."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Getting caught alone will cause the team to be disadvantaged by 4v5. An attempt should be made to establish guard locations only when the enemy location is known."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "You should regroup with your team when you are not able to achieve other goals alone. When doing a team fight, make sure to peel for your carts."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "This will also force him to use his Ultimate y or e to grow with- from which you can profit. Kog'Maw is weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle is inclined to disengage and everything. In difficult matches, it will be impossible for him to do a lot without ganks. If Trundle falls behind early after a bad game, he will really be behind in gold and XP."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "After remembering, Twitch can sneak into the track with his s."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Once Volibear reaches Level 3, it can look for a favorable trade when all three of its core capabilities are on the rise. Expect Volibear to play aggressively right now."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Team fights will be a breeze for him from now on. His ability to make team fights unfair due to his pick potential will be quite apparent during this game phase."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is harder to kill with the cooldown of his E activated. Ezreal should attempt to abuse the cooldown of his E whenever possible."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Avoid letting him force you to remember otherwise he can take your turn easily with his passive self-attack and self-auto-self-friendly. Ziggs has a huge wave release potential with a lot of poke built in its kit."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie lacks mobility and defensive stats, making it hard for her to fight. Try to delay team fights as long as possible while poking her down. If she is low on health or engaging/using Q or Tibbers R aggressively will be very dangerous. Annie's greatest power spike is when she hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Whenever he has 3 Towers Q up, he is always going to be a threat. At level 6, Heimerdinger unlocks his Ultimate R, and basically gets 3 new abilities."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser is quite still. If you keep the wave of minions closer to your side of the map, it will hang for the farm and can be capitalized by the Jungler."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Always keeping your Q charged up is essential. Your Q can come in handy at any moment."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "At level 6, the player will unlock their Ultimate. At level 6, the player can start playing more aggressively with their Ultimate and get their Jungler to gank their lane, too."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu's gonna get her basics now. This means that its shields will be really powerful, and this will become difficult for the enemy to the entire team."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Stick with your team throughout the late game. If you're caught out of position, the enemy may be able to end the game."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "As Lee Sin needs to put himself on someone to kick them to his team, locking it with CC as soon as he engages is ideal because Lee Sin is rather squishy and will be unable to escape if he is chained CC. Lee Sin is really good at removing or removing isolated targets. Lee Sin should group closer to his teammates to make it harder for him to shoot anyone alone."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is super squishy and still."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "She'll need to shoot her target before that, or she can count on a gank or her support. Its damage to tower E allows it to buy plates and destroy the towers with ease."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphites **Ultimate** can be used to avoid, but only do so if it is on cooldown. Avoid regrouping closely because it will give Malphite a great opportunity to land a 5 person who darkens with his Ultimate."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Your Ultimate can cause damage and CC to the entire enemy team if you are able to hit them all with it. Amumu is an incredibly strong team fighter."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen should try to flank the enemies for maximum efficiency. Its first element will significantly increase its damage."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Once Orianna hits level 6, she becomes more lane dominant. Her kill pressure and survivability increase at this time."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Track brushes will help you a lot with this as well. Yasuo's power peak in the middle of the game also depends on his comp team."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch benefits from extensive trades. It is advisable to try to go for short and unbridled trades on long with him when possible."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Shields are an essential part of a team's defence. The composition of an armored team is beneficial in many situations."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger is an attack damage carry champion. Heimerdinger's abilities allow him to split push and draw aggro while his teammates apply pressure elsewhere on the map."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Don't worry alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin is very good in the middle of the game. Expect that he frequently searches for coins around the map, or try to kill you again and again."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern's Q range makes him a pretty good early ganker. Once he hits a target with his Q, both he and his laners will get within auto-attack range of that target if they have vision. Ivern and his laners can get within auto-attack range of the said target if it has vision."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Avoid fighting too close together as it will allow Irelia to use her Ultimate R on multiple people. Using her Ultimate R allows Irelia to reset and escape from fights more easily."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Always look to auto-attack the enemy champion closest to you (while trying to y multiple enemies) so that you can kite them long enough to get out of their influence area. Your Ultimate w can be a game decider if you use it properly during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on the little bar under her health. If you trade with Irelia, pay attention to low health minions in your lane."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Poke and harass the enemy Mid laner and force them away from the goal. This facilitates the security of the middle tower of the track."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Team fighting can be fatal for Tristana if she is not accompanied by her support team. Focusing on agriculture on the side when there is no team fight is a good strategy for acquiring gold and XP."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "CC means to interrupt or cancel. If you kill Karthus at the start of the fight, try to reposition and get away from his Passive."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is strong during the mid-game and in team fights (if she can get a multi-person stun). If possible, do not walk around the map alone and without your team. Stick to warded areas and try to stay away from Annie at all times."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Focus on matching Ahri's pushing power when you've got your first item. This will prevent her from getting free kills and turret plates. Ahri is quite vulnerable when her Ultimate is down."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "After Level 6, Yasuo can use its Ultimate R to complete low health goals. The track brushes help Yasuo disembark his abilities."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Using your empowered d in team fights will provide a large shield to your allies. Try to use your d to help your allies survive unless you need to use your Q or d."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "The first element will allow him to get a boost. The first element will give it greater survival all the time."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Purchasing Grievous Wounds early on in-game can give enemy players an advantage in the early game. This advantage can also be applied to the late game, where Illaoi has limited healing and is more susceptible to being taken down."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Its Ultimate will be lethal if used correctly. Rumble is a great team combat champion."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Be careful getting poked out while farming as the enemy may try to bait you into an all-in with a trap. Have an escape plan ready."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Using her Ultimate R allows Irelia to reset and escape from fights more easily. Stand together but not super close together, allowing room for movement without being vulnerable to Irelia's Ultimate R."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "An enemy champion with dash or mobility spell can be a hard target to catch out and kill for you. Your own mobility can turn out to be a weak point for you."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar is a monster from the end of the game. Its capabilities e and r allow it to land on multiple targets while the crowd controls them with its n in closed spaces."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "If you spot the enemy Jungler nearby, back away as Azir might try to Shurima Shuffle and set up his Jungler. Once Azir has picked up his Nashor's Tooth, he is going to push the wave really quickly."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch can inflate if it's nearby. If you have a lead, go ahead and invade it."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Warding big goals and the implementation of vision in high traffic areas was prioritized at the end of the game. Ward's placements have been designed to keep enemy movements visible so that players can track their opponents' positions and detect when they have launched a goal."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "You should only throw (t) out unless you are certain you can land it. Anivia relies on mana and will need to get a Tear on her first back."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Zyra's abilities will allow him to inflict damage on several enemy champions at the same time thanks to his AOE capabilities. Zyra would also have completed several elements when the roles in the middle of the game around."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas' abilities allow him to play aggressively in lane after reaching level 9 and accumulating more ability power. Depending on your build, you will either be dealing tons of damage or tanking a lot of damage for your allies."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Three points in Samira's Ultimate R will give him a huge peak of power. The ability will spread a lot of damage and heal Samira heavily, so team fighting will be optimal."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Prioritize the enemy, rather than focus solely on killing them. To prevent the enemy from responding to fighting in the river."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Use capabilities to quickly clear minion waves so that the team can besiege or prevent an enemy team seat. Quickly erasing minion waves with capabilities allows favorable exchanges with the enemy."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "If the enemy extends too far, use your e to get damage on them, but step back a little as a sudden attack may suggest you areganked. Getting your Ultimate will be a massive bonus in the way, allowing you to push the enemy out of the way without breaking any kind of sweat while keeping the distance from the enemy."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "As Xerath will build AP elements even though it is in the role of Support, it has power peaks similar to the Xerath medium track. xerath is very motionless."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Xin Zhao excels in team fighting because of her kit. Its ultimate R will allow it to target specific enemies, granting it extended immunity."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "If you can get a murder or two, you can snowball your advance quickly. Every time your Ultimate e is in place, you can look for aggressive games to try to kill the enemy."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "However, its level 6 will not be super useful for skirmishes in the robot path (unless it is used to start the fight). By fighting Taliyah, keep this in mind."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "That means he's gonna do a lot of damage because of it. This means that it will be the scourge of squishier's targets on the enemy team, and it can get rid of them quickly."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces. Push the wave and look for roaming opportunities."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "The choking fights will be your bread and butter. Your ability to keep enemies in the zone is next to none."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "It is more common for Gwen to start ganking after level 4. The extra point in Gwen's Q is very beneficial when ganking."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "You should put as much pressure on Shaco's ganks as possible to try to match his early aggression. During the laning phase, it is very easy to abuse and shoot."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Enemies won't be able to do much except maintain distance from her at all times. Illaoi can also use the fog of war to set up death brushes."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Fighting for camps against an opponent with an advance can help you win the 1v1. You can win a 1v1 as long as you get on top of your opponent."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali has a ton of explosion and can easily assassinate squishy targets that walk alone. Once Akali has finished her first article, her death pressure is increasing and her damage is also increasing."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "and assist your Jungler in taking them Anivia can help take these objectives incredibly fast."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Can do a lot of damage to enemy units with its authorized passive Q and E that are close to it. This allows him to act easily as a disruptor during team fighting."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Stay close to your team at the end of the game. Avoid moving around the map unless you have someone with you."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal completes his Manamune upgrade. Manamune upgrade increases Ezreal's damage output and sustain."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "To reduce Samira's mobility and increase your survival, keep the minion near your side of the map. By keeping the minion wave near you, you will prevent Samira from using its E capability aggressively."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Poke it with your Qs and your W. Lucian has a lot of wave thrust power."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Do not separate or depart from them otherwise the enemy may try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Look for choices with your abilities."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's Ultimate t is roughly the same width as the paths inside the jungle. Avoid fighting in the jungle as it will allow him to get his Ultimate t off on your whole team."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Make sure that no one on your team is standing too far forward or out of position as it can allow Sylas to choose them from behind with his E and start the team fight. Sylas is a very early Jungler game."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Hard engagements and CC make it difficult for Lee Sin to use his Ultimate k effectively. If the enemy has a lot of CC tools available, you have to play around them if you want to do cool maneuvers with your Ultimate k."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "You should keep harassing Nautilus with your p in this matchup. Nautilus will not be able to look for an all-in on you as long as you keep hitting him with your p."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "This will make it harder for Neeko to push and poke you at the same time with her Q. Once Neeko has her Ultimate R, her kill pressure will increase."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "It will have a lot of articles during the late part, which will allow it to blow up squishies and inflict a lot of damage on the grouped enemies. It will also allow it to take more minor damage due to the theft of life."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Cleaning kills when possible but don't get too close to the heavy CC champions otherwise, you'll certainly get killed. Use your E carefully in this phase of the game."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Don't let Garen farm in peace and poke him every time he goes to last hit. Short trades are generally a bad idea for Garen due to his kit and lack of mobility."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "His E will allow his allies to avoid hard CC and engage. Adding 2 points to his Ultimate R gives him a massive power peak."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "The Boots allow Rell to quickly reach Jungle skirmishes. Rell can use the Boots to position herself for optimal fights against enemies."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Do not move too far away from your allies at any given time because you will be an easy target for the enemy. Do not go ward unless your allies are nearby and able to help you."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "its late porting potential decreases as the games end around or before the mark of 30 minutes. Avoid fighting until you have a few levels behind you."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "To maximize the advantage, do not display on the bottom side of the map if Baron is about to climb. Avoid dying in team fighting and staying on the same side of the map as the next major goal."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "When your team isn't grouping or looking to fight, split push and farm up a storm in the side lane. You should look for picks when you're grouped with your team using your M and E."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Missing this ability will be devastating and you\u2019ll have to play safe until it\u2019s back up. Try to get as close to the enemy or bait out any dashes before using your Q."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "On getting your Ultimate e, finish off kills in other lanes. Show up to neutral, objective fights as well since your e will be really effective in those situations."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "In the late game, you need to call for Baron or the Elder Dragon. If you can catch out the enemy Support, you can rotate to Baron or Dragon or force a fight with the numbers advantage."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "It will be able to quickly affect team fighting, and its zoning potential will increase considerably to ensure that its rear line remains safe at all times. Swain will have the opportunity to impact the team fights during the middle of the game, mainly neutral objective fights a lot."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "You may have to disengage from the fight unless you can kill the enemy after you activate Taric's Ultimate R. Taric is really good in mid- and end-of-game team fights because his team will be grouped closely together which allows him to get a good Ultimate Roff."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Use your W wisely during this phase of the game. This ability can completely change the result of a fight if used at a good time. A good time would be to ruin the damage combo of a mage using your W 'on them."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "As the enemy team will be in disarray, it will be very easy for Kayn, especially on the enemy support. When it's late, players should prioritize the protection of their allies."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Chokepoints around which fighting occurs will be very fruitful for you. Roaming around when possible will provide opportunities with your R, E, and Q."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Once Neeko has her Ultimate R, her kill pressure will increase, so back away when low whenever she has it up. At level 6, Neeko will be quite strong."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "As Support, avoid being alone at the end of the game. If you are chosen, the enemy will be able to take goals nearby or use their digital advantage to win a team fight."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Whenever Camille's Ultimate R is up, she will be looking to gank a lane. You will need to equal her pressure by ganking, counter-ganking or by securing objectives on the opposite side of the map."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn has a good trip and good pressure on the map. He could walk away pretty fast with his E and help his other scumbags."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton will look to split push when no team fights are occurring."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox's Ultimate R is crucial in late game team fights. Fighting with Aatrox's Ultimate R on cooldown could be the difference between winning and losing."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi is worse when he's low. Downstairs, even if Master Yi is not there."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo becomes extremely strong post-six due to its crowd control R and the penetration of armor bonus. His R, combined with powerpikes of object, makes him a force to count with even when behind in the way."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce won't give as much stats or utility as most other champion's ultimates when maxes s at level nine. This is especially true if Jayce hides in the fog of war and manages to burst down an unsuspecting squishy enemy with his w > s combo."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "As Yasuo is skilled in getting stinged and killing isolated targets, he tries to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or who walk around Rift Summoners alone. When Yasuo kills someone, he calls for a close goal."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Keep Gragas at low health so that he cannot play or position aggressively. Gragas will be looking to gank frequently in the early game."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Level sixteen will give Tahm Kench a considerable boost in its damage. It can easily dull enemies, incredibly attractive champions on the side track."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "During a fight, stay away from being caught by the enemy. Avoid using crowd control capabilities during a fight because they will lock you up and make you vulnerable to death."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "However, if Lucian continues to lag behind, his situation worsens considerably over time. Lucian's Level 2 is a decent power peak."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "His healing will tilt the enemy during this phase of the game. Most Sona will run through their mana incredibly quickly by robbing and providing healing."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "Braum is going to be very strong in late game team fights. At level 13, Braum will max out his E, allowing him to deal a lot of damage for his carries during the late game."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali has a powerful early game with his Q and Passive."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "By matching the wave, you can prevent Zigg from taking Tower easily. Ziggs will try to delay a team struggle as long as possible while he poses with his Q."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "To make use of her kit, you need to play Camille a lot. When Camille's E (mobile ability) is on cooldown, she is very mobile but also very vulnerable and easy to take down."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "His ability to make team fights unfair due to his pick potential will be quite apparent during this game phase. All he needs to do is Ultimate his enemy from out of vision."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "It is also relatively easy to land it out of sight. Your W and E will play a role in your combo in the way."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Try to kill the enemy Jungler before taking a neutral goal. The second point of his Ultimate R allows him to catch out-of-guard enemies very frequently."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "The enemy will keep you pushed in. The enemy will take your turn while you wander."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You will be able to blow up squishies with your Ultimate using karthus. Even if they don't die, squishies will be too chunked to participate in a team fight with karthus."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Keeping them alive as long as possible in team fights is a must to win the game. During this phase of the game, Nami will have several elements to enable him to protect his team."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "You'll be safe from murderers. Your Q should do a lot of damage now."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Keep trying to secure your goals with your team so that you can gain an overall advantage over the enemy. Continue to collect and secure jungle camps as much as possible."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Azir doesn't spike at level 11 unlike many other champions. During the mid-game, consider Azir's Ultimate R may be less impactful compared to other champions."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Caitlyn can clear waves pretty quickly at this stage in the game thanks to the damage it provides and the items she will have at this stage of the game. She should be good at taking down early towers."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac has a lot of time on his engagement skills."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "When fighting 1 v 1 she practically doesn\u2019t have a weakness when all of her spells are up. If someone tries to come close to her, she can just Q them and run away,"} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin is an aggressive champion. Lee Sin is supposed to go for aggressive games to get an early lead."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "They will often crash into early play. You have to look for gank as often as you can and abuse your E."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Stopping him early is the key to winning the game. His abilities alone can transform a fight in his favor."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao's first power peak is at level 3. At level 3, Xin Zhao can do everything in the enemy when he has access to the 3 basic capabilities."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Avoid team fighting unless your Ultimate t is up because it deals tons of damage. Stick with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Take advantage of opportunities to untie your ADC and harass Senna when they used one of their capabilities. This puts them at a disadvantage in the trades because they have a less and less efficient trade capacity."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Focus on the nearest enemy champion to avoid being an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly. If you focus only on the rear line, you will survive longer and keep your portages alive."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "It is difficult for this champion to return to the game if she falls behind early. This allows the enemy team to spoil it when pushed up or plunge it when its r is on the cooldown."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Once she has 2 points in her Ultimate e, she will be easily able to resume team fighting and disrupt them as well. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is really easy to kite. Darius is immobile."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw is weak at the beginning of the game. You can abuse this to get an early advance or blow his Invocation Spells."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Once Ashe has her Ultimate w, do not overextend as she can easily set up her Jungler with it. Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "If Syndra is CC'd, she can probably die with proper follow-up. Without its E (capacity), Syndra was very vulnerable and vulnerable to gank attacks."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Once the bot track has been moved to the middle track, it is recommended to turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so that you can continue to grow and win XP. Seat goals should be targeted by the team in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce relies on flanking and the fog of war to poke enemies down, even without his ultimate. The greater the number of enemies hit by Jayce's w > s combo, the better it is for his team."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "If you move away from your ADC, they will be an easy target for the enemy. Make sure you're always close to at least one ally."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Being caught outside will result in your team having to play 4v5, so be careful about your environment. Do not take care of yourself unless you know where the enemy is, for this can lead to ambush."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Take advantage of the opportunity to exert pressure and intimidate Zac's CDA while he's gone. It will therefore be difficult for the enemy to trade effectively."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi needs time to scale."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate R, you should have a lot more effectiveness in dueling enemies. An excellent way to bait the enemy will be to first let the wave push, and then as they are about to all-in you, use your Ultimate R on them and bring them within your tower range."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Level 3 is a decent peak of power for Veigar because he can trap his enemies and peel them with his abilities. A complete rotation of its basic capabilities will cause a good amount of damage to its target."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You will be able to blow up squishies with karthus' Ultimate now. Even if they don't die, squishies will be too chunked to participate in a team fight."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "But he'll have to stay out of sight. He's a good skirmisher early,"} -{"label": "shen", "text": "He can share the push regularly and always present himself to the team fights on time. He's pretty good at the end-of-game fights."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Flanking off an undeserved bush makes the enemy's reaction more difficult. Avoid being separated or away from your team at the end of the game."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "As the game progresses to the late stages, Darius's strengths become weaknesses. Darius is considered an early to mid-game champion, making him less effective in team fights during the late game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai can use its Ultimate R side to CC your entire team. Maokai's attempt can give him a good advantage in the fight."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra will have several elements during this phase of the game. This means that she will suffer enormous damage from AoE which will be detrimental to the enemy team."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton is quite a solid early game champion. His ability to duel enemies and impact neutral objective fights is massive and should allow his team to dominate during the early game."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Always stay on the side of the map that the next major objective is on. If the Baron is up, always stay on the top side."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Riven is good enough to win the champions when they're too forward or alone. Don't let Riven choose someone by staying online with each other."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser will face a lot of damage due to the first ability and decimate any enemy that gets shot at him. Mordekaiser should already have his basic articles, which will make him powerful."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar will feed the farm so he can get his Ultimate R quickly. You can delay its peak of power by flying its camps or invading it."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The installation of death brushes in the enemy jungle will help him to get rid of any unsuspecting enemy who is going through this brush. The presence of the Sett team is very high."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on so it protects you and makes the matchup safer. Focus on Xayah's robbery and harassment with your Q and W early."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas' jungle will be open to the elements because he will be spending a lot of time in the early game. If you spot Gragas on the top side of the map, you should invade his bottom side jungle and steal away his camps."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "If you fall back, it will be unlikely that you will be able to cover the damage in the fighting. Keep picking up the farm with your support / Jungler to get killed."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Respect the enemies all-in damage past level 6. Galio's Ultimate R is impactful and can be used to help Galio's allies in their own lane."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Do not cuddle the side of the track at level 1, as it is likely that it has boxes in it. If Shaco was chosen first, avoid playing with someone who needs to commit hard"} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Try not to group too much because this will allow Vladimir to get a good Ultimate e Off. Vladimir will compete on the side in the team fights."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Use R to get picks from allies. You have CC tools."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Your healing and survival should be high enough in the late game."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "You should take control of the lane brushes. Take control of the lane brushes."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "You can use this advantage to gain a lead. Renekton has tons of sustain in lane thanks to his e."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "That's because his poke damage will be very high, and the enemy will be shot down even before they can reach it. Other points of his p will result in further damage to enemy targets."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can push up freely as long as he is in the cover of his Q turrets. The Q turrets, when combined with Heimerdinger's E, allow him to turn an enemy gank into an easy kill for him."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "You should trade frequently because Cho'Gath will out sustain any damage you deal to him if you don't. If you don't try to match your sustain, Cho'Gath's Passive and the items he buys will give him even more health."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm has good mobility in his kit, so avoid wasting your dash too freely. As an adversary more tankier than Tahm, use this property to protect your allies and prevent them from being killed."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "illaoi's Passive allows her to sustain off the damage she deals. This is very beneficial when illaoi is using her Ultimate R amidst a group of enemy champions."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed has an effortless time to kill anyone wandering alone in the flaw. Zed can set up lap dives on squishy bots quite frequently."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Its Ultimate R offers an additional gank configuration. Expect the Jungler to engage in ganks after level 6."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "The effectiveness of this champion is reduced if the player cannot cancel the automatic attack animations. It is difficult for this champion to return to the game if she falls behind early."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille's Ultimate R can be deadly if you're low and overextended. Respect Camille's all-in and do not push without vision."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Q. Punish Ekko whenever he uses it for waveclear by engaging in trades."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen could put in place very good cheese brushes with its E capacity. Capacity E has provided Shen with comprehensive opportunities."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Try to team fight in the open to prevent Heimerdinger from using his empowered E stun entire team. Do not engage in jungle fights because Heimerdinger's E has similar size as the jungle."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "After you have finished your first component element, you will be strong enough in 1v1s and have a greater chance of getting ganks. The goal of continuing to play around the Rift Herald and Dragon is to keep the team in advance."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax is weak against single target crowd control. During a team fight, if Jax gets chain CC\u2019d, he will die before achieving something significant."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "She can run down enemies with ease. All she needs to do is keep on poking enemies and landing multi-man Ultimate ds."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "When using her Q, run inside the minion wave so she can't easily land it. Alternatively, if it is safe to do so, stay inside the minion wave at all times."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Stay within reach as much as possible to make it harder for him to land his E on you. Getting closer to him will make it difficult for you to escape his Q."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius should be able to kill any enemy who tries to prevent him from split pushing at that stage. At level 11, Darius will put a secondary point in his Ultimate e."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Looking for picks before a team fight occurs will severely reduce Ivern\u2019s potential in a team fight. Ivern will use Bushes' ability to scout vision for his team."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The first element will help him survive on the track for a longer period of time. This allows it to increase its overall production of damage."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Samira will have several elements during this phase of the game. These objects will allow him to flatten tons of damage."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try to avoid extended trades with Irelia."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's level 6 is very strong. Diana's Ultimate R deals a lot of burst damage."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "In team fighting, Teemo should secure the catch or blow people up with his abilities. Alternatively, Teemo can divide the thrust until the enemy responds."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Be careful though this can give a lot of incentive to mid-laners with hot skills. When getting your Ultimate R, you should be able to dictate the pace of crucial neutral objective fights."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "You must take Rift Heralds whenever you can! Despite having a lot to offer, she really needs that Attack speed to come online and if she gets put too far behind before she can get those few core items, she may never be able to recover."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "The fall-off of Darius is caused by other champions gaining items that counter him. Many champions become tankier as the game progresses, making it harder for Darius to kill them."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Make sure you reach Level 3 really fast in this game. This will allow you to run ganks easily and get a quick advance on the enemy."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Do not launch a game by flashing before and out of the protection of your team. Kog'Maw will have several elements during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "His ability to sneak behind the enemy team is phenomenal. Team fighting will improve for Shaco."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Its Ultimate R should help him a lot to catch travellers and Roaming Supports. At the end of the game, players should stay with their team."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Her E allows her to land a multi-man CC chain on targets. The E ability also enables the player to use their Q without putting that ability on cooldown."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Early objectives can be secured quickly and can provide access to True Form. When killing an objective, it is possible to transform into True Form and take down nearby enemies."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Play safe for the first levels while you land poke on the enemy with your Q. Once they're low enough, you can commit to an all-in-one."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar will have a lot of passive batteries during this phase of the game. The scale of the Veigar Passive is infinite, which means that Veigar can roughly one complete target of squishy health."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "While Aurelion Sol has completed his first item, he can look for more favourable trades with the enemy. When around your W, you should poke the enemy down and then commit to an all-in once they\u2019re low."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Keep an eye on Zoe's spells during trading. If Zoe takes a Flash, expect her to be more mobile."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Protracted team fights will see him win effortlessly. Place a level 1 room near his red buff."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Expect Lee Sin for aggressive parts when it reaches level 6. When Lee Sin finished his first element,"} -{"label": "zac", "text": "It can also inflict a lot of damage on the enemy if they ignore Zac. Zac has good support in the way, thanks to his blobs."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle must be playing early. If Trundle can't play aggressively, then he won't be as strong as he could be."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "It is subject to crowd control (CC). If they get caught by a CC, the unfortunate will probably die."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The damage it can cause will completely catch the out-of-guard enemies and ruin their chances of winning the game. Sylas is quite decent during the end-of-game fights as he can inflict tons of damage and heal himself for massive amounts at the right time."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Keep track of Evelyn's Ultimate R. When Evelynns Ultimate R fails, she is much less mobile and cannot escape the skirmishes without using her Flash."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Rotation around the map and help teammates if necessary is a good strategy. However, it is essential that we do not commit too much to helping them, especially if we can achieve objectives."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "This will only improve things for him, and his team, as they will slowly start to retake the game from here. When you play with your team at the end of the game, don't split up or get away from them."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Don't fight with Urgot on level 1 because he'll have all his gun knees ready. The Urgot Q has a long cooling period and you should try to avoid it during the laning phase."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "If Diana gets caught, her tankiness and defensive items will keep her alive for quite some time. She is quite weak especially when her Q or t is down."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "A strong scaler means he performs well as the game progresses. This versatility allows him to scale regardless of his early stage position."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The exhibition of its tower is necessary to create gank opportunities. Keeping an eye on the wave near your turn will help you expose it to potential ganks."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "If Dr Mundo misses his Q when trying to gank a lane, he can't do anything to shut down the enemy. Power farm refers to gaining experience levels by killing monsters in the game."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench won't do too much if the enemy decides on him either. At level 6, Tahm Kench is a massive power peak due to its Ultimate ability to do a lot of damage to enemies swallowed by it."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Make sure that no one on your team is standing too far forward or out of position as it can allow Sylas to remove them from because it can allow Sylas to choose them and start the team fight."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If he's early, he can have a man the Baron. Its Ultimate r can completely move the tide of a fight if it is left uncontrollable."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Use s to harass the enemy as much as possible before committing to the team fight. Getting them low first will make it easier for you to win the fight."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus can control a large part of the lane during the mid-game and pick off enemies with his ranged abilities. Karthus can slow enemies with his wall, which allows his team to collapse and initiate fights."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Ganking pushed-up enemy lanes is a key strategy. When going for neutral objectives, make sure to eliminate the enemy Jungler with your own and auto-attacks."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "His g has a very low cooling now. The Jungle will be Lux's playground."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen is really good at team fighting."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "During this stage, Brand will have poke but it isn't enough to fully activate his Passive. Brand's second power spike is triggered when he unlocks his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear's mid-game selection potential allows it to take goals without problems. By working with their team, a player who actually uses Volibear can guarantee an easy win."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Try to engage and fight her when her s is on cooldown. Diana is dependent on landing her Q for the all-in."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe will secure many picks during this phase of the game thanks to all her slows and CC in her kit. She will need to work closely with her Jungler while ensuring that she positions correctly during fights."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Level 6 power spike increases Olaf's reach and targeting capabilities. Olaf can now reach his target without interruption."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The first element improves Lulu's existing capabilities. Saper's ability is an effective strategy to inflict damage on the enemy."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "In order to facilitate the fights, try to play around TristanaS Ultimate R or try to flank it in the team fights. This will make it more difficult for Tristana to kite/escape combat."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "At level 16 Illaoi will be highly tanky and deal a lot of damage. Illaoi's being highly tanky will also allow her to absorb a lot of damage in return."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Peel for your carries in team fights. After using your g, fall back and protect your allies and focus on the nearest champion."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "The long cooling period of his Ultimate makes him more vulnerable to being killed by the enemy CDA at level 6. He won't be able to use his Q for a while after missing him and trying to harass you with other means while it's on cooldown."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain's Root E is a CC that you can avoid if you are far back, but in front of your Caster Minions. Swain is good in team fighting thanks to his AOE Ultimate R."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra has a fantastic gank configuration throughout the laning phase thanks to her W and R. Its wave is incredibly strong, allowing it to clear the waves quickly."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health. Recall when you\u2019re low so you don\u2019t fall behind due to poke."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "You should avoid fighting a monkey at age 6 because of its significant strength advantage and its ability to kill you instantly with its Ultimate. A good player will often play around the appearance of their Ultimate as a monkey, while countering the pressure of waste while doing the same."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "A heavy snowball champion is suggested. If you do not get an early advance, it will be difficult to continue later."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian has an inherent advantage, especially if he can capitalize on his level two peak power. Lucian's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana is low to level 6. Shyvana should focus on agriculture and reach level 6 as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Setting up ambush seems to blow up an unexpected enemy. Once you reach level 16, you will have 3 points in your Ultimate."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "An excellent way to bait the enemy is to first let the wave push, and then use your Ultimate R on them as they are about to all-in, bringing them within your tower range. Then you can E them and kill them."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane try to take that tower"} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Grievous Wounds is his mortal enemy during the early game. The fact that Grievous Wounds are extremely weak during the early game doesn\u2019t help him either."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Continue to look for picks in the late game use the numbers advantage to call for Baron or force a fight while it\u2019s 5v4"} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Lookout and be cautious when trying to get a good Ultimate R off so you don\u2019t get killed before a fight breaks out. Once Fiddlesticks has his Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass, it allows him to really hit home."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Continue to fly kites in team fighting Always adjust your positioning."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Once Wukong has all its basic capabilities, it can look for a favorable trade. When Wukong reaches level 6, his death pressure increases considerably."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Be the first to rotate and move to objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald and assist your Jungler in taking them. Anivia can help take these objectives incredibly fast while zoning enemies out with your Ultimate m."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Join neutral objective fights and set up death brushes with the Ultimate R. Build AP and prepare to damage opponents significantly."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "She won't have to rely much on her CC to win the game. Level 6 is the removal power peak that will allow Skarner to win games easily."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Its selection potential during the middle of the game can allow it to take goals quite freely during the game. This can be converted into an easy win if he can work with his team."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra's Ultimate is on the cooldown, making her rather vulnerable and unable to fight as a team properly. You can use Lissandra's cooldown Ultimate to force team fighting when it is difficult for her to fight."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "He can easily be killed if he goes into the fight without his Ultimate ability and gets caught by the enemy team. This will allow the enemy ranged carries to kite him while the enemy tanks keep him away from their carries."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target. It will have a lot of articles during the late part, which will allow it to blow up squishies and inflict a lot of damage on the grouped enemies."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "It is advisable to keep this in mind when fighting against her alone. When invading a Briar, try to hide in bushes before jumping on her."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Expect to put in a lot of games to master her. Depending on her Element, she can be a less effective laner."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Yorick can continue to push or decide to join the team fights at this stage of the game. In any case, he will do a plethora of damage and excel in the battles piled up."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "It will be on a short cooldown and have the potential to win her team the game. Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Q and E spam."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz has good kill pressure at levels 3 and 4. Respect Fizz's all-in ability."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "You should watch the river to spot the Jungler early. When Lissandra reaches level 6, you should push the minion wave and walk backwards so they can't trade with you or press R on you."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "This allows Bard to use his Q multiple times in a team fight, potentially winning the fight or peeling for carries. The effects of Chimes and Meeps improve over time as the game develops."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The enemy Jungler can be regrouped closely and fights in the jungle, which facilitates team fighting for Rumble. When Rumble finished its first component, its escarming power and potential of 1v1 increased sharply."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Every time her ultimate ability (t) is broken, try to abuse her to get murders. Contact your Jungler about abuse of Zilean cooldown's ultimate ability."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Entering alone can make it more risky for you, and you need allies to accompany you. Champions with dashes or escape tools can kit it well enough after it is entered."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "His tankness will be really high during this phase of the game due to his articles. This, combined with his W, will make him almost unqualified and allow him to absorb a lot of damage."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is weak at the beginning of the game, especially against the constant damage of the poke that can prevent it from regenerating its passive shield. During the pre-six, Malphite is quite sensitive to poke, so he will be forced to play defensively."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The Passive has effects on Karthus when he dies during a team fight. Whenever Karthus has his Ultimate e, he can impact the map regardless of his positioning."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Then you fight him. Once he hits level 6, he unlocks his R which makes him better in 1v1 fights."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Drmundo has lots of sustain thanks to his item, Executioner\u2019s Calling or another item that inflects grievous wounds. You should invest in an item that inflicts grievous wounds on Dr Mundo."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong should try to look for flanks during team fighting to maximize its use Ultimate n. Wukong will have a lot of articles, which will make it very tanky and allow it to do a lot and a lot of damage in a short time."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Try to harass Taric as often as possible with your top range. Harass them as often as possible and then look for an all-in when they are low. His aggressive style makes him very vulnerable as an initiator without his Flash."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Staying close to Darius reduces his ability to run you down in lane and prevents him from zoning you away from farm. Be prepared to sacrifice CS (clearing minions) for XP and health against Darius."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "In particular, when bad luck channels its Ultimate e, it is vulnerable. Miss Fortune's first major power peak occurs when it reaches level 4/5."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "As long as he keeps an eye on the minimap at all times, he can use it to pick up kills easily. Even when Karthus dies, he is still a threat to the enemy team thanks to his Passive,"} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Spread out and do not engage in team fights inside the jungle or under a Tower to reduce Qiyana's usefulness. Players facing Qiyana should avoid getting caught out by her R, as it is usually used to initiate team fights."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Jinx's Q will be maxed at level nine, increasing her damage output drastically and allowing her to take over the game with ease. She will just need good peel from her teammates."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "You should always take his Redemption into consideration when trying to kill the enemy. Try and be as proactive as you can with your E early on."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If Camille is unable to kill the enemy laner, she can roam to another lane and use her Ultimate R there instead. Camille is a champion."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "If she has a Support who can compliment her skirmishing power, she will easily take over the lane from level one itself. Kalista's Passive makes it so that she can easily dodge CC abilities especially if they happen to be a skill shot."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "The enemy harassment continues to use Q. In the last game, staying with your team is crucial."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Ping your team once it's level 6 so they know it can influence a fight with its Ultimate R. The longer the game will be, the stronger the Senna's Passive will be."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. She's very mobile with her e and t."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well. In team fighting, continue to focus the most squishi and the easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "So your goal during the laning phase is to try to kill and abuse the enemy as often as you can. Play aggressive frequently to win an advance."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The team grouping will allow the Zilean to use its ultimate capacity to save its primary portages. Zilean's Q > W > Q combo will be able to CC several targets."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan\u2019s Ultimate ability m locks down multiple enemy champions at once in team fights. The strategy during the early stages of the game is to keep poking the enemy with your d."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "By not dying at Evelynn, you will reduce its effectiveness as the game continues. Evelynn needs level 6 as quickly as possible to unlock her Ultimate R"} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Poking the enemy with your r in the lane will give you a significant advantage in the long run. Use your spell shield to counter hard CC abilities or burst damage abilities."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Split pushing or avoiding grouping should only be done when necessary. The value of picks in coordinating kills with your Support/Jungler is highlighted."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen relies on flanking the enemy team from the sidelines. If the enemy team manages to set the proper vision, Garen's game plan will collapse and he will be useless."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled will have almost finished its construction. Therefore, Kled will be both tanky and inflict heavy amounts of damage."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "However, remaining healthy is key if you're looking to all-in someone. The Ultimate R allows Fizz to deal high damage and usually results in a kill."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Having two points in its ultimate R will increase the damage inflicted by capacity. This will reduce capacity cooling."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "The wave release of its first ability puts the pressure on the enemy team really difficult. Stay with your support throughout the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "The first component allows her to spam abilities and not run out of mana. This also lets her deal a lot of damage in the lane."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Not only will she shred down carries, due to the nature of her itemization she should have an easy time tearing through those frontliners too."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "When you use Viego's Ultimate capability, expect incredibly aggressive parts. If Viego takes the body of a powerful enemy champion, it will be extremely difficult to take care of him."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "He can now use his E's slow to initiate an all-in. Ivern's Ultimate R will have two points once he hits level 11."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "She can deal a lot of damage to targets if they're grouped closely together in the late game. In the late game Anivia will have very short cooldowns on most of her abilities."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "A mechanically difficult champion is Camille. She takes lots of practice to master."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia is excellent in team fighting at the end of the game. This is due to its AoE capabilities and mobility, which can enable it to obtain a 5-man Ultimate R."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "We should watch their positioning at all times in this matchup. If we can stand behind the minions, it will be hard for Lee Sin to land his E on you."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "This enables drmundo's backline to deal damage freely. drmundo can be a good initiator with his Q and R."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "The acquisition of tanky items makes Alistar a much more robust front-line champion."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath's poke is quite unrivalled during major team battles. It will have a great time to use the fog of war and the advantage of range for the squishies at one stroke."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's skirmish power at the beginning of the game is quite high. When you engage Viego in a 1v1 match, keep this in mind: Viego is pretty good early."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Once Lucian unlocks his 3rd Ultimate R stage, he will be able to bring tons of constant damage, especially to low health targets. The third stage of Lucian Ultimate R is unlocked."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "It is crucial to stay with your team in the late game to avoid giving the enemy an opportunity to win by forcing a solo engagement. Avoid running too far away from your team during the late game as this can lead to being left behind and losing the game."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's E has an incredibly long chill. If it uses it to trade and miss, use this timer to play aggressively and look for a trade. Still outside the minion wave so Syndra is unable to push the minion wave and harass you at the same time."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Avoid running too far away from your team as the enemy may force a fight and win the game if you\u2019re nowhere nearby. In late game team fights, try to peel for your carries if they\u2019re fed so you can protect them and keep them alive."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The removal of the enemy Jungler will allow you to take neutral goals easily. Peeling for your carts during the fighting is crucial in this matchup."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "In team fights, flank the enemy to make it easier for yourself to get onto the enemy backline. Positioning away from your team but close enough to join the fight could give the enemy a false sense of security, making the enemy think the fight is 4v5: forcing them to overextend."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Azir will become a formidable opponent at this stage of the game. He will deal a lot of damage in a short period at this level."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "His abilities alone can transform a fight in his favor. The damage inflicted by its ultimate ability makes it very difficult for the enemy not to take any poke damage."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Play safer and avoid engaging aggressive games while the Ultimate of Ahri is on the cooldown. Ahri has several assists that make her a little harder than many champions."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "This allows him to go to high priority targets with ease, then to go out without dying. Its ability allows it both to set up and to follow the ganks with ease."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "The bot side of the map is one possible location for rotation. Continuing to farm and gain XP is important."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Movement speed allows team disengage if needed. Karma has 6 abilities that offer counterplay."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Mobile champions can make it hard for Cho'Gath to catch out ADCs and champions with dashes. Cho'Gath's Ultimate ability t has a long cooldown, making him miss out on potential true damage when it is on cooldown."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Stay outside the wave so Morgana can't push you at the same time. Morgana's level 6 is stronger than yours, so keep this in mind when you fight early."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo excels in team fighting when he is chosen in a team with several knock-ups, but beware of grouping too closely to avoid being caught by his Ultimate R. If Yasuo gets 5 or more people within range for his Ultimate R, the risk of being triggered increases."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "If you have not yet done so, you need a reduction in healing on your portals to reduce its healing and support in the team fight. Vladimir is at his weakest at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Unlocking Vex's Ultimate R at level 6 is a precious power peak for it. When Vex's Ultimate R is on cooldown, expect it to play more aggressively."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate R, you should have more effectiveness in dueling enemies. An excellent way to bait the enemy is to first let the wave push, and then use your Ultimate R on them as they are about to all-in, bringing them within your tower range."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is in place. Fighting without it will make the end-of-the-game team's fights much more difficult."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Vi's construction path determines the targets it can assassinate while walking alone around the Rift of the Invocators. If Vi is ahead with a lot of damage, it is recommended not to go through the river if it is not monitored."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "The emphasis on increasing staff will contribute to the overall growth of the viktor during this phase. Agriculture will be crucial for the development of the viktor at the beginning of its game."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Switch to a longer track during the middle of the game to secure choices and close the game quickly. This will help you to be safer."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Don't be alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra uses Q and W on the minion wave. By standing outside the wave, it cannot be pushed and pushed at the same time."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's maximum capabilities will allow him to inflict a lot of magical damage on his enemies. This means that Syndra will be able to attack enemies remotely and harass them with zone-of-effect spells."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma is quite decent in late-game fights. Her team benefits from her abilities being up."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Several objects will allow him to inflict more damage to enemies, especially those who fight together during team fighting. It should also be relatively safe and heal a ton of damage."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Level 6 provides the ability for Rell to CC multiple enemies, making it easier for her team to kill them. Level 6 is particularly useful during fights near objective pits as well."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's selection potential is really high during this phase of the game. His E will allow him to install death brushes in the enemy jungle."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Keep an eye on Jax when fighting and be prepared to retreat if he leaves the side lane. If they invade you early, just back off."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Your champion's ability to make a last shot in the way will make them your best friend in the way if you're dealing with an early tank. If the enemy champion manages to land on you, save them from you."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Warding and the use of its E makes Syndra very safe in the way. Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Team fighting will improve for Shaco. Another point of its Ultimate capability will allow it to use capacity frequently and increase damage from clone breakup."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze will fight during the mid-game fights, as his damage will not suffice for a single enemy shot. He will have to be careful to get CC'd too."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Q and E spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "His damage output will be quite high which can allow him to win mid-game team fights. In the mid-game, teams start to group."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Force a fight or fight when Swain isn't around will make it easier for your team to win team fights. Avoid regrouping too closely around goals or in team fights as this can allow Swain to land a very good multi-person E and start the team fight."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego can use his E to defuse the enemy without even trying to kill anyone."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Keeping as far back as possible will also reduce its chances of using it on you. The more the game goes, the stronger the Veigar will be thanks to unlimited stacking with its e."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "If you're late, you won't do any damage in team fighting. And poke/all-in won't be very good."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "When Xin Zhao has full access to his capabilities, he will begin to ruin the blades whenever an opportunity arises. Xin Zhao's knockup is incredibly powerful to prevent enemies from escaping and allow aliens to follow him."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "A power spike for Jhin allows him to put the final nail on the coffin of targets who managed to escape with a sliver of health. Jhin can now put the final nail on the coffin of targets."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers strongly when its r is on cooling because it will lack damage. Watching to fight after it uses its r will make trading easier for you. Do not underestimate the damage caused by Rumble in a trade. If you are hit by several e's and stay in its r for too long, it will arrange a lot of damage."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Level 6 is a significant increase in power as it adds another layer of damage to its overall attack strategy. Level six can also prevent Teleports and serve as a multi-CC capability."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "LeBlanc is a glass cannon and should always be careful to enter it."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Call for help and ask for ganks while Anivia's Passive is down. Try to retain the use of all the dashes that can help you avoid skill shots."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Use your W to speed yourself up to get off a good Ultimate R. Look for picks during the mid-game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "This makes her quite vulnerable and easy to kill. Choosing your fights and avoiding constant trading is the key to winning."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric will stack his Q (healing ability) by staying on target for a longer time after getting his boots. Level 6 is an important pick-up for Taric because he can completely deny any form of damage from his entire team for a short time."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Getting resets on your Ultimate e will increase your chances of winning the fight. When you do team fight, look to peel and focus the closest enemy champion."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When stepping forward with your Ultimate R, look for picks on enemies. Catching one person out could allow you to snowball the kill into victory or an objective."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is prone to poke even though her E offers her some protection in trades. Try to poke Annie down with your abilities before committing to the all-in."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Focus on farming early so you can get some CS and gold under your belt. When you have your first item, look to play more aggressive."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Reposition quickly so that Sett has trouble doing it. Keep the wave near your turn."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "You should not stay halfway if you are unable to accomplish anything. As you are good at getting choices and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walk around Rift Summoners alone."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Use the range of your e and the poke of your y to harass the enemy as often as possible before a team fight occurs. Do this without putting yourself in a bad position if possible."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "The speaker advises to stand behind minions to block damage. Their level 6 minion was stronger than yours."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early. Malzahar's first major power peak is when it gets its first component."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Gank every opportunity you have, especially on pushed enemy targets, to get a lead. Effective compensation is necessary to ensure that you can gank frequently."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Try to search for frequent jobs while his Egg is out, and ask for help as needed. Anivia comes online when she unlocked her Ultimate m."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Your Ultimate is extremely strong. It is crucial that you're proactive with your Ultimate and gank whenever your Ultimate is up as she will be doing the exact same."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Close as much gold as possible to recall and stack the tear. Remember so you can start stacking the Tear element."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi will stay on all enemies frequently with his Ultimate r. Its use e determines the result of the game when it comes to team combat."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle is strong in the game early in the support role. We expect Trundle to leave for the first plays to move forward."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one. Avoid separating or being away from your team at the end of the game because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fighting should be avoided unless both Zhonya's Hourglass and your Ultimate R are available. Using your position to set up ambushes near your team can help gain a significant advantage."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Avoid separating or being away from your team at the end of the game because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Play around your Ultimate n in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Avoid fighting in the early game to come online and focus on farming. Survival is crucial in the early stages to establish a strong foundation."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius should use his early game aggression to gain a lead in the lane. Gaining a significant health or kill lead over the enemy will increase Darius' chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "A good player will play around their Ultimate as often as he happens. You have to counter their pressure by doing the same."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Make sure you have a vision in your way as she can use her Ultimate R to install her Jungler. Nami is very good when she has 1 or more basic healing elements as she will be able to support and heal her allies again in full health quickly."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "When Miss Fortune reaches level 4/5, she puts several points in her t capacity. Capacity t can cause a lot of damage to the squishy enemies."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Don't ignore him when he fights. Concentrate him when he's engaged."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch's first power peak occurs at level 2, giving it access to art. On level 2, Twitch can gank a track."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Anticipate that neeko may bully you in lane due to her advantages. Bait out neeko's E before attempting to engage in a fight with her."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia needs to keep a constant eye on her mana pool otherwise she will have minimal lane pressure. Cassiopeia is one of the most immobile champions in the game."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "If Elise lands Cocoon, try to escape. Ganking is crucial against Elise as she doesn't have much follow up after using cooldowns."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "The first element will allow it to eliminate a lot of damage in the track or during its roaming. It will be very advantageous for his assassination attempts."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "CC and interrupts are the best way to counter Rell's W engage in team fights. Hold on to these abilities to interrupt her engage and burst her down while she is immobilized."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "The movement speed of the team increases compared to Kled's Ultimate R ensures sufficient follow-up. If Kled is dismantled and the enemy disengages, it will be difficult for him to recover Skaarl."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "A tank like Rammus can only do so much damage. He relies on his allies to dish out the damage."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Locking him at the beginning of the fight will make it incredibly difficult for him to do kites, inflict damage and win the team fight. Playing around his Ultimate will be a great way to increase your chances of killing Vayne in a team fight."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "If Zion isn't going to take the lead, then his playing power will be weaker. As the game grows longer, Zion will become stronger depending on its construction path."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "This allows the enemy team to spoil it when pushed up or plunge it when its r is on the cooldown. This champion is a bully."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "His ability to slow down his enemies can help him survive in the way. The first element improves Lulu's existing capabilities."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "The only difference will be that it will be more effective in this regard. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox reaches level 11. When Aatrox reaches level 11, he puts two points in his ultimate R capability."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "You need to earn as much gold as possible to be a major threat later on. Heimerdinger naturally pushes the minion wave with his Turrets Q."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Level 6 is another important power peak. It can now all-in an entire enemy team and deals a lot of AoE damage. It's very useful during neutral objective fighting and team fighting."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "And finally use your Ultimate R. The first item component allows Pyke to deal tons of damage to his opponent, and trading will eventually become more accessible for him."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "He'll use his s at the right time. He'll use his e at the right time."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Only go in when the enemy has used up all the primary forms of CC. You will be a prime target for assassins, so make sure you are wary during fights."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia struggles against fast-moving enemies. When no team fights are occurring, move to a side lane and focus on farming and earning XP and gold."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "This facilitates the security of the middle tower of the track. Keep an eye on the mini-map for potential threats."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Keeping range with your Q and Umbral Dash can allow you to deal damage while preventing Aatrox's engage. Pantheon has very hard power-spikes at levels one through three."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Having multiple items completed in the mid-game will make you a fierce opponent. Continue to look for picks whenever possible."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her E Silence on herself as soon as you commit. Try to lure the E Silence before looking for it all in."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "If you fight while it\u2019s on cooldown, you\u2019ll miss out on a lot of healing and extra damage, which can make the difference in a late-game team fight. In team fights, flank the enemy"} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "A Teemo with a reduced k movement speed can be engaged. Its ultimate t can easily be rid by the enemy by buying Control Wards."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "His Ultimate R is a great tool that can set up his Jungler. It is also a good tool in 2v2 fights."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Be ready to fight. Look how you remember because of Kayn-S Ultimate R and mobility."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "To follow Samira's Style points, you must constantly monitor its current value. The closer Samira Style points are to the S row, the more mobile it will be in the game and will inflict more damage."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Pick the Riot Maiden before a fight lets him damage you. In the track, Yorick will use his Q (Q) balls to give him the advantage of pushing, as well as the advantage of poke in the track."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Remember your Q will reset if you use it on a low health minion. Keep a constant eye on the minion wave and look for these aggressive plays."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Peel for your carries and focus the nearest enemy champion if you\u2019re weak. If you\u2019re ahead, focus the backline and try to take them down instead."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up. Your Ultimate is a great tool for ganking and should be abused to get kills."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's greatest threats are the attacks of Poke and Disengagement; if possible, focus on bringing it down before engaging in a team struggle to make it almost impossible to participate without dying. By keeping Malphite low through constant robbery, you can force it to remember instead of being able to use its capabilities effectively during a team fight."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "This will be advantageous compared to the squishy targets. Taliyah has a strong team fighting potential as it can cause a lot of AoE-based damage."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Having stacked Tears will provide Cassiopeia with an endless mana pool once maxed out. At level 9, Cassiopeia will max out her E."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu will be fully built by then in the game. Its protection potential will be out of the world,"} -{"label": "camille", "text": "In the late game, Camille will deal a lot of damage but also be quite tanky. You should look to peel and protect your carries in the late game."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank will always be stronger if he has a Barrel E placed under him. Gangplank should try to fight when there isn't a Barrel E under him."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu\u2019s weak early in the laning phase. However, his strengths come from elsewhere."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Don't try to play too passively and always be on the lookout to land a multi-man E. Your immobility is your greatest weakness on Zyra."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Try to focus your other front-line champions with the enemy door. As Jungler, always give priority to staying alive in the late part."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "If you can spot the enemy moving around the map, your team may be able to collapse onto them and get a free kill. Avoid wandering too far away from your allies at any given time. If you get caught out, the enemy may be able to take a nearby objective like Baron, Dragon, a tower or even win a 5v4."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Separate in the middle of the game. Avoid regrouping if possible."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Once Lux has a maximum cooling reduction, its capabilities will really have low cooling. This means that Lux will be able to poke and trade quite frequently."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Reminding, avoid pushing too far when you know that Twitch has just argued that it can appear and go for a favorable trade. Twitch benefits from extensive trades."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "She needs a lot of time to develop her abilities. Try to roam around and impact neutral fights with your e."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "If you fall behind, you will struggle to lane. Katarina is a strong roaming champion if your allies are strong."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble's efficiency is significantly reduced when its liabilities are not half-filled. The enemy can try to exchange freely with Rumble during this point."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Don't go for extended trades with Darius as he will always come out ahead Darius will look to reposition when using his e."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Avoid overextending or dying alone because this can allow enemies to take objectives, start fights, or secure Baron or Dragon. If you die, the enemy may be able to siege an objective."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "His overall damage and support will be truly high, and the enemy will find it difficult to get rid of him. Rengar can try to cheese someone to get an early health trail."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Breaking up isn't a bad idea when we're trying to fight Miss Fortune. Once Miss Fortune reaches level 6, her death pressure increases thanks to her Ultimate E."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "irelia uses her Q in conjunction with her Passive to deal significant damage to enemies and single-handedly eliminate multiple foes. irelia's E can be used as an extension of CC to already CC'd targets, allowing for more effective team fights."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "This maximization of Skarner's first ability is expected to strengthen its survival and damage in the game. It is also expected that this maximization will allow Skarner to make more choices now."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Short trades are generally a bad idea for you due to how your kit functions and your lack of mobility. Try to get to the enemy backline when possible to cause mayhem."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She is mighty when dealing with the enemy backline. She should always try to find a flank on the enemy's carries."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "This will reduce his effectiveness in team fighting and it will be harder for him to shoot you down before a team fight occurs. Ziggs is pretty good in the middle of the game and team fights if he is allowed to delay a team and poke fight with his Q."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "This is why Darius needs to cast his Ultimate e as soon as the enemy gets into health range. Darius is a strong 1v1 champion."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Level 6 is a good time for powerspy as Seraphine gets her Ultimate R. The enemy team will be in danger if it is piled together or standing in a line during this level."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Keep an eye out for Karthus when spotting him in a side lane or during a team fight. Karthus has Ultimate e when he can impact the map regardless of his positioning."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "As Jungler, we need to try to secure every Drake in the middle of the game. Getting every Drake and securing the Dragon soul for your team increases your chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "The influences of the RNG components it takes. The collection of Ignite increases the overall offensive capabilities."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas' W is a point and click capability, which makes landing easier. Sylas'W can easily change the tide of a fight."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Use your ultimate Invisibility n wisely as well as as it can bambooize enemies fairly easily if used correctly."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Regrouping in the middle of the game can be avoided if possible. A player's strong potential for duellage in the middle of the game should be used to fight anyone who tries to prevent them from sharing the push."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassopieia should have her Tear stacked by this stage of the game. She will have a somewhat endless mana pool once it\u2019s maxed out."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Try to peel your backline or set up a vision so you know where Shadow Assassin is at all times. He will quickly get his transformation at the beginning of the game because he will constantly avoid with the enemy."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "At this point, she can 1v1 almost anyone while her R is up. Fiora is very good in the later stages of the laning phase."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "At this stage of the game, you want to get into a side track and focus on agriculture so that you have a game later. In the later parts of the middle of the game and when the enemy starts to group, be sure to follow the sequence and start regrouping with your team."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Because your Ultimate R is such a strong tool, make sure you\u2019re trying to gank whenever it\u2019s available. When Diana has completed her Mythic item, her 1v1 potential is incredibly strong."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "At level 6, Malzahar's presence will skyrocket and become a major threat to enemies. Working with an ally Jungler will help massively Malzahar."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's Ultimate R will not be able to do much damage if the enemy team gathers together during the fighting because they escape. The objective at level 3 should be achieved quickly and the use of war fog can help to spoil the overstretched enemies for a quick and rapid advance."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch's level 6 capabilities allow it to excel in major battles. Twitch's Level 6 capabilities allow it to take control of early play with ease."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "He should look for aggressive parts once he has brought his first component. Level 6 is good for Akshan because it allows him to unlock his Ultimate."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "This will also give him the motivation to wear for his team if he is already in advance. The Varus AoE Poke and the Ultimate R make disastrous battles for the enemy team."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Poke can accumulate over time and do so so that the enemy is forced to play in the cover of their minion wave. The potential for velkoz wave release is very high due to its W and Q."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Make sure you back when low whenever she has her Ultimate R up. Disengage is your best friend when dealing with Neeko and her Ultimate R in team fights."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You\u2019ll need to put in a lot of practice to master this champion. Focus on getting your level 3 quickly to increase the power of your ganks."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "To prevent Ashe from getting extra damage down on you in the early game, stand behind the minion wave at all times so they block her Volley y damage for you. Ashe is much stronger in long skirmishes because it allows her to activate her Q in the trade."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Whenever Anivia\u2019s Egg is down, you need to be cautious. You should avoid overextending when Anivia's Egg is down."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "If your team is able to do so, you could collapse on it and on the Support and then force a target like the Dragon or Baron with the digital advantage. Group together and avoid too much separation."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia has a lot of kill pressure in the mid-game. The reduced cooldown and additional damage make Cassiopeia a huge threat during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "A tank champion can be easily destroyed by Vayne. Vayne's s allows him to inflict significant damage on the enemy champions."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "After reaching position 6, Samira cannot use its Ultimate capability unless its Style points reach maximum. Samira is an extremely agile champion who can move quickly around the map."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Do not move around the map or go anywhere unless someone is with you. Stand towards the back end of your team near your Support."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu's damage will be pretty big, too. Level 11 is when Lulu becomes a real problem for the enemy team."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Walking towards your allies while being hit by Fizz's Ultimate R helps minimize damage from the AOE effect of his shark. Fizz has good kill pressure at levels 3 and 4."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian's E and Q combo can come out an enemy when used with his passive. Lucian's Passive, combined with the Spells Invocation, can lead to a murder on a squishy target."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus is highly tanky during the mid-game. He acts as a very potent frontline for his team during the mid-game."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Canceling Karthus' channel will reduce the chance of him and his allies getting kills. Karthus will be farming as much as possible early in order to unlock his Ultimate {{championSpells.KarthusFallenOne}},"} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana has tons of combos to master. This makes Qiyana a mechanically difficult champion to play and do well on."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Getting a good Barrel E off can help you win the fight. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand will either force opponents off the objective with his W and R or kill them and take the objective for himself. The longer a game goes, Brand gets stronger thanks to items."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Do not divide the thrust or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them. Look for choices with your Support/Jungler to get murders and increase your lead."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi's all-in playstyle in the late game makes her more vulnerable to enemy takes. level 3 is a power spike as Illaoi gets access to all her abilities and can now go for short burst trades against her laner."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus' Ultimate allows Karthus to impact the map from afar. Karthus' afterlife can single-handedly change the tide of a fight if an enemy continues to fight near his corpse after death."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen is a skirmish heavy laner. Look for picks with your Q and R."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Do not walk alone in the unprotected areas of the map. You're already still, and anyone with a dash or spelling shield can kill you."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin can win the early game alone through the level 3 early ganks once he unlocked his, , and . Lee Sin has a high skill ceiling which means that if you put a lot of effort into it, you will find a great success with it."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "In team fights, try to harass and poke him down as much as possible before he can look to engage. By poking Galio down first, you\u2019ll make it impossible for him to look for an engage with his E and W."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Switching to mid-lane allows towers and objectives to be taken with the team easily. Another point in Orianna's Ultimate ability will increase its damage."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Level 11 will be another spike for Qiyana, this time in damage increase and reduced cooldown. Qiyana will be pretty effective in objective fights."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When Fiddlesticks channels Rand, it is likely that he is channeling his Tremors on Rek'Sai's Tremor Sense W. Predictable gank patterns by Fiddlesticks before item level 6 can be easily avoided with wards in the river."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "When enemies are grouped closely, it will be especially good. Your level 6 will be stronger than his."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Don't fight at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R is in place. Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when Gwen uses her W."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Beware of the pressure of Zac's first games, because they can overwhelm you. Zac is much stronger than you and will try to enjoy this."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed can cause a lot of damage due to its low cooling rates."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "This will reduce his usefulness and his ability to gank as your team can see him before he arrives at their lane. This will also reduce his ability to successfully use his Ultimate."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map throughout the early game. This is the best place for the wave to be because it offers you tons of extra protection."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "When Kog' Maw is wrong or walks too far to harass and harass his y, capitalize on this mistake by dropping it. Make sure you position yourself in a way that allows you to capitalize on Kog' Maw's mistakes in team fighting."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "The Ultimate can help Akshan kill and execute the enemy lantern. This is the game phase where the damage will be a ton of."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The first element will also let Malphite inflict more damage, especially once it has its Ultimate. Malphite's Ultimate allows him to inflict more damage."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Push the wave and look for roaming opportunities. Lissandra is a very good champion who can influence the map and help her allies with ease."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "A player should avoid detaching from their ally when Braum reaches level 6 or his ultimate ability is available, as this can result in a dangerous engage. A player should be mindful of their positioning and use minions as a shield to block Braum's Q (Winter's Bite) poke."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "The amount of damage dealt will be phenomenal, especially with her E."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Keep looking for spikes on the enemy Support while they go to the room alone in the end of the game. This is particularly true when the objectives are about to materialize."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "If you wanted, you could get early healing reduction elements to help reduce the healing of Sona. The healing of Sona will make his death much easier if you have healing reduction items."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "As soon as Malphite reaches level 6, he becomes stronger than his enemies and it will be harder for him to walk against them. The goal for a beginner like me is to hit level three as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "His first item component will be a massive spike, increasing his overall damage in the game. The spike will bolster his overall damage potential."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "You have a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as you can. Play safe for the first levels while you land poke on the enemy with your Q."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr is good for securing choices during this phase of the game as it cannot move quickly and CC essential targets. Still targets will be easy for Udyr."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "When fighting Darius, try to avoid long trades with him as he will come out ahead thanks to his Passive. Keep trades nice and short, preferably where you're able to stay outside of his E range."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Focus on winning batteries in the middle of the game. Continue to stack your Q (Q refers to \"Ability\" in this context) otherwise you will be late."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Bard\u2019s level 6 power spike is not as strong as some champions as his Ultimate R doesn't deal any damage. If you have a damaging Ultimate, you\u2019ll be able to beat him at level 6. Or, you\u2019ll at least force him to use his Ultimate R defensively."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Samira has a full level two. At level 6, the whole of Samira increases considerably."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen should not waste valuable resources like Summoner Spells or Ultimates unless certain he can kill him. Garen's Passive allows him to quickly top up his health bar back to full."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Try not to let Senna poke you down too much otherwise you won't be able to trade at level 2 or 3. Senna will try poke as often as she can with her basic attacks and Q."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Team fighting will be a breeze for him. The first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Securing objectives will give you an advantage over Darius. Ganking your allies will help you gain an upper hand against Darius."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani can act as a CC initiator or follow-up source depending on the comp team. Sejuani can act in front line for his team, taking a lot of damage without being too weak due to his Passive."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If you are strong at level 6, you will be stronger than her once you both hit level 6. When standing behind minions, it is recommended to not get too close to them as the enemy champion Q deals AOE damage that they can block."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne will refuse the farm to the enemy team. Vayne scales incredibly well in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "In the middle of the game, Warwick can be a powerful split pusher. Warwick uses its crazy 1v1 potential and speed of movement to escape frightening situations while being overstretched."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "and by keeping the wave near your side of the map, he will have to overextend for farm. When sieging an objective, make sure you ward around the objective in question to catch out Fiddlesticks before he engages with his R."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton will already have several objects. This means that Renekton can reliable front line for his team and inflict a lot of damage to enemies."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "In team fights, once they go in with their d, they have nothing to offer and will be in an overextended position. Use their forward positioning to play aggressive and take them down."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "If Kayn took the red form, he could act as a front line that peels easily for its portages. Placing pupils on walls near lanes instead of alleys will be more effective in locating Kayn because he can use his E to avoid common pupil spots."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "During the laning phase, it\u2019s really easy for you to steal your ADC\u2019s farm by mistake. Neeko is very squishy."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is vulnerable to crowd control in the way as it prevents him from launching his E on the same target twice. A Yasuo power house is squishy and can easily be demolished if it goes wrong while pushing sidelanes."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon cannot use his Ultimate R in skirmishes or team fights either, although he can start a skirmish with his R. Your early game will be a bit hard till you hit level 3."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "At level 1, if Heimerdinger has 3 Turrets Q down, he is good at. Heimerdinger has 3 Towers Q up, so he will always be a threat whenever that condition occurs."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Post 6, it will be harder to fight Shyvana alone. If you want to play aggressively, keep this in mind."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona was very squishy in the early game which makes her pretty disposable and easy to put back. If Sona gets camped in the way, she can't do much."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Every time your Ultimate e is in place, you can look for aggressive games to try to kill the enemy. Your Ultimate e is an excellent trading tool that makes you much stronger."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Avoid fighting Riven in the middle of the game unless you're stronger. Teamfights will be difficult for Riven as she is subject to CC, disengage and gets kited by champions easily."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Then look for all-ins with your Jungler or when Darius is very low. Don't underestimate Mundo's damage output and poke with his Q."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Wait for Nilah's W cooldown to finish then start the fight. Lock Nilah down with CC at the start of the fight making it hard for her to reposition with her E and escape."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "A Rechargeable Potion would be useful in this matchup. Relic Shield is a better choice for Utility Supports than Spellthief."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Getting your first item quickly is the main goal while avoiding getting caught out by enemy CC and all-ins. Use your W and R abilities with utmost discretion."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Naafari is a heavy snowball champion. Ganking often in early play can provide an advantage, then snowball from there."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "It will also make the work of his opponent much more difficult than he is supposed to be. Zilean's Ultimate t will be useful in fighting."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "To stick to support throughout the middle of the game is crucial for the survival of tristana. Tristana is vulnerable and easy to kill if she is alone on the battlefield."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath is a strong scaler with a versatile build path. A strong scaler means he performs well as the game progresses."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "You should keep an eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it\u2019s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Whenever your Ultimate R is up, you can look for aggressive plays around the map. Your Ultimate R is a great tool that you can use to help your allies win their lane."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You should keep poking the enemy with your Q as much as you can. It is tough to dodge, and the damage will quickly build up and let you all-in enemies."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Its CC on its Q can easily be chained with its Ultimate R for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "His burst damage will be pretty potent as well, and he can one-shot enemies with utmost ease. Heimerdinger is an attack damage carry champion."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Your main goal during the fighting will be to reach the most priority enemy target and then move them to your team with your Ultimate k. Playing around the vision will really be important to achieve this goal."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo can pull squishies with ease due to its finished articles. The enemy team might as well be FF if Yasuo advances."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Due to this root, the enemy can both flank and focus on jhin with ease. jhin is squishy and can't really survive for long."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "This is particularly advantageous when used without sight, or when enemies are close to walls. It offers an abundance of vision with its E, which also facilitates control over bushes."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Try looking for picks around the map. Your kit allows you to fool them easily and escape if a fight goes wrong. Try to catch the enemy CDA in a side lane or enemy support while they are in custody."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne prefers enemies to split up so he can use his Ultimate ability to pick them off. He cannot really gank until level 6 as he relies on the element of surprise for his successful ganks."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle can be arrested early if the enemy Jungler or Laner manages to kill him once or twice. It is crucial to get level 3 as quickly as possible in the jungle."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "In late game team fights, peeling for your carries can increase the chances of winning the fight. If a carry dies at the beginning of the fight, it is unlikely that the player can win the fight alone."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "CC allows Heimerdinger to take down many enemies. Adding more points to the Ultimate R of Heimerdinger gives his abilities more overall strength."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus is really good during the late game. His abilities will hit like a truck due to his items."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Get your team ahead by soloing them. Ultimate R is very good in team fights as it can bounce between enemies."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Secure objectives like the Dragon or Baron with your Ultimate t. If a major objective is up, hold off from using your Ultimate t to secure objects."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille\u2019s position in the game is challenging once she falls behind. A good Camille will be able to play around her Ultimate R consistently."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick will succeed in getting the third point in his Ultimate R. Once Warwick gets the third point in his Ultimate R, he'll be ruining and picking up enemies all along the map."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon can help a lot by escaping unpleasant situations with a maximum of Ultimate R. Talon will begin to fall during this game phase that the enemy is building defensive elements now."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "By fighting Tahm Kench, beware of his Ultimate r. Tahm can use his W to flank a fight when he runs away with the enemy."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Delaying fighting and being ready to disengage are good strategies. Renekton would begin to fall unless he could accumulate a considerable advance early."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner must avoid monitoring the premises if he wants to move forward. The emphasis on agriculture was a priority."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "This will allow Fiddlesticks to get a lovely amount of damage down to the whole enemy team. While Fiddlesticks is good in the late game, he is incredibly squishy."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko's W makes it quite challenging for the enemy to ambush her. Mid-game is a decent time to roam around and get picks all around the map."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Before a fight happens, try to take the Maiden of Yorick's Mist before he's dead. Yorick has a high healing with his Q and R abilities."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "And to get him killed during the laning phase. Wukong excels in extended trades with its s and k."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "He has great objective control thanks to his Ultimate R, which allows him to move from a Dragon to a Baron almost immediately. Its Ultimate R can also pull back doors with this capacity."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Use your E carefully in this phase of the game. The goal is to ensure that you are never taken out of sight by a skill shot that has the potential for you CC."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The enemy can force a fight or terminate the game if it has more players than your team. In team fighting, focus on the nearest enemy champion to maximize your impact."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia is very strong in team fighting thanks to her Ultimate R. She could easily put the entire enemy team to sleep if she is able to hit everyone with her."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Note on who Kalista has been paired with. In many cases, this will either be the Support or Jungler depending on the situation."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand will be near full build in the late game. The late game power spike for Brand is his significant damage output."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Make sure you're near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast. Do not fight unless your Ultimate R is up and Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass is up in the late game."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise doesn't point too much at 16 when she puts a third point in her Ultimate. At the end of the game, Elise's E will be on a short cooldown."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali is a strong murderer. Squishy champions can be easily killed by Akali."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Your W will play a central role during this phase of the game. Always make sure to land it on a high priority target, as it can help you secure choices quickly."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "She is good in team fights thanks to the large radius on her Ultimate R. Once she has completed her Mythic item, Renata's utility, peel and trading potential increases heavily."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Once irelia lands her Ultimate R, she has limited follow-up options as the enemy team can evade her. The cooldown of irelia's abilities increases the risk of her being caught in CC if not used effectively near her target."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "It is really important that you disembark these Qs early. The cooldown for Q is long early, and if you miss once, you will not be able to get the third pile and CC the enemy that the timer will exhaust."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The reduced healing of the Greek wounded Varus will benefit his teammates in the team fights. The Ultimate R of Varus offers a lot of play and choice opportunities for its team."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "She should be really great as the game continues because she's going to have all her articles by now. She will have to take care of her combat positioning to make sure she's not chosen."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Upgraded Muramana provides substantial increase in Ezreal\u2019s damage output. Upgraded Muramana also increases Ezreal's sustain."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "This will allow Zilean to play aggressively as well as poke the enemy ruthlessly in the way. Level 6 offers a lot of protection to Zilean as it can"} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Once an enemy uses his offensive W, he will no longer have any other form of escape. This makes him vulnerable to the enemy team's ganks and baits."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie has little form of escape despite having increased movement speed with her E. If Annie is overextended without her E, she will be an easy target."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "The ability of picking champions off and catching them out of position with her E makes Elise a strong pick. If Elise can catch someone out, she should call for a nearby objective."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "When R is on cooldown, you can play aggressively and try to fight Ezreal while he is defenseless. Hard engage is the best way to deal with Ezreal during the laning phase."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "However, this increase in strength comes with a trade-off that makes him harder to handle at lower levels. He will be stronger than you early."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "He doesn\u2019t have to roam too far for this, so he can get back to the lane quickly if the all-in chance disappears. Galio\u2019s Ultimate R knockup prevents the enemy team from playing in a clustered formation as that could literally get them killed within the next 2.5 seconds."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Obtaining her Ultimate R will give Annie the ability to easily burst people down. Easily burst people down."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Rell can destroy shields thanks to her Q. Rell\u2019s Ultimate R is a great team fighting tool as it can allow her to CC multiple enemies at once."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Three points in Irelia's Ultimate R will give her a massive power spike. With a short cooldown, Irelia will take more fights and easily pick enemies in the side lanes."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Your W and E will play a role in your combo in the way. Make sure you do nothing rash and use it carefully because your E is the only ability to save you from all in."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Once Twitch has left his hiding place, try to shoot him down as quickly as possible. Control guards are essential in team fighting."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6. Ashe does not have any escape abilities or built-in sustain."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Ranged champions can also zone it incredibly well. Playing safe and keeping your ADC alive in the way is a priority."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's goal is to enter the enemy rear line and separate the front line from the rear line. Malphitis is weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Its ability to remove a cart and put it in a disadvantageous position allows it to easily flank the enemies. His tenacity prevents him from being killed immediately."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Do not go on the other side of the map when an important goal is rising or about to spawn. At level 1, wait for Shaco to place several boxes around the track. Wait for the minion wave to approach before walking on the track."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Continue to fly kites in team fights and systematically adapt your positioning. Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "At level 6, Quinn's kill pressure in a trade doesn't exactly increase. Quinn's Ultimate R is a utility tool."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Delay team fighting as long as possible while you harass the enemy and crush them with art. Seating objectives with your team during the middle of the game."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Protect your allies first, then look for an all-in. At level 13, Jarvan will have both his e and d maxed out."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Once Shen reaches level 6, ping him. Shen is strong at level 2 if he gets a good engagement with his E."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Its Q and W combos are sufficient to damage the enemy's health bar at level 2. At the third level, LeBlanc gets access to his E."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "It is important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible. Do not just stay mid if you cannot get anything done."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac's agricultural concentration at the beginning of the game will make it difficult to kill. Zac has creative gank paths that guard against him a little misleading."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Vel'Koz is huge in team fighting, especially those near objective pits. This is mainly because the scrambled fighting allows Vel'Koz to hit several targets with its capabilities and procedures."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will let her deal a lot of damage to enemies she has managed to catch."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Make sure your flanks are guarded so you can see her before she gets the chance to blow you up. Shyvana is weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne will abuse the enemy team. Vayne will refuse the farm to the enemy team."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Its positioning will now be the determining factor. Miss Fortune's first capability will be maximized to Level 9."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "As the game goes on, the cooldown of this ability becomes shorter, allowing him to do whatever he pleases as long as he has his Ultimate R up. Ekko is a melee champion."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine's early play is pretty decent. His damage and the CC are quite substantial."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "After Ezreal's first back, he will pick up his first component item. His damage output will intensify after picking up his first component item."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's initial core item gives him a massive boost in dueling power. He can now go 1 v 1 targets with ease and can completely blow enemies up with his barrels."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "She will have a lot of items during this phase of the game. It will make her tanky and will let her dive face-first into the enemy team."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "You need to fight Brand as soon as you see him to prevent him from destroying your health bar. Do not try to take objectives like the Dragon or Baron when Brand is alive."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "However, if Viego takes over the body of a weak enemy champion, his level of threat may not be as high. If an enemy invades you, step back because they can easily kill you, especially if you're behind."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "If an ally engages the enemy, use your Ultimate R on them. Alternatively, wait for the enemy to engage and then cast your Ultimate R on a carry."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Being close together inside the pit allows Rumble to land a devastating B on your entire team. Rumble is inclined to disengage."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick's biggest power peak is when it reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R. If you're in danger of dying, be ready for Flash as soon as Warwick is on your way."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "A supertank is a hero type. The supertank has a lot of Crowd Control (CC) built into its kit."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Zoe casts spells with a higher frequency due to the increase in mana pool. Increased production of damage during fighting."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "She should be peeled by her allies during this time."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "At this stage of the game, she will be very strong. Once it has completed its first element, its trading capacity increases considerably."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Trade and harass her when it's down. Akali will try to plunge the backline into the team fights."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Once you get your first component element, you should be able to spam capabilities much more frequently. Now you can look for aggressive trades with your Q and E."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's first major power spike was at level 6 when she unlocked her Ultimate R. The unlocking of Gwen's Ultimate R offered her a significant amount of extra trading potential."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Unless you have the advantage, turn off as soon as it activates its Ultimate R. At level 6, Swain's production and survival are increasing."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Once Yasuo is level 6, look to play more aggressively. Yasuo's Ultimate R is an excellent skimmer tool and can be killed with it."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Rotate around the map if your bot lane decides to rotate to the top lane after securing the bottom lane tower. Level six is a significant spike for Neeko as she gains access to her power Ultimate R."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Her earliest power spike like many Junglers is at level 3 where she unlocks her core abilities. Fighting her for the first crab may be dangerous!"} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "In the late game, you should group with your team. If your team is good at team fights, you should stick with them."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Strong skirmishing champions are preferred for invading Bel'Veth. If invasion is not possible, steal away Bel'Veth's camps when she shows elsewhere on the map."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Bonus points if Kassadin can shove his wave in and look for kills on other lanes. Shoving the wave will give Kassadin a considerable boost."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Champion can pay more damage with Ultimate capability It can act in front line for its team using Ultimate capability"} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "It should be able to absorb a significant amount of damage. Skarner will put the third and final point in his Ultimate."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand's damage output should be incredibly high in the late game. However, he needs to make sure he doesn\u2019t get caught out in the late game."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Use your position near your team to set up ambushes without revealing your location. Positioning yourself near your team is crucial for setting up ambushes with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "This provides a safer position for you and makes it harder for Leona to engage with you and your ADC. If Leona errs, focus on the punishment of the enemy CDA."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "After your first item, you will be a lot stronger. When you have two items completed, you will be a fierce opponent."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Counter hocks were also possible but required a level of pre-preparedness. The preparation of counterpaners included ensuring that W and E capabilities were up-to-date prior to engagement."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Play where your ADC is at all times. A player should move halfway."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "This failure will also give the enemy enough time to all-in Kalista if she happens to be close by, and kill her. You should play safe for the first few levels."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "If invading Nunu, do not fight him when near a jungle camp as he can use Q to gain health advantage. Ideally, fight Nunu when in the river or not near a camp."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Don\u2019t be afraid to fight the enemy Jungler alone if you have the item and level advantage. She will have her core items during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Its basic elements will be complete, allowing it to inflict a lot of damage on the enemy team and make sure that they cannot escape easily. The first ability will be maximized to level 9, making Trundle hit his enemies like a truck."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "If an enemy invades you early, just back off; you won't win early skirmishes with them. Try to secure major objectives when you can, as you have decent objective control."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin could try to kick someone in his teammates."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "As soon as she uses her Q, load her and try to take her down. Every time Morgana launches her Ultimate R in a team fight, try to get out of the area as quickly as possible so you are not chained and CC'd."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Her Elixir Arrow is her main defensive tool. Using her Elixir Arrow offensively can allow the enemy team to all-in Caitlyn and kill her if she is too pushed up."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Try to constantly poke and harass Gragas. Having him on low health will prevent him from playing or positioning aggressively."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Once Veigar has his final R, his death pressure increases. Keep in mind that he's going to do a lot of extra damage right now."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Continue with your assault after that. Use track brushes to your advantage in the track to catch out-of-guard enemies."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "A good set-up of the vision can counter the mess of Volibear, forcing him to play a more farm-oriented Jungle style. A good vision configuration will ultimately hinder Volibear's potential as Jungler."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Taking camps is necessary to ensure the health of the clearings. You should reach Level 3 as soon as possible."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so continue to farm!"} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand's late-game damage is insane. Brand\u2019s ability to bounce his damage makes it extremely effective when used on multiple champions."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "If you see Karthus using his Ultimate at the start of the fight, try to CC him so it cancels his Ultimate. Karthus is using his Ultimate at the start of the fight."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "At level 9, Hecarim will have a lot of consistent damage when in the middle of enemy team. Hecarim's maxed h will sustain himself due to items and runes."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "This can mean hell for any still enemy or weak health to carry because Mordekaiser can easily E>Q them. Once Mordekaiser has enough items, it will be almost indestructible unless the enemy team concentrates it."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "You can make snowballs quickly if you get murders or two during the lacquering phase. Every time your Ultimate n is in place, you can look for aggressive games to try to kill the enemy."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "At level 6, Seraphine will unlock her Ultimate R. Seraphine is good in team fighting thanks to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Try to team fight in the open so he is unable to use his empowered E to stun your whole team. Do not fight inside the jungle as the size of his E is roughly the same as the jungle."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "When you hit level 6 more opportunities open up to you. You can look for aggressive plays or use Your Ultimate R defensively at this point."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Team fighting will be easy for him from now on. Its ability makes team fighting unfair because of its selection potential."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "He uses his t to do a lot of damage when he's kept in the right places. To play Teemo effectively, it is necessary to take care of your health."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "At level nine, Galio's Q will be completely maxed out. This will give a massive boost to Galio's damage and wave clear."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu's construction path is incredibly versatile. If your team needs a tank, you can build a tank."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Adding more points to the Ultimate R of Heimerdinger gives his abilities more overall strength. This can be convenient when taking neutral objectives and fighting enemies who rely on diving."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "If you can pick someone off, make the call for Baron or Dragon to further your lead. Rammus is highly tanky during the mid-game."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "and to do so through vision, giving the enemy a small window to react. Do not fight at the end of the game unless your Ultimate is in place."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "She'll just need to maintain a good positioning. She will have several objects during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "The abuse of his l makes Vladimir a very easy gank target. Unhappiness is a scourge for Vladimir's existence, especially if he is bought early."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma will have two of her abilities maxed out at level 13, giving her a huge damage boost. This allows her to peel for her carries effortlessly and help win fights."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "When grouping do not let Nidalee poke you down with her s."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "The vision should be placed around nearby paths and objectives. If you notice the enemy moving around the map, your team can collapse on them for a free murder."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Abuse the bushes to help with vision so he cannot auto you for free. Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it. This will result in him having to choose between pushing or poking you. Don\u2019t stand in the minion wave as he will be able to push and poke with his b or e."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Your Ultimate R will quickly get you ahead if you and your team manage to get kills with it. You should always roam around and try to get picks when possible, which will help you get ahead and make team fights unfavorable for the enemy."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Take advantage of opportunities to untie your ADC and harass Soraka when they have used one of their abilities, putting them at a disadvantage in the trades. Know that at level 6, the ultimate ability of Soraka Wish can be used to heal its allies through the map."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "This allows objective control and is very useful. Swain can completely CC an enemy target if needed."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona has no form of priority in the track during the start of the game because her Q does little damage. The use of Sona's W is the best thing to do until it is absolutely necessary, due to its low impact."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can use his empowered E to set a multi-man, long-ranged CC which can allow his team to follow up on his CC. If the enemy team focuses on destroying his Q turrets before all-in\u2019ing him, he will have to play defensively till he can bring his turrets back up."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower or obtain an objective or acquire more kills."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "The extra damage and reduced cooldown of the second point in his Ultimate r are very beneficial for Braum during this stage of the game. At level 9, Braum will max out his first ability."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "An intertwined fight is when several champions are grouped together, making them vulnerable to attacks. This point in its Ultimate R reduces capacity cooling and increases damage."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Thanks to his Q, Aurelion Sol has good poke and good wave clear. This will make pushing the wave and trading much easier in comparison to a lot of champions."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game. Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Playing around Samira's W capability in the track is vital as it can block projectiles and automatic attacks. In trading with Samira while using its W capability, try to exploit its cooldown to get favorable trades."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed's escarmouche power is very high early."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "The enemy can completely counter Gnar by choosing to disengage when he gets his mega form. Once his mega form is down, the enemy won't be under the looming threat of getting ulted into a wall by him,"} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Respect her all-in potential and do not fight her early on. When Fiora hits level 6, her duelling potential is fully realized."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "An enemy with tanky stats will make kalista struggle to kite them. An enemy with lots of slows or tools to reduce mobility will make kalista struggle to kite them."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Play around your Ultimate e in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath is very motionless. Xerath can easily be controlled by the crowd by the enemy team, especially when it loads its Q."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma can gain an advantage over the enemy by dominating early lanes with her positioning. The health advantage gained from laning dominance is crucial for Karma's success in the game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "After Ezreal\u2019s first back, he will pick up his first component item. His damage output will intensify after picking up his first component item."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The best place to engage Malphite is in an open way rather than a closed space like the jungle or Baron. The greatest threat to the Malphites comes from poke and disengagement."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen should try to flank the enemies for maximum efficiency. Its first element will significantly increase its damage."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Harassing the enemy but not getting caught trying to do so is the key. Putting the enemy down and delaying fighting can be effective in the late part."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Using your Ultimate R will help detect the enemy team before major neutral fights. When using your Ultimate R, be close to your team to avoid being killed by an enemy assassin."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Once Azir has picked up his Nashor's Tooth, he is going to push the wave really quickly. Try to keep the wave as even as possible by matching his damage on the minion wave."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Avoid trading or duelling Renekton unless you\u2019re ahead. Renekton is one of the strongest early game champions in the game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar really has a good gank configuration so make sure you still have the lower track monitored. Moreover, whenever your Flash is broken, you should always play safer and be more careful to avoid being caught by Veigar while you are ahead."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "It will have its basic items by then, which means that it will suffer a respectable amount of damage. It can even duel enemies and will not need its support to keep it if it masteres its use."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, look to split push and draw the enemies attention to you while your team tries to siege another objective somewhere else on the map. If they die fast, the team fight\u2019s over as you\u2019re going to lack damage."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille's ability to dive in with her E is affected by this. Although Camille finds it harder to kill carries on her own, she will be quite tanky."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Muramana will greatly increase Ezreal\u2019s damage output and sustain. Muramana will significantly improve Ezreal's ability to stay in fights."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Do not isolate yourself from the minion wave at all. Stand behind minions at all time (but not too close to them as her Q deals AOE damage) so they block the damage."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Zigg's been using auto-attack badly since he was the AP champion. Zigg's will often poke and push the minion wave to get an early turn with his W."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "In team fighting, Mordekaiser can shine. If you're a champion, make sure you invest in a QSS so you can get out of its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "After getting the first element, start pushing more aggressively. Range Q of abuse for poke and clear waves."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Being caught will cause your team to play 4v5. Don't be alone unless you know where the enemy is."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Its ability to disrupt the ranks of enemy teams will be phenomenal. It can also peel easily for its wagons."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Stay in the back line and keep hitting the enemies until your team all-in. Once the battle is over, going for cleaning kills."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "In any case, he will do a plethora of damage and excel in the battles piled up. Yorick's second capacity will be maximized to level 14."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius can start ganking as soon as he hits level 3. Darius needs all of his basic abilities before he can start to gank."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "A group is recommended when trying to reach the enemy rearline. Regrouping with your team, but staying on one side, will facilitate access to the enemy rearline."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "You can use your ultimate R capability defensively if things don't go as expected. Using your E capability will be very effective in removing enemies that are pushed up against walls or in corners."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "At the front in the game, Yasuo can do a huge amount of damage quickly. Yasuo's ability to rush quickly allows him to pierce the armor."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Fighting with your Ultimate on cooldown could be the difference between winning and losing a fight. When you have 3 points in your Ultimate, sustaining becomes extremely difficult."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Disengagement and robbery reduce the chances of getting a good g. Singed's Level 1 is strong in the right matchup."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Ornn can be really strong in the early game when paired with a good ADC. The strength of Ornn's early game is heavily dependent on various factors."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "His skill curve is massive and is quite hard to overcome. Getting caught out with your E on cooldown, especially during the early game will get you killed."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's Q and W allows her to get rid of enemies once she is powerful enough. The Q and W acts as a source of poke and waveclear in the lane, especially before level six."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Its first element will significantly increase its damage. Kennen is obnoxious for his poke damage, and the article will only improve it."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Avoid separating. You have to stay with your team at the end of the game to win. Elise isn't that good unless she's getting in the late part."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Qs are his main catch-up ability, so the enemy can try to poke him down for a small time if Mundo misses his Q on them. This fact is especially true when he is against ranged carries."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Don't be alone unless you're sure of the enemy's location. Peel for your allies as much as possible to keep them alive during team fighting."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Before level 6, this 'her' was stronger than you. 'Her' started being weaker after your Ultimate ability at level 6 makes your team stronger."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "The enemy tower will be pushed by Anivia when she uses her Ultimate with lots of mana. The way will be constantly controlled by Anivia when she pushes the enemy into it with her Ultimate."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Enemy Junglers have a hard time ganking He unless their CC lands on him. He's Ultimate R can change the tide of an entire fight when used with his E."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Once you have some levels behind you, you will be able to constantly harass the enemy with your Q and E. Winning an early health trail could set up your Jungler or could allow you to get an early murder."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "The production of damage will increase with the articles, so it will only make it more powerful. The first item purchase will make Xerath extremely heinous in the way."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Avoid fighting in tight quarters such as inside the jungle or around an objective. Grouping too close together may allow Brand to bounce his Ultimate R between multiple champions."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "If Jarvan builds AD, he is going to be very squishy in team fights. Jarvan will get blown up quickly in team fights."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Sit in a Jungle brush and wait for a bunch of enemies to walk towards you. You may be able to focus on roaming during the mid-game."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio is decent against magic damage. AD ranged champions can tear through Galio especially after he uses his E."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "a disadvantage to him having a lot of abilities is that it can make him quite complicated and overwhelming for players. he also has a lot of combos in his kit"} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Your abilities allow enemies at once as soon as you get your basics. Level 11 provides Taliyah with nothing but lower cooling."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well. In team fighting, focus on the squishiest and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo is a diverse champion. As a champion, expect him to try to harass you as much as possible."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Taking control of the Dragon will make it difficult for Teemo to get gold and XP. Teemo has little control over the Dragon."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "playing safely for the first levels means not taking unnecessary risks, you need time to come online as a player,"} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac's death pressure is increasing. Zac is likely to play aggressively when he has his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Extended trades work in the favour of Darius. Darius is a great duelist in low ELO."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Try looking for fights when Akshan's not here. In this way, he will not be able to benefit from his W."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "She can duel the majority of Junglers without a chance of them escaping. After Rek\u2019Sai has completed her jungling item, her kill pressure increases dramatically."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "When Kai'Sa purchased her first component item, her damage output will increase."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "xayah is still for the duration of the game. xayah can be closed early."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Be prepared for this by having the Dragon warded at all times. Always take the bottom side Scuttle Crab."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "There's an opportunity for you to fight Diana when she is low. During team fights, Diana's Ultimate R provides a lot of burst damage."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "His healing will be out of the world during this phase of the game. All she has to do is not die and stay with her team."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu's team has a strong presence in the fighting. Don't stay too close together because it allows Amumu to trap several people with his Ultimate y."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The damage it can cause will completely catch the out-of-guard enemies and ruin their chances of winning the game. Sylas is quite decent during the end-of-game fights as he can inflict tons of damage and heal himself for massive amounts at the right time."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "His mobility is greatly reduced when his E is broken. Your goal in early play is to take calculated trades while fighting the enemy."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "This will prevent her from denying you CS and XP. Trade with Karma when she has used a damaging ability."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "If they invade you, be prepared to fight, but only do so if your Passive is stacked and you can win, otherwise just back off. Post 6, Pantheon wins the 1v1 as they\u2019re stronger when their Ultimate is up."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Expecting that Sett's in a team fight. Sett should avoid regrouping closely as it can allow its opponents to obtain a multi-person E."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Fighting while Ultimates R is on the cooldown will result in no further damage. Players should flank in team fights to easily reach the enemy rear line."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "During the middle of the game, keep crashing and see if you can get tracks around the map. Your E should be on a shorter cooldown now, which makes it easier for you to catch up with your enemies."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch has capabilities that allow it to remain undetected during the early match. Twitch has a capability that allows it to bypass the vision at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "His E allows him to disengage from enemy Junglers who try to gank him. Enemy Junglers have a hard time ganking He unless their CC lands on him."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Bonus points if clearing the wave along with it. Your E will help a lot in this lane, but use it carefully."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Remember when you are weak so you don't fall behind because of poke. May inflict heavy amounts of damage in very short time."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Use your Ultimate R liberally in team fights. Try to W carries that are about to die in team fights."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "A skilled player will use Garen\u2019s abilities to harass enemies in lane. At level nine, Garen will have his first ability maxed out."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "If you spot his team in the side lanes, force a fight with the number advantage and then take the turn of the middle lane after. As Xayah is really good at kiting, you might need to flank her in team fighting to make it harder for her to kite and escape a fight."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers strongly when its r is on cooling as it will lack damage. By wanting to fight after he uses his r, he will facilitate trading for you."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Do not get poked down otherwise Galio will fall behind in CS and XP and be no threat later on. At level 6, you will have no kill threat in the lane against most enemy mid-laners."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "When you reach level 6, ask for your Jungler's help to kill the enemy lantern. Ask for help or look to walk around every time your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Engagement in team fighting with Xerath should be done early to prevent prolonged poke. It is better not to engage Xerath immediately, instead of waiting for an opportune time to take him down."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Her early game is pretty decent as she can poke the enemies out from range. She can manipulate the minion wave properly with her E."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Avoid splitting up and being alone if the enemy Nidalee is ahead. CC is your best friend when it comes to handling Nidalee in team fights."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Several piles will allow Kindred to simply take control of the game. Its damage production will be enormous, and it will melt through tanks and squishies."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri can use her E ability to protect her ADC by peeling them in dangerous situations. The 'fog of war' can be used by Ahri to set up ambushes for enemy team members, especially when fighting over a neutral objective like Baron."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "It will also allow you to all-in-Akshan when it climbs to the minion wave. Your level 6 power peak is much higher than Akshan's."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Wait until Swain uses his E before playing aggressively and looking for all-in. Swain's support will be a problem, especially if he is with healing support."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Ward should be placed in traffic areas during the final stages of the game. Stay with your team at any time and avoid travelling alone on the map."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "LeBlanc is an Assassin and can easily blow up players taken out of position. To counter LeBlanc in the team fights, must the CC as soon as she uses her W."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If you know Zac is without these abilities, try to fight him. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the pre-6 map."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "He's a monster on the scale. If he gets his articles, he'll be almost unstoppable in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Either she can use it to peel someone else, Vi's first games are pretty decent because of his Q."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Its W provides high misleading damage while also offering mitigation of damage. The champion's ability to inflict damage is enhanced by his W."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "It will also make her a huge threat if she has a better first item than the enemy ADC. Caitlyn\u2019s level 6 is pretty good."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Zyra's thrust power must be paired with automatic attack minions and their poke esquive. It is essential to follow Zyra Ultimate cooldown post 6."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "If Gwen ganks a lane and you can't contest it, try invading her jungle on the opposite side of the map or ganking another lane to counter her pressure. Gwen has very good objective control"} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra is strong when she has her first article. It will easily push the wave of the minion with ease and force you under Tower."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "This point will be on low cooling which means that it can use it quite frequently. This step of the game is made or pause for Trist."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's first capacity will be fully maximized at level 9. The enemy team will face difficulties in finding young trees or a Maokai with an extremely powerful all-in-one combo in jungle brushes."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Agriculture is the priority, focusing on getting as much gold and XP as possible. The goal is to enter the game with as much gold and XP as possible."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "If you are able to play around, killing her will be much easier. Sivir is very strong once she has tons of crite."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Do not leave your ADC's side otherwise the enemy will capitalise on the fact that you're not there to protect your ADC. Peel for your carries in team fights."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka can use his Ultimate R often and save his teammates accordingly. W > Q for Soraka will provide a lot of healing for his team."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "With his first article, Twisted Fate will cause tremendous damage. Its cards can cause significant damage if you are hit."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Especially for weak health targets. It will be easier for him to break enemies. Lucian will have access to several articles during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This article will bring Nasus one more step towards reaching its most powerful form in the game. However, Nasus should always focus on agriculture and the stacking of its Q."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Keep picking up the farm with your support / Jungler to get killed. Being killed increases your lead."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "This is especially true if Aphelios gets his Mythic item before the enemy ADC. Aphelios is good in mid-game team fights thanks to the potential of his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch has a capability that allows it to bypass the vision at the beginning of the game. The first game is when Twitch can use his level two gank."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "The best time to go for an all-in-one is when the primary form of the enemy's CC is declining. Yasuo gets a significant increase in its duel potential each time it gets its first component."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "The use of Ziggs' W can act as a good finishing movement against low-health enemies or be used for escape when necessary. Ziggs is a threat to which one must remember because of a bad reminder allowing him to quickly take the enemy tower with his Passive and W."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "If you move away from your Support, you become an easy target for the enemy. Always keeping at least one ally nearby is crucial."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "This is a disadvantage because Thresh will only be useful if he can always hit his Qs. Thresh's main objective during the ploughing phase is to obtain an early advance in health."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain excels in team fighting because of his AOE Ultimate R. Bursting Swain at the beginning of a fight will make it difficult for him to inflict damage and win the fight."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Focus on making choices when your ultimate is available. Stay with your team and avoid going solo to the neighborhoods."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "At level 9, Syndra will fix a lot of damage regularly. If Syndra is sitting out of sight somewhere, she can do a lot of damage."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "This is a tank versus tank matchup. Your best bet for this matchup is to just avoid them and focus on farming early."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Gaining a significant health or kill lead over the enemy will increase Darius' chances of winning the game. Darius should always go for extended trades whenever possible."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "This is the best place for the wave because it offers extra protection. Malphitis is low early because its presence is negligible."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Fighting with the advantage of numbers will make the team struggle much easier. Udyr is a good early Jungler game."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere is highly dependent on its dash to initiate an all-in-one. A successful all-in by Trendamere combined with its slow can be devastating."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "The act of roaming helps the jungler and the laner environment, which causes boredom to the enemy team. Being negligent in the enemy team will make them switch massively."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Having a Jungler or mid-laner roaming with a knockup will make Yasuo's laning phase very easy. In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Keep your allies alive for as long as possible while dealing damage to increase your chances of winning. In team fights, use your empowered d ability to provide a large shield to your allies."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Moreover, whenever your Flash is broken, you should always play safer and be more careful to avoid being caught by Veigar while you are ahead. Try and space Veigar accordingly in the team fights."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "During this phase of the game, Skarner can absorb the damage while making sure that he gets crucial shots in the enemy team. At level 11, Skarner put a second point in his Ultimate."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn is a champion that is prone to all-in and CC. Mixing this with Quinn's squishiness can make it challenging to deal with teams that have a lot of CC."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lisandra has to engage in a whole to make use of her kit. Engaging in an all-in-one can be a problem if Lisandra's team is not on the same page as her."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "It is recommended that Sejuani delay the fighting and be ready to disengage if his Ultimate R is on cooldown. Sejuani is exceptionally tanky during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Your Ultimate n makes you much stronger when used as a trading tool. Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "This will allow you to produce a massive CC chain. Once you unlock your Ultimate R, you should have a very easy time trying to kill enemies."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Its automatic attacks being permanently authorized will cause significant damage to the enemy team."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana might be one of the best flankers in the game. If Diana engages the enemy backline during a team fight, she can take them out almost instantly."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Do not fight inside the jungle as it facilitates the subsequent use of its Ultimate R by the Yasuo Tornado R. Fighting outdoors will make team fighting more effective for your team."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The enemy team will find it difficult to cope with Wukong due to its increased survival. Wukong is important during this phase of the game, but can fight to kill enemies because of their purchase of defensive items."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Set death brushes whenever possible using your Ultimate R to bring unsuspecting enemies close to you. This allows your team to collapse on them and kill them."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Look for aggressive plays at level 2 because you are stronger than her at that level. A player should look for aggressive plays when her stun is down."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Continue to play with your Ultimate on enemies who are overstretched or alone. Invest in a magic pen during this step of the game."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Poke Ornn regularly in this matchup to hinder his all-in potential as much as possible. If Ornn uses his ult, CC him immediately if he is about to send the ram towards you, so his ult will not go to waste."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "You have to be careful when trying to fool her. it can use its range advantage and Q for you kite"} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves is really strong in the early game. Graves will look to abuse 1v1 fights in the jungle."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You should put Karthus behind in the early game to weaken him over time. Weakening Karthus lessens his usefulness as the game progresses."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "He can fight with his E if he enters and misses the duration of the E. The control of the crowd is its mortal enemy, and it can be removed quite easily due to its squishiness."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "As other champions start getting items that counter Darius, he falls off more. Many champions becoming tankier makes it harder for Darius to kill them."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Keeping him low will force Malphite to remember. Make sure to focus on taking Dragons for your team."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Concentrate with your other front-line champions. As Jungler, you need to make sure you're still alive in the late game."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Using the first element of Twitch will skyrocket its damage output into the track. sticking to your support throughout the middle of the game is crucial because you're pretty vulnerable and easy to kill if you're alone."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo collapsed at the end of the game. Teemo uses the split thrust due to his fall at the end of the game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Go make quick exchanges and step back. Once you get your first item, you should be able to extend the duration of your fights."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra has tons of clear wave, so the goals of sitting in the middle and the end of the game will be difficult. You should try to get her down or out of the way so she can't defend her Turrets. Lissandra is very good at level 6 while her Ultimate R increases her death pressure."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune isn't very strong at the beginning of the game. Miss Fortune has a lot of poke damage with her t."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If you are trying to go for an all-in attack, make sure to fight when one of Fiddlesticks' abilities is missing. Fiddlesticks' biggest power spike is at level 6."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Prevent volibear from healing by purchasing items with serious injuries. The executor's call brings serious injuries."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The theft of Sylas's life prevented him from dying quickly in major battles. Two points in the Ultimate R of Sylas allow him to quickly take the ultimate enemies and increase their overall efficiency."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Level 2 is a good spike for Pyke as he can immediately all-in the enemy. Pyke can quickly get quick kills if he manages to push and reach level 2 first."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn doesn\u2019t really spike at level 16 Quinn's Ultimate R is a utility tool rather than a pure damage tool"} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "A good Nautilus will keep ganking whenever his Ultimate e is up. Nautilus completed his Mythic article, and"} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Post level 6, if you have any CC abilities, do not use them unless his Ultimate k is down as he will use their cooldowns to play aggressive and trade with you. Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "They can guarantee a much easier goal than you. Keep them where they are before they can reach the goal."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Flanking in team fights is easier with your W and allows you to target key enemies more easily. Keep flanking if you want to avoid getting poked by the enemy team and forced to retreat."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna is a very mechanically difficult champion to master. It will take a lot of practice to play her to her full potential."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Dying before a major goal will give the enemy an easy victory. It is crucial to stay on the side of the map that the next major objective is located."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Ennemy Mid, ADC or Support are vulnerable targets. Their death timers can be used to end the game or take a major goal."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight. Once Maokai's Ultimate R is maximized, the enemy will not have a perfect time in the game."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu's Q ability allows him to heal up both in the lane and in the Jungle, giving him an advantage over other Junglers. Nunu's W ability offers great ganking potential if there is no enemy vision set-up, which can lead to a great CC chain."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The presence of the Sett team is very high. It's mainly because of his W and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "When you play as an AD champion, getting a Calling Executor will reduce Vladimir's healing and keeping in the way. The call of an executor will prevent Vladimir from being able to heal himself during the path and make him more vulnerable to being chosen by the team."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Monitor your positioning so you can't easily remove Lee Sin when it completes its first component. They go gank early, and Pantheon can gank early too."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Keep your minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game. If you push, the enemy will be able to start a fight or deny you from picking up farm."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "If you stand close to one another, Nunu will use his Snowball W to engage from afar and run into the enemy. Grouping too closely allows Nunu to get a 5 person knockup."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce is a ranged champion. You can often bully melee champions down and harass them whenever they walk up to last hit."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Kha'Zix should target isolated rear linings during combat for maximum efficiency. Once he gets two points in his Ultimate R at level 11, the power of khazix to assassinate his targets and escape unharmed will increase considerably."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "These objects will allow him to flatten tons of damage and champions at once. Protracted team fights will see her win effortlessly."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "To reduce the risk of all-in-one, position the minion wave closer to your turret. This can make it harder for Alistar to commit to your ADC and give you more time to react."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "At level 13, Braum will max out his E, allowing him to deal a lot of damage for his carries during the late game. At level 16, Braum will put the third and final point in his Ultimate r, which will have a rather short cooldown."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Drive with your teammates as much as you can to get killed with the utmost ease. You will also want to make sure that you continue cleaning Control Wards on the card."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "It's a farmer's game. However, you can get murders if you harass and intimidate Morgana first while looking for opportunities to hit her with your Q."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Protecting your allies as much as possible during team fights increases your chances of winning. Keeping your allies alive for as long as possible while dealing damage is key."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Avoid walking in nonwarded areas unless you know where Xin Zhao is. When Xin Zhao's Ultimate R is on cooldown, it's incredibly vulnerable."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This will allow him to inflict much damage on his opponents in the way."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "This will make it harder for Rakan to get a successful engage on to you or your carry If Rakan misses his W, try to abuse the cooldown and play aggressive"} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Farming alone in the side lanes can be really dangerous for you as you are quite easy to get picks on. You only have your Ultimate w to protect you from the enemy."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Keep this in mind and try to deny him farm, XP, gold and resources to reduce his effectiveness in the later parts of the game. He can start ganking as soon as he hits level 2."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Don't be afraid to look for 1v1 fights at level 9. After completing multiple items in the mid-game, you will be a lot stronger."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise's damage is highly dependent on her abilities."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "it will allow it to survive longer during its fighting and to play the role of the disruptor very effectively."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Counter ganking Bel'Veth should be attempted whenever possible. Bel'Veth's core abilities are less effective after initial use."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "At level 9, Fiora will max out her Q. This is a very important power spike for her as it will allow her to look for more aggressive plays, help her farm and also help her escape sticky situations thanks to the low cooldown."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Take advantage of the opportunities to have an impact on the tracks Wukong will be active with early ganks"} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The vision around major objectives is crucial to the safety and effectiveness of a Support. In the middle of the game, Supports should look for opportunities to withdraw enemy choices with the help of their allies."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax will survive despite being at the back of the enemy line. You should be able to decimate the entire enemy team with your Ultimate t and o once you're complete build."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "His first element will allow him to spam his abilities and flatten a lot of damage quickly. This component of the article will allow Twisted Fate to move fairly easily."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax clears the jungle quite quickly and healthy, so you may not be able to fight him early. You should go low when Jax is low to increase your chances of killing him."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Her ability to trade with the enemy also increases after completing her first component item. It is a good idea to play somewhat safe early and then more aggressively after your first back."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Use your flanking ability to position yourself for easier team fights. Once Kennen has two points in his Ultimate m, he will be able to inflict massive damage to the enemy team. He just needs to choose the perfect moment to enter."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "During the mid-game, Bard's abilities will be on a lower cooldown. Bard's Q will be on a rather short cooldown, which will allow him to look for more picks throughout this stage of the game."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "The bad form early, puts it back in massive condition. It becomes completely dependent on the positioning of the target that it is using its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "If you need to get on to the enemy to kill them, be prepared to flank from the side to make it harder for her to anticipate your movements. For AD champions, invest in an Executioner's Calling when Janna is ahead."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Keep a good objective control! Gank the lower track"} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Instead, walk towards your allies but keep a safe distance from their positions. Fizz has good kill pressure at levels 3 and 4."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Keep khazix guarded to spot it before it can secure the lens. Post 6 should avoid fighting khazix at any cost because it is much stronger with its Ultimate and will easily kill you."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Practice makes perfect, but do try and dodge them whenever you\u2019re able to. You're a very mobile champion, thanks to you E."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin will have several elements during this phase of the game. This will allow Lee Sin to inflict robust damage while ensuring that his survival is preserved."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn has a gank capacity both bot and the top track unabated. The E Mechanic allows him to obtain his desired passive shape with ease."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia has a weak laning phase."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Its ultimate t can easily be rid by the enemy by buying Control Wards. A jump or jump from an enemy Jungler can bypass Teemo's mushrooms."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "If you can\u2019t kill the enemy laner, try to roam around the map to pick up kills in the side lanes. Fizz is strong at level 3 and 4 once he unlocks all 3 of his abilities."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "At the end of the game, several elements finished the key to success. Your healing and survival should be high enough in the late game."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Level 6 is the \"peak power\" for Teemo. Teemo will be extraordinarily odious and devious now, especially as the game progresses."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "His biggest power spike is reached at level 6. Galio\u2019s R gives a large opportunity to gank and assist other lines or introduce himself in a team fight."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Three points in his Ultimate R will make Urgot really scary. Whoever gets caught by Urgot will probably end up dying because of the amount of damage he can bring down in a short time."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "In addition to less cooling, Alistar reportedly purchased items that make it incredibly tanky. Alistar will be able to take more damage and survive fighting because of the tanky items he acquired."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "waveclear with his R is helpful when trying to clear the wave quickly to get a recall. ezreal\u2019s E is his safest ability, allowing him to easily escape sticky situations."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco is really good at getting choices with the team during this phase of the game. He can easily set up death brushes and use his clone to push enemies before a neutral and objective fight."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Once Aatrox reaches level 9, its Q-capacity is fully maximized. Aatrox reduced its Q capacity due to this"} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The n Ultimate capability is an excellent trading tool that makes the monkeying much stronger. Maintaining a uniform wave of minions or slightly closer to its side of the card early on allows protection against ganks."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "It's very important that you don't let Twitch dry his damage by exploding it at the beginning of a fight. If you're nearby when Switch ganks, don't be afraid to counter the gank as you're really strong in 2v2, especially post 6."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal bursting someone down with a few Q's and his R will allow him to force a team fight with numbers or health advantage. ezreal should not use his E aggressively in late game fights because it will make him vulnerable briefly."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Respect Fizz's all-in playstyle and try to poke him down before he gets the chance to play aggressively. Fizz's Playful / Trickster E allows him to dodge damage and escape from trades."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Level 16 isn't that great because she won't be getting a lot except for a reduced cooldown on her Ultimate R. Her tankiness will be out of bounds during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "crossing a long distance with Taliyah's Ultimate R gives him traction to easily land his C. talijah's E is really effective against enemies who have some form of dash."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "If you invade a place, step back because they can easily kill you, especially if you're behind. They can secure the lenses much easier than you can keep them monitored to spot them before they can secure the lens."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Being stunned and killed before a major objective spawns will result in the enemy taking the objective for free. Overstaying while low under your own tower is a big no-no against Bard, as he can put your Tower in stasis and kill you shortly afterwards."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. Continue to farm during the mid-game to get items quickly."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Riven will try to divide the thrust when there are no team fights."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana excelled in the end-of-game fights because of her utility and CC on her Q. Morgana Q's CC can easily be chained with its Ultimate R for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Keep playing with your abilities while growing, but make sure you don't get CC'd by him while doing that. Try to keep your resource bar more than half filled as much as possible."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf should avoid getting poked out by his Q. Failing to do so will prompt Olaf to all-in you once you're low."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "If you can catch someone out of position and take them down, you\u2019ll be able to abuse the numbers advantage. Ivern is a 'Support'."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Reduction of healing is necessary as soon as possible. Otherwise, Lulu will maintain himself and heal damage."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "After entering with your e and e, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in team fights. A good time to do so will be when you have used your h and your Ultimate n is about to run out."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee. If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Its damage is excellent during this phase of the game due to its core of articles being completed and it is very agile. The fact that the enemy will turn a lot allows him to secure the peaks quickly."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric's Ultimate offers a ton of extra Kill pressure. Play smart and remember when you're weak so Taric can't use their Ultimate to run you. Try to harass Taric as often as possible with your top range. Harass them as often as possible and then look for an all-in when they are low."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Be careful walking forward for the last shot. Play respectfully and avoid taking tons of damage when Lissandra you area."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Setting goals with the team should be a priority. Guards must be protected at all times if the team can maintain them."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "The importance of staying with your Support throughout the mid-game is emphasized. If you move away from your Support, you become an easy target for the enemy."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Slow down the enemy if they try to catch up with you. It will allow you to scale up and intimidate your opponent relentlessly."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "The Mortadokaers are generally good at dividing the thrust in the middle of the game. When there are no goals nearby, a Mortadokaer should regroup with his team and fight 5v5."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Work with your Jungler to get some picks around the map. Your champion and Ultimate ability should let you run down enemies with ease."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Your goal at the beginning of the game is to advance your allies. Glove as often as possible"} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Combined with his passive, he will be able to tank damaged for days and peel for his wagons. The Maokai team fights against the sharp effectiveness during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "When Tryndamere's Ultimate E is in place, it will be really hard to kill. Trendamere has good objective control."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "You should play respectfully whenever Yasuo's Ultimate R is in place because it can easily kill you. Yasuo excels in team fighting when selected with several knock-ups."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "If it spawns quickly, be sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before you safely retreat. It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "At level 6, Seraphine will unlock her Ultimate R. Seraphine's Ultimate R makes her more than one threat and she will be able to install her Jungler quite easily."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Try to fight Shyvana to deny his gold and XP. Post 6, it will be harder to fight Shyvana alone."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Baron or Dragon objectives should not be taken when Jayce is nearby because the team will be grouped together and vulnerable to his devastating blows. If Jayce is in a side lane split pushing, keep an eye on his positioning to prevent him from clearing waves or taking towers without being contested."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Stand by the minions to block Zeri's W. Play carefully and avoid engaging with the Ultimate R of zeri."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Try to catch the enemy CDA in a side lane or enemy support while they are in custody. Your main objective during the fighting will be to achieve the highest priority enemy target."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "She can be strong, but if she's not early, she'll be incredibly weak. You must stay with your support throughout the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's power in close combat is excellent, He can trade with or out fight pretty much all enemy Junglers."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "You can use it solo, Seraphine's early play is pretty decent."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Try to shut down Gangplank early with the help of your Jungler. Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Don't be alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "If you are paired with teams that lack damage or AP Bot laners, Ivern\u2019s heals and shields will not be so effective. Ivern\u2019s carry potential is rather lacklustre."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Your ultimate R can save your Jungler if they're stuck in a bad situation. Your team should regroup with their teammates during this phase of the game and ensure a consistent DPS on the enemies."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Vex kills the pressure and picks the pressure increases considerably at this stage of the game. The more gold Vex is under her belt, the stronger she'll be."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Remember to ping when Kassadin goes missing so your other laners know they're gone. Post-six, Kassadin can start avoiding ganks and roaming around to try and get kills."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Nami has a lot of pressure in the laning phase. In the middle of the game, Nami's Q causes pressure losses."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "You should constantly monitor the positions of your allies. Catching an opponent out of position with your E could lead your team to gain a significant amount of free gold."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "The 'fog of war' can be used by Ahri to set up ambushes for enemy team members, especially when fighting over a neutral objective like Baron. Fights taking place in closed areas like the Jungle are ideal for setting up multiple kills with Q ability."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Monitor the health of allies at all times. Use Soraka's Ultimate R to save low-healing allies who can reverse the tide of a fight or survive."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If the player continues to push when they are not ahead, they will become an easy target for the enemy Jungler. Level 6 is a variable power peak highly dependent on the composition of the enemy team."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Avoid starting major goals such as the Baron or a Dragon when Mordekaiser is nearby as it can take your Jungler to the Shadow Kingdom with its R which will make taking the goal risky. Mordekaiser can take your Jungler to the Shadow Kingdom with his R if you start major goals like the Baron or a Dragon near him."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "If you fall back, it will be unlikely that you will be able to cover the damage in the fighting. Look for choices with your support / Jungler to get murders."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "At level 9, the first capability will cause a lot of damage to the target enemy. This ability also allows him to pursue his Passive."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "You need time to come online and focus on getting gold and XP from farming. If there is a nearby ganking or counter-ganking opportunity, don't be afraid to take it."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Glove as often as possible to exploit your initial advantage as a Jungler game"} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana will be looking to gank. Diana's skirmishing potential and damage output increase after completing her first item."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map throughout the early game."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "This ability helps Swain quickly eliminate squishy targets. Its tenacity and damage are really high during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. At level 9, Syndra will fix a lot of damage regularly."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan has the advantage of the range. Akshan will try to intimidate you with its superior range."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "It can inflict constant amounts of damage, which becomes quite heavy during mid-game fighting. A Jungler must pay particular attention to this champion in order to relieve pressure from other ways."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "You need time to come online and you shouldn\u2019t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Try and space Veigar accordingly in the team fights. Don't put yourself too far forward as this will allow Veigar to catch up with his n and start a team fight."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo is expected to place mushrooms in the river and around the entrances to the Scuttle Crab and the jungle. A scanning lens is recommended to reduce the chances of walking in a fungus."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Apply as much pressure as possible by often gauntling at the beginning of the game. Take these goals because you can the solar quite easily."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain has several points in his Ultimate R that allow him to resume fighting easily. The release of Swain's damage will also be quite phenomenal."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "On level 2, Twitch can gank a track. Be ready for the level 2 gank."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "It will be very advantageous for his assassination attempts. In the middle of the game, the player can secure several murders due to enemy rotation."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "If you can't get an easy advance of ganks, try to invade their jungle and steal their camps. Post 6, you should look to make coins."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "The enemy can try to get away from it to prevent it from getting its fully loaded E, which did not reset its W to facilitate an escape. Her E without her Q is quite ineffective at the beginning of the game because she has no form of external attack speed on her."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "This will allow his teammates to follow the all-in-one. This champion is extremely weak when she is CC'd because she can't use her dashes and can be killed easily."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Renata is good in team fights thanks to the large radius on her Ultimate R. She is good in team fights thanks to the large radius on her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "When Cho'Gath has his m ability up, his survivability and self-peel are significantly increased. It's recommended to wait for Cho'Gath to use one of these abilities before engaging or fighting him."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you're on the move around the map, and when you're alone. To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "In the mid-game, teams start to group. Focusing on the enemy backline from now on should be effortless as long as you're in the fog of war and have a defensive item like a Zhonya's Hourglass."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "With a good enemy positioning, Alistar can be incredibly difficult to engage. Alistar relies on his team more than other Supports."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "It will definitely help you with chunking out enemies. Continue to kite in team fights and consistently adapt your positioning."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "His 1v1 potential is pretty high. He can 1v1 pretty much any Jungler if he has a small lead."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "He should take fights around choke points. Taking fights around choke points will help Brand gain an advantage."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The early closing of Varus is crucial to winning the game. varus is a very motionless champion."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "At level 16 Diana's AOE damage and all-in potential will be extremely high. Teams grouping in the late game allows Diana to deal a lot of damage to multiple enemies at once."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Play safer when your Ultimate R is in place. Avoid staying inside the minion wave."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "She can cancel all this almost immediately with her W. Its ability ensures that the enemy lantern is pushed out of the way."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The damage of the Twitches in the early game is pretty strong if it can get a long trade extended down. After taking its first component element, the trading power of Twitches increases considerably."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Getting an early kill will make the laning phase much easier for her. Cassiopeia runs out of mana incredibly quickly if she spams her E when trading."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Maxing's first ability at level 9 will give him a massive boost to his skirmish potential. Viego is good in team fighting because he can quickly pass through his E."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Always look at your positioning at level 6 because its level 6 is stronger and can easily kill you if it lands on its 6. Focus on pushing and matching the light Post 6 wave to reduce its chances of pushing you into your lap and getting a gold lead."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "For regular short trades with automatic attack in this way, go. The liberal use of track brushes can be beneficial for this purpose."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Make sure to find a healthy balance between farming and ganking, Elise is a gank heavy Jungler. Getting kills is good but you need the XP and gold from jungle camps to get ahead."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "It will be difficult for the enemy team to eliminate Lulu's team due to the short cooling period of capacity, Killing Lulu is really going to be next to the impossible."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Obtaining Drakes and securing the Dragon soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game. Look for choices with your team. If you can choose someone, call for Baron or Dragon to continue your lead."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Keep vision in typical flanking spots as Ekko will try to set up an engage with his W from out of vision. If you see him running towards you, back up for a few seconds as he would have used his W."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "In team fighting, continue to focus the most squishi and the easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "He can also look for flanks and dive the enemy backline. His first game will be pretty strong."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin can completely decimate squishy targets with his Ultimate R. His 4th shot will hit like a truck."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "You should keep an eye on Jax at all times because he will look to split push and take objectives quickly. If he jumps on you with his E, disengage/reposition immediately to avoid taking damage."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Once Gragas unlocks his Ultimate R, he can displace enemy champions to disadvantageous positions and get them killed instantly. If Gragas goes full AP, his burst damage is unreal, especially when fighting 1v1 against someone squishier."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Good times to roam are straight from base or when your ADC will be safe and will not die. Rell gains significant power at each level."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Your W (ability) and E (ability) can be used to flank the enemy team in team fights. Getting on the enemy backline easily can make it difficult for them to defend themselves."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Your safety and your ability to defend yourself against Trendamere are greatly reduced if it closes peacefully. Trendamere needs a lot of gold and XP to transport solo in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Being in the fog of war makes it effortless to focus on the enemy backline. The enemy backline should be your primary goal from now on."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Squishy champions can be easily killed by Akali. If Akali is able to get a few murders in the way, she can snowball quite quickly and further her lead."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "After committing, retreating and peeling for your ADC. Leona will now have two points in her Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The abuse of Sett's W capability can cause him to kill because it is his only form of mitigation of damage. Sett cannot easily escape if someone includes it after using its W capability."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "If you get picked off, the enemy will be able to take nearby objectives or use their numbers advantage to win a team fight. Consistently place vision around the map to help your team secure objectives and get picks."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "The guards can keep you from flancing the enemy and catching the enemies out of position. Against a good support that places the pupils, it's going to be a little hard."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Flank in the team fights and try to bring down the most squishi member of the enemy team. Taking someone downstairs quickly gives a huge advantage."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "This puts them at a disadvantage in the trades because they have a less and less efficient trade capacity. Be careful at level 6, while Senna's death pressure increases with its ultimate ability."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The enemy team cannot afford to fight in closed spaces because they will be shot down by the Ultimate b of Rumble. Rumble's efficiency is significantly reduced when its liabilities are not half-filled."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "It can be difficult for Skarner to engage and be useful when it is interrupted easily. Skarner's not great if he's behind, because he won't be tanky enough to absorb the damage,"} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Avoid fighting in the Dragon or Baron pit because it allows Kennen to get a good Ultimate. Kennen is inclined to peel and disengage."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "If your health falls below 50%, remember that Alistar can easily dive and survive thanks to his R. Once Alistar has taken Mobi Boots, he can wander and help other ways."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "The first item component for Poppy allows her to deal more damage and survive all-ins easily, increasing her overall skirmishing power. Level 11 of Poppy is relatively lackluster as she only gets the cooldown on the ability reduced."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Sitting towers will be difficult when Zoe is alive because she has a good wave clear. Take Zoe first or look for goals when she's nowhere near."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma has a potent early game and is quite strong from levels 1 to 3. Try to not let her poke you too much by hiding in between the minion wave and backing off when she moves forward."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong will be active with early ganks You need to maintain a proactive approach by often making queues to match its presence."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks Ultimate R allows him to deal damage to tons of champions at once in closed areas during team fights. Fiddlesticks' W heals him a lot in team fights, providing extra sustain/damage."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is a very safe Support. Ezreal\u2019s Ultimate R is on a short cooldown and can be used frequently when trading with the enemy."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "That means he'll be hard to take away, And the still enemy or CC'd door will die especially if they can't take Xin away from them."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "This will help you deal with enemies who are more tanker than you. You'll be safe from murderers."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "He will be quite tanky due to his items and stats, which means that he will be a powerhouse of consistent DPS. Once he gets 3 points in his Ultimate t, no enemy backline will be safe anymore."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "You can't catch up with the enemy's roaming team. Abuse your range by typing enemies with your abilities."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "It's like his wave pushes power. Stay outside the minion wave."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "The goal is to help your team build up an advance so you can finish the game quickly. Work with your support to get choices in the enemy jungle."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "At level 6, Kled increased mobility and impact potential on several tracks with its Ultimate R. Its ultimate R can also be used to engage and pursue the enemy."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "If you can land poke while pushing the minion wave, you could look for a favorable trade. When you sit Baron or Dragon, or when you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with your abilities."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon's Level 2 is the strongest in the game and should allow it to accumulate an early lead. He wants to let the wave push towards him at level 1 to maximize the strength of his level 2."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "This will allow him to flatten a lot of damage, and his burst potential due to his W will be phenomenal. Varus is excellent in team fighting due to his Q and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "The knockback of Level 6 is quite beneficial as the last-ditch disengage tool as well. Janna is a monster during the early game and is very oppressive in the lane due to her d."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Your Ultimate k will come in very practical and will allow you to make a lot of coins. Securing the goals is very important, especially during this phase of the game, as these goals can be the decision-maker of the game."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "CC is your best friend when it comes to handling Nidalee in team fights. As soon as she jumps in with her k, CC her and lock her down."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "After he hits level 6, be careful when moving back to lane if he\u2019s not already shown. He may use his Ultimate R to get behind you and all-in you as soon as you get back to lane."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze doesn't do much damage if he's placed behind at the beginning and in the middle of the game. Ryze's ultimate ability can change the positioning of himself and anyone within the circle."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Obtaining a defensive element will also strengthen its survival."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "He suffers at the beginning of the game because he cannot use his abilities consistently. Once out of mana, it becomes practically useless."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "In a team fight with the Ultimate R, you should prepare to retreat for your allies at the end of the game. To facilitate access to the enemy background, group with your team, but stay on one side."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Make sure you keep major objectives warded at all times so you can spot Jarvan before he secures the objective. Jarvan IV looks to lock down as many champions as possible in team fights with his Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "There is a stigma behind Janna players. Janna is vulnerable to poke and engage."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "This means that the damage to Rumble will increase considerably, and it should have an easy time to melt through the enemy health bars. The presence of Rumble during the mid-game fights is truly fabulous."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar is rather weak and vulnerable at the beginning of the game. You could try to abuse that to put it behind and miss the batteries."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "During the last game champions begin to build defensive elements that do not allow Shaco to assassinate someone immediately. Shaco is rather squishy and inclined to be killed if CC=\"d when his Ultimate I is down."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "If it is impossible to spoil, we can try to invade the jungle of Warwick and steal camps. Camps should be stolen when Warwick is shown on the other side of the map."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "If you can choose someone, you should turn to . Keep a constant eye on which the main objective is to spawn afterwards."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Buffering Ezreal's E won't work well if the enemy has ranged CC that follows up after its use. Ezreal must play more defensively when his E is down due to the risk of being followed up by enemy CC."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Obtaining an early health advance is the key to getting a murder later on the line. Level 2 in the lower lane is the first minion wave followed by the next 3 melee minions."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Side attack can help to shoot Xerath quickly, preventing him from causing damage. The goal is to delay the team fight by engaging Xerath as soon as possible and rob him with p and 2."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac has creative gank paths that guard against him a little misleading. The best way to deal with Zac is to place pupils in its jungle camps and near its jungle entrances rather than pupils inside the alleys."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "This should help you take control of the game quickly if you manage to accumulate an advance. Getting your form will be huge for you."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "During the laning phase, Braum will look to be a meat shield for his ally by using Stand Behind Me W and Unbreakable E to nullify your damage."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "The proper use of your W is important in this matchup. Hide in the brushes and wait for the enemies to show up near the brush in which you hide."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Your jungler would be happy if you assisted him in invading or taking the Rift Herald. In order to secure picks, keep an eye on the side lanes as they are easy to find isolated enemies in those lanes."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Stick with your team in the late game. If you're ahead, try to take down the enemy backline."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "This will cause him a lot of damage to the enemies and he will just sculpt a path through the enemy front line. Kog'Maw is very squishy and can be quickly killed at the end of the game by assassins or enemies with tons of CC."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank should only dismount unless his Q ability is on cooldown. The wave should be kept close to Blitzcrank's side of the lane to make it difficult for him to engage if he overextends."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr can solo lenses like the Dragon with ease. Keep the Drake kept at all times to reduce Udyr's chances of securing it for free."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Once you get two items, you should be able to flatten a lot of damage depending on the construction you go for. You should use your e appropriately to avoid CC."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "As Jungler, it is necessary to continue to cultivate jungle camps. Continuing to cultivate jungle camps helps avoid falling back into the game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Level 6 offers Diana lots of burst damage and CC. Because your Ultimate R is such a strong tool, make sure you\u2019re trying to gank whenever it\u2019s available."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "If the enemy is regrouping, group up with your team as well. In team fighting, continue to focus on the most squishi and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "All he needs to do is Ultimate his enemy from out of vision. His tankiness will know no bounds during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "xinhao is incredibly vulnerable once its Ultimate R on cooldown. The enemy team should try to fight Xinhao during this period and target him in front of anyone else."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Catching someone out and getting a kill can give his team enough time to take objectives like Baron or Dragon. Heimerdinger peels for his team in team fights by using his Q on nearby champions to protect himself and his ADC."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble's Ultimate b is very strong and will help him jerk off with the enemy Jungler. The enemy Jungler can be regrouped closely and fights in the jungle, which facilitates team fighting for Rumble."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "His tankess will be gargantuane during this stage of the game. He will not take any harm during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Tristana's range of attack will be quite high during this phase of the game. Her field of attack will let her do a lot of damage while remaining safe from the CC."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Peel for your carts at the end of the game team fight to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you will not be able to win the fight alone. Stay with your team at the end of the game."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Her Ultimate ability will deal tons of consistent damage. Teams continued to group in the late game."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Look for fights inside tight spots of the map or get picks with your Ultimate R. CC\u2019ing a key target will make fighting so much easier."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "She will be able to take down tanks easier than ever if she positions correctly. Positioning is important so they don't take you down and you're good to go."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "After getting a kill, make the call for Baron or Dragon if your team is nearby and able to help you. Securing these objectives as a Jungler is crucial in the mid-game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "When the thrust is split, it is preferable to avoid clustering if possible. Instead, use your strong duelling potential to fight against opponents who are trying to stop you."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Stealing away Elise's Blue buff during the early game will prevent her from casting abilities frequently. Elise's Blue buff is very important for her."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Place key objectives and vision in high-traffic areas in the final stages of the game. Keep the quarters so you can see the enemy moving around the map and start taking targets."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon is a murderer. Expect Talon to look for choices with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Urgot's ability to take out his commercial opponents decreases when he is hit by his Ultimate R (executor). After finishing the search for the Black Cliviers, Urgot became more difficult to kill."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Avoid regrouping too closely in team fights. Grouping too close could allow Morgana to get a very good Ultimate Roff."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Stay with your team at any time. Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "her goal will be to harass as much as she can before looking for a choice Take on as fast as you can so she can't take you down."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade. In team fights, avoid grouping closely together to make it difficult for Cassiopeia to land a 5 person Ultimate R."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "When Cho\u2019Gath cannot trade too well, it is because he has not yet picked up his first component item. Cho'Gath will start to out-trade many enemy champions when combined with some of his other power spikes."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "You should stand towards the back end of your team near your Support. Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko's Ultimate R can be used aggressively. You can look for riskier all-ins post level 6 as long as you cast your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Keep this in mind when committing to fights with Garen alone. Garen has built-in sustain, therefore it is necessary to get a healing reduction mechanism quickly."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "When Mordekaiser activates his W, immediately disables because it blocks the damage you inflict on him. Mordekaiser is quite still."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "When you engage Viego in a 1v1 match, keep this in mind: Viego is pretty good early. Viego's Level 6 power peak is very good."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "He will pose a lot of threats if he can use abilities while hiding in a brush. His tenacity will be colossal during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Rakan has great mobility thanks to the items he picks up and his E, W, and R. The mobility of Rakan increases dramatically when laning with Xayah."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Work with your Jungler and get some picks on the enemy Jungler or Support when you get the chance. This will let you snowball your lead during the mid-game."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "If you engage and fight quickly, he will not have time to poke you down. Avoid trying to take objectives in the mid or late game when Corki is alive."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Her early game ganks are very potent as she can quickly E someone to a wall and allow her teammates to collapse on them in a jiffy. She can also cancel dashes with her W that prevents enemies from escaping."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "It can be difficult to trade against Janna when she has her d available because she may come out ahead. Go for all-in trades rather than short trades against Janna with her d active."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Play on the side of the map that has the next major objective up so you can rotate to take it with your team. Alternatively if you have Teleport you can go to the bot side of the map and use it to get to your team."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "This means that the enemy can do nothing to defend its turn. Ziggs will try to delay a team struggle as long as possible while he poses with his Q."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Taking the mid lane tower opens up the map. Taking the mid lane tower gives your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "At this time, Diana will have crowd control on her Ultimate R. Diana will be looking to gank."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily. Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can get into the fight quickly."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Play aggressively throughout the laning phase to get murders. If you can get a murder or two, you can snowball your advance quickly."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Watch your flanks so you can spot him before he climbs to the top of your team. If you don't already have, you need a reduction in healing on your portages."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch's abilities make him have no effort to take control of the early game. The champions will begin to regroup at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo is very early and can intimidate the enemy down a ton. However, this depends heavily on the matchup and it must always be carefully positioned so that it does not take unnecessary damage."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "The early game game is quite simple where you will want to make sure that you can land as many loaded shots on the enemy as you can possibly. It is recommended to use track brushes to land W on the enemy."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Don\u2019t trade too much before the first back, so you don\u2019t fall behind the opponent. A player needs time to come online after reaching level 6, so focus on farming and surviving the very early game."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Once you hit level 6 and bought key elements, try to harass and constantly push the enemy into their turn. This will allow you to earn turret veneer and increase your gold income."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "It is recommended to keep a safe distance from walls and the Pillar Q ability to prevent being caught in a trap. Avoid using major CC abilities on orrn when his W ability is off cooldown as it can be used to dodge or escape CC."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "He should be working with his team and setting up death brushes around the map. His ability to completely blow up squishy targets will make team fights highly unfair for the enemy team."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi needs time to come online. It is weak in the very early lancing phase."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Option 1: detonate Taric and ADC before protection Option 2: Disengage and wait for R to disappear"} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Being quite still can lead to Mordekaiser being much camped during the laning phase. Once replayed at the beginning of the game, Mordekaiser was unable to clear up much damage."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's first capacity will be maximized at level 9. Teemo's first capacity will cause heavy amounts of burst damage."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank needs time to come online in the early game. It is advisable to abuse Gangplank's weakness in the early game to gain an advantage."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux will excel in the fight against bottlenecks. The enemy will not be able to avoid Lux's g."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Once you acquire your Ultimate R, your team fight impact should significantly increase. Utilizing effigies and bamboozling enemies with surprise Ultimate R's on them is a strategic approach."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric won't be able to spam Q if you fight often Disengagement as soon as Taric activated his Ultimate R, allowing the enemy to take damage."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "A supertank exists that has an abundance of crowd control in its kit. The supertank can function as an exceptionally good front-line defender for its team."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Keep an eye on the items Gragas is buying. Gragas can choose between building tank or AP, and his damage output should be respected accordingly."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "The wave from the pushed side lane keeps pushing towards your team. Running while the wave pushes you towards your teammates."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Try your toughest to push back the wave as much as possible so it can't wander for free, or take your turn early. Malzahar will counter your all-in at level 6."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "At level 6, Camille Support will look for opportunities to make aggressive plays with her Ultimate. Track Camille's Ultimate cooldown and play far back from her when she uses it."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain's late game is strong because of his team fighting prowess. He can immediately kill the enemy team if he manages to catch them near a choke point."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Burst and poke is the best way to win a fight against Swain. Try to catch him before a team fight starts."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Try to clean up the murders whenever possible. The champion can throw dives in turn early and try to get killed once his laner pushes the wave in."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "She needs a lot of time to come online in the early game. But that doesn't mean landing a cheeky t will not be impactful."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank will miss his b in a team fight if you do not focus him down. Focus Blitzcrank down while he is out of position, because he is quite vulnerable to CC."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Then, everything in him, or make sure your Jungler the gank while it's too wide. Monitor your position at all times so that he can't put his abilities on you."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "If you are able to shoot down the enemy Mid, ADC or Support, you can use their death timer to finish the game or take a major goal. Avoid dying and stay on the same side of the map as the next major goal."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Their Level 6 opponent is relatively low in a 2v2 fight because their Ultimate capability serves primarily as a utility rather than inflicting damage. Your level 6 advantage gives you the opportunity to play aggressively and shoot this opponent."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Rek\u2019Sai's E ability facilitates this mobility. Rek'Sai is very easy to kite because she has low range and is a melee champion."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "\"E\" and \"W\" capabilities will be crucial enough to win this path. Try to land the enemy's 'E' capability when they're about to hit a minion for the last time."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The combination of Graves' high burst damage and excellent dueling skills play circles around enemy positions."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Look how you remember because of Kayn-S Ultimate R and mobility. Stand in the middle of the way so it's easy for you to escape if it comes out nearby."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "She is a god during this phase of the game when it comes to team fights. A maximum of Ultimate R will allow Sona to impact team fighting quite often."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Rotate the side lane to where your team is and look for a choice with your Ultimate h. Peel for your allies in the team fights."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Try to catch the enemy CDA in a side lane or enemy support while they are in custody. Lee Sin will have several elements during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate R, you should all be good to focus on a track and a door. It's up to you if you want the transport to have your camps, but don't fall too late on CS."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "This is invaluable when he is trying to pull off a gank or when he manages to catch an immobile champion out. Grievous Wounds are his mortal enemy, especially during the early game."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "The potential for velkoz wave release is very high due to its W and Q. This allows him to clear the waves quickly enough and obtain the priority of the track, allowing him to help his team secure the goals."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Capacity W made enemy physical damage virtually useless when it was active. Shen could put in place very good cheese brushes with its E capacity."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Warwick has a lot of support"} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Use Q only if you are sure to reach it, as the disappearance will make you vulnerable. Rotation towards the middle of the track after destroying the tower of the lower track and trying to take this tower will open the map and give your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "After interrupting her ultimate, bashing her head in with CC is recommended. Quinn's E is on cooldown when engaging on her."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian will be both able to provide for himself and to inflict substantial damage. Lucian's Q & E will be maximized during this game stage."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick falls at the end of the game, but that doesn't mean he's useless. A good Ultimate R on a key target is enough to win the game."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Leblanc is very strong in the middle of the game once she has lots of APs and articles. Make sure you regroup with your team so that Leblanc can't blow anyone up quickly."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "He'll just need to use his I and Qs at the right time, and he'll be unqualified. Vladimir's l has a long cooling period during the laning phase."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal uses his Ultimate R to snipe someone on the map. Ping your team as Ezreal's Ultimate R moves across Summoners Rift to allow them to dodge it."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia can build 6 items. You should close out the game as soon as possible if you get ahead early."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Just like in the mid-game, you should stick with your Support throughout the later parts of the game. Do not go around the map alone as you will die easily."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for Camille to land her E in a trade."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "It can even score singular selections with. At level 9, its first capacity will be maximized."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Urgot's E also has a long cooling time and you should try to avoid it during the laning phase. You should chat with Urgot when Q and E are down for a better chance of going out ahead."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "This can allow the enemy team to bait her in and get rid of her pretty quickly. If kaisa is set back during the early game, she won\u2019t be able to come online as fast as her counterparts."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Also, don't forget to buy some form of anti-CC if the enemy team has a lot of champions with hard CC abilities on their side. Ashe's y cooldown will be on an incredibly low level in the late game."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf's objective control is quite potent as his Passive allows him to take them down very quickly. He should always try to secure an objective if he can free up a lane after ganking them."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Her empowered Q is a force to reckon with once she hits level 6. Using lane brushes offers an additional layer of safety to Karma while ensuring that the enemy laner has a horrible time in the lane."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "When attacking the enemy team, be in an appropriate position to maximize the effectiveness of your ultimate and on-board capabilities. In neutral, objective combats, maintain a safe distance from enemies while covering the essential bottlenecks with your edge and ultimate capabilities."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger's abilities allow him to split push and draw aggro while his teammates apply pressure elsewhere on the map. In team fights, Heimerdinger uses his empowered E to get picks and start the fight."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "He'll use his e at the right time. He will have several objects during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Deep warding the enemy jungle becomes safe thanks to your Passive. Ganking enemies is made easy by your E, allowing you to catch them off-guard and burst them down."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "If Kalista uses her abilities improperly, she can easily miss a chance to score multiple kills in a short period. This failure will also give the enemy enough time to all-in Kalista if she happens to be close by, and kill her."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Don't forget you're holding the Smite for your team. Your goals are to secure peaks and peels for your squishy targets during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is very weak when its Ultimate R (strengthening) is down. You need time to come online before you fight unless you have a clear and early advantage."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Focusing on him first will prevent him from healing and shielding his allies. His W ability will be disabled."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "This will make his level 6 power spike much weaker compared to many champions. This champion is an early game bully."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "They go gank early, and Pantheon can gank early too. Apply as much pressure as you can on them before invading."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Its cards can cause significant damage if you are hit. You should be careful when you face twisted fate with his article."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Track Karma's Ultimate cooldown post 6. Avoid being caught out by Karma's superior damage post 6."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Team coordination is crucial for the end of the game. Leaving the teammates alone when the enemy team has 5 members will probably lead to a defeat."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "If Rengar is late in the start of the game, it will be really difficult for him to get back into the game. Rengar's W is his main defense tool."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game if available. If you can find an opportunity to use it, use your Ultimate R to catch out someone isolated and alone."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Once Mordekaiser reaches level 6, he will find it a little easier to ganker with his Ultimate R. Try to match his pressure by ganting as much as you can in early play,"} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw's maximum health will be capped at level 9. Group enemy teammates can easily target Kog'Maw's e with high damage."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is a team fighting champion thanks to the AOE on Tibbers R. It is plausible that teams will group during the mid-game, and she can land a multi-person stun with Tibbers R."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If he goes for the tank build, he will be nearly unkillable and can act as a perfect peel unit for his carries. On the other hand, if he goes for the bruiser build, he will be more dependent on the fog of war to catch enemies off guard and pick vital enemy carries."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia deals a lot of damage in extended trades as long as she lands her Q. She needs to make sure she keeps an eye on her mana pool though so she doesn\u2019t run out of mana."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. It is important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "You should stay near your team at all times in the late game. Your Ultimate R has a long range, but it may be forced to use when you are elsewhere on the map."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "The best effect of Renekton's Ultimate capability will be seen during battles around bottlenecks, as enemies will not be able to escape easily. Renekton's gonna have several things now."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The vision should be placed in Taliyah's jungle when its Ultimate R is in place. Taliyah does not have the incredible control of Dragon in early play."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "It can allow the entire team to use its capabilities properly."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Don't face check bushes if you don\u2019t know where Anivia or her team is. Whenever Anivia has her Passive up, her ability to survive all-ins is much higher."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Unlocking your Ultimate R adds a significant shine to Syndra's champion kit, Let her grow earlier."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Graves is a good early game skirmisher. Invading and trying to fight Graves, setting him behind, should be the priority."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "This capacity component will be incredibly beneficial to talijah during the ploughing phase. Taliyah was suggested to be killed in different parts of the map."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "An item that deals grievous damage can be used to reduce Dr Mundo's healing. Healing from Dr Mundo's attacks can be reduced by items like the Executioner\u2019s Calling."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf will be able to pick off targets easily due to the ability being up frequently. Olaf's tankiness will be phenomenal during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "A player can kill her by attacking her. The ability to kill She can stop it at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Later the game will go, Nasus will be stronger. Nasus' strength increases with the number of batteries on his Q."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "If you're weak, Syndra will shoot you. Remember if you are weak"} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "This will be really useful in clumped areas like the objective pits and the Jungle paths. Heimerdinger's E allows him to CC key targets but has a long cooldown early on."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Even with Fizz's E available, Fizz is pretty squishy if he gets hit with CC. Fizz needs to get ahead early to do well in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "He should be able to win several fights just using his Ultimate b correctly In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Wall e is a tool used by Anivia. The Wall e tool protects Anivia and her allies."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne can quickly turn the tide of a fight with his Ultimate ability. Nocturne uses his Ultimate ability defensively to scare off enemies."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "If possible, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This forces Taric and his ADC to extend for the farm, creating opportunities for your jungler to capitalize on potentially secure murders or appeal spells."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "In the middle of the game, Nami's Q causes pressure losses. His Ultimate R is a huge threat in team fighting."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain has a lot of tankness and damage during this phase of the game. Swain uses Zhonya's Hourglass to be imperturbable for a while, inflicting damage all the time."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is going to try to hit you if you move closer. Try and secure objectives when facing Darius."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "If the enemy seems to be engaged, step back as soon as they play aggressively, especially if Yuumi is attached to the front line as it will empower them. If Yuumi is in a bad position, try to kill her. She has no mobility without her allies nearby and can therefore be punished very quickly."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani is very good at picking up people with his Ultimate R at the beginning of the fight. Make sure no one is too far ahead, especially portages to make it harder for them to get a choice."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You don't want to go in without camille's team. At level 16, Camille would have put the third point in her Ultimate."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Depending on the construction he chooses, Malphite can either destroy enemies on the entire map, or provide a reliable front line to his allies. Malphite's main goal is to enter the enemy rear line and separate the front and rear lines."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "The commitment of your team's opposing team may result in a loss. LeBlanc should never be involved in direct team fighting unless it is completely pushed into the enemy base."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "A maximum capacity of the Ultimate allows Malphite to inflict large amounts of burst damage. The enemy squishies will have a difficult time in the game if they are against Malphite."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Allow Karma to push you into your tower early on. This will prevent her from denying you CS and XP."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Team fights with extended durations required to keep the teammates alive in order to finally ensure victory. Zilean should stick to his team as glue because its ultimate ability will cause the enemy team to fall if it is used properly."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You might want to throw yourself into the enemy team, especially if they make a strong all-in push without following up. Another point of your Ultimate ability will let you destroy the opposition due to consistent burn damage."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "The enemy can completely counter him if they play in open spaces like the lane and are properly spaced when Hecarim enters the fight. This will prevent Hecarim from fearing the entire team and will allow the enemy team to retaliate."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "You should harass and harass the enemy with caution, as they can easily return the exchange. Their Level 6 opponent is relatively low in a 2v2 fight because their Ultimate capability serves primarily as a utility rather than inflicting damage."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "When Shyvana is unable to exchange effectively or fight with your team, force the team's fights. Shyvana will try to delay a team fight so she can harass you and harass you from afar in the form of a Dragon."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you're away from your team. Use s to harass the enemy as much as possible before committing to the team fight."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The additional health regeneration combined with his overall tankiness will be very hard to deal with in the mid-game. Dr Mundo will be incredibly tanky during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon is quite vulnerable when his E (Ezreal's ability) is down. Going in too deep without any assistance can also get him killed."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The healing of Sona will make his death much easier if you have healing reduction items. Their Ultimate offers them additional death pressure."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "She can both poke enemies down and protect allies with her d. Her team fighting is excellent."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Misusing her W can straight-up cost Fiora the lane. If Fiora uses her W and gets caught CC'd, she can be removed easily from the game."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "They will not be able to zone you away from farm or poke you out of lane. The enemy does have the range advantage so they will probably try and auto-attack you frequently."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "You need time to come online. Focus on gold and XP during agriculture."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "When trying to poke, aim your abilities so they hit the minion wave and the enemy at the same time. Once they're level 6 they become stronger than you and it will be harder for you to lane against them."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere's health regeneration is minimized if you don't let it grow alone. Your safety and your ability to defend yourself against Trendamere are greatly reduced if it closes peacefully."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand\u2019s ability to bounce his damage makes it extremely effective when used on multiple champions. Using Brand's R ability will deal lots of damage as long as there are enemies in its path."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "He'll have his basic articles right now. His d and Ultimate h should hit like a truck right now."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "He's Ultimate R can change the tide of an entire fight when used with his E. When he uses his R, he can easily CC the entire enemy team when they are clumped together."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Level 6 allows Nunu's ganks to be more effective. A Level 6 upgrade enhances Nunu's team fighting capabilities and damage output."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "At level 6, you will have no kill threat in the lane against most enemy mid-laners. Respect the enemies all-in damage past level 6."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "You need time to come online before you engage in fighting. It is not recommended to fight unless you have a clear and early advantage."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "He is a mage, so any form of silence or channel interruption spell is his weakness. The Ultimate R ability can single-handedly turn the tide of a team fight."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Ward big goals and place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game. Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Make sure your flanks are guarded so you can spot him before he has the chance to commit. Renekton has great selection potential, so look at your positioning."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "He can be ejected by rowers. In team fighting, it can be killed by any port of range that the enemy team has."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "However, her ability to roam does increase if she leaves lane. Ping your teammates so they know that you are missing if she leaves lane."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "By keeping the minion wave near you, you will prevent Samira from using its E capability aggressively. If you are a weak ADC in early play, it is essential to keep the minion wave on your side of the card."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "The first component will allow him to survive the fighting and flatten a lot of damage during the duels. Trundle can take frequent fights now with this level."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas's ultimate R is easy to mess up and may knock enemies backwards instead of forwards. Focus on harassing your enemy laner with Q in the lane."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Spend as little time as possible away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana can be considered one of the best flankers in the game. She can take out the enemy backline almost instantaneously during a team fight if she is left unchecked."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Your initial plan is to play the lane safely and not get cheesed early on by the enemy Jungler. The enemy Jungler will be a threat to you initially."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Level 16 is a massive spike for Pyke as the ability will now be up almost every team fight. The damage done by Pyke's ability will be pretty significant."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Such an ally that will be made CC'd will mean the death of your team. Before moving towards neutral goals, try to put on a death brush and kill any enemy who decides to blindly check the track brushes."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn's early game is incredibly strong. At level 1, do not let Quinn bully you down with her basic attacks."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "This will make it extremely easy for you to slow down and kill your enemies. When Tryndamere has finished his Mythic article, he will be really strong in the 1v1 skirmishes with the enemy."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw will perform well in the middle of the game, assuming he doesn't collapse and stops. CC (crowd control) is Kog'Maw's greatest weakness, so he must constantly monitor his flanks."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "By defending against Varus, avoid excesses when you are helpless. Varus' Ultimate R can be used to catch you out of position and start a fight."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine's first element increases its damage and allows it to use its capabilities more often. However, Seraphine should be careful about spamming spells because of being mana-hungry."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Whenever Karthus has his Ultimate e, he can impact the map regardless of his positioning. When fighting enemy champions, always consider that Karthus may use his Ultimate e to finish you off."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Stay with your team at the end of the game. Do not separate or depart from them otherwise the enemy may try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Keep a constant eye on your position while moving forward to harass the enemy. Harassing the enemy but not getting caught trying to do so is the key."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Do not disrespect his all-in potential once he has this item. The dueling potential with Dr.Mundo is amplified by using a Grievous Wounds item."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way. You have a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as you can."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's pressure increases to level 6 thanks to its ultimate ability to give it additional damage and the ability to place mushrooms around the map."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "This forces them to choose between pushing and robbing you. Focus on agriculture."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Kha=Zix will also need to clarify the vision, otherwise it won't be very effective in getting murders. Kha'Zix is a ganker from the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Putting the enemy team down is difficult because of Vel'koz's great poke thanks to its Q, W and R. It is recommended to avoid fighting when Vel'koz is alive and nearby."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "If you can land poke while pushing the minion wave, you could look for a favorable trade. By sitting Baron or Dragon, or whenever you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with your abilities."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Post level 6, you need to respect Tibbers R and her stun. Annie is prone to poke even though her E offers her some protection in trades."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Keep this in mind and avoid remaining in the way when low. After Akshan's first return, he should have recovered a component for his Myth."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Trade with Karma when she has used a damaging ability. She will lack damage to trade effectively at this point."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "While Camille has good pick potential, the enemy will start building defensive stats to counter her. Camille's ability to dive in with her E is affected by this."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Fighting in the jungle will bring your team together, allowing Seraphine to get another good Ultimate Roff. Try to fight in the open and split up slightly so Seraphine can't CC your entire team."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Singed is good at helping his allies if the enemy is overheard. Keep a constant eye on the minicard at all times."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Continue to delay team fights for as long as possible. Harass and poke the enemy down with your b and e."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "This edge will be particularly valuable once Grievous Injuries are obtained and can help drive a more aggressive approach. As soon as Ultimate is acquired, become even more aggressive in this game by taking Volibear often enough to be unable to do much in the way."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "His damage will be quite significant now. Another point in his Ultimate R will make him have a lot of choice potential."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "When the Ultimate of Ahri is not standing, focus on the waves, but don't exaggerate too much by doing this. Try to switch on a side lane as soon as possible."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "To do damage and survive the team fight, focus on your Ultimate around the enemy. The enemy should be concentrated around your Ultimate to take advantage of its potential"} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Common flanking spots can easily be warded by the enemy team. Warding common flanking spots reduces Ekko's potential for successful flanking."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Fighting Darius at level 2 is not recommended as he will likely win. If Darius is able to land his E on you and pull you in, do not use your W immediately."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "The game isn\u2019t one-sided if both teams are playing well. You need to group with your team to help them fight if you haven't already."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "However, make sure that your champion's positioning is correct for it to be effective. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "You can use your Ultimate k as a trading tool when it's unlocked. Your Ultimate k will be a backup plan during trades."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "If the enemy has vision or knows where she is, she will be unable to team fight properly and will be forced to split push. Quinn is a champion that is prone to all-in and CC."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Kindred will try to get as many batteries as possible."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "At level 16, Caitlyn would put the third and final point in her Ultimate R. The point in her Ultimate R was a good spike for Caitlyn as she could use it to finish off higher health targets."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "His burst damage is not to be ignored as the game goes on. This is especially true when he happens to be ahead in the game."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna will try poke as often as she can with her basic attacks and Q. If you're playing as a melee champion, try to minimize your time spent too long during the last strike or get guard-hunting batteries."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Avoid fighting with Xin Zhao early as you will surely lose. If you have to fight, make sure you have backup."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Once Poppy has both her E and Q unlocked, her all-in potential increases. Try your hardest to stand away from walls at all times during the laning phase."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Try to retain the use of all the dashes that can help you avoid skill shots. Anivia's t & e can be deadly if you don't have tools to get away from it."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine's early play is pretty decent. His damage and the CC are quite substantial."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "The strategy for Quinn was to split push during the mid-game. Avoiding grouping if possible"} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You should always stand behind the minions to minimize Taliyah's Q damage. It is advisable to bait the W of Taliyah before committing to avoid being overthrown."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "The vision in the river will also prevent Lillia from finding successful ganks. Try to blow Lillia up as quickly as possible in a team fight so she can't use her Ultimate R to sleep your entire team."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "If Yuumi is in a bad position, try to kill her. She has no mobility without her allies nearby and can therefore be punished very quickly. yuumi can undo a lot of poke."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Look for murders with your Ultimate when the enemy overextends. Knowledge of Akali's map should be at its peak at this stage."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "When snailing with Viego, try to make sure there is a minion, monster or crab between you and him so that he blocks the CC on his W. Viego has good objective control. Try to keep major goals monitored so you can spot him before he is able to ensure the goal for his team."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "The teams will regroup at the end of the game. Vex is good in team fighting, so she should do well in team fighting at the end of the game."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn\u2019s pick potential is high. When sieging an objective, make sure nobody in your team is too far forward as she can pick them off with her E and start the fight."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar has great potential for choice with its Ultimate R. Malzahar grabbing a champion could win you the game!"} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "At level 16 Ezreal will put the third point in his Ultimate R. The Ultimate R of Ezreal deals a lot of burst damage to anyone who is hit with it in the late game."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "He likes to divide the thrust after the end of the laning phase. When he shows up alone on a side track, you can start a team fight with his teammates."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "When around your W, you should poke the enemy down and then commit to an all-in once they\u2019re low. The minion wave should be kept pushed into the enemies tower."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "If Lucian is late early in the game, he will fight at the end of the game while he is late. Lucian has the opportunity to make snowballs if he gets an early advance and remains uncontrollable."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "In team fights, Elise may try to Flash Cocoon an isolated target to start the fight."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "His shields will be really powerful, and this will become a challenge for the enemy for his entire team. Lulu's damage will be pretty big, too."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "When Morgana has her Blackshield E available, her protection increases considerably. It will be difficult for you to kill Morgana or CDA when she can block CC with her Blackshield E."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "She can solo the Dragon frequently She can solo the Rift Herald frequently"} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Choosing a target with your team can be a good opportunity to choose someone. If you choose someone, make sure to call Baron or Dragon to enjoy more."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Keep track of the enemy Jungler and stay near-neutral objectives as much as possible. The goal is to not get spotted on the other side of the map and lose a crucial objective out of nowhere."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "When you're not grouping or looking to fight, split push and farm up in the side lane. You can look for picks when grouped with your team using your m and e."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao falls at the end of the game or when the champions begin to regroup and get defensive elements. Xin Zhao has a strong potential for invasion."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Avoid team fighting unless your Ultimate t is up as it deals tons of damage. Stick with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "If you're early, use your Ultimate R to check out the most squishi enemy champion to get them out of the fight. Every time Veigar uses his n, try to abuse cool down because it's his only defensive tool at the beginning of the game and once he's down, he's pretty vulnerable."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "You should increase as you win the stack. Once piled up, the struggle should be an easy task."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's first item component allows him to chase down enemies during an extended fight. This ability will let him stack up his Passive and completely decimate his enemies."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels E before looking to fight. Gangplank has a barrel under him that will explode soon."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "His level six is a massive power spike as he can now impact team fights consistently. It will also let him get solo kills in the lane."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The rooms will be placed around the edge of the track by Teemo. Avoid walking on the side of the track."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive. Post 6 it\u2019s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate R to knock you away."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The Squishier enemies will have a difficult time because Teemo can camp on the tracks after clearing his Jungle quickly. Teemo is not remarkable in team fighting."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, move to a side lane and focus on farming and earning XP and gold. In team fights, try to flank the enemy."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "His Ultimate R at level 11 will give him a lot of choice potential. It can use this ability frequently, which means that team fighting and choices will be quite frequent."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "The unlocking of Gwen's Ultimate R will increase her trading power dramatically. Extended trades work in Gwen's favour, especially after completing an item or two."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Velkoz's E is his only source of self-peel. The misuse of Velkoz's E makes him more vulnerable to all-in-ones and can probably cause him to kill instantly if the enemy has some form of wink or varied crowd control."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "6 will just keep pushing you into your tower, so try to force her to over extend and then chase her down the lane. Going for extended trades is key."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "His Ultimate R will now cause maximum damage in the fighting. Team fighting is really where it shines."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "So Rengar has to accumulate an early lead. He should count on choices to win the game"} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "The same is true when Ziggs is too pushed in the way. His Q (Ricochet Shoot) can be avoided quite easily if the enemy stands away from him."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Look to pick off low health targets for easy kills. Annie's burst damage is almost non-existent when her Ultimate R is down."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "If you succeed in achieving a high priority target, you should be able to enter and do the quick work of them. Get a defensive element as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi is a champion with whom you should try to avoid engaging. If Master Yi activates his Ultimate r, immediately disable so that he cannot resume the fight."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Using track brushes will allow you to easily disrupt fighting. Always use your Q in the middle of the track."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Use wards to save yourself from ganks. Do not push too far up the map, or you will become a prime gank target."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan isn\u2019t that good when he falls behind. Jarvan will be too squishy in fights, deal no damage and struggle to protect his team."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "A Passive that prevents Anivia from dying offers her tons of extra protection throughout the game. Wall e is a tool used by Anivia."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "If you are grouped together and in agreement with each other, it will be more difficult for him to do so. When no team fight occurs, Sett gets into a side lane and tries to divide the thrust."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "If the enemy tries to play aggressive, then m them and fall back to safety. When you're not grouping or looking to fight, split push and farm up in the side lane."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "The high cost of his Q makes him likely to lack mana against poke-based teams. The poke comp games force him to give up the priority of the track in order to avoid running out of mana."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Use her E very carefully as it can easily get her killed if used improperly. Watch out for ganks and ward up properly."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana is really good at team fights because her Ultimate R is a large AOE tool. She is very good in team fights."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune excels in team fighting. This is due to its Ultimate e and Passive combined with its kiting potential."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Not falling back in the middle of the game is crucial as Jungler, so make sure you keep growing! When there are no team fights, go on a side track and push."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "In the late game, continue to split push if your team isn't at risk of dying or getting caught out. Your team is going to get caught out if they aren\u2019t being careful."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain's early play is rather weak. If you play as an early game champion, you should try to get an early advantage to reduce the Swain scale."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "During a team fight, prioritize focusing on the nearest enemy champion and also keep an eye on what your allies are doing. If your ADC is behind positionally, consider using your Ultimate ability on them to help protect them while they deal damage."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Try to lock her down at the beginning of the fight so she is unable to dish out lots of damage. Kalista may stay in a side lane to split push."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "It will be a massive peak of power for him, because he can secure easy choices with it. He's great at the team fights at the end of the game because of his Q and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's Ultimate R will really shine during this phase of the game as he can now impact team fights whenever that ability is up. Galio's target will be able to deal damage to enemies when they are near them."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "In the late game, Anivia will have very short cooldowns on most of her abilities. She will be able to look for picks more frequently."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal's Q also has consistent poke damage and can be used all-in enemies once they are low enough after taking a barrage of poke. Ezreal's R Ultimate has a very short cooldown and can be used freely during the early game for waveclear."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Once you're level 6, use your strength to fight the enemy and go for a kill. Your Ultimate R is a great duelling tool and can help you get a lead in lane."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "On level 6, Tryndammame will be unstoppable and will not die in combat 1v1. When Tryndamere's Ultimate E is in place, it will be really hard to kill."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen's Ultimate will be very practical during this stage and will let him win his team's game."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "limit trading. Just poke if you can, but don\u2019t commit to anything."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia runs out of mana incredibly quickly if she spams her E when trading. She needs to keep a constant eye on her mana pool otherwise she will have minimal lane pressure."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Never use dash or dodge unless Blitzcrank has his b on cooldown. Using dash or dodge when Blitzcrank\u2019s b is not on cooldown will make you an easy target for Hook b."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn looks for aggressive all-ins and will attempt to look for one when returning to lane. You can reduce Quinn's chances of all-ining you by watching as you walk back to lane."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Try to keep the wave in the middle of the lane and expose Cassiopeia to ganks as much as possible. Cassiopeia's Q is a powerful ability that should be avoided at all costs."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "This will lead to her taking more skirmishes and winning most duels in the game. Irelia is excellent at skirmishing due to her mobility, damage reduction, and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "The mental war Shaco instills on the enemy squishies allows him to make several pieces that the other Champions cannot make. It can leave the way and wander easily enough to get a cheese gank (even if it is laning)."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Ultimate broke down. Make sure you abuse the long cooling period early."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "At level 6, the Teemo's will plant tons of mushroom t around your track. Watch him at all times, and get away from them."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "It can be a real pain for the enemy. His E can be really hard to play against especially in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "She can start looking for frequent trades with the enemy laner. In the middle of the game, focus on stacking your items and see if you can help your allies get murders around the map."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help of your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Team fighting will improve for Shaco. Another point in his Ultimate will allow him to frequently use the capacity and increase the damage of the clone burst."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The player turned towards the bot side of the card or somewhere else on the map in order to continue farming and win XP. The headquarters goals were targeted with the team in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin can use his Ultimate frequently after reaching level sixteen, which can cause significant chaos on the enemy team. Kassadin will be dealing a lot of damage to the enemy team during this phase of the game, able to remove huge chunks from their health bars."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch is a hyperporter. As the game continues, Twitch becomes stronger and stronger."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir is really good at the end of the game. In the team fights, Vladimir excels."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim is a strong duelist in the early game. He will try to solo kill you early on."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "jhin is squishy and can't really survive for long. jhin has a weakness because he will die if caught by his enemies."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Using your Ultimate R too soon can make you vulnerable to enemy team counter-attacks. Once he gets two points in his Ultimate R, Kled can focus on the race of the enemies down and destroy them completely with his team."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "If a player gets three points in his Ultimate ability, he will often use it. Team fighting will be easy for him from now on."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "You have to respect her level 6 and respect her all-in whenever her Ultimate w is up. Ashe is very reliant on her Ultimate w as it can be used in a variety of ways."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian is an AD champion. When playing as Mage AP, avoid going to prolonged automatic attack trades with him because he will always win them."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Only commit to exchanges with Vayne if the player is 100% sure that they will win them. One way to abuse Vayne's weak early play is by forcing her to extend for the farm."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric could start crashing as soon as he reaches level 3."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric will have his maximum Q at level 9. Q maxing allows Taric to heal during a fight as long as he has enough mana."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen can dish out a lot of damage, especially when fighting around clumped areas. Fighting in tight spaces allows Gwen to deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "This is really beneficial if he can land it from out of vision and then use his E to dash into the W circle to guarantee the stun. His burst damage is not to be ignored as the game goes on."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "The CC on his W allows him to play for himself and for his team. This can be really effective if it reaches CC a high priority target, and get rid of them quickly."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "You will be a prime target for assassins, so make sure you are wary during fights. Use your W carefully to cover your flanks when you get the chance to do so."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "If Varus uses his Q to push and poke at the same time, he makes effective use of his mana. Varus integrated Grevious Wounds with his E, which reduces enemy healing in the way and team fighting."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "It is crucial for the player not to lag behind in CS and XP by staying in the middle when many champions are present. Talon's Level 2 is the strongest in the game and should allow it to accumulate an early lead."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His team fight is quite powerful during this phase of the game. He has a multi-man E on the enemy."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The initial casting of Sylas' E allows him to avoid skill problems. The initial casting of Sylas' E allows him to obtain an immobile or vulnerable portage."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Its Ultimate R is an excellent duel tool and is set up for good ganks. Sona overextends to get batteries on the Spellthief Edge, making it an aggressive game time."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "A deep vision helps counter Zion's ganks Warding Sion's jungle helps your allies stay alive."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "If the enemy team is in charge of CC, Leblanc will have to preserve its power by buying a Hurglass from Zhonya or the Veil from Banshee. LeBlanc is a glass cannon and should always be careful to enter it."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is perfect for team fighting because it can completely delimit the enemy due to the threat of its Ultimate h. Its capabilities will also allow it to bring additional effects and utility to a team fight."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh's main objective during the ploughing phase is to obtain an early advance in health. Level 2 in the lower lane is the first minion wave followed by the following 3 melee minions"} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "A Level 9 Teemo capability will let him kill his enemies quickly. Teemo is not remarkable in team fighting."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "The lower lane is the first minion wave followed by 3 melee minions. Leona has a strong roaming potential as a support, but can be controlled with good wave management."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Use your mobility to avoid it when possible, as it will try to shoot you from a distance before stopping you for the murder. Keep track brushes and use them to drop the vision on Varus."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "When fighting Gwen alone, it's recommended to only engage in fights when she doesn't have many stacks, as this would allow you to avoid a lot of damage from her. Gwen is a skirmish heavy Jungler in the early game."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere needs a lot of gold and XP to transport solo in the later parts of the game. When Tryndamere's Ultimate e is broken, it is very vulnerable."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana's E has a very long cooling period. If you can lure him, you should try to use the cooldown to play more aggressive and try to kill Morgana."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's E can be set from weird angles that catch enemies off-guard and deal a lot of damage. Setting Gangplank's E barrels in lane brushes is good to surprise enemies with."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Any enemy who gets hit by his e (capacity) will be in the ultimate range R kill Veigar. Try and space Veigar accordingly in the team fights."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Try to force Yasuo to extend for the farm by keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map. It will also protect you from all-in-ones."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Levels 2 and 3 are decent peaks because Nami will catch the enemies and buffer the damage of his ally accordingly. This will help him to take the way easily. Level 6 is a massive peak as it can add another layer of CC to its entire CC combo. It will compensate for an excellent CC tracking capability."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Keep trying to secure your goals with your team so that you can gain an overall advantage over the enemy. Continue to collect and secure jungle camps as much as possible."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up. Fighting without it will make the late game team fights much harder."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana's Black Shield E has a very long cooling. If you can bait him, you should try to re-engage and try to kill her while it's down."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Ensure you\u2019re auto-attacking as much as you can to increase your Q damage. Her kill pressure increases during this phase of the game due to her maxed out Ultimate R."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear should easily gank any path where the enemy is overstretched once its basic capabilities are unlocked. Level 6 marks an important power peak for Volibbear."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Keep an eye on their mana bar and try to fight them after they've used an ability as they cannot use it to trade back with. Galio is less of a threat when they have an ability down."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Getting your Ultimate R is another huge power peak. This means that it can descend a lot of enemies and increase the CC chain after landing its Q."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Get away from the wave of minions. Morgana's will use their W to push the minion wave. Stand outside the wave so it can't push and poke at the same time."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora is very good in the later stages of the laning phase. Fiora is very good in the mid-game."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "As Jax is weak early, enter their jungle and try to fight them or force them to recall. This will delay their power spike behind you."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Use your W and R abilities with utmost discretion. Shove wave when possible to catch enemies off guard."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "She'll be able to flatten a lot of damage in the piled-up fighting. She'll be able to push the waves quickly."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Level 6 electric farming can help unlock the Ultimate faster. Unlocking the Ultimate allows you to start ruining your tracks."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "The usage of illaoi's E with her Ultimate R can allow her to chunk an enemy with ease, as the enemy won\u2019t be able to escape the ult radius quickly. illaoi's Passive allows her to sustain off the damage she deals."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Teams will be grouping in the late game This allows Annie to get a multi-person R"} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Fighting near chokepoints maximizes your team's effectiveness in battle. It would be wise to throw yourself into the enemy team sometimes."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Your e should allow you to make really fancy pieces. You should try to get the enemy Jungler out of the pit using your Ultimate"} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "If Renekton fights without his Fury or uses the wrong empowered ability, it can result in a lost trade. Avoid using your empowered e whenever possible."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Sheen will increase Ezreal's Q damage substantially. Ezreal will look to constantly poke with his Q."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the card in the game very early. He will protect you from the ganks and from them will keep you away from the farm."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Her Ultimate a is the backbone of her strength in the lane. Proper usage will let her get ahead."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "If you are chosen, the enemy will be able to take goals nearby or use their digital advantage to win a team fight. Constantly place the vision around the map to help your team secure goals and get choices."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "talijah can inflict heavy amounts of damage in very short time, which gives the enemy very little time to react. a Combo C E Q by talijah can ruin the life of the enemy lantern."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "The first bloods are a notable achievement for Talon. Talon has a great potential for homelessness thanks to his E."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Always keep an eye out on your flanks and prioritize saving yourself. Don't get caught out trying to farm a side lane at this point."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Always make sure you peel for your wagons during the fight. Your tankness and your liabilities allow you to do so very easily."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Trying to avoid losing too much health prior to hitting level 3 guarantees that Camille will look for the all-in. Whenever Camille has her E available, you need to be careful with your positioning as it provides an opportunity to engage if you're stood by a wall."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "When playing pick champions like Blitz, Thresh, Ashe, Vel\u2019koz etc, try to get close to Gwen- or at least keep in mind that she can stop you from catching her out with her W. Bait it out if possible."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Continuing to farm and gain XP is important. Farming refers to killing minions in order to earn gold and experience points."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Staying out of melee range can help avoid extended trades with Darius. At level 6, Darius is very strong due to his Ultimate being an execute."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux's shield is deceptively strong because it can allow him to save all members of his team from a lot of poke. Its shield can also be beneficial when playing Support."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm is very motionless, which means that it is really easy to pursue even with his W up. The track freeze prevents Tahm from doing anything to escape an all-in/gank."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "The damage that Jarvan can deal depends on his build path. The tankiness of Jarvan depends on his build path."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce is going to use his range advantage to poke down melee champions. Jayce has a lot of poke, but high mana costs."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "He should try to look for flanks during team fighting to maximize his use Ultimate n. Wukong will now have a lot of articles, which will make it really tanky and allow it to do a lot and a lot of damage in a short time."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "For the side lane, or while lane ganking, he can make complete usage of the lane brushes to bamboozle enemies. He can keep poking the enemy team with his E and with the proper itemization, his E can do a lot of consistent damage."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Play safe in the first few levels. If Garen does not get enough time to come online, he will fall behind."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Another point in her Ultimate d will increase the damage of the ability. She should be a part of as many fights as possible."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Play safely for the first levels and wait for your opponent to come online. You should not fight unless you have a clear early advantage."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "You have to counter their pressure by doing the same. Lee Sin is one of the funniest junglers in the game."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Squishier's targets do less damage to Zed because of his poor health. When captured alone, the squishier targets will take a lot of damage from Zed's Ultimate R."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "If you plan to invade or fight Poppy early on, take into consideration her initial clear advantage. You need time to come online, and you just need to focus on getting gold and XP from farming."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Range Q of abuse for poke and clear waves. Avoid being within reach to reduce all-in."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Once Lillia has finished juggling, her clearance speed increases. Its damage output also increases when it completes its juggling object."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Focus on team fighting with your allies, and avoid breaking up too much or they'll collapse and you'll lose the fight. At level 16, you will have put the third and final point in your Ultimate."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Your first Dragon control is far superior to Evelyn's. Try to secure the early Dragons to get your team in advance by gauntling mi or bot and turning straight after."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Your Ultimate R will allow you to make cross-map plays with ease. You can even roam directly after recalling and then show up to your original lane with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Your damage output will increase with this article. You will be able to interact more frequently with the enemy after getting the article."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's gonna try to get you on your team. Reposition quickly so that Sett has trouble doing it."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "This skillset makes Darius a great duelist in low ELO matches. In team fights, Darius is good thanks to his Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani's Ultimate R is an excellent tool for handling. Expect that Sejuani gank every time his Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "It allows the player to escape if a fight goes south. The first element will help him survive on the track for a longer period of time."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "The main strategy is to split the thrust and focus on securing the towers while your team groups elsewhere on the map. You should regroup with your team when you are not able to achieve other goals alone."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Good vision control will reduce the effectiveness of Malphite. A good control of the vision will force Malphite to find other ways to engage with the enemy team."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "In the late game Anivia has multiple completed items. Her Ultimate ability will deal tons of consistent damage in the late game."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Similarly, Zilean can slow down enemies. He can decode them."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "In the early stages of a game, enjoy being able to go freely with your allies will provide you with a clear advantage over the jungle enemy. Securing goals such as inhibitors and tricks will also give your team more gold and experience compared to the other side."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Ward your flanks to make it harder for her to engage for free. If Quinn can\u2019t team fight, she will stay in a side lane and try to split push."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon has a great potential for homelessness thanks to his E. E represents its ability to jump over the walls and move around the map quickly."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Try and stay at max distance from Neeko so it\u2019s harder for her to root you with her E. This will also make it harder for her to get a good Ultimate R off as she has to close the gap in order to stun you."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "If Kayn's team has a lot of damage, it can take the form of Darkin and play the front line role for its team. Kayn can easily shoot a target in the enemy rear line if it takes the form of Assassin."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Using R while it moves across Summoners Rift allows enemies to dodge the incoming ability. When R is on cooldown, you can play aggressively and try to fight Ezreal while he is defenseless."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "After post 6, look to make plays and gank your allies whenever your Ultimate is up. Using this ultimate will heavily increase your kill pressure."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Your champion is weak in the early game. You should avoid fighting until you have quite a few levels behind you."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "As soon as the enemy advances or surpasses, it can seek to play aggressively. His Passive allows him to remove on his own a group of enemies from a large combat team by simply zoning them."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Finishing the game as quickly as possible is of paramount importance to Renekton. Renekton will already have several objects."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "If Jax decides to team fight, try and lock him down with CC before he has the chance to engage. Jax's ability will block basic attacks, but he is vulnerable to disengage and CC."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "If you miss your e when you get your allies, you have nothing to offer and you will have to retreat. Be sure to approach the enemy before using your e or using your e before your e to approach the enemy."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Level 6 is another significant power spike as it allows Jarvan to add another layer to his all-in combo. Jarvan can separate someone out from their team with level 6."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "It was also important to turn around the map and help the teammates when necessary. However, the excessive commitment to assist them, especially if the achievement of objectives can be detrimental."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "As long as they're not a tank, you should be able to fight them. When Fizz puts a second point in his Ultimate R at level 11, he will be incredibly scary to play against because his Ultimate R will be on a low cooldown and deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily. Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can get into the fight quickly."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas' ability can be blocked by minions, so the enemy can easily hide behind one minion and prevent Gragas from doing anything to threaten them. If the enemy team sets proper vision around the map during the early game, he will have a hard time ganking/roaming to other lanes."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Make sure your flanks are warded so you can spot Renekton before he gets the chance to engage. Renekton has great pick potential, so watch your positioning to maximize it."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac is a very powerful ganker. He has the potential to chain his crowd control capabilities with his allies."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "One can be sure that a good Nunu player will never lose any objective fight in the game. Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps is crucial as a Jungler in mid-game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac will be extremely tanky during this stage, and the enemy team will find it difficult to kill him. This also means that Zac can act as an activator for a team and then come back to peeling for its carriers once the engagement is over."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "This will eliminate a large amount of wave from the Sivir team. Is highly dependent on critical impactors and will be challenged if the enemy manages to kill her a few times in the way."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "If you don't have anyone nearby, don't push too far forward. The Ultimate R of Taliyah will allow him to take enemies who are alone or isolated without assistance."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The last point of his Ultimate n allows Wukong to inflict enormous damage on enemies. Wukong should try to look for flanks during team fighting to maximize its use Ultimate n."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Whenever Gangplank uses his Ultimate R, ping your team so they know he can impact skirmishes. Gangplank will always be stronger if he has a Barrel E placed under him."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "She will secure kills with her team. Her team fight ability will be on a very low cooldown in the late game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "This is the best place for the wave to be because it offers tons of extra protection. Maokai's early enema is not particularly strong."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Enemy junglers with jumps and dashes can also bypass these mushrooms by taking strange routes. He collapsed at the end of the game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "If you're ahead in the game, look for opportunities to pick off enemy players as they enter their jungle. Ambush enemy players who walk through their jungle as they become vulnerable to attack."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "At the end of the game, flank the enemy and stay close to your teammates. You should go with them in the end-of-game team fights."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The crowd controlling xinzhao can allow the enemy team to get rid of him quite easily. You're xinzhao"} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie can use her Flash to get picks too. She will put the second point in her Ultimate R at level 11."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The first element increases the damage caused by seraphin. With increased damage, Seraphine can use its capabilities more frequently."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "You're really good at getting neutral goals, so make sure you try to secure some of the other goals after a gank. Trundle's first games are pretty good as it can increase its overall movement speed."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Use a hit-and-run technique and see if you can get picks on squishy carries. Survey the map properly though, you don't want to get baited into all-in'ing someone who has their team on standby."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "The champion's W allows for great crowd control if there is no vision set-up by the enemy team. The champion's R allows for death brushes while contesting objectives."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "At level nine Irelia will be able to max out her Q. Being her central damage ability, she will be able to outplay her enemies for days now. The sustain will be pretty decent too."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus' early game is weak. Rammus has an unhealthy first clear."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Since Zed is an Assassin, he will seek to bring down targets that walk on the map alone. Avoid crossing the river if it is not monitored."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Reducing Dr Mundo's healing is crucial in team fights. A lot of damage can be done to Dr Mundo if he is focused down quickly."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Stand outside the minion wave at all times during the laning phase."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Hard engage is the best way to deal with Ezreal during the laning phase. You'll need to wait for Ezreal to use his E if your CC is a skill shot."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Don't go around the map alone because you will die easily. Do not play very aggressive in team fights because the kite and the automatic attack of the nearest enemy champion."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "During neutral, objective combats, you should stay close to your Jungler so that they are not chosen during or before a fight. Losing crucial goals will certainly lead to your loss if you are not careful enough."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko is good in team fights thanks to her Ultimate R. Disengage as soon as you see Neeko channel her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Keep this in mind when you're trying to fight it. Xin is very good in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "After level 6, Sona's death pressure increases. Its Ultimate R is an excellent duel tool and is set up for good ganks."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke is a mechanically difficult champion to learn and will take a lot of getting used to. Expect to put in a lot of work trying to learn him."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Getting a defensive element will help you a lot, especially when fighting against a mobile enemy team. A defensive element will be particularly useful in neutral and objective battles where you need to target a specific champion around bottlenecks."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His ultimate R allows him to remove tanks from his aircraft carriers and inflict a lot of damage on the enemy team if he manages to reach his target. This can change the tide of a team fight in an instant."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Two points in his Ultimate n will push her again. This will help her a lot in the team fights, especially when the enemy team is filled with heavy CC champions."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "If your team is grouped, it is recommended to have a scanning lens and a vision that surrounds you. A scanning lens should be used with caution when grouped near Shaco."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "He will also be able to threaten steals on major objectives like the Baron or Dragons. Ezreal is really good at poking the enemies down before a fight thanks to his low cooldowns and overall damage."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Tristana is vulnerable and easy to kill if she is alone on the battlefield. Team fighting can be fatal for Tristana if she is not accompanied by her support team."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "A good mid-game champion can easily bring down the squishy champions during the second stage of the game. At level 9, the player would have completed several elements, making them naturally strong."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "When Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready to fire, wait for her to use it before moving forward. Caitlyn will be looking to push and take your tower early."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion's presence is strong if he tries to make cheese. If Zion isn't going to take the lead, then his playing power will be weaker."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "The early game of viktor is terrible and it should avoid fighting for longer periods during this phase. Fighting for a long time hurts viktor's performance in his first game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "You're weaker than them when they have their Ultimate. If you're in danger of dying, remember when you're weak."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Getting 3 points in its ultimate ability will amplify the poke damage inflicted by the ability. It will be its ability to sort damage that should hit like a truck at this stage."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Your Ultimate R should be used on the nearest enemy champion and focus them first. Stay with your team at any time. Don't leave them and go to division thrust as the enemy can force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Securing objectives is important. It is crucial that a team takes objectives whenever possible to gain a lead."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Avoid pushing forward or playing overly aggressive when Blitzcrank\u2019s b is up. Squishy champions should especially avoid taking unnecessary risks in this situation."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Using the fog of war allows Graves to pick targets more effectively. At level 13, Graves will deal a lot of burst damage."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Avoid fighting Kennen in the Dragon or Baron pit because it allows him to get a good Ultimate ability. Kennen is inclined to peel and disengage."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Continue to secure choices with your overall gust and Ultimate R in the game. This will help you to resume fighting to yourself if you use your abilities and Passive correctly."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "The Mega-spike is due to its Ultimate which has been reclassified to level three. His Ultimate blows up enemies with the Ultimate alone."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "He can also separate the front line of the enemy team from the rear line, denying the threat of all-in on his team."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "The selection potential for Xerath is quite massive as well. Once Xerath gets his Ultimate 2 maximum, he will be able to land even more shots at unsuspecting enemies."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax is a good duelist and will be able to fight most enemies who try to stop him. While you\u2019re a champion that is usually sent to split push, you might need to group with your team if the enemy is trying to force something."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "She should wander and see if she can get killed on extended sideways. The optimal time to enter during the skirmishes will be when the enemy has their targeted DC capability down."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "If you spot Trundle isolated and away from his team, try to force a team to fight with its allies. When Trundle engages in a team fight, try to lock him up with crowd control."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Try to dodge as many of these attacks as possible so that you do not have to blow through an early health pot, or become a target for a level 3 gank. When Dr Mundo has completed Bami\u2019s Cinder, his trading power is much stronger."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Team fighting is really where it shines. Depending on its construction, it will be really strong and can inflict a ton of damage in a fight."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "It is essential for Shaco to use their ultimate ability from a safe location to prevent enemies from approaching their team. In the team fighting, Shaco's main priority is to assassinate the enemy rearline,"} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick will put the third point in his Ultimate R. The third point of Warwick's Ultimate R will have a low cooling rate."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "especially if Nocturne is ahead. His damage is relatively significant during the late game."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Do not walk in the unrewarded areas of the map if you know that Talon is nearby. They go gank early, and Pantheon can gank early too."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "At level 13, Draven will max his second ability. Maxing his second ability will offer him additional protection in the late game."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "A defensive element should allow it to consolidate its main port position of the team. By playing as a melee champion with Vayne, be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan can gank at level 2 once he's unlocked his e and d. Be aware of this as Jarvan may try to cheese an early gank in the mid or bottom lane."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "This will force them to play safely and your team will then be able to integrate them all and complete the work. At level 11, Varus will be able to add 2 points to his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Her kill pressure will again intensify and she will be able to look for riskier all-ins thanks to the heal that it provides. When no team fights are occurring, Fiora will split push and draw the enemies attention to herself while her team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The longer the game will be, the stronger Sylas will be. Avoid feeding Sylas at the beginning of the game to reduce its strength in the middle and at the end of the game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Just make sure you don't leave your backline unattended, otherwise you'll have a hard time winning the game. Winning 3 points in his Ultimate R will undoubtedly make the peak of Maokai really difficult."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna is good in team fights because her Ultimate d has a large radius and can CC multiple targets at once."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "He has the potential to gank at level 2 too. At level 6, Nautilus becomes very scary as his Ultimate e is point and click CC."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Check the card before you commit to using your Ultimate R can help you make informed decisions. Using your Ultimate R too soon can make you vulnerable to enemy team counter-attacks."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "At level 6, Sett's Ultimate R is quite strong. Do not overtake or stay in poor health in the way as it can easily kill you or install its Jungler."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. At level 9, Lee Sin will inflict a heavy amount of burst damage and kill the squishy enemies by himself."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox becomes a severe threat to the enemy team in team fights at this point. To deal significant damage and survive the team fight, focus on positioning your Ultimate."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "It will be highly beneficial when her Passive is stacked up completely. Level 6 is a significant power spike where Irelia can start dictating the pace of this lane."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "The enemy can completely counter him if they play in open spaces like the lane and are properly spaced when Hecarim goes in. Hecarim won\u2019t be able to flank the enemy freely if the enemy team sets proper vision around the lane they are fighting."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn will often seek to invade/gank as he can get his transformation. The transformation will make Kayn much stronger."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "xinzhao is not very effective against a group of champions as he relies heavily on choices for an advantage. The crowd controlling xinzhao allows the enemy team to remove it easily."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "CC is your best friend against Anivia as she is squishy and immobile. Anivia has tools to defend herself like her t and e."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Opt for additional support if you can't dodge skill shots. You should avoid his Q poke in this game."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Katarina is a strong roaming champion if your allies are strong. Look to roam frequently with Katarina to get extra kills and snowball your lead."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "At level 9, Jhin will be a lot stronger as he would\u2019ve put the final point in his Q. Take care for jhin's level 6. He has good gank setup and pick off potential when he unlocks his Ultimate."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "He is a powerful champion early, especially if he manages to use the track brushes to his advantage in the track. His all-in-hand combo will be powerful enough if he catches his out-of-guard enemies."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive. Level 16 will see Sylas acquire a maximum of Ultimate R."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan's first power peak occurs when it unlocks the 3 basic capabilities. Although, its early game damage is pretty good at level 1 and 2."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Kha'Zix will look to gank a lot in the early game to move forward. You should try to match Kha'Zix's pressure in early play by counter-ganging if you are nearby."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen lacks any form of ranged engagement potential, making him weak against ranged enemy champions. Garen relies on flanking the enemy team from the sidelines."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Level 16 is a massive power peak for Rengar. Which means he can completely decimate the enemies that are identified."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "He will still have to rely on flanking and using the fog of war to poke enemies down. The greater the number of enemies hit, the better it is for his team and him."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times. This will make it harder for her to land her E in a trade."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Invisibility E can be combated by a control district. A well-positioned Control Ward can counter its invisibility."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "During team fighting, always stay with your backline. The only time you can move forward is when you try to use your E."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "He is expected to quickly cling to Viego after playing it. Viego has a high skill ceiling which means more effort put in him the better you will be to him."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Play aggressive plays around your Ultimate R Look for poking opportunities with your Q before looking for an all-in."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "In particular, Corki should not use her b basic attack aggressively if her team is not in a position to follow up and go in with her."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "When Trundle activates his n, step back immediately. It will become much more tankier and your tanks will be weak."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Focus on taking down enemy carries. Look to take down enemy carries."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "If the enemy is intelligent, they will avoid regrouping during the fighting because Setts Ultimate R cannot be used effectively against them. Separate in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Stand towards the middle of the way and away from the walls Give Taric more room to maneuver and dodge his E"} -{"label": "vex", "text": "This will lead to an increase in Vex damage production and overall resistance. The skirmishes should be accessible to you as long as you land your Q on multiple targets."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "If Neeko goes AD, she can run any enemy down if they don't have some form of CC ability on them. Neeko is a squishy champion."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Do not group too closely together while dancing with the enemy, as Fiddlesticks' R can deal damage to your whole team if you're grouped close together. When Fiddlesticks gets access to 3 abilities, he is really difficult to deal with because they offer him so much utility."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Try to avoid as much damage and capacity as possible. Opt for additional support if you can't dodge skill shots."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Her 3rd empowerment is essential for making Kayle very powerful. Her auto-attacks being permanently empowered will do a significant amount of damage to the enemy team."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "You have a lot of presence at the beginning of the game. Gank every opportunity you have, especially on pushed enemy targets, to get a lead."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Do not just stay mid if you can\u2019t get anything done. Avoid overextending or dying alone."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's poke damage starts stacking up if you take too many Q\u2019s to the face. Ensure you're always stood behind the minion wave at all times."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Use your capabilities to quickly erase minion waves so your team can besiege or prevent an enemy team seat. If you can land poke while also pushing the minion wave, you could look for a favorable trade."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "This is because he can dish out a lot of damage in a short time and can secure picks all around the map. When playing as a ranged champion, try to stay as far back as possible while using your range advantage to harass him."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Agriculture is essential to get as much gold and XP as possible. You need time and gold before you come online and do damage with your champion."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "This is a good strategy for taking out enemy champions who are not expecting you. During the mid-game, Ekko will have completed multiple items."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "The player should be looking for constant favourable trades around Diana's Q and t once she has picked up her Mythic item. It is not afraid to fight if the player has the item advantage."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus can be easily killed if crowd control is in diapers over him. All-in Supports hiding in a track brush while waiting for the varus naturally goes the zoner of the minion wave."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "If you die at the hands of Cassiopeia, be aware that it may give your team a significant advantage in the next team fight or objective. Cassiopeia has a lot of mana problems in the early game."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Try to match her push power, however, as you don't want her to win a gold lead by getting early turret plates. The unfortunate lack of an escape tool."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "As an immobile Mage, Cassiopeia has no escapes from danger. It's recommended to let Cassiopeia push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Once Singed reaches level 6, his death pressure and general boredom increases. It would be a good idea to disengage and avoid fighting Singed once he activates his Ultimate n."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "His clears and ganks will be more effective as a result. Graves will have a lot of kill pressure during the mid-game due to his items."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "You shouldn't get into a fight with Swain unless you can get him down quickly. Swain has an ultimate R that offers additional protection and health regeneration."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench will do a lot of damage to the enemy if he doesn't blow himself up early. Level six is a massive power peak for Tahm Kench as it offers both kills pressure and defensive measures for its track partner."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "You have to hit him as soon as possible to help your allies. Once Amumu has finished his first article, he will be much more robust and threatening on the Rift of the Invocators."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin's early play is very strong. It can go for aggressive games frequently during the laning phase to get an early advance on the enemy."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Ganking other lanes will easily get you a kill or two. Keep the wave close to your tower for as long as possible."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves should not die or get caught when Baron's about to spawn. Group with your teammates and look for siege objectives together."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "If the champion can do anything on the Swain, it will be particularly difficult for him. When Swain's E is declining, it is very vulnerable because its main form of CC is inactive."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Baiting Velkoz's E before engaging in the fight allows an advantage. Standing near the minions but outside the wave limits Velkoz's ability to push with W."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Once Nautilus has gone in, try to focus him down if his teammates do not follow him in. Nautilus struggles getting out of a situation once he goes in and makes a mistake."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "She is not strong in the early game."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "The Dragon's Ultimate has a wide impact on the whole team. Fight in lanes rather than in the jungle."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "When he is alone, you can seek to choose him or start a team struggle with his allies when he is unable to help them. Sett's loading phase is strong."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "It's essential to coordinate with your Jungler for gank if you can't kill them yourself. Good compositions often include shields for protection."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "This matchup is easy early, but post 6 it is going to be harder as Annie has more kill pressure post 6 with her Ultimate. When fighting Annie, avoid fighting her when she has multiple stacks on her Passive."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "kalista will be able to take neutral objectives with ease using her r. Kalista is a strong early game champion."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Not falling back in the middle of the game is crucial as a Jungler so keep growing! As Jungler, we need to try to secure every Drake in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If the enemy has some ultimate failures, Sylas won't be able to do much. His W can get him killed if he's misused because he's moved to another place."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "When against mobile champions like Talon, Lee Sin, Rengar, it will be really hard for her to land her Q, make use of her W and escape a trade."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Ability to chase people down with his t makes him a good duelist. Level 6 power spike increases Olaf's reach and targeting capabilities."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "He'll win self-attacks with you. Don't trade auto attacks with him because he'll always win them."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "The level 11 range Kog'Maw allows him to take low-health enemies from a distance. Kog'Maw will perform well in the middle of the game, assuming he doesn't collapse and stops."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "So, make sure you commit as soon as you spot him. As Xerath will build AP elements even though it is in the role of Support, it has power peaks similar to the Xerath medium track."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "The champion is inclined to the CC. If the champion gets caught by a CC, they'll probably die."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "You must be very careful when you try to use it otherwise the enemy will cancel its channel. Versus poke or champions with lots of clear wave, it will be almost impossible for you to travel and help your allies"} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Once she has completed her Mythic item, Renata's utility, peel and trading potential increases heavily. Expect Renata to be stronger once she has completed this item."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "This will make it much more difficult for Akali to fight and survive if she cannot hide in her. In the later stages of the game, stay in the team and try not to wander alone on the map."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "When captured alone, the squishier targets will take a lot of damage from Zed's Ultimate R. Zed will have really low cooling at level 16."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Place vision around nearby lanes and objectives. If you can spot the enemy moving around the map, your team may be able to collapse onto them and get a free kill."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Remember that Karma has her Ultimate at level 1 and can dish out lots of damage if you\u2019re hit by her empowered Q. Karma doesn\u2019t spike as well as other Supports at level 6 as she already has her Ultimate at level 1."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "It's recommended that you group with your team but position yourself from an unwarded area of the map. Grouping with your team using Fiddlesticks' Ultimate R will help get kills and secure objectives."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Aphelios is a strong team-fighting champion who should group with his team and play as 5. At this stage of the game, Aphelios can effectively melt tanks if he watches his positioning and doesn't get caught out."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "The Ultimate R ability of velkoz the root in place, making it easy for enemy champions with a varied crowd control to interrupt its Ultimate R. The enemy champions with a varied crowd control can quickly get to the top of velkoz with their team after interrupting their Ultimate R."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma has her Ultimate from the beginning, so she won't be spiking too hard at 6. To compensate, Karma will have to play the early laning phase aggressively."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "If you\u2019re low on health or if you see an ally low on health overstaying their welcome, ping and communicate as she will look to get easy kills with her Ultimate R. She is an assassin."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "This will put Tristana ahead of the road, as well as get quick targets if it is left unchecked. Tristana's self-splubbing capacity is quite strong and can emerge from sticky situations with its W and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio has limited range, making it hard to play early in the game. When using his Q, Galio should hit enemy champions for bonus points."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The slowness of Sylas' Q allows him to put ganks for his Jungler. The slowness of Sylas' Q allows him to cut down his laner."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "It's generally best not to engage enemies in the jungle or around objectives with Cassiopeia, as her Ultimate R excels in tight spaces when teams are clustered together. When possible, try to stay spaced out on a lane to minimize encounters with Cassiopeia."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Make sure your group gets closer to your team to make it harder for Lee Sin to bring down anyone alone. Lee Sin is a dominant laner in early play."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "You can take advantage of this opportunity to set up your Jungler. Lillia's construction path is very versatile and it will build many different items."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "The enemy Jungler can set up his champion near your track. You must have enough vision around your path to spot the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "You can choose someone during a team fight if the situation permits. If you can choose someone, you should turn to the baron or the older dragon."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Nami has less transport potential than many other Supports. Nami relies on her team to carry them while she provides them with care and shields."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Be prepared to sacrifice CS (clearing minions) for XP and health against Darius. Only last hit minions that can be done without losing health."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Bel'Veth's core abilities are less effective after initial use. Players with CC and 1v1/2v2 skills have an advantage in counter ganking Bel'Veth."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Your Ultimate R can be seen as an execute that helps finish off the enemy. Once you've unlocked your Ultimate R, you can play more aggressive."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Do not push too far in this direction without putting in place a good vision around. Junglers will certainly try gank because of the stillness of the champion."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Only fight when it\u2019s going to work in your favour. Split up and farm the side waves once ADC and Support have rotated to the mid lane."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "You should avoid fighting until you have quite a few levels behind you. Once you have an item, you can look for skirmishes with the enemy."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "While Eve is an assassin and can get picks with her R, if she gets caught out of position and too far away from her team, the enemy will be able to kill you and then take an objective. Look for picks in the late game."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Standing too close to the wall makes it easy for Bard to stun the player with his Q. When playing as a melee champion, avoid standing too close to Bard or the minion wave."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "If you are a strong dueler, look to invade his jungle and shut him down in the early game. Locking down Ekko in team fights will prevent him from using his Ultimate R to escape with."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin will try to gank as often as he can at the beginning of the game. Lee Sin is a strong duel."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "If the enemy team uses vision in the track brushes, this champion will not be able to count on his Q to launch a complete attack. Its manoeuvrability decreases while using its Ultimate R, making it difficult for him to land in the event of a heavy attack."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "It is recommended not to take each Dragon if possible. Shyvana is very weak before-6."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Avoid letting her get harassed for free by keeping your distance and staying at maximum range at all times. Akali doesn't have any support in her kit."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "The first element will allow Skarner to quickly clear its camps. This will also increase Skarner's chances of winning 1v1s with enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Champions with dashes or escape tools can kit it well enough after it is entered. She needs allies to get in with her."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank can help his teammates get multiple kills with ease using his abilities in teamplay situations. Gangplank's first core item will give him a massive boost to damage and survivability in the lane."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Once someone's taken, call Drake or Baron. Veigar's first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "After the bot track moves towards the medium track, turn to the bot side or elsewhere on the map for agriculture and XP gain. Keep growing and win XP without fighting unless you have an advantage."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs' main poke tool in the track is his Bomb Buncing Q."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Level 3 is another important power peak for Tahm Kench as it gives it access to all its basic capabilities. Tahm Kench can do much more in the track while using track brushes with the level 3 power peak."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "When playing gwen in the early game, it is recommended to avoid committing to any trades. In the first few levels, play safe and do not commit to any trades."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The Ultimate R of talijah allows him to cross a long distance almost immediately. This can provide a lot of utility in choking points."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You should keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early on. Keeping the minion wave even will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from ganks."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Look for constant skirmishes with the enemy to gain health or kill lead. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game to chase and all-in the enemy when they walk up to farm with your Q."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Leblanc has a good clear wave thanks to his W. This allows it to match or exceed most travellers."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Keep the wave close to the tower and focus on getting tankier in this matchup. Failing to do so can easily allow the enemy to all-in you."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Once Ashe has her Ultimate w up, her ability to get kills increases. You have to respect her level 6 and respect her all-in whenever her Ultimate w is up."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Its passive can also cause devastation in a team fight. Once Lissandra has finished his first article,"} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven's Ultimate ability will deal damage to multiple champions at once."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Choosing enemies will help make the team fights really unfair for the enemy team. Try to get the enemies out before they kill them."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "He should be able to dish out a lot of damage in team fights with his Ultimate and Passive. Level 11 is another good power spike for Aurelion Sol because he gets to put a second point in his Ultimate."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe is very reliant on her Ultimate w as it can be used in a variety of ways. Try to abuse her when her Ultimate w is on cooldown as she is incredibly vulnerable while it's on cooldown."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "This disproportionate ability of Sylas allows him to avoid his skills. This breaking capacity of Sylas also allows it to obtain on a stationary or vulnerable port."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "During his power peak at level 6, Viego often makes incredibly aggressive games with his Ultimate R. If Viego takes over the body of a fed enemy champion, it will be extremely difficult to manage."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Her Ultimate a also gives a lot of movement speed. Movement speed allows team disengage if needed."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Don't forget to take as many neutral and objective fights as possible. Your ultimate R & E will help you massively with it."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Riven is good enough to win the champions when they're too forward or alone. Don't let Riven choose someone by staying online with each other."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Your goal is to get your first element as quickly as you can so that your all-in becomes more powerful and deadly. When Akali takes its first component, the damage production of its Q increases considerably."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Counter ganking Nasus is pretty easy, so try to do it. Once Nasus uses his W, he really has only self-attacks and Q to inflict damage."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "However, Renekton's strategy during this phase should focus on the end of the game during this phase itself. To achieve this, Renekton should take as many team fights as possible and get rid of the enemy backline."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "If the enemy is positioned well throughout the laning phase, its Q will be very difficult for you to land. Misuse of her E can lead her to many unpleasant situations that are potentially fatal to her."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "This will allow you to impact your side lanes with ease after pushing your lane. Thanks to his Q, Aurelion Sol has good poke and good wave clear."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "You would\u2019ve completed multiple items and got a lot of levels under your belt by the late game. You will be strong in the late game, too. At level 16, you\u2019ll put the final point in your R, giving your R a shorter cooldown and increasing your chances of getting picks."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan's E allows him to bring back his dead allies if he kills the enemy who killed them. Akshan's E is particularly useful in the last stages of the game where the chronometers of death are long."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "It will be highly beneficial when her Passive is stacked up completely. Level 6 is a significant power spike where Irelia can start dictating the pace of this lane."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Play around your Ultimate R and avoid committing to fights while it's on cooldown. If you fight while it\u2019s on cooldown, you'll miss out on a lot of healing and extra damage, which can make the difference in a late-game team fight."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "On level 9, Vladimir would have maximized Q. It has a short cooling and deals a lot of damage. Avoid letting it use too much on you."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "By focusing on the nearest champion, you will survive for longer and keep your carries alive. Level 16 is dull because she won't be getting a lot except for a reduced cooldown on her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Setting Gangplank's E barrels in lane brushes is good to surprise enemies with. Gangplank's R (Ultimate) allows him to impact any part of the map immediately."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "If you can pick someone off, make the call for Baron or Dragon to further your lead. The goal is to take down enemy carries."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "As a Support, you are very vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you are on the move around the map, and when you are alone. To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Her (t) is easy to dodge. If she misses it, she is incredibly vulnerable to an all-in. You should only throw (t) out unless you are certain you can land it."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Once Udyr has the Trinity Force, it will be difficult to get him down alone. Team up with one or two buddies to make Udyr's murder easier when he has Trinity Force."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco will try to jump and assassinate a cart if you don't have a Scanning Lens and vision that surrounds you. You shouldn't hunt Shaco because he can lure you into running in his Boxes or to his team."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Whenever Renekton's abilities are reduced, he can't trade that much. Renekton has to play around his Fury bar to maximize the damage during the trades."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "This makes him a great duelist in low ELO as many players like to constantly fight. Is really good in team fights thanks to his Ultimate e which can be reset if he gets the killing blow with it."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "If Talon's allies do not have follow-up or CC damage, it is difficult for Talon to help their roaming path. If Talon tries to roam with allies who don't have follow-up or CC damage, he won't be able to help them."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Make sure you are always on the side of the map that the next major goal is on. If the Baron is standing, always stay on the upper side."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "His tankness will be really high during this phase of the game due to his articles. The combination of its set of objects and its ultimate ability will make it almost inchaseable and unskillable."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "A Ulitmate R maxi-out should let it use its Ultimate R quite frequently and increase the amount of shield. He can share the push regularly and always present himself to the team fights on time."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Stay at max distance from Neeko to make it harder for her to root you with E. Staying at max distance makes it harder for Neeko to get a good Ultimate R off."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "To make it harder for Aatrox to land his Q, keep your distance. Aatrox spikes when he gets his first item (as well as both component items)."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "This champion can throw dives in turn early and try to get killed once his laner pushes the wave in. Its attack movements (e) allow it to drop the aggro tower and take reduced damage to the tower, respectively."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "When associated with aggressive support, Tristana can resume the game early with ease. At level 6, Tristana has a massive peak of power."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Investing early in the healing of the reduction elements can counteract the maintenance of Nami. This reduces the effectiveness of Nami's healing abilities, making it less sustainable in trades or all-in-ones."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus can deal a lot of damage to a group of people in team fights. The damage dealt by Karthus in team fights will increase with his item count."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Compensation with this component of the item will be quick. Mordekaiser's ganks will be solid after getting this article component."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Players who put a lot of effort into learning Camille will reap the rewards of a veteran Camille player. Camille's Ultimate R is a good tool that can result in a kill every time."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Use the terrain to browse the map faster using the Passive of Taliyah. Use Taliyah's C carefully because this ability can quickly get its free murders in the jungle."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Look for fights inside tight spots of the map or get picks with your Ultimate R. CC'ing a key target will make fighting so much easier."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Don't let the enemy team have a fair team fight. You may be able to do death brushes in the enemy Jungle with your Ultimate skill."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's Ultimate H will almost always be standing. He used the fog of war to reach his enemies."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "You will have to play safer and less aggressive while it is on cooldown. Annie is weak against long-ranged poke due."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Must feed the early play of the farm and therefore has no impact unless the enemy exceeds or exceeds the limits. He will focus mainly on cleaning at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe's y will be on an incredibly low cooldown which allows her to poke the enemy down a ton before a late game team fight erupts. At level 16, Ashe will have 3 points in her Ultimate w."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "Try and set Braum behind in the early game to make it harder for him to peel for his ADC as the game goes along. Braum should use his range as much as possible to harass him."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus' Ultimate 2 has a short cooldown and can be used to get picks. Using this ability will allow you to gank a lane, push, and then attempt to take the tower with Rammus."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "She will be able to look for picks more frequently in the late game. Anivia will secure kills with her team more frequently in the late game."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Gaining an early health lead is key to getting a kill later on down the line Level 2 in the bottom lane is the first minion wave followed by the next 3 melee minions"} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks wants to poke and stay safe in the very early game. The reason is that Fiddlesticks is not very strong."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle can now make itself really powerful using the Ultimate on the right person. This will be the determining factor in team fighting."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health E, turn off the fight because it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him thanks to the health bonuses. Tahm Kench has an impact 2v2 Ultimate R. If you're stronger at level 6, be ready to fight it."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If the enemy avoids staying near the walls, then it will become really difficult for Zac to cover them with the fog of war. He will then have to take conventional gank paths."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Force a 4v4 or 5v4 fight will help you win the game. If Singed joins the team, you will have to disengage and step back every time he engages."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "If somebody tries to contest your split push, look to fight them. Jax is a good duelist and will be able to fight most enemies who try to stop him."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "She will certainly win any Smite fight if she uses her E correctly. Smite is a popular multiplayer online fighting game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His early game ganks are quite decent during this phase of the game. Sett's Q & E should let him reach his enemies quickly."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon is expected to go for early ganks to get a lead. Once Pantheon hits level 6, his ability to get ganks off increases."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Destroy the lower lane tower. Rotation towards the middle of the track."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map throughout the early game."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "jhin's Passive allows him to blow up squishies with ease. The follow-up CC extension on jhin's kit with his W is really strong."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "This makes Nami very vulnerable and easy to kill. Choosing your fights and avoiding constant trading is the key to winning."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "If you notice the enemy moving around the map, your team can collapse on them for a free murder. A player should not get too far away from his allies at any given time."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's early game is pretty strong. Expects Shen to play aggressively and try to blow you up."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "On the 6th lap, Pantheon won the 1v1 while they were stronger when their Ultimate was in place. It has good objective control."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "However, Seraphine should be careful about spamming spells because of being mana-hungry. In the middle of the game, the goal would be to be clear and get the track priority."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Unlocking your Ultimate R will make it relatively easy for you to gank your enemies. Notify your teammates beforehand as your Ultimate R can go unnoticed by them, especially in lower elos."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The magi are very powerful now. Level 16 is an excellent peak for Soraka."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "You need gold and XP to buy items. If you fall back, it will be unlikely that you will be able to cover the damage in the fighting."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Morllonomicon also causes serious injuries. Avoid regrouping too closely in team fights as it allows volibear to get a great R Ultimate."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "After completing the first component item for Annie's build, her wave clear and trading power increase. Annie's Q and W will make trades go more in her favour with increased power."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali lacks energy quite easily. You will need to keep a constant eye on your energy levels and go only for aggressive games when you have a lot of energy."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Each Dragon provides a buff to Shyvana who helps his entire team and drinks directly with his Passive. It is recommended not to take each Dragon if possible."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "As soon as Akali engages, try to lock him up with CC/pleasure him away from you and your allies. CC is a key element to defeat Akali."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "When fighting with Jhin, avoid running directly backwards after a trade. Runoff to the side so it\u2019s easier to dodge the root from his W."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Once Rakan picks up Boots of Mobility, they should look for roaming opportunities. Rakan is super squishy and dies easily in team fights."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Maintaining a balanced wave position allows you to control the lane and trade safely, reducing the risk of being ganked. This champion is extremely useful in team fights due to her Ultimate R CC and damage."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Forceting a team to fight one after the other will reduce its chances of surviving in the next. Vayne's first power peak occurs when it's at level 6."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "This will give him a massive spike in his ability to peel for allied carries. His damage output will be pretty high as well."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain has strong team combat prowess at the end of the game. Swain can immediately kill the enemy team if he manages to catch them near a choke point."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "At level 3, Xin Zhao can do everything in the enemy by accessing its three basic capabilities. Xin Zhao's death pressure increases sharply at level 6."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Neutral objective fighting is very important to me. I regularly receive Dragons."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Having 2 points in his Ultimate R will make it easier for Viego to kill his targets. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "The enemies level 6 isn't very strong in 2v2 fights. Their level 6 has a utility tool called Ultimate R."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Stand behind minions at all time (but not too close to them as her Q deals AOE damage) so they block the damage. When Karma uses her d, she will be vulnerable to attack."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "If you can cancel Miss Fortune's Ultimate capability quickly by sending it to CC, its damage output will be very low. Do not regroup as Miss Fortune will be able to hit your entire team with its Ultimate capability."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Don't just stay in the middle if you can't get anything done. After your bot track has moved to the medium track, turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to grow and win XP."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Its overall damage will be really high during this phase of the game. She'll be safe thanks to her E and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "When using her W ability, Gwen should think twice before committing to tower dives. When playing gwen in the early game, it is recommended to avoid committing to any trades."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Make sure to use your Ultimate and constantly looking for ganks with her."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "The enemy laner should not play incredibly safe if Diana will help their allies with her abilities. Try to flank in team fights with your Q and t to get on to the enemy backline and shut them down."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "It will allow him to turn easily, but other than that, there is nothing to do. Ryze will now have his basic items, which means that he will cut down more damage than early play."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "You should go with them in the end-of-game team fights. Keep looking for spikes on the enemy Support while they go to the room alone in the end of the game."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "This champion must commit to every side. If you enter, you will be in a position too wide that could allow the enemy to turn the exchange and kill you."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma's poke damage will be pretty significant during the late game. Karma's ability that deals poke damage will be up quite frequently in the late game."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "This should help a lot if you manage to mis-step during a major skirmish. Only go in when the enemy has used up all the primary forms of CC."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Playing around your Ultimate is the key in this matchup. You waste opportunities to waste when you sit on your Ultimate and not ruin your allies. Make sure you place pupils at your jungle entrances so you can spot them before they jump on you."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Try to get your lanes ahead so she is less likely to pick up free kills. Spread out and do not engage in team fights inside the jungle or under a Tower to reduce Qiyana's usefulness."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "A balance must be struck between ruining your allies, cleaning the jungle and securing these goals. The risk of falling back on XP is too high if you keep trying to gank constantly. This strategy should not lead to a lack of gold or items for you when it comes to buying equipment."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Level 6 is a significant power spike where Irelia can start dictating the pace of this lane. Her opponent will have to be very careful as Irelia can decimate them with her Ultimate R and Q should they get hit by the initial Ultimate R cast."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "The objective of the rotation towards the middle track is to take this tower Taking the midway tower will open the map and give your team a gold lead"} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Level 16 is another decent spike where he can use his Ultimate R much frequently. The enemy team will always have to watch their flanks."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him. Kassadin will be split pushing during the mid-game."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lilia's gank power will increase especially once it has its final R. Keep playing around your Ultimate R to get more murders and more choices."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "That makes him a great Jungler. Go to Level 3 quickly."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf is a skirmish heavy Jungler. As a Jungler, Olaf seeks to gank frequently in the early game."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "As soon as you see the marker, retreat to safety so you don\u2019t get killed. Having deep vision around the map to spot him early will also come in handy."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "After Zilean finished his first article, his wave will be strong enough. Stay outside the minion wave at all times so Zilen can't grow, poke and CC you."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Because of her passive, she won't waste much. Look at gank as much as you can in the game early to get your allies before."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "She'll be safe thanks to her E and Ultimate R. His Q and W will be exhausted now."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Avoid wasting the Ultimate R on allies who are sure to die even with its protection. Adding extra points in his Q will allow Soraka to play very aggressively."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand's second power spike is once he unlocks his Ultimate R. It will offer him a lot of additional damage and will help him blow up any squishy Support or ADC. Brand has picked up the first component item to his Mythic, his damage output will increase heavily."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "This means he will deal a lot of damage to the enemy, and squishies will have a hard time against him. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Carry will be protected against skill blows while Yuumi has his Ultimate R Up. youmi can be killed almost immediately if it is caught out of reach of one of its allies."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If Camille uses her E in lane, she will be vulnerable while it's on cooldown as it's her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out her E prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "If he is facing a weak laner, don\u2019t be afraid to go for the kill. The e near-sightedness can cause mayhem for an enemy team, especially if they are clumped up together."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "However, it is essential to regroup with your teammates when you cannot secure goals alone. During team fighting as a nasus, prioritize the coat for your aircraft carriers using W to slow down the front line and focus on the nearest enemy champion."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "However, it may be harder for her to one-shot targets because enemies will start building defensive items to protect them from her burst."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "If you\u2019re behind, avoid fighting Quinn at all costs as she will undoubtedly beat you in a 1v1. Investing in early armor will be very beneficial against her basic attacks in the laning phase."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "In many cases, this will either be the Support or Jungler depending on the situation. Kalista is vulnerable to slows and CC."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Keep playing around your cooldown Ultimate R and look for fights when it's high. Don't fight when it's on cooldown that you're going to miss on a lot of extra damage."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Once Kennen has several articles, he will be able to turn the tide of the game on his own. The damage to Kennen's poke will be enough for two squishy shots."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Level six isn't that huge of a power spike. It allows you to win neutral, objective fights, though."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Forcing a fight with a numbers advantage when Jax is split pushing can be a good way to win a team fight. Keep an eye on Jax when fighting and be prepared to retreat if he leaves the side lane."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "This means that it can descend a lot of enemies and increase the CC chain after landing its Q. The first element will allow Morgana to take a more efficient path."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "This involves fighting and dueling anyone who tries to stop you from achieving your objective. Despite being a strong split pusher in the mid-game, do not hesitate to engage in group fights."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Be positioned away from minions so he can't poke and push at the same time. Track Karma's Ultimate cooldown post 6."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "If Vladimir can land while pushing the wave of the minion, he could look for a favorable trade with the enemy team. While he was sitting on Baron or Dragon, or when Vladimir pushes the enemy under their turn, he should look for a choice with his abilities."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Do not spam these abilities either, as you will lack mana quickly. Once you get your first component element, you should be able to spam capabilities much more frequently."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Don't walk too far forward when you sit a goal as Sett can use his Ultimate R to take the closest champion and throw them into their allies behind them. If you are grouped together and in agreement with each other, it will be more difficult for him to do so."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "This makes Lillia difficult to catch out of position. It will also allow Lillia to dislodge skill and CC moves."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana will try to delay a team fight so she can harass you and harass you from afar in the form of a Dragon. Fight as soon as possible so Shyvana can't blow you up."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "If you know where Cassiopeia is lurking, it's safer to walk through the river or around the map without taking unnecessary risks, especially if you're vulnerable. If you die at the hands of Cassiopeia, be aware that it may give your team a significant advantage in the next team fight or objective."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Grouping too closely allows Nunu to get a 5 person knockup. Stand at an appropriate distance from your allies so that you can avoid Nunu's Snowball W."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo gains a small peak of power for each additional point of its R. Damage caused by Yasuo's Poke R improves with each additional point."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "If possible, invest in an early Executioner\u2019s Calling, as it will help cut down nilah's sustain and make laning against her easier. Avoid fighting in the jungle as teams will be grouped allowing Nilah to get a multi-person Ultimate off."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "He's a monster on the scale, And if he gets his articles and hits the middle of the game, he'll be almost unstoppable."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "The fact of forcing a fight and not letting it kill you will make the team fight much easier. Sitting towers will be difficult when Zoe is alive because she has a good wave clear."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "You can set up death brushes to one-shot targets who are roaming around aimlessly. Aiming to stay near the frontline during fights, prepare to 'e' in when you get a chance."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "If you try to run away, Darius will pull you back with his E. Darius will kill minions extremely quickly with his Q if used in a minion wave, causing the wave to push to your tower."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "After six, Malphite can set up several ganks for its track as well as other tracks with its Ultimate h. The setting up of several ganks is very beneficial if the path it gets has a certain form of CC built in their kit."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Once Maokai's Ultimate R is maximized, the enemy will not have a perfect time in the game. But Maokai's team will quickly take advantage of its CC."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Until he gets the CC'd, Renekton can easily win fights. Level sixteen is a decent peak for Renekton."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Before six, he's pretty squishy, and easily killable if his p is on cooldown. This also makes him vulnerable to crowd control, especially when he tries poke with his Q."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Try to keep the wave as even as possible by matching his damage on the minion wave. If Azir uses an ability, you\u2019ll need to use one too."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin will do a ton of damage to his enemies during this phase. This means that Xin will be hard to remove."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Pressure while your team is trying to set goals elsewhere is a viable approach. This allows you to open the map and create opportunities for yourself or your allies."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi could continue to do everything about enemies because his Ultimate ability is very common during this phase of the game. Master Yi's team fight is extremely strong during this stage of the game, making it a crucial turning point for the success of his team."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo can quickly reach 100% luck thanks to his Passive. Once Yasuo is level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R, the risk of being killed increases."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Looking for skirmishes when your Passive is stacked will increase your damage output and increase your chances of killing the enemy. Focus on good wave management and going for favourable trades."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Level 6 is good for Akshan because it allows him to unlock his Ultimate. The Ultimate can help Akshan kill and execute the enemy lantern."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Once dismantled, it is essential to finish Kled quickly to avoid going back up and resuming the team fight. Kled will always be stronger when he gets up."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie will always have a strong advantage when her stun is ready or almost ready. If the enemy attempts to fight while Annie has max stacks on her stun, it can be quickly turned around."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "If Wukong falls behind, it will be really hard for him to get back into the game. Wukong expects to be a nuisance and get an early advance to take control of the card."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas E dash can be used to avoid hot skills. Sylas Dash E can also be used for immobile or vulnerable porting."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "After destroying the bottom lane tower, move to the mid lane and try to take that objective too. Try to harass and poke the enemy as often as you can with your Q."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "He should get a defensive item, though, as he needs to survive to actually deal the damage. Jax clears the jungle quite quickly and healthy, so you may not be able to fight him early."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "It is crucial that you're proactive with your Ultimate and gank whenever your Ultimate is up as she will be doing the exact same. She is stronger than you post 6."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Keep playing around your Ultimate R to get more murders and more choices. Choosing the right target can let you take the Baron or Dragon."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal has little gank potential, so if possible, you can push the lane. Once the enemy hits level 6, their kill pressure in lane increases heavily, so be aware of this and respect their all-in damage."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Use your capabilities to quickly clear minion waves so your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat. The siege refers to an attack or assault, usually using heavy artillery or troops."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Once again, his Q can also be skipped by flashing/moving away from the drop point of his Q. He's about a poke/damage robot when his Ultimate t is down."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "After entering with your Ultimate n, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the fights of the end-of-game team. To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Focus on getting level 3 quickly. Once you've managed to do this, start gaunting the tracks tirelessly. This should be pretty easy to run on pushed enemies."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Focusing on securing objectives and considering taking fights over them. One piece of Void Coral can give you an edge in fighting in your True Form."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "To compensate for this, he will want to use the lane brushes and his range advantage to keep poking the enemy champion. He will use his E as a measure to maintain the spacing between his enemy and him."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "This increase lets him wander around and kill the enemies in the side lane without any warning. The first element will allow it to eliminate a lot of damage in the track or during its roaming."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed can set up lap dives on squishy bots quite frequently. Zed just needs to push his wave before he wanders."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Janna is very strong once she has a few points in her d. It can be difficult to trade against Janna when she has her d available because she may come out ahead."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Peel for your carries in late game team fights to increase the chances of your team winning the fight. If they die at the beginning, you will not be able to win the fight alone."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Go into Master Yi's jungle, to steal his camps if you see him on one side of the map. Stealing Master Yi's camps will delay his power peaks and also reduce his gold revenues."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Expecting two bushes at the same location suggests that Ivern is near by. Around him can be locked down with crowd control as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "The best times to leave your ADC and harass Alistar are when he lost his Q. You can jump from your ADC and hit it with a few cars while it's downstairs."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "However, do not stand near a wall so you cannot get Ult R'd into it by Qiyana Pre-6, Qiyana will constantly push the minion wave with her Q"} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "You must bring down the enemy and delay the fights at the end of the game. However, you also need to look at your positioning as you move forward to harass."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Make sure your team has a good vision of him at all times. If Talon invades you, step back unless you have an obvious advantage."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "He will focus mainly on cleaning at the beginning of the game. Its e can easily be interrupted by any form of hard CC."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal will look to constantly poke with his Q. Once Ezreal has completed his Manamune and upgraded it to Muramana,"} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Seating objectives with your team during the middle of the game. Another point of its ultimate capability will allow it to use this capability frequently."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal\u2019s first power spike is when he picks up Sheen. Sheen will increase Ezreal's Q damage substantially."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Staying healthy is key when playing Nautilus. If you get poked down, you\u2019ll never be able to engage. When you\u2019re waiting on your cooldowns, play safe and out of auto-attack range."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana needs to put the vision around in advance to follow the enemy Jungler. Continue to collect and secure jungle camps whenever possible as Jungler."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne will often be left alone to divide the thrust and the farm. As she moves away from her team, you could watch her collapse and shoot her."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo is not remarkable in team fighting. Teemo should either secure the plugs or blow people up with his abilities."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "His early play is particularly good if he's in a favorable game. He often exchanges and skirmishes with the enemy."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac is pretty good in the team fights at the end of the game, especially if he manages to get a flank on the enemy. The reason Zac is so good is that he can easily bypass the vision and catch the out-of-guard enemy."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "In late play, according to the articles, Akshan can inflict massive damage to squishy targets. Squishy's targets are vulnerable to Akshan's damage at the end of the game."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Try to stay away from it even though it is unable to reach you very easily. In team fights, try to stay away from each other, so it's harder for Yone to get a good Ultimate Roff."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Bursting Swain at the beginning of a fight will make it difficult for him to inflict damage and win the fight. Invest in reducing healing."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia is very fast and mobile thanks to her Passive. This makes Lillia difficult to catch out of position."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "His team needs to take advantage of him to get all the attention if he's useful. He suffers at the beginning of the game because he cannot use his abilities consistently."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Don't try to execute Wukong if he still has his available place. That's because you can waste your execution on him and he will survive."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac has good support in the way, thanks to his blobs. Additional health and maintenance enable him to survive more difficult matches and heal the enemy."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Staying in the middle lane will reduce the threat of losing it to the enemy team. A skirmish can be avoided if Kalista's team stays behind her front line."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Fighting in chokepoints can be beneficial during this phase of the game. Working with Support will help set vision around the map to catch the Jungler off guard."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar will feed the farm so he can get his Ultimate R quickly."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Make sure you do not fall behind in XP by trying to constantly gank. Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Staying away from high traffic areas nonwarded is necessary if you don't know where Zyra is. Fighting in the jungle or around a goal like the Dragon or the Baron can be detrimental because it will put your team close to you, allowing it to get a multi-person E and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Do not fight inside the jungle as the size of his E is roughly the same as the jungle. Heimerdinger hits level 6 and unlocks 3 new abilities, but be cautious when initiating a skirmish as he might pull out his magic card."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Grouping with others online can make it more difficult for Sett to use his Ultimate R on opponents. Sett's Level 1 game style can be aggressive and include using Flash to kill."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You are stronger than him at level 6. Your Ultimate is much stronger than his in 1v1s."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "In a fight, stay away from the enemy team. Avoid crowd control capabilities during a fight."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's early game is rather weak, but she has kill pressure on you if she is able to land her Q."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Once they're low enough, commit to an all-in-one. Look to harass the enemy after purchasing key elements."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "If Zion can't set up someone, he can roam and help his Mid or Top laner instead. When Zion upgrades his boots, he can easily wander."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "After Draven\u2019s first back, he will be able to out-trade the enemy laners because of his g. Regardless of if the enemy ADC picked up the same items as you, you will still win a fight."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The aggressive game style may not suit players who constantly push the minion wave. The enemy can zone a player away from the farm and XP by pushing the minion wave."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Getting your Ultimate R gives early aggressive Junglers an advantage over Sejuani, which they can then capitalize on to close it. It was important to focus on agriculture and hit level 6 as quickly as possible to increase the spoiling potential."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "In team fights, use your empowered d to provide a large shield to your allies. Unless you need to use your Qor d, you should try to use your d to help them survive."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Let him push you early, or he'll get you off the farm early. Veigar is extremely powerful when fighting in closed spaces because he can easily land his E on several targets while the crowd controls them with his R."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "He will have to make sure that he takes the appropriate ultimates to be effective in the game. Level 3 is a decent peak of power as it allows it to access all its basic capabilities."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan can look for an aggressive piece once he unlocks both his Q and his E. Akshan can look for an aggressive game if he could intimidate the enemy at level 1."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Keeping your allies alive as long as possible in the team fights is a must to win the game. At the end of the game, your construction should come to an end."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz has good kill pressure at levels 3 and 4. Respect Fizz's all-in playstyle and try to poke him down before he gets the chance to play aggressively."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne is a champion who can spring out on anyone walking alone around the map. A champion like Nocturne has incredibly high pick potential because he can ambush anyone alone around the map."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Fighting outdoors will make team fighting more effective for your team. CC is considered the best friend for team fighting."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Scaling is crucial for Viktor at the beginning of his game. Level 6 is a key power peak for Viktor, allowing him to develop the death pressure in the track."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "As a Jungler, you need to be alive in the late game. If you die before a major objective spawns, the enemy will take it."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Once Pantheon hits level 6, communicate with your team."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "When Aurelion hits level 6, he will try and make good use of his Ultimate. If Aurelion cannot kill you in lane, he'll make sure to use his Ultimate elsewhere."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "If Lux uses his g and misses it, use the cooldown of this aggressive ability to play because she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the whole. Mitigate Lux=1 efficiency by standing behind and not inside the minion wave."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Don't stay at the track 6 post because he could sting you. When Xerath gets his Echo from Luden, he will greatly increase his poke and push power."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Always try to hang it on a wall and beat it when you get lucky. Avoid fighting him when his resource bar is half-filled."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "During the mid-game, Dr Mundo should\u2019ve completed a couple of core items. Dr Mundo will buy items that offer him defensive stats, making him very tanky throughout the mid-game."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Investing in retention will help deal with the poke xeraths in the track. Investing in early protection will help deal with the xeraths poke in the way."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "At level 9, Quinn's first ability will max out, which is a significant spike for her as this ability's damage output will be much higher and she will be a lot stronger. Quinn is quite strong during the mid-game. She will be able to blow up overextended enemies who are walking around Summoners Rift alone."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Slow attacks will allow opponents to be scaled and tirelessly intimidated. Do not push too far in this direction without putting in place a good vision around."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Focus on agriculture rather than fighting. Your goal is to survive the laning phase and win an XP and gold lead."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If she is getting engaged upon, she can use her d and Ultimate a empowered d to both disengage and get back a lot of health. Her Ultimate a is the backbone of her strength in the lane and proper usage will let her get ahead."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger hits level 6 and unlocks 3 new abilities, but be cautious when initiating a skirmish as he might pull out his magic card. Be careful when trying to initiate a skirmish with Heimerdinger because he might just use his magic card and kill you."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Your ability to keep enemies in the zone is next to none. Therefore, you should not let them approach objective pits."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Take position of enemy Jungler into account when making decision. When level 6 was reached, more opportunities opened up to a player."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal's W allows for consistent poke damage, enabling him to push enemy laners out of the lane abruptly. ezreal's Q also deals consistent poke damage, contributing to his ability to push enemies out of the lane."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "The use of its Ultimate R while fighting Kayle post-level 6 is crucial. As Kayle strengthens throughout the game, it is essential to end the game as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax can look for picks when he has his core items. The enemy backline will completely dive once Jax absorbs damage."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "This means that Syndra will be a persistent threat wherever she goes. The enemy will have to invest massively in the magic resistance."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand may get invaded frequently by Lee Sin, Elise or Pantheon. Brand is squishy."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "This will allow him to quickly detonate squishy enemies and slow down their escapes/advances. He and his team should be very helpful."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Respect Camille's all-in and do not push without vision as her Ultimate R. After Camille completes her jungling item, she will be incredibly strong when skirmishing."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out. Being caught will cause your team to play 4v5."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Do not fight in the jungle as Hwei has a lot of AOE damage. Hwei will have a lot of AP items at mid game and deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax is vulnerable to disengage while his E will block basic attacks. Jax will be looking to split push in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "You should avoid overextending when Anivia's Egg is down. Overextending makes you an easy target for the enemy ADC and Support."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Using wave capabilities against Yorick will put a period at its thrust power. Following his movements on the map will give you the opportunity to always counter his attempts to split."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves will be able to clear minions very quickly with a high level of his ability. Graves has items that will give him a lot of kill pressure during the mid-game."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "At level 3, you can look for more aggressive pieces, but don't engage on them, so you don't fall back. At level 6, Akali can look for aggressive all-ins because his Ultimate offers him a lot of extra pressure to kill."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "If Kled is not with his team, you can force a team struggle with a digital advantage, but be aware that he can join R quickly. Once dismantled, it is essential to finish Kled quickly to avoid going back up and resuming the team fight."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "After picking up the first component item, a player\u2019s poke and damage increased dramatically. Don\u2019t be afraid to look for fights once the first item was picked up."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "With this in mind, try to be as aggressive as you can and gank your allies as much as possible so that it is more difficult for Malphite to find opportunities with his allies behind. Malphite should avoid being grouped closely as it allows Malphite to land a 5 people with its Ultimate H."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "A maxed-out Ultimate d will let Orianna one-shot enemies if she manages to land an entire combo on them. Clumped fights will be the way to go during this phase."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "This will make the death brush strategy viable for his team. Stay together with your team and don't leave the side of your wagons otherwise, the enemy will capitalize on the fact and leave them powerless."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "You are quite immobile which can make you a prime target for chain CC and assassins. Aphelios relies on extended trades, so taking him out quickly will give the enemy team a huge advantage (especially if he has his Infernum W up when he dies)."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "You shouldn't play very aggressively in team fights. Instead of kite and automatic attack the closest enemy champion."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If you see Fiddlesticks ganking or walking over a ward, try to invade their jungle and steal away their camps to delay their power spike. As you\u2019re much stronger than Fiddlesticks early on, make sure to gain an early lead by ganking your allies before Fiddlesticks even gets a chance to come online."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Your first power spike is at level 3. At level 3, you can access all your basic abilities."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Playing around Draven's g is crucial for a good gameplay experience. It takes some time to get used to playing with Draven,"} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Stay outside the minion wave at all times. This forces them to choose between pushing and robbing you."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Fighting outdoors will be harder for him to get an Ult B of 5 people. Never try to take a goal like Baron or the Dragon if Rumble is alive and kicks."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "While she's away from her team, you could watch her collapse and shoot her. Don't commit several players to kill her if she's on the robot side and the baron is in place."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Your goal is to constantly harass the enemy whenever possible and get killed. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis is quite susceptible to poke before six years. Malphite will be forced to play defensively before six years."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The result will depend heavily on how it uses capacity. His healing will tilt the enemy during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch is really good in mid-game fights because it can overturn enemies if they're stuck together. This, combined with his slow k and the theft of life, will prevent him from dying."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian can quickly kill the enemy with multiple combo rotations using his level 2. Level six is an important pickup for Lucian."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "To nullify all-in opportunities and diminish Rakan's trading potential, it is essential to maintain the wave closer to your side of the map. which will also aid in setting up your Jungler."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "sticking to his team at all times helps reduce the chances of dying from being taken out of position. Keeping a constant eye on the major goals ahead allows a faster placement of vision before retreating to safety."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Taking the midway tower will open the map and give the team a gold lead. Level 3 is a massive peak because Seraphine has all its capabilities at its disposal during this game phase."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao can quickly shoot down the enemies while being protected from various attacks outside his Ultimate R AoE during this period. Xin Zhao will have two points in his Ultimate R at level 11."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin has a high skill ceiling which means that if you put a lot of effort into it, you will find a great success with it. If Lee Sin gets late in the game, he'll fight in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "However, Seraphine is still mana-hungry and should be careful about spamming spells. Your goal in the middle of the game is to be clear and get the priority of the track."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "It is generally not a good idea to show yourself immediately during team fights. Use the fog of war to get close to the enemy before engaging in combat."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Urgot is really strong in the middle of the game because of his team combat presence. It can easily delineate and separate the enemy front line from its rear line."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Consider purchasing healing reduction items to mitigate Karma's shielding power and reduce her overall effectiveness in team fights and skirmishes. Karma can deal a lot of damage in the early game with her empowered Q ability."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus becomes stronger with increased AP and magic penetration. Shutting down or constantly invading Karthus reduces his gold income."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "By sitting, make sure no one on your team is too far ahead that Maokai can isolate them and catch them out of position with his W. Maokai can isolate players who are too advanced while fighting them."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal, or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her E Silence on herself as soon as you commit. You should try to lure Soraka's Silence E before you look for it all in."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Watch your flanks as Mordekaiser can try to attack the side in order to reach a high-value target with its Ultimate R. Mordekaiser can try to attack the side if you don't keep your flanks."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "All its capabilities will now be exhausted, Which means she can use her W to reposition herself frequently"} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn has a problem with effective use when his opponents own CC, long range poke, or similar disengagement tools to other assassins. Try to use track brushes and make short exchanges when the enemy has a reduced capacity."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "If Shaco does funky stuff, it's probably because he baits you in his boxes! Shaco's first major power peak occurs at level 6 when it unlocks its Ultimate capability."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Since the ability will be up frequently, he will be able to easily pick off targets with his team. Ornn is really great during team fights as he can peel for his team and set up picks for them when required."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up. Hecarim can easily take those objectives."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Agricultural camps were an effective strategy for rapid energy savings. It was crucial, especially if the enemy was pushed up."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "You should flanculate in the team fights to make it easier for you to catch the enemy out of position. He relies on CDA to follow up and play aggressively with him."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "When he is alone, you can seek to choose him or start a team struggle with his allies when he is unable to help them. Sett is a strong start ganker."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "It'll give him a huge whip, and he'll kill people in an instant. It will be quite the peak of power for him."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus' damage will increase significantly with this item. Getting your core items will let you run down enemies and burn them to oblivion."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Your Q allows you to lure enemies into diving when weak on health. Putting enemies in the dive with your Q can secure killed quickly."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "You will be able to intimidate your laner relentlessly. Stand on your W for situations where you have to interrupt your laner."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If you find a high-priority target, don't hesitate to use Flash > Q to CC and kill them with your team. Using Flash > Q on a high-priority target can help you CC and kill them quickly with your team."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Focus on team fighting with your allies, and avoid breaking up too much or they'll collapse and you'll lose the fight. At level 16, you will put the third and final point in your Ultimate."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Peel for your carries to keep them alive for longer. If your allies die quickly, there will be little chance that you will win the team fight."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "The only time you can move forward is when you try to use your E. If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "When the Swain uses its Ultimate R, it will not have amplified healing and AoE damage. It is recommended to play safely for the first levels."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "This will force him to go for a higher priority target which may involve flanking the enemy team, which can cause him to get caught out and killed."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "The ability to conceal his E barrels with lane brushes allows for effective ambushes. With his Ultimate R, he can impact any part of the map immediately."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Invasion teams that are in advance will not win early fighting with you. You should be proactive with your Ultimate."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Your Q will hit like a truck now. Your W will allow you to heal many allies at the same time."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Since Teemo can't use his blinding ability effectively against you, he has very few things he can do in this matchup. Teemo doesn't have much advantage over you in this matchup due to your game style based mainly on abilities."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "A bot track that has moved to the middle lane should turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map. Rotation allows you to continue farming and win XP."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "as he can just go for coherent all-in-one trades And go back safe because of her y."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Especially if her Q is stacked. Your immobility is the clearest weakness that you have, both during the laning phase as well as the team fighting stage."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "This can allow him to call his Jungler to gank his way and help him get an early lead, which will be devastating for the enemy team. Veigar is a very immobile champion and extremely vulnerable to crowd control."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "The more the game goes, the stronger Nasus will be. Finishing the game as quickly as possible can greatly benefit a player against Nasus."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "You could gank bot and then take Drake afterwards. His e is very versatile."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "This can gain her further lead She looks for picks on squishy and immobile targets"} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "His Ultimate ability will be pivotal to winning the game. If Karthus gets 3 points in his Ultimate ability, it will allow him to half-health squishy enemies easily."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "If you are hit by several e.S. and stand in its r for too long, it will spread a lot of damage. Do not regroup or fight in the jungle as this will allow Rumble to get a good Ultimate B."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Maintain a safe distance from Thresh to avoid the CC and avoid its capabilities. Thresh is a dominant support of the way."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Catching someone out of position means successfully attacking an opponent who is not prepared or alert. To blow them up means to inflict significant damage on an opponent, which often results in their defeat."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "This is especially true if Kog'Maw goes for an AP construction. With an appropriate coat, it can take over a game quite easily due to its Q and e."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Once Brand completes his Mythic item, he can constantly keep the enemy Mid laner pushed into their tower. Brand's damage will heavily increase after picking up this item."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Trading against Heimerdinger can be extremely tedious, yet it can be done. Taking down heimerdinger\u2019s Turrets Q will be the main focus in order to poke or trade with him."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "It should be easy for Qiyana to take over the game now. Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Using Sona Ultimate R will allow her team to look for an all-in-one or win a skirmish on a goal. Sona was very squishy in the early game, making her pretty disposable and easy to put back."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "It is recommended to match the clear Zigg wave so that you can prevent it from growing in Tower. By matching the wave, you can prevent Zigg from taking Tower easily."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Maxing your first ability increases trading potential dramatically. After completing your first item, you will be a lot stronger."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite will not be ruined until he has his Ultimate h. With this in mind, try to be as aggressive as you can and gank your allies as much as possible so that it is more difficult for Malphite to find opportunities with his allies behind."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Protect your allies as much as possible in mid-game team fights. If you let your allies die, it will be difficult for your team to win the fight."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "The power peak allows Sion to ride around and perform lane ganks in other tracks. Sion's first element improves its survival capacity and overall damage production."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "The alternative for Yasuo is to step back from the wave. This allows the enemy to land Yasuo from the wave."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "The first element will enable Mordekaiser to fight more effectively. Mordekaiser's damage will be quite significant with the component of the article."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Whatever you've reached first, you should be able to inflict a lot of damage to the enemy's lantern during the middle of the game or later parts of the laning phase. Ward big goals and place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri can be difficult to play into team compositions with heavy CC. She will be limited on how and when she can use her Ultimate."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Team fighting can be difficult for Amumu as you are inclined to disengage, poke and CC. Be prepared to flank in team fights to make it easier for you to catch the enemy out of position."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Look out for ambushes around the map. He is really good at starting skirmishes and picking off weak and immobile champions."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Keep this in mind and avoid walking around the map alone. In team fights, once they go in with their d, they have nothing to offer and will be in an overextended position."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Aurelion will heal up a lot and deal surprising damage when trading back with you. Once Aurelion hits level 3, he will unlock his main roaming ability."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Avoid fighting in the jungle as teams will be grouped allowing Nilah to get a multi-person Ultimate off. Bait out Nilah's W before starting a team fight then abuse its cooldown."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki should stick with her team in the late game, do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick her off or initiate a 4v5 fight when she's away from her team. When using Corki's Passive, she should think hard and fast before deciding whether to use it towards the enemy team."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If you get caught out, the enemy will force a fight or take the Baron. You should not stray too far away from your teammates."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "His tankiness will be phenomenal during this phase of the game. Combined with his deceptive damage, it will become tough to deal with him for the enemy team."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Its ultimate ability enhances its ability to engage and secure murders at this level. Adjust your game style accordingly, prioritizing security and avoiding unnecessary risks."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "At level 9, Lee Sin will inflict a heavy amount of burst damage and kill the squishy enemies by himself. Lee Sin will have two points in his Ultimate k at level 11."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Its Ultimate can be interrupted quite easily. You must be very careful when you try to use it otherwise the enemy will cancel its channel."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Whenever Corki gets his package, make sure you ping. Focus on just farming early so you can be stronger in the later stages of the laning phase."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "In the middle of the game, the teams will begin to regroup. Zyra's AOE capabilities make her good at inflicting damage to several enemy champions both because of her."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Do not walk forward unless he misses E. Look for an all-in level 2 with your W."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Another point of its Ultimate capability will increase its overall damage and allow it to smear more effectively. Team fighting will be a breeze for him."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "But, peel for your team with your Q Focus the enemy who is the biggest threat to them (or focus the enemy backline if the enemy frontline is weak) to keep them alive."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed seems to assassinate any squishy target whenever his Ultimate R is available for him. Zed is good in the middle of the game with two articles."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "As enemies buy items offering extra protection from Quinn's damage, she starts to fall off in the later parts of the game. The more items Quinn gets, the more of a problem she will be for the enemy team."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana's E has a very long cooldown if it can be baited, you should use the cooldown to reconnect and try to kill her. Morgana is good at level 6 when she unlocks her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Your champion excels in performing counter-engagement games because of their strength in relation to the search for aggression. Tahm Kench's early play is not strong because he won't protect his ADC during this point."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it. However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressive. The aggressive game can be sought after having had some levels under your belt."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Use your Passive to defend yourself during team fights. Buying a defensive item will help you a lot in this game."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "When Irelia hits level 6, her kill pressure increases. Her Ultimate R is a good duelling tool at level 6."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twisted Fate's article is a turning point for him. With his first article, Twisted Fate will cause tremendous damage."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Keep track of the enemy Jungler from the beginning of the game as he will try to camp your way until you touch level 6. Use your E discreetly in this way, as it allows you both all and to disengage against enemies."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "He'll eventually kill him if he stays in the way. He can fight with his E if he enters and misses the duration of the E."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho\u2019Gath is a strong scaler. He has a versatile build path."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze can't really do much at the beginning of the game, especially if he's against something with the hard CC or if he's camped. Ryze is extremely resistant to the article and will not do much damage if he is placed behind during the start and middle of the game."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "At level 6, pantheon gets a massive power spike. The pressure from this power spike should be used to threaten all-ins against pantheon."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "If you are a tank, Trundles level 6 all-in can be deadly because it reduces your defensive statistics to a crispy one. During trading, be careful around the level 6 brand as it can look for an all-in-one."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "The division of the enemy team makes it difficult for Skarner's Ultimate to hit a carrier champion. The front line always blocks enemy portages, making it difficult for Skarner's Ultimate to hit a carrier champion."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal can look for more aggressive plays once he has his first component item. When Ezreal completes his Mythic item, his damage output further grows."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "He's a Jungler stronger than you at the beginning of the game. Try to match your pressure by flying camps or counter-guiding."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn\u2019s ability to roam increases when she leaves lane. Ping your teammates so they know you are missing if Quinn leaves the lane."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Investing in an executor's call can reduce Nami's healing on herself and her allies. This article is priceless when the enemy has a lot of support."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Deeper vision should be placed in the jungle to spot Pantheon before he uses his Ultimate R. After Pantheon has completed his jungling item, his kill pressure intensifies."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is overheard after using his E. You could use his misposition to make a favorable trade to bring him down."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "That being said, it is always better for Shen to join forces with a hard CC. Level 6 is a massive power peak for Shen."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Stealing camps can be an effective alternative to counter-ganking, as it can give the team additional gold and experience points. Taking out enemy camps can also be used to disrupt the enemy team's ability to farm safely and take out valuable resources."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Play around your Ultimate cooldown at the end of the game. Avoid team fighting when your Ultimate is down to make sure you are useful in team fighting!"} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Look at Vex's Ultimate R as she can use it to choose enemies. Vex can use its Ultimate R again if the marked target dies."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks\u2019 damage output will be quite high after a certain point in the game. Your Ultimate R will have a very short cooldown."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "At level 6, your kill pressure increases dramatically and you should play aggressive looking for kills. Make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze so it deals more damage."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "His CC is a one-shot ability if enemies are not careful or he sets up a death brush. Heimerdinger can take on the Baron singlehandedly."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "This will allow him to impact team fighting more frequently. His healing will be out of the world during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Nilah's first power spike occurs at level 3. A player should look for an aggressive play strategy once they have access to all of their basic abilities."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Instead of kite and automatic attack the closest enemy champion. If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This will increase his tenacity and kill the pressure at the same time. His Passive will help him a lot when it comes to diving into the enemy front line and surviving."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "The fog of war is your friend and you should use it to install death brushes with your team. This works especially well when a major fight is going to take place for a neutral objective like the Baron."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett can use Flash to easily cheese enemies after hitting level two. Level 6 is an important power peak, especially when facing an enemy with a tank Support in his team."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Rotation towards the middle of the track will open the map and give your team a gold lead. Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressive."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "The CC (crowd control) aspect will allow him to score many picks throughout the game. His mid-game is not as weak as his early game because he will have his core items."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "An Akshan has supported and recovered its first component element, which increases its damage production and its ability to trade. He should look for aggressive parts once he has brought his first component."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench's early play is not strong because he won't protect his ADC during this point. Tahm Kench will do a lot of damage to the enemy if he doesn't blow himself up early."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle is at her weakest in the early game. The early game advantage of being closer to your side of the map can force Kayle to overextend for farm."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "It can easily catch out-of-guard enemies with its high damage production. Focus on getting choices around the card during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Expect to put in a lot of work trying to learn him. Unfortunately, Pyke has nothing to offer when his Q is down."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs works mainly as a bench-based mage during the late match. Take turns quickly and open the card will make it easier to control the status of the game."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Without Gangplank's W, he is very weak once that ability is down during the early game. He becomes really prone to ganks when this ability is down and he can\u2019t really escape without using summoner spells."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "She will be able to go to other ways and engage with enemy champions to inflict damage and take goals. The extended automatic attack jobs will always work in favour of an AD champion."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Avoid fighting Riven in the middle of the game unless you're stronger. Teamfights will be difficult for Riven as she is subject to CC, disengage and gets kited by champions easily."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "The first element will greatly improve its dual power. This will help her as a whole, especially when she tries to challenge points."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You can snowball a lead through constant ganks this way. She should be careful about getting invaded during the early parts of the game."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia uses her E at the start of the fight, and fighting after she does this will increase your chances of engaging her in combat. Using the Ultimate R while fighting should also be avoided as much as possible since it would reduce her chances of getting resets."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "A heavy skirmish Jungler is a type of champion who excels in the proximity fight. Kayn is usually played aggressively, aiming to fight and duel people often in early play."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "However, be prepared to group with your team and fight 5v5 if necessary. When there are no nearby objectives to take, usually start grouping with your team."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Stay at a maximum distance so that he cannot get an authorized e or e on you. Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "This is especially true if Rell works with her Jungler to set up death brushes in the enemy jungle. Rell's team fight presence will be felt across the board due to her t and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "He should be able to ruin the lives of the enemy squishy door whenever possible. Its damage is excellent during this phase of the game due to its core of articles being completed and it is very agile."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "While the enemy is in position, it can be isolated or alone (or too far forward). Press the trigger and use your Ultimate R to collapse on them when they are isolated or alone."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The wave must be kept in the middle of the track. You should just focus on the damage."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "You have to avoid being super obvious with your coins, especially with your Ultimate I, otherwise you won't fool anyone. Place the x boxes early in the track and inside the track brushes. This way you will be able to get a lot of poke damage on negligent enemies."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Look to all-in overextended enemies as much as possible since your g and e will both facilitate CC'ing the enemy. Bypassing vision is crucial so actively keep warding and dewarding the enemy Jungle to gank enemies with ease."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "You need time to come online in the early game. If you fall behind, you will struggle to lane."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The enemy laner can deliberately let him push in order to get him to overextend and ultimately killed. Wait until you have a few levels and item components under your belt before looking to fight."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Your Ultimate will also be on lower cooling, which is very beneficial. At this stage of the game, Akali would be almost max build."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen is squishy. If Gwen uses her W to block incoming skill shots, look to start a fight while it\u2019s on cooldown."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The first games of talijah are quite powerful as it can turn between the tracks quickly and easily move the enemies. She should capitalize on it to make sure she can take control of the game."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "At level 11, Skarner put a second point in his Ultimate. The addition of a second point to Skarner's Ultimate should reduce its cooling time."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Its first point will give a massive boost to its overall efficiency in the way. His combo of brilliant damage will increase with this article."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Watch his positioning, and play to the opposite side of him to make it harder for him to all-in you."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. Fiddlesticks is quite vulnerable to ganks"} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "All Malphite has to do is keep her healthy until she reaches level 6. Once Malphite reaches level 6, its presence will skyrocket and become a major threat to the enemy's lantern."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "That's because he didn't want to be damaged by the wave when his opponent used Q on her. Instead, he hoped that when his opponent made Q the wave, he would not damage himself at the same time."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Respect her 1v1 potential and try not to die to her. Fiora is a skilled duelist who can take on anyone one vs one if she gets an early lead."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "A decent peak of power occurs at level sixteen. Level sixteen provides an important boost to the Ultimate t of Timitvana."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Agriculture is at the centre of this game. You need time and gold before you come online."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "If CDA doesn't play aggressively, you'll struggle to get murders and win the way. Amumu has two seconds."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra's level 6 is incredibly strong. Their Jungler will ganker Lissandra when they reach level 6."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "The enemy laner can ward the river if he is mid lane. Enemy laners do not harass their supporting players if they are near a brush."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf loses both armour and magic resistance when he activates his Ultimate k. If possible, focus him while he is in his more vulnerable state before he can deal damage."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Once Shaco reaches level 6, its ability to solo the Dragon or Rift Herald increases due to its Ultimate. Keep the goals for the Dragon and Rift Herald kept at all times so you can spot Shaco before he takes them."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Its overall strength depends on the construction it chooses. Shyvana wants to feed the farm at the beginning of the game to get level 6 and unblock its Ultimate t."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Its ultimate capacity (n) gives it additional statistics that can temporarily allow it to absorb a lot of damage. Champion can pay more damage with Ultimate capability"} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar is the number one public enemy for any wallet in the game. A wallet can be a Rengar hit with one or two items."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Make sure you secure all the Dragons when possible to deny them from the enemy. While the enemy Jungler will not be ganking, fighting them alone will be difficult as they have tools to escape or prevent the fight. If you spot them alone, try to force them out of their jungle without over committing to the fight without assistance."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Tibbers R's AOE ability makes it dangerous to group with your whole team if Annie is using it. Annie lacks mobility and defensive stats making her vulnerable in team fights."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Rek\u2019Sai isn\u2019t as easy to play as many players think. To master Rek\u2019Sai, you'll need to put in a lot of practice."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce will not spike at level 16 because his Ultimate G will not provide a lot of raw stats. Jayce relies on flanking and the fog of war to poke enemies down, even without his ultimate."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "It is important that you continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. Don't just stay in the middle if you can't get anything done."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille can start ganking at level 2. You should ensure awareness of the level 2 gank and do not push forward too far in lane early on."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar is very weak in team fights when he\u2019s in Mini Form. Fighting in close proximity causes Mega Gnar to get an advantage in terms of getting his Ultimate R or W."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Keep playing around the cooldown of their Ultimates R. Look for the fights when their R Ultimates is in place."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "she will let her do a lot during neutral, objective fights, and clustered team fights."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's Ultimate can make or break the game for its allies, and should be used to set up ganks on its laner. Sett's Jungler will prioritize his path more than any if he uses his Ultimate to set up ganks."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "She can also do very well in team fighting because of her W. The first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Focus the nearest enemy champion to your carries and work as a team to take down the enemy one by one. If you focus on the backline alone, you may be an easy target for the enemy and may die quickly."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Being dispersed in a team fight will prevent him from getting a massive final R. A massive final R is crucial to changing the tide of a team fight."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "This prevention will prevent him from entering the enemy's backline and inflicting massive damage. Level 6 is really strong for Kennen because it has access to an AoE CC capability that can quickly turn the tide of a fight."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Keep an eye on their mana bar and try to fight them after they have used a capacity as they cannot use it to trade with. Riven is weaker than you at level 2."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "The control of the crowd is its mortal enemy, and it can be removed quite easily due to its squishiness. Its ultimate R doesn't have much width, which makes it really easy for enemies to avoid its range."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath is powerful at level 6 with true damage output from his Ultimate ability t. It's essential to consider Cho'Gath's damage output regardless of whether he's built as a tank or full AP."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Once Kalista gets her Ultimate, her chase down potential becomes unparalleled. This is especially true if her Support is one of those hard all-in champions."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "If you can get one kill or get an early health lead, you're going to have an easier time during the laning phase. Once you're level 6, play aggressive and look for a kill."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "After Cho\u2019Gath picks up his first component item, trading becomes much easier for him as his damage and survivability increases. When Cho\u2019Gath cannot trade too well, it is because he has not yet picked up his first component item."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Be prepared to turn around quickly if Cassiopeia casts her Ultimate R. Never engage in jungle or objective-based fights as her Ultimate R is effective in tight areas when teams are clustered together."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "By level 11, Diana will put the second point into her Ultimate R. The amount of damage Diana does in team fights will be very high, especially if she has a few items or a lead over the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "At level nine, kaisa's Q was completely maxed out and dealt a lot of damage to her enemies. This will let kaisa take over the game with ease."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Once she has finished her first article, she will suffer a lot of damage and will be able to push the wave/combat more frequently. Keep this in mind and respect its damage."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Keep the wave near the tower to expose Yone to the ganks and increase the murders on him. Has a lot of utility and damage in his kit that allows him to play around his team quite often."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "If they invade you, step back, because they can easily kill you. They can guarantee a much easier goal than you."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo excels in team fighting when he is chosen by a team with multiple knock-ups. However, avoid regrouping too closely with Yasuo, as it can easily get an ultimate R of 5 people."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Try to constantly poke and harass Gragas in order to keep him on low health. Keep Gragas at low health so that he cannot play or position aggressively."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "You can prevent this peak of power by not allowing it to shoot you down and delay a team fight. His early play is rather weak, but he has a constant poke."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "After level 6, Vladimir gets a peak of power with his e. Play a little more passively against him in this step."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Their level 6 ability is stronger than yours, so be careful when fighting post level 6. Keep the wave closer to your side of the map in the very early game to protect yourself from ganks and zoning."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "ADCs and champions with dashes can kite Cho'Gath in team fights. A champion with dashes can easily kite Cho'Gath in a team fight."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Think twice before using your dash in this matchup. If you dash forward, they could all-in you, or the enemy Jungle could show up."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle Passive regenerates health every time a minion dies. Trundle is good at level 2 and 3."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Practicing Q usage will help improve irelia's overall performance, but it also makes her vulnerable to being caught in CC if timed incorrectly. Irelia's Ultimate R is a challenging ability to land on ranged carries due to enemy dashes and kiting."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You can also try to sneak in some goals when your team is busy distracting the enemy. Always try to go to the end and choose the enemy Jungler every chance you get."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor is subject to all in, especially in the bot track when faced with a hard crowd control Support. Viktor has some form of buff motion speed with its r, but the crowd control in layers can counter it."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi is difficult to kill once she lands several tentacle slams due to the damage and sustain it provides. Investing in grievous wounds can slow Illaoi's healing down."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled will have several objects in the middle of the game, making it a devastating force to manage. It's really useful for his team, and Kled will act quickly as the front line for his team."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "The more the game goes, the stronger Nasus will be. Make sure you finish the game as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Katarina is a great team fighter thanks to her AOE Ultimate R which will allow you to dish out lots of damage in a fight. Once she gets 2 points in her Ultimate R, she will be able to do a lot of damage to the enemies in a short time."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Every time the ultimate is in place, use it to help allies and get murders. Secure the goals with the team, if possible, while keeping them tuned at all times."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "His Q & E will be maximized and will make many consistent DPS during this phase of the game. The Q will also let him control the wave."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Do not get poked down otherwise Galio will fall behind in CS and XP and be no threat later on. At level 6, you will have no kill threat in the lane against most enemy laners."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Combined with his dashes, this will allow him to land a multi-man stun. This will allow his teammates to follow the all-in-one."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Avoid Gragas' Q as much as possible because it can set up ganks for his team and causes a lot of damage. Use Gragas' W cooldown to engage on him as long as its duration allows."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "If you get picked off, the enemy will be able to take nearby objectives or use their numbers advantage to win a team fight. Consistently place vision around the map to help your team secure objectives and get picks."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If Zac tries to fight, you just have to engage them in a fight. Look for a regular all-in with your W and E in this matchup."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "This is particularly true when the objectives are about to materialize. Focus on team fighting with your allies, and avoid breaking up too much or they'll collapse and you'll lose the fight."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Your Jungler is assisted by you sometimes and you get some free kills when possible. Your Ultimate can be used defensively as well."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled will have several objects in the middle of the game, making it a devastating force to manage. It's really useful for his team, and Kled will act quickly as the front line for his team."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "If you catch someone out of position or blow them up, you will be able to take the lens for free. Winning 2 points in his Ultimate will cause Xerath's damage to skyrocket."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Damage to teemo mushrooms will increase. The enemies will find it difficult to cross the choking points now because teemo will be able to create choking points more frequently."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Reaching Morgana's Q around the minion wave can be difficult. The way to counter Morgana's Q around the minion wave is by getting as close as possible to the enemy, and throw it away when they're away from the minion wave."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Winning two points in Yuumi's Ultimate R will make it a bit more difficult for enemies. Yuumi excelled during team fighting because of the effects on herself and her allies through her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Once you're level 6, play aggressive and look for a kill. You should try to get them low before committing to the all-in, but it should be plain sailing."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Ward to the side of you at all times. Kite backwards as soon as Garen appears."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Up to level 6, try to play safely and close as much as you can. Close as much gold as possible to recall and stack the tear."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Players must stick at any time to the bottom of the track to make it harder for Rengar to jump on them. Rengar can look for an all-in when he reaches level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks can solo the Dragon at a very early level. When Fiddlesticks channels Rand, it is likely that he is channeling his Tremors on Rek'Sai's Tremor Sense W."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "If Kled is dismantled and the enemy disengages, it will be difficult for him to recover Skaarl. Kled is not safe on the farm while being disassembled if he faces a game against him."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "The split thrust in the middle of the game can help secure secondary goals. Avoid regrouping with other players as much as possible."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "If easy ganks are not available, invade their jungle and steal away their camps. After post 6, look to make plays and gank your allies whenever your Ultimate is up."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "This will make it more difficult for Tristana to kite/escape combat. The extended trades will work a lot in favour of Tristana if she placed her E on you."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Several points in his Ultimate will allow him to use ability frequently, make choices, and multi-man land Ultimate on enemies fighting near choking points. Malphite is pretty good during team fighting."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "This will allow you to earn turret veneer and increase your gold income. Level 6 is significant."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The first power peak of Xin Zhao in the track occurs at level 3. At level 3, Xin Zhao can do everything in the enemy by accessing its three basic capabilities."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "She will have her core items now, allowing her to deal with a lot of damage. This will help her team during fights, especially choke point fights."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Another point in Rumble's Ultimate capability is going to seriously put the team to fight in choking points in his favor. He needs good time and he needs to drop it off at the right places to get there."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "It gets several objects and bursts enemies to the left, right and center. She sits in the fog of war and waits for an unsuspecting enemy to enter her."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Watch out for a potential Flash engage by Pantheon in team fights. In team fights, don\u2019t stand too far forward in case he tries to make a play."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "But that's the only thing you have that's more powerful than his. Focusing on agriculture is a priority for Vladimir."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Avoid detaching from your ADC when Zac has its available CC, as being taken can lead to an all-in-one dangerous situation. When Zac has his CC, stay attached for security during these moments."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine's threat of murder increases after she's finished her first article. You should keep poaching the seraphin with your e on a regular basis."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "However, he needs to make sure he doesn\u2019t get caught out in the late game. If Brand gets caught out in the late game, he will not dish out any damage."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The death brush strategy will be viable for Nautilus' team with his frequent use of the first ability. Stay grouped with your carries in team fights."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu's Ultimate R makes it difficult to remove it. Lulu's early game can be incredibly hard to play against if you're a melee champion."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "When laying or disassembling, anticipate the Aqua prison in Nami and actively avoid it. Using your Zoomies capability with its speed boost can help you avoid Nami's hand."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "However, using Ultimate R is not recommended because it can turn a fight and save you almost immediately instead. Your E will be pivotal for fighting during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Try and lock Irelia down at the start of the fight. Locking Irelia down will make it much harder for her to jump around your team and get resets on her Q."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Delaying Aumu's Level 6 power peak will also delay its Ultimate y. Delaying some of Amumu's ganks means it will be weaker."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Try to get to the enemy backline when possible to cause mayhem. Keep the wave somewhere in the middle of the lane, because it will give you enough opportunities to take the enemy down."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Adding another point to his Ultimate R will skyrocket his overall power in the lane. This is because the empowerments will be more powerful, and Heimerdinger will use them both offensively and defensively."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh has great potential thanks to his Q. A good Q crochet in the middle of the game could make the snowball a huge advantage for Thresh."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Avoid being caught out by Karma's superior damage post 6. Allow Karma to push you into your tower early on."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Stay with your team at all times. Do not leave their side, as the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Use the R to get early murders and gain an advantage in the way. Yasuo gets a huge power peak at level 6."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "If he is laning vs a roam heavy champion, he will force them to stay in their lane. At level 11, Corki can put a second point in his Ultimate e. "} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Disengage from a fight with Riven if she tries to attack unless you have an advantage. Riven becomes very strong after completing two or three articles."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "As the game continues, Twitch becomes stronger and stronger. Finishing the game quickly is often the wisest choice to play against Twitch."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "It will increase the damage of the ability. Do not team fight in the later parts of the game unless your Zhonya's Hourglass and Ultimate d are both up."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E. Focus on securing those objectives."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "He can start ganking as soon as he hits level 2. Don't be afraid to go for a level 2 gank in one of your lanes."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Finally, it\u2019s great in team fights as it could potentially knock-up 5 enemies. Ornn scales incredibly well into the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "He can look for more aggressive plays once he has his first component item. When Ezreal completes his Mythic item, his damage output further grows."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Your Ultimate will allow you to lock and kill the wallets easily. Locking and killing door in bottlenecks easily wins games."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "In the team fights, lock Samira with CC at the beginning of the fight so that it cannot destroy the damage."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's W is a great tool that can stop incoming abilities such as Thresh Q or Blitzcrank b. However, Gwen's W does not protect her allies."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "At level 3, Graves can now pull off ganks successfully. The gank ability will let Graves slow/near sight enemies with his e."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "You find it hard to one-shot an enemy unless they\u2019re squishy and you\u2019re ahead. Set up ambushes with your team around the Dragon or Baron."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Failing to do so will get you pinned to a wall and beaten up. Your Ultimate can be used to take her away from a fight."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista has an Ultimate that can save her Champion. The use of Kalista's Ultimate x can be game-changing in a trade."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Its e allows a crowd control configuration for its team. The team can follow the crowd control set up by its k"} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "If she goes missing, expect that she\u2019s coming to join the team fight. If she stays in a side lane, don\u2019t let her destroy your base while you try and fight."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "The fact that he has an Ultimate G from level one gives him access to three more ability variations than his opponent, which should be used to get a lead pre-6. Jayce is weak early on and relies on his w > s combo to poke enemies out before going for a kill, allowing him to garner a lead and burst down the enemy once they are low enough."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas can use his Q to shoot down his laner. Sylas's W has healing abilities in terrible situations."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo should either secure the plugs or blow people up with his abilities. Teemo should split the thrust and wait for the enemy to respond."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "You shouldn't be close together inside the pit with Rumble because you allow him to land a devastating B on your entire team. Rumble is inclined to disengage."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Level six is a massive peak for it as it can now affect fighting easily with its t and r. Its electronic use will dictate how good it is Riven."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain should not engage in team fighting unless both his Zhonya's Hourglass and Ultimate are active. Swain should delay or disengage from fighting if the enemy initiates a fight while away from his team."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is a champion who excels when staying close to the enemy laner's side of the lane. Staying close to Darius reduces his ability to run you down in lane and prevents him from zoning you away from farm."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Avoid letting the goal of winning a few more deaths because the enemy Jungler can enjoy it. Putting death brushes in the enemy jungle to help prevent and kill potential people."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Fighting without it will make the end-of-the-game team's fights much more difficult. You should delay fighting and be ready to disengage if she's still on the cooldown."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP to stay alive in lane. Note on who Kalista has been paired with."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "When Illaoi casts her Ultimate, do your best to disengage if possible."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Hold on to these abilities to interrupt her engage and burst her down while she is immobilized. Look out for Rell's E. She will put it on other champions who also want to engage to get a good stun off."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch has an ability to make enemies remember after a gank. Twitch can bamboozle enemies with its s."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine can do a lot of damage. The CC (crowd control) will allow its team to collapse quickly on the enemy."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Getting your form will be huge for you. Depending on the shape you get, you should increase your fighting frequency accordingly."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Once someone's CC'd, they should be beaten. Early reduction of healing can be a tactical use of Lillia in this matchup."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "After post 6, you won't be able to engage in team fighting if you push as you won't be tanky enough to dive the enemy. You have a lot of CC tools in your kit, which allows you to search for opportunities with your Jungler."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Taking the midway tower opens the map and gives your team a gold lead. The middle tower of the track should be taken after destroying the bottom tower of the track."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "She starts to fall off in the late game as squishy champions start to build defensive items."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne will look to power farm early so he can get level 6. Power farming is an early game strategy for Nocturne that allows him to gain experience points quickly and reach level 6."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "The enemy has a lot of CC if Lee Sin will perform cool maneuvers with his Ultimate k. When you spoil your allies, you have to play around their CC tools if Lee Sin wants to use his e."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "This makes Qiyana a mechanically difficult champion to play and do well on. Expect to put in a lot of games to master Qiyana."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his W and going for the all-in always ensuring there is at least one minion between you and him. Aatrox has long cooldowns on his Q and E in the early game, if used abuse them look to trade with him while they're down"} -{"label": "galio", "text": "He can quickly go into enemy territory to deward the area/set-up vision and then come back. Level 16 isn't that big a spike for Galio."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Jinx will use the extra range from her Rockets Q to poke you down. Ensure you are outside of the minion wave so Jinx cannot deal splash damage."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki's Ultimate e deals massive area of effect damage, making him a formidable presence on the battlefield. Corki can be good post 6 as he has a lot of poke and wave clear."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Once Akali has access to all its basic capabilities, it can start negotiating with the enemy more effectively. At level 3, Akali should look for more aggressive pieces, but avoid engaging with them."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The enemy team cannot afford to fight in closed spaces or they will certainly get cut by its Ultimate The first power peak for Rumble occurs when it gets its first component."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Keep this in mind and expect him to be all over the map. When Aatrox enters a team fight, try to apply crowd control (CC) to him immediately and burst him down first."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "When Ahri reaches level 11, she will have 2 points in her Ultimate. At level 9, Ahri will maximize his Q."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Since he's not really good at team fights, you could force a team fight while he's in his jungle agriculture Udyr's jungle agriculture, the thrust divided into a side track or otherwise preoccupied."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "If Kayn turns into Red Kayn, he'll be more tankier. If Kayn turns into a Blue Kayn, he'll do tons of damage."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Deep wards inside his jungle or around the entrances to his jungle will help your team spot him before he activates his Ultimate a. Wards in the jungle provide valuable vision for the team, allowing them to track Nocturne's movements and position themselves for counter-ganks."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Positioning can be difficult for Milio as he can easily get killed and locked up with CC. If Milio gets CC he can't use his Ultimate, so it's important that he never make CC'd."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "This will also prevent enemies from escaping quickly. Its objective control is quite correct."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Cooling a capacity refers to the time it takes for the champion to use it again. The reduction of cooling allows Seraphine to use its capabilities more frequently during team fighting."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "A well-timed W can neutralize its t. Use this to your advantage."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Force team fighting when Singed is unable to influence them is a great idea. Force a 4v4 or 5v4 fight will help you win the game."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "If Azir uses an ability, you\u2019ll need to use one too. The best time to fight Azir is when Soldiers W are down."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "The goal is to get the first element quickly so that all elements become more powerful and deadly. After Akali recovered its first component, the damage production of its Q will increase considerably."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "You must look for fights in the early game to cash out from your Passive. Draven\u2019s level 6 power spike is powerful."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don\u2019t fall behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn\u2019t exactly increase."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "When Dr Mundo has completed Bami\u2019s Cinder, his trading power is much stronger. Do not disrespect his all-in potential once he has this item."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle Passive is a monster of the end of the game due to its functioning. If Kayle can go through the laning phase and acquire CS in an orderly manner, she will easily resume the game later."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "It can be used to help his team win team fights, And to get him killed during the laning phase."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio can engage potential enemies (E) along with his CC combo, which deals respectable amounts of damage and allows his team to follow up on the knocked up target (W). Galio has decent waveclear on his Q, allowing him to shove the wave in and then roam around to see if he can use his Ultimate R to assist other teammates."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Unhappiness is a scourge for Vladimir's existence, especially if he is bought early. If Grievous Wounds is bought early, Vladimir's enemy can get a huge advantage due to reduced Q health."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Poke Fizz down before he gets aggressive. Fizz's Playful / Trickster E allows him to dodge damage and escape from trades."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "It\u2019s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate R to knock you away. Keep this in mind and hold on to any CC abilities until she starts the channel."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "The river was kept when you got your first article and you should keep it that way since you will be ruined differently. Use track brushes to strike the enemy to the maximum extent possible."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "With this in mind, wait for him to use his E before diving into him unless you can get the catch on to him. Once you get your Ultimate, it\u2019s key that you use it."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "You may need to sacrifice some CS for XP if you're low in the laning phase. Gnar needs his Ultimate R to be available and the only way he can get it is through changing into Mega Gnar."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Urgot can easily be part of an enemy. Urgot destroys enemies with his passive and automatic attacks."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Once they\u2019re dead, either move to Baron or the Elder Dragon or siege and try to end the game. Make the call for objectives like the Baron or Elder Dragon when an enemy is dead and when your Ultimate t is up."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani is a little squishy at the beginning of the game, especially when his Passive is broken. It's pretty easy to lose that Passive so Sejuani has to be careful."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "In situations where Lisandra is lagging behind, she will do no harm in team fighting. The effectiveness of Lisandra's poke and her abilities is diminished when she is late in a team fight."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong is strong in mid-game team fighting thanks to the AOE's attack on his Ultimate. Wukong expects to look for fighting by attacking on the side."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere can exert a lot of pressure in the way while preserving its survival. This ability helps a lot against the champions of the range and of melee."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The importance of being present during team fighting cannot be overemphasized. Being present during the team fights allows to peel for their portages."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "you benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. When you hit level 6, you need to play a bit safer as you do not have an Ultimate G, unlike every other Top laner."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure in a trade doesn\u2019t exactly increase. Her Ultimate R is a utility tool."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Look to roam frequently with Katarina to get extra kills and snowball your lead. Play around Katarina\u2019s Dagger placements."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This strategy allows you to apply pressure to the enemy team while the rest of your team is working elsewhere on the map. However, it is essential to regroup with your teammates when you cannot secure goals alone."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere is inclined to disengage/CC in team fighting. Team fighting with Trendamere can make it difficult for the team."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "He may use his Ultimate R to get behind you and all-in you as soon as you get back to lane. At level 1, be careful of Pantheon's early pressure as he can often cheese a kill and force you to blow Summoner Spells or health potions."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "There have been frequent exchanges with the enemy throughout the laning phase. An early murder could snowball the way in his favor. Yasuo is a flancer who excels in enemy attack in team fighting."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "However, her Ultimate R leaves her incredibly vulnerable which means she cannot use it in the middle of a battle like other ADC\u2019s. Caitlyn is ADC and therefore she can't use Ultimate R in the middle of a battle."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Rakan may look for an early engage and force you to blow your Flash if he takes W at level 1 Rakan tends to do this against utility Supports when they walk forward to harass"} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Unfortunately, at level 3, Tahm Kench will not be able to use his Passive effectively. Hold the push in the middle of the game and try to secure the secondary goals."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon has no incredible control Dragon or Rift Herald in early play. Try to take these goals before Talon is able to get help from a nearby track."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas's W ability allows him to heal back after a trade. He can look for trades more frequently due to his W ability."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Try to stay at max range away from Caitlyn at all times. When Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready to fire, wait for her to use it before moving forward."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Level 16 is a massive peak for syndra as it can decimate the squishy enemies. syndra will have most of its capabilities maximized during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Look for selections in the middle of the game. If you can choose someone with the help of your allies, you can abuse their death timer to win more gold and maybe take a turn, a goal or get more murders."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "She should try to abuse her laner early on with her basic abilities. Her W provides her with a lot of vision while roaming around in unwarded territory."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "It's just important that you throw it out of a safe and out of immediate danger. Miss Fortune has a lot of poke in the way with her ts and ts."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar takes a lot of time to come online if he gets killed a few times during the early game. It will not be very effective if the game continues too long."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "You should keep firm in the side lanes when there are no team fights, but spend as little time as possible away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items, and if you fall behind it will be unlikely that you will be able to cover the damage in the fighting."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Stay outside and get away from the minion wave at all times. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Control Wards in the bushes make tracking Evelyn easy. Evelyn camps will be marked by yellow guards to facilitate follow-up."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Nami has a lot of poke thanks to her W and E. This can allow Nami to push the enemy down and win trades with ease."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble's disengagement makes it harder for him to win the fight. You will want CC Rumble when possible in this matchup."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The more champions you hit with Seraphine's Ultimate R, the more he goes. If you are able to get a good Ultimate Roff, you will increase your chances of winning a team fight."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "jax's Q allows him to escape collapse attempts with ease. Jax is weak against single target crowd control."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Once it has completed its first element, its trading capacity increases sharply. Beware of exchanging it if it gets its first component before you."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne is easy to learn. The learning of Nocturne doesn't require hundreds of games."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Once Ziggs gets three points in his Ultimate R, he will suffer a massive amount of damage in a huge area during team fighting and goals. The struggle in the landlocked areas will also give Ziggs a huge advantage."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana can quite easily one-shot any squishy target walking alone through the river. Diana's core power spike occurs when she hits level 6."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "His tenacity will be colossal during this phase of the game. It will simultaneously absorb tower fire and enemy damage and make it very easy for its allies to follow its commitments."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "This champion is extremely likely to be shot by sledgers with various attacks. In team fighting, he can be easily killed by any race on the enemy team."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "If you can choose someone with the help of your allies, you can abuse their death timer to win more gold and maybe take a turn or get more murders. Two points in his Ultimate R will allow Senna to significantly impact the team fights in the game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "For this reason, Zac can really use them as a tool for engagement or escape only once in a fight. If you know Zac is without these abilities, try to fight him."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "A target for the enemy team is Diana when her t is down The enemy team detects Diana more easily with proper warding."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "He will use his E as a measure to maintain the spacing between his enemy and him. This is the point of the game where grouped fights become common."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "A level 6 for qiyana should send shivers down her enemies' spines. She can effectively one-shot any squishy enemy who is wandering around."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The slow from Dr.Mundo's Q enables his team to follow up on that target with hard CC abilities or all-in and burst them down."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "A healthy balance between poking the enemy and using your abilities to farm with is ideal throughout the early and mid-game. It's recommended to do both simultaneously."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Her E hitbox isn\u2019t the biggest, so it can be difficult to land. Ahri can be difficult to play into team compositions with heavy CC."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Going for extended trades frequently will benefit you. Try to go for extended trades as much as possible."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Ganking your allies will help you gain an upper hand against Darius. If you can, try to take out Darius while he is in the process of ganking."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Avoid walking through the map areas when you don't know where LeBlanc is. LeBlanc is an Assassin and can easily blow up players taken out of position."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Focus the nearest champion to your carries to make killing them easier too. Look for picks with your E."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "You'll need to take care of your backline and see that they're not being subjugated and killed. If a murderer tries to kill them, E kills him immediately."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "If Nasus gains too much gold and experience, it will spread quickly and become very powerful. The longer the game continues, the more powerful Nasus becomes."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "This will help you to spot it before it is able to use its capabilities and ganker either the medium track or another nearby track. Twitch will be looking for gank frequently in early play."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Try to secure the early Dragons to get your team in advance by gauntling mi or bot and turning straight after. Evelynn won't be ruined early, so try gank as much as you can to give your allies an advantage."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Try to lock CC as quickly as possible and take it down. Yasuo is strong once he has a 100% chance of writing."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Keep track of Diana's early game through wards Try to delay Diana's power spike by taking away her camps or killing her in her jungle"} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Getting your Ultimate R is a massive power peak in the track and one that will allow you to take the game with ease. Don't hesitate to use the ability on low-health enemy champions, even if it means stealing a murder."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "It can easily allow (he) to control the crowd of unsuspecting targets and put (his) team in place for success and monitor crowd control. A player's Sweeper capability (it) is particularly useful when used in conjunction with (his) other abilities."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Level 6 is an important power peak, especially when facing an enemy with a tank Support in his team. At level six, Sett can easily bring the Ultimate R enemies back into their team, inflicting significant damage."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "She can use it to kill you alone or to install her Jungler. Lillia is very strong in team fighting thanks to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "During this phase of the game, many elements will allow the monkeying to flatten a lot of damage while surviving fights with ease. After entering with your Ultimate n, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the fights of the end-of-game team."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Getting your first article is crucial to success. Keep hitting the enemies with your d."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Getting XP and gold is crucial for your champion's growth. Continue to get XP and gold even after rotation."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "that other Champions can't do It can leave the way and wander easily enough to get a cheese gank"} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "When used properly, Fiora's W can even counter enemy CC and turn the tables on her opponents. Fiora can take out isolated enemy champions with ease, even if she is behind, thanks to her Passive and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "This will make life very difficult for travellers who rely on dashes. His E is very effective."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia's Ultimate R is a great tool in team fights. Hitting 5 champions at once is a sure-fire way of winning the team fight."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "The r gold mechanic means that Gangplank scales greater as the game goes on. Destroying his E barrels before he can detonate it can take a lot of damage off his kit."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Keep a constant eye on the minion wave and look for these aggressive plays. Irelia is extremely strong when her Passive is stacked up."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "He can easily be shot down by various champions in team fights. He can also get easily kitted in team fighting, which sometimes makes it difficult for him to fight as a team."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Keep an eye on Lux's mana bar and try to fight it after she has used a capacity because she can't use it to trade with. The laning phase is a key part of the game where players should focus on the descent of the enemy to gain a health benefit."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "This article will give the player enhanced damage boosts and survival skills. Once you get two items, you should be able to flatten a lot of damage depending on the construction you go for."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Watch to flank in team fights if the attack on the side can lead you to a key target. Attacking on the side and reaching a key target in team fighting increases the chances of winning."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "After Corki completed his first item, he started dealing a lot of damage and looked very aggressive. You should be aware of Corki's increased aggression after getting his first item when you're trading with him."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Once Sylas has finished his first article, he will have more pressure on the track and will seek to play offensive. So far, try to abuse it as much as possible."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "It should help you massively, especially when she is trying to charge her Ultimate to get you out of a fight. She may attempt to take neutral objectives from under your nose."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Use your passive shield on the other hand to mitigate the damage you take while trying to reach them. Your windshield will be really beneficial in this matchup. Use it to counter Seraphine's Ultimate as much as you can."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "At level 6, Nunu becomes able to engage in aggressive all-ins on opponents if he is able to knock them up with his W. Nunu can pick off an opponent with his W in mid-game team fights."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Look for choices during the game medium, it should be easy enough for you to get them because of your abilities. By sitting Baron or Dragon, look for a choice with your abilities."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "It's crucial to end the game before Kassadin reaches level 16. Hit level 2 first then use your level advantage to gain a significant health lead."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille may look for an all-in at level 3 or 4 once she has access to her core abilities. If Camille loses too much health before reaching level 3, it is guaranteed that she will look for the all-in."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Keeping the allies alive during the team fights is crucial to winning the game. Winning the game requires maintaining a significant advantage over the enemy team."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "If Milio gets CC he can't use his Ultimate, so it's important that he never make CC'd. Milio is sensitive enough to the CC. He is quite still and squishy, so positioning is the key."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen is a strong 1v1 champion. She excels especially if she gets an early lead."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The shield and healing you get from your W is missing enough, especially at the beginning of the game. Don't rely on her to save you or your life ADC."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you move around the map, and when you are alone. To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Don't hang on or stay tight in the team fights against Twitch like her Spray and Prayer c will melt you down. Disperse and look for a way to make it burst once it has come to light."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana's Q will hit like a truck after finishing its first component. Look to take off the enemy carriers."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu's late part isn't bad. It will be very tanky as it would arrive towards the end of its construction."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo will be annoying to deal with in early play. Be patient and look at your positioning."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "In the late game Anivia will have very short cooldowns on most of her abilities. She will be able to look for picks more frequently in the late game."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "After the laning phase has ended, go to a different lane or stay top and just split push. You\u2019re a good split pusher and can draw a lot of attention to your lane."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "When the enemy is low, commit to an all-in-one. Look for choices with Q."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "After entering with your Ultimate R, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights. To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "While Soraka is dead, you could force a fight or take a goal with the advantage of numbers. Invest in the call of an executor or Morellonomicon if your champion benefits from it."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can use his empowered E to set a multi-man, long-ranged CC which can allow his team to follow up on his CC. Heimerdinger is a champion who focuses on farming in the early game."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Janna will try to poke as often as she can with her d and auto-attacks."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Its e can easily be interrupted by any form of hard CC. This can make tower dives risky and can cause him to kill almost instantly if he does not use capacity properly."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "As soon as Lee Sin has finished his juggling, his death pressure will be very high because he will have lower cooling and more damage. If they invade you, step back because they can easily kill you especially if you're behind."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "And keep them safe from the damage inflicted by the enemy. Zac is pretty good in the team fights at the end of the game, especially if he manages to get a flank on the enemy."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus' weakness makes him vulnerable to intimidation due to a lack of HP and batteries on his Q. Its main goal will be to cultivate and stack its Q."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "This movement can be used to impact the fighting on the other side of the map. It allows the player to escape if a fight goes south."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Since Jax can deal a lot of consistent DPS, he will be mighty once full build. He should get a defensive item, though, as he needs to survive to actually deal the damage."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu's going to annoy the enemy on level six. Lulu completely denies the assassination and explodes attempts at the end of the enemy at level 6."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Level 16 is a massive power peak, which means Rengar can completely decimate enemies that are identified"} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Just try to land E when you can guarantee a blow to avoid being caught off guard. Zyra's poke is very good."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "His Ultimate c made it easy for him to shred the members of the enemy team when they were regrouped. Its passive allows its c to shred easily the members of the enemy team when they are regrouped."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Just do a point to commit to an all-in-in when you use the ability. Roam if possible, especially if one of the enemy's ways is overstretched."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "At this point, due to her items, Irelia will be extremely tanky. The amount of damage she deals will catch most enemies off-guard, especially if she manages to flank the enemy."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Every time Seraphine uses her W, she will be vulnerable to an all-in-one. Seraphine's W has a very long cooldown, so try to abuse it if possible."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Once Sona reaches level 6, her death pressure increases and she can start playing more aggressively. The healing of Sona's W will be a problem as the game unfolds."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Be prepared to scale if you\u2019re in a tough matchup so you do not fall behind and become useless in the later parts of the game. Jax will find it really hard to survive the laning phase if he is constantly pushing."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Avoid fighting with the enemy until you have an object behind you to improve your strength. After the bot track moves towards the middle track, turn to a safe place to continue farming and win XP."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "She can CC targets with ease now, get picks across the map, and deal a lot of damage depending on what build she is going. Ashe\u2019s first power spike in lane occurs when she purchases and upgrades her Boots."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "As a result, level 6 only lets talijah play, rather than providing other benefits. The first element of Taliyah's capabilities will allow him to spam and cause a lot of damage to enemies during the laning phase."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Stand outside the minion wave at all times during the laning phase. Seraphim players will often use their authorized Q (or Q) to push the minion wave."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia is very fast and mobile thanks to her Passive. This makes Lillia difficult to catch out of position."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Look in the purchase of a first pair of Boots to make it easier to avoid its abilities. Avoid sorting goals like the Baron or the Dragon in the middle of the game if Kog' Maw is alive and nearby because Kog' Maw can easily bring you down."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "It can either be gradually shot down, which forces it to get out of the way, or it can be all-in-one by the enemy lantern and the Jungler/Support. Once his health is reduced, he becomes a gank target if he is too pushed."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Look for choices with your abilities. Choosing someone and then collapsing on them to shoot them down is a great way to win a team fight and end the game."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "If she activates her E in a team fight avoid using any burst abilities. Disengage or focus her quickly to take her down."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "You need time to come online, and you just need to focus on getting gold and XP. If they invade you early, step back, you don't win the early skirmishes with them."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The enemy's ability to inflict damage is greatly diminished by its tenacity. Nautilus can play aggressive early because he has a lot of CC."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Always be stood behind a minion at all times when playing against Ezreal. Ezreal is harder to deal with when his Q (Q refers to Ezreal's Q ability) cannot land."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Teamfights will be difficult for Riven as she is subject to CC, disengage and gets kited by champions easily. To facilitate team fighting, Riven will probably flanculate or Flash to engage."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Try to fight as soon as you spot her. Avoid separating and playing alone."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "If you don\u2019t know where Kalista and her Jungler are, they might be trying to sneak the Baron or Dragon. Make sure you have it warded at all times as Kalista can take it quite easily thanks to her r."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Once again, she will have to rely on the flanks to ensure that she can make the most of this ability. The power of timidivana increases with the number of drakes she captured at the beginning and middle of the game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Waiting for Lulu to use his E before fighting or fighting is a good way to move forward. Try to lure that ability and play aggressive while it's on cooldown."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Playing Vayne is mechanically difficult because an error can cause her to kill immediately. Control of the crowd is Vayne's greatest weakness and allows his enemies to easily eliminate it."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Don't fight at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R is in place. Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "You should continue trying to harass the enemy with Brand before committing to a team fight. Try to get the enemy low before calling for the engage using your R ability."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "In the jungle, the Red Buff amplifies the effects of this combo. Its Ultimate c allows it to shred enemy teams easily when they are grouped together."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The longer the game lasts, the stronger the Senna will be. Try to finish the game as fast as you can because Senna's late game is strong enough if it was able to stack effectively."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The damage inflicted by Lucian Level 2 is relatively high. Lucian can quickly kill the enemy with multiple combo rotations using his level 2."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Ward around to make sure that you don't get invaded. Failing to do so will easily get you killed in this matchup."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "While Seraphine is dead, you can look to take the Baron, a Dragon or look for a team fight with the advantage of numbers. At level 6, Seraphine will unlock her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia's Q is a powerful ability that should be avoided at all costs. Cassiopeia runs out of mana incredibly quickly if she spams her E while trading."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "A C E Q combo by talijah can ruin the life of the enemy lantern. The Ultimate R of talijah allows him to cross a long distance almost immediately."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Warding will help your ADC stay healthy especially when they are up against a poke lane. Bait enemy laners into pushing and use the wall behind them to E and then stun with your Q."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "You should avoid fighting Miss Fortune and her team in the jungle. Miss Fortune's Ultimate capability will cover the entire route, allowing her to inflict damage on your entire team."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Two points in the Ultimate R will allow Xin Zhao to use it more often. The use of the Ultimate R will facilitate the conversion of Xin Zhao's fighting to 1 v 1 if necessary."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Post 6, try to push and roll. At level 9, Lissandra Q will be maximized."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Use your Q\u2019s mobility to dodge as many major CC abilities as possible in teamfights. When amongst multiple targets, don't forget to use your E to keep yourself alive."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Without a good vision, Sylas cannot effectively touch a fight by flanking the enemy team. Sylas is a champion who excels in an old-fashioned game style."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Try to avoid Blitzcrank's Hook (b) so he cannot all-in you with his combo. Blitzcrank should only dismount unless his Q ability is on cooldown."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ping Ahri when she leaves the road and tries to follow if possible. If you can't follow Ahri, push the wave and try to get it back on track."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn has strong dueling potential in the mid-game, which can be used to fight against opponents who try to stop their split pushing. Although quinn is a strong split pusher in the mid-game, they should be prepared to group with their team and fight 5v5."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "When Leona is wasting her Zenith Blade, it's an opportunity to get away from your ADC safely. You can poke or reposition safely while Leona uses her Zenith Blade."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne is vulnerable in team fighting without her ultimate ability. Vayne needs invisibility to judge her enemies, otherwise she only relies on her team for actions."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's Ultimate R will still be handy during fights due to its knockup and low cooldown. He can quickly go into enemy territory to deward the area/set-up vision and then come back."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "As a skilled counter-ganker, you can abuse this fact. Playing around your Ultimate is vital in this matchup."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Prepare for this and try to delay his power spike for as long as possible through invading. Place vision inside and near his jungle entrances."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Taking Dragons is key to getting yourself and your allies ahead. As Jax is much weaker than you early on, gain an early lead by ganking your allies before he even comes online."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "When dueling enemies, you should check the enemy's inventory. You will want to avoid fighting with enemies having Grievous Wounds."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Look for choices with your Jungler whenever possible. This action allows you to accumulate a massive advance and take the game by hand."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz\u2019s Ultimate R has a short cooldown so he will be able to play aggressively over and over again. Once Fizz has recalled and picked up his first item, he\u2019ll be able to dish out of a lot of damage quite quickly."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Once Lee Sin reaches level 6, his death pressure increases because his Ultimate will allow him to set up ganks or end enemies more effectively. At level 6, Lee Sin is very strong."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "After six minutes, Yasuo became extremely strong thanks to its Ultimate R crowd control. The penetration of the bonus armor it gets on the use makes it very powerful."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twisted Fate becomes more formidable after getting an article. Cards can inflict a lot of damage on twisted destiny."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Her kit allows her to achieve solo goals. The support of his Q allows him to achieve goals solo."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Unfortunately, Pyke has nothing to offer when his Q is down. Missing this ability will be devastating and you'll have to play safe until it's back up."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "After level 6, Gangplank's Ultimate R can greatly impact team fights and skirmishes. In the early game, it's best to avoid fighting whenever possible."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan IV is a strong Jungler Early game Jungling with Jarvan IV can give an advantage"} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Once you have quite a few levels under your belt, you should look for short favourable trades. As you\u2019re not strong in the early game, you may wish to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressive."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "If you are forced to remember, do not remember under the tower that its Ultimate R can stop the towers inflicting damage. Stay at maximum range at all times."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "This champion is an early game bully. You should play aggressive throughout the laning phase to get kills."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "A player will almost surely win a duel with Gwen if they didn't fall drastically behind during the early or mid-game. Gwen excels during team fights."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Team fighting is where Malphite excels with its Ultimate capability. Malphite's ultimate ability is an AOE (Area Of Effect) capability that can cause multiple people to fall."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "At level 6, the destruction pressure of Tristana increases as its Ultimate R can cause you a lot of damage in the 1v1 trades. Its Ultimate R is also versatile and can be used as a self peeling tool."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Commit yourself to a total attack on the enemy when they are low on health. Try to keep CDA alive as long as possible."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas is a champion who excels in an old-fashioned game style. The player should play aggressively throughout the laning phase to win dead people."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Its level 6 capacity significantly increases its roaming capabilities. To counter its roaming, keep Twisted Fate pushed in the way."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "This will allow you to whittle the enemy tower down and possibly take it quickly. Once that is done, immediately swap to the mid-lane as you will be safer there and will be able to get more objectives that way."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "If Wukong falls behind, he can build a tank, But he won't damage much in a team fight."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius' Ultimate ability can be used as an execute to help him gain a lead. Darius is one of the strongest early game champions in the game."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Level 6 is a variable power peak highly dependent on the composition of the enemy team. He will have to make sure that he takes the appropriate ultimates to be effective in the game."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "His Q is his main means of harassment when it's on cooldown. You can abuse the long cooling period of his Ultimate to get murders on the enemy CDA at level 6."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Once Twitch has finished Lich Bane, its damage release and burst damage increase considerably. Beware of the lunatic who plays with his if he can try to kill you once you get back on the track."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia runs out of mana incredibly quickly if she spams her E while trading. Cassiopeia needs to keep a constant eye on her mana pool otherwise she will have minimal lane pressure."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Level 6 is the removal power peak that will allow Skarner to win games easily. Skarner just needs to lock the most priority target and get them to his team."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "In the team fights, CC is your greatest friend when it comes to beating Akali. As soon as she commits, try to lock her up with CC/ peel her away from you and your allies."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "If Kled uses his Ultimate R and the enemy manages to cut off his team, he will have no follow-up options. His team will lose its front line if Kled's Ultimate R fails to reverse the tide of a team fight."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The author advises to use their capacity very carefully. The use of their capacity can lead to significant lead if used appropriately."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "You should avoid being killed by Singed. Chase Singed frequently in this game."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "His mid-game is not as weak as his early game because he will have his core items. He will also be a part of many objective fights, allowing him to land a multi-man e stun on enemies."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Despite being a strong split pusher in the mid-game, do not hesitate to engage in group fights. When facing an opponent or team, be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is clearly stronger when her stun is ready, and when she has 3 stacks on her Passive. Whenever Annie has her stun ready, you need to respect her damage output and her ability to trade with you."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "It will also allow Lillia to dislodge skill and CC moves. Unlike many AP champions, Lillia can launch and start a team fight if she can catch several enemies out of position with her E."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Ward next door by setting a goal to spot her before she has the chance to commit. Riven is good enough to win the champions when they're too forward or alone."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "In late game team fights, try to peel for your carries if they\u2019re fed so you can protect them and keep them alive. If you\u2019re ahead, look to take down the enemy Mid laner or ADC."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Just like in the middle of the game, stay with your support throughout the later parts of the game. Don't go around the map alone because you will die easily."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Once Bard picks up Boots, his roaming potential increases dramatically. Bard roams frequently with his E to help allies around the map."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "It's very good in roaming and ganking, so make sure to contact your team so they know when it's missing. Place the vision in its jungle entrances and river."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "The goal is to finish the game as quickly as possible. Vayne becomes a monster at the end of the game and will be extremely difficult to defeat at the end of the game."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah is extremely sneaky and can be killed if some form of crowd controls the land on it. This is especially true at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "If Akali uses his Q and he hits, don't walk for a while. Akali has no built-in support in the game."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "This will make her tanky and let her dive face-first into the enemy team. She will play a massive role in disrupting team fights for the enemy team."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "When you\u2019re level 16, you\u2019ll put the third and final point in your Ultimate R. Your Ultimate R will deal a lot of damage in the late game."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "If you focus the rear line alone, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly. By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Misuse of her E can lead her to many unpleasant situations that are potentially fatal to her. It's especially true if his opponent has a hard form of CC."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If the enemy team manages to set proper vision, Garen's game plan will collapse, leaving him useless. If your team sets Garen behind early on, he will be especially useless."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Try to match his pressure by ruining as often as he is. Xin Zhao is incredibly strong at the beginning of the game thanks to his E and Q."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Maintaining a uniform wave of minions or slightly closer to its side of the card early on allows protection against ganks. Protecting oneself while moving forward prevents being targeted by enemy junglers."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille is weak early on. You can force Camille to fall behind in CS from the get-go."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo Passive reduces the efficiency of transport players for a while, allowing their team to engage/disengage freely. Teemo's Ultimate can serve as a substitute for vision."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You must push the enemy down and delay fighting in the end of the game while also looking at your own positioning. Harassing the enemy without proper positioning can lead you to get caught."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "He is a really great early game champion as his burst damage during the early game is phenomenal. Anyone who is immobile will have issues with him."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "The enemies will stack defensive objects, so it will become difficult for you to kill them. That being said, separating the enemy from the real map for a few seconds will help your team win a fight quickly."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "When combined with some items, Shen can put extra debuffs on crazy champions with ease Shen's Ultimate R allows him to be the guardian of his teammates"} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "The author recommends taking advantage of this when seeing Kassadin in a split push position, starting a team fight with numbers advantage. When Kassadin is split pushing, it may be difficult for him to quickly join a team fight because"} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Once Sett is level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R, His ability to get killed in the way also increases."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "In team fights, use your empowered d ability to provide a large shield to your allies. Unless absolutely necessary, do not use your Q or d abilities to help your teammates."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "To facilitate access to the enemy emergency line, you should regroup with your team, but stay on the side. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Rakan has a powerful Ultimate that is incredibly impactful in team fights. If Rakan charms the whole enemy team, it will provide valuable time for their own team to deal damage and win the fight."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Its ultimate ability allows it to acquire an immense potential of duel. This allows him to go to high priority targets with ease, then to go out without dying."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Your W will easily fear enemies when it is combined with your Passive, and then you can proceed with their explosion. Stay with your team and take fights in or around bottlenecks for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "If we can stand behind the minions, it will be hard for Lee Sin to land his E on you. The wave should be kept closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Lack of mobility in Zoe's kit makes her vulnerable Her missing E makes her particularly weak before level 6."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "You shouldn't stay close to your minion wave. Yasuo can use your minion wave as a way to close the distance and do favorable jobs for it."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Once Morgana gets her first article, she'll just push the wave with her W. You should push Morgana back so she won't take your turn sooner."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Peel for your carts and protect them from enemy players. At the end of the game, Rumble would have a lot of damage."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The ultimate capacity will allow Xin Zhao to use it more often, which will make it easier to convert fighting to 1 v 1 as needed. Its first capacity will be maximized when it reaches level 9."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe does not have any escape abilities or built-in sustain. Use Ashe's lack of escape abilities and sustain to your advantage by poking her down frequently"} -{"label": "azir", "text": "The plan remains whittling down enemy first and then looking to all-in with Ultimate R. Take into account the position of the enemy Jungler before making a move."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "If you play as utility support, take Relic Shield instead of Spellthief's Edge for a safer lacquering phase. Relic Shield is used by the support drive instead of Spellthief's Edge."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Although being a power house, Yasuo is very squishy and can be demolished quickly if it works badly. Step errors can occur frequently when Yasuo pushes sideways and overextends."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Most of its capabilities will be exhausted at this time. His overall damage and support will be truly high, and the enemy will find it difficult to get rid of him."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Decrease Gragas' early power by warding for your allies. You're way stronger early compared to Gragas."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "The use of ultimate capacity significantly increases the frequency of roaming. This peak power of the ultimate should be used as efficiently as possible."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Play around your Ultimate t Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate t is up in late game team fights"} -{"label": "galio", "text": "When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. If you let Galio get close, he will look to engage with his E."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "At the end of the game, your construction should come to an end. Although you will suffer a considerable amount of damage, it will be more difficult for you to targets at a stroke as the enemy team would have started collecting defensive objects. Zyra put the last point in his Ultimate R at level 16."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "He's great at the team fights at the end of the game because of his Q and Ultimate R. Its effectiveness increases if it manages to find a flank on its enemies or to place its ultimate R on a group of enemies hanging together."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Adding another point to Heimerdinger's Ultimate R will give his empowerments more overall strength. It can be convenient when taking neutral objectives and fighting enemies who rely on diving and locking Heimerdinger down."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Another empowered Q ability is available. One of Karma's empowered Q abilities can be used instead."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "If you can choose someone, call for Baron or Dragon to continue your advance. Shaco's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux's g can be used to secure peaks inside the enemy Jungle or blind areas. This can be extremely beneficial if the chosen target turns out to be the enemy Jungler or range range."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Renata's abilities in the early game are not strong enough to protect her from being targeted by enemies. As a result, she is vulnerable to ganks and pressure from enemy laners."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Just make sure that his E is down beforehand. Keep the wave in the middle of the lane or close to your turret."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath has great objective control and can secure every Drake with his Ultimate ability. Cho'Gath has great sustain in the jungle thanks to his Passive ability."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "You could be able to get a huge lead by going to objective fights without wasting time. Your W will play a central role during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "After six minutes, Quinn should be able to safely gank and roam around the map a lot. Take detours and try to help your side lanes out."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "The first item component will bolster Rammus' survivability. Bolstering survivability will allow Rammus to do constant DPS by being around enemies."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger excels during team fights as he can control a large area with his Q turrets. This will be really useful in clumped areas like the objective pits and the Jungle paths."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "If you\u2019re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's W is a focal point of the lane."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "You can beat him in a 1v1 as long as you dodge his E. When fighting him, look at the minimap for enemies collapsing onto you."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle can't really gank if he doesn't have strong tracks, so he'll look at the farm instead. Try to gank as much as possible so you can move your allies forward."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "If she stays in a side lane, don\u2019t let her destroy your base while you try and fight. Fiora is extremely good at level 1."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "The effectiveness of his abilities increases if he manages to find a flank on his enemies."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "At this point, Vex is good in team fighting and will be a great threat. Continue to secure choices with your overall gust and Ultimate R in the game."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Stay with your team at any time. Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "When Quinn leaves the lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing. Quinn has a lot of burst damage early in the game."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If you're playing around your Ultimate R, you'll be very strong after completing your first item. You should focus on securing objectives when possible in the mid-game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "When he is alone, you can seek to choose him or start a team struggle with his allies when he is unable to help them. Sett's loading phase is strong."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Peel for your allies in the team fights. As you are tanky, you are rather weak unless your carriers are alive (depending on your construction path)."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Executioner's Calling provides a great deal of sustain for Dr Mundo. Sustain is the key to Dr Mundo's success in the game."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. This ability will now hit like a truck and it can quickly assassinate enemies if they are low."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "That would prevent Xerath from being able to shoot you so much. Once Xerath is level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate 2, it will have a lot of poke and extra damage."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus can't gank at all until he has a lot of levels under his belt. When Nasus reaches level 6, his death pressure increases"} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "You should not divide the thrust when a major target is up or about to spawn. The split thrust while a major target is on the rise or on the verge of spawning is discouraged."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko may use her Passive and W to get a good engage off with her Ultimate R. Warding these areas can help prevent this. Splitting up and not standing too close together will reduce how many people Neeko can stun with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Paired with his level 13 power spike picking up more and more items. Azir\u2019s late game is very strong."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Try to secure secondary goals. Avoid regrouping when your Ultimate R is down."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If Karma roams, focus on punishing the enemy ADC by trying to secure a kill or applying pressure. Karma is known for her roaming potential, so expect her to leave the lane frequently."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Objective control refers to a player's ability to influence or dominate the battlefield. His E, (Sejuani's capabilities), allows him to inflict damage and control zones."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "The enemy group will reduce your chances of getting choices. Of course, you will have a lot of finished items, or are in the middle of construction at this stage of the game, so you should be able to do a lot of damage and survive fighting."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn is an early game bully A bully is ranged"} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Caitlyn is ADC and therefore she can't use Ultimate R in the middle of a battle. Caitlyn is a great late-game champion."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure doesn\u2019t increase significantly. Quinn\u2019s Ultimate R is a utility tool that does not greatly impact her kill pressure."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma's ability that deals poke damage will be up quite frequently in the late game. As a result, Karma's DPS will be through the roof, which is highly beneficial for her team."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett cannot easily escape if someone includes it after using its W capability. If the enemy is intelligent, they will avoid regrouping during the fighting."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Your immobility is the clearest weakness that you have, both during the laning phase as well as the team fighting stage. The enemy team will look to gank you multiple times during the laning phase to set you back."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Once Amumu gets tons of cooling reduction, its Ultimate will be there on a shorter cooling. This allows Amumu to gank more often and to have more success when it comes to glove."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco is quite decent in team fighting due to its clones and short cooling times on its capabilities. Shaco can quickly get rid of critical portages using its e."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "The ability to kill an enemy lantern allows Akshan to bring back his dead allies if they were killed by the same enemy. It is important to kill an enemy laner who killed a teammate, especially at later stages of the game where the death chronometers are long."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath often goes to pupil goals alone. Try to lull Xerath and catch him out of his position."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "You should talk to Akali early when she goes for CS. A good time to chat with Akali is when she used/missed her Q."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "It is expected to focus on agriculture rather than the struggle at the beginning of the game. Zac is really good at team fighting because his kit has tons of CC."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate R, your team fight impact will increase massively. Use the effigies to bamboozle enemies with surprise Ultimate R's on them."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra can practically take a single shot or take them out of the fight for a while. His combo R can CC an entire enemy team if they are grouped."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "As it could be difficult for Maokai to fight team, he can try to flank the side to facilitate access to the enemy. Maokai can use its Ultimate R side to CC your entire team."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "You should not fight Dr Mundo if he is healthy post level 6 unless he is low. Dr Mundo has good Dragon control and can solo it easily."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "The longer a game goes, Brand gets stronger thanks to items. To prevent Brand from getting too powerful, try to set him behind in the early game."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The best way to defeat Dr Mundo is by using crowd control and focus him down first. Crowd control is the best way to deal with Dr Mundo in a team fight."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian has the opportunity to make snowballs if he gets an early advance and remains uncontrollable. However, if Lucian continues to lag behind, his situation worsens considerably over time."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Playing around Irelia's Passive is key. It\u2019s very important that you hit level 2 at the same time as Irelia. If you\u2019re not going to, back off slightly so they can\u2019t all-in you as soon as they get the level up."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Stay with your support throughout the middle of the game. If you move away from your Support, you will be an easy target for the enemy."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Don't let Syndra shoot you before a team fight happens her goal will be to harass as much as she can before looking for a choice"} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Its combined with its d allows it to easily descend a single enemy target. The shield d also allows it to mitigate a good amount of poke."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Play on the side of the map that has the next major objective up so you can rotate to take it with your team. Teleport is a useful ability to go to the bot side of the map and get to your team quickly."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Try not to use your Q in the middle of the track to make sure you can regularly throw several balls of your Q. Use the terrain to browse the map faster using the Passive of Taliyah."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The Ultimate R of talijah allows him to cross a long distance almost immediately. taliyah Ultimate R provides a lot of utility in bottlenecks."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "You should push the first wave, then pull the second one towards the tower, and just freeze there, so Vladimir stays overstretched. After level 6, Vladimir gets a peak of power with his e, so play a little more passively against him in this stage."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "He can easily bully the enemy down with her E. The champion's Ultimate R is incredibly powerful for a Support."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "You should work with your Jungler to blow up some wandering Jungler or Support from the enemy team. Neeko is good in team fights."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "You're stronger than them at level 6, as your Ultimate can be used in a fight. But, the utility they provide ina skirmish is also very valuable and their Support could all-in you at level 6."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "After ruining the lower lane and turning immediately, you can take the first Dragon. xinzhao falls at the end of the game."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Poppy has a healthy clear advantage, making it difficult for an invasion in the early game. If you plan to invade or fight Poppy early on, take into consideration her initial clear advantage."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Always try to finish Taliyah like it will kill her easily. Taliyah can't do much once CC'd and Deleted at the same time."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Thanks to his l, Rammus is incredibly tanky and can be the frontline of his team regardless of distance from behind. Rammus' Ultimate 2 has a short cooldown and can be used to get picks."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze's ultimate ability can change the positioning of himself and anyone within the circle. A good vision is needed before using Ryze-S' ultimate ability to avoid getting his team killed."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac can gain health in a struggle by collecting his W blobs. This makes it difficult for enemies to kill Zac easily."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Expect Sylas to start crashing after level 3 when it has access to all basic capabilities. The longer the game will be, the stronger Sylas will be."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "He should not play too aggressively and simply rely on the ladder. Ryze's scale is more important than doing a lot of damage at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Then she will actively look to gank when it\u2019s up. Try to get your lanes ahead so she is less likely to pick up free kills."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Try to get to the enemy backline when possible to cause mayhem. Keep the wave somewhere in the middle of the lane."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The first element will increase its overall ability to fight and survive. His W will hit like a truck now."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn is a pretty strong early game ADC. Quinn can go for aggressive plays with her early strength to get early kills."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Do not disrespect her damage output once she has it upgrades, and avoid fighting her in a 1v1 as she will always beat you. When Kai'Sa has multiple upgrades, she will be very difficult to fight against."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Do not move around the map alone whenever a major goal is about to spawn. Stay as a team if possible."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Ward big goals and place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game. Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki harasses enemy champions by using his poke, delaying team fights for as long as possible. Bullying the enemy down with poke helps Corki gain an advantage in team fights."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "The shape and construction of Kayn's objects determined whether he had murdered people or acted as a front line. If Kayn took the blue form, he could murder people with his damage."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "To achieve a huge advance in level 2 health, we need to move forward. If Zoe uses her Ultimate aggressively and misses her R, we should put everything on her and jump on her."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick uses its crazy 1v1 potential and speed of movement to escape frightening situations while being overstretched. Always try to use your W to stifle enemies during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "His first peak at the beginning of the game was when he remembered and picked up his first component. Its damage production and commercial potential will increase considerably."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Expect Senna to go for an aggressive level 1 game to get batteries. Try not to let Senna poke you down too much otherwise you won't be able to trade at level 2 or 3."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Respect the damage she suffered after she finished her first article. It will suffer a lot of damage and will be able to push the wave/fight more frequently when it has finished its first article."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "A laner's ability to fight effectively around clumped areas and neutral objectives will be key in the mid-game. To ensure that your carries can deal consistent damage to the enemy, peel for them during team fights."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Try to roam around and impact neutral fights with your e. Use your t to CC multiple targets during a roam and completely cut off the enemy champions' escape."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Take Drake when you can! Warwick has a lot of support in the way thanks to his Q and the items he's going to pick up throughout the laning phase."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Kindred has the ability to achieve solo goals with ease Unless you can take them first, make sure you keep the Dragon at all times so you can spot it before it secures the target."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf will definitely fall off during the late game as enemies start building defensive items. The burst damage of the enemy team will allow them to take Olaf down quickly."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "They are a stronger ganker than you in the game early, so be ready to counter-gank and follow them. If you can't get an easy advance of ganks, try to invade their jungle and steal their camps."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Don't look for fighting in the jungle or around the Dragon or Baron because the teams are usually grouped closely, which allows Malphite to get a good Ultimate h off. Try to fight outdoors in a way rather than in a group."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "so expect him to go for aggressive plays. Watch his positioning,"} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "If you keep pushing when you're not ahead, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you'll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler. Level six is a massive spike due to him being able to get his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "E represents its ability to jump over the walls and move around the map quickly. Talon can take additional deaths on enemies who walk alone on the map."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "As an ADC, he will probably be his Q, so he will have an easy time wave clearing and defending himself during all-ins. Adding another point to his Ultimate R will skyrocket his overall power in the lane."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's early-play opponent has to buy Grievous Wounds for him to prevent excessive healing. Serious injuries prevent Maokai from healing considerably when he uses his abilities to commit to a target."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Since Gwen needs time to develop her skills, going for an early invade can give you a strong starting point. When playing around your Ultimate, don't waste ganking opportunities by holding onto it."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "By keeping Malphite's health weak, you can limit its ability to use its knockup and engage effectively. Malphite is at its weakest at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "His level six will not be very impacted during this phase of the game. There's a long cooling period."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "It's really important to win the game, and he'll have an easy time doing it if he's wandering a lot. Ward big goals and place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "It will protect you from ganks and reduce Annie's chances of setting up her Jungler. Annie is great in team fights thanks to the large AOE on her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean's Q W Q combo scales are quite high, so it can cause a lot of damage through this combo. zilean's Ultimate capability t, when used correctly, is one of the most odious and powerful abilities in the game."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "It's key that when playing Dr Mundo, you're always towards the front of your team. After being the frontline for your team, fall back and peel for your carries with your Q to keep them alive."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "You should always be behind the minion wave so that the minions block Jayce's s damage. Don't stand directly behind the minions as Jayce's s damage is AOE."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you're on the move around the map, and when you're alone. To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Once Renekton gets two points in his Ultimate ability, he will be able to run enemies with ease. The best effect of Renekton's Ultimate capability will be seen during battles around bottlenecks, as enemies will not be able to escape easily."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "The cooldown of Ashe's Ultimate w will be lower than expected, allowing for surprising picks. Ashe will be at max or near max build in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "CC\u2019ing a key target will make fighting so much easier. Cassiopeia has a lot of kill pressure in the mid-game, especially once she puts 2 points in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If kassadin falls behind, they will struggle to lane effectively and delay their first major power spike. The primary goal for kassadin in the early game is to focus on power farming."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Bonus points to survivability if she can Q to minions and reset the ability. The first item component will help Irelia massively in this lane."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Missfortune is a pretty still champion. It is subject to crowd control (CC)."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille should be focusing on ganking her laners frequently to help them accumulate a lead during this phase of the game. A good Camille will be able to play around her Ultimate R consistently."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "If you\u2019re able to get an early lead, try to abuse it to get more kills in lane to increase your chances of winning the game. You\u2019re a very mobile champion thanks to your E."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "This is very beneficial for Blitzcrank as it will allow him to use his b over and over again if he misses the first Hook b. As teams will start grouping during the mid-game,"} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Keep hitting the enemies with your d. So come in for the murder with your Ultimate h."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Stand outside of the minion wave so Ahri cannot push and poke you at the same time with her Q. Take care for Ahri's E while standing outside of the main wave but being near the minion wave so it blocks her E."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "After maxing out the first ability, Fizz's kill pressure and skirmishing power will be quite high post level 9. Thanks to his low cooldowns and the overall game state, during the mid-game he will be able to assassinate and get picks on low health enemies as they walk around Summoners Rift alone."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "To maintain the spamming capacity, it may be necessary to get the Blue Buff to boost your mana. Getting the Blue Buff will ensure that Taliyah has enough mana to continue to use its capabilities effectively."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke can quickly get quick kills if he manages to push and reach level 2 first. Level six is a massive power spike as Pyke can now execute champions with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite cannot do much against the various champions. All Malphite has to do is keep her healthy until she reaches level 6."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Push aggressively and look for trading windows up to level 3, then step back and let the wave push towards you. In that time, you should resort to spamming d to inflict damage on Mordekaiser."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The enemies being bullied under the ally's tower should be able to cut off the enemy's escape with their 'e'. They should finish them off with their auto-attacks and 'e'."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Try to harass and poke the enemy as often as you can with your Q. Using your abilities frequently will allow you to stack your Tear quickly too."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Always watch your positioning during the laning phase."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "When Kassadin has his Ultimate, he will also have increased mobility due to short cooldowns. Kassadin's kill pressure increases when he has his Ultimate."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Poking the enemy team during neutral objective fights prevents them from doing anything and leads to their death if they try to all-in. Darius can start ganking as soon as he hits level 3."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "He can throw a snowball that way, which can easily allow him to win games. Rengar has a good potential for split thrust in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "His Ultimate t can be used during skirmishes, unlike some ADC\u2019s such as Caitlyn. Commit to all-ins if you have a slight lead so you can, again, cash out from your Passive."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Disappeared from its Q can give enemies a long window to harass Morgana freely. Morgana's ability to land her Q is quite easy to avoid if she tries to land her vision or at maximum range."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal will try to hard engage on you with his R after using his E and following up with W and Q if he stands in brushes. Stand away from bushes to avoid Ezreal's R, so that you can counter with other abilities."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian's E makes it very difficult to catch because it is quite slippery and can avoid ganks easily. Lucian is vulnerable when her E (capacity) is broken."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "This will increase Gangplank's team fighting strength by a lot. Now he will have three points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Using the W of the Swain to set up ganks for their Jungler allows them to catch up with their target while providing a vision of the area. This vision control is particularly useful for objective control."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "She can easily install her Jungler with her Ultimate R. Lissandra reaches her real potential when she fights as a team."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne is super squishy and gets blown up in team fights quickly even with his s. It is very easy to fall behind when playing Nocturne if you take a lot of damage through one misplay."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Focus on getting your basics as quickly as possible. You are highly dependent on them and will be able to run the enemies down if you manage to get a quick lead."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "You need time to come online before you play aggressively. It is recommended to play safely for the first levels."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Keep in mind the elements Lillia built and adjust your strategy accordingly. Try to blow Lillia up as quickly as possible in a team fight so she can't use her Ultimate R to sleep your entire team."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "You should get priority in your lane before looking to roam and assist your allies. Ekko's Ultimate W ability is strong and can help win fights and outplay the enemy."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The goal is to prevent Karthus from entering your team. Keep the wave in the middle of the track."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Stay behind the wave of minions at all times. The longer the game, the stronger Zoe becomes."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "That's because its ultimate capacity combined with its Gold card will make for some really great coins. Stay with your team in the late game and do not separate or move away from them otherwise the enemy can try to take you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Try to force a fight so it can't bring you down and force you to disengage. It's going to be hard for you to besiege goals like Towers when Ziggs is alive."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "It can regenerate its health quickly because its Passive and its real damage W will melt through the enemy health bars. Sett's gonna get some early cheese."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "In particular, Zoe is very good in the middle of the game. His potential for choice is incredibly strong."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Whenever Annie has her stun ready, you need to respect her damage output and her ability to trade with you. Annie is strong during the mid-game and in team fights (if she can get a multi-person stun)."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "CC'ing a key target will make fighting so much easier. Cassiopeia has a lot of kill pressure in the mid-game."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Expect that he frequently looks for aggressive parts with his Ultimate R. His next major power peak is at level 11 when he puts the second point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra will use her Q and E to push the wave."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Don't fight at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R is in place. Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "She can then use her track priority to wander easily. Lisandra has to engage in a whole to make use of her kit."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is great in team fights thanks to the large AOE on her Ultimate R. The large AOE on Annie's Ultimate R will be able to hit multiple champions when they're grouped together."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Q of ziggs alone can force the enemy to remember the base if they continue to be labelled by it. Moving enemy units into ziggs using its E can act as a final movement against weak health enemies."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "At level 16, Akali will have 3 points in his Ultimate. Akali will be able to bring a lot of damage to anyone she contacts."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Champions with good pushing power can make roaming with Aurelion Sol very challenging. Your first power spike is when you hit level 3 or 4 depending on what level you take your W."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "His ultimate R and W are both AOE. Its passive can also cause devastation in a team fight."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Getting your Ultimate R will allow you to participate in many team fights. Focus on zoning of squishier targets off during skirmishes."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Try to put him behind by playing aggressive and requesting ganks. Once Karthus has his Ultimate ability he can impact the map regardless of his positioning."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Before invading, make sure you have your Passive stacked so you can win the trade. If they invade you, be prepared to fight, but only do so if your Passive is stacked and you can win, otherwise just back off."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "This will make the laning phase so much safer. Avoid trading with the enemy if possible."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "After acquiring your Ultimate R, your duel capabilities will improve. In these situations, you should try to remove the enemy jungler whenever possible, followed by taking control of the Dragon or Rift Herald. Level 6 is an important peak for Mordekaiser as it can convert a fight to 1 v 1."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "If xerath does not have any of these capabilities, he is vulnerable to attack. Investing in retention will help deal with the poke xeraths in the track."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "At level 13, Akshan will maximize his E. The additional mobility provided by Akshan's E is very powerful in the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Try not to feed Diana and ping whenever she goes missing as Diana will look to roam if she can't kill anyone in mid. Pre-six Diana is quite weak especially when her Q or t is down."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "If you see Kennen running towards you, try to disengage as soon as possible. Make sure you have a vision on your side in case Kennen tries to flank you."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Don't go beyond the limits, because he can easily kill you. Kled is one of the strongest champions in the game."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Try to push the wave back when Aurelion Sol is absent and start taking Tower plates if unable to match his roam. Once Aurelion Sol's Q cooldown is down, he is very vulnerable to ganks."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne scales incredibly well in the later parts of the game. If Vayne isn't behind, she'll be really good at the end of the game."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "At level 1, do not let Quinn bully you down with her basic attacks. Unlike other champions, Quinn's level 6 power spike doesn't offer much in lane."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "CC him when his resource bar is about to be half filled, and step back immediately after. Do not enter a fight without your team close close during the fights. This is to ensure that you do not separate from your team."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "In addition, its Ultimate R can easily be cleaned with a Quicksilver Sash. A Quicksilver Sash can clean its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's engage is pretty scripted. Ward to the side when sieging an objective so Diana cannot surprise your team with an all-in."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "The ultimate r will be a great ability now. Most of her abilities will be maxed out by now."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "At level 6, Jhin is stronger than you in the 2v2. But if he activates his R, run into him to force him to cancel it."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Once Rammus hits level 6, he becomes a more significant nuisance as he deals more damage when ganking. Play respectfully and avoid overextending post-level 6 to reduce the chances of visiting your lane."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal. Stay with your team at any time."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "When Shyvana finished her Mythic article, her trading potential in the track increased. She can start looking for frequent trades with the enemy laner."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "It becomes easy for Mordekaiser to kill his target once the level 6 threshold is reached. The first element will allow Mordekaiser to survive and inflict a lot of damage."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Your goal early on is to abuse and poke Darius down with your Q. Then look for all-ins with your Jungler or when Darius is very low."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "If the enemy goes beyond the boundaries, he can close the gap and shoot them down. xinhao falls at the end of the game if he can't shoot his target."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "When you sit on Baron or Dragon, or when you push the enemy under their turn, look for opportunities to pick up enemies with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of position or blow them up while collecting enemies, you will be able to take the lens for free."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox falls off later in the game because he has difficulty against grouped enemies. Grouped enemies make it harder for Aatrox to secure kills."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Make sure to use it regularly to catch enemies and get frequent murders on the enemy. The fog of war will help you a lot during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "It will be a massive peak of power for him, because he can secure easy choices with it. He's great at the team fights at the end of the game because of his Q and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "You can surpass yourself with its E by entering and detimulating the duration of the E. The control of the crowd is Yone's mortal enemy, and it can be removed quite easily due to his squishiness."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Keeping the minion wave even will allow you to run the enemy down while protecting yourself from ganks. If you keep pushing when you\u2019re not ahead, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you\u2019ll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Focus on farming and picking up as much farm as possible in the early game. This will make you more of a threat in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "She You will keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "A rough start for Kassadin reduces his scaling. Once Kassadin has acquired his Ultimate ability, he will be able to trade more frequently."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "However, if Viego takes over from a weak champion, he may not be as big as a threat. The level six is a massive power peak because Viego will be able to unlock a powerful finishing capacity."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "No one can get close to their team as long as their W and Ultimate R are in place. Lulu's Ultimate R at level 16 is a force to count with."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Its Ultimate can also allow timidivana to land a multichampion l and inflict a lot of damage with it a and k. The primary objective was to focus on agriculture and hit level 6 as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "If the enemy Warwick areas away from the farm, it will be difficult for him to pick up gold and XP. The same question applies if the enemy freezes Warwick because it has no varied ability to help it grow."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Stay with your team in the late game. Do not separate or walk away from them otherwise the enemy can try to take you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Focus the closest enemy champion on your carts and work as a team to bring down the enemy one by one."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "You are rather weak in the game early and need time to come online. Once you have a number of levels under your belt, you should look for short, favorable transactions."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani should use the side of his team to flank. Flanking from a nonwarded bush can be a good strategy for Sejuani."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Avoid standing up to the sides of the way. It is better to stand in the middle and follow the line that the minions take so it is impossible for any box to attack you. If Shaco does funky stuff, it's probably because he baits you in his boxes!"} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "The Ultimate R roots jhin in place. This allows the enemy to both flank and focus jhin down with ease."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus is really good in team fights as he can slow down multiple enemies. Karthus can deal a lot of damage to a group of people in team fights."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Seriously painful injuries can completely counter the winding kit at the beginning of the game. The effects of serious injuries will also have an impact on the balance in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Respect its full potential when it has finished the recipe that its damage production will increase sharply. The value of 'W' is large compared to bursting because it reduces incoming damage."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "This will make it impossible for Viego to CC you with his W. In the team fights, try CC Viego as soon as it runs and blows it out first."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "This is mainly due to its Ultimate n upgrade, which will increase the damage to this capacity while drastically reducing its cooling. Mid-race brushes will be a good place to wait for unsuspecting enemies."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah's Ultimate R gives him traction to easily land his C. talijah's E is really effective against enemies who have some form of dash."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Your ultimate can be a key tool in this matchup. Consider using it to interrupt the ultimate Nasus and disrupt its release from damage."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Frequently missing Qs can take a huge toll on his health. Qs are his main catch-up ability, so the enemy can try to poke him down for a small time if Mundo misses his Q on them."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "The enemy Mid laner is kept pushed towards their tower throughout the game. Delay a team fight for as long as possible while poking and harassing the enemy with your W."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "It is advisable to fight when Vel'koz is not present or when its Ultimate R is disabled. Once Vel'koz has won a few points in his Q capability, he will suffer significant damage if he can land them consistently."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Its capabilities e and r allow it to land on multiple targets while the crowd controls them with its n in closed spaces. Veigar has a very high implementation potential with its n."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Teleport is a useful ability to go to the bot side of the map and get to your team quickly. Jax's Q being maxed at level 13 will give him a massive power boost."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. Sett is excellent in the extended trades thanks to its Q."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "A long delay for Shen's R means it loses priority almost instantly. Try to use your E combo to make sure you can CC multiple targets during a fight."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "The additional damage to the burst will be beneficial when dealing with squishy or various targets. The first component of Level 6 gives Kayn a massive peak of power, reinforcing both its damage and its survival."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Focus on electric farming and get as much gold and XP as possible. You will miss mana quickly when you empty the jungle."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar will use his Ultimate R to try to bring down a defenceless/healthless enemy. The more the game goes, the stronger the Veigar will be thanks to unlimited stacking with its e."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin's poor performance from the beginning of the game will make it difficult for him to catch up later if he falls behind. You have a lot of presence at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Getting your basics will make you really powerful. Use brushes to install death traps for squishies in your way."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath has tons of built-in CC (crowd control) with his e and m abilities, making him a huge threat when ganking or skirmishing with the enemy. The mid-game should focus on getting your core items as soon as possible."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia must reach level 6 as quickly as possible. Lillia is usually built AP and will fight against teams with heavy explosion damage."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "A champion who has reached level 9 is considered stronger in the skirmishes. Mid-game champions are generally well suited to bring down the squishy champions."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times. You should keep an eye on what main goal is next."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "By playing melee champions, don't let Lulu intimidate you with automatic attacks."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The ground engineer on Taliyah Q can allow the sleds to play in the middle of the track. Taliyah can continue to block its enemies with continuous Qs."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Warding will be an essential element of your game style during this phase of the game. The most important thing you want to do is keep a Control Ward in your inventory to use your Ultimate k effectively."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu's W ability offers great ganking potential if there is no enemy vision set-up, which can lead to a great CC chain. R can allow Nunu to set up phenomenal death brushes while contesting objectives, allowing him to end the game or take objectives freely."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Aims for the ultimate ability k to avoid being killed by Olaf. Olaf is a character with intense personality and abilities."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "To prevent Tryndamere from regenerating his health peacefully, do not let him grow alone. Trendamere's chances of getting a significant increase in killing when handling other routes with his Jungler/laners."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "At level 11, Amumu will have 2 points in his Ultimate y. This means that his Ultimate will be there on a shorter cooldown that can help him in team fighting and help his team get choices."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "His abilities can easily one-shot enemies if they are not careful or if Heimerdinger sets a death brush somewhere. Heimerdinger can also take on the Baron singlehandedly."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You should avoid fighting Pantheon if you meet him alone when moving around Summoners Rift unless you have a clear advantage. Pantheon is a dominant early game champion."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Look out for an aggressive level 1 play. They can easily try and take you down if you overstep. Try your hardest to poke and harass the enemy."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Look for picks with your Q and R. Garen deals a surprising amount of damage, so don\u2019t be afraid to move around the map and try to assassinate someone with your team."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Level six is a massive power peak for Renekton as he wins his Ultimate t now. This will allow him to initiate the all-in and demarcate the enemy in neutral and objective combats."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Take Zoe first or look for goals when she's nowhere near. Zoe's Q interval increases on her E once she reaches level 6."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "When facing orrn, constantly adapt your positioning in lane to prevent him from knocking you up with his E ability. Stand away from walls during the game to avoid Ornn's Pillar Q CC."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "It is important that you stick with your team in the late game. Do not move around the map or go anywhere unless someone is with you."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The CC (crowd control) will allow its team to collapse quickly on the enemy. She should be really great as the game continues because she's going to have all her articles by now."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Kindred is a very good early game ganker once she gets her r. She has partnered with her Q offers her enough mobility to easily spoil her targets."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "If you don't have anyone nearby, don't push too far forward. Taliyahs Ultimate R will allow him to take enemies who are alone or isolated without assistance."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "This will not allow him to land his roots E and CC you. The extended automatic attack jobs still work in favour of AD champions."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "You can look for picks when grouped with your team using your m and e. If you catch someone out while grouped, make a call for Baron."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "He will be forced to use his cooldowns E and Q as often as possible in order to inflict damage. Don't regroup or fight in the jungle because Rumble will get a good Ultimate."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "poke if you can, but don\u2019t commit to anything. You can start playing more aggressively after hitting level 6."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Avoid fighting too much in the mid-game. It's better for you to only fight when it's going to work in your favour."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath's Ultimate ability t has a long cooldown, making him miss out on potential true damage when it is on cooldown. Champions can exploit the long cooldown of Cho'Gath's Ultimate ability t by using their own abilities during that time."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "CC'ing Neeko is especially effective if she is going for the AD build. Neeko cannot be very effective against an enemy who sets proper vision around her."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "When there is no team fight occurring, the player should move themselves to a side lane and push the minion wave. Using Q and W to move around the map quickly allows the player to assist allies in case of a fight."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Look for trades when Gwen has max stacks. Gwen's Ultimate R can be recast multiple times."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "It has a huge tankness, which allows it to absorb both the tricks and the damage. His tenacity makes it easy for his allies to engage in team fighting after he started."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine has a lot of crowd control thanks to her Passive, E and Ultimate R. Seraphine also has a healing and shield with her W."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Picking enemies off will be the name of the game during this phase. You should work with your Jungler to blow up some wandering Jungler or Support from the enemy team."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Prior to level 6, Sion lacks mobility. Enemies can easily get away from Zion if they have a vision of him."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Getting an early murder can allow Naafari to take control of the card. A heavy snowball champion is suggested."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Jinx will be really great during mid-game fights. This is primarily due to her Q and auto-attacks"} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain can delimit enemies and separate the enemy front line from the rear line. Swain can also choose targets."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin's Ultimate ability will be used to flank in team fights. If Kassadin is spotted as a split pusher, it is advisable to initiate a team fight with numbers advantage."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko can spam abilities and not run out of mana with this component. This component allows Neeko to deal a lot of damage in the lane."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "who will help him do more damage to the camp when he is associated with his Q and E. Once he uses his offensive W, he will have no other form of escape."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Extended trades always favour Kalista thanks to her R. It is recommended to avoid going for extending trades with Kalista."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "A champion is almost nowhere to be found because of his passive ability. The g (capacity) is unknown without more information."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "It can even be a duel of enemies if it controls its use. You should be able to cut the entire enemy team like a hot butter knife."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Make sure Xin doesn't get too close to you. If you see that Xin gets a lot, don't hesitate to invade him and steal his camps."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Try to attack automatically when possible, but avoid forcing it. Naafari is really good at running and shooting the squishy champions who walk alone on the map."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao is a weak champion from the beginning of the game. Xin Zhao is vulnerable to invasions by you and your team because of being a weak early game champion."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Teams continued to group in the late game. This helped Anivia."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "the use of the winding of the track brushes allows many advantages Level 6 is excellent to control the rhythm of a team struggle"} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "When Fizz puts a second point in his Ultimate R at level 11, he will be incredibly scary to play against because his Ultimate R will be on a low cooldown and deal a lot of damage. Fizz will max his first ability at level 9."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "AP Zeri excels in the treatment of magic damage. AD Zeri excels in the treatment of physical damage."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "If Kled's secondary bar is almost full, he'll go up during the skirmish and be able to kill you. Avoid going into prolonged duels when Kled is about to go up."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Seek fights when Fiddlestick's R is on cooldown because with it down his team fighting potential decreases a lot. Do not group too closely together when dancing with the enemy. As Fiddlesticks' R can deal tons of damage to your whole team if you're grouped close to one another."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "the long-range CS ability of jinx will be taken away when she uses her Q rockets and run out of mana in the lane. Play safe for the first few levels."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "When playing against Kayle, use the e key repeatedly to silence her and maintain distance."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "His Ultimate e is crucial in team fights to take down key targets. If he misses times his Ultimate e, his damage output will be reduced heavily and it may cost him the team fight."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille stays with her team to avoid going in alone. You don't want to go in without camille's team."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Poppy is perfect during the mid-game as she can deal consistent damage and can CC enemies for days. Her tankiness makes it impossible for the enemy team to kill her as well."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "After the laning phase has ended, go to a different lane or stay top. You are a good split pusher and can draw a lot of attention to your lane."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Fighting without the Ultimate R makes the end-of-game team's fights much more difficult. Delaying the fighting and being ready to disengage when the Ultimate R is still about to cool down is crucial."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "This is invaluable when drmundo is trying to pull off a gank or when he manages to catch an immobile champion out. Grievous Wounds is his mortal enemy during the early game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His W will hit like a truck now. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal should use his skills lavishly in lane to clear minions and hard push into the enemies Turret. Ezreal has little gank potential, so if possible, you can push the lane."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Team up with your team and don't leave them. If you start dividing the thrust, the enemy will force a fight and kill your team while you're gone."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "You need to ensure your Passive is up in team fights to increase your chances of winning. Counter pushes from the enemy team is a must in the late game."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "She wants to pick off the carries with her heavy burst damage. Do not walk through un-warded areas alone if you're unsure where Elise is during the mid and late game."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Try to apply your Ultimate R to as many champions as possible. Lillia is very fast and mobile thanks to her Passive."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Play around the cooldown of Camille\u2019s E ability to avoid getting caught out. At level 6, Camille Support will look for opportunities to make aggressive plays with her Ultimate."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Focus on farming rather than fighting. Split up and farm the side waves once your ADC and Support have rotated to the mid lane."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal can buffer his E in response to CC abilities, avoiding follow-up CC if he gets hit by the initial CC ability. Ezreal is very squishy."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Once Mordekaiser has enough items, it will be almost indestructible unless the enemy team concentrates it. In a team fight, his E can be extremely beneficial in the fight against the enclaved enemy teams."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar's n maxing will allow him to trap targets more frequently and inflict heavy damage. Veigar will have two points in his Ultimate R at level 11, allowing him to detonate enemies easily as the game progresses."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If he goes missing post 6, ping your teammates. Fiddlesticks will look to gank more frequently when their Ultimate is up."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "His ultimate R has the potential to hit the entire enemy team. The more champions you hit, the better."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise doesn't spike at level 6 like most champions. You should exploit Elise's power spike at level 6."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Harass and poke the enemy as often as possible with Q. Using Q to slowly whittle down the enemy will increase your chances of winning a follow-up fight."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "CC the enemy/champion team that attacked him. Use x track brushes as a cover to hold the opposition in pieces."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Playing around Zilean's Ultimate T is crucial to winning battles. Try to force the fights when his Ultimate t is down."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's loading phase is strong. Expect Sett to play aggressively and go for early murders."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Fighting when it's on cooldown is a big-no and can cost you the game. In the future, look for peaks while waiting in areas of high circulation that an enemy passes."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Ensuring an impact on E minimizes risks. The positioning and use of Zyra's capabilities can have a significant impact on the team's success."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce won't spike at level 16 either because his Ultimate G won't be providing with him a lot of raw stats. He will still have to rely on flanking and using the fog of war to poke enemies down."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Getting into the enemy backline and using your Ultimate to kill a major carry can be very beneficial. Try to take fights around choke points."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Fighting like Kennen can be difficult if the enemy is able to disengage or has poke damage. To facilitate team fighting, look side by side."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Baiting it out before all-inning her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. It is a massive peak for her and will allow her to inflict tons of damage on her enemies."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian's Passive, combined with the Spells Invocation, can lead to a murder on a squishy target. A good wave is obtained using Lucian W, Q, and R."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn\u2019s roaming ability gives her an opportunity to catch up and attack your position. Quinn cannot team fight easily."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Try looking for choices around the map. Your kit allows you to fool them easily and escape if a fight goes wrong."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Keep growing and win XP without fighting unless you have an advantage. Gold is a necessary resource in this game."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "The term hwei refers to a strategy in competitive gaming. In the context of games, abuse one's range advantage by standing back and attacking an opponent from a distance."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "With the reduced cooldown and the damage, Gangplank will be able to take over the game effortlessly. This is the point of the game where Gangplank becomes really scary."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath's level 6 is very powerful as it can prick targets of one long range into its track or another. The production of damage will increase with the articles, so it will only make it more powerful."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Disturbing enemies and forcing them to yield their ways to their teammates will be easy to do for Lilia. Lilia's gank power will increase especially once it has its final R."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Look at gank whenever your Ultimate is in place, and try to clean up kills whenever possible. Shaco is not just a physical threat."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "As the game unfolds, Kindred becomes stronger with every pile she gets. Try to secure the batteries whenever possible to slow down the snowball effect."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Level 6 is a decent peak of power that allows Vladimir to release his bursting combo. The level six power peak will allow Vladimir to develop a decent amount of pressure to kill in the track."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Keep a constant eye on what the main objective is the next spawning. If it is spawning soon, make sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before you retreat safely. It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus is easy to gank. Keep the wave closer to your side of the map to force him to over extend and miss position for the farm."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu is unable to be knocked up or disabled if he is at the correct distance from you. This is a tank versus tank matchup."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Play safely and avoid taking damage to increase survival. Seraphine lacks an escape tool, reducing her chances of escaping skill strokes and making it more difficult to escape from the enemy."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Using my Ultimate R in the bottlenecks will easily win the game. One more point in its Ultimate R will increase its overall damage and let it use capacity frequently."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "irelia's Passive allows her to perform outplays with a fully stacked stack of damage and shield mechanic. irelia uses her Q in conjunction with her Passive to deal significant damage to enemies and single-handedly eliminate multiple foes."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia benefits from extended trades. Try to avoid going for extended trades with Irelia as she will always win them."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Keep a constant eye on your positioning. You must bring down the enemy and delay the fights at the end of the game."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin's damage output increases in the late game due to items. Jhin's kiting potential also increases in the late game due to items."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "You should not go around the map alone because you will die easily. Don't play very aggressive in team fights."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Split the thrust every time your Ultimate m is down in the middle of the game. While team fighting is important for Kennen, falling behind gold and XP will make you almost useless in team fighting."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "The use of Kalista's Ultimate x can be game-changing in a trade. Extended trades always favour Kalista thanks to her R."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "With Morgana's guard, his teammates will be able to set up ambushes more effectively and catch enemies out of the guard. Morgana's pretty decent in the team fights."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Look to take off the enemy carriers. Concentrate the rear line and try to get them out of the fight."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "He can cut a ton of damage while simultaneously peeling for his team and acting as a worthy front lining. Sett's ability to get choices during the end of the game is phenomenal."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "His Q can be blocked by minions. If the enemy is positioned well throughout the blasting phase, Morgana may have difficulty landing this capability."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Flanking the enemy team and using the fog of war are tactics to use during this phase of the game. Custody must be done properly at all times."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "The first element will bring significant improvements to Yone's trading in the track. Depending on the Yone component obtained, the effects will vary."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "This will allow you to soon become worthy of gank. Focus on getting your basics as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "It has solid early game ganks as it can quickly E on the walls and catch the out-of-guard enemies. His damage must not be underestimated."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Avoid regrouping too closely, otherwise Lissandra will engage with her E and land a multi-person W. Lissandra's Ultimate is on the cooldown, making her rather vulnerable and unable to fight as a team properly."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Try to play aggressive frequently to gain a lead After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane"} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Duelling Shaco is not in your favor unless you have a significant advantage. You need time to come online, and you just need to focus on getting gold and XP."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Your burst damage is almost non-existent when your Ultimate R is down. You will have to play safer and less aggressive while it is on cooldown."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "When you make a split thrust in the middle of the game, the goal is to guarantee secondary goals. The thrust to Split without grouping can be risky, as it can attract the unwanted attention of the enemy team."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Janna is a monster during the early game and is very oppressive in the lane due to her d. She should use the lane brushes to amplify this effect and make laning very difficult for her enemies."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Your goal during the laning phase is to search for murders and abuse the enemy as often as you can. Try to play aggressive often to win an advance."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "When snailing with Viego, try to make sure there is a minion, monster or crab between you and him so that he blocks the CC on his W."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "In the later stages of the game, Lux will be very strong and can easily remove any target if she lands her g. Try to put Lux behind in the game early so she can't get tons of AP and snowball."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Buy a grievous wounds item early to neuter a huge part of what makes her such a good duelist. Keep a constant eye on the map and the location of Fiora when you\u2019re grouped with your team."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Poke the enemy and harass them as much as you can before looking to fight. ezreal bursting someone down with a few Q's and his R allowed him to force a team fight with numbers or health advantage."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn is usually played aggressively, aiming to fight and duel people often in early play. The goal for Kayn's players is to get their transformation as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus struggles to get out of a fight once he's in, so enjoy the mistakes he makes. Nautilus auto attacks anyone who approaches him with his passive, who can CC (crowd control) adversaries."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Avoid committing to fights when Gwen has max stacks. When Gwen unlocks her Ultimate R, she will be much stronger."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "According to the construction for which Malphite opts, he will either shoot at the enemy rear line or absorb a lot of damage during the front lining for his team."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner's not great if he's behind, because he won't be tanky enough to absorb the damage, And he didn't do much damage either."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "If you focus the rear line alone, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly. His tankness will be really high during this phase of the game due to his articles."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Another point in Ultimate n will strengthen its overall power during duels. This will also allow him to have a massive presence during team fighting."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "The jungler's opportunities to crash increase when the minion wave is near. The pressure of Nami's death increases considerably to level 6, especially if she uses her Aqua prison capacity."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Try to avoid going for extended trades as they will often win those. Care for their level 2 all-in. They can play aggressively at level 2 and gain a significant health lead."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The shield d on Rumble allows it to mitigate a good amount of poke. Rumble's Ultimate B makes him a threat during team fighting."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "The ability of a player to change effectively between the division and the grouping will ultimately determine their success in a game. Another point in Ultimate n will strengthen its overall power during duels."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista is a strong early game champion. Against kalista, extended trades should work in her favour."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This damage boost will impact fights at a much higher level. Once Jarvan gets to level 11, he will put two points into his Ultimate m."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When Fiddlesticks gets access to 3 abilities, he is really difficult to deal with because they offer him so much utility. If you\u2019re trying to go for an all in, make sure to fight when 1 ability is missing."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah's C and general damage will help him a lot during this phase of the game. Fighting close to bottlenecks should help Taliyah a lot during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "His Ultimate R is the most powerful ability in his kit as it allows him to undo his mistakes, especially when he chooses a bad fight or fails an all-in. As the game goes on, the cooldown of this ability becomes shorter, allowing him to do whatever he pleases as long as he has his Ultimate R up."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus will have a lot of articles during this stage of the game. This will allow him to flatten a lot of damage, and his burst potential due to his W will be phenomenal."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Using this capability often avoids crowd control (CC). Combined with Wuju Style, it deals a lot of damage."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "The vision will allow the enemy to anticipate his move and react accordingly. You should powerfarm and unlock your Ultimate R as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Your Ultimate R will have a very short cooldown, meaning you can frequently fight around the map. Taking part in neutral, objective fights is essential during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "This will also give you some tentacles down. Illaoi is an excellent split pusher."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Try to play aggressive often to win an advance. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Players with CC and 1v1/2v2 skills have an advantage in counter ganking Bel'Veth. In team fights try to lock her down quickly so she is unable to auto-attack and dish out tons of damage."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Bursting down an enemy forces a team fight due to health advantage. Using Q's to burst down an enemy is effective in forcing a team fight."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "He will be a reliable activator and will be able to easily peel for his team as needed. Level sixteen will give Tahm Kench a considerable boost in its damage."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The second point of his Ultimate R will allow him to inflict increased damage to enemies while protecting his allies. It's perfect during team fighting."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Try to equal his pressure by ganking frequently too. If you can\u2019t gank, when he is on the opposite side of the map, try to invade the other side of his jungle to steal away his camps or take an objective."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "At Level 9, Xerath's p will be maximized. Xerath's ability to expel enemy caterpillars will now become odiously easy, especially if he uses track brushes for this purpose."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Try to stand on the opposite side of the way in Zyra at all times. The good times to harass and chat with Zyra are when not Seeds W around."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain excels in team fighting thanks to his AOE Ultimate R. The CC chain works particularly well against stationary carts if he or someone else in his team gets to CC a target."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Once Jayce is full build, no squishy enemy target in the game is safe. This is because he can easily blow enemies up with his w > s combo."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Taking an early armor will protect you from some of its damage. Akshan's first power peak is when it unlocks the 3 basic capabilities."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Her tankiness makes it impossible for the enemy team to kill her as well. During team fights make sure that the enemy cannot come close to your carries."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Try to ask your laners to give you a hard leash and make good use of your Passive. Once level 3, you will want to actively target overextended targets when you get the chance."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "This allows Lucian to take control of the game environment easily. Mid-game is a time when Lucian is at his most powerful."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "His E barrels form a major part of his early game damage and without it, he will just be stuck farming and occasionally helping his team with his Ultimate R. His W is an important spell in his kit."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Proper turret placement and spacing is vital for winning this matchup. Ornn cannot pin you against terrain."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "It is essential to get vision in the river so you can spot the jungler early and react accordingly. In team fights, avoid grouping too closely as Ornn can use his Ultimate R to get a multi-person knock up and start the team fight."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Wait until you have some items so you can match their auto-attack damage. Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Focus on securing those objectives. You must take Rift Heralds and Drakes whenever you can!"} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate n is in place. Fighting without this will make the end-of-game team's fights much more difficult."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "You should try to shut down Corki early so he isn't very strong during the mid or late game. Corki is really good in team fights thanks to the AOE poke from his b."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Try to catch him before a team fight starts. When he activated his Ultimate R, he blew it up so he couldn't dry up a lot of damage."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The jungle fights are intense and chaotic battles in the jungle where champions have to fight against monster camps and other champions. Seraphine's healing ability helps a lot during Jungle's fights as well."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble cars don't do much damage, but only go to CC when it doesn't use any capacity. Keep an eye on your allies in this game."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "It is vital for Draven not to get killed at the start of the fight to maximize his damage output. Draven will have a lot of damage in the mid-game regardless of how ahead or behind he is."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "This will ensure safety and reduce your chances of dying in the way. Level 6 is the \"peak power\" for Teemo."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Use your level 6 advantage to play aggressively and take them down. Pantheon\u2019s early game is incredibly obnoxious."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "The enemy can reduce this by fighting in the lanes and then matching his push if he tries to split push. Missing his E will put him in a vulnerable spot, especially if he is laning on his own or when he is pushed up."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "A good Varus will seek to bring down the enemy and then their Jungler to slay the enemy Mid laner. The first element of Varus will give it a huge peak of power."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Always stand outside the minion wave when face ahri, as they will try to push and force you to choose between using the mana on the wave or retreat. Investing in early boots can help you avoid ahri's skill plans and make the laning phase less stressful."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Fight her after she has used her CC tool. Early on, keep the wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold. You should use your capabilities to clear minion waves quickly so that your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. This ability will now hit like a truck, and it can quickly assassinate enemies if they are low."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "This will allow you to chase and all-in the enemy when they walk up to farm with your Q. Once you\u2019re level 6, use your strength to fight the enemy and go for a kill."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Working with Support will help set vision around the map to catch the Jungler off guard. Jax's ultimate ability point value will be two at level eleven."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand should take care of positioning during this phase of the game. He will be a prime target to be CC'd and picked off by the enemy team,"} -{"label": "annie", "text": "In team fights, do not group too closely together with your teammates as Tibbers R can stun multiple members of your team if you're grouped near one another. Maintain a safe distance but not be too close that Annie can CC your whole team. Annie lacks mobility and defensive stats, making it hard for her to fight. Try to delay team fights as long as possible while poking her down. If she is low on health or engaging/using Q or Tibbers R aggressively will be very dangerous."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "When you do team fight, look to peel and focus the closest enemy champion. You're Darius, not an assassin and you'll struggle to kill anyone alone."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble's ability to melt through enemy health bars will force his enemies to play defensively. Rumble is very motionless and subject to everything."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Getting caught out without a strong support can lead to a devastating loss for you and your team. Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Do not forget not to fight when you have been afflicted by its t. You won't be able to do much damage, and will take exponentially more damage."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Ultimate c allows it to shred the enemy team if they are grouped closely. Twitch is very good in bottlenecks because of its Ultimate v."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This is beneficial in the upper lane as it inflicts a maximum percentage of health damage, and the upper lane is generally occupied by high HP targets. The first element will give Zac a lot of power and survival in the way."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "He will just poke you down while you try to take them. Make sure you take them when he is dead or elsewhere on the map."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "However, Rumble can start trading with more success after Level 3. Stay with your team in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Level 6 is a massive peak for Mordekaiser because it can now use its Ultimate R and 1 v 1 anyone it wants. The first element will enable Mordekaiser to fight more effectively."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "This will make it easier for you to cut Shen. After six, you'll want to bait Shen for an all-in-one."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "This strategy should be used during neutral, objective fights. n placement can make or break an entire team fight."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna's Ultimate ability can affect up to 5 enemy champions. If Orianna uses her Ultimate ability well, it could significantly impact the game."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine's healing ability helps a lot during Jungle's fights as well. Her team fights will be really good for Seraphine because she can heal and protect her allies for many with her W while allocating a lot of damage with her abilities."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "At level 3, Xin Zhao can do everything in the enemy when he has access to the 3 basic capabilities. Xin Zhao gains high slaughter pressure at level 6."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "A champion like a carry could win the game if Camille ultimates them. You will start building defensive stats which will make it harder for you to kill carries on your own."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Combined with the number of points it has, this damage will be the decisive factor of the victory in the game."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "When playing as an AD champion in the bottom lane, look for extended trades whenever possible."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "You may play around with your Support/Jungler and set up strategies using Gravitum r. However, at no point should you get too close to the enemy, even if they are CC'd."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Its Ultimate R will provide a lot of use in bottlenecks. Its Ultimate R will also give its traction to easily land its C."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "When he activated his Ultimate R, he blew it up so he couldn't dry up a lot of damage. Damage production increases by a certain amount to level 6."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Level 11 isn't great because Taliyah can only move and play games. It will reduce cooling but do nothing else when it comes to inflicting damage."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Be aware of Diana's level 6 power spike as it is huge for her Keep track of Diana's early game through wards"} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Getting resets on your Ultimate e will increase your chances of winning the fight. When you do team fight, look to peel and focus the closest enemy champion."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "This means that Syndra will be able to attack enemies remotely and harass them with zone-of-effect spells. Its ability to attack remotely will make it difficult for the enemy to approach it."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Avoid fighting around major goals if Seraphine is nearby. Grouping closely together will benefit Seraphine and allow it to obtain a good R Ultimate."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Once you touch level 3, you should be good to go and can start to glove. Overheard enemies should be your main target and use your W & E to CC and kill enemies."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "You should stand in an appropriate position so that you can avoid it. Do not stand too far forward or too far back. Once Morgana has gone fishing with her Q, she is relatively defenseless on which you can capitalize."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "The h allows him to deal consistent damage while also reducing his cooldown on the ability. This allows him to take extended trades while laning."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Grouping together, but not standing on each other, so he is unable to get a multi-person knockup. One of Sion's power peaks is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "He has an innate advantage against various matches. It also gets the priority of the routes in general."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Do not be afraid to appeal for these goals if your team is able to do so. When facing Zyra, be careful about ambush."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar can now decimate the enemy team with proper usage of his Ultimate R. At level eleven, Gnar will have two points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "During the laning phase, you focus on the descent of the enemy to gain an advantage over health. The enemy is weak in terms of health"} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Once your Ultimate R is unlocked, you can play more aggressively. Your Ultimate R can be seen as an execute and will help you finish off the enemy."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "This is because he will lack a lot of damage. Try to start fights whenever he has no Soldiers W available."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "After Brand has gone in, try to counter-gank him as you can easily turn around his ganks. Playing around your Ultimate is very important."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise's kill pressure increases dramatically after she picks up her first item. SHe should be able to 1v1 most enemy Junglers if she gets the jump on them."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The finishing move can take out multiple targets with utmost ease should he go for the lethality build. The ability also provides Graves a means to escape when his e is down."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "She's a little weak for six years. pre-six refers to the player's level before he is six years old."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "In this way, even if he reaches everything in you, he will die. A champion named Shen was able to mitigate any form of automatic attack damage with his W capability."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Look for poking opportunities with your Q before looking for an all-in. When the enemy wave is thinned out and pushed into his tower, he can easily use his Q and E to run down the enemy."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Kha'Zix is a skilled assassin in the final stages of the game and mid-game. For now, Kha'Zix will try to take control of the map and snowball."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's damage will increase by a lot once he gets his first item. Once Galio gets his first item, his Q and E will hit like a truck during all-ins."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "After killing someone, call for a close goal. Try to secure the Baron or Dragon as much as possible."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "It will help keep you safe, and they\u2019re immobile and you can capitalize on this with your Jungler. The CC extension on her kit is very strong and can allow her Support's play to be really successful."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "If you enter, you will be in a position too wide that could allow the enemy to turn the exchange and kill you. You should only come in when your allies are there to follow up."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Bel'Veth is a weak champion. It's recommended to invade Bel'Veth early."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "The goal is to get rid of the enemy carries as quickly as you can. You may also opt for a tanky build and act as a frontline if need be."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "With the boost, Sion can use his Q from brushes to CC enemies. He will then follow with damage to the rest of his abilities."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar is rather weak and vulnerable at the beginning of the game. You could try to abuse that to put it behind and miss the batteries."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Your ultimate e is an incredibly strong tool. Every time your Ultimate e is in place, try to use it to help your allies."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Another point in his Ultimate R will allow him to target adversaries individually frequently. He's pretty decent during the end-of-game fights, because his abilities are going to hurt the opponents a lot."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Avoid fighting Sett and disengage if he runs against you and tries to fight you. If the enemy's resource bar starts to fill, CC him and run away."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite can't really gank up to level 6. As a result, he will look at the feeding farm to get his Ultimate h as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Its shield can also be beneficial when playing Support. Its G can be used to secure peaks inside the enemy Jungle or blind areas."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian's Level 2 is a decent power peak because it allows him to go for an all-in-devast combo. The damage inflicted by Lucian Level 2 is relatively high."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "He will also help him with his Jungle camps and his overall survival in the game. When the game is in its mid-game phase, players should launch a split thrust to secure secondary goals."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Using your Ultimate in bottlenecks will easily win the game. 2 points in its Ultimate ability will allow it to use it very frequently."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "CC is your best friend in team fighting because locking it with CC makes it very difficult for him to stack his r, dashed with E and inevitably use his Ultimate R. Try to lock CC as quickly as possible and take it down."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "In particular, try to knock the enemy backline forwards into your team. Do not group closely together when sieging an objective or team fighting, as it provides Gragas with an opportunity to knock your whole team into his with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia's t & e can be deadly if you don't have tools to get away from it. Make sure your dash is always in place so you can avoid its t."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Level six is a massive power peak because Malphite will now be able to fire ganks and disrupt flights. Malphite's ability to disrupt flights when at level six will help when the enemy is still and does not have Flash."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If Gragas goes full AP, his burst damage is unreal, especially when fighting 1v1 against someone squishier. Gragas' W still provides him enough tankiness to not get popped immediately."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Your Ultimate R will have a shorter cooldown in the final stages of the game. If there is an opportunity to use your Ultimate R, grab someone isolated and alone."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne is easy to learn Learning to play Nocturne doesn't take hundreds of games"} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma's d is down when she is vulnerable to attack and will need to play safely while it's on cooldown. Whenever Karma's d is down, she is vulnerable to attack."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Pull the pressure while your team tries to besiege targets elsewhere. The enemy is trying to set targets elsewhere."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "This will force her to choose between pushing with her Q or doing it with. Stand by the wave so you can run inside to avoid its E."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you\u2019re gone. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Find a healthy balance between ganking your allies, farming your jungle and securing objectives. Make sure you do not fall behind in XP by trying to constantly gank."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "If he hasn't gone full tank, his damage release will be pretty good in the team fights at the end of the game. At level 16, Amumu will put the third and final point in his Ultimate Y."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The Ultimate R of Sylas depends entirely on the enemy team comp. If the enemy has ultimate failures, Sylas will not be able to do much. A team with the ultimate weak will hinder Sylas' efficiency."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle is good at level 2 and 3. Avoid fighting Trundle unless you are as strong as him or have a lot of support too."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "You should look for short favorable transactions once you have a few levels under your belt. You may want to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressively."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up. Try to clean up kills whenever possible."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen can start ganking after level 3. It is more common for Gwen to start ganking after level 4."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fighting in team fights is recommended as it will make up for some easy ganks during this phase of the game. Invasions of enemy Jungle with your Jungler will secure picks."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Then use your Ultimate R to get them down quickly before you try to sit or take a goal nearby. At this stage of the game, you should have tons of batteries and be really strong."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Once Lucian unlocks his 3rd Ultimate R stage, he will be able to flatten tons of constant damage. Especially for weak health targets. It will be easier for him to break enemies."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "The search for peaks on enemy Jungler, Support, or ADC should be his game plan. Removing one of these targets will make it easy for the team to achieve neutral goals."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Stick to warded areas and try to stay away from Annie at all times. Annie is great in team fights thanks to the large AOE on her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "While she's dead, you could try to start a team fight with the benefit of numbers or take the Baron / Dragon. Senna will try to dominate you at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "If you're close to Darius, he will be able to pull you in with his E. Try to stay out of range of this ability at all times. Darius is one of the strongest early game champions in the game."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Picking up murders with his support/jungler can help increase the lead of tristana in the game. Key targets killed by tristana can potentially give the opportunity to take the baron."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "When trying to push in the wave, Ezreal may be vulnerable to being run down by enemies if he can't land his Qs. The effectiveness of Ezreal's playstyle depends on his ability to position himself safely and avoid taking unnecessary damage."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "This allows his team to follow him easily. She's a lane bully, and her poke allows her to easily beat the melee matches."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Make sure to solo enemies as often as possible to get your team ahead. Brand is an incredibly immobile champion."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "You can work with your team to get choices in the enemy jungle, but you should do your best to be in a side lane"} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Once Azir has picked up his Nashor's Tooth, he is going to push the wave really quickly. Try to keep the wave as even as possible by matching his damage on the minion wave."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "At level 9, Cassiopeia will max out her E. Maxing out Cassiopeia's E will result in a more potent bully potential when landing her Q."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "With the lower cooldown comes additional damage. She will deal a lot of burst damage in the mid-game if she is ahead."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Zigg's will often poke and push the minion wave to get an early turn with his W. It is recommended to match the clear Zigg wave so that you can prevent it from growing in Tower."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Your work will be like a support during this phase of the game. Stay close to your carts and participate in every team fight that takes place on the map."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "He is pretty weak pre-six due to his abilities being too telegraphed. He will need to use the lane brushes and trade when the enemy gets too close to him or terrain."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Also, be careful when it invades as it may have thrown a few inside the bushes near its jungle entrances. Maokai can't solo the Dragon or Rift Herald easily on his own."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "When Ezreal uses Arcane Shift E to escape from a gank, keep your R to chase him down. Your R will help you and your allies get on to Ezreal with no problems if possible, baiting out the ability with Q beforehand if necessary."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen should not fight alone unless it can be burst down and she is killed. If invading you early, just back off."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "After the bot track moves towards the middle track, turn to the bot side of the map or another area of the map to continue farming and win XP. Since you are good at removing isolated targets and killing alone, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are by themselves on Invocation Rift."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Once forward, Renekton can constantly intimidate the enemy and again and snowball its advance quickly."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Keep a safe distance from zeri if you are in poor health. Stand by the minions to block Zeri's Q."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "The amount of damage that he can deal now will be really high and will most likely catch the enemy off-guard."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi gets stronger with gold. Refusing Master Yi's gold, XP and resources will make it less effective."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Level 6 is a good peak for him as he can now shoot down enemies easily and wander around the map. Its survival will also depend on its passive use."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if it is still on cooling. The person can tank a lot of damage during this phase of the game because he will have all his articles, making him really strong."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar will now have several batteries. Several batteries give Veigar a lot of free power."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Try to gank as much as possible so you can move your allies forward. Trundle has good objective control and can solo with ease."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah's pressure does not increase to level 6, but its ability to wander does. If you're strong at level 6, try to abuse Taliyah."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "As a Jungler, if you die when the Baron is up, the enemy will take it for free. Rush objectives as soon as they spawn because you should be able to take them quickly thanks to your ability."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali's W is important for trading and survival. His W has a long cooling period."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Force Kog'Maw to overextend for the farm is a good way to win the matchup. As it will be overheard, it will allow your Jungler to gank your way."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "When you sit Baron or Dragon, or when you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with your abilities. Before you look for it all in there, lure his d."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "It is mainly because of its Ultimate R, which allows it to defend high priority targets while the enemy team takes damage. Taric is also quite tanky during this phase of the game because he will have a lot of articles now."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao has a strong potential for invasion. It is crucial to monitor the entrances to your jungle so that you can spot them before they invade your jungle and kill you."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia is very fast and mobile thanks to her Passive. This makes it difficult for her to catch out of her position."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "You can win a 1v1 as long as you get on top of your opponent. Play around your Ultimate to get more murders!"} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "If your allies die quickly, there will be little chance that you will win the team fight."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Sometimes, you may be able to bait out crucial abilities as well. The second point in Fiddlesticks Ultimate R at level 11 is very important for him."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Team members were instructed to stay with their teammates at all times in order to minimize the risk of being caught alone. Being caught by yourself has resulted in a 4v5 disadvantage for the team."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Camping during the laning phase will hamper kassadin from CS'ing and set him back massively. Kassadin is extremely weak against all-in champions, especially ones who have dashes or blinks."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If Garen takes a lot of damage, he can quickly back off and let his Passive kick in. Garen's Passive will help him survive in team fights by restoring his health over time."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You can force Camille to fall behind in CS from the get-go. Abuse your range advantage to bully her down and get an early health lead."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "the mental war he inculcates in the enemy squishies allows Shaco to make several pieces that other Champions can't do"} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "The first element makes it possible to increase damage and durability in the way It can quickly push its wave before remembering and being back even before the enemy wave hits its own turn"} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "At level 9, it maximizes its first capacity. Its bargaining power will increase once it reaches that level."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Stack your Tear as often as possible. The earlier you get it, the better."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If your team gets killed or two, call Baron. The Baron should be able to be easily taken by Master Yi."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz is incredibly strong in the mid-game if he can get picks. Do not play too aggressive or lose a lot of health early on."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan's Ultimate is beneficial to him when his third and final point is placed at level 16. At level 13, Akshan will maximize his E."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Fighting in close spaces is advantageous for Viktor because of its capabilities. Viktor can use his r to pursue a single target down."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Place the x boxes early in the track and inside the track brushes. This way you will be able to get a lot of poke damage on negligent enemies. It is a strategy to deal with careless enemies in a specific way."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Moreso, your Ultimate R will increase frequently, hence its liberal use. Try CC multiple targets at once during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If Karma uses her D ability, she will be vulnerable to attack. A good time to play aggressively against Karma is when she has used her D ability to speed herself or her ADC up."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's pressure increases to level 6 thanks to its ultimate ability to give it additional damage and the ability to place mushrooms around the map. At level 6, Teemo can place mushrooms all around the map after using its Ultimate capacity."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "This is because he can easily blow enemies up with his w > s combo. Sometimes a single combo is all it takes to kill a target (like a squishy support, for instance)."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "You should be proactive with your Ultimate. Your opponent's team will try to use their Ultimate when it's in place."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Spend as little time as possible away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The first major power peak of Rumble occurs when it reaches level 6. Unlocking the Ultimate capacity of Rumble represents a significant increase in its power."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "If he\u2019s isolated, run at him as quickly as you can to start the fight. Do not delay team fights against an Ezreal."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "kalista's level 6 is weak in a solo lane. Renekton or Darius are strong level 6 all-in champions."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Pulling pressure with Nasus means that his opponent will fight to counter. Nasus has a very weak game."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra is weak at the beginning of the game. Lissandra excels in team fighting because she can flank the enemy on the side using E."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise is very good at ganking at level 2 or 3. Elise can be a threat in the top lane at level 3."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "After Darius has completed his first component item, Darius\u2019 trading and kill pressure further increases. Darius can 1v1 most enemy Junglers at this time."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion will have trouble following post 6. Sion can gank the tracks from afar with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia\u2019s will start to do more damage in trades when they\u2019ve picked up their first item. Landing one Q followed by multiple E\u2019s should give you a severe health advantage."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Both his Q and E have rather long cooldowns in the early game. If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they\u2019re down."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "taking this tower will open the card and give your team a gold advance, a gold advance means having more gold than the opposing team,"} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Do not ward alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "It will be a huge problem for the enemy if he can sneak into them with his s. At level 6, Twitch can make more frightening exchanges with the enemy."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "If Morgana misses her Q while ganting, she's basically useless and the gank will fail. Landing Morgana's Q is important to her in ganks."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Once Karthus has his Ultimate e, he can impact the map at any given time. When fighting, always consider that he can use his Ultimate e to turn the exchange around."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Positioning is crucial when you play this champion. This champion must commit himself to doing everything, because going in allows for an extended position."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille lacks sustain in the early game, so you can poke her out of lane easily if you keep auto-attacking. Camille uses E in lane, which makes her vulnerable while it\u2019s on cooldown as it\u2019s her main way of disengaging from ganks."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If the player wins one or two shots, he can quickly make snowballs. When Sylas' ultimate R capability is active, the player can look for opportunities to kill the enemy."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "The enemy should be concentrated around your Ultimate to take advantage of its potential Aatrox's ultimate capacity will allow it to inflict a ton of damage when it is used effectively"} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "youmi will often be left alone to go and service, on which you can capitalize. or, youmi will not go to the hall without a port, which you can abuse to gain an advantage over it."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Aurelion Sol is a very strong roaming champion thanks to his W. This will allow you to impact your side lanes with ease after pushing your lane."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Once this is done (or during agriculture), you can use the minion wave as bait and set up death brushes around it. The minion wave can be used as bait to catch ignorant enemies with your E and blow them up before they can react."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Disengagement if it clicks on R. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to force it to surpass for the farm."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir is at his weakest at the beginning of the game. Try your hardest to put it behind to make it less heinous in the middle and end of the game."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The teams regroup at this stage of the game. Zilean can use its ultimate ability to save its primary portals from certain death situations."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The ultimate R will be particularly useful in repelling the enemy Jungler from the neutral objective. Look for choices with your Jungler whenever possible."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "However, Ezreal starts to fall off in the late game as it will be harder for him to kill tanks. Always stand behind a minion when fighting Ezreal to make it harder for him to land his Q."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Don't go around the map alone because you will die easily. Don't play very aggressive in team fights."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The executor's call will reduce Soraka's healing ability and increase your death pressure in the way. Soraka will play safely and agriculture. You can exploit it by freezing near your tower."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "During this phase of the game, make sure you get choices all around the card. Making team fighting unfair should be your only goal."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis is low early because its presence is negligible. Malphite cannot do much against the various champions."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "He'll try to fight you as much as he can to get an early lead. The potential of everyone with their E and Q is really strong."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "At level 6, Trundle will be much stronger thanks to its Ultimate n. Trundle's Ultimate will put it in place and make it much more difficult to manage."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon will begin to fall during this game phase that the enemy is building defensive elements now. Talon should keep track of the retouches of the objects so that he can strike at the right time."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "The player should play aggressively when it is necessary to get an early advance. The player has a strong 1v1 potential that can be used to wander around the card and help allies kill safely."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Maintaining the focus on your goals and managing your carts is crucial during the first stages of the game. Trundle is decent enough during the late part because he will have his articles and will be very tanky."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If Kassadin is not ahead on items or kills, he will have little impact on the game. Group with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs excels in team fighting because he can intensively trap the opposition with his Q. Ziggs Q makes it possible to get out of the way, even through the fog of war."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's first item will help her a lot with trading and farming. This is really helpful for Kayle. Getting 2 points in her Ultimate R will give her another significant power spike."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "The increased potential of Zed's Ultimate R at level 11 will be massively high and will allow it to destroy isolated enemies with ease. At level 9, Zed will have its first capacity to the maximum."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Choose someone who is varied and can poke instead. When playing as a varied champion, try to use your range advantage for poke and stalker"} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive. Passive is avoided by dodging Ekko's Q and standing outside his E range."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Try to fight as soon as you spot her. Avoid separating and playing alone."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai has a good advantage when it gets a good Ultimate Roff. Avoid fighting around neutral goals like the Dragon or Baron as well."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Try to match Taliyah's wave with that of the laning phase. Matching Taliyah's wave will reduce its ability to wander."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Adding another point in his Ultimate 2 will allow Xerath to land more shots on targets. This addition will help him a lot by trying to finish the enemies who escaped with poor health."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "The increased dueling potential will completely dismantle the gameplan of any enemy who is overextended and hasn't set vision around the map. Once you get your core items, focus on ganking all around the map."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "When possible, try to stay spaced out on a lane to minimize encounters with Cassiopeia. Cassiopeia often attempts to ambush or assassinate lone targets that move through the river."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "The enemy team might as well lose if Yasuo succeeds in moving forward. Be careful around the minion wave because Yasuo will often use its E to go through the minion wave to reach you."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "and his Passive which make him abit annoying to deal with if you're playing as a melee champion against him. During the mid-game, Corki will have completed multiple items."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is pretty good during team fighting. It can damage many enemies at once and do so through vision, giving the enemy a small window to react."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves' first ability will be maxed out at level nine. Graves will bolster his overall burst damage in the Jungle with this."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Let your laners know if she is missing, and see if you can set wards in the river previously. Stick to the lane and force Quinn to roam by making the lane completely dormant."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Ensure that you remain healthy otherwise you'll never be able to fight him. A good time to fight Brand is when he's out of mana or has an ability on cooldown."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "This will make farming easier. They will not be able to zone you away from farm or poke you out of lane."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The flooding of an undeserved bush will make it harder for the enemy to react to your all-in-one. Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo's Ultimate R is an excellent skimmer tool and can be killed with it. Yasuo gets a huge power peak at level 6."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Agriculture should continue even by turning to a new position, provided that there are no significant advantages over the enemy champions. The key to success in the role of this champion is constantly the accumulation of gold and XP by agriculture."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "His Ultimate h had a low cooling rate. Malphite's Ultimate H will almost always be standing."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton will seek to divide the thrust when there are no team fights. Make sure someone who can challenge him prevents him from separating."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "He has a great potential to set up with his N because he allows him to call his Jungler to gank his way and help him get an early advance that will be devastating enough for the enemy team. Veigar is extremely motionless."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Can be disengaged or CCed (Crowd Controlled) in team fighting. This can make the team struggle difficult for Trendamere."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser usually starts to regroup when there are no goals to be taken nearby. Several elements during this phase of the game will allow Mordekaiser to fight enemies effectively."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Roaming becomes a mandatory thing once you get your boots because the Alistar roams are very powerful. During an all-in-one, always make sure that you are the most important / mobile target whenever possible."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Try and avoid fighting in the jungle as it will allow him to get his Ultimate t off on your whole team. Hecarim may try to flank in team fights so he can get on to the backline with his Ultimate t."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "When walking forward for the last shot, be careful not to get caught by the area of Lissandra. You've got to play respectfully if Lissandra's in your area."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "You need time to come online in the early game. If you fall behind, you will struggle to lane."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "You should try sneaking the Baron or Dragon out of the enemy team while they're distracted."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion can surprise the targets who walk around the Rift Invocation alone while waiting in a bush and using its Q to shoot them down. Sion's greatest threat in a team fight is Kite and disengagement."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Her team can play around her and her Jungler can gank her. She has a large amount of poke in lane."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Delaying a team fight will allow Karma to harass your team and make the fight much riskier. If Karma uses her empowered Q when trying to poke, use the cooldown to start a team fight."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. When you reach level 6, ask for your Jungler's help to kill the enemy lantern."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Do not forget to cultivate in the game because you still need your basic elements to win the game. You should continue to advance and get other ways in advance if you manage to accumulate an advance."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Keep the wave near your tower and see if you can expose her to ganks. Kalista's passive prevents her auto-attacks from going through if the enemy drops vision in the fog of war/lane brushes."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser's weakest point is at level 1 as it does not have its abilities and cannot reliably stack its liabilities, so you can afford to extend the jobs with it to one degree. Mordekaiser has a strong duel potential in the way thanks to his W."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Rell\u2019s Ultimate R is a great team fighting tool as it can allow her to CC multiple enemies at once. You can use Rell's E on the frontline to look for sneaky engages and then CC the enemy team!"} -{"label": "talon", "text": "A player with this ability will often glove early, so apply the maximum pressure to counter their early ganks. Talon has the greatest amount of first blood in the game."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "As the game progresses, this ability will play a pivotal role in Kassadin's success. Once Kassadin gets his first item, he should deal a lot of burst damage to his enemies."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's weakness in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game if she is put behind in the early game. Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate R, she will also become ranged."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "If you use your Q without multiple stacks, the damage will be futile. The impact of Gwen's Q depends on how effectively you manage its cooldown and stack count."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac's E can be used from afar to start the team fight. Warning of your flanks is crucial when it comes to an objective."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "This also makes him vulnerable to crowd control, especially when he tries poke with his Q. His Q is quite telegraphed and he can be easily punished once his Q is broken."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Try to fight Morgana when her Zhonya's are down so she can't defend herself. Every time Morgana has Blackshield E available, it will be difficult for you to kill her because of blocking damage and CC."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "At level 16, Ezreal will put the third point in his Ultimate R. The Ultimate R of Ezreal will deal a lot of burst damage to anyone who is hit with it in the late game."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Watch your flanks that Tahm can jump and start a fight. Tahm Kench's 6 r level is one of its main power peaks."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs Q is becoming more powerful than he keeps adding points to it. The increased power of Ziggs Q allows him to quickly break out the enemies."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Hwei is fun and unique to play. Many abilities make Hwei fun to play with."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Before invading, make sure your liabilities are stacked so you can win the trade. If they invade you, be ready to fight but only do so if your passive is piled and you can win, otherwise step back."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The second point of its Ultimate R will allow Seraphine to inflict increased damage to enemies while using it frequently. Seraphine's play medium is solid, making it difficult to catch it."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus uses his Ultimate at the start of the fight. You should CC Karthus if you see him using his Ultimate at the start of the fight."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus will have several elements now, This will facilitate the descent of the enemy and the enemy team."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Be cautious at level 6 because Neeko's kill pressure increases significantly, making the matchup challenging for you and your ADC. Be cautious when detaching from your ADC while using Neeko's E (Tangle-Barbs) as her root ability makes you an easy target if separated."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Play more liberally once your Ultimate R. The ultimate will also lure enemies into diving when weak on health."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Instead, use your strong duelling potential to fight against opponents who are trying to stop you. However, be prepared to team up with your team when there are no goals to be taken nearby."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "You can attack any enemy who tries to stop you in 1v1. Look for frequent trades with the enemy throughout the laning phase."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is one of the best duelers in the game. Don't overstay your welcome against Darius"} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The constant harassment of the enemy should lead to murder. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Once Jinx gets her core items Infinity Edge and 2 Zeal items she will be pumping out DPS in team fights with her rockets. When trying to team fight engage as soon as you spot her do not let her auto-attack for free in the backline."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "It will have a reduced cooldown and will deal a heavier amount of damage. He can try to invade the enemy's Jungle along with his Jungler and see if he can get some picks there."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Avoid fighting Udyr in a 1v1 scenario unless you have a clear advantage. Udyr has good objective control."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well. In team fighting, continue to focus on the most squishi and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "The learning curve of this champion is too steep, which makes it very difficult for new players to master. The effectiveness of this champion is reduced if the player cannot cancel the automatic attack animations."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Play around your Ultimate to get more murders! It's really important for you to play around your Ultimate."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox's Ultimate ability is currently on cooldown. While Aatrox's Ultimate ability is on cooldown, it will miss out on a lot of sustain and damage if not played around with."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Look for selections all around the card during this phase of the game. If you can remove a portage from the enemy team, the next fight will be about a guaranteed victory."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you're weak in the early game. Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The first item component will cause a massive powerspike for Karthus. With this item, Karthus' mana will not run out quickly."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Since Senna's Passive leaves its scale infinitely, it should be really awesome as the game continues. However, she will have to take care of her positioning."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "The first element for Tryndamere will be exceptionally useful for the duo in the way. When you play swarm at the end of the game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Make sure to communicate with your team by pinging when Alistar wanders. When Alistar does it, it's a good opportunity to leave your ADC and try to harass the enemy CDA with your automatic attacks."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Any squishy who gets caught by his g (gargontuan capacity) ends up dying. She's going to trap very hard at level 11."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Ward big goals and place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game. Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna tends to be weak against ganks. Orianna isn\u2019t the strongest laner."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "To play Olaf effectively, focus on playing aggressive and engaging the enemy in fights whenever possible. When priority is available from allies, consider taking the Dragon or Rift Herald alone."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "It is essential to prioritize positioning and avoid pitfalls in the fight against Zyra. You shouldn't let Zyra push you in your turn."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Make sure you're close to your team all the time so you can fight quickly. Rumble is excellent during the end-of-game fights because his Ultimate b will hit like a truck now, especially during the team fights."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "you use your basic attacks in conjunction with this ability to get the enemy low. Jayce doesn't really spike at level 6 due to his Ultimate G from level one."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "If Tristana uses her W aggressively, she should be broken or CCed so that she is unable to reposition and clean up the fight. Taking Tristana early will make it really hard for his team to win the fight."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Good control of the enemy team's vision can prevent Malphite from catching the out-of-guard enemy team. Malphite's effectiveness is reduced when its movements are properly controlled by the enemy team."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping the allies alive during the team fights is crucial to winning the game."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench's first capacity will be maximized at level 9. Level 9 for Tahm Kench's first ability offers a lot of pressure to kill."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Avoid fighting in areas of the map that force your champions to be close to one another."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "The goal of this strategy is to get to his level 16 power spike. Kassadin's Ultimate ability will be used to flank in team fights."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early on will also prevent Lee Sin from zoned you away from the farm and XP. Lee Sin is a dominant laner in early play."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Keep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it's spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Taking down heimerdinger\u2019s Turrets Q will be the main focus in order to poke or trade with him. When using your skills shots (if they\u2019re AOE), try and aim them so they hit both heimerdinger and his Turret Q."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "It's a good idea to find a healthy balance between poking the enemy and using your abilities to farm with. When Corki has completed his first item, his wave clear and poke damage will increase heavily."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Limit trading with Leblanc earlier because it is strong in extended trading. On level 6, white is much stronger than you in 1v1 post 6."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "A bully in early play is aggressive throughout the laning phase to get murders. The dead can help the snowball a track quickly if obtained."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Spamming her abilities increases Gwen's overall effectiveness in combat. Her abilities translate directly into increased damage output when used repeatedly."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin will be dealing a lot of damage to the enemy team during this phase of the game, able to remove huge chunks from their health bars. Kassadin's presence in team fights will be very high after reaching level sixteen, especially if he manages to get a flank on the enemy team."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Try to poke Annie down with your abilities before committing to the all-in. Items like Banshee's Veil, Guardian's Angle, QSS or Zhonya's Hourglass are great against Annie because they protect you from her burst damage. If she gets ahead, invest in one of them."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "At level 6, Swain's death pressure and survival increases. Unless you have the advantage, you should disengage as soon as Swain activates its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Hwei is excellent in late-game fights, thanks to his damage output Avoid letting Hwei land free poke on you."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas' first capacity will be maximized at level 9. Maxing on Sylas' first ability gives him a boost of massive damage."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "The ability to auto-attack from one or multiple enemies can be completely negated by Quinn's Q. Gaining her E is a significant power spike for Quinn in the lane."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Keep robbing the enemy with your Qs and Es in the way. Try not to use your Q in the middle of the track to make sure you can regularly throw several balls of your Q."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "If Kayn doesn't get an early lead, he could fight to be useful in the later stages of the game. In team fighting, it might be difficult for Kayn to kill anyone if they have CC, long range poke, or disengagement tools."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "You should keep an eye on Teemo and be ready to turn if he gets closer to your turn. Avoid track brushes at any cost because Teemo can blind you from them."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Make sure you watch over his C too. Taliyah's pressure does not increase to level 6, but its ability to wander does."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "If Anivia uses capabilities on the minion wave for the last time, make sure to abuse cooldowns. Don't forget Anivia's Passive."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "His E can be set from weird angles that can catch the enemy off-guard and cause a lot of damage. The ability to conceal his E barrels with lane brushes allows for effective ambushes."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "At level 14, two of its capabilities will be completely exceeded. This increase will be at its overall gank potential, and Warwick will benefit greatly."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Getting caught out with your E on cooldown, especially during the early game will get you killed. Besides, if you keep roaming, chances are that your ADC will fall massively behind and will get killed frequently, especially if you are in a low elo bracket."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "If Renekton fights without using its Fury or uses the wrong capacity, it can lead to the loss of the trade. Renekton should avoid using its authorised e to the extent possible."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The strength of the Varus Q poke during the rolling phase is quite high. Varus can make great use of his mana if he targets his Q on the minion wave and the enemy at the same time."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus can start ganking as soon as he hits level 3. A champion with the most crowd control (CC) in the game can easily initiate a gank early."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health. Remember when you are weak so you don't fall behind because of poke."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Fighting close to bottlenecks should help Taliyah a lot during this phase of the game. You may get a multi-man C with Taliyah and blow squishies up easily."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana will be pretty effective in objective fights. Her core items will be complete,"} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Setting Garen behind early on can render him useless. Garen's effectiveness can vary greatly depending on his build."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Zyra's abilities make her particularly vulnerable to strong engagement. Taking initiative in combat with Zyra can give you an advantage."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "His second major power peak is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate. His ability to trade and kill pressure is intensifying at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When Fiddlesticks channels his R and uses his Zhonya\u2019s, you can\u2019t attack him when he goes into stasis. At level 6, Fiddlesticks ganks will become stronger and he will look to constantly gank when he has his Ultimate R up."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "At level 9, Fizz's kill pressure and skirmishing power will be quite high. During the mid-game, thanks to low cooldowns and the overall game state, Fizz can assassinate and get picks on low health enemies as they walk around Summoners Rift alone."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "When Mordekaiser's Ultimate R is in place, you have to play more respectfully. Mordekaiser has a strong all-in-one potential as soon as it reaches level 3."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "His aggressive style makes him very vulnerable as an initiator without his Flash. The high cost of his Q makes him likely to lack mana against poke-based teams."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "If he uses his W and Q with caution, then he and his team will be placed at a significant disadvantage and will take a lot of damage easily. Its Ultimate R has a very long cooling period that forces it to lose priority almost instantly."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao is a great champion of the skirmish. He's looking for choices about the enemies walking alone around the Rift of the Invocation."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "It hits Level 2 quickly. Go get an all-in-one on the enemy with his W."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Neutral objective fights are situations where he can capitalize on this objective. He should also be using the lane brushes to go for short burst trades in the lane."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Keep these goals guarded so you can see Master Yi before he secures them for his team. Master Yi will become strong and the more he will be killed."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen's gonna try to get you out when you're growing. You should stay behind the minions when Kennen grows."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus' 1 ability will be maxed out at level 9. At level 9, Karthus will deal a lot of damage to single targets."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Focus on the closest enemy champion. Work as a team to shoot down the enemy one by one."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Be careful when trying to initiate a skirmish with him as he might just pull out his magic card and kill you. Just like during the laning phase, you\u2019ll want to destroy Heimerdingers Turrets Q as quickly as you can before a team fight is underway so he is unable to dish out tons of damage."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The first element will give him a massive whip. This is vital and will lead Swain to take control of the game quickly."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "When he shows in a side lane alone, you could try and start a team fight with his teammates. Have wards on that side of the map though just in case he makes his way to join the fight."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Try and keep your distance at all times and be prepared to sacrifice a little bit of CS, so he doesn\u2019t burst you down. Use the fog of war to set up ganks on the enemy with your Jungler."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "However, finding a healthy balance between fighting the enemy and farming is key. If Graves gets a bad start or falls behind, he will struggle to come out ahead."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Try to gank as soon as possible to make your allies stronger than those of Aumu. This will make it harder for Amumu de gank when it's time to do so."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "He cannot burst enemies down due to defensive items. The final point in his Ultimate will be the ultimate nail in the coffin of the enemy team."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "If your ADC is safe and will not die, Leona will be able to travel safely through the map. Group and stay with your team."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger excels in team fights and can control large parts of the map with his Ultimate R. You should continue peeling for your allies to keep them alive in fights."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Her W allows Gwen to mitigate a lot of damage. Her W enables Gwen to withstand significant amounts of damage."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Beneficial equipment results in higher overall damage output and survivability for Galio. The objective of the Jungle in galio is to pick off enemies with the E and W abilities."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Its ability to drop the aggro tower and take reduced damage to the tower allows it to attack safely. He's a monster on the scale."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "His abilities will hit like a truck due to his items. His Ultimate ability will be pivotal to winning the game."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi often pushes quickly with her Q. Illaoi usually stands outside the minion wave whenever possible so she can push it and poke at the same time, but standing outside will make her choose between pushing the wave and poking you."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "A good view of the enemy side will prevent him from entering the enemy team's backline and inflicting massive damage. Kennen needs time to come online."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Level 11 provides Taliyah with nothing but lower cooling. A lower cooling will allow Taliyah to get a lot of backdrops however."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "When you don't want to commit, step back so she can't attack you automatically. Waiting for Lulu to use his E before fighting or fighting is a good way to move forward."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Boots of Mobility gives Nautilus tons of map pressure. When Nautilus' Ultimate ability is up, they have a lot of extra kill pressure."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "When you fight, be careful and watch over his E. At level 6, Xayah has more pressure than you, and she can turn against the fighting."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Hwei becomes stronger as he is a great team-fighting champion. However, this increase in strength comes with a trade-off that makes him harder to handle at lower levels."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "In team fighting, it might be difficult for Kayn to kill anyone if they have CC, long range poke, or disengagement tools. Kayn has a problem with effective use when his opponents own CC, long range poke, or similar disengagement tools to other assassins."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Take down enemies who have over extended without assistance. Use your Ultimate to scout for picks."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn's Ultimate R allows her to roam around the map and help her allies. She can blow enemies up who are alone when she\u2019s ahead."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Ward around before going for an all-in else, you will become an easy gank target. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should have more effectiveness in dueling enemies."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Kai'Sa's Passive works in extended trades because she can get more gold and experience. Try to keep trades short so that Kai'Sa's Passive can't be activated on you."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "You could try to abuse that to put it behind and miss the batteries. Once Veigar has his final R, his death pressure increases."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The more Ability Power (AP) and magic penetration Karthus has, the better and stronger he will be. To counter Karthus, try to shut him down or constantly invade him to reduce his gold income."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "At level 6 is when the enemy will probably start ganking. You can track them with good vision through wards placed in and around the river. If you\u2019re nearby, try to counter gank as they have nothing to offer once they\u2019ve used their abilities which you can capitalise on. If you\u2019re not nearby, start the Dragon or try to gank a different lane."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "By wanting to fight after he uses his r, he will facilitate trading for you. Do not underestimate the damage to Rumble in a trade."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana's power peaks depend on its construction path. Shyvana's power peaks will increase differently depending on whether it goes AP."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "She will need to flank in team fights. If the enemy has vision or knows where she is, she will be unable to team fight properly and will be forced to split push."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective. Once you've got a pick with your Ultimate a, make the call for Baron or Drake."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "If invading you early, just back off. This is especially true if they are ahead, as you will not win early fights with them."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Bel\u2019Veth\u2019s early objective control is very strong due to her high attack speed and low cooldowns. Bel\u2019Veth can transform into her True Form after killing it."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Once Lee Sin gets 3 points in his Ultimate k, he will disrupt enemy fighting frequently. He'll act as an asset to his team."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Beware of trading with her if she gets her first component before you. It is effective in team fighting due to the AOE on its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "The scaling of Veigar's Passive makes him a monster of the end of the game because of infinite scale. Veigar can easily shoot people once he manages to get his first article."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "The ability will spread a lot of damage and heal Samira heavily, so team fighting will be optimal. The flight of Samira's life combined with his damage and mobility during the last game will make her really good in the team fights."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu's late game is not bad. Amumu will be very tanky as it would arrive towards the end of its construction."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "When standing behind minions, it is recommended to not get too close to them as the enemy champion Q deals AOE damage that they can block. During this time, stand behind minions at all times to protect yourself from damage."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "His Ultimate R will also help him face enemies who like to flank and reach his backline. Place key objectives and vision in high-traffic areas in the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Stay positioned towards the front of your team for as long as possible. Position yourself to soak up damage in team fights."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi can also use the fog of war to set up death brushes. Stick with your team in the later stages of the game and avoid moving too far away from them."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Avoid being separated or away from your team at the end of the game. The enemy will force a fight if you're not with them."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Your W will be very practical during this phase of the game. Stay in the back line and keep hitting the enemies until your team all-in."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Hard engage is the best way to deal with Ezreal during the laning phase. Ezreals poke damage starts stacking up if you take too many Q's to the face."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Ping allows Lillia to mark enemies out of position once the Ultimate R is activated, so your team knows you want to enter. This will increase your team's chances of winning the game by potentially putting the entire enemy team to sleep with Ping."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "He will require access to all his abilities and core items to run his enemies down. Playing the early game properly is crucial for this purpose."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "It's up to you if you want the transport to have your camps, but don't fall too late on CS. Taric's first major power peak is at level 6."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "If Aurelion Sol roams, push the wave into his turret. Pushing the wave into Aurelion Sol's turret will pick up free gold and XP."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Use capabilities to quickly clean minion waves so the team can besiege/prevent the enemy team's seat. If poke and push the minion wave simultaneously, look for a favorable trade."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz is an incredibly weak champion up until at least level 3. If Fizz gets poked down, he will not be able to look for an early all-in or first blood."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Once heimerdinger reaches level 6, his kill pressure and strength increase dramatically. Keep this in mind and beware of heimerdinger\u2019s empowered abilities."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille lacks sustain in the early game, so you can poke her out of lane easily if you keep auto-attacking. If Camille uses her E in lane, she will be vulnerable while it's on cooldown as it's her main way of disengaging from ganks."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "If you can't do it, keep playing on the enemy front line, until you can catch someone with your E. When Ahri reaches level 11, she will have 2 points in her Ultimate."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "If the enemy has a lot of CC tools available, you have to play around them if you want to do cool maneuvers with your Ultimate k. Lee Sin fights in the lane when he plays against the champions with good counter-attack tools, short cooldowns and the range."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Her d allows her to shield everyone in her team. Her d also allows her to increase the movement speed of the allied team, which can help them catch out an over extended enemy."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is really easy to kite. As Darius is immobile, champions with dashes, range advantage or poke make it difficult for Darius to get on to them and kill them."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. This will help him to bring down a lot of damage to the enemies he manages to get his hands on."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "It is beneficial to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map during the early match. The minion wave is better guarded near Malphite due to its additional protection offer."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Place the vision around jungle entrances to make it harder for Wukong to get successful ganks."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "It can even dive reliably during this stage of the game. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Keep the wave closer to yourself unless you're ahead. Save your E post 6 so you can disengage/re-engage after she tries to all-in you."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The ability of a player (it) can allow (it) to juke as well as to initiate ganks with ease. This is particularly effective when (he) has his Sweeper activated, or the enemy team has no vision set up."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you're away from your team. Use your s to harass the enemy as much as possible before committing to the team fight."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Respect Evelyn's ganks at level 6 Make sure you follow Evelynn with a good vision throughout his jungle."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "The Ultimate e in itself will be useful, however, and Trendamere can use track brushes to catch the enemy by surprise. Trendamere is really good at split thrust because of its kit. Its kit allows it to 1 v 1 targets with ease while making sure that it can escape in time if the enemy team decides to collapse on it."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Work with your Jungler to invade the enemy Jungle and secure picks. Setting up death brushes whenever you can will help a lot in this game."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "The AoE damage on Aphelios' Infernum Ultimate is well as the potential to CC an entire enemy team with his Gravitum Ultimate makes him really good during team fights (especially in closed and clumped fights). Aphelios excels in extended trades with slight variations depending on his weapon combination. Combined with the sustenance from items and his Severum, he can easily turn the tide of a fight if he manages to survive the enemy's attempt to kill him at the start of a fight."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "If you are grouped together and in agreement with each other, it will be more difficult for him to do so. When no team fight occurs, Sett gets into a side lane and tries to divide the thrust."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "You have to bring down the enemy and delay the fights at the end of the game, But you have to look at your positioning as you move forward to harass."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Keep the enemies at hand to detect them before they secure the goal. Avoid fighting 6 enemy players for 5 rounds, as they have a Ultimate ability that will kill you quickly."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "She will have another ability that deals massive amounts of damage with her Ultimate R. Her ultimate will reduce its cooldown as well."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "You should buy control guards. Make sure you avoid obvious paths around the map."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "In the team fighting, Shaco's main priority is to assassinate the enemy rearline, Shaco can use their clone to separate the enemy front line from the front line in team fighting."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "A defensive item will allow you to all-in enemies freely, allowing them to take a long time to kill you. The enemy will need to spend a lot of time trying to kill you if you have a defensive item."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim relies on picking off enemies during this phase of the game and then immediately forcing a team fight due to a numbers advantage on his end. Don't let the enemy team have a fair team fight."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "This is due to being immune to CC only from the Ultimate k, not the team. Ensure you are always on the side of the map where the next primary objective will be located."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "When Nautilus reaches level six, he will be extremely powerful and require careful play from his opponent. If an enemy comes too close to Nautilus during this phase, they will be killed immediately."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "A defensive item should help you a lot when diving into an enemy team. If you are behind in the game, shift your focus to peeling for your team rather than making aggressive plays."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "His level 6 power spike is pretty good. It will increase his power in lane and also make him even stronger when roaming."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Play safe in the early game by focusing on power farming. Power farming is essential in the early game."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily. Make sure you are close to your team at all times so you can get in the quick fight."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "His ability to burst down low-health enemies will dramatically increase, causing mayhem in the enemy team. Karthus' 1 ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "To defeat Leona, focus on Level 2 before she does."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Stay at maximum range when playing as a melee champion. It's harder for Lissandra to CC you with his W if you stay at maximum range."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "The goal is to reach Level 3 quickly. You should have an easy time using your E capability to catch out-of-guard enemies."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Short trades are generally a bad idea for you due to how your kit functions and your lack of mobility. Try to get to the enemy backline when possible to cause mayhem."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan is an AD champion, so picking up the armor early will protect you from some of his damage. Don't hunt Akshan in the jungle in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Keep out of range with Nautilus during team fights. Nautilus is a good ganker early because he'll unlock his g very early on."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo is very good at securing Rift Herald thanks to his E. Dr Mundo is very good at securing Dragons thanks to his R."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Keep an eye on Pantheon's empowered ability charges. When Pantheon has all 5, his next ability is heavily empowered."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas' Ultimate R provides a great opportunity for him to knock your whole team into his if you are too far forward or split from your team. If you get caught out too far forward while facing Gragas, he could use his Ultimate R to push you into his team and they might take the objective shortly afterwards."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "It is of the utmost importance that Renekton finishes the game as quickly as possible. Renekton will already have several objects."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille can often outplay the enemy and turn around or escape exchanges with ease. Camille is a challenging champion that is quite fun and rewarding."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "If you cannot get into range of the enemy, you will not be able to play aggressive. Regardless of the additional movement speed your E offers, Annie has little to no form of escape."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "His Ultimate R allows him to initiate a team struggle with ease. His Ultimate R can be used as an ability to score selections on motionless champions."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "If it spawns quickly, be sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before you safely retreat. The vision around the main objectives is essential."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Good times to look for fights are when Gwen uses her W. When Gwen activates her W, she gains bonus defensive stats."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Aurelion Sol is a very difficult champion to play. You will need to put in a lot of time to master Aurelion Sol."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Pairing this with her E max, Cass will be able to deal a lot of damage in a skirmish. At level 16, Cassiopeia will put the third point in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "When playing as a varied champion, try to use your range advantage to harass and push it down. Try to stay away from it even though it is unable to reach you very easily."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "If the rest of his team struggles, his abilities become less effective. Focus on safety and keep your CDA alive as long as possible."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Stand behind the minions, not inside the minion wave, to make Lux choose between using his l for poke or push. Lux excels in catching enemies out of his position with his g."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "When there are no team fights, go on a side track and push. Your goal should be to secure Baron or the Dragon if your team gets a murder or two."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "If you are invaded by Shaco, your best option is to step back immediately. Shaco can guarantee much easier goals than you can."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Your Ultimate R is an excellent trading tool that makes you much stronger. You should keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Try and match Galio's wave clear and keep him pushed in so he cannot roam for free. Keep an eye on their mana bar and try to fight them after they've used an ability as they cannot use it to trade back with."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Enemy team with proper vision and strategy can counter Neeko effectively Your champion is weak in the early game."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "If he uses his W on you, jump out of the fight immediately to keep you safe. You are really CC heavy so focus on making games in other ways."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "When teams come together, be sure to watch your flanks to spot Talon before he can jump over the wall and assassinate your team. As soon as Talon commits, try to blow him up before he is able to disengage and do a lot of damage."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "If you start dividing the thrust, the enemy will force a fight and kill your team while you're gone. Delay the team fights while you wait for your Ultimate to come back to me."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "A level 6 fight will be devastating for Twitch. The first element of Twitch will significantly increase its duel potential."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani is really good in the middle and end of the game. She can catch the players in a team fight with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke's first ability will reach level 9, making it capable of dealing significant damage to squishy carries who are not well-positioned. You will be really powerful during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "This feature makes it safe from various portages. After entering with your Ultimate R, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Once Dr Mundo has completed his first item, his damage output and overall tankiness will increase. At this stage of the game, his duelling ability and kill pressure will be very high."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Focus on setting up a set after level 9 and work on reducing 20% cooling through the articles. Sett is excellent in the extended trades thanks to its Q."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Be careful around the minion wave because Yasuo will often use its E to pass through it to reach you. Stay outside and get away from the minion wave at all times."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Try to wait for him to use his E before using your CC capabilities so it's harder for him to avoid them. Lucian Level 2 has been recorded at Level 2."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Unlike Garen, the enemy will likely struggle to regenerate health and stay in lane after taking damage from Garen's E. Garen excels at flanking the enemy team using his Q and E abilities."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "In team fights, try to flank the enemy. This flanking action will increase your chances of getting a good Ultimate R off."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Leveling up to 6 is crucial before starting aggressive gameplay. Once you unlock your Ultimate k, you can start being more aggressive."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "The boots only makes Janna move faster, but it offers extra roaming potential which can assist her in helping her other laners. Level 6 is a massive power spike because Janna can now heal up her entire team during team fights."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Once Twitch has Runaan's hurricane, his damage becomes fatal. It's very important that you don't let Twitch dry his damage by exploding it at the beginning of a fight."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Riven will try to divide the thrust when there are no team fights. Make sure someone who can challenge Riven is sent to stop him from pushing."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If the enemy buys Grievous Injuries, they can easily counter his healing with a good amount. A good vision can ruin his chances of being able to flank the enemy team of his E."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "If Akshan gets arrested on a marked enemy, he can bring an ally back to life, which could turn the tide of the game. Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "This stage of the game results in incredibly high 1v1 potential. Don't be afraid to look for 1v1 fights at this point."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Take detours and try to help your side lanes out. Use her E very carefully as it can easily get her killed if used improperly."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Setting up death brushes whenever you can will help a lot in this game. Your Q Active is really overpowered when bursting people down."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "When you play with your team at the end of the game, don't split up or get away from them. Choosing someone and then collapsing on them to shoot them down is a great way to win a team fight and end the game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The enemy avoiding the groups will prevent Sett from effectively using its Ultimate R. Sett will not be able to land much damage or slow down several members of the enemy team if he uses his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Before reaching level 3, Mordekaiser can be pushed out of the way. Abus Mordekaiser as much as possible before reaching Level 3."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Ward your flanks and nearby bushes when sieging objectives. Neeko may use her Passive and W to get a good engage off with her Ultimate R. Warding these areas can help prevent this."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Rotation towards the middle of the track and try to take this tower. Taking the midway tower will open the map and give the team a gold lead."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "When his e was combined with his increase in attack speed, he became a force to count with. He could have several early murders with this combo (and decent support if he's ADC)."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia relies on mana and will need to get a Tear on her first back. This can delay her Mythic which makes her slightly weaker as the enemy will get their Mythic item before her."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "When facing Zyra, be careful about ambush. Zyra's choice potential is one of its strongest aspects."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Playing around the vision will really be important to achieve this goal. Try looking for picks around the map. Your kit allows you to fool them easily and escape if a fight goes wrong."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's first article will help him in trade and agriculture. Kayle's first article will be really helpful to her and will help her grow quickly from now on."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "The enemy will continue to push you or take your turn while you try to wander. The custom of Easter Hare/Rabbit has evolved into Easter Bunny in Britain and America."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Teams tend to regroup at the end of the game. This means that Lissandra will have a gala to find choices and CC'ing the entire enemy team."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "During this phase, prioritize taking as many team fights as possible and position yourself close to the bottlenecks to maximize your stunning potential E. Your Q > Ultimate R > E combo will guarantee dizziness on an enemy."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Watch your positioning at all times and stand away from the minion wave (especially after Karthus has his first component item). Karthus is immobile."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "At level 11 Akali can look for more aggressive pieces and try to assassinate targets that are isolated or walk on the map on their own. As Akali is an Assassin, she should have a few articles finished in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Stay with your team at any time. Avoid moving around the map alone to avoid being caught outside."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna has a good poke, harassment and a good disengagement with her E. It's important that you commit as soon as you find her so she can't escape."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Pushing into the enemy tower is allowed, which can provide an important strategic advantage by quickly destroying the tower. Turning the enemy tower as soon as possible will give a player a lot of power in this matchup."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "And use her Ultimate R for both aggressive and defensive purposes. Kai'Sa gets three points in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Play aggressive frequently to win an advance. Destroy the lower lane tower."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Once Anivia's Passive is overturned, try to kill her when she's the most vulnerable. Call for help and ask for ganks while Anivia's Passive is down."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "The first element will allow it to inflict more damage and strengthen its overall survival. It will also allow him to empty his camps quickly."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The Ultimate R (ability) of the Swain amplifies this effect and is very effective in fighting in closed spaces. Using the W of the Swain to set up ganks for their Jungler allows them to catch up with their target while providing a vision of the area."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz\u2019s main power spike is once he hits level 6. His Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool that can help him get kills with ease."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If you know Zac is without these abilities, try to fight him. Zac really has a good potential for roaming."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Yuumi's strength will be shown during the team fights where she and her fed cart will be a death ball for the enemy team. All its additional capabilities and effects will create a raid leader, which the enemy team must defeat."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton has great pick potential, so watch your positioning to maximize it. It is not uncommon for Renekton to Flash his ability to catch someone out who is too far forward."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Don't be afraid to make more aggressive plays when you have an item or two. Purchasing a Sweeper will be really good as you will be able to flank and 'Shurima Shuffle' the enemy backline into your team with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "but if you can\u2019t, make sure you do as much as you can while he\u2019s not in lane (such as pushing, roaming somewhere else, helping your Jungler etc). When it comes to securing an objective like the Dragon or Baron, never go for the 50/50."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Its ability to reduce the damage in the track will also skyrocket during this period. Your safety depends on staying close to your support throughout the middle of the game."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Any dispute near terrain will be favorable for him. His tankiness will be phenomenal during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Try to harass and poke Gwen down with your abilities before initiating a team fight. Gwen is squishy."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Once the enemy minions are level 6, they become stronger than Kayle and it will be harder for her to counter them. Kayle Passive is a monster of the end of the game due to its functioning."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If you are a little separated, it will be impossible for Zac to catch up and hit your entire team with his E If you are slightly separated, it will be impossible for Zac to catch up and hit your entire team with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana's pretty decent in the team fights. His Q and Ultimate R allow him to run to the enemies."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "A heavy snowball champion is hard to wear if she doesn't have an early lead Start looking for roarings after pushing the wave."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "If you push, his Jungler will ruin you and if your cage is down there, you'll die! Harass Milio with your abilities while pushing the minion wave."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia's Ultimate R can be used to sleep a large part of the enemy team, thus increasing the chances of a victory. Lillia must reach level 6 as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is weak in his early play. The mid-game period brings a more respectable gameplay for Swain."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Take care of Yorick Graves."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Once he gets 3 points in his Ultimate t, no enemy backline will be safe anymore. Therefore, Hecarim should use the fog of war of the Jungle to his advantage when trying to team fights."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "On level 1 and 2, Nami's poke is pretty deadly. Don't let Nami harass you at Level 1 so it's harder for her to look for Level 2 all-in."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Concentrate on firing the enemy's range. Poke the enemy from a safe distance if they try to fly."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Take note that Zac can gank from afar with his E. The easiest way for Zac to kill the Crab Scuttle is to use his E."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "His E can be really hard to play against especially in the middle of the game. Skarner is subject to CC (crowd control) and can be locked quite easily."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath can easily get kited by ADCs and champions with dashes in team fights. ADCs and champions with dashes can kite Cho'Gath in team fights."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "She does need some time and items before coming online. However, she does have a lot of all-in pressure."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Level 11 will be a decent power peak for Lillia as it will have an improved Ultimate R. The cooldown of Level 11 will be reduced, allowing Lillia to play games frequently in the game."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks will put the third and final point in his Ultimate R at level 16. As long as he can get the channel off, Fiddlesticks will be very good in the late game."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled's Passive is highly underestimated. Using Kled Passive will make all the difference in the game now."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Expect that he frequently searches for coins around the map, or try to kill you again and again. Avoid fighting with Xin Zhao early as you will surely lose."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Always keep your position in mind when playing with Sett to prevent it from catching you out of your position with its E. To counter Sett's abilities, never be too far in the way."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The initial casting of the E of Sylas allows him to move to a certain place. Sylas E dash can be used to avoid hot skills."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi would have caused massive damage at the end of the game. Master Yi could continue to do everything about enemies because his Ultimate ability is very common during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Consistently keep an eye on your position and constantly pivot around the lane to avoid skill shots and incoming damage. Your character is vulnerable before reaching level 6."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If you\u2019re trying to go for an all in, make sure to fight when 1 ability is missing. Fiddlesticks has his Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger may look to all-in you whenever he reaches Level 3's spike. Level 6, when Heimerdinger unlocks his Ultimate R, he basically gets 3 new abilities."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Landing Morgana's Q is important to her in ganks. If you don't use MorganaS E correctly during fighting or in team fighting, you'll get killed (or your allies will get killed)."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon. If the enemy is grouping, group with your team too."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "The track brushes help Yasuo disembark his abilities. Yasuo gains a small peak of power for each additional point of its R."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "The good times to harass and chat with Zyra is when she overworked to drink. Zyra's gonna put herself up for poke a lot."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "This means that it can use it more frequently, allowing it to turn the tide of team fighting and important objective fighting. Kindred will have several objects now, which allows it to do a lot of damage."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "A good time would be to ruin the damage combo of a mage using your W 'on them. During neutral, objective combats, stay somewhere near your Jungler so that they are not chosen during or before a fight."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The author of this passage asks to continue writing up to level 3. By reaching Level 3, the author suggests starting to \"gank\" in order to gain an advantage."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "No one can get close to their team as long as their W and Ultimate R are in place. Lulu's Ultimate R at level 16 was a force that had to be reckoned with."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "However, do not let Heimerdinger push back with poke and avoid taking damage from his attacks. Heimerdinger has access to all his abilities at level 3."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "When Sett is level 6, its ability to get ganks off increases while its Ultimate R is a great ganking tool. Expect that Sett gank frequently every time its Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Rotate with your ADC or hold hands with your Mid laner to prevent the enemy from taking the mid lane tower. In team fights, use your empowered d to provide a large shield to your allies."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Thanks to Anivia\u2019s sustain, she has good control over objectives like Baron or Dragon. The Jungler and ADC should quietly take objectives with Anivia if they team up."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "and don't fight without it. Otherwise, you'll miss a lot of damage and CC to kill the enemies. Neutral Combat Goal must be your bread and butter."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "At that time, xayah was forced to play defensively while his Ultimate R ability was diminished. You're very vulnerable and easy to kill if you're alone."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "It becomes completely dependent on the positioning of the target that it is using its Ultimate R. If the target takes it under their turn and the CC is him, he will take a lot of damage."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma uses one of her empowered Q abilities when needed. Karma should use her Q as much as possible against the enemy champion."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Securing the goals is very important, especially during this phase of the game, as these goals can be the decision-maker of the game. Your e will allow you to make really fancy pieces."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Watch your flanks by sipping a lens. Avoid fighting in the jungle because it will be easier for Zac to land his E"} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "This will make it very easy for his allies to follow up on his engagement. Nautilus is a good early game Jungler."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "After picking up Runaan's Hurricane, Kalista will deal significantly more damage and apply Rend R stacks rapidly. Her mobility is everything in her kit."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Stand by the minions to block Zeri's Q. Stand by the minions to block Zeri's W."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "The crowd control prevents Yasuo from launching his E for a while. Yasuo can't throw E on the same target twice, so it can easily be caught."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Keep an eye on your positioning at all times to avoid being pushed and swiped by Ryze E and Q simultaneously while remaining close to the minion wave. As soon as you get your first component, start pushing Ryze with your capabilities."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi is strong at the end of the game as he can a door-to-door enemy fire. Reducing the utility of Master Yi early makes it weaker later."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Your bargaining power is growing at Level 6. At level 6, you can use your Ultimate in your own way."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Grouped enemies make it harder for Aatrox to secure kills. If Aatrox can get on high priority targets, he can still take down carries in late game team fights."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Forward in gold and objects, players can play on the side slightly to assassinate an opponent. Objective choices like the Baron or Dragon help save time to focus on them."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu will naturally want to grow up to level 6 for her y. The player should delay Aumu's Level 6 power peak by invading and pushing him out of his jungle as soon as possible and as often as possible."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Make sure your team is there to follow you if you are looking for a commitment. Always try Ultimate R the enemy Jungler during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Whittle the enemy down with your Q before looking for the all-in. Just because you land your Q, it doesn\u2019t mean you need to go in."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "You should take every objective when possible. Request assistance from your allies if you can\u2019t do it alone."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Roam around when possible. Your Ultimate R, E, and Q make up for some easy ganks during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is good in team fighting thanks to his AOE Ultimate R. Force a fight or fight when Swain isn't around will make it easier for your team to win team fights."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping them alive for as long as possible in team fights is a must in order to win the game."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The gank ability will let Graves slow/near sight enemies with his e. Graves can play circles around his target with ease at level 3."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Going in too deep without any assistance can also get him killed. His Ultimate R positioning can get him killed if his team doesn't follow up on him."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "If you split up or leave your team, the enemy can try to catch you. Choosing an opponent with your E and then collapsing on them can be a winning strategy in team fights."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "LeBlanc is an Assassin. If LeBlanc advances at the beginning of the game, she can make snowballs and grab the game."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "As a strong duelist, you should be ready to adapt to the situation and either focus on the split thrust or group with the enemy team. She needs a point in her Ultimate e to significantly increase her damage."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Back away when low on health so Pyke can snowball his lead. Pyke is really good at roaming."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra can help you with her W if she gets closer. When walking forward for the last shot, be careful not to get caught by the area of Lissandra."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "You should use your Ultimate R as needed, because crucial teammates can die if it is not used. It is advisable to use your E effectively."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "When Nasus reaches level 6, his death pressure increases It can begin to drag the enemy with increased death pressure at level 6"} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "It will be difficult for the enemy team to eliminate Lulu's team due to the short reduction in capacity, and killing Lulu will really become next to the impossible. Lulu will be fully built by then in the game."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Although Cassiopeia doesn't have any set up CC, she can follow up and be very successful with ganks using her W. This gives you good reason to freeze the wave as best you can and ask for ganks to abuse her poor early game."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Changing into Mega Gnar when Gnar has very little Rage stacked causes him to try to team fight, so he should not do this. When Gnar is in Mega Form, you should be prepared to disengage and call off a fight until he is in Mini Form."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "The first element will give Vladimir an important kick. The first element will also increase Vladimir's overall survival in the way."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "His W allows him to quickly pick off targets without taking damage in return. Pantheon is a strong Jungler in the early game."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Safe goals as often as possible to give your team an advantage throughout the game. It is essential to strike a balance between allies, the agricultural jungle and security objectives."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Isolated opponents who are too far forward or out of position make ideal targets for a successful ambush with your Ultimate R. The final point in Ornn's Ultimate R will grant him a massive spike."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Avoid letting Ekko stack his Passive by dodging his Q and standing outside his E range. Ekko will look to set up a W stun by walking out of vision."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "The Ultimate ability is a great duelling tool. It helps Hecarim win team fights and 1v1\u2019s."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Look for gank opportunities when your Ultimate is in place. Try to clean up the murders whenever possible."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Make sure you try to stay safe in team fighting by looking at your positioning and avoiding too much extensification. Ryze deals a lot of damage at the end of the game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "You will be very tanky during this phase of the game and should therefore start fighting for your team. Before you start a fight, let your teammates know when it's time to get to the end."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble will unlock its Ultimate at level 11. This will allow him to go for more jobs and his damage production will be a little higher."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "She will now have several objects, which will make it easier for her to access the squishies at once. With enough passive wraiths, she will be able to deal with the tanks so quickly."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "When you place Lux you position behind at least two minions to block damage to its light link capacity reducing the efficiency of its poke. Lux has a strong potential for bursting with all its g, l, Ultimate n combo."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "It's best to look for fights when Aatrox doesn't have his Ultimate or Flash on cooldown. Without his Ultimate or Flash, Aatrox will struggle in team fights."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Secure Dragons with your team after ganking the bottom lane. Ward for your allies."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "If it's spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Having vision around major objectives is key."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "You don't need to spend so much time learning it compared to someone like Akali or Camille. Seraphine has a lot of crowd control thanks to her passive, E and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain's first ability helps him get rid of squishy targets quickly. Swain advises not to fight as a team in the later parts of the game unless the two Swain's Zhonya.Hourglass and ultimate are in place."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down. Continue to fly kites in team fights because systematically adapt your positioning."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Try to stay outside of Quinn's auto-attack range. Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP to avoid falling behind."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Neutral Objective fighting is important and requires player participation. Excessive use of your W can lead to rapid death if it is not used wisely."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "You need to be careful when it comes to trading with Janna. You\u2019ll need to play around cooldowns with Janna so you don\u2019t die when you try to harass the enemy \u2013 especially with your basic attacks and d"} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map throughout the early game."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Urgot executes targets when they are below a certain health threshold at level 6. It's really good when you're trying to deal with tanks."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus is going to participate in the team fights. He should be a threat to all enemy team targets."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Avoid standing still in fights as you\u2019ll be an easy target. Just like in the mid-game, you should stick with your Support throughout the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce prefers to fight when he is low on mana because he can't do much of a combo with low mana. You should always be behind the minion wave so that the minions block Jayce's s damage."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Rotating to the mid lane will give you access to a new objective. Taking the mid lane tower can open up the map and provide your team with a gold lead."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If he can make short transactions before hitting level 6, he can easily pursue the enemy and all with his Ultimate r. When Master Yi finished his first component element, he will find much easier to secure CS"} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali has a powerful early game with his Q and Passive. She'll try to harass you when you go for CS."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You are extremely squishy and hence are really weak to all-ins from the enemy team. The danger increases when you don't have your Ultimate R ready."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac will become more aggressive with his ability to start fighting as soon as he reaches level 6. Try to lure Zac's E before you fight, because it's his main mobility tool and he won't be able to reach you without him."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Use of Q only when guaranteed to hit was advised. The lack of capacity would allow the enemies of the entire player."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "At level 16 Fiddlesticks will put the third and final point in his Ultimate R. Fiddlesticks can get channel off, he will be very good in the late game."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner should avoid using his Ultimate on the enemy front line. His early play can be pretty good."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "She doesn't have a reliable form of CC on her. A reliable form of CC means that it has an effective way to control or control crowd opponents."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Try to put Sona behind to delay the crucial tips. If you wanted, you could get early healing reduction elements to help reduce the healing of Sona."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Completing many articles in Yasuo makes it extremely powerful. The enemy team should give up fighting if Yasuo advances."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Your first power peak is at level 4 where you have 2 Q points. Level 6 gives access to the Ultimate."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Her lack of evacuation tool makes her vulnerable to ganks and damage. This makes it harder to survive in the way."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "The large AOE on her Ultimate R allows Annie to stun multiple champions if they're grouped together when paired with her Passive stun. Annie is easy to learn."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "When playing as a melee champion, do not go for extended trades with Fizz because he will always come out ahead thanks to his W."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "As Rakan has a lot of built-in sustain, make sure you get some form of healing reduction quickly to make it easier for you to kill them. To nullify all-in opportunities and diminish Rakan's trading potential, it is essential to maintain the wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "This ability makes Quinn very slippery and a menace to deal with. Getting her Ultimate R unlocks Quinn's roaming potential."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai can use track brushes and its E to keep the enemy lantern at hand. Maokai can even hide in brushes to all enemies when they are pushed up."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The healing of Sona's W will be a problem as the game unfolds. The more gold Sona gets, the more trouble she'll have."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The third point of Warwick's Ultimate R will have a low cooling rate. The third point of Warwick's Ultimate R will be an excellent tool to take the enemy into the last parts of the game."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Briar is a pretty good champion in the mid-game. It is important that you abuse your strenght during this stage of the game to get yourself ahead."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Do not move around the map or go anywhere unless someone is with you. Stand towards the back end of your team near your Support."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "The poke comp games force him to give up the priority of the track in order to avoid running out of mana. Being unable to control the rhythm of the game means that it can suffer instant losses."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn can easily shoot a target in the enemy rear line if it takes the form of Assassin. With the speed of the E movement, Kayn can easily run to the enemies."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Neutral Combat Goal must be your bread and butter. Your Q, W, and Ultimate R will completely cut the tracks so that the enemies can even get closer to the objective pits."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "A high success rate when ganking allies is expected for Rammus after unlocking his t. Thanks to his l, Rammus is incredibly tanky and can be the frontline of his team regardless of distance from behind."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "You can use the numbers advantage to take Gwen down or start a team fight on her team while she is elsewhere on the map. When playing pick champions like Blitz, Thresh, Ashe, Vel\u2019koz etc, try to get close to Gwen- or at least keep in mind that she can stop you from catching her out with her W."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The amount of damage on Ultimate R dishes is significant. Once Lucian unlocks his 3rd Ultimate R stage, he will be able to bring tons of constant damage, especially to low health targets."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma's Ultimate is strong up until level 6. If you are strong at level 6, you will be stronger than Karma once both hit level 6."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "An opportunity is to freeze the wave near your turn so you can get ganks and all-in-the-enemy. Your first power peak is at level 4 where you have 2 Q points."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is very good at getting picks thanks to his Ultimate ability k. You should look for picks in the late game to get your team ahead."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "That's also why his abilities will strike like a truck, and he will frequently kill enemies. At level 11, Lucian will be able to get his stage 2 Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "When there are no team fights, go on a side track and push. It is important that you continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser's ganks will be solid after getting this article component. His first games are really good because of his abilities."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "You are rather weak in the game early and need time to come online. Once you have a number of levels under your belt, you should look for short, favorable transactions."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is great in the mid-game. However, Ezreal starts to fall off in the late game as it will be harder for him to kill tanks."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana can start ganking from level 3 onwards, but the more levels behind her the better. She should avoid over forcing ganks if they\u2019re too risky so you don\u2019t fall behind."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "But, you can soak damage and deal loads at the same time. Stick with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Look at the flanks as Sylas will often try to flank in a team fight with her E to get on the harnesses. Make sure that no one on your team is standing too far forward or out of position as it can allow Sylas to choose them from behind with his E and start the team fight."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "jinx has no form of mobility. a kill against jinx sets her back by miles as she is a heavy scaling ADC, and needs to farm safely."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "You will need a lot of games to master this champion. They're running out of mana fast so you always have to keep an eye on your mana bar."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner's first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This maximization of Skarner's first ability is expected to strengthen its survival and damage in the game."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "If you dodge Cho'Gath's Q, you will win the 1v1s against him. Prioritize objectives when fighting Cho'Gath."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "You should stay away and out of range during team fighting if you are squishy because of Nautilus' passive ability. The Nautilus is strong at levels 1 to 3."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "But, the utility they provide ina skirmish is also very valuable and their Support could all-in you at level 6. Kalista will have the range advantage over many laners."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Try to kill someone and then abuse their death timer to earn more gold. Zilean's ultimate ability will be a lifeguard and will allow him to save key targets in major battles. He will simply have to make sure that he uses it properly (the most fueled target)."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The enemies will not expect it and will be the prey of your damage. The wave must be kept in the middle of the track."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "At level eleven, she will have her first ability maxed out. Depending on the ability she maxes, she will either be dealing a lot of burst damage to the enemies, or she will be peeling for her carries very effectively."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Passive is avoided by dodging Ekko's Q and standing outside his E range. Ekko will look to set up a W stun by walking out of vision."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should\u2019ve completed an item or two. He will benefit from completing items."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Its support can place CC on that target. The first element of Varus gives it a huge peak of power."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "This can be extremely useful when jax\u2019s team is behind and can\u2019t win a fair team fight. jax's Q allows him to escape collapse attempts with ease."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn had several articles at level 16. The shape and construction of Kayn's objects determined whether he had murdered people or acted as a front line."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "You should keep robbing Teemo whenever possible. Keep your resource bar half-filled."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Singed gets a massive increase in power after level six, allowing him to ride around and get ganks as well during team fighting impacting his Ultimate n capability. The first element will give Singed a boost to its survival and overall damage, allowing it to use its l for an extended period of time."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Leona has a Zenith Blade cooldown that you should be aware of. When Leona is wasting her Zenith Blade, it's an opportunity to get away from your ADC safely."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath has a very reliable wave and grows thanks to its low cooling capacity and kit."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Watch your positioning in the late game. Focus on kiting and auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If you spot Gragas on the top side of the map, you should invade his bottom side jungle and steal away his camps. Do not group closely together when sieging an objective or team fighting as it provides Gragas with an opportunity to knock your whole team into his with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Its ultimate R doesn't have much width, which makes it really easy for enemies to avoid its range. This will require Yone to get closer to the enemy team, which can put him in a vulnerable position."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "In an extended trade, Twitch can easily kill someone if he is able to attack them automatically for free. The squishiness and vulnerability of Twitch to CC make its positioning crucial in team fighting."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "After killing someone, call for a close goal. In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Maintaining the constant use of Anivia's m (mana) is essential to its gameplay. Up to level 6, try to play safely and close as much as you can."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Look for picks on squishy and immobile targets to gain a further lead. Quinn is a pretty strong early game ADC who can go for aggressive plays with her early strength to get early kills and snowball."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Taking Tristana early will make it really hard for his team to win the fight. If Tristana is ahead in the middle of the game, avoid walking too far forward if you are alone because she has a great omnipresence and choose thanks to her W and E."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus can quickly force objectives or team fights with ease if he catches someone who walks too far forward. Protect your allies as much as possible in mid-game team fights."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Less transport potential compared to many other Supports. Lulu relies on her team to carry them while she provides them with care and shields."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "You can start playing more aggressively after hitting level 6. try to hit both the minion wave and Hwei at the same time."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Rek'Sai has a healthy clear. The health regen while burrowed is possible through use of the W key."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "The only problem is that it can be difficult for him to land against champions with dashes or escape tools. Cho\u2019Gath is a strong scaler."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "If the enemy is playing too safe, drive on another track. Helping your jungle should be really easy for you because of your E."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Prioritise enemies before engaging in all-in-one attacks. To maintain the spamming capacity, it may be necessary to get the Blue Buff to boost your mana."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Using the E ability effectively is crucial for determining whether a team fight will be won or lost. Her Ultimate R prevents enemy escape and allows teammates to land their own CC on slowed/trapped enemies."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Using this advantage, Darius can gain an early lead in games. Extended trades favour Darius due to his Passive."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Look to secure objectives whenever they\u2019re up. Find a healthy balance between ganking your allies, farming your jungle and securing objectives."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "When a major objective is up, hold off from using your Ultimate t to secure it. Avoid team fighting unless your Ultimate t is up because it deals tons of damage."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Unless you have a clear advantage, be cautious when heading into 1v1. They are going to gank early, and Pantheon can gank early too."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "The Ultimate R has a large radius. Fizz is an assassin and can take down squishy champions easily."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "When he attains level 6, your level will be stronger but you need to weaken him first if you wish to kill him at that level. This is going to be a farming/poke matchup. Focus on poking down Heimerdinger while prioritizing farming over everything else."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Depending on the champion you're playing, you might never be able to roam around the map and help your allies. Corki has great wave clear and pushing power, so you can't roam unless he is dead."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "At level 6, Vi will have access to its Ultimate R. Whenever this capacity increases, its gank capacity increases considerably."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Zeri's first power peak was at level 3 when it unlocked each of its basic capabilities. At level 3, Zeri will be relatively strong."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "After obtaining his first article, Lulu inflicts a large amount of damage in trade against enemies. Lulu is very effective in team fighting because she can build objects that eat her teammates."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "It's essential to stick around your team and not wander off or you may lose opportunities for massive team fight wins. Your safety is crucial, especially when it comes to warding."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Survival is crucial in the early stages to establish a strong foundation. Evelynn's weak point is in the early game."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Beware of Leblanc's Q W AA combo. Whenever Leblanc's W is about to cool down, it is squisher and vulnerable."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "You can counter Fiddlesticks\u2019 level 6 by having constant wards around your lane. If you ping your teammates when Fiddlesticks goes missing post level 6, it\u2019s a good strategy."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Only shove the wave in if you decide to roam around and help your side lanes. Once you get your Ultimate R, your all-in frequency should increase massively."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "You need time to come online in the early game. If you fall behind in the early game, you will struggle to lane."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Try to shut him down or constantly invade him to reduce his gold income. The longer the game goes the stronger Karthus is going to become."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "He can look for more favourable trades with the enemy once he has purchased his first component item. When Aphelios hits level 6, he gets his first major level power spike."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "As a result, she will dish out tons of damage while healing up during a major fight. Gwen will get a massive boost to her fighting power at level 11 due to her Ultimate R now having two points."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia is a champion who is usually sent to split push. However, Irelia may need to group with her team if the enemy is trying to force something."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Without his Ultimate or Flash, Aatrox will struggle in team fights. After the laning phase ends, Aatrox likes to split push and can be targeted by the enemy team with a surprise attack."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "It becomes difficult for him to secure the murders later in the game due to all the defensive elements of enemy construction and peeling for their portages."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "When CC'd, Cassiopeia is quite vulnerable to being picked off by your ultimate R. It's recommended not to get too close to Cassiopeia even if you land your ultimate R on her, as she can easily turn the tables with her own ultimate R if you're not cautious."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Even the splash damage won't be enough to get past a huge minion wave. Poke the enemy as much as possible with your Q to get them low."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac is much stronger than you and will try to enjoy this. Zac will try to play games to get themselves and their teammates in advance."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Blocking enemies with post-six is crucial, but requires proper use to avoid death. The first damage caused by the talijah game is quite powerful, especially if it manages to land its C on the enemy."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Once Tahm Kench adds two points to his Ultimate r, his death pressure increases considerably due to the amount of damage inflicted by this ability. Tahm Kench's first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion's objective control isn't very good at the start of the game Try to secure goals like the Dragon before Zion can gank the path of bot and take the Dragon with them"} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You should not stand in the wave of minions after Taliyah gets his first article to reduce the damage taken to push. talijah can inflict heavy amounts of damage in very short time, which gives the enemy very little time to react."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Warding will allow you to make several games e and e. After entering with your e and e, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in team fights."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Good times to wander are straight from the base and when ADC is safe and will not die In roaming, it is better to stay away from the automatic attack range during roaming."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "You can start roaming after level 6. Play around your Ultimate and look for killers every time he's upstairs."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Flank in the team fights to get the enemy backline easily. Make sure you're close to your team all the time so you can fight quickly."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "This action allows you to accumulate a massive advance and take the game by hand. Do not forget to cultivate in the game because you still need your basic elements to win the game."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's E will prevent him from being able to stun you with a bullet. If Syndra lacks an ability during trading, look for an opportunity to play aggressively and enjoy trading."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Kai'Sa will get buffed up by her Support in a team fight. Taking down Kai'SA's Support first is recommended so that she is left rather defenceless."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "At level 6, Tahm Kench is a massive power peak due to its Ultimate ability to do a lot of damage to enemies swallowed by it. Level 6 gives Tahm Kench significant pressure on the map thanks to its W capacity."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Until that time, Ekko can fight but is unlikely to gain any significant advantage. As Ekko completes his Mythic item, his kill pressure intensifies."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The theft of life and damage during the end of the game make it really good in team fighting if it maintains a good positioning and uses its s and e at the right time. He will have several articles during this phase of the game that will allow him to flatten tons of damage, leading to victories effortlessly in prolonged team fights."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "With his Ultimate t, he deals more damage than Smite, so it's best to not take the 50/50. Cho'Gath has almost unlimited sustain thanks to his Passive."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "It's an important boost to his duel power, and he's going to let him dominate 1 v 1's with the greatest ease. During this phase of the game, Xin will be truly tanky while simultaneously inflicting a ton of damage to his enemies."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "The way to counter Morgana's Q around the minion wave is by getting as close as possible to the enemy, and throw it away when they're away from the minion wave. Use your W regularly to quickly clean up jungle camps."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks biggest power spike is his level 6. You can counter Fiddlesticks\u2019 level 6 by having constant wards around your lane."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Look for champion icons overlapping and see if you can help your allies. During the mid-game, you should be ready to secure as many picks as you can."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "This ability will now hit like a truck, and it can quickly assassinate enemies if they are low. Shaco is pretty decent during team fighting."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Her ability to pressureize and take control of a portion of the map with targeted picks makes her a formidable opponent. Grievous Wounds can counter Fiora heavily as it reduces her healing, which is a huge portion of her dueling power."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Naafiri is a snowball champion. If Naafiri doesn't get an early lead, it will be difficult for her to continue the game later."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "When purchasing its first component, Taric's aggression improves strongly alongside its tanky batteries. After buying his first item, expect Taric to leave for more aggressive parts when he gets that item back."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Powerfarm in the mid-game. Avoid fighting too much in the mid-game."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's W plays a pivotal role during team fights when the enemy team is trying to form a clustered formation. If Galio misses his E, the enemy team can walk up to him not in melee range and keep poking and harassing him for a long time."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "As the top laner, do not leave your team behind during all-ins. This is due to being immune to CC only from the Ultimate k, not the team."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "If Gwen uses her Q without multiple stacks, the damage will be futile. Gwen's W ability does not block tower shots but increases her defensive stats."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Beware of the first all-in of ahri, because it is stronger than you early and can easily kill you if you overextension or get caught out of position. This is an agricultural game focused on agriculture and harassment with abilities."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "After level 6, Sion gets a peak of power in the team fights impacting his Ultimate R. The power peak allows Sion to ride around and perform lane ganks in other tracks."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "During the mid-game fight, the player must perform two tasks simultaneously: enemy poke and allied healing. The player should not wander alone as this can result in their death due to enemy attacks being too easy to land."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr falls at the end of the game but can still be useful thanks to his E. Avoid overextending if you know that Udyr is nearby during its late play phase."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin has excellent burst damage potential against a mispositioned enemy. Kassadin's burst damage potential becomes extremely strong from level eleven and can practically one-shot targets."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Getting an early kill will make the laning phase much easier for her. Cassiopeia runs out of mana incredibly quickly if she spams her E when trading."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Your core items will make it really easy to burst down enemies. You can work with your Jungler to invade and kill targets who happen to run into you."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "You should always try to push the wave in when the enemy Jungler is not near your lane due to your range advantage. This will allow you to whittle the enemy tower down and possibly take it quickly."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Never take longer trades against Darius, especially if he didn't use his E to engage the fight. Once his Passive grants him extra damage, Darius will almost certainly turn the fight around quickly."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The Ultimate R can change the tide of a team struggle instantly. His Passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "The E ability makes jax take less damage from AoE abilities. This is really beneficial for jax during full-blown team fights."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "This will make pushing the wave and trading much easier in comparison to a lot of champions. Aurelion is a mana hungry champion."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Putting Gangplank behind will make it harder for him to take over the map. Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplank's Passive is up."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The Ultimate R of Sylas depends entirely on the enemy team comp. If the enemy has ultimate failures, Sylas will not be able to do much."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "When playing kassadin, it is recommended to focus on playing safe in the early game. Kassadin needs time to come online and gain experience before engaging with other players."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "He needs tank statistics so he can safely dive into the enemy team. Without adequate protection, he is unable to contribute significantly to team fighting."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "If she cannot find any ganks early, she will power farm till 6 where she gets her R. Then she will actively look to gank when it\u2019s up."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "its ability to secure choices translates into gains on neutral goals. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9, which will allow it to inflict significant damage."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "However, it's essential to have wards on that side of the map to anticipate potential ambushes from Aatrox. He is strong once he unlocks his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's ultimate ability point value will be two at level eleven. The level of Jax's o will be nine."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "This will be a massive power spike and will let kaisa be the prime carry for her team. kaisa is really good in fights due to her E and Q."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Working with the ally Jungler will help massively Malphite. The first element will allow Malphite to spam its abilities quite frequently."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "A Smite fight refers to a competitive match between two teams in the game. Sejuani should use the side of his team to flank."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Without frequent ability casts, Elise is vulnerable to enemy Jungler invasions. Elise can start ganking from level 3 onwards when she has access to her E."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "This makes it difficult for Taric to be an initiator in team fighting without engaging his Flash. Tarics are usually running out of mana incredibly fast."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Avoid leaving Ekko alone in a side lane by making sure there is always someone matching him. You are a good ganker early."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "It can defend its CDA as required at Level 3. Level 6 is a massive power peak for Lulu."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "The enemy squishies will not be able to handle the damage dealt by Qiyana during Level 16. Qiyana will have most of her abilities maxed during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "At the end of the game, your construction should come to an end. Although you will suffer a considerable amount of damage, it will be harder for you to shoot targets like the enemy team would have started collecting defensive objects."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "He will be able to use his abilities quite frequently. This will make the death brush strategy viable for his team."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Falling behind will make it difficult for Diana to get back into the game. Proper warding from the enemy team can diminish Diana\u2019s flanking potential in team fights."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo can use your minion wave as a way to close the distance and do favorable jobs for it. Let Yasuo push the wave to levels 1-5."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Killing enemies is not necessary, but chunking them out is a viable strategy too. Set up death brushes and catch enemies, then manage to avoid over-committing to die."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Target the enemy Jungler in neutral objective fights. Prevent the enemy Jungler from getting their Smite off on the enemy."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "If the enemy is regrouping, group up with your team as well. In team fighting, continue to focus on the most squishiest and easiest targets in the backline."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Look for frequent trades with the enemy throughout the laning phase. Being killed early could make a difference in your favor."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Post level 6, avoid using dash until his Ultimate is down. If you go in while your dash is down, it will be impossible for you to escape without burning Flash."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion's power peaks depend on what he's going to build. It has two separate building paths (damage and reservoir) and each peak at different times."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "She's going to trap very hard at level 11. This is mainly due to its Ultimate n upgrade, which will increase the damage to this capacity while drastically reducing its cooling."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping them alive as long as possible in team fights is a must to win the game."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Try to ambush enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone because You can get kills by ambushing enemies with your abilities."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "This ability can be used to secure knockups at the enemy team's center. The primary goal is to make fights unfair for the enemy team."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "During the mid-game phase, Ezreal can harass his enemies with frequent quick hits. ezreal was known to poke the enemy and harass them as much as he could before looking to fight."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Avoid grouping closely together in team fights because it may enable Galio to get a 5 man knock-up with his R once one of his allies has engaged. Space out between each other for maximum survivability from the get-go."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "If Lux uses g (Light Bridge) but misses, take advantage of its cooldown to play aggressively because Lux will be unable to protect himself and prevent the whole. To reduce the efficiency of Lux (Light), stand behind the minion wave rather than inside it. This requires it to choose between using l to swing or push on the wave."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "waveclear with Ezreal's R allows him to clear waves quickly in order to get a recall. ezreal\u2019s E ability makes him one of the safest ADCs in the game."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Keep the Drake kept at all times to reduce Udyr's chances of securing it for free. Unlike most champions, Udyr does not reach level 6."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand should focus on blowing up targets that are squishy or who lack defensive stats. Avoid fighting in tight quarters such as inside the jungle or around an objective."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "It makes it difficult to kill you, which can give you time to kill the enemy. Trendamere is incredibly mobile that allows it to escape sticky situations, waste time on enemies and overplay the enemy too."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The vision around the entrances into the jungle can reduce its efficiency at the beginning of the game. Xin Zhao will be very strong once he's finished Trinity Force and his juggling."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Split pushing allows you to continue earning gold and XP. This will help you get to your next major power spike."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "The good times to harass and chat with Zyra are when not Seeds W around. The good times to harass and chat with Zyra is when she overworked to drink."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "This will allow him to inflict a lot of damage and heal for massive amounts according to his articles. Stay with your support throughout the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Urgot will be able to go for more frequent jobs after finishing The Black Cleaver. He becomes vulnerable when his Q and E are down the road."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Sivir is very strong once she has tons of crite. Tons of writing make Sivir strong enough in the middle and at the end of the game."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Staying out of vision will allow you to easily all-in the enemy with your E and W. As a protective champion, you should be the first to respond to fights around the map."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "She should use her k carefully in this lane. This is because it can help her Jungler a lot when it comes to detecting the enemy Jungler without putting Ashe's life in jeopardy."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "At level 9, the player would have completed several elements, making them naturally strong. At the end of the game, flank the enemy and stay close to your teammates."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The level two Ultimate R will allow him to use his Ultimate R more frequently while increasing healing and damage inflicted with the help of this ability. The first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Her dash ability also provides movement speed. Orianna's basic attacks deal significant damage."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Try to catch the enemy by surprise by installing death brushes in the enemy jungle. Putting death brushes in the enemy Jungle can easily Ultimate R enemies of them and blow them up with your team."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "By then Ezreal would have picked up several items that increase his strength. Ezreal is at level 11 when he can put his second point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "Braum should use his range as much as possible to harass him. A player should avoid detaching from their ally when Braum reaches level 6 or his ultimate ability is available, as this can result in a dangerous engage."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. The level 3 of Swain is a massive power peak as it can now go for all-in with a large amount of burst damage."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger excels during team fights as he can control a large area with his Q turrets. This will be really useful in clumped areas like the objective pits and the Jungle paths."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Look to assassinate the enemy backline whenever you get the chance and do so from the fog of war. You will want to prioritize tenacity if the enemy has a lot of CC in their team."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "In team fighting, Nautilus is effective thanks to its point-and-click crowd control (Ultimate e) Nautilus has many crowd control tools that make it very effective in fighting"} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "If the enemy team errs, contact your team and ping their location. You can't catch up with the enemy's roaming team."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Pantheon can gank early too. Before invading, make sure you have your Passive stacked so you can win the trade."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Rakan is super squishy and dies easily in team fights. You should be okay as long as you\u2019re able to use your abilities and CC key targets."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "It will easily push the wave of the minion with ease and force you under Tower. Syndra's main power peak early is at level 6 when it unlocks its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "he can quickly go for short burst trades where Jayce is guaranteed to come out on top if he spaces well. Jayce is good at poking enemies down with his w > s combo."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "He'll eventually kill him if he stays in the way. You can surpass yourself with its E by entering and detimulating the duration of the E."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar has a shield that will protect him from incoming damage The shield increases your survival in the way"} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Staying healthy is key when playing Rell. When you\u2019re waiting on your cooldowns, play safe and out of auto-attack range."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "This should be amplified with Ultimate n. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Be careful to take trades when it is above this amount. Although, if you can bait his bar and overheat it, it will lack capacity damage."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "The length of the game will determine when and to what extent Zion reaches its maximum number of elements. At level 6, Sion gets access to his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Therefore, Kled will be both tanky and inflict heavy amounts of damage. Whoever gets caught by Kled will probably die."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch will often be incredibly close to your team after coming out of its s. Once Twitch has left his hiding place, try to shoot him down as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego will already have several objects. Viego's multiple objects will increase his damage."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Mundo is highly immobile. Being highly immobile makes it very easy for the enemy Jungler to gank his lane."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "After the laning phase has ended, go to a different lane or stay top and just split push. You\u2019re a good split pusher and can draw a lot of attention to your lane."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "You should prioritize those Void Corals from fallen enemies with your E. Fighting around objectives is the focus, if you take down a Baron at this point it can easily decide the game with that extended empowered True Form you get from consuming its Void Coral."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "The enemy buys items that counter Aatrox in late game. Aatrox falls off later in the game because he has difficulty against grouped enemies."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "So now he can actually 1 v 5 against the enemy team and come out on top. Since Jax can deal a lot of consistent DPS and is heavily item reliant, he will be mighty once full build."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "To effectively divide the thrust, you have to use their strong potential of duellage in the middle of the game to fight and duel all those who try to stop them. Even if you are a powerful division pusher in the middle of the game, being ready to regroup with your team is crucial."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Keep a good objective control! Gank the lower lane and then turn to Drake."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "The vision provided by the warding skills allows the enemy team to anticipate Fiddleshicks' move and react accordingly. You should poke the enemy relentlessly in this lane and use the lane brushes frequently to proc your Q on them."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "It will allow you to scale up and intimidate your opponent relentlessly. Do not push too far without a good vision in this direction."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You should CC Karthus if you see him using his Ultimate at the start of the fight. Killing Karthus at the start of the fight is recommended."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "You should not engage in a fight with Swain unless you can break it quickly because its Ultimate R offers additional protection and health regeneration. Swain's early play is abuseable because it's really weak early."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "If the enemy team invades you early, just back off; you do not win early skirmishes with them. Try to secure major objectives when you can, as you have decent objective control."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna is good in team fights because her Ultimate d has a large radius and can CC multiple targets at once. You should avoid standing close to your ADC post 6 so Orianna cannot Ult d both of you."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri has multiple skill shots which makes her somewhat harder than many champions. Her E hitbox isn\u2019t the biggest, so it can be difficult to land."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "If an important ally is taken by Malzahar's ultimate, use your Ultimate for CC immediately. The wave must be kept in the middle of the way to prevent Malzahar from sitting in the oblivion in this matchup."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Once you are certain that the enemy cannot escape no matter what, use your W ability. Pyke's Ultimate R ability can be used frequently with multiple points, increasing the damage dealt."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "A good Camille will look to constantly make plays whenever her ability is off cooldown at level 6. After she has got her first component item, her trading power in lane increases quite a bit."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Parting slightly is better for Sett's long-term success. Sett should not go too far by knowing a goal."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Look at your position in the team fights because Morgana will try to catch someone with her Q. You should stand in an appropriate position so that you can avoid it. Do not stand too far forward or too far back."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "The more gold Poppy gets under her belt, the stronger she will be. You will have to invest in armor or magic pen items if you want to break through her defensive stats."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Level 6 represents a massive peak in its overall burst damage. The increased burst damage allows him to hide easily from the enemies of bamboo."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "It lets Karma poke her enemies relentlessly. Go to the mid lane after destroying or losing the bottom lane tower."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal should attempt to abuse the cooldown of his E whenever possible. Stand behind minions to reduce Ezreal's Q damage."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Complex kit makes Hwei enjoyable to play. A lot of AOE abilities are in Hwei's kit."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Grouping closely together will make it harder for Kha'Zix to inflict tons of damage as he will not get any damage bonus from his Passive when the targets are grouped. Once Kha'Zix reaches level 6, it can upgrade any of its capabilities thanks to its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Make the call for major goals like the Dragon after getting choices with your Ultimate. At level 9, it maximizes its first capacity."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. This will allow him to inflict a lot of damage in the fighting where the enemy team is grouped or afflicted by its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Early in the game, getting boots to deal with 'her' (who is likely a player or enemy champion) can be very helpful. Before level 6, this 'her' was stronger than you."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn is qualified for roaming due to his ability to move quickly around the map with his E. Its construction and kit are very versatile."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Play respectfully at level 1 if he takes W"} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Disengage as soon as you see Neeko channel her Ultimate R. When fighting Neeko, keep in mind that she can cast her Ultimate R and deal damage and CC you."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The protection of teammates during team fights is crucial to winning the game. The more an ally remains alive, the more likely the team is to win."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This means that it will destroy a large amount of burst damage and eventually kill squishy enemies by itself."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Without knowing the location of the enemy Jungler, Velkoz will be killed by the enemy team. Velkoz's E capacity is its sole source of self-peel."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Flank means attacking from a side where the enemy is not expecting you. Your W (ability) and E (ability) can be used to flank the enemy team in team fights."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Against Tahm, opt for regular exchanges from inside the minion wave to keep you safe from all-in-one potential. Tahm has good mobility in his kit, so avoid wasting your dash too freely."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "At the beginning of a fight, Viego has multiple abilities that can be transformed into: Rush Void, Dread Scythe, or Requiem of the Blooded. Try to play accordingly all his potential new abilities. Viego's E allows him to be super slippery and make it difficult to kill in river or jungle areas. It is better to fight in open areas or after he has used his E."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Make sure you secure those Dragons so you can keep your team in the game! Counter ganking Briar is really easy on this champion."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Cling to the enemy carries like glue to create a rift between the enemy frontline and backline. This will cause the enemy team to lose the fight, allowing your team to win."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Group when team fighting, but don\u2019t stand too close together to minimize the risk of being stunned by Neeko's Ultimate R. Once Neeko hits level 6, her kill pressure intensifies."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "As teams will start grouping during the mid-game, Blitz\u2019s Ultimate d will be a very useful tool as it can silence multiple enemies at once."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Her first major power spike is when she gets her first item. It offers her additional kill pressure in lane and will allow her to get a lead."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Locking down Ekko in team fights will prevent him from using his Ultimate R to escape with. Keep track of Ekko's Ultimate R in fights as he can use it to either set up an escape or an engage."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Place the vision in its jungle entrances and river. In the middle of the game, she will strive to shoot down targets that walk on the map alone."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke is really good at roaming. Expect Pyke to roam around the map and assist his allies once he has Mobi Boots."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "This will give you push priority as well as trade advantage. You should save a k charge for skirmishing with the enemy bot lane."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Her auto-attacks being permanently empowered will do a significant amount of damage to the enemy team. Kayle is at her weakest in the early game."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "By fighting teams, you can easily find yourself on the enemy line. Being close to your team at all times is essential for you to fight quickly."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux has tons of damage. Investing in defensive elements for Lux will reduce its ability to shoot a single opponent or door."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The headquarters goals were targeted with the team in the middle of the game. The player had powerful pose tools that made it easy to besiege the goals."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "His Ultimate R is an execute which can be a valuable asset in team fights as you can kill the enemy when they\u2019re somewhat healthy. If you miss your Ultimate R, you're going to miss out on the potential resets and you'll definitely miss out on gold and damage."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "He can practically shoot at a purse with one or two objects. This can tilt someone hard enough to win the game easily."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "You should use your mobility to fight Sett and keep it on the outside edge of your Q. During team fighting, know where Sett is to avoid being caught by CC."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Its Ultimate e can execute low health champions easily. This becomes really valuable at a team meeting."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The Passive gives him a good amount of health regen. You should focus on reducing Dr Mundo's healing."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "It can be difficult to get murders on the enemy CDA at level 6 because of more utility. He will use his Q aggressively and seek to bring down an opponent if he misses it."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Once you get your core items, focus on ganking all around the map. Ganking pushed-up enemy lanes is a key strategy."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "This is a very good power spike for him as it will allow him to dish out more damage, and clear waves easier. During the mid-game, Aurelion Sol should\u2019ve completed multiple items."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Continue to fly kites in the team fights. Always adjust your positioning."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Your Ultimate is the key to getting more murders. Place Vision"} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This will also let him show extreme prowess during Jungle duels. Jarvan's first item component will give him a massive boost to his dueling and survivability."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani can instigate turn dives to finish the enemies. The ultimate maximum R capacity of Sejuani is a massive peak."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "A player needs time to come online after reaching level 6, so focus on farming and surviving the very early game. Azir doesn't spike at level 11 unlike many other champions."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "This will require Yone to get closer to the enemy team, which can put him in a vulnerable position. Once you have turned from the bot track to the medium track, go to the side track and start growing XP there."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If Camille lands an E on you and you want to all in her, cast your Ultimate right before she stuns you so you do not waste any time casting your Ultimate outside of the stun. You can gain the bonus AD and healing earlier in the fight which may make all the difference."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's multiple objects will make it very difficult for the enemy to kill him without CC. Viego will reach level 14 when two of his abilities are exhausted."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger's strategy involves playing defensively until his Q turrets are back up if the enemy team focuses on destroying them. Missing Heimerdinger's E will leave him in a vulnerable position, especially when laning alone or being pushed up."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Continuing to collect and secure jungle camps is crucial as Jungler. Not falling back in the middle of the game is crucial as Jungler, so keep growing!"} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Once Kai'Sa has her upgraded Q, her damage output will be incredibly strong. Do not disrespect her damage output once she has it upgrades, and avoid fighting her in a 1v1 as she will always beat you."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Post 6, Anivia can quickly push the minion wave with her m. Keep this in mind and try to prevent her from doing so."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Maxing on Sylas' first ability gives him a boost of massive damage. With its first maximum capacity, Sylas can easily explode unique targets."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Keep a constant eye on the main objective of spawning afterwards. Place the vision around the main objectives if it spawns quickly, and back to safety after."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "When Diana is low on mana, she is not a threat to you. Diana's kit requires a lot of mana to trade effectively when she is low."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "On the other hand, if he is laning, consistently harassing Gragas will force him to recall abruptly. Focus on securing the remaining Dragons/Rift Herald in the mid-game."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "If Darius is able to land his E on you and pull you in, do not use your W immediately. Use your W once Darius has used his W so that you can remove the slow and potentially escape."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "He then got into play with his W. It was an aggressive game they made at Level 2 to get a significant lead in health."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "The phase of the game where Jhin has maxed out his Ultimate R will be dangerous for squishy targets. This phase makes squishy targets extremely vulnerable to Jhin."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Sidewalls can be used to catch the out-of-guard enemy team using the fog of war. Using the fog of war will make team fighting really unfair for the enemy team."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The more Taliyah has articles, the stronger it will be. Avoid letting Taliyah crush you with Q because it will do you a lot of damage."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Once you've destroyed the lane tower, move to another lane and try to take that objective too. ezreal was trying to take that objective too."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "XP is crucial for progress in the early stages. Vladimir's early play is terrible and he should avoid fighting for longer periods during this phase."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "At level 11, Zed will have two points in his Ultimate R. The increased potential of Zed's Ultimate R at level 11 will be massively high and will allow it to destroy isolated enemies with ease."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "A max-build for Darius involves items that enhance his damage and offer protection. This will make Darius relatively tanky and challenging to take down."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Ward your flanks as she might use her Ultimate R from the side so it's harder for your team to react to it. When she hits level 6, Renata can set up her Jungler to gank your lane and kill you."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke's significant items will deal massive amounts of damage. Pyke's significant items will also survive fights and heal him up quickly."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Staying close to your aircraft carriers and making sure they can't be targeted is vital. Your Ultimate capability allows you to lock and kill door-to-doors easily."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "It is his only real disengagement tool. Once it's down, or if it's misused, its enemies can easily kill it in the way."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "As the game goes along, Bard becomes stronger and stronger as he collects more chimes. The bard's roaming potential is unrivaled as he can almost always get to another lane more quickly than his counterpart."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Stay outside the minion wave at all times so that zigg can't Q you and push at the same time. Your level 6 is stronger than his. Force him to expand and then everything in him with your W, E and Ultimate."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Peel for your carts at the end of the game team fight to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you will not be able to win the fight alone. Stay with your team in the late game. Do not separate or walk away from them otherwise the enemy can try to take you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac will also have access to track brushes. This will give Zac the element of surprise."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "It has good objective control. This allows him to stop relying on his team and gain an advantage on his own terms."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Her Ultimate R is a CC tool Using her Ultimate R on a squishy target generally results in a kill."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This will allow him to inflict massive damage during the fights of ganks and mid-games."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna will try to dominate you at the beginning of the game. Senna will play aggressively at Level 1 to gain an advantage over health."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Unlike many CDA, it does not have the ability to fly or escape. This can be a huge problem for her throughout the game."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora is very good in the mid-game. Respect her 1v1 potential and try not to die to her."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Avoid fighting around objectives as Poppy may use her Ultimate R to knock away the Jungler and cost your team the Baron/ Dragon. In team fights, disengage and avoid team fighting in the jungle as it will allow Poppy to get a good knockup with her Ultimate R or pick off a key target with her E."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Avoid team fighting at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R is in place. Fighting when it's on cooldown is a big-no and can cost you the game."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio\u2019s R gives a large opportunity to gank and assist other lines or introduce himself in a team fight. However, he doesn\u2019t have much kill threat against enemy laners in a 1v1 at level 6."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Converting the fight to 1 v 1 means that Mordekaiser can easily attack enemy carriers who are still or have poor health. When Mordekaiser gets enough items, it becomes almost impossible to kill unless the enemy team concentrates it."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Unlike many AP champions, Lillia can launch and start a team fight if she can catch several enemies out of position with her E. Ping is a capacity used by Lillia that allows him to catch enemies out of position."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn does not spike at level 16. As enemies buy items offering extra protection from Quinn's damage, she starts to fall off in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "When Olaf's Ultimate ability k is down, he can easily die. Without his Ultimate ability k, Olaf is very squishy and easy to kill."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "At one point, the enemy team will have to send in more than two people to deal with her. Illaoi is also good in team fights as her Ultimate R prevents the enemy from getting close to her or her team."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali falls into the later parts of the game as the teams begin to regroup. Akali is at his strongest in divided fighting or peaks rather than right 5v5."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The ground engineer on his Q allows passengers to play freely in the medium track as long as they continue to barrage with Qs. Keep robbing the enemy with your Qs and Es in the way."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Once Karthus gets his first item component, he will spam his abilities frequently due to the increased mana. The increased mana from Karthus' first item component allows him to spam his abilities more often and deal more damage."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm!"} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Focus more on roaming and impacting the map with your Ultimate R and E when you reach this stage. Deep warding, keep your E ready to escape out of any sticky situations."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "You may use your E with discretion to get to him quickly. Avoid getting poked out by his Q in this matchup."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "To compensate, Kassadin should play safely. Proper vision setup is crucial for Kassadin to avoid dying often."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "In team fighting with his E, Tahm Kench can essentially have two health bars and be almost impossible to kill. The Ultimate r can be used to save an ally,"} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The enemy can easily see Teemo coming during the early ganks, so he should make sure to bypass the vision whenever possible. Teemo will always run with a sweater at all times."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "A strong Jungler is necessary for both their team and themselves. In the early stages of a game, enjoy being able to go freely with your allies will provide you with a clear advantage over the jungle enemy."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Do not just stay mid if you cannot get anything done. As you're good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Don't over commit to fighting Jax without a backup plan. Jax will get stronger and stronger as the game goes along."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce isn\u2019t that good at roaming. If you\u2019re playing a roaming champion, make sure you only go to roam when he is not in lane."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "If you can get goals, try to keep them at any time. His first games are decent, but he should focus on enemies who are quite pushed up."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "All of Kled's capabilities will be maximized at this stage. The game will greatly favor Kled accordingly."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "An Akshan has supported and recovered its first component element, which increases its damage production and its ability to trade. An Akshan should look for aggressive parts once he has brought his first component."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "He is not neccessarily strong at levels 1-4, but he does have his basic attacks, and his Passive which make him abit annoying to deal with if you're playing as a melee champion against him."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Focusing on the nearest enemy champion can help survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive. If you focus the rear line alone, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks is quite vulnerable to ganks and by keeping the wave near your side of the map, he will have to overextend for farm."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "When jhin gets his Ultimate R maxed out, he can deal massive amounts of damage and completely decimate squishy targets. Jhin will be able to pick enemies for his team with his Ultimate R when it is maxed out."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner's tankness is really high during this phase of the game. This allows Skarner to absorb a lot of damage."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "In team fights, Darius is good thanks to his Ultimate ability. Darius's Ultimate can be reset if he gets the killing blow with it."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "This forces Zyra to expand, making her more vulnerable to ganks and reducing her ability to escape effectively. Be careful when facing Zyra at level 6, as his death pressure increases considerably."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Its ultimate ability (r) can completely shift the tide of a fight if left unchecked. This allows him to use his (e) frequently, which allows him to avoid the CC."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Without his W ability down during the early game, he becomes really prone to ganks. He can\u2019t really escape without using summoner spells when his W ability is down."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "As long as he uses his abilities correctly, khazix will have an effortless time to take control of the game. Kha'Zix Q is the main damage khazix capability that will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna doesn't have the best support. Senna's automatic attack speed is very low."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Stand outside the minion wave at all times so you can't poke and push at the same time. Do not disrespect the damage of Zilean-S Bombs Q in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Playing around Fiora's W is a focal point of the lane. Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "At level 2, Ezreal will poke you and use E to get away if you do not move up. Try moving up so that you can still proc your R on Ezreal even if he pokes you and uses E."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "When your target is weak, look for an all-in-one aggressive attack. While murders are desirable, give priority to robbery rather than a commitment to fight."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Do not commit to extended trades with Jax- especially if he\u2019s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand. If Jax decides to team fight, try and lock him down with CC before he has the chance to engage."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can use his empowered W to take down low health enemies. Heimerdinger can use his empowered E to set a multi-man, long-ranged CC which can allow his team to follow up on his CC."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "A Teemo level 9 capability allows it to inflict heavy amounts of burst damage. A Level 9 Teemo capability will let him kill his enemies quickly."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "This allows for more playmaking potential and survivability. Annie will always have a strong advantage when her stun is ready or almost ready."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's third power is essential to make it very powerful. Its automatic attacks being permanently authorized will cause significant damage to the enemy team."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Healing reduction can counter him during the early game. This will allow the enemy to take Objectives quite easily after getting rid of Nunu."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "His Ultimate R can be used as an ability to score selections on motionless champions. The movement speed of the team increases compared to Kled's Ultimate R ensures sufficient follow-up."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan IV looks to lock down as many champions as possible in team fights with his Ultimate ability. It is recommended that Jarvan IV and his allies stay grouped together during team fights but not too close so that he can't lock everyone down with Cataclysm."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Start earning turret plate gold by pushing the minion wave. Level nine is a massive powerspike for Heimerdinger."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "To facilitate getting on the enemy backline, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Lacing brushes will help a lot with the peak power. A strike by one of their champions in the Yasuo team will significantly increase Yasuo's power in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "See if you can gank the enemies overheard regularly. Your e and d will come in extremely practical when you ganking to make sure that you use them carefully."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Abuse this by playing around his cooldown and trying to make games every time he's up there. Since Riven has a lot of built-in support, make sure you get some form of healing reduction quickly."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Before moving towards neutral goals, try to put on a death brush and kill any enemy who decides to blindly check the track brushes. This will help you to achieve goals without effort."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Farming will make you more of a threat in the later parts of the game. Rotate around the map if your bot lane decides to rotate to the top lane after securing the bottom lane tower."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "When trying to poke or harass Braum, ensure you are not close to his minions so he cannot W to them and jump on you. He can turn the exchange around if Braum is able to use Stand Behind Me W on you."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Beware of exchanging it if it gets its first component before you. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Look to harass the enemy after purchasing key elements. Harass and constantly push the enemy into their turn."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "This will open the card and give your team a gold lead. Poke and harass the enemy Mid laner and force them away from the objective to facilitate the security of the tower of the medium track."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "When fighting Rumble in a 1v1, make sure you avoid his e.S. that the slow and the damage they inflict can be paralysing and cost you the fight. Do not regroup or fight in the jungle as this will allow Rumble to get a good Ultimate B."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "This will allow him to inflict much damage on his opponents in the way. This will also give him the motivation to wear for his team if he is already in advance."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "It would be wise to throw yourself into the enemy team sometimes. Throwing yourself into the enemy team can lead to decisive victories."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "You have a big clear wave thanks to your Q, W and E Once you have an object behind you, you can constantly push the enemy into their turn"} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Peeling with core items helps Neeko's team in choke point fights. Always watch your positioning during the laning phase."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "The first element gives Vladimir an important kick. This first element also increases Vladimir's overall survival in the way."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Use the track brushes to catch out-of-guard enemies. The best time for everyone in someone will be when one of their powerful spells is down."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "When you sit Baron/Dragon or push under the enemy tower, try to choose with abilities. Can catch no one out of position with capacity and blow them up to take goal for free."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "This is due to its AoE capabilities and mobility, which can enable it to obtain a 5-man Ultimate R. Lillia will already have several objects."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Stealing Master Yi's camps will delay his power peaks and also reduce his gold revenues. Master Yi can take goals like the Dragon or Rift Herald alone in early play."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Don't be afraid to go for plays. Teams will group closely in the late game."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "kalista will defend her teammates from unfavorable situations with ease. Now that kalista has multiple items, she will be really formidable and will deal tons of damage to enemies."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Don't engage in a fight with Miss Fortune and her team in the jungle."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "This can make tower dives risky and can cause him to kill almost instantly if he does not use capacity properly. Can do a lot if the enemy team disengages when its Ultimate r is active."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "You're Darius, not an assassin and you'll struggle to kill anyone alone. But, you can soak damage and deal loads at the same time."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Wait for Gangplank to use his Passive on a minion before looking to fight. Wait for Gangplank to blow up his Barrels E before looking to fight."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal's E can be buffered in response to CC abilities for added safety cc protection from ezreal's E is very helpful in difficult situations"} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "If Ezreal uses his E aggressively, attempt to abuse the cooldown by immediately looking for an aggressive play while he is defenseless. When Ezreal uses his Ultimate R (ability), ping your team as it moves across Summoners Rift to alert them of its location and allow them to dodge it."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion does not have great control over the goals at the beginning of the game. You need help from your bot track if you are not able to take the goal alone."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "If you can cancel it quickly, its damage output will be very low. You should not regroup with your team because Miss Fortune will be able to hit your entire team with its Ultimate capability."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas will always try to gank overextended lanes whenever he is level 6. Keep an eye on the items Gragas is buying."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "After Azir's first back, he will be pushing constantly. You should pick champions with kill pressure."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "You should keep an eye on what main goal is next. If it spawns quickly, be sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before you safely retreat."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Level 6 is a key power peak for Viktor, allowing him to develop the death pressure in the track. The level six power peak allows Viktor to easily impact the fighting."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "At level 9, Veigar can treat a quarter of the health bar of a squishy target with his e. At level eleven, Veigar will have two points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir is strong at all stages of the game. Because he has so much integrated support and ladders later."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen is really good in the middle of the game because her kit is very versatile and can be used to start fighting, bait enemies and save her allies. As Shen gains experience in the game, his kit becomes stronger and he becomes tankier."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "She could easily put the entire enemy team to sleep if she is able to hit everyone with her. Someone's CC'ing is of paramount importance."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You will be able to burn through the entire enemy team with proper positioning and karthus. Your combined attack with n is able to one-shot enemy squishies using karthus."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Being melee in nature, Diana can\u2019t really deal well with ranged carries when her t is down. If Diana gets bullied from range, it\u2019s going to be difficult for her to farm and reach her power spike."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi is also good in team fights as her Ultimate R prevents the enemy from getting close to her or her team. She also dishes out a lot of damage which can easily wipe out a team if they are not careful."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "When Ahri hits level 9, she would've maxed out her Q. A maximum Q gives the player a menacing threat during the mid-game when combined with an ADC's damage."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Its E capability allows it to avoid the major forms of crowd control. This makes it easy for her and makes her very safe when left alone."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Avoid walking outside the minion wave or outdoors as much as possible. Beware of the installation of Gank Thresh, as it can easily install Ganks with its W."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Do not split push or run away from your team as the enemy will use the numbers advantage to start a team fight. Make sure you're always stood towards the front of your team at all times."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "This will give a massive boost to Galio's damage and wave clear. In addition, Galio can now help other laners frequently."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "When Neeko walks forward, disengage as soon as possible to minimize the usefulness of her Ultimate R. Ward your flanks and nearby bushes when sieging objectives."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Multiple items will allow him to soak up a lot of damage in fights. He should be a part of as many fights as possible."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion once has a few levels under his belt becomes a proactive ganker A deep vision helps counter Zion's ganks"} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If you\u2019re trying to go for an all in on Fiddlesticks, make sure to fight when 1 ability is missing. When Fiddlesticks gets access to 3 abilities, he is really difficult to deal with because they offer him so much utility."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The amount of gold Graves gets determines his strength. It is recommended to reduce Graves' gold income by matching his pushing power and avoiding death during the laning phase."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "All he needs to do is sit in the enemy Jungle and wait for an unsuspecting enemy to come near. Jayce won't spike at level 16 either because his Ultimate G won't be providing with him a lot of raw stats."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Once Zilean reaches level 6, it will be harder for you to get murders in the way."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Putting the last skill point in your Ultimate at level 16 is a good peak of power for you. Your Ultimate will be on its coolest lowdown and will be essential to help your team win team fights."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Don't take full team fights instead, rely on the choices to win the middle of the game. It should be pretty easy to do if you use the war fog properly."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "If Malphite goes AP, there will be no enemy for most parts of the game. Malphite is weak at the beginning of the game, especially against the constant damage of the poke that can prevent it from regenerating its passive shield."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Aurelion Sol is quite vulnerable to ganks since he has to push the wave."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox spikes when he gets his first item (as well as both component items). Respect Aatrox's all-in potential when he completes the recipe, as his damage output will increase significantly."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Level six can also prevent Teleports and serve as a multi-CC capability. The first element will allow this player to improve his ability to survive all the time and increase the chances of getting a murder during the duels."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "No low health enemy on the map will be safe once Graves gains three points in his Ultimate t. Graves can dash into enemies, auto-attack them twice, and use his Ultimate t to finish them off."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "He is a mage, so any form of silence or channel interruption spell is his weakness. Grievous Wounds are quite effective against him."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Staying outside the minion wave allows Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time. By avoiding the minion wave, you can limit Varus' ability to harass yourself."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "If you or your ADC get late, it's going to be harder for you to win the way and the game. Keep an eye on your position in the track."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan's level 2 is an essential powerspike because he can now look for all-ins and knockup enemies with ease using the lane brushes. The use of lane brushes only amplifies the effect of Jarvan's abilities at level 2."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "This combination of capabilities allows a constant release of damage. LeBlanc's abilities become a powerful tool in the hands of a qualified player."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin's kiting potential also increases in the late game due to items. Jhin will secure neutral objectives with increased items."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Executioner's Calling reduces the amount of healing that Dr Mundo receives. Healing can be reduced by items like Executioner's Calling."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The correct use of the monkey's y capacity will minimize the damage taken. Monkeyking can use its capacity there to strengthen its survival and damage."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead. Her first power spike occurs at level 3."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus's damage production will be quite high at level 9. Nasus' commercial potential will be high at level 9."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's loading phase is strong. Expect Sett to play aggressively and go for early murders."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Do not be afraid to make plays as long as allies can follow up. You are good at fighting around objectives."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Make sure you apply as much pressure as you can to match its first ganks. His e was combined with his increase in attack speed."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Avoid engaging Rell when Mobi Boots is equipped, as it allows her to roam and impact allied lanes. Communicate with teammates when Rell is gone, as this can help prevent misunderstandings."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "If your team gets caught out or the game isn\u2019t one-sided you need to group with your team to help them fight. Play on the side of the map that has the next major objective up so you can rotate to take it with your team."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie's greatest power spike is when she hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate R. When Tibbers R is primed and ready, respect Annie's damage output."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Your Ultimate is strong, so you must abuse it to gain a lead over Gragas. They will be ganking often, so you need to do so too."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "If Akali wasn't aggressive before Level 6, expect her to do so once she's reached the level. Try not to give Akali kills at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "When combined with its Ultimate I, its enemy can be baited to attack the clone and CC the enemy/champion team that attacked him"} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz is strong at level 3 and 4 once he unlocks all 3 of his abilities. Fizz should play somewhat safer until he reaches either 3 or 4 and then look for an aggressive all-in."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi's Ultimate offers him tons of added death pressure. Master Yi is very strong at the end of the game."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "The E Mechanic allows him to obtain his desired passive shape with ease. Kayn is quite versatile and can play around what his team needs."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "She deals a lot of damage and can be a useful champion in team fights. However, she will not have as much gold or income to buy items like she would in the Top role."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Try to secure the Baron or Dragon as much as possible. Securing goals is essential as Jungler in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco's probably going to be gauntleting himself much earlier in the game. You should put as much pressure on Shaco's ganks as possible to try to match his early aggression."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Avoid walking too far forward so you do not get caught out and focused by the enemy. On getting his Ultimate R maxed out, Jhin will be able to deal massive amounts of damage."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Roaming pressure allows Thresh to impact several routes and advance its allies. Thresh is one of the most difficult supports to master."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "This will help you locate Skarner before he can use his E. Delay its level 6 power peak by invading its jungle and flying its camps."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "At level 9, Diana will max her Q. Diana's Q offers a lot of extra wave clear and more poke in lane."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "CC is a key strategy for dealing with Akali. If Akali engages and hides inside his W, move away from the Shroud until it disappears."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled's Ultimate R can be used remotely to collapse enemies at the beginning of a team fight."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "The goal is to make sure that you can target as many people as possible with the Ultimate R raid. You should increase the distance with your E during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Track Camille's Ultimate cooldown and play far back from her when she uses it. Be aware of your own health levels to deter Camille from playing aggressively when you're low."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "This versatility allows him to scale regardless of his early stage position. Cho'Gath can easily get kited by ADCs and champions with dashes in team fights."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game. Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "At level 6, the ultimate capacity of Trundle n is very useful in skirmishes with the enemy robot. If Trundle fights a tank Support, he can steal their stats and be incredibly tanky."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai can use his Ultimate R out of sight. Maokai can CC multiple enemies simultaneously using its R."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "At level 9, the player is considered a good mid-game champion. A good mid-game champion can easily bring down the squishy champions during the second stage of the game."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Track brushes are expected to assist significantly in landing this capability. Yasuo will win a small peak every time he puts an extra point in his R."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "At level 16 Illaoi will be able to put three points in her Ultimate R. Illaoi is really good in fights as she will deal a lot of damage and peel for her allies."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "A player should be mindful of their positioning and use minions as a shield to block Braum's Q (Winter's Bite) poke. A player should focus on harassing Braum from a safe distance."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's level 6 ability allows him to make cross-map plays around the map. This ability is advantageous for Galio's team and will allow you to impact the game more."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "As soon as it is up, try to gank a lane. If you are 1v1ing Diana, you need to dodge her Q in order to win the 1v1."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's first item component allows him to get an advantage over the enemy, increasing dueling potential. The increased dueling potential will completely dismantle the gameplan of any enemy who is overextended and hasn't set vision around the map."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "At Level 6, Warwick's Ultimate R will be an excellent tool to start fighting, looking for roams, and more. Don't kill yourself when you're in bad health so you can remember."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir can use his capabilities to quickly clear the minion waves so that his team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat. If Vladimir can land while pushing the wave of the minion, he could look for a favorable trade with the enemy team."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Use the effigies to bamboozle enemies with surprise Ultimate R's on them. Fiddlesticks wants to poke and stay safe in the very early game."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "At level 11, Braum will put a second point in his Ultimate r. The extra damage and reduced cooldown of the second point in his Ultimate r are very beneficial for Braum during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "His E allows Zeri to get away from the ganks. Zeri is versatile and can be played in AP or AD depending on the needs of the team."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Spamming your abilities will help use your n combined with your 1 to go for regular trades with the enemy. You still need to play safely, though."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "At level 6, Zeri will unlock his Ultimate R. Unlocking his Ultimate R at level 6 is a good power peak for Zeri and allows him to win all in even in the toughest matchups."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Use their forward positioning to play aggressive and take them down. Try to constantly poke and harass him."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Avoid walking too far forward so you do not get caught out and focused by the enemy. She will execute multiple targets with her Ultimate R once it is completely maxed out."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Don't let the enemy Jungler take all the Dragons. Try to secure them with your team after ruining the lower lane."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Level 11 of Poppy is relatively lackluster as she only gets the cooldown on the ability reduced. Compared to other Junglers, Level 11 of Poppy does not bring a lot to the table."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Using Kled Passive will make all the difference in the game now. Kled can absorb so much damage without risking death."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The same question applies if the enemy freezes Warwick because it has no varied ability to help it grow. Warwick's Ultimate R makes him vulnerable."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern will use Bushes' ability to scout vision for his team. Bushes' ability is used when a bush has been placed nearby."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "As you are not strong in early play, you may wish to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressive. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "If you can't engage in combat, stand out of range and align yourself with your ADC so Janna can't harass and bully you. Janna may try to ward alone in the mid and late game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu will be fully built by then in the game. Its protection potential will be out of the world,"} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "As the game advances and drmundo gets his core items, he will be able to deal damage, as well as soak up a lot of damage for his team as a frontline. This enables drmundo's backline to deal damage freely."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "The ultimate t displacement of Shyvana can act as a source of coat for its grey carrier. Its Ultimate can also allow timidivana to land a multichampion l and inflict a lot of damage with it a and k."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Concentrate him first! While Teemo is Support, it will always be a very strong threat in team fighting."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is strong when the enemy team is pushed up and a new wave of minions is approaching. He can catch up with his enemy using his E and hit them with his r."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "That will be the condition of Renekton's victory. You should go with your Ultimate T."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Use your E discreetly in this way, as it allows you both all and to disengage against enemies. Your goal is to get your first element as quickly as you can so that your all-in becomes more powerful and deadly."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal bursts into an enemy, harassing them before engaging in a team fight. The strategy for ezreal involves poking the enemy to gain health advantage."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "If they invade you early don't be afraid to take a counter-ganking opportunity nearby. However, if you do find a ganking opportunity nearby dont be afraid to take it."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Try your hardest to know who has Flash and who doesn\u2019t to increase your chances of landing your Q. Pyke is a mechanically difficult champion to learn and will take a lot of getting used to."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His ability to get killed in the way also increases. Watch your positioning and turn off if you are weak like his all-in-one combo inflicts a surprising amount of damage."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus' Ultimate R can be used to catch you out of position and start a fight. Play safer when your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Level six is a massive start point as it can now look for aggressive all-ins on the enemy. It is effortless for Vayne of bamboozle enemies now because of its invisibility."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Once its ultimate e is in place, its pressure of death and survival increases much. If Tryndamere has Ignite, expect him to play aggressively and look for an all-in level 2 or 3."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "If you fight near the Dragon or the Baron, it won't be beneficial. By sitting, make sure no one on your team is too far ahead that Maokai can isolate them and catch them out of position with his W."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Ensure you are outside of the minion wave so Jinx cannot deal splash damage. Jinx is a carry reliant on others for snowballing."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Whenever your Ultimate m is in place or whenever your team is ready, you should group them together. Team up with your team and don't leave them."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "If the enemy is careful, it will be easy to delimit them using this strategy. Level 6 is another important power peak for Lux as it helps its ADC kill the enemy's robot track."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "However, if your teammates are squishy and can get caught easily, you may need to regroup to be safe. Amumu's Level 6 power peak was incredibly strong as it allowed him to begin to gant with his Ultimate y."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz has tons of kill pressure with his Ultimate R and it will usually result in a kill. If you can\u2019t kill the enemy laner, try to roam around the map to pick up kills in the side lanes."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar grabbing a champion could win you the game! Malzahar has a shield that will protect him from damage."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Level 6 is a massive spike for Jax. This is due to the increased resistance he gets when he activates his Ultimate t."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan is quite oppressive in the lane. Jarvan's all-in threat keeps enemies at bay."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "They will not be able to do everything in the enemy at all if their ADC is constantly pushing the wave into early play. Their ADC can easily be overturned by various champions in the way."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Because of his articles, he will have a respectable amount of support, which will make it really difficult for the enemy to kill him. Team fighting will be Urgot's bread and butter as it can in the front line quite efficiently while allocating tons of damage to the enemy team."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "When Kennen's Ultimate gets out as much as possible, he'll crush a truck full of damage. Kennen will simply have to rely on the sides and fog of the war to organize a good fight."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "When Miss Fortune channels his Ultimate, he inflicts a lot of damage on enemies in a short time. Putting the enemy down before channeling Ultimate e can help to finish them."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "His E can be avoided easily if the enemy sees you using it. This makes it difficult for Taric to be an initiator in team fighting without engaging his Flash."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Supports will start walking on the map alone in the middle of the game. Take advantage of this to get you killed for free."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "K-Sante has a lot of potential for trading with its Q and basic attacks. K-Sante can run the enemies and kill them thanks to the amount of CC he has in his kit."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Her Ultimate R can be recast multiple times. Her Ultimate R also offers her a heal which helps her in 1v1 fights."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal's goal is to shove the enemy out of the lane after accumulating a lead. During neutral objective fights, ezreal aims to poke the enemy team before the major Smite fight."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Avoid moving around the map alone to avoid being caught. Being caught will result in a 4v5 downside for your team."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Avoid walking in areas where you know that Zion has been so much harder for you to get caught by him. Sion is the greatest threat in a team fight is the ability to kite and disengage."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "The goal is to both land your poke and clear the wave at the same time. Use your E with extreme caution in this lane, as the enemy will try to gank you if you're too pushed up."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Your goal is to hit level three as quickly as you can. Once you unlock your capabilities, you should be on the lookout for everything in the enemy whenever they extend beyond their safe area."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Kite and disengagement is Zion's greatest threat in a team fight. Try to keep him away from your team so he is unable to get a good Q knockup. Avoid regrouping and fighting in the jungle as this will allow Sion to get a very good result with his Q or get a very good Ultimate Roff."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis can begin to be more aggressive after reaching level 6 and have its Ultimate. Team fighting is where Malphite excels with its Ultimate capability."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Primary neutral objective fights should be targeted at choke points. His Ultimate R should be used on clumped enemies."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "and he will hit enemies like a truck. Focus on taking down the enemy carries."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia excels in the middle of the game because of her ability to secure choices. Its Ultimate R should help him a lot to catch travellers and Roaming Supports."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Play safe in the early game so Galio can scale and come online. Do not get poked down otherwise Galio will fall behind in CS and XP and be no threat later on."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Cards can inflict a lot of damage on twisted destiny. Card damage can quickly come from Twisted Fate."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "German immigrants exported the custom of the Easter Hare/Rabbit to Britain and America. Darius starts to fall off in the late game but he is still powerful."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "It is recommended to turn yourself around after using abilities and try to put yourself in her shoes, and think of when you would use it if you were her. Cassiopeia's Ultimate R is a great tool in team fights."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "No one suspects a Zion to ulterate from the base to the bottom or middle of the track. Sion's E is a very easy to land skill that guarantees a Sion Q."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "If Aatrox ganks your lane, try to keep the minion wave between you and him for as long as possible. This will make it harder for him to land his W."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Keeping them alive as long as possible in team fights is a must to win the game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Look for selections in the middle of the game. If you can choose someone with the help of your allies, you can abuse their death timer to win more gold and maybe take a turn, a goal or get more murders."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "His first component element will hurt him more. You should invest in additional support to stay healthy on this path."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "This murder could result in either the Baron or a 5v4 forced fight. Akali falls into the later parts of the game as the teams begin to regroup."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "If you\u2019re behind, it\u2019s going to be impossible for you to get a good Ultimate R or t off as you\u2019ll be too squishy and die as soon as you go in. Rell has an incredibly strong level 2, make sure you hit level 2 first."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "The damage to Amumus r's AOE allows him to get out quickly. Amumu's early play doesn't exist."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You should use your W and R to reposition and avoid being displaced by Azir's R. Azir's Passive gives you extra mobility that can be used quickly to position away from his soldiers."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "She has tons of combos to master. This makes her a mechanically difficult champion to play and do well on."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Expect Sett to play aggressively and go for early murders. Avoid trading with Sett at Level 1 as it will damage most champions."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "You should watch the river. Make sure you spot the Jungler early."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Chunk the enemy out using your abilities. Use wards to save yourself from ganks."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Velkoz's poke can be difficult to handle. Velkoz positioning near the minions offers some protection."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "This reduces the effectiveness of Nami's healing abilities, making it less sustainable in trades or all-in-ones. Nami has a lot of poke thanks to her W and E."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "His Q (Ricochet Shoot) can be avoided quite easily if the enemy stands away from him. It's her main form of damage to the poke, so without it it will be useless."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Focus on the biggest threat to your team, or target the enemy backline if their frontline is weak. His items will make him very tanky during this stage and combined with his Passive and Ultimate R he will be a behemoth for the enemy team."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early. This will make it much harder for Jarvan to chase you down the lane and zone you away from the farm."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo will always run with a sweater at all times. Teemo will also always have a control area at all times."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "If Jhin uses his Ultimate R in a team fight, he is unable to reposition quickly. If you're on the flank, try to take him down while he's focusing on his shots."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Whoever gets caught by Urgot will probably end up dying because of the amount of damage he can bring down in a short time. Urgot is really tanky at the end of the game."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "When Sona doesn't have a mana available, it's the right time to fight her. The abuse of Sona's capabilities before Level 6 can be effective."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "This increased mana will prevent enemies from moving freely during team fighting. If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Your goal should be to secure Baron or the Dragon if your team gets a murder or two. Master Yi should be able to take Baron or the Dragon with ease."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia has a weak laning phase. During the laning phase, it often has difficulty growing and trading."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "This will reduce his all-in potential. By standing at maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Q to get in range of you."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "At level 14, Viego will finally take over the game. Viego's skirmish power at the beginning of the game is quite high."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Getting a few kills on Annie can make her Ultimate R incredibly scary. Look to pick off low health targets for easy kills."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time as Pyke, as they\u2019re way stronger than you at level 2 and by hitting level 2 before or at the same time, you\u2019ll have a better chance at fighting back. You\u2019re weaker than them whenever they have their Ultimate up. If you\u2019re at risk of dying, always recall at level 5 so you do not get killed when they hit level 6."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "His passive is what makes him so dangerous. It allows it to easily CC and choose several enemies with its Ultimate m and h."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "The extension of trades will not work for you, so focus on agriculture. Vayne scales extremely well in the end of the game and can carry a game by hand if the game lasts for this long."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "They should finish them off with their auto-attacks and 'e'. Your core items will make it really easy to burst down enemies."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. It\u2019s important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "If you're behind, avoid fighting Quinn at all costs, because she will undoubtedly beat you in a 1v1. Quinn's mobility can be disrupted by using certain abilities."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is very squishy. When Ezreal's E is down, he can be easily burst down."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Ping is a capacity used by Lillia that allows him to catch enemies out of position. When Ping is activated alongside Lillia's Ultimate R, it indicates that she wants to engage in a team fight."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "It improves its damage R poke, allowing it to look for all the ins once it reaches level 6. The best time to go for an all-in-one is when the primary form of the enemy's CC is declining."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "At level 11, Fiora\u2019s Ultimate R will be much better. Putting a second point in her Ultimate R is vital and her 1v1 kill pressure increases."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "In team fighting, continue to focus the most squishi and the easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn allows herself to harass and whittle away at melee Top laners This helps her get a lead"} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "He will win most everywhere as long as he looks for favorable trades around abilities. Xin Zhao's Ultimate R is very effective against enemy team members."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Look for opportunities to counter engagement rather than looking for aggressive choices. Your champion excels in performing counter-engagement games because of their strength in relation to the search for aggression."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Focus on harassing Aurelion Sol and getting a lead. If Aurelion Sol roams, push the wave into his turret."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Group and stay with your team at all times. Do not divide the thrust or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "It is essential to focus on the closest enemy champion to your aircraft carriers in team fighting. The goal of focusing on the closest champion is to increase survival for yourself and your carriers."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis must maintain its health up to level 6. Once Malphite reaches level 6, its presence will skyrocket and become a major threat to the enemy's lantern."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana's team fight presence is huge thanks to her Ultimate R. It is recommended that Qiyana does not fight in choke points like the jungle or under a tower."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "You should try to take that tower. Taking the midway tower will open the map and give your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Avoid prolonged trading with Tristana every time she's close to her since more automatic attacks she hits her with- means more damage. Tristana uses her W aggressively often."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "He can keep going for regular short trades with his auto-attacks and his Q. This will allow him to soften up his target without the help of his Support, and once they are low enough, he can all-in them."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "She also acts as a frontline so the enemy can flank her teammates before going for her. Misuse of her Ultimate R can land both her and her team in huge trouble."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The winding is weak at the beginning of the rolling phase. If the champion can do anything on the Swain, it will be particularly difficult for him."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "The bottlenecks like in the jungle give Vel'koz an advantage with E, making it more difficult to win the fight. Securing the objectives in these situations will be very difficult for the enemy team due to Vel'koz's powerful poke."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong will find it hard to kill his enemies because of the purchase of defensive items. You should often regroup with your team."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Her Passive, along with her Q, deal significant damage to both squishies and tanks on the enemy team. Her W ability negates any form of damage or CC, making it a game-changer in team fights."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "and constantly looking for ganks with her. Supports will start walking on the map alone in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Clumped fights will be the way to go during this phase. Most of her abilities will be maxed out during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Back early once you have enough gold for your first item. Ezreal usually wants to recall once he has enough gold for Tear."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Always adjust your positioning. Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "When playing as a varied champion, try to use your range advantage for poke and stalker If your team is grouped and you don't have a vision of Shaco, make sure you have a scanning goal and a vision around you."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Your Ultimate is a great tool for ganking and should be abused to get kills. Cho'Gath has almost unlimited sustain thanks to his Passive in lane."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Request assistance from your allies if you can\u2019t do it alone. Fiddlesticks is weak in the early game and needs to hit level 6 as quickly as possible so he can unlock his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "CC (Crowd Control) is your best friend against Anivia because she is squishy and still. But she has tools to defend herself like her t (ult),"} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "At level 6, Lee Sin is very strong. As soon as Lee Sin has finished his juggling, his death pressure will be very high because he will have lower cooling and more damage."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The enemy frontline's all-in strategy without follow-up may warrant a bold move. You should use your Ultimate ability at regular intervals."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Once the enemy is low, commit to the fight. When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "It will give you enough opportunities to take the enemy down. He is a lane bully and can make the life of melee top laners a very hard one."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Team fights should be delayed for as long as possible while the enemy is harassed and poked down with d and d. You should switch to the mid-lane with your ADC and see if you can get mid-priority."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "His burst damage is very important. and she can quickly be chosen with her abilities."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "If you do not take these objectives before Cho'Gath takes them with his R, he will have an easy advantage. Look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "At level 11, Lucian will be able to get his stage 2 Ultimate R. He can help him massively in neutral and objective battles and duels because of the amount of damage he takes."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus can start gank after level 3/4 depending on whether he puts his first point in his W Focus on winning batteries in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Now he will have three points in his Ultimate R. With the reduced cooldown and the damage, Gangplank will be able to take over the game effortlessly."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "If the enemy is grouped in the jungle, his damage output will be very high. Brand has good ganks in the early game."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "If someone chooses you, you should be able to turn to the baron or the older dragon. Look for selections in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "It\u2019s important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible. After getting a kill, make the call for Baron or Dragon if your team is nearby and able to help you."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao is vulnerable to invasions by you and your team because of being a weak early game champion. Try to invade Xin Zhao as much as possible."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma doesn\u2019t spike as well as other Supports at level 6 as she already has her Ultimate at level 1. You can use this to your advantage to kill Karma at level 6."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "This is good for Fiddlesticks as he benefits from teams grouping closely together as his Ultimate R is an AOE tool. Fiddlesticks will put the third and final point in his Ultimate R at level 16."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Pre-6, he'll find it hard to crash, too. Sion does not have great control over the goals at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "The laning phase should be considered during the game planning. Quinn is strong during the early laning phase thanks to her Passive and all-in strength."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Short trades are generally a bad idea for Garen due to his kit and lack of mobility. It's better to get to the enemy backline as often as possible to cause mayhem."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen has to be out before he can get an all-in. In this way, even if he reaches everything in you, he will die."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The author intends to use his Ultimate n to target high priority champions in order to maximize their effectiveness. Level 6 is a massive peak since it can now have an impact on team fighting as a whole."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's Ultimate R can help another way if used post 6. You should cancel Shen's Ultimate R with a CC capacity if possible."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie's biggest power spike is when she obtains her Ultimate R. Now that Annie has her Ultimate R, she can easily burst people down and roam to other lanes using her E."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "If the enemy is intelligent, they will avoid regrouping during the fighting. The enemy avoiding the groups will prevent Sett from effectively using its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "After entering with your Ultimate, be ready to fall back and for your allies ith your team fights at the end of the game. Look for selections in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "When Maokai has reached Level 3, he can start playing more aggressively as he will have access to all his basic abilities. Maokai is good in team fights because his Ultimate R has a great area of effect. When you see it, separate or disengage immediately so that it cannot use that ability."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Keep this in mind and try to prevent her from doing so. Look for aggressive plays at level 2 because you are stronger than her at that level."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Level 16 is perfect for Qiyana because her Ultimate R will be maxed out. The enemy squishies will not be able to handle the damage dealt by Qiyana during Level 16."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "At level 16, Cho'Gath will have increased damage execution power if he catches enemies out of position by his team. Cho'Gath's build path affects whether he will be strong in late game fights or tanky."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "If your easy ganks don\u2019t give you a lead, try to invade their jungle and steal away their camps. After 6, look to make plays and gank your allies whenever your Ultimate is up."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "When Shyvana takes over his first element, he will do a lot of damage during the duels. When Shyvana gets her Ultimate t, she can blow up the enemies easily."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Don't be alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Every time Veigar uses his n, try to abuse cool down because it's his only defensive tool at the beginning of the game and once he's down, he's pretty vulnerable. To get ganks or kill Veigar, you must bait his n first."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas' lockdown potential is also high. Once Gragas unlocks his Ultimate R, he can displace enemy champions to disadvantageous positions and get them killed instantly."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "If Jayce is in a side lane split pushing, keep an eye on his positioning to prevent him from clearing waves or taking towers without being contested. The position of Jayce while split pushing should not be left unchecked for too long as he can quickly clear waves and takedown towers with his d."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Be afraid not to try and one-shot the enemy Support if you\u2019re ahead. If you\u2019re not ahead, don\u2019t worry as you will still be able to protect your ADC with your E."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "It can take the first dragons with ease, without being too low. Its Ultimate n allows it to obtain a huge amount of duel potential that can allow it to go towards high priority targets with ease, then exit without dying."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra will have a lot of articles during this phase of the game, which will result directly in damage for her. Its ability to cut down a lot of damage will keep the enemy on their toes."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao has good objective control and can take them quite easily. Keep the Dragon kept at all times so you can spot it before it can take it."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista's Passive makes it so that she can easily dodge CC abilities especially if they happen to be a skill shot. It also allows her to jump in and out of unwarded brushes to drop vision on enemies."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Once Malphite reaches level 6, its presence will skyrocket and become a major threat to the enemy's lantern. Working with an ally Jungler will help massively Malphite."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "His Ultimate R alone can remove enemy groups. Zac's abilities make the enemy vulnerable if they ignore it."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "If you can catch out the enemy Support, you can rotate to Baron or Dragon or force a fight with the numbers advantage. Once you've gone in, make sure you fall back and peel for your allies."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Maintain constant enemy harassment with Q. Use track brushes to gain a significant advantage over the enemy."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser's R can make it risky to take major goals like the Baron or a Dragon if you don't keep an eye on your Jungler. At level 6, Mordekaiser's death pressure increases."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Keep a constant eye on the map and don't put yourself in the same area as Zed if you don't know exactly where it is. Zed will flanculate and remove squishy targets with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "You don't want to be in the side lanes unless it is completely pushed into your tower else you will get caught out easily and will get killed immediately. Also, don't forget to buy some form of anti-CC if the enemy team has a lot of champions with hard CC abilities on their side."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Instead, Teemo can be divided by pushing and trying to take targets in the side lanes. Someone should be able to stop Teemo from breaking up."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Vex will be much more threatening at this stage of the game. In the middle of the game, the teams will begin to regroup."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "The enemy teams' push and siege attempts can be countered by using your Ultimate m carefully. Anivia's damage will be truly horrific."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "While his Q doesn\u2019t deal a lot of damage in the early game, the slow it provides is very handy when it comes to ganking his allies. Once Dr Mundo has completed his first item, his damage output and overall tankiness will increase."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon is pretty tanky in the late game. Pantheon can dish out tons of damage as well."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Unlike many Junglers, Pantheon cannot use his Ultimate R in a 1v1 setting. Pantheon cannot use his Ultimate R in skirmishes or team fights either, although he can start a skirmish with his R."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Regrouping with your team at the end of the game is important because you won't be able to impact the team fights if you're far from themselves with your Ultimate R because it takes time to get in position. Kled's Passive is highly underestimated."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "This champion is extremely useful in team fights due to her Ultimate R CC and damage. Her team can play around her and her Jungler can gank her."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "You should use your W capability wisely during this phase of the game because it can change the result of a fight at a good time. A good use of the W capability would be to ruin the full damage combo of a mage by using it on them."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "She cannot fight straight 5v5. She will need to flank in team fights."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "The unlocking of Gwen's Ultimate R offered her a significant amount of extra trading potential. Unlocked Gwen's Ultimate R will allow her to fight the enemy Jungler with ease."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "It allows him to undo his mistakes, especially when he chooses a bad fight or fails an all-in. As the game goes on, the cooldown of this ability becomes shorter, allowing him to do whatever he pleases as long as he has his Ultimate R up."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "This is very important when she is ganking someone who has a lot of CC in their kit. Power farm starts at level 6 when Evelynn unlocks her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia is weak in the early game. She needs a lot of time to develop her abilities."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's Ultimate t can be used as a substitute for vision, as well as causing a lot of damage when it is kept in the right places. This is particularly useful when it comes to avoiding ganks."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "This will allow him to poke his enemies with ease and allow him to clear the waves quickly. Its 2nd power is where the real peak of power settles."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's maxed out level nine o (maxing out) is a superpower spike for him. He can take frequent fights and take little to no damage."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "When you focus on getting level three quickly, increasing the clear speed, and often gaunting in the game, it is usually recommended to always gank the extended tracks when possible. You should aim to acquire your first item as soon as possible, as it will provide a significant increase in damage and complete your Ultimate R well."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "If the Yasuo team has a form of knockup, Yasuo will be able to do much more in the game with ease. A Jungler or a walking mid-laner with a knockup will make Yasuo's laning phase very easy."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "When Azir places a Soldier W, move to a safer position out of its range. Go for a trade after Azir's Soldier W has disappeared."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "A commitment from Lisandra is necessary to benefit from her kit. Lisandra's kit can only be used if it makes a full investment."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Group with your team when your Ultimate h is in place. Rotate the side lane to where your team is and look for a choice with your Ultimate h."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "As soon as Talon commits, try to blow him up before he is able to disengage and do a lot of damage. Talon is a murderer."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Extended trades will always work in her favour. She completes an item or two before extended trades are advantageous."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn will max her Q at level 9. Evelynn will be much stronger at level 9."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "If you can get a kill or two, you can snowball your lead pretty quickly. Whenever your Ultimate R is up, you can look for aggressive plays around the map."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "level 3 is a power spike as Illaoi gets access to all her abilities and can now go for short burst trades against her laner. It is effortless for Illaoi to use the lane brushes and whittle down enemies even before they can react."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "When trading keep an eye on your mana bar. The enemy will be vulnerable when you're out of mana."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "You should only win when he just used his w. Drop the cooldown to make a favorable trade."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Try to invade him if you spot him on the opposite side of the map to delay his level 6 power spike. Unless you can surprise him (such as attacking from inside a bush), it will be quite difficult to kill him alone as he will often use his Q and then run away."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce won't be spiking too hard at level 11 because it won't be giving him as much stats or utility as most other champions' ultimates. Jayce will definitely allow him to increase his overall burst damage,"} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The Ultimate capacity of Rumble is unlocked at level 6. At level 6, Rumble gains the ability to inflict additional damage and adds the death pressure."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Let him push the wave of the minion and capitalize on the immobility he is to force him to exceed the extension."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "As you are good at getting choices and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walk around Rift Summoners alone. After killing someone, call for a close goal."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game. Watch your positioning in the late game."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Mid-lane would certainly be better for you. You must present yourself for skirmishes."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon is always going to be a threat when his W is up as he can use it to stun you. You should play towards the opposite side of the lane to make it harder for him to engage on you."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "If you can push the wave in, try rolling with your W. Your Ultimate will help you a lot in this game, but make sure you position properly."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "At level 6, Twitch can make more frightening exchanges with the enemy. The extra statistics he gets from his Ultimate C will help him get killed with his ADC."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Vel'Koz's Level 6 is a massive powerpike because it allows it to fully use its Passive. The passive Vel'Koz allows a large finishing capacity that is best used against enemies that are taken together."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Depending on the construction, you will either have to invest in an armored pen if you are an AD champion, or a magic pen if you are an AP champion. If Amumu is going to damage, you may need defensive items."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Caitlyn is strong in team fights. Caitlyn cannot tank a lot of damage in team fights."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "He can take down squishy targets, execute them and use his Passive much longer than any other champion in this situation. He should be able to flatten a lot of damage and catch the out-of-guard enemies with his W."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus is an easy-to-take, easy-to-understand champion. His game plan is pretty much the same in each game too."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The enemy's vision becomes irrelevant during this game phase when using Ultimate capability. A player must use the ultimate ability to eliminate an enemy out of sight."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "If you think Fizz is going to hit level 6 first, try to stay at max distance and play safer. When Fizz hits level 6, his kill pressure intensifies and he can easily kill you if you're overextended as level 5."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "It is recommended to fight Zyra after using a capacity. Zyra is less threatened when her abilities are reduced."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Walking around Summoners Rift is a squishy player's worst enemy. When walking alone through the river, Fizz can easily assassinate you."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "The completion of these articles causes Yasuo to decimate the enemy because of its passive damage and r. With its finished articles, Yasuo can easily pull squishes."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "At level 6, you can use your Ultimate in your own way. You can use your Ultimate to help you gank your mid-lane at level 6."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Avoid engaging in extended trades with xayah unless you have an advantage. Thanks to his E, xayah earns extensive trades."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Request assistance from your Jungler to execute Dr Mundo when he is low. At level 6, Dr Mundo will look to trade more frequently as his Ultimate R provides him with a lot of duelling power and sustain."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "As a result, your abilities will cause much more damage that will allow you to choose squishy targets. At level 9, Zyra would have maximized his Q or E."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "As soon as you meet Talon, use his Ultimate R to choose. When walking around Rift Invocations alone, do not enter unrewarded areas if you suspect that Talon may be nearby."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir's pretty weak early. If the game doesn't go on too long, Vladimir becomes useless."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Using her y slow and Ultimate w, she should try to keep the enemy at arm's length while she keeps pelting them with her attacks. The usage of her k will be pretty vital as she will easily be able to scout around the neutral, objective pits before a significant fight."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "This can make him less capable in all situations. If he uses his W and Q with caution, then he and his team will be placed at a significant disadvantage and will take a lot of damage easily."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Be ready to run as soon as Zac channels this capacity. As soon as Zac reaches level 6, his ability to start fighting increases."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "This maximization allows Galio to frequently help other laners. Helping other laners keeps his wave shoved in at all times."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "At level 3 and 4, the strength of your basic abilities will be significant. Early objectives can be secured quickly and can provide access to True Form."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "She has excellent waveclear and splash damage with her Q. Her Q allows her to get lane priority and help her other laners/Jungler when they are contesting objectives."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is really good in team fights thanks to his Ultimate e which can be reset if he gets the killing blow with it. Darius has good gank potential."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Pay attention to the ability of Singed, and his intention to travel with his team. Singed is able to move the players."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Once you have some levels under your belt Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map"} -{"label": "sion", "text": "In the first levels, play safely and avoid engaging in a duel. Your early game is pretty weak, so you're probably going to lose jobs compared to an aggressive jungler."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "His Ultimate R offers him a lot of additional protection. The additional movement speed it provides makes it hard for the enemy laner to escape from his ganks."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Maxing out Rumble's Ultimate b will reduce its cooling and allow it to use it frequently. The ability to maximize Ultimate b will be a decisive factor during objective combat."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench is quite still. If you can, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "You have a lot of presence at the beginning of the game. It is recommended to Roam all the opportunities you get, especially on pushed enemy targets, to get a lead."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Avoid regrouping too closely if the enemy has several knock-ups, as this will allow Yasuo to get a very good Ultimate Roff. Grouping, but not one on the other, will reduce the effectiveness of its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Try to set up an ambush in a bush and tackle him when he goes to place or deny vision around objectives like the Baron or Dragon. Do not group to closely together when dancing with the enemy."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks Ultimate R allows him to deal damage to many champions at once in closed areas. Fiddlesticks W will heal him a lot in team fights."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "One ally always stays near your allies. This way you can use your Ultimate R to help them."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You still need to play safely, though. On getting your Ultimate e, be able to finish off kills in other lanes."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Team up with your team and don't leave them. If you start dividing the thrust, the enemy will force a fight and kill your team while you're gone."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean=S' ultimate ability has an abusive cooldown that allows aggressive play during its duration. The player decided to bait his first Q."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Overextending makes you an easy target for the enemy ADC and Support. Anivia is weak in the early game."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "According to its construction, Amumu will either cause a lot of damage in team fighting, or be incredibly tanky and difficult to kill. At level 11, Amumu will have 2 points in his Ultimate y."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Your allies can disrupt Lillia's damage if they cause damage to a sleeping target. The first element will give Lilia a huge boost in the jungle."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise can start ganking after she hits level 3. She can technically gank at level 2 if she takes her E second."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "The search for advanced targets should be relatively easy for her. Level 6 will improve Lilia's combat and team combat potential."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Your self-sustaining W passive helps a lot by trying all enemies and escaping unharmed. Just make sure you have enough self-appointed W passive piles ready to use."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas is a strong dueler and can easily take down a target if he gets the jump on them with his E. The easiest way to fight Gragas is to dodge his E before engaging him in combat."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch will kite you if you can't close the gap between you and him. Agriculture is the priority, focusing on getting as much gold and XP as possible."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Don't push too far forward if you don't have anyone nearby. Taliyahs Ultimate R will allow him to take enemies who are alone or isolated without assistance."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Drop the cooldown to make a favorable trade. Stand outside the wave so it doesn't reach its w or q on you when it pushes the wave."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "The addition of points in the W of Zac will allow him to inflict more damage in the long term. This is beneficial in the upper lane as it inflicts a maximum percentage of health damage, and the upper lane is generally occupied by high HP targets."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "You can prevent this peak of power by not allowing it to shoot you down and delay a team fight. Search for extended trades and continue to attack it automatically as much as possible."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "You should look out for surprise Ultimates d from Orianna and try to stay away from her d. Orianna was going to post 6."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "If Lee Sin gets late in the game, he'll fight in the later parts of the game. Lee Sin is vulnerable to difficult contacts and CC."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille is mobile when her E is active. Whenever it\u2019s on cooldown, she is very vulnerable and easy to take down."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr's first games are phenomenal and frightening because he can crush still enemies who are overstretched in the way. He has his Ultimate R from the beginning, so level 6 will be less lucrative than other champions."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "If you're strong at level 6, try to abuse Taliyah. After Taliyah finished her first article, she can quickly push the wave with her Q."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's E has an incredibly long cooling. If she uses it to trade with and miss, use this timer to play aggressive and drop it."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "This can be extremely heinous for the enemy, especially when Vayne uses her Ultimate n. Her s is a real game change for her because she can use it to win completely extended trades against other laners."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch can use its Ultimate to effectively fight against this group. Level 11 is a power peak because Twitch will get two points in its Ultimate."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "She'll try to harass you when you go for CS. Avoid letting her get harassed for free by keeping your distance and staying at maximum range at all times."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Once Gragas gets to level 16, he will have his Ultimate R maxed out. The Ultimate R gives Gragas a massive damage boost."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "It is weak early and will die quickly if you focus it first. When he reaches level 6, his death pressure in the way increases."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "The multiple elements of Viego will also increase its support. Viego's multiple objects will make it very difficult for the enemy to kill him without CC."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Look for opportunities to pick off enemies who are out of position using your abilities. Stay with your team during the late game to avoid getting caught out and losing a team fight."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille uses E in lane, which makes her vulnerable while it\u2019s on cooldown as it\u2019s her main way of disengaging from ganks. Bait out Camille's E prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Their level 6 has a utility tool called Ultimate R. Use your level 6 advantage to play aggressively and take them down."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team. You may need to be aware of Galio's potential roaming with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Secure objectives like Dragon or Baron with your Ultimate t. When a major objective is up, hold off from using your Ultimate t to secure it."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Use lane brushes occasionally to ensure the enemy is forced to stay away from the brushes and the minion wave. Your E must be used very carefully in this matchup because the enemy can easily use their Flash to put you in a compromising position mid-E."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "A lot of damage can be done to Dr Mundo if he is focused down quickly. Focus on killing Dr Mundo first in a team fight."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick can build a full tank and become his team's tank. Warwick's Ultimate R will also be useful."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Try and aim your abilities so they hit Annie and the minion wave simultaneously. This matchup is easy early, but post 6 it is going to be harder as Annie has more kill pressure post 6 with her Ultimate."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Khahix needs sufficient vision around isolated champions as the enemy tries to lure him and collapse on him as soon as he shows up. Kha=Zix will also need to clarify the vision, otherwise it won't be very effective in getting murders."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "The level 6 power spike for Qiyana is pretty strong because it gives her a game-changing Ultimate. If you see Qiyana making towards your lane, ensure that you run through the middle of the lane to escape."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Make sure your flank is near your team during team fights. Ensure you're always nearby your team so you can quickly participate in a fight."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Look to engage or extend skirmishes while they're on cooldown. Elise plays almost like an Assassin."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "This will give him a huge boost and allow him to take control of the game environment easily. Lucian is excellent in the middle of the game because it's the moment he's the most powerful."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen had every opportunity with her E. Combined with some articles, Shen could put extra debuffs on crazy champions with ease."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra will use her Q and E to push the wave. Stay outside the minion wave so Lissandra is forced to choose between pushing with her Q or trying to poke you instead."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "This allows him not to be threatened by his abilities. It is extremely motionless when its E is broken."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "This will make Vex much stronger in the way. At level 11, Vex will put a second point in its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Burst and CC are the most effective strategies in a team fight against Qiyana. As soon as Qiyana engages, try to lock her down with CC."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Once Kayle hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate R, she will also become ranged. When Kayle becomes ranged at level 6, she will find it easier to last hit."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Try to abuse Kog'Maw's weakness and look for fights to put him behind. After six post-innings, Kog'Maw will do a lot of damage in a trade thanks to his e and his Ultimate y."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus has Ultimate e when he can impact the map regardless of his positioning. You should always consider that Karthus may use his Ultimate e to finish off enemy champions during fights."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "At level 6, Ezreal's Ultimate R was unlocked. Ezreal's Ultimate R is a great tool throughout all stages of the game."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The setting up of several ganks is very beneficial if the path it gets has a certain form of CC built in their kit. Malphite is the scourge of all immobile carriers, especially those still."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Preferably, his Q or W so he is unable to escape/ trade back with you. Try and keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "These objects will allow him to flatten tons of damage and champions at once. Protracted team fights will see her win effortlessly."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "At level 11, Diana will put the second point in her Ultimate R. The Ultimate R will be on a lower cooldown that allows her to go for more aggressive all-ins."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko is squishy and can be easily gotten rid of if she is CC'd. CC'ing Neeko is especially effective if she is going for the AD build."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "This peak power allows it to use capacity frequently, impacting team fighting often. At level 9, his Q is exhausted, which allows him to have frequent catches on the enemy, especially from the fog of war."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "He should have his basics now. That means he'll be tanky and do a lot of damage to his enemies."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "An enemy team with good warding skills counters Fiddleshicks entirely and prevents him from all-inning the enemy team consistently. The vision provided by the warding skills allows the enemy team to anticipate Fiddleshicks' move and react accordingly."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "The player should keep an eye on the map as they may still not be able to achieve a 1v3 ratio yet. Quinn has strong dueling potential in the mid-game, which can be used to fight against opponents who try to stop their split pushing."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Once Brand hits level 6, his damage output and ability to kill will be much higher thanks to his Ultimate R. If you are low, make sure to recall as Brand can easily burst you down and kill you."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The ability has a moderately high cooldown Frequent auto-attacks are needed to avoid instant death"} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Play respectfully at level 1 if he takes W Rakan may look for an early engage and force you to blow your Flash if he takes W at level 1"} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Avoid falling behind during Fiddlesticks' laning phase. He is a mage, so any form of silence or channel interruption spell is his weakness."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian excels in the middle of the game because this is the time when he can quickly eliminate the squishy targets. At level 11, Lucian will be able to get his stage 2 Ultimate R."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "After using your Ultimate R, peel for your allies to keep them alive. You can flank and use your Ultimate R to catch out over extended targets and knock them into your team to start the fight."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "In the late-game fights, look for picks with your Ultimate R. If you can pick someone off who steps too far forward, you can use the numbers advantage to start another team fight."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Respect her all-in damage as she can easily kill you if you disrespect her damage output. Whenever Caitlyn has her empowered auto-attack ready and primed, you need to play safe so she doesn\u2019t use it on you."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus' early game is fragile and can easily be caught out if he is not careful. Karthus should focus on farming and scaling up with occasional burst trades."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This will reduce Nasus' ability to slow you down, which will allow you to deal with more damage and increase the chances of dropping it. Your ultimate can be a key tool in this matchup."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Enemies can easily get away from Zion if they have a vision of him. After level 6, Sion gets a peak of power in the team fights impacting his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Unlocking your Ultimate R will be an important step as you will now be able to break out enemies with ease. Just make sure you don't get CC'd by doing that."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Its e can easily be interrupted by any form of hard CC. This can make tower dives risky and can cause him to kill almost instantly if he does not use capacity properly."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower. This will open the card and give your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Taking one enemy down could be enough to win the next fight or take the Baron. Diana reaches near max build and deals an awful lot of damage to anyone she catches out of position."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "The empowered Q ability helps to get enemy low for an all-in. Her Ultimate a gives huge shield d buff protection from incoming damage."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Monitor your positioning throughout the game. Try to position yourself so you're still behind 1 minion so it's impossible for him to land his s on you."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "It unlocks a final and defensive movement. This movement can be used to impact the fighting on the other side of the map."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Once his h and W get maxed out, he will be almost unkillable as long as he is mobile and manages to stick to his target. CC (Crowd Control) is his worst enemy, so some tenacity will help him a lot."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia has a lot of mana problems in the early game. In the early game, Cassiopeia will play more aggressively once she gets Tear of the Goddess."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "He will use his Q aggressively and seek to bring down an opponent if he misses it. His Q is his main way of getting you down if you're a mingle champion."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "In the team fights, Akali will first target the most squishis champions. As soon as Akali engages, try to lock him up with CC/pleasure him away from you and your allies."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Wait for her to use her W up before looking for an all-in, else she might just CC you and kill you. A good time to look for an all-in will be when her dash is down."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "He is very squishy too so he should be pretty easy to kill. If Jhin uses his Ultimate R in a team fight, he is unable to reposition quickly."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "The player needs time to come online. The player should not fight unless they have a clear and early advantage."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Once you all-in, make sure you collect your blobs. Be very careful about getting poked out while farming."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "You have to delay fighting and be ready to disengage when using your Ultimate t is always on cooldown. Renekton would begin to fall now unless he managed to accumulate a considerable advance early."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir's ability can cause a lot of AoE damage. A point in his Ultimate e will allow him to use it frequently."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Be careful at level 6, while Senna's death pressure increases with its ultimate ability. Expect them to look for aggressive pieces and be ready to play defensively, using Yuumi's healing and utility to keep your ADC safe."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is also very vulnerable when he doesn't have Flash early on. Proper wave management for kassadin can be devastating due to his lack of early game defensive capabilities."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "He used the fog of war to reach his enemies. Malphite has a lot of versatility in her kit."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox reaches level 9. Once Aatrox reaches level 9, its Q-capacity is fully maximized."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Look for a choice with your n to win the number advantage. Then use your Ultimate R to get them down quickly before you try to sit or take a goal nearby."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Do not roam unless Orianna has recalled. She has very good wave clear thanks to her d and d and can quickly push you in and take Tower plates."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe's y cooldown will be on an incredibly low level in the late game. In the late game, Ashe's poke damage will allow her to attack the enemy down a ton before a team fight erupts."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Be prepared to take additional support so that you do not have to remember early. Once Xerath is level 6, it will have a lot of poke and extra damage."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If Gragas builds AP, respect his damage output. Whenever Gragas has his E up, he is a bigger threat."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "However, Garen will not be dying a lot in the late game because of his survivability. Garen can easily zone out the enemy from his team, especially when there is an assassin who likes to dive the allied backline."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "This is especially true if Jayce hides in the fog of war and manages to burst down an unsuspecting squishy enemy with his w > s combo. This can also be done from the lane brushes if the enemy doesn't ward them."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Poking is your main power in the way and it is really heinous during early play. With your poke, you can easily zone enemy travelers out without even approaching them."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo can place mushrooms in circulation areas. Teemo's Ultimate will allow him to block enemies by taking neutral and objective battles."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko doesn\u2019t have the healthiest of clears even with his W. If you are a strong dueler, look to invade his jungle and shut him down in the early game."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Invest in a magic pen during this step of the game. Teams will come together, and you'll need them to help with their defensive statistics."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "This ability also allows him to pursue his Passive. As a result, he gets killed quickly with it."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "His Ultimate ability will be pivotal to winning the game. Once Karthus gets 3 points in his Ultimate ability, he will half-health squishy enemies easily."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled's ultimate can cause great chaos in a team fight and lead to loss if the enemy exploits its failure. Kled needs time to come online."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Building a magical resistance makes a difference by preventing Ahri from kicking you. As long as you avoid his charm, Ahri has no way to shoot you."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "If Gwen didn't fall behind during the early or mid-game, she will easily win any duel. Gwen excels during team fights as she can deal a lot of damage, especially in crowded areas."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "At level 6, Xayah has more pressure than you, and she can turn against the fighting. xayah is still for the duration of the game."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "You can often bully melee champions down and harass them whenever they walk up to last hit. Jayce has a lot of utility thanks to his basic abilities."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar's Ultimate provides him with additional defensive statistics. In team fighting, do not focus Alistar because it will be difficult to kill him."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Placing pupils on walls near lanes instead of alleys will be more effective in locating Kayn because he can use his E to avoid common pupil spots. Kayn will look for early skirmishes so that he can get his shape as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Your Ultimate B will help you a lot with that. At the end of the game, look for choices about immobile or poorly positioned enemies."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "This weakness is mainly due to a lack of mobility and items until he hits level 6. To compensate, Kassadin should play safely."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar reaches level 6 and its death pressure increases thanks to its Ultimate R. He increased the death pressure after level 6."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "He will separate the enemy front line from the front line and help his team a lot. Sylas doesn't have the strongest of the guts at the start of the game."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Sand soldiers and Passive make it much easier for you to stop all-ins in their tracks. Very high sieging and pushing power when it comes to taking lane towers."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "While the enemy Jungler will not be ganking, fighting them alone will be difficult as they have tools to escape or prevent the fight. If you spot them alone, try to force them out of their jungle without over committing to the fight without assistance. A good time to invade and look for them is when your lanes nearby have priority."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Velkoz is a very motionless champion. He is vulnerable to crowd control in layers because he cannot push freely unless he already knows where the enemy Jungler is."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "The first element will give Zac a lot of power and survival in the way. Zac will also have access to track brushes."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Try to stay at the maximum range as much as possible so Maokai can't surprise you with his W. Maokai is good in team fighting because his Ultimate R has a great zone of effect."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekkos main source of damage comes from his Passive. Avoid letting Ekko stack his Passive by dodging his Q and standing outside his E range."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Buying time with the wrong form of Elise's Q allows the enemy to collapse on her and potentially get a kill. Stealing away Elise's Blue buff during the early game will prevent her from casting abilities frequently."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana is an assassin. As Diana is an assassin, she will be able to pick off targets in the mid-game that are walking around the map alone."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia can help take these objectives incredibly fast while zoning enemies out with your Ultimate m. Make sure you have vision around your lane at all times."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "In a team fight, Mordekaiser's E can be extremely beneficial in the fight against enclaved enemy teams. When you focus on getting level three quickly, increasing the clear speed, and often gaunting in the game, it is usually recommended to always gank the extended tracks when possible."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw is rather squishy in early play. Try to abuse his weakness and look for fights to put him behind."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Enemy junglers can enjoy it and camp it tirelessly. Lucian relies on articles to win the game."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Just like during the laning phase, you\u2019ll want to destroy Heimerdingers Turrets Q as quickly as you can before a team fight is underway so he is unable to dish out tons of damage. Heimerdinger's strategy involves playing defensively until his Q turrets are back up if the enemy team focuses on destroying them."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "If your cart dies at the beginning of a team fight, you will not be able to win the fight alone. You should stay with your team in the late game and not split up or get away from them."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times. You should keep an eye on what major objective is spawning next."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Against unsuspecting enemies, this skill can be truly deadly, and can help him to kill safely enough easily. Can flank the enemy team with relative ease"} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas will have two points in his Ultimate R at level 11. At level 9, Gragas will have his first ability maxed out."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Two points in its Ultimate capability will make it more powerful during the fighting. He will have to flank the enemies and make sure that all CCs on the side of the enemy teams are exhausted."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar has a limited range. With a good enemy positioning, Alistar can be incredibly difficult to engage."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen has very good objective control She can solo the Dragon frequently"} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "She will be able to maximize her Ultimate R at level 16. This will have a considerable impact on team fighting since his Ultimate R will be on a very short cooldown."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You should be able to gank enemies freely once you unlock your W and E and instigate tower dives on low-health enemies. Always look to gank overextended enemies when possible."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Kha'Zix is a ganker from the beginning of the game. Kha'Zix is good for catching low or overt enemies."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia should have stacked Tears by this stage of the game. Having stacked Tears will provide Cassiopeia with an endless mana pool once maxed out."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Avoid fighting in the jungle because it will be easier for Zac to land his E. Fighting outdoors is better to avoid being hit by Zac's Ultimate R."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai can't solo the Dragon or Rift Herald easily on his own. Try to secure it before Maokai gets the chance to gank a nearby road and take it with their help."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Whenever Annie has her stun ready, you need to respect her damage output and her ability to trade with you. Annie is strong during the mid-game and in team fights (if she can get a multi-person stun)."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Objective control and maintenance due to passive and damage. She can easily get her team an early dragon advance, after having managed to plant a track with her Q."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Watch your position when you play against Lissandra. The damage to Dodge Lissandra."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Close in the side lanes when there are no team fights, but prioritize being close to your team. The acquisition of gold and XP is crucial for the purchase of items; falling back will seriously hinder the production of damage in team fighting."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco is not just a physical threat the mental war he inculcates in the enemy squishies allows Shaco to make several pieces"} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. It\u2019s important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Level 6 is a massive peak since it can now have an impact on team fighting as a whole. He can also look for flanks and dive the enemy backline."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Keep in mind that pushing will hinder your ability to engage and secure kills in this matchup with Renata. Bait out Renata's abilities before looking to fight her, as she can turn around exchanges."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac is likely to play aggressively when he has his Ultimate R. Zac will probably set up his Jungler for a gank with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "This will help you massively pick off the enemy Jungler before neutral, objective fights like the Elder Dragon or the Baron. Nocturne falls off in the late game."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Avoid staying inside the minion wave. Standing outside the wave of the minion will force him to choose between pushing and doing his Q."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "When using your skills shots, aim them so they hit both Heimerdinger and his Turrets Q. This will make it easier for you to clear them down the line and increase your kill pressure in lane."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Getting objectives as often as possible is key, even if doing so alone may not always be successful It is recommended that if assistance is needed, ask your allies for help in order to take objectives together"} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "If the game doesn't go on too long, Vladimir becomes useless. Misuse of its l can cause it to kill immediately if the enemy stands on their main crowd control capability."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "The level six power peak will allow Vladimir to develop a decent amount of pressure to kill in the track. This peak of power will allow Vladimir to impact the fighting quite easily from now on."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "It will be its ability to sort damage that should hit like a truck at this stage."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Her level 6 power spike is pretty useful. She can use her Ultimate R to reposition, engage and disengage from fights, and protect herself."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Masteryi is decent enough during team fights. If masteryi gets a reset e with its Ultimate r enabled, it can decimate the enemy team."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "The goal is to bring down the enemy. We need to focus on the back and try to get them out of the fight."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista will have the range advantage against all melee champions. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP to stay alive in lane."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton's first element will help him massively with his sabotage. Its duel power should increase fairly decently now."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "His ability to dominate a team fight relies heavily on his Ultimate or the S. Without its Ultimate or S, Twitch's dominance decreases considerably in team fighting."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Your champion is incredibly weak at the beginning of the game, so focus on agriculture instead. Avoid fighting with the enemy until you have an object behind you to improve your strength."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "While Teemo is Support, it will always be a very strong threat in team fighting. Teemo will be annoying to deal with in early play."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Invading Cho'Gath, waiting for him to use his abilities on the camp before initiating engage is recommended. Cho'Gath's abilities help his clear and make him weaker when they are down."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "The first component of Level 6 gives Kayn a massive peak of power, reinforcing both its damage and its survival. This will allow him to dull enemies with ease."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "This will ensure safety and reduce your chances of dying in lane. Poppy's early game is weak because she lacks a reliable range and her kit relies on the enemy mispositioning in the lane."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona can't do much if she's camped in the way. Sona has no form of priority in the track during the start of the game because her Q does little damage."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Nami relies on her team to carry them while she provides them with care and shields. Nami is a squishy champion."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Her attack will let her do a lot of damage while remaining safe from the CC. Another point in his Ultimate R allows him to inflict more damage and strengthen the finishing movement."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "You should stay with your team in the later parts of the game. If you withdraw from your team and die, the enemy can gain an important advantage."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "This means that it will destroy a large amount of burst damage and eventually kill squishy enemies by itself. At level 11, he'll have two points in his Ultimate k."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "A Yasuo power house is squishy and can easily be demolished if it goes wrong while pushing sidelanes. After the Yasuo bot track turned towards the middle of the track, go to the side track and start cultivating and getting XP there."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir should not regroup too closely with his allies. The too narrow grouping allows Vladimir to get a good Ultimate E off."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Every time your Ultimate e is in place, try to use it to help your allies. Try to secure your goals with your team."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "This, combined with his W, will make him almost unqualified and allow him to absorb a lot of damage. A maximum of Ultimate R will further strengthen its overall potential and long-term overall damage."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "A good ultimate casting could lead your team to win the game. It's just important that you throw it out of a safe and out of immediate danger."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Your seat capacity will also be very respectable. Once you get your basic items, you should be able to flatten a lot of damage in a short time."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "If Kayn turns into a Blue Kayn, he'll do tons of damage. At level 6, Kayn can use his Ultimate R to protect himself from death."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "If Galio gets close, he will look to engage with his E and then taunt you with his W. As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team because he may be looking to roam with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern excels in team fights because he can peel for his carries while ensuring that his Ultimate R does all the dirty work for him. He can easily make it target one enemy and allow his team to collapse on them."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "If Swain faces a champion who can all-in-one and CC him, it's especially true for him. Swain is vulnerable when his E (cc) is broken."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna's basic attacks deal significant damage. Orianna can use her attacks to bully and poke enemy champions effectively."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "If you\u2019re ahead, focus the backline and try to take them down instead. Jayce is really good at poking enemies down with his w > s combo."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Always stand behind the minions, so it is impossible for him to land his crochet Q. Avoid walking outside the minion wave or outdoors as much as possible."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern's true enabling potential will come at level nine, where he has his E maxed out. At level nine, Ivern will be able to peel for his carries with utmost ease."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Three points in its Ultimate capability will give it a massive peak of power. The capacity will spread a lot of damage and will have a very short cooling, so team fighting will be frequent."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Going bot and showing yourself to the enemy will allow them to take the objective for free. Rek'Sai can be really good during the late game."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna's about to unlock her Ultimate R. When Senna unlocks her Ultimate R, contact your team about its impact in the fights."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "It is recommended to use the track brushes at the beginning of the game. At level 6, Teemo can place tons of mushrooms around the track. This can help it prevent enemy Jungler's ganks, and make it harder for the enemy's way to play aggressive."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Once Hecarim hits level 3, he can start ganking the enemies blatantly. Pushed-up enemies should be his prime target as they will let him get free kills."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The third point of Warwick's Ultimate R will be an excellent tool to take the enemy into the last parts of the game. Warwick will be very tanky at the end of the game so he will be able to absorb a lot of enemy damage."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The first element will also allow Maokai to smooth out more constant damage in the track. Maokai needs to be careful not to get blown up before a fight."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "The misuse of Velkoz's E makes him more vulnerable to all-in-ones and can probably cause him to kill instantly if the enemy has some form of wink or varied crowd control. The Ultimate R of Velkoz the root in place, which makes it easy for enemy champions with a varied crowd control to interrupt his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Avoid fighting Xin Zhao if you meet him alone at this stage of the game, especially after unlocking his Ultimate R. Xin Zhao falls at the end of the game or when the champions begin to regroup and get defensive elements."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Zoe will be looking for selections at the beginning of the team fight with her E. She will seek to delay a team fight while she tries to catch you with her Q and get choices with her E."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin will have several elements during this phase of the game. Lee Sin is an aggressive champion."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones. When Qiyana has her River Element (the blue one), play safer"} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "AD Zeri excels in the treatment of physical damage. Play safely and focus on using your loaded and Q attacks to evict the enemy."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "If there is an opportunity to use your Ultimate R, grab someone isolated and alone. Catching someone isolated and alone with your Ultimate R can be beneficial."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The first element of Malphite allows him to take more fighting. This first element benefits Malphite because it allows faster clearing of jungle camps."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Once Yasuo reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R, its death pressure increases. You should play respectfully whenever Yasuo's Ultimate R is in place because it can easily kill you."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe is much stronger in long skirmishes because it allows her to activate her Q in the trade. Do not go for extended trades with Ashe unless you can kill her."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "If your team needs a tank, Aumu can be built as a tank. If your team needs an AP, Aumu can be built as an AP champion."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "In the middle of the game, focus on stacking your items and see if you can help your allies get murders around the map. The focus on gathering during the middle game will be quite easy due to your a and l."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Fighting without your Ultimate t will make the late game team much more difficult. Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if it is still on the cooldown."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Delaying some of Amumu's ganks means it will be weaker. Aumu's early play is a crucial moment for him to make strategic decisions."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Once Yasuo reaches level 11, his Ultimate R will have two points in it. Yasuo will be able to inflict more damage on level 11."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "You can either send someone who has TP to prevent her from taking side towers, or you can quickly engage on to the enemy team and start a fight. Do not delay a team fight as it will give Quinn time to take an objective or rotate to join her team."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "As the game goes on, the cooldown of this ability becomes shorter, allowing him to do whatever he pleases as long as he has his Ultimate R up. When playing Ekko, it's recommended to play safe for the first few levels."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Survival is key for a successful game, especially as the matchup progresses. Karma has a lot of poke damage on her Q."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Try to focus your other frontline champions with the enemy backline. If you're the Jungler, you need to make sure you\u2019re always alive in the late game."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "During this period, Ms. Fortune should focus on landing her ricochet on the enemies behind the weak health minions. Level six is a massive peak of power that allows Miss Fortune to significantly impact combat."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Level 6 is really strong for Kennen because it has access to an AoE CC capability that can quickly turn the tide of a fight. Kennen should try to flank the enemies for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Having low cooldowns for his abilities allows Ezreal to continue poking and harassing the enemy before a team fight occurs. The low cooldowns also allow Ezreal to easily escape skirmishes."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "If the Lisandras team is not on the same page as it is, this may affect its ability to fully use its kit. The effectiveness of Lisandra's strategy depends entirely on her team's agreement with her."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "As long as she positions herself well and kites, Zeri will be very good in team fighting. Try to keep your distance from the E of zeri at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Your Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool. Every time your Ultimate R is in place, use it to help allies and get murders."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "However, Gangplank can compensate for it using his r to poke enemies out with ease and use the lane brushes to conceal his barrels. This will catch enemies off-guard and allow Gangplank to get the upper hand."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily. Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can fight quickly."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Continue picking up gold and experience in the side lanes when there are no fights happening among the players, but try to spend as little time away from your team as possible. Level 11 is a good power spike for Nilah."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks' Ultimate R can be used to assist laners and go for picks. It's recommended that you group with your team but position yourself from an unwarded area of the map."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Getting her Ultimate R unlocks Quinn's roaming potential. With her Ultimate R unlocked, Quinn can now go for a 'hit and run' kind of playstyle."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "If Lisandra is late in a team fight, she will suffer little or no damage. Poke and all-in-back capabilities are not effective for Lisandra."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn's Q is a potent tool in the lane. The ability to auto-attack from one or multiple enemies can be completely negated by Quinn's Q."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "This will let him go for regular short burst trades against his enemies, let his Passive kick in after the trade, and then go for the finish with his Ultimate R after getting the enemy low. Using lane brushes to conceal Garen's approach will further solidify his position in the lane."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton's death pressure increased after completing his first article. Avoid trading or dueller Renekton unless you are early in the game."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Yone will get short peaks of power as he continues to add points to his Q. The first element will bring significant improvements to Yone's trading in the track."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "The best strategy is to use your y in such a way that it hits both the enemy champions and the minions at the same time. This will give you push priority as well as trade advantage."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen is strong at level 6 because he gets a global card pressure with his Ultimate R. Ping. Ping can be used as soon as Shen gets her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Early deaths will come easily, focusing on the enemy and mid-lane bot because they contain squishy targets and can help with the snowball. Enemi bot and mid-lane have the most squishis targets that will make early murders very easy."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Avoiding separation or being away from your team in the late match prevents the enemy from forcing a fight while you are absent. In the later parts of the game, play around your Ultimate R and avoid fighting unless it is active."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "After the bot track moves towards the middle track, Yasuo turns to the bot side of the map or elsewhere to continue farming and win XP. As Yasuo is skilled in getting stinged and killing isolated targets, he tries to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or who walk around Rift Summoners alone."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "having these capabilities will limit the ability of enemy travellers to wander freely. Therefore, the presence of viktor in the way will become more formidable."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "This is really effective when fighting for neutral objectives, as drmundo can easily zone out the enemy champions from the objective. Always stay at the front of your team in the late game."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The damage you will take into Teemo's traps is likely to cause you to be killed. Keep the wave near your turn."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "His life flying and damage during the end of the game will make him really good in team fights. He'll just need to use his I and Qs at the right time, and he'll be unqualified."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Adding 2 points into his Ultimate ability will cause another significant power spike. His ability to burst down low-health enemies will dramatically increase, causing mayhem in the enemy team."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "If you get caught out or the enemy initiates a fight while you\u2019re not there, the enemy will win the team fight. Poke and delay team fights while you and your team harass the enemy and get them low."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Use x track brushes as a cover to hold the opposition in pieces. It should be quite easy to do during the early game."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "You should avoid fighting near walls, around objectives, or in the jungle as it gives Mega Gnar a good chance to get a good advantage. Avoid getting poked out by his Q in this matchup."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "jinx is very vulnerable to all-ins during the early game. it is easy for the enemy to zone jinx out of CS because she cannot harass the enemy champion."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere's Ultimate will be a major problem in this matchup, so make sure you save your slow for once he used his ult, otherwise your backline will take the ball. If Trendamere wanders, let your teammates know, and make sure you don't follow him blindly. A little mistake and he can easily lure you into a fight with his Jungler in the river."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Roaming around when possible will provide opportunities with your R, E, and Q. Fighting in team fights is recommended as it will make up for some easy ganks during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan IV is good in the early game. Jarvan IV is also good in the mid-game too."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench will have several elements completed during this phase of the game. This will increase the survival of Tahm Kench."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar is extremely powerful in closed spaces. He can shoot people once he gets his first article."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "If your enemy is regrouping, team up with your team to make the most of this opportunity. In team fighting, prioritize targets that are squishy and easier to kill by focusing on them in the backline."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "When Camille's E (mobile ability) is on cooldown, she is very mobile but also very vulnerable and easy to take down. Before engaging in a fight with Camille when her E is off cooldown, it\u2019s essential to check your surroundings as you have no escape when her E is down."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "While team fighting is important for Kennen, falling behind gold and XP will make you almost useless in team fighting. Look at the team fights."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax is a strong ganker, A ganker can perform his job easily if he is close enough."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Your opponents will use their Ultimates when it's in place. Force the ganks with your R!"} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan's W allows him to get out of sticky situations and be camouflaged for a long period of time if he stays close to a wall. Akshan doesn't do too well in the various matches."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Both are equal in terms of damage, but you have better all in engage with your R. You have better all in engage with your R on him if you bait out his E before using your R."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Poppy is extremely potent during this phase of the game as she can deal consistent damage and CC enemies for days. Her tankiness makes it impossible for the enemy team to kill her as well."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Avoid regrouping if possible. Use your strong duellage potential in the middle of the game to fight anyone who tries to stop you from separating from the thrust."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "It also increases the production of damage, especially when using its Ultimate R. The ultimate capacity of Malzahar was mentioned."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "It is essential to continue growing during the middle of the game so that you can get your items quickly. You should not stay halfway if you are unable to accomplish anything."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "If Fizz has already used his E, then you can safely use executing abilities or key skill shots. Walking close to allies when hit by Fizz\u2019s Ultimate R is not recommended as the AOE damage will harm them too."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "If you want to play aggressively, keep this in mind. You should try gank as often as possible early as possible."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "During team fighting, prioritise staying safe by looking at your positioning and avoiding too much extensibility. Ryze excels in the damage distribution at the end of the game."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "The player keeps their minion closer to their side of the card early to limit Naafiri's potential all-in-potential. If Naafiri hits the player with his Q, they step back to avoid a tracking trade because his damage output will be high."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "or, youmi will not go to the hall without a port, which you can abuse to gain an advantage over it. At the 13th level, Yuumi's two Qs and Es will be maximized."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Don't engage with melee trades when Gangplank's Passive is up. Wait for Gangplank to use his Passive on a minion before looking to fight."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Try to take it before it if possible, or at least keep it at all times so that you can spot it before it can take it for free. Wukong is very strong in a 1v1 fight if he has a lot of health."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "If you trade with Irelia, pay attention to low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Q on a minion to escape trade or run down opponents after a skirmish."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "The reason is that Fiddlesticks is not very strong. His job is to survive in the early game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "She takes lots of practice to master. She has a sharp learning curve."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "If you can pick someone off who steps too far forward, you can use the numbers advantage to start another team fight. Group with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Svir will sometimes be left with its support in the middle of the track."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "At level 9, Yasuo's damage production is increasing massively and its tornado Ultimate R is increasing considerably. Lane brushes help a lot with Yasuo's power peak."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "You will put pressure on them as much as possible before you invade. Before invading, make sure your liabilities are stacked so you can win the trade."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "The poppy's Q has a very short range, making it easy to sidestep. If the poppy overextends with her E, she can be killed easily."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Unless you have the advantage, use the opportunity to disengage as soon as Swain activates its Ultimate R. Swain is good in team fighting thanks to his AOE Ultimate R."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "You want this as it helps prevent Darius from freezing by his tower and forcing you to use your Q to grab minions. Your goal early on is to abuse and poke Darius down with your Q."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Your squishy body makes you very vulnerable in the late game. Stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Her r is solid during this phase of the game. A couple of spears can easily chunk an enemy out with kalista's r."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "While not strictly a power spike, if Ivern has the opportunity to steal your level 1 buff, you will fall behind early. You should place wards in the river at 1:25 to prevent this."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Many abilities make Hwei fun to play with. Complex kit makes Hwei enjoyable to play."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Lane brushes need to be controlled by you as they will allow you to catch enemies off-guard with your W. Your W will also zone enemies off minions."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Use W to slow down the enemy front line before targeting the nearest enemy champion in the fight. Nasus will have a massive amount of batteries during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "This is what makes him really good with champions who have hard CC or slows in their arsenal. He can keep going for regular short trades with his auto-attacks and his Q."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "At level 9, Karthus will deal a lot of damage to single targets. Karthus' 1 ability has AoE properties which will help in clumped fights."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "She has a sharp learning curve. You need to play her a lot to make use of her kit."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Use your E capability to escape the collapse of enemy teams during intense moments. In team fights, try to flank with your E and use your Ultimate for locks."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "He can blow up squishies with his abilities and 4th shot. However, he will just have to ensure that he can kite around tanks."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "For example, Ahri may have to wait for the enemy to use his CC tool before using his R aggressively. When Ari's Ultimate is in place, focus more on homelessness and kill the overt enemies."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Combine your W with your Passive whenever possible. This can easily allow you to dive into the enemy rear line."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Keep the inflation pathways during this phase of the game. The goal is to help your team build up an advance so you can finish the game quickly."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "This allows him to easily get out of sticky situations. That makes her a threat to the enemy rear line."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "As she moves away from her team, you could watch her collapse and shoot her. Don't commit several players to kill her though if she's on the bot side and the Baron is upstairs."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "It's going to be hard for you to besiege goals like Towers when Ziggs is alive. Try to catch him out of his position or flank him when he is alone to facilitate taking these goals."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Caitlyn will be looking to push and take your tower early. Don\u2019t let Caitlyn poke you down by sacrificing CS for health and XP."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "If you can catch someone out when the enemy is unorganized, you\u2019ll be able to force a team fight or an objective afterward. On getting 3 points in his Ultimate ability, he will use it quite often."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "When Corki has completed his first item, his wave clear and poke damage will increase heavily. Corki shouldn\u2019t find it hard at all to keep the enemy pushed into their tower once he completes it."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower. This will open the card and give your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "On getting 3 points in his Ultimate ability, he will use the ability quite often. Team fights will be a breeze for him from now on."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh has tons of roaming pressure. Roaming pressure allows Thresh to impact several routes and advance its allies."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Your priority is to help your team win battles rather than chase the enemy into their Jungle. Zeri was at level 16."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "It can use them very efficiently if it uses track brushes. Level 6 is a decent pick-up because Seraphine will get her Ultimate R and can now change the tide of a fight if the enemy team is piled together or standing in a line."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "However, avoid over-forcing this harassment as it may result in excessive minion damage for little gain. When Corki has completed his first item, his wave clear damage will increase heavily."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "He can 1v1 pretty much any Jungler if he has a small lead. This is especially true post 6 with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Its 2nd power is where the real peak of power settles. It will have additional effects,"} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "The first element will allow this player to improve his ability to survive all the time and increase the chances of getting a murder during the duels. This article will give the player enhanced damage boosts and survival skills."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Always position yourself close to your team so you can join the fight as soon as possible. In team fights try to stay away from each other so it's harder for Yone to get a good Ultimate Roff."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "My Q has a lot of impact in neutral objective fights. I use Jungle brushes to stop enemies wandering in the Jungle without vision."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "During team fights, prioritize targeting enemy backline players. The use of fog of war will aid in identifying enemy positions."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "At level 9, Azir will max his r. This is a good power spike for him as he can use it to poke the enemy down from afar."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "At level 11, Malphite will have two points in his Ultimate h. This will reduce capacity cooling and allow Malphite to have more impact."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The additional support and damage to Warwick's first capability will make it a huge threat to the enemy. In the middle of the game, Warwick can be a powerful split pusher."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Roam if possible, especially if one of the enemy's ways is overstretched. Roaming will allow you to get an insurmountable advance and will tilt the enemy team."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Investing in defensive elements for Lux will reduce its ability to shoot a single opponent or door. In a team fight, it is recommended to engage as soon as possible to avoid delaying the fight."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "If his team is behind, it will be difficult for Taric to do much in the fight. Taric's E is very telegraphed."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Teams tend to regroup at the end of the game. Lissandra will have a gala to find selections and CC'ing the entire enemy team."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Once she gets two points in her Ultimate R, she will dish out a ton of damage during team fights. Enemies won't be able to do much except maintain distance from her at all times."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "A peak of power means that his combo of brilliant damage will do a lot of damage. The damage combo can completely destroy any still or CC'd wear."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "The same thing applies to his Ultimate R. He can\u2019t initiate an all-in without it during the early game. He will not be able to deal significant damage unless he uses his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "With increased damage, Seraphine can use its capabilities more frequently. However, Seraphine is still mana-hungry and should be careful about spamming spells."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "When Kassadin is split pushing, it may be difficult for him to quickly join a team fight because stalling the game out for too long can be detrimental, as Kassadin becomes extremely powerful in the late game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Its manoeuvrability decreases using its Ultimate R Using its ultimate R makes it difficult for him to land it when the enemy is out in the open"} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Your first power peak is at level 3 when you unlock the 3 of your basic capabilities. You can start crashing to Level 3."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Using Skarner's Ultimate on a tank champion is not really worth it. Skarner must avoid monitoring the premises if he wants to move forward."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "The amount of utility you bring to a team comp is massive. Once you get a few items, your Ultimate will be on a considerably lower cooldown."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "At level 16 Illaoi can easily sustain herself due to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "He has a lot of poke but cannot kill you. You should try to stay safe and not take unnecessary risks."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Split pushing allows you to continue earning gold and XP which helps get to your next major power spike. Gwen is a strong 1v1 champion especially if she gets an early lead."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas'W is affected by injuries seriously acquired by the enemy team. The enemy who buys Grievous Wounds can easily counter the healing of Sylas with a good amount."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Your goal in early play is to play safely, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy lantern. You are rather weak in the game early and need time to come online."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Your Ultimate allows you to pick off enemies easily. Keep an eye out for side lanes and all-in them when possible."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play. This will ensure safety and reduce your chances of dying in the way."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If he channels his R and uses his Zhonya\u2019s, you can\u2019t attack him when he goes into stasis. When Fiddlesticks gets access to 3 abilities, he is really difficult to deal with because they offer him so much utility."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "When using Q, try to poke the enemy out. You may work with your Support and use the lane brushes to get as many picks on the enemy."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick can spot Scuttle Crab with his vision. Scuttle Crab is on the bot side of the map."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar is pretty good during team fighting as it can silence enemies and lock high priority targets effortlessly. A maximum of Ultimate R will allow Malzahar to alleviate the damage."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Roaming during this phase would be a problem. The first element will allow him to inflict much damage on his enemies."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "It can begin to drag the enemy with increased death pressure at level 6 Its survival against invasions will also increase when it reaches level 6"} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Use the advantage of your range to intimidate Viego every time he climbs to the farm. Viego will find it hard to kill you in the way if the minion wave is kept closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "This is a tank versus tank matchup. The best strategy for this matchup is to avoid them and focus on farming early."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "which makes him quite difficult to master he is a challenging champion for beginners to learn from."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R will allow Tristana to take control of the game very quickly. The capacity will be over a short cooling period that allows it to use it both aggressively and defensively when it wants to."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri is vulnerable when his Ultimate is broken. Play safer and avoid engaging aggressive games while the Ultimate of Ahri is on the cooldown."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Avoid standing too close to Azir's Soldiers W as he can auto attack you from afar."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "If you have been hit by Fizz's Ultimate R, do not walk close to your allies. Walking towards your allies while being hit by Fizz's Ultimate R helps minimize damage from the AOE effect of his shark."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Look for regular exchanges with your g and e. Your ultimate e should help you massively when it comes to dealing with any kind of mobile enemy."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "As she gets more items, Leona will be able to absorb a lot of damage very quickly. This will make Leona a very reliable hirer, especially the fog of war."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. It will grant Mordekaiser increased damage and survival,"} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "At level 11, Evelynn\u2019s Ultimate R will deal more damage. Evelynn will be incredibly strong at level 11."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "As a result, yuumi is highly sensitive to damage caused by poke Once Youmi's out of mana, she can't really do much in the way."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Learning to play Nocturne doesn't take hundreds of games Like some champions in the game, it takes many games to master others."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Hard engage Supports will definitely help him shine in the mid-game. You should get at least one defensive item depending on the enemy team comp and fed carry as you will be a prime target."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His W also causes misleading damage, while reducing damage to Sett. Sett can be put into a kit to forget when it is against a varied cart with a shape, a dash or a peel."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "The primary goal is to play safely until level 3. Level 6 should be used to look for fights with Jungler in mid or side lanes."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Once the enemy hits level 6, their kill pressure in lane increases heavily, so be aware of this and respect their all-in damage. When Ezreal uses Arcane Shift E to escape from a gank, keep your R to chase him down."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Be proactive with your Ultimate. Your opponents will use their Ultimates when it's in place."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The cooling of Zilean's Ultimate capacity will be shorter, making it more difficult for the enemy team. Zilean will now have several articles, which will allow him to do a lot of damage. He will frequently use his Ultimate capability."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath's ability to expel enemy caterpillars will now become odiously easy, especially if he uses track brushes for this purpose. At level thirteen, Xerath's 2 will be maximized."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble deals more damage when its bar is more than 50%. Be careful when the Rumble bar is more than 50%."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "He's not strong at the beginning of the game, so he should aim to make short exchanges when possible. It should withdraw quickly using its e and e."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio can assist his ADC with his Ultimate R. Galio can assist his Mid-laner with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Putting the second point in Akshan's Ultimate will facilitate the execution of enemies. At this stage of the game, the teams will come together."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Stand in the middle of the lane at all times to prevent Camille's E from landing on you. Keep the wave closer to yourself unless you're ahead."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius' all-in potential and kill pressure is still very good during the mid-game. If Darius gained a slight lead in the early game, he will be tough to handle in the mid-game."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser is quite still, which can lead him to be camped a lot during the laning phase. At the beginning of the game, Mordekaiser will not be able to bring down much damage once challenged."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Level 16 allows Veigar to have his Ultimate R at the maximum during the game. Veigar can shoot enemies if he has enough PA."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Focusing on the enemy backline from now on should be effortless as long as you're in the fog of war and have a defensive item like a Zhonya's Hourglass. Your Ultimate R will have a very short cooldown, meaning you can frequently fight around the map."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Most of her abilities will be maxed out by now. The amount of damage dealt will be phenomenal, especially with her E."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "They're going gank early. Pantheon can also gank early."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Her s is a real game change for her because she can use it to win completely extended trades against other laners. It can use s to cut the health bar of tanks like butter."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Once you have a number of levels under your belt, you should look for short, favorable transactions. As you are not strong in early play, you may want to wait for the enemy to waste a ability before playing aggressive."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian can quickly kill the enemy with multiple combo rotations. The first element will be a massive power peak for Lucian because it allows him to do a lot of damage."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "The damage she can deal with a fully stacked Passive is quite significant. A fully stacked Passive increases her increased damage to shield mechanic, allowing her to perform many outplays if she uses her Q in a proper fashion along with her Passive."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius has a strong all-in play at level 2. Be cautious when trading with Darius at level 1."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Once it gets to the later stages of the game, his strengths become weaknesses. His Ultimate e is crucial in team fights to take down key targets."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Maxing Akshan's Q offers him a lot of extra damage. Akshan will put the second point in his Ultimate at level 11."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The enemy laner will be disadvantaged against Lulu. Its ability to slow down enemies is a powerful tool in team fighting."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn will look for early skirmishes so that he can get his shape as quickly as possible. Because Kayn-S Ultimate R and mobility, you should look at yourself as you remember."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "The W ability helped Brand as a poking tool to harass the enemy laner. At multiple items, Brand completed."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "If you look to fight when it's down, you will be an easy target and die quite fast. If you\u2019re ahead, look for picks or ambush the enemy as they walk through their jungle."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Avoid fighting with Irelia when she has her Passive fully stacked. When Irelia hits level 6, her kill pressure intensifies."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar takes time to come online after being killed a few times during the early game. Veigar will not be very effective if the game continues for too long."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Besides that, always maintain your range and use your Q and auto-attack slow to constantly kite the enemy team. You don't want to get caught out by any form of CC as it will spell death for you then and there."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "However, he doesn't have much kill threat against enemy laners in a 1v1 at level 6. After Galio has completed his first item and has many points in his Q and E, he will be able to quickly push the wave and roam."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "In the late game continue to split push if your team isn't at risk of dying or getting caught out. If your team gets caught out or the game isn\u2019t one-sided you need to group with your team to help them fight."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Do not fight inside the jungle as the size of his E is roughly the same as the jungle. Once Heimerdinger hits level 6, he technically unlocks 3 new abilities."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "At level 6, Teemo can place tons of mushrooms around the track. This can help it prevent enemy Jungler's ganks, and make it harder for the enemy's way to play aggressive. Teemo is very early and can intimidate the enemy down a ton."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Avoid fighting around neutral goals like the Dragon or Baron as well. If you fight near the Dragon or the Baron, it won't be beneficial."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is mixed up, so keep harassing him as much as possible. Get away from the minions and keep your distance while harassing to reduce his chances of covering you."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Vision will help you see Twitch approach and prepare for an invasion. The control services will allow your team to detect Twitch movements and anticipate its ganks."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs Q can force an enemy team to remember at the base if they continue to be labelled by it. Ziggs can move enemy units in its E using its W."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you\u2019re gone."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere's chances of getting a significant increase in killing when handling other routes with his Jungler/laners. Keeping the wave near your tower allows you to have opportunities to bring the enemy under the risk of the ganks."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Try to delay team fights as long as possible while poking the enemy down with Barrels. Avoid fighting unless Ultimate is up."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear is a very strong laner."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "If they're caught by a CC, they'll probably die. Lulu relies on her team to carry them while she provides them with care and shields."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "By avoiding these situations, you can limit Irelia's potential for resetting her abilities. Irelia is very strong when she has her Passive fully stacked."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Darius\u2019 best early game power spike is when he hits level 6. His Ultimate e heavily increases his 1v1 and skirmishing power and he will be a huge threat at this time."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Before invading, make sure you have your passive stacked so you can win the trade. If they invade you, be ready to fight, but only do so if your passive is piled up and you can win, if not just step back."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed will have very low cooling rates now. That means he's gonna do a lot of damage because of it."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "He will have several objects at his disposal. This means that the damage to Rumble will increase considerably, and it should have an easy time to melt through the enemy health bars."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The cooling of the Zilean Q will be low, allowing it to continue harassing and harassing the enemy. More items will allow zilean to easily defeat enemies."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Grouping with your team can help you get closer to the enemy front line. Flanking off an undeserved bush makes the enemy's reaction more difficult."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's death threat in the way increases with level 6 and its Ultimate. Malphitis can begin to be more aggressive after reaching level 6 and have its Ultimate."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This makes it difficult for enemies to kill Zac easily. Focusing on Zac first is completely useless."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Go to the hall when you know where the enemy is so you don't get caught and killed before an objective scare. Look for choices with your Ultimate e."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Use the fog of war to get close to the enemy before engaging in combat. Once you are certain that the enemy cannot escape no matter what, use your W ability."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is easy to kill early if it's too wide. Invest in a form of healing reduction to facilitate early killing."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The closest enemy champion should focus on team fighting. You should look at your positioning."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Invading the enemy Jungle should be your next goal. Setting up death brushes in the enemy Jungle can give you an advantage."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus will not be able to look for an all-in on you as long as you keep hitting him with your p. Never load out of your gold reserve without enough p. Not doing so can result in your loss."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "If you withdraw from your team and die, the enemy can gain an important advantage. The enemy can force a fight or terminate the game if it has more players than your team."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin can try to kick someone like CDA in his teammates. Group tight to make it harder for Lee Sin to kick in the arms of his team."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu is a team combat champion, It is pretty good during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Look at gank as much as you can in the game early to get your allies before. The force team fights when Shyvana doesn't have its Dragon shape."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You should avoid fighting Camille alone unless you have a clear advantage. Camille is weak early on."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai is good in team fights because his Ultimate R has a great zone of effect. You should split up or disengage as soon as you see Maokai so he can't use his abilities."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The first element will allow Malphite to spam its abilities frequently. The first element will also let Malphite inflict more damage, especially once it has its Ultimate."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn can now gank other lanes when required. The strategy for Quinn was to split push during the mid-game."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Make sure you watch the map when recalling so she is unable to snipe you with her W and follow up with her Ultimate R. Kaisa is versatile when it comes to builds and team compositions."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "This allows her to quickly get a Flash from the enemy champions' side. Diana's Ultimate R will make her quite dangerous in fights around choke points."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "In team fighting, focus on the nearest enemy champion to maximize your impact. Maintain a good position during team fighting to avoid unnecessary damage."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "In team fighting, continue to focus the most squishi and the easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "CC (crowd control) is Kog'Maw's greatest weakness, so he must constantly monitor his flanks. During this phase of the game, stay behind your front line and flatten as much poke damage as possible."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Prevent the enemy Jungler from getting their Smite off on the enemy. At level 16, Renata will put the final point in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Pantheon can put pressure on them early. Before invading, make sure you have your passive stacked so you can win the trade."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Try to wander a lot during this phase of the game. Work with your Jungler whenever possible."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "making it really difficult for enemies to try to get neutral goals. When you play as a varied mid-laner try your hardest to harass and poke Sett down while remaining at the maximum possible distance so it is incapable of you E."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "He can choose targets effectively. The first capacity of its kit has a maximum level of 9, adding burst damage."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "You should not fight in a 1v1 in the early game. Rammus relies on his allies to follow up when he ganks them."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "If you don't know where Taliyah is in the middle of the game, don't walk alone around the Rift Invocation and avoid sightless areas as she might try to set up a surprise attack. talijah can inflict heavy amounts of damage in very short time."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "You can use this to your advantage to force team fighting when you know it's difficult for her to fight. Lissandra has tons of clear wave, so the goals of sitting in the middle and the end of the game will be difficult. You should try to get her down or out of the way so she can't defend her Turrets."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac's level 6 is a decent power peak for team fighting and duel. Zac can move key targets while inflicting damage that can be very beneficial when it comes to unhealthy or unhealthy targets."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Post 6, your Ultimate offers you a ton of extra pressure to kill and opportunities to get killed. Abuse this by playing around his cooldown and trying to make games every time he's up there."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "There is a very high potential for Veigar to set up because of its ability to call its Jungler with its n. This allows him to call his Jungler and launch an early attack, which will be devastating for the enemy team."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Fight him when he is on low ammo to make killing him a lot easier. Focus on poking him with your Q and W and keep the trades short and sweet."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Choose a high priority target that you want to protect during this phase of the game. Make sure they survive whatever happens so you can easily win team fights and get a lead."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is inclined to disengage. As soon as Rumble uses his Ultimate B, try to disengage or reposition itself so that it is more difficult for him to do follow-up damage and win the fight."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko can easily get blown up by the enemy once she is locked down. The enemy can notice Neeko changing forms or hiding in a brush to land her E if they set proper vision around."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "At level 11, Lucian will be able to get his stage 2 Ultimate R. This will help him massively in neutral and objective battles and duels."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Focus on killing Dr Mundo first in a team fight. The best way to defeat Dr Mundo is by using crowd control and focus him down first."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "pre-six refers to the player's level before he is six years old. She doesn't have a reliable form of CC on her."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is very motionless and subject to all in. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map. This will force him to extend for the farm, which can allow you to give him everything, refuse him from the farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy grip."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "As Lee Sin needs to put himself on someone to kick them to his team, locking him with CC as soon as he engages is ideal because he is rather squishy and will be unable to escape if he is chained CC. Lee Sin is really good at removing or removing isolated targets."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's engage is pretty scripted, so ward to the side when sieging an objective to avoid surprise all-ins. Diana's all-in potential post-six is really strong."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "In the team fights, Vladimir excels. Try to finish the game as quickly as possible to prevent Vladimir from stinging."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser has a strong all-in-one potential as soon as it reaches level 3. Before reaching level 3, Mordekaiser can be pushed out of the way."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "The goal early is to bring them down, avoiding prolonged trading because they will often win them. Samira has an incredibly strong all-in-one."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain's capabilities can be used to remove the enemy who is out of position."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle needs an element to increase its potential duel and survival in the game boosted duo potential increases Trundle's survival in the game"} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Do not attempt to land E unless successful. Ensuring an impact on E minimizes risks."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "This makes it extremely important that you lay down your skill plans. Thresh relies heavily on help."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "With the new gain level, Sion's death pressure and roaming potential increase significantly. Sion can absorb a lot of damage like a front line, allowing it to peel its wagons with ease."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Fighting like Kennen requires careful positioning to minimize disengagement. Grouping with the team is crucial when your Ultimate is available or when the team is ready."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Avoid fighting when he has tons of Fury too. Renekton's range with his Dash e should not be underestimated."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Disengagement as soon as Taric activated his Ultimate R, allowing the enemy to take damage. If a target is in poor health, try to kill them quickly before the Ultimate R comes into effect."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Try to secure major objectives when you can, as you have decent objective control. You could gank bot and then take Drake afterwards."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "This ability is extremely useful when you see an enemy on a side track and can catch them out of sight. Prioritise enemies before engaging in all-in-one attacks."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Keep track of your liabilities. Separate the enemy rear line from their front line will allow your allies to play more freely without damaging the enemy rear line."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "After recovering its first component, Xin Zhao can trade very aggressively with the enemy. The additional damage of the component element helps Xin Zhao last strike and close easily."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "She will need to watch the flanks, however, as the assassins will certainly try to kill her. Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her E Silence on herself as soon as you commit."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Once Jax gets two points in his Ultimate R, he will become mighty during team fights. This is because his survivability will increase, which will increase the amount of consistent damage dealt by him with his auto-attacks."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "azir's ability to control a zone/area is quite strong and almost unparalleled. Azir can dish out a lot of consistent damage if he is given the chance."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map throughout the early game. This is the best place for the wave to be as it offers you tons of extra protection."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "You should exploit Elise's power spike at level 6. It is difficult to fight Elise alone unless you get the jump on her."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Can buff up his team thanks to his Passive which allows him to upgrade his allies items. His Ultimate R is a great tool that can set up his Jungler."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Once you have an article and some levels under your belt, you can look for skirmishes with the enemy. Focus on agriculture and gathering as many farms as possible at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "You need to work with your Jungler and install traps inside the enemy Jungle once you're done pushing the wave. Your g will allow you to get free killing effortlessly."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "If you die before a major objective spawns, the enemy can take it. Always be on the side of the map that the next major objective is on."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Second, it will be able to use its capabilities more times as it will have an increased mana pool. If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, you should turn and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Try to abuse her when her Ultimate w is on cooldown as she is incredibly vulnerable while it's on cooldown. The speaker advises to stand behind minions to block damage."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "It will also let her be tankier during the early game. Level 11 isn't excellent as she only gets the cooldown on the ability reduced."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "The late game starts at level 16 for Darius. At level 16, Darius\u2019s Ultimate e will be an essential tool in team fights."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "He is strong once he unlocks his Ultimate R. The extra ganking potential and the movement speed plus other stats from his Ultimate are really beneficial when it comes to trading."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "She can spam her abilities frequently. Its ability to damage the enemy."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. Shen has to be out before he can get an all-in."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "After completing multiple items in the mid-game, you will be a lot stronger. With two completed items, you will be a fierce opponent."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "You will need to put in a lot of time to master Aurelion Sol. It can be hard for you to roam with Aurelion Sol if your side lanes are not strong."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "As Akali is an Assassin, she should have a few articles finished in the middle of the game. If you are able to catch someone who is alone, this could easily lead to a potential call for the Baron."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's skirmishing potential and damage output increase after completing her first item. Diana becomes a real threat at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "If you get caught out, your team will have to play 4v5. As a Jungler, if you die when the Baron is up, the enemy will take it for free."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "It's going to get gloved much earlier, so make sure you apply as much pressure as you can to match its first ganks. Khazix is subject to CC capabilities, especially when its E or Ultimate R is in decline."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Targeted attacks on Diana can hinder her chances of a comeback. Play safe and wait until you have access to your main abilities."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Team fights are not his cup of tea, and he must resort to split thrust instead. The split thrust leaves the enemy team with a numerical advantage."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton is a bully early in the game. Expect Renekton to play aggressively and try to kill."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Expect Renata to be stronger once she has completed this item. When Renata has her Ultimate up, she is weaker than you."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Stay away from neeko as she will use both her E and Q to push the wave and harass. Be cautious of neeko's range advantage when taking care of her in lane."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Once Maokai gets his ultimate R maxid, the enemy won't have a perfect time in the game. But Maokai's team will quickly take advantage of its CC."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai can even hide in brushes to all enemies when they are pushed up. Level six will allow Maokai to start fighting more reliably."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Yone is superb at the end of the game because his articles will be finished and he will have reached his most powerful pick-up. If the enemy team is to be CC-heavy, Yone should get a defensive element to preserve its power."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "As soon as the enemy advances or surpasses, it can seek to play aggressively. His Passive allows him to remove on his own a group of enemies from a large combat team by simply zoning them."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille has a sharp learning curve, making it challenging to play effectively. If you make a mistake while playing Camille, the enemy can easily capitalise on it and gain a lead."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Once your bottom lane rotates to the top lane, go to a side lane and start to farm. Try not to fall behind in gold and XP by sharing it with your ADC and Support."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Putting death brushes in the enemy jungle to help prevent and kill potential people. Help your support service around the Jungle during invasions with well-placed death brushes."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "You need time to come online, and you just need to focus on getting gold and XP. However, if a shaco finds an opportunity to masturbate or counter the shaco nearby, don't be afraid to take it."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao is strong at the beginning of the game. Xin Zhao is expected to favour aggressive games in attempts to get an early lead."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "She's very motionless, so catching her outpost will easily translate into a murder for the enemy team. This will eliminate a large amount of wave from the Sivir team."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf's Ultimate ability k is down, making him really immobile. When Olaf's Ultimate ability k is down, he can easily die."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Look for an all-in level 2 with your W. Both Akali's E and Ultimate offer tons of off-the-shelf potential."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "If Quinn can\u2019t team fight, she will stay in a side lane and try to split push. You can either send someone who has TP (teamfight potential) to prevent her from taking side towers, or you can quickly engage on to the enemy team and start a fight."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "A strong champion like Hecarim can use Lillia's weakness to their advantage by invading and trying to fight it. If you are a strong start champion like Lee Sin or Elise, you can try to fight Lillia."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Being hit by Seraphine's Q will be detrimental. Seraphine's Q damage increased after she finished her first article."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "but also spend little time away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items, She'll have a lot of articles at the end of the game."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie can use her Flash to get picks too when she has 2 points in her Ultimate R. Annie will put the second point in her Ultimate R at level 11."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "One more point in its Ultimate R will increase its overall damage and let it use capacity frequently. Its first capacity will be maximized to level 9, which increases its damage."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Playing around your Ultimate is crucial in this matchup. Try to make plays whenever you have your Ultimate available to you."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze will fight during the mid-game fights, as his damage will not suffice for a single enemy shot. He will have to be careful to get CC'd (commanded by the crowd) as well."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "She can dish out a lot of damage at levels 1 and 2, but becomes much stronger when she has access to her basic abilities. The next major power spike for Cassiopeia\u2019s occurs when she unlocks her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand should melt through neutral objectives and enemy champions alike. Taking fights around neutral objectives is something Brand should follow."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Try to make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze. Blaze deals more damage to the enemy."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The more champions you hit, the better. If you are able to get a good Ultimate Roff, you will increase your chances of winning the team fight."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce will just push the wave and take your tower if you look to roam when he\u2019s in lane. Jayce can deal a surprising amount of damage in a full trade at level 4."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Junglers can camp Ezreal when his E is down because he will have no escape options left. Ezreal's E has a long cooldown that makes it difficult to use effectively."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "If Gwen uses her W to block incoming skill shots, look to start a fight while it\u2019s on cooldown. Gwen will split push in the mid-game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You should stay with your team in the late game. Running away from your team too much might cause the enemy team to force a fight and win the game if they're not close by."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Examining whether this is worth doing depends on your own strategy. This can delay Aumu's level 6 power peak."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "You will be very tanky and able to take a lot of damage before you die. Tahm Kench's tankess in this phase of the game will be extremely high."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "She's gonna do a lot of damage with this article. It will also throw out more capabilities with this article."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "That's because you'll be very tanky. It will allow you to keep your team alive."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "He will look to actively gank whenever his Ultimate a is up after reaching this power spike. Nocturne is a good assassin and will try to kill any isolated target whose out of position in the mid and late game."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Her peel potential heavily increases and so does her team fighting skill. Teams will be grouped in the late game,"} -{"label": "leona", "text": "The ability will be on a very low cooling now, and it can quickly look around for enemy team choices. Its r (right) will soon be maximized."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Team fights will be a breeze for him from now on. His ability to make the team fights unfair due to his pick potential will be quite apparent during this game phase."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "or look for a team fight with the advantage of numbers Seraphine will unlock her final R at level 6."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Focus on zoning of squishier targets off during skirmishes. You'll be really tanky during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "It will often leave beginners in a sticky situation. Ezreal is mechanically a very difficult champion."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Don't forget you're holding the Smite for your team. Your goals are to secure peaks and peels for your squishy targets during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Extended trades can cause a percentage of health damage to the reservoirs. Getting your Ultimate R will allow you to participate in many team fights."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Grouping with the team allows for a more coordinated and effective approach to defence against enemy champions. Fighting 5v5 as a group can be difficult, but it also offers opportunities for teamwork and strategy to succeed."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao having three points in his Ultimate R allows him to use the ability frequently, giving him an overall advantage during the fighting. Xin will have a maximum of two of its capabilities per level 14."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "No one can get close to their team as long as their W and Ultimate R are in place. Lulu's Ultimate R at level 16 is a force to count with."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Being near your team at all times is important so that you can get into a fight quickly. A nearby objective refers to an item, tower, or other point of interest on the map that can be taken and defended by both teams."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Contact your Jungler about abuse of Zilean cooldown's ultimate ability. When you're looking to trade, try baiting Zilean's Q before starting a fight."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Keeping your wave closer to your side of the map early is the key. This will prevent Akshan from moving you away from the farm."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Not doing so can easily leave you stuck in this matchup. It is relatively easy to evacuate and evacuate the enemy once they have done so."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "This, combined with his W, will make him almost unqualified and allow him to absorb a lot of damage. A maximum of Ultimate R will further strengthen its overall potential and long-term overall damage."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "It can use this ability frequently, which means that team fighting and choices will be quite frequent. Avoid team fighting at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R and Zhonya's Hourglass are in place."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "He could have several early murders with this combo (and decent support if he's ADC). In the jungle, the Red Buff amplified the effects of this combo."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "She will need to conserve health when possible so that she can all-in enemies quickly. Level 6 is a massive spike."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "As he builds these items, Darius will be relatively tanky and challenging to take down. If Darius invades you, just run away."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's R can act as an enabling force for his laners/Jungler to all-in their counterpart and get a lead. The longer the game goes on, Gangplank benefits more from his gold mechanic due to scaling."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Expect Volibear to play aggressively right now. At level 6 and whenever it has its Ultimate R up, you should play more cautiously and avoid committing to fighting when you are low."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Squishy enemies are never safe when jhin is properly peeled by his team during this phase of the game. Jhin's damage output will increase in the late game due to his items."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "If she is pushing, she can be susceptible to ganks from the enemy Jungler. Make sure that when you\u2019re pushing, you reposition or have vision around your lane."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "He finds the game difficult when the enemy team is grouping together. Nocturne prefers enemies to split up so he can use his Ultimate ability to pick them off."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "His W allows him to engage upon a group or enemy champions, or a single enemy champion with ease. This is really beneficial if he can land it from out of vision and then use his E to dash into the W circle to guarantee the stun."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "A good wave is obtained using Lucian W, Q, and R. Using Lucian's W, Q and R allows him to get priority in the game very quickly."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "The lack of capacity would allow the enemies of the entire player. Capacity E was supposed to save the players from the problems."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "When Vayne's Ultimate capacity increases, her death pressure and manoeuvrability increase considerably. Vayne is weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Go to the mid lane after destroying or losing the bottom lane tower. Rotate with your ADC or hold hands with your Mid laner to prevent the enemy from taking the mid lane tower."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn's level 6 power spike is not as strong as many other ADCs. The laning phase should be considered during the game planning."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "You should stay near your team in the late game. If you\u2019re not too far away from them, the enemy won\u2019t force a fight."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "She will need to work closely with her Jungler while ensuring that she positions correctly during fights. Ashe will be able to duel quite effectively now due to her core items."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "The Jungler, who receives Kalista's Ultimate, will be able to harass enemy lanes with ease. kalista's level 6 is weak in a solo lane."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin's first significant power spike will occur at level 6 with the unlocking of his Ultimate. This ability will become pivotal in Kassadin's success as the game progresses."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "You can either send someone who has TP to prevent her from taking side towers, or you can quickly engage on to the enemy team and start a fight. Do not delay a team fight as it will give Quinn time to take an objective or rotate to join her team."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "She can keep soaking damage and act as a reliable frontline for her team in fights. She will play a pivotal point during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "The first component will let him deal more damage and spam his abilities due to the increased mana. The mid-game should be easy for me, and I will be ganking enemies quite frequently."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "The goal is to take down enemy carries. Focus the backline and try to take them out of the fight."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Samira's first capacity will be maximized to level 9, which will dramatically increase its damage and leave its squishies at one stroke. Just like in the middle of the game, stay with your support throughout the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke can single-handedly set up death brushes and get rid of squishy targets. Back away when you're low on HP in a team fight so he can't get the reset on his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "All she needs to do is keep on poking enemies and landing multi-man Ultimate ds. Pay close attention to the location of Orianna\u2019s Ball d throughout the laning phase."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "As the game grows longer, Zion will become stronger depending on its construction path. The length of the game will determine when and to what extent Zion reaches its maximum number of elements."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "The laning phase consists of bringing down the enemy to gain an advantage over health. When the enemy is low, commit to an all-in-one."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "The primary goal is to make fights unfair for the enemy team. Killing enemies is not necessary, but chunking them out is a viable strategy too."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar will also be instrumental when it comes to flanking the enemy team during significant fights. His first item component will give him a decent damage boost."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere will also be really mobile and difficult to kill thanks to its Ultimate e and E. On level 6, Tryndammame will be unstoppable and will not die in combat 1v1."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Her Spears s deal a lot of damage, so make sure you dodge them. Nidalee doesn\u2019t spike as much at level 6 compared to other champions"} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This will make it harder for Zac to jump with his E and should increase your overall survival in the way. Zac really has a good potential for roaming."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "It will make it harder for him to survive an exchange or return with you. Avoid running too far when Yone uses his E because he will always return to his original place."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "At level 16, you would have put the third and final point in your Ultimate. The additional cooling reduction will help you get choices with your team."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "You should try gank as often as possible early as possible. You are much stronger than Shyvana and can get an advance just by being active on the card."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean's Ultimate t will be useful in fighting. Zilean's first element will allow him to spam his abilities frequently,"} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger will have many items now. His CC is a one-shot ability if enemies are not careful or he sets up a death brush."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "At level 6, Fiddlesticks ganks will become stronger and he will look to constantly gank when he has his Ultimate R up. Prepare for this and try to delay his power spike for as long as possible through invading."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "It also means that he can act as an agent of a team and then return to peeling for his aircraft carriers once the engagement is over."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The first element is a decent peak that helps to get over the track easily. Level 6 is a massive peak for monkeying because it allows it to impact team fighting as a whole."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Taking him down will be nearly impossible because of his tankiness and abilities. He is at his strongest when his Ultimate R is up because it enables him to"} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Fighting around Poppy\u2019s Ultimate R is a good way of winning team fights. She will knock back the frontline and then engage on to the carries while the frontline is missing. Try to dodge Poppy's Ultimate R, or use CC abilities on her so her channel is interrupted."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is skilled at getting picks through his Ultimate ability k. Look for opportunities to get picks in the late game to gain a numbers advantage."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Unfortunately, Quinn doesn\u2019t exactly spike at level 11 like a lot of other champions. At level 9, Quinn will max out her first ability."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Keeping them alive as long as possible in team fights is a must to win the game. When Force fights as soon as possible, he prefers to do it when his Ultimate R is on cooldown."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "During this phase of the game, work with your Jungler to get some picks by using your W to CC the enemy team. Use your E traps to riddle the enemy Jungle and slow down the enemy team."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo's ability to rush quickly allows him to pierce the armor. The armor movements allow Yasuo to inflict a lot of damage on the tanks."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Drake is a goal. Inventing a Rift Herald is necessary."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "This will ensure safety and reduce your chances of dying in the way. Level 6 is a decent power peak for Trundle as it can now take duels and they easily."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up. It is a very important ability and you need to make sure it\u2019s up before committing to a fight."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Naafari is a heavy snowball champion. Getting an early murder can allow Naafari to take control of the card."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "A player with a strong duellage potential should use their abilities in the middle of the game to fight anyone who tries to hinder their progress. Although it is a qualified division pusher, it is also crucial to be prepared for situations where grouping with the team is necessary."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "At level 6, Tristana has a massive peak of power. A massive power peak at level six allows it to use its capabilities as a finishing movement if it can get the enemy low enough with its E."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "At level 9, Corki maxes out his b. His wave clear and ability to push the enemy into their tower consistently will be quite high."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia will look to ambush or assassinate targets moving alone through the river. Unless you know where Cassiopeia is, do not walk through the river or around the map on your own, especially if you're low health."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Do not underestimate his early game damage as he will usually come out ahead. Look at what Summoner Spells Hecarim has taken."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Taking advantage of this allows us to ensure free murders. The first maximum capacity at level 9 increases the player's strength in the skirmishes and jungle clearing by a significant amount."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "When you sit Baron or Dragon, or when you push the enemy under their turn, you should be on the lookout for an opportunity to take advantage with your abilities. If you catch someone out of position or blow them up, you will be able to take the lens for free."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "You have little to no kill pressure on Aurelion Sol. Focus on harassing Aurelion Sol and getting a lead."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal can all-in enemies once they are low enough after taking the barrage of poke ezreal has to offer. ezreal's R is a game-changer in the early game, as its short cooldown allows him to waveclear with ease."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "After completing your first item, you will be a lot stronger. Having multiple items completed in the mid-game will make you a fierce opponent."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Work with allies to achieve this. Make the team fights unfair to the enemy."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "You need the harrass (h) as many times as you can before you try to engage in a fight. Riven won't be able to do much because her entire kit is based on mobility."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Make sure you regroup with your team and try to shoot down key enemy targets. You must be grouped with your team at the end of the game."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "In the jungle, the Red Buff amplified the effects of this combo. His Ultimate c made it easy for him to shred the members of the enemy team when they were regrouped."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "He is a stronger early-game Jungler than you. Try to equal his pressure in any way possible, such as stealing camps or counter-ganking."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "try to hit both the minion wave and Hwei at the same time. Hwei has many different abilities compared to any other champion."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "His mid-game is decent as he will have his core items, and he will be able to dish out tons of damage."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His ultimate R allows him to inflict a lot of damage on the enemy team if he does it. The Ultimate R can change the tide of a team struggle instantly."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Stick with your team and avoid walking too far away from them. If you get caught out, your team will lose out on a lot of damage in a team fight, and it would be your fault."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The CC (crowd control) of its Ultimate R will allow its team to collapse on the enemy quickly. She should be really great as the game continues because she's going to have all her articles by now."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it. This will result in him having to choose between pushing or poking you. Don\u2019t stand in the minion wave as he will be able to push and poke with his b or e. Post-level 6, Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Getting priority in the middle lane will help Kalista's team immensely. The presence of neutral objective will give Kalista's team an advantage."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Stand away from walls during the game to avoid Ornn's Pillar Q CC. Avoid using major CC abilities on orrn when his W ability is off cooldown, as he can use it to dodge or escape CC."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The enemy team will find it difficult to take care of him. Wukong is quite substantial during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "His Ultimate R should be used on clumped enemies. He should take fights around choke points."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal\u2019s Ultimate R is on a short cooldown and can be used frequently when trading with the enemy. Ezreal\u2019s Ultimate R is global, allowing him to snipe people across the map."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "At level 9, your Q maxed out will increase its damage and cooling. When your Q is exhausted, you can use it more often to inflict more damage to the enemy."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Target the enemy line of defense during team fighting, using the fog of war to fly. Keep the wave near the tower to expose Yone to the ganks and increase the murders on him."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco may have already placed Boxes behind the target you want to collapse on if it was near the target recently. If you are invaded by Shaco, your best option is to step back immediately."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "As soon as she uses her Q, load her and try to take her down. Every time Morgana launches her Ultimate R in a team fight, try to get out of the area as quickly as you can in order not to be chained and CC'd."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas is a very early Jungler game. Expect Sylas to start crashing after level 3 when it has access to all basic capabilities."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Good vision will allow you to spot Gragas before he gets to a lane. Gragas is a strong dueler and can easily take down a target if he gets the jump on them with his E."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Frequent auto-attacks are needed to avoid instant death Graves is a strong early game duelist."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Disperse and look for a way to make it burst once it has come to light. Twitch will often be incredibly close to your team after coming out of its s."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "If you can see Graves before he ganks a lane, it will be harder for him to get kills and snowball. Place wards around his jungle entrances to spot him leaving his jungle."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The best time for everyone in someone will be when one of their powerful spells is down. Always be ready to help your Jungler if they decide to invade the enemy Jungle."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Hit level 2 before or at the same time as Blitzcrank, which is the first wave followed by the next 3 melee minions. Blitzcrank is useless and offers limited resources when his hook (b) is on cooldown."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The dead can help the snowball a track quickly if obtained. When the n Ultimate ability of the monkey is available, it can be used for aggressive games and kill the enemy."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu is a champion with weak points. This makes her quite vulnerable and easy to kill."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "After you finish your first component element, you'll be strong enough in 1v1s and have a greater chance of getting murders. Go to a side lane."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "When looking for choices in the later stages of the game, you should look for opportunities to eliminate an enemy champion. You can choose someone during a team fight if the situation permits."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "She has her Ultimate at level 1. When skirmishing with the enemy, their Ultimate will be more useful than hers."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Don't get caught trying to harass and bring down the enemy. Level 16 is a massive peak for syndra as it can decimate the squishy enemies."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Vex still fights against some all-in-one champions despite his W. Vex has a good wave."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "If Twitch is in front, he can even flanculate and blow you when he activates his e. Twitch has tons of burst damage when he left AP."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir is great in team fighting. His Q, E and Ultimate e are effective tools for inflicting damage in team fighting."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "The maxed-out Ultimate R will let him share the push very effectively. He can join a fight from anywhere on the map with the Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "It is important that you stick with your team in the late game. You should stand towards the back end of your team near your Support."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "As Azir completes multiple items, he will be very strong and dish out a lot of damage in a short amount of time. It's recommended not to be afraid to make more aggressive plays when Azir has an item or two."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Level 3 is a massive peak because Seraphine has all its capabilities at its disposal during this game phase. It can use them very efficiently if it uses track brushes."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Your goal is to push the wave and then continue roaming. When using your abilities on the minion wave, try to aim b and e so it hits both the enemy and the minion wave at the same time."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Grievous Wounds can counter Fiora heavily as it reduces her healing, which is a huge portion of her dueling power. Building Grievous Wounds can be pivotal towards shutting Fiora down during her early game."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Avoid getting poked out by his Q in this matchup. It does a lot of damage and can cause issues for you in this matchup."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "By delaying team fights, Corki can get a better position and set up for his ultimate ability. Corki's poke allows him to roam safely and reposition himself in the game as needed."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "If the enemy is positioned well throughout the blasting phase, Morgana may have difficulty landing this capability. Misuse of her E can lead to many negative situations for her."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "This simply means that every squishy target on the map should be scared of Annie and her ability to one-shot them if they face checking a random brush. Annie's pick potential is incredibly high."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "If you go in while your dash is down, it will be impossible for you to escape without burning Flash. Stand away from Jarvan's d (d = dash) in lane."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Take care of Trundle's pressure. Trundle can easily kill you on Level 2 with his Pillar e."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "A max-out Ultimate R will help him save his allies frequently. The maxed-out Ultimate R will let him share the push very effectively."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Try to abuse Veigar to place it behind. Delaying his batteries will make it less effective in the later stages of the game. Every time Veigar uses his n, try to abuse cool down because it's his only defensive tool at the beginning of the game and once he's down, he's pretty vulnerable."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Wait until you have a few levels under your belt before looking to fight. Play around your Q hotspots in lane."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "This will allow the enemy ranged carries to kite him while the enemy tanks keep him away from their carries. The enemy can completely counter him if they play in open spaces like the lane and are properly spaced when Hecarim enters the fight."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She will be a real threat when she hits level 9. At level 11, Diana will put the second point in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks wants to poke and stay safe in the very early game. Fiddlesticks is not very strong."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "If Yone uses her E after her return, you can abuse cooldown to play aggressive and bring him down. It will make it harder for him to survive an exchange or return with you."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Once you hit level 6, you should be able to increase the frequency and efficiency of your ganks. Make sure you don't do anything that makes you catch during the early game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar has an ultimate R. Once Veigar has his final R, his death pressure increases."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "It will protect you from ganks. It will also prevent them from zoning you away from farm."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana's first power peak is at level 6 when it unlocks its Ultimate capability. The harder the game, the stronger Shyvana gets."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "His death pressure increases to 6. Stand back so he gives you more time to react to his Q so you can avoid it. His Q can be blocked by minions."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is considered weak in the early game. It's beneficial to exploit this weakness to gain an advantage."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Against the poke or champions with a lot of clear wave, it will be almost impossible for Akshan to wander and help his allies as the enemy will keep him pushed in or take his turn while he wanders. Early play should be mainly focused on taking short trades against the enemy with your automatic and passive attacks."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The quantity of poke Q varies depending on the construction. It's his most reliable fate in the way."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "If crazy falls behind, he can build a tank, but he will cause little or no damage in team fighting. Keep this in mind when playing with the monkey and be ready to adapt."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "The use of Fiddlesticks' Ultimate R is highly effective and results in a kill each time. Fiddlesticks' Ultimate R can be used to assist laners and go for picks."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Unless you match his damage, try not to fight him too much unless you can catch him out of position. At level 6, both of your Ultimates will be quite powerful and the difference between winning the fight."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr.Mundo can straight up dive the enemy team by walking towards them during this stage. Dr.Mundo's Q can allow him to secure picks for his team and then use his slow to catch their targets."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Avoid overextending alone in the middle of the track without your team, as Tahm Kench can use his W to win an advantage. Tahm Kench won't be able to activate his E if he's locked up with CC."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "You are rather weak in the game early and need time to come online. As you don't have much in early play, you may want to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressive."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The passive autonomized r allows Rumble to act as a disruptor during team fighting easily. Rumble's e combined with its d can allow it to easily descend a single enemy target."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "The Ultimate R allows to kill snipers from afar. Shots are particularly effective with the general damage caused by Ziggs bursting."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "Try to harass and poke Braum down whenever he tries to last hit minions. If Braum is kept low, he\u2019ll never be able to engage."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn\u2019t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Continue to grow and win XP without fighting anyone unless you have an advantage over them. Vladimir's early play is terrible."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Yone will get short peaks of power as he continues to add points to his Q. The first element will bring significant improvements to Yone's trading in the track."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The more Ability Power and magic penetration Karthus gets the better and stronger he will be. Try to shut him down or constantly invade him to reduce his gold income."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern's level 6 is quite potent as he will now be able to summon Daisy. Daisy will cause many issues for the enemy team."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early will force it to extend for the farm that you can abuse all of it. This could lead to a situation where she is forced to take risks and get caught by other players."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Minimizing trading will help you reach level 6 faster. You should not trade items with others until you are at least level 6."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's Passive can be really heinous to manage, especially when he hides in a brush and comes in and out while peeling his laner with his t and t. It is the scourge of the ADC sector because it literally makes them miss their automatic attacks."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Do not regroup as Miss Fortune will be able to hit your entire team with its Ultimate capability. Maybe separation is a better idea when we're trying to equip the fight against Miss Fortune."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If you\u2019re playing against someone with a strong all-in, play safe whenever their Ultimate is up. Karma's early game poke is really obnoxious, especially for laners who are melee in nature."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "When Ping is activated alongside Lillia's Ultimate R, it indicates that she wants to engage in a team fight. It is possible that you can put the entire enemy team to sleep with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Do not commit to extended trades with Jax- especially if he\u2019s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand. If Jax decides to team fight, try and lock him down with CC before he has the chance to engage."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Lock Nilah down with CC at the start of the fight making it hard for her to reposition with her E and escape. Nilah's first power spike occurs at level 3."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan doesn't do well in the various matches. Fields with easy to install CC will be able to prevent Akshan from using its E aggressively."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Don't underestimate its global potential with its Ultimate. If it uses it on you, try to step back as its Jungler might try to gank as its Ultimate is a good gank configuration. Rumble is strong in the team fights so expect him to be in a group and looking for choices with his Ultimate during the middle and end of the game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "While Karma's d (Ultimate) is on cooldown, that's an opportunity for you to be aggressive and make a favourable trade. When attacking during the enemy champion's Ultimate cool-down period, take advantage of the situation to gain a trade advantage."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "If the poppy overextends with her E, she can be killed easily. The poppy acts as a frontline, allowing enemies to flank her teammates before attacking her."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "With two points in its Ultimate capacity, it will be more powerful and will have lower cooling at the same time. Warding big goals and the implementation of vision in high traffic areas was prioritized at the end of the game."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Every time his Ultimate e is broken, he is very vulnerable. Trendamere is a little weaker when its Ultimate e is down."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia can often get early kills in lane with a level 2 all-in. Getting an early kill will make the laning phase much easier for her."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If you fall behind in the early game, you will struggle to lane. Falling behind in the early game will delay your first major power spike."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar has a very high implementation potential with its n. This can allow him to call his Jungler to gank his way and help him get an early lead, which will be devastating for the enemy team."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar's opponent can bait out his E to have a really hard time escaping that situation. Gnar's Ultimate R won't be very effective if the enemy is playing in open spaces and is spaced out evenly."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "A good Ultimate R can help initiate a fight and set up a wombo-combo. Bard's Ultimate can be used to stall neutral objectives."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "A strong potential duel Mortadokaiers should be used in the middle of the game to fight anyone who stops a split thrust. The Mortadokaers are generally good at dividing the thrust in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Don't be afraid to look for more fights after you pick up your first item. You should stay with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Since the ability will be up frequently, he will be able to pick off targets easily. Olaf will have multiple abilities maxed out during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "The reason Zac is so good is that he can easily bypass the vision and catch the out-of-guard enemy. Zac will be extremely tanky during this stage, and the enemy team will find it difficult to kill him."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "You should continue to advance and get other ways in advance if you manage to accumulate an advance. After entering with your Ultimate R, you should prepare to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze will now have his core of objects, which means that he will do more damage than the early match. He has not yet reached his final form, however. Ryze will fight during the mid-game fights, as his damage will not suffice for a single enemy shot."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong is very strong in a 1v1 fight if he has a lot of health. Avoid fighting it if you notice it when it is in very good health."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "If you are at risk of dying, always remember at Level 5 so you don't get killed when Lux reaches Level 6. Adjust your position to the location where Lux is standing in the track. It has the advantage of reach and if you are standing too far forward, it will harass you for free."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Only when you know the location of the enemy to maintain security. The warning of major objectives is essential for allies' positions to be seen during team fighting."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Of course, Fiddlesticks biggest power spike is his level 6. You can counter it by having constant wards around your lane."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox is strong from level 2 to 6. To make it harder for Aatrox to land his Q, keep your distance."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia Q will be maximized at Level 9. It's really good for her, because her burst damage will increase exponentially, and she'll be a threat to face."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Focus on farming early. limit trading."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Try to play aggressive often to win an advance. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Take care of yourself by exchanging with him, and try not to let him shoot you down. Kog'Maw benefits from extended trades once he has a few points in his e."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "This champion is quite still and is inclined to the CC. If they're caught by a CC, they'll probably die."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "If you can\u2019t kill the enemy, look to roam with your Ultimate R. In the toughest of matchups or when the enemy is playing ultra-safe,"} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "The enemy team is the opposing group in a match or competition. Pushing under their turn means moving towards and potentially taking the goal."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "You may need to be aware of Galio's potential roaming with his Ultimate R. If you're a ranged champion, use your range advantage to harass and poke him down whenever he moves forward to last hit."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Stay with your team at any time. Don't leave them and go to division thrust as the enemy can force a fight while you're gone. Stay together, but be prepared to stay away from the side and out of sight."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "He will now have his basics, which means he will have a lot of mana and spam his Q and W. Several points in his Ultimate R allow him to use capacity frequently and make crucial choices."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Team fighting can help you quickly access the enemy background. Always position yourself close to your team so you can join the fight as soon as possible."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries Kayle is considered weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "This champion can use the track brushes to cheese the enemy in the lower lane. His ultimate R allows him to inflict a lot of damage on the enemy team if he does it."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "As Jungler, it is necessary to be still alive at the end of the game. If a Jungler dies before a major target spawns, the enemy will be able to take it."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Keep this in mind, but be prepared to adapt. The monkeying is a champion who is considered a bully early in the game."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin fights in the lane when he plays against the champions with good counter-attack tools, short cooldowns and the range. Champions with good counter engagement tools, short cooldowns and range can easily manage minion waves."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "When Kayle becomes ranged at level 6, she will find it easier to last hit. Kayle's ability to poke and trade more effectively with her Ultimate R unlocked will require a more strategic approach when fighting her."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "All Malzahar needs to do is keep his health up to level 6. At level 6, Malzahar's presence will skyrocket and become a major threat to enemies."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Your e is not very reliable at the beginning of the game. Don't invade or try to make cheese to the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Urgot destroys enemies with his passive and automatic attacks. Urgot executes targets when they are below a certain health threshold at level 6."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is very vulnerable to crowd control. The crowd control prevents Yasuo from launching his E for a while."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is not the strongest champion at Levels 1 and 2. However, Rumble can start trading with more success after Level 3."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal\u2019s E ability makes him one of the safest ADCs in the game. ezreal\u2019s E also allows him to avoid follow-up CC if he manages to get hit by initial CC ability."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "You can use numbers advantage to take her down or start a team fight on her team while she is elsewhere on the map. Healing reduction will be very useful in team fights as Gwen will get a lot of sustain."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Being dispersed in a team fight will prevent Volibear from getting a massive final R. A dispersed team fight can change the tide of a team fight."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia may use her Q on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "To master Rek\u2019Sai, you'll need to put in a lot of practice. Your goal in the early game is to gank as often as possible to get your allies ahead."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Gaining her E is a significant power spike in the lane. This ability makes Quinn very slippery and a menace to deal with."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Once you have turned from the bot track to the medium track, go to the side track and start growing XP there. You can attack any enemy who tries to stop you in 1v1."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "After Morg has finished his first article, his damage production will be extremely high. Dodger Morgana Q in a skirmish with it will be incredibly important."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "If they invade you, be ready to fight, but only do so if your passive is piled up and you can win, if not just step back. They'll win the 1v1 because they're stronger when their Ultimate is in place."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "She'll have a lot of articles at the end of the game. which will allow him to blow squishies upwards"} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's Ultimate R will allow him to execute the enemies easily during the fighting. Viego will already have several objects."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Every time your Ultimate n is in place, you can look for aggressive games to try to kill the enemy. Your Ultimate n makes you much stronger when used as a trading tool."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Agriculture will be a more reliable strategy in this matchup. The extension of trades will not work for you, so focus on agriculture."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "If the allies move on the track after destroying the tower, turn and move around the map. Rotation and displacement around the map allows to continue agriculture and win XP and gold in the way."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Once Graves gets his first item, he gains a higher kill pressure. Graves will play more aggressively once he has some levels and item components behind him."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite will be forced to find other ways to engage in the enemy team if he cannot catch them on guard. Just hide in the way brush early and wait for the enemies to approach."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Its Ultimate R can be used to install ganks on other channels. No one suspects a Zion to ulterate from the base to the bottom or middle of the track."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana's preference for short trades is because she prefers them over long extended ones Qiyana's team fight presence is huge thanks to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "When Diana has completed her Mythic item, her 1v1 potential is incredibly strong. Don\u2019t be afraid to fight the enemy Jungler alone if you have the item and level advantage."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah was suggested to be killed in different parts of the map. Taliyah's C and general damage will help him a lot during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan is really good at ganking in the early and mid-game. He will be looking to gank a lot, so it\u2019s important that you try to equal his gank pressure and gank as much as you can to prevent him from getting his laners ahead."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion uses his Q to remove targets. Avoid walking in areas where you know that Zion has been, because it is harder for you to get caught by him."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "It can do duel to any enemy during this stage of the game. This is quite an advantage because he can bring several enemies to him while his team gets goals."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Poke and delay team fights when necessary to gain an advantage. A maxed-out Ultimate d will let Orianna one-shot enemies if she manages to land an entire combo on them."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "He should be a part of as many fights as possible. The first ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Jinx doesn't have much help in the mobility department. If you or your team lands any crowd control on Jinx, it should result in a kill."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "That means he'll be tanky and do a lot of damage to his enemies. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Beware of his level 6 all-in. If he physically cannot all-in you,"} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus will be looking to farm as much as possible early so he can unlock his Ultimate {{championSpells.KarthusFallenOne}}. Try to put him behind by playing aggressive and requesting ganks."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "The lane ganking allows you to flatten a lot of damage and get a massive lead from your team during the early game. Sion is a support role at Level 1."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "When getting his Ultimate R at level 6, make sure you E (engage) your main port before diving into the enemy team's fights. The completion of Morgana's quest is an important peak of power for her team as she establishes a vision around the map, helping allies avoid ganks and roarings."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "If xinzhao cannot shoot his target, he will be controlled almost immediately by the crowd and killed on the spot. xinhao is incredibly vulnerable once its Ultimate R on cooldown."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle is perfect during team fighting. This will allow him to quickly detonate squishy enemies and slow down their escapes/advances."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "the scaling of ezreal is also dependent on the fact that he is very skill shot heavy and will need to land his Qs on the enemy in order to be effective. buffering ezreal's E won't work too well if the enemy has some form of ranged CC which they can use to follow-up on ezreal after he has used his E."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "He can remove teams or move them with his Ultimate. Shooting a cart or isolating someone could easily lead your team to a choice and murder."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Reaching Level 6 and getting first power is an important pick-up for Kha'Zix. The evolution of Q gives Kha'Zix a massive increase in damage."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "It is advisable to abuse Gangplank's weakness in the early game to gain an advantage. Avoid getting poked out in this matchup."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "She'll just need to maintain a good positioning and use her W correctly. Samira will have several elements during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "You may use your W to do so if you have no other way. Post-six, you should be able to all-in Ezreal regularly in this matchup."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista is vulnerable to slows and CC. Try to lock her down at the beginning of the fight so she is unable to dish out lots of damage."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "This can easily allow you to dive into the enemy rear line. At level 9, Vex maximizes its first capacity."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If your team gets killed or two, call Baron. You should be able to take Baron with ease as Master Yi."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "and she can quickly be chosen with her abilities. His team fight is also quite powerful."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon has the greatest amount of first blood in the game. The first bloods are a notable achievement for Talon."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "If Seraphine has 3 autonomized batteries, play safer than her next ability will be much stronger. Once Seraphine reaches level 6, expect her to look for murders in the way or install her Jungler for ganks."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When sieging an objective, make sure you ward around the objective in question to catch out Fiddlesticks before he engages with his R. Fiddlesticks will usually go to ward alone during the mid-game."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "At the end of the game, Zeri should be almost complete. As long as she positions herself well and kites, Zeri will be very good in team fighting."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Stand outside the minion wave so Twisted Fate is unable to push you and poke at the same time. Every time Twisted Fate's d is on cooldown, try to abuse it and go for an exchange."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Once Leona has her basics, she can protect her team and herself at the same time. This means that she can peel for her port holders quite easily."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Fighting while it\u2019s on cooldown could be the difference between winning a fight and losing it. When you have 3 points in your Ultimate, your sustain is very difficult to deal with."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "It will also make her Ultimate R less effective if you're slightly split up. When taking objectives, make sure you\u2019re not low as Jinx may be able to take you down with a well-timed R."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Try to bring Malphite down as much as possible before engaging him in a team fight to make it almost impossible for him to engage without dying. Keeping Malphites in poor health will force him to remember rather than commit himself."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "If Trundle fights a tank Support, he can steal their stats and be incredibly tanky. You will want to stay with your ADC and your team as much as you can."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "You're a strong player in 2v2 mode. Twitch is a glove."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank has a weak early game as he is reliant on items for dealing damage. To compensate for his weak early game, Gangplank should focus on using his r poke ability to harass enemies."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Kaisa's Q allows for targeted damage in a short time, making her strong in a 1v1 scenario. kaisa is extremely vulnerable when her E is down."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "In doing so, Akshan will be less effective. Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to exceed his Ultimate."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "He is vulnerable to crowd control in layers because he cannot push freely unless he already knows where the enemy Jungler is. If Velkoz doesn't know where the enemy Jungler is, he'll be killed by the enemy team."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Ward around and just aim to play safely. Once you get your first item component, spam your abilities more frequently in the lane."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His ultimate R allows him both to get tanks from his aircraft carriers and to inflict a lot of damage on the enemy team if he succeeds his target in them. This can change the tide of a team fight in an instant."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is especially vulnerable to champions with dashes or blinks. Kassadin is also very vulnerable when he doesn't have Flash early on."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for Kassadin to farm or break your freeze."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "You should use your e appropriately to avoid CC. Try looking for choices around the map."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "When the enemy is low, start a total attack. Keeping CDA alive for as long as possible is crucial."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "You risk losing the team fight if Alistar drops a multi-person. Harass and Alistar poke with basic attacks to reduce his health before reaching level 2."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand can be invaded often by Hecarim. You are a good counter-ganker."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Its survival is just as valuable. Mordekaiser's tankesse will be massive during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "You need to stay with your team throughout the late game. If you're caught out of position, the enemy will decimate you very quickly, even if you have your Ultimate m."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "If Shaco was chosen first, avoid playing with someone who needs to commit hard for it will be very difficult for you to commit without dying."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "His Q, E and Ultimate e are effective tools for inflicting damage in team fighting. If the enemy is tainted, Vladimir will decimate them with his Ultimate e."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "At level 6 and whenever it has its Ultimate R up, you should play more cautiously and avoid committing to fighting when you are low. In particular, remember if you are low, under the tower and when it has its ultimate R available."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "A master Yi fully overflowed would allow him to beat up the enemy team. Master Yi would have caused massive damage at the end of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille does not want to go in without her team. Due to her low cooldown on her Ultimate in the late game, camille must actively look for plays."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Peel for allies as much as possible to keep them alive during team fighting. The third point of Seraphine's Ultimate R will help him a lot during the team fights."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Maxing Azir's r will provide a good power spike for him as he can use it to poke the enemy down from afar. In conjunction with his W, Azir should be able to poke and farm from afar without dying to the enemy."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "This is the point of the game where grouped fights become common. Gnar can now decimate the enemy team with proper usage of his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Winning the game requires maintaining a significant advantage over the enemy team. Soraka is good during the team fights because of her W, Q and E."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "If Teemo does something terrible, he could be the reason his team loses. Teemo's card should be filled with its ultimate t-traps."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Gank the lower track Rotate to Drake."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Choosing someone and then collapsing on them to shoot them down is a great way to win a team fight and end the game. Look for choices with your abilities."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Hwei allows for abuse because of his multiple abilities. Hwei is fun and unique to play."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi is very strong in team fights. It's recommended that you find opportunities to group with your team."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "It will put his Ultimate R on a shorter cooldown and allow him to look for more aggressive plays. At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should\u2019ve completed an item or two."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Diving at the Volibear tower can also be used to kill the enemy track by juggling. Volibear's mid-game selection potential allows it to take goals without problems."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Play a little more passively against him in this step. The best opportunity to talk to Vladimir is when he used his l."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if your Ultimate R is still on the cooldown. Having three points in his Ultimate R is a massive powerpike for Xin Zhao."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you're away from your team. Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "This forces Swain to expand, making him more vulnerable to ganks and reducing his escape efficiency. Be careful when facing Swain at level 6, as his death pressure increases considerably with the power of his ultimate."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is a strong champion in terms of early game skirmish abilities. Ganking often with Rumble can provide significant benefits in terms of individual and team progress."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "If they're caught by a CC, they'll probably die. When Miss Fortune runs her Ultimate, she's vulnerable."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Drop some W shrines before leaving your lane to help your ADC stay healthy. Warding will help your ADC stay healthy especially when they are up against a poke lane."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "All he has to do is wait for the perfect moment to use his abilities effectively. According to Malphite's construction, it can either blow up enemies on the whole map, or be a reliable linear front for its allies."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin's first significant power spike is the ability to dash to or away from an enemy depending on the given situation. As the game progresses, this ability will play a pivotal role in Kassadin's success."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You\u2019ll want to avoid fighting Pantheon unless you have assistance. If invading, just back off."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "At the late game, you would've completed multiple items and got a lot of levels under your belt. You will be strong in the late game, too. In level 16, you\u2019ll put the final point in your Ultimate, giving your Ultimate a shorter cooldown and increasing your chances of getting picks."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn. Ask for ganks."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner's first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This ability should strengthen Skarner's survival and damage in the game, and allow him to make more choices now."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma should use her Q as much as possible against the enemy champion. Karma can gain an advantage over the enemy by dominating early lanes with her positioning."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "This will result in a massive damage increase and immediately make her a high priority target for the enemy. In the late game, look for picks on immobile or miss-positioned enemies."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Enemies generally don't anticipate such plays. During the mid-game, Bard's abilities will be on a lower cooldown."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Make the team fights unfair to the enemy. Use your Ultimate R in neutral objective fights."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Be very careful in this matchup that Tryndamere can easily all-in and kill you in this matchup early. The wave must be frozen near your turn, or you will have to pay expensive. Agriculture is going to be very important, only for the jobs on him, when his shot fell, or when he's going to hit a minion for the last time."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It is recommended to take Rift Herald before Taliyah receives assistance from a nearby route. Taliyah will want to delay the team fight as long as possible while she takes you with her Q."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Once Anivia has some levels behind her, her strength increases dramatically. Respect her burst and all-in potential whenever her t is available."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus will seek to divide the thrust throughout the middle of the game. Nasus is good at pushing to split thanks to his Q."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Fighting without advantage can put your champion at a disadvantage. The early game of viktor is terrible and it should avoid fighting for longer periods during this phase."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "The Ultimate R can act as an effective initiation tool to secure her team's win. Irelia is prone to being caught in CC."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "As a tank, you're pretty weak unless your aircraft carriers are alive. So keeping them alive is the key to team fighting. Be ready to peel them if necessary."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Focus on achieving objectives. Securing Rift Heralds is crucial."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "If you let your allies die, it will be difficult for your team to win the fight. After engaging, retreat and peel (protect) your ADC."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down. Continue to fly kites in team fights and systematically adapt your positioning."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Try and place vision inside the river and around his jungle entrances. Having vision in lane bushes will also help prevent ganks as you can spot him setting up his W."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Camouflage allows qiyana to hit enemies hard in a jiffy. qiyana's damage output will be really high as well."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Once you have an item, you can look for skirmishes with the enemy. Focus on farming and picking up as much farm as possible in the early game."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn so Mordekaiser can't freeze near his tower. Mordekaiser can't chase you very far even if he shoots you with his E, because of your mobility."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "This makes her a huge threat in team fights as her damage output in conjunction with her poke can be devastating to deal with. Ashe's y will be on an incredibly low cooldown which allows her to poke the enemy down a ton before a late game team fight erupts."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Getting your core items allows you to run down enemies and burn them to oblivion. Running down enemies and burning them to oblivion will let you defeat them."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke can easily help the mid-lane get ahead and come back to the bot lane in a jiffy. Keep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "A maxed-out Ultimate r will allow Rek'Sai to use the ability frequently and assassinate targets frequently. The ultimate r will be a great ability now."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game. Watch your positioning in the late game."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Your Ultimate has a short cooldown, so use it frequently enough to help cut off enemies who have already taken some damage. If you have allies with CC embedded in their kit, try to stay close to them."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If your team isn't strong, consider splitting push and draw enemies' attention while sieging an objective elsewhere or taking the Baron. Kassadin is skilled at getting picks through his Ultimate ability k."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Maintaining a safe range from the enemy is crucial. Keeping poking opportunities at the enemy whenever possible."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "You can solo the Dragon with ease, or you can ask for help and turn to it after helping the robot. Make sure to secure all Dragons whenever possible to deprive them of the enemy."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "If the robots' enemy path disappears, they could help Evelynn take the Drake. The enemy way can't take the Drake alone early."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "It will have several objects during this phase of the game, which will make its shields and abilities much more powerful. Still behind at least 2 minons so she's unable to root you with her g."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine should be really great that the game continues because she will get all her articles by now. She has to take care of her combat positioning to make sure she's not chosen."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "When Annie unlocks all 3 of her abilities, she can protect either herself or her ADC with her E. This allows for more playmaking potential and survivability."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping them alive as long as possible in team fights is a must to win the game."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "You can get kills by ambushing enemies with your abilities. This is a good strategy for taking out enemy champions who are not expecting you."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs will try to delay a team struggle as long as possible while he poses with his Q. Try to force a fight so it can't bring you down and force you to disengage."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Your allies are people who accompany you on a mission. Use your capabilities to quickly clear minion waves so your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana can burst down enemies easily. Qiyana can take over team fights with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "At level 6, Sion gets access to his Ultimate R. With the new gain level, Sion's death pressure and roaming potential increase significantly."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "He is not neccessarily strong at levels 1-4, and he doesn't have the biggest auto-attack range."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "The reduced cooldown and additional damage make Cassiopeia a huge threat during this stage of the game. Cassopieia should have her Tear stacked by this stage of the game."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "You should use your Ultimate R as a last resort, only when you are in danger or outnumbered. Once you've leveled up enough, you can start using your Ultimate R to take more risks and be more aggressive."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "After six, you'll want to bait Shen for an all-in-one. Once it's done, use your Ult and blow it up."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Capacity E was supposed to save the players from the problems. The proper use of E capability before being CC'd or taking magic damage was emphasized."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Focus on scaling and get your first element. Level 6 is a decent peak of power that allows Vladimir to release his bursting combo."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "As a Support, avoid warding alone in the late game. If you get picked off, the enemy will be able to take nearby objectives or use their numbers advantage to win a team fight."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "You will have to invest in armor or magic pen items if you want to break through her defensive stats. Once Poppy has both her E and Q unlocked, her all-in potential increases."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "The enemy group together which makes it harder for Aatrox to secure kills. If he can get on to them, you will still be able to take down carries in late game team fights."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "When you have 3 points in your Ultimate, your sustain is very difficult to deal with. If Aatrox ganks your lane, try to keep the minion wave between you and him for as long as possible."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger's E allows him to CC key targets but has a long cooldown early on. Heimerdinger will not have this problem during the late game and will now take down many enemies with his E."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Play safer and avoid committing aggressive plays while it is on cooldown. Ahri has multiple skill shots which makes her somewhat harder than many champions."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "This allows you to lock multiple targets at once with your Ultimate. Skarner's first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Her late-game team fighting is really potent. She can disrupt an entire team with a well-placed E or Ultimate R."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia deals a lot of damage in extended trades as long as she lands her Q. She needs to make sure she keeps an eye on her mana pool so she doesn\u2019t run out of mana."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Be extremely careful when looking for all-in. Get a defensive element to make sure you can support for a longer period of time in combat."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The ultimate R will allow Xin Zhao to distinguish enemies, allowing him to be protected from carrying range. After entering with your Ultimate R, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Your level 6 power spike is much stronger than hers. Don\u2019t be afraid to play aggressive when you get the level up."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Before you start a fight, let your teammates know when it's time to get to the end. Keep track of your liabilities."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger will now have maxed out an ability and will be dishing out a lot of damage depending on his maxed ability. As an ADC, he will probably be his Q, so he will have an easy time wave clearing and defending himself during all-ins."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Investing in an Executioner's Calling will help reduce Darius' healing and survivability in lane and in team fights. Do not overstay in a team fight when you're low as you might set up Darius for a Pentakill with his Ultimate e."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "If they die fast, the team fight\u2019s over as you\u2019re going to lack damage. As the game advances and drmundo gets his core items, he will be able to deal damage, as well as soak up a lot of damage for his team as a frontline."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Don't just stay in the middle if you can't get anything done. Once your bot track has moved to the middle lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Its ability ensures that the enemy lantern is pushed out of the way. Level 6 is a massive power peak for Lulu."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Bonus points if he can flank the enemy team. Once he manages to get three points in his Ultimate m,"} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "A good use of Level 6 will require a better knowledge of the card in the game. The first element will massively strengthen Sorakah's overall utility in the way, allowing for consistent healing due to the increase in the AP and the haste of capacity."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "This means overall increased damage and chasing potential. Your ultimate ability will be on a very short cooldown now, so use it frequently to get picks when possible."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Feeding him kills allows him to snowball out of control. Hecarim's duelling power intensifies when he completes Trinity Force."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Avoid grouping closely together in team fights as it may enable Galio to get a 5 man knock-up with his R once one of his allies has engaged. Space out between one another for maximum survivability from the get-go."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Taking down one enemy player could be enough to secure a victory in the next team fight or claim Baron Nashor. Diana has a unique playstyle when it comes to farming and trading during the early game."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "If Akali wasn't aggressive before Level 6, expect her to do so once she's reached the level. Try not to give Akali kills at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Additional deaths on enemies who walk alone on the map is a notable achievement for Talon. Talon's doing a lot of damage."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "With its AP construction, the timidvane can detonate enemies from afar. Alternatively, Timitvana can use a style of contusion game and dive into enemy team fighting."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "It is recommended to stay away from the ground as it can let Lillia use its splash E. Lillia's splash E can be a strong tool if it is used in the right position."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "It also has lower cooling, which means Zac can all enemies. At level 9, it will have its first maximum capacity."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Keeping a constant eye on the major goals ahead allows a faster placement of vision before retreating to safety. The vision around major objectives is crucial to the safety and effectiveness of a Support."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah can gank from afar thanks to his Ultimate R. The vision should be placed in Taliyah's jungle when its Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "As he builds items that enhance his damage and offer him protection, Darius will be relatively tanky and challenging to take down. Try to disengage and kite Darius when he engages in a team fight."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Build AP and prepare to damage opponents significantly. Look for picks during the mid-game, taking advantage of W and E abilities."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar will begin to fall as the game continues So Rengar has to accumulate an early lead."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If Fiddlesticks goes missing post-level 6, ping your teammates to alert them of the situation. Fiddlesticks truly comes online when they have unlocked their Ultimate and hit level 6."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The player should not wander alone as this can result in their death due to enemy attacks being too easy to land. Your placement E will determine if you win or lose a fight with ease."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Milio also has a lot of utility tools. Useful tools include healing, CC and shields!"} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Trading with Shyvana when she has a lot of minions doesn't matter. At level 6, Shyvana has access to a brand new kit."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "kaisa is really good in fights due to her E and Q. She can peel for herself"} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Fighting with outside will make the fights of the late game team much more difficult. Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if it is still on cooling."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "When Rell hits level 6, use her Ultimate R in a variety of ways that do not risk getting caught. Avoid engaging Rell when Mobi Boots is equipped, as it allows her to roam and impact allied lanes."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Level 6 is a good power peak for Lillia in the upper track. She can use it to kill you alone or to install her Jungler."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Look for peaks on isolated targets if possible. Keep a constant eye on your position and that of your allies."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "It became really beneficial if one of Shen-Shen's teammates was fed and needed to be peeled. It has a short range E capability, making it difficult for it to use a clear vision."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "The damage will also be increased. Jhin's first ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac excels in roaming, so it is essential to do ping and communicate with your team whenever it is missing on the track. Take advantage of the opportunity to exert pressure and intimidate Zac's CDA while he's gone."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "At level 9, Jarvan will get his first ability maxed out. This will give Jarvan a massive damage boost."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Punish him whenever he uses it for waveclear by engaging in trades. Locking down Ekko in team fights will prevent him from using his Ultimate R to escape with."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "If Fiora places her Ultimate R on a member of her team, it can be easily avoided by disengaging as soon as possible. Look for constant skirmishes with the enemy to gain a health or kill lead."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "If the landing pokes while pushing the minion wave, look for a favorable trade. The objectives of Siege Baron or Dragon should be prioritized when pushing the enemy under their turn."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Bullying the enemy down with poke helps Corki gain an advantage in team fights. Corki's poke is effective at harassing enemy laners, forcing them to stay behind their tower or take unnecessary risks."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "At level 6, you will have no kill threat in the lane against most enemy laners. Respect the enemies all-in damage past level 6."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "He falls at the end of the game because of his enemies who build defensive objects. Defensive objects built by his enemies can bring him down."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "This ability will increase the frequency of using the Ultimate d. It will increase the damage of the ability."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Stop it at the beginning of the game or finish it quickly will make it harder for him to wear at the end of the game. Can dry a lot of damage by moving quickly during team fighting."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This can easily let the enemy at a single stroke of Nasus carry that are relaxed by the enemy team. Nasus' tenacity will be a force with which he will count because he will not die as long as he finds a target to use his Q."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "If Cassiopeia is low on mana, it may be a good opportunity to engage her as her damage output will decrease with reduced mana. As an immobile Mage, Cassiopeia has no escapes from danger."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Do not cuddle the side of the track at level 1, as it is likely that it has boxes in it. Avoid standing up to the sides of the way. It is better to stand in the middle and follow the line that the minions take so it is impossible for any box to attack you."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Her Passive combined with her Ultimate R can be a deadly combo. If Neeko goes AD, she can run any enemy down if they don't have some form of CC ability on them."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "You can also look for picks with your abilities to catch someone who is out of position. A maxed-out Ultimate d will let Orianna one-shot enemies if she manages to land an entire combo on them."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "The additional ability haste makes Ashe more potent as a laner because she can constantly throw out her y on the enemy. At level 6, Ashe\u2019s kill pressure in lane increases."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The Ultimate R of Taliyah will allow him to take enemies who are alone or isolated without assistance. Taliyah has good potential with his C."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Make sure you reposition and move away from Katarina's Blade drops."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "At level 9, Ahri will maximize his Q. Ahri is a Mage Assassin."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar is a very immobile champion and extremely vulnerable to crowd control. Veigar's early play is weak, making him easy to abuse and kill with a few ganks."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "He's pretty decent during team fighting. It can completely decimate the enemy team if it manages to get a reset e with its Ultime capability activated."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco's first ganks are extremely strong, mainly because of his spelling choices. Tracking Shaco is crucial to avoid being in a world of pain."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "In the laning phase, Fiddlesticks is very good at poking and trading with his opponents. Fiddlesticks is also pretty safe in lane, making it easier to focus on other aspects of the game."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "The maxing out of Gragas' first ability will help him duel more effectively. This is especially true if Gragas is going for the full AP build."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Avoid regrouping if possible. Use a strong duel potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel anyone who tries to prevent you from pushing to break up."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Her Q can easily be sidestepped as it has a very short range. She also acts as a frontline so the enemy can flank her teammates before going for her."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Leona's Level 2 power peak is very strong. Make sure to hit Level 2 at the same time so you can chat with Leona in case she commits."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Now that Annie has her Ultimate R, she can easily burst people down and roam to other lanes using her E. After shoving the enemy wave with her W, Annie can use her E to roam to other lanes."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "In the last game, stay with your team and look for choices with your Ultimate R. If you are able to catch a champion out of position, you can take them off and win the fight."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "He can easily use this fact to his advantage and throw a snowball from his way. Kennen was rather squishy during the early game and could be killed easily."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "You must be ready for Gragas's invading potential often. Pay attention to what's happening on the map at all times."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Mobility refers to movement inside and outside the tracks. Lane refers to areas in which champions can be found during team fighting."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Being highly immobile makes it very easy for the enemy Jungler to gank his lane. The enemy laner can deliberately let him push in order to get him to overextend and ultimately killed."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "You should reach Level 2 at the same time as Zyra. If you are not going to reach Level 2 at the same time as Zyra, consider going back slightly to avoid being all-in as soon as they gain a higher level."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Since you will dive into the enemy team, you will need a defensive element like the Zhonya Hourglass. This will allow you to use your Ultimate R effectively."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Make sure you group closely together to make it harder for her to engage and pick someone off. Elise is very good at ganking at level 2 or 3."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "In team fighting, continue to focus on the most squishi and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Play towards the opposite side of the lane at all times This will make it harder for Rakan to get a successful engage on to you or your carry"} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "If you can pick someone off with the help of your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills. Another point in her Ultimate R will allow her to deal massive amounts of damage with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Get your first item quickly while avoiding CC and being all-in'd. Use W and r with utmost discretion."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "After six levels, Lucian can kill an enemy with a single shot using his combo. Lucian can reposition with his E while taking an enemy with the combo."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Pantheon's Passive needs to be stacked before invading. She has tons of combos to master."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Try to adjust your positioning accordingly. Play where your ADC is at all times."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "The completion of Morgana's quest would give his team an advantage in terms of situational awareness and positioning. With Morgana's guard, his teammates will be able to set up ambushes more effectively and catch enemies out of the guard."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Make sure your team invests in the Executor Appeal to reduce its healing capacity. Expect the Jungler gank post 6."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "The first item component will let qiyana deal a lot of damage. qiyana's trading will be highly optimized with the first item component."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The goal was to bring down the enemy as much as possible while the team took turns (or the Dragon or Baron). The laying tools were widely used to harass the enemy and bring them down with Q."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Unlike most aggressive Supports, his level 6 isn\u2019t that good in 2v2 skirmishes in the bottom lane. However, he does have good roaming potential and can help his allies from afar."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric has a good potential for engagement and capture with his E, requiring close monitoring of positioning. Invest in an executor's call to reduce Taric's healing during team fighting."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "The Q mana mechanic allows Annie to save a lot of mana. Her W provides Annie with lane priority due to the wave clearing potential."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks will usually go to ward alone during the mid-game. Try to set up an ambush in a bush and tackle him when he goes to place or deny vision around objectives like the Baron or Dragon."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Your b will be on a lower cooldown in the late game. You\u2019ll be able to look for picks frequently."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Avoiding melee range can prevent Darius from applying multiple stacks of his Passive. Staying out of melee range can help avoid extended trades with Darius."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble has good objective control early. Try to get the goals before Rumble has the opportunity to take them on his own."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Avoid separating by playing against Sejuani. If you don't get together, she'll just force a fight with her Ultimate R, so make sure you're grouped as a team."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "The optimal game style for Akali at level 6 is to look for aggressive all-ins, especially when the enemy overextends and uses its Ultimate to win an additional pressure to kill. At this stage, the teams will be closely regrouped."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Try your hardest to know who has Flash and who doesn't to increase your chances of landing your Q. Pyke is a mechanically difficult champion to learn and will take a lot of getting used to."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "It will have a lower cooldown that allows her to go for more aggressive all-ins. The lower cooldown comes with additional damage."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Its effectiveness increases if it manages to find a flank on its enemies or to place its ultimate R on a group of enemies hanging together. Sion can surprise the targets who walk around the Rift Invocation alone while waiting in a bush and using its Q to shoot them down."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "This will reduce his and his allies chances of getting kills. Karthus will be looking to farm as much as possible early so he can unlock his Ultimate {{championSpells.KarthusFallenOne}}."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "This will help her a lot in the team fights, especially when the enemy team is filled with heavy CC champions. It will have its basic items by then, which means that it will suffer a respectable amount of damage."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "The inappropriate or reckless use of her W can immediately cause her to be killed because of her pitfall. The enemy can try to get away from it to prevent it from getting its fully loaded E, which did not reset its W to facilitate an escape."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Aphelios is very strong in team fights thanks to his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "A secondary Support like Ivern relies on his teammates more than most Junglers in the game. Ivern is best paired with a team that has a hyper carry."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Use the track brushes to mark the attack on the enemy lantern whenever possible. Go make quick exchanges and step back."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin uses his 4th shot during team fights. Jhin has an auto that can deal a lot of damage in the mid to late game."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain's Ultimate R allows him to resume fighting with several points of execution. Its release of damage in Ultimate R will be phenomenal."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "XP stands for experience points, which are necessary for leveling up your champion. Flank means attacking from a side where the enemy is not expecting you."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Continue to collect and secure jungle camps as much as possible. Not falling back in the middle of the game is crucial as Jungler, so make sure you keep growing!"} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan can use his mobility to get over walls and dodge commonly placed wards. Jarvan can repeatedly gank lanes over and over thanks to his relatively low cooldowns."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Take advantage of this to get you killed for free. The highest level achieved by a capacity is 9."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "If you can't stop it quickly, you may need to flank it and attack on the side. Play around Senna. Ultimate R."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Try to match your pressure by flying camps or counter-guiding. Taking goals can also be useful against Master Yi."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "It can also pull back doors with this capacity. The CC on Ryze's W allows him to put pieces for himself and his team."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Pokeing the enemy allows ezreal to harass them aggressively before engaging in combat. Haunting the enemy harasses them repeatedly to prevent damage from being dealt."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "The next power peak for Zeri is usually at the level where it unlocks its first component element. Unlocking its first component element allows Zeri to go for more favorable exchanges with the enemy laner."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "They'll use their Ultimate. You must make sure that you are also looking for gank as often as you can."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "When Vex's Ultimate R is on cooldown, expect it to play more aggressively. Winning enough gold for its first component element offers additional trading potential in the track."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's slaughter pressure is very high, as he only needs to land his W and then follow him with his Q and auto attacks. The combination of W, Q and auto-attacks becomes much more devastating when Viego gets his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The champions will begin to regroup at this stage of the game. Twitch can use its Ultimate to effectively fight against this group."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar needs an early electric farm to get his level 6. Without Rengar's Ultimate capability, he cannot gank effectively as Jungler."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's Ultimate ability will have a short cooldown, allowing for frequent saves for teammates. This ability can be used to secure knockups at the enemy team's center."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "With your poke, you can easily zone enemy travelers out without even approaching them. Your brush power is unrivalled and a rotation of your spells on an unsuspecting enemy will force them to play defensively."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "If Talon invades you, step back unless you have an obvious advantage. Talon has no incredible control Dragon or Rift Herald in early play."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn should target both enemies and minions when possible using her Q. After six minutes, Quinn should be able to safely gank and roam around the map a lot."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "If enemy teams separate completely, it can be difficult for Skarner to be super effective. The enemy front line could block Skarner's Ultimate."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's Ultimate R will really shine during this phase of the game. This ability can impact team fights whenever it is up."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map will help reduce Xin Zhao's death pressure in the way. Investing in the reduction of healing will significantly benefit you against Xin Zhao as it tends to have a lot of support in the way and throughout the game."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "To avoid walking through the mushrooms placed, try to take the non-orthodox path. Nashor's Tooth is a central element for Teemo."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "At this point in the game Bel\u2019Veth will have her full core item build path. Bel\u2019Veth will deal a huge amount of damage whilst being incredibly slippery."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas' ultimate R capability is an excellent trading tool, increasing player strength. The player must maintain an equal or slightly favourable position of the minion wave"} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "His damage is relatively significant during the late game. but one-shotting enemies will also be challenging for him."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn\u2019t be fighting until you have some levels under your belt."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne will have the advantage of the range in the way in most matchups. Vayne will abuse the enemy team."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "At level 16, Darius\u2019s Ultimate e will be an essential tool in team fights. Darius\u2019s Ultimate e can deal a considerable amount of damage."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Make sure to switch your r effectively to avoid running out of mana. Team fighting can be difficult for Amumu as you are inclined to disengage, poke and CC."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali will try to harass you when you go for CS. You should keep your distance from Akali at all times."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Playing around your Ultimate t should be done in the later parts of the game. Fight with your Ultimate t up if possible, because fighting without it makes the late-game team fight much harder."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is very strong at level 6 as his Ultimate e is an execute. Do not fight him post 6 unless his Ultimate e is down. Do not engage with Darius unless his Ultimate ability is on cooldown."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "You should not fight or skirmish with the enemy until both your Ultimate R and Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass are up. Getting caught out without a strong support can lead to a devastating loss for you and your team."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "He is dependent on playing around his Passive before getting his form. The bad form early, puts it back in massive condition."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "This will allow him to use capacity frequently, giving him a global advantage during the fighting. Xin will have a maximum of two of its capabilities per level 14."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "At the beginning of the game, Xin Zhao is strong and tends to go for aggressive games to win an early lead. Xin is vulnerable to CC during team fighting."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "If Diana engages the enemy backline during a team fight, she can take them out almost instantly. Even if Diana gets caught by enemies, her tankiness and defensive items will keep her alive for some time."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern usually hits his power spikes between 11 mins and 20 mins when he hits his 2 item power spike (Redemption and Ardent). You should always take his Redemption into consideration when trying to kill the enemy."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Save Severum ammo whenever possible, since it will be useful for trading in the lane if your Support initiates a fight. You may play around with your Support/Jungler and set up strategies using Gravitum r."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "He can\u2019t really escape without using summoner spells when his W ability is down. Fighting in open spaces reduces the effectiveness of Gangplank as he won\u2019t be able to use his E barrels to the fullest potential."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Dying Lucian at the beginning of the game will make it very difficult for you to come back. Wait until Lucian uses his E before he fights or tries to land CC."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Make sure no one on your team is too early in the team fights that Malzahar can try to catch someone out of position with his Ultimate R. When you sit goals or step back from a fight, look at your positioning as you can walk in Malzahars Q that can be devastating for your health bar."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "She's gonna have her essentials finished by then. Even if it is a Support, it will inflict tons of damage to the enemy team due to its Passive."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "After entering with your Ultimate, be ready to fold and peel for your allies. Your Ultimate is a key part of your game plan."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "She can\u2019t use her Ultimate R during a skirmish. But it is an execute and can be used when she is in a safe position and not in immediate danger."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "This makes her a huge threat in the way and makes her a little safe from the ganks. Leblanc has a good clear wave thanks to his W."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "And now he'll be a huge threat to the enemy team. Don't fight at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can get into the fight quickly. At level 16, Zed's Ultimate R will have been maximized."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Your Q can come in handy at any moment. You should always try to push the wave in when the enemy Jungler is not near your lane due to your range advantage."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "A mechanically difficult champion requires lots of practice to master and has a sharp learning curve. To make use of her kit, you need to play Camille a lot."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Only your d can be blocked by the W of Yasuo. However, the W of Yasuo can also save his death by almost always having him out of school."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Velkoz's level 6 will bring a massive peak of power as it can now use its passive to its maximum potential. Vel'Koz must be careful not to root in a position where an enemy can flank it after reaching level 6."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Pay attention to his Q poke. Try to avoid it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "The closer Samira Style points are to the S row, the more mobile it will be in the game and will inflict more damage. After reaching position 6, Samira cannot use its Ultimate capability unless its Style points reach maximum."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "As soon as Jarvan begins to run towards you, either disengage or lock him down with crowd control (CC) to gain an advantage. It's not impossible for Jarvan IV to gank at level 2 once he has unlocked his d and e."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "It's really useful to him, because it's his primary damage ability. It will allow him to flatten a lot of damage and kill the squishies and tanks (according to his form)."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "After level 6, every third auto attack of Jax deals extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with Jax- especially if he\u2019s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The middle of the game marks a shift towards a more respectable game for Swain. Swain excels in team fighting thanks to his AOE Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "You should avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. In the later parts of the game, you should play around your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Peeling for your carts during mid-game team fights is crucial to keep them from dying. If your carriers die during a fight, the result will be unfavourable."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "His team will lose its front line if Kled's Ultimate R fails to reverse the tide of a team fight. Kled's ultimate can cause great chaos in a team fight and lead to loss if the enemy exploits its failure."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate R, you'll be able to do more in this lane. The plan remains whittling down enemy first and then looking to all-in with Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "In team fights, you mustn't let Ezreal poke you down before you get the chance to engage. If Ezreal is isolated, run at him as quickly as you can to start the fight."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This is only applicable for combats from start to mid-game. If the enemy avoids staying near the walls, then it will become really difficult for Zac to cover them with the fog of war."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "You can abuse the long cooling period of his Ultimate to get murders on the enemy CDA at level 6. The long cooling period of his Ultimate makes him more vulnerable to being killed by the enemy CDA at level 6."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "His biggest weakness is an enemy team that can ward well. Warding allows the enemy to anticipate his move and react accordingly."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Flank from the side instead of running directly towards the enemy as they\u2019ll be able to disengage or poke you down. When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath can be flanked with ease in the track when pushed upwards due to its built-in erasure. Xerath's Ultimate 2 can be easily interrupted and used as a tool to quickly target and remove it."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zoning squishier targets off during skirmishes is the key when you have your Ultimate R. Zac's level 6 is a decent power peak for team fighting and duel."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "It's key that your team knows that Gangplank can use his Ultimate R to impact a fight at level 6. Gangplank is rather weak in the early game and needs time to come online."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "She can easily get her team an early dragon advance, after having managed to plant a track with her Q. Its Ultimate R can allow it to target a target down, which has two uses depending on its role in the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "See if you can gank other lanes with your abilities. It will easily get you a kill or two."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Singed will try to divide the thrust and take goals. Make sure someone who can challenge it is sent to a secondary lane to stop it."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "As her Ultimate is a great tool for team fights, she will be very strong in the late game."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "This will allow you to get your laners ahead and will allow you to assert a lot of pressure in the game. Level six isn't that huge of a power spike."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "His team fight is also quite powerful. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Harass and poke the enemy down with your b and e. Stick with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "This will allow you to bring down the enemy while protecting yourself from the ganks. If you keep pushing when you're not ahead, you'll be unable to bring down the enemy and you'll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Disengagement is Master Yi's worst nightmare. Master Yi is worse when he's low."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is weak early in the game. The middle of the game marks a shift towards a more respectable game for Swain."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "His level six will not be very impacted during this phase of the game because he has a long cooldown. Roaming during this phase would be a problem."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "If you dash forward, they could all-in you, or the enemy Jungle could show up. Look at whats happening on the map before dashing forward."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "The executor's call brings serious injuries. Morllonomicon also causes serious injuries."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It will be incredibly beneficial during the laning phase. Taliyah is relatively weak at the beginning of the game, as its track is shorter and can be spoiled easily."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "She can effectively one-shot any squishy enemy who is wandering around. qiyana is a perfect early game champion due to the severe burst damage."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan has rather good Dragon and objective control. Make sure you keep major objectives warded at all times so you can spot Jarvan before he secures the objective."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Falling behind in the early game will delay your first major power spike. Focus on playing safe in the early game."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "It is important that you stick with your team in the late game. Do not move around the map or go anywhere unless someone is with you."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Rotation around the card will allow us to continue to grow and win XP. Lucian's Level 2 is a decent power peak because it allows him to go for an all-in-devast combo."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox is a lane bully who can snowball quite quickly. If you\u2019re able to get an early lead, try to abuse it to get more kills in lane to increase your chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Play around your Ultimate R in the middle of the game. Your Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool that can help you get an advantage of killing."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "You should try to match her pushing power so she doesn't get under your tower. Keep the minion wave away from your tower because Karma has good poke and will bully you if you don't take action."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Your Ultimate can be used defensively as well. Use your Ultimate when you need to save an overextended ally and are about to get ganked by the enemy."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "When fighting, make sure you\u2019re not too far forward or split from your team. If you\u2019re too far forward, he could use his Ultimate R to push you into his team."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Make sure you\u2019re looking to fight constantly to gain a lead. After Darius has completed his first component item, his Passive and overall damage output can be extremely obnoxious."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "If you're nearby when Switch ganks, don't be afraid to counter the gank as you're really strong in 2v2, especially post 6. You're a strong player in 2v2 mode."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco can try to assassinate transport players if they are alone and move around the card. Preventing Shaco's assassination requires teamwork and awareness of his movements."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It can make life a living hell for travellers who rely heavily on dashes. Taliyah can be defeated by the control of the enemy crowd, especially during the early match."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite has a lot of versatility in her kit. The state of the game dictates the optimal path for its team."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E. Focus on securing those objectives."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "By creating this rift, you can gain an advantage in the game. Level 16 isn't that great because she won't be getting a lot except for a reduced cooldown on her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "To make her easier to lock up, try to flank her rather than run directly over her so she has more difficulty escaping. Anivia needs to invest in the mana early so she can easily grow."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Watch out for Gragas' E which enables him to close gaps fast and also serves as an escape route. Save your ultimate for when Gragas uses his ultimate because if he pushes you into his team, you can all-in with it quickly."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Pressure while your team sits targets elsewhere to open the map should be a priority. Nasus will have a good amount of batteries."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear's Ultimate R allows it to easily install dives in the tower. Diving at the Volibear tower can be used to kill low-health loners in the upper lane."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Always stand behind at least two minions when facing Lux so she can't use Root on you. If Lux uses g (Light Bridge) but misses, take advantage of its cooldown to play aggressively because Lux will be unable to protect himself and prevent the whole."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu is susceptible to poke in the laning phase. Team fighting can be difficult for Amumu as you are inclined to disengage, poke and CC."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali is a melee champion. You should talk to Akali early when she goes for CS."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "A champion with the most crowd control (CC) in the game can easily initiate a gank early. His level 6 power spike is incredibly strong."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon will be really hard to play if he doesn't get ahead in the game. Without getting ahead, Pantheon will be pretty much useless outside of his W and E."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia has a minimal threat in the track before level 6. Pre-level 6 gameplay for Anivia focuses on agriculture and safe play."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "If you have a strong Ultimate, try to abuse cooldown and help your allies. Udyr has no reliable engagement tool other than running to your team."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "First of all, Xerath will be released very quickly. Second, it will be able to use its capabilities more times as it will have an increased mana pool."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Having three points in his Ultimate R is a massive powerpike for Xin Zhao. This will allow him to use capacity frequently, giving him a global advantage during the fighting."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux will have his basics. The squishy who gets caught by Lux's g will certainly die."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath's goal is to delay a team fight as long as possible while poking with his p and 2. Do not engage immediately, as this would allow Xerath to delay the team fight."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "This will open the card and give your team a gold lead. Its levels one and two are good for long-range steering in the track."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "A champion with a strong early game can make Cho'Gath very weak in lane. Cho'Gath needs time to scale and come online."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere reaches level 6 and its survival increases one ton. Avoid committing yourself to fighting with Trendamere when its Ultimate e is in place unless you can easily beat it in a skirmish."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You'll have to bait her before you look for a full blow on her, or you'll definitely die. Taliyah will concentrate on fighting you a lot in this game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The strength of Lulu's early play puts the rest of the game in place. She will continue to be a formidable opponent throughout the game."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Once you're level 6, play more aggressively. Your Ultimate R is an excellent tool for escarming and can get you killed."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If she is getting engaged upon, she can use her d and Ultimate a empowered d to both disengage and get back a lot of health. Her Ultimate a is the backbone of her strength in the lane."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion is weak before reaching level 6. Prior to level 6, Sion lacks mobility."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Ulting can fuck you in a lot of cases. The practice makes perfect, and the awareness of the card will help with it."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "A tank-to-tank game is a challenge. The best approach is to avoid malphitis and focus on agriculture early."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen is likely to try to drop vision on you, so keep your brushes warded. Don't let Garen farm in peace and poke him every time he goes to last hit."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "You should use your capabilities to clear minion waves quickly so that your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat. If you can land poke while pushing the minion wave, you could look for a favorable trade."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Your goal in the early game is to gain as much gold and Xp as quickly as possible. The focus should be on ganking lanes with low mobility or for allies with early CC."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "In the middle of the game, Zeri would have picked up several articles. She will do a lot of damage in the fights and will be able to carry them solo if she is early at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox suffers from long cooldowns and is easily abusable when they're on cooldown. You'll fall off in the later stages of the game if you don't end the game quickly or snowball your lead so you'll be a huge threat in team fights."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "It will help reduce the amount of damage Nasus can do you with physical damage. This will increase the chances of survival and team fighting."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn's Ultimate R is a utility tool rather than a pure damage tool. Quinn does not spike at level 16."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Force a fight or fight when Swain isn't around will make it easier for your team to win team fights. Avoid regrouping too closely around goals or in team fights as it can allow Swain to land a very good multi-person E and start the team fight."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one. Avoid separating or being away from your team at the end of the game, as the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Since Zed is an Assassin, he will seek to bring down targets that walk on the map alone. Avoid crossing the river if it is not monitored."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Objective choices like the Baron or Dragon help save time to focus on them. Getting a choice gives you enough time to get down the Baron."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "When fighting Darius, try to reposition so that he can\u2019t hit you. Moving outside of the ring will reduce his damage output."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "Braum can get bullied down easily by ranged champions during the laning phase. Positioning is crucial for Braum at all times to avoid forced recall or playing safe."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "In the team fights, lock Samira with CC at the beginning of the fight so that it cannot destroy the damage. CC will also stop Samira's Ultimate R prematurely, so try to lock it fast if she uses her E."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Don't exaggerate too much in this way, you'll end up being killed because of ganks. If possible, ask your Jungler to gank you early a few times."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe is good in extended trades. Avoid going for extended trades with Ashe."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "He will be stronger than you early. you will have some levels under your belt"} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "When the n Ultimate ability of the monkey is available, it can be used for aggressive games and kill the enemy. The n Ultimate capability is an excellent trading tool that makes the monkeying much stronger."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan can look for an aggressive game if he could intimidate the enemy at level 1 An Akshan has supported and recovered its first component element, and this should increase its damage production and its ability to trade."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Level sixteen provides an important boost to the Ultimate t of Timitvana. Shyvana can inflict massive damage to enemies remotely with its AP construction."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Leblanc's basic elements should allow him to blow up any squishy target on which she lays her eyes. She should wander and see if she can get killed on extended sideways."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate, you may want to look for ganks all around the map. It should be pretty easy to shoot out of view how your ult works, but make sure you push Nasus out of the way before roaming. Keep the wave near your turn."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Fight in lanes rather than in the jungle. Grouping together can lead to difficult skirmishes."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim won\u2019t be able to flank the enemy freely if the enemy team sets proper vision around the lane they are fighting. Hecarim is assertive early on."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Hitting level 3 quickly will give a boost to my clearance speed, but I won't be able to gank effectively until I'm level 6. Since my first clearings are weak, I need to avoid being invaded in the jungle."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Your Q Active is really overpowered when bursting people down. At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should\u2019ve completed an item or two."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Choosing someone and then collapsing on them to shoot them down is a great way to win a team fight and end the game. Look for peaks on isolated targets if possible."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Group and stay with your team at all times. Do not split push or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "If Morgana shows up her Q, she could easily follow you and shoot you down. Morgana's Black Shield E has a very long cooling."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "A common target for the assassin is when they go into combat with their Ultimate R. If an opponent goes into combat alone, the assassin is an easy target and should be focused on using her fast ability."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "She has partnered with her Q offers her enough mobility to easily spoil her targets. Early piles are vital for a Kindred to succeed in the game."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "If you keep pushing when you're not ahead, you'll be unable to bring down the enemy and you'll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler. The first element will allow him to do a lot of damage and to survive the way."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Zeri's E has a very long cooldown compared to other champions in the same way. Other champions have shorter movement spells than Zeri."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "This ability is advantageous for Galio's team and will allow you to impact the game more. Galio has limited range as a champion."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "As an adversary more tankier than Tahm, use this property to protect your allies and prevent them from being killed. If you see a weak ally on health and in a skirmish with Tahm, ultivate them immediately if the fight seems saving."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri's Ultimate offers extra pick potential during the mid-game. When Ahri hits level 9, she would've maxed out her Q."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Her flying life combined with her damage and mobility during the end of the match will make her really good in team fighting. She'll just need to maintain a good positioning."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "You should only move forward to trade or secure minions in early play to prevent Akshan from harassing you for free. Keeping your wave closer to your side of the map early is the key."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Try to secure them with your team after ruining the lower lane. Make sure to focus on taking Dragons for your team."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Do not move around the map or go anywhere unless someone is with you. Stand towards the back end of your team near your Support."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Stand in the middle of the lane as much as possible when you are near Camille's E. At level 6 Camille will gain access to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Play safe for the first levels while land poke on the enemy with s. Once you hit level 6 and bought key elements, try to harass and constantly push the enemy into their turn."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Keep this in mind and respect its damage. Respect the damage she suffered after she finished her first article."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Be cautious when trading with Darius at level 1. Fighting Darius at level 2 is not recommended as he will likely win."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Once it's down, or if it's misused, its enemies can easily kill it in the way. If crazy falls behind, he can build a tank, but he will cause little or no damage in team fighting."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "He will have several objects during this phase of the game. These objects will allow him to flatten tons of damage."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "When fighting him, look at the minimap for enemies collapsing onto you. If they come, run away as it\u2019s unlikely you\u2019ll be able to win 1v2."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Once she has 2 points in her Ultimate, she can easily resume team fighting and disrupt them. Its positioning will now be the determining factor."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "I am going to stand away from the minion wave at all times so they cannot push and poke me at the same time. Match her pushing power as much as possible. Avoid letting her gain a lead from pushing me under my tower."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Locking down Qiyana will prevent her from dishing out tons of damage. Locking down Qiyana will help kill your teammates."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Avoiding close grouping prevents a 5 Ultimate R person from being triggered. Yasuo's W is almost useless against you."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "This will allow Samira to search for murders frequently, especially when the enemy overextends or walks too far forward. His Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool in team fighting."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is easy to learn. Lots of pros, analysts and high ELO players recommend playing Annie if you want to learn the basics of the mid-lane."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "A still enemy or CC'd will be mostly dead if they can't take Xin away from them. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map will help reduce Xin Zhao's death pressure in the way."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath's early play poke can be really difficult to manage in the way. Be prepared to take additional support so that you do not have to remember early."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane. Try to take the middle tower of the track."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The purchase by Rumble of its first component element results in a substantial increase in its skirmish capacity. After obtaining the first component, aggressive gameplay becomes crucial for optimal performance."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Once Jayce has an item under his belt, he will be able to push the minion wave incredibly fast. Make sure you match his pushing power so you do not lose tower plates early on."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Take advantage of your range advantage and constantly harass Taric whenever possible. Use your automatic attacks and abilities to drop it and put pressure on the track."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Level 9 is crucial to maximize the power of the first capacity. The first capacity massively increases the production of damage and the duo capacity of Xin Zhao."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "xayah can be closed early. xayah is very prone to ganks."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "You should be part of neutral goals because your Ultimate R allows you to easily disrupt the fights. Your Q can let you kill enemies who decide to go through bottlenecks."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is considered weak in the early game. It's recommended to exploit Kassadin's weakness in the early game to gain a lead."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "You should go to the top priority target. It is recommended to try CCs (crowd control)."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "If Rengar leaves the line, ping your teammates. If Rengar can't kill you in the way, he could try to wander. Ping as soon as he leaves."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Work with your Support to kill her. The best time to all-in her is when her r is down, or she is CC'd."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Make sure you keep playing around your cooldowns to continue your lead. Renekton relies heavily on his cooldowns to win an advance."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo is not remarkable in team fighting. Teemo should secure the catch and blow the enemies with its capabilities or shared thrust until the enemy responds."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "His job is to survive early. Fiddlesticks first power spike occurs when he reaches level 6."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The security of the minions allows Varus to grow safely without being attacked. If Varus uses his Q to push and poke at the same time, he makes effective use of his mana."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "The liberal use of track brushes can be beneficial for this purpose. Your champion's ability to make a last shot in the way will make them your best friend in the way if you're dealing with an early tank."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Flanking will disrupt fights completely. Do not barge into the enemy team if you don't have any follow-up from your team."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Your goal during the laning phase is to search for murders and abuse the enemy as often as possible. Try to play aggressive often to win an advance."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "If you can choose someone, you should turn to the baron or the older dragon. Keep a constant eye on which the main objective is to spawn afterwards."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "You should avoid fighting him when his resource bar is more than half filled in this matchup. Fighting against him without using your passive will make you take a lot of damage otherwise."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Always try to integrate the enemy Jungler as far as possible. The removal of the enemy Jungler will allow you to take neutral goals easily."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand relies heavily on mana for his gameplay. A poke mage such as Brand can run low on mana quickly."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Focus on the descent of Swain himself rather than on his ADC. By reducing Swain's health, pressure can be created and its ability to engage freely can be limited."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "The increased stats help her kite as well as do a lot more damage in a very short duration. jinx has no form of mobility."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This means that Zac will either have a massive reach advantage for gank enemies, or it will inflict a lot of damage to enemies near him. After entering with your Ultimate R, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "The goal for an ornn player should be to stay out of vision and catch the enemy off-guard using a lane brush. Try to utilize all-ins with your Q and E from lane brushes whenever possible."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Whenever Gragas has his E up, he is a bigger threat. You need to position and play safely when Gragas has his E up."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "You should keep your distance from Akali at all times. If Akali uses his Q and he hits, don't walk for a while."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Go get an all-in-one on the enemy with his W. Level 6 is a decent pickup."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Putting the second point in Ezreal\u2019s Ultimate R at level 11 will offer him a lot of extra damage. He will also be able to threaten steals on major objectives like the Baron or Dragons."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "If Trendamere slows you down, you can use a track brush and minion to reposition. To prevent Tryndamere from regenerating his health peacefully, do not let him grow alone."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona overextends to get batteries on the Spellthief Edge, making it an aggressive game time. Pushing Sona when it is positioned forward can be effective."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "After the Yasuo bot track turned towards the middle of the track, go to the side track and start cultivating and getting XP there. You can look at 1v1 any enemy trying to stop you."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "When Aurelion Sol pushes and roams, make sure to ping as soon as he goes missing. Try to push the wave back when Aurelion Sol is absent and start taking Tower plates if unable to match his roam."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon can take additional deaths on enemies who walk alone on the map. Additional deaths on enemies who walk alone on the map is a notable achievement for Talon."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Just make sure you don't get CC'd for a major all-in-one, you'll definitely end up dying. Still target wears as much as you can."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "He is decent during late fighting because his W can easily CC a high priority target and prevent them from joining the fights, giving his allies time to damage other enemies or collapse on target CC'd."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo will be extraordinarily odious and devious now, especially as the game progresses. The first capacity will cause more damage."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Punish enemy laner with auto-attacks after taking control of soldier-directed attacks. This will create a healthy lead in the lane, allowing for either an all-in or roaming strategy."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "During the middle game, you'll want to push the wave. You will work with your teammates to remove your enemies whenever possible."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "This will let her deal a lot of damage to enemies she has managed to catch. It will also allow her to thwart escape attempts from the enemy."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "He is one of the few champions who is relatively good at all stages of the game. The goal for an ornn player should be to stay out of vision and catch the enemy off-guard using a lane brush."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gank whenever you reach 6 and gank whenever your Ultimate is off cooldown. Every second with it up could mean you miss out on a kill."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Of course, you will have a lot of finished items, or are in the middle of construction at this stage of the game, so you should be able to do a lot of damage and survive fighting. The goal is to protect the river from being organized by reducing its ability to obtain early ganks."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "As a Jungler, you need to try and secure every Drake during the mid-game. Getting them and securing the Dragon Soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear's early game ganks are solid, provided he plays around the vision correctly. Volibear should easily gank any path where the enemy is overstretched once its basic capabilities are unlocked."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Once Fiddlesticks has his Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass, it allows him to really hit home. If he channels his R and uses his Zhonya\u2019s, you can\u2019t attack him when he goes into stasis."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Try and stay at max distance when trading with Neeko. Neeko can go for short burst trades with her Q and E once she reaches level 2."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "If they die at first, you won't be able to win the fight alone. Focus on the enemy champion closest to your wagons and work as a team to get the enemy down one by one."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki was behind at least 1 minion when he hit level 6, because he couldn't push and poke someone at the same time. After Corki completed his first item, he started dealing a lot of damage and looked very aggressive."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille's mobility relies on her E being active. The enemy can easily capitalise on a mistake with Camille."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "He can even one-shot targets if he is far ahead of the enemy team. This will allow him to create an advantage for his team before a major fight."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin will be able to pick enemies for his team with his Ultimate R when it is maxed out. His 4th shot from the Ultimate R phase of the game hits very hard."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. Shen was able to mitigate any form of automatic attack damage with his W."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Your goal is to use the fog of war to land your CC on the enemies. Fighting in the Jungle should give you easy wins due to your e."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "The shorter cooling times allow Alistar to go for more choice and increase his team's lead in the middle of the game. In addition to less cooling, Alistar reportedly purchased items that make it incredibly tanky."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should\u2019ve completed an item or two. His damage output will be quite high which can allow him to win mid-game team fights."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Misuse of his E can cause him to kill several times. The use of capacity requires discretion, as it can prevent it from getting resets that can inadvertently kill it."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This means he can deal a massive amount of burst damage to any enemy he gets too close to."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Standing outside the minion wave makes it harder for Neeko to push and poke you with Q. Once Neeko has her Ultimate R, her kill pressure increases."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Once Hecarim hits level 6, he can terrorize enemies with his flanking potential. His flanking potential allows him to completely isolate a target from their team and burst them down with the help of his team."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar will be able to take more damage and survive fighting because of the tanky items he acquired. The acquisition of tanky items makes Alistar a much more robust front-line champion."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "You must make sure that you are also looking for gank as often as you can. You must abuse your E."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Instead of fighting in these areas, try to engage in open ways where you can avoid clinging to your team and reducing the chances of Malphite using its Ultimate H. Malphite's greatest threats are the attacks of Poke and Disengagement; if possible, focus on bringing it down before engaging in a team struggle to make it almost impossible to participate without dying."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Of course, you\u2019ll max your first ability at level 9. Briar is a pretty good champion in the mid-game."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's damage will increase by a lot once he gets his first item. Once Galio gets his first item, his Q and E will deal a lot of damage during all-ins."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Keeping as far back as possible will also reduce its chances of using it on you. The more the game goes, the stronger the Veigar will be thanks to unlimited stacking with its e."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Secure the goals with the team, if possible, while keeping them tuned at all times. Shyvana is low to level 6."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Avoid fighting with Irelia when she has her Passive fully stacked. When Irelia hits level 6, her kill pressure increases."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "A good start for Lucian can allow him to make a snowball if it is not verified. However, the longer the game lasts, the more Lucian falls and loses momentum."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "This will allow you to earn turret veneer and increase your gold income. The first component of Ziggs will give him a whip and mana pool."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "If she does, try to ambush her by camping in a bush near the Baron or Dragon. In team fights, Janna will try to use e to knockback enemies to delay their engage."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Ideally, drop them first before using it to make it easier for you to kill the enemy. Vel'Koz's Level 6 is a massive powerpike because it allows it to fully use its Passive."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "This will make it very difficult for him to damage his Q. Make sure you watch over his C too."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "This is especially true in choke points like the objective pits. Level 6 is a massive spike for Jax."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easier. Use your W to speed yourself up to get off a good Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin doesn\u2019t have an escape or a dash. He is very squishy too so he should be pretty easy to kill."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger will now have maxed out an ability and will be dishing out a lot of damage depending on his maxed ability. As a mid laner, he will now be able to CC and blow enemies up with his abilities."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Their Ultimate offers them a ton of additional kill pressure. Play smart and recall when you\u2019re low so Rakan cannot use their Ultimate to execute you."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Focusing on farming and earning as much gold as possible will help get key items quickly. It is recommended to watch the map at all times after reaching level 6."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Keep the wave somewhere near your turn in this matchup. It will give you many opportunities to bring the enemy under the risk of ganks from your Jungler/laner."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R will allow Malzahar to alleviate the damage. The enchanters and the squishy targets will find it hard to get away with it."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "This will give your team an advantage as the game unfolds. Finding a healthy balance between handling your allies, farming your jungle and securing goals"} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Try to stay away from Nautilus during team fights as you are squishy. Keep out of range with Nautilus during team fights."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Singing is quite weak before reaching level six because it does not have much mobility, and enemies can easily get away from it if they have a vision of it. Singed gets a massive increase in power after level six, allowing him to ride around and get ganks as well during team fighting impacting his Ultimate n capability."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "This part of the game refers to choking fights. You should use your Ultimate R as needed, because crucial teammates can die if it is not used."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "If Akali engages and hides inside his W, move away from the Shroud until it disappears. This will make it much more difficult for Akali to fight and survive if she cannot hide in her."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "At level 6, Draven looks to go for kills with the help from his Ultimate if he hasn\u2019t got any already. Draven's all-in potential should be respected and safer gameplay is recommended when low on health."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Your goal is to use your AoE-based capabilities to catch and kill targets that are trying to disrupt your Jungler. Use your Ultimate R with wisdom."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal has a very long cooldown on his E. Ezreal takes quite some time to scale up due to his itemization."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "If kalista falls behind during laning phase, she will be pretty much useless later. An enemy with tanky stats will make kalista struggle to kite them."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Azir can dish out a lot of consistent damage if he is given the chance. Azir's sand soldiers make it much easier for him to stop all-ins in their tracks."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "At level 11, Zilean will have two points in its Ultimate ability. With two points in its Ultimate capacity, it will be more powerful and will have lower cooling at the same time."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "This will open the card and give your team a gold lead. Poke and harass the enemy Mid laner and force them away from the objective to facilitate the security of the tower of the medium track."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The third stage of Lucian Ultimate R is unlocked. It will be easier for him to break out enemies."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Misuse of Sett W's ability will kill him because it is his only form of mitigation of damage. Someone can easily put everything in place Sett after using that ability."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "He'll have to count on his team to help him survive. Getting 3 points in its ultimate ability will amplify the poke damage inflicted by the ability."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Look for opportunities to gank the enemy with your Q and see if you can follow it with your Ultimate R. This will allow you to produce a massive CC chain."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "We must avoid forcing targets like Baron or Dragon when Vel'koz is alive and nearby. The goals set will be difficult to achieve due to Vel'koz's great poke thanks to its Q, W and R."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "When Ekko hits level 3, he can start looking for aggressive plays. Until that time, Ekko can fight but is unlikely to gain any significant advantage."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out. Being caught will cause your team to play 4v5."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Once Gragas manages to get to level 11, he will have two points in his Ultimate R. At level 9, Gragas will have his first ability maxed out."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's extended trades work hard for you against him. Try to keep them running as long as possible that he won't be able to damage you early. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will force Maokai to expand if he wants to grow."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "You're either on the front line for your team using the red form, or you're pulling yourself out of and out of the enemy backline and killing them. Your Ultimate R is on a very short cooldown now, which means that you can regularly all-in the enemy team and get free murders."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "If you want to invade Shen at the beginning of the game, wait for him to use one of his abilities or wait for him to be low in energy before engaging him, making it harder for him to escape or return with you. If there are no team fights, Shen will share the push if he has someone to match him on the track."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin is vulnerable to hard engagement and CC. The enemy has a lot of CC if Lee Sin will perform cool maneuvers with his Ultimate k."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Make sure to focus on taking Dragons for your team. After ruining the lower lane and turning immediately, you can take the first Dragon."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Maltreat this weakness if possible. Finish the game as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "One of Karma's empowered Q abilities can be used instead. Karma uses one of her empowered Q abilities when needed."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "The more the game goes, the stronger the Veigar will be thanks to unlimited stacking with its e. Veigar is rather weak and vulnerable at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Look to secure objectives whenever they\u2019re up. This will give your team an advantage as the game goes along."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "If Tristana is ahead in the middle of the game, avoid walking too far forward if you are alone because she has a great omnipresence and choose thanks to her W and E. To keep a safe distance from Tristana when playing with an ally, stay at an appropriate beach so it can't easily get you off."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "At level 6, Fizz gains access to his Ultimate R which is a great tool at all stages of the game. It deals a lot of damage and has a large radius."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "If you run out of mana, you have no way of trading back with the enemy and you will be quite vulnerable. The enemies all in potential is incredibly strong, try to remain as healthy as possible and back off if you\u2019re low."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Proper vision setup is crucial for Kassadin to avoid dying often. At level 6, Kassadin will unlock his Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "This will allow Yasuo to intimidate enemies ruthlessly on the path of robots. Yasuo is good at getting caught and killing isolated targets."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Its death pressure increases as its Ultimate R is a great duelling tool and has a great gank set up as well. Once she reaches level 6."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Using Viego's E to reach the enemy rescue line will help her in team fighting. Viego can use his E to defuse the enemy without even trying to kill anyone."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "You can use it solo, Seraphine's early play is pretty decent."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco can kill targets in the middle of the game if he's not accompanied by a teammate. Once Shaco reaches level 6, its ability to solo the Dragon or Rift Herald increases due to its Ultimate."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "as she already has her Ultimate r at level 1. Once she has completed her Jungling item, her damage output will be very good."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play. Trendamere has a lot of pressure to kill and if you push, it could easily all within you and pursue you in the way."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Over time, Renekton's lead will snowball quickly if he continues to play effectively. Make sure you keep playing around your cooldowns to further your lead."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear has good objective control, quickly clearing its camps and taking neutral goals with ease if an opportunity arises. Its capacity E helps it significantly when it takes these goals."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Destroying his E barrels before he can detonate it can take a lot of damage off his kit. His E barrels form a major part of his early game damage and without it, he will just be stuck farming and occasionally helping his team with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Excellent burst damage potential on a mispositioned enemy. This becomes extremely strong from level eleven, and can practically one-shot targets."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Roaming will allow you to get an insurmountable advance and will tilt the enemy team. Nautilus is very early thanks to the amount of CC he has in his kit."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Keeping the wave near your tower allows you to have opportunities to bring the enemy under the risk of the ganks. Ganking can bring important benefits, such as increased chances of killing."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Group during team fighting but stay at a safe distance from each other. Volibear has great selection potential in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "She will place deep over shallow vision to help spot her before making a move. A common target for the assassin is when they go into combat with their Ultimate R."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Maxing out the Ultimate will allow him to be on a very short cooldown. As she gets more items, Leona will be able to absorb a lot of damage very quickly."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Very high sieging and pushing power when it comes to taking lane towers. Your Ultimate R provides you with the luxury to both disengage and all-in the enemy team as per your requirement."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain's pretty still. Swain is weak at the beginning of the rolling phase."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Caitlyn falls off massively during the mid-game as she is extremely reliant on critical strike chance to dish out damage. Her counterparts can deal a lot of damage and have a lot of utility in the mid-game due to their kits."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Pushing forward when not forward puts you at risk of becoming an easy target for enemy junglers. The monkey's early play is pretty decent."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "A person with syndra can collapse easily using multilayer crowd control (CC). If Syndra is CC'd, she can probably die with proper follow-up."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "This will allow you to win turret tray. Lux won't have a lot of articles."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "At this stage of the game, Aphelios can effectively melt tanks if he watches his positioning and doesn't get caught out."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "The first element will give Singed a boost to its survival and overall damage, allowing it to use its l for an extended period of time. Hold the push in the middle of the game and try to secure the secondary goals."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Leona can easily commit to you if you are separated. It is important to stay attached to your ADC after level 6."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it's on cooldown. Garen's build path can be very different from game to game."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "An enemy team that can ward well will counter Fiddlesticks entirely and prevent him from all-in\u2019ing the enemy team consistently. The vision will allow the enemy to anticipate his move and react accordingly."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "The enemy must remember suddenly because of Ziggs Q. At level 6, Ziggs has access to a finishing capacity that is AoE in nature."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian Level 2 has been recorded at Level 2. To reduce Lucian's ability to everything within you, make sure you touch Level 2 at the same time as he does."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma can easily CC someone with her d. Using the lane brushes allows Karma to land free poke on her enemy laner, asserting dominance in this lane."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "His Ultimate R prevents him from dying or getting burst down quickly. drmundo is at his strongest when he is with his team, as he will get a lot of follow up damage and will be able to help his team get kills."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "In the later parts of the game, stick with your team and look for picks. Avoid splitting up or being too far apart from them as the enemy may force a fight while you're nowhere nearby. Play around your Ultimate R and avoid committing to fights while it's on cooldown."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Do not clump together when it comes to team fighting. If you stand close to one another, Nunu will use his Snowball W to engage from afar and run into the enemy."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon will be extremely slippery during the fighting in this phase of the game. CC (crowd control) will be Talon's worst enemy during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "The cooldown for this damage output will be shorter if Draven has recently dropped an Axe. Draven's strength in the mid-game depends on how far or behind he is."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton is decent in the mid-game phase of the game. However, Renekton's strategy during this phase should focus on the end of the game during this phase itself."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Being inside the minion line increases the risk of taking damage from Zoe Q. Keep an eye on Zoe's spells during trading."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Stay as a team if possible. Keep track of Evelyn's Ultimate R."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive. His tenacity knows no limits during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Focus on achieving objectives. Take Rift Herald when you can!"} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Hwei has many different abilities compared to any other champion. Many champions do not have as many abilities as Hwei."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "This is mainly because Camille does not have any consistent AoE DPS ability in her kit. Her core items should allow her to take up any fight without significant hindrance."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna has a good auto attack animation. You should be able to pick up a lot of CS when playing Orianna."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "One of Katarina's weaknesses is her lack of range. When playing as a ranged champion, try to harass her with abilities and auto-attacks."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac has a lot of time on his engagement skills. For this reason, Zac can really use them as a tool for engagement or escape only once in a fight."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "She will have a somewhat endless mana pool once it\u2019s maxed out. At level 9, Cass will max out her E."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "This will allow Yasuo to do more damage and also let him deal with tanks more effectively as the game continues. At level 9, Yasuo will have maximized his r."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "At level 11, putting the 2nd point in your Ultimate will help you get murders and choices with your team. K'Sante's strength lies in his ability to become a tankman and excel in team fighting in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Try to reduce Master Yi's income to make the snowball more difficult and take control of the game. If someone invades you, step back because they can easily kill you, especially if you're behind."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox has long cooldowns on his Q and E in the early game, if used abuse them look to trade with him while they're down If you're ranged use your range advantage to harass Aatrox with basic attacks whenever he walks forward to last hit"} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Level 6 is a decent power spike as it will increase his survivability during fights. Once he gets more items, this ability will help him kill enemies with ease, and he can take over the game with his scaling."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Post level 6, if you have any CC abilities, do not use them unless his Ultimate k is down. Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Taking the Rift Herald is not recommended During the middle of the game, keep crashing and see if you can get tracks around the map."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Play around your Ultimate ability in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "If you see her use her Ultimate R and it\u2019s headed topside ping your team. At level 9 Jinx\u2019s auto-attacks will deal lots of damage as she would\u2019ve maxed Q by then."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Don't forget to stay away when possible. He doesn't manage very early against various matches, as he can be swiped quite easily."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "His Ultimate ability (e) deals basically no damage in the early game. This isn\u2019t good for Karthus as he only wishes to use it when the enemy is super low."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Your Ultimate e is an excellent trading tool that makes you much stronger. Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "That's because her Ultimate R will now have two points and won't let her die so easily. Its effectiveness in team fighting really comes into play during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Use Ashe's lack of escape abilities and sustain to your advantage by poking her down frequently Look for an all-in on Ashe when she is low on health."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "She can quite possibly land a five-man blind, which will be huge for her team. In late game team fights, peeling for your carries can increase the chances of winning the fight."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can one-shot enemies with ease after getting the first mythic item. Heimerdinger maxes out his Q at level 9."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "If you keep pushing when you're not ahead, you'll be unable to bring down the enemy and you'll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler. The first element allows him to do a lot of damage and to survive the way."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Aim to trade when Jax has used his E."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong is quite intense during this stage of the game. Wukong will find it hard to kill his enemies because of the purchase of defensive items."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana can start crashing after she reaches level 3. The more levels under Morgana's belt, the better."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "She starts to fall off in the late game as champions start to build defensive items Champions will have defensive items"} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus is at his weakest at the beginning of the game. Refusing Nasus batteries is crucial because it prevents it from spreading quickly."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Be careful because Shen has a potential for ambush in the middle of the game thanks to his E capability. Avoid walking or watching parts of the card that have not been received if you know Shen was nearby, for fear that it will result in your death."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Level 6 is important to Twisted Fate. Twisted Fate, level 6 is important to him."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan IV will unlock the ability to completely separate an enemy out from their team and lock them down at level 6. It is incredibly beneficial when the main goal is to separate out a single target and get rid of them quickly."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio\u2019s R is harder to use effectively during team fights due to its unique mechanics. Use the lane brushes to hide and poke the enemy with your Q every chance you get."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitz\u2019s Ultimate d will be a very useful tool as it can silence multiple enemies at once. Silencing the right enemy or multiple enemies could provide his team with adequate time to dish out damage or reposition."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Your first power peak is at level 3 when you unlock the 3 of your basic capabilities. You can start looking to fight at level 3."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "When using your Ultimate R, be close to your team to avoid being killed by an enemy assassin. Once Jhin gets two points in his Ultimate R, he will secure picks with ease and help his team catch up to enemies."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "orianna's level six will enable her to spam her abilities due to increased mana. The level six component is a massive spike for orianna."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Enemies have an important advantage in getting goals from you. Keep the enemies at hand to detect them before they secure the goal."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "At level 11, Hecarim's Ultimate t will be more robust and can be used frequently. More frequent use of Ultimate t means more dead enemy carries."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Every time Lucian's E is down, he's much weaker and he'll have more trouble defending himself. A heavy power peak at Level 2 occurs in Champion Lucian."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Try to finish the game as quickly as you can so it can't peak. You should push the first wave, then pull the second one towards the tower, and just freeze there, so Vladimir stays overstretched."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "This will make the enemy's life hell in this matchup. Aatrox suffers from long cooldowns and is easily abusable when they\u2019re on cooldown."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Having deep vision around the map to spot him early will also come in handy. Gragas can start ganking once he has access to all 3 core abilities."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "It is unlikely that you can stack Spellthief effectively. Xerath often goes to pupil goals alone."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "If Kogmaw's e is broken, it will be useless unless it has some kind of element or digital advantage. Kogmaw's forms the core of his entire kit."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "When sieging an objective or fighting in a lane, make sure you have sufficient ward coverage to the sides so you can spot her before she engages. Camille Support can be aggressive from level 1, 2 and 3."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. Continue to farm during the mid-game to get items quickly."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Engaging enemies in the fight near your infested areas Ultimate t will allow you to self-win a major fight due to the amount of damage your Ultimate t traps do. Make sure your ultimate traps are in the bottlenecks during neutral objective fights."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "It is not acceptable to fall late in the middle of the game as Jungler. As Jungler, it is necessary to continue to cultivate jungle camps."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "When you hit level 6, you will unlock your R. You can start playing more aggressively with your R and get your Jungler to gank your lane, too."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "With the additional powerspike element, Yasuo becomes a force to count with even if it is behind the track. Misuse of Yasuo's W can cause him to kill in the way."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "You should assist your Jungler whenever possible. This is especially true when your Jungler tries to take the Rift Herald or invades the enemy jungle."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Level sixteen is a decent peak when it comes to macro-based games. He can quickly jump from one goal to another, which can easily lead to victories for him."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox gains an extra haste with this capacity This capacity has very short cooling due to reduced cooling and additional precipitation"} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna can extinguish a lot of damage with capacity if it can align it properly. All of her important items will be finished now, and she will be able to smooth out a lot of damage in very short jobs."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "When there are no team fights, go on a side track and push. You must continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "In the late game, look for picks on immobile or mispositioned enemies. Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia relies heavily on the mana throughout all stages of the game. Getting every blue buff after the first is crucial to maintaining Anivia's mana."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Your champion is very good at taking them alone. While you are a strong and good fighter in early play, you need to make sure that you take time to focus on agriculture and win gold and XP."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Play slightly apart when possible. Do not fight inside the jungle or around objectives when Rakan has his Ultimate R up, because your team will be grouped closer together."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri is a Mage Assassin. A brilliant Mage Assassin can secure peaks on sketched targets throughout the middle of the game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Use a strong duellage potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel anyone who tries to prevent a player from sharing the push. A player is a very strong split pusher in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Daisy will cause many issues for the enemy team. The enemy Jungler will get knocked up by Daisy if Ivern sends her at them while he finishes a neutral objective."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "A good time to trade or fight Akshan is when he uses his jump aggressively. You can then jump on him, charge him, and try to fight him."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Don't regroup too closely. If you are a little separated, it will be impossible for Zac to catch up and hit your entire team with his E and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand has good ganks in the early game. As long as he gets close to the enemy before using his Q, ganks should always work in his favour."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Her AoE damage will help her close fights quickly. A maxed-out Ultimate r will allow Rek'Sai to use the ability frequently and assassinate targets frequently."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Be careful when facing Swain at level 6, as his death pressure increases considerably with the power of his ultimate. Adjust the game style to be more defensive and safer during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "It is recommended to try to achieve goals as often as possible during the early play period. Once Kayn gets 2 points in his Ultimate R, he will be able to all enemies much more frequently."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "You can prevent Gragas from ganking by having good vision around the map. Good vision will allow you to spot Gragas before he gets to a lane."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "avoid sejuani is the best bet in terms of early gambling success. sejuani are stronger gankers than you in early play."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "He will find it much easier to take down the enemy frontline during the mid-game. Aphelios is a good mid-game champion, especially when paired with a utility Support."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Don't get caught trying to harass and bring down the enemy. Having three points in his Ultimate R is another important power peak for Vel'Koz. This will allow him to melt throughout everyone like a hot butter knife."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "This will help you snowball the game quickly. Kayn isn't very early."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "A good Fizz will not be scared to go for aggressive plays especially if he has a better first item than his lane opponent. When no team fights are occurring, you will split push and draw the enemies' attention to yourself while your team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "The earlier you stack Tear, the better. Harass and poke the enemy as often as possible with Q."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "reduce Warwick's chances of crashing and killing you. Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Peel for your carts in the team fights at the end of the game to increase the chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you won't be able to win the fight alone."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "You should watch your flanks by setting a goal. It is recommended not to fight in the jungle as it will be easier for Zac to land his E and hit your entire team with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "If Annie is overextended without her E, she will be an easy target. Annie gets her first power spike when she unlocks her Q and W."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Once we reach Level 2, we should look for a favorable trade with the enemy. Getting an early health benefit will help us in the long term."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "If there's a few Ghouls hanging around, don't fight Yorick Graves. Yorick Graves struggles at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "At level 11, Sett will have two points in his Ultimate R. Two points in his Ultimate R will increase his damage production,"} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's ability to team fight is reduced if she gets detected by the enemy in time. A target for the enemy team is Diana when her t is down"} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Yet he will find it hard to kill them because of the purchase of defensive items. You will want to regroup with your team as often as you can."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Rotate and move to objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald and assist your Jungler in taking them"} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "If you are a strong start champion like Lee Sin or Elise, you can try to fight Lillia. Fighting Lillia is going to be harder because she gets level 6 because her Ultimate can sleep you."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Adjust your playstyle accordingly and be cautious during these moments. There is a stigma behind Janna players."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "You should play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Although, his first game damage is pretty good at level 1 and 2. When Akshan unlocks his Ultimate at level 6, his death pressure increases."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "We expect Zac to go either for an aggressive murder or to set up a gank. Zac's agricultural concentration at the beginning of the game will make it difficult to kill."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke is quite decent at getting picks during the late game. Pyke can single-handedly set up death brushes and get rid of squishy targets."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "At level 9, Aurelion will max his 1st ability. This is a very good power spike for him as it will allow him to dish out more damage, and clear waves easier."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Just the kite and the automatic attack of the closest enemy champion. If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "If Zoe takes a Flash, expect her to be more mobile. If Zoe takes a defensive spell, it'll be harder for you to kill her."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Two points in his Ultimate n will push her again. This will help her a lot in the team fights, especially when the enemy team is filled with heavy CC champions."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal\u2019s Ultimate R is global, allowing him to snipe people across the map. Ezreal has consistent poke damage with his W, which can allow him to push the enemy laners out of the lane abruptly."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if it is still on cooling."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "At level 16, his Ultimate R will be maximized. This means that it can use it more frequently, allowing it to turn the tide of team fighting and important objective fighting."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Avoid fighting 6 enemy players for 5 rounds, as they have a Ultimate ability that will kill you quickly. A player with this ability will often glove early, so apply the maximum pressure to counter their early ganks."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "When Caitlyn places her W, you can hear the in-game audio."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Her core items should allow her to take up any fight without significant hindrance. Camille should be focusing on ganking her laners frequently to help them accumulate a lead during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Peel for your allies as much as possible to keep them alive during team fighting. Keeping your allies alive is crucial to winning the game."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "You must bring down the enemy and delay fighting at the end of the game; however, you must also look at your positioning as you move forward to harass. Don't get caught trying to harass and bring down the enemy."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "After level 3, Elise should be ganking for sure. Elise does not spike at level 6."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Putting them behind will delay their peak of power. Malphite can absorb a lot of damage for his team with his Passive."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Try to put Xayah behind the game early so it is not as useful in the middle and end of the game. When Xayah gets 2 finished items, his death pressure and the release of damage will be very high."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "At level 16, Cassiopeia will put the third point in her Ultimate R. It will deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki's poke allows him to secure early turret plates and kills in team fights. Corki harasses enemy champions by using his poke, delaying team fights for as long as possible."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana is a good early play jungle. Expect Morgana to pick up frequent ganks."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Healing reduction could easily counter Nunu during the early game. This would allow the enemy to take Objectives quite easily after getting rid of Nunu."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "It's recommended to poke and fight Ahri during the early game to get a good start. After six posts, Ahri has a lot of chase potential thanks to her Ultimate."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lisandra's kit can only be used if it makes a full investment. If the Lisandras team is not on the same page as it is, this may affect its ability to fully use its kit."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "The wave should be kept closer to your side of the map early. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the card early on will make it very difficult for Lee Sin to play aggressive and kill you in the matchup."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco can be hard to control. You have to avoid being super obvious with your coins, especially with your Ultimate I, otherwise you won't fool anyone."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Maintain a constant movement while looking for opportunities with your Jungler. Given your ability to choose lanes, safety choices should be relatively simple due to frequent changes in enemy crew track allocation."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco is not a good choice against tanks, because it would mean that he changes his construction and climbs close to these tanks. This is not very ideal, especially against experienced players."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "But she has tools to defend herself like her t (ult), To make her easier to lock up, try to flank her rather than run directly over her so she has more difficulty escaping."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "If Tryndamere has Ignite, expect him to play aggressively and look for an all-in level 2 or 3. Trendamere reaches level 6 and its survival increases one ton."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "He can use it to get kills alone or set up his Jungler for a kill. When Jarvan has completed his first component item, he will be much scarier in the lane."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius will deal more damage if you don't secure objectives or gank your allies. Do not let him do this by staying out of melee range and avoiding extended trades."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If you get caught out too far forward while facing Gragas, he could use his Ultimate R to push you into his team and they might take the objective shortly afterwards. Try to constantly poke and harass Gragas in order to keep him on low health."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus champions are incredibly strong at level 2. At level 2, Nautilus can often gain a health advantage or Summoner advantage in the lane by playing aggressive and looking for an early all-in."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "He will want to use the track brushes to catch the out-of-guard enemy if possible. Split the thrust every time your Ultimate m is down in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Depending on her Element, Qiyana can be a less effective laner. The enemy will always know what Element you have and they will be able to play around it."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko uses her Ultimate R to stun multiple people when they are too close together, so it's best to split up and not stand too close to others in team fights. Once Neeko hits level 6, her kill pressure intensifies."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Misuse of Sett's W capability can cause him to kill because it is his only form of mitigation of damage. If the enemy is intelligent, they will avoid regrouping during the fighting because Setts Ultimate R cannot be used effectively against them."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "She's completely useless if she falls late in the early game. Without articles, it depends on them and without them, the game could as well be a 5 v 4 due to its efficiency in the game."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Securing objectives can be done alone or with your team. The use of Fiddlesticks' Ultimate R is highly effective and results in a kill each time."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Yuumi will heal a lot during this phase of the game. She will literally heal all the damage done to her teammate, making the extended team fighting the way to go for her team."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Use your early game advantage to push the wave consistently and get tower plates and extra gold. Use your Q to fast push the wave and hit the enemy at the same time."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled is not safe on the farm while being disassembled if he faces a game against him. The lack of his E makes it easier for the enemy to get him out of his engagement."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Properly using your e will guarantee victory in team fights. You will be able to blow up squishies with karthus' Ultimate now."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Her first item will allow her to get a massive boost in her overall damage. This will let her win duels with ease."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus relies on his allies to follow up when he ganks them. A tank like Rammus can only do so much damage."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "When Karma's Ultimate A is available, she cannot give her team a huge shield d. Don't be afraid to invest in an Executioner's Calling to reduce Karma's healing and shielding."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "The strategy of splitting push during the mid-game involves trying to secure side objectives. One key aspect of this strategy is avoiding grouping if possible."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Be very careful about getting poked out while farming. The enemy may try to bait you into an all-in this way so have an escape plan ready."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "You should bait the abilities before you try to fight Sona. Sona can return the exchanges with her abilities."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "When a chance arises, use the fog of war to catch the out-of-guard enemies. This will allow your team to exploit and secure easy deaths on the enemy, especially around choking points."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "It will have a great time to use the fog of war and the advantage of range for the squishies at one stroke."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao is excellent in team fighting and enemy selection due to his kit. The ultimate R will allow Xin Zhao to distinguish enemies, allowing him to be protected from carrying range."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Vision can make messing more difficult for Lillia, especially Level 6. Placing the vision around the entrances of Lillia's jungle will make it difficult for him to find successful ganks."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Once you are early, it becomes easy to take control of the game. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to gank more easily."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal's Q also deals consistent poke damage, contributing to his ability to push enemies out of the lane. ezreal can use his W and Q to all-in enemies when they are low enough after taking a barrage of poke."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's ability will block basic attacks, but he is vulnerable to disengage and CC. Jax will be looking to split push in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Playing around the vision will really be important to achieve this goal Lee Sin will have several elements during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Keep this in mind and keep your distance. The more gold Poppy gets under her belt, the stronger she will be."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "However, Zed can start crashing from level 3. Zed has good health and quick clarity thanks to his W"} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Three points in its Ultimate capability will give it a massive peak of power. The capacity will spread a lot of damage and will have a very short cooling, so team fighting will be frequent."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "In a team fight, it is recommended to engage as soon as possible to avoid delaying the fight. Lux prefers to delay team fighting so she can poke with her l or take enemies with her g."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Slight separation will be better for you in the long term. Don't walk too far forward when you're sitting on a goal because Sett can use his Ultimate R to take the closest champion and throw them into their allies behind them."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Warding Sion's jungle helps your allies stay alive. Sion's objective control isn't very good at the start of the game"} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early. This will allow you to bring down the enemy while protecting yourself from the ganks."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Focus on securing objectives when possible in the mid-game, preferably alone or with her team. evelynn should look for picks on enemies who are too far forward or alone and can be quickly taken down before they\u2019re able to react thanks to her Passive."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Focus on agriculture and gathering as many farms as possible at the beginning of the game. This will make you more than one threat in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "The enemy can't do anything to avoid Lux's g and will be zoned by her poke. It gets several objects and bursts enemies to the left, right and center."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Once Lee Sin reaches level 6, his death pressure increases and it will be much more frightening to play against. Expect Lee Sin for aggressive parts when it reaches level 6."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "As Evelynn is an assassin, if she can get picks on isolated targets she can get herself a huge lead. At level 11, Evelynn\u2019s Ultimate R will deal more damage."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "This provides additional protection. The minion wave offers tons of additional protection when placed on your side of the map."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "The first mythic item will allow Heimerdinger to deal a ton of poke damage in the lane. With the first mythic item, Heimerdinger's burst damage will be potent and can one-shot enemies."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser's kind of scenized ganks. Place the vision around the entrances of Mordekaiser's jungle to spot him leaving his jungle."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "If the enemy wants to initiate a team fight, delay or disengage immediately. Poke (attack) the enemy while you harass them with your team, waiting for them to get low."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "On getting your Ultimate e, be able to finish off kills in other lanes. Show up to neutral, objective fights as well since your e will be really effective in those situations."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Just go in when his Q is down. Keep the wave close to your tower and ask your Jungler to gank as much as you can."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's team can benefit from his frequent assistance. Galio's core items are at this point."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Make sure you're still on the side of the map that the next major goal is on. If the Baron is up, always stay on the upper side. If you go bot and show yourself, the enemy will take the goal for free. Focus on the rear line and try to get them out of the fight. Focus on your other front line champions."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Removing the Baron is important to increase the chances of winning"} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch's positioning is important in team fighting, and not properly positioning it, it will be flanked by enemy assassins and will be immediately removed. Without its Ultimate or Super Mega Ultra Kill (s), Twitch's ability to dominate a team struggle decreases considerably."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora. Fiora is a great split pusher and one of the best duelists in the game thanks to her Ultimate R and Q."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Pairing up with your Jungler/other laners will yield maximum effectiveness. Enemies generally don't anticipate such plays."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "Despite his Ultimate R being able to be used as a pick tool. At level 11, Braum will put a second point in his Ultimate r."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "A great assassin can spring out on anyone who walks alone around the map. This makes his pick potential incredibly high."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "If you're running out of mana, you're not a threat to the enemy. Anivia doesn't get to Levels 2 or 3 like most champions."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Playing around your Ultimate is really important. Make sure you look at gank when your Ultimate is in place."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "The longer the game goes, Rammus becomes tankier as he levels up. Make sure to get magic penetration items for AP champions and armour pen for AD champions."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "If the enemy team gathers together, join your own group. In the team fights, focus on targeting the most squisheous and easiest targets to achieve as a priority in the backline."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "This tactic will let your team collapse on them and kill them."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Look for choices with your Support/Jungler to get murders and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could call Baron."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "He doesn't stand up early against the various matches because he can be swiped quite easily. He'll eventually kill him if he stays in the way."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Don't engage in a fight with Miss Fortune and her team in the jungle. Miss Fortune's Ultimate capability will cover the entire track, allowing him to inflict damage on the entire team."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "She gains access to her basic abilities when she reaches level 3. When she completes her first item, her trading and skirmishing power intensifies."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "In team fights, focus on peeling for carries After using g, fall back and protect allies and focus on the nearest champion."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand will put a second point in his Ultimate R at level 11. At level 9 Brand would've maxed his W ability."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "When you have 3 points in your Ultimate, sustaining becomes extremely difficult."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana will max her Q at level 9. Her Q offers a lot of extra wave clear and more poke in lane."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Avoid standing close to walls especially during her E ability. She can get kills and make plays whenever her E is up. Play around the cooldown of Camille\u2019s E ability to avoid getting caught out."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "stacking Tear is crucial in the mid-game for ezreal. ezreal should continue farming and moving around the map."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Do not regroup or fight in the jungle because Rumble will get a good Ultimate B. Fighting outdoors makes it harder for Rumble to get an Ult B of 5 people."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Very sensitive to the CC, so if the enemy saves their CC for him, he will die. His first objective control of the game is phenomenal, especially if his landers have the priority of the way."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco's damage production increases considerably when he finishes his first article. Duelling Shaco is not in your favor unless you have a significant advantage."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "When your Ultimate is in place, it greatly increases your death pressure and you should gank your allies. A tank-to-tank game usually involves two teams with heavy defensive capabilities."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "senna was a champion known to be effective at long range poke. a passive procurement agency allowed Senna to collect resources on the battlefield."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "He will have several articles during this phase of the game that will allow him to flatten tons of damage, leading to victories effortlessly in prolonged team fights. Don't hang on or stay tight in the team fights against Twitch like her Spray and Prayer c will melt you down."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "If you die, the enemy may be able to siege an objective. Dying can also give enemies the opportunity to start a fight."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "His burst damage is not to be ignored as the game goes on. This is especially true when he happens to be ahead in the game."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo's tankiness and health regeneration are unparalleled and quite valuable during late-game fights. He can act as a really potent frontline/disruptor for his team and can go directly for the enemy backline."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Fighting in open spaces reduces the effectiveness of Gangplank as he won\u2019t be able to use his E barrels to the fullest potential. The same thing applies to his Ultimate R. He can\u2019t initiate an all-in without his Ultimate R during the early game as well."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "This will allow Lucian to take control of the game environment easily. Lucian is excellent in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Failing to do so can easily allow the enemy to all-in you. While quinn doesn't have a fighting Ultimate R, her Ultimate R is a great roaming tool that can allow her to get back to lane quickly and also roam around the map and help her allies."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Try not to let Darius get on to you or your allies as he can deal tons of damage if he gets in range to pull them in. Investing in an Executioner's Calling will help reduce Darius' healing and survivability in lane and in team fights."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "By defending against Varus, avoid excesses when you are helpless."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "At level 6, Lucian has much more commercial power thanks to his Ultimate R. Once Lucian activates his Ultimate R, try to reposition it, disengage it or lock it with CC so that he is unable to land all the bullets on you."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "A maximum Ultimate capacity will further enhance its survival and the overall damage inflicted over the long term. It will be a massive peak of power for him."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Starting major goals like the Baron or a Dragon is risky when Mordekaiser is nearby because he can pull your Jungler into the Dark Kingdom with his R. Mordekaiser's R can make it risky to take major goals like the Baron or a Dragon if you don't keep an eye on your Jungler."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen is able to mitigate any form of automatic attack damage with its W. The physical damage of the enemy is virtually useless when Shen's ability is active."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma's kit provides a lot of utility and damage. Karma is quite decent in late-game fights."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "If Rakan charms the whole enemy team, it will provide valuable time for their own team to deal damage and win the fight. Rakan is a great champion for roaming."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "If Galio lets you get close, he will taunt you with his W. As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "She will be able to blow up overextended enemies who are walking around Summoners Rift alone. Use a hit-and-run technique and see if you can get picks on squishy carries."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Alternatively, Timitvana can use a style of contusion game and dive into enemy team fighting. Its overall strength depends on the construction it chooses."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox is strong no matter what if you cannot dodge all instances of his Q. Practice makes perfect, but do try and dodge them whenever you\u2019re able to."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "If you are already caught in Yoricks W, automatically attack the walls as quickly as possible. Avoid fighting Yorick Graves in his W."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "The R of Sejuani allows him to inflict additional damage, which is a great advantage during Smite's fighting. Sejuani has huge locking potential with both options range and melee CC."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "The \"k\" capability refers to another specific ability of the same champion, and it is an automatic attack reset. Article 6 refers to a patch version number."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "A significant power spike in this game is obtained by this item component. This item component will give Annie the incentive to use more spells."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Once they're low enough, you can commit to an all-in-one. Once you hit level 6 and bought key elements, try to harass the enemy in their turn."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one. Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Stand on your W for situations where you have to interrupt your laner. Continue with your assault after that."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Stacking tenacity will let you do a lot more in fights. Neutral Objective fights are pretty easy to deal with if you use your Ultimate R properly."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "She needs allies to get in with her. A heavy snowball champion is hard to wear if she doesn't have an early lead"} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Early play refers to the period of time shortly after the beginning of a game. Refusing as many piles as possible means avoiding the enemy champion from gaining too much gold and experience, making them stronger."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "As Kayle strengthens throughout the game, it is essential to end the game as quickly as possible. Failure to do so can cause difficulties in winning at the end of the game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The supertank can function as an exceptionally good front-line defender for its team. The supertank can protect the targets from evil by the people he wears behind him."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Picking off enemies to make team fights unfair should also be an excellent way to snowball her lead. If Diana is ahead, she should look for picks or ambush the enemy as they walk through their Jungle."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, move to a side lane and focus on farming and earning XP and gold. In team fights, try to flank the enemy."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "The minion wave can be used as bait to catch ignorant enemies with your E and blow them up before they can react. Team fighting should be similar in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar's early play is weak, making him easy to abuse and kill with a few ganks. Veigar's ability n has a very long cooldown and is its only self-peel form."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Use your strong duel potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel anyone who tries to prevent you from pushing to break up. You're a very strong pusher apart in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo has little control over the Dragon. The Dragon cannot be taken alone by Teemo."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Abusing any slight advantage you get increases the chances of winning the game. Akali lacks energy quite easily."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor's first power peak occurs once it reaches level 6. Viktor's ultimate ability will give him additional death pressure in the way."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Boots grant Nautilus a minor powerspike but allow him to roam frequently, enabling him to assist other lanes and invade the enemy jungle. You should stay with your group when going into a fight."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Make sure your health is saved so that you can all enemies as soon as you reach level 6. Getting your Ultimate h will allow you to do much more in the way."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "It is advisable to not be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage. An engage Support can provide an initial advantage in fights."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "If Vayne uses her e, she should use the cooldown to play aggressively and try to kill the opponent."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "CC represents crowd control, which refers to a mechanic who limits the movement or actions of an enemy champion. His Ultimate R allows him to be a massive threat in a packed battle."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "When Akshan unlocks his Ultimate at level 6, his death pressure increases. Keep this in mind and avoid remaining in the way when low."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "You can reduce Quinn's chances of all-ining you by watching as you walk back to lane. You can also keep the wave closer to your side of the lane to reduce her chances of an all-in."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Buy items that will make it less likely that Veigar can shoot you with his Ultimate R. Keeping as far back as possible will also reduce its chances of using it on you."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, split push and draw the enemies attention to you while your team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map. Garen is a skirmish heavy laner."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Falling behind in gold and XP makes it unlikely that you will be able to inflict damage in fighting. Continue to pick up the farm on the side lanes when there are no team fights."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "This is important towards ending the game quickly. Level 11 is not a massive spike like other Junglers."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere can easily solo the Dragon. Trendamere can easily solo the Rift Herald in early play."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Do not let Jax take objectives and open up your base for free. Forcing a fight with a numbers advantage when Jax is split pushing can be a good way to win a team fight."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Getting 2 points in her Ultimate R will give her another significant power spike. This power spike will empower her."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac really has a good potential for roaming. If Zac disappears, contact your team, as it may be heading towards the middle of the track."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "You allow Rumble to land a devastating B on your entire team inside the pit. Rumble is inclined to disengage as soon as he uses his Ultimate B."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "If you cannot counter gank, try to gank a separate lane or steal his camps. Stealing camps can be an effective alternative to counter-ganking, as it can give the team additional gold and experience points."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Because he has so much integrated support and ladders later. But that's the only thing you have that's more powerful than his."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "The condition of victory for the skirmishes is the piled fights. Show yourself to neutral, objective fights every time you get the chance."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Taking the Dragon and Rift Herald objectives before Cho'Gath can be advantageous. The enemy will not be ganking much in the early game, so try your hardest to get as many ganks off as possible."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "This will prevent Hecarim from fearing the entire team and will allow the enemy team to retaliate. Hecarim won\u2019t be able to flank the enemy freely if the enemy team sets proper vision around the lane they are fighting."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "It will allow him to initiate all-ins and zone the enemy off during neutral, objective fights. Renekton is quite a solid early game champion."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "His level 6 is much stronger than yours. If you're weak, Syndra will shoot you."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Level six is a massive power spike as Pyke can now execute champions with his Ultimate R. Pyke can quickly kill his laner or any other squishy with one rotation of his spells and his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Look to roam after purchasing and upgrading your Boots. At level 6, Blitzcrank can start to deal a lot of burst damage if he can land his b."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Prioritise taking Dragons early. You can solo the Dragon with ease, or you can request assistance and rotate to it after helping bot. Make sure you secure all the Dragons when possible to deny them from the enemy."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "A maximum of the Ultimate n will allow Trundle to easily resume the fighting. It can quickly become more tankier or inflict more damage depending on the enemy it uses the Ultimate on."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "I regularly receive Dragons. I can easily inflate the robots and ask them to help me."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Lock Nunu down with crowd control during team fighting. Kite Nunu during team fighting so he cannot be the frontline and get to your carries."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play. This will ensure safety and reduce your chances of dying in the way."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Once Camille falls behind in the game, it will be difficult for her to get back into the lead. Camille can't really start trading too well until level 4."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "It is not recommended to fight unless you have a clear and early advantage. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Use your range advantage to harass Malphite every time it advances for the last hit. Malphites **Ultimate** can be used to avoid, but only do so if it is on cooldown."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "When Camille unlocks all of her abilities and has multiple points in her Q, she can start to trade. Once Camille's next power spike in lane is when she unlocks her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Level 16 is an excellent peak for Soraka. His healing will be very powerful and will increase quite frequently."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "A heavy power peak at level two allows Lucian to bring down an enemy with his handset E, Q. The combo E, Q combined with Passive and Summoner Spells easily gets Lucian a murder on a squishy target."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The longer the game, the stronger Senna will be in the team fights. Try to finish the game as quickly as possible so that it is unable to be really effective in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Her Q provides good amount of wave clear which helps her get lane priority. Neeko is extremely useful in team fights due to her Ultimate R CC and damage."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The abilities of your champion should allow you to do so easily but to place it in one of the river entrance brushes. The protection of your CDA should be important."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Avoid 1v1s with Hecarim unless you\u2019re ahead. Hecarim's movement speed increase on his p allows him to run enemies down with ease."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Be careful at level 6, as the death pressure of Sona increases with its ultimate ability. Expect them to look for aggressive pieces and be ready to play defensively, using Yuumi's healing and utility to keep your ADC safe."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Zeri's waiting for his E Watch your flanks in the middle of the game because Zeri can close a gap over a wall and surprise yourself on your team."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Its first element will significantly increase its damage. Kennen is obnoxious for his poke damage, and the article will only improve it."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "If Aurelion cannot kill you in lane, he'll make sure to use his Ultimate elsewhere. Once Aurelion's Ultimate is up and he\u2019s gone, communicate with your team."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Your immobility is your greatest weakness on Zyra. Zyra's immobility should be taken into account in the positioning of the tracks and team fighting."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Naafiri uses the range of abuse and poke abilities to reduce the health of his champion."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The first element will surely help Lulu to get out a lot in the way. She can spam her abilities frequently."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao is excellent in team fighting due to his kit. His kit allows him to take enemies."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "You have better all in engage with your R on him if you bait out his E before using your R. At level 2, Ezreal will poke you and use E to get away if you do not move up."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "You must use your Q regularly with loaded attacks. As a mobile champion, don't hunt an enemy in the jungle."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "By freezing the wave, your Jungler will have a chance to take out Ezreal while you are safe. ezreal's W allows for consistent poke damage, enabling him to push enemy laners out of the lane abruptly."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one. Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "In the late game, Caitlyn would reach 100% crit strike. If Caitlyn reaches 100% crit strike, she will be able to dish out a lot of damage in team fights."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Use these windows to bring down Yasuo using your d and self-attacks. Yasuo was very strong when the enemy was pushed up and a new wave of minions was approaching."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "He is not able to help you if the first Q is missing. Zilean will often be left alone to erase the waves with his Q."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Several batteries give Veigar a lot of free power. Having several batteries is terrible news for the enemy team because Veigar will soon be unstoppable."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "In the late game, stealth is preferred to self-presentation. As you advance in gold and experience, look for opportunities to attack an enemy with a shorter timer of death."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "However, as a laner, he will use this ability to the fullest potential when fighting around clumped areas and neutral objectives. A laner's ability to fight effectively around clumped areas and neutral objectives will be key in the mid-game."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "The pressure from this power spike should be used to threaten all-ins against pantheon. When pantheon engages, use your abilities and then attack him until his abilities are back, then return to the tower."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "This can be convenient when taking neutral objectives and fighting enemies who rely on diving. Heimerdinger will have many items now."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Play carefully in the first minutes of the game. Once Twitch has Runaan's hurricane, his damage becomes fatal."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian will have access to several articles during this stage of the game. He will be both able to support himself and to inflict substantial damage."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "In team fighting, if he tries to enter with this ability, it can be completed quickly. His mobility is greatly reduced when his E is broken."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "His e has a very large range. This makes it easier for him to land and CC."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "K-Sante can run the enemies and kill them thanks to the amount of CC he has in his kit. You can't really grow too soon."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "It helps Hecarim win team fights and 1v1\u2019s. He is a snowball heavy champion."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Placing Ultimate T Mushrooms will allow Teemo to detect enemies. Placing the ultimate mushrooms will also allow Teemo to be killed on unsuspecting low-health targets."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Investing in early boots can help you dodge their skill shots and make the laning phase less stressful. Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Katarina is really good at picking people off and taking down squishy targets. Once your ADC and Support has rotated to the mid lane, look to split push and pick up gold and XP in a side lane."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Vex will stay out of the wave of minions. Always look at your positioning at level 6 because its level 6 is stronger and can easily kill you if it lands on its 6."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "When paired with her Passive stun, Annie will be able to stun multiple champions if they\u2019re grouped together. Annie is really good at bursting down and ambushing squishy, low health enemy champions."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "The enemy will not be able to avoid Lux's g. The enemy will be put in the zone by Lux's poke."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "The CC allows Hecarim to separate key targets from their team and kill them quickly with his damage. He can easily be killed if he goes in without his Ultimate and gets CC\u2019d by the enemy team."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "You should stay in the middle of the track so it's easy for you to escape if Kayn comes out nearby. Don't give Kayn easy blows by window shop when you remember."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "At level 6, Yone will unlock his Ultimate R. Yone will get short peaks of power as he continues to add points to his Q."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Vi is a good Jungler early, so she should gonk often. Playing around your Ultimate is really important."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Champions with strong early games can take advantage of Cho'Gath's weakness and dominate him in lane. Cho'Gath needs time to scale and come online."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "This is especially true for champions on the bot side river. Ensure that the wave is slightly pushed up so that you can respond in time."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma is a really viable choice when dealing with heavy engagers. Staying with your team in the late game is crucial to success."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "It can be strong against all champions, but weak against the various champions. Shaco culminates in level 6 because he can use his clone to inflict tons of additional damage to the enemy."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Thanks to its low cooling rates and plants, Zyra will help his team quickly achieve neutral goals such as the Baron or the Elder Dragon. Do not be afraid to appeal for these goals if your team is able to do so."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille deals a lot of damage thanks to the items she buys. Despite this, Camille should not be afraid to jump in and soak up damage if needed."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "To make trades harder for Ezreal, always stand behind a minion. The best time to land skill shots on Ezreal is when his E is on cooldown."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "The enemy team detects Diana more easily with proper warding. Proper warding limits Diana\u2019s potential in team fights."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Fighting the person trying to stop your split thrust can be an effective way to gain an advantage. If you are in advance in gold, do not be afraid to fight but always check the card before using your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Refusing as many piles as possible means avoiding the enemy champion from gaining too much gold and experience, making them stronger. If Nasus gains too much gold and experience, it will spread quickly and become very powerful."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "If Nautilus enters, try to focus on him if his teammates don't follow him. Nautilus struggles to get out of a fight once he's in, so enjoy the mistakes he makes."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Try to separate slightly so that Vex can't handle a lot of AOE damage with its Q and E. It could be very beneficial to rip Vex's W with poke before starting a fight, because it will miss the shield to protect itself."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The enemy invisibility can easily be counterbalanced by a well-positioned control area. Her Q costs a lot of mana and can make her run out of resources if she uses it carelessly."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas'W can heal a lot of health in terrible situations. Sylas' W is a point and click capability, which makes landing easier."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "He's a good skirmisher early, Especially once he gets his final R."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Once Aphelios gets his first item, he will be very strong and sustain very well in lane. Unless you match his damage, try not to fight him too much unless you can catch him out of position."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "His abilities can easily one-shot enemies if they are not careful or if Heimerdinger sets a death brush somewhere. Heimerdinger can also take on the Baron singlehandedly."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "He can use Level 6 to defend himself against adverse situations. The first element will help him greatly in duels and compensations."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven\u2019s level 16 is pretty good. The extra damage his Ultimate ability offers him will come in handy and allow him to execute enemies."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is good at poking down enemy minions before going into a fight thanks to his fast cooldowns and overall attack power. During the mid-game phase, Ezreal can harass his enemies with frequent quick hits."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "This will also be beneficial when it launches its Ultimate b. His early play is good, but the result of the track really depends on the match he is in."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "It can take the first dragons with ease, without being too low. Its ultimate ability allows it to acquire an immense potential of duel."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "That makes her a threat to the enemy rear line. Its Ultimate e can execute low health champions easily."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Make sure you don't do anything that puts you in a compromising position in the track. The first power peak of Xin Zhao in the track is at level 3."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Avoid track brushes at any cost because Teemo can blind you from them. Get a sweater and keep cleaning its traps because it will help you fight Teemo significantly."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn cannot team fight easily. She will try to flank from the side with her Ultimate R and get on to a carry."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille is a challenging champion that is quite fun and rewarding. Players who put a lot of effort into learning Camille will reap the rewards of a veteran Camille player."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "If you have an Ultimate that can be used in a fight, you should win the level 6 all-in. Be careful of when Jhin is running at you with his 4th shot during team fights."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Level 6 is significant. This level gives Zoe more creative powers."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Once he reaches level 11, Zac can have two points in his Ultimate R. This increases the frequency with which it can use capacity and, therefore, will also increase its selection potential."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "The mobility of Rakan increases dramatically when laning with Xayah. Rakan has a powerful Ultimate that is incredibly impactful in team fights."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Make sure you hit 2 first to win the exchange. The enemy will be using their abilities on the minion wave to push."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian relies heavily on the articles to win the game. If he gets late at the beginning of the game, Lucian will find it hard to come back at the end of the game."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives. As a Support, you are very vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you are on the move around the map, and when you are alone."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Avoid trading with Pantheon when his Passive has lots of stacks as he will deal lots of damage in a trade. The best time to fight Pantheon is when he has no stacks, and an ability on cooldown."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "At the beginning of the game, the champion's strength was very weak. To improve the champion's power at the beginning of the game, focus on agriculture."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton relies heavily on his cooldowns to win an advance. Whenever Renekton's abilities are reduced, he can't trade that much."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Hecarim can easily take those objectives. Get your team ahead by soloing them."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Try looking for choices around the map. Your kit allows you to fool them easily and escape if a fight goes wrong."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "He will be a prime target to be CC'd and picked off by the enemy team, so he should work with his Support or tankier teammates to set vision around the map."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Once Maokai is level 3, it can start trading with you. You should try to fall down so Maokai can't look for a favorable trade."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Your Ultimate h will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game. If you can find the opportunity to do so, use it to catch someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or away from the position."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This will increase his tenacity and kill the pressure at the same time. His Passive will help him a lot when it comes to diving into the enemy front line and surviving."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "At level 3, Xin Zhao can do everything in the enemy by accessing its three basic capabilities. At level 6, the death pressure of Xin Zhao increased significantly."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Sometimes a single combo is all it takes to kill a target (like a squishy support, for instance). All he needs to do is sit in the enemy Jungle and wait for an unsuspecting enemy to come near."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench can absorb a lot of damage entering the track. In team fighting with his E, Tahm Kench can essentially have two health bars and be almost impossible to kill."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen relies on flanking the enemy team from the sidelines. If the enemy team manages to set proper vision, Garen's game plan will collapse, leaving him useless."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "As soon as Zilean has enough levels behind him, he can shoot the wave of the minion. Stand outside the minion wave at all times so you can't poke and push at the same time."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "When Corki has completed his first item, his wave clear damage will increase heavily. Corki shouldn\u2019t find it hard at all to keep the enemy pushed into their tower once he completes it."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's first games are quite solid as it can make the targets rise with ease. That being said, it is always better for Shen to join forces with a hard CC."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "A faster clearing of jungle camp gives Malphite more gank opportunities quickly. As you acquire your basic items, your damage and tankness will increase considerably."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah can be defeated by the control of the enemy crowd, especially during the early match. A certain form of crowd control will probably kill Taliyah if he is not checked."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "If Dr Mundo is behind, he will start farming with his Q. Do not get in the way of Dr Mundo unless he is trying to secure a Cannon Minion."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin is really good at removing or removing isolated targets. Lee Sin should group closer to his teammates to make it harder for him to shoot anyone alone. Lee Sin will try to gank as often as he can at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Counter ganking Briar is really easy on this champion. Don't be afraid to counter gank her."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "It's recommended not to get too close to Cassiopeia even if you land your ultimate R on her, as she can easily turn the tables with her own ultimate R if you're not cautious. Try to keep the wave in the middle of the lane and expose Cassiopeia to ganks as much as possible."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego can steal the lives of his enemies that allow him to escape danger. As Viego becomes imperturbable, it can avoid incoming damage."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Picks on squishy and immobile targets allow quinn to gain a further lead. Quinn is a pretty strong early game ADC."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The warning of major objectives is essential for allies' positions to be seen during team fighting. War objects should be placed in places where enemy movements around the map can be observed."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It is advisable to bait the W of Taliyah before committing to avoid being overthrown. Taliyah's level 6 allows it to counter roaring, so you should consider moving from base to place."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora is very good in the later stages of the laning phase and the mid-game. Respect her 1v1 potential and try not to die to her."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Try to abuse this by looking for an early one to force Ryze to remember. Ryze does not point to level 6 because its Ultimate is a utility tool."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "A massive boost to her fighting power was expected at level 11 due to her Ultimate R now having two points. It is highly beneficial for her team as that ability does a lot of damage and can completely change the tide of a fight."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas relies on damage dealing abilities but is unable to act except auto-attack when they're on cooldown. Stand behind or near minions at all times but maintain a safe distance due to the Body Slam E's AOE."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "the E ability also enables irelia to use her Q on targeted enemies without placing it on cooldown. the effectiveness of irelia's E is crucial in determining the outcome of a team fight and can mean the difference between victory and defeat."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Unless you can take them first, make sure you keep the Dragon at all times so you can spot it before it secures the target. Once Kindred reaches level 6, she will be much stronger because she can use her Ultimate R to go for more unorthodox ganks."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan's all-in threat keeps enemies at bay. Once Jarvan maxes his first ability at level 9, he will be able to deal quite a decent amount of damage."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Rell's team fight presence will be felt across the board due to her t and Ultimate R. She can quickly get a multi-man stun off using her all-in combo."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Do not overstay your welcome by recalling when you\u2019re low. Try and recall out of vision so she can\u2019t use it on you."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "His abilities will hit like a truck due to his items. His Ultimate ability will be pivotal to winning the game."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Disperse and look for a way to make it burst once it has come to light. Twitch will often be incredibly close to your team after coming out of its s."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz's Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool that can help him get kills with ease. Fizz\u2019s Ultimate R has a short cooldown so he will be able to play aggressively over and over again."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "When separating in the middle of a game, it is advisable to set secondary goals. Fractional thrust is often more effective than group thrust."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Using your Ultimate will provide a knockup potential. Your Ultimate will have a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Try to secure major objectives when you can, as you have decent objective control. Ranged carries can easily kite the poppy even without using their dashes."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Avoid leaving Ekko alone in a side lane by making sure there is always someone matching him. His W allows him to engage upon a group or enemy champions, or a single enemy champion with ease."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "You should team up with your team at the end of the game. Peel for your carts in team fighting. It's important that you focus on the nearest enemy champion and focus on who your allies are focusing on."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed has a good all-in-one potential and is very strong when he unlocks his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "When the enemy is low, commit to an all-in-one. Try to keep CDA alive as long as possible."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen excels during team fights as she can deal a lot of damage, especially in crowded areas. Her W allows her to reduce damage taken."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Stand on the opposite side of the road at all times."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks has his Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass. Once Fiddlesticks has Zhonya's Hourglass, it allows his Ultimate R to really hit home."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The destruction of the opposition is made possible by your consistent burn damage. You should fight near chokepoints to maximize team fighting effectiveness."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Bel\u2019Veth\u2019s True Form makes her so much harder to deal with Your goal in the early game is to gain as much gold and Xp as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If you get caught out, it will result in the enemy forcing a fight or taking the Baron. It's best not to stray too far away from your team."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Not many champions are as strong as Cassiopeia at level 2. Beware of the level 2 all-in with her Q and E spam."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "If kaisa is set back during the early game, she won\u2019t be able to come online as fast as her counterparts. As a result, kaisa will need to be peeled for as well."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Do not clump together when it comes to team fighting because of Nunu's Snowball W. Nunu will use his Snowball W to engage from a distance if you stand close to one another."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "It will have its basic items by then, which means that it will suffer a respectable amount of damage. It can even be a duel of enemies if it controls its use."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "A champion like this can't do anything unless he gets help from his teammates after being hired. If Kog'Maw's e (capacity) is broken, it will be useless unless you have some kind of element or digital advantage."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Watch your flanks in the middle of the game because Zeri can close a gap over a wall and surprise yourself on your team. Its first major power peak is at level 6 when it has access to its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "The effectiveness of Ezreal depends on him landing his Qs on the enemy to deal damage. Buffering Ezreal's E is not effective against enemies with ranged CC that can follow-up after its use."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "She will be able to spam her abilities, which increases damage and healing output. This results in a significant advantage for Gwen in duels."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin should shove his wave in to look for kills on other lanes. You need to earn as much gold and XP as possible so you can level up quickly."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "It is recommended to avoid unnecessary damage by standing outside the minion wave when Xerath uses its capabilities. When Xerath trade, look for opportunities to take advantage of him when his 2 or R are on the cooldown."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You can use this to your advantage by invading Camille in the early game and stealing away some of her camps. Early wards will reduce the effectiveness of Camille's ganks."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn has a lot of burst damage early in the game. Keep this in mind when laning against Quinn and expect her to play aggressively."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego can CC (crowd control) crucial targets with his W. Viego gains several skills with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "or if all its damage is absorbed by a shield. It becomes difficult for him to secure the murders later in the game due to all the defensive elements of enemy construction"} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "You could use it to your advantage by invading it and trying to put it behind. Once Sylas reaches level 6, he can steal someone's Ultimate with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Adjust the game during this stage of the game. Work on wave management during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "He can act as a really potent frontline/disruptor for his team and can go directly for the enemy backline. Being pushed into the tower isn\u2019t a big hassle for him due to the ease with which he can farm under his tower."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "The enemy can kill Jax's entire team and then go for crucial objectives like the Baron. Jax is weak against champions who are ranged."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "After acquiring its first component, Xin Zhao can trade very aggressively with the enemy. The additional damage of this article helps Xin Zhao in the last-hitting and agriculture easily."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is weak early on as he can't get too close to his opponents to burst them down. This is mainly because of a lack of mobility and items until he hits level 6."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's R has a very long cooling. A long delay for Shen's R means it loses priority almost instantly."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Poke the enemy from a safe distance if they try to fly. Use your Q to slow down the enemy if they're trying to pick up."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Choosing your fights and avoiding constant trading is the key to winning. During the laning phase, you focus on the descent of the enemy to gain an advantage over health."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Use your Ultimate R on as many enemies as possible. Brand\u2019s late-game damage is insane."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "This will allow Xin Zhao to dominate 1 v 1 with the greatest ease. During this phase of the game, Xin will be really tanky."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Make sure you and your ADC reach Level 2 at the same time as Taric. Taric can seek to engage and fight early at level 2, so it is important to be ready and ready to respond."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Rell's Ultimate is a great team fighting tool that can CC multiple enemies at once. CC and interrupts are the best way to counter Rell's W engage in team fights."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Take turns quickly and open the card will make it easier to control the status of the game. Being full construction allows Ziggs to detonate enemies with ease."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "For now, Kha'Zix will try to take control of the map and snowball. A Kha'Zix completes his first element, he will seek to fight more often."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo can place its Ultimate T mushrooms in heavy traffic areas. Placing Ultimate T Mushrooms will allow Teemo to detect enemies."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Commit to all-ins if you have a slight lead so you can, again, cash out from your Passive. After Draven\u2019s first back, he will be able to out-trade the enemy laners because of his g."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "You could have more murders. Taking a tower or getting more dead depends on various factors."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "It is recommended to place the vision inside the river. The vision should also be placed at the entrances to the Warwick jungle."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Whenever it\u2019s on cooldown, she is very vulnerable and easy to take down. Before going in, make sure you check your surroundings as you have no escape when your E is down."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "As she is incredibly mobile thanks to her E, Camille's mobility relies on her E being active."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Kai'Sa's early game strength depends on the Support synergy. Kai'Sa was paired with all-in champions in the early game."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Before level 6, try to mistreat her as much as possible. Its death pressure increases as its Ultimate R is a great duelling tool and has a great gank set up as well."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If your team sets Garen behind early on, he will be especially useless. Garen's effectiveness can vary greatly depending on his build."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "When Pyke hits level 6, his kill pressure increases as his Ultimate R is an execute. Back away when low so he is unable to kill you and snowball his lead. Pyke is really good at roaming. Once he has Mobi Boots, expect him to roam around the map and assist his allies. Ping whenever he goes missing."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "The longer the game, the stronger Zoe becomes. In particular, Zoe is very good in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Peel for your allies in the team fights. As a tank, you're pretty weak unless your aircraft carriers are alive. So keeping them alive is the key to team fighting."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Champions with wave clear can match Azir's wave clear and prevent losing the Tower early on. Once Azir has picked up his Nashor's Tooth, he is going to push the wave really quickly."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "By working with their team, a player who actually uses Volibear can guarantee an easy win. Volibear is thwarted by Grievous Wounds."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "talijah can inflict heavy amounts of damage in very short time. It gives the enemy very little time to react."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The track brushes help Twitch a lot. Level 6 is a power peak for Twitch because it allows it to impact and disrupt massively the fighting."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "The damage to Kennen's poke will be enough for two squishy shots. When Kennen's Ultimate gets out as much as possible, he'll crush a truck full of damage."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Avoid walking too far forward so you do not get caught out and focused by the enemy. Use your t as a self peel tool."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Her ability to dish out a lot of burst damage and pick off enemies with her s will make it hard for the enemy to fight well. In late game team fights, peeling for your carries is crucial to increase your team's chances of winning."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Even though Fizz is incredibly mobile with his E, when it is on cooldown, Fizz is incredibly squishy and immobile. Even with Fizz's E available, Fizz is pretty squishy if he gets hit with CC."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Fall back using your Ultimate t will require a coat for your allies. A group is recommended when trying to reach the enemy rearline."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "When Ashe hits level 11, she will put a secondary point in her Ultimate w. Her Ultimate w will have a short cooldown and she will be able to look for picks frequently throughout the mid-game."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank will play hyper-aggressive at level 2 in attempts to get an early kill or to blow your Summoner Spells. Hit level 2 before or at the same time as Blitzcrank, which is the first wave followed by the next 3 melee minions."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir's still outstretched. After level 6, Vladimir gets a peak of power with his e."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Do not fight inside the jungle as the size of his E is roughly the same as the jungle. Once Heimerdinger hits level 6, he technically unlocks 3 new abilities."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Your ability to control a zone/area is quite strong and almost unparalleled. You can dish out a lot of consistent damage if you are given the chance."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "One way to abuse Vayne's weak early play is by forcing her to extend for the farm. Calling Jungler to kill the opponent is another option when Vayne is forced to extend."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This will allow his team to have a reliable front lining. His main peak of power is during this phase of the game,"} -{"label": "annie", "text": "This allows Annie to get a multi-person R Although Annie has a lot of burst damage"} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "With Post-six, Malphite can set up several ganks for its track as well as other tracks using its Ultimate. It's very beneficial if the path it makes plant has some form of CC built in their kit."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "The minion wave offers tons of additional protection when placed on your side of the map. Mordekaiser is a champion who excels at the split thrust in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You should constantly look for plays whenever your Ultimate R is up. At level 9, Camille's Q will be maxed out."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Placing the vision around the entrances of Lillia's jungle will make it difficult for him to find successful ganks. The vision in the river will also prevent Lillia from finding successful ganks."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "His e are also a good tool to poke and push the wave simultaneously. He is not neccessarily strong at levels 1-4,"} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean's Q W Q combo can be used to stun a group of enemies that is very beneficial in the nearby neighborhood fight. Zilean's Q W Q combo scales are quite high, so it can cause a lot of damage through this combo."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Even though you have good sustain, you can easily die if you try to fight in the first few levels. If the enemy tries to play aggressive, then m them and fall back to safety."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "You want to CC her but make sure you're not near a wall. Failing to do so will get you pinned to a wall and beaten up."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "If Kled takes damage, he can easily recover Skaarl. Kled's Ultimate R launches team fights with ease."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "You have CC tools. Do not be afraid to make plays as long as allies can follow up."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves can dash into enemies, auto-attack them twice, and use his Ultimate t to finish them off. Using the fog of war allows Graves to pick targets more effectively."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "The mix of Aphelios' weapons makes him good in mid-game team fights. As long as he didn\u2019t fall behind in the early game, his mid-game will be where he truly shines."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Playing with your allies when your Ultimate is available can increase your death pressure. Your Ultimate has a significant impact on the overall performance of the team during this phase."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cass is a late-game monster. She is as long as she hasn\u2019t fallen behind, she will be incredibly strong in the late game."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali falls into the later parts of the game as the teams begin to regroup. Akali is at his strongest in divided fighting or peaks rather than right 5v5."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra is very good in team fighting. It can easily CC high priority targets"} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Regrouping for no compelling reason can result in unnecessary fighting and loss. As a strong duelist, you should be ready to adapt to the situation and either focus on the split thrust or group with the enemy team."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Turn around the map if the bot road decides to turn to the top track after fixing the lower track tower. The level 6 of Nasus is a significant power peak as it can actually properly duel with enemies now."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can take on the Baron singlehandedly. Trading against Heimerdinger can be extremely tedious, yet it can be done."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Save your E post 6 so you can disengage/re-engage after she tries to all-in you. Camille has good outplay potential with her E and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "In the context of games, abuse one's range advantage by standing back and attacking an opponent from a distance. Abuse one's range advantage from afar means using long-range abilities or attacks to attack an enemy while keeping a safe distance."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Be ready for the level 2 gank. Play carefully in the first minutes of the game."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Taking the Baron or Dragon will give you a strong advantage over hwei. When he hits level 3, he becomes stronger and he is harder to handle."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri can be difficult to play in team compositions with heavy CCs. Although she has tools to help her avoid these abilities, she will be limited in how and when to use her Ultimate."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The Melee champions will find it hard to face Soraka. You shouldn't move alone."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves' maxed out l and e will give him an excellent dueling advantage. The combination of Graves' high burst damage and excellent dueling skills play circles around enemy positions."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If you're ahead, try to take down the enemy Mid laner or ADC to gain an advantage. Flanking in team fights is easier with your W and allows you to target key enemies more easily."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Your E is really effective around the bottlenecks, Make sure to try CC several enemies with it sometimes."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric will stick to his target for a long time after receiving his boots. Taric will stack his Q (healing ability) by staying on target for a longer time after getting his boots."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Every time your Ultimate R is in place, use it to help allies and get murders. Try to secure your goals with your team."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "You shouldn't steal his Ultimate. He's a Jungler stronger than you at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's Passive allows him to stay in the lane even after taking a lot of poke damage/all-in damage from the enemy team. The enemy team may waste a lot of valuable summoner spells by baiting Garen into attacking aggressively."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Avoid fighting or staying close to your teammates because the e of Nautilus can hit the players when they get in touch with her. Nautilus will often be the first driver of his team."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "This level gives Zoe more creative powers. Zoe's Q directly empowers him."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Keep track of your liabilities. The choking fights will be your bread and butter."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "You should push Morgana back so she won't take your turn sooner. Morgana is good at level 6 when she unlocks her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Avoid going for extended auto-attack trades as he\u2019ll always come out ahead. Once he hits level 6, Nocturne can use his Ultimate to assassinate you or any targets if he chooses to roam."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The state of the game dictates the optimal path for its team. The state of play dictates whether to go for an unqualified juggernaut or a glass cannon construction."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed is pretty good in the middle of the game because he will have 2 articles and will be able to assassinate any squishy target he comes into contact with. Avoid walking in areas where you know that Zed is or has recently been in."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "This will increase your survival and it will be put on a short cooling time. Keep in mind that early armor will be very beneficial in this matchup."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "The combination of Morgana's E and articles will make his allies safe from Crowd Control (CC). A maximum of Ultimate R is required to use capacity frequently and cause significant damage at once."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "kalista's defensive stats will allow her to survive all-in situations as well. Her r is solid during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Look for picks on the enemy when they're out of position. If you can catch out the enemy Support, you can rotate to Baron or Dragon or force a fight with the numbers advantage."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "He can act as a really potent frontline/disruptor for his team and can go directly for the enemy backline. His 1v1 potential is pretty high."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "You can delay Malphite's Level 6 power peak by invading its jungle and flying its camps. Malphite will not be ruined until he has his Ultimate h."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Do not rely on them to save yourself or the life of your ADC. Use your Q & E to target both enemies and minions simultaneously to use your mana effectively."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Once ahead, Renekton can constantly bully the enemy laner and Over time, Renekton's lead will snowball quickly if he continues to play effectively."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If the enemy team manages to set the proper vision, Garen's game plan will collapse and he will be useless. Setting Garen behind early on can render him useless."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "You should keep your minion vague a little earlier. After post 6, you won't be able to engage in team fighting if you push as you won't be tanky enough to dive the enemy."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "With its first element, Viego can frequently search for all the elements. Viego can completely decimate any immobile mid-laner with its boosted solo laning capability."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "At level 6, Corki\u2019s wave clear increases as his e can help him push the enemy into their tower. His e are also a good tool to poke and push the wave simultaneously."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "By launching, Timitvana can use his form to play the front line role for his team. The ultimate t displacement of Shyvana can act as a source of coat for its grey carrier."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "The enemy may force a fight if you are too far away from your team. Looking for picks with your Ultimate R in late-game fights is recommended."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Consume your Headshot Passive on the enemy laner(s) as often as possible. This will help you win trades and skirmishes with the enemy."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger peels for his team in team fights by using his Q on nearby champions to protect himself and his ADC. Level nine is a massive powerspike for Heimerdinger."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "This will give your allies enough time to withdraw and escape before they are able to reach their path. Xin Zhao has good objective control and can take them quite easily."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is a strong 1v1 champion. When no team fights are occurring, look to split push and try to fight the enemy who tries to stop you."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf's tankiness will be phenomenal during this phase of the game. Combined with his overall damage, it will become tough to deal with him for the enemy team."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius should use his level 6 power spike to get kills in lane and start to snowball his lead. Darius' Ultimate ability can be used as an execute to help him gain a lead."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Players who put a lot of effort into learning Camille will reap the rewards of a veteran Camille player. Her Ultimate R is a good tool that can result in a kill every time."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Do not separate or leave your team otherwise the enemy may try to withdraw you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Look for a choice with your n to win the number advantage."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali has bad basic statistics in the game. Akali is a melee champion."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Disperse and look for a way to make it burst once it has come to light. Twitch will often be incredibly close to your team after coming out of its s."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "She will play a massive role in disrupting team fights for the enemy team. Make sure you're never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her E and push you into it."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "However, you will rely on your support to do the heavy lifting early. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "As the jungler, your goal is to remain alive in the late game. If you die before a major objective spawns, the enemy can take it."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia is extremely strong when her Passive is stacked up. This is when she should be going for a significant fight as it will ensure a massive victory for her as long as she has a target to auto-attack."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Don't play very aggressive in team fights. Kite and automatic attack the nearest enemy champion."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "It can easily climb on them and prevent them from doing anything in a fight. If Malphite goes AP, there will be no enemy for most parts of the game."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Fortunately, heimerdinger will not have this problem during the late game and will now take down many enemies with his E. Adding another point to Heimerdinger's Ultimate R will give him additional empowerments more overall strength."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold. Use your capabilities to quickly clear minion waves so your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Around him can be locked down with crowd control as quickly as possible. He (Ivern) is quite immobile."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Your Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool that can help you get an advantage of killing. Malzahar will be a real threat when he reaches level 6."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan's level 2 is pretty strong as he can go for a d into e and knock you up. Make sure you hit level 2 first so you can counter this engage."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Make sure you go for short burst trades and then get out before she can get too many spears in you. Work with your Support to kill her."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Leona has a strong roaming capacity that will help base roaming allies Good times to wander are straight from the base and when ADC is safe and will not die"} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "The enchanters and the squishy targets will find it hard to get away with it. He's strong during the end-of-game fights because his Q and Ultimate R are going to hit like a truck now."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "But her Ultimate R does offer a lot of roaming potential. As soon as she hits level 6 and goes missing, communicate with your team so they know she's left lane."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's Levels 2 and 3 are strong enough. He can look for an early match. A favorable match-up means that Shen Level 2 and 3 will not make the game a lost cause. It is possible for him to pursue an all-in-one strategy."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "If the Baron is up, always stay on the top side of the map. Going bot and showing yourself to the enemy will allow them to take the objective for free."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Renata is a hero with a unique appearance. She has physical characteristics that are fragile and delicate."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "She will have to take care of her combat positioning to make sure she's not chosen. All of her important items will be finished now, and she will be able to smooth out a lot of damage in very short jobs."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie should get ahead and invest in one of these items to gain an advantage. In team fights, group carefully because Tibbers R can stun multiple members if you're too close together."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine can do a lot of damage. The CC will allow its team to collapse quickly on the enemy."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani can act in front line for his team, taking a lot of damage without being too weak due to his Passive. Sejuani is a good source of coat because of its ability to take a lot of damage."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "When fighting around choking points, make sure you adjust your x correctly. Also, make a point to use your Ultimate around the bottlenecks for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "If Maokai throws a Sapling in a bush, you can walk up to it and then detach from the path with your E so that it does not damage you. If a wave is nearby, run to it."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "She looks for picks on squishy and immobile targets These targets can give her an even greater lead"} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "At level 9, Gragas will have his first ability maxed out. Gragas will be able to initiate fights and displace key enemy targets way more frequently after reaching level 11 with two points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Look for picks with your team. If you can pick someone off, make the call for Baron or Dragon to further your lead."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo has a lot of pressure to kill if he takes Ignite and is able to harass and harass you. Teemo may not join the team fights because it is not very good in them."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Don't stay in level 6 because he could sting you. Xerath is good in team fighting as long as he is capable of poke and stalking with p before a fight begins."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Keep track of the enemy Jungler from the beginning of the game as he will attempt to camp the track to the affected level six. Use E discreetly in this way as it allows all-in and to disengage against enemies."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Try to catch him out of his position or flank him when he is alone to facilitate taking these goals. Keep track of the jungle camp chronometers and steal his blue buff while he spawns."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz is an assassin and can take down squishy champions easily. Fizz is incredibly strong in the mid-game if he can get picks."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily. Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can get into the fight quickly, especially allies with knockups."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "This allows him to clear the waves quickly enough and obtain the priority of the track, allowing him to help his team secure the goals. Excels in the fighting taking place in the bottlenecks and nearby neighborhoods as it allows him to quickly stack his Passive."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Once in your team, immediately CC LeBlanc and focus efforts to get it down while CC'd. Leblanc can embark on unbridled trades as soon as she unlocks her Qs and Ws."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Do not stand directly behind them as his s is AOE. Once Jayce has an item under his belt, he will be able to push the minion wave incredibly fast."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's Ultimate R has such a large range that will allow him to move around the map incredibly quickly. Galio is a melee champion."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Getting your Ultimate will be a massive bonus in the way, allowing you to push the enemy out of the way without breaking any kind of sweat while keeping the distance from the enemy. In one way, continue to use your ultimate poke ability multiple enemies with your AoE attack."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "All he needs to do is Ultimate his enemy from out of vision. His tankiness will know no bounds during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Do not commit to fights near Rell's tower as she may play aggressively. When Rell hits level 6, use her Ultimate R in a variety of ways that do not risk getting caught."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Level 16 is a massive peak for syndra as it can decimate the squishy enemies. Squishy enemies are enemies who inflict physical damage and take damage from magic."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "His early game ganks are really strong as he has a lot of CC and damage reduction in his kit. He can quite quickly instigate tower dives on low-health enemies."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives. As a support, you are very vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the hall."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Its E is a multipotent capacity that can keep it safe even when it pushes upwards. Warding and the use of its E makes Syndra very safe in the way."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "When Nautilus finishes its first element, its trading power in the track increases considerably. Nautilus will be more tankier after completing its first element, which also increases its survival."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma has a lot of poke damage on her Q. Karma can easily CC someone with her d."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "His Q will be maximized at Level 9. It's really useful to him, because it's his primary damage ability."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "At level six, Sett can easily bring the Ultimate R enemies back into their team, inflicting significant damage. Boots are an important power peak for Sett, allowing him to ride freely and stick to enemies."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Her skirmishing power is quite high."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Level 2 in the lower lane is the first minion wave followed by the next 3 melee minions. So your goal during the laning phase is to try to kill and abuse the enemy as often as you can."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the map. It will protect you from ganks."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "After she has a few levels behind her and a few points in Q, she will be able to push the wave and keep you pushed in with ease. Make sure you stop her from getting tower plates by matching her wave clear."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "A good vision placement is crucial for Sylas to flank the enemy team with his E. Without a good vision, Sylas cannot effectively touch a fight by flanking the enemy team."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "This will result in a huge gold lead too, due to the tower plates. After Cait\u2019s first back, she will pick up her first component item."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Doing so will ensure that the enemy frontline has no form of follow-up. At a certain point during the game, Diana would've maxed out her Q."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "If you move away from your Support, you will be an easy target for the enemy. Make sure you're always near at least one ally."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox is vulnerable to CC and if you can kill him before he gets his combo off, the enemy will lose out on a lot of damage. Try to look for fights when Aatrox doesn\u2019t have his Ultimate or Flash."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "When cleaning minion waves with your capabilities, you can look for a favorable trade if you can land poke while pushing the wave. By sitting Baron or Dragon, or whenever you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with your abilities."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Rek'Sai's good counter ganks can punish an immobile Fiddlesticks if he attempts a gank. Invading Fiddlesticks without knowing his location is generally not recommended, as he has many disengage options and can escape invades."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "A maximum Q gives the player a menacing threat during the mid-game when combined with an ADC's damage. The mid-game is a period where Ahri will have lower cooldowns."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The first element increases its damage and allows it to use its capabilities a little more frequently. In the middle of the game, you will want to regroup as much as possible."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank may try to steal or delay your Junglers first buff. A ward in the river at 1:25 can help determine if he\u2019ll Hook b or not."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The scrambled team fights will become a breeze during this part of the game. His damage is enormous at the end of the game."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora is extremely good at level 1. If she gets the right Vital procs, Fiora can cheese an early first blood or leave you chugging your potions at your tower."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Try to poke him down and force him to back early so he misses out on gold and experience. His level 6 is very strong."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Use track brushes to strike the enemy to the maximum extent possible. Extended trades can cause a percentage of health damage to the reservoirs."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "If you know that Maokai has been on the same side of the map, make sure that the hidden saplings E are placed inside the bushes. Also, be careful when it invades as it may have thrown a few inside the bushes near its jungle entrances."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "If it spawns quickly, be sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before you safely retreat. It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "E can be used in multiple ways and is a good way of turning around exchanges with the enemy. You have tons of sustain thanks to your Passive and Ultimate."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "He will soak up both tower shots and enemy damage simultaneously. This will make it very easy for his allies to follow up on his engagement."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The production of damage and the survival of Swain increased to level 6. You should not engage in a fight with Swain unless you can break it quickly because its Ultimate R offers additional protection and health regeneration."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The effectiveness of Sett's Ultimate R is based on enemy groups. Sett needs the coordination of his team to effectively use his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Champions with strong damaging Ultimates can all-in Pantheon when his E is down. If Pantheon's team doesn't follow up on him after he uses his Ultimate R, it can get him killed."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Regular burst trades enable Pyke to easily win the lane. Level six is a massive power spike as he can now execute champions with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Once Ezreal has completed his Manamune and upgraded it to Muramana, Muramana will greatly increase Ezreal\u2019s damage output and sustain."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "The combination of its set of objects and its ultimate ability will make it almost inchaseable and unskillable. A maximum Ultimate capacity will further enhance its survival and the overall damage inflicted over the long term."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "SHe can easily bully the enemy down with her Q. He can easily bully the enemy down with her E."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand will try to deal a lot of damage and delay a team fight for as long as possible while poking opponents down. You need to fight Brand as soon as you see him to prevent him from destroying your health bar."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "At level 9, Vladimir would have maximized Q. Q has a short cooling and deals a lot of damage."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "At the beginning of the game, Viktor will play safely and will have limited damage if his passive kernel is not improved. Playing aggressively and forcing Viktor out of the way early can give the enemy a significant advantage."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "His ultimate attack is likely to kill his entire team if it is not inappropriately used. If Taliyah's C (Counter Strike) is disabled, it becomes more vulnerable to enemy attacks."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "The best opportunity to engage in trades with Ezreal occurs when his E (Ezreal's ultimate ability) is on cooldown. If Ezreal uses his E aggressively, attempt to abuse the cooldown by immediately looking for an aggressive play while he is defenseless."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "As soon as she jumps in with her k, CC her and lock her down. Nidalee will be quite strong once she has a few points in her s."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "It is effective in team fighting due to the AOE on its Ultimate R. When enemies are grouped closely, it will be especially good."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Misuse of its l can cause it to kill immediately if the enemy stands on their main crowd control capability. The abuse of his l makes Vladimir a very easy gank target."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "to make it easier for yourself to get onto the enemy backline. Aatrox tends to fall off later in the game as the enemy will buy items that counter him."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Do not divide the thrust when an important objective is high or about to spawn. When an important goal is up or about to spawn, do not go to the opposite side of the map and instead work with your Jungler to define the vision around that side."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Instead, communicate with your team while following Fizz from a distance if possible. Walking around Summoners Rift is a squishy player's worst enemy."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "When Corki hits level 6, his kill pressure and pushing power increases thanks to his Ultimate e. Corki was behind at least 1 minion when he hit level 6, because he couldn't push and poke someone at the same time."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "If you get poked down, you\u2019ll never be able to engage. Staying healthy is key when playing Rell."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "A player should focus on harassing Braum from a safe distance. If Braum decides to roam, the player should ping their teammates to alert them and try to poke down the enemy ADC using their Q and basic attacks."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "In the team fights, focus on targeting the most squisheous and easiest targets to achieve as a priority in the backline. Team fighting allows easy access to the enemy rear line."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The Ultimate R of Taliyah will allow it to prevent enemies from entering crucial points such as neutral objective pits. The Ultimate R of Taliyah will also allow him to separate his enemies."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Harass and Taric poke down during the early match Taric's capabilities have high mana costs"} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Her E lets her reposition quite quickly. Her E allows Gwen to move around the battlefield very rapidly."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's power at the beginning of the game is quite high. By trying 1v1 Viego, keep his power in mind as he is very good to her early."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The damage combo can completely destroy any still or CC'd wear. At level 11, Varus will be able to add 2 points to his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "The Wall e tool protects Anivia and her allies. Skirmishes are battles where Anivia can utilize her utility to protect herself and her allies."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus is immobile. Karthus is easy to gank."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "However, she is still mana-hungry, so she will have to be careful about spamming spells. As a support, she is very vulnerable and can easily be killed when she goes to the room, when she moves around the map, and when she is alone."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "It's essential to continue farming during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible. Do not just stay mid if you cannot get anything done."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "When dealing with Gragas, try to look for extended trades that don't rely on his abilities being active. Gragas' damage-dealing abilities are useful, but are limited by cooldowns, leaving him mostly unable to act except auto-attacking when they're down."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled's Passive is highly underestimated. Using Kled Passive will make all the difference in the game now."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu can pick off an opponent with his W in mid-game team fights. A champion with good control due to his abilities Q and Smite."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Look for choices with your team. If you can choose someone, call for Baron or Dragon to continue your advance."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You should try to take down carries when you land a W on high priority target. Aatrox's Ultimate R is crucial in late game team fights."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Her Q costs a lot of mana and can make her run out of resources if she uses it carelessly. It will need to use its capabilities more carefully to avoid a lack of resources."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Look for an all-in on Ashe when she is low on health. Stand behind the minion wave at all times in the early game"} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "The cooldown of irelia's abilities increases the risk of her being caught in CC if not used effectively near her target. Irelia is extremely strong when her Passive is stacked up."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "He becomes really prone to ganks when this ability is down and he can\u2019t really escape without using summoner spells. Fighting in open spaces reduces the effectiveness of Gangplank as he won\u2019t be able to use his E barrels to the fullest potential."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "The enemy team cannot play in a clustered formation because Galio's Ultimate R knockup prevents them from doing so. This prevents the enemy team from being killed within the next 2.5 seconds, as this could be their downfall (W)."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "It is recommended to stick to your damage dealers. Your Ultimate R has low cooling during some parts of the game."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Ambushing when it goes to the objectives of the room can help swing the team's fight in your favor. It is crucial to avoid moving to unretired areas, as Zyra has great capture potential with its E and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Be ready to detach yourself from the fight and use your Zoomies capability to avoid Nami's skills. When laying or disassembling, anticipate the Aqua prison in Nami and actively avoid it."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Post 6, she has a lot of roaming and potential with her Ultimate. Keep an eye out for her to cross the pupil, stinging her if you see her do it."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "She will have many upgraded abilities during this phase of the game. This means that her damage output, as well as her defensive ability, will be really high."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Place a level 1 room near his red buff. This will help you to spot it before it is able to use its capabilities and ganker either the medium track or another nearby track."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Make sure you have enough vision around your path to spot the enemy Jungler before they show up. You will need to be more aware of your environment at level 6."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Try and stay closely grouped as a team when playing against Camille to make it very hard for her to engage. Camille will want to lock down an isolated target with her Ultimate R, but by standing close together it will reduce her ability to do so."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Use Q to slow down the enemy if they try to pick up and catch up. Slow attacks will allow opponents to be scaled and tirelessly intimidated."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "You should peel for your carries in late game team fights. Keeping your carries alive will increase your chances of winning team fights."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Keep an eye on Jax when fighting and be prepared to retreat if he leaves the side lane. Jax's Ultimate ability will give him increased defensive stats in a trade."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "At the end of the game, Elise's E will be on a short cooldown. This allows Elise to look for more choices and potentially win his team the game."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "However, if Viego takes over from a weak champion, he may not be as big as a threat. Viego can steal the lives of his enemies that allow him to escape danger."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko needs to be timed correctly in Ultimate R for team fights. Ultimate R allows Neeko to deal massive damage."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Your champion is weak in the early game. Avoid fighting until you have quite a few levels behind you."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "This gives him a very strong advantage in choking points. He could also use his s to identify and put in place a vision for his team."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "The increased burst damage allows him to hide easily from the enemies of bamboo. He can use Level 6 to defend himself against adverse situations."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Level six is a massive power peak because it allows Sett to take an enemy and separate them from the team. He's gonna want to supplant an enemy tanky in the enemy team, though."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "They'll make fun of themselves often, so you have to do it too. As you are great at duelling and very early, try to make early games around the card to get yourself and your allies in advance."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "After the rotation of the bot track towards the middle track, Yasuo moved to the side track and began to cultivate XP there. Yasuo could look at 1v1 any enemy who tried to stop him in the side lane."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn tries to harass and poke the player as often as possible. Try to stay outside of Quinn's auto-attack range."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "especially if it involves taking down an enemy champion who has managed to survive a fight with a sliver of health. Her Passive can turn the tide of a fight when she manages to activate it"} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna's Ultimate ability can be game-changing and she can use it on up to 5 enemy champions if she gets one good hit off. If Orianna's Ultimate ability hits, it could turn the tide of the game."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand is squishy. In team fights Brand will all-in and die quickly if caught out of position."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "It is essential to prevent Neeko from pushing you under your tower without letting the wave crash too close to your turret. Maintaining a balanced wave position allows you to control the lane and trade safely, reducing the risk of being ganked."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Wake up properly and work with your Jungler to secure peaks as much as possible. Warding will allow you to make several games e and e."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Your Ultimate R is a great tool that you can use to help your allies win their lane. You should keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early on."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Samira will often be left alone in the middle of the road at the farm during the middle of the game. You could use this as an opportunity to catch her and her Support out of position and force a goal after."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "His first major power spike occurs at level 6, where he unlocks his Ultimate R. At level 6, Ornn can look for more aggressive plays and set up his Jungler."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "He needs to play safely and avoid trading until he has a few levels under his belt. Nasus has a lot of bad matches in the current meta."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Keep track of Malzahar's ultimate cooling and keep your distance from him when he's high. If an important ally is taken by Malzahar's ultimate, use your Ultimate for CC immediately."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "It should accumulate an advance during this phase of the game by bursting enemies with its Q and Ultimate e. Vladimir is great in team fighting."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Stay with your team at any time. Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Locking and killing door in bottlenecks easily wins games. Always try to get in touch with the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Extended trades work in the favour of Aphelios depending on his weapon setup. Try to keep trades short- preferably around his r."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "You should stick with your team and stay close to them. Leaving your team will cause them to lose damage in a team fight."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee has a high skill ceiling. A high skill ceiling means that if you put a lot of effort into it."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This will also let him show extreme prowess during Jungle duels. Jarvan's first item component will give him a massive boost to his dueling and survivability."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The first element increases its damage and allows it to use its capabilities a little more frequently. However, she is still mana-hungry, so she will have to be careful about spamming spells."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "In team fights, stay towards the front of your team to soak up damage. But, peel for your team with your Q"} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "She's a little weak early, so try to abuse her at this point so she's not so strong later. Post 6, she has a lot of roaming and potential with her Ultimate."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Depending on your build, you will either be dealing tons of damage or tanking a lot of damage for your allies. Whichever the case may be, remember that you still need to peel for your ADC."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "During this phase, try to secure picks when possible. You will begin to fall off, so you must avoid 5 v 5 team fights whenever possible."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Proper warding from the enemy team can diminish Diana\u2019s flanking potential in team fights. Diana's ability to team fight is reduced if she gets detected by the enemy in time."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "His life flying and damage during the end of the game will make him really good in team fights. He'll have to maintain a good position."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "She will lack damage to trade effectively at this point. She has excellent waveclear and splash damage with her Q."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "It will bolster her dueling potential and increase her survivability. It will be highly beneficial when her Passive is stacked up completely."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "A scanning lens should be used with caution when grouped near Shaco. Shaco can try to assassinate transport players if they are alone and move around the card."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "These routes allow Rek'Sai to dodge commonly placed warding spots. Rek'Sai has a healthy clear."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Her Q allows her to get lane priority and help her other laners/Jungler when they are contesting objectives. Her d allows her to shield everyone in her team."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana can execute all-in enemies and execute ganks properly after conserving health. Picks and ganks are names of this phase."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "If Galio misses his E, the enemy team can walk up to him not in melee range and keep poking and harassing him for a long time. The enemy laner can ward the river if Galio is mid lane, or lane brushes if Galio is supporting."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's death threat in the way increases when it reaches level 6 and has its ultimate ability. Malphitis can begin to be more aggressive after reaching level 6 and have its Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Once Vel'koz has won a few points in his Q capability, he will suffer significant damage if he can land them consistently. In order to minimize damage caused by Vel'koz Q capabilities, it is recommended to stand near the minion wave."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "At level 9, Azir will max his r. Maxing Azir's r will provide a good power spike for him as he can use it to poke the enemy down from afar."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Let your team know before you enter. Keep track of your liabilities."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr is a good early Jungler game. Avoid giving Udyr kills to reduce his ability to wear in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "and win a team fight alone because of his AoE and Passive abilities. His Ultimate R at level 11 will give him a lot of choice potential."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Her E is also a channel ability which can additionally be interrupted by Crowd control If Bel\u2019Veth doesn\u2019t get any take downs on champions or objectives in teamfights she can never activate her True Form"} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "CC represents crowd control. Ganking laners refers to players who play aggressively in the queues and attack the enemy player's path."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Leona is known for her roaming potential. Anticipate Leona frequently leaving the track when she wanders."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Getting your Ultimate R will allow you to participate in many team fights. Zoning squishier targets off during skirmishes is the key when you have your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali is at his strongest in divided fighting or peaks rather than right 5v5. The enemy should start buying defensive items, which will make it more difficult to shoot them down."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko is good in team fights thanks to her Ultimate R. Disengage as soon as you see Neeko channel her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Focusing on agriculture is a priority for Vladimir. Vladimir needs time and gold before he can come online and do damage."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Use your strong duellage potential in the middle of the game to fight against opponents who are trying to stop the split thrust. As a powerful split pusher, be ready to regroup with the team and engage in 5v5 fights."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Any champion or player who can play around Annie's Ultimate R can set her back massively. Annie is weak against long-ranged poke due to her low spell range."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Choosing someone with the help of your allies can abuse their death timer to earn more gold. The abuse of the timer of death can make more gold."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You will want to help your Support and work with them to ensure that we can capitalize on our lead. This is important towards ending the game quickly."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Stand on the opposite side of the track so the Saplings E can't damage you. Maokai can put his Saplings E in nearby bushes and keep you away from them once he has his E."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "You can abuse this because you are a good counter ganker. Playing around your Ultimate is crucial in this matchup."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Try to take fights around choke points. This will let you use your e really easily and will increase your overall efficiency during the game."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "This makes her a mechanically difficult champion to play and do well on. Expect to put in a lot of games to master her."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Keep an eye on your allies in this game. If you see someone down and in a skirmish, then immediately."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Your champion is weak at the beginning of the game. Avoid fighting until you have a few levels behind you."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Avoid standing too close to Azir's Soldiers W as he can auto attack you from afar. When Azir places a Soldier W, move to a safer position out of its range."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo should be guarded to prevent surprise attacks. Try to catch the out-of-guard enemies with a well-timed tornado."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is a great team combat champion. Rumble can look for peaks and force fights on enemies who are overstretched or taken out of position."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "She has very good wave clear thanks to her d and d and can quickly push you in and take Tower plates. Orianna tends to be weak against ganks."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim may try to flank in team fights so he can get on to the backline with his Ultimate t. Ward the flanks so you can spot him before he engages."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Invest in an early execution call to reduce Swain's healing in the way. Swain's Root E is a CC that you can avoid if you are far back, but in front of your Caster Minions."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Stay with your team in the late game. Avoid running too far away from your team as the enemy may force a fight and win the game if you\u2019re nowhere nearby."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Positioning is crucial for Kog' Maw because it gives you the opportunity to take advantage of its bad or overextensive position and take it down. Kog'Maw is weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "At level 6 Camille will gain access to her Ultimate R which can be deadly if you\u2019re low and overextended. Respecting Camille's all-in means not pushing without vision, as her Ultimate R can also be used to set up her Jungler."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "He can easily be killed in his own way. He can easily be killed elsewhere by turning around the map."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Always try to sneak into the enemy backline and blow them up. Focus on the nearest enemy champion in team fights."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can use his empowered Q to take down turrets and enemies. Heimerdinger can use his empowered W to take down low health enemies."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Another point of the Ultimate R of Tristana will allow him to inflict more damage and strengthen the completion movement. The Ultimate R in Tristana is on a low cooling which means that it can use it quite frequently."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The Ultimate R of Sylas depends entirely on the enemy team comp. If the enemy has some ultimate failures, Sylas won't be able to do much."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Try to fight Yuumi in open areas where your team is not too closely grouped. Yuumis game style allows him to jump on any member of his team if they are nearby."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Once it's done, use your Ult and blow it up. Always play near your tentacles whenever possible."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir is great in team fighting because his Q, E, and Ultimate abilities work well together. If the enemy is tainted, Vladimir decimates them with his ultimate ability."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Usually, the ADC and Support will go to the mid lane after securing the bottom lane tower. If the enemy rotates to the mid lane too, you should look to gank them so you can get kills and the mid lane tower."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to exceed his Ultimate. This will increase your survival."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Don't let Vayne kill you at the beginning of the game because it will make her stronger in the last game. If Vayne uses her E capabilities, use the cooldown to play aggressively and try to kill her."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's main spike comes when he reaches the late game and has multiple items in his inventory. Now Jax can actually 1 v 5 against the enemy team and come out on top."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Ward for your allies. Gragas is way stronger than you early."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "This will also serve as a signal for your team, and if they don't commit, you can always use your last Ultimate charge to get out. The fog of war is your friend and you should use it to install death brushes with your team."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Locking Pyke down with CC will make it really difficult for him to deal damage and execute anyone. Pyke is strong at level 1 and 2."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra is very good at level 6 while her Ultimate R increases her death pressure. Lissandra can also install his Jungler easily with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Try to invade Fiddlesticks as much as possible. If you see Fiddlesticks ganking or walking over a ward, try to invade their jungle and steal away their camps to delay their power spike."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille Support's first power spike was at level 2 and 3. At level 2 and 3 Camille can play aggressive, but should only do so if her ADC can play aggressive too."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Focus the closest enemy champion on your carts and work as a team to bring down the enemy one by one. Focusing on the rear line alone can make it easy for the enemy to target you and kill you quickly."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Your best bet for this matchup is to just avoid them and focus on farming early. They are a stronger ganker than you in the early game."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled's Ultimate R can score points on the motionless champions. Kled usually gets enough follow-up due to the increased speed of movement of the team."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "At level 16, Ashe will have 3 points in her Ultimate w. Ashe's Ultimate w cooldown will be on a much lower level than expected."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "You need to make sure you get ahead in the early game. You need to play around your Ultimate m."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Hold the push in the middle of the game and try to secure the secondary goals. Avoid regrouping if possible."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Look out for Rell's E. She will put it on other champions who also want to engage to get a good stun off. Harass Rell with basic attacks before she reaches level 2 to gain an early health advantage."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven's early game is solid. He can out-trade most bottom lane champions due to his g."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Level 6 offers a lot of protection to Zilean as it can allow Zilean to easily counter the fatal damage caused by the burst."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Mistiming her Q ability can cause it to go on cooldown. If she isn't close to her target after using her Q ability, she will be unable to do much."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen is obnoxious for his poke damage, and the article will only improve it. Kennen is not very early because he only relies on the PA to maximize his poke damage."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "It is essential that you try to take those objectives whenever possible to give your team a lead. Once Ekko goes in, he doesn\u2019t have much left."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "The wave must be kept in the middle of the way to prevent Malzahar from sitting in the oblivion in this matchup. However, it is also important not to be too close to the minions in this matchup."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "He will also be a part of many objective fights, allowing him to land a multi-man e stun on enemies. Once Jax gets two points in his Ultimate t (ultimate), he will become mighty during team fights."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "His E will be quite massive during the objective fighting and piled up, especially if he can get several CC'd enemies with it. Shen can start crashing as soon as he reaches level 3."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Securing the Dragon or Rift Herald is a key objective for Olaf. Your goal in the early game is to gank as often as possible to get your allies ahead."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Her laning power will depend a lot on who her Support is. If she has a Support who can compliment her skirmishing power, she will easily take over the lane from level one itself."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Getting every Drake and securing the Dragon soul for your team increases your chances of winning the game. Look for choices with your team."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "The enemy does have the range advantage so they will probably try and auto-attack you frequently. Stand back and out of range so they can\u2019t auto attack you for free."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Early Amumu invasion can put him behind and delay his level 6 peak power. Amumu needs to hit Level 6 as fast as possible so he can gank with his Ultimate."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in lane. You have a lot of poke, so try to poke the enemy down as often as you can."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "his Q will allow him to inflict tons of damage with a single bomb. This helps a lot when executing his combo Q > W > Q."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "The enemy may try to bait you into an all-in this way so have an escape plan ready. See if you can gank other lanes with your abilities."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "As Jungler, Your goal is to maximize gold and XP for your team through frequent ganks. You are a game very early Jungler, so be careful to enjoy this step."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "However, the W of Yasuo can also save his death by almost always having him out of school. Try to avoid extended trades with Yasuo at all costs."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Try not to fall behind in gold and XP by sharing it with your ADC and Support. In team fights, use your empowered d to provide a large shield to your allies."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia is very strong when she has her Passive fully stacked. Avoid fighting with Irelia when she has her Passive fully stacked."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's Q and W allows him to catch up with the targets easily and get rid of them once it is powerful enough. It also acts as a source of poke and wave light in the track, especially before it is level 6."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Do not move around the map or go anywhere unless someone is with you. Quinn doesn\u2019t really spike at level 16"} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "You are a good split pusher and can draw a lot of attention to your lane. If somebody tries to contest your split push, look to fight them."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Investing in early boots can help you avoid their help Early boots make the ploughing phase less stressful"} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "When Illaoi casts her Ultimate, do your best to disengage if possible. To maximize impact on team fights, avoid fighting in tight areas, as it will allow Illaoi's R (Tentacles) to run havoc."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Teamwork is key in group fights. Stay grouped with your team to protect ADC's If an ADC leaves their champion's side, the enemy will exploit this lack of protection."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Once Xerath gets his Ultimate 2 maximum, he will be able to land even more shots at unsuspecting enemies. Xerath will have to make sure he stays safe while doing so."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "If your ADC gets caught out, it will significantly reduce the chances of winning the match. By sticking with your team, you'll increase the chances of winning the match."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "At the end of the game, try to team up with your team. Regrouping with your team at the end of the game is important because you won't be able to impact the team fights if you're far from themselves with your Ultimate R because it takes time to get in position."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Expecting an enemy in a high-traffic area can allow you to shoot down an enemy Mid, ADC or Support. Removing an enemy Mid, ADC or Support can be used to end the game or take a major goal using their death timer."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "It is advisable to try to go for short and unbridled trades on long with him when possible. If Twitch pushed the wave and left track, he's either trying to lure you forward and make an exchange,"} -{"label": "shen", "text": "His tankness is really high in the middle of the game, and he should be able to be the first line for his team quite effectively. His Q and W should allow him to absorb a lot of damage."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Try to get a multi-man knock-up. If you succeed in achieving a high priority target, you should be able to enter and do the quick work of them."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Its slow effect can also make it difficult for the enemy to escape. The way is Lulu's territory, and it must protect him."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus can make great use of his mana if he targets his Q on the minion wave and the enemy at the same time. At level 6, Varus can set up a Jungler with its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Track defences are vulnerable to Lulu's capabilities. Lulu's ability can be used to control the pace of team fighting."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "CC (crowd control) will be Talon's worst enemy during this phase of the game. When teams come together, be sure to watch your flanks to spot Talon before he can jump over the wall and assassinate your team."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "You should be missing ping as soon as Thresh remembers or leaves the track. Be careful when you stand near Thresh."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is very strong once her crit chance reaches 100%. Yasuo can quickly reach 100% luck thanks to his Passive."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Try to not let her poke you too much by hiding in between the minion wave and backing off when she moves forward. Remember that Karma has her Ultimate at level 1 and can dish out lots of damage if you\u2019re hit by her empowered Q."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "You should always be aware of your positioning in the track and in team fighting because of this. During a fight, stay away from being caught by the enemy."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "At this stage of the game, you want to get into a side track and focus on agriculture so that you have a game later. In later parts of the middle of the game, when the enemy begins to regroup, be sure to follow the sequence and begin to regroup with your team."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "The R (Ultimate) would allow domination over the enemy when it was acquired. It was recommended to participate in combats with R in order to maximize its practical use."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean is intrinsically squishy so it shouldn't be a problem to shoot him once his Ultimate t is on the cooldown. Get Level 2 first and look for a favorable trade."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "It is recommended to stay together with your team. Avoid walking through the map areas when you don't know where LeBlanc is."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "As Xayah is really good at kiting, you might need to flank her in team fighting to make it harder for her to kite and escape a fight. Once Xayah is level 6, she will have additional protection in the way, as her Ultimate R can help her escape damage."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "An early advantage can force Maokai to miss gold and XP. Once Maokai is level 3, it can start trading with you."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri wanders after unlocking his Ultimate at level 6. Ping Ahri when she leaves the road and tries to follow if possible."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "He cannot really gank until level 6 as he relies on the element of surprise for his successful ganks. Nocturne is extremely squishy and quickly blown up in team fights even with his defensive items."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "The empowered Q ability helps to get enemy low for an all-in. Another empowered Q ability is available."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Focus on poking with Fiddlesticks. Focus on trading with Fiddlesticks."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Focus on the rear line and try to get them out of the fight. Focus on your other front line champions. Even if you are a laner, you can easily get the Baron or Dragon down on your own. What you want to do is try to hide them from the enemy team while your team is busy trying to distract the enemy."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Taking goals like Dragon, Baron and Towers is more manageable when Xerath is not nearby. Xerath can cause damage to the Dragon or Baron, making it more difficult to take these goals while he is present."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux can easily catch and shoot squishy targets in the Jungle. Always stand behind at least two minions when facing Lux so she can't use Root on you."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner will put the third and final point in his Ultimate. The cooldown for Skarner's Ultimate will be quite short."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin's all-in and killing pressure increases sharply at this stage of the game. The first element will allow him to get a boost."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie's Passive stun will be able to stun multiple champions if they\u2019re grouped together. When paired with her Passive stun, Annie will be able to stun multiple champions if they\u2019re grouped together."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. Teemo is vulnerable when his turret fell."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Its ultimate h maxi-out becomes a reliable source of enemy selection due to its short cooling period. Malphite is good in team fighting at the end of the game because it can disrupt enemies and delimit them."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo will be looking to power farm early so he can get as much gold as possible. Try to gank as often as possible to get your laners ahead."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "His ability to take Dragon is low early. Try to take the lens before he can gank bot lane and take it for himself."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Once that is done, immediately swap to the mid-lane as you will be safer there and will be able to get more objectives that way. Before major objective fights, use your k to scout around for death brushes set up by the enemy."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "His all-in-hand combo will be powerful enough if he catches his out-of-guard enemies. During this phase of the game, rely on the removal of enemies with your abilities."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Use your early game strength to poke and harass the enemy with your W as often as you can. When post level 3, you\u2019ll be able to use your basic combo to chunk the enemy down."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It is really effective against enemies who have a dash form. This will make life very difficult for travellers who rely on dashes."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Use your ultimate R to get choices with your allies on enemies who are isolated or separated from their team. If you can catch someone, try taking the Dragon or Baron after."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "The enemy will be focused on swapping lanes and setting vision during the mid-game. However, as a laner, he will use this ability to the fullest potential when fighting around clumped areas and neutral objectives."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Playing aggressively and forcing Viktor out of the way early can give the enemy a significant advantage. Viktor is subject to all in, especially in the bot track when faced with a hard crowd control Support."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game. If you can find an opportunity to do so, use it to catch out someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or way out of position."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "His combo of brilliant damage is also becoming more dangerous. He's really great in the middle of the game because he can get a lot of choices now."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "His tankiness will be phenomenal now. Combined with his overall damage, it will become tough to deal with him for the enemy team."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Keep the goals for the Dragon and Rift Herald kept at all times so you can spot Shaco before he takes them. Shaco's damage production increases considerably when he finishes his first article."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki shouldn\u2019t find it hard at all to keep the enemy pushed into their tower once he completes it. At level 6, Corki\u2019s wave clear increases as his e can help him push the enemy into their tower."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Losing crucial goals will certainly lead to your loss if you are not careful enough. Her last game is phenomenal as she can peel for her team for days."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "His Q and W will be exhausted now. She'll be able to flatten a lot of damage in the piled-up fighting."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Velkoz's E capacity is its sole source of self-peel. The misuse of velkoz's E capability makes it more vulnerable to all-in-ones and can probably cause it to kill almost instantly if the enemy throws off has a varied wink or crowd control capability."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is prone to poke even though her E offers her some protection in trades. Try to poke her down with your abilities before committing to the all-in."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "The constant harassment of Zac can lead to your disappearance, so be careful about the risks involved. Keep up to date on Zac's crowd control capability (CC)."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Its Ultimate R can also pull back doors with this capacity. The CC on his W allows him to play for himself and for his team."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille makes it easy for the enemy to take advantage of mistakes. Once Camille is behind, it will be difficult for her to get back into the game."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "The peaks of K-Sante when it gets its first element (as well as the two constituent elements). Respect its full potential when it has finished the recipe that its damage production will increase sharply."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "He will take a lot of getting used to. Expect to put in a lot of work trying to learn him."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's Ultimate deals a lot of damage when it is kept in the right places. Teemo's Ultimate is particularly useful to avoid ganks."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Post level 6, it is safe to stop freezing and let Quinn roam. Quinn\u2019s roaming ability gives her an opportunity to catch up and attack your position."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "He should be able to flatten a lot of damage and catch the out-of-guard enemies with his W. His E should help him shoot several ganks as well."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "When playing against orrn, you should constantly move your positioning in lane to avoid being knocked up by his E ability. It is recommended to keep a safe distance from walls and the Pillar Q ability to prevent being caught in a trap."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "You have a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as you can. Play safely for the first levels while launching and pinching the enemy with your Q."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is good in team fighting at the end of the game because it can disrupt enemies and delimit them. Malphite can install several combos with his team."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia's Ultimate ability is an AOE tool. She can deal a lot of damage to targets if they're grouped closely together in the late game."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "If Kled takes a lot of damage and gets disassembled, he can easily recover Skaarl. Kleds Passive is one of his greatest powers in a full-blown skirmish."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "The additional empowerments in Heimerdinger's Ultimate R can give it more overall strength. This added strength can be convenient when taking neutral objectives and fighting enemies who rely on diving and locking Heimerdinger down."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora relies heavily on life steal. Buy a grievous wounds item early to neuter a huge part of what makes her such a good duelist."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Make sure that you try to take them as far as possible. Invadez and fight the Skarner as often as possible."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar has a weak early play. Its n capacity is on a really long cooldown, and it's its only self-peel form."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "She also has a healing and shield with her W. That makes her a great champion of utility."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "This capacity has been particularly beneficial when setting up ambustes or traps. She's very motionless."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's Ultimate t will be more robust now because it has two points at level 11. Mid-game is when everyone is lane swapping and warding around."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is excellent during the end-of-game fights because his Ultimate b will hit like a truck now, especially during the team fights. Maxing out Rumble's Ultimate b will reduce its cooling and allow it to use it frequently."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "His Poke Q is powerful at the beginning of the game. The quantity of poke Q varies depending on the construction."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "When counter-ranking Kayn, use your Ultimate on the other laner not Kayn. Kayn is much stronger than you early, and you can reduce their early power by keeping your allies, so they don't die for ganks."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "After he has completed his first component item, Darius\u2019 trading and kill pressure further increases. He can 1v1 most enemy Junglers at this time."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "However, try to reposition so that the Swain cannot easily place its Q or E on you. If Swain activates his Ultimate, unless you can kill him quickly, turn off and wait for him to stop."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Milio has long corners, especially with his Ultimate. It is essential that Milio does not waste his abilities or otherwise he will be an easy target."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "The use of W in this matchup requires extreme discretion. It is crucial to properly monitor the card before using W."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Avoid regrouping when your Ultimate R is down. Team up with your team when your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Destroy Malzahar's shield as far as possible. He offers him a lot of protection."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Grievous Wounds can counter Fiora heavily as it reduces the healing, which is a huge portion of her dueling power. Building Grievous Wounds can be pivotal towards shutting down Fiora's early game weakness."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Avoid going for risky trades, and avoid throwing out your E unless you\u2019re almost guaranteed to land it. During fights, always try to get to the enemy backline by flanking them from out of vision."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "His ADC will really be safe because of the huge shield they'll get. His Q will be on a very short cooldown. This means that his selection and poke potential will increase a lot."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "You should lure Blackshield E before you commit yourself to an all-in against Morgana. Look at your position so Morgana can't put her Q on you."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate R, your all-in frequency should increase massively. You will want to use your W to get close to the enemy."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "When you play against Sett at level 6 or above, look at your positioning. If Sett runs towards you after level 6, turn off immediately and stay away from the allied strap to avoid being hit in."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Watch him at all times, and get away from them. At level 11, Teemo will peak again as it will have access to more t mushrooms."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra excels in team fighting because she can flank the enemy on the side using E. Lissandra has a powerful gank configuration during the laning phase thanks to its W and R."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "You should stay near your team in the late game. If you are not close enough to your team, the enemy may force a fight or catch you out of position."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "His e was combined with his increase in attack speed. The combination of its e and the increase in attack speed is a force with which to count."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "This makes Lillia difficult to catch out of position. It will also allow you to avoid strokes and CC."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "If you see someone negligent enough to be alone, go ahead and kill them. Getting a defensive element like Zhonya's will help you survive your all-in-one."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Then see if you can gank pushed-up enemies regularly. It should be quite easy if you can bypass the vision set by the enemy team."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "We need to focus on the back and try to get them out of the fight. Try to focus your other front-line champions with the enemy door."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Make sure you\u2019re always near at least 1 ally. Group and stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio\u2019s Ultimate R knockup prevents the enemy team from playing in a clustered formation as that could literally get them killed within the next 2.5 seconds. His W plays a pivotal role during team fights in such situations."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "The minion wave should be kept closer to Kayle's side of the map early to force the enemy team to extend for the farm and XP. By trying to poke, Kayle aims at his abilities so that they strike both the minion wave and the enemy at the same time."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "You should try to exploit your early advantage. Look to secure objectives as often as possible."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If you\u2019re ahead, look to take down the enemy Mid laner or ADC. Flank in team fights to make it easier for you to get on key targets with your W."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "You have to respect her level 6 and respect her all-in whenever her Ultimate w is up. Ashe is very reliant on her Ultimate w as it can be used in a variety of ways."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's ability to target the lowest health enemy will do the quick work of the enemies who managed to escape with a shrapnel of health. Viego is decent in team fighting, mainly if he uses the fog of war and his E to reach the enemy backline."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Take the early Dragons with your bot track, because you have a stronger objective control than it in early play. At level 6, be a little more careful in the fight against it because it will really come online at this level."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali's Ultimate will be able to bring a lot of damage to anyone she contacts. Your Ultimate will also be on lower cooling, which is very beneficial."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Avoid letting it use too much on you. Vladimir is really good at the end of the game and in the team fights."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Stand in the middle of the track at any time to facilitate the exit of its Ultimate e. Associated with a hard commitment support, do not stay too far ahead."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "If Nasus gets together for team fights, try to lock him up with CC so he can't go after you, Nasus is at his weakest at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "It is crucial that you play around your Ultimate R in the late game. Fighting with your Ultimate on cooldown could be the difference between winning and losing a fight."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "This ability is quite easy to avoid if it tries to land it from the maximum vision or reach. The emphasis was on the surge of the wave."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "As the Support, avoid warding alone in the late game. If you get picked off, the enemy will be able to take nearby objectives or use their numbers advantage to win a team fight."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "This champion can cut down a lot of damage by moving quickly during team fighting. Moving quickly during team fighting makes it very difficult to catch and kill him in a team fight."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar can easily escape ganks with his E. Try and bait this ability out before your Jungler arrives in your lane to reduce his chances of escaping."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric's gonna get his boots. Taric will be more effective in roaring and skirmishes after getting his boots."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "This will allow Vladimir to have a fairly easy impact on the fighting from now on. The first element gives Vladimir an important kick."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "The usage of her k will be pretty vital as she will easily be able to scout around the neutral, objective pits before a significant fight. At level 9, Ashe will have her y maxed."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Its wave is incredibly strong, allowing it to clear the waves quickly. She can then use her track priority to wander easily."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Beware of Lucian's Q because he's going to try to line him up so he hits the minion wave and you at the same time."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Squishy enemies are never safe when Jhin is properly peeled by his team. Jhin's 4th shot hits very hard."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "You will get your first component element when leveling. Your damage output will increase with this article."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus has an incredibly strong level 2, make sure you hit level 2 first and look for an aggressive play. Staying healthy is key when playing Nautilus. If you get poked down, you\u2019ll never be able to engage."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "If the enemy team has a lot of assassins and tanks, get a defensive element during this phase of the game. You will want to use your Q regularly to win fights."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia's kill pressure increases when she completes her first component item. Her ability to trade with the enemy also increases after completing her first component item."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "All its capabilities will be exhausted now, which means that it will be able to use its W to reposition itself frequently and inflict massive damage to its enemies simultaneously."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Look for choices with your Support/Jungler to get murders and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, call Baron."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "It will be very effective in the early stages of the game due to its ganking abilities. The presence of this player will be strongly felt at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP. If you get chunked down, you\u2019ll find it hard to trade or fight the enemy."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Forcing a fight when he is on the opposite side of the map could be a good idea as it will take him some time to get into the fight even with his Ultimate R. Pantheon is very strong in the early game."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Think hard and fast before using your Passive. Use your Passive only if it is beneficial for the entire team."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Do not take care of yourself unless you know where the enemy is, for it may put you at a disadvantage. Peel for your allies whenever possible to keep them alive during team fighting."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "You can easily target multiple champions in battles around closed spaces. Your ultimate R should be easy to land."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's kit requires a lot of mana to trade effectively when she is low. There's an opportunity for you to fight Diana when she is low."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "It is essential that Milio does not waste his abilities or otherwise he will be an easy target. Positioning can be difficult for Milio as he can easily get killed and locked up with CC."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Neutral objective fights will have to be dealt with differently for Camille. In neutral fights, Camille will try to get into the enemy backline using the fog of war to her advantage."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Guards must be protected at all times if the team can maintain them. She's a little weak for six years."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo can go around the map. Teemo can place its Ultimate T mushrooms in heavy traffic areas."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Unlocking my Ultimate capability will allow me to gank freely from now on. To succeed, I must punish enemies who grow in their ways without being stopped first."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Take advantage of the opportunity to detach yourself from your ADC and harass Sona when they used one of their capabilities. This puts them at a disadvantage in the trades because they have a less and less efficient trade capacity."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma has Ultimate at level 1, so she will be quite strong up until level 6."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Get away from the minions to avoid being hit by Morgana's W during agriculture. This will limit the thrust of Morgana's waves."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "When you get trapped, Leona will never engage again if she does not take damage above her health threshold. Staying healthy is the key when playing Leona, it is best to stay out of damage above its health threshold."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "He will be able to look for more aggressive and risky plays. At level 9, Ekko will max his Q."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille will want to lock down an isolated target with her Ultimate R, but by standing close together it will reduce her ability to do so. Camille will often hunt vulnerable targets who are isolated walking around the map."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "He's going to massively increase his damage production too. At level 11, Nasus will have two points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Try to harass Amumu as much as possible so that it is almost impossible for him to enter without dying in return. Amumu's level 6 is very good."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz's Playful / Trickster E allows him to dodge damage and escape from trades. Do not go for all-ins unless Fizz has already used his Playful / Trickster E beforehand, as you're guaranteed to hit your abilities on him."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Watch to wander the middle lane often once you push the wave. Singed is good at helping his allies if the enemy is overheard."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai will look to gank often in early play. Maokai can do it thanks to his W."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Stick with your team in the late game. If you get caught out, your team will have to play 4v5."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Consider investing in an early healing reduction item, as Janna's healing abilities can be quite potent. Items like Executioner's Calling or Bramble Vest can help reduce her healing effectiveness."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "You could gank bot then take Drake afterwards. Focus on getting level 3 first so that you can gank reliably."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "The more the timidivana gets, the stronger it becomes. A decent peak of power occurs at level sixteen."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Its construction and kit are very versatile. This versatility makes Kayn a valuable choice for players looking to adapt to different scenarios and matches."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Level nine is a massive powerspike for Heimerdinger. Heimerdinger will now have maxed out an ability and will be dishing out a lot of damage depending on his maxed ability."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "As you're good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Level 6 isn't a huge spike, but it definitely increases the amount of poke damage she can deal with her abilities. Karma's poke is obnoxious for the enemy team during the mid-game."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "The Akali W is important for trading and survival. The Akali's W has a long cooldown in the game."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch's objective control allows him to search for objectives after having reminded the enemies. Twitch's abilities make him have no effort to take control of the early game."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Getting your Ultimate R will be a huge turning point in the game. You can use it solo,"} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "This addition will help him a lot by trying to finish the enemies who escaped with poor health. At Level 9, Xerath's p will be maximized."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "She will try to get your Passive out actively in this matchup. Keep some distance from her to keep yourself safe."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "When playing as a melee champion, do not go for extended trades with Fizz because he will always come out ahead thanks to his W. Unless you benefit from any other wave manipulation, try and keep the wave even or closer to your side."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks W will heal him a lot in team fights. In team fights, Fiddlesticks' extra sustain/damage is beneficial."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Teams will continue to group in the late game. This will allow Fiddlesticks to get a lovely amount of damage down to the whole enemy team."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You'll fall off in the later stages of the game if you don't end the game quickly or snowball your lead so you'll be a huge threat in team fights. Aatrox is not an easy champion to learn."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Catching an enemy out while they go to ward or move from one lane to another is a great way for evelynn to get ahead. Focus on securing objectives when possible in the mid-game, preferably alone or with her team."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "and peeling for their portages. Team fights are not his cup of tea and therefore he must resort to split thrust, leaving the enemy team to a numerical advantage."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "This means that Ziggs can easily get the enemies out to make the team fighting massively unfair to the enemy. Once Ziggs gets three points in his Ultimate R, he will suffer a massive amount of damage in a huge area during team fighting and goals."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "The CC is very beneficial as it helps its team to follow Vi's commitment. Vi has great objective control with his Passive, W and E."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Overheard enemies should be your main target and use your W & E to CC and kill enemies. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should all be good to focus on a track and a door."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner has good vision control. Good vision control can make it difficult for Skarner to gank the tracks with his E and Ultimate."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Harass the enemy with cars as much as possible. If you miss your Q, the enemy will kill you."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "She'll need a blue buff as often as she can. Although she is weak in mana, use this opportunity to refuse her farm."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Fighting without using your Ultimate R will make the game team's late fighting much more difficult. Delaying fighting and being ready to disengage if your Ultimate R is still on cooldown is essential."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "You need to invest in armor and magical penetration items to effectively counter Skarner. Armor and magic penetration objects are necessary to kill Skarner if he builds tank objects."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Keep looking for picks, but expect more than one enemy nearby. It will be difficult for you to 100 to 0 someone like many champions will be in full construction in the end of the game or at least have defensive tools like Zhonya.Hourglass or Guardian Angel at their disposal."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "You should set proper vision around the lane. Proper vision will allow you to scout your surrounding before deciding to push the wave."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Nilah's auto-attacks and enhanced auto-attack abilities are blocked by Her W. Her Passive helps her gain XP advantages over the enemy laners, which helps her hit power spikes before them."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Capacity E was considered as a tool for all stakeholders. The R (Ultimate) would allow domination over the enemy when it was acquired."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Your level 6 advantage gives you the opportunity to play aggressively and shoot this opponent. You should use your level 6 advantage to bring down the enemy quickly."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "If they approach, tell them and flee. Remember that you won't do anything until you reach level 6."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Focus on farming early. limit trading."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Don't send someone who can't beat him to keep him from pushing. For Renekton to be effective, he will have to get as close as possible to the enemy in a team fight."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The use of their capacity can lead to significant lead if used appropriately. The enemy should be counter-organized whenever possible."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "If you leave your team's side, the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight. Fighting in the late game unless your Ultimate R or Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass is up is not recommended."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "In the last game, you'll be in a group with your team and looking for fights like 5, so you're good at this stage too."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "The crowd controlling Zoe leaves him no escape to return to the place of origin with his R Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "This will let you use your e really easily and will increase your overall efficiency during the game. You may have to adjust your gameplay depending on your lead in the game."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Her r should be stacked and used only when a kill is guaranteed. Kalista's Ultimate x can come in very handy during this stage of the game, allowing her to pop out of vision with it activated."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "While you\u2019re a champion that is usually sent to split push, you might need to group with your team if the enemy is trying to force something. Be prepared to rotate around the map and help them fight."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "It is best not to use Sona's W until it is absolutely necessary. When Sona misses his Ultimate R, he guarantees a team battle victory for the enemy team."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "This is really beneficial if he can land it from out of vision and then use his E to dash into the W circle to guarantee the stun. His burst damage is not to be ignored as the game goes on."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Once Neeko has her Ultimate R, her kill pressure increases. Back away from lane when low while Neeko has her Ultimate R up."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "If you can find the opportunity to do so, use it to catch someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or away from the position. Peel for your portages to keep them alive longer."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "When Taric invades, he can look for disgustingly aggressive plays if he camps in bushes and tries to abuse the enemy Jungler. When purchasing its first component, Taric's aggression improves strongly alongside its tanky batteries."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "This is especially true when he happens to be ahead in the game. He can quite literally take the enemy backline out in one rotation of spells, if he manages to W E onto them."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. A champion named \"rumble\" with an authorized passive R can do a lot of damage to enemy units close to him and act as a disruptor during team fighting."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Always keep your half-filled Resource Bar. It will allow you to inflict more damage during the ganks and clearings that can come in extremely practical in early play."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius starts to fall off in the late game but is still powerful. The late game starts at level 16 for Darius."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Level 3 is a decent power peak as it allows Syndra to access all its primary capabilities. Level 3 allows Syndra to go for regular exchanges against his enemies."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Look for picks with your E to start the fight. If you\u2019re able to CC the whole enemy team, you will give your team a good chance of winning the game."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Maxing's first ability will help him to bring down a lot of damage to the enemies he manages to get his hands on. During this phase of the game, many elements will allow the monkeying to flatten a lot of damage while surviving fights with ease."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe should focus on poking the enemy with her y from out of vision when possible. The lane brushes need to be controlled by Ashe as she has the range advantage on most other champions."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "This is a decent power spike as it allows Garen to duel enemies easily and go for regular short burst trades. With his first ability maximized, Garen can deal more damage to enemies in close combat."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Secure objectives such as Rift Herald and Dragons. Dr Mundo is very good at securing Rift Herald thanks to his E."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "You should always focus on the target of the CC and kill them when you get a chance. Also, if the enemy has a murderer, try to shadow them and see if you can kill them if they assassinate your allies."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "When behind, the person isn't very good in fights despite having AOE and damage. The person does nothing in fights when behind"} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "If Vayne uses her E capabilities, use the cooldown to play aggressively and try to kill her. Vayne is vulnerable when she doesn't have an E."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Keep the wave close to your tower and scale up. This will also expose Gangplank to ganks."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Locking Taliyah in the way will make it easier for you. Try to concentrate Taliyah first because she's super squishy and easy to kill when she's CC."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton's gonna have several things now. Due to having several articles, Renekton will do a lot of damage to his enemies while simultaneously tanking a lot of damage."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "You should split the thrust when your Ultimate R is active. You should constantly monitor the positions of your allies."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves is a strong skirmisher. Continue to play aggressive and seek 1v1 duels in the mid-game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "A good Ezreal will look to poke the enemy down with his Q before initiating an all-in. Once you've destroyed the lane tower, move to another lane and try to take that objective too."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "When Trundle engages in a team fight, try to lock him up with crowd control. Trundle, although a tank, is very vulnerable to the hard control of the crowd."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "If you pull the door-to-doors into your team, then focus them. If you don't pull the squishies in, just peel and protect for your allies."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Don't forget Shyvana's Passive. Super poke throughout the game if she left for AP construction."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "The more effort you put in Viego the more likely your ranks are to be raised. Once you get your base element, you should look at the enemy in duel as much as possible."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "The reduction of healing will reduce Vladimir's healing and retention in the team fight. Vladimir is at his weakest at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Rakan tends to do this against utility Supports when they walk forward to harass Play towards the opposite side of the lane at all times"} -{"label": "zed", "text": "With this in mind, you can use the fact that it can't impact the fight to start a 4v4 or 5v4 team fight with the advantage of numbers. As soon as Zed reaches Level 3, his death pressure increases once he has access to his basic capabilities."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen is strong at level 2 if he gets a good engagement with his E. Shen can be strong at level 1 if he starts using his E too."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Don't just stay in the middle if you can't get anything done. Leblanc's basic elements should allow him to blow up any squishy target on which she lays her eyes."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Don't fight when it's on cooldown that you're going to miss on a lot of extra damage. In the last game, stay with your team and look for choices with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven is one of the best snowballing champions in the game thanks to his Passive and g. If you can\u2019t win the 2v2, ask your Jungler to come and reset his Adoration (Passive) stacks by killing him."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Avoid over-committing in this matchup, or else you will end up dying and giving up free objectives to the enemy team. Always try to sneak into the enemy backline and blow them up."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "You should increase the distance with your E during this phase of the game. If the enemy team has a lot of assassins and tanks, get a defensive element during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "This flanking action will increase your chances of getting a good Ultimate R off. Look for fights inside tight spots of the map or get picks with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Just make sure you have enough self-appointed W passive piles ready to use. Another point in Rengar's Ultimate R will increase its selection potential."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "A jump or jump from an enemy Jungler can bypass Teemo's mushrooms. Teemo collapsed at the end of the game."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Playing around your Ultimate is vital in this matchup. You should make plays with your Ultimate available whenever possible."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "At level 6, both of your Ultimates will be quite powerful and the difference between winning the fight. Keep the minion wave close to your side of the map to force Aphelios to overextend."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin's first item component enhances his fourth shot effectiveness. The first item component helps Jhin's overall laning phase by a lot."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "His Passive gives Dr Mundo a great amount of health regen. Items such as Executioner's Calling can be used to reduce his healing."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma's poke is obnoxious for the enemy team during the mid-game. Karma provides a lot of utility due to her d and d."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "If Lissandra harasses you and brings you down, don't lose your health. Watch your position when you play against Lissandra."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "A heavy engage from the enemy team can get on the poppy's carry team's back when she uses her R. Your goal in the early game is to play safe, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy laner."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Try to put your young trees in Jungle's brushes. This will help you a lot when detecting enemies and picking them up."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "This can easily force a Flash. Play respectfully with Renekton until then."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "By trying 1v1 Viego, keep his power in mind as he is very good to her early. Viego's ultimate level 6 capability has an extremely powerful effect."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "zoe is vulnerable to ganks when pushed up without a picked spell The crowd controlling Zoe leaves him no escape to return to the place of origin with his R"} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives. Look for peaks in the middle of the game. You deal a lot of damage and can easily blow up the champions."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's Level 1 game style can be aggressive and include using Flash to kill. Once Sett reaches level 6, his ability to get killed in the track also increases."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett is decent during the last parts of the game. He can cut a ton of damage while simultaneously peeling for his team and acting as a worthy front lining."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is considered an early to mid-game champion, making him less effective in team fights during the late game. Darius's Ultimate e is crucial in team fights to take down key targets."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "the first component of the article helps spam capabilities frequently and dry a lot of damage the first element greatly helps the overall prowess of Swain"} -{"label": "shen", "text": "If Shen buys the right items at the right time, he can make it stronger and increase his chances of winning. Keep playing with your abilities while growing, but make sure you don't get CC'd by him while doing that."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "This first article also helps Sylas with its jungle camps and improves its survival in the game. Continue to collect and secure jungle camps as much as possible."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Look for picks with your team. Use your E to scout for picks."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn has a trading power in the lane that increases dramatically when she completes her first component item. You may resort to split-pushing during the mid-game as it will allow you to gain solo XP and gold."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "It is expected that there will be a massive increase in damage. This will allow Lucian to take control of the game environment easily."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "The bard gets more mana from collecting his Passive chimes. The bard's Passive allows him to switch between staying in lane and roaming quickly."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Ennemy Junglers can camp unabated Lucian if he is in a vulnerable state. Lucian relies heavily on the articles to win the game."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Having a vision around the Baron and Dragon is necessary to help your team win. At the end of the game, make sure you're with your team at all times."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "If the enemy is regrouping, group up with your team as well. In team fighting, focus on the most squishi and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "A poke mage such as Brand can run low on mana quickly. You should always keep an eye on your mana pool at all times when playing Brand."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Keep it permanently so you can see it on it. Warwick was very healthy from the beginning, allowing him to ruin the tracks quite easily."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "In trading with Samira while using its W capability, try to exploit its cooldown to get favorable trades. Samira has a full level two."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "It will simultaneously absorb tower fire and enemy damage and make it very easy for its allies to follow its commitments. His tankness will be really high during this phase of the game due to his articles."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Securing Rift Heralds is crucial. Securing the Drakes is also important."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "It is recommended to play safely for the first levels. Once you have a few levels under your belt, aggressive games can be sought out."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Snowballing can be easy for champions who get a good start. Zeri's E has a very long cooldown compared to other champions in the same way."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "A champion named Shen was able to mitigate any form of automatic attack damage with his W capability. Capacity W made enemy physical damage virtually useless when it was active."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "It is better not to engage Xerath immediately, instead of waiting for an opportune time to take him down. Taking goals like Dragon, Baron and Towers is more manageable when Xerath is not nearby."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Commit to trading when Syndra doesn't have balls on the floor. Syndra is strong when she has her first article."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus has a really fast jungle clear. This allows him to hit major power spikes faster than the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand's damage output and ability to kill increase at level 6 thanks to his Ultimate R. If you are low on health, recall as Brand can burst you down easily."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Avoid moving alone unless you know where the enemy is. Getting caught out will result in your team having to play 4v5. Peel for your allies as much as possible, keeping them alive for as long as possible in team fights is a must in order to win the game."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "E can be used in multiple ways and is a good way of turning around exchanges with the enemy. You have tons of sustain thanks to your Passive and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The level 6 power peak of Rumble is very good. Rumble's Ultimate b is very strong and will help him jerk off with the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Your goal is to constantly harass the enemy whenever possible and get killed. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "As soon as Leona leaves the track, sting your teammates so they know she's gone. At level 6, Leona's death pressure increases as she can use her Ultimate e from afar to lock you up."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "If you die, the enemy may be able to siege an objective, start a fight, secure the Baron, or Dragon. Continue to delay team fights for as long as possible."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Mixing this with Quinn's squishiness can make it challenging to deal with teams that have a lot of CC. Quinn's Q is a potent tool in the lane."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch can bamboozle enemies with its s. Twitch's objective control allows him to search for objectives after having reminded the enemies."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "A good player will play around their Ultimate as often as he happens. You have to counter their pressure by doing the same."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Every time Veigar uses his n, try to abuse cool down because it's his only defensive tool at the beginning of the game and once he's down, he's pretty vulnerable. In order to get ganks or kill Veigar, you must bait his n first. You can do it by constantly tipping in and out of his reach."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon may try to attack you from the side and get on to your carries when his Ultimate R is on cooldown. Good times to fight is when Pantheon is split pushing."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "If you get chunked down, you\u2019ll find it hard to trade or fight the enemy. Do not let them bully you out of lane otherwise you\u2019ll fall behind and you\u2019ll not be able to kill them."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "When Azir places a Soldier W, move to a safer position out of its range. Go for a trade after Azir's Soldier W has disappeared."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "After Azir hits level 6, he will have a lot more protection and can disengage quite easily thanks to his Ultimate R. While his Ultimate R is down, try to abuse the cooldown and look for kills."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Rush objectives as soon as they spawn because you should be able to take them quickly thanks to your ability. If you see Karthus channelling his {{e}} , try to cancel it with any CC abilities."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Level 11 will be a decent power peak for Lillia as it will have an improved Ultimate R. The cooldown of Level 11 will be reduced, which will allow Lillia to play games frequently in the game."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Make sure you're always behind the minion wave so the minions block his s damage. Do not stand directly behind them as his s is AOE."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Keep a constant eye on the main objective of spawning afterwards. If it spawns quickly, be sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before you safely retreat."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Once Janna has her Ardent Censer, she becomes very aggressive in lane and looks to poke whenever possible. Try to engage with Janna as soon as possible when she has her d available to avoid taking damage."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's Ultimate R is a great tool throughout all stages of the game and allows him to deal a considerable amount of damage to anyone on the map. After Ezreal's first back, he will pick up his first component item."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is immobile. Champions with dashes, range advantage or poke make it difficult for Darius to get on to them and kill them."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven\u2019s level 6 power spike is powerful. His Ultimate t can be used during skirmishes, unlike some ADC\u2019s such as Caitlyn."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "There\u2019s your chance to fight Diana when she\u2019s low on mana. Diana's kit offers a lot of burst damage thanks to her Ultimate R during team fights."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "You should not engage in fights after your Ultimate R is no longer available. Fighting in the late game will not give you a favorable outcome unless your Ultimate R is active."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "His death pressure is going to rise again and he can lock you up as soon as you overreact. Play less aggressive when his Ultimate e is in place."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Gank bot, then take Drake after. Shaco is not just a physical threat"} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett is good at winning the champions in the middle of the game. Sett's W can cause real damage, which makes it wise to get away whenever possible."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion can gank the tracks from afar with his Ultimate R. It is really good for the ford and the removal of enemies who walk around the Rift Invocation alone by hiding in the bushes and channeling its Q."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The power peak at level two allows Lucian to take down an enemy using his handset E and Q. Lucian's E and Q combo can come out an enemy when used with his passive."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's early game is rather weak, but she has kill pressure on you if she is able to land her Q. If Diana lands her Q on the rift alone, back off unless you can kill her."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf can run down enemies frequently now because the cooldown of the ability has been reduced. Olaf will have his core items during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion's first element improves its survival capacity and overall damage production. With the boost, Sion can use his Q from brushes to CC enemies."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "This makes it easier for him to land and CC. However, the e can be difficult to land against champions with dashes or escape tools."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego is good in team fighting because he can quickly pass through his crucial targets E, CC with his W, and gain several skills with his Ultimate R. A complete construction for Viego allows your damage to skyrocket."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "You should get a defensive item as soon as possible to ensure that you survive for a longer time during fights. The defensive item will allow you to kill multiple targets, especially during team fights."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "By sitting Baron or Dragon, or whenever you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with your abilities. Vladimir's ability can cause a lot of AoE damage."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "The extra point in Gwen's Q is very beneficial when ganking. Gwen was perfect during this stage as team fights frequently occur which gives her multiple targets to land her abilities on."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Extended trades work in Kalista's favour and should keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her r."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Securing the Dragon Soul for your team increases chances of winning the game. Look for picks with your team and call Baron or Dragon when possible."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Set up death brushes and catch enemies, then manage to avoid over-committing to die. Galio should be getting his build completed by now."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "It'll give him a huge whip, and he'll kill people in an instant. It will be quite the peak of power for him."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Every time Xin Zhao's Ultimate R is on cooldown, it's incredibly vulnerable. The force team fights when Xin Zhao's Ultimate R is down to increase your chances of winning the fight."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "As a result, your abilities will cause much more damage that will allow you to choose squishy targets. At level 9, Zyra would have maximized his Q or E."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia is good in team fights. Team fights are typically during the mid-game when teams group together, making Anivia well-suited for this phase of the game."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz is an assassin and can take down squishy champions easily. He is incredibly strong in the mid-game if he can get picks."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The best time for everyone in someone will be when one of their powerful spells (like a mobility spell) is down. Always be ready to help your Jungler if they decide to invade the enemy Jungle or take the Rift Herald."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "he may look to roam and use his Ultimate m in the mid lane instead. He is quite strong early,"} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn cannot team fight easily. She will try to flank from the side with her Ultimate R and get on to a carry."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "This is a very important power spike for her as it will allow her to look for more aggressive plays, help her farm and also help her escape sticky situations thanks to the low cooldown. Fiora's Passive can make a huge difference when trading with her."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Always play near your tentacles whenever possible. He'll stop Shen from regularly looking for all-in on you."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled can quickly go up if Skaarl runs away. Kled will have almost finished its construction."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Now Jax can actually 1 v 5 against the enemy team and come out on top. Jax can play a mind game and see if he can catch the enemy carrying farming in the side lane."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When sieging an objective, make sure to ward around the objective in question before catching out Fiddlesticks. Deny Fiddlesticks's surprise engages by warding around your team."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "It can easily change the tide of fighting. His E will be quite massive during the objective fighting and piled up, especially if he can get several CC'd enemies with it."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "In the team fights, you will have to wait for the perfect opportunity to go in order not to get CC-D and killed about instantly. Akali is one of the most difficult champions to master in the game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "When fighting Sett, make sure you don't go for the extended trades. Sett will be able to cut you easily if you do not take this into account."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Getting resets on your Ultimate e will increase your chances of winning the fight. Darius starts to fall off in the late game but is still powerful."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "By playing Yuumi against Alistar, keep in mind that jumping from your ADC when it has its high CC tools can be risky. Wait until Alistar uses or misses his Q before launching."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "By escaping from an undeserved bush, it is more difficult for the enemy to react to a total attack. Avoiding separation or being away from your team in the late match prevents the enemy from forcing a fight while you are absent."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "If you land a W on a high-priority target, go in and try to take them down. It is crucial that you play around your Ultimate R in the late game."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Try to gank whenever your Ultimate is up. Your objective control is pretty good."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Leveling up Her first ability will allow her to poke her enemies with ease. Poking her enemies with ease will let her clear waves quickly."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Play safe in the early game. Avoid fighting if possible."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "At level 6, Warwick will be much stronger. At Level 6, Warwick's Ultimate R will be an excellent tool to start fighting, looking for roams, and more."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Your e and d will come in extremely practical when you ganking to make sure that you use them carefully. Always keep your half-filled Resource Bar."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "The Ultimate e of Darius heavily increases his 1v1 and skirmishing power at this time. After Darius has completed his first component item, Darius\u2019 trading and kill pressure further increases."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "He has a fast and healthy clear. A fast and healthy clear makes him a Jungler"} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Once you obtain your Ultimate R, you will be able to set up plays from long-range. Make sure to time your second Ultimate R proc properly."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If someone invades you, step back because they can easily kill you, especially if you're behind. They can guarantee goals much easier than you."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This increases its damage, and its team combat potential will be respectable enough now."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Rotating to the mid lane allows you to take that tower. Taking the mid lane tower opens up the map."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Riven can easily defeat a champion at level 3 if she's in a favorable game. A favorable match-up allows Riven to defeat an opponent on a one-on-one basis at level 3."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune's Ultimate E can cause tons of damage if it is used in a safe place. In team fighting, Miss Fortune really shines."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Do not overextend or play super aggressively when Qiyana has her River Element Stand outside of the minion wave at all times to avoid being pushed and poked by Qiyana"} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Stay with your team at all times, avoiding moving alone to avoid getting caught. Being caught outside will result in your team having to play 4v5, so be careful about your environment."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "His tenacity knows no limits during this stage of the game. Killing him will prove a test for the enemy team."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Its positioning will be very important, and it should aim to take on fighting that occurs near the bottlenecks. She will now have several objects, which will make it easier for her to access the squishies at once."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "It will be difficult to catch him, and his damage to the CC and the AoE will easily leave him the top of the damage cards. The first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune excels in team fighting. She just needs a little coat to become a demon in team fighting."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "In terrible situations, Sylas'W can heal a lot of health. The point and W-click of Sylas are easy to land and can change the tide of a fight."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Keep the bushes nearby constantly so you don't get caught off guard by Lucian and save your E when he tries from all of you. Ezreal moves away from Lucian."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali reaches level 11, she will have 2 points in her Ultimate. At level 11 Akali can look for more aggressive pieces and try to assassinate targets that are isolated or walk on the map on their own."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Missing this ability will be devastating and you'll have to play safe until it's back up. Try to get as close to the enemy or bait out any dashes before using your Q."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Team fighting with Trendamere can make it difficult for the team. Hold the push in the middle of the game and try to secure the secondary goals."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "If a target is in poor health, try to kill them quickly before the Ultimate R comes into effect. Taric has a good potential for engagement and capture with his E, requiring close monitoring of positioning."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This encourages Senna and their ADC to expand, creating opportunities for your gank jungler and potentially secure kills or summon spells."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Stand outside the minion wave so it can't push you and hit you at the same time with its Q. Akshan is an AD champion."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "when xerath is pushed in the way due to his in-build wavollear, it can be flanked with ease. xerath's Ultimate 2 can be interrupted and used as a traction to target it and get rid of it immediately."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Although you're good in the late game, it is not recommended that you over-attack as Aphelios is very squishy. Aphelios's late-game build can be full or nearing completion."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio is a melee champion. Ranged Supports can easily abuse Galio."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "These objects will allow him to flatten tons of damage. Protracted team fights will see Samira win effortlessly."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox tends to fall off later in the game as the enemy will buy items that counter him. The enemy group together which makes it harder for Aatrox to secure kills."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "At level 6, Morgana will have the ability to fight more effectively with her Ultimate R. When getting his Ultimate R at level 6, make sure you E (engage) your main port before diving into the enemy team's fights."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "A hard leash will allow you to quickly erase the Jungle. Once you're level 3, you can start messing up."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao has great potential. If the enemy goes beyond the boundaries, he can close the gap and shoot them down."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled can impregnate the towers of his power. If Kled takes damage, he can easily recover Skaarl."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "You can try to hide certain objectives while the enemy is distracted. Turn around the map and help your teammates if you have to."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Be ready to disengage if Nasus is about to take a ride. If Nasus fights with his team, try to lock him up with crowd control."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Delaying the fight is better than letting Azir poke you down with his W. You should start the fight as soon as possible rather than delaying it."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Once Lucian has misplaced himself, use this to your advantage to concentrate it down. When Lucian reaches Level 6, play very carefully."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "During the mid-game, you should be ready to secure as many picks as you can. You should work with your Jungler and set up death brushes inside the enemy Jungle."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Ping should be notified as soon as Nunu goes missing because Nunu will look for help from his allies. At level 6, Nunu becomes able to engage in aggressive all-ins on opponents if he is able to knock them up with his W."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Always keep an eye on where Jax is at any given time. Do not let Jax take objectives and open up your base for free."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "It will easily get you a kill or two. Remember that her ult will follow you."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "He and his team should be very helpful."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "In team fights, you mustn't let Ezreal poke you down before you get the chance to engage. If he\u2019s isolated, run at him as quickly as you can to start the fight."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus does not have the fastest clear in the game. Nautilus is somewhat healthy."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Peel for your allies in the team fights. Because you're a tank, you're pretty weak unless your carriers are alive."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "You will fight anybody who tries to stop you from split pushing or farming in a side lane. As long as they're not a tank, you should be able to fight them."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "It is his only real disengagement tool. Once it's down, or if it's misused, its enemies can easily kill it in the way."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "At this point, Annie will have her core items. This simply means that every squishy target on the map should be scared of Annie and her ability to one-shot them if they face checking a random brush."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "The second point of Mordekaiser's Ultimate R allows him to shoot down the targets quite quickly. Mordekaiser's Ultimate R will also often be at the top, allowing him to easily choose a target."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Another point in his Ultimate R will make him have a lot of choice potential. It can easily bypass the map and targets 1 v 1 squishy."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Look for picks during the mid-game, taking advantage of W and E abilities. Heal up when necessary using Q."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Alternatively if you have Teleport you can go to the bot side of the map and use it to get to your team. Three points in Irelia's Ultimate R will give her a massive power spike."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "A solid early game paves the way for success at the end of the game. Continue to collect and secure jungle camps as much as possible."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius will kill minions extremely quickly with his Q if used in a minion wave, causing the wave to push to your tower. You want this as it helps prevent Darius from freezing by his tower and forcing you to use your Q to grab minions."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Avoid overextending or dying alone. When you\u2019re dead, the enemy may be able to siege an objective, start a fight or secure the Baron or Dragon."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu's Ultimate R at level 16 was a force that had to be reckoned with. It will be difficult for the enemy team to eliminate Lulu's team due to the short cooling period of capacity."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Avoid detaching from your ally when Lux Light Binding is available to minimize the risk of being caught in its crowd control. During Levels 1 and 2, you focus on laying Lux with basic attacks as much as possible to exert pressure and potentially gain an advantage."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Zyra is very good at poking."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus struggles getting out of a situation once he goes in and makes a mistake. Abuse this vulnerability if Nautilus makes an error so your team can counterattack."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "When playing as a ranged champion, try to stay as far back as possible while using your range advantage to harass him. Staying at max distance will make it difficult for him to jump on you with his W."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "A good player will play around their Ultimate as often as he happens. You have to counter their pressure by doing the same."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan's increased tankiness allows him to be an active engager for his team. This also lets Jarvan survive all-ins and peel for his carries during significant fights."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kleds Passive is one of his greatest powers in a full-blown skirmish. His Ultimate R allows him to initiate a team struggle with ease."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "As soon as Malzhar focuses on a champion with his Ultimate R, try to control him in crowds so that the chain is cancelled. Malzahar is not very strong in early play."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Don't hunt Akshan in the jungle in the middle of the game. Akshan could lead your team in danger or ambush."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Locking Irelia down would make it much harder for her to jump around your team. This would limit her ability to use her Q to reset."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma's 2nd ability will be maxed out at level 13. Depending on the maxed ability, Karma will either be able to CC enemies frequently while regenerating HP or easily shield her team from enemy poke and all-ins."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "While Ezreal's R is on cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight him. At level 6, both at level 6, you are equal in terms of damage."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Keep an eye on your mana at all times, especially at the level 2 and level 3 all in. If you run out of mana, you have no way of trading back with the enemy and you will be quite vulnerable."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "This can be extremely beneficial if the chosen target turns out to be the enemy Jungler or range range. Lux has characteristics that make it almost still."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Once Renekton is level 3, he gets his first major power spike and can easily force a Flash. Play respectfully against Renekton."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Having the first element allows Syndra to push the minion wave with ease and force you under Tower. Syndra's main power peak occurs early at level 6 when it unlocks its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "an increased speed of movement obstructs the escape route of the enemy it is aiming for Level 6 allows Trundle to temporarily steal statistics from its target, the strongest target being better for him."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "See if you can get some roams off on overextended enemies in the mid-lane. Your champion can let you decimate immobile champions if they happen to be too pushed up."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Its first major power peak is at level 6 when it has access to its Ultimate R. She'll be really strong at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Roam around and see if you can get kills elsewhere on the map, specifically on pushed enemies. Keep the wave close to your tower and scale up."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "If you are able to catch a champion out of position, you can take them off and win the fight. She will be able to maximize her Ultimate R at level 16."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Her Ultimate R (Illaoi's R) has limitations. If Her Ultimate R is initiated while displaced or polymorphed, her damage output is significantly reduced."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "However, Vex can come out pushed and out by champions with superior range and damage. Once Vex reaches level 3 and gets access to each of her abilities, she could look to play aggressively and make a play."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Walking close to allies when hit by Fizz\u2019s Ultimate R is not recommended as the AOE damage will harm them too. Instead, walk towards your allies but keep a safe distance from their positions."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr is a strong duel in early play and can easily descend Junglers in one-on-one. Udyr's duel power increases considerably if he has his Red Buff."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "After the bot track moves towards the middle track, turn to a safe place to continue farming and win XP. You should only fight others if you have an advantage over them to maximize your chances of winning."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "You should be able to extend the duration of your fights once you get your first element. The river was kept when you got your first article and you should keep it that way since you will be ruined differently."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite can dry up high amounts of burst damage with a maximum of the Ultimate. The enemy squishies will have a heinous moment in the game when they face Malphite."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Destroying Gangplank's Barrels E will reduce his AOE damage and ability to win fights. Try to avoid fighting in areas that are tight like around objectives or in the Dragon."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "This is due to the increased resistance he gets when he activates his Ultimate t. Jax's Passive and attacking will be consistently strong at level 6."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu relies on her team to carry them while she provides them with care and shields. Lulu is a champion with weak points."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "qiyana's trading will be highly optimized. She will need to conserve health when possible so that she can all-in enemies quickly."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Watch your positioning in the late game. Focus on kiting and auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "This champion is a bully at the beginning of the game. You can make snowballs quickly if you get murders or two during the lacquering phase."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "You should be able to decimate the entire enemy team with your Ultimate t and o once you're complete build. Just make sure you don't dive too deep into the enemy team without your team backing you off."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "The W of Tristana can also be used as a finishing movement after loading E on the enemy. Tristana's range of attack will be quite high during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger is good at level 1 if he has 3 Turrets Q down. Whenever he has 3 Towers Q up, he is always going to be a threat."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Avoid using major CC abilities on orrn when his W ability is off cooldown as it can be used to dodge or escape CC. As soon as orrn reaches level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from the jungler."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Aggressive games benefit from extensive trades, so try to go for them frequently. Twitch's early play is strong because he can shoot down the enemies with his e while slowing them down with his k."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "Group but do not stand super close together. The longer the game goes the tankier Braum gets and the stronger his ADC gets too."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Most of his abilities will be maximized during this phase of the game. She can do a lot of damage if she carefully combines her abilities."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You should pick champions with kill pressure. Champions with wave clear can match Azir's wave clear and prevent losing the Tower early on."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn's pretty good at the start of the game. Kayn will often seek to invade/gank as he can get his transformation."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's Passive can be really heinous to manage, especially when he hides in a brush and comes in and out while peeling his laner with his t and t. Its passive makes the auto-attacks miss in the hands of ADC due to Teemo's t."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus' Ultimate R will increase capacity damage while simultaneously reducing cooling. Varus will have a lot of articles during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Because you'll need time to kill him because of his tankyness and Ultime. Place the vision around the map to help you spot it before it can spoil your allies."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Level six is a massive spike due to him being able to get his Ultimate R. His Ultimate R allows him to make plays around the map and get his team ahead."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "By playing in the middle of the game, it is essential to stay together with your team. If you're alone in the middle of the game, you'll be an easy target for the enemy team."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia may use her Q on a minion to escape trade or run down opponents after a skirmish. Irelia benefits from extended trades."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Most of Talon's abilities will be maximized during this phase of the game. Talon will do a lot of damage since it ended during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The enemy squishies will have a difficult time in the game if they are against Malphite. Malphite is strong during the end-of-game fights because his d and Ultimate abilities become more effective."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Do not just stay mid if you cannot get anything done. Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easier."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Taking someone downstairs quickly gives a huge advantage. While the enemy is in position, it can be isolated or alone (or too far forward)."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "He relies on his allies to dish out the damage. Unfortunately, Rammus lacks damage."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "This means that Veigar can destroy the enemies if he manages to catch them out of sight. The cooling of Veigar's n capacity will be really low, which means that"} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "If Fizz loses lane or doesn\u2019t have a lot of gold, Fizz will not be much of a threat in the mid-game. The advice is not to play aggressively or lose a lot of health early on."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Avoid regrouping too closely around goals or in team fights as this can allow Swain to land a very good multi-person E and start the team fight. Burst and poke is the best way to win a fight against Swain. Try to bring him down before a team fight starts."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Fighting choking is crucial. E can be used to disrupt the magi."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "After gaining a couple of levels, you can start playing aggressively and looking for opportunities for aggressive plays. Extended trades benefit your team, so try to go for them often."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "This is very helpful as he won't even have to recall if he manages to preserve his health. The second point in his Ultimate R will increase the damage of the ability and will let him make plays frequently."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch can be virtually counterbalanced by a Control Ward, as it requires it to reroute due to the short-term nature of its automatic attacks. The short-term nature of Twitch's automatic attacks makes it easy to detect, which is extremely disadvantageous when it is Jungling and the force to reveal itself prematurely."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "To compensate, Karma will have to play the early laning phase aggressively. This aggressive playstyle will allow Karma to completely dismantle the enemy bot lane."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Stay with your team at all times in the late game. Do not split push or run away from your team as the enemy will use the numbers advantage to start a team fight."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "During agriculture, monitor Nasus' Ultimate R and prepare for an increase in death pressure and survival. Maintaining a prudent mindset will help prevent Nasus from returning the exchange."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz can easily assassinate someone who walks alone through the river. Take appropriate paths through warded areas whenever possible."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Utilizing effigies and bamboozling enemies with surprise Ultimate R's on them is a strategic approach. Fiddlesticks wants to poke and stay safe in the very early game."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "It will be very tanky as it would arrive towards the end of its construction. If he hasn't gone full tank, his damage release will be pretty good in the team fights at the end of the game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Junglers can camp ezreal at that stage as well since he will have no other form of escape left, and his E has a very long cooldown. ezreal takes quite some time to scale up due to how his itemization works."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar's level 6 is a massive power spike for him as he can completely dismantle an enemy team with a well-timed Ultimate R. Gnar will also be instrumental when it comes to flanking the enemy team during significant fights."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Her Passive can turn the tide of a fight when she manages to activate it The increased stats help her kite as well as do a lot more damage in a very short duration."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Make sure you\u2019re never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her E and push you into it. Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Since my first clearings are weak, I need to avoid being invaded in the jungle. I should watch the Jungle entrances to detect the invaders coming to me."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Don\u2019t be afraid to invest in an Executioner\u2019s Calling. It will reduce her healing and shielding and it will make winning the team fight a lot easier. Early in the game, getting boots to deal with 'her' (who is likely a player or enemy champion) can be very helpful."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Place wards around his jungle entrances to spot him leaving his jungle. Grouping against Graves will prevent him from taking down key targets in team fights because he will struggle to get through multiple champions at once."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Use your mobility to counter Nasus, but be very careful on its slow. Once you get your Ultimate, you may want to look for ganks all around the map. It should be pretty easy to shoot out of view how your ult works, but make sure you push Nasus out of the way before roaming."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "The Ultimate R that Samira uses is capable of causing significant damage. Samira's utility and dash capability allow him to escape sticky situations makes him an incredibly strong and mobile champion."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Avoid regrouping too closely, otherwise Lissandra will be able to engage with her E and land a multi-person W. If you can, try to split up slightly so that she can only hit 1 or 2 champions at most."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Use your tornado to keep hitting the enemy regularly. Use your passive shield on the other hand to mitigate the damage you take while trying to reach them."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Your role in the game will hit like a truck and allow you to quickly take neutral objectives. Take all the objectives from the map and don't do anything which may have the chance of getting you killed."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "He can easily attack them and prevent them from doing anything in a fight. If Malphite goes AP, there will be no enemy for most parts of the game."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead. The importance of staying with your Support throughout the mid-game is emphasized."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "The practice makes perfect, and the awareness of the card will help with it. The guards can keep you from flancing the enemy and catching the enemies out of position."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "After level 6 keep a keen eye on the map and Azir's mana bar. If you spot the enemy Jungler nearby, back away as Azir might try to Shurima Shuffle and set up his Jungler."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Level 6 is crucial. You have to hit him as soon as possible to help your allies."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "You should get at least one defensive item depending on the enemy team comp and fed carry as you will be a prime target. Always keep an eye out on your flanks and prioritize saving yourself."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Playing too much puts Teemo at risk of being killed during the team fights. Teemo can go around the map."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Catching someone out is especially viable when Gragas is Jungling. Gragas' ability to catch someone out also works well when he is roaming around in the enemy Jungle as a laner."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This will allow Jarvan to look for picks more often. Jarvan IV is good in team fights due to his d Passive."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "After entering with your Ultimate t, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the fights of the end-of-game team. To facilitate access to the enemy emergency line, you should regroup with your team, but stay on the side."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "The first element will help Shaco with its dual potential and clear speed. Continuing to collect and secure jungle camps is crucial as Jungler."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "At level 13 Azir maxed out both his W and his r. Azir should be a real terror at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle is perfect during team fighting. This will allow him to quickly detonate squishy enemies and slow down their escapes/advances."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "The cooldown of Level 11 will be reduced, allowing Lillia to play games frequently in the game. Lillia Q will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Rell gains significant power at each level. At Level 6, Rell has a massive power spike that increases her all-in potential and effectiveness during clumped fights."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "At Level 3, be careful when you meet Wukong at a scuttle crab, unless you have an obvious advantage. Unless you have a clear advantage, it is best to step back to avoid unfavorable engagement."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "After getting a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus has a very weak game. Narus must play safely and avoid trading until he has some levels under his belt."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius has good gank potential. Darius can start ganking after level 3."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This means you can secure multiple picks with your Jungler and other teammates. Your items should make you really tanky during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If the enemy team sets proper vision around the map during the early game, he will have a hard time ganking/roaming to other lanes. Gragas' E is quite short-ranged, so he definitely needs the fog of war to catch his enemy off-guard."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Level 6 gives Tahm Kench significant pressure on the map thanks to its W capacity. With level 6, Tahm Kench can try to go alone in the enemy."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "During neutral objective battles, help the teammates by blocking the enemy's way into the river. This allows your Jungler to easily take the lens without interference."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "If the enemy team is to be CC-heavy, Yone should get a defensive element to preserve its power."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "You can look at her and shoot her while she's isolated and then start a team fight with her team while she's dead. For AD champions, invest in an executor call when Lulu and his team are ahead."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Use your strong duel potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel anyone who tries to prevent you from pushing to break up. Although Mordekaiser is a very strong split pusher in the middle of the game, they are also ready to regroup with their team and fight 5v5."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Hwei is excellent in late-game fights, thanks to his AOE abilities Hwei is excellent in late-game fights, thanks to his damage output"} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Once all basic abilities are unlocked, Brand should gank over-extended lanes whenever a chance presents itself. He will want to get a lead early on to dish out a lot of damage in late-game fights."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen will simply have to rely on the sides and fog of the war to organize a good fight. Team fighting at the end of the game is often decided in neutral objective pits while taking a goal."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "A player's Sweeper capability (it) is particularly useful when used in conjunction with (his) other abilities. A player (he) excels in extended trades because of how (his) k and s works."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "That gives him a lot of extra damage compared to his standard game. He will also be able to steal Baron or Dragon during team fights and secure the win for his own side."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Watch your positioning in the late game. Focus on kiting and auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Its attack movements (e) allow it to drop the aggro tower and take reduced damage to the tower, respectively. He's a ladder monster, and if he gets his stuff and hits the middle game at the end, he'll be almost unstoppable."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "The enemy should start buying defensive items, which will make it more difficult to shoot them down."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Teams will continue to group in the late game. This will allow Fiddlesticks to get a lovely amount of damage down to the whole enemy team."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "However, if a shaco finds an opportunity to masturbate or counter the shaco nearby, don't be afraid to take it. If they invade you early, step back, you don't win the early skirmishes with them."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Since you have a lot of CC in your kit, you're good at team fighting. In the last game, you'll be in a group with your team and looking for fights like 5, so you're good at this stage too."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "He will have multiple points in his Q and have access to all of his core capabilities at Level 4. His second major power peak is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "It will be a massive peak of power for him. He's excellent at the team fights at the end of the game because of his l."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Avoid walking or watching parts of the card that have not been received if you know Shen was nearby, for fear that it will result in your death. Force team fights when Shen can't influence them will help your team come forward."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Level 16 isn't that great a spike as it will only increase the damage of the ability and reduce the cooldown. Most of his abilities will be maxed out during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn will be much stronger at level 9. Eve is very good in the mid-game as enemies will be walking around the map on their own."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "His first ability will give him increased damage and survival, and now he will be a massive threat to the enemy team. Don't fight at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "By separating slightly, Vladimir will have to use his Ultimate E on fewer targets. Vladimir is likely to be side by side in the team fights."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett can be put into a kit to forget, especially when it is against a varied cart with a certain form of dash. The abuse of Sett's W capability can cause him to kill because it is his only form of mitigation of damage."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "If it\u2019s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Vision around major objectives is key."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "She is really good at forcing the enemy Support to play safe and avoid overextending if she holds on to her stun for a period of time. The enemy Support will try to stay away from Annie's stun."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Try to catch the enemy CDA in a side lane or enemy support while they are in custody. Your main goal during the fighting will be to achieve the highest priority enemy target"} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin's first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will let him clear minions waves with ease, and the damage dealt to champions will be really high."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "If your allies die quickly, there will be little chance that you will win the team fight. Neeko is good in team fights thanks to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "You should keep the lane warded at all times to reduce the chances of this happening. Team fighting can be difficult for Draven because he needs to pick up his Axe's g during fights."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Against the poke or champions with a lot of clear wave, roaming is almost impossible for Akshan. The enemy will continue to push you or take your turn while you try to wander."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux is usually good during team fighting. Lux will excel in the fight against bottlenecks."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "If Kayle can go through the laning phase and acquire CS in an orderly manner, she will easily resume the game later. His ultimate R can allow him to save a teammate as well as herself depending on the situation."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "You should use your Flash or war fog to go to the enemy team when Lillia ults. This allows your team to deal with Lillia while they wake up while you can zone the enemies."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Once you get your first item component, spam your abilities more frequently in the lane. It will help you use your n combined with your 1 to go for regular trades with the enemy."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Ensure you ward the enemy's jungle entrances. Gragas's Ultimate ability is very good in team fights."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Your Ultimate R cooldown should be quite low at this point but do your best to save some Infernum rounds for a major fight. Although you're good in the late game, it is not recommended that you over-attack as Aphelios is very squishy."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin will be a monster if he is ahead on items or kills during this game phase. If Kassadin is not ahead on items or kills, he will have little impact on the game."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "At level 9 the ability to maximize Brand's W was completed. Regardless of how ahead or behind he is, Brand's damage output will be substantial in team fights."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "A long period of death means that it takes more time for a champion to return from the brink of death. The W (capacity) allows Akshan to get out of sticky situations and be camouflaged for a long period of time if it remains close to a wall."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric's capabilities have high mana costs Taric won't be able to spam Q if you fight often"} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Once yuumi gets its Ultimate R, it can keep any form of engagement away from its port as long as it has its Ultimate R Up. Carry will be protected against skill blows while Yuumi has his Ultimate R Up."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She should avoid over forcing ganks if they\u2019re too risky so you don\u2019t fall behind. Level 6 offers Diana lots of burst damage and CC."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "The longer the game continues, the more powerful Nasus becomes. Finishing the game as quickly as possible means trying to kill or disable the enemy champion before it becomes too strong."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "It's good for Amumu because he'll be able to CC his entire team with his Ultimate there. Amumu is quite vulnerable to damage caused by poke."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric has bonus resistors provided by its W that can be really beneficial in the long term due to door generally not buy defensive items, especially in the lower elos. Taric's E offers a huge amount of cheese potential as it can go into enemy jungles, surprise them and shoot them down."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Adding another point to his Ultimate R will skyrocket his overall power in the lane. This is because the empowerments will be more powerful, and Heimerdinger will use them both offensively and defensively."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "If she uses it, you have a long time to abuse her and her team. Senna will try to dominate you at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Focus the closest enemy champion on your carts and work as a team to bring down the enemy one by one. If you focus the rear line alone, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio is unable to deal significant damage to AD ranged champions The enemy team can take advantage of Galio's inability to deal significant damage by attacking him repeatedly."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "You can abuse this by dropping it and forcing it to remember early. Malzahar reaches level 6 and its death pressure increases thanks to its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "After your level 9 pick-up, continue harassing Sett with mini-waves to punish him for CSing. Aatrox does not heal from the Setts W shield."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Use the advantage of the range to grow safely and to prevent the Lucians from harassing with their Q and auto attacks. Lucian has a very strong explosion in the early game."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao's 1v1 is incredibly strong thanks to its Q and E. He'll win most of the skirmishes."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Be ready to team up with your team and fight 5v5 if necessary. Usually start grouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Set up ambushes. Setting up ambush seems to blow up an unexpected enemy."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "You should use your E in the appropriate field. Landing in enemy territory with your E can result in negative consequences."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "The third and final point of the Ultimate r for Braum is expected to be placed on a shorter cooldown."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "This will make him choose between using his l for poke with or to push with. Lux excels in catching enemies out of his position with his g."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "By fighting Viktor, avoid reaching goals because he has a lot of poke with his y. Viktor's work in team fighting is poke as much as possible before engaging in the fight."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "If you focus only on the rear line, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly. By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Try to poke Diana down before she engages to make it really hard for her to engage and kill anybody. Diana's engage is pretty scripted, so ward to the side when sieging an objective to avoid surprise all-ins."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Try to switch on a side lane as soon as possible. Swapping sideways will allow you to hunt enemies more easily with your Ultimate and E."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Every time Zilean uses his Ultimate ability, try to abuse cooldown and play aggressive as he goes down. Once Zilean has finished his first article, he will be able to pull a single shot at the minion wave."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's Q offers a lot of extra wave clear and more poke in lane. She will be a real threat when she hits level 9."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "When AD, it is really good in the extended trades thanks to its automatic attack reset. Its automatic attack reset refers to a specific capacity called 'a'."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Level 6 for Twisted Fate allows him to make coins on the whole card. Twisted Fate's gold CC card should allow him to bring it in and make lines in advance quickly."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "While he's pressuring, his team can sit or fight elsewhere. Nasus has a very weak game."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan IV is also good in the mid-game too. Jarvan has an incredibly strong level 2."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Expect him to play aggressively once he reaches the level. Zed is pretty good in the middle of the game because he will have 2 articles and will be able to assassinate any squishy target he comes into contact with."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Level 6 is an excellent peak for Shaco as it can now bamboozle enemies with its clone. Regrouping against Shaco will be difficult for the enemy team."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "An extra point in his Ultimate R will come in handy but it won\u2019t make or break him. At level 13 Azir maxed out both his W and his r."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's level 6 is a good powerspike for him in this lane, especially if Gankplank has been pushed in the entire time. This will allow Gangplank to chase down enemies with ease and kill them if he has already poked them with his r."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Neutral Combat Goal must be your bread and butter. Fighting is quite crowded, and you can easily afflict multiple targets."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "At level 3, you can access all your basic abilities. You hit level 6."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "When Cho'Gath's t is on cooldown, he misses out on potential true damage. Cho'Gath can miss out on true damage when his t is on cooldown."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's Ultimate will also allow him to steal enemies with well-placed mushrooms. Teemo's first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if it is still on cooling."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The warning was carried out only if a player was aware of the enemy's location. Peering for allies should be done as often as possible to protect teammates and prolong their lives during team fighting."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Good times to fight are when Pantheon is split pushing. Forcing a fight against Pantheon when he is on the opposite side of the map can be a good idea because it will take him some time to get into the fight even with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "If Riven approaches you, get away from her immediately. Keep an eye on their mana bar and try to fight them after they have used a capacity as they cannot use it to trade with."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Ganking often happens in early play, so you also have to look at gank as often as possible. You should abuse your E. (capacity) by using it often."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "As a skilled duelist and strong early game player, try to make early plays around the map to gain an advantage. Gaining an early lead through map control can help you and your allies get ahead."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen's Ultimate will make your backline vulnerable. You must be careful about your backline getting dove of war fog when Kennen uses his Ultimate."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Your Q should be used to drop someone when possible. Once someone's CC'd, they should be beaten."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "A player must use the ultimate ability to eliminate an enemy out of sight. It has a huge tankness, which allows it to absorb both the tricks and the damage."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana can inflict massive damage to enemies remotely with its AP construction. With its AP construction, the timidvane can detonate enemies from afar."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Avoid overextending or dying alone. If you\u2019re dead, the enemy may be able to siege an objective, start a fight or secure the Baron or Dragon."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn cannot team fight easily. Quinn will try to flank from the side with her Ultimate R and get on to a carry."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Another point in his Ultimate R won't do him much good either. It will allow him to turn easily, but other than that, there is nothing to do."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Rift Herald is a goal. Drake is a goal."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Once you've unlocked your Ultimate R, you can play more aggressive. You can look for fights after getting a few levels or an item under your belt."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Obtaining an early health advance is the key to getting a murder later on the line. Level 2 in the lower track is the first minion wave."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Fighting without it will make the end-of-the-game team's fights much more difficult. Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if it's still about to cool down."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "A maximum-out Ultimate will massively injure the enemy team. Any fight around bottlenecks will allow Vladimir to win the fight immediately because of its maintenance and damage."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "As you\u2019ll be constantly pushing, you need to ensure your flanks are warded so you do not die while you\u2019re overextended and pushing Stick with your team throughout the late game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar will have two points in his Ultimate R at level 11, allowing him to detonate enemies easily as the game progresses. Track brushes will be used by Veigar to trap targets."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "If Aatrox shows up alone in a side lane, try starting a team fight with his teammates. However, it's essential to have wards on that side of the map to anticipate potential ambushes from Aatrox."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "When Ezreal's E is down, he can be easily burst down. Junglers can camp Ezreal when his E is down because he will have no escape options left."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "As an attack speed champion, punish enemies further by killing their turrets after clearing lanes and camps. Late game, you become an unstoppable attack speed carry with insane mobility, consistent damage output and good survivability too."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath has almost unlimited sustain thanks to his Passive. His e has a very large range."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "The slow on his W is strong enough and can help him get out of sticky situations. It has a self-plowning capability that is strong enough and allows it to escape danger with its W and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian has a good wave with his W, Q and Ultimate R. His W, Q and Ultimate R make him gain priority very quickly and helps secure the goals with his Jungler."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized to level 9, which allows to inflict a lot of damage with capacity and use it frequently. Your Ultimate R will be on a short cooldown during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "At level 9, it will have its first maximum capacity. This means that Zac will either have a massive reach advantage for gank enemies, or it will inflict a lot of damage to enemies near him."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is vulnerable when he's in a bad position. You shouldn't stay close to your minion wave."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Peel for your carts in team fighting. It's important that you focus on the nearest enemy champion and focus on who your allies are focusing on. Unless your ADC is behind you, you could use your Ultimate R on them to keep them alive while they carry the damage."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "A melee champion should be careful of the opponent's reach. He'll constantly try to intimidate you with his superior rank if you're a champion of melee."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "If invasion is not possible, steal away Bel'Veth's camps when she shows elsewhere on the map. Denying Bel'Veth's camps will prevent her from getting stacks."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern can easily pick off enemies with his Q. This is done best when Ivern manages to catch an unsuspecting enemy with his Q from the fog of war."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "You can abuse this by trying to ambush Soraka while she is guarding a goal. While Soraka is dead, you could force a fight or take a goal with the advantage of numbers."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you\u2019re away from your team. Use your e to initiate a fight or try to pick someone off with it and then kill them."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Stick with your team and don't wander too far away from them. If your ADC gets caught out, it will significantly reduce the chances of winning the match."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's ability to engage in team fights is restricted. Targeted attacks on Diana can hinder her chances of a comeback."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Try to land the enemy's 'E' capability when they're about to hit a minion for the last time. Your E and W will be crucial enough to win this path."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target. The capacity that will give it a huge peak of power in its Ultimate c will increase frequently, allowing it to secure peaks whenever possible."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "If Naafiri doesn't get an early lead, it will be difficult for her to continue the game later. Naafiri fights against smart teams and groups."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The first element will allow Maokai to survive longer. The first element will also allow Maokai to smooth out more constant damage in the track."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal requires time to scale up due to his itemization and skill shot requirements. The effectiveness of Ezreal depends on him landing his Qs on the enemy to deal damage."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "She will put the second point in her Ultimate R at level 11. Annie is a mage."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "The silence is quite invaluable as well, especially against enchanters. He is a mage, so any form of silence or channel interruption spell is his weakness."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is quite good in team fights, especially those that occur in bottlenecks. Neutral objective fighting is a breeze for Malphite to manage because of his forces in team fighting."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "It is advisable not to fight inside the jungle as it allows Ornn to knock up enemies with ease. In team fights, it is recommended to avoid grouping too closely as Ornn can use his R (Ultimate) to get a multi-person knock up and start the team fight."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "This will make you more of a threat in the later parts of the game. Rotate around the map if your bot lane decides to rotate to the top lane after securing the bottom lane tower."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus is a good ganker early because he'll unlock his g very early on. He has the potential to gank at level 2 too."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucians E makes it quite slippery, allowing it to avoid ganks with ease. Lucian is vulnerable when her E (capacity) is broken."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "His tankness will be really high during this phase of the game due to his articles. This, combined with his W, will make him almost unqualified and allow him to absorb a lot of damage."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Unlocking the Ultimate capacity of Rumble represents a significant increase in its power. The purchase by Rumble of its first component element results in a substantial increase in its skirmish capacity."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Good vision control by the enemy team can eliminate any flanking opportunities that Maokai exploits to trigger a global attack, thereby reducing its effectiveness. Maokai's Level 2 capabilities allow him to engage in comprehensive trades against enemy ADCs or Supports with a powerful CC combo."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "The best strategy against an enemy team with Amumu is to extend the map and divide the thrust. However, if your teammates are squishy and can get caught easily, you may need to regroup to be safe."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower. Taking the midway tower opens the map and gives your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Being pushed into the tower isn\u2019t a big hassle for him due to the ease with which he can farm under his tower. The enemy needs to think twice before diving him as he can regenerate a lot of health in a matter of seconds with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen has built-in sustain, therefore it is necessary to get a healing reduction mechanism quickly. The optimal time to trade against Garen is when he has used one of his damaging abilities, as he will be unable to out-trade you."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "He will get massive tracks following his ganks at the beginning of the game. In the middle of the game, it will be difficult for enemies to kill you if you don't get CC'd."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus is a type of champion who focuses on securing the laps. While playing the nasus, prioritize the division of the thrust and focus on securing the laps with other players."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "The first skirmishes are usually not won. Look for gank opportunities when your Ultimate is in place."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn may try to roam post-six. Let your laners know if she is missing, and see if you can set wards in the river previously."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Deciming enemies who are caught together during fighting will become easier with level 6. The lack of vision during the early match will allow Lilia to disrupt the enemies."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Once his Passive grants him extra damage, Darius will almost certainly turn the fight around quickly. If you try to run away, Darius will pull you back with his E."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "The fact that Jayce has access to three more ability variations than his opponent means he can use them to gain a lead before level 6. Jayce is weak early on and relies on his w > s combo to poke enemies out before going for a kill, which will give him an initial advantage."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Keep an eye on potential damage caused by Twisted Fate cards. You should only win when he just used his w."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine can dry up a lot of damage during team fighting. The CC (crowd control) of its Ultimate R will allow its team to collapse on the enemy quickly."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "This item component will give Annie the incentive to use more spells. Use more spells."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "When level 6 was reached, more opportunities opened up to a player. A player can look for aggressive plays or use their Ultimate R defensively at level 6."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "His Q can be blocked by minions. If the enemy is positioned well throughout the laning phase, its Q will be very difficult for you to land."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "He needs all of his basic abilities before he can start to gank. Darius\u2019 best early game power spike is when he hits level 6."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Combined with his Wuju Style, this champion deals a lot of damage. Masteryi has early play on the farm and therefore has no impact unless the enemy exceeds or exceeds the limits."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The objective at level 3 should be achieved quickly and the use of war fog can help to spoil the overstretched enemies for a quick and rapid advance. Correct timing with your W can make the difference between winning or losing a fight."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "The misuse of velkoz's E capability makes it more vulnerable to all-in-ones and can probably cause it to kill almost instantly if the enemy throws off has a varied wink or crowd control capability. The Ultimate R ability of velkoz the root in place, making it easy for enemy champions with a varied crowd control to interrupt its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Good compositions often include shields for protection. Shields are an essential part of a team's defence."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Sustain is the key to Dr Mundo's success in the game. Drmundo has a lot of healing because of his Passive and items."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Being caught by the enemy team's CC or delving too deep into their territory and having no follow-up support from her own team can be lethal for irelia. Practicing Q usage will help improve irelia's overall performance, but it also makes her vulnerable to being caught in CC if timed incorrectly."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "In the late game, make sure you\u2019re with your team at all times. If you leave them, the enemy may start a fight without you being there to protect them and keep them alive."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Working with an ally Jungler will help massively Malzahar. The first element will allow Malzahar to spam its capabilities frequently."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "This will make it difficult for Zed to contact you without using his W. Once he uses his W, move to the opposite side of his Shadow W so he can't get on you."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "She'll be vulnerable when her Q and E's down. Abuse her cooldowns by fighting her after she's used her Q or E."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin is a strong duel. He's going to abuse his early play force."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "During team fighting, know where Sett is to avoid being caught by CC. Keep moving away from Sett's health bar as far as possible during this matchup."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Level 16 will see Sylas acquire a maximum of Ultimate R. The power of his Ultimate R will always depend on the comp enemy team, but he will be able to use more ultimates in a given time."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Peeling for your carries can help keep them alive longer during team fights. If your allies die quickly, you may as well lose the fight."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "You should use your superior goal-taking capability to make strategic games. Take goals like the Dragon or the Rift Herald to gain an advantage over Zac."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Dealing burst damage can give Kassadin a considerable boost and increase his chances of getting kills on other lanes. Kassadin should shove his wave in to look for kills on other lanes."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Be ready to disengage if he's about to take a ride. If Nasus gets together for team fights, try to lock him up with CC so he can't go after you,"} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Stand back and out of range so they can\u2019t auto attack you for free. Try to constantly adapt your positioning to reserve health."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Team fighting is where Malphite excels because of its Ultimate capability which is an AOE capability that can cause several people to fall. Malphite can absorb a lot of damage for his team with his Passive."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "By level 16, Brand can put the third and final point in his Ultimate R. With this Ultimate R, Brand will be able to dish out a lot of damage on grouped enemies in late game team fights."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Install death brushes when you can. Your abilities allow enemies at once as soon as you get your basics."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille has good outplay potential with her E and Ultimate R. Camille can often outplay the enemy and turn around or escape exchanges with ease."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Removing an enemy Mid, ADC or Support can be used to end the game or take a major goal using their death timer. To maximize the advantage, do not display on the bottom side of the map if Baron is about to climb."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Avoiding groupings with enemy champions can help maintain a strong position and avoid unnecessary fighting. Teemo's strong duelling potential in the middle of the match allows him to effectively engage and defeat enemy players who are trying to stop his split thrust."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "It should be easy to destroy the enemy rear line because of how much damage Master Yi can tear. Make sure you're still on the side of the map that the next major goal is on. If the Baron is up, always stay on the upper side. If you go bot and show yourself, the enemy will take the goal for free."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Provide shields to CDA whenever they need them. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu's Q will win every battle if he is at 50/50. Take the objective when Nunu is dead or on the other side of the map."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Teams grouping in the late game allows Diana to deal a lot of damage to multiple enemies at once. Diana deals a lot of damage in late game team fights."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Its Ultimate n allows it to obtain a huge amount of duel potential that can allow it to go towards high priority targets with ease, then exit without dying. It can both set up and follow the ganks with ease."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric will have a maximum of two capabilities at level 13. Maxing capability allows Taric to excel in team fighting."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The reduction of cooling allows Seraphine to use its capabilities more frequently during team fighting. Its selection potential is enormous during this phase of the game due to its ability to CC enemies with its E or Ultimate R."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Do not fight unless your Ultimate R is up and Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass is up in the late game. If you look to fight when it's down, you will be an easy target and die quite fast."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Try to engage with Janna as soon as possible when she has her d available to avoid taking damage. Janna will always be strong once she has her d because it provides a lot of utility for herself and her team."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "His ability to frontline makes it really easy for his team to succeed in fights. Nunu is going to be roaming an awful lot in the laning phase."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "If you can bait this ability, you have a period of time where you can play aggressive and force Shen to lose a lot of health. Shen's Ultimate R can help another way if used post 6."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "You shouldn't move alone. Killing someone is very easy when you're alone."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can also take on the Baron singlehandedly."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Leaving the team may allow the enemy to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight. To increase survival time and keep carries alive, focus on the nearest enemy champion to your carries."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "If you can scan before he has a chance to engage in a team fight, he will be unable to participate in the team fight. It is recommended to delay the team fight as long as possible by robbing the monkey as much as necessary."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "When Darius hits level 6, he can use his Ultimate e to execute a target. Look for aggressive plays and all-ins when your Ultimate e is up for additional kills."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "orianna gained access to her Ultimate d at level six. orianna can now make plays of her own or in combination with her team using her Ultimate d."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Getting a defensive element like Zhonya's will help you survive your all-in-one. A defensive element like Zhonya's also strengthens your tankness."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Try to stay with your team when no sideways are picked up. Spend as little time as possible away from your team."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This will facilitate the descent of the enemy and the enemy team. He's going to massively increase his damage production too."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Avoid using your Q unless you\u2019re able to trade. When your Q is on cooldown, you\u2019re quite vulnerable and will lose 1v1 fights."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is good at killing low health targets for easy kills. Getting a few kills on Annie can make her Ultimate R incredibly scary."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "As a Jungler, Olaf seeks to gank frequently in the early game. Olaf can solo objectives in the early game."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The first element will allow him to inflict much damage on his opponents. This component will also be beneficial when it launches its Ultimate b."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "But you have to look at your positioning as you move forward to harass. Don't get caught trying to harass and bring down the enemy."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "The enemy will be trying to bait it out so don't do anything impulsively. Your Ultimate R can be a really good escape tool if you manage to use it out of vision."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Your Ultimate will be pivotal to team fights. Just make sure that your Passive hides yourself."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "In neutral objective combats, Shaco should participate in battles to prevent enemies from turning. It is essential for Shaco to use their ultimate ability from a safe location to prevent enemies from approaching their team."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce can constantly abuse the enemy before initiating a fight. Try to delay fights while Jayce harasses the enemy with s."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane The objective of the rotation towards the middle track is to take this tower"} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Helping other laners keeps his wave shoved in at all times. Galio can now poke enemies from the lane brushes."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "At level 14, it will have its 2nd maximum capacity. This will only add to his power and allow him to disrupt enemy fighting and get closer to them very quickly so that he can kill them."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "However, be cautious not to gank when Dr.Mundo is nearby. Targeting the enemy backline and killing at least one enemy's carry during team fights will help deal with Dr.Mundo."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "If the enemy team focuses on destroying his Q turrets before all-in\u2019ing him, he will have to play defensively till he can bring his turrets back up. He is very effective when he is fighting in closed spaces like the Jungle."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko's E can be easily cancelled by enemy team. Neeko's pushing power can make her susceptible to ganks after using W."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin could try to kick someone in his teammates. k should get together to make it harder for Lee Sin to kick in the arms of his team."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "In neutral, objective combats, maintain a safe distance from enemies while covering the essential bottlenecks with your edge and ultimate capabilities. Kog'Maw's maximum health will be capped at level 9."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easier. Use your W to speed yourself up to get off a good Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "His abilities will hurt the enemy. At level 16, he will put the last point in his Ultimate."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "His level being maxed at 13 will give him a massive power boost, and he will be able to win duels with ease from now on. Jax should try to split push and duel anyone if he isn't too far behind."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Slowing down the target with the hiss 2 would be optimal to guarantee a p stroke on the enemy. Try to delay team fighting as long as possible while you harass the enemy and crush them with your p."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "You are vulnerable and immobile pre-level 6. Consistently keep an eye on your position and constantly pivot around the lane to avoid skill shots and incoming damage."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Getting gold in your pockets will increase the threat level of Elise in the mid game. Peel for your team in team fights."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "It will have several objects during this phase of the game, allowing it to take a lot of damage and inflict a lot of damage simultaneously during a fight. It will be difficult for the enemy to shoot him down."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You must play around with your Ultimate R in the late game. Fighting while it\u2019s on cooldown could be the difference between winning a fight and losing it."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "The focus on gathering during the middle game will be quite easy due to your a and l. Look for choices during the game medium, it should be easy enough for you to get them because of your abilities."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "The siege refers to an attack or assault, usually using heavy artillery or troops. The enemy team is the opposing group in a match or competition."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand has picked up the first component item to his Mythic, his damage output will increase heavily. As a Support, avoid warding alone in the late game."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Avoid separating and playing alone. If you don't have anyone nearby, don't push too far forward."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Protracted team fights will see her win effortlessly. Miss Fortune isn't very strong at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "The purpose of the invasion of Evelyn's jungle is to delay its level 6 power peak by flying its camps. Placing pupils in the river helps to spot Evelynn before she becomes invisible."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "This Passive will allow your teammates to know about Dr.Mundo's whereabouts. Deep warding the enemy jungle becomes safe thanks to your Passive."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Taking fights around neutral objectives is something Brand should follow. His ability to cause mayhem with his Ultimate R will really help him."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The CC locks them, it's preventing their movement. Maokai gets two points in his Ultimate R, he will use it frequently."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Choosing the right target can let you take the Baron or Dragon. Keep trying to secure your goals with your team so that you can gain an overall advantage over the enemy."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "a lot of damage in their kit. After moving the bot track to the average track, the player had to turn to the bot side of the card or somewhere else on the map."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Try to exchange and play aggressively to delay Malphites peak power. Exchange with caution when Malphite has an article."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Avoid walking around Rift Summoners alone otherwise it can try to catch you out of position. Rengar is stronger when he has 4 batteries of Ferocity."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi should be able to take Baron or the Dragon with ease. Two points in its Ultimate capability will make it more powerful during the fighting."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "If Qiyana is behind, she will not deal any damage in team fights. She may, however, be able to get a good Ultimate R off."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's Ultimate R is a great tool throughout all stages of the game. Ezreal's Ultimate R allows him to deal a considerable amount of damage to anyone on the map."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "After your bot track has moved to the medium track, turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to grow and win XP. Play around your Ultimate R in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian's Q & E will be maximized during this game stage. He will leave him all enemies systematically"} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Yone is better at trading once he unlocks his Ultimate R. Once Yone gets a chance to hit 100% critical, he'll fix a lot of damage."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "You shouldn\u2019t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage like an engage Support. After getting a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna is quite vulnerable to all-in and hard engage in team fights. If Orianna gets caught out of position, she is going to die instantly."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. Leveling up Her first ability will allow her to poke her enemies with ease."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Make sure you group and avoid walking in areas that are unwarded when you know Ahri's been nearby. Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Ultimate is down."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "When dealing with Gragas, try to look for extended trades that don't rely on his abilities being active."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "If an opponent goes into combat alone, the assassin is an easy target and should be focused on using her fast ability. Her earliest power spike like many Junglers is at level 3 where she unlocks her core abilities."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo gets a huge power peak at level 6. He can now focus on the enemy with his R tornado and then use his Ultimate R to finish the weak health target."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "If you\u2019re ahead, focus the backline and try to take them down instead. Jayce won't be spiking too hard at level 11 because it won't be giving him as much stats or utility as most other champions' ultimates. It will definitely allow him to increase his overall burst damage, though."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Try to invade Evelyn's jungle to delay his level 6 power peak. Evelynn can be followed through a good vision placed in his jungle, especially before level 6."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to motor vehicles and motor vehicles (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty) Once Renekton gets two points in his Ultimate ability, he will be able to run enemies with ease."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Unlike other champions, Diana has built-in tankiness which allows her to all-in with her Q, t, and Ultimate R combo quite easily. This is highly valuable when trying to take out a group of three or more champions, especially when the enemy team is unaware of your position."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Level 11 is another peak of power as it increases the damage inflicted by Zac to the grouped enemies. It also has lower cooling, which means Zac can all enemies."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Good vision control can make it difficult for Skarner to gank the tracks with his E and Ultimate. The division of the enemy team makes it difficult for Skarner's Ultimate to hit a carrier champion."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen will be split pushing in the mid-game. You can use numbers advantage to take her down or start a team fight on her team while she is elsewhere on the map."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Her W provides her with a lot of vision while roaming around in unwarded territory. The attack speed increase is very potent as well."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "At level 9, it will have maximized its first capacity. This will allow him to quickly clear up his wave and let him wander and witness objective fighting."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "The first element will be instrumental when combined with Urgot track brushes. Split push in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "As soon as possible after acquiring your Ultimate ability, target Kayle's Ultimate (R) and make sure it is disabled. During team fights, prioritize targeting enemy backline players."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "It can even score singular selections with. At level 9, its first capacity will be maximized."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Can help his allies, Can separate from the thrust,"} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "The strength of Ornn's early game is heavily dependent on various factors. His first major power spike occurs at level 6, where he unlocks his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Grievous Wounds are his mortal enemy, especially during the early game. The fact that Dr Mundo is extremely weak during the early game doesn't help him."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Keep the wave close to your tower and ask your Jungler to gank as much as you can. Olaf's Ultimate ability allows him to dodge crowd control."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao's Ultimate R will allow him to distinguish enemies. This feature makes it safe from various portages."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus is killed at the start of a fight. Passive means that something will happen automatically."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Press Level 2 first. You have your level advantage."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "You want to make sure you stay alive and do a lot of damage. A Zhonya will help you a lot when it comes to staying alive and doing damage."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "You can escape using your Ultimate R. Look for selections all around the map during the middle of the game."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere can't help you when you constantly get away from her health bar with your Q. Using your ultimate capacity can chain CC Trendamere, preventing it from using it."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf's Ultimate ability allows him to dodge crowd control. Olaf has a strong potential for 1v1 fights and is hard to play against."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Look for opportunities to get picks in the late game to gain a numbers advantage. Capitalise on this advantage by pushing and taking objectives afterwards."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "They will be ganking often, so you need to do so too. A good Gragas will use their Ultimate whenever it is up to gank an ally."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "In the middle of the game, you will want to change track and use your E with extreme discretion. You should use your E in the appropriate field."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "If Wukong invades, it is wise to disengage while holding his hand high in early duels. At Level 3, be careful when you meet Wukong at a scuttle crab, unless you have an obvious advantage."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "A good early advance can help the Zeri snowball in an advantage. Snowballing can be easy for champions who get a good start."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's Level 2 capabilities allow him to engage in comprehensive trades against enemy ADCs or Supports with a powerful CC combo. The effectiveness of Maokai's CC combo increases with the poke that it lands on enemies with the help of its young trees."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "At level 11, Lee Sin will use its Ultimate capability completely and often ruin the ability of enemy divers to enter its backline. If the enemy team is loaded with heavy CC, make sure you get a defensive element to help you."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Putting him down is almost impossible for him to fight with your team. Trundle is strong in the game early in the support role."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "If there is a nearby ganking or counter-ganking opportunity, don't be afraid to take it. If you are invaded early, just back off; you do not win early skirmishes with the invaders."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If you suspect she is about to ult you, just leap under your turret. Camille has good outplay potential with her E and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Its damage production and commercial potential will increase considerably. Shaco's main goal during this phase of the game is to roam and kill as many squishes as possible."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Look for choices with your Support/Jungler to get murders and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could call Baron."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Poppy doesn't spike at level 6 like most Supports as her Ultimate R is mostly a utility tool. However, Poppy can use it from close range to start a fight."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "and is very strong when he unlocks his Ultimate R. However, Zed can start crashing from level 3."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "The collection of Ignite increases the overall offensive capabilities. Locket's take increases survival and team play."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "The primary objective was to focus on agriculture and hit level 6 as quickly as possible. To increase inflation potential, hit level 6 as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "She can use her Q to both poke and wave clear simultaneously, which allows her to get lane priority, and her Jungler can safely invade the enemy as a result. The first component offers a lot of poke from Karma's end as it increases the damage of her Q and allows her to use it frequently as she will have more mana to use."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Kill a key target with your Jungler and call Baron. Group and stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The presence of Rumble during the mid-game fights is truly fabulous. Rumble should be able to win several fights just using its Ultimate b correctly."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Try to flank in team fights with Q. Ward to the side of you at all times."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Delay the team fights while you wait for your Ultimate to come back to me. Don't fight as a team unless your Ultimate m is in place."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn's Ultimate R is a utility tool rather than a pure damage tool Quinn starts to fall off in the later parts of the game as enemies will be buying items that offer them extra protection from her damage"} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's damage will increase considerably with three points in his Ultimate R, and he will melt through the enemy team. His Ultimate R will be very practical during the end-of-game fights."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Choosing Kog'Maw at the end of the game should help you a lot in this game. Once Kog'Maw gets down, his team won't have a lot of DPS."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "At level 9, Warwick will become really powerful. Warwick will be able to support itself easily while making primary goals or participating in major battles."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Expect to put a lot of effort if you want to learn Akali. Focus on health and agriculture until you have access to your W, E and R."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The Passive provides Dr Mundo with a lot of sustain. His Passive gives Dr Mundo a great amount of health regen."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "This will reduce capacity cooling and allow Malphite to have more impact. Malphite is perfect for team fighting because it can completely delimit the enemy due to the threat of its Ultimate h."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern's Ultimate R will have two points once he hits level 11. This will be an excellent time for him to start fights, especially those involving tower diving and enemy taking a neutral objective."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Purchasing early boots can help with dodging his abilities. Do not fight in the jungle as Hwei has a lot of AOE damage."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Option 2: Disengage and wait for R to disappear Harass and Taric poke down during the early match"} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Do not leave their side, as the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Look for picks with your team."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Do not delay team fights against an Ezreal. Ezreal\u2019s first power spike is when he picks up Sheen."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's Ultimate is particularly useful to avoid ganks. Teemo is very squishy and the crowd control in layers can get rid of him immediately."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "In team fighting, try to separate the enemy front line from the enemy front line. This will allow your aircraft carriers to play freely."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "He will have to play carefully and wait until he has access to all his basic abilities before going all the in. Level 6 is a massive power peak that allows Kayn to strengthen its global potential."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "During the mid-game, the enemy will be busy swapping lanes and setting vision. The enemy will be focused on swapping lanes and setting vision during the mid-game."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "The main power peak of Nasu occurs when it is at level 16, while it wins several items, stacks, and can all-in on enemy champions with ease. Nasus will seek to divide the thrust throughout the middle of the game."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Once he gets two points in his Ultimate R, Kled can focus on the race of the enemies down and destroy them completely with his team. It can even score singular selections with."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Ganking should be done as much as Warwick in early play. If it is impossible to spoil, we can try to invade the jungle of Warwick and steal camps."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "However, do not over commit to destroying it as she may use your positioning to play aggressive. It\u2019s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate R to knock you away."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "In the middle of the game, the Supports will start walking on the map alone. Taking advantage of this allows us to ensure free murders."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "You'll want to beat him at a distance, if possible. This will make it easier for you to cut Shen."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "The neutral objective fights will be your bread and butter. Wake up properly and work with your Jungler to secure peaks as much as possible."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean will maximize its Ultimate capacity at level 16, allowing tiny cooling. With its ultimate capacity at level 16, the health of the target after the recovery increases."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's Ultimate R is a great team fighting tool that can keep any one of his allies alive for longer. Using Galio's Ultimate R at the right time could also enable him to get a 5 person knockup with his allies."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Staying with your support will greatly increase your ability to survive during solo duels. Close in the side lanes when there are no team fights, but prioritize being close to your team."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Try to poke her down with your abilities before committing to the all-in. You can trade with Annie before she gets 2 stacks without the fear of getting stunned."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia's Ultimate R is a great tool in team fights. Hitting 5 champions at once is a sure-fire way of winning the team fight."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion can absorb a lot of damage for his team in the front line. This allows him to peel his portages with ease, allowing him to play more freely."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The capacity that will give it a huge peak of power in its Ultimate c will increase frequently, allowing it to secure peaks whenever possible. The theft of life and damage during the end of the game make it really good in team fighting if it maintains a good positioning and uses its s and e at the right time."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Don\u2019t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. If you\u2019re playing as a ranged champion, try and harass Camille with basic attacks whenever she tries to last hit."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "The brief period of downtime between each Enchantment pickup will be your go-to time to harass Qiyana as she will not have a powerful Q that has an empowerment."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Keep Twisted Fate pushed in the way to limit his roaming. Twisted Fate is weak in early play."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Positioning yourself near your team is crucial for setting up ambushes with your Ultimate R. When playing in the late game, prioritize using Zhonya's Hourglass and your Ultimate R together."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana's ability to both CC enemies and cause damage to Level 3 would make her a formidable opponent. At level 6, Morgana will have the ability to fight more effectively with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's R (Ultimate) allows him to impact any part of the map immediately. Gangplank's R can act as an enabling force for his laners/Jungler to all-in their counterpart and get a lead."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is not an assassin. You're Darius, not an assassin and will struggle to kill anyone alone when engaged in team fights."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Painful injuries prevent Volibear from healing by many. Being dispersed in a team fight will prevent Volibear from getting a massive final R."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "The assassin will stick together with her team. When the assassin isn't there, she will force fights."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "However, if you're ahead of your ADC's position, it's best to save your Ultimate ability for yourself, so you can take advantage of the opportunity. Kayle's Ultimate R will see her be the most powerful she can be in the game."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Azir's Passive gives you extra mobility that can be used quickly to position away from his soldiers. Without Azir having R or Flash, you can set up gank opportunities with your R."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "If Teemo is spotted on the upper side of the map, invade the lower side of its jungle to steal its camps. Taking control of the Dragon will make it difficult for Teemo to get gold and XP."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon is an early to mid game champion Pantheon can influence other lanes too when he gets his R."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Extended trades work in her favour. Try and keep them short and sweet- around her Passive. Try to harass and poke Gwen down with your abilities before initiating a team fight."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai needs to be careful not to get blown up before a fight. Don't fight at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Respect Aatrox's all-in potential when he completes the recipe, as his damage output will increase significantly. Aatrox is strong regardless of what if you cannot dodge all instances of his Q."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's first element will give him a massive boost in solo laning. With its first element, Viego can frequently search for all the elements."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Regrouping with allies makes it more risky for Naafiri to enter alone. Champions with dashes or escape tools can kite naafiri effectively after its entry."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "This will allow him to quickly detonate squishy enemies and slow down their escapes/advances. He and his team should be very helpful."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Low health targets are the easiest for Annie to kill. She is really good at forcing the enemy Support to play safe and avoid overextending if she holds on to her stun for a period of time."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Use the lane brushes to hide and poke the enemy with your Q every chance you get. Staying out of vision will allow you to easily all-in the enemy with your E and W."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "It can leave the way and wander easily enough to get a cheese gank His x can allow him to disengage as well as surprise all-in champions easily"} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath's stack count increases over the length of the game. When he hits level 16, Cho'Gath puts the third and final point into his Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Play aggressive throughout the laning phase to get kills. If you can get a kill or two, you can snowball your lead pretty quickly."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Level six is a massive spike due to him being able to get his Ultimate R. The first item component will let him deal more damage and spam his abilities due to the increased mana."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki will have a lot of poke during the mid-game too. This makes him pretty good during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "His Ultimate R can easily lose his team a complete fight so badly used. His Ultimate R can even cost his team a goal, especially if Kindred has not been able to get several points and is late on the levels."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "This article is priceless when the enemy has a lot of support. Taking Nami back first before a team fight will make it difficult for his ADC to survive because they will not have a coat or protection."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Misuse of Yasuo's W can cause him to kill in the way. Yasuo is particularly vulnerable to various matches in the way."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Provided you didn't fall behind during the early game, you should be a powerhouse of damage and slows during this phase of the game. You should use your range advantage and always go for front to back trades when fighting the enemy."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna's E capability allows her to capture a team through unwarranted areas and surprise enemy teams. This configuration can be beneficial when installing death brushes."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Without its Ultimate or Super Mega Ultra Kill (s), Twitch's ability to dominate a team struggle decreases considerably. Fighting Twitch during this stage gives the enemy team a much greater chance to win."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "It can also inflict a lot of damage on the enemy if they ignore Zac. Zac has good support in the way, thanks to his blobs."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin's first ability will be maxed out at level nine. Maxing out the first ability of Kassadin will give him a boost to his damage."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Winning grievous injuries as soon as possible offers an important advantage at the beginning of the game in this game. Being involved in multiple neutral objective combats can result in substantial benefits of AoE-based capabilities."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Superb engages with his E, along with the extended CC with his W. This combo can deal respectable amounts of damage and also allow his team to follow up on the knocked up target with ease. Galio has a decent amount of waveclear on his Q which he can use to shove the wave in and then roam around to see if he can use his Ultimate R to assist other teammates."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "It can easily bypass the map and targets 1 v 1 squishy. Mordekaiser's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank will be quite immobile in the late game. If Blitzcrank oversteps and uses his b and misses it, he can easily get killed."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Expects Chanted to stay away from his team in the middle and end of the game. Singed will try to divide the thrust and take goals."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Remember that Karma has her Ultimate at level 1 and can dish out lots of damage if you\u2019re hit by her empowered Q. Stand behind minions at all times if possible."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyahs Ultimate R will allow him to take enemies who are alone or isolated without assistance. Taliyah has good potential with his C."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Take appropriate paths through warded areas whenever possible. Do not use executing abilities or key skill shots on Fizz unless he has used his E."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. This will allow him to inflict a lot of damage in the fighting where the enemy team is grouped or afflicted by its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Respect his all-in potential when his Ultimate R is up as he will use it to escape after a kill. Ekko's biggest power spike is at two items (Protobelt and Lichbane)."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Once Gnar's E is down, he becomes susceptible to ganks. Gnar's opponent can bait out his E to have a really hard time escaping that situation."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Pushing under their turn means moving towards and potentially taking the goal. Look for a choice with your abilities. A pick means taking advantage of an opponent's error or weakness."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "When Force fights as soon as possible, he prefers to do it when his Ultimate R is on cooldown. Delaying a team fight allows him to push the enemy team down with Q and W."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Post-six, he can start avoiding ganks and can roam around and try to get kills. Once he gets the snowball rolling, it is very hard to stop him, especially if he hits level eleven."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Is really good in team fights thanks to his Ultimate e which can be reset if he gets the killing blow with it. Darius is really easy to kite."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "At level 9, Lissandra Q will be maximized. Lissandra is very good in team fighting."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "A fully maximized Ultimate R will ensure that Soraka can use it in a given team fight. Combining Soraka's ability in haste with a maximum of Ultimate R allows him to heal his team frequently."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This will give Zac the element of surprise. The enemy will have to play with a constant fear of being all-in-fact."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Whatever you've reached first, you should be able to inflict a lot of damage to the enemy's lantern during the middle of the game or later parts of the laning phase. At the end of the game, your construction should come to an end. Although you will suffer a considerable amount of damage, it will be more difficult for you to targets at a stroke as the enemy team would have started collecting defensive objects."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "He can absorb the damage while making sure he gets critical catches in the enemy team. At level 11, Skarner put a second point in his Ultimate."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "When you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with the ability to take the lens for free. Another point of the Ultimate B of Rumble will seriously put the team fighting in choking points in his favor."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Don't go around the map alone because you will die easily. Just the kite and the automatic attack of the closest enemy champion."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand would\u2019ve used his W ability to keep the enemy pushed into their tower. The W ability helped Brand as a poking tool to harass the enemy laner."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Enemy physical damage has become virtually useless when this ability was active. Shen could put very good cheese brushes"} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "AOE abilities allow Hwei to deal a lot of damage in fights. Hwei is suitable for team fighting due to his AOE abilities."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Passive batteries are a key element of its ability to carry in the late part. The enemy invisibility can easily be counterbalanced by a well-positioned control area."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Most champions attack Levels 2 or 3. She's not the strongest Mid laner at the start of the game."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Nami's allies will be healthy during the game combined with his W. A maximum of Ultimate R will allow it to use capacity quite frequently."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "At level 9, Ezreal will max out his Q. Ezreal will be quite strong at this stage of the game thanks to the additional damage his Q will do and the items he would\u2019ve picked up by then."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "His opponents can use track brushes to catch Taliyah out of sight. Level six gives Taliyah a small advantage as it allows it to wander but does not provide any additional benefits."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Make sure someone who can challenge him prevents him from separating. Don't send someone who can't beat him to keep him from pushing."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Always try to flank the enemy and get killed on the back. This approach will allow you to take control of the game easily."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "The bard sustains both himself and his ADC with his W. The bard gets more mana from collecting his Passive chimes."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Rek'Sai will beat Amumu in any stage of the game in 1v1, which is more widespread in early play. The player should not be afraid to force a fight with Amumu in early play to take early control of the jungle where he is the most vulnerable."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Peering for allies should be done as often as possible to protect teammates and prolong their lives during team fighting. Team fights with extended durations required to keep the teammates alive in order to finally ensure victory."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Another point of his ultimate ability will make him more powerful when he uses it. He will have more options to choose from now, as it will be the middle of the game."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "If you're a champion with a strong Ultimate, try to abuse his weakness right now. When trading with Taliyah, keep at least 1 minon behind you."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "That's why you'll have to choose him first. Keep the wave near your turn."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "If you\u2019re melee, stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward. Post level 6, respect Tibbers R and her stun."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Bard roams frequently with his E to help allies around the map. After picking up Boots, look for opportunities to roam more often."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Your goal is to secure choices with your Ultimate h. Getting your first article is crucial to success."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "It is a massive peak for her and will allow her to inflict tons of damage on her enemies. She is an excellent team fighter, especially if she manages to get to the top of the enemies of the war fog."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "illaoi absolutely decimates melee matchups, especially those who forget or are unable to get out of her Ultimate R. The ability that allows illaoi to impact a team fight when there are multiple divers on the enemy team is also an effect of her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "You should delay fighting and be ready to disengage if she's still on the cooldown. Avoid regrouping too closely as this could allow Sett to get rid of a multi-person E that will help his team win the team fight."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game. Watch your positioning in the late game."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Rell is very immobile when she is dismounted. This makes her incredibly vulnerable when she is dismounted t."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "If they invade you, be ready to fight, but only do so if your passive is piled up and you can win, if not just step back. On the 6th lap, Pantheon won the 1v1 while they were stronger when their Ultimate was in place."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Several points in his Ultimate R will allow him to take the ultimate enemies quickly, increasing their overall efficiency, which can be very beneficial in team fighting. Look to take off the enemy carriers."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "The level 6 of Nasus is a significant power peak as it can actually properly duel with enemies now. This peak of power will give Nasus a massive advantage when he takes care of enemies who are pushed up and crushed by him."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai can do it thanks to his W. Place a vision around the entrances to the Maokai jungle to spot it when leaving its jungle."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Gold is a necessary resource in this game. XP is crucial for progress in the early stages."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "At level 9, his l will be maximized. This means that he can handle a lot of consistent DPS during team fighting if he manages not to get CC'd. His tenacity will be really high, especially if he uses his Ultimate n."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You need to try to get kills with your Ultimate during the mid game. At level 9 you would max your first ability."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Having two points in his Ultimate R increases the overall damage dealt by the ability and reduces the general cooldown. His Q is his primary poke tool in the lane and in the game."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "jhin's Ultimate R ability roots him in place. Due to this root, the enemy can both flank and focus on jhin with ease."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "This can provide a lot of utility in choking points. The Ultimate R will give the talijah traction to easily land its C."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Ping when Nunu goes missing so your team knows that he could be headed their way. Keep the wave pushed into Nunu's tower."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "It can be hard for you to roam with Aurelion Sol if your side lanes are not strong. Your side lanes being weak will make it difficult to roam with Aurelion Sol."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "It's also a free ticket for him because he can immediately get on a track and catch the out-of-guard enemy. The first element will allow it to inflict more damage and strengthen its overall survival."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Missing out on Sona-s Ultimate R can guarantee a team battle victory for the enemy team and significantly reduce the usefulness of Sona-s. Improper use of the Sona Passive may give similar results to those lacking in its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Force team fighting when Shen is unable to touch them (as when her Ultimate R is broken) will help your team get out. Force a fight once his Ultimate R is down."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Without articles, it depends on them and without them, the game could as well be a 5 v 4 due to its efficiency in the game. Play safe for the first levels."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "In addition, Galio can now help other laners frequently. Galio's team can benefit from his frequent assistance."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "A swap with excellent CC capacity (crowd control) can CC a target, which works especially well against stationary carts. After the CC, a swap can press the enemy closer by using E (increased attack speed)."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Getting every Drake will increase your chances of winning the game if you also secure the Dragon Soul for your team. Look for picks with your team."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The view of monitored objects helps to track enemy movements around the map. Avoid being alone on the map as it increases the risk of getting caught."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Walking close to the wall while being ganked by Cho'Gath makes it easier for him to land his e. Running through the middle of the lane instead."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Try to gank often to get your allies ahead. Track him with vision and try to counter his ganks."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "It gives only a minor increase in the damage and no utility, unlike other Junglers. That being said, the lower cooldown certainly helps."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "If somebody tries to contest your split push, look to fight them. Irelia is a champion who is usually sent to split push."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It will inflict constant damage during this phase of the game. All she has to do is maintain her positioning and land her abilities."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Buying a Quicksilver Sash will fortify Kalista's position in the game, especially if she is against a team with a lot of CC. It will prevent her from getting chain CC'ed and killed. Kalista brings a significant amount of power while taking neutral objectives."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "You should use your Ultimate R to get choices with your allies on enemies who are isolated or separated from their team. Another point in his Ultimate R won't do him much good either."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "It should focus on absorbing damage for the enemy team while simultaneously picking up enemies where possible. Watch your flanks as Mordekaiser can try to attack the side in order to reach a high-value target with its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "It will also help him in his Jungle camps, and its overall survival in the game."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "However, always prioritize an ally who can destroy the enemy quickly within the decay period. Once you get your Ultimate R, look for as many clumped fights in the Jungle as possible."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks' biggest power spike is at level 6. To counter Fiddlesticks' level 6 power spike, having constant wards around your lane can be effective."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus will automatically attack anyone who approaches him in CC attempts with his passive. You should stay away and out of range during team fighting if you are squishy because of Nautilus' passive ability."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Once Ivern gets his Ultimate R, he can easily distract critical enemy team members. He can instigate tower dives, peel for his carries, and take neutral objectives all at once."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "His Passive will help him a lot when it comes to diving into the enemy front line and surviving. Nasus is a type of champion who focuses on securing the laps."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Its death pressure increases considerably every time its Ultimate ability is active. Vayne is weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto attack will deal extra magic damage."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Let the wave push in so that you can farm safely. Only shove the wave in if you decide to roam around and help your side lanes."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia is not the strongest champion. A strong champion like Hecarim can use Lillia's weakness to their advantage by invading and trying to fight it."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune can melt the enemies' health bars with her t. Its ultimate ability is very strong in team fighting."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin will secure neutral objectives with increased items. Gaining more items improves Jhin's ability to secure neutral objectives."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "At level 9, Warwick will maximize its first capacity. Warwick's first capacity is usually its Q."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius will look to reposition when using his e. Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesn\u2019t deal much damage while Darius is repositioning"} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Ask him every time he tries to reach CS. Ensuring that he cannot stack his Q is of paramount importance."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "It is crucial to be careful and avoid being caught by the control of the crowd of Nami. Defensive positioning helps protect against Nami's capabilities during fighting."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas's W has healing abilities in terrible situations. The W of Sylas is a point and click capability that can easily change the tide of a fight."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Additional health and maintenance enable him to survive more difficult matches and heal the enemy. Use the track brushes to mark the attack on the enemy lantern whenever possible."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus integrated Grevious Wounds with his E, which reduces enemy healing in the way and team fighting. The reduced healing of the Greek wounded Varus will benefit his teammates in the team fights."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "When this happens, Akshan can bring back a recently deceased ally. Putting the third and final point in Akshans Ultimate at level 16 is really beneficial to him."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "It can receive the help of Jungler in lane to kill you thanks to its powerful gank configuration tool In team fighting, Nautilus is effective thanks to its point-and-click crowd control (Ultimate e)"} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne is subject to the CC. Locking him at the beginning of the fight will make it incredibly difficult for him to do kites, inflict damage and win the team fight."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Just the kite and the automatic attack of the closest enemy champion. If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play. Sion is weak before reaching level 6."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Bonus points if she can do it from the fog of war. She is mighty when dealing with the enemy backline."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Zeri has a unique mechanic with his Q and basic attacks. Zeri's weak from behind."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Ward the flanks so you can spot him before he engages. Hecarim's movement speed increase on his p allows him to run enemies down with ease."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "When teams come together, be sure to watch your flanks to spot Talon before he can jump over the wall and assassinate your team. As soon as Talon commits, try to blow him up before he is able to disengage and do a lot of damage."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "You will delay your first major power spike if you fall behind. Focus on play safe in the early game."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "If Singed joins the team, you will have to disengage and step back every time he engages. Disengagement and robbery reduce the chances of getting a good g."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Q has a short cooling and deals a lot of damage. Avoid letting Q cause you too much damage."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Avoid fighting too much in the mid-game for better results. Only fight when it\u2019s going to work in your favour."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Zoe can cause more damage to the track. Zoe casts spells with a higher frequency due to the increase in mana pool."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way. You have a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as you can."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "She should be looking for choices in the middle of the game. If she can take someone with the help of her allies, she can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and maybe take a turn, a goal or get more murders."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "He should always try to secure an objective if he can free up a lane after ganking them. Level 6 is a massive power spike for Olaf as he can now reach his target without being interrupted."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "The power of the jungle is a force that must be taken into account when doing a lot of damage in a duel if it succeeds in disembarking all its capabilities. His W also allows him to assemble easily."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "To prevent Brand from getting too powerful, try to set him behind in the early game. Brand's damage output and ability to kill increase at level 6 thanks to his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi can poke out enemies who get too close to her, making a full-on team fight unfair for the enemy team. At level 16 Illaoi will have multiple items during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch's ability to steal his life will also prevent him from dying if the enemies are caught together. You must stay with your support throughout the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Tristana's self-plubbing capability is probably one of the safest in the game. The inappropriate or reckless use of the W of Tristana can immediately cause her to be killed because of her squishiness."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "A player can look for aggressive plays or use their Ultimate R defensively at level 6. The player's Ultimate R is a genuinely diverse tool that can help gain a lead or prevent losing one."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "When catching someone out, Gragas can get that enemy's Flash with ease if he can't translate it into a kill with his Ultimate R and Q and E combo. Catching someone out is especially viable when Gragas is Jungling."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The goal is to enter the game with as much gold and XP as possible. You should focus on the vision and control rooms to spot Twitch before it gets ganks."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "You're gonna want to keep him falling with your e in this matchup. It's important to counter its burst."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Be careful not to all-in the enemy team without follow-up damage, as this could leave you vulnerable. Protect your allies first, then look for an all-in."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Respect Camille's all-in and do not push without vision. Camille's Ultimate R can also be used to set up her Jungler."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo should split the thrust and wait for the enemy to respond. Teemo's personalized game style involves roaming the card."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Delay fights and be prepared to disengage if it's still on cooldown. To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "You must present yourself for skirmishes. Use your Ultimate R very carefully as it can be the decisive factor in the victory of a fight."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Once Zilean reaches level 6, it will be harder for you to get murders in the way. Every time her ultimate ability (t) is broken, try to abuse her to get murders."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "The follow-up CC extension on his kit with his W and E is really strong. This is what makes him really good with champions who have hard CC or slows in their arsenal."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "His life as a thief will help him during the fighting, and his Ultimate R will act as a gesture of decent end. Viego will win a massive power peak once he has two points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "The W of Tahm Kench can be used to search for coins, A lot can be done with Tahm Kench's W."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear should always try to kill enemies who have been caught unaccounted for."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's Ultimate R is impactful and can be used to help Galio's allies in their own lane. Keep an eye on what\u2019s happening around you and be prepared to cast Galio's Ultimate R to assist Galio's allies."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Its capacity E helps it significantly when it takes these goals. Keep the inflation pathways during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar's Level 2 is strong enough, so try to get a health benefit to make it impossible for him to commit. If your health falls below 50%, remember that Alistar can easily dive and survive thanks to his R."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If Gragas chooses the tanky build route, he will successfully absorb a lot of damage for his team while his team follows up on Gragas' engagement. When extended trades are possible, look for them."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Having three points in his Ultimate R is a massive powerpike for Xin Zhao. Xin Zhao having three points in his Ultimate R allows him to use the ability frequently, giving him an overall advantage during the fighting."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "drmundo is at his strongest when he is with his team, as he will get a lot of follow up damage and will be able to help his team get kills. This is really effective when fighting for neutral objectives, as drmundo can easily zone out the enemy champions from the objective."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Invest in the call of an executor or Morellonomicon if your champion benefits from it. This will reduce the healing potential of Soraka from his W and Ultimate R to help you win the team fight."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo will also always have a control area at all times. The first component for Teemo will increase its overall damage in the game."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka should keep her alive with her W and Ultimate R. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Stay with your team at any time. Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Try to look around the map for dive opportunities, especially on squishy targets. Volibear's early game ganks are solid, provided he plays around the vision correctly."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "The struggle in the landlocked areas will also give Ziggs a huge advantage. Ziggs is good enough to take turns quickly."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "In team fighting, he can be easily killed by any race on the enemy team. If the enemy team uses vision in the track brushes, this champion will not be able to count on his Q to launch a complete attack."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Yone is very good in team fighting if he is able to get a good Ultimate Roff. Remember that when trading with Yone"} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "He has his Ultimate R from the beginning, so level 6 will be less lucrative than other champions. Even at level 6, Udyr represents a massive threat to its enemies."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe is much stronger in long skirmishes because it allows her to activate her Q in the trade. Do not go for extended trades with Ashe unless you can kill her."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Try to disengage whenever Zac E is with you to make it harder for him to get a knockup. Zac will become more aggressive with his ability to start fighting as soon as he reaches level 6."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "The search for peaks on immobile or misplaced enemies is a good strategy in the late game. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "She excels especially if she gets an early lead. Look to apply pressure and fight whoever tries to stop you on the enemy team."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The damage caused by Lucian's abilities is relatively high. Lucian can quickly kill the enemy with multiple combo rotations."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "In the late game continue to split push if your team isn\u2019t at risk of dying or getting caught out. If your team is going to get caught out or if the game isn\u2019t one-sided you need to group with your team to help them fight."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Junglers will certainly try gank because of the stillness of the champion. Play more liberally once your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus will have a massive amount of batteries during this phase of the game. This can easily let the enemy at a single stroke of Nasus carry that are relaxed by the enemy team."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "His Ultimate R is the most powerful ability in his kit. It allows him to undo his mistakes, especially when he chooses a bad fight or fails an all-in."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Locket's take increases survival and team play. Once the bot track has been moved to the middle track, it is recommended to turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so that you can continue to grow and win XP."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Leblanc can embark on unbridled trades as soon as she unlocks her Qs and Ws. It can also proc Electrocute very easily with its combo Q W AA."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern is really good in fights during this stage as he will be full build and will act as secondary support for the team. The allied carries will feel highly safe around Ivern."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "It will be a massive peak of power for him, because he can secure easy choices with it. He's great at the team fights at the end of the game because of his Q and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Once Zac gets three points in his Ultimate R, he will be able to use it frequently. When using its Ultimate R, Zac should be able to catch out-of-guard enemies easily, especially when using war fog."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Track brushes will be used by Veigar to trap targets. Your complete construction will allow you to kill squishy targets with an e and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Although, if you can bait his bar and overheat it, it will lack capacity damage. Once Rumble has his Ultimate, his death pressure increases."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "It will also allow her to thwart escape attempts from the enemy. Poppy is perfect during the mid-game as she can deal consistent damage and can CC enemies for days."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce has tons of poke damage. Jayce can constantly abuse the enemy before initiating a fight."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "A good Q crochet in the middle of the game could make the snowball a huge advantage for Thresh. Thresh has tons of roaming pressure."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "A Level 6 upgrade enhances Nunu's team fighting capabilities and damage output. One can be sure that a good Nunu player will never lose any objective fight in the game."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Post-six, you will want to be careful about her Ultimate. Failing to do so will easily get you knocked up and killed."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "However, you can get murders if you harass and intimidate Morgana first while looking for opportunities to hit her with your Q. His Q can be blocked by minions."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma has a potent early game and is quite strong from levels 1 to 3. Try not to let Karma poke you too much by hiding in between the minion wave and backing off when she moves forward."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "With his first ability maximized, Garen can deal more damage to enemies in close combat. Garen will have an effortless time catching enemies off-guard and killing them once he manages to get 2 points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Ping every time Akshan leaves your path. Stand outside the minion wave so it can't push you and hit you at the same time with its Q."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Tristana uses her W aggressively often. If you're strong and you have good results, you could try to return in exchange with Tristana and use her bad position to kill her."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Tryndamere is a large split and duellist pusher. It can 1v1 most enemy champions in a side track in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "A large number of completed items increase Yasuo's damage production. Yasuo's passive and r-damage can decimate the enemy."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "At level nine, Karma will have her Q maxed out, increasing her overall poke damage and letting her chunk out enemies before significant fights. Level eleven is a decent power spike due to Karma's ability empowerment potential, which comes in handy during significant fights in the objective pits."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "At level 6, Ashe\u2019s kill pressure in lane increases. Her Ultimate w is very versatile and can set up kills with her team."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Wall e is a tool used by Anivia for utility that can protect her and her allies. Sieg's power with his Ultimate increases his chances of surviving the skirmishes."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble will spread a lot of damage during this phase of the game. Rumble's ability to melt through enemy health bars will force his enemies to play defensively."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "She can easily kill you and put you behind when you're weak. Once she has finished her first article, she will suffer a lot of damage and will be able to push the wave/combat more frequently."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'maw is going to try to constantly piss you off from afar to get you down. Look in the purchase of a first pair of Boots to make it easier to avoid its abilities."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "This allows the enemy to land Yasuo from the wave. Yasuo is very vulnerable to crowd control."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "The additional damage can be quite surprising and difficult to manage. The peaks of K-Sante when it gets its first element (as well as the two constituent elements)."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's Ultimate R will really shine during this phase of the game. At level nine, Galio's Q will be completely maxed out."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you move around the map, and when you are alone. To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks will be trying to powerfarm until level 6 where he gains access to his Ultimate. Try to invade him if you spot him on the opposite side of the map to delay his level 6 power spike."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "You should capitalize on this by looking for long-term trades where possible. Expect Senna to go for an aggressive level 1 game to get batteries."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "The greater the number of enemies hit by Jayce's w > s combo, the better it is for his team. Make sure you're always behind the minion wave so the minions block his s damage."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "This also applies when Lux is in the supporting role. Lux's g can be used to secure peaks inside the enemy Jungle or blind areas."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Your e should allow you to make really fancy pieces. You should try to get the enemy Jungler out of the pit using your Ultimate k."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Disengagement or end of targets quickly as its Ultimate R descends. His healing and shielding will be heinous in team fighting."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If you're able to catch somebody out with the help from your allies, you'll increase your chances of winning the fight. Peel for your team as much as possible in team fights."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Your goals are to secure peaks and peels for your squishy targets during this phase of the game. Your Ultimate will come in very practical and will allow you to make a lot of coins."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Take goals like the Dragon or the Rift Herald to gain an advantage over Zac. If Zac tries to fight, you just have to engage them in a fight."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This will give a significant boost to its skirmish potential during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Building armor items is important in this matchup. It will help reduce the amount of damage Nasus can do you with physical damage."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "This is especially true if the enemy team has some sort of heavy engage which can get on her team\u2019s carry."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Your CC should be easy to land. He's got a solid playing field."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "As long as you\u2019re able to use it on multiple champions at it bounces-you will deal lots of damage. In the late game, Brand will be near full build."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "If you get trapped, Leona can't hire you. Leona has a strong roaming capacity that will help base roaming allies"} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio can keep his wave shoved in at all times. Galio will have his core items at this point."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Go for short burst trades with your Q in this matchup. Use it to heal yourself when possible."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "She has an important control over the pace of the game. Lulu's abilities are a key factor in his dominance."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "You should focus on agriculture, robbing and harassment of the enemy. You're not very strong early, so you shouldn't be engaging in trades."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "It will not be very effective if the game continues too long. The track brushes must be occupied by you, and you will want to land poke inside them whenever possible."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Communicate with your team whenever Graves is spotted. From levels 1 to 4, unless you're healthy, it will be difficult to trade and fight Graves unless he's off to a rough start."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Her E allows Gwen to move around the battlefield very rapidly. Gwen does deceptively high amounts of damage during this phase of the game due to her items."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Locking CC with CC will make it very difficult for him to stack his R, dashed with E, and inevitably use his Ultimate R. Try to lock CC as quickly as possible and take it down."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "The Akali's W has a long cooldown in the game. You should trade and harass Akali when it's down."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar should try to use his Ultimate R whenever he can during the early game. The use of his Ultimate R as soon as he arrives will help his way to get more murders and throw a snowball."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His Passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health. This allows him to resort to short exchanges against enemy champions."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Yuumi's Ultimate R healing effect is powerful and beneficial to its allies. The effects added to Yuumi's Ultimate R make it a valuable tool in team fighting."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Once Renekton reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate capability, it can be really aggressive. He can kill you quickly if you're not healthy."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Naafari is a very mobile champion that allows engagement or escape in sticky scenarios. Naafari is a heavy snowball champion."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Poke and disengagement are Malphite's greatest threats if you can bring it down as much as possible before a team fight occurs to make it almost impossible for him to engage without dying. Keeping him low will force Malphite to remember."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "As soon as Zed reaches level 6, his death pressure increases and he will play aggressively. Zed seems to assassinate any squishy target whenever his Ultimate R is available for him."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin's burst damage potential becomes extremely strong from level eleven and can practically one-shot targets. Kassadin's Ultimate ability and item spikes make him take over the game effortlessly if he gets some early kills with his Jungler and Support."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "At level 9, Cass will max out her E. As long as she lands her Q, Cassiopeia's bully potential is incredibly potent."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Avoid trading or dueller Renekton unless you are early in the game. You're gonna want to keep him falling with your e in this matchup."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Try to match his wave clear so he doesn\u2019t keep you pushed in. If you don\u2019t, you\u2019ll lose priority and tower plates. If you fail to match Corki's wave clear, you'll lose priority and tower plates."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Call for objectives during the mid-game. You're the Jungler after all and need to prepare and make the call to take an objective whenever it is about to spawn."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Flank in team fights and focus key targets. Taking down the enemy ADC at the start of the fight will make team fighting much safer for your team."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Choosing the enemy Jungler or range can be extremely beneficial if done correctly. Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Stay with your team at all times, especially during team and guard fighting. Avoid moving around the map alone to avoid getting caught by enemy vision."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Try to stay away from her if you're low. His Q is blocked by minions and his W too."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out. Being caught will cause your team to play 4v5."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Stay with your own team at the end of the game. Get caught or the enemy initiates fight as they leave will lead to the victory of the enemy."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "In team fights, try to lock him down with CC to make it really hard for him to pick up his Axes. Try to kill Draven whenever his stacks of Adoration are high."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Inventing a Rift Herald is necessary. Inventing a Drake is necessary."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is at his weakest during the laning phase and is highly abusable. Post level 6, if you have any CC abilities, do not use them unless his Ultimate k is down as he will use their cooldowns to play aggressive and trade with you."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's first element will also give him a lot of mana to throw away his abilities frequently. Level 3 is a decent power peak as it allows Syndra to access all its primary capabilities."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Delay a team fight for as long as possible while poking and harassing the enemy with your b and e. The enemy is low after being poked and harassed by you."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Split's thrust puts Teemo's team in a disadvantageous state. Tension builds up in Teemo's team when he splits up."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "At the end of the game, make sure you're with your team at all times. If you leave them, the enemy can start a fight without you being there to protect them and keep them alive."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "At level 9, Yone will have its first capacity to the maximum. This means that Yone's trades will improve considerably, and he will quickly snowball the game if he manages to get some early murders."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "And you shouldn't fight unless you have an obvious advantage, a clear early advantage means having a strong position in the game before the opposing team,"} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "When he hits level 16, Cho'Gath puts the third and final point into his Ultimate ability. At level 16, Cho'Gath will have increased damage execution power if he catches enemies out of position by his team."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "3 points in its Ultimate ability will not be an excellent peak of power because it only ensures its prolonged survival and nothing else. Trendamere will do a lot of damage during the later parts of the game as it will have several articles and will be able to duel anyone."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Level 9 for Tahm Kench's first ability offers a lot of pressure to kill. Tahm Kench can try to look for more frequent all-in-one and wander over the supertensive enemies."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Bard's Ultimate can also be used to disengage if need be. Missing your Q in the lane will give the enemy bot lane a long window to all-in and kill you."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "This will prevent Sett from effectively using his Ultimate R because he was not able to land much damage or slow down several members of the enemy team. Get Level 2 first."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one. Avoid separating or being away from your team at the end of the game because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "If you can choose someone with your team's choices, call the Baron or Dragon to continue your lead. At level 11, he will have access to his level 2 Ultimate R."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar's first major power peak is when it gets its first component. The first component will allow Malzahar to spam its capabilities on the enemy tracks."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Your Ultimate R can be a really good escape tool if you manage to use it out of vision. When pushing a wave, make sure that you have some safe spots around you to hide and run."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Boots are a massive power spike that allows Pyke to roam around the map very quickly. Pyke can easily help the mid-lane get ahead and come back to the bot lane in a jiffy."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The initial casting of Sylas' E allows him to move to a certain place. This disproportionate ability of Sylas allows him to avoid his skills."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed is good in the middle of the game with two articles. You should avoid areas where you know that Zed is or has been in recently."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "This will give him a massive boost to his skirmish potential. He will be powerful when he fights in choking points."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "If the Dragon is caught undisputed, do it. If you don't take the Dragon in advance, Teemo will probably gank bot lane and take it with them."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Play respectfully against Renekton. If you\u2019re low, recall and avoid pushing the wave if Renekton is ahead as he can all-in you while you\u2019re overextended."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Another point of the Ultimate B of Rumble will seriously put the team fighting in choking points in his favor. Rumble needs good time and drop it off in the right places."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Avoid straying too far away from your team. Protect your allies as much as possible in team fights."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen is not very early because he only relies on the PA to maximize his poke damage. He will want to use the track brushes to catch the out-of-guard enemy if possible."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "The first purchase of Xerath's item components will give it two advantages. First of all, Xerath will be released very quickly."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "It should have a fairly easy time in the way as long as it can poke enemies systematically. If the allies move on track after destroying the enemy tower, turn around the map to continue farming."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Make sure you make use of your Passive empowered auto. If you\u2019re able to use it periodically on the enemy laner, your chances of winning the lane increases."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo can't throw E on the same target twice, so it can easily be caught. Although being a power house, Yasuo is very squishy and can be demolished quickly if it works badly."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Let Yasuo push the wave to levels 1-5. He can't trade you or dive you under the tower unless he's got help from the jungle."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Otherwise, he will not dish out any damage. At level 16, Brand can put the third and final point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed's first crab prowess is very strong. If you're weak at level 3, don't try to challenge the Scuttle against Zed because it could probably kill you."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "This will give your team an advantage as the game goes along. Find a healthy balance between ganking your allies, farming your jungle and securing objectives."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Keep the wave somewhere near your turn in this matchup. It will allow you to easily expose Zac to the ganks and will keep you completely safe from all in."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "With his Ultimate R, Pyke can quickly kill his laner or any other squishy in one rotation of his spells and his Ultimate R. Pyke is a decent early game champion."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Your Q can let you kill enemies who decide to go through bottlenecks. Always make sure you peel for your wagons during the fight."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra will have a gala to find selections and CC'ing the entire enemy team. Its Ultimate R will become really powerful when it is maximized."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Catching an enemy out when they are unorganised can force a team fight or objective On getting 3 points in his Ultimate ability, he will use the ability quite often."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Pushing Vayne and taking turns can win gold lead. Vayne will often be left alone to divide the thrust and the farm."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen should avoid committing to fights when she has max stacks. Gwen will be much stronger once her Ultimate R is unlocked."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Your goals are to secure peaks and peels for your squishy targets during this phase of the game. Your Ultimate k will come in very practical and will allow you to make a lot of coins."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "This and its n will make it impossible for a single enemy to catch it. Two points in his Ultimate n will push her again."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "The importance of winning piles in the middle of the game was a focus. It is crucial to continue to stack your Q or you will fall back."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "The cooldown of the E ability of Ezreal will be short, allowing him to escape skirmishes easily. Ezreal is great in the mid-game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "It will annoy the enemy by completely denying the assassination and by exploding the attempts at the end of the enemy. Lulu can use his ability to slow down enemies, especially those who try to escape."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs Q makes it possible to get out of the way, even through the fog of war. At level 9, Ziggs will have maximized his Q."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Always keep an eye on what Ultimate Sylas has. If his Ultimate R is a very strong Team Ultimate fight, try to wait until it continues to cool before forcing a fight."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Try to kill Draven whenever his stacks of Adoration are high. High stacks of Adoration will deny Draven from getting a huge influx of gold after gaining a kill."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Watch your flanks avoid walking in unfavoured territory"} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Don't let Brand harass you for free. Try and stand back and out of range of him so he's unable to attack and harass you with his W. Ensure that you remain healthy otherwise you'll never be able to fight him."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal can burst down an enemy with a few Q's and their R. Bursting down an enemy forces a team fight due to health advantage."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If you can\u2019t gank, when he is on the opposite side of the map, try to invade the other side of his jungle to steal away his camps or take an objective. Gragas can use his Bodyslam E to interrupt your engage."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Play safe for the first levels and you need time to come online and you should not be fighting unless you have a clear advantage early. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "When the enemy wave is thinned out and pushed into his tower, he can easily use his Q and E to run down the enemy. His Q ability allows him to evade ganks with ease."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "If the enemy is intelligent and puts the vision in the track brushes, he will not be able to count on his Q to launch an all-in-one. Its manoeuvrability decreases using its Ultimate R"} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Her Ultimate d is a large AOE ability that can turn the tide of team fight. Orianna's auto attacks deal significant damage early on and should be a priority for care."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Remember that her ult will follow you. If you suspect she is about to ult you, just leap under your turret."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "His level 6 is much stronger than yours. Disengagement if it clicks on R."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal. Stay with your team at any time."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "In team fights, use your empowered d to provide a large shield to your allies. Unless you need to use your Q or d, you should try to use your d to help them survive."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Get Level 2 first and look for a favorable trade. Obtaining an early health advance is the key to getting a murder later on the line."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko will spike once she backs and gets her first component item. This strength depends on whether she is going AP or AD Neeko."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "A gel can completely ruin the Rumble laning phase. This will make Rumble prone to ganks and will not allow it at all to CS (farm)."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion is weak in the game very early. He needs to have levels behind him before he starts ganking."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Utility items are intended to help Ivern's team. Looking for picks before a team fight occurs will severely reduce Ivern\u2019s potential in a team fight."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "It will help you use your n combined with your 1 to go for regular trades with the enemy. You still need to play safely, though."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Use brushes to install death traps for squishies in your way. Transition to the midway as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "The rotation towards a new position allows for the continuation of agriculture and the acquisition of experience points. Agriculture should continue even by turning to a new position, provided that there are no significant advantages over the enemy champions."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Players should look for choices with their R. If a squishy champion is taken out of position, they can be shot down and won."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "He has a unique mechanic on his Q which does take some time getting used to. You\u2019ll need to put in a lot of practice to master this champion."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "She will also provide a lot of peeling and healing for her teammates. Keep an eye on how many autonomized seraphine batteries has."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Squishy's targets are vulnerable to Akshan's damage at the end of the game. If Akshan can stop a marked enemy, he can bring an ally back to life."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower. This action will open the map and give your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Playing around your Ultimate in the later parts of the game is important. Fighting without your Ultimate can make team fighting late much more difficult."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Standing behind the minions will be a tough defense against Lee Sin's attacks if you're not careful. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early on will make it difficult for Lee Sin to attack you aggressively."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Stay within reach as much as possible to make it harder for him to land his E on you."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Keep the wave close to your tower for as long as possible. It will make her life hell in this matchup. Camille has good outplay potential with her E and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Stand towards the back end of your team near your Support. Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "The lack of his E makes it easier for the enemy to get him out of his engagement. If Kled enters with his W on the cooldown, it will be less effective than expected in a global situation."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Protect your allies as much as possible in team fights. Keeping them alive for as long as possible while dealing damage will increase your chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "The defensive objects of an enemy make it difficult for him to secure the murders later in the game. The enemy team peeling for their portages makes it difficult for him to secure the murders later in the game."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "If you are able to get a good Ultimate Roff, you will increase your chances of winning the team fight. The laning phase is focused on the descent of the enemy to gain an advantage over health."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Combined with its powerpikes, Yasuo is a force to count even if it is behind the track. Misuse of his W in the way can lead to the death of Yasuo."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Do not separate or leave your team otherwise the enemy may try to withdraw you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Focusing on the nearest enemy champion can help survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "If you see Ekko running towards you, back up for a few seconds as he would have used his W. When no team fights are occurring, Ekko will be looking to split push."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The presence of Rumble during the mid-game fights is really fabulous He should be able to win several fights just using his Ultimate b correctly"} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Choosing the right target can let you take the Baron or Dragon. Keep trying to secure your goals with your team so that you can gain an overall advantage over the enemy."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Make the trades more favourable pending their use. This champion is quite still and is subject to the CC. If they get caught by a CC, they're probably going to die."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Proper vision from enemy team can detect Neeko's forms or hiding spots. Neeko's E can be easily cancelled by enemy team."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, go in a side lane and look to split push. Split pushing allows you to continue earning gold and XP which helps get to your next major power spike."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Do not spam these abilities either, as you will lack mana quickly. Once you get your first component element, you should be able to spam capabilities much more frequently."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's duelling power intensifies when he completes Trinity Force. Trinity Force completion intensifies Hecarim's duelling ability."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "At level 6, Seraphine will get her Ultimate R. When Seraphine gets her final R, she can change the tide of a fight if the enemy team is piled together or standing in a line."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "She had multiple completed items. Her Ultimate ability will deal tons of consistent damage."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan is an AD champion. Taking an early armor will protect you from some of its damage."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The main objectives should be placed in high traffic areas at the end of the game. Major objectives so that their position and movement can be observed."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna's E capability allowed her to fly an entire team through unwarranted areas and surprise enemy teams. This capacity has been particularly beneficial when setting up ambustes or traps."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "This puts them at a disadvantage in the trades because they have a less and less efficient trade capacity. Be careful at level 6, as the death pressure of Sona increases with its ultimate ability."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "As Lucian uses his E, wait for him before starting a fight or trying to land CC. Every time Lucian's E is down, he's much weaker and he'll have more trouble defending himself."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "They will be able to play around it. Also, having a certain Element may not be helpful in lane."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twisted Fate, level 6 is important to him. Twisted Fate Level 6 increases its ability to wander and help allies."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Destroying his E barrels before he can detonate it can take a lot of damage off his kit. His E barrels form a major part of his early game damage and without it, he will just be stuck farming and occasionally helping his team with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks truly comes online when they have unlocked their Ultimate and hit level 6. When Fiddlesticks has their Ultimate, they will gank more frequently."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Thanks to Darius' Passive, he will always come out ahead in most cases. Darius should use his level 6 power spike to get kills in lane and start to snowball his lead."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus has a lot of bad matches. In the current meta, the nasus will fight against many enemy champions."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "After getting a few levels or an item, you can look to play more aggressively. When looking for fights with aggressive playstyle, use your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax has great skirmishing skills. Securing objectives on his own allows Jax and his team to get an objective lead without doing anything."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Always try to slow down the enemies by using your E on the minions so that it hits the champions. The proper use of your W is important in this matchup."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Not falling back in the middle of the game is crucial as Jungler, so make sure you continue farming! Level 11 will be a decent power peak for Lillia as it will have an improved Ultimate R."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You should be mobile in the brunt of a fight, but first get to the enemy undetected. Once you have your Ultimate R, capitalize on your ganks."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf has a strong potential for 1v1 fights and is hard to play against. To play Olaf effectively, focus on playing aggressive and engaging the enemy in fights whenever possible."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Stand away from your enemy to avoid unnecessary damage, but remain close enough to apply pressure on their lane. It is essential to maintain a safe distance while still being near your ADC to exert control over the lane."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Once they're low enough, you can commit to an all-in-one. Once you have reached Level 6 and purchased key elements, try to harass"} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "To reach this level, Tahm Kench must complete the required number of levels. Ward major goals and to place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game so that they can be kept."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "You will also want to make sure that you continue cleaning Control Wards on the card. During neutral objective fighting, you should close the Jungle paths from where the enemy is about to come."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Harassing Garen with abilities while pushing the minion wave is recommended, aiming for simultaneous hits on both Garen and the minions. Garen's Passive allows him to stay in the lane even after taking a lot of poke damage/all-in damage from the enemy team."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "With level six, the monkey can look for the flanks and dive the opposing lines. Level 6 of Monkeyking will significantly increase its ability to participate in team combat."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Assassins can easily get rid of varus if his team forgets to peel for him. Misuse of varus E may lead to lost team fighting."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi gets stronger when he reaches level 6. Take care and avoid remaining in the way if you are weak so that you are not killed by him."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Getting your Ultimate ability will let you take over skirmishes quite easily. The anti-CC aspect of your ultimate ability will allow you to all-in enemies in the enemy backline."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "It's hard to hire or bring Zyra down before a fight is advised. Zyra's abilities make her particularly vulnerable to strong engagement."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "He can use his Ultimate R quite frequently, making it difficult for the enemy team to do anything. Maokai's tankness is out of the world during this part of the game."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Take care of yourself by exchanging with him, and try not to let him shoot you down. Kog'Maw benefits from extended trades once he has a few points in his e."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Avoid letting Q cause you too much damage. Vladimir is really good at the end of the game."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Do not die constantly trying to kill the enemy or by proxy by cultivating their wave minion. Singing is quite weak before reaching level six because it does not have much mobility, and enemies can easily get away from it if they have a vision of it."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Go for all-in trades rather than short trades against Janna with her d active. Once Janna has her Ardent Censer, she becomes very aggressive in lane and looks to poke whenever possible."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you're on the move around the map, and when you're alone. To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "You should use your W and E correctly when trying to fight for a neutral goal. Your Q can easily be spammed by you, so use it regularly."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "By trying to poke, Malphite aims at his abilities so that they strike both the minion wave and the enemy champion at the same time. As soon as Malphite reaches level 6, he becomes stronger than his enemies and it will be harder for him to walk against them."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "a gold advance means having more gold than the opposing team, playing safely for the first levels means not taking unnecessary risks,"} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "A lot of sustain comes from Dr Mundo's item, Executioner's Calling. Executioner's Calling provides a great deal of sustain for Dr Mundo."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Step errors can occur frequently when Yasuo pushes sideways and overextends. After the rotation of the bot track towards the middle track, Yasuo moved to the side track and began to cultivate XP there."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Similarly, do not fight around objectives either as your team will be grouped together which can allow her to get a huge Ultimate R off and win the fight. Ward your flanks as she might use her Ultimate R from the side so it's harder for your team to react to it."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Flank in team fights with your E to get on key targets. To maximize the advantage, avoid showing yourself when it is possible at the end of the game."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Focus on farming and picking up as much farm as possible in the early game. Farming will make you more of a threat in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "If you stand around the edges near the wall, you will allow it to install its Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar. Trundle Passive regenerates health every time a minion dies."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn's weak point is in the early game. Focus on farming so you can hit your first major power spike when Evelynn reaches level 6."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The dueling potential with Dr.Mundo is amplified by using a Grievous Wounds item. Your E allows you an upper hand against Dr.Mundo."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "In one way, continue to use your ultimate poke ability multiple enemies with your AoE attack. Your base objects will increase burn damage to your ultimate and onboard capabilities, making them difficult for the enemy team to resist."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Capitalise on this advantage by pushing and taking objectives afterwards. Level sixteen is the most essential power spike for Kassadin."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Regardless of if the enemy ADC picked up the same items as you, you will still win a fight. A good Draven is not scared of the enemy- keep that in mind."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Ornn cannot pin you against terrain. Poke Ornn regularly in this matchup to hinder his all-in potential as much as possible."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor can use his r to pursue a single target down. The damage caused by Viktor's poke is heinous and very strong."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Always look for flanks during team fights. Flanking the enemy backline will help you separate them from the frontline."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Make sure you regroup with your team so that Leblanc can't blow anyone up quickly. Limit trading with Leblanc earlier because it is strong in extended trading."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "His Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool that can help him get kills with ease. The Ultimate R has a short cooldown."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If you make a mistake while playing Camille, the enemy can easily capitalise on it and gain a lead. Once Camille falls behind in the game, it will be difficult for her to get back into the lead."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia is a champion who can be easily caught out when CC'd, making her open to all-in attempts from your end. When CC'd, Cassiopeia is quite vulnerable to being picked off by your ultimate R."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "When Kalista's Ultimate x is activated, she can immediately allow her Support to get on top of some other laner/laners. Fighting in open areas should be Kalista's modus operandi, giving her additional power because she can use her Passive to kite the enemy team out."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Make sure you're always close to at least one ally. Look for choices with your Jungler to get murders and increase your lead."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Bel\u2019Veth will deal a huge amount of damage whilst being incredibly slippery. This makes her adept at being a consistent huge damage output."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "This is primarily due to her Q and auto-attacks But will definitely do well if she has a high peel/enabling Support"} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "When Neeko walks forward, disengage as soon as possible to minimize the usefulness of her Ultimate R. Ward your flanks and nearby bushes when sieging objectives because Neeko may use her Passive and W to get a good engage off with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "This is a significant spike for Quinn as this abilities damage output will be much higher and she will be a lot stronger. Quinn is quite strong during the mid-game."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "If you don't know where Taliyah is in the middle of the game, don't walk around Rift Summoners alone and avoid sightless areas Maybe she's trying to launch a surprise attack."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "If your allies are behind, winning fights becomes less likely. Rammus' tanky stats will be meaningless if the team dies quickly."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia is especially good in fights, specifically fights which occur around choke points."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Pre-6, Qiyana will constantly push the minion wave with her Q Qiyana's preference for short trades is because she prefers them over long extended ones"} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Instead, you should poke Yasuo with your d when it is incorrectly positioned. Yasuo is vulnerable when he's in a bad position."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "This allows your Jungler to easily take the lens without interference. You should support yourself massively in this fight using your Q and R regularly."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Once the bottom lane tower is destroyed, rotate to the mid lane. Rotating to the mid lane will give you access to a new objective."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Do not engage in team fights during the later stages of the game unless both Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass and Ultimate are available. If the enemy wants to initiate a team fight, delay or disengage immediately."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista's passive prevents her auto-attacks from going through if the enemy drops vision in the fog of war/lane brushes. The enemy getting caught (CC'd) will definitely get Kalista killed because she relies heavily on her mobility to kite around and win skirmishes."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "The goal is to ensure that you are never taken out of sight by a skill shot that has the potential for you CC. Your W will be very practical during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Don't forget Shyvana's Passive. Make sure you take these Dragons away from Shyvana if possible."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Unfold the thrust using your Ultimate as much as possible. Falling back in gold and XP can make Kennen less effective in team fighting."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "If your allies die quickly, you may as well lose the fight. Using your Ultimate R in the later game stages can be beneficial if you can catch an opponent off guard."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Once Sivir unlocks his Ultimate R, kill the pressure increase. Killing the pressure of Sivir Ultimate R does not usually work in 2v2 combats."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's gold mechanic is a key factor in his overall strength throughout the game. Destroying his E barrels before he can detonate it can take a lot of damage off his kit."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "His Passive and empowered auto-attacks will be very useful at this stage of the game. He will be able to consistently bully the enemy as he moves around the map."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu can easily solo the Dragon at level 4 and after. Be prepared for this by having the Dragon warded at all times."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "You\u2019re a good split pusher and can draw a lot of attention to your lane. If somebody tries to contest your split push, look to fight them."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Janna will always be strong once she has her d because it provides a lot of utility for herself and her team. Play hyper-aggressive when Janna does not have her d active to increase your kill potential in lane."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "To be camouflaged by a wall means that Akshan becomes harder to hit while remaining in this area. Akshan doesn't do well in the various matches."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "The physical damage of the enemy is virtually useless when Shen's ability is active. Shen can put very good cheese brushes"} -{"label": "karma", "text": "She has excellent waveclear and splash damage with her Q. Her Q allows her to get lane priority and help her other laners/Jungler when they are contesting objectives."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "The enemy is low after being poked and harassed by you. Commit to the team fight once the enemy is low."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Aurelion will be vulnerable to ganks and all-ins if he is low. Aurelion needs enough mana to use his W."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench's tankess in this phase of the game will be extremely high. He will be a reliable activator and will be able to easily peel for his team as needed."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Fighting in the jungle or around a goal like the Dragon or the Baron can be detrimental because it will put your team close to you, allowing it to get a multi-person E and Ultimate R. Prefer Zyra herself rather than her ADC, as she is generally squishy and easier to harass."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "It is recommended to avoid fighting enemy champions until the level of the article increases. Once the bot track moves towards the middle track, it is necessary to turn to a different position on the map."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Like most champions, Gragas spikes again at level 6 as his Ultimate R is a really good tool when it comes to ganking. Gragas will always try to gank overextended lanes whenever he is level 6."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn gets stronger with the murders. Try to reduce her gold revenue by not keeping your welcome and getting killed by Evelynn."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Yuumi excelled during team fighting because of the effects on herself and her allies through her Ultimate R. Yuumi's Ultimate R healing effect is powerful and beneficial to its allies."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Avoid fighting him and disengage if he runs against you and tries to fight you. When fighting Sett, make sure you don't go for the extended trades."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw is a very motionless champion who can be a privileged target to hire champions. A champion like this can't do anything unless he gets help from his teammates after being hired."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "When engaging Gragas, do not group closely together when sieging an objective or team fighting. Gragas' Ultimate R provides a great opportunity for him to knock your whole team into his if you are too far forward or split from your team."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "You can get goals much easier than it is. Make sure that you try to take them as far as possible."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar's Q will be maxed out at level nine, ensuring that he can harass enemies relentlessly and force them to recall abruptly."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "You need time to come online. You shouldn\u2019t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio has a really strong laning phase when paired with an aggressive ADC. A strong laning phase will allow Galio to win lane and snowball his carry."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "If he misses his E, the enemy team can quite literally walk up to him (not in melee range) and keep poking and harassing him for a long time. The enemy laner can ward the river if he is mid lane."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax is weak against champions who are ranged. Ranged champions allow the enemy to kite Jax out of his Q range."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Take neutral objectives regularly. Aatrox should be a part of as many fights as possible during this phase."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Its Ultimate R is very versatile. He also has a very short cooldown, so play respectfully."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "This will also make it harder for her to get a good Ultimate R off as she has to close the gap in order to stun you. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "She's a varied champion. You have to be careful when trying to fool her."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "He can join a fight from anywhere on the map with the Ultimate R. He's decent in the end-of-game fights because of his kit."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If you're at risk of dying, always recall at level 5 so you do not get killed when they hit level 6. Think twice before using your dash in this matchup."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin is a dominant laner in early play. Expect Lee Sin for aggressive games to get an early lead."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Try to get level 2 first (the first wave followed by 1 melee minion) and then look for an all in. Make sure you hit 2 first to win the exchange."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "One E > Q combo is enough to half-health any squishy target. Always watch your positioning during the laning phase."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Try to put Lux behind in the game early so she can't get tons of AP and snowball. Avoid detaching from your ally when Lux Light Binding is available to minimize the risk of being caught in its crowd control."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Your main goal in the middle of the game is to seek as many choices as possible. You should work with your support to help them bury your E tree in Jungle brushes."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Vi has great potential for choice with its Ultimate R. Walking too far in a team fight can put Vi at risk of taking teammates who have crossed the line."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "The increased mobility allows Fizz to get on to the enemy quickly, dodge incoming damage and escape ganks easily. At level 6, Fizz gains access to his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "The second point in Olaf's Ultimate ability will give him another spike. Olaf can run down enemies frequently now because the cooldown of the ability has been reduced."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn is a heavy Jungler skirmish. A heavy skirmish Jungler is a type of champion who excels in the proximity fight."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "evelynn should look to assassinate her enemies with her Ultimate R. Catching an enemy out while they go to ward or move from one lane to another is a great way for evelynn to get ahead."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Your Ultimate increases your kill pressure. Nunu has good control due to his Q and Smite abilities."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Their Jungler will ganker Lissandra when they reach level 6. You should watch the river to spot the Jungler early."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Proper wave management for kassadin can be devastating due to his lack of early game defensive capabilities. You need time to come online in the early game."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "When invading Ekko, try to wait inside a bush for him to use his W (and wait for it to expire) before going on to him. When his shield is down, he is much weaker and easier to kill."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Try to go for short burst trades with your 1 in the lane. The goal is to ensure that the enemy can't all-in you during the laning phase."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Trinity Force completion intensifies Hecarim's duelling ability. Avoid 1v1s with Hecarim unless you\u2019re ahead."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Don't fight at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R is in place. Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "If the teams regroup at the end of the game, stopping on a marked enemy can bring a life ally back and turn the tide of the game."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Running through the middle of the lane instead. Invading Cho'Gath, waiting for him to use his abilities on the camp before initiating engage is recommended."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "His x can allow him to disengage as well as surprise all-in champions easily It also acts as a counter for carriers who have dashes and rely on kiting to win fights"} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "A good Xin Zhao will use their Ultimate whenever he's up to an ally. Xin Zhao is a weak champion from the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn is an early game bully."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal. Stay with your team at any time."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Team fighting will become really easy now. Her early game is pretty decent as she can poke the enemies out from range."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "You should keep playing Viego to see the improvement in the ranks. During this phase, agriculture focused on maximizing power gain."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Avoid separating or being away from your team at the end of the game because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Play around your Ultimate cooldown at the end of the game."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate R, you should always try to participate in group fighting. With your E, you can make massive change games."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Fighting around closed spaces will be advantageous because Seraphine can easily target several champions. Seraphine's ultimate R & E capabilities should be relatively easy to land in these situations."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddleshicks is weak against Grievous Wounds. Fiddleshicks is squishy and unable to deal much damage if his team receives healing reduction during the early game."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Look for selections in the middle of the game. If you can choose someone with the help of your allies, you can abuse their death timer to win more gold and maybe take a turn or get more murders."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Depending on the ability she maxes, she will either be dealing a lot of burst damage to the enemies, or she will be peeling for her carries very effectively. Karma shines during mid-game fights as she can keep her entire team safe at any given moment while dealing consistent damage to the enemy."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "A good control of the vision will force Malphite to find other ways to engage with the enemy team. Malphite should play safely in early play for several levels."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "At level 6, Ezreal will unlock his Ultimate R. Ezreal's Ultimate R is a great tool throughout all stages of the game and allows him to deal a considerable amount of damage to anyone on the map."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "You use your s to poke the enemy as often as possible. you use your basic attacks in conjunction with this ability to get the enemy low."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "She should be trying to secure picks in the enemy Jungle. Focusing on squishier targets should be her main goal."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Once Volibear reaches level 11, he will put another point in his final R. Volibbear's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "If khazix invaded you, step back because he could easily kill you, especially if you're behind. Khazix can guarantee goals so much easier than you can."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The goal is to l enemies when they get caught out. Graves' first ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "With a short Ultimate m cooldown, we can expect him to be picking enemies left, right, and center. Jarvan IV becomes quite tanky during the late game due to his items and build."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Avoid fighting until you have a few levels behind you. Once you have an article and some levels under your belt, you can look for skirmishes with the enemy."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "You should look for picks when you're grouped with your team using your M and E. After catching someone out, make the call for Baron."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Use only your s when Lulu's W is down. If you don't, you'll be easily killed because his W is really boring."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "When fighting Kha'Zix, avoid hiring him when there are no minions or jungle camps nearby, unless you have your head. Kha'Zix Passive allows him to inflict more damage if you are isolated with no one around."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus will attempt to start a fight when teams are split up, so it's essential to avoid splitting up and stay as a cohesive unit. From level 2 onwards, Rammus can gank with his t."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "If Kai'SA can dodge CC or skill-shots, she may turn the exchange around. Kai'Sa will get buffed up by her Support in a team fight."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Post level 6, focus on Kalista instead of enemy Support. Focusing the enemy Support can lead to them saving their Champion with Kalista's Ultimate x."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Being full construction allows Ziggs to detonate enemies with ease. The strategy of combining W, E and Ultimate R can be used in neutral and objective combats."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "If you can keep bringing down Kennen, he'll be unable to fight if he's weak in HP. A very good initiator for his team with the ton of CC he brings to the table."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Once Dr Mundo has completed his first item, his trading power intensifies and he can 1v1 most Junglers if he is healthy. You should not fight Dr Mundo if he is healthy post level 6 unless he is low."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma has an Ultimate at level 1. Karma's Ultimate is strong up until level 6."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "In the current meta, the nasus will fight against many enemy champions. Nasus relies heavily on the end of the game to win."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "If you need to get on to the enemy to kill them, be prepared to flank from the side to make it harder for her to anticipate your movements. Janna is very strong once she has a few points in her d."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Stay with your carts in the late game team fights to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you won't be able to win the fight alone."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "His first objective control of the game is phenomenal, especially if his landers have the priority of the way. It must avoid appearing on the map early, however."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana's damage output will be massive when her abilities are maxed. Qiyana's abilities will be up sooner than usual when they are maxed."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The enemy is weak in terms of health Commit yourself to a total attack on the enemy when they are low on health."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "You should jump on Kennen immediately if he uses his Ultimate. Taking damage from CC can happen, but you will certainly save your backline."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "He can use it to locate his team. If Twitch is in front, he can even flanculate and blow you when he activates his e."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "You should push the wave of the minion. Step back behind the minion wave so they can't trade with you or use R."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Naafari is a very mobile champion who can allow her to engage or escape sticky scenarios. Naafari is a heavy snowball champion."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Force a team fight as quickly as possible so Karma isn\u2019t able to poke your team down before you have the chance to engage. Delaying a team fight will allow Karma to harass your team and make the fight much riskier."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Unlike most champions, Karma unlocks her Ultimate at level 1. Karma's d is down when she is vulnerable to attack and will need to play safely while it's on cooldown."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven can out trade most champions in the early game. You shouldn\u2019t look to fight him unless he drops an Axe g."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Try to make plays whenever you have your Ultimate available to you. His W allows him to engage champions with ease."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "After acquiring his Ultimate ability, Kassadin's kill pressure also increases. At level 16, Kassadin becomes a slippery opponent due to his Ultimate and short cooldowns."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "If you play as a utility support, take the long road to the track so Thresh doesn't kill you until you get to the track. Thresh increased the destruction pressure when Q and E are available."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "I should watch the Jungle entrances to detect the invaders coming to me. Unlocking my Ultimate capability will allow me to gank freely from now on."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "It will be difficult for the enemy team to eliminate Lulu's team due to the short cooling period of capacity. Killing Lulu is really going to be next to the impossible."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "His early game is weak as he is entirely dependent on items to be dishing out damage. However, Gangplank can compensate for it using his r to poke enemies out with ease and use the lane brushes to conceal his barrels."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Keeping an eye on the wave near your turn will help you expose it to potential ganks. The early closing of Varus is crucial to winning the game."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian is excellent in the middle of the game because it's the moment he's the most powerful. It can now go on a side track and divide the thrust due to its passive and basic capabilities."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "Braum doesn\u2019t have the best of sustain in the early game. Try to harass and poke Braum down whenever he tries to last hit minions."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Don't get involved unless it's broken or it's out of mana. Lulu's Ultimate R makes it difficult to remove it."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If the enemy has a dash, make sure you bait it first. As long as your Passive is in place, you should be able to make risky games in this matchup."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "The amount of healing in Taric's Q can change the tide of a fight by keeping his team members alive longer. Taric will have his maximum Q at level 9."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "It will become much more tankier and your tanks will be weak. Take it back when his Subjugate cooled down."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "To counter Sett's abilities, never be too far in the way. Don't fight Sett for a long time because Sett will easily fight with True Damages."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "It is recommended to stop Veigar early and finish the game quickly. At this stage of the game, you want to get into a side track and focus on getting batteries so you have a stronger late game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion waits in a bush to surprise targets walking alone on Invocation Rift. Avoid walking in areas where you know that Zion has been so much harder for you to get caught by him."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "The enemy lacks an escape and is pretty immobile which you can capitalise on. Request ganks once the wave is close to your side of the map and go for favourable trades."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo may not join the team fights because it is not very good in them. Instead, Teemo can be divided by pushing and trying to take targets in the side lanes."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "All she has to do is maintain her positioning and land her abilities. Taliyah has good pressure at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Always try to go to the end and choose the enemy Jungler every chance you get. This will allow you to take neutral goals easily."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Rotate the side lane to where your team is and look for a choice with your Ultimate R. Peel for your allies in the team fights."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Locking Kog' Maw in team fighting can help you reduce its damage production by limiting its use of e and self-attacks. Positioning is the key to Kog' Maw because if it mispositions or walks too far forward, it gives you the opportunity to take it down."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Do not allow Heimerdinger to receive early turret plates and gold by matching his poke and pushing power. When he attains level 6, your level will be stronger but you need to weaken him first if you wish to kill him at that level."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "The d > e combo will allow Jarvan to CC multiple enemies quickly. His Ultimate m will also allow him to single out enemies which need to be dealt with quickly."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Once you\u2019ve hit level 6 and purchased key component items, look to harass and constantly push the enemy into their tower. This will allow you to earn turret plating and increase your gold income."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Sivir is really good in team fighting because its Ultimate R can help catch enemies who are overheard. It is best not to split up or stretch out during the last stages of the game when playing against Sivir."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "You can poke or reposition safely while Leona uses her Zenith Blade. It is recommended to keep the wave near your turret."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Keep vision in typical flanking spots as Ekko will try to set up an engage with his W from out of vision. If you see Ekko running towards you, back up for a few seconds as he would have used his W."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "When killing an objective, it is possible to transform into True Form and take down nearby enemies. Bel\u2019Veth\u2019s early objective control is very strong due to her high attack speed and low cooldowns."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Maxing out the first ability of Kassadin will give him a boost to his damage. A boost in damage from the first ability of Kassadin is helpful for dealing with ganks and all-ins."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Jinx is huge during late-game fights if she has her items. Her Passive will let her kite once proc'd, and she will be able to use her range advantage to melt enemy teams."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Always try to keep your spacing against it. Do not walk forward unless he misses E."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Once he made him an easy target to dismantle, the khazix squishiness. Misuse of his E can cause him to kill several times."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath needs time to scale and come online. Play safe in the early game."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Focus on just farming early so you can be stronger in the later stages of the laning phase. When using your abilities on the minion wave, try to aim b and e so it hits both the enemy and the minion wave at the same time."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch will often be incredibly close to your team after coming out of its s. Once he's gone, try to shoot him as fast as possible."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "This also applies when the enemy's weapons are overheated, allowing the enemy to open up to him as a whole. Due to its immobility, a gel can completely ruin the Rumble laning phase."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The Passive of Malphite shield offers more safety in the way."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "To quickly climb on the enemy's back, try to use the fog of war to flank the enemy. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Correspond to its inflation power and try to gank as often as possible. It will allow you to detect Zed and find out where he is."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "If someone from their team gets a target to CC, this excellent CC channel will work especially well against immobile portages. He can regenerate a lot of health with his W and thus surpass his enemies in the way."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio is less of a threat when they have an ability down. Think twice before using your dash in this matchup."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus can be flanked with ease. Assassins can easily get rid of varus if his team forgets to peel for him."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus is super tanky and can absorb a lot of incoming damage for his team in team fighting. The aggressive game style may not suit players who constantly push the minion wave."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is good in team fighting thanks to his AOE Ultimate R. Bursting Swain down at the beginning of the fight makes it difficult for him to inflict damage and win the fight."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This combo will also allow your allied laner to follow up on the engage. Once you get your Ultimate m, your dueling power will increase massively."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "While her Support roams around to get some kills or assists. Her Ultimate R can be used to catch up and finish opponents, especially after they Flash or dash away."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Use your Ultimate R with wisdom. Combine your W with your Passive whenever possible."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "and inflict massive damage on its enemies simultaneously. The E and Q of Tristana facilitate the taking of turrets for her."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Keep an eye on your XP bar between levels 5 and 6. If you think Fizz is going to hit level 6 first, stay at max distance and play safer."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "An early execution call element is recommended to reduce Yuumi's healing and retention in team fighting. An element similar to Grevious Wounds can also be used instead of Executers Calling."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Setting vision around the lane when possible is advisable. You may be a prime gank target before reaching level six, as you're pretty immobile during this phase."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar will not hesitate to crush the walls to start the fight."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Don't put yourself too far forward as this will allow Veigar to catch up with his n and start a team fight. Locking Veigar with CC will be the best way to deal with him in team fighting."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Don't let Tryndamere take your laps for free while you get in the middle lane. Trendamere is highly dependent on its dash to initiate an all-in-one."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "You are extremely strong during the laning phase due to your long-ranged poke and auto-attacks. Your auto-attack slows."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Don't invade or try to make cheese to the enemy Jungler. You can easily collapse if you get caught."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi is really good in fights as she will deal a lot of damage and peel for her allies. Illaoi can poke out enemies who get too close to her, making a full-on team fight unfair for the enemy team."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "If possible, use your Ultimate to catch someone who is isolated and alone. Peel for your portages to keep them alive longer."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "When fighting 1 v 1 she practically doesn\u2019t have a weakness when all of her spells are up. If someone tries to come close to her, she can just Q them and run away,"} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus forces himself to use his Ultimate e only when the enemy is too low. Using Karthus' Ultimate e can be a detriment if he doesn\u2019t have his items or is set back early on."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "In order to secure picks, keep an eye on the side lanes as they are easy to find isolated enemies in those lanes. Catching isolated enemies becomes simple once you have found them in the side lanes."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Also, try to stay in a longer way because it gives you more opportunities for everything in someone. At level 9, Akali would have maximized his Q."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "This will help you to resume fighting to yourself if you use your abilities and Passive correctly. Try to put death brushes in place whenever possible."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "He can now focus on the enemy with his R tornado and then use his Ultimate R to finish the weak health target. Track brushes are expected to assist significantly in landing this capability."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Locking down hwei will allow you to kill him quickly. Picking off hwei as he moves around the map will be an effective strategy."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate m, your dueling power will increase massively. You should use your Ultimate m to peel for your ADC most of the time."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Caitlyn cannot tank a lot of damage in team fights. In team fights, kite backwards when necessary."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's kill pressure increases during this phase of the game due to her maxed out Ultimate R. Her maxed out Ultimate R increases Gwen's kill pressure during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Delay Nocturne\u2019s level 6 power spike by invading his jungle and stealing away his camps. Nocturne is a great assassin"} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game. Watch your positioning in the late game."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Never try to take a goal like Baron or the Dragon if Rumble is alive and kicks. You allow Rumble to land a devastating B on your entire team inside the pit."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille's ability to play around her Ultimate R consistently allows for more kills with it. You should constantly look for plays whenever your Ultimate R is up."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian is very vulnerable when his E (capacity) is in decline and may be susceptible to enemy Junglers ganks. Ennemy Junglers can camp unabated Lucian if he is in a vulnerable state."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn should use their strong duelling potential in the mid-game to fight and duel anyone who tries to stop them from split pushing. Although Quinn is a really strong split pusher in the mid-game, they should be prepared to group with their team and fight 5v5."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "However, do not over commit to it as they can turn around an exchange easily. The enemies level 6 isn't very strong in 2v2 fights."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "With a short cooldown, Irelia will take more fights and easily pick enemies in the side lanes. At this point, due to her items, Irelia will be extremely tanky."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Peel for your portages to keep them alive longer. If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Avoid fighting in areas around the map that are closed like in the jungle or around the Baron/Dragon because it will allow Yone to get a good R Ultimate. Just like the laning phase avoid prosecuting Yone if he runs away because he will use his E to judge you."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "This should serve as a signal for the enemy Jungler/team to camp him when possible. Garen needs some time to come online in the first few levels."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Against Talon, place the vision on the walls and around the entrances of the jungle to spot it before it can jump over a wall with its E."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Try to secure it before Maokai gets the chance to gank a nearby road and take it with their help. Maokai will look for gank as often as possible."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "its E costs a lot of mana As a result, yuumi is highly sensitive to damage caused by poke"} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "He needs good time and he needs to drop it off in the right places. Its damage will increase considerably"} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "The goal is to protect the river from being organized by reducing its ability to obtain early ganks. If anyone on your team sees his glove, invade the opposite side of his jungle to remove camps and deny XP."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Try to catch the out-of-guard enemies with a well-timed tornado. Frequent transactions are crucial in the rolling phase."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "At level 6, the release of Zyra's damage and the destruction pressure are intensifying. Play around your Ultimate R to search for aggressive parts with your ADC."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Its Ultimate R has a very long cooling period that forces it to lose priority almost instantly. This can make it less effective in most situations"} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "If Aumu didn't go full tank, his damage release will be pretty good in the team fights at the end of the game. At level 16, Amumu will put the third and final point in his Ultimate Y."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Getting your Ultimate R will be a huge turning point in the game. You can use it solo,"} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "On getting his Ultimate R maxed out, Jhin will be able to deal massive amounts of damage. Jhin can completely decimate squishy targets with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized when it reaches level 9. When it reaches level 9, its first capacity will have been fully improved."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "jinx does not have any form of damage during the early game. jinx is very vulnerable to all-ins during the early game."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven will usually get an expensive AD item on his first back. If the player does not buy the exact same item as Draven, they will always come out ahead of trades."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus' playstyle revolves around power farming till he gets his Ultimate e. Without his Ultimate e, Karthus won\u2019t be able to gank or counter gank early on unless it is a guaranteed kill for him."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Try to catch him before a team fight starts. When he activated his Ultimate R, he blew it up so he couldn't dry up a lot of damage."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "He can regenerate a lot of health with his W and thus surpass his enemies in the way. Its ultimate R amplifies the effect of health regeneration and is really effective in fighting in closed spaces."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Being negligent in the enemy team will make them switch massively. The use of ultimate capacity significantly increases the frequency of roaming."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Don't let your team alone or get away from them, as this can attract the enemy's attention or trigger a 4v5 fight while you're away. Delaying team fighting allows you to inflict damage with basic combos before entering a fight."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Play around your Ultimate R in the middle of the game. It's a very strong tool that can help you get an advantage of killing with numbers. With the advantage of numbers, you can make the call for Baron or seat a nearby tower."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Avoid fighting unless he arrives at the end of the game for Amumu. The teams will be regrouped closely again at the end of the game."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times. Keep a constant eye on the main objective of spawning afterwards."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "If you are trapped, this will result in a 4v5 disadvantage for your team. Don't be alone unless you know where the enemy is to minimize the risks."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "After Gwen completes her first component item, her damage output will increase. Gwen's overall map pressure will also increase after she completes her first component item."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Use your Ultimate m to lock down key targets. Then use your d and e to knock up the enemy on your carries."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Keep an eye on how many autonomized seraphine batteries has. If Seraphine has 3 autonomized batteries, play safer than her next ability will be much stronger."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "After six positions, it should be relatively easy to get people out of Tristana. The W of Tristana can also be used as a finishing movement after loading E on the enemy."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Standing back, but in front of your Caster Minions during the lacquering, that's the key. Staying behind your Caster Minions will prevent Swain from using its E root."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Avoid moving around the map unless you have someone with you. Participate as much as possible in neutral objective battles."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "The force team fights when Shyvana does not have its Dragon shape, so she is unable to exchange or fight effectively with your team. Shyvana will try to delay a team fight so she can harass you and harass you with her Dragon-shaped l."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "So far, try to abuse it as much as possible. You're a lot stronger than Sylas early."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is a flancer who excels in enemy attack in team fighting. Yasuo should stay close to his team at all times to quickly enter the fighting."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "In the later stages of the game, stay in the team and try not to wander alone on the map. Akali has a ton of explosion and can easily assassinate squishy targets that walk alone."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Trinity Force is a key element on Udyr. Once Udyr has the Trinity Force, it will be difficult to get him down alone."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "talijah will still need to land its basic capabilities to suffer damage with level 6. The first element of Taliyah's level 6 will allow him to spam his abilities and inflict significant damage on his enemies during the laning phase."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "This article can force enemies to suddenly remember quite frequently in the way. The more the number of points in its Q, the more its poke potential and the overall production of damage."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The combination of its e and the increase in attack speed is a force with which to count. He can have several early murders with this combo."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Getting as many Drakes as possible will increase your chances of winning the game. Peel for your team in team fights."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Use your Ultimate R to choose your enemies when possible. Using your ultimate R would be a remarkable ability to use when you see an enemy on a side track."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Your W will also zone enemies off minions. You should keep poking the enemy with your Q as much as you can."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan IV becomes quite tanky during the late game due to his items and build. He can soak a lot of damage for his team and can easily peel for his carries if need be."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Don't hesitate to use the ability on low-health enemy champions, even if it means stealing a murder. Level 3 is a decent peak of power for Veigar because he can trap his enemies and peel them with his abilities."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke executes champions with his Ultimate R. With his Ultimate R, Pyke can quickly kill his laner or any other squishy in one rotation of his spells and his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear and early advantage. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The Ultimate R of Taliyah will also allow him to separate his enemies. The first games of talijah are quite powerful as it can turn between the tracks quickly and easily move the enemies."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Be very careful about this. Keep the wave near your turn."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "A good Karma makes her team invincible. At level nine, Karma will have her Q maxed out, increasing her overall poke damage and letting her chunk out enemies before significant fights."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "The lack of vision during the early match will allow Lilia to disrupt the enemies. Disturbing enemies and forcing them to yield their ways to their teammates will be easy to do for Lilia."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "You should prepare to fall back with your allies after using your Ultimate R in a team fight at the end of the game. To facilitate access to the enemy emergency line, you should regroup with your team, but stay on the side."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Rell can use the Boots to position herself for optimal fights against enemies. With the Boots, Rell gains significant sustain in fights against multiple targets."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "She is stronger than you post 6. Keep your distance and run away if you find her alone."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia doesn\u2019t spike at levels 2 or 3 like most champions. She needs a lot of time to come online in the early game."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Go for short burst trades against the enemy. This will let you kill them quickly."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "The first element will be an important power peak as well because its AP increase combined with the Veigar Passive will allow him to have more AP than most other players. You'll have your basic items now, which means you're gonna hit like a truck."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "One of Sion's power peaks is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate R. Sion's power peaks depend on what he's going to build."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Baron and Dragon can move your lead forward. Rengar's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Flank in team fights to make it easier for you to get on key targets with your W. Make sure you continue to flank otherwise you\u2019ll get poked down and forced to retreat."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo's power peak in the middle of the game also depends on his comp team. Yasuo will be able to do much more in the game with ease if the Yasuo team has a form of knockup on one of their champions."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Urgot is really tanky at the end of the game. Because of his articles, he will have a respectable amount of support, which will make it really difficult for the enemy to kill him."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "You should play safe for the first levels. The player needs time to come online."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The power of his Ultimate R will always depend on the comp enemy team, but he will be able to use more ultimates in a given time. Its damage will be truly significant during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "He will also spread a lot of damage during the duels and heal with his W as needed. The first element will strengthen its overall damage and allow it to resume fighting with ease."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "camille must stay with her team at all times. Stay with your team at all times, and peel and protect for your allies."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will result in a massive damage increase and immediately make her a high priority target for the enemy."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "This puts Caitlyn in a weak spot compared to her counterparts. Use your early game advantage to push the wave consistently and get tower plates and extra gold."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis is the most vulnerable when closely grouped. Do not look for fighting in the jungle or around the Dragon or Baron because the teams are likely to be regrouped closely, which allows him to get a good Ultimate h off."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Once Samira has 2 points in her Ultimate R, she will be able to easily resume team fighting and disrupt them. Her positioning will now be the determining factor. Samira is excellent in mid-game fighting because she can overthrow the enemies if she gets her rank S. This, combined with her mobility and life theft, will prevent her from dying."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "After you have your first item, can start pushing Syndra into its turrets. It's like his wave pushes power."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Rek'Sai has creative ganking routes. These routes allow Rek'Sai to dodge commonly placed warding spots."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "The player should take note of Draven\u2019s first item and be prepared to play safer. At level 6, Draven looks to go for kills with the help from his Ultimate if he hasn\u2019t got any already."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Although Quinn is a really strong split pusher in the mid-game, they should be prepared to group with their team and fight 5v5. Purchasing more items will increase her damage output significantly."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Kha'Zix will look to gank a lot in the early game to move forward."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "This aggressive playstyle will allow Karma to completely dismantle the enemy bot lane. The first item component increases Karma's poke damage and her mana."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana's abilities will be up sooner than usual when they are maxed. It should be easy for Qiyana to take over the game now."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When playing in the late game, prioritize using Zhonya's Hourglass and your Ultimate R together. Fighting should be avoided unless both Zhonya's Hourglass and your Ultimate R are available."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Falling behind will make it difficult for her to get back into the game. Proper warding from the enemy team can diminish Diana's flanking potential in team fights."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Taking away Karthus\u2019 blue buff will make it harder for him to clear the jungle as he needs as much mana as he can get to clear it quickly. If you know his buffs about to spawn and he\u2019s on the other side of the map, try to steal it away."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "This makes them vulnerable to invades by you and your team. Try to invade Fiddlesticks as much as possible."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Ward your flanks to make it harder for her to engage for free. If Quinn can\u2019t team fight, she will stay in a side lane and try to split push."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "This is really important because she can then get goals with her Jungler. Its E capability allows it to avoid the major forms of crowd control."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Kaisa is versatile when it comes to builds and team compositions. She can be both a tank destroyer and a decimator of squishier champions depending on the build she chooses."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "This champion is a bully. You should play aggressively throughout the laning phase to get murders."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "To facilitate access to the enemy emergency line, you should regroup with your team, but stay on the side. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Focus on taking down enemy carries. Take a focus on taking out enemy frontline champions."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortunes Ultimate e is unlocked at Level 6. When Miss Fortune channels his Ultimate, he inflicts a lot of damage on enemies in a short time."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "His ability to duel enemies and impact neutral objective fights is massive and should allow his team to dominate during the early game. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to motor vehicles and motor vehicles (presented by the Commission pursuant to Article 189a(2) of the EC Treaty)"} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Make sure to time your second Ultimate R proc properly. If the enemy team is heavy on CC, use your W at the right moment to completely negate the CC and continue with the all-in."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's negligent use of W and Q puts her team in a disadvantageous position. Using Shen's R imprudently forces him to lose priority instantly."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Fractional thrust is often more effective than group thrust. It is recommended that clustering be avoided if possible."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When sieging an objective, make sure to ward around the objective in question before catching out Fiddlesticks."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Jungler camping Ezreal while his E is down makes it difficult for him to use it. Ezreal has a very long cooldown on his E."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Try to take these goals before Talon is able to get help from a nearby track. When teams come together, be sure to watch your flanks to spot Talon before he can jump over the wall and assassinate your team."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath's abilities help his clear and make him weaker when they are down. Taking the Dragon and Rift Herald objectives is crucial because Cho'Gath can take them due to damage on his Ultimate t."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn will try to assassinate targets that are alone in the middle of the game. Avoid crossing the river alone if you are not sure about Kayn's location."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu is rather immobile in team fighting once the fight has started. Lock Nunu down with crowd control during team fighting."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "The Junglers will wait until Twisted Fate has his ability to cool down before they try to spoil it. Locking inappropriate cards during inappropriate times can cause a lot of problems too."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Missing E (capacity) puts you in a very vulnerable position. Do not attempt to land E unless successful."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "When Nilah's E is down, she is pretty easy to lock down and neither can she play aggressively. To get the maximum use out of Nilah's Ultimate R, her team needs to follow up or go in at the same time as her."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "If the enemy carry is highly mobile, you may want to save your Ultimate w until you have a clean shot on them. Getting them CC'd will allow your team to collapse on the said carry while giving you enough time to position well."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "The reduced cooldown of the Ultimate m will allow Jarvan to look for picks more often. Jarvan IV is good in team fights due to his d Passive."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Try to reduce her gold revenue by not keeping your welcome and getting killed by Evelynn. By not dying at Evelynn, you will reduce its effectiveness as the game continues."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "During this phase of the game, rely on the removal of enemies with your abilities. Work with allies to achieve this."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "The reduced cooldown and additional damage make Cassiopeia a huge threat during this stage of the game. At level 9, Cass will max out her E."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Stay with your allies in the mid-game. Do not move too far away from your allies at any given time because you will be an easy target for the enemy."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Adding points to Jhin's Q makes it more powerful. Enemies take a lot of damage from the early Q grenade if it bounces and kills the designated target."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "He will have to use the fog of war when possible. Rakan is quite potent during the late game."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger naturally pushes the minion wave with his Turrets Q. Keep a constant eye on the map while pushing the minion wave."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The ultimate goal is to allow your team to get a free Dragon after successfully killing the Jungler. Be extremely careful when looking for all-in."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Splattered team fights will become a breeze during this part of the game The person is a decent team fighter during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu completely denies the assassination and explodes attempts at the end of the enemy at level 6. The first element will surely help Lulu in the way."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "He should use the river brushes to pretend to roam and then turn on the enemy mid-laner if they try to follow. Garen will have three points in his Ultimate R at level 16."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "The first tower in your lane was destroyed by caitlyn. Caitlyn is strong in team fights."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Level 6 gives Lucian an easy time to clear the waves, especially if he has to remember. The first element will be a massive power peak for Lucian."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Using Q in the middle of the track will allow you to hit most of the shards on the enemy. After the post-six, you should be able to block enemies from escaping or entering the river during neutral objective fighting."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "The use of the Ultimate R in the enclumed fighting will be effective with its production of high damage. Morgana excelled in the end-of-game fights because of her utility and CC on her Q."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's W does not block tower shots, but it increases her defensive stats. Always consider the risks before committing to a tower dive with Gwen."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "If you miss your Q, the enemy will kill you. Your main goal in the way should be to peel and protect your ADC as much as possible."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "He may look for an aggressive all-in play if he gets the level up first. Jarvan's level 6 power spike is very strong."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Missing your Q in the lane will give the enemy bot lane a long window to all-in and kill you. You are very squishy initially and can be burst down easily when hard CC'd."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "At level 16, Nasus will finalize its Ultimate R. The additional statistics from Nasus' Ultimate R will be very useful in team fighting and will keep him alive for a long time."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This means that he can all-in the enemies more frequently and deal a significant amount of damage with ease. Bonus points if he can flank the enemy team."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Ward your flanks to make it harder for Quinn to engage for free. If Quinn can\u2019t team fight, she will stay in a side lane and try to split push."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "During the mid-game, Darius should have completed a couple of items. Darius should be able to deal a lot of damage to targets at that stage."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "By playing as a melee champion, be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Dying Lucian at the beginning of the game will make it very difficult for you to come back."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "It is recommended to avoid fighting in the jungle, around the targets, or near the baron due to Skarner's abilities. Try to match their gank pressure early."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "His protection potential will be out of the world. It can allow the entire team to use its capabilities properly."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen will get a massive boost to her fighting power at level 11 due to her Ultimate R now having two points. It is highly beneficial for her team as that ability does a lot of damage and can completely change the tide of a fight."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "The damage to the capacity of R Ultimate increases quite decently. Sejuani's team fight is quite decent during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "When there are no team fights, Kled will try to divide the thrust. If Kled is not with his team, you can force a team struggle with a digital advantage, but be aware that he can join R quickly."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "One key aspect of this strategy is avoiding grouping if possible. However, be prepared to group with your team and fight 5v5 if necessary."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "This combo allows him to escape sticky situations and gank with ease. It also allows him to set up himself kills for himself once he has managed to bring down his enemy. It is passive allows him to easily end the enemies of weak health. When combined with his W, he becomes a very strong thug who can camp on paths with squishy targets."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Try to fight in the open and separate slightly to avoid being CC'd by Seraphine. Seraphine often goes to the hall alone in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Rell\u2019s strong roaming ability is used to move around the map and help allies. Good times to roam are straight from base or when your ADC will be safe and will not die."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn needs level 6 as quickly as possible to unlock her Ultimate R Evelyn's Ultimate R makes it invisible."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "He's a ladder monster, and if he gets his stuff and hits the middle game at the end, he'll be almost unstoppable. A champion who is squishy can a man the Baron if they're early."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Chant\u00e9 will often seek to replace the first wave between the two towers by putting in place a huge early pressure leading to gold and the experience of the tracks. The player can't fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so they need to escort their minions as they walk on the track to force Chanted to walk on the track."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn can be followed through a good vision placed in his jungle, especially before level 6. Pre-level 6 tracking helps your team know where Evelynn is and post-6 reduces ganks."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "If you are in advance in gold, do not be afraid to fight but always check the card before using your Ultimate R. Check the card before you commit to using your Ultimate R can help you make informed decisions."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Clumped fights will be the way to go during this phase. Most of her abilities will be maxed out during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Bel\u2019Veth can transform into her True Form after killing it. Bel\u2019Veth will become significantly stronger with each time she recalls, because recalling her benefits greatly from every piece of attack speed she buys."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If your team is good at team fights, you should stick with them. If your team isn\u2019t ahead or not very strong, it might be a good idea to try splitting push and draw the enemies attention while your team sieges an objective elsewhere or does the Baron."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Try to fight Morgana when her Zhonya is down, so she's unable to defend herself. Morgana has a better survival in team fighting when she has Zhonya's Hourglass."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Level 3 is Heimerdinger\u2019s major level spike, so take care at that point. Heimerdinger may look to all-in you whenever he reaches Level 3's spike."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "The enemy has no sieging potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. Can buff up his team thanks to his Passive which allows him to upgrade his allies items."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "When Annie has 2 points in her Ultimate R, she can look for more aggressive plays around the map. Annie can use her Flash to get picks too when she has 2 points in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target. At level 16, Varus will be able to add 3 points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The enemy squishies will have a heinous moment in the game when they face Malphite. Malphite is solid during the end-of-game fights that his Q and Ultimate will hit like a truck now."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Your Ultimate R is a great duelling tool and can help you get a lead in lane. At level 11, Fiora\u2019s Ultimate R will be much better."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle can take over a game if she pulls through the laning phase. A late-game monster due to Kayle's Passive"} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "A clear early advantage should exist before fighting. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "The term 'poke' refers to Ashe using her y to harass the enemy and gain an advantage. Poking the enemy with Ashe's y allows her to get an early lead before a late game team fight erupts."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "When Anivia's Passive breaks down, it's incredibly vulnerable to an all-in-one. Anivia has a minimal threat in the track before level 6."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "yuumi can undo a lot of poke. Carry will receive a vital boost of movement speed to avoid incoming skills, especially from champions with crowd control."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "If it goes to the track, your allies, push hard and get some quickly. This will help you a lot in the late game. must be a high priority target during team fighting. Make sure you CC and work with your team to get down quickly before their team can make room for you."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar's Ultimate allows him to plunge the enemy and be the front-line champion his team needs in the fights. Alistar has a limited range."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "You must reach level 6 as quickly as possible to increase your inflation potential. Your Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "In the middle of the game, you will want to regroup as much as possible. This will help you deal with enemies who are more tanker than you."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Watch the flanks so you can spot Maokai before it starts. Spotting Maokai on the flank will allow you to prepare for his attack."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "The first item component increases Karma's poke damage and her mana. This item component allows Karma to sustain herself for a longer duration in the lane."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Getting it stacked in the mid-game is crucial. Your best course of action in the late game is to stick with your Support as much as possible."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "This will allow Lee Sin to inflict robust damage while ensuring that his survival is preserved. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Getting killed could cost you the entire game if you're not careful. Play on the side of the map that has the next major objective up to position yourself for easy pickup with your team."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "As soon as Zed reaches Level 3, his death pressure increases once he has access to his basic capabilities. Zed can look for an all-in if he's been able to shoot you in advance."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane. You should try to take that tower."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Aurelion needs enough mana to use his W. Aurelion Sol is a very difficult champion to play."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw benefits from extended trades once he has a few points in his e. Do not do extended operations with him unless you have an advantage."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "His barrels can legitimately one-shot someone, and he can effortlessly chase people down with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "According to its ADC, Taric can be good at levels 1-3. If Taric's CDA isn't very strong, then his early play isn't too good."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce doesn't really spike at level 6 due to his Ultimate G from level one. The fact that he has an Ultimate G from level one gives him access to three more ability variations than his opponent, which should be used to get a lead pre-6."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Make sure you\u2019re always behind at least 1 minion so he cannot push and poke you at the same time. Corki can be really good in the mid game and in those team fights."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Do not fight Trundle if he is ahead. His skirmish power is incredibly strong especially if he has his Ultimate n available."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "They will be trying to push. You force them to choose between using mana on the wave or you."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "She starts coming online in the middle of the game. His burst damage is very important,"} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "This will be a decisive factor in the objective fights. Rumble will spread a lot of damage during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves will bolster his overall burst damage in the Jungle with this. His clears and ganks will be more effective as a result."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "xinzhao falls at the end of the game. If xinzhao cannot shoot his target, he will be controlled almost immediately by the crowd and killed on the spot."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If it's misused, his W can get him killed because he's moved to another place. Sylas'W is affected by injuries seriously acquired by the enemy team."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The vision should also be placed at the entrances to the Warwick jungle. Warwick can take goals quickly."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "In the end, the enemy team will be disused. The correct use of your W is very important during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Avoid getting poked out by his Q in this matchup. You may use your W to do so if you have no other way."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Abuse your range advantage to bully her down and get an early health lead. Auto her when your empowered auto is up, and when she walks up to last hit."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia will already have several objects. His damage and prolonged burns will be truly heinous to the enemy."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Every time Morgana has Zhonya=S Hurglass, her survival in team fighting will increase. Try to fight Morgana when her Zhonya is down, so she's unable to defend herself."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar can throw a snowball into a game with its duel power, which allows it to easily win games. Rengar needs an early electric farm to get his level 6."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus does not have the greatest objective control early. Securing Drakes before Nautilus gets an opportunity to gank his bot lane and rotate to it afterwards is crucial."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "In a team battle, try to draw enemies' attention while splitting push towards a nearby objective. At level 16, Fiora will put the third and final point in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar can easily follow enemy paths and accumulate tracks. He will now have several articles at his disposal."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Expect Renekton to play aggressively and try to kill. Once Renekton reaches level 3, he gets a peak of major power."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "He's going to massively increase his damage production too. At level 11, he'll have two points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Fighting off the enemy team with flanks will make team fights really unfair for them. Using the fog of war to catch the enemy team off-guard can be an advantage."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax needs time to come online. While Jax can trade in the early game, it\u2019s better to get a few levels behind you before looking for a kill."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's Ultimate R allows for multiple recasts and also provides a heal to help in 1v1 fights. Gwen's W is a great tool that can stop incoming abilities like Thresh Q or Blitzcrank B."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "At level 16 Ezreal will put the third point in his Ultimate R. Ezreal will deal a lot of burst damage to anyone who is hit with it in the late game."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's Ultimate R will be a force to reckon with now as it will have multiple upgrades and will give added benefits to him. This will increase Gangplank's team fighting strength by a lot."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The release of Swain's damage will also be quite phenomenal. Swain's presence in the middle of the game is really great."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Survey the map properly though, you don't want to get baited into all-in'ing someone who has their team on standby. Focus the nearest enemy champion to your carries and work as a team to take down the enemy one by one."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Keep looking for spikes on the enemy Support while they go to the room alone in the end of the game. This is particularly true when the objectives are about to materialize."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Standing at the bottom of the track at any time will facilitate lacquering against Rengar. Avoid standing by the bushes because it can jump from them."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "This, combined with his slow k and the theft of life, will prevent him from dying. Three points in its Ultimate capability will give it a huge peak of power."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Unless your ADC is behind you, you could use your Ultimate R on them to keep them alive while they carry the damage. If you're early, keep your Ultimate R for yourself."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "This is an agricultural game focused on agriculture and harassment with abilities. Always stand outside the minion wave when face ahri, as they will try to push and force you to choose between using the mana on the wave or retreat."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan\u2019s level 2 all-in is pretty good. The damage that Jarvan can deal depends on his build path."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "If Braum is kept low, he\u2019ll never be able to engage. In team fights, avoid standing too close together as it will allow Braum to knock multiple champions up with his Ultimate r. "} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early on will make it difficult for Lee Sin to attack you aggressively. Keeping the wave near your position will also prevent Lee Sin from zoned you away from agriculture and win XP."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Make sure they survive whatever happens so you can easily win team fights and get a lead."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "It will be difficult for you to kill her when her Ultimate R is in place. Don't get involved unless it's broken or it's out of mana."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Versus poke or champions with lots of clear wave, it will be almost impossible for you to travel and help your allies The enemy will keep you pushed in."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Control guards are essential in team fighting. Place Trinkets and Control Wards around you during the nap of a lens to detect Twitch before it can jump on you."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled can absorb so much damage without risking death. Kled can quickly go up if Skaarl runs away."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand will look to hug the bushes in the bottom lane and try to attack you when you move forward. When playing as an engage champion, target him as soon as he moves forward to poke."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Place the vision around jungle entrances to make it harder for Wukong to get successful ganks. Wukong has good objective control in early play."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible, because this will make it harder for Neeko to push and poke you at the same time with her Q. Once Neeko has her Ultimate R, her kill pressure will increase, so back away when low whenever she has it up."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Do not split push or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them. Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank will eventually outscale you in the progress of the game. Putting Gangplank behind will make it harder for him to take over the map."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Ward your flanks! Pantheon may try to attack you from the side and get on to your carries when his Ultimate R is on cooldown."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "He can quite literally take the enemy backline out in one rotation of spells, if he manages to W E onto them. His Ultimate R is the most powerful ability in his kit as it allows him to undo his mistakes, especially when he chooses a bad fight or fails an all-in."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Jinx is defenceless without her Flash active. If Jinx uses her E, exploit her weakness and go for another skirmish"} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This will allow him to inflict much damage on his opponents in the way."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke secures picks everywhere on the map. It will allow Pyke to capitalize and come out on top of his enemies."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Zyra should get Boots and upgrade them as quickly as possible to increase its damage output. At level 6, the release of Zyra's damage and the destruction pressure are intensifying."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Hwei is suitable for team fighting due to his AOE abilities. a disadvantage to him having a lot of abilities is that it can make him quite complicated and overwhelming for players."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "The strategy for Velkoz involves harassing the enemy throughout the laning phase with your W and Q. Your goal is to constantly harass the enemy whenever possible and get killed."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "This will result in your team losing out on key spells for the remaining of the fight. Garen's kill pressure in the early game can be difficult to handle if you're playing as a tank."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra has tons of clear wave, so the goals of sitting in the middle and the end of the game will be difficult. Try to get Lissandra down or get her out of the street so she can't defend her Turrets."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The concealment of his position in the bushes of the track should also give him the element of surprise. Level 6 is another important power peak. It can now all-in an entire enemy team and deals a lot of AoE damage."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "A team behind Ivern will have a hard time winning the game. Title"} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Keep them where they are before they can reach the goal. The enemy will avoid fighting at 6 years because they are stronger with their Ultimate and can easily kill you."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Look for aggressive parts during this period. Enjoy extensive trades by going for them frequently."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "If he manages to flank his enemies, the immobile carriers will be pretty much doomed. His first item component will be a massive spike, increasing his overall damage in the game."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's movement speed increase on his p allows him to run enemies down with ease. The h allows Hecarim to deal consistent damage while also reducing his cooldown on the ability."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "He's decent during the end-of-game fights like his W. His Q can easily CC a high priority target and prevent them from joining the fighting."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Although it doesn't affect your utility, you won't be able to get enough items to impact fights later on which will cost your team multiple fights and objectives. Farming alone in the side lanes can be really dangerous for you as you are quite easy to get picks on."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Your early game is weak and you need time to come online. As a melee support, monitor your positioning at all times to avoid being harassed by the enemy Support if it is varied."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "At level 11, Heimerdinger's basic abilities become stronger when empowered by his Ultimate R. Heimerdinger excels in team fights and can control large parts of the map with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "The more Vayne enters the game, the more likely she is to take her team solo to victory. Level six is a massive start point as it can now look for aggressive all-ins on the enemy."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch's slowness will prevent him from dying if the enemies are caught together. Twitch's ability to steal his life will also prevent him from dying if the enemies are caught together."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Group and stay with your team. Go to the hall when you know where the enemy is so you don't get caught and killed before an objective scare."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Singed is able to move the players. You should avoid being killed by Singed."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "However, this helps Zilean significantly when it comes to champions who have a lot of damage in their kit."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Participate as much as possible in neutral objective battles. Stand near your main port towards the back of the team."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "As a result, it can be spoiled frequently. If Twisted Fate is too wide in the track, it can be quickly stopped."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Avoid committing to any trades in the first few levels. Your early game is rather weak, so you'll probably lose trades versus an aggressive laner."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "It's better to get to the enemy backline as often as possible to cause mayhem. Keep your wave somewhere in the middle of the lane to give you enough opportunities to take down the enemy."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "When Shyvana gets her Ultimate t, she can blow up the enemies easily. Shyvana has a great objective control because of its speed in capturing the objectives."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar has a relatively weak strength in the early match compared to other champions. Veigar is extremely powerful when fighting in closed spaces."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana will have several items that will allow her to protect her team. The combination of Morgana's E and articles will make his allies safe from Crowd Control (CC)."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal will deal a lot of burst damage to anyone who is hit with it in the late game. When Ezreal is coming to completing his build he will have incredibly low cooldowns on all of his abilities."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "If Karthus gets 3 points in his Ultimate ability, it will allow him to half-health squishy enemies easily. Anyone who is behind on the enemy team will suffer a lot at this stage."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "It is crucial to consider this in a fight. Avoid overextending alone in the middle of the track without your team, as Tahm Kench can use his W to win an advantage."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Don't give Kayn easy blows by window shop when you remember. Kayn will try to assassinate targets that are alone in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Ranged champions can constantly harass and bully Gwen, making it hard for her to survive the early game. If you use your Q without multiple stacks, the damage will be futile."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "However, Irelia may need to group with her team if the enemy is trying to force something. Be prepared to rotate around the map and help her team fight."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Your g will allow you to get free killing effortlessly. Fighting around choking points will be really good for you, so look for opportunities to do it. This is particularly applicable during neutral and objective fights in the game."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "You should delay fights and be prepared to disengage if Ultimate a is still on cooldown. Nocturne will play rather safe early because he lacks any real damage until he gets his first item."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "The purpose of the Shaco Support is to be a nuisance to the enemy, not to engage in a fight. If you're playing like a tough engagement champion and don't know where Shaco was recently, ask yourself if he's placed Boxes behind the target you want to collapse on."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "They're running out of mana fast so you always have to keep an eye on your mana bar. If you're late, you won't do any damage in team fighting."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Its ultimate R can also be used to engage and pursue the enemy. Don't go beyond the limits, because he can easily kill you."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "The assassin will flank from afar in team fights. She will place deep over shallow vision to help spot her before making a move."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's early game needs time to come online. If she gets bullied from range, it\u2019s going to be difficult for her to farm and reach her power spike."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "It should also be relatively safe and heal a ton of damage. His life flying and damage during the end of the game will make him really good in team fights."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "The enemy getting caught (CC'd) will definitely get Kalista killed because she relies heavily on her mobility to kite around and win skirmishes. Kalista is squishy, and getting CC chained will indefinitely lead to her demise."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "If Grievous Wounds is bought early, Vladimir's enemy can get a huge advantage due to reduced Q health. Agriculture is at the centre of this game."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Stand together but not super close together, allowing room for movement without being vulnerable to Irelia's Ultimate R. Fighting around Irelia's Ultimate R will reduce her chances of getting resets and allow you to stay in the fight longer."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "It will only strengthen the strength and duration of Leona's whole. Once Leona has her basics, she can protect her team and herself at the same time."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "The large AOE on Annie's Ultimate R will be able to hit multiple champions when they're grouped together. Annie's Passive stun will be able to stun multiple champions if they\u2019re grouped together."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Reducing Karthus's gold income weakens him. As the game goes longer, Karthus's strength increases."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "It is recommended for Brand to target squishy targets who lack defensive stats."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "It will suffer a lot of damage and will be able to push the wave/fight more frequently when it has finished its first article. Invade her as soon as you're stronger than her."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Focus on securing the remaining Dragons/Rift Herald in the mid-game. Getting as many Drakes as possible will increase your chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Look at whats happening on the map before dashing forward. Make sure you hit level 2 before Galio so you can abuse your level 2 all-in to get an early lead."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "After orrn hits level 6, get vision in the river to spot junglers early and anticipate ganks. Ornn has the ability to knock up enemies that are close to his Q, terrain and walls."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "It's mainly because of his W and Ultimate R. He should be able to break out the enemies with the appearance of his real damage in the choking points."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Be on everyone's lookout, Avoid engaging in trades unless you can win them."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand's auto attacks deal minimum damage to camps. Having blue buffs is very important for Brand."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "The powerspike effect of Gangplank's level 6 is significant. Gangplank can use his gangplank on any lane."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down. Continue to fly kites in the team fights."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce is good at poking enemies down with his w > s combo. Jayce can one-shot targets if he is far ahead of the enemy team."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "The Ultimate R of Sivir is an excellent tool to launch team fights and if it is capable of collapsing on a target that is alone or overstretched. In team fights, make sure you can bait or play around Sivir's Spell Shield E."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "You should only come in when your allies are there to follow up. Leona has an incredibly strong level 2, make sure to hit Level 2 first."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Once Zilean has finished his first article, he will be able to pull a single shot at the minion wave. As soon as Zilean has enough levels behind him, he can shoot the wave of the minion."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "If Anivia goes missing during the mid-game, she may be trying to setup a death bush herself. Ask yourself where would you be right now if you were Anivia."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "While his Ultimate R is down, try to abuse the cooldown and look for kills. You are stronger than him at level 6."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Stand behind the minion wave at all times in the early game This will block Ashe's Volley y damage for you."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "In order to maximize the chances of gaining extended jobs as often as possible, it is necessary to commit to them whenever possible. During the victory of prolonged trading, you have to keep the wave close to 6 if possible, which allows a smoother descent on Zoe."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibbear's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. At level 9, the duo's potential will skyrocket and the ganks will become more powerful for Volibbear."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki has great wave clear and pushing power, so you can't roam unless he is dead. Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Shoving the wave will give Kassadin a considerable boost. To level up quickly, earn as much gold and XP as possible."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Level 6, Swain can be hard to kill. Just look for an all-in against Swain if your Jungler is nearby and ready to help."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Aurelion Sol is quite vulnerable to ganks since he has to push the wave. He can use his W to escape one gank if needed."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "As you advance in gold and experience, look for opportunities to attack an enemy with a shorter timer of death. Waiting in high-traffic areas can increase the chances of taking an enemy."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen is excellent in team fighting because of his Ultimate m. He can associate her with his Flash for a devastating combo on the enemy team, which will leave them powerless."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Most of his abilities will be maxed out during this phase of the game. He can look for picks all around the map."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Adding another point to Malphite's Ultimate capability will increase its output from burst damage. Malphite can easily end the ill-healthed enemies who overdo their welcome in the way."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. The early aggression of Tristana is relatively high when associated with heavy CC or aggressive support."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Unlocking the Ultimate allows you to start ruining your tracks. Glove one track every time the Ultimate is available there should lead to a murder."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Always take the bottom side Scuttle Crab. At level 6, Nunu can channel his R."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "The first element will provide Viktor with a potential for mana and wave release. This increased mana will prevent enemies from moving freely during team fighting."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Force a team fight as quickly as possible so Karma isn't able to poke your team down before you have the chance to engage. Delaying a team fight will allow Karma to harass your team and make the fight much riskier."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Use Ultimate R for targeted damage against enemy portages. Always stay on the top side of the map when the Baron is standing."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "If you can't kill the enemy laner, try to roam around the map to pick up kills in the side lanes. Fizz is strong at level 3 and 4 once he unlocks all 3 of his abilities."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Level six is a massive spike due to him being able to get his Ultimate R. The first component will let him deal more damage and spam his abilities due to the increased mana."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target. The last point of his Ultimate R will guarantee more choices in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis is weak at the beginning of the game. You can use Malphite's weakness in early play to your advantage by invading it early and trying to kill it."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "You should look to catch out enemies who are alone or who are too far forward. You will fight anybody who tries to stop you from split pushing or farming in a side lane."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Level 6 isn't a huge spike, but it definitely increases the amount of poke damage she can deal with her abilities. Her empowered Q is a force to reckon with once she hits level 6."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Use this to your advantage to win a level 6 all-in. You should try to end the game as quickly as you can that Ryze becomes stronger and stronger than the game goes along."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan's level 6 power spike is very strong. He can use it to get kills alone or set up his Jungler for a kill."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Get caught or the enemy initiates fight as they leave will lead to the victory of the enemy. The Poke and Delay team fights until the enemy is weak."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Use E if the enemy ganker has some form of capacity motion speed that they can fill in close proximity. Poking is your main power in the way and it is really heinous during early play."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Using your Zoomies capability with its speed boost can help you avoid Nami's hand. Investing early in the healing of the reduction elements can counteract the maintenance of Nami."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Pairing this with her E max, she will be able to deal a lot of damage in a skirmish. At level 16, Cassiopeia will put the third point in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Play accordingly depending on what Garen is buying. Garen lacks hard CC and cannot engage or get on to carries in a team fight."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Don't bother hunting Zeri down the jungle or river because she's probably waiting for her E to be back and she'll use it to escape. Look for fights when she's not around. Her Ultimate R is really useful in fighting, so fighting when she's not there is favorable."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "A bully is ranged Quinn allows herself to harass and whittle away at melee Top laners"} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo has a short delay for his Ultimate R. The short cooling time allows Yasuo to process tanks frequently."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu will build objects that protect herself and her allies as well. This will make Lulu a huge threat in the game."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "This will allow the enemy to take Objectives quite easily after getting rid of Nunu. You are really good at securing objectives in the early game."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Catching isolated enemies becomes simple once you have found them in the side lanes. During team fights, use your h on multiple targets."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "If Twisted Fate is too wide in the track, it can be quickly stopped. After the bot track has moved to the medium track, turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere on the map so you can continue to grow and win XP."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Only use ezreal's E aggressively if he is 100% sure he cannot get abused for it. Stick with your team and avoid walking too far away from them."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "It is a very important ability and you need to make sure it\u2019s up before committing to a fight. While Gangplank does have a lot of splitting power, "} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Once Yasuo gets his first element, he gains a significant increase in duel potential. With this boost, Yasuo can easily catch up and kill overstretched or motionless targets."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "She'll just have to play with the vision to make sure it's not detected by loading her Q. Level 6 is a massive power peak for Vi."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Once it's over, its enemies can easily catch it, as well as the crowd controlling it and force it to remember. The monkey is strongly thwarted by an appropriate vision placement, especially during the start of the game."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Team fights are really where Zeri shines. According to its construction, Zeri will be really strong and can inflict a ton of damage in a fight."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "In team fighting, prioritize targets that are squishy and easier to kill by focusing on them in the backline. Team fighting can help you quickly access the enemy background."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "By this stage of the game, Darius should be near max build. A max build for Darius includes items that enhance his damage."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The placement of Teemo's Ultimate Mushrooms allows it to detect enemies. Ultimate mushrooms will allow Teemo to be killed on unsuspecting low-health targets."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Level 11 is a good power spike for Nilah. Nilah will put a second point in her Ultimate at level 11."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble's e combined with its d can allow it to easily descend a single enemy target. The shield d on Rumble allows it to mitigate a good amount of poke."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana reaches near max build and deals an awful lot of damage to anyone she catches out of position. At level 16 Diana's AOE damage and all-in potential will be extremely high."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Once they're low enough, you can commit to an all-in-one. Once you hit level 6 and bought key elements, try to harass and constantly push the enemy into their turn."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna is quite immobile in the early parts of the game. If she is pushing, she can be susceptible to ganks from the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "He'll constantly try to intimidate you with his superior rank if you're a champion of melee. His range is greater than that of a champion of melee."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "You need gold and XP to buy items. Falling behind in gold and XP makes it unlikely that you will be able to inflict damage in fighting."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Is highly dependent on critical impactors and will be challenged if the enemy manages to kill her a few times in the way. She is also weaker against the combined teams because she will not be able to choose someone with her Ultimate R and her team."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "A champion with good objective control can often achieve goals. It is recommended to try to achieve goals as often as possible during the early play period."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "He cannot push you into your tower if we match his pushing power. We should aim our abilities to push and poke him at the same time."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Saving your Q active will send the enemy scurrying away from you if they all-in you. Setting vision around the lane when possible is advisable."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Good control of the enemy team's vision will prevent Malphite from catching the out-of-guard enemy team. This will reduce its effectiveness and force it to find other ways to engage with the enemy team."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio hits level 6, unlocking cross-map plays around the map. Cross-map plays are advantageous for Galio's team and allow you to impact the game more."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "The enemy will have to invest massively in the magic resistance. Syndra will have a lot of articles during this phase of the game, which will result directly in damage for her."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana's level 6 is stronger than yours, so keep this in mind when you fight early. It's a farmer's game."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Putting a second point in her Ultimate R is vital and her 1v1 kill pressure increases. Fiora is good in the mid-game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Investing in healing reduction will make it easier to treat with Trundle's support in this game. Stand in the middle of the track rather than at the side of the track."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "His flanking potential allows him to completely isolate a target from their team and burst them down with the help of his team. His sustain will be pretty high as well (due to runes and life steal)."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Keep a constant eye on which the main objective is to spawn afterwards. Do not divide the thrust when an important objective is high or about to spawn."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "At level 6, Yone will unlock his Ultimate R. Yone will get short peaks of power as he continues to add points to his Q."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "This will allow you to earn turret plating and increase your gold income. orianna's level six will allow her to deal more damage."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Unless you have the advantage, you should disengage as soon as Swain activates its Ultimate R. Swain is good in team fighting thanks to his AOE Ultimate R."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser has good ganks and good skirmish power in early play. After six post-elements, Mordekaiser can select any target and convert the fight to 1 v 1."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "It's vital for the end of the game. Do not be neutral, objective fights will be a cardinal sin that you want to avoid."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "It is recommended that Qiyana does not fight in choke points like the jungle or under a tower. When no team fights are occurring, Qiyana will split push."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "If you\u2019re dead, the enemy may be able to siege an objective, start a fight or secure the Baron or Dragon. Brand will put a second point in his Ultimate R at level 11."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Focus on farming and poking during the laning phase. You shouldn\u2019t really commit to fighting the enemy."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "she\u2019s going to be very hard to take down due to all those bonus stats she gains. She also benefits from increased pushing power if she consumes an empowered void Coral from Baron Nashor or a Rift Herald."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Expect that Sett gank frequently every time its Ultimate R is in place. Avoid regrouping too closely as this could allow Sett to get rid of a multi-person E that will help his team win the team fight."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "When Ezreal uses his Ultimate R (ability), ping your team as it moves across Summoners Rift to alert them of its location and allow them to dodge it. While Ezreal's Ultimate R is on cooldown, take advantage of the opportunity to play aggressively and initiate a fight against him."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere will do a lot of damage during the later parts of the game because it will have several articles and will be able to duel anyone. Trendamere's late scale is phenomenal, which means he can shoot squishy enemies after slowing them down and catching them up, giving him a pivotal role in the game."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune has a lot of poke damage with her t. Watch your positioning to avoid standing behind the minions."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "and hunt for careless enemies who decide to cultivate the side wave. Getting a defensive element should help you increase your ability to survive against damage and assassination attempts."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Kindred will have several objects now, which allows it to do a lot of damage. Combined with the number of points it has, this damage will be the decisive factor of the victory in the game."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Be careful when trying to initiate a skirmish with Heimerdinger because he might just use his magic card and kill you. Destroy Heimerdinger's Turrets Q quickly before a team fight is underway so he can't deal tons of damage."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett will not be able to land much damage or slow down several members of the enemy team if he uses his Ultimate R. Sett's W capability is its only form of damage mitigation."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar's Ultimate R won't be very effective if the enemy is playing in open spaces and is spaced out evenly. This will force him to go for a higher priority target which may involve flanking the enemy team,"} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The poke and wave of Sylas are effective with its Q. Slow Sylas allows him to put ganks for his Jungler."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Try to invade Mordekaiser to steal his camps to delay his first peak of power. Mordekaiser's kind of scenized ganks."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Anyone near terrain will have a tough time. When facing orrn, constantly adapt your positioning in lane to prevent him from knocking you up with his E ability."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "As a result, her enemies will have a hard time dealing with her now. Gwen's kill pressure increases during this phase of the game due to her maxed out Ultimate R."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "This is especially true if invading ahead as early fights will not be won. As they will be ganking often in the early game, looking to gank as can also be done and E should be abused."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz will max his first ability at level 9. After maxing out the first ability, Fizz's kill pressure and skirmishing power will be quite high post level 9."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "This will help her team during fights, especially in choke point fights. The first ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "When facing Camille, it's best to keep a safe distance from walls to prevent her from gaining an early health lead. Avoid standing close to walls especially during her E ability. She can get kills and make plays whenever her E is up."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Track brushes must be used with ample time when you are trying to land your C and E on the enemy. Using track brushes will allow you to easily disrupt fighting."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Aim to trade when Jax has used his E. Jax has no build-in sustain and is melee."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Post 6 will make it harder to fight Shyvana alone, so keep this in mind if you want to play aggressively. Try to gank as often as possible early as possible."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "He can 1v1 most enemy Junglers at this time. ezreal bursts into an enemy, harassing them before engaging in a team fight."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "In neutral fights, Camille will try to get into the enemy backline using the fog of war to her advantage. This is mainly because Camille does not have any consistent AoE DPS ability in her kit."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Poking the enemy with Ashe's y allows her to get an early lead before a late game team fight erupts."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Once they are low enough, you can engage in a complete attack. Once you have reached level 6 and purchased key elements, try to harass the enemy in the track."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Once Neeko has her Ultimate R, her kill pressure will increase. Make sure you back when low whenever she has her Ultimate R up."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The first element will give Lucian a lot of damage. The first element will give Lucian an inherent advantage, especially if he can take advantage of his level 2 power point."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "The enemy will have to play with a constant fear of being all-in-fact. When a chance arises, use the fog of war to catch the out-of-guard enemies."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If you dash forward, they could all-in you, or the enemy Jungle could show up. Look at whats happening on the map before dashing forward. Kassadin is very good at roaming."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Yorick will be looking for an E W to commit to one of your team members. Help a member of your team by destroying Yorick's wall as soon as he uses his E capability."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "make use of her W and escape a trade. She struggles against fast-moving enemies."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Healing and shielding Supports will definitely help him shine in the mid-game. Hard engage Supports will definitely help him shine in the mid-game."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Keep an eye on where Lillia moves around the river and sitting targets like the Baron or the Dragon as she can use her E to inflict some brilliant damage to you and your team. Avoid letting her attack automatically or cause damage to many champions to reduce her chances of CC."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "After Cait\u2019s first back, she will pick up her first component item. This will increase her poke and trading potential in lane."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Once she unlocks her basic abilities, she should be looking to gank pushed up enemy lanes with extreme prejudice. Try to bait their Flash out so that you can come back later on and finish the job."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai will become very tanky after finishing his first article. They're gonna crash early, and Pantheon can also gank early."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is a mage. As a mage, Annie would\u2019ve completed multiple items during the mid-game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You should hold your Q and wait for her Passive shield to fall off before re-engaging. However, you will not heal off of her shield as well, so do not waste your Passive empowered auto on it."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Once he gets more items, this ability will help him kill enemies with ease, and he can take over the game with his scaling. Jax isn't very strong early on as he is quite item reliant."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "He's going to abuse his early play force. Once Lee Sin reaches level 6, his death pressure increases because his Ultimate will allow him to set up ganks or end enemies more effectively."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The mid-game period brings a more respectable gameplay for Swain. Swain excels in team fighting because of his AOE Ultimate R."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'maw's Ultimate also costs a large amount of mana. This makes Kog'maw very bad for AD construction."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If Sylas steals someone's Ultimate, contact your team to make sure they know he's got it. Sylas can poke and wave efficiently with his Q."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "However, you don't have to panic unless it can slow you down. If Trendamere slows you down, you can use a track brush and minion to reposition."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The greatest threat to the Malphites comes from poke and disengagement. Try to bring Malphite down as much as possible before engaging him in a team fight to make it almost impossible for him to engage without dying."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "It should be straightforward for you to get picks on the side lane. You can use the fog of war and the Jungle brushes to set up ambushes for the enemy team. Your e has the potential to CC the entire enemy team. Use it from the fog of war and flank to get into the enemy backline."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "and it can allow its entire team to use its capabilities properly. By playing melee champions, don't let Lulu intimidate you with automatic attacks."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Velkoz's poke damage is quite high and heinous for the enemy team to handle. Poke can accumulate over time and do so so that the enemy is forced to play in the cover of their minion wave."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The slowness of Sylas' Q allows him to cut down his laner. Sylas'W can heal a lot of health in terrible situations."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Take care in the early game as Pantheon will try to skirmish frequently and go for kills. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP if you're weak in the early game."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Stay with your support throughout the middle of the game. You're very vulnerable and easy to kill if you're alone."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower. This will open the card and give your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If you're playing as a ranged champion, try and harass Camille with basic attacks whenever she tries to last hit. Camille lacks sustain in the early game, so you can poke her out of lane easily if you keep auto-attacking."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Peel for your team as much as possible in team fights. Peeling and keeping them alive for as long as possible will help you win the fight."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "In team fighting, continue to focus on the most squishiest and easier to kill high priority targets in backline. Your Ultimate B will help you a lot with that."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Nami is a squishy champion. A squishy champion like Nami has weak points of success."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine's ultimate R & E capabilities should be relatively easy to land in these situations. The second point of its Ultimate R will allow Seraphine to inflict increased damage to enemies while using it frequently."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Wait until you have a few levels and item components under your belt before looking to fight. Keep your minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Neither Kled nor he will be able to sue you with his Ultimate R once you get to the farm. Make sure you don't get killed by him regularly. Force him to use his - like this, it will become extremely easy for all of you."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne will play rather safe early because he lacks any real damage until he gets his first item. Try to poke him down and force him to back early so he misses out on gold and experience."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You need time to come online so focus on farming and surviving the very early game. Azir doesn't spike at level 11 unlike a lot of champions."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas can be either highly tanky or a glass cannon depending on landing his combo. A balanced build for Gragas makes him the main damage absorber and engager for the team."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "The first element helps compensate the right poke by continuing to harass the enemy bot track with track brushes. Lux's long range makes it difficult for the enemy to catch up with her while using this strategy."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "This allows him to force his enemy out of the way. It can then take goals with a digital advantage."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "More items mean more damage to Kennen. This will allow him to take control of the game, and his poke damage will increase significantly in the game."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Track him with vision and try to counter his ganks. Skarner is a good counter ganker."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Level six is a significant spike for Neeko as she gains access to her power Ultimate R. Neeko can spam abilities and not run out of mana with this component."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "In particular, remember if you are low, under the tower and when it has its ultimate R available. Once Volibear has finished its first article, its damage production increases a lot."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "If you can shoot her first, her ability to protect her ADC and her portages will be diminished. If you can't kill her, you might be able to force yourself to cut her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "If you or your team lands any crowd control on Jinx, it should result in a kill. Try and lock her down as quickly as you can so she is unable to Get Excited!"} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Do not delay team fights against an Ezreal. Sheen makes Ezreal's Q damage increase substantially."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Although a champion model can activate their W (Miasma) while in her W (Miasma), they will not be knocked away from her and the ability will still be used if tried on themselves instead of using it on her to knock her away. Cassiopeia can farm easily under her turret."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "This will make it incredibly difficult for him to clear up a lot of damage in a team fight. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "He is quite squishy as well so he won\u2019t be able to do much if the enemy team gets healing reduction during the early game. His biggest weakness is an enemy team that can ward well."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Don't get caught out trying to farm a side lane at this point. Neutral objectives are important at this point so always try to stay near the lane where the objective is about to spawn in the next few minutes."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "This allows him to peel his portages with ease, allowing him to play more freely. Its Ultimate R can be used to install ganks on other channels."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "By sitting Baron or Dragon, look for a choice with your abilities. Every time you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with your abilities."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "The objective of the split thrust is to ensure secondary objectives. Regrouping in the middle of the game can be avoided if possible."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Try to gank as often as possible to get your laners ahead. Dr Mundo has good Dragon control and can take it with ease after his first back."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Play around your Ultimate t. Playing around it and picking up more kills for your team give you more opportunities down the line."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Focus on clearing the wave with your r in the lane. Poking the enemy with your r in the lane will give you a significant advantage in the long run."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Don\u2019t let Caitlyn poke you down by sacrificing CS for health and XP. When she is overextended, request assistance from your Mid laner or Jungler to help shut her down."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "You should always try to flank the enemy and get murders on your back with your E. In this way you will be able to resume the game easily."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "The items Sejuani uses will make him take much less damage. Sejuani can instigate turn dives to finish the enemies."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath can cause damage to the Dragon or Baron, making it more difficult to take these goals while he is present. Xerath's early play poke can be really difficult to manage in the way."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs is relatively low early compared to other ADCs because he relies heavily on his capabilities rather than on automatic attacks. This makes him short of mana quickly and becomes useless in the way. To compensate for this weakness, Ziggs should use track brushes to delimit enemies without necessarily using their capabilities. The only threat will keep enemies at hand."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Lane swaps should be easy because you need kills. You should target immobile carries as much as possible."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Once you've gone in, make sure you fall back and peel for your allies. Use your m to lock down key targets."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar's abilities are telegraphed early in the game. All Malzahar needs to do is keep his health up to level 6."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Chant\u00e9 will often seek to replace the first wave between the two towers by putting in place a huge early pressure leading to gold and the experience of the tracks."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "When trading with Taliyah, keep at least 1 minon behind you. This will make it very difficult for him to damage his Q."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "At level 6, twisted destiny kills pressure does not increase, but its ability to wander does. When Twisted's destiny disappears, ping immediately and try to match his clear wave so that he is unable to push you into your turn."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "When Brand has hit level 3, he will be able to activate his Passive for maximum damage as he will have access to all 3 of his basic abilities. Brand's second power spike is once he unlocks his Ultimate R. It will offer him a lot of additional damage and will help him blow up any squishy Support or ADC."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You should have the level 6 advantage if you have a Ultimate fight. Taliyah will want to delay the team fight as long as possible while she takes you with her Q."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana is a melee champion that struggles against ranged champions. When playing as a ranged champion, use your abilities and auto-attacks on her when she moves forward to last hit."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Being left behind can result in you taking all the damage. It's crucial to avoid getting caught out by yourself."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Avoid detaching yourself from CDA when Swain's Nevermove capability is in place, as it can interrupt you and me! Being caught without you and me! leaves you vulnerable and risks being eliminated."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille is a mechanically difficult champion. A champion who requires lots of practice to master."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana is playing with an assassin playstyle. Diana should be able to one-shot enemies with ease from now on."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "This means that he is great in the later stages of the game regardless of how ahead or behind he was in the earlier stages of the game. Cho'Gath can easily get kited by ADCs and champions with dashes in team fights."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "CC Singed every time you have the opportunity. Work with your team to shoot down Singed after you kill him."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "varus is a very motionless champion. Varus can be easily killed if crowd control is in diapers over him."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This will give him a huge boost and allow him to take control of the game environment easily."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Avoid running too far away from your team during the late game as this can lead to being left behind and losing the game. The enemy may force a fight if they detect you leaving your position, so be cautious in your movements."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "The enemy will be vulnerable when you're out of mana. Post level 6, your kill pressure increases dramatically."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett will be able to cut you easily if you do not take this into account. It can try to get some early healing reduction, which can significantly affect your survival."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Try to take fights in closed areas like the Jungle, as it will allow you to hit several people with your Q."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Always keep an eye on what Ultimate Sylas has. If his Ultimate R is a very strong Team Ultimate fight, try to wait until it continues to cool before forcing a fight."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Do not fight in the late game unless your Ultimate R is up. It is crucial that you only commit or look for fights when it is available as you're going to miss out on extra damage and CC."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Just make sure to use your e in an appropriate way to avoid CC Your main goal during the fighting will be to reach the most priority enemy target and then move them to your team with your Ultimate k."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "As a result, he can't dish out a lot of damage. To compensate for this, he will want to use the lane brushes and his range advantage to keep poking the enemy champion."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "When Rumble finished its first component, its escarming power and potential of 1v1 increased sharply. You should avoid fighting him when his resource bar is more than half filled in this matchup."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Its release of damage in Ultimate R will be phenomenal. Swain's presence in the middle of the game is great, allowing him to delimit the enemies and separate the enemy front line from the back line."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Your Ultimate will allow you to easily everything in Renekton or to separate him from his team. Take advantage of this opportunity to turn the wave of battle in your favor."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Make camille bait an all-in on you. Once she goes in, you can CC and kill her with your team. She will try to get your Passive out actively in this matchup."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "During this phase of the game, Xin will be really tanky. He will simultaneously inflict a ton of damage on his enemies."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia Passive has a long cooling period. Once Anivia's Passive is overturned, try to kill her when she's the most vulnerable."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "The goal is to ensure a death or to exert pressure while Leona is roaming. They will not be able to do everything in the enemy at all if their ADC is constantly pushing the wave into early play."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Always try to separate the enemy front line from the enemy front line. This will allow your allies to play more freely."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "The last hit on minions allows Cho'Gath to regain health. His e has a very large range."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus\u2019 Ultimate e deals meagre amounts of damage during the early game. Karthus forces himself to use his Ultimate e only when the enemy is too low."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "You should quickly talk to the middle of the way. This will allow you to get a lot of card control."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is one of the best duelers in the game."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "In team fighting, continue to focus on the most squishi and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is rather squishy and vulnerable when his r is on the cooldown. This also applies when the enemy's weapons are overheated, allowing the enemy to open up to him as a whole."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "You need time to come online and should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early. Once you have some levels under your belt, start playing aggressive."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "The biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control, especially stuns, snares, knock-ups."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Securing these goals as Jungler is crucial in the middle of the game. Zac becomes really powerful in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Positioning is crucial to playing syndra. If Syndra is not properly positioned, she can be easily caught and killed due to her immobility and bursting."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Its C & E capabilities should be very useful during team fighting. talijah is capable of inflicting damage on its capabilities during the capture of enemies."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "The enemy team will always have to watch their flanks. Rakan is great during late-game fights as his W, E, and Ultimate R will be on very short cooldowns."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "He's gonna get mad a lot sooner. You should apply as much pressure as possible to match his first ganks."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Stand behind minions to reduce Caitlyn's Q damage. Caitlyn is good in extended trades, so avoid going for extended trades with her, especially if her Passive is stacked."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "The first mythic item will allow Heimerdinger to dish out a ton of poke damage in the lane with his turrets. His burst damage will be pretty potent as well, and he can one-shot enemies with utmost ease."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "You're very vulnerable and easy to kill if you're alone. Staying with your support increases your ability to survive."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "His e was combined with his increase in attack speed. When his e was combined with his increase in attack speed, he became a force to count with."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "When the team fights, make sure no one in your team is too far ahead because Malzahar can try to catch someone out of position with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Avoid fighting Yorick Graves in his W. Be ready for Flash if you're weak while fighting Yorick Graves in his W."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath is a monster as the game goes on. If you do not know where Cho'Gath is, do not walk through the river isolated or without vision."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Group your team during this phase of the game and make sure you can land consistent DPS on enemies. Your ultimate R should be saved for yourself, but exceptions apply if one of your carts is in danger."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Keeping them alive is the key to team fighting. Be ready to peel them if necessary."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "It is better to steal away Fiddlesticks' camps when he is in a different location on the map. Fiddlesticks Ultimate R allows him to deal damage to tons of champions at once in closed areas during team fights."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio can now poke enemies from the lane brushes. At level 9, Galio's core items will be equipped."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "While you\u2019re good in the late game, you\u2019re incredibly squishy. Lookout and be cautious when trying to get a good Ultimate R off so you don\u2019t get killed before a fight breaks out."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "You are rather weak in the early game and need time to come online. Once you have quite a few levels under your belt, you should look for short favourable trades."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Keep them where they are before they can reach the goal. Post 6 should avoid fighting them at any cost because they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and they will kill you easily."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "The first item component will boost his survivability and damage in the lane. This is very helpful as he won't even have to recall if he manages to preserve his health."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh's roaming potential increases with Boots of Mobility. Thresh's ability to get ganks far from good with Mobility Boots can cause problems for your team."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "A fully maximized Ultimate capability will give Vayne a massive peak of power. This is absolutely necessary to win the game and allows Vayne to flatten tons of damage."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Standing outside the wave of the minion will force him to choose between pushing and doing his Q. Staying outside the minion wave allows Varus to poke and push the wave at the same time."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Once Kog'Maw gets down, his team won't have a lot of DPS. Keep the wave near your turn."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Bringing an ally back to life with a successful closing can reverse the tide of the game. Keep the wave closer to your side of the card in the game very early."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco must play around this ability to succeed. Shaco is not a good choice against tanks, because it would mean that he changes his construction and climbs close to these tanks."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Once Morgana unlocks her Ultimate R., her death pressure increases. When Morgana gets Zhonya, her survival in the team fights will increase."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Once you have your Ultimate R, you should actively look for an opportunity to gank a lane. Every time you use your Ultimate R, you should aim to get a kill."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Avoid using crowd control capabilities during a fight because they will lock you up and make you vulnerable to death. Once you're locked up, you can't do anything to save yourself from the enemy."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Your E will help a lot in this lane, but use it carefully. Ward around before going for an all-in else, you will become an easy gank target."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "His Ultimate makes him a threat during team fighting. The enemy team cannot afford to fight in closed spaces or they will certainly get cut by its Ultimate"} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Picking off the enemy Support will grant your team a considerable advantage when it comes to vision placements. When setting death brushes, use your Ultimate R to bring unsuspecting enemies close to you."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus has crazy damage at the end of the game if he was able to get tons of batteries with his Q. Nasus is an easy-to-take, easy-to-understand champion."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille's Ultimates cooldown will be a little lower at this time, so you need to play around it as much as possible. In the late game, Camille will deal a lot of damage but also be quite tanky."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar's level 6 is incredibly strong. When Malzahar reaches level 6, their Jungler will ruin them if they don't have a pupil in the river."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser should be pretty comfortable ganking tracks with heavy CC in early play. He will get massive tracks following his ganks at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "limit trading. poke if you can, but don\u2019t commit to anything."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "He is going to invade you if you don't take action. You should not overstay your welcome when facing him."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Scuttle Crab is on the bot side of the map. Warwick has a very early game."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "qiyana's early game ganks on pushed-up targets are going to be quite phenomenal. Camouflage allows qiyana to hit enemies hard in a jiffy."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia will already have several objects. His damage and prolonged burns will be truly heinous to the enemy."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Always keep an eye on what items he currently has. Avoid fighting him alone if his items are better than yours."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "If you allow him to get on to you, it will be hard for you to get him off you. Never try to trade autos with him once he is on top of you either as he will always out trade you blow for blow."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Denying Bel'Veth's camps will prevent her from getting stacks. Counter ganking Bel'Veth should be attempted whenever possible."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "After finishing the search for the Black Cliviers, Urgot became more difficult to kill. Urgot will be able to go for more frequent jobs after finishing The Black Cleaver."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Avoid letting Taliyah crush you with Q because it will do you a lot of damage. In particular, do not let Taliyah delay a team fight with his Q."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "A good time to look for an all-in will be when her dash is down. She won't be able to escape out this way."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "A boost in damage from the first ability of Kassadin is helpful for dealing with ganks and all-ins. Kassadin will be a monster if he is ahead on items or kills during this game phase."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "If a carry dies at the beginning of the fight, it is unlikely that the player can win the fight alone. It is recommended to stick with your team in the late game and not split up or leave them."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "It is possible to prevent the enemy from taking level 1 of the midway by typing Mid laner's hand. The vision should be placed around nearby paths and objectives."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Once Veigar's ability is diminished, he can easily be all-in-one and killed with crowd control. Veigar takes a lot of time to come online if he gets killed a few times during the early game."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Its level 6 can counter your all-in-one with its ultimate. Get away from the minions to avoid being hit by Morgana's W during agriculture."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Use your t as a self peel tool. Draven will be able to one-shot the enemy in the late game as long as he watches his positioning and doesn\u2019t get caught out."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "It\u2019s important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible. After getting a kill, make the call for Baron or Dragon if your team is nearby and able to help you."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Keep a constant eye on the map and don't put yourself in the same area as Zed if you don't know exactly where it is. Expect Zed to flank and remove squishy targets with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Level 6 is a decent power peak for Sona. It allows him to target CC targets now, which can completely change the course of a team fight. His first element will give him a massive boost in his healing."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Empowerment will allow her to dish out a lot of damage. Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Setting up multiple death brushes is her key to success during this phase of the game. In the mid-game, Annie is powerful whenever her Ultimate R is up."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Baiting out Orianna's ultimate can make committing to an all-in more successful. Orianna's level 6 is stronger, but engaging while her ball is far from her position can still be beneficial."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan is pretty mobile and able to escape a lot of trades. Jarvan can use his mobility to get over walls and dodge commonly placed wards."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Maybe she built an item that counterfeits your own building, so make sure you buy items that counter hers. Keep in mind the elements Lillia built and adjust your strategy accordingly."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "It is recommended that Wukong gather as often as possible with his team."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "The pivot for the success of his team is the team combat skills of Master Yi during the end of the game. When Maxing Ultimate r, Master Yi can erase late fighting effectively."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "It is best to wait for the Soldier W to disappear first before fighting him as his damage output will be decreased. After level 6 keep a keen eye on the map and Azir's mana bar."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "This will reduce Yasuo's ability to play aggressively and look for an all-in-one. The good times to use CC capabilities or trade with Yasuo is when it is overheard after using its E."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R will allow Sona to impact team fighting quite often. The result will depend heavily on how it uses capacity."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "It will allow you to keep your team alive. Place the vision in unusual places outside the river."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "This makes Cassiopeia a prime target for ganks and teams with good dive potential. When against mobile champions like Talon, Lee Sin, Rengar, it will be really hard for her to land her Q,"} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "If you have allies who have the CC integrated into their kit, try to stay close to them. You should always focus on the target of the CC and kill them when you get a chance."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "The follow-up CC extension on jhin's kit with his W is really strong. This makes jhin very good with champions who have hard CC or slows in their arsenal."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. This will make farming easier."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "It is difficult for him to spoil his allies without his Ultimate R. Pre-6, he'll find it hard to crash, too."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "You could try to abuse that to put it behind and miss the batteries. Veigar has an ultimate R."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Being involved in multiple neutral objective combats can result in substantial benefits of AoE-based capabilities. The use of AoE attacks can result in considerable benefits and is an effective strategy for this matchup."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "As soon as Ultimate is acquired, become even more aggressive in this game by taking Volibear often enough to be unable to do much in the way. The key strategy is to keep the wave on your side of the tower for safe protection against ganks."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping them alive as long as possible in team fights is a must to win the game."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "This is especially true if her Support is one of those hard all-in champions. Stay with your Support throughout the mid-game."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Her CC and overall kit allow her to win clumped fights easily. Level 11 will be another spike for Qiyana, this time in damage increase and reduced cooldown."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "This will force Hecarim to engage upon the enemy team in a direct fashion, which will allow the enemy team to react accordingly. the ability to roam around the map is crucial during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times. You should keep an eye on what main goal is next."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Early reduction of healing can be a tactical use of Lillia in this matchup. If the early reduction of healing is not contraindicated, it may allow Lillia to surpass you."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "It is recommended to stick with your team in the late game and not split up or leave them. Leaving the team may allow the enemy to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If Garen decides to go for a full AD build when his team lacks a frontline, he won't be able to do anything that game. This should be a proper signal for the enemy Jungler/team to camp Garen when possible."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "so he should work with his Support or tankier teammates to set vision around the map. He will be dishing out humongous amounts of damage during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "You could then use her death timer to take the objective. If Anivia goes missing during the mid-game, she may be trying to setup a death bush herself."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Use your Q and W to \"pull\" enemies out of neutral goals. Ziggs Q is his first poke power, and he's pretty reliable, so adding more points in it will directly increase his overall damage in the track. He'll let him decimate his opposition, mainly when he uses the ability of a brush."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's build will dictate how he plays the game out. If he goes for the tank build, he will be nearly unkillable and can act as a perfect peel unit for his carries."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Winning 2 points in his Ultimate R at level 11 will be another important power peak for Vel'Koz. It can now melt through the enemy rear-line and front line with all the damage it will suffer."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "This prevents Lulu from returning the exchanges. Wait until Lulu uses a capacity before fighting them."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "If you do not get an early advance, it will be difficult to continue later. A smart team and a group together make her vulnerable."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You should watch your positioning and stay far back when facing Camille Support at any level. When facing Camille, it's best to keep a safe distance from walls to prevent her from gaining an early health lead."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune is a professional player, A professional player specializes in the game of a particular game."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "In the later stages of the laning phase, he will try and kill isolated targets that are walking through Summoners Rift alone. Sticking to walking around the map through warded areas only especially if you're ahead."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up. Fighting without it will make the late game team fights much harder."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "When using your skills shots (if they\u2019re AOE), aim them so they hit both Heimerdinger and his Turrets Q. This will make it easier for you to clear them down the line and increase your kill pressure in lane."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux will try to delay a team fight for poke with his l or get a choice with his g. Stay outside the minion wave so she can't push you and hit you with her E."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "After getting a kill, make the call for Baron or Dragon if your team is nearby and able to help you. Securing these objectives as a Jungler is crucial in the mid-game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Darius can start ganking as soon as he hits level 3. He needs all of his basic abilities before he can start to gank."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You're a very mobile champion, thanks to you E. E can be used in multiple ways and is a good way of turning around exchanges with the enemy."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "The completion of several articles by Tahm will result in fewer deaths. Completing several articles by Tahm will increase the constant damage inflicted on enemies during all in."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah has a strong team fighting potential as it can cause a lot of AoE-based damage. Its C & E capabilities should be very useful during team fighting."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Fewer dominant track champions should give him some space at level 3 because Sion can do a surprising amount of damage in the right matchup. Avoid track brushes if you do not have the vision of them and Zion is absent from the track."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf is incredibly strong in the early game especially at level 1."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "When playing as a melee champion, minimize the time spent overextended while getting warding quest stacks. Janna may bully you down with basic attacks if she has the opportunity."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Killing the pressure of Sivir Ultimate R does not usually work in 2v2 combats. The Ultimate R of Sivir is a utility tool that allows it to pursue the Junglers or engage with them."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona has no priority in the track during the early match because her Q makes small amounts of damage. It is best not to use Sona's W until it is absolutely necessary."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "At level 6, Morgana's Ultimate R is unlocked and its death pressure increases. Up to level 6 Morgana-S Ultimate R is not available, but its death pressure increases once this ability is unlocked."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Keep an eye on how many autonomized seraphine batteries has. If she has 3 batteries empowered, play safer than her next ability will be much stronger."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana can pick off targets in the mid-game that are walking around the map alone. Diana can ambush the enemy Support as they try to ward upcoming objectives."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Separate the enemy rear line from their front line will allow your allies to play more freely without damaging the enemy rear line. Dealing first with enemy tanks will increase your production of damage against them."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "if briar doesn't participate in jungle or near-wall team fights, she will be missing out on additional crowd control opportunities. When you've got your first component item, your damage output will be quite high and you'll be deadly in skirmishes."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Avoid being caught in CC as much as possible while using your capabilities. At level 11, Warwick will put an additional point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "K'Sante has a lot of crowd control (CC) and can lock and lay CC on enemy champions. K-Sante has a lot of potential for trading with its Q and basic attacks."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early. reduce Warwick's chances of crashing and killing you."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar needs his Ultimate R to be available and the only way he can get it is through changing into Mega Gnar. Changing into Mega Gnar when Gnar has very little Rage stacked causes him to try to team fight, so he should not do this."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Continue to avoid fighting Graves when he has his Ultimate. Avoid fighting Graves unless he's behind."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "For an attractive champion, he can a man the Baron if he's in front. Its ultimate ability can completely shift the tide of a battle so left uncontrollable."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. This will allow him to inflict a lot of damage and heal for massive amounts according to his articles."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Avoid getting caught by keeping you alone unless you know the location of the enemy. Peel for allies as much as possible to keep them alive in team fighting."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "A melee top laner's life becomes very difficult due to He. He's ranged poke allows him to chip at his opponent while they try to farm."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. Swain is easy to kill early if it's too wide."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze's weakest at the start of the game. Try to abuse this by looking for an early one to force Ryze to remember."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "If you let Galio get close, he will look to engage with his E. Galio looks to taunt you with his W if he gets close."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra's cooldown Ultimate R is about to be completed, making it rather vulnerable in team fighting. You can use this to your advantage to force team fighting when you know it's difficult for her to fight."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Always keep an eye on what items Gragas buys. Gragas can go tank or build a lot of AP."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "He will be able to dish out tons of damage to the enemy. Since the ability will be up frequently, he will be able to pick off targets easily."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Seriously early injuries can significantly reduce the damage caused by Mordekaiser. The reduced W damage from the first grievous injuries will help his enemies even out of duels during the early match."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Getting caught can allow the enemy to take a close goal like Baron, Dragon, a trick or win a 5v4. When level 9 is reached, its first capacity will be fully developed and is crucial during the rolling phase."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Make sure you have your flanks monitored so you can spot it before it jumps on you or your team. Shadow Assassin will seek to tub your back by flanking or passing through the walls."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The enemy team should try to fight Xinhao during this period and target him in front of anyone else. xinhao is not very effective against a group of champions because it is extremely dependent on choices to get an advance."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Two points in Graves' Ultimate ability will increase its potential. The potential of that ability finishing off low health enemies increases drastically."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "It will inflict enormous damage, and the enemy will find it difficult to catch its enemies. Another point in her Ultimate R will allow her to make sure she deals a lot of damage while making sure she can play for her team."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "You\u2019ll need to make sure you can push the wave back so you don\u2019t lose your Tower early. Neeko is good in team fights thanks to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "With reduced healing and support from the Executor, a team can focus on getting Vladimir out more effectively during the way. Vladimir should not regroup too closely with his allies."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "She can 1v1 almost anyone while her R (Rage) is up. Fiora is very good in the later stages of the laning phase and the mid-game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Zhonya's Hourglass will stop you from having a chance before you can do anything. Veigar's n maxing will allow him to trap targets more frequently and inflict heavy damage."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Just walk the path your minions take. Sacrifice some CS for XP and health."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka will be positioned in the back line, which will make it difficult for you to kill her quickly. To facilitate the murder of Soraka, try to flank your side rather than run straight to it in a team fight."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The entry into the enemy rear line allows Malphite to control the combat flow. Malphitis is weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "If Sejuani leaves his team, the enemy will force a fight while she's gone. Sejuani should play around his Ultimate R in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean is super squishy. Focus Zilean rather than the ADC enemy in the way to increase your chances of getting killed."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Hitting 5 champions at once is a sure-fire way of winning the team fight. Cassiopeia deals a lot of damage in extended trades as long as she lands her Q."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The last point of his Ultimate n will allow Monkeyking to inflict enormous damage on enemies. Monkeyking should try to look for flanks during team fighting to maximize its use Ultimate n."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "This pattern is pretty common against champions who can return fire when she looks to trade. The time frame during which Janna's m is available will be used to poke her."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Have a defensive item or escape plan if things go south during daresdevil flanks Focus the nearest enemy champion to your carries, as this will help keep you alive longer and protect your carries"} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The wave should be kept near your tower because the enemy has no sieving potential and can be easily targeted by ganks. Can do a lot of damage to enemy units with its authorized passive Q and E that are close to it."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This will make him almost unqualified, and he will be able to create several choices during this phase of the game. You should not let enemies approach objective pits because you have a strong ability to keep them in the area."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus has global map pressure with their Ultimate. Watch your positioning at all times and stand away from the minion wave (especially after Karthus has his first component item)."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "You should play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "In team fights, disengage and avoid team fighting in the jungle as it will allow Poppy to get a good knockup with her Ultimate R or pick off a key target with her E. Fighting around Poppy\u2019s Ultimate R is a good way of winning team fights. She will knock back the frontline and then engage on to the carries while the frontline is missing."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia's Ultimate ability gives her significant control over the map. Your goal is to use the fog of war to land your CC on the enemies."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Kha'Zix is good for catching low or overt enemies. Kha'Zix needs access to all its basic capabilities to succeed in ruining."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "As the game progresses, Amumu will become stronger, more tankier and tankier. Your Ultimate can cause damage and CC to the entire enemy team if you are able to hit them all with it."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune should play safely until then. During this period, Ms. Fortune should focus on landing her ricochet on the enemies behind the weak health minions."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Continue to pick up the farm in the side aisles when there are no team fights, but also spend little time away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items,"} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Another point in its Ultimate R will increase the frequency with which Kindred can use capacity. This helps in neutral and objective fighting because it can lure the enemy Jungler to waste their Smit."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is inclined to disengage. As soon as he uses his Ultimate, try to disengage or reposition himself, it is therefore more difficult for Rumble to track the damage and win the fight."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "You should try to get the enemy Jungler out of the pit using your Ultimate k. Lee Sin is an aggressive champion."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "This champion is mechanically very difficult. You will need a lot of games to master this champion."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks first power spike occurs when he reaches level 6. Unlocking his Ultimate offers extra kill pressure in lane."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Avoid staying inside the minion wave. This will allow Varus to push the wave at the same time. Standing outside the wave of the minion will force him to choose between pushing and throwing with his Q."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven will have incredibly high damage output when trading with the enemy at level 9. The cooldown for this damage output will be shorter if Draven has recently dropped an Axe."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "jax's scaling is unparalleled and he does really well in duels due to his E and Q. The longer the game goes, the more dangerous jax becomes and can practically kill anyone no matter how healthy they are."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Look for fights when Fiddlesticks has an ability down. Preferably, his Q or W so he is unable to escape/ trade back with you."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax will be looking to split push in the later stages of the game. Always keep an eye on where Jax is at any given time."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia can push the enemy into their Tower with her Ultimate ability. A large amount of mana allows Anivia to constantly push the enemy into their Tower."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Bard's Ultimate R will not spike when another point is put in at level 16. At level 16, Bard's Ultimate R has a shorter cooldown which enables him to get picks more frequently."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "But you\u2019ll need to wait for him to use his E if your CC is a skill shot. Ezreal's poke damage starts stacking up if you take too many Q\u2019s to the face."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Wait for her to consume it before engaging. At level 6, Caitlyn can execute an enemy with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Use your Ultimate to go for risky choices as it allows you to escape if you miss your E. Ahri falls at the end of the game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar is at his weakest at the beginning of the game. Try to abuse Veigar to place it behind. Delaying his batteries will make it less effective in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Once he uses his offensive W, he will have no other form of escape. This makes him vulnerable to the enemy team's ganks and baits."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Call on the near target after killing the enemy. Once Yasuo reaches level 11, his Ultimate R will have two points in it."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "You should play respectfully and stay at max range while harassing the enemy from afar. You use your s to poke the enemy as often as possible."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "irelia's Ultimate R not only slows down enemy escape, but also sets up her teammates for successful CC to trap the enemy team. irelia's Ultimate R serves as an effective initiation tool that scores her team significant advantage."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Level 6 is a massive peak for Sivir as it allows its team to collapse on targets. Level 6 is also beneficial to Sivir as it allows it to escape threats."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Securing each Drake and the Dragon Soul will increase the team's chances of winning. Choosing a target with your team can be a good opportunity to choose someone."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Make sure you keep them half a minute in advance. Do not go on the other side of the map when an important goal is rising or about to spawn."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora will be grouped during this stage of the game. The large AOE heal will be very helpful for Fiora and her team."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "During this phase of the game, several elements will allow him to flatten a lot of damage while surviving the fighting with ease. The last point of his Ultimate n allows Wukong to inflict enormous damage on enemies."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Once you hit level 6 and bought key elements, try to harass and constantly push the enemy into their turn. Level 6 for Twisted Fate allows him to make coins on the whole card."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "This will reduce its effectiveness and force it to find other ways to engage with the enemy team. Play safe for a few levels."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac has a lot of time on his engagement skills. For this reason, Zac can really use them as a tool for engagement or escape only once in a fight."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas Dash E can also be used for immobile or vulnerable porting. The Ultimate R of Sylas depends entirely on the enemy team comp."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ensure there is vision around the map. Do not walk in un-warded areas when you're unsure where Ekko is."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "If you can find the opportunity to do so, use it to catch someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or away from the position. Peel for your portages to keep them alive longer."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The damage will be pretty devastating for the enemy team too. Swain's late game is strong because of his team fighting prowess."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Level 6 is a decent power peak for Trundle as it can now take duels and they easily. Trundle can massively affect team fighting with this level."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Axes are a type of attack that Olaf has. Olaf's Ultimate ability k is down, making him really immobile."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "It can delay this by invading or trying to fight it early. Shyvana will try to secure every Dragon because of her Passive."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Look at Lucian's positioning. He will often walk forward to land the auto attacks. Once Lucian has misplaced himself, use this to your advantage to concentrate it down."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Make sure to get magic penetration items for AP champions and armour pen for AD champions. Once Rammus hits level 6, he becomes a more significant nuisance as he deals more damage when ganking."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "To the extent possible, it will have to focus on peeling for its portages or act as an attacker."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora. Fiora is a great split pusher and one of the best duelists in the game thanks to her Ultimate R and Q."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Keep an eye on Qiyana though and be prepared to recall if she is getting close to your tower. Burst and CC are the most effective strategies in a team fight against Qiyana."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "At level 9, Camille's Q will be maxed out. This stage of the game results in incredibly high 1v1 potential."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs' main poke tool in the track is his Bomb Buncing Q. The rotating bomb Q has a short cooling and makes a decent amount of AOE damage."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Its damage to the E Tower allows Tristana to buy plates and destroy the towers with ease. This will put Tristana ahead of the road, as well as get quick targets if it is left unchecked."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target. Vayne shines at the end of the game because she can run the enemies because of her e et s."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Use your Ultimate R capability to eliminate enemies when you have the opportunity. This ability is extremely useful when you see an enemy on a side track and can catch them out of sight."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Getting caught out will result in the enemy forcing a fight or taking the Baron. Avoid straying too far away from your team."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "He can then start to trade more aggressively with the enemy. Your goal is to hide in the fog of war during team fights."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "At level nine Gwen will be able to max out her Q. That ability is her paramount damage ability and it will start dishing out a lot of damage from now."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "It can be about duel any enemy during this stage of the game. It's a candy because it can bring several enemies to it while his team gets goals. In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "He can instigate tower dives, peel for his carries, and take neutral objectives all at once. This will give him a lot of power."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "To level up quickly, earn as much gold and XP as possible. Focus on farming in the powerfarm during the mid-game."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo's W is almost useless against you. Only your d can be blocked by the W of Yasuo."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Getting an early health benefit will help us in the long term. Our main objective is to cultivate and gain experience points."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Keep the river under surveillance so you can spot its Jungler before they jump your track. Malzahar isn't really capable of killing anyone alone."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "As you skim position 6, keep this in mind. Tahm's early play is rather weak."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora should be able to fight anyone as long as she\u2019s not behind in the mid-game. In a team battle, try to split push while drawing enemies' attention."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "If you die when having lots of stacks, you'll miss out on a lot of free gold. The enemy will try to overwhelm you in the bottom lane to shut you down."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan has tons of mobility thanks to his E. It can allow him to move in the track with ease, and to pass to the enemy to launch quickly. Akshan's E allows him to bring back his dead allies if he kills the enemy who killed them."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Level 16 will further reduce the cooling of Teemo's Ultimate capacity. Damage to teemo mushrooms will increase."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Unlike many AP champions, Lillia can launch and start a team fight if she can catch several enemies out of position with her E. Ping allows Lillia to mark enemies out of position once the Ultimate R is activated, so your team knows you want to enter."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah's level 6 allows it to counter roaring, so you should consider moving from base to place. You should not stand in the wave of minions after Taliyah gets his first article to reduce the damage taken to push."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with Q and E spam."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Keeping them alive for as long as possible in team fights is a must in order to win the game. Level 16 is another decent spike where he can use his Ultimate R much frequently."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "After level 6, Vladimir gets a peak of power with his e, so play a little more passively against him in this stage. The best opportunity to talk to Vladimir is when he used his l, because it's his only tool or survival in his kit, and he can cause damage while using it with his I>E combo, which makes it even more vital for him."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "To take advantage of Cassiopeia's level 2 all in, ensure you hit level 2 at the same time as the first wave. This will be followed by one melee minion on the second wave to reduce Cassiopeia's ability to kill you."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Being caught will result in a 4v5 downside for your team. Don't worry alone unless you know where the enemy is."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani uses a CC capability (crowd control) that affects its enemies"} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Don't get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage. If you're playing as a ranged champion, try and harass Camille with basic attacks whenever she tries to last hit."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives. Watch your positioning in team fights and try to heal who needs it most."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "It becomes more powerful as the game progresses. Tahm Kench can absorb a lot of damage entering the track."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Look for a regular all-in with your W and E in this matchup. It will allow you to cut immobile magi really easily and you can win the way early on."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Look for picks with your Ultimate R. If you can catch someone out when the enemy is unorganised, you'll be able to force a team fight or an objective afterwards."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Staying at a maximum distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for Shen to kill you. Playing around the hate of Shen E will make the laning phase much easier for you."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu is very effective in team fighting because she can build objects that eat her teammates. To effectively counter Lulu, it is best to lock him up with crowd control (CC) or kill her before she has a chance to place a pupil and affect the fight."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Picking a key target can lead to taking the call for Baron. Her Ultimate R will dish out a lot of damage during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Reliable poke capacity increases overall damage when used from a brush You should quickly talk to the middle of the way."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Play on the side of the map that has the next major objective up so you can rotate to take it with your team. Alternatively if you have Teleport you can go to the bot side of the map and use it to get to your team."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "The split strategy in the middle of the game is recommended. The split thrust in the middle of the game can help secure secondary goals."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Your kit will let you CC the enemy to oblivion and will allow you to burst them down just as quickly. Unlocking your Ultimate R will make it relatively easy for you to gank your enemies."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "The best time to talk to him is when his E is broken. In team fighting, if he tries to enter with this ability, it can be completed quickly."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "She may wait for her m to be up before trading. This pattern is pretty common against champions who can return fire when she looks to trade."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks can start to trade more aggressively with the enemy after completing his first component item. Try to roam around when possible, as your Ultimate R, E, and Q should make up for some easy ganks during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "The ability cooldown reduction for Kassadin's Ultimate will allow him to deal massive amounts of burst damage. Kassadin's first ability will be maxed out at level nine."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "The force team fights when Shyvana does not have its Dragon shape, so she is unable to exchange or fight effectively with your team."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "It will also allow it to take more minor damage due to the theft of life. A maximum of Ultimate R will allow Tristana to take control of the game very quickly."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Once you get your first item, your burst damage will be really high. Just make sure that you don't get CC'd during a major all-in else you will definitely end up dying."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian will have access to several articles during this stage of the game. It will be easier for him to break out enemies."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "This is quite an advantage because he can bring several enemies to him while his team gets goals. 3 points in its Ultimate ability will not be an excellent peak of power because it only ensures its prolonged survival and nothing else."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You\u2019ll fall off in the later stages of the game. Try and end the game as quickly as you can or snowball your lead so you\u2019ll be a huge threat in team fights."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "The transformation will make Kayn much stronger. If Kayn turns into Red Kayn, he'll be more tankier."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Fighting in tight spaces allows Gwen to deal a lot of damage. Her W allows Gwen to mitigate a lot of damage."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one. Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Expect the Jungler to engage in ganks after level 6. The healing of Sona's W will be a problem as the game unfolds."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "This prevents the enemy team from being killed within the next 2.5 seconds, as this could be their downfall (W). Galio's W plays a pivotal role during team fights when the enemy team is trying to form a clustered formation."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Whenever Leblanc's W is about to cool down, it is squisher and vulnerable. You could use this delay to play aggressively and go for a trade because it won't be able to escape or trade so effectively with you."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "When trading with Taliyah, keep at least 1 minon behind you. Taliyah will want to delay the team fight as long as possible while she takes you with her Q."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "The key target for Flank should be identified. In the late game, stealth is preferred to self-presentation."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Building armor will help reduce the amount of physical damage Quinn can do to you. With sufficient armor, your chances of surviving and engaging in fights increase."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Your e will allow you to make really fancy pieces. You should try to get the enemy Jungler out of the pit using your Ultimate"} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Your main goal in the way should be to peel and protect your ADC as much as possible. If you or your ADC get late, it's going to be harder for you to win the way and the game."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Mastering someone with many abilities is difficult. A beginner learning from someone with many abilities can find it challenging."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Later, the middle parts of the game and when the enemy begins to regroup, follow and regroup with the team. Look for peaks with n. If you can catch someone in the middle of the game with it, the team should be able to kill them pretty quickly after picking up."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Slowly from Sylas allows him to reduce the health of his laner. In terrible situations, Sylas'W can heal a lot of health."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "If you're playing a long-ranged ADC, with a melee/all-in Support, Delay a team fight for as long as possible while poking and harassing the enemy with your b and e."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "The most important thing you want to do is keep a Control Ward in your inventory to use your Ultimate k effectively. It is necessary to have effective clearing to ensure that you can wander frequently."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Avoid engaging in trades unless you can win them. If they invade you, step back, because they can easily kill you."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Look for choices with your team. If you can choose someone, call for Baron or Dragon to continue your lead. After entering with your Ultimate t, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the fights of the end-of-game team."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe will be able to duel quite effectively now due to her core items. Using her y slow and Ultimate w, she should try to keep the enemy at arm's length while she keeps pelting them with her attacks."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Use this strategy during neutral, objective fights with karthus. The placement of your n can make or break an entire team fight with karthus."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Without its E (capacity), Syndra was very vulnerable and vulnerable to gank attacks. Syndra without his E was a very sensitive target for enemy ganks."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's effectiveness can vary greatly depending on his build. If Garen goes for a full AD build when his team lacks a frontline, he won't be able to contribute."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "The last point of his Ultimate R will guarantee more choices in the later parts of the game. The goal is to ensure a choice on the enemy Support or Jungler and to obtain a neutral objective after that."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "You have to start fighting for your team when you have a chance. Your Ultimate R is supposed to help you massively in fighting, especially around choking points."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Your Ultimate R has low cooling during some parts of the game. This part of the game refers to choking fights."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Her s will be maxed out at level 9. This ability will hit like a truck now, but she will have to land it properly."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Take advantage of this opportunity to turn the wave of battle in your favor. Keep the wave in the middle of the track as long as possible in this matchup."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "He can also dive enemies as needed with his team's support."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "You should avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game because the enemy will force a fight while you\u2019re gone. In order to successfully play around your Ultimate a in the later parts of the game, you must avoid fighting unless it is up."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia has a weak early game. If you invade Lillia, she'll be placed behind."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia has one of the strongest passives in the game. Anivia's Passive prevents him from dying which gives him tons of extra protection throughout the game."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fighting around chokepoints should be very fruitful for you. Setting up death brushes will be a pretty viable strategy during this phase of the game as well."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. She will not be able to use her E much if she is pushed up."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "If he's late, he'll fight at the end of the game. A strong rapid advance for Lucian may allow him to make snowballs, but it is not lasting if he is late."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Your goal is to keep your portages alive as long as possible. Another point in his Ultimate R will allow him to peel for his wears much more frequently."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Securing objectives on his own allows Jax and his team to get an objective lead without doing anything. This advantage gives the team a big edge over their opponents."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Burst and poke is the best way to win a fight against Swain. Try to catch him before a team fight starts."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Get as close to the enemy laner as you can before using your Q. The further away you use it, the harder it will be to land it. Camille can start ganking at level 2."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is really strong once he has time to apply multiple stacks of his Passive onto an enemy champion. Avoiding melee range can prevent Darius from applying multiple stacks of his Passive."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "This means she's going to set up games for her ADC. As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you move around the map, and when you are alone."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "In team fights, try to harass and poke down Galio as much as possible before he can look to engage. Poking down Galio first will make it impossible for him to look for an engage with his E and W."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Keep your resource bar half-filled. Don't fight in crowded spaces unless you've cleared them of Teemo's traps."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Whenever you\u2019re fighting the enemy always take into consideration that he may use his Ultimate ability to finish you off. The more Ability Power and magic penetration Karthus gets the better and stronger he will be."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The CC will allow its team to collapse quickly on the enemy. Seraphine should be really great that the game continues because she will get all her articles by now."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fighting around chokepoints should be very fruitful for you. Roam around when possible."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Standing near a wall will make it harder for you to escape damage when using its Ultimate e. Stand in the middle of the track at any time to facilitate the exit of its Ultimate e."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Use your E more liberally to get murders from now on. Your Ultimate has a short cooldown, so use it frequently enough to help cut off enemies who have already taken some damage."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "This allows your team to collapse on them and kill them. Once Gragas gets to level 16, he will have his Ultimate R maxed out."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune's Ultimate capability will cover the entire track, allowing him to inflict damage on the entire team. If you can cancel Miss Fortune's Ultimate capability quickly by sending it to CC, its damage output will be very low."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Once Sona reaches level 6, her death pressure increases and she can start playing more aggressively. Sona's murder capacity is increased when she reaches level 6."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Level 6, when Heimerdinger unlocks his Ultimate R, he basically gets 3 new abilities. Try and track Heimerdinger's Ultimate cooldown post 6."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Once it has completed its first element, its trading capacity increases considerably. Beware of trading with her if she gets her first component before you."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Use your level 2 advantage to go for an aggressive game with your basic combo. Post 6, your Ultimate offers you a ton of extra pressure to kill and opportunities to get killed."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "it is recommended to avoid fighting in the jungle, around the targets or near the Baron. You must be spaced so that Skarner cannot land his Ultimate on several champions at once."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "After killing someone, call for a close goal. At level 9, Lissandra Q will be maximized."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "If possible, stick with an ADC in the middle lane. It is possible to prevent the enemy from taking level 1 of the midway by typing Mid laner's hand."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Transition to the midway as quickly as possible. Lux will have his basics."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Make sure you're never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her E and push you into it. Whenever Poppy throws her Buckler and it lands near you, try to step on it."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Always adjust your positioning in team combat. Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah has good potential with his C. If you don't know where Taliyah is in the middle of the game, don't walk around Rift Summoners alone and avoid sightless areas"} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized when it reaches level 9. This is a crucial peak of power, as its damage production and duel capacity are massively increased."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Your Ultimate has a significant impact on the overall performance of the team during this phase. A supertank is a hero type."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "At level 16, he'll have his Ultimate R max. Zed will have very low cooling rates now."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "He will also spread a lot of damage during the duels and heal with his W as needed. The first element will strengthen its overall damage."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The goal is to ensure that the enemy can't all-in you during the laning phase. Ward around and just aim to play safely."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "At the beginning of the game, Anivia needs a power peak to start plowing properly. The player should focus on getting the tear as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Try not to fall behind in XP by constantly trying to gank. Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Keep an eye on Jax when fighting and be prepared to retreat if he leaves the side lane. Focus on farming early and get gold and XP."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Avoid standing by the bushes because it can jump from them. If Rengar leaves the line, ping your teammates."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "You should just focus on the damage. This champion is quite still and is inclined to the CC."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Keep your distance from the enemy as you are still and you will be killed easily. Your r and n will play a role in the victory of this path."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "This is done best when Ivern manages to catch an unsuspecting enemy with his Q from the fog of war. Once Ivern gets his Ultimate R, he can easily distract critical enemy team members."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "By poking Galio down first, you\u2019ll make it impossible for him to look for an engage with his E and W. Try and stay at max range at all times when fighting Galio to make it very hard for him to use his E and W aggressively to taunt you."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "His safety margin allows him to avoid taking damage and minimize risks during the laning phase. A mage is weak against any form of silence or channel interruption spell."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux won't have a lot of articles. Lux will do a lot of harm because of its AP ratios."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser has a healthy clear but slow clear at the beginning of the game. Try to invade Mordekaiser to steal his camps to delay his first peak of power."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia runs out of mana incredibly quickly if she spams her E when trading. Cassiopeia needs to keep a constant eye on her mana pool otherwise she will have minimal lane pressure."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "At level 16, the Ultimate capacity of zilean will be fully maximized. This will allow the Zilean to use its Ultimate capabilities more frequently."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo can place mushrooms in circulation areas. The placement of Teemo's Ultimate Mushrooms allows it to detect enemies."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "You need to be somewhere else on the map after your bot lane has moved. Rotate means moving to a different location."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "They can secure the lenses much easier than you can keep them monitored to spot them before they can secure the lens. Avoid fighting them at any cost because they are much stronger with their Ultimate and will kill you easily."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna will try poke as often as she can with her basic attacks and Q."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw's Ultimate Y costs a lot of mana that is really bad for him. This makes AD build a less optimal choice for players who want to use its Ultimate there effectively."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight. Make sure no one on your team is too early in the team fights that Malzahar can try to catch someone out of position with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Keep a constant eye on your position and that of your allies. You have to bring down the enemy and delay the fights at the end of the game,"} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Once Heimerdinger hits level 6, he technically unlocks 3 new abilities. Be careful when trying to initiate a skirmish with him as he might just pull out his magic card and kill you."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Free and easy deaths can cause fighting from Master Yi's team. Try to wait for Master Yi to use his e before locking it with CC."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Do not let Jax take objectives and open up your base for free. Forcing a fight with a numbers advantage when Jax is split pushing can be a good way to win a team fight."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Your Q should do a lot of damage now. Make sure you cut off the enemy before you all in them, you can't have enough damage to kill your target."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "The mid-game is a period where Ahri will have lower cooldowns. Lower cooldowns can help Ahri get picks with her team during the mid-game."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Wait for her to use her abilities on the camps before striking her down. If you\u2019re low on health or if you see an ally low on health overstaying their welcome, ping and communicate as she will look to get easy kills with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Level 11 isn't excellent as she only gets the cooldown on the ability reduced. When compared to other Junglers, it doesn't bring a lot to the table."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio should be getting his build completed by now. This will give him a massive spike in his ability to peel for allied carries."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "It will be challenging to lock down Olaf with CC when he reaches level 6. Olaf is a skirmish heavy Jungler."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "If Cho'Gath decides to use his t, he has to wait a long time for it to come back up. When Cho'Gath's t is on cooldown, he misses out on potential true damage."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Vi's 3/4 success level will start at gank thanks to its access to all its basic capabilities. I expect her to start jerking off this time."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "If Jinx uses her E, exploit her weakness and go for another skirmish Jinx doesn't have much help in the mobility department."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor's main self-peel shape is d. Once Viktor d's capacity is down, it becomes vulnerable to ganks."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana is good at level 6 when she unlocks her Ultimate R. Morgana's death pressure isn't the best until she unlocks her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This also means that Zac can act as an activator for a team and then come back to peeling for its carriers once the engagement is over. Once Zac gets three points in his Ultimate R, he will be able to use it frequently."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Using the Ultimate R while fighting should also be avoided as much as possible since it would reduce her chances of getting resets. By avoiding these situations, you can limit Irelia's potential for resetting her abilities."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Agriculture is more important than fighting with the enemy until you have an object behind you. Vladimir's bot track moved in the middle of the track."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's E is very versatile and can allow him to go for aggressive plays or escape sticky situations. Ezreal is a very safe Support."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "This means that it can secure choices with ease on anyone. Poke damage on his Q is just as respectable."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Avoid dying in team fighting and staying on the same side of the map as the next major goal."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's poke damage starts stacking up if you take too many Q\u2019s to the face. Ensure you\u2019re always stood behind the minion wave at all times."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Azir will try and delay a team fight. Delaying the fight is better than letting Azir poke you down with his W."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand needs to hit his abilities on enemies during a fight. Brand should melt through neutral objectives and enemy champions alike."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Be careful of when Jhin is running at you with his 4th shot during team fights."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If you can't make use of her Ultimate R in your own lane, you could roam with it to help your allies. When Camille has completed her first component item, her ability to trade with the enemy will intensify."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's weakness is exploited by delaying it. Malphitis becomes more dangerous when it reaches level 6."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern does not deal damage and is built as a secondary Support. A secondary Support like Ivern relies on his teammates more than most Junglers in the game."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "It's essential to keep Ekko's Ultimate W ability in mind when fighting the enemy. After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Stand in the middle of the track rather than at the side of the track. If you stand around the edges near the wall, you will allow it to install its Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille is good at picking off champions with her Ultimate R in the late game. The cooldown for Camille's Ultimate R should be low."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux prefers to delay team fighting so she can poke with her l or take enemies with her g. Lux is really strong once she unlocks her Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Drmundo has a lot of healing because of his Passive and items. The Passive gives him a good amount of health regen."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Don't let Xerath shoot you down until a team fight happens. Xerath's goal is to delay a team fight as long as possible while poking with his p and 2."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "You're already still, and anyone with a dash or spelling shield can kill you. Stay with your team and work with them to enemies at once."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "You need to earn as much gold and XP as possible so you can level up quickly. Powerfarm in the mid-game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Dealing first with enemy tanks will increase your production of damage against them. Zac's E can be used from afar to start the team fight."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible. Standing outside the minion wave makes it harder for Neeko to push and poke you with Q."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Grievous Wounds are quite effective against him. He is quite squishy as well so he won\u2019t be able to do much if the enemy team gets healing reduction during the early game."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Avoid fighting or staying close to your teammates (grouped together) because Nautilus e can hit players who come into contact with her. Nautilus will often be the first player on his team and should focus on the downhill if his teammates do not follow him."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "The cooldown of Ultimate R will be reduced. Neeko's core items allow her to deal a lot of damage while peeling for teammates."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "When you have your first item, look to play more aggressive. Stand away from low health minions, especially when he has his Q up."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Bait enemy laners into pushing and use the wall behind them to E and then stun with your Q. Pairing up with your Jungler/other laners will yield maximum effectiveness."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "By sitting Baron or Dragon, or whenever you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of the position or blow them up, you will be able to take the goal for free."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "You should avoid his Q poke in this game. Use your mobility to avoid it when possible, as it will try to shoot you from a distance before stopping you for the murder."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern is best paired with a team that has a hyper carry. If you are paired with teams that lack damage or AP Bot laners, Ivern\u2019s heals and shields will not be so effective."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "When he buys an extra capacity of haste for Teemo, he earns more mushrooms to place around the card. To counter Teemo mushrooms, try to take an unorthodox path to avoid walking through them."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Stay at maximum range at all times. Retreat briefly if Volibear activates its Q."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "In team fights, avoid grouping too close together as it will allow Jinx's Rockets Q to deal lots of AOE damage. It will also make her Ultimate R less effective if you're slightly split up."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz should play somewhat safer until he reaches either 3 or 4 and then look for an aggressive all-in. Fizz\u2019s main power spike is once he hits level 6."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor's work in team fighting is poke as much as possible before engaging in the fight. Try to force a fight as fast as you can rather than allow it to shoot you with its y and m."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "The strategy during the mid-game is to split push and try to secure side objectives. The player should keep an eye on the map as they may still not be able to achieve a 1v3 ratio yet."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Focus the nearest enemy champion to your carries, as this will help keep you alive longer and protect your carries Work together with your team to take down the enemy one by one, focusing on the nearest champion"} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "If Zoe takes a defensive spell, it'll be harder for you to kill her. Zoe's aggressive spells will make her look for jobs."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas will be looking to gank frequently in the early game. Try to equal his pressure by ganking frequently too."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "If achieving goals is more important than helping your teammates, don't get too involved. At level 9 Nasus has maximized its first capacity."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Poke is your best friend against Trundle. Putting him down is almost impossible for him to fight with your team."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "You benefit from broken jobs, so try to go for them frequently. Push the wave and look for roaming opportunities."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce's poke is directly proportional to the number of items and components he has at that time. Due to his ranged stance,"} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon can influence other lanes too when he gets his R. When Pantheon gets 1 or 2 kills, he can finish Youmuu's Ghostblade and his other core items faster."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rotation and displacement around the map allows to continue agriculture and win XP and gold in the way. Use capabilities to quickly clear minion waves so that the team can besiege or prevent an enemy team seat."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Deny Fiddlesticks's surprise engages by warding around your team. Seek fights when Fiddlestick\u2019s R is on cooldown because with it down his team fighting potential decreases a lot."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao's knockup is incredibly powerful to prevent enemies from escaping and allow aliens to follow him. Level 6 is a decent power peak for Xin Zhao as it can immediately convert skirmishes into 1 v 1 fights with specific targets."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "If the enemy has a lot of CC, it will be difficult for Vayne to do too much. Vayne's late for the game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar will now have several batteries that grant a lot of free power. Stay with your team at the end of the game."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "You should use Bard's Ultimate R behind the enemy as they may walk into it while trying to escape. Focus more on roaming and impacting the map with your Ultimate R and E when you reach this stage."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The Ultimate R will give the talijah traction to easily land its C. talijah's E is really effective against enemies who have some form of dash."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Level six is an important power peak for Veigar as he gets access to his Ultimate R, which is a very good ending that will help him take control of the game later. The first element will be an important power peak as well because its AP increase combined with the Veigar Passive will allow him to have more AP than most other players."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen lacks any form of ranged engagement potential, making him weak against ranged enemy champions. Garen relies on flanking the enemy team from the sidelines."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "the first element greatly helps the overall prowess of Swain Swain's Ultimate R allows him to resume fighting with several points of execution."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "You should keep an eye on what main goal is next. If it spawns quickly, be sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before you safely retreat."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is inclined to disengage. As soon as he uses his Ultimate B, try to disengage or reposition himself, it is more difficult for him to track the damage and win the fight."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Try to lock CC as quickly as possible and take it down. Yasuo is strong once he's 100 percent lucky."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is vulnerable when his E (cc) is broken. Painful wounds can completely counter Swain's kit at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "To maximize your efficiency, maintain a strong wave presence in the midway. Keep the track brushes kept at all times in the middle lane to prevent enemy champions from bursting through."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Don't regroup too closely. If you are a little separated, it will be impossible for Zac to catch up and hit your entire team with his E"} -{"label": "riven", "text": "She has her own form of CC on her r. Combined with his dashes, this will allow him to land a multi-man stun."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "The motion speed buff granted by Viktor's r can be easily counterbalanced by the control of layers crowds. Your champion is incredibly weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Avoid leaving Shen Flash E on anyone. E is a critical ability for Shen."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The first element of Varus gives it a huge peak of power. A peak of power means that his combo of brilliant damage will do a lot of damage."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin's Ultimate ability and item spikes make him take over the game effortlessly if he gets some early kills with his Jungler and Support. kassadin's early game is very weak and he can be killed countless amounts of time during this phase."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "With the component item, your chances of winning trades dramatically increase. Stay with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "and inflict a lot of damage on the grouped enemies. It will also allow it to take more minor damage due to the theft of life."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If they invade you early, just withdraw from the skirmish. The first skirmishes are usually not won."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "You can roam around the map and help your allies. Your goal is to push the wave and then continue roaming."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Tristana's 1v1 potential will be much higher from here. The slow on his W allows Tristana to get killed quite easily."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "If a pick on the enemy Jungler is secured, your team should win the game easily. The final point in Ultimate k will grant him a massive spike, and he will be able to dish out tons of damage to the enemy."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "It will have to find flanks on the enemy frequently. Riven will try to divide the thrust when there are no team fights."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Try to space Veigar accordingly in the team fights. Don't put yourself too far forward as this will allow Veigar to catch up with his n and start a team fight."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Try to get the enemies out before they kill them. You may need to get the Blue Buff to make sure you have enough mana to maintain the spamming capacity."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "It can be easily tainted by tidy wagons once its e has been exhausted. Trundle can be arrested early if the enemy Jungler or Laner manages to kill him once or twice."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Once he hits level 6, he unlocks his R which makes him better in 1v1 fights. As the game progresses,"} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "If the enemy gets the chance- they will look for the all in and if you fall behind, you\u2019re going to find it difficult to come back. Karthus has a really fast jungle clear."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Once Camille's next power spike in lane is when she unlocks her Ultimate R. Her Ultimate R offers her a lot of kill pressure and is good for setting up her Jungler."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser's opponents can easily attack him if he misses his E. That's because Mordekaiser couldn't move the enemy team."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Taking the Dragon and Rift Herald objectives is crucial because Cho'Gath can take them due to damage on his Ultimate t. Taking the Dragon and Rift Herald objectives before Cho'Gath can be advantageous."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "It's pretty easy to lose that Passive so Sejuani has to be careful. In addition to its Ultimate R CC, Sejuani's W E CC combo is quite difficult to land because the enemy can easily kit the combo."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The damage inflicted by Lucian Level 2 is relatively high. Lucian can quickly kill the enemy with multiple combo rotations using his level 2."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Try to stand outside of the minion wave but close to it so they have to choose between pushing and poking. Keep an eye on your mana at all times, especially at the level 2 and level 3 all in."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R will further strengthen its overall potential and long-term overall damage. It will be a massive peak of power for him, because he can secure easy choices with it."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Remember if you are weak Syndra's abilities cause heavy damage."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Ask yourself where would you be right now if you were Anivia. Don't face check bushes if you don\u2019t know where Anivia or her team is."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Heal up when necessary using Q. After going into lane with your Ultimate R, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late-game team fights."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "This will have a considerable impact on team fighting since his Ultimate R will be on a very short cooldown. Lillia is excellent in team fighting at the end of the game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Stay with your team and work with them to enemies at once. Level 16 allows Veigar to have his Ultimate R at the maximum during the game."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "She will have several objects during this phase of the game. These objects will allow him to flatten tons of damage and champions at once."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Once you've gone in, make sure you fall back and peel for your allies. Use your Ultimate m to lock down key targets."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle is extremely dependent on teammates to shoot successful ganks. The Ganks can sometimes force Trundle to feed the farm and be ineffective at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "A full AP build will be used by Gragas to benefit from the increased damage. During the mid-game, the enemy will be busy swapping lanes and setting vision."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "After ruining the lower lane and turning immediately, you can take the first Dragon. Your Ultimate is strong, so you have to abuse him to win a lead over Malphite."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra can also install his Jungler easily with his Ultimate R. Lissandra reaches her true potential when the team fights as its Ultimate R and W are both AOE."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "This champion is very motionless. The champion is inclined to the CC."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "It will be a constant source of DPS, even if it goes for a full support construction. It will have several objects during this phase of the game, which will make its shields and abilities much more powerful."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "His early play is excellent as he can completely CC (crowd control) and blow up an enemy target if needed. Using it from the track brushes will allow it to reap many benefits."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "It will be difficult for you to 100 to 0 someone like many champions will be in full construction in the end of the game or at least have defensive tools like Zhonya.Hourglass or Guardian Angel at their disposal. Continue to play team fights slowly."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Your brush power is unrivalled and a rotation of your spells on an unsuspecting enemy will force them to play defensively. Don't try to play too passively and always be on the lookout to land a multi-man E."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "It should be easy to do and will reverse Xin massively. Try to match his pressure by ruining as often as he is."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Regrouping against Shaco will be difficult for the enemy team. Shaco's damage to the enemies will be a central peak for him."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana should be able to one-shot enemies with ease from now on. Her main goal will be to fight around clumped areas to get a multi-man Ultimate R on the enemy team."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Avoid 1v1 with it unless you have an obvious advantage. If you invade a place, step back because they can easily kill you, especially if you're behind."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Can flank the enemy team with relative ease Can get out of sticky situations with his E"} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Proper vision will allow you to scout your surrounding before deciding to push the wave. Maintaining a safe range from the enemy is crucial."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Working with an ally Jungler will help massively Malphite. The first element will allow Malphite to spam its abilities frequently."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "You should not regroup with your team because Miss Fortune will be able to hit your entire team with its Ultimate capability. Breaking up isn't a bad idea when we're trying to fight Miss Fortune."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko's core items allow her to deal a lot of damage while peeling for teammates. Core items give Neeko the ability to peel for teammates during fights."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "As soon as you get access to it, start using your Ultimate R to take advantage of power farming opportunities. Your Ultimate R is a powerful tool that can help you deal with enemy aggression and protect yourself from danger."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "You should look for picks in the late game to get your team ahead. Try to gain an early advantage by playing aggressive and blowing an early Flash."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Once Lee Sin gets 3 points in his Ultimate k, He will disrupt enemy fighting frequently and act as an asset to his team."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The enemy team should seek to fight xinzhao during this period and target him in front of anyone else. xinhao is not very effective against a group of champions because it is extremely dependent on choices to get an advance."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Champions with dashes have an advantage over Darius due to his mobility issues. Range advantage or poke makes it difficult for Darius to engage enemies and kill them."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "This makes it very difficult for Camille to engage with her opponents. Camille will want to lock down an isolated target with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "She also dishes out a lot of damage which can easily wipe out a team if they are not careful. Once she gets two points in her Ultimate R, she will dish out a ton of damage during team fights."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "You may resort to split-pushing during the mid-game as it will allow you to gain solo XP and gold. Just make sure that you ward around yourself to keep you safe."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus is a good slit pusher. A good strategy for Nasus is to split the thrust and open the card during later parts of the game."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "The main focus when taking down Heimerdinger's Turrets Q will be to poke or trade with him. When using your skills shots (if they\u2019re AOE), aim them so they hit both Heimerdinger and his Turrets Q."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "If he miss-times his Ultimate e, his damage output will be reduced heavily and it may cost him the team fight. This is why he needs to cast his Ultimate e as soon as the enemy gets into health range."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "With their first component item, the player's chances of winning trades will dramatically increase. Rotate and move around the map with your ADC/Jungler to help your other lanes."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Once Heimerdinger hits level 6, he technically unlocks 3 new abilities. Be careful when trying to initiate a skirmish with him as he might just pull out his magic card and kill you."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Avoid getting killed with Zilean when his Ultimate ability is down. By using CC on Zilean, try to lock it so it can't use its Ultimate capability on itself."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "She is also very vulnerable when her C (Canyon Ward) is broken. The ground engineer on Taliyah Q can allow the sleds to play in the middle of the track."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Before level 6, Vel'Koz should focus on maintaining the wave on its side of the tower due to its squishiness. Without its Ultimate R at level 6, Velkoz combo is relatively ineffective."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Avoid recalling if possible as the enemy may force a fight while you're in base. Garen\u2019s build path can be very different from game to game."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux has a good potential for bursting with all its G, L, Ultimate n combo. This combo can remove a squishy enemy with ease from level six itself."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "He (Nautilus) doesn\u2019t have great objective control. You will need your allies to help you take the Dragon and Rift Herald."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Fighting in the late game unless your Ultimate R or Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass is up is not recommended. Getting killed could cost you the entire game if you're not careful."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "You should play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Fighting without using your Ultimate R will make the game team's late fighting much more difficult."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Misuse of her Ultimate R can land both her and her team in huge trouble. This is especially true if the enemy team has some sort of heavy engage which can get on her team\u2019s carry."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "You\u2019ll need to watch your positioning and not overextend without backup. Your b will be on a lower cooldown in the late game."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's Ultimate T can be used as a substitute for vision, This is particularly useful when it comes to avoiding ganks."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Alternatively, team up with an ally and try to collapse on him. As Fiddlesticks will be power farming, try to get your allies ahead by ganking as much as possible."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "This will also reduce his ability to successfully use his Ultimate. Fiddlesticks will be trying to powerfarm until level 6 where he gains access to his Ultimate."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Try to gank as often as possible early as possible. You are much stronger than Shyvana, and can get an advance just by being active on the card."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "When he Qs, he can keep chipping on his opponent and force them out of the lane. His E allows him to disengage from enemy Junglers who try to gank him."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Teams with lots of CCs and disengagement tools are really good against Zac. Zac struggles to reach targets."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Your goal in the early game is to gank as often as possible to get your allies ahead. You are a strong early game Jungler, so make sure you try to exploit your early advantage."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "His silence will also be invaluable. Malzahar is pretty good during team fighting as it can silence enemies and lock high priority targets effortlessly."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "His ability to cause mayhem with his Ultimate R will really help him. Brand should take care of positioning during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Do not group very close together as it will allow Hecarim to get a multi-person Ultimate t which will help him and his teammates win the fight. Hecarim's Ultimate t is roughly the same width as the paths inside the jungle."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "If Warwick invades you early, step back. Warwick is in front of you, so you won't win early fighting with him."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "When priority is available from allies, consider taking the Dragon or Rift Herald alone. Securing the Dragon or Rift Herald is a key objective for Olaf."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "The wave should stay in the middle of the way. This position will give you the opportunity to bring down enemy players."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Chapters The levels 1 and 2 of Zac are strong if he is able to jump on you with his E."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Yone is incredibly mobile in the way. If Yone uses her E after her return, you can abuse cooldown to play aggressive and bring him down."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks can get the channel off as long as he can Teams will continue to group in the late game."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Tristana has a lot to peel with her W and Ultimate R, which makes it easier to fight her if you play around or flank her in team fights. Playing around Tristana's Ultimate R makes it more difficult for her to kite/escape combat."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus can be a reliable diver during this stage of the game when he has several items. He will be able to use his first ability quite frequently with multiple items."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "As a mid laner, he will now be able to CC and blow enemies up with his abilities. Adding another point to his Ultimate R will skyrocket his overall power in the lane."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Keeping them alive as long as possible in team fights is a must to win the game. Once Taric gets 3 points in his Ultimate R, he will have a very easy time to fight with the enemies."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphites kill pressure in the way can be heinous at level 6. Keep Malphitis low so it is risky for him to engage with your motion abilities."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's attempt can give him a good advantage in the fight. Watch the flanks so you can spot Maokai before it starts."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "He needs to have levels behind him before he starts ganking. Sixteen Zion can gank the tracks from far with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Ulting her is of paramount importance in this matchup, else she will wreak havoc on your team. Keep the wave close to your tower for as long as possible. It will make her life hell in this matchup."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Focusing solely on the backline can make you an easy target and result in quick death. By targeting the nearest enemy champion to your carry, you will survive longer and keep your carries alive."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Look for fights when Trendamere has few Fury in his resource bar. The more Fury Trendamere has, the stronger he'll be."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This will increase the damage of that ability. This increase in damage will simultaneously reduce the cooldown of that ability."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "As soon as Jax gets his first item, he becomes much harder to duel unless you have items that match his damage. Don't over commit to fighting Jax without a backup plan."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "When Zac has his CC, stay attached for security during these moments. Be careful about increasing Zac's slaughter pressure to level 6."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "If you can catch out the enemy Support, you can rotate to Baron or Dragon or force a fight with the numbers advantage. In the late game, you need to call for Baron or the Elder Dragon."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Baiting out Gwen's E will make it harder for her to dodge your E. As a skilled duelist and strong early game player, try to make early plays around the map to gain an advantage."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "At level 16, Kayn's Ultimate capacity was fully maximized. Kayn had several articles at level 16."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "If you can lower them, then you can engage in the team fight. Keep a constant eye on the main objective of spawning afterwards."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She is very good in team fights. Diana's 1v1 potential throughout the game is very high."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke blows up enemies. Pyke roams around relentlessly."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "He will protect you from the ganks and from them will keep you away from the farm. Just focus on agriculture early on and poking."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "The more gold Yi has, the stronger he'll be. If your team gets killed or two, call Baron."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Getting kills is good but you need the XP and gold from jungle camps to get ahead. Elise can start ganking after she hits level 3."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ensure you're always stood behind the minion wave at all times. In team fights, you mustn't let Ezreal poke you down before you get the chance to engage."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "In a team fight, his E can be extremely beneficial in the fight against the enclaved enemy teams. Mordekaiser is quite still, which can lead him to be camped a lot during the laning phase."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "She may also prolong the CC to an enemy if need be. The first item component will allow her to clear the Jungle quickly and make her deal more damage."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "The extended automatic attack jobs will always work in favour of an AD champion. Syndra's E has an incredibly long chill. If it uses it to trade and miss, use this timer to play aggressively and look for a trade."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Don't fight Sett for a long time because Sett will easily fight with True Damages. You should use your mobility to fight Sett and keep it on the outside edge of your Q."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "To survive longer is to keep your aircraft carriers alive during the team fight at the end of the game. The peaks must be secured using the fog of war in this game phase."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "qiyana can one-shot squishy enemies who are wandering around aimlessly at level 6. The first item component will let qiyana deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Being hit by Bard's Ultimate R can allow his team to either kill the caught out enemies or focus on those who are not golden. Bard\u2019s Q can stun enemies who are close to a wall, so be prepared to take an alternative route when walking towards the Dragon or Baron."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Do not ignore Xin during team fights. Concentrate him when Xin fights as a team."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "During objective fights, you can use the same Ultimate w to CC the enemy Jungler, so that your Jungler can Smite the objective safely. Try to obtain mid priority with your team before you take any kind of objective."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Stay outside the minion wave so Lissandra is forced to choose between pushing with her Q or trying to poke you instead. When Lissandra was level 6, she increased the death pressure."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "If you see Qiyana making towards your lane, ensure that you run through the middle of the lane to escape. Do not stand close to the walls."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "He can quickly jump from one goal to another, which can easily lead to victories for him."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Tristana can be strong if she's not behind, but if she's not in front, she'll be incredibly weak. Don't play very aggressively in team fights. Just kite and automatic attack the nearest enemy champion."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "When Rek\u2019Sai hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate r, she deals even more damage. She can duel the majority of Junglers without a chance of them escaping."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "His 4th shot from the Ultimate R phase of the game hits very hard. Squishy enemies are never safe when jhin is properly peeled by his team during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's first core item will give him a massive boost to damage and survivability in the lane. The benefits of Gangplank's first core item include increased duel ability speed and increased damage against squishier targets."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki's poke is effective at harassing enemy laners, forcing them to stay behind their tower or take unnecessary risks. By delaying team fights, Corki can get a better position and set up for his ultimate ability."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "The less gold Zed becomes early, the better. Since Zed is an Assassin, he will seek to bring down targets that walk on the map alone."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "A coherent vision around your path so that you know what it does and where it goes. Don't hang on or stay tight in the team fights against Twitch, as her Spray and Prayer c will melt you."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Try to fight when Trendamere doesn't have his Ultimate e}up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to clear up a lot of damage in a team fight."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Her damage at the end of the game is very high, and she must be removed in advance if the enemy team has a chance to win the game. Kayle's third power is essential to make it very powerful."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "If Diana lands her Q on the rift alone, back off unless you can kill her. Diana can start ganking after level 3"} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It is important to keep an eye on Taliyah's location in this game, otherwise she can easily interrupt or throw a gank using her Ultimate R. talijah can inflict heavy amounts of damage in very short time."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If the enemy has ultimate failures, Sylas will not be able to do much. The placement of a good vision can ruin his chances of being able to flank the enemy team with E."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can use his empowered Q to take down turrets and enemies. Heimerdinger can use his empowered W to take down low health enemies."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Try to disengage and kite Darius when he engages in a team fight. Try not to let Darius get on to you or your allies as he can deal tons of damage if he gets in range to pull them in."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Ensure you put Karthus behind in the early game to make him less useful as the game goes along. Karthus' Ultimate allows Karthus to impact the map from afar."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Flank during team fighting to avoid enemy poke damage. Fighting like Kennen requires careful positioning to minimize disengagement."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "It allows it to jump over the walls and move quickly around the map. In the later parts of the game, Talon can collect additional deaths on the enemies who walk alone."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "The band is super tight so they can't team up with your entire team. Look for fights when he doesn't have his Ultimate because he'll be weaker and easier to kill."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Its Ultimate R will also give its traction to easily land its C. It is really effective against enemies who have a dash form."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team because he may be looking to roam with his Ultimate R. If you\u2019re a ranged Support, use your range advantage to harass and poke him down whenever he moves forward to secure minions on his warding quest."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Continue to play aggressive and seek 1v1 duels in the mid-game. Graves should not die or get caught when Baron's about to spawn."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "If the enemy roams, don't dispute their r\u00f4de instead, focus on pushing the minion wave and win the gold of the turret. Rub the track brushes with Ultimate t and use them as a cover to keep the opposition in pieces."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin can now put the final nail on the coffin of targets. The Ultimate R slow for Jhin will allow him to pick off enemies."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can easily CC immobile ADC and burst them down with his turrets and rockets. His E will be very beneficial when going for objective fights."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "When playing against Kayle, use the e key repeatedly to silence her and maintain distance. Silencing Kayle early in the game should be prioritized."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "You will be able to escape using your Ultimate R. Look for flanks on the enemy team."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Use your Ultimate t to secure the objective for your team. The longer the game goes, the more stacks Cho'Gath will have."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "You can roam around and help allies who are being bullied under their tower. The enemies being bullied under the ally's tower should be able to cut off the enemy's escape with their 'e'."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan has tons of mobility thanks to his E. It can allow him to move in the track with ease, and to pass to the enemy to launch quickly. Akshan's E allows him to bring back his dead allies if he can kill the enemy who killed them."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "The final point in his Ultimate ability will grant him a massive spike. He will be able to dish out tons of damage to the enemy."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "This action will open the map and give your team a gold lead. Vayne needs a lot of time on scale because of the nature of her kit."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar will counter your all-in at level 6. You must stay away from the minions to prevent the E of Malzahar from spreading and causing further damage."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Try and recall out of vision so she can\u2019t use it on you. Stand behind minions to reduce Caitlyn's Q damage."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi can easily take control of the card if you let it move forward. Master Yi is a champion with whom you should try to avoid engaging."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Its ability makes team fighting unfair because of its selection potential. The enemy's vision becomes irrelevant during this game phase when using Ultimate capability."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "and choke the dots The third point of his Ultimate R will make Volibear almost unqualified in major battles."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "She can catch the players in a team fight with her Ultimate R. Look at your position so Sejuani can't isolate you and start the team fight."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "It can be concentrated by CC (crowd control) as well as by assassins at that time. At that time, xayah was forced to play defensively while his Ultimate R ability was diminished."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Standing outside the minion wave and far behind is a good way to reduce Leblanc's ability to push and poke at the same time with his W. If you stand as far as you can, Leblanc will be unable to land his W on you, no matter what."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Stay with your team in the late game. Do not separate or walk away from them otherwise the enemy can try to take you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Focus the closest enemy champion on your carts and work as a team to bring down the enemy one by one."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "This CS lead will allow Kalista to gank other lanes with ease or help her save them in a team fight. Kalista's duelling power will enable her to chase down an enemy laner when they walk up or overextend."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Team fighting will become really easy now. Her early game is pretty decent as she can poke the enemies out from range."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "This means that she can peel for her port holders quite easily. Maxing out the Ultimate will allow him to be on a very short cooldown."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "In the late game, Ashe's poke damage will allow her to attack the enemy down a ton before a team fight erupts. At level 16, Ashe will have 3 points in her Ultimate w."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twisted Fate has its components for its first article. Twisted Fate will be able to push quite easily with its s and d once it has its components."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "The W of Tahm Kench can be used to pass over the walls, The W of Tahm Kench can be used to search for coins,"} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Peel for your carts in the team fights at the end of the game to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you won't be able to win the fight alone. Stay with your team at the end of the game. Don't split up or get away from them; otherwise, the enemy can try to catch you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you're away from your team."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Constantly place the vision around the map to help your team secure goals and get choices. Having a vision around the Baron and Dragon is necessary to help your team win."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP to avoid falling behind. Once Quinn hits level 6, her kill pressure doesn\u2019t increase significantly."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The increased mana from Karthus' first item component allows him to spam his abilities more often and deal more damage. Karthus' frequent use of abilities will give him an overall lead in the game as his damage increases."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "When the first element of Shaco is completed, its bargaining power will increase and it will be stronger in 1v1s. You need time to come online, and you just need to focus on getting gold and XP."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana's will use their W to push the minion wave. Stand outside the wave so it can't push and poke at the same time. His death pressure increases to 6. Stand back so he gives you more time to react to his Q so you can avoid it."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius should always go for extended trades whenever possible. Thanks to Darius' Passive, he will always come out ahead in most cases."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "You can use this to your advantage to kill Karma at level 6. Be cautious of Karma's poke."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "When Senna unlocks her Ultimate R, contact your team about its impact in the fights. The longer the game, the stronger Senna will be in the team fights."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphites Ultimate is a great tool of engagement. Avoid playing recklessly, especially if you are pushed into the way."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "That's good because Senna can easily move on to the team during the final stages of the game. Senna is excellent in the end-of-game fights because of her passive, healing, and damage."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "When Wukong's level increases considerably, he also kills his pressure. If they invade you, step back as a monkey can easily kill you, especially if you're behind."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The ability to use his W to set up ganks for his Jungler allows him to catch up with his target while providing a vision of the area. This allows objective control and is very useful."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "turning towards the middle lane and trying to take this tower, it will be easier to attack other parts of the map, the map is the environment of the game,"} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Your goal is to hide in the fog of war during team fights. Team-wide CC on the enemy team should be achieved."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "That's because Renekton will maximize his Ultimate t and pose a massive threat to the enemy team. Renekton is a dominant champion of the game."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Be careful when you stand near Thresh. Position yourself behind the minions to block Thresh Death Sentence's skills."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is weak early on as he can't get too close to his opponents to burst them down. This weakness is mainly due to a lack of mobility and items until he hits level 6."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "If the enemy gank target has built up a large minion wave, it can lead to an outplay for the enemy Using his e carelessly or aggressively can lead to immediate death"} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. It's essential to continue farming during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You should be on the lookout for secure picks when inside the enemy Jungle. The enemy Support and Jungler are prime pick targets in the enemy Jungle because they have to set vision up."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Split push in the middle of the game. Try to secure secondary goals."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere can easily solo the Rift Herald in early play. Trendamere should try to take the Dragon and Rift Herald if possible."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "To reduce the efficiency of Lux (Light), stand behind the minion wave rather than inside it. This requires it to choose between using l to swing or push on the wave. You're weaker than Lux when she has her Ultimate."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Your E must be used very carefully in this matchup because the enemy can easily use their Flash to put you in a compromising position mid-E. Staying parallel to your Support is the way to go."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia has one of the strongest Passives in the game. A Passive that prevents Anivia from dying offers her tons of extra protection throughout the game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's E has a long cooldown that makes it difficult to use effectively. Ezreal requires time to scale up due to his itemization and skill shot requirements."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "He'll be a reliable lining for his team now. A maximum-out Ultimate R will frequently increase"} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "After being the frontline for your team, fall back and peel for your carries with your Q to keep them alive. If they die fast, the team fight\u2019s over as you\u2019re going to lack damage."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "If you see Karthus channelling his e, try to cancel it with any CC abilities. This will reduce his and his allies chances of getting kills. "} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "It will also let him get solo kills in the lane. The first item component will boost his survivability and damage in the lane."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Improper use of the Sona Passive may give similar results to those lacking in its Ultimate R. Harass the enemy throughout the laning phase with Q."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If you see him killing Scuttle Crab, it will usually mean that his E is on cooldown and he will lack an escape tool. Zac's E can be used from afar to start the team fight."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "As a top laner, Gragas' ability to go for a balanced or a tanky build makes him effective at absorbing damage and engaging the enemy team. Gragas' dash provides significant peel for his carries."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "At this stage of the game, you want to get into a side track and focus on getting batteries so you have a stronger late game. Later, the middle parts of the game and when the enemy begins to regroup, follow and regroup with the team."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Getting caught out like this could result in the enemy taking an objective shortly afterwards. You can often tell Gragas is nearby when Predator kicks in."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Focus on agriculture and robbery, limit trade with it. Get away from the wave of minions."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "When taking objectives, make sure you\u2019re not low as Jinx may be able to take you down with a well-timed R. She can also steal objectives like the Dragon or Baron with her Ultimate R, so make sure you finish the objective off with Smite."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Never load out of your gold reserve without enough p. Not doing so can result in your loss. If you choose to counter the noise, do so at your own risk and avoid entering the fog of war first."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Grouping too close could allow Morgana to get a very good Ultimate Roff. Parting slightly makes the task much more difficult for her to CC your entire team."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The first element of Taliyah's capabilities will allow him to spam and cause a lot of damage to enemies during the laning phase. This component will be extremely beneficial for talijah during the first stages of the game."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Your ultimate ability can be used to interrupt Quinn's ultimate. After interrupting her ultimate, bashing her head in with CC is recommended."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana's Level 6 power peak is quite powerful as it can lock you for a long period of time with its Q and Ultimate R. After Morg has finished his first article, his damage production will be extremely high."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron. As she gets her core items, Kalista becomes really strong and can easily win a fight as long as she has space and agency to kite around."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Take the objective when Nunu is dead or on the other side of the map. Nunu is rather immobile in team fighting once the fight has started."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "The next major power spike for Cassiopeia\u2019s occurs when she unlocks her Ultimate R. Her Ultimate R is very versatile and can be used to either engage or disengage from a fight."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "As Ekko completes his Mythic item, his kill pressure intensifies. At level 6, Ekko becomes an incredible threat."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana may be able to get a good Ultimate R off if she is behind. The first item component will allow qiyana to deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lisandra's Ultimate R is more a utility tool than a damaging tool. The utility tool provided by Lisandra's Ultimate R can be a problem in the face of stronger middle champions."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "He will let all enemies permanently and allow him to reposition himself frequently. Beware of Lucian Q as he will try to align it so he hits the minion wave and you at the same time."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Suppose you're able to land a W on high priority target- go in and try to take them down. You must play around with your Ultimate R in the late game."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas's W allows him to look for trades more frequently and heal back after a trade. Gragas's E can be used with Flash to get surprise trades/engages off with the enemy."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "When invading a Briar, try to hide in bushes before jumping on her. Wait for her to use her abilities on the camps before striking her down."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "During fights, always try to get to the enemy backline by flanking them from out of vision. A Sweeper may help you with that."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Be on the lookout for fights at this time. After Gwen completes her first component item, her damage output will increase."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Focus on taking down the enemy carries. The focus should be on the backline and trying to take them out of the fight."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas is quite decent during the end-of-game fights as he can inflict tons of damage and heal himself for massive amounts at the right time. He will separate the enemy front line from the front line and help his team a lot."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Fighting in the late game will not give you a favorable outcome unless your Ultimate R is active. The only time it is worthwhile to look for fights is when your Ultimate R is up."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Expect Talon to look for choices with his Ultimate R. Avoid walking around Rift Summoners alone."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "However, the player chose to stand outside the wave. That's because he didn't want to be damaged by the wave when his opponent used Q on her."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite should play safely in early play for several levels. It takes time for Malphite to come online and gain a clear advantage before engaging in fighting."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well. In team fighting, continue to focus on the most squishi and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki can be really good in the mid game and in those team fights. Make sure you shut him down early so he isn't very strong during the mid or late game."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "When there are no teams fighting, continue to pick up the farm in the side aisles. Spend as little time as possible away from your team."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "CC will also stop Samira's Ultimate R prematurely, so try to lock it fast if she uses her E. Samira will often be left alone in the middle of the road at the farm during the middle of the game."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "If you can\u2019t see where the Trap W has been placed, it\u2019s probably behind your tower. Stay away from your tower when you\u2019re being pushed in."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Shove wave when possible to catch enemies off guard. Punish enemy laner with auto-attacks after taking control of soldier-directed attacks."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton would begin to fall unless he could accumulate a considerable advance early. Finishing the game as quickly as possible is of paramount importance to Renekton."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's capacity is short. Shen's E makes it difficult for him to obtain this ability from a clear vision."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If your team isn\u2019t ahead or not very strong, it might be a good idea to try splitting push and draw the enemies attention while your team sieges an objective elsewhere or does the Baron. Kassadin is very good at getting picks thanks to his Ultimate ability k."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "It will allow Pyke to capitalize and come out on top of his enemies. Always try to be a part of as many fights as possible in this game."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "This will give her a ton of protection when she decides to be part of someone. It will only strengthen the strength and duration of Leona's whole."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Peeling for your carts during the fighting is crucial in this matchup. Staying close to your aircraft carriers and making sure they can't be targeted is vital."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "If you are at risk of dying, always recall at level 5 so that you do not get killed when your opponent hits level 6. Hit level 2 first and then use your level advantage to gain a significant health lead from Renata."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Your d > e combo makes up for a perfect pick when possible. Try to knock up multiple targets with it when possible."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar will not hesitate to crush the walls to start the fight. During the nap of a goal or starting Baron/Dragon, be sure to keep your flanks."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Her W allows her to reduce damage taken. Her E enables quick repositioning."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Avoid walking too far from anyone in the late game to avoid being taken out. Getting caught can allow the enemy to push his advantage and win the game."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Without his Ultimate ability k, Olaf is very squishy and easy to kill. If you miss your t when skirmishing with the enemy, it will be impossible for you to kill them."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Stay with your team during the late game to avoid getting caught out and losing a team fight. If you get caught out or the enemy initiates a team fight while you're not present, the enemy will win."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "At level 6, Heimerdinger can bait enemies to their deaths with ease. At level 6, Heimerdinger can take towers very quickly."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Once Xerath is level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate 2, it will have a lot of poke and extra damage. Don't stay in level 6 because he could sting you."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "While Ezreal's Ultimate R is on cooldown, take advantage of the opportunity to play aggressively and initiate a fight against him. Hard engage is the best way to deal with Ezreal during the laning phase."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "At level 6, Tristana is much stronger than Twisted Fate. Use this to your advantage to get an advance."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "You may be a prime gank target before reaching level six, as you're pretty immobile during this phase. Once you acquire your Ultimate R, your team fight impact should significantly increase."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Teams will continue to group in the late game. This will allow Fiddlesticks to get a lovely amount of damage down to the whole enemy team."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "A wallet can be a Rengar hit with one or two items. Rengar can tilt someone hard enough to win the game easily with one or two items."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf\u2019s 1v1 potential is extremely strong. This makes Olaf a formidable opponent in the 1v1 and makes him hard to play against."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Her Ultimate R will dish out a lot of damage during this phase of the game. Jinx's Q will be maxed at level nine, increasing her damage output drastically and allowing her to take over the game with ease."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas spikes again at level 6 with his Ultimate R. Gragas will gank overextended lanes whenever he is level 6."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Use your capabilities to quickly clear minion waves so your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat. If you can land poke while pushing the minion wave, you could look for a favorable trade."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin's survival is preserved while inflicting robust amounts of damage. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Post 6, your Ultimate offers you a ton of additional kill pressure and opportunities to get kills. Abuse this by playing around its cooldown and trying to make plays whenever it is up."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "This means that Lux will be able to poke and trade quite frequently. Don't let yourself be caught by Lux's low-coolings."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Mid-game champions are generally well suited to bring down the squishy champions. At this stage of the game, a player will generally have completed several elements."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "The Ultimate R of quinn is a great roaming tool that can allow her to get back to lane quickly. Quinn's Ultimate R allows her to roam around the map and help her allies."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The level 6 power peak of Sylas is really strong according to the matchup in which it is. If your Ultimate is powerful, then the Ultimate R of Sylas will be powerful too."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Keep warding so you can see the enemy move around the map and see them starting the objective. Stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "The exit of Yorick's Ultimate R can push a path in its place. This can put both Yorick and his young girl in the same path, causing the enemy team to disarray."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "This will result in an increase to Galio's overall damage output and survivability. When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "When Seraphine gets her final R, she can change the tide of a fight if the enemy team is piled together or standing in a line. The first element increases the damage caused by seraphin."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Any squishy enemy target will have trouble playing the game. This is the point of the game where Vi starts to fall."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius\u2019s Ultimate e can deal a considerable amount of damage and serve as an execute. By this stage of the game, Darius should be near max build."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's damage output will be lower when she has no stacks. Good times to look for fights are when she has used her W. When she activates her W, she will gain bonus defensive stats."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "You must continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. The more gold Yi has, the stronger he'll be."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal's R is useful for clearing waves quickly, which helps him get a recall more easily. ezreal uses his E to get out of sticky situations with ease, making him one of the safest ADCs in the game."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "So come in for the murder with your Ultimate h. Participate in as many team fights as you can."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "It will be difficult for you to fight her unless you\u2019re ahead in terms of items and kills. They are going to gank early, and Pantheon can gank early too. Make sure you apply as much pressure to them as you can."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise does not spike at level 6. She has her Ultimate at level 1."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The Ultimate R of talijah will allow him to go much further in this game. The Ultimate R of Taliyah will allow it to prevent enemies from entering crucial points such as neutral objective pits."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "If you can, try to take out Darius while he is in the process of ganking. Darius will deal more damage if you don't secure objectives or gank your allies."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus has the most CC (crowd control) of any champion in League of Legends. Nautilus does not have the fastest clear in the game."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "If you can catch someone out of position or blow them up while collecting enemies, you will be able to take the lens for free. Stay with your team at the end of the game; otherwise, the enemy may try to choose you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "When he activated his Ultimate R, he blew it up so he couldn't dry up a lot of damage. The production of damage and the survival of Swain increased to level 6."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Punish Ekko whenever he uses it for waveclear by engaging in trades. Locking down Ekko in team fights will prevent him from using his Ultimate R to escape with."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "At level 6, Nunu can channel his R. Cancel or interrupt Nunu's R to avoid damage."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Decide at the beginning of the game if you are going to be farming by proxy or have a traditional laning phase. Be ready to turn it on."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The final nail in the coffin of the enemy team was reached using 3 points in its Ultimate h. His Ultimate h had a low cooling rate."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Try to secure your goals with your team. If you can, try to keep the goals monitored at all times if you are not able to take it yourself."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Do not blindly follow Fizz as he can easily turn around and kill you. Instead, communicate with your team while following Fizz from a distance if possible."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "It deals a lot of damage and has a large radius. Fizz is an assassin and can take down squishy champions easily."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "You should invest in an early pen item if you want to survive against them. The brand has good objective control, and so you should prioritize taking these goals as far as possible."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The first element adds to Maokai's damage. Maokai should be able to take a lot of fights during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "The advantage of Lux's positioning is that his team should be grouped together and no one should walk alone on the map. Lux has tons of damage."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion can surprise the targets that travel around the Rift Invocation alone while waiting in a bush and using its Q. Sion uses his Q to remove targets."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Staying with your support increases your ability to survive. When there are no teams fighting, continue to pick up the farm in the side aisles."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal's R is a game-changer in the early game, as its short cooldown allows him to waveclear with ease. waveclear with his R is helpful when trying to clear the wave quickly to get a recall."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Ganking often in early play can provide an advantage, then snowball from there. Naafiri is a snowball champion."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "You should think twice before you fight Twitch if it invades you early. Twitch will kite you if you can't close the gap between you and him."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Look for opportunities to catch enemies with your ultimate ability, but do not go into battle unless your team is also present and can help you. Continue picking up gold and experience in the side lanes when there are no fights happening among the players, but try to spend as little time away from your team as possible."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "It will allow him to peel several carriers at the same time. Winning 3 points in his Ultimate n will give him a huge boost."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Finishing the game as quickly as possible can greatly benefit a player against Nasus. During agriculture, monitor Nasus' Ultimate R and prepare for an increase in death pressure and survival."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Try to match his pressure by ganting as much as you can in early play, Keep the wave near your turn so Mordekaiser can't freeze near his tower."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Her s has a strong impact on the wave and she will tend to push the wave with it. Try to engage and fight her when her s is on cooldown."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Roam after getting healthy lead in lane. Get Ultimate R and do more in lane."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Destroy the lower lane tower. Rotation towards the middle of the track and try to take this tower."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "During the mid game you will hit level 11 and put an additional point in your Ultimate. The cooldown of your Ultimate needs to be played around."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "zilean's Ultimate capability t, when used correctly, is one of the most odious and powerful abilities in the game. The combination of the ultimate capacity of zilean t with its p makes it possible to carry almost unattackable and indestructible."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Using its ultimate R makes it difficult for him to land it when the enemy is out in the open Use a strong duellage potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel anyone who tries to prevent a player from sharing the push."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "After Ezreal\u2019s first back, he will pick up his first component item. Ezreal's damage output intensifies after picking up his first component item."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Just hide in the way brush early and wait for the enemies to approach. If they approach, tell them and flee."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "If Akshan can stop a marked enemy, he can bring an ally back to life. Bringing an ally back to life with a successful closing can reverse the tide of the game."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Against graves can prevent him from getting kills before you see him gank a lane. If you can see Graves before he ganks a lane, it will be harder for him to get kills and snowball."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Tracking Shaco is crucial to avoid being in a world of pain. Level 6 is an excellent peak for Shaco as it can now bamboozle enemies with its clone."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Keep the place in the middle of the way, which will give you enough opportunity to take down the enemy, and put them on them. The potential of everyone with their E and Q is really strong."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "In the middle of the game, the teams will begin to regroup. At this point, Vex is good in team fighting and will be a great threat."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "His all-in potential will be pretty potent during clumped fights as well. You should focus on getting picks on the enemy carry when possible."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Roam and kill several enemies during this phase of the game. You can cross very quickly because of your Passive, making use of it."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Avoid crossing the river alone if you are not sure about Kayn's location. Kayn can dive while sitting thanks to his E."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "At level 9, khazix can practically squishes at one stroke, especially if they are isolated. Flank in team fights with your E to get on key targets."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "which can cause him to get caught out and killed. The enemy can completely counter Gnar by choosing to disengage when he gets his mega form."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana's death pressure isn't the best until she unlocks her Ultimate R. Once Morgana unlocks her Ultimate R., her death pressure increases."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Extreme mobility allows it both to avoid skills and to play defensively at the same time. This can be extremely heinous for the enemy, especially when Vayne uses her Ultimate n."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia is one of the most immobile champions in the game. This makes Cassiopeia a prime target for ganks and teams with good dive potential."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Once you're locked up, you can't do anything to save yourself from the enemy. This can lead to your most likely result if the enemy follows you after you lock."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah was advised to install death brushes when she could. Taliyah's capabilities allow him to shoot enemies as soon as she gets her basics."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Your ultimate R & E will help you massively with it. Since you will dive into the enemy team, you will need a defensive element like the Zhonya Hourglass."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is strong once he has a 100% chance of writing. Liabilities allows Yasuo to reach this state quickly."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Using the fog of war will make team fighting really unfair for the enemy team. Zed has an effortless time to kill anyone wandering alone in the flaw."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Try to team fight in the open so he is unable to use his empowered E to stun your whole team. Do not fight inside the jungle as the size of his E is roughly the same as the jungle."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Do not over commit or get too close to Aatrox when trying to harass him In team fights, as soon as Aatrox runs in, try to CC him and burst him down first."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "It's really good for her, because her burst damage will increase exponentially, and she'll be a threat to face. Lillia excels in the middle of the game because of her ability to secure choices."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus' afterlife can single-handedly change the tide of a fight if an enemy continues to fight near his corpse after death. Karthus has relatively weak early game abilities."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "It is crucial to keep the Dragon warded at all times when Olaf is present on it. Olaf should avoid getting poked out by his Q."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Caitlyn will spike when she has two items. Respect her all-in damage as she can easily kill you if you disrespect her damage output."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "If xerath does not position properly before using his Ultimate 2, he will probably be killed immediately. Xerath's level 6 is very powerful as it can prick targets of one long range into its track or another."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Fighting in chokepoints and the objective pits will surely get her ahead in the game. In the late game continue to split push if your team isn\u2019t at risk of dying or getting caught out."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus' 1 ability has AoE properties which will help in clumped fights. Karthus is really good in team fights as he can slow down multiple enemies."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "He relies on CDA to follow up and play aggressively with him. If CDA doesn't play aggressively, you'll struggle to get murders and win the way."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You can still take down carries in late-game team fights if you get on them. If you land a W on a high-priority target, go in and try to take them down."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "If the rear line concentrates alone, they are more likely to be targeted by the enemy team and die quickly. To survive longer is to keep your aircraft carriers alive during the team fight at the end of the game."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "This makes her adept at being a consistent huge damage output. She will be hugely threatening to enemy teams backlines."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Don't engage in combat unless your Ultimate is fully charged and Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass is active in late-game situations. Attempting to fight when your Ultimate is not available will make you an easy target and result in quick death."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Her poke damage will be a force to reckon with. She can also set up ganks and provide utility with her d and d."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Continue to stack your Q (Q refers to \"Ability\" in this context) otherwise you will be late. Pull the pressure while your team tries to besiege targets elsewhere."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "If you go in without them, you\u2019re going to die. Jarvan isn\u2019t that good when he falls behind."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "The champion's Ultimate R is incredibly powerful for a Support. ShShe can easily get surprise kills post 6 if she lands her E on the enemy target."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Avoid grouping too closely if the enemy has several knock-ups because Yasuo can get a very good Ultimate R of it. Grouping, but not one on the other, will reduce the effectiveness of Yasuo's Ultimate R."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "It has a self-plowning capability that is strong enough and allows it to escape danger with its W and Ultimate R. The inappropriate or reckless use of her W can immediately cause her to be killed because of her pitfall."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It can make life a living hell for travellers who rely on dashes. The first damage caused by the talijah game is quite powerful, especially if it manages to land its C on the enemy."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Use your abilities to deal with the enemy front line. Be a part of neutral objective fights frequently."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "You should take it before a major fight. Keep the wave near your turn."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's passive shield offers more safety in the way. Poke and harass Malphite as often as possible."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Do not separate or depart from them otherwise the enemy may try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Look for choices with your abilities."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Use your E properly and timely in this matchup. The enemy will be trying to bait it out so don't do anything impulsively."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin should finish the game by then, as it will now begin to fall. Once Lee Sin gets 3 points in his Ultimate k,"} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Getting your Ultimate R will be a massive peak in the game. This is important for the rest of the game, and you can easily catch enemies and launch team fights."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu relies on her team to carry them while she provides them with care and shields. Lulu is a champion with weak points."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Therefore, the presence of viktor in the way will become more formidable. If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko will get bullied down by the superior range from other Mid laners if he does not take action. If Ekko does not prevent being bullied down, he will fall behind in gold and XP."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "When Sylas' ultimate R capability is active, the player can look for opportunities to kill the enemy. Sylas' ultimate R capability is an excellent trading tool, increasing player strength."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Having AOE means they do area of effect damage Abuse your range in the early game versus squishy and melee champions."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Do not go ward unless your allies are nearby and able to help you. Karma has a lot of poke damage and utility to offer during the mid-game."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger has a range advantage and if you're standing too far forward, they will harass you for free. Don't let Heimerdinger harass and poke you down."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "To facilitate team fighting, she's likely going to flance or engage. Ward next door by setting a goal to spot her before she has the chance to commit."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "When Gwen activates her W, she gains bonus defensive stats. If you can bait it out or disengage when her W is active, you will find it easier killing her when it is on cooldown."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Make sure you stop her from getting tower plates by matching her wave clear. Karma has a potent early game and is quite strong from levels 1 to 3."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Always stay at the front of your team in the late game. Never split push or run away from your team during the late game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's Passive doesn't let him die quickly either. Its first capacity will be maximized to level 9, which allows to inflict a lot of damage with capacity and use it frequently."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "The split thrust in the middle of the game is an excellent way to open the card and get a gold lead. Drawing pressure while your team is fighting somewhere else on the map can help you open the map."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "If you can find the opportunity to do so, use it to catch someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or away from the position. Make sure your character absorbs as much damage as possible in the fights at the end of the game."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Kill a key target and call Baron. Once xayah has 2 points in her Ultimate R, she will be able to break the enemies quickly,"} -{"label": "zac", "text": "You should not let enemies approach objective pits because you have a strong ability to keep them in the area. You will be very tanky during this phase of the game and should therefore start fighting for your team."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora is a skilled duelist who excels in one vs one matchups if she secures an early lead. Her Passive, along with her Q, deal significant damage to both squishies and tanks on the enemy team."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Being her central damage ability, she will be able to outplay her enemies for days now. The sustain will be pretty decent too. Once she manages to get an extra point in her Ultimate R, she will use the ability frequently in the lane."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Its constant damage will allow Mordekaiser to fight easily. The absorption of the damage will be part of Mordekaiser's essential elements, which will make him more formidable on the battlefield."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Alternatively if you have Teleport you can go to the bot side of the map and use it to get to your team. His level being maxed at 13 will give him a massive power boost, and he will be able to win duels with ease from now on."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Once your ADC and Support has rotated to the mid lane, look to split push and pick up gold and XP in a side lane. Look to group with your team once you hit your item spikes."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "It's essential to keep the Dragon warded at all times so that your team knows if Jax has taken it. If you're nearby when Jax ganks a lane, try to counter-gank him immediately."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's Q & E should let him reach his enemies quickly. Level six is a massive power peak because it allows Sett to take an enemy and separate them from the team."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr is a strong dueller in early play unless you have a clear advantage."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "His ultimate R offers him tons of pressure. Once Yone gets a chance to hit 100% critical, he'll fix a lot of damage."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "You should close out the game as soon as possible if you get ahead early. Not many champions are as strong as Cassiopeia at level 2."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "kassadin is extremely weak against all-in champions. Kassadin is especially vulnerable to champions with dashes or blinks."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Always use the fog of war to bambooize the enemy. The enemy can be destroyed by the fog of war."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Look at everyone and kill Kog'Maw once his e is down. Your mobility is your starting point in this matchup."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If his Ultimate R is a very strong Team Ultimate fight, try to wait until it continues to cool before forcing a fight. Look at the flanks as Sylas will often try to flank in a team fight with her E to get on the harnesses."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Once he's gone, try to shoot him as fast as possible. Control guards are essential in team fighting."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "He won't be able to use his Q for a while after missing him and trying to harass you with other means while it's on cooldown. You should play around your Ultimate as much as possible."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle's damage should also be high. A maximum of the Ultimate n will allow Trundle to easily resume the fighting."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "This completion of the construction will allow teemo to reach squishy targets at one stroke. Teemo blind should be useful during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "The enemy will be put in the zone by Lux's poke."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Killing those Q Ghoul first will take a lot of damage on Yorick. Using wave capabilities against Yorick will put a period at its thrust power."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Taking the midway tower will open the map and give the team a gold lead. Lux is considered a full power peak at level 2."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His damage is enormous at the end of the game. It should be used at an appropriate time for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Fighting around objectives is the focus, if you take down a Baron at this point it can easily decide the game with that extended empowered True Form you get from consuming its Void Coral. Focus on this objective as much as possible without forcing it with a 50/50."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "This requires Yone to get closer to the enemy team, putting him in a vulnerable position. After turning towards the middle lane, proceed to the side lane."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you\u2019re gone. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Zeri is versatile and can be played in AP or AD depending on the needs of the team. AP Zeri excels in the treatment of magic damage."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "After Syndra's first return, she'll have a lot of power. Make sure that you match its damage on the wave of the minion so that it cannot get the first plates and the priority of roam."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "One point in its Ultimate R allows to increase the overall damage in the game. This boost allows him to easily explode the squishies."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Do not go for extended trades with Ashe unless you can kill her. Once Ashe has her Ultimate w up, her ability to get kills increases."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "By reducing Swain's health, pressure can be created and its ability to engage freely can be limited. Maintaining a wave of minions closer to your side of the map creates opportunities for jungle ganks."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The main weakness of support is to be quite vulnerable when you go to goals or move around the map alone. sticking to his team at all times helps reduce the chances of dying from being taken out of position."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax will find it really hard to survive the laning phase if he is constantly pushing. Jax's first item component allows him to chase down enemies during an extended fight."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Look to fight the enemy who tries to stop you during split push. Darius is a strong 1v1 champion and can fight most laners put up against him."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "At the end of the game, you will begin to fall a bit because the teams will be grouped together so that you need to play with your team. The enemy group will reduce your chances of getting choices."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Concentrate him when Xin fights as a team. Xin Zhao is a great champion of the skirmish."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac is really good at team fighting because his kit has tons of CC. It is recommended to disengage each time he E.S.E. in order to make it more difficult for him to get a good strike."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Still behind at least 2 minons so she's unable to root you with her g. If Lux uses his g and misses it, use the cooldown of this aggressive ability to play because she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the whole."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "This allows him to stop relying on his team and gain an advantage on his own terms. It can take the first dragons with ease, without being too low."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "It will allow him to flatten a lot of damage and kill the squishies and tanks (according to his form). In the middle of the game, he should be able to get multiple choices in the enemy team."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "When no team fight occurs, Sett gets into a side lane and tries to divide the thrust. When he is alone, you can seek to choose him or start a team struggle with his allies when he is unable to help them."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "In later parts of the middle of the game, when the enemy begins to regroup, be sure to follow the sequence and begin to regroup with your team. Use your ultimate R to get choices with your allies on enemies who are isolated or separated from their team."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Staying at max distance will make it difficult for him to jump on you with his W. After he hits level 6, be careful when moving back to lane if he\u2019s not already shown."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus is a farm heavy champion. To be useful throughout the game, Karthus needs to soak up many minion waves and jungle camps."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs gets more articles and will cause a lot of chaos in terms of damage. This means that Ziggs can easily get the enemies out to make the team fighting massively unfair to the enemy."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch can be considered extremely squishy and can be easily killed if it is CC. Twitch's positioning is important in team fighting, and not properly positioning it, it will be flanked by enemy assassins and will be immediately removed."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Your champion is very good at repeatedly ganking lanes over and over again. Nunu's early game is quite strong as he can gank enemies frequently while staying relatively healthy due to his Q."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's target will be able to deal damage to enemies when they are near them. At level nine, Galio's Q will be completely maxed out."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Slowing down the target with his 2 would be optimal to ensure a p stroke on the enemy. The first purchase of Xerath's item components will give it two advantages."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn doesn\u2019t have a duelling Ultimate R. This makes her weak post level 6 when it comes to all-ins."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Once Kassadin gets his first item, he should deal a lot of burst damage to his enemies. Dealing burst damage can give Kassadin a considerable boost and increase his chances of getting kills on other lanes."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Do not delay team fights against an Ezreal. Ezreal\u2019s first power spike occurs when he picks up Sheen."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "If an enemy catches jhin out, he will die. jhin isn't good against tanks due to his Passive."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "A high level for Graves will help him bolster his overall burst damage when fighting with enemies. Graves will be able to clear minions very quickly with a high level of his ability."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Make sure you finish the game as quickly as possible. Nasus wouldn't be seen on the map early, but post 6, he's gonna start messing up a lot."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Once Kassadin has his Ultimate, he will be able to trade more frequently. When Kassadin has his Ultimate, he will also have increased mobility due to short cooldowns."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "You should push the first wave. Then pull the second one to the tower."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight. A maximum capacity of the Ultimate allows Malphite to inflict large amounts of burst damage."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "He can soak a lot of damage for his team and can easily peel for his carries if need be."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "In the middle of the game, it will be difficult for enemies to kill you if you don't get CC'd. Your W and E will be essential to your success in this matchup, especially during the ganks."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Only look for all-ins when your Jungler is arriving. Keep the wave close to the tower and focus on getting tankier in this matchup."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Apply as much pressure as you can on them before invading. Before invading, make sure you have your passive stacked so you can win the trade."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble can do a lot of damage to enemy units with its passive force that is close to it. The passive autonomized r allows Rumble to act as a disruptor during team fighting easily."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne uses his Ultimate ability defensively to scare off enemies. Nocturne deals a lot of damage during the mid-game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "His Passive allows him to remove on his own a group of enemies from a large combat team by simply zoning them. It can also inflict a lot of damage on the enemy if they ignore Zac."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "When Tibbers R is primed and ready, respect Annie's damage output. Annie is clearly stronger when her stun is ready, and when she has 3 stacks on her Passive."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "This will allow Fiddlesticks to get a lovely amount of damage down to the whole enemy team. While you\u2019re good in the late game, you\u2019re incredibly squishy."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "You should continue peeling for your allies to keep them alive in fights. You're good at peeling, so you should do so in the late game."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Your team should use your capabilities to clear minion waves quickly. You can look for a favorable trade while poking enemy minions and pushing the wave at the same time."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "The first element will certainly give Vayne a massive boost in the duo. Vayne will have to use the track brushes to make sure she can compensate for her short range."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Squishy champions should especially avoid taking unnecessary risks in this situation. Blitzcrank will miss his b in a team fight if you do not focus him down."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Another significant event for Nilah is obtaining her first component item. Obtaining the first component item will enhance Nilah's trading power and make her stronger in skirmishes."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Try to abuse xayah as much as possible to get an early advantage. With a low range, xayah can easily be snatched and harassed."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "It can easily bypass the map and targets 1 v 1 squishy. His first ability will give him increased damage and survival, and now he will be a massive threat to the enemy team."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune has a lot of poke in the way with her ts and ts. This can give him a lot of pressure in the way itself and allow her to intimidate the enemy with ease."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion is a support role at Level 1. At Level 6, Sion can set up an ADC or Jungler on track to get killed if possible."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Taking damage from CC can happen, but you will certainly save your backline. The wave should stay in the middle of the way."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "It will allow you to easily expose Zac to the ganks and will keep you completely safe from all in. That being said, make sure that it can't push the wave completely, or you can be diving tour."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Level 6 is a decent pickup. It unlocks a final and defensive movement."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Players facing Qiyana should avoid getting caught out by her R, as it is usually used to initiate team fights. Split pushing could be a good way to counter Qiyana's R abilities."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "If you do not, you will be cut off and CC'd regularly. Use your tornado to keep hitting the enemy regularly."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Make sure you gank as much as possible, too so you can apply just as much pressure as them. Gragas' engage potential is high due to his E and Q."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Level two gank is incredibly heinous for enemies in early play. Twitch's level 6 capabilities allow it to excel in major battles."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "You should not overstay your welcome when facing him. When fighting Darius, try to reposition so that he can\u2019t hit you."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "You have decent objective control, so try to guarantee major goals when you can. Alternatively, a player could use their objective control for gank bot and then take Drake after."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal should avoid using his E aggressively unless he is certain that no one can abuse him. At level 16, Ezreal will put the third point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Someone with many abilities has a kit with many combos. Mastering someone with many abilities is difficult."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "If Ekko gets hit by layered CC, it will be difficult for him to deal damage or use his abilities. It will also be difficult for Ekko to escape the fight with his Ultimate W if he gets hit by layered CC."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Once you unlock your capabilities, you should be on the lookout for everything in the enemy whenever they extend beyond their safe area. If enemy players play safely, you should walk around and see if you can make coins elsewhere."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "You should try to work with your Jungler and get picks inside the enemy Jungle using your Ultimate R. Picking off the enemy Support will grant your team a considerable advantage when it comes to vision placements."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "When looking for choices, look for immobile enemies or misplaced in the late game. Taking an enemy at the end of the game can provide enough time to launch a fight, sit a goal, or take the Baron/Elder Dragon."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu will use his Snowball W to engage from a distance if you stand close to one another. If you are all close to one another, Nunu might be able to get a 5 person knockup with his Snowball W."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Ultimate mushrooms will allow Teemo to be killed on unsuspecting low-health targets. Teemo's first capacity will cause heavy amounts of burst damage."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's Ultimate R can be used to get kills over and over again in lane. The enemy laner should not play incredibly safe if Diana will help their allies with her abilities."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "She should be able to win several fights with ease using her Ultimate e. After entering with your Ultimate e, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "The enemy is trying to set targets elsewhere. Open the card by putting pressure on it."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Singed can be easily exposed to the ganks by its weak defensive capabilities. A champion is almost nowhere to be found because of his passive ability."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's ill health will make it almost impossible for him to engage without dying. Malphite is at its weakest at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "In a team fight, try to flank and bring Xerath down at the start, making it easier for your team to win. That would prevent Xerath from being able to shoot you so much."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's Level 6 allows him to use his E correctly. Syndra's first element will give him a lot of apparent wave and damage."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "A player with Rammus must be aware of this limitation when playing. Rammus' early ganks are pretty decent if the enemy happens to be pushed up."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "At level 6, Kayn can use his Ultimate R to protect himself from death. Fighting Kayn with this knowledge is advised."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Dodge Elise's Cocoon ability when initiating a fight. If Elise lands Cocoon, try to escape."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Not getting late in the middle of the game is crucial as Jungler so make sure you keep growing! As Jungler, you must try to secure every Drake in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor has some form of buff motion speed with its r, but the crowd control in layers can counter it. The motion speed buff granted by Viktor's r can be easily counterbalanced by the control of layers crowds."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo becomes really powerful once it reaches level 16. When Yasuo reaches level 16, its Ultimate R will inflict massive amounts of damage in a short period of time."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac will look to gank more often when their Ultimate is in place. When Zac's Ultimate is in place, they probably go gank more often."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "If you're never too far ahead, the enemy can try to take you away. Stay in the back of your team."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere's level 11 isn't too good because it doesn't give it a lot of statistics. The Ultimate e in itself will be useful, however, and Trendamere can use track brushes to catch the enemy by surprise."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "orianna can now make plays of her own or in combination with her team using her Ultimate d. orianna isn't great before level six, as she can easily be caught out and killed."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio can assist his Jungler with his Ultimate R. Galio can assist his ADC with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Extra credit if you can kill the target while it has no escape options. Roam around as often as possible and try to aid your mid-laner."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Just make sure that you ward around yourself to keep you safe. Use your E properly and timely in this matchup."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "At level 16, Ekko's Ultimate R will deal a lot of damage and be on a really short cooldown. Ekko can look for insanely aggressive plays whenever his Ultimate R is up."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "This will allow him to quickly clear up his wave and let him wander and witness objective fighting. Her selection potential is really high in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "You should keep an eye on what main goal is next. If it spawns quickly, be sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before you safely retreat."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Being very motionless makes Kogmaw a privileged target to engage the champions. Once committed, Kogmaw can't do anything unless his teammates help him."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Beware that Xin Zhao is much stronger than you are early. Keep this in mind, expect that they often gank early, and you also invade."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate e is in place. Fighting without this will make the end-of-game team's fights much more difficult."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "In team fights, Fiddlesticks' extra sustain/damage is beneficial. The laning phase of Fiddlesticks is simple."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Try to delay fights while Jayce harasses the enemy with s. Jayce is a ranged champion."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "His W plays a pivotal role during team fights in such situations. If he misses his E, the enemy team can quite literally walk up to him (not in melee range) and keep poking and harassing him for a long time."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas's ultimate ability can be dodged easily by enemies who have dashes or movement tools. Enemies with good positioning in lane will find it hard to engage Gragas or use his E due to minion blocking."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw is rather squishy in early play. Try to abuse Kog'Maw's weakness and look for fights to put him behind."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille often hunts vulnerable targets who are isolated walking around the map. To reduce her assassination attempts, you should stick with your team."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The W of Maokai can catch out-of-position players in the fight. As it could be difficult for Maokai to fight team, he can try to flank the side to facilitate access to the enemy."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Its ability (Zeri) allows it to escape sticky situations and to easily get away from the ganks. Zeri is versatile."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Delay a team fight for as long as possible while harassing and poking the enemy down with your W. Get as close to the enemy laner as you can before using your Q. The further away you use it, the harder it will be to land it."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "She will literally heal all the damage done to her teammate, making the extended team fighting the way to go for her team. Yuumi will have many articles completed during this stage."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "As a result, he will look at the feeding farm to get his Ultimate h as quickly as possible. You can delay Malphite's Level 6 power peak by invading its jungle and flying its camps."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's tankness is massive at the end of the game. His Passive assures that he cannot die by diving into the enemy's back, inflicting damage on them, and prevents them from joining the fight."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Help a member of your team by destroying Yorick's wall as soon as he uses his E capability. Yorick has a huge thrust potential."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Avoiding grouping if possible Quinn should use their strong duelling potential in the mid-game to fight and duel anyone who tries to stop them from split pushing."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "He can shoot people once he gets his first article. The Passive de Veigar allows an infinite scale."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Naafari is really good at running and shooting the squishy champions who walk alone on the map. Naafari is a very mobile champion who can allow her to engage or escape sticky scenarios."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille can often outplay the enemy and turn around or escape exchanges with ease. She is a challenging champion that is quite fun and rewarding."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight. Mordekaiser has a healthy clear but slow clear at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Continue playing around Gwen's Passive in mid-game fights especially in 1v1 skirmishes. Ignoring Gwen's Passive can lead to missed damage opportunities."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled will have maximum capabilities at this stage. This will make Kld huge in the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Due to her low cooldown on her Ultimate in the late game, camille must actively look for plays. camille must isolate the enemy carries."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "At level 3, Heimerdinger can easily catch immobile ADC champions off guard with his lane brushes. Heimerdinger can burst down ADC champions quickly and CC them at level 3."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "He will try to solo kill you early on. Do not underestimate his early game damage as he will usually come out ahead."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Ultimately, a farm-based jungle style hinders Volibear's potential. You should prepare to fall back with your allies after using your Ultimate R in a team fight at the end of the game."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Rotate around the map if your bot lane decides to rotate to the top lane after securing the bottom lane tower. When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Look for opportunities to choose enemy players with your abilities. A great way to win a team fight is to take someone and then collapse on them to shoot them down."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "This increases the ability of Nami's allies to inflict damage and survive team fighting. This champion is very motionless."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali will be able to bring a lot of damage to anyone she contacts. Your Ultimate will also be on lower cooling, which is very beneficial."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Avoid standing down the track as Maokai will place Saplings E inside the bushes and they will inflict a lot of damage if you are taken by them."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Before major objective fights, use your k to scout around for death brushes set up by the enemy. Besides that, always maintain your range and use your Q and auto-attack slow to constantly kite the enemy team."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Taking Nami back first before a team fight will make it difficult for his ADC to survive because they will not have a coat or protection. Fighting around the targets or in the jungle can be avoided because Nami's Ultimate R (Riptide) is large and the landing of multiple knock-ups is guaranteed in narrow areas."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Its damage will increase considerably It has an easy time to melt through the enemy health bars"} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Look for peaks in the middle of the game. You deal a lot of damage and can easily blow up the champions. Try to kill someone and then abuse their death timer to earn more gold."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "In team fighting, your mobility is pretty great. With the Ultimate of Ahri, you are able to flank the enemy on the side, get a murder and then escape before anyone can catch you."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "In the late game, it will be harder for Ezreal to kill tanks. As the game progresses, Ezreal will face difficulties in dealing with tanky champions."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Major health leadership is crucial. Reduction of healing is necessary as soon as possible."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "A maxed-out Ultimate R will let Neeko use the ability quite frequently. All she needs to do is find a flank on the enemy team."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "If you kill Karthus at the start of the fight, try to reposition and get away from his Passive. Kill Karthus at the start of a fight."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "His tankiness will know no bounds during this phase of the game. He will soak up both tower shots and enemy damage simultaneously."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized to level 9, which increases its damage. This increase in damage will make its team combat potential quite respectable."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "In the mid-game, teams start to group together. Fiddlesticks benefits from teams grouping closely together."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Taking someone late in the game can give you enough fighting time force, seat goal or take Baron or Elder Dragon. Flank in the team fights to get the enemy backline easily."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Level 6 allows Taliyah to wander but does not provide him with anything else. This means that she will only play, but she still needs to land her basic abilities to do damage."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle can be easily kitted by varied trolleys once its e has been exhausted. This forces Trundle to retreat or die, if he manages to extend without any follow-up from his team."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Get a form of healing reduction to make it less powerful. Take advantage of your range advantage and constantly harass Taric whenever possible."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Using his e carelessly or aggressively can lead to immediate death The ability has a moderately high cooldown"} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "This will also let her deal a lot of damage in the lane. When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Once your bot track has moved to the middle lane, rotate to the bot side of the map. You should turn to the bot side of the map if the bot track does not work well or you can continue to grow somewhere else on the map."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "If your bot track turns to the upper side after obtaining the first turn, turn to the lower track. You should start growing there instead."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Its ultimate R capability allows it to engage at a great distance. This is extremely beneficial when used out of sight, or when enemies are near a wall."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Expect them to look for aggressive pieces and be ready to play defensively, using Yuumi's healing and utility to keep your ADC safe. senna was a champion known to be effective at long range poke."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Using the first capacity often will allow Teemo to do a lot of burst damage. Peel for your carts at the end of the game team fight to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you will not be able to win the fight alone."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is the scourge of all immobile carriers, especially those still. It can easily climb on them and prevent them from doing anything in a fight."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "No one suspects Sion after base and down or medium track. Sion's E is a very easy to land skill that guarantees a fine Sion's Q."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Once you get your first item component, spam your abilities more frequently in the lane. Spamming your abilities will help use your n combined with your 1 to go for regular trades with the enemy."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Which means he can completely decimate the enemies that are identified. He will frequently have to find sides on the enemy to make sure he can take control of the game and win quickly."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's Q can burst down an enemy with a few hits. Ezreal's Ultimate R can force a team fight if he has numbers or health advantage."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "If your team needs an AP, Aumu can be built as an AP champion. If you're ahead of the game, Amumu could go for a full AP construction and blow up the enemies."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "while your team does the same thing Make sure to use your Ultimate"} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Urgot will waste his cooldown on your teammate if he misses in the team fights. If Urgot hits his Fear Beyond Death R, try to kill him before he executes your partner."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Tracking Nocturne in his jungle allows for quick reaction time to any ganks he might attempt on other lanes. Counter-ganking is a crucial aspect of Nocturne's strategy, as it allows the team to take out enemy minions before they can be taken by Nocturne."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Caitlyn is good in extended trades, so avoid going for extended trades with her, especially if her Passive is stacked. Their level 6 ability is stronger than yours, so be careful when fighting post level 6."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Securing these objectives as a Jungler is crucial in the mid-game. The second point in Olaf's Ultimate ability will give him another spike."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Keep this in mind before trying to make aggressive plays At level 16, Annie will have 3 points in her Ultimate R"} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus is a farm heavy champion. A champion who will need to soak up many minion waves and jungle camps to be useful throughout the game."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser's damage will be quite significant with the component of the article. The Mortadokaers should share the push in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "When Caitlyn places her W, you can hear the in-game audio. If you can\u2019t see where the Trap W has been placed, it\u2019s probably behind your tower."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Slow capacity is also crucial for Trendamere's game style. You don't have to panic unless Tryndamere succeeds in slowing down, as you can then go to security."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "At level 6, Swain's damage production is increasing. Swain's survival increased to level 6."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Samira's Ultimate R is a powerful tool. Avoid fighting unless you have your ultimate R available as it deals tons of damage."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Whoever gets caught by Kled will probably die. Skaarl is a key element of Kled's construction and capabilities."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "At level 6, Kog'Maw will have easier time to make and trade thanks to its Ultimate y. Take care of yourself by exchanging with him, and try not to let him shoot you down."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "At this stage of the game, Kayn takes shape. The choice of form will be a decisive factor in winning the game depending on the composition of the team."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "The best time to land skill shots on Ezreal is when his E is on cooldown. If Ezreal uses his E aggressively, abuse the cooldown and look for an aggressive play while he's defenceless."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "You should flank in the team fights to get the enemy backline up easily. Make sure you are close to your team at all times so you can get in the quick fight."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "As top laner, Hecarim will be very tanky. Hecarim can peel for his team as top laner."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Respect her burst and all-in potential whenever her t is available. Post 6, Anivia can quickly push the minion wave with her m."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "You shouldn't let him crash you with his Q. Even though he's very tanky, he's still doing a lot of damage in the protracted fighting."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "The enemy front line could block Skarner's Ultimate. Skarner should avoid using his Ultimate on the enemy front line."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo can easily configure ganks using this tactic as well. Playing around his W allows him to completely dismantle enemy matchups."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Its effectiveness in team fighting really comes into play during this phase of the game. Her W and Ultimate R will help her when she deals with enemies who like to flank and reach her rear line."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Continue placing vision for your teammates. Avoid warding alone, or else you will die."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "The viktor avoids waves. Viktor's damage capabilities allow him to disrupt entire fighting with his d and Ultimate m."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "As Fiddlesticks will be power farming, try to get your allies ahead by ganking as much as possible. This will make it harder for him to gank once he is 6 as they will be stronger."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain should look for choices with his abilities to catch enemies who are out of position. Choices must be made when the enemy champion is vulnerable."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "More items will allow zilean to easily defeat enemies. Cutting enemies with more items will make it easier for the Zilean."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "According to its construction, Zeri will be really strong and can inflict a ton of damage in a fight. At the end of the game, Zeri should be almost complete."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac struggles to use his Ultimate R. Zac struggles to use his Q when the enemy escapes/or CC."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "The ultimate ability of the player is an incredibly strong tool. Every time the ultimate is in place, use it to help allies and get murders."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Most players tend to leave their positions and disengage from team fights when they see Rammus approaching. Rammus will likely attempt to flank his opponents in order to get a high-value target during team fights."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "If it spawns quickly, be sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before you safely retreat. It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi's being highly tanky will also allow her to absorb a lot of damage in return. At level 16 Illaoi can easily sustain herself due to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "If Vayne uses her e, she should use the cooldown to play aggressively and try to kill the opponent. Vayne's pretty vulnerable when she's dead."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "At this stage of the game, Zilean will have all his objects. This means that the release of Zilean's damage with its combo Q > W > Q will be massive, especially during the attack of squishy targets."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Look for selections in the later stages of the game. If you can choose someone, you should turn to ."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "A champion who is squishy can a man the Baron if they're early. Its ultimate ability (r) can completely shift the tide of a fight if left unchecked."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "It will make her tanky and will let her dive face-first into the enemy team. She will play a massive role in disrupting team fights for the enemy team."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko's pushing power makes her susceptible to ganks, especially after she uses up her W. After using her W, Neeko is vulnerable to ganks from enemy champions."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Your champion, Vladimir, is incredibly weak at the beginning of the game. Agriculture is more important than fighting with the enemy until you have an object behind you."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is one of the best duelers in the game. He is going to invade you if you don't take action."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Try to lure his e before you get involved in the all-in-one. Kog'maw is going to try to constantly piss you off from afar to get you down."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "She will be heavily reliant on the enemy team pushing up and will thus spend most of the time power farming. Control Wards are her mortal enemies."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Avoid moving alone on the map to avoid getting caught. Getting caught alone will cause the team to be disadvantaged by 4v5."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora relies heavily on life steal. Buy a grievous wounds item early to neuter a huge part of what makes her such a good duelist."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "It is recommended to Roam all the opportunities you get, especially on pushed enemy targets, to get a lead. Warding will be an essential element of your game style during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "An engage Support can provide an initial advantage in fights. After gaining a couple of levels, you can start playing aggressively and looking for opportunities for aggressive plays."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Watch your flanks for murderers who are trying to get you out quickly. Getting a defensive element will help you a lot in this game against all comps."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "If you play as an early game champion, try to get an early advantage to reduce its scale. His root E will only trigger on the first enemies he strikes when he returns."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Being caught will cause your team to play 4v5. Don't be alone unless you know where the enemy is."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "This is especially true if they are ahead, as you will not win early fights with them. As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If his Passive is broken, he can't play so aggressively because of the threat that he's killed. Teams with lots of CCs and disengagement tools are really good against Zac."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Keep the wave near your tower to limit the size potential of Singed. The enemy has no seat capacity."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Wait until Lucian uses his E before he fights or tries to land CC. Lucian's E is broken when it is much weaker and will have more trouble defending itself."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "The position of Jayce while split pushing should not be left unchecked for too long as he can quickly clear waves and takedown towers with his d. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's Q ability will only be as impactful as she makes it with multiple stacks. If Gwen uses her Q without multiple stacks, the damage will be futile."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Work on wave management during this stage of the game. You will get your first component element when leveling."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "During neutral objective fights, ezreal aims to poke the enemy team before the major Smite fight. Poking the enemy team during neutral objective fights prevents them from doing anything and leads to their death if they try to all-in."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game to reduce zoning and increase the opportunities deganking. Vayne will often be left alone to divide the thrust and the farm."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Take a focus on taking out enemy frontline champions. As the jungler, your goal is to remain alive in the late game."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "During this time, the enemy could have already been killed by your ally, and you wouldn\u2019t get an assist. Channelling your Ultimate ability (e) near an enemy champion could be very dangerous"} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "The prolonged self-attack with Zigg can be found after he has used his authorized self-attack. Zigg's been using auto-attack badly since he was the AP champion."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas is strong in the middle of the game, especially if he gets a solid ultimate from the enemy team. The theft of Sylas's life prevented him from dying quickly in major battles."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia's Passive prevents him from dying which gives him tons of extra protection throughout the game. Wall e is a tool used by Anivia for utility that can protect her and her allies."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Your ultimate R should be saved for yourself, but exceptions apply if one of your carts is in danger. Use your W wisely during this phase of the game. This ability can completely change the result of a fight if used at a good time."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "This makes his pick potential incredibly high. He has a fast and healthy clear."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "If you're caught out of position, the enemy will decimate you very quickly, even if you have your Ultimate m. You need to utilize your Passive wisely in team fights to increase your chances of winning."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Once Yasuo is level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R, its death pressure increases. By playing with Yasuo, it is essential to play respectfully whenever his Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Don't rely on her to save you or your life ADC. Use your Q & E to target both enemies and minions simultaneously to use your mana effectively."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Use the fog of war and choke the dots"} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Try your hardest to harass Jarvan down. If he is low on health, he will be unable to engage."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "It is recommended to try CCs (crowd control). The CC locks them, it's preventing their movement."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Abus Mordekaiser as much as possible before reaching Level 3. In team fighting, Mordekaiser can shine."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "A mingle game can be particularly embarrassing for Yorick in the way. Yoricks' basic capabilities can be very boring for the enemy in the track."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "This boost allows him to easily explode the squishies. At level 9, the first capability will cause a lot of damage to the target enemy."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Once Diana hits level 6, she can start to receive ganks from her Jungler. Her Ultimate R deals a lot of damage and is CC."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "You will want CC Rumble when possible in this matchup. Rumble cars don't do much damage, but only go to CC when it doesn't use any capacity."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "You need to play around your Ultimate m. Jarvan IV is a strong Jungler"} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "It's recommended to let Cassiopeia push the wave and then call for assistance from your Jungler to shut her down. Although a champion model can activate their W (Miasma) while in her W (Miasma), they will not be knocked away from her and the ability will still be used if tried on themselves instead of using it on her to knock her away."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills. Move around the map and look to help your allies."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Use your combo well during team fights to secure easy wins. When you sit on Baron or Dragon, or when you push the enemy under their turn, look for opportunities to pick up enemies with your abilities."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Control of the crowd is Vayne's deadly enemy and can be removed from the game as soon as it is controlled by the crowd. Vayne is vulnerable in team fighting without her ultimate ability."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Your Ultimate will come in very practical and will allow you to make a lot of coins. If the enemy team is loaded with heavy CC, make sure you get a defensive element to help you."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Seek to harass and constantly push the enemy in their turn after purchasing key elements at level 6. This will allow you to earn turret veneer and increase your gold income."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "If you can catch someone out of position with your abilities, you will be able to take the goal for free. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks wants to poke and stay safe in the very early game. Fiddlesticks is not very strong, so his job is to survive early."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal was known to poke the enemy and harass them as much as he could before looking to fight. Poke the enemy and harass them as much as you can before looking to fight."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "The more items Quinn gets, the more of a problem she will be for the enemy team As long as she looks for picks with her team, she should be okay in the late game"} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "If you get it, try to get an early execution call. This will reduce his ability to heal and increase your death pressure in the way."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The force team fights when Xin Zhao's Ultimate R is down to increase your chances of winning the fight. A good Xin Zhao will use their Ultimate whenever he's up to an ally."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "At level 11, Teemo will peak again as it will have access to more t mushrooms. At this stage of the game, Teemo will also have to place them all around Invoke the Rift."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu is an incredibly strong team fighter. Amumu's construction path is incredibly versatile."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's Ultimate R allowed him to be the guardian of his teammates. It became really beneficial if one of Shen-Shen's teammates was fed and needed to be peeled."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "If he uses his Flash E to commit, remember that he has no other escape tool. Concentrate as soon as possible."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "The wave of minions Your side of the map"} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Focus on the enemy's attack and try to get them out of the fight. Try to focus the enemy's attention on your other front-line champions."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "It'll let her do a lot of damage with her W and Q. During the middle game, you'll want to push the wave."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Level 6 is a massive power peak for Lulu. Lulu's going to annoy the enemy on level six."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank is rather weak in the early game and needs time to come online. Try and abuse Gangplank's weak early game to get ahead."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Once she has finished her first article, she will suffer a lot of damage and will be able to push the wave/combat more frequently. Keep this in mind and respect its damage."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This will make it much harder for Jarvan to chase you down the lane and zone you away from the farm. Beware of his level 6 all-in."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu is a champion with weak points. A champion who is quite vulnerable and easy to kill is Lulu."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Once Leona has Mobility Boots, she can wander easily. As soon as Leona leaves the track, sting your teammates so they know she's gone."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "The longer the game goes the tankier Braum gets and the stronger his ADC gets too. Try and set Braum behind in the early game to make it harder for him to peel for his ADC as the game goes along."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana's early play force depends on the match she's in. It can be quite strong or very weak."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "As soon as orrn reaches level 6, his kill pressure in lane will increase and he may start getting ganks from the jungler. It is essential to get vision in the river so you can spot the jungler early and react accordingly."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "As Tahm Kench is a champion in the field, laning against the range champions is very difficult for him as they can bring him down whenever he moves or positions himself a little aggressively. Ranged champions can also zone it incredibly well."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "You need time to come online and focus on getting gold and XP. However, if a player finds an opportunity near gank or counter-gank, he should not be afraid to take it."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. In doing so, Akshan will be less effective."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Strong with his mechanic E, it's kayn. Kayn has a gank capacity both bot and the top track unabated."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Keep this in mind and respect its damage. You're weaker than your opponents early in the game."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Your Q and Ultimate R usage needs a lot of refinement when you are just picking up the champion. One misplaced Ultimate R from your end can lose you an entire team fight."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "She will continue to be a formidable opponent throughout the game. You'll get your basics now."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "It will win duels more effectively than the Maiden inflicts a lot of damage to enemies The first element makes it possible to increase damage and durability in the way"} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Zeri is versatile. Zeri has a unique mechanic with his Q and basic attacks."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Concentrate as soon as possible. Since he's not really good at team fights, you could force a team fight while he's in his jungle agriculture"} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan's E allows him to bring back his dead allies if he can kill the enemy who killed them. It's great, especially in the last stages of the game where the death timers are long enough."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "This component will also be beneficial when it launches its Ultimate b. His early play is good, but the result of the track really depends on the match he is in."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down. Continue to fly kites in team fights and systematically adapt your positioning."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "The positioning and use of Zyra's capabilities can have a significant impact on the team's success. Switch to a longer track during the middle of the game to secure choices and close the game quickly."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Look for picks during the mid-game with Daisy R. If you can catch someone out of position and take them down, you\u2019ll be able to abuse the numbers advantage."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "He will now have several articles at his disposal. This means that its damage will increase considerably, and it should have an easy time to blow up the enemies."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game. If you can find an opportunity to do so, use it to catch out someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or way out of position."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Her W ability negates any form of damage or CC, making it a game-changer in team fights. The ability's power to block Ignite tick damage can be advantageous for Fiora in prolonged team fights."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Your Ultimate R should help you massively, especially when you use the lane brushes. Bait his W out before going in on him."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up. Fighting without it will make the late-game team fights much harder."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite can absorb a lot of damage for his team with his Passive. His Passive allows him to be a first line for his team while being able to escape death when he enters with his Ultimate h."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "The brushes in the Jungle are great spots to hide in to achieve this goal. Since Jax can deal a lot of consistent DPS, he will be mighty once full build."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If his Passive is broken, he can't play so aggressively because of the threat that he's killed. This is only applicable for combats from start to mid-game."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "The cooldown for Skarner's Ultimate will be quite short. You can play effectively with your team."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Alternatively, group with your team and attack the enemy together in the jungle or around goals where they will be grouped. This allows you to lock multiple targets at once with your Ultimate."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Try to look for frequent trades while her Egg is down, and call for assistance when needed. Once Anivia has some levels behind her, her strength increases dramatically."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "At level 3, Akali should look for more aggressive pieces, but avoid engaging with them. The optimal game style for Akali at level 6 is to look for aggressive all-ins, especially when the enemy overextends and uses its Ultimate to win an additional pressure to kill."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Be cautious of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him. Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Q."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "In addition to grouping closely, Camille cannot easily get on to the backline by running at the enemy. Instead, she will try to flank from the side."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Vex can use its Ultimate R again if the marked target dies. Try to separate slightly so that Vex can't handle a lot of AOE damage with its Q and E."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "At level 6, you will need to play more respectfully because She can set up picks and abuse your Jungler with her Ultimate R. If She uses her W on her ADC, wait for the spell to wear off before committing to a hard fight."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "If you're playing like a tough engagement champion and don't know where Shaco was recently, ask yourself if he's placed Boxes behind the target you want to collapse on. Shaco may have already placed Boxes behind the target you want to collapse on if it was near the target recently."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Having vision around the Baron and Dragon is needed to help your team to victory. Use your Ultimate R on as many enemies as possible."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen will try to flank in team fights with his Q (ability). Always ward to the side of you at all times."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Team up with your team when your Ultimate R is in place. Rotate the side lane to where your team is and look for a choice with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion's E is a very easy to land skill that guarantees a Sion Q. This can be of great value for setting up ganks for his Jungler."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Riven is weaker than you at level 2. Use your level 2 advantage to go for an aggressive game with your basic combo."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Stand away from the minion wave at all times so Corki doesn\u2019t land both his Q and R on you. Limit trading autos with Corki as he will win them with his superior AD damage."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Its side of the map She"} -{"label": "singed", "text": "The player can't fight both you and the minions simultaneously, so they need to escort their minions as they walk on the track to force Chanted to walk on the track. If Chanted is able to replace you, let the enemy minions hit your turn and focus on agriculture what you can."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the lane to force Janna to overextend, creating gank opportunities for your jungler. Consider investing in an early healing reduction item, as Janna's healing abilities can be quite potent."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "This point in its Ultimate R reduces capacity cooling and increases damage. Cooling a capacity refers to the time it takes for the champion to use it again."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett excelled in the champ selection in the middle of the game. Always keep your position in mind when playing with Sett to prevent it from catching you out of your position with its E."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Every time her Ultimate is in place, she has a free prison release card because she can use her Ultimate to disengage. Shyvana's strategy is to make short exchanges with his k and a time when the main damage to the enemy champion or CC capability is disabled."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger will now have maxed out an ability and will be dishing out a lot of damage depending on his maxed ability. As a mid laner, he will now be able to CC and blow enemies up with his abilities."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "You have a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as you can. Play safe for the first levels while you land poke on the enemy with your Q."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Stay with your team at any time. Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Choose a high priority target that will want to protect during this phase of the game. Make sure your chosen target survives anything so you can easily win team fights and get an advance."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Keep the quarters so you can see the enemy moving around the map and start taking targets. Stay with your team at any time."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His W also causes misleading damage, while also providing him with mitigation of damage. Sett can be put in a kit to forget, especially when it is against a varied trolley with a certain form of dash or coat."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Refusing Nasus batteries is crucial because it prevents it from spreading quickly. The more the game goes, the stronger Nasus will be."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Don\u2019t be afraid to 1v1 champions if you\u2019re ahead. During the mid-game, Dr Mundo should\u2019ve completed a couple of core items."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Several points in his Ultimate R will allow him to use capacity quite frequently. This means that Rengar can both zone out of enemies or secure picks as needed."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "You could use his misposition to make a favorable trade to bring him down. Avoid grouping too closely if the enemy has several knock-ups because Yasuo can get a very good Ultimate R of it."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus will be looking to farm as much as possible so he can get his Ultimate e as quickly as he can. You can delay his level 6 power spike by invading his jungle and stealing away his camps."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Gloves of Overt Enemies helps greatly Sylas. Level 6 is an important power peak for Sylas, but its effectiveness depends on the composition of the enemy team."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain can immediately kill the enemy team if he manages to catch them near a choke point. When you launch, stand back, but in front of your Caster Minions."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Gank the lower lane and then turn to Drake. Your first power peak is at level 3 when you unlock the 3 of your basic capabilities."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Alternatively, a player could use their objective control for gank bot and then take Drake after. Rengar is the number one public enemy for any wallet in the game."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "This step of the game really comes online for Shyvana because it basically gets access to a free escape tool and 3 additional capabilities. When Shyvana finished her Mythic article, her trading potential in the track increased."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Focus on play safe in the early game. Play safe in focus means focusing on farming gold and experience until level 6."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Play around Katarina\u2019s Dagger placements. Katarina\u2019s Dagger placements offer a lot of extra pressure in lane."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "It can easily delineate and separate the enemy front line from its rear line. It will also be able to treat the DPS in a consistent manner."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive. Three points in his Ultimate R will make Urgot really scary."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "The mid-lane position provides a balance between safety and aggression. Garen's lack of CC makes it possible for the enemy to kite him till he falls back or overextends and dies."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean's t (Ultimate) is one of the most odious and overnourished abilities in the game when used correctly. zilean's p (ability) can guarantee a Q W Q hit on a specified target, which can be very beneficial in setting up a deathbrush before a major objective fight."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "A maxed-out Ultimate R can help Talon a lot during this phase of the game. Talon can help a lot by escaping unpleasant situations with a maximum of Ultimate R."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Avoid committing to fight unless you are sure you can kill her quickly. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early will force it to extend for the farm that you can abuse all of it."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "The enemy will force a fight if you're not with them. Playing around your Ultimate in the later parts of the game is important."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "When Kai'Sa has multiple upgrades, she will be very difficult to fight against. At level 6, Kai'Sa gains extra utility thanks to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If you push, he could take you away from the farm and kill you when you go to CS. Master Yi is a weak champion at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "The extended trades will work a lot in favour of Tristana if she placed her E on you. At level 6, the destruction pressure of Tristana increases as its Ultimate R can cause you a lot of damage in the 1v1 trades."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "After Fiddlesticks has completed his first component item, he will be a little stronger. He can then start to trade more aggressively with the enemy."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "The optimal time to trade against Garen is when he has used one of his damaging abilities, as he will be unable to out-trade you. Tracking Garen's Ultimate cooldown post-6 is crucial, since being caught off guard by his increased damage output would be detrimental to success."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Yuumis game style allows him to jump on any member of his team if they are nearby. If the enemy seems to be engaged, step back as soon as they play aggressively, especially if Yuumi is attached to the front line as it will empower them."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "His ultimate R can be played. Viego has a high skill ceiling."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Its ability allows it both to set up and to follow the ganks with ease. This is extremely advantageous when it has a support that has a lot of crowd control in their kit."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Use the Energy resource before trying an all-in because your abilities are hungry for energy. Keep track of the enemy Jungler from the beginning of the game as he will attempt to camp the track to the affected level six."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "This will make Lulu a huge threat in the game. Press Level 2 first."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "You should poke the enemy relentlessly in this lane and use the lane brushes frequently to proc your Q on them. Saving your Q active will send the enemy scurrying away from you if they all-in you."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "If you have a dodge, do not use it when its Ultimate e is in place. You should avoid fighting Miss Fortune and her team in the jungle."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "After picking up Boots, look for opportunities to roam more often. When you have picked up Boots, your roaming potential increases significantly."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "It's crucial to avoid getting caught out by yourself. To make trades harder for Ezreal, always stand behind a minion."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Once Volibear has finished its first article, its damage production increases a lot. Expect Volibear to play more aggressively and look for killers."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Hit level 2 first and then use your level advantage to gain a significant health lead from Renata. To have a better chance at all-inning and chasing Renata down in the lane, keep the minion wave close to your side of the map."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Respect her 1v1 potential and try not to die to her. Wait for her to use her W up before looking for an all-in, else she might just CC you and kill you."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Constant damage to the poke can prevent Malphite from regenerating its passive shield. Malphitis is quite susceptible to poke before six years."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Don't be afraid to go for a level 2 gank in one of your lanes. Your Ultimate e is an insane tool that can help you get kills."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on low health minions in your lane. Irelia may use her Q on the minion to escape the trade or run you down after a skirmish."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Hitting level 3 will be quite difficult so make sure to avoid conflicts and use your Q to heal regularly. This will allow you to soon become worthy of gank."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "As Jungler, you need to make sure you're still alive in the late game. If you die before a major goal scares, the enemy will be able to take it."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "If Caitlyn reaches 100% crit strike, she will be able to dish out a lot of damage in team fights. She will be able to take down tanks easier than ever if she positions correctly."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "If he leaves the way, or if he leaves, look to push and descend Shen's tower. Additional gold will always help your team."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Ward around the flanks because Mordekaiser can try to attack sideways in order to reach a high-value target with its Ultimate R. If Mordekaiser misses his E in a team fight, it wouldn't be a bad time to focus him because he won't be able to shoot your team when his E is on cooldown."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego is a fun champion to play thanks to his Passive and Ultimate R. He is expected to quickly cling to Viego after playing it."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Locking Veigar with CC will be the best way to deal with him in team fighting. It is rather squishy so if you are able to reach it and get it down at the beginning of the fight, your team will have a easier time to win."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Frozen near your tower will force Soraka to overextend and then you can lock it up by walking too far forward. Soraka's Ultimate 6 cooling station is important to follow as it provides superior damage."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Lower cooldowns can help Ahri get picks with her team during the mid-game. Ahri's E will be on a shorter cooldown in the mid-game."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "It will grant Mordekaiser increased damage and survival, And now he'll be a huge threat to the enemy team."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Counter-commitment games are more effective as your champion is stronger by doing so compared to the search for aggressive choices. Taric's gonna get his boots."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Once you\u2019ve destroyed the first tower in your lane, move to the mid-lane. The first tower in your lane was destroyed by caitlyn."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Try to invade him and fight him in 1v1. Apply as much pressure as possible by often gauntling at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "At level 11, Lee Sin will have two points in his Ultimate k. This will allow Lee Sin to use his Ultimate capability completely and frequently ruin the ability of enemy divers to enter his backline."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Level sixteen is a massive power peak as it increases the defensive capabilities of its Ultimate r. Tahm Kench's tankness will be out of the world during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Your r and n will play a role in the victory of this path. Always CC the enemy target before entering for an exchange to make sure no one can turn you on."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "As Jungler, always give priority to staying alive in the late part. Dying before a major goal will give the enemy an easy victory."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Keep an eye on the side lanes and see if you can go and kill an enemy who is carelessly pushed up in such a lane. A defensive item should help you a lot when diving into an enemy team."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "It is incredibly beneficial when the main goal is to separate out a single target and get rid of them quickly. Look for picks during the mid-game to get your team ahead."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch will often be incredibly close to your team after coming out of its s. Once Twitch has left him, try to get him down as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When Fiddlesticks gets access to 3 abilities, he is really difficult to deal with because they offer him so much utility. If you\u2019re trying to go for an all in, make sure to fight when 1 ability is missing."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Late game, you become an unstoppable attack speed carry with insane mobility, consistent damage output and good survivability too. You should try to time your fights around your teammates initiation rather than initiating yourself."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Focus the backline and try to take them out of the fight. Try to focus your other frontline champions with the enemy backline."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Shove wave when possible, punish enemy laner with soldier-directed auto-attacks. Punish enemy laner to get healthy lead in lane."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Try to keep him away from your team so he can't get a good Q knockup. Avoid regrouping and fighting in the jungle as this will allow Sion to get a very good result with his Q or get a very good Ultimate Roff."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick will buy items that increase his healing to level 6 If he can't use his Ultimate R in your way, he'll turn around and use it instead."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "He can quite literally take the enemy backline out in one rotation of spells, if he manages to W E onto them. His Ultimate R is the most powerful ability in his kit as it allows him to undo his mistakes, especially when he chooses a bad fight or fails an all-in."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's early game is rather weak. Focusing on farming and earning as much gold as possible will help get key items quickly."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Just focus on agriculture early on and poking. Avoid trying to fight often early until you have levels under your belt."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "At that time she will look to gank and help her allies from afar She is good in the mid-game"} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Expect that Sett gank all the tracks at the beginning of the game to get himself and his allies in advance. Once Sett is level 6, his death pressure increases again and he will look to gank every time his Ultimate R is on the rise."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Her skirmishing power is quite high. It is advisable to keep this in mind when fighting against her alone."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana is weak at the beginning of the game. Trading with Shyvana when she has a lot of minions doesn't matter."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Avoid fighting with the enemy until you have an object behind you. After the bot track moves towards the medium track, turn to the bot side or elsewhere on the map for agriculture and XP gain."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Playing on the flank in team fights makes the enemy attack easy. Make sure you're close so you can fight quickly."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Its effectiveness increases if it manages to find a flank on its enemies or to place its ultimate R on a group of enemies hanging together."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "In return, it will be hard for the enemy to kill him quickly as well."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves can play circles around his target with ease at level 3. Once Graves gets to level 6, he will have unlocked a considerable finishing move."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "This allows Sion to take damage and peel his carts with ease, allowing them to play more freely. Sion's Ultimate R skill allows him to install ganks on other tracks."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Rivers and streams at the entrance to your jungle are the key to countering Kayn. Strong with his mechanic E, it's kayn."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R will further strengthen its overall potential and long-term overall damage. It will be a massive peak of power for him, because he can secure easy choices with it."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "It is not recommended to search for fighting in the jungle or around the Dragon or Baron because the teams tend to regroup, which facilitates the use of Malphite's Ultimate H. Instead of fighting in these areas, try to engage in open ways where you can avoid clinging to your team and reducing the chances of Malphite using its Ultimate H."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Level six is a significant spike for Neeko as she gains access to her power Ultimate R. Team fighting will become really easy now."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "taliyah Ultimate R provides a lot of utility in bottlenecks. Taliyah's Ultimate R gives him traction to easily land his C."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Extended trades benefit your team, so try to go for them often. You should look for chances to extend trades frequently."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Avoid letting him pick up free kills by staying as a team with him. Delay Nocturne\u2019s level 6 power spike by invading his jungle and stealing away his camps."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan is really good at roaming. He could easily get out of the way."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Warding will be an essential element of your game style during this phase of the game. The most important thing you want to do is keep a Control Ward in your inventory to use your Ultimate k effectively."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Level 6 is a decent pick-up because Seraphine will get her Ultimate R and can now change the tide of a fight if the enemy team is piled together or standing in a line. It also helps in neutral and objective battles."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "The enemy will be healthier at the end of the game. Most champions will buy defensive items to protect themselves at the end of the game."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "You're a lot stronger than Sylas early. Try to invade him and fight him in 1v1."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's Ultimate R will have several points that allow it to evacuate enemies easily. The enemy squishes will find it difficult to handle Syndra."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu's early damage is significant. The usefulness of her spells makes her very dominant in the way."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch is a glove. Twitch can inflate if it's nearby."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon loses most level 6 all-ins against champions with strong damaging Ultimates. This will make his level 6 power spike much weaker compared to many champions."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "They can guarantee a much easier goal than you. Keep them where they are before they can reach the goal."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the pre-6 map. This will make it harder for Zac to jump with his E and should increase your overall survival in the way."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Combined with his overall damage, it will become tough to deal with him for the enemy team. Olaf will definitely fall off during the late game as enemies start building defensive items."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "You are a good ganker early. A good ganker should equal his ganking pressure early on."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Try to bring down the enemy as much as possible while your team tries to take turns (or the Dragon or Baron). Delay team fighting as long as possible while you harass the enemy and crush them with art."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu relies on her team to carry them while she provides them with care and shields. Lulu is a champion with weak points."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The Ultimate R of Varus offers a lot of play and choice opportunities for its team. This means that Varus can set up ambushes or surprise enemy heroes with its ultimate ability."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks is weak in the early game and needs to hit level 6 as quickly as possible so he can unlock his Ultimate R. He has picked up his first component item and becomes a little stronger."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "If you can bait him, you should try to re-engage and try to kill her while it's down. Avoid regrouping too closely in team fights."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "You should start crashing on level three. Your W and Q compensate for excellent locking and CC,"} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne will now have several objects, which means she will hit enemies like a truck. A defensive element should allow it to consolidate its main port position of the team."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Every time Morgana launches her Ultimate R in a team fight, try to get out of the area as quickly as possible so you are not chained and CC'd. When playing against Morgana, always stand behind at least 1 minion so that she is unable to land her Q."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "An assassin will take down targets walking around the rift alone or too far forward and away from their team. The assassin will stick together with her team."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "If Viego takes over the body of a fed enemy champion, it will be extremely difficult to manage. However, if Viego takes over from a weak champion, he may not be as big as a threat."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch is very good in bottlenecks because of its Ultimate v. He can use it to locate his team."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric's E is very telegraphed. His E can be avoided easily if the enemy sees you using it."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "If you're caught out of position, the enemy may be able to end the game. You need to ensure your Passive is up in team fights to increase your chances of winning."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Be on the lookout for her Ultimate R! Neeko will spike once she backs and gets her first component item."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "He can allow his team to collapse on them. At level 16, the Ultimate capacity of zilean will be fully maximized."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Level six is a massive power spike as he can now execute champions with his Ultimate R. Pyke executes champions with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Ganking often with Rumble can provide significant benefits in terms of individual and team progress. Use your capabilities to quickly erase minion waves so your team can besiege or prevent an enemy team seat."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Securing the goals is very important, especially during this phase of the game, as these goals can be the decision-maker of the game. Your e should allow you to make really fancy pieces."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "You'll need to wait for Ezreal to use his E if your CC is a skill shot. Ezreal's poke damage starts stacking up if you take too many Q\u2019s to the face."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is inclined to disengage as soon as he uses his Ultimate B. Try to disengage or reposition to make it harder for Rumble to do follow-up damage."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "This means that Lissandra will have a gala to find choices and CC'ing the entire enemy team. Its Ultimate R will become really powerful when it is maximized."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Instead, she will try to flank from the side. So whenever you're sieging an objective or fighting in a lane, make sure you have sufficient ward coverage to the sides so you can spot her before she engages."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "She can install her Jungler very easily at level 6. Make sure you have enough vision around your path to spot the enemy Jungler before they show up."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "At a certain point during the game, Diana would've maxed out her Q. Diana's ability should start doing a lot of damage to enemies and help clear the jungle and secure objectives with her team."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Avoid fighting unless you have your ultimate R available as it deals tons of damage. The Ultimate R that Samira uses is capable of causing significant damage."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Her Q offers a lot of extra wave clear and more poke in lane. Diana will be a real threat when she hits level 9."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Force team fights when Shen can't influence them will help your team come forward. Force a fight once Shen's Ultimate R is down."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's W ability does not block tower shots but increases her defensive stats. When using her W ability, Gwen should think twice before committing to tower dives."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Rek'Sai is quite tanky. Her AoE damage will help her close fights quickly."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "If enemy players play safely, you should walk around and see if you can make coins elsewhere. Roaming becomes a mandatory thing once you get your boots because the Alistar roams are very powerful."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Poking down Galio first will make it impossible for him to look for an engage with his E and W. Try and stay at max range at all times to make it very hard for Galio to use his E and W aggressively to taunt you."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Rotate the side lane to where your team is and look for a choice with your Ultimate R. Peel for your allies in the team fights."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pay attention to what active items Pantheon has Play around the active items that Pantheon has"} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "As you are great at duelling and very early, try to make early games around the card to get yourself and your allies in advance. As Malphite is so weak early, you just have to go into their jungle and try to fight them or force them to remember."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is good in team fighting thanks to his AOE Ultimate R. Force a fight or fight when Swain isn't around will make it easier for your team to win team fights."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Choices must be made when the enemy champion is vulnerable. Swain has a lot of tankness and damage during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "If possible, focus him while he is in his more vulnerable state before he can deal damage. When no team fights are occurring and when no objectives are up, Olaf may stick to a side lane and start to split push."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "It becomes really beneficial if one of his teammates is fed and needs to be peeled. Shen's capacity is short."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "As a result Gwen will dish out tons of damage while healing up during a major fight. A massive boost to her fighting power was expected at level 11 due to her Ultimate R now having two points."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Team fighting should be similar in the middle of the game. Always look for ways to flank the enemy and remove one or two squishy members from their backline."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lilia's an early thug. The search for advanced targets should be relatively easy for her."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank should\u2019ve completed an item or two by this stage of the game. He will be much tankier which will allow him to soak up lots of damage for his teammates."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Keep the wave somewhere in the middle of the lane, because it will give you enough opportunities to take the enemy down. Gangplank's Passive allows him to come out on top of short trades which is quite advantageous for him."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Its duel power should increase fairly decently now. Level six is a massive power peak for Renekton as he wins his Ultimate t now."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "It would also have completed several elements when the mid-game roles around it. As a result, your abilities will cause much more damage that will allow you to choose squishy targets."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "From that moment on, she will start hitting like a truck that her e will be up very quickly in the game. This and its n will make it impossible for a single enemy to catch it."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This will help reduce Nasus' stacking mechanic and it will be easier to take him down. Whenever possible, commit to Nasus when his W is on cooldown."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco can guarantee much easier goals than you can. It is essential to keep Shaco under surveillance so that you can spot them before they can secure the lens."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Once Zac reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R. Zac's death pressure is increasing."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Without her Tentacles, Illaoi's dueling power decreases significantly, so be proactive and destroy them whenever possible. Illaoi's Q will lock you in place for a short while, which is why it is useful to use your Q to poke or farm when her Q is on cooldown or if she is out of range."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "The easiest way for Zac to kill the Crab Scuttle is to use his E. If you see him killing Scuttle Crab, it will usually mean that his E is on cooldown and he will lack an escape tool."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "All the ganker needs to do is use his e to CC the target. Jax's power in close combat is excellent,"} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Playing around his Ultimate n will be a great way to increase your chances of killing Vayne in a team fight. Forceting a team to fight one after the other will reduce its chances of surviving in the next."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "The Ultimate R of Garen gives him a massive damage boost and allows him to use the ability frequently, especially if he catches an enemy off-guard. Garen's tankiness is overpowered during the late game due to his items."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani is not recommended to separate from his team at the end of the game. If Sejuani leaves his team, the enemy will force a fight while she's gone."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is particularly powerful once he reaches his level 16 power spike. Kassadin is considered weak in the early game."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "A good Draven is not scared of the enemy- keep that in mind. Draven will have incredibly high damage output when trading with the enemy at level 9."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "As long as he gets close to the enemy before using his Q, ganks should always work in his favour. He has a healthy clear in the current meta."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Monkeyking relies on being a nuisance to take control of the card. It is his only real disengagement tool."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan can gank at level 2 once he's unlocked his e and d."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Laning against the various champions is very difficult for him as they can bring him down whenever he moves or positions himself somewhat aggressively. Ranged champions can tahm zone incredibly well."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Without Rengar's Ultimate capability, he cannot gank effectively as Jungler. The abuse of Rengar's W (Wipeout) can have him killed during team fighting because it's his main form of crowd control clean, and without it, he's really vulnerable to damage."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "When Malzahar reaches level 6, their Jungler will ruin them if they don't have a pupil in the river. To spot the Jungler early, it is necessary to monitor the river."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "The more the game goes, the stronger the Veigar will be thanks to unlimited stacking with its e. Veigar is rather weak and vulnerable at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "It is recommended not to fight in the jungle as it will be easier for Zac to land his E and hit your entire team with his Ultimate R. Whenever possible, it is best to fight in the open air."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Don't get caught trying to harass and bring down the enemy. When xerath's 2 is on cooldown, trade with him."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "By reaching Level 3, the author suggests starting to \"gank\" in order to gain an advantage. The author advises to use their capacity very carefully."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Her pick potential will be really high during this phase of the game. This is especially true if Rell works with her Jungler to set up death brushes in the enemy jungle."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R will allow it to use capacity quite frequently. It'll be great during the battles piled up."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "A player should move halfway. If possible, stick with an ADC in the middle lane."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal should not use their E aggressively in late game fights. Late game fights can leave ezreal vulnerable if they use E aggressively."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "with his Ultimate m. In the late game, you need to call for Baron or the Elder Dragon."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Taking all the Dragons will deny the enemy team several buffs. Refusing the enemy team's buffs can help you in the long run."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "This allows Jayce to help his team out alot. This helps Jayce's team disengage or engage from fights with ease."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Once Sett's not healthy, look at him and take him down. Keep the enemy wave near your tower because they have no drying potential and can be easily ruined."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Getting an early murder could snowball the way strongly in your favor. Once you're level 6, start playing more aggressively."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn has a lot of support in the way thanks to the items he buys and his E. Having the support that fits it will make the laning phase much easier."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "It is crucial that Kled and his allies come together, without anyone being too advanced. When there are no team fights, Kled will try to divide the thrust."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "It has a maximum level that is reached by Tahm Kench. To reach this level, Tahm Kench must complete the required number of levels."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "During neutral and objective battles, prioritise taking the objective on the withdrawal of the jungle enemy. Focus on taking the goal in neutral fighting on the murder of the jungle enemy."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "A player (he) excels in extended trades because of how (his) k and s works. (He) can bend enemies easily, especially if they are overheard."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can push up freely as long as he is in the cover of his Q turrets. The Q turrets, when combined with Heimerdinger's E, can turn an enemy gank into an easy kill for him."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Once you hit level 6 and bought key elements, try to harass and constantly push the enemy into their turn. This will allow you to earn turret veneer and increase your gold income."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "In team fights, Fiora will try to flank from the side to make it harder for the enemy to disengage or poke her down. If Fiora gets poked down in a team fight, she won't be able to engage and will probably die."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "His ultimate R increases his death pressure. She can easily install her Jungler with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled can also provide peel for its trolleys. Kled will play a huge role in the game."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "your Ultimate increases your death pressure significantly. Sejuani has a large AoE clearing in the Jungle."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox is not an easy champion to learn. He has a unique mechanic on his Q which does take some time getting used to."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana can start ganking after level 3 Diana will look to constantly gank post level 6 whenever her Ultimate R is up"} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The fog of war will help you a lot during this phase of the game. Prepare brushes with your young E trees and everything in the enemy as soon as they approach him."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Unlike Sylas, taking goals is not a problem for you. Sylas can poke and wave efficiently with his Q."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Your Ultimate R is a great duelling tool and can help you get a lead in lane. Fiora is weak in the very early game."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Working with your support is important in this game. Your W can easily configure your Support for plays that can lead to multiple murders for you."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "If you know where he started, he may try to level 2 gank mid or try to level 3 gank the opposite side of the map. The longer the game goes, Rammus becomes tankier as he levels up."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early. This will allow you to bring down the enemy while protecting yourself from the ganks."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere's late scale is phenomenal, which means he can shoot squishy enemies after slowing them down and catching them up, giving him a pivotal role in the game. Be very careful in this matchup that Tryndamere can easily all-in and kill you in this matchup early. The wave must be frozen near your turn, or you will have to pay expensive."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "It can easily dull enemies, incredibly attractive champions on the side track. Tahm Kench's abilities will only have a little time on his abilities."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Make sure you\u2019re actively looking to use your Ultimate R when it\u2019s up. Fiddlesticks has good objective control thanks to his W."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "It is a strategy to deal with careless enemies in a specific way. Drive a lot in this direction and see if you can help your Jungler and mid-laner."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Ward major objectives and place vision in high traffic areas in the late stages of the game. Keep warding so you can see the enemy move around the map and see them starting the objective."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "When Annie has her stun ready or almost ready, she will always be a little bit strong. If the enemy looks to fight you while you have max stacks of Tibbers on Annie, you can quickly turn around the fight."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You should play towards the opposite side of the lane to make it harder for him to engage on you. Aatrox loses the burst trades."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Locking Veigar with CC will be the best way to deal with him in team fighting. Veigar is rather squishy, so if you are able to reach it and shoot it down at the beginning of the fight, your team will have a easier time to win."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Push the wave and look for roaming opportunities. Lissandra is a very good champion who can influence the map and help her allies with ease."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "At level 16, Diana would have put the third and final point in her Ultimate R. With the final point in her Ultimate R at level 16, Diana will deal considerable AOE damage to any enemies caught up in it."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "If Lux uses his g and misses it, use the cooldown of this aggressive ability to play because she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the whole. Stand behind the minions, not inside the minion wave, to make Lux choose between using his l for poke or push."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "It is crucial to continue to stack your Q or you will fall back. It was also important to turn around the map and help the teammates when necessary."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Keep them to spot a monkey before it can achieve a goal. You should avoid fighting a monkey at age 6 because of its significant strength advantage and its ability to kill you instantly with its Ultimate."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "At this stage of the game, the teams will come together. Akshans w (will) will be really good when it happens."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Monkeyking should try to look for flanks during team fighting to maximize its use Ultimate n. Monkeyking will have a lot of articles, which will make it really tanky and allow it to do a lot and a lot of damage in a short time."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar's ultimate capacity has a specific cooling period that needs to be monitored and maintained Maintaining Malzahar's distance is crucial when its ultimate is active"} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Neutral Combat Goal should see your presence regularly. Your ability to get out of a Smite constantly due to your Ultimate e should allow your team to benefit a lot."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "His Ultimate R is an incredibly strong tool in team fighting. Samira's Ultimate R is a powerful tool."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Ultimate R is very good in team fights as it can bounce between enemies. If the enemy is grouped in the jungle, his damage output will be very high."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "When playing as an engage champion, target him as soon as he moves forward to poke. Don't let Brand harass you for free. Try and stand back and out of range of him so he's unable to attack and harass you with his W."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "His Q ability allows him to evade ganks with ease. The R ability will grant significant power to the champion when unlocked, providing a huge health gain that makes it nearly impossible for him to die."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "When Sona misses his Ultimate R, he guarantees a team battle victory for the enemy team. Missing Sona's Ultimate R reduces its utility in large quantities."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cass should have her Tear stacked by this stage of the game. She will have a somewhat endless mana pool once it\u2019s maxed out."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana will try to delay a team fight so she can harass you and harass you with her Dragon-shaped l. Fight as soon as you can so that it can't blow you up and from afar."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "if the W of youmi is about to cool its E costs a lot of mana"} -{"label": "riven", "text": "If you can get a murder or two, you can snowball your advance quickly. Every time your Ultimate e is in place, you can look for aggressive games to try to kill the enemy."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Although his Ultimate R cooldown is reduced and the cast range is increased, he won't have any incentive to use it for himself."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Her Ultimate R offers her a lot of kill pressure and is good for setting up her Jungler. If you can't make use of her Ultimate R in your own lane, you could roam with it to help your allies."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "The enemy backline should be your primary goal from now on. You can easily focus on the enemy backline with a defensive item like Zhonya's Hourglass in the fog of war."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "This will allow you to get a lot of card control. Your seat capacity will also be very respectable."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "When paired with a poke Support, the enemy should never be able to leave their tower. This will result in a huge gold lead too, due to the tower plates."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath has a lot of health thanks to his Passive which restores it constantly. You should trade frequently because Cho'Gath will out sustain any damage you deal to him if you don't."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Camouflage allows Akshan to become invisible and avoid detection by enemies. To be camouflaged by a wall means that Akshan becomes harder to hit while remaining in this area."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Once the battle is over, going for cleaning kills. Akshan will maximize his Q at Level 9."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick has a lot of support in the way thanks to his Q and the items he's going to pick up throughout the laning phase. Warwick is a good choice of potential throughout the game with its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Ensuring that he cannot stack his Q is of paramount importance. If he uses his W on you, jump out of the fight immediately to keep you safe."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Look for selections all around the map and keep track of the recently completed fighting. Once you get your first item, your burst damage will be really high."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "With these items, Garen can tank tower shots for days and allow his team to take control of towers. He can also dive enemies as needed with his team's support."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Do not play aggressively unless your allies are nearby and ready to help you. It is crucial to stay with your support at all times during the middle of the game."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "If Kindred has more than 8 batteries at this point, she'll just crush everyone and go through the destruction of the Nexus soon. She'll just need to keep an eye on her positioning."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the map in the very early game to protect yourself from ganks and zoning. ezreal's W deals consistent poke damage that can push enemy laners out of the lane abruptly."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "The brand has good objective control, and so you should prioritize taking these goals as far as possible. The brand will crash much earlier, so you have to apply the pressure to match its ganks."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "The enemy team should have started building defensive items to counter Brand's abilities by level 16. Brand should focus on blowing up targets that are squishy or who lack defensive stats."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Try and track Heimerdinger's Ultimate cooldown post 6. It is crucial that you hit level 2 at the same time as Heimerdinger."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia's chance of surviving in skirmishes is increased. Anivia is versatile in battle."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "When you play as a varied champion, abuse your range of auto attacks to bring down Nautilus and gain a healthy lead. Don't commit too much to running Nautilus while playing like a varied champion."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Play safe in focus means focusing on farming gold and experience until level 6. Power farming is the key to success in the early game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This is because Zac can CC multiple targets and secure many choices with its capabilities. Level 11 is another peak of power as it increases the damage inflicted by Zac to the grouped enemies."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar will try to cheese at level one. Do not walk in the way unless it is spotted, otherwise it will jump on you from a bush."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "This is particularly true when the objectives are about to materialize. Focus on team fighting with your allies, and avoid breaking up too much or they'll collapse and you'll lose the fight."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen will be stronger when she has 4 stacks on her Passive. Avoid committing to fights when Gwen has max stacks."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick has a very early game. It is suggested to match its pressure by ruining."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Harass enemy while lowering them before committing. Look for choices using capabilities to catch the enemy out of position."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill. Darius is really strong once he has time to apply multiple stacks of his Passive onto an enemy champion."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "This mistake can easily get him killed. Heimerdinger can be effective in closed spaces like the Jungle."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "The champion's wave is very good and allows him to push the wave and get the priority of the way with ease. This is really important because she can then get goals with her Jungler."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Don't give him easy murders by window shop when you remember. Opt for early support."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Position yourself towards the back of your team near Support and CDA for better protection. This will allow you to peel and protect your own champion from enemy damage."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "You shouldn't let Zyra push you in your turn. Zyra's thrust power must be paired with automatic attack minions and their poke esquive."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Delaying the fighting and being ready to disengage when the Ultimate R is still about to cool down is crucial. Vi's selection potential will still be preserved during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "It gives its allies time to damage other enemies or collapse on the CC'd target. Maokai's weakest at the start of the game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Your h (hero) will be useful during duels, so use it properly. Fighting around bottlenecks can allow you to separate enemies from their teammates."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz's Playful / Trickster E allows him to dodge damage and escape from trades. Do not go for all-ins unless Fizz has already used his Playful / Trickster E beforehand."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "ziggs is a threat to remember, because a bad reminder can allow him to take the enemy tower quickly because of his passive and W. Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas's E can also be used to interrupt abilities and enemy dashes. Gragas's ultimate ability can be dodged easily by enemies who have dashes or movement tools."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Securing objectives is a priority. Taking Rift Heralds and Drakes whenever possible must be focused on. Tracking him with vision and trying to counter his ganks will be successful if Skarner is used as a counter ganker."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "The mid-game for Camille should focus on picking off enemy laners and champions who are squandering about the map. Camille's potential to duel and pick off enemies should be capitalized on by her."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "During neutral, objective combats, stay somewhere near your Jungler so that they are not chosen during or before a fight. Losing crucial goals will certainly lead to your loss if you are not careful enough."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "This will increase the frequency of using her ability. Do not engage in team fights during the later stages of the game unless both Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass and Ultimate are available."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "She can also set up ganks and provide utility with her d and d. Karma will be able to max out her Q at level nine."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "If the enemy Jungler shows up early, they'll have an advantage. Lissandra can install her Jungler easily when she reaches level 6."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "You should be able to pick up a lot of CS when playing Orianna. Orianna is a very mechanically difficult champion to master."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "This allows Diana to burst down any squishy target she manages to land her Q on, making it very hard for the enemy squishies to push up in their lanes. Unlike other champions, Diana has built-in tankiness which allows her to all-in with her Q, t, and Ultimate R combo quite easily."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Kai'Sa gets three points in her Ultimate R. Once Kai'Sa gets three points in her Ultimate R, she will have a massive shield."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Whittle down enemy first, then look all-in with Ultimate R. Take position of enemy Jungler into account when making decision."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can get into the fight quickly. Talon will fall during the later parts of the game because the enemy will build defensive objects and be grouped together."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Ward around and just aim to play safely. Once you get your first item component, spam your abilities more frequently in the lane."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Look for aggressive plays and all-ins when your Ultimate e is up for additional kills. When no team fights are occurring, look to split push and try to fight the enemy who tries to stop you."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "If invading Nunu, do not fight him when near a jungle camp as he can use Q to gain health advantage."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is a great team fighting champion Teams will be grouping in the late game"} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana is very weak before-6. You're a lot stronger than Shyvana."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "If Leona leaves the road without killing an enemy, launch your team and inform them that you have disappeared. Leona's Level 2 power peak is very strong."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "At level 6 Camille will gain access to her Ultimate R. Camille's Ultimate R can be deadly if you're low and overextended."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "You should focus on providing sustained healing and utility from attached positions to keep your ADC safe. It is essential to prevent Neeko from pushing you under your tower without letting the wave crash too close to your turret."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Once the author has acquired his Ultimate n, he expects to have a greater impact on the team's commitments. The author intends to use his Ultimate n to target high priority champions in order to maximize their effectiveness."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Try to go for prolonged automatic attack fights with Swain that you will win those. However, try to reposition so that the Swain cannot easily place its Q or E on you."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Level 6 is a massive peak for monkeying because it allows it to impact team fighting as a whole. With level six, the monkey can look for the flanks and dive the opposing lines."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Your Ultimate k will be a backup plan during trades. Aggression starts once you have the tools to back up trades with your Ultimate k."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Ornn is really great during team fights as he can peel for his team and set up picks for them when required. Any dispute near terrain will be favorable for him."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "When Pantheon gets 1 or 2 kills, he can finish Youmuu's Ghostblade and his other core items faster. Pay attention to what active items Pantheon has"} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "You won't be able to do much damage, and will take exponentially more damage. A well-timed W can neutralize its t."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar's basic combo has a big AOE. You risk losing the team fight if Alistar drops a multi-person."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Bard should\u2019ve picked up a lot of Meeps by now. His Passive and empowered auto-attacks will be very useful at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Rell has an incredibly strong level 2, make sure you hit level 2 first. If you get poked down, you\u2019ll never be able to engage."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Kai'Sa is vulnerable to CC. CC should be locked down at the start of the fight so Kai'Sa is unable to dish out tons of damage."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Look for frequent trades with the enemy throughout the laning phase. Getting an early murder could snowball the way strongly in your favor."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Do not underestimate the damage to Rumble in a trade. If you are hit by several e.S. and stand in its r for too long, it will spread a lot of damage."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "It's best to fight in the open so she cannot land a 5 person Ultimate R. Similarly, do not fight around objectives either as your team will be grouped together which can allow her to get a huge Ultimate R off and win the fight."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "This will make it easier for you to clear them down the line and increase your kill pressure in lane. Heimerdinger's kill pressure and strength increase dramatically when he reaches level 6."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Passive means that something will happen automatically. The Passive has effects on Karthus when he dies during a team fight."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "A plethora of damage will be treated in a short time by Yasuo thanks to its ability to dash and piercing tanks."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen needs time to come online. If you opt for a bad trade or are late, you will struggle to be useful later."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Her mobility makes it really quite hard for you to win any fight versus her, so it\u2019s probably best to avoid trying to fight her early on. She is an early ganker and has a strong early game presence."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah's capabilities allow him to shoot enemies as soon as she gets her basics. Level 11 isn't great because Taliyah can only move and play games."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "His level 6 is good. However, its level 6 will not be super useful for skirmishes in the robot path (unless it is used to start the fight)."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Proximity between the players and Irelia should be kept low. It is recommended to stay together but not super close together to maintain a balance of distance from Irelia's attacks."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Yi will seek to reach level 6 as quickly as possible. Go into Master Yi's jungle, to steal his camps if you see him on one side of the map."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite probably won't have any ganks for six years because he doesn't have his Ultimate. Good control of the enemy team's vision can prevent Malphite from catching the out-of-guard enemy team."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Expect Lee Sin for aggressive games to get an early lead. Once Lee Sin reaches level 6, his death pressure increases and it will be much more frightening to play against."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "This is because the empowerments will be more powerful, and Heimerdinger will use them both offensively and defensively. In addition, it will let him harass the enemy laner relentlessly when they are trying to farm in the lane."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Expect Sett to play aggressively and go for early murders. Avoid trading with Sett at Level 1 as it will damage most champions."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Level 6 is a significant power spike for Karthus as it allows him to stack up his rune. Karthus can finish off enemies who have managed to escape with a sliver of health when the level cap is reached."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Bait it out if possible. Gwen will be stronger when she has 4 stacks on her Passive."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Stay with your team in the late parts of the game. If you get caught out or the enemy initiates a fight while you\u2019re not there, the enemy will win the team fight."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Its level 6 power peak is quite powerful. If he can make short transactions before hitting level 6, he can easily pursue the enemy and all with his Ultimate r."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "This will allow him to inflict a lot of damage if he succeeds in reaching a target. Obtaining a defensive element will also strengthen its survival."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Try your hardest to put it behind to make it less heinous in the middle and end of the game. On level 9, Vladimir would have maximized Q. It has a short cooling and deals a lot of damage."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "This is important for the rest of the game, and you can easily catch enemies and launch team fights. Maokai has great inflation power during the early match."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Since Jax can deal a lot of consistent DPS and is heavily item reliant, he will be mighty once full build. He should get a defensive item, though, as he needs to survive to actually deal the damage."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle's damage should also be high. A maximum of the Ultimate n will allow Trundle to easily resume the fighting."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Do not engage in jungle fights because Heimerdinger's E has similar size as the jungle. Once Heimerdinger reaches level 6, he gains access to three new abilities and should be approached with caution during skirmishes."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "It will be able to clear the waves very easily. Stay behind the wave of minions at all times."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "If you see someone down and in a skirmish, then immediately. He will certainly try to distinguish you in this matchup with his Ultimate."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Your damage and tankness will increase dramatically as you acquire your basic items. Make sure to land your Ultimate on key targets after slowing them down with your d."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao will have two points in his Ultimate R at level 11. The ultimate capacity will allow Xin Zhao to use it more often, which will make it easier to convert fighting to 1 v 1 as needed."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "sticking to your support throughout the middle of the game is crucial because you're pretty vulnerable and easy to kill if you're alone. Your survival will increase when you stay with your support."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Play with your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Beware of his range if you're a champion of melee."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "If the allies move on your way after destroying their turn, turn and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold. Your allies are people who accompany you on a mission."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio can assist his Mid-laner with his Ultimate R. Galio's Ultimate R has such a large range that will allow him to move around the map incredibly quickly."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "She's pretty weak early, so she'll want to use her Q to damage enemies from time to time and use track brushes to drop the vision on her. Level six is the central power peak for Sona at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "During that time, you should play aggressive and go for a favourable trade. Force a team fight as quickly as possible so Karma isn't able to poke your team down before you have the chance to engage."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "The Ziggs team being in a losing position is very beneficial if it wants to divide the thrust."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Even if you are a laner, you can easily get the Baron or Dragon down on your own. What you want to do is try to hide them from the enemy team while your team is busy trying to distract the enemy. A fully maximized Ultimate R allows Master Yi to mow the enemy team."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Think twice before committing to an all-in or 1v1 against Gwen when you see her fully stacked. When Gwen hits level 6, her Ultimate R will be unlocked."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Try to delay his power spike by stealing away his camps and counter ganking when necessary. Ivern usually hits his power spikes between 11 mins and 20 mins when he hits his 2 item power spike (Redemption and Ardent)."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "CC (Crowd Control) is his worst enemy, so some tenacity will help him a lot. Hecarim is a strong duelist in the early game."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "You have to agree with Vladimir and force him to use his Q on the wave of minions rather than on you. Playing aggressively while Vladimir is on the cooldown will make it harder for him to retaliate."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's Ultimate R enables laners/Junglers to all-in their counterpart and gain a lead. The r gold mechanic means that Gangplank scales greater as the game goes on."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "The first component item has a significant impact on your game sense. With the component item, your chances of winning trades dramatically increase."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Wait until Lulu uses a capacity before fighting them. Make the trades more favourable pending their use."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "The goal is to end the game as quickly as possible to prevent Cho'Gath from becoming an ultra-tank. When Cho'Gath has his m ability up, his survivability and self-peel are significantly increased."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "You have a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as you can. Play safe for the first levels while landing poke on the enemy with your l."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Your level 6 power peak is much higher than Akshan's. You should play aggressively and close Akshan when you're at level 6."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "If you stay with your team in the later parts of the game, it will be 4v5 and the enemy may be able to force a fight or end the game. The closest enemy champion should focus on team fighting."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "This will make it easier for you to clear heimerdinger\u2019s Turrets down the line and increase your kill pressure in lane. Once heimerdinger reaches level 6, his kill pressure and strength increase dramatically."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Investing in armor can help against Master Yi. He can throw lap dives early and try to get killed once his laner pushes the wave in."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Keep a constant eye on your position and that of your allies. You have to bring down the enemy and delay fighting at the end of the game, but you have to look at your positioning as you move forward to harass."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Failing to do so will easily get you killed in this matchup. Her Q can easily be sidestepped as it has a very short range."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "The Jungler and ADC should quietly take objectives with Anivia if they team up. Anivia's Ultimate ability gives her significant control over the map."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Your W has a very good chance of reviving someone However, always prioritize an ally who can destroy the enemy quickly within the decay period."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "It can take goals quite easily, including early empty grunts and Dragons. Skarner has good vision control."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "His tenacity prevents him from being killed immediately. His strength increases if he actively tries to clean the pupils and use the lack of vision to spoil the enemies."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "The first element will allow Morgana to take a more efficient path. It'll let her do a lot of damage with her W and Q."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Rakan is a mechanically difficult champion to learn. He will take a lot of getting used to."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times. You should keep a constant eye on what the main objective is to spawn afterwards."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr has good objective control. Udyr can solo lenses like the Dragon with ease."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked as she will out trade you. Keep an eye on the little bar under her health."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus has the most CC of all champions of the League of Legends. This allows him to lock the enemies easily."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "He will focus mainly on cleaning at the beginning of the game. Its e can easily be interrupted by any form of hard CC."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Early wards will reduce the effectiveness of Camille's ganks. A jungle or river ward at level 1 can stop Camille from getting a successful level 2 gank off."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The cooling of Warwick's Ultimate R will be reduced. Warwick will be able to get choices about the enemies moving around the map or try to fight it alone."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Being killed early could make a difference in your favor. Once you're level 6, play more aggressively."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Easily burst people down. Roam to other lanes using her E after stacking up her Passive."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "At level 16, Varus will be able to add 3 points in his Ultimate R. Varus' Ultimate R will increase capacity damage while simultaneously reducing cooling."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early to force it to surpass for the farm. Your goal in this game is to catch her and focus on agriculture."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "This phase makes squishy targets extremely vulnerable to Jhin. Jhin's damage output increases in the late game due to items."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Using it from the track brushes will allow it to reap many benefits. Level six is an excellent peak as it can now control the pace of a team struggle."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the final stages of the game. If you can find the opportunity to do so, use it to catch someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or away from the position."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Keeping him low will force Malphite to remember. Malphite's ill health will make it almost impossible for him to engage without dying."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "If he\u2019s isolated, run at him as quickly as you can to start the fight. Do not delay team fights against an Ezreal."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "This will open the map. This will give your team a golden lead."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Chipping away at the health bar of Trindamere with your Q in this matchup is the safest option. Trendamere can't help you when you constantly get away from her health bar with your Q."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "She relies heavily on items to perform effectively. Kai'Sa's early game strength depends on the Support synergy."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Level 3 is a decent power spike as Heimerdinger will have access to all his abilities. Heimerdinger can easily CC immobile ADC and burst them down with his turrets and rockets."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The Soraka W will be maximized and will have a very low cooling, the healing teammates frequently for massive quantities as long as it has enough health or mana. She will need to watch the flanks, however, as the assassins will certainly try to kill her."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Don't overstay your welcome against Darius Don't go for extended trades with Darius as he will always come out ahead"} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "It is crucial to properly monitor the card before using W. After six positions, it should be relatively easy to get people out of Tristana."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Your early game is pretty weak, so you're probably going to lose jobs compared to an aggressive jungler. Sion is weak in the game very early."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Another point in his Ultimate n will strengthen his overall power during the duels. He should have his basics now."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "The Ultimate R allows Fizz to deal high damage and usually results in a kill. If you can't kill the enemy laner, try to roam around the map to pick up kills in the side lanes."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "As the game goes longer, Karthus's strength increases. You should put Karthus behind in the early game to weaken him over time."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Do not go for an extended trade unless the enemy's primary ability is on cooldown. Play safe for the first few levels."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "You are really good at securing objectives in the early game. Look to secure objectives whenever they\u2019re up."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Try to go for extended trades as much as possible. You can poke the enemy with s as often as possible to harass them from afar."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "If the enemy rotates to the mid lane too, you should look to gank them so you can get kills and the mid lane tower. At level 9, Jarvan will get his first ability maxed out."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "group with your team to help them fight if they're going to get caught out or if the game isn't one-sided. play on the side of the map that has the next major objective up to rotate and take it with your team."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The enemy team will be in danger if it is piled together or standing in a line during this level. Seraphine's first element increases its damage and allows it to use its capabilities more often."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "His Q costs a lot of mana. Unwise use of its Q can cause resource problems."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Level 6 is an important peak for Mordekaiser as it can convert a fight to 1 v 1. Mordekaiser can convert a fight to 1 v 1 after reaching level 6."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze has great objective control thanks to his Ultimate R. His ultimate R can allow him to move from a Dragon to a Baron almost immediately."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Avoid entering unrewarded parts of the card if you know Volibear is nearby. Know when volibbear is close before entering the non-healing areas."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Cross-map plays are advantageous for Galio's team and allow you to impact the game more. Galio has limited range, making it hard to play early in the game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Level 11 is when Lulu becomes a real catalyst. A Level 11 allows Lulu to effectively use his Ultimate R with two points."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "They could interrupt the channel with CC. Try to go for short burst trades with your 1 in the lane."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Disrupting Galio's Ultimate R will be very helpful as it can stop him from using his Ultimate R to help his allies. In team fights, try to harass and poke down Galio as much as possible before he can look to engage."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen lacks hard CC (crowd control), making it difficult for him to engage or get onto carries in a team fight. Garen will try to flank in team fights with his Q (ability)."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "He has picked up his first component item and becomes a little stronger. After Fiddlesticks picks up his first component item, he can start dealing a lot of damage when ganking his allies."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "When you trade with Taliyah, stand behind the minions to block their Q damage. But be on the lookout for his C."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed will flanculate and remove squishy targets with his Ultimate R. Make sure your flanks are monitored during the nap of a lens so that it cannot get the jump on you."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "The early game is when Gragas will be most active in terms of ganking. You can prevent Gragas from ganking by having good vision around the map."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "When split pushing, use your strong duelling potential to fight anyone trying to prevent you from farming or taking towers. Jayce won't be spiking too hard at level 11 because it won't be giving him as much stats or utility as most other champions' ultimates."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Your E is really effective around bottlenecks, so make sure to try CC multiple enemies with it sometimes. CC means crowd control, it should be useful enough if you can use the war fog with it."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "When focusing on an enemy champion, work as a team to take down the enemy one by one. Focusing solely on the backline can make you an easy target and result in quick death."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "If you're post-6, make sure you're still in the safe position so they can't cover you. Avoid regrouping too closely if the enemy has several knock-ups because Yasuo can get a very good Ultimate Roff."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Try to counter the gank and get murders in different parts of the map. Your damage in C and in general will help you a lot, especially if the enemy is pushed up."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick has a lot of support Warwick will buy items that increase his healing to level 6"} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana has a unique playstyle when it comes to farming and trading during the early game. Her s has a strong impact on the wave and she will tend to push the wave with it."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor needs time and gold before he comes online to inflict damage. Your viktor champion is weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser needs to play safely in the way for a while to become truly overpowering. The preservation of health is the way forward for Mordekaiser."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "If Syndra lacks an ability during trading, look for an opportunity to play aggressively and enjoy trading. Watch your flanks"} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Tryndamere's first element will give him a strong boost with greater survival. The first element for Tryndamere will be exceptionally useful for the duo in the way."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Being a part of team fights and neutral objective fights is a must. Your W has a very good chance of reviving someone"} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio has limited range as a champion. However, Galio can use his Q to bypass this limitation during early stages of the game."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "They wanted to keep the wave closer so they could find it again and again. However, the player chose to stand outside the wave."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "When he reaches level 6, his death pressure in the way increases. Expect that he frequently looks for aggressive parts with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "You can use the digital advantage to force goals or look for favorable fights to win an advantage. If Tryndamere is divided by pushing down in the middle of the game, avoid sending a lot of people to stop him when the Baron goes up."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus' Passive reduces his damage output, making surviving easier after a team fight. Spotting Karthus in a side lane split pushing may initiate a team fight."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Focusing on CDA will not be useful because Soraka can simply cure them with his W. If you get it, try to get an early execution call."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You should expect Pantheon to play aggressively at level 1 or 2. Unlike most aggressive Supports, his level 6 isn\u2019t that good in 2v2 skirmishes in the bottom lane."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one. Avoid separating or being away from your team at the end of the game because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Keep harassing and wave clearing with your Q in the lane. The goal is to both land your poke and clear the wave at the same time."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "You can pick someone off who steps too far forward using the numbers advantage. Picking someone off will start another team fight."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "At level 11, Graves will have two points invested in his Ultimate ability. Two points will increase the potential of that ability finishing off low health enemies."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "It's not uncommon for Flash Renekton to catch someone who's too forward. Renekton is a bully early in the game."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "In the future, wait in high-traffic areas for an enemy to pass and search for peaks. Expecting an enemy in a high-traffic area can allow you to shoot down an enemy Mid, ADC or Support."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You can delay his level 6 power spike by invading his jungle and stealing away his camps. Once Karthus has his Ultimate e, he can impact the map at any given time."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The player must maintain an equal or slightly favourable position of the minion wave allow them to push towards the enemy while protecting themselves from the ganks."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "It is important that you continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. After being killed, call for Baron or Dragon if your team is close and able to help you."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "This is because he will lack a lot of damage. Try to start fights whenever he has no Soldiers W available."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Taking initiative in combat with Zyra can give you an advantage. It is essential to prioritize positioning and avoid pitfalls in the fight against Zyra."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "You should be able to disrupt a fight during neutral objective fights due to your Ultimate R. Especially if the enemy is tainted."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra will have a lot of articles during this phase of the game that will directly result in increased damage for her. Its ability to dry a lot of damage will make it difficult for the enemy team to stay on track long enough to last minions."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is weak against long-ranged poke due to her low spell range. The effectiveness of Annie depends on her ability to accumulate a lead on her enemies early on."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lisandra has to engage in a whole to make use of her kit. A commitment from Lisandra is necessary to benefit from her kit."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw is very squishy and can be quickly killed at the end of the game by assassins or enemies with tons of CC. He'll have to count on his team to help him survive."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "A favorable match-up allows Riven to defeat an opponent on a one-on-one basis at level 3. Don't exaggerate with Riven unless you have an advantage and want to increase his chances of killing you."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Moving outside of the ring will reduce his damage output. If you move towards him, he will deal more damage."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. You should avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game because the enemy will force a fight while you\u2019re gone."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Invading the enemy jungle when on the other side of the map, if an enemy jungler harassed your sleds, was necessary to secure the camps and maintain an advance. Once you get your basics, participating in multiple fights is crucial for you to take control of the game."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Invest in early sustain and an early Executioner's Calling. He will try to out sustain you, so you need as many resources to equal or counter his sustain in lane."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista's first power spike occurs when she picks up Berserker's Greaves, giving her the initial attack speed needed to snowball. After picking up Runaan's Hurricane, Kalista will deal significantly more damage and apply Rend R stacks rapidly."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "The extra ganking potential and the movement speed plus other stats from his Ultimate are really beneficial when it comes to trading. Aatrox spikes when he gets his first item, including both component items."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Prioritize clearing vision frequently You should be mobile in the brunt of a fight, but first get to the enemy undetected."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His real damage will melt through the enemy health bars."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax is good at taking objectives alone thanks to his o and e abilities. It's essential to keep the Dragon warded at all times so that your team knows if Jax has taken it."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Once the enemy begins to regroup, Talon will have more trouble attacking the enemies and taking a lead. The goal is to reach Level 3 quickly."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Consider investing in healing reduction elements or capabilities to counter Sona's support. This can help reduce their ability to heal and exchange effectively during skirmishes and all-in."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine's Ultimate R makes her more than one threat and she will be able to install her Jungler quite easily. Avoid regrouping closely so that Seraphine cannot get a powerful R."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "It will be much more powerful and better at the escarmouche once it has an empowered capacity. Kha'Zix is a skilled assassin in the final stages of the game and mid-game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Once you have a number of levels under your belt, you should look for short, favorable transactions. As you are not strong in early play, you may wish to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressive."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "He will be a giant menace in team fights during the mid-game. At level 11, Dr Mundo will put the second point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "You should be ready to counter the gank and follow the sejuani. If easy ganks are not available, try to invade your opponent's jungle and steal their camps."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "At level 6, neeko is stronger and can counter an all-in with her R. Potential for the Neeko pick is great especially when the target is hiding behind their minion wave."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana has a reach advantage. Keep Morgana's poke in mind in the way."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Cooling will also be reduced, which will make it easier for you to use capacity frequently."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Keep them where they are before they can reach the goal. A good player will play around their Ultimate as often as he happens."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Once Neeko hits level 6, her kill pressure intensifies. Try and stay at max distance when trading with Neeko."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Another point in his Ultimate R allows him to inflict more damage and strengthen the finishing movement. This point will be on low cooling which means that it can use it quite frequently."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If you're below 50% health, recall as he might look for a trade. It's better to be safe rather than try and fight and give him a kill."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Don't play very aggressive in team fights. Just the kite and the automatic attack of the closest enemy champion."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal should avoid using his E aggressively in late game fights as he'll be vulnerable briefly. Avoid using your E aggressively in late game fights as you'll be vulnerable briefly."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "If Malphite goes AP, there will be no enemy for most parts of the game. Malphite is weak at the beginning of the game, especially against the constant damage of the poke that can prevent it from regenerating its passive shield."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Mid-game is a time when Lucian is at his most powerful. Lucian excels in the middle of the game because this is the time when he can quickly eliminate the squishy targets."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn\u2019s Ultimate R is a utility tool that does not greatly impact her kill pressure. Quinn\u2019s ability to roam increases when she leaves lane."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "If Rengar jumps on you with multiple batteries, don't try to fight him-just run. If Rengar jumps on you without a battery, try to exchange it with him. Keep your abilities just to trade with him when he jumps on you."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Look at your position in the team fights because Morgana will try to catch someone with her Q."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The focus should be on steering and chipping at Seraphine's health bar to exhaust his mana. Forcing Seraphine to use his mana gives him the opportunity to be pushed out of the way with ease."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "a clear early advantage means having a strong position in the game before the opposing team, Miss Fortune's first back will happen when she receives her first peak of power."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "and you will be able to absorb a lot of damage for your allies. Use the fog of war"} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Using the lane brushes allows Karma to land free poke on her enemy laner, asserting dominance in this lane. Karma has her Ultimate from the beginning, so she won't be spiking too hard at 6."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble can look for peaks and force fights on enemies who are overstretched or taken out of position. Rumble is very motionless and subject to all in. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "The Ultimate R of Ezreal deals a lot of burst damage to anyone who is hit with it in the late game. Ezreal will have incredibly low cooldowns on all of his abilities when he comes to completing his build."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Don't forget Anivia's Passive. Anivia Passive has a long cooling period."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is one of the strongest early game champions in the game. You can use this advantage to gain an early lead."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "LeBlanc's first power peak occurs at level 2. Its Q and W combos are sufficient to damage the enemy's health bar at level 2."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Stand behind minions to reduce Ezreal's Q damage. Ezreal is good in extended trades, so avoid going for extended trades with him."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "In team fights try to stay away from each other so it's harder for Yone to get a good Ultimate Roff. Avoid fighting in areas around the map that are closed like in the jungle or around the Baron/Dragon because it will allow Yone to get a good R Ultimate."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "The position where you attack in team fighting is often critical to determine the result. Fighting the person trying to stop your split thrust can be an effective way to gain an advantage."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "If the players are invaded early, they should simply withdraw; they do not win early skirmishes with the enemy. You have decent objective control, so try to guarantee major goals when you can."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "This strength depends on whether she is going AP or AD Neeko. Neeko can be really good in team fights if the enemy groups together."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Your ability W does not provide protection from tower shots while you are constantly pushing. When no team fights are occurring, go in a side lane and look to split push."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear and early advantage."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Fighting without Ultimate R will make the fights of the end of the game team much more difficult. Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if it is still on cooling."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Respect his damage and keep the trades short, keeping your distance away from him. Poke it with your Qs and your W."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Landing her R ability on ranged carries is a grueling task. Her all-in potential goes down when she uses her R ability and the enemy can kite her out after it is down."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Choosing your fights and avoiding constant trading is the key to winning. Concentrate on firing the enemy's range."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "CC means crowd control, it should be useful enough if you can use the war fog with it. Choose a high priority target that will want to protect during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn can blow enemies up who are alone when she\u2019s ahead This can gain her further lead"} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "The Ultimate e in itself will be useful, however, and Trendamere can use track brushes to catch the enemy by surprise. Trendamere is really good at split thrust due to its kit."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "His first game will be pretty strong. as he can just go for coherent all-in-one trades"} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Unfortunately, Quinn doesn't exactly spike at level 11 like a lot of other champions. At level 9, Quinn's first ability will max out, which is a significant spike for her as this ability's damage output will be much higher and she will be a lot stronger."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "After entering with your Ultimate R, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights. To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. Once the bottom lane tower is destroyed, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "This will make Kld huge in the game. Its ability to disrupt the ranks of enemy teams will be phenomenal."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke is outstanding in mid-game fights. Pyke's Ultimate R threshold will be quite high, making it easy for him to catch enemies off-guard and blow them up."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio looks to taunt you with his W if he gets close. As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "She is outstanding in team fights due to her Ultimate R and Q > r combo. It is over for the enemy team if she manages to get a flank on them."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "In late game fights, Cho'Gath will deal a lot of damage depending on his build path. Alternatively, Cho'Gath will be incredibly tanky in late game fights depending on his build path."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce can deal a surprising amount of damage in a full trade at level 4. Keep your distance from Jayce to make it impossible for him to jump on you."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "During the mid-game, consider Azir's Ultimate R may be less impactful compared to other champions. At level 9, Azir will max his r."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Every time you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of position with your abilities, you will be able to take the goal for free."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Focus on scaling and get your first article with Vladimir. Level 6 is a decent peak of power for Vladimir, allowing him to release his bursting combo."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "He will try to out sustain you, so you need as many resources to equal or counter his sustain in lane. Look for fights when Fiddlesticks has an ability down."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "During the fight, keep an eye on Nasus' mini-map and position. Be ready to disengage if Nasus is about to take a ride."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Try to land your Q on the minion wave and enemy champion. You should always take a look at your resource bar before trying an all-in because it uses energy."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank is rather squishy and immobile, so catch him out of position and ambush him when he goes alone to ward objectives like the Baron or Dragon. If Blitzcrank is nowhere to be seen, you might find him on your flank trying to get a good Hook b."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick will be able to support itself easily while making primary goals or participating in major battles. Warwick is extremely good at making choices, thanks to its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "If you are constantly pushing, you will not be able to get kills as your W doesn\u2019t protect you against tower shots. When no team fights are occurring, go in a side lane and look to split push."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "This will put Tristana forward in the way. Tristana's self-plubbing capability is probably one of the safest in the game."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "That ability is her paramount damage ability and it will start dishing out a lot of damage from now. Her enemies will have a hard time dealing with her now."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Your goal during the laning phase is to look for kills and abuse the enemy as often as you can Try to play aggressive frequently to gain a lead"} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr's objective control is excellent because it can quickly run around the map and achieve another goal. It's valuable to ganks and counter-ganks."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "kassadin can be easily camped during the entirety of the laning phase. This camping of kassadin can hamper him from CS'ing and will set him back massively."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "The health advantage gained from laning dominance is crucial for Karma's success in the game. Karma requires constant vigilance and awareness of her surroundings at all times."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "However, she will have to take care of her positioning. A maxed-out Ultimate R will help Senna a lot during team fighting."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko has completed her first item when she will have tons of wave clear and be able to push the wave very fast. You\u2019ll need to make sure you can push the wave back so you don\u2019t lose your Tower early."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down. Continue to fly kites in the team fights."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Regrouping should be avoided if possible. Use your strong duel potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel anyone who tries to prevent you from pushing to break up."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Rek'Sai will struggle killing mobile ADC\u2019s in team fights due to her low range. If Rek\u2019Sai goes full damage, she will be very squishy."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "When used effectively, her W can counter enemy CC and even lock down groups of enemies. Fiora can easily take out isolated enemies on the map, regardless of whether she is ahead or behind."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia has a lot of kill pressure in the mid-game, especially once she puts 2 points in her Ultimate R. The reduced cooldown and additional damage make Cassiopeia a huge threat during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona is vulnerable at the beginning of the game before level 6. When Sona doesn't have a mana available, it's the right time to fight her."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "When low on health, do not overextend as Ahri can easily kill you and set you behind. Once Ahri has completed her first item, she will deal a lot of damage and be able to push the wave/fight more frequently."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Standing on the outside of the minion wave forces them to choose between pushing and poaching you. You should focus on agriculture, robbing and harassment of the enemy."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "He can look for picks all around the map. He can set up death brushes in the Jungle."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "You'll want to take early gambling duels and see if you can quickly invade and get murders. Once you are early, it becomes easy to take control of the game."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you\u2019re gone."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Level 16 is the power level that makes Yasuo become supercharged. A brief period of Yasuo's Ultimate R will cause massive damage."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "With Warwick's W, he could kill unsuspecting enemies. Focus on agriculture and hit level 6 as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Make sure you keep the goals monitored at all times. Skarner will seek to flank in team fighting with his E."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "You're good at getting choices and killing isolated targets. Try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or who walk around Rift Summoners alone."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "A very good initiator for his team with the ton of CC he brings to the table. In addition, it also has a reliable form of poke with its 1, which it can use to overthrow enemies."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Whenever Irelia leaves lane, try to communicate with your team so they know they\u2019re missing. If you can, try to match their roam. The damage she can deal with a fully stacked Passive is quite significant."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "She can do a lot of damage if she carefully combines her abilities. It will inflict constant damage during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "When playing against Morgana, always stand behind at least 1 minion so that she is unable to land her Q. Morgana's E has a very long cooldown if it can be baited, you should use the cooldown to reconnect and try to kill her."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "If Shen ult to another way to help his allies, you should just focus on pushing and taking as many plates as possible from his turn. Keep the wave near your turn."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "At level 6, Kled's pressure increases and his all-in-one too. Wait for the enemy to expand before entering into a trade with Kled's Ultimate."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn has completed her first item, and her kill pressure intensifies. If you're behind, avoid fighting Quinn at all costs, because she will undoubtedly beat you in a 1v1."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "If Seraphine can use track brushes, her abilities become more effective. Level 6 is a good time for powerspy as Seraphine gets her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The amplified damage from Karthus' 1 on single targets allows Karthus to finish objectives quickly once he gets some items. Level 6 is a significant power spike for Karthus as it allows him to stack up his rune."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "You should team up with your team, but stay on the side. The flooding of an undeserved bush will make it harder for the enemy to react to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Avoid prolonged trading with Sett early because it has a lot of physical damage. Sett's Ultimate R becomes strong at level 6."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Forcing fights when it is down will make it difficult for her to fight, trade and escape a team fight. Be on the lookout for Ahri's active items as she will use them to isolate and take down slow and immobile champions."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Going for extended trades is key. A player should avoid extended trades because of her empowered E damage."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux is very vulnerable when targeted by a complete attack by the enemy team. You need to work with your Jungler and install traps inside the enemy Jungle once you're done pushing the wave."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu has two seconds. As they walk outside the Summoners Rift."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "If Amumu is going to damage, you may need defensive items. As the game progresses, Amumu will become stronger, more tankier and tankier."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "After slowing down your enemy with your d, make sure you land your Ultimate on key targets. During neutral and objective battles, prioritise taking the objective on the withdrawal of the jungle enemy."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "It is weak against enemies with dashing or blinking capabilities zoe is vulnerable to ganks when pushed up without a picked spell"} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up. Fighting without it will make the late game team fights much harder."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "His Ultimate R is an excellent team combat tool, but it takes time to get into effect. Your allies can disrupt Lillia's damage if they cause damage to a sleeping target."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Throwing yourself into the enemy team can lead to decisive victories. The enemy frontline's all-in strategy without follow-up may warrant a bold move."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "If falling behind would be really difficult for the monkey, he would find it hard to get back into the game. Monkeyking relies on being a nuisance to take control of the card."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When Fiddlesticks gets access to 3 abilities, he is really difficult to deal with because they offer him so much utility. Fiddlesticks biggest power spike is his level 6."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Capacity E has provided Shen with comprehensive opportunities. Combined with some items, Shen's E capacity put extra debuffs on crazy champions with ease."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Naafiri is vulnerable to kiteed by opponents Look for clear, fast health and start crashing after reaching level 3 or 4."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "The enemy will try to lure your E, so be very careful. You should be able to disrupt a fight during neutral objective fights due to your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "It'll give him a better chance of getting killed during a duel. Once you get two items, you should be able to flatten a lot of damage depending on the construction you go for."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "The very early game of gwen is rather weak, so it's likely that you will lose trades versus an aggressive laner. When your Passive is stacked, look for fights with the enemy."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Place Vision Buy control rooms to help your team locate Twitch before it is capable of gank and getting killed."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "And he didn't do much damage either. If enemy teams separate completely, it can be difficult for Skarner to be super effective."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "If you can catch someone when the enemy is not organized, you will be able to force a team fight or a goal after. If a player gets three points in his Ultimate ability, he will often use it."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "By standing outside the wave, it cannot be pushed and pushed at the same time. His level 6 is much stronger than yours."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Maybe he'll be looking for an aggressive game as soon as he reaches the level. When Xin brought his first component element, he'll be really strong in the 1v1 skirmishes."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo mushrooms are bypassed by an enemy Jungler with a jump or dash. To get a edge on the enemy tracks, use the track brushes."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Enemies take a lot of damage from the early Q grenade if it bounces and kills the designated target. The designation of targets for the early Q grenade is crucial for its effectiveness."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Once they're low enough, you can commit to an all-in-one. Seek to harass and constantly push the enemy in their turn after purchasing key elements at level 6."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Vel'koz excels in team fighting due to his poke and AOE damage to his abilities. It is advisable to fight when Vel'koz is not present or when its Ultimate R is disabled."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "At level 4, Taric will have two points in his Q (healing ability). Having two points in his Q at level 4 is really beneficial to Taric because it provides a coherent healing for him and his ADC/teamates."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The first element of Varus will give it a huge peak of power. This peak of power means that the combo of brilliant damage from Varus will do a lot of damage and can completely destroy still enemy champions or CC-D."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "At this point, unlocking his Ultimate offer him extra kill pressure in lane. This allows Fiddlesticks to start looking for aggressive plays."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian's Q & E will be maximized during this game stage. He will let all enemies permanently and allow him to reposition himself frequently."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "and snowball its advance quickly. Make sure you keep playing around your cooldowns to continue your lead."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The slow is an advantage that allows Soraka to control the rhythm of the game. Healing is an advantage that allows Soraka to exchange her health as a regular resource."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Dodging damage, kiting, and picking up Axe's g are challenging skills to master Draven is hard to play as he has a difficult mechanic that requires good timing"} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Yorick Graves struggles at the beginning of the game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the card in the early game will make it harder for him to get the farm and carry in the late game."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Tristana has a lot to peel with her W and Ultimate R. In order to facilitate the fights, try to play around TristanaS Ultimate R or try to flank it in the team fights."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "His W can get him killed if he's misused because he's moved to another place. If the enemy buys Grievous Injuries, they can easily counter his healing with a good amount."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Do not fall back in the middle of the game as a Jungler is critical. Close during the middle of the game whenever possible, so that you can get your items as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "It is plausible that teams will group during the mid-game, making it possible for Annie to land a multi-person stun with Tibbers R on multiple targets. When Annie has 2 points in her Ultimate R, she can look for more aggressive plays around the map."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "If your team needs a tank, you can build a tank. If your team needs PA, you can build AP."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "If you're looking for a choice and you're missing, the enemy can collapse on you and kill you easily. This makes it extremely important that you lay down your skill plans."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The supertank has a lot of Crowd Control (CC) built into its kit. The supertank can act as a good front line for its team and peel targets from its portages."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "They can get goals much easier than you. Keep them where they are before they can reach the goal."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Most champions spike at level 11, but Bard isn't really one of them. While his Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown, it doesn\u2019t deal any damage and will most likely be used to get picks or save his allies."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "This forces Trundle to retreat or die, if he manages to extend without any follow-up from his team. Your goal in early play is to play safely, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy lantern."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "His burst damage is not to be ignored as the game goes on. He can quite literally take the enemy backline out in one rotation of spells, if he manages to W E onto them."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "When Irelia hits level 6, her kill pressure intensifies. Irelia's Ultimate R becomes a good duelling tool at level 6."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Level six is an excellent peak as it can now control the pace of a team struggle. It can easily be between the enemy team while treating a lot of health and regenerating a lot of health in return."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "She starts coming online in the middle of the game. His burst damage is very important."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Focusing on the rear line alone can make it easy for the enemy to target you and kill you quickly. By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Concentrate with your other front-line champions. Use Ultimate R for targeted damage against enemy portages."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Don't just stay in the middle if you can't get anything done. Play around your Ultimate R in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "The biggest weakness for Draven is crowd control, especially stuns, snares, knock-ups. If you are playing a champion with skill shots and CC, aim them at the Axe g drop location."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Its Ultimate R should help him a lot to catch travellers and Roaming Supports. Playing on the flank in team fights makes the enemy attack easy."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Grievous Wounds are quite effective against him. He is quite squishy as well so he won\u2019t be able to do much if the enemy team gets healing reduction during the early game."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Prioritize the acquisition of the first element as quickly as possible to obtain an advantage in the track. This edge will be particularly valuable once Grievous Injuries are obtained and can help drive a more aggressive approach."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps is crucial as a Jungler in mid-game. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so continue to farm!"} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Level 6 is a decent pick-up for seraphine. At level 6, Seraphine will get her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Prevent the enemy Jungler from taking all the Dragons by securing them with your team after ganking the bottom lane. Beware of Fiddlesticks's early game pressure, as they are very strong and will make aggressive plays to get themselves and their teammates ahead."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "The first element is a good peak for Master Yi because it gives it increased damage. It'll help him clean up, and his Jungle will wipe out."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "A champion playing this role can easily be overthrown by various champions in the way. Positioning is crucial when you play this champion."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Make sure you show up. Try to land your Q regularly on several people on the enemy team."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "This will ensure safety and reduce your chances of dying in the way. Urgot's early play is pretty good, especially once he has access to all his basic abilities."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "His damage output in team fights will be very high. Karthus will be looking to farm as much as possible so he can get his Ultimate e as quickly as he can."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Keep an eye on what\u2019s happening around you and be prepared to cast Galio's Ultimate R to assist Galio's allies. Galio's damage will increase by a lot once he gets his first item."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "It'll be hard for you to kill Sejuani right now. Avoid fighting Sejuani unless you have an advantage."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Try and end the game as quickly as you can or snowball your lead so you\u2019ll be a huge threat in team fights. Aatrox is not an easy champion to learn."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Killing Garen is increasingly difficult as the game progresses due to his growing health and increasing defensive capabilities. Garen's lack of CC makes it possible for the enemy to kite him till he falls back or overextends and dies."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal can use his W and Q to all-in enemies when they are low enough after taking a barrage of poke. ezreal\u2019s R has a very short cooldown, allowing him to waveclear frequently during the early game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "When playing as a ranged champion, use your abilities and auto-attacks on her when she moves forward to last hit. When Diana is low on mana, she is not a threat to you."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Whenever your Ultimate R is up, you can look for aggressive plays around the map. Your Ultimate R is a great tool that you can use to help your allies win their lane."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Use Taliyah's C carefully because this ability can quickly get its free murders in the jungle. The Ultimate R of talijah will allow him to go much further in this game."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Any enemy who gets caught by Renekton is going to get shot and probably die. Renekton is decent in the mid-game phase of the game."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "When level 9 is reached, its first capacity will be fully developed and is crucial during the rolling phase. By reaching level 11, we will invest their second point in their Ultimate, which will reduce its cooling period and lead to an overall increase in force."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan's first item component will give him a massive boost to his dueling and survivability. He will now be able to put his d Passive to good use, especially if he manages to catch an enemy out on his own."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan can repeatedly gank lanes over and over thanks to his relatively low cooldowns. Once Jarvan is level 6, he can gank overextended or immobile lanes with his Ultimate m, which will usually result in a kill for him or his ally."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai can isolate players who are too advanced while fighting them. The W of Maokai can catch out-of-position players in the fight."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia has mana issues in the early game. If she is low on mana, it could be a good time to fight her as her damage output will be heavily reduced as she relies heavily on mana to trade."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Keep the Dragon kept at all times so you can spot it before it can take it. Xin is vulnerable to CC during team fighting."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized to level 9, which means it will do a lot of damage now. The Twitch Passive will play a central role in destroying the enemy team when its capabilities are combined with its Ultimate."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "This makes it easier for him to land and CC. The only problem is that it can be difficult for him to land against champions with dashes or escape tools."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "You are going to struggle to be taken down as long as you aren\u2019t caught out alone in teamfights. Use your Q\u2019s mobility to dodge as many major CC abilities as possible in teamfights."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "It is the scourge of the ADC sector because its t literally makes them miss their automatic attacks. This can reduce the efficiency of the port for some time, which gives its team some time to engage/disengage freely. Teemo's Ultimate T can be used as a substitute for vision,"} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Yone is very good in team fighting if he is able to get a good Ultimate Roff. Don't forget to stay away when possible."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "When his Ultimate fails, Ahri is incredibly vulnerable. Bait out it Ultimate first, then call your Jungler's help to kill her while she's not available."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "The second point of its ultimate ability will increase the damage it can inflict on its enemies. Once again, she will have to rely on the flanks to ensure that she can make the most of this ability."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin doesn't have an escape or a dash, so he should be pretty easy to kill. If Jhin uses his Ultimate R in a team fight, he is unable to reposition quickly."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Your Ultimate ability lets you destroy the opposition. The destruction of the opposition is made possible by your consistent burn damage."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's Passive allows him to come out on top of short trades which is quite advantageous for him. Gangplank scales well and his Passive damage helps keep enemies away from him."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux excels in catching enemies out of his position with his g. The advantage of Lux's positioning is that his team should be grouped together and no one should walk alone on the map."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani is a good source of coat because of its ability to take a lot of damage. Sejuani is a little squishy at the beginning of the game, especially when his Passive is broken."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Don't all in Aurelion at level 1 when he has Corrupting Potions. Aurelion will heal up a lot and deal surprising damage when trading back with you."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "A good time to invade and look for them is when your lanes nearby have priority. At level 6 is when the enemy will probably start ganking. You can track them with good vision through wards placed in and around the river. If you\u2019re nearby, try to counter gank as they have nothing to offer once they\u2019ve used their abilities which you can capitalise on."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch has tons of burst damage when he left AP. In an extended trade, Twitch can easily kill someone if he is able to attack them automatically for free."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Staying parallel to your Support is the way to go. Once you get your Ultimate R, you will be able to make sure that you can roam around and pick kills all around the map."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Look for choices with your team. If you can choose someone, make the call for Baron or Dragon Baron and Dragon can move your lead forward."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's Level 6 power peak is very good He will often play with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "This encourages Senna and their ADC to expand, creating opportunities for your gank jungler and potentially secure kills or summon spells. Take advantage of opportunities to untie your ADC and harass Senna when they used one of their capabilities."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon is able to kill enemies quickly before running to security. Talon falls behind if he's firing a single shot at the enemy."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "If you have picked up a few meeps before the minions spawn, Bard will always hit level 2 before the enemy. You should harass and play aggressive while the enemy is still level 1."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "At level 16, you will have put the third and final point in your Ultimate. You'll be pretty strong and your global potential will be high."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar is a champion who gives extra health when he changes forms as Mega Gnar. Mega Gnar allows Gnar to survive better."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille has a sharp learning curve. You need to play Camille a lot to make use of her kit."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "It may be difficult to lock down Kai'Sa due to her Ultimate R, which allows her to reposition in a team fight and potentially dodge CC or skill-shots. If Kai'SA can dodge CC or skill-shots, she may turn the exchange around."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Try to keep them warded or ideally take them before she can to reduce her overall effectiveness. Diana is really good at team fights because her Ultimate R is a large AOE tool."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Instead, she will try to flank from the side. When sieging an objective or fighting in a lane, make sure you have sufficient ward coverage to the sides so you can spot her before she engages."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Grouping together, but not standing on each other, as this will prevent Zion from getting a multi-person knockup. Sion's presence is strong if he tries to make cheese."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled's Ultimate R launches team fights with ease. Kled's Ultimate R can score points on the motionless champions."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Having vision in lane bushes will also help prevent ganks as you can spot him setting up his W. Ekko doesn\u2019t have the healthiest of clears even with his W."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah will concentrate on fighting you a lot in this game. By going for an all-in-one, use your dash with extreme discretion."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "This can put both Yorick and his young girl in the same path, causing the enemy team to disarray. Once his Ultimate R (Riot) Maiden killed, Yorick loses a lot of DPS sustained in a team fight."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar's ability n has a very long cooldown and is its only self-peel form. If Veigar's ability is reduced, it can be easily all-in-fact and killed with crowd control."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Try to disengage or reposition to make it harder for Rumble to do follow-up damage. Rumble's disengagement makes it harder for him to win the fight."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Combining the slowness of his E with his W allows him to practically choose by hand a target and CC for a while while his team has just followed him. Play safe for the first levels."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "It's best not to stray too far away from your team. Protecting your allies as much as possible during team fights increases your chances of winning."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Then use yourd and e to knock up the enemy on your carries. At level thirteen, Jarvan's e and d will be maxed out, and he will be able to look for picks more often."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Yorick's second capacity will be maximized to level 14. This means that the duel will become really difficult for the enemy,"} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "You must stay with your support throughout the later parts of the game. Don't go around the map alone because you will die easily."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Use your E to scout for picks. Take down enemies who have over extended without assistance."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Ganking pushed enemies is a good strategy, but be on the opposite side of the map when a neutral goal is about to spawn results by losing an easy goal. His early game ganks are quite decent during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Do not let him do this by staying out of melee range and avoiding extended trades. Darius is really strong once he has time to apply multiple stacks of his Passive onto an enemy champion."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "To increase your death pressure in a Soraka game, focus Soraka instead of CDA. Focusing on CDA will not be useful because Soraka can simply cure them with his W."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "With his increased damage boost, Jayce can go for frequent burst trades after poking the enemy out with his w > s combo. Delaying a team fight was advised while harassing the enemy with your sword."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs can also use its finishing capacity to help teammates complete their goals while roaming. Ziggs Q is becoming more powerful than he keeps adding points to it."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "A bully will try to harass and poke the player as often as possible. Try to stay outside of her auto-attack range."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "The E and Q of Tristana facilitate the taking of turrets for her. Let Tristana get free blows on your turret will give it a gold advantage over you because of the tower boards."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas's Ultimate ability is very good in team fights. Gragas's Ultimate ability deals a lot of damage."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you're near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "jhin becomes safer as he builds critical strike. jhin's immobility is his main weakness as it has a large target painted on his head."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "As soon as the enemy sees Galio moving out of the lane, they will start playing safely and negate Galio's threat. Galio's effectiveness is greatly reduced if the enemy team positions and spaces correctly during a fight."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Your basic combo will be available at post level 3. When trading keep an eye on your mana bar."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "When fighting, always consider that he can use his Ultimate e to turn the exchange around. Taking away Karthus\u2019 blue buff will make it harder for him to clear the jungle as he needs as much mana as he can get to clear it quickly."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus is excellent in team fighting due to his Q and Ultimate R. A good Ultimate R can literally allow the Varus team to win a significant battle with minimal effort."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "The enemy Jungler will be a threat to you initially. You should set proper vision around the lane."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne's s allows him to inflict significant damage on the enemy champions. If the enemy has a lot of CC, it will be difficult for Vayne to do too much."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "If you keep pushing when you\u2019re not ahead, you will be unable to run the enemy down and you\u2019ll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler. Level six is a massive spike due to him being able to get his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "You shouldn't let Shyvana's poke take you down. Each Dragon provides a buff to Shyvana who helps his entire team and drinks directly with his Passive."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista will have the range advantage over many laners. The enemy will be able to abuse and harass Kalista whenever they walk up to the farm."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus can play aggressive early because he has a lot of CC. In the way, always have a minion between your position and Nautilus' position."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "In the late game, Blitzcrank would be near full build. Blitzcrank should be very tanky and offer his team a lot of utility."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "This will allow him to reposition himself frequently."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Be prepared to counter-gank and track them. If your easy ganks don\u2019t give you a lead, try to invade their jungle and steal away their camps."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "To win a team fight, it is essential to keep your aircraft carriers alive longer. If your allies die quickly, it will be difficult to win the team fight."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr has excellent objective control due to its fast card movements and camp-taking capabilities. Udyr can take Dragons early quite easily, especially if the enemy team has no vision on it."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "It's really useful for his team, and Kled will act quickly as the front line for his team. Flank in the team fights and try to bring down the most squishi member of the enemy team."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Use your m to lock down key targets. Then use yourd and e to knock up the enemy on your carries."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "He should let him grieve the team fights very easily, mainly if he is divided pushing in another way. His tankness is really high in the middle of the game, and he should be able to be the first line for his team quite effectively."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Bait out Morgana's Q before attempting a commitment. Avoid being caught in control of Morgana's crowd."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Being proactive in defending your sleds against enemy jungle invasions was the key to success. Invading the enemy jungle when on the other side of the map, if an enemy jungler harassed your sleds, was necessary to secure the camps and maintain an advance."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "He's excellent at the team fights at the end of the game because of his l. The effectiveness of his abilities increases if he manages to find a flank on his enemies."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "The landing of an E on an enemy squishy champion should lead to an easy murder. This murder could result in either the Baron or a 5v4 forced fight."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "You have good objective control, so make sure to use it! Try to put your young trees in Jungle's brushes."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "At level 9, Zed will have its first capacity to the maximum. Zed is expected to inflict tons of damage to the enemy target using Zed's first ability on someone."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal. Stay with your team at all times, avoiding moving alone to avoid getting caught."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "She is easy to pick up. Orianna is quite immobile in the early parts of the game."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Its passive allows its c to shred easily the members of the enemy team when they are regrouped. This gives him a very strong advantage in choking points."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "This is not very ideal, especially against experienced players. Shaco's first ganks are extremely strong, mainly because of his spelling choices."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "A considerable early advance is essential for Renekton to stay in the game."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "The bot lane had moved from its original position. You need to be somewhere else on the map after your bot lane has moved."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold. Use your capabilities to quickly clear minion waves so your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "This component will be extremely beneficial for talijah during the first stages of the game. Roam and kill several enemies during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "avoid fighting in the jungle or around an objective It will make it easier to land his E and get a multi-person numbness"} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The abuse of Sona's capabilities before Level 6 can be effective. After level 6, Sona's death pressure increases."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "At level 16, Bard's Ultimate R has a shorter cooldown which enables him to get picks more frequently. In the late game, Bard's abilities have much shorter cooldowns."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "A player should usually start regrouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby. One more point in its Ultimate R will increase its overall damage and let it use capacity frequently."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Throughout the laning phase, try to keep the wave closer to your side of the map. If you push, he could take you away from the farm and kill you when you go to CS."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Like most champions, Nilah is weak when she is behind. Nilah should avoid falling behind if possible."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "If you are playing a champion with skill shots and CC, aim them at the Axe g drop location. Draven is one of the best snowballing champions in the game thanks to his Passive and g."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "However, at level 6, Taliyah cannot use its Ultimate R mid-fight. You should have the level 6 advantage if you have a Ultimate fight."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Use Gragas' W cooldown to engage on him as long as its duration allows. Watch out for Gragas' E which enables him to close gaps fast and also serves as an escape route."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "As soon as Miss Fortune channels her Ultimate capability, try to cancel it by sending it. If you can cancel it quickly, its damage output will be very low."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Look for picks during the mid-game to get your team ahead. Getting a pick here or there or blowing an enemy Summoner Spell can be more than enough to get a nearby objective."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "This combo can remove a squishy enemy with ease from level six itself. Lux's shield is deceptively strong because it can allow him to save all members of his team from a lot of poke."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus will likely attempt to flank his opponents in order to get a high-value target during team fights. As a carry player, using Quicksilver Sash can help you escape Rammus' taunt so he cannot target you."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Focus on harassing your enemy laner with Q in the lane. Bonus points if clearing the wave along with it."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger will not have this problem during the late game and will now take down many enemies with his E. Adding another point to Heimerdinger's Ultimate R will give his empowerments more overall strength."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "His Q will be maximized at Level 9. It's really useful for Kayn because it's her primary damage capacity."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "In late-game fights, ezreal should avoid using his E aggressively. If you're not sure about using your E in a late-game fight, it may lead to being abused."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Look for aggressive parts once you have some levels under your belt. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "With its basics, Riven will be able to do a lot of damage. It should be able to melt through enemy health bars if it catches them out of sight."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gaining an early lead through map control can help you and your allies get ahead. Take advantage of your early strength in duels by making strategic moves."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "This makes her weak post level 6 when it comes to all-ins. She cannot fight straight 5v5."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "The level 6 capability of twisted destiny is crucial for him. Level 6 is important to Twisted Fate."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Keep the wave near your tower. The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. Its combined with its d allows it to easily descend a single enemy target."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu's Level 6 power peak is incredibly strong as it allows it to begin to glove thanks to its Ultimate y. You can delay Aumu's power peak by invading him early."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Stick with your team to reduce Camille's assassination attempts. In addition to grouping closely, Camille cannot easily get on to the backline by running at the enemy."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The Ultimate R helps him make choices in the fog of war that will definitely catch enemies out of the guard. Warwick will succeed in getting the third point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze will now have his basic items, which means that he will cut down more damage than early play. It has not yet reached its final form."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "When Lee Sin finished his first element, its production of damage will increase considerably."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Her missing E makes her particularly weak before level 6. It is weak against enemies with dashing or blinking capabilities"} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Peel for your portages to keep them alive longer. If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "After entering with your Ultimate R, you should prepare to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights. To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "He could also use his s to identify and put in place a vision for his team. In addition, its k allows to set up crowd control for its team that they can follow."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "xinhao falls at the end of the game if he can't shoot his target. If xinhao cannot shoot his target, he will be controlled almost immediately by the crowd and killed on the spot."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka's healing will be above par. Killing Soraka's wagons will be phenomenally easy."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux has characteristics that make it almost still. She can be killed quickly if she doesn't have a shield."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This means that he can chase enemies down quickly,"} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R will help Seraphine during team fighting. Seraphine can do a lot of damage."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "If Orianna is pushing, she can be susceptible to ganks from the enemy Jungler. When Orianna is pushing, you should reposition or have vision around your lane."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, split push and draw the enemies attention to yourself. You keep an eye on the map during the mid-game."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Against Talon, place the vision on the walls and around the entrances of the jungle to spot it before it can jump over a wall with its E. Talon has a good potential for invasion and can 1v1 most junglers."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. If Galio gets close, he will look to engage with his E and then taunt you with his W."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower. Taking the midway tower will open the map and give the team a gold lead."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "The harder the game, the stronger Shyvana gets. Shyvana will have a production of poke and very high damage in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "If the enemy is tainted, Vladimir will decimate them with his Ultimate e. In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan doesn't do too well in the various matches. Fields with easy to land CC are not good matchup for Akshan because he will be unable to use his E aggressively."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Multiple items will allow her to take over the game easily. The first ability will deal a lot of damage to the enemy team."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Respect nilah's level 6 power spike, as she can quickly kill you when she gets the level up. It is also important to remember that nilah will hit level 6 before you."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "The first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. This will let him cut down a lot of damage to the enemy once he manages to cover them with his E."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "At level 6, Lissandra has increased the death pressure and can take control of your path. Avoid regrouping too closely, otherwise Lissandra will engage with her E and land a multi-person W."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "It is advantageous for Ezreal to abuse the cooldown of his E whenever possible. Ezreal is mobile."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Group together, but don't stand on each other, so he's capable of getting a multi-person knockup. Sion can absorb a lot of damage in the front line for his team."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Yorick Graves has three or more gules in which he can spawn. If there's a few Ghouls hanging around, don't fight Yorick Graves."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Many champions do not have as many abilities as Hwei. Abusing players who don't understand Hwei's kit is possible."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Using your ultimate capacity can chain CC Trendamere, preventing it from using it. Ultimate should be used to pull Tryndamere towards you when it is about 20% HP."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Once Senna is level 6, her card pressure and kill pressure increases. You should ping once Senna is level 6 so your team knows she can influence a fight with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "E is a critical ability for Shen. Beware of his CC in this game as much as possible."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The healing of Sona's W will be a problem as the game unfolds. Investing in the executor's call can reduce Sona's healing ability."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "As you are not strong in early play, you may want to wait for the enemy to waste a ability before playing aggressive. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "This will allow you to earn turret veneer and increase your gold income. Syndra's level 6 is a massive power peak because it can easily shoot down enemies now."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal is known for poking the enemy. Pokeing the enemy allows ezreal to harass them aggressively before engaging in combat."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "The enemy has no seat capacity. Singed can be easily exposed to the ganks by its weak defensive capabilities."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "The additional mobility provided by Akshan's E is very powerful in the final stages of the game. If the teams regroup at the end of the game, stopping on a marked enemy can bring a life ally back and turn the tide of the game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "At this stage of the game, the protection and shielding capacity of Lulu will increase considerably after completing its first element. After obtaining his first article, Lulu inflicts a large amount of damage in trade against enemies."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Once Hwei hits level 3, his poke and damage output increase. When Hwei hits level 6, his Ultimate increases his and his ADC\u2019s kill pressure in lane."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen gains the global card pressure at level 6 because its Ultimate R can be used to help any of its allies. Once Shen reaches level 6, ping him."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "His Ultimate should be on a short cooldown and he should have it a little more often. Avoid fighting unless he arrives at the end of the game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Once Sett gets 3 points in his Ultimate R, he will be able to run his enemies down with ease and will be able to use the ability quite frequently. Sett is decent during the last parts of the game."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar can tilt someone hard enough to win the game easily with one or two items. Rengar's Passive can be used with its Q to kill unsuspecting Jungler enemies and carry in their Jungle."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "This will force him to extend for the farm, which can allow you to give him everything, refuse him from the farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy grip. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers strongly when its r is on cooling as it will lack damage."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Harass and poke the enemy as often as you can with your Q. Slowly whittle the enemy down with your Q will increase your chances of winning a followup fight."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser's tankesse will be massive during this phase of the game. It should focus on absorbing damage for the enemy team while simultaneously picking up enemies where possible."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Play respectfully and avoid taking tons of damage when Lissandra you area. Avoid regrouping too closely, otherwise Lissandra will be able to engage with her E and land a multi-person W."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Try to put Nami behind in early play to deny these power spikes. It is beneficial to keep Yuumi's minion wave close to your side of the track when you play against Nami."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi needs time to come online. Master Yi is really weak in the rolling phase very early."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "During this phase of the game, try to save your carriers from the harm, especially during the fights where they can be flanked and killed. Your E is really effective around bottlenecks, so make sure to try CC multiple enemies with it sometimes."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "He has a unique mechanic on his Q which does take some time getting used to. You'll need to put in a lot of practice to master this champion."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Make sure you have a vision on your side in case Kennen tries to flank you. Try to harass Kennen before a team fight occurs so he can't engage and fight if he's weak in HP."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Teams will be grouped in the late game, As her Ultimate is a great tool for team fights, she will be very strong in the late game."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "He can use his Ultimate after pushing for 6 posts"} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "If you focus the backline alone, you may be an easy target for the enemy and may die quickly. By focusing on the nearest champion, you will survive for longer and keep your carries alive."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "This murder could result in either the Baron or a 5v4 forced fight. Akali falls into the later parts of the game as the teams begin to regroup."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana does not always buy defensive items, making burst damage one of the biggest problems she faces. As soon as Qiyana uses her E aggressively, burst her down with attacks."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "During an all-in-one, always make sure that you are the most important / mobile target whenever possible. Always try to call your Jungler before crushing a huge wave in the enemy tower that you can set up a dive tour with your Ultimate."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Azir's Ultimate R provides him with the luxury to both disengage from the enemy team and all-in as per his requirement. You are extremely squishy and hence are really weak to all-ins from the enemy team."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "due to the nature of her itemization she should have an easy time tearing through those frontliners too. If Bel\u2019Veth consumes a Void Coral at this point in the game and activates her True Form, "} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "This ultimate capability will also increase the shield if this capability is used defensively. Tahm Kench's first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "If the Baron is up, stay on top side of the map. Going bot and showing yourself allows the enemy to take an objective for free."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Roaming allows you to easily ward with Q. Self-peeling with Q will help you avoid getting caught."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Putting the second point in Fiddlesticks Ultimate R will put his Ultimate R on a shorter cooldown and allow him to look for more aggressive plays. At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should\u2019ve completed an item or two."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "maxing out Its first capacity at level 9 will allow it to inflict damage in a very short period of time. Masteryi is decent enough during team fights."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Can get out of sticky situations with his E This can send the enemy team in full panic mode"} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Keep a constant eye on which the main objective is to spawn afterwards. Make sure you keep them half a minute in advance."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle, although a tank, is very vulnerable to the hard control of the crowd. Once Trundle reaches level 3, it can start to gank as its e is the main tool it needs to get ganks out."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Nilah will put a second point in her Ultimate at level 11. Teams start grouping in the mid-game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Your goal in early play is to play safely, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy lantern. You are rather weak in the game early and need time to come online."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "As the game progresses, Cho'Gath becomes increasingly stronger and should be targeted in team fights to make him ineffective. The goal is to end the game as quickly as possible to prevent Cho'Gath from becoming an ultra-tank."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "The goal is to get as many Fear procs as you can in this lane without taking much damage in return. Your effigies will help you set up vision around the map massively."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir's early play is terrible. Vladimir should avoid fighting for long periods during this game phase."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "When you hit level 6, you need to play a bit safer as you do not have an Ultimate G, unlike every other Top laner. You should play respectfully and stay at max range while harassing the enemy from afar."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "The Shaco clone will leave Shaco enemies at one blow if they destroy him while he's nearby. Shaco will do a lot of damage to the enemy team now, especially to the squishy targets."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "If you are not sure what Maokai ability has taken to level 1, step back and out of range just in case it starts W, it cannot gain an early health benefit. In early play, try to use your range advantage to poke and harass Maokai down."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Your Ultimate R will be able to cover the entirety of the pit's circumference, so it will help you disrupt enemies with ease. Galio's Ultimate R will really shine during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "This can make it harder for Alistar to commit to your ADC and give you more time to react. Alistar is a very easy to learn support that makes it a good start Support for players who want to learn the role."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Enemy magic damage can be effective against Galio. AD ranged champions are very effective at killing Galio, especially after he uses his E."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "In team fights, avoid grouping closely together to make it difficult for Cassiopeia to land a 5 person Ultimate R. Be prepared to turn around quickly if Cassiopeia casts her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "After catching someone out, make the call for Baron. Secure objectives like the Dragon or Baron with your Ultimate t."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "A champion with good control due to his abilities Q and Smite. He has an advantage in lane healing, which provides him a benefit."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Peel for your team using Q. Focus on the biggest threat to your team, or target the enemy backline if their frontline is weak."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Use your W regularly to quickly clean up jungle camps. Your W cooling is reduced when you use it against a big monster."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Killing Lulu is really going to be next to the impossible. Lulu will be fully built by then in the game."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Maximizing the first capacity will allow Taliyah to flatten a lot of damage during the duels. This will be advantageous compared to the squishy targets."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Immobile carries can't do much to save themselves. You will be able to escape using your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This will dramatically increase his damage and will leave him a squishie blow if they are not careful about his E."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Harass the enemy throughout the laning phase with Q. Your goal is to constantly harass the enemy whenever possible and get killed."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The first element of Taliyah's level 6 will allow him to spam his abilities and inflict significant damage on his enemies during the laning phase. This capacity component will be incredibly beneficial to talijah during the ploughing phase."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The fight against early play can be effective if it is done properly. It is essential to investigate the movements and positions of the enemy when it comes to countering the movement."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah will want to delay the team fight as long as possible while she takes you with her Q. Try to fight as soon as you spot her."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "When it comes to securing an objective like the Dragon or Baron, never go for the 50/50 because of Nunu's Q. Nunu will win every battle if his Q is used in a 50/50 situation."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "You want Kalista to freeze the wave when facing Ezreal so that your Jungler can gank you. By freezing the wave, your Jungler will have a chance to take out Ezreal while you are safe."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Group with your allies because the enemy will force a commitment and kill your team while you're not with them. Skarner's tankness is really high during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "However, if you do find a ganking opportunity nearby dont be afraid to take it. Just back off if they invade you early; you do not win early skirmishes with them."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Her Ultimate R, however, is a great roaming tool that allows her to get back to lane quickly"} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Once Taliyah reaches level 3, she could kill you if you're low enough. His level 6 is good."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Once Rumble has his Ultimate, his death pressure increases. Don't underestimate Rumble's potential with his Ultimate."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Pre-6, keep the wave closer to your side of the map. It will prevent Quinn from zoning you away from farm."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Try to disengage as soon as you see Kennen running towards you. Make sure you have a vision on your side in case Kennen tries to flank you."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Kill Karthus at the start of a fight. Karthus is killed at the start of a fight."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis can start receiving ganks at level 6. Malphites Ultimate is a great tool of engagement."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Several points in his Ultimate R allow him to use capacity frequently and make crucial choices. His silence will also be invaluable."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "xayah is rather weak in early play. Try to abuse xayah as much as possible to get an early advantage."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Use your E with extreme discretion in this matchup. Be careful though this can give a lot of incentive to mid-laners with hot skills."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's Ultimate ability will give him increased defensive stats in a trade. It is very good for duelling."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Bard's Q will be on a rather short cooldown, which will allow him to look for more picks throughout this stage of the game. Most champions spike at level 11, but Bard isn't really one of them."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "If Tristana uses her W aggressively, she should be broken or CCed so that she is unable to reposition and clean up the fight."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "In the middle of the game, look for choices. Choosing someone with the help of your allies can abuse their death timer to earn more gold."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen was able to mitigate any form of automatic attack damage with his W. Enemy physical damage has become virtually useless when this ability was active."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana should play safer when her Q has landed and wait for it to disappear before walking forward. Diana is rather weak if she doesn't get kills early on."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "When you kill someone, call for a close goal. You get two points in his Ultimate R at level 11."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger is vulnerable to ganks if he doesn\u2019t have 3 Turrets Q up. The enemy laner roams, don't bother trying to contest their roam instead."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves can kill enemies very quickly due to his Passive. At level 11, Graves will have two points in his Ultimate t."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "In this game, early agriculture is crucial to maintaining a secure position. The fight against early play can be effective if it is done properly."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Work with your support to get choices in the enemy jungle. This helps a lot when escarmouche and putting the vision in place before the critical objective fights."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Getting level 11 is another significant power spike for Jarvan IV. His ability to all-in enemies reliably will increase a thousand folds."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Neutral objective fights will allow you to target the enemy backline when needed. Take out the squishies first for maximal effectiveness."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali will seek to dive the backline and take out the most squishis champions first in the team fights. In the team fights, CC is your greatest friend when it comes to beating Akali."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "At level 13, Kai'Sa will have two abilities wholly maxed out. This means her damage output with her Q, and her peel potential with her E will be massive."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Using Q and W to move around the map quickly allows the player to assist allies in case of a fight. The goal is to position oneself to pick off enemy players with E by charging towards them or using abilities to flank from the side."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim is assertive early on. He should focus on getting a massive lead."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Ornn will tend to stick in a side lane when no team fights are occurring and when there are no major objectives up. Use the numbers advantage to start a team fight while Ornn is away from his team."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Hitting 5 champions at once is a sure-fire way of winning the team fight. Cassiopeia deals a lot of damage in extended trades as long as she lands her Q."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "In team fights, Pantheon may have difficulty getting on to an enemy due to their dodging or dashing tools even with his point and click CC on W. Pantheon will be really hard to play if he doesn't get ahead in the game."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Still on the upper side of the map if the Baron is standing. If you show up on the lower side, the enemy will take the target for free."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "He won't be able to strike a fight effectively when he won't be able to flank the enemy team. Level 6 is a variable power peak highly dependent on the composition of the enemy team."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map will help reduce Xin Zhao's death pressure in the way. Investing in reducing healing will increase your chances of surviving against Xin Zhao."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Keep dropping it with your Q and W, but avoid pushing too much. Stand outside the minion wave to force Akshan to choose between pushing and poaching."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "As a support, you are very vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the hall. sticking to your team at all times reduces the chances of dying and being taken out of position."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "As an assassin, once Diana has multiple items completed in the mid-game, her burst potential will be highly potent. Diana can easily take down squishy targets walking alone on Summoners Rift."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "The first element will allow him to inflict much damage on his enemies. He should not play too aggressively and simply rely on the ladder."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is one of the strongest early game champions in the game. Using this advantage, Darius can gain an early lead in games."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "A good Camille will be able to play around her Ultimate R consistently. Once you have a second point in it, you should be able to get more kills with it."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Several points in his Ultimate h allow him to use ability frequently, make choices, and multi-man earth Ultimate h on enemies fighting near choking points. Malphite is pretty good during team fighting."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "After entering with your Ultimate R, you should prepare to fall and peel for your allies in the late game. You should team up with your team, but stay on the side."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Rotation towards the middle of the track. Take the middle tower of the track."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Avoid giving Master Yi kills early. Master Yi can easily take control of the card if you let it move forward."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "The CC aspect will allow him to score many picks throughout the game. His mid-game is not as weak as his early game because he will have his core items"} -{"label": "sion", "text": "It will therefore be very easy for his allies to follow up on his commitments. His tankness will be really high during this phase of the game due to his articles."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Using Flash > Q on a high-priority target can help you CC and kill them quickly with your team."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "You could try to abuse that to put it behind and miss the batteries. Finish the game as fast as you can."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "His d and Ultimate h should hit like a truck right now. Several points in his Ultimate h allow him to use ability frequently, make choices, and multi-man earth Ultimate h on enemies fighting near choking points."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Removing one of these targets will make it easy for the team to achieve neutral goals. If the enemy team is in charge of CC, Leblanc will have to preserve its power by buying a Hurglass from Zhonya or the Veil from Banshee."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Using your position to set up ambushes near your team can help gain a significant advantage. At level 16 Fiddlesticks will put the third and final point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna can make her ladder unlimited. That's good because Senna can easily move on to the team during the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If a Jungler dies before a major target spawns, the enemy will be able to take it. Always stay on the side of the map on which the next major goal is located."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric's first major power peak is at level 6. At level 6, Taric can look for aggressive pieces such as dives or risky skirmishes with his Ultimate R up."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Investing in defensive elements will reduce Lux's ability to shoot one shot at its aircraft carriers or opponents. In a team fight, try to engage as quickly as possible to avoid Lux's delays."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "While playing the nasus, prioritize the division of the thrust and focus on securing the laps with other players. This strategy allows you to apply pressure to the enemy team while the rest of your team is working elsewhere on the map."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "You can abuse this to get an early advance or blow his Invocation Spells. At level 6, Kog'Maw will have easier time to make and trade thanks to its Ultimate y."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr has massive selection potential in the middle of the game. Udyr can work with his support and E to get free murders and snowball his lead."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "She unlocks her Ultimate R ability at level 6. nilah has not gained any power spikes yet."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille will find it harder to kill carries on her own, but she will be quite tanky. Camille buys items that deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Ornn has the ability to knock up enemies that are close to his Q, terrain and walls. The jungle is a location where Ornn can easily land an attack on enemies with his knock-up ability."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Try and avoid going for extended trades with her as she will always win them. Try and lock Irelia down at the start of the fight."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra will use her Q and E to push the wave. The enemy Jungler can set up his champion near your track."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw will have several elements during this phase of the game. This will cause him a lot of damage to the enemies and crush the enemy front line in a fight."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista may stay in a side lane to split push. When Kalista is not with her team, you can force a team fight or take an objective."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "In early play, try to use your range advantage to poke and harass Maokai down. Try to stay at the maximum range as much as possible so Maokai can't surprise you with his W."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "It is recommended to watch the map at all times after reaching level 6. After level 6, Gangplank's Ultimate R can greatly impact team fights and skirmishes."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "The first component gives Jayce a damage boost, enabling him to play more aggressively. With his increased damage boost, Jayce can go for frequent burst trades after poking the enemy out with his w > s combo."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The first element will allow him to inflict much damage on his opponents. This will also be beneficial when it launches its Ultimate b."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "She will not be able to use her E much if she is pushed up. Post 6, beware of its strong explosion and all-in-one potential with its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Keep this in mind when trading too! Wukong wins a lot of automatic attack battles, so don't go for extended trades with him unless you can kill him."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "A good time to chat with Akali is when she used/missed her Q. The Akali W is important for trading and survival."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen wins the global card pressure when he unlocks his Ultimate R. Follow him and play accordingly as Shen can influence a gank or fight in a way once he is up."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Participate in as many team fights as you can. This will allow you to kill multiple targets with your Ultimate h, especially in intertwined fighting."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric will be more effective in roaring and skirmishes after getting his boots. Taric will stick to his target for a long time after receiving his boots."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Without its Ultimate R at level 6, Velkoz combo is relatively ineffective. If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "This will increase its ability to fight against tanky teams drastically. Sett's selection potential is really high during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Adding 2 points to his Ultimate R gives him a massive power peak. This peak power allows it to use capacity frequently, impacting team fighting often."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "The first component offers a lot of poke from Karma's end as it increases the damage of her Q and allows her to use it frequently as she will have more mana to use. Level 6 isn't a huge spike, but it definitely increases the amount of poke damage she can deal with her abilities."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "His Passive will allow him to kill enemies quickly in objective and clumped fights. At level 11, Graves will have two points invested in his Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Poke damage on his Q is just as respectable. Make sure you're still behind a minion so it's harder for him to land his Q."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "With an appropriate coat, it can take over a game quite easily due to its Q and e. He also has a certain amount of self-peel with his e, but it is better for him to keep his distance from CC."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, aggressive games can be sought out. A clear early advantage should exist before fighting."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Focus on playing safe in the early game. Play safe in the early game by focusing on power farming."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon\u2019s early game is incredibly obnoxious. You should expect Pantheon to play aggressively at level 1 or 2."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "You will miss mana quickly when you empty the jungle. It is important to avoid using your r and m too often."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "As long as your Passive is in place, you should be able to make risky games in this matchup. Make sure you don't do anything that puts you in a compromising position in the track."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Keep this in mind and ping if you see her walking on a room. Do not overextend when you are weak; it can easily kill you and place you behind."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Have an escape plan ready. See if you can gank other lanes using your abilities."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Space out between each other for maximum survivability from the get-go. If you are near Galio when he uses his Ultimate R, you can disrupt it with any crowd control abilities."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "His Ultimate R allows him to be a massive threat in a packed battle. An intertwined fight is when several champions are grouped together, making them vulnerable to attacks."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Try to lure the E Silence before looking for it all in. To increase your death pressure in a Soraka game, focus Soraka instead of CDA."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "The enemy team will be trapped for Shaco using its Ultimate l and x. If your team is grouped, it is recommended to have a scanning lens and a vision that surrounds you."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani's Passive allows him to take a lot of damage from neutral lenses. Neutral objectives are non-player objects controlled on the map that can be challenged."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Keep this in mind and avoid fighting her alone as she is good in extended trades. Avoid going for extended trades in this matchup as they will generally win them."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Keep him pushed in, so it's impossible for him to wander. At level 6, Tristana is much stronger than Twisted Fate."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Using track brushes to drop vision can help Lux all-in-the-enemy in the bamboozling. If the enemy is careful, it will be easy to delimit them using this strategy."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to encourage the overextension by Soraka and their ADC. Take advantage of opportunities to untie your ADC and harass Soraka when they have used one of their abilities, putting them at a disadvantage in the trades."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "If you're overstretched while pushing the wave, remember to avoid being all-in-one by Renekton. Renekton's death pressure increased after completing his first article."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Try not to let Karma poke you too much by hiding in between the minion wave and backing off when she moves forward. Remember that Karma has her Ultimate at level 1 and can dish out lots of damage if you\u2019re hit by her empowered Q."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Don't play very aggressive in team fights. Just the kite and the automatic attack of the closest enemy champion."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Once Kennen has two points in his Ultimate m, he will be able to inflict massive damage to the enemy team. He just needs to choose the perfect moment to enter. Kennen is excellent in team fighting because of his Ultimate m."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn becomes invisible after reaching level 6 and can roam around the map. When your Ultimate R is available, target lone or low-level enemies for assassination."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "When he hits level 3, he becomes stronger and he is harder to handle. He has a bait out ability."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "When using your abilities on the minion wave, try to aim b and e so it hits both the enemy and the minion wave at the same time. A healthy balance between poking the enemy and using your abilities to farm with is ideal throughout the early and mid-game."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "It is extremely motionless when its E is broken. The best time to talk to him is when his E is broken."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "The bard's Passive allows him to switch between staying in lane and roaming quickly. A good Ultimate R can help initiate a fight and set up a wombo-combo."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "At level 9, Miss Fortunes t (twin) will do tons of damage if she hits you. You should look at your positioning and never be directly behind a minion."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "You have decent objective control, so try to ensure these major goals when you can. Gank bot, then take Drake after."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle tries to abuse her range advantage to get an early health advance. The minion wave should be kept closer to Kayle's side of the map early to force the enemy team to extend for the farm and XP."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean's damage is not questionable. Zilean can get his allies out of trouble."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Once Alistar has taken Mobi Boots, he can wander and help other ways. As soon as Alistar leaves the track, ping that he disappeared."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "You will want to keep a close eye on his Ultimate usage if he uses it in some other lane, because you will have an easy time all-in'ing him then. Short trades are generally a bad idea for you due to how your kit functions and your lack of mobility."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Runoff to the side so it\u2019s easier to dodge the root from his W. His level 6 is good, but he cannot really use it in combat."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "When using your skills shots (if they\u2019re AOE), try and aim them so they hit both heimerdinger and his Turret Q. This will make it easier for you to clear heimerdinger\u2019s Turrets down the line and increase your kill pressure in lane."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "It can 1v1 most enemy champions in a side track during the middle of the game. Trendamere is extremely strong in the way, especially when its resource bar is filled."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Play respectfully and avoid overextending post-level 6 to reduce the chances of visiting your lane. This is a tank versus tank matchup."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Don't be alone unless you know where the enemy is to minimize the risks. Peel for allies as much as possible to keep them alive during team fighting."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Expect the Jungler gank post 6. Consider investing in healing reduction elements or capabilities to counter Sona's support."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton is particularly weak at the end of the game if he didn't win an early lead. Renekton's first element will help him massively with his sabotage."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Play around your Ultimate R and wait for one of your allies to engage with the enemy. If an ally engages the enemy, use your Ultimate R on them."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Stand outside of the minion wave at all times to avoid being pushed and poked by Qiyana However, do not stand near a wall so you cannot get Ult R'd into it by Qiyana"} -{"label": "viego", "text": "The preparation of counterpaners included ensuring that W and E capabilities were up-to-date prior to engagement. Being proactive in defending your sleds against enemy jungle invasions was the key to success."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "It's essential that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can acquire your items as quickly as possible. Do not stay in the mid lane if you cannot accomplish anything."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Try to keep your ADC or principal alive as long as possible. Soraka can cause damage in team fighting because of his Q."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko is very squishy. Neeko can easily get blown up by the enemy once she is locked down."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs is pretty good in the middle of the game and team fights if he is allowed to delay a team and poke fight with his Q. You can prevent this peak of power by not allowing it to shoot you down and delay a team fight."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "When Ezreal uses E aggressively, it can be exploited for an advantage by abusing the cooldown of his E. The best time to engage in trades and land skill shots on Ezreal occurs when his E is on cooldown."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "If Vladimir's allies move on his path after destroying their turn, he should turn and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold. Vladimir can use his capabilities to quickly clear the minion waves so that his team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The Passive allows Malphite to be a first line for his team while also being able to escape death when he enters with his Ultimate h. After six, Malphite can set up several ganks for its track and other tracks with its Ultimate h."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Always focus on the champion who is close to your door for maximum efficiency. Try to attract enemies into the struggle near your infested ultimate areas."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Additional health and maintenance enable him to survive more difficult matches and heal the enemy. Once he enters with his E, he cannot go out due to his E being on a very high cooldown initially."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "The effects of Chimes and Meeps improve over time as the game develops. In the late game, empowered auto-attacks deal a considerable amount of damage."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "If you are a strong 1v1 champion, try to invade Amumu early. Early Amumu invasion can put him behind and delay his level 6 peak power."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "It's beneficial to exploit this weakness to gain an advantage. Gaining an early lead can prevent Kassadin from taking control of the map."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's Active items should be played around during team fights to maximize damage output. Diana's Ultimate R is an AOE tool that deals a lot of damage to enemies grouped closely together."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "You must be spaced so that Skarner cannot land his Ultimate on several champions at once. Skarner will build tank items."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan doesn't do well in the various matches. Fields with easy to land CC (crowd control) have an advantage over Akshan, because he cannot use his E aggressively."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is super squishy and still. A good time to chat with Swain is when he was advanced trying to harass him."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "By playing melee champions, don't let Lulu intimidate you with automatic attacks. If you don't commit to combat, step back so Lulu can't attack automatically."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "This is good for Fiddlesticks as he benefits from teams grouping closely together because his Ultimate R is an AOE tool. When stepping forward with your Ultimate R, look for picks on enemies."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Once Hwei has more items under his belt, he is quite good in the mid and late game. He will be stronger than you early."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Once his mega form is down, the enemy won't be under the looming threat of getting ulted into a wall by him, Gnar's level 6 is a massive power spike for him as he can completely dismantle an enemy team with a well-timed Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "This allows the enemy to poke Jax out and then all-in him once he has been whittled down. Jax needs time to come online."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Its ultimate requires a good timing. All she has to do is use her multiple targets."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "This will help him massively in neutral and objective battles and duels. The amount of damage on Ultimate R dishes is significant."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Prolonging the game can hinder one's chances of success against Kassadin in the late-game. Kassadin is particularly powerful once he reaches his level 16 power spike."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Maintain your W capability until it is strategically beneficial to use it. Avoid using your W capability recklessly as this can lead to consequences."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Try to harass Kennen before a team fight occurs so he can't engage and fight if he's weak in HP. Continue to descend Kennen when you can because it prevents him from engaging and fighting if his health is weak."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Misuse of her E will kill her in the way sooner or later. The spell will not work very effectively if the enemy has overlaid the control of the crowd."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "This will force him to extend for the farm, which can allow you to give him everything, refuse him from the farm or even set up your Jungler for an easy grip. Rumble is rather squishy early and suffers strongly when its r is on cooling because it will lack damage. Watching to fight after it uses its r will make trading easier for you."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Don't fight in crowded spaces unless you've cleared them of Teemo's traps. The damage you will take into Teemo's traps is likely to cause you to be killed."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "After your bot track has moved to the medium track, turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to grow and win XP. As you are good at getting choices and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walk around Rift Summoners alone."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Try to fight outdoors in a way instead of engaging in groups. Poke and disengagement are Malphite's greatest threats."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Moving quickly during team fighting makes it very difficult to catch and kill him in a team fight. He has great objective control thanks to his Ultimate R, which allows him to move from a Dragon to a Baron almost immediately."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Adjust your game style to be more defensive and play safer during this phase of the game. Avoid detaching from your ADC when the capacity of Zyra (Grasping Roots) is increasing, as it can interrupt your W (You and Me!)."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It can do a lot of damage now, especially when it fights near objective pits or choking points. When playing as a talijah, it is advisable to choose your enemies with your abilities whenever possible."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Chokepoints will facilitate Aatrox's Q landing. Flanking will disrupt fights completely."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Stand outside of the minion wave at all times. They will be trying to push."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar's W is his main defense tool. In the team fights, if Rengar uses his W at the wrong time, he'll get CC'd, and locked up by the enemy."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "It's valuable to ganks and counter-ganks. Udyr's first games are phenomenal and frightening because he can crush still enemies who are overstretched in the way."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Getting them and securing the Dragon Soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game. Look for picks with your team."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You should pick champions that cannot counter Camille when playing with her. Camille Support's first power spike was at level 2 and 3."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan IV will be unlocking his d > e combo at level two, which will allow him to catch and CC overextended enemies with utmost ease. This will also let him show extreme prowess during Jungle duels."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Either wait for his W to be on cooldown before engaging in a fight or baiting him and using his extended positioning to finish your combo. A supertank exists that has an abundance of crowd control in its kit."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "He is not capable of effectively impacting a fight when he cannot flank the enemy team. If it's misused, his W can get him killed because he's moved to another place."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "In team fights, don\u2019t stand too far forward in case he tries to make a play. Ward your flanks!"} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Avoid feeding Sylas at the beginning of the game to reduce its strength in the middle and at the end of the game. Sylas is level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Painful wounds will reduce the healing provided by Yorick's Q and R and make it less powerful. Yorick will be looking for an E W to commit to one of your team members."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If he gets his articles, he'll be almost unstoppable in the middle of the game. For an attractive champion, he can a man the Baron if he's in front."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Tension builds up in Teemo's team when he splits up. The enemy can get rid of Teemo by buying Control Wards."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne will try to get ahead early by ganking lanes that are immobile or are overextended. Ganking in lanes that are hard to defend against can be an effective way for Nocturne to take out enemy minions and gain gold and experience points quickly."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Neutral objective fighting is a breeze for Malphite to manage because of his forces in team fighting. During this phase of the game, your only goal is to target the enemy backline and decimate them if you go AP."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The damage dealt by Karthus in team fights will increase with his item count. Karthus' ability to slow down multiple enemies and deal damage in team fights is an asset for his team."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "A player should look for aggressive plays when her stun is down. You will win a fight with her after she uses her stun."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Use Flash to escape from Pyke's Ultimate R so he cannot get the reset and win the fight. Ward the flanks when sieging objectives as Pyke can attack from the side or pick someone off with his Q and win the fight."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "By searching around Viktor, it is difficult for him to survive the team fight. The viktor avoids waves."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Continue to descend Kennen when you can because it prevents him from engaging and fighting if his health is weak. Kennen's gonna try to get you out when you're growing."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "He should also be able to clear camps rather quickly from now on. He should respond to ganks quickly."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "The build path for Rek\u2019Sai can be considered risky if she goes full damage. Rek\u2019Sai isn\u2019t as easy to play as many players think."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "In team fights, try to flank with your E and use your Ultimate for locks. Lock the key targets that have increased or mispositioned themselves in a fight."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "You're very vulnerable and easy to kill if you're alone. Staying with your support will increase your ability to survive."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Play around your Passive at any given moment. It can help you absorb a lot of damage and can keep you healthy for regular all-ins."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu excels in team fighting thanks to her E and Ultimate R. Its E and Ultimate R can be used on allies."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Especially if the enemy is tainted. Just make sure you land the capacity and use your W correctly."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs is good enough to take turns quickly. As Ziggs gets more items, he will completely decimate the towers with his passive automatic attacks."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne is weak at the beginning of the game. Maltreat this weakness if possible."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "After going in with your Ultimate R, you should be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights. To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Level six is an important pickup for Lucian. Lucian has a devastating combination with her level 2 abilities."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne falls off in the late game. He cannot burst enemies down due to defensive items."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan's E is particularly useful in the last stages of the game where the chronometers of death are long. Akshan has a W that allows him to get out of sticky situations."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "With sufficient armor, your chances of surviving and engaging in fights increase. Your ultimate ability can be used to interrupt Quinn's ultimate."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo is very good at securing Dragons thanks to his R. Dr Mundo's main power spike during the early game is when he reaches level 6."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Try your hardest to stand away from walls at all times during the laning phase. You want to CC her but make sure you're not near a wall."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "If you are 1v1ing Diana, you need to dodge her Q in order to win the 1v1. If she lands this ability, just back off as she will probably beat you otherwise."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Make sure to target your abilities so they grow and poke Ryze at the same time. This champion can cut down a lot of damage by moving quickly during team fighting."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "This will catch enemies off-guard and allow Gangplank to get the upper hand. Try to delay team fights as long as possible while you poke the enemy down with your Barrels."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The combination of (his) speed of movement and attack damage makes (him) a formidable adversary in duels. The monkey is ineffective before he gets his Ultimate n."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "irelia's Ultimate R serves as an effective initiation tool that scores her team significant advantage. irelia's Ultimate R provides a key opportunity for irelia's team to take control and secure the win."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Always stay on the side of the map on which the next major goal is located. If the Baron is standing, always stay on the upper side."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Make sure you target him first during team fighting. Keep the wave near your turn."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "In the meantime, try to land Q on the minion wave and enemy champion. Use the Energy resource before trying an all-in because your abilities are hungry for energy."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "A good strategy for Nasus is to split the thrust and open the card during later parts of the game. Nasus can be very difficult to stop if he's in front."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Try to catch him out of his position or flank him when he is alone to facilitate taking these goals. Keep track of the jungle camp chronometers and steal his blue buff while he spawns."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar's presence will skyrocket to level 6 and become a major threat to the enemy's launch. He will work more effectively with the Allied Jungler after reaching Level 6."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "By trying to poke, Kayle aims at his abilities so that they strike both the minion wave and the enemy at the same time. Once the enemy minions are level 6, they become stronger than Kayle and it will be harder for her to counter them."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's early game is pretty strong."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath is quite weak in lane depending on the matchup he is in. The matchup of Cho'Gath in lane can make him very weak."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "The utility that Jarvan offers to his team depends on his build path. It is Jarvan's build that makes him incredibly versatile."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "The short period of invulnerability can easily win the team of Taric the game. Taric's pretty decent in the team fights."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Just make sure to use your e in an appropriate way to avoid CC Try looking for choices around the map."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "His Ultimate allows him to be a front for his team and escape death. With Post-six, Malphite can set up several ganks for its track as well as other tracks using its Ultimate."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "At level 16, Amumu will put the third and final point in his Ultimate Y. Amumu's Ultimate should be on a short cooldown and he should have it a little more often."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily. Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can fight quickly."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "A complete construction for Viego allows your damage to skyrocket. The use of Passive is timely to avoid dying in group fighting."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco's forces at the beginning of the Top track depend on the match he is. It can be strong against all champions, but weak against the various champions."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Passive and Ultimate will increase your survivability in team fights and skirmishes. Aatrox suffers from long cooldowns and is easily abusable when they're on cooldown."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "In team fights, flank the enemy to make it easier for yourself to get onto the enemy backline."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Its ability to dry a lot of damage will make it difficult for the enemy team to stay on track long enough to last minions. She will be able to go to other ways and engage with enemy champions to inflict damage and take goals."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "A tank-to-tank game usually involves two teams with heavy defensive capabilities. In this game, early agriculture is crucial to maintaining a secure position."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "He should be able to easily catch the out-of-guard enemies. Zac will have a lot of articles during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Taking the Dragon will give you an early soul. Taking all the Dragons will deny the enemy team several buffs."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Avoid getting too close to Thresh as it can interrupt the movement with Flay. Maintain a safe distance from Thresh to avoid the CC and avoid its capabilities."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "His n (capacity) will be on a very short cooldown during this point in the game. Veigar will be able to secure many choices, especially around bottlenecks."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Focus on agriculture and hit level 6 as quickly as possible. You must reach level 6 as quickly as possible to increase your inflation potential."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Recall if you\u2019re low. Focus on poking and limit fighting early on."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "When Viego reaches level 14, his damage release will be really high. At level 14, Viego will finally take over the game."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain's early play is abuseable because it's really weak early. Once the mid-game beats, you'll have to play more respectable against him."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead Level 2 is a good spike for Pyke as he can immediately all-in the enemy."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "It will deal a lot of damage. It will stun the enemy for a long period of time."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "In team fights, try to flank the enemy. Flanking the enemy will increase your chances of getting a good Ultimate R off."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Ward big goals and place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game. Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "This will open the card and give the team a gold lead. Poke and harass the enemy Mid laner and force them away from the goal."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Communicate with teammates when Rell is gone, as this can help prevent misunderstandings. Rell can destroy shields thanks to her Q."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "As a mage, Annie would\u2019ve completed multiple items during the mid-game. Annie is a great team fighting champion"} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "You must be very careful when you try to use it, or the enemy will cancel its channel. Against the poke or champions with a lot of clear wave, roaming is almost impossible for Akshan."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar relies on his team more than other Supports. Before engaging with his combo, Alistar needs his team nearby and ready to follow."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton will already have several objects. As long as Renekton doesn't get CC'd, he can win the fights easily."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen will gain a huge power spike and finishing ability once he manages to get to level 6. This will let him go for regular short burst trades against his enemies, let his Passive kick in after the trade, and then go for the finish with his Ultimate R after getting the enemy low."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Use your W carefully to cover your flanks when you get the chance to do so. kalista's level 16 isn't too powerful for her as she gets nothing much out of it."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "She will be able to distinguish the enemies and shoot them down. The CC is very beneficial as it helps its team to follow Vi's commitment."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille cannot easily get on to the backline by running at the enemy. Instead, she will try to flank from the side."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Avoid team fighting when your Ultimate is down to make sure you are useful in team fighting!"} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern is a 'Support'. Make sure you\u2019re always with your team so you can help them when necessary."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "If Diana gets bullied from range, it\u2019s going to be difficult for her to farm and reach her power spike. Falling behind will make it difficult for Diana to get back into the game."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin will have several elements during this phase of the game. Lee Sin's survival is preserved while inflicting robust amounts of damage."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "The W of Tahm Kench can be used to escape skirmishes, The W of Tahm Kench can be used to pass over the walls,"} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Catching Irelia off guard with her E will make it harder for her to escape or reset, giving you an opportunity to attack Irelia's E is difficult to dodge, making it easier to catch her off guard if you time your attacks right"} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Once Nami reaches level 6, his death pressure increases while his Ultimate R is an excellent tool to start skirmishes or disengage from fighting. Make sure you have a vision in your way as she can use her Ultimate R to install her Jungler."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lane brushes help him immediately. Lulu is very dominant because of his early damage to game and the usefulness of the spell."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Immobile door can't do much to save itself. You can escape using your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Look for selections all around the map during the middle of the game. The half-game is the time of the lane swaps."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "She's very motionless. A player can kill her by attacking her."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "By playing sivir, it is essential to maintain support throughout the middle of the game. Staying with your support will greatly increase your ability to survive during solo duels."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Once Sejuani reaches level 6, his death pressure increases considerably. Sejuani's Ultimate R is an excellent tool for handling."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "They could interrupt the channel with CC. Try to go for short burst trades with your 1 in the lane."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "If you can, look for peaks on isolated targets. Keep a constant eye on your positioning."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett is a very early Jungler game. Unless you're stronger than him, avoid fighting him in a 1v1 scenario."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Failing to do so will easily get you knocked up and killed. Keep the wave near your tower and see if you can expose her to ganks."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Stand away from Jarvan's d (d = dash) in lane. If you stand near it (the dash), you're giving him an opportunity to engage and start a fight."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "By fighting in the open air, it will be harder for Rumble to get an Ult of 5 people. Never try to take a goal like Baron or the Dragon if Rumble is alive and kicks."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Be sure to approach the enemy before using your e or using your e before your e to approach the enemy. You have a lot of presence at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Focus on pushing and matching the light Post 6 wave to reduce its chances of pushing you into your lap and getting a gold lead. Stand outside the minion wave at all times because it will be harder for her to push you and punch you at the same time."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma makes her really potent when it comes to dealing with enemies who are always grouped up. At level eleven, she will have her first ability maxed out."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "The ability to spot enemy champions using wards is critical to taking out Nocturne effectively before he can use his ultimate ability. Deep vision in the jungle allows the team to react quickly to any potential ganks or other threats from Nocturne."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "A good use of the W capability would be to ruin the full damage combo of a mage by using it on them. During neutral, objective combats, you should stay close to your Jungler so that they are not chosen during or before a fight."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "His Ultimate R is the most powerful ability in his kit as it allows him to undo his mistakes, especially when he chooses a bad fight or fails an all-in. As the game goes on, the cooldown of this ability becomes shorter, allowing him to do whatever he pleases as long as he has his Ultimate R up."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Always try to call your Jungler before crushing a huge wave in the enemy tower that you can set up a dive tour with your Ultimate. In the middle of the game, the teams will begin to regroup."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett can be put in a kit to forget, especially when it is against a varied trolley with a certain form of dash or coat. Misuse of Sett's W capability can cause him to kill because it is his only form of mitigation of damage."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Now that kalista has multiple items, she will be really formidable and will deal tons of damage to enemies. kalista's defensive stats will allow her to survive all-in situations as well."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan's gameplay lacks creativity when it comes to fighting. Warding basic areas such as bushes or chokepoints will likely spot Jarvan before he has the opportunity to flank or gank."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "The Malzahar E will be very boring to handle too. Malzahar is a champion who should be avoided as much as possible."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Staying healthy is the key when playing Leona, it is best to stay out of damage above its health threshold. If you get trapped, Leona can't hire you."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "If you focus the rear line alone, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly. By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "After Anivia has taken its first component element, and in conjunction with its Ultimate m, Anivia can push the wave quickly, Keep the waves pushed so the enemy is unable to do anything or siege any of your objectives."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "They are careful when fighting post level 6. Keep the wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "When playing ADC in the middle game, make sure not to consistently use abilities to attack enemies. Clean up kills whenever possible, but avoid getting too close to champions who are under crowd control, because you will probably get killed by them."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Focus on agriculture. Focus on the robbery and harassment of the enemy."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "A nearby objective refers to an item, tower, or other point of interest on the map that can be taken and defended by both teams. You are good at getting picks (items) and killing isolated targets because"} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Bait out her E prior to your Jungler arriving in your lane to reduce her chances of survival. Try and stay closely grouped as a team when playing against Camille to make it very hard for her to engage."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can burst down ADC champions quickly and CC them at level 3. Level 6 is a massive power spike for Heimerdinger."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise's damage is highly dependent on her abilities. Once she uses them- she doesn't have much to offer."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Q refers to the ability that keeps Nunu relatively healthy. Level 6 allows Nunu's ganks to be more effective."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "He (Ivern) is quite immobile. Focusing on him first will prevent him from healing and shielding his allies."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Always keep an eye on what Ultimate Sylas has."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Whenever Camille has her E available, you need to be careful with your positioning as it provides an opportunity to engage if you're stood by a wall. You should stand in the middle of the lane as much as possible when facing Camille and her E is available."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Stay outside and get away from the minion wave at all times. If you play as a varied champion, try to use your range advantage to harass and bring it down."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Pushing the wave into Aurelion Sol's turret will pick up free gold and XP. Aim your abilities so they hit both Aurelion Sol and the minion wave simultaneously."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Your Ultimate R is on a very short cooldown now, which means that you can regularly all-in the enemy team and get free murders. You should not target someone with a leading capacity up during a complete attack."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Make sure you do nothing rash and use it carefully because your E is the only ability to save you from all in. Unlocking your Ultimate R will be an important step as you will now be able to break out enemies with ease."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie gets her first power spike when she unlocks her Q and W. The Q mana mechanic allows Annie to save a lot of mana."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma's Q is an AOE ability that can harm you if you're too close to the minions. Stand behind the minions but not close to them."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "This will help her team during fights, especially choke point fights. The first ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Don't kill yourself when you're in bad health so you can remember. Warwick was weak at the beginning of the game, but strong in later parts of the laning phase."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Focus on kiting and auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion. Avoid walking too far forward so you do not get caught out and focused by the enemy."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "This will allow you to get several murders in a short period and finally win the game. At level 14, Vex will eventually improve its second capacity."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "At level 6, Teemo can place mushrooms all around the map after using its Ultimate capacity. When he buys an extra capacity of haste for Teemo, he earns more mushrooms to place around the card."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "It will be difficult to kill Lulu when his Ultimate R is active, so don't start a total attack unless necessary. Lulu's early game can be incredibly hard to play against if you're a melee champion."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "A point in his Ultimate e will allow him to use it frequently. Vladimir is perfect during the mid-game fights."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon has very hard power-spikes at levels one through three. Be careful when playing Pantheon, watch which minions have died and play safe until you have your abilities to fight back."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser can take your Jungler to the Shadow Kingdom with his R if you start major goals like the Baron or a Dragon near him. Starting major goals like the Baron or a Dragon is risky when Mordekaiser is nearby because he can pull your Jungler into the Dark Kingdom with his R."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate t is up in late game team fights Hecarim's ability to deal damage will skyrocket during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "At level 16, Zed's Ultimate R will have been maximized. Zed should try to go for isolated targets when possible despite enemies buying defensive items from now on."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Once Darius gets his Ultimate e, he will be extremely efficient in skirmishes. Darius can start ganking as soon as he hits level 3."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "This will dramatically increase his damage and will leave him a squishie blow if they are not careful about his E. xayah is really decent during team fighting because it can dry up tons of constant damage with its W and E."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "The use of capacity requires discretion, as it can prevent it from getting resets that can inadvertently kill it. Khahix needs sufficient vision around isolated champions as the enemy tries to lure him and collapse on him as soon as he shows up."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana should focus on agriculture and reach level 6 as quickly as possible. When Shyvana takes his first element, he will allow him to clean the camps quickly."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Destroying Heimerdinger's Q turrets will leave him without a strong defense. Laning and pushing against Heimerdinger can reduce his effectiveness in close quarters."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Saving a k charge will prevent the enemy ADC from dropping vision in the lane brushes. Always keeping your Q charged up is essential."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko is a squishy champion. CCing Neeko makes her vulnerable to attack."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's Ultimate R will see that she's the most powerful she can be in the game. A good positioning allows Kayle to cut off the enemy team."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Without its Ultimate or S, Twitch's dominance decreases considerably in team fighting. Fighting the shakes during this stage gives the enemy team a greater chance to win."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "On level 6, Nautilus will be extremely scary It can receive the help of Jungler in lane to kill you thanks to its powerful gank configuration tool"} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri's E will be on a shorter cooldown in the mid-game. A shorter E cooldown makes Ahri an extra threat during the mid-game."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "It also acts as a counter for carriers who have dashes and rely on kitting to win fights. Its e allows it to exit sticky situations with ease."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "At this stage of the game, Lulu would be fully built. His protection potential will be out of the world."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "You'll need to play a little safer than Lissandra at level 6. She can install her Jungler very easily at level 6."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "The E ability of heimerdinger allows him to CC key targets. Heimerdinger's E ability has a long cooldown early on."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai can quickly slow down enemies with his E. Maokai's W > Q combination locks enemies."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Make sure you ward the river. Communicate with your team whenever Graves is spotted."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Failing to do so can easily get you pinned and killed. Short trades are generally a bad idea for you due to how your kit functions and your lack of mobility."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "In team fights, it's recommended to keep a safe distance from Cassiopeia to prevent her from landing her Ultimate R. When facing Cassiopeia in team fights, be prepared to turn around quickly if you notice she is about to cast her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is pretty good during team fighting. It can damage many enemies at once"} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "The damage inflicted by its ultimate ability makes it very difficult for the enemy not to take any poke damage. This is especially true if Kog'Maw goes for an AP construction."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "When fighting Gwen, it's recommended to bait out her E first. Baiting out Gwen's E will make it harder for her to dodge your E."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Take on as fast as you can so she can't take you down. avoid fighting in the jungle or around an objective"} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Your Q > Ultimate R > E combo will guarantee dizziness on an enemy. Use your combo well during team fights to secure easy wins."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's E allows him to be super slippery and make it difficult to kill in river or jungle areas. It is better to fight in open areas or after he has used his E. Viego's skirmish power at the beginning of the game is quite high."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "If Orianna's Ultimate ability hits, it could turn the tide of the game. Orianna has lots of utility."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "He can trade with or out fight pretty much all enemy Junglers. Jax has great skirmishing skills."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Look at your position so Morgana can't put her Q on you. Stay behind the wave of minions at all times."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's W is a great tool that can stop incoming abilities like Thresh Q or Blitzcrank B. Although Gwen's W doesn't protect allies, she can position herself between enemies to prevent CC from affecting her allies."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push. It\u2019s important that you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can get your items as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Holding onto her stun, Annie can make it harder for the enemy Support to do anything. Your burst damage is almost non-existent when your Ultimate R is down."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "If the enemy is tainted, Vladimir decimates them with his ultimate ability. Vladimir's Ultimate capability allows him to do a lot of AoE damage."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "However, he will not be able to use his Passive well enough with the level 3 power peak. As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you move around the map, and when you are alone."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "At the end of the game, players should regroup with their team. Forward in gold and objects, players can play on the side slightly to assassinate an opponent."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista's Ultimate x can come in very handy during this stage of the game, allowing her to pop out of vision with it activated. When Kalista's Ultimate x is activated, she can immediately allow her Support to get on top of some other laner/laners."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "As Viego becomes imprescriptible, it becomes untouchable by incoming damage. Viego is a fun champion to play thanks to his Passive."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Gaining her E is a significant power spike for Quinn in the lane. This ability makes Quinn very slippery and a menace to deal with."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis is weak at the beginning of the game. Try to exchange and play aggressively to delay Malphites peak power."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "She has to take care of her combat positioning to make sure she's not chosen. All of her important items will be finished now, and she will be able to smooth out a lot of damage in very short jobs."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick is good at hunting enemies in the middle and at the end of the game. Warwick is not considered the best champion when he's behind."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin's early play is very strong. Lee Sin can go for aggressive games frequently during the laning phase to get an early advance on the enemy."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Keep an eye on the main objective is fresh next. If it spawns quickly, make sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before going back to safety. It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Use your t to CC multiple targets during a roam and completely cut off the enemy champions' escape. Be the first to rotate and move to objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald and assist your Jungler in taking them."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "When you get your Ultimate R, you will be able to deal a lot of damage and get multiple kills around the map. Try to help out the side lanes when possible."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Ranged champions can constantly harass and bully Gwen which will make it difficult for her to survive the early game. Gwen's Q ability will only be as impactful as she makes it with multiple stacks."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Once you get your first item, your burst damage will be really high. Just make sure you don't get CC'd for a major all-in-one, you'll definitely end up dying."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Once xayah has 2 points in her Ultimate R, she will be able to break the enemies quickly, and will also be able to use it frequently to keep it safe."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "You should not go around the map alone because you will die easily. Don't play very aggressive in team fights."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Once he enters with his E, he cannot go out due to his E being on a very high cooldown initially. If his Passive is broken, he can't play so aggressively because of the threat that he's killed."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "This will allow him to inflict a lot of damage in the fighting where the enemy team is grouped or afflicted by its Ultimate R. A maximum of Ultimate R will help Seraphine during team fighting."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Continue to look for picks whenever possible. The player camille is advised to stay with her team."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Take a look at what your team misses during the fights use your Passive accordingly. Generally, it is better to turn into the most nourished member of the enemy team. Viego is pretty decent during team fighting due to his W and Q."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "To make trade more favorable, you should wait for Sona to use one of her abilities before fighting them. Sona was very squishy in the early game which makes her pretty disposable and easy to put back."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Keeping your half-filled resource bar should help you significantly in this matchup, especially if Sion decides to cover you. If such a thing happens, just look to push and take as many plates as possible."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux relies heavily on items for protection during early play. Killing and camping Lux largely in the early stages will make her a shield bot at the end of the game."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "At level 6, Rumble gains the ability to inflict additional damage and adds the death pressure. Rumble is not the strongest champion at Levels 1 and 2."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "The split thrust leaves the enemy team with a numerical advantage. In team fighting, flank to facilitate access to the enemy backline."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "You're a lot stronger than Shyvana. Go invade Shyvana."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Kiting and self-attacking the closest enemy champion can be a powerful strategy. Stay close to your team at the end of the game."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "You could use this delay to play aggressively and go for a trade because it won't be able to escape or trade so effectively with you. Standing outside the minion wave and far behind is a good way to reduce Leblanc's ability to push and poke at the same time with his W."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Keep the wave close to your tower. The enemy has no sieging potential and can be easily exposed to ganks."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Fighting outdoors will make team fighting more effective for your team. CC is your best friend in team fighting."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "During the mid-game, thanks to low cooldowns and the overall game state, Fizz can assassinate and get picks on low health enemies as they walk around Summoners Rift alone. You should stay near your team in the late game."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Janna will gain a huge advantage when she gets her boots. The boots only makes Janna move faster, but it offers extra roaming potential which can assist her in helping her other laners."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "This will make it harder for Camille to land her E in a trade. Don\u2019t get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight. Another point in his Ultimate R will allow him to target adversaries individually frequently."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Several elements during this phase of the game will allow Mordekaiser to fight enemies effectively. His damage will be quite significant now."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Retreat briefly if Volibear activates its Q. Staying at the maximum range when you're not looking to trade will make laning against Voligear much easier."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Bursting Rakan down as soon as he engages is highly favourable. As soon as Rakan activates his Ultimate R, try to CC him and burst him down so he is unable to get a good engage off."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Don't move unless you have a teammate with you to ensure safety. Three points in its Ultimate capability will give it a massive peak of power."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "He can easily get ahead just from a kill or two. Avoid feeding him kills."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "If they invade you, step back, because they can easily kill you. They can get goals much easier than you."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Your effigies will help you set up vision around the map massively. Ensure that the lane entrances are warded."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Unless you need to use your Qor d, you should try to use your d to help them survive. Stay with your allies in the mid-game."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "After going in with your Ultimate a, you should prepare to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights. To facilitate getting on the enemy backline, group with your team but stay off to the side."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Fighting without your Ultimate R is likely to make team fighting at the end of the game much more difficult."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Bolstering survivability will allow Rammus to do constant DPS by being around enemies. Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "In the middle of the game, the teams will begin to regroup. Zyra's abilities will allow him to inflict damage on several enemy champions at the same time thanks to his AOE capabilities."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "After six, look at the gank track that remains allied. The lane ganking allows you to flatten a lot of damage and get a massive lead from your team during the early game."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon will likely try to use his Q on every opportunity presented to him. You can tank the damage from panthon's q with your passive if necessary."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Take it back when his Subjugate cooled down. Trundle has great selection potential in the middle of the game with his e."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kogmaw's forms the core of his entire kit. If the enemy waits for him, Kogmaw won't be as effective."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's capacity can be reduced by placing pupils around its entrances into the jungle and river. When Sett is level 6, its ability to get ganks off increases while its Ultimate R is a great ganking tool."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "To get the maximum use out of Nilah's Ultimate R, her team needs to follow up or go in at the same time as her. Like most champions, Nilah is weak when she is behind."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Avoid fighting if possible. Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "A fully stacked Passive increases her increased damage to shield mechanic, allowing her to perform many outplays if she uses her Q in a proper fashion along with her Passive. She can eliminate multiple enemies single-handedly when using her Q properly and with her Passive."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "To facilitate team fighting, look side by side. Whenever your Ultimate m is in place or whenever your team is ready, you should group them together."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "A successful all-in by Trendamere combined with its slow can be devastating. However, you don't have to panic unless it can slow you down."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona can return the exchanges with her abilities. To make trade more favorable, you should wait for Sona to use one of her abilities before fighting them."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Setting up death brushes in the enemy Jungle can give you an advantage. If you find a high-priority target, don't hesitate to use Flash > Q to CC and kill them with your team."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Try to avoid it by moving left or right instead of walking backwards. Zion has a good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "You are at a bigger threat of dying this stage of the game. At level 13, you\u2019ll max your second ability."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Try to invade Xin Zhao as much as possible. As you are great at duelling, try to make early games around the card to get yourself and your allies in advance."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "She has a lot of poke early on thanks to her q and w. Once Orianna hits level 6, she becomes more lane dominant."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Their death timers can be used to end the game or take a major goal. Team coordination is crucial for the end of the game."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "This advantage gives the team a big edge over their opponents. Jax's objective control is excellent as his e allows him to CC multiple targets with ease."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "This works especially well when a major fight is going to take place for a neutral objective like the Baron. Try to take fights in closed areas like the Jungle, as it will allow you to hit several people with your Q."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "The early game for azir should focus on farming. Getting your first item quickly is the main goal while avoiding getting caught out by enemy CC and all-ins."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The supertank can act as a good front line for its team and peel targets from its portages. Its ultimate R capability allows it to engage at a great distance."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks is also pretty safe in lane, making it easier to focus on other aspects of the game. His safety margin allows him to avoid taking damage and minimize risks during the laning phase."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Take control of the lane brushes. Keep poking the enemy champions with your Q."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Show up to neutral, objective fights as well since your e will be really effective in those situations. Karthus' early game is fragile and can easily be caught out if he is not careful."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "His root E will only trigger on the first enemies he strikes when he returns. Stand by your Caster Minions and walk forward when it throws so that the minions get CC-D and not you."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Try to fight as much as possible so Kassadin falls behind. Post level 6, if you have any CC abilities, do not use them unless his Ultimate k is down."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu's effectiveness in team fighting really comes into play during this phase of the game. Her W will help her when she deals with enemies who like to flank and reach her backline."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Hit level 2 first then use your level advantage to gain a significant health lead. You are weaker than them whenever they have their Ultimate up."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "At level 16, Fiddlesticks will put the third and final point in his Ultimate R. Fiddlesticks can get the channel off as long as he can"} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim will want to get Rift Heralds during mid-game. Hecarim relies on picking off enemies during this phase of the game and then immediately forcing a team fight due to a numbers advantage on his end."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Keep a constant eye on the minicard at all times. Do not die constantly trying to kill the enemy or by proxy by cultivating their wave minion."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Make sure you follow Evelynn with a good vision throughout his jungle. If the robots' enemy path disappears, they could help Evelynn take the Drake."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's objective control is excellent as his e allows him to CC multiple targets with ease. This is especially true in choke points like the objective pits."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "It is very good for duelling. As soon as Jax gets his first item, he becomes much harder to duel unless you have items that match his damage."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "A lower cooling will allow Taliyah to get a lot of backdrops however. Taliyah's first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R will further strengthen its overall potential and long-term overall damage. It will be a massive peak of power for him, because he can secure easy choices with it."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "At level 13 Azir can dish out a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Paired with his level 13 power spike picking up more and more items."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra was described as being very motionless. A person with syndra can collapse easily using multilayer crowd control (CC)."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Baron can be an important advantage for the tristana team if it is strategically taken. Tristana's range of attack will be quite high during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "When you have two items completed, you will be a fierce opponent. Camille is good at picking off champions with her Ultimate R in the late game."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna was going to post 6. She was going to stand away from her ball at times so she cannot use her Ultimate on me."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Avoid fighting until you have a few levels behind you. Once you have an article and some levels under your belt, you can look for skirmishes with the enemy."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Someone's CC'ing is of paramount importance. Your Q should be used to drop someone when possible."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "If they die fast, the team fight\u2019s over as you\u2019re going to lack damage. Avoid split pushing when major objectives are up as you will be the champion who can Smite the objective."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "She is a decent champion early, especially if she manages to use the track brushes to her advantage in the track. Her all-in-hand combo will be pretty powerful if she catches up with her out-of-guard enemies."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Forcing a fight with a numbers advantage when Jax is split pushing can be a good way to win a team fight. Keep an eye on Jax when fighting and be prepared to retreat if he leaves the side lane."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Teams start grouping in the mid-game. Nilah is good in team fights."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Thanks to his E, xayah earns extensive trades. Force team fighting while Xayah's Ultimate R is down will make them so much easier to win."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius needs all of his basic abilities before he can start to gank. Darius\u2019 best early game power spike is when he hits level 6."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Then pull the second one to the tower. Don't move."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "The key strategy is to keep the wave on your side of the tower for safe protection against ganks. This makes it possible to increase the scale until the actual damage can be dealt with."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You should use your Ultimate ability at regular intervals. Using your Ultimate ability regularly ensures you can help your teammates."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Level 14 is when Warwick would have maximized two abilities. Maxing 2 capabilities at level 14 is an important power peak for Warwick."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "If you are not going to reach Level 2 at the same time as Zyra, consider going back slightly to avoid being all-in as soon as they gain a higher level. Watch Zyra's mana bar."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Try to keep CDA alive as long as possible. Provide the CDA with W healing whenever they need it."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "She can use her Q to both poke and wave clear simultaneously, which allows her to get lane priority, and her Jungler can safely invade the enemy as a result. The first component offers a lot of poke from Karma's end as it increases the damage of her Q and allows her to use it frequently as she will have more mana to use."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Aphelios is squishy and immobile so your Jungler can gank you if you keep the wave close. Fight him when he is on low ammo to make killing him a lot easier."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Gnar is relatively weaker early on because he doesn't have his Ultimate R available. As a result, he can't dish out a lot of damage."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Avoid all-in-hand Yone until it gains a health benefit. Get the ultimate ability before trying to kill Yone."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Know that at level 6, the ultimate ability of Soraka Wish can be used to heal its allies through the map. Soraka's goal is to harass the enemy throughout the laning phase with Q."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "You can use this advantage to win an advance. Renekton has tons of support in the track thanks to his e."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Slow Sylas allows him to put ganks for his Jungler. Sylas can use his Q to shoot down his laner."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "No one should walk alone on the map when Lux is on the team. Lux has tons of damage."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "Whenever Braum's E is down, he and his ADC are vulnerable to attack. When Braum's E is down, he should play safer."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "He's got a solid playing field. It can quickly 1 v 1 non-mobile enemy."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "In the late game, Brand will be near full build. Brand's damage output should be incredibly high in the late game."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "You need time to come online. You shouldn\u2019t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage like an engage Support."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Use your Q & E to target both enemies and minions simultaneously to use your mana effectively. Do not spam these abilities either, as you will lack mana quickly."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "His Q is his main way of getting you down if you're a mingle champion. His Q is his main means of harassment when it's on cooldown."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Parting slightly makes the task much more difficult for her to CC your entire team. Morgana is a good early play jungle."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "When Braum's E is down, he should play safer. Braum relies more on his team than a lot of tank Supports."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's ability to poke and trade more effectively with her Ultimate R unlocked will require a more strategic approach when fighting her. You'll need to be more strategic when trying to fight Kayle from now on."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "When post level 3, you\u2019ll be able to use your basic combo to chunk the enemy down. Keep an eye on your mana bar when trading because you will be vulnerable when you\u2019re out of mana."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Using your Ultimate R is not recommended as it allows you to turn the fight and save you almost immediately. Your E will be pivotal for fighting during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "You should prioritize helping your allies survive over using other abilities. Karma's kit provides a lot of utility and damage."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Avoid separating or being too far from them because the enemy can force a fight when you are nowhere near. and avoid committing to fights while it is on cooldown."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Peel for your allies as much as possible, keeping them alive for as long as possible in team fights is a must in order to win the game. Level 16 is a massive spike for Pyke as the ability will now be up almost every team fight."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled can use his Passive to absorb so much damage without the risk of dying. Skaarl can run if Kled needs to go up quickly."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo and his teammates may be ready to jump on you. As Teemo is divided by pushing or moving away from his team during the fighting, you can use the numerical advantage to force a 4v4 or 5v4 fight."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Fighting around Irelia's Ultimate R will reduce her chances of getting resets and allow you to stay in the fight longer. Try and fight after Irelia uses her E as it is one of her best tools to start a fight, and catching her off guard can give you an advantage."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick will be able to get choices about the enemies moving around the map or try to fight it alone. At level 9, Warwick will maximize its first capacity."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor's ultimate ability will give him additional death pressure in the way. Viktor starts playing a little more aggressively after his power peak."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "A defensive element like Zhonya's also strengthens your tankness. Malphite was considered quite decent in the team fights at the end of the game."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "She can peel for herself And use her Ultimate R for both aggressive and defensive purposes."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the card in the early game will make it harder for him to get the farm and carry in the late game. If you are already caught in Yoricks W, automatically attack the walls as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "When playing as a melee champion, avoid standing too close to Bard or the minion wave. Poking down the player is hard if they are far away from Bard's basic attacks."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Remember that Taliyah will certainly get a defensive element to counter your damage and everything. You'll have to bait her before you look for a full blow on her, or you'll definitely die."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Its ultimate R capability allows it to accelerate the entire team, providing enabling force to its activists to do everything and destroy the opposition. Misuse of her E will kill her in the way sooner or later."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank may try to steal or delay your Junglers first buff."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If you're as strong at level 6 as Karma, you will be stronger than her after both of you reach level 6. Karma has a potent early game and is quite strong from levels 1 to 3."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Level 6 is a power peak for Twitch because it allows it to impact and disrupt massively the fighting. A level 6 fight will be devastating for Twitch."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "For the viktor, emphasis must be placed on agriculture. Viktor needs time and gold before he comes online to inflict damage."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Don't let Brand harass you for free. Try and stand back and out of range of him so he's unable to attack and harass you with his W. Ensure that you remain healthy otherwise you'll never be able to fight him. A good time to fight Brand is when he's out of mana or has an ability on cooldown. This will make trading much better for you as he will not be able to dish out a lot of damage (or possibly stun you if his Q is on cooldown) as he'll have 1 less ability to use."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn wants to kill targets solo, so team reunion makes it more difficult for her to succeed. Evelynn could be hidden by walking, but not by making camps."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn's early game is incredibly strong. At level 1, do not let Quinn bully you down with her basic attacks."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Try to secure major objectives when possible, as you have decent objective control. Gank bot, then take Drake afterwards."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo will place the mushrooms around the objectives and in the areas of great circulation. You should avoid going anywhere where Teemo was recently in without a scanning lens."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "All-in Supports hiding in a track brush while waiting for the varus naturally goes the zoner of the minion wave. Varus is extremely vulnerable while its Ultimate R is broken."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Still targets will be easy for Udyr. Its objective control will always be unmatched in the game, and it will only be robust when it comes to this department."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Avoid fighting at level 6. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early to force it to surpass for the farm."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Do not stay clumped with minions else you will get chunked out massively. Quinn may try to roam post-six."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "If you do not know where Cho'Gath is, do not walk through the river isolated or without vision. Cho'Gath's abilities are crucial when it comes to winning team fight."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Avoid separating too far to reduce its ability to obtain choices. Destiny gave Twisted Fate a lot of pressure on the card, expected it to be divided by pushing in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Depending on the Yone component obtained, the effects will vary. You should flank in the team fights to get the enemy backline up easily."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "By picking off key enemy champions, Fiora can gain an advantage and pressureize a portion of the map. Grievous Wounds can counter Fiora heavily as it reduces the healing, which is a huge portion of her dueling power."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Place Trinkets and Control Wards around you during the nap of a goal to spot Twitch before he is able to jump on you. Twitch is a hyperporter."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "He probably won't get any ganks either because he doesn't have his Ultimate h. Good control of the enemy team's vision will prevent Malphite from catching the out-of-guard enemy team."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Her Passive will let her kite once proc'd, and she will be able to use her range advantage to melt enemy teams."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You\u2019ll need to put in a lot of practice to master this champion. When the team isn't looking to fight, split push and apply pressure elsewhere on the map."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Instead, she will try to flank from the side. So whenever you\u2019re sieging an objective or fighting in a lane, make sure you have sufficient ward coverage to the sides so you can spot her before she engages."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "If Trundle can't play aggressively, then he won't be as strong as he could be. Trundle's strength at levels 1 and 2 depends on the matchup and the ability it uses first."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn can go for aggressive plays with her early strength to get early kills. Early kills with quinn can snowball the game."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "If the enemy team is loaded with heavy CC, make sure you get a defensive element to help you. Don't forget you're holding the Smite for your team."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Just look to choose enemies with your abilities when possible. Choosing enemies before the team fights will make them really unfair to the enemy team."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Jugglers and carriers are vulnerable to Rengar Q when used with its liabilities. Rengar can do gank with his Ultimate R and Passive."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "You need time to come online and should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early. Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressive."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "When Nasus splits up, he can use enemy team numbers to trigger a fight. During the fight, keep an eye on Nasus' mini-map and position."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "You can secure tower plates and get a significant XP and gold lead while Nunu runs around the map. Try to counter Nunu roams when possible,"} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "This means that the enemy can do nothing to defend its turn. The Ziggs team being in a losing position is very beneficial if it wants to divide the thrust."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao can immediately kill any enemy laner and pursue them with his Ultimate R at level 6. After recovering its first component, Xin Zhao can trade very aggressively with the enemy."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "The dominance of the way can often lead to winning the game by getting murders. Thresh has great potential thanks to his Q."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The use of the Ultimate R will facilitate the conversion of Xin Zhao's fighting to 1 v 1 if necessary. Xin Zhao's first capacity will be maximized as soon as it reaches level 9."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac can move key targets while inflicting damage that can be very beneficial when it comes to unhealthy or unhealthy targets. The addition of points in the W of Zac will allow him to inflict more damage in the long term."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "However, she will not have as much gold or income to buy items like she would in the Top role. Certain champions can counter Camille during all-ins."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "His early play is rather weak, but he has a constant poke. Try to abuse it at the beginning of the game by trying to play aggressively."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Always focus on the target of the CC and kill them when you have a chance. If the enemy has a murderer, try to shadow them and see if you can kill them if they kill your allies."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "When Fizz hits level 6, his kill pressure intensifies and he can easily kill you if you're overextended as level 5. Fizz has a lot of outplay potential with his E."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "If Ezreal uses R (R refers to Ezreal's R ability) to snipe someone on the map, ping your team as soon as possible to warn them. Using R while it moves across Summoners Rift allows enemies to dodge the incoming ability."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Riven will begin to fall as the game continues. She should count on choices to win the game."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "It can be in the front line for days for its portages. A Ulitmate R maxi-out should let it use its Ultimate R quite frequently and increase the amount of shield."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "A maximum-out Ultimate will confer the benefits of lower cooling and greater damage from Shaco clone break-up. The Shaco clone will leave Shaco enemies at one blow if they destroy him while he's nearby."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "It is effortless for Vayne of bamboozle enemies now because of its invisibility. The first element will certainly give Vayne a massive boost in the duo."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "This will limit the thrust of Morgana's waves. If Morgana misses her Q while ganting, she's basically useless and the gank will fail."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "It's very beneficial if the path it makes plant has some form of CC built in their kit. Malphite is the scourge of all immobile carriers, especially those still."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Which means she can use her W to reposition herself frequently and inflict massive damage on its enemies simultaneously."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh's main power comes from his ability to win champions in the middle of the game. It's really important to win the game, and he'll have an easy time doing it if he's wandering a lot."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "The mid-game is characterized by Cassiopeia putting 2 points in her Ultimate R. This stage sees a reduced cooldown and additional damage for Cassiopeia's Ultimate R."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Your ultimate e should help you massively when it comes to dealing with any kind of mobile enemy. Just do a point to commit to an all-in-in when you use the ability."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "The level 6 pick-up is perfect when it comes to heavy and commitment-based teams that rely on the quick take of enemies. At level 4, Taric will have two points in his Q (healing ability)."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Increased spelling diffusion for the team's overall performance. The influences of the RNG components it takes."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "When Master Yi finished his first component element, he will find much easier to secure CS it will find much easier to win self-attack exchanges with the enemy laner."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Try to take Dragons as often as possible. This will give you an advantage. Taking Dragons is key to getting yourself and your allies ahead."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "It will let him harass the enemy laner relentlessly when they are trying to farm in the lane. Heimerdinger excels during team fights as he can control a large area with his Q turrets."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "In close spaces, its W capacity has become almost untouchable. Senna's E capability allowed her to fly an entire team through unwarranted areas and surprise enemy teams."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Capacity t can cause a lot of damage to the squishy enemies. If Miss Fortune finished her first element, her damage performance increases considerably."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "This means that its damage will increase considerably, and it should have an easy time to melt through enemy health bars. The presence of Rumble during the mid-game fights is truly fabulous."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Always make sure that you are standing behind at least 2 minions so that she is unable to root you with her g. If Lux uses his g and misses it, use the cooldown of this aggressive ability to play because she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the whole."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Using your Ultimate R in neutral objective combats will make the difference between a win and a lost fight. A good time to use it is before a great Smite fight."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Look for choices using capabilities to catch the enemy out of position. Swain's capabilities can be used to remove the enemy who is out of position."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe's damage output will be incredibly high if she can successfully poke the enemy with her y. Ashe can activate her Q and kite in late game team fights."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius has a very strong level 2 all-in. When trading with him at level 1, take extra care because he will be quite strong."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so continue to farm! As a Jungler, you need to try and secure every Drake during the mid-game."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "You're the Jungler after all and need to prepare and make the call to take an objective whenever it is about to spawn. Usually, the ADC and Support will go to the mid lane after securing the bottom lane tower."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twisted Fate will be looking for selections with his Ultimate in the middle of the game. Avoid separating too far to reduce its ability to obtain choices."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "As soon as she runs her Ultimate E, disengage immediately. At level 9, Miss Fortunes t (twin) will do tons of damage if she hits you."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Extended trades work in Gwen's favour. Try and keep trades short and sweet around Gwen's Passive."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "In the mid-game teams start to group. This is good for Fiddlesticks as he benefits from teams grouping closely together as his Ultimate R is an AOE tool."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Use it to heal yourself when possible. Your Ultimate R should help you massively, especially when you use the lane brushes."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "It is recommended that this weakness be abused if possible. The goal is to finish the game as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo will have a lot of finished articles when he reaches level 16. A large number of completed items increase Yasuo's damage production."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If Gragas uses his W, it indicates he wants to set up his Jungler or go for a trade and play safer until then. When engaging Gragas, do not group closely together when sieging an objective or team fighting."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar can do gank with his Ultimate R and Passive. An early duel power is really strong for Rengar, especially if he has access to track brushes in the upper track."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Expect Volibear to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead on you. Once Volibear reaches level 6, avoid remaining in the track when it is low as it can use its Ultimate R aggressively and catch you."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "She will try to flank from the side with her Ultimate R and get on to a carry. Ward your flanks to make it harder for her to engage for free."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "His first item component will give him a decent damage boost. He is already quite obnoxious due to his Q and W."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Focus on agriculture and gathering as many farms as possible at the beginning of the game. Agriculture will make you more than one threat in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "The W by Tahm Kench is very versatile. It can be used to escape skirmishes, move on walls, look for plays and many other things. Tahm has to make sure he activates his E mid-fight."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Fighting the shakes during this stage gives the enemy team a greater chance to win. twitch can be easily counterbalanced by a Control Ward due to its automatic short range attacks and detection problems."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo will win a small peak every time he puts an extra point in his R. It improves its damage R poke, allowing it to look for all the ins once it reaches level 6."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "and the subsequent self-attack will allow it to melt through the enemies. You should team up with your team at the end of the game."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Once Sett is level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R, His ability to get killed in the way also increases."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Adjust the game style to be more defensive and safer during this phase of the game. Avoid detaching yourself from CDA when Swain's Nevermove capability is in place, as it can interrupt you and me!"} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "In the mid-game, teams start to group. This is good for Fiddlesticks as he benefits from teams grouping closely together because his Ultimate R is an AOE tool."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Make sure you are close to your team at all times to get into the fight quickly. Trendamere's Ultimate will not be an excellent peak of power because it only ensures its prolonged survival and nothing else."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "A trendamere choice at the end of the game can give enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. If the enemy is regrouping, group up with your team as well."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia is excellent at skirmishing due to her mobility, damage reduction, and Ultimate R. Fighting in chokepoints and the objective pits will surely get her ahead in the game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal will harass and poke the enemy as often as ezreal can with their Q. ezreal uses their abilities frequently to stack their Tear quickly."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu will often go alone in the hall. You can look at her and shoot her while she's isolated and then start a team fight with her team while she's dead."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Vi is tanky but still vulnerable to damage and crowd control. At level 6, Vi will have access to its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Just make sure you don't dive too deep into the enemy team without your team backing you off. It should be straightforward for you to get picks on the side lane. You can use the fog of war and the Jungle brushes to set up ambushes for the enemy team."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Focus on farming in the powerfarm during the mid-game. Avoid fighting too much in the mid-game for better results."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Champions with strong damaging Ultimates can kill Pantheon during level 6 all-ins. Going down when Pantheon's E is down makes him vulnerable to all-in attacks from the enemy team."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "You're weaker than Lux when she has her Ultimate. If you are at risk of dying, always remember at Level 5 so you don't get killed when Lux reaches Level 6."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Its ultimate R will have two points, one being on increasing damage to enemies while using it frequently. This will allow him to get far too many choices in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Level 6 is a significant peak of power He can break up with this."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu can use his ability to slow down enemies, especially those who try to escape. The first element will surely help Lulu to get out a lot in the way."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Having support with a knockup will make Yasuo's laning phase very easy. Bring your teammates together when you can."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Keep an eye on both your champion's position as well as Cho'Gath's position if you want to avoid being hit with his e or m. Cho'Gath has a lot of health thanks to his Passive which restores it constantly."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Kite Nunu during team fighting so he cannot be the frontline and get to your carries. Do not clump together when it comes to team fighting."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "you will have some levels under your belt you can start being a bit more aggressive."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Its damage to the E Tower allows Tristana to buy plates. Its damage to the E Tower allows Tristana to destroy the towers with ease."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Once Zilean reaches level 6, his ultimate ability will be harder to get murders with in the way. Avoid getting killed with Zilean when his Ultimate ability is down."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "In the middle of the game, Zed will often be in a lateral thrust track. With this in mind, you can use the fact that it can't impact the fight to start a 4v4 or 5v4 team fight with the advantage of numbers."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Peel for your allies in team fighting. As a tank, you're pretty weak unless your portages are alive. So keeping them alive is the key in team fighting. Once Tahm Kench adds two points to his Ultimate r, his death pressure increases considerably due to the amount of damage inflicted by this ability."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Aphelios is good in mid-game team fights thanks to the potential of his Ultimate R. The mix of Aphelios' weapons makes him good in mid-game team fights."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "The peaks must be secured using the fog of war in this game phase. Securing as many choices as possible will increase the chances of winning the fight."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "A balanced build for Gragas makes him the main damage absorber and engager for the team. As a top laner, Gragas' ability to go for a balanced or a tanky build makes him effective at absorbing damage and engaging the enemy team."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor's capabilities become stronger with each upgrade. Once Viktor completes its first element and improves its y, it can erase minion waves very quickly."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower. This will open the card and give the team a gold lead."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "When your Flash is down, you should play much safer in general. Brand can be quite squishy and needs protection."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Just make sure that you can land a multi-man W on the enemy team and then allow your team to collapse on the CC'd enemies. Try to help your Jungler during neutral, objective fights, especially when the Jungler is in the objective pit."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Focus on getting your level 3 quickly to increase the power of your ganks. Ask your teammates for a hard leash early on for maximal effectiveness."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath will start to out-trade many enemy champions when combined with some of his other power spikes. At level 6, Cho\u2019Gath\u2019s kill pressure intensifies as he can execute an enemy champion if they overextend."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Although Annie has a lot of burst damage. She starts to fall off in the late game as squishy champions start to build defensive items."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "The bully potential of Cassiopeia intensifies heavily at this stage of the game. Cass is a late-game monster."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "This combined with his Ultimate R can easily allow him to destroy the enemy team. Velkoz is a very motionless champion."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Try to fight as soon as you spot her. Avoid separating and playing alone."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Do not lose tons of health by trying to fill the minion wave. The goal is to survive as much as possible without dying. Singing cannot be pursued, because its l inflicts a lot of damage if you are in it too long."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "At level 6, Xin Zhao can immediately kill any enemy lantern and sue them once he has his ultimate R. Xin Zhao recovered his first component."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "It's very important that you hit level 2 at the same time as Rakan. If you're not going to, back off slightly so they can't all-in you as soon as they get the level up."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "She may attempt to take neutral objectives from under your nose. Be very careful about it in this matchup."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelyn's Ultimate R makes it invisible. Respect Evelyn's ganks at level 6"} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric could start crashing as soon as he reaches level 3. Taric will also be strong enough in the fight against scuttle crab."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "The potential of everyone with their E and Q is really strong. Kled's Passive allows him to instigate dives into the tower and soak the shots of the tower."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map throughout the previous parts of the game. If you push, his Jungler will ruin you and if your cage is down there, you'll die!"} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "The wave should be kept close to the tower in this matchup for Jungler/laners gank occasions. Your ultimate makes you unqualified for a period of time."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Find a way to bait him while Vladimir is about to cool down. You have to agree with Vladimir and force him to use his Q on the wave of minions rather than on you."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "His E can also be used to make cheeky plays using the lane brushes and lack of vision. Once Jax gets two points in his Ultimate R, he will become mighty during team fights."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Abuse her cooldowns by fighting her after she's used her Q or E. When her cooldowns are abused, fight her immediately."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Stick with your team in the later stages of the game and avoid moving too far away from them. Look for picks with your E in the late game. Landing an E with follow-up damage from your team could result in a kill or favourable fight."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Play around your Ultimate cooldown at the end of the game. Avoid team fighting when your Ultimate is down to make sure you are useful in team fighting!"} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "As a mobile champion, don't hunt an enemy in the jungle. Your priority is to help your team win battles rather than chase the enemy into their Jungle."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is harder to deal with when his Q (Q refers to Ezreal's Q ability) cannot land. When Ezreal uses E aggressively, it can be exploited for an advantage by abusing the cooldown of his E."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Concentrate the rear line and try to get them out of the fight. Concentrate with your other front-line champions."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Stick to the lane and force Quinn to roam by making the lane completely dormant. Only look for all-ins when your Jungler is arriving."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed has good health and quick clarity thanks to his W who will help him do more damage to the camp when he is associated with his Q and E."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "His E is very effective. It can make life a living hell for travellers who rely on dashes."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "You're gonna have to figure it out before you fight. This prevents Lulu from returning the exchanges."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Be prepared to rotate around the map and help them fight. Jax's W being maxed out at level nine is a superpower spike for him."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "A short cooling time allows Yasuo to process the tanks regularly. Yasuo will have a lot of articles completed during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "If Chanted is able to replace you, let the enemy minions hit your turn and focus on agriculture what you can. Do not lose tons of health by trying to fill the minion wave. The goal is to survive as much as possible without dying."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Back away when you're low on HP in a team fight so that Pyke is unable to get the reset on his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "If Dr Mundo is behind, he will not be able to tank a lot of damage and will have to fall back quite quickly. Without his Ultimate ability, Dr Mundo doesn't have much kill pressure or chase potential."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "At this stage of the game, Akali would be almost max build. The landing of an E on an enemy squishy champion should lead to an easy murder."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Expect Pyke to roam around the map and assist his allies once he has Mobi Boots. Ping whenever Pyke goes missing."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Maximum Q healing will be achieved when Taric constantly uses capacity. Taric will have two points in his Ultimate R at level 11."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi is particularly vulnerable to ranged carries in Teamfight Tactics. Ranged carries with dash or range advantages can easily dodge Illaoi's E (Eclipse) when playing against her."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "You can often tell Gragas is nearby when Predator kicks in. As soon as you see the marker, retreat to safety so you don\u2019t get killed."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Play safely for the first levels while launching with your Q. Once they're low enough, commit to an all-in-one."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "To be useful throughout the game, Karthus needs to soak up many minion waves and jungle camps. Karthus' Ultimate ability deals basically no damage in the early game."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite was considered quite decent in the team fights at the end of the game. The final nail in the coffin of the enemy team was reached using 3 points in its Ultimate h."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed's escarmouche power is very high early. By invading the enemy Zed, try to wait inside a bush or enter on it only when it is low in energy so that it is difficult to exchange with you."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Slight separation will be better for you in the long term. Don't walk too far forward when you sit a goal as Sett can use his Ultimate R to take the closest champion and throw them into their allies behind them."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "If you play as a varied champion, try harassing and poke Zed down. Avoid committing too much to harass him even though the minion damage does not pile heavily."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Avoid fighting in areas around the map that are closed like in the jungle or around the Baron/Dragon because it will allow Yone to get a good R Ultimate. Just like the laning phase, avoid hunting Yone if he runs away because he will use his E to judge you."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Agressive playstyle can put Karthus behind by requesting ganks. German immigrants exported the custom of the Easter Hare/Rabbit evolved into the Easter Bunny in Britain and America."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "When Malphite reaches level 6, it gets access to its ultimate ability. Malphite's death threat in the way increases when it reaches level 6 and has its ultimate ability."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Once Garen has completed his first item, he will be more obnoxious and looking to trade more. Keep this in mind when committing to fights with Garen alone."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Your side lanes being weak will make it difficult to roam with Aurelion Sol. Aurelion Sol is a roam heavy champion and roaming against champions with good pushing power will be hard."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "This ability will become pivotal in Kassadin's success as the game progresses. Once Kassadin gets his first item, he should deal a lot of burst damage to his enemies."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "If you can catch someone with your W and E, they're as good as dead. You should use your W and E correctly when trying to fight for a neutral goal."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Use your Ultimate e at a proper time in every fight. Getting resets on your Ultimate e will increase your chances of winning the fight."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Your ability to get out of a Smite constantly due to your Ultimate e should allow your team to benefit a lot. Do not forget to grow in the game as it will be your main source of income."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "If Sett runs towards you after level 6, turn off immediately and stay away from the allied strap to avoid being hit in. Sett excelled in the champ selection in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "This will make Darius relatively tanky and challenging to take down."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Use more spells. Poke the enemy relentlessly to help her ADC."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Warding basic areas such as bushes or chokepoints will likely spot Jarvan before he has the opportunity to flank or gank. Interrupting Jarvan in his combo at the start of a fight makes it difficult for him to use his Ultimate ability or escape after engaging."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett is excellent in the extended trades thanks to its Q. As long as Sett's sticking to an enemy champion, he should win 1v1 fights."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "By avoiding the minion wave, you can limit Varus' ability to harass yourself. Varus will try his hardest to get you out of the way."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "However, you will not heal off of her shield as well, so do not waste your Passive empowered auto on it. When Camille uses her E to engage on you, do not try to dodge it and make your movements very linear, and at the last moment use your E in the opposite direction that you are moving in."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If you show up on the lower side, the enemy will take the target for free. Focus on the enemy's attack and try to get them out of the fight."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Look for selections in the later stages of the game. Choosing someone should allow you to turn to the baron or older dragon."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The enemy can try to exchange freely with Rumble during this point. Rumble is rather squishy and vulnerable when his r is on the cooldown."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for him to farm or break your freeze. If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "To counter LeBlanc in the team fights, must the CC as soon as she uses her W. Once in your team, immediately CC LeBlanc and focus efforts to get it down while CC'd."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "It must use this capability carefully because of the total threat. Rather, it will focus on passive batteries."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "She will play a massive role in disrupting team fights for the enemy team. Make sure you\u2019re never near a wall otherwise Poppy will be able to use her E and push you into it."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Look for choices with your support / Jungler to get murders. Increase your lead by getting murders with your Support/Jungler."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon has great pick potential with his R and W. In the mid-game, he can get lots of picks with his team."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Look to fight Gwen when she doesn't have many Q stacks because her ability to trade back with you will be reduced. Gwen's damage output will be lower when she has no stacks."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "To get ganks or kill Veigar, you must bait his n first. You can do this by constantly swinging in and out of his reach."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "In team fighting, focus on the most squishiest and easiest targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights for easy access to the enemy backline."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze excels in the damage distribution at the end of the game. At the front in the end of the game, hide in high traffic areas and look for opportunities to remove enemies."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Do not let them bully you out of lane otherwise you\u2019ll fall behind and you\u2019ll not be able to kill them. The enemy lacks an escape and is pretty immobile which you can capitalise on."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Do not use E recklessly. Stay at the back of your team near the Support so they can peel you and protect you."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Picking off the enemy Support will grant your team a considerable advantage when it comes to vision placements. Set death brushes whenever possible using your Ultimate R to bring unsuspecting enemies close to you."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "This can help them catch out an over extended enemy. When fighting 1 v 1 she practically doesn\u2019t have a weakness when all of her spells are up."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Ultimate should be used to pull Tryndamere towards you when it is about 20% HP. After following the dashboard, Trendamere will eventually die if your team is nearby."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "On level 6, Yasuo must be more careful in fighting. Keep your distance, but be ready to Flash or E away to avoid being beaten and killed."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Has a lot of utility and damage in his kit that allows him to play around his team quite often. All he has to do is get out of his laning phase without giving the enemy a huge advance."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Keep an eye on your position in the track. Try to adjust your positioning accordingly."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon can duel almost every Jungler in the game. A good Pantheon will constantly look to invade the enemy and get kills."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Being caught without you and me! leaves you vulnerable and risks being eliminated. Swain's pretty still."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "He could try to use his Ultimate n in a different way also help his allies. If Wukong invades, it is wise to disengage while holding his hand high in early duels."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Keep the wave near your tower. The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. Sion can absorb a lot of damage for his team in the front line."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Getting caught can allow the enemy to push his advantage and win the game. Be aware of where you stand at all times to minimize the risk of being caught."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "It is very important that you continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. Don't just stay in the middle if you can't get anything done."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Aim your abilities so they hit both Aurelion Sol and the minion wave simultaneously. Aurelion Sol has lots of utility built into his kit."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "He should be focusing on farming and short skirmishes to clean up kills. Neutral objective fights are situations where he can capitalize on this objective."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Always use the fog of war to bambooize the enemy. Destroy the enemy using the fog of war."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Stand outside of the minion wave or behind it. This will result in him having to choose between pushing or poking you."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "With her Ultimate R, Quinn can now adopt a 'hit and run' kind of playstyle. Quinn can gank other lanes when required with her increased roaming potential."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "If Her Ultimate R is initiated while displaced or polymorphed, her damage output is significantly reduced. This can greatly impact the enemy team's chances of winning a fight."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "After six posts, the timidvan becomes a monster. If Timitvana goes for the construction of the Jungle, she can practically a-shot door if she manages to get enough dark harvest piles with her l."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Focusing Mordekaiser down is a good idea if he misses his E in a team fight because he can't pull his team while his E is on cooldown. Avoid starting major goals such as the Baron or a Dragon when Mordekaiser is nearby as it can take your Jungler to the Shadow Kingdom with its R which will make taking the goal risky."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Many Quinn\u2019s will use their E while your mid-combo actually counter themselves and get themselves killed. Keep this in mind when fighting."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise can be a threat in the top lane at level 3. Elise doesn't spike at level 6 like most champions."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Kite and disengagement is Zion's greatest threat in a team fight. Try to keep Sion away from your team so it can't get a good Q knockup."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke is one of the richest Supports in the game thanks to his Ultimate R which can earn him extra gold. His Ultimate R is an execute which can be a valuable asset in team fights as you can kill the enemy when they\u2019re somewhat healthy."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "You should play more respectfully when Thresh has both Q and E available. The Level 2 power peak can get Thresh and its ADC before it lands a Q hook."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar's Passive can be used with its Q to kill unsuspecting Jungler enemies and carry in their Jungle. Jugglers and carriers are vulnerable to Rengar Q when used with its liabilities."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "The result will be a big piece of damage. Ward big goals and place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Always look for ways to flank the enemy and remove one or two squishy members from their backline. This will also serve as a signal for your team, and if they don't commit, you can always use your last Ultimate charge to get out."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim won\u2019t be able to flank the enemy freely if the enemy team sets proper vision around the lane they are fighting. This will force Hecarim to engage upon the enemy team in a direct fashion, which will allow the enemy team to react accordingly."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Avoid fighting someone unless the viktor has the advantage over them. Continue to get XP and gold for viktor."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Like some champions in the game, it takes many games to master others. He finds the game difficult when the enemy team is grouping together."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Delaying fighting and being ready to disengage if your Ultimate R is still on cooldown is essential. Buy items that provide Greek wounded such as the executor's call or Morellonomicon to prevent volibear from healing and surviving team fighting."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "After 6 laps, they will win the 1v1 because they are stronger when their Ultimate is in place. If she has the CC'd, she dies."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Fight outdoors whenever possible. Don't regroup too closely."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "It can damage many enemies at once and to do so through vision, giving the enemy a small window to react."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "It is recommended to stay together but not super close together to maintain a balance of distance from Irelia's attacks. Irelia uses her E at the start of the fight, and fighting after she does this will increase your chances of engaging her in combat."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Die before a major target spawns and the enemy will take it for free. Morgana will have several items that will allow her to protect her team."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "During mid-game team fights, aatrox should look for picks by flanking the enemy backline. Aatrox has a higher chance of winning a fight if he is able to get on top of an enemy carry."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "At level 6, Kai'Sa gains extra utility thanks to her Ultimate R. Make sure you watch the map when recalling so she is unable to snipe you with her W and follow up with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. If the enemy is regrouping, group up with your team as well."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "If you meet her inside the jungle or in the river, do not fight her unless you get the jump onto her or have a clear advantage. Qiyana will look to gank low health lanes or laners with CC."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Disengage as soon as you see Neeko channel her Ultimate R. Neeko is squishy and can be easily gotten rid of if she is CC'd."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "When Ezreal's R is used to snipe someone on the map, ping your team so they can dodge the incoming ability. While Ezreal's R is on cooldown, you could look to play aggressive and try to fight him."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's W tenacity allows him to escape from the enemy team if they initiate a fight against him. Killing Garen is increasingly difficult as the game progresses due to his growing health and increasing defensive capabilities."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "In doing so, Akshan will be less effective. Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to exceed his Ultimate."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Team fighting is where Rammus excels the most. He can quickly chase down enemies during team fights."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "That's because Mordekaiser couldn't move the enemy team. The carts will be able to all-in-Mordekaiser freely."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "A high skill ceiling means that if you put a lot of effort into it. You will find great success with him if you put a lot of effort into him."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Tibbers R's AOE is a key factor in Annie's ability to stun multiple targets during mid-game team fights. Annie's E (ability) will be on a shorter cooldown during the mid-game, making it easier for her to protect herself and her ADC more frequently."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Prioritize objectives when fighting Cho'Gath. You can easily take these objectives."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Expects Shen to play aggressively and try to blow you up. Staying at a maximum distance when your abilities are on cooldown will make it harder for Shen to kill you."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "The wave should be kept close to Blitzcrank's side of the lane to make it difficult for him to engage if he overextends. At level 1, Blitzcrank should play aggressively to take advantage of his abilities and safety."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "For AD champions, invest in an executor call when Lulu and his team are ahead. Lulu is strong at level 6 because of its Ultimate R, which provides a lot of utility and increases its survival."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu is strong at level 6 because of its Ultimate R, which provides a lot of utility and increases its survival. At this stage of the game, the protection and shielding capacity of Lulu will increase considerably after completing its first element."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Poke (attack) the enemy while you harass them with your team, waiting for them to get low. Once the enemy is low, engage in the team fight."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The first component of the article gives Sylas increased the overall damage and allows it to take the fighting with ease. This first article also helps Sylas with its jungle camps and improves its survival in the game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "His early play is rather weak, but killing him can be difficult. It is expected to focus on agriculture rather than the struggle at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "When Xerath gets his Echo from Luden, he will greatly increase his poke and push power. Avoid remaining in the minion wave so it is unable to poke and push at the same time."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Always be ready to help your Jungler if they decide to invade the enemy Jungle or take the Rift Herald. Your ultimate R can really save your Jungler if they're stuck in a bad situation."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius\u2019 best early game power spike is when he hits level 6. The Ultimate e of Darius heavily increases his 1v1 and skirmishing power at this time."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "However, you should try to stay hidden while grouping with your team. Being hidden will allow you to get picks or initiate once the enemy walks too far forward or gets close to your team."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Try to sneak in some goals when your team is busy distracting the enemy. Your team is busy distracting the enemy."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly. After level 6, every third auto attack of Jax deals extra magic damage."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "This allows him to hit major power spikes faster than the enemy Jungler. Karthus has tons of map pressure when his Ultimate e is up."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If Master Yi takes free and easy blows, he will make heavy snowballs and resume the next team fight. Try to wait for Master Yi to use his e before locking it with CC."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "This prevents him from engaging on you or chasing you down. Fizz has insane roaming potential."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or who walk around Rift Summoners alone. After killing someone, call for a close goal."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn needs to get her first Mythic item as quickly as possible to make her ganks more successful. evelynn should look to assassinate her enemies with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Additional healing will make fighting favored because it can cure some of the damage taken. Once forward, Renekton can constantly intimidate the enemy and again"} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "When it comes to securing an objective like the Dragon or Baron, never go for the 50/50. Nunu's Q will win every battle if he is at 50/50."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "In addition, keep the track brushes guarded, as Zac can use it for all of you out of nowhere. Keep the wave somewhere near your turn in this matchup."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego has good objective control. Try to keep major goals monitored so you can spot him before he is able to ensure the goal for his team. If you're against Gank Viego, keep an eye on him stealing your allied abilities and turning the exchange around."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "After the post-six, Mordekaiser can select any target and convert the fight to 1 v 1. This can mean hell for any still enemy or weak health to carry because Mordekaiser can easily E>Q them."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Use your ultimate ability to keep the minion wave pushed into the enemy tower. Continue to use your Ultimate capability while remaining safe."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "In this way, he will not be able to benefit from his W. Playing around Akshan's Ultimate will be very beneficial in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna has lots of utility. Orianna has a good auto attack animation."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Going bot and showing yourself allows the enemy to take an objective for free. Olaf is excellent during the late game."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. From that moment on, she will start hitting like a truck that her e will be up very quickly in the game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Do not be neutral, objective fights will be a cardinal sin that you want to avoid. All your abilities make it very difficult for the enemy team to be concentrated near the pit, hence using it to your advantage."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can look for aggressive parts and extended trades. At level 6, Kled's pressure increases and his all-in-one too."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "This will allow you to detect your enemies. Traps can be used to steal neutral targets with ease."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "By focusing on the nearest champion, you will survive for longer and keep your carries alive. You must stick with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "This will make it harder for Amumu de gank when it's time to do so. Amumu has a weak early game and will be looking for the power farm."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "If they invade you early, just back off. This is especially true if they are ahead, as you will not win early fights with them."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra reaches her real potential when she fights as a team. His ultimate R and W are both AOE."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Keep a constant eye on xayah feathers and avoid standing in front of them. xayah is rather weak in early play."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Fighting Corki can be hard alone, your best bet is to just focus on matching his wave-pushing power and trying to stop him from taking those side objectives."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "At level 16, Darius\u2019s Ultimate e becomes an essential tool in team fights. Darius\u2019s Ultimate e can deal a considerable amount of damage and serve as an execute."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Unless he can land his t, Dr Mundo's m has limited usefulness in shutting down the enemy. If Dr Mundo misses his Q when trying to gank a lane, he can't do anything to shut down the enemy."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Poke when it is outside the early minion wave but hit it with abilities when you have the first element. Playing around your Ultimate is crucial to getting murders and winning the way."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "This will dramatically increase its damage and leave its squishies at one blow if they take many automatic attacks from Twitch. Twitch's ultimate c has two points, which will allow him to resume team fighting and disrupt them."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Open the card by putting pressure on it. Try to sneak in some goals when your team is busy distracting the enemy."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Beware of Lucian Q as he will try to align it so he hits the minion wave and you at the same time. Lucian is a varied AD champion."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Rek-Sai is much more gank-heavy than Amumu in the early game that allows him to put in place huge advantages through repeated ganks on which Amumu cannot act reliably. This helps take control of the jungle, so Aumu has a lower impact post-6."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The second point of his Ultimate R will allow him to do more damage with capacity. We need to make sure he throws the target in the right direction."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Look for choices with your abilities. If possible, look for peaks on isolated targets."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "He'll stop Shen from regularly looking for all-in on you. Keep the wave near your turn."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "You can counter it by having constant wards around your lane. If he goes missing post 6, ping your teammates."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is clearly stronger when her stun is ready, and when she has 3 stacks on her Passive. Whenever Annie has her stun ready, you need to respect her damage output and her ability to trade with you."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger will have many items now, His abilities can easily one-shot enemies if they are not careful or if Heimerdinger sets a death brush somewhere."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to force it to overwork for the farm. Senna is pretty weak early, you might be able to abuse this to gain an early health benefit."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "The frequent use of Ultimate R makes Taric quite powerful in team fighting. Taric will have a maximum of two capabilities at level 13."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Play carefully and avoid engaging with the Ultimate R of zeri. Its first peak of major power occurs at level 6 while it gets access to its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Don't commit too much to doing this although he may seek to turn the exchange. Playing around Yasuo's windshield will kill him more easily."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Nilah's E allows her to dash 2 times. Nilah can quickly get in and out of skirmishes thanks to her E."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "More frequent use of Ultimate t means more dead enemy carries. Mid-game is when everyone is lane swapping and warding around."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "You should constantly push the enemy into their turn. This will allow you to earn turret veneer and increase your gold income."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Level six, Lillia is harder to kill. A strong champion from the beginning of the game should invade and put Lillia behind."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "In the late game, Diana should be near full build. Diana's Active items should be played around during team fights to maximize damage output."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "The final point in Ornn's Ultimate R will grant him a massive spike. Since the ability will be up frequently, he will be able to easily pick off targets with his team."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "talijah's E is really effective against enemies who have some form of dash. talijah can make life a living hell for travellers who rely heavily on dashes."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Try your hardest to poke and harass the enemy. However, do not over commit to it as they can turn around an exchange easily."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Stay with your team at the end of the game. Do not separate or leave your team otherwise the enemy may try to withdraw you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "It is recommended that you avoid fighting at this stage in order not to fall back. Keep the minion wave near your side of the map so you can protect yourself against all-in enemies."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "You can then be stronger in the middle of the game, as long as you don't fall behind. Akshan has tons of mobility thanks to his E. It can allow him to move in the track with ease, and to pass to the enemy to launch quickly."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia will secure kills with her team more frequently in the late game. Her t ability will be on a very low cooldown in the late game."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Do not fight in the late game unless your Ultimate R is up. Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game if available."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "It is recommended to avoid fighting when Vel'koz is alive and nearby. The bottlenecks like in the jungle give Vel'koz an advantage with E, making it more difficult to win the fight."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "The ability's power to block Ignite tick damage can be advantageous for Fiora in prolonged team fights. When used effectively, her W can counter enemy CC and even lock down groups of enemies."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "At level 9 Brand would've maxed his W ability. At level 9 the ability to maximize Brand's W was completed."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Taking out Dr.Mundo efficiently becomes possible if your teammates target him in team fights. drmundo's tankiness and health regeneration are unparalleled and quite valuable during late game fights."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Svir will sometimes be left with its support in the middle of the track. If your team is able to do so, you could collapse on it and on the Support and then force a target like the Dragon or Baron with the digital advantage."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "You have to look for gank as often as you can and abuse your E. Focus on achieving objectives."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's Ultimate will allow him to block enemies by taking neutral and objective battles. Teemo's Ultimate will also allow him to steal enemies with well-placed mushrooms."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "He will not take any harm during this phase of the game. He will act as a reliable front line for his team during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Send someone to match him in the side lane to prevent him from farming for free and taking turrets. When Ekko hits level 6, his kill pressure increases and he will look to go for kills."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Try to stay outside the minion wave but nearby. This will force her to choose between pushing with her Q or doing it with."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal uses Q and auto-attacks to attack the opposition. ezreal saves E for situations where he needs to avoid getting CC'd."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The Passive allows Dr Mundo to regenerate health quickly. A lot of sustain comes from Dr Mundo's item, Executioner's Calling."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "To reduce Lucian's ability to everything within you, make sure you touch Level 2 at the same time as he does. Level 2 is the first wave followed by the next 3 minions on the second wave."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Try and lock her down as quickly as you can so she is unable to Get Excited! In team fights, avoid grouping too close together as it will allow Jinx's Rockets Q to deal lots of AOE damage."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "The combination of W, Q and auto-attacks becomes much more devastating when Viego gets his Ultimate R. Viego's first element will give him a massive boost in solo laning."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal has E, making him much safer and harder to kill. Ezreal abuses the cooldown of E whenever possible."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The crowd controlling xinzhao allows the enemy team to remove it easily. The first power peak of Xin Zhao in the track occurs at level 3."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Use your W once Darius has used his W so that you can remove the slow and potentially escape. Before looking for an all-in, make sure Darius is below 50% health by poking him down with your Q."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "This should be useful if you can use the fog of war with it. Choose a high priority target that you want to protect during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The potential of that ability finishing off low health enemies increases drastically. The lethality build will make this ability even more effective."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Be careful around the minion wave because Yasuo will often use its E to go through the minion wave to reach you. Stay outside and get away from the minion wave at all times."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "and make it very easy for his allies to follow up on his engagement."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "If possible, put the enemy down to engage in the team fight. Keep a constant eye on the main objective of spawning afterwards."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "His items will make him very tanky during this stage and combined with his Passive and Ultimate R he will be a behemoth for the enemy team. Taking him down will be nearly impossible because of his tankiness and abilities."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "If the player gets killed and helps the allies, their chances of winning the game increase. When allies turn towards the middle path, the player must turn to another path and share the push."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "It is best to stay mobile and keep a safe distance from Malzahar whenever possible to avoid getting caught by its ultimate ability. Use E capability to create distance between you and Malzahar's voids if he tries to connect with you."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "The more attack speed Bel\u2019Veth has, the lower her Q cooldown is, which aids in her damage, mobility and clear speeds. Bel\u2019Veth getting attack speed faster means she will get stronger sooner."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "It\u2019ll allow you to play aggressive and look for kills. Don\u2019t worry too much about baiting out her E before looking to fight."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "fight in the open air when possible avoid regrouping too closely"} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "You will want to stay with your ADC and your team as much as you can. The neutral objective fights will be your bread and butter."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Against a good support that places the pupils, it's going to be a little hard. It is really important that you disembark these Qs early."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia fights against poke and disengagement, which can make the team struggle difficult for her. His Ultimate R is an excellent team combat tool, but it takes time to get into effect."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Once Jhin gets two points in his Ultimate R, he will secure picks with ease and help his team catch up to enemies. The damage will also be increased."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "It is crucial to stay with your support at all times during the middle of the game. Being without your support in the middle of the game makes you an easy target."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor will be looking to play safe in early play. Try to abuse that to move on."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "When you have picked up Boots, your roaming potential increases significantly. Bard's Ultimate R is a versatile tool that can be used to set up plays with your Jungler."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "You will need your allies to help you take the Dragon and Rift Herald. It can be hard to gank your allies if the minion wave is between you and the enemy."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Be aware of his empowered abilities. Try to team fight in the open so he is unable to use his empowered E to stun your whole team."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "The penetration of the bonus armor it gets on the use makes it very powerful. Combined with its powerpikes, Yasuo is a force to count even if it is behind the track."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "We expect Trundle to leave for the first plays to move forward. At level 6, Trundle will be much stronger thanks to its Ultimate n."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne needs invisibility to judge her enemies, otherwise she only relies on her team for actions. Vayne is weak at the beginning of the game and can be easily cut by constant ganks of the enemy team."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Do not group too closely together when dancing with the enemy. As Fiddlesticks' R can deal tons of damage to your whole team if you're grouped close to one another. Once Fiddlesticks has his Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass, it allows him to really hit home."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Using your W too will cause your disappearance. The healing of Soraka is quite intimidating during this part of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You should look to peel and protect your carries in the late game. The longer the game goes, the more items you can purchase."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Zyra is very good at poking. Opt for additional support thanks to Biscuit Delivery if you take Inspiration and make sure to take a flat magic resistance early."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Try to initiate a fight immediately after the last end, and try to win when Amumu is not present or during its cooling period. The best strategy against an enemy team with Amumu is to extend the map and divide the thrust."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "He can use his W to escape one gank if needed. If Aurelion Sol has W or Ultimate available, do not waste your gap closer."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw will have several elements during this phase of the game. This will cause him a lot of damage to the enemies and he will just sculpt a path through the enemy front line."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "The amount of damage she deals will catch most enemies off-guard, especially if she manages to flank the enemy. Irelia is especially good in fights, specifically fights which occur around choke points."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan will get blown up quickly in team fights. Once he\u2019s gone in, he will need to fully commit to the fight."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Opt for early support. Kayn has a lot of support in the way thanks to the items he buys and his E."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "If you can choose someone with the help of your allies, you can abuse their death timer to win more gold and maybe take a turn, a goal or get more murders. Tahm Kench will have several elements completed during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Avoid regrouping too closely around goals or in team fights as it can allow Swain to land a very good multi-person E and start the team fight. Burst and poke is the best way to win a fight against Swain."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Once you get your first item, you should be able to extend the duration of your fights. Make sure you keep the river safe because you will be ruined differently."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Focus the nearest enemy champion to your carries and work as a team to take down the enemy one by one. If you focus the backline alone, you may be an easy target for the enemy and may die quickly."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Peel for your carts at the end of the game team fight to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you will not be able to win the fight alone. Stay with your team at the end of the game."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Kite Nunu during team fights to prevent him from being in the frontline and engaging your carries. Do not clump together when it comes to team fighting because of Nunu's Snowball W."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "If you\u2019re a ranged Support, use your range advantage to harass and poke him down whenever he moves forward to secure minions on his warding quest. Galio has a really strong laning phase when paired with an aggressive ADC."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Unless you know where Cassiopeia is, do not walk through the river or around the map on your own, especially if you're low health. Avoid getting hit by Cassiopeia's Q, as it will cause a lot of damage otherwise and force wasting W."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "This will allow him to go for more jobs and his damage production will be a little higher. Teams tend to start regrouping in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "By leaving your team or moving away from them, you can be chosen or launch a 4v5 fight while you are alone. Look for opportunities to choose enemy players with your abilities."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Avoid regrouping too closely as this could allow Sett to get rid of a multi-person E that will help his team win the team fight. Slight separation will be better for you in the long term."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Play smart and remember when you are weak so Sona can't use their Ultimate to run you. You should bait the abilities before you try to fight Sona."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Once she has her ultimate skills, Shyvana will be able to inflict significant damage and take control of the fighting. Shyvana's early play force depends on the match she's in."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's Ultimate T can easily be rid by the enemy by buying Control Wards. Enemy junglers with jumps and dashes can also bypass these mushrooms by taking strange routes."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Once your Ultimate capability has been acquired, you must start shredding the river and neutral, objective pit inputs with traps. This will allow you to detect your enemies."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Continue to collect and secure jungle camps whenever possible as Jungler. Not falling back in the middle of the game is crucial as Jungler, so keep growing!"} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Keep the guards standing at all times to reveal enemy movements. Stay with your team at any time."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Be very careful about it in this matchup. Ward around to make sure that you don't get invaded."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "The completion of these items will allow Karma to dish out a lot of damage while peeling for her carries at the same time. Karma's poke damage will be pretty significant during the late game."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Focus on kiting and auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion. Avoid walking too far forward so you do not get caught out and focused by the enemy."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "A brief period of Yasuo's Ultimate R will cause massive damage. The Ultimate R in Yasuo's capabilities can cause a huge amount of destruction in a short time."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal will constantly try to poke with his increased Q damage. Ezreal completes his Manamune and upgrades it to Muramana."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Your E will come in very practical while doing games during this period of the game always look for opportunities to play around the vision and flank the enemies. Take a look at what your team misses during the fights use your Passive accordingly. Generally, it is better to turn into the most nourished member of the enemy team."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Try baiting it out before you all in her to prevent her from neglecting your CC. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "A smart team and a group together make her vulnerable. Entering alone can make it more risky for you, and you need allies to accompany you."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him. Kassadin will be split pushing during the mid-game so that he can get to his level 16 power spike."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Make sure to ask for a hard leash early on to gank enemies quickly after. Look to all-in overextended enemies as much as possible since your g and e will both facilitate CC'ing the enemy."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "It's especially true if his opponent has a hard form of CC. Disappeared from his Q can give his enemies a long window to harass her freely."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "The goal during the laning phase is to look for kills and abuse the enemy as often as you can. Play aggressive frequently to gain a lead."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "A favorable match-up means that Shen Level 2 and 3 will not make the game a lost cause. It is possible for him to pursue an all-in-one strategy. Shen should pay attention to his items because they affect his production of damage as he buys them in a particular order."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The W of Soraka will be maximized and will heal its allies significantly. The R of Soraka will eliminate the wounds due to Grievous and will give a massive healing to his team."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's first item component will either let him survive the lane for a more extended time (tank build) or increase his damage significantly (bruiser build). The former will let him take part in many team fights while the latter will help him with duels."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If you are nearby when the enemy Zac ganks, you should try to help your laner in need. If you are nowhere near, you can either gank another way, move in their jungle or start the Drake."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Her Q can easily be avoided if the enemy builds up a huge wave or positions correctly. Even the splash damage won't be enough to get past a huge minion wave."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, you will split push and draw the enemies' attention to yourself while your team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map. Fizz is good at getting picks with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "His E will be very beneficial when going for objective fights. Level 6 is arguably a colossal power spike for Heimerdinger, as he can now bait enemies to their deaths with ease."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Bushes' ability is used when a bush has been placed nearby. Expecting two bushes at the same location suggests that Ivern is near by."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "To maximize impact on team fights, avoid fighting in tight areas, as it will allow Illaoi's R (Tentacles) to run havoc. Illaoi is difficult to kill once she lands several tentacle slams due to the damage and sustain it provides."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana Q's CC can easily be chained with its Ultimate R for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Harass Milio with your abilities while pushing the minion wave. Try to target your abilities so they hit Milio and the wave minion at the same time."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "She can immediately turn the tide of a battle with a well-placed Ultimate R and help her allies secure crucial objectives during this phase. Qiyana will pretty much be full build during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "She can look for choices frequently. His Passive will allow his allies to break out enemies with ease."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "As you\u2019re much stronger than Fiddlesticks early on, make sure to gain an early lead by ganking your allies before Fiddlesticks even gets a chance to come online. Fiddlesticks Ultimate R allows him to deal damage to many champions at once in closed areas."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "At level 6, Heimerdinger unlocks his Ultimate R, and basically gets 3 new abilities. Take care when trying to fight him as he might just use any one of his abilities to trade with you."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Post 6, you should start pushing and roaming. LeBlanc's first power peak occurs at level 2."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "You should try your hardest to land your Axes t when skirmishing with the enemy. Aims for the ultimate ability k to avoid being killed by Olaf."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon has a good potential for invasion and can 1v1 most junglers. Make sure your team has a good vision of him at all times."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Bonus points to survivability if she can Q to minions and reset the ability. The first item component will help Irelia massively in this lane."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar's presence in the middle of the game is really fabulous. After entering with your Ultimate R, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Misuse of his W in the way can lead to the death of Yasuo. Yasuo is vulnerable to crowd control in the way as it prevents him from launching his E on the same target twice."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Obtaining a gold lead through split thrust can be beneficial to your team's overall performance. Watch to flank in team fights if the attack on the side can lead you to a key target."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "It also gets the priority of the routes in general. Viktor can disrupt a whole fight with his d and Ultimate m."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "If the enemy team is heavy on CC, ensure that you don't do anything rash and stack up tenacity when you get the chance. Stacking tenacity will let you do a lot more in fights."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The laying tools were widely used to harass the enemy and bring them down with Q. Team fighting was delayed as long as possible to allow the player to continue harassing the enemy."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "It is recommended to keep this in mind by trying 1v1 Viego because it is good enough early. Viego's Level 6 power peak is very good"} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Try to abuse her when her Ultimate w is on cooldown because she is incredibly vulnerable while it\u2019s on cooldown. You are extremely strong during the laning phase due to your long-ranged poke and auto-attacks."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "At level 16, you will put the third and final point in your Ultimate. You'll be pretty strong and your global potential will be high."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "It is Jarvan's build that makes him incredibly versatile. Jarvan\u2019s Ultimate ability m locks down multiple enemy champions at once in team fights."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "A Jungler must pay particular attention to this champion in order to relieve pressure from other ways. This champion is probably the only one who can replace the farm and get away safely with his kit."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The enemy needs to think twice before diving him as he can regenerate a lot of health in a matter of seconds with his Ultimate R. drmundo's Q allows him to catch up to targets quite easily."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "A good player will often play around the appearance of their Ultimate as a monkey, while countering the pressure of waste while doing the same. To counter the pressure of the monkey, a qualified player must also be ready to play around his Ultimate appearance."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Once Fizz recalls and picks up his first item, he'll be able to dish out a lot of damage quite quickly. A good Fizz will not be scared to go for aggressive plays especially if he has a better first item than his lane opponent."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "A laner should always prepare for a Rek'Sai at level 3."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Focus on the backline and try to get them out of the fight. Concentrate with your other front-line champions."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's h will be maxed out once he hits level nine, which will allow him to dish out a lot of consistent damage when he is in the middle of the enemy team. Hecarim's Ultimate t will be more robust now because it has two points at level 11."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Being killed increases your lead. Killing a key target could call Baron."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "After acquiring two or three articles, Riven can defeat any squishy champion who is not a tank. If Riven approaches you, get away from her immediately."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir is really good at the end of the game and in the team fights. Try to finish the game as quickly as you can so it can't peak."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "It is wise for Yasuo to step back and keep his distance from them. After the post-six, Yasuo becomes extremely strong due to its Ultimate R crowd control as well as the penetration of bonus armor during its use."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Use your Ultimate Remember that you can easily target the enemy front line with it while your team deals with the enemy front line."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "xerath's Ultimate 2 can be interrupted and used as a traction to target it and get rid of it immediately. xerath must position itself correctly before using its Ultimate 2"} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen can spam her abilities, which directly translates into more damage and healing for her. Spamming her abilities increases Gwen's overall effectiveness in combat."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "At this stage, Lulu inflicts a significant amount of damage during the negotiation. Lulu excels in team fighting thanks to her E and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "In addition, it will let him harass the enemy laner relentlessly when they are trying to farm in the lane. Heimerdinger excels during team fights as he can control a large area with his Q turrets."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "The first element increases Urgot's overall damage. The first element increases Urgot's survival in the track."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi will become strong and the more he will be killed. Avoid killing Master Yi at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Fighting without it will make the late game team fights much harder. Delay fights and be prepared to disengage if it\u2019s still on cooldown."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain advises not to fight as a team in the later parts of the game unless the two Swain's Zhonya.Hourglass and ultimate are in place. If the enemy initiates a fight, delay or disengage if possible."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Try to lock Kha'Zix as soon as he jumps E to prevent him from entering and leaving. Grouping closely together will make it harder for Kha'Zix to inflict tons of damage as he will not get any damage bonus from his Passive when the targets are grouped."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "As soon as Qiyana engages, try to lock her down with CC. Locking down Qiyana will prevent her from dishing out tons of damage."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "If Kalista freezes near her tower, she can gain a significant CS (gold and experience) lead over the enemy. This CS lead will allow Kalista to gank other lanes with ease or help her save them in a team fight."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "In this spirit, Renekton will probably try to flank in a team fight rather than run towards you. Make sure your flanks are guarded so you can spot him before he has the chance to commit."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "When playing as a ranged champion, try to harass her with abilities and auto-attacks. Make sure you watch your positioning though so she doesn't try to all-in you in return."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Make sure you always lure him before committing to an all-in-one. You can also use the information that Veigar has a good gank configuration against your advantage. Veigar really has a good gank configuration so make sure you still have the lower track monitored."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You will begin to fall off, so you must avoid 5 v 5 team fights whenever possible. Keep track of the enemy Jungler and stay near-neutral objectives as much as possible."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Locking your CC with CC will make it very difficult for Yasuo to stack its r, dashed with E and inevitably use its Ultimate R. Try to get him down as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "This is extremely advantageous when it has a support that has a lot of crowd control in their kit. Trundle is extremely dependent on teammates to shoot successful ganks."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen can start crashing as soon as he reaches level 3. When Shen is at the front level 6, make sure that the vision is placed around its jungle entrances to minimize the effectiveness of ganks."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Continuing to farm during the mid-game is important to get items as quickly as possible. It's essential to not stay in one place if you can't accomplish anything else."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early to protect you from its strong all-in-one attacks. Leblanc is a very good roaming champion. Ping she if she leaves the track instead of matching her roam and just pushing on the plates of the tower."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "At level 11, Darius will put a secondary point in his Ultimate e. The items Darius picks up make him a huge problem during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm can use his W to flank a fight when he runs away with the enemy. Watch your flanks that Tahm can jump and start a fight."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She will have her core items during this phase of the game. Her dueling and pick potential will skyrocket enormously."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "After Akali recovered its first component, the damage production of its Q will increase considerably. Take care to exchange more often after your first back."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu has good control due to his Q and Smite abilities. Nunu's Q ability allows him to heal up both in the lane and in the Jungle, giving him an advantage over other Junglers."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "That is why Pantheon can turn fights into his favour especially when he is low on health. Pantheon's Q can easily poke and execute someone with ease due to its mechanics."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "It will be a massive peak of power for him, because he can secure easy choices with it. He's great at the team fights at the end of the game because of his Q and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can be effective in closed spaces like the Jungle. Level nine is a massive powerspike for Heimerdinger."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "He can absorb a lot of damage for his team while being a major threat at the same time. Can help his allies,"} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "This can lead to periods where you can't retaliate as effectively as your counterpart. Avoid fighting until you get a favorable weapon combination."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "The second point in his Ultimate k will give him another spike. He can run down enemies frequently now as the cooldown of the ability will be reduced."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can set Q turrets in the lane brushes/around him to prevent all-ins. Heimerdinger can push up freely as long as he is in the cover of his Q turrets."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Try to bring down the enemy with your ts and ts during the laning phase, after destroying the lower track tower,"} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Once Karthus gets 3 points in his Ultimate ability, he will half-health squishy enemies easily. This means that anyone who is behind on the enemy team will suffer a lot."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac has great all-in-one potential throughout the laning phase. As soon as the enemy advances or surpasses, it can seek to play aggressively."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping your allies alive as long as possible in the team fights is a must to win the game."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "In the way, make sure there's always a minion between you and Nautilus. When you play as a varied champion, abuse your range of auto attacks to bring down Nautilus and gain a healthy lead."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "At this point, Annie can look for aggressive picks and Flash plays with Tibbers and her stun. You should take control of the lane brushes."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon is quite potent during the mid-game. This is because he can dish out a lot of damage in a short time and can secure picks all around the map."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Another point on her Ultimate R allows for increased damage output. Do not fight in the late game unless your Ultimate R is up."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "It's perfect during team fighting. He's got a solid playing field."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "illaoi's E allows her to set up ganks for her Jungler with ease. The usage of illaoi's E with her Ultimate R can allow her to chunk an enemy with ease, as the enemy won\u2019t be able to escape the ult radius quickly."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern and his laners can get within auto-attack range of the said target if it has vision. Look for picks during the mid-game with Daisy R."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Avoid separating and playing alone. Don't push too far forward if you don't have anyone nearby."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "If there is a ganking or counter-ganking opportunity nearby, don't be afraid to take it when you are ready. If the enemy team invades you early, just back off; you do not win early skirmishes with them."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle is also a strong thug. At level 6, the ultimate capacity of Trundle n is very useful in skirmishes with the enemy robot."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "If you opt for a bad trade or are late, you will struggle to be useful later. If your bot track turns to the upper side after obtaining the first turn, turn to the lower track."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "He should count on choices to win the game Rengar will have a lot of articles during this phase of the game, which allows him to flatten a lot of damage if he manages to catch an enemy"} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The damage caused by Swain's Ultimate R will be devastating for the enemy team. Swain has strong team combat prowess at the end of the game."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Silencing the right enemy or multiple enemies could provide his team with adequate time to dish out damage or reposition. Blitzcrank should\u2019ve completed an item or two by this stage of the game."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight. Malphite can dry up high amounts of burst damage with a maximum of the Ultimate."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Her t ability will be on a very low cooldown in the late game. CC is your best friend against Anivia as she is squishy and immobile."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio is much stronger and has good gank set up when he\u2019s healthy and both of these abilities are up. His biggest power spike is reached at level 6."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus is weak early."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is great in the mid-game. In the late game, it will be harder for Ezreal to kill tanks."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "When invading him early, try and hide in bushes and wait for him to use these abilities on the camp before looking to fight him. Aatrox will be looking to gank a lot in the early game."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Watch out for ganks and ward up properly. Quinn's Q is a potent tool in the lane."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "You should aim to acquire your first item as soon as possible, as it will provide a significant increase in damage and complete your Ultimate R well. After acquiring your Ultimate R, your duel capabilities will improve. In these situations, you should try to remove the enemy jungler whenever possible, followed by taking control of the Dragon or Rift Herald."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "After killing Karthur, try to reposition and get away from Karthus' Passive. Karthus' Passive reduces his damage output, making surviving easier after a team fight."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Choosing someone should allow you to turn to the baron or older dragon. Keep a constant eye on the next main spawning target."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "They go gank early, and Pantheon can gank early too. Pantheon is a champion who can gank early."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "You are really CC heavy so focus on making games in other ways. These unexpected ganks can easily get you and your team free murders."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Once Kayn gets 2 points in his Ultimate R, he will be able to all enemies much more frequently. It will be perfect since it will also get its shape."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Having its complete construction will allow Vel'Koz to blow people up like balloons. Any squishy who gets caught in the crossfire will definitely die."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Avoid split pushing when major objectives are up as you will be the champion who can Smite the objective. If you split push when Baron is up, the enemy will be able to secure it for free."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed can look for an all-in if he's been able to shoot you in advance. Every time Zed reaches level 6 his death pressure increases again and he will seek to go to kill every time he has his ultimate R available to him."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Harass Bard by walking forward and last hitting minions, but return back to safety afterwards. The enemy ADC should be targeted when Bard is missing because he can't protect himself."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's first article will be really helpful to her and will help her grow quickly from now on. Winning 2 points in his Ultimate R will give him another significant peak of power."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe\u2019s first power spike in lane occurs when she purchases and upgrades her Boots. The additional ability haste makes Ashe more potent as a laner because she can constantly throw out her y on the enemy."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne will look to power farm early so he can get level 6."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. you benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. Depending on the ability she chooses, Soraka will either repair a lot of damage and heal herself or simply heal her allies and keep them alive."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "She just needs a little coat to become a demon in team fighting. Three points in its Ultimate capability will give it a massive peak of power."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia's damage will be truly horrific. She had multiple completed items."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "This allows Pyke to escape sticky situations pretty easily. Pyke is one of the richest Supports in the game thanks to his Ultimate R which can earn him extra gold."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "At level 9 Nasus has maximized its first capacity. Nasus's damage production will be quite high at level 9."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger requires his E to counter enemy pushes, making mistakes with it a fatal mistake. Level 3 is a decent power spike as Heimerdinger will have access to all his abilities."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser can force a fight with R at level 6, so be prepared at all times during trading. Mordekaiser has good ganks and good skirmish power in early play."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Delay team fighting as long as possible while harassing the enemy and bringing them down with Q. If possible, put the enemy down to engage in the team fight."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Running away from your team too much might cause the enemy team to force a fight and win the game if they're not close by. In late-game team fights, try to protect carries who are fed so you can keep them alive and safe."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Ensure that the wave is slightly pushed up so that you can respond in time. Once you get your Ultimate R, have your eyes glued to the map during skirmishes."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "A max build for Darius also includes items that offer him protection. As he builds these items, Darius will be relatively tanky and challenging to take down."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is the strongest when enemy minions are pushed up and a new wave approaches. This allows Yasuo to catch up with his enemy by using his E, then hit them with his R."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Darius starts to fall off in the late game but is still powerful."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled can easily disrupt the ranks of enemy teams. Kled can also provide peel for its trolleys."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "The burst damage of the enemy team will allow them to take Olaf down quickly. Olaf will look to isolate and take down the highest-value target using his k in team fights."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "If you are able to catch someone who is alone, this could easily lead to a potential call for the Baron. At this point, the teams will be closely regrouped, so it is unlikely that you can assassinate anyone."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Once you've got a pick with your Ultimate a, make the call for Baron or Drake. You need to exploit that the enemy is missing a key player."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Yorick isn't very early. It should focus on agriculture."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "The drill itself cannot be removed. However, the second part of the exercise (doing beyond death R) can be refused by using QSS just prior to its execution."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn is at high risk and a high reward. If Kayn doesn't get an early lead, he could fight to be useful in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "She only needs to avoid having the CC to do it. A fully maximized Ultimate capability will give Vayne a massive peak of power."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Teams will group closely in the late game. This is good for Ekko because it allows him to get a multi-person W off and CC the whole enemy team."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "This champion is an early game bully. Play aggressive throughout the laning phase to get kills."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Stay with your team at any time and avoid travelling alone on the map. Avoid getting caught by keeping you alone unless you know the location of the enemy."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "A player should not get too far away from his allies at any given time. Getting caught can allow the enemy to take a close goal like Baron, Dragon, a trick or win a 5v4."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "As a powerful split pusher, be ready to regroup with the team and engage in 5v5 fights. In general, start regrouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "It will also be favorable by trying to go for all-in combos. Level six is a massive peak for it as it can now affect fighting easily with its t and r."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "After Pantheon has completed his jungling item, his kill pressure intensifies. You\u2019ll want to avoid fighting Pantheon unless you have assistance."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Before invading, make sure you have your Passive stacked so you can win the trade. If they invade you, be prepared to fight, but only do so if your Passive is stacked and you can win, otherwise just back off."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "He can single out enemies which need to be dealt with quickly. with his Ultimate m."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "This is because the empowerments will be more powerful, and Heimerdinger will use them both offensively and defensively. Heimerdinger excels during team fights as he can control a large area with his Q turrets."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "A single combo from Jayce's w > s can kill a target (like a squishy support). Jayce will not spike at level 16 because his Ultimate G will not provide a lot of raw stats."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You should play aggressive throughout the laning phase to get kills. If you can get a kill or two, you can snowball your lead pretty quickly."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Ask for help or look to walk around every time your Ultimate R is in place. Play safe for the first levels."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus' commercial potential will be high at level 9. At level 11, Nasus put the second point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "If you are nearby, you could try to counter gank; but at least ping its position. Once Mordekaiser reaches level 6, he will find it a little easier to ganker with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "This helps take control of the jungle, so Aumu has a lower impact post-6. Your Ultimate capability is an amazing tool that can cause damage and CC all the enemy team if you are able to hit them all with it."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "The healing provided by the Ahri Passive is not much, but it can have an impact. Ahri=S E has great selection potential throughout all stages of the game."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's Ultimate R can be recast multiple times. The recasting of Gwen's Ultimate R also offers her a heal which helps her in 1v1 fights."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "As you are not strong in early play, you may wish to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressive. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne is vulnerable when she doesn't have an E. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game to reduce zoning and increase the opportunities deganking."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf will have his core items during this phase of the game. It will increase his damage and survivability in the game thousandfold."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Once the warding quest is completed, Neeko can start setting up a vision around the map with her W. Neeko's W makes it quite challenging for the enemy to ambush her."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "If you're in danger of dying, be ready for Flash as soon as Warwick is on your way. Warwick falls at the end of the game, but that doesn't mean he's useless."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna's auto attacks deal significant damage early on and should be a priority for care. Minions stand close together when pushed quickly by Orianna's Q and W, making it safer to stand back."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Its Ultimate can easily separate you from your allies, which makes you report by the Rumble team. Be very careful about this."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah will want to delay the team fight as long as possible while she takes you with her Q. Try to fight as soon as you spot her."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac becomes really powerful in the middle of the game. This is because Zac can CC multiple targets and secure many choices with its capabilities."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Team fighting can be difficult for Amumu as you are inclined to disengage, poke and CC. You should flanculate in the team fights to make it easier for you to catch the enemy out of position."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "It will take a lot of practice to play her to her full potential. She is easy to pick up."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Your Q will help you a lot with that. Getting a Zhonya's Hourglass will amplify your all-in-one potential."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "The effects added to Yuumi's Ultimate R make it a valuable tool in team fighting. Yuumi will slow down an entire enemy team with the effects of its Ultimate R, adding to its value."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "This helps a lot when executing his combo Q > W > Q. Zilean's damage is not questionable."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. Galio will look to engage with his E if he gets close to you."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco is rather squishy and inclined to be killed if CC=\"d when his Ultimate I is down. Shaco must play around this ability to succeed."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine is an easy to learn champion. Learning seraphin doesn't take as long as learning from champions like Akali or Camille."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Continue to play team fights slowly. While your cooldowns will be short, you have to play around your W as much as possible to make sure you can kill the enemy."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Not falling back in the middle of the game is crucial as Jungler, so make sure you keep growing! Level 11 will be a decent power peak for Lillia as it will have an improved Ultimate R."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen excels at flanking the enemy team using his Q and E abilities. Garen's W tenacity allows him to escape from the enemy team if they initiate a fight against him."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Securing as many choices as possible will increase the chances of winning the fight. The vision of the tunnel on the enemy must be avoided, or the enemy team can collapse you."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "As soon as Qiyana uses her E aggressively, burst her down with attacks. The level 6 power spike for Qiyana is pretty strong because it gives her a game-changing Ultimate."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This will give a significant boost to its skirmish potential during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus has great objective control due to the amplified damage dealt by his 1 on single targets. The amplified damage from Karthus' 1 on single targets allows Karthus to finish objectives quickly once he gets some items."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Disappeared from his Q can give his enemies a long window to harass her freely. This ability is quite easy to avoid if it tries to land it from the maximum vision or reach."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Always stay close to your own team at all times so you can quickly join a fight. After the bot track moves towards the middle track, turn to the bot side of the map or another area of the map to continue farming and win XP."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "From level 2 onwards, Rammus can gank with his t. If you know where he started, he may try to level 2 gank mid or try to level 3 gank the opposite side of the map."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If masteryi gets a reset e with its Ultimate r enabled, it can decimate the enemy team. Still on the upper side of the map if the Baron is standing."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle is decent enough during the late part because he will have his articles and will be very tanky. Trundle's damage should also be high."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Positioning is important so they don't take you down and you're good to go."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "n placement can make or break an entire team fight. Proper n placement can prevent the enemy team from anticipating and taking precautions beforehand."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Picks will be aplenty with such an ability. Rammus is pretty decent in late-game fights due to his ability to pick enemies off easily."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Try and go for extended auto-attack fights with him as you will win those. Karthus is a farm heavy champion."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "If you get caught, this will result in a 4v5 advantage for the enemy team. Don't be alone unless you're sure of the enemy's location."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Use track brushes to gain a significant advantage over the enemy. Prioritize the enemy, rather than focus solely on killing them."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "His W can help him escape or close the gap between himself and his targets. When you jerk off, it's a great way to close the gap."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "The first element will allow him to do a lot of damage and to survive the way. It will also be favorable by trying to go for all-in combos."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "If Azir uses an ability, you\u2019ll need to use one too. The best time to fight Azir is when Soldiers W are down."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Refusing the enemy team's buffs can help you in the long run. Amumu will have several elements during the mid-part."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "When the team fights, make sure no one in your team is too far ahead because Malzahar can try to catch someone out of position with his Ultimate R. By sitting goals or moving away from a fight, monitor your positioning as you can walk in the Malzahar Q that can be devastating for your health bar."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Your Ultimate R is supposed to help you massively in fighting, especially around choking points. Once Volibear reaches level 11, he will put another point in his final R."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon's ultimate allows him to join far away fights quickly. Shoving in Pantheon's wave and roaming before he does can give your team the advantage in the fight and turn it in your favor before Pantheon arrives."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Her E will help her escape many unfavorable situations during this phase of the game. That, combined with her W will allow her to provide some utility to her team."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir will compete on the side in the team fights. Watch your flanks so you can find him before he can climb to the top of your team."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "It's the best way to win this path. Avoid fighting when its resource bar is half filled."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "She should count on choices to win the game. She will have a lot of articles during this phase of the game, which will allow her to flatten a lot of damage if she manages to catch an enemy."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Blaze deals more damage to the enemy. Brand's first power spike occurs when he reaches level 3."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Seek fights when Fiddlestick\u2019s R is on cooldown because with it down his team fighting potential decreases a lot. Do not group too closely together while dancing with the enemy, as Fiddlesticks' R can deal damage to your whole team if you're grouped close together."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "You should work with your support to help them bury your E tree in Jungle brushes. You must be really tanky during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "It can quickly push its wave before remembering and being back even before the enemy wave hits its own turn Peel for your carts at the end of the game team fight to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you will not be able to win the fight alone."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "She is a challenging champion that is quite fun and rewarding. Players who put a lot of effort into learning Camille will reap the rewards of a veteran Camille player."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "The most important thing you want to do is keep a Control Ward in your inventory to use your Ultimate k effectively. He is an exceptionally skillful early game ganker due to his remarkable ability and aggressive style of play."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius can start ganking after level 3. Darius is really easy to kite."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Peel for your team in team fights. After using your Ultimate R, peel for your allies to keep them alive."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "This step of the game is made or pause for Trist. She can be strong, but if she's not early, she'll be incredibly weak."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Besides, if you keep roaming, chances are that your ADC will fall massively behind and will get killed frequently, especially if you are in a low elo bracket. Bard's first power spike occurs once he hits level 2."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine is good in team fighting thanks to her Ultimate R. Once Seraphine has finished her first article, her Q damage will increase and her threat to kill too."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Ultimate R allows Neeko to deal massive damage. The cooldown of Ultimate R will be reduced."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "The power spike for Jhin is significant. A power spike for Jhin allows him to put the final nail on the coffin of targets who managed to escape with a sliver of health."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "It is recommended to focus on the ganking of the supertensive enemies if possible. Overheard enemies Ganking will give you a massive advance in the game."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "He can easily be killed if he goes in without his Ultimate and gets CC\u2019d by the enemy team. The enemy can completely counter him if they play in open spaces like the lane and are properly spaced when Hecarim goes in."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Fight with your Ultimate t up if possible, because fighting without it makes the late-game team fight much harder. You have to delay fighting and be ready to disengage when using your Ultimate t is always on cooldown."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Your E will be pivotal for fighting during this phase of the game. You should always try to flank the enemy and get murders on your back with your E."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Do not underestimate the damage caused by Rumble in a trade. If you are hit by several e's and stay in its r for too long, it will arrange a lot of damage. Do not regroup or fight in the jungle because Rumble will get a good Ultimate B."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "After Azir hits level 6, he will have a lot more protection and can disengage quite easily thanks to his Ultimate R. While his Ultimate R is down, try to abuse the cooldown and look for kills."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani's health can be relatively healthy because of his Passive. The R of Sejuani allows him to inflict additional damage, which is a great advantage during Smite's fighting."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "The vision of the tunnel on the enemy must be avoided, or the enemy team can collapse you. Maintaining the focus on your goals and managing your carts is crucial during the first stages of the game."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "With a lot of eagerness and reduced cooling time, it can gank so often It can be anywhere on the map with this frequency."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "This increases Malzahar's survival on the way. You have a big clear wave thanks to the Q, W and E of Malzahar."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Make sure your flanks are monitored during the nap of a lens so that it cannot get the jump on you. In the middle of the game, Zed will often be in a lateral thrust track."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Although she can attack herself by self-attack for an extra poke. Missfortune is a pretty still champion."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Using Brand's R ability will deal lots of damage as long as there are enemies in its path. You should continue trying to harass the enemy with Brand before committing to a team fight."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "The second point of his Ultimate R allows him to catch out-of-guard enemies very frequently. His combo of brilliant damage is also becoming more dangerous."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle's roaming potential and overall card pressure are increasing. He can look for pieces around the map to move his team forward."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "You will be a more effective ganker and a bigger threat at this stage of the game. Of course, you\u2019ll max your first ability at level 9."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Your Ultimate R will bring a considerable amount of damage, so you should be able to get murders with it easily. As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you're on the move around the map, and when you're alone."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "If you think Fizz is going to hit level 6 first, stay at max distance and play safer. When Fizz hits level 6, his kill pressure intensifies."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "If possible, try to harass her and get her down from a distance to make it incredibly difficult to use her Q and engage. Once Sejuani reaches level 6, his death pressure increases considerably."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "This will also allow Tahm Kench to flatten a lot of damage. Once Tahm Kench reaches level eleven, he will have two points added to his Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "It was important to focus on agriculture and hit level 6 as quickly as possible to increase the spoiling potential. Sejuani's team needs its Ultimate R every time it's in place, so try to use it to help allies and get murders."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Don't let Riven choose someone by staying online with each other. Do not group too closely as this can allow Riven to get a stun of 5 people."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The longer the game will be, the stronger Sylas will be. Avoid feeding him at the beginning of the game to reduce his strength in the middle and at the end of the game."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "His post-level 3 ganks are pretty good when he unlocked his taunt E. Shen.'s selection potential in the middle of the game can be devastating enough to play against."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Besides, the E CC also acts as a really good initiation tool for his team. jax's Passive allows him to split push relentlessly."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke is strong at level 1 and 2. Ensure that Pyke hits level 2 at the same time or before you to reduce his ability to get an early kill."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "This will allow you to win turret tray. Increase your gold revenue."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Zeri's next power peak is generally at level 6. At level 6, Zeri will unlock his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Make sure you equal his ganking pressure early on. Securing objectives is important."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Level 6 is a massive power peak that allows Kayn to strengthen its global potential. The additional damage to the burst will be beneficial when dealing with squishy or various targets."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Make sure you spot the Jungler early. They're going to gank you when you get to level six."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Just because you land your Q, it doesn\u2019t mean you need to go in. However, you can burst the enemy down with ease if you\u2019re able to find a good opportunity to all-in."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "After Fiddlesticks completes his first component item, he will be a little stronger. Fiddlesticks can start to trade more aggressively with the enemy after completing his first component item."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Fight around closed areas where possible, that your Ultimate R will be easy enough to land there."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "The CC on Ryze's W allows him to put pieces for himself and his team. This can be really effective if it reaches CC a high priority target, and get rid of them quickly."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Her dueling and pick potential will skyrocket enormously. She should try to fight as much as possible during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Securing goals is essential as Jungler in the middle of the game. Continue to cultivate your jungle as well as gank and help your allies."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Stay together, but be prepared to stay away from the side and out of sight. Teams tend to regroup at the end of the game."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "The enemy will try to overwhelm you in the bottom lane to shut you down. You should keep the lane warded at all times to reduce the chances of this happening."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Once Pyke has got Serrated Dirk, he will try to push constantly and roam. Keep this in mind when laning against him. When Pyke hits level 6, his kill pressure increases as his Ultimate R is an execute. Back away when low so he is unable to kill you and snowball his lead."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "She will now have core items to deal a lot of damage. This will help her team during fights, especially in choke point fights."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze's scale is more important than doing a lot of damage at the beginning of the game. At this stage of the game, you want to get into a side track and focus on agriculture so that you have a game later."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Focus on the nearest enemy champion in team fights. Even with your W, you are still squishy and vulnerable to the enemy backline."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Keep in mind that he's going to do a lot of extra damage right now. Their level 6 is incredibly strong."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "When using Corki's Passive, she should think hard and fast before deciding whether to use it towards the enemy team. In particular, Corki should not use her b basic attack aggressively if her team is not in a position to follow up and go in with her."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "The split thrust in the middle of the game is a key strategy. The objective of the split thrust is to ensure secondary objectives."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "With enough passive wraiths, she will be able to deal with the tanks so quickly. Extended trading against Senna will help you in the long run."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Decent support is needed if it plays CDA. In the jungle, the Red Buff amplifies the effects of this combo."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his W and going for the all-in. Always ensure there is at least one minion between you and him at all times."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "At the end of the game, keep looking for flanks with your E and R. Play around your Ultimate cooldown at the end of the game."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "If Kayn took the blue form, he could murder people with his damage. If Kayn took the red form, he could act as a front line that peels easily for its portages."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Its Ultimate R can allow it to target a target down, which has two uses depending on its role in the game. Either she can use it to peel someone else,"} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Try to avoid going for extended trades with Irelia as she will always win them. The goal was to lock Irelia down at the start of the fight."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Practice makes perfect for dodging Aatrox's Qs whenever possible. Aatrox is a lane bully who can snowball quite quickly."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Once you've gone in with your Ultimate t, peel back and help your allies. In particular, if you\u2019re behind, use your Ultimate t aggressively and then fall back and help your team. Continue to look for picks in the late game"} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Missing Heimerdinger's E will leave him in a vulnerable position, especially when laning alone or being pushed up. Heimerdinger is effective in closed spaces like the Jungle but can be countered by enemy push in lanes."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "In the later parts of the game, play around your Ultimate R and avoid fighting unless it is active. Fighting without the Ultimate R makes the end-of-game team's fights much more difficult."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "If he jumps on you with his E, disengage/reposition immediately to avoid taking damage. Avoid committing if Jax has his E available"} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Do not go for extended trades with Ashe unless you can kill her. Once Ashe has her Ultimate w up, her ability to get kills increases."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Keeping the wave closer to your side of the card early on will make it very difficult for Lee Sin to play aggressive and kill you in the matchup. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early on will also prevent Lee Sin from zoned you away from the farm and XP."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "and will also be able to use it frequently to keep it safe. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "If you\u2019re not ahead, don\u2019t worry as you will still be able to protect your ADC with your E. Annie is a great team fighting champion."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "This will put her on the road, as well as get quick targets if left unchecked. The slow on his W is strong enough and can help him get out of sticky situations."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Just make sure that you don't get CC'd during a major all-in else you will definitely end up dying. Level six is a significant spike for Neeko as she gains access to her power Ultimate R."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "The spike will bolster his overall damage potential. Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Just make sure you land the capacity and use your W correctly. In the middle of the game, the teams will begin to regroup."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Getting them CC'd will allow your team to collapse on the said carry while giving you enough time to position well. Provided you didn't fall behind during the early game, you should be a powerhouse of damage and slows during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "This will increase his damage and allow him to use his Passive in clutch situations. Use the war fog to get choices with your Q and W."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra completed the Luden Echo, which adds a lot of extra shine to his champion's kit. Syndra was a champion in the Legends League who had a poke and range advantage during the laning."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If you\u2019re trying to go for an all in, make sure to fight when 1 ability is missing. Of course, Fiddlesticks biggest power spike is his level 6."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "You can jump from your ADC and hit it with a few cars while it's downstairs. Make sure to communicate with your team by pinging when Alistar wanders."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Make sure your dash is always in place so you can avoid its t. Anivia is a mana-hungry champion."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Junglers can camp Ezreal at that stage because he will have no other form of escape left. Jungler camping Ezreal while his E is down makes it difficult for him to use it."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Her main goal will be to fight around clumped areas to get a multi-man Ultimate R on the enemy team. She should still focus on the enemy backline during team fights while avoiding any form of CC on her."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Using s to poke the enemy frequently is effective in harassing them while staying at max range. Your basic attacks, when combined with s, will get the enemy low over time."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Keep a safe distance from Tristana when she's early in the middle of the game so she can't easily get you down. Tristana has a lot to peel with her W and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "You don't want to get caught out by any form of CC as it will spell death for you then and there. If the enemy carry is highly mobile, you may want to save your Ultimate w until you have a clean shot on them."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Use your *Q* ability regularly to maintain a strong presence on the map. Your Ultimate R can change the game in team fights, use it wisely to avoid getting caught."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Every time your Ultimate R is in place, you can look for aggressive games to try to kill the enemy. Your Ultimate R is an excellent trading tool that makes you much stronger."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The first element decreases the cooling of its spells. As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you're on the move around the map, and when you're alone."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "You must be grouped with your team at the end of the game. The enemy will just engage in your team because they know you're not where near and they have the advantage of numbers."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Try to put death brushes in place whenever possible. Your W will easily fear enemies when it is combined with your Passive, and then you can proceed with their explosion."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's E and W capabilities can initiate several all-in-ones, especially at levels one and two. Sett can use Flash to easily cheese enemies after hitting level two."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern\u2019s carry potential is rather lacklustre. A team behind Ivern will have a hard time winning the game."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "jax's Passive allows him to split push relentlessly. This can be extremely useful when jax\u2019s team is behind and can\u2019t win a fair team fight."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "On level four, Nautilus can play aggressively and look for murders with his g. Make sure you are still behind a minion every time its g is up to the level to reduce its ability to kill you in the track."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's Ultimate R is an AOE tool that deals a lot of damage to enemies grouped closely together. At level 16, Diana would have put the third and final point in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Once Yasuo is level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R, the risk of being killed increases. When playing against Yasuo with a unlocked Ultimate R, you should play respectfully to avoid getting killed."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The first element will strengthen its overall damage. It'll let him take control of the fights with ease."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas' engage potential is high due to his E and Q. Gragas' lockdown potential is also high."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "The level six is a massive power peak because Viego will be able to unlock a powerful finishing capacity. Viego's slaughter pressure is very high, as he only needs to land his W and then follow him with his Q and auto attacks."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces. However, you will rely on your support to do the heavy lifting early."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Cancel Nunu's R with crowd control (CC). When it comes to securing an objective like the Dragon or Baron, never go for the 50/50 because of Nunu's Q."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "The Passive de Veigar allows an infinite scale. Veigar is a monster from the end of the game."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "He can also help his Jungler during the ganks with his E dash and R knockup. Flank in the team fighting as he approached the enemy backline."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Her all-in will be heavily intensified at this stage of the game. Cass is a late-game monster."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "A point in the Ultimate R ability of Azir will be helpful but not decisive. At level 13, Azir will maximize his W and r abilities."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank scales well and his Passive damage helps keep enemies away from him. Gangplank's E can be set from weird angles that catch enemies off-guard and deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Try to keep the wave either in the middle of the lane, or keep pushing him into his turret so you can gain a good CS lead. At level 6, Jhin is stronger than you in the 2v2."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Pull the pressure while your team tries to besiege targets elsewhere to open the map. You can also try to sneak in some goals when your team is busy distracting the enemy."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Ganking laners refers to players who play aggressively in the queues and attack the enemy player's path. The straps are often capable of causing significant damage to the hard CC."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Adding extra points in his Q will allow Soraka to play very aggressively. The slow is an advantage that allows Soraka to control the rhythm of the game."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "You have to bring down the enemy and delay fighting at the end of the game, but you have to look at your positioning as you move forward to harass. Don't get caught trying to harass and bring down the enemy."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "A strike by one of their champions in the Yasuo team will significantly increase Yasuo's power in the middle of the game. Having support with a knockup will make Yasuo's laning phase very easy."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "A defensive element will be particularly useful in neutral and objective battles where you need to target a specific champion around bottlenecks. At level 16, Kayn's Ultimate capacity was fully maximized."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, look to split push and try to fight the enemy who tries to stop you. Darius is a strong 1v1 champion and can fight most laners who are put up against him."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne is weak at the beginning of the game. It is recommended that this weakness be abused if possible."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "He's pretty decent during the end-of-game fights, because his abilities are going to hurt the opponents a lot. Its survival is just as valuable."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Team fights are where Orianna shines. Her Ultimate d is a large AOE ability that can turn the tide of team fight."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Getting a choice gives you enough time to get down the Baron. Removing the Baron is important to increase the chances of winning"} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox tends to fall off later in the game as the enemy will buy items that counter him. The enemy buys items that counter Aatrox in late game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "You're really good at countering and gaunting in general. If you are nearby when the enemy Zac ganks, you should try to help your laner in need."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Getting them low first will make it easier for you to win the fight. Peel for your carries and focus the nearest enemy champion if you\u2019re weak."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Peel for your carries and focus the nearest enemy champion if you\u2019re weak. If you\u2019re ahead, focus the backline and try to take them down instead."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "If Jarvan hits level 6, his kill pressure intensifies. If you are without Flash, Jarvan can easily enclose you with his Ultimate m which will leave you incredibly vulnerable."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You can look for aggressive plays or use Your Ultimate R defensively at this point. Your Ultimate R is a genuinely diverse tool that can help you gain a lead or prevent you from losing one."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo could look at 1v1 any enemy who tried to stop him in the side lane. There have been frequent exchanges with the enemy throughout the laning phase. An early murder could snowball the way in his favor."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "If your allies move on your track after destroying their turn, you should turn and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold. Your team should use your capabilities to clear minion waves quickly."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The setting up of several ganks is very beneficial if the path it gets has a certain form of CC built in their kit. Malphite is the scourge of all immobile carriers, especially the various immobile carriers."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "You should go with them in the end-of-game team fights. Keep looking for spikes on the enemy Support while they go to the room alone in the end of the game."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "If you start dividing the thrust, the enemy will force a fight and kill your team while you're gone. Delay the team fights while you wait for your Ultimate to come back to me."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "This will help you to achieve goals without effort. Avoid walking too far forward in team fighting."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf can solo objectives in the early game. Olaf may take the Dragon if there are no gank opportunities."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "This will help a lot when you deal with CC because CC is your worst enemy that can get you killed indefinitely. In the end of the game look for spikes on immobile or misplaced enemies."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "This will allow him to soften up his target without the help of his Support, and once they are low enough, he can all-in them. He becomes safer as he builds critical strike."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "His job is to survive in the early game. Fiddlesticks first power spike is at level 6."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "The Lillia juggling element is required for a significant increase in clearance speed and damage output. They're going gank early."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The enemy has very little time to react to the damage of the Taliyah explosion. A C E Q combo by talijah can ruin the life of the enemy lantern."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "If the enemy has a lot of disengagement or poke, continue flancing in the team fights to make sure you pass to the enemy before they are able to disengage you or poke you down. Kennen's good at team fighting."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "The late game power spike for Brand is his significant damage output. However, Brand needs to avoid getting caught out in the late game."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Focus on farming early and get gold and XP. However, if a nearby player is ganking or counter-ganking, don't be afraid to take it."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "He will focus mainly on cleaning at the beginning of the game. Its e can easily be interrupted by any form of hard CC."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Level 6 increases Syndra's damage potential by a significant margin, allowing it to easily destroy enemies and effectively use its E capability. The first element significantly improves Syndra's wave output and damage, while increasing its mana basin for frequent casting capacity."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Level 6 is a massive power peak for Shen. It's also a free ticket for him because he can immediately get on a track and catch the out-of-guard enemy."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "At level 16, Cassiopeia will put the third point in her Ultimate R. It will deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Winning enough gold for its first component element offers additional trading potential in the track. This will lead to an increase in Vex damage production and overall resistance."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "In conjunction with his W, Azir should be able to poke and farm from afar without dying to the enemy. As Azir completes multiple items, he will be very strong and dish out a lot of damage in a short amount of time."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Moreso, Jax will mitigate more damage in turn. Jax is excellent during the mid-game."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Squishies can be one-shot by Pyke. Pyke can take down multiple enemies at once."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Think twice fighting Kindred because she'll be a strong opponent They go gank early and Pantheon can gank early too."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Empowered auto-attacks also have a huge slow if an enemy champion is auto-attacked."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "This will increase Gangplank's team fighting strength by a lot. Now he will have three points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Once Jarvan maxes his first ability at level 9, he will be able to deal quite a decent amount of damage. Jarvan's all-in potential will also see a significant boost depending on which ability he decided to max first."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Finding a healthy balance between handling your allies, farming your jungle and securing goals Make sure you don't fall back in XP trying gank constantly"} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Level 6 is the \"peak power\" for Teemo. The first element will increase Teemo's overall damage in the game."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "His bursting will allow him to quickly get rid of the enemies. Several points in his Ultimate R will allow him to use capacity quite frequently."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Extended trades work in the favour of Darius thanks to his Passive. He will win almost every auto-attack battle."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr can unlock its Ultimate R at level 1. If you have a strong Ultimate, try to abuse cooldown and help your allies."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "This will help her a lot in the team fights, especially when the enemy team is filled with heavy CC champions. It will have its basic items by then, which means that it will suffer a respectable amount of damage."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Protect your allies as much as possible during team fights. Keep your allies alive for as long as possible while dealing damage to increase your chances of winning."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Try to finish the game as fast as you can because Senna's late game is strong enough if it was able to stack effectively. Watch your positioning at all times so it can't put crucial spells on you."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Level 11 is a power peak because Twitch will get two points in its Ultimate. Twitch will have several objects at this level, which will allow it to inflict damage with ease."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Choosing someone and then collapsing on them to shoot them down is a great way to win a team fight and end the game. Look for peaks on isolated targets if possible."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir needs time and gold before he can come online and do damage. Your champion, Vladimir, is incredibly weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "She can easily ambush someone with this ability. Another point on her Ultimate R allows for increased damage output."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cass will land her Q and have incredibly potent bully potential. Her all-in will be heavily intensified at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Spotting Maokai on the flank will allow you to prepare for his attack. Once Maokai's level has increased to 6, his death pressure in the track will increase."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you\u2019re away from your team."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "He is very strong at level 6 as his Ultimate e is an execute. If you\u2019re low on health at level 5, recall Darius\u2019s potential to get the next level up and try to kill you."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "She should be really great as the game continues because she's going to have all her articles by now. She will have to take care of her combat positioning to make sure she's not chosen."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "At level 9, his 1 will be maxed out. Anyone who is caught out by Karthus will take a massive chunk of damage and will probably even die if they are singled out by Karthus."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "During the mid-game, look for picks all around the map. It is the time to do lane swaps."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "If Taliyah's C (Counter Strike) is disabled, it becomes more vulnerable to enemy attacks. The ground engineer on his Q allows passengers to play freely in the medium track as long as they continue to barrage with Qs."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "By this stage of the game, Darius should be near max build. As he builds items that enhance his damage and offer him protection, Darius will be relatively tanky and challenging to take down."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain should stay with his team during the final games of the game. If Swain gets caught or is not present when the enemy launches a fight, his team risks losing."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Her opponent will have to be very careful as Irelia can decimate them with her Ultimate R and Q should they get hit by the initial Ultimate R cast. After the laning phase has ended, go to a different lane or stay top."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Stay behind the wave of minions at all times. Focus on agriculture and robbery, limit trade with it."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His E will allow him to install death brushes in the enemy jungle. The installation of death brushes in the enemy jungle will help him to get rid of any unsuspecting enemy who is going through this brush."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar's leaving after level 6 should be pinched. Rengar will try to cheese at level one."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the final stages of the game. If you can find the opportunity to do so, use it to catch someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or away from the position."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Use the fog of war to flank the enemy when possible. The goal is to get rid of the enemy carries as quickly as you can."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "The empowerments will be more powerful, and Heimerdinger will use them both offensively and defensively. It will let him harass the enemy laner relentlessly when they are trying to farm in the lane."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "During the victory of prolonged trading, you have to keep the wave close to 6 if possible, which allows a smoother descent on Zoe. Title"} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lisandra's ultimate R is more a utility tool than a damaging tool, making it less effective against stronger opponents. A utility role for Lisandra may not be enough to counter the release of damage from the stronger average champions."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "When there are no goals nearby, a Mortadokaer should regroup with his team and fight 5v5. Mortadokaiers have the strongest potential for duellage when trying to prevent others from dividing up."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "AD ranged champions can tear through Galio especially after he uses his E. Galio needs time to come online."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Painful injuries also affect the middle of Swain's game. Swain is very weak when its Ultimate R (strengthening) is down."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Combined with W, the security of killings becomes quick and easy. You will have your basic items now, and you will be able to intimidate your laner relentlessly."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "After Darius has completed his first component item, his Passive and overall damage output can be extremely obnoxious. If you were able to gain a kill before picking it up, you will have a severe advantage over the enemy which you should look to increase."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Depending on which build she is going for, kaisa will be getting her first ability upgrade during this stage of the game. This will be a massive power spike and will let kaisa be the prime carry for her team."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Acquiring more big items will make you quicker and become unstoppable. Focusing on securing objectives and considering taking fights over them."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Using Karthus' Ultimate e can be a detriment if he doesn\u2019t have his items or is set back early on. He gets a significant power spike at level 11 due to him getting access to his level two Ultimate e."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine will unlock her final R at level 6. At level 6, the release of Seraphine from its Ultimate R makes it more threatening."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Anyone who is behind on the enemy team will suffer a lot at this stage."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Focus on agriculture. Agriculture and avoiding fighting with the enemy are your main priorities in early play."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Always use your Q in the middle of the track. Using Q in the middle of the track will give you more space to avoid."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's ability to disrupt flights when at level six will help when the enemy is still and does not have Flash. The first element of Malphite allows him to take more fighting."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "If the enemy attempts to fight while Annie has max stacks on her stun, it can be quickly turned around. Annie's best power spike in lane occurs when she unlocks Tibbers R."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "It can now go on a side track and divide the thrust due to its passive and basic capabilities. His abilities will strike very hard, and he will frequently kill enemies."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia will allow you to avoid strokes of skill and CC. Your goal in early play is to win as much gold as possible and XP as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Agriculture will be crucial for the development of the viktor at the beginning of its game. Level 6 is an important peak of power for the viktor, which allows it to exert considerable influence on the track."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. In doing so, Akshan will be less effective."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Play smart and recall when you\u2019re low so Rakan cannot use their Ultimate to execute you. As Rakan has a lot of built-in sustain, make sure you get some form of healing reduction quickly to make it easier for you to kill them."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo is very squishy and the crowd control in layers can get rid of him immediately. He's vulnerable when his t's down,"} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Its passive makes it easy to shred enemy teams when they are grouped together. He can use his s to spot and put the vision for his team."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Minimizing trading should be a priority until kassadin reaches level 6. At level 6, kassadin can start to take more aggressive approaches to gameplay."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Getting the right pick on someone can easily win you the game or the team fight. Pantheon is easily kitable in team fights and when ganking."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "This means that she will have increased the statistics that will make her healing and mana regen really high. Killing his teammates is going to get really tough now."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It would be a remarkable ability to use when seeing an enemy on a side track. Locking Taliyah in the way will make it easier for you."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. This will give Rengar a huge boost and allow him to easily blow up unique targets."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "It is also a good tool in 2v2 fights. Finally, it\u2019s great in team fights as it could potentially knock-up 5 enemies."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "When Lucian reaches Level 6, play very carefully. Keep the bushes nearby constantly so you don't get caught off guard by Lucian and save your E when he tries from all of you."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "When his Ultimate is in place, K'Sante is stronger and harder to fight. The additional damage can be quite surprising and difficult to manage."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Vi has great objective control with his Passive, W and E. In a team fight with the Ultimate R, you should prepare to retreat for your allies at the end of the game."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "His hitbox E is not the largest, so it can be difficult to land. Ahri can be difficult to play in team compositions with heavy CCs."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "In the middle of the game, the teams will begin to regroup. It's good for Alistar because it allows her to get a multi-person knock-up with her combo t>e."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "If he misses times his Ultimate e, his damage output will be reduced heavily and it may cost him the team fight. This is why Darius needs to cast his Ultimate e as soon as the enemy gets into health range."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "While his Ultimate R is down, try to abuse the cooldown and look for kills. You should use your W and R to reposition and avoid being displaced by Azir's R."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "This boost allows Ziggs to use his Q frequently to keep hitting the enemy. The enemy must remember suddenly because of Ziggs Q."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "His W also allows him to assemble easily. Objective control and maintenance due to passive and damage."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas' damage-dealing abilities are useful, but are limited by cooldowns, leaving him mostly unable to act except auto-attacking when they're down. An opportunity to initiate (engage) arises when Gragas has his Body Slam E up."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The more items he gets, the harder he will be to kill. Keep this in mind and try to deny him farm, XP, gold and resources to reduce his effectiveness in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Try to delay Diana's power spike by taking away her camps or killing her in her jungle During team fights, Diana's kit offers a lot of burst damage thanks to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so continue to farm! As a Jungler, securing every Drake during the mid-game is necessary."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Your mobility is your starting point in this matchup. Use your mobility to avoid damage to Kog'Maw, then fight him and kill him."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "He can use it on the minion wave to close the gap and chat with you. Renekton will seek to divide the thrust when there are no team fights."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Players who put a lot of effort into learning Camille will reap the rewards of a veteran Camille player. Her Ultimate R is a CC tool"} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner will seek to flank in team fighting with his E."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "If the Baron is up, always stay on the top side. If you go bot and show yourself, the enemy will take the objective for free."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Get a sweater and keep cleaning its traps because it will help you fight Teemo significantly. You don't have to fight Teemo in space because his traps will make it hard for you to do anything to him."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "This is good for him as he will be able to continue to poke and harass the enemy before a team fight occurs. Ezreal's E will be on a short cooldown which allows him to escape skirmishes easily."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Her Ultimate R is a utility tool. However, her ability to roam does increase if she leaves lane."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will increase her damage and poke in the game, which will make it very hard for her laner to deal with her."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "His E barrels form a major part of his early game damage and without it, he will just be stuck farming and occasionally helping his team with his Ultimate R. Gangplank's W is an important spell in his kit."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia needs a lot of practice with her Q ability. Her Q usage requires awareness to avoid mistakes."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean can get his allies out of trouble. He can revive them."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can fight quickly. This is the point of the game where Zed will have a lot of difficulty taking enemies down. That's because enemies will buy defensive objects from now on."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite will be forced to play defensively before six years. Malphite probably won't have any ganks for six years because he doesn't have his Ultimate."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The third point of Seraphine's Ultimate R will help him a lot during the team fights. Seraphine can dry up a lot of damage during team fighting."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "If she gets the right Vital procs, Fiora can cheese an early first blood or leave you chugging your potions at your tower. Respect her all-in potential and do not fight her early on."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Watch the map at all times post level 6. Your Ultimate R is very impactful and can help your allies to win fights and skirmishes."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "This helps a lot when escarmouche and putting the vision in place before the critical objective fights. You have to start fighting for your team when you have a chance."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle's Ultimate will put it in place and make it much more difficult to manage. Once Trundle bought boots,"} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "When walking alone through the river, Fizz can easily assassinate you. Taking appropriate paths through warded areas whenever possible will minimize your risk."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "It is important to kill an enemy laner who killed a teammate, especially at later stages of the game where the death chronometers are long. The temporists of death refer to the time that remains before a champion's ultimate ability is activated after his death."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Make a point to start the fight however, as your CC is more reliable. Nasus has crazy damage at the end of the game if he was able to get tons of batteries with his Q."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You should try to stay safe and not take unnecessary risks. azir's ability to control a zone/area is quite strong and almost unparalleled."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "You should not fight unless you have a clear early advantage. Constantly use your abilities to push the enemy, making them low on health."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "At level 6, Akali can look for aggressive all-ins because his Ultimate offers him a lot of extra pressure to kill. Look for murders with your Ultimate when the enemy overextends."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves has good objective control. The objective for Graves is to secure the Rift Herald and every Drake when it's up."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "If you benefit from it, you should try to get an early execution call. The executor's call will reduce Soraka's healing ability and increase your death pressure in the way."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "The enemy team will have difficulty pushing up against Nocturne's presence. Nocturne is solid during the mid-game due to his gank potential."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Focus on kiting and auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion. Avoid walking too far forward so you do not get caught out and focused by the enemy."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "As Nasus focuses on the agriculture of his health and his gold, his Ultimate R will allow him to inflict massive damage and turn the tide of the game. If you become too cuckolded and underestimate Nasus during this time, he can turn the exchange and enjoy your mistakes."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Stay with your team at the end of the game. Do not separate or depart from them otherwise the enemy may try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Wait for her to waste her C or Q, then use the cooldown to play aggressive and kill her. Taliyah does not have access to a harmful Ultimate R at level 6."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "While jungling during the early game, Gragas can be invaded early on when he is busy ganking. Doing so will force Gragas to show himself to lanes in order to soak experience as he won\u2019t have any camps to take due to him being invaded. On the other hand, if he is laning, consistently harassing Gragas will force him to recall abruptly."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Using your ultimate R would be a remarkable ability to use when you see an enemy on a side track. Level 16 is not so big that it strengthens its roaming potential and nothing else."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Being caught will cause your team to play 4v5. Don't be alone unless you know where the enemy is."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Avoid moving around the map alone to avoid getting caught by enemy vision. If you are trapped, this will result in a 4v5 disadvantage for your team."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Fields with easy to install CC will be able to prevent Akshan from using its E aggressively. Akshan's Ultimate can be interrupted quite easily."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar is quite decent in a team fight, especially if he manages to use a brush frequently. His bursting will allow him to quickly get rid of the enemies."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If someone tries to come close to her, she can just Q them and run away, If she is getting engaged upon, she can use her d and Ultimate a empowered d to both disengage and get back a lot of health."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen does deceptively high amounts of damage during this phase of the game due to her items. She will also have maxed out most of her abilities."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is the scourge of all immobile carriers, especially those still. It can easily climb on them and prevent them from doing anything in a fight."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Even though she will be playing the Support role, Ahri has great burst and pick potential on targets that are moving around the map alone. Make sure you group and avoid walking in areas that are unwarded when you know Ahri's been nearby."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "He will benefit from completing items. The damage output of Fiddlesticks will be quite high after completing an item or two."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar is stronger when he has 4 batteries of Ferocity. You should avoid fighting him if you come into contact with him when he is completely stacked."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Obtaining an early health advance is the key to getting a murder later on the line. Level 2 in the lower lane is the first minion wave followed by the next 3 melee minions."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Once you have your Ultimate R, capitalize on your ganks. Keep clearing the Jungle regularly."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "To secure every Dragon possible, Elise should try to find picks with her E. The ability of picking champions off and catching them out of position with her E makes Elise a strong pick."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Don't stay too close together because it allows Amumu to trap several people with his Ultimate y. You should avoid fighting in the jungle for the same reason as above."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie's E (ability) will be on a shorter cooldown during the mid-game, making it easier for her to protect herself and her ADC more frequently. She should be focusing on securing picks during this stage of the game with a fully stacked Passive and Q."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "If you are able to get a good Ultimate Roff, you will increase your chances of winning a team fight. Seraphine has weak basic statistics and is vulnerable at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen will gain a huge power spike and finishing ability once he manages to get to level 6. This will let him go for regular short burst trades against his enemies, let his Passive kick in after the trade, and then go for the finish with his Ultimate R after getting the enemy low."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "If you meet Poppy when going through the river, watch your positioning and avoid being close to a wall so she is unable to pin you against it with her E."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "As Ziggs gets more articles, it will cause a lot of chaos in terms of damage. Ziggs will easily get the enemies out to make the team fight massively unfair for the enemy."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Aphelios\u2019s first back would have picked up his first damaging item. He can look for more favourable trades with the enemy once he has purchased his first component item."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Don't let Lissandra abuse you for free. Be weaker than Lissandra when she has her Ultimate."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "You'll be really tanky during this phase of the game. Make sure you start fighting for your team."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego gains several skills with his Ultimate R. A complete construction will allow your damage to skyrocket."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere should try to take the Dragon and Rift Herald if possible. Taking the Dragon and Rift Herald is not recommended"} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "You have a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as you can. Play safe for the first levels while you land poke on the enemy with your Q."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Avoid pushing the wave as much as you can because Yasuo has an incredibly strong all-in and can get you down if you're pushing. Try to keep the wave closer to your side of the map in the laning phase so Yasuo is unable to chase you and kill you."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "At level 16 Illaoi will have multiple items during this stage of the game. At level 16 Illaoi will be highly tanky and deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "At the end of the game, Rumble would have a lot of damage. Rumble would have a magic pen at the end of the game."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Make sure you position yourself in a way that allows you to capitalize on Kog' Maw's mistakes in team fighting. Positioning is crucial for Kog' Maw because it gives you the opportunity to take advantage of its bad or overextensive position and take it down."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Weakening Karthus lessens his usefulness as the game progresses. Karthus has global map pressure with their Ultimate."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "If you are near Galio when he uses his Ultimate R, you can disrupt it with any crowd control abilities. Disrupting Galio's Ultimate R will be very helpful as it can stop him from using his Ultimate R to help his allies."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "A late-game monster due to Kayle's Passive If Kayle can acquire CS in an orderly manner, she will easily take over the game later on."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "His early play can be pretty good. His early play is particularly good if he's in a favorable game."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Avoid standing too close to Azir's Soldiers W because he can auto attack you from afar. When Azir places a Soldier W, move to a safer position out of its range."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Always look to gank overextended enemies when possible. Your kit will let you CC the enemy to oblivion and will allow you to burst them down just as quickly."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The first capacity will cause more damage. Using the first capacity often will allow Teemo to do a lot of burst damage."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Just like the laning phase avoid prosecuting Yone if he runs away because he will use his E to judge you. Yone is better at trading once he unlocks his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "At level 6, Mordekaiser's death pressure increases. When Mordekaiser's Ultimate R is in place, you have to play more respectfully."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Try to fight when he\u2019s not there as it will make team fighting much easier. Setting him behind in the early game will make him less strong in team fights."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Aurelion Sol\u2019s main power spike is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate. While Aurelion Sol has completed his first item, he can look for more favourable trades with the enemy. "} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal must play more defensively when facing such opponents to avoid being caught by their CC. Ezreal will struggle to push in waves if he doesn't, as he can be easily ganged up on and killed."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is weak against long-ranged poke due. If you cannot get into range of the enemy, you will not be able to play aggressive."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The additional movement speed it provides makes it hard for the enemy laner to escape from his ganks. Mundo can start ganking from level 3 onwards."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo should play more aggressively during this level. His R (Ultimate) is very effective in the proximity fight."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. Shen is able to mitigate any form of automatic attack damage with its W."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki's poke allows him to roam safely and reposition himself in the game as needed. You can roam around the map and help your allies."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor has a clear wave that is very effective. This allows him to damage several enemies at the same time."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "After using your R, fall back and protect your allies and focus the nearest champion. Look for picks with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Stand away from bushes to avoid Ezreal's R, so that you can counter with other abilities. You want Kalista to freeze the wave when facing Ezreal so that your Jungler can gank you."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, Fiora will split push and draw the enemies attention to herself while her team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map. In team fights, Fiora will try to flank from the side to make it harder for the enemy to disengage or poke her down."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Roaming to over-extended enemy lanes with her Jungler and lane ganking pushed up enemy lanes should give her a massive lead. At this point, Annie will have her core items."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Being without your support in the middle of the game makes you an easy target. Continue to regroup with your team and stay close to your support."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Being at max build allows you to easily take down any champion who you might come into contact with. Set up ambushes."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "This will increase her poke and trading potential in lane. It will also make her a huge threat if she has a better first item than the enemy ADC."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Once Karthus has his Ultimate ability he can impact the map regardless of his positioning. Whenever you\u2019re fighting the enemy always take into consideration that he may use his Ultimate ability to finish you off."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Don't look for a team fight if Yuumi's R is in the jungle or around a goal because she can slow down many champions and heal her team. Try to fight Yuumi in open areas where your team is not too closely grouped."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Its electronic use will dictate how good it is Riven. She is a decent champion early, especially if she manages to use the track brushes to her advantage in the track."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise's Blue buff is very important for her. Without her Blue buff, Elise can't cast her abilities as frequently."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "A player who excels as a Volibear is able to force any enemy champion to use his Flash, especially when he is taken out of position. Volibear's Ultimate R allows it to easily install dives in the tower."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Be careful when trying to initiate a skirmish with him as he might just pull out his magic card and kill you. Just like during the laning phase, you\u2019ll want to destroy Heimerdingers Turrets Q as quickly as you can before a team fight is underway so he is unable to dish out tons of damage."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus can be difficult for team fighting because most players disengage immediately after he approaches them. Most players tend to leave their positions and disengage from team fights when they see Rammus approaching."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax is a good duelist and will be able to fight most enemies who try to stop him. While you\u2019re a champion that is usually sent to split push, you might need to group with your team if the enemy is trying to force something."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Make sure you are always behind the minion wave or outside it so Taliyah can't push and poke at the same time. The more Taliyah has articles, the stronger it will be."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "As a Jungler, you need to try and secure every Drake during the mid-game. Getting every Drake will increase your chances of winning the game if you also secure the Dragon Soul for your team."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "He can catch up with his enemy using his E and hit them with his r. Using Yasuo's W allows him to completely dismantle enemy matchups by running around windshields."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Your Ultimate has the potential to be a real game changer. The goal is to prevent Karthus from entering your team."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "The first component offers a lot of poke from Karma's end as it increases the damage of her Q and allows her to use it frequently as she will have more mana to use. Level 6 isn't a huge spike, but it definitely increases the amount of poke damage she can deal with her abilities."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Investing in an executor's call can reduce Nami's healing on herself and her allies."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed will start crashing as soon as he reaches level 3. As soon as Zed reaches level 6, his death pressure increases and he will play aggressively."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "The enemy team spaces Galio effectively if they do not move away from him during a fight. Enemy magic damage can be effective against Galio."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Building Grievous Wounds can be pivotal towards shutting Fiora down during her early game. Misusing her W can straight-up cost Fiora the lane."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "As soon as she hits level 6 and goes missing, communicate with your team so they know she's left lane. Quinn has completed her first item, and her kill pressure intensifies."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Look for the fights when their R Ultimates is in place. Fighting while Ultimates R is on the cooldown will result in no further damage."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times. Keep a constant eye on what the main objective is the next spawning. If it is spawning soon, make sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before you retreat safely."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "If you kill a key target, you could call Baron. Lucian's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Fighting in the jungle makes it easy for Zac to hit the whole team with his Ultimate R. Fight outdoors whenever possible."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Looking for skirmishes when your Passive is stacked increases your damage output and your chances of killing the enemy. Focus on good wave management in order to go for favourable trades."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Your kit allows you to fool them easily and escape if a fight goes wrong. Try to catch the enemy CDA in a side lane or enemy support while they are in custody."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "After you've picked up your first component item Your poke and damage will increase dramatically. Don't be afraid to look for fights once you've picked up your first item."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "The carts will be able to all-in-Mordekaiser freely. Seriously early injuries can reduce the damage caused by the Mordekaiser."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "This increase in damage will make its team combat potential quite respectable. If he can use the ability while hiding in a brush, he poses a lot of threats to the opponents."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "As a qualified division pusher in the middle of the game, you should usually start grouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby. Grouping usually involves the 5v5 fight against opponents."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "then the enemy Jungler shows up for a gank The early game for azir should focus on farming."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Try to fight Morgana when this capacity is broken. Morgana's survival in team fighting increases when her Blackshield E is not available."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "When you know where the enemy is, go towards it so you do not get picked off before an objective spawns. Look for picks with your Ultimate e (Nautilus's ability)."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Lookout and be cautious when trying to get a good Ultimate R off so you don\u2019t get killed before a fight breaks out. Invest in early sustain and an early Executioner's Calling."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "When Fizz hits level 6, his kill pressure intensifies. Fizz has a lot of outplay potential with his E."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Don't commit too much to helping your teammates especially if, It's more important to ensure goals than to help your teammates."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Level 6 is a massive spike. A level 6 for qiyana should send shivers down her enemies' spines."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Alternatively, if it is safe to do so, stay inside the minion wave at all times. An early execution call element is recommended to reduce Yuumi's healing and retention in team fighting."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac's abilities make the enemy vulnerable if they ignore it. Once he enters with his E, he cannot go out due to his E being on a very high cooldown initially."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Abuse the fact that Bard is missing to all-in the enemy ADC. Avoid the minion wave at all times because landing his Q and stun would be difficult."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Naafiri uses the range of abuse and poke abilities to reduce the health of his champion. The player keeps their minion closer to their side of the card early to limit Naafiri's potential all-in-potential."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "This will allow you to take neutral goals easily. Level 11 isn't great because it can only wander and play."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen will be much stronger once her Ultimate R is unlocked. The unlocking of Gwen's Ultimate R will increase her trading power dramatically."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "He falls off in the late game. Darius is an early to mid game champion."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "His Ultimate R is a huge threat in team fighting. Nami can keep his allies with HP thanks to his W and his articles."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "With R and E, Yasuo can look for all the ins once it reaches level 6. Yasuo can catch outright motionless ADCs with ease using R and E."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Its Ultimate R is also versatile and can be used as a self peeling tool. When Tristana reached level 9, she would have maximized her first ability."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "A complete AP construction is better when facing squishy and varied door. Squishy and the range carriages were present on the enemy team."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "A Jungler with many CC tools in his kit can start ganking very quickly. Vision will make it harder for Nautilus to get successful ganks off."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "You can detect Dr.Mundo with ease thanks to your Passive. This Passive will allow your teammates to know about Dr.Mundo's whereabouts."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team. Galio may be looking to roam with his Ultimate R if he goes missing."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Get ahead of Gragas by ganking with your Ultimate every time it\u2019s up. You can beat him in a 1v1 as long as you dodge his E."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Narus must play safely and avoid trading until he has some levels under his belt. Nasus has a lot of bad matches."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "It is recommended to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the card so Rengar can't jump bushes and trade with you. Players must stick at any time to the bottom of the track to make it harder for Rengar to jump on them."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio needs time to come online. Play safe in the early game so Galio can scale and come online."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Electric farming up to level 6 allows Evelynn to become invisible. The purpose of the invasion of Evelyn's jungle is to delay its level 6 power peak by flying its camps."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Force ganks with your R! As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The minor powerspike will allow Graves to clear his camps quickly and can efficiently respond to counter-ganks. At level 3, Graves can now pull off ganks successfully."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Katarina\u2019s Dagger placements often fall in ideal places for favourable trades. Look to assassinate targets that are moving around Summoners Rift alone."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "If you have already killed the enemy with your ally, you won't get an assist. Channelling Karthus' Ultimate near an enemy champion could be very dangerous."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Always keeping at least one ally nearby is crucial. Grouping with your team is essential at all times."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Place Trinkets and Control Wards around you during the nap of a lens to detect Twitch before it can jump on you. Twitch has power peaks similar to AP Support Twitch."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "She will just need good peel from her teammates. Jinx will be really great during mid-game fights."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "During the mid-game, Corki will have completed multiple items. Corki will have a lot of poke during the mid-game too."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "The player wanted to stand out from the minion wave to force Syndra to choose between pushing and throwing them simultaneously. Syndra allowed the player to push them into their lap early; they had to coordinate with their jungler for potential ganks."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "A good roaming potential is one of Nautilus' key forces as he can push the wave and then move to another path and help his allies. This can be really beneficial if you can't kill the enemy lantern."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "It is recommended to keep the wave near your turret. Keeping the wave near your turret limits Leona's potential."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "At Level 6, Sion can set up an ADC or Jungler on track to get killed if possible. If Zion can't set up someone, he can roam and help his Mid or Top laner instead."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Forcing a fight against Pantheon when he is on the opposite side of the map can be a good idea because it will take him some time to get into the fight even with his Ultimate R. Pantheon is an early to mid game champion"} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Killing Soraka's wagons will be phenomenally easy. The W of Soraka will be maximized and will heal its allies significantly."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "When there's no team fighting and when Shen's Ultimate R is in place, you'll find him pushing. Make sure there's someone who can reach him so he can't share the push for free."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Countering gank attempts if possible, or invading him and then ganking another lane or securing Dragon/Rift Herald are good alternative options. Avoid fighting or staying close to your teammates because Nautilus\u2019s e can knock players up."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr's jungle agriculture, the thrust divided into a side track or otherwise preoccupied. Fighting with the advantage of numbers will make the team struggle much easier."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Level 6 is a massive power spike for Heimerdinger. At level 6, Heimerdinger can bait enemies to their deaths with ease."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax will use his e to block basic attacks. Jax is vulnerable to disengage and CC while his e is blocked."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "In the first few levels, play safe and do not commit to any trades. The very early game of gwen is rather weak, so it's likely that you will lose trades versus an aggressive laner."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "At level 6, Corki\u2019s wave clear increases as his e can help him push the enemy into their tower. His e are also a good tool to poke and push the wave simultaneously."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Make sure you\u2019re always with your team so you can help them when necessary. Peel for your team in team fights."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "The potential of everyone with their E and Q is really strong. Kled's greatest power in a full-blown skirmish allows him to instigate lap dives."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "As Fiddlesticks can bounce between players, avoid grouping to closely so it is unable to hit or burst multiple people down. Fiddlesticks has Zhonya's Hourglass."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "This weakness in Orianna's early stages is especially true after level 4. Once Orianna has completed her Mythic item, her damage output will be extremely high."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "This first element also increases Vladimir's overall survival in the way. If Vladimir's allies move on his path after destroying their turn, he should turn and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's first item component will either let him survive the lane for a more extended period (tank build) or increase his damage significantly (bruiser build). The former will let him take part in many team fights while the latter will help him with duels."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "The tankiness of Jarvan depends on his build path. The utility that Jarvan offers to his team depends on his build path."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Level 6 is also beneficial to Sivir as it allows it to escape threats. The first element will allow Sivir to inflict more damage."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is strong once he's 100 percent lucky. Yasuo's Passive allows him to reach this stage quickly."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Look for clear, fast health and start crashing after reaching level 3 or 4. Play around with your Ultimate ability and look for ganks whenever it is available."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "If you can catch someone, try taking the Dragon or Baron after. Another point in his Ultimate R will not do him much good either. It will allow him to turn easily, but apart from that, there is nothing to that."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "If Varus falls late early, he'll fight to get back in the game, The strength of the Varus Q poke during the rolling phase is quite high."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Power farming is the key to success in the early game. Minimizing trading will help you reach level 6 faster."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Increased production of damage during fighting. Increase of the pool of Mana for the spelt."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo will be incredibly tanky during this stage of the game. Stay with your team at all times in the late game."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise can get killed on multiple occasions due to careless usage of her E. Elise needs to use her E properly to make sure an all-in goes well without avoiding important CC abilities."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "A good Gragas will use their Ultimate whenever it is up to gank an ally. Make sure you gank as much as possible, too so you can apply just as much pressure as them."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "The burst damage of Diana is relatively high. This allows her to quickly get a Flash from the enemy champions' side."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "If the enemy manages to bait out your R in an aggressive way, you will have a really hard time getting out of the situation without your Ultimate R. The early game focus on farming."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan can look for an aggressive piece once he unlocks both his Q and his E. Akshan can look for an aggressive game if he could intimidate the enemy at level 1."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Your Ultimate e is an insane tool that can help you get kills. Gank as soon as your Ultimate e is off cooldown, as it will usually result in easy kills."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Just make sure you don't leave your backline unattended, otherwise you'll have a hard time winning the game. Once Maokai gets his ultimate R maxid, the enemy won't have a perfect time in the game."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Keep the track brushes kept at all times in the middle lane to prevent enemy champions from bursting through. Nautilus has the most CC of all champions of the League of Legends."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox is vulnerable to CC and should be killed before he can use his combo. It's best to look for fights when Aatrox doesn't have his Ultimate or Flash on cooldown."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "It allows it to easily CC and choose several enemies with its Ultimate m and h. This allows his team to follow him easily."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Failure to do so can cause difficulties in winning at the end of the game. Kayle tries to abuse her range advantage to get an early health advance."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Focus on this objective as much as possible without forcing it with a 50/50. At this point in the game Bel\u2019Veth will have her full core item build path."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "During the laning phase, Braum will look to be a meat shield for his ally by using Stand Behind Me W and Unbreakable E to nullify your damage. You should try to go for a short trade first to bait it out and then commit to a trade while it\u2019s on cooldown."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Don't underestimate Rumble's potential with his Ultimate. If Rumble uses his Ultimate on you, try to step back as his Jungler might try to gank."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Be ready for Flash if you're weak while fighting Yorick Graves in his W. Before a fight happens, try to take the Maiden of Yorick's Mist before he's dead."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "You could use this as an opportunity to catch her and her Support out of position and force a goal after. Try to force the fights as soon as you spot Samira."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Nidalee will look to assassinate targets with her s who are walking around Summoners Rift alone. Avoid splitting up and being alone if the enemy Nidalee is ahead."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "The more the game goes, the stronger the Veigar will be thanks to unlimited stacking with its e. Veigar is rather weak and vulnerable at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "If Draven drops his Axe's g, he will miss out on damage during the fight. Dodging damage, kiting, and picking up Axe's g are challenging skills to master"} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "After Kindred has finished her juggling, she will be a much stronger duelist and really good at kiting. Think twice fighting Kindred because she'll be a strong opponent"} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Try to dodge Poppy's Ultimate R, or use CC abilities on her so her channel is interrupted. Poppy doesn't spike at level 6 like most Supports as her Ultimate R is mostly a utility tool."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "He can have several early murders with this combo. Decent support is needed if it plays CDA."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "The enemy team's CC will make her prone to being caught. Landing her R ability on ranged carries is a grueling task."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "It would be better if you went for the Blue Buff first in this game. Once you touch level 3, you should be good to go and can start to glove."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "The utility tool provided by Lisandra's Ultimate R can be a problem in the face of stronger middle champions. If Lisandra is late in a team fight, she will suffer little or no damage."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise can easily take objectives on her own but doing it with allies provides more security. Make sure to find a healthy balance between farming and ganking, Elise is a gank heavy Jungler."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Do not fight alone if you're against Kai'Sa because her Q will focus on you."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Use your Q to fast push the wave and hit the enemy at the same time. After getting the first tower in lane, rotate to the mid lane and take more turret plates or get the outer tower."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Try to get as close to the enemy or bait out any dashes before using your Q. Go for short burst trades against the enemy."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Place vision to spot Gwen before she's able to take these objectives alone Gwen will be split pushing in the mid-game."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Content Ivern's level 6 is quite potent as he will now be able to summon Daisy."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "The straps are often capable of causing significant damage to the hard CC. Hard CC refers to a strong ability that can lock or restrict an opponent's movement."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "The first maximum capacity at level 9 increases the player's strength in the skirmishes and jungle clearing by a significant amount. At level 9, the player is considered a good mid-game champion."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Play safe in the game early, unless you have a favorable matchup. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can look for aggressive parts and extended trades."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "To get a edge on the enemy tracks, use the track brushes. Use the track brushes to trap enemies with t and self-attacks while being hidden."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Level 16 is a massive spike for Pyke as the ability will now be up almost every team fight. The damage done by Pyke's ability will be pretty significant during fights."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Be prepared to counter-gank and track them. If easy ganks are not available, invade their jungle and steal away their camps."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Step back behind the minion wave so they can't trade with you or use R. Stay outside the minion wave at all times."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "When Aphelios hits level 6, he gets his first major level power spike. Unlocking his Ultimate R offers him a lot of trading and kill pressure."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "briar needs her team to follow up in team fights in order to avoid getting destroyed. the interaction between briar's E and W (her other ability) is somewhat frustrating."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "after destroying the lower track tower, rotation towards the middle lane means moving to a different part of the map,"} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas will look to gank more frequently when their Ultimate is up. Ensure you ward the enemy's jungle entrances."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "His Passive will help him a lot when it comes to diving into the enemy front line and surviving. The main strategy is to split the thrust and focus on securing the towers while your team groups elsewhere on the map."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's weak early. Kayle depends on his Q for most of his poke and agriculture in the way."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin's kill pressure increases when he has his Ultimate. At level 16, Kassadin becomes a very slippery champion thanks to his Ultimate and short cooldowns."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Place Trinkets and Control Wards around you during the nap of a goal to spot Twitch before he is able to jump on you. If they invade you, step back, because they can easily kill you."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "This would limit her ability to use her Q to reset. Aim to avoid fighting too close together as this would allow Irelia to use her Ultimate R on multiple people."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Look for opportunities to bait Zilean's Q before starting a fight. He is not able to help you if the first Q is missing."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you\u2019re away from your team. Think hard and fast before using your Passive."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "If not an option, opt for additional support. Varus can use his Q to push the enemy remotely while securing the minions."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Instead, try to use your d ability to assist them in surviving the fight. When playing against Karma, always stand behind the minion wave to avoid Karma's Q."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "If Ezreal uses his E aggressively, abuse the cooldown and look for an aggressive play while he's defenceless. Ezreal uses his Ultimate R to snipe someone on the map."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "The goals set will be difficult to achieve due to Vel'koz's great poke thanks to its Q, W and R. We must avoid fighting in bottlenecks like in the jungle, as this allows Vel'koz to have more fun with E."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "The enemy can notice Neeko changing forms or hiding in a brush to land her E if they set proper vision around. Proper vision from the enemy allows them to see Neeko\u2019s changes and detect her in bushes."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze is a farmer's game, especially at the beginning of the game where you should focus on agriculture and hit it with your abilities. Keep an eye on your positioning at all times to avoid being pushed and swiped by Ryze E and Q simultaneously while remaining close to the minion wave."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "It will take a lot of time and effort to play Thresh at its full potential. Thresh is rather squishy."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "See if you can gank other lanes using your abilities. Ganking other lanes will easily get you a kill or two."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "She has a large amount of poke in lane. SHe can easily bully the enemy down with her Q."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If you know he's without these abilities, try to fight him. Placing vision around its entrances into the jungle and river will reduce its ability to get successful ganks."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "This will allow him to create an advantage for his team before a major fight. Once Jayce is full build, no squishy enemy target in the game is safe."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "When Gwen purchases her first component item, her skirmishing power increases. Purchasing Gwen's first component item heavily increased her clear speed."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "He will not be able to deal significant damage unless he uses his Ultimate R. Gangplank's early game is rather weak."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Make sure you are present in a given team fight, especially during this phase of the game. Do not waste CS by going on another route to accumulate an item."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's Ultimate R is a great tool throughout all stages of the game and allows him to deal a considerable amount of damage to anyone on the map. After Ezreal\u2019s first back, he will pick up his first component item."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "If the enemy manages to bait out your R in an aggressive way then the enemy Jungler shows up for a gank"} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Moving this enemy target to your team with your Ultimate k is the key. Playing around the vision will really be important to achieve this goal"} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "After post 6, play games and spank your allies when your Ultimate is in place. your Ultimate increases your death pressure significantly."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Try to finish the game as quickly as possible. Senna's late play is strong enough if she was able to stack effectively."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled will try to play super aggressive in early play to get a murder. To counter Kled's aggression, stay at a maximum distance and avoid excesses if you are weak early laner game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "By taking fights, make sure you use the fog of war to catch the out-of-guard enemy. If the enemy has a dash, make sure you bait it first."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Anticipate Leona frequently leaving the track when she wanders. The goal is to ensure a death or to exert pressure while Leona is roaming."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Do not stand close to the walls. During the mid-game, Qiyana truly shines."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "The attack speed increase is very potent as well. Her Q will come in very handy in fights that occur in tight spaces."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Aphelios's late-game build can be full or nearing completion. In the late game team fights, Aphelios will be able to deal a lot of damage with his full build."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled will always be stronger when he gets up. It is slightly weaker when disassembled."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "By exerting pressure, Nasus's team can sit or fight elsewhere. Pulling pressure with Nasus means that his opponent will fight to counter."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali doesn't have any support in her kit. Its basic statistics are also poor."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Be part of neutral objective fights. The ultimate R will be particularly useful in repelling the enemy Jungler from the neutral objective."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Work with your Jungler to invade the enemy Jungle and secure picks. Your goal is to hide in the fog of war during team fights and then get a massive team-wide CC on the enemy team."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "As soon as Talon commits, try to blow him up before he is able to disengage and do a lot of damage. Talon is a murderer."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "the ability to roam around the map is crucial during this phase of the game. The focus should be on getting your team ahead by roving around."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "This will increase your survival. Akshan is an AD champion."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "This should be a proper signal for the enemy Jungler/team to camp Garen when possible. Garen needs some time to come online in the first few levels."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Play around your Ultimate ability in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate capability is in place."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Rek'Sai has much faster clearings than Aumu, allowing for more time for vision and control of the jungle. This is particularly important because Amumu has linear gank patterns with only his s to get a vision across the river will drastically reduce his gank success."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Their level 6 is stronger than yours, so be careful when fighting post 6. Keep the wave closer to your side of the map in the very early game to protect yourself from ganks and zoning."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The crowd controlling xinhao can allow the enemy team to get rid of him quite easily. Xin Zhao's first power peak is at level 3."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Stand behind the minion wave so they block the damage from Jayce's s. Don\u2019t stand close to the wave as Jayce\u2019s s is AOE"} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Fighting Kayn with this knowledge is advised. When counter-ranking Kayn, use your Ultimate on the other laner not Kayn."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Make sure your flanks are guarded so you can see Shyvana before she has a chance to blow you up. Shyvana's first power peak is at level 6 when it unlocks its Ultimate capability."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Milios' automatic attacks can cause him damage in the way. Milio has long corners, especially with his Ultimate."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Use Soraka's Ultimate R to save low-healing allies who can reverse the tide of a fight or survive. Avoid wasting the Ultimate R on allies who are sure to die even with its protection."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "If he shows on the map, or if you're stronger than him, you could invade his jungle. Examining whether this is worth doing depends on your own strategy."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "After entering with your Ultimate R, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights. To quickly climb on the enemy's back, try to use the fog of war to flank the enemy."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal usually wants to recall once he has enough gold for Tear. At level 6, Ezreal will unlock his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite can absorb a lot of damage for his team with his Passive. The Passive allows Malphite to be a first line for his team while also being able to escape death when he enters with his Ultimate h."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor is able to keep you pushed under your turn once it has improved its y. Viktor has a clear wave that is very effective."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "When playing as Mage AP, avoid going to prolonged automatic attack trades with him because he will always win them. As Lucian uses his E, wait for him before starting a fight or trying to land CC."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Combined with some items, Shen's E capacity put extra debuffs on crazy champions with ease. Shen's ultimate R capability allowed him to act as the guardian of his teammates."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "In level 16, you\u2019ll put the final point in your Ultimate, giving your Ultimate a shorter cooldown and increasing your chances of getting picks. You should stick with your team in the late game!"} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "The split thrust while a major target is on the rise or on the verge of spawning is discouraged. Rengar can be really good during the late part if he chooses his fight well."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Look for picks with your Ultimate e (Nautilus's ability). Nautilus can quickly force objectives or team fights with ease if he catches someone who walks too far forward."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Misuse of the poppy's Ultimate R can land both her and her team in huge trouble. A heavy engage from the enemy team can get on the poppy's carry team's back when she uses her R."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Her Ultimate R deals a lot of damage and is CC. Try to ward the river and side bushes to spot the enemy Jungler before they show up in your lane."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "He can use track bushes to kill enemy targets solo with ease. Swain's Ultimate R will be really powerful from level 11."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Then use your d and e to knock up the enemy on your carries. Try your hardest to harass Jarvan down."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "He can peel for days for his team and get caught by the enemy with his Q. His ADC will really be safe because of the huge shield they'll get."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Do not push too far without a good vision in this direction. Good vision is needed for track control."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Play around with your Ultimate ability and look for ganks whenever it is available. Keep a good objective control!"} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Once he enters with his E, he cannot go out due to his E being on a very high cooldown initially. If his Passive is broken, he can't play so aggressively because of the threat that he's killed."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Her shield ability provides protection. Her Ultimate ability is crowd control."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Kha'Zix will try to assassinate targets that are alone in the middle of the game. Avoid crossing the river alone if you are not sure where Kha'Zix is."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "When your Q is exhausted, you can use it more often to inflict more damage to the enemy. At level 11, putting the 2nd point in your Ultimate will help you get murders and choices with your team."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax will be able to win duels with ease from now on. Jax should try to split push and duel anyone if he isn't too far behind."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "You could take a ride. You could have more murders."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "The Passive of Lissandra can wreak havoc in a team fight. Once Lissandra has finished her first article, her wave will be very strong."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas is quite decent in a team fight, especially if he gets an ultimate based on the AoE of the enemy team. His life theft prevents him from dying quickly."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille may look for an all-in at level 3 or 4 once she has access to her core abilities. Trying to avoid losing too much health prior to hitting level 3 guarantees that Camille will look for the all-in."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Regrouping with your team, but staying on one side, will facilitate access to the enemy rearline. If you're going to get away with an undeserved bush, then the enemy will have more trouble reacting to an all-in-one."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "You should monitor the damage to Twisted Fate's card. Keep an eye on potential damage caused by Twisted Fate cards."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "You should use your range advantage and always go for front to back trades when fighting the enemy. Always look to auto-attack the enemy champion closest to you (while trying to y multiple enemies) so that you can kite them long enough to get out of their influence area."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Always be on the side of the map that the next major objective is on. If the Baron is up, stay on top side of the map."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "When facing Cassiopeia in team fights, be prepared to turn around quickly if you notice she is about to cast her Ultimate R. It's generally best not to engage enemies in the jungle or around objectives with Cassiopeia, as her Ultimate R excels in tight spaces when teams are clustered together."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "He can effortlessly chase people down with his Ultimate R. The enemies will have no other option than to walk the plank at this stage."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "He should be a threat to all enemy team targets. He will now have several objects, which will make it easier for him to descend the enemy and the enemy team."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear will be really tanky during this phase of the game. Volibear can serve both as a hiring partner and as a peerer for its team, depending on what its team needs most at this stage."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Once Lissandra has finished her first article, her wave will be very strong. You need to make sure that you match its damage and push back the wave to prevent it from roaming."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Setting him behind in the early game will make him less strong in team fights. Play safe for the first few levels."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Being part of the fights is mandatory during this phase of the game. The goal is to make sure that you can target as many people as possible with the Ultimate R raid."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "It will put his Ultimate R on a shorter cooldown and allow him to look for more aggressive plays. At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should\u2019ve completed an item or two."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Harass the enemy constantly and push them into their turn. This will allow you to earn turret veneer and increase your gold income."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "After shoving the enemy wave with her W, Annie can use her E to roam to other lanes. Her first core item decides when she will power spike the hardest."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "You've got to play respectfully if Lissandra's in your area. If the enemy Jungler shows up early, they'll have an advantage."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Working together as a team can help take down the enemy one by one and increase chances of winning. She should be trying to secure picks in the enemy Jungle."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Your e and e (capabilities) should let you block the enemy and bring them down. Neutral objectives must be constantly secured by you."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Placing the ultimate mushrooms will also allow Teemo to be killed on unsuspecting low-health targets. Teemo's first capacity is maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine is good in team fighting thanks to her Ultimate R. Avoid regrouping closely so that Seraphine cannot obtain a powerful R."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Bait out it Ultimate first, then call your Jungler's help to kill her while she's not available. Make sure the wave is closer to your side of the map so it's easier for them to gank you."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Do not engage immediately, as this would allow Xerath to delay the team fight. Xerath will try to stay in the backline, probably behind the CDA."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "'Her' started being weaker after your Ultimate ability at level 6 makes your team stronger. You should try to match her pushing power so she doesn't get under your tower."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Keep this in mind, especially around the level power peaks. Once Twitch has finished Lich Bane, its damage release and burst damage increase considerably."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Its automatic attack reset refers to a specific capacity called 'a'. The \"k\" capability refers to another specific ability of the same champion, and it is an automatic attack reset."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn usually starts grouping when there are no nearby objectives left to take. Unfortunately, Quinn doesn\u2019t exactly spike at level 11 like a lot of other champions."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Another point in her Ultimate R will allow her to deal massive amounts of damage with her Ultimate R. The cooldown will be reduced as well."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "it\u2019s better for you to group with your team in the late game as there are strengths in numbers. Gangplank's Ultimate R will be a force to reckon with now as it will have multiple upgrades and will give added benefits to him."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana will try to secure every Dragon because of her Passive. Because of her passive, she won't waste much."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The person can tank a lot of damage during this phase of the game because he will have all his articles, making him really strong. He'll be a reliable lining for his team now."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon will do a lot of damage since it ended during this phase of the game. Talon will be extremely slippery during the fighting in this phase of the game."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "This means that he will be able to get more choices in a short period of time. Thresh will have a maximum of two capabilities at level 13."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "By invading the enemy Zed, try to wait inside a bush or enter on it only when it is low in energy so that it is difficult to exchange with you. Zed's first crab prowess is very strong."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Once Amumu has finished his first article, he will be much more robust and threatening on the Rift of the Invocators. Make sure you are present in a given team fight, especially during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "The g (capacity) is unknown without more information. It can inflict constant amounts of damage, which becomes quite heavy during mid-game fighting."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "At level 9, Nilah will max out her first ability. Your Ultimate will be on a short cooldown, so ensure that you use it quite frequently."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Your Ultimate R can be used as an escape tool in heavily bottled fighting. However, using Ultimate R is not recommended because it can turn a fight and save you almost immediately instead."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "CC is very good against Graves because he is quite immobile even with his Ultimate t and e. In the later stages of the laning phase, he will try and kill isolated targets that are walking through Summoners Rift alone."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "The enemy will need to spend a lot of time trying to kill you if you have a defensive item. Cling to the enemy carries like glue to create a rift between the enemy frontline and backline."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Care for their level 2 all-in. They can play aggressively at level 2 and gain a significant health lead. Similarly, try and keep the minion wave even or closer to your side of the map. This will reduce her all-in potential and keep you safe."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "A full-build Fiora is nothing to be messed with. The more items that are funnelled into Fiora- the higher her chances are of winning."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Her all-in potential goes down when she uses her R ability and the enemy can kite her out after it is down. Irelia's early game is strong."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Try to avoid as much damage and capacity as possible to Varus. If not an option, opt for additional support."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "When using Gragas' W (which is intended to set up his jungler or initiate a trade), it's usually best to play more cautiously in the short-term, as this ability has other uses. Using W on Gragas typically means he wants to do something like setting up his jungler or going for a trade, and playing safe will help you get through that initial action."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "She can solo the Rift Herald frequently Place vision to spot Gwen before she's able to take these objectives alone"} -{"label": "vi", "text": "If Vi is ahead with a lot of damage, it is recommended not to go through the river if it is not monitored. Vi launches a fight with his Q and should aim to shoot down his target before they can activate their Ultimate R."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "You should fight anyone unless you have an advantage over them. Getting XP and gold is crucial for your champion's growth."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Bard's Ultimate can be used to stall neutral objectives. Bard's Ultimate can also be used to disengage if need be."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas's E ability can interrupt enemy abilities and dashes. Once Gragas manages to get to level 11, he will have two points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "At level 9, Yasuo will have maximized his r. It is an excellent peak of power for Yasuo that its damage production increases massively and its tornado r increases considerably."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Ranged champions can tahm zone incredibly well. Tahm Kench's early play is not strong because he won't be able to do much against the poke damage inflicted by the best laners."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Extended trading with Vayne is not recommended because its s will inflict additional damage to the player. Only commit to exchanges with Vayne if the player is 100% sure that they will win them."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "A player should look for an aggressive play strategy once they have access to all of their basic abilities. Nilah's second power spike happens when she reaches level 6."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Focus on Xayah's robbery and harassment with your Q and W early. When you fight, be careful and watch over his E."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "He will be powerful when he fights in choking points. Viego is good in team fighting because he can quickly pass through his crucial targets E, CC with his W, and gain several skills with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "It'll let him take control of the fights with ease. It will also help him in his Jungle camps,"} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "If they invade you, step back, because they can easily kill you. You should invest in an early pen item if you want to survive against them."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "If the Baron is standing, always stay on the upper side. If you go bot and show yourself, the enemy will take the goal for free."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "This encourages Sona and their ADC to expand, creating opportunities for your gank jungler and potentially secure kills or summon spells. Take advantage of the opportunity to detach yourself from your ADC and harass Sona when they used one of their capabilities."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Do not walk in the way unless it is spotted, otherwise it will jump on you from a bush. It is really good after the end of the laning phase as it can get choices with its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The slowness of Sylas allows him to put ganks for his Jungler. Slowly from Sylas allows him to reduce the health of his laner."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "This will make trading much better for you as he will not be able to dish out a lot of damage (or possibly stun you if his Q is on cooldown) as he\u2019ll have 1 less ability to use. Brand is strong at level 2 and 3 when he gets access to more abilities."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Focus on farming early on in order to acquire your first item as soon as possible. Save Severum ammo whenever possible, since it will be useful for trading in the lane if your Support initiates a fight."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Another point of your Ultimate ability will let you destroy the opposition due to consistent burn damage. Use your ability properly so you can win clumped fights."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Try to stay as far away as possible to increase your chances of reducing damage and surviving the team fight. Use the range of your e and the poke of your y to harass the enemy as often as possible before a team fight occurs."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "The first item component allows Pyke to deal tons of damage to his opponent, and trading will eventually become more accessible for him. Regular burst trades enable Pyke to easily win the lane."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "You should play around vision as much as possible in the game. The enemies will likely try to pre-ward brushes so it's best to stock up on Control Wards."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Every time she uses it, try to force another fight after healing. Sometimes Xayah will be left halfway with his support on the farm."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "The danger increases when you don't have your Ultimate R ready. An enemy champion with dash or mobility spell can be a hard target to catch out and kill for you."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "If Kayle is behind, she can easily use it on a murderer in her team so she can keep the enemy distracted from her presence. Kayle's Q and W allows him to catch up with the targets easily and get rid of them once it is powerful enough."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie's first power spike was at level 3 when she unlocked all 3 of her abilities. When Annie unlocks all 3 of her abilities, she can protect either herself or her ADC with her E."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This will give him an important boost, and Urgot should hit the skirmishes very easily."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "At level 6, Heimerdinger can slow multiple enemies with his E. The first mythic item will allow Heimerdinger to deal a ton of poke damage in the lane."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "This means her damage output with her Q, and her peel potential with her E will be massive."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Fighting around bottlenecks can allow you to separate enemies from their teammates. Your e and e (capabilities) should let you block the enemy and bring them down."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Leona will now have two points in her Ultimate ability. The ability will be on a very low cooling now, and it can quickly look around for enemy team choices."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco relies on the advance to be useful in the later parts of the game. Shaco can be hard to control."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Your W and E will be essential to your success in this matchup, especially during the ganks. You should put death brushes in the jungle whenever possible."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "If you\u2019re unhappy with the area marked, walking back a certain distance will reset the position. Playing around Fiora's W is a focal point of the lane."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas doesn't have the strongest of the guts at the start of the game. You could use it to your advantage by invading it and trying to put it behind."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's Ultimate H maxi-out allows him to take enemies frequently. Its ultimate h maxi-out becomes a reliable source of enemy selection due to its short cooling period."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Her flying life combined with her damage and mobility during the end of the match will make her really good in team fighting. She'll just need to maintain a good positioning."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "He can help him massively in neutral and objective battles and duels because of the amount of damage he takes. You should stay with your team in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "It is advisable to stay with your team in the late game. If you get caught out, the enemy will force a fight or take the Baron."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "The consistent poke damage from Ezreal's W allows him to all-in enemies once they are low enough after taking the barrage of poke Ezreal has to offer. ezreal is squishy and immobile when his E is down."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "The installation tools have been successfully used, making it easy to take the seat objectives. It is advisable to bring down the enemy as much as possible while the team tries to take turns (or the Dragon or Baron)."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "If you're in danger of dying, remember when you're weak. To fight Veigar, first bait his cage and then abuse cooldown."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The Varus AoE Poke and the Ultimate R make disastrous battles for the enemy team. They will suffer if Varus succeeds in obtaining an excellent Ultimate R in neutral and objective battles."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's core power spike occurs when she hits level 6. At this time, Diana will have crowd control on her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "To blow up enemies quickly, ensure you have core items. Ensure you can dish out a lot of damage once your core items are obtained."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can also take on the Baron singlehandedly. Trading against Heimerdinger can be extremely tedious, yet it can be done."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Maybe separation is a better idea when we're trying to equip the fight against Miss Fortune. Watch your positioning at all times so it can't put crucial spells on you."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "At level 11, Varus will be able to add 2 points to his Ultimate R. This makes it really easy for Varus to choose his enemies, especially when Varus is trying to exchange paths."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "It's really good for his team. Lissandra will have several elements during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "During the mid-game, he will be able to harass and poke the enemy a lot. ezreal is known for poking the enemy."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "R amplifies the effect of using W, making it effective in closed spaces. \"E\" and \"W\" capabilities will be crucial enough to win this path."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early, as it will protect you from nilah's all-ins."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "It will also prevent them from zoning you away from farm. Ashe is good in extended trades."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "CCing Neeko makes her vulnerable to attack. CCing Neeko with AD build is more effective."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Split pushing could be a good way to counter Qiyana's R abilities. Qiyana does not always buy defensive items, making burst damage one of the biggest problems she faces."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "It should be used at an appropriate time for maximum efficiency. He's a good team hunter during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Avoid committing yourself to fighting with Trendamere when its Ultimate e is in place unless you can easily beat it in a skirmish. Trendamere is really good in the late part and will constantly seek to divide the thrust and take goals."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Mundo can start ganking from level 3 onwards. While his Q doesn\u2019t deal a lot of damage in the early game, the slow it provides is very handy when it comes to ganking his allies."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko must devote time to clearing wards if he wants to pick off enemy champions successfully. Ekko is prone to Crowd Control (CC)."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "A team that can empower him makes Aphelios a good mid-game champion. Healing and shielding Supports will definitely help him shine in the mid-game."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Early game Jungling with Jarvan IV can give an advantage Farming and ganking must be balanced with each other in order to gain an edge over the enemy team"} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "When the game is in its mid-game phase, players should launch a split thrust to secure secondary goals. Players should avoid regrouping with their allies when their ultimate R (Rule) ability is disabled."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "His Passive will contribute to making him good at killing enemies in this phase of the game. Focus on taking down enemy carries."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "This is due to its Ultimate e and Passive combined with its kiting potential. She just needs a little coat to become a demon in team fighting."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke's Ultimate R will be critical and effective during fights. Squishies can be one-shot by Pyke."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Her abilities translate directly into increased damage output when used repeatedly. When fighting Gwen alone, it's recommended to only engage in fights when she doesn't have many stacks, as this would allow you to avoid a lot of damage from her."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Whichever the case may be, remember that you still need to peel for your ADC. You should try to work with your Jungler and get picks inside the enemy Jungle using your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "xinhao is not very effective against a group of champions because it is extremely dependent on choices to get an advance. The crowd controlling xinhao can allow the enemy team to get rid of him quite easily."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "One misplaced Ultimate R from your end can lose you an entire team fight. His skill curve is massive and is quite hard to overcome."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "The level six power peak allows the viktor to establish a formidable felling pressure in the track. viktor can impact the fighting with a relative ease thanks to this peak of power."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Try your hardest to put it behind to make it less heinous in the middle and end of the game. At level 9, Vladimir would have maximized Q."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath's build path affects whether he will be strong in late game fights or tanky. In late game fights, Cho'Gath will deal a lot of damage depending on his build path."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the way to create opportunities to help the jungle and have a longer way to pursue Lux and its ADC if necessary. When you place Lux you position behind at least two minions to block damage to its light link capacity reducing the efficiency of its poke."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Bel\u2019Veth relies heavily on her Q, her passive and her auto attacks to deal the majority of her damage This means naturally she\u2019s incredibly countered by any form of hard CC"} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Aiming to stay near the frontline during fights, prepare to 'e' in when you get a chance. The goal is to l enemies when they get caught out."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Buy control rooms to help your team locate Twitch before it is capable of gank and getting killed. His e was combined with his increase in attack speed."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Capacity E makes him a powerful ganker because of its effects. Zac can gain health in a struggle by collecting his W blobs."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "CC will probably die if they get caught. Less transport potential compared to many other Supports."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "It's really useful for his team, and Kled will act quickly as the front line for his team. Kled's Passive is highly underestimated."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "The increased damage will make Galio a formidable opponent once he gets his first item. Galio's Ultimate R will really shine during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target. Use your W only in emergency situations."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao is an early game Jungler. A Jungler will look to gank often at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "This means that Xin will be hard to remove. A still enemy or CC'd will be mostly dead if they can't take Xin away from them."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "As a result, she is vulnerable to ganks and pressure from enemy laners. You will definitely want to sit in the lane brush and try to Q enemies."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "If you kill a key target, you could call Baron. Once she has 2 points in her Ultimate, she can easily resume team fighting and disrupt them."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "You have strong poking tools which allow siege objectives to be sieged with ease. The enemy should be poked down as much as possible while the team takes towers or the Dragon or Baron."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "The items Darius picks up make him a huge problem during this stage of the game. During the mid-game, Darius should have completed a couple of items."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven's strength in the mid-game depends on how far or behind he is. If Draven is very strong in the mid-game, he may need to avoid overextending and getting killed at the start of the fight."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Compared to other Junglers, Level 11 of Poppy does not bring a lot to the table. Poppy is extremely potent during this phase of the game as she can deal consistent damage and CC enemies for days."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "All of her important items will be finished now, and she will be able to smooth out a lot of damage in very short jobs. She should be peeled by her allies during this time."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "His damage output will be quite high which will allow him to win mid-game team fights. In the mid-game teams start to group."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Look for fights when Trendamere has few Fury in his resource bar. The more Fury Trendamere has, the stronger he'll be."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "This can be of great value for setting up ganks for his Jungler. Your goal in early play is to play safely, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy lantern."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "This phase must be played very carefully by Kayle. Its level 6 is a massive peak of power due to its automatic attacks."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "No team fights should be delayed at all costs, as Jayce is able to poke players down with his s combo. Baron or Dragon objectives should not be taken when Jayce is nearby because the team will be grouped together and vulnerable to his devastating blows."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Avoid grouping too closely to reduce her effectiveness in fights. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Once you hit level 6 and bought key elements, try to harass the enemy in their turn. You should constantly push the enemy into their turn."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Go for a trade after Azir's Soldier W has disappeared. It is best to wait for the Soldier W to disappear first before fighting him as his damage output will be decreased."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Peel for your portages to keep them alive longer. If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Ask for help or look to walk around every time your Ultimate R is in place. Malzahar is fragile early and has a negligible presence."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "It should be able to win several fights just using its Ultimate capability correctly. If the enemy gathers together, also look for a group with your team."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne will often be left alone to divide the thrust and the farm. While she's away from her team, you could watch her collapse and shoot her."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Depending on the maxed ability, Karma will either be able to CC enemies frequently while regenerating HP or easily shield her team from enemy poke and all-ins. Karma has multiple items completed during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille's Ultimate R is a good tool that can result in a kill every time. If Camille is unable to kill the enemy laner, she can roam to another lane and use her Ultimate R there instead."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco falls like a truck if the game continues too long. During the last game champions begin to build defensive elements that do not allow Shaco to assassinate someone immediately."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "It will make it easier to land his E and get a multi-person numbness fight in the open air when possible"} -{"label": "varus", "text": "A good Ultimate R can literally allow the Varus team to win a significant battle with minimal effort. Avoid staying inside the minion wave."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Going to Level 3 was going to be quite important in this game, so ask for a hard leash and quickly erase the Jungle. A hard leash will allow you to quickly erase the Jungle."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona swings like a truck and becomes extremely strong at the end of the game. During the end of the game, Sona can inflict respectable amounts of damage while healing and protecting her team for a good amount."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Make sure you're always baiting him before you get involved in the all-in-one. Try to space Veigar accordingly in the team fights."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "At level 16, Kassadin becomes a slippery opponent due to his Ultimate and short cooldowns. It's crucial to end the game before Kassadin reaches level 16."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "When Wukong reaches level 6, his death pressure increases considerably. Wait for Wukong to look for murders once his Ultimate is over."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus will be farming as much as possible early in order to unlock his Ultimate {{championSpells.KarthusFallenOne}}, Agressive playstyle can put Karthus behind by requesting ganks."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus is very early thanks to the amount of CC he has in his kit. But Nautilus can be really weak if he's in a bad matchup."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "When Aatrox obtains his Ultimate, his kill pressure increases dramatically. When aatrox is not fighting with his team, he should split push and apply pressure elsewhere on the map."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Fighting for longer periods in Viktor's early play can lead to poor performance. Scaling is crucial for Viktor at the beginning of his game."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "To make it more difficult for Xin Zhao to get successful ganks, place the vision around its entrances into the jungle. This will give your allies enough time to withdraw and escape before they are able to reach their path."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Avoid wandering too far away from your allies at any given time. If you get caught out, the enemy may be able to take a nearby objective like Baron, Dragon, a tower or even win a 5v4. As the Support, avoid warding alone in the late game."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Level 9 of Poppy is when her first ability will get maxed. This will let her deal a lot of damage to enemies she has managed to catch."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "CC makes the use of both Skarner's E and Ultimate quite difficult. Using Skarner's Ultimate on a tank champion is not really worth it."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "His Ultimate R allows him to make plays around the map and get his team ahead. He is a great early game champion because he has phenomenal burst damage during the early game."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "When facing an opponent or team, be prepared to adapt to changing circumstances. After going in with your Ultimate R, you should be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "As Shen gains experience in the game, his kit becomes stronger and he becomes tankier. You'll want to beat him at a distance, if possible."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Your kit allows you to fool them easily and escape if a fight goes wrong. Try to catch the enemy CDA in a side lane or enemy support while they are in custody."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze's scale must be prioritized against aggressive parts. At this stage of the game, you want to get into a side track and focus on agriculture so that you have a game later."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Your e should hit like a truck now, so keep your position in mind while inflicting damage. Do not launch a game by flashing before and out of the protection of your team."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The junglers are gonna try to gag you because of your immobility. Use your Q liberally when playing on the upper track."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Tristana's self-splubbing capacity is quite strong and can emerge from sticky situations with its W and Ultimate R. Its damage to the E Tower allows Tristana to buy plates."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "This configuration can be beneficial when installing death brushes. She's very motionless and can be killed easily if she is."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "This can help reduce their ability to heal and exchange effectively during skirmishes and all-in. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Once Nasus uses his W, he really has only self-attacks and Q to inflict damage. Nasus will seek to divide the thrust throughout the middle of the game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle can take frequent fights now with this level. When separating in the middle of a game, it is advisable to set secondary goals."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Make sure you are still behind a minion every time its g is up to the level to reduce its ability to kill you in the track. As soon as Nautilus reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate e,"} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Milio is sensitive enough to the CC. He is quite still and squishy, so positioning is the key. Poke with your Q as much as possible."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Any form of CC is a weakness for you during the entirety of the game and you may need to rely on your frontline to keep you safe as you have no dashes in your kit. Your initial plan is to play the lane safely and not get cheesed early on by the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble would have a magic pen at the end of the game. His abilities will hurt the enemy."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan can separate someone out from their team with level 6. Jarvan can easily pick targets off using level 6."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You have tons of sustain thanks to your Passive and Ultimate. Passive and Ultimate will increase your survivability in team fights and skirmishes."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well. In team fighting, continue to focus on high priority targets and the easiest to kill in the backline."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is very motionless and subject to everything. Try to freeze the wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux is really strong once she unlocks her Ultimate ability. At this point, Lux can get killed and blow you up."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "The additional cooling reduction will help you get choices with your team. Since you have a lot of CC in your kit, you're good at team fighting."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Increase of the pool of Mana for the spelt. Increased spelling diffusion for the team's overall performance."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Your Ultimate R is a genuinely diverse tool that can help you gain a lead or prevent you from losing one. After you've picked up your first component item Your poke and damage will increase dramatically."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "You should not stray too far away from your teammates. Protect your allies as much as possible during team fights."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Focus on good wave management in order to go for favourable trades. Favourable trades are essential to success in gwen's gameplay."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "An early lead for Gwen gives her the advantage to apply pressure against the enemy team's champion. Gwen should fight whoever on the enemy team tries to stop her and take control of the lane."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "At level 1, wait for Shaco to place several x boxes around the track. Wait until the minion wave approaches before walking on the track."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "The longer the game goes on, Gangplank benefits more from his gold mechanic due to scaling. Gangplank's gold mechanic is a key factor in his overall strength throughout the game."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "He'll win most of the skirmishes. To make it more difficult for Xin Zhao to get successful ganks, place the vision around its entrances into the jungle."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Ward major goals and to place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game so that they can be kept. When playing with a team, stay at all times."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Aumu's early play is a crucial moment for him to make strategic decisions. Amumu's Level 6 power peak is incredibly strong as it allows it to begin to glove thanks to its Ultimate y."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Focus on getting choices around the card during this phase of the game. You will be able to find many squishy targets wandering around the map."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Do not divide the thrust or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them. Once she has 2 points in her Ultimate e, she will be easily able to resume team fighting and disrupt them as well."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Team up with one or two buddies to make Udyr's murder easier when he has Trinity Force. Udyr falls at the end of the game but can still be useful thanks to his E."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Do not do extended operations with him unless you have an advantage. Do not fight Kog'Maw when his e is standing."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "It will be perfect since it will also get its shape. His Q will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal\u2019s E also allows him to avoid follow-up CC if he manages to get hit by initial CC ability. ezreal's E can be buffered in response to CC abilities for added safety"} -{"label": "vi", "text": "You have to counter their pressure by doing the same. The power of the jungle is a force that must be taken into account when doing a lot of damage in a duel if it succeeds in disembarking all its capabilities."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "When there are no team fights, go on a side track and push. You must continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "It has an easy time to melt through the enemy health bars The presence of Rumble during the mid-game fights is really fabulous"} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "As the game progresses, it will become stronger and stronger, more tankier and more tankier. Amumu will naturally want to grow up to level 6 for her y."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "They go gank early and Pantheon can gank early too. Pantheon can put pressure on them as much as possible."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "When facing Volibear, it is recommended to perform short burst operations whenever possible to keep it away. However, trading should take place once its E capacity is reduced to maximize efficiency."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "An Akshan should look for aggressive parts once he has brought his first component. Level 6 is good for Akshan because he unlocks his Ultimate."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Getting the Blue Buff will ensure that Taliyah has enough mana to continue to use its capabilities effectively."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Unless you need to use your Q or d, you should try to use your d to help them survive. Karma's 2nd ability will be maxed out at level 13."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Avoid going down and showing yourself if you're on the bot, as this will give the enemy free access to the lens. A master Yi fully overflowed would allow him to beat up the enemy team."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "He is a great early game champion because he has phenomenal burst damage during the early game. Anyone who is immobile will have issues with him."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Consider using it to interrupt the ultimate Nasus and disrupt its release from damage. Disturbing the ultimate Nasus can be a pivotal moment in the fight, turning the tide in your favor."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Make sure you abuse the long cooling period early. You should build a magical resistance."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Stay close to your carts and participate in every team fight that takes place on the map. Using your Ultimate R in neutral objective combats will make the difference between a win and a lost fight."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "It is recommended to wait and trade before engaging in fights. Being prepared to sacrifice some CS (creep score) for XP (experience points) will help find an all-in strategy later."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Fighting outdoors makes it harder for Rumble to get an Ult B of 5 people. Never try to take a goal like Baron or the Dragon if Rumble is alive and kicks."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank's level 2 is very strong. Landing a Hook b on the enemy Support or ADC and knocking them up with your t could result in an early kill."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "The enemy will always know what Element you have and they will be able to play around it. Having a certain Element may not be helpful in lane for Qiyana."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "This will create a healthy lead in the lane, allowing for either an all-in or roaming strategy. Once you get your Ultimate R, you'll be able to do more in this lane."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Concentrate the rear line and try to get them out of the fight. Concentrate with your other front-line champions."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's e and e abilities are crucial in a fight against him, as they can turn the tide of battle. Once Jax's e and e abilities are down, he doesn't have much to continue fighting with."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You should use your e in clumped fights to win. Properly using your e will guarantee victory in team fights."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "You shouldn't fight the monkey. If you can scan before he has a chance to engage in a team fight, he will be unable to participate in the team fight."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Once Ekko goes in, he has very little left to offer as a counter-ganker. As a skilled counter-ganker, you can abuse this fact."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Getting an early murder can greatly promote Yasuos' position. Level 6 will be a major pickup for Yasuo."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "This will let him cut down a lot of damage to the enemy once he manages to cover them with his E. Peel for your carts at the end of the game team fight to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you will not be able to win the fight alone."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Try to walk around while she's at the base so she can't take your turn. CC (Crowd Control) is your best friend against Anivia because she is squishy and still."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "She should rely on trackers for protection. An element will give him a greater tankness."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "If you\u2019re ahead, look for picks or ambush the enemy as they walk through their jungle. Taking one enemy down could be enough to win the next fight or take the Baron."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Take care when trying to fight him as he might just use any one of his abilities to trade with you. Level 3, 6, 11, & 16 are Heimerdinger\u2019s major level spikes. Take care when he reaches those spikes as he may look to all-in you."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Harass and constantly push the enemy into their turn. This will allow you to win turret tray."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "This means that his Ultimate will be there on a shorter cooldown that can help him in team fighting and help his team get choices. The teams begin to regroup in the middle of the game,"} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne has great roaming ability. The Ultimate ability of Nocturne allows him to move literally anywhere on the map quickly."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Try to get to the enemy backline when possible to cause mayhem. Keep the wave somewhere in the middle of the lane."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand's clears rely on him having a lot of mana. Brand's auto attacks deal minimum damage to camps."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "The first element will benefit Urgot. The first element increases Urgot's overall damage."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "When playing as a ranged AP champion, try and keep your distance as much as possible. If you allow him to get on to you, it will be hard for you to get him off you."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "This will provide time for your Passive to kick in. This will also give you some tentacles down."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Your Ultimate can really help you during fights, especially if you manage to get into the enemy backline. Getting into the enemy backline and using your Ultimate to kill a major carry can be very beneficial."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Respect Fizz's all-in ability. Poke Fizz down before he gets aggressive."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Give Taric more room to maneuver and dodge his E If Taric activates its Ultimate R, have two options"} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn will try to poke you from a safe distance. Do not stay clumped with minions else you will get chunked out massively."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "At level 13, Akshan maximizes his E, earning an additional mobility. The additional mobility achieved through the maximization of E is very powerful in the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "his ability to initiate fights will increase. With a short Ultimate m cooldown, we can expect him to be picking enemies left, right, and center."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. At level 9, it will spread a lot of damage and easily crush enemies."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "May inflict heavy amounts of damage in very short time. It gives the enemy very little time to react."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "It is recommended to stand outside the minion wave at all times. Standing on the outside of the minion wave forces them to choose between pushing and poaching you."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "She will be hugely threatening to enemy teams backlines. Not only will she shred down carries,"} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His team fight is quite powerful during this phase of the game, especially if he gets a multi-man E on the enemy. The second point of his Ultimate R will allow him to do more damage with capacity."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's Qs require precise placement to deal damage and be effective. Buffering Ezreal's E won't work well if the enemy has ranged CC that follows up after its use."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Find a healthy balance between ganking and farming your jungle. Farming your jungle is important for XP."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "In team fights, try to cast your Ultimate R when the enemy is bunched together so it can bounce between multiple champions and deal more damage. Delay a team fight for as long as possible while harassing and poking the enemy down with your W."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "If the enemy manages to catch jhin out, he will die. jhin isn't very good at fighting tanks because of his Passive due to his immobility."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Your goal is to survive the laning phase and win an XP and gold lead. You can then be stronger in the middle of the game, as long as you don't fall behind."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Her Ultimate R can be used as an engage or disengage/ utility tool. Be on the lookout for her Ultimate R!"} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this tower. This will open the card and give your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Your goal in the early game is to gank as often as possible to get your allies ahead. You are a strong early game Jungler."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Having many abilities can make someone complicated and overwhelming for players. Someone with many abilities has a kit with many combos."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath is weak in lane depending on the matchup he is in. Champions with strong early games can take advantage of Cho'Gath's weakness and dominate him in lane."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "After going into a fight with your Ultimate R, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in the late game. To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "He will be dishing out humongous amounts of damage during this phase of the game. Right now, he should be focusing on staying alive and not getting CC'd and picked off by the enemy team."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius needs to cast his Ultimate e as soon as the enemy gets within health range to maximize its effectiveness. Darius should use his early game aggression to gain a lead in the lane."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "If you\u2019re able to CC the whole enemy team, you will give your team a good chance of winning the game. Heimerdinger can take objectives really fast in the late game thanks to his Q."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "She can repeat her combo W and R to kill her laner with her Ultimate R. This combination of capabilities allows a constant release of damage."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Canceling the capacity is not possible, so ping and pushing the minion wave into the Shen tower as quickly as possible. When there's no team fighting and when Shen's Ultimate R is in place, you'll find him pushing."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Her team fighting is excellent. She can run down enemies with ease."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Stand towards the back end of your team near your Support. Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu is a very good roaming champion. He will try to roam around the map."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's level 6 abilities are extremely powerful for his team. The powerspike effect of Gangplank's level 6 is significant."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Abusing Kayle early on the force to rise early and delay his first peak of major power. When Kayle reaches level 6, she becomes varied and gains additional protection from her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "If he uses them, try to abuse the cooldowns and trade with him while they\u2019re down. Aatrox benefits from bursty trades with his Q."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Your survival will increase when you stay with your support. You should keep firm in the side lanes when there are no team fights, but spend as little time as possible away from your team."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Always stand behind a minion when fighting Ezreal to make it harder for him to land his Q. The best time to engage in trades and land skill shots on Ezreal is when his E is on cooldown."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Level 9 maximization of his Q gives a massive boost to his damage and wave clear. This maximization allows Galio to frequently help other laners."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Look for selections in the middle of the game. If you can choose someone with the help of your allies, you can abuse their death timer to win more gold and maybe take a turn, a goal or get more murders."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "or he went in the middle of the way with his support. A coherent vision around your path so that you know what it does and where it goes."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "This would allow the enemy to take Objectives quite easily after getting rid of Nunu. Nunu will not be able to heal a lot if he is removed as an enemy."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Engaging on Quinn when her E is on cooldown reduces her ability to escape and increases your chances of taking her down. The Ultimate R of quinn is a great roaming tool that can allow her to get back to lane quickly."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "This is really beneficial if he can land it from out of vision and then use his E to dash into the W circle to guarantee the stun. His burst damage is not to be ignored as the game goes on."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Level 6 is a massive power peak for Lulu. It will annoy the enemy by completely denying the assassination and by exploding the attempts at the end of the enemy."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "At level 9, Zeri will maximize its Q-capacity. Since Zeri uses his Q capabilities the most, his car will cause a lot of damage."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Continue to regroup with your team and stay close to your support. If you're never too far ahead, the enemy can try to take you away."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "ziggs has a huge wave release potential with a lot of poke built in its kit. Q of ziggs alone can force the enemy to remember the base if they continue to be labelled by it."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Group tight to make it harder for Lee Sin to kick in the arms of his team. As Lee Sin needs to put himself on someone to kick them to his team, locking him with CC as soon as he engages is ideal because he is rather squishy and will be unable to escape if he is chained CC."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah's first capacity will be maximized at level 9. Maximizing the first capacity will allow Taliyah to flatten a lot of damage during the duels."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The enemy can get rid of Teemo by buying Control Wards. Teemo mushrooms are bypassed by an enemy Jungler with a jump or dash."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "R can allow Nunu to set up phenomenal death brushes while contesting objectives, allowing him to end the game or take objectives freely. Nunu is bad against disengage champions."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to gank more easily. Try to look around the map for dive opportunities, especially on squishy targets."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "When Ekko hits level 6, his kill pressure increases and he will look to go for kills. Respect his all-in potential when his Ultimate R is up as he will use it to escape after a kill."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "If Amumu is going to damage, you may need defensive items. As the game progresses, it will become stronger and stronger, more tankier and more tankier."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna has many utility options. Her dash ability can be used as a zoning tool."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal can use his E to avoid follow-up CC abilities if he gets hit by the initial CC ability ezreal's E provides a safety net, allowing him to quickly recover from unfavorable situations"} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Try to get him down as quickly as possible. Yasuo is very strong once her crit chance reaches 100%."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's Ultimate t can be a game-changer in a team fight where the enemy is grouped together. The CC allows Hecarim to separate key targets from their team and kill them quickly with his damage."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Xin will have a maximum of two of its capabilities per level 14. It's an important boost to his duel power, and he's going to let him dominate 1 v 1's with the greatest ease."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Make sure you take these Dragons away from Shyvana if possible. Timitvana is a champion who excels very quickly in the clearing of the Jungle."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Avoid remaining in the minion wave so it is unable to poke and push at the same time. Xerath is very motionless."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "The strategy for Tristana is to continue to make short exchanges with your E and Q. In this game, the use of E and Q should result in unbearable damage to the enemy team."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "The first capacity will be maximized to level 9. This increases its damage, His team combat potential will be respectable now if he can use the ability while hiding in a brush."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen will have many items now which give him both a damage and survivability boost in the lane. With these items, Garen can tank tower shots for days and allow his team to take control of towers."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "She will be able to use the ability to pull off successful all-ins frequently now. Her pick potential will be really high during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana will look to constantly gank post level 6 whenever her Ultimate R is up Be aware of Diana's level 6 power spike as it is huge for her"} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir is perfect during the mid-game fights. It should accumulate an advance during this phase of the game by bursting enemies with its Q and Ultimate e."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "This can delay Aumu's level 6 power peak. Delaying Aumu's Level 6 power peak will also delay its Ultimate y."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Focus on trading with Fiddlesticks. Avoid falling behind during Fiddlesticks' laning phase."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "She'll just need to maintain a good positioning. She will have several objects during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "This champion is probably the only one who can replace the farm and get away safely with his kit. Its ultimate capacity (n) gives it additional statistics that can temporarily allow it to absorb a lot of damage."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan can look for an aggressive game if he could intimidate the enemy at level 1. An Akshan has supported and recovered its first component element, which increases its damage production and its ability to trade."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Its capabilities will also allow it to bring additional effects and utility to a team fight. Malphite's Ultimate H maxi-out allows him to take enemies frequently."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal will struggle to push in waves if he doesn't, as he can be easily ganged up on and killed. Stack your Tear as often as possible."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The use of Nautilus' ultimate capacity will be very deadly if he manages to use it from the fog of war. Once Nautilus gets several items, it will absorb a lot of damage while simultaneously helping its team to avoid damage."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie's Q and W will make trades go more in her favour with increased power. Annie is a team fighting champion thanks to the AOE on Tibbers R."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "He will also be able to steal Baron or Dragon during team fights and secure the win for his own side. Ezreal is good at poking down enemy minions before going into a fight thanks to his fast cooldowns and overall attack power."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Be careful around the minion wave because Yasuo will often use its E to go through the minion wave to get on you. Stay outside and get away from the minion wave at all times."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Its E is perfect for the clearing of waves. Its R (Ultimate) has a high choice potential and can help roaming across the tracks."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "While you are a strong and good fighter in early play, you need to make sure that you take time to focus on agriculture and win gold and XP. Secure your camps as often as possible."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Farming refers to killing minions in order to earn gold and experience points. XP stands for experience points, which are necessary for leveling up your champion."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "To reduce her assassination attempts, you should stick with your team. Camille cannot easily get on to the backline by running at the enemy."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon will have a lot of articles during this stage of the game. This will allow him to inflict a lot of damage if he succeeds in reaching a target."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Do not group very close together as it will allow Hecarim to get a multi-person Ultimate t which will help him and his teammates win the fight. Hecarim's Ultimate t is roughly the same width as the paths inside the jungle."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Bait out neeko's E before attempting to engage in a fight with her. At level 6, neeko is stronger and can counter an all-in with her R."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali is one of the most difficult champions to master in the game. Playing around Akali's energy levels, his Passive, his W and his two mobility spells takes a lot of practice."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Look for flanks on the enemy team. Fighting off the enemy team with flanks will make team fights really unfair for them."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Focus on the same champion as the one your allies are focusing on. You can dish out a ton of damage in late-game team fights with your empowered Q damage."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Zeri's level 11 power peak is quite strong. 2 points in his Ultimate R offer Zeri a lot of extra pressure to kill."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Gank as soon as your Ultimate e is off cooldown, as it will usually result in easy kills. Nautilus has the most CC (crowd control) of any champion in League of Legends."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Unlocking his Ultimate R offers him a lot of trading and kill pressure. Aphelios will be comfortable winning trades with the enemy after completing his Mythic item."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "He will also be a part of many objective fights, allowing him to land a multi-man E stun on the enemies. His E can also be used to make cheeky plays using the lane brushes and lack of vision."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The W shield also allows it to mitigate a good amount of poke. His Ultimate makes him a threat during team fighting."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "If you play as a varied champion, try to use your range advantage to harass and bring it down. Don't commit too much to doing this although he may seek to turn the exchange."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Expect Volibear to play more aggressively and look for killers. When facing Volibear, it is recommended to perform short burst operations whenever possible to keep it away."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon is easily kitable in team fights and when ganking. In team fights, Pantheon may have difficulty getting on to an enemy due to their dodging or dashing tools even with his point and click CC on W."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "If Nasus fights with his team, try to lock him up with crowd control. The crowd control can prevent Nasus from targeting your carts with its Q and R capabilities."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks can get channel off, he will be very good in the late game. Teams will continue to group in the late game."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Once Senna unlocks its Ultimate R, contact your team and tell them that it can have an impact on its Ultimate R. Senna has a good poke, harassment and a good disengagement with her E."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas can choose between building tank or AP, and his damage output should be respected accordingly. Beware of Gragas's early game invading potential."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "playing like Miss Fortune involves being aggressive on the way, being aggressive on the track means trying to repel the enemy with your t and t during the laning phase,"} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Do not fight Kog'Maw when his e is standing. Look at everyone and kill Kog'Maw once his e is down."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Leblanc is a very good travelling champion who can influence the map and help her allies with ease. Post 6, you should start pushing and roaming."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Urgot's early play is pretty good, especially once he has access to all his basic abilities. Urgot can easily be part of an enemy."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki is really good in team fights thanks to the AOE poke from his b. The AOE poke from b provides significant damage to enemies within its range."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Once he manages to get three points in his Ultimate m, his ability to initiate fights will increase."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "A lack of an engage tool is a major disadvantage for Braum. Despite his Ultimate R being able to be used as a pick tool."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Poke and harass the enemy Mid laner and force them away from the objective to facilitate the security of the tower of the medium track. Whenever your Ultimate R is in place, use it on enemy tracks to get their health weak."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You may get a multi-man C with Taliyah and blow squishies up easily. Taliyah was advised to install death brushes when she could."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "At level 9, Lissandra Q will be maximized. Lissandra is very good in team fighting."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "A champion should focus on firing the enemy. Use Q to slow down the enemy if they try to pick up and catch up."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Her W allows her to mitigate a lot of damage, and her E lets her reposition quite quickly. Gwen does deceptively high amounts of damage during this phase of the game due to her items."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Don't let him crush you like he's gonna use it to finish you. Ziggs is pretty good in the middle of the game and team fights if he is allowed to delay a team and poke fight with his Q."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu is a champion with weak points. Lulu is quite vulnerable and easy to kill."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao can immediately kill any enemy lantern and sue them after getting his Ultimate R. After acquiring its first component, Xin Zhao can trade very aggressively with the enemy."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Your support in this matchup is extremely strong, so make sure you can go for extended trades in this matchup. If you fail to do so, your ability to get an advance will be seriously compromised."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Burst and poke is the best way to win a fight against Swain. Try to bring him down before a team fight starts. When he activated his Ultimate R, he blew it up so he couldn't dry up a lot of damage."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani's team needs its Ultimate R every time it's in place, so try to use it to help allies and get murders. Setting goals with the team should be a priority."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The importance of keeping teammates alive should be prioritized against all other factors. Swain's early play is rather weak."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "It will allow you to cut immobile magi really easily and you can win the way early on. By taking fights, make sure you use the fog of war to catch the out-of-guard enemy."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "The Ganks can sometimes force Trundle to feed the farm and be ineffective at the beginning of the game. Although his Ultimate allows him to steal statistics, he is still weak without articles."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "When there are no team fights, go on a side track and push. It is essential to continue growing during the middle of the game so that you can get your items quickly."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Avoid regrouping closely because it will give Malphite a great opportunity to land a 5 person who darkens with his Ultimate. Do not look for fights in the jungle or around the Dragon or Baron because the teams will usually be grouped closely, which allows him to get a good Ultimate."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and looking for aggressive parts. However, you will rely on your support to do the heavy lifting early."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "We could bring him down gradually, which forced him to get out of the way. Alternatively, it could be all-in-one by the enemy lantern and the Jungler/Support."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You will be stronger as the game goes along. Camille doesn't have the healthiest or fastest clear."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "A good time to play aggressively against Karma is when she has used her D ability to speed herself or her ADC up. Karma's Ultimate, a, is available at level 1, making her strong until level 6."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Instead of focusing Alistar in team fighting, try to go back and wait for his Ultimate end before focusing it down. Avoid regrouping closely as a team."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Don't do anything that involves pushing into enemy territory. If the enemy extends too far, use your e to get damage on them, but step back a little as a sudden attack may suggest you areganked."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Your immobility is your greatest weakness on Zyra. You should always be aware of your positioning in the track and in team fighting because of this."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Silence Mordekaiser before using t to kill him, or he will protect W's damage and avoid death. Get Mordekaiser involved when his E is broken, otherwise you will have problems avoiding it due to lack of mobility."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Finish the game as fast as you can. Veigar has a relatively weak strength in the early match compared to other champions."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "When Annie has 2 points in her Ultimate R, she will be able to look for more aggressive plays around the map. Annie can use her Flash to get picks too."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Avoid fighting in the jungle as it will allow him to get his Ultimate t off on your whole team. Hecarim may try to flank in team fights so he can get on to the backline with his Ultimate t."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana will have access to all 3 of her basic abilities from level 3 onwards. Diana should try aggressive plays to gain an early health advantage."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Watch your positioning and turn off if you are weak like his all-in-one combo inflicts a surprising amount of damage. In the middle of the game, Sett will be hard to fight unless he is early or has help."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate E, you should be able to lock and kidnap enemies with ease. Make sure Xin doesn't get too close to you."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "With her Ultimate R unlocked, Quinn can now go for a 'hit and run' kind of playstyle. Quinn can now gank other lanes when required."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Engaging in an all-in-one can be a problem if Lisandra's team is not on the same page as her. Lisandra's Ultimate R is more a utility tool than a damaging tool."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "You can trade with Annie before she gets 2 stacks without the fear of getting stunned. Items like Banshee\u2019s Veil, Guardian\u2019s Angle, QSS or Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass are great against Annie as they protect you from her burst damage."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "At level 11, Caitlyn\u2019s Ultimate R will come in handy as she can execute higher health targets. Caitlyn\u2019s Ultimate R is useful for high health targets at level 11. However, her Ultimate R leaves her incredibly vulnerable which means she cannot use it in the middle of a battle like other ADC\u2019s."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The last point of his Ultimate n will allow him to inflict enormous damage on the enemies. He should try to look for flanks during team fighting to maximize his use Ultimate n."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "This is especially true when he is trying to flank from the sidelines as a Jungler or when he is trying to roam to some other lane after pushing his lane in. He is superbly strong when it comes to fighting in closed areas."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "orianna's post-level-six gameplay is different from pre-level-six, especially when combined with her Ultimate d. Another point in her Ultimate d will increase the damage of the ability."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Be ready to peel them if necessary. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora can take out isolated enemy champions with ease, even if she is behind, thanks to her Passive and Ultimate R. By picking off key enemy champions, Fiora can gain an advantage and pressureize a portion of the map."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "If you fight while it\u2019s on cooldown, you'll miss out on a lot of healing and extra damage, which can make the difference in a late-game team fight. In team fights, flank the enemy to make it easier for yourself to get onto the enemy backline."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna will play aggressively at Level 1 to gain an advantage over health. Once Senna is level 6, her card pressure and kill pressure increases."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona's murder capacity is increased when she reaches level 6. Its Ultimate R offers an additional gank configuration."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "This will make it hard for them to destroy your tier 3 towers. Keep your Wall e off cooldown at all times in case you need to use it to disrupt the enemy or interrupt an engage."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana deals a lot of damage in late game team fights. However, it may be harder for her to one-shot targets because enemies will start building defensive items to protect them from her burst."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "He should be able to break out the enemies with the appearance of his real damage in the choking points. Once Sett gets 3 points in his Ultimate R, he will be able to run his enemies down with ease and will be able to use the ability quite frequently."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen needs some time to come online in the first few levels. If Garen doesn\u2019t come online in the first few levels, he\u2019ll fall behind and won\u2019t be able to scale."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe is very reliant on her Ultimate w as it can be used in a variety of ways. Try to abuse her when her Ultimate w is on cooldown because she is incredibly vulnerable while it\u2019s on cooldown."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Try to bring her down often: whenever she uses her Q, try to use yours. The Senna Poke is a very effective long-term capacity and a passive supply agency."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If you are a little separated, it will be impossible for Zac to catch up and hit your entire team with his E and Ultimate R. His early play is rather weak, but killing him can be difficult."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Healing is an advantage that allows Soraka to exchange her health as a regular resource. Level 6 is a massive power peak for Soraka, allowing it to save each of its tires with proper use."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Without her Blue buff, Elise can't cast her abilities as frequently. Without frequent ability casts, Elise is vulnerable to enemy Jungler invasions."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will allow you to engage Soraka more easily. If you push, you'll never be able to hire Soraka or kill in this game."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "This makes it really difficult for the enemy to catch it during all the ins, and Shaco will easily be able to inflict a lot of damage without taking a lot of return. Shaco is really good at getting choices with the team during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Push the wave and look for roaming opportunities. Leblanc is a very good travelling champion who can influence the map and help her allies with ease."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "This ability can impact team fights whenever it is up. When Galio's target goes near enemies to attack them, this ability works very well."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "This will also make it harder for her to get a good Ultimate R off as she has to close the gap in order to stun you. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible, because this will make it harder for Neeko to push and poke you at the same time with her Q."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "It takes time for Malphite to come online and gain a clear advantage before engaging in fighting. After acquiring a few levels, Malphite can start playing aggressively and looking for opportunities to initiate trades."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "It's good for Alistar because it allows her to get a multi-person knock-up with her combo t>e. Alistar's abilities were shorter in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar can peel for his team at the same time as getting choices. It's very important for someone as immobile as Veigar."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "The main objective is to increase first. His level six will not be very impacted during this phase of the game because he has a long cooldown."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Try and adapt your positioning and move to the opposite side of the lane to where her Ball d is. Do not roam unless Orianna has recalled."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "He has a unique mechanic on his Q which does take some time getting used to. You\u2019ll need to put in a lot of practice to master this champion."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Team up with your team at all times. Do not divide the thrust or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "If the champion gets caught by a CC, they'll probably die. Nami has less transport potential than many other Supports."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora is a strong skirmisher. She looks to fight whoever tries to stop her from split pushing. Fiora should be able to fight anyone as long as she\u2019s not behind in the mid-game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "At level 9 Ezreal will max out his Q. By then Ezreal would have picked up several items that increase his strength."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Gank as often as you can, Elise is a good early game Jungler. You need to get your allies ahead by ganking as frequently as you can."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "He has a healthy clear in the current meta. As long as you kite camps, you should remain relatively healthy on your first few clears."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's ultimate ability is an AOE (Area Of Effect) capability that can cause multiple people to fall. Malphite was the champion of this game."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Fighting in open areas should be Kalista's modus operandi, giving her additional power because she can use her Passive to kite the enemy team out. A CC'ed Kalista is a dead Kalista."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "It'll be great during the battles piled up. She is remarkable in the end-of-game fights because of her overall utility."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Try to stay outside of her auto-attack range. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you don\u2019t fall behind."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "You should always consider that Karthus may use his Ultimate e to finish off enemy champions during fights. AP and magic penetration are more effective against Karthus."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "In a team fight, aim to isolate an enemy from their team members. Extra credit if you can kill the target while it has no escape options."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce\u2019s w combo is very good at pushing and poking you down. Stand behind the minion wave so they block the damage from Jayce's s."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Flank in the team fights to get the enemy backline up easily. Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can get into the fight quickly."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She can defeat most enemy Junglers with an early lead during 1v1 matchups. Diana might be one of the best flankers in the game."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Be on the lookout for Ahri's active items as she will use them to isolate and take down slow and immobile champions. Ahri is rather weak in the early game."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "You have to help your teammates if they need help. Don't commit too much to helping your teammates especially if,"} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The vision around the main objectives is essential. In the middle of the game, look for choices."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Using Q's to burst down an enemy is effective in forcing a team fight. Ezreal's R allows them to force a team fight when used in combination with Q's."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "For Renekton's ability to be effective, he needs to get as close to the enemy as possible in a team fight. With this in mind, Renekton will probably try to flank in a team fight rather than run towards you."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Its damage production increases considerably once its first article is finished. It will be able to clear the waves very easily."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "You\u2019re on the flank if you try to take him down while he\u2019s focusing on his shots. Jhin's first major power spike is when he hits level 6."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin can be easily camped during the entirety of the laning phase. Camping during the laning phase will hamper kassadin from CS'ing and set him back massively."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "xerath must position itself correctly before using its Ultimate 2 If xerath does not position properly before using his Ultimate 2, he will probably be killed immediately."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Ideally, drop them first before using it to make it easier for you to kill the enemy. Level 6 is a decent power peak for Sona. It allows him to target CC targets now, which can completely change the course of a team fight."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The longer the game will be, the stronger the Senna's Passive will be. Try to finish the game as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "At level 6, you need to play a bit safer because you do not have an Ultimate G. A Top laner who does not have an Ultimate G unlike every other Top laner needs to be careful."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick is in front of you, so you won't win early fighting with him. Be proactive with your Ultimate."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Chokepoint fights and looking for flanks are the main goals during fights. Chokepoints will facilitate Aatrox's Q landing."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Step back so she can't attack you automatically when you don't want to commit. Waiting for Lulu to use his E before fighting or fighting is a good way to move forward."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Keep this in mind when fighting. Quinn is an early game bully"} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Don't hang on to the minions or stay still in this matchup. If you do not, you will be cut off and CC'd regularly."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Adjust your position to the location where Lux is standing in the track. It has the advantage of reach and if you are standing too far forward, it will harass you for free. Keep an eye on Lux's mana bar and try to fight it after she has used a capacity because she can't use it to trade with."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "and will allow him to reposition himself frequently. In team fighting, take care that Lucian can use his E to reposition and escape danger."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Its e allows it to exit sticky situations with ease. When combined with its Ultimate I, its enemy can be baited to attack the clone"} -{"label": "corki", "text": "At level 11, Corki can put a second point in his Ultimate e. This will increase his wave clear and poke."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "You should try to poke Diana down before she engages. It will be very hard for Diana to kill anybody if you manage to poke her down before she engages."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If you can give your mid-laner an advantage, they will likely return the favor soon enough. Your mid-laner's lead will draw them back into the fight sooner or later."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Roam with Support and attempt picks in the enemy Jungle when possible. Bonus points awarded if picks done before neutral objective spawn."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo can catch outright motionless ADCs with ease using R and E. Once Yasuo gets his first element, he gains a significant increase in duel potential."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You may also opt for a tanky build and act as a frontline if need be. Level 16 isn't that great a spike as it will only increase the damage of the ability and reduce the cooldown."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Continue to get XP and gold even after rotation. Fighting without advantage can put your champion at a disadvantage."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "A dispersed team fight can change the tide of a team fight. Volibear's trading power is weaker when its Ultimate R is on cooldown."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "His barrels can legitimately one-shot someone. He can effortlessly chase people down with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "This allows it to match or exceed most travellers. This champion is mechanically very difficult."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Pushed-up enemies should be his prime target as they will let him get free kills. He should also be able to clear camps rather quickly from now on."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi is an excellent split pusher. She can take on multiple people on her own due to her tentacles and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Don't exaggerate with Riven unless you have an advantage and want to increase his chances of killing you. When Riven unlocks its Ultimate e, its all-in-hand potential increases significantly."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Try to get as many brands in early play as possible. By collecting them as often as possible, you will be stronger in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax should try to split push and duel anyone if he isn't too far behind. Jax's main spike comes when he reaches the late game and has multiple items in his inventory."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "jhin's immobility is his main weakness because it makes him have a large target painted on his head. If an enemy catches jhin out, he will die."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Ranged carries can easily kite the poppy even without using their dashes. The poppy's Q has a very short range, making it easy to sidestep."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Level 6 will especially allow reliable configuration with Jungler allied. The first element will allow Maokai to survive longer."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Other champions have shorter movement spells than Zeri. The early game game is quite simple where you will want to make sure that you can land as many loaded shots on the enemy as you can possibly."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Look for choices with your team. If you can choose someone, call for Baron or Dragon to continue your advance."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Never stay together in the jungle. Alistar's basic combo has a big AOE."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "It's essential to consider Cho'Gath's damage output regardless of whether he's built as a tank or full AP. As the game progresses, Cho'Gath becomes increasingly stronger and should be targeted in team fights to make him ineffective."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Wait for the enemy to expand before entering into a trade with Kled's Ultimate. Kled was very early because he could use his Qs and Es for everything and destroy his enemy in the trades. He had played a central role in it too."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Keep placing vision and stick with someone at all times. During the mid-game, team fights will start. Make sure you participate in them and help your team when needed."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah can continue to block its enemies with continuous Qs. Track brushes must be used with ample time when you are trying to land your C and E on the enemy."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Her team fighting is excellent, and she can run down enemies with ease. All she needs to do is keep on poking enemies and landing multi-man Ultimate ds."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "This helps her get a lead She does not have a fighting Ultimate R"} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Avoid going for extended trades with Ashe. Especially if her Q is stacked."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "To facilitate access to the enemy background, group with your team, but stay on one side. By escaping from an undeserved bush, it is more difficult for the enemy to react to a total attack."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Sheen significantly increases Ezreal's Q damage. Ezreal will constantly try to poke with his increased Q damage."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game. Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka's R is the last nail in the coffin for the enemy team. The elimination of Grievous wounds and the massive healing of the R of Soraka will guarantee victory."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Misusing her W can straight-up cost Fiora the lane. If Fiora's W is down, she can be CC'd to oblivion and gotten rid of easily."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian's W, Q and R helps secure the goals with his Jungler. After six levels, Lucian can kill an enemy with a single shot using his combo."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Ultimate is down. Forcing fights when it is down will make it difficult for her to fight, trade and escape a team fight."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Her team benefits from her abilities being up. Karma offers a lot of utility during the late game, especially in neutral, objective fights."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You'll fall off in the later stages of the game unless you end the game as quickly as possible or snowball your lead so you'll be a huge threat in team fights. Aatrox is not an easy champion to learn."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "His Q is effective in cleaning the waves. Its E is perfect for the clearing of waves."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "The optimal time to enter during the skirmishes will be when the enemy has their targeted DC capability down. In this way, they will not be able to CC Leblanc when she uses her W to enter into the account."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Agriculture will make you more than one threat in the later parts of the game. Turn around the map if the bot road decides to turn to the top track after fixing the lower track tower."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "If you're nearby when Jax ganks a lane, try to counter-gank him immediately. Jax's e and e abilities are crucial in a fight against him, as they can turn the tide of battle."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius's Ultimate can be reset if he gets the killing blow with it. Darius is really easy to kite because he is immobile."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Its is a great tool that can allow it to escape the ganks and skirmishes with the enemy during the laning phase. Wukong's Ultimate n is a very good tool."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "This will allow him to get far too many choices in the middle of the game. The first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "The enemy can easily capitalise on a mistake with Camille. Camille makes it easy for the enemy to take advantage of mistakes."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Continuing to pick up and secure the jungle camps is crucial because a Jungler doesn't fall behind in the middle of the game. As Jungler, it is necessary to secure every Drake in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr has no reliable engagement tool other than running to your team. Kite Udyr is therefore unable to land her CC on your carts."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "As Ziggs gets more items, he will completely decimate the towers with his passive automatic attacks. After that, Ziggs can just cut the building off with his W."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "You have to make sure you match his damage. and push back the wave to prevent it from wandering."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target. Three points in Samira's Ultimate R will give him a huge peak of power."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Saplings E is a tool used by Maokai to keep him away from him, which makes it important to stay at a safe distance. If Maokai throws a Sapling in a bush, you can walk up to it and then detach from the path with your E so that it does not damage you."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "If you can land poke while pushing the minion wave, you could look for a favorable trade. By sitting Baron or Dragon, or whenever you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with your abilities."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Rotation towards the middle of the track will allow you to take this tower. Taking the midway tower opens the map and gives your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Taking an enemy at the end of the game can give you enough time to start a fight, sit a goal, or take the Baron / Elder Dragon. If your enemy is regrouping, team up with your team to make the most of this opportunity."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo has lots of sustain thanks to his Passive. The Passive provides Dr Mundo with a lot of sustain."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "He can now go 1 v 1 targets with ease and can completely blow enemies up with his barrels. His early game is weak as he is entirely dependent on items to be dishing out damage."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Activating E too late is useless because the enemy is going to disengage, and you're going to waste the shield. Tahm is very motionless, which means that it is really easy to pursue even with his W up."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "You will be very powerful during this game phase, and your tankness will be really high. Just make sure you don't leave your backline unattended, otherwise you'll have a hard time winning the game."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick is very weak early. Warwick will focus on agriculture and survive the game early."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "The Ultimate r can catch someone out of position, The Ultimate r is an excellent tool especially in mid-game team fighting,"} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "If they invade you, be prepared to fight, but only do so if your Passive is stacked and you can win, otherwise just back off. They will win the 1v1 as they are stronger when their Ultimate is up."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "She has physical characteristics that are fragile and delicate. Her Ultimate ability has a slow movement speed and can be easily avoided by opponents."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Control guards are essential in team fighting. Place Trinkets and Control Wards around you during the nap of a goal to spot Twitch before he is able to jump on you."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Misuse of varus E may lead to lost team fighting. In the track, incorrect use of Varus's E will allow any form of enchanter and Mage Support to walk up to it and get it down easily."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao tends to have a lot of support in the way and throughout the game. At the beginning of the game, Xin Zhao is strong and tends to go for aggressive games to win an early lead."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "An enemy can look into her as soon as she misses her W. She needs to use this ability quite carefully because of this."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus will try his hardest to get you out of the way. Try to avoid as much damage and capacity as possible to Varus."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Level 2 in the lower lane is the first minion wave followed by the following 3 melee minions The key to getting a murder later on the line is to earn an early health advance"} -{"label": "zed", "text": "In team fighting, continue to focus on the most squishi and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Aurelion is a mana hungry champion. Aurelion will be vulnerable to ganks and all-ins if he is low."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Completing an item or two allows Fiddlesticks to win mid-game team fights. In the mid-game, teams start to group together."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Try not to give Akali kills at the beginning of the game. She's a heavy snowball champion and once she has gold under her belt, she can easily take the card."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Try to secure goals like the Dragon before Zion can gank the path of bot and take the Dragon with them It has a versatile construction path."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Do not go for all-ins unless Fizz has already used his Playful / Trickster E beforehand. Keep an eye on your XP bar between levels 5 and 6."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "If Braum decides to roam, the player should ping their teammates to alert them and try to poke down the enemy ADC using their Q and basic attacks. Braum can get bullied down easily by ranged champions during the laning phase."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Although Teemo is a support champion, he can take matters in hand if he has a good lead. A good lead should not be used to do anything rash."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Just make sure the bush isn\u2019t warded. Ahri will have 2 points in her Ultimate when she reaches level 11."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "She's very mobile with her e and t. This allows him to easily get out of sticky situations."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Azir's sand soldiers make it much easier for him to stop all-ins in their tracks. Azir has very high sieging and pushing power when taking lane towers."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's first ability has been maximized. This is a decent power spike as it allows Garen to duel enemies easily and go for regular short burst trades."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "The damage to Dodge Lissandra. Don't let Lissandra abuse you for free."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Positioning is crucial for Xerath before using his Ultimate 2 , otherwise he will probably die immediately. Xerath can sting long-range targets in both tracks."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "It can easily hide somewhere and use its clone to crush enemies and inflict free damage on them. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Bonus points awarded if picks done before neutral objective spawn. During fights, use the fog of war to get close to your enemy and then use your Ultimate R at the right time to dismantle the enemy team completely."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "He will be looking to gank a lot, so it\u2019s important that you try to equal his gank pressure and gank as much as you can to prevent him from getting his laners ahead. Jarvan has rather good Dragon and objective control."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, Ekko will be looking to split push. Avoid leaving Ekko alone in a side lane by making sure there is always someone matching him."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco will do a lot of damage to the enemy team now, especially to the squishy targets. Shaco has the potential to quickly reach low-health, immobile, and squishy targets."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "The first element will allow Mordekaiser to survive and inflict a lot of damage. Compensation with this component of the item will be quick."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Take Rift Herald when you can! Take Drake when you can!"} -{"label": "braum", "text": "Teams will start to group during the mid-game. This grouping is good for Braum as his Ultimate r is an AOE tool that can knockup multiple champions."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves will experience a dramatic increase in kill pressure after gaining his Ultimate ability. The amount of gold Graves gets determines his strength."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Zyra's choice potential is one of its strongest aspects. Walking alone in the Rift Invocators is not recommended when facing Zyra."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Never engage in jungle or objective-based fights as her Ultimate R is effective in tight areas when teams are clustered together. When possible, fight spaced out in a lane to minimize the effectiveness of her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "This will dramatically increase its damage and leave its squishies at one blow if they take many automatic attacks from Twitch. Once he has 2 points in his Ultimate c, he will be easily able to resume team fighting and disrupt them as well."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "This reduces the diving of the Volibear tower and its overall potential. Being dispersed in a team fight will prevent him from getting a massive final R."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "The best thing will be to take it before a major fight. You should take it before a major fight."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Avoid walking in nonwarded areas unless you know where Xin Zhao is. Every time Xin Zhao's Ultimate R is on cooldown, it's incredibly vulnerable."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Enemies will have to invest heavily in the vision to keep themselves safe from the rising spawning rate of Teemo mushrooms. teemo will complete its construction during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Avoid going into prolonged duels when Kled is about to go up. Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "As you are good at collecting murders and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or who walk around Rift Summoners. Call on the near target after killing the enemy."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Keep the enemy wave near your tower because they have no drying potential and can be easily ruined. The dual power of this set champion is impressive, especially if he manages to catch an enemy with his Flash E combo."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Try to force the fights as soon as you spot Samira. Delaying a fight will allow Samira to get Style points and keep them for the next team fight."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Do not look for fighting in the jungle or around the Dragon or Baron because the teams are likely to be regrouped closely, which allows him to get a good Ultimate h off. The best place to engage Malphite is in an open way rather than a closed space like the jungle or Baron."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "must be a high priority target during team fighting. Make sure you CC and work with your team to get down quickly before their team can make room for you. Keep the place in the middle of the way, which will give you enough opportunity to take down the enemy, and put them on them."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Your opponent's team will try to use their Ultimate when it's in place. Use your R! to force the ganks at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Forceting a team to fight one after the other will reduce its chances of surviving in the next. Vayne's first power peak was at level 6 when its Ultimate capability activated."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Try to harass him when he is in the minion wave. This will mostly be a farming matchup, as you can kill him but he cannot really kill you."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Rek'Sai is very easy to kite because she has low range and is a melee champion. Rek'Sai will struggle killing mobile ADC\u2019s in team fights due to her low range."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibbear is considered a strong duel at the beginning of the game. A player who excels as a Volibear is able to force any enemy champion to use his Flash, especially when he is taken out of position."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The vision must be placed in the river or at the entrances of the Taliyah jungle. Taliyah can gank from afar thanks to his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka should face a lot of constant damage during this game phase. Soraka's healing will be above par."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "In addition, its k allows to set up crowd control for its team that they can follow. The advice is to play safe for the first levels."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas' W still provides him enough tankiness to not get popped immediately. When catching someone out, Gragas can get that enemy's Flash with ease if he can't translate it into a kill with his Ultimate R and Q and E combo."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Once you're level 3, you can start messing up. To initiate ganks, use your E to slow down the exaggerated enemies."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive. Level 16 will see Sylas acquire a maximum of Ultimate R."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The bonus movement speed granted by the R ability will also enable him to catch up to his target or evade a gank. Be the frontline for your team at all times."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio has a decent amount of waveclear on his Q which he can use to shove the wave in and then roam around to see if he can use his Ultimate R to assist other teammates. He doesn\u2019t have to roam too far for this, so he can get back to the lane quickly if the all-in chance disappears."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna is quite vulnerable to all-in and hard engage in team fights. If she gets caught out of position, she is going to die instantly."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His ability to get killed in the way also increases. Keep an eye on your positioning."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "If you catch someone out while grouped, make a call for Baron. Secure objectives like Dragon or Baron with your Ultimate t."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah has good potential with his C. If you don't know where Taliyah is in the middle of the game, don't walk alone around the Rift Invocation and avoid sightless areas as she might try to set up a surprise attack."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Fighting in the open jungle makes it harder for Rumble to get a 5-person Ultimate B. Never try to take a goal like Baron or the Dragon if Rumble is alive and kicks."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Ganking enemies is made easy by your E, allowing you to catch them off-guard and burst them down. However, be cautious not to gank when Dr.Mundo is nearby."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Disengage and CC (crowd control) can also interrupt his Ultimate R. The ability to interrupt his Ultimate R could lead to very less damage output from his end."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu is going to be roaming an awful lot in the laning phase. Ping when Nunu goes missing so your team knows that he could be headed their way."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "A shorter E cooldown makes Ahri an extra threat during the mid-game. Ahri can either focus on picking off enemies and flanking with her allies during late game team fights if she is ahead."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "As she gets her core items, Kalista becomes really strong and can easily win a fight as long as she has space and agency to kite around. Her r should be stacked and used only when a kill is guaranteed."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "As soon as Master Yi uses his e, wait until he avoids skill and CC strokes if time is correctly timed. You need time to come online."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "He is also able to CC multiple enemies at a go with his d > e combo. The d > e combo will allow Jarvan to CC multiple enemies quickly."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "For Renekton to be effective, he will have to get as close as possible to the enemy in a team fight. In this spirit, Renekton will probably try to flank in a team fight rather than run towards you."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "A brilliant Mage Assassin can secure peaks on sketched targets throughout the middle of the game. A possible neutral objective advantage can be achieved by securing peaks."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "The focus should be on the backline and trying to take them out of the fight. Try to focus the attention of the other frontline champions on the enemy carries."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When Fiddlesticks has access to three abilities, he becomes difficult to deal with due to his utility. If you are trying to go for an all-in attack, make sure to fight when one of Fiddlesticks' abilities is missing."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "It will also be difficult for Ekko to escape the fight with his Ultimate W if he gets hit by layered CC. When Ekko hits level 3, he can start looking for aggressive plays."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "It should be able to divide the thrust and secure choices quite often. At level 9, it will have maximized its first capacity."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "She will have a lot of articles during this phase of the game, which will allow her to flatten a lot of damage if she manages to catch an enemy. Level 16 is a massive power peak, which means it can completely decimate enemies who are stuck together."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "When playing against Lee Sin, always watch out for your positioning. Standing behind the minions will be a tough defense against Lee Sin's attacks if you're not careful."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Back away when you're low on HP in a team fight so he can't get the reset on his Ultimate R. Make sure you use Flash to escape his Ultimate R so he can't get the reset and win the fight."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Find a healthy balance between ganking your allies, farming your jungle and securing objectives. Make sure you do not fall behind in XP by trying to constantly gank."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo uses the split thrust due to his fall at the end of the game. Split's thrust puts Teemo's team in a disadvantageous state."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "And Yorick can easily fight on his head."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "and push back the wave to prevent it from wandering. Lissandra's level 6 is incredibly strong."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You\u2019re a very mobile champion thanks to your E. E can be used in multiple ways and is a good way of turning around exchanges with the enemy."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne becomes a monster at the end of the game and will be extremely difficult to defeat at the end of the game. Vayne's level 6 full attack will be stronger than yours."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Having 2 points in his Ultimate R will make it easier for Viego to kill his targets. Viego's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "This is the perfect time for Hecarim to take over the game due to his kit being able to pick and burst enemies down in a jiffy. Hecarim wants to work with Jungler during mid-game."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Try to keep your distance from the E of zeri at the beginning of the game. Keep a safe distance from zeri if you are in poor health."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "She'll be really strong at this stage of the game. Once it has completed its first element, its trading capacity increases sharply."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "If Quinn can\u2019t team fight, she will stay in a side lane and try to split push. You can either send someone who has TP to prevent her from taking side towers, or you can quickly engage on to the enemy team and start a fight."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Her level six will give a massive power spike due to her ranged auto-attacks. This allows her to play more liberally and let her play the lane more safely. Kayle's first item will help her a lot with trading and farming. This is really helpful for Kayle."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Take advantage of Janna's positioning when she walks forward to harass your ADC. Dismount and poke her with basic attacks and your Q while she's vulnerable. Janna's level 6 brings stronger 2v2 potential and team fight presence."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Sometimes Xayah will be left halfway with his support on the farm. If you spot his team in the side lanes, force a fight with the number advantage and then take the turn of the middle lane after."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Winning 2 points in his Ultimate R will give him another significant peak of power. This will give him power and allow him to clear up a lot of damage."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Maxing out Cassiopeia's E will result in a more potent bully potential when landing her Q. The bully potential of Cassiopeia intensifies heavily at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "You don't have to go indirectly, but your presence will repel the enemies. Your self-sustaining W passive helps a lot by trying all enemies and escaping unharmed."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Fighting without this will make the end-of-game team's fights much more difficult. Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if it is still on cooling."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "When you reach level 6, ask for your Jungler's help to kill the enemy lantern. Ask for help or look to walk around every time your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "If you look for an all-in, make sure that you commit. Get some Grievous Wounds while you're at it for maximal effectiveness."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces. However, you will rely on your support to do the heavy lifting early."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "If used freely, the enemy laner can lure you into such an all-in-one and then get rid of Akali quickly. Also, try to stay in a longer way because it gives you more opportunities for everything in someone."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "In the last game, keep looking for games with your Ultimate and E. If you pull the door-to-doors into your team, then focus them."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Use Nautilus\u2019s strong roaming ability to move around the map and help your allies. Good times to roam are straight from base or when your ADC will be safe and will not die."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "If possible, do not walk around the map alone and without your team. Stick to warded areas and try to stay away from Annie at all times. Try and aim your abilities so they hit Annie and the minion wave simultaneously."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac has great all-in-one potential throughout the laning phase. As soon as the enemy advances or surpasses, it can seek to play aggressively."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "It is best not to split up or stretch out during the last stages of the game when playing against Sivir. The champion's wave is very good and allows him to push the wave and get the priority of the way with ease."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Keep a constant eye on xayah feathers and avoid standing in front of them."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus will seek to divide the thrust throughout the middle of the game. Split's thrust allows Nasus to take advantage of its Q capacity."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "In team fights, group carefully because Tibbers R can stun multiple members if you're too close together. Tibbers R's AOE ability makes it dangerous to group with your whole team if Annie is using it."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "If it spawns quickly, be sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before you safely retreat. It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "When he uses his R, he can easily CC the entire enemy team when they are clumped together. Once Gnar's E is down, he becomes susceptible to ganks."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "If you see that Xin gets a lot, don't hesitate to invade him and steal his camps. It should be easy to do and will reverse Xin massively."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "In this way, they will not be able to CC Leblanc when she uses her W to enter into the account. Its level eleven peak power is also quite powerful."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "She just needs to position herself well. You must stay with your support throughout the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Avoid fighting Graves unless he's behind. He is squishy"} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "It should be pretty easy to do if you use the war fog properly. The second point of Mordekaiser's Ultimate R allows him to shoot down the targets quite quickly."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "At level 9, Dr Mundo will max his E. Dr Mundo's ability to 1v1 the enemy Jungler, or 1v1 any lane champion, will be very high."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "You can work with your Jungler to invade and kill targets who happen to run into you. You can set up death brushes to one-shot targets who are roaming around aimlessly."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Neutral objectives are non-player objects controlled on the map that can be challenged. She will certainly win any Smite fight if she uses her E correctly."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe has her Ultimate ability, don't overextend as she can easily set up her Jungler with it. Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Lane refers to areas in which champions can be found during team fighting. The enemies are the opponents who challenge Akshan to fight."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Stand on your W for situations where you have to interrupt your laner. Continue with your assault after that."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Keep the wave somewhere in the middle of the lane. It will give you enough opportunities to take the enemy down, and set ganks on them."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Don't forget you're holding the Smite for your team. Securing the goals is very important, especially during this phase of the game, as these goals can be the decision-maker of the game."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Be careful of when Jhin is running at you with his 4th shot during team fights. Jhin uses his 4th shot during team fights."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "If she can take someone with the help of her allies, she can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and maybe take a turn, a goal or get more murders. Seraphine's selection potential is enormous during this phase of the game due to its ability to CC enemies with its E."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Split's thrust allows Nasus to take advantage of its Q capacity. When Nasus splits up, he can use enemy team numbers to trigger a fight."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "This makes it harder to survive in the way. She relies heavily on her mana pool in early play to inflict damage."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "This is mainly because of a lack of mobility and items until he hits level 6. To compensate, Kassadin should play safely and rely on proper vision setup to not die often."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Try to take the Drake away from the enemy route bot yourself if possible Gank leads the robots and take the Drake with them if you can."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "He can kill you quickly if you're not healthy. If you're overstretched while pushing the wave, remember to avoid being all-in-one by Renekton."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Vel'Koz is good in team fighting during this game due to his passive and Ultimate R. That, in combination with the rest of his abilities, compensate for some odious poke damage. Having its complete construction will allow Vel'Koz to blow people up like balloons. Any squishy who gets caught in the crossfire will definitely die."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Limit trading autos with Corki as he will win them with his superior AD damage. Whenever Corki gets his package, make sure you ping."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "At level 6, Yasuo can focus on trampling the enemy with its R tornado. After Level 6, Yasuo can use its Ultimate R to complete low health goals."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Try to stay at maximum range and behind the minions at all times. This will make it harder for him to hit you with his Q or self-attack. By fighting Tahm Kench in the team fights, watch out for his Ultimate r."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "He will be very deadly if he manages to use it from the fog of war. Nautilus gets several items and will absorb a lot of damage while simultaneously helping his team to avoid damage."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Their level 6 is stronger than yours. Keep this in mind when fighting post 6."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Once the battle is over, going for cleaning kills. You'll have a ton of damage in this phase of the game."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz has a lot of outplay potential with his E. The increased mobility allows him to get on to the enemy quickly"} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "This will also expose Gangplank to ganks. His Passive allows him to come out on top of short trades which is quite advantageous for him."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "He can go for risky plays and use his Ultimate R to escape. Ekko's Ultimate R can be used aggressively."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "You need time to come online and you shouldn\u2019t be fighting until you have some levels under your belt. After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Once Seraphine has finished her first article, her Q damage will increase and her threat to kill too. Be sure to avoid being struck by Seraphine QS."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "After six years, Lucian can practically shoot an enemy with his combo while repositioning with his E. Lucian's E makes him rather slippery, allowing him to easily escape the ganks."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "The scale of the Veigar Passive is infinite, which means that Veigar can roughly one complete target of squishy health. His n (capacity) will be on a very short cooldown during this point in the game."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "The skirmishes should be accessible to you as long as you land your Q on multiple targets. The condition of victory for the skirmishes is the piled fights."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett can be put into a kit to forget when it is against a varied cart with a shape, a dash or a peel. The abuse of Sett's W capability can cause him to kill because it is his only form of mitigation of damage."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Neutral objectives must be constantly secured by you. You're really good at getting neutral goals, so make sure you try to secure some of the other goals after a gank."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Your goal is to hide in the fog of war during team fights. Fighting around chokepoints should be very fruitful for you."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Getting Rakan low will make it incredibly hard for him to use his W for the second time Avoid grouping too closely, because it will allow Rakan to get a good Ultimate R and he may be able to CC your whole team."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "He will have to flank the enemies and make sure that all CCs on the side of the enemy teams are exhausted. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9, which will allow it to inflict heavy amounts of damage in very short time."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If they die at first, you won't be able to win the fight alone. Focus on the closest enemy champion."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Wait until the minion wave approaches before walking on the track. Do not cuddle the side of the track at level 1, as it is likely that it has boxes in it."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E. Focus on securing those objectives."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal should poke the enemy and harass them as much as he can before looking to fight. ezreal bursting someone down with a few Q's and his R will allow him to force a team fight with numbers or health advantage."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "She'll be able to push the waves quickly."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The presence of Rumble during the mid-game fights is truly fabulous. It should be able to win several fights just using its Ultimate capability correctly."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "The presence of this player will be strongly felt at the beginning of the game. This player will take advantage of gloved enemy players to win an early lead."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Invading Fiddlesticks without knowing his location is generally not recommended, as he has many disengage options and can escape invades. It is better to steal away Fiddlesticks' camps when he is in a different location on the map."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "This will help you get to your next major power spike. Gwen is a strong 1v1 champion."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "With a low range, xayah can easily be snatched and harassed. Avoid engaging in extended trades with xayah unless you have an advantage."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "His varied self-attacks will allow him to play more liberally and play the way more safely. Kayle's first article will help him in trade and agriculture."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "It's crucial to keep stacking your Q or you'll fall behind. Rotation around the map and help teammates if necessary is a good strategy."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Every time Zed reaches level 6 his death pressure increases again and he will seek to go to kill every time he has his ultimate R available to him. Expect him to play aggressively once he reaches the level."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Enemies buy defensive items from now on. Squishier's targets do less damage to Zed because of his poor health."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Caitlyn\u2019s level 6 is pretty good. However, she doesn\u2019t have a combat Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "You should lock Jax down with CC if possible, which would turn the exchange around in your favor. If Jax decides to team fight, try and lock him down with CC before he has the chance to engage."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "This is going to be a farming/poke matchup. Focus on poking down Heimerdinger while prioritizing farming over everything else. However, do not let Heimerdinger push back with poke and avoid taking damage from his attacks."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Extended trades should be kept short and sweet when playing with Irelia. Playing around Irelia's Passive is key."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "It's good for Amumu because he'll be able to CC his entire team with his Ultimate there."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Always try to be a part of as many fights as possible in this game. Your Ultimate R will quickly get you ahead if you and your team manage to get kills with it."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "She'll need to shoot her target before that, or she can count on a gank or her support. Its damage to the E Tower allows Tristana to buy plates and destroy the towers with ease."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Turn Senna off as soon as possible in a team fight. This will reduce his ability to shoot you down, damage you and win the fight."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Remember that when trading with Yone Don't forget to stay away from Yone when possible."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia is usually built AP and will fight against teams with heavy explosion damage. Lillia fights against poke and disengagement, which can make the team struggle difficult for her."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Expect Senna to go for an aggressive level 1 game to get batteries. If you let her hurt you too much, you won't be able to trade at Level 2 or 3."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "It is essential to keep these goals monitored so that you can spot Kha'Zix if he tries to take them. When fighting Kha'Zix, avoid hiring him when there are no minions or jungle camps nearby, unless you have your head."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "At level 9, its first capacity will be maximized. It'll give him a huge whip, and he'll kill people in an instant."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Try to counter Nunu roams when possible, but if you can\u2019t, make sure you do as much as you can while he\u2019s not in lane (such as pushing, roaming somewhere else, helping your Jungler etc)."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Many champions become tankier as the game progresses, making it harder for Darius to kill them. At level 16, Darius\u2019s Ultimate e becomes an essential tool in team fights."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "During the mid-game, Qiyana truly shines. This is because she is a great team fighter thanks to her R."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Nilah should avoid falling behind if possible. The early game should be mainly focused on taking short trades against the enemy with your auto-attacks."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "He should make sure that he plays safely and that he is careful. The main objective is to increase first."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "The effectiveness of Annie depends on her ability to accumulate a lead on her enemies early on. Annie has little form of escape despite having increased movement speed with her E."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine is a great utility champion. His ultimate R has the potential to hit the entire enemy team."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "It uses its capacity carefully to avoid a lack of resources. Play safe for the first levels."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "The goal for Kayn's players is to get their transformation as quickly as possible. It is generally advisable to perform any desired transformation for Kayn as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The enemy should be counter-organized whenever possible. The author recommends targeting high priority champions during team fighting."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "The first element will help him greatly in duels and compensations. Its release of damage will be extremely high during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "It's easy to turn around Brand's ganks. Playing around your Ultimate is very important."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "You should not engage in a fight with Swain unless you can bring it down quickly because its Ultimate R will offer it additional protection and health regeneration. Swain's early play is abuseable because it's really weak early."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Regardless of how ahead or behind he is, Brand's damage output will be substantial in team fights. Brand would\u2019ve used his W ability to keep the enemy pushed into their tower."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "If Quinn looks for picks with her team, she should be okay in the late game. Quinn is an early game bully."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion's Ultimate R can be used to install ganks on other tracks. No one suspects Sion after base and down or medium track."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "If Zoe uses her Ultimate aggressively and misses her R, we should put everything on her and jump on her. In order to maximize the chances of gaining extended jobs as often as possible, it is necessary to commit to them whenever possible."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite tries to abuse its range advantage to get an early health advance. The minions on the map are kept closer to the Malphite side of the map in order to force the enemy champions to spread for the farm and XP."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Expect Lee Sin for aggressive parts when it reaches level 6. Lee Sin's damage production increases considerably after completing its first component."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "The damage release, as well as the shield, is perfect for winning clutch team fights. At level 9, his Q will be completely exhausted."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Your Ultimate R provides you with the luxury to both disengage and all-in the enemy team as per your requirement. You are extremely squishy and hence are really weak to all-ins from the enemy team."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "You're good at peeling, so you should do so in the late game. Look for picks with your E to start the fight."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "It is rather squishy so if you are able to reach it and get it down at the beginning of the fight, your team will have a easier time to win. Veigar will use his Ultimate R to try to bring down a defenceless/healthless enemy."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "His ability to CC multiple enemies at a go with his d > e combo. He can single out enemies which need to be dealt with quickly."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Once you have a number of levels under your belt, you should look for short, favorable transactions. As you are not strong in early play, you may wish to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressive."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax will be looking to split push in the later stages of the game. Always keep an eye on where Jax is at any given time."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This will increase the chances of survival and team fighting. It will also be easier to control the rhythm of the game."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen's overall map pressure will also increase after she completes her first component item. When fighting Gwen, it's recommended to bait out her E first."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "If interrupted by the enemy, Galio\u2019s E can be difficult to land and may result in his death. In a 2v2 setting, Galio\u2019s R may not provide significant damage output compared to other Supports."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac is really good in team fighting because of his kit having a lot of crowd control. Try to disengage whenever Zac E is with you to make it harder for him to get a knockup."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "You can use this advantage to gain an early lead. Extended trades work in the favour of Darius thanks to his Passive."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Once Orianna has completed her Mythic item, her damage output will be extremely high. You should look out for surprise Ultimates d from Orianna and try to stay away from her d."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal should only use his E aggressively if he is 100% sure he cannot get abused for it. ezreal should stick with his team and avoid walking too far away from them."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The ganks are unlikely for Malphite before six because he doesn't have his Ultimate. Good control of the enemy team's vision can prevent Malphite from catching the out-of-guard enemy team."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's movement speed increase on his p allows him to run enemies down with ease. The h allows him to deal consistent damage while also reducing his cooldown on the ability."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "He can pursue a single target using a fanciful foot, using his r. His poke damage is heinous and very strong."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Cover choking points with your ability to gain a strategic advantage. Use your Q and W to \"pull\" enemies out of neutral goals."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "You\u2019ll need to make sure you can push the wave back so you don\u2019t lose your Tower early. Neeko is good in team fights thanks to her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian has a lot of wave thrust power. Use this by freezing the track near your tower to expose it to ganks and prevent it from crashing you."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "If the enemy team is loaded with heavy CC, make sure you get a defensive element to help you. Don't forget you're holding the Smite for your team."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Try to gain an early advantage by playing aggressive and blowing an early Flash. Kassadin is at his weakest during the laning phase and is highly abusable."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "It's not impossible for Jarvan IV to gank at level 2 once he has unlocked his d and e. Jarvan IV's kill pressure increases a ton as soon as he hits level 6, thanks to his Ultimate ability being really good for ganking."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Killing his teammates is going to get really tough now. Yuumi's strength will be shown during the team fights where she and her fed cart will be a death ball for the enemy team."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Try your toughest to push back the wave as much as possible so it can't wander for free, or take your turn early. Malzahar's level 6 is incredibly strong."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "The reduction in rest time will help him make choices more frequently. At the end of the game, keep looking for flanks with your E and R."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Your Ultimate will be on a short cooldown, so you should use it quite frequently. It will certainly help you shoot down enemies who have already taken some damage."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Level nine is a massive powerspike for Heimerdinger. Heimerdinger will now have maxed out an ability and will be dishing out a lot of damage depending on his maxed ability."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Once you have reached Level 6 and purchased key elements, try to harass Harass the enemy constantly and push them into their turn."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "When playing with a team, stay at all times. Avoid moving alone on the map to avoid getting caught."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Fighting him when his resource bar is half filled will take a lot of damage and result in a quick stall. Keeping your door-to-door safe is of paramount importance, so make sure you remove it from combat as soon as possible."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Position yourself to soak up damage in team fights. Peel for your team using Q."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The enemy team will find it difficult to manage Monkeyking. Wukong is quite intense during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen was rather squishy during the early game and could be killed easily. It can either be gradually shot down, which forces it to get out of the way, or it can be all-in-one by the enemy lantern and the Jungler/Support."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi can cause massive damage during the end of the game. Master Yi will stay on all enemies frequently with his Ultimate r."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Make sure to use your Ultimate R at the right time or it can very well cost you the game. Avoid putting yourself in choking points"} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelyn's early match is very weak, so she will be the electric farming up to level 6 so she can become invisible and get her Ultimate R. Electric farming up to level 6 allows Evelynn to become invisible."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "The capacity will spread a lot of damage and will have a very short cooling, so team fighting will be frequent. Her flying life combined with her damage and mobility during the end of the match will make her really good in team fighting."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "After Fiddlesticks picks up his first component item, he can start dealing a lot of damage when ganking his allies. Fiddlesticks will dramatically increase his damage output after completing his first item."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah's first capacity was maximized at level 9. At level 9, talijah could cause a lot of damage now, especially during fighting near objective pits or choking points."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "The enemy is targeted by harassment and attacks Q. Team fighting should be delayed as long as possible."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "evelynn should look for picks on enemies who are too far forward or alone and can be quickly taken down before they\u2019re able to react thanks to her Passive. Evelynn will max her Q at level 9."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn will try to fight as much as he can at the beginning of the game so he can get his form quickly. Be ready to fight."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Any error can easily cost you the fight because of its E capability. Its Ultimate makes it really strong and invisible, so make sure to score it with your W."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "At level 6, he truly comes online and his ganks are more potent. Try to gank often pre-6 to reduce his effectiveness post 6."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar will not be very effective if the game continues for too long. It is recommended to stop Veigar early and finish the game quickly."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Use your k to poke Lulu out of the way. This combined with your e will result in massive damage outputs from your end."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Let Lissandra push you into your turn. Lissandra has a lot of counter-player potential, so let her push and wait for the ganks."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Try to force a fight so it can't bring you down and force you to disengage. It's going to be hard for you to besiege goals like Towers when Ziggs is alive."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Increasing the Q level allows Vel'Koz to slow down the targets with its Q. With the Q level increased, Vel'Koz can completely CC the enemy and destroy them."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Before invading, make sure you have your passive stacked so you can win the trade. If they invade you, be ready to fight, but only do so if your passive is piled up and you can win, if not just step back."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "This is the best place for the wave to be because it offers you tons of extra protection. Mordekaiser needs to play safely in the way for a while to become truly overpowering."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana can ambush the enemy Support as they try to ward upcoming objectives. Make sure your flank is near your team during team fights."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "If you can catch Teemo while he's going to the hall, you'll increase your chances of winning the fight. Concentrate him first!"} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Its survival will also depend on its passive use. He is a powerful champion early, especially if he manages to use the track brushes to his advantage in the track."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "When engaging in team fights, do not stand too far forward because Pantheon may try to make a play from there. Ward your flanks to prevent Pantheon from attacking you from the side while his Ultimate R is on cooldown."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco is an expert in enemy selection during this phase of the game because In neutral objective combats, Shaco should participate in battles to prevent enemies from turning."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She is quite weak especially when her Q or t is down. Diana's early game needs time to come online."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Grouping too close together may allow Brand to bounce his Ultimate R between multiple champions. Brand will try to deal a lot of damage and delay a team fight for as long as possible while poking opponents down."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "When Kayle reaches level 6, she becomes varied and gains additional protection from her Ultimate R. The use of its Ultimate R while fighting Kayle post-level 6 is crucial."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick was very healthy from the beginning, allowing him to ruin the tracks quite easily. Warwick gave priority to taking goals quickly, starving the enemy Jungler off the farm."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "The CC allows him to separate key targets from their team and kill them quickly with his damage. He can easily be killed if he goes into the fight without his Ultimate ability and gets caught by the enemy team."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox will be able to go for favourable trades when he has obtained his first component item. Look to play more aggressive once you get your first component item."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "It is highly beneficial for her team as that ability does a lot of damage and can completely change the tide of a fight. At level nine Gwen will be able to max out her Q."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh increased the destruction pressure when Q and E are available. You should play more respectfully when Thresh has both Q and E available."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Aatrox does not heal from the Setts W shield. Avoid damaging Sett with capabilities when its shield is active unless you are looking for CC (crowd control)."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "You should try to time your fights around your teammates initiation rather than initiating yourself. You are going to struggle to be taken down as long as you aren\u2019t caught out alone in teamfights."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn because the enemy has no sieving potential and can be easily exposed to the ganks. Teemo's Passive can be really heinous to manage, especially when he hides in a brush and comes in and out while peeling his laner with his t and t."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "It is advisable to bring down the enemy as much as possible while the team tries to take turns (or the Dragon or Baron). The enemy is targeted by harassment and attacks Q."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "A couple of spears can easily chunk an enemy out with kalista's r. kalista will be able to take neutral objectives with ease using her r."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "My Ultimate R allows me to disrupt the fighting and kill the carriers with ease in the bottlenecks. Using my Ultimate R in the bottlenecks will easily win the game."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Since Xin Zhao has a strong potential for invasion, it is crucial to monitor the entrances to your jungle so that you can spot them before they invade your jungle and kill you. xinzhao falls at the end of the game."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "This can delay her Mythic which makes her slightly weaker as the enemy will get their Mythic item before her. Anivia doesn\u2019t spike at levels 2 or 3 like most champions."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "While Gangplank has a lot of splitting power, it's better for you to group with your team in the late game. Gangplank's Ultimate R will be a force to reckon with now as it will have multiple upgrades and will give added benefits to him."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Two points in his Ultimate R will increase his damage production, This will increase its ability to fight against tanky teams drastically."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Its damage to tower E allows it to buy plates and destroy the towers with ease. This will put her on the road, as well as get quick targets if left unchecked."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Maintain a good position during team fighting to avoid unnecessary damage. Maintain your W capability until it is strategically beneficial to use it."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Mistreat this to get an early advance. The longer the game lasts, the more Tahm Kench becomes strong and tankier."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong expects to look for fighting by attacking on the side. When Wukong's level increases considerably, he also kills his pressure."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Look to fight Ahri when her charm is not available. Try to stay outside the minion wave but nearby."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Use the lane brushes and poke enemies with your E. The goal is to get as many Fear procs as you can in this lane without taking much damage in return."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "She is good in the mid-game If she gets an early lead she will be strong during this game phase"} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Favourable trades are essential to success in gwen's gameplay. If you are constantly pushing, you will not be able to get kills because your W does not protect you against tower shots."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia doesn't get to Levels 2 or 3 like most champions. Most champions attack Levels 2 or 3."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "If Ekko does not prevent being bullied down, he will fall behind in gold and XP. Common flanking spots can easily be warded by the enemy team."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle depends on his Q for most of his poke and agriculture in the way. This phase must be played very carefully by Kayle."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "This allows Fiddlesticks to start looking for aggressive plays. After Fiddlesticks has completed his first component item, he will be a little stronger."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Try to harass the enemy champion as often as possible. Level 6 is really strong for Kennen because it has access to an AoE CC capability that can quickly turn the tide of a fight."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "When Kayn is against the champions within range, or if the enemy freezes near their turn, it will be quite difficult for Kayn to be useful because they can zone it away from CS and XP. Kayn is at high risk and a high reward."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine lacks evacuation tool. This reduces his chances of avoiding the help."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Continuing to farm and secure jungle camps will make Elise a higher threat in the mid game. Getting gold in your pockets will increase the threat level of Elise in the mid game."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen excels during team fights as she can dish out a lot of damage, especially when fighting around clumped areas. Her W allows her to mitigate a lot of damage, and her E lets her reposition quite quickly."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "A good lead should not be used to do anything rash. If Teemo does something terrible, he could be the reason his team loses."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Keep clearing the Jungle regularly. Take neutral objectives regularly."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "It will also allow him to empty his camps quickly. During this phase of the game, try to save your carriers from the harm, especially during the fights where they can be flanked and killed."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Beware of Fiddlesticks's early game pressure, as they are very strong and will make aggressive plays to get themselves and their teammates ahead. Use the lane brushes and poke enemies with your E."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Team fighting at the end of the game is often decided in neutral objective pits while taking a goal. Kennen's Ultimate will be very practical during this stage and will let him win his team's game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Staying with your team in the late game is crucial to success. If you get caught out, it will result in the enemy forcing a fight or taking the Baron."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Level six is a massive power peak for Tahm Kench as it offers both kills pressure and defensive measures for its track partner. The player can try all-in-the-enemy on their own with the level 6 power peak."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You can even try to Flash > W enemies who are high priority and need to be taken out quickly. You will want to help your Support and work with them to ensure that we can capitalize on our lead."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "While Seraphine can use track brushes, its damage and CC are particularly strong. Level 6 is a decent pick-up for seraphine."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Focus the closest enemy champion on your carts and work as a team to bring down the enemy one by one. Yorick's Maiden will be powerful from level 16 that his Ultimate R will be fully maximized."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Use the numbers advantage to start a team fight while Ornn is away from his team. Once Ornn unlocks his Ultimate R, he will have an easier time in lane."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Keep hitting enemies with your e for maximum efficiency. Don't do anything that involves pushing into enemy territory."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If Zac disappears, contact your team, as it may be heading towards the middle of the track. Zac's E can be used from afar to start the team fight."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "This allows him to use his (e) frequently, which allows him to avoid the CC. Combined with his Wuju Style, this champion deals a lot of damage."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "If the early reduction of healing is not contraindicated, it may allow Lillia to surpass you. Lillia will often push enemies far before finishing and going for the murder."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser can convert a fight to 1 v 1 after reaching level 6. It becomes easy for Mordekaiser to kill his target once the level 6 threshold is reached."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Stand outside the minion wave to force Akshan to choose between pushing and poaching. Akshan has tons of mobility thanks to his E."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Try to fight in the open and split up slightly so Seraphine can't CC your entire team. Seraphine will often go alone in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Group and stay with your team at all times. Do not split push or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Can catch no one out of position with capacity and blow them up to take goal for free. He needs good time and he needs to drop it off in the right places."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "At level 6, Caitlyn can execute an enemy with her Ultimate R. Do not overstay your welcome by recalling when you\u2019re low."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "The lane brushes need to be controlled by Ashe as she has the range advantage on most other champions. She should use her k carefully in this lane."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Overstaying while low under your own tower is a big no-no against Bard, as he can put your Tower in stasis and kill you shortly afterwards. Bard's early game is quite strong thanks to his empowered auto-attacks."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "He's staying at Levels 1 and 2, so he can't use his Flash and kill you. At level 6, Sett's Ultimate R is quite strong."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "His main peak of power is during this phase of the game, He will have multiple objects, multiple piles, and will be able to be openly all-in and choose enemy champions out of his will."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "It will also allow it to take more minor damage due to the theft of life. A maximum of Ultimate R will allow Tristana to take control of the game very quickly."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego can steal the lives of his enemies that allow him to escape danger. As Viego becomes imprescriptible, it becomes untouchable by incoming damage."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "You should put death brushes in the jungle whenever possible. Don't take full team fights instead, rely on the choices to win the middle of the game."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This will give Jarvan a massive damage boost. This damage boost will impact fights at a much higher level."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "At level 9, Veigar can make about a quarter of the health bar of a squishy target with his e. At level eleven, Veigar will have two points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "This means that the Ultimate R of Yasuo has a short cooling time. A short cooling time allows Yasuo to process the tanks regularly."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Use your early game strength to poke and harass the enemy with your W as often as you can. Your basic combo will be available at post level 3."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so you do not get caught out. Avoid moving alone unless you know where the enemy is. Getting caught out will result in your team having to play 4v5."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Your W will be very practical during this phase of the game. Stay in the back line and keep hitting the enemies until your team all-in."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Shooting a cart or isolating someone could easily lead your team to a choice and murder. As the game develops, it will suffer a lot of damage."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's Ultimate t is roughly the same width as the paths inside the jungle. Try and avoid fighting in the jungle as it will allow him to get his Ultimate t off on your whole team."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Always adjust your positioning. Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "When Hwei hits level 6, his Ultimate increases his and his ADC\u2019s kill pressure in lane. This will help him get kills."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "To be effective at level 6, Sylas must take the ultimate correct capabilities. The first component of the article gives Sylas increased the overall damage and allows it to take the fighting with ease."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Let her grow earlier. Keep the wave near your turret but don't let it push you under your turn."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar is a champion who should be avoided as much as possible. It is best to stay mobile and keep a safe distance from Malzahar whenever possible to avoid getting caught by its ultimate ability."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "This is especially true if they are ahead, as you will not win early fights with them. Be proactive with your Ultimate."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo's main power spike during the early game is when he reaches level 6. His Ultimate R offers him a lot of additional protection."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "If she has 3 batteries empowered, play safer than her next ability will be much stronger. Expect Seraphine to search for murders in the way or install her Jungler for ganks when she reaches level 6."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Once Malzahar reaches level 6, his death pressure increases thanks to his Ultimate R. Make sure you keep the river so you can spot his Jungler before they jump your way because Malzahar is not really capable of killing anyone alone."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Do not fight Trundle if he is ahead. His skirmish power is incredibly strong especially if he has his Ultimate n available. Trundle can't really gank if he doesn't have strong tracks, so he'll look at the farm instead."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Before invading, make sure you have your passive stacked so you can win the trade. If they invade you, be ready to fight, but only do so if your passive is piled up and you can win, if not just step back."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Ezreal moves away from Lucian. Use the advantage of the range to grow safely and to prevent the Lucians from harassing with their Q and auto attacks."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Try to force the fights when his Ultimate t is down. The Zilean's QW Q combo allows him to amaze a group of enemies, which is very beneficial in the nearby neighborhood fight."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Using Yasuo's W allows him to completely dismantle enemy matchups by running around windshields. Against the champions of melee, it is wise for Yasuo to step back and keep the distance."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twisted Fate will look for poke as much as possible before launching. Don't allow Twisted Fate to poke by engaging as soon as you've spotted him."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "It was crucial, especially if the enemy was pushed up. Counter hocks were also possible but required a level of pre-preparedness."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "He can force any enemy champion to at least use their Flash if he manages to catch them out of position. Volibear's Ultimate R can easily adjust lap dives."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "twitch can be easily counterbalanced by a Control Ward due to its automatic short range attacks and detection problems. The forces of a quarter of control are shaking to make him more vulnerable to enemy assassins."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "To fight Veigar, first bait his cage and then abuse cooldown. Let him push you early, or he'll get you off the farm early."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "If you're not going to, back off slightly so they can't all-in you as soon as they get the level up. Their Ultimate offers them a ton of additional kill pressure."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Against kalista, extended trades should work in her favour. Try to keep trades short and sweet so she cannot deal tons of damage with her r."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "A good time to fight Brand is when he's out of mana or has an ability on cooldown. This will make trading much better for you as he will not be able to dish out a lot of damage (or possibly stun you if his Q is on cooldown) as he'll have 1 less ability to use. Use your early game strength to poke and harass the enemy with your W as often as you can."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Her maxed out Ultimate R increases Gwen's kill pressure during this phase of the game. A player can easily win any duel with Gwen if they don't fall drastically behind during the early or mid-game."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "When you hit level 6, you should look for aggressive plays while being more cautious than before. You can start playing aggressively once you reach a few levels under your belt."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch's Level 6 capabilities allow it to take control of early play with ease. Twitch has an ability to make enemies remember after a gank."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Your Ultimate R can change the game in team fights, use it wisely to avoid getting caught. Avoid being caught in CC as much as possible while using your capabilities."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "This will have a considerable impact on team fighting since his Ultimate R will be on a very short cooldown. Lillia is excellent in team fighting at the end of the game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "The lower cooldown comes with additional damage. Diana will deal a lot of burst damage in the mid-game if she is ahead."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R is required to use capacity frequently and cause significant damage at once. The use of the Ultimate R in the enclumed fighting will be effective with its production of high damage."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Its main goal will be to cultivate and stack its Q. The rearing and stacking of Q will allow Nasus to decimate the opposition during the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke can take down multiple enemies at once. Pyke will have his significant items during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Use Q and W as much as possible in this matchup. Chunk the enemy out using your abilities."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Kindred's first capacity will be maximized at level 9. It will increase the overall damage and allow it to be quite mobile during the fighting."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "If Brand gets caught out in the late game, he will not dish out any damage. By level 16, Brand can put the third and final point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play. Trendamere has a lot of pressure to kill and if you push, it could easily all within you and pursue you in the way."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The Maokai team fights against the sharp effectiveness during this phase of the game. This is due to the utility and chooses the potential integrated into its kit."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Securing these objectives as a Jungler is crucial in the mid-game. Another point in her Ultimate ability won't provide her with a huge spike."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Level 6 is a massive peak for him and his team. It can now easily affect fighting with its Ultimate b and make sure that enemies cannot fight it just and square during fighting."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Neutral objective fights will be easily won if you use your Qs and Ws effectively. Cover choking points with your ability to gain a strategic advantage."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "At level 6, he's gaining more utility. It can be difficult to get murders on the enemy CDA at level 6 because of more utility."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Frequent transactions are crucial in the rolling phase. Getting an early murder can greatly promote Yasuos' position."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Keep an eye out for her to cross the pupil, stinging her if you see her do it. Do not overextend when you are weak; it can easily kill you and place you behind."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "If your ADC is behind positionally, consider using your Ultimate ability on them to help protect them while they deal damage. However, if you're ahead of your ADC's position, it's best to save your Ultimate ability for yourself, so you can take advantage of the opportunity."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna will try to dominate you at the beginning of the game. Senna should play aggressively at level 1 to gain an advantage over health."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Poke and strong strategies of all-in-one are effective against Zyra. It's hard to hire or bring Zyra down before a fight is advised."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon's doing a lot of damage. The damage caused by the gusts allows Talon to kill his enemies quickly before running safely."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "The pursuit of key targets alongside your support/jungler can trigger the Baron Nashor, greatly improving the performance of the team. Sivir's Ultimate R allows multiple targets to select off-target targets for their team."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Once he gets the snowball rolling, it is very hard to stop him, especially if he hits level eleven. Excellent burst damage potential on a mispositioned enemy."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "At level 6, the team should ping that Gangplank has his Ultimate R. Gangplank's ultimate ability can impact a fight."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Buy items that provide Greek wounded such as the executor's call or Morellonomicon to prevent volibear from healing and surviving team fighting. Prevent volibear from healing by purchasing items with serious injuries."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Kennen relies on the flanks to get team battle victories, so good vision of the enemy side goes against him heavily. This prevention will prevent him from entering the enemy's backline and inflicting massive damage."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "Braum relies more on his team than a lot of tank Supports. A lack of an engage tool is a major disadvantage for Braum."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Putting death brushes in the enemy Jungle can easily Ultimate R enemies of them and blow them up with your team. Peel for your carts in the team fights at the end of the game to increase the chances of winning the fight."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Unlike other champions, Quinn's level 6 power spike doesn't offer much in lane. But her Ultimate ability does offer a lot of roaming potential."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "This will increase your chances of getting a good Ultimate R off. Look for fights inside tight spots of the map or get picks with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "It will increase his damage and survivability in the game thousandfold. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Look to repeatedly gank lanes that are over extended or Flashless. Your champion is very good at repeatedly ganking lanes over and over again."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo is particularly vulnerable to various matches in the way. The alternative for Yasuo is to step back from the wave."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "When compared to other Junglers, it doesn't bring a lot to the table. Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Try to CC lock high-priority targets when possible and get rid of them quickly. Work with your Jungler and get some picks on the enemy Jungler or Support when you get the chance."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "When invading Ekko, try to wait inside a bush for him to use his W (and wait for it to expire) before going on to him."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Look for fights when she's not around. Her Ultimate R is really useful in fighting, so fighting when she's not there is favorable. Zeri's waiting for his E"} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Staying at the maximum range when you're not looking to trade will make laning against Voligear much easier. Once Volibear reaches Level 3, it can look for a favorable trade when all three of its core capabilities are on the rise."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven will be able to one-shot the enemy in the late game as long as he watches his positioning and doesn\u2019t get caught out. At level 13, Draven will max his second ability."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Don't put yourself too far forward as this will allow Veigar to catch up with his n and start a team fight. Locking Veigar with CC will be the best way to deal with him in team fighting."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Focus the closest enemy champion on your carts and work as a team to bring down the enemy one by one. If you focus the rear line alone, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "You should powerfarm and unlock your Ultimate R as quickly as possible. Once you have your Ultimate R, you should actively look for an opportunity to gank a lane."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's lack of CC makes it possible for the enemy to kite him till he falls back or overextends and dies. Garen lacks any form of ranged engagement potential, making him weak against ranged enemy champions."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr should work with his team to quickly get Dragons. Look to take off the enemy carriers."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Your Ultimate R will be on a short cooldown during this phase of the game. Make sure to use it regularly to catch enemies and get frequent murders on the enemy."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "If you're able to get a pick, try to take advantage of the numbers game to finish the match. Stick with your team and don't wander too far away from them."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well. In team fighting, continue to focus the most squishi and the easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "At this stage of the game, Akali would be almost max build. The landing of an E on an enemy squishy champion should lead to an easy murder."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "This item component allows Karma to sustain herself for a longer duration in the lane. It lets Karma poke her enemies relentlessly."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "The impact of Gwen's Q depends on how effectively you manage its cooldown and stack count. Gwen's W does not block tower shots, but it increases her defensive stats."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This will give him a massive boost to his skirmish potential."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Her Ultimate ability is an AOE tool. It allows her to deal a lot of damage to targets if they're grouped closely together."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "You shouldn\u2019t look to fight him unless he drops an Axe g. You need to be very respectful against Draven as he can dish out tons of damage if he gets a few kills in the laning phase."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "His R gives a large opportunity to gank and assist other lines or introduce himself in a team fight, However, he doesn't have much kill threat against enemy laners in a 1v1 at level 6."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "The cooldown of your Ultimate needs to be played around. You need to try to get kills with your Ultimate during the mid game."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Hold the push in the middle of the game and try to secure the secondary goals. Start regrouping when your team needs you."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Lock the key targets that have increased or mispositioned themselves in a fight. Alternatively, group with your team and attack the enemy together in the jungle or around goals where they will be grouped."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "If you are in a matchup where you want your ADC to scale, focus on using your Q defensively. Being a part of team fights and neutral objective fights is a must."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the map as it will allow you to deny Pyke all-in opportunities while also reducing Pyke's trading potential and let you set up your Jungler too. Try and harass Pyke as often as possible with your superior range, bully them as often as possible, and then look for an all-in when they\u2019re low."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Regardless of the additional movement speed your E offers, Annie has little to no form of escape. If you\u2019re over extended without your E to protect you, you will be an easy target."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal will have incredibly low cooldowns on all of his abilities when he comes to completing his build. Having low cooldowns for his abilities allows Ezreal to continue poking and harassing the enemy before a team fight occurs."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "At the end of the game, you will begin to fall a bit because the teams will be grouped together so that you need to play with your team. The enemy group will reduce your chances of getting choices."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "rotation towards the middle lane means moving to a different part of the map, turning towards the middle lane and trying to take this tower, it will be easier to attack other parts of the map,"} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Flanking from the side instead of running directly towards the enemy can help prevent disengagement or pokes. When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Running while the wave pushes you towards your teammates. Galio's Ultimate R will really shine during this phase of the game as he can now impact team fights whenever that ability is up."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Ensure that the strongest members of your team cannot be engaged on by positioning safely. Olaf loses both armour and magic resistance when he activates his Ultimate k."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite can absorb a lot of damage for his team with his Passive. His Ultimate allows him to be a front for his team and escape death."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Rakan is quite potent during the late game."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "and win a team fight alone because of his AoE and Passive abilities. His Ultimate R at level 11 will give him a lot of choice potential."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "To have a better chance at all-inning and chasing Renata down in the lane, keep the minion wave close to your side of the map. Keep in mind that pushing will hinder your ability to engage and secure kills in this matchup with Renata."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down. Continue to fly kites in team fights and systematically adapt your positioning."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "If Kled enters with his W on the cooldown, it will be less effective than expected in a global situation. If Kled uses his Ultimate R and the enemy manages to cut off his team, he will have no follow-up options."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine will also provide a lot of peeling and healing for its teammates. Avoid fighting around major goals if Seraphine is nearby."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Ask your teammates for a hard leash early on for maximal effectiveness. Always target overextended enemies"} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton will look to split push when no team fights are occurring. Someone who can contest him must stop him from split pushing, but do not send someone who is unable to beat him to do so."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Don't exaggerate too much during the fighting because you're still. The enemy will try to lure your E, so be very careful."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Be careful of when Jhin is running at you with his 4th shot during team fights. Wait for Jhin's team to engage or when he is isolated to try and pick him off."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Missing E puts you in a very vulnerable position. Just try to land E when you can guarantee a blow to avoid being caught off guard."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane. Try to take that tower."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. At level 9, Warwick will become really powerful."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "Ivern can focus on peeling for his allies while Daisy attacks the enemy Jungler and knocks them up. Daisy keeps hitting the neutral objective while Ivern is focused on peeling for his allies."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Avoid roaming if Xerath is in the way as it can push the way very quickly while you're gone. Watch yourself roaming when Xerath died or at the base."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Keep an eye out for side lanes and all-in them when possible. During the mid-game, you will want to rely on multiple picks with your Ultimate."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Fighting without your Ultimate can make team fighting late much more difficult. Delaying fighting and being ready to disengage are good strategies."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "Fighting in close proximity causes Mega Gnar to get an advantage in terms of getting his Ultimate R or W. You should avoid fighting near walls, around objectives, or in the jungle as it gives Mega Gnar a good chance to get a good advantage."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "It can then take goals with a digital advantage. In the bot track, it can use track brushes for an additional effect of darkness from enemy caterpillars."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Peeling and keeping them alive for as long as possible will help you win the fight. If you've been harassed and poked down by the enemy, try to retreat."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Using Lucian's W, Q and R allows him to get priority in the game very quickly. Lucian's W, Q and R helps secure the goals with his Jungler."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "After the CC, a swap can press the enemy closer by using E (increased attack speed). The W (healing ability) of the Swain can regenerate a lot of health and support its enemies in the way."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "But Nautilus can be really weak if he's in a bad matchup. At level 6, Nautilus has an excellent gank configuration and can go to kill in his way or in others."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Invest in a form of healing reduction to facilitate early killing. If someone from their team gets a target to CC, this excellent CC channel will work especially well against immobile portages."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "She can quite easily affect team fights from a long-range with her Ultimate R especially if it involves taking down an enemy champion who has managed to survive a fight with a sliver of health."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "While Seraphine is dead, you can look to take the Baron. or look for a team fight with the advantage of numbers"} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Fighting without Ultimate R will make the fights of the end of the game team much more difficult."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. If you\u2019re melee, stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh will have a maximum of two capabilities at level 13. This will strengthen its global potential, making it the main player and player on the team."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Buy a grievous wounds item early to neuter a huge part of what makes her such a good duelist. Keep a constant eye on the map and the location of Fiora when you\u2019re grouped with your team."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia has significant mana issues in the early game. If Cassiopeia is low on mana, it may be a good opportunity to engage her as her damage output will decrease with reduced mana."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The protection of your CDA should be important. But don't lead your life for that."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "The Ultimate r from Tahm Kench is very versatile. It can be used to save an ally, or catch someone out of position. The Ultimate r of Tahm Kench is an excellent tool in particular in the mid- and end-of-game team fights"} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn's abilities won't get much damage early. He will have to play carefully and wait until he has access to all his basic abilities before going all the in."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "His Ultimate R at level 11 will give him a lot of choice potential. It can use this ability frequently, which means that team fighting and choices will be quite frequent."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Always watch your positioning during the laning phase. Stay at max distance from Neeko to make it harder for her to root you with E."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Avoid fighting when its resource bar is half filled. You're gonna take a lot of damage and probably even die if his ultimate is ready."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "However, Poppy can use it from close range to start a fight. Keep this in mind and keep your distance."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "The goal of focusing on the closest champion is to increase survival for yourself and your carriers. If the rear line concentrates alone, they are more likely to be targeted by the enemy team and die quickly."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Level 3 is a small peak of power as it allows it to access all its capabilities at the same time. Now, she can also use her liabilities to the maximum of potential."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "You have tons of sustain thanks to your Passive and Ultimate R. R will increase your survivability in team fights and skirmishes."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "If he can get on to them, you will still be able to take down carries in late game team fights. Suppose you're able to land a W on high priority target- go in and try to take them down."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Choke point fights are Rammus' bread and butter during team fights. Focus on taking down enemy carries."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Your Ultimate capability is really effective during team fighting so make sure you use it in the bottlenecks and force the enemy to walk through them. Another point in Rumble's Ultimate capability is going to seriously put the team to fight in choking points in his favor."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Neutral objective fights require your presence. Neutral objective fights will allow you to target the enemy backline when needed."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "You should not go around the map alone because you will die easily. Don't play very aggressive in team fights."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "After participating in the final game, you have to prepare to retreat and peel for your allies. To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Yet, as he gets more articles, Ziggs will completely decimate the towers with his passive self-attacks. After that, Ziggs can just cut the tower off with his W."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "This can easily let the enemy at a single stroke of Nasus carry that are relaxed by the enemy team. Nasus' tenacity will be a force with which he will count because he will not die as long as he finds a target to use his Q."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "By collecting them as often as possible, you will be stronger in the later parts of the game. Focus on achieving objectives."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you're away from your team. Focus the nearest enemy champion to your carries and work as a team to take down the enemy one by one."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "The more articles Elise gets, the stronger she'll be. However, at the end of the game, it will be harder for her to kill the enemy because they will be more tankier."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Healing can be reduced by items like Executioner's Calling. Drmundo has lots of sustain thanks to his item, Executioner\u2019s Calling or another item that inflects grievous wounds."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Roam to other lanes using her E after stacking up her Passive. Stacking up her Passive allows her to roam to other lanes using her E."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Use it in combination with your y to secure long-ranged picks for your team. During objective fights, you can use the same Ultimate w to CC the enemy Jungler, so that your Jungler can Smite the objective safely."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco is not just a physical threat. The mental war Shaco instills on the enemy squishies allows him to make several pieces that the other Champions cannot make."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "This article is propitious in trying to go for all-in-one combos. Level six is a massive peak for it as it can now affect fighting easily with its t."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn's E is on cooldown when engaging on her. Engaging on Quinn when her E is on cooldown reduces her ability to escape and increases your chances of taking her down."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm has to make sure he activates his E mid-fight. Activating E too late is useless because the enemy is going to disengage, and you're going to waste the shield."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Keep your distance from Jayce to make it impossible for him to jump on you. Jayce\u2019s w combo is very good at pushing and poking you down."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Its vulnerability increases if it happens to be against a laner on the way. He falls at the end of the game because of his enemies who build defensive objects."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is quite capricious and vulnerable when its r (runic gust) is on cooling. This also applies when the enemy's weapons are overheated, allowing the enemy to open up to him as a whole."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Once replayed at the beginning of the game, Mordekaiser was unable to clear up much damage. Mordekaiser's opponents can easily attack him if he misses his E."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Your Ultimate R is a great tool that you can use to help your allies win their lane. Keep the minion wave even or slightly closer to your side of the map early on."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "xinhao is not very effective against a group of champions because it is extremely dependent on choices to get an advance. The crowd controlling xinzhao can allow the enemy team to get rid of him quite easily."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne shines at the end of the game because she can run the enemies because of her e et s. She only needs to avoid having the CC to do it."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Avoid crossing the river if it is not monitored. Playing around her teammates in the middle of the game and during the team fights will be extremely beneficial as she will lack damage."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz has insane roaming potential. Do not blindly follow Fizz as he can easily turn around and kill you."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "After the laning phase ends, Aatrox likes to split push and can be targeted by the enemy team with a surprise attack. If Aatrox shows up alone in a side lane, try starting a team fight with his teammates."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia often attempts to ambush or assassinate lone targets that move through the river. If you know where Cassiopeia is lurking, it's safer to walk through the river or around the map without taking unnecessary risks, especially if you're vulnerable."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal should avoid walking too far away from their team. If ezreal gets caught out, it will result in damage loss for their team."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed just needs to push his wave before he wanders. At level 11, Zed will have two points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Level 11 is not a massive spike like other Junglers. It gives only a minor increase in the damage and no utility, unlike other Junglers."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Avoid committing too much to harass him even though the minion damage does not pile heavily. Invest in early armor when you play like a Mage to protect yourself from Zed damage."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Her 2nd empowerment is where the real power spike kicks in. Consecutively auto-attacking will melt through enemies."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Level 16 is not so big that it strengthens its roaming potential and nothing else. Its ultimate capacity does not add any additional damage."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This encourages Sona and their ADC to expand, creating opportunities for your gank jungler and potentially secure kills or summon spells."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio has decent waveclear on his Q, allowing him to shove the wave in and then roam around to see if he can use his Ultimate R to assist other teammates. The enemy team cannot play in a clustered formation because Galio's Ultimate R knockup prevents them from doing so."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Avoid fighting him alone if his items are better than yours. At level 9, Jhin will be a lot stronger as he would\u2019ve put the final point in his Q."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Get a defensive element as quickly as possible. This will help a lot when you deal with CC because CC is your worst enemy that can get you killed indefinitely."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Try not to let him bully and harass you for free otherwise you'll never be able to engage or fight him- especially if you're melee. Bard\u2019s level 6 power spike is not as strong as some champions as his Ultimate R doesn't deal any damage."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "In the track, incorrect use of Varus's E will allow any form of enchanter and Mage Support to walk up to it and get it down easily. His Poke Q is powerful at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear's trading power is weaker when its Ultimate R is on cooldown. Volibear's main goal is to get an early lead by constantly jerking off."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "While quinn doesn't have a fighting Ultimate R, her Ultimate R is a great roaming tool that can allow her to get back to lane quickly and also roam around the map and help her allies. She can blow enemies up who are alone when she's ahead."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The main objectives should be placed in high traffic areas at the end of the game. Ward's major goals so that enemy movement and departures can be seen on the map."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Most of his articles will now be complete, making Trundle extremely strong and allowing him to strike his enemies. It can easily use its pillar to block enemy escape routes."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Keep the wave pushed into Nunu's tower. You can secure tower plates and get a significant XP and gold lead while Nunu runs around the map."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way. You have a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as you can."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia shines in the late game. Cassiopeia scales better than most champions."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu's ability can be used to control the pace of team fighting. Its slow effect can give it a significant advantage in team fighting."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Nilah is good in team fights. Nilah will be good during the mid-game."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves' first ability will be maxed out at level 9. A high level for Graves will help him bolster his overall burst damage when fighting with enemies."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "and it is very easy for his allies to follow up on his commitments. Stay with your carts in the late game team fights to increase your team's chances of winning the fight."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "If you let them die, it's gonna be hard for your team to win the fight. After committing, retreating and peeling for your ADC."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Agriculture takes time and gold. Without enough time and gold, the champion will not be able to come online and inflict damage."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Show yourself to neutral, objective fights every time you get the chance. Your goal is to use your AoE-based capabilities to catch and kill targets that are trying to disrupt your Jungler."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "This gives him a very strong advantage in choking points. Its passive makes it easy to shred enemy teams when they are grouped together."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "After using your g, fall back and protect your allies and focus on the nearest champion. Look for picks with your Ultimate e."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "You're Darius, not an assassin and will struggle to kill anyone alone when engaged in team fights. Soak damage while dealing loads at the same time during team fights."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh is a traveling champion with a potential for danger. Avoid getting too close to Thresh as it can interrupt the movement with Flay."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "The longer the game goes, the stronger Hwei will be. Once Hwei has more items under his belt, he is quite good in the mid and late game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "When position 6 is engaged, and Lulu gets his Ultimate R, his survival increases considerably. It will be difficult to kill Lulu when his Ultimate R is active, so don't start a total attack unless necessary."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "His Ultimate m will also allow him to single out enemies which need to be dealt with quickly. Look for picks on the enemy when they're out of position."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "A good time to do so will be when you have used your h and your Ultimate n is about to run out. Another point in his Ultimate n will strengthen his overall power during the duels."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Janna is vulnerable to poke and engage. You need to be careful when it comes to trading with Janna."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health E, turn off the fight because it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him thanks to the health bonuses. Tahm Kench is quite still."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "This will reduce capacity cooling. It will also be easier for him to execute his targets."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Walking towards Saplings E can 'bait' out of their position. Avoid fighting in the jungle as this will allow Maokai to get a good R Ultimate."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke roams around relentlessly. Pyke secures picks everywhere on the map."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "youmi can be killed almost immediately if it is caught out of reach of one of its allies. if the W of youmi is about to cool"} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks is a weak early game champion. This makes them vulnerable to invades by you and your team."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "It will prevent Quinn from zoning you away from farm. It\u2019ll allow you to play aggressive and look for kills."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "The best time to all-in her is when her r is down, or she is CC'd. Post-six, you will want to be careful about her Ultimate."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The support of his Q allows him to achieve goals solo. Warwick can spot Scuttle Crab with his vision."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "If xinhao cannot shoot his target, he will be controlled almost immediately by the crowd and killed on the spot. xinhao is incredibly vulnerable once its Ultimate R on cooldown."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "When Nasus has several points in his W, especially after 6 minutes You will have to hinder Nasus agriculture as much as you can in this matchup, otherwise it will turn out to be a monster that will be very difficult to manage in the end of the game."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Try to get the enemy low before calling for the engage using your R ability. It is crucial to stay with your team in the late game to avoid giving the enemy an opportunity to win by forcing a solo engagement."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "In team fighting, Viktor can be flanked with ease. At the beginning of the game, Viktor will play safely and will have limited damage if his passive kernel is not improved."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "As Jungler, try to secure every Drake in the middle of the game. Their obtaining and securing the Dragon soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra allowed the player to push them into their lap early; they had to coordinate with their jungler for potential ganks. Syndra's ultimate had increased the death pressure to level 6; the player had to remember if he was weak in health."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Focus on the robbery and harassment of the enemy. You're not very early."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Its positioning will be very important after obtaining two points in its final c. Twitch is really good in mid-game fights because it can overturn enemies if they're stuck together."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench's abilities will only have a little time on his abilities. This means that it can secure choices with ease on anyone."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "The strategy is to divide the thrust in the middle of the game. The split push in the middle of the match may involve fighting the duels in the process."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Evolved Q can quickly resume goals. Kha'Zix should target isolated rear linings during combat for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius will win almost every auto-attack battle. Extended trades work in the favour of Darius."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "If he\u2019s taken Ignite, he will be looking to play ultra-aggressive early to get kills. If you\u2019re low, do not try and trade with him as he will finish you off with Ignite."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne will try to track him in his jungle and counter gank lanes that are being ganked. Tracking Nocturne in his jungle allows for quick reaction time to any ganks he might attempt on other lanes."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "This will cause him a lot of damage to the enemies and crush the enemy front line in a fight. Kog'Maw is very squishy and can be quickly killed at the end of the game by assassins or enemies with tons of CC."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Even at level 6, Udyr represents a massive threat to its enemies. Level 11 is not very strong either because it does not get too much statistics at this level. This should help it to increase its damage and survival by a decent amount, however."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Once it's down, or if it's misused, its enemies can easily kill it in the way. If Wukong falls behind, he can build a tank,"} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "If you focus on the backline alone, you may be an easy target for the enemy and may die quickly. By focusing on the nearest champion, you will survive for longer and keep your carries alive."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "At level 9, it will spread a lot of damage and easily crush enemies. Still enemies will find it difficult to take care of him."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Play smart and remember when weak to avoid their Ultimate. You're gonna have to figure it out before you fight."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Once Ashe has her Ultimate w up, her ability to get kills increases. You have to respect her level 6 and respect her all-in whenever her Ultimate w is up."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Investing in grievous wounds can slow Illaoi's healing down. Grievous wounds, Thormail, Morrello\u2019s, or Ignite are effective for slowing down Illaoi's healing."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Leblanc is a bully early in the game. Beware of Leblanc's Q W AA combo."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin lacks wave clear in the early game. If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for him to farm or break your freeze."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Ranged carries with dash or range advantages can easily dodge Illaoi's E (Eclipse) when playing against her. Purchasing Grievous Wounds early on in-game can give enemy players an advantage in the early game."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If you want to fight him, you must first bait his Q. You shouldn't steal his Ultimate."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "As a Jungler, securing every Drake during the mid-game is necessary. Securing the Dragon Soul for your team increases chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "On level 6, white is much stronger than you in 1v1 post 6. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early to protect you from its strong all-in-one attacks."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "avoid walking in unfavoured territory Syndra has an excellent configuration with its combo Q and E"} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "At level 6, when Heimerdinger unlocks his Ultimate R, he basically gets 3 new abilities. Take care when trying to fight Heimerdinger as he might use any one of his abilities to trade with you."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "It can act in front line for its team using Ultimate capability He is extremely vulnerable to crowd control."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere is really good at split thrust because of its kit. Its kit allows it to 1 v 1 targets with ease while making sure that it can escape in time if the enemy team decides to collapse on it. It can be about duel any enemy during this stage of the game. It's a candy because it can bring several enemies to it while his team gets goals."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Her early game is pretty decent as she can poke the enemies out from range. Her E will be empowered if she can manipulate the minion wave properly."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Flanking the enemy will increase your chances of getting a good Ultimate R off. Look for fights inside tight spots of the map or get picks with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Make sure you have your flanks watched so you can spot Kayn before he jumps on you or your team. Shadow Assassin will seek to tub your back by flanking or passing through the walls."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie's most significant power spike is from obtaining her Ultimate R. Obtaining her Ultimate R will give Annie the ability to easily burst people down."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus' early ganks are pretty decent if the enemy happens to be pushed up. A push from an enemy can lead to Rammus getting ahead of his team."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Good control of the enemy team's vision can prevent Malphite from catching the out-of-guard enemy team. Good vision control will reduce the effectiveness of Malphite."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "When sieging an objective, make sure you ward around the objective in question to catch out Fiddlesticks before he engages with his R. Deny his surprise engages by warding around your team."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Keep the wave in the middle of the lane or close to your turret. Try to expose Ezreal to ganks this way."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Try to abuse the cooldown of Lissandra's ability by playing aggressive. If Lissandra harasses you and brings you down, don't lose your health."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo can farm really easily under his tower. Try not to have the lane pushed against Dr Mundo because it actually benefits him."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "If you leave your team's position, the enemy may try to withdraw or start a 4v5 fight when you are absent. Focus the closest enemy champion on your carts and work as a team to bring down the enemy one by one."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "This combined with your e will result in massive damage outputs from your end. Use only your s when Lulu's W is down."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down. Olaf's Ultimate allows him to dodge CC as it prevents him from being locked down by hard crowd control."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Stay at the back of your team near the Support so they can peel you and protect you. Once Lucian unlocks his 3rd Ultimate R stage, he will be able to bring tons of constant damage, especially to low health targets."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Its basic statistics are also poor. This is an advantage that can be used to trade with her early and harass her whenever she goes for CS."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "It's good for Rumble, because his Ultimate makes him a good team combat champion. Focus on making choices when your ultimate is available."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If he can make short transactions before hitting level 6, he can easily pursue the enemy and all with his Ultimate r. When Master Yi has finished his first element, he will find it much easier to secure CS,"} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "It will increase her overall burst damage in the game. She can easily ambush someone with this ability."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Most Sona will run through their mana incredibly quickly by robbing and providing healing. Sona is incredibly vulnerable at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "You can play effectively with your team. That's because you'll be very tanky."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Always consider the risks before committing to a tower dive with Gwen. Avoid committing to any trades in the first few levels."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "She needs a lot of time to come online. Its first peak of major power is when it reaches level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate m."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Fighting with Aatrox's Ultimate R on cooldown could be the difference between winning and losing. Having 3 points in Aatrox's Ultimate R makes sustain very difficult to deal with."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Saper's ability is an effective strategy to inflict damage on the enemy. Lulu's capabilities are difficult to counter when used correctly."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "If you\u2019re playing a roaming champion, make sure you only go to roam when he is not in lane. Jayce will just push the wave and take your tower if you look to roam when he\u2019s in lane."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar is a very easy to learn support that makes it a good start Support for players who want to learn the role. Alistar's t is truly versatile that offers you tons of off-play potential in the way and in team fighting."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "This gives him additional death pressure. As you skim position 6, keep this in mind."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "When Diana is low on mana, she is not a threat to you as her kit requires a lot of mana to trade effectively. There\u2019s your chance to fight Diana when she\u2019s low on mana."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Once he has 2 points in his Ultimate c, he will be easily able to resume team fighting and disrupt them as well. Its positioning will be very important."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "To achieve this, we must engage in frequent battles. Kayn has good objective control."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Look for skirmishes with the enemy often. Hecarim is a good skirmisher, so you should try to increase your lead by fighting often."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The squishiness and vulnerability of Twitch to CC make its positioning crucial in team fighting. His ability to dominate a team fight relies heavily on his Ultimate or the S."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "As soon as she commits, try to lock her up with CC/ peel her away from you and your allies. CC is a key strategy for dealing with Akali."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks benefits from teams grouping closely together. The Ultimate R of Fiddlesticks is an AOE tool that benefits from teams grouping closely together."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Focus on securing the remaining Dragons/Rift Herald in the mid-game. Getting as many Drakes as possible will increase your chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "This will dramatically increase his damage and leave his squishies at once. Miss Fortune excels in team fighting."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's gonna get some early cheese. He's staying at Levels 1 and 2, so he can't use his Flash and kill you."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Take this tower if possible. This will open the card and give your team a gold lead."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko can go for short burst trades with her Q and E once she reaches level 2. Stay at a distance to avoid being burst down by Neeko's attacks."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "He will be able to consistently bully the enemy as he moves around the map. Bard's Ultimate R will not spike when another point is put in at level 16."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Alternatively, wait for the enemy to engage and then cast your Ultimate R on a carry. You should peel for your carries in late game team fights."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "At level 6, Heimerdinger can take towers very quickly. At level 6, Heimerdinger can slow multiple enemies with his E."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Ganking is crucial against Elise as she doesn't have much follow up after using cooldowns. Be prepared for Elise's top lane ganks at level 3."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "She relies heavily on her mana pool in early play to inflict damage. Although she can attack herself by self-attack for an extra poke."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Her kill pressure increases during this phase of the game due to her maxed out Ultimate R. Gwen excels during team fights as she can dish out a lot of damage, especially when fighting around clumped areas."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "He will have a much harder time impacting fights when either of these are on cooldown. Aatrox likes to split push after the laning phase has ended."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "His Ultimate R will now cause maximum damage in the fighting. Team fights are really where Zeri shines."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The Nashor Tooth is a central element for Teemo which gives it a lot of additional statistics. Teemo becomes more of a threat when it is equipped with Nashor's Tooth due to its additional statistics."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "You shouldn't get into a fight with Swain unless you can get him down quickly. Its Ultimate R offers additional protection and health regeneration."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar's Ultimate offers him tons of protection. Alistar's Ultimate allows him to plunge the enemy and be the front-line champion his team needs in the fights."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "In late-game team fights, try to protect carries who are fed so you can keep them alive and safe. If you're ahead, try to take down the enemy Mid laner or ADC to gain an advantage."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "If you want to fight him, you need to bait out his W first or else he will just win the 1v1. You should not steal his Ultimate as it will not help you much in the 1v1 against him."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's E deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The first element of the Taliyah component will significantly increase its track damage. His first component element will hurt him more."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal\u2019s R has a very short cooldown, allowing him to waveclear frequently during the early game. ezreal's R is useful for clearing waves quickly, which helps him get a recall more easily."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke's significant items will also survive fights and heal him up quickly."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "The teams will be regrouped closely again at the end of the game. It's good for Amumu because he'll be able to CC his entire team with his Ultimate there."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "When pantheon engages, use your abilities and then attack him until his abilities are back, then return to the tower. Pantheon will likely try to use his Q on every opportunity presented to him."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Level eleven is a decent power spike due to Karma's ability empowerment potential, which comes in handy during significant fights in the objective pits. It is advisable to stay with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Ward for your allies! Gragas is a great ganker."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "You must take Rift Heralds and Drakes whenever you can! Track him with vision and try to counter his ganks."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "When pushing a wave, make sure that you have some safe spots around you to hide and run. Unfortunately, Quinn doesn't exactly spike at level 11 like a lot of other champions."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "When Pantheon tries to kill you, it means a 5 vs 4 teamfight may occur His E allows Pantheon to avoid a lot of damage and can act as a huge factor during all-ins."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Janna may use d to knockup enemies to delay their engage. If you need to get on to the enemy to kill them, be prepared to flank from the side to make it harder for her to anticipate your movements."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner's team fight is phenomenal during this phase of the game. He can absorb the damage while making sure he gets critical catches in the enemy team."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine will often go alone in the middle of the game. You can take advantage of this opportunity to fight and take her while she's dead."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces. You benefit from broken jobs, so try to go for them frequently."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "This will let her deal a lot of damage to enemies she has managed to catch. It will also allow her to thwart escape attempts from the enemy."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "She's a lane bully, and her poke allows her to easily beat the melee matches. He can easily use this fact to his advantage and throw a snowball from his way."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "After Akshan's first return, he should have taken a component for his Myth. Unless you've paired it in the article pool, be careful because Akshan will win trades and all-in."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "His overall damage will be really high during this phase of the game. The tankiness of Olaf will make sure that he kills enemies with ease, especially those caught out of position."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "His tankiness will know no bounds during this phase of the game. He will soak up both tower shots and enemy damage simultaneously"} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath can miss out on true damage when his t is on cooldown. Cho'Gath is quite weak in lane depending on the matchup he is in."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Bursting Swain down at the beginning of the fight makes it difficult for him to inflict damage and win the fight. Focus on the descent of Swain himself rather than on his ADC."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "During team fights, Diana's kit offers a lot of burst damage thanks to her Ultimate R. Try to poke Diana down before she engages to make it really hard for her to engage and kill anybody."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Grouping together can lead to difficult skirmishes. Whenever Gangplank uses his Ultimate R, ping your team so they know he can impact skirmishes."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Cleaning kills when possible but don't get too close to the heavy CC champions otherwise, you'll certainly get killed. Use your E carefully in this phase of the game."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "The goal is to ensure a choice on the enemy Support or Jungler and to obtain a neutral objective after that. Its overall damage will be really high during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Taking the mid lane tower gives your team a gold lead. Stay with your Support throughout the mid-game."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Avoid fighting Gwen alone unless you can burst her down and kill her. Gwen can deal a lot of damage very quickly with a fully stacked Q."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Avoid trading with Sett at Level 1 as it will damage most champions. Once Sett is level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R,"} -{"label": "brand", "text": "The player is a good counter-ganker. After Brand has gone in, try to counter-gank him when possible."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Using your Ultimate R in the later game stages can be beneficial if you can catch an opponent off guard. Isolated opponents who are too far forward or out of position make ideal targets for a successful ambush with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Passive batteries are important to transport later in the game. Invisibility E can be combated by a control district."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "This will help him get kills. The longer the game goes, the stronger Hwei will be."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Fighting in open spaces reduces the effectiveness of Gangplank as he won\u2019t be able to use his E barrels to the fullest potential. The same thing applies to his Ultimate R. He can\u2019t initiate an all-in without it during the early game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "It provides a lot of vision with its E capability. Capacity E also makes room for brush control."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The ability also provides Graves a means to escape when his e is down. Graves is a strong skirmisher."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Yuumi will have many articles completed during this stage. This means that she will have increased the statistics that will make her healing and mana regen really high."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the final stages of the game. If you can find the opportunity to do so, use it to catch someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or away from the position."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Once she gets 2 points in her Ultimate R, she will be able to do a lot of damage to the enemies in a short time. This means that enemy squishies will be in grave danger."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen\u2019s build path can be very different from game to game. It is recommended to keep an eye on Garen's itemisation and play accordingly depending on what he is buying."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "At that time, he could start grinning because his Ultimate R is an excellent tool for throwing ganks. When Maokai has reached Level 3, he can start playing more aggressively as he will have access to all his basic abilities."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The supertank can protect the targets from evil by the people he wears behind him. Its ultimate capacity allows it to establish holds at a considerable distance."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Locking down Ekko in team fights will prevent him from using his Ultimate R to escape with. In team fights, keep track of Ekko's Ultimate R as he can use it to either set up an escape or engage."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Coordination with the jungler to take advantage of these opportunities is recommended. Velkoz is a very motionless champion."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The constant use of Sona's capacity forces its travelers to suddenly remember and cause a setback in their plans. Sona swings like a truck and becomes extremely strong at the end of the game."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "This will help her maintain her distance and proc her Passive. At level 13, Jinx will have 2 of her abilities maxed out."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out. Being caught will cause your team to play 4v5."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "With the first component item, your damage output will increase. The first component item has a significant impact on your game sense."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If Garen does not get enough time to come online, he will fall behind. If Garen falls behind, he will be unable to scale."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Tankness refers to the ability of a character to absorb damage and resist attacks. By inflicting constant damage when around enemies means that it is able to apply sustained pressure to opponents."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Look at Vex's Ultimate R as she can use it to choose enemies."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Fighting without your Ultimate ability will make the fights of the late game team much more difficult. Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if your Ultimate ability is still on the cooldown."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Don't blindly follow Katarina's roams or you might get ambushed Punish her by pushing the wave into her turret whenever she leaves the lane."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "A heavy power peak at Level 2 occurs in Champion Lucian. The power peak at level two allows Lucian to take down an enemy using his handset E and Q."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Do not engage in extended trades with Darius, as he is incredibly strong thanks to his Passive. Darius' Passive makes 1v1 duels extremely difficult for you."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Having 3 points in Aatrox's Ultimate R makes sustain very difficult to deal with. Use the minion wave to block Aatrox from landing his W and going for the all-in always ensuring there is at least one minion between you and him."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "This article gives Lucian an inherent advantage, especially if it can capitalize on its level 2 power point. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "The more levels under Morgana's belt, the better. Morgana will unlock her Ultimate R at level 6."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "The preservation of health is the way forward for Mordekaiser. Level 6 is a massive peak for Mordekaiser because it can now use its Ultimate R and 1 v 1 anyone it wants."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave if he is ahead of you. Try to match his wave clear so he doesn\u2019t keep you pushed in. If you don\u2019t, you\u2019ll lose priority and tower plates."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas can start ganking once he has access to all 3 core abilities. It is recommended to track Gragas at level 3 in order to counter-gank him."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "You will definitely want to sit in the lane brush and try to Q enemies. If you are in a matchup where you want your ADC to scale, focus on using your Q defensively."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesn\u2019t deal much damage while Darius is repositioning Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin is vulnerable whenever he doesn't have Flash early on. Proper wave management can be devastating for kassadin."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar will use his Ultimate R to try to bring down a defenceless/healthless enemy. Buy items that will make it less likely that Veigar can shoot you with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Expect Lee Sin for aggressive games to get an early lead. Once Lee Sin reaches level 6, his death pressure increases and it will be much more frightening to play against."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "When playing against Ezreal, always maintain a minion between you and Ezreal. The best opportunity to engage in trades with Ezreal occurs when his E (Ezreal's ultimate ability) is on cooldown."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "This will make it harder for her to land her E in a trade. Don't get close to the walls as this will give her the opening to engage."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "In a team fight, try to engage as quickly as possible to avoid Lux's delays. Lux will try to delay a team fight for poke with his l or get a choice with his g."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "A reliable form of CC means that it has an effective way to control or control crowd opponents. CC represents crowd control."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "At level 6, Vex will unlock his Ultimate R. Vex kills the pressure and picks the pressure increases considerably at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Keep an eye on your mana bar when you're without your blue buff. You will need an early hard leash on others you will run around the map without any mana."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twisted Fate Level 6 increases its ability to wander and help allies. Its level 6 capacity significantly increases its roaming capabilities."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Avoid team fighting at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R and Zhonya's Hourglass are in place. If you try to fight as a team when one of them breaks down, you will be rather vulnerable."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Getting her Ultimate w will be a massive point in the game for Ashe. She can CC targets with ease now, get picks across the map, and deal a lot of damage depending on what build she is going."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "When Karma uses her d, she will be vulnerable to attack. During that time, you should play aggressive and go for a favourable trade."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It gives the enemy very little time to react. Such a C E Q combo can ruin the life of the enemy."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Focusing on agriculture on the side when there is no team fight is a good strategy for acquiring gold and XP. However, it is also essential to spend time with the main team to maximize the gold and XP gain."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "If Syndra is not properly positioned, she can be easily caught and killed due to her immobility and bursting. Try to hit both champions and minions with your Q for maximum mana efficiency in the way."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Just make sure you don't get CC'd by doing that. Level 6 increases Syndra's damage potential by a significant margin, allowing it to easily destroy enemies and effectively use its E capability."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn will try to flank from the side with her Ultimate R and get on to a carry. Ward your flanks to make it harder for Quinn to engage for free."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Unlocking his Ultimate offers extra kill pressure in lane. Unlocking his Ultimate allows him to start looking for aggressive plays."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "The enemy carry will likely die rapidly if you successfully flank and attack them. Azir does not have a significant spike at level 16."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The Ruler will turn from the side lane to join their teammates and look for an opportunity to use their Ultimate R. In team fighting, tanky players like the Ruler should peel (protect) their allies."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Force a fight once Shen's Ultimate R is down. Shen wins the global card pressure when he unlocks his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "At level 11, Dr Mundo will put the second point in his Ultimate R. The additional health regeneration combined with his overall tankiness will be very hard to deal with in the mid-game."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "This is really beneficial for Gragas as the damage increase will really help him duel. The maxing out of Gragas' first ability will help him duel more effectively."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco is pretty decent during team fighting. This is mainly because its clone can cause all the chaos for the enemy team."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled is one of the strongest champions in the game. He'll try to fight you as much as he can to get an early lead."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn can dive while sitting thanks to his E. Make sure you have your flanks monitored so you can spot it before it jumps on you or your team."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "In the late game, look for picks on immobile or miss-positioned enemies. Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Getting a pick here or there or blowing an enemy Summoner Spell can be more than enough to get a nearby objective. Call for objectives during the mid-game."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm will have completed several articles during this stage of the game. The completion of several articles by Tahm will result in fewer deaths."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Core items give Neeko the ability to peel for teammates during fights. Peeling with core items helps Neeko's team in choke point fights."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Ensure you are always on the side of the map where the next primary objective will be located. This allows you to work with the Jungler to secure picks and avoid vision around that area."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "When getting your Ultimate R, you should be able to dictate the pace of crucial neutral objective fights. Make sure you don't go too far."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You have powerful installation tools that will allow you to besiege the objectives easily. Level 11 was not suitable for talijah because it can only move and play games. It will reduce cooling but do nothing else to damage."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "In the way, make sure there's always a minion between you and Nautilus."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Group but not too closely during team fights because of Nunu's Snowball W Nunu is unable to be knocked up or disabled if he is at the correct distance from you."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Make sure the wave is closer to your side of the map so it's easier for them to gank you. Beware of the first all-in of ahri, because it is stronger than you early and can easily kill you if you overextension or get caught out of position."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna is weak early but her poke can be very hard to deal with once she has a few levels behind her. This weakness in Orianna's early stages is especially true after level 4."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "You should not steal his Ultimate as it will not help you much in the 1v1 against him. He is a stronger early-game Jungler than you."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus will often be the frontliner for his team. Once Nautilus has gone in, try to focus him down if his teammates do not follow him in."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton has to play around his Fury bar to maximize the damage during the trades. If Renekton fights without using its Fury or uses the wrong capacity, it can lead to the loss of the trade."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox has good skirmishing potential and can 1v1 most champions, especially if he can fight them when they have an ability on cooldown. Aatrox suffers from long cooldowns and is easily abusable when they're on cooldown."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Her first core item decides when she will power spike the hardest. Annie can quite easily start blowing people up from the get-go with her first core item."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Be patient and look at your positioning. At level 6, the Teemo's will plant tons of mushroom t around your track."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "This will allow him to soften up his target without the help of his Support, and once they are low enough, he can all-in them. jhin becomes safer as he builds critical strike."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Level 6 will improve Lilia's combat and team combat potential. Deciming enemies who are caught together during fighting will become easier with level 6."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "It's recommended to respect Ahri's all-in damage. Stand outside of the minion wave so Ahri cannot push and poke you at the same time with her Q."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Although Annie has a lot of burst damage She starts to fall off in the late game as champions start to build defensive items"} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin's damage production increases considerably after completing its first component. Watch your positioning so Lee Sin can't easily get you off after finishing his first component."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "His Ultimate R positioning can get him killed if his team doesn't follow up on him. Pantheon loses most level 6 all-ins against champions with strong damaging Ultimates."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Stay with your team in the middle of the game. Continue to play with your Ultimate on enemies who are overstretched or alone."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Placing vision around its entrances into the jungle and river will reduce its ability to get successful ganks. Take note that Zac can gank from afar with his E."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "If he walks near a wall, his Jungler could approach and wait for the Lantern W before moving in. Thresh is strong at level 1 in the right matchup."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Even with your W, you are still squishy and vulnerable to the enemy backline. Focus on the same champion as the one your allies are focusing on."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin will be pivotal towards securing neutral objectives in the late game due to his increased damage output and kiting potential. Look to strike right after Jhin uses his 4th shot as he will not be able to retaliate with autos until he reloads."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "With the Ultimate of Ahri, you are able to flank the enemy on the side, get a murder and then escape before anyone can catch you. Ahri is vulnerable when his Ultimate is broken."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Make sure you're near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast. Level 16 is perfect for Qiyana as her Ultimate R will be maxed out."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Her win condition will be getting off massive Ultimate Rs off on the enemy team. Poking them out with her Q first and then going in for the kill is quite optimal for her."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Its effectiveness increases if it manages to find a flank on its enemies or to place its ultimate R on a group of enemies hanging together. Sion can surprise the targets that travel around the Rift Invocation alone while waiting in a bush and using its Q."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Grouping with your team using Fiddlesticks' Ultimate R will help get kills and secure objectives. Putting the second point in Fiddlesticks Ultimate R at level 11 was very important for him."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The first capacity massively increases the production of damage and the duo capacity of Xin Zhao. Xin Zhao is excellent in team fighting due to his kit."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "The enemy Support will be pretty busy warding during this phase of the game. You may want to set some death brushes and see if you can get some free kills."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "In order to get ganks or kill Veigar, you must bait his n first. You can do it by constantly tipping in and out of his reach. Make sure you always lure him before committing to an all-in-one. You can also use the information that Veigar has a good gank configuration against your advantage."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's Ultimate t has two points at level 11. At level 11, Hecarim's Ultimate t will be more robust and can be used frequently."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's first capacity will cause heavy amounts of burst damage. Teemo's first ability will kill his enemies quickly."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Their obtaining and securing the Dragon soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game. Look for choices with your team."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "If you can lure a capacity, you could try to exchange and abuse its cooldowns to make it low. Sion can surprise the targets who walk around the Rift Invocation alone while waiting in a bush and using its Q to shoot them down."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "At level 13, Cass will max out her Q. Pairing this with her E max, Cass will be able to deal a lot of damage in a skirmish."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "You should focus on team fights only during this phase of the game. Use your Ultimate R liberally in team fights."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "During neutral objective fighting, you should close the Jungle paths from where the enemy is about to come. The abilities of your champion should allow you to do so easily but to place it in one of the river entrance brushes."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "If your team is grouped and you don't have a vision of Shaco, make sure you have a scanning goal and a vision around you. Shaco will try to jump and assassinate a cart if you don't have a Scanning Lens and vision that surrounds you."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "When Camille has completed her first component item, her ability to trade with the enemy will intensify. Don't be afraid to look for more fights after you pick up your first item."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "He can use his s to spot and put the vision for his team. Its e allows a crowd control configuration for its team."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "A significant impact during team fights. Gangplank's initial core item gives him a massive boost in dueling power."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Drawing pressure while your team is fighting somewhere else on the map can help you open the map. Obtaining a gold lead through split thrust can be beneficial to your team's overall performance."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "It is crucial to avoid moving to unretired areas, as Zyra has great capture potential with its E and Ultimate R. Staying away from high traffic areas nonwarded is necessary if you don't know where Zyra is."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille's Ultimate R can also be used to set up her Jungler. Make camille bait an all-in on you. Once she goes in, you can CC and kill her with your team."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Focus on taking the goal in neutral fighting on the murder of the jungle enemy. The murders of the enemy jungler can be stolen if you let the goal of pursuing additional murders."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "The minion wave is better kept closer to your side of the map in early play. This provides additional protection."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux has tons of damage. Investing in defensive elements will reduce Lux's ability to shoot one shot at its aircraft carriers or opponents."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "His W offers him tons of pick pressure throughout the game. Getting the right pick on someone can easily win you the game or the team fight."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "If you can, try to lure this ability before engaging in the whole thing. Avoid regrouping too closely if the enemy has several knock-ups, as this will allow Yasuo to get a very good Ultimate Roff."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora is good in the mid-game. She should be able to draw a lot of attention for her team so they can get stuff done elsewhere like the Dragon or Baron."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "The bard's roaming potential is unrivaled as he can almost always get to another lane more quickly than his counterpart. The bard can almost always get out of sticky situations by using his E."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Do not group closely together when sieging an objective or team fighting, as it provides Gragas with an opportunity to knock your whole team into his with his Ultimate R. When fighting, make sure you\u2019re not too far forward or split from your team."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "The kill pressure of Gwen increases during a certain phase of the game due to her maxed out Ultimate R. If Gwen didn't fall behind during the early or mid-game, she will easily win any duel."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Level 6 is arguably a colossal power spike for Heimerdinger, as he can now bait enemies to their deaths with ease. Heimerdinger can also take towers very quickly or slow multiple enemies with his E."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "This is because her Q can target the same champion and deal significant damage in a short time. Her E and Ultimate R allow her to be independent in the lane."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "The enemies will have no other option than to walk the plank at this stage. In team fights, try to destroy Gangplank's Barrels E before he can blow them up."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The bottlenecks are places where enemy movements are severely restricted, making it really difficult for the enemy team to do anything in the fight. Level 16 will further reduce the cooling of Teemo's Ultimate capacity."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "The Turrets of Heimerdinger will deal a lot of damage to enemies in lane and in team fights. At level 11, Heimerdinger's basic abilities become stronger when empowered by his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "In the middle of the game, Sett will be hard to fight unless he is early or has help. Avoid fighting him and disengage if he runs against you and tries to fight you."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Stand away from low health minions, especially when he has his Q up. Similarly, back off a bit when he has his 4th shot locked and loaded."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Once the mid-game beats, you'll have to play more respectable against him. Swain is good in team fighting thanks to his AOE Ultimate R."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The enemy will be using their abilities on the minion wave to push. Try to stand outside of the minion wave but close to it so they have to choose between pushing and poking."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Your safety is crucial, especially when it comes to warding. Warding and safety should be your top priority in the game."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius should focus on getting level 3 quickly. Then see if you can gank pushed-up enemies regularly."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "At level 16, Camille would have put the third point in her Ultimate. Camille's Ultimates cooldown will be a little lower at this time, so you need to play around it as much as possible."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "It is passive allows him to easily end the enemies of weak health. When combined with his W, he becomes a very strong thug who can camp on paths with squishy targets. Once an enemy uses his offensive W, he will no longer have any other form of escape."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Killing and camping Lux largely in the early stages will make her a shield bot at the end of the game. The enemy team members can easily choose Lux if they move too far away from their own team or try to take the Blue Buff."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Minions stand close together when pushed quickly by Orianna's Q and W, making it safer to stand back. Baiting out Orianna's ultimate can make committing to an all-in more successful."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "If Fiora's W is down, she can be CC'd to oblivion and gotten rid of easily. This is especially true if Fiora dives into the enemy team."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Gank overextended enemies and get kills for you and your teammates. Hold off from using Q until close to them to make it easier to get kills."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "If Leblanc gets killed or two, she can make snowballs on the track and move forward more easily. Leblanc has a closer gap / escape capacity thanks to his W."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Do not regroup or fight in the jungle as this will allow Rumble to get a good Ultimate B. Fighting in the open jungle makes it harder for Rumble to get a 5-person Ultimate B."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Use your Q frequently to poke Nasus in this matchup. This will help reduce Nasus' stacking mechanic and it will be easier to take him down."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Once you're level 6, you can start to play aggressively. Focus on surviving the early levels."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The more Teemo is able to buy quickly, the more Shrooms it can place around the card. To avoid walking through the mushrooms placed, try to take the non-orthodox path."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Be aware of where you stand at all times to minimize the risk of being caught. Stay close to your team to maximize your impact on the game."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "Stay with your team at the end of the game. Do not separate or depart from them otherwise the enemy may try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "An enemy with lots of slows or tools to reduce mobility will make kalista struggle to kite them. Your role in the game will hit like a truck and allow you to quickly take neutral objectives."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "When Corki hits level 6, his kill pressure and pushing power increases thanks to his Ultimate e. Make sure you\u2019re always behind at least 1 minion so he cannot push and poke you at the same time."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "When health is weak, step back even if Master Yi is not there. Free and easy deaths can cause fighting from Master Yi's team."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out. If you get caught, it will result in your team having to play 4v5."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "You need to maintain a proactive approach by often making queues to match its presence. Its is a great tool that can allow it to escape the ganks and skirmishes with the enemy during the laning phase."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "His AoE abilities allow him to shoot down several enemies at once. Stay with your team at the end of the game."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Also, if the enemy has a murderer, try to shadow them and see if you can kill them if they assassinate your allies. Akshan's Ultimate is beneficial to him when activated at level 16."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Once Lucian unlocks his 3rd Ultimate R stage, he will be able to bring tons of constant damage, especially to low health targets. Lucian will have access to several articles during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar will be able to secure many choices, especially around bottlenecks. Once his Ultimate R is maximized, he will easily execute the enemies."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "The Ultimate R has the potential to win her team the game. Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Q and E spam."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "You need help from your bot track if you are not able to take the goal alone. Going to Level 3 was going to be quite important in this game, so ask for a hard leash and quickly erase the Jungle."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The time when Lucian is the most powerful is in the middle of the game. It can now go on a side track and divide the thrust due to its passive and basic capabilities."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If you\u2019re playing as a ranged champion, try and harass Camille with basic attacks whenever she tries to last hit. Camille lacks sustain in the early game, so you can poke her out of lane easily if you keep auto-attacking."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Level six is a massive power spike for Renekton as he gains his Ultimate t now. It will allow him to initiate all-ins and zone the enemy off during neutral, objective fights."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia is extremely strong when her Passive is stacked up. This is when she should be going for a significant fight as it will ensure a massive victory for her as long as she has a target to auto-attack."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "At level 6, Ahri is much stronger than you and her all-in increases. Play back and out of range to make it harder for her to trade with you. Focus on matching Ahri's pushing power when you've got your first item. This will prevent her from getting free kills and turret plates."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "However, if a player finds an opportunity near gank or counter-gank, he should not be afraid to take it. If the players are invaded early, they should simply withdraw; they do not win early skirmishes with the enemy."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Taking goals can also be useful against Master Yi. Investing in armor can help against Master Yi."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "This will make it harder for him to gank once he is 6 as they will be stronger. His Passive can cause mayhem when used properly in a fight."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "It is recommended to disengage each time he E.S.E. in order to make it more difficult for him to get a good strike. He will try to cultivate instead of fighting in the first stages of the game."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Choosing a champion could win you the game! Malzahar has a shield that will protect him from incoming damage"} -{"label": "annie", "text": "She should be focusing on securing picks during this stage of the game with a fully stacked Passive and Q. Setting up multiple death brushes is her key to success during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "This peak power of the ultimate should be used as efficiently as possible. Winning 2 points in his Ultimate will skyrocket the ability of Shaco's duel."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Whenever Ezreal has his E, he is safer from harm. Ezreal is harder to kill with the cooldown of his E activated."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand is immobile. Brand may get invaded frequently by Lee Sin, Elise or Pantheon."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "The pressure of Nami's death increases considerably to level 6, especially if she uses her Aqua prison capacity. It is crucial to be careful and avoid being caught by the control of the crowd of Nami."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser's inability to move the enemy team allows them to integrate it freely. Seriously early injuries can significantly reduce the damage caused by Mordekaiser."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Use your ability properly so you can win clumped fights. Adding 2 points into his Ultimate ability will cause another significant power spike."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "cc protection from ezreal's E is very helpful in difficult situations ezreal is a squishy champion who can be easily burst down when his E is down."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke is a mechanically difficult champion to learn and will take a lot of getting used to. Expect to put in a lot of work trying to learn him."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar is the number one public enemy for any wallet in the game. He can practically shoot at a purse with one or two objects."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Prefer Zyra herself rather than her ADC, as she is generally squishy and easier to harass. By reducing its health, you can create pressure and limit its ability to freely use its capabilities."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Stand behind or near minions at all times but maintain a safe distance due to the Body Slam E's AOE. If Gragas uses his W, it indicates he wants to set up his Jungler or go for a trade and play safer until then."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "When you go for an AD construction, Kog'Maw's Ultimate y (ability) is next to useless in terms of utility and damage. Kog'Maw's Ultimate Y costs a lot of mana that is really bad for him."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "After entering with your Ultimate R, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights. When looking for choices in the later stages of the game, you should look for opportunities to eliminate an enemy champion."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Rotation towards the middle of the track after destroying the tower of the lower track and trying to take this tower will open the map and give your team a gold lead. Level 3 is a massive power peak for Morgana as it will be able to both CC enemies, inflict a decent amount of damage on them, and save its CC allies as needed."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. If you're melee, stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Your early game will be a bit hard till you hit level 3. You should be able to gank enemies freely once you unlock your W and E and instigate tower dives on low-health enemies."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Kha'Zix needs access to all its basic capabilities to succeed in ruining. Reaching Level 6 and getting first power is an important pick-up for Kha'Zix."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "His early play is good, but the result of the track really depends on the match he is in. It should have a fairly easy time in the way as long as it can poke enemies systematically."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "At level 2, Blitzcrank can safely mount up to access additional abilities and increase safety. If Blitzcrank's ADC gets hooked, he should immediately detatch from them to avoid dying."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Try to take the objective when Nunu is dead or on the other side of the map. Nunu is rather immobile during team fighting once the fight has started."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "The key to getting a murder later on the line is to earn an early health advance Your goal during the laning phase is to search for murders and abuse the enemy as often as you can."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Against hwei should not let him get ahead early because he can be extremely potent in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "He's going to grow up much sooner and will apply as much pressure as possible if you don't counter it. This champion can throw dives in turn early and try to get killed once his laner pushes the wave in."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Fighting without the Ultimate R of Sejuani can make the fights of the late game team much more difficult. It is recommended that Sejuani delay the fighting and be ready to disengage if his Ultimate R is on cooldown."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian relies heavily on the articles to win the game. If Lucian is late early in the game, he will fight at the end of the game while he is late."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "It should be able to melt through enemy health bars if it catches them out of sight. Its Ultimate e allows it to zone enemies easily in mid-game fights."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "It can be due to enemy champions because of its mobility e. Extreme mobility allows it both to avoid skills and to play defensively at the same time."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "You must be really tanky during this phase of the game. Peeling for your carts should be your main goal after you have managed to launch the team fights."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Ganking is a common strategy used by Nocturne in the early game to disrupt the enemy team's laning phase and gain an advantage. Nocturne will try to track him in his jungle and counter gank lanes that are being ganked."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne's pretty vulnerable when she's dead. Extended trading with Vayne is not recommended because its s will inflict additional damage to the player."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Stay at a distance to avoid being burst down by Neeko's attacks. Neeko's roaming potential can catch your teammates off guard, so alerting them allows them to play more cautiously."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar is rather weak and vulnerable at the beginning of the game. You could try to abuse that to put it behind and miss the batteries."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Your Ultimate will be on a short cooldown, so ensure that you use it quite frequently. It will definitely help you with chunking out enemies."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf is a character with intense personality and abilities. Passive ability of Olaf makes him aggressive."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Be aware of your own health levels to deter Camille from playing aggressively when you're low. If you try to poke Camille with your W, you can try to dash in with your E and stab her with your empowered auto attack if looks like an optimal trade."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "You shouldn\u2019t be afraid to take down structures during downtime. As an attack speed champion, punish enemies further by killing their turrets after clearing lanes and camps."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "The more items that are funnelled into Fiora- the higher her chances are of winning. Fiora will have higher chances of winning with more gold and items."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Jinx is a carry reliant on others for snowballing. Take advantage of Jinx when she is alone in the lane."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "The level six power peak allows Viktor to easily impact the fighting. The first element will provide Viktor with a potential for mana and wave release."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Looking for flanks on the enemy backline will be an essential power move for Quinn during this phase of the game. Her Q will help her take out at least one target."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Control guards are essential in team fighting. Place Trinkets and Control Wards around you during the nap of a goal to spot Twitch before he is able to jump on you."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Try to land your Q regularly on several people on the enemy team. This will force them to play safely and your team will then be able to integrate them all and complete the work."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "The early game advantage of being closer to your side of the map can force Kayle to overextend for farm. By forcing Kayle to overextend for farm, you can play aggressively and try to all-in her while she tries to last hit."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "This allows him to resort to short exchanges against enemy champions. Its W provides high misleading damage while also offering mitigation of damage."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "While you\u2019re good in the late game, you\u2019re incredibly squishy. Lookout and be cautious when trying to get a good Ultimate R off so you don\u2019t get killed before a fight breaks out."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Someone should be able to stop Teemo from breaking up. Teemo will place the mushrooms around the objectives and in the areas of great circulation."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "You should wait until the enemy gets rid of it before you get in. The layout refers to the position or condition of the enemy on the map."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "and she can quickly be chosen with her abilities. His team fight is also quite powerful."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "The evolution of E or R allows more efficient ganks. Evolved Q can quickly resume goals."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "But make sure you're not mistaken and don't get caught. You can work with your team to get choices in the enemy jungle, but"} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Stay with your support throughout the later parts of the game. You should not go around the map alone because you will die easily."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Always adjust your positioning so Syndra can't land a dizziness with a ball. Syndra's E will prevent him from being able to stun you with a bullet."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "We need to make sure he throws the target in the right direction. After entering with your Ultimate R, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the end-of-game team fights."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Being unable to control the rhythm of the game means that it can suffer instant losses. Its capabilities enable others to make an important contribution to the team's performance."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia is a mana-hungry champion. She'll need a blue buff as often as she can."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Tibbers is a pick that Annie can aggressively play with Flash on her stun. When Annie has her stun ready or almost ready, she will always be a little bit strong."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "At level 6, Blitzcrank can start to deal a lot of burst damage if he can land his b. Blitzcrank's Ultimate d can be beneficial for destroying shields in clutch 2v2 fights in the bottom lane."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is at its weakest at the beginning of the game. The first level at which Malphite is considered low is level 6."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux will do a lot of harm because of its AP ratios. Any squishy who gets caught by his g (gargontuan capacity) ends up dying."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "The first item component helps Jhin's overall laning phase by a lot. Jhin's Q is both his waveclear and primary damage ability."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "A large amount of mana allows Anivia to constantly push the enemy into their Tower. Constantly pushing the enemy into their Tower forces them to stay in the lane."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Ward next door by setting a goal to spot her before she has the chance to commit. Riven is good enough to win the champions when they're too forward or alone."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The first element will give Lucian an inherent advantage, especially if he can take advantage of his level 2 power point. Stay with your support throughout the middle of the game."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Taking down the enemy ADC at the start of the fight will make team fighting much safer for your team. Avoid wandering too far from your team."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Naafiri fights against smart teams and groups. Regrouping with allies makes it more risky for Naafiri to enter alone."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "The designation of targets for the early Q grenade is crucial for its effectiveness. During this phase of the game, work with your Jungler to get some picks by using your W to CC the enemy team."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Continue to fly kites in team fights and systematically adapt your positioning. Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Picking someone off will start another team fight. Grouping with your team in the late game is recommended."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona's Ultimate R has the power to completely turn the tides of a lost team fight. Using Sona Ultimate R will allow her team to look for an all-in-one or win a skirmish on a goal."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon may use his Ultimate R to roam and help another lane whenever he recalls or leaves lane. It's not uncommon for Pantheon to recall and run bot with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "The levels 1 and 2 of Zac are strong if he is able to jump on you with his E. Be ready to run as soon as Zac channels this capacity."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "While his Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown, it doesn\u2019t deal any damage and will most likely be used to get picks or save his allies. Bard should\u2019ve picked up a lot of Meeps by now."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "During the mid-game, you will want to rely on multiple picks with your Ultimate. Your Jungler is assisted by you sometimes and you get some free kills when possible."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Harassment and pokes can prevent Kalista from snowballing her advantage. Post level 6, focus on Kalista instead of enemy Support."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Deny Garen's Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Milio has a Q that provides a good poke and CC. The Q will be useful in trapping the enemy."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Once she uses them- she doesn't have much to offer. Look to engage or extend skirmishes while they're on cooldown."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Wait until Rumble uses his r on the jungle camp before throwing a skirmish with him. Rumble has good objective control early."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "xayah is very vulnerable when its Ultimate R (capacity) is broken. It can be concentrated by CC (crowd control) as well as by assassins at that time."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "He/she can catch ignorant enemies with his/her W E Q combo, especially when the enemy is occupied at the last stroke of a minion. This combo does a lot of damage and can force the enemy to play defensively. This combo allows him to escape sticky situations and gank with ease. It also allows him to set up himself kills for himself once he has managed to bring down his enemy."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Get a defensive element to make sure you can support for a longer period of time in combat. Warwick will put the third point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Getting a Zhonya's Hourglass will amplify your all-in-one potential. You will be able to flatten humongous amounts of damage without taking a lot in return."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Barging into team fights with high damage potential makes it difficult for the enemy team to counterattack effectively."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine has weak basic statistics and is vulnerable at the beginning of the game. Play safely and avoid taking damage to increase survival."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn's ability to roam increases when she leaves the lane. When Quinn leaves the lane, ping your teammates so they know that she is missing."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Press the trigger and use your Ultimate R to collapse on them when they are isolated or alone. At the end of the game, try to team up with your team."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Stay with your team at the end of the game; otherwise, the enemy may try to choose you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Look for choices with your abilities; choosing someone and then collapsing on them is a great way to win a team fight and finish the game."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Stay together with your team and don't leave the side of your wagons otherwise, the enemy will capitalize on the fact and leave them powerless. Peel for your carts in team fighting after using G."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "This will help her as a whole, especially when she tries to challenge points. As you are good at getting choices and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walk around Rift Summoners alone."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "At level 11, Xin Zhao's Ultimate R will allow it to use capacity more often, making it easier for it to convert fighting to 1 v 1 as needed. Its first capacity will be maximized when it reaches level 9."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "She will be unable to escape if her E is down. As she is incredibly mobile thanks to her E,"} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "A good Pantheon will constantly look to invade the enemy and get kills. Pantheon's level 6 allows him to gank his allies from afar."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo is a champion who can go through the map. Teemo can place mushrooms in circulation areas."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "The advice is not to play aggressively or lose a lot of health early on. It is recommended to wait and trade before engaging in fights."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Your damage in C and in general will help you a lot, especially if the enemy is pushed up. Fighting near bottlenecks should help you a lot during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Once he gets three points in his Ultimate R, he will be able to use it frequently and cause a lot of damage to the enemy team at some point. He should be able to easily catch the out-of-guard enemies."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Post 6, if Syndra has a lot of bullets on the floor, don't commit to an exchange because his Ultimate R will bring a lot of extra damage. Commit to trading when Syndra doesn't have balls on the floor."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "When you\u2019re dead, the enemy may be able to siege an objective, start a fight or secure the Baron or Dragon. At level 9, Diana will max her Q."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled's Passive allows him to instigate dives into the tower and soak the shots of the tower. If Kled takes a lot of damage and gets disassembled, he can easily recover Skaarl."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "During the fight, check the map and watch Nasus. Be ready to disengage if he's about to take a ride."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Look to take off the enemy carriers. Concentrate the rear line and try to get them out of the fight."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Putting the enemy down before channeling Ultimate e can help to finish them. Stay with your ADC throughout the middle of the game."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "This makes it difficult for her to catch out of her position. Lillia will allow you to avoid strokes of skill and CC."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "This will allow him to dull enemies with ease. Kayn will pick up when he gets two points in his Ultimate R at level 11."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Another point in his Ultimate will increase his dueling potential and allow him to be a looming threat all around the map. He will have multiple items during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus auto attacks anyone who approaches him with his passive, who can CC (crowd control) adversaries. Try to stay away and out of Nautilus' reach during team fighting if you are squishy."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle has great selection potential in the middle of the game with his e. Avoid being too forward because he can push you to his team and then all of you."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The short-term nature of Twitch's automatic attacks makes it easy to detect, which is extremely disadvantageous when it is Jungling and the force to reveal itself prematurely. Twitch has capabilities that allow it to remain undetected during the early match."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "This allows the Jungler to gank Kalista's lane with ease or help her save them in a team fight. The Jungler, who receives Kalista's Ultimate, will be able to harass enemy lanes with ease."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "This is when she should be going for a significant fight as it will ensure a massive victory for her as long as she has a target to auto-attack. Bonus points to survivability if she can Q to minions and reset the ability."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Try to finish the game as quickly as possible so that it is unable to be really effective in the middle of the game. As Senna will go alone in the middle of the game, you could use it to your advantage to set up an ambush and take it down."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "look for a favourable trade Gaining an early health lead is key to getting a kill later on down the line"} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio may be looking to roam with his Ultimate R if he goes missing. If you're a ranged champion, use your range advantage to harass and poke him down whenever he moves forward to last hit."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "If you push, you'll never be able to hire Soraka or kill in this game. During the mid-game fight, the player must perform two tasks simultaneously: enemy poke and allied healing."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "As the game progresses, use the d to create a zone around which you can fight effectively. Roam as much as possible."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "A minion should always be between you and Viego. This will make it impossible for Viego to CC you with his W."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "This will give your team a golden lead. Sett's E and W capabilities can initiate several all-in-ones, especially at levels one and two."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Kindred's main costume is mobility, and taking it off to it will make the enemy team's work easier to kill. Its potential for escarming depends on its availability in W."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick can use its Ultimate R elsewhere even if it cannot use it at the top. Warwick is a good pusher."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia's splash E can be a strong tool if it is used in the right position. Lillia is very fast and mobile thanks to her Passive."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Vision will make it harder for Nautilus to get successful ganks off. Nautilus does not have the greatest objective control early."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "This will allow his laner to get a free murder on him, especially if his laner manages to use a wave management technique to lure Kennen. Kennen relies heavily on the flanks to get team battle victories so good vision of the enemy side goes against him heavily."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia can often get early kills in lane with a level 2 all-in. Getting an early kill will make the laning phase much easier for her."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Keeping your allies alive for as long as possible while dealing damage is key. Using your empowered d in team fights will provide a large shield to your allies."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne is a good assassin and will try to kill any isolated target whose out of position in the mid and late game."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Your R Ultimate capability will allow you to make many coins around the card. You can use your ultimate R capability defensively if things don't go as expected."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Try to match Taliyah's wave with that of the laning phase."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "At level 6, Lee Sin will unlock his Ultimate k. Lee Sin's all-in and killing pressure increases sharply at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Do not forget to grow in the game as it will be your main source of income. You will want to get your items as quickly as possible for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Play around your Ultimate n in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate n is in place."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The first games of Xin Zhao are on another level. If Xin Zhao finds corridors without extended flashes, the chances that they will die are almost a solid 100%."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "She can manipulate the minion wave properly with her E. The first component allows her to spam abilities and not run out of mana."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Pay attention to the map at all times during Fiddlesticks's early game. Prevent the enemy Jungler from taking all the Dragons by securing them with your team after ganking the bottom lane."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Level 6 is really strong for Kennen because it has access to an AoE CC capability that can quickly turn the tide of a fight. Kennen should try to flank the enemies for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Once he's down there, he becomes a gank target if he's too pushed up. This will allow his laner to get a free murder on him, especially if his laner manages to use a wave management technique to lure Kennen."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Aggression starts once you have the tools to back up trades with your Ultimate k. Kassadin is weak early on as he can't get too close to his opponents to burst them down."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "She is remarkable in the end-of-game fights because of her overall utility. Its CC on its Q can easily be chained with its Ultimate R for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Ward the flanks so you can spot him before he engages. Hecarim spikes at level 6."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "If you can, try to trap him as much as possible before a team fight occurs. Keeping him low will force Malphite to remember."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "your best bet is to just focus on matching his wave-pushing power and trying to stop him from taking those side objectives. When Corki hits level 6, his kill pressure and pushing power increases thanks to his Ultimate e."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon's Q can easily poke and execute someone with ease due to its mechanics. This, combined with lane brushes or the river brushes, allows him to deal a lot of damage without taking any in return."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "A complete rotation of its basic capabilities will cause a good amount of damage to its target. Level six is an important power peak for Veigar as he gets access to his Ultimate R, which is a very good ending that will help him take control of the game later."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Don't go around the map alone because you will die easily. Don't play very aggressive in team fights."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Rakan is great during late-game fights as his W, E, and Ultimate R will be on very short cooldowns. He will have to use the fog of war when possible."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "This will reduce her ability to trade and kill you with her r. Don't blindly follow Katarina's roams or you might get ambushed"} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "After six post-innings, Kog'Maw will do a lot of damage in a trade thanks to his e and his Ultimate y. Try to lure Kog'Maw's e before you engage in all-in-one."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "The spell will not work very effectively if the enemy has overlaid the control of the crowd. She's very motionless, so catching her outpost will easily translate into a murder for the enemy team."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Make sure you're adjusting your positioning according to where Heimerdinger is standing in lane. Heimerdinger has a range advantage and if you're standing too far forward, they will harass you for free."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Wait for Renata to use one of her abilities before fighting her to make trading more favourable. Renata is a hero with a unique appearance."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Avoid fighting Sejuani unless you have an advantage. Sejuani is really good in the middle and end of the game."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "An element will give him a greater tankness. Tankness refers to the ability of a character to absorb damage and resist attacks."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Since you are good at selecting and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or who walk around Rift Summoners alone. After killing someone, call for a close goal."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "This will also increase Skarner's chances of winning 1v1s with enemy Jungler. Continuing to collect and secure jungle camps is crucial as Jungler."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "If you can't kill her, you might be able to force yourself to cut her Ultimate R. Lulu will often go alone in the hall."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Keep this in mind when fighting post 6. Recall if you\u2019re low."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "It can easily CC high priority targets and win a team fight alone because of his AoE and Passive abilities."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Try to abuse that to move on. Viktor's first power peak occurs once it reaches level 6."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Exchange with caution when Malphite has an article. Malphite's passive shield offers more safety in the way."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can fight quickly. A maximum-out Ultimate will massively injure the enemy team."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. From that moment on, she will start hitting like a truck that her e will be up very quickly in the game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Zion has a good gank set up and can escape ganks quite easily. His death pressure also increases, so pay attention to his 6th level of power."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Make sure to hit Level 2 at the same time so you can chat with Leona in case she commits. Once Leona has Mobility Boots, she can wander easily."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "and he will be able to dish out tons of damage. Brand needs to hit his abilities on enemies during a fight."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko has strong roaming potential and is a strong skirmisher. You should get priority in your lane before looking to roam and assist your allies."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Your goal in the early game is to get your allies ahead. You should try to exploit your early advantage."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Don't stand directly behind the minions as Jayce's s damage is AOE. Jayce will try and delay a team fight for as long as possible so he can poke with his s and w combo."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "help her allies Quinn can blow enemies up who are alone when she\u2019s ahead"} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Taking the Dragon and Rift Herald is not recommended Taking the Dragon is not recommended"} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen is difficult to play into ranged champions. Ranged champions can constantly harass and bully Gwen which will make it difficult for her to survive the early game."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Avoid letting Hwei land free poke on you. Purchasing early boots can help with dodging his abilities."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Delaying a team fight was advised while harassing the enemy with your sword. Harass the enemy down with your sword until they are as low as possible before committing to the fight."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Her Ultimate R can be avoided easily if the enemy team disengages as soon as she places her Ultimate R on a member of her team. During the laning phase, Fiora's opponent can prevent her from proc'ing her Passive by using the terrain to block the direction in which Vital appears."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn hits level 6. At level 6, Quinn's kill pressure in a trade doesn't exactly increase."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "You don't have to fight Teemo in space because his traps will make it hard for you to do anything to him. Keep the wave near your turn because the enemy has no sieving potential and can be easily exposed to the ganks."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The fact that Dr Mundo is extremely weak during the early game doesn't help him. If Dr Mundo isn't ahead, he will find it hard to be the frontline for his team."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "This reduces his chances of avoiding the help. It makes it more difficult for her to escape from an all-in-one of the enemy."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Once you get a few items, your Ultimate will be on a considerably lower cooldown. Ashe should focus on poking the enemy with her y from out of vision when possible."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas has good sustain in lane compared to many other champions. Gragas's W allows him to look for trades more frequently and heal back after a trade."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "At that time, Zoe's pressure will also increase. Every time Zoe's E is in place, play safer."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Getting 3 points in its Ultimate will amplify the poke damage inflicted by capacity. It will also be a good finishing capacity when they are ill-healthed enemies."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "The champion can gank effectively due to his W. The champion's W allows for great crowd control if there is no vision set-up by the enemy team."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite can install several combos with his team. According to the construction for which Malphite opts, he will either shoot at the enemy rear line or absorb a lot of damage during the front lining for his team."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Singed's Level 1 is strong in the right matchup. Chanted is expected to replace the farm with the first waves to get an early lead."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "She needs a point in her Ultimate e to significantly increase her damage. Its ultimate requires a good timing."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "To counter Fiddlesticks' level 6 power spike, having constant wards around your lane can be effective. If Fiddlesticks goes missing post-level 6, ping your teammates to alert them of the situation."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius was a Persian king and the second ruler of the Achaemenid Empire. He is very strong at level 6 as his Ultimate e is an execute."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twisted Fate is a macro-based champion, so proper decision-making is needed to play this champion effectively. Twistedfate's goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "If Darius is above 50% health, do not bother aggressively trading. When fighting Darius, try to avoid long trades with him as he will come out ahead thanks to his Passive."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu's early game can be incredibly hard to play against if you're a melee champion. Choose support and defensive statistics in early play for Lulu."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Ashe's Ultimate w cooldown will be on a much lower level than expected. This allows Ashe to get surprising picks to win the late game for her team."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo should stay close to his team at all times to quickly enter the fighting. After the bot track moves towards the middle track, Yasuo turns to the bot side of the map or elsewhere to continue farming and win XP."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Level 6 is particularly useful during fights near objective pits as well. Boots are a major power spike that allows Rell to roam easily and stick to enemies with ease."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Buffering your E can be extremely difficult against certain champions. It will often leave beginners in a sticky situation."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma's early game poke is really obnoxious, especially for melee laners. She can use her Q to both poke and wave clear simultaneously, which allows her to get lane priority, and her Jungler can safely invade the enemy as a result."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "As a medium, monitor your positioning at all times to avoid harassment of the enemy Support. The enemy Support can use various attacks if you are within range."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Whenever Diana lands her Q, she could look for an all-in attack thanks to the reset on her t. Diana should play safer when her Q has landed and wait for it to disappear before walking forward."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Your E should be on a shorter cooldown now, which makes it easier for you to catch up with your enemies. Neutral Combat Goal should see your presence regularly."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac will try to play games to get themselves and their teammates in advance. You should use your superior goal-taking capability to make strategic games."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Engage as soon as she overextends to throw a Spear s. Nidalee will look to assassinate targets with her s who are walking around Summoners Rift alone."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai has great inflation power during the early match. Maokai can quickly slow down enemies with his E."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Beware of his CC in this game as much as possible. Not doing so can easily make you harass and kill."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Avoid fighting him when his resource bar is half-filled. Fighting him when his resource bar is half filled will take a lot of damage and result in a quick stall."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh is a dominant support of the way. The dominance of the way can often lead to winning the game by getting murders."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch has power peaks similar to AP Support Twitch. AP Support Twitch has power peaks similar to ADC Twitch."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Constantly pushing the enemy into their Tower forces them to stay in the lane. Whenever Anivia's Passive is down, she is incredibly vulnerable to an all-in. Play safer whenever it is on cooldown."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Two points will increase the potential of that ability finishing off low health enemies. The lethality build will make the potential of the Ultimate ability even greater."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn starts to fall off in the later parts of the game as enemies will be buying items that offer them extra protection from her damage The more items Quinn gets, the more of a problem she will be for the enemy team"} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "If LeBlanc advances at the beginning of the game, she can make snowballs and grab the game. Don't overwhelm or trade aggressively when you know LeBlanc can kill you."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Keep the minion wave away from your tower because Karma has good poke and will bully you if you don't take action. After level 6, aim your abilities to push and poke 'her' at the same time."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Continue to fly kites in team fights and systematically adapt your positioning. Avoid staying in the fights because you will be an easy target."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton needs to play around his Fury bar to maximize damage during trades. If Renekton fights without his Fury or uses the wrong empowered ability, it can result in a lost trade."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "CC is your best friend in team fighting. Locking your CC with CC will make it very difficult for Yasuo to stack its r, dashed with E and inevitably use its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "He's gonna get mad a lot sooner. Make sure you apply as much pressure as you can to match its first ganks."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "If Kayle can acquire CS in an orderly manner, she will easily take over the game later on. Kayle's Ultimate R can allow her to save herself and a teammate depending on the situation."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Janna may bully you down with basic attacks if she has the opportunity. If you can't engage in combat, stand out of range and align yourself with your ADC so Janna can't harass and bully you."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Avoid warding alone, or else you will die. Your squishy body makes you very vulnerable in the late game."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra is powerful in the middle of the game. Syndra can do a lot of damage to the squishy enemies."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian is a varied AD champion. By playing as a melee champion, be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath's stacks make him quite strong in the late game. When he hits level 16, Cho'Gath will put the third and final point in his Ultimate t."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "The early game focus on farming. Get your first item quickly while avoiding CC and being all-in'd."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Once Youmi's out of mana, she can't really do much in the way. youmi will often be left alone to go and service, on which you can capitalize."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "He can immediately kill the enemy team if he manages to catch them near a choke point. Swain's early play is rather weak."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "His tankness will be really high during this phase of the game due to his articles. This, combined with his W, will make him almost unqualified and allow him to absorb a lot of damage."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Enjoy extensive trades by going for them frequently. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map throughout the early game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Her Q allows her to get lane priority and help her other laners/Jungler when they are contesting objectives. Her d allows her to shield everyone in her team."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Expect them to look for aggressive pieces and be ready to play defensively, using Yuumi's healing and utility to keep your ADC safe. Sona's Q poke accumulates enormously over time."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "As long as she looks for picks with her team, she should be okay in the late game"} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "and he can effortlessly chase people down with his Ultimate R. The enemies will have no other option than to walk the plank at this stage."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus will have two objects in its ultimate ability. The use of Nautilus' ultimate capacity will be very deadly if he manages to use it from the fog of war."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick will do a lot of damage while being extremely tanky with her. This means that he can both act as a hirer and a peeler for his team."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Its ability to melt through the enemy health bars will force its enemies to play defensively."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "W allows you to set up ganks for Jungler, allowing you to catch up and control the vision of the target area. R amplifies the effect of using W, making it effective in closed spaces."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Her tankiness makes it impossible for the enemy team to kill her as well. Level 9 of Poppy is when her first ability will get maxed."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "He can peel for his carries at the same time due to his overall tankiness. His maxed-out Ultimate R will allow him to dish out a lot of damage in a short time."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "If Taric's CDA isn't very strong, then his early play isn't too good. However, when paired with an ADC that dominates the game early, you will need to look at your positioning so that it cannot land an early E."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "When Gwen hits level 6, her Ultimate R will be unlocked. Be on the lookout for fights at this time."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "His healing will be very powerful and will increase quite frequently. Soraka's healing eliminates Grievous's wounds, which facilitates team fighting for his team."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "With its finished articles, Yasuo can easily pull squishes. Because of its finished articles and its ability to get out quickly, Yasuo will make a plethora of damage in a short period of time."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Purchasing a Sweeper will be really good as you will be able to flank and 'Shurima Shuffle' the enemy backline into your team with your Ultimate R. You should be on the lookout for secure picks when inside the enemy Jungle."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "If you can't match her in a side lane, try your best to force an uneven team fight on the other side of the map. Fiora relies heavily on life steal."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Once Fiddlesticks has Zhonya's Hourglass, it allows his Ultimate R to really hit home. When Fiddlesticks channels his R and uses his Zhonya\u2019s, you can\u2019t attack him when he goes into stasis."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "This will reduce the healing potential of Soraka from his W and Ultimate R to help you win the team fight. Soraka will be positioned in the back line, which will make it difficult for you to kill her quickly."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Disengage and CC can interrupt his Ultimate R. Healing reduction can counter him during the early game."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "When no team fights are occurring and when no objectives are up, Olaf may stick to a side lane and start to split push. Olaf may start to split push if there are enough numbers on the enemy team for an ambush."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal's W deals consistent poke damage that can push enemy laners out of the lane abruptly. ezreal's Q deals consistent poke damage that can push enemy laners out of the lane abruptly."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "In the later parts of the game, Ashe will be at max or near max build. If Ashe can poke the enemy with her y and activate her Q in late game team fights, she will have incredibly high damage output."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "This will allow him to do his main job of running circles around the enemy team with his l. In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "This, combined with his W, will make him almost unqualified and allow him to absorb a lot of damage. A maximum of Ultimate R will further strengthen its overall potential and long-term overall damage."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "If you kill a key target, you should consider calling Baron. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Help your support service around the Jungle during invasions with well-placed death brushes. Death brushes can offer opportunities for a few more deaths in the enemy jungle."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "As you will be close enough together inside the pit, you will allow him to land a devastating Ult on your entire team. Rumble is inclined to disengage."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Do not show on the lower side of the map if Baron is about to climb. If Kindred has more than 8 batteries at this point, she'll just crush everyone and go through the destruction of the Nexus soon."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "In the later parts of the game, you should play around your Ultimate R. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You should not trade too much before your first back so you don't fall behind. You need time to come online so focus on farming and surviving the very early game."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "to exploit your initial advantage as a Jungler game secure the goals whenever they are in place"} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Securing the Drakes is also important. Volibear is a very strong duel, especially at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox needs to be mindful of his position during team fights to maximize his damage output. In the later parts of the game, stick with your team and look for picks. Avoid splitting up or being too far apart from them as the enemy may force a fight while you're nowhere nearby."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "A healthy balance between these three aspects will help you work well. Sylas has phenomenal ganks at the beginning of the game due to its fast movement speed with W and E."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi will be looking for the farm as much as possible to come online. Without his Ultimate, Master Yi is rather weak."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "It is difficult to fight Elise alone unless you get the jump on her. Dodge Elise's Cocoon ability when initiating a fight."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "However, he must check the enemy's inventory for a QSS before deciding to do anything about a champion. His Q & E will be maximized and will make many consistent DPS during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Counter-ganking is a crucial aspect of Nocturne's strategy, as it allows the team to take out enemy minions before they can be taken by Nocturne. If you cannot counter gank, try to gank a separate lane or steal his camps."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana will be a real threat when she hits level 9. Diana will put the second point in her Ultimate R at level 11."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "If you're against Gank Viego, keep an eye on him stealing your allied abilities and turning the exchange around. Be ready to step back if Viego kills and takes your ally."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear is good in team fighting due to his E, Passive and Ultimate R. During this phase of the game, make sure you get choices all around the card."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "A good Fizz will not be scared to go for aggressive plays especially if he has a better first item than his lane opponent. When Fizz puts a second point in his Ultimate R at level 11, Fizz will be incredibly scary to play against because his Ultimate R will be on a low cooldown and deal a lot of damage."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Lillia Q will be maximized at Level 9. It's really good for her, because her burst damage will increase exponentially, and she'll be a threat to face."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "The final point in Ultimate k will grant him a massive spike, and he will be able to dish out tons of damage to the enemy. Olaf will be able to pick off targets easily due to the ability being up frequently."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Use W and r with utmost discretion. Shove wave when possible, punish enemy laner with soldier-directed auto-attacks."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The W of Sylas is a point and click capability that can easily change the tide of a fight. The initial casting of the E of Sylas allows him to move to a certain place."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench will constantly use track brushes. Tahm Kench's first ability is named."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Once Mordekaiser reaches level 6, his death pressure in the way increases. Beware of your positioning when it's low because Mordekaiser can try to catch you with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Avoid crowd control capabilities during a fight. Once confined by a capacity, there is no escape and death is likely if followed."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "At level 6, both at level 6, you are equal in terms of damage. Both are equal in terms of damage, but you have better all in engage with your R."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "All of her important items will be finished now, and she will be able to smooth out a lot of damage in very short jobs. She will also provide a lot of peeling and healing for her teammates."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. Nasus is very weak early"} -{"label": "varus", "text": "This will also give him the incentive to wear for his team if he is already in advance. The Varus AoE Poke and the Ultimate R make disastrous battles for the enemy team."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Its ultimate R amplifies the effect of health regeneration and is really effective in fighting in closed spaces. The ability to use his W to set up ganks for his Jungler allows him to catch up with his target while providing a vision of the area."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Watch your positioning in the late game. Focus on kiting and auto-attacking the nearest enemy champion."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Your W should let you get easy choices on enemies who are too pushed up in the lane. Your Ultimate will be pivotal to team fights."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Try to use it if you feel that you are about to be ruined or all-in. His early play is excellent as he can completely CC (crowd control) and blow up an enemy target if needed."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Level 6 allows Trundle to temporarily steal statistics from its target, the strongest target being better for him. The force of the enemy target is directly related to the effectiveness of Trundle's ability to steal statistics."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "This is especially true if Gragas is going for the full AP build. A full AP build will be used by Gragas to benefit from the increased damage."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "CC\u2019ing a key target will make fighting so much easier. Cassiopeia has a lot of kill pressure in the mid-game."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Using this ultimate will heavily increase your kill pressure. Rammus has really good ganks once he has unlocked his t."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Stay with your Support throughout the mid-game. If you move away from your Support, you will be an easy target for the enemy."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "If Bel\u2019Veth doesn\u2019t get any take downs on champions or objectives in teamfights she can never activate her True Form Bel\u2019Veth\u2019s True Form makes her so much harder to deal with"} -{"label": "sett", "text": "A maxi-out Ultimate will frequently be on the rise. The scrambled team fights will become a breeze during this part of the game."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Look to group with your team once you hit your item spikes. Katarina is a great team fighter thanks to her AOE Ultimate R which will allow you to dish out lots of damage in a fight."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "To facilitate team fighting, Riven will probably flanculate or Flash to engage. Ward next door by setting a goal to spot her before she has the chance to commit."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Level 16, Lux mega-spike. The Mega-spike is due to its Ultimate which has been reclassified to level three."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Samira is an extremely agile champion who can move quickly around the map. To reduce Samira's mobility and increase your survival, keep the minion near your side of the map."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "She can keep soaking damage and act as a reliable frontline for her team in fights. She will have a lot of items during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "In the middle of the game, Zed will often be in a lateral thrust track. With this in mind, you can use the fact that it can't impact the fight to start a 4v4 or 5v4 team fight with the advantage of numbers."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "If you\u2019re over extended without your E to protect you, you will be an easy target. Annie's first power spike was at level 3 when she unlocked all 3 of her abilities."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "You can start crashing to Level 3. When you unlock your Ultimate, the ganking will be easier and you will be more of a threat."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "You may have to adjust your gameplay depending on your lead in the game. If you're too far ahead, focus on building damage, else focus on saving your teammates."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Expect to put in a lot of work trying to learn him. Unfortunately, Pyke has nothing to offer when his Q is down."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "He collapsed at the end of the game. and can only resort to split thrust."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "This will help you win trades and skirmishes with the enemy. Once Caitlyn has a few points in her Q, she can constantly keep the enemy pushed into her tower."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game. Watch your positioning in the late game."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "During this phase of the game, your only goal is to target the enemy backline and decimate them if you go AP. If you see someone negligent enough to be alone, go ahead and kill them."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "This allows him to damage several enemies at the same time. He has an innate advantage against various matches."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "You'll need to be more strategic when trying to fight Kayle from now on. relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific countries"} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If they come, run away as it\u2019s unlikely you\u2019ll be able to win 1v2. Gragas's Ultimate is very good in team fights."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar can try to cheese someone to get an early health trail. A player can reduce Rengar's potential while waiting for him to show up before walking forward."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "He should have his basics now. That means he'll be tanky and do a lot of damage to his enemies."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "This means that no one is safe, and he can choose high priority targets during team fighting. It will have several objects during this phase of the game, allowing it to take a lot of damage and inflict a lot of damage simultaneously during a fight."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "You must continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. Don't just stay in the middle if you can't get anything done."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "When there are no team fights, go on a side track and push. It is important that you continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "His overall damage output and survivability will be higher. You should stay near your team at all times in the late game."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Get your ultimate ability as soon as possible to counter Sing\u00e9. CC Singed every time you have the opportunity."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Another early game power spike is at level 6. She unlocks her Ultimate R ability at level 6."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Disengage as soon as you see Neeko channel her Ultimate R. Stay away from neeko as she will use both her E and Q to push the wave and harass."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The state of play dictates whether to go for an unqualified juggernaut or a glass cannon construction. A complete AP construction is better when facing squishy and varied door."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Its ability to damage the enemy. Lane brushes help him immediately."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "It will be easier for him to break out enemies. Lucian will have access to several articles during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "This, combined with lane brushes or the river brushes, allows him to deal a lot of damage without taking any in return. Pantheon has great pick potential with his R and W."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "His passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health so that he can resort to short operations against enemy champions unlike other tanks. His W also causes misleading damage, while reducing damage to Sett."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Level eleven will be a decent power spike due to her ability empowerment potential. This will come in really handy during significant fights in the objective pits."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Azir doesn't spike at level 11 unlike a lot of champions. Azir is considered a mid-game champion whose Ultimate R may be less impactful compared to other champions on the rift."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map This will ensure safety and reduce your chances of dying in the way."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar is not very strong at the beginning of the game. You can abuse this by dropping it and forcing it to remember early."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "The damage increase from the first ability maxed out at level 9 will really help Gragas duel. This is especially true if Gragas is going for the full AP build."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": " Crowd control is the best way to deal with Dr Mundo in a team fight. Dr Mundo will be looking to power farm early to unlock his Ultimate m."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you're on the move around the map, and when you're alone. To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You need to play Camille a lot to make use of her kit. She deals a lot of damage and can be a useful champion in team fights."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "He's pretty good at the end-of-game fights. It can easily change the tide of fighting."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan has a W that allows him to get out of sticky situations. The Akshan W also allows him to be camouflaged for a long period of time if he remains near a wall."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Sheen makes Ezreal's Q damage increase substantially. Ezreal looks to constantly poke with his Q."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko's biggest power spike is at two items (Protobelt and Lichbane). When Ekko completes these items, he will become a one-shotting machine."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Try to make plays with R around major objectives in the late game. You would\u2019ve completed multiple items and got a lot of levels under your belt by the late game. You will be strong in the late game, too."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista's team fighting style should revolve around staying behind her front line at all times. Getting priority in the middle lane will help Kalista's team immensely."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "This will allow Fiddlesticks to get a lovely amount of damage down to the whole enemy team. While you\u2019re good in the late game, you\u2019re incredibly squishy."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Janna may try to ward alone in the mid and late game. If she does, try to ambush her by camping in a bush near the Baron or Dragon."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma has Ultimate at level 1, so she will be quite strong up until level 6. If you are strong at level 6, you will be stronger than her once you both hit level 6."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Peel for your carries to keep them alive for longer. If your allies die quickly, there will be little chance that you will win the team fight."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Vision around major objectives is key. Look for picks during the mid-game."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "As such, it is essential to be prepared for and follow back-up. If you don't get easy ganks, try to invade the enemy's camps and steal their resources."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "You should try and avoid trading with Garen unless his Q is down. At level 6, Garen gains access to his Ultimate R which can be used to execute enemies."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Level 2 in the lower track is the first minion wave. The next three minions will follow."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "A strong laning phase will allow Galio to win lane and snowball his carry. Galio's Ultimate R is a great team fighting tool that can keep any one of his allies alive for longer."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This will dramatically increase his damage and leave him squishies at once."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "His Passive allows him to blow up squishies with ease. This can allow him to get a huge lead early on and then capitalize on it, and finish the game before key enemies come online."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Once Pyke hits level 6, his kill pressure increases as his Ultimate R is an execute. Back away when low on health so Pyke can snowball his lead."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The completed jungling item will give Karthus a lot of Ability Power and the first bit of cooldown reduction he needs. Your level 2 is much stronger than the enemies."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Continue to farm during the mid-game to get items quickly. Avoid overextending or dying alone."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "The mid-game should focus on getting your core items as soon as possible. This will amplify your damage or damage absorption capacity depending on your build."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Quickly erasing minion waves with capabilities allows favorable exchanges with the enemy. If the landing pokes while pushing the minion wave, look for a favorable trade."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "As a result, Karma's DPS will be through the roof, which is highly beneficial for her team. Karma has an Ultimate at level 1."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "If Yasuo gets 5 or more people within range for his Ultimate R, the risk of being triggered increases. Try to force Yasuo to extend for the farm by keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Improper positioning or aggressive usage of her Ultimate R can get her killed on multiple occasions. This can allow the enemy team to bait her in and get rid of her pretty quickly."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Unlike other champions, Quinn\u2019s level 6 power spike doesn\u2019t offer much in lane. But her Ultimate R does offer a lot of roaming potential."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "I will rely on picks and kill off squishy targets when possible. Your presence will be massive during skirmishes, but you will need to use your E carefully."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu will have several elements during the mid-part. According to its construction, Amumu will either cause a lot of damage in team fighting, or be incredibly tanky and difficult to kill."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. This will allow him to poke his enemies with ease and allow him to clear the waves quickly."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "It will deal a lot of damage. The enemy will be stunned for a long period of time."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Your presence and the threat of your E, W and R keep the enemy away from you. In the end, the enemy team will be disused."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Don't forget to guarantee these goals. You have good objective control, so make sure to use it!"} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "His sustain will be pretty high as well (due to runes and life steal). Focus on securing the remaining Dragons/Rift Herald in the mid-game."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora's opponent can prevent her from proc'ing her Passive by blocking the direction of Vital during laning phase. If Fiora places her Ultimate R on a member of her team, it can be easily avoided by disengaging as soon as possible."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Against hwei should not let him get ahead early because he can be extremely potent in the later stages of the game. hwei has a lot of AOE damage and can destroy your team if he gets a good combo off in the jungle."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "By using CC on Zilean, try to lock it so it can't use its Ultimate capability on itself. Look for opportunities to bait Zilean's Q before starting a fight."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If you manage to find a high-priority enemy target, don't hesitate to Flash > Q the target to kill them. At level 16, Fiddlesticks will put the third and final point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The more gold Sona gets, the more trouble she'll have. Make sure your team invests in the Executor Appeal to reduce its healing capacity."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "All your abilities make it very difficult for the enemy team to be concentrated near the pit, hence using it to your advantage. If the enemy is found to be too mobile or CC-heavy, just get a defensive element like a Zhonya Hurglass."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Play safe for a few levels. You need time to come online and should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "qiyana's damage output will be really high as well. Level 6 is a massive spike for qiyana."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen can put very good cheese brushes Shen can put all the opportunities with his E"} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Don't let Heimerdinger harass and poke you down. If you lose a lot of health, you'll never be in a position to play aggressively."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Seriously early injuries can reduce the damage caused by the Mordekaiser. This will help his enemy even the duels during the early match."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Teams will be grouping in the late game. This allows Annie to get a multi-person R."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The W of Soraka is currently exhausted. The abduction of Grievous Wounds by Soraka's W facilitates team fighting for his team."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Your ultimate ability makes you unqualified for a period of time, which can give you time to kill the enemy. It makes it difficult to kill you, to give time to counter attacks."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton's first item component will help him massively with his laning. His dueling power should increase quite decently now."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "She should wait for her teammates to bait out the knockback before going in for a kill. The mid-game for Camille should focus on picking off enemy laners and champions who are squandering about the map."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Aim to avoid fighting too close together as this would allow Irelia to use her Ultimate R on multiple people. Proximity between the players and Irelia should be kept low."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "The first element will maintain the priority of the tracks by rarely pushing the wave. By playing sivir, it is essential to maintain support throughout the middle of the game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's Ultimate R will make her quite dangerous in fights around choke points. This helps her teammates a lot as they can easily collapse on the enemies Diana has Ultimate R'd."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "If you have a damaging Ultimate, you\u2019ll be able to beat him at level 6. Or, you\u2019ll at least force him to use his Ultimate R defensively. As the game goes along, Bard becomes stronger and stronger as he collects more chimes."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "He can look for more aggressive plays once he has picked up his first component item. When Ezreal completes his Mythic item, his damage output further grows."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim spikes at level 6. A level 6 spike allows Hecarim to unlock his Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "This champion is quite still and is inclined to the CC. If they're caught by a CC, they'll probably die."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "The Ultimate R has a very short cooldown, allowing it to be used quite frequently. Qiyana will be outstanding during the late game."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Pre-level 6 tracking helps your team know where Evelynn is and post-6 reduces ganks. Control Wards in the bushes make tracking Evelyn easy."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "The goal is to delay the team fight by engaging Xerath as soon as possible and rob him with p and 2. Engagement in team fighting with Xerath should be done early to prevent prolonged poke."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "If you push pole 6, you might find yourself Ulting the enemy in their turn, and you will have to retreat. Ulting can fuck you in a lot of cases."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "He excels in the fighting that occurs near the bottlenecks, making it really difficult for enemies to try to get neutral goals."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Make sure you have vision around your lane at all times. As you'll constantly be pushing, you need to ensure your flanks are warded, so you do not die while you're overextended and pushing."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "To counter Brand's abilities, they should build defensive items. It is recommended for Brand to target squishy targets who lack defensive stats."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Delay or disengage fights if the enemy wants to fight you. Stay with your team in the late parts of the game."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Your goal in this game is to catch her and focus on agriculture. Agriculture will be a more reliable strategy in this matchup."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "This will allow him to inflict much damage on his opponents in the way. This will also give him the incentive to wear for his team if he is already in advance."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "From that moment on, she will start hitting like a truck that her e will be up very quickly in the game. Two points in his Ultimate n will push her again."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille's potential to duel and pick off enemies should be capitalized on by her. Neutral objective fights will have to be dealt with differently for Camille."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Continue to collect and secure jungle camps as much as possible. Not falling back in the middle of the game is crucial as a Jungler so keep growing!"} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "If you're playing as a melee champion, you should stay at Lissandra's maximum range. Lissandra can help you with her W if she gets closer."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "You should constantly push the enemy into their turn. This will allow you to win turret tray."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "During team fighting as a nasus, prioritize the coat for your aircraft carriers using W to slow down the front line and focus on the nearest enemy champion. Nasus uses its capabilities to control enemy movements and perform targeted damage."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Be careful when the Rumble bar is more than 50%. If you can bait the Rumble bar and overheat it, it will lack capacity damage."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Effective compensation is necessary to ensure that you can gank frequently. Don't be more dangerous when it comes to using your capabilities that your energy regenerates quickly enough."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Her Q usage requires awareness to avoid mistakes. Mistiming her Q ability can cause it to go on cooldown."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna can use her attacks to bully and poke enemy champions effectively. Orianna is a mechanically difficult champion to master."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Stay with your team at all times when Shaco is on the map. Shaco can kill targets in the middle of the game if he's not accompanied by a teammate."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "CC (crowd control) is Vayne's deadly enemy. For regular short trades with automatic attack in this way, go."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This strategy should not lead to a lack of gold or items for you when it comes to buying equipment. A solid early game paves the way for success at the end of the game."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Riven won't be able to do much because her entire kit is based on mobility. The entire Riven kit is based on mobility."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The damage is increased significantly, mainly if he has managed to procure some items along with it. At level 9, his 1 will be maxed out."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Her counterparts can deal a lot of damage and have a lot of utility in the mid-game due to their kits. This puts Caitlyn in a weak spot compared to her counterparts."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "If he can set up a death brush, then he will automatically win the fight. His late-game team fighting will be extreme because he is very tanky."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is a strong 1v1 champion and can fight most laners put up against him. Use your Ultimate e at a proper time in every fight."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin is vulnerable to CC during team fighting. Don't ignore him when he fights."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "This will allow Varus to push the wave at the same time. Standing outside the wave of the minion will force him to choose between pushing and throwing with his Q. He's gonna try to get you out of the street."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "High stacks of Adoration will deny Draven from getting a huge influx of gold after gaining a kill. Draven is an early game monster."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Proper vision by the enemy can notice Neeko changing her forms or hiding in a brush to land her E. Neeko's pushing power makes her susceptible to ganks, especially after she uses up her W."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton falls off as the game progresses due to the loss of his early strengths. Renekton is particularly weak in the later stages of the game if he did not gain an early lead."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "At level 9, Lee Sin's first ability will inflict a large amount of burst damage and kill the squishy enemies by himself. At level 11, Lee Sin will have two points in his Ultimate k."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The enemy can zone a player away from the farm and XP by pushing the minion wave. A champion playing this role can easily be overthrown by various champions in the way."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "When Shyvana takes his first element, he will allow him to clean the camps quickly. When Shyvana takes over his first element, he will do a lot of damage during the duels."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Do not separate or depart from them otherwise the enemy may try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. If they die at first, you won't be able to win the fight alone."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne will have to use the track brushes to make sure she can compensate for her short range. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Play safe in the early game so Galio can scale and come online. Do not get poked down otherwise Galio will fall behind in CS and XP and be no threat later on."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "The enemy backline will completely dive once Jax absorbs damage. Jax will survive despite being at the back of the enemy line."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox likes to split push after the laning phase has ended. When he shows in a side lane alone, you could try and start a team fight with his teammates."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Try to abuse it at the beginning of the game by trying to play aggressively. Once Ziggs has finished his first article, his poke and light wave is very strong."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "You must reach level 6 as quickly as possible. Your ultimate e is an incredibly strong tool."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "As Jungler, it is crucial to be alive in the late game to get major goals. Die before a major target spawns and the enemy will take it for free."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Your Q, W, and Ultimate R will completely cut the tracks so that the enemies can even get closer to the objective pits. She will have her basic articles during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "During trading, be careful around the level 6 brand as it can look for an all-in-one. According to the construction path for which the Trundle left, it will culminate at different times."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Keep an eye on where Lillia moves around the river and sitting targets like the Baron or the Dragon as she can use her E to inflict some brilliant damage to you and your team. In team fighting, his Ultimate R will be able to put enemies who have batteries on them to sleep. Avoid leaving his self-attack or inflicting damage on many champions to reduce his chances of CC'ing the whole team."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "However, Gwen's W does not protect her allies. It is possible for Gwen to put herself between herself and the enemy so an ally does not get CC'd."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "The capacity will spread a lot of damage and will have a very short cooling, so team fighting will be frequent. Her flying life combined with her damage and mobility during the end of the match will make her really good in team fighting."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "He becomes vulnerable when his Q and E are down the road. Its vulnerability increases if it happens to be against a laner on the way."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "He should be a lot stronger at this stage of the game. Combined with more items, at level 11 Ekko will put an additional point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Her ability allows her to take many fights in the river. Her CC and overall kit allow her to win clumped fights easily."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "If you stand as far as you can, Leblanc will be unable to land his W on you, no matter what. LeBlanc is an Assassin."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twistedfate's goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way. Twistedfate has a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as possible."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "After putting two points in his Ultimate R, Aatrox becomes a serious threat to the enemy team in the fighting. To do damage and survive the team fight, focus on your Ultimate around the enemy."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Level 11 isn't great because it can only wander and play. She starts coming online in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Ensure you're always nearby your team so you can quickly participate in a fight. Don't engage in combat unless your Ultimate is fully charged and Zhonya\u2019s Hourglass is active in late-game situations."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Keep growing until you reach full construction. Once this is done (or during agriculture), you can use the minion wave as bait and set up death brushes around it."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "It was recommended to participate in combats with R in order to maximize its practical use. Level 3 is a massive peak as it can now search for all the ins while being completely safe itself."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Without his Ultimate e, Karthus won\u2019t be able to gank or counter gank early on unless it is a guaranteed kill for him. Karthus\u2019 Ultimate e deals meagre amounts of damage during the early game."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Its level 6 is much stronger than yours. Make sure you play safely and backwards if you are on low HP. Focus on agriculture at the beginning of the game. Try poke when you can, but your main goal early should be to get a significant CS lead."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko will look to set up a W stun by walking out of vision. Be cautious of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Once Rumble has his Ultimate, his death pressure increases. Don't underestimate its global potential with its Ultimate. If it uses it on you, try to step back as its Jungler might try to gank as its Ultimate is a good gank configuration."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "This stage sees a reduced cooldown and additional damage for Cassiopeia's Ultimate R. These factors make Cassiopeia a huge threat during this part of the game."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Level 3 provides a substantial peak of power as it gives access to all of Syndra's primary capabilities, allowing it to engage in regular exchanges with enemies. During this phase, prioritize taking as many team fights as possible and position yourself close to the bottlenecks to maximize your stunning potential E."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Teams will come together, and you'll need them to help with their defensive statistics. Make the call for major goals like the Dragon after getting choices with your Ultimate."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "His e and e abilities will let him catch enemies off-guard. His Passive will allow him to kill enemies quickly in objective and clumped fights."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Try to stay away and out of Nautilus' reach during team fighting if you are squishy. Try to deny Nautilus Farm, XP, gold and resources"} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Level 6 is a massive power peak for Talon as it increases its overall burst damage. This increase lets him wander around and kill the enemies in the side lane without any warning."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Continuing to cultivate jungle camps helps avoid falling back into the game. A Jungler must secure every possible Drake in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "It has a versatile construction path. It can go either in AD or in full tank according to the needs of the team."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Your Ultimate is much stronger than his in 1v1s. He cannot push you into your tower if we match his pushing power."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Remember so you can start stacking the Tear element. As soon as you touch level 6, use your Ultimate capability on the minion wave."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "The control of the crowd is Yone's mortal enemy, and it can be removed quite easily due to his squishiness. Yone's Ultimate R doesn't have much width, which makes it easy for enemies to get away from the range."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric is also quite tanky during this phase of the game because he will have a lot of articles now."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "The second point in his Ultimate R will increase the damage of the ability and will let him make plays frequently. Multiple items will allow him to soak up a lot of damage in fights."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "You should gank your allies as frequently as possible. Darius is also going to be trying to gank your allies."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play. This will ensure safety and reduce your chances of dying in the way."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "When fighting enemy champions, always consider that Karthus may use his Ultimate e to finish you off. The more Ability Power (AP) and magic penetration Karthus has, the better and stronger he will be."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "She will be able to look for picks more frequently. She will secure kills with her team."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank is weak in the early game. Gangplank needs time to come online in the early game."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Skaarl can run if Kled needs to go up quickly. Kled will have almost finished its construction."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "By playing melee champions, don't let Lulu intimidate you with automatic attacks. When you don't want to commit, step back so she can't attack you automatically."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka can heal a lot in team fights because of her E. The amount of care Soraka provides to her team is really great."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "If you're weak at level 3, don't try to challenge the Scuttle against Zed because it could probably kill you. The less gold Zed becomes early, the better."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma offers a lot of utility during the late game, especially in neutral, objective fights. Team fights will be really useful with Karma due to her d."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "This is going to be a farming matchup, especially in the early game. Focus on farming and limit fighting until you've got your first item. I am going to stand away from the minion wave at all times so they cannot push and poke me at the same time."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Taking fights around choke points will help Brand gain an advantage. His mid-game is decent as he will have his core items,"} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "In team fights, disengage and avoid team fighting in the jungle as it will allow Poppy to get a good knockup with her Ultimate R or pick off a key target with her E. Fighting around Poppy's Ultimate R is a good way of winning team fights. She will knock back the frontline and then engage on to the carries while the frontline is missing."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "qiyana is a perfect early game champion due to the severe burst damage. Her ability allows her to take many fights in the river."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "The enemy will group, making it harder for Aatrox to secure kills. You can still take down carries in late-game team fights if you get on them."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo becomes more of a threat when it is equipped with Nashor's Tooth due to its additional statistics. Teemo's Passive can be really heinous to manage, especially when he hides in a brush and comes in and out while peeling his laner with his t and t."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma has a lot of poke damage and utility to offer during the mid-game. Karma makes her really potent when it comes to dealing with enemies who are always grouped up."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "The first ability will be maximized to level 9, making Trundle hit his enemies like a truck. It will be beneficial during the choking point fights when it falls off against the enemy."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "During the middle game, make sure you're not ADC'ing systematically. Cleaning kills when possible but don't get too close to the heavy CC champions otherwise, you'll certainly get killed."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine's W has a very long cooldown, so try to abuse it if possible. Avoid team fighting around major goals if Seraphine is nearby."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Nidalee is extremely good in team fights. Her ability to dish out a lot of burst damage and pick off enemies with her s will make it hard for the enemy to fight well."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "If you go bot, always show yourself quickly to deny the objective to the enemy. As Jungler, it is crucial to be alive in the late game to get major goals."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane. Rotation towards the middle of the track will allow you to take this tower."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "This will make it impossible for Braum to land his Q and potentially stun you. When trying to poke or harass Braum, ensure you are not close to his minions so he cannot W to them and jump on you."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Farming early is a priority. If you find a nearby ganking or counter-ganking opportunity don't be afraid to take it."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "The main objective of this champion is agriculture. Agriculture takes time and gold."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf may take the Dragon if there are no gank opportunities. It is crucial to keep the Dragon warded at all times when Olaf is present on it."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Keep this in mind and hold on to any CC abilities until she starts the channel. Avoid fighting around objectives as Poppy may use her Ultimate R to knock away the Jungler and cost your team the Baron/ Dragon."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Maxing out its Ultimate b will reduce its cooling and allow it to use it frequently, making it a decisive factor in objective combat. Rumble will dry up a lot of damage during this phase of the game"} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Remember that you can easily target the enemy front line with it while your team deals with the enemy front line. When fighting around choking points, make sure you adjust your x correctly."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Ward your flanks to prevent Pantheon from attacking you from the side while his Ultimate R is on cooldown. Good times to fight are when Pantheon is split pushing."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "To succeed, I must punish enemies who grow in their ways without being stopped first. Malphite's plan for early play should involve electric farming until it gets its Ultimate."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "He can use it to reposition and close the gap between him and the enemy laner. At level 6, his Ultimate t is very strong and can allow him to execute enemies who are on low health."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "In team fighting, continue to focus the most squishi and the easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The minions on the map are kept closer to the Malphite side of the map in order to force the enemy champions to spread for the farm and XP. By trying to poke, Malphite aims at his abilities so that they strike both the minion wave and the enemy champion at the same time."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs can move enemy units in its E using its W. The use of Ziggs' W can act as a good finishing movement against low-health enemies or be used for escape when necessary."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Bard will leave lane to pick up Chimes when it's safe. Abuse the fact that Bard is missing to all-in the enemy ADC."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "You may work with your Support and use the lane brushes to get as many picks on the enemy. Once you get your first item, your burst damage will be really high."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Avoid trying to fight often early until you have levels under your belt. Keep dropping it with your Q and W, but avoid pushing too much."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Cho'Gath ganks your lane."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's Passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health so that he can resort to short operations against enemy champions unlike other tanks. His W also causes misleading damage, while also providing him with mitigation of damage."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Ward's placements have been designed to keep enemy movements visible so that players can track their opponents' positions and detect when they have launched a goal. Team members were instructed to stay with their teammates at all times in order to minimize the risk of being caught alone."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Being slightly apart makes it harder for Rakan to get a multi-person Ultimate R. Bursting Rakan down as soon as he engages is highly favourable."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "At level 13, Graves will deal a lot of burst damage. Graves' maxed out l and e will give him an excellent dueling advantage."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "This allows the enemy to both flank and focus jhin down with ease. Due to his squishiness, jhin can't really survive for too long."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu will not be able to heal a lot if he is removed as an enemy. The opponent can take objectives without Nunu's healing."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "You should avoid standing close to your ADC post 6 so Orianna cannot Ult d both of you. Orianna is weak early but her poke can be very hard to deal with once she has a few levels behind her."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Kite and disengagement is Zion's greatest threat in a team fight, as he can easily keep himself safe while inflicting damage. Try to keep him away from your team so he can't get a good Q knockup."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "E can be used to disrupt the magi. The magi are very powerful now."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. A massive increase in damage is given to Lucian when its first capacity is maximized."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "At level 6, Graves will gain access to his Ultimate ability. Graves will experience a dramatic increase in kill pressure after gaining his Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed is an Assassin. Since Zed is an Assassin, he will seek to bring down targets that walk on the map alone."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Rather, it will focus on passive batteries. Passive batteries are important to transport later in the game."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Close during the middle of the game whenever possible, so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. The more gold Yi has, the stronger he'll be."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Hard CC refers to a strong ability that can lock or restrict an opponent's movement. She should rely on trackers for protection."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Avoid grouping closely because it gives Malphite a great opportunity to land a 5 person knocking with his Ultimate h. Don't look for fighting in the jungle or around the Dragon or Baron because the teams are usually grouped closely, which allows Malphite to get a good Ultimate h off."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Due to its immobility, a gel can completely ruin the Rumble laning phase. This will make Rumble prone to ganks and will not allow him to CS at all."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Spotting Karthus in a side lane split pushing may initiate a team fight. However, be aware that Karthus can influence the existing fight with his Ultimate e."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Just back off if they invade you early; you do not win early skirmishes with them. Look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank will still be vulnerable in the late game. Blitzcrank will be able to soak up more damage in the late game."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Getting as many Drakes as possible will increase your chances of winning the game. Look for skirmishes with the enemy often."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Fighting around closed spaces will help you a lot. You can easily target multiple champions in battles around closed spaces."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Flanking the enemy backline can increase your chances of winning a fight against an enemy carry. Aatrox reaches level 9."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "The more Fury Trendamere has, the stronger he'll be. Every time Trendamere's Ultimate e fails, try to abuse cooldown and look for murders."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Work together with your team to take down the enemy one by one, focusing on the nearest champion Quinn's Ultimate R is a utility tool rather than a pure damage tool."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Keep an eye on your mana bar at all times. Be aware of the amount of mana you have regardless of your speed of movement."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "In the late game, Bard's abilities have much shorter cooldowns. This allows Bard to use his Q multiple times in a team fight, potentially winning the fight or peeling for carries."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Therefore, you should not let them approach objective pits. Always try to separate the enemy front line from the enemy front line."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "The Q turrets, when combined with Heimerdinger's E, allow him to turn an enemy gank into an easy kill for him. Heimerdinger's Ultimate R provides him with a lot of versatility."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's level 6 is a massive power peak because it can easily shoot down enemies now. Syndra's Level 6 allows him to use his E correctly."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Stay with your team and avoid going solo to the neighborhoods. Peel for your carts and protect them from enemy players."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "The player can catch the enemies alone roaming and solo. One point in its Ultimate R allows to increase the overall damage in the game."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "She will have a somewhat endless mana pool once it\u2019s maxed out. At level 9, Cassiopeia will be able to use her E at full strength."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton relies heavily on his cooldowns to gain a lead. Whenever Renekton's abilities are down, he is unable to trade effectively."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "The first element will allow Ziggs to spam its capabilities constantly due to its increased mana pool. It will also increase its overall damage, which will allow it to take completely on the path that its wavelight is impeccable. Ziggs is relatively low early compared to other ADCs because he relies heavily on his capabilities rather than on automatic attacks. This makes him short of mana quickly and becomes useless in the way."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Running down enemies and burning them to oblivion will let you defeat them. Your Ultimate ability lets you destroy the opposition."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "This will allow you to do a lot of damage and survive for quite some time. Hecarim's maxed h will be maxed out once he hits level 9."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Nami can keep his allies with HP thanks to his W and his articles. This increases the ability of Nami's allies to inflict damage and survive team fighting."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Carry will receive a vital boost of movement speed to avoid incoming skills, especially from champions with crowd control. Once yuumi gets its Ultimate R, it can keep any form of engagement away from its port as long as it has its Ultimate R Up."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "You need time and gold before you come online and do damage with your champion. Your champion is incredibly weak at the beginning of the game, so focus on agriculture instead."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton falls into the final stages of the game as his first forces become less effective. Renekton is particularly weak at the end of the game if he didn't win an early lead."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Dying can also give enemies the opportunity to start a fight. Additionally, dying can make it difficult for your team to secure the Baron or Dragon."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Continue to get XP and gold while cultivating to strengthen yourself for future battles. Ryze's weakness is quite astounding at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "You should be near max build in the late game. Being at max build allows you to easily take down any champion who you might come into contact with."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "This is due to the amount of selection potential he has in his kit. It can take goals quite easily, including early empty grunts and Dragons."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Avoid dying and stay on the same side of the map as the next major goal. Do not show on the lower side of the map if Baron is about to climb."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Disturbing the ultimate Nasus can be a pivotal moment in the fight, turning the tide in your favor. Building armor items is important in this matchup."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "When you hit level 11, you'll put an additional point in your Ultimate. You will be a more effective ganker and a bigger threat at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Combining it with its low mobility allows it to easily choose any attacker. Avoid roaming if Xerath is in the way as it can push the way very quickly while you're gone."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Thanks to his low cooldowns and the overall game state, during the mid-game he will be able to assassinate and get picks on low health enemies as they walk around Summoners Rift alone. You should stay near your team in the late game."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "During the final stages of the game, team members should meet when their Ultimate R is activated. The Ruler will turn from the side lane to join their teammates and look for an opportunity to use their Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This will allow your allies to play more freely. And keep them safe from the damage inflicted by the enemy."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Use the fog of war to set up ganks on the enemy with your Jungler. Be careful getting poked out while farming as the enemy may try to bait you into an all-in with a trap."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's E will be on a short cooldown which allows him to escape skirmishes easily. Ezreal is great in the mid-game."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger is effective in closed spaces like the Jungle but can be countered by enemy push in lanes. Destroying Heimerdinger's Q turrets will leave him without a strong defense."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Caitlyn would\u2019ve completed multiple items during the mid-stage of the game. Caitlyn's high damage output is beneficial for this stage. Her survivability in the mid-game is incredibly poor."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves will play more aggressively once he has some levels and item components behind him. At level 6, Graves will gain access to his Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "You can decrease Gragas's early power by warding for your allies, so they do not die to ganks. Your Ultimate is strong, so you must abuse it to gain a lead over Gragas."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Kassadin will be split pushing during the mid-game. The goal of this strategy is to get to his level 16 power spike."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "The first item component will allow her to clear the Jungle quickly and make her deal more damage. It will also let her be tankier during the early game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Whenever Karma's d is down, she is vulnerable to attack. Her Q can easily be avoided if the enemy builds up a huge wave or positions correctly."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The zilean scale is quite high, allowing it to inflict a lot of damage through its combo. Zilean's t (Ultimate) is one of the most odious and overnourished abilities in the game when used correctly."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "You should split up or disengage as soon as you see Maokai so he can't use his abilities. If Maokai finishes his first article, it will be really hard to make a duel."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Avoid fighting unless Ultimate is up. While Gangplank has a lot of splitting power, it's better for you to group with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal. Stay with your team at any time."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Look to take down enemy carries. Focus the backline and try to take them out of the fight."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "He will disrupt enemy fighting frequently and act as an asset to his team. Lee Sin will have several elements during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "At level 6 is where she truly comes online. Look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Avoid trading with Sett at Level 1 as it will damage most champions. Once Sett is level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R,"} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Bypassing vision is crucial so actively keep warding and dewarding the enemy Jungle to gank enemies with ease. Nautilus can start ganking as soon as he hits level 3."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Once Nautilus gets several items, it will absorb a lot of damage while simultaneously helping its team to avoid damage. Nautilus can be a reliable diver during this stage of the game when he has several items."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Before you look for it all in there, lure his d. His d is his only real form of defense and protection against an all-in-one and once he's down, he's easier to kill."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "The first element will allow him to get a boost and increased survival during all the in. It'll give him a better chance of getting killed during a duel."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "He is squishy This is highly beneficial for the enemy team"} -{"label": "varus", "text": "At level 11, Varus will be able to add 2 points to his Ultimate R. This makes it really easy for Varus to choose his enemies, especially when trying to trade paths."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Avoid regrouping closely so that Seraphine cannot obtain a powerful R. Once Seraphine has finished her first article, her Q damage will increase and her threat to kill too."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista's early game strength can be countered by harassing and poking her down. Harassment and pokes can prevent Kalista from snowballing her advantage."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin is vulnerable to difficult contacts and CC. Hard engagements and CC make it difficult for Lee Sin to use his Ultimate k effectively."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "This became beneficial if one of Shen's teammates was fed and had to be peeled for. Shen's first games are quite solid as it can make the targets rise with ease."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "From levels 9 to 13, Aatrox's abilities have a very short cooldown. At level 11, Aatrox gains access to increased damage with his Ultimate R when he puts two points into it."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "The enemy team can take advantage of Galio's inability to deal significant damage by attacking him repeatedly. Galio needs time to come online."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin has an auto that can deal a lot of damage in the mid to late game. Wait for Jhin\u2019s team to engage or when he is isolated to try and pick him off."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Before engaging with his combo, Alistar needs his team nearby and ready to follow. Alistar is vulnerable in a team fight even with tanky statistics."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "This will reduce his ability to shoot you down, damage you and win the fight. If you can't stop it quickly, you may need to flank it and attack on the side."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Stand outside the wave so it doesn't reach its w or q on you when it pushes the wave. Keep him pushed in, so it's impossible for him to wander."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Playing around his W allows him to completely dismantle enemy matchups. It can run around the windshield and save itself from a lot of damage in this way."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "During the pre-six, Malphite is quite sensitive to poke, so he will be forced to play defensively. He probably won't get any ganks either because he doesn't have his Ultimate h."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "On getting 3 points in his Ultimate ability, he will use it quite often. Team fights will be a breeze for him from now on."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Use your s to harass the enemy as much as possible before committing to the team fight. Getting them low first will make it easier for you to win the fight."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "When trying to poke, aim your abilities so they hit the minion wave and the enemy at the same time. Once they\u2019re level 6 they become stronger than you and it will be harder for you to lane against them."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Super poke throughout the game if she left for AP construction. When AD, it is really good in the extended trades thanks to its automatic attack reset."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal's W has consistent poke damage that allows him to push enemy laners out of the lane abruptly. ezreal's Q also has consistent poke damage and can be used all-in enemies once they are low enough after taking a barrage of poke."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Your W will allow you to heal many allies at the same time. Overall, you're going to help your team a lot during the fighting."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Taking down Heimerdinger's Turrets Q will be the main focus in order to poke or trade with him. When using your skills shots, aim them so they hit both Heimerdinger and his Turrets Q."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "You must continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. The more gold Yi has, the stronger he'll be."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's tankness is out of the world during this part of the game. Combined with his passive, he will be able to tank damaged for days and peel for his wagons."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Once Viktor completes its first element and improves its y, it can erase minion waves very quickly. Viktor is able to keep you pushed under your turn once it has improved its y."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Be a part of as many neutral objective fights as you can in this phase of the game. It will really help you get more objectives due to how your Ultimate works."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai is weak at the beginning of the game and can easily be killed, especially if he faces a varied enemy. Maokai's early-play opponent has to buy Grievous Wounds for him to prevent excessive healing."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "During this phase of the game, Xin will be really tanky. Xin will do a ton of damage to his enemies during this phase."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Play aggressive frequently to gain a lead. Destroying the bottom lane tower will rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "He needs good time and he needs to drop it off at the right places to get there. Rumble now has several objects at its disposal."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "That being said, the lower cooldown certainly helps. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Post 6, try to push and roll. Once your bot track has moved to the middle lane, rotate to the bot side of the map."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "If you are not close enough to your team, the enemy may force a fight or catch you out of position. In the late-game fights, look for picks with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Keep in mind that early armor will be very beneficial in this matchup. Akshan is an AD champion, so picking up the armor early will protect you from some of his damage."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Don't be afraid to look for fights once you've picked up your first item. While Azir's poke is good he is incredibly weak in the early game."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "This is beneficial for Galio. His overall damage output and survivability will be higher."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "You should ping once Senna is level 6 so your team knows she can influence a fight with her Ultimate R. The longer the game lasts, the stronger the Senna will be."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Their Ultimate offers them additional death pressure. Play smart and remember when you are weak so Sona can't use their Ultimate to run you."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "This will ensure safety and reduce your chances of dying in the way. You should split the thrust when your Ultimate R is active."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Ward big goals and place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game. Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "The rotating bomb Q has a short cooling and makes a decent amount of AOE damage. It is recommended not to stand in the minion wave to avoid taking free damage."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar is not very strong in early play. You can abuse this by dropping it and forcing it to remember early."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox will be looking to gank a lot in the early game. Keep this in mind and expect him to be all over the map."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled will have almost finished its construction. This means that Kled will be tanky, as well as flattening heavy amounts of damage."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "If you're short range, or if you have a Support who is melee, try and avoid letting him bully you down with basic attacks (and his abilities) or else you'll find it hard to pick up farm or engage."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Its effectiveness increases if it manages to find a flank on its enemies or to place its ultimate R on a group of enemies hanging together. Sion is weak early"} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Its protection potential will be out of the world, It can allow the entire team to use its capabilities properly."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Whenever Anivia has her Passive up, her ability to survive all-ins is much higher. Try to look for frequent trades while her Egg is down, and call for assistance when needed."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Post 6 it\u2019s going to be difficult for you to kill Poppy as she will probably use her Ultimate R to knock you away. Keep this in mind and hold on to any CC abilities until she starts the channel."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Monitor your positioning at all times in team fighting. Try to stay as far away as possible to increase your chances of reducing damage and surviving the team fight."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "The laning phase of Fiddlesticks is simple. Fiddlesticks is safe in lane."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "According to Malphite's construction, it can either blow up enemies on the whole map, or be a reliable linear front for its allies. Malphite's goal is to enter the enemy rear line and separate the front line from the rear line."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "she will summon voidlings to push lanes and punish enemy structures."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "The damage output of Fiddlesticks will be quite high after completing an item or two. Completing an item or two allows Fiddlesticks to win mid-game team fights."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor starts playing a little more aggressively after his power peak. Viktor's capabilities become stronger with each upgrade."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Try to help your Jungler during neutral, objective fights, especially when the Jungler is in the objective pit. Your Ultimate R will be able to cover the entirety of the pit's circumference, so it will help you disrupt enemies with ease."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "jinx needs her core items to be useful for her effectiveness. jinx's effectiveness will decrease if she runs out of mana in the lane."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Although his Ultimate allows him to steal statistics, he is still weak without articles. He can be arrested early if the enemy Jungler or Laner manages to kill him once or twice."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "As you are good at getting choices and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walk around Rift Summoners alone. After killing someone, call for a close goal."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Securing objectives will give your team an advantage. Find a healthy balance between ganking and farming your jungle."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "It's recommended to do both simultaneously. Abuse your range advantage to harass melee Supports while they're low on health, preventing them from engaging."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "a kill against jinx sets her back by miles as she is a heavy scaling ADC, and needs to farm safely. jinx does not have any form of damage during the early game."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "hwei has a lot of AOE damage and can destroy your team if he gets a good combo off in the jungle. Locking down hwei will allow you to kill him quickly."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Chase Singed frequently in this game. Singed can handle a lot of DPS even with high mobility."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Once Aurelion's Ultimate is up and he\u2019s gone, communicate with your team. Aurelion Sol has the roam advantage."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf can now reach his target without interruption. If Olaf manages to flank enemies, immobile carries will be doomed."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "If Timitvana goes for the construction of the Jungle, she can practically a-shot door if she manages to get enough dark harvest piles with her l. By launching, Timitvana can use his form to play the front line role for his team."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "But again, remaining healthy is key if you\u2019re looking to all-in someone. Once you have your Ultimate R, look for an all-in."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal is squishy and immobile when his E is down. The enemy has time to go in if you waste your E."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu's Ultimate R at level 16 is a force to count with. It will be difficult for the enemy team to eliminate Lulu's team due to the short reduction in capacity, and killing Lulu will really become next to the impossible."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "If Kayle is behind, she can use her Ultimate R on an assassin in her team so that the enemy is distracted from her presence. The Q and W allows Kayle to catch up to fleeing targets with ease."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times. Keep an eye on the main objective is fresh next. If it spawns quickly, make sure to place the vision around the lens as quickly and safely as possible before going back to safety."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Such a C E Q combo can ruin the life of the enemy. His Ultimate R allows him to cross a long distance almost immediately."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. You should play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "However, you will rely on your support to do the heavy lifting early. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Combined with more items, at level 11 Ekko will put an additional point in his Ultimate R. He will be able to look for more aggressive and risky plays."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "You should stay with your group when going into a fight. When you know where the enemy is, go towards it so you do not get picked off before an objective spawns."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand can be quite squishy and needs protection. A champion like Brand cannot withstand too much damage without being eliminated."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "It is the time to do lane swaps. Lane swaps should be easy because you need kills."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Peel for your carts in team fighting after using G. Back up and protect your allies after using g, and focus on protecting the closest champion."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench can do much more in the track while using track brushes with the level 3 power peak. However, he will not be able to use his Passive well enough with the level 3 power peak."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Playing the early game properly is crucial for this purpose. Once Hecarim hits level 3, he can start ganking the enemies blatantly."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "If Trundle falls behind early after a bad game, he will really be behind in gold and XP. Trundle must be playing early."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "If invading, just back off. This is especially true if invading ahead as early fights will not be won."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "His life theft prevents him from dying quickly. Several points in his Ultimate R will allow him to take the ultimate enemies quickly, increasing their overall efficiency, which can be very beneficial in team fighting."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric will peel successfully for its port when the capacities are maximized. Ward big goals and place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "It has two separate building paths (damage and reservoir) and each peak at different times. Fewer dominant track champions should give him some space at level 3 because Sion can do a surprising amount of damage in the right matchup."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana should try aggressive plays to gain an early health advantage. The player should be looking for constant favourable trades around Diana's Q and t once she has picked up her Mythic item."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Its e allows it to get out of sticky situations with ease When combined with its Ultimate I, its enemy can be baited to attack the clone"} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Its positioning will be very important. Twitch is really good in mid-game fights because it can overturn enemies if they're stuck together."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Get some Grievous Wounds while you're at it for maximal effectiveness. Once you get your Ultimate, you should be able to look for all-ins regularly."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian has a very strong explosion in the early game. Respect his damage and keep the trades short, keeping your distance away from him."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If someone tries to come close to her, she can just Q them and run away, If she is getting engaged upon, she can use her d and Ultimate a empowered d to both disengage and get back a lot of health."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If you've been harassed and poked down by the enemy, try to retreat. Retreat and let your Passive kick in."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Disengage is your best friend when dealing with Neeko and her Ultimate R in team fights. When Neeko walks forward, disengage as soon as possible to minimize the usefulness of her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "You should stay with your team in the late game and not split up or get away from them. If you leave your team's position, the enemy may try to withdraw or start a 4v5 fight when you are absent."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Avoid running too far when Yone uses his E because he will always return to his original place. When playing as a varied champion, try to use your range advantage to harass and push it down."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Also, having a certain Element may not be helpful in lane. If Qiyana is behind, she will not deal any damage in team fights."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Maxing capability allows Taric to excel in team fighting. Taric will peel successfully for its port when the capacities are maximized."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "The Ultimate R has a short cooldown. Once Fizz recalls and picks up his first item, he'll be able to dish out a lot of damage quite quickly."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "At this stage of the game, Teemo will also have to place them all around Invoke the Rift. Do not forget not to fight when you have been afflicted by its t."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Watch your positioning, dodge Heimerdinger's damage and don't let them abuse you for free. Heimerdinger's waveclear and burst damage is impeccable."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelyn camps will be marked by yellow guards to facilitate follow-up. Can't gank very effectively until she gets her level six."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus will have a lot of articles during this stage of the game. These objects will let him dry a lot of damage, and his potential for bursting due to his W will be phenomenal."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "To increase survival time and keep carries alive, focus on the nearest enemy champion to your carries. Working together as a team can help take down the enemy one by one and increase chances of winning."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "There's a long cooling period. Roaming during this phase would be a problem."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "AD ranged champions are very effective at killing Galio, especially after he uses his E. Galio is unable to deal significant damage to AD ranged champions"} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "If you're alone in the middle of the game, you'll be an easy target for the enemy team. Play safe and avoid being too cuckolded if you're not early."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "viktor can impact the fighting with a relative ease thanks to this peak of power. the first element will give viktor both manas and wave removal capabilities."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "It is also important to remember that nilah will hit level 6 before you. If possible, invest in an early Executioner\u2019s Calling, as it will help cut down nilah's sustain and make laning against her easier."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the final stages of the game. If you can find the opportunity to do so, use it to catch someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or away from the position."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Punish her by pushing the wave into her turret whenever she leaves the lane. One of Katarina's weaknesses is her lack of range."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Another point of its ultimate capability will allow it to use this capability frequently. It should be able to divide the thrust and secure choices quite often."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Stick with your team to reduce Camille\u2019s assassination attempts. In addition to grouping closely,"} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "When LeBlanc has her Ultimate R, she can wander. She can repeat her combo W and R to kill her laner with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. Mordekaiser will face a lot of damage due to the first ability and decimate any enemy that gets shot at him."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Continue to pick up the farm on the side lanes when there are no team fights. Look for choices with your Support/Jungler to get murders and increase your lead."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "She is an excellent team fighter, especially if she manages to get to the top of the enemies of the war fog. Flanking will help him a lot during the team fights."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Still enemies will find it difficult to take care of him. Xerath is really good at getting choices with its varied abilities."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out. Being caught will cause your team to play 4v5."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "It will also be able to treat the DPS in a consistent manner. To increase your team's chances of winning a late-game team fight, you should peel for your carts."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Reducing the utility of Master Yi early makes it weaker later. His first major power peak occurs at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate r."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Level 11 was not suitable for talijah because it can only move and play games. It will reduce cooling but do nothing else to damage. Taliyah starts coming online in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz needs to get ahead early to do well in the later stages of the game. If Fizz loses lane or doesn\u2019t have a lot of gold, Fizz will not be much of a threat in the mid-game."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "His poke damage is heinous and very strong. This allows him to force his enemy out of the way."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Back away from lane when low while Neeko has her Ultimate R up. Disengage is your best friend when dealing with Neeko and her Ultimate R in team fights."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The first damage caused by the talijah game is quite powerful, especially if it manages to land its C on the enemy. His opponents can use track brushes to catch Taliyah out of sight."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Enemy junglers can take advantage of this vulnerability by constantly ruining it and camping it. Lucian relies heavily on the articles to win the game."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Grouping helps Anivia land a 5-person t in the late game. Anivia's Ultimate ability is an AOE tool."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "This will allow you to run ganks easily and get a quick advance on the enemy. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to blow up your opposition regularly."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The Reign must be prepared to take risks and peel its allies if necessary. Stay with your team at the end of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille will want to lock down an isolated target with her Ultimate R, but by standing close together it will reduce her ability to do so. Camille will often hunt vulnerable targets who are isolated walking around the map."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "After Brand has gone in, try to counter-gank him when possible. It's easy to turn around Brand's ganks."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn can dive while sitting thanks to his E. Make sure you have your flanks watched so you can spot Kayn before he jumps on you or your team."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. When you reach level 6, ask for your Jungler's help to kill the enemy lantern."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "His Ultimate B makes him a threat during team fighting. The enemy team cannot afford to fight in closed spaces or they will certainly get shot by its Ultimate b."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Ganking in lanes that are hard to defend against can be an effective way for Nocturne to take out enemy minions and gain gold and experience points quickly. Ganking is a common strategy used by Nocturne in the early game to disrupt the enemy team's laning phase and gain an advantage."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "At level 6, Nautilus becomes very scary as his Ultimate e is point and click CC. Expect him to gank whenever his Ultimate e is up."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "At level thirteen, Jarvan's e and d will be maxed out, and he will be able to look for picks more often. The best place to do so will be in the unwarded areas of the map and in choke points."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Its ability to attack remotely will make it difficult for the enemy to approach it. The enemy team will have to invest in items that offer magical resistance to deal with the damage of the syndra."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Once Lulu has completed its first article, its protection and protection capacity will increase considerably. At this point, it will also cause a huge amount of damage in trade."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "It can easily CC high priority targets and win a team fight alone because of his AoE and Passive abilities."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Stand behind the minions but not close to them. If Karma uses her D ability, she will be vulnerable to attack."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "You need to look at your positioning and not walk too far forward just in case he uses his Ultimate R to catch you out of position. Destroy Malzahar's shield as far as possible."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Using this ability will allow you to gank a lane, push, and then attempt to take the tower with Rammus. Rammus' early game is weak."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Her d also allows her to increase the movement speed of the allied team. This can help them catch out an over extended enemy."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Once Jax gets two points in his Ultimate t (ultimate), he will become mighty during team fights. In the late game continue to split push if your team isn't at risk of dying or getting caught out."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Aurelion Sol has the roam advantage. You have little to no kill pressure on Aurelion Sol."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Whenever possible, it is best to fight in the open air. Don't regroup too closely."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "It will increase his power in lane and also make him even stronger when roaming. Participate in lane gankings to gather allies and ensure help for teammates, allowing for the destruction of squishies."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If you focus the rear line alone, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly. By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Your Ultimate R has a long range, but it may be forced to use when you are elsewhere on the map. Play around your Ultimate R and wait for one of your allies to engage with the enemy."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "You should play safe for the first few levels. It is advisable to not be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Elise plays almost like an Assassin. She wants to pick off the carries with her heavy burst damage."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Try to keep trades short- preferably around his r. Once Aphelios gets his first item, he will be very strong and sustain very well in lane."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Keep in mind that Veigar will inflict a lot of additional damage at this time. You're weaker than them when they have their Ultimate."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Although you are a very strong split pusher in the middle of the game, be prepared to regroup with your team and fight 5v5. You should usually start grouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille is good at picking off champions with her Ultimate R in the late game. The Ultimate R should have a low cooldown."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "Team fighting will be Urgot's bread and butter as it can in the front line quite efficiently while allocating tons of damage to the enemy team. He can also separate the front line of the enemy team from the rear line, denying the threat of all-in on his team."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion's E skill is very easy to get and guarantees a Q at the end of Sion, which can be of great value for setting up ganks for his Jungler. Sion's E skill allows him to install ganks for his Jungler with ease."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "After remembering, Twitch can sneak into the track with his s. Reminding, avoid pushing too far when you know that Twitch has just argued that it can appear and go for a favorable trade."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "After moving to the middle lane, turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map. Continue to grow and win XP without fighting anyone unless you have an advantage over them."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's Boots allow him to participate in Jungle's skirmishes faster than anyone else. As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you're on the move around the map, and when you're alone."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "His E allows Pantheon to avoid a lot of damage and can act as a huge factor during all-ins. That is why Pantheon can turn fights into his favour especially when he is low on health."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Secure your camps as often as possible. Kindred is a very good early game ganker once she gets her r."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "The first element increased the potential of Kled's duel, making it more powerful than it already was. The split thrust in the middle of the game is an excellent way to open the card and get a gold lead."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "When Lillia maximizes its first capacity at level 9, its train power will increase sharply. Level 6 is a good power peak for Lillia in the upper track."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "You shouldn't hunt Shaco because he can lure you into running in his Boxes or to his team. The purpose of the Shaco Support is to be a nuisance to the enemy, not to engage in a fight."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If Camille loses too much health before reaching level 3, it is guaranteed that she will look for the all-in. Whenever Camille has her E available, you need to be careful with your positioning as it provides her with an opportunity to engage if you're stood by a wall."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Its ultimate ability can completely shift the tide of a battle so left uncontrollable. Using this capability often avoids crowd control (CC)."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "This champion is a bully. Play aggressively throughout the laning phase to get murders."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's Passive can be really heinous to manage, especially when he hides in a brush and comes in and out while peeling his laner with his t and t. It is the scourge of the ADC sector because its t literally makes them miss their automatic attacks. This can reduce the efficiency of the port for some time, which gives its team some time to engage/disengage freely."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Avoid fighting until you get a favorable weapon combination. Aphelios is item reliant during the mid-game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Buffering Ezreal's E is not effective against enemies with ranged CC that can follow-up after its use. Ezreal must play more defensively when facing such opponents to avoid being caught by their CC."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Your AoE damage potential is really high and can completely wipe out a team if you're happy. Do not walk alone in the unprotected areas of the map."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is good in extended trades, so avoid going for extended trades with him. Their level 6 is stronger than yours, so be careful when fighting post 6."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Try to start fights whenever he has no Soldiers W available. After Azir hits level 6, he will have a lot more protection and can disengage quite easily thanks to his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia's damage in the late game will be truly horrific. In the late game Anivia has multiple completed items."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle is extremely dependent on teammates to shoot successful ganks that can sometimes force him to the feeding farm and be ineffective at the beginning of the game. Although he can steal statistics with his Ultimate n, Trundle is still weak without articles."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Illaoi's Q will lock you in place for a short while, which is why it is useful to use your Q to poke or farm when her Q is on cooldown or if she is out of range. illaoi absolutely decimates melee matchups, especially those who forget or are unable to get out of her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "At level eleven, Veigar will have two points in his Ultimate R. The Ultimate R massively amplifies the damage."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should\u2019ve completed an item or two. His damage output will be quite high which will allow him to win mid-game team fights."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "A good player will play around their Ultimate as often as he happens. You have to counter their pressure by doing the same."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "If she oversteps or uses her Q too aggressively lock her down and focus her in the team fight. Taking her out quickly will increase your chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "At level 9, Akali would have maximized his Q. At this stage of the game Akali will be able to clear the waves quickly and 1v1 most champions if they try to prevent him from cultivating in a side track."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce will try and delay a team fight for as long as possible so he can poke with his s and w combo. No team fights should be delayed at all costs, as Jayce is able to poke players down with his s combo."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra without his E was a very sensitive target for enemy ganks. The risk of being targeted by an enemy gank increases when it has varied CC."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "His Q is blocked by minions and his W too. Always inside or around the wave of minions so she can have trouble harassing you."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "This can lead to your most likely result if the enemy follows you after you lock. Missing E puts you in a very vulnerable position."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "She will continue to be a formidable opponent throughout the game. His ability to slow down his enemies can help him survive in the way."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "If Rumble uses his Ultimate on you, try to step back as his Jungler might try to gank. Rumble is strong in the team fights so expect him to be in a group and looking for choices with his Ultimate during the middle and end of the game."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Use your W to speed yourself up to get off a good Ultimate R. Look for picks during the mid-game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "To effectively counter Lulu, it is best to lock him up with crowd control (CC) or kill her before she has a chance to place a pupil and affect the fight. This champion is quite still and is inclined to the CC."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Take all the objectives from the map and don't do anything which may have the chance of getting you killed. Get a defensive item when possible."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Taking the Dragon is not recommended Taking the Rift Herald is not recommended"} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "After going into lane with your Ultimate R, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late-game team fights. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "As Senna will go alone in the middle of the game, you could use it to your advantage to set up an ambush and take it down. While she's dead, you could try to start a team fight with the benefit of numbers or take the Baron / Dragon."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "The first item component will help Irelia massively in this lane. It will bolster her dueling potential and increase her survivability."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko must not let them bully him down otherwise he\u2019ll fall behind in gold and XP. Common flanking spots can easily be warded by the enemy team, reducing Ekko\u2019s flanking potential."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "In a 2v2 setting, Galio\u2019s R may not provide significant damage output compared to other Supports. Galio\u2019s R is harder to use effectively during team fights due to its unique mechanics."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas' dash provides significant peel for his carries. If Gragas chooses the tanky build route, he will successfully absorb a lot of damage for his team while his team follows up on Gragas' engagement."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "If you're playing as a melee champion, try to minimize your time spent too long during the last strike or get guard-hunting batteries. Expect Senna to go for an aggressive level 1 game to get batteries."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Once Neeko hits level 6, her kill pressure intensifies. When fighting Neeko, keep in mind that she can cast her Ultimate R and deal damage and CC you."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Group and stay with your team at all times. Do not divide the thrust or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "This means that enemy squishies will be in grave danger. Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Seek picks as a team to open up the map together. Graves' first ability will be maxed out at level nine."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki should continue to delay team fights for as long as possible while harassing and poking the enemy down with her basic attacks. Corki should stick with her team in the late game, do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick her off or initiate a 4v5 fight when she's away from her team."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Once he reaches level 6, his death pressure goes up sharply. He can now use his Ultimate R for CC enemy champions."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "When Varus' Ultimate R is broken, it can easily be all-in-one by a powerful enemy lantern. If Varus falls late early, he'll fight to get back in the game,"} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand is an incredibly immobile champion. A champion who dies the most in the game is Brand."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Once you have some levels under your belt, start playing aggressive. Look for aggressive parts during this period."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "You should look at your positioning and never be directly behind a minion. Miss Fortune can melt the enemies' health bars with her t."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's all-in potential post-six is really strong. This allows Diana to burst down any squishy target she manages to land her Q on, making it very hard for the enemy squishies to push up in their lanes."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "If you can find the opportunity to do so, use it to catch someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or away from the position. Peel for your portages to keep them alive longer."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Moving enemy units into ziggs using its E can also be used to fire an escape if necessary. ziggs is a threat to remember, because a bad reminder can allow him to take the enemy tower quickly because of his passive and W."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai is good in team fights because his Ultimate R has a great area of effect. When you see it, separate or disengage immediately so that it cannot use that ability. This is a correspondence between the tank and the tank."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If Garen is going full damage, it will probably not be possible to fight him alone. Garen lacks hard CC (crowd control), making it difficult for him to engage or get onto carries in a team fight."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on to force them to over extend for farm and XP. When trying to poke, aim your abilities so they hit the minion wave and the enemy at the same time."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cass is a late-game monster. As long as she hasn\u2019t fallen behind, Cass will be incredibly strong in the late game."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "The enemies in bot and midlane will allow you to gain a significant advantage and \"snowball\" quickly. Your R Ultimate capability will allow you to make many coins around the card."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Staying hidden while grouping with your team is also advised. Getting picks or initiating an attack once the enemy walks too far forward or gets close to your team is possible."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "If Veigar's ability is reduced, it can be easily all-in-fact and killed with crowd control. Veigar takes time to come online after being killed a few times during the early game."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's R allows them to force a team fight when used in combination with Q's. Ezreal should not use their E aggressively in late game fights."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "The usefulness of her spells makes her very dominant in the way. She can cancel all this almost immediately with her W."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Shutting down or constantly invading Karthus reduces his gold income. Reducing Karthus's gold income weakens him."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Katarina\u2019s Dagger placements offer a lot of extra pressure in lane. Katarina\u2019s Dagger placements often fall in ideal places for favourable trades."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "you should do your best to be in a side lane and hunt for careless enemies who decide to cultivate the side wave."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "When you get caught, a 4v5 disadvantage will result in team fighting. Only when you know the location of the enemy to maintain security."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "If you miss your t when skirmishing with the enemy, it will be impossible for you to kill them. You should try your hardest to land your Axes t when skirmishing with the enemy."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner's team fight is phenomenal during this phase of the game. During this phase of the game, Skarner can absorb the damage while making sure that he gets crucial shots in the enemy team."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "It can quickly become more tankier or inflict more damage depending on the enemy it uses the Ultimate on. Trundle is perfect during team fighting."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "In the early game, keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will allow you to chase and all-in the enemy when they walk up to farm with your Q."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Try not to have the lane pushed against Dr Mundo because it actually benefits him. Instead, keep the wave even or closer to your side of the map so you can receive ganks."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim may try to flank in team fights so he can get on to the backline with his Ultimate t. Ward the flanks so you can spot him before he engages."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "sticking to his rear line will prevent Teemo from being killed during the team fights. Playing too much puts Teemo at risk of being killed during the team fights."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "All its additional capabilities and effects will create a raid leader, which the enemy team must defeat."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "If Malphite goes AP, there will be no enemy for most parts of the game. Malphitis is low at the beginning of the game, especially against constant damage to poke."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "This means that its damage will increase considerably, and it should have an easy time to blow up the enemies. Rengar's presence in the middle of the game is really fabulous."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Once he hits level 6, Nocturne can use his Ultimate to assassinate you or any targets if he chooses to roam. Avoid overextending if he\u2019s stronger than you at level 6."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You should keep track of enemy Flashes in order to capitalize on potential kills with your R. Your ability to control a zone/area is quite strong and almost unparalleled."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen was perfect during this stage as team fights frequently occur which gives her multiple targets to land her abilities on. As a result Gwen will dish out tons of damage while healing up during a major fight."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "All she has to do is use her multiple targets. Riven will now have his basics."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir is likely to be side by side in the team fights. Watch your flanks so you can spot him before he climbs to the top of your team."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "During a team fight, if Jax gets chain CC\u2019d, he will die before achieving something significant. The enemy can always react to Jax\u2019s plays and send someone from their team to prevent him from split pushing."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Ping as soon as Nautilus goes missing so your allies know he's missing. Nautilus champions are incredibly strong at level 2."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Always keep an eye on where Jax is at any given time. Do not let Jax take objectives and open up your base for free."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "This is highly beneficial for the enemy team Enemies can avoid his auto-attacks"} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Your Ultimate R will help you a lot during this phase of the game. Try to use it if you feel that you are about to be ruined or all-in."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game to chase and all-in the enemy when they walk up to farm with your Q. Once you're level 6, use your strength to fight the enemy and go for a kill."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "You should try to match Kha'Zix's pressure in early play by counter-ganging if you are nearby. Kha'Zix can solo goals like the Dragon or Rift Herald with ease due to its Q capacity."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "You should have an easy time using your E capability to catch out-of-guard enemies. Early deaths will come easily, focusing on the enemy and mid-lane bot because they contain squishy targets and can help with the snowball."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "He is a snowball heavy champion. He can easily get ahead just from a kill or two."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "he also has a lot of combos in his kit which makes him quite difficult to master"} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Make sure you're still behind a minion so it's harder for him to land his Q. If he's capable of landing his Q, he can look for a fight."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "It is relatively easy to evacuate and evacuate the enemy once they have done so. Your Ultimate has the potential to be a real game changer."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Look for choices with your Ultimate e. Leona can quickly force goals or team fights with ease if she can catch someone who walks too far forward."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "He should also be using the lane brushes to go for short burst trades in the lane. After the laning phase has ended, go to a different lane or stay top and just split push."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "It can use s to cut the health bar of tanks like butter. Vayne is mechanically difficult to play because an error can cause her to kill immediately."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "During the team fights, Sett will try to waltz your teammates into your team. Sett's Ultimate can make or break the game for its allies, and should be used to set up ganks on its laner."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "In the middle of the game, the goal would be to be clear and get the track priority. The mid-course position is considered better, but it is also important to participate in skirmishes."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The first game is when Twitch can use his level two gank. Level two gank is incredibly heinous for enemies in early play."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego will reach level 14 when two of his abilities are exhausted. When Viego reaches level 14, his damage release will be really high."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Once you\u2019re level 6, play around your Ultimate R Play aggressive plays around your Ultimate R"} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi can take goals like the Dragon or Rift Herald alone in early play. Keep these goals guarded so you can see Master Yi before he secures them for his team."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna will try poke as often as she can with her basic attacks and Q. Once Senna unlocks its Ultimate R, contact your team and tell them that it can have an impact on its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton has tons of support in the track thanks to his e. Additional healing will make fighting favored because it can cure some of the damage taken."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "while your E can damage the target. Getting your Ultimate R will be a massive peak in the game."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka's Ultimate 6 cooling station is important to follow as it provides superior damage. Positioning the minion wave closer to your side of the map allows for easier ganks by your Jungler and can be used for all-in-Soraka and continue them in the way."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego can completely decimate any immobile mid-laner with its boosted solo laning capability. Having 2 points in his Ultimate R will make it easier for Viego to kill his targets."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "If he's capable of landing his Q, he can look for a fight. As soon as Tahm Kench activates his Grey Health E, turn off the fight because it will offer him protection and you may be unable to kill him thanks to the health bonuses."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "In the bot track, Viktor uses track brushes for an additional effect of the darkness of the enemy tracks. For the viktor, emphasis must be placed on agriculture."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Before going in, make sure you check your surroundings as you have no escape when your E is down. She will be unable to escape if her E is down."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Post 6 should avoid fighting them at any cost because they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and will kill you easily. He's going to grow up much sooner and will apply as much pressure as possible if you don't counter it."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Mordekaiser can try to attack the side if you don't keep your flanks. If Mordekaiser misses his E in a team fight, it wouldn't be a bad time to focus him because he won't be able to shoot your team when his E is on cooldown."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "His potential for choice is incredibly strong. To achieve a huge advance in level 2 health, we need to move forward."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Make sure the enemy is infected with Blaze so it deals more damage. When Brand has hit level 3, he will be able to activate his Passive for maximum damage as he will have access to all 3 of his basic abilities."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "Draven's all-in potential should be respected and safer gameplay is recommended when low on health. He has a unique mechanic that makes him incredibly hard to master."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "This will help you to be safer. Don't exaggerate too much during the fighting because you're still."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Your clone can easily disrupt a level 6 fight. Shaco's forces at the beginning of the Top track depend on the match he is."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Stealing his camps will deny him the batteries. His ability to take Dragon is low early."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius starts to fall off in the late game but is still powerful. The fall-off of Darius is caused by other champions gaining items that counter him."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke is a decent early game champion. Pyke blows up enemies."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "This added strength can be convenient when taking neutral objectives and fighting enemies who rely on diving and locking Heimerdinger down. Heimerdinger will have many items now."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Destroy the enemy using the fog of war. masteryi will use two capabilities to increase its power during fighting."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Ping as soon as Aurelion goes missing because it is not unheard of for him to roam to bot lane at level 3. When Aurelion hits level 6, he will try and make good use of his Ultimate."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "The enemy laner can ward the river if Galio is mid lane, or lane brushes if Galio is supporting. As soon as the enemy sees Galio moving out of the lane, they will start playing safely and negate Galio's threat."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain should delay or disengage from fighting if the enemy initiates a fight while away from his team. Swain should stay with his team during the final games of the game."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "He will now be able to put his d Passive to good use, especially if he manages to catch an enemy out on his own. Jarvan IV will unlock the ability to completely separate an enemy out from their team and lock them down at level 6."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "With its strong open wave, Lissandra can easily wander in the priority of the track. Lisandra has to engage in a whole to make use of her kit."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Her enemies can look at everything in her when she misses her W. She will be more focused on getting her passive batteries in order to carry later in the game."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "The placement of your n can make or break an entire team fight with karthus. Karthus is really good during the late game."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "As soon as the enemy sees Galio moving out of the lane, they will start playing safely and negate Galio\u2019s threat. Galio's effectiveness is greatly reduced if the enemy team positions themselves correctly during a fight."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Notify your teammates beforehand as your Ultimate R can go unnoticed by them, especially in lower elos. His early game ganks are really strong as he has a lot of CC and damage reduction in his kit."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Way swaps should make it easier for you. Look for the sides of the enemy team."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Getting a defensive element should help you increase your ability to survive against damage and assassination attempts. Use your ultimate Invisibility n wisely as well as as it can bambooize enemies fairly easily if used correctly."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "It is advisable to use your E effectively. Fighting choking is crucial."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "The former will let him take part in many team fights while the latter will help him with duels. Garen's build will dictate how he plays the game out."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Combined with some articles, Shen could put extra debuffs on crazy champions with ease. Shen's Ultimate R allowed him to be the guardian of his teammates."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "An engage Support has a clear early advantage. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Unless you have an advantage, don't fight Xin Zhao in early play. Xin Zhao's 1v1 is incredibly strong thanks to its Q and E."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks is not very strong, so his job is to survive early. Fiddlesticks first power spike is when he reaches level 6."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "If Sona gets camped in the way, she can't do much. Sona has no priority in the track during the early match because her Q makes small amounts of damage."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You have a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as you can. Play safely for the first levels while launching with your Q."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Securing the objectives in these situations will be very difficult for the enemy team due to Vel'koz's powerful poke. Velkoz's poke can be difficult to handle."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Refusing Master Yi's gold, XP and resources will make it less effective. If you want to fight him, you must first bait his Q."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "His damage output will be quite high which can allow him to win mid-game team fights. In the mid-game, teams start to group."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm has to make sure he activates his E mid-fight. Activating E too late is useless because the enemy is going to disengage, and you're going to waste the shield."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "The first item component will help Irelia massively in this lane. It will bolster her dueling potential and increase her survivability."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "It can be quite strong or very weak. At level 6, Shyvanaa will unlock its Dragon t shape."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "That, combined with her W will allow her to provide some utility to her team. Quinn hits level 6."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Falling back in gold and XP can make Kennen less effective in team fighting. Flank during team fighting to avoid enemy poke damage."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Now, she can also use her liabilities to the maximum of potential. The main weakness of support is to be quite vulnerable when you go to goals or move around the map alone."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Flank in the team fights for easy access to the enemy backline. Make sure you are close to your team at all times to get into the fight quickly."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Singing is really good in the middle of the game because it can pull a lot of pressure. At this point, Singed will have a lot of damage and will be super tanky and fast."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "If Velkoz doesn't know where the enemy Jungler is, he'll be killed by the enemy team. Velkoz's E is his only source of self-peel."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Try to position yourself so you're still behind 1 minion so it's impossible for him to land his s on you. Amumu's team has a strong presence in the fighting."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath is good in team fighting as long as he is capable of poke and stalking with p before a fight begins. He is not very good in team fighting if he is unable to poke in advance."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao will be very strong once he's finished Trinity Force and his juggling. Avoid fighting Xin Zhao if you meet him alone at this stage of the game, especially after unlocking his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "It's really useful for Kayn because it's her primary damage capacity. It will allow him to flatten a lot of damage and kill the squishies and tanks (according to his form)."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Yone's Ultimate R doesn't have much width, which makes it easy for enemies to get away from the range. This requires Yone to get closer to the enemy team, putting him in a vulnerable position."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "If Rek\u2019Sai goes full damage, she will be very squishy. If Rek\u2019Sai is very squishy, she can die easily in team fights."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "At level 3, LeBlanc has a significant advantage over opponents. Her ability to wander and kill easily makes her a formidable opponent."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It will also throw out more capabilities with this article. Try to counter the gank and get murders in different parts of the map."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's Ultimate R is in place when he gets split by pushing. Make sure someone can match Shen in the way so that he can't divide the thrust freely."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "A ganker can perform his job easily if he is close enough. All the ganker needs to do is use his e to CC the target."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "You should always roam around and try to get picks when possible, which will help you get ahead and make team fights unfavorable for the enemy. It is generally not a good idea to show yourself immediately during team fights."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "The fact that Fiora's W can also negate Ignite tick damage can be devastating for her enemies. When used properly, Fiora's W can even counter enemy CC and turn the tables on her opponents."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Before starting ganking, power farm as many levels as possible under your belt. Gank overextended enemies and get kills for you and your teammates."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Do not stay in the mid lane if you cannot accomplish anything. Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easier."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Level 6 is a massive power peak for Maokai. Maokai can use his Ultimate R out of sight."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is mechanically a very difficult champion. He is easy to pick up but hard to master."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "You will force him to extend the farm by keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. The wave of minions"} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "When xerath's 2 is on cooldown, trade with him. When the r of xerath is on cooldown, trade with him."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista brings a significant amount of power while taking neutral objectives. The chances of the enemy team securing the Dragon or Baron are reduced by Kalista's presence."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "You can delay Aumu's power peak by invading him early. Once Amumu gets tons of cooling reduction, its Ultimate will be there on a shorter cooling."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Trundle can easily kill you on Level 2 with his Pillar e. Don't walk too far forward."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "It is crucial that a team takes objectives whenever possible to gain a lead. Once Ekko goes in, he has very little left to offer as a counter-ganker."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax will get stronger and stronger as the game goes along. You should keep an eye on Jax at all times because he will look to split push and take objectives quickly."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Avoid being within reach to reduce all-in. Poke when it is outside the early minion wave but hit it with abilities when you have the first element."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Her core items will be complete, her ability to one-shot squishy carries will be really high,"} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Her survivability in the mid-game is incredibly poor. At level 9, Caitlyn will max her Q at level 9. The maximum level of Q is reached at level 9."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "make life miserable for the enemy team. However, this helps Zilean significantly when it comes to champions who have"} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "You'll have a ton of damage in this phase of the game. Use your E more liberally to get murders from now on."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "At level 6, Swain's production and survival are increasing. You should not engage in a fight with Swain unless you can bring it down quickly because its Ultimate R will offer it additional protection and health regeneration."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You can cross very quickly because of your Passive, making use of it. Pull the pressure while your team tries to besiege targets elsewhere to open the map."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "If you keep pushing when you're not ahead, you'll be unable to bring down the enemy and you'll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler. To split the thrust in the middle of the game, try to secure the secondary goals."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "He can easily make it target one enemy and allow his team to collapse on them. Keep looking for picks with your Q and R."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "The primary goal for kassadin in the early game is to focus on power farming. Minimizing trading should be a priority until kassadin reaches level 6."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "A good time to use it is before a great Smite fight. During team fighting, always stay with your backline."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Twitch's early play is strong because he can shoot down the enemies with his e while slowing them down with his k. The track brushes help Twitch a lot."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Unlocking Fiddlesticks' Ultimate R offers him extra kill pressure in lane and will allow him to start looking for aggressive plays. After Fiddlesticks has completed his first component item, he will be a little stronger and can start to trade more aggressively with the enemy."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim is a good skirmisher, so you should try to increase your lead by fighting often. Play around your Ultimate t."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Once Seraphine has finished her first article, her Q damage will increase and her threat to kill too. Being hit by Seraphine's Q will be detrimental."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "It is recommended to reduce Graves' gold income by matching his pushing power and avoiding death during the laning phase. You need time to come online and focus on getting gold and XP from farming."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "His E, (Sejuani's capabilities), allows him to inflict damage and control zones. Sejuani's Passive allows him to take a lot of damage from neutral lenses."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "It can quickly become more tankier or inflict more damage depending on the enemy it uses the Ultimate on. Trundle is perfect during team fighting."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "The way will be constantly controlled by Anivia when she pushes the enemy into it with her Ultimate. When Anivia's Passive breaks down, it's incredibly vulnerable to an all-in-one."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Play aggressively throughout the laning phase to get murders. If you can get a murder or two, you can snowball your advance quickly."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "The component will now let him make the enemy recall abruptly quite often. Gnar is relatively weaker early on because he doesn't have his Ultimate R available."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Depending on its construction, it will be really strong and can inflict a ton of damage in a fight. At the end of the game, Zeri should be almost complete."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "But that doesn't mean landing a cheeky t will not be impactful. Anivia's kill pressure increases when she completes her first component item."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Avoid regrouping too closely if the enemy has several knock-ups because Yasuo can get a very good Ultimate Roff. Regrouping but not standing on each other reduces the efficiency of Yasuo's Ultimate R."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well. In team fighting, continue to focus the most squishi and the easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "In team fights, try to block Urgot's engagement and R for your poor teammates. Urgot will waste his cooldown on your teammate if he misses in the team fights."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Skarner is a good counter ganker. jax's scaling is unparalleled and he does really well in duels due to his E and Q."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "At level 9, Jarvan will get his first ability maxed out. This will give Jarvan a massive damage boost."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "His Ultimate e heavily increases his 1v1 and skirmishing power and he will be a huge threat at this time. After he has completed his first component item, Darius\u2019 trading and kill pressure further increases."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "War objects should be placed in places where enemy movements around the map can be observed. Avoid moving alone on the map as it puts the entire team at a disadvantage."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "That's because your AoE capabilities will completely dismantle the enemy team. Your Ultimate R will help you a lot during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle's Ultimate R will see her be the most powerful she can be in the game. Proper positioning by Kayle will allow her to slice through the enemy team."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "His burst damage will likely be extremely deadly and capable of taking out enemies with minimal effort. Pyke's first ability will reach level 9, making it capable of dealing significant damage to squishy carries who are not well-positioned."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Group with your teammates and look for siege objectives together. Seek picks as a team to open up the map together."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "This is mainly because Yone can easily remove enemies during this game phase, especially from the fog of war. At level 9, Yone will have its first capacity to the maximum."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco can use their clone to separate the enemy front line from the front line in team fighting. Shaco's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Stand by the wave so you can run inside to avoid its E. Ahri is incredibly vulnerable when her Ultimate broke down."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Post level 6, respect Tibbers R and her stun. Annie is prone to poke even though her E offers her some protection in trades."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar will have a lot of articles during this phase of the game, which allows him to flatten a lot of damage if he manages to catch an enemy Level 16 is a massive power peak, which means Rengar can completely decimate enemies that are identified"} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "You are a game very early Jungler, so be careful to enjoy this step. Safe goals as often as possible to give your team an advantage throughout the game."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Avoid detaching from your ADC when the capacity of Zyra (Grasping Roots) is increasing, as it can interrupt your W (You and Me!). Being caught without your W can leave you vulnerable and likely to be eliminated."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Search for extended trades and continue to attack it automatically as much as possible. Go for an aggressive level 2 game with your W."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Place vision in high traffic areas in the late stages of the game, keeping them warded so you can see the enemy move around the map and see them starting the objective. Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so you do not get caught out."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "However, it is also important not to be too close to the minions in this matchup. Malzahar's ultimate capacity has a specific cooling period that needs to be monitored and maintained"} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Given your ability to choose lanes, safety choices should be relatively simple due to frequent changes in enemy crew track allocation. When considering a general assault, prioritize the safety protection of your teammates."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Keep a constant eye on the next main spawning target. You should not divide the thrust when a major target is up or about to spawn."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Securing choices during this step will facilitate the achievement of neutral goals by your team. During the fighting, always try to reach the enemy backline by flanking them out of sight."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "As soon as Quinn hits level 6 and goes missing, communicate with your team so they know she is left lane. Quinn has completed her first item, and her kill pressure intensifies."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Team fighting was delayed as long as possible to allow the player to continue harassing the enemy. At level 11 Zilean will be very difficult to manage."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure to continue farming! As a Jungler, you need to try and secure every Drake during the mid-game."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Look for choices with your abilities. Choosing someone and then collapsing on them to shoot them down is a great way to win a team fight and end the game."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Avoid trading with the enemy if possible, even though you have good sustain. Cho'Gath can trade effectively with the enemy after he has put multiple points in his s."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves has items that will give him a lot of kill pressure during the mid-game. His e and e abilities will let him catch enemies off-guard."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Whenever Renekton's abilities are down, he is unable to trade effectively. Renekton needs to play around his Fury bar to maximize damage during trades."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana will pretty much be full build during this phase of the game. This means that her damage output will be phenomenal."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana will have most of her abilities maxed during this phase of the game. Qiyana's damage output will be massive when her abilities are maxed."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "You should always take a look at your resource bar before trying an all-in because it uses energy. Keep track of the enemy Jungler from the beginning of the game as he will try to camp your way until you touch level 6."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Nilah's second power spike happens when she reaches level 6. Nilah usually hits level 6 before the enemy in lane, so consider this when both are at level 5."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, move to a side lane and focus on farming and earning XP and gold. In team fights, try to flank the enemy."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "In particular, she can ambush the enemy Support as they try to ward upcoming objectives. Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "It is generally advisable to perform any desired transformation for Kayn as quickly as possible. You should prioritize getting your transformation as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean will now have several articles, which will allow him to do a lot of damage. He will frequently use his Ultimate capability. At level 11, Zilean will have two points in its Ultimate ability."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "On the other hand, if he goes for the bruiser build, he will be more dependent on the fog of war to catch enemies off guard and pick vital enemy carries. When no team fights are occurring, split push and draw the enemies attention to you while your team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "His healing and shielding will be heinous in team fighting. Get a form of healing reduction to make it less powerful."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Standing near the wall allows him to install his Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar. When Trundle activates his n, step back immediately."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Her tankiness will be phenomenal during this phase of the game. She can keep soaking damage and act as a reliable frontline for her team in fights."} -{"label": "udyr", "text": "Udyr can take Dragons early quite easily, especially if the enemy team has no vision on it. Udyr has massive selection potential in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "This is mainly because the scrambled fighting allows Vel'Koz to hit several targets with its capabilities and procedures. Winning 2 points in his Ultimate R at level 11 will be another important power peak for Vel'Koz."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "If your team is behind, it will be harder to win with Janna. Janna will gain a huge advantage when she gets her boots."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "Khazix can guarantee goals so much easier than you can. Keep khazix guarded to spot it before it can secure the lens."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "When Jhin gets 100% crit damage, his trading power will increase dramatically. Always keep an eye on what items he currently has."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "It is essential to investigate the movements and positions of the enemy when it comes to countering the movement. Flying camps away from your opponent can gain you an advantage in gold and experience."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Play pantheon in a passive lane. At level 6, pantheon gets a massive power spike."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "His W allows him to engage champions with ease. This is really beneficial if he can land it from out of vision and then use his E to dash into the W circle to guarantee the stun."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "If Swain gets caught or is not present when the enemy launches a fight, his team risks losing. Swain can launch and delay team fights by harassing the enemy with his abilities while his team gets their low champion."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Without his Ultimate, Master Yi is rather weak. Yi will seek to reach level 6 as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench can use his Ultimate r to protect an ally or catch someone out of position. It is crucial to consider this in a fight."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you\u2019re away from your team."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner is subject to CC (crowd control) and can be locked quite easily. It can be difficult for Skarner to engage and be useful when it is interrupted easily."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's card should be filled with its ultimate t-traps. The t-traps on the map not only cause damage, but also provide a vision of an area until they explode or disappear."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "At the third level, Tahm Kench is another important power peak as it has access to its basic capabilities. Level 3 gives Tahm Kench much more potential in play using lane brushes and its capabilities."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "This means that her damage output, as well as her defensive ability, will be really high. At level 13, Kai'Sa will have two abilities wholly maxed out."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "You should invest in an item that inflicts grievous wounds on Dr Mundo. An item that deals grievous damage can be used to reduce Dr Mundo's healing."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ensure you\u2019re always stood behind the minion wave at all times. In team fights, you mustn\u2019t let Ezreal poke you down before you get the chance to engage."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "A Level 11 allows Lulu to effectively use his Ultimate R with two points. Lulu's effectiveness in team fighting really comes into play during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "The optimal level for Akshan is level 6, because it unlocks its Ultimate and provides it with the means to secure the murders and execute the enemy lantern. During the middle game, make sure you're not ADC'ing systematically."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Fighting around Poppy's Ultimate R is a good way of winning team fights. She will knock back the frontline and then engage on to the carries while the frontline is missing. Try to dodge Poppy's Ultimate R, or use CC abilities on her so her channel is interrupted."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's first element will give him a lot of apparent wave and damage. Syndra's first element will also give him a lot of mana to throw away his abilities frequently."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Focus on agriculture early if you can't get yourself killed. Try to bring her down often: whenever she uses her Q, try to use yours."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Look to play aggressive and fight the enemy whenever possible. Thanks to his t slow, he can easily chase down any laner or any champion he comes into contact with."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Ignoring Gwen's Passive can lead to missed damage opportunities. Playing around Gwen's Q is also crucial in mid-game fights, as it amplifies her attack damage."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "It is weak in the very early lancing phase. Its level 6 power peak is quite powerful."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Bel'Veth is a weak champion."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "This increase in damage will simultaneously reduce the cooldown of that ability. The reduced cooldown of the Ultimate m will allow Jarvan to look for picks more often."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "When playing against Ezreal, always maintain a minion between you and Ezreal."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Once Kai'Sa gets three points in her Ultimate R, she will have a massive shield. She will have many upgraded abilities during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "You have a lot of poke, so try to poke the enemy down as often as you can. Play safe for the first few levels while you land poke on the enemy with your d."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar gets an object and his ability to push the wave becomes heinous. Try your toughest to push back the wave as much as possible so it can't wander for free, or take your turn early."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "The first element will significantly increase Miss Fortune's duo potential. Its ability to reduce the damage in the track will also skyrocket during this period."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "The evolution of Q gives Kha'Zix a massive increase in damage. The evolution of E or R allows more efficient ganks."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "being aggressive on the track means trying to repel the enemy with your t and t during the laning phase, the enemy is the champion of the opposing team,"} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "The player should focus on getting the tear as quickly as possible. Anivia relies heavily on the mana throughout all stages of the game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai should be able to take a lot of fights during this phase of the game. Your main goal in the middle of the game is to seek as many choices as possible."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah can't do much once CC'd and Deleted at the same time. Remember that Taliyah will certainly get a defensive element to counter your damage and everything."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "If they invade you, be ready to fight, but only do so if your passive is piled up and you can win, if not just step back. Pantheon's Ultimate is stronger when it's standing."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Avoid regrouping when your Ultimate R is down. Team up with your team when your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu has access to all its capabilities at Level 3. It can defend its CDA as required at Level 3."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Avoid moving around the map alone so you do not get caught out. Getting caught out will result in your team having to play 4v5."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "This will allow him to inflict a lot of damage in the fighting where the enemy team is grouped or afflicted by its Ultimate R. Its ultimate R will have two points, one being on increasing damage to enemies while using it frequently."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu was really bad against disengage champions. Disengage and CC (crowd control) can also interrupt his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "This component of the article will allow Twisted Fate to move fairly easily. The twisted destiny is fragile before level 6."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "When Malphite reaches level 6, it has its ultimate ability. Malphite's death threat in the way increases with level 6 and its Ultimate."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Post-six, Kassadin can start avoiding ganks and roaming around to try and get kills. Kassadin has excellent burst damage potential against a mispositioned enemy."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. After getting the first element, start pushing more aggressively."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick can solo goals in early play with ease. If there are no opportunities for Warwick, he could try to take the Dragon instead."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "When the r of xerath is on cooldown, trade with him. If xerath does not have any of these capabilities, he is vulnerable to attack."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Viktor's early play is terrible and he should avoid fighting for longer periods during this phase. Fighting for longer periods in Viktor's early play can lead to poor performance."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine's E capability can CC multiple targets and should be chained with R for more effective results. Fighting around closed spaces will be advantageous because Seraphine can easily target several champions."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Avoid standing up to the upper side of the track if Saplings E are there. If the Saplings E are close, walk to them before you flee."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Irelia's E is difficult to dodge, making it easier to catch her off guard if you time your attacks right Irelia is very strong when she has her Passive fully stacked."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "By playing melee champions, don't let Lulu intimidate you with automatic attacks. Step back so she can't attack you automatically when you don't want to commit."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Look for jobs extended early in a game. The damage of the Twitches in the early game is pretty strong if it can get a long trade extended down."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Her trading power increases dramatically when Gwen unlocks her Ultimate R. Extended trades will always work in her favour."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "At level 6, Ekko becomes an incredible threat. He can go for risky plays and use his Ultimate R to escape."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "As Teemo is divided by pushing or moving away from his team during the fighting, you can use the numerical advantage to force a 4v4 or 5v4 fight. You should keep an eye on Teemo and be ready to turn if he gets closer to your turn."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "She can both poke enemies down and protect allies with her d. Her team fighting is excellent, and she can run down enemies with ease."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Keeping CDA alive for as long as possible is crucial. Provide shields to CDA whenever they need them."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "The output of Xerath's damage will increase with the articles. Other points of Xerath's p will result in further damage to enemy targets."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Both Akali's E and Ultimate offer tons of off-the-shelf potential. You can often escape ganks or shoot them easily if Akali is able to play it slowly and wait for the perfect opportunity to fight or escape."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves will have a lot of kill pressure during the mid-game due to his items. Graves' e will let him catch enemies off-guard."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Obtaining the first component item will enhance Nilah's trading power and make her stronger in skirmishes. Nilah's auto-attacks and enhanced auto-attack abilities are blocked by Her W."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Be prepared for Pantheon to play aggressive and go for kills. Play pantheon in a passive lane."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Your viktor champion is weak at the beginning of the game. Agriculture should be a priority rather than fighting with enemies until the viktor has an object behind them."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion's Ultimate R skill allows him to install ganks on other tracks. No one suspects Zion to use his Ultimate R from the base down or midway."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one. Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "If you're a champion, make sure you invest in a QSS so you can get out of its Ultimate R. After level 6, you will need to use the brushes and your d to let Mordekaiser in poor health for an all-in with your h."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "You should apply as much pressure as possible to match his first ganks. Viego can steal the lives of his enemies that allow him to escape danger."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Going for regular short burst trades using the lane brushes will help him a lot. Level 6 is a decent power spike as it will increase his survivability during fights."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "As you are good at getting choices and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walk around Rift Summoners alone. After killing someone, call for a close goal."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Kog'Maw is very squishy and can be quickly killed at the end of the game by assassins or enemies with tons of CC. He'll have to count on his team to help him survive."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "She is as long as she hasn\u2019t fallen behind, she will be incredibly strong in the late game. At level 13, Cass max out her Q."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius can 1v1 most enemy Junglers at this time. Darius is not an assassin."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo should secure the catch and blow the enemies with its capabilities or shared thrust until the enemy responds. Peel for your carts in the team fights at the end of the game to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you won't be able to win the fight alone."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "It is essential to follow Zyra Ultimate cooldown post 6. The moment of search for Zyra's Ultimate 6 cooling station will avoid being caught by its superior damage."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "You shouldn\u2019t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage. An engage Support has a clear early advantage."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "She will be limited on how and when she can use her Ultimate. For example, Ahri may have to wait for the enemy to use their CC tool before using her E aggressively."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Poking down the player is hard if they are far away from Bard's basic attacks. Harass Bard by walking forward and last hitting minions, but return back to safety afterwards."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "She won't be able to escape out this way. Play around your Passive at any given moment."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Don't put yourself too far forward as this will allow Veigar to catch up with his n and start a team fight. Locking Veigar with CC is the best way to deal with him in team fighting."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Range advantage or poke makes it difficult for Darius to engage enemies and kill them. As the game progresses to the late stages, Darius's strengths become weaknesses."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra has an excellent configuration with its combo Q and E Don't let Syndra shoot you before a team fight happens"} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Look for favourable trades whenever Aurelion Sol misses its Q cooldown. Don't all in Aurelion at level 1 when he has Corrupting Potions."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "You should reach Level 3 as soon as possible. Once your Ultimate capability has been acquired, you must start shredding the river and neutral, objective pit inputs with traps."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Using your Ultimate ability regularly ensures you can help your teammates. You should use your e in clumped fights to win."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Team fights will be really useful with Karma due to her d. Karma will have two of her abilities maxed out at level 13, giving her a huge damage boost."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Stay outside the minion wave at all times. They will try to push, and by standing out of the wave, you force them to choose between using the mana on the wave or you."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "It is incredibly beneficial when the main goal is to separate out a single target and get rid of them quickly. At level 9, Jarvan will get his first ability maxed out."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, split push and draw the enemies attention to yourself while your team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map. You should continue to farm during the mid-game to upgrade your Ultimate R and earn more gold."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Assassinating targets increases chances of snowballing to win. Avoid fighting in the early game to come online and focus on farming."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Sivir can do a lot of damage with his Q. Level 6 is a massive peak for Sivir as it allows its team to collapse on targets."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She should try to fight as much as possible during this phase of the game. Her win condition will be getting off massive Ultimate Rs off on the enemy team."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "It is essential to strike a balance between allies, the agricultural jungle and security objectives. Be aware that constant ganking can cause you to fall behind in XP gain."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "It will be easier for him to trade right now. When his Ultimate is in place, K'Sante is stronger and harder to fight."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Core item equipment is beneficial for Galio and his team. Beneficial equipment results in higher overall damage output and survivability for Galio."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Blind multiple people with your Q, as this ability does a lot of damage and allows you to burst down the enemy. Participate in daredevil flanks on the enemy backline using Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Try to get the goals before Rumble has the opportunity to take them on his own. When fighting Rumble in a 1v1, make sure you avoid his e.S. that the slow and the damage they inflict can be paralysing and cost you the fight."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "At level 3, Zilean will have access to all its capabilities. This will allow Zilean to play aggressively as well as poke the enemy ruthlessly in the way."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "This means he can deal a massive amount of burst damage to any enemy he gets too close to. Pantheon is quite potent during the mid-game."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn. Since Teemo can't use his blinding ability effectively against you, he has very few things he can do in this matchup."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Avoid crossing the river if it is not monitored. Keep a constant eye on the map and don't put yourself in the same area as Zed if you don't know exactly where it is."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Try to poke Diana down before she engages to make it really hard for her to engage and kill anybody. Diana's engage is pretty scripted."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Your first power spike is at level 3, where you can access all your basic abilities. At level 6, the player will unlock their Ultimate."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "A good vision can ruin his chances of being able to flank the enemy team of his E. He won't be able to strike a fight effectively when he won't be able to flank the enemy team."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "He can try to invade the enemy's Jungle along with his Jungler and see if he can get some picks there. His all-in potential will be pretty potent during clumped fights as well."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus can now all-in the enemy blatantly and come out of the engage after taking no damage in return. When Nautilus reaches level six, he will be extremely powerful and require careful play from his opponent."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This will allow him to use capacity frequently, giving him a global advantage during the fighting. Xin will have a maximum of two of its capabilities per level 14."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Peel for your team in team fights. Keeping them alive and using your E to protect and keep them alive is important."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This will allow your team to exploit and secure easy deaths on the enemy, especially around choking points. Maintain a constant movement while looking for opportunities with your Jungler."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9, which will give it a huge boost and allow it to easily explode unique targets. Sylas is quite decent in a team fight, especially if he gets an ultimate based on the AoE of the enemy team."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Make sure you have it warded at all times as Kalista can take it quite easily thanks to her r. Your goal early is to keep poking them down."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "The level 6 of talijah is a small peak that allows it to ride and make plays but does not provide any additional benefits. talijah will still need to land its basic capabilities to suffer damage with level 6."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "If you can, try to keep the goals monitored at all times if you are not able to take it yourself. Continuing to pick up and secure the jungle camps is crucial because a Jungler doesn't fall behind in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora can be CC'd to oblivion if she dives into the enemy team after using her W. Fiora's opponent can prevent her from proc'ing her Passive by blocking the direction of Vital during laning phase."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Make sure you stand in an appropriate position so you can avoid it. You should not stay too far forward or too far backwards. Once Morgana has gone fishing with her Q, she is relatively defenseless on which you can capitalize."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Focus on farming so you can hit your first major power spike when Evelynn reaches level 6. Unlocking Evelynn's Ultimate R is very important and will allow her to start ganking once it is unlocked at level 6."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "They can guarantee goals much easier than you. Keep them where they are before they can reach the goal."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Picking off Hwei can enable your team to get the Baron or another major objective. Hwei isn\u2019t the strongest early-game champion."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "He could walk away pretty fast with his E and help his other scumbags. Kayn is qualified for roaming due to his ability to move quickly around the map with his E."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's W capability is its only form of damage mitigation. Sett's capabilities are vulnerable when used against a varied range."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "It will stun the enemy for a long period of time. It will be on a short cooldown and have the potential to win her team the game."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Cancel or interrupt Nunu's R to avoid damage. If interrupting early, Nunu's R will not deal a lot of damage and could save lives."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "However, Nasus should always focus on agriculture and the stacking of its Q. It is important to focus on the acquisition of batteries in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox's ultimate capacity will allow it to inflict a ton of damage when it is used effectively In the later parts of the game, stay with your team and look for choices."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "To facilitate the murder of Soraka, try to flank your side rather than run straight to it in a team fight. Consider investing in healing reduction elements or capabilities to counter Soraka's support."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "This will allow him to inflict massive damage in a concise period while healing several allies during the fighting. She's gonna have her essentials finished by then."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Playing around Fiora's W is a focal point of the lane. Baiting it out before all-inning her to prevent her from neglecting your CC."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis can begin to be more aggressive after reaching level 6 and have its Ultimate ability. Team fighting is where Malphite excels because of its Ultimate capability which is an AOE capability that can cause several people to fall."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's first ability will kill his enemies quickly. Teemo is not remarkable in team fighting."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "If Darius gained a slight lead in the early game, he will be tough to handle in the mid-game. Darius should be able to kill any enemy who tries to prevent him from split pushing at that stage."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Her W enables Gwen to withstand significant amounts of damage. Her E lets her reposition quite quickly."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Lane brushes help a lot with Yasuo's power peak. Yasuo's power peak in the middle of the game depends on the team's comp."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong excels in extended trades with its s and k. He's a very strong duelist in the laning phase."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon will fall during the later parts of the game because the enemy will build defensive objects and be grouped together. He will have to carefully choose his moments and targets."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Once you've managed to do this, start gaunting the tracks tirelessly. This should be pretty easy to run on pushed enemies. You'll want to take early gambling duels and see if you can quickly invade and get murders."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali is capable of all squissy champions at level 6 because she gets tons of mobility and damage thanks to her Ultimate. If Akali wasn't aggressive before Level 6, expect her to do so once she's reached the level."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Avoid regrouping and fighting in the jungle as this will allow Sion to get a very good result with his Q or get a very good Ultimate Roff. Group together, but don't stand on each other, so he's capable of getting a multi-person knockup."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Its damage production will also be reduced. At level 6, Vex will unlock his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Despite having a lot to offer, she really needs that Attack speed to come online and if she gets put too far behind before she can get those few core items, she may never be able to recover. Bel\u2019Veth relies heavily on her Q, her passive and her auto attacks to deal the majority of her damage"} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "The basic elements will make your Q strike very efficiently. You must use your Q regularly with loaded attacks."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "If you have the range advantage, try to poke and harass him as much as possible to prevent him from looking for the all-in. This will also force him to burn through his potions quickly."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "This will block Ashe's Volley y damage for you. Ashe is much stronger in long skirmishes because it allows her to activate her Q in the trade."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco's main goal during this phase of the game is to roam and kill as many squishes as possible. Shaco is an expert in enemy selection during this phase of the game because"} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand's second power spike is triggered when he unlocks his Ultimate R. This unlock triggers a lot of additional damage for Brand and allows him to blow up the enemy Mid laner if he has previously landed some poke down on them."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "However, the second part of the exercise (doing beyond death R) can be refused by using QSS just prior to its execution. Urgot is good at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Tarics are usually running out of mana incredibly fast. Keep an eye on your mana bar when you're without your blue buff."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "Try to obtain mid priority with your team before you take any kind of objective. You don't want to be in the side lanes unless it is completely pushed into your tower else you will get caught out easily and will get killed immediately."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "He's really great in the middle of the game because he can get a lot of choices now. He should be able to ruin the lives of the enemy squishy door whenever possible."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "By forcing Kayle to overextend for farm, you can play aggressively and try to all-in her while she tries to last hit. Kayle's weakness in the early game will reduce her ability to carry later on in the game if she is put behind in the early game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Lulu's overall strength makes her an adversary hard to beat. She will continue to be a formidable opponent throughout the game."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9. He will be able to use his abilities quite frequently."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twisted Fate will be looking for selections with his Ultimate in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin's 4th shot hits very hard. The phase of the game where Jhin has maxed out his Ultimate R will be dangerous for squishy targets."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia needs to invest in the mana early so she can easily grow. You can take advantage of it by using your initial advantage to earn jobs and earn a healthy lead."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Her Q will help her take out at least one target. She should try to find a position where she can initiate a team fight."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "It also helps in neutral and objective battles. The first element increases its damage and allows it to use its capabilities a little more frequently."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's ultimate had increased the death pressure to level 6; the player had to remember if he was weak in health. Syndra was described as being very motionless."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "He has a truckload of items, His barrels can legitimately one-shot someone,"} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "If they die at the beginning, you will not be able to win the fight alone. Stick with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax is excellent during the mid-game. Jax can look for picks when he has his core items."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Avoid getting poked out in this matchup. Watch out for barrells in the brushes as well."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's ultimate ability can impact a fight. Gangplank is weak in the early game."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "The effectiveness of Lisandra's poke and her abilities is diminished when she is late in a team fight. The Lisandra kit may not be enough to overcome the drawbacks that come with being behind in a game."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "His Ultimate blows up enemies with the Ultimate alone. Cooling of capacity will be negligible at level 16."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "He can set up death brushes in the Jungle. Pantheon is pretty tanky in the late game."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "This means that he can both act as a hirer and a peeler for his team. At level 14, two of its capabilities will be completely exceeded."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo will place tons of mushrooms around targets and in areas of great circulation. You should buy control guards."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "You can look at 1v1 any enemy trying to stop you. Look for frequent trades with the enemy throughout the laning phase."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "He is really good at starting skirmishes and picking off weak and immobile champions. Keep this in mind and avoid walking around the map alone."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Before looking for an all-in, make sure Darius is below 50% health by poking him down with your Q. If Darius is above 50% health, do not bother aggressively trading."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "They're going to gank you when you get to level six. You should push the wave of the minion."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Graves will look to abuse 1v1 fights in the jungle. Make sure you ward the river."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "This makes AD build a less optimal choice for players who want to use its Ultimate there effectively. Keep hitting enemies with your e for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar is extremely powerful when fighting in closed spaces. It can easily land its e and r on several targets while the crowd controls them with its n."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce is weak early on and relies on his w > s combo to poke enemies out before going for a kill, allowing him to garner a lead and burst down the enemy once they are low enough. The use of lane brushes is essential to ensure swift domination of the lane."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Boots are a major power spike that allows Rell to roam easily and stick to enemies with ease. The Boots allow Rell to quickly reach Jungle skirmishes."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "If she is not using it in her own lane she might try to secure kills with it in other lanes with it. If you see her use her Ultimate R and it\u2019s headed topside ping your team."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger will have many items now. His abilities can easily one-shot enemies if they are not careful or if Heimerdinger sets a death brush somewhere."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "You\u2019ll have a harder time dodging Hook b if you\u2019re using dash or dodge while Blitzcrank\u2019s b is off. If you\u2019re squishy, lacking Flash, or lacking dash, avoid unnecessary danger."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The monkeying is a champion who is considered a bully early in the game. A bully in early play is aggressive throughout the laning phase to get murders."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Place the vision in unusual places outside the river. This will help you locate Skarner before he can use his E."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear is a very strong laner. Expect Volibear to play aggressive in attempts to get an early lead on you."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Your main objective during the fighting will be to achieve the highest priority enemy target. Playing around the vision is really important to achieve this goal."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen can deal a lot of damage very quickly with a fully stacked Q. When Gwen has max stacks, look for trades."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Counter-ganking is recommended as Diana has nothing to offer once she has blown her Ultimate R or Q. Diana will be ganking a lot early."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "This is a crucial power peak for the output of damage and duel capacity of Xin Zhao. Xin Zhao excels in team fighting because of her kit."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "After obtaining the first component, aggressive gameplay becomes crucial for optimal performance. Rumble is a strong champion in terms of early game skirmish abilities."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Buy items that will make it less likely that he can shoot you with his Ultimate R. Keeping as far back as possible will also reduce its chances of using it on you."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "You should prioritize getting your transformation as quickly as possible. To achieve this, we must engage in frequent battles."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "zilean's p allows it to guarantee a Q W Q hit on a specified target, which can be very beneficial in setting up a deathbrush before a major objective fight. Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "You should not be stingy with the use of your capabilities that your energy regenerates quickly enough. Lee Sin's early play is very strong."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Once your bot track has moved to the middle lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map. You should continue to grow and win XP at this stage."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, Ekko will be looking to split push. Avoid leaving Ekko alone in a side lane by making sure there is always someone matching him."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus will have a good amount of batteries. Nasus is going to participate in the team fights."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "The longer the game goes, the more stacks Cho'Gath will have. Cho'Gath's stacks make him quite strong in the late game."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The goal for Graves in the early game is to get ahead by ganking and fighting as often as possible. However, finding a healthy balance between fighting the enemy and farming is key."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "If he is unable to kill you, he will look to roam and use his Ultimate elsewhere. If he activates his Ultimate a and he\u2019s not Ulting a you, push the wave as quickly as you can and take Tower plates."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "xayah is very prone to ganks. Its E (capacity) is an integral part of its kit."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce has a lot of utility thanks to his basic abilities. This allows Jayce to help his team out alot."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "It also acts as a source of poke and wave light in the track, especially before it is level 6. Kayle's weak early."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Nilah can quickly get in and out of skirmishes thanks to her E. When Nilah's E is down, she is pretty easy to lock down and neither can she play aggressively."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "As a Support, you\u2019re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you\u2019re moving around the map, and when you\u2019re alone. To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Playing around Gwen's Q is also crucial in mid-game fights, as it amplifies her attack damage. Gwen is perfect during this stage as team fights frequently occur, which gives her multiple targets to land her abilities on."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "The choice of form will be a decisive factor in winning the game depending on the composition of the team. You're either on the front line for your team using the red form, or you're pulling yourself out of and out of the enemy backline and killing them."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "He can decode them. He can allow his team to collapse on them."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "At level 9, Galio's core items will be equipped. Core item equipment is beneficial for Galio and his team."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "The split push in the middle of the match may involve fighting the duels in the process. When the thrust is split, it is preferable to avoid clustering if possible."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Avoid moving around the map alone to avoid being caught outside. If you get caught, this will result in a 4v5 advantage for the enemy team."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The use of AoE attacks can result in considerable benefits and is an effective strategy for this matchup. Pushing into the enemy tower is allowed, which can provide an important strategic advantage by quickly destroying the tower."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "The ultimate capacity of Malzahar was mentioned. When there are no team fights, go on a side track and push."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "You should stick with your team as much as possible. ezreal was to use his E aggressively only when he is 100% sure he cannot get abused for it."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus is at his weakest at the beginning of the game. Try to deny as many batteries as possible by invading Nasus so that it is unable to scale quickly."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn will try to fight as much as he can at the beginning of the game so he can get his form quickly."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "A maxed-out Ultimate 2 will allow Rammus to completely take over a fight. Picks will be aplenty with such an ability."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "At level 6, Dr Mundo will start to look to gank as his Ultimate R offers him a lot of duelling power. You can delay this by invading him and stealing away his camps."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Although Mordekaiser is a very strong split pusher in the middle of the game, they are also ready to regroup with their team and fight 5v5. Mordekaiser usually starts to regroup when there are no goals to be taken nearby."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She will be detected by the enemy in time if she uses her Q or t. Her ability to team fight will be reduced."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar will be a real threat when he reaches level 6. You need to look at your positioning and not walk too far forward just in case he uses his Ultimate R to catch you out of position."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus is extremely vulnerable while its Ultimate R is broken. Varus can be flanked with ease."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's ultimate R capability allowed him to act as the guardian of his teammates. This became beneficial if one of Shen's teammates was fed and had to be peeled for."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Protracted team fights will see Samira win effortlessly."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "His damage and the CC are quite substantial. If Seraphine can use track brushes, her abilities become more effective."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Don't fight inside the jungle, because it will be easier for Yasuo to land his Tornado r and follow him with his Ultimate R. Fighting outdoors will make team fighting more effective for your team."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twisted Fate is weak in early play. Abus Twisted Fate as much as possible in early play."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "It can do a lot of damage now, especially when it fights near objective pits or choking points. Just look to choose enemies with your abilities when possible."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "If his Ultimate R is a very strong Team Ultimate fight, try to wait until it continues to cool before forcing a fight. Look at the flanks as Sylas will often try to flank in a team fight with her E to get on the harnesses."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Expect to put in a lot of games to master Qiyana. Depending on her Element, Qiyana can be a less effective laner."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The placement of a good vision can ruin his chances of being able to flank the enemy team with E. He is not capable of effectively impacting a fight when he cannot flank the enemy team."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Choosing someone and then collapsing on them to shoot them down is a great way to win a team fight and finish the game. If you can, look for peaks on isolated targets."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "The overall production of damage increases when Kayn peaks and lets him run around the map to choose killers here and there. His Q will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Make sure you're always close to at least one ally. Group and stay with your team at all times."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "If she uses it carelessly, the enemy can look for a commitment on her. She's completely useless if she falls late in the early game."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "This allows Elise to look for more choices and potentially win his team the game. The more articles Elise gets, the stronger she'll be."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "This can make tower dives risky and can cause him to kill almost instantly if he does not use capacity properly. Can do a lot if the enemy team disengages when its Ultimate r is active."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "If Xin Zhao finds corridors without extended flashes, the chances that they will die are almost a solid 100%. Xin Zhao has access to all its basic capabilities when it is able to use them."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "This will be followed by one melee minion on the second wave to reduce Cassiopeia's ability to kill you. Cassiopeia has significant mana issues in the early game."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Look to play more aggressive once you get your first component item. When Aatrox obtains his Ultimate, his kill pressure increases dramatically."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal\u2019s E is his safest ability, allowing him to easily escape sticky situations. ezreal can buffer his E in response to CC abilities, avoiding follow-up CC if he gets hit by the initial CC ability."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Your Ultimate R will deal a lot of damage in the late game."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "If Blitzcrank's ADC gets hooked, he should immediately detatch from them to avoid dying. As soon as the hook is applied, Blitzcrank should quickly dismount and retreat to a safe location."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "The Ultimate r of Tahm Kench is an excellent tool in particular in the mid- and end-of-game team fights The W by Tahm Kench is very versatile. It can be used to escape skirmishes, move on walls, look for plays and many other things."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Its damage will be truly significant during this phase of the game. The damage it can cause will completely catch the out-of-guard enemies and ruin their chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "It's great, especially in the last stages of the game where the death timers are long enough. Akshan's W allows him to get out of sticky situations and be camouflaged for a long period of time if he stays close to a wall."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "The Q turrets, when combined with Heimerdinger's E, can turn an enemy gank into an easy kill for him. Heimerdinger's Ultimate R provides him with a lot of versatility."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "This will allow you to use your E and Ultimate to catch up with these extended targets, and get rid of them quickly. When you fight for a neutral goal, if you land an E on an enemy champion, you don't need to always go there."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is really good at bursting down and ambushing squishy, low health enemy champions. Annie is good at killing low health targets for easy kills."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Try to concentrate Taliyah first because she's super squishy and easy to kill when she's CC. When you trade with Taliyah, stand behind the minions to block their Q damage."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Once kassadin unlocks their Ultimate ability, they can become more aggressive in their playstyle. The Ultimate ability can serve as a trading tool and a safety net for kassadin when falling behind."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "This rapid progression will allow Ziggs to besiege his enemy tower. As Ziggs gets more articles, it will cause a lot of chaos in terms of damage."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "If you invade Lillia, she'll be placed behind. Once Lillia has finished juggling, her clearance speed increases."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Find a healthy balance between ganking your allies, farming your jungle and securing objectives. Make sure you do not fall behind in XP by trying to constantly gank."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac will use their jungle entrances to set up ambushes. To prepare Zac ambushes, place pupils at your jungle entrances."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The main objectives should be kept aside to reveal enemy movements around the map. Ward should be placed in traffic areas during the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "So whenever you\u2019re sieging an objective or fighting in a lane, make sure you have sufficient ward coverage to the sides so you can spot her before she engages. Camille may look for an all-in at level 3 or 4 once she has access to her core abilities."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "When possible, fight spaced out in a lane to minimize the effectiveness of her Ultimate R. Cassiopeia will look to ambush or assassinate targets moving alone through the river."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Since you are good at removing isolated targets and killing alone, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are by themselves on Invocation Rift. When you kill someone, call for a close goal."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Peel for your portages to keep them alive longer. To win a team fight, it is essential to keep your aircraft carriers alive longer."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "continue to split push in the late game if your team isn't at risk of dying or getting caught out. group with your team to help them fight if they're going to get caught out or if the game isn't one-sided."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Every time you use your Ultimate R, you should aim to get a kill. Make sure you\u2019re actively looking to use your Ultimate R when it\u2019s up."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "Fighting near minions is helpful because they will block some of her damage when fighting alone. Kai'Sa's Passive works in extended trades because she can get more gold and experience."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Try to deny as many batteries as possible by invading Nasus so that it is unable to scale quickly. The more the game goes, the stronger Nasus will be."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "When equipped with Infernum, you will be targeted for ganks because of the wave push. Make an effort not to let this happen and ask your Support to thin out the wave evenly so that farming can proceed properly."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Milio is the king of disengagement and anti-engagement. Its Ultimate can protect its entire team from engagement and CC tools."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "This ability should strengthen Skarner's survival and damage in the game, and allow him to make more choices now. Skarner's team fight is phenomenal during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick can take goals quickly. Her kit allows her to achieve solo goals."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Once you have access to all your basic capabilities, you can start to interact more effectively with the enemy. At level 3, you can look for more aggressive pieces, but don't engage on them, so you don't fall back."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "The Q and W acts as a source of poke and waveclear in the lane, especially before level six. You need time to come online in the early game."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "You should try to get them low before committing to the all-in, but it should be plain sailing. Remember your Q will reset if you use it on a low health minion."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Avoid trading with Irelia when she has her Passive stacked. When trading with Irelia, keep an eye on the little bar under her health."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Avoid walking too far forward so you do not get caught out and focused by the enemy. When jhin gets his Ultimate R maxed out, he can deal massive amounts of damage and completely decimate squishy targets."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna is quite immobile in the early parts of the game. If Orianna is pushing, she can be susceptible to ganks from the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "After engaging, retreat and peel (protect) your ADC. Teamwork is key in group fights. Stay grouped with your team to protect ADC's"} -{"label": "corki", "text": "His e are also a good tool to poke and push the wave simultaneously. He is not neccessarily strong at levels 1-4, but he does have his basic attacks,"} -{"label": "diana", "text": "In the toughest of matchups or when the enemy is playing ultra-safe, Diana will have access to all 3 of her basic abilities from level 3 onwards."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Ranged champions with dashes can kite Olaf. Axes are a type of attack that Olaf has."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Respect her total pressure once she's done with it. Akali is capable of all squissy champions at level 6 because she gets tons of mobility and damage thanks to her Ultimate."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "He should respond to ganks quickly. Once Hecarim hits level 6, he can terrorize enemies with his flanking potential."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is a great duelist in low ELO. Darius is really good in team fights thanks to his Ultimate e which can be reset if he gets the killing blow with it."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "His ability to make the team fights unfair due to his pick potential will be quite apparent during this game phase. All he needs to do is Ultimate his enemy from out of vision."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "After the post-six, you should be able to block enemies from escaping or entering the river during neutral objective fighting. Blocking enemies with post-six is crucial, but requires proper use to avoid death."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao is incredibly strong at the beginning of the game thanks to his E and Q. He will win most everywhere as long as he looks for favorable trades around abilities."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn could be hidden by walking, but not by making camps. Place the vision on its jungle camps rather than in the bushes of the alley."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Teams tend to start regrouping in the middle of the game. It's good for Rumble, because his Ultimate makes him a good team combat champion."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Make sure someone who can challenge Riven is sent to stop him from pushing. Avoid fighting Riven in the middle of the game unless you're stronger."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Unless absolutely necessary, do not use your Q or d abilities to help your teammates. Instead, try to use your d ability to assist them in surviving the fight."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Keep a constant eye on the map and the location of Fiora when you\u2019re grouped with your team. If she goes missing, expect that she\u2019s coming to join the team fight."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Killing isolated targets refers to taking out individual enemies who are alone or not part of a group. Ambushing means attacking someone when they least expect it."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo will be able to do much more in the game with ease if the Yasuo team has a form of knockup on one of their champions. Having a Jungler or mid-laner roaming with a knockup will make Yasuo's laning phase very easy."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Putting enemies in the dive with your Q can secure killed quickly. Lulu's early damage is significant."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Consistently place vision around the map to help your team secure objectives and get picks. Having vision around the Baron and Dragon is needed to help your team to victory."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "This is mainly because its clone can cause all the chaos for the enemy team. His ability to sneak behind the enemy team is phenomenal."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "If Leona errs, focus on the punishment of the enemy CDA. Leona is known for her roaming potential."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Be careful of the opponent who plays aggressively at Level 1. They can try to get you down quickly if you exceed."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9. Maxing's first ability at level 9 will give him a massive boost to his skirmish potential."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "When Yasuo reaches level 16, its Ultimate R will inflict massive amounts of damage in a short period of time. A short cooling time allows Yasuo to process the tanks regularly."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "If Caitlyn can kite on her, she will be incredibly potent in late game team fights. At level 16, Caitlyn would put the third and final point in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Level 16 is perfect for Qiyana as her Ultimate R will be maxed out. Her Ultimate R is superb during team fights."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "You will miss out on a lot of damage if you don't play around it. The kill pressure of Gwen increases during a certain phase of the game due to her maxed out Ultimate R."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "To limit Samira's potential, try to keep your distance. Keeping the minion wave even or closer to your side of the card reduces Samira's full potential and keeps you safe."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "This is bad for Karthus because he wants to use his Ultimate when the enemy is super low. If you have already killed the enemy with your ally, you won't get an assist."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Locking Veigar with CC is the best way to deal with him in team fighting. Veigar is rather squishy, so if you are able to reach it and shoot it down at the beginning of the fight, your team will have a easier time to win."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan's W is useful to escape danger. Sticky situations refer to situations where Akshan is trapped or cannot move."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Post 6, try to interrupt or somehow force Akshan to exceed his Ultimate. This will increase your survival and it will be put on a short cooling time."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Be aware of the amount of mana you have regardless of your speed of movement. If you're running out of mana, you're not a threat to the enemy."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "At level 9 you would max your first ability. Maxing your first ability increases trading potential dramatically."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Her ability to wander and kill easily makes her a formidable opponent. After your bot track has moved to the medium track, turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to grow and win XP."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "If you kill Urgot's Fear Beyond Death R successfully, your partner will live. You can buy a Quicksilver Sash if you want to deny the execution of Fear Beyond Death R."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "Stay away from your tower when you\u2019re being pushed in. Try to stay at max range away from Caitlyn at all times."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Playing around her teammates in the middle of the game and during the team fights will be extremely beneficial as she will lack damage. She's a little weak early, so try to abuse her at this point so she's not so strong later."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "He can farm up a storm Farming up a storm gets you an item and level power spikes relatively fast."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana is very weak before-6. You're much stronger than Shyvana, so go invade her and try to fight her to deny her gold and XP."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Drive a lot in this direction and see if you can help your Jungler and mid-laner. The act of roaming helps the jungler and the laner environment, which causes boredom to the enemy team."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "If they walk forward, walk backwards if you\u2019re not looking to trade. Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Once piled up, the struggle should be an easy task. Seraphine is an easy to learn champion."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista can use her Ultimate ability on her Jungler. This allows the Jungler to gank Kalista's lane with ease or help her save them in a team fight."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Xerath is incredibly vulnerable without its 2 or R capabilities being available. Combining it with its low mobility allows it to easily choose any attacker."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "At level 11 Zilean will be very difficult to manage. Zilean's Ultimate will keep him alive or a key target."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Once the enemy is low, engage in the team fight. Look for opportunities to pick off enemies who are out of position using your abilities."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "A good ganker should equal his ganking pressure early on. Securing objectives is important."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille cannot easily get on to the backline by running at the enemy. Instead, she will try to flank from the side."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "The track brushes must be occupied by you, and you will want to land poke inside them whenever possible. Keep your distance from the enemy as you are still and you will be killed easily."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "When Mordekaiser activates his W, immediately disables because it blocks the damage you inflict on him."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "When playing as a talijah, it is advisable to choose your enemies with your abilities whenever possible. This strategy will give a significant advantage during team fighting, making them very biased."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "When recalling, especially when low health, keep an eye on your champion as Kai'Sa may try to finish you off with her W. Do not shop until you have successfully recalled to ensure maximum safety."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "It's going to be hard for you to besiege goals like Towers when Ziggs is alive. Try to catch him out of his position or flank him when he is alone to facilitate taking these goals."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne's first power peak was at level 6 when its Ultimate capability activated. When Vayne's Ultimate capacity increases, her death pressure and manoeuvrability increase considerably."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Nunu is bad against disengage champions. Disengage and CC can interrupt his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Watch Zyra's mana bar. It is recommended to fight Zyra after using a capacity."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Avoid fighting until you have quite a few levels behind you. Once you have an item, you can look for skirmishes with the enemy."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "If you move away from your Support, you will be an easy target for the enemy. Make sure you're always close to at least one ally."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere's late scale is phenomenal, and he can shoot squishy enemies after slowing them down and catching them up. This will give him a pivotal role in the game."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "The first item component will allow qiyana to deal a lot of damage. qiyana's trading will be highly optimized."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taking someone at the end of the game can give enough time for a fight, to sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. Protect your allies from your life in this game."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "Once Graves gets to level 6, he will have unlocked a considerable finishing move. The finishing move can take out multiple targets with utmost ease should he go for the lethality build."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Try to target your abilities so they hit Milio and the wave minion at the same time. Milio is the king of disengagement and anti-engagement."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "Avoid fighting them at any cost because they are much stronger with their Ultimate and will kill you easily. A good player will play around their Ultimate as often as he happens."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Orianna's level 6 is stronger, but engaging while her ball is far from her position can still be beneficial. Orianna's Ultimate ability can be game-changing and she can use it on up to 5 enemy champions if she gets one good hit off."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Its tenacity and damage are really high during this phase of the game. He can also use his Zhonya Hurglass to be imperturbable for a while inflicting damage all the time."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Shaco-S x can allow him to disengage as well as surprise all-in champions easily. It also acts as a counter for carriers who have dashes and rely on kitting to win fights."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "He can also get easily kitted in team fighting, which sometimes makes it difficult for him to fight as a team. It is difficult for him to spoil his allies without his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "He falls off in the late game. Darius is an early to mid game champion."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "And if he gets his articles and hits the middle of the game, he'll be almost unstoppable. If he's early, he can have a man the Baron."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas can poke and wave efficiently with his Q. The slowness of Sylas allows him to put ganks for his Jungler."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Look for ganks every time your Ultimate R is in place. Sion's first power peaks depend on what he builds for: if he goes in a tank, he will be weaker sooner, if he goes to damage, he will be heinous and strong."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Avoid regrouping closely as this will give Malphite a great opportunity to land a 5 person knocking with his Ultimate h. Malphitis is the most vulnerable when closely grouped."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Overheard enemies Ganking will also allow you to completely dominate the enemy later in the game. Level 6 is the \"peak power\" for Teemo."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Stay outside the minion wave at all times so Zilen can't grow, poke and CC you. When Zilean's death pressure does not increase exactly, his survival does so at level 6."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal takes quite some time to scale up due to how his itemization works. the scaling of ezreal is also dependent on the fact that he is very skill shot heavy and will need to land his Qs on the enemy in order to be effective."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "The power of timidivana increases with the number of drakes she captured at the beginning and middle of the game. The more the timidivana gets, the stronger it becomes."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal should not use his E aggressively in late game fights because it will make him vulnerable briefly. ezreal should only use his E aggressively if he is 100% sure he cannot get abused for it."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "She will need the help of her team to get the points, otherwise she risks dying and being pushed back massively. The first element will greatly improve its dual power."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "The Ultimate r can be used to save an ally, The Ultimate r can catch someone out of position,"} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Try to poke and harass Malphite as often as possible so that he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Malphites kill pressure in the way can be heinous at level 6."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "This will increase the survival of Tahm Kench. This will also allow Tahm Kench to flatten a lot of damage."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "The former will let him take part in many team fights while the latter will help him with duels. Garen's build will dictate how he plays the game out. If he goes for the tank build, he will be nearly unkillable and can act as a perfect peel unit for his carries."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Two points in his Ultimate R will allow Senna to significantly impact the team fights in the game. The damage release, as well as the shield, is perfect for winning clutch team fights."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "This will reduce his ability to heal and increase your death pressure in the way. Soraka will go to the hall alone in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn\u2019s pick potential is high. When sieging an objective, make sure nobody in your team is too far forward as she can pick them off with her E and start the fight."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "At this stage, the teams will be closely regrouped. It's unlikely you can murder anyone."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Article 6 refers to a patch version number. Every time her Ultimate is in place, she has a free prison release card because she can use her Ultimate to disengage."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Rotation allows you to continue farming and win XP. You should fight anyone unless you have an advantage over them."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "You should avoid fighting in the jungle for the same reason as above. Try to initiate a fight immediately after the last end, and try to win when Amumu is not present or during its cooling period."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "She can try you E in a wall near the field in this game, so be careful about your positioning. Any error can easily cost you the fight because of its E capability."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "After being killed, call for Baron or Dragon if your team is close and able to help you. Securing these goals as Jungler is crucial in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You should get rid of the enemy Support and Jungler. Your numbers advantage will allow you to win a fight against them."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir's l has a long cooling period during the laning phase. Find a way to bait him while Vladimir is about to cool down."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne is subject to the CC. Locking him at the beginning of the fight will make it incredibly difficult for him to do kites, inflict damage and win the team fight."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "His damage output will intensify after picking up his first component item. He can look for more aggressive plays once he has picked up his first component item."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Buying a defensive item will help you a lot in this game. A defensive item will allow you to all-in enemies freely, allowing them to take a long time to kill you."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Tracking him with vision and trying to counter his ganks will be successful if Skarner is used as a counter ganker. Pantheon can duel almost every Jungler in the game."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "A player should avoid extended trades because of her empowered E damage. Anivia has one of the strongest Passives in the game."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Get the ultimate ability before trying to kill Yone. Use the ultimate ability to kill Yone quickly after gaining an advantage."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "When playing as an AD champion in the bottom lane, look for extended trades whenever possible. Trading autos will usually end in your favour- just make sure you dodge his 1\u2019s."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Janna relies on her team more than some other Supports like Leona or Thresh. If your team is behind, it will be harder to win with Janna."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "If the enemy team is loaded with heavy CC, make sure you get a defensive element to help you. Don't forget you're holding the Smite for your team."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "When Galio's target goes near enemies to attack them, this ability works very well. At level 9, his Q will be completely maxed out."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "This can make tower dives risky and can cause him to kill almost instantly if he does not use capacity properly. Can do a lot if the enemy team disengages when its Ultimate r is active."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's ultimate level 6 capability has an extremely powerful effect. When you use Viego's Ultimate capability, expect incredibly aggressive parts."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "The enemy way can't take the Drake alone early. Try to take the Drake away from the enemy route bot yourself if possible"} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "If you can find an opportunity to do so, use it to catch out someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or way out of position. Peel for your carries to keep them alive for longer."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "You can flank and use your Ultimate R to catch out over extended targets and knock them into your team to start the fight. In particular, try to knock the enemy backline forwards into your team."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "The thrust to Split without grouping can be risky, as it can attract the unwanted attention of the enemy team. To effectively divide the thrust, you have to use their strong potential of duellage in the middle of the game to fight and duel all those who try to stop them."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "xinzhao falls at the end of the game. If xinzhao cannot shoot his target, he will be controlled by the crowd and killed immediately."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "If you're on the same side of the map when you're spawning, make a detour to kill the camp, so she's unable to get the pile. She's a varied champion."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Maxing out Karma's Q at level nine is terrible news for her enemies as her AoE poke damage will be really obnoxious for the enemy to deal with. Level eleven will be a decent power spike due to her ability empowerment potential."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "The enemy Jungler will get knocked up by Daisy if Ivern sends her at them while he finishes a neutral objective. Ivern can focus on peeling for his allies while Daisy attacks the enemy Jungler and knocks them up."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Trading autos will usually end in your favour- just make sure you dodge his 1\u2019s. If you see Karthus channelling his e, try to cancel it with any CC abilities."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Alistar's t is truly versatile that offers you tons of off-play potential in the way and in team fighting. During the laning phase, Alistar can use his minions as well as champions to facilitate his combo landing."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If you are strong at level 6, you will be stronger than Karma once both hit level 6. Do not isolate yourself from the minion wave at all."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Try to abuse his weakness and look for fights to put him behind. Post-6 Kog'Maw will do a lot of damage in a trade thanks to his e and his Ultimate y."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "The value of picks in coordinating kills with your Support/Jungler is highlighted. Picking a key target can lead to taking the call for Baron."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus' ability to slow down multiple enemies and deal damage in team fights is an asset for his team. You will be able to blow up squishies with your Ultimate using karthus."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "The Ultimate R of Velkoz the root in place, which makes it easy for enemy champions with a varied crowd control to interrupt his Ultimate R. Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Your Ultimate windup time is critical. Picking enemies off will be the name of the game during this phase."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Azir is considered a mid-game champion whose Ultimate R may be less impactful compared to other champions on the rift. At level 9, Azir will max his r."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Avoid pushing the wave as much as you can because Yasuo has an incredibly strong all-in and can get you down if you're pushing."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "A full-build Jayce makes no squishy enemy target in the game safe, as he can easily blow them up with his w > s combo. A single combo from Jayce's w > s can kill a target (like a squishy support)."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali is capable of all squissy champions at level 6 because she gets tons of mobility and damage thanks to her Ultimate. If Akali wasn't aggressive before Level 6, expect her to do so once she's reached the level."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Once Akali has finished her first article, her death pressure is increasing and her damage is also increasing. Respect her total pressure once she's done with it."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's E ability lets him do more damage in 1 v 1\u2019s when the enemy is alone, allowing for increased damage output with one complete rotation of his abilities. Unlike Garen, the enemy will likely struggle to regenerate health and stay in lane after taking damage from Garen's E."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Stand by your Caster Minions and walk forward when it throws so that the minions get CC-D and not you. At level 6, Swain's death pressure and survival increases."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "You can look for riskier all-ins post level 6 as long as you cast your Ultimate R. At level 16, Ekko's Ultimate R will deal a lot of damage and be on a really short cooldown."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus' tanky stats will be meaningless if the team dies quickly. A player with Rammus must be aware of this limitation when playing."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "It can also be used to set up her Jungler. Cassiopeia\u2019s will start to do more damage in trades when they\u2019ve picked up their first item."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R will allow Tristana to take control of the game very quickly. The capacity will be over a short cooling period that allows it to use it both aggressively and defensively when it wants to."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Rengar can be really good during the late part if he chooses his fight well. He obviously cannot enter the enemy rescue line and expect to survive without his follow-up team."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "camille must isolate the enemy carries. camille must stay with her team at all times."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "A maximum-out Ultimate R will frequently increase Splattered team fights will become a breeze during this part of the game"} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Use E capability to create distance between you and Malzahar's voids if he tries to connect with you. Try to break Malzahar's spelling shield before using your abilities, as it can cancel a lot of damage and crowd control effects."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana is dependent on landing her Q for the all-in. Try to back away if she lands it to reduce her chances to follow up with her t and trade."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "At level 16, his Ultimate R will inflict massive damage in a short period of time. This means that the Ultimate R of Yasuo has a short cooling time."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "His kit allows him to take enemies. Xin Zhao's Ultimate R will allow him to distinguish enemies."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "This champion is extremely weak when she is CC'd because she can't use her dashes and can be killed easily. This allows the enemy team to take it before a major fight or when its e is on cooldown."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Haunting the enemy harasses them repeatedly to prevent damage from being dealt. Ezreal can burst down an enemy with a few Q's and their R."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Most champions will buy defensive items to protect themselves at the end of the game. It is unlikely that you will be able to blow up any front-line champion."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Champions can exploit the long cooldown of Cho'Gath's Ultimate ability t by using their own abilities during that time. Cho'Gath is weak in lane depending on the matchup he is in."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Investing in the reduction of healing will significantly benefit you against Xin Zhao as it tends to have a lot of support in the way and throughout the game. Xin Zhao is strong at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Destroy the lower lane tower and then turn towards the middle lane. Take the tower out of the middle of the way to open the card and win a gold lead."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "After Akshan's first return, he should have recovered a component for his Myth. Unless you've paired him, be careful because he's going to win trades and entrances."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "and its overall survival in the game. Hold the push in the middle of the game and try to secure the secondary goals."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu will be very tanky as it would arrive towards the end of its construction. If Aumu didn't go full tank, his damage release will be pretty good in the team fights at the end of the game."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Make sure you cut off the enemy before you all in them, you can't have enough damage to kill your target. Fight around closed areas where possible,"} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo usually starts regrouping with its team when there are no nearby goals or threats that require individual attention. Grouping with the team allows for a more coordinated and effective approach to defence against enemy champions."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "When driving around the map, keep an eye on the minion wave in the middle. Anivia can push the wave very quickly and you will lose a lot of the tower's health if you're gone for too long."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "She should be a part of as many fights as possible. Multiple items will allow her to take over the game easily."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "This increases its damage, and its team combat potential will be respectable enough now. He will pose a lot of threats if he can use abilities while hiding in a brush."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko is good in team fights thanks to her Ultimate R. Disengage as soon as you see Neeko channel her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Your first power spike is when you hit level 3 or 4 depending on what level you take your W. Aurelion Sol\u2019s main power spike is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The Nautilus is strong at levels 1 to 3. On level four, Nautilus can play aggressively and look for murders with his g."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra will have several elements during this phase of the game. This means that she will suffer enormous damage from AoE which will be detrimental to the enemy team."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "If you are grouped together and in agreement with each other, it will be more difficult for him to do so. When no team fight occurs, Sett gets into a side lane and tries to divide the thrust."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Try to keep Sion away from your team so it can't get a good Q knockup. Avoid regrouping and fighting in the jungle as this will allow Sion to get a very good result with his Q or get a very good Ultimate Roff."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "A maximum of Ultimate R will further strengthen its overall potential and long-term overall damage. It will be a massive peak of power for him, because he can secure easy choices with it."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen is a skirmish heavy Jungler in the early game. If Gwen ganks a lane and you can't contest it, try invading her jungle on the opposite side of the map or ganking another lane to counter her pressure."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "When Evelynns Ultimate R fails, she is much less mobile and cannot escape the skirmishes without using her Flash. Evelynn gets stronger with the murders."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "A Quicksilver Sash can clean its Ultimate R. Its ultimate R can be easily cleaned."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "You can use it to your advantage to fight and withdraw it while it is alone. While Seraphine is dead, you can look to take the Baron, a Dragon or look for a team fight with the advantage of numbers."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Once Lee Sin reaches level 6, his death pressure increases and it will be much more frightening to play against. Expect Lee Sin for aggressive parts when it reaches level 6."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Don\u2019t be afraid to look for fights once the first item was picked up. Azir\u2019s poke is good, but he is incredibly weak in the early game."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Team fights are more effective for Gwen than for most other characters. Gwen can dish out a lot of damage, especially when fighting around clumped areas."} -{"label": "ivern", "text": "This will be an excellent time for him to start fights, especially those involving tower diving and enemy taking a neutral objective. Ivern excels in team fights because he can peel for his carries while ensuring that his Ultimate R does all the dirty work for him."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Do not team fight in the later parts of the game unless your Zhonya's Hourglass and Ultimate d are both up. Delay or disengage fights if the enemy wants to fight you."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "This will amplify your damage or damage absorption capacity depending on your build. Always look for flanks during team fights."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Rotate means moving to a different location. The bot side of the map is one possible location for rotation."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Do not use executing abilities or key skill shots on Fizz unless he has used his E. If you have been hit by Fizz's Ultimate R, do not walk close to your allies."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower or obtain an objective or acquire more kills. She will have another ability that deals massive amounts of damage with her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Most of her abilities will be maxed out during this phase of the game. She can both poke enemies down and protect allies with her d."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "and may be engaged if its motion speed k is reduced. Teemo's Ultimate T can easily be rid by the enemy by buying Control Wards."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "It's an important boost to his duel power. This will allow Xin Zhao to dominate 1 v 1 with the greatest ease."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. If the enemy is regrouping, try to team up with your team as well."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "It has a short range E capability, making it difficult for it to use a clear vision. This can make him less capable in all situations."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "The best opportunity to talk to Vladimir is when he used his l. He himself can inflict damage by using it with his combo E."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "quinn has early strength that allows her to make aggressive plays. Quinn should target both enemies and minions when possible using her Q."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Look for peaks on isolated targets if possible. Keep a constant eye on your position and that of your allies."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Keep moving away from Sett's health bar as far as possible during this matchup. Once Sett's not healthy, look at him and take him down."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "The brief period of downtime between each Enchantment pickup will be your go-to time to harass Qiyana as she will not have a powerful Q that has an empowerment. Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Don't commit too much to running Nautilus while playing like a varied champion. If you play as utility support, take Relic Shield instead of Spellthief's Edge for a safer lacquering phase."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille will want to lock down an isolated target with her Ultimate R. However, by standing close together, the ability to do so is reduced."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Keep a constant eye on the map while pushing the minion wave. Heimerdinger is vulnerable to ganks if he doesn\u2019t have 3 Turrets Q up."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn\u2019s pick potential is high. When sieging an objective, make sure nobody in your team is too far forward as she can pick them off with her E and start the fight."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Team fighting is where Lulu shines thanks to his E and Ultimate R which can be used on his allies. She'll build objects that protect herself and her allies too, so she'll be a huge threat."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "The use of Passive is timely to avoid dying in group fighting. Your Ultimate R can be used as an escape tool in heavily bottled fighting."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus can burn through the entire enemy team with proper positioning. Karthus' 1 combined with n can one-shot enemy squishies."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "If she gets someone on the upper side of the map, invade her jungle on the lower side and steal camps. Take the early Dragons with your bot track, because you have a stronger objective control than it in early play."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "If they get caught by a CC, the unfortunate will probably die. In particular, when bad luck channels its Ultimate e, it is vulnerable."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "It will certainly help you shoot down enemies who have already taken some damage. If you have allies who have the CC integrated into their kit, try to stay close to them."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Of course, you will have a lot of finished items, or are in the middle of construction at this stage of the game, so you should be able to do a lot of damage and survive fighting."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "But he can always choose his enemies. Once Lee Sin gets 3 points in his Ultimate k, he will disrupt enemy fighting frequently."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Qiyana will look to gank low health lanes or laners with CC. If she cannot find any ganks early, she will power farm till 6 where she gets her R."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "You should always keep an eye on your mana pool at all times when playing Brand. Brand cannot use his W aggressively if he is out of mana."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Farming up a storm gets you an item and level power spikes relatively fast. Nocturne is easy to learn"} -{"label": "sett", "text": "This can change the tide of a team fight in an instant. His passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health so that he can resort to short operations against enemy champions unlike other tanks."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives. Look for selections in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo becomes really powerful once it reaches level 16. Level 16 is the power level that makes Yasuo become supercharged."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "In team fights, try to flank the enemy. This will increase your chances of getting a good Ultimate R off."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox's Q and E have long cooldowns. When invading him early, try and hide in bushes and wait for him to use these abilities on the camp before looking to fight him."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's personalized game style involves roaming the card. Use your t to prevent the ADC enemy from doing anything in this game."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "As soon as Rakan activates his Ultimate R, try to CC him and burst him down so he is unable to get a good engage off. It's very important that you hit level 2 at the same time as Rakan."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Look for choices with Q. Use Q only if you are sure to reach it, as the disappearance will make you vulnerable."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The first element will allow him to spam his abilities frequently and to eliminate a lot of damage. It helps a lot with his prowess in general."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Alternatively, it could be all-in-one by the enemy lantern and the Jungler/Support. Once he's down there, he becomes a gank target if he's too pushed up."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Once Master Yi has reached Level 6, he will begin to crash. Master Yi's Ultimate offers him tons of added death pressure."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "This increase in damage will help Teemo in the duels, and will allow him to use his spells as frequently. Teemo is a champion who can go through the map."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "This allows Yasuo to catch up with his enemy by using his E, then hit them with his R. With this tactic, Yasuo can easily install ganks as well."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana's engage is pretty scripted. Ward to the side when sieging an objective so you cannot surprise your team with an all-in."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "The goal of continuing to play around the Rift Herald and Dragon is to keep the team in advance. To achieve this, their Ultimate must be used regularly."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently. After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "After your bot track has moved to the medium track, turn to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to grow and win XP. You have powerful installation tools that will allow you to besiege the objectives easily."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Receiving Ultimate h at level 6 is defensible the greatest power peak for Malphite as it allows it to play more aggressive and begin to spoil its allies. Team fighting is where Malphite excels because its Ultimate h is an AOE capability that can bring down several people."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "The longer the game goes, the more dangerous jax becomes and can practically kill anyone no matter how healthy they are. The E ability makes jax take less damage from AoE abilities."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "You can turn a gank right over its head with a suitable W location as well as the use of your Q or E. Use E if the enemy ganker has some form of capacity motion speed that they can fill in close proximity."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "In the early game, it's best to avoid fighting whenever possible. Gangplank needs time to develop their skills and in some matchups, focus on farming and survival."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Flanking from a nonwarded bush can be a good strategy for Sejuani. The enemy will react slowly to Sejuani, which flanks the side."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "The more items Quinn gets, the more of a problem she will be for the enemy team. If Quinn looks for picks with her team, she should be okay in the late game."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Stand in the middle of the way so it's easy for you to escape if it comes out nearby. Don't give him easy murders by window shop when you remember."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean will often be left alone to erase the waves with his Q. Try to choose it before setting a goal to make it much easier."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Getting picks means earning items from killing minions or destroying enemy structures. Killing isolated targets refers to taking out individual enemies who are alone or not part of a group."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "sejuani are stronger gankers than you in early play. You should be ready to counter the gank and follow the sejuani."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "In 1v1 skirmishes, continue to play around Gwen's Passive. This includes playing around her Q in mid-game fights."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Make sure you don't go too far. Zeri's first power peak was at level 3 when it unlocked each of its basic capabilities."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "All Soraka has to do is not get killed while we're getting her ready to work. Place major vision and guard objectives in high-traffic areas in the final stages of the game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "When Trundle buys T1/T2 Boots, he can start wandering and helping his allies. Trundle is also a strong thug."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "This can make the team struggle difficult for Trendamere. Hitting level 3 will be quite difficult so make sure to avoid conflicts and use your Q to heal regularly."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Getting your basics will greatly benefit you. The basic elements will make your Q strike very efficiently."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "When no team fight occurs, Sett gets into a side lane and tries to divide the thrust. When he is alone, you can seek to choose him or start a team struggle with his allies when he is unable to help them."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs uses the fog of war to catch out-of-guard enemies. Working with Support and Jungler can set up death brushes for enemies."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Peel for allies as much as possible to keep them alive in team fighting. Keeping the teammates alive throughout the game is crucial to winning"} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "If you get caught out or the enemy initiates a team fight while you're not present, the enemy will win. Poke and delay team fights when necessary to gain an advantage."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is an early to mid game champion. Once the game reaches the later stages of the game, his strengths become weaknesses."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Another point in Orianna's Ultimate ability will increase its damage. Multiple items will allow Orianna to take over the game easily."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick is a jungler. It is recommended to place the vision inside the river."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "This means that she will suffer enormous damage from AoE which will be detrimental to the enemy team."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "A professional player specializes in the game of a particular game. A professional player should play like Miss Fortune,"} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Without Azir having R or Flash, you can set up gank opportunities with your R. It is advisable to make plays around the map using your Q and E to push the lane and earn roam opportunities."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "The first element will allow him to do a lot of damage and to be truly heinous in the way. Level 6 is a good peak for him as he can now shoot down enemies easily and wander around the map."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Keep them where they are before they can reach the goal. Post 6 should avoid fighting them at any cost because they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and will kill you easily."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Cutting enemies with more items will make it easier for the Zilean. Zilean is super squishy."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Your mobility is your pillar in this matchup against Nasus. Use your mobility to counter Nasus, but be very careful on its slow."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's biggest power spike is reached at level 6. His R gives a large opportunity to gank and assist other lines or introduce himself in a team fight,"} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus' 1 combined with n can one-shot enemy squishies. This strategy should be used during neutral, objective fights."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Players should always monitor the items that Jhin has currently equipped and avoid engaging him in solo fights if they have better items Try to keep the wave either in the middle of the lane, or keep pushing him into his turret so you can gain a good CS lead."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Watch your positioning to avoid standing behind the minions. Standing near a wall will make it harder for you to escape damage when using its Ultimate e."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Use your t to prevent the ADC enemy from doing anything in this game. Always focus on the champion who is close to your door for maximum efficiency."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Protecting oneself while moving forward prevents being targeted by enemy junglers. Pushing forward when not forward puts you at risk of becoming an easy target for enemy junglers."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Its ultimate R does no bonus damage to an enemy target if it lacks its capabilities on them, or if its entire damage is absorbed by a shield. The defensive objects of an enemy make it difficult for him to secure the murders later in the game."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "In the fight against Yasuo, watch out for the blows of enemy brushes. Yasuo should be guarded to prevent surprise attacks."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "It can go either in AD or in full tank according to the needs of the team. Sion will have trouble following post 6."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian will have access to several articles during this stage of the game. He will be both able to support himself and to inflict substantial damage."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere will seek to divide the thrust in the middle of the game and he will rarely join the team fights. You can use the digital advantage to force goals or look for favorable fights to win an advantage."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "However, his strengths come from elsewhere. Nunu is a very good roaming champion."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "He's got a solid playing field. It will be difficult to catch him, and his damage to the CC and the AoE will easily leave him the top of the damage cards."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "His W has a long cooling period. Trade and harass her when it's down."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Her last game is phenomenal as she can peel for her team for days. No one can get close to their team as long as their W and Ultimate R are in place."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "Always inside or around the wave of minions so she can have trouble harassing you. Don't bother hunting Zeri down the jungle or river because she's probably waiting for her E to be back and she'll use it to escape."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Blitzcrank's Ultimate d can be beneficial for destroying shields in clutch 2v2 fights in the bottom lane. In the mid-game, Blitzcrank's b will be on a somewhat shorter cooldown."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "You are a strong early game Jungler, so make sure you try to exploit your early advantage. Look to secure objectives as often as possible."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "which will also aid in setting up your Jungler. Rakan has great mobility thanks to the items he picks up and his E, W, and R."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "It's better for you to only fight when it's going to work in your favour. Focus on farming rather than fighting."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Level 2 in the lower lane is the first minion wave followed by the next 3 melee minions. Your goal during the laning phase is to search for murders and abuse the enemy as often as you can."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "You can use your Ultimate to help you gank your mid-lane at level 6. Once you have your first item, you can chat strongly with the enemy."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Her W provides Annie with lane priority due to the wave clearing potential. Annie's biggest power spike is when she obtains her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana will be much stronger when she gets her Ultimate at level 6. When Shyvana gets a lot of Fury, she'll be more scary too."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Once Veigar has his final R, his death pressure increases. Keep in mind that Veigar will inflict a lot of additional damage at this time."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Beware of the installation of Gank Thresh, as it can easily install Ganks with its W. If he walks near a wall, his Jungler could approach and wait for the Lantern W before moving in."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Having three points in his Ultimate R is a massive powerpike for Xin Zhao. This will allow him to use capacity frequently, giving him a global advantage during the fighting."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Investing in early protection will help deal with the xeraths poke in the way. A Rechargeable Potion would be useful in this matchup."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Do not disrespect the damage of Zilean-S Bombs Q in the middle of the game. Zilean can cause a surprising amount of burst damage if it is able to get a hold."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Staying close to the team is crucial for ezreal. Ezreal should avoid walking too far away from their team."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Aphelios should\u2019ve completed multiple items during the mid-game. He will start to dish out a lot of damage during the mid-game."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "When her cooldowns are abused, fight her immediately. Don't look for a team fight if Yuumi's R is in the jungle or around a goal because she can slow down many champions and heal her team."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Every time Twisted Fate's d is on cooldown, try to abuse it and go for an exchange. If Twisted Fate chooses a blue card, you could go for an exchange."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "Continue to delay team fights when possible so you can get your Passive tentacles down. At level 16 Illaoi will be able to put three points in her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Once Seraphine reaches level 6, expect her to look for murders in the way or install her Jungler for ganks. Seraphine's Ultimate R is a powerful tool that offers additional death pressure."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "If you're ahead of the game, Amumu could go for a full AP construction and blow up the enemies. Thanks to two super rollers (ss), you can look for aggressive parts in the way and start a snowball."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "As soon as Vi gets Trinity Force, his release from damage and kill pressure increases a lot. Avoid 1v1 with it unless you have an obvious advantage."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "The damage done by Pyke's ability will be pretty significant. Pyke can take multiple enemies down simultaneously with his ability."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger's kill pressure and strength increase dramatically when he reaches level 6. Beware of his empowered abilities at that point."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Entering a whole thing only gives success if we know that they will win and also knows where the enemy jungler is. Look for regular exchanges with your g and e."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Rammus should focus on making sure that his allies don't get killed by flanks to ensure an easy victory."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "At level 6, players are advised to use their Ultimate cooldown in creative ways to gain kills with their ADC. The recommended playstyle at this stage involves playing cautiously and taking advantage of the opponent's movement to get kills."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "You'll be pretty strong and your global potential will be high. At the end of the game, you will begin to fall a bit because the teams will be grouped together so that you need to play with your team."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "This allows her to peel for her carries effortlessly and help win fights."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "When Nautilus' Ultimate ability is up, they have a lot of extra kill pressure. Nautilus should look for picks whenever their Ultimate ability is up."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Try to set Brand behind in the early game to reduce his gold income and prevent a snowball. Once Brand hits level 6, his damage output and ability to kill will be much higher thanks to his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Rotate to Drake. Your first power peak is at level 3 when you unlock the 3 of your basic capabilities."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Picks and ganks are names of this phase. To blow up enemies quickly, ensure you have core items."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "To counter its roaming, keep Twisted Fate pushed in the way. Keep Twisted Fate pushed in the way to limit his roaming."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "His burst damage is very important, and she can quickly be chosen with her abilities."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The Ultimate ability of the monkey will increase its overall damage and allow it to smear more effectively. Team fights will be a breeze for the monkey"} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas's E ability can be used with Flash to get surprise trades/engages off with the enemy. Gragas's E ability can interrupt enemy abilities and dashes."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You will have a lot of presence during this phase of the game. Try to CC lock high-priority targets when possible and get rid of them quickly."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "After we reach position 6, we should push the minion wave. While pushing the minion wave, you must step back to avoid swapping or being pushed to use R."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "When using its Ultimate R, Zac should be able to catch out-of-guard enemies easily, especially when using war fog. Zac has a lot of time on his engagement skills."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion can surprise the targets who walk around the Rift Invocation alone while waiting in a bush and using its Q to shoot them down. Sion waits in a bush to surprise targets walking alone on Invocation Rift."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "He is quite squishy as well so he won\u2019t be able to do much if the enemy team gets healing reduction during the early game. An enemy team that can ward well will counter Fiddlesticks entirely and prevent him from all-in\u2019ing the enemy team consistently."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "and CC the enemy/champion team that attacked him Shaco falls like a truck if the game continues too long."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "When Urgot reaches level 6, its exchange capacity increases. Urgot's ability to take out his commercial opponents decreases when he is hit by his Ultimate R (executor)."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "He has an advantage in lane healing, which provides him a benefit. He has an advantage in jungle healing, which provides him a benefit against other junglers."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "You need to position and play safely when Gragas has his E up. If Gragas uses his E and it misses, you can look to turn the exchange around."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Kayle is considered weak at the beginning of the game. Abusing Kayle early on the force to rise early and delay his first peak of major power."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "It will also protect you from all-in-ones. Yasuo is mixed up, so keep harassing him as much as possible."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "This becomes really valuable at a team meeting. She has her own form of CC on her r."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "The enemy team can all-in-Xerath if they use their R carelessly without having their Flash up. Xerath can be flanked with ease in the track when pushed upwards due to its built-in erasure."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Once you get two items, you should be able to flatten a lot of damage depending on the construction you go for. Just make sure to use your e in an appropriate way to avoid CC"} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox tends to fall off as the enemy buys items that counter him. The enemy will group, making it harder for Aatrox to secure kills."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Stay close to your team to maximize your impact on the game. Don't move unless you have a teammate with you to ensure safety."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Pushing Sona when it is positioned forward can be effective. Once Sona reaches level 6, her death pressure increases and she can start playing more aggressively."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early. This will make the laning phase so much safer."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana's survival in team fighting increases when her Blackshield E is not available. Stay outside the wave so Morgana can't push you at the same time."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana wants to feed the farm at the beginning of the game to get level 6 and unblock its Ultimate t. It can delay this by invading or trying to fight it early."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "The first element will be a massive power peak for Lucian because it allows him to do a lot of damage. This article gives Lucian an inherent advantage, especially if it can capitalize on its level 2 power point."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "If you are nowhere near, you can either gank another way, move in their jungle or start the Drake. Focus on taking Dragons early."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "The Ultimate R ability can single-handedly turn the tide of a team fight. Grievous Wounds are quite effective against him."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "You can delay Aumu's power peak by invading him early. Once Amumu gets tons of cooling reduction, its Ultimate will be there on a shorter cooling."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox suffers from long cooldowns and is easily abusable when they\u2019re on cooldown. You\u2019ll fall off in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus is excellent in team fighting due to his Q and Ultimate R. A good Ultimate R can literally allow the Varus team to win a significant battle with minimal effort."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin is really good at removing or removing isolated targets. Make sure your group gets closer to your team to make it harder for Lee Sin to bring down anyone alone."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Ekko will have to devote some time to clearing wards if he wants to be successful in picking off enemy champions. Ekko is prone to CC."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "When Ornn completes his first component item, he can make more aggressive plays and win more trades with the enemy bottom lane. You should not engage in fights after your Ultimate R is no longer available."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Stay grouped with your team. Do not leave your ADC's side otherwise the enemy will capitalise on the fact that you're not there to protect your ADC."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Successfully ruining the lower lane should encourage calling to take the Dragon. Taking the Dragon will give you an early soul."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "He will now be able to cover his enemies from afar and inflict a heavy amount of damage at the same time. Once he reaches level 11, Zac can have two points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Keeping them alive for as long as possible while dealing damage will increase your chances of winning the game. In team fights, use your empowered d to provide a large shield to your allies."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "You should abuse your E. (capacity) by using it often. Focus on achieving objectives."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "The abuse of an enemy's timer of death can result in a gain of gold and benefits such as the taking of towers or setting of targets. Sona is excellent in team fighting because of the additional effects that her capabilities provide to her allies."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's main power peak occurs early at level 6 when it unlocks its Ultimate R. Unlocking your Ultimate R adds a significant shine to Syndra's champion kit,"} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Post 6, it is better to avoid fighting it unless you have a clear advantage, Because you'll need time to kill him because of his tankyness and Ultime."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Agriculture is going to be very important, only for the jobs on him, when his shot fell, or when he's going to hit a minion for the last time. Trendamere's Ultimate will be a major problem in this matchup, so make sure you save your slow for once he used his ult, otherwise your backline will take the ball."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Once you hit level 6, look for all-in opportunities with your Ultimate. You are vulnerable and immobile pre-level 6."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Your placement E will determine if you win or lose a fight with ease. Fighting around choking points is recommended, and it is also advisable to target spellings or assassins with your E."} -{"label": "kaisa", "text": "She can use her Ultimate R to reposition, engage and disengage from fights, and protect herself. When Kai'Sa purchased her first component item,"} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Once Miss Fortune reaches level 6, her death pressure increases thanks to her Ultimate E. Miss Fortune's Ultimate E can cause tons of damage if it is used in a safe place."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna is excellent in the end-of-game fights because of her passive, healing, and damage. Its positioning will be very important, and it should aim to take on fighting that occurs near the bottlenecks."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Be prepared to flank in team fights to make it easier for you to catch the enemy out of position. Electric farming is intended to reach level 6."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "His Q will be on a very short cooldown. This means that his selection and poke potential will increase a lot. Tahm Kench should try to use the war fog combined with his W to secure peaks on the enemy."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "If he physically cannot all-in you, he may look to roam and use his Ultimate m in the mid lane instead."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "he is a challenging champion for beginners to learn from. when he is behind, he isn't that good."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "His effigies help him with the same and can be used to secure and clear a lot of vision for his team. For the side lane, or while lane ganking, he can make complete usage of the lane brushes to bamboozle enemies."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear's trading power is weaker when its Ultimate R is on cooldown. Volibear's main goal is to get an early lead by constantly jerking off."} -{"label": "katarina", "text": "Make sure you watch your positioning though so she doesn't try to all-in you in return. Try to abuse your range advantage to gain an early health lead."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Get Mordekaiser involved when his E is broken, otherwise you will have problems avoiding it due to lack of mobility. Mordekaiser can force a fight with R at level 6, so be prepared at all times during trading."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "When he activated his Ultimate R, he blew it up so he couldn't dry up a lot of damage. At level 6, Swain's damage production is increasing."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Post 6, Pantheon wins the 1v1 as they\u2019re stronger when their Ultimate is up. Rek'Sai has creative ganking routes."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain is good in team fighting thanks to his AOE Ultimate R. Force a fight or fight when Swain isn't around will make it easier for your team to win team fights."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "When Mordekaiser gets enough items, it becomes almost impossible to kill unless the enemy team concentrates it. In a team fight, Mordekaiser's E can be extremely beneficial in the fight against enclaved enemy teams."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "He can take frequent fights and take little to no damage. The CC aspect will allow him to score many picks throughout the game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "The strength of Diana increases with each kill she gets. Counter-ganking is recommended as Diana has nothing to offer once she has blown her Ultimate R or Q."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "If Blitzcrank shows on the ward, pull the monster outwards so he cannot easily land his Hook b. Never use dash or dodge unless Blitzcrank has his b on cooldown."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "The lane brushes de-warded state amplifies the threat of Jarvan's all-in abilities. Keeping the lane brushes de-warded will let Jarvan catch the enemy off-guard."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao has access to all its basic capabilities when it is able to use them. When Xin Zhao has full access to his capabilities, he will begin to ruin the blades whenever an opportunity arises."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "These targets can give her an even greater lead Quinn doesn\u2019t have a duelling Ultimate R."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "You should stand in the middle of the lane as much as possible when facing Camille and her E is available. At level 6 Camille will gain access to her Ultimate R which can be deadly if you\u2019re low and overextended."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "You can then jump on him, charge him, and try to fight him. Akshan has tons of mobility thanks to his E. It can allow him to move in the track with ease, and to pass to the enemy to launch quickly."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "This will increase your team's chances of winning the game. Try to apply your Ultimate R to as many champions as possible."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Its e forms the core of its entire kit so that if the enemy waits for it, it will not be as effective. When you go for an AD construction, Kog'Maw's Ultimate y (ability) is next to useless in terms of utility and damage."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille is not afraid to jump in and soak up damage if needed. Try and stand in the middle of the lane at all times."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Aphelios is item reliant during the mid-game. If Aphelios is camped constantly early on, he won't be able to farm freely and will have a hard time as the game goes on."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Consistently place vision around the map to help your team secure objectives and get picks. Having vision around the Baron and Dragon is needed to help your team to victory."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn's Q is a potent tool in the lane. The ability of Quinn's Q completely negates the ability to auto-attack from one or multiple enemies."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Skarner will seek to flank in team fighting with his E. E is used to monitor the flanks to make it easier for you to escape from Skarner before it comes to load you."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's weakest at the start of the game. An early advantage can force Maokai to miss gold and XP."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "His game plan is pretty much the same in each game too. Nasus is a very good slit pusher."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Once Vex has reached level 9, it will be at the maximum its first capacity. This will make Vex much stronger in the way."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "It is really good after the end of the laning phase as it can get choices with its Ultimate R. Avoid walking around Rift Summoners alone otherwise it can try to catch you out of position."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "He is extremely vulnerable to crowd control. Veigar has a weak early play."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "At this stage of the game, Camille's 1v1 potential is incredibly high. Don't be afraid to look for 1v1 fights at level 9."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "The enemy will be unable to roam or help their allies if they are under constant pressure in the tower. When there is no team fight occurring, the player should move themselves to a side lane and push the minion wave."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "masteryi will use two capabilities to increase its power during fighting. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "The outer range of the W deals extra damage, and has a heal and a slow, while the inner range of the W does not slow or heal Camille. If Camille lands an E on you and you want to all in her, cast your Ultimate right before she stuns you so you do not waste any time casting your Ultimate outside of the stun."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "At level 11, Nasus put the second point in his Ultimate R. Nasus will be really tanky and high position level 16."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong will have a lot of articles, which will make it very tanky and allow it to do a lot and a lot of damage in a short time. The enemy team will find it difficult to cope with Wukong due to its increased survival."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "A utility Support can help Aphelios shine in the mid-game. A team that can empower him makes Aphelios a good mid-game champion."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett can use his Ultimate R to take the closest champion and throw them into their allies behind them if he is grouped. Grouping with others online can make it more difficult for Sett to use his Ultimate R on opponents."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Lucian can quickly kill the enemy with multiple combo rotations using his level 2. Level 6 is an important power peak, especially when Lucian is against a stationary port."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Once Ekko goes in, he doesn\u2019t have much left. You can abuse this because you are a good counter ganker."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Renata would\u2019ve completed multiple items at this stage of the game. Her peel potential heavily increases and so does her team fighting skill."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Stand near your main port towards the back of the team. Avoid walking too far from anyone in the late game to avoid being taken out."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie's pick potential is incredibly high. Be afraid not to try and one-shot the enemy Support if you\u2019re ahead."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "The enemy squishes will find it difficult to handle Syndra. Syndra's first capacity will be maximized at Level 9."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax can play a mind game and see if he can catch the enemy carrying farming in the side lane. The brushes in the Jungle are great spots to hide in to achieve this goal."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "zilean's p (ability) can guarantee a Q W Q hit on a specified target, which can be very beneficial in setting up a deathbrush before a major objective fight. Before six, he's pretty squishy, and easily killable if his p is on cooldown."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Eliminating the enemy Jungler ensures you won't mess up a smite. Fighting in chokepoints can be beneficial during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Remember Level 5 if you are at risk of dying. Let Lissandra push you into your turn."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Your goal is to abuse enemy lantern and get killed during the laning phase. The player should play aggressively when it is necessary to get an early advance."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "masteryi must be able to powerfarm early play and therefore has no impact unless the enemy overextends or overstays. He will focus mainly on cleaning at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Going down when Pantheon's E is down makes him vulnerable to all-in attacks from the enemy team. This champion is an early game bully."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "The Ultimate R will be on a lower cooldown that allows her to go for more aggressive all-ins. With the lower cooldown comes additional damage."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne wants enemies to split up so he can use his Ultimate A to pick them off. Nocturne is super squishy and gets blown up in team fights quickly even with his s."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Its Ultimate R will become really powerful when it is maximized. This means that she will be able to take enemies with ease and whenever she wants."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "He will be both able to support himself and to inflict substantial damage. Lucian's Q & E will be maximized during this game stage."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "allow them to push towards the enemy while protecting themselves from the ganks. If the player continues to push when they are not ahead, they will become an easy target for the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "This unlock triggers a lot of additional damage for Brand and allows him to blow up the enemy Mid laner if he has previously landed some poke down on them. Once Brand completes his Mythic item, he can constantly keep the enemy Mid laner pushed into their tower."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "When extended trades are possible, look for them. Gragas relies on damage dealing abilities but is unable to act except auto-attack when they're on cooldown."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "To compensate for this weakness, Ziggs should use track brushes to delimit enemies without necessarily using their capabilities. The only threat will keep enemies at hand. Ziggs Q is reliable"} -{"label": "jax", "text": "However, if a nearby player is ganking or counter-ganking, don't be afraid to take it. If the enemy team invades you early, just back off; you won't win early skirmishes with them."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean's Q > W > Q combo will be able to CC several targets. The cooling of the Zilean Q will be low, allowing it to continue harassing and harassing the enemy."} -{"label": "vi", "text": "It should be able to enter the backline and lock high priority targets with ease. Vi will have three points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Your early play can be weak, requiring more time to come online. As a medium, monitor your positioning at all times to avoid harassment of the enemy Support."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Destroying the bottom lane tower will rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. As a Support, you\u2019re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you\u2019re moving around the map, and when you\u2019re alone."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Delay fighting and be ready to disengage if it is still on cooling. Having three points in his Ultimate R is a massive powerpike for Xin Zhao."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "Group together and avoid too much separation. The Ultimate R of Sivir is an excellent tool to launch team fights and if it is capable of collapsing on a target that is alone or overstretched."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's damage output intensifies after picking up his first component item. Ezreal can look for more aggressive plays once he has his first component item."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Bait his W out before going in on him. Roam around and see if you can get kills elsewhere on the map, specifically on pushed enemies."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Mid-game is a decent time to roam around and get picks all around the map. Your W should let you get easy choices on enemies who are too pushed up in the lane."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "When playing the Yone, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies during the late game. Taking an enemy at the end of the game can give you enough time to start a fight, sit a goal, or take the Baron / Elder Dragon."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks is safe in lane. Focus on poking with Fiddlesticks."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "His Passive will allow his allies to break out enemies with ease."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille doesn't have the healthiest or fastest clear. You can use this to your advantage by invading Camille in the early game and stealing away some of her camps."} -{"label": "nami", "text": "Don't let Nami harass you at Level 1 so it's harder for her to look for Level 2 all-in. Once Nami reaches level 6, his death pressure increases while his Ultimate R is an excellent tool to start skirmishes or disengage from fighting."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "When sieging an objective, make sure nobody in your team is too far forward as she can pick them off with her E and start the fight. Quinn will try to poke you from a safe distance."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "In the late game, you need to call for Baron or the Elder Dragon. Do not die otherwise your team will not be able to secure them and the enemy will take it for free."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "This is because it can help her Jungler a lot when it comes to detecting the enemy Jungler without putting Ashe's life in jeopardy. Getting her Ultimate w will be a massive point in the game for Ashe."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Play safe and wait until you have access to your main abilities. Diana has good roaming/all-in potential after level 6."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Siege objectives should be tried with by team during mid-game. You have strong poking tools which allow siege objectives to be sieged with ease."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "If you don't get easy ganks, try to invade the enemy's camps and steal their resources. After six minutes, try to make aggressive games and gank allies whenever Malphite's Ultimate is available, as it significantly increases the pressure to kill."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Setting up vision around the Jungle entrances in the river should help her detect invades early on. Once she unlocks her basic abilities, she should be looking to gank pushed up enemy lanes with extreme prejudice."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "When grouping do not let Nidalee poke you down with her s. Engage as soon as she overextends to throw a Spear s."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz is strong at level 3 and 4 once he unlocks all 3 of his abilities. Fizz\u2019s main power spike is once he hits level 6."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "At level 11, he will have access to his level 2 Ultimate R. The level two Ultimate R will allow him to use his Ultimate R more frequently while increasing healing and damage inflicted with the help of this ability."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "Avoid the minion wave at all times because landing his Q and stun would be difficult. Standing too close to the wall makes it easy for Bard to stun the player with his Q."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "They'll win the 1v1 because they're stronger when their Ultimate is in place. Their Ultimate makes them stronger for 6 seconds."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "As soon as Malzhar focuses a champion with his Ultimate R try CC so the chain is canceled. Malzahar is not very strong at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "If Camille can Ult R a carry champion, she could win the game. While Camille has good pick potential, the enemy will start building defensive stats to counter her."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra is very good in team fighting. It can easily CC high priority targets"} -{"label": "corki", "text": "You should be aware of Corki's increased aggression after getting his first item when you're trading with him. Corki can be very strong during the mid game and in team fights."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "This means that Varus can set up ambushes or surprise enemy heroes with its ultimate ability. Varus is subject to everything, because he has no dash."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Olaf is excellent during the late game. His tankiness will be phenomenal now."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Level a Ultimate R does very little damage if the enemy is away from the epicentre of the explosion. It cannot be used as an effective finishing movement unless Ziggs has items or two points in that capacity."} -{"label": "leona", "text": "Leona has an incredibly strong level 2, make sure to hit Level 2 first. When you get trapped, Leona will never engage again if she does not take damage above her health threshold."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "When Neeko has completed her first item, she will have tons of wave clear and will be able to push the wave very fast. You\u2019ll need to make sure you can push the wave back so you don\u2019t lose your Tower early."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one. Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If you dodge Gragas' E, you'll have an easier time fighting him. Gragas will be ganking a lot early, so it's essential to counter this by having good vision."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's W > Q combination locks enemies. Level 6 is a massive power peak for Maokai."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Proper vision from the enemy allows them to see Neeko\u2019s changes and detect her in bushes. Level six is a significant spike for Neeko as she gains access to her power Ultimate R."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "Shyvana's strategy is to make short exchanges with his k and a time when the main damage to the enemy champion or CC capability is disabled. When engaging in duels, Shyvana can use track brushes to drop vision and surprise enemies."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "If you can find an opportunity to do so, use it to catch out someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or way out of position. Peel for your carries to keep them alive for longer."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Your ultimate R can really save your Jungler if they're stuck in a bad situation. Lulu's gonna get her basics now."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Force ganks with your R! As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "As the games end around or before the 30-minute mark, Nasus' late transport potential is reduced. Your champion is weak at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "This is the game phase where the damage will be a ton of. You can use your E more liberally to get murders from now on."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "You will want to get your items as quickly as possible for maximum efficiency. Trendamere's level 11 isn't too good because it doesn't give it a lot of statistics."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Putting the enemy down and delaying fighting can be effective in the late part."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The enemy who buys Grievous Wounds can easily counter the healing of Sylas with a good amount. As Jungler, Your goal is to maximize gold and XP for your team through frequent ganks."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "It is pretty good during this stage of the game. Amumu's late part isn't bad."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "As soon as the hook is applied, Blitzcrank should quickly dismount and retreat to a safe location. Blitzcrank's level 2 is very strong."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Once Trundle reaches level 3, it can start to gank as its e is the main tool it needs to get ganks out. If you are a tank, Trundles level 6 all-in can be deadly because it reduces your defensive statistics to a crispy one."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Be cautious of this and wait a few seconds after he appears again before trading with him. Ekko will look to constantly push the wave with his Q."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "We should play around their abilities and try to abuse their cooldowns with our early game damage. Rotation around the card will allow us to continue to grow and win XP."} -{"label": "zeri", "text": "2 points in his Ultimate R offer Zeri a lot of extra pressure to kill. In the middle of the game, Zeri would have picked up several articles."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "This makes Olaf a formidable opponent in the 1v1 and makes him hard to play against. Look to play aggressive and fight the enemy whenever possible."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Adjust your game style accordingly, prioritizing security and avoiding unnecessary risks. Zac excels in roaming, so it is essential to do ping and communicate with your team whenever it is missing on the track."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "The Urgot Q has a long cooling period and you should try to avoid it during the laning phase. Urgot's E also has a long cooling time and you should try to avoid it during the laning phase."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "It will be difficult for you to kill Morgana or CDA when she can block CC with her Blackshield E. Try to fight Morgana when this capacity is broken."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "CC is considered the best friend for team fighting. Locking CC with CC will make it very difficult for him to stack his R, dashed with E, and inevitably use his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "This will allow your aircraft carriers to play freely. and you will be able to absorb a lot of damage for your allies."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Zyra's poke is very good. Once you have some levels behind you, you will be able to constantly harass the enemy with your Q and E."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Especially level 9 when Zed uses his ultimate R on an enemy target. In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "After Post-six, Lucian can shoot an enemy with his combo while simultaneously repositioning with his E. Lucians E makes it quite slippery, allowing it to avoid ganks with ease."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Always try to get in touch with the enemy Jungler. The removal of the enemy Jungler makes it easy to take neutral goals."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Avoid starting major goals like the Baron or a Dragon when Mordekaiser is nearby because he can take your Jungler to the Kingdom of Shadow with his R which will make taking the goal risky. Mordekaiser has a strong duel potential in the way thanks to his W."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Killing Lulu is really going to be next to the impossible. At this stage of the game, Lulu would be fully built."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "When Ezreal completes his Mythic item, his damage output further grows. A good Ezreal will look to poke the enemy down with his Q before initiating an all-in."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus has many crowd control tools that make it very effective in fighting You should keep harassing Nautilus with your p in this matchup."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "When your Q is on cooldown, you\u2019re quite vulnerable and will lose 1v1 fights. Make sure you make use of your Passive empowered auto."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Yasuo's passive and r-damage can decimate the enemy. Yasuo can kill the squishies easily because of its high yield in damage."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Neutral Objective fights are pretty easy to deal with if you use your Ultimate R properly. The Ultimate R has a very short cooldown, allowing it to be used quite frequently."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Do not delay a team fight as it will give Quinn time to take an objective or rotate to join her team. Quinn\u2019s pick potential is high."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "K'Sante's strength lies in his ability to become a tankman and excel in team fighting in the middle of the game. Damage to your team in the team fights."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "You will need to keep a constant eye on your energy levels and go only for aggressive games when you have a lot of energy. Akali and assassins like his fight against the teams with a lot of CC."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelynn won't be ruined early, so try gank as much as you can to give your allies an advantage. Evelynn is weak at the beginning of the game and will focus on electric farming up to level 6."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah's damage is very important, and she can quickly be chosen with her abilities. Taliyah's first capacity was maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Once Volibear reaches level 6, avoid remaining in the track when it is low as it can use its Ultimate R aggressively and catch you. If you are forced to remember, do not remember under the tower that its Ultimate R can stop the towers inflicting damage."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "He's about a poke/damage robot when his Ultimate t is down. Zilean is intrinsically squishy so it shouldn't be a problem to shoot him once his Ultimate t is on the cooldown."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Detach from your ally when Karma's Q ability is on cooldown to minimize the risk of taking damage. Keep the wave closer to your side of the lane to create opportunities for jungle assistance and to have a longer lane to chase down Karma and her ADC if needed."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius is a strong 1v1 champion and can fight most laners who are put up against him. Look to use your Ultimate e at the last possible second in every fight."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "It will need to use its capabilities more carefully to avoid a lack of resources. The goal is to get Level 2 first."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "This will make laning a living nightmare for your enemy. Let the wave push in so that you can farm safely."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm! When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "She'll use her Q to fight you. When using her Q, run inside the minion wave so she can't easily land it."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Opt for additional support thanks to Biscuit Delivery if you take Inspiration and make sure to take a flat magic resistance early. Try to stand on the opposite side of the way in Zyra at all times."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Make sure to try CC several enemies with it sometimes. This should be useful if you can use the fog of war with it."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Make sure you use Flash to escape his Ultimate R so he can't get the reset and win the fight. Ward the flanks when sieging objectives as Pyke can attack from the side or pick someone off with his Q and win the fight."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "As Jungler, it is necessary to secure every Drake in the middle of the game. Securing the Dragon Soul will increase the chances of winning the game for your team."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Failing to do so will prompt Olaf to all-in you once you're low. If you look for an all-in, make sure that you commit."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "Once she manages to get an extra point in her Ultimate R, she will use the ability frequently in the lane. This will lead to her taking more skirmishes and winning most duels in the game."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can poke the opposition with his W. Heimerdinger can set Q turrets in the lane brushes/around him to prevent all-ins."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "The player camille is advised to stay with her team. Camille does not want to go in without her team."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressively and look for aggressive pieces."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "This allows them to put him in a very disadvantageous position that can actually have him killed immediately. Kayn is a heavy Jungler skirmish."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Once they\u2019re low, engage. You can also look for picks with your abilities to catch someone who is out of position."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "He can look for trades more frequently due to his W ability. Gragas's E ability can be used with Flash to get surprise trades/engages off with the enemy."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Level 2 is the first wave followed by the next 3 minions on the second wave. At level 6, Lucian has much more commercial power thanks to his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Gaining more items improves Jhin's ability to secure neutral objectives."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Keep track of the jungle camp chronometers and steal his blue buff while he spawns. Once Ziggs gets Sorcerer, Shows and Ludens, he erases minion waves incredibly quickly."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo's ability to 1v1 the enemy Jungler, or 1v1 any lane champion, will be very high. Don\u2019t be afraid to 1v1 champions if you\u2019re ahead."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "This will make it much more difficult for Akali to fight and survive if she cannot hide in her. In the later stages of the game, try to stay as a team and try not to wander the card alone."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "It is crucial for ezreal to stick with their team as much as possible. At level 16 Ezreal will put the third point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Learning seraphin doesn't take as long as learning from champions like Akali or Camille. Seraphine has a lot of crowd control thanks to her Passive, E and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick will focus on agriculture and survive the game early. At level 6, Warwick will be much stronger."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "He can cast his Ultimate R from afar, which means he\u2019ll avoid and dodge shallow wards. His W offers him tons of pick pressure throughout the game."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Other points of Xerath's p will result in further damage to enemy targets. Slowing down the target with his 2 would be optimal to ensure a p stroke on the enemy."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "The mid-game is usually when teams start grouping, making Anivia a good mid-game champion. Anivia is good in team fights."} -{"label": "xayah", "text": "Avoid going for prolonged trades with Xayah early because she will usually win them. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on so it protects you and makes the matchup safer."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Samira is excellent in mid-game fighting because she can overthrow the enemies if she gets her rank S. This, combined with her mobility and life theft, will prevent her from dying. Samira's first capacity will be maximized to level 9, which will dramatically increase its damage and leave its squishies at one stroke."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Ryze does not point to level 6 because its Ultimate is a utility tool. Use this to your advantage to win a level 6 all-in."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "If Qiyana is behind, she will not deal any damage in team fights. Qiyana may be able to get a good Ultimate R off if she is behind."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Always keep mental distance between you and Darius. If you're close to Darius, he will be able to pull you in with his E. Try to stay out of range of this ability at all times."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "To facilitate access to the enemy rear line, group with your team, but stay on the side. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "The Ultimate R gives Gragas a massive damage boost. The low cooldown combined with the knockback in the Ultimate R helps Gragas pick high-priority targets."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "If you don't, you'll be easily killed because his W is really boring. If Lulu plays safely, just focus on roaming with your s."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "When she hits level 6, Renata can set up her Jungler to gank your lane and kill you. Renata is good in team fights thanks to the large radius on her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Fizz has tons of burst damage, which will make killing the enemy easier. But again, remaining healthy is key if you\u2019re looking to all-in someone."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Every second with it up could mean you miss out on a kill. Get ahead of Gragas by ganking with your Ultimate every time it\u2019s up."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "If you're not sure about using your E in a late-game fight, it may lead to being abused. You should stick with your team and stay close to them."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora is a great split pusher and one of the best duelists in the game thanks to her Ultimate R and Q. If you can't match her in a side lane, try your best to force an uneven team fight on the other side of the map."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Match her pushing power as much as possible. Avoid letting her gain a lead from pushing me under my tower. Orianna's Ultimate ability can affect up to 5 enemy champions."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "If the enemy is regrouping, group up with your team as well. In team fighting, focus on the most squishiest and easiest targets in the backline."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "At level 14, he would have maximized 2 abilities at this stage of the game. Level 14 is when Warwick would have maximized two abilities."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "This level allows Vladimir to develop a significant amount of death pressure in the way. This will allow Vladimir to have a fairly easy impact on the fighting from now on."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Brand will use his abilities more frequently to harass. Brand's late-game damage is insane."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie is a great team fighting champion. Teams will be grouping in the late game."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas will look to gank a lot in the early game. The early game is when Gragas will be most active in terms of ganking."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "At level 16, Darius\u2019s Ultimate will be an essential tool in team fights. Darius's Ultimate can deal a considerable amount of damage and is an execute-"} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "Your goal in early play is to win as much gold as possible and XP as quickly as possible. Winning as much gold as possible and XP as quickly as possible means electric farming."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Walking alone in the Rift Invocators is not recommended when facing Zyra. Fighting near targets or jungle areas can put you at risk due to proximity."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax will be looking to split push in the later stages of the game. Always keep an eye on where Jax is at any given time."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Focus on maintaining health while cultivating to access to W, E and R. In the meantime, try to land Q on the minion wave and enemy champion."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up. Ensure you\u2019re focusing those objectives as you have good objective control and can take them easily."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Your Ultimate will also be on lower cooling, which is very beneficial. At this stage of the game, Akali would be almost max build."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The team can follow the crowd control set up by its k Twitch can be considered extremely squishy and can be easily killed if it is CC."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Misuse of her E can lead to many negative situations for her. If Morgana's opponent has a hard CC, the abuse of his E can be potentially deadly."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "Continuing to collect and secure jungle camps is crucial as Jungler in the middle of the game. Not getting late in the middle of the game is crucial as Jungler so make sure you keep growing!"} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "His is the only form of self-peel for him. Once it's over, its enemies can easily catch it, as well as the crowd controlling it and force it to remember."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "You should not attempt any objectives if Poppy is nearby because she can knock you away with her Ultimate R. Poppy has a healthy clear advantage, making it difficult for an invasion in the early game."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "If you can catch someone out when the enemy is unorganised, you'll be able to force a team fight or an objective afterwards."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Picking off hwei as he moves around the map will be an effective strategy. Taking the Baron or Dragon will give you a strong advantage over hwei."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "If Master Yi activates his Ultimate r, immediately disable so that he cannot resume the fight. When health is weak, step back even if Master Yi is not there."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Her W and Ultimate R will help her when she deals with enemies who like to flank and reach her rear line. Group your team during this phase of the game and make sure you can land consistent DPS on enemies."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Once you have your Ultimate R, look for an all-in. Fizz has tons of kill pressure with his Ultimate R and it will usually result in a kill."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "If Rengar leaves Level 6, players should trap him to reduce the chances he gets a R Ultimate off success. Rengar's leaving after level 6 should be pinched."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "A champion who dies the most in the game is Brand. Brand relies heavily on mana for his gameplay."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Level 16 is a massive power peak, which means it can completely decimate enemies who are stuck together. It will have to find flanks on the enemy frequently."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is strong during the end-of-game fights because his d and Ultimate abilities become more effective. All he has to do to make an effective contribution is wait for the right time."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Zhonya's Hourglass is a defensive item that makes it easy to focus on the enemy backline in the fog of war. Invading the enemy Jungle should be your next goal."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite is at its weakest at the beginning of the game. Try to put Malphite behind to delay his next peak of power."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "If the enemy waits for him, Kogmaw won't be as effective. When you go for an AD construction, Kog'maw's Ultimate is next to it useless in terms of utility and damage."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Players should avoid regrouping with their allies when their ultimate R (Rule) ability is disabled. During the final stages of the game, team members should meet when their Ultimate R is activated."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "If Garen doesn\u2019t come online in the first few levels, he\u2019ll fall behind and won\u2019t be able to scale. Once your Ultimate R is unlocked, you can play more aggressively."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Maxing out Yuumi Q and E at level thirteen means that she will heal her portages at an alarming rate. This level maximization will make Yuumi an important asset for his team due to his healing abilities."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "This makes it really easy for Varus to choose his enemies, especially when trying to trade paths. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "He is already quite obnoxious due to his Q and W. The component will now let him make the enemy recall abruptly quite often."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "In that time, you should resort to spamming d to inflict damage on Mordekaiser. Mordekaiser's weakest point is at level 1 as it does not have its abilities and cannot reliably stack its liabilities, so you can afford to extend the jobs with it to one degree."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "If you see a weak ally on health and in a skirmish with Tahm, ultivate them immediately if the fight seems saving. Tahm Kench can absorb a lot of damage entering the track and in team fighting with his E."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "He can associate her with his Flash for a devastating combo on the enemy team, which will leave them powerless. More items mean more damage to Kennen."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "This can change the tide of a team fight in an instant. Sett's Passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health so that he can resort to short operations against enemy champions unlike other tanks."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Avoid feeding him kills. Avoid gifting him kills."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "His game plan remains the same in each game. Nasus is a good slit pusher."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "The whole enemy team can be displaced by Gragas's Ultimate ability. Gragas has good sustain in lane compared to many other champions."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Using Q to slowly whittle down the enemy will increase your chances of winning a follow-up fight. Back early once you have enough gold for your first item."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "When you\u2019re waiting on your cooldowns, play safe and out of auto-attack range. Rell\u2019s strong roaming ability is used to move around the map and help allies."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Be careful when playing Pantheon, watch which minions have died and play safe until you have your abilities to fight back. Keep an eye on Pantheon's empowered ability charges."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Make sure you do not fall behind in XP by trying to constantly gank. Look to repeatedly gank lanes that are over extended or Flashless."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "You should use your capabilities to clear minion waves quickly so that your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat. When cleaning minion waves with your capabilities, you can look for a favorable trade if you can land poke while pushing the wave."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "If a squishy champion is taken out of position, they can be shot down and won. Keep playing around the cooldown of their Ultimates R."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan will try to intimidate you with its superior range. You should only move forward to trade or secure minions in early play to prevent Akshan from harassing you for free."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The first component for Teemo will increase its overall damage in the game. This increase in damage will help Teemo in the duels, and will allow him to use his spells as frequently."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "Try to force a fight as fast as you can rather than allow it to shoot you with its y and m. In team fighting, side flank or create different angles of approach to get on Viktor."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain's pretty still. The winding is weak at the beginning of the rolling phase."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "He's looking for choices about the enemies walking alone around the Rift of the Invocation. Avoid walking in nonwarded areas unless you know where Xin Zhao is."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Look to strike right after Jhin uses his 4th shot as he will not be able to retaliate with autos until he reloads. When fighting with Jhin, avoid running directly backwards after a trade."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "If Bel\u2019Veth consumes a Void Coral at this point in the game and activates her True Form, she\u2019s going to be very hard to take down due to all those bonus stats she gains."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Taking the mid lane tower can open up the map and provide your team with a gold lead. Her laning power will depend a lot on who her Support is."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twisted Fate was extremely squishy and immobile early, which can make him sensitive to ganks due to the way his kit works. If Twisted Fate didn't play defensively, he'd get camped."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "At level 6, Kassadin will unlock his Ultimate ability. Kassadin's first significant power spike will occur at level 6 with the unlocking of his Ultimate."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "This is due to its AoE capabilities and mobility, which can enable it to obtain a 5-man Ultimate R. Lillia will already have several objects."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Your E allows you an upper hand against Dr.Mundo. You can detect Dr.Mundo with ease thanks to your Passive."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune's first major power peak occurs when it reaches level 4/5. When Miss Fortune reaches level 4/5, she puts several points in her t capacity."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "A scanning lens is recommended to reduce the chances of walking in a fungus. If Teemo is spotted on the upper side of the map, invade the lower side of its jungle to steal its camps."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett is a strong start ganker. Expect that Sett gank all the tracks at the beginning of the game to get himself and his allies in advance."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "it can use them as a transport mechanism Q. Similarly, Zilean can slow down enemies."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain will have the opportunity to impact the team fights during the middle of the game, mainly neutral objective fights a lot. This is very beneficial to him, given the AoE aspect of his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear has great selection potential in the middle of the game. Avoid entering unrewarded parts of the card if you know Volibear is nearby."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Abuse your range advantage to harass melee Supports while they're low on health, preventing them from engaging. However, avoid over-forcing this harassment as it may result in excessive minion damage for little gain."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "At this stage of the game, you should have tons of batteries and be really strong. If you're early, use your Ultimate R to check out the most squishi enemy champion to get them out of the fight."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Just look for an all-in against Swain if your Jungler is nearby and ready to help. A swap with excellent CC capacity (crowd control) can CC a target, which works especially well against stationary carts."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "At level 6, kassadin can start to take more aggressive approaches to gameplay. Once kassadin unlocks their Ultimate ability, they can become more aggressive in their playstyle."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "The first element significantly improves Syndra's wave output and damage, while increasing its mana basin for frequent casting capacity. Level 3 provides a substantial peak of power as it gives access to all of Syndra's primary capabilities, allowing it to engage in regular exchanges with enemies."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Nautilus struggles again to get out once he enters, so if he makes a mistake, exploit him. Nautilus will automatically attack anyone who approaches him in CC attempts with his passive."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "His damage and prolonged burns will be truly heinous to the enemy. Fighting Lillia alone could be difficult because she can use her Ultimate R to protect herself or turn around the exchange."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "The second point of his Ultimate R allows him to do more damage with capacity. We need to make sure he throws the target in the right direction."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Once Aumu reaches level 6, try and position away from your other lane so he can't you two CC with his Ultimate y. Monitor your positioning throughout the game."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Try to ward the river and side bushes to spot the enemy Jungler before they show up in your lane. Whenever Diana lands her Q, she could look for an all-in attack thanks to the reset on her t."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Your Q Active will be particularly overpowered when bursting people down at these death brushes. Putting the second point in Fiddlesticks Ultimate R at level 11 is very important for him."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Right now, he should be focusing on staying alive and not getting CC'd and picked off by the enemy team. Fighting around chokepoints is absolutely necessary as Brand will be pretty effective with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Fighting Twitch during this stage gives the enemy team a much greater chance to win. Twitch can be virtually counterbalanced by a Control Ward, as it requires it to reroute due to the short-term nature of its automatic attacks."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "It is important to avoid using your r and m too often. Make sure to switch your r effectively to avoid running out of mana."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Another point in his Ultimate will allow him to frequently use the capacity and increase the damage of the clone burst."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "When Yorick's Ultimate R is at its disposal, its power increases considerably. A mingle game can be particularly embarrassing for Yorick in the way."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "This can send the enemy team in full panic mode He doesn't stand up early against the various matches because he can be swiped quite easily."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "The effect of Warwick's E can change the tide of a fight quite easily. Warwick's W allowed him to detect ill-health enemies on the map."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Having three points in his Ultimate R will help Viego take control of the game effortlessly. Viego's damage will increase considerably with three points in his Ultimate R, and he will melt through the enemy team."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Having your champion use their Ultimate will help a lot and allow them to pass through tanks quite easily. However, make sure that your champion's positioning is correct for it to be effective."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Its capabilities enable others to make an important contribution to the team's performance. If the rest of his team struggles, his abilities become less effective."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Your safety depends on staying close to your support throughout the middle of the game. If you move away from your Support, you will become an easy target for the enemy."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "During the team fights, Teemo should stay with his rear line at all times. sticking to his rear line will prevent Teemo from being killed during the team fights."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Focus on health and agriculture until you have access to your W, E and R. Try to land your Q on the minion wave and enemy champion."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "You will be very powerful during this game phase, and your tankness will be really high. Just make sure you don't leave your backline unattended, otherwise you'll have a hard time winning the game."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Avoid using your W capability recklessly as this can lead to consequences. Position yourself towards the back of your team near Support and CDA for better protection."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench won't be able to activate his E if he's locked up with CC. CC (Crowd Control) is your best friend in the fight against Tahm Kench."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "This helps her teammates a lot as they can easily collapse on the enemies Diana has Ultimate R'd. Her first item will allow her to get a massive boost in her overall damage."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "The best way to deal with Zac is to place pupils in its jungle camps and near its jungle entrances rather than pupils inside the alleys. You're really good at countering and gaunting in general."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If you can keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on, it will be very difficult for Kassadin to farm or break your freeze. If he does walk up to last hit, you can look to trade with him."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "He should make sure that he plays safely and that he is careful. The main objective is to increase first."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "When it reaches level 9, its first capacity will have been fully improved. This is a crucial power peak for the output of damage and duel capacity of Xin Zhao."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Avoid wandering too far from your team. While Eve is an assassin and can get picks with her R, if she gets caught out of position and too far away from her team, the enemy will be able to kill you and then take an objective."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "As long as he didn\u2019t fall behind in the early game, his mid-game will be where he truly shines. Aphelios should\u2019ve completed multiple items during the mid-game."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Do not fight in the late part unless your Ultimate h is in place. Your Ultimate h will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "But stand behind the minion wave instead so she can't put her Q on you while you're isolated. Its level 6 is much stronger than yours. Make sure you play safely and backwards if you are on low HP."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus is very weak early. Nasus' weakness makes him vulnerable to intimidation due to a lack of HP and batteries on his Q."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks will look to gank more frequently when their Ultimate is up. You should ward the enemy's jungle entrances so that your team can spot the Jungler leaving their jungle with their Ultimate."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Make sure you don't do anything that makes you catch during the early game. The first major power peak of Rumble occurs when it reaches level 6."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "Do not overextend when you are weak; it can easily kill you and place you behind. Once she has finished her first article, she will suffer a lot of damage and will be able to push the wave/combat more frequently."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The enemies will find it difficult to cross the choking points now because teemo will be able to create choking points more frequently. Teemo will have a lot of Hast capacity now, which means that it can deposit a lot more mushrooms around the map."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Once they\u2019re dead, either move to Baron or the Elder Dragon or siege and try to end the game. Make the call for objectives like the Baron or Elder Dragon when an enemy is dead and when your Ultimate t is up."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "He will then follow with damage to the rest of his abilities. The strategy is to divide the thrust in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Useful tools include healing, CC and shields! Milio has a Q that provides a good poke and CC."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain's first capacity will be maximized to level 9, adding a lot of burst damage to its kit. Swain's first ability helps him get rid of squishy targets quickly."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Make sure you match his pushing power so you do not lose tower plates early on. Jayce isn\u2019t that good at roaming."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "You need gold and XP to buy items. If you fall back, it will be unlikely that you will be able to cover the damage in the fighting."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric is a utilitarian champion. A champion of utility gives his allies the means to act."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Level 6 is a decent peak of power for Vladimir, allowing him to release his bursting combo. This level allows Vladimir to develop a significant amount of death pressure in the way."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Level 3 allows Syndra to go for regular exchanges against his enemies. If the allies move on your way after destroying their turn, turn and move around the map to continue farming and win XP and gold."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "In team fights, kite backwards when necessary. Caitlyn would\u2019ve completed multiple items during the mid-stage of the game. Caitlyn's high damage output is beneficial for this stage."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Avoid regrouping with other players as much as possible. Use your strong duellage potential in the middle of the game to fight against opponents who are trying to stop the split thrust."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "When facing Cho'Gath in the early game, use pressure to gain an advantage. Do not be afraid to fight Cho'Gath alone."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's lack of CC makes it possible for the enemy to kite him till he falls back or overextends and dies. Garen lacks any form of ranged engagement potential, making him weak against ranged enemy champions."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "If xerath doesn't have its Flash up, it can easily be all-in-und. when xerath is pushed in the way due to his in-build wavollear, it can be flanked with ease."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "At level 9, Caitlyn will max her Q at level 9. The maximum level of Q is reached at level 9. Caitlyn can clear waves pretty quickly at this stage in the game thanks to the damage it provides and the items she will have at this stage of the game."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra's main power peak early is at level 6 when it unlocks its Ultimate R. Syndra completed the Luden Echo, which adds a lot of extra shine to his champion's kit."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko has to close the gap in order to stun you with her E when using her ultimate. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "He will have to be careful to get CC'd too. Stay with your team at the end of the game. Do not separate or leave them otherwise the enemy can try to take you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "If Orianna gets caught out of position, she is going to die instantly. Siege objectives should be tried with by team during mid-game."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "You need to make sure that you match its damage and push back the wave to prevent it from roaming. Try to abuse the cooldown of Lissandra's ability by playing aggressive."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Position yourself behind the minions to block Thresh Death Sentence's skills. Having the minion wave closer to your side of the map increases gank opportunities."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "They will win the 1v1 as they are stronger when their Ultimate is up. Pantheon's Passive needs to be stacked before invading."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "If Lucian uses his E aggressively, use his cooldown to play aggressively and trade with him. A heavy power peak at level two allows Lucian to bring down an enemy with his handset E, Q."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Varus can use his Q to push the enemy remotely while securing the minions. The security of the minions allows Varus to grow safely without being attacked."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "By sitting Baron or Dragon, or whenever you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with your abilities. Vel'Koz is huge in team fighting, especially those near objective pits."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Channelling your Ultimate ability (e) near an enemy champion could be very dangerous They could interrupt the channel with CC."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Doing so can lead to the enemy targeting you individually or initiating a 4v5 fight when you're absent from your team. When focusing on an enemy champion, work as a team to take down the enemy one by one."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Level 6 is another important power peak for Lux as it helps its ADC kill the enemy's robot track. Level 6 capability can also be used to safely fly neutral lenses or shots."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Massive spike bolsters Olaf's overall damage potential. See if you can get some roams off on overextended enemies in the mid-lane."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Flying camps away from your opponent can gain you an advantage in gold and experience. Playing with your allies when your Ultimate is available can increase your death pressure."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Ensure that the lane entrances are warded. Keep poking the enemy relentlessly."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "She is not strong in the early game. It is possible to make She weaker by poking her down and watching your positioning."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "He will have to make sure that he takes the appropriate ultimates to be effective in the game. Level 3 is a decent peak of power as it allows it to access all its basic capabilities."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce won't be spiking too hard at level 11 because it won't be giving him as much stats or utility as most other champions' ultimates. It will definitely allow him to increase his overall burst damage, though. Once Jayce maxes his s at level nine, he will be able to dish out a lot of damage."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "The layout refers to the position or condition of the enemy on the map. He's weak early without his s."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Playing around his W allows him to completely dismantle the various enemy matches by running around the windshields and sparing himself from damage. It is wise for Yasuo to step back and keep his distance from them."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "If your CDA has become a responsibility, don't hesitate to take charge of it. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Preventing Shaco's assassination requires teamwork and awareness of his movements. Stay with your team at all times when Shaco is on the map."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "This can be really effective if it reaches CC a high priority target, and get rid of them quickly. Ryze can't do much at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Look for peaks on isolated targets if possible. Keep a constant eye on your position while moving forward to harass the enemy."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Stay with your team in the late game and do not separate or move away from them otherwise the enemy can try to take you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Look for choices with your abilities, choose someone and then collapse on them to shoot them down is a great way to win a team fight and end the game. Look for choices on isolated targets if possible."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Level six is an important peak for Master Yi as it can now gank and clean battles reliably. The first element is a good peak for Master Yi because it gives it increased damage."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "This makes it really easy for Varus to choose his enemies, especially when Varus is trying to exchange paths. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "It can use this ability frequently, which means that team fighting and choices will be quite frequent. Teams tend to regroup at the end of the game."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "You are much stronger than Shyvana, and can get an advance just by being active on the card. Don't forget Shyvana's Passive."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench's tankness will be out of the world during this phase of the game. He can peel for days for his team and get caught by the enemy with his Q."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Since Trundle will share the push a lot in the final stages of the game, try to fight as a team when he is not able to be there. If you spot Trundle isolated and away from his team, try to force a team to fight with its allies."} -{"label": "irelia", "text": "The E ability also enables the player to use their Q without putting that ability on cooldown. Using the E ability effectively is crucial for determining whether a team fight will be won or lost."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton is particularly weak in the later stages of the game if he did not gain an early lead. Renekton's first item component will help him massively with his laning."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "The effectiveness of Ezreal's playstyle depends on his ability to position himself safely and avoid taking unnecessary damage. Ezreal will unlock his Ultimate R at level 6."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "By going for an all-in-one, use your dash with extreme discretion. It is important to keep an eye on Taliyah's location in this game, otherwise she can easily interrupt or throw a gank using her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Try to bait their Flash out so that you can come back later on and finish the job. Getting her Ultimate R will help her a lot with ganks."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Try to equal his pressure in any way possible, such as stealing camps or counter-ganking. Investing in early armor can be really effective and will protect you in the 1v1 against him."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar will use his Ultimate R to try to bring down a defenceless/healthless enemy. Buy items that will make it less likely that he can shoot you with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "Malzahar is not very early, so it is preferable to give priority to simple harassment over other objectives. Malzahar has great potential for choice with its Ultimate R"} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion's greatest threat in a team fight is Kite and disengagement. Kite and disengagement is Zion's greatest threat in a team fight. Try to keep him away from your team so he is unable to get a good Q knockup."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "He will separate the enemy front line from the front line and help his team a lot. The level 6 power peak of Sylas is really strong according to the matchup in which it is."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "The Ahri Passive offers additional support in the way that can help it survive even the most difficult matches. The healing provided by the Ahri Passive is not much, but it can have an impact."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Kled's greatest power in a full-blown skirmish allows him to instigate lap dives. Kled can impregnate the towers of his power."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "His Passive prevents him from dying while he plunges the enemy's rear line and inflicts damage on them. He's decent during the end-of-game fights like his W."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "A good time to look for a pick is when the enemy is clearing camps, side waves or waiting on their allies to group."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Taking the midway tower opens the map and gives your team a gold lead. Once you win a few levels, you can start playing aggressively."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Focusing the enemy Support can lead to them saving their Champion with Kalista's Ultimate x. Kalista has an Ultimate that can save her Champion."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Your E and W will be crucial enough to win this path. Being part of as many skirmishes as possible is essential."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna is pretty weak early, you might be able to abuse this to gain an early health benefit. But if you can't, don't worry."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank needs time to develop their skills and in some matchups, focus on farming and survival. Gangplank's level 6 abilities are extremely powerful for his team."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "It will be difficult for you to kill Singed alone in the middle of the game. Pay attention to the ability of Singed, and his intention to travel with his team."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Disengagement if you are weak in health because its all-in-one combo inflicts a surprising amount of damage. In the middle of the game, Sett will be hard to fight unless he is early or has help."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "At level 9, Gragas will have his first ability maxed out. The first ability of Gragas will be maxed out at level 9."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "You are extremely squishy and hence are really weak to all-ins from the enemy team. The danger increases when you don't have your Ultimate R ready."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Use the track brushes to trap enemies with t and self-attacks while being hidden. If the enemy roams, don't dispute their r\u00f4de instead, focus on pushing the minion wave and win the gold of the turret."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Proper warding from the enemy team can diminish Diana's flanking potential in team fights. She will be detected by the enemy in time if she uses her Q or t."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "To facilitate access to the enemy emergency line, you should regroup with your team, but stay on the side. If you flank an undeserved bush, the enemy will have more trouble reacting to your all-in-one."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas' ability to catch someone out also works well when he is roaming around in the enemy Jungle as a laner. Gragas' ability can be blocked by minions, so the enemy can easily hide behind one minion and prevent Gragas from doing anything to threaten them."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Your goal in early play is to play safely, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy lantern. You are rather weak in the game early and need time to come online."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "This is extremely advantageous when it has a support that has a lot of crowd control in their kit. Trundle is extremely dependent on teammates to shoot successful ganks that can sometimes force him to the feeding farm and be ineffective at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Some weapon combinations are really bad on Aphelios and don't synergize well. This can lead to periods where you can't retaliate as effectively as your counterpart."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Make sure you keep the river safe because you will be ruined differently. Getting your Ultimate R will allow you to participate in many team fights."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "She will deal a lot of burst damage in the mid-game if she is ahead. Diana is an assassin."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego's Level 6 power peak is very good. During his power peak at level 6, Viego often makes incredibly aggressive games with his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Keep this in mind when trading. Stand away from the minion wave at all times so Corki doesn\u2019t land both his Q and R on you."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "This advantage can also be applied to the late game, where Illaoi has limited healing and is more susceptible to being taken down. Illaoi's all-in playstyle in the late game makes her more vulnerable to enemy takes."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "You\u2019re weaker than them whenever they have their Ultimate up. If you\u2019re at risk of dying, always recall at level 5 so you do not get killed when they hit level 6. If you miss your Ultimate R, you\u2019re going to miss out on the potential resets and you\u2019ll definitely miss out on gold and damage."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "If Maokai finishes his first article, it will be really hard to make a duel. Maokai will become very tanky after finishing his first article."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis becomes more dangerous when it reaches level 6. When Malphite reaches level 6, it has its ultimate ability."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "It can now easily affect fighting with its Ultimate b and make sure that enemies cannot fight it just and square during fighting. The first element will allow him to inflict much damage on his opponents."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Focus on poking him with your Q and W and keep the trades short and sweet. The different weapon combinations available to an ADC make him very versatile who can adapt to nearly any given situation (provided he doesn't fall back massively in the game)."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Keep an eye on his positioning and fall back if you see him rotating to join the fight. Once Pyke has got Serrated Dirk, he will try to push constantly and roam. Keep this in mind when laning against him."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game. Getting caught out will result in the enemy being able to push their advantage and finish the game."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You may need to get the Blue Buff to make sure you have enough mana to maintain the spamming capacity. Use your Ultimate R to choose your enemies when possible."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "If Ezreal is isolated, run at him as quickly as you can to start the fight. Do not delay team fights against an Ezreal."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "If it's not checked for a while, Yorick tends to take the whole route. When Yorick's Ultimate R is at its disposal, its power increases considerably."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "He will now have several objects, which will make it easier for him to descend the enemy and the enemy team. He's going to massively increase his damage production too."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "Skaarl is a key element of Kled's construction and capabilities. Kled will have maximum capabilities at this stage."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "At level 9, Shaco would have maximized its first capacity. Shaco's trading power in the track will increase when it finishes its first component."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Now you can wander and use the track brushes to kill the robot enemy track. Try to wander a lot during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "At level 6 Camille will gain access to her Ultimate R. Respect Camille's all-in and do not push without vision as her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "If the enemy team manages to silence Rengar early, he won't be able to do much for the whole game. Continuing to collect and secure jungle camps is crucial as Jungler in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Make sure that when you\u2019re pushing, you reposition or have vision around your lane. Orianna is quite vulnerable to all-in and hard engage in team fights."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "All she needs to do is find a flank on the enemy team. Her late-game team fighting is really potent."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Expect to put in a lot of work trying to learn him. If you miss your W or get CC\u2019d once you go in, the enemy will be able to trade back with you."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The increase in AP and haste capacity will allow Soraka to heal regularly without the need to return to the base as often. As a support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go to the room, when you're on the move around the map, and when you're alone."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "The player has a strong 1v1 potential that can be used to wander around the card and help allies kill safely. If the player gets killed and helps the allies, their chances of winning the game increase."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Monkeyking will have a lot of articles, which will make it really tanky and allow it to do a lot and a lot of damage in a short time. The enemy team will find it difficult to manage Monkeyking."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "However, she doesn\u2019t have a combat Ultimate R. She can\u2019t use her Ultimate R during a skirmish."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Your ultimate ability will be on a very short cooldown now, so use it frequently to get picks when possible. Your goal is to make sure that the enemy squishies don't get to play the game."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Chain your E CC with your Ultimate R. Fighting around closed spaces will help you a lot."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Once you have reached level 6 and purchased key elements, try to harass the enemy in the track. You should constantly push the enemy into their turn."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Be careful when facing Zyra at level 6, as his death pressure increases considerably. Adjust your game style to be more defensive and play safer during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Delay fights and be prepared to disengage if it\u2019s still on cooldown. Look out for an aggressive level 1 play. They can easily try and take you down if you overstep."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Take advantage of your early strength in duels by making strategic moves. Invading early is key when facing Gwen, as she needs time to come online."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "The vision around the big goals is the key to success in a game like this. She should be looking for choices in the middle of the game."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Zed is expected to inflict tons of damage to the enemy target using Zed's first ability on someone. Especially level 9 when Zed uses his ultimate R on an enemy target."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "Grouping with your team is essential at all times. Split pushing or avoiding grouping should only be done when necessary."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Don't fight as a team unless your Ultimate m is in place. Also, waiting for your Zhonya from Hurglass to arrive would be beneficial too."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Keep the waves pushed so the enemy is unable to do anything or siege any of your objectives. Rotate and move to objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald"} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Your level 6 is stronger than his. Force him to expand and then everything in him with your W, E and Ultimate. ziggs has a huge wave release potential with a lot of poke built in its kit."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "It will be easier for him to break out enemies. Lucian will be both able to provide for himself and to inflict substantial damage."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "A beginner learning from someone with many abilities can find it challenging. When behind, the person isn't very good in fights despite having AOE and damage."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Armor and magic penetration objects are necessary to kill Skarner if he builds tank objects. Its bargaining power increases to Level 4."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "However, she does have a lot of all-in pressure. Her first major power spike is when she gets her first item."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Nocturne can easily pick off enemies when rotating alone. After going in with your Ultimate a, you should prepare to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "You can even roam directly after recalling and then show up to your original lane with your Ultimate R. You will have a lot of presence during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri=S E has great selection potential throughout all stages of the game. When used in conjunction with Ahri, she will catch enemies out of her position and increase her gold lead."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger's Ultimate R provides him with a lot of versatility. Heimerdinger can use his empowered Q to take down turrets and enemies."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Respect her total pressure once she's done with it. Akali is capable of all squissy champions at level 6 because she gets tons of mobility and damage thanks to her Ultimate."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The ease of killing porters with the healing of Soraka makes the game easier for his team. Soraka's R is the last nail in the coffin for the enemy team."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Completing several articles by Tahm will increase the constant damage inflicted on enemies during all in. Peel for your portages to keep them alive longer."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Try to dodge Poppy's Ultimate R, or use CC abilities on her so her channel is interrupted. You need time to come online and focus on getting gold and XP in farming."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar's first capacity will be maximized at level 9. At level 9, Veigar can make about a quarter of the health bar of a squishy target with his e."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "As Jungler, you must try to secure every Drake in the middle of the game. Their obtaining and securing the Dragon soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Renekton would begin to fall now unless he managed to accumulate a considerable advance early. It is of the utmost importance that Renekton finishes the game as quickly as possible."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Depending on her Element, she can be a less effective laner. The enemy will always know what Element you have"} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "This step of the game is made or pause for Tristana. Tristana can be strong if she's not behind, but if she's not in front, she'll be incredibly weak."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Even if they don't die, squishies will be too chunked to participate in a team fight. Karthus can burn through the entire enemy team with proper positioning."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "This can allow him to get a huge lead early on and then capitalize on it, and finish the game before key enemies come online. The follow-up CC extension on his kit with his W and E is really strong."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Slight separation will be better for you in the long term. Don't walk too far forward when you sit a goal as Sett can use his Ultimate R to take the closest champion and throw them into their allies behind them."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Don't play very aggressively in team fights. Just kite and automatic attack the nearest enemy champion. If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "At level 9, the duo's potential will skyrocket and the ganks will become more powerful for Volibbear. Volibear is good in team fighting due to his E, Passive and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Corki can be good post 6 as he has a lot of poke and wave clear. Corki's poke allows him to secure early turret plates and kills in team fights."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "This will make it harder for him to land his W. Aatrox's Q and E have long cooldowns."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Once you get your basics, participating in multiple fights is crucial for you to take control of the game. Your E will come in very practical while doing games during this period of the game always look for opportunities to play around the vision and flank the enemies."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "It can now go on a side track and divide the thrust due to its passive and basic capabilities. That's also why his abilities will strike like a truck, and he will frequently kill enemies."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "It is important to focus on the acquisition of batteries in the middle of the game. It's crucial to keep stacking your Q or you'll fall behind."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Beware of the lunatic who plays with his if he can try to kill you once you get back on the track. The Ultimate c offers it a lot of extra pressure in the track."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Level 3, 6, 11, & 16 are Heimerdinger\u2019s major level spikes. Take care when he reaches those spikes as he may look to all-in you. Heimerdinger's waveclear and burst damage is impeccable."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "It can easily be removed if the enemy wanders with another teammate. His is the only form of self-peel for him."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Its R (Ultimate) has a high choice potential and can help roaming across the tracks. Maximizing damage output can be really difficult on Vex, especially when launching against champions with dashes."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Whenever Camille has her E available, you need to be careful with your positioning as it provides her with an opportunity to engage if you're stood by a wall. Stand in the middle of the lane as much as possible when you are near Camille's E."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "This allows Ashe to get surprising picks to win the late game for her team. In the later parts of the game, Ashe will be at max or near max build."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "A champion of utility gives his allies the means to act. If his team is behind, it will be difficult for Taric to do much in the fight."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble is excellent during the end-of-game fights. His Ultimate was able to hit like a truck now, especially during team fighting."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "At level 9, Braum will max out his first ability. If Braum is maxing his Q first, he will be able to look for picks more frequently thanks to the lower cooldown."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "It is also necessary to constantly search for ganks with the Ultimate. In the middle of the game, the Supports will start walking on the map alone."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "This ability can prevent the enemy ADC from picking a target to focus on while Graves keeps pelting them with his auto-attacks. You can roam around and help allies who are being bullied under their tower."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "At level 6, be a little more careful in the fight against it because it will really come online at this level. Naafari is really good at running and shooting the squishy champions who walk alone on the map."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "If they invade you, be ready to fight but only do so if your passive is piled and you can win, otherwise step back. After 6, they will win the 1v1 because they are stronger when their Ultimate is in place."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Pre-six Diana is quite weak especially when her Q or t is down. Diana's early game is rather weak and needs time to come online."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "The teams will be regrouped in the late part, so you will really shine at this stage of the game. At the end of the game, several elements finished the key to success."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Try to wait for him to use his E before using your CC capabilities so it's harder for him to avoid them. Avoid letting Lucian get a full channel from his Ultimate R on you in a team fight by decommiting or canceling it with CC."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "By focusing on the closest champion, you will survive longer and keep your aircraft carriers alive. Teemo is a diverse champion."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere has good objective control. Trendamere can easily solo the Dragon."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "She'll be able to burst with a huge amount of damage. Its first capacity will be maximized at level 9."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Use your W only in emergency situations. Continue to pick up the farm in the side aisles when there are no team fights,"} -{"label": "samira", "text": "Staying with your support will increase your ability to survive. Try to stay with your team when no sideways are picked up."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily. Make sure you are close to your team at all times so you can get in the quick fight."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "His shield e is deceptively strong and can allow him to save all members of his team from a lot of poke. This also applies when Lux is in the supporting role."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox should be a part of as many fights as possible during this phase. Chokepoint fights and looking for flanks are the main goals during fights."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean's Ultimate will keep him alive or a key target. His Ultimate will make life of murderers a living nightmare."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Once you have your first item, you can chat strongly with the enemy. By playing in the middle of the game, focus on the division of thrust and the application of pressure to different areas of the card."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Low mobility will result in death due to being out of position. Look for picks from allies."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal. Stay with your team at any time."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Always try to use your W to stifle enemies during this phase of the game. Make sure your team is there to follow you if you are looking for a commitment."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "Singed can handle a lot of DPS even with high mobility. Get your ultimate ability as soon as possible to counter Sing\u00e9."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric is really good in mid- and end-of-game team fights because his team will be grouped closely together which allows him to get a good Ultimate Roff. According to its ADC, Taric can be good at levels 1-3."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble's Ultimate B makes him a threat during team fighting. The enemy team cannot afford to fight in closed spaces because they will be shot down by the Ultimate b of Rumble."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "You can start playing more aggressively after level 6. When pushing, try to hit both the minion wave and Hwei at the same time."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "This will force the enemy to come in combination with him, which can be very devastating for them. Xin Zhao has great potential."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Peel for your allies whenever possible to keep them alive during team fighting. She is a god during this phase of the game when it comes to team fights."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Squishy enemies are enemies who inflict physical damage and take damage from magic. Syndra's maximum capabilities will allow him to inflict a lot of magical damage on his enemies."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "naafiri", "text": "If anyone on your team sees his glove, invade the opposite side of his jungle to remove camps and deny XP. It is recommended that the Drake and Rift Herald be monitored whenever they are standing, as they can be easily secured by his colleagues."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora's Passive allows her to deal damage to both squishies and tanks, giving her team flexibility. Fiora's W ability is crucial to her kit as it can block any form of damage or CC, making her a formidable opponent."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Unlocking Evelynn's Ultimate R is very important and will allow her to start ganking once it is unlocked at level 6. Evelynn needs to get her first Mythic item as quickly as possible to make her ganks more successful."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "Level 16 is dull because she won't be getting a lot except for a reduced cooldown on her Ultimate R. The ultimate ability of Level 16 will not be as strong as other ultimates."} -{"label": "samira", "text": "If you kill a key target, call Baron. Once Samira has 2 points in her Ultimate R, she will be able to easily resume team fighting and disrupt them. Her positioning will now be the determining factor."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "The Varus AoE Poke and the Ultimate R make disastrous battles for the enemy team. They will suffer if Varus succeeds in obtaining an excellent Ultimate R in neutral and objective battles."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "If Mordekaiser misses his E in a team fight, it wouldn't be a bad time to focus him because he won't be able to shoot your team when his E is on cooldown. Avoid starting major goals like the Baron or a Dragon when Mordekaiser is nearby because he can take your Jungler to the Kingdom of Shadow with his R which will make taking the goal risky."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Sona is excellent in team fighting because of the additional effects that her capabilities provide to her allies. She just needs to position herself well."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "This peak of power means that the combo of brilliant damage from Varus will do a lot of damage and can completely destroy still enemy champions or CC-D. Once you get your Ultimate R, you should be able to make choices all around the card with your teammates."} -{"label": "urgot", "text": "You may want to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressively. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Ask for ganks. Make a point to start the fight however, as your CC is more reliable."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Look for trades when Gwen has max stacks. Her Ultimate R can be recast multiple times."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is really good at poking the enemies down before a fight thanks to his low cooldowns and overall damage. During the mid-game, he will be able to harass and poke the enemy a lot."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Karthus cannot recover from a setback with ease. If the enemy Jungler keeps invading Karthus, he won't be able to do much without his team's help."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "In team fights, continue to focus on the squishiest and easiest to kill high-priority targets in the backline. Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine is an easy to learn champion. You don't need to spend so much time learning it compared to someone like Akali or Camille."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Since Riven has a lot of built-in support, make sure you get some form of healing reduction quickly. This champion is a bully at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Winning 3 points in his Ultimate R will undoubtedly make the peak of Maokai really difficult. He can use his Ultimate R quite frequently, making it difficult for the enemy team to do anything."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Look for choices with your Jungler to get murders and increase your lead. Kill a key target with your Jungler and call Baron."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Fighting her for the first crab may be dangerous! When Briar hits level 6 her true ganking potential comes to light"} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's survivability is excellent during the mid-game, and he can run enemies down while peeling for his carries. If Garen takes a lot of damage, he can quickly back off and let his Passive kick in."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "At level 6, Fiora will unlock her Ultimate R. Her kill pressure will again intensify and she will be able to look for riskier all-ins thanks to the heal that it provides."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Use more spells and poke the enemy relentlessly to help her ADC. Annie's most significant power spike is from obtaining her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "If you invade, try to stick to the bushes to make fighting him easier. Alternatively, team up with an ally and try to collapse on him."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "The point in her Ultimate R was a good spike for Caitlyn as she could use it to finish off higher health targets. Caitlyn cannot use her Ultimate R during a team fight."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn is a pretty strong early game ADC who can go for aggressive plays with her early strength to get early kills and snowball. Keep poking the enemy with your Q as much as you can."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Activating E too late is useless because the enemy is going to disengage, and you're going to waste the shield. Tahm is very motionless, which means that it is really easy to pursue even with his W up."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Use your E carefully in this phase of the game. The goal is to ensure that you are never taken out of sight by a skill shot that has the potential for you CC."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "This will let you kill them quickly. This will make laning a living nightmare for your enemy."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "This level also serves as a decent finishing movement, especially in intertwined fighting. The first element will significantly increase Miss Fortune's duo potential."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Do not go for a prolonged trade unless the enemy's primary capacity is on cooling. If you can push the wave in, try rolling with your W."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Glove one track every time the Ultimate is available there should lead to a murder. A Kill with Ultimate should be done there every time it is used."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "His abilities will strike very hard, and he will frequently kill enemies. At level 11, Lucian will be able to get his stage 2 Ultimate R."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "When Kalista is not with her team, you can force a team fight or take an objective. If you don\u2019t know where Kalista and her Jungler are, they might be trying to sneak the Baron or Dragon."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "If they invade you early, step back, you don't win the early skirmishes with them. Look at gank whenever your Ultimate is in place, and try to clean up kills whenever possible."} -{"label": "ekko", "text": "Avoiding splitting up or walking away from your team is crucial. If you leave your team's side, the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "If you can catch someone out of the position or blow them up, you will be able to take the goal for free. Your Ultimate capability is really effective during team fighting so make sure you use it in the bottlenecks and force the enemy to walk through them."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "The enemy is strong at the beginning of the game, so expect him to play aggressively. Rengar is the number one public enemy for any wallet in the game."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "This makes her incredibly vulnerable when she is dismounted t. If you\u2019re behind, it\u2019s going to be impossible for you to get a good Ultimate R or t off as you\u2019ll be too squishy and die as soon as you go in."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "When Riven unlocks its Ultimate e, its all-in-hand potential increases significantly. Disengage from a fight with Riven if she tries to attack unless you have an advantage."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Level 6 will be a major pickup for Yasuo. Yasuo should play more aggressively during this level."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "A fast and healthy clear makes him a Jungler A jungler can hold their own"} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "Try to focus your other frontline champions with the enemy backline. As a Jungler, you need to be alive in the late game."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Then you can E them and kill them. Gragas will look to gank a lot in the early game."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "In particular, do not let Taliyah delay a team fight with his Q. Always try to finish Taliyah like it will kill her easily."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Avoid walking in areas where you know that Zed is or has recently been in. Look at CC him whenever possible. It is his own wangle of existence and will allow you to win the game easily."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan's Ultimate is beneficial to him when activated at level 16. The last point in Akshans Ultimate has important advantages for him in the end of the game."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "It is crucial that you only commit or look for fights when it is available as you're going to miss out on extra damage and CC. Your Ultimate R will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "It is recommended to evacuate this ability and play aggressive while it is on the cooldown. Post 6 and when Lulu gets his Ultimate R, his survival increases a lot."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "xerath is very motionless. xerath can be easily all-in-one if he uses his prudence."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "This will open up the map and increase your chances of winning. Consume your Headshot Passive on the enemy laner(s) as often as possible."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "It can be anywhere on the map with this frequency. That makes him a great Jungler."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Avoid playing recklessly, especially if you are pushed into the way. Avoid regrouping closely as this will give Malphite a great opportunity to land a 5 person knocking with his Ultimate h."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Look for choices with your abilities, choose someone and then collapse on them to shoot them down is a great way to win a team fight and end the game. Look for choices on isolated targets if possible. Keep a constant eye on your position as you move forward to harass the enemy, but do not let yourself be caught trying to harass and bring down the enemy."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan IV's kill pressure increases a ton as soon as he hits level 6, thanks to his Ultimate ability being really good for ganking. Jarvan IV is good in the early game."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "The warding quest will become available once this component is done. Once the warding quest is completed, Neeko can start setting up a vision around the map with her W."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is very squishy. When Ezreal's E is down, he can be easily burst down."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Your R will help you and your allies get on to Ezreal with no problems if possible, baiting out the ability with Q beforehand if necessary. ezreal's W has consistent poke damage that allows him to push enemy laners out of the lane abruptly."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Try and keep trades short and sweet around Gwen's Passive. Gwen will have more stacks on her Passive when she is stronger."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne is mechanically difficult to play because an error can cause her to kill immediately. Control of the crowd is Vayne's deadly enemy and can be removed from the game as soon as it is controlled by the crowd."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Stay with your team at any time. Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not taken out."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo's first capacity is maximized at level 9. A Teemo level 9 capability allows it to inflict heavy amounts of burst damage."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "When walking around Summoners Rift, it is recommended to go with a team if you are squishy. Fizz can easily assassinate someone who walks alone through the river."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "After killing someone, call for a close goal. When there are no team fights, go on a side track and push."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "The easiest way to fight Gragas is to dodge his E before engaging him in combat. If you dodge Gragas' E, you'll have an easier time fighting him."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The t-traps on the map not only cause damage, but also provide a vision of an area until they explode or disappear. During the team fights, Teemo should stay with his rear line at all times."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Her last game is phenomenal as she can peel for her team for days. No one can get close to their team as long as their W and Ultimate R are in place."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Don't walk too far forward when you're sitting on a goal because Sett can use his Ultimate R to take the closest champion and throw them into their allies behind them. If you are grouped together and in agreement with each other, it will be more difficult for him to do so."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "and avoid committing to fights while it is on cooldown. If you fight while it\u2019s on cooldown, you\u2019ll miss out on a lot of healing and extra damage, which can make the difference in a late-game team fight."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Jarvan IV is good in team fights due to his d Passive. His d Passive allows him to perform well in team fights."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "fighting away from jhin's Support will limit how much impact he has in this matchup. His Passive allows him to blow up squishies with ease."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Using your abilities frequently will allow you to stack your Tear quickly too. Getting it stacked in the mid-game is crucial."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Being close to your team at all times is essential for you to fight quickly. Trendamere's Ultimate will not be an excellent peak of power because it only ensures its prolonged survival and nothing else."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Once you unlock your Ultimate R, you should have a very easy time trying to kill enemies. In addition, when removing the camps, make sure that you do kite with the monster in your W."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down. Continue to fly kites in team fighting"} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "It's more important to ensure goals than to help your teammates. If achieving goals is more important than helping your teammates, don't get too involved."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Your Q is used to push a side lane. The wave from the pushed side lane keeps pushing towards your team."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "A significant power spike for Graves occurred in this phase which could allow him to carry a game single-handedly. No low health enemy on the map will be safe once Graves gains three points in his Ultimate t."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "After acquiring a few levels, Malphite can start playing aggressively and looking for opportunities to initiate trades. Malphite benefits from extensive trades, so it is recommended to go for them frequently."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Look at your position in the team fights because Morgana will try to catch someone with her Q. Make sure you stand in an appropriate position so you can avoid it. You should not stay too far forward or too far backwards."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "If the enemy is grouping, group with your team too. In team fights, continue to focus on the squishiest and easiest to kill high-priority targets in the backline."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "The enemy Support and Jungler are prime pick targets in the enemy Jungle because they have to set vision up. You should get rid of the enemy Support and Jungler."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "If you die before a major objective spawns, the enemy will take it. Always stay on the side of the map that the next major objective is on."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "If kassadin isn't able to get his item spikes early on, he will take quite some time to come online. kassadin can be easily camped during the entirety of the laning phase."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Maokai's AoE CC capability is more effective when used from the fog of war. Boots are a solid early game purchase for Maokai, allowing him to ride and respond to the skirmishes of the jungle."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ensure you're always stood behind the minion wave at all times. In team fights, you mustn't let Ezreal poke you down before you get the chance to engage."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "His d is his only real form of defense and protection against an all-in-one and once he's down, he's easier to kill. When Viktor has completed its first upgrade (which is usually its y), make sure that you are still outside the minion wave so that it is unable to push you and poke you at the same time."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "It helps a lot with his prowess in general. Don't forget to take as many neutral and objective fights as possible."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo has good Dragon control and can solo it easily. Make sure you have the Dragon under ward at all times to prevent Dr Mundo from getting the early objective."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal's skill shot dependency affects how quickly he can become effective in lane. Ezreal's Qs require precise placement to deal damage and be effective."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "She can take on multiple people on her own due to her tentacles and Ultimate R. At one point, the enemy team will have to send in more than two people to deal with her."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "get back to lane quickly roam around the map"} -{"label": "viego", "text": "During this phase, agriculture focused on maximizing power gain. A mid-game pick-up could be achieved by quickly levelling key capabilities."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "It will also be easier to control the rhythm of the game. Nasus has crazy damage at the end of the game if he gets tons of batteries with his Q."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Riven will now have his basics. With its basics, Riven will be able to do a lot of damage."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "They will suffer if Varus succeeds in obtaining an excellent Ultimate R in neutral and objective battles. Stay with your support throughout the later parts of the game."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "Pantheon is a dominant early game champion. Pantheon is expected to go for early ganks to get a lead."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal should stick with his team and avoid walking too far away from them. if ezreal gets caught out, his team will lose out on a lot of damage in a team fight, and that would be his fault."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "The more gold Yi has, the stronger he'll be. If your team gets killed or two, call Baron."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Slowly whittle the enemy down with your Q will increase your chances of winning a followup fight. Back early once you have enough gold for your first item."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "A jungler can hold their own He can farm up a storm"} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "If Vladimir can catch someone out of his position or blow them up, he can take the lens for free. Vladimir has a point in his ultimate ability that allows him to do a lot of AoE damage."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Avoid fighting Olaf as he will beat you if he's able to land multiple t's. If Olaf throws his t it's close to you try your best to zone him away from the thrown Axes t so he is unable to pick them up."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Keep the wave close to your tower for as long as possible. This will make the enemy's life hell in this matchup."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "At level 6, Ziggs has access to a finishing capacity that is AoE in nature. Ziggs can also use its finishing capacity to help teammates complete their goals while roaming."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Fight near chokepoints to maximize your team fighting effectiveness. You might want to throw yourself into the enemy team, especially if they make a strong all-in push without following up."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Playing around the vision is really important to achieve this goal. Lee Sin will have several elements during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "He will be stronger than you early. you can start being a bit more aggressive."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "It is important that you abuse your strenght during this stage of the game to get yourself ahead. In the late game, look for picks on immobile or mispositioned enemies."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Ganking can bring important benefits, such as increased chances of killing. Trendamere's health regeneration is minimized if you don't let it grow alone."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Try to help out the side lanes when possible. The power spike for Jhin is significant."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "It must avoid appearing on the map early, however. Level six is an important peak for Master Yi as it can now gank and clean battles reliably."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "However, the e can be difficult to land against champions with dashes or escape tools. Cho'Gath is a strong scaler with a versatile build path."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "This will help you a lot when detecting enemies and picking them up. You should start crashing on level three."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "You can look for peaks on high-tension targets. Your Ultimate is a cool down bass in the late part."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "A Kill with Ultimate should be done there every time it is used. The Ultimate comes out of cooldown and tries to gank a path as soon as possible after."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "The matchup of Cho'Gath in lane can make him very weak. A champion with a strong early game can make Cho'Gath very weak in lane."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Once Seraphine has finished her first article, her Q damage will increase and her threat to kill too. Be sure to avoid being struck by Seraphine QS."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "However, be prepared to team up with your team when there are no goals to be taken nearby. As a qualified division pusher in the middle of the game, you should usually start grouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Ward big goals and place the vision in high circulation areas in the late stages of the game. Keep watching so you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Your ability (W) will be over a shorter cooling time in the later stages of the game. If you can find the opportunity to do so, use it to catch someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or away from the position."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Your Ultimate R will have a very short cooldown. A very short cooldown means that you can frequently fight around the map."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "She sits in the fog of war and waits for an unsuspecting enemy to enter her. Level 16, Lux mega-spike."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "Kalista's duelling power will enable her to chase down an enemy laner when they walk up or overextend. Kalista can use her Ultimate ability on her Jungler."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "If Fizz gets poked down, he will not be able to look for an early all-in or first blood. Even though Fizz is incredibly mobile with his E, when it is on cooldown, Fizz is incredibly squishy and immobile."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Stay with your team at any time. Avoid moving around the map alone to avoid being caught."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "CC in layers on Lux makes it completely ineffective. Lux relies heavily on items for protection during early play."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "When Maxing Ultimate r, Master Yi can erase late fighting effectively. Disengagement is Master Yi's worst nightmare."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Avoid being alone on the map as it increases the risk of getting caught. When you get caught, a 4v5 disadvantage will result in team fighting."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Getting an early murder could snowball the way strongly in your favor. Once Yasuo is level 6, look to play more aggressively."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "The damage to his Sapling explosion will be on the wave that will force him to push towards you, which will leave him in a vulnerable place for one in it. Maokai's extended trades work hard for you against him. Try to keep them running as long as possible that he won't be able to damage you early."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The removal of the enemy Jungler makes it easy to take neutral goals. Nautilus will have two objects in its ultimate ability."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Peel for your portages to keep them alive longer. If your allies die quickly, you're unlikely to win the team fight."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Always target overextended enemies Prioritize clearing vision frequently"} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Its Ultimate can be interrupted quite easily by the enemy. You must be very careful when you try to use it, or the enemy will cancel its channel."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "When Jarvan has completed his first component item, he will be much scarier in the lane. Jarvan IV will be unlocking his d > e combo at level two, which will allow him to catch and CC overextended enemies with utmost ease."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Neeko uses E in team fights. Neeko needs to be timed correctly in Ultimate R for team fights."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "If you\u2019re low on health at level 5, recall Darius\u2019s potential to get the next level up and try to kill you. Darius has a very strong level 2 all-in."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If you\u2019re too far forward, he could use his Ultimate R to push you into his team. Getting caught out like this could result in the enemy taking an objective shortly afterwards."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "With the final point in her Ultimate R at level 16, Diana will deal considerable AOE damage to any enemies caught up in it. When Diana is low on mana, she is not a threat to you as her kit requires a lot of mana to trade effectively."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Stay with your team at the end of the game. Do not separate or depart from them otherwise the enemy may try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Stand outside the minion wave at all times because it will be harder for her to push you and punch you at the same time. Try to stay at maximum range and poke from far away, apart from its Q and Ultimate, its Q and R are not very high, so it will be unable to hit you with them."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "They win the 1v1 after 6 after the invasion. Talon has the greatest amount of first blood in the game."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "Once Aurelion Sol's Q cooldown is down, he is very vulnerable to ganks. Look for favourable trades whenever Aurelion Sol misses its Q cooldown."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "If you see one of the enemy carries in the side lanes, you can try to flank them from the fog of war. Flanking an enemy carry in the side lanes with your Ultimate R displacement distance can be done very easily even when they are near their tower."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "However, you can burst the enemy down with ease if you\u2019re able to find a good opportunity to all-in. If you can\u2019t kill the enemy, look to roam with your Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "He will frequently have to find sides on the enemy to make sure he can take control of the game and win quickly. Most of its capabilities will be exhausted at this time."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "His damage output will intensify after picking up his first component item. He can look for more aggressive plays once he has his first component item."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite should avoid being grouped closely as it allows Malphite to land a 5 people with its Ultimate H. It is not recommended to search for fighting in the jungle or around the Dragon or Baron because the teams tend to regroup, which facilitates the use of Malphite's Ultimate H."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "The squishy who gets caught by Lux's g will certainly die. Lux will climb very hard to level 11."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "Your best bet in this matchup is to avoid them and focus on agriculture early. They are a stronger ganker than you in the game early, so be ready to counter-gank and follow them."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "That means he'll be tanky and do a lot of damage to his enemies. This should be amplified with Ultimate n."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Once you have a number of levels under your belt, you should look for short, favorable transactions. As you are not strong in early play, you may wish to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressive."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "When your Passive is stacked, look for fights with the enemy. Looking for skirmishes when your Passive is stacked increases your damage output and your chances of killing the enemy."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett's Jungler will prioritize his path more than any if he uses his Ultimate to set up ganks. Keep the wave near the tower and focus on the tankier in this game."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "She can technically gank at level 2 if she takes her E second. After level 3, Elise should be ganking for sure."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "His Q can allow him to catch up to targets quite easily. This is invaluable when he is trying to pull off a gank or when he manages to catch an immobile champion out."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "Another point in his Ultimate R will make him have a lot of choice potential. It can easily bypass the map and targets 1 v 1 squishy."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Getting your core items will let you run down enemies and burn them to oblivion. Use your Ultimate ability at regular intervals so you can help your teammates."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "The unfortunate lack of an escape tool. Her lack of evacuation tool makes her vulnerable to ganks and damage."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Anivia should have her Tear fully stacked during the mid-game. The mid-game is usually when teams start grouping, making Anivia a good mid-game champion."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Vel'koz's first major power peak occurs when it reaches level 6. At level 6, Vel'koz's Ultimate R offers him significant death pressure."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Choosing enemies before the team fights will make them really unfair to the enemy team. Try to get the enemies out before they kill them."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "Waiting for your Zhonya's Hurglass to arrive would be beneficial too. If the enemy has a lot of disengagement or poke, continue flancing in the team fights to make sure you pass to the enemy before they are able to disengage you or poke you down."} -{"label": "ksante", "text": "Even though he's very tanky, he's still doing a lot of damage in the protracted fighting. Remember that he can use his W to CC several enemies."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Its protection potential will be out of the world, and it can allow its entire team to use its capabilities properly."} -{"label": "varus", "text": "Since Varus built Grievous Wounds, make sure you don't take prolonged fighting with him. The exhibition of its tower is necessary to create gank opportunities."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on to force them to over extend for farm and XP. When trying to poke, aim your abilities so they hit the minion wave and the enemy at the same time."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "qiyana needs to conserve health when possible. Qiyana can execute all-in enemies and execute ganks properly after conserving health."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio will have his core items at this point. This is beneficial for Galio."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench's 6 r level is one of its main power peaks. This gives him additional death pressure."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Stay with your team in the late game. Getting caught out will result in the enemy forcing a fight or taking the Baron."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Darius uses the reset to kill multiple targets after using his Ultimate e. By this stage of the game, Darius should be near max build."} -{"label": "shyvana", "text": "It can invade enemy paths and exit when it sees the enemy crashing. Shyvana can push the wave very quickly by launching too."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "The use of lane brushes is essential to ensure swift domination of the lane. The first component will give Jayce a damage boost, enabling him to play more aggressively and engage in frequent burst trades after poking the enemy out with his w > s combo."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain can also choose targets. Swain's first capacity will be maximized to level 9, adding a lot of burst damage to its kit."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Avoid using your empowered e whenever possible. Renekton falls off as the game progresses due to the loss of his early strengths."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Tracking Garen's Ultimate cooldown post-6 is crucial, since being caught off guard by his increased damage output would be detrimental to success. Harassing Garen with abilities while pushing the minion wave is recommended, aiming for simultaneous hits on both Garen and the minions."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal must play more defensively when his E is down due to the risk of being followed up by enemy CC. When trying to push in the wave, Ezreal may be vulnerable to being run down by enemies if he can't land his Qs."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "The cooldown will be reduced as well. She will have her core items now, allowing her to deal with a lot of damage."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Using Sett's capabilities will leave it open for a complete attack by someone. The effectiveness of Sett's Ultimate R is based on enemy groups."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Twistedfate has a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as possible. Play safe for the first levels while land poke on the enemy with s."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, Qiyana will split push. You can use this as an opportunity to engage on her team when she is unable to impact the fight."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong's Ultimate n is a very good tool. It can be used to help his team win team fights,"} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Look for picks with your team and call Baron or Dragon when possible. After going into a fight with your Ultimate R, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in the late game."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Positioning the minion wave closer to your side of the map allows for easier ganks by your Jungler and can be used for all-in-Soraka and continue them in the way. When Soraka's Ultimate is in place, use it to increase your chances of winning."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "Keeping the lane brushes de-warded will let Jarvan catch the enemy off-guard. Jarvan is quite oppressive in the lane."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Fights taking place in closed areas like the Jungle are ideal for setting up multiple kills with Q ability. You should be near max build in the late game."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is in place. Fighting without it will make the end-of-the-game team's fights much more difficult."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "During agriculture, we should keep an eye on the aggressive games of the enemy once they use a capacity. We should play around their abilities and try to abuse their cooldowns with our early game damage."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "In a team battle, try to split push while drawing enemies' attention. Try to pick off an enemy at the start of the fight."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "jhin isn't good against tanks due to his Passive. Tanks can get on jhin's face and take ages for him to get rid of them."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "This will allow you to bring down the enemy while protecting yourself from the ganks. If you keep pushing when you're not ahead, you'll be unable to bring down the enemy and you'll be an easy target for the enemy Jungler."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Killing a key target could call Baron. The second point of his Ultimate R will allow him to inflict increased damage to enemies while protecting his allies."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "The deeper pupils rather than the shallow pupils are preferred to identify Evelynn. The guards in Evelynn's camps can help counter his strategy."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "At level 6, Garen gains access to his Ultimate R which can be used to execute enemies. Do not fight Garen when low on health."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "With the speed of the E movement, Kayn can easily run to the enemies. He is dependent on playing around his Passive before getting his form."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "If Karma uses her empowered Q when trying to poke, use the cooldown to start a team fight. When Karma's Ultimate A is available, she cannot give her team a huge shield d."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench can try to look for more frequent all-in-one and wander over the supertensive enemies. Tahm will have completed several articles during this stage of the game."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "It could be very beneficial to rip Vex's W with poke before starting a fight, because it will miss the shield to protect itself. Its damage production will also be reduced."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Once Jax's e and e abilities are down, he doesn't have much to continue fighting with. You should lock Jax down with CC if possible, which would turn the exchange around in your favor."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "This increase will be at its overall gank potential, and Warwick will benefit greatly."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "At level 13, your next ability will be maximized. As teams tend to regroup at this stage of the game, having a well developed level 13 capability will make you extremely valuable to your team. As Support, avoid being alone at the end of the game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma's poke damage will be a force to reckon with as she can quickly push her laner out of the top lane. Her poke damage will be a force to reckon with."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "The additional damage of this article helps Xin Zhao last strike and close easily. Be part of neutral objective fights."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Your goal in early play is to play safely, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy lantern. You are rather weak in the game early and need time to come online."} -{"label": "mordekaiser", "text": "That being said, separating the enemy from the real map for a few seconds will help your team win a fight quickly."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "It can go for aggressive games frequently during the laning phase to get an early advance on the enemy. At level 6, Lee Sin will unlock his Ultimate k."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Avoid crossing the river alone if Kayn's location is unknown. Kayn can dive while sitting thanks to his E."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Fiddlesticks' W heals him a lot in team fights, providing extra sustain/damage. In the laning phase, Fiddlesticks is very good at poking and trading with his opponents."} -{"label": "khazix", "text": "To maximize the advantage, avoid showing yourself when it is possible at the end of the game. In the future, wait in high-traffic areas for an enemy to pass and search for peaks."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Calling Jungler to kill the opponent is another option when Vayne is forced to extend. Pushing Vayne and taking turns can win gold lead."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac will probably set up his Jungler for a gank with his Ultimate R. We expect Zac to go either for an aggressive murder or to set up a gank."} -{"label": "viktor", "text": "After moving the bot track to the medium track, the viktor should turn towards the bot side of the map or another place to continue farming and win XP. Avoid fighting someone unless the viktor has the advantage over them."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "If you miss your Ultimate R, you\u2019re going to miss out on the potential resets and you\u2019ll definitely miss out on gold and damage. Try your hardest to know who has Flash and who doesn\u2019t to increase your chances of landing your Q."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Master Yi is very strong at the end of the game. Try to reduce Master Yi's income to make the snowball more difficult and take control of the game."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "More items mean more damage to Vel'Koz. This will only improve things for him, and his team, as they will slowly start to retake the game from here."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "It's recommended that you find opportunities to group with your team. You are good around objectives and inside the jungle."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "When Fizz puts a second point in his Ultimate R at level 11, Fizz will be incredibly scary to play against because his Ultimate R will be on a low cooldown and deal a lot of damage. Fizz will max his first ability at level 9."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "After level 6, every third auto attack will deal extra magic damage. Do not commit to extended trades with Jax- especially if he\u2019s been able to stack his auto attacks on minions beforehand."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphite's effectiveness is reduced when its movements are properly controlled by the enemy team. Malphite will be forced to find other ways to engage in the enemy team if he cannot catch them on guard."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "It's harder for Lissandra to CC you with his W if you stay at maximum range. Be careful walking forward for the last shot."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "The lethality build will make this ability even more effective. Once Graves gets his first item, he gains a higher kill pressure."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Stick with your ADC throughout the mid parts of the game. You find it hard to one-shot an enemy unless they\u2019re squishy and you\u2019re ahead."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Avoid letting Lucian get a full channel from his Ultimate R on you in a team fight by decommiting or canceling it with CC. Look at Lucian's positioning. He will often walk forward to land the auto attacks."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr.Mundo's Q can allow him to secure picks for his team and then use his slow to catch their targets. The slow from Dr.Mundo's Q enables his team to follow up on that target with hard CC abilities or all-in and burst them down."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "The enemy will take your turn while you wander. Akshan can look for an aggressive piece once he unlocks both his Q and his E."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Usually start grouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby. After entering with your Ultimate R, you should prepare to fall and peel for your allies in the late game."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "He will quickly get his transformation at the beginning of the game because he will constantly avoid with the enemy. Kayn has a good trip and good pressure on the map."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Grouping closely together will benefit Seraphine and allow it to obtain a good R Ultimate. It will also make CC your entire team."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "This combined with his rune choices can cause Hecarim to sustain himself as well. Hecarim's Ultimate t can be a game-changer in a team fight where the enemy is grouped together."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "This is especially true if Fiora dives into the enemy team. Her Ultimate R can be avoided easily if the enemy team disengages as soon as she places her Ultimate R on a member of her team."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "A fully maximized Ultimate R allows Master Yi to mow the enemy team. Master Yi can cause massive damage during the end of the game."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "If Olaf throws his t it's close to you try your best to zone him away from the thrown Axes t so he is unable to pick them up. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Level six is a massive peak of power that allows Miss Fortune to significantly impact combat. This level also serves as a decent finishing movement, especially in intertwined fighting."} -{"label": "draven", "text": "If Draven is very strong in the mid-game, he may need to avoid overextending and getting killed at the start of the fight. It is vital for Draven not to get killed at the start of the fight to maximize his damage output."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "The production of Vex damage and the global threat will increase. Almost all champions point to level 16 when they put the 3rd point in their Ultimate R."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in the way. You have a lot of poke, so try to bring down the enemy as often as you can."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's Ultimate R allows him to be the guardian of his teammates It becomes really beneficial if one of his teammates is fed and needs to be peeled."} -{"label": "kalista", "text": "A skirmish can be avoided if Kalista's team stays behind her front line."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "The player had powerful pose tools that made it easy to besiege the goals. The goal was to bring down the enemy as much as possible while the team took turns (or the Dragon or Baron)."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "You can start growing and winning XP there. You can look at 1v1 any enemy trying to stop you."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "Be cautious when detaching from your ADC while using Neeko's E (Tangle-Barbs) as her root ability makes you an easy target if separated. You should focus on providing sustained healing and utility from attached positions to keep your ADC safe."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "When fighting Neeko, keep in mind that she can cast her Ultimate R and deal damage and CC you. Once Neeko hits level 6, her kill pressure intensifies."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "To spot the Jungler early, it is necessary to monitor the river. After we reach position 6, we should push the minion wave."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "If Braum is maxing his Q first, he will be able to look for picks more frequently thanks to the lower cooldown. Teams will start to group during the mid-game."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "This champion is a bully at the beginning of the game. Play aggressively throughout the laning phase to get murders."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "In the mid-game, Annie is powerful whenever her Ultimate R is up. Roaming to over-extended enemy lanes with her Jungler and lane ganking pushed up enemy lanes should give her a massive lead."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank can use his barrels to hit both enemy champions and minions together, adding another layer of harassment to the enemy team. When no team fights are occurring, split push and draw the enemies attention to yourself while your team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Playing around his Ultimate will be a great way to increase your chances of killing Vayne in a team fight. Forceting a team to fight one after the other will reduce its chances of surviving in the next."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "He will want to use the track brushes to catch the out-of-guard enemy if possible. Unfold the thrust using your Ultimate as much as possible."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "You should be proactive with your Ultimate. Force ganks with your R!"} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Your team should regroup with their teammates during this phase of the game and ensure a consistent DPS on the enemies. Your ultimate R capability should be saved for yourself, but exceptions apply if one of your aircraft carriers is in danger."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Use your Ultimate ability at regular intervals so you can help your teammates. Fight near chokepoints to maximize your team fighting effectiveness."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "As a carry player, using Quicksilver Sash can help you escape Rammus' taunt so he cannot target you. If a carry player uses Quicksilver Sash, they can avoid being targeted by Rammus' taunt in team fights."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's build will dictate how he plays the game out. If he goes for the tank build, he will be nearly unkillable and can act as a perfect peel unit for his carries. On the other hand, if he goes for the bruiser build, he will be more dependent on the fog of war to catch enemies off guard and pick vital enemy carries."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "The twisted destiny is fragile before level 6. As a result, it can be spoiled frequently."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "It's recommended not to be afraid to make more aggressive plays when Azir has an item or two. Azir doesn\u2019t spike at level 16 either."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Level 6 is an important pick-up for Taric because he can completely deny any form of damage from his entire team for a short time. The level 6 pick-up is perfect when it comes to heavy and commitment-based teams that rely on the quick take of enemies."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion's E skill allows him to install ganks for his Jungler with ease. He can be ejected by rowers."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "After that, Ziggs can just cut the tower off with his W. This means that the enemy can do nothing to defend its turn."} -{"label": "braum", "text": "You should try to go for a short trade first to bait it out and then commit to a trade while it\u2019s on cooldown. It is recommended to always have one minion between you and Braum at all times."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Landing one Q followed by multiple E\u2019s should give you a severe health advantage. When no team fights are occurring, move to a side lane and focus on farming and earning XP and gold."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "If you're strong and you have good results, you could try to return in exchange with Tristana and use her bad position to kill her. Before engaging in the fight however, check if Tristana's Jungler is nearby on the mini-map."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio's core items are at this point. Having these items is beneficial for Galio and his team."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Galio will look to engage with his E if he gets close to you. If Galio lets you get close, he will taunt you with his W."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "taliiyah Ultimate R allows it to cross a long distance almost immediately and provides a lot of utility in the bottlenecks. crossing a long distance with Taliyah's Ultimate R gives him traction to easily land his C."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "His damage and the CC are quite substantial. While Seraphine can use track brushes, its damage and CC are particularly strong."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "Having vision around the Baron and Dragon is needed to help your team to victory. In the late game, make sure you\u2019re with your team at all times."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "The Ultimate can help Akshan kill and execute the enemy lantern. During the middle game, make sure you're not ADC'ing systematically."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "The opponent can take objectives without Nunu's healing. If Nunu is eliminated, his healing ability will cease to function."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "During Levels 1 and 2, you focus on laying Lux with basic attacks as much as possible to exert pressure and potentially gain an advantage. Keep the wave closer to your side of the way to create opportunities to help the jungle and have a longer way to pursue Lux and its ADC if necessary."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Once Warwick gets the third point in his Ultimate R, he'll be ruining and picking up enemies all along the map. Any still enemy will be very dangerous now."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "You can easily focus on the enemy backline with a defensive item like Zhonya's Hourglass in the fog of war. Zhonya's Hourglass is a defensive item that makes it easy to focus on the enemy backline in the fog of war."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Your Ultimate R can be used as an escape tool in heavily bottled fighting. Using your Ultimate R is not recommended as it allows you to turn the fight and save you almost immediately."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Your basic attacks, when combined with s, will get the enemy low over time. Jayce doesn't really spike at level 6 due to his Ultimate G from level one."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks. Rumble can do a lot of damage to enemy units with its passive force that is close to it."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Every time Shen uses her Ultimate R on an ally that is not you, use this time to invade another way, invade Shen's jungle, or take a major goal. If you want to invade Shen at the beginning of the game, wait for him to use one of his abilities or wait for him to be low in energy before engaging him, making it harder for him to escape or return with you."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Split pushing was suggested for the mid-game, focusing on farming and clearing towers. Only join team fights when nearby towers have been destroyed."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "The force of the enemy target is directly related to the effectiveness of Trundle's ability to steal statistics. Trundle needs an element to increase its potential duel and survival in the game"} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Use the war fog to get choices with your Q and W. Your E should also be on a shortened cooling, so use it freely."} -{"label": "belveth", "text": "Bel\u2019Veth getting attack speed faster means she will get stronger sooner. Your focus in the mid game is on snowballing your lead and acquiring core items as early as possible."} -{"label": "twistedfate", "text": "Poke the enemy down and delay fighting at the end of the game, maintaining a balance between attack and defense"} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "As Malphite is so weak early, you just have to go into their jungle and try to fight them or force them to remember. Putting them behind will delay their peak of power."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Gangplank's Ultimate R will be a force to reckon with now as it will have multiple upgrades and will give added benefits to him. This will increase Gangplank's team fighting strength by a lot."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "If you can choose someone with the help of your allies, you can abuse their death timer to win more gold and maybe take a turn, a goal or get more murders. At level 11, Sett will have two points in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "corki", "text": "Commit to the team fight once the enemy is low. When no team fights are occurring, go to a side lane and push."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Doing damage with W and melting the enemy team with Ultimate R will be easier in bottlenecks as in the jungle. Putting the enemy team down is difficult because of Vel'koz's great poke thanks to its Q, W and R."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne's late for the game. Playing Vayne is mechanically difficult because an error can cause her to kill immediately."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan could lead your team in danger or ambush. Try looking for fights when Akshan's not here."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "Avoiding battles around the goals and the jungle can reduce the team's security problems. Poke and strong strategies of all-in-one are effective against Zyra."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Although it is a qualified division pusher, it is also crucial to be prepared for situations where grouping with the team is necessary. In general, it is advisable to start clustering when there are no goals to be taken nearby."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Turning the enemy tower as soon as possible will give a player a lot of power in this matchup. Seraphine is an easy to learn champion."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "When no team fights are occurring, look to split push and try to fight the enemy who tries to stop you. Darius is a strong 1v1 champion and can fight most laners who are put up against him."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "Channelling Karthus' Ultimate near an enemy champion could be very dangerous. They could interrupt the channel with CC."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "His e has a very large range. This makes it easier for him to land and CC."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Jhin's damage ability will be really high during the mid-game. He can blow up squishies with his abilities and 4th shot."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "It's her main form of damage to the poke, so without it it will be useless. Level a Ultimate R does very little damage if the enemy is away from the epicentre of the explosion."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Keep looking for picks, but expect more than one enemy nearby. It will be difficult for you to 100 to 0 someone that many champions will be in full construction in the end of the game or at least have defensive tools like Zhonya.Hourglass or Guardian Angel at their disposal."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "After Fiddlesticks has completed his first component item, he will be a little stronger and can start to trade more aggressively with the enemy. Your goal is to hide in the fog of war during team fights."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Level 6 is an important power peak, especially when Lucian is against a stationary port. Lucian should have an easy time to clean the waves with level six if he needs to remember."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "The R ability will grant significant power to the champion when unlocked, providing a huge health gain that makes it nearly impossible for him to die. The bonus movement speed granted by the R ability will also enable him to catch up to his target or evade a gank."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Do not fight Garen when low on health. If you're below 50% health, recall as he might look for a trade."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily. Make sure you're close to your team at all times so you can fight quickly."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "At level thirteen, Yuumi's survival will increase after obtaining two points in his Ultimate R. Winning two points in Yuumi's Ultimate R will make it a bit more difficult for enemies."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "His strength increases if he actively tries to clean the pupils and use the lack of vision to spoil the enemies. This is due to the amount of selection potential he has in his kit."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "Diana is rather weak if she doesn't get kills early on. Try not to feed Diana and ping whenever she goes missing as Diana will look to roam if she can't kill anyone in mid."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "It will allow you to detect Zed and find out where he is. Countering the glove is of paramount importance in this matchup. Not doing so will allow your team to fall back significantly."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "The enemies will have no other option than to walk the plank at this stage."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. If the enemy is regrouping, group up with your team as well."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "This will make it impossible for Zilean to CC you if the first Q is missing. After Zilean finished his first article, his wave will be strong enough."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "You may need to get the Blue Buff to have enough mana to maintain the spamming capacity. Use your Ultimate R to choose your enemies when possible."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "If Gragas uses his E and it misses, you can look to turn the exchange around. Avoid Gragas' Q as much as possible because it can set up ganks for his team and causes a lot of damage."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "A very good objective control allows him to stop relying on his team and to advance his team under his own conditions. It can take the first dragons with ease, without being too low."} -{"label": "riven", "text": "Level six is a massive peak for it as it can now affect fighting easily with its t. Its electronic use will dictate how good it is Riven."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "However, at no point should you get too close to the enemy, even if they are CC'd. When equipped with Infernum, you will be targeted for ganks because of the wave push."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Their level 6 is incredibly strong. A Jungler the ganks when they reached level 6."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "The custom of Easter Hare/Rabbit has evolved into Easter Bunny in Britain and America. Akshan can look for an aggressive play as soon as he unlocks his Q and E."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "This puts his team at a disadvantage and causes a lot of tension to accumulate within the team. Your goal in early play is to play safely, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy lantern."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "If Akali engages and hides inside his W, move away from the Shroud until it disappears. This will make it much more difficult for Akali to fight and survive if she cannot hide in her."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "At level 6, Swain's death pressure and survival increases. Unless you have the advantage, turn off as soon as it activates its Ultimate R."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "After turning towards the middle lane, proceed to the side lane. You can start growing and winning XP there."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "Focus the backline and try to take them out of the fight. Try to focus your other frontline champions with the enemy backline."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "If you spot Graves, don't automatically try to fight him as he is incredibly strong early on. Graves' duelling power increases dramatically when he hits level 6."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "He's strong during the end-of-game fights because his Q and Ultimate R are going to hit like a truck now. However, he must check the enemy's inventory for a QSS before deciding to do anything about a champion."} -{"label": "fizz", "text": "Once Fizz has recalled and picked up his first item, he\u2019ll be able to dish out of a lot of damage quite quickly. A good Fizz will not be scared to go for aggressive plays especially if he has a better first item than his lane opponent."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion has a deceptively powerful laning phase. Pay attention to his Q poke."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Waiting in high-traffic areas can increase the chances of taking an enemy. Ennemy Mid, ADC or Support are vulnerable targets."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Play safe in the early game. Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early for a safer laning phase."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "Use your Q to slow down the enemy if they're trying to pick up. Slow down the enemy if they try to catch up with you."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "You force them to choose between using mana on the wave or you. Investing in early boots can help you dodge their skill shots and make the laning phase less stressful."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "Soraka can prevent an all-in by placing her E Silence on herself as soon as you commit."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Poke the enemy relentlessly to help her ADC. Use more spells and poke the enemy relentlessly to help her ADC."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Once Sett reaches level 6, his ability to get killed in the track also increases. When you play against Sett at level 6 or above, look at your positioning."} -{"label": "xerath", "text": "Watch yourself roaming when Xerath died or at the base. Flanking Xerath could be the best way to manage it in team fighting."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Swain can launch and delay team fights by harassing the enemy with his abilities while his team gets their low champion. Once the enemy champion is down, Swain can engage in the team fight."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Evelyn's early match is very weak, so she will be the electric farming up to level 6 so she can become invisible and get her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Use this by freezing the track near your tower to expose it to ganks and prevent it from crashing you. A heavy power peak on level two was introduced for champion Lucian, allowing him to run an enemy down with his E, Q combo."} -{"label": "nasus", "text": "Nasus should seek to divide the thrust and open the card during later parts of the game. It can be incredibly difficult to stop if he's in front."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "When attacking during the enemy champion's Ultimate cool-down period, take advantage of the situation to gain a trade advantage. Force a team fight as quickly as possible so Karma isn\u2019t able to poke your team down before you have the chance to engage."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Disrupting Galio's Ultimate R will be very helpful as it can stop him from using his Ultimate R to help his allies. In team fights, try to harass and poke him down as much as possible before he can look to engage."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Focusing on Zac first is completely useless. Passive capability allows Zac to take control of team fighting with zoning."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce is really good at poking enemies down with his w > s combo. He can even one-shot targets if he is far ahead of the enemy team."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Can dry a lot of damage by moving quickly during team fighting. It is therefore very difficult to catch and kill him in a team fight."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Avoid regrouping if possible. Use your strong duel potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel anyone who tries to prevent you from pushing to break up."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Investing in reducing healing will increase your chances of surviving against Xin Zhao. Xin Zhao tends to have a lot of support in the way and throughout the game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "He and his team should be very helpful. Stand in the middle of the track rather than at the side of the track."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Continue to use your Ultimate capability while remaining safe. Keep an eye on your mana bar at all times."} -{"label": "reksai", "text": "If Rek\u2019Sai is very squishy, she can die easily in team fights. The build path for Rek\u2019Sai can be considered risky if she goes full damage."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Can do a lot if the enemy team disengages when its Ultimate r is active. Very sensitive to the CC, so if the enemy saves their CC for him, he will die."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "In the track, Yorick will use his Q (Q) balls to give him the advantage of pushing, as well as the advantage of poke in the track. Killing those Q Ghoul first will take a lot of damage on Yorick."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Level 3 gives Tahm Kench much more potential in play using lane brushes and its capabilities. Unfortunately, at level 3, Tahm Kench will not be able to use his Passive effectively."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Never split push or run away from your team during the late game. Stay positioned towards the front of your team for as long as possible."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Investing in defensive starting objects could be a good way to deal with it from the beginning. The rooms will be placed around the edge of the track by Teemo."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Avoid fighting with the team during the mid-game unless you have Aatrox's Ultimate ability up. Aatrox's Ultimate ability is currently on cooldown."} -{"label": "tristana", "text": "Let Tristana get free blows on your turret will give it a gold advantage over you because of the tower boards. Avoid prolonged trading with Tristana every time she's close to her since more automatic attacks she hits her with- means more damage."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "His ultimate R has the potential to hit the entire enemy team. The more champions you hit with Seraphine's Ultimate R, the more he goes."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "The enemy will not be ganking much in the early game, so try your hardest to get as many ganks off as possible. Getting your allies ahead will only make the enemy fall behind and make their Jungler useless."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Sylas is level 6 and unlocks its Ultimate R. If Sylas steals someone's Ultimate, contact your team to make sure they know he's got it."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "Try and stay behind the minion wave but not in it. This will force Brand to choose between harassing you with his W or pushing the wave. This is also a good place to stand as the minions will block his Q."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger's waveclear and burst damage is impeccable. Heimerdinger can poke the opposition with his W."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "But will definitely do well if she has a high peel/enabling Support It is important that you stick with your team in the late game."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Using lane brushes offers an additional layer of safety to Karma while ensuring that the enemy laner has a horrible time in the lane. Once your bottom lane rotates to the top lane, go to a side lane and start to farm."} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Try to delay team fights as long as possible while you poke the enemy down with your Barrels. Getting a good Barrel E off can help you win the fight."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Shen's E makes it difficult for him to obtain this ability from a clear vision. Shen's potential can be hampered by her E."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "Karma has 6 abilities that offer counterplay. Empowered Q ability is one of her options."} -{"label": "briar", "text": "Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Ensure you\u2019re in range to press R."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Your tanks will be weak when Trundle activates his Subjugate n. Reconnect with Trundle when his Subjugate did not cool down."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "The initial casting of Sylas' E allows him to obtain an immobile or vulnerable portage. The Ultimate R of Sylas depends entirely on the enemy team comp."} -{"label": "sylas", "text": "Be aware that constant ganking can cause you to fall behind in XP gain. A healthy balance between these three aspects will help you work well."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "allow Zilean to easily counter the fatal damage caused by the burst. It will also make the work of his opponent much more difficult than he is supposed to be."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "The Level 2 power peak can get Thresh and its ADC before it lands a Q hook. Thresh's roaming potential increases with Boots of Mobility."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "If an ADC leaves their champion's side, the enemy will exploit this lack of protection. In team fights, focus on peeling for carries"} -{"label": "rengar", "text": "He has a good potential for assassination on isolated targets. If Rengar is late in the start of the game, it will be really difficult for him to get back into the game."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Kite backwards as soon as Garen appears. Avoid wasting Summoner Spells or Ultimates on Garen unless certain you can kill him."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "Proper positioning by Kayle will allow her to slice through the enemy team. Kayle's late-game damage is very high and must be taken out beforehand if the enemy team has any chance of winning the game."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Delay the team fights while you take the damage with your base combos. Make sure you try to stay safe in team fighting by looking at your positioning and avoiding too much extensification."} -{"label": "anivia", "text": "Sieg's power with his Ultimate increases his chances of surviving the skirmishes. The Anivia Passive is versatile and can prevent the enemy from entering a certain part of the map."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Morgana has a better survival in team fighting when she has Zhonya's Hourglass. When Morgana has her Blackshield E available, her protection increases considerably."} -{"label": "bard", "text": "You should harass and play aggressive while the enemy is still level 1. Once Bard picks up Boots, his roaming potential increases dramatically."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Try to choose it before setting a goal to make it much easier. Avoid regrouping too closely as this will allow Zilean to land a good dizziness with his Q and potentially start the team fight."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "The peeling of the carts prevents them from dying from the beginning of the fight. Your Ultimate will allow you to lock and kill the wallets easily."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "As long as Renekton doesn't get CC'd, he can win the fights easily. Level sixteen is a decent peak for Renekton."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "Avoid regrouping too closely around goals or in team fights as it can allow Swain to land a very good multi-person E and start the team fight. Burst and poke is the best way to win a fight against Swain."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "You can poke the enemy with s as often as possible to harass them from afar. Using s to poke the enemy frequently is effective in harassing them while staying at max range."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "He will try to roam around the map. Use this insane early game pressure to get your allies ahead."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Try to utilize all-ins with your Q and E from lane brushes whenever possible. Once you obtain your Ultimate R, you will be able to set up plays from long-range."} -{"label": "yorick", "text": "He can break up with this. It will win duels more effectively than the Maiden inflicts a lot of damage to enemies"} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia can farm easily under her turret. Although Cassiopeia doesn't have any set up CC, she can follow up and be very successful with ganks using her W."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Adding another point to Heimerdinger's Ultimate R will give him additional empowerments more overall strength. This empowerment can be convenient when taking neutral objectives and fighting enemies who rely on diving and locking heimerdinger down."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "This will allow you to earn turret veneer and increase your gold income. Velkoz's level 6 will bring a massive peak of power as it can now use its passive to its maximum potential."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna's late play is strong enough if she was able to stack effectively. Consider investing in healing reduction elements or capabilities to counter Senna's maintenance."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Try to start fights whenever he has no Soldiers W available. After Azir hits level 6, he will have a lot more protection and can disengage quite easily thanks to his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Her Q will come in very handy in fights that occur in tight spaces. She can quite possibly land a five-man blind, which will be huge for her team."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia scales better than most champions. Cassiopeia can build 6 items."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "In the late game, look for choices about immobile or misplaced enemies. The search for peaks on immobile or misplaced enemies is a good strategy in the late game."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "This, combined with his W, will make him almost unqualified and allow him to absorb a lot of damage. A maximum of Ultimate R will further strengthen its overall potential and long-term overall damage."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia has a powerful level 2 all in with her Q and E spam. Make sure you hit level 2 at the same time which is the first wave followed by 1 melee minion on the second wave to reduce her ability to kill you."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "Veigar can shoot enemies if he has enough PA. Veigar will already have several objects."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "If Viego takes over the body of a fed enemy champion, it will be extremely difficult to manage. However, if Viego takes over from a weak champion, he may not be as big as a threat."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "a Combo C E Q by talijah can ruin the life of the enemy lantern. taliiyah Ultimate R allows it to cross a long distance almost immediately and provides a lot of utility in the bottlenecks."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is much safer and harder to kill whenever he has his E (ability). It is advantageous for Ezreal to abuse the cooldown of his E whenever possible."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "You should back off if the enemy team invades you early, as you do not win early skirmishes. Look for opportunities to gank whenever your Ultimate is available."} -{"label": "gnar", "text": "It's important that you do not let Gnar harass you with basic attacks. You may need to sacrifice some CS for XP if you're low in the laning phase."} -{"label": "pantheon", "text": "This will let you snowball your lead during the mid-game. Flanking enemies with your Ultimate R is viable but do it during a fight so that the enemy isn't paying much attention to your positioning."} -{"label": "aurelionsol", "text": "If Aurelion Sol has W or Ultimate available, do not waste your gap closer. If Aurelion Sol uses W or Ultimate, try to catch up to him if he tries to escape."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "By reducing its health, you can create pressure and limit its ability to freely use its capabilities. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to create opportunities for your gank jungler."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "The Ultimate c offers it a lot of extra pressure in the track. You should think twice before you fight Twitch if it invades you early."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "As Jax is much weaker than you early on, gain an early lead by ganking your allies before he even comes online. After the laning phase has ended, go to a different lane or stay top and just split push."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Once Trundle bought boots, Trundle's roaming potential and overall card pressure are increasing."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "You can dish out a ton of damage in late-game team fights with your empowered Q damage. Ensure you\u2019re auto-attacking as much as you can to increase your Q damage."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "You can use Rell's E on the frontline to look for sneaky engages and then CC the enemy team! You will be unable to engage at all if the enemy has knock-ups or interrupts in the lane."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "With this tactic, Yasuo can easily install ganks as well. Playing around his W allows him to completely dismantle the various enemy matches by running around the windshields and sparing himself from damage."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Rotate and move around the map with your ADC/Jungler to help your other lanes. Keep placing vision and stick with someone at all times."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "When Karma\u2019s Ultimate a is down, she cannot give her team a huge shield d which will make fighting much easier. Don\u2019t be afraid to invest in an Executioner\u2019s Calling. It will reduce her healing and shielding and it will make winning the team fight a lot easier."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Ganking constantly can be counterbalanced by good vision. A good vision force Volibear to play a more farm-oriented Jungle style."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Thresh can easily cheese with a strong positioning. If you play as a utility support, take the long road to the track so Thresh doesn't kill you until you get to the track."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Hold the push in the middle of the game and try to secure the secondary goals. Avoid regrouping if possible."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "An enemy can try to exchange freely with Rumble during this point. Rumble is quite capricious and vulnerable when its r (runic gust) is on cooling."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's Passive will help him survive in team fights by restoring his health over time. He should use the river brushes to pretend to roam and then turn on the enemy mid-laner if they try to follow."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "If you get caught, it will result in your team having to play 4v5. Don't be alone unless you know where the enemy is."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Consider investing in healing reduction elements or capabilities to counter Senna's maintenance. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Don't let yourself be caught by Lux's low-coolings. In the later stages of the game, Lux will be very strong and can easily remove any target if she lands her g."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "If the enemy team invests a lot in Control Wards and places them in key spots, it will become very hard for Evelynn to pull off successful ganks. She will have to be really careful while she is ganking someone when her Ultimate R is on cooldown."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "If interrupting early, Nunu's R will not deal a lot of damage and could save lives. Cancel Nunu's R with crowd control (CC)."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "talijah's E is really effective against enemies who have some form of dash. It can make life a living hell for travellers who rely heavily on dashes."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "Do not be afraid to fight Cho'Gath alone. If you dodge Cho'Gath's Q, you will win the 1v1s against him."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "This makes Cassiopeia a prime target for ganks and teams with good dive potential. When against mobile champions like Talon, Lee Sin, Rengar, it will be really hard for her to land her Q,"} -{"label": "gangplank", "text": "Now he will have three points in his Ultimate R. With the reduced cooldown and the damage, Gangplank will be able to take over the game effortlessly."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "Dr Mundo will be looking to power farm early to unlock his Ultimate m. When Dr Mundo has his Ultimate R, he will look to gank as often as possible because his Ultimate provides a lot of trading power."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Never try to take a goal like Baron or the Dragon if Rumble is alive and kicks. Being close together inside the pit allows Rumble to land a devastating B on your entire team."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "Early power farming is a way for Nocturne to accelerate his leveling process and gain an advantage over the enemy team. Nocturne will try to get ahead early by ganking lanes that are immobile or are overextended."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah does not have access to a harmful Ultimate R at level 6. If you're a champion with a strong Ultimate, try to abuse his weakness right now."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "When trying to team fight engage as soon as you spot her do not let her auto-attack for free in the backline. At level 6 Jinx\u2019s Ultimate R can be a great trading tool and it can turn the tide of the lane."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "The Ultimate b of ruble makes him a threat during team fighting. The enemy team cannot fight in closed spaces without being shot down by its Ultimate b. Rumble's efficiency is significantly reduced when its liabilities are not half-filled."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "If the enemy team is smart and avoids regrouping during the fighting, it will prevent Sett from effectively using its Ultimate R. Sett's Ultimate R will not be able to do much damage if the enemy team gathers together during the fighting because they escape."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Malphitis was quite susceptible to poke before six years. He will be forced to play defensively because of his weakness at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric will be very strong in team fighting because his Ultimate R can be used to protect his allies. Disengagement or end of targets quickly as its Ultimate R descends."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "With two completed items, you will be a fierce opponent. Camille's first item completion makes her significantly stronger."} -{"label": "evelynn", "text": "Control Wards are her mortal enemies. If the enemy team invests a lot in Control Wards and places them in key spots, it will become very hard for Evelynn to pull off successful ganks."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Ezreal is great in the mid-game. However, he starts to fall off in the late game because it will be harder for him to kill tanks."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Miss Fortune's first back will happen when she receives her first peak of power. Miss Fortune should play safely until then."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Make sure you're still behind a minion so it's harder for him to land his Q. If he's capable of landing his Q, he can look for a fight."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Take care to exchange more often after your first back. Once you have access to all your basic capabilities, you can start to interact more effectively with the enemy."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "stalling the game out for too long can be detrimental, as Kassadin becomes extremely powerful in the late game. The author advises ending the game as soon as possible to prevent stalling and take advantage of the numbers advantage."} -{"label": "karma", "text": "In team fights, use your empowered d to provide a large shield to your allies. Unless you need to use your d or Q, you should try to use your d to help them survive."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "The recommended playstyle at this stage involves playing cautiously and taking advantage of the opponent's movement to get kills. Stand away from your enemy to avoid unnecessary damage, but remain close enough to apply pressure on their lane."} -{"label": "jarvan", "text": "He is quite strong early, so expect him to go for aggressive plays."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "At level 14, Vex will eventually improve its second capacity. The production of Vex damage and the global threat will increase."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Traps can be used to steal neutral targets with ease. It is recommended to focus on the ganking of the supertensive enemies if possible."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "The Dragon cannot be taken alone by Teemo. If the Dragon is caught undisputed, do it."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "Avoid regrouping closely as a team. Never stay together in the jungle."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Gragas will gank overextended lanes whenever he is level 6. Always keep an eye on what items Gragas buys."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox has a higher chance of winning a fight if he is able to get on top of an enemy carry. Once Aatrox reaches level 9, his Q ability is fully maxed."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "It can now easily affect fighting with its Ultimate b and make sure that enemies cannot fight it just and square during fighting. The first element will allow him to inflict much damage on his opponents."} -{"label": "garen", "text": "Garen's kill pressure in the early game can be difficult to handle if you're playing as a tank. You should try and avoid trading with Garen unless his Q is down."} -{"label": "caitlyn", "text": "If Caitlyn cannot use her W (Elixir Arrow) properly, she cannot be too effective in the laning phase. It takes time to get used to placing W traps, especially against enemies who have a dash or blink in their kit."} -{"label": "singed", "text": "You should usually start grouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby. Level 11 is a decent power peak because it will have another point in its Ultimate n. Its overall damage will be increased, as well as its resistance."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "Invest in early armor when you play like a Mage to protect yourself from Zed damage. This will reduce his chances of killing you."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "Stand towards the back end of your team near your Support. Avoid walking too far away from anyone in the late game."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "If an enemy comes too close to Nautilus during this phase, they will be killed immediately. Boots grant Nautilus a minor powerspike but allow him to roam frequently, enabling him to assist other lanes and invade the enemy jungle."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "You are good at fighting around objectives. Try to make plays with R around major objectives in the late game."} -{"label": "trundle", "text": "Stand in the middle of the track rather than at the side of the track. Standing near the wall allows him to install his Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "When you fight for a neutral goal, if you land an E on an enemy champion, you don't need to always go there. Your presence and the threat of your E, W and R keep the enemy away from you."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map will make it very hard for her to chase you down and kill you in lane. If you push and she freezes, you will be very vulnerable to ganks and all-ins from Fiora."} -{"label": "seraphine", "text": "Seraphine often goes to the hall alone in the middle of the game. You can use it to your advantage to fight and withdraw it while it is alone."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "Using dash or dodge when Blitzcrank\u2019s b is not on cooldown will make you an easy target for Hook b. You\u2019ll have a harder time dodging Hook b if you\u2019re using dash or dodge while Blitzcrank\u2019s b is off."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "During the laning phase, it is very easy to abuse and shoot. He's better off as a tank champion."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "The Ultimate comes out of cooldown and tries to gank a path as soon as possible after. Successfully ruining the lower lane should encourage calling to take the Dragon."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "A champion who requires lots of practice to master. Camille has a sharp learning curve."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Try to focus the attention of the other frontline champions on the enemy carries. As the top laner, do not leave your team behind during all-ins."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "If he can't use his Ultimate R in your way, he'll turn around and use it instead. Warwick is very weak early."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Senna's W capability could erase clusters with ease. In close spaces, its W capacity has become almost untouchable."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn's basic attacks are being targeted. Your level 6 power spike is much stronger than hers."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Wukong has good objective control in early play. Try to take it before it if possible, or at least keep it at all times so that you can spot it before it can take it for free."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "If the enemy team is heavy on CC, use your W at the right moment to completely negate the CC and continue with the all-in. Ornn can be really strong in the early game when paired with a good ADC."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "Level 6 of Monkeyking will significantly increase its ability to participate in team combat. Another point of its Ultimate capability will increase its overall damage and allow it to smear more effectively."} -{"label": "alistar", "text": "In team fighting, do not focus Alistar because it will be difficult to kill him. Instead of focusing Alistar in team fighting, try to go back and wait for his Ultimate end before focusing it down."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "Zilean's ultimate ability will be a lifeguard and will allow him to save key targets in major battles. He will simply have to make sure that he uses it properly (the most fueled target). The cooling of Zilean's Ultimate capacity will be shorter, making it more difficult for the enemy team."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench's first ability is named. It has a maximum level that is reached by Tahm Kench."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "At the third level, LeBlanc gets access to his E. With access to her E, her first Q and W combos, and Ignite, she can kill an opponent on level three."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Unless you've paired it in the article pool, be careful because Akshan will win trades and all-in. Akshan has the advantage of the range."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "He will often play with his Ultimate R. If Viego takes over the body of a fed enemy champion, it will be extremely difficult to manage."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Due to having several articles, Renekton will do a lot of damage to his enemies while simultaneously tanking a lot of damage. Any enemy who gets caught by Renekton is going to get shot and probably die."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Look for opportunities to gank whenever your Ultimate is available. Try to clean up kills whenever possible after using your Ultimate."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "He will be both able to support himself and to inflict substantial damage. Lucian's Q and E skills will be maximized during this game stage."} -{"label": "veigar", "text": "It can easily land its e and r on several targets while the crowd controls them with its n. There is a very high potential for Veigar to set up because of its ability to call its Jungler with its n."} -{"label": "twitch", "text": "Don't play very aggressive in team fights. Just the kite and the automatic attack of the closest enemy champion."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "Jayce will definitely allow him to increase his overall burst damage, Jayce won't give as much stats or utility as most other champion's ultimates when maxes s at level nine."} -{"label": "renekton", "text": "Level sixteen is a decent peak for Renekton. Renekton will maximize its Ultimate capability at level sixteen."} -{"label": "nidalee", "text": "Look to secure objectives as often as possible. Securing objectives will give your team an advantage."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "The amount of damage Diana does in team fights will be very high, especially if she has a few items or a lead over the enemy Jungler. As an assassin, once Diana has multiple items completed in the mid-game, her burst potential will be highly potent."} -{"label": "neeko", "text": "If you can find an opportunity to use it, use your Ultimate R to catch out someone isolated and alone. Peel for your carries to keep them alive for longer."} -{"label": "vladimir", "text": "Vladimir is strong at all stages of the game, because he has so integrated support and ladders later, but waveclair is the only thing you have that is more powerful than his. Vladimir has no form of gank agency and probably won't get a gank at the start of the game."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille will often hunt vulnerable targets who are isolated walking around the map. Stick with your team to reduce Camille\u2019s assassination attempts."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "This will allow you to use your Ultimate R effectively. You'll need to take care of your backline and see that they're not being subjugated and killed."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Tahm Kench's early play is not strong because he won't be able to do much against the poke damage inflicted by the best laners. Tahm Kench won't do too much if the enemy decides on him either."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon. Yasuo becomes really powerful once it reaches level 16."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "He will soak up both tower shots and enemy damage simultaneously and make it very easy for his allies to follow up on his engagement."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "It's really good for her, because her burst damage will increase exponentially, and she'll be a threat to face. Lillia excels in the middle of the game because of her ability to secure choices."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "Akali and assassins like his fight against the teams with a lot of CC. In the team fights, you will have to wait for the perfect opportunity to go in order not to get CC-D and killed about instantly."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu has a weak early game."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "However, you will rely on your support to do the heavy lifting early. Your support is crucial to make the heavy lifting at the beginning of the game."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "His skill shots are not easy to land. This is a disadvantage because Thresh will only be useful if he can always hit his Qs."} -{"label": "poppy", "text": "This will cause the enemy team to lose the fight, allowing your team to win. By creating this rift, you can gain an advantage in the game."} -{"label": "volibear", "text": "Volibear's main goal is to get an early lead by constantly jerking off. Ganking constantly can be counterbalanced by good vision."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "The empowerment of Zoe Q gives more capacity. Zoe can cause more damage to the track."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "But Maokai's team will quickly take advantage of its CC. Maokai is really high in tankness at the end of the game."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "It will take a lot of practice to play her to her full potential. Orianna is easy to pick up."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Leblanc is a very good roaming champion. Ping she if she leaves the track instead of matching her roam and just pushing on the plates of the tower. If Leblanc gets killed or two, she can make snowballs on the track and move forward more easily."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "Akshan will maximize his Q at Level 9. Maxing Akshan's Q offers him a lot of extra damage."} -{"label": "zilean", "text": "His Ultimate will make life of murderers a living nightmare. At level 9, his Q will be maximized."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "If you let her hurt you too much, you won't be able to trade at Level 2 or 3. Senna's about to unlock her Ultimate R."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "This is a correspondence between the tank and the tank. Your best bet in this matchup is to avoid them and focus on agriculture early."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Lee Sin is an aggressive champion. You should expect Lee Sin to go for aggressive plays to win an early lead in this matchup."} -{"label": "drmundo", "text": "You should focus on reducing Dr Mundo's healing. Reducing Dr Mundo's healing is crucial in team fights."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Unfortunately, Pyke has nothing to offer when his Q is down. Missing this ability will be devastating and you\u2019ll have to play safe until it\u2019s back up."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "Rumble deals more damage when its bar is more than 50%. Be careful to take trades when it is above this amount."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon should keep track of the retouches of the objects so that he can strike at the right time. Most of Talon's abilities will be maximized during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "graves", "text": "His Passive allows this If the enemy gank target has built up a large minion wave, it can lead to an outplay for the enemy"} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "At level 2, Nautilus can often gain a health advantage or Summoner advantage in the lane by playing aggressive and looking for an early all-in. Nautilus has good roaming potential once they have Boots of Mobility."} -{"label": "malzahar", "text": "With the advantage of numbers, you can make the call for Baron or seat a nearby tower. Don't fight at the end of the game unless your Ultimate R is in place."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Lux excels in catching enemies out of his position with his g. No one should walk alone on the map when Lux is on the team."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "Hold the push in the middle of the game and try to secure the secondary goals. Group with your team when your Ultimate h is in place."} -{"label": "zyra", "text": "The utility and damage that this capability provides to grade 16 is very good, and it will be a threat in team fighting. Zyra helps her team quickly achieve neutral goals such as the Baron or the Elder Dragon thanks to low cooling rates and plants."} -{"label": "malphite", "text": "The minion wave is better guarded near Malphite due to its additional protection offer. Malphitis is low early because its presence is negligible."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs is vulnerable when his W (Bombarde) is broken because he has no other escape capacity in his kit. The same is true when Ziggs is too pushed in the way."} -{"label": "darius", "text": "Try and secure objectives when facing Darius. You should gank your allies as frequently as possible."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Most Sona will use their mana incredibly quickly by punctuating and providing healing. Sona is vulnerable at the beginning of the game before level 6."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "It is recommended to play safely for the first levels. You need time to come online and should not fight unless you have a clear advantage early."} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "You should be prepared to make the call for them as you can often cheese them for free. Heimerdinger's E allows him to CC key targets but has a long cooldown early on."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Boots are an important power peak for Sett, allowing him to ride freely and stick to enemies. Sett's Boots allow him to participate in Jungle's skirmishes faster than anyone else."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Once you get your Ultimate, you should be able to look for all-ins regularly. Just go in when his Q is down."} -{"label": "blitzcrank", "text": "You\u2019ll also be able to get your second b up after you land or miss your first. In the late game, Blitzcrank would be near full build."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "Flank in the team fighting as he approached the enemy backline. Make sure you're always close to your team so you can fight quickly."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "She will have several objects during this phase of the game. These objects will allow him to flatten tons of damage and champions at once."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Look to apply pressure and fight whoever tries to stop you on the enemy team. In 1v1 skirmishes, continue to play around Gwen's Passive."} -{"label": "kassadin", "text": "You should minimize trading until you reach level 6. Leveling up to 6 is crucial before starting aggressive gameplay."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "Her Ultimate ability has a slow movement speed and can be easily avoided by opponents. Renata's abilities in the early game are not strong enough to protect her from being targeted by enemies."} -{"label": "akshan", "text": "You can use the capacity while you are E'ing, so make sure you don't stay still while it's locked. Akshan can look for an aggressive piece once he unlocks both his Q and his E."} -{"label": "shaco", "text": "Also, make a point to use your Ultimate around the bottlenecks for maximum efficiency. A maximum-out Ultimate will confer the benefits of lower cooling and greater damage from Shaco clone break-up."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "But he won't damage much in a team fight. Keep this in mind, but be prepared to adapt."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "The longer the game lasts, the more Tahm Kench becomes strong and tankier. It becomes more powerful as the game progresses."} -{"label": "thresh", "text": "Getting closer to him will make it difficult for you to escape his Q. Always stand behind the minions, so it is impossible for him to land his crochet Q."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "Amumu has a weak early game and will be looking for the power farm. If he shows on the map, or if you're stronger than him, you could invade his jungle."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "While your cooldowns will be short, you have to play around your W as much as possible to make sure you can kill the enemy. At level 16, Akali would have 3 points in his Ultimate."} -{"label": "renata", "text": "You may be able to focus on roaming during the mid-game. Roaming allows you to easily ward with Q."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani can use Ultimate R capacity frequently thanks to it. The damage to the capacity of R Ultimate increases quite decently."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Kayn has good objective control. A champion with good objective control can often achieve goals."} -{"label": "sion", "text": "Sion can absorb a lot of damage in the front line for his team. This allows Sion to take damage and peel his carts with ease, allowing them to play more freely."} -{"label": "yuumi", "text": "Yuumi heals for herself increases after reaching level thirteen and earns two points in her Ultimate R. Yuumi will heal a lot during this phase of the game."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "However, when paired with an ADC that dominates the game early, you will need to look at your positioning so that it cannot land an early E. Taric has a lot of built-in support, make sure you get some form of healing reduction quickly to make it easier for you to kill him."} -{"label": "jinx", "text": "This will increase her overall damage and self-peel potential in the game. Jinx is huge during late-game fights if she has her items."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "Try to lure Kog'Maw's e before you engage in all-in-one. Force Kog'Maw to overextend for the farm is a good way to win the matchup."} -{"label": "syndra", "text": "Syndra was a champion in the Legends League who had a poke and range advantage during the laning. The player wanted to stand out from the minion wave to force Syndra to choose between pushing and throwing them simultaneously."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "You could go for a complete AP construction and blow up the enemies if you are ahead. Amumu has a quick light thanks to the damage of the AOE of its r and m."} -{"label": "azir", "text": "Azir does not have a significant spike at level 16. A point in the Ultimate R ability of Azir will be helpful but not decisive."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "When Ezreal completes his Mythic item, his damage output further grows. A good Ezreal will poke the enemy down with his Q before initiating an all-in."} -{"label": "yone", "text": "Once Yone reaches level 16, he will use his Ultimate R more frequently. Yone will have all his articles finished by then, which means he'll hit like a truck and whoever gets caught by him will probably die."} -{"label": "quinn", "text": "Quinn is quite strong during the mid-game. She will be able to blow up overextended enemies who are walking around Summoners Rift alone."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Avoid being caught in control of Morgana's crowd. His level 6 is stronger than yours."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Taric will have two points in his Ultimate R at level 11. Having two points in Ultimate R allows Taric to use capacity frequently."} -{"label": "kayle", "text": "The use of fog of war will aid in identifying enemy positions. Keeping the wave close to your tower allows for regular ganks and kills on Kayle."} -{"label": "nautilus", "text": "Relic Shield is used by the support drive instead of Spellthief's Edge. Avoid fighting or staying close to your teammates (grouped together) because Nautilus e can hit players who come into contact with her."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "In team fighting, focus on the most squishi and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights to get the enemy back easily."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "Do not divide the thrust or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them. Look for choices with your Support/Jungler to get murders and increase your lead."} -{"label": "brand", "text": "His ability to completely blow up squishy targets will make team fights highly unfair for the enemy team. Brand will be near full build in the late game."} -{"label": "ahri", "text": "Ahri can either focus on picking off enemies and flanking with her allies during late game team fights if she is ahead. Saving one Ultimate stack allows Ahri to escape from a vulnerable position."} -{"label": "camille", "text": "Camille is a mechanically difficult champion. A mechanically difficult champion requires lots of practice to master and has a sharp learning curve."} -{"label": "ornn", "text": "Ornn scales incredibly well into the later parts of the game. He is one of the few champions who is relatively good at all stages of the game."} -{"label": "wukong", "text": "The search for battles is his way of going there. The last point of his Ultimate n will allow Monkeyking to inflict enormous damage on enemies."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's maxed h will sustain himself due to items and runes. As top laner, Hecarim will be very tanky."} -{"label": "tahmkench", "text": "Make sure you're still behind a minion so it's harder for him to land his Q."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Thresh Q is an ability that Gwen's W can stop. Gwen is difficult to play into ranged champions."} -{"label": "sona", "text": "Moving around the map increases the risk of being taken out, which gives a 4v5 advantage to the enemy. Do not take care of yourself unless you know where the enemy is, for it may put you at a disadvantage."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Your first component item is received. With the first component item, your damage output will increase."} -{"label": "lux", "text": "Its G can be used to secure peaks inside the enemy Jungle or blind areas. Choosing the enemy Jungler or range can be extremely beneficial if done correctly."} -{"label": "lillia", "text": "It will also allow you to avoid strokes and CC. Unlike many AP champions, Lillia can launch and start a team fight if she can catch several enemies out of position with her E."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "Look to take off the enemy carriers. Focus on the backline and try to get them out of the fight."} -{"label": "aphelios", "text": "Aphelios is a good mid-game champion, especially when paired with a utility Support. A utility Support can help Aphelios shine in the mid-game."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "Aatrox suffers from long cooldowns and is easily abusable when they're on cooldown. You'll fall off in the later stages of the game unless you end the game as quickly as possible or snowball your lead so you'll be a huge threat in team fights."} -{"label": "karthus", "text": "At level six, Karthus can quickly use his Ultimate to secure kills throughout the game's early stages. This will help Karthus scale up quickly."} -{"label": "leesin", "text": "Its level 6 power peak is very strong. He can easily be killed in his own way."} -{"label": "yasuo", "text": "He can't trade you or dive you under the tower unless he's got help from the jungle. Use these windows to bring down Yasuo using your d and self-attacks."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "The fight in the landlocked areas will give Ziggs a huge advantage during team and goal fighting, especially during the Dragon and Baron battles. Ziggs is good enough to take turns quickly."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "At level 9, Ashe will have her y maxed. This is an important power spike for Ashe as she can use it to poke the enemy down before her team commits to a team fight."} -{"label": "annie", "text": "Annie can quite easily start blowing people up from the get-go with her first core item. Annie's best power spike in lane occurs once she unlocks Tibbers R."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Can do a lot if the enemy team disengages when its Ultimate r is active. Very sensitive to the CC, so if the enemy saves their CC for him, he will die."} -{"label": "galio", "text": "Try and match his wave clear and keep him pushed in so he cannot roam for free. Superb engages with his E, along with the extended CC with his W. This combo can deal respectable amounts of damage and also allow his team to follow up on the knocked up target with ease."} -{"label": "hwei", "text": "Look for picks from allies. Use R to get picks from allies."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "She needs to use this ability quite carefully because of this. Her enemies can look at everything in her when she misses her W."} -{"label": "masteryi", "text": "Very sensitive to the CC, so if the enemy saves their CC for him, he will die. Master Yi needs time to come online."} -{"label": "kogmaw", "text": "A Zhonya will help you a lot when it comes to staying alive and doing damage. Your e should hit like a truck now, so keep your position in mind while inflicting damage."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "He can quickly run down enemies. He can peel for his carries at the same time due to his overall tankiness."} -{"label": "gwen", "text": "Gwen is perfect during this stage as team fights frequently occur, which gives her multiple targets to land her abilities on. As a result, she will dish out tons of damage while healing up during a major fight."} -{"label": "olaf", "text": "Your champion can let you decimate immobile champions if they happen to be too pushed up. Getting your Ultimate ability will let you take over skirmishes quite easily."} -{"label": "rakan", "text": "Getting caught out will result in your team having to play 4v5. Do not ward alone unless you know where the enemy is."} -{"label": "aatrox", "text": "When Aatrox enters a team fight, try to apply crowd control (CC) to him immediately and burst him down first. Aatrox is vulnerable to CC and should be killed before he can use his combo."} -{"label": "gragas", "text": "Beware of Gragas's early game invading potential. You must be ready for Gragas's invading potential often."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "When Soraka has 2 points in her Ultimate R, she can have more impact on the whole fight. Soraka can use his Ultimate R often and save his teammates accordingly."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Warwick's E allowed him to take reduced damage in team fighting as well as disrupt a fight with fear on his E. The effect of Warwick's E can change the tide of a fight quite easily."} -{"label": "nilah", "text": "Her first power spike occurs at level 3. She gains access to her basic abilities when she reaches level 3."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "A complete construction will allow your damage to skyrocket. Use your Passive in a timely manner to avoid dying in group fighting."} -{"label": "talon", "text": "Talon is a murderer. As soon as you meet Talon, use his Ultimate R to choose."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Ziggs is pretty good in the middle of the game and team fights if he is allowed to delay a team and poke fight with his Q. You can prevent this peak of power by not allowing it to shoot you down and delay a team fight."} -{"label": "tryndamere", "text": "Trendamere's Ultimate will not be an excellent peak of power because it only ensures its prolonged survival and nothing else. Trendamere will do a lot of damage during the later parts of the game because it will have several elements and will be able to duel anyone."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Teemo is squishy. If you can catch Teemo while he's going to the hall, you'll increase your chances of winning the fight."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "secure the goals whenever they are in place This will give your team an advantage as the game unfolds."} -{"label": "zoe", "text": "Zoe's Q directly empowers him. The empowerment of Zoe Q gives more capacity."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "Taliyah is relatively weak at the beginning of the game, as its track is shorter and can be spoiled easily. Its Q reduces the track space where it can use capacity freely as well."} -{"label": "sett", "text": "Sett should avoid regrouping closely as it can allow its opponents to obtain a multi-person E. Parting slightly is better for Sett's long-term success."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "Roaming during this phase would be a problem. The first element will allow him to inflict much damage on his enemies."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "All he has to do is be part of important fights. Level sixteen is a decent peak when it comes to macro-based games."} -{"label": "zed", "text": "You have to counter their pressure by doing the same. His W can help him escape or close the gap between himself and his targets."} -{"label": "milio", "text": "Its Ultimate can protect its entire team from engagement and CC tools. Milio also has a lot of utility tools."} -{"label": "kled", "text": "It will be quite the peak of power for him. Kled will have several objects in the middle of the game, making it a devastating force to manage."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal should stick with his team as much as possible. At level 16 Ezreal will put the third point in his Ultimate R."} -{"label": "kennen", "text": "If the enemy has a lot of disengagement or poke, continue flancing in the team fights to make sure you pass to the enemy before they are able to disengage you or poke down. Once Kennen has several articles, he will be able to turn the tide of the game on his own."} -{"label": "nunu", "text": "Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up."} -{"label": "kayn", "text": "Try to use track brushes and make short exchanges when the enemy has a reduced capacity. Don't exaggerate too much in this way, you'll end up being killed because of ganks."} -{"label": "morgana", "text": "She can start crashing after level 3. Morgana's Level 6 power peak is quite powerful as it can lock you for a long period of time with its Q and Ultimate R."} -{"label": "rammus", "text": "If a carry player uses Quicksilver Sash, they can avoid being targeted by Rammus' taunt in team fights. To counter Rammus effectively, players should group together and try to maintain their positions as much as possible."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "Late game fights can leave ezreal vulnerable if they use E aggressively. Only use ezreal's E aggressively if absolutely certain it won't be abused."} -{"label": "jayce", "text": "The greater the number of enemies hit, the better it is for his team and him."} -{"label": "diana", "text": "If Diana is ahead, she should look for picks or ambush the enemy as they walk through their Jungle. Taking one enemy down could be enough to win the next fight or take the Baron."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra reaches her true potential when the team fights as its Ultimate R and W are both AOE. The Passive of Lissandra can wreak havoc in a team fight."} -{"label": "taliyah", "text": "In the last game, staying with your team is crucial. By leaving your team or moving away from them, you can be chosen or launch a 4v5 fight while you are alone."} -{"label": "velkoz", "text": "Place the vision around the main objectives if it spawns quickly, and back to safety after. It is essential to have a vision of the main objectives."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "Fiora's W ability is crucial to her kit as it can block any form of damage or CC, making her a formidable opponent. The fact that Fiora's W can also negate Ignite tick damage can be devastating for her enemies."} -{"label": "orianna", "text": "Her dash ability can be used as a zoning tool. Her shield ability provides protection."} -{"label": "ziggs", "text": "Go for an aggressive level 2 game with your W. Stay outside the minion wave at all times so that zigg can't Q you and push at the same time."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "When you launch, stand back, but in front of your Caster Minions. This will not allow him to land his roots E and CC you."} -{"label": "skarner", "text": "Reduced cooling will help Skarner make choices more frequently. In the last game, keep looking for games with your Ultimate and E."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "This is vital and will lead Swain to take control of the game quickly. He can use track bushes to kill enemy targets solo with ease."} -{"label": "fiddlesticks", "text": "Putting the second point in Fiddlesticks Ultimate R at level 11 was very important for him. It will put his Ultimate R on a shorter cooldown and allow him to look for more aggressive plays."} -{"label": "chogath", "text": "It's recommended to wait for Cho'Gath to use one of these abilities before engaging or fighting him. You are stronger than Cho'Gath when it comes to jungling."} -{"label": "warwick", "text": "Your W and E capabilities allow you to harass and kill your enemies quickly. During neutral objective battles, help the teammates by blocking the enemy's way into the river."} -{"label": "jhin", "text": "His 4th shot will hit like a truck. Squishy enemies are never safe when Jhin is properly peeled by his team."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "That being said, make sure that it can't push the wave completely, or you can be diving tour. Zac has great all-in-one potential throughout the laning phase."} -{"label": "janna", "text": "If you leave them, the enemy may start a fight without you being there to protect them and keep them alive."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "This is the perfect time for Hecarim to take over the game due to his kit being able to pick and burst enemies down in a jiffy. Once you've gone in with your Ultimate t, peel back and help your allies. In particular, if you\u2019re behind, use your Ultimate t aggressively and then fall back and help your team."} -{"label": "xinzhao", "text": "Xin Zhao's first capacity will be maximized as soon as it reaches level 9. Level 9 is crucial to maximize the power of the first capacity."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Xin Zhao recovered his first component. After recovering its first component, Xin Zhao can trade very aggressively with the enemy."} -{"label": "ashe", "text": "The enemy team will look to gank you multiple times during the laning phase to set you back. Although it doesn't affect your utility, you won't be able to get enough items to impact fights later on which will cost your team multiple fights and objectives."} -{"label": "zac", "text": "Zac has good support in the way, thanks to his blobs. Additional health and maintenance enable him to survive more difficult matches and heal the enemy."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "Pantheon can put pressure on them as much as possible. Before invading, make sure you have your passive stacked so you can win the trade."} -{"label": "cassiopeia", "text": "Cassiopeia's first significant power spike is at level 3. She can dish out a lot of damage at levels 1 and 2, but becomes much stronger when she has access to her basic abilities."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane. Take this tower if possible."} -{"label": "fiora", "text": "If Fiora uses her W and gets caught CC'd, she can be removed easily from the game. Fiora can be CC'd to oblivion if she dives into the enemy team after using her W."} -{"label": "rell", "text": "Avoid fighting in areas of the map that force your champions to be close to one another. Rell's Ultimate is a great team fighting tool that can CC multiple enemies at once."} -{"label": "shen", "text": "Keep the wave near your turn. The enemy has no kind of sifting potential and can be easily exposed to ganks."} -{"label": "vayne", "text": "Vayne scales extremely well in the end of the game and can carry a game by hand if the game lasts for this long. It can be due to enemy champions because of its mobility e."} -{"label": "senna", "text": "Its levels one and two are good for long-range steering in the track. It should focus on gathering some souls early."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "If a murderer tries to kill them, E kills him immediately. Swain should not engage in team fighting unless both his Zhonya's Hourglass and Ultimate are active."} -{"label": "pyke", "text": "Pyke's Ultimate R threshold will be quite high, making it easy for him to catch enemies off-guard and blow them up. Pyke is quite decent at getting picks during the late game."} -{"label": "taric", "text": "Having two points in Ultimate R allows Taric to use capacity frequently. The frequent use of Ultimate R makes Taric quite powerful in team fighting."} -{"label": "ezreal", "text": "ezreal uses their abilities frequently to stack their Tear quickly. stacking Tear is crucial in the mid-game for ezreal."} -{"label": "jax", "text": "Jax's W being maxed out at level nine is a superpower spike for him. He can take frequent fights and take little to no damage."} -{"label": "qiyana", "text": "Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon. If the enemy is grouping, look to group with your team too."} -{"label": "elise", "text": "Keeping them alive and using your E to protect and keep them alive is important. Focus the nearest champion to your carries to make killing them easier too."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "While murders are desirable, give priority to robbery rather than a commitment to fight. Destroy the lower lane tower and then turn towards the middle lane."} -{"label": "teemo", "text": "Focus on the enemy champion closest to your wagons and work as a team to get the enemy down one by one. If you focus only on the rear line, you can be an easy target for the enemy and can die quickly."} -{"label": "soraka", "text": "The amount of care Soraka provides to her team is really great. When Soraka has 2 points in her Ultimate R, she can have more impact on the whole fight."} -{"label": "nocturne", "text": "The Ultimate ability of Nocturne allows him to move literally anywhere on the map quickly. Nocturne wants enemies to split up so he can use his Ultimate A to pick them off."} -{"label": "lissandra", "text": "Lissandra is a very good champion who can influence the map and help her allies with ease. Post 6, try to push and roll."} -{"label": "akali", "text": "She's a heavy snowball champion and once she has gold under her belt, she can easily take the card. Keep her pushing early so she can't wander."} -{"label": "lulu", "text": "This means that its shields will be really powerful, and this will become difficult for the enemy to the entire team. Level 11 is when Lulu becomes a real catalyst."} -{"label": "sivir", "text": "In team fights, make sure you can bait or play around Sivir's Spell Shield E. If you are able to play around, killing her will be much easier."} -{"label": "maokai", "text": "It'll be deadly enough for the immobile enemies. The first element will allow Maokai to survive the fighting."} -{"label": "missfortune", "text": "Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to force it to surpass for the farm. Try to match her push power, however, as you don't want her to win a gold lead by getting early turret plates."} -{"label": "leblanc", "text": "Leblanc is a bully early in the game."} -{"label": "ryze", "text": "He will have to be careful to get CC'd (commanded by the crowd) as well. When you join your team at the end of the game, stay with them."} -{"label": "illaoi", "text": "You are good around objectives and inside the jungle. Delay team fights for as long as possible."} -{"label": "vex", "text": "Respect Vex's damage release after she has recovered her first element. When Vex has finished his Mythic article, his free wave and his poke in the way will be devastating."} -{"label": "viego", "text": "Viego has a high skill ceiling. The more effort you put into Viego, the higher your skill level."} -{"label": "amumu", "text": "The teams begin to regroup in the middle of the game, Amumu is a team combat champion,"} -{"label": "heimerdinger", "text": "Heimerdinger can also take on the Baron singlehandedly. Try to team fight in the open so he is unable to use his empowered E to stun your whole team."} -{"label": "rumble", "text": "If you can bait the Rumble bar and overheat it, it will lack capacity damage. Once Rumble has his Ultimate, his death pressure increases."} -{"label": "hecarim", "text": "Hecarim's maxed h will be maxed out once he hits level 9. At level 9, Hecarim will have a lot of consistent damage when in the middle of enemy team."} -{"label": "kindred", "text": "His Ultimate R can even cost his team a goal, especially if Kindred has not been able to get several points and is late on the levels. Try to get as many brands in early play as possible."} -{"label": "lucian", "text": "If he gets late at the beginning of the game, Lucian will find it hard to come back at the end of the game. A good start for Lucian can allow him to make a snowball if it is not verified."} -{"label": "sejuani", "text": "Sejuani has a large AoE clearing in the Jungle. Sejuani's health can be relatively healthy because of his Passive."} -{"label": "swain", "text": "The aggressive game can be sought after having had some levels under your belt. However, you will rely on your support to do the heavy lifting early."}