import json |
from pathlib import Path |
import logging |
from typing import Any |
import sys |
import numpy as np |
import joblib |
from tqdm import tqdm |
import pandas as pd |
from .. import util |
from .metric import metric_registry |
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) |
def load_data(path: Path) -> list[np.ndarray]: |
data = [] |
with path.open() as fo: |
for line in fo: |
row = json.loads(line) |
if len(row) == 0: |
continue |
data.append(np.array(row)) |
return data |
def analyze_data(input_path: Path) -> dict[str, Any] | None: |
name = path_to_name(input_path) |
logging.debug(f"Analyzing: {name}") |
metrics = None |
try: |
data = load_data(input_path) |
metrics = dict(kv for f in metric_registry for kv in f(data).items()) |
metadata_path = input_path.parent / "metadata.json" |
with util.update_json(metadata_path) as md: |
md["metrics"] = md.get("metrics", {}) |
md["metrics"]["analysis"] = metrics |
except Exception as e: |
logging.warning(f"{name} failed due to {e}") |
raise e |
finally: |
logging.debug(f"Finished: {name}") |
return metrics |
def path_to_name(path: Path) -> str: |
comps = list(path.parents[-3:-2]) + list(path.parents[-5::-1]) |
return "/".join(x.name for x in comps) |
def main() -> None: |
paths = list(Path("./data").glob("*/data/**/corpus.jsonl")) |
funcs = [joblib.delayed(analyze_data)(path) for path in paths] |
parallel = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=-1, return_as="generator")(funcs) |
results = list(tqdm(parallel, total=len(funcs))) |
results = [x for x in results if x is not None] |
for p, r in zip(paths, results): |
r["name"] = path_to_name(p) |
df = pd.DataFrame(results) |
df.set_index("name", inplace=True) |
df.to_csv("table.csv") |
def generate_plots(df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: |
summary = df.describe() |
summary.drop(["count", "mean", "std"], inplace=True) |
summary = summary.T |
to_int_rows = ["Unique Tokens", "Unique Lines", "Token Count", "Line Count"] |
col_rename = { |
"25%": "$25\\%$", |
"50%": "$50\\%$", |
"75%": "$75\\%$", |
} |
_summary = pd.DataFrame(columns=summary.columns) |
for k in summary.index: |
if k in to_int_rows: |
fmtr = lambda x: f"${int(x)}$" |
else: |
fmtr = lambda x: f"${x:.2f}$" |
_summary.loc[k] = summary.loc[k].apply(fmtr) |
summary = _summary |
summary.rename(columns=col_rename, inplace=True) |
print(summary) |
summary.to_latex("summary.tex", column_format="lrrrrr") |
print(df.corr()) |