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# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2020 The HuggingFace Datasets Authors and the current dataset script contributor.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""TODO: Add a description here."""
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import glob
import os
import pandas as pd
import datasets
_CITATION = """\
title={The SOFC-Exp Corpus and Neural Approaches to Information Extraction in the Materials Science Domain},
author={Annemarie Friedrich and Heike Adel and Federico Tomazic and Johannes Hingerl and Renou Benteau and Anika Maruscyk and Lukas Lange},
The SOFC-Exp corpus consists of 45 open-access scholarly articles annotated by domain experts.
A corpus and an inter-annotator agreement study demonstrate the complexity of the suggested
named entity recognition and slot filling tasks as well as high annotation quality is presented
in the accompanying paper.
_URL = ""
class SOFCMaterialsArticles(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder):
VERSION = datasets.Version("1.1.0")
def _info(self):
features = datasets.Features(
"text": datasets.Value("string"),
"sentence_offsets": datasets.features.Sequence(
{"begin_char_offset": datasets.Value("int64"), "end_char_offset": datasets.Value("int64")}
"sentences": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string")),
"sentence_labels": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("int64")),
"token_offsets": datasets.features.Sequence(
"offsets": datasets.features.Sequence(
{"begin_char_offset": datasets.Value("int64"), "end_char_offset": datasets.Value("int64")}
"tokens": datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.features.Sequence(datasets.Value("string"))),
"entity_labels": datasets.features.Sequence(
"slot_labels": datasets.features.Sequence(
"links": datasets.Sequence(
"relation_label": datasets.features.ClassLabel(
names=["coreference", "experiment_variation", "same_experiment", "thickness"]
"start_span_id": datasets.Value("int64"),
"end_span_id": datasets.Value("int64"),
"slots": datasets.features.Sequence(
"frame_participant_label": datasets.features.ClassLabel(
"slot_id": datasets.Value("int64"),
"spans": datasets.features.Sequence(
"span_id": datasets.Value("int64"),
"entity_label": datasets.features.ClassLabel(names=["", "DEVICE", "MATERIAL", "VALUE"]),
"sentence_id": datasets.Value("int64"),
"experiment_mention_type": datasets.features.ClassLabel(
names=["", "current_exp", "future_work", "general_info", "previous_work"]
"begin_char_offset": datasets.Value("int64"),
"end_char_offset": datasets.Value("int64"),
"experiments": datasets.features.Sequence(
"experiment_id": datasets.Value("int64"),
"span_id": datasets.Value("int64"),
"slots": datasets.features.Sequence(
"frame_participant_label": datasets.features.ClassLabel(
"slot_id": datasets.Value("int64"),
return datasets.DatasetInfo(
# This is the description that will appear on the datasets page.
# This defines the different columns of the dataset and their types
features=features, # Here we define them above because they are different between the two configurations
# If there's a common (input, target) tuple from the features,
# specify them here. They'll be used if as_supervised=True in
# builder.as_dataset.
# Homepage of the dataset for documentation
# License for the dataset if available
# Citation for the dataset
def _split_generators(self, dl_manager):
"""Returns SplitGenerators."""
my_urls = _URL
data_dir = dl_manager.download_and_extract(my_urls)
data_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "sofc-exp_textmining_resources-master/sofc-exp-corpus")
metadata = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(data_dir, "SOFC-Exp-Metadata.csv"), sep="\t")
text_base_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "texts")
text_files_available = [
os.path.split(i.rstrip(".txt"))[-1] for i in glob.glob(os.path.join(text_base_path, "*.txt"))
metadata = metadata[metadata["name"].map(lambda x: x in text_files_available)]
names = {}
splits = ["train", "test", "dev"]
for split in splits:
names[split] = metadata[metadata["set"] == split]["name"].tolist()
return [
# These kwargs will be passed to _generate_examples
"names": names["train"],
"data_dir": data_dir,
"split": "train",
# These kwargs will be passed to _generate_examples
gen_kwargs={"names": names["test"], "data_dir": data_dir, "split": "test"},
# These kwargs will be passed to _generate_examples
"names": names["dev"],
"data_dir": data_dir,
"split": "validation",
def _generate_examples(self, names, data_dir, split):
""" Yields examples. """
# The dataset consists of the original article text as well as annotations
textfile_base_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "texts")
annotations_base_path = os.path.join(data_dir, "annotations")
# The annotations are mostly references to offsets in the source text
# with corresponding labels, so we'll refer to them as `meta`
sentence_meta_base_path = os.path.join(annotations_base_path, "sentences")
tokens_meta_base_path = os.path.join(annotations_base_path, "tokens")
ets_meta_base_path = os.path.join(annotations_base_path, "entity_types_and_slots")
frame_meta_base_path = os.path.join(annotations_base_path, "frames")
# Define the headers for the sentence and token and entity metadata
sentence_meta_header = ["sentence_id", "label", "begin_char_offset", "end_char_offset"]
tokens_meta_header = ["sentence_id", "token_id", "begin_char_offset", "end_char_offset"]
ets_meta_header = [
# Start the processing loop
# For each text file, we'll load all of the
# associated annotation files
for id_, name in enumerate(sorted(names)):
# Load the main source text
textfile_path = os.path.join(textfile_base_path, name + ".txt")
text = open(textfile_path, encoding="utf-8").read()
# Load the sentence offsets file
sentence_meta_path = os.path.join(sentence_meta_base_path, name + ".csv")
sentence_meta = pd.read_csv(sentence_meta_path, sep="\t", names=sentence_meta_header)
# Load the tokens offsets file
tokens_meta_path = os.path.join(tokens_meta_base_path, name + ".csv")
tokens_meta = pd.read_csv(tokens_meta_path, sep="\t", names=tokens_meta_header)
# Load the entity offsets file
ets_meta_path = os.path.join(ets_meta_base_path, name + ".csv")
ets_meta = pd.read_csv(ets_meta_path, sep="\t", names=ets_meta_header)
# Create a list of lists indexed as [sentence][token] for the entity and slot labels
entity_labels = ets_meta.groupby("sentence_id").apply(lambda x: x["entity_label"].tolist()).to_list()
slot_labels = ets_meta.groupby("sentence_id").apply(lambda x: x["slot_label"].tolist()).to_list()
# Create a list of lists for the token offsets indexed as [sentence][token]
# Each element will contain a dict with beginning and ending character offsets
token_offsets = (
tokens_meta.groupby("sentence_id")[["begin_char_offset", "end_char_offset"]]
.apply(lambda x: x.to_dict(orient="records"))
# Load the frames metadata. The frames file contains the data for all of the annotations
# in a condensed format that varies throughout the file. More information on this format
# can be found:
frames_meta_path = os.path.join(frame_meta_base_path, name + ".csv")
frames_meta = open(frames_meta_path, encoding="utf-8").readlines()
# Parse the sentence offsets, producing a list of dicts with the
# starting and ending position of each sentence in the original text
sentence_offsets = (
sentence_meta[["begin_char_offset", "end_char_offset"]].apply(lambda x: x.to_dict(), axis=1).tolist()
# The sentence labels are a binary label that describes whether the sentence contains
# any annotations
sentence_labels = sentence_meta["label"].tolist()
# Materialiaze a list of strings of the actual sentences
sentences = [text[ost["begin_char_offset"] : ost["end_char_offset"]] for ost in sentence_offsets]
# Materialize a list of lists of the tokens in each sentence.
# Annotation labels are aligned with these tokens, so be careful with
# alignment if using your own tokenization scheme with the sentences above
tokens = [
[s[tto["begin_char_offset"] : tto["end_char_offset"]] for tto in to]
for s, to in zip(sentences, token_offsets)
# The frames file first contains spans annotations (in one format),
# then contains experiments annotations (in another format),
# then links annotations (in yet another format).
# Here we find the beginning of the experiments and links sections of the file
# Additionally, each experiment annotation in the experiment annotations begins with a
# line starting with the word EXPERIMENT (in one format)
# followed by the annotations for that experiment (in yet _another_ format)
# Here we get the start positions for each experiment _within_ the experiments
# section of the frames data
experiment_starts = [i for i, line in enumerate(frames_meta) if line.startswith("EXPERIMENT")]
experiment_start = min(experiment_starts)
link_start = min([i for i, line in enumerate(frames_meta) if line.startswith("LINK")])
# Pick out the spans section of the data for parsing
spans_raw = frames_meta[:experiment_start]
# Iterate through the spans data
spans = []
for span in spans_raw:
# Split out the elements in each tab-delimited line
_, span_id, entity_label_or_exp, sentence_id, begin_char_offset, end_char_offset = span.split("\t")
# The entity label for experiment spans have a sub-label,
# called the experiment mention type,
# which is sub-delimited by a ':'
# The code below standardizes the fields produced by
# each line to a common schema, some fields of which may
# be empty depending on the data available in the line
if entity_label_or_exp.startswith("EXPERIMENT"):
exp, experiment_mention_type = entity_label_or_exp.split(":")
entity_label = ""
entity_label = entity_label_or_exp
exp = ""
experiment_mention_type = ""
s = {
"span_id": span_id,
"entity_label": entity_label,
"sentence_id": sentence_id,
"experiment_mention_type": experiment_mention_type,
"begin_char_offset": int(begin_char_offset),
"end_char_offset": int(end_char_offset),
# Pull out the links annotations for from the frames data
links_raw = [f.rstrip("\n") for f in frames_meta[link_start:]]
# Iterate through the links data, which is in a simple tab-delimited format
links = []
for l in links_raw:
_, relation_label, start_span_id, end_span_id = l.split("\t")
link_out = {
"relation_label": relation_label,
"start_span_id": int(start_span_id),
"end_span_id": int(end_span_id),
# Iterate through the experiments data and parse each experiment
experiments = []
# Zip the experiment start offsets to get start/end position tuples
# for each experiment in the experiments data
for start, end in zip(experiment_starts[:-1], experiment_starts[1:]):
current_experiment = frames_meta[start:end]
# The first line of each experiment annotation contains the
# experiment id and the span id
_, experiment_id, span_id = current_experiment[0].rstrip("\n").split("\t")
exp = {"experiment_id": int(experiment_id), "span_id": int(span_id)}
# The remaining lines in the experiment annotations contain
# slot level information for each experiment.
slots = []
for e in current_experiment[1:]:
e = e.rstrip("\n")
_, frame_participant_label, slot_id = e.split("\t")
to_add = {"frame_participant_label": frame_participant_label, "slot_id": int(slot_id)}
exp["slots"] = slots
# Yield the final parsed example output
# NOTE: the `token_offsets` is converted to a list of
# dicts to accommodate processing to the arrow files
# in the `features` schema defined above
yield id_, {
"text": text,
"sentence_offsets": sentence_offsets,
"sentences": sentences,
"sentence_labels": sentence_labels,
"token_offsets": [{"offsets": to} for to in token_offsets],
"tokens": tokens,
"entity_labels": entity_labels,
"slot_labels": slot_labels,
"links": links,
"slots": slots,
"spans": spans,
"experiments": experiments,