" \n",
" 0 | \n",
" An Act relative to collective bargaining right... | \n",
" H3069 | \n",
" HD2435 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 1. Section 1 of Chapter 150E of the ... | \n",
" [['1', '150E'], ['23', '268A']] | \n",
" \n",
" 1 | \n",
" An Act relative to the open meeting law | \n",
" H3121 | \n",
" HD2204 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 18 of chapter 30A of the General Law... | \n",
" [['18', '30A']] | \n",
" \n",
" 2 | \n",
" An Act relative to vehicle recalls | \n",
" H400 | \n",
" HD1240 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 1. Chapter 90 of the General Laws, a... | \n",
" NaN | \n",
" \n",
" 3 | \n",
" An Act providing affordable and accessible hig... | \n",
" H489 | \n",
" HD2794 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 1. The seventh paragraph of section ... | \n",
" [['2', '15D'], ['2', '18B'], ['11', '15D'], ['... | \n",
" \n",
" 4 | \n",
" An Act to Improve access, opportunity, and cap... | \n",
" H538 | \n",
" HD485 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 1. To create a new capital infrastru... | \n",
" [['10', '70B']] | \n",
" \n",
" 5 | \n",
" An Act providing a local option for ranked cho... | \n",
" H711 | \n",
" HD1183 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 1. Section 44A of chapter 43 of the ... | \n",
" [['77', '54']] | \n",
" \n",
" 6 | \n",
" An Act establishing a jail and prison construc... | \n",
" S1979 | \n",
" SD661 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 1. Chapter 7C of the General Laws is... | \n",
" [['1', '125'], ['73', '7C']] | \n",
" \n",
" 7 | \n",
" An Act relative to collective bargaining right... | \n",
" S2014 | \n",
" SD1208 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 1. Section 1 of chapter 150E of the ... | \n",
" [['1', '150E'], ['23', '268A']] | \n",
" \n",
" 8 | \n",
" An Act extending the public records law to the... | \n",
" S2064 | \n",
" SD390 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 1. Section 7 of chapter 4 of the Gen... | \n",
" [['7', '4'], ['7', '4'], ['10', '66']] | \n",
" \n",
" 9 | \n",
" An Act to end discriminatory outcomes in vocat... | \n",
" S257 | \n",
" SD2312 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 1. Chapter 74 of the General Laws is... | \n",
" NaN | \n",
" \n",
" 10 | \n",
" An Act providing affordable and accessible hig... | \n",
" S301 | \n",
" SD667 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 1. The seventh paragraph of section ... | \n",
" [['2', '15D'], ['2', '18B'], ['11', '15D'], ['... | \n",
" \n",
" 11 | \n",
" An Act providing a local option for ranked cho... | \n",
" S433 | \n",
" SD391 | \n",
" \\tSECTION 1. Section 44A of chapter 43 of the ... | \n",
" [['77', '54']] | \n",
" \n",