xai_gab_multip_roberta / lowest_5_confidences_roberta_gab_multip.csv
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Unnamed: 0.2,Unnamed: 0.1,Unnamed: 0,ID,hate_labels,annotators,Text,majority_label,soft_labels,Predicted_Softmax_scores,Predicted_class,true_labels,predicted_labels,confidence_scores
2118,20031,20031,21845,"[1, 1, 0]","[0, 7, 1]","#WhiteFlight only abandons our cities to non-Whites. Cities constantly expanding here in N. America, chasing Whites further away and taking over politically. Entire sections of cities in UK, Europe now mozlem #NoGo zones. #Cucked PROGS want to enable this anarchy here. Time to #Purge this mindset and those who enable it.",1,[0.7 0.3],"[0.4998297393321991, 0.5001702308654785]",1,[0.7 0.3],1,0.5001716017723083
3767,16419,16419,4751,"[0, 0, 0]","[5, 12, 2]",THAT SHOULD BE ENOUGH TO DISQUALIFY HIM!!,0,[0. 1.],"[0.4997027516365051, 0.5002972483634949]",1,[0. 1.],1,0.5002971887588501
3641,10968,10968,8767,"[0, 1, 0]","[13, 0, 11]","While the young ""badasses"" sit in Starbucks, drinking coffee on their parents' dime, debating comic book plotlines, and planning their next trip to Whole Foods. For fuck's sake, don't any of the younger males want to FIGHT anymore? Soccer hooliganism is an outlet, sure, but it's a waste of time. Fight, young men.....fight!",0,[0.3 0.7],"[0.49970152974128723, 0.5002984404563904]",1,[0.3 0.7],1,0.5002988576889038
1102,26001,26001,2284,"[0, 0, 1]","[13, 11, 0]",No liberals welcome on my property! ,0,[0.3 0.7],"[0.5003775358200073, 0.4996224343776703]",0,[0.3 0.7],0,0.5003771781921387
2213,18575,18575,15789,"[1, 0, 1]","[5, 2, 12]",this makes my blood boil my poor dad gave his life in the last war so we could be free from tyranny and we go and import it by the fucking ship load? I can't for the life of me see what he and thousands of others gave their lives for only to be taken away by fucking third world Scum.....,1,[0.7 0.3],"[0.4989667236804962, 0.5010333061218262]",1,[0.7 0.3],1,0.501033365726471