{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any anomaly of the structure of the breast.", "id": "AbnormalBreastMorphology", "label": "Abnormal breast morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0031093", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheBreast" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal breast morphology Any anomaly of the structure of the breast. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheBreast'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any anomaly of the function of the breast.", "id": "AbnormalBreastPhysiology", "label": "Abnormal breast physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0031094", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheBreast" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal breast physiology Any anomaly of the function of the breast. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheBreast'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural anomaly of the bronchi, i.e., of the airways leading from the trachea to the lungs.", "id": "AbnormalBronchusMorphology", "label": "Abnormal bronchus morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0025426", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalTracheobronchialMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal bronchus morphology Any structural anomaly of the bronchi, i.e., of the airways leading from the trachea to the lungs. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalTracheobronchialMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any anomaly of the function of the bronchi.", "id": "AbnormalBronchusPhysiology", "label": "Abnormal bronchus physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0025427", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalRespiratorySystemPhysiology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal bronchus physiology Any anomaly of the function of the bronchi. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalRespiratorySystemPhysiology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of a buccal mucosa.", "id": "AbnormalBuccalMucosaMorphology", "label": "Abnormal buccal mucosa morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:3000019", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCheekMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalOralMucosaMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal buccal mucosa morphology An abnormality of a buccal mucosa. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCheekMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalOralMucosaMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of albumin in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFAlbuminConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF albumin concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500238", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFProteinConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF albumin concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of albumin in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFProteinConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500184", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFCarboxylicAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFCarboxylicAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of arginine in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFArginineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF arginine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500202", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFGlutamineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF arginine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of arginine in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFGlutamineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of aromatic amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFAromaticAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF aromatic amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500214", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF aromatic amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of aromatic amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of aspartate-family amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFAspartateFamilyAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF aspartate family amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500205", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF aspartate family amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of aspartate-family amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of branched-chain amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF branched chain amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500185", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF branched chain amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of branched-chain amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a carboxylic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFCarboxylicAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF carboxylic acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500183", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfAcidBaseHomeostasis" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFMetaboliteConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF carboxylic acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a carboxylic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfAcidBaseHomeostasis'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFMetaboliteConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of citrulline in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFCitrullineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF citrulline concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500245", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF citrulline concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of citrulline in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of glutamic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFGlutamateConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF glutamate concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500199", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFGlutamineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF glutamate concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of glutamic acid in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFGlutamineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of glutamine-family amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFGlutamineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF glutamine family amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500195", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF glutamine family amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of glutamine-family amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of glycine in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFGlycineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF glycine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500229", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFSerineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF glycine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of glycine in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFSerineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of isoleucine in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFIsoleucineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF isoleucine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500192", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF isoleucine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of isoleucine in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of leucine in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFLeucineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF leucine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500189", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF leucine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of leucine in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of lysine in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFLysineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF lysine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500206", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFAspartateFamilyAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF lysine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of lysine in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFAspartateFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal range of concentration of a metabolite in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFMetaboliteConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF metabolite concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0025454", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfMetabolismHomeostasis" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCerebrospinalFluidMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF metabolite concentration Any deviation from the normal range of concentration of a metabolite in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfMetabolismHomeostasis'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCerebrospinalFluidMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of methionine in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFMethionineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF methionine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500209", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFAspartateFamilyAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF methionine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of methionine in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFAspartateFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of ornithine in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFOrnithineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF ornithine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500243", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF ornithine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of ornithine in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of phenylalanine in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFPhenylalanineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF phenylalanine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500215", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFAromaticAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF phenylalanine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of phenylalanine in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFAromaticAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal range of a protein concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFProteinConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF protein concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0025456", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfMetabolismHomeostasis" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCerebrospinalFluidMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF protein concentration Any deviation from the normal range of a protein concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfMetabolismHomeostasis'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCerebrospinalFluidMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of serine in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFSerineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF serine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500226", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFSerineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF serine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of serine in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFSerineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of serine-family amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFSerineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF serine family amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500225", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF serine family amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of serine-family amino acids in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of tyrosine in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFTyrosineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF tyrosine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500219", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFAromaticAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF tyrosine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of tyrosine in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFAromaticAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of valine in the cerebrospinal fluid.", "id": "AbnormalCSFValineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal CSF valine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500186", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCSFBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal CSF valine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of valine in the cerebrospinal fluid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCSFBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": null, "id": "AbnormalCalcificationOfTheCarpalBones", "label": "Abnormal calcification of the carpal bones", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0009164", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfCarpalBoneOssification" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "EctopicCalcification" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalUpperLimbBoneMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal calcification of the carpal bones None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfCarpalBoneOssification'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'EctopicCalcification'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalUpperLimbBoneMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Abnormality of the morphology (structure) of the calvaria (skullcap), that is, of that part of the skull that is made up of the superior portions of the frontal bone, occipital bone, and parietal bones and covers the cranial cavity that contains the brain.", "id": "AbnormalCalvariaMorphology", "label": "Abnormal calvaria morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0002683", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalSkullMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal calvaria morphology Abnormality of the morphology (structure) of the calvaria (skullcap), that is, of that part of the skull that is made up of the superior portions of the frontal bone, occipital bone, and parietal bones and covers the cranial cavity that contains the brain. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSkullMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A structural anomaly of the tiny blood vessels that connect arterioles with venules and whose walls act as semipermeable membranes that mediate the diffusion of fluids and gases between the blood circulation and body tissues.", "id": "AbnormalCapillaryMorphology", "label": "Abnormal capillary morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0025016", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBloodVesselMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal capillary morphology A structural anomaly of the tiny blood vessels that connect arterioles with venules and whose walls act as semipermeable membranes that mediate the diffusion of fluids and gases between the blood circulation and body tissues. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBloodVesselMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A functional anomaly of the tiny blood vessels that connect arterioles with venules and whose walls act as semipermeable membranes that mediate the diffusion of fluids and gases between the blood circulation and body tissues.", "id": "AbnormalCapillaryPhysiology", "label": "Abnormal capillary physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0025018", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalVascularPhysiology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal capillary physiology A functional anomaly of the tiny blood vessels that connect arterioles with venules and whose walls act as semipermeable membranes that mediate the diffusion of fluids and gases between the blood circulation and body tissues. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalVascularPhysiology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural abnormality of a cardiac atrium.", "id": "AbnormalCardiacAtriumMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cardiac atrium morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0005120", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalHeartMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cardiac atrium morphology Any structural abnormality of a cardiac atrium. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHeartMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An anomaly of the intra-atrial or intraventricular septum.", "id": "AbnormalCardiacSeptumMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cardiac septum morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0001671", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalHeartMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cardiac septum morphology An anomaly of the intra-atrial or intraventricular septum. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHeartMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of a cardiac ventricle.", "id": "AbnormalCardiacVentricleMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cardiac ventricle morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0001713", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalHeartMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cardiac ventricle morphology An abnormality of a cardiac ventricle. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHeartMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Abnormal functionality of the cardiovascular system.", "id": "AbnormalCardiovascularSystemPhysiology", "label": "Abnormal cardiovascular system physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011025", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheCardiovascularSystem" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cardiovascular system physiology Abnormal functionality of the cardiovascular system. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheCardiovascularSystem'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural abnormality of the carotid arteries, including the common carotid artery and its' arterial branches.", "id": "AbnormalCarotidArteryMorphology", "label": "Abnormal carotid artery morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0005344", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalSystemicArterialMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal carotid artery morphology Any structural abnormality of the carotid arteries, including the common carotid artery and its' arterial branches. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSystemicArterialMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality affecting the carpal bones of the wrist (scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate).", "id": "AbnormalCarpalMorphology", "label": "Abnormal carpal morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0001191", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheWrist" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalHandMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfLimbBone" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal carpal morphology An abnormality affecting the carpal bones of the wrist (scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform, trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate). [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheWrist'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalHandMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfLimbBone'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any morphological abnormality of cartilage.", "id": "AbnormalCartilageMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cartilage morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0002763", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalSkeletalMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cartilage morphology Any morphological abnormality of cartilage. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSkeletalMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An anomaly of the celiac artery.", "id": "AbnormalCeliacArteryMorphology", "label": "Abnormal celiac artery morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012326", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalAorticMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal celiac artery morphology An anomaly of the celiac artery. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalAorticMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A cell found in an organism or derived from an organism exhibiting a phenotype that deviates from the expected phenotype of any native cell type of that organism. Abnormal cells are typically found in disease states or disease models.", "id": "AbnormalCell", "label": "abnormal cell", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "CL:0001061", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "HasCharacteristic", "target": "Abnormal" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "Cell" } ] }
{ "document": "abnormal cell A cell found in an organism or derived from an organism exhibiting a phenotype that deviates from the expected phenotype of any native cell type of that organism. Abnormal cells are typically found in disease states or disease models. [{'predicate': 'HasCharacteristic', 'target': 'Abnormal'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'Cell'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any anomaly of cell structure.", "id": "AbnormalCellMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cell morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0025461", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCellularPhenotype" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cell morphology Any anomaly of cell structure. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCellularPhenotype'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any abnormality in the multiplication or reproduction of cells, which may result in the expansion of a cell population.", "id": "AbnormalCellProliferation", "label": "Abnormal cell proliferation", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0031377", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCellularPhysiology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cell proliferation Any abnormality in the multiplication or reproduction of cells, which may result in the expansion of a cell population. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCellularPhysiology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the morphology or counts of the cells that make up the immune system.", "id": "AbnormalCellularImmuneSystemMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cellular immune system morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010987", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalImmuneSystemMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cellular immune system morphology An abnormality of the morphology or counts of the cells that make up the immune system. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalImmuneSystemMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An anomaly of cellular morphology or physiology.", "id": "AbnormalCellularPhenotype", "label": "Abnormal cellular phenotype", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0025354", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "PhenotypicAbnormality" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cellular phenotype An anomaly of cellular morphology or physiology. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'PhenotypicAbnormality'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality in a cellular process.", "id": "AbnormalCellularPhysiology", "label": "Abnormal cellular physiology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011017", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfMetabolismHomeostasis" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCellularPhenotype" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cellular physiology An abnormality in a cellular process. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfMetabolismHomeostasis'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCellularPhenotype'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An anomaly of the control or production of movement in the central nervous system.", "id": "AbnormalCentralMotorFunction", "label": "Abnormal central motor function", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011442", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalNervousSystemPhysiology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal central motor function An anomaly of the control or production of movement in the central nervous system. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalNervousSystemPhysiology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural abnormality of the cerebellum.", "id": "AbnormalCerebellumMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cerebellum morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0001317", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalMetencephalonMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cerebellum morphology Any structural abnormality of the cerebellum. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMetencephalonMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural anomaly of a cerebral artery. The cerebral arteries comprise three main pairs of arteries and their branches, which supply the cerebrum of the brain. These are the anterior cerebral artery, the middle cerebral artery, and the posterior cerebral artery.", "id": "AbnormalCerebralArteryMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cerebral artery morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0009145", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalSystemicArterialMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCerebralVascularMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cerebral artery morphology Any structural anomaly of a cerebral artery. The cerebral arteries comprise three main pairs of arteries and their branches, which supply the cerebrum of the brain. These are the anterior cerebral artery, the middle cerebral artery, and the posterior cerebral artery. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalSystemicArterialMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCerebralVascularMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural abnormality of the cerebral cortex.", "id": "AbnormalCerebralCortexMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cerebral cortex morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0002538", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCerebralMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cerebral cortex morphology Any structural abnormality of the cerebral cortex. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCerebralMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural abnormality of the telencephalon, which is also known as the cerebrum.", "id": "AbnormalCerebralMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cerebral morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0002060", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalForebrainMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cerebral morphology Any structural abnormality of the telencephalon, which is also known as the cerebrum. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalForebrainMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An anomaly of the cerebral blood vessels.", "id": "AbnormalCerebralVascularMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cerebral vascular morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0100659", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfBrainMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalVascularMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cerebral vascular morphology An anomaly of the cerebral blood vessels. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfBrainMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalVascularMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An anomaly of cerebral veins.", "id": "AbnormalCerebralVeinMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cerebral vein morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012480", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCerebralMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCerebralVascularMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cerebral vein morphology An anomaly of cerebral veins. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCerebralMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCerebralVascularMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural abnormality of the cerebral ventricles.", "id": "AbnormalCerebralVentricleMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cerebral ventricle morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0002118", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfBrainMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cerebral ventricle morphology Any structural abnormality of the cerebral ventricles. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfBrainMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).", "id": "AbnormalCerebrospinalFluidMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cerebrospinal fluid morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0002921", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "MorphologicalCentralNervousSystemAbnormality" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cerebrospinal fluid morphology An abnormality of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'MorphologicalCentralNervousSystemAbnormality'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "The presence of an abnormal curvature of the cervical vertebral column.", "id": "AbnormalCervicalCurvature", "label": "Abnormal cervical curvature", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0005905", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCurvatureOfTheVertebralColumn" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCervicalSpineMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cervical curvature The presence of an abnormal curvature of the cervical vertebral column. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCurvatureOfTheVertebralColumn'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCervicalSpineMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any morphological abnormality of the cervical vertebral column.", "id": "AbnormalCervicalSpineMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cervical spine morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0046508", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheCervicalSpine" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalVertebralMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cervical spine morphology Any morphological abnormality of the cervical vertebral column. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheCervicalSpine'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalVertebralMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the cheek- one of two bilateral soft tissue facial structures in the region of the face inferior to the eyes and between the nose and the ear. \"Buccal\" means relating to the cheek. The cheek is part of the midface", "id": "AbnormalCheekMorphology", "label": "Abnormal cheek morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0004426", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalMidfaceMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal cheek morphology An abnormality of the cheek- one of two bilateral soft tissue facial structures in the region of the face inferior to the eyes and between the nose and the ear. \"Buccal\" means relating to the cheek. The cheek is part of the midface [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalMidfaceMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural anomaly of the fetal part of the placenta, which is known as the chorion.", "id": "AbnormalChorionMorphology", "label": "Abnormal chorion morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0033042", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalPlacentaMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal chorion morphology Any structural anomaly of the fetal part of the placenta, which is known as the chorion. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalPlacentaMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the choroid and retina.", "id": "AbnormalChorioretinalMorphology", "label": "Abnormal chorioretinal morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0000532", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalRetinalMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalChoroidMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal chorioretinal morphology An abnormality of the choroid and retina. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalRetinalMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalChoroidMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any structural abnormality of the choroid.", "id": "AbnormalChoroidMorphology", "label": "Abnormal choroid morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0000610", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalUveaMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalFundusMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheVasculatureOfTheEye" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalVascularMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal choroid morphology Any structural abnormality of the choroid. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalUveaMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalFundusMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheVasculatureOfTheEye'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalVascularMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormality of the choroid plexus, which is the area in the cerebral ventricles in which cerebrospinal fluid is produced by modified ependymal cells.", "id": "AbnormalChoroidPlexusMorphology", "label": "Abnormal choroid plexus morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0007376", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCerebralVentricleMorphology" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalVascularMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal choroid plexus morphology An abnormality of the choroid plexus, which is the area in the cerebral ventricles in which cerebrospinal fluid is produced by modified ependymal cells. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCerebralVentricleMorphology'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalVascularMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A structural anomaly of the ciliary body.", "id": "AbnormalCiliaryBodyMorphology", "label": "Abnormal ciliary body morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012776", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalUveaMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal ciliary body morphology A structural anomaly of the ciliary body. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalUveaMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An anomaly of the circle of Willis, also known as the cerebral arterial circle.", "id": "AbnormalCircleOfWillisMorphology", "label": "Abnormal circle of Willis morphology", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012518", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCerebralArteryMorphology" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circle of Willis morphology An anomaly of the circle of Willis, also known as the cerebral arterial circle. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCerebralArteryMorphology'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Deviation from normal concentration of albumin in the blood.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingAlbuminConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating albumin concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012116", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingProteinConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating albumin concentration Deviation from normal concentration of albumin in the blood. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingProteinConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Concentration of alpha-fetoprotein in the blood circulation outside normal limits.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingAlphaFetoproteinConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating alpha-fetoprotein concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0045056", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingProteinConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating alpha-fetoprotein concentration Concentration of alpha-fetoprotein in the blood circulation outside normal limits. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingProteinConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "The presence of an abnormal decrease or increase of one or more amino acids in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0003112", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingCarboxylicAcidConcentration" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfAcidBaseHomeostasis" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating amino acid concentration The presence of an abnormal decrease or increase of one or more amino acids in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingCarboxylicAcidConcentration'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfAcidBaseHomeostasis'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of arginine in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingArginineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating arginine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010909", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingGlutamineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating arginine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of arginine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingGlutamineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a aromatic amino acid in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingAromaticAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating aromatic amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0004338", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating aromatic amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a aromatic amino acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of an aspartate family amino acid in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingAspartateFamilyAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating aspartate family amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010899", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating aspartate family amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of an aspartate family amino acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": null, "id": "AbnormalCirculatingBilirubinConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating bilirubin concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0033479", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingDicarboxylicAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating bilirubin concentration None [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingDicarboxylicAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a branched chain family amino acid in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating branched chain amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010892", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating branched chain amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a branched chain family amino acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Concentration of calcitonin, a 32-amino acid polypeptide hormone that is produced primarily by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid, in the blood circulation outside of normal limits.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingCalcitoninConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating calcitonin concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0034902", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingCalciumPhosphateRegulatingHormoneConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating calcitonin concentration Concentration of calcitonin, a 32-amino acid polypeptide hormone that is produced primarily by the parafollicular cells of the thyroid, in the blood circulation outside of normal limits. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingCalciumPhosphateRegulatingHormoneConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of calcium in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingCalciumConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating calcium concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0004363", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalBloodInorganicCationConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating calcium concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of calcium in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalBloodInorganicCationConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration in the blood circulation of a hormone that is involved in the regulation of phosphate and calcium.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingCalciumPhosphateRegulatingHormoneConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating calcium-phosphate regulating hormone concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0100530", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingHormoneConcentration" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AcutePhaseResponse" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating calcium-phosphate regulating hormone concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration in the blood circulation of a hormone that is involved in the regulation of phosphate and calcium. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingHormoneConcentration'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AcutePhaseResponse'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A deviation from the normal concentration of a carbohydrate in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingCarbohydrateConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating carbohydrate concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011013", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingMetaboliteConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating carbohydrate concentration A deviation from the normal concentration of a carbohydrate in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingMetaboliteConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a carboxylic acid in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingCarboxylicAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating carboxylic acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0004354", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingMetaboliteConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating carboxylic acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a carboxylic acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingMetaboliteConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of carnitine in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingCarnitineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating carnitine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010967", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingFattyAcidAnionConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating carnitine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of carnitine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingFattyAcidAnionConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of cholesterol in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingCholesterolConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating cholesterol concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0003107", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingLipidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating cholesterol concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of cholesterol in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingLipidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of citrulline in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingCitrullineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating citrulline concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0011965", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingNonProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating citrulline concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of citrulline in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingNonProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a dicarboxylic acid in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingDicarboxylicAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating dicarboxylic acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010995", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingCarboxylicAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating dicarboxylic acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a dicarboxylic acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingCarboxylicAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Concentration or activity of an enzyme is above or below the limits of normal in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingEnzymeConcentrationOrActivity", "label": "Abnormal circulating enzyme concentration or activity", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0012379", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalEnzymeConcentrationOrActivity" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating enzyme concentration or activity Concentration or activity of an enzyme is above or below the limits of normal in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalEnzymeConcentrationOrActivity'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a fatty acid anion in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingFattyAcidAnionConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating fatty-acid anion concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010966", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingFattyAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating fatty-acid anion concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a fatty acid anion in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingFattyAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "A deviation from the normal concentration of a fatty acid in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingFattyAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating fatty-acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0004359", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingLipidConcentration" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingMonocarboxylicAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating fatty-acid concentration A deviation from the normal concentration of a fatty acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingLipidConcentration'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingMonocarboxylicAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of glutamate in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingGlutamateConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating glutamate concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0500148", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingGlutamineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating glutamate concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of glutamate in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingGlutamineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a glutamine family amino acid in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingGlutamineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating glutamine family amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010902", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating glutamine family amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a glutamine family amino acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfAminoAcidMetabolism'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of glycerol in the blood.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingGlycerolLevel", "label": "Abnormal circulating glycerol level", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0031795", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingCarbohydrateConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating glycerol level Any deviation from the normal concentration of glycerol in the blood. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingCarbohydrateConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of glycine in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingGlycineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating glycine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010895", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingSerineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating glycine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of glycine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingSerineFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Concentration of a hormone in the blood circulation outside of normal limits.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingHormoneConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating hormone concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0003117", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfTheEndocrineSystem" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating hormone concentration Concentration of a hormone in the blood circulation outside of normal limits. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfTheEndocrineSystem'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormal concentration of insulin in the body.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingInsulinConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating insulin concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0040214", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingHormoneConcentration" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating insulin concentration An abnormal concentration of insulin in the body. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingHormoneConcentration'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of isoleucine in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingIsoleucineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating isoleucine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010912", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating isoleucine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of isoleucine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal circulation of leucine in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingLeucineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating leucine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0004357", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating leucine concentration Any deviation from the normal circulation of leucine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingBranchedChainAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a lipid in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingLipidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating lipid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0003119", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingMetaboliteConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating lipid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a lipid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingMetaboliteConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a long-chain fatty acid in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingLongChainFattyAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating long-chain fatty-acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010964", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingFattyAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating long-chain fatty-acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a long-chain fatty acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingFattyAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of lysine in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingLysineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating lysine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010908", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingAspartateFamilyAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating lysine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of lysine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingAspartateFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "An abnormal level of an analyte measured in the blood.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingMetaboliteConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating metabolite concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0032180", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfMetabolismHomeostasis" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating metabolite concentration An abnormal level of an analyte measured in the blood. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfMetabolismHomeostasis'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of methionine in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingMethionineConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating methionine concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010901", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingSulfurAminoAcidConcentration" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingAspartateFamilyAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating methionine concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of methionine in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingSulfurAminoAcidConcentration'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingAspartateFamilyAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a monocarboxylic acid in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingMonocarboxylicAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating monocarboxylic acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0010996", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingCarboxylicAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating monocarboxylic acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a monocarboxylic acid in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingCarboxylicAcidConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration of a nitrogen compound in the blood circulation.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingNitrogenCompoundConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating nitrogen compound concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0004364", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues" }, { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingMetaboliteConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating nitrogen compound concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration of a nitrogen compound in the blood circulation. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalityOfBloodAndBloodFormingTissues'}, {'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingMetaboliteConcentration'}]" }
{ "aliases": null, "definition": "Any deviation from the normal concentration in the blood circulation of an alpha-amino acid which is not a member of the group of 23 proteinogenic amino acids.", "id": "AbnormalCirculatingNonProteinogenicAminoAcidConcentration", "label": "Abnormal circulating non-proteinogenic amino acid concentration", "logical_definition": null, "original_id": "HP:0033109", "relationships": [ { "predicate": "subClassOf", "target": "AbnormalCirculatingAminoAcidConcentration" } ] }
{ "document": "Abnormal circulating non-proteinogenic amino acid concentration Any deviation from the normal concentration in the blood circulation of an alpha-amino acid which is not a member of the group of 23 proteinogenic amino acids. [{'predicate': 'subClassOf', 'target': 'AbnormalCirculatingAminoAcidConcentration'}]" }